ElizabcthaHi S .A FIRST EDITION LIMITED TO FIVE HUNDRED LARGE PAPER COPIES. No. ts. V e J ->*> r vv I ? -^ *=* ,j ^ ^ ^ * L_.. . v^'iJ-iiii^'^L h4 -it \s I u - ., ^' 'I Iff' Wii! 11^ iii^ ' 4 ^ ^i 4^ vj a a o u H o W o in Q < > O ^ H w -^ ffi < I Q o H o >- H -^ DC -I w , b . 1 . \ hvvHi.'Vj5a'-^\^ WILLIAM TYNDALE'S FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES, THE PENTATEUCH, BEING A VERBATIM REPRINT OF THE EDITION OF M.CCCCC.XXX. COMPARED WITH TYNDALE'S GENESIS OF 1^34, AND THE PENTATEUCH IN THE VULGATE, LUTHER, AND MATTHEW'S BIBLE, WITH VARIOUS COLLATIONS AND PROLEGOMENA. THE REV. J. I. MOMBERT, D.D. New York: ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH & CO. LONDON: SAMUEL BAGSTER & SONS, Limited. 11 C l9? k L^ffC Copyright, 1884, By Anson D. F. Randolph & Company. ST. JOHNLAND PRINTSD BY STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY, EDWARD O. JENKINS, SUFFOLK CO., N. Y. 30 NORTH WILLIAM ST., N. IN MEMORY OF JAMES LENOX. M188S57 PREFACE. Like a traveller who at the end of a long and difficult voyage has safely reached the haven where he would be, I offer to Almighty God the tribute of praise and thanksgiving for the blessings of un- broken health, of journeying mercies throughout the progress of this work, and of much kindness from friends, old and new, on both sides of the Atlantic, without which it could not have been done at all. Having stated elsewhere the origin, character and aims of this book, it is my pleasing duty to enumerate here the sundries of a heavy debt in- curred, in payment of which I can only tender this note of gratitude, which I hope will be strongly endorsed by the public, and graciously received by the good friends to whom it is offered. The Trustees of the Lenox Library will please accept my thanks for the hospitality of the Insti- tution and the unrestricted use of the rich Collection of which they are the custodians. To one of their number, George H. Moore, Esq., LL.D., Superin- tendent of the Library, I am under special obligation VI PREFACE. for the courtesy and readiness with which he has met my wants and facihtated my work. The valua- ble help afforded me by S. Austin Allibone, Esq., LL.D., the Librarian, is duly recorded in another place, but I have yet to add that he has enriched this volume by an Index to the Prolegomena. The contributions enumerated below excepted, this is the first book which has been entirely pre- pared in the Library from material drawn from its shelves, and for this reason is inscribed to the mem- ory of the good man who founded it. For the collation of Genesis of 1630, with Genesis Newly corredyd and amendyd by W. T. 1534, and of several of the Prologues with those in Daye's Folio of 1673, as well as for the reading of the proof-sheets of the entire Pentateuch, I am indebted to the kindness of The Reverend James Culross, D.D., President of the Baptist College, Bristol. I have also to thank Edward Augustus Bond, Esq., LL.D., Principal Librarian of the British Muse- um, George Bullen, Esq., Keeper of the Printed Books of the British Museum, and The Reverend J. E. Sewell, D.D., Warden of New College, Oxford, for valuable contributions duly acknowledged in the proper places. To the kindness of Francis Fry, Esq., of Bristol, I owe the photograph of Tyndale's Autograph Letter, which faces the Title Page, and much useful information, some of which I have been able to print. PREFACE. Vll The technical finish of this Volume is due to the skill and interest of Mr. John F. McCabe, the Superintendent of the Stereotype Foundry at St. Johnland; his interest has been shared by the com- positors, whose carefulness has not a little lessened the work of correcting the proof-sheets. Although great pains have been taken to secure accuracy, the imperfection which marks all human effort, especially where it aims to avoid it, may have caused some things to escape the observation of my kind friends, and myself, which others perhaps will notice. I shall feel grateful to have pointed out to me any real blemishes, that they may be removed from the plates. Several months ago the Earl of Shaftesbury un- veiled the monument on the Thames Embankment in honor of the Apostle of Liberty, who, at the cost of his life, gave to the people of English tongue much of the English Bible, and it is now my privi- lege to unveil the monument which William Tyndale himself erected in restoring to use by all lovers of the English Bible, and of the same glorious liberty, the long buried volume of the first English Version of the Pentateuch made from the Sacred Original. J. I. MOMBERT. Lenox Library, August, 1884. CONTENTS. Inscription, iii. Preface, v. Prolegomena, xvii. Chap, I. Biographical Notice of Tyndale, xvii. Chap. II. The Writings of Tyndale, Iii. Chap. III. The Pentateuch of 1530, lix. 1. Bibliographical Notice of Lenox Copy, Ix. 2. The Present Edition, Ixiv. 3. Forfti and Size of this Edition, Ixvii. 4. Means adopted for securing an accurate Text, Ixix. 5. Helps used by Tyndale, bcx. 6. The Notes in this Edition, Ixxxiii. 7. Examples of the Notes, bcxxvi. 8. The Collations, xciii. Example of Variant Spelling, xciv. Examples of the typographical Characteristics, &c., xcv. I. Collation of Genesis of 1530 and 1534, ciii. Table in Genesis of 1530 and 1573, cviii. 11. Marginal Notes in Genesis 1534, cix. III. Collation of Pentateuch 1530 and 1537, cxi. rV. Marginal Notes in the Prologues from Daye's folio 1573, cxx. V. Collation of the Prologues in Pentateuch 1530 and Daye's folio 1573) cxxv. VI. List of annotated Places, cxxx. VII. Glossary, cxxxiv. VIII. List of Misprints in Pentateuch 1530, cxliii. Chap. IV. Bibliographical Notice of Genesis 1534, cxlvi. Abbreviations, cxlviii. Index to Prolegomena, x. The fyrst boke of Moses. Prologe: When I had, 2. Aprologe shewinge, &c., 7. The Text, 15. Prologe in to the Seconde boke of Moses, 161. The Text, 171. A prologe in to the thirde boke of Moses, 289, The Text, 301. A Prologe in to the fourth boke of Moses, 385. The Text, 401. A Prologe in to the fyfte boke of Moses, 517. The Text, 525. ILLUSTRATIONS. Photo-Engraving of Tyndale's Autograph Letter, Frontispiece. " " *' Title Page of Genesis 1530, i. " " " Gen., xcviii, xcix. " " " Deut., xcvii. " " " Title Page of Genesis 1534, cxlvii. INDEX TO PROLEGOMENA. By Dr. Allibone. Abbreviations in the Pentateuch of 1530, cxlviii. Abraham in various versions, Ixxxix. Actes and Monutnentes, xxvii, xxxiii. Alcuin, Recension of, Ixxiii. Allibone, S. Austin, Services of, Ixix, Preface, Allusions in Prologues, cxxxiv- cxliii. Amcenitates Literarice, xxviii. Anderson's Annals, Hi, lix. Anna, etc.. Songs of, Iv. Annales Typo p.. Panzer's, xxxiv. Antwerp, Tyndale and, xvii, xix, xxxiii, xxxvi, xxxvii, xxxviii, xlv, xlvi, xlvii, xlviii, Ixxii. xcv. Arundel, Archbishop, Ivi. Atkyns's Gloucestershire, xxii. AthencB Oxonienses, Wood's, liv. Authorized Version, Ixvi. Bagster's Hexapla, lix. Baptisme, Tyndale 's, liv. Baptist College, Bristol, Ixviii. Barnes, Robert, xvii, xlvii, cxx. Belgium, Press in, xcv. Bible, Annals of, lii, lix. Early versions of, Ixxii. German, Ixxvii. Guttenberg's, Ixxiii. Hebrew, lii, Ixxi. Matthew's, xxxv, xlvi, Ixxxiii. Stephanus's, Ixxiii. Wiclifs, Ixxv, Ixxvi. Biographical Notice of William Tyndale, xvii. Bibliographical Notices: Luther's Altes Testament, 1523, Ixxxi. Matthew's Bible, 1537, Ixxxiii. Pentateuch, Tyndale's, 1530, in Lenox Library, be. Pentateuch, Tyndale's, Mom- bert's, Ixiv. Pentateuch, Tyndale's, Brit- ish Museum, 1551, Daye's, xcvi. Stephani Biblia, 1528, Ixxiii. Tyndale Manuscript in Len. Lib., Ivi. Vorstermann's Dutch Bible, Ixiii. Bishop of London, xxxvi. Bishops' Version, lii. Bockenham, Dr., xlvii. Bomberg's Bible, 15 17, Ixxi. Bond, E. A., Services of, xcvi. Bristol, Tyndale's Pentateuch at, Ixviii, Ixix, Ixxx. British Museum, xcvi. Bullen, George, Services of, xcvi. Burke's Commoners, xxii. Busche, Tyndale and, xxviii, xxx, Cassar, Julius, Tyndale and, xxx, xxxii. Cambridge, Tyndale at, xvii, xxv. Chaldee Paraphrase, xxxv. Chambre des Comptes, xlix. Charlemagne, Alcuin and, Ixxiii. Charles V., Emperor, xlvi. Christianity, Greek, Ixxii. Chronicles, L, IL, Tyndale's (?), liv. Church, Boke on, Iv. Planting of, Ixxii. Cochlsus, xxvii, xxxv. Colet, John, xxv. Cologne, xxxiii. Compendious Treatise, liii. Complutensian Polyglott, Ixxi, Ixxii. Constantine, More and, xxxvii. Corinthians , I., ch. vii., xxxiv. Cotton, Dr. H., New Testament and, lii. Coverdale, fonas, xlvi. Tyndale and, xix, xxxiii, xxxiv. INDEX TO PROLEGOMENA. xi Coxe, H. v., Catalogus, Iv. Cromwell, Poyntz and, xlix. Tebold and, xlvi. Tyndale and, xli, xliii. xlv. Culross, Dr., Services of, Ixviii, Ixix, ciii, cix. Preface. Daye's Folio of 1573, Ixviii, cviii, cxxv, cxxviii. Tyndale's Pentateuch,xcvi. Tyndale's Works, xvii. De Balmis, A., Greek Grammar of, Ixx. De Berghes, A., Tyndale to, 1. De Herolt, Sermons of, xxvi. Dean of St. Peter's, xlix. Demaus, Dutch Bible and, xxxviii. Poyntz and, xlix. Tyndale and, xxii, xxvi, xxvii, xxxviii, xliii, xlviii, xlix, 1. Deuteronomye, Tyndale's, xix, xxxiii, xcvii. Notes on Prologe, cxxiv. Donne, Gabriel, xlvii, xlviii. Dufief, Pierre, xlix. Ellis, Sir H., Original Letters, xlv. Enchiridion Militis, lii. English, Phonetic power of, xcv. Erasmus, Enchiridion by, lii. Exhortation by, liii. Greek and, xxiv, xxv. Tyndale and, xviii, lii. Exhortation to Studye of the Scripture, liii. Exodus, Luther's, Ixxviii. Notes on, cxxi, cxxvi. Prologe to, Ixviii. Purvey 's, Ixxv. Tyndale's, Ixxv, xcvii. Wiclif's, Ixxv. Woodcuts in, xxxviii. Forshall and Madden, Ixxv. Foxe, Tyndale and, xvii, xxiv, xxv, xxvii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xlv n., xlvi, xlviii. Frankfurt, xxxiii. Frith, John, xvii, xxix, xliii, liv,cxx. Fry, Francis, New Testament and, lii. Preface, Tyndale's Letter by, 1. Gachard, M., 1. General Council, xlvi. Genesis, xxxiv, xlvi, liii, Ixviii, xcv. xcviii, xcix, ciii, cix, cxlvii. Genesis, Bibliographical Notice of, 1534, cxlvi. Photo-engraving of 1 534, cxlvii. German Bibles, Ixxvii. Germany, Tyndale and, xix, xxvii, xxxiii, xcv. Gersom's Bible, Ixxi. Gloucestershire, xvii, xxii, xxv. Grammars, Hebrew, Ixx. Greek tongue, xxv, Ixxii. Grocyn, Tyndale and, xxv. Guttenberg, Bible of, Ixxiii. Hall's Chronicles, xxxvi. Hamburg, xix, xxvii, xxxiii, xxxv. xxxvi, Ixxii. Hamilton, John, xxix, xxxii. Hamilton, Patrick, xxix, xxxii. Hand Book of the English Ver- sions, xxix, Ixiv. Hebrew Bible, lii, Ixxvi. Dictionary, lii. Grammars, lii, Ixx. Pentateuch, Ixxxvii. Tyndale and, xxxiii, Ixv. Helps used by Tyndale, li, Ixx. Henry VIIL, Catherine and, liii. Stalbridge and, liv. Tyndale and, xxxiii, xxxviii, xliii, xlviii. Herbert's Ames, liii. Hesse: see Marlborow. Holland, Press in, xcv. Huchen, W., Hymn by, Iv. Hunt's Court, xxii. Isocrates, Orationes, lii. Jenson's Biblia, 1479, Iviii. Jerome, Version of, Ixxii, Ixxiii. Jerome, xxvii. Jonas, Coverdale's, xlvi. Tyndale's, liii. Joshua, Tyndale's, liv. Joye, George, xlvii. Judges, Tyndale's, liv. Kimchi, D., Hebrew Grammar of, Ixx. Kings, L and H., Tyndale's, liv. Lathomus, J., xlix. Latin language, Ixxii. Xll INDEX TO PROLEGOMENA. Latin Letter, xcix, cii. Leigh, Thomas, xlvii. Lenox Library, Tyndale and, Ivi, Ix; Preface. Levita, Hebrew Grammar of, Ixx. Leviticus, xcvii, cxiv. Notes on Prologe, cxxii. Prologe to, cxxviii. Lewis, Tyndale and, xxv. Library of St. Paul's, xxvi. London, Bishop of, xxxvi. Letter's Luther's Old Testament, Ixiv, Ixxxi, Ixxxii. Luft, Hans, Printing press of, xxix, xxxiv, xxxv, liii. Luke, St., ch. xix, Iviii. Luther, Bible of, Ixxvii. Lotter and, Ixiv, Ixxxi, Ixxxii. More on, xxvii. Old Testament of, Ixiv, Ixxxi, Ixxxii. Pentateuch of, Ixiv, Ixix. Ixxxvii, Ixxxix, xci, cxxx. Marginal Notes of, Ixxxvii, Ixxxix, xci, xcii. Scholarship of, Ixxxii. Tyndale and, xviii, xxvii. Vulgate and, Ixxxvii. Lutherans, Von Heylwygen and, xlv. Madden, Forshall and, Ixxv. Man of Sin, Iv. Marburg, xxviii, xxix, xxxiii. Marginal Notes in Prologes of Pentateuch, cxx. Malborow in Hesse, xxxiii, xxxvii, xxxviii. Mary of Hungary, xlix. Matrimony , Tyndale's, Iv. Matthew, St., chs. v. vi. vii., liii. Matthew's Bible, 1537, xxxv, xlvi, liv, Ixiv, Ixvii, Ixix, Ixxxiii, Ixxxvi, Ixxxvii, Ixxxix, xc, xcvi, c, cxi. Mayence, Tyndale and, xxxiii. Misprints in Tyndale's Penta- teuch of 1530, cxliii. Mombert, J. L, Hand Book of English Versions,hy, xxix. Ixiv. Julius Caesar and, xxix. Monmouth, H., Tyndale and, xviii. More, Sir T., xxiv, xxvi, xxvii, xxxvii, liii. Moses, Song of, liv. New College, Wiclif MS. in, Iv. New Testament, Tyndale's, xviii, xxv, xxvii, xxviii, xxxvi, xxxviii. Hi, Ivi. Newcome, Archbishop, lii. Notes in Tyndale's Pentateuch, Ixxxvi, Ixxxix. Notes to this Edition,lxxxvi, Ixxxix, Numbers, Notes on Prologe to, cxxiii, cxxix. Numerals in Pentateuch 1530, cii. Niirnberg, xxxiii. Obedience of a Christian Man, xxxiv, liii. Obsolete words and phrases, cxxxiv. CEcolampadius, More on, xxvii. Offor, George, xxv, xxvi, Ivi, lix. Old Testament, Lotter's Luther's, Ixiv, Ixxxi, Ixxxii. Oldcastle, Sir John, Iv. Original Letters, Ellis's, xlv. Orthography of Pentateuch of 1530, cii. Variations in, xciv. Oxford, Tyndale at, xvii, xxiv. Packington, A., Tyndale and, xxxvi. Pagninus, S., Hebrew Gram, of, Ixxi. Panzer, Hamburg and, xxxiv. Parable of the Wicked Mammon, lii. Pathway in to the Holy Scrip- ture, lii. Pellican, Hebrew Grammar of, Ixx. Pentateuch, 1482, 1488, Ixxi. 1490, Ixxi. Hebrew, Ixxxvii. Luther's, Ixiv, Ixxxvii, Ixxxix. Marginal Notes in, Ixxxvii, Ixxxix, cxxx. Prologues to, cxxv. Rogers's, Ixxxvii. Stephanus's, Ixxiii. Taverner's, Ixvi. Tyndale's, xix, xxix, xxxiv, xxxvii, liii, lix, ix, Ixiv, Ixv, INDEX TO PROLEGOMENA. xiii Pentateuch, (continued). Ixvii, Ixix, Ixxxvii, xc, xci, xciii, xcvi, ci, cii, ciii, cxx, cxxx, cxliii, cxlvi, cxlviii. Vulgate, Ixxxvii. Phillips betrays Tyndale, xix, xx, xlvii. Phonetic power of English, xcv. Photo-Engravings, xcvii, xcviii, xcix, cxlvii, Frontispiece, I. Plowman, Preface to, Iv. Polyglott, Ximenes, Ixxi. Poyntz, Tyndale and, xix, xlviii, xlix. Practise of popishe Prelates, xxxix, liii. Prelates, Luther on, xc. Press in Germany, xcv. Printing, Invention of, Ixxiii, Procureur-General, xlix. Prologe vpon the Epistle to the Romans, xxviii. Prologues to Tyndale's Penta- teuch, Ixviii, cxxxiv. Psalms, Tyndale's translation of,lv. Punctuation of Pentateuch of 1530, xciv, cii. Punctuation, Variations in, xciv. Purvey s revision, Ixxv. Queen Leonora, xlvi. Reformation, Luft and, xxxiv. Resurrection, Tyndale on, liv. Reuchlin, Hebrew Gram, of, Ixx. Rinck, XXXV. Rogers, John, Notes of, Ixxxix. Pentateuch of, Ixxxvii, xci, cxxx. Tyndale and, xxxv, xlv. Rome, Bishop of, xlvi. Roye, More on, xxvii. Tyndale and, xxvii. Rudder's Gloucestershire, xxii. Ruth, Tyndale's, liv. Sacramentes, Tyndale's, liv, Iv. I Saint John, liii. Paul's, Library of, xxvi. Salamonis, Bible of, 1488, Ixxi. I, II Samuel, liv. Schelhorn, Tyndale and, xxviii. Sermons de Herolt, xxvi. Sewell, T. E., D. D., Services of, iv. Simeon, Song of, Iv. Souper of the Lorde, liii. Spalatin's Diary, xxviii, xxix. Speyer, Tyndale and, xxxiii. Stalbridge, Henry VIII. and, liv. Stephanus, Bible of, 1528, Iviii, Ixxiii. Strasburg, Tyndale and, xxxiii. Tapper, Ruwart, xlix. Taverner's Pentateuch, Ixvi. Tebold or Theobald, xlvi. Theobald, or Tebold, xlvi. Thorpe, W., Tyndale and, Iv, Ivi. Tracie, W., Tyndale and, liv. Translations: see Tyndale. Tunstall, C., Tyndale and, xviii, xxxvi, cxx. Tyndale, Edward, xxii. Tyndale, John, xxvi. Tyndale, William, Antwerp and: see Antwerp. Arrest of, xvii, xx. Baptisme by, liv. Betrayal of, xvii, xix. Biographical Notice of, xvii. Birth of, xvii, xxii, xxiv, xxvi. Burning of, xxi, xlix. Busche and, xxviii. Cambridge and,xvii,xxv. Character of, xxi. Controversies of, xviii. Coverdale and, xix, xxxiii, xxxiv. Cromwell and: see Cromwell. De Berghes and, 1. Death of, xxi, xxii. Demaus and: see De- maus. Foxe on, xxi, xxvii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xlvi, xlviii. Gachard, M., and, 1. Gloucestershire and, xvii. Greek and, xxv. Hamburg and, xix. Hebrew and, xxxiii, Ixxxviii. Helps used by, xxxv, Ixx. Henry VIII. and, xxxiii, xxxviii. Imprisonment of, xvii. XIV INDEX TO PROLEGOMENA. Tyndale, William, (continued). Linguist, xxiv. Manuscript ascribed to, Ivi. Martyrdom of, xvii,xlv. More on, xxxvii. New Testament of, xviii. XXV, xxxvi, Ivi. Offor and, xxv, xxvi, Ivi, lix. Oxford and, xvii, xxiv. Pentateuch of: see Pen- tateuch. Phillips and, xvii, xix, xx, xlvii. Portrait of, xxv. Sacramentes by, liv, Iv. loiarshi Ixxxvii. Scholarship ties by, ip of. Ixxxii, Strasburg and, xxxiii. Tact of, xxxvii. Thorpe, W. T., and, Iv, Ivi. Tracie, W., and, liv. Translations by, xix, xxxiv, lii. Trial of, xvii, xxi, xlix. Van Wesele and, xlv, n. Vaughan and, xxxviii, xli, xliii, xlviii, n. Vilvorde and, xxi, xxii, I. Vulgate and, Ixxii, Ixxxvii, Ixxxviii. Walter and, xxvi. Welshe (Walsh) and, xviii. Wolsey and, xxxiii. Works of, xix, xxviii, lii, Ixiv, cxx, n. Worms and, xvii, xxvii, xxxiii. Zeal of, xviii. Tyndales, Families of, xxii, xxiv. Van Emmerson, M., xxxiii. Van Wesele, Tyndale and, xlv, n. Variations in Orthography, xciv. Variations in Punctuation, xciv. Various Readings in Vulgate, Ixxiv. Vaughan, Tyndale and, xxxviii, xli, xliii, xlviii, n. Vilvorde, Tyndale and, xxi, xxii, 1. Virgin, Hymn to, Iv. Von Heylwygen, L., xlv. Vorsterman's Dey Bibel, 1528, xxxviii, Ixiii, Ixiv, Ixxi. Vulgate, Luther and, Ixxx, Ixxxvii. Notes on, Ixxxvii seq. Pentateuch of, Ixxxvii. Sixtine-Clementine edi- tion of, Ixxiv. Tyndale and, Ixxii, Ixxxvii, Ixxxviii. Various Readings, Ixxiv. Wiclifite versions of,lxxv. Walsh (Welshe), Sir John, Tyn- dale and, xviii, xxv. Walter, Professor H., xxvi. White, Rev. H., MS. and, Ivi. Wicket, Wiclif's, liv. Wiclif, Bible of, xlxv. Manuscript of, Iv. Sewell, T. E., D. D., Iv. Wicket oi, liv. Winram, G., xxix, xxxii. Wittenberg, xxvii, xxxiii, xxxiv, XXXV, xxxvi, Ixxii, xcv. Wood's Athence Oxonienses, xxiVj xxv, liv. Woodcuts in Exodus, xxxviii. Wolsey, Tyndale and, xxxiii. Worms, Tyndale and, xvii, xxvii, xxxiii. PROLEGOMENA. PROLEGOMENA. CHAPTER I. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF WILLIAM TYNDALE. Obscurity shrouds the first forty years of the life of William Tyndale, uncertainty and mystery involve the remainder. We may trace him from Gloucestershire to Worms to lose sight of him during eight eventful years and to find him permanently settled at Antwerp. The details of his manner of life there, of his arrest, imprison- ment, trial, and martyrdom, which have come down to us in the shape of history and tradition, are few and un- satisfactory, and mainly contained in the sketch of John Foxe described as The hijlorie and difcourfe of the lyfe of William Tyndall out of the Booke of Notes and Monu- mentes Briefly extracted by him in The Whole workes of W. Tyndall, John Frith, and Doct. Barnes, three worthy Martyrs, &c., London, John Daye, An. 1573. in-folio. The most important of these are the following: A.iiij. " Firfl touching the birth and parentage of this bleffed Martyre in Chrift, hee was borne in the edge of Wales, and brought vp from a childe in the vniuerfitie of Oxforde, where hee by long con- tinuance grew, and encreafed afwell in the knowlege of tongues, and other liberall artes, as efpecially in the knowlege of Scriptures, whereunto his mind was fingularly addicted: Infomuch that hee liyng in Magdalene hall, read priuelye to certaine fludentes, and felowes of Magdalene College, fome percell of Diuinitie, inftructing them in the knowlege, and trueth of the Scriptures. Whofe maners alfo and conuerfation being correfpondent to the fame, were fuch that all they which knewe him, reputed, and efleemed him to bee a man of mofl verteous difpofition, and of a life vnfpotted. Thus hee in the vniuerfitie of Oxford encreafyng more and more in learning, and proceeding in degrees of the fchooles, fpiyng his tyme, remoued from thence to the Vniuerfitie of Cambridge, where, after he had xviil PROLEGOMENA, likewyle made his abode a certayne fpace, and beeing now farther rypened in the knowlege of Gods worde, leauing- that vniuerfitie alfo, he reforted to one M. Weljhe a knyght of Glocefler fheare, and was there fchoole mafler to his children, and in very good fauour with his mafter. This gentleman, as hee kept a very good ordinary commonly at his table, there reforted vnto him many tymes fondry Abbottes, Deanes, Archdeacons, with other diuers Doctours, and great beneficed men: Who there togither with M. Tyndall fittyng at the fame table, did vfe many tymes to enter communication and talke of learned men, as of Luther and Erafmus, and of diuerfe controuerfies, and queflions vpon the fcripture. At which time M. Tyndall, as he was learned, & wel practifed in Gods matters, fo he fpared not to fhew to them fimply, and playnely his iudgement in matters as he thought. And when as they at that tyme did varie from Tyndall in opinions, and iudgment, he would fhewe them the booke, and lay playnely before them the open, and manifefl places of the fcriptures to confute their errours, and to confirme his fayinges. And thus continued they for a feafon, reafoning, and contending togither diuers and fondry tymes, till at the length they waxed wery of him, and bare a fecret grudge in their hartes againfl hym. B.j. sqq. "To bee fhort M. Tyndall beeing fo molefled and vexed in the countrey by y" Priefts, was conflrayned to leaue that Countrye, and to feeke another place: and fo comming to M. Weljhe hee defired him of his good will, that hee might depart from hym, faying thus vnto him: Syr I perceaue I fhall not bee fuffered to tarye long here in this countrie, neither fhall you bee able (though you woulde) to keepe mee out of the handes of the fpiritualtie, and alfo what dif- pleafure might growe to you by keeping mee God knoweth: for the which I fhulde bee right fory. So that in fine M. Tyndall with y<> good will of his Mafler departed, and eftfones came vp to London, and there preached a while according as hee had done in the coun- trye beefore. At length hee beethought hym felfe of Cuthbert Tun- Jlall then Byfhop of London, and efpecially for the great commen- datio oi Erafmus" etc. (See the Prologue "When I had tranflated, &c.," from which this part of Foxe's account is taken.) "And fo he remayned in London the fpace almofl of a yeare, beholding and marking with him felfe the courfe of the world and efpecially y'' Demeanour of the preachers, how they boafled them felues, & fet vp their auctoritie & kingdome; Beholding alfo the pompe of the Prelates, with other thinges that greatly mifliked him. Infomuch, as he vnderfloode not onely to be no roome in y Bifhops houfe for him to tranflate the new Teftament: but alfo that there was no place to doe it in all England. And therefore fynding no place for his purpofe within the Realme, and hauing fome ayde and prouifion, by Gods prouidence miniflred vnto him by Hufnfrey Mommouth Merchaunt, who after was both Shirife and Alderman BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. XIX of London, and by certaine other good men, he tooke his leaue of the Realme, and departed into Germany. Where the good man being inflamed with a tender care and zeale of his countrey refufed no trauell, or diligence, how by all meanes poffible to reduce his bretheren & Countrymen of England to the fame tafl and vnder- ftanding of Gods holy worde, and veritie which the Lorde had en- dued him withall. * * * " For thefe and fuch other confiderations, this good man was tnoued (and no doubte flyrred vp of God) to tranflate the Scripture into his mother tongue, for the publique vtilitie and profit of the fimple vulgar people of his coutrey: Firfl fetting in hand with the new teflament, which he firfl tranflated about the yeare of our Lord .1527. After y' he tooke in hande to tranflate the olde tefl^a- ment, finifliing the .V. bookes of Mofes, with fondry moft. learned and godly prologues prefixed before euery one of them mofl: worthy to be read, and read againe of all Chrifl^ians, as the like alfo he did vpon the new teflament. " He wrote alfo dyuerfe other woorkes vnder fondry titles, among the which is that mofl. worthy monument of his intuled the obedy- ence of a Chriftian man, wherein with Angular dexteritie he inflruct- eth all men in the office, and duetie of Chriftian obediece, with dyuerfe other treatifes as may apere in the contentes of this booke. "So foone as thefe bookes were compiled, and made by William Tyndall, and the fame were publiflied and fent ouer into England, it can not bee fpoken what a dore of light they opened to the eyes of the whole Engliflie nation, which before were many yeares fliut vp in darknes. * * * "After that William Tyndall hsid tranflated the fyfth booke of Mofes called Deuterono7nium, and he mynding to print the fame at Hamborough, fayled thitherward: and by the way vpon the coaft of Holland, he fuffered fliipwracke, and loft all his bookes, writinges, and copyes: and fo was compelled to beginne all agayne anewe, to his hyndcraunce and doiiblyng of his labours. Thus hauyng loft by that fhip both money, his copyes and tyme, he came in an other ihippe to Hamborough, where at his appointment M. Couerdale taryed for hym, and helped hym in the tranflatyng of the whole fiue bookes of Mofes. And after hee returned to Andwarp, and was there lodged more than one whole yeare in the houfe of Thomas Pointz^ an Englifh man, who kept a table for Engliflie marchauntes, etc. " About which tyme, an Engliflie man whofe name was Henry Phillips, whofe father was cuftomer of Poole, a comely man, and feemed to be a gentleman. This man fodainely entred into the great loue and fauour of Willam Tyndall, who greatly commended his curtefie and learning, and in the ende fell into famylier loue and acquaintance with him. And Thomas Pointz their hoft efpying fuch great loue and familiaritie to be betweene M. Tyndall and this XX PROLEGOMENA. Pkilippes, which vnto hym was but a mere flrainger, did much meruell thereat, and fell into a geloufy, and fufpition ttiat this Phil- lipes was but a fpye, and came but to betraye M. Tindall, wherefore on a time, the a fore fayd Thomas Poyntz afked M. Tyndall how he came acquainted with this Phillipes: M. Tyndall aufwered that he was an honefl man, handfomely learned, and very conformable. Then Poyntz perceauing- that he bare fuch fauour vnto him, fayd no more, thinking that hee had beene brought acquainted with him by feme frende of his. The fayd Phillipes being in the towne .iij. or iiij. dayes did then depart to the Court at Bruxelles, which is from Andwarp .xxiiij. myles and did fo much there that he procured to bring from thence with him to Andwarp the procuror generall, which is the Emperours attorney with certaine other officers. And firfl. the fayd Phillipes feruaunt came vnto Poytttz and demaunded of him whether M. Tyndall were there or not, for his mafler would come and dyne with him. And forthwith came Phillipes and afked Poyntz wife for M. Tyndall and fhe fhewed him that he was in his chamber, then fayd he, what good meate (hall we haue to dinner for I entend to dyne with you, and fhe aunfwered they fhould haue fuch as the market would geue. Then went phyllipes flraight vp into M. Tyndales chamber, and tolde him that by the way as he came he had loft his purffe, and therefore prayed him to lend him .xl. fhillings, which he forthwith lent, for it was eafie inough to be had of him if he had it. For in the wilie fubtilnes of this world, he was fymple and vnexpert. "Then fayd Phillipes you fhall be my gueft here this day. No, fayd, Tyndall, I goe forth this day to dynner, and you fhall goe with me and be my geft where you fhall be welcome. And when dynner tyme came M. Tyndall and Phillipes went both forth togither. And at the going forth oi Poyntz\iO\x{& was a long narrow entrey, fo that .ii coulde not goe on a front. Tyndall v^ovXA haue \>w\. phillipes before him, but Phillipes would in no wife, but put Tyndall hetiort him, for that hee pretended to fhew great humanitie. So Tyndale being a man of no great ftature went before, and Phillipes a tall perfon folowed behinde him, who had fet officers on either fyde of the dore vpon .ii feates, which beeing there might fee who came in the entrye. And comming through y^ faid entrye, Phillipes pointed with his finger ouer M. Tyndales head downe to hym, that the officers which fat at the dore, might fee that it was hee whom they fhould take, as the officers that tooke Tyndall afterward tolde to the a fore fayde Poyntz, and fayd that they pitied to fee his fimplicitie when they tooke him. But Tyndall when hee came nere the dore efpied the officers and woulde haue fhronke backe: nay fayd Phillipes by your leaue you fhall goe forth, and by force bare hym forward vpon the officers. And affone as the officers had taken him, they forthwith brought him vnto the Emperours attorney, or procurour generall, where hee dyned. Then came the procurour generall to the houfe of Poyntz, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. xxi and fent awaye all that was of Tytidales, afwell his bookes as other thinges: And from thence Tyndall was had to the Caftell of filforde, xviij. Englifhe myles from Andwarpe, where hee remayned prifoner more than a yeare and a halfe, and in that meane tyme, came vnto him diuerfe lawyers, and Doctours in Diuinitie, afwell fryers as other with whom hee had many conflyctes: But at the lafl Tyndall prayed that hee might haue fome Englifhe Deuines come vnto him, for the maners and Ceremonies in Douch land (fayd hee) did much differ from the maners and Ceremonies vfed in England. And then was fent vnto him dyuerfe Deuines from Louayne whereof fome were Englifhmen, and after many examinations, at the laft, they condemned him by vertue of the Emperours decree made in the affembly at Auf- brough, and (hortly after brought him forth to the place of execution, and there tyed him to a flake, where with a feruent zeale, and a loud voyce hee cried, Lord open the eyes of the King of Englande, and then firft, he was with a halter flrangled by the hangman, and after- ward confumed with fier. In the yeare of our Lord .1536. "Such was the power of his doctryne, and the finceritie of his lyfe, that during the tyme of his imprifonment, which (as aforefayd) endured a yeare and a halfe, hee conuerted his keepers Daughter, and other of his houfholde. Alfo fuch as were with him conuerfaunt in the Caflell reported of him, that if hee were not a good Chriflian man, they could not tell whom to trufl. The Procurour generall the Emperours attorney beeing there, left this teflemony of him, that he was Homo doctus plus et bonus, that is, a learned, a good, and a godly man. * * * " And here to ende and conclude this hiftory with a fewe notes touching his priuate behauiour in dyet, fludy, and efpecially his charitable zeale, and tender releuing of the poore: Fyrfl be was a man very frugall, and fpare of body, a great fludent and earnefl laborer, namely in the fetting forth of y* Scriptures of God. He referued or halowed to hym felfe .ij. dayes in the weeke, which he named his dayes of paflime, and thofe dayes were Monday the firfl day in the weeke, and Satterday the lafl daye in the weeke. On the Monday he vifited all fuche poore men and women as were fied out of England by reafon of perfecution into Antwarp, and thofe well vnderflanding their good exercifes and qualities he did very liberally comfort and relieue: and in like maner prouided for the ficke and deceafed perfons. On the Satterday he walked round about the towne in Antwarpe, feeking out euery Comer, and hole where he fufpected any poore perfon to dwell (as God knoweth there are many) and where he found any to be well occupied and yet ouerburdened with children, or els were aged, or weake, thofe alfo hee plentefully releued. And thus he fpent his .ij. dayes of paflime as he cauled them. And truely his Almofe was very large and great: and fo it might well bee; for his exhibition that he had yearely of the xxii PROLEGOMENA. Englifhe merchauntes was very much, and that for the moft parte he beflowed vpon the poore as afore fayd. The reft of the dayes in the weke he gaue hym wholy to his booke where in moft diUgently he traueled. When the Sonday came, then went he to fome one merchaunts chamber, or other, whether came many other mer- chauntes: and vnto them would he reade fome one percell of Scripture, eyther out of the olde teftament, or out of the new, the which proceded fo frutefully, fweetely and gentely from him (much like to the writing of S. John the Euangeleft) that it was a heauenly comfort and ioy to the audiece to heare him reade the fcriptures: and in likewife after dinner, he fpent an houre in the aforefayd maner. He was a man without any fpot, or blemiftie of rancor, or malice, full of mercy and compaffion, fo that no man liuing was able to reproue him of any kinde of fmne or cryme, albeit his righteoufnes and iuftification depended not there vpon before God, but onely vpon the bloud of Chrift, and his fayth vpon the fame: in the which fayth conftantly he dyed, as is fayd at Filforde, and now refteth with the glorious campany of Chriftes Martyrs bleffedly in the Lord, who be bleffed in all his faintes Amen. And thus much of W. Tyndall, Chriftes bleffed feruaunt, and Martyr." Within this framework lie the earliest indicia of the history of Tyndale, confirmed, disproved, or augmented by contemporary evidence, and collected by the unre- mitting zeal and patient research of earnest students. The results of their labors will now be considered. In the latest, exhaustive, and best, biography of Tyn- dale extant,^ Mr. Demaus demonstrates that the Martyr was neither born at Hunt's Court in Gloucestershire, nor a member of the Tyndales who obtained possession of it not till long after his birth. Their son William was alive six years after the Martyr's death, and could not, of course, have been identical with him. The same writer has shown that Tyndales were settled as farmers at Melksham Court in the parish of Stinchcombe, and oth- ers at Slymbridge; also, that Edward, a brother of the subject of this notice, was under-receiver of the lord- ship of Berkeley,^ and rendered it not improbable that 1 The authorities are given by Demaus: William Tyndale, a Biography, &c., London, no date, pp. i-8. * Burke: History of the Commoners, IV., p. 546; Rudder: Gloucestershire, p. 756, cited by Demaus, /. c, p. 7. Also Atkyns: The Ancient and Present State of Glocestershire, 2d ed., London, 1712. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. XXIU Slymbridge was th^ birthplace of the Reformer, This inference conflicts, however, with the genealogy com- piled by the heraldic historians, according to which Edward Tyndale was the fourth son of Sir William Tyndale, of Hockwold, Norfolk, whose elder brother William lived till 1558. In the pedigree printed by Mr. Offor,' Edward is not mentioned at all; it deserves to be preserved, however, on account of the refer- ence to the name of Hutchins (spelled also Huchyns, 1 Pedigree of William Tyndale the Martyr, as preserved by one branch of the family, communicated to G. Offor, Esq., by J. Roberts, Esq. From Ad- vertisement to New Testament, &c., Lond. 1836. Hugh, Baron de Tyndale, of Langley Castle, Northumberland, escaped from the field of battle when the Yorkists were overcome by the Lancastrians: lost his title and estate: he took refuge in Gloucestershire, under the as- sumed name of Hutchins. Alicia, daughter and sole heiress of Hunt, "of Hunt's Court at Nibley, in Gloucestershire. John Tyndale, otherwise called Hutchins, of^ Hunt's Court at Nibley, Gloucestershire. John Tyndale, otherwise Hutchins, an eminent mer- chant of London, persecuted by bishop Stokesley. William Tyndale, otherwise Hutchins, strangled and burnt at Vilvoorde, near Brussels, September, 1536. Thomas Tyndale, whose de- scendant, Lydia Tyndale, married the celebrated Qua- ker, honest John Roberts, of Lower Siddington, near Ci- rencester. Mr. James Herbert Cooke, F. S. A., in a paper The Tyndalesin Gloucester- shire, states: " ' In a deed of entail executed by Alice Tyndale in her widowhood, date 20th January, 1541-2, by which she entails the Hunt's Court Estate on her five sons'; 'she had five sons, Richard, Henry, William, Thomas, and John, and two daughters, Joan and Agnes.' William is named one of the valuers of his mother's household effects in her will dated 3rd Feb. 1542-3, he resided at Nibley, probably at Hunt's Court, as he is assessed to the subsidy of 1543 of goods in that parish of the value of {,i,.' " ' It seems therefore fair to conclude with Mr. Greenfield that Edward Tyndale, and William the Martyr, were in all probability brothers of the first Richard Tyndale, of Melks- ham Court, to whom we may add a fourth brother, viz. John Tyndale, a Merchant, of Lon- don, who was punished by the Star Chamber in 1530 for assisting William in the circulation of his New Testament.' " For these extracts I am indebted to the Note on the Pedigree of W. Tyndale, drawn up for insertion before the Introduction to the New Testament, Trans- lated by W. Tyndale, Reproduced in Facsimile, by Francis Fry, F. S. A., 1862. Atkyns, /. c, p. 303, says that William Tyndale was born at Nibley, ap- parently on the authority of the History of the Hundred of Berkeley, written by John Smith of Nibley; it is in MS. and at present, the property of Mr. Cook of Berkeley Castle. XXIV PROLEGOMENA. Kitchens, Hychins, &c.) assumed by the Martyr on the Continent, to which, according to the pedigree, he ap- pears to have had a right. The origin of Tyndale is still uncertain. William was a favorite name among the Tyndales; it was borne by one to whom thus far I have seen no reference ex- cept in Wood's AtJience Oxon.,^ by another ordained by the bishop of Pavada in 1503; and by a third, who took monastic vows at Greenwich in 1509; the iden- tity of either and both with the Reformer has been challenged. Equal uncertainty attaches to the date of his birth. The incidental statement in Tyndale's Anfwer to Sir Thomas More,^ that " thefe things to be even fo, M. More knoweth well enough, for he underftandeth the Greek, and he knew them long ere I ", has been adduced as proof that Tyndale was younger than More and that he was born after 1480. The want of documentary evidence that More was born in 1480, precludes all inference as to the date of Tyndale's birth, nor does it follow from Tyndale's words that More was his senior, for the latter may have known the things referred to much longer than Tyndale and yet have been his junior. A young person may have been possessed of information for many years which has not come to the knowledge of a much older person. If Tyndale at the time of his martyrdom in 1536 was a middle aged man, the earliest date of his birth would be 1476 and the latest i486. This is as near as we can get. The statement of Foxe (see p. xvii.) that Tyndale was "brought vp from a child in the vniuerfitie of Oxford, where hee by long continuance grew, and encreafed afwell in the knowlege of tongues, and other liberall artes, as efpecially in the knowlege of Scriptures " war- rants our connecting his stay at Oxford with Grocyn, 1 Wood, Ath. Oxon., II., col. 781.: [1493. loh'es Malett de Irby gene- rosus presentat Jacobum Malett cl'icum ad ecclesiam de Irby predict, in dioc. Line. vac. per mort. d'ni Willelmi Tyndall, dat. 21 Apr., 1493. Autogr. in Reg. Buckden. Kennet] 2 Works, III., p. 23. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. XXV who after 1491 " taught and read the Greek tongue to the Oxonians after that way, which had not before, I suppose, been taught in their University, became a famihar friend of, or rather tutor to, Erasmus, and a person in eminent renown for his learning."' While Grocyn may have taught him Greek, there is but little doubt that John Colet, who continued to lecture at Oxford until 1505, influenced and shaped the theolog- ical education of Tyndale. Wood^ confirms the statements of Foxe, and a por- trait of Tyndale formerly in the library, now in the refectory of Magdalen Hall, bears the inscription: Gulielmus Tyndalus, Martyr. Olim ex Aul: Magd: Refert haec Tabella (quod solum potuit Ars) Gulielmi Tindale effigiem, huius olim Aulse Alumni simul & Ornamenti; Qui post felices purioris Theologice primitias hie depositas Antwerpise in Nouo Testamento, necnon Pentateucho In vernaculam transferendo operam nauauit, Anglis suis eo Vsque salutiferam, ut inde non immerito Anglise Apostolus Audierat. Wilfordce prope Bruxellas martyrio coronatus An: 1536. Vir, si vel aduersario (procuratori nempe Imperatoris Generali) credamus, perdoctus, pius & bonus. Lewis ^ says, " Of this picture I would have here given the Reader a copy, but on view of it by an engraver for that purpose, it was judged to be so ill done, as that it was not worth while to copy it." An engraving of it is found in Offor's reprint of Tyndale's New Testa- ment* and one made from another picture in the Man- uscript of Tyndale described on a subsequent page. The meagre and vague account of Foxe embraces all that is known of Tyndale from the undefined time of his removal to Cambridge, and his continuance there, to his appearance about 1521 as tutor in the family of Sir John Walsh at Little Sodbury in Gloucestershire. Three documents have been discovered which will Foxe, The Whole works of Tyndale, &c., London, John Daye, An. 1573, in-folio. 2 Wood, Athence. Oxon., I., col. 94. 3 A Complete History of the Several Translations of the Holy Bible, &c., p. 57, note, London, 1 8 18, in-8. * The New Testament, &c., London, 1836, in-8. XXVI PROLEGOMENA. now be considered. The first is a Manuscript contain- ing translations from the Gospels marked W. T. and bearing the dates 1500 and 1502, described at length p. Ivi. sqq. The second is the following entry in the Register of Warham, then bishop of London, communi- cated by G. Offor, Esq., to Professor Walter and trans- cribed from his Biographical Notice of William Tyndale, p. XV., prefixed to Doctrinal Treatises, &c., Cambridge, 1848. in-8.: "Ordines generaliter celebrat. in ecclesia conventuali domi. sive prioratus Sancti Barthi in Smylhfelde Londin. per Rev. prem. Dmn. Thoma Dei gratia Pavaden. epm. aucte Rev. Pris Domini Willem permissione divina Londin. die sabbati iiiio'. temporum, viz. undecimo die mensis Martii Ann. Dom. Millmo Quingentesimo secundo. Presbn. Willnxs Tindale Carlii Dioc. p. li. di. ad ti domus monialium de Lambley." Concerning this record of a general ordination it is claimed that the William Tyndale, ordained priest, could not have been the Reformer, because he was neither a native of the diocese Carlisle nor connected with its jurisdiction. This is the statement of Professor Wal- ter (/. c.), to which Mr. Demaus adds, that, " accord- ing to ecclesiastical precedent, the person who was ordained priest in March, 1503, could not have been born later than 1478; but this was two years before the birth of Sir Thomas More, and is, therefore, in- compatible with what we know of Tyndale's age."^ These inferences appear to me to be untenable for the reasons stated p. xxiv., and without pretending to affirm that the William Tyndale named in the Register is the subject of this notice, I feel bound to insert the entry. The third document is an inscription on the title- page of Sermons de Herolt, a small folio, printed in 1495, in the Cathedral Library of St. Paul's, worded as follows: " Charitably pray for the soul of John Tyndale, who gave this book to the monastery at Greenwich of the obseruance of the minor brothers, on the day that brother William, his son, made his profession, in the year 1508." 2 The readiness and frequency with which Sir Thomas ' Demaus, /. c, pp. 35, 36. 2 Offor, Memoir of William Tyndale, prefixed to his edition of Tyndale's New Testament, p. 8. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. XXVU More flung the epithets friar and apostate at Luther, CEcolampadius, Jerome, and Roye, render it highly probable that Tyndale would have been regaled with them had he deserted the said monastery close to a favorite residence of Henry VIII. The circumstance must have been known to Sir Thomas, and his silence on the subject may be regarded as strong proof that the inscription relates to another person who bore the name of William Tyndale.^ The account of Foxe, given above, with which should be compared the much fuller narrative in the first edi- tion of his Actes and Monumentes of 1563, appears to have been derived from contemporary and authentic sources; it covers the period of Tyndale's life at Lit- tle Sodbury and in London; viz., from A. D. 1521 to May, 1524. Mr. Demaus has collected every available authority and produced two exceedingly interesting chapters.^ For Tyndale's movements on the Continent the ac- count of Foxe is singularly unsatisfactory. The points established by documentary evidence are the following: Tyndale arrived in Hamburg sometime about May, 1524, and revisited that city in April, 1525.' The in- terval he spent, according to contemporary authority, with Luther at Wittenberg.* In September of that year he was at Cologne with Roye and superintended the printing of his English version of the New Tes- tament which had advanced as far as the letter "K" in the signature of the sheets, when, chiefly through the instrumentality of Cochlaeus, further progress was arrested. Most probably in October of the same year, Tyndale and Roye fled to Worms where six thousand copies of the first complete New Testament in En- glish were printed during the ensuing winter.^ For some time, perhaps a year, he remained unmolested ' Walter, /. c, p. xv. 2 Chapters II., III. 3 Demaus, /. c, p. 91. "' The authorities are given by Demaus, /. c, p. 93 sqq. 5 Ibid., p. 140 sqq. See also, Doctrinal Treatises, Parker Soc. ed., p. xxv., and Arber, The First Printed English New Testament, pp. 1-24. xxviii PROLEGOMENA. at Worms. Probably early in 1526 he met Hermann von dem Busche (a pupil of Reuchlin, the earliest Ger- man Hebraist), who mentioned the matter to Spalatin in a conversation which took place on, or the day after St. Lawrence, that is, Aug. 11, 1526. Tlie entry in Spa- latin'6 Diary, bearing that date, is given in Schelhor- nii, Amoenitates Literarice^ IV., p. 431, under the head, Excei'pta qiicedam e diario Georg. Spalatini, and reacjs: " Dixit nobis in coena Matthias Leimbergius, Erasmum Rot. miro consternatum editione Servi Arbitrii, ei libello non responso- rum, jam scribere de conjugio Buschius vero a Rege Gallorum re- vocatum Jacobum Stapulens. & nonnullos alios, & reverses libera- tes XII captivos, quos Evangelii nomine Parlamentum conjecisset in carcerem. Item Wormatiaft VI mille exemplaria Novi Testamenti Anglice excusa. Id operis versum esse ab Anglo, illic cum duobus aliis Britannis divertente, ita VII linguarum perito, Hebraicas, Grascas, Latinae, Italicae, Hispanicae, Britannicae, Gallicae, ut, quamcunque loquatur, in ea natum putes. Anglos enim, quamvis reluctante & invito Rege, tamen sic suspirare ad Evangelion, ut affirment, sese empturos Novum Testamentum, etiamsi centenis millibus sris sit redemendum. Adhaec Wormatiae etiam Novum Testamehtum Gal- lice excusum esse." The publication by Tyndale of the Prologe vpon the Epijile to the Romans (1526) and of The Parable of the Wicked Mammon, 8th of May, 1527, as well as the con- tinuous influx of his Translation into England, rendered it unsafe for him to continue at Worms, where the said works had been printed, ^nd led him to seek and find a hiding place so secure and well chosen that the most diligent search of the emissaries of Henry VHI. and Wolsey, set to possess themselves of his person, proved wholly unavailing, and that to this hour no au- thentic intelligence of its mysterious location has come to light. The meeting of Tyndale with Busche has given rise to the wide spread story that the town of Marburg in Hesse was his home in Germany. The account is pure- ly inferential, and rests on two circumstances utterly disconnected. The first is the undoubted fact that Hermann von dem Busche was appointed professor of BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. XXlX Hebrew in the University of Marburg; the second is the publication of a number of Tyndale's works containing, some on the title-page, others in the colophon, the no- tice that they had been printed by Hans Luft at Mal- borow in the land of Hesse. Connecting these data with the entry in Spalatin's Diary it has been rashly inferred that Tyndale followed Busche to Marburg, translated the Pentateuch there, wrote and printed a number of pamphlets, held delightful and sympathetic intercourse with leading personages connected with the Reformation, and much more to the same effect. These tatements were current and accepted as history until the following facts, developed by inquiries addressed to the au- thorities of the University of Marburg, were prihted in the Hand Book of the English Versions, p. no sqq., London and New York, 1883, and are here reproduced: > It occurred to me that the best and surest way might be to open direct communication on the subject with the authorities of the Uni- versity of Marburg, and for that purpose I took occasion on Novem- ber 7th, 1 88 1, to address a letter to the Rector Magnificus of that university, inquiring among other matters: 1. If Hans Luft had a printing-press at Marburg ? and 2. If William Tyndale, as well as John Frith and Patrick Hamil- ton, ever studied there ? Professor Enhetterus very courteously handed my letter to Pro- fessor Dr. Julius Caesar, the librarian of the University, and author of Catalogus studiorum scholce Marpurgensis, Marburg, 1875, who having thoroughly explored the archives of the University, and the documents in the library of the same, is unquestionably the most competent scholar to testify on the subject under consideration. This scholar, in a letter to me, bearing date November 26th, 1881, after briefly traversing the field of inquiry, informs me: 1 . That Hans Luft nevef- lived, and never had a printing-press, at Marburg. 2. That while the Album of the University enumerates among the matriculates for the year 1527 the following persons thus: Patritius Hamilton, a Litgau, Scotus, mgr. Parisiensis, lOANNES Hamilton, a Litgau, Scotus, GiLBERTUS WiNRAM, EDINBURGENSIS, there is no entry in the Album, or a trace in any document what- ever in the archives of the University, that Tyndale atid Frith ever were at Marburg. XXX PROLEGOMENA. Professor Caesar, moreover, agrees with me in the opinion that the name of the printer, Hans Luft, and of the place of printing, Marburg, i. e., Marlborow, in the land of Hesse, are fictitious, and were probably selected to conceal the real place of printing from Tyndale's enemies in England. He further coincides with me in the belief that the statement of Tyndale having followed Hermann von dem Busche to Marburg is simply an inferential conjecture . . . The importance of the subject appears to me to render it desir- able that the correspondence on it should be preserved; it is there- fore produced here in the original, and the translation accompanying it may prove useful to persons not familiar with German. Novr. 7, 1881. Dem Rector Magnificus der Uni- versitjET Marburg. Hochgeehrter Herr: Im Verfolg einer geschichtlichen Untersuchung wage ich es mich an Sie um Aufschluss Uber eine Sache zu wenden, die auch fUr Sie nicht ohne Interesse sein dtirfte. Bei Gelegenheit der Bearbeitung citi- es Aufsatzes tlber den englischen Bibel- libersetzer William Tyndale fand ich, dass eine Notiz folgenden Inhalts in ver- schiedenen alteren Werken vorkOmmt, die von den Neueren immer wiederholt wird, und die, wie es mir scheint, bis jetzt noch nicht durch historische Be- lege ervviesen ist. Die betreffende Notiz behauptet dass William Tyndale einer der ersten Stu- direnden in Marburg gewesen, und dass verschiedene seiner Werke von Hans Luft in Marburg gedruckt seien. John Frith und Patrick Hamilton soUen auch in Marburg studirt haben, und der Name des Letzteren auf der ersten Seite des Universitats-Registers eingetragen sein. Da es Ihnen vermOge Ihrer amtlichen Stellung wohl nicht schwer sein dtlrfte, diese Uberlieferungen zu verificiren, er- laube ich mir bei Ihnen anzufragen, 1 . Ob Hans Luft eine Buchdruckerei in Marburg gehabt hat, und 2. Ob das Universitats- Register ir- gend welche authentische Nachrichten tiber die in Frage stehenden PersOn- lichkeiten enthitlt ? Novr. 7, 188 1. To THE Rector Magnificus of the University of Marburg. Very honored Sir: In the prosecu- tion of an historical inquiry, I venture to address you for information in a matter which may not be void of in- terest to you. Engaged on the preparation of an essay on the English Bible translator, William Tyndale, I find the following notice in older writers, which, though persistently repeated by modem au- thors, does not appear to me proven by historical evidence. The notice in question asserts that William Tyndale was one of the first students at Marburg and that several of his works have been printed by Hans Luft at Marburg. John Frith and Patrick Hamilton are also said to have studied at Marburg, and that the name of the latter is re- corded on the first page of the Uni- versity Register. As you, in virtue of your official position, may not find it difficult to verify these traditions, I beg leave to inquire 1 . If Hans Luft ever had a printing- press at Marburg ? and 2. If the University Register contains authentic notices of the persons in question ? BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. XXXl In der Hoffnung dass Sie die Gewo- genheit haben mOgen mir im Interesse geschichtlicher Wahrheit das mitzu- theilen, was Sie dartiber ermitteln kOn- nen, und mir die Freiheit, mit der ich mich an Sie wende, nicht veriibeln wol- len, empfiehlt sich mit ausgezeichneter Hochachtung, Ergebenst J. I. MOMBERT. Marburg, 26 Nov., 188 1. Dem Ehrw. Herrn, Dr. Mombert. Hochgeehrter Herr: Der zeitige Rector unserer Universitat, Herr Pro- fessor Ennetterus, hat mir Ihren an ihn under dem 7. d. M. gerichteten Brief zur Beantwortung Uberlassen, da ich mich schon friiher mit der von Ihnen gestellten Frage genauer beschaftigt habe. Obgleich mir augenblicklich nicht Alles gegenwJlrtig ist, was ich einmal dartiber gewusst habe, vnd auch die Zeit fehlt, die Nachforschung von Neuem zu beginnen, so glaube ich Ihn- en doch Uber einen Hauptpunkt eine bestimmte Antwort geben zu kCnnen. Es hat nie einen Buchdrucker Hans Luft in Marburg gegeben AUerdings existiren verschiedene Drucke mit sei- nem Namen und dem Druckort Mar- burg (Ma[r]lborough, Malborow, u. a.) in the land of Hessia, die Sie unter den Werken von Tyndale und von Fryth bei Lowndes, in dem Oxforder Katalog u. sonst angefUhrt finden, aber es ist nicht zu bezweifeln, dass so wohl der Druckort als der Name des Druck- ers fingirt ist, vielleicht um den wahren Druckort in England zu verbergen. Man hat sich dabei der in der Ge- schichte der Reformation berUhmten Namen der Universitat Marburg und des Wittenberger Druckers bedient, und diese in eine durch Nichts gerecht- fertigte Verbindung gebracht. Es ist richtig dass Patrick Hamilton in Marburg immatriculirt war; und sein Name unter dem J. 1527 sich fol. 5 b. Hoping that in the interest of histor- ical truth you may be obliging enough to communicate to me what you may be able to learn on this subject, and that you will kindly pardon the trouble to which I put you, I beg you to be- lieve me, with high regards. Yours very truly, J. I. Mombert. Marburg, 2b Nov., 188 r. To THE Rev. Dr. Mombert. Very honored Sir: The temporary Rector of our University, Professor Mr. Ennetterus, has requested me to answer the letter you addressed to him on the 7th inst, as I have already more fully considered the question you have sub- mitted to him. Although I do not at this moment recollect all that at one time I knew on the subject, and lack the necessary leisure to begin the re- search anew, I nevertheless believe to be able to give you a definite reply con- cerning a principal point. There has never existed at Marburg a printer of the name of Hans Luft. There exist, to be sure, sundry printed works with his name and Marburg (Ma[r]lborough, Malborow, etc.) in the land of Hesse, as the place of printing, which you will find under the works of Tyndale and Fryth in Lowndes, in the Oxford Catalogue, and elsewhere, but it cannot be doubted that both the place of printing and the name of the printer are fictitious, prob- ably for the purpose of concealing the true place of printing (from the au- thorities) in England. For that pur- pose the names of Marburg and of the Wittenberg printer, celebrated in the history of the Reformation, have been employed and connected together with- out anything to justify it. It is correct that Patrick Hamilton matriculated at Marburg, and that his name is entered under the year 1527 XXXll PROLEGOMENA. unseres Albums eingetragen findet, und zwar in Verbindung mit zweien seiner Genossen, in folgender Weise: Patritius Hamilton, a Litgau, SCOTUS, MGR. PaRISIENSIS. Joannes Hamilton, a Litgau, ScoTus. GiLBERTUS WiNRAM, EDINBURGEN- sis (CF. Catalogus studiorum scHOL. Marpurgensis. Ed. Jul. C^sar, P. L Marb., 1875, 4, P- 2). Aber dass Tyndale und Fryth wirk- lich hier in Marburg gewesen seien, davon habe ich nirgends eine urkund- liche Spur finden kOnnen; in unserm Album kommen sie nicht vor. Was Lorimer in seinem Buch (iber Hamil- ton (Edinb., 1857), p. 93 f. erzahlt, indem er sich auf Anderson's Annals of the Bible, I., p. 139, 167 beruft, habe ich leider bis jetzt nicht controli- ren kOnnen, da wir nur die zweite ab- gekUrzte Ausgabe des Andersonschen Werkes besitzen (das auch in Gottin- gen nicht vorhanden ist.) Ich weiss nicht wo der von ihm erwahnte Brief von Hermann von dam Busche an Spalatin gedruckt ist. Geht daraus hervor, dass Tyndale bei diesem im J. 1526 in Worms war, so scheint das Weitere, dass er dem im J. 1527 nach Marburg tibergesiedelten B. dahin ge- folgt sei, nur eine auf jenen fingirten Druckort gestutzte Vermuthung zusein. Es wUrde mir sehr interessant sein, vrenn Ihre Forschungen Uber Tyndale zu sichereren positiven Resultaten fUhrten. Mir selbst haben die Mittel nicht zu Gebote gestanden, um dasu zu ge- langen, und die Zeit um die Sache durch Nachfragen an grOssere Biblio- theken, oder in England weiter zu ver- folgen, doch habe ich sie nicht aus dem Auge verloren. Hochachtungsvoll und ergebenst. Dr. Julius Caesar, Professor und Bibliothekar an der Uni- versitat Marburg. on folio 5 b. of our Album, and that in connection with two of his comrades as follows: Patritius Hamilton, a Litgaii, scotus, mgr. parisiensis. Joannes Hamilton, a Litgau, SCOTUS, GiLBERTUS WINRAM, EdINBURGEN- sis (CF. Catalogus studiorum SCHOL^ Marpurgensis. Ed. Jul. C.sar, P. I. Marb. 1875, 4, p. 2). But that Tyndale and Fryth were really here at Marburg, I have not been able to find a documentary trace thereof anywhere ; their name does not occur in our Album. What Lorimer in his book on Hamilton (Edinb., 1857), p. 93, sq. narrates with refer- ence to Anderson's ^w<2:/j of the Bible, I., p. 139, 167, I regret to have been thus far unable to verify, as we have only the second abridged edition of Anderson (nor is there a copy of it at Gottingen). I do not know where the letter of Hermann von dem Busche to Spalatin, to which he refers, is printed. If it states that Tyndale was with him at Worms in 1526, the rest, that he followed B. on his removal to Mar- burg in 1527, appears to be a conjec- ture based on the fictitious place of printing. It would be interesting to me if your researches respecting Tyndale should lead to more certain and positive re- sults. I myself did not possess the means to accomplish it, nor the time to prose, cute the matter by inquiries directed to larger libraries, or in England, but I have not lost it out of sight. With high regards, etc., Dr. Julius C^sar, Professor and Librarian of the Univer- sity of Marburg. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. xxxill In the absence of all authentic data as to the place covered by the pseudonyme Malborow in the lande of Hesse, we only know from the foregoing correspondence that it does not designate Marburg on the Lahn, and in the endeavor to identify that mysterious abode it is proper to remember that it must have been a place of safety and ready access, affording to Tyndale facilities in the pursuit of his literary labors and conveniences for the printing of his works. As the emissaries of Henry VIII. and Wolsey had scoured the valley of the Rhine in pursuit of the exile, Cologne, Mayence, Worms, Speyer, and Strassburg must be ruled out, and as inquiries for him had been made at Niirnberg and Frankfurt, those cities also must be excluded. This narrows the inquiry and, if his place of concealment was in Germany, limits it to two places, Hamburg and Wittenberg. Foxe, after his account of the shipwreck and visit to Hamburg, given p. xix., adds in Actes and Monumentes after " the whole fiue books of Mofes " the words, "from Easter till December, in the houfe of a worfhipful wid- ow, Mrs. Margaret Van Emmerson, anno 1529, a great sweating ficknesse being at the time in the town. So having dispatched his bufmess at Hamborough, he re- turned afterward to Antwerp again." The circumstantial character of the narrative invests it with a certain degree of authority, for the "sweating ficknesse" did rage in 1529 in Hamburg, and the name of the lady has been verified as that of a person then liv- ing there, who was the relict of a senator, and entitled to be called worshipful. The only inaccuracy appears to be the notice of the strange appointment with Coverdale, for though the meeting may have occurred, the assist- ance, as stated, could hardly have been rendered by him at that early date, when his knowledge of Hebrew must have been in a stage of tenderest infancy. It has been rather rashly asserted that Tyndale could not have mynded to print Deuteronomy at Hamburg, there being no evidence that a printer existed there xxxiv PROLEGOMENA. in 1529. This is clearly wrong, for Panzer, Annates Typogr., vol. i., p. 453, has, under HAMBURGI, the following entry: MCCCCXCI. Laudes beate MARIE virginis. Hcbc in froiite fol. I. a. Fol. 2. a. col. I. Incipiunt laudes beate Marie virginis. Cogitaui dies anti- ques et annos eternos, &c. In fine fol. 1^2. b. Finem accipiunt beate virginis marie laudes magna cum diligentia emendate, atque de verbo ad verbum per totum attente reuife In mercuriali oppido Hamborgenfi loco famatijjimo impreffe. Per me loannem et Thomatn borcharcT. Anno dni. M.CCCC.XCI. fecunda feria pojl martini. De quo dns deus gloriofus cum fua benedicta maire fit eternaliter benedictus. Amen. ^i^^w/Zwr tabula fol. i^. /yf^.- Explicit Tab- ula. Char. Goth. mai. Sine cufi. ^pagg. nuin. cunifi,gn. col. 2. fol. Maitt. Ind. II. App.p. jjj. ex March. Hifi.p. 86. Primi et unici huius, Sec. XV. Hamburgi typis expreffi libri exemplujn extat in Bibl. Goetting. et in collectione nofira. It is therefore not by any means improbable that Tyndale should have been mynding to print at Ham- burg. Foxe seems to imply that the first four books of the Pentateuch were already printed, and to contra- dict himself in saying that Coverdale "helped hym in the translatyng of the whole fiue bookes of Mofes." Or are we to infer that Coverdale was engaged on the work during Tyndale's absence at Antwerp ? The case is rather knotty, but perhaps not impossible to solve. Tyndale might have translated at Hamburg and have the printing done at Wittenberg, for the traffic on the Elbe is of very ancient date. But, on the whole, probability seems to point to Wittenberg as the place where Tyndale translated the Pentateuch and had it printed. The repeated use of the name of Hans Luft, the fa- mous printer at Wittenberg (in The obedience of a Chrif- tian Man, in 1528, The Expofition in to the feuenth Chap- tre of the firji pijile to the Corinthians, in 1529, in the Boke of Genefis and the Practife of popifhe Prelates, in 1530), appears to indicate some distinct connection. Luft's well-known interest in the movement of the Reforma- tion renders it not improbable that he would sanction BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. xxxv the employment of a pseudonyme which, though it could not hurt him, might aid Tyndale and mislead his pur- suers. Wittenberg again was a much safer place than Hamburg it was especially a spot which men of the Rinck and Cochlaeus stamp shunned like the pestilence, and where the powerful influence of the Reformers would shield the desolate English exile. The printing press of Luft was one of the best and most busy in Germany and the literary resources of the place were certainly equal, probably superior, to every other seat of learning in Germany. After Tyndale's death John Rogers, his lit- erary executor, is said to have lived at Wittenberg, to have filled an ecclesiastical position there, and to have produced there the book known as Matthew's Bible. The appearance of Rogers at Wittenberg, so remote from Antwerp, appears to favor the supposition that he went there at the instance of Tyndale, or in conse- quence of information received from him. Attention is called to a circumstance of peculiar interest, which possibly may shed light on the question in hand: it is the undoubted fact, proved by the notes in this volume, that Tyndale and Rogers made use of the Chaldee Para- phrase, which, as far as I have been able to learn, existed, down to the date of the preparation of Tyndale's Penta- teuch, only in costly folio editions of the Hebrew Bible. Wherever Tyndale kept concealed, he must have had access to one or other of the works mentioned in Helps used by Tyndale, and in this respect again, Wittenberg seems to meet the requirements of the case.^ The facilities of travel to and from Wittenberg, de- serve also to be considered. The bad and insecure state of the highways of Germany in the sixteenth century rendered travel not only difficult but very expensive. The frequent journeys of Tyndale suggest the proba- bility that he chose the safest and cheapest mode of travel. He was practically regarded as an outlaw, and 1 Additional details relating to the Pentateuch are given in the bibliograph- ical notice of the volume, Chapter III. I understand that an octavo edition of the Chaldee Paraphrase was also in circulation. xxxvi PROLEGOMENA. it is difficult to surmise the expedients by which on overland journeys he could have eluded the vigilance of those who tried their utmost to seize him. He ran no such risk on the water route from Wittenberg down the Elbe to Hamburg and thence by sea to Antwerp; this appears a not improbable solution of the suddenness of his movements in that city. But wherever he had made his home, we know that he left it on at least two occasions, to visit Antwerp. His first visit took place in 1529, and is thus referred to by Hall: " Here it is to be remembered that at this present time William Tyndale had newly translated and imprinted the New Testament in English; and the Bishop of London, not pleased with the trans- lation thereof, debated with himself how he might compass and devise to destroy that false and erroneous translation (as he said); and so it happened that one Augustine Packington, a merchant and mercer of London, and of a great honesty, the same time was in Antwerp where the Bishop then was, and this Packington was a man that highly favoured Tyndale, but to the Bishop utterly showed himself to the contrary. "The Bishop, desirous to have his purpose brought to pass, communed of the New Testaments, and how gladly he would buy them, Packington, then, hearing that he wished for, said unto the Bishop, ' My lord, if it be your pleasure, I can in this matter do more, I dare say, than most of the merchants of England that are here; for I know the Dutchmen and strangers that have bought them of Tyndale and have them here to sell; so that if it be your lordship's pleasure to pay for them (for otherwise I canhot come by them but I must disburse money for them), I will then assure you to have every book of them that is imprinted and is here unsold.' The Bishop, thinking he had God by the toe, when indeed he had, as after he thought, the Devil by the fist, said, ' Gentle Mr. Packington, do your diligence and get them; and with all my heart I will pay for them whatsoever they cost you, for the books are er- roneous and nought, and I intend surely to destroy them all, and to burn them at St. Paul's Cross.' Augustine Packington came to William Tyndale, and said, 'William, I know thou art a poor man, and hast a heap of New Testaments and books by thee, for the which thou hast both endangered thy friends and beggared thyself; and I have now gotten thee a merchant, which with ready money shall despatch thee of all that thou hast, if you think it so profitable for yourself.' ' Who is the merchant ? ' said Tyndale. ' The Bishop BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. xxxvit of London,' said Packington, 'Oh, that is because he will burn them,' said Tyndale. 'Yea, marry,' quoth Packington. 'I am the gladder,' said Tyndale, ' for these two benefits shall come thereof: I shall get money to bring myself out of debt, and the whole world will cry out against the burning of God's Word, and the overplus of the money that shall remain to me shall make me more studious to correct the said New Testament, and so newly to imprint the same once again, and I trust the second will much better like you than ever did the first.' And so, forward went the bargain; the Bishop had the books; Packington had the thanks; and Tyndale had the money. " After this Tyndale corrected the same New Testaments again, and caused them to be newly imprinted, so that they came thick and threefold into England. When the Bishop perceived that, he sent for Packington, and said to him, ' How cometh this, that there are so many New Testaments abroad ? You promised me that you would buy them all.' Then answered Packington, 'Surely, I bought all that wer6 to be had: but I perceive they have printed more since. I see it will never be better so long as they have letters and stamps [for printing with]: wherefore you were best to buy the stamps too, and so you shall be sure; ' at which answer the Bishop smiled, and so the matter ended. " In short space after, it fortuned that George Constantine was apprehended by Sir Thomas More, who was then Chancellor of England [made Chancellor October 24, 1529], suspected of certain heresies. During the time that he was in the custody of Master More, after divers communications, amongst other things Mas- ter More asked of him, saying, ' Constantine, I would have thee be plain with me in one thing that I will ask; and I promise thee I will show thee favour in all other things, whereof thou art ac- cused. There is beyond the sea, Tyndale, Joye, and a great many of you: I know they cannot live without help. There are some that help and succour them with money; and thou, being one of them, hadst thy part thereof, and therefore knowest from whence it came. I pray thee, tell me, who be they that help them thus ? ' ' My lord,' quoth Constantine, ' I will tell you truly: it is the Bishop of London that hath holpen us, for he hath bestowed among us a great deal of money upon New Testaments to burn them; and that hath been, and yet is, our only succour and comfort.' ' Now, by my troth,' quoth More, ' I think even the same, for so much I told the Bishop before he went about it.' " ' In connection with this visit to Antwerp, preceding the printing of the Pentateuch at the mysterious " Mal- 1 Hall's Chronicle; Foxe, Vol. IV., p. 670, etc., cited by Demaus, /. c.^ p. 221 sqq. xxxviii PROLEGOMENA. borow in the lande of Hesse," Mr. Demaus^ has sug- gested, with great show of probability, that part of the money proceeding from the sale of New Testaments to the bishop of London, was applied to the purchase of the blocks of the eleven woodcuts of the tabernacle and its furniture scattered over the book of Exodus. The cuts appear in Vostermann's Dutch folio Bible of 1528, a copy of which has been kindly loaned me for comparison with the illustrations in Tyndale's Pen- tateuch. They are doubtless identical, although act- ual measurement shows that some have been slightly trimmed and others slightly enlarged, but the reduc- tion and extension applies only to the edges and does not touch the objects represented. Mr. Demaus has called attention to the circumstance that a subsequent edition of the same Bible published in 1532 contains a new set of illustrations, from which he infers that the change was due to the sale of the first set to Tyndale, and states: "whatever else, therefore, Tyndale may have done with any money received from Tunstal, it seems highly probable that he purchased with it the blocks which were employed in the book of Exodus; and the rude woodcuts of this rare work are thus invested with a curious interest, when we look at them as virtually the contribution of that prelate, who prided himself on his zeal in condemning and burning the English Bible." Tyndale paid a second visit to Antwerp in the spring of 1 531, doubtless in response to a letter from Ste- phen Vaughan, envoy to the princess-regent of the Netherlands, holding out to the exile hopes of pardon. Vaughan, as appears from a despatch to Henry VHI., dated Barrugh, Jan. 26, 1530 [i. e., 1531] had tried to open communication with Tyndale. He says. "... I have written three sundry letters unto William Tyndale, and the same sent for the more safety to three sundry places, to Frankforde, Hanborughe, and Marleborugh. I then not [being] assured in which of the same he was, William Tyndale, p. 226, 227. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. XXXIX and had very good hope, after I heard say in England, that he would, upon the promise of your Majesty, and of your most gracious safe conduct, be content to repair and come into England."^ That letter reached Tyndale, and hardly three months later he sought an interview with Vaughan, who nar- rates it in his letter to the king as follows: "The day before the date hereof [/. e., April 17] I spake with Tyndale without the town of Antwerp, and by this means: he sent a certain person to seek me, whom he had advised to say that a cer- tain friend of mine, unknown to the messenger, was very desirous to speak with me; praying me to take pains to go unto him, to such place as he should bring me. Then I to the messenger, ' What is your friend, and where is he ? ' ' His name I know not,' said he; 'but if it be your pleasure to go where he is, I will be glad thither to bring you.' Thus, doubtful what this matter meant, I concluded to go with him, and followed him till he brought me without the gates of Antwerp, into a field lying nigh unto the same; where was abiding me this said Tyndale. At our meeting, ' Do you not know me ?' said this Tyndale. 'I do not well remember you,' said I to him. 'My name,' said he, 'is Tyndale.' 'But Tyndale!' said I, 'Fortunate be our meeting.' Then Tyndale, 'Sir, I have been ex- ceedingly desirous to speak with you.' 'And I with you; what is your mind?' 'Sir,' said he, 'I am informed that the king's grace taketh great displeasure with me for putting forth of certain books, which I lately made in these parts; but specially for the book named the Practice of Prelates; whereof I have no little marvel, considering that in it I did but warn his grace of the subtle demeanour of the clergy of his realm towards his person, and of the shameful abusions by them practised, not a little threatening the displeasure of his grace and weal of his realm: in which doing I shewed and declared the heart of a true subject, which sought the safeguard of his royal person and weal of his commons, to the intent that his grace, thereof warned, might in due time prepare his remedy against their subtle dreams. If [it be] for my pains therein taken, if for my poverty, if for mine exile out of my natural country, and bitter absence from my friends, if for my hunger, my thirst, my cold, the great danger wherewith I am everywhere compassed, and finally if for innumerable other hard and sharp fightings which I endure, not yet feeling of their asperity, by reason I hoped with my labours to do honour to God, true service to my prince, and pleasure to his commons; how 1 The letter is preserved in the Cotton MSS. Galba, B. X. 46; it has been printed in Anderson, Annals, B. I., 8, and by Demaus, /. c, p. 288 sqq. xl PROLEGOMENA. is it that his grace, this considering, may either by himself think; or by the persuasions of other be brought to think, that in this doing I should not shew a pure mind, or true and incorrupt zeal and affection to his grace ? Was there in me any such mind, when I warned his grace to beware of his cardinal, whose iniquity he shortly after proved according to my writing ? Doth this deserve hatred ? Again, may his grace, being a Christian prince, be so un- kind to God, which hath commanded his word to be spread through- out the world, to give more faith to wicked persuasions of men, which presuming above God's wisdom, and contrary to that which Christ expressly commandeth in his testament, dare say that it is not lawful for the people to have the same in a tongue that they understand; because the purity thereof should open men's eyes to see their wickedness ? Is there more danger in the king's subjects than in the subjects of all other princes, which in every of their tongues have the same, under privilege of their sufferance ? As I now am, very death were more pleasant to me than life, considering man's nature to be such as can bear no truth.' " Thus, after a long conversation had between us, for my part making answer as my wit would serve me, which were too long to write, I assayed him with gentle persuasions, to know whether he vi'ould come into England; ascertaining him that means should be made, if he thereto were minded, without his peril or danger, that he might so do: and that what surety he would advise for the same purpose, should, by labour of friends, be obtained of your majesty. But to this he answered, that he neither would nor durst come into England, albeit your grace would promise him never so much surety; fearing lest, as he hath before written, your promise made should shortly be broken, by the persuasion of the clergy, which would affirm that promises made with heretics ought not to be kept." " After this, he told me how he had finished a work against my lord chancellor's book, and would not put it in print till such time as your grace had seen it; because he apperceiveth your displeasure towards him for hasty putting forth of his other work, and because it should appear that he is not of so obstinate mind as he thinks he is reported to your grace. This is the substance of his communica- tion had with me, which as he spake, I have written to your grace, word for word, as near as I could by any possible means bring to remembrance. My trust therefore is, that your grace will not but take my labours in the best part I thought necessary to be written unto your grace. After these words, he then, being something fear- ful of me, lest I would have pursued him, and drawing also towards night, he took his leave of me, and departed from the town, and I toward the town, saying, I should shortly, peradventure, see him again, or if not, hear from him.' Howbeit I suppose he .-ifteiward returned to the town by another way; for there is no likelihood that BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. xli he should lodge without the town. Hasty to pursue him I was not, because I was in some likelihood to speak shortly again with him; and in pursuing him I might perchance have failed of my purpose, and put myself in danger. "To declare to your majesty what, in my poor judgment, I think of the man, I ascertain your grace, I have not communed with a man " ' The effect of this letter on Henry is clearly stated in the reply written by Cromwell, who appears to have sub- stituted, not improbably at the King's dictation, the harsh expressions given in the text for the more temperate forms of the original draft, as printed in the footnotes. "Stephen Vaughan, I commend me unto you; and have received your letters, dated at Andwerpe, the xviii. day of April, with also that part of Tyndale's book inclosed in leather, which ye with your letters directed to the king's highness; after the receipt whereof I did repair unto the court, and there presented the same unto his royal majesty, who made me answer for that time, that his highness at opportune leisure should read the contents as well of your letters as also the said book. And at my next repair thither it pleased his highness to call for me, declaring unto me as well the contents of your letters, as also much matter contained in the said book of Tyndale. * * * " Albeit that I might well perceyue that his Maiestee was right well pleased, and right acceptablie considered your diligence and payns taken in the wryting and sending of the saide boke, as also in the perswading and exhorting of Tyndall to repayre into this realme; yet his Highness nothing lyked the sayd boke, being fyllyd w^ sce- dycyous, slanderous lyes, and fantasticall oppynyons, shewing therin nother lernyng nor trewthej and ferther, cofnunyngwt his grace, I myght well mind and conject that he thought that ye bare^ moche affection towards the saide Tyndall, whom in his maners and knowlage in woordlye thinge^ ye vndoubtedlie in yo^ Ires do moch allowe and cdmende; whos works being replet w* so abhominable sclaunders and lyes, imagened and onlye fayned to infecte the peo- pull, doth declare hym bo the to lake grace, vertue, Lernyng, discre- cyb and all other good qualytes, nothing ells pretending ift all his worke but to seduce . . . dyssayve (that ye in such wise by y^ Lres, Cotton MSS., Titus, B. I. 2 Originally: "in the accomplishement of his high pleasure and commaund- ment. Yet I might conjecture by the ferther declaracyon of his high pleasure, which sayed unto me that by yr wryting it manifestlie appered how moche affection and zele ye do here " 3 Originally: " modestie and symplycitee" xlii PROLEGOMENA. prayse, set forth and avaunse hym which nothing ells pretendeth) and sowe sedycion among the peopull of this reabne. The Kinge hignes therfor hathe comaunded me to advurtyse you that is plesure ys, that ye should desiste and leve any ferther to persuade or attempte the sayd Tyndalle to cum into this realme: alledging, that he pceyuing the malycyous, perverse, vncharytable, and In- durate mynde of the sayd Tyndall, ys in man[er] w^ owt hope of reconsylyacyon in hym, and is veray joyous to have his realme destytute of such a pson, then that he should retourne into the same, there to manyfest his errours and sedycyous opynyons, which (being out of the realme by his most vncharytable, venemous, and pestilent boke, craftie and false persuasions) he hath partelie don all redie; for his highnes right prudently e consyderyth if he were present by all lykelohod he wold shortelie (which God defende) do as moche as in him were, to infecte and corrupt the hole realme to the grete inquietacyon and hurte of the comen welth of the same. Wherefore, Stephen, I hertelie pray you, in all your doing, proced- inge, and wryting to the King's highnes, ye do iustely, trewlie and vnfaynedlie, wt owt dyssymulatyon, shew your self his trew, louyng, and obedyent subjecte, beryng no maner favor, loue, or affeccyon to the sayd Tyndale, ne to his worke, in any man[er] of wise; but ut- terlie to contempne and abhorre the same, assuring you that in so doing ye shall not onely cause the King's royall maieste, whose good- nes at this tyme is so benignelie and gracyouslie mynded towards you, as by your good dyligence and Industrie to be used to serve his Highnes, and extewing and avoyding . . . favor, and allow the saide Tyndale his erronyous worke and opynions so to sett you forwardes, as all yo'' louers and frendes shall have gret consolacyon of the same; and by the contrarie doing, ye shall acquire the indignacyon of God, displeasure of yo"" sov'eigne lorde, and by the same cause yoi" good frends which have ben euer glad, prone, and redie to bryng you into his gracyous fauours, to lamente and sorow that their sute in that behalf should be frustrate and not to take effecte, according to their good intent and purpose." Cromwell then adverts to Frith (or Fryth) saying that the King, " hearing tell of his towardness in good letters and learning, doth much lament that he should apply his learning to the maintaining, bolstering, and ' Originally: "Tyndale assuredly sheweth himself in myn oppynion rather to be replete with venymous envye, rancour and malice, then w* any good lem- ing, vertue, knowledge or discression : " this was changed into: " declareth hym- self to be envyous, malycyous, slanderous and wylfull, and not to be lerned;" then erased, and given as above. 2 Originally: " to shew yourself to be no fautor." BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. xliii advancing the venemous and pestiferous works, errone- ous and seditious opinions of Tyndale;" and begging Vaughan to use his influence with Frith " to leave his wilful opinions, and like a good Christian to return unto his native country where he assuredly shall find the king's highness most merciful, and benignly, upon his conversion, disposed to accept him to his grace and mercy." The letter concludes with an exhortation to Vaughan, "for his love of God, utterly to forsake, leave and withdraw his affection from the said Tyndale, and all his sect."^ Cromwell added a postscript, after the letter had been read and approved by the king, which virtually nullified its contents, for he said: "Notwithstanding the premises in my letter, if it were possible by good and wholesome exhortations to reconcile and convert the said Tyndale ... I doubt not but the king's highness would be much joyous of his conversion . . . and if then he would return into this realm . . . undoubtedly the king's majesty refuseth none."^ Upon the receipt of Cromwell's letter, Vaughan had a second interview with Tyndale, the account of which is given in his reply, dated Bergen-op-Zoom, May i8, as follows: " I have again been in hand to persuade Tyndale. And to draw him the rather to favour my persuasions, and not to think the same feigned, I shewed him a clause contained in master Cromwell's letter containing these words following: And notwithstanding other the premises, in this my letter contained, if it were possible, by good and wholesome exhortations, to reconcile and convert the said Tyn- dale from the train and affection which he now is in, and to excerpte and take away the opinions sorely rooted in him, I doubt not but the kings highness would be much joyous of his conversion and amendment; and so beittg converted, if then he would return into his realm, undoubtedly the king's royal majesty is so inclined to The quotations, transcribed from the original, in the Brit. Museum, MSS. Cotton, Galba. B. X. fol. 338, for the Parker Society's edition of the Doctrinal Treatises, &c., of William Tyndale, have been taken from that volume. The brief paragraph relating to Frith I have extracted from Demaus, /. c. p. 305. * From the text given by Demaus, /. c, p. 306. See the full text in Vaughan's reply, p xliv PROLEGOMENA. mercy, pity, and compassion, that he refuseth none which he seeth to submit themselves to the obedience and good order of the world. In these words I thought to be such sweetness and virtue as were able to pierce the hardest heart of the world; and, as I thought, so it came pass. For after sight thereof I perceived the man to be exceedingly altered, and to take the same very near unto his heart, in such wise that water stood in his eyes; and he answered, ' What gracious words are these ! I assure you,' said he, ' if it would stand with the king's most gracious pleasure to grant only a bare text of the scripture to be put forth among his people, like as is put forth among the subjects of the emperor in these parts, and of other Christian princes, be it of the translation of what person soever shall please his majesty, I shall immediately make faithful promise never to write more, nor abide two days in these parts after the same; but immediately repair into his realm, and there most humbly submit myself at the feet of his royal majesty, offering my body to suffer what pain or torture, yea, what death his grace will, so that this be obtained. And till that time I will abide the asperity of all chances, whatsoever shall come, and endure my life in as much pains as it is able to bear and suffer. And as concerning my reconcilation, his grace may be assured, that whatsoever I may have said or written in all my life against the honour of God's word, and so proved, the same shall I before his majesty and all the world utterly renounce and forsake; and with most humble and meek mind embrace the truth, abhorring all error soever, at the most gracious and benign request of his royal majesty, of whose wisdom, prudence and learn- ing I hear mo great praise and commendation, than of any creature living. But if those things which I have written be true and stand with God's word, why should his majesty, having so excellent a gi of knowledge in the scriptures, move me to do any thing against my conscience ? ' with many other words which be too long to write. I have some good hope in the man; and would not doubt to bring him to some good point, were it that something, now and then, might proceed from your majesty towards me, whereby the man might take the better comfort of my persuasions. I advertised the same Tyndale that he should not put forth the same book, till your most gracious pleasure were known: whereunto he answered, 'mine advertisement came too late; for he feared lest one that had his copy would put it very shortly in print, which he would let if he could; if not, there is no remedy.' I shall stay it as much as I can, as yet it is not come forth; nor will not in a while, by that I perceive."' 1 Offor's Mem. of Tyndale, pp. 67-9. Anderson, pp. 277-9. Dodr. Treat. p. xlviii. sqq. The original is in the British Museum, Cotton MSS. Galba. B. X. 7, new notation. Also in Demaus, /. c, p. 306 sqq. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDAL^:. xlv Vaughan had yet another conversation with Tyndale, for he writes on June 19: " I have spoken with Tyndale, and shewed him as you wrote me the king's royal pleas- ure was, but I find him always singing one note."' This concludes the negotiations set on foot by Crom- well to induce Tyndale to return to England, and our knowledge of him, except through his writings, until his final settlement at Antwerp in the summer of 1534. The following passage in a letter of Poyntz, bearing date August 25 (Cotton MSS. Galba. B. X.) fixes the date of Tyndale's final settlement at Antwerp. "This man [William Tyndale] was lodged with me three quarters of a year, and was taken out of my house by a sergeant-at- arms, otherwise called a dore-wardore, and the Procureur- General of Brabant." Reckoning backward from the day of his arrest, established by the official statement given in the note^ to have occurred on the 23rd or 24th of May, 1535, Tyndale seems to have reached Antwerp sometime in August, 1534. The extract from Foxe (p. xxi.), gives a clear account of his life there. It is perhaps not unnecessary to add that he held no official position, but engaged in the vol- untary work of an Evangelist. Rogers arrived at Ant- werp sometime in the autumn of that year as English Chaplain and his acquaintance with Tyndale speedily ripened into friendship. He worked with him and there ' State Paper Office: Miscellaneous Letters, Second Series; printed by Sir Henry Ellis in his collection of Original Letters. 2 "Account of Master Ludwig von Heylwygen of the confiscated goods of the Lutherans and heretical sects beginning from the year 1533, and ending in 15 " Fol. viii. Expenses in vacation and other expenses in affairs of justice of the Lutherans. " Paid to Adolph Van Wesele on account of the business done by him as well in keeping of a certain prisoner named William Tyndale, a Lutheran, as for his money expended, done and expended therein at the request of the Pro- cureur-General, for a year and one hundred and thirty-five days, at forty stivers the day, as appears by the taxation, assignment and quittance pertaining thereto, the sum of . . . ;^I02." This is the translation appended to the original docu- ment, given by Demaus, /. c. p. 498. The date of Tyndale's martyrdom, ac- cording to Foxe, is October 6, 1536, and his arrest consequently occurred on the 23rd or 24th of May, 1535. xlvi PROLEGOMENA. is no reason to doubt the statement that the papers of Tyndale passed into his hands, and that he embodied in his edition of the Bible, known as Matthew's Bible, the remaining books of the Scripture which Tyndale had trans- lated, viz., the books of Joshua, Judges; i and 2 Samuel, i and 2 Kings, i and 2 Chronicles.' His literary labors at Antwerp resulted in the revised edition of the book of Gen- esis and the revision of the New Testament; both were published in 1534. How much of the other books just named was done between 1534 and 1536 is not known. The letter of Tebold or Theobald, a godson of Crom- well, who seems to have been instructed to collect infor- mation on the circumstances connected with the arrest of Tyndale, is a valuable addition to the narrative of Foxe (see page xx.). " News here, at this time, be none, but that here is most earnest communication that the French Queen [Leonora, sister of the Em- peror; Charles V.] and her sister the Queen of Hungary [the Regent of the Low Countries], shall meet together at Cambray now afore Michaelmas. All these Low Countries here be most earnest with the Bishop of Rome and his traditions; and therefore he hath now sweetly rewarded them, sending them his deceitful blessing, with remission of all their sins, so [on the condition thatj they fast three days together, and this is given gratis without any money. Here is an evil market [a bad bargain for the pope], that whereas he was wont to sell his pardons by great suit and money, now he is glad to offer them for nothing. And yet a great many make no haste to receive them where they be offered. I do hear of certain that the Bishop of Rome is contented, and doth desire to have a General Council, and that this matter is earnestly entreated of divers. I am sure, if this be truth, your Lordship have heard of it or this time,^ more at large. " He that did take Tyndale is abiding at Louvain, with whom I did there speak; which doth not only there rejoice of that act, but goeth about to do many more Englishmen like displeasure; and did advance this, I being present, with most railing words against our King, his Highness, calling him 'Tyrannum ac expilatorem rei- publicae ' \tyr ant and robber of the Commonwealth']. He is appointed to go shortly from Louvain to Paris in France, and there to tarry, because he feareth that English merchants that be in Antwerp will hire some men privily to do him some displeasure unawares. ' " The boke of lonas " is Coverdale's Version. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. xlvii "Pleaseth it your Grace that I have delivered your letters unto Mr. Thomas Leigh [a merchant held in much esteem by Cranmer and Vaughan], which, according to your v^^riting, hath delivered unto me twenty crowns of the [same], which money, God willing, I will deliver where your Grace hath assigned. Within these six- teen days I take my journey from Antwerp about the last day of July [letter begun, therefore, July 15th]. And because at my first arrivance to Antwerp I found company ready to go up withal to Cologne [on his way to Nuremberg], I went to see my old acquaint- ance at Louvain; whereas [where] I found Doctor Bockenham, sometime prior in the Black Friars in Cambridge; and another of his brethren with him. I had no leisure to commune long with them; but he showed me that at his departing from England he went straight to Edinburgh in Scotland, there continuing unto [Easter] last past [March 28] ; and then came over to Louvain, where he and his companions doth continue in the house of the Black Friars there; having little acquaintance [or] comfort but for their money; for they pay for their [meat] and drink a certain sum of money in the year. All succour that I can perceive them to have is only by him which hath taken Tyndale, called Harry Philips, with whom I had long and familiar communication, [for] I made him believe that I was minded to tarry and study at Louvain. I could not perceive the contrary by his communication, but that Tyndale shall diej which he doth follow, \i. e., urge on], and procureth with all diligent en- deavour, rejoicing much therein; saying that he had a commission out also for to have taken Doctor Barnes and George Joye with other. Then I showed him that it was conceived both in England and in Antwerp that George Joye should be \i. e., had been] of coun- sel with him in taking of Tyndale; and he answered that he never saw George Joye to his knowledge, much less he should know him. This I do write, because George Joye is greatly blamed and abused among merchants, and many other that were his friends, falsely and wrongfully. " But this foresaid Harry Philips showed me that there was no man of his counsel but a monk of Stratford Abbey, beside London [Stratford-le-Bow], called Gabriel Donne, which at that time was student at Louvain, and in house with this foresaid Harry Philips. But now within these five or six weeks he is come to England, and, by the help of Mr. Secretary, hath obtained an abbey of a thousand njarks by the year in the west country. "This said Philips is greatly afraid, (in so much as I can per- ceive,) that the English merchants that be in Antwerp, will lay watch to do him some displeasure privily. Wherefore of truth he hath sold his books, in Louvain, to the value of twenty marks worth sterling, intending to go hence to Paris; and doth tarry here upon nothing but of the return of his servant which he has long since xlviii PROLEGOMENA. sent to England with letters. And by cause of his long tarrying, he is marvellously afraid lest he be taken and come into Master Secretary's handling, with his letters. Either this Philips hath great friends in England to maintain him here; or else, as he showed me, he is well beneficed in the bishopric of Exeter. He raileth at Louvain and in the Queen of Hungary's Court, most shamefully against our King his Grace and others [Cranmer and Cromwell probably]. For, I being present, he called our King his Highness, tyrannum, expilatorem reipubliccB, with many other railing words, rejoicing that he trusteth to see the Emperor to scourge his High- ness with his Council and friends. Also he saith, that Mr. Secre- tary hath privily gone about matters, here in Flanders and Brabant, which are secretly come to the knowledge of the Queen of Hungary, the Governess here, which she reckoneth, one day, at her pleasure and time, to declare to his rebuke. What this meaneth I cannot tell, neither I could hear no farther; but if I had tarried there any time, I should have heard more," etc. " Written at Antwerp the last day of July, by your bedeman and servant, ever to my small power, Thomas Tebold."i The plot to seize Tyndale and to bring him to trial for heresy was doubtless due to astute contrivance in Eng- land, but thus far no positive evidence has been discov- ered to fasten the charge either on Gardiner or any one else. Donne and Phillips are admitted to have acted under instructions of persons strong in pecuniary ability, adepts in craft, and invincible in hatred. Henry VIIL and Cromwell cannot be charged with complicity, but may not be exonerated from indifference and neglect. Once in the meshes of the law, as administered in Flan- ders, the fate of Tyndale was sealed, but though his extradition could not be demanded de jure, the influ- ence of an accredited "man of reputation" might have secured his liberation.^ The chief promoter and agent in stirring up interest on behalf of Tyndale was Poyntz, whose narrative given by Foxe at great length cannot be reproduced here. In re- 1 Cotton MSS. Galba, B. X. cited by Demaus, /. c. pp. 430-433. The italics and matter in brackets are given as presented by him. 2 Such seems to have been the impression of Stephen Vaughan who wrote " it were good the Kmg had one living in Flanders that were a man of repu- tation." Chapter House Papers, State Paper Office, cited by Demaus, /. r. P- 439- BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. xHx sponse to his indefatigable energy and self-denial he ob- tained letters from Cromwell, but his efforts were cut short by his own arrest and imprisonment, brought about by Phillips, who had preferred against him also the charge of heresy.^ The record of the trial of Tyndale appears to have been destroyed or lost. From a document in the Archives of the Chambre des Comptes at Brussels the names of the leading members of the commission nominated for his trial by the Regent, Mary of Hungary, have been ob- tained.^ The Procureur-General has been represented as a monster of wickedness and cruelty; the Dean of St. Peter's is charged with holding the maxim that " It is no great matter, whether they that die on account of religion be guilty or innocent, provided we terrify the people by such examples; which generally succeeds best when per- sons eminent for learning, riches, nobility, or high station, ' The narrative of Poyntz is found in Foxe and has been reprinted in full by Demaus, /. c. p. 443 sqq. In the same work may be read the letter of Poyntz to his brother, Cotton MSS. Galba, B, X., as well as a letter from Flegge, an English merchant at Antwerp, to Cromwell advising him what had been done on behalf of Tyndale. Cotton MSS. Galba, B. X. 2 The document printed by Demaus, /. c. p. 498 sqq. is here reproduced. The very able and interesting account he has constructed of the probable order observed in the trial of Tyndale is perhaps the most successful portion of a volume which should be read by all desirous to understand the case. He has furnished also sketches of Pierre Dufief, the Procureur-General, and of two of the most prominent clerics on the commission, Ruwart Tapper and Jacques Lathomus. The document reads as follows: " Archives of Belgium: Chambre des Comptes, No. 19,1662. " Paid to the Procureur-General of Brabant for himself 12^. 8s. 6d.; also for Mr. Ruwart Tapper, Dean of St. Peter's at Lou vain, Jacques Lathomus, Jan Doye, canons there, all Doctors in theology, William Van Caverschoen, amounting for them all to n<): to Godfrey de Mayere S^. Charles I'Serraets ^5. 8s.; Theobald Cotereau 6. 6s.; Mr. Jacob Boonen ;^io. los.; Councillors in Brabant: to Mr. Henry Vander Zypen ;^3. 12s.; to Marcellis van Immersed ^. los.; Peter de Brier;^6. los.; Cornelius Vander Bruggen;^2.; Henry Van VeWen zo. los.; Bartholomew Vander Broecke, Nicolas Borreman, Jan Vander Biest and Dierick Cappellemans 6. 15s.: executioners and messengers of the Council, who have been engaged, by the ordi- nance of the Queen [Mary of Hungary] as they say, in prosecution of the process directed by the said Procureur-General against William Tyndale, a priest, a Lutheran prisoner, and executed by fire at Vilvorde for entertaining certain wicked opinions touching the Holy Cath- olic faith; so that they have been occupied at Vilvorde and elsewhere on different days, as ap- pears from the contents of their declaration of their engagements, amounting for tlie said engagements to the sum of;^3i2. gs. 6d., and over and above to the sum of;^i6 for behoof of the Doctors only: this appearing from the declaration, taxation and assignment and receipt thereto belonging in all to . . . . ^oj. 9s. 6d." 1 PROLEGOMENA. are thus sacrificed;" and of Lathomus, the third of the leading members of the commission, it is narrated that the part he had taken in the conviction of Tyndale filled him with remorse, if not despair.^ Tried by such a com- mission, condemnation was inevitable, for the writings of Tyndale abound in sentiments which the Louvain the- ologians could have had no difficulty in proving to have been rank heresy. The passage in Foxe that " there was much writing and great difputation to and fro between him [Tyndale] and them of the Vniversitie of Louvain, in such sort that they had all enough to do, and more than they could well wield, to answer the authorities and testimonies of the Scripture, whereupon he most pithily grounded his doctrine," sheds light upon the manner in which the trial was conducted. It was all in writing; Tyndale's own defence has not yet come to light, but the reply of Lathomus, printed in his Works, has been pre- served. The publication of that treatise would be a val- uable contribution to the history of Tyndale. This notice is concluded with a precious memento of William Tyndale in the text of a touching letter written by Tyndale in his prison at Vilvorde in the winter of 1535. It is without date and superscription, and was doubtless addressed to Antoine de Berghes, Marquis of Bergen-op- Zoom, who held the office of Governor of the Castle of Vilvorde in 1530. M. Galesloot found it in the Archives of the Council of Brabant, and M. Gachard permitted Mr. Francis Fry of Bristol to have it photographed; from a 1 "Jacobus Lathomus, omnium theologorum Lovaniensium, sine controversii, princeps, posteaquam stult^ et puerili concione quam Bruxellse habuit coram Imperatore, se toti aulse ridendum exhibuisset, mox ubi Lovanium rediit, per- nicioso quodam furore correptus, ccepit insanire, ac in ips^ etiam public^ prse- lectione voces edere plenas desperationis atque impietatis. Quod cum cseteri theologi animadvertissent, prsecipue Ruardus Enchusanus [i. e. Tapper], homo miserabili balbutie, et crudelitate atque impietate inaudit^, apprehenderunt fu- rentum Lathomum, eumque domi clausum tenuerunt. Ab eo tempore usque ad postremum spiritum nihil aliud clamavit Lathomus quam ' se condemnatum esse, -se a Deo rejectum esse, nee ullam spem salutis aut venise sitft amphus esse reliquam, ut qui veritatem agnitam impugnisset.' " The last clause appears to refer to Tyndale. The whole passage is taken from Demaus, /. c. p. 456, who says, that it is given by H. Janssen, yacobus Propositus, on the authority of Diaz. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF TYNDALE. li copy of this photograph of the only known autograph letter written by William Tyndale, kindly sent me by Mr. Fry, has been made the photo-engraving which faces the title page of this volume. But as the hand- writing may not be easily read by those unfamiliar with the written characters of the sixteenth century, I sub- join a transcript in ordinary Roman letter, literary ac- curate in all respects except the contractions, which, for want of proper types, had to be avoided. I have also added an English translation. Credo non latere te, vir pre- flantiffime, quid de me flatutum fit. Quam ob rem, tuam domi- nationem rogatum habeo, idque per dominum lefum, vt fi mihi per hyemem hie manendum fit, follicites apud dominum commif- farium, fi forte dignari velit, de rebus meis quas habet, miltere, calidiorem birretum, frigus enim patior in capite nimium oppreffus perpetuo catarro, qui fub tefludine nonnihil augetur. Calidiorem quoque tunicam, nam hec quam habeo admodum tenuis eft. Item pannum ad caligas reficiendas, Duplois detrita eft: camifee de- trite funt etiam. Camifeam lane- am habet, fi mittere velit. Habeo quoque apud eum caligas ex craffiori panno ad fuperius in- duendum. Nocturna birreta ca- lidiora habet etiam: vtque vefperi lucernam habere liceat, Tediofum quidem eft per tenebras folitarie federe. Maxime ante omnium, tuam clementiam rogo, atque obfecro, vt ex animo agere velit, apud dominum commiffarium, quatenus dignari velit, mihi con- cedere bibliam hebreicam, gram- maticam hebreicam et vocabula- rium hebreicum, vt eo ftudio tem- I believe, most excellent Sir, that you are not unacquainted with the decision reached con- cerning me. On which account, I beseech your lordship, even by the Lord Jesus, that if I am to pass the winter here, to urge upon the lord commissary, if he will deign, to send me from my goods in his keeping a warmer cap, for I suffer greatly from cold in the head, being troubled with a continual catarrh, which is aggravated in this prison vault. A warmer coat also, for that which I have is very thin. Also cloth for repairing my leggings. My overcoat is worn out; the shirts also are worn out. He has a woolen shirt of mine, if he will please send it. I have also with him leggings of heavier cloth for overwear. He likewise has warm- er nightcaps: I also ask for leave to use a lamp in the evening, for it is tiresome to sit alone in the dark. But above all, I beg and entreat your clemency earnestly to intercede with the lord com- missary, that he would deign to allow me the use of my Hebrew Bible, Hebrew Grammar, and Hebrew Lexicon, and that I may Hi PROLEGOMENA. pus conteram. Sic tibi obtingat employ my time with that study, quod maxime optas, modo cum Thus Hkewisemayyou obtain what anime tue falute fiat, Verum fi you most desire, saving that it aliud confilium de me ceptum eft, further the salvation of your soul, ante hyemem perficiendum, pa- But if, before the end of winter, a tiens ero, dei expectans volunta- different decision be reached con- tem, ad gloriam gratie domini cerning me, I shall be patient, mei lefu chrifti, cuius fpiritus tu- and submit to the will of God to um femper regat pectus. Amen, the glory of the grace of Jesus W. TiNDALUS. Christ my Lord, whose spirit may ever direct your heart. W. TiNDALUS. The evidence, furnished on every page of the present volume, that Tyndale translated the Pentateuch direct from the Hebrew, is strikingly confirmed by the passage in which he entreats and beseeches the Governor to send him his Hebrew Bible, Hebrew Grammar and Hebrew Dictionary. CHAPTER n. THE WRITINGS OF WILLIAM TYNDALE, " ETTHEB PTTBIilSHED WITH HIS NAME OB ASCBIBED TO HIM. 1. Translations, probably anterior to 1524: a. Enchiridion Militis Christiani. b. Ifocrates, Orationes. 2. The New e Tejla7nente. 1525-26. Revised edition 1534. Up- wards of eighty editions have been printed. See Lists of Archbishop Newcome, Dr. Cotton, and Mr. Anderson; for historical details the writer's Hand Book of the English Versions, &c., Ch. IV., and for bibliographical purposes, Francis Fry: A Bibliographical De- scription of the Editions of the New Testament, Tyndale' s Version in English, with Numerous Readings, Comparisons of Texts, and Historical Notices; the Notes infull,fro7n the Edition of Nov. 1334. An Account of two Octavo Editions of the New Testament of the Bishops' Version without Numbers to the Verses. Illustrated with Seventy-three Plates, Titles, Colophons, Pages, Capitals. London, 1878. 3. A Pathway into the holy Scripture, 1525 to 1532. 4. The parable of the wicked Mam?non, May Z, 1527 [28] in-4and8. THE WRITINGS OF TYNDALE. Kfi 5. The obedience of a Chrijlen man, and how Chrijlen rulers ought to gouerne, wherein alfo {if thou ntarke diligently) thou fhalt finde eyes to perceaue the craftie conueyaunce of all iugglers. May and Octob. 2, 1528. 1535. 1561. 6. An exhortation to the diligent Jludye of the fcripture, made by Erafmus Roterodamus. And trdfilated into inglifh. \ An expofition in to thefeuenth chaptre ofthefirflpiflle to the Corinthi- ans. Colophon: At Malborow in the londe of Heffe. M.D.xxixx. XX. daye lunii. By me Hans Luft. Herbert's Ames, HI., p. 1538. 7. Treatise on Matritnony , 1529. 8. Translation of the Fiue bokes of Moses called the Pentateuch, with Prologues into the several books, 1530 {Genefis, correctyd, etc. 1534), alleged to have been reprinted in 1534, I544. "^SS^- Each book of the Pentateuch has a separate title; there is ^ao general title in the edition of 1530; for information concerning editions see Ch. HI. 9. The Prologue of the Prophete Jonas attd Translation of the Book, 1530 [31]. 10. A Compendious Olde treatife, fhewynge howe that we ought to haue the Scripture in Englyffhe. Hans Luft. 1530. 11. The Practyfe of Prelates. fE Whether the Kings grace maye be feparated from hys quene, becaufe fhe was his brothers wyfe. Marborch. In the yere of our Lorde, Mccccc. & xxx. (Copy in the Cambridge University Library, marked F. 13, 40) \ The Practife of papiflicall Prelates, made by William Tyndall. ^ In the yeare of our Lorde. 1530. (Title of the reprint in Daye's folio of 1573.) 12. An aunfwere vnto Syr Thomas Mores' Dialogue, made by William Tyndall. 1530. fi^". Firft, he declareth what the Church is, and geueth a reafon of certaine wordes which Mafler More rebuketh in the tranflation of the new Teflament. [ After that he aunfwereth particularly vnto euery Chapter which femeth to haue any appear- aunce of truth thorough all his foure bookes, ^ Awake thou that Jlepcfl and Jl and vp from death, and Chrift fhall geue the light. Ephefians. 5. (Title of reprint in Daye's folio of 1573.) 1531. 13. The expofition of the fir Jl Epiflle of S. John, set forth by M. William Tyndall in the yeare of our Lord. 1 531. Septemb. (Title in Daye's folio of 1573.) 14. ^ An expofition vppon the V. VI. VII. chapters of Mathew, which three Chapters are the keye and the dore of the fcripture, and the rejloring agayne of Mofes law corrupte by the Scribes and Pharifes. And the expofition is the rejloring agayne of Chrijles lawe corrupte by the Papijles. \ Item before the booke, thou hafl a Prologe very neceJJ'arie, contayning the whole fu7nme of the cou- enaunt fnade betwene God and vs, vppon which we be baptifed to keepe it. Set forth by William Tyndall. (Title in Daye's folio of I573-) 1532. 15. The Souper of the Lorde. wher vnto, that thou 7nayjl be liv PROLEGOMENA. the better prepared and fuerlyer enjlructed: haue here firjl the declaracion of the later parte of the .6. ca. of S. lohd., beginninge at the letter C. the fowerth lyne before the Croffe, at thefe wordis: Verely, vere. etc. wheryn incidently M. Moris letter agenfl lohan Fry the is confuted. Colophon: Imprinted at Nornburg, by Niclas Twonfon, 5 April. An. 1533. (Herbert's Ames, III., p. 1541.) The Supper of the Lorde. After the true meanyng of thejlxte of John, and the .xi. of the fyrfl epyflle to the Corynthiansj whereunto is added an Epyflle to the reader. And incidently in the expoficion of the fupper is confuted the letter of Mafler More agaynfl Ihon Fryth. i Cor. xi. Whofoever fhall eate of this bread and drinke of this cuppe of the Lorde unworthely, fhall be gyltye of the body and bloud of the Lorde. Anno Mcccccxxiii. v day of Apryll. ("Title of edition in the Archbiftiop's Library, Lambeth." Prof. Walter in Vol. An Anfiver, &c., by Tyndale, Parker Soc. ed. 1850.) 16. A frutefull and godly treatife expreffmg the right inflitution and vfage of the Sacramentes of Baptiftne, and the Sacrament of the body and bloud of our Sauiour lefu Chrifi. Compiled by Wil- liam Tyndall. (Title of Reprint in Daye's folio of 1573.) 1533 or 1534 ? See below in Wood's list No. 10. 17. A Protefiation made by William Tyndall, touching the Ref- urrection of the bodyes, and the flate of the foules after this life. Adflracted out of a Preface that he made to the new Teflament, which he fet forth in the yeare 1534. (John Foxe in Daye's folio I573-) 18. The Teflament of mafler William Trade Efquier, expounded by William Tyndall. Wherein thou fhalt perceiue with what charitie the Chaunceler of Worceter burned, when he tooke vp the dead carkaffe and made afhes of it after it was buried. 1535. (This Title and an address \ To the Reader, as they appear in Daye's folio of 1573, are due to John Foxe.) \c). A Letter fent from William. Tyndall, vnto John Frith, being prifoner in the Tower of London. (Title of reprint in Daye's folio of 1 573-) 1532. 20. An other notable and worthy Letter of maifler William Tyndall fent to the fayd John Frith, vnder the natne of Jacob. (Title of reprint in Daye's folio of 1573.) 1533. See also below in Wood's List, No. i. 21. Preface to 'W\c\i^s Wicket. 22. The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, i, 2 Samuel, i, 2 Kings, I, 2 Chronciles as they appear in Matthew's Bible, 1537, are believed to have been translated by William Tyndale. 23. [Wood, AthencE Oxonienses, &c., vol. i., col. 94 sqq, ed. Lon- don. 1813, in-4., states: "The following additional treatises remain to be mentioned, i. Summce S. Scriptures. This is noted by Henry Stalbridge, in his Epistle to Henry VIII. 2. Translation of the THE WRITINGS OF TYNDALE. W Psalms, MS. in New college library, Oxford, No. 320.* Besides these he wrote, 3. A preface to TAe prayer and complaint of a plowman. 4. One to The examinations of William Thorpe and Sir John Oldcastle. 5. Exposition on i Cor. vii. with a prologue, 120, 1529. (See No 6 above.) 6. A boke concerning the church. 7. A godly disputation between a christian shomaker and a popish persone. 8. The disclosyng of the man of sin. 9. The matrimony e ofTindall, 1529. TAlz. Title Page dis- playing in fancy border: | A PRO- ] LOGE IN TO THE | thirde boke of Mofes | called Leuiticus. ] Recto of sig- nature A.i. not marked. Verso: ] T | C Aprologe in to the thirde boke of Mofes, | called Leuiticus. | "The ceremonies which, &c.," to "with his honoure } " (conclud- ing the Prologe) one signature of 8 ff, followed by Title Page displaying in fancy border: | [ The | Thyrde Bo- | ke of Mofes. Cal- | led Leuiti- | cus. | on recto of first folio of signature A; verso, blank. | i. Chapter. Fo. II. I [ The thirde boke of Mofes, cal- | led Leuiticus. j [ The firfte Chapter. | recto of signature A.ij, to | [ The ende of the thyrde boke | of Mofes. j on verso of fourth folio of signature G., in all 52 ff. The Prologe and the boke of Leuiticus are in Dutch or German Latin Letter, contain 29 lines to a page, and each page meas- ures from head line to catchword ^m. and crosswise 2-|m. approximately. Title Page displaying in fancy border: I L A prolo I ge in to the fourth boke of | Mofes, called Numeri. | on recto of first folio of signature A; verso: I W T 1 [ A Prologe in to the fourth boke of Mo- | fes, called Numeri. | "In the feconde ad thirde boke, &c.," to " fhall teach the all thynges," 10 ff of one signature A in tens, in Dutch or German Black Letter. Title Page displaying in fancy border: | The four [ the boke of Mofes called I Numeri. | ; verso, blank. | i. Chapter. Fo. ij. | E The .iiij. boke of Mofes, called Numeri. | on signa- ture B.ij to I [ The ende of the .iiij. boke of Mofes. | on verso of f. Ixvij., being the third folio of signature K in eights, in all 6y ff, in Dutch or German Black Let- ter, part of the verso of the last folio being blank; this book, like Genesis, is without catchwords, and the page Ixii PROLEGOMENA. from head line to signature measures 5iz, and cross- wise 2^in. approximately; the Prologe and the Boke of Numbers contain 32 lines to a page. One blank leaf; Title Page displaying in fancy border: | A PRO | LOGE IN TO THE I fyfte boke of Mofes, cal- | led Deuterono- mye. | verso: | SSt T | From | "This is a boke worthye to be rede, &c.," to " loke i the fcripture, foude but ful of folifhneffe." 4 ff., in Dutch or German Latin Letter, on the fourth folio of sign. A. | The firft Chapter of Deuteronomye. Fo. L | on signature B. to | [ The ende of the fifth boke of Mofes. | on verso of Fo. LXIIL, in the middle of the page, followed by: " Avims, A kinde of geauntes " to "imaginige," ending line 9 of recto of the last folio (not marked) of signature I, in tens, in Dutch or German Latin Letter, in all 64 ff., the last, nine lines excepted, blank. Each page of the Prologe and the Boke of Deuteronomye measures from head line to catchword 5z. and crosswise 2f/. ap- proximately, and contains 30 lines. The dimensions vary occasionally ^in. in both directions, the margins vary from }ji7t. to ^in. and the pages also sometimes contain a line less or more than here indicated, the number of lines including both the head line and that of the catchword or signature. " W. T. To the Reader" and " Aprologe fhewinge the vfe of the fcripture " are without head lines. The Prologues to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy have the head line W,. T. on every page. The several books themselves generally give on every page the Chapter only, and generally the folio number on the recto. An example will illustrate this. In the book of Genesis: Recto, i Chapter. Fo. i. Verso, i Chapter. Sometimes the order is reversed, e. g., Recto, Chapter .xix. Fo. xxiij. Verso, Chapter .xix; some- times the head line reads. The .xliii. Chapter; and sometimes it is entirely omitted, as on verso of fif. xxxiii., .XXXV., .Ixx.; the numeration also is very- faulty. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. Ixiii Recapitulation. The fyrft boke of Mofes, called Genefis. Two Prologes 8 folios. Text 79 " Blank i " ihe feconde boke of Mofes, called Exodus. Prologe 8 " Text 76 " The thirde boke of Mofes, called Leuiticus. Prologe 8 " Text 5* " The fourth boke of Mofes, called Nameri. Prologe 10 " Text 67 Blank i " The fyfte boke of Mofes, called Deuteronomye. Prologe 4 " Text 64 " Total 378 folios. The same fancy border (compare illustration, page i) is used seven times (Genesis once, Exodus once, Leviti- cus twice. Numbers twice, Deuteronomy once). The volume contains eleven woodcuts: 1. The forme of the arke of wittneffe &c. 2. The table of fhewbreed &c. 3. The facion of the cadelfticke &c. [F. S. by H.] 4. The forme of the ten cortaynes [F. S. by H.] 5. The facion of the hordes of the tabernacle &c. 6. The facion of the corner hordes &c. 7. The forme of the alter of the bumtoffrynge &c. 8. The figure of the orderinge of all the omametes &c. 9. The forme of Aaron with all his apparell. 10. The forme of the altare of incenfe &c. 11. The figure of the lauer of braffe &c. Exod. XXV. Fo. XLIII. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. XXX. XLIIII. not marked. XLVI. verso. XLVII. XLVIII. verso. XLIX. verso. L. verso. LVI. LVII. verso. The cuts measure \\in. X S^zw. and are doubtless made from the same blocks which were used in Vorsterman's: 1 Dey Bibel. | Tgeheele Oude ende Nieu | we Teflament met grooter naerfticheyt | naden Latijnschen text ge- corigeert, eTT opten | cant des boecks die alteratie die hebreeufche | veranderinge, naerder hebreeufcer waer- heyt I der boecke die int hebreus zijn, en die griecfce | der boecke die int griecs zijn, eiidinhout voor | die capit- telen geftelt, Met fchoonen figueren | ghedruct, efi naer- ftelijc weder ouerfien. 1 Cum Gratia et Priuilegio. | Colo- phon: I [ Ghedruct Thantwerpen in die Cammer- | Ixiv PROLEGOMENA. ftrate, inden ghulden Eenhoren, Bimi | Willem Vor- fterman, Voleyndt op | Sinte Simons ende ludas | auont- dey .xxviii. dach | van October Int laer | nae die ge- buerte Christi ons [ falichmakers .M.ccccc.xxviij. | Comparison shows that with the sole exception of some of the cuts in Tyndale's Pentateuch having been either sHghtly trimmed or enlarged at the sides, they are identical with those in Vorsterman's Bible, in-folio. The same cuts however had been used in Letter's edition of Luther's Translation of the Pentateuch in lar- ger size, viz., gzVz. x SfzV/. circa, and since that folio was printed in 1523, Vorsterman either had them reduced for his Bible, or the cuts were prepared and sold in dif- ferent sizes by the engraver in wood who made them. They are identical in all respects except in figure 4, where Letter's illustration gives some houses on the right side of the cut which in the corresponding cut in Vorster- man and Tyndale appear on the left side. 2. The Present Edition. In the preparation of my Hand Book of the English Versions the necessity of consulting the original copy of Tyndale's Pentateuch was often very pressing, and although sundry extracts contained in that volume were courteously supplied, the want of accurate information on the subject in print, and the singular excellence of Tyndale's transla- tion appeared to me to call imperatively for a reprint of the work as it came from his hands. The book of Genesis was revised by Tyndale in 1534, but copies of that edi- tion appear to be even more rare than those of 1530. Matthew's Bible, published in 1537, contains the text of Tyndale's Pentateuch of 1530 with numerous varia- tions. There is also a London edition by Ihon Day, printed in 1551, exceedingly scarce, containing the en- tire Pentateuch in a text of which an example will be presented on a subsequent page. The prologues, finally, to the different books of Tyndale's Pentateuch and cer- tain Tables were printed in Daye's folio edition of Tyn- THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. Ixv dale's Works published in 1573. A reprint of the last, adapted to the modern spelling, has been issued by the Parker Society. This completes the list and proves that an exact reproduction of the text of the edition of 1530 has never been printed. It seemed to me a burning shame that one of the noblest monuments of English Literature should continue to lie in undeserved oblivion, especially because its author, who had consecrated his life to the work of evangelizing the world by the translation of the Scriptures into the vernacular, had earned for it, the Mar- tyr's crown. ^ Tyndale's Pentateuch is the first English translation of the Hebrew original, and on that account, if on no other, deserves to be made accessible not only to schol- ars, but to every lover of the English Bible. His trans- lation was intended for the people, and the Martyr's design has been attempted to be carried out in the present issue, which gives to the people not only every- thing he translated in the original volume, but presents it also in the very form in which he wrote it. To the scholar this minute accuracy will be peculiarly valuable, and he moreover may reap a rich harvest of instruction from the notes which owe their origin to the wide-spread slander that Tyndale translated from the Latin and the German versions. This calumny thoughtlessly repeated by numerous writers is disproved on every page of this volume. I deem it unnecessary to name here any of the authors in question, and to transcribe their statements. 1 There is reason for believing that the marginal notes in the Pentateuch were used, with other of his printed opinions, as evidence of his heresy. An instance may be seen in the marginal note on Deuter. I, 43, which reads In the edition of 1^3 o : In Matthew's Bible, IS3 7 ' " Here thou feift the verey image of the " Here thou feyft the vereye Image of vs papiftes. For ihei like wife where Gods that fyue i this niqft perlou/e tyme, for eiten worde is, there they beleue not ad where it we lykewyfe, where goddes worde is, here is not there they be bold." beleue we not: and where it is not, there be we bolde." In 1536 Tyndale was martyred; the memory of the scene at Vilvorde was indelibly stamped on the mind of John Rogers and doubtless prompted the change in the note, which contains a chapter of history. Ixvi PROLEGOMENA. As a matter of fact Tyndale's version of the Penta- teuch, as it came from his hand, is known only to an infinitesimally small fraction of the English speaking nations of the earth, and its text, identified as Tyndale's, except in a few isolated passages, not known at all; indeed, as no actual critical collation of this Pentateuch has ever been published,^ we cannot even tell how far and how truly the actual text of Tyndale has been trans- mitted. This is the more remarkable on account of its indisputably great critical value in fixing the character of the first English text of the Pentateuch in the an- cestral line of the Common Version, a point of con- siderable importance just now in view of the general principles to be followed by the Companies for the Re- vision of the Authorized Version, the first two of which read as follows: *' I. To introduce as few alterations as possible into the text of the Authorized Version consistently with faithfulness. " 2. To limit as far as possible the expression of such alterations to the language of the Authorized and earlier English versions." This, as far as the Pentateuch is concerned, must apply pre-eminently to Tyndale's version as the only English version, which, without leaning on any other that had gone before, was made directly from the orig- inal, and, changes in the spelling and occasionally in language and expression excepted, has been substantially preserved in the Authorized Version. The reasons which have moved me to make the pres- ent issue are these: It is designed, to be a grateful tribute to the mem- ory of the martyr-translator; to make this noble ver- sion, which as a first translation is not excelled by any other with which I am acquainted, generally acces- sible to Bible readers; to fix its text by actual colla- tion with different editions, to establish its relation to 1 There is a MS. collation of the Pentateuch with Taverner's edition of 1539, which I have not seen. THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. Ixvii the Latin and German Versions; to furnish a contem- porary Commentary in the Notes of Luther and Rogers, and to enrich the Philology of the Language with a copi- ous vocabulary. 3. Form and Size of this Edition. Reference to the Bibliographical Notice and to the specimen pages presented in this volume will show that the original copy contains 378 ff., or 756 pages of rather small dimensions, viz., 5-^ in. x 2^in. circa, the full page rang- ing from 29 to 33 lines, and that the books of Genesis and Numbers are printed in Black Letter and the remaining three books in Latin Letter. The first intention of repro- ducing the Original page for page, and line for line, in the same type, had to be abandoned as incompatible with the ends to be served by the present issue. The matter con- tained in the notes and margins may be approximately esti- mated at about one-third of the contents of the text, which with the introductory matter would have made a very thick and unhandy duodecimo, even if the type used had been correspondingly small. The reproduction of the same type, would have necessitated the casting of two distinct founts of letter, for which, in America at least, the printer would have had no other use. Tyndale himself printed his Genesis of 1534 in Latin Letter, and this fact, as well as the further consideration that the reading of Black Letter with various contractions would have interfered with the ready use of the volume by a large number of readers, suggested the propriety of adopting a Letter familiar to all and capable of presenting all the peculiar- ities of the edition; the edition of 1534, that of 1551, Matthew's Bible of 1537, Daye's folio of 1573 and the Parker Society's reprint of the Prologues, moreover, do not conform to the page for page and line for line plan. On these grounds an octavo page has been se- lected as the most convenient size for the purposes to be served by this edition, which carefully marks the beginning of the recto and verso of every folio, and Ixviii PROLEGOMENA. aims to adhere with diplomatic fidelity to every, even the minutest, detail of the original copy. The omission of the strictly facsimile plan has also had the additional advantage of enabling me to correct palpable misprints, which in every instance have been removed by analogy drawn from Tyndale's own page, or, where that failed, by reference to Matthew's Bible. An accurate list of these changes is furnished at the end of the Prolegomena; in all doubtful cases the text is given unchanged, but every case, (broken, defaced, or blurred letters excepted) has been carefully noted. In the edition of 1530 different numerals have been employed; to avoid confusion and inconsistency only one kind of numerals has been used in this edition. It is necessary to add that the run- ning head lines in Black Letter are not in the edition of 1530, which gives only the folio and chapter; that edition, and all the other editions used in the preparation of this volume, are without verse-division, which for convenience of reference had to be adopted and con- formed to that observed in the Authorized Version. This feature of course increases the value, and facili- tates the use of this book without in any way interfering with the integrity of Tyndale's text, which stands exactly as in the edition of 1530. For the same reason the Chap- ter Summaries from Matthew's Bible, marked M. C. S. have not been placed before the chapter, but in the Margin, which has also been used for the explanation of a few archaic terms. The Various Readings, and parallel places in other Versions, are given in the lower margin. The collation with Genesis 1534, being an in- dependent work, chiefly due to the careful scholarship of Dr. Culross, who has compared the text of this edition with that of the copy in the Museum of the Baptist College at Bristol, is given in a separate section; the collation of the Prologues of 1530 with the Prologues in Daye's folio of 1573, due (in Genesis and Exodus) to Dr. Culross, appears immediately after it, while a list of marginal notes in the same volume gives an analysis of that interesting part of Tyndale's Pentateuch. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. Ixi:^ 4. Means adopted for Securing an accurate Text. The whole of Tyndale's Pentateuch, the Prologues to Genesis and Exodus excepted, has been transcribed by me from the copy in the Lenox Library. The transcript thus secured, upon careful revision, and the original copy by its side, was then compared with the text of Matthew's Bible, and the variant readings and renderings duly re- corded. In this difficult work I had the benefit of the assistance of Dr. S. Austin Allibone, whose quick and experienced perception enabled me to note the differ- ences as they occurred. He either read to me, or I read to him, the entire Pentateuch in Matthew's version. Then I compared Tyndale's text, first, with that of the Latin Bible, and afterwards with Luther's first edition of the Pentateuch. The Manuscript then was sent to the printer, and at my express request not returned. The first proofs were twice read at the printer's by the MS. and twice in succession compared with the original printed copy. Here also Dr. Allibone afforded me valuable aid. Second or re- vised proofs were then procured, and again read very care- fully by the original. Third or plate proofs followed, of which one copy was sent to Dr. Culross, and another, re- tained by me, was again compared with the original. In the book of Genesis all the variant readings in the edition of 1534 were marked by Dr. Culross on the plate proofs, and in this way was obtained the valuable and interesting collation at the end of the Prolegomena. A number of test passages in the remaining four books transcribed by Dr. Culross from the Bristol copy, and another set copied by me from the Lenox copy, were compared by us with the respective copies, and their minute agreement in text, even to misprints and inaccuracies, led to the discovery that both copies were made from the same forms of the edition of 1530. The uncorrected plate proofs were then compared by Dr. Culross with the text of the Bristol copy, and by me with that of the Lenox copy; at this stage, a clean set of plate proofs was also compared with the original by Dr. Allibone; then I attended to the final Ixx PROLEGOMENA. comparisons of corrections made by my kind friends and myself, with the result, that every correction noted and verified, was made by me in the proofs, and the constant agreement of our corrections, frequently extending to such minute points as the appearance of a faulty letter, the use or non-use of a mark of punctuation, bears testi- mony to the rare and scrupulous fidelity with which Drs. Culross and Allibone have performed their labor of love. Occasional differences, chiefly of this or that little matter omitted by one of the correctors, I have duly noted, and in every instance, corrected by the Lenox copy. Then the plates were corrected and the first plate proofs ac- companied by clean proofs were again examined, and, upon evidence that all the corrections had been made, the order to print was given. The text, thus obtained, is that furnished in this volume. It is proper to add that all the notes also have been repeatedly compared with the originals from which they are taken. 5. Helps used by Tyndale. On this point it is difficult, if not impossible, to speak with any degree of certainty. The material to be had, was not by any means so scant as is generally thought, but in the absence of all data, except those contained in Tyndale's letter written in prison, (see page li.) and those derived from the study of his text, the subject cannot be discussed in detail. Of Hebrew Grammars he might have used any of the following: D. KiMCHi: Michlol (perfectio), embracing Gram- mar and Lexicon, Constantinople 273 (1513), 290 (1530). Venice, Bomberg, 289 (1529). ABRAHAM DE Balmis: peculium Abrce. Grammatica hebr. una cum latino. Ven- ice, Bomberg, 1523, in-4. Kr. Pellican: de modo le- gendi et intelligendi hebrcea. Basel, 1503, in-4. Elias Levita: Sepher Habbachur (liber electus). Cracow, 277 (1517); also, cum Sb. Munsteri vers. lat. et scholiis, Basel, 285 (1525), in-8. L Reuchlin: ad Dionysiutn THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. Ixxi fratrum suum germanum de rudimentis hebraicis libri J. (1. I. 2. Lexicon. 1. 3 Grammar) s. 1. 1506, in-4. SCT. PagninuS: kedr. institutiones in quibus quicquid est grammatices hebraiccz facultatis edocetur ad amussim. Lyons, 1526, in-4. Of Lexica: Sb. MiJNSTER: lex. hebr.-chald. Basel, 1508, 23, 25, in-8. SCT. PagNINUS: thesaurus Ungues sanctce sive lex. hebr. Lyons, 1529, in-folio. Of Hebrew Bibles : Bib Ha hebr. Integra cum punctis et accentibus, auctoritate et consilio jfosuce Salomonis fil. Israelis Nathanis per Abraham fil. Chajim finita Soncini die 11. mensio Jiar a. 248 (1488), in-folio. Biblia hebr. Integra cum punctis et accentibus . Brescia, Gersom fil. Mosis, 295 (1494) in-8. Biblia Sacra Hebrcsa cum Masora et Targum Onkelosi in Pentateuchum, &c. Venetiis, typis Dan. Bomberg. 5278 (15 17) 4VV. in-folio., 2d ed. with Abenesra in Pent., &c. Venet. 5285, 86 (1525, 26), 4vv. in-folio. Pentateuchus hebraicus c. Targum Onkel. et Comment. R. Sal. Jarchi. In fine subscriptio R. Joseph Cajim correctoris: Absolu- tum opus hoc perfectum feria VL die V. mensis Adar primi anno 242. a creatone mundi (1482) ibi Bononiae per Abraham Ben Chaiim Pisaurensem, impensis los. Chaiim Ben Aaron Argentoratensis. Char, textus quadratus cum punctis et accentibus, Targum et Comment, char, rabb, minore. Pentateuchus hebraicus absque punctis cum. Chal- daica paraphrasi Onkelosi et commentario larchi iNK'''N3, videlicet, uti creditur in Insula Sorce anno CCL. Christi MCCCCXC, in-folio. Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, ^c, studio, opera, et Impensis Cardinali Francis ci Ximenes de Cisneros. Compluti, 1 5 14, 15, 17, 6vv. in-folio. Biblia Hebraica Pi- sauri MCCCCXCIV sine punctis m.-{6\\o and 4. et cum punctis in-8. To these should still be added Vorsterman's Dutch Bible in-folio (See Title, p. Ixiii.), which though made from the Vulgate, contains numerous references to the Hebrew; it was doubtless known to Tyndale, but as the volume was sent to me after the present edition was in Ixxii PROLEGOMENA. type, I have not been able to use it in the preparation of my notes; it is not improbable that Tyndale used it for reference. Besides the Greek Text of the Old Testament con- tained in the Complutensian Polyglot, the Aldine edition ot 1 518 {Sacrcs Scriptures Veteris Novceqiie omnia, Vene- tiis, 1518, in-folio), and the Strassburg edition of 1526 {Divines Scriptures Veteris Novceque omnia, Argentorati, apud Wolphium Cephalseum, 1526, 4vv. in-8) were also available to Tyndale. Most, perhaps all, the works here enumerated might have been procured at Antwerp, Hamburg, and Witten- berg. Of other versions we have to name first, the Vulgate, which must have been as familiar to Tyndale as the Authorized Version is to every English divine of the present century, secondly, the Wiclifite Versions and lastly, Luther's translation. A brief account of these versions is now in place. Beginning with the Vulgate, it may be accepted as a fact, that the Apostles and first Christian missionaries used the Greek version in planting the Church. Greek was the language of civilization, understood especially by people of higher culture. At Rome and throughout Italy, however, the masses of the people clung tena- ciously to the Old Latin. In order to reach them, the necessity of a Latin version was universally felt, and oral translations of the Scriptures were speedily followed by written ones, the oldest of which were made from the Greek. They multiplied so rapidly that in the fourth century it was affirmed by the highest authorities that there were almost as many versions as copies. This was a great and crying evil, for not only were those versions very faulty and corrupt, but they presented a text which differed in almost every version. To remedy the evil Jerome undertook a revision, which proved generally acceptable, and speedily entered into almost universal circulation. But that remarkable scholar was not satis- fied with his revision, and engaged upon the Herculean THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. IxxHi enterprise of translating the Scriptures from the original Hebrew into Latin. This new Version encountered bitter opposition, and could not displace for centuries the old version made from the Greek, or, more correctly, it never displaced it en- tirely, for to this day parts of the Old Latin version are embedded in the official version of the Roman Catholic Church known as the Vulgate. In course of time, how- ever, the unquestionable superiority of Jerome's version led to its partial adoption, with the result, that it was either adapted to the old version or mixed up with it, and produced an uncertain text, which, through careless tran- scribers or ignorant correctors and emendators, had be- come so corrupt as to necessitate a new Revision by Alcuin. This Alcuinian recension, patronized by Charle- magne, was the best text in use during the Middle Ages, and held its ground until the invention of printing, and the time of the Reformation. Guttenberg's Bible, the first Bible and first book printed with movable type, presents that text which, with but few exceptions, has been copied in subsequent editions of the Latin Bible. From that text were made numerous versions into the vernacular tongues of Europe before the Reformation. A copy of the Bible containing the text of the Al- cuinian Recension was used by Tyndale. The edition used in the preparation of the Notes in this Volume is that of Stephanus, published in 1528. Its text, like that of most of the Latin Bibles printed before that date, may be said to be identical with that used by Tyndale and Luther, but it contains also references to MSS. and to the Hebrew. It is printed with great accuracy in beauti- ful type. A brief description of the volume may be useful: Title Page: BIBLIA. Cut of grafted olive tree with motto: Noli altum sapere, fed time. Parifiis Ex offi- cina Roberti Stephani, eregione Scholae Decretorum M.D.XXVIIL CVM PRIVILEGIO REGIS. Verso: Hoc bibliorum opus, cum reftituta hebraicorum nominum interpretatione, et duobus indicibus, regiis Uteris, ne quis alius in hoc regno impune imprimat, aut vendat intra Ixxiv PROLEGOMENA. quadriennium, cautum est. Lectori. *ij; verso: Ex Sacris Literis Exhortatio ad Lectores. Index Teftimoniorum &c. 2 ff. *iij. iiij. Praeter ea quae caftigata &c. recto of *.v; verso: Ordo. Hieronymi Prologus Galeatus i f.; Hie- ron. Paulino 3 ft'. Praefatio &c. recto of i f., verso blank; in all 5 ff. without signature and pagination. Liber Genefis f i, signature a.j. to f. 394 (misprinted 390), on last folio of signature D.d. Colophon: Parifiis excudebat in fua officina Robertus Stephanus, iiii Cal. Decemb. Anno M.D.xxvii. Errata. Then follows: Lectori, a.ij; verso: Interpretatio Nominum &c. to ende of ee and 2 ff. over; verso of last folio blank. Index Rerum &c. signature aaa.j. to end of signature fff , verso of last folio, contain- ing: Le Priuilege, ending with Des Landes. The volume is in-folio, margins ruled in carmine, the signatures are in eights, the first four folios marked, the last four unmarked, and a full page numbers 61 lines. The subjoined readings of places in the Pentateuch, taken from this volume with the note introducing them, are very interesting since not a few of them were adopted by the Sixtine-Clementine editors of the Vulgate. Praster ea quas caftigata funt in hac bibliorum emiffione, haec quoque reftituenda annotat Lyranus & Paulus ex antiquis Latinis exemplaribus, quibus & Hebrasa confentiunt: quas partim corrupte leguntur in noftris illis veteribus exemplaribus, partim emendate, casterum a nobis non fuerunt inter imprimendum deprehenfa. Gen. 5, 3 genuit ad' 6, 16 fic diftingue, ex latere: deorfum coena- cula 7, 9 praeceperat deus 7, 13 & tres vxores 8, 15 autem deus ad 9, 26 feruus eis. 15, 6 Abram domino, 17, i apparuit ei deus: 17, 16 orientur ex ea, f. Sara 18, 28 propter quinque vniuerfam 22, 14 Dominus videbit. Vnde 23, 12 coram populo 24, 29 hominem foras vbi 24, 32 pedes eius, & 44, 28 dixi, Beftia Exod. 3, 12 populum de 12, 25 dominus daturus 13, 17 duxit deus per 18, 26 plebem omni 20, 11 fecit dominus caelum 22, 6 inuenerit fpinas, 22, 29 tardabis reddere 23, 20 angelum, qui 24, 4 altare ad radices 27, 21 coUocabunt eum Aaron 28, 2 fratri tuo. Et loqueris 28, 4tunicam lineam, 29, 5 linea tunica 31, 14, fabbathum, fanctum ;^2), I populus quern 2>3> ^3 mihi viam tuam, 35, 25 quae neuerant, Leuit. 3, 2 facerdotes, 8, 26 fermento vnum, & 13, 31 capillum ' The Sixtine-Clementine editors have struck filium from the text. THE. PENTATEUCH OF 153O. Ixxv non nigrum: 19, 3 Vnufquifque matrem fuam & patrem fuum timeat. Num. II, 4 defyderio fedens, 34, 11 fontem, inde Deut. 1,18 Prascepique vobis omnia 4, 35 praeter eum, De 6, 4 nofler, dominus vnus 9, 9 vobifcum dominus: & 12, 10 hoftibus veflris per 25, 3 abeat frater 29, 11 aduens qui tecum morantur in caftris, ex 29, 23 falis ardore 32, 15 directus, & The Wiclifite Versio?ts, of course, were made from Manuscript copies of the Latin Bible/ and circulated in Tyndale's time in MS, I fully concur in the statement of the learned editors of the superb edition of Wiclif's Bible'' that "the versions of Wycliffe and his followers .... contributed largely to the religious knowledge which prevailed at the commencement of the Reformation; and at that period they supplied an example and a model to those excellent men, who in like manner devoted them- selves at the hazard of their lives to the translation of Scripture, and to its publication among the people of the land " (Preface, p. xxxiv.). The comparison of Ex- odus XX. in Purvey's revision, Forshall and Madden's edition, with the text of Tyndale appears to justify this statement, the ring and language of that ancient version resound distinctly in Tyndale's translation. EXODUS XX. I And the Lord spak all these wordis, 2 Y am thi Lord God, that ladde thee out of the load of Egipt, fro the house of seruage. 3 Thou schalt not haue alien goddis bifore me. 4 Thou schalt not make to thee a grauun ymage, nethir ony licnesse 0/ thing which is in heuene aboue, and which is in erthe bynethe, nether of tho thingis, that ben in watris vndur erthe; 5 thou schalt not herie tho, nether thou schalt worschipe; for Y am thi Lord God, a stronge gelouse louyere: and Y visite the wickidnesse of fadris in to the thridde and the fourthe generacioun of hem that haten me, 6 and Y do mercy in to a thou- synde, to hem that louen me, and kepen myn heestis. 7 Thou schalt not take in veyn the name of thi Lord God, for the Lord schal 1 See Hand Book of the English Versions, pp. 40-76. * The Holy Bible, &c. , in the earliest English Versions made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers; edited by Rev. Josiah Forshall, F. R. S., &c., and Sir Frederic Madden, K. H. F. R. S., &c., Oxford, 1850, 3VV. in-4. Ixxvi PROLEGOMENA. not haue hym giltles, that takith in veyn the name of his Lord God. 8 Haue thou mynde, that thou halowe the dai of the sabat; 9 in sixe daies thou schalt worche and schalt do all thi werkis; 10 forsothe in the seuenthe day is the sabat of thi Lord God; thou schalt not do ony werk, thou, and thi sone and thi doujtir, and thy seruaunt, and thin handmaide, thi werk beeste, and the comelyng which is withynne thi 3atis; 11 for in sixe dayes God made heuene and erthe, the see, and alle thingis that ben in tho, and restide in the seuenthe dai; herfor the Lord blesside the dai of the sabat, and halewide it. 12 On- oure thi fadir and thi moder, that thou be long lyuyng on the lond, which thi Lord God schal jyue to thee. 13 Thou schalt not sle. 14 Thou schalt do no letcherie. 15 Thou schalt do no theft. 16 Thou schalt not speke fals witnessyng a3ens thi neijbore. 17 Thou schalt not coueyte the hous of thi neijbore, nether thou schalt desyre his wijf, not seruaunt, not handmaide, not oxe, not asse, nether alle thingis that ben hise. 18 Forsothe al the puple herde voices, and sij laumpis, and the sowne of a clarioun, and the hil smokynge; and thai weren afeerd, and schakun with inward drede, and stoden a fer, and seiden to Moises, 19 Speke thou to vs, and we schulen here; the Lorde speke not to vs, lest peraduenture we dien. 20 And Moises seide to the puple, Nyle 36 drede, for God cam to proue 30U, and that his drede schulde be in 30U, and that je schulden not do synne. 21 And the puple stood a fer, forsothe Moises neijede to the derknesse, wherynne God was. 22 And the Lord seid ferther- more to Moises, Thou schalt seie these thingis to the sones of Israel, 5e seiden that fro heuene Y spak to 30U; 23 3e schulen not make goddis of silver, nethir 3e schulen make to 30U goddis of gold. 24 5e schulen make an auter of erthe to me, and 3e schulen ofifre theronne 30ure brent sacrifices, and pesible sacrifices, 3oure scheep, and oxun, in ech place in which the mynde of my name schal be; Y schal come to thee, and Y schal blesse the. 25 That if thou schalt make an auter of stoon to me, thou schalt not bilde it of stoonys hewun; for if thou schalt reise thi knyif theronne, it schal be polluted, eiAer defoulid. 26 Thou schalt not stye by grees to myn auter, lest thi filthe be schewid. EXODUS XX. 1 Places where Tyndale agrees with Hebrew against all the au- thorities used: 3 in my fyght 12 geueth the 18 noyfe of the home 21 thicke clowde 23 with me 2 Places where Tyndale agrees with Wiclif verbally: 4 grauen ymage . . heauen aboue . . erth beneth 5 vifet . . . generacion 7 take ... in vayne . . giltleffe 16 falfe witneffe 17 couet 20 proue 24 alter of erth . . there on offer {transposed) 25 alter off flone . . hewed (Wiclif, hewun) flone . . polute. THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. Ixxvii 3 Places where Tyndale agrees with, or has been influenced by Luther: 14 Thou (halt not breake wedlocke 18 thunder . , lyghten- ynge 24 burntofferinges . . peaceoffringes 26 nakedneffe 4 Places where Tyndale agrees with, or has been influenced by the LXX.; 5 geloufe God [0o? Zr/Xcorr^i] 12 geueth [diSoodi] 21 where God was \ov rjv o fc^eos] 25 tool \^ByxipiSiov'\ 26 nakedneffe. 5 Places where Tyndale agrees with, and has been influenced by the Latin: I God [Compl. deus, Steph. dominus] 24 remebraunce \memoria, cf. however Luther's Gedechtnis\. While the Wiclifite versions were the only English translations and circulated only in manuscript, Germany as early as 1522 could point to not less than fourteen printed editions of the Scriptures in High German and .three in Low German: they were all made from the La- tin, but too literal to be intelligible.^ The first vernacular version made direct from the orig- inal is Luther's. It is in every respect remarkable, but in none more than in its lucidity, terseness, and strength. Made for the people, it attained from the start a popu- larity, which continues to this hour, and although sub- jected to successive revisions, the changes introduced into it, are mainly the substitution of modern for ar- chaic terms, the assimilation of the verbs to modern flexions, and the introduction of the prevailing system of spelling. The changes in the rendering are com- paratively few, and only such as the superior knowledge of the ancient languages and the discovery of impor- tant manuscripts of the original Scriptures have made indispensable. The precise relation of Luther's Version to the Older German versions may be seen in the following example, German Bibles before the Reformation: High German: i Eggesteyn, Henr, Strassb., 1466; 2 Mentelin, Jo., Strassb., 1466; 3 Jod. Pflantzmann, Augsb., 1470 or 73; 4 Sensenschmidt and Frisner, Nlirnb., 1470, 73; 5 Zai- ner, Gttnther, Augsb., 1473, 75; ^ Ibid., 1477; 7 Ant. Sorg., Augsb., 1477; % Ibid., 1480; 6 Ant. Koburger, Nttremb., 1483; 10 no name, Strassbg, 1485; II Hanns SehOnsperser, Augsbg., 1487; 12 Ibid., 1490; 13 Ibid., 1507; 14 Silv. Otmar, Augsbg., 15 18, 14th and last H. G. edition before Luther. Low Ger- man: I Quentel, Cologne, 1480; 2 Steffen Amdes, Lubeck, 1494; 3 Halber- stadh, reprint, 1522. Ixxviii PROLEGOMENA. which gives the text of Exodus xx. in the first printed edition and in the first edition of Luther's Translation. EXOD. XX. From the first German Bible printed by Henry Eggefieyn, Strajfburg, circa 1466. folio. 1 Vnd d. herr redt alle dife wort. 2 Ich bins d. herr dei got ich dich aus fiirt von de land egipt: vnd von de haus des dienftes. 3 Nit hab frembd got vor mir. 4 Nit macli dir bild noch ein iegklich gleichfam die do ifl in de hymel oben vnd die ding die do fint aufT d. erd nide: noch d. die do fint i den waf- 5 fern vnder d. erd. Nit am- becht fy noch ere fy. Wan ich bins d. herr dein got llarcker recher: heimfuchent die vngangkeit d. vetter in die fun. in dz drit vnd in dz vierd gefchlecht d. die mich haffent: 6 vnd thun derbermbde in tau- fenten den die mich lieb ha- bent. vnd behiiten meine ge- bot. 7 Nichten nym de name deins herrn gotz i vppig. WaiT der herr lafl es nit on fchaden. dem d. do nimpt de namen feins herrn gotz i vppig. 8 Gedenck das du geheiligefl 9 de tag d. feyr. Sechs tag werck vnd thu alle deine 10 werck. Wann an de fybende tag ifl die feyr deins herren gotz. Nit thu alles werck i im: du vnd dein fun. vnd dei tochter. dei knecht vnd dei diern. dei vich vnd d. frembd d. do ifl inwendig deiner tor. From Luther's Altes Tes- tament, Wittemberg, Mel- chior Lotier, 132^. folio. Vnd der Herr redte all dife I wort. Ich byn der Herr deyn Gott, 2 der dich aus Egypten land aus dem dienflhaus gefurt habe. Du folt keyn ander Gotter 3 neben mir haben, du folt dyr 4 keyn bildnis noch yrgent eyn gleychnis machen, widder des das oben ym hymel, noch des das vnden auff erden, oder des das ym waffer vnter der erden ifl. Betefienichtan, vnddiene 5 yhn nicht, Denn ich der Herr deyn Gott, byn eyn flarcker eyfferer, der do heymfucht der veter miffethat an den kindern bis ynn das dritte and vierde gelidt, die mich hafTen, Vnd 6 thu barmhertzickeyt an viel thaufent, di mich lieb haben vnd meine gepot halten. Dufolt den namen des Herrn 7 deyns Gottis nit vergeblich fu- ren, denn der Herr wirt den nicht vnfchuldig halten, der feynen namen vergeblichfuret. Gedenck des Sabbathstags, 8 das du yhn heyligifl, Sechs 9 tage foltu erbeyten vnd alle deyne werck fchaffen, Aber 10 am fiebenden tag ifl der Sab- bath des Herrn deyns Gottis, da foltu keyn gefchefft thun, noch deyn fon noch deyn toch- ter, noch deyn knecht, noch deyn magd, noch deyn viech. THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. Ixxix II In fechs tage macht d. herr de hymel vnd die erd vnd dz mer vnd alle ding die do fint in in: vnd ruet an dem fybenden tag. Dorum gefegent d. herr de tag d. fair vnd geheiliget in 12 Ere dei vatter vnd dein mut- ter: dz du feyefl langes lebens auff d. erd dz dir gibt dein herre gott. 13 Nicht derfchlag. 14 Nicht brich dein ee. 15 Nit thu diepheit. 16 Nit rede valfche gezeugk- nuffe wider dein nechflen. 17 Nit begeitig das haus deins nechften. Nit beger feins weybs: nit de Knecht nitt die diern nit de ochffen nitt de efeln: noch aller der ding die fei fint. 18 Wann alles dz volck fach die ftymmen. vnd die glafz- uafz. vnd den done dz horns: vnd den berg riechen: vnd fy derfchracke vnd wurde ge- fchlagen mit vorcht fy ftunden 19 von im verr: vnd fprache zu moyfes. Du rede mit vns: vnd wir horn es Der herre rede nit mit vns: das wir villeicht 20 ichtflerbe. Vnd moyfes fprach zu dem volcke. Nichten welt euch furchten. Wann d. herr ift kummen das er euch be- wert: vnd das fein vorcht wer in euch: vnd das ir nichten fm- 21 deten. Vnd daz volckflund vo verr: wann moyfes genacht fich zu der dunckel i der gott was. noch deyn frembdlinger, der ynn deyner fladt thor ifl, Denn 1 1 fechs tage hat der Herr hymel vnd erden gemacht vnd das meer vnd alles was drynnen ifl, vnd ruget am fiebenden tage, Darumb fegnet der Herr den Sabbathtag vnd heyliget yhn. Du folt deyn vater vnd deyn 12 mutter ehren, auflfdas du lange lebifl ym land das dyr der Herr deyn Gott geben wirt. Du folt nicht todten. 13 Du folt nicht ehebrechen. 14 Du folt nicht ftelen. 15 Du folt keyn falsch getzeug- 16 nis geben widder deynen ne- hiflen. Du folt dich nicht laffen ge- 17 luflen deyns nehiflen haus. Du folt dich nicht laffen geluflen deyns nehiflen weybis, noch feynes knechts, noch feyner magd, noch feynes ochfen, noch feyns efels, noch alles das deyn nehifler hat. Vnd alles volck fahe den 18 donner vnd blix vnd den dohn derpofaunenvndden bergrau- chen, vnd furcht fich, vnd wancketen vnd tratten von feme, vnd fprachen zu Mofe, 19 Rede du mit vns, wyr wollen gehorchen, vnd las Gott nicht mit vns reden, wyr mochten fond flcrben. Mofe aber fprach zum volck, 2C furcht euch nicht, denn Gott ill komen, das er euch ver- fuchte, vnd das feyn furcht euch fur augen were, das yhr nicht fundiget. Vnd das volck trat von feme, 21 aber Mofe macht fich hyntzu yns tunckel, da Gott ynnen Ixxx PROLEGOMENA. 22 Vnd dorumb d. herr fprach zu moyfes. Dife ding fag den funen ifrahel. Ir habt gehort dz ich redt zu euch vom himel 23 Nichten macht euch fdbrin gott noch macht euch guldin gott. ^ 24 Macht mir ein altar von der erd: vnd opffert auff in die gantzen opffer vnd euwer ge- fridfam. euwer fchaff vnd die ochffe an einer iegkHchen flatt in der do wirt die gedenckung meins name. Ich kum zu dir: 25 vnd gefegen dir Vnd ob du mir machft ein fleinin altar nit mach in von gehauwen ftei- nen. Wann ob du authebefl dem waffen vber in. er wirt 26 entzeubert. Nicht fleig auff durch die flaffeln zu meim altar dz dein entzeuberkeit nit werd deroffent. war, vnd der Herr fprach zu 22 yhm, Alfo foltu den kindern Ifrael fagen, yhr habt gefehen das ich mit euch vom hymel geredt hab, darumb folt yhr 23 nichts neben myr machen, fylbern vnd guldenen Gotter folt yhr euch nicht machen. Eyn altar von erden mache 24 myr, darauff du deyn brand- opffervnd fridopffer, deyn fchaff vnd rinder opfferfl. Denn an wilchem ort ich meynes na- mens gedechtnis mache, da wil ich zu dyr komen vnd dich fegenen. Vnd fo du myr eynen fleyn- 25 ern altar wilt machen, foltu yhn nicht von gehawen fley- nen bawen, denn wo do mit deym meffer drauff ferefl, fo wirflu yhn entweyhen, Du folt 26 auch nicht auff fluffen zu mey- nem altar fleygen, das nicht deyne fchame auff deckt werde fur yhm. Examination yields the following results: EXODUS XX. Luther agrees with Old German Version: vv. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. Differs from Old German Version: in renderings other than ar- chaic and linguistic forms, v. 5. diene, eyfferer, miffethat 6 viel thau- fent, halten 7 vergeblich, vnfchuldig, furetS Sabbathstags 10 Sabbath, deiner ftadt thor 1 1 Sabbathtag 12 land, geben wirt 18 blix, pofaunen, vnd wancketen 19 gehorchen, wyr mochten fonfl flerben 20 ver- fuchte, fur augen were 21 macht fich hintzu, . . . ynnen war 22 Und der Herr,. alfo,. kindern,. gefehen, 23 darumb foUt yhr nichts neben myr machen 24 brandopffer, fridopffer, rinder . . Denn an wilchem Ort ich meyns namens gedechtnis mache 25 bawen . . meffer drauff ferefl . . entweyhen 26 nicht deyne fchame auffgedeckt werde fur yhm. Of these, the following agree with the Vulgate: 5 coles, zelotes, iniquitatem 7 in vanum, infontem 8 fabbati iq fabbatum 1 1 fabbati THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. Ixxxi 12 terram, dabit 18 lampades . . buccinae . . . perterriti ac pauore per- cuffi 19 ne forte moriamur. 20 probaret 21 acceffit . . in qua erat . . . 22 vidiflis 25 asdificabis . . . cultrum {^syx^^pi^^ov) 24 holoc. et pacif. With the Hebrew: 21 al penechem 22 vajomer . . ko tomar . . 23 lo taafun itti 24 afher afeccir 26 lo thiggaleh ervathecha The old renderings appear preferable: 5 ere 7 nimpt den namen 10 inwendig deiner tor 12 dir gibt 20 bewert 21 genacht 25 dem waffen Supplemental renderings: 6 viel; a mistaken rendering: 25 meffer drauff ferezt This analysis shows that the old German was the basis of Luther's version, that the variations not noted were either linguistic or required by the change the lan- guage had undergone, that of those noted, eighteen were due to the Latin, seven apparently original renderings and not less than seven very doubtful improvements. The edition of Luther used by Tyndale and in the preparation of this volume is the following: Lotter's edition of Luther's Old Testament. Two parts in one vol., in-folio, hog's skin, entitled on back of volume: Das Alte | Testament | i. u. II Theil | Wittenberg | 1523 | Cum Signo M. Lutheri | . Orna- mented frontispiece with title: Das All | te Tefta | ment 1 deutfch. I M. Luther. | Vvittemberg. | Verso: Die bucher des alten teftaments XXIIII. Vorrede Martini Luther, Aij 5 ff. Das erfl buch Mofe, recto fo. I, sign. A., 36 ff. to recto of fo. XXXVI, verso: blank. Das Ander buch Mofe fo. XXXVII, r. sig. G to r. fo. LXV. Verso: Das Dritte buch, to r. fo. LXXXVI, sig. Pij Verso: Das vierde buch Mofi to r. fo. CXIIII, verso: blank Das Funffte buch Mofe, r. fo. CXV, sig. V to verso fo. CXXXX: Das ende der bucher Mofe. i f., sign, ciij (corrections), i f blank. Title Page: Joshua in coat of mail: Title: Das Ander | teyl des alten | tes- taments. I Verso: Das regifter, &c. Fo. I, sig. Aij. Das Buch lofua to r. fo. XX, Diij, verso and leaf blank. R. fo. XXI, E, Das Buch der Richter, to verso of fo. XLII. R. fo. XLIII, I, Ruth to r. fo. XLV. Verso: Ixxxii PROLEGOMENA. blank. R. fo. XLVI, liiij, Das erfte teyl des Buchs Samuel, to v. fo. LXXII. R. fo. LXXIII, O to r. fo. XCIIII, V. blank. R. fo. XCV, S, Das Erfte teyl des buchs von den konigen. to v. fo. CXX. R. fo. CXXI, Yiij, Das ander teyl des buchs von den konigen. to r. fo. CXLIII, Cc V. Das erfte Teyl. Die Chronica. R. fo. CXLIIII, Ccij to V. fo. CLXIIIL R. fo. CLXV, Gg, Das Ander Teyl der Chronica to r. fo. CXC, Lliij Verso: blank. R. fo. CXCI, Das Buch Esra. to r. fo. CXC VIII, Nn. Verso: blank. R. fo. CXCIX, Nnij Das Buch Nehemia. to r. fo. CCX. Verso: Das Buch Esther to recto fo. CCXVI. | Ende des buchs | Esther. I Ende des ander teyls des | Allten teftaments. | Cor- rections, 6 lines. Then follows Luther's emblems of the Lamb, and the Rose with a heart and a cross, and the subscription: Dis zeichen fey zeuge, das folche bucher durch meine hand gangen sind, den des falfchen druckes vnd bucher verderbens, vleyffigen fich ytzt viel Gedruckt zu Wittemberg. The date 1523 has been added in modern hand- writing. The selection of that edition, and the retention of its archaic language, were necessary in order to present the material precisely as Tyndale found it. The original renderings illustrate the scholarship of Luther, as com- pared with Tyndale's, and mark the changes introduced in subsequent editions of the German version; their lin- guistic character also is highly instructive for it sheds light not only on the pronunciation of German in the second decade of the sixteenth century, but also on the remarkable changes in the spelling and flexions of the language. On almost every page of this volume may be found examples of words and flexions ban- ished from the written language but still current in the familiar, and especially, the dialectic speech of Germany. I call attention to the following words in the text of Eggesteyn: 5 ambecht, bete an, pray to; vngangkeit, THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. Ixxxiii bosheit, wickedness; 6 derbermde, erbarmen, compas- sion; 7 "vppig, umsonst, in vain; 9 werck, imper., wirk, work; 15 diepheit, theft; 17 begeitig, imp., begeizen, to desire from envy; 18 riechen, rauchen, to smoke; 19 im verr, 21 von verr, in der feme, von feme, afar, from afar; 20 bewert, bewahren, to put to proof; 21 genacht^ nahen, nahern, to draw near; 26 entzeubert, entzeuberkeit^ unsaubern, verunsaubern, to make unclean, to pollute. 6. The Notes in the present Issue, The notes are taken from Matthew's Bible, the Vul- gate, and Luther's version. A brief description of the first is now in place. Matthew's Bible, in-folio. Frontispiece: Cut with allegorical representations of Biblical dogmas lo^in.y.'j^in., showing in the centre a panel 42. X i|z. with the title: 1 The Byble, \ which is all the holy Scrip- \ ture: In whych are contayned the | Olde and Newe Teflament truly \ and purely tranjlated into En- | glyfh by Thomas \ Matthew. | Three leaf- shaped emblems, two black, one red. | 1. Efaye .1. i I 5" Hearcken to ye heauens and \ thou erth geaue eare: For the | Lorde fpeaketh. | M.-D.XXXVII. [The itali- cized portions are printed in red. The type used is German Black Letter.] Underneath the cut in large Black Letter: Set forth with the Kinges moft gracyous lycece. Verso: Thefe thynges enfuyned are ioyned with thys prefent volume of the Byble. A Calendar with an Almanack. An exhortacyon to the fludye of the holy Scrypture gathered oute of the Byble. The fumme and content of all the holy Scrypture both of the Olde and New Teftament. A table for to fynde many of the cheafe and pryncipall matters conteyned in the Byble. The names of all the bokes of the Byble, wyth the content of the Chapters, and in what leafe euery boke begynneth. A bref reherfall declarynge how longe Ixxxiv PROLEGOMENA. the worlde hath endured from the creacyon of Adam vnto thys prefent yeare of oure Lorde M.D.xxxvii. And in the Marget of the boke are there added many playne expofycyons of foch places as vnto the fymple and vn- learned feame harde to vnderftande. Then follows: The Kalender, rubricated beginning on f. *ii. 2 ff. [ An exhortacyon, &c., recto of *iiii. ending with IR in the ornamental floriated letter known as German Fractur. Verso: [ The fumme & content, &c., 2 pages. Verso of unnumbered folio: E To the mooft noble and gra- cyous Prynce Kyng Henry the eygt, &c., 3 pages. The dedication ends: Youre graces faythfull & true fubiect Thomas Matthew, followed by three leaf-shaped em- blems and the letters HR in German Fractur. [ "To the Chryflen Readers," a note introducing: A table of the pryncypall matters conteyned in the Byble, in whych the readers may fynde and practyfe many com- mune places. 13 ff. from ** to verso of *** .v. unnum- bered. [The names of all the bokes of the Byble, &c.; then, IE A brief reherfall of the yeares, &c., one page recto of unnumbered leaf, verso, a full-page cut of Adam and Eve in Paradise. 1 The fyrft boke of Mofes called Genefis, &c. fo. .i. not marked, sig. a to fo. .ccclvii. The subscription: " [ The ende of the Ballet of Ballettes of Salomon, called in Latyne Canticum Canticorum " ends the first volume on signature Hh leaf vii not marked. The signatures run in eights, the first five leaves being numbered, except when the fifth leaf coincides with the beginning or ending of a book. The type is a large and handsome German Black Letter; a full page measures i \y,n. X 8/. margins included, arranged in double columns, and contains 60 lines. A blank page. Followed by ornamented Frontispiece, \2\in. xSfV^w-, divided into seventeen panels, sixteen giv- ing cuts of Scriptural subjects, the seventeenth and cen- tral panel with the title: | The Prophetes \ in Englyfli, | Efay. Jonas. \ Jeremy. Micheas. | Ezechiel. Naum. \ Daniel. Abacuc. | Ofeas. Sophony. \ Joel. Aggeus. | Amos. Zachary. \ Abdy. Malachy. | [The italicized words are THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. Ixxxv printed in red.] Followed by three leaves, two black, one red. Verso: Rl The Prophete | Efaye | r^ Three leaves ^^ Cut illustrating Ef. vi. b. El The worde of the Lorde | Tl^T" I endureth for euer. | ^ * Efay .XL. a. [ The boke of the | prophete Efay, &c. fo. .i. sig. A. A., to verso of fo. .xciiij. | The subscription: ff The ende of the prophecy of Malachy: and consequently of all the Prophetes," followed by the customary three leaves, and then by the floriated letters W T, ends this volume on signature M.M.vi, fo. not marked. Signatures and dimensions those of the firfb volume. Then follows an ornamented frontispiece divided into sixteen panels, fifteen giving most of the cuts of the frontispiece to the Prophets, the sixteenth panel with the title: | [ The Volume of ] the bokes called A'^oc- ripha: | Contzyned in thtcomenTranJl. | in Latyne, why ch. are not | founde in the Hebrue \ nor in the | Chalde. \ Three leaves, two red, one black, and two hands. [ The Regejlre therof. The thyrde boke of Esdras. The foiirth boke of Esdras. The boke of Tobiah. The boke of Ju- dith. The reafl of the boke of Hefter. The boke of Wyf- dome. Ecclefiafticus. Baruch the Prophete. The fonge of the .iij. Chyldre in the oue. The Jiorye of Sufanna. The ftorye of Bel and of the Dragon. The prayer of Manaffch. The fyrft boke of the Machabees. The fecond boke of the Machabees. [The italicized words are printed in red.] Verso, C To the Reader, i page. [ The thyrde boke of Esdras., fo. .ij. sig. Aaa.ij, to [ The ende of the feconde boke Machabees. verso f. LXXXI. sig. Kkk. supernumerary unmarked leaf, being the ninth of Kkk. Then follows the same full-page illustrated frontis- piece described in the opening Hnes of this collation, the central panel with the title: | Emblem. Thene\j& \ Tef- tament of | oure fauyour lefu Chrifl \ newly and dyly- gently tranflated | into Englyflie with Annotacions \ in Ixxxvi PROLEGOMENA. the Mergent to helpe the | Reader to the vnderjian- \ dynge of the | Texte. \ [ Prynted in the yere of \ oure Lorde God. | M.D.xxxvii. | The Gofpell of S. Matthew, &c., fo. ij. sig. A.ij. to end of Reuelacion, and [ The ende of the newe Teftament, emblems as before, recto f CIX, not marked, sig. O.v; [A duplicate off CIX. in facsimile is bound up with this volume; it is very poorly done and disfigured by many errors, e. g., line 3, col. i, it has Cryfopra^os, line 4, lacyn^te; line 13, col. 2, has inchawters.] to the end of: This is the Table wherin ye fhall fynde the Epiftles and the Gofpels, after the vfe of Salfbury., 5 pages, ending with: [ The ende of this Table, verfo f CXI. sig. O.vij. not marked. | The relation of these works to Tyndale's version suggested the arrangement, that the Chapter Summaries, supplied by Rogers, should appear in the margin at the beginning of every chapter, and the variant readings of his text immediately under the text of Tyndale. The Notes from the Vulgate, the older of the versions used, come next, and are followed by those from Luther's translation. The marginal notes of Matthew and Luther conclude the Apparatus. Matthew's Bible being the first English Bible with Tyndale's translation, it seemed a fitting tribute to the memory of John Rogers and a recognition of his valua- ble labors and near relations to Tyndale, to embody his additions and notes in the present edition, which, in this respect, enables the reader to construct the whole text as to various readings, but of course not as to the variant orthography of the Pentateuch, as it stands in Matthew's Bible, copies of which are but rarely met with. 7. Examples of the Notes. The first and chief design of these notes being to demonstrate the independence of Tyndale's translation, I have compared the whole of Tyndale's text with the whole of the Latin and German versions, and confined the THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. Ixxxvii selection to passages which upon comparison with the He- brew supply that proof. The parallels not less than the variants furnish valuable material for the study of the Pentateuch; they illustrate the merits and demerits of the collated versions and establish the indisputable fact that the first English version conforms more to the original than the Latin and German translations. The scholarly tact and judgment of Tyndale will be recog- nized in numerous passages, especially in those where Luther allowed himself to be influenced by the Vulgate. The notes, though numerous, are only specimens and may be almost indefinitely increased. The marginal notes of Luther and Rogers may be regarded as a contem- porary commentary on difficult passages designed to supplement the translation and to make the people understand the Scriptures; they afford a lively view of the spirit of the age and a true picture of the scholarship of the translators. A few illustrations are now in order. Instances of Places in the Vulgate containing readings not found in the Hebrew: Gen. iv. 8 Egrediamur foras Ex. ii. 22 Alterum vero peperit: quern vocauit Eliezer, dicens, Deus enim patris mei adiutor Mens, & eripuit me de manu Phara- onis. Compare Ex. xviii. 4 and the variation. Lev, xviii. 15 Et vxorem fratris fui nuUus accipiat. Num. viii. 2 candelabrum in auftrale parte erigatur. Hoc igitur praecipe vt lucernas contra boream eregione refpiciant ad menfam panum propofitionis: Num. XX. 6 clamaueruntque ad dominum, atque dixerunt, Domi- ne deus audi clamorem huius populi, & aperi eis thefaurum tuum fontem aquae viuae, vt fatiati ceffet murmuratio eorum. Instances of places in the Vulgate redundant, free, or para- phrastic: Gen. xxi. 9 cum Ifaac filio fuo Num. vi. 2 vt fanctificentur, & fe voluerint domino confecrare: " "3a vino, & omni quod inebriare potefl " vii. 89 vt confuleret oraculum " viii. 25 annum aetatis impleuerint " " 26 vt cuflodiant quae fibi fuerint commendata Ixxxviii PROLEGOMENA. Num. ix. 5 Qui fecerunt tempore fuo " " 7 quare fraudamur, vt non valeamus " X. 32 quicquid optimum fuerit ex opibus Instance of a rendering by Luther and Tyndale found in the LXX. and the Vulgate, but not in the Hebrew: Ex. ii. 22 (See the passage on p. 125 in Tyndale and in any copy of Luther's version.) Instances showing the influence of the Vulgate on Luther and Tyndale : Vulgate. Luther. Tyndale. Num. viii. 9 omni multitudine gantze gemeyne hole multitude .. jg dono Aaron zumGeschencke Aaron " xii. I vxorem eius JE- eyne morynne wife of Inde thiopiffam zum weybe Deut. xvii. 3 omnem militiam irgent eyn hear caeli des hymels < -' ,1::^ "!* ^ 2 S S C S 2 S 2 5 2 o ii 4J jG ^2 O T3 >; 4) 2 5 S 8 x: (U -M i XI o -^^ x: c^ >^ 1^ s -^j rt >> S C dj c 'N **H' J -p^ (-! (/J JJ >- > DO " " .. . e o 6 (U bo ^ >^ 5* ^ (L) JC x: 3 .o x; Va O l-i <> M lO li '*- .s >> ,bO !-> -^ -^ ^ D (U ^ X) G < 6 >. 1) 4J i^ x; a *- , a x: =a X) ^ -a o 2 O o ':? c 4J O s .. bo S x; ^ bo 3 (U i S ox: ^ - *^ "3 Si :so-s - x; T3 c x: (U u x: (L) JJ c <" o > :S .2 2 D,B 5^ - E S bO^ x: o X i2 o -o ^< Si ^ x: oj bo c 8 ^ bo 4) rt .G bo V a >. c x) "J ^ nt S iC X. c "i; *-' *^ >>.o (O lU ^ c! 1) i en a; "^ *^ *j ^ .2 O > ^ *^ ^ x: > o I - "13 >> C -a (u x: X) *- c 1) rt O o "bij-S ^ , C x> tC* u ? oa bo^ < bo S 2 4) o! x: . ^ x: .s t; S (u X3 -^ G "^ fi X) c: -;: bo bo rt *2 JL 1) X) ^ o , -t3 'u G Jc < bo >. c U 1) != -G 4) G _ <^ i) rt >.x> u bo a 4) X> O 3 THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. XCV In these five verses 1534 differs from 1530 in 29 places in the spelling and in 2 places in the punctuation; 1537 differs from 1530 in 26 places in the spelling and in 5 places in the punctuation. These numerous differences are mainly due to the indiscriminate use of double or triple forms of the same word by the same writer and the em- ployment of contract forms introduced on purely technical grounds to bring a given number of words or letters into a line; if the available space was ample the printer used the full form, if it was scant he chose the contract form. Of the former we meet with, light, lighte, lyght, lyghte; hand, hande, hand, honde; of both, and, ad, &"; hande, honde, hade, hode; lambe, Idbe; heaven, heauen, heatie, heve; fyr- mament, firmament, fyrmamet, firmamet; kynde, kinde, kyde, hide. The contractions are mostly simple and be- sides 1 for the, ^ for that, &' for and, are made over the vowel, the presence of a long accent indicating that m. or n has to be supplied, e. g., nothlge stands for nothinge, CO. for can, Add for Adam, the for them; unusual forms such as who me for whome, f fe for these are very rare. The contractions in German are complicated, for they are introduced over vowels and consonants, but as the latter have not been used in this volume, it is unnecessary to discuss the matter. The subjoined photo-engravings of the same portion of the book of Genesis in the editions of 1530 and 1534, and of a page in Latin Letter of the former, afford a true picture of their typographical characteristics, and may have the effect of solving the question where they were printed. Antiquarian students in Germany, Bel- gium, and Holland, having access to books printed at Wittenberg, Hamburg and Antwerp, between 1530 and 1534, will doubtless be able to shed light on this in- teresting point. ^% They illustrate also, but only fee- bly, the difference in the orthography and punctuation followed in the editions of Genesis of 1530 and 1534. 4^*4^ I shall feel grateful for the communication of any facts bearing on this subject, and beg that correspondence may be forwarded to me through the London or New York publishers. XCvi PROLEGOMENA. The transcripts from Matthew's Bible and Daye's edition of Tyndale's Pentateuch of 1551* giving the same pas- sage complete the picture of orthographical variety, sug- gestive of valuable hints on the phonetic power of the language. * For this transcript I am indebted to the courtesy of Edward Augustus Bond, Esq., LL.D., Principal Librarian, and George BuUen, Esq., Keeper of Printed Books, British Museum. It gives also the following description of the copy of this rare volume in the British Museum. " [Tiile]. ||[ The fyrfte | parte of the Bible | called the .v. bookes of I Mofes tranflated by W | T. wyth all his prologes | before euery boke, and cer j teine learned notes vpon | many harde wordes. | Genefis. | Exodus. | Leuiticus. | Numeri. | Deuteronomium. | Anno Dom. M. I D.L.L | " [Coio/tAon.] Imprinted at | London by Ihon | Day dwellyng ouer I Alderfgate. | beneth Saint Martins. | Anno Domi. M.D. | (.-.) L.I. (.) Cum priuilegio ad impri | mendum folum. | " [Note. Printed in Black Letter, 335 leaves, 33 lines to a full page. The title is surrounded by a woodcut border.] " The volume is in-8. From the notice in Cotton, List of Editions of the Bible, &c., Oxford, 1 82 1, in-8; Appendix, p. iii, are drawn these additional par- ticulars: "On the reverse [of the Title Page] is an address to the Reader by John Daye, announcing that for the convenience of the poor he had printed the Bible in four separate parts." " The leaves of the volume are not numbered. The signatures run in eights. It has all the prologues, heads of chapters, marginal notes and refer- ences: all these are printed in smaller letter. It contains sig^. A Y. Aa Vu. A full page contains 33 lines." Cotton calls it a i2mo. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. xcvil Photo-Engraving, showing the Latin Letter used in Exodus, Leuiticus, and Deuteronomy e, of Tyndale's Pentateuch of 1330. The 6rft Chapter oF Deuteronomy, Fo;L' Hefc be jhe . wordes rchichMofes fpake \}X\ to all (fracl, on the o* thcr (3/de lordajne in the roilderncflc and in the feldes b>.thc red fee. betcoene Phara ad Tophcl, Laban^Hazc roxh and Dilahab.xij.da^es iurnf> fiom Ho^ reb t>nto Cades bernea , b> the toajie thatlea* deth rnto mount Scir. And it fortuned th e fi# tlldwir ofthe.xi.monetKin the fortieth >erc, ihat Mofcs fpake rnto the childera of ffrael acordingc rnto all that the Lorde had geuen hitn ih commaundment rnto them, after thst he had Gnote Sihon thek)fngeoF the Amoti^ tcsirhich dcpeltin Hefbon,3ndOgkinge<^f BafarLtohicH dwelt at Aftaroth in Edrei. OH the otha (>de lordaj/ne in the londcof IVLoab,Mo(:s begane to declare ihis laroe fa* JJ^^' the Lorde oure God fpake rnto us {x\ Horcb faycnge* Ye haue dtelt longe ynough &iCKis mount :departc therfore and ta/ccyou* te iutney and goo vnto the hilles of the A mo iftes and rnto all places nje there vnto: both ftldcs^hilles and dalesrand -onto the fouth and mto the ices fydein thelondcof Canaan.and Yrt{olibanon;euen vnto the greatcryucr Eu< B phratcs xcviii PROLEGOMENA. Photo-Engraving of Gen. xxxv, 2j to xxxvi, i6, showing the Black Letter used in Genesis, and Numbers, of Tyndale's Pen- tateuch of 1^30. ^e fonnfc f 3 Afob mrtf, %% w norrbw. Cbc fonnee <3f JlrA.Kubcii Sarobe rfp^ (J^3t^n. C|) fonnee of JBil^a Ka^cls itiflyt?e: ^aii^ ncpt^AlU r^< fonnee cf 3iIptJ*icA6 niftyfcc Jjc^ trarcbomc^im in thtToporaniiA. ^m 3^f ob a?f nr rii r(>3 f a a f ^ i*s fatber i* i^Aowc ft ptfapaff'cVtf /ot^erccip; f ^c tion:rr6crf :i bra^a ^3faAC fogecrnet> fis (l lingers. 2tnb t^e^^yc of 3ra a< were cw ^^^vxit^ twd put cnto \^\a pcopfc:bfyn^colt?c c042Im> ^16 fonrtcd iSfau 5D3a'^^ tw^ Cb<.rrxo. 3rmacId^o(^tcr^ Offer of Htbaior^. 21 nb 2lba b^rccnto iEfflju/^hp^aetant) :&ijfiAl^ bftrc?t^^cf( (ax 1^ fonnee of if f^vi t[)icl) TOcre botnetirti H^ft6n*< of Canaan, 2in^4Hf4U roh ^to tcyueo/ ^ifi fonncc ftnb ^ou0^cr4nb 4Pit;^c fOuUd of ^10 ^Ou(e: ^1^ THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. xcijt Photo-Engrailing of Gen. xxxv, 2j to xxxvi, 16, showing the Latin Letter used in Genefis, Newly correctyd and amendyd by W. T. M.D.XXXIIII, Cettefii. Ikcobsetdcft (bnne,and S(meon,LeQi, !u daI(achar,aiidZabui5Tbc(bnnes ofR^ hel.'Iofeph and BenUmin. The ibnnes of Bilha Rahels maydc:Dan andNepthaij The Tonnes of Ziipha Leas maydc Gad | Afcr* Thes are the Ibnnes of lacob tohich were borne himJnMc(bpocamia ^deith '^^^^ lacob went vnco Ifaac his father fifUaac h> tch is called Edoni;(au cokehisw/ uesofchedoughcers of Canaan . Ada the doughter of Elon an Aethite,andAba libama>thc doughter of Ana, which Ana vas the (bnne di Ztbeon an heuyie , and Ba(math Ifmaels doughterand (iller of Ne baioth. And Ada barevnto E(au Hliphas; and Bafmath bare Reguel : And Ahaliba^ sna bare leus^Iaetam and korah,Theie are the ibnnes of Efau which we(c borne hini in che lande of Canaan. And Efau coke his wyues^his Tones ad dougihcers ad all the foules of his liouieihis goo PROLEGOMENA. Matthew's Bible, 1537. Genefis xxxv, 22 to xxxvi, 16. The fonnes of lacob were .xii. in nobre. The fon- nes of Lea. Ruben lacobs eldefl fonne, and Simeon, Leui, luda, Ifachar, & Zabulon. The fonnes of Rahel: lofeph & Ben lamin. The fonnes of Bilha Rahels mayde: Dan & Nepthali. The fonnes of Zilpha Leas mayd Gad & Afer. Thefe are the fonnes of lacob which were borne him in Mefopotamia. Then lacob went vnto Ifaac hys father to Mare a principall cyte, otherwyfe called Hebron: where Abraham & Ifaac fogeorned as flraungers. And the dayes of Ifaac were an hundred & .Ixxx. yeres: & than fell he feke & dyed, and <= was put vnto his people beyng olde and full of dayes. And his fonnes Efau and lacob buried bym. <: To be put vnto his people hake in Gene. XXV. a. C The wiues of Efau. lacob &> Efau are ryche. The genealogie of Efau. Efau divelleth in the hill Seir. iE The .XXXVI. Chapter. THefe are the generacions of Efau which is called Ed5. Efau toke his wyues of the daughters of Canaa Ada the daughter of Elon an He- thite, and Ahalibama the daughter of Ana, which Ana was the fonne of Zibeon an He uyte, and Bafmath Ifmaels * daughter and fifler of Nebaioth. And Ada bare vnto Efau, Eliphas: and Bafmath bare Reguel: And Ahalibama bare leus, laelam and Korah. Thefe are the fonnes of Efau whych were borne him in the lande of Canaan. And Efau toke hys wyues, hys fonnes & daughters & all the foules of hys houfe: hys X- Gen. xxviii. a. . Bafmath, otherwxfe cal- led Maheleth, and/o in other places is there dyuers names geu'i to oneper- fon. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. ci Genefis xxxv, 23 to xxxvi, 16 transcribed from The fyrjle parte of the Bible called the . V. bookes of Mofes, &c., &c. London: Ihon Day, M. D.L.I. (See p. Ixiv.) la [Gene/is. cobs eldefl fonne, and Symeon, Leui, lu- [/o/.^-^ecL] da: Ifachar, and zabulon. The Sonnes of ^''^'"*- Rachell: lofeph & Ben lamyn, The fons of Bilha Rachels mayde: Dan and Neph thali, The fons of zilpha Leas mayd, Gad & Afar. Thefe are the fones of lacob whi- che were borne him in Mefopotamia. The lacob went vnto Ifaac his father //-aac dieth o Mamre a principal citi, otherwife called Hebron, wher Abraham and Ifaac foiour ned as flraungers. And the dayes of Ifaac were an .c: and .Ixxx. yeares: and the fel he ficke & dyed, & was put unto hys people be ing old and ful of daies. And his fonnes E fau and lacob buryed hym. The .XXXVI. Chapter, The wiues of Efau. lacob and Efau are ryche. The genealogy of Efau. Efau dwel leth in the hyl Seir. A- Thefe ar the generations of Efau whi \fol.Hjverso\ che is called Edom. Efau toke his wi ues of the doughters of Canaan, A- da the Daughter of Elon an Hethite, and Ahalibama the Doughter of Ana, whyche Ana was the fonne of zibeon an Heuite. Ge.xxviii.a. And Bafmath Ifmaels * doughter and fy fter of Nebaioth. And Ada bare vnto Efau Ba/mah o- EHphas: and * Bafmathe bare Reguell: *caiUd'^^Ma. ^"^ Ahalibama bare leus, laelam and heUth. Korah. Theefe are the Sonnes of E fau whyche were borne hym In the Lande of Canaan. And Efau tooke his wiues, hys Sonnes and Doughters, and all the foules of hys houfe: hys en PROLEGOMENA. The punctuation calls for a few words of explanation. In the edition of 1530 the marks used are the comma, the colon, the interrogation point, the period, and occa- sionally, parentheses. Very often no mark whatever is used where modern usage requires one, especially at the end of a sentence, of a line, a paragraph and even a chapter. This peculiarity I have tried to preserve in all cases where the sense is clear; where the absence of a mark appeared to me to obscure the sense, a mark has been supplied on the authority of Matthew's Bible which is generally very accurate and conforms in this respect, as well as in the matter of orthography, much more to modern usage. The punctuation in the edition of 1534 is more consistent than in that of 1530. In very few in- stances the punctuation has been supplied by consequence. The absence of hyphens in the division of words has also been preserved wherever it could be done without obscur- ing the sense. The treatment of numerals introduced in the text is that more or less common in old MSS. and in the earliest specimens of printed books; a period gener- ally precedes and follows a numeral, e. g., The .V. chapter, at the end of a line the period following the numeral, or at the beginning of a line the period preced- ing the numeral are omitted, as .V (end of a line) and V. (beginning of a line); the j instead of i in Roman nu- merals has not been reproduced except in particular citations, where the exact appearance of a title, &c., &c., was intended to be given. This seemed to be consistent with the general typographical arrangement of this edi- tion which does not give the letter in facsimile. Letters belonging to Black Letter type are of constant occurrence in the body of words printed in Latin Letter, and occa- sionally the comma of the former / is used instead of the ordinary comma; these features also have not been reproduced. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. cm COLLATION OF THE BOOK OF GENESIS, SHOWING THE DIFFERENT READINGS IN THE EDITIONS OF 153O AND 1534, DRAWN UP FROM THE NOTES ON THE MARGINS OF DUPLICATE PROOF SHEETS OF THIS REPRINT, MADE BY DR. CULROSS.* ^330. W. T. To the Reader pp. 2-6.t Aprologe fhewinge the vfe of the fcripture p. 7 " Paule, in y" thyrde &c." to " ventyons." b "Seke therefore &c." 8 to "a new." ii This comforte 1 1 ^534- Wanting. Vnto the reader W. T. 7 1. 19 See the variants, footnote p. 7. ' 8 24 See the variants, footnote, 2 pp. 8-10. 3 And this lerninge and com- forte Genejls. 20 23 24 4: I 2 7 17 23 25 5: 4 flee over had make once bone Cherubin with a naked fwerde haue gotten Abell (yv. 4, 8, 9) yf thou dofl . . yf thou doft the the name Lamech vnto a nother and begat yeres and dyed. Mahalalyell " 16 and then Henoch lyved a 24 godly lyfe Mathufala (vv. 21, 26, 27} 25 had begot 30 .V. hundred 30 And fayd 6 : 7 vnto the 21 in to (vv. 9, 13) 7:7 lapheth 13 and all maner 8 : 20 bad 9 : 10 bonde 11 bode 12 waters 1 5 lapheth. (v. 23) 18 flee above had made one bone Cherubes with naked fwerdes haue obteyned Abel (vv. 4, 8, 9) yf thou do . . yt thou do the name Lamech to another and he begat yere and then he dyed. Mahalalyel And Henoch walked with god Mathufalah (vv. 21, 26, 27) hath begot .v. anhundred And the lorde fayd vto the into (vv. 9, 13) laphet and of all maner couenaunte couenaunte couenaunte water laphet. (v. 23) * An Article of " Francis Fry on Tyndale's two editions of Genesis," reprinted from " Notes and Queries," Feb. lo and 24, 1883, kindly sent to me by the author, came too late to be of use. t Of this volume. CIV PROLEGOMENA. laphetn 10 : I laphet Dodanim 4 Sodanim Where of came 9 And therol came the begynnynge ID the cheffe Enanum 13 Enamim whence came the Philyftyns 14 whence the Philiftins and the and the Caphtherynes. Capththorynes came. Gerera 19 Gerara lapheth 21 laphet eafte lande 30 eaftelande fhall be II : 4 ftialbe Babell 9 Babel becaufe that 9 becaufe of thai Canaanytes 12 : ; 6 Cananytes Egipte (v. II) 10 Egypte (v. II) Egiptians 12 Egyptians Pharaos lordes IS Pharaos lorde So that fhe . . . in to Pharaos 16 And fhe . . . into the houfe houfe of Pharao the wife 19 thy wife fro 13 9 fro fo departed the one brother II fo the one brother departed Thydeall 14 . I Thydeal fubiecte 4 fubiectes Raphayms , . Karnaim . . Su- 5 Raphaites . . Rarnaim . . Su- fims . . Emyms . . Kari- fites . . Emites . . Rari- athaim athaim Horyms . . . Seir 6 Horytes . . . Seyr Efcholl 24 EfcoU Abram . . fe to me 15 : 3 Abraham . . fe unto me bodye (halbe 4 bodye, he fhalbe And he fayde And fayde 5 a thre yere olde ram 9 a ram off thre yere olde Amorites il Amorytes made covenaunte 18 made a couenante Pherezites. Raphaims 20 Pherezytes. Raphaites Canaanites 21 Cananites" Egyptian (v. 3) 16 : I Egyptian (v. 3) by meanes of her 2 by her Thou dofl me vnrighte, 5 the wronge I fofre, be on thine heed, fared foule 6 was to cruel) And yet fhall he 12 And he fliall Ifmaell 15 Ifmael. bonde 17 : 2 couenaunt teftamet 4 couenaunt bonde 7 couenaunt tymes to be an everlaflynge 7 tymes euen an everlaftynge teftamente, So that couenaunt, that my teftamente 9 myne appoyntmente teftamente 10 couenaunt bond betwixte me and you. II couenaunt betwene me you. all fervauntes 12 all the fervauntes teftament . . . bonde 13 couenaunt . . . couenaunt teftamet. H couenaunt. bonde . . . bonde 19 couenaunte . . . couenaunte And as concernynge 20 And concernynge THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. cv bonde 17: :2i couenaunte left of talkyng 22 left talkyng Ifmaell 23 Ifmael for even therfore ar ye 18 : 5 feinge ye be and they ate. 8 and they fate. That herde Sara 10 And Sara hearked doore which was behind 10 doore behind flode vp from thence 16 flode vp to departe the and all 18 and that all Sodom 20 Sodome foude .XXX. there ? 30 foude .xxx ? with his face. 19 : I vpon his face. at doores 6 at the doores for therfore came they 7 for as moch as they are Wherfore 13 And therfore this 21 the fone was vppon 23 fone was vp vppon Ammi 38 Ammy therfore fayde 20 : 4 therfore he fayde innocent handes haue 5 innocent haue in pureneffe 6 in the pureneffe men and an excufe 16 men an excufe Egiptian 21 : 9 Egyptian a mockynge. 9 a mocker. Egypte. 21 Eghypte. '^hicoU . . . Philiftines 32 Phycoll . . . Phyliftines. Pheliftinlade 34 Philiftinflande Ifaac whome 22 : 2 Ifaac who me hande and a knyfe 16 hande ana knyfe Milcha (v. 23) 20 Mylcha (v. 23) Kemuell . . . Sirians 21 Remuell . . . Syrians an hundred and .xxvii. 23 : I an hundred and .xxii. in a heade cyte called I at kyriat arba which is And made 24 : II And he made to whom 14 tho whom ftoupe 14 boue ye 14 that Milcha 24 Mylcha And 43 Now Bathuell 47 Bethuell Bathuel 50 Bethuel Rebecca 67 Rebecca Ketura 25 : I Retura lackfam 2 lacfam Letufim 3 Letufym Kethura 4 Rethura ynough 8 a full age, Ifmael 12 Ifmaell Kedar . . . Abdeel 13 Redar . . . Abeel Kedma 15 Redma Sirian 20 Syrian Sirien. 20 Syrien. a tyllman 27 atyllman ye 30 that fe 26 : 9 beholde r 9 the iinisprint!) r 10 that CVJ PROLEGOMENA. Abimelech 26 : II Abymelech ye 12 that an 12 and another 21 a nother & Ahufath . . . Phicol 26 & a certene of Ahufath Phicoll When 34 And when vnto 27 : I to voyce goo 13 voyce and goo and pletie 28 with pletie Sirien 28 : 5 Syrien And toke II And he toke When 30 : I And when Nepthali. 8 Nepthaly. an other 12 another And called 13 And fhe called Rahel, herde 22 Rahel, and herde But he 29 And he all the gootes 35 all the fhe gootes And he put the ftaues 38 omitted. brode 42 lamyng folde vs, and hath 31 :i5 omitted. vp vpon 17 vpon catell and all 18 omitted. Sirie 20 Syrie ryuers 21 ryuer Siria 24 Syria wenteft 27 fleyft to .ii. 33 to the .ii. awaye now 42 now awaye a bonde 44 appoyntemat floones 46 ftoone Gylead 48 Gilead And they ate breed 54 omitted. faue it felfe 32; ; 8 effcape. deall 9 deall foorde labok. 22 foorde of labot. Ifraell. 28 Ifrael. vntil 33: 3 yer y 16 that Salem to y* 18 Salem y Ifraell. 20 Ifrael. ye 34 : 4 that Ifraell 7 Ifrael Sichem 13 Sychem they 22 thy Ifraell. 35 : 10 Ifrael. thy II they Ifraell 21 Ifrael a pricipall cyte 27 the cyte of Arbe Hethite 36 : 2 Aethite Efau 8 Ffau {misprint.) in mounte 9 in the mounte Amalech. 12 Amalek. Amalech 16 Amalek of y" horites 21 of horites Mafreka 36 Mafteka THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. CVtl the doughlerof matred 36:39 omitted. I ram. 42 lam. they hated yr- 5 thy hated Iliaell 13 Ifrael wiked 20 cruell to 26 unto Egipte 28 Egypte wicked 33 cruell Canaanyte 38: 2 Canaanite hem 5 him Thimnath 14 Thymnath And turned 16 And he turned rent a rent 39 made a rent Egiptian 39: 2 Egyptian 2 the houfe of his mailer the Egyptian, {repeated) Egiptians 5 Egyptians & well 6 & a well And 12 and And Hebrues J7 Hebruifhe tel me 40: 8 tel it me in good 14 in a good fervauntes. And reftored 20, 21 fervauntes; reftored dreamed 41 : I dreameded ryuers fyde I lakesfyde ryuer 2 lake ryuer {twice) 3 lake {twice) he awoke their with. 4 ther with Pharao awoke in to H into ryuers 17 lakes ryuer 18 lake Egipte 30 Egypte afene 31 perceaued Egipte (vv. 34, 36, 41, 43, 44, 56) nor ^2> Egypte (vv. 34, 36, 41. 43, 44. 56) or 39 becaufe that the 57 becaufe the Egipte (V. 3) 42 : I Egypte (v. 3) Ifraell 5 Ifrael aftoynyed and 28 aftoynyed amoge them felues and one to a nother 28 omitted. Ifraell (v. 8) 43: 6 Ifrael (v. 8) Egipte 15 Egypte Egiptians 32 Egyptians vnto 34 to not yet 44: 4 yet not vnto (v. 16) 6 to (v. 16) oh my lorde, let 18 oh my, let vnto (v. 32) 31 to (v. 32) Egipte 45:13 Egypte Ben lamins 14 Ben lamyns lofephes 16 lofephs vnto (v. 22) 17 to (v. 22) Ifraell 21 Ifrael he affes 23 affes fhe affes 23 affes cvin PROLEGOMENA. Kahath 46 : 11 Rahath Pharez . . . Zerak 12 Phares . . . Zerai .xvi. foules 18 .xxi. foules Nepthali 24 Nephtali vnto {twice, 29 twice, 30, 31 three times, 34 twice) 28 to {twice, 29 twice, 30, 31 three times, 34 twice) Ifraell 29 Ifrael in fo moch 30 in as moch vnto 47 : 5 to feed 19 food vnto {twice, 22, 23, 26 twice. 21 to {twice, 22, 23, 26 twice. 31 three times) 31 three times) w^ere 48 : I was vnto (2 three times, 3 twice. I to (2 three titties, 3 twice, 4 4 Mr^^ times, 5 twice. /^r^^ times, 5 twice, 11 II, 17, 18, 21, twice, 22) 17, 18, 21, /wzV^, 22) Egipte 5 Egigte lofephes 8 lofephs Ifraell 10 Ifrael vnto (6, 8, 10, II, 15, 28, 29) 49 : 2 to (6, 8, 10, II, 15, 28, 29) heles, fo y* 17 heles, yt The fhoters haue envyed 23 Though the fhoters angred and yet 24 yet come an herde ma a ftone 24 come herdemen as ftones Hethyte 29 Hethite vnto {twice, 12, 19, 20 twice, 50 4 to [twice, 12, 19, 20 twice, 21, 21, 23, 24 three times) 23, 24 three times) Atad 10 Arad Cananytes II Cananites vnto them 19 to hi and for you re 21 and youre Egipte. 26 Egypte. Mofes. Mofes, called Genefis, A TABLE EXPOUNDINGE CERTEYNE WORDES, P. I53 Sqq., OMITTED IN EDITION OF 1534, BUT FOUND IN DAYE'S FOLIO OF 1573. ^330. or a cofer. it is Ihonn hace laten fkyes faye favoure hebrewe hebreue that me as is .xi. Chapter .xiv. chapter ofed Mefias yt all y* r373' p.* 153 L. 3 or cofer. 22 is it 25 lohn 26 Haunce 154 ^T 29 latine licy 35 faye found favoure 155 2 hebrue 4 hebrue 9 that I 13 as it were IS chap. xi. 16 chap. 4. 17 iffued 20 Meflias 23 all y * Of this volume. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. eat of tribe 155 28 of the tribe Teftamet here is an ap- 30 Teftamet that is an ap- poyntemet betwene poymente made be- twene foch an 32 foch fathers 15b 8 father that is 16 omitted. Egipte 21 Egipt foch fubiec- 25 foch a fubiec- Abel, Ifmael 157 3 Abell, Ifmaell Pharez 5 Phares 11. LIST OF MARGINAL NOTES IN Genesis. Newly correctyd and amendyd, 1534, FURNISHED BY DR. CULROSS. ; 3 The .i. daye. 6 The .ij. daye. 9 The .iij. daye. 14 The .iiij. daye. 20 The .V. daye. 24 The .vi. daye. : 3 Bleffed and fanctified: ded- icated and appoynted it to preach the worde of God in to prayer ad to doo all maner workes of mercye in. 8 Eden. II Heuila. 19 Ada named all creatures. 24 Wedlocke. ; : I The ferpent. 14 A couenaut that chrift whch came of eue & was hir feed, fhuld ouer come the power of the deuell & de- liuer all true beleuers i Chrift and haters of the deuels workes, fr5 all d auger of fata, of finne and of hell. The womas curfe is, to beare hir childern with paine ad to be vnder the geu- ernaiice of hir hufbad. : I Cain. 2 Abel. 3,4 ofiferinges. 25 Seth. 26 Enos. 5 -.21 henoch. 6 : 9 To walke withe God: is to lyue godlye to kepe his lawes and to trufte in him. 8 : 20 The rightwyfe will thake god ad god doth alowe the harte of him. 9:13 The rayne bowe is a fac- rament, a figne, a wit- neffe and a fure erneft of the couenaut made betwene vs & god. 10 : 8 Nerod. II; I Thewifdomeofman isfore punyfhed of god with the diuifio off tongis. 9 Babel. 12 : I Abram 2 A promyfe. 7 A promyfe. 10 Abram goeth to Egipte. 14: 18 Melchifedech 22 See the anfwer of Abra to the kynge of Sodome as touchinge the fpole. 15 : I A promyfe to Abram. 6 Rightwifenes. 13 The electe muft foffer of the wicked for a tyme but god will deliuer hi. 18 Couenaunte. 16 : I Hagar IS Ifmael. 17 : 5 Abraha. 12 Circumcyfion ex PROLEGOMENA. 17 18 : 2 19 = 33 20 : 6 12 21 17 : 4 31 22 : 9 23 24 17 : 2 : 3 12 15 35 51 60 25:34 26 : 4 6,7 13 24 32 : 6 28 40 27 28: 5 12 14 15 17 20 22 29: 6 10 32 33 35 30: 2 Sara Hofpitalyte. lot was dronk ad laye with his two doughters god deliuer his from evyll. Sara was Abrahas fifter by the father. The praier of Abraham Ifaac. Abrahaandabimelech.ded fwere togeter. godly loue putteth awaye all flefhly loue. promife the deythe of Sarai. Othe geyuen bi Abraham to his feruant. note the gret fayth of the feruaunt. Rebecca. * God bleffeth vs whe he geueth vs his bene- ntes, ad curfeth vs.whe he taketh the a waye. who wonder fully god pro- uide for his fethfuU To bleffe &c. (as in edition of 1530.) Efau folde his herytage. promife to Ifaac. Ifaac called rebecca his fifter. the bliffinge of god. a promyfe, the bliffinge of god. the coucell of rebecca. the bliffing of lacob. a prophefi of the callyng of the gentylls. lacob gooth into mefopo- tamia. the dreme of Jacob promife god fulfill hys promife god ys wyth his chofyn in eueri place, fe lacbos vowe what it was the ftone was a wytneffe of the goodneffe of god fhowde to lacob. Rahel: Affone. Ruben. Simeon luda. The afwere of Jacob to Rahel. 30: 6 8 II 13 18 20 24 30 31 : 19 21 46 32 : I 4 24 29 33:11 34: I 35- 6 8 10 II 18 19 22 29 36: 8 12 20 31 37: 6 21 26 38 39 28 ; I 6 J : 2 9 17 23 40:12 18 41: 5 25 Dan. Nephtali. Gad, Affer. Ifachar Zabul5 lofeph. the bleffinge of the lorde. Labans ymages or his goddes. Ryuer Euphrates, the heape of ftonys was a fyng betwixt lacob & Laban. the angell of God. sg. Trobill make vs to call to God wyth prayer. *Prayer is, &c., (as in edi- tion of 1530) the wraftelyng of iacob y'= electe ouercome all y world wyth . the ten- tations of it prefent. Dina was defiled biSichem. Bethell the ooke of lamentacyon. Ifrael. promife to ifrael Beniamin. the dethe of Rahel the fynne of ruben. y* deith of Ifaac Edom. amalek Seir. sg. Edom. lofeph dreamyd. sg. where be now fuch rubens. sg. the woder prouifio of god for his electe. Madianytes ludas. thamar the wyckidnefTe of Ona the iugement of ludas. lofeph was luckie. the goodneffe f lofeph. j^. the accufation of lofeph. The prouifion of god for his. the interpretation of y* buttlars dreme of the baker, the dreame of pharao lofeph interprete Pharaos dreme. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. CXI 41 : 39 sq. god delyuer his elect to hys honor. 43 Abrech ys as moche to fay as tender father. 51 Manaffe. 52 Ephrai 42 : I sq. all turne to good for the electe. 5 sq. rede this flori in thi harte. 9 the dreme lofeph ys ful- filled. 21 sq. Confcience beginneth to awake out of hir dreame in tymeof trib- ulacion. 36 sq. fatherli loue off Jacob. 43 : 1 1 sq. the rythwyfe doyng of Ifraell 18 sq. Lacke of feythe mak- eth to diflrufl all thig 43 : 32 the e^iptias might not eat with the Hebrues. 45 : I Low [Loue] mufl vtter 5 They y* know god, know y al thingesarehiswork- inge & prouidence 26 sq. Loue muft breke out in workis 46 : 3 promife. 32 fhepardys. 47 : 9 pilgremage 48 : 14 sq. the blyffing of ephrai and manaffes. 21 Ifraelwascertayneofgodes promife. 49 : ^2) the dethe of iacob. 50:19 the anfwer off lofeph to hys brethre 24 the faith of lofeph, 26 The dethe off' lofeph. III. COLLATION OF THE PENTATEUCH SHOWING THE DIFFERENT READINGS IN THE EDITION OF I53O AND MATTHEW'S BIBLE OF 1 537- Genesis. ^330. rule furely dye. Ah fyr, that God hath sayd for to make wyfe. cryeth befte the wife Sodome agaynfl him vnto the vale out at the doores one over agenft a nother parties God: na, Sara ... a fonne, ad ran agenfl them vp agaynfl them beholde he . . . men and an excufe bare. had fpoken. lande of Moria fyppe an earynge ^537- I : 26 domynion 2 : 17 dye the dethe. 3: I ye, hath God sayd in dede 6 for to geue vnderftondynge. 4; : 10 cryed 9: 10 befles 12 : 19 thy wyfe 14: 17 Sodome to mete him in the vale 15: ; 5 out of the dores 10 one agaynfl another 16 13 partes 17 :i9 God: Sarah ... a fonne in dede & 18; : 2 ran to mete them 19: I vp to mete them 20: 16 beholde this thinge . . . men an excufe 17 bare chyldre. 21 : ; I Dromyfed. 22 : : 2 ade Moria 24; ;i7 fuppe 22 a golden earyng cx!f PROLEGOMENA. Than they broughte Rebec- ca their fifler on the waye and her norfe fyppe r . fprmgynge water. ye bleflige, lacob & lacob ranne agaynft him ... in to his houfe. fhall I geue the ? the partie and fpotted And then fuch ftialbe And lacob went awaye vn- knowynge to Laban . . , & tolde him was fled. y' (that) done vnknowynge to me ? and haft caried awaye . . . with fwerde ? de all wel God and with men ad haft ranne agaynft him me frely. And And lacob went to Salem to y citie of Sichem vnto Dina place Elbethell iygnett, thy necke lace, and feall, necklace, and and is are .vii. yeres nor of agayne with you in youre handes, peraduenture foughte for to wepe lordes audyence .X. he affes Semnon XXX. and .vi. went agaynft Ifraell For an abhominacyon vnto the Egiptians are all that feade ftiepe. Pharao: feaders of ftiepe the doughters come forth to bere rule, wombes. charged before 24:59 So they let Rebecca their fyfter go with her norfe 25 : 30 fuppe 26:12 that 19 lyuyng water. 32 that 27 : 30 blefTyng, lacob 29: 13 rane to mete him . . to his houfe. 30 : 31 ftial I then geue the ? 32 the partye, and the fpotted 33 & the fame fhalbe 31 : 20 And lacob ftale awaye the hart of Laban . . in y* he tolde hym 22 fled 25 y^(the) 26 done to fteale awaye my hert, and carye awaye . . . with the fwerde ? 32 : 9 do all well 28 God & haft 33 : 4 ranne to mete him II me. And 18 And lacob came peafably in to the cite of Sichem 34 : 3 vn Dina 35 : 7 place Bethell 38 : 18 fygnett, thy bracelet, and 25 feall, bracelet, and 41 : 26 and it is 27 are .vii. eares 39 or of 43 : 12 agayne wyth you, peraduen- ture 30 fought where to wepe 44 : 18 lordes eare 45 : 23 .X. affes 46 : 13 Semfon 15 .XXX. and .iii. 29 wet to mete Ifrael 34 For the Egyptias abhore all ftieppardes: 47 : 3 Pharao: ftieppardes are 49 : 22 the daughters ran vpon the. walle. 25 wombe. 50 : 16 charged vs before the foules whe ye mydwiue the women and alfo drewe Exodus. 1 : 5 thefe foules 16 when ye do y* office of a myd- wife to the wome 2 : 19 & fo drewe * THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. CXIU Cometh out agaynft the Egipte dyd wolde not fende out my people that Mofes, by the reafon of bot- ches on the ftiall this felowe thus plage vs ? . . . God, or els wilt thou fee Egipte firft de- flroyed ? mufl goo ftiall it be foo ? one grefhopper left in a darke myft vppo And all thefe eue the fyrft moneth him in warde, vntyll therof fode . . . both head hande and a remembraunce matrice, and all made for the to dweld in water of this difeafes at euen he fliall Sixte al mofl with fwerde And as I haue fhewed And hundred fhalle brynge braffe after the fafcyon of a net, ad put apon the nette .iiii rynges: euen in .iiii. corners of it, and put it beneth vnder the com- paffe of the altare, and let the net reache vnto the one half of the altare, And make ftaues fhall Aaron ad his fonnes dreffe brefllappe of enfample brodered brefllappe of enfaple; fo v. 30 lighte and perfectneffe maunde with the oyle reconcyle his homes after the holye fycle make attonement Bezabeel forboden vp the firft moneth they iornayed. 4:14 7 : 12 8:29 9: I II 10: 7 9 10 19 22 8 2 6 9 II 12 12 13: 9 12 15:17 25 26 16: 6 26 17: 4 22 :24 25: 9 26:33 27 : 4-7 27:21 28:15 27 29 30 29: 3 30: 10 13 16 35:30 36: 6 40:17 36 cometh to mete the Egypte: and they dyd wille not let my people goo that Mofes, for there were botches vpon the fhall we be thus euell intreat- ed ? . . God : wilt thou not yet knowe that Egypt is deftroyed ? wyll go let it be fo ? one grefliopper in a thicke darcknes vpo And thefe euen of the fyrft moneth hym in, vntyll therof rawe ner foden . . , both the head hande a remembrauce matryce, all made for to dwell in, waters of thefe difeafes at euen ye fhall Sixe all moft with y fwerde And I (hall ftiewe And an hundred fhalt brynge and thou (halt make a gred- yern alfo lyke a net of braffe, vpon whofe .iiii. corners fhalbe .iiii. bra- fen rynges: and the gred- yern fhall reache vnto the myddes of the altare. And thou fhalt make ftaues & Aaron & hys fonnes fhall dreffe breftlappe of iudgemet bordered breftlappe of iudgement; fo V. 30 Vrim and Thumin maunde with the oxe reconcyle vpon the homes of it after the fycle of the fanctuarye make an attonement Bezaleel forbidden vp the fyrft daye in the fyrfl moneth they had iorneyed. CXIV PROLEGOMENA. then take of that Lorde talked with apon the oxes heade the oxes bloude fhepe . . . bringe a yewe that wherein that he hath an yewe fycles after the holy fycle fifte parte moare there to fcoured and plunged amonge the childern of Aaro fhall lighte ad perfectneffe. Soleam . . . kynde, ad the Hagab on all foure Make not youre foules ab- hominable make hym (or him, it) vn- clene (or cleane) (so vv. II, 15, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30, 34, 35. yi, 44, 59) make the difeafe (so v. 17) frete cipreffe or cyprefTe (so vv. 6, 49. 51, 52) ouer an erthe put of the oyle byrdes ouer renfed in the water, lyeth apo as longe as aparte as well tyme: whether out And when fhe is clenfed of with a yonge oxe oxe (so vv. II, 14, 15, 18, 27) Ifraell, and all their offerynges they offer . . . the for peafeofferynges nexte kyn. (v. 13) open apon his houffholde turne vnto them that worke with fpirites or makers of dyfemall dayes his bloude on his heed with the mankynde . . . heed, vnheale hir fecrettes and vn- couer fathers fyflers or a maker of dyfemall dayes prefe Leviticus. 2 : 14 then take that 4 : I Lorde fpake vnto 4 vpon the oxe heade 5 the oxe bloude 32 lambe . . . bringe a female 5 : 5 that wherin he hath 6 a lambe 15 fycles after the fycle of the fanctuary 16 fyfte parte more to 6 : 28 fcoured and rynefed 29 amonge the Preafles fhall 8 : 8 Vrim and Thumim. II : 22 Selaam . . . kynde, the Hagab 27 42 on all foure fete omitted 13 : 3 iudge hym (or him, it) vnclene (or clene) (so vv. 11, 15, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30, 34, 35, -hi, 44, 59) 13 iudge the difeafe (so v. 17) 55 freat 14 : 4 cedar (so vv. 6, 49, 51, 52) 5 in an erthen 28 put on the oyle 50 byrdes in 15:12 rynefed in water. 20 lyeth or fytteth vp5 as longe as 24 aparte was well 25 tyme: out 28 But yf fhe be cleane of 16 : 3 with a bullock 6 bullock (so vv. 11, 14, 15, 18, 27) 21 Ifraell, and their 17 : 5 offerynges y* they offer . . . the peace offerynges 18 : 12 nexte kynfwoman. (v. 13) 14 vncouer 20 : 5 vpon hys generacion 6 turne him to enchauters or expounders of tokens 9 his bloud on his head 13 with mankynde . . . heades. 18 vncouer her fecrettes and open 19 father fyfler 27 or that expoundeth tokens 21 : 17 preace THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. cxv any monllrous mebre prefe that hath twyched any foch that which hath his ftones broofed broke, plucked out vayle of teflimonye him that curfed a yere of homes blowynge (so vv. II, 12, 13) the trompett yere the horneyere (J>is) the trompet yere (so vv. 31, 33, 40, 50, 52, 54) londe of their enemyes trompet yere (so vv, 21, 23, 24) ftdde ... in Rube In Simeon In ... of luda In Ifachar In Sebulo In Ephrai ... In Manaffe In Be lamin In Dan In Affer In Naphtaly Liii. fyxe hundred thoufande was the habitacion was: the arcke was: the hordes witneffe: Tyndale omits from This Jhall &'c. to moyi holy. amoge which I dwell. & an oxe omitted oxe (so vv. 33, 39, 51, 57, 63, 69, 75, 81) harde fyluer y* firft Selumiel the fonne (Tyndale omits from of Suri Ssr'c. Sr'c. to the fonne) Samaleel 21 :i8 any myffhape mebre 21 preace 22 : 6 that hath any foch 24 that which is broofed, broken, plucked 24 : 3 vayle of wytneffe 14 hym that blafphemed 25 : 10 a yere of iubilee (or iubelye) (vv. II, 12, 13) 15 iubelye yere 28 the yere of iubelye {bis) 30 the yere of iubelye (so vv. 31, 33. 40, 50, 52, 54) 26 :44 lande of their enemye 27 :i7 yere of iubely or iubelye (vv. 21, 23, 24) Numbers. I ; : 5 flande ... of Ruben 6 of Simeon 7 of. . of luda 8 of Ifachar 9 of Zabulon 10 of Ephraim ... of Manaffe II of Ben lamin 12 of Dan 13 of Afer 15 of Nephthali 43 thrye and fyftye 46 fyxe hundred and thre thou- fande 3 :25 was to kepe the habitacyon 31 was to kepe the arcke 36 was to kepe y"= hordes 4: ; 4 witneffe. This fhalbe the of- 3 15 19 2 13 19 10:23 fice of the chyldre of Kahath in the tabernacle of witneffe which is mooft holy. amoge which ye dwell. & an bullock and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: bullock (so vv. 33, 39, 51, 57, 63. 69, 75, 81) beaten fyluer they firft Salamiel y^ fofine of Suri fad- dai. And ouer the hofte of the tribe of the chyl- dren of Gad was Eliafaph the fonne of Deguel. Gamaliel CXVl PROLEGOMENA. father lawe lO :29 waxed vnpacient II : I boke . . . cakes 8 put apon them 17 (lode vpp all that nyghte and 32 on the morowe place, the graues of lufl 34 graues of lufl 35 lofeph: In the trybe of Man- 13 : II affe, Gaddi Efcol 24 Egipte, to be youre God. 15 :4l from amonge childern 18 : 6 cipreffe wodd 19 : 6 Whofoeuer twicheth 13 omitted. 20 Pifga . . . the wilderneffe. 21 :20 Chemos ye are forloren. 29 lye 22 ; : 5 to 20 this .iii. tymes ? 28 this .iii. tymes ? 2>2> vnto the cytie of Huzoth. 39 oxen 23 ; I alter an oxe 2 alter, an oxe 4 thine habitacions 24 : 5 Egipte is as the flrength 8 Cittim 24 Zur and heed 25 :i5 Tola . . . Tolaites 26: ;23 Aabrim 27 : 12 y maner of the lighte 21 offer vnto me y offryng 28 : 2 .ii. boUockes 19 yerelynges & pure 29 :23 acordynge to their nubre 24 .xiiii. lambes 32 Ataroth Dibo & Beon, whiche 32 : 3 flede, the encreafe . . . , to 14 augmente flronge cities 17 Betharan flronge cities 36 fmoten 33 : 4 .Lxx. datetrees 9 pitched amonge the childern 31 of laecon. father in lawe complayned baked . . . kakes put apon the and apon them llode vp all that daye & all that nyghte place kibrath hathauah kibrafh hathauah lofeph: that was of ManafTe, Gaddi Nehel Efcol Egipte, for to be youre God from amonge the chyldren Cedar wood Whofouer toucheth holy place of y* Lorde, & is not fprynkled with fprink- lyng water therfore is he vncleane. And this fhal- be a perpetual lawe vnto the. Phafgah . . . lefimon. Chamos ye are vndone. lyeth vnto thus .iii. tymes ? thus .iii. tymes ? vnto the large cytie. bullockes alter a bullock alter, a bullock thyne habitacion Egypt his flrenght is as the flrenght Chittim Zur a heed Thola . . . Tholaites Abarim the iudgemet of Vrim offer vnto the offeryng two younge bullockes yerelynges pure accordyng to the nombre of them .xiii. lambes Ataroth & Dibo & lazer, and Nemrah & Hefbon & Elealeh & Sabam & Nebo & Beon, which fleade, to y encreafe ... & to augmete fenced cyties Betharan fencend cyties fmytte .Lxx. paulmetrees pytched in Bane lakan. THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. CXVll from the childern of laecon . . . Hor gidgad . . . Hor gidgad londe of Moab. Igim Abarim (v. 46) playne oFSitim their Ymaginacions thefe which Demuel lordayne lericho iudge of bloude the bloudvenger bloude of it I alfo dwell, for I am y Lorde which dwell amonge the childern when the fre yere . . . where they are in 33:32 37 44 49 52 55 20 ; I 34 35 26 33 34 from Bane lakan . . . Hor gad- gad . . . Hor gadgad land of Edom. lehabarim (v. 46) Abelfatim their chappelles thofe which Semuel Jordan ouer againfl lericho iuflice of bloude the aueger of bloud bloude of hym I alfo dwell amonge the chyl- dren 36 : 4 when the yere of iubelye wherin they are Deuteronomy. .xii. dayes . . . bemea Sihon . . . Edrei. for the lawe bernea. Bolde acordinge vnto the tyme that ye there dwelt. Emymes. Horimes bernea Zamzumyms. Enakyms. Siho wildernefle of Kedemoth . . . Syhon lordayne Sihon (31) Sihon . . , lahab. Gilead Edrey Sihon Sihon Gilead . . . Salcha . . . Edrei Gilead Gilead (vr. 15, 16) and called the townes of Ba- fan after his owne name: the townes of lair Cenereth . . . Pifga O lorde lehoua Pifga thine life geueth the for euer. Gilead witnefTe Siho Pifga. I : 2 .xi. dayes . . . barne 4 Sehon . . . Edrai. 17 for the iudgement 20 barne. 38 Bolde 46 omitted. 2: IX 12 14 20 21 24 26 29 30 32 36 3- I 2 6 10 12 13 14 Emims. Horims barne Zamzumims. Enakims. Sehon wilderneffe of the eafte . . . Sehon Jordan Sehon (31) Sehon . . . lahaza. Galaad Edrai Sehon Sehon Galaad . . . Salecha . . . Edrai Galad Galaad (vv. 15, 16) & called them after his owne name: Bafan Hauoth lair 17 Ceneroth . . . Phafgah 24 O lorde God 27 Phafgah 4 : 9 thy lyfe 40 geueth the thy lyfe longe. 43 Galaad 45 witneffes 46 Sehon 49 Phafgah. CxViii PROLEGOMENA. in the erth beneth 5; ; 8 Girgofites 7 : I nor haue compaffion 2 thy oyle 13 ad thurfle 8; :iS caft them out, and brynge 9: 3 them to noughte Thabeera 22 Bernea 23 in the table 10; ; 2 mount out of the fire . . . 4 people were gathered Beroth Be lake 6 Gudgod (dis) 7 all thefe nacions both greatter II ; 23 Grifim 29 Gilgal befyde moregroue. 30 thy fyrfl borne 12: ; 6 deftroye it 13 :i5 fpoyle of it 16 hertgoote 14: : 5 lufleth after: on oxen 26 axe IS : 2 an heritaunce 4 handes, and thou fhalt be all 16; ;i5 together gladneffe. booth feaft. 16 thi cities 17: : 2 vnto thi gates 5 dayes, and axe feten 17 : 18 all thy trybes 18 : 5 doughter go thorow fyre, 10 ether a bruterar or a maker of difmale dayes or that vfeth witchcraft or a forcerar or a charmar or that fpeaketh with a fpirite or a foth- fayer or that talketh with them that are deed. herken vnto makers of dyfe- mall dayes and bruterars. commaunded him not And fo thou fhalt axe in- the congregacyo When there is vngodly fyllerlawe (v. 8) maner weyghtes Grifim at none daye . . . the right waye. II or 14 20 21 :2i 22 : 2 23: 2 25: I 3 7 13 27 : 12 28 :29 in erth benethe Gergefites not haue compafTyon thyne oyle and drouth caft the out, and brynge them out, and brynge them to noughte Thabercin Barne in y tables mount of the fire . . . people gethered together Beroth of the childre of lakan Gadgad (its) all thefe nacions & ye ftiall conquere the which are both greatter Garizim Galgal befyde the groue of Moreh. the fyrft borne deftroye hit fpoyle of hit wyldegoote, lufteth after: of oxen afke enheritaiice handes, & therfore ftialt thou be glad, feaft of tabernacles the cytyes vnto the gates dayes, and afke fett all the trybes daughter to go thorow the fyre, or that ufeth withcraft, or a chofer oute of dayes or that regardeth the flyeg of foules, or a forcerar a charmar, or that coun- celeth with fpretes, or a propheciar or that afketh the aduyfe of the deed, herken vnto chofers oute of dayes and prophecyars. commaunded not And thou flialt afke in to the congregacyo If there be vngoodly fyfter in lawe (v. 8) maner of weyghtes Garizim at none dayes . . . y* ryght awaye. THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. CXiX betrothed for the locuftes fleeth kepe the in all thy cities . . . thorow all thy londe. auenture worde fayenge: I feare it not, I will ther fore walke . . . that the drounken deflroye the thurflie. fait, that it is And than all The fecrettes perteyne vnto the Lorde oure God and the thinges that are opened perteyne vnto us and oure for us in to heauen yere olde this daye Sihon ad Ifrael is whett the lyghtenynge of my fwerde Reioyfe hethen wyth hys Paran temptefl at Mafa ad with whom thou flriuedfl hate them: that they ryfe Manaffe. a parte of the teachers were ... ad come vnto the God of the off Ifrael Pifga . . . Gilead datetrees 28 : 30 betrawthed 38 for the grefhoppers 49 flyeth 52 kepe the in, in all thy cities . . . thorow all the lande 56 adueture 29 : 9 wordes 19 fayinge. I fhall haue peace. I will therfore worcke . . . that the droncke may per- yfh with the thryflye. 23 fait, & yt it is 24 And then fhall all 29 The fecrettes of the Lorde oure God are opened vnto vs and oure 30 : 12 for vs to heauen 31 ; 2 yere this daye 4 Sehon 32 : 9 and lacob is 41 whett the edge of my fwerde 43 Prayfe ye hethen his 23 : 2 Pharan 8 teptedefl. at Mafah wyth whom thou flryuedfl II hate them: they ryfe 17 Manaffes. 21 a parte of the teacher was . . . and came 26 vnto the God of Ifrael 34 : I Phafgah . . . Galaad 3 paulmetrees CXX PROLEGOMENA. IV. LIST OF MARGINAL NOTES IN THE PROLOGUES TO THE SEVERAL BOOKS OF THB PENTATEUCH GIVEN IN DAYE'S FOLIO OF 1573, AND ATTRIBUTED TO JOHN FOXE,* WITH REFERENCE TO THE PLACES IN THIS EDITION TO WHICH THEY BELONG. Notes on W. T. to the Reader.^ The reafon that the papiftes make agaynfl the tranflation p. l. of the fcripture into Englifh. 2 5 A fubtle fhift of the popes clergy to couer their euill. 13 How the Papiftes were vexed with Tindals tranflation of the new teftament. 24 The Papiftes Ihamed not to wreft the fcriptures. 3 4 The Papiftes haue wrought wonderfully to haue fuppreffed y fcripture. 3 18 As owles abide not the brightnes of the day, fo cannot the papiftes abide the lyght of the gofpell. 32 What firft moued W. Tyndale to tranflate y Scripture into enghfti. 35 This bifhop of Lodon was Tunftall, which afterward was bifhop of Durham. 4 9 The popes chaplens pulpet, is the alehoufe. 29 Chriftes apoftles dyd mekely admonifli, but the Popes fect- aryes dyd braule and fkold. 34 Parcialitie fometyme in men of great learnyng. 41 How Tindale was deceaued. 5 17 Roome enough in my Lordes houfe for belly chere, but none to tranflate the new teftament. 35 Tindale could get no place in the bifhop of Lond5s houfe. 39 Tyndals fubmifTion is to all fuch as fubmit them felues to God. 6 20 Notes on A Prologe Jhewinge the vfe of the fcripture. Not the toung but the life proueth a true Gofpeller. 7 8 The trueft toucheftone of Religion is Chriftes Gofpell. 19 The fcripture of god is ye fworde of the Spirite. 8 9 Tribulatid is the gifte of God. 9 4 What we ought to feeke in the fcriptures. 10 2 * The Whole | workes of W. Tyndall, lohn | Frith, and Doct. Barnes, three | worthy Martyrs, and principall | teachers of this Churche of England, | collected and compiled in one Tome to- | gither, beyng before fcattered, & now in | Print here exhibited to the Church. | To the prayfe of God, and | profite of all good Chri- I ftian Readers | Mortui refurgent. \ At London | Printed by lohn Daye, | and are to be fold at his fhop | vnder Alderfgate . . | An. "^SIZ- I f Cu7n gratia Or' Priuilegio \ Regies Maieftatis \ . In Folio. t The Titles are given in the spelling of Tyndale, not of Foxe. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. cxxi A goodly comfort agaynft defperation. 11 10 Enfaples of their euils not to bolden vs but to feare vs fr5 finne and defperation. 30 Howe we ought to prepare oure felues, to the reading of the fcriptures. 12 3 Fayth oure furefl fhield in all affaultes. 22 We may not truft in our works but in the word and prom- ife of God. 39 God burdened with hys promife. 13 5 The holy ghofl breatheth* where and when it pleafeth hym. 30 Confcience of euill doynges fyndeth out euill men. 37 Of fmall occafions do rife great euils. 14 9 Enfaples for our learnyng. 18 Notes on A Prologe in to thefeconde boke of Mofes, called Exodus. Learn here how to read & vnderflad y* fcripture. 161 4 If we herken vnto the voyce of God, and bend our felues to do hys wyl, he wyll be our God, & help vs, but other- wife he wyl plague vs as he plagued the vnthankeful and faytheleffe lewes. 20 Trufl and beleue in God, and care not what the world fay. 162 i The world liketh well all wycked lyuers and vngodly people. 8 Here is fet forth the office of euery good perfon, 20 Temptatio is the triall of true chriftians. y] The excellency of faith which is the gifte of God. 163 2 Thofe who God fcourgeth he dearely loueth. 6 A neceffary*leffon for a good preacher. 11 God commaundeth that we fhold make no images. 18 The worfhipping of Idoles or Images was abhorred of god. 29 Witchcraft, forcery, &c. abhorred of God. 32 Mofes often rehearfeth the benefites of almighty God, to moue vnto feare hym, and to loue our neighbour. 164 7 God will haue vs to be merciful to oure neighbore. 27 All the ceremonies of the olde teflament, were but preachers of Chrift that was to come. 39 The beautie of the tabernacle was to keepe the lewes fr5 harkenyng to the heathen. 165 12 God hath two Teftaments, that is, the olde and the new. 27 The old teftament was built vpon the obferuatio of the law. 38 The law could not geue lyfe. 166 13 The law is the vtterer of fmne. 18 The law was geuen by God to ftiewe what finne was. 31 Ceremonies are not geuen to iuftify the hart, but to figni- fie our iuflificatid by Chrift. 40 Ceremonies cannot iuftify. 167 4 The new Teftament are the euerlaftyng promifes made to vs in Chrift. 16 Faith only iuftifieth. 21 Good workes fpryng out of the loue we haue to God. 27 Where true faith is, there good workes do flow and c- bound. 40 * Misprinted breat/eth cxxii PROLEGOMENA. The new Teftament was from the beginnyng. i68 7 Our temporall lawes fpring out of the law of nature. 17 Loue counfelleth the faythfuU to worke. 29 We muft no^* prefume in our well doing., nor* codene others that run aftray: the last which turneth to god is as farre forward as the firft. 40 Notes on A Prologe in to the thirde boke of Mofes, called Leuiticus. Mas wifdome is playn Idolatry, it fcattereth, diuideth, and maketh fectes. 289 3 Ceremonies to the Ifraelites and lewes were as good fchole- maflers are to young fcholers. 12 All thynges were firfl reueled in ceremonies and fhadowes vntill it pleafed almighty God, to reuele hys fonne lefu Chrifl. 289 20 Small and litle giftes geue by the parentes to their children, caufeth loue & obedience. 290 6 Sacrifices aud ceremonies ferue for allegories to find out Chrift. 13 Similitudes proue nothyng, but doe more playnly lead thee to vnderfland the text. 17 Some ceremonies coteine wholefome and profitable doctrine. 29 Ceremonies ordeyned to confirme our fayth. 37 Gods fecretes were opened but to a fewe. 291 2 The ceremonies them felues faued not, but faith in Gods promife. I2 Our nature is fo weake that we muft be holpen by out- warde fignes and tokens. 29 No man is holpen by Gods promifes, but fmners that feele their finne. 38 Sacramets truly miniftred are profitable. 292 2 Sacramets truly miniftred preach vnto vs repetaunce of our finnes. 8 Not naked or dome ceremonies, but the holy ghofte throughe fayth waftieth away finnes. 18 The difference betwene a facrifice, and a Sacrament. 35 What ftate we dye in the fame wee fhall rife agayn, either of faluation or damnation. 293 2 The Sacramentes are vnto y' dead, no Sacramentes at all. 14 Sacramentes abufed by y* Clergy. 18 The Papiftes haue had no fmall frend and good helper of the maffe. 23 Hipocrites prayers ca neither profite them felues, nor any ma els. 27 Thofe are enemies to the worde of God, loue neither god nor his people. 34 Allegories are to bee wel weyed and confidered. 294 6 The greateft caufe of the decay of faith and blindnes that wee were in, was thorough Allegories. 10 How allegories are to bee vnderftand. 17 The ryght vfe of allegories. 24 Baptifme is y* commo badge of all true profeffours of Chrift. 33 * The letters t and r are transposed in the Original. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O, CXXlll p. L. Baptifme teacheth vs repentaunce of finne. 295 3 The bare wafliyng helpeth not but through the worde of fayth it purifieth vs. 9 How chrift boroweth figures of the old Teftament, to make plain the textes of the new teftament. 24 Our duety is to do good dedes but faluation we cannot chalege therby. 296 16 A good example taken of the Lepers. 22 The true preachyng of Gods word, doth bynde ana lofe confciences. 34 In allegories is both hony & gall, that is to fay, both good & euil. , 297 5 All good dedes are gods workmanfhip, & wee hys inftru- metes wherby he doth them. 22 Notes on A Prologe in to the fourth boke of Mofes, called Numeri. Freewill and vnbeliefe were the ouerthrow of oure fore- fathers. 385 5 Then cannot they be the childre of God, which put more truft in their owne workes, then in y' bloud of lefus Chrift. 16 Faithleffe workes. 3^6 I The Pharifes by their freewill excluded them felues from the faluati5 in Chrift. 7 Blafphemy to chriftes death. 23 O fubtle Foxes thorow pouerte made themfelues Lordes of all. 28 Wilfull chaftitie is wilful wickednes. 4 The Papiftes wilful obedience, is comon difobedience to all princes. Z'^'] 5 Our righteoufnes commeth not by our merites, but thorow fayth, by the bloud of our fauiour lefus Chrift. 13 Fayth only bringeth vs to chrift and vnbelief driueth vs from Chrift. 21 Chrift rebuked the Pharifes for their holy and hipocritical dedes. 29 The pharifes afcribe righteoufnefle to workes, & ther- fore were condemned of Chrift. 39 The iuftifying of our felues maketh the diuell more bufier then he wold be. 388 9 What is meant in the fcripture by this word vii. tymes. 16 Meritmogers y'= more their blindnes is rebuked, the more they rebell againft Chrift and his gofpell. 24 The doctrine of the pharifes, and the doctrine of our papifts do well agree. 34 The Papiftes cannot away with iustification by fayth. 389 13 Of vowes. 16 God accepteth for vs none other facrifice, but onely lefu chrift his fonne. 28 All holines in our own imaginatio is a robbing of chriftes honor. yj Faith foloweth repentaunce of finne. 390 22 Repentace goeth before fayth, and prepareth the way vnto Chrift. 30 CXXIV PROLEGOMENA. How our workes are good in the fight of God. 390 39 The work faueth not, but the word, that is to fay, the promife. 391 6 An apt fimilitude for reward of good workes. 17 All vowes mufl be made for y mortifying or tamyng of our members or the edifying of our neighbours, 01 els they are wicked. 24 How we ought to vowe wilfull pouertie. 32 Whether fifhed the Popes prelates with this net or no ? 392 2 Our workes do not fland in the wifedome of ma but in the power of God. 24 Defert, and fre gift are contraries. 393 2 The fight of riches, is rather a caufe of couetoufnes then a meane to honor God. 14 Whether dyd the papifl fo or no 30 Yet y* fpiritualties pilage was more then theyr {landing ftiped. 41 A good vowe is to kepe Gods commaundementes. 394 6 How thou mayft. lawfully goe on pilgrimage. 17 God heareth all that call vppon him in all tymes and at al places alyke. 30 God dwelleth not in temples made with mannes handes. 34 God regardeth the hart & not y* place w^here wee pray. 395 4 Wilfull chaftitie is not mete for all perfons to vow. 1 1 Falfe fayned chaflitie. ' 24 The Pope reflrayned that which God permitted and fetteth at liberty that which God forbiddeth. 35 A good adminition to fuch as wil make vowes. 396 6 Wherunto and howe we fhould apply our vowes. 17 How a vow is to be made. 22 He that fafleth to any other ende tha to tame his body, that it may wayte vpon God, deceiueth hym felfe. 32 All our doynges mud tende to the honour of God, and loue of our neighbour. 397 2 Notes to A Prologe in to the fyfte boke of Mofes, called Deuteronomye. This boke is a preachyng of fayth and loue. 4 Here thou mayell learne a right meditation or contempla- tion. 8 The workes of God are fupernatural. 17 We mufl abflaine fro outward euill though not for loue yet for feare of the vengeance of God. 27 Vnto the law of god, we may neither add nor minifh. 31 We are comaunded to abflayne from Images. 5^8 4 God is mercyful to them that repent. 12 Chrifl hath deliuered vs, & therfore we ought to ferue him & our neyghbour for his fake. 20 Loue onely is the fulfillyng of the lawes of God. 29 We mufl truft. onely in God, & not in our felues. yj How a ma may trye & examine hym felfe, how much he loueth God, and his neighbour. 5^9 ^ God flyrreth vp his people vnto fayth. 13 A right of way of prayer. 17 The pith & effect of all y lawes of God. 20 THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. cxxv And if wee firft loue God, then out of that loue, we muft nedes loue our neighbour. 519 27 What it is to loue and feare God, and what it is to defpife him. 36 The word of god may not be altered. 520 i Let no man draw vs from gods worde. 4 Of maters of the common weale. 14 None may be condemned vnder two witneffes. 22 Chrifl our fauiour declared in the old teftament. 35 The curfe and wrath of God ouer al thofe that break his lawes. 521 I We may not be to curious in the fearchyng of Gods fecretes, but rather fludy to vnderftand & to do our duety toward god and our neighbour. 9 V. COLLATION OF THE PROLOGUES TO THE SEVERAL BOOKS OF THE PENTATEUCH SHOWING THE DIFFERENT READINGS IN TYNDALE'S PENTA- TEUCH OF 1530, AND IN DAYE'S FOLIO OF 1573. ^530. W. T. To the Reader. their both wifdom. vttmofl. biffhope tended accufe fitle piflle piftle the it full other Aprologe fhewinge the vfe of the fcripture other for invencyon ye ^373- The Preface of mafler William Tyndall, | that he made before the fiue bookes of | Mofes, cal- led Gene/is. An. i^jo, lanua. ly. 2 9 both their 3 25 wifdom: 27 vttermofl 4 9 Byfhops 10 tented 34 accufed 41 the 5 2 litles 14 epiflle 15 epiftle 6 7 them 17 it a full 21 either 17 18 19 A prologue by Willia Tyn- | dall, fhewyng the vfe of the Scrip- | ture, which he wrote before the fiue I bookes of Mofes. other in invencyons. omitted. CXXVl PROLEGOMENA. enfamples 8 II examples hope. 21 hope for. enfamples 9 4 examples enfamples lO I example haunfed them II 22 chaunfed enfample: 24 example: enfamples, 35 examples, of the harte 12 I of harte the 19 yt countre 23 countey that he 24 that bleffe 25 bleffe, behaue 30 behaued vttmofle 40 vttermofte . out with out but with 13 13 fynners. 18 fynnes. enfamples 28 examples to kepe 31 omitted. enfample Zl example at the lafle. 39 at lafle. there 41 there there folowed ? 14 7 foloweth ? enfamples 9 examples Thofe 14 Thefe enfamples 18 examples for theyr 22 for A PROLO j GE IN TO THE The Prologue to the fe- SECON- 1 de boke of Mo- cond booke of Mofes fes called 1 Exodus. called Exodus. Of i6i I By promifes 21 promife all captiuite Zl all the captiuite vntill 35 till jope 162 7 people 5ecaufe that whe 12 omits that they fight 19 they do fight neygh hours 29 owne of goddes worde 34, 35 omitted. Where 40 When as 163 9 an ad to II omits to which 13 that god had 14 god hath nought 16 ought nought therfro 17 ought from it to do only that which 17 comaundyng to do that only that fhould mufl 29 his 36 the vs care 40 vs to care evell 164 2 ill wedowe 14 wedowes all 19 omitted. fhall 24 fhould the mouth of 30 omitted. not grudge ZZ omitted. no 34 none THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. CXXVU fhadowes of Mofes namely of the thige pertayned fo bewtifuU fe more ad wonderfull of the facrifices be by places of the this punifhment with euen yere faye but hath the ad to make dryve vnto So alepope on which euerlaflinge lyfe geueth her or hilles or bleffynge naturall curfes ceafon thefe this this cure fhrynes offeriges be or the newe Daye (tj^j) adds: Of this word Iivillbe, commeth the name of God lehouah, which we interprete Lord, and is as much to faye, as I am that I am. 3. Chap. That I here call a (hepe in Hebrue is a worde indifferent to a (hepe, and a goate both. 12. Chap. The Lambe was called Paffeouer, that the very name its felfe, fhould put them in remembraunce, what it fignified, for the fignes that God ordained, either fignified the benefites done, or promffes to come, and were not done, as the fignes of our domme God the Pope. lehouah Nijfi, the Lord is he that exalteth me. Chap. 17. Ephod, is a garment like an amice. Chap. 25. Shewbread, becaufe it was alway in the fighte and prefence of the Lord. Chap. 25. 165 I fhadowe of Moyfes 8 namely the TO thiges 13 pertayning 13 omitted. 14 fe things more 15 omitted. 17 of facrifices 22 be there by 36 bookes 40 of 166 3 his 6 punifhments 6 and 7 omitted. ID yeres 13 haue fayd IS but God hath 17 them 21 ad make 32 dryve vs vnto yi omitted. 41 ale pole 167 19 in 22 that 23 lyfe euerlaflinge 26 geueth it 37 nor 168 5 omitted. 20 bleffynges 23 omitted. 24 curfe 40 tyme 41 thofe 169 6 thefe 8 thefe A Table expounding cer- | tayne wordes of the fec- ond 1 booke of Genefis 14 ours 31 offerige 170 7 was 8 or newe CXXVlll PROLEGOMENA. A PRO- I LOGE IN TO THE thirde boke of Mofes called Leuiticus. A Prologue into the thirde I booke of Mofes called Le- I uiticus. boke 289 2 booke heed 10 head childers 290 7 childerns faythes 38 faythe vnto 41 vntil faythes 292 3 faithe lohan 14 lohn Paule fayenge 25 Pauls fayenge baptim^ 27 Baptifme apon the croffe 40, 41 vpon croffe hote 293 24 hoate my fynnes. 29, 30 fynnes. axed off God 33 afked God envieth me Chrifte 35 envieth Chrifte wyle 294 I wyld invifible II inuifibles baptim 15, 16 baptifm vnderflonde. 26 vnderftand. baptim.' 29 baptifme. bagge 30, 34 badge fodiars 31 fouldiers baptim 3^ baptifm baptim 39 baptifme baptim 295 3, 9 Baptifme baptim 10, 13, 17 Baptifme chrift fayenge 25 Chrifts faying boke 41 booke fett 296 37 fetch. apte a thinge 297 6 apte thinge vnderflond 17 vnderftand nurteringe 28 nurtering Daye's folio of 1573 has also the following table drawn up from the marginal notes in Deuteronomy, and erroneously inserted be- fore Nu7nbers. An expofition of certayne \ wordes of- the fourth booke \ of Mofes, called Numeri. Avims, a kynde of Giauntes, and the worde fignifieth crooked, \Tiright, or weaked. Beliall, weaked, or weakeneffe, hee that hath caft the yoke of God of his necke, and will not obey God. Bruterer, prophefies or fouthfayers. Emims, a kynde of gyauntes fo called becaufe they were terrible and cruell, for Emim fignifieth terriblenes. Enacke, a kinde of Giauntes fo called happly, becaufe they ware chaynes about their neckes. Horims, a kynde of Giauntes, and fignifieth noble, becaufe that of pride they called themfelues nobles, or gentles. Rocke, God is called a rocke, becaufe both he and hys word lafteth for euer. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. CXXIX Whet them on thy children, that is, exercife thy children in them, and put them in vre. Zamzumims, a kynde of Gyauntes, and fignifieth mifcheuous, or that be alway imagining. 1530- 1373- [ A prolo 1 ge in to the The Prologue into the fourth boke of | Mofes, fourth boke of Mofes called Nu- | meri. called Numeri. lowfeth 386 L. 5 loofeth vnlithed 387 34 untithed hijlh 388 32 hifh axe 389 36 afke baptyme 390 II Baptifme haue to god 1 40 haue God promeffe me to 391 II promife to enfample 40 example no nother 392 34 no other a nother 36 an other Thou wilt 393 10 But thou peraduenture wilt a nother 19 another a nother 394 24, 25, 26, 30 another axe 395 I afke fonne 6 fonnes fame 20 fome vfe the remeadye 24 vfe remedy A nother 25 An other boke 28 booke other 396 6 either as wife god 6 as God nother 7 neither requyreth not nor forfwere 8 omitted. that which god nother 41 neither a nother 397 8 an other A PRO I LOGE IN TO THE | fyfte boke of Mofes, cal- I led Deuterortomye. Doke wete boke power and beyonde all nat- urall them appoffe curfes 517 I booke 5 wit 14 booke 17 omitted. 520 22 then 27 oppofe 521 6 curfe A Prologue into the fifte | booke of Mofes called Deu- I teronomy. cxxx PROLEGOMENA. VI. LIST OF PLACES IN THIS EDITION OF THE PENTATEUCH EXPLAINED OR ILLUSTRATED BY LUTHER, TYNDALE, AND ROGERS. (L denotes Luther; T, Tyndale; and M, Matthew's Bible.) Gen. I : 2 M Gen. 15 : I M Gen. 28 : 19 M 7 M 6M 21 L 22 M II L 22 M 26 M 14 M 29 : 32-35 L 2 : I M 16 M 30: 8 L 3M 17 M II L 7 M 16: 2 M 13 L lo M 5 M 14 M II L II L 18 L 17 M 13 M 20 L 3 : 6M 17: 5 L 21 L 8 L M 13 M 24 L 15 LM 18 : I M 32 L 20 L 2 L 33 M 22 M 5 M 31 :2o L 4 : I L 19; 5 M 42 L M 4M IS M 48 L lo M 20 L 32: 9 T 15 T 20 : 1 1 M 10 M 26 M 16 M 28 L 5 :22 M 21 : 9 L 30,31 LM 6 : 2 L M 31 L 33 : 14 L 12 M 22 : 2 L M 34: I L 13 M 5 M 2 M 7 : I M 12 M 35: 2 M 2 M 23 : 2 L 14 L II M 15 L 18 LM 8; ; 7L 24 : 2 M 29 M II L 22 M 36: 4 M 21 M 23 M 37: 3 L 9 : 5TM 33 TM 34 M 6L 49 M 35 L 22 L 60T M 38 : 7 M 27 M 63 M 29 L ID :25 L 25 : 6 M 41 :43 M II : 5 M 8 M 45 LM 9L 23 M 46 M 12 M 27 M 5i,52L 12 : 2 M 26 : 20 L 42 : 22 M 5 M 21 L 38 M 13 : 8 M 22 LM 43 1 1 L 15 M 33 L 32 M 18 M 27 : 4 M 45: 4L 14 : 2 M 13 M 46 : 3. 4 M 5 M 28 M 47 : 9, 10 M 18 L M 36 L 20 M 19 M 28 : 14 L 22 T 21 M 17 M 29 M THE PENTATEUCrt '0!F 1530. cxxxi Gen. 47:31 L Ex. 13 : 4 L M Ex. 26 : 33 M 48 : 14 M 6 L 27 : 9 M 22 L 8 T 21 M 49 : 3 L 9 M 28 : I T 6M 14 T * 4M 10 LM 18 L 15 L 16 L 14: 9 M 17 M 19 L 14 M 18 M 20 LM isLM 30LTM 21 L i5:i6M 36 T M 22 L 18 M 38 M 27 L M 23 L 41 L 50 : 24 M 26 T M 43 M ^*^ For the marginal l6 : 7 M 29 : 4 T notes in Genesis, IS34, ^ 5 L 1 8 M see Table, page cix. '12 T ?? M Ex. I :2i M 17 : 3 M 36 L 2 : 10 L M 7 L 38 T 12 M 12 L 30:25 M 17 M is,i6LTM 3i:i3TM 22 L i8:2iTM 18 M 25 M 22 M 32 : 4 L 3 : I M 24 L 1 1 T 5 M 19 : 10 M 25 L 8M 15 M 28 T 14 LT M 20: 5 M 32 T M 22 M 12 M 34 M 4:16 M 18 T 33: 8 L 25 L 21 : 6 T M II M 31 M 12 T 14 T 5 : 2 M 14 T 19 L 21 M 28 T M 20 M 6 : 3 L M 32 M 34 : 19 M 5 M 22 : 8 L 20 T 6 T M II M 30 M 8 M 18 T 34 T 9 T 22 T M 35 : 6 M 12 M 25 T 22 L 7 : I M 26 T 23 M 1 1 T 28 T 36 : 7 T 23 M 29 L M 37 : 6 M 8:19 M 23: 8 T M 19 L 9:6M 9T 38:8L 27 M 14 L 39 : 10 M 10: II L 18 L II M 26 M 19 L M 40 : 9 T 1 1 : 5 M 28 M Lev. i : 9 M 8 M 31 T 2: 2 M 12 : 3 T M 24: 3 L 13 M 6L 5 M 3: I L 12 T M 10 M 4 M 14 M 16 M 5:24TM 23 M 25:7TM 6:5TM 26 T 22 L 27 M 43 L 30 T M 7 : I M 49 M 26 : I M 16 M 13: 2 M 4 L M 8:1 sqq.l cxxxii PROLEGOMENA. Lev. 8: 8M Num. i : 13 M Num. 11 123 M 36 M 20 M 25 M 9 : 22 sqq. T 22 M 29 T 10 : I T M 24 M 35 M 3 T M - 26 M 12 : 5 M 4 M 28 M 8 M 8 T 30 M 14 M 9 M 32 M 13; 16 M 19 T M 34 M 22 M 1 1 : 22 L M 36 M 24 L M 12 : 2 M 38 M 27 M 13: I sqq. T 40 M 32 M 2 M 42 M 14 : 6 M 4 L 2: 3 M 13 T 13 M 10 M 21 M 47 M 17 M 30 M \ i4:ioL 18 M - 33 M 15 M 25 M 40 TM , 21 L 3 : 12 M IS : 15 M 37 M 21 M 32 M 16: 2 T M 27 M 38 T M 29 M 33 M 16 ; I M 34 M 38 M 15 T 17 : 7 M 39 M 29 M 18:21 L M 5: 6T M 30 M 19 : 10 M 14 M 38 M 16 T 22 M 48 M 19 M 6: 2 L M 18: I M 20 L 7 M 19 L M 20 : I sqq. T 24 sqq. T 24 T 2 M 25 M 19 : 9 T 2o,2iTM 7 : 12 M 10 M 21 : I M 18 M 13 M 5 T 24 M 20 : 12 M 8 T 30 M 21 : I T 12 T 36 M 3 L 16, 17 T 42 M s M 22 : 29 M 48 M 6 M 23 : 10 M 54 M 14 M 27 M 60 M 20 M 32 M 66 M 29 M 36 L 72 M 32 L 24 : 5 M 78 M 22 : 39 M 1 1 M 8 : 7 L 23 : 8 T 15 M 9 : 13 M 9 M 25 : 8 M 22 M 21 L M 9 T 10 : 4 M 24 : I L 10 M 7 M 5 M 15 M 9 M 17 L 26 : 2 M 10 T 20 L 14 T 26 M 24 M 1 8 T M 29 M 25 : 4 M 21 M 31 M 8 M 26 M ii:iM 26:5M 42 T M 3 M 12 M 27 : 16 M 17 M 15 M 25 M 20 M 19 M THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. cxxxm Num. 26 :23 M Deut. 6:i5M Deut. 20 : STM 26 M 16 M 6TM 28 M 18 TM 21 : 9TM 35 M 20 T M II M 38 M 25 TM 14 M 42 M 7: 7 T M 22 : 5 M 44M 10 T M 6M 48 M 18 T 8TM 57 M 20 M 9M 27:i5T 25 M 10 M 17 M 26 M 29 M 20 L 8: 3TM 23 : I M 21 LTM 4M 13 M 23 T 17 M 18 TM 28: 2 T 18 T 24 : 6M 29 : 35 L T 9: I M 8T 30: 2 M 4TM 25 : 3M 3L 25 TM 25 : 5T 31 :43 M 10 : 7 M 6M 33 : 52 M 20 M II M 55 M II : 6M 26 : 5 M 35:11 T M 10 M 17 M 30 M 14 M 27; :i5T Deut. I : 6 M 19 T 28 : 5L 16 TM 12:15 T M 14 M 21 M 21 L 20 L 26 M 22 M 42 M 27 M 32 TM 46 M 43 TM 13: 3TM 29 :i9LM 2 : 10 M 13 M 29 LM 12 M 14: I M 31 : 2 M 20 M 21 M 17 M 24 M IS : 9 M 32 : I M 32 M 17 M 4LM 3: 5M 22 M 9M 14 M 16: I M II M 17 M II M 14 M 4: 2TM 12 T 20 M qTM 16 M 42 L M 12 TM 18 M 46 M 20 M 17: 5 TM 33; : 3 M 24 M 14 TM 5L 5: 4M 18: 2 T 8 LM 8T M 10 M 13 L 15 T II M 19 M 32 T M 15 LTM 20 L M 6: 2 M 19: 4T M 21 M 7 T M 6T 26 M 13 M 15 T 28 M CXXXIV PROLEGOMENA. VII. LIST OF OBSOLETE OR OBSOLESCENT WORDS AND PHRASES, AND OF WORDS STILL CURRENT, BUT DIFFERING IN THE MEANING AND THE > SPELLING; ALSO OF ALLUSIONS IN THE PROLOGUES, ETC. ^*^ The list might be considerably enlarged. The etymology of the words has not been attempted. The references to Wiclif are due to the Glossary in Vol. IV. of Forshall and Madden's edition. Many of the illustrations are drawn from Halliwell and Wright's edition of Nares' Glossary, London, 1872, in-8, and marked H. W. Those from miscellaneous sources are not marked. Abbreviations: s. denotes substantive; v., verb; pr., present tense; p. t., past tense;/, p., past participle; v. t., transitive verb; v. i., verb in- transitive; JOT/., Oxford. 1882. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. cxxxv apparell, the heavenly bodies, Gen. 2:1. appoffe, v., to examine by ques- tions, p. 520, 1. 27; appose, to dispute with, or object to, H. W. appoynte, to adjudge, Ex. 21:22; to assign, separate, Ex. 13:12. afene, p. p., seen, known. Gen. 41:31- as farforth . . . fo farforth, as far as, p. 291, 11. 13, 14. affone, affoone, as soon, often, Ex. 9:29. at, to, Gen. 14:14. atall, at all, p. 2, 1. 8. atonce, attonce, at once, imme- diately, once for all, often, p. 13, 1. 29; Deut. 9:16. " And all attnnce her beastly body rais'd With double forces high above the ground." Sp. F. Q., II, i. 42. H.W. at the left waye, at least, p. 164, 1. 17; p. 517, 1. 26. awaye, s., a way, p. 161, 1. 32. B. bagge, badge, p. 294, 11. 30, 34. bakemeates, cakes, pies. Gen. 40:17; also bak'd meat, see Sherwood's definition (in Cot- grave's Diet.) of pastisserie: all kinds of pies or bak'd meat, H. W. baptim, baptism, often, p. 294, 11. 15, 16, &c. ; also baptime, bap- tyme, baptem, bapteme, bap- tyme, pi. baptyms, baptimys, Wic. be fore, before. Gen. 2:4. be gile, beguile, p. 297, 1. 6. Belial, poynte of, wickedness, Deut. 15:9, see note. beeffe, beasts. Num. 20:8. bewepe, bewepte, to weep over, or for, cf. Germ, beweinen, Lev. 10:6. blaynes, pimples, pustules, Ex. 9:9. bloudvenger, avenger of blood. Num. 35:27. blynded, darkened as to the mind, Num. 14:44. boke, book, almost constant; boke, book, Wic. boket, bucket. Num. 24:7; boket, bokat, Wic. ho\^t,v .t., to encourage, strength- en, Deut. 3:28; to bolden, ren- der bold, Lear, v. i, H. W. boldlye, yfrw/y, p. 518, 1. 40. bond, bonde, covenant. Gen. 9:9. bonde, band, Ex. 28:32. boogges, bugges, p. 167, 1. 38; objects of terror; bugbear, terrifying spectre, Skeat. Ps. 91:5: "Thou fhalt not nede to be afrayed for eny bugges by night." Mat- thew's Bible. borne, burn, p. 6, 1. 18. bothe two, both. Lev. 9:3. bouUed, grown into buds, Ex. 9:32. boundes, ties, obligations. Num. 30:14- bowe from, decline from, turn aside, Deut. 28:14. brede, breadth. Gen. 48:7. breche, sitig. of breeches. Lev. 16:4; see Richardson, who cites Chaucer, Cant. Tales, &.C. The word appears to have denoted any kind of gar- ment to cover the loins. It is used by Wiclif and Purvey in Gen. 3:7, and in Gold. Leg. (Caxton's ed. 1484). brente,<^r/'. Gen. 38:24; brenne, p. t. brente, p. p. brent, Wic. bretren, brethren, Gen. 42:32. broke, s., breach, Lev. 24:20. brothren, brethren, often, p. 13, 1. 2>y, p. 162, 1. 24. bruterar, murmurer, Deut. 18:10. bugle, buffalo, Deut. 14:5 ; so Wic. buffhe, hair, beard, p. 420, note; bush of haire, Holland, Plinie, ii, 25. by caufe, because, p. 8, 1. 6. byele, s., boil, often; biel, byil,^/. biles, bills, bylis, Wic. C. candelfticke felfe {itself), Ex. 37:20. caren leane, carrion lean, p. 297, 1. 23. Caimes, misprint for Caies, pi, of Cain, Gen. 9:5, marg. cauellacions, overreaching, fraud. Lev. 19:13. cheft, coffin. Gen. 50:26. cheuefaunce, bargain, Deut. 21:14; enterprise, achievement, see H. W., s. v., chevisance, al- CXXXVl PROLEGOMENA. so Blackwood, and Old French Dictionaries. childers, p. 290, 1. 7. chofe, jz>. /., p. 163, 1. II. chrillen, sing., p. 168, 1. 35; pi. p. 162, 1. 41, chrisiiaji, often. chriflenlye, adv., p. 162, 1. 32. clarkes, clerks, p. 11, 1. 8. cleane, p. 392, 1. 26, clene, p. 5, 1. 33, quite. cloke, p. 2, 1. 29; make a cloke, p. 161, 1. 26; other clokes, p. 2, 1. 17; cloak, &c., disguise, pre- text, ox pretence. clofed to, closed. Gen. 20:18. clouden piler, Ex. 33:9,10. colore, collar, Ex. 28:32. comened, Lev. 22:1; comentye, congregation. Lev. 8:3; comen- ynge, Gen. 18:33, 23:8; comon, comoned, (often,) comyned, to commune, converse, speak, Ex. 25:22; Lev. 5:14; comyne, com- unen, comenynge, comynynge, Wic. comynalte, Lev. 4:13. corage, v., to encourage, Ex. 35:21, Deut. 3:28. corolye, corefyes, corrosive, p. 160, 11. 20, 39; see H. W. " Whereas he meant his c'orro/ives to apply, And with streight diet tame his stubborne malady." Sp. F. Q., I, x. 25. coniure, adjure. Num. 5:19. coorfe, corpse, Gen. 23:3; cors, Wic. coude, cow^d, cowde, could, often. couerynge, screening frotn ob- servation. Gen. 20:16. courage, s., the heart, as the seat of the affections ; cf. Low Latin coragium, p. 167, 1. 39. curtefie, kindness, p. 164, 1. 28. curtefie, a small quantity. Gen. 43:11. D. dayefmen, judges, Ex. 21:22; daysman, an umpire, or arbi- trator, from his fixing a day for decision; day, according to Todd, sometimes means judgment, H. W. dead, deade, pi. deades, deed, p. II, 1. 40; p. 12, 11. 12,15. deale, s., part, portion, cf. Ger- man Theil. dealeth, divideth, cf. Germ. theilen, Deut. 21:16. dethe, 1534, Gen. 23:2; deith, 1534: Gen. 35:29; dethe, 1534: Gen. 50:26; deatii, margin. difmale dayes, unlucky days: Trench, Sel. Gloss, Deut. 18:10. difmall, same as difmale. Lev. 19:26. difcouer, uncover. Lev. 18:7,8. dome, domme, dumb, often, p. 292, 1. 30; p. 296, 1. 32. dowry, gift. Gen. 30:20; pre- sent, Gen. 34:12. drewe vnto, amounted to. Numb. 3:34- duns, the works of John Duns Scotus, schoolman, died A. D. 1308. dutye, s., due, often, Ex. 29:28; law. Lev. 7:36. dweld, v., infin., to dwell, Ex. 15:17. E. tdiXyngt, ploughing, Ex. 34:21. emperies, empires, p. 460, mar- gin. enceadinge, exceeding, Ex. 1:7. ende, vp an, upright. Gen. 28:18. endote, endow, Ex. 22:16. enfample, example, Wic, of- ten, p. 13, 11. 28,37; at the enfample, according to the example, Gen. 48:20. ere, v., to plough, p. 12, 1. 35; ere, eren, eeren, Wic. erthy, adj., earthly, p. 295, 1. 24, ether, both. Gen. 2:25; ether- other, both, p. 292, 1. 11; Deut. 22:22. facion, ^a^/^r, Ex. 25:9. facyon, appearance, Ex. 24:10. l^xsxixt., faint. Gen. 25:30. faith, 1534, Gen. 50:24, margin, fame(hment,/rtzi^, Gen. 47:4. fantafye, liking, fondness , Deut. 21:11. faft, adv., near to, Ex. 14:9; Num. 2:27. faul, v., to fall, p. 395, 1. })2>- ia.nX.t, fault, p. 392, 1. 18. fayre, adv., gently, quietly, Gen. 33:14. " Go /aire and softlie." Holland, Livy, p. 83. THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. cxxxvu faytes, feats, works well done, Ex. 31:4. faythes, pi. of faith, often, p. 290, 1. 38; p. 291, 1. 38; p. 392, 1. 8. feare, v. t., to make afraid, often, p. 8, 11. 16, 23. {&d,^rs, feathers. Gen. 7:14. felafhippe, a, Num. 22:6. feldedeuels, satyrs, Deut. 32:17. felowfhipe, a good, peaceably, N urn. 20: 1 7 ; comp. citation from Shakesp. in Webster's Diet., 1883, Unab. Ed., s.v., fellow- ship. fett, v., to fetch, often. feythe, faith, 1534, Gen. 43:18; margin. fifte, iyii^, fifth, often. finde, to support, p. 5, 1. 22. firftbornefhipp, Deut. 21:17. fleth,y?zVM, Deut. 4:17. folk, folke, nation, cf. German volk. Gen. 47:23; Num. 32: 15; Deut. y.^. for as moch, often. forboden, forbidden, p. 164, 1. 38. forcaft, s., prognostication, Deut. 32:28. " In thinges pertaining to this presente lyfe ye haue a witte and 3./orecaste." Udal, Luke xii., Richardson. forgeten, forgetten, forgotten, cf. German vergessen, p. p.. Gen. 41:30; Deut. 31:21. forloren, lost, undone, cf. Ger- man verloren, p. p. of ver- lieren. Num. 21:29. freat, freten, fretynge, eaten away, cf. German fressen, and note. Lev. 13:51. for {6k&, forsook, p. 14, 1. 16. ful onlike, very unlike. Num. 27:16, margin; ful, very, Wic. often, furmentye, pottage made of wheat, Minshew, Lev. 23:14. " In Fraunce and Spaine, bruers steep their wheat ox/rument in water," Holland, Plin., xviii. 7; " Frutnent with venyson," Fabyan, V. II , an-1530. Richardson. furiouffer, p. 388, 1. 28. furres, skins. Lev. 15:16. gurdes, fringes, Num. 15:38. gate, p. p. of to get, p. 5, 1. 20. gefte, acts, p. 11, 1. 9; gestis, ^/., deeds, Wic. geftyngeftocke, laughing stock, Deut. 28:37. geuernauce, 1534, note. Gen. 3:14. gile, guile, so Wic. Ex. 21:14. goddt-S, judges, Ex. 21:6; 22:8,9. Godwarde, to, Ex. 18:19, goo a warrefare, Deut, 24:5. goodman, master of the house, Ex. 22:8. goten, acquired, Ex. 15:16. gott, procured. Gen. 21:21; gott him, went, Gen. 22:3, greteth, grateth, acts harshly upon the thoughts or feel- ings, p. 297, 1. 17. Richardson: " His gall d\d grate for griefe and high disdaine." Sp., F. Q., I, i. grounded, established, founded, Ex. 9:18. H. hande brede, Ex. 37:12; handi- breede, Wic. hanfafled, p. p. of hanfafl, A. S., handfcBstan, to betroth, Deut. 22:23. "A gentleman, being handfasted to a gentlewoman." Wilson, Arte of Rhetoriq-ue, p. 144, Richardson; see also Todd's Johnson's Diet. harde, heard. Gen, 39:15. harde vnder, immediately under, Ex. 25:27. happe, v., to happen, Deut. 23:1, margin. hare, v., to hear, p. 520, 1. 29. harneffe, s., armor. Num. 32:20, 21; ordinary clothes, p. 591, note. harneffed, armed, often, Ex. 13:18. harte, hert.herte, s., the heart, of- ten; phrase, "His harte laye," Gen. 34:3. heares, heirs, p. 416, note. herde fauored nacion, adj.. Bish- ops' Bible: a nation of fhame- leffe and cruel countenance; A. v., 1611: a nation of fierce countenance, Deut. 28:50. himward, to, Deut. 32:5. hijfh, v., to hiss, to express contempt, p. 388, 1. 32. hit, it. Gen. 3:15. hole, a., whole, often, Lev. 4:13; in the hole, z the whole, i. e., the principal. Num. 5:7; hoi, hoel, hool, hoole, wholly alto- gether, Wic. Gxxxvni PROLEGOMENA. holowenge, p.p., to hallow, con- secrate, p. 318, margin, hoorehed, hoary head. Lev. 19:32. \vQ\i.i&s. families, Ex. 1:21. L iacyncte, hyacinth, blue, often, Ex. 25:4; iacynt, iacynkt, Wic. idolatryffe, idolatrous, p. 143, margin, imagerye, figures, statues, or effigies, p. 518, 1. 5. " An altar, carv'd with cunning imagery." Sp., F. Q., I. 8. inclofers, settings, Ex. 39:14. in deade, Deut. 21:16. inflruct, instructed, p.p., p. 589, note, inleffe, unless, p. 7, 1. 13. interpretate, v. infin,, and p.p., to interpret. Gen. 40:16; 41:15; p. p., p. 303, note. in to, into, often, iolye, spirited, in good case, Ex. 15:4. " Yid^A. jolly knight he seemed." Spenoer. iolif, iolyf, ioly, wanton, Wic. K. karen, carrion, p. 348, margin, kepte, imperative, 3 p., pi.. Gen. knowleage, knowlege, v., to ac- knowledge, often, Ex. 22:29, note; p. 291, 1. 41; knouleche, knowleche, knowliche, to con- fess, acknowledge, Wic. leafull, lawful, p. 416, note. lefully, lawfully, p. 29, note. lenger, longer, p. 4, 1. 11. let, hinder, often. lift, p. t., p. 421, margin. lightely, easily, readily, Gen. 26:10. linwod, i. e., the work of Wil- liam Lindewood, Lindwood, or Lyndewood, Divinity Pro- fessor at Oxford and bishop of St. Davids (f 1446), called Constitutiones Provinciates Ecclesice Anglic ance, Oxon., 1466, p. 4, 1. 21. lifte, v., to like, please, p. 25, margin. loke of, to, v., to look at, p. 5+5. margin. longe, longeth, longinge, belong, belongeth, belonging, often, Num. 1:50; 6:15; Lev. 23:18. loured, lourefte, lowered, looked sullen, Gen. 4:5,6. loueday, s., a day of amity or reconciliation. Todd's Illustr. of Chaucer, Glossary. " Love-days: days anciently so called, on which arbitrations were made, and controversies ended between neighbours and acquaintance." N. Bailey, Univ. Etymol. Engl. Diet., Lond., 1755, p. 397, 1. 7. luckie, prosperous. Gen. 39:2. luft, s., luflie, adj., delight, af- fording pleasure. Gen. 3:6; earnest desire, Deut. 18:6; adj., strong, hale, good. lyfte, p. t., lifted. Gen. 18:2; 21:16; lyfte, imperat., Gen. 21:18. lyne, lain, p. p. of to lie, v. i.. Gen. 26:10. lyuehode, s., livelihood, means of supporting life, p. 416, note; lijflode, liflode, lyuelod, pi. lyuelodis, a living sus- tenance. Wic, M. maliciouffer, p. 388, 1. 28. maner, custom, law. Num. 15: 24. maner, with the; phrase; in the very act, see Law Dic- tionary under mainour, H. W. Num. 5:14. manquellyng, 7nan killing, mur- der, p. 565, note, p. 583, note. manquellare, manquellere, man- killer, man slayer, (manflear) p. 583, note; Wic. murderer, executioner. marre, v., to hurt, injure, dam- age, Deut. 4:16; marred,/./., Deut. 9:12. marye, marrow/ p. 290, 1. 23; mary, merow, and seven dif- ferent forms, Wic. maunde, hand basket, cf. Ger- man mande. maftrefs, mistress. Gen. 16: 4.8,9. meet, v., to measure, Deut. 21:2. merfed, amerced, Ex. 21:22. THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. CXXXIX mercyfeate warde, toward the mercy seat, Ex. 25:20; 37:9. mercyleffe, adv., Deut. 13:15. meritmongers, Daye's Note, p. 388, 1. 24; p. cxxiii. mefellynge, small rain, driz- zle, Deut. 32:2. me thinke, it seems to me. Lev. 14:35; see Skeat, J. v., methinks. meyny, s.. Gen. 22:3, men of his household; meine, meyne, meynee, pi. meynes, meynees, hotcsehold, family , Wic. mifchefe, for a; phrase; for evil, Ex. 13:12; compare: Abi in malam rem, go hense with a mischiefe; Eliote's Diet., 1559, H. W.; and to cheve or achieve, to bring to an end, to finish; also Trench, meschef, bonchcf. Richardson. moare, more, often; moare lower, Lev. 13:34. moo, more, often. moo, else, besides, Deut. 4:39. moren, murrain, p. 168, 1. 25. more ftronger, p. 290, 1. 11. more ouer. Num. 20:2. moulte,/.^. oi to melt, Ex. 16:22. N. naked, bareheaded, Ex. 32:25; see margin, and L. M. N. namely, especially, Ex. 4:10; nameli, same meaning, Wic. naule, s., an awl; Ex. 21:6; nal, an awl, Wic. necke verfes, p. 34, margin. A neck verse was the verse read by a malefactor, to entitle him to benefit of clergy, and there- fore eventually to save his life; generally Ps. 51:1, H. W. nether . . nether, neither . . nor, Gen. 19:35. neuerthelater, neuer the later, neuer the lather, nevertheless, yet, Lev. 11:36; Num. 14:44; Deut. 4:29. no . . nor, not . . or, p. 292, 1. 30. no nother, none other, p. 389, 1. i;p. 392, 1.34; p. 396, 1.41. nother, neither, often; nother, nothir, nouthir, neither, Wic. nother . . nor, tieither . . nor, p. 7, 11- 3.4- not withflondynge, Deut. 12:15. nurter, v. t., to bring up, edu cate, Deut. 4:36. nurter, s., discipline, p. 517, 1. 30. O. obedience, the, i. e., Tyndale's Obedience of a Chriften man, &c. ; see p. liii., 1. 5; p. 161, 1. 9. occupie, V. i., to trade, traffic, Gen. 42:34- once, adv., now. Gen. 2:23. ons, ottce, Ex. 33:5; 00ns, ones, onys, onus, once, Wic. optayne. Lev. 7:18; opteine, p, 547, margin. or, before, p. 344, note. other . . nother, either . . nei- ther, p. 396, 11. 6, 7. ouerfcaped,<7r/^r^^-i'^^,Lev.i9:io. ouerfe, 7/. refl.., to err through ig- norance,or inadvertence.^um. 15:22. ouerthwarte, adj., opposite, per- verse, Deut. 32:5; see examples in H. W.; ouerthwart, ouer- thewert, ouerthwert, ouer- wi\\tY\.,perverse,froward,V^\c. out, to be, to be finished, ended. Lev. 12:4,6. out at doors. Gen. 19:6. P. pagiantes, feats, exploits, Ex. 10:2. parelles, /^r//j, p. 12, 1. 26. partie coloured, colored part by part; of diverse tints, Gen 30:34- parties, /ar/j, s., Gen. 16:13. partlet, s., a band or collar fat the neck. ^SiynG:,s., punishment, Lev.i9:20 paynte a . . caufe, to favour a cause, to be partial, Ex. 23:3 perloufe, perilous, p. 529, note, pi file, epistle, often, pither, pyther,///f ^^r, Gen.24: 17 plecke, speck. Lev. 13:4; cf. Ger mdiVi fleckenj fpleckid, specked, Wic. poUar, s., plunderer, robber, p. 293, 1. 21. polled, plundered, robbed, Deut. 28:29. pope holyneffe, p. 387, 1. 24. porteffes, s.,pl. of porteffe, a par- cxl PROLEGOMENA. tasse, a portable prayer book or breviary, p. 4, 1. 16; the word is also spelt portise, porthose, portos, portals, all corruptions of the French porte-hors, a lit- eral rendering of the Low Latin portiforium, from portare fo- ras, to carry out of doors, abroad; see Richardson and H. W. for examples, poynte of Belial, Deut. 15:9. Bishops' Bible, 1572: " a wicked thought in thyne heart "; A. V., 1611: " a thought in thy wicked heart." poyntment, rflz/^a/, ^. F.,Deut. 7:9. preafe, prefe, preafed,?/., to press j Wic. to press, Gen. 19:9; to approach. Lev. 21:17,21; Bishops' Bible, 1568: preafe, come neare, come nye; 1572: preffe, comme neare, preffe; A. v., 161 1 : approche, ap- proche, come nigh. prophefie, v., to divine, A. V., Gen. 44:5; Wic. ivonte to dy- uyne; Bishops', 1572: confult- eth with the propheciers, A. v., 161 1 : diuineth, or maketh triall. pyke, V. /., to pick. Gen. 43:18. Q- quarters, corners. Num. 15:38. quyte, quit free, Ex. 21:19; Wic. ynnocent. R. rafcall people, rabble. Num. 11:4; rafkeyl, common people, L K. 6:19, Wic; cf. French racaille and racier, to scrape together. rauefhynge, taking away by vio- lence. Gen. 49:27; Wic. raump- ynge; Purvey, raiiyschyngej Bishops', 1568, '72 rauiftej A. v., 161 1 : rauine. rebellyons, s. pi., rebels; so Mat- thew; Bishops', 1568, '72: re- belles; A. v., 1611: rebels; Wic. rebells, rebel. Num. 20:10; re- beller, p. 577, margin. renne, v., to run, p. 417, note. rennegate, runnagate, renegade, i. e., wanderer, fugitive, vag- abond, Gen. 4:12; Wic. vag- aunt, i. e., wandering; Bish- ops', 1568: vacabounde. rightwyfe, righteous; often in dif- ferent spelling; Wic. rightwis, ryghtwisness, wis and wis- ness, denoting wise and wise- ness, or wisdom. robenhode, a tale of, p. 11, 1. 10, in allusion to the fictitious na- ture of many of the alleged ad- ventures of Robin Hood, the famous outlaw. Rocheftre, i. e., Fisher, bishop of Rochester, p. 162, 1. 27. Pro- fessor Walter, Doctrinal Trea- tises, &c., pp. 208, 209, note, cites: " But Moyses and Aaron which were the heads of that people, whereof then be they shadow? Without doubt they must be the shadow of Christ and of his vicar, St. Peter, which under Christ was also the head of chris- tian people." "The third likeness is this. Moyses ascended unto the mount to speak with Almighty God, and Aaron remained behind to instruct the people. Did not Christ likewise ascend unto his Father, unto the great mount of heaven ? and to what intent, I pray you ? St. Paul telleth: Ut appareat vuUui Dei pro nobis: To appear before the face of Almighty God for us, and there to be our advocate, as saith St. John. And did not Peter remain behind to teach the people, the which our Saviour committed to his charge, like as Aaron was left for to do the people of the Jews, when Moses was alone in the mount with God ? Thus every man may see how that shadow, and this thing, agreeth and an- swereth one to another, fully and clearly." Fisher's Sermon, verso of Avij, and verso of Bj. roudier, ruddier, redder. Gen. 49:12. royalme, realm, p. 391, 1. 12; the form roialme occurs in Gower, C^.iii. 199, 1. 3, Skeat. ryd,/. /., oi to ride. Num. 22:22; cf. German ritt. S. facrifie, to sacrifice, Ex. 30:29; so Wic. faffe, safe, p. 293, 1. 9. faint thomas fhryne, the shrine of Thomas a Becket in Christ Church, Canterbury ; see Erasmi Colloquia, Lugd. Bat., 1655, pp. 368, 387; and 'wal- fmgham ' in this list, and p. 393, 1.14. fcrale, fcraule, to crawl, creep, see Lev. 11:41,42; Ex. 8:3. feer bowes, withered boughs, p. 143, margin, fees fyde, sea side, Deut. 1:7. feten, p. p. oi to sit, Lev. 15:23; THE PENTATEUCH OF 153O. cxli Deut. 17:18; the same form oc- curs in Chaucer, C. T.j see Skeat. fette to, fined in, Ex. 21 :3o; Wic. if pryis be set to him; Bishops' B.: set- to; A. V., 161 1 : layed on. feuerall, separate, separated, often, Deut. 7:6; 26:18. fewer, sure, p. 418, note, fhetto, shut to, close, Deut. 15:7. fheyppe, ship, p. 295, 11. fhope, created, made, cf. German schaffen and deriv., Gen. 2:7. fhorte, V. t.; phrase: to prolonge the tale, to fhorte the tyme with all, p. 4, 1. z^)- fhrode, evil, Ex. 5:19; Wic. ^^/,- Bishops', i^SS, '72: worse. fmoten, p. p. of to smite, Num. 33:4; Wiclif has smoten, a.s pi. P.t. Sodomeward, to. Gen. 18:22. fo far forth as, as far as, p. 396, 1. 34- foftly, adv., at a gentle pace. Gen. 33:14. fondrie, adj., distinct, separate. Gen. 40:5. foule health, p. 293, 1. 17. fowre, bitter, Ex. 12:8; Purvey, margin, in Ebreiv it is with bitternessis; A. K,i6ii: bitter. fprete, fprite, fprites, spirit, spir- its, often. flampe, /. /., Deut. 9:21. fliffe, solid, beaten. Num. 8:4; Wic. beten out; Purvey: betun out with hameris. ftoppe, p. p., Gen. 26:18. floukes,y?a-^j, Ex. 22, 6; Bish- ops', i^6Z: flackes. flrayned, p. t., tied, bound, Ex. 39:21; Wic. flreyne, flreynede, ftreyned, to draw tight, bind. ftrenght, strength, often. ftrypes, s., wounds. Gen, 4:23; Ascham, Toxophilus, b. II.: " The fhaftes of Inde . . gave the greatery?rj'/^." Richard- son. furgione, physician, healer, Ex. 15:26; Bishops', 1568: I am the Lord that healeth thee. fufpect, s., suspicion, p. 417, note, see H. W. and Richard- son for examples. fymnell, s., a kind of cake, cf. German Setntnel, Ex. 29:23; Wic. cake of a loof; Purvey: tendur cake of loof; see was tell. T. tached, p. p., arrested, appre- hended, taken, p. 13, 1. '^y, cf. attached, in Skeat, who gives under tache, Mineu's ' to tache or tacke. take, was, Gen. 2:23; Num. 10:1 1. tale, s., number, Ex. 5:18; Num. 1:36. tent, v., to pitch a tent. Gen. 13:12; Bishops', 1568, '72: pitched his tent. tenthdeale, v., tenth part, cf. German Theil, and Zehn- theil, Zehntel, often. teftament, covenant, often. than, then, often. them felfe. Gen. 43:15. then, than, often. ther of, thereof. Gen. 2:21. thefe are that Aaron and Mofes, Ex. 6:26,27. they them filfe, Num. 36:6. this is that Dathan and Abi- ram. Num. 26:9. thrift, thrufl, thirst, p. 616, note, Deut. 28: 48; thrifye, thryflye, thirsty, p. 616, notes. thryd, third. Gen. 42:18; thryde, Num. 2:24. thyn, thin. Num. 16:38. to dafh, to thrust through, Ex. 15:6. to gedder, together, p. 4, 1. 29; Wic. to-gider, to-gidre, to-gideres, to-giderys, &c., to- gether. tole, tool, chisel, knife, Ex. 20:25. too, s. pi., tooes, toe, toes. Lev. 8:23,24. totehill, watch tower, or bea- con, Gen. 31:49; Wic. toot- hil, tote-hil, tute-hil, a cita- del, a watchplace. trompe, v., to sound with a trump, Num. 10:5,6. Wic. Num. 10:3; sownest with thi trompes, soundest with thy trompes; v. 5 lenger and cxlii PROLEGOMENA. stowndmeeltrompyngesowne; prolonged, and successive tromping sound; v. 6. sown- ynge and euen ^oUynge of the trompe, sounding and even veiling of the trompe; Bish- ops', 1568, '72: V. 4, blowe . . . trumpet; v. 5, blowe, an alarm. trouth, s., truth, p. 6, 1. 18; Wic. trouthe, truth. turtels, s., pi., turtle-doves, Num. 6:10; Wic. turtil, turtle, turtur, a turtle-dove. twych, twytche, v., to touch, often. tyllman, s., a farmer, i. e., a tiller of the ground. Gen. 25: 27; Wic. a man erthe tilier; tyllman, Udal, Matthew, c. 7. Rich. tytle, tittle, the dot over the letter /., p. 3, 1. 7. U. V. vehementer, compar. of vehe- ment, adj., p. 297, 1. 10. vnderflande, p. p., understood, p. 316, note; vnderflande, p. 576, note; vnderftonde, p. 294, 1. 26; 297, 1. 17. vnderflonge, s., underftanding, Deut. 32:29. vnheale, uncover. Lev. 18:7; Wic. vnhile, to uncover. vnrighte, not right, wrong, ct. Germ. Unrecht, Gen. 16:5; Wic. vnrijt, unjust, also vnrijtfulli, vnri3tfulnesse, &c. vn to, unto, very often. vnwares, not aware, not heed- ing, not knowing, Num. 35: 15; Deut. 4:42; Wic. not wil- nynge, not willynge; Purvey, not wilfuli. See ware. vre, to put in, to put to use, p. 545, note. See H. W., under Vre. ufe, to, one's self, to behave to- ward, deal with, p. 161, 11. 11, 13; Wic. vsen, to deal with. W. walfmgham, p. 393, 1. 14. iValflng- ham Priory in Norfolk. See Erasmi Colloquia, Lugd. Bat. 1655, pp. 368, 387 for an imagi- nary pilgrimage to this shrine, and that of Thomas a Becketj and for a description. ward, in, inseparate confinement, Ex. 12:6; Wic. warde keep- ing, custody. ware, was not, knew not (wist not) Lev. 5:18; warre of, aware of, i. e., to be con- scious. Lev. 5:2; Wic. war, ware, wary, prudent, aware. ware, were, p. 11, 1. 21. waflell, fine bread, cake. Lev. 24:5; "The j/;(?/ bread and wastel cakes, which were only used at the tables of the highest nobility." Sir W. Scott. wayte, s., watch, service, charge, cf. German Hut, Num. 4:28; Wic. waiten, v., to keep watch; wayte s., a spy; waitere, weyter, a sPy, a watcher. welth, prosperity, happiness, weal, welfare, Deut. 6:24; 10: 13- wenft, wentest. Gen. 49:4. wete, v., to know, often. Wic. wite, to know. where to fore, where before, Deut. 28:62. whether, whither, Ex. 21:13. whett on, v., to sharpen, disci- pline, stimulate, Deut. 6:7. whitter, whiter. Gen. 49:12. whone, one. Lev. 15:18. whope, whoope, s., hoop, Ex. 38:10,11; whoped, hooped, yy. 17,19. whote, hot, often. Num. 11:10,33. whyned, wept, cf. German wei- nen, to weep. Num. 11:18; this word retained as late as in the Bishops' Bible of 1572 'your whynyng is in the eares of the Lorde,' is rendered in A. V. 161 1 : 'you haue wept in the eares, &c.'; the Latin version of the Chaldee in Complut. has plorastis. wife, wyfe, wyves, woman, women. Gen. 18:1 1; Num. 5: 18, often; wife, consort. Gen. 24:39, also common. with, besides, Ex. 20:23. with all, withal, often, p. 389, 1.36. THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. cxliii without forth, adv., without, Deut. 32:25; Wic. without- forth, withoute-forth, out- wardly, without; he also has withinnen-forth.withynneforth, withyn-forth, adv., within. witneffe, pi., probably a mis- print for witnesses (Matthew) Deut. 4:45. wolfe, s., woof, often, Lev. 13:48. wolward, woolward, dressed in wool only without linen; a well known and ancient act of penance; 'nudis pedibus et absque linteis circumire.' H. W. Stratmann: 'wolwarde, cutis lanam uersu '; Skeat: 'with the skin against the wool'; Fisher, Seuen Psalmes, Ps. 143. pt. II. 'in colde going wolward.' wot, ^. /., Gen. 20:6, wott, pres. indie, p. 1 1, 1. 8, woteft, 2 p., s., pres. indie, of wite, to know; Wiclif has wost, woost, wotist, all, 2 p., s., pres. itid. wrenfhed, p. t., of to wrenfh, wrench, to turn suddenly, push, thrust; cf. Germ. renken, verrenken,Num.22 -.2^. wylde, not domesticated. Gen. 16:12. wylde, open, Lev. 14:53, cf. wyde, 17:5. wyle, wild, immature, reckless, thoughtless, p. 294, 1. i. wyft, p. t. of wite, to know. Gen. 9:24; 21:26; Wic. wiste, 2 p. wistest, pi. wisten. yer, ere, before, often, p. 10, note, 1. 12. yerlee, early, Num. 14:40. yerwhile, before, p. 447, margin, ymaginacions, cohim^iar linages. Num. 33:52. ynowe, enough, p. 163, 1. 3; Wic. ynow, ynow3, ynewj, enough. Y" fe, contraction of thefe, Num. 3:18. VIII. LIST OF MISPRINTS IN TYNDALE'S PENTATEUCH OF 153O, CORRECTED IN THIS EDITION, EITHER BY ANALOGY OF TYNDALE'S TEXT, OR BY THE TEXT OF MATTHEW'S BIBLE. ^Jjo. 1884. ^330. 1884. Prologe to Genesis. c. II V. : II an and p II II L. , 14 . 21 bett/er f/ripture better fcripture 12 13 H :2o : 4 : 2 wyf^r rec eaue, Sod5^ wyfe receaue Sodome c^ V Genesis 20 9 :i7 Syn^ar Abimeleh Synear Abimele^rh I : 27 femalr female 22 : : 17 th th^ 4: 6: 4 4 off^ynge fhe offrynge the 23 24; :i7 ;i4 Fo.XXIIII. th^ Fo.XXX. thy 15 15 lenth h^ryth length heyth 14 35 yet- Fo. XXXI. yee Fo. XXXII. 7: 10: 18 31 pr^vayled prevayled 0/ 25 60 :2o ewies /aban enimies Laban II : 10 Arrphach- fad Arphachfad 27; 129 36 leffed XXX imp. ^leffed XXXX. cxliv PROLEGOMENA. C. V. 31 :29 tha 32 : I m^effengers II childerw 35 : 4 carynges 1 1 th^y 36 : 5 ladam 41 : 3 though 42 : 30 count^e 43 : 1 5 Ben lamiw 16 rt6\c 46 : 30 C am 1884. tha/ meffengers childern earynges thy laelam though/ countre Ben lamin redie I am Prologe to Exodus. p. L. 161, 25 doctine doctrine 162, 9 what-^ what 38 con/ermeth confermeth 165, 34 Deuteromii Deuteron^?- Exodus. c. V. 1 : II byl- 2 : 7 the the 14 aiudge 15 bya 4 : /zV/^Chaptre. 20 E.gipte 8 : title Chaptre 10 in in 28 ferrre 12 : 5 ytre 39 thy 14 : 10 Ifreal 28 hofeme 15: 8 >yll 16 : 6 childerc 10 wilderweffe 12 murmrig 35 inhabited 18: 6 a/fo 10 Fo. XXXI. 13 chaunc/fed 18 greuows 22war.receaed 19 : ////^Chaptre. 6 and an^ 7 I/rael 21: 4 Fo.XXAV. 22 : I ftea^e 21 vexe 25 v/erye 23 : 3 a fyde- 25 ouertrowe byl/^ the a iudge by a Chapter. Egipte The . . Chap- ter in ferre ye re th^y Ifrael horfeme ftyll childere wilderneffe murmurig inhabited alfo Fo. XXXII. chaunced greuous receaued Chapter, and an Ifrael Fo. XXXVI. fleale Vexe vferye afyde ouertArowe 24 : 2 10 25 :28 26 : 5 5 25 27 : cut 28:34 35 29:41 30:13 23 32 32 : 20 33:11 16 16 9 34 II 20 25 35:27 28 36: 2 8 40:36 1530. peopk wor^e wore fyftir loupprs fo/ettes ornam^tes goldew fecond in fhal/ Fo. LIVII. cynamowe aft^r Fo. XLI. whew known^ Fo. XLIII. Fo. XLIIII. the necke bloude Epod Fo.XLVII. a<5 Fo.XLVIII. I/rael 1884. people worke wod fyftie louppes fokettes ornametcs golden omitted (halt Fo. LVII. cynamone after Fo. LXI. when knowne Fo. LXIII. Fo. LXIIII. the necke bloude Ep^od Fo. LXVII, Fo.LXVIII. Ifrael Prologe to Leviticus. 289, 23 ceremonies 293, 9 /affe 29 forgeueffe 294, 38 fmner 295 : 3 fignyf^eth 26 lyitedvpp 296 ; 10 wordly 13 wordly Leviticus, C. V. 6 : 2 trefpa^eth 7 prefl 7 : 7 people 11:10 Fo. XVII. 12 : 5 maydehilde 14:43 no.w 48 futher 15:10 bat^Je 18:28 w^ere 19:30 faz^ctuary 33 foioure 20 : 4 mar. wordlye 6 wil/ 13 maner ceremonies faffe forge ue^ffe fynnes fignyfyeth lyfted vpp wor/dly wor/dly trefpaceth preafl people Fo. XVIII. maydeehilde now further bathe were fanctuary foiourwe wor/dlye will THE PENTATEUCH OF 1530. cxlv ^530- & V. 22 : 25 a^in hath paffeover golde herken God thought teach ftripes in fha/be fhuldeft ouert^row- enge multip/ye maye we/kedneffe wekedneffe thugh though ht be Nephali Nep/hali period(.)be- omitted fore, Dan CHAPTER IV. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE OF THE COPY OF TYN- DALE'S PENTATEUCH IN THE BAPTIST COLLEGE, BRISTOL. This volume contains the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy of the first edition of 1530, and the book of Genesis of the edition of 1534. All the books are separate, and the general description of the Pentateuch of 1530, p. Ix. sqq., applies also to the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy of this copy. The book of Genesis in the Bristol copy bears the title: The firjle \ Boke of Mofes called \ Genejis. Newly \ correctyd \ and \ amendyd by \W.T.\ M.D.XXXIIIL, in an ornamented border with woodcuts of Moses and the Tables of the Law, the Brazen Serpent, Abraham offer- ing up Isaac, and the Passage of the Red Sea. (See Photo-engraving facing this page.) The dimensions of a page covered by type are 5 inches by 2^ inches circa, the margin included, 3 inches, and a full page contains 31 lines, the headlines included. The type is German Latin Letter. (See Photo-engraving of a page of the text, p. xcix.) The volume contains: Frontispiece, verso blank, i fo. Vnto the reader | W. T. beginning on recto of A ij and ending on A vij (unmarked) 6 ff. " The firfl Boke of Mofes called Genefis" begins on recto of A viij (unmarked) and is fo. i, and ends on verso of L viij (unmarked) fo. 81. " The end of the firjl boke off \ Mofes, called Genefis ^ The signatures are in eights. Whole number of folios 88. The headline of the verso of each folio is " Genefis," and of the recto "Chapter" and the number. Catchwords are employed throughout; the first catchword is lande, recto fo. I, the last der, recto fo. 81. For further details see the collations. flfn iThe firikc BokeoFMofes called Gcnelis.Nvjply correfiyd and amend yd by MJD.XXXniL ABBREVIATIONS. ON THE SIDE MARGIN. JR. . 5. denotes the Chapter Summaries in Matthew's Bible IN THE LOWER MARGIN. |K. denotes the Text, JH. |K. Is. the Marginal Notes, in Mat- thew's Bible, 1537. H. denotes the Text, i. |K. N- the Marginal Notes, in Luther's Das Alte Tejlament, 1523. "F. denotes the Text of the Vulgate in the Biblia of Stephanus, 1528. The beginning of the recto of Tyndale's folio is indicated thus: [Fo. I.], the beginning of the verso by the mark .If. A dash over a vowel denotes that n or 7n should be supplied; e. g., i, is the contraction of in, ad, of and, Ada, of Ada7n, &c.; y denotes the, and y, that. m. C* Co tl^e aSeaDer* |HEN I had tranflated the newe teftament, I added a piftle vnto the latter ende, In which I defyred them f were learned to amend if ought were founde amyffe. But 5 oure malicious and wylye hypocrytes which are fo ftubburne and hard herted in their weked abhomina- cios that it is not poffible for them to amend any thinge atall (as we fee by dayly experience, when their both lyvinges and doinges are rebuked with the lo trouth) faye, fome of them that it is impoffible to tranflate the fcripture in to Englifh, fome that it is not lawfull for the laye people to haue it in their mother tonge, fome, that it wold make them all here- tykes, as it wold no doute from many thinges which 15 they of longe tyme haue falfly taught, ad that is the whole caufe wherfore they forbyd it, though they other clokes pretende. And fome or rather every one, faye that it wold make them ryfe ageynft the kinge, whom they them felves (vnto their damnatyo) never yet obeyed. 20 And lefte the temporall rulars Ihuld fee their falfehod, if the fcripture cam to light, caufeth them fo to lye. And as for my tranflatio in which they afiferme vnto the laye people (as I haue hearde faye .?. to be I wotte not how many thoufande herefyes, fo that it ca 25 not be meded or correcte, they haue yet taken fo greate payne to examyne it, & to compare it vnto that they wold fayne haue it and to their awne im- aginations and iugglinge termes, and to haue fome what to rayle at, and vnder that cloke to blafpheme * This entire prolo^e " W. T. To the Reader," is not in the Bristol copy of the edition of 1534. M. E. o tfje Eeatier. 3 the treuth, that they myght with as litle laboure (as I fuppofe) haue tranflated the mofte parte of the bible. For they which in tymes pafte were wont to loke on no more fcripture then they founde in their duns or 5 foch like develyfh doctryne, haue yet now fo narowlye loked on my tranflatyon, that there is not fo moch as one I therin if it lacke a tytle over his hed, but they haue noted it, and nombre it vnto the ignorant people for an herefy. Finallye in this they be all agreed, to 10 dryve you from the knowlege of the fcripture, & that ye fhall not haue the texte therof in the mother tonge, and to kepe the world ftyll in darkeneffe, to thentent they might fitt in the confciences of the people, thorow vayne fuperftition and falfe doctrine, to fatiffye their 15 fylthy luftes, their proude ambition, and vnfatiable covetuoufnes, and to exalte their awne honoure aboue kinge & emperoure, yee & aboue god him filfe I A thoufand bokes had they lever to be put forth agenfte their abhominable doynges and doctrine, then 20 that the fcripture fhulde come to light. For as longe as they maye kepe that doune, they will fo darken the ryght way with the .?. mifte of their fophifbrye, and fo tangle the that ether rebuke or defpyfe their abhomin- ations with argumerites of philofophye & with wordly 25 fymylitudes and apparent reafons of naturall wifdom. And with wreftinge the fcripture unto their awne pur- pofe clene contrarye unto f proceffe, order and mean- inge of the texte, and fo delude them in defcantynge vppon it with alligoryes, and amafe the expoundinge 30 it in manye fenfes before the vnlerned laye people, (when it hath but one fymple litterall fenfe whofe light the owles ca not abyde) that though thou feale in thyne harte and arte fure how that all is falfe f they faye, yet coudefte thou not folve their fotle rydles. 35 [ Which thinge onlye moved me to tranflate the new teftament. Becaufe I had perceaved by expery- ence, how that it was impoffible to ftablyfh the laye people in any truth, excepte y fcripture were playnly layde before their eyes in their mother tonge, that they 40 might fe the proceffe, ordre and meaninge of the texte: for els what fo ever truth is taught them, thefe ennymyes 4 SE, K. Eo tfje Eeatrer. of all truth qwench it ageyne, partly with the fmoke of their bottomleffe pytte wherof thou readeft apocalipfis ix. that is, with apparent reafons of fophiftrye & tradi- tions of their awne makynge, founded with out grounde 5 of fcripture, and partely in iugglinge with the texte, ex- poundinge it in foch a fenfe as is impoffi- .?. ble to gether of the texte, if thou fee the proceffe ordre and meaninge therof. 1 And even in the biffhope of londons houfe I en- lo tended to have done it. For when I was fo turmoyled in the contre where I was that I coude no lenger there dwell (the proceffe wherof were to longe here to re- herce) I this wyfe thought in my filfe, this I fuffre be- caufe the preftes of the contre be vnlerned, as god it 15 knoweth there are a full ignorant forte which haue fene no more latyn then that they read in their por- teffes and miffales which yet many of them can fcacely read, (excepte it be Albertus de fecretis mulieru in which yet, though they be never fo foryly lerned, 20 they pore day and night and make notes therin and all to teach the mydwyves as they fay, and linwod a boke of conftitutions to gether tithes, mortuaryes, offeringes, cuftoms, and other pillage, which they calle, not theirs, but godes parte and the deuty of 25 holye chirch, to difcharge their confciences with all: for they are bound that they fhall not dimynyfh, but encreace all thinge vnto the vttmoft of their powers) and therfore (becaufe they are thus vnlerned thought I) when they come to gedder to the ale houfe, which 30 is their preachinge place, they afferme that my fa- inges are herefy. And befydes f they adde to of thir awne heddes which I never fpake, as the maner is to prolonge the tale to fhorte .?. the tyme with all, and accufe me fecretly to the chauncelare and other the 35 bifhopes officers, And in deade, when I cam before the chauncelare, he thretened me grevoufly, and re- vyled me and rated me as though I had bene a dogge, and layd to my charge wherof there coude be none accufer brought forth, (as their maner is not to bringe 40 forth the accufer) and yet all the preftes of f contre were f fame daye there. As I this thought the W. %. Ed tfje i^eatrer* 5 bifhope of london came to my remembrance whom Erafmus (whofe tonge maketh of litle gnattes greate elephates and lifteth upp aboue the ftarres whofoever geveth him a litle exhibition) prayfeth excedingly 5 amonge other in his annotatyons on the new tefla- ment for his great learninge. Then thought I, if I might come to this mannes fervice, I were happye. And fo I gate me to london, & thorow the accoynt- aunce of my mafter came to fir harry gilford the lo kinges graces countroller, ad brought him an oration of Ifocrates which I had tranflated out of greke in to Englifh, and defyred him to fpeake vnto my lorde of london for me, which he alfo did as he fhewed me, ad willed me to write a piftle to my lorde, and to goo to 15 him my filf which I alfo did, and delivered my piftle to a fervaunt of his awne, one wyllyam hebilthwayte, a ma of myne old accoyntauce. But god which know- eth what is within hypocrites, fa we that I was begyled, ad that that councell was not the nexte way vnto T. my 20 purpofe. And therfore he gate me no favoure in my lordes fight [ Wheruppo my lorde anfwered me, his houfe was full, he had mo the he coude well finde, and advifed me to feke in london, wher he fayd I coude not lacke a fervice. And fo in london I abode almofte 25 an yere, and marked the courfe of the worlde, and herde oure pratars, I wold fay oure preachers how they bofted them felves and their hye authorite, and beheld the pompe of oure prelates and how befyed they were as they yet are, to fet peace and vnite in the worlde 30 (though it be not pofTible for them that walke in darkeneffe to cotinue longe in peace, for they can not but ether floble or dafh them felves at one thinge or a nother that fhall cleane vnquyet all togedder) & fawe thinges wherof I deferre to fpeake at this tyme and un- 35 derftode at the lafte not only that there was no rowme in my lorde of londons palace to tranflate the new tef- tament, but alfo that there was no place to do it in all englonde, as experience doth now openly declare. [ Vnder what maner therfore fhuld I now fub- 40 mitte this boke to be corrected and amended of them, which can fuffer nothinge to be well? Or what pro- . Eo t\}t Eeatier, teftacyon fhuld I make in foch a matter vnto oure prelates thofe ftubburne Nimrothes which fo mightely fight agenfte god and refifte his holy fpirite, enforceynge with all crafte and fotelte to qwench the light of the 5 everlaftinge teftament, promyfes, and a-. IT. poyntemente made betwene god & vs: and heapinge the firce wrath of god vppon all princes and rulars, mockinge the with falfe fayned names of hypocryfye, and fervinge their luftes at all poyntes, & difpenfmge with the even lo of the very lawes of god, of which Chrifte him filf teftifieth Mathew v. f not fo moch as one tittle therof maye perifh, or be broke. And of which the prophete fayth Pfalme xxviii. Thou hafbe comaunded thy lawes to be kepte meod, f is in hebrew excedingly, with all 15 diligece, might & power, and haue made the fo mad with their iugglinge charmes and crafty perfuafios that they thinke it full fatiffaction for all their weked lyvinge, to tormet foch as tell the trouth, & to borne the worde of their foules helth, & fle whofoever beleve theron. 20 [ Not withftodinge yet I fubmytte this boke and all other that I haue other made or traflated, or fhall in tyme to come, (if it be goddes will that I fhall fur- ther laboure in his herveft) unto all them that fubmytte the felves vnto the worde of god, to be corrected of 25 the, yee and moreover to be difalowed & alfo burnte, if it feme worthy when they have examyned it wyth the hebrue, fo that they firft put forth of their awne tranflatinge a nother that is more correcte. .T. iE *Aprologe fhewinge the vfe of the fcripture HOUGH a man had a precious iuell and a rich, yet if he wifte not the value therof nor wherfore it ferved, he were nother the better nor rycher of a ftraw. Even fo 5 though we read the fcripture & bable of it never fo moch, yet if we know not the ufe of it, and wherfore it was geven, and what is therin to be fought, it profit- eth vs nothinge at all. It is not ynough therfore to read and talke of it only, but we muft alfo defyre god daye lo and night inftantly to open oure eyes, ad to make vs vnderftond and feale wherfore the fcripture was geuen, that we maye applye the medicyne of the fcripture, every ma to his awne fores, inleffe then we entend to be ydle difputers, and braulers aboute vayne wordes, 15 ever gnawenge vppon the bitter barcke with out and never attayninge unto the fwete pith with in, and per- fequutinge one an other for defendinge of lewde imagin- acions and phantafyes of oure awne invencyon ** [ Paule, in y thyrde of y fecode epiftle to Tymothe * The Bristol copy of the edition of 1534 gives instead of the title "Aprologe fhewinge," etc., the title: Vnto the reader 21E, T. ** Lines 19 sqq. above stand in the Bristol copy thus: Page Signature Aij. Paule in the third of the feconde epiflle to Timothe faith, that the fcripture is good to teache (for that ought men to teache] and not dreames of their awne makinge, as the pope doth,) and alfo to improue, for that fcripture is the twichftone that tryeth The/cri al doctrines, and by that we know the fal- ^l'^/^ fe from the true. Andinthe .vi. totheEphe it is fians he calleth in the fwerde of the fpirite ^''^- by caufe it killeth hypocrites and vtte- reth and improueth their falfe inuentions 8 Aprologe fayth, f the fcripture is good to teache (for f ought me to teach & not dreames of their awne makige, as y pope doth) & alfo to improve, for y fcripture is y twichftone f tryeth all doctrynes, ad by f we know 5 the falfe from f true. .IT. And in the .vi. to the ephefians he calleth it the fwerd of the fpirite, by caufe it killeth hyppocrites, and vttereth ad improveth their falfe in- ventyons. And in the .xv. to the Romayns he fayth all that are wryten, are wryten for oure learninge, that lo we thorow pacyence and coforte of the fcripture myght have hope. That is, the enfamples that are in the fcripture comforte vs in all oure tribulacyons, and make vs to put oure trufbe in god, and pacyently to abyde his leyfure. 15 And in the .x. of the firfte to the Corinthyans he bringeth in examples of the fcripture to, feare vs and to bridle the flefhe, that we cafte not the yoke of the lawe of god from of oure neckes, and fall to luftynge and doinge of evill. 20 ML So now the fcripture is a light and fheweth vs the true waye, both what to do, and what to hope. And a defence from all erroure, and a comforte in adverfyte that we defpayre not. and feareth vs in prof- peryte that we fynne not *Seke therfore in the fcripture * The passage " Seke therfore" to "world a new." is not in the Bristol copy of the edition of 1534, which has instead: Seke therfore in the fcripture as thou readefl it, chefely and abo ue all, the conuenaiites made betwene god and vs. That is to faye; the lawe and coma] undementes which God commaudeth vs to do. And then the mercie promyfed vnto all them that fubmite them felues vnto the lawe. For all the promyfes thorow out the hole fcripture do include a couenaiit. That is: god byndeth him felfe to fulfil that mer cie vnto the, onlye if thou wilt endeuoure thy felfe to kepe his lawes: fo that no man hath his parte in the mercie of god, faue he onlye that loueth his lawe and confenteth that it is righteous and good, & fayne wol de do it, ad euer mourneth becaufe he now and then breaketh it thorow infirmite, or dothe it not fo perfectly as his harte wolde And let loue interprete the lawe: that th ou vnderflode this to be the finall ende of fhewinge the vfe of the fcripture 9 as thou readefl it firft the law, what god comaundeth vs to doo. And fecundarylye the promyfes, which god promyfeth us ageyne, namely in Chrifte lefu oure lorde. Then feke enfamples, firfte of comforte, how god purg- eth all them that fubmitte them felves to walke in his wayes, in the purgatorye of tribulatyon, delyveringe them yet at the latter ende, and never foferinge any of them to peryfh, that cleave fafte to his promyfes. the lawe, and the hole caufe why the lawe was geuen: euen to bringe the to the kno ledge of god, how that he hath done all th inge for the, that thou mightefl loue hym agayne with al thine harte and thy neyb oure for his fake as thy filfe and as Chrifl loued the. Becaufe thy neyboure is the fon ne of god alfo and created vnto his lykenes as thou arte, and bought with as dere bio ude as arte thou. Whofoeuer feleth in his herte that euery man ought to loue his ney boure as Chrifl loued him, and confenteth therto, and enforfeth to come therto: the fa me onlye vnderflondeth the lawe aryght and can interprete it. And he that fubmyt- A iij.] teth not hi felfe in the degre he is in, to feke his neyboures proffite as Chrifl did his, ca neuer vnderftonde the lawe, though it be interprete to him. For that loue is the light of the lawe, to vnderflonde it bye. And beholde how righteous, howe ho- nefl and howe due a thinge it is by nature, that euery man loue his brother vnfayned ly eue as him felfe, for his fathers fake. For it is the fathers great fhame and his hie dif- pleafure, if one brother hurte another, Yf one brother be hurte of another, he maye not aduege him felfe, but mufl complayne to his father or to them that haue auctorite of his father to rule in his abfence. Euen fo if any of godes children be hurt by any of his brethren, he maye not aduenge him fel jie with hande or herte. God mull aduenge. And the gouerners and miniflers of the la- we that God hath ordeyned to rule vs by concerninge oure outwarde conuerfacion of one with another, they mufl aduenge. If they will not auenge, but rather maynte ne wronge, and be oppreffers them felues, then mufl we tarye paciently tyll God co me which is euer readie to reape tirauntes from of the face of the erth, affone as theyr finnes are rype. Confidre alfo what wrath, vengeaunce ro Aprologe And fynallye, note the enfamples which are w- .f . riten to feare the flefh that we fynne not. That is, how god fuffereth the vngodlye and weked fynners that re- fifte god and refufe to folow him, to contynue in their 5 wekedneffe, ever waxinge worfe and worfe vntyll their fynne be fo fore encreafed and fo abhomynable, that if they fhuld longer endure they wold corrupte the very electe. But for the electes fake god fendeth the preach- ers. Nevertheleffe they harden their hartes agenfte and plages god threateneth to them that ar rebellious and difobedient.] The go to & reade the floryes of the by- ble for thy lerninge & comforte, & fe eue- ry thinge practyfed before thyne eyes: for accordinge to thofe enfamples fhall it goo with the & all me vntill the worldes ende. So that into whatfoeuer cafe or flate a ma be brought, accordige to whatfoeuer efaple of the bible it be, his ende fhalbe accordige as he there feith and readeth. As god there w arneth yer he fmyte, & foffreth I5ge yer he take extreme vegeauce, fo fhall he do with vs. As they that turne,are there receaued to mercie, & they that malicioufly refifl, perif- fhe vtterlye, fo fhall it be with vs. As they that refufe the coufel of God periffhe thor- ow their awne coucel, fo fhall it be with vs vntill the worldes ende. As it wet with the ir kinges & rulers, fo fhall it go with oures As it was with their come people, fo fhall itbewithoures. As itwaswiththeyrfpiritu- all officers, fo fhall it be with oures. As it w- as wyth theyr true prophetes, fo fhall it be with oures vntill the worldes ede. As they had euer am5ge the falfe prophetes & true: & as theirfalfe*perfecutedthetrue,&moued the prynces to fle the, fo fhall it be with vs vntyll the ende of the worlde. As there was amoge the but a fewe true herted to god, fo fhall it be amdge vs: & as their ydolatry was fo fliall ours be vntyll the ende of the worl de. AUmercythatwasfhewed there, is a*pro-] A iiij. myfe vnto the, if thou turne to god. And all vengeaunce and wrath fhewed there, is threatened to the, if thou be floubourne ad refifle &c. Then follows: And this lerninge and comforte fhalt th ou euermore finde, etc. ^er and ^ro, instead of abbreviated letters not in our fonts. fhewinge the vfe of the fcripture 1 1 the truth, and god deftroyeth the vtterlye and begyn- neth the world a new. [ This comforte fhalt thou evermore finde in the playne texte and literall fenfe. Nether is there any 5 ftorye fo homely, fo rude, yee or fo vyle (as it femeth outwarde) wherin is not exceadinge greate comforte. And when fome which feme to them felves great clarkes faye: they wott not what moare profite is in many geftes of the fcripture if they be read with out lo an allegorye, then in a tale of robenhode, faye thou: that they were wryten for oure confolacyon and comforte, that we defpayre not, if foch like happen vnto vs. We be not holyer then Noe, though he were once dronke. Nether better beloved then lacob, though 15 his awne fonne defyled his bedde. We be not holyer than lot, though his doughters thorow ignorance de- ceaved him, nor peradventure holyer then thofe dought- ers. Nether are we holyer then David, though he brake wedlocke and uppon the fame commytted ab- 20 homynable murther. All thofe men have witne- .?. ffe of the fcripture that they pleafed god and ware good men both before that thofe thinges chaunfed them and alfo after. Nevertheleffe foch thinges happened them for oure enfample: not that we fhuld contrafayte 25 their evill, but if whyle we fight with oure felves enforfynge to walke in the law of god (as they did) we yet fall likewife, that we defpayre not, but come agayne to the lawes of god and take better holde 30 [ We read fens the tyme of Chriftes deeth of virgins that have bene brought vnto the come ftues, and there defyled, and of martyrs that haue bene bounde and hores haue abvfed their bodyes. Why ? The iudgemetes of god are bottoleffe. Soch thinges 35 chaunced partely for enfamples, partely God thorow fynne healeth fynne Pryde can nether be healed nor yet appere but thorow foch horrible deades. Parad- uenture they were of y popes fecte ad reioyfed flefhly, thinkinge that heaven came by deades and not by 40 Chrift, and that the outwarde dead iuftyfyed them & made them holy and not the inward fpirite receaved 1 2 Aprologe by fayth and the confent of the harte vnto the law of god. 1 As thou readefte therfore thinke that every fillable pertayneth to thyne awne filf, and fucke out 5 the pithe of the fcripture, and arm thy fdf ageynft all affaultes. Firfte note with flronge faith the power of god in creatinge all of nought Then marke the grevous fall of Adam and of vs all in him, thorow the lightregardige of the .IT. commaundement of god. lo In the .iiii. Chapitre god turneth him vnto Abel and then to his offeringe, but not to Cain and his offeringe. Where thou feeft that though the deades of the evel apere outwardly as gloryous as the deades of the good: yet in the fight of god which loketh on the harte, the 15 deade is good becaufe of the man, and not the man good becaufe of his deade. In the .vi. God fendeth Noe to preach to the weked and geveth them fpace to repent: they wax hard herted, God bringeth them to nought And yet faveth Noe: even by the fame water 20 by which he deftroyed them. Marke alfo what folowed the pryde of the buyldinge of the toure of Babel Confydre how God fendeth forth Abraha out of his awne countre in to a fbrange lande full of weked people, and gave him but a bare promeffe with him that he 25 wold bleffe him and defende him. Abraham beleved: and that worde faued and delyuered him in all parelles: fo that we fe, how that mannes life is not mayntayned by bred onlye (as Chrifte fayeth) but moch rather by belevinge the promyfes of god. Behold how foberly and 30 how circufpectly both Abraham and alfo Ifaac behaue them felves amoge the infideles. Abraham byeth that which might have ben geven him for nought, to cutte of occafions. Ifaac when his welles which he had digged were taken from him, geveth rowme and refifteth not. 35 More over they ere and fo- .IT. we and fede their catell, and make confederacyons, ad take perpetuall truce, and do all outward thinges: Even as they do which have no faith, for god hath not made vs to be ydle in this world. Every man muft worke godly and truly to 4D the vttmofte of the power that god hath geven him: and yet not trufte therin: but in goddes worde or fhewinge the vfe of the fcripture 13 promeffe: and god will worke with vs and bringe that we do to good effecte. And the when oure power will extend no further, goddes promeffes wyll worke all alone 5 [ How many thinges alfo refifted the promeffes of god to lacob? And yet lacob coniureth god with his awne promeffes fayenge? O god of my father Abraham: and god of my father Ifaac, O Lorde which faydefte vnto me returne vnto thyne awne contre, and vnto 10 the place were thou wafte borne and I wil do the good I am not worthy of the lefte of thofe mercyes, nor of that trouth which thou hafte done to thy feruant I went out but with a ftaffe, and come home with .ii droves, delyver me out of the handes of my brother 15 Efau, for I feare him greatly &c. And god delyvered him, and will likewyfe all that call unto his promeffes with a repentinge herte, were they never fo great fynners. Marke alfo the weake infirmites of the ma He loveth one wife more than a nother, one fonne 20 more than a nother. And fe how god purgeth him. Efau threteneth him: Laban begyleth him. The be- loued wife is longe baren: his .f. doughter is ravyfhed: his wife is defyled, and that of his awne fonne. Rahel dieth, lofeph is taken a way, yee and as he fuppofed 25 rent of wild beaftes And yet how gloryous was hys ende ? Note the wekeneffe of his Children, yee and the fynne of them, and how god thorow their awne wekednes faved them. Thefe enfamples teach vs that a man is not attonce parfecte the firfte daye he be- 30 ginneth to lyve wel They that be ftronge therfore mufte fuffre with the weake, and helpe to kepe them in vnite & peace one with a nother vntill they beftroger Note what the brethren fayde when they were tached in Egipte, we haue verelye fynned (fayde they) ageynfle 35 oure brother in f we fawe the anguyfh of his foule when he befought vs, and wold not heare him: ad therfore is this tribulation come vppon vs. By which enfample thou feifte, how that confcience of evyll doenges findeth men out at the lafte. But namely in tribulacyon and 40 adverfyte: there temptacyon and alfo defperacyon: yee and the verye paynes of hell find vs out: there 14 Aprologe the foule feleth the ferfe wrath of god and wyffheth mountaynes to falle on her and to hyde her (yf it were poffible) fro the angrye face of god. Marke alfo how greate evelles folow of how litle 5 an occafion Dinah goeth but forth alone to fe the doughters of the contre, and how greate myfcheve and troble folowed? lacob loved but one fonne more then a nother, ad how grevous T. murther folowed in their hartes? Thefe are enfamples for oure learninge lo to teach us to walke warely and circufpectlye in the worlde of weake people, that we geve no ma occafions of evyll 9l Finally, fe what god promyfed lofeph in his dreames. Thofe promeffes accopanyed him all ways, 15 and went doune wyth him even in to the depe dongeon, And brought him vppe agayne. And never for foke him till all that was promyfed was fulfilled. Thefe are enfamples wryte for oure learnige (as paule fayth) to teach vs to trufle in god in y ftroge fyre of tribula-- 20 tion and purgatorye of oure flefli. And that they which fubmytte them felves to folow god Ihuld note and marke foch thinges, for theyr lerninge and comforte, is the frute of the fcripture and caufe why it was wryten: And with foch a purpofe to read it, is the waye to 25 everlaflynge life, and to thofe ioyfull blyflinges that are promyfed vnto all nacyons in the feade of Abraham, which feade is lefus Chrifte oure lorde, to whom be honoure and prayfe for ever and unto god oure father thorow him. I. Chapter. Fo. I. THE FYRST BOKE OF MOSES CALLED GENESIS The fyrft Chapiter. N the begynnynge God created heaven and erth. Theerthwas JH.(!P.5. How h e auen &* erth, the voyde and emptie, ad darck- lyght, thefyr- neffe was vpon the depe, and '^/^^^t' /f ^ '^ ^ JO nne, the the fpirite of god moved vpon the water mone, the 3 Than God fayd: let there be lyghte and Jifrres and .1 ,1 A 1 ^ 1 r .all beajtes, 4 there was lyghte. And God lawe the foules Ss^ lyghte that it was good: %l devyded fy/Aes in the 5 the lyghte from the darckneffe, and by'^jZ^^orde called the lyghte daye, and the darck- of God. And neffe nyghte: and fo of the evenynge and ^^'^^ ZTat"!^-^" mornynge was made the fyrft daye 6 And God fayd: let there be a fyrmament betwene 7 the waters, ad let it devyde the waters a fonder. Than God made the fyrmament and parted the waters which were vnder the fyrmament, from the waters that were 8 above the fyrmament: And it was fo. And God called the fyrmament heaven, And fo of the evenynge and morninge was made the feconde daye 9 And God fayd, let the waters that are vnder heaven gether them felves vnto one place, that the drye londe JH. I beginnyng. God, throughout with capital G. 3 fayde, and fo throughout the chapter, lyght, bis 4 lyght, nyght, and often. 5 the day, the night. 7 mornyng 9 lande U. 2 ferebatur 5 tenebris. appellauitque. factumque eft vef- pere'& mane dies vnus (cf. vv. 8, 13, 19, 24, 31) 7 et factum eft ita (fo vv. 9, 15, 24, 30). 3L. 2 tieffe. auf dem Wafler 3 es ward liecht 5 da ward aus abend und morgen der erfte tag. JH. itt. N. 2 moued, brethed or ftyred J fyrmamet, or heauen, Ps. cxxxv a. V. b. It is an Hebrew worde and fygnyfyeth thrufting forth or fpredynge abrode. 1 6 EJe fgrst fiofte of Hoses, i- 10-22 10 may appere: And it came fo to paffe. And god called the drye lande the erth and the gatheringe togyther of waters called he the fee, And God fawe that it was good 11 T. And God fayd: let the erth bringe forth herbe and graffe that fowe feed, and frutefull trees that here frute every one in his kynde, havynge their feed in them felves vpon the erth. And it came fo to paffe: 12 ad the erth brought forth herbe and graffe fowenge feed every one in his kynde & trees berynge frute & havynge their feed in the felves, every one in his kynde. 13 And God fawe that it was good: and the of the evenynge and mornynge was made the thyrde daye. 14 Than fayd God: let there be lyghtes in y firmament of heaven to devyde the daye fro the nyghte, that they 15 may be vnto fygnes, feafons, days & yeares. And let them be lyghtes in the fyrmament of heave, to fhyne 16 vpon the erth. & fo it was. And God made two great lyghtes A greater lyghte to rule the daye, & a leffe 17 lyghte to rule the nyghte, and he made fterres alfo. And God put them in the fyrmament of heaven to fhyne 18 vpon the erth, and to rule the daye & the nyghte, 19 ad to devyde the lyghte from darckneffe. And God fawe f it was good: and fo of the evenynge ad mornynge was made the fourth daye. 20 And God fayd, let the water bryng forth creatures that move & have lyfe, & foules for to flee over the 21 erth vnder the fyrmament of heaven. And God created greate whalles and all maner of creatures that lyve and moue, which the waters brought forth in their kindes, ad all maner of federed foules in their kyndes. 22 And [Fo. II] God fawe that it was good: and God bleffed them faynge. Growe and multiplye ad fyll the |H. 14 lightes 22 fayinge V. 10 maria 12 habens vnumquodque fementem 14 et diuidant diem ac noctem 16 vt praseffet. nocti: & Hellas. & pofuit 21 omne volatile 22 benedixitque eis i.. 10 Meere 12 vnd yhren eygen famen bey fich felbs hatten 16 furftunde 21 allerley gefidderts geuogel |tt. iti. N. 22 Bleffed, here is bleffynge take for encreafynge & multiplyenge. I- 23-31. calletr &mms. 17. waters of the fees, & let the foules multiplye vpo the 23 erth. And fo of the evenynge & morninge was made the fyfth daye. 24 And God fayd: let the erth bring forth lyvynge creatures in thir kyndes: catell & wormes & beaftes 25 of the erth in their kyndes, & fo it came to paffe. And god made the beaftes of the erth in their kyndes, & catell in their kyndes, ad all maner wormes of the erth in their kyndes: and God fawe that it was good. 26 And God fayd: let vs make man in oure fymilitude ad after oure lyckneffe: that he may have rule over the fyfh of the fee, and over the foules of the ayre, and over catell, and over all the erth, and over all 27 wormes that crepe on the erth. And God created man after hys lyckneffe, after the lyckneffe of god created he him: male & female created he them. 28 And God bleffed them, and God fayd vnto them. Growe and multiplye and fyll the erth and fubdue it, and have domynyon over the fyfh of the fee, and over the foules of the ayre, and over all the beaftes that move on the erth. 29 And God fayd: fe, I have geven yow all herbes that fowe feed which are on all the erth, and all maner trees that haue frute in them and fowe feed: to be 30 meate for yow & for all .?. beaftes of the erth, and vnto all foules of the ayre, and vnto all that crepeth on the erth where in is lyfe, that they may haue all maner herbes and graffe for to eate, and even fo it 31 was. And God behelde all that he had made, ad loo they were exceadynge good: and fo of the evenynge and mornynge was made the fyxth daye JH. 26 domynion. fyfhes 29 fee. whyche. 31 fyxte. V. 24 reptilia 25 omnique reptili 26 ad imaginem at fimilitu- dinem 29 Ecce. in efcam. %. 24 gewurm 26 eyn bild das uns gleych sey 29 fehet da. zu ewr fpeyfe. |R. ^. N- 26 Lyckneffe of God, that is after the (hape and ymage whyche was before appoynted for the fonne of God: The chefepart of man alfo, whyche is the foule is made lyke vnto God in a certen proporcyon of nature, of power workynge, fo that in that we are made lyke vnto God. i8 EJje fgrst ftofte of IHoseg, n. 1-9 The Seconde Chapter. HUS was heave & erth fynifhed |K.C.5. The wyth all their apparell: ad i t ^^'^PJ'/^ ^^^/ ^ -^^ ' went before is feueth daye god ended hys here repeted worke which he had made & '^gayne: the , , . 11 1 . 1 halowmg of refted in ^feventh daye fro all his workes the Saboth 3 which he had made. And God bleffed y daye: the fo ti Tc flo ti dcs feventh daye, and fanctyfyed it, for in it ^y paradyfe: he refted from all his workes which he The fettynge 11 i. J J J in of man in had created and made. paradyfe: the 4 [ Thefe are the generations of heaven tree of knowl- & erth when they were created, in the ^fieisforbyd- -' ' den hytn: how tyme when the LORde God created heaven Adatn named and erth and all the fhrubbes of the felde ^f^ creatures: /. t -I 1 A 1 11 ^^^ creacyon 5 be fore they were in the erthe. And all of Eua: the the herbes of the felde before they fprange : inflitutyon of for the LORde God had yet fent no rayne '^^appafell, the vpon the erth, nether was there yet any heavenly bod- 6 man to tylle the erth. But there arofe a ^^^ myfte out of the ground and watered all the face of 7 the erth: Then the LORde God fhope fhope, created man, even of the moulde of the erth and moulde, earth brethed into his face the breth of lyfe. So man was made a lyvynge foule. 8 [ The LORde God alfo planted a garden in Eden from the begynnynge, and there he fette [Fo. IIL] man 9 whom he had formed. And the LORde God made to fprynge out of the erth, all maner trees bewtyfull to "F. I perfecti 5 non enim pluerat dominus deus 6 fed fons afcendebat e terra 7 de limo terrae, & infpirauit in faciem eius 8 paradifum voluptatis a principio it. 4 Gepurt 7 vnd blies ynn feyn angeficht eyn lebendigen odem, vnd alfo wart der menfch eyn lebendige feele. 8 Eden, gegen dem morgen ^. iH. N. I apparell, The apparell of heaue is the flerres and pianettes, etc., 3 bleffed, Bleffe here is taken for magnifyenge and prayfynge, as it is in Ps. xxxiii, a. fanctyfyed, Sanctifyeg in this place is as moche to faye as to dedicate & ordayne a thing to his awne ufe as Ex. xiii, a and .xx, b. 7 moulde, Slyme: dull or claye. II. I0-20. calleti (Genesis* 19 the fyghte and pleafant to.eate, and the tree of lyfe in the middes of the garden: and alfo the tree of knowledge of good and euell. 10 1 And there fpronge a rever out of Eden to water the garden, and thence devided it felfe, and grewe in to 11 foure principall waters. The name of the one is Phifon, he it is that compaffeth all the lande of heuila, where 12 gold groweth. And the gold of that contre ys precious, 13 there is found bedellion and a ftone called Onix. The name of the feconde ryver is Gihon, which compaffyth 14 all the lande of Inde. And the name of the thyrde river is Hidekell, which runneth on the eafte fyde of the affyryans. And the fourth river is Euphrates. 15 L And the LORde God toke Adam and put him in 16 the garden of Eden, to dreffe it and to kepe it: and the LORde God comaunded Ada faynge: of all the 17 trees of the garde fe thou eate. But of the tre of knowlege of good and badd fe that thou eate not: for even ;y' fame daye thou eateft of it, thou fhalt furely dye. 18 [ And the LORde God fayd: it is not good that man fhulde be alone, I will make hym an helper to 19 beare him company: And after f the LORde God had make of the erth all maner beaftes of the felde, and all maner foules of the ayre, he brought them vnto Adam to fee what .?. he wold call them. And as Ada called all maner livynge beaftes: eve fo are their names. 20 And Adam gave names vnto all maner catell, and vnto the foules of the ayre, and vnto all maner beaftes ^. 10 fprange i6 fayinge 17 dye the dethe. 19 made V. 13 omnem terrain .^thiopiae 14 Tigris 17 morte mori^ris. 18 faciamus 1.. 10 es gieng aus . . . teylet fich dafelbs ynn vier hewbtwaf- fer 12 kofllich 17 wirflu des tods flerben. JH.^fl.N. 10 Eden; Eden fygnifieth pleafures 17 dye the dethe; Soche reherfalls of wordes dothe fygnifye fomtyme an haflynes or vehemece, fomtyme an affewrance that the thinge fhalbe per- formed that is promyfed, as it is Ps. cxvii, c. il.^.]Vr. II Pifon ifl das groffe waffer ynn India, das man Ganges heyfl, denn Heuila ifl Indienland, Gihon ifl das waffer ynn Egypten das man Nilus heyfl, Hydekel ifl das waffer in Af- lyria das man Tygris heyfl. Phrato aber ifl das nehifl waffer ynn Syria das man Euphrates heyfl. 20 Z\}t fgrst ijokt of IHoses, n. 21-111. 5 of the felde. But there was no helpe founde vnto Adam to beare him companye 21 Then the LORde God cafl a flomber on Adam, and he flepte. And then he toke out one of his rybbes, and in ftede ther of he fylled vp the place with flefh. 22 And the LORde God made of the rybbe which he toke out of Adam, a woma and brought her vnto Adam. 23 Then fayd Ada this is once bone of my once, now {a boones, and flefh of my flefh. This fhall ^''^''^ idioin). be called woman: becaufe fhe was take of the man. 24 For this caufe fhall a man leve father and mother & 25 cleve vnto his wyfe, & they fhall be one flefh. And they were ether of them naked, both Adam and hys wyfe, ad were not afhamed: The .III. Chapter. UT the ferpent was fotyller than |gl. (!D. S. The all the^beafles of the ^&^<^^ -^Zueth * Ihe which y LORde God had woman. The made, and fayd vnto the wo- /'^''P'^t t^ ' ' woman o-* the man. Ah fyr, that God hath fayd, ye man are cur- fhall not eate of all maner trees in the f^^' "^^ ^^f- uen out of Pa- 2 garden. And the woman fayd vnto the radife. Chrijl ferpent, of the frute of the trees in the gar- ^^^ fatty our 3 den we may eate, but of the frute of the Ah fyr, ah tree f is in the myddes of the garden furely (fayd God) fe that ye eate not, and fe that ye touch it not: left ye dye. 4 [Fo. IIIL] Then fayd the ferpent vnto the woman: 5 tufh ye fhall not dye: But God doth knowe, that whenfoever ye fhulde eate of it, youre eyes fhuld be JR. I ye, hath God fayd in dede "IT. I callidior. Cur praecepit 4 nequaquam morte moriemini. 5,. 21 ein tieffen fchlaff fallen 23 das were eynmal beyn iii. I Ja, follt Gott gefagt haben 4 yhr werdet mit nicht des tods flerben 5 fo werden ewer augen wacker "I- 6-15 caUet( 0enpsts. 21 opened and ye fliulde be as, God and knowe both good 6 and evell. And the woman fawe that it was a good tree to eate of and luftie unto the eyes and luftie, afford- a pleafant tre for to make wyfe. And ing pleafure toke of the frute of it and ate, and gaue vnto hir huf- 7 band alfo with her, and he ate. And the eyes of both of them were opened, that they vnderflode how that they were naked. Than they fowed fygge leves to- gedder and made them apurns. 8 And they herd the voyce of the LORde God as he walked in the garde in the coole of the daye. And Adam hyd hymfelfe and his wyfe alfo from the face of the LORde God, amonge the trees of the 9 garden. And the LORde God called Adam and fayd 10 vnto him where art thou } And he anfwered. Thy voyce I harde in the garden, but I was afrayd becaufe 11 I was naked, and therfore hyd myfelfe. And he fayd: who told the that thou waft naked } haft thou eaten of the tree, of which I bade the that thou fhuldeft not 12 eate .-* And Adam anfwered. The woman which thou gaveft to bere me company fhe toke me of the tree, ad 13 I ate. And the LORde God fayd vnto the woman: wherfore dideft thou fo } And the woman anfwered, the ferpent deceaved me and I ate. 14 [ .f. And the LORde God fayd vnto the ferpet becaufe thou hafte fo done mofte curfed be thou of all catell and of all beaftes of the feld: vppo thy bely fhalt thou goo: and erth fhalt thou eate all dayes 15 of thy lyfe. Morover I will put hatred betwene the and the woman, and betwene thy feed and hyr feed. JH. 6 for to geue vnderfbondynge T7. 8 ad auram pofl meridiem HL. 7 wurden yhr beyder augen wacker JW. ^. N. 6 eyes Jhulde be opened. To haue their eyes opened is to knowe or vnderftonde 8 from the face, That is from hys prefence 3L JH. N. 8 Adam verfleckt, Adam heyfl auff Ebreifch, Menfch, darumb mag man menfch fagen, wo Adam fleht vnd widderumb. tag kuelewar, Das war vmb den abent, wenn die hitze vergangen ifl, bedeut, das nach gethaner fund, das gewiffen angfl leydet, bis das Gottis gnedige flym kome vnd wider kule vn erquicke das hertz, wie wol fich auch die blode natur entfetzt vnd fleucht fur dem Euangelio, weyl es das creutz vnd flerben leret. 22 Eije fgrst feofte of IHoses, m- 16-24 And that feed fhall tread the on the heed, ad thou fhalt tread hit on the hele. 16 And vnto the woman he fayd: I will fuerly encreafe thy forow ad make the oft with child, and with payne fhalt thou be deleverd: And thy luftes fhall pertayne vnto thy hufbond and he fhall rule the. 17 And vnto Ada he fayd: for as moch as thou haft obeyed the voyce of thy wyfe, and haft eaten of the tree of which I commaunded the faynge: fe thou eate not therof: curfed be the erth for thy fake. In forow 18 fhalt thou eate therof all dayes of thy life, And it fhall beare thornes ad thyftels vnto the. And thou 19 fhalt eate the herbes of y feld: In the fwete of thy face fhalt thou eate brede, vntill thou returne vnto the erth whece thou waft take: for erth thou art, ad vnto erth fhalt thou returne. 20 And Adam called his wyfe Heua, becaufe fhe was 21 the mother of all that lyveth And the LORde God made Adam and hys wyfe garmentes of fkynnes, and 22 put them on them. And the LORde God fayd: loo, Adam is become as it were one of vs, in knowlege of good and evell. But now left he ftrech forth his hand [Fo. v.] and take alfo of the tree of lyfe and eate and lyve ever. 23 And the LORde God cafl him out of the garden of 24 Eden, to tylle the erth whece he was taken. And he JH. 15 treade it on the hele 17. 15 ipfa conteret i6 erunas tuas in dolore paries filios, & fub viri potestate eris & ipfe dominabitur tui 17 maledicta terra in opere tuo 19 puluis. puluerem 3L. 15 ynn die verfen beyffen JIK. JH. N. 15 on thy heed, The heed of the ferpent fygnifyeth the power and tyranny of the deuell whych Chrifl. the feede of the woma ouercame. The hele is Chrifles mahod which was tepted wyth oure fynnes. 22 Loo. Here thys worde lo is taken as a mocke as it is in iii Regu, xviii, c. i. JH. Kl. 15 Derfelb, Dis ift das erfl Euangelion vnd verheyf- fung von Chrift.0 gefchehen auff erden, Das er folt, fund, tod vnd helle vber winden, vnd vns von der fchlange gewalt felig machen. Daran Adam glawbt mit alien feynen nach kome, dauon er Chriflen vnd felig worden ift von feynem fall. 20 Heua, Hai heyft lebe, Daher kompt Heua oder Haua, Leben oder lebendige. iin. 1-8. calletr Genesis* 23 caft Ada out, and fette at y enteringe of the garden Eden, Cherubin with a naked fwerde fwerd, /o/^rd? movinge in and out, to kepe the way to the tree of lyfe. C The .III I. Chapter. ND Adam lay wyth Heua ys ^..S. Cayn wyfe, which conceaved and ^y^^f^/^ ^y^ ^ ' , T 1 ryghteous bro- bare Cain, and fayd: I haue ther Abell. gotten a ma of the LORde. Cayn difpay- 2 And fhe preceded forth and bare hys y^^ j-j^g brother Abell: And Abell became a generacyb of i-L J J /^ t. 1 Enoch, Ma- iheperde, and Cam became a ploweman. fji^r^ei Tu- 3 And it fortuned in proceffe of tyme, ball, Lantech, - that Cain brought of the frute of the erth: SethandEnos. 4 an offerynge vnto the LORde. And Abell, he brought alfo of the fyrfliynges of hys fhepe and of the fatt of them. And the LORde loked vnto Abell and to his 5 offrynge : but vnto Cain and vnto hys offrynge, looked he not. And Cain was wroth exceadingly, 6 and loured. And the LORde fayd vnto loured lour- Cain : why art thou angry, and why efl, looked ful- 7 lourefte thou } Woteft thou not yf thou doft well thou fhalt receave it } But & yf thou dofl evell, by & by thy fynne lyeth open in the dore. Not withfton-.r.dyng let it be fubdued vnto the, ad fee thou 8 rule it. And Cain talked with Abell his brother. a. 24 flammeum gladium atque verfatilem. iiii. 5 et concidit vultus eius 8 Dixitque Cain ad Abel fratre fuu, Egrediamur foras 1. 24 vnd eyn glentzendes fewrigs fchwerd. iiii. i ich hab vbeckomen den man des Herren ^1.|El.N. 4 loked vnto Abell, The Lorde looked vnto Abel & to hys offerynge: that is he was pleased with Abell & his offeringe, but with Cayn nor his offering was he not pleased: & therfore he faith that he loked not therto, the fame vfe of fpekynge is alfo in the .ii. of kynges in the .xvi. Chapter.c. Ps. xxx. b. 3L.^.N. I vberkomen, Kain heyfl, das man kriegt odder vber- kompt, Heua aber meynet, er folt der fame feyn, da der herr vo gefagt hatte, das er der fchlangen kopff zutretten wurde. 34 STfje ti^xst hokt of JEoses, n". 9-19 And as foone as they were in the feldes, Cain fell 9 vppon Abell his brother and flewe hym. And y LORde fayd vnto Cain: where is Abell thy brother ? And he 10 fayd: I cannot tell, am I my brothers keper ? And he fayd: What haft thou done? the voyce of thy 11 brothers bloud cryeth vnto me out of the erth. And now curfed be thou as pertaynyng to the erth, which opened hyr mouth to receaue thy brothers bloud of 12 thyne hande. For when thou tylleft the grounde fhe fhall heceforth not geve hyr power vnto rennagate, re- the. A vagabunde and a rennagate fhalt ^ande'rerju- thou be vpon the erth. gitive. 13 And Cain fayd vnto the LORde: my fynne is greater, 14 than that it may be forgeven. Beholde thou cafteft me out thys day from of the face of the erth, and fro thy fyghte muft I hyde myfelfe ad I muft be wandrynge and a vagabunde vpon the erth: Morover whofoever 15 fyndeth me, wyll kyll me. And the LORde fayd vnto hi Not so, but who fo ever fleyth Cain fhalbe punyfhed vii. folde. And the LORde put * a marke * Of this vpo Cain that no ma ^ founde hym fhulde ^J^^r^^V-K ^ ^ pope which 16 kyll hym. [Fo. VI.] And Cain went out in all thinges fro the face of the LORde and dwelt in ''^'^keth hlfelf equal with the lande Nod, on the eaft fyde of Eden, god, take an 17 And Cain laye wyth hys wyfe, which occafion to , , , TT 1 All marke all his conceaved and bare Henoch. And he cneatures.-and was buyldinge a cyte and called the to forbid vn- the name of it after the name of hys eZbmZdcafid 18 fonne, Henoch. And Henoch begat Irad. ^ noma {whe- And Irad begat Mahuiael. And Mahuiael fj"^ ^' ^^''^ kige or em- begat Mathufael. And Mathufael begat peroure) befo Lamech. hardy to pun- t/Jt6 th67ft fof 19 And Lamech toke hym two wyves, what fo ever JH. 10 bloud cryed vnto me U. 13 quam ut ueniam merear i6 habitauit profugus in terra ad orientalem plagam Eden 1. 12 SoU'er dyr fort feyn vermugen nicht geben i6jenfyd Eden gegen den morgen. ^. il. N. 10 cryed, Cryeth: that is afketh vengeaunce, as ye haue Genefis xix. c. iiii. 20-V. 3. calleti &tnm&* 26 the one was called Ada, and the other fyfchef they 20 Zilla. And Ada bare labal, of whome crowne is to came they that dwell in tentes ad poffeffe the a licence 21 catell. And hys brothers name was lubal: they H/lc"^ a of hym came all that exercyfe them felves protectib &- a 22 on the harpe and on the organs. And ^"^^ fentu- ^ , ** arye. =fentu- Zilla fhe alfo bare Tubalcain a worker in 2,xy, protection metall and a father of all that grave in braffe and yeron. And Tubalcains fyfter was called Naema. 23 Then fayd Lamech vnto hys wyves Ada ad Zilla: heare my voyce ye wyves of Lamech and herken vnto my wordes, for I haue flayne a man and wounded my felfe, and have flayn a yongman, and gotte my felfe 24 ftrypes: .f. For Cain fhall be avenged iirypes,wounds fevenfolde: but Lamech feventie tymes fevenfolde. 25 [ Adam alfo laye with hys wyfe yet agayne, and fhe bare a fonne ad called hys name Seth for god (fayd fhe) hath geven me a nother fonne for Abell 26 whom Cain flewe. And Seth begat a fonne and called hys name Enos. And in that tyme began men to call on the name of the LORde. The .V. Chapter. HYS is the boke of the gener- iH.^.S. The r T . 1 1 srenealoeye of acion of man, In the daye Adam vnto when God created man and Noe. made hym after the fymilytude of god. 2 Male and female made he the and called their names 3 man, in the daye when they were created. And when Adam was an hundred and thirty yere old, he begat a fonne after his lyckneffe and fymilytude: and called "F. 21 cithara & organo 25 femen aliud 26 Enos. ifte ccepit in- uocare nomen domini .v, i Adam, hominem iH. JH.N. 26 To call on the name of the Lorde is to requyer all thynges of hym and to trufl in him, geuing hym the honour and worfhyp that belongeth to hym, as in Gen. xii b. 26 cfje fgrst 6ofte of Poseg, v. 4-24 4 hys name Seth. And the dayes of Adam after he begat Seth, were eyght hundred yere, and begat 5 fonnes and doughters, and all the dayes of Adam which he lyved, were .ix. hundred and .xxx. yere, and then he dyed. 6 And Seth lyved an hundred and .v. yeres, and 7 begat Enos, And after he had begot Enos he lyved viii. hundred and .vii. yere, and begat fonnes and 8 doughters. And all the dayes of Seth were .ix. hun- dred and .xii. yeres and dyed. 9 And Enos lyved .Lxxxx. yere and begat [Fo. VII.] 10 kenan. And Enos after he begat kenan, lyved .viii hundred and .xv. yere, and begat fonnes and dough- 11 ters: and all the dayes of Enos were .ix. hundred and V. yere, and than he dyed. 12 And kenan lyved .Lxx. yere and begat Mahalaliel. 13 And kenan after he had begot Mahalaliel, lyved .viii hundred and .xl. yere and begat fonnes and doughters: 14 and al the dayes of kenan were .ix. hundred and .x yere, and than he dyed. 15 And Mahalaliel lyued ,Lxv. yere, and begat lared. 16 And Mahalaliel after he had begot lared lyved .viii hundred and .xxx. yere and begat fonnes and dough- 17 ters: and all the dayes of Mahalalyell were .viii. hun- 18 dred nynetye and .v. yeare, and than he dyed And lared lyved an hundred and .Lxii. yere and begat He- 19 noch: and lared lyved after he begat Henoch, .viii 20 hundred yere and begat fonnes and doughters. And all the dayes of lared were .ix. hundred and .Lxii yere, and than he dyed. 21 And Henoch lyved .Lxv. yere ad begat Mathufala. 22 And Henoch walked wyth god after he had begot Mathufalah .iii. hundred yere, and begat fonnes and 23 doughters. And all the dayes of Henoch were .iii 24 hundred and .Lxv. yere. and than Henoch lyved a JK. 4 daughters V. 9 Enos nonaginta annis 22 Et ambulauit Enoch cu dec JH. i&.. N. 22 And Henoch walked with God, To walke wyth God, is to do hys will & leade a lyfe accordynge to hys worde. V. 2S-VI. 3. calletr &tnm&. 27 godly lyfe, and was no more fene, for God toke him away. 25 And Mathufala lyved an hundred and .Lxxxvii 26 yere and begat Lamech: and Mathufala .?. after he had begot Lamech, lyved .vii. hundred and .Lxxxii 27 yere: ad begat fonnes and doughters. And all the dayes of Methufala were .ix. hundred .Lxix. yere, and than he dyed. 28 And Lamech lyved an hundred .Lxxxii, yere and 29 begat a fonne and called hym Noe sayng. This fame fhall comforte vs: as concernynge oure worke and forowe of oure handes which we haue aboute the erthe 30 that the LORde hath curfed. And Lamech lyved after he had begot Noe .v. hundred, nynetie and .v 31 yere, and begat fonnes and doughters. And all the dayes of Lamech were .vii. hundred .Lxxvii. yere, 32 and than he dyed. And when Noe was .v. hundred yere olde, he begat Sem, Ham and laphet. f[ The .VL Chapter. ND it came to paffe wha men JH. . S. T/ie u - i. li.- 1 - i.1- 4.U caufe of the bega to multiplye apo the erth ji^'^^e. God ad had begot them doughters, wameth Noe the fonnes of God fawe the f/lir^H: doughters of men that they were fayre, Thepreparing and toke vnto them wyves, which they of the arcke. 3 beft liked amoge the all. And the LORd fayd: My fpirite fhall not all waye ftryve withe man, for they are "F. 24 ambulavitque cu deo, & no apparuit: quia tulit eu deus. vi. 3 non permanebit fpiritus meus in homine %. 2 Kinder Gottis JH. IK. N. 2 The fonnes of God are the fonnes of Seth which had inftruct & norifhed the in the feare of God. The fonnes of men are the fonnes of Cayn inflruct of him to all wyckednes. 5.. JEl. N. 2 kinder Gottis, Das waren der heyligen vetter kinder, Die ynn Gottiffurcht auferzogen, darnach erger, den die ander worden, vnter dem namen Gottis, wie altzeyt die geyft- lichen, die ergiflen tyrannen vnd verkeritiflen zu letzt warden find. 28 Ei)c tm&t takt of JHoses, vi. 4-16 flefh. Nevertheles I wyll geue them yet fpace, and hundred and .xx. yeres 4 There were tirantes in the world in thos dayes. For after that the children of God had gone in vnto the doughters of men and had begotten them childern. the fame childern were the mightieft of the world and men of renowne. [Fo. VIII. mifplaced in the original] 5 And whan the LORde fawe f the wekedneffe of man was encreafed apon the erth, and that all the ym- aginacion and toughtes of his hert was toughtes, 6 only evell continually, he repented that Jhould be, he had made man apon the erth and * 7 forowed in his hert. And fayd: I wyll deftroy man- kynde which I haue made, fro of the face of the erth: both man, beaft, worme and foule of the ayre, for it S repeteth me that I haue made them. But yet Noe found grace in the fyghte of the LORde. 9 Thefe are the generatios of Noe. Noe was a righteous man and vncorrupte in his tyme, & 10 walked wyth god. And Noe begat .iii. fonnes: Sem, 11 Ham and lapheth. And the erth was corrupte in the 12 fyghte of god, and was full of mifchefe. And God loked vpon the erth, ad loo it was corrupte: for all flelh had corrupte his way vppon the erth. 13 Than fayd God to Noe: the end of all flefh is come before me, for the erth is full of there myfchefe. And 14 loo, I wyll deftroy them with the erth. Make the an arcke of pyne tree, and make chaumbers in the arcke, and pytch it wythin and wythout wyth pytch. 15 And of this facion fhalt thou make it. The lenth of the arcke fhall be .iii. hundred cubytes, ad the bredth of it .L. cubytes, and the heyth of it 16 XXX. cubytes. A wyndow fhalt thou make aboue in |K. 5 thoughtes |r. 4 gigantes autem 9 Noe vir iuflus atque perfectus fuit 14 area de lignis leuigatis \. 4 tyrannen 12 alles fleyfch hatte feyn weg verterbet auff erden 14 thennen holtz iH.fR.X. 12 All fle/k. All flefflie that is all men that lyuefle(hlv, asln the .viii. of the Roma. 13 The ende of all flejh. The ende of all fleffhe: that is, the ende of all men is come before me. VI. I7-VII. 2. calletJ &mtBi&. 29 the arcke. And wythin a cubyte compaffe fhalt thou finyfh it. T. And the dore of the arcke fhalt thou fette in f fyde of it: and thou fhalt make it with .iii. loftes 17 one aboue an other. For behold I will bringe in a floud of water apon the erth to deflroy all flefh from vnder heaven, wherin breth of life is fo that all that 18 is in the erth fhall perifh. But I will make myne apoyntement with the, that both thou apoyntement, fhalt come in to f arcke and thy fonnes, covenajit thy wyfe and thy fonnes wyves with the. 19 And of all that lyveth what foever flefh it be, fhalt thou brynge in to the arcke, of every thynge a payre, to kepe them a lyve wyth the. And male 20 and female fe that they be, of byrdes in their kynde, and of beaftes in their kynde, and of all maner of wormes of the erth in their kinde: a payre of every thinge fhall come vnto the to kepe them a lyve. 21 And take vnto the of all maner of meate f may be eaten & laye it vp in floore by the, that it may be 22 meate both for ^ and for the: and Noe dyd acordynge to all that God commaunded hym. The .VII. Chapter. ND the LORde fayd vnto Noe: ^- -^- '^^' ' entraunce of goo into the arcke both thou Noe (Sr* them and all thy houffold. For the that were , _ - . , , - with him into haue 1 fene nghtuous before the arcke. 2 meinthys generacion. Ofallclenebeafles The ryfynge |K. 16 aboue a nother U. 18 ponamque foedus meu tecum 20 ut poffint viuere vii. I dominus ad cum 3L. 18 bund auffrichten .vii. i reciitfertig erfehen fur myr zu difer zeit IS. JH. N. I For the haue I fene ryghteous. They are ryght- eous before God that loue their neybours for gods fake, vnfayn- edly: hauynge the fpirite of god whych maketh the the fonnes of God & therfore are accepted of God as iufl and ryghteous as it is in Gen. xviii. c. 2 and of cletie beafles, cleane beafles is foche as they myght lefully eate, and the vncleane are thofe that they might not eate, as it apereth in Leuit. ii. a & Deut. xiiii. 30 Efie fgrst tiolte of JHoscs, vn. 3-14 take vnto the .vii. of every kynde the male of the floude and hys female [Fo. IX.] And of vnclene '"thyZ'^eT dyd beaftes a payre, the male and hys female: peryjhe. 3 lykewyfe of the byrdes of the ayre .vii. of every kynde, 4 male and female to fave feed vppon all the erth. For vii. days hence wyll I fend rayne vppo the erth .XL dayes. & .XL. nyghtes and wyll dyflroy all maner of thynges that I haue made, from of the face of the erth. 5 And Noe dyd acordynge to all -^ the lorde c6- 6 maunded hym: and Noe was .vi. hundred yere olde, when 7 the floud of water came vppon the erth: and Noe went and his fonnes and his wyfe and his fonnes wyves wyth 8 hym, in to the arke from the waters of the floud. And of clene beaftes and of beaftes that ware vnclene and 9 of byrdes and of all that crepeth vppo the erth, came in by cooples of every kynde vnto Noe in to the arke: a male and a female: even as God commaunded Noe. 10 And the feventh daye the waters of the floud came vppon the erth. 11 In the .vi. hundred yere of Noes lyfe, in the fecode moneth, in the .xvii. daye of the moneth, ^ fame daye were all the founteynes of the grete depe broken vp, 12 & the wyndowes of heave were opened, ad there fell a rayne vpon the erth .XL. dayes and .XL. nyghtes. 13 And the felfe fame daye went Noe, Sem, Ham and lapheth, Noes fonnes, and Noes wyfe and the .iii. wyves 14 of his fonnes wyth them in to the arke: both they and all maner of beaftes in their kide, & all maner of catell in their kynde & all maner of wormes that crepe vppon .If. the erth in their kynde, and all maner of byrdes in there kynde. and all maner off foules what U. II omnes fontes abyffi magnas & cataractae caeli 13 In articulo diei illius i. II da auff brachen alle brunne der groffen tieffen, vnd theten fich auff die fenfler des hymels JH. JH. N. 1 1 Founteynes, The fountaynes of the great depe etc. that is, all the waters that were on the erth fprage vp, en- creafed & multyplyed. Wyndowes of heaven. The wyndowes of heue opened &c. that is, all waters aboue the erth defcendea and increafed the floude. vii. 15-24. callcu (3tnm&. 31 15 foever had feders. And they came vnto Noe in to the arke by cooples, of all flefh f had breth of lyfe in it. 16 And they that came, came male ad female of every flefh accordige as God comaunded hym: & y LORde fhytt the dore vppo him 17 And the floud came .XL. dayes & .XL. nyghtes vppon the erth, & the water increafed and bare vp 18 the arcke ad it was lifte up from of the erth And the water prevayled and increafed exceadingly vppon the erth: and the arke went vppo the toppe of the waters. 19 And the waters prevayled excedingly above mefure vppo the erth, fo that all the hye hylles which are vnder 20 all the partes of heaven, were covered: eve .xv. cubytes hye prevayled the waters, fo that the hylles were covered. 21 And all flefhe that moved on the erth, bothe birdes catell and beaftes periffhed, with al that crepte on the 22 erth and all men: fo that all that had the breth of lifife in the noftrels of it thorow out all that was on drye lond dyed. 23 Thus was deftroyed all that was vppo the erth, both man, beaftes, wormes and foules of the ayre: fo that they were deftroyed from the erth: fave Noe was referved only and they that were wyth hym in the 24 arke. And the waters prevayled vppon the erth, an hundred and fyftye dayes. %. 22 AUes was eyn lebendigen oden hatte ym trocken, das ftarb. The .VIIL Chapter. 32 Ejie t^v&t Soke of JHoscs, vm. i-u The .VIII. Chapter. [Fo. X.] ND god remebred Noe & all y .The the fonnes of Noe: of Sem, fa'ph^i^'sei Ham and lapheth, which be- and Ham. gat them children after the floude. .?. The fonnes of lapheth were: Gomyr, Magog, Madai, lauan, 3 Tuball, Mefech and Thyras. And the fonnes of Gomyr 4 were: Afcenas Riphat and Togarma. And the fonnes ^. 21 wus 23 their ^. JH. N. 27 God increafe; To encreafe, that is: to reioyfe or to be in peace & of good comfort, as it is in Gen. xxvi. c & Ps. iiii. a. IL. ^. N. 22 Vatters fcham, Dis gefchicht deuten viel dahyn. man folle der praelato lafter nit flraffen wil'chs doch Chriftus vnd alle Apoflel thatten, Aber deute du es recht, das Noe fey Chriftus vnd alle glewbigen, die trunkenheyt fey die lieb vnd glawbe ym heyligen geyft die bloffe fey das creutz vnd leyden fur der wellt Ham fey, die falfchen w^erck beylegen vnd gleyffener, die Chriilum' vnd die feynen verfpotten vnd luft haben ynn yhrem leyden. Sem vnd laphet feyen die fromen Chriften die folch leyden preyfen vn ehren. X. 5-25 calleti BcmsiQ. 37 of lauan were: Elifa, Tharfis, Cithim, and Dodanim. 5 Of thefe came the lies of the gentylls in there contres, every man in his fpeach, kynred and nation. 6 The fonnes of Ham were: Chus Misraim Phut and 7 Canaan. The fonnes of Chus: were Seba, Heuila, Sabta, Rayma and Sabtema. And the fones of Rayma 8 were: Sheba, & Dedan. Chus also begot Nemrod, 9 which bega to be myghtye in the erth. He was a myghtie hunter in the fyghte of the LORde: Where of came the proverbe: he is as Nemrod that myghtie 10 hunter in the fyghte of the LORde. And the begyn- nynge of hys kyngdome was Babell, Erech, Achad 11 and Chalne in the lande of Synear: Out of that lande came Affur and buylded Ninyue, and the cyte reho 12 both, and Calah. And Reffen betwene Ninyue ad 13 Chalah That is a grete cyte. And Mizraim begat 14 ludim, Enanum, Leabim, Naphtuhim, Pathrufim & Cafluhim: from whence came the Philyftyns, and the Capththerynes. 15 Canaan alfo begat zidon his eldefh fonne & Heth, 16, 17, 18 lebufi, Emori, Girgofi, Hiui, Arki, Sini, Aruadi, Zemari and hamati. And afterward fprange the 19 kynreds of the Canaanytes And the coftes of the Canaanytes were fro Sy- [Fo. XHL] don tyll thou come to Gerera & to Afa, & tyll thou come to Sodoma, 20 Gomorra, Adama Zeboim: eve vnto Lafa. Thefe were the chyldre of Ham in there kynreddes, tonges, landes and nations. 21 And Sem the father of all y childre of Eber and the 22 eldeft brother of lapheth, begat children also. And his fonnes were: Elam Affur, Arphachfad, Lud ad 23 Aram. And ;y children of Aram were: Vz, Hul, 24 Gether & Mas And Arphachfad begat Sala, and 25 Sala begat Eber. And Eber begat, ii. fonnes. The ^. 13 Mizrim i8 Harmati !. 5 fecundum linguam fuam & familias in nationibus fuis. II Niniuen, & plateas ciuitatis i8 per hos diffeminati funt populi chananasorum 20 filii cham in cognationibus (cf. v 31.) V. 5 fprach gefchlecht vnd leuten il Niniue vnd der flat gaffen 18 daher find aufgebreyt 38 E\jt t'gx&t troke of IHoses, X. 26-xi. 4 name of the one was Peleg, for in his tyme the erth was devyded. And the name of his brother was laketan. 26 laketan begat Almodad, Saleph, Hyzarmoneth, 27, 28 larah, Hadoram, Vfal, Dikela, Obal, Abimael, Seba, 29 Ophir, Heuila & lobab. All thefe are the fonnes of 30 laketan. And the dwellynge of them was from Mefa vntill thou come vnto Sephara a mountayne of the eafte lande. Thefe are the fonnes of Sem in their kynreddes, languages, contrees and nations. Thefe are the kynreddes of the fonnes of Noe, in their generations and nations. And of thefe came the people that were in the world after the floude. 31 32 [ The .XI. Chapter. ND all the world was of one , ^f.-^- The buylding of tonge and one language. And the tower of as they came from the eaft, Babel. The 1 /-I 1 -m -1 confufyon of theyfounde a play-.r.ne m the tonges. The lande of Synear, and there they dwelled, generacyon of Sc77t tJtc foytttc 3 And they fayd one to a nother: come on, ^y yy^^ vntyll let us make brycke ad burne it wyth fyre. Abrd which So brycke was there ftone and flyme was i_lt vnto^Ha- 4 there morter And they fayd: Come on, ran. let vs buylde us a cyte and a toure, that the toppe may reach vnto heauen. And let vs make us a name, for perauenture we fhall be scatered abrode over all the erth. T. 30 Sephar montem orientalem 32 Has familias Noe. xv. i fer- monum eorundem 4 antequam cliuidamur in vniuerfas terras 5^. 30 gen Sephara, an den berg gegen dem morgen. xi. 2 eyn plan ym land Sinear 4 denn wyr werden villeicht zurflrewet ynn alle lender 3L. JE. N. 25 Pelegj aufF deutfch, Eyn zuteylung. XI. s-i8- calletr (Genesis, 39 5 And the LORde came downe to see the cyte and the toure which the childern of Ada had buylded. 6 And the LORde fayd: See, the people is one and haue one tonge amonge them all. And thys haue they begon to do, and wyll not leaue of from all that they 7 haue purpofed to do. Come on, let vs defcende and myngell theire tonge even there, that one vnderftonde 8 not what a nother fayeth. Thus y LORde fkatered them from thence vppon all the erth. And they left 9 of to buylde the cyte. Wherfore the name of it is called Babell, becaufe that the LORDE there con- founded the tonge of all the world. And becaufe that the LORde from thence, fkatered them abrode vppon all the erth. 10 Thefe are the generations of Sem: Se was an hun- dred yere olde and begat Arphachfad .ii. yere after the 11 floude. And Se lyved after he had begot Arphachfad V. hundred yere and begat fonnes and doughters 12 And Arphachfad lyued .xxxv. yere and be- [Fo. 13 XIIIL] gat Sala, and lyved after he had begot Sala .iiii hudred yere & .iii. & begat fonnes and doughters. 14 And Sala was .xxx. yere old and begat Eber, 15 ad lyved after he had begot Eber .iiii. hudred and thre yere, ad begat fonnes and doughters. 16 When Eber was .xxxiiii. yere olde, he begat Peleg, 17 and lyued after he had begot Peleg, foure hundred and .XXX. yere, and begat fonnes and doughters. 18 And Peleg when he was .xxx. yere olde begat V. 7 vnusquifque vocem proximi fui %. 7 dafelbs verwyrren |K. JH. N. 5 came downe j God is counted to come downe, whe he dothe any thing in the erthe amoge men that is not accus- tomed to be done: in maner fhewynge hymfelfe prefent amonge men by his wonderfull worke, as it is in Ps. xvii. b. and .cxliii. a. To fe the cyte; not that god feeth not at all tymes, but only that he maketh hym felfe both to be fene and knowen in his wonder- full workes amdge vs. 12 Arphachfad; Here the feuentie Inter- preters leaue oute the generacion of Caynan, the which after the reconynge of the Ebrues begat Sala, when he was .xxx. yere of age. Luke .iii. g. 1-. iW. N. 9 Babel; auff deutfch Eyn vermiffchung oder verwyrrung 40 C^fje fgrst ftoke of JHoses, xi. 19-xn. i 19 Regu, and lyued after he had begot Regu .ii. hundred and .ix. yere, and begat fonnes and doughters. 20 And Regu when he had lyued .xxxii. yere begat 21 Serug, and lyued after he had begot Serug .ii. hundred and .vii. yere, and begat fonnes and doughters. 22 And when Serug was .xxx. yere olde, he begat 23 Nahor,and lyued after he had begot Nahor .ii. hundred yere, and begat fonnes & doughters. 24 And Nahor when he was .xxix. yere olde, begat 25 Terah, and lyved after he had begot Terah, an hun- dred and .xix. yere, .IT. and begat fonnes and doughters. 26 And when Terah was .Lxx. yere olde, he begat Abram, Nahor and Haran. 27 And thefe are the generations of Terah. Terah begat Abram, Nahor and Haran. And Haran begat 28 Lot. And Haran dyed before Terah his father in the 29 londe where he was borne, at Vr in Chaldea. And Abram and Nahor toke them wyves. Abras wyfe was called Sarai. And Nahors wyfe Mylca the doughter 30 of Haran which was father of Milca ad of lifca. But Sarai was baren and had no childe. 31 Then toke Terah Abram his fonne and Lot his fonne Harans fonne, & Sarai his doughter in lawe his fone Abrams wyfe. And they went wyth hym from Vr in Chaldea, to go in to the lade of Chanaan. And 32 they came to Haran and dwelled there. And when Te- rah was .ii. hundred yere old and .v. he dyed in Haran. f[ The .Xn. Chapter. HEN the LORde fayd vnto iH.^.S. Ab- Abra Gett the out of thy l^^tf/, contre and from thy kynred, goeth with and out of thy fathers houfe, ^^^ ^""^^ ' Jirautt^e lan- into a londe which I wvll fhewe the, dethaiapered JH. 29 lefca. XII. 2-IO. calleti (Genesis, .,^,-, 41 2 And I wyll make of the a myghtie peo- ^ ^^^ '^ f^" pie, and wyll bleffe the, and make thy Godpromyfeth name grete, that thou mayft be a bleff- ^^ ^^"^ ^^^ A , T 11 , 1 /-/- ,1 ,1 , 1 1 r,- fame lande to 3 mge. And I wyll bleffe the that bleffe fiym and to the, ad curfe the that curfe the. And hisfede. And in the fhall be bleffed all the generations Joeth'^Abram of the erth. into Egypt &^ 4 And Abram wet as the LORde badd ^^/^^^^ ^^^^' ^ nts wyje to hym, [Fo. XV.] and Lot went wyth him. faye that Jhe Abram was .Lxxv. yere olde, when he ^i f ">, fijler. 5 went out of Haran. And Abram toke rauyfjhed of Sarai his wyfe ad Lot his brothers fonne, ^^^^^> f^ wyth all their goodes which they had Lorde plao-eth goten and foulles which they had be- hym. goten in Haran. And they departed to goo in to the lade of Chanaan. And when they were come in 6 to the lande of Chanaan, Abram went furth in to the lade tyll he came vnto a place called Sychem, and vnto the oke of More. And the Canaanytes dwelled then in the lande. 7 Then the LORde apeared vnto Abram ad fayd: vnto thy feed wyll I geue thys lade. And he buylded an aultere there vnto the LORDE which apeared to 8 hym. Then departed he thence vnto a mountayne that lyeth on the eaft fyde of BETHEL and pytched hys tente: BETHEL beynge on the weft fyde, and Ay on the eaft: And he buylded there an aulter vnto the LORde & called on the name of y LORde. 9 And than Abram departed and toke his iourney fouthwarde 10 After thys there came a derth in the lande. And Abram went doune in to Egipte to foiourne there, for |K. 6 forth ~^. 6 pertranfiuit . . Sichem, & vfque ad conuallem illullrem 10 fames 3L. 6 Zoch er durch . . an den hayn More lo eyn tewere zeyt ^. iH. N. 2 Bleffe the; To bleffe, is here to be made happye and fortunate. And to make great his name, is to aduaunce and extoUe hym and aboue other people. 5 Soules; Soules here are taken for his feruauntes and maydens, which were very many as ye maye fe in Gen. xiv, c. 42 K\}t fgrst hokt of iSoses, xn. 11-20 11 the derth was fore in the lande. And when he was come nye for to entre in to Egipte, he fayd vnto Sarai his wife. Beholde, I knowe that thou art a 12 fayre woman to loke apo. It wyll come to paffe therfore whe the Egiptians fee the, that they wyll fay: fhe is his wyfe. And fo fhall they fley me and 13 fave the. .T. Saye I praye the therfore that thou art my fifter, that I maye fare the better by reafon of the and that my foule maye lyue for thy fake. 14 As foon as he came in to Egipte, the Egiptias fawe 15 the woman that fhe was very fayre. And Pharaos lordes fawe hir alfo, and prayfed hir vnto Pharao: So 16 that fhe was taken in to Pharaos houfe, which en- treated Abram well for hir fake, fo that he had fhepe, oxfen ad he affes, men feruantes, mayde feruates, fhe affes and camels. 17 But God plaged Pharao and his houfe wyth grete 18 plages, becaufe of Sarai Abrams wyfe. Then Pharao called Abram and fayd: why haft thou thus dealt with me ? Wherfore toldeft thou me not that fhe was thy 19 wife .'' Why faydeft thou that fhe was thy filter, and caufedeft me to take hyr to my wyfe ? But now loo, 20 there is the wife, take hir ad be walkynge. Pharao alfo gaue a charge vnto his men over Abram, to leade hym out, wyth his wyfe and all that he had. |K. 19 there is thy wyfe T. 12 et te referuabunt 15 principes Pharaoni 16 Abram vero bene vfi funt 17 Flagellauit autem dominus 19 vt toUerem earn mihi in uxorem L. 12 vnd dich behalten 14 das fie fafl fchon war 15 und die furften des Pharao 17 Aber der Herr 19 derhalben ich fie myr zum weybe nam xiii. i-io. calleti Genesis, 43 f[ The .XIII. Chapter. HAN Abram departed out of P-^-S. Ab- . , ,, 1 11- r ram &' Loth Egipte, both he and his wyfe departe oute and all that he had, and Lot of Egypt. ^ "VL /y y? n "K tt, fit wyth hym vnto the [Fo. XVI.] a,,^y^,a his 2 fouth. Abram was very rich in catell, lande 6^ ca- 3 fyluer & gold. And he went on his iour- ^//^^^J.^'^ /"/ ney fro the fouth even vnto BETHEL, Here agayne ad vnto the place where his tente was at ^^ Ab'^^'^^^the the fyrft tyme betwene BETHEL and lande of Ca- 4 Ay, and vnto the place of the aulter <^- which he made before. And there called Abram vpon the name of the LORde. 5 Lot alfo which went wyth him had fhepe, catell 6 and tentes: fo that the londe was not abill to receaue them that they myght dwell to gether, for the fub- ftance of their riches was fo greate, that they coude 7 not dwell to gether And there fell a ftryfe betwene the herdmen of Abrams catell, and the herdmen of Lots catell. Moreouer the Cananytes and the Phery- fites dwelled at that tyme in the lande. 8 Than fayd Abram vnto Lot: let there be no ftryfe I praye the betwene the and me and betwene my 9 herdmen and thyne, for we be brethren. Ys not all the hole lande before the .-' Departe I praye the fro me. Yf thou wylt take the lefte hande, I wyll take the right: Or yf thou take the right hande I wyll take lo the left. And Lot lyft vp his eyes and beheld all the contre aboute lordane, which was a plenteous contre of water every where, before the LORde deftroyed Sodoma and Gomorra. .IT. Even as the garden of the JH. 3 to the place "F. I Afcendit . . . auflralem plagam 3 Reuerfufque 4 quod feceret prius 6 habitarent fimul . . communiter 5.. 7 vnd war ymer zank JH. |a. N. 8 brethren; The Hebrues vnderftonde by this worde brother al nevews, coffyns & neyboures, & all that be of one ftocke. Rom. ix, a; Ino. vii, a. 44 ' Efje fgrst faoke of jHoses, XIII. I I-XIV. 2 LORde, & as the lande of Egipte tyll thou come to Zoar. 11 Than Lot chofe all the coftes of lordane ad toke hys iourney from the eaft. And fo departed the one brother from the other. 12 Abram dwelled in the lande of Canaan. And lot in the cytes of the playne, & tented tyll he came to 13 Sodome. But the men of fodome were wyked and fynned exceadyngly agenft the LORde. 14 And the LORde fayed vnto Abram, after that Lot was departed from hym: lyfte vp thyne eyes & loke from y place where thou art, northward, fouthward, 15 eaftward and weftward, for all the lande which thou feifte wyll I gyue vnto the & to thy feed for ever. 16 And I wyll make thy feed, as the duft of the erth; fo that yf a ma can nombre the dufl of the erth, than 17 fhall thy feed alfo be nombred. Aryfe and walke aboute in the lande, in the length of it ad in the bredth for I wyll geue it vnto the. 18 Than Abra toke downe hys tente, & went and dwelled in the okegrove of Mamre which is in Ebron and buylded there an altar to the LORde. The .XIIIL Chapter. |ND it chaunfed within a while, . iH..^. Lot that Amraphel kynge of Sy- ^ollr!^ ^The near, Arioch kynge of Ellafar, victory of Ab- Kedorlaomer kynge of Elam ^^ of the Sod- ^ omytes. Lot 2 and Thydeall kynge of the nations: made is delyuered warre wyth Bera kynge of Sodoe and ^y Abram. JH. I Kedorlaomor cf. vv. 4. 9 F. 18 iuxta conuallem IL. 14 heb deyn augen auff |?t. iH. N. i5/(5r ever; Euer is not here taken for tyme wyth- oute ende; but for a longe ceafon that hath not his ende apoyntcd. 18 Ebron is the name of a citie where Adam Abraham and his wyfe with Ifaac etc. were buryed, as in Gen. xxiii, d. XIV. 3-II. calletr (Genesis, 45 with Birfa kynge of Gomorra. And wyt- Melchifedech [Fo. XVII.l he Sineab kynge of Adama, offreth gyftes & with Semeaber kynge of Zeboim, and Abrampayeth wyth the kynge of Bela Which Bela is tythes vnto Melchifedech 3 called Zoar. All thefe came together Abram hold- vnto the vale of fiddim which is now the eth nothynge 4 fait fee Twelve yere were they fubiecte L Sodo^jnTs to kinge kedorlaomer, and in the .xiii goodes. yere rebelled. 5 Therefore in the .xiiii. yere came kedorlaomer and the kynges that were wyth hym, and fmote the Raphayms in Afbarath Karnaim, and the Sufims in 6 Ham, ad the Emyms in Sabe Kariathaim, and the Horyms in their awne mounte Seir vnto the playne 7 of Pharan, which bordreth vpon the wylderneffe. And then turned they and came to the well of iugmente which is Cades, and fmote all the contre of the Amal- echites, and alfo the amorytes that dwell in Hazezon Thamar. 8 Than went out the kynge of Sodome, and the kynge of Gomorra, and the kynge of Adama and the kynge of Zeboijm, and the kynge of Bela now called Zoar. And sette their men in aray to fyghte wyth 9 them in the vale of fiddim, that is to fay, wyth kedorlaomer the kynge of Elam and with Thydeall kynge of the Nations, and wyth Amraphel kynge of Synear. And with Arioch kynge of Ellafar: foure 10 kynges agenfte v. And that vale of fiddim was full of flyme pyttes. And the kynges of Sodome and Gomorra fled, and fell there. And the refydue fled to the moun- 11 taynes. And they toke all the goodes .?. of So- dome and Gomorra and all their vitalles, ad went |H. 2 Semeabar V. 3 conuenerunt in vallem fylueflrem 6 campeflria Pharan quae eft in folitudine i.. 3 das breytte tall cf. vv. 8, lo 5 die Ryfen zu Aftaroth 6 bis an die breyte Pharan, vvilch an die wuften ftoft 7 an den Rechtborn Jl. ^H. N. 2 kynge of Bela; Bela is the citie that Lot defyred for his refuge when he came oute of Sodome as in Gen. xix, c. 5 Raphaim, are counted in the fcripture for gyauntes as in .11 Reg. V, b. Es. xvii. which lyued by theft and robberye. 46 Efje fsrst iiolte of JHosejs, xiv. 12-21 12 their waye. And they toke Lot alfo Abrams brothers fonne and his good (for he dwelled at Sodome) and departed. 13 Than came one that had efcaped, and tolde Abram the hebrue which dwelt in the okegrove of Mamre the Amoryte brother of Efchol and Aner: which were 14 confederate wyth Abram. When Abram herde that his brother was taken, he harneffed his harneffed, feruantes borne in his owne houfe .iii ^^f^^^d hundred & .xviii. ad folowed tyll they came at Dan. 15 And fette hymfelfe ad his feruantes in aray, & fell vpon them by nyght, & fmote them, & chafed them awaye vnto Hoba: which lyeth on the lefte hande of 16 Damafcos, and broughte agayne all the goodes & alfo his brother Lot, ad his goodes, the weme alfo and the people. 17 And as he retourned agayne from the flaughter of kedorlaomer and of the kynges that were with hym, than came the kynge of Sodome a::;^:i\nft hym vnto the vale of Saue which now is called kynges dale. 18 Than Melchifedech kinge of Salem brought forth breed and wyne. And he beynge the preft of the 19 moft hygheft God, bleffed hym faynge. Bleffed be Abram vnto the moft hygheft God, poffeffor of heaven 20 and erth. And bleffed be God the moft hygheft, which hath delyvered thyne enimies in to thy handes. And Abra gaue hym tythes of all. 21 [Fo. XVIIL] Than fayd the kynge of Sodome vnto |H. 13 Abram the Hebrew i6 women alfo 17 returned . . So- dome to mete him in the vale of Saue 18 Prefle. V. 15 Et diuifis fociis, irruet fuper eos nocte: 17 a casde Cho- dorlaomor 18 proferens panem et vinum 20 quo protegente !L 12 und feyn habe 13 dem Auflander 15 vnd teyletfich 17 von der fchlacht des Kedorlaomor 18 trug brot vnd weyn erfur JH. ^. N. 18 Melchifedech; The Jewes fuppofed Mechifedek to be Sem the fonne of Noe becaufe he lyued after the floude .v hudred yere, & after the death of Abraham (by godes prouidence) was kynge of Salem 19 BleJ/'edht Abram, that is prayfed be Abra. And prayfed be the moofl hygheft God as it is in Genes, xlvii, b. i. ^. N. 18 Trug brod; Nicht das ers opferte, fondern das er die gefte fpeyfet vnd ehret da durch Chriftus bedeut ift, der die wellt mit dem Euangelio fpeyfet. XIV.22-XV. 5- calletf (Genesis!, 47 Abram: gyue me the foulles, and take the goodes 22 to thy felfe. And Abram anfwered the Kynge of Sodome: I lyfte vpp my hande vnto the LORde God 23 moft hygh poffeffor of heaven ad erth, that I will not take of all f is thyne, fo moch as a thred or a fhoulachet, left thou fhuldeft faye I haue made Abra 24 ryche. Saue only that which the yonge men haue eaten ad the partes of the men which went wyth me. Aner, EfchoU & Mamre. Let them take their partes. XV. Chapter. FTER thefe deades, f worde of jH.(!r.5. TAe God came vnto Abram in a /^^ of Ca- .-^ . ^ A L naan is yet vinon laynge feare not Abram, ag-ayne pro- I am thy fhilde, and thy re- my/ed to Ab- 2 warde fhalbe exceadynge greate. And Yr^myfet'^h Abram anfwered: LORde lehouah what hym feed. wilt thou geue me: I goo childleffe, and Hebeleuethb- the cater of myne houffe, this Eleafar The prophe- 3 of Damafco hath a fonne. And Abram cyeofthebon- r J r ^ n ^ r i duge W heritl layd: le, to me halt thou geven no feed: the chyldren lo, a lad borne in my houffe fhal be myne of Ifraeljhuld , be vnder Pha- *^^y^^- rao,&' of their 4 And beholde, the worde of the LORde delyuerance fpake vnto Abram fayenge: He fhall not f^omthefame. be thyne heyre, but one that fhall come out of thyne 5 awne bodye fhalbe thyne heyre. .?. And he brought him out at the doores ad fayde. Loke vpp vnto |5[. I faying 5 out of the dores "F. 21 animas 22 pofleflbrem. xv, 2 filius procuratoris domus meae HI. 21 die feelen 22 befitzt. xv, i fchilt 2 Herr Herr cf, v. 8. 4 der von deynem leyb komen wirt ^. JH. N. 21 Gyue me the fotiles; Soules are men & w^omen, as Gen. xlvi, c & Deut. x, b. xv, i The worde of God; The w^ord of the Lorde cometh when he fheweth any thynge vnto vs by reuel- acyon as it is vfed in diuers places of the Scripture, and fpecially in the Prophetes & is a maner of fpeache of the Hebrewes. 48 E^t fgrst hokt of Jloses, xv. 6-16 heaven and tell the ftarres, yf thou be able to nobre them. And fayde vnto him Even fo fhall thy feed be. 6 . And Abram beleved the LORde, and it was counted 7 to hym for rightwefnes. And he fayde vnto hym: I am the LORde that brought the out of Vr in Chaldea to geue the this lande to poffeffe it. 8 And he fayde: LORde God, whereby fhall I knowe 9 that I fhall poffeffe it.'' And he fayd vnto him: take an heyfer of .iii. yere olde, and a fhe gotte of thre yeres olde, and a thre yere olde ram, a turtill doue and a 10 yonge pigeon. And he toke all thefe and devyded them in the myddes, and layde euery pece, one over 11 agenft a nother. But the foules devyded he not. And the byrdes fell on the carcafes, but Abra droue the 12 awaye. And when the fonne was doune, there fell a flomber apon Abram. And loo, feare and greate darkneffe came apon hym. 13 And he fayde vnto Abram: knowe this of a fuertie, that thi feed fhalbe a ftraunger in a lande that perteyneth not vnto the. And they fhall make bondmen of them 14 and entreate them evell .iiii. hundred yeares. But the nation whom they fhall ferue, wyll I iudge. And afterwarde fhall they come out wyth greate fubftace. 15 Neuertheleffe thou fhalt goo vnto thi fathers in peace, 16 ad fhalt be buried when thou art of a good age: ad in the fourth generation they fhall come hyther [Fo. ^. 10 pece, one agaynft another 12 vpon- vpon V. 10 diuifit ea per medium 12 horror magnus & tenebrofus inuafit eum 13 Scito praenofcens it. 5 zele die flerne . . kanftu fic zelen 10 zuteylet es mitten von ander 11 das gevogel fiel 12 fchrecken vnd groffe finflernifs ^.itt.N. 6 And Abram beleuedj To beleue is to haue a fure truil & confydence to obtayne the thing promyfed and not to haue any doute in hym that promyfeth as Rom. iiii, a. Gal. iii, a .ii, d. \\ feme wyll I iudge; To iudge is here to take vegeaunce, Ps. xxxiiii, a. 16 Fourth generation, a generacyo or an age is here taken for an hundred yere, as Gen. vi, d. 1.. ^. N. II Gevogel fiel; Das gevogcl vnd der rauchend offen vnd der feuriger brand, bedeuten die Egypter, die Abra- hams Kinder verfolgen follten Aber Abraham fcheucht fie davon, das ifl, Got erlofet fie vmb der verheyffung willen Abraham ver- fprochen, Das aber er nach der fonnen vntergang erfchrickt, be- deut, das Got feyn Samen eyn zeyt verlaffen woUt, das fie verfolget wurden, wie der herr felbs hie deut. Alfo gehet es auch alien glewbigen, das fie verlaffen vnd doch erlofet werden. XV. I7-XVI. 3. calletr Genesis* 49 XIX.] agayne, for the wekedneffe of the Amorites ys not yet full. 17 When the fonne was doune and it was waxed darcke: beholde, there was a fmokynge furneffe and a fyre brand that went betwene the fayde peces. 18 And that fame daye the LORde made a covenaunte with Abram faynge: vnto thy feed wyll I geue thys londe, fro the ryver of Egypte, even vnto the greate 19 ryver euphrates: the kenytes, the kenizites, the Cad- 20 monites, the Hethites, the Pherezites, the Raphaims, 21 the Amorytes, the Canaanites, the Gergefites and the lebufites. The .XVI. Chapter. ARAI Abrams wyfe bare him JH.C.^. Sa- u-u TD*./ui-j ^^^ geueth no childerne. But fhe had an Abratn leaue handmaydean Egiptian, whofe to take Agar name was Hagar. Wherfore Xfr^Agar fayde vnto Abram. Beholde the defpyfed hyr LORde hath clofed me, that I cannot "^Y/^ri' ^'"^ whtchjhewas bere. I praye thee goo in vnto my mayde, euyll intreat- peradueture I fhall be multiplyed by ^^ "/ -Sara?, (XfldtrlCf'- meanes of her. And Abram herde the fore runneth voyce of Sarai. awaye. The Than Sarai Abrams wife toke Hagar y^g j^y^ ^^^^ hyr mayde the Egiptian (after Abram had maundeth hyr dwelled .X. yere in the lande of Canaan) %^Znddo'th JK. I chyldren 3 Hagar 'F. 17 & lampas ignis xvi, 2 conclufit 3 ancillam fuam poft annos decern quam habitare coeperant 3L. 17 und eyn fewriger brand, xvi, 2 verfchloffen . . Lieber leg dich . . aus yhr mich bawen muge mehr denn aus mir 3 nach- dem fie gewonet batten IWl.^.jX'. 17 That went betwene: This worde went betwene: is taken for burning or confumynge. xvi, 2 To go in vnto hyr mayde is to haue carnall copulacion with hyr as thefe wordes knowe & flepe do alfo fignifye as Gen. iiii. a and .xxix. c. So Efje f^x^t trofte of Hoses, xvi.4-13 and gaue her to hyr hufbonde Abram, to promyfe hyr behis wyfe. ^"^'\2, ^f'^ ^ nameth hyr 4 And he wente in vnto Hagar, & fhe fyrjl chylde conceaved. And when fhe fawe that fhe V^'^'^-^t- had conceyved T. hyr maflreffe was defpifed in hyr fyghte. c ThanfaydSarai vnto Abram: Thou doft . , me vnrighte, for I haue geuen my mayde in to thy bofome: & now becaufe fhe feyth that fhe hath coceaved, I am defpyfed in her fyghte: the LORde iudge 6 betwene the and me. Than fayd Abra to Sarai : beholde, thy mayde is in thy hande, do with hyr as it pleafeth the. And becaufe Sarai fared foule with her, fhe fled from 7 her. And the angell of the Lorde founde her befyde a fountayne of water in the wyldernes: euen by a well 8 in the way to Sur. And he fayde: Hagar Sarais mayde, whence comeft thou and whether wylt thou goo .'' And fhe anfwered: I flee from my maflreffe 9 Sarai. And the angell of the LORde fayde vnto her: returne to thy maftreffe agayne, & fubmytte thy felfe vnder her handes. 10 And the angell of y LORde fayde vnto her: I will fo encreafe thy feed, that it fhall not be numbred for 11 multitude. And the LORdes angell fayd further vnto her: fe, thou art wyth childe and fhalt bere a fonne, and fhalt call his name Ifmael: becaufe the 12 LORDE hath herde thy tribulation. He will be a wylde man, and his hande will be agenft wylde, not every man, & euery mans hande agenft domejiicated him. And yet fhall he dwell fafte by all his brothren. 13 [Fo. XX.] And fhe called the name of the LORde that fpake vnto her: thou art the God that lokeft |K. 4 Agar 5 feeth 12 brethren "V. 9 humiliare fub manu illius. 12 ferus homo . . et eregione vniverforum fratrum fuorum figet tabernacula. %. 5 ich mufs vnrecht leyden . . vnter deyner gewallt 6 Da fie nu Sarai wolt demutigen 9 vnd demutige dich 11 armfelickeyt 12 ein wilder Menfch. fSi. ^. N. 5 Bofome: Bofome after the maner of the Hebrewes is taken for companyeng wyth a woman, & is alfo take for fayth as in Luc. xvi. f. of Lazarus. \. iil. N- 1 1 f fmael, heyfl Gott erhoret. XVI. I4-XVII. 8. calletr (BtntQiB* 5i on me, for fhe fayde: I haue of a fuertie fene here 14 the backe parties of him that feith me. Wherfore fhe called the well, the well of the lyuynge that feith me which well is betwene Cades & Bared. 15 And Hagar bare Abram a fonne, and Abram called 16 his fons name which Hagar bare Ifmaell. And Abram was .Ixxxvi. yere olde, when Hagar bare him Ifmael. C The .XVn. Chapter. |HEN Abram was nynetye yere iH.CC.S. Ad- , 1 o J_^ T /^T-> 1 1 ram is called old & .IX. the LORde apeared Abraha fir to hym fayenge: I am the Saraiis nam- almyghtie God: walke before fj^^f g! 2 me ad be vncorrupte. And I wyll make naan is here bonde cove- my bonde betwene the and ^f^^ fourth "'^^^ me, and wyll multiplye the yfed. Cir- excedyngly. aanfyfion is 3 And Abra fell on his face. And God jfaac is pro- 4 talked moreover with hym faynge: I am, ^yf^d. Ab- teflament, beholde my teftamet is with gth for If- covenant the, that thou fhalt be a fa- ^ael. 5 ther of many natios. Therfore fhalt thou no more be called Abram, but thy name fhalbe Abraham: for a 6 father of many nations haue I made the, and I will multiplye the excedyngly, and wyll make nations of the: yee and kynges fhall fprynge out of the. 7 Moreover I will make my bonde betwene me and the, and thy feed after the, in their tymes .?. to be an everlaftynge teftament, So that I wyll be God vnto 8 the and to thy feed after the. And I will geue vnto JW. 13 partes fJ. 13 pofteriora videntis me. xvii, 3 Cecidit Abram pronus in facie. iL. I vnd fey on wandel 2 fafl feer mehren 4 Sihe ich byns 6 fafl feer fruchtbar machen IR. ^. N. 13 They fe the backe partes of God that by reuel- acio or any other wyfe haue perfeuerace or knowledge of God. 1. |K. N- 5 Abram heyft hoher vatter, Abraham aber der haufen vater, wie wol die felben hauffen nur mit eynen buchflaben antzeygt werden yn feynem namen, nicht on vrfach. 52 Ejjc fgrst tiofee of JHoses, xvn.9-19 the ad to thy feed after the, the lande where in thou arte a ftraunger: Euen all the lande of Canaan, for an everlaftynge poffeffion, and will be their God. 9 And God fayde vnto Abraha: Se thou kepe my teftamente, both thou & thy feed after the in their 10 tymes: This is my teftamente which ye fhall kepe betwene me and you and thy feed after the, that ye 11 circufyfe all youre men childern Ye fhall circumcyfe the forefkynne of youre flefh, ad it fhal be a token of 12 the bond betwixte me and you. And euery man- childe when it is .viii. dayes olde, fhall be circufyfed amonge you in youre generations, and all fervauntes alfo borne at home or boughte with money though they 13 be ftraungers and not of thy feed. The feruaunte borne in thy houffe, ad he alfo that is bought with money, muft needes be circumcyfed, that my tefta- ment may be in youre flefh, for an everlaflinge bonde. 14 Yf there be any vncircuncyfed manchilde, that hath not the forfkynne of his flefh cutt of, his foule fhall perifh from his people: because he hath broke my teftamet 15 And God fayde vnto Abraham. Sarai thy wyfe fhall nomore be called Sarai: but Sara fhall hir name 16 be. For I will bleffe her & geue the a fonne of her and will bleffe her: fo that people, ye and kynges 17 of people fhall fpringe of her. And Abraham fell vpon his face ad [Fo. XXL] laughte, and fayde in his harte: fhall a childe be borne vnto hym that is an hundred yere olde, ad fhall Sara that is nynetie yere old, bere .'' 18 And Abraha fayde vnto God. O that Ifmaell myghte lyve in thy fyghte. 19 The fayde God: na, Sara thy wife fhall bere the a ffl. 19 God: Sarah thy wife . . a fonne in dede V. 8 terra peregrinationis tuae 14 pactum meum irritii fecit. 19 Sara vxor tua pariet tibi fiUum ... & conflituam pactum meum illi in foedus fempiternum EL. 19 ia, Sara deyn weyb foil dyr eynen fon geperen ^. |ia:. N. 13 Bode: The fcripture vfeth to call the figne of a thynge by the name of the thige it felfe only to kepe the thynge fygnifyed, the better in memory as here he calleth circumcifyon his bonde which is but a token therof, and as Peter calleth bap- tyme Chrift. i Pet. iii d. XVII. 20-XVIII. 2. calleU (Genesis. 53 fonne, ad thou fhalt call his name Ifaac. And I will make my bonde with him, that it fhall be an ever- 20 laftynge bonde vnto his feed after him. And as concernynge Ifmaell alfo, I haue herde thy requeft: loo, I will bleffe him and encreafe him, and multiplye him excedyngly. Twelve prynces fhall he begete, and I 21 will make a great nation of him. But my bonde will I make with Ifaac, which Sara fhall bere vnto the: euen this tyme twelue moneth. 22 And God left of talkyng with him, and departed vp 23 from Abraham. And Abraham toke Ifmaell his fonne & all the fervauntes borne in his houffe and all that was bought with money as many as were men children amonge the me of Abrahas houffe, and circumcyfed the forefkynne of their flefh, even the felfe fame daye, 24 as God had fayde vnto him. Abraham was nynetie yere olde and .ix. when he cutt of the forefkynne of 25 his flefh. And Ifmaell his fonne was .xiii. yere olde, when the forefkynne of hys flefh was circumcyfed. 26 The felfe fame daye was Abraha circucifed & Ifmael 27 his fonne. And all the men in his houffe, whether thy were borne in his houffe or bought wyth .?. money (though they were flraungers) were circumcyfed with him. i[ The .XVIII. Chapter. ND the LORdeapeared vnto him i.^-S. There ,11 r Tv/r aiered thre in the okegrove of Mamre as ,/^^ ^^^^ ^^. he fat in his tent dore in the raham. If- heate of the daye. And he "^/J^flJ^ lyfte vp his eyes and looked: ad lo, thre agayne, at men ftode not farr from hym. And whe '^hych Sara v. 1 conualle 3L. I hayn Mamre 2 drey menner gegen yhm IK. |Bt. N. I TAe heate of the daye is taken for none. 54 ^fte fgrst hoU of fHoses, xvm. 3-12 he fawe them, he ran agenft them from l<^ughed. The the tent dore, and fell to the grounde the^ Sodomites 3 and fayde: LORde yf I haue founde i^ declared fauoure in thy fyght, goo not by thi Yam. ^^Ab- 4 feruaunte. Let a litle water be fett, raham firay- & wafh youre fete, and reft youre felves ^th for them. 5 vnder the tree: And I will fett a morfell fett./^/^A of breed, to comforte youre harts wythall. And tha goo youre wayes, for even therfore ar ye come to youre feruaunte. And they anfwered: Do even fo as thou haft fayde. 6 And Abraha went a pace in to his tent vnto Sara ad fayde: make redy att once thre peckes of fyne meale, 7 kneade it, and make cakes. And Abraham ran vnto his beaftes and fett a calfe that was tendre and good, and gaue it vn to a yonge man which made it redy 8 attonce. And he toke butter & mylcke and the calfe which he had prepared, and fett it before them, and ftode hymfelfe by them vnder the tre: and they ate. 9 [Fo. XXII.] And they fayde vnto him: Where is 10 Sara thy wife .- And he fayde: in the tent. And he fayde: I will come agayne vnto the as soone as the frute can lyue. And loo: Sara thy wife frute, either fhall haue a fonne. That herde Sara, *}[' 'i'rt Z ' the Jeajon oj out of the tent doore which was behind the year. 11 his backe. Abraham and Sara were both olde and well ftryken in age, and it ceafed to be with Sara after 12 the maner as it is wyth wyves. And Sara -wyv&s, wo men laughed in hir felfe faynge: Now I am waxed olde, (hall I geue my felfe to luft, and my lorde olde alfo.-' fSi. 2 ran to mete them V. 2 cucurrit in occurfum eorum de oftio . . et adorauit in terra 5 Ponamque buccellam panis 6 tria fata fimilae . . fubcineri- cios panes 7 vitulum tenerrimum & optimum 10 vita comite 12 voluptati operam dabo ^. 6 drey mas femel meel 8 vnd von dem kalbe 10 nach der zeyt die frucht leben kan 12 mit woUufl vmbgehen ^. JH. N. 5 Brede: By Brede in the fcripture is vnderflonde all maner of fode, mete for manes eatynge as in i Regii. xxviii, d. HL. ^. N. 2 fur yhm nydder: fur eynem fellt er nydder vnd redet auch als mit evnem vnd mit dreyen, da id die drevfelltickeyt ynn Gott antzeyget. XVIII. 13-26. calleti tmesis, 55 13 Than fayde the LORde vnto Abraha: wherfore doth Sara laughe faynge: fhall I of a fuertie here a childe, 14 now when I am olde ? is the thinge to harde for the LORde to do ? In the tyme appoynted will I returne vnto the, as foone as the frute can haue lyfe, And Sara 15 fhall haue a fonne. Than Sara denyed it faynge: I laughed not, for fhe was afrayde. But he fayde: yes thou laughteft. 16 Than the men flode vp from thence ad loked towarde Sodome. And Abraham went with them 17 to brynge them on the waye. And the LORde fayde: Can I hyde from Abraham that thinge which I am 18 aboute to do, feynge that Abraham fhall be a great ad a myghtie people, and all the nations of the erth fhalbe 19 bleffed in him ? For I knowe him that he will com- maunde his childern and .?. his houfholde after him, f they kepe the waye of the LORde, to do after righte and confcyence, that the LORde may brynge vppon Abraham that he hath promyfed him. 20 And the LORde fayde: The crie of Sodome and Gomorra is great, and there fynne is excedynge 21 grevous. I will go downe and fee whether they haue done all to gedder acordynge to that crye which is 22 come vnto me or not, that I may knowe. And the me departed thece and went to Sodomeward. But 23 Abraham ftode yet before y LORde, and drewe nere & fayde Wylt thou deftroy the rightwes with the 24 wyked ? Yf there be .L. rightwes within the cyte, wilt thou deftroy it and not fpare the place for the fake of 25 L. rightwes that are therin ? That be farre from the, that thou fhuldeft do after thys maner, to fley the rightwes with the weked, ad that the rightwes fhulde be as the weked: that be farre from the. Shulde not 26 the iudge of all y worlde do acordynge to righte ? And JH. 21 together 7. 14 vita comite 19 & faciant iudicium & iuflitiam; vt ad- ducat 21 venit ad me, opera compleuerint 25 Abfit a te . . fiatque iuftus ficut impius . . nequaquam facias iudicium hoc. H. 14 nach der zeyt die frucht leben kan 19 was recht vnd redlich ifl 24 dem ort nicht vergeben 56 Z\}t fgrgt fifofte of looses, xvm. 27-xix. 2 the LORde fayde: Yf I fynde in Sodome .L. right wes within the cyte, I will fpare a\l the place for their fakes. 27 And Abraham anfwered and fayde: beholde I haue taken vppon me to fpeake vnto y LORde, ad yet am 28 but dufl ad afhes. What though there lacke .v. of L. rightwes, wylt thou deftroy all the cyte for lacke of .v.? And he fayde: Yf I fynde there .xl. and .v I will not deftroy them. 29 And he fpake vnto him yet agayne and fay-[Fo. XXIII.] de: what yf there be .xl. foude there: And he 30 fayde: I wyll not do it for forties fake. And he fayde: O let not my LORde be angrye, that I fpeake. What yf there he foude .xxx. there .^ And he fayde: I will 31 not do it, yf I finde .xxx. there. And he fayde: Oh, fe, I haue begonne to fpeak vnto my LORde, what yf there be .xx. founde there .* And he fayde: I will not 32 diftroy the for tweties fake. And he fayde: O let not my LORde be angrye, that I fpeake yet, but eue once more only. What yf ten be founde there ? And he fayde: I will not deftroy the for .x. fake. 33 And the LORde wet his waye as foone as he had lefte comenynge with Abraha. And comenynge, Abraham returned vnto his place com7nunzn- m. The .XIX. Chapter. ND there came .ii. angells to M-^-^- Lot ^ , , A 1 T ^ receaued two Sodome at euen. And Lot Angelles into fatt at the gate of the cyte. hys houfe. And Lot fawe the, and rofe J^^J^^^^e vp agaynft them, and he bowed hym felfe So domytes . 2 to the grounde with his face. And he Lotisddyuer- ^. I vp to mete them V. 26 in medio ciuitatis, dimittam omni loco propter eos. 31 Quia femel, ait coepi 32 Obfecro, inquit, ne irafcaris %. 26 alle den ortten. xix, i buckt fich mit feym angeficht auff die erden XIX.3-II. ralleti Genesis, 5; fayde: Se lordes, turne in I praye you in ed ^ defyreth . , ^ r J ^ \^ to dwell in the to youre leruauntes houle and tary all ^yfig Zoar. nyghte & wafh youre fete, & ryfe up Lottes wyfe is early and go on youre wayes. And they ^pyi'f Jfjalt, fayde: nay, but we will byde in the Sodome is de- 3 ftreates all nyghte. And he copelled j^IrtkeJ^t them excedyngly. And they turned in lyeth with his vnto hym and entred in to his houfe, and daughters ^ ,1 r n i j j L 1 whych COtl- he made them a feafte and dyd bake ceaued chyl- fwete cakes, and they ate. dren by hym. 4 But before they went to reft, the men of the cyte of Sodome compaffed the houfe rownde .?. aboute both olde and yonge, all the people from all quarters. 5 And they called vnto Lot and fayde vnto him: where are the men which came in to thy houfe to nyghte .'' brynge the out vnto vs that we may do oure lufl with them. 6 And Lot went out at doores vnto them and fhote 7 the dore after him and fayde: nay for goddes fake 8 brethren, do not fo wekedly. Beholde I have two doughters which haue knowne no man, the will I brynge out vnto you: do with them as it femeth you good: Only vnto thefe men do nothynge, for therfore 9 came they vnder the fhadow of my rofe. And they fayde: come hither. And they fayde: cameft thou not in to fogeorne, and wilt thou be now a iudge } we will fuerly deale worfe with the than with them And as they preafed fore vppon Lot and preafed, pref- 10 beganne to breake vp the doore, the men /^^ put forth their handes and pulled Lot in to the houfe to them and fhott to the doore. And the men that 11 were at the doore of the houfe, they fmote with lE^. 2 & manete ibi . . in platea manebimus 3 Compulit illos oppido vt diuerterent ad eum . . azyma 7 Nolite-nolite 8 et abu- timini eis . . . fub vmbra culminis mei 9 Recede illuc 13 coram domino, qui mifit nos 3L. 2 Sihe, meyne Herr, keret eyn . . bleybt vbernacht . . vber nacht auff der gaffen bleyben 3 buch vngefeurt kuchen 4 aus alien enden 8 difen mennern Gottis ^1. |tT. N. 5 Nyght: The nyght is here taken for the euen- yng which is the begynnyng of the nyght as in the Prou. vii, b. 58 Efje fgrst hoU of lEoses, xix. 12-20 blyndneffe both fmall and greate: fo that they coude not fynde the doore. 12 And the men fayde moreover vnto Lot: Yf thou have yet here any fonne in lawe or fonnes or dough- ters or what fo euer thou haft in the cyte, brynge it 13 out of this place: for we muft deftroy this place, becaufe the crye of the is great before the LORde. Wherfore he hath fent vs to deftroy it. 14 And Lot went out and fpake vnto his fonnes [Fo. XXIIII.) in lawe which Ihulde have maried his dough- ters, and fayde: ftonde vpp and get yow out of this place, for the LORde will deftroy the cite. But he femed as though he had mocked, vnto his fonnes in law. 15 And as the mornynge arofe the angells caufed Lot to fpede him faynge. Stonde vp, take thy wyfe and thy two doughters and that that is at hande, left thou 16 perifh in the fynne of the cyte. And as he prolonged the tyme, the men caught both him, his wife ad his two doughters by the handes, becaufe the LORde was mercyfull vnto him, ad they brought him forth and fette him without the cyte. 17 When they had brought them out, they fayde: Saue thy lyfe and loke not behynde the nether tary thou in any place of the contre, but faue thy felfe in the 18 mountayne, left thou perifftie. Than fayde Lot vnto 19 them: Oh nay my lorde: beholde, in as moch as thy feruaunte hath fownde grace in thy fyghte, now make thi mercy great which thou fheweft vnto me in favinge my lyfe. For I can not faue my felfe in the moun- tayns, left fome miffortune fall vpon me and I dye. 20 Beholde, here is a cyte by, to flee vnto, and it is a V. 15 vxorem tuam & duas filias quas habes: i6 Diffimulante illo . . . parceret dominus illi 17 Salua animam tuam . . ne & tu fimul pereas. 19 faluares animam meam 1. 13 verderben 14 Aber es war yhn lecherlich. 15 deyn weyb vnd deyn zwoo tochter, die fur handen fmd, 17 Erredte deyn feele 19 meyn feel bey dem leben erhieltefl ffl. |K. N. 15 Synne: The fynne is taken for the fynner, as malyce is for the wicked, & righteoufnes for ryghteous, as Paul to Tytus the fyrfl .c. XIX. 21-32. calleti Genesis. 59 lytle one, let me faue my felfe therein: is it not a litle one, that my foule may lyve .'' 21 And he fayde to him: fe I haue receaved thy re- queft as concernynge this thynge, that I will nott overthrowe this cytie for the .?. which thou haft fpoken. 22 Hafte the, ad faue thy felfe there, for I can do nothynge tyll thou be come in thyder. And therfore 23 the name of the cyte is called Zoar. And the fone was vppon the erth when Lot was entred into Zoar. 24 Than the LORde rayned vpon Sodome and Go- morra, brymftone and fyre from the LORde out of 25 heaven, and overthrewe thofe cyteis and all the region, and all that dwelled in the cytes, and that that grewe 26 vpon the erth. And lots wyfe loked behynde her, ad was turned in to a pillare of falte. 27 Abraham rofe vp early and got him to the place 28 where he fkode before the LORde, and loked toward Sodome and Gomorra and toward all the londe of that contre. And as he loked: beholde, the fmoke of the contre arofe as it had bene the fmoke of a fornace, 29 But yet whe God deftroyed the cities of y region, he thought apon Abraha: and fent Lot out from the dager of the overthrowenge, when he overthrewe the cyties where Lot dwelled. 30 And Lot departed out of Zoar and dwelled in the mountayns ad his .ii. doughters with him for he feared to tary in Zoar: he dwelled therefore in a caue, both he and his .ii, doughters alfo. 31 Than fayde the elder vnto the yonger oure father is olde, and there are no moo men in the erth to come 32 in vnto vs after the maner of all the world. Come therfore, let vs geue oure father wyne to dryncke, and let vs lye with him [Fo. XXV.] that we may faue feed JH. 22 thither K 2oEftciuitashasciuxta2i fubuertam22 Idcirco25 & cuncta terra2 viretia 28 fauillam de terra quafi fornacis fumum 29 vrbium, in quibus 31 iuxta morem vniuerfae terrse. %. 25 vnd was auff dem land gewachfen war 31 nach aller welt weyfe 32 trincken geben, vnd mit yhm truncken werden 1. jH. N. 20 kleyn: Zoar heyfl kleyn. 6o EJe fgrst ftolte of looses, xix. 33-xx. 3 33 of oure father. And they gaue their father wyne to drynke that fame nyghte. And the elder doughter went and laye with her father. And he perceaued it not, nether when fhe laye downe, nether when fhe rofe vp. 34 And on the morowe the elder fayde vnto the yonger: beholde, yefternyghte lay I with my father. Let us geue hym wyne to drinke this nyghte alfo, and goo thou and lye with him, and let us faue feed of 35 oure father. And they gaue their father wyne to drincke that nyghte alfo. And the yonger arofe and laye with him. And he perceaved it not: nether when fhe laye down, nether when fhe rofe vp. 36 Thus were both the doughters of lot with childe by their father 37 And the elder bare a fone and called hym Moab, which is the father of the Moabytes vnto this daye. 38 And the yonger bare a fonne and called hym Ben Ammi, which is the father of the childern of Ammon vnto this daye. The .XX. Chapter. |ND Abraham departed thence JH.^.S. Ab- ', 1 . 1 r . 1 ^ J rahatn went towarde the louthcontre and ^^ ^ /lrans:er dwelled betwene Cades and into the lande c - J r A n of Gerar. The Sur ad fogeorned m Gerar. ^^^^^ ^f ^^. And Abraham fayde of Sara his wyfe, rar taketh that she was his fifter. Than Abimelech ^ ^-^^ ^'' wyfe. kynge of Gerar fent and fett Sara awaye. And God came to Abimelech by nyghte in a dreame and fayde to him: Se, thou art but a .?. deed man for the womas fake which thou hafl taken awaye, T. -^"i dormiuitque . . accubuit filia 34 nocte, & dormies cum eo 38 Ammon (marg. Heb. Ben ammi.) id efl tilius populi mei XX. 3 En morieris i. 3 Sihe da XX. 4-13- calleti (Sencsig* 6i 4 for (he is a mans wyfe. But Abimelech had not yet come nye her, and therfore fayde: lorde wilt thou fley 5 rightewes people ? fayde not he vnto me, that (he was hys fifler ? yee and fayde not fhe herfelf that he was hir brother ? wyth a pure herte and innocent handes haue I done this. 6 And God fayde vnto him in a dreame. I wot it well that thou dydeft it in pureneffe of thi herte: And therfore I kepte y that thou fhuldeft not fynne agenft 7 me, nether fuffred I the to come nygh her. Now therfore delyuer the ma his wyfe ageyne, for he is a prophete. And let him praye for the that thou mayft lyue. But and yf thou delyuer her not agayne, be fure that thou fhalt dye the deth, with all that thou haft. 8 Than Abimelech rofe vp be tymes in the mornynge and called all his fervauntes, and tolde all thefe thinges 9 in their eares, and the men were fore a frayde. And Abimelech called Abraham and fayde vnto him: What haft thou done vnto vs, & what haue I offended the, that thou fhuldeft brynge on me and on my kyngdome fo greate a fynne ? thou haft done dedes vnto me that lo ought not to be done. And Abimelech fayde morouer vnto Abraham: What faweft thou that moved the to do this thinge .-* u And Abraham Anfwered. I thought that perad- veture the feare of God was not in this [Fo. XXVI.] place, and that they ftiulde fley me for my wyfes fake; 12 yet in very dede ftie is my fifter, the doughter of my father, but not of my mother: and became my wyfe. 13 And after God caufed me to wandre out of my fathers houfe, I fayde vnto her: This kyndneffe fhalt thou ftiewe vnto me in all places where we come, that thou faye of me, how that I am thy brother. V. 4 gentem ignorantem & iuflam 7 redde viro fuo vxorem 8 Statimque de nocte . . in auribus eorum 9 qus non debuifti facere 10 Quid vidifli H. 4 eyn gerecht volck 7 des tods flerben 8 fur yhr oren |H. 0.. N- 1 1 The feare of God am5ge the Hebrewes is prin- cypally take for the honour and faith that we owe vnto god, & that wyth foche a loue as the childe hathe to the father. 62 Efje fgrst hokt of IHoses, xx. 14-xxi. 5 14 Than toke Abimelech fhepe and oxen, menfer- vauntes and wemenferuauntes and gaue them vnto Abraham, and delyvered him Sara his wyfe agayne. 15 And Abimelech fayde: beholde the lande lyeth be fore 16 the, dwell where it pleafeth y beft. And vnto Sara he fayde: Se I haue geuen thy brother a thoufande peeces of fyluer, beholde he fhall be a couerynge couerynge, to thyne eyes vnto all that ar with the j-^J'J ^ ^od/ef- and vnto all men and an excufe. vation; ex- 17 And fo Abraham prayde vnto God, J^l^JZing and God healed Abimelech and his wyfe 18 and hys maydens, fo that they bare. For the LORde had clofed to, all the matryces of the houfe of Abim- elech, becaufe of Sara Abrahams wyfe. The .XXL Chapter. HE lorde vifyted Sara as he ^'^\ V- ' aac ts borne. had fayde and dyd vnto her Agar is caji acordynge as he had fpoken. outewythhyr A 1 o 1 1 -1 1 1 youns:e fonne And Sara was with childe and ifmael. The bare Abraha a fonne in his olde age .? Angell co7ti- euen the fame feafon which the LORde jy^^ couen- 3 had appoynted. And Abraham called aunt betwene his fonnes name that was borne vnto him JTht^l^^ anaAbranam. 4 which Sara bare him Ifaac: & Abra cir- cucyfed Ifaac his fone whe he was .viii. dayes olde, as 5 God commaunded him And Abraha was an hundred yere olde, when his fonne Ifaac was borne vnto him. 151. 16 beholde this thinge fhall be . . all men an excufe 17 maydes . . fo that they bare chyldre. xxi, i promyfed U. 14 reddiditque illi Saram vxorem fuam i6 & quoc. . per- rexeris, memento te deprehenfam. xxi, 5 hac quippe aetate patris, natus efl Ifaac. i. 16 Sihe da, ich hab . . vnd allenthalben, vnd eyn verant- wortter 17 das fie kinder geporen 18 zuuor hart verfchloffen xxi, I vnd thet mit yhr JH. ^. N. 16 Couerynge & excufe is all one. XXI. 6-17. calleti ^tm^iQ. 63 6 And Sara fayde: God hath made me a laughinge 7 ftocke: for all f heare, will laugh at me She fayde alfo: who wolde haue fayde vnto Abraham, that Sara fhulde haue geuen childern fucke, or ;^ I fhulde haue 8 borne him a fonne in his old age: The childe grewe and was wened, and Abraham made a great feaft, the fame daye that Ifaac was wened. 9 Sara fawe the fonne of Hagar the Egiptian which 10 fhe had borne vnto Abraham, a mockynge. Then fhe fayde vnto Abraham: put awaye this bondemayde and hyr fonne: for the fonne of this bondwoman fhall not 11 be heyre with my fonne Ifaac: But the wordes femed verey greavous in Abrahams fyghte, becaufe of his 12 fonne. Than the LORde fayde vnto Abraham: let it not be greavous vnto the, becaufe of the ladd and of thy bondmayde: But in all that Sara hath faide vnto the, heare hir voyce, for in Ifaac fhall thy feed be 13 called. Moreouer of the fonne of the Bondwoman will I make a nation, becaufe he is thy feed. 14 And Abraham rofe vp early in the mornyng and toke brede and a bottell with water, and ga- [Fo. XXVII.] ue it vnto Hagar, puttynge it on hir fhulders wyth the lad alfo, and fent her awaye. And fhe de- parted and wadred vpp and doune in the wyldernes 15 of Berfeba. When the water was fpent that was in 16 the botell, fhe caft the lad vnder a bufh and went & fatt her out of fyghte a great waye, as it were a bow- fhote off: For fhe fayde: I will not fe the lad dye. And fhe fatt doune out of fyghte, and lyfte vp hyr 17 voyce and wepte. And God herde the voyce of the childe. And the angell of God called Hagar out of "F. 9 ludentem cum Ifaac ii Dure accepit 12 Non tibi videatur afperum . . in Ifaac vocabitur tibi femen 14 fcapulae eius, tradi- ditque puerum . . errabat in folitudine Berfabee 15 abiecit puerum C 7 das Sara kinder feuget 9 das er eyn fpotter war 10 treybe . . . aus 12 dyr der fame genennetwerden 14 auffyre fhulder, vnd den knaben mit, vnd lies fie aus . . vnd gieng ynn der wiiflen yrre bey Berfaba 15 v^rarff fie den knaben 16 eyn ambrufl fchos weit 31. Jtt. N. 9 Hagar, Merck hie auff Hagar, wie die des Ge- fetzs vnd glaublofer werck figur ift, Gal. iiii. vnd dennoch fie Gott zeitlich belonet vnd grofs macht auff erden. 64 Efje fgrst tiofee of IHoses, xxi. 18-31 heaven and fayde vnto her: What ayleth the Hagar ? Feare not, for God hath herde the voyce of the childe 18 where he lyeth. Aryfe and lyfte vp the lad, and take hym in thy hande, for I will make off him a greate 19 people. And God opened hir eyes and fhe fawe a well of water. And fhe went and fylled the bottell with 20 water, and gaue the boye drynke. And God was 21 wyth the lad, and he grewe and dweld in the wilder- neffe, and became an archer. And he dweld in the wylderneffe of Pharan. And hys mother gott him a wyfe out of the land of Egypte. 22 And it chaunced the fame feafon, that Abimelech and Phicoll his chefe captayne fpake vnto Abraham 23 faynge: God is wyth the in all that thou doift. Now therfore fwere vnto me even here by God, that thou wylt not hurt me nor my childern, nor my childerns childern .T. But that thou fhalt deale with me and the contre where thou art a ftraunger, acordynge vnto 24 the kyndneffe that I haue fhewed the. Then fayde Abraham: I wyll fwere. 25 And Abraham rebuked Abimelech for a well of water, which Abimelech fervauntes had taken awaye. 26 And Abimelech anfwered I wyft not who dyd it: Alfo thou toldefl me not, nether herde I of it, but this daye. 27 And Abraham toke fhepe and oxen and gaue them vnto Abimelech. And they made both of them a 28 bonde together. And Abraham fett .vii. lambes by 29 them felues. And Abimelech fayde vnto Abraham: what meane thefe .vii. lambes which thou haft fett by 30 them felues. And he anfwered: vii. lambes fhalt thou take of my hande, that it maye be a wytneffe vnto 31 me, that I haue dygged this well: Wherfore the place J8t. 25 Abimelechs feruauntes V. 18 toUe puerum, et tene manum illius 20 folitudine, lac- tusque eft iuuenis fagittarius 25 quem vi abftulerant 27 percuffe- runtque ambo foedus. ?L. 17 des knabens da, er ligt 18 fixre ynn an deyner hand 25 hatten mit gewalt genomen 27 machte beide einen bund mit einander XXI. 32-XXII. 5. calleti 0enesjts 65 is called Berfeba, becaufe they fware both of them. 32 Thus made they a bonde to gether at Berfeba. Than Abimelech and Phicoll his chefe captayne rofe vp and turned agayne vnto the lande of the 33 Philiftines. And Abraham planted a wodd in Ber- feba, and called there, on the name of the LORde the 34 everlaftynge God: and dwelt in the Pheliflinlade a longe feafon m. The .XXII. Chapter. [Fo. XXVIII.] The .XXII. Chapter. FTER thefe dedes, God dyd P-ffi^.S. The proue Abraham & fayde vnto {-akam is him: Abraham. And he an- proued in off- fwered: here am I. And he 2' rraar jonne ijaac. fayde: take thy only fonne Ifaac whome Chrijl our thou loueft, & get the vnto the lande of f^^your is r r 1 r r p r 771 y J C CL . Moria, and facrifyce him there for a facri- The ge7iera- fyce vpon one of the mountayns which I O'^'^ ^^.Z^'*" 11 ^ 1 T-1 All r chor Aora- 3 will Ihewe the 1 han Abraham role vp ;ia77is brother. early in the mornynge and fadled his affe, and toke two of his meyny wyth him, and Ifaac his fonne: ad clove wod for the facrifyce, and rofe vp and gott him to the place which God had appoynted 4 him. The thirde daye Abraham lyfte vp his eyes 5 and fawe the place a farr of, and fayde vnto his yong men: byde here with the affe. I and the lad will goo |K. 34 Philiflin lande. xxii, 2 lade Moria T. 32 pro puteo iurameti ^^^^ inuocauit ibi nomen 34 colonus terrs Paleft. xxii, 2 in terram Vifionis . . holocauflum 3 flrauit afinum 1. 33 Berfaba, vnnd predigt dafelbfl von den namen 34 im lang zeit. xxii, 2 brand opffer 3 giirtet 5 ich vnnd du knabe |H. ^H. N. 2 Only fontie for only beloued or mooft chefly be- loued aboue other, after the Ebrew phrafe as in the Prouer. iiii, a. 5.. |H. N. 31 Berfaba, heifl auff deudfch fchweer brun, oder erdbrun, mocht audi wol fieben brun heiffen. xxii, 2 Moria heifl fchauung, vnnd ifl der berg, da Salomon hernac zu lierufalem den Tempel auff bowet, vnnd heifl. der fchawen berg, das Gott da filbft. hinfchawd. 66 tlDfje fs^st irofte of JHoses, xxii.6-i6 yonder and worfhippe and come agayne vnto you 6 And Abraham toke the wodd of the facrifyce and layde it vpon Ifaac his fonne, and toke fyre in his hande and a knyfe. And they went both of them together. 7 Than fpake Ifaac vnto Abraham his father & fayde: My father ? And he anfwered here am I my fonne. And he fayde: Se here is fyre and wodd, but where is 8 the fhepe for facrifyce .-' And Abraham fayde: my fonne, God wyll prouyde him a fhepe for facrifyce. So went they both together. 9 And when they came vnto the place which God fhewed him, Abraha made an aulter there and dreffed the wodd, ad bownde Ifaac his .?. fonne and layde him 10 on the aulter, aboue apon the wodd. And Abraham flretched forth his hande, and toke the knyfe to haue kylled his fonne. 11 Than the angell of the LORde called vnto him from heauen faynge: Abraham, Abraham. And he 12 anfwered: here am I. And he fayde: laye- not thy handes apon the childe nether do any thinge at all vnto him, for now I knowe that thou feareft God, in 13 f thou hafte not kepte thine only fonne fro me. And Abraham lyfted vp his eyes and loked aboute: and beholde, there was a ram caught by the homes in a thykette. And he went and toke the ram and ofifred 14 him vp for a facrifyce in the fleade of his fonne And Abraham called the name of the place, the LORde will fee: wherfore it is a come faynge this daye: in the mounte will the LORde be fene. 15 And the Angell of the LORde cryed vnto Abra- 16 ham from heaven the feconde tyme faynge: by my felfe haue I fworne (fayth the LORde) becaufe thou V. 7 victima holocaufli 9 in altare fuper flruem lignorum 10 vt immolaret 12 nunc cognoui 14 Dominus videt ... In monte Dominus videbit 3L. 7 Sihe hie ift . . fchaff zum brandopffer 9 oben auff das holtz 10 fchlachtet 12 Denn nu weis ich 14 Der Herrn fchawet . . der Herr gefchawet wird |E. ^. X. 5 To ivorjhyp is here to do facryfyce. 12 I knowe; that is, I haue experiece that thou feareft God, as in Philippe, iiii, c. XXII. I7-XXIII. 4. calleti <5enesis 67 haft done this thinge and haft not fpared thy only 17 fonne, that I will bleffe the and multiplye thy feed a3 the ftarres of heaven and as the fonde vpo the fee fyde And thy feed ftiall poffeffe the gates of hys enymies. 18 And in thy feed fhall all the nations of the erth be bleffed, becaufe thou haft obeyed my voyce 19 So turned Abraham agayne vnto his yonge men, and they rofe vp and wet to gether to Ber- [Fo. XXIX.] feba. And Abraham dwelt at Berfeba 20 And it chaufed after thefe thiges, that one tolde Abraham faynge: Behold, Milcha ftie hath alfo borne 21 childern vnto thy brother Nachor: Hus his eldeft fonne and Bus his brother, and Kemuell the father of the 22 Sirians, and Cefed, and Hafo, and Pildas, and ledlaph, 23 and Bethuel. And Bethuel begat Rebecca. Thefe viii. dyd Milcha bere to Nachor Abrahams brother. 24 And his concubyne called Rheuma fhe bare alfo Tebah, Gaham, Thahas and Maacha. m. The .XXIII. Chapter. f ARA was an hundred and .xxvii ^^^:, ^f' raA dyeth fir- yere olde (for fo longe lyued isbiiriedinthe fhe) and than dyed in a heade feldethatAb- ,, , TT 1 1 rahamoouo-nt cyte called Hebron m the of Ephronthe londe of Canaan. Than Abraham came Hethite. 3 to morne Sara and to wepe for her. And heade cyte, c ni6t cyte CU- Abraham ftode vp from the coorfe and pnai talked with the fonnes of heth faynge: coor {t,c or pfe, 4 I am a ftraunger ad a foryner amonge ^"^^^ yow, geue me a poffefTion to bury in with you, that I may bury my dead oute of my fighte. V. 17 inimicorum fuorum i8 quia obedifti voci meas. xxiii, 2 in ciuitate Arbee 3 ab officio funeris 4 date mihi ius fepulchri 5.. 18 vnnd durch deinen famen. xxiii, 2 heubflad 3 von feyner leych 4 eyn erb begrebnis . . . der fur myr liegt '-L. |V1. N. 2 Hebron ift Kiriath Arba (fpricht Mofe) das ift, die vierflad, denn die hohen heubt ftede, waren vertzeytten alle Arba, das ifl, ynn vier teyl geteylet, wie Rom, Jerufalem vnd Babylon auch Gen. x. 68 E]}t f2^st boke of JEoscg, xxm. 5-16 5 And the children of heth anfwered Abraham faynge 6 vnto him: heare vs lorde, thou arte a prynce of God amonge vs. In the chefeft of our fepulchres bury thy dead: None of vs fhall forbydd f his fepulchre, f thou 7 fhuldeft not bury thy deade therein. Abraha flode vp & bowed hi felfe before f people of ;y- lade y childre of 8 heth. And he comoned with them faynge: comoned,com- Yf it .?. be youre myndes f I fhall bury my ^"^^^ deade oute of my fighte, heare me ad fpeke for me tc 9 Ephron the fonne of Zoar: and let him geue me the dubill caue which he hath in the end of his felde, for as moch money as it is worth, let him geue it me in 10 the prefence of you, for a poffeffion to bury in. For Hephron dwelled amoge f childern of heth. Than Ephron the Hethite anfwered Abraham in the audyece of the childern of Heth and of all that went in at 11 the gates of his cyte, faynge: Not fo, my lorde, but heare me: The felde geue I the, and the caue that therein is, geue I the alfo, And even in the prefence of the fonnes of my people geve I it the to bnry thy deede in. 12 Than Abraham bowed himfelfe before the people of 13 the lade and fpake vnto Ephro in the audyence of the people of the contre faynge: I praye the heare me, I will geue fylver for the felde, take it of me, ad fo will I bury my deed there. 14, 15 Ephron anfwered Abraha faynge vnto him My lorde, harken vnto me. The lande is worth .iiii. hun- dreth fycles of fylver: But what is that betwixte the 16 and me ? bury thy deede. And Abraham barkened vnto Ephron and weyde him the fylver which he had |K. 10 Ephron. V. 6 in electis fepulchris noflris fepeli 7 Heth: 8 dixitque ad eos: Si placet animae veflrae 9 fpeluncam duplicem 10 cunctis audientibus qui ingrediebantur portam 12 Adorauit Abraham coram domino & populo terrae 13 Dabo pecuniam pro agro 15 iftud efl pretium inter me et te, fed quantum efl hoc ? %. 6 ynn vnfern koftlichen grebern 8 Ifls ewr gemuete . . . todten fur myr begrabe 12 nym von myr des aclcers gellt 15 was ifl das aber zwifchen myr vnd dyr %. ^. N. 15 Sekel id eyn gewichte, an der muntze, eyn orttis gulden, Denn vertzeytten man das gellt fo wug, wie man itzt mit gollt thut. XXIII. I7-XXIV. 5- callctr (Senesis* 69 fayde in the audyence of the fonnes of Heth. Euan iiii. hudred fyluer fycles of currant money amonge marchauntes 17 Thus was the felde of Ephron where in the dubbill caue is before Mamre: euen the felde & [Fo. XXIIIL] the caue that is therein and all the trees of the felde which growe in all the borders rounde aboute, made 18 fure vnto Abraham for a poffeflion, in the fyghte of the childern of Heth and of all that went in at the gates of the cyte. 19 And then Abraham buried Sara his wyfe in the double caue of the felde that lyeth before Mare, otherwife 20 called Ebron in the lande of Canaan. And fo both the felde ad the caue that is therein, was made vnto Abra- ham, a fure poffefTion to bury in, of the fonnes of Heth. m: The .XXIIIL Chapter. BR AH AM was olde and ftryken m-d^.^-Adra- in dayes, and the LORde had j^y^ feruant bleffed himinallthinges. And to /were, &^ he fayde vnto his eldeft fer- %f':,''%% vaunte of his houfe which had the rule for Ifaac his over all that he had: Put thy hande vnder >^^- , ^^^ ' feruaunt was 3 my thye that I maye make the fwere by faythfull and the LORde that is God of heauen and brought Re- /-> 1 r 1 1 n 1 1 oecca, ivhych God of the erth, that thou malt not take jfaac toke to a wyfe vnto my fonne, of the doughters his wyfe. 4 of the canaanytes, amonge which I dwell. But fhalt goo vnto my contre and to my kynred, and there take a wyfe vnto my fonne Ifaac. 5 Tha fayde the feruaunte vnto him: what ad yf 'F. 16 probatae monetae publicae 20 ager & antrum quod erat in eo. xxiv, 2 praeerat omnibus 1. 16 Sekel fylbers das ym kauff geng vnd gebe war. xxiv, 4 ynn meyn vatterland |R. ^. N. 2 Put thy hande: To put the hand under the thyghe was an othe which the Hebreues vfed in foch thiges as perteyned to the teflament & promeffe of god as in Gen. xlvii, g. 70 Eije fgrst hokt of JHoges, xxiv. 6-16 the woma wyll not agree to come with me vnto this lade, fhall I brynge thy fonne agayne vnto 6 the land which thou cameft out of ? And Abraha fayde vnto him: bewarre of that, that thou brige 7 not my fonne thither. The LORde God of heauen which toke me from my fathers .f. houfe and from the lande where I was borne, and which fpake vnto me and fware vnto me faynge: vnto thy feed wyll I geue this lande, he fhall fende his angell before the, f thou mayft take a wife vnto my fonne from thence. 8 Neuertheleffe yf the woma will not agree to come with the than fhalt thou be without daun- without dan- ger of this 00th. But aboue all thinge S^^, ^ ^^\^ , . r 1 1 00th, t. e. ab- brmge not my fonne thyther agayne. folved from 9 And the feruaunte put his hand vnder ^^^ obligation the thye of Abraham and fware to him as concern- ynge that matter. 10 And the feruaunte toke .x. camels of the camels of his mafter and departed, and had of all maner goodes of his mafler with him, and flode vp and went to 11 Mefopotamia, vnto the cytie of Nahor. And made his camels to lye doune without the cytie by a wels fyde of water, at euen: aboute the tyme that women come out to drawe water, and he fayde. 12 LORde God of my mafter Abraha, fend me good fpede 13 this daye,& fhewe mercy vnto my mafter Abraham. Lo I ftonde here by the well of water and the doughters of 14 the men of this citie will come out to drawe water: Now the damfell to whom I faye, ftoupe doune thy pytcher and let me drynke. Yf fhe faye, drynke, and I will geue thy camels drynke alfo, ^ fame is fhe that thou haft or- dened for thy fervaunte Ifaac: yee & therby fhall I knowe that thou haft fhewed mercy on my mafter. 15 And it came to paffe yer he had leeft fpakyn- [Fo. XXXI.] ge, that Rebecca came out, the doughter of Bethuell, fonne to Melcha the wife of Nahor Abrahams 16 brother, and hir pytcher apon hir fhulder: The damfell "V. 8 non teneberis iuramento %. 7 von dem land meyner freuntfchafft lo vnd macht fich auff vnd zoch XXIV. 17-29. calleti 0ene0ts, 7i was very fayre to loke apon, and yet a mayde and vnknowen of man. And fhe went doune to the well and fylled hyr 17 pytcher and came vp agayne. Then the feruaunte ranne vnto her and fayde: let me fyppe a litle water 18 of thi pither. And fhe fayde: drynke my lorde. And fhe hafted and late downe her pytcher apon 19 hyr arme and gaue him drinke. And whe fhe had geven hym drynke, fhe fayde: I will drawe water for 20 thy camels alfo, vntill they haue dronke ynough. And fhe poured out hyr pitcher in to the trough haflely and ranne agayne vnto the well, to fett water: and drewe for all his camels. 21 And the felowe wondred at her. But felowe, man helde his peace, to wete whether the LOR.de had made 22 his iourney profperous or not. And as the camels had lefte drynckynge, he toke an earynge of halfe a ficle weght and .ii. golden bracelettes for hyr hades, 23 of .X. fycles weyght of gold and fayde vnto her: whofe doughter art thou } tell me: ys there rowme in thy 24 fathers houfe, for vs to lodge in .-" And fhe fayde vnto him: I am the doughter of Bethuell the fonne of Milcha 25 which fhe bare vnto Nahor: and fayde moreouer vnto him: we haue litter and prauonder ynough and alfo 26 rowme to lodge in .f. And the man bowed himfelfe 27 and worfhipped the LORde and fayde: bleffed be the LORde God of my mafter Abraham which ceaffeth not to deale mercyfulle and truly with my mafter. And hath brought me the waye to my mafters brothers houfe. 28 And the damfell ranne & tolde them of her mothers 29 houfe thefe thinges. And Rebecca had a brother called Laban. JW. 17 fuppe 22 a golden earyng IP'. 17 mihi ad forbendum praebe . . Celeriterque depofuit hy- driam fuper vlnam fuam 22 inaures aureas 23 Cuius es filia 3L. 17 aus deynem krug trincken 18 vnnd eylent lies fie den krug ernydder uaff yhre hand 22 eyn gulden flyrnfpangel 23 Meyn tochter, wen gehorflu an ? JH. JH. N. 22 Earyng; Earynges are deckynges, ether to ap- parell the face & forhed of the woman, or the eares. And brace- lettes is to decke the armes or hades. 23 Wor/hypped; To wor- fhyp is here to geue thankes, as in the .xxiii. afore at this letter B. 72 Efje fgrst iiofee of JHoses, xxiv. 30-40 And Laban ranne out vnto the man, to the well; 30 for as foone as he had fene the earynges and the brace- lettes a,pon his fifters handes, ad herde the words of Rebecca his fifter faynge thus fayde the man vnto me, than he went out vnto the man. And loo, he flode 31 yet with the camels by the well fyde. And Laban fayde: come in thou bleffed of the LORde. Wherfore ftondeft thou without ? I haue dreffed the houfe and 32 made rowme for the camels. And than the ma came in to the houfe. And he vnbrydeld the camels: and brought litter and prauonder for the camels, and water to wefhe his fete and their fete that were 33 with him, and there was meate fett before him to eate. But he fayde: I will not eate, vntill I haue fayde 34 myne earede: And he fayde, faye on, And he 35 fayde: I am Abrahas fervaunte, & the LORDE hath *bleffed my mafter out of meafure that he * God blef- is become greate and hath geven him fhepe f.^^^ ""^^ y^^^ fl6 ^CV Ctrl "V S oxen, fyluer and golde, menfervauntes, his benefites: [Fo. XXXI.l maydefervauntes, camels ad ^^ curfeth *v s iv hc7t he 36 affes. And Sara my mafters wyfe bare taketh them him a fonne, whe fhe was olde: and vnto a'waye. him hath he geven all that he hath. 37 And my mafter made me fwere faynge: Thou fhalt not take a wyfe to my fonne, amonge the doughters of 38 the cananytes in whofe lade I dwell. But thou fhalt goo vnto my fathers houfe and to my kynred, and 39 there take a wyfe vnto my fonne. And I fayde vnto my mafter. What yf the wyfe will not folowe me } 40 And he fayde vnto me: The LORde before whom I walke, wyll fende his angell with the and profper thy iourney that thou fhalt take a wyfe for my fonne, of my kynred and of my fathers houfe. But and yf (when thou comeft vnto my kynred) they will T^. 32 aquam ad lauandos pedes camelorum, & virorum 2)'h donee loquar fermones meos . . Loquere. 3L. 33 bis das ich zuuor meyn fach eeworben habe . . fage her 38 vatters haus vnd zu meynem gefchlecht JH. JH. N. 33 The fame note as in Tyndale. XXIV. 4I-50. called Genesis* 73 41 not geue the one, tha fhalt thou here no perell of myne oothe. 42 And I came this daye vnto the well and fayed: O LORde, the God of my mafter Abraha, yf it be fo that 43 thou makeft my iourney which I go, profperous: be- holde, I ftode by this well of water. And when a virgyn Cometh forth to drawe water, and I faye to her: geue 44 me a litle water of thi pitcher to drynke, and fhe faye agayne to me: dryncke thou, and I will alfo drawe water for thy camels: that fame is the wife, whom the LORde hath prepared for my mafters fonne .?. 45 And before I had made an ende of fpeakynge in myne harte : beholde Rebecca came forth, and hir pitcher on hir fhulder, and fhe went doune vnto the well and drewe. 46 And I fayde vnto her geue me dryncke. And fhe made haft and toke doune hir pitcher from of hir, ad fayd: drinke, and I will geue thy camels drynke alfo. And I dranke, and fhe gaue the camels drynke alfo. And 47 I afked her faynge: whofe doughter art thou .'* And fhe anfwered: the doughter of Bathuell Nahors fonne whome Milca bare vnto him. And I put the earynge vpon hir face and the brace- 48 lettes apon hir hondes. And I bowed my felfe and worfhepped the LORde and bleffed the LORde God of my mafter Abraha which had brought me the right waye, to take my mafters brothers doughter vnto his 49 fonne. Now therfore yf ye will deall mercyfully and truly with my mafter, tell me. And yf not, tell me alfo: that I maye turne me to the right hande or to the left. 50 Than anfwered Laban and Bathuel faynge: The thinge is proceded even out of the lorde, we can not V. 41 Innocens eris a maledictione mea49 vt vadam ad dextera, fiue ad fmiflra 50 A domino egreffus eft fermo iL. 41 fo biftu meyns eydes quyd. 44 das der Herr meyns herrn fon befcheret hat 49 das ich mich wende zur rechten odder zur lincken. 50 von dem Herrn aufzgangen |H. ^tt. X. 49 Mercyfully and truly is as moche to faye in this place as to fhewe pleafure, getlynes or kyndnes, as .iiii Reg. XX, d. 49 The ryght had or the left is no more to faye, but tel me one thing or a nother, that I may knowe wherevnto to flycke, and is a phrafe of the Hebrew. 74 ^ije fgrst iiofte of JHoses, xxiv. 51-63 51 therfore faye vnto the, ether good or bad: Beholde Rebecca before thy face, take her and goo, and let her be thy mafters fonnes wife, euen as the LORde 52 hath fayde. And whe Abrahams fervaunte herde their wordes, he bowed him felfe vnto the LORde, flatt vpon 53 the erth. And the fervaunte toke forth iewells [Fo. XXXIII.yz^.] of fyluer and iewelles of gold and rayment, and gaue them to Rebecca: But vnto hir brother & 54 to hir mother, he gaue fpyces. And then they ate and dranke, both he and the men that were with him, and taried all nyghte and rofe vp in the mornynge. 55 And he fayde: let me departe vnto my mafter. But hir brother and hir mother fayde: let the damfell abyde with vs a while, ad it be but even .x. dayes, and than 56 goo thy wayes. And he fayde vnto them, hinder me not: for the lorde hath profpered my iourney. Sende 57 me awaye f I maye goo vnto my mafter. And they fayde: let vs call the damfell, and witt what fhe fayth 58 to the matter. And they called forth Rebecca ad fayde vnto her: wilt thou goo with this ma .- And 59 fhe fayde: Yee. Than they broughte Rebecca their fifter on the waye and her norfe and Abrahas fer- 60 vaunte, and the men that were wyth him. And they * bleffed Rebecca & fayde vnto her: Thou * To blejfe a art oure fifter, growe in to thoufande thou- '/'/ neyboure a . is to pr aye jot fandes, & thy feed poffeffe ;y gates of h\, ad to wifjh 61 their enimies. And Rebecca arofe & hir him good: and , . , o _ , , 10 ^^^ ^^ wagge damiels, & latt the vp apo the camels (x // figers ouer went their waye after the man. And y him. =wagge fervaunte toke Rebecca & went his waye j^-j^ allu/lon 62 And Ifaac was a comige from the well of to facerdotal t lyvynge & feynge, for he dwelt in the J^^^^'^ ^,}" 63 fouth cotre, & was gone out to walke in his Ro7ne meditatios before y eue tyde. And he lyfte vp his eyes ^. 59 So they let Rebecca their fyfter go with her norfe "F. 53 vafis argenteis . . matri dona obtulit 55 faltem decern dies 58 Vadam 61 funt virum: qui feflinus reuertebatur i. 55 eyn tag odder zehen 58 Ya, ich will mit yhm. 61 nam Rebecca an ^. ^T. N- 60 And they bleffed Rebecca. The fame note as in Tyndale. 63 Meditacyons is the exercise of the fpirite and lyftynge vp the mynde to God. XXIV. 64-xxv. 8, calletf (Btntsifi* yS 64 &loked, &beholde ^camels were cominge. And.?. Re- becca lyfte vp hir eyes, & whe fhe fawe Ifaac, fhe lyghted 65 of the camel ad fayde vnto the fervaunte: what ma is this f cometh agenft vs in the feld .-' And the fervaute fayde: it is my mafter. And then fhe toke hir mantell 66 ad put it aboute her. And the fervaute tolde Ifaac all 67 that he had done. The Ifaac broughte her in to his mother Saras tente, ad toke Rebecca & fhe became his wife, 8c he loved her: & fo was Ifaac coforted over his mother. The .XXV. Chapter. BRAHA toke hi another wyfe iH-fi^-S. Ad- cald Ketura, which b^re 2TCi'"t hi Simram, lackfam, Medan, his wyfe Or' be- Midia lelback & Suah. And S^^^'/} ''^^J7 cnylaren. Ab- lackfan begat Seba & Dedan. And the raha dyeth fonnes of Dedan were Affurim, Letufim ^ geueth all 4 & Leumim. And the fonnes of Midian ifacu. The were Epha, Epher, Hanoch, Abida & genealogie of Elda. All thefe were the childern of fyrth'ofjj. 5 Kethura. But Abraha gaue all that he cob and Efau. 6 had vnto Ifaac. And vnto the fonnes of f/-^ ff^^.'^t his byrthrtght his concubines he gaue giftes, and fent for a mejfe of them awaye from Ifaac his fonne (while P^^^g^- he yet lyved) eaft ward, vnto the eaft contre. 7 Thefe are the dayes of the life of Abraha which he 8 lyved: an hudred & .Lxxv. yere and than fell feke ad dyed, in a luflie age (whe he had Ivved luflie, good fSi. 2 leckfan 4 Ketura V. 65 pallium fuum, operuit fe. xxv, 6 feparauit eos . . ad plagam orientalem 8 Et denciens mortuus efl %. 65 den fchleyer vnd verhullet fich. xxv, 6 vnd lies fie . . . zihen 8 vnd ward krank vnd flarb, ynn eynem rugigem allter, da er allt vnd lebens fatt war . . zu feynem volck gefamlet, ^. ^1. N. 6 Concubynes in the fcripture are not harlottes, but wyues: yet bare they no rule in the houfe, but were fubiectes as feruauntes. As Agar was vnto Sara. Genefis vi, a. Bylha Gen. XXX, a. 76 ^fje fgrst ftofee of jloscs, xxv. 9-22 9 ynough) ad was put vnto his people. And his fonnes Ifaac ad Ifmael buried hi in the duble caue in the feld of Ephro fone of Zoar the Hethite before Mamre. 10 Which felde abraha boughte of the fonnes of Heth: n There was Abraha buried and Sara hys wyfe. And after y deeth of Abraha god bleffed Ifaac his fonne [Fo. XXXIIIL] which dweld by the well of the lyvige & feige 12 Thefe are the generatios of Ifmael Abrahas fonne, which Hagar the Egiptia Saras handmayde bare vnto 13 Abraham. And thefe are the names of the fones of Ifmaell, with their names in their kireddes. The eld- eft fone of Ifmael Neuaioth, the Kedar, Abdeel, Mib- 14, 15 fa, Mifma, Duma, Mafa, Hadar, Thema, letur, 16 Naphis & Kedma. Thefe are the fones of Ifmael, and thefe are their names, in their townes and castels .xii 17 princes of natios. And thefe are the yeres of the lyfe of Ifmael: an hudred and .xxxvii. yere, & than he fell 18 feke & dyed & was layde vnto his people. And he dweld from Euila vnto Sur f is before Egypte, as men go toward the Aflirias. And he dyed in the prefence of all his brethren. 19 And thefe are the generatios of Ifaac Abrahas 20 fonne: Abraha begat Ifaac. And Ifaac was .XL. yere olde whe he toke Rebecca to wyfe the doughter of Bethuel the Sirian of Mesopotamia & fifter to Laban the Sirien. 21 And Ifaac made intercefTio vnto y LORde for his wife: becaufe fhe was bare: and f LORde was itreated 22 of hi, & Rebecca his wife coceaued: and y childern ftroue together withi her. the fhe fayde: yf it fhulde goo fo to paffe, what helpeth it ^ I am with childe ? iH. 13 Cedar "F. 16 & haec nomina per caflella & oppida eoru, . . . tribuum fuarum. i8 introeuntibus Affyrios. 2ofororem Laban. 21 Depre- catufque 22 Sed coUidebantur % 9 zwiffachen hole 16 ynn yhren hoffen vnd fledten 18 Af- fyrian gehet, Vnd vberfiel alle feyne bruder. 22 Kinder flielTen fich miteynander . . da myrs alfo folk gehen ifB,. iH. N. 8 And was put unto his people; To be put amoge hys people, is not only to be put in a goodly place of buryall, but to be put with the copany of the auncyent fathers that dyed in the fame fayth that he dyd. XXV. 23-34- calleti Genesis. 77 23 And fhe went & axed f LORde. And f LORde fayde vnto her there are .ii. maner of people in thi wombe and .ii. nations fhall fpringe out of thy bowels, f. and the one nation fhalbe myghtier than the other, and the eldeft fhalbe servaunte vnto the yonger. 24 And whe hir tyme was come to be delyuered be- 25 holde: there were .ii. twyns in hir wobe. And he that came out firft, was redde & rough ouer all as it were 26 an hyde: and they called his name Efau. And after ward his brother came out & his hande holdynge Efau by the hele. Wherfore his name was called lacob And Ifaac was .LX. yere olde whe fhe bare 27 the: and the boyes grewe, and Efau became a conynge hunter & a tyllman. But lacob was a tyWrnan, farmer 28 fimple man & dwelled in the tentes. Ifaac loved Efau becaufe he dyd eate of his venyfo, but Rebecca loued 29 lacob. lacob fod potage & Efau came from the feld 30 & was faitie, & fayd to lacob: let me fyppe of f redde potage, for I am fayntie. And therfore was his name 31 called Edom. And lacob fayde: fell me this daye thy 32 byrthrighte. And Efau anfwered: Loo I am at the poynte to dye, & what profit fhall this byrthrighte do 33 me ? And lacob fayde, fwere to me then this daye. And he fwore to him & fold his byrthrighte vnto lacob. 34 Thau lacob gaue Efau brede and potage of redde ryfe. And he ate & dronke & rofe vp and went his waye. And fo Efau regarded not his byrthrighte. ^H. 29, 30 fayntye . fuppe 7. 23 ex vetre tuo diuidentur 25 & totus in morem pellis his- pidus . . plantam fratris tenebat manu 27 vir fimplex 28 Ifaac amabat . . Rebecca diligebat 29 Coxit . . . pulmetum 30 quia op- pido lafTus fum 34 Et fic accepto pane & lentis edulio comedit, & bibit, & abijt, paruipendens quod primogenita vendidiffet. i. 23 werden fich fcheyden 25 gantz rauch wie eyn fell 27 eyn bydder man 31 verkauffmyr heutte 33 fchwere myr heut 34 linlea gericht . . . vnd ftund auff vnd gieng dauon vnd alfo verachtet Efau iH. ^. N. 23 Two maner of people; By this .ii. people is fignifyed vnto vs the lawe & the gofpell as ye maye rede in Gal. iii, d. 27 A fymple; He is fimple that is without craft & decept & contynueth in beleuyng & executynge of godes wyll. 78 ije fprst ftolte of JHoseg, xxvi. i-io The .XXVI. Chapter. ND there fell a derth in f lande, . ^'<^-^- The 1 /- n 1 1 t r 11 lorneye of paflinge the firlt derth y fell jfaac toward in the dayes of Abraham. Abimelech. Wherfore Ifaac [Fo. XXXV.] ^^^^ ^^^^ j^_ went vnto Abimelech kinge of y Phil- aac &* his 2 iftias vnto Gerar. The the LORde a- {'ffji^^kfftf peared vnto him & fayde: goo not doune Abimelech for in to Egipte, but byde in t land which I ^^^/f . /"/ '=> r 1 J J wyfe his fyf- 3 fay e vnto y: Sogeorne in this lade, & I ter. The chy- wyll be with t & wyll bleffe t: for vnto ^^^ ">/ J^'^ the & vnto thy fede I wyll geue all thefe for the wel- cotreis And I will performe the oothe ^^^- ^^^'^'^ is cofftfoTtcd The which I fwore vnto Abraha thy father, atonemet ' be- 4 & will multiplye thy feed as f ftarres of twene Abim- heave, & will geue vnto thy feed all thefe -^ contreis. And thorow thy feed fhall all the natios of 5 the erth be bleffed, becaufe ^ Abraha harkened vnto mi voyce & kepte mine ordinances, comaundmetes, fbatutes & lawes 6, 7 And Ifaac dwelled in Gerar. And y me of the place afked hi of his wife, & he fayde -^ fhe was his fifter: for he feared to calle her his wife left the me of the place fhulde haue kylled him for hir fake, becaufe 8 fhe was bewtyfuU to y eye. And it happened after he had bene there longe tyme, ^ Abimelech kinge of ^ Philiftias loked out at a wyndow & fawe Ifaac fport- -9 inge with Rebecca his wife. And Abimelech fende for Ifaac & fayde: fe, fhe is of a fuertie thi wife, and why faydefl thou ^ fhe was thi fifter .-' And Ifaac faide vnto hi: I thoughte ^ I mighte peradventure haue 10 dyed for hir fake. The fayde Abimelech: whi haft U. I pofl earn fterilitatem 3 Et peregrinare 4 benedicentur in femine 7 propter illius pulchritudinem. 8 iocantem c. Reb. 9 cur mentitus es earn fororem %. 3 dis land geben 4 dis land geben . . vnd durch deynen famen. 8 Yfaac fchertzet nnit feynem weyb Rebeca. XXVI. 11-22. calletr ^emsis. 79 thou done this vnto vs ,' one of f people myght lightely haue lyne by thy wife & fo fhuldeft thou haue 11 broughte fynne vpon vs Tha Abimelech charged all his people faynge: he f toucheth this man or his wife, fhall furely dye for it. 12 .IT. And Ifaac fowed in f lade, & founde in f fame 13 yere an hudred bufhels: for y LORde bleffed hi, & the man waxed mightye, & wet forth & grewe till he was 14 exceadinge great, f he had poffefiio of fhepe, of oxe & a myghtie houfholde: fo f the Phileftians had envy 15 at him: In so moch f they ftopped & fylled vp with erth, all the welles which his fathers fervauntes 16 dygged in his father Abrahams tyme. Than fayde Abimelech vnto Ifaac: gett the fro me, for thou art myghtier then we a greate deale. 17 Than Ifaac departed thenfe & pitched his tente in 18 the valey Gerar & dwelt there. And Ifaac digged agayne, the welles of water which they dygged in the dayes of Abraha his father which the Phileftias had ftoppe after y deth of Abraha & gaue the the fame 19 names which hys father gaue the. As Ifaacs feruautes dygged in the valey, they founde a well of fpringynge 20 water. And the herdme of Gerar dyd ftryue with Ifaacs herdme faynge: the water is oures Than called he the well Efeck becaufe they ftroue with hym. 21 Than dygged they another well, & they ftroue for 22 f alfo. Therfore called he it Sitena. And than he departed thefe & dygged a nother well for the which they ftroue not: therfore called he it Rehoboth faige: f LORde hath now made vs rowme & we are en- ^H. 12 fowed in that lande 19 lyuyng water 20 Efeck V. II morte morietur 12 in ipfo anno centuplum 140b hoc inuidentes 16 in tantum vt ipfe Abim. 17 torrentem Geraras 18 quos foderant ferui patris fui Abraham, & quos illo mortuo olim ob- flruxerat Philiflhijm: 19 repererunt aquam viuam. 20 ex eo quod acciderat, vocauit Calumniam. 21 appellauitque eum Inimicitias. 22 Latitude: 1L. II des tods fterben 12 hundert fcheffel 20 das fie yhn da verhonet hatten H. JH. N. 20 E/ek heyfl, Hon, wenn man yemannt gewallt vnd vnrecht thut. 21 Sitena, heyfl widderfland, daher der teuffel Satan heyfl eyn widder wertiger. 22 Rehoboth heyfl, raum odder breytte, das nicht enge ift. So Efje fgrst fiofte of JHoses, xxvi. 23.33 23 creafed vpo the erth. Afterward departed he thece & came to Berfeba 24 And the LORde apered vnto hi the fame nyghte & fayde. I am the God of Abraha thy father, feare not for I am with the & will blefle [Fo. .XXXVI.] the & multiplye thy fede for my feruaute Abrahams fake. 25 And than he buylded an aulter there and called vpo the name of the LORde, & there pitched his tente. And there Ifaacs fervauntes dygged a well. 26 Than came Abimelech to him fro Gerar & Ahufath 27 his frende and Phicol his chefe captayne. And Ifaac fayde vnto the: wherefore come ye to me, feige ye 28 hate me & haue put me awaye fro you .-* Than fayde they: we fawe that the LORde was with the, and therfore we fayde that there fhulde be an oothe be- twixte vs ad the, & that we wolde make a bonde with 29 the: f thou fhuldefte do vs no hurte, as we haue not touched the and haue done vnto the nothinge but good, and fed the away in peace: for thou art now 30 the bleffed of the LORde. And he made the a feaft, 31 and they ate ad droke. And they rofe vp by tymes in the mornynge and fware one to another. And Ifaac fent the awaye. And they departed from him in peace. 32 And y fame daye came Ifaacs fervautes & tolde hi of a well which they had dygged: & fayde vnto hi, that 33 thei had founde water. And he called it Seba, wherfore the name of the cyte is called Berfeba vnto this daye. JfflL. 32 that fame daye V. 29 nee fecimus quod te laederet 33 Vnde appellauit eum Abundantiam: i. 28 Wyr fehen mit fehenden augen 29 vnd wie wyr dyr nichts denn alles gutt than haben. pi. iH. N. 22 Encreafed: as yf he fhulde faye, after fo great paynes & laboures, God hath geuen vs peace & quyetnes. For quyetnes doth open & increafe the hert, & fadnes reflrayneth it: as in Gen. ix, d. Ps. iiii, a. 1. |H. N. 33 Seba heyft eyn, Eyd, oder fchwur Ber aber heyft eyn brun. XXVI. 34-xxvii. 12. tslUti <3tVLt&i&* 8i The .XXVII. Chapter. jHEN Efau was .XL. yere olde, he toke to wyfe ludith the doughter of Bery an Heth- ite, and Bafmath the doughter of Elon an Hethite alfo, which were dishobedient vnto Ifaac and Rebecca. 1 .f . And it came to paffe that Ifaac iffl:.:.5. la- j 1 J o 1 1 r cob flealeth wexed olde & his eyes were dymme, lo ^^^ blejfynge that he coude nat fee. Tha called he from Efau by Efau his eldefl fonne & fayde vnto him: ^councT^^'^If- mi fonne. And he fayde vnto hym: heare aac is fad. 2 am I. And he fayde: beholde, I am olde ^^^/-^ ^^- 11 11 / 1 1 -KT forted. The 3 ad knowe not the daye of mi deth: Now hatred of therfore take thi weapes, thy quiver & thi Ef<^^ toward bowe, & gett the to the feldes & take me 4 fome venyfon & make me meate fuch as I loue, & brynge it me & let me eat that my foull may bleffe the before that I dye: 5 But Rebecca hard whe Ifaac fpoke to Efau his fonne. And as foone as Efau was gone to the felde 6 to catche venyfon & to brige it, fhe fpake vnto lacob hir fonne fainge.? Behold I haue herde thi father talk- 7 inge with Efau thy brother & faynge: bringe me venyfon & make me meate that I maye eate & bleffe 8 the before the LORde yer I dye. Now therfore my fonne heare my voyce in that which I comaunde the: 9 gett the to the flocke, & bringe me thece .ii. good kiddes, & I will make meate of the for thi father, foch 10 as he loueth. And thou fhalt brige it to thi father & he fhal eate, f he maye blyffe the before his deth 11 Than fayde lacob to Rebecca his mother. Beholde 12 Efau mi brother is rugh & I am fmooth. Mi father fhal peradueture fele me, ad I fhal feme vnto hi as though 'P'. 4 pulmentum, ficut velle me nodi 8 efcas . . quibus libenter vefcitur 3L. 4 wie ichs gern hab |K. JH. N. 4 Bleffe; that is that my foule may wyfhe the good and praye to God for the. 82 ^jje fgrst iiolte of JHoses, xxvn. 13-27 I wet aboute to begyle hi, & fo fhall he brige a curfe 13 vpo me & not a bleffige: & his mother faide vnto him. Vppo me be thi curfe my fonne, only heare my voyce, 14 & goo and fetch me them. And lacob went ad [Fo. XXXIX.] fett them and brought them to his mother. And his mother made meate of them accordinge as 15 his father loued. And fhe went and fett i^xs., fetched. goodly rayment of hir eldeft fonne Efau which fhe had in the houfe with hir, and put them vpon lacob hir yong- 16 eft fonne, ad fhe put the fkynnes vpon his hades & apon 17 the fmooth of his necke. And fhe put y meate & brede which fhe had made in the hode of hir fonne lacob 18 And he went in to his father faynge: my father, And he afwered: here am I, who art thou my fonne } 19 And lacob fayde vnto his father: I am Efau thy eldeft fonne, I haue done acordinge as thou baddeft me, vp and fytt and eate of my venyfon, that thi foule maye 20 bleffe me. But Ifaac fayde vnto his fonne. How Cometh it that thou haft fownde it fo quicly my fonne } He anfwered: The LORde thy god brought 21 it to my hande. Than fayde Ifaac vnto lacob: come nere and let me fele the my fonne, whether thou be 22 my fonne Efau or not. Than went lacob to Ifaac his father, & he felt him & fayde the voyce is lacobs 23 voyce, but the hades ar ;y hades of Efau. And he knewe him not, becaufe his handes were rough as his brother Efaus handes } And fo he bleffed him. 24 And he axed him, art thou my fonne Efau .- And 25 he fayde: that I am. Than fayde he: brynge me and let me eate of my fonnes venyfon, that my foule maye bleffe the. And he broughte him, & he ate. And he 26 broughte him wyne .?. alfo, and he dranke. And his father Ifaac fayde vnto him: come nere and kyffe me 27 my fonne. And he wet to him & kiffed him. And "F. 20 Voluntas dei fuit vt cito occurreret mihi quod voleba i-. 20 der Herr deyn Gott befcheret myrs^ IK. iH. N. 13 Curfe: There are two maner of curfes vfed in the fcripture. The one is in the foule, that pertayneth to the foule, & fynne & wyckednes. And the other to the bodye, as all teporall mifery and wretchednes, as in Gen. iii, c. & Deut. xxiii, a. XXVII. 28-36. calleti (gfenests. 83 he fmelled f fauoure of his raymet & bleffed hi & fayde See, f fmell of my fone is as f fmell of a feld 28 which the lorde hath bleffed. God geue the of f dewe of heave & of the fatneffe of the erth and pletie of 29 corne & wyne. People be thy fervauntes & natios bowe vnto the. Be lorde ouer thy brethre, and thy mothers children fboupe vnto the. Curfed be he f curfeth the, & bleffed be he that bleffeth the. 30 As foone as Ifaac had made an end of bleffig, lacob & lacob was fcace gone out fro the preasence of Ifaac his father: then came Efau his brother fro his 31 huntynge: And had made alfo meate, and brought it in vnto his father & fayde vnto him: Aryfe my father & eate of thy fonnes venyfon, that thy foule maye 32 bleffe me. Tha his father Ifaac fayde vnto him. Who art thou .'' he anfwered I am thy eldeft fonne Efau. 33 And Ifaac was greatly aftoyned out of aftoyned, am- mefure and fayde: Where is he then that ^ff^ "^f_ hath huted venyfon and broughte it me, men^. and I haue eaten of all before thou cameft, and haue 34 bleffed him, ad he fhall be bleffed ftyll. Whe Efau herde the wordes of his father, he cryed out greatly & bitterly aboue mefure, and fayde vnto his father: 35 bleffe me alfo my father. And he fayde thy brother came with fubtilte, ad hath take awaye thy bleffynge. 36 Than fayde he: He maye [Fo. XXXX.] well be called Jacob, for he hath vndermyned me now .ii. tymes, fyrft ^. 30 bleffyng, lacob was 31 brought it vnto hys V. 27 fenfit veilimentorum illius fragrantiam 33 Expauit Ifaac ftupore vehementi: & vltra quam credi potefl admirans 1. 29 Sey eyn herr vber deyne bruder, vnd deiner mutter kinder 33 Da entfatzt fich Yfaac vber die mas feer .... Wer ? wo ift denn der ieger JH. JH. N. 28 Dewe; By this worde dewe is vnderflond of the Hebrews al that is in the fyrmament, that coforteth the erth, as the fonne, the mone, rayne, & temperatnes of wether, as by the fatnes of the erth they vnderftonde all that is brought forthe benethe in the erth, as Ex. xvi, d, and Numeri xi, b. Corne; By corne and wyne is vnderftonde aboundance of all teporall thynges. 3L. |K. N. 36 Vntertretten; Ekeb heyfft eyn fufz foil, da her kompt lakob oder lacob eyn vntertreter odder der mit fuffen tritt, vnd bedeut alle gleubigen, die durch das Euangelion die wellt vnd das fleyfch vnd den teuffel mit fund und todt vnter fich tretten. 84 Eije fsrst ioke of JHoses, xxvii.37-46 he toke awaye my byrthrighte: and fe, now hath he taken awaye my bleffynge alfo. And he fayde, haft thou kepte neuer a bleffynge for me ? 37 Ifaac anfwered and fayde vnto Efau: beholde I haue made him thi LORde & all his mothers chil- dern haue I made his feruantes. Moreouer wyth corne ad wyne haue I ftableffhed him, what ca I do vnto the 38 now my fonne ? And Efau fayde vnto his father: haft thou but f one bleffynge my father ? bleffe me alfo my 39 father: fo lyfted vp Efau his voyce & wepte Tha Ifaac his father anfwered & fayde vnto him Beholde thy dwellynge place ftiall haue of the fat- 40 neffe of the erth, & ofthedeweofheauenfroaboue. And wyth thy fwerde fhalt thou lyue and ftialt be thy bro- thers feruaunte But the tymewill come, when thou fhalt gett the maftrye, and lowfe his yocke from of thy necke. 41 And Efau hated lacob becaufe of the bleffynge f his father bleffed him with all, & fayde in his harte: The dayes of my fathers forowe are at hade, for I will 42 fley my brother lacob. And thefe wordes of Efau hir eldeft fonne, were told to Rebecca. And fhe fente ad called lacob hir yongeft fonne, and fayde vnto hi: be- 43 holde thy brother Efau threatneth to kyll the: Now therfore my fone heare my voyce, make the redie & 44 flee to Laba my brother at Haran. And tarie with him a while, vntill thy .F. brothers fearfnes be fwaged, 45 and vntill thy brothers wrath turne awaye from the, and he forgett that which thou haft done to him. Tha will I fende and fett the awaye from thence. Why fhulde I lofe you both in one daye. 46 And Rebecca fpake to Ifaac: I am wery of my life, for feare of the doughters of Heth. Yf lacob take a wife of the doughters of Heth, foch one as thefe are, or of the doughters of the lande, what luft fhuld I haue to lyue. V. 37 et omnes fratres eius 38 Cumque eiulato magno fleret, 39 rnotus Ifaac dixit . . In ping, lerrae, & in rore caeli defuper erit benedictio tua 40 eum excutias et foluas . . . de ceruicibus tuis 41 dies luctus 46 nolo viuere. i. 40 Vnd es wirt gefchehen dafs du feyn ioch ablegift vnd von deynem halfze reymfl. 41 das mein vater leyde tragen mus 45 feyn zorn wydder dich von dyr wende 46 waffol myr das leben ? XXVIII. I-II. calletr Genesis* 85 C The .XXVIII. Chapter. HAN Ifaac called Jacob his IH.^.S. la- fonne and bleffed him, ad cob is fent into Mefopotamia charged him and layde vnto toLabanfor a him: fe thou take not a wife 'jA , E.fau 2 of the doughters of Canaan, but aryse jfmaelyte. la- ad gett the to Mefopotamia to the houfe cobdreametha of Bethuel thy mothers father: and there I's^^'Tyomyfed. take the a wife of the doughters of Laban Jacob maketh 3 thi mothers brother. And God allmightie "^ '^'^'- bleffe the, increafe the and multiplie the that thou 4 mayft be a nombre of people, and geue the the bleff- ynge of Abraham: both to the and to thy feed with the that thou mayfl poffeffe the lade (wherein thou art 5 a ftrangere) which God gaue vnto Abraham. Thus Ifaac fent forth lacob, to goo to Mefopotamia vnto Laban, fonne of Bethuel the Sirien, and brother to Rebecca lacobs & Esaus mother. 6 When Efau fawe that Ifaac had bleffed lacob, and fent him to Mefopotamia, to fett him a wife thence, and that, as he bleffed him [Fo. XLI.] he gaue him a charge faynge : fe thou take not a wife of the 7 doughters of Canaan: and that lacob had obeyed his father and mother, & was gone vnto Mefopo- 8 tomia: and feynge alfo that the doughters of Canaan 9 pleafed not Ifaac his father: Then went he vnto Ifmael, and toke vnto the wiues which he had, Mahala the doughter of Ifmael Abrahams fonne, the fifler of Nabaioth to be his wife. 10 lacob departed from Berfeba and went toward 11 Haran, and came vnto a place and taried there all nyghte, becaufe the fonne was downe. And toke a ftone of the place, and put it vnder his heade, and 'F. 2 Laban auunculi tui 4 terram peregrinationis tuas, quam pollicitus eft auo tuo. 6 quod poft benedictionem prascep. 11 tulit de lapidibus qui iacebant ^. 2 deyner mutter bruder 3 eyn hauffen volcker 5 feyner vnd Efau mutter 6 ynn dem er yhn fegenet, yhm gepot 9 nam vber die weyber, die er zuuor hatte 1 1 eynen fleyn des orts 86 Elje fgrst lioke of Jloses, xxvm. 12-20 12 layde him down in the fame place to flepe. And he dreamed: and beholde there ftode a ladder apon the erth, and the topp of it reached vpp to heaue. And fe, the angells of God went vpp and downe apon 13 it, yee ad the LORde ftode apon it and fayde. I am the LORde God of Abraham thi father and the God of Ifaac: The londe which thou flepeft apon 14 will I geue the and thy feed. And thy feed fhalbe as the duft of the erth: And thou fhalt fpreade abrode: weft, eaft, north and fouth. And thorow the and thy feed fhall all the kynreddes of the erth be bleffed. 15 And fe I am with the, and wylbe thy keper in all places whother thou gooft, and will brynge y agayne in to this lande: Nether will I leaue the vntill I haue made good, all that I haue promysed the T. 16 When lacob was awaked out of his flepe, he fayde: furely the LORde is in this place, ad I was not aware. 17 And he was afrayde & fayde how fearfuU is this place? it is none other, but euen the houfe of God and the 18 gate of heaue. And lacob ftode vp early in the morn- ynge and toke the ftone that he had layde vnder his heade, and pitched it vp an ende and ^p ^n ende, 19 poured oyle on the topp of it. And he upright called the name of the place Bethell, for in dede the name of the citie was called Lus before tyme. 20 And lacob vowed a vowe faynge: Yf God will be with me and wyl kepe me in this iourney which I goo and will geue me bread to eate and cloothes to put on, JH. 15 whether D. 13 dominum innixum fcalag 14 quafi puluis terrce : dilata- beris 18 & erexit in titulum, fundens iL. 14 auszbreyttet werden . . Vnd durch dich 16 gewiflich ifl der herr 18 vnd richtet yhn auff |a. im. N. 17 Houfe of God; He calleth it the houfe of god becaufe of the houfholde of angells that he there fawe: we in lyke maner call the church of lyme and flone the houfe of God, becaufe the people come thether, whych are the church of God. As faynt Paul teacheth i Cor. iii. 2 Cor. vi. Eph. xii. (?). 19 Bethel fygni- fyeth the houfe of God %. |ei. N. 14 Deynen Samen; Hie wirt dem dritten Patriar- chen, Chriftus verheyffen der heyland aller wellt, vnd das kunfftige Euangelion von Chriflo ynn alien landen zu predigen durch die engel auff der leytter fiirgebildet. xxviii. 2r-xxix. 7. calletr @enest0. S? 21 fo that I come agayne vnto my fathers houfe in faftie: 22 then Ihall the LORde be my God, and this ftone which I haue fett vp an ende, fhalbe godes houfe, And of all that thou fhalt geue me, will I geue the tenth vnto the. [ The .XXIX. Chapter. HEN lacob lyfte vp his fete & ^..^. la- wet toward the eaft countre. S^^/''%5^? Laban &" fer- And as he loked aboute, be- uethfeu'eyere holde there was a well in the for Rachel. .. , , Lea was feld, and .ni. flockes of Ihepe laye therby brought to his (for at that well were the flockes watered) bed injledeof & there laye a great ftone at the well j,^aryeih them 3 mouth And the maner was to brynge bathe, andfer-^ the flockes thyther, & to roull the ftone jJJ^^^ ZlU'tl fro the Welles mouth and to water the Rachel. Lea ftiepe, and to put the ftone a- [Fo. XLIL] conceaueth. gayne vppon the wells mouth vnto his place. 4 And lacob fayde vnto the: brethern, whece be ye "i 5 and they fayde: of Haran ar we. And he fayde vnto the: Knowe ye Laban the fonne of Nahor. And they 6 fayde: We knowe him. And he fayde vnto the: is he in good health } And they fayde: he is in good health: and boholde, his doughter Rahel cometh with y fliepe. 7 And he fayde: lo, it is yet a great whyle to nyghte, nether is it tyme ^ the catell fliulde be gathered together: water the fliepe and goo and fede the. T. 3 Morifque erat . . . deuoluerent lapidem, & refectis 7 vt reducantur ad caulas greges . . . & fic eas ad paftum reducite !L. 3 vnd fie pflegten , . an feyne ftett 7 es ifl noch viel tages (corrected into: hoch tag) JH. iH. N. 22 Tythes: By tythes the auncyent fathers meat all great rewardes as in Gen. xiiii, d. IL. JH. N. 21 Mein Gott seyn; Nicht das ervorhyn nicht feyn Got gewefen fey, fondern er gelobd eyn gottis dienfl auff zu richten, do man predigen vnd betten foUt, Da will er den zehenden zu- feben, den predigern, wie Abraham dem Melchifedek den ze- enden gab. 88 Cfje fsm ioke of JHogeg, xxix.&-2i 8 And they fayde: we may not, vntill all f flockes be brought together & the ftone be roulled fro the wells mouth, and fo we water oure fhepe. 9 Whyle he yet talked with the, Rahel came with 10 hir fathers fhepe, for fhe kepte them. As foone As lacob fawe Rahel, the doughter of Laban his mothers brother, and the fhepe of Laban his mothers brother, he went and rowled the fhone fro the wells mouth, and 11 watered the fhepe of Laba his mothers brother And lacob kyffed Rahel, and lyfte vp his voyce and wepte: 12 and tolde her alfo f he was hir fathers brother and Rebeccas fonne. The Rahel ranne and tolde hir 13 father. When Laban herd tell of lacob his fillers fonne, he ranne agaynft him and embraced hi & kyffed him ad broughte him in to his houfe. And the lacob 14 told Laban all y matter. And the Laba fayde: well, thou art my bone & my flefh .f . Abyde with me the 15 fpace of a moneth. And afterward Laban fayd vnto lacob: though thou be my brother, fhuldefl thou ther- fore ferue me for nought .-* tell me what fhall thi wages 16 be ? And Laban had .ii. doughters, the eldeft called 17 Lea and the yongeft Rahel. Lea was tender eyed: 18 But Rahel was bewtifuU ad well fauored. And lacob loued her well, and fayde: I will ferue the .vii. yere for 19 Rahel thy yongeft doughter. And Laban anfwered: it is better f I geue her the, than to another man.^ byde therfore with me. 20 And lacob ferued .vii. yeres for Rahel, and they femed vnto him but a fewe dayes, for the loue he had 21 to her. And lacob fayde vnto Laban, geue me my wife, that I maye lye with hir For the tyme appoynted me is come. iH. 9 for fhe kepte the 13 he rane to mete him . . . brought him to his houfe. V. 10 Quam cum vid. lac. & fciret confobrinam fuam 13 Au- ditis autem caufis itineris 17 Lia, lippis erat oculis: Rachel de- cora facie & venufto aspectu. 18 pras amoris magnitudine 1. 8 zu fammen bracht werden . . vnd alfzo die fchaff 10 die fchaff . . feyner muter bruder. 13 all dis gefchicht 14 Wolan du bifl 17 eyn blode geficht 20 vnd dauchten yhn als werens eyntzele tage 21 denn die zeyt ift hie, das ich bei lige XXIX. 22-35- calletr cnestg* 89 22 Than Laban bade all the men of that place, and 23 made a feaft. And when eue was come, he toke Lea his doughter and broughte her to him and he went in 24 vnto her. And Laban gaue vnto his doughter Lea, Zilpha his mayde, to be hir feruaunte. 25 And when the mornynge was come, beholde it was Lea. Than fayde he to Laban: wherfore haft thou played thus with me .-" dyd not I ferue the for Rahel, 26 wherfore than haft thou begyled me .'* Laban anfwered: it is not the maner of this place, to marie the yongeft 27 before the eldeft. Pafle out this weke, & tha fhall this alfo be geven the for f feruyce which thou fhalt [Fo. 28 XLL] ferue me yet .vii. yeres more. And lacob dyd eue fo, and paffed out that weke, & than he gaue hi 29 Rahel his doughter to wyfe alfo. And Laban gaue to Rahel his doughter, Bilha his handmayde to be hir 30 fervaute. So laye he by Rahel alfo, and loved Rahel more than Lea, and ferued him yet .vii. yeres more. 31 When the LORde fawe that Lea was defpifed, he 32 made her frutefull: but Rahel was baren. And Lea conceaued and bare a fonne, ad called his name Rube, for fhe fayde :: the LORde hath loked apon my tribula- 33 tion. And now my hufbonde will loue me. And fhe conceaued agayne and bare a fonne, and fayde: the LORde hath herde that I am defpifed, ad hath therfore geuen me this fonne alfo, and fhe called him Simeon. 34 And fhe conceaued yet and bare a fonne, ad fayde: now this once will my hufbonde kepe me company, becaufe I haue borne him .iii. fonnes: and therfore fhe called 35 his name Levi. And fhe conceaued yet agayne, and bare a fonne faynge: Now will I prayfe the LORde: therfore fhe called his name luda, and left bearynge. V. 24 Ad quam cum ex more, lac. f. ingreffus 27 Imple hebdo- madam dierum huius copulas 30 Tandemque potitus optatis nup- tijs, amorem fequentis priori praetulit 32 humilitatem meam 3L. 25 denn bctrogen 26 die iungrt. aufgebe 27 hallt dife woch- en aus 27 Rahel feyne tochter zum weybe 30 lag er auch bey mit R. 31 macht er . . . vnd R. vnfruchtbar 33 hat gehoret, das ich gehaffet 34 nu . . . . widder zu myr thun H. ^. N. 32 Ruben heyft eyn fehefon. -^i Simeon heyft eyn horer. 34 Leui heyft zuthat. 35 luda heyft eyn bekenner odder danck fager. Dan heyft eyn richter. [xxx, 6] 90 Efje t^xst &ofte of iHoses, xxx. i-h m. The .XXX. Chapter. HEN Rahel fawe that fhe bare JH.S. Ra- T 1 1 M J r\ -J ^^^^ and Lea lacob no childern, fhe enuied ^^^-^^ ^^^^^ hir fifter & fayde vnto lacob: bar en geue geue me childern, or ells I am Jf^^;; '""Zfefr 2 but deed. Than was lacob wrooth with hufbande fir* Rahel faynge: Am I in godes fteade which f^'^^^^Jl' ^'/^ 3 kepeth fro the the frute of thi wobe ? Then cob deceaueth fhe fayde: here is my mayde Bilha: go in Laban in the ^ 1 .^ . rs 1 conceyutngeof vnto .ir. her, that fhe maye beare vpo my the fiiepe and lappe, that I maye be encreafed by her. kyddes. la- 4 And fhe gaue him Bilha hir hadmayde to forhysjerues. 5 wife. And lacob wet in vnto her, And 6 Bilha conceaued and bare lacob a fonne. Than fayde Rahel. God hath geuen fentece on my fyde, and hath alfo herde my voyce, and hath geuen me a fonne. 7 Therfore called fhe him Dan. And Bilha Rahels mayde coceaued agayne and bare lacob a nother 8 fonne. And Rahel fayde. God is turned, and I haue made a chaunge with my fifter, & haue gote f vpper hade. And fhe called his nam: Nepthali. 9 Whe Lea fawe that fhe had left bearinge, fhe toke 10 Silpha hir mayde and gaue her lacob to wifife. And 11 Silpha Leas made bare lacob a fonne. Than fayde 12 Lea: good lucke: and called his name Gad. And 13 Silpha Leas mayde bare lacob an other fonne, Tha fayd Lea: happy am I, for the doughters will call me bleffed. And called his name Affer. 14 And Rube wet out in the wheatharueft & foude "F. 2 qui priuauit te fructu ventris 3 fuper genua mea 6 ludi- cauit mihi dom. 13 Hoc pro beatudine mea X. I nichts gepar 3 auff meynen fchos . . durch fie erbawet werde. 3L. iE. N. 8 Naphthali heyfl verwechfelt, vmbgewand, vmb- gekert, wenn man dz widderfpiel thut. Ps. 17. mit dem verkere. en verkeriftu dich. li Gad, heyfl ruflig zum ftreyt 13 Affer heyft felig. XXX. 15-26. calleti (Senegis* 91 mandragoras in the feldes, and brought the vnto his mother Lea. Than fayde Rahel to Lea geue me of 15 thy fonnes madragoras. And Lea anfwered: is it not ynough, f thou haft take awaye my houfbode, but woldeft take awaye my fons mandragoras alfo ? Than fayde Rahel well, let him flepe with the this nyghte, 16 for thy fonnes mandragoras And whe lacob came from the feldes at euen, Lea went out to mete him, & fayde: come in to me, for I haue bought [Fo. XLIL] the with my fonnes mandragoras. 17 And he flepte with her that nyghte. And God herde Lea, f fhe coceaued and bare vnto lacob f .v 18 fonne. Than fayde Lea. God hath geue me my re- warde, becaufe I gaue my mayde to my houfbod, and 19 fhe called him Ifachar. And Lea coceaued yet agayne 20 and bare lacob the fexte fonne. Than fayde fhe: God hath endewed me with a good dowry, dowry, ^i/f Now will my houfbond dwell with me, becaufe I haue borne him .vi. fonnes: and called his name Zabulo. 21 After that fhe bare a doughter and called her Dina. 22 And God remebred Rahel, herde her, and made 23 her frutefull: fo that fhe coceaued and bare a fonne 24 and fayde God hath take awaye my rebuke. And fhe called his name lofeph faynge The lorde geue me 25 yet a nother fonne. As foone as Rahel had borne lofeph, lacob fayde to Laban: Sede me awaye f I 26 may goo vnto myne awne place and cutre, geue me my wives and my childern for whom I haue ferued the, and let me goo: for thou knoweft what feruyce I ^. 15 houfband (alfo vv. 19, 20.) V. 15 quod prasripueris 16 mercede conduxi te pro mandra- goris 20 Dotauit me deus dote bona 25 Nato autem lofeph V. 14 der alrun deyns fons eyn teyl 15 wohlan, lafs yhn JH. JH. N. 14 Mandragoras; The Hebrews call it an erbe or rather a rote that beareth the fimylitude of manes bodye. Other call it an apple whych being eate wyth meate caufeth concepci5. Saynt Auflen thynketh that it pleafeth women becaufe it hath a pleafant fauoure, or rather for dayntines, becaufe there was not many of them to get. 5L. |l. N. 18 Ifachar heyft lohn. 20 Sebulon, heyft beywo- nung 21 Dina heyft eyn fach oder gericht 24 lofeph heyft, zuthun, odder fort mehr thun. 92 EJe fgr^t ioke of looses, xxx. 27-33 27 haue done the. Than fayde Laban vnto hi: If I haue fownde fauoure in thy fyghte (for I fuppofe f the 28 LORde hath bleffed me for thy fake) appoynte what 29 thy rewarde fhalbe and I will geue it f. But he fayde vnto hym, thou knoweft what feruyce I haue done f & in what takynge thy catell haue bene vnder me: 30 For it was but litle that thou haddeft before I came, and now it is encreafed in to a multitude, and the LORDE hath bleffed the for my fake .?. But now when fhall I make provyfion for myne awne houfe 31 alfo ? And he fayde: what "fhall I geue the? And lacob anfwerd: thou fhalt geue me nothinge at all, yf thou wilt do this one thinge for me: And then will I turne agayne & fede thy fhepe and kepe them. 32 I will go aboute all thy fhepe this daye, and fepa- rate fro the all the fhepe that are fpotted and of dy- verfe coloures, and all blacke fhepe amonge the lambes 33 and the partie and fpotted amonge the kyddes: And then fuch fhalbe my rewarde. So fhall my rightwes- nes anfwere for me: when the tyme commeth that I fhall receaue my rewarde of the: So that what foeuer is not fpeckeld and partie amonge the gootes JH. 31 fhal I then geue the ? 32 and the fpotted 33 & the fame fhalbe V. 27 experimeto didici quia bened. 30 nuc diues effectus es . . deus ad introitu meu ^^ Refpondebitque mihi eras iuflitia mea . . furti me argues %. 29 was fur eynen dienfl ich dyr gethan habe JE. JH. N. 33 Ryghteoufnes fygnifyelh here true and faythfull feruyce. %. M. N. 32 Zigen. Du muft hie dich nicht yrren, das Mofes, das kleyne viech, itzt zige, itzt lemmer, itzt bocke heyft, wie difer fprach art ill, Denn er will fo viel fagen, dz lacob hab alles weys einferbig viehe behalten vnnd alles bundte vnd fchwartz Laban gethan, was nu bund von dem einferbigen viech kerne, das follte leyn lohn feyn, des wart Laban froh, vnd hatte die natur fur fich, das vo eynferbigen nicht viel bundte naturlich komen, Aber la- cob halff der natur mit kunfl, das die eynferbigen viel bundle trugen. Durch dis gefchichte id bedeut, das durchs Euangelion w^erde die feele von den gefetz treybern vnd werck heyligen abgefurt, darynnen fie bund, fprincklicht vnd flecket, dz id, mit mancherley gaben des geyfl getziert werden Rom. 12. vnd i Cor. 12. das vnter dem gefetz vnd wercken nur die vntuchtigen bleyben, denn La- ban heyft, weys odder gleyfend, vnd bedeut, der gleyffener hauffen ynn den fchonen wercken auch gottlichs gefetzs. XXX. 34-43- calletr Genesis* 93 and blacke amonge the lambes, let that be theft with me. 34 Than fayde Laban: loo, I am contete, that it be 35 acordinge as thou haft fayde. And he toke out that fame daye the he gootes that were partie & of dyuerfe coloures, & all the gootes that were fpotted and partie coloured, & all that had whyte in the, & all the blacke amonge the lambes: ad put the in the kepinge of his 36 fonnes, & fett thre dayes iourney betwixte hifelfe & lacob. And fo lacob kepte y reft of Labas fhepe. 37 lacob toke roddes of grene popular, hafell, & of cheftnottrees, & pilled whyte ftrakes in the & made 38 the white apere in the ftaues: And he put the ftaues which he had pilled, eue before y fhe- [Fo. XLIII.] pe, in the gutters & watrynge troughes, whe the fhepe came to drynke: f they fliulde coceaue whe they came 39 to drynke. And the fhepe coceaued before the ftaues 40 & brought forth ftraked, fpotted & partie. The lacob parted the labes, & turned the faces of the fhepe tow- ard fpotted thinges, & toward all maner of blacke thinges thorow out the flockes of Laba. And he made him flockes of his owne by the felfe, which he 41 put not vnto the flockes of Laba. And allwaye in the firfl buckinge tyme of the fhepe, lacob put the ftaues before the fhepe in the gutters, f they myghte 42 conceaue before the ftaues, But in the latter buck- ynge tyme, he put them not there: fo the laft brode 43 was Labas and the firft Jacobs. And the man be- came excedynge ryche & had many fhepe, mayde- feruauntes, menferuauntes, camels & affes. "P. 37 ex parte decorticauit eas: detractifque corticibus in his quas fpoliata fuerant, cador apparuit: ilia vero quae integra fuerant viridia permanferunt: atque in hunc modum color ef- fectus eft varius. 42 Quado vero ferotina admifura erat, & c5- ceptus extremus 1. ;i2 das fey eyn diebftal bey myr. 36 vnd macht rawm 94 ^i)f ^W^^t iolte of Jloses, xxxi. 1-13 iE The .XXXI. Chapter. ND lacob herde the wordes of iSl.CD.S. At Labas tonnes how they fayde: ^^^ ^j q^^^ lacob hath take awaye all that lacob de- was oure fathers, and of oure ^L^bat^-toke fathers goodes, hath he gote all this hys goodes 2 honoure. And lacob behelde the coun- "l'^^ , ^^"t Rachel Jleal- tenauce of Laban, that it was not toward eth hyr fa- him as it was in tymes past. thers ymages. AT, T A^-A 1 r 1 T , Laban folow- 3 And the LORde fayde vnto lacob: gth lacob. turne agayne in to the lade of thy fathers The couen- 4 & to thy kynred, & I wilbe with y. Tha '^Laban ^ '^and lacob fent & called Rahel & Lea to the lacob. 5 felde vnto his fhepe & fayde vnto the: I fe youre fathers countenance ^ it is not toward me as in tymcs paft. Morouer .F. y God of my father hath bene with 6 me. And ye knowe how that I haue fcrued youre 7 father with all my myghte. And youre father hath difceaued me & chaunged my wages .x. tymes: But 8 God fuffred him not to hurte me. When he fayde the fpotted fhalbe thy wages, tha all the fhepe bare fpotted. Yf he fayde the ftraked fhalbe thi rewarde, 9 tha bare all the fhepe ftraked: thus hath God take 10 awaye youre fathers catell & geue the me. For in buckynge tyme, I lifted vp myne eyes and fawe in a dreame: and beholde, the rammes that bucked the 11 fhepe were ftraked, fpotted and partie. And the angell of God fpake vnto me in a dreame faynge: 12 lacob. And I anfwered: here am I. And he fayde: lyfte vp thyne eyes ad fee how all the rames that leape vpon the fhepe are ftraked, fpotted and partie: 13 for I haue fene all that Laban doth vnto f. I am ^ god of Bethell where thou anoynteddeft the ftone ad where thou vowdeft a vowe vnto me. Now aryfe and "F. I ditatus, factus efl. inclytus 2 heri & nudiuflertius [fo v. 5]. 6 totis viribus meis 3L. 2 wie giflern and ehigftern (and v. 5). XXXI. 14-26. calletr Genesis* 95 gett the out of this countre, ad returne vnto the lade 14 where thou waft borne. Than anfwered Rahel & Lea & fayde vnto him: we haue no parte nor enheritauncc 15 in oure fathers houfe he cownteth vs eue as ftraungers, for he hath folde vs, and hath euen eaten vp the price 16 of vs. Moreouer all the riches which God hath take from oure father, that is oures and oure childerns. Now therfore what foeuer God hath fayde vnto the, 17 that doo. Tha lacob rofe vp & fett his fones and wiues 18 vp vpon camels, & caried away all [Fo. XLIIIL] his catell & all his fubftace which he had gotte in Mefo- potamia, for to goo to Ifaac his father vnto the lade 19 of Canaan. Laba was gone to fhere his fhepe, & 20 Rahel had ftolle hir fathers ymages. And lacob went awaye vnknowynge to Laban the Sirie, & tolde him 21 not f he fled. So fled he & all f he had, & made him felf redy, & paffed ouer the ryuers, and fett his face ftreyght towarde the mounte Gilead. 22 Apo the thirde day after, was it tolde Laba f lacob 23 was fled. Tha he toke his brethre with him and fol- owed after him .vii. dayes iourney and ouer toke him at the mounte Gilead. 24 And God came to Laba the Siria in a dreame by nyghte, and fayde unto him: take hede to thi felfe, that thou fpeake not to lacob oughte fave good. 25 And Laba ouer toke lacob: and lacob had pitched his tete in f mounte. And Laban with his brethern 26 pitched their tete alfo apon the mounte Gilead. Than fayde Laba to lacob: why haft thou this done vn- knowynge to me ? and haft caried awaye my doughters ^. 20 And lacod dale awaye the hert of Laban the Syrian, in y he tolde hym 22 y lacob fled 25 tete in y moute. 26 done to fleale awaye my hert, and carye awaye . . the fvverde ? f'. 14 in facultatibus & haereditate 15 & vendidit, comeditque pretium noflrum 21 amne tranfmiffo pergeret 24 contra lacob. 25 lamque lacob extenderat 26 clam me abigeres 1. 13 zeuch widder ynn das landt deyner fruntfchafft 15 vnfer lohn vertzehret 20 alfo flal lacob dem Laban zu Syrian das hertz (v. 28) 21 fur vber das wafler 23 crwifTcht yhn H. JH. N. 20 Sfal das hertz; hertz flelen ift Ebreifch geredt, fo viel, als etwas thun hynder eyns andern wiffen, bedeut aber, das die gleubigen den rechten kern Gottis wort faffen, des die werck heyligen pymer gewar worden. 96 Eije fgrst 6oke of looses, xxxi. 27-38 as though they had bene take captyue with fwerde ? 27 Wherfore wenteft thou awaye fecretly vnknowne to me & dideft not tell me, f I myghte haue broughte y on the waye with myrth, fyngynge, tymrells and 28 harppes, and haft not fufifred me to kyffe my childern 29 & my doughters. Thou waft a fole to do it, for I am able to do you evell. But the God of youre father fpake vnto me yefterdaye faynge take hede that .?. 30 thou fpeake not to lacob oughte faue goode. And now though thou weteft thi waye becaufe thou logeft after thi fathers houfe, yet wherfore haft thou ftoUen my goddes ? 31 lacob anfwered & fayde to Laba: becaufe I was afrayed, & thought that thou woldeft haue take awaye 32 thy doughters fro me. But with whome foeuer thou fyndeft thy goddes, let him dye here before oure brethre. Seke that thine is by me, & take it to the: 33 for lacob wift not that Rahel had ftolle the. Tha wet Laba in to lacob's tete, & in to Leas tete, & in to .ii. maydens tentes: but fownde the not. Tha wet 34 he out of Leas tete, & entred in to Rahels tete. And Rahel toke the ymages, & put them in the camels ftrawe & fate doune apo the. And Laba ferched all 35 the tete: but fownde the not. Tha fayde (he to hir father: my lorde, be not angrye ;^ I ca not ryfe vp before the, for the difeafe of weme is come apon me. So fearched he, but foude the not. 36 lacob was wrooth & chode with Laba: lacob alfo anfwered and fayde to him: what haue I trefpaced or what haue I offended, that thou foloweddeft after me .* 37 Thou haft fearched all my ftuffe, and what haft thou founde of all thy houfholde stuffe ? put it here before thi brethern & myne, & let the iudge betwyxte vs 38 both. This .xx. yere f I haue bene wyth the, thy fhepe and thy gootes haue not bene baren, and the v. 28 (lulte operatus es 31 Quod infcio te profectus fum 32 Quod autem furti me arg-uis ;i^ Cumque intraffett. Rachelis 35 lie delufa folicitudo quaerentis eft. 37 fuppellectilem li. 29 vnd ich hette, gottlob, woU fo viel macht das ich euch kund vbels thun 35 vnd fand die bilder nicht XXXI. 39-49- calletr 0enestg. 97 39 rammes of thi flocke haue I not eate. What foeuer was tome of beafles I broughte it not vnto f, [Fo. XLV.] but made it good my filf: of my hade dydeft thou requyre it, whether it was ftoUen by daye or 40 nyghte Moreouer by daye the hete confumed me, and the colde by nyghte, and my flepe departed fr6 41 myne eyes. Thus haue I bene .xx. yere in thi houfe, and ferued the .xiiii. yeres for thy .ii. doughters, and vi. yere for thi fhepe, and thou haft changed my re- 42 warde .x. tymes. And excepte the God of my father, the God of Abraha and the God whome Ifaac feareth, had bene with me: furely thou haddeft fent me awaye now all emptie. But God behelde my tribulation, and the laboure of my handes: and rebuked the yefter daye. 43 Laban anfwered ad fayde vnto lacob: the dough- ters are my doughters, and the childern are my chil- dern, and the fhepe are my fhepe, ad all that thou feift is myne. And what can I do this daye vnto thefe my doughters, or vnto their childern which they 44 haue borne } Now therfore come on, let us make a bonde, I and thou together, and let it be a wytneffe be- 45 twene the & me. Than toke lacob a ftone and fett it vp 46 an ende, ad fayde vnto his brethern, gather vp an ende, ftoones And they toke ftoones ad made upright 47 an heape, and they ate there, vpo the heape. And Laba called it Zegar Sahadutha, but Jacob called it Gylead. 48 Than fayde Laban: this heape be witneffe betwene the and me this daye (therefore is it called Gylead) 49 and this totehill which the lorde .?. feeth tote hill, (fayde he) be wytneffe betwene me and "^^ beacon^^^ the when we are departed one from a T. 40 fugiebatque fomnus ab oculis meis 42 Abraham & ti- mor Ifaac 45 erexit ilium in titulum 47 Laban Tumulum teflis: & lacob Aceruum teflimonii, vterque iuxta proprietatem linguae fuae . . 48 Galaad, id eft tumulus teftis. 49 Intueatur & iudicet 3L. 42 meyn elend vnd erbeyt angefehen 45 zu eynem mal 49 vnd fey eyn wartte ^. ^. N. 42 Feare is taken for honoure as a fore in Gen. xx, c. 1. iH. N. 42 Furcht; lacob nennet hie Gott, Ifaac furcht dar- umb das Ifaac Gott furchtig war and Gottis diener. 48 Gilead; Gilead heyft eyn zeuge hauffe, vnnd bedeut die fchrifft, da viel zeugnis von Gott heuffig ynnen find. 98 Cije %st Iroke of looses, xxxi. so-xxxn. 4 50 nother: that thou (halt not vexe my doughters ne- ther fhalt take other wyves vnto them. Here is no man with vs: beholde, God is wytneffe betwixte the 51 and me. And Laban fayde moreouer to lacob: be- holde, this heape & this marke which I haue fett 52 here, betwyxte me and the: this heape be wytneffe and alfo this marcke, that I will not come ouer this heape to the, ad thou fhalt not come ouer this heape 53 ad this marke, to do any harme. The God of Abra- ham, the God of Nahor and the God of theyr fathers, be iudge betwixte vs. And lacob fware by him that his father Ifaac feared. 54 Then lacob dyd facrifyce vpon the mounte, and called his brethern to eate breed. And they ate breed and 55 taried all nyghte in the hyll. And early in the morn- ynge Laban rofe vp and kyffed his childern and his doughters, and bleffed the and departed and wet vnto XXXII, I his place agayne. But lacob went forth on his iourney. And the angells of God came & mett 2 him. And when lacob fa we them, he fayde: this is godes hooft: and called the name of that fame place Mahanaim. m. The .XXXII. Chapter. ACOB fente meffengers before JH.:.S. T/ie him to Efau his brother, vnto Angells la- the lande of Seir and the felde cob fendeth ofEdom. And he comaunded /^^/^^/ ^/^'^ hys brother them faynge: fe that ye fpeake after [Fo. Efau. How XLVL] this maner to my lorde Efau: ^'.^^ 'wrefiled IVttfl trie (Xft~ thy feruaunte lacob fayth thus. I haue geii which V. 52 aut ego tranfiero ilium pergens ad te: aut tu pras- terieris, malum mihi cogitans. 53 per timorem patris fui Ifaac. 55 in locum fuum. xxxii, 3 Milit autem & nuntios 4 domino meo (v. 5, 18) H. 50 Es ift hie keyn menfch mit uns 51, 52 das mal .xxxii, 2 heer lager, corrected into Mahanaim. XXXII. 5->s- wH''' enesis. 99 fogerned ad bene a ftraunger with La- tZ^l'nHcal- 5 ban vnto this tyme: & haue gotten oxen, ledhimlfrael. affes and fliepe, menfervauntes & wemanferuauntes, & haue fent to fhevve it mi lorde, that I may fynde grace in thy fyghte. 6 And the meffengers came agayne to lacob fainge: we came vnto thi brother Efau, and he cometh ageynft 7 the and .iiii. hundred men with hi. Than was lacob greatlye afrayde, and wifl not which waye to turne him felfe, and devyded the people that was with him & the fhepe, oxen and camels, in to .ii. companies, 8 and fayde: yf Efau come to the one parte and fmyte it, the other may faue it felfe. 9 * And lacob faydc: O god of my fa- * Prayer is ther Abraham, and God of my father to cleave vnto the promyjes Ifaac: LORde which faydefl vnto me, re- of god with a turne vnto thy cuntre and to thy kynrede, fi^^S^ fayth , T -11 1 11 1 -1 1 T ^^" to befech lo and 1 will de all wel with the. 1 am ^rod with a not worthy of the leafte of all the mercyes fervent de- and treuth which thou haft fhewed vnto ^m fuifyii thy feruaunte. For with my ftaf came I them for his over this lordane, and now haue I goten ^lYuth^ ^onlye. n ii. droves Delyver me from the handes As lacob here of my brother Efau, for I feare him: left ^^^^ he will come and fmyte the mother with the childern. 12 Thou faydeft that thou woldeft furely do me good, and woldeft make mi feed as the fonde of the fee which can not be nombred for multitude. 13 And he taried there that fame nyghte, & toke of that which came to hande, a preafent, .IT. vnto Efau his 14 brother: .ii. hundred fhe gootes ad .xx. he gootes: .ii 15 hundred fhepe and .xx. rammes: thyrtye mylch camels with their coltes: .xl. kyne ad .x. buUes: .xx. fhe affes IK. 9 do all well "F. 6 properat in occurfum tibi 7 & perterritus 8 et percuflerit 10 minor fum 11 percutiat matrem cum filiis 12 dilatares femen meum 15 camelos fcetas 3L. 6 zeucht dyr auch entgegen to ich byn zu geringe JH. JH. N. 10 To go with a ftaffe is a maner of fpeakig of the Hebrews which fygnifyeth nothing els but to go fymply, barely and without any riches or llreght as in Marc .vi, b. loo Cije fgrst tiofee of IHoscs, xxxn. 16-28 16 ad .X. foles and delyuered them vnto his feruauntes, euery drooue by them felues, ad fayde vnto them: goo forth before me and put a fpace betwyxte euery drooue. 17 And he comaunded .the formeft faynge Whe Efau my brother meteth the ad axeth the faynge: whofe feruaute art thou & whither gooft thou, & whofe ar thefe that 18 goo before f: thou fhalt fay, they be thy feruaunte Jacobs, & ar a prefent fent vnto my lorde Efau, and 19 beholde, he him felfe cometh after vs. And fo co- maunded he the feconde, ad euen fo the thirde, and lykewyfe all that folowed the drooues fainge, of this maner fe that ye fpeake vnto Efau whe ye mete him, 20 ad faye more ouer. Beholde thy feruaunte lacob com- eth after vs, for he fayde. I will peafe his wrath with the prefent f goth before me and afterward I will fee him myfelf, fo peradventure he will receaue me to grace. 21 So went the prefet before him ad he taried all that 22 nyghte in the tente, ad rofe vp the fame nyghte ad toke his .ii. wyves and his .ii. maydens & his .xi. fonnes, 23 & went ouer the foorde labok. And he toke them ad 24 fent the ouer the ryuer, ad fent ouer that he had ad taried behinde him felfe alone. And there wraflled a man with him vnto the [Fo. 25 XLVIL] breakynge of the daye. And when he fawe that he coude not prevayle agaynft him, he fmote hi vnder the thye, and the fenowe of Jacobs thy Ihranke 26 as he wraftled with him. And he fayde: let me goo, for the daye breaketh. And he fayde: I will not lett 27 the goo, excepte thou bleffe me. And he fayde vnto 28 him: what is thy name .'' He anfwered: lacob. And he fayde: thou fhalt be called lacob nomore, but Ifraell. v. 17 ifla quae fequeris ? 20 forfitan propitiabitur mihi 23 Transductifque omnibus quae ad fe pertinebat, manfit 25 tetigit neruum femoris . . . emarcuit. 26 afcendit aurora. iL. 20 Ich will yhn verfunen mit dem gefchenck . . . villeicht wirt er mich annehmen. 21 ym lager 25 ruret er das gelenck feyner hufft an H. JH. N. 28 Ifrael kompt von Sara, das heyft kempffen oder vber weldigen, da her auch Sar eyn fiirfl oder herr, vnd Sara eyn fiirftyn oder fraw heyfl, vnd Ifrael eyn fiirfl oder kempffer Gottis, das ift, der mit Gott ringet vnd angewynnet, wilchs gefchicht durch den glauben, der fo fefl an Gottis wort belt bis Gottis zorn vber windet vnd Gott zu eygen erlanget zum gnedigen vatter. XXXII. 29-XXXIII. 5. calletr Genesis* 101 For thou haft wraflled with God and with men ad haft preuayled. 29 And lacob afked him fainge, tell me thi name. And he fayde, wherfore doft thou afke after my name.'* 30 and he bleffed him there. And lacob called the name of the place Peniel, for I haue fene God face to face, 31 and yet is my lyfe referved. And as he went ouer Peniel, the fonne rofe vpon him, and he halted vpon 32 his thye: wherefore the childern of Ifraell eate not of the fenow that fhrancke vnder the thye, vnto this daye: becaufe that he fmote lacob vnder the thye in the fenow that fhroncke. The .XXXIII. Chapter. ACOB lyfte vp his eyes and ^.<^.%. Efau fawe his brother Efau come, fgr^ed^i-^J- & with him .iiii. hundred men. cob came into And he deuyded the childern ^^'^^'^ vnto Lea and vnto Rahel and vnto y .ii. maydens. 2 And he put the maydens ad their childern formeft, ad Lea and hir childern after, and Rahel ad Jofeph 3 hindermofl. And he went before them and fell on the grownde .vii. .?. tymes, vntill he came vnto his brother. 4 Efau ranne agaynft him and enbraced hym and fell on 5 his necke and kyffed him, and they wepte. And he lifte vp his eyes and fawe the wyves and their childern, _ ^. 28 hafl wraflled wyth God & haft preuayled, 30 Phe- niel (v. 31). xxxiii, 4 Efau ranne to mete him "V. 28 quoniam u contra deum fortis fuifti, quanto magis c5- tra homines prasualebis ? 29 nomen meii quod eft mirabile ? . . in eodem loco. 30 & falua facta eft anima mea. 31 claudi- cabat pede. 32 femoris eius, & obftupuerit. xxxiii, i Rachel, ambarumque 3 donee appropinquaret frater eius. 4 & ofculans fleuit. 1. 28 mit Gott vnd mit menfchen 30 vnd meyn feel ift genefen 32 hoh ader auff dem gelenck der hufft. xxxiii, 3 vnd buckt fich . . auff die erden (and v. 7) |[. pi. N. 30 To fe God face to face is to haue a certe and fure knowledge of him as in Ex .xxxiii, b. i.. ^. X. 30, 31 Pniel oder Pnuel heyft Gottis angeficht odder erkentnis, denn durch den glauben ym ftreyt des creutzs lernt man Gott recht erkennen, vnd erfaren, fo hats denn keyn nott mehr, fo geht die Sonne auff. I02 Efje fgrst iofte of JHoseg, xxxm.e-rs and fayde: what are thefe which thou there haft ? And he fayde: they are the childern which God hath geuen 6 thy feruaunte. Than came the maydens forth, ad dyd 7 their obayfaunce. Lea alfo and hir childern came and dyd their obayfaunce. And laft of all came lofeph and Rahel and dyd theyr obayfaunce. 8 And he fayde: what meanyft thou with all y drooues which I mett. And he anfwered: to fynde grace in the 9 fyghte of my lorde. And Efau fayde: I haue ynough 10 my brother, kepe that thou haft vnto thy filf. lacob anfwered: oh nay but yf I haue founde grace in thy fyghte, receaue my preafet of my hade: for I haue fene thy face as though I had fene y- face of God: wherfore 11 receaue me to grace and take my bleffynge that I haue brought the, for God hath geuen it me frely. And I haue ynough of all thynges. And fo he compelled him to take it. 12 And he fayde: let vs take our iourney and goo, and 13 I will goo in thy copany. And he fayde vnto him: my lorde knoweth that I haue tendre childern, ewes and kyne with yonge vnder myne hande, which yf men fhulde ouerdryue but euen one daye, the hole flocke wolde dye. [Fo. XLVIIL]. 14 Let my lorde therfore goo before his fervaunte and I will dryue fayre and foftly, accordynge foftly, at a as the catell that goth before me and the S^^tle pace childern, be able to endure: vntil I come to mi lorde vnto Seir. 15 And Efau fayde: let me yet leaue fome of my folke with the. And he fayde: what neadeth it .-* let me ^. II geue it me. And U. 6 incuruati 7 adoraffent . . adorauerunt. 8 Dixitque Efau . . domino 9 At ille 10 Noli ita obfecro . . munufculu 11 & qua, do- nauit . . tribues omnia. Vix fratre 13 domine . . paruulos te- neros 14 dominus 15 Non eft . necefle: hoc vno tantum indigeo, vt inueniam 1. II Nym den fegen an, den ich dyr zubracht hab 13 zarte kinder . . vbertryben 14 meylich hynnach treyben \. ^. N. 14 Meylich; Merck, das rechtgleubigen vnd werck heyligen nicht konnen mit eynander wandeln, denn die gleubigen faren feuberlich mit ftyllem geyft, aber die werckheyligen faren ftarck mit vermeffenheyt yhrer werck ynn gottis gefetzen. XXXIII. I6-XXXIV. 4. calleti (3tVLt&ifi* 103 16 fynde grace in the fyghte of my lorde So Efau went his waye agayne f fame day vnto Seir. 17 ' And lacob toke his iourney toward Sucoth, and bylt him an houfe, and made boothes for his catell: wherof the name of the place is called Sucoth. 18 And lacob went to Salem to y citie of Sichem in the lande of Canaa, after that he was come from Mef- 19 opotamia, and pitched before the cyte, and bought a parcell of ground where he pitched his tent, of the childern of Hemor Sichems father, for an hundred ao lambes. And he made there an aulter, and there called vpon the myghtie God of Ifraell. The .XXXIIII. Chapter. |INA the doughter of Lea which ^-d^-S. The fhe bare vnto lacob, went out "^Dynt^IacoL to fee the doughters of the daughter by lande. And Siche the fonne ihe^^yf/y- che. And of of Hemor the Heuite lorde of the coun- thegretbloude tre, fawe her, & toke her, and laye with A^dyngedone 3 her, and forced her: & his harte laye of lacob. vnto Dina f doughter of lacob. And 4 he loued y damfell & fpake Iddly vnto her, & fpake vnto his father Hemor faynge, gett me this mayde vnto my wyfe. JH. 18 And lacob came peafably in to the cite of Sichem. xxxiv, 3 laye vn Dina 1^. 17 Socoth, id eft tabernacula 20 inuocauit fuper illud for- tiffimum deum li^rael. xxxiv, i Dina filia Liae, vt videret 2 adama- uit eam: & rapuit . . . vi opprimes virginem. 3 Et conglutinata eft anima eius cum ea, triftemque deliniuit blanditiis. 2.. 19 Sichem, vmb hundert groffchen, Da felb richtet er feyne hutten auff, 20 vnd richtet daffelbs eyn alltar zu. xxxiv, 2 fchwecht fie, 3 vnd feyn hertz hieng an yhr, vnd hatte die dyrne lieb, vnd redet freuntlich mit yhr iE. f^. N- 2 To lye with hyr, looke in Gen. xix, g. %. ^. N. I Tochter des lands; was man auffer Gottis wort, bey der vernunfft vnd menfchUcher weyfheyt fucht, das verterbet gewiflich den geyft and glauben, darumb foil keyn zufatz menfch- licher lere vnd werck zu Gottis wort gethan werden. I04 Ejje ti^x&t hokt of IHoseg, xxxiv.s-17 5 .?. And lacob herde that he had defyled Dina his doughter, but his fonnes were with the catell in the felde, and therfore he helde his peace, vntill they 6 were come. Then Hemor the father of Sichem went 7 out vnto lacob, to come with him. And the fonnes of lacob came out of the felde as foone as they herde it, for it greued them, and they were not a Htle wrooth, becaufe he had wrought folie in Ifraell, in that he had lyen with Jacobs doughter, which thinge oughte not to be done. 8 And Hemor comened with the fainge.-* the foule of my fonne Siche logeth for youre doughter geue her 9 him to wyfe, and make mariages with vs: geue youre doughters vnto vs, ad take oure doughters vnto you, 10 and dwell with vs, & the lande fhall be at your pleaf- ure, dwell and do youre bufynes, and haue youre 11 poffeffions there in. And Sichem fayde vnto hyr father and hir brethern: let me fynde grace in youre eyes, and what foeuer ye apoynte me, apoynte, 12 that will I geue. Axe frely of me both ^^^^ ^^^^ the dowry & gyftes, and I will geue dowry, i/ie acordynge as ye faye vnto me, and geue f^ZUem"^^ me the damfell to wyfe. 13 Then the fonnes of lacob anfwered to Sichem ad Hemor his father deceytefully, becaufe he had defyled 14 Dina their fyfter. And they fayde vnto them, we can not do this thinge, f we fhulde geue oure fyfler to one that is vncircumcyfed, for that were a fhame vnto vs. 15 Only in this will we confent unto you.-* Yf ye will [Fo. XLIX.] be as we be, that all the men childern 16 amonge you be circumcyfed, tha will we geue oure doughter to you and take youres to vs, and will dwell 17 with you and be one people. But and yf ye will not harken vnto vs to be circumcyfed, than will we take oure doughter and goo oure wayes. T. 7 foedam rem operatus . . . rem illicitam perpetraffet. ii dabo: 12 augete dote 13 fasuientes ob ftuprum fororis, 14 Non poffu- mus . . . quod illicitum & nepharium 5.. 7 das er eyn narreyt ynn Ifrael begangen 10 wonet vnd werbet vnd erbet drynnen 12 foddert nur getroft yon mvr mor- gengab vnd gefchenck XXXIV. 18-29. c&iltXi &tnt&i&. io5 i8 And their wordes pleafed Hemor and Sichem his 19 fonne. And the yonge man deferde not for to do the thinge, becaufe he had a luft to lacobs doughter: he was alfo moft fett by of all that were in his fathers houfe. 20 Tha Hemor and Sichem went vnto the gate of their cyte, and comened with the men of their cyte faynge. 21 Thefe men ar peafable with vs, & will dwell in the lade and do their occupatio therin And in the land is rowme ynough for the, let vs take their doughters 22 to wyues and geue them oures: only herin will they confent vnto vs for to dwell with vs and to be one people: yf all the men childern that are amonge 23 vs be circumcyfed as they are. Their goodes & their fubftance and all their catell are oures, only let vs confente vnto them, that they maye dwell with vs. 24 And vnto Hemor and Sichem his fonne barkened all that went out at the gate of his cyte. And all the men childern were circumcyfed what fo euer went out 25 at the gates of his cyte. And the third daye when it was paynefuU to them, .ii. of the fonnes of lacob Simeon & Leui .IT. Dinas brethren, toke ether of them his fwerde & went in to the cyte boldly, and flewe 26 all f was male, and flewe alfo Hemor and Sichem his fonne with the edge of the fwerde, ad toke Dina their fifter out of Sichems houfe, and went their waye. 27 Than came the fonnes of lacob vpon the deede, and fpoyled the cyte, becaufe they had defyled their 28 fifter: and toke their fhepe, oxen, affes and what fo 29 euer was in the cyte and alfo in y- feldes. And all their goodes, all their childern and their wyues toke they captyue, and made havock of all that was in the houfes. "F- 18 Placuit oblatio eorum ig quin ftatim quod petebatur expleret . . . inclytus 21 quae fpatiofa et lata cultoribus indiget 22 Vnum eft, quo differtur tantum bonum, Si circuncidamus 23 & habitantes fimul, vnum efficiamus populum. 27 in vitio- nem ftupri. 29 duxerunt captiuas. il. 21 dife leut find fridfam bey vns 24 zu feiner ftad thor aus vnd eyn giengen (So v. 25) io6 Wi}t ti^xQt 6ofee of iHoses, xxxiv. 30-xxxv. 5 30 And lacob fayde to Simeon and Leui: ye haue troubled me ad made me ftyncke vnto the inhabita- tours of the lande, both to the Canaanytes and alfo vnto the Pherezites. And I am fewe in nombre. Wherfore they fhall gather them felves together agaynft me & flay me, and fo fhall I and my houfe 31 be dyftroyed. And they anfwered: fhuld they deall with cure filler as wyth an whoore ? m: The .XXXV. chapter. ND God fayd vnto lacob, aryfe JH.ffi^.S. la- id get the vp to Bethell, & '"-^nto^^'seihei dwell there. And make there &*buryeth his an aulter vnto God that ap- ^:''^X.'"'|X eared vnto the, when thou fleddeft from bora dyeth. 2 Efau thy brother. Than fayd lacob vnto j^^^L^li ^^/^ his [Fo. L.] houfholde & to all f were lande of Ca- with him, put away the flrauge goddes "'^'\\f ^^^^"' that are amonge you & make youre felues chel dyeth in 3 cleane, & chaunge youre garmetes, & let laboure: Ru- r Q ^ -D ^L 11 t. T ben laye with vs aryfe & goo vp to Bethell, ^ I maye his fathers make an aulter there, vnto God which concubyne. herde me in the daye of my tribulatio & //-^^^ ^"^ ^-^ was wyth me in the waye which I went. 4 And they gaue vnto lacob all the ftraunge goddes which were vnder their handes, ad all their earynges which were in their eares, and lacob hyd them vnder an ooke at Sichem. 5 And they departed. And the feare of God fell "F. 30 Quibus perpetratis audacter, lacob dixit odiofu . . Nos pauci fumus 31 vt fcorto abuti . forore noflra ? xxxv, 3 Sur- gite, & afcendamus 4 infodit eas fubter terebinthum . . poft vrbem 3/. 30 das ich flincke fur den eynwonern 31 mit vnfer fchwef- ter . . . handelln ? xxxv, 2 endert ewr kleyder 4 vergrub fie vnter eyne eyche JH. ^. N. 2 Straunge goddes; The fcripture calleth all maner of ydoUes or ymages ftraunge goddes, becaufe the worfhyppers of them efteme them as goddes. XXXV. 6-i8. calleti ^tntm, 107 vpon the cyties that were rounde aboute them, that 6 they durft not folowe after the fonnes of lacob. So came lacob to Lus in the lande of Canaan, otherwife called Bcthell, with all the people that was with him. 7 And he buylded there an aulter, and called the place Elbethell: becaufe that God appered vnto him there, when he fled from his brother. 8 Than dyed Debora Rebeccas norfe, and was buryed benethe Bethell vnder an ooke. And the name of it was called the ooke of lamentation. 9 And God appeared vnto lacob agayne after he 10 came out of Mefopotamia, & bleffed him and fayde vnto him: thy name is lacob. Notwithftondynge thou fhalt be no more called lacob, but Ifrael fhalbe thy name. And fo was his name called Ifraell. 11 .?. And God fayde vnto him: I am God allmightie, growe and multiplye: for people and a multitude of people fhall fprynge of the, yee ad kynges fhall come 12 out of thy loynes. And the lande which I gaue Abra- ha & Ifaac, will I geue vnto the & vnto thi feed after 13 the will I geue it alfo. And god departed fro him 14 in the place where he talked with him. And lacob fet vp a marke in the place where he talked with him: euen a pilloure of ftone, & powred drynkeoffringe 15 theron & powred alfo oyle theron, and called the name of the place where God fpake with him, Bethell. 16 And they departed from Bethel, & when he was but a feld brede from Ephrath, Rahel began to trauell. 17 And in travelynge fhe was in perell. And as fhe was in paynes of hir laboure, the mydwyfe fayde vnto her: 18 feare not, for thou fhalt haue this fonne alfo. Then as hir foule was a departinge, that fhe muft dye: fhe iH. 7 place Bethell 'W. 7 Domus dei 8 ad radices Bethel fubter quercum 13 Et receffit ab eo: 14 titulu lapideum 16 verno tempore 17 pericli- tari coepit 18 Egrediente autem anima prae dolore, & imminente iam morte, . . . X. 14 eyn fteynernmal 16 eyn feldwegs 18 Da yhr aber die feel ausgieng, das fie flerben mufle %. ^. N. 14 Tranckopfferj Das war weyn, wie das ynn den folgenden buchern gnugfam gefehen wirt. io8 Efje fgrgt Soke of JHoseg, xxxv. 19-29 called his name Ben Oni. But his father called him 19 Ben lamin. And thus dyed Rahel ad was buryed in the waye to Ephrath which now is called Bethlehem. 20 And lacob fett vp a piUer apon hir graue, which is 21 called Rahels graue piller vnto this daye. And Ifraell went thece and pitched vp his tent beyonde the toure of Eder. 22 And it chaunced as Ifrael dwelt in that lande, that Ruben went & laye with Bilha his fathers concubyne, & it came to Ifraels eare. [Fo. LI.]. The fonnes of lacob were .xii. in nombre. 23 The fonnes of Lea. Ruben, Jacobs eldeft fonne, 24 & Simeo, Leui, luda, Ifachar, & Zabulon. The fonnes 25 of Rahel: lofeph & Ben lamin. The fonnes of Bilha 26 Rahels mayde: Dan & Nepthali. The fonnes of Zilpha Leas mayde Gad & Afer. Thes are the fones of lacob which were borne him in Mefopotamia. 27 Then lacob went vnto Ifaac his father to Mamre a pricipall cyte, otherwife called Hebron: where Abraha 28 & Ifaac fogeorned as ftraungers. And the dayes of 29 Ifaac were an hundred & .Ixxx. yeres: & than felle he feke & dyed, ad was put vnto his people: beynge olde and full of dayes. And his fonnes Efau ad lacob buried him. V. 18 Ben-oni, id efl filius doloris mei . . . Beniamin, id eft filius dextrs. 20 hie eft titulus monumenti Rachel, vfque 21 trans turrem gregis. 22 quod illu minime latuit. 26 Mefopota- mia Syriae. 27 Mambre ciuitatem Arbee 29 Confumptufque aetate . . appofitus IL. 21 richtet eyne hutten auff ienfyddem turn Eder. 27 Mamre ynn die hewbt ftad, 29 ward krank ... alt vnd des lebens fatt fSi. iK. N. 18 Ben lamin; that is the fonne of the ryght had, And right hande is taken for good fortune. 29 To be put vnto his people looke in Gen. xxv, a. a. JH. N. 18 Ben Oni heyft meyns schmertzen fon Ben lamin heyft, der rechten fon. XXXVI. I-I3. calleti (^enesig. 109 The .XXXVI. Chapter. HESE are the generations of M..%. The Efau which is called Edo. '^i^^fofE/au, Jacob o^ E- Efau toke his wyues of the fau are ryche. douffhters of Canaan Ada the ^:^^ genealo- ^le oj hjau. doughter of Elon an Hethite, and Aha- ^Efaudwelleth libama the doughter of Ana, which Ana ^^ . ^^^ hill 3 was the fonne of Zibeon an heuyte, And 4 Bafmath Ifmaels doughter & fifter of Nebaioth. And Ada bare vnto Efau, Eliphas: and Bafmath bare Reguel: 5 And Ahalibama bare leus, laelam and Korah. Thefe are the fonnes of Efau which were borne him in the lande of Canaan. 6 And Efau toke his wyues, his fonnes and doughters and all the foules of his houfe: his .?. goodes and all his catell and all his fubftance which he had gott in the land of Canaan, ad went in to a countre away-e from his 7 brother lacob: for their ryches was so moch, that they coude not dwell together, and that the land v^here in they were ftraungers, coude not receaue the: becaufe of their catell. 8 Thus dwelt Efau in moute Seir, which Efau is called Edo 9 Thefe are the generations of Efau father of the 10 Edomytes in mounte Seir, & thefe are the names of Efaus fonnes: Eliphas the fonne of Ada the wife of Efau, ad Reguel the fonne of Bafmath the wife of Efau 11 alfo. And the fonnes of Eliphas were. Theman, Omar, 12 Zepho, Gaetham and kenas. And thimna was concu- byne to Eliphas Efaus fonne, and bare vnto Eliphas, Amalech. And thefe be the fonnes of Ada Efaus wyfe. 13 And thefe are the fonnes of Reguel: Nahath, Serah, |H. 6 catell and all his 1^. 6 & cucta quae habere poterat . . abiit in alteram regio- nem, receffitque 8 mote Seir, ipfe eft Edom. 5.. 2 Ana die neff Zib. 6 ynn eyn land von feynem bruder 7 nicht ertragen fur yhren guttern JH. JH. N. 4 Bafmath, other wyfe called Maheleth and fo in other places is there dyuers names geue to one perfon. no EJe fgrst ifofte of JHoses, xxxvi. 14-28 Samma and Mifa: thefe were the fonnes of Bafmath 14 Efaus vvyfe. And thefe were the fonnes of Ahalibama Efaus wyfe the doughter of Ana fonne of Zebeo, which fhe bare vnto Efau: leus, lealam and Korah. 15 Thefe were dukes of the fonnes of Efau. The chil- dern of Eliphas the firft fone of Efau were thefe: duke 16 Theman, duke Omar, duke Zepho, duke Kenas, duke Korah, duke Gaetham & duke Amalech: thefe are f dukes that came of Eliphas in the lande of Edom, ad thefe were the fonnes of Ada. [Fo. LII.] 17 Thefe were the childern of Reguel Efaus fonne: duke Nahath, duke Serah, duke Samma, duke Mifa. Thefe are the dukes that came of Reguel in the lande of Edom, ad thefe were the fonnes of Bafmath Efaus wyfe. 18 Thefe were the childern of Ahalibama Efaus wife: duke leus, duke laelam, duke Korah thefe dukes came 19 of Ahalibama f doughter of Ana Efaus wife. Thefe are the childern of Efau, and thefe are the dukes of them: which Efau is called Edom: 20 Thefe are the childern of Seir the Horite, the in- habitoure of the lande: Lothan, Sobal, Zibeon, Ana, 21 Difon, Efer and Difan. Thefe are the dukes of y horites 22 the childern of Seir in the lande of Edom. And the childern of Lothan were: Hori and Hemam. And Lothans fifter was called Thimna. 23 The childern of Sobal were thefe: Alvan, Manahath, 24 Ebal, Sepho & Onam. Thefe were the childern of Zibeo. Aia & ana, this was f Ana f foude y mules in 25 y wildernes, as he fed his father Zibeons affes. The childern of Ana were thefe. Difon and Ahalibama y doughter of Ana. 26 Thefe are the childern of Difon. Hemdan Efban, 27 lethran, & Chera. The childern of Ezer were thefe, 28 Bilhan, Seavan & Akan. The childern of Difan were: Vz and Aran. JE. 14 lealam and Roah 17 Miffa V. 16 Amalec. hi filii Eliphaz 19 eoru: ipfe eft. Edom. 24 in- uenit aquas calidas in folitudine, cu pafceret afmas Sebeon 25 Habuitque filium Difon, & filiam Oolibama. 1. 14 Ana der neffe 15 furften [and fo throughout this chapter] XXXVI. 29-43- CUiltti 0tieiiS* III 29 Thefe are the dukes that came of Hori: duke Lothan, 30 duke Sobal, duke Zibe6, duke Ana .f . duke Difon, duke Ezer, duke Difan. Thefe be the dukes that came of Hory in their dukedos in the lande of Seir. 31 Thefe are the kynges that reigned in the lande of Edom before there reigned any kynge amonge the 32 childern of Ifrael. Bela the fonne of Beor reigned in 33 Edomea, and the name of his cyte was Dinhaba. And when Bela dyed, lobab the fonne of Serah out of Be- 34 zara, reigned in his fteade. When lobab was dead, Hufam of the lande of Themany reigned in his fteade. 35 And after the deth of Hufam, Hadad the fonne of Bedad which flewe the Madianytes in the feld of the Moabytes, reigned in his fteade, and the name of his cyte was Avith. 36 Whe Hadad was dead, Samla of Mafreka reigned in 37 his fteade. Whe Samla was dead, Saul of the ryver 38 Rehoboth reigned in his fteade. When Saul was dead, Baal hanan the fonne of Achbor reigned in his fteade. 39 And after the deth of Baal Hanan the fonne of Ach- bor, Hadad reigned in his fteade, and the name of his cyte was Pagu. And his wifes name Mehetabeel the doughter of matred the doughter of Mefaab. 40 Thefe are the names of the dukes that came of Efau, in their kynredds, places and names: Duke Thimma, 41 duke Alua, duke letheth, duke Ahalibama, duke Ela, 42 duke Pinon, duke Kenas, duke Theman, duke Mibzar 43 duke Magdiel, duke Iram. Thefe be the dukes of [Fo. LUL] Edomea in their habitations, in the lande of their poffeflions. This Efau is the father of the Edomytes. M- 29 Sabal T. 30 Horraeorum qui imperauerunt in terra 35 Hoc quoque mortuo . . percuffit Madian in regione Moab 36 Semla de Mafreca. 38 Cumque et hie 39 Ifto quoque mortuo 5.. 35 Madianiter . . auff der Moabiter feld 36 Mafrek 1 1 2 Efje t^t^t hokt of IBoses, xxxvu. i-io C The .XXXVII. Chapter. ND Jacob dwelt in the lande JH.CS. /o- wherein his father was a ^htl" trethrln. ftraunger, ^ is to faye in lofeph drea- the lande of Canaan. ff.^f . ^, , " nated of hys 2 And thefe are the generations of brethren ^^ is lacob: when lofeph was .xvii. yere olde, /^^^ to the 11 7fl d 6 L t t C S he kepte fhepe with his brethren, and Jacob beway- the lad was with the fonnes of Bilha & ^^^^ lofeph. of Zilpha his fathers wyues. And he brought vnto 3 their father an euyll faynge ^ was of them. And Ifrael loued lofeph more than all his childern, becaufe he begat hym in his olde age, and he made him a coote of many coloures. 4 When his brothren fawe that their father loued him more than all his brethern, they hated him and 5 coude not fpeke one kynde worde vnto him. More- ouer lofeph dreamed a dreame and tolde it his breth- 6 ren: wherfore they hated him yet the more. And he fayde vnto them heare I praye yow this dreame which 7 I haue dreamed: Beholde we were makynge fheues in the felde: and loo, my fhefe arofe and ftode vp right, and youres ftode rounde aboute and made obeyfaunce S to my fhefe. Than fayde his brethren vnto him: what, fhalt thou be oure kynge or fhalt thou reigne ouer us."* And they hated hi yet the more, becaufe 9 of his dreame and of his wordes. IT. And he dreamed yet another dreame & told it his brethren faynge: behold, I haue had one dreame more: me thought the fonne and the moone and .xi. ftarres made lo obayfaunce to me. And when he had told it vnto his fa- ther and his brethern, his father rebuked him and fayde "9. 2 fedecim . . fuis adhuc puer: & erat 3 polymitam 4 quic- quam pacifice loqui. 5 maioris odii feminarium 8 fubiiciemur diti- oni tuas ? Haec ergo caufa fomniorum atque fermonum, inuidia^ & odii fomitem miniflrauit. \. 4 keyn freuntlich wort zufprechen \. f&.. N. 3 Der bundte rock lofephs war von mancherley farben faden gewebt, vnd bedeut die mancherley gnade vnd ga- ben des eynigen geyfls ynn Chriflo vnd feynen Chriflen. xxxvn. 11-24. calUti ^cmm* 113 vnto him: what meaneth this dreame which thou haft dreamed: fhall I and thy mother and thy brethren 11 come and fall on the grounde before the ? And his brethern hated him, but his father noted the {a.ynge. 12 His brethren went to kepe their fathers fhepe in Si- 13 chem, and Ifraell fayde vnto lofeph: do not thy breth- ern kepe in Sichem ? come that I may fend y to the. 14 And he anfwered here am I And he fayde vnto him: goo and fee whether it be well with thy brethren and the fhepe, and brynge me worde agayne: And fent him out of the vale of Hebron, for to go to Sichem. 15 And a certayne man founde him wandrynge out of his waye in the felde, ad axed him what he foughte. 16 And he anfwered: I feke my brethren, tell me I praye 17 the where they kepe fhepe And the man fayde, they are departed hece, for I herde them fay, let vs goo vnto Dothan. Thus went lofeph after his brethren, and founde them in Dothan. 18 And whe they fawe him a farr of before he came at them, they toke councell agaynst him, for to fley 19 him, and fayde one to another, Beholde this dreamer 20 Cometh, come now and let [Fo. LHU.] us fley him and caft him in to fome pytt, and let vs faye that fome wiked beaft hath deuoured him, and let us fee what his dreames wyll come to. 21 When Ruben herde that, he wet aboute to ryd him out 22 of their handes and fayde, let vs not kyll him. And Ru- ben fayde moreouer vnto them, fhed not his bloude, but caft him in to this pytt that is in the wildernes, and laye no handes vpon him: for he wolde haue rydd him out of their handes and delyuered him to his father agayne. 23 And as foone as lofeph was come vnto his breth- ren, they ftrypte him out of his gay coote that was 24 vpon him, and they toke him and caft him in to a pytt. But the pytt was emptie and had no water 'F. II Inuidebant ei igitur , , . rem tacitus conyderabat. 14 renuntiamihi quid agatur. 18 antequam accederet ad eos 20 cifler- nam veterem 22 animam eius . . manufque veftras feruate innoxias. 23 nudauerunt eum tunica talari & polymita 24 cifternam veterem, quae non habebat aquam. 1. II neydeten yhn 14 fage mir widder wie fichs hellt 114 ^6e fgrst ftofte o! looses, xxxvn. 25-36 25 therein. And they fatt them doune to eate brede. And as they lyft vp their eyes and loked aboute, there came a companye of Ifmaelites from Gilead, and their camels lade with fpicery, baulme, and myrre, and were goynge doune in to Egipte. 26 Than fayde luda to his brethre, what avayleth it that we fley oure brother, and kepe his bloude fecrett ? 27 come on, let vs fell him to the. Ifmaelites, and let not oure handes be defyled vpon him: for he is oure brother 28 and oure flefh. And his brethren were content. Than as the Madianites marchaunt men paffed by, they drewe lofeph out of the pytt and fold him vnto the Ifmaelites for .xx. peces of fyluer. .?. And they brought him into Egipte. 29 And when Ruben came agayne vnto the pytt and 30 founde not lofeph there, he rent his cloothes and went agayne vnto his brethern faynge: the lad is not yon- 31 der, and whether fhall I goo ? And they toke lofephs coote ad kylled a goote, & dypped the coote in the 32 bloud. And they fent that gay coote & caufed it to be brought vnto their father and fayd: This haue we 33 founde: fe, whether it be thy fones coote or no. And he knewe it faynge: it is my fonnes coote a wicked beaft hath deuoured him, and lofeph is rent in peces. 34 And lacob rent his cloothes, ad put facke clothe aboute his loynes, and forowed for his fonne a longe feafon. 35 Than came all his fonnes ad all his doughters to comforte him. And he wold not be comforted, but fayde: I will go doune in to y grave vnto my fonne, 36 mornynge. And thus his father wepte for him. And the Madianytes folde him in Egipte vnto Putiphar a lorde of Pharaos: and his chefe marfhall. "P. 30 Puer non coparet 33 fera peffima . . beflia deuorauit 35 vt lenirent dolorem patris, noluit confolationem accipere . . lugens in infernum. 36 Phutiphari eunucho Pharaonis maeiflro militum. H. 33 Eyn bofes ihier hat yhn freffen, Eyn reyffend thier . . . lofeph zuriffen 34 fack vmb fsyne lenden . . lange zeyt. 35 ynn die helle, 36 Pharao hoffemeyfler. JH. ^. N. 34 J^eni hys clothes: it was fpecially vfed amonge the hebrewes to rent their clothes whe the glorie of God was c5- tepned as here, where they feared God fo lytle as to kyll their awne brother. %. JE. N. 35 Vatter, das war Ifaac. XXXVIII. i-i 2. calletr megis* ii5 f[ The .XXXVIII. Chapter. ND it fortuned at that tyme JH.(!i:.S. Tht that ludas went from his JZ^^' The brethren & gatt him to a trefpace of man called Hira of OdoUam, lZf"i:iZ 2 and there he fa we the doughter of a man geaunce of god called Sua a Canaanyte. And he toke thatcameiher ^ vpo. luaa 3 her ad went in vnto her. And fhe con- laye wyth ceaued and bare a fonne and called his ^/ daughter 1 h(Xf7t(XT , I rl6 4 name Er. And fhe conceaued agayne byrthe of Pha- and bare a fonne and called him [Fo. ^^s' ^ Za- 5 LV.] Onan. And fhe conceaued the thyrde tyme & bare a fonne, whom fhe called Sela: & he was at Chefyb when fhe bare hem. 6 And ludas gaue Er his eldefl fonne, a wife whofe 7 name was Thamar. But this Er ludas eldeft fonne was wicked in the fyghte of the LORde, wherfore the 8 LORde fl'ewe him. Then fayde ludas vnto Onan: goo in to thi brothers wyfe and Marie her, and ftyrre vp 9 feed vnto thy brother. And when Onan perceaued that the feed fhulde not be his: therfore when he went in to his brothers wife, he fpylled it on the grounde, 10 becaufe he wold not geue feed vnto his brother. And the thinge whoch he dyd, difpleafed the LORde, wher- 11 fore he flew him alfo. Than fayde ludas to Thamar his doughter in lawe: remayne a wydow at thi fathers houfe, tyll Sela my fonne be growne: for he feared left he fhulde haue dyed alfo, as his brethren did. Thus went Thamar & dwelt in hir fathers houfe. 12 And in proceffe of tyme, the doughter of Sua ludas wife dyed. Than ludas when he had left mornynge, went vnto his fhepe fherers to Thimnath with his F. 2 & accepta vxore 5 Sela . quo nato, parere vltra ceffauit. 9 non fibi nafci filios 10 et idcirco percuffit eum dominus, eo quod rem deteflabilem faceret. 12 Euolutis autem multis diebus 5.. 8 famen erweckifl 10 gefiel dem Herrn vbel |b1. ^T. N. 7 To be ivy eked in the fight of the lorde, is to walke in wyckednes: knowinge that the lorde feeth vs and yet we wyll not repet. ii6 Efje i^xst Jjofee of floscs, xxxvm. 13-24 13 frende Hira of Odollam. And one told Thamar fay- nge: beholde, thy father in lawe goth vp to Thimnath, 14 to fhere his fhepe. And fhe put hyr wydows garmetes of from her and couered her with a clooke, and dis- gyffed herfelf: And fat her downe at the entrynge of Enaim which is by the hye- .?. wayes fyde to Thim- nath, for becaufe fhe fawe that Sela was growne, and fhe was not geue vnto him to wife. 15 When luda fawe her he thought it had bene an 16 hoore, becaufe fhe had couered hyr face. And turned to her vnto the waye and fayde, come I praye the, let me lye with the, for he knewe not that it was his doughter in lawe. And fhe fayde what wylt thou 17 gyue me, for to lye with me .'' Tha fayde he, I will fende the a kydd fro the fiocke. She anfwered, Than 18 geue me a pledge till thou fende it. Than fayd he, what pledge fhall I geue the.? And fhe fayde: thy fygnett, thy necke lace, and thy ftafife that is in thy hande. And he gaue it her and lay by her, and fhe 19 was with child by him. And fhe gatt her vp and went and put her mantell from her, ad put on hir widowes rayment agayne. 20 And ludas fent the kydd by his neybure of Odol- lam, for to fetch out his pledge agayne from the wifes 21 hande. But he fownde her not. Than afked he the men of the fame place faynge: where is the whoore that fatt at Enaim in the waye.-* And they fayde: 22 there was no whoore here. And he came to luda agayne faynge : I can not fynde her, and alfo the men of the place fayde: that there was no whoore there. 23 And luda fayde: let her take it to her, left we be fhamed: for I fent the kydd & thou coudeft not fynde her. 24 And it came to paffe that after .iii. mone- [Fo. ^. 18 thy fygnett, thy bracelet, and v. 12 Hiras opilio gregis OdoUamites 14 affumpfit theriflrum . . in biuio itineris 15 vultum fuum ne agnofceretur. 17 Patiar quod vis, fi dederis mihi arabone 20 per paflorem fuum OdoU. 23 certe mendacii arguere nos non poterit %. 12 mit feynem hirtten Hira von Odollam. 14 fur die thur eraus an dem wege gen Thimn. 18 deyn fechel 23 Sie habs yhr, das wyr nicht villeicht zu fchanden werden XXXVIII. 25-xxxix. 2. calleti Genesis, 1 1 7 LVI.] thes one tolde luda faynge: Thamar thy dough- ter in lawe hath played the whoore, and with playnge the whoore is become great with childe. And luda 25 fayde: brynge her forth ad let her be brente. And when they brought her forth, fhe fent to her father in lawe faynge: by the ma vnto whome thefe thinges pertayne, am I with childe. And fayd alfo: loke whofe 26 are this feall necklace, and flaffe. And luda knewe them faynge: fhe is more rightwes tha I, becaufe I gaue her not to Sela my fone. But he laye with her no more. 27 When tyme was come that fhe fhulde be delyuered, 28 beholde there was .ii. twynnes in hyr wobe. And as fhe traveled, the one put out his handeand the mydwife toke and bownde a reed threde aboute it faynge: this wyll 29 come out fyrft. But he plucked his hande backe agayne, and his brother came out. And fhe fayde: wherfore haft thou rent a rent vppon the ? and called him Pharez. 30 And afterward came out his brother that had the reade threde about his hade, which was called Zarah. m. The .XXXIX. Chapter. OSEPH was broughte vnto IK.C.S. God Egipte, ad Putiphar a lorde ^l^t^pla- of Pharaos: ad his chefe mar- raos\fic\'wyfe fhall an Egiptian, bought him temptetAhym ^ ^ ' He IS accufed of y Ifmaelites which brought hi thither ^cajlinpryf- .?. And the LORde was with lofeph, on. God hath , , . . r J -L. ii-ri mercye vpon luckie, prof- and he was a luckie felowe hym. perous ^^^ continued in the houfe JH. 25 feall, bracelet, and flaffe. IJ. 24 vid. vterusilliusintumefcere. 26ducereturadpoenam 27 ipfa effufione infantium 29 diuifa . . maceria ? xxxix, i eunuchus , . princeps exercitus 1. 29 umb deynen willen eyn fach geriffen ? xxxix, 2 gluck feliger man wart, vnd war 1. ^. N. 29 Perez eyn zureyfer, Sorah heyfl aufgang. Hie ift bedeut, das die werck heyligen fich euferlich flellen als wolten fie erfur vnd die erften feyn, vnd werden die letzten, darvber fich evn grofs reyffen hebt vnter dem volck Gottis. Aber der rod faden vmb die hand ift^ dafz fie fleyfchlich heylickeyt wircken vnd die rechten heylige verfolgen. ii8 Efje f^rst IioJte of IHoses, xxxix. 3-14 3 of his mafter the Egiptian. And his mafter fawe that the LORde was with him and that the LORde made all 4 that he dyd profper in his hande: Wherfore he founde grace in his mafters fyghte, and ferued him. And his mafter made him ruelar of his houfe, and put all that 5 he had in his hande. And as foone as he had made him ruelar ouer his houfe ad ouer all that he had, the LORde bleffed this Egiptians houfe for lofephs fake, and the bleffynge of the LORde was vpon all that he 6 had: both in the houfe and alfo in the feldes. And therfore he left all that he had in lofephs hande, and loked vpon nothinge that was with him, faue only on the bread which he ate. And lofeph was a goodly perfone & well favored 7 And it fortuned after this, that his mafters wife caft hir eyes vpon lofeph and fayde come lye with me. 8 But he denyed and fayde to her: Beholde, my mafter woteth not what he hath in the houfe with me, but 9 hath commytted all that he hath to my hande He him felfe is not greatter in the houfe than I, ad hath kepte nothige fro me, but only the becaufe thou art his wife. How than can I do this great wykydnes, 10 for to fynne agaynft God .'' And after this maner fpake flie to lofeph daye by daye: but he harkened not vnto her, to flepe nere her or to be in her com- n pany. [Fo. LVH.] And it fortuned aboute the fame feafon, that lofeph entred in to the houfe, to do his bufynes: and there was none of the houfhold by, in 12 the houfe. And fhe caught him by the garment fa- ynge: come flepe with me. And he left his garment 13 in hir hande ad fled and gott him out When fhe fawe that he had left his garmet in hir hande, and 14 was fled out, fhe called vnto the men of the houfe, and tolde them faynge: Se, he hath brought in an Hebrewe vnto vs to do vs fhame. for he came in to V. 8 nequaqua acquiefcens operi nephario lo et mulier mo- lefla erat adolefcenti . . . recufabat fluprum. ii operis quippiam abfque arbitris 12 lacinia veflimenti 13 & fe effe cotemptam 14 vt illuderet nobis i. 9 Vnd hat nichts fo gros ynn dem haus 10 das er neben yhr fchlieff, noch vmb fie were. 12 ervviffcht yhn bey feynem kleid 14 das er vns zu fchanden mache (v. 17) XXXIX. I5-XL. 3. calleti (Genesis, 119 me, for to haue flept wyth me. But I cried with a 'lowde voyce. 15 And when he harde, that I lyfte vp my voyce and cryed, he left his garment with me and fled awaye and got him out, 16 And fhe layed vp his garment by her, vntill hir 17 lorde came home. And fhe told him acordynge to thefe wordes faynge. This Hebrues fervaunte which 18 thou haft brought vnto vs came in to me to do me fhame. But as foone as I lyft vp my voyce and cryed, he left 19 his garment with me and fled out. When his mafter herde the woordes of his wyfe which fhe told him faynge: after this maner dyd thy fervaunte to me, he waxed wrooth. 20 And he toke lofeph and put him in pryfon: euen in the place where the kynges prifoners laye bounde. 21 And there contynued he in prefon. But the LORde was with lofeph ad fhewed him mercie, and gott him 22 fauoure in the fyghte of the keper of f prefon which com- .?. mytted to lofephs hade all the prefoners that were in the prefon houffe. And what foeuer was done 23 there, f dyd he. And the keper of the prefo loked vnto nothinge that was vnder his hande, becaufe the LORde was with him, & becaufe that what foeuer he dyd, the LORde made it come luckely to paffe. The .XL. Chapter. ND it chaunced after this, that JH.er.S. lo- the chefe butlar of the kynge -^dtth thl'drm. of Egipte and his chefe baker me s of the two had off-ended there lord the Pufoners. 2 kynge of Egypte. And Pharao was angrie with them 3 and put the in warde in his chefe marfhals houfe: euen "F. 16 In argumentu ergo fidei retentum pallium 19 & nimium credulus verbis coni. 20 cuflodiebantur 23 & omnia opera eius diri- gebat. xl. I vt peccarent duo eunuchi 2 Pharao (nam alter pincer- nis praeerat, alter pifloribus) IL. 1 5 floch vnd liefT hynaus. 17 deyn Ebreifcher knecht 22 auff das alles was da gefchach, durch yhn gefchehen mufte 23 gluck- lich abgehen lies I20 Efje fgrst ftolte of looses, xL.4-15 4 in y prefon where lofeph was bownd. And the chefe marfhall gaue lofeph a charge with them, & he ferued them. And they contynued a feafon in warde. 5 And they dreamed ether of them in one nyghte: both the butlar and the baker of the kynge of Egipte which were bownde in the prefon houfe, ether of them his dreame, and eche manes dreame of a fon- 6 drie interpretation When lofeph came fondrie, dif- in vnto them in the mornynge, and loked ^mct./eparate 7 apon them: beholde, they were fadd. And he afked 8 them faynge, wherfore loke ye fo fadly to daye ? They anfwered him, we haue dreamed a dreame, and haue no man to declare it. And lofeph fay- [Fo. LVIIL] de vnto the. Interpretynge belongeth to God but tel me yet. 9 And the chefe butlar tolde his dreame to lofeph and fayde vnto him: In my dreame me thought there 10 ftode a vyne before me, and in the vyne were .iii braunches, and it was as though it budded, & her 11 bloffos fhott forth: & f grapes there of waxed rype. And I had Pharaos cuppe in my hande, and toke of the grapes and wronge them in to Pharaos cuppe, & delyvered Pharaos cuppe in to his hande. 12 And lofeph fayde vnto him, this is the interpreta- 13 tion of it. The .iii. branches ar thre dayes: for within thre dayes fhall Pharao lyft vp thine heade, and reftore the vnto thyne office agayne, and thou fhalt delyuer Pharaos cuppe in to his hade, after the old maner, 14 even as thou dydeft when thou waft his butlar. But thinke on me with the, when thou art in good cafe, and fhewe mercie vnto me. And make mencion of me to Pharao, and helpe to brynge me out of this 15 houfe: for I was ftollen out of the lande of the Hebrues, & here alfo haue I done nothige at all wherfore they fhulde haue put me in to this dongeon. V. 5 iuxta interpretationem congruam fibi. 7 triflior . . hodie folilo facies 8 referte mihi quid videritis. 13 recordabitur Pharao miniflerii tui . . iuxta officium tuum, ficut ante i. 5 hatte feyne bedeutung- 8 Auslegen gehoret Gott zu, ertzelet myrs doch. 11 zudruckt fie ynn den becher 13 deyn heubt erheben . . nacii der vorigen weyfze 15 das fie mich eyngefetzt haben. XL. 16-XL1. 3. railed (Genesis;* 1 2 1 16 When the chefe baker fawe that he had well inter- pretate it, he fayde vnto lofeph, me thought alfo in my dreame, f I had .iii. wyker bafkettes on my heade: 17 And in y vppermoft baflrrum fuum fecundum . . genu flecterent 44 non mo- uebit quifquam manu aut ped. 45 & vocauit eum lingua ^gypt. Saluatorem mundi .... facerd. Heliopoleos. 47 in manipulos . . . congr. in horrea ^gypti. 49 arena; maris cosequaretur, & copia menfuram excederet. 52 terra paupertatis IL. 43 auff dein andern wagen faren, . . knye fur yhm beugen 49 alfo das er auffhoret zu zelen, denn man kunds nicht zelen. ^Vl. iH. N. 43 Abrech: that is tender father or as fome will bowe the knee. 45 zaphnath paena; they are wordes of Egypt, and as moch to faye: As a man to whome fecret thynges are opened. 46 When he Jlode before Pharao: that is whe he was admytted of Pharao into hys office, as in i Reg. xvi, d. \. iH. N. 45 Zaphnath paenea ift Egyptifch geredt, vnd noch vnbewufl was es fey, on das fo viel man fpuren kan, heyfl es wie man auff" deutfch fpricht, der heymliche nehifler radt. 51 Manaffe heyft vergeffen. 52 Ephraim heyft, die gewachfen. 126 ^fje fgrst bofte of JHoses, xu. 53-xLii. 6 53 And when the .vii. yeres of plenteoufnes that 54 was in the lande of Egypte were ended, than came the .vii. yeres of derth, acordynge as .?. lofeph had fayde. And the derth was in all landes: but in the 55 lade of Egipte was there yet foode. When now all the lande of Egipte began to hunger, than cried the people to Pharao for bread. And Pharao fayde vnto all Egipte: goo vnto lofeph, and what he fayth 56 to you that doo And when the derth was thorow out all the lande, lofeph opened all that was in the cities, and folde vnto the Egiptias And hunger waxed 57 fore in the land of Egipte. And all countrees came to Egipte to lofeph for to bye corne: becaufe that the hunger was fo fore in all landes. m: The .XLII. Chapter. ijHEN lacob fawe that there was JH.:..S. lo- , , ^ , J . T- i. fephs breth- corne to be folde m Egipte, '^/^ ^^^, ,-^^ he fayde vnto his fones: why Egypte to bye are ye negligent.? beholde, I Z'^no^ta haue hearde that there is corne to be thetn ajtd try- folde in Egipte. Gete you thither and '^'^ *^"\ f-T' ^ ' meon is.put in bye vs corne fro thece, that we maye pry/on, the 3 lyue and not dye. So went lofephs ten other retorne to tJtctT fctth^ct^ brethern doune to bye corne in Egipte, to fetche Ben 4 for Ben lamin lofephs brother wold not lamin. His lacob fende with his other brethren: ^'^'^ to lei hym ^o he fayde: fome myffortune myght happen but at thelajl jj he graunted it. 5 And the fonnes of Ifraell came to bye corne amonge other that came, for there was derth 6 alfo in the lande of Canaan. And lo- [Fo. LXIL] feph was gouerner in the londe, and folde corne to all the people of the londe. And his brethren came, and "F. 56 vniuerfa horrea & vendeb .... nam & illos oppreflerat fames. 57 & malum inopiae temperarent. xlii, i Quare negli- gitis ? 2 triticum. . . & non confumamur inopia. xLii. 7-19- calletr ^tnm&* 127 7 fell flatt on the grounde before him. When lofeph fawe his brethern, he knewe them: But made ftraunge vnto them, and fpake rughly vnto them faynge: Whence come ye? and they fayde: out of the lande of Canaan, 8 to bye vitayle. lofeph knewe his brethern, but tHey knewe not him. 9 And lofeph remembred his dreames which he dreamed of them, and fayde vnto them: ye are fpies, and to fe where the lande is weake is your comynge. 10 And they fayde vnto him: nay, my lorde: but to bye 11 vitayle thy feruauntes are come. We are all one mans fonnes, and meane truely, and thy feruauntes are no fpies. 12 And he fayde vnto them: nay verely, but euen to 13 fe where the land is weake is youre comynge. And they fayde: we thi feruauntes are .xii. brethern, the fonnes of one man in the lande of Canaan. The youngeft is yet with oure father, and one no man woteth where he is. 14 lofeph fayde vnto them, that is it that I fayde vnto 15 you, that ye are furelye fpies. Here by ye fhall be proued. For by the lyfe of Pharao, ye fhall not goo hence, vntyll youre yongeft brother be come hither. 16 Sende therefore one off you and lett him fette youre .?. brother, and ye fhalbe in preafon in the meane feafon. And thereby fhall youre wordes be proued, whether there be any trueth in you: or els by the lyfe 17 of Pharao, ye are but fpies. And he put them in warde thre dayes. 18 And lofeph fayde vnto the the thryd daye: This 19 doo and lyue, for I feare God Yf ye meane no hurte, let one of youre brethern be bounde in the preafon, and goo ye and brynge the neceffarie foode vnto youre F. 6 atque ad eius nutum 7 durius loquebatur , . victui ne- ceffaria. 8 infirmiora terrae 11 pacific! venimus, nee quicquam famuli tui machinantur mali. 12 immunita terras 13 alius non eft fuper. 15 per falutem Phar. 16 eritis in vinculis 19 Si pa- cifici eftis i.. 6 nydder zur erden auff ihr antlitz 7 redet hart 13 nicht mehr turhanden. 16 Bey dem leben Phar. 17 ynn eyn verwarung drey tag lang. 128 s^jje fgrst "bakt of looses, xm. 20-31 20 houfholdes, and brynge youre yongeft brother vnto me: that youre wordes maye be beleved, ad that ye dye not. And they did fo. 21 Than they fayde one to a nother: we haue verely ^{ynned agaynft oure brother, in that we fawe the anguyfh of his foull when he befought vs, & wold not heare him: therfore is this troubyll come apon vs. 22 Ruben anfwered the faynge: fayde I not vnto you that ye fhuld not fynne agaynft the lad: but ye wolde not heare And now verely fee, his bloude is requyred. 23 They were not aware that lofeph vnderftode them, for 24 he fpake vnto them by an interpreter. And he turned from them and wepte, and than turned to them agayne ad comened with them, and toke out Simeon from 25 amonge the and bownde him before their eyes, ad commaunded to fyll their fackes wyth corne, and to put euery mans money in his facke, and to geue them vitayle to fpende by the waye. And fo it was done to them. 26 [Fo. LXIIL] And they laded their affes with the 27 corne and departed thence. And as one of them opened his facke, for to geue his affe prauender in the 28 Inne, he fpied his money in his sacks mouth And he fayde vnto his brethren: my money is reftored me agayne, & is eue in my fackes mouth Than their hartes fayled them, and were aftoynyed and fayde one to a nother: how cometh it that God dealeth thus with vs } 29 And they came vnto lacob their father vnto the lande of Canaan, and tolde him all that had happened 30 them faynge. The lorde of the lade fpake rughly to 31 vs, and toke us for fpyes to ferche the countre. And we fayde vnto him: we meane trueSy and are no fpies. V. 20 veftros probare fermones et non moriamini. 21 Merito hasc patimur . . anguftias animae . . . ifta tribulatio. 22 en fanguis eius exquiritur. 25 faccos tritico 31 Pacifici fumus, nee vUas mo- limur infidias. 1. 20 glewben, das yhr nicht flerben muffet 21 angfl feyner feelen 22 blut gefoddert. 28 da entpfiel yhn yhr hertz ^X. AT. N. 22 To requyer the bloude of the hade of another, is to take vengeaunce of the euell done vnto him, as in Gen. ix, a. Pfal. ix. b, and Ezech iii, c. xLii. 32-38. calleti iSenrsis, 129 32 We be .xii. bretren fones of oure father, one is awaye, and the yongest is now with oure father in the lande of Canaan. 33 And the lorde of the countre fayde vnto us: here by fhall I knowe yf ye meane truely: leaue one of youre brethern here with me, and take foode neceffary 34 for youre houfholdes and get you awaye, and brynge youre yongeft brother vnto me And thereby fhall I knowe that ye are no fpyes, but meane truely: So will I delyuer you youre brother agayne, and ye fhall oc- cupie in the lande. 35 And as they emptied their fackes, beholde: euery- mans bundell of money was in his facke And when both they and their father fawe the bundells of money, they were afrayde. 36 .?. And lacob their father fayde vnto them: Me haue ye robbed of my childern: lofeph is away, and Simeon is awaye, and ye will take Ben lamin awaye. 37 All thefe thinges fall vpon me. Ruben anfwered his father faynge: Slee my two fonnes, yf I bringe him not to the agayne. Delyuer him therfore to my honde, 38 and I will brynge him to the agayne: And he fayde: my fonne fhall not go downe with you. For his broth- er is dead, and he is left alone Moreouer fome myf- fortune myght happen vpon him by the waye which ye goo. And fo fhuld ye brynge my gray head with forowe vnto the graue. V. 32 vnus non eft fuper 34 qui tenetur in vinculis . . . emendi habeatis licetiam. 35 His dictis cum frumenta . . ligatas pecunias 36 non eft fuper, Simeon tenetur in vinculis . . in me . . . reci- derunt. 38 ipfe folus remanfit . . cum dolore ad inferos. 31. 32 ift nicht mehr furhanden 34 im land werben. 36 lofeph ift nit mehr furhanden 38 alleyn vberblieben . . mit fchmertzen zur helle jH. fR. N. 38 Brynge me to my graue; that is, ye fhall brynge me to my death, as in Efa. xxxviii. I30 Efje fgrst iofte of JHoses, xlhi. i-n E The .XLIII. Chapter. ND the derth waxed fore in the JH..^. When lande. And when they had Be laminwas . , . , , brought, they eate vp that corne which they retorned with brought out of the lande of gyftes. Sy- Egipte, their father fayde vnto them: goo T/uZedlutof 3 agayne and by vs a litle food. Than pry f on. lo- fayde luda vnto him: the man dyd tefti- J''^^ ^J"*^ -' ' ajyae ana we- fie unto vs faynge: loke that ye fee not peth. They my face excepte youre brother be with p(iji together. 4 you. Therfore yf thou wilt fende oure brother with 5 vs, we wyll goo and bye the food. But yf thou wylt not fende him, we wyll not goo: for the man fayde vnto vs: loke that ye fee not my face, excepte youre brother be with you. 6 And Ifraell fayde: wherfore delt ye fo cruelly with me, as to tell the man that ye had yet [Fo. LXIIIL] 7 another brother } And they fayde: The man afked vs of oure kynred faynge: is youre father yet alyue.-* haue ye not another brother.-* And we tolde him acordynge to thefe wordes. How cowd we knowe that he wolde 8 byd vs brynge oure brother downe with vs.-* Than fayde luda vnto Ifraell his father: Send the lad with me, and we wyll ryfe and goo, that we maye lyue and not dye: 9 both we, thou and alfo oure childern. I wilbe fuertie for him, and of my handes requyre him. Yf I brynge him not to the and fett him before thine eyes, than let 10 me bere the blame for euer. For excepte we had made this tarieg: by this we had bene there twyfe and come agayne. 11 Than their father Ifrael fayde vnto the: Yf it muft nedes be fo now: than do thus, take of the beft frutes "F. 2 pauxillutn efcarum. 3 Denutiauit nobis . . . fub atteflatione iurifiurandi 4 ememus tibi neceffaria. 6 miferiam vt indicaretis 7 per ordinem noflram progenie . . iuxta id quod fuerat fcifcitatus 8 ne moriamur nos et paruuli noflri. 9 fufcipio puerum; . . re- quire ilium . . ero peccati reus %. 6 dem man anfaget 8 wir vnd du vnd vnfer kindle 9 burge fur yhn feyn xLiii. 12-22. callcti ^tnt5i&, 131 of the lande in youre veffeles, and brynge the man a prefent, a curtefie bawlme, and a curtefie curtefie, a of hony, fpyces and myrre, dates and 2l\- f'"^^^ ^"^"^^^^^ 12 mondes. And take as moch money more with you. And the money that was brought agayne in youre fackes, take it agayne with you in youre handes, per- aduenture it was fome ouerfyghte. 13 Take alfo youre brother with you, and aryfe and 14 goo agayne to the man. And God almightie geue you mercie in the fighte of the man and fend you youre other brother .?. and alfo Be lamin, and I wilbe as a ma robbed of his childern. 15 Thus toke they the prefent and twife fo much more money with them, and Ben lamin. And rofe vp, went downe to Egipte, and prefented them felfe to lofeph. 16 When lofeph fawe Ben lamin with them, he fayde to the ruelar of his houfe: brynge thefe men home, and fley and make redie: for they fhall dyne with me at 17 none. And the man dyd as lofeph bad, and brought them in to lofephs houfe. 18 When they were brought to lofephs houfe, they were afrayde ad fayde: becaufe of the money f came in our fackes mouthes at the firft tyme, are we brought, to pyke a quarell with vs & to laye fome thinge to oure charge: to brynge vs in bondage and oure affes 19 alfo. Therfore came they to the man that was the ruelar ouer lofephs houfe, and comened with him at 20 the doore and fayde: Sir, we came hither at the firfi; tyme to bye foode, 21 and as we came to an Inne and opened oure fackes: beholde, euery mannes money was in his facke with full weghte: But we haue broght it agene with us, 22 & other mony haue we brought alfo in our handes, to ^Bt. 12 agayne with you, peraduenture v. 14 vobis eu placabilem: . que tenet in vinculis, & hunc Beniamin i6 occide victimas, & inflrue conuiuium i8 vt deuoluat in nos calumnia 20 Oramus domine, vt audias nos 21 eodem pon- dere reportauimus. ^. 14 euch laffe ewrn andern bruder 18 das ers auff vns brenge 21 mit volligem gewicht 1. JH. N. II Diefe namen der fruchten find noch bifzher vn- gewifs auch bey den luden felbs. 132 Cfje fgrst iofte of looses, xun. 23-33 bye foode, but we can not tell who put oure money in oure fackes. 23 And he fayde: be of good chere, feare not: Youre God and the God of youre fathers hath put you that treafure in youre fackes, for I had [Fo. LXV.] youre 24 money. And he brought Simeon out to them ad led the in to lofephs houfe, & gaue them water to wafhe 25 their fete, and gaue their affes prauender: And they made redie their prefent agaynft lofeph came at none, for they herde faye that they fhulde dyne there. 26 When lofeph came home, they brought the prefent in to the houfe to him, which they had in their handes, ad fell flat on the grounde befor him. 27 And he welcomed the curteoufly fainge: is youre father that old man which ye tolde me of, in good 28 health.-* and is he yet alyue .-' they anfwered: thy fervaunte oure father is in good health, ad is yet alyue. And they bowed them felues and fell to the grounde. 29 And he lyfte vp his eyes & behelde his brother Ben lamin his mothers fonne, & fayde: is this youre yongeft brother of whome ye fayde vnto me.'' And fayde: God 30 be mercyfuU vnto y my fonne. And lofeph made haft (for his hert dyd melt apon his brother) and foughte for to wepe, & entred in to his chambre, for to wepe there. 31 And he waffhed his face and came out & refrayned him felfe, & bad fett bread on the table 32 And they prepared for him by himfelfe, and for them by them felues, and for the Egiptians which ate with him by them felues, becaufe the Egyptians may not eate bread with the Hebrues, for that is an abhomyna- 33 cyon vnto the Egiptians. And they fatt before him: i&- 30 fought where to wepe v. 22 in marfupiis noflris. 23 Pax vobifcum . . probatam ego habeo. 25 comefluri effent panem. 26 adorauerunt proni in ter- ram. 27 clementer refalutatis eis 28 Sofpes eft . . incuruati ador. 29 fratrem fuum vterinum 30 commota fuerant vifcera . . et erum- pebat lachrymas 31 continuit fe 32 prophanum putant a. 25 das brod effen follten. 27 Er aber gruffet fie freuntlich 30 feyns hertzen grund entbrand yhm 31 hielt fich feft |a. JH. N. 32 Abhominacion, that is, it was abhorred of the Egypcians that an Hebrew fhuld eate with the. XLIII. 34-XLIIII. 8. calleti (^enrsis. 133 the eldeft acordynge vnto his .?. age, and the yongeft acordyng vnto his youth. And the men marveled 34 amonge them felves. And they broughte rewardes vnto them from before him: but Ben lamins parte was fyue tymes fo moch as any of theirs. And they ate and they dronke, and were dronke wyth him The .XLIIII. Chapter. |NDhe commaunded the rueler ^S'^-^'/f^' fsph accufeth of his houfe faynge: fyll the his brother of mens fackes with food, as tWt- Ifd.'x , , , . , becominethfu- moch as they can cane, and ^^/y y^^ j^gfi put euery mans money in his bagge lamin. 2 mouth, and put my fyluer cuppe in the fackes mouth of the yongeft and his corne money alfo. And he 3 dyd as lofeph had fayde. And in f mornynge as foone as it was lighte, the me were let goo with their affes. 4 And when they were out of the cytie and not yet ferre awaye, lofeph fayde vnto the ruelar of his houfe: vp and folowe after the men and ouertake them, and faye vnto them: wherefore haue ye rewarded euell for 5 good? is that not the cuppe of which my lorde drynk- eth, ad doth he not prophefie therin .-' prophefie, di- ye haue euell done that ye haue done. '^ine 6 And he ouertoke them and fayde the fame wordes 7 vnto them. And they anfwered him: wherfore fayth my lorde foch wordes.-* God forbydd that thy fer- 8 uauntes fhulde doo fo. Beholde, the money which we founde in oure fackes mouthes, we brought agayne vnto the, out of the land of Canaa: how then fhulde "V- 33 primogenita fua . . . astatem fuam. 34 fumptis partibus quas ab eo acceperant: . et inebriati funt cum eo. xliiii, i fum- mitate facci. 2 tritici 5 Scyphus que furati eflis 6 apprehenfis per ordinem 8 quomodo confequens eft vt furati fimus ^- 33 gepurt . . . iugent 34 vnd wurden truncken mit yhm. xliiii, I oben ynn feynen fack 6 Vnd als er fie ergreiff 134 ^6^ ^S^^st tjokc of JEoseg, xLini.9-20 we fteale [Fo. LXVL] out of my lordes houfe, ether 9 fyluer or golde? with whofoeuer of thy feruauntes it be founde let him dye, and let vs alfo be my lordes 10 bondmen. And he fayde: Now therfore acordynge vnto youre woordes, he with whom it is found, fhalbe my feruaunte: but ye, fhalbe harmleffe. 11 And attonce euery man toke downe his facke to 12 the grounde, ad every man opened his facke. And he ferched, and began at the eldeft & left at the yongeft. 13 And the cuppe was founde in Ben lamins facke. Then they rent their clothes, and laded euery man his affe 14 and went agayne vnto the cytie. And luda and his brethre came to lofephs houfe, for he was yet there, 15 ad they fell before him on the grounde. And lofeph fayde vnto the: what dede is this which ye haue done.-* wift ye not that foch a man as I can prophefie .'' 16 Then fayde luda: what fhall we faye vnto my lorde, what Ihall we fpeake or what excufe can we make ? God hath founde out y wekedneffe of thy feruauntes. Beholde, both we and he with whom the cuppe is 17 founde, are thy feruauntes. And he anfwered: God forbyd f I fhulde do fo, the man with whom the cuppe is founde, he fhalbe my feruaunte: but goo ye in peace vn to youre father. 18 Then luda went vnto him and fayde: oh my lorde, let thy fervaunte fpeake a worde in my lordes audy- ence, and be not wrooth with .? . thi fervaunte: for 19 thou art euen as Pharao. My lorde axed his feruaunte 20 fainge: haue ye a father or a brother.? And we an- fwered my lord, we haue a father that is old, and a yonge lad which he begat in his age: ad the brother of the fayde lad is dead, & he is all that is left of that mother. And his father loueth him. JKl. 18 my lordes eare, and V. 14 Primufque ludas cum fratribus . . . omnefque . . . pa- riter in terram corruerunt. 1 5 fimilis mei in augur, fcientia ? 16 aut iufte poterimus obtendere? 17 Abfit a me . . . abite liberi 18 propius ludas . . tu es enim pofl Pharaonem dominus meus. 20 ipfum folum habet mater fua iL. 15 erradten kunde ? 16 fur wenden 17 mit friden 18 fur deinen oren 20 alleyn vberblieben von feyner mutter xLiiii. 21-34. calleU (Genesis, 135 21 Then fayde my lorde vnto his feruauntes brynge him vnto me, that I maye fett myne eyes apon him. 22 And we anfwered my lorde, that the lad coude not goo from his father, for if he fhulde leaue his father, he 23 were but a deed man. Then faydeft thou vnto thy fervauntes: excepte youre yongeft brother come with you, loke that ye fe my face no moare. 24 And when we came vnto thy feruaunt oure father, 25 we fhewed him what my lorde had fayde. And when . oure father fayde vnto vs, goo agayne and bye vs a 26 litle fode: we fayd, f we coude not goo. Nevertheleffe if oure yougefle brother go with vs then will we goo, for we maye not fee the mannes face, excepte oure 27 yongeft brother be with vs. Then fayde thy fervaunt oure father vnto vs. Ye knowe that my wyfe bare me 28 ii. fonnes. And the one went out from me and it is fayde of a fuertie that he is torne in peaces of wyld 29 beaftes, and I fawe him not fence. Yf ye fhall take this alfo awaye fro me and fome myffortune happen apon him, then fhall ye brynge my gray heed with forow vnto the grave. 30 [Fo. LXVII.] Now therfore whe I come to thy fer- vaunt my father, yf'the lad be not with me: feinge that 31 his lyfe hageth by the laddes lyfe, then as foone as he feeth that the lad is not come, he will dye. So fhall we thy fervautes brynge the gray hedde of thy fer- 32 vaunt oure father with forow vnto the grave. For I thy fervaunt became fuertie for the lad vnto my father & fayde: yf I bringe him not vnto the agayne. I will 33 here the blame all my life loge. Now therfore let me thy fervaunt byde here for y lad, & be my lordes bondman : & 34 let the lad goo home with his brethern. For how can I goo vnto my father, and the lad not wyth me: left I fhulde fee the wretchednes that fhall come on my father. v. 21 ponam oculos 26 non audemus videre 28 Egreffus efl vnus 29 cum moerore ad inferos. 30 anima illius ex huius anima dependeat 32 recepi fidem, & fpopondi 34 Non enim poffum . , . ne calamitatis . . . teflis affiflam. H. 28 Eyner gieng hynaus von myr 29 hynunter in die hell 30 weyl feyn feel an difes feel hanget 32 burge worden 34 iamer fehen, der meynem vatter begegen wurde. m3 136 Cjje fgrst hofee of iEoses, xlv. i-io The .XLV. Chapter. ND lofeph coude no longer re- r^jf'f^'^},^^ frayne before all them that hymfelfekno- ftode aboute him, but com- weji vnto his maunded that they fhuld goo jendeth ' for all out from him, and that there fhuld be his father. no man with him, whyle he vttred him felfe vnto his 2 brethern. And he wepte alowde, fo that the Egip- 3 tians and the houfe of Pharao herde it. And he fayde vnto his brethern: I am lofeph: doth my father yet lyue? But his brethern coude not anfwere him, for they were abaffhed at his prefence. 4 And lofeph fayde vnto his brethern: come nere to me, and they came nere. And he .?. fayde: I am 5 lofeph youre brother whom ye fold in to Egipte. And now be not greued therwith, nether let it feme a cruel thinge in youre eyes, that ye folde me hither. For God 6 dyd fend me before you to faue lyfe. For this is the feconde yere of derth in the lande, and fyue moo are behynde in which there Ihall nether be earynge nor hervefl. 7 Wherfore God fent me before you to make prouifion, that ye myghte continue in the erth and to fave youre 8 lyues by a greate delyuerance. So now it was not ye that fent me hither, but God: and he hath made me father vnto Pharao and lord ouer all his houfe, and 9 rueler in all the land of Egipte. Haft you ad goo to my father and tell him, this fayeth thy fonne lofeph: God hath made me lorde ouer all Egipte. Come downe 10 vnto me and tarye not. And thou fhalt dwell in the londe of Gofan & be by me: both thou and thi chil- T. I intereffet . . agnitioni mutuae. 3 nimio terrore perterriti. 5 pro falute enim veflra 6 nee arari . . nee meti 7 & efeas ad vi- uedum habere poffitis. 3IL. I mit feynen brudern bekennete 5 vnd denckt nicht das zorn fey . . vmb ewers lebens willen 6 pflugen . . . erndten 7 dureh eyn groffe errettunge \. ^. N. 4 zu myr: Das find die fuffen wort des Euangelii, alfo redet Chriftus mit der feelen im glawben, nach dem fie durehs gefetz vnd gewiffen der fund, woU gedemutiget vnd geengflet ifl. xLv. 11-23. calleti (Genesis* 137 dern, and thi childerns childern: and thy fhepe, and 11 beaftes and all that thou haft. There will I make provifion for the: for there remayne yet .v. yeres of derth, left thou and thi houfholde and all that thou haft perifh. 12 Beholde, youre eyes do fe, and the eyes alfo of my brother Ben lamin, that I fpeake to you by mouth. 13 Therfore tell my father of all my honoure which I haue in Egipte and of all that ye haue fene, ad make haft and brynge mi [Fo. LXVIIL] father hither. 14 [ And he fell on his brother Ben lamins necke & 15 wepte, & Ben lamin wepte on his necke. Moreouer he kyffed all his brethern and wepte apon them. And 16 after that, his brethern talked with him. And when the tidynges was come vnto Pharaos houffe that lo- fephes brethern were come, it pleafed Pharao well and all his feruauntes. 17 And Pharao fpake vnto lofeph: faye vnto thy breth- ern, this do ye: lade youre beeftes ad get you hence, 18 And when ye be come vnto the londe of Canaan, take youre father and youre houfholdes and come vnto me, and I will geue you the befte of the lande of Egipte, and ye ftiall eate the fatt of the londe. 19 And commaunded alfo. This do ye: take charettes with you out of the lande of Egipte, for youre childern and for youre wyues: and brynge youre father and come. 20 Alfo, regarde not youre ftuff, for the goodes of all the londe of Egipte fhalbe youres. 21 And the childern of Ifraell dyd euen fo. And lofeph gaue them charettes at the commaundment of Pharao, and gaue them vitayle alfo to fpende by the waye. 22 And he gaue vnto eche of them chaunge of rayment: but vnto Ben lamin he gaue .iii. hundred peces of 23 fyluer and .v. chaunge of rayment. And vnto his fa- ther he fent after the fame maner: x. he affes laden JH. 23 maner .x. afles T. II Ibique te pafcam i6 omnis familia eius. i8 mediiUam terras. 19 ac coniugu: et dicito, Tollite patrem veflrum & pro- perate quantocyus venientes 22 flolis optimis 23 lantudem pe- cuniae & veflium Bl. 12 mundlich mit euch rede 20 fchonet nicht ewrs haufzradts 138 Efje fgrst hokt of JHoses, xlv. 24-xLvi. 4 with good out of Egipte, and .x. fhe affes laden with corne, bred and meate: to ferue his .IT. father by the 24 waye. So fent he his brethern awaye, and they de- parted. And he fayde vnto them: fe that ye fall not out by the waye. 25 And they departed from Egipte and came in to the 26 land of Canaan vnto lacob their father, and told him faynge. lofeph is yet a lyue and is gouerner ouer all the land of Egipte. And lacobs hert wauered, for he be- 27 leued the not. And they tolde him all the wordes of lofeph which he had fayde vnto them. But when he fawe the charettes which lofeph had fent to carie him, 28 then his fprites reviued. And Ifrael fayde. {prites, /pirtis I haue ynough, yf lofeph my fonne be yet alyue: I will goo and fe him, yer that I dye. yer, before 1 The .XLVI. Chapter. SRAEL toke his iourney with M-<^-^. la- 11 i.t- \. 1- J J ^^^ with all all that he had, and came his houjholde vnto Berfeba and oiifred of- goeth to Jo- frynges vnto the God of his Egypt. ^^ The father Ifaac. And God fayde vnto Ifrael genealogie of in a vifion by nyghte, and called vnto 'Zfethh/s'ja- him: lacob lacob. And he anfwered: ther. here am I. And he fayde; I am that mightie God of thy father, feare not to goo downe in to Egipte. For I will make of the there a great people. I will go downe with y in to Egipte, & I will alfo bringe the vp agayne, & lofeph fhall put his hand apon thine eyes. H. 23 . . . addens . . triticum in itinere, panefque portates. 24 Ne irafcamini in via, 26 Quo audito lacob, quafi de graui fomno euigilans 27 reuixit fpiritus eius, & ait xlvi, i puteum iuramenti (v. 5) . . mactatis ibi victimis 2 audiuit eum i. 24 zancket nicht aufif dem wege. 26 feyn hertz fchlugs ynn wind 28 Ich hab gnug. xlvi, i opffert er opffer iH. ^. N. 3 / will make the a great people: that is I wyll multiplye thy feede, that many people fhall come therof 4 To put hys hande vpon his eyes is to be prefent at hys death and to burye him, as in Tob. xiiii, d. xLvi. S-2I. calleU &mtm, 139 5 And lacob rofe vp from Berfeba. And f fonnes of Ifrael caried lacob their father, ad [Fo. LXIX.] their childern and their wyues in the charettes which Pharao 6 had fent to carie him. And they toke their catell ad the goodes which they had gotten in the land of Ca- naan, and came in to Egipte: both lacob and all his 7 feed with him, his fonnes and his fonnes fonnes with him: his doughters and his fonnes doughters and all his feed brought he with him in to Egipte. 8 Thefe are the names of the childern of Ifrael which came in to Egipte, both lacob and his fonnes: Rube 9 Jacobs firft fonne. The childern of Ruben: Hanoch, 10 Pallu, Hezron and Charmi. The childern of Simeon: lemuel, lamin, Ohad, lachin, Zohar and Saul the fonne 11 of a Cananitifh woman The childern of Leui: Gerfon, 12 Kahath and Merari. The childern of luda: Er, Onan, Sela, Pharez and Zerah, but Er and Onan dyed in the lande of Canaan. The childern of Pharez, Hezro, & 13 Hamul. The childern of Ifachar: Tola, Phuva lob 14 and Semnon. The childern of Sebulon: Sered, Elon 15 and laheleel. Thefe be the children of Lea which fhe bare vnto lacob in Mefopotamia with his doughter Dina. All thefe fouUes of his fonnes and doughters make .xxx. and .vi. 16 The childern of Gad: Ziphion, Haggi, Suni, Ezbon, 17 Eri, Arodi and Areli. The childern of Affer: lemna, lefua, lefui, Brya and Se- .?. rah their fifter. And 18 the childern of Brya were Heber and Malchiel. Thefe are the childern of Silpha whom Laba gaue to Lea his doughter. And thefe (he bare vnto lacob in nombre xvi. foules. 19 The childern of Rahel Jacobs wife: lofeph and ben 20 lamin. And vnto lofeph in the lode of Egipte were borne: Manaffes and Ephraim which Afnath the dough- 21 ter of Potiphara preaft of On bare vnto him. The chil- iSi. 13 Semfon 15 make .xxx. and .iii. "F. 5 ad portandum fenem [The whole paffage 1-7 is very free.] 15 triginta tres. 20 facerdot. Heliopoleos iL. 6 erworben hatten 11 Gerfon, Cuhuz vnd M., 12 Hezron vnd Thamul 14 Semron 15 drey vnd dreyzg zeelen 16 Arobi 20 Priefters zu On HO tlTjie fgrst iiolte of JHoses, xlvi. 22-34 dern of Ben lamin: Bela, Becher, Afbel, Gera, Nae- 22 man, Ehi Ros Mupim, Hupim and Ard. Thefe are the childern of Rahel which were borne vnto lacob: xiiii. foules all to gether. 23, 24 The childern of Dan: Hufim. The childern of 25 Nepthali: lahezeel, Guni, lezer and Sillem. Thefe are the fonnes of Bilha which Laban gaue vnto Rahel his doughter, and fhe bare thefe vnto lacob, all to- 26 gether .vii. foulles All the fouUes that came with lacob in to Egipte which came out of his loyns (be- fyde his fonnes wifes) were all togither .Lx. and .vi 27 foulles. And the fonnes of lofeph, which were borne him in egipte were: .ii. foules. So that all the foulles of the houfe of lacob which came in to Egipte are .Lxx 28 And he fent luda before him vnto lofeph that the waye myghte be fhewed him vnto Gofan,and they came 29 in to the lande of Gofan And lofeph made redie his charett and went agaynft Ifraell his father vnto Gofan, ad pre- [Fo. LXX.] fented him felfe vnto him, and fell on his necke and wepte vpon his necke a goode whyle. 30 And Ifrael fayd vnto lofeph: Now I am cotet to dye, in fo moch I haue fene the, that thou art yet alyue. 31 And lofeph fayde vnto his brethre and vnto his fathers houfe: I will goo & fhewe Pharao and tell him: that my brethern and my fathers houfe which were in the lade of 32 Canaan are come vnto me, and how they are fhepardes (for they were men of catell) and they haue brought their fhepe and their oxen and all that they haue wi-th them. 33 Yf Pharao call you and axe you what youre occupa- 34 tion is, faye: thi feruauntes haue bene occupyed aboute catell, fro oure chilhode vnto thistyme: both weandoure fathers, that ye maye dwell in the lande of Gofan. For an abhominacyon vnto the Egiptians are all that feade fhepe. ^. 29 and wet to mete Ifrael 34 For the Egyptias abhore all fheppardes. TJ. 27 in Aegyptutn 28 vt nuntiaret ei, et ille occurreret in Geffen. 29 ad eudem locum ... & inter amplexus fleuit. 32 cu- ramque habent alendorum gregum: . omnia quae habere pe- tuerunt 34 refpondebitis, Viri paftores fumus . . . Haec autum dicetis JL. 26 die aus feynen landen komen waren 29 Vnd da er yn fahe 32 leute die mit vieh vmbgehen (v. 34) 34 Denn was vieh hirten find, das ill den Egyptern ein grewel. xLvii. i-io. calleti &tnm&. 141 C The .XLVII. Chapter. ND lofeph wet and told Pharao f-'^'^./f' ^ cob coineth be- and fayde: my father and my fore Pharao, brethern their (hepe and their ^ ^^nto hym is P' 11 P t ft B beaftes and all that they haue, i^nde of Go- are come out of the lade of Canaan and fan. Hefwer- 2 are in the lande of Gofan. And lofeph ^/^ ^%{'Tu. toke a parte of his brethern: euen fyue of ryall. 3 them, and prefented them vnto Pharao. And Pharao fayde vnto his brethern: what is your occupation? And they fayde vnto Pharao: feaders of fhepe are thi 4 feruauntes, both we ad alfo oure fathers. They fayde moreouer vnto Pha- .f. rao: for to fogeorne in the lande are we come, for thy feruauntes haue no pafture for their fhepe fo fore is the famefhment in the lande of Canaan. Now therefore let thy feruauntes dwell in the lande of Gofan. 5 And Pharao fayde vnto lofeph: thy father and thy 6 brethren are come vnto the. The londe of Egipte is open before the: In the beft place of the lande make both thy father and thy brothren dwell. And euen in the lond of Gofan let them dwell. Moreouer yf thou knowe any men of actiuyte amonge them, men of acti- 7 make them ruelars ouer my catell. And ^y^^.^blemen lofeph brought in lacob his father and fett him be- 8 fore Pharao. And lacob bleffed Pharao. And Pharao 9 axed lacob, how old art thou .'' And lacob fayde vnto Pharao: the dayes of my pilgremage are an hundred and: .xxx. yeres. Few and euell haue the dayes of my lyfe bene, and haue not attayned vnto the yeres of the lyfe of my fathers in the dayes of their pilgrem- 10 ages. And Jacob bleffed Pharao and went out from fL 3 Pharao: (heppardes are U. 2 Extremos quoque fratrum 6 viros induflrios 7 ftatuit eum coram eo [7-12 is very free with repeated omiffions.] i. 3 Wes nehret jr euch ? 6 offen, las fie . . die tuchtig find 7 flellet im fur Pharao 9 die zeit meiner walfart (3 times) iE. iH. N. 9 The dayes of hys pilgremage was all the tyme that he lyued, as in lob .xiiii, c, and Psal. cxviii, c. 10 To bleffe, is here to prayfe & geue thankes as a fore in the .xiiii. of Gene. d. and I Co. x, d. 142 Wif}t fgrst tiofte of JHoses, xlvh. 11-20 u him. And lofeph prepared dwellinges for his father and his brethern, and gaue them poffeflions in the londe of Egipte, in the beft of the londe: eue in the 12 lande of Raemfes, as Pharao commaunded. And lo- feph made prouyfion for his father, his brethern and all his fathers houfholde, as yonge children are fedd with bread. 13 There was no bread in all the londe, for the derth was exceadige fore: fo ;^ ;y- lode of Egipte & y lode of Canaan, were famefhyd by y reafon [Fo. LXXL] 14 of y derth. And lofeph brought together all y money f was founde in y lade of Egipte and of Canaan, for f corne which they boughte: & he layde vp the money in Pharaos houffe. 15 When money fayled in the lade of Egipte & of Canaan, all the Egiptians came vnto lofeph and fayde: geue us fuftenaunce: wherfore fuffreft thou vs to dye 16 before the, for oure money is fpent. Then fayde lo- feph: brynge youre catell, and I will geue yow for 17 youre catell, yf ye be without money. And they brought their catell vnto lofeph. And he gaue them bread for horfes and fhepe, and oxen and affes: fo he fed them with bread for all their catell that yere. 18 When that yere was ended, they came vnto him the nexte yere and fayde vnto him: we will not hyde it from my lorde, how that we haue nether money nor catell for my lorde: there is no moare left for my lorde, 19 but euen oure bodies and oure londes. Wherfore lateft thou vs dye before thyne eyes, and the londe to goo to noughte .'' bye vs and oure landes for bread: and let both vs and oure londes be bonde to Pharao. Geue vs feed, that we may lyue & not dye, & that the londe goo not to waft. 20 And lofeph boughte all the lande of Egipte for "P- 17 pro commutatione pecoru 19 redigatur terra in foli- tudinem. i.. 12 einem jglichen fein theil brod, von alten bis auff die jungen kinder. 13 jn alien landen . . verfchmachten 14 bracht alles geld zu zamen 18 vnfern herrn nicht verbergen . . auch alles vieh . . . beide vns fterben vnd vnfer feld ? 19 leibeigen feien . . nicht verwiifle. XLVII. 21-28. calleti (Genesis;* 143 Pharao. For the Egiptians folde euery man his londe becaufe the derth was fore apo them: and fo the londe 21 became Pharaos. And he appoynted the people vnto the cities, from one fyde of Egipte vnto the other: 22 only the londe of the Preftes bought he not. For there .IT. was an ordinance made by Pharao for f * preaftes, that they fhulde eate that * T/ie bMe which was appoynted vnto them: which previle^esfrb Pharao had geuen them wherfore they bearige with folde not their londes. Then lofeph fayde vnto the folke: be- holde I haue boughte you this daye ad your landes for Pharao. Take there feed and goo fowe the londe. And of the encreafe, ye fhall geue the fyfte parte 23 24 their brethre contrarye to Chrijles lawe of love. And of thefe pre- ftes of idolles did our cbpaf- f'lge yvetrees lerne to crepe vnto Pharao, and .iiii. partes fhalbe youre '"P h ^^^ ^ awne, for feed to fowe the feld: and for baffej e:reate you, and them of youre houfholdes, and trees of j 25 for youre childern, to eate. And they ^''^^^ "^'^^ anfwered: Thou hafl faued oure lyves Let vs fynde grace in the fyghte of my lorde, and let us be Pharaos fervautes. 26 And lofeph made it a lawe ouer the lade of Egipte vnto this daye: that men muft geue Pharao the fyfte part, excepte the hypocrifye, dd to thrufi f rotes of idola- tryffe fuper- ftition in to the Or' tofucke out / iuce of the with their poetrye, till Of II be feer londe of the preaftes only, which was not towes and no bond vnto Pharao. thinge grene 27 And Ifrael dwelt in Egipte: euen in {^^^ l^^l the countre of Gofan. And they had 'welth. their poffefTions therein, and they grewe and multi- 28 plyed exceadingly. Moreouer lacob lyued in the lande of Egipte .xvii. yeres, fo that the hole age of lacob was an hundred and .xlvii. yere. U. 20 Subiecitque ea Pharaoni 22 quibus & ftatuta cibaria ex horreis publicis praebebantur, & idcirco non funt compulfi vendere poff. fuas. 25 refpiciat nos tantum dom. nofler, et laeti feruiemus regi. 26 que libera ab hac conditione fuit. 28 vixit in ea it. 20 tewrung 21 fledten aus vnd einging 22 was jnen benant war . . durfiften . . nicht verkauffen. 23 Sihe, da habt jr famen 25 las vns nur leben 26 nicht eigen Pharao. JE. JH. N. 20 This name Pharao was a generall name to all the kynges of Egypte. As abimelech was a comen name to all the kynges of the gentiles, as in Exod. xvi. 144 E?je fgrst ijofte of JHoses, xlvh. 29-xLvin. e 29 When the tyme drewe nye, that Ifrael muft dye: he fent for his fonne lofeph and fayde vnto him: Yf I haue founde grace in thy fyghte, put thy hande vnder my thye and deale mercifully ad truely with me, 30 that thou burie me not in Egipte: but let me lye by my fathers, and ca- [Fo. LXXIL] rie me out of Egipte, and burie me in their buryall. And he anfwered: I 31 will do as thou haft fayde. And he fayde: fwere vnto me: ad he fware vnto him. And than Ifrael bowed him vnto the beddes head. The .XLVIII. Chapter. fFTERthefedeades,tydigeswere IH-C-.S. la- brought vnto lofeph, that his ^^^^ nlde- father was feke. And he toke fyreth Eph- with him his .ii. fones, Manaf- ^^'"^ and Ma- ' najfes for hys 2 fes and Ephraim. Then was it fayde vnto fonnes and lacob: beholde, thy fonne lofeph commeth bleJJTeth them. vnto the. And Ifraei toke'his ftrength vnto him, and 3 fatt vp on the bedd, and fayde vnto lofeph: God all mightie appeared vnto me at lus in the lande of Ca- 4 naan, ad bleffed me, and fayde vnto me: beholde, I will make the growe and will multiplye the, and will make a great nombre of people of the, and will geue this lande vnto the and vnto thy feed after y vnto an 5 euerlaftinge poffefTion. Now therfore thy .ii. fones Manaffes ad Ephraim which were borne vnto the be- fore I came to the, in to Egipte, fhalbe myne: euen 6 as Ruben and Simeo fhall they be vnto me. And the IP. 29 cerneret diem . . & facies mihi mifericordiam & verita- tem . . auferas me de terra hac, condafque in fepulchro maior. 31 Quo iurante, adorauit Ifr. dom., conuerfus ad lectuli caput, xlviii, 2 Dictumque eft feni . . Qui confortatus fedit in lectulo. i. 29 Hebe vnd trewe an mir thuft . . jm jrem begrebnis be- graben 31 jnn dem bette zum heubten. xlviii, 2 vnd Ifrael macht fich flarl< ^. ^H. N. 29 To put his hand vnder his thye, loke in Gen. xxiiii, a. 1. |R. N. 31 Nieget: Er lag im bette kranck, richtet fich doch auff, nieget fich zum heubten, vnd bettet, die weil thut lofeph den eid. xLviii. 7-i6. calleti ^tnt^is. 145 childern which thou geteft after them, fhalbe thyne awne: but fhalbe called with the names of their breth- ern in their enheritaunces. 7 And after I came from Mefopotamia, Rahel dyed apon my hande in the lande of Canaa, by the waye: when I had but a feldes bre- T. de to goo vnto Eph- rat. And I buried her there in y waye to Ephrat which is now called Bethlehem. 8 And Ifrael behelde lofephes fonnes & fayde: what 9 are thefe? And lofeph fayde vnto his father: they are my fonnes, which God hath geuen me here. And he fayde: brynge them to me, and let me bleffe them. 10 And the eyes of Ifraell were dymme for age, fo that he coude not fee. And he brought them to him, ad he 11 kyffed the and embraced them. And Ifrael fayde vnto lofeph: I had not thoughte to haue fene thy face, and yet loo, God hath fhewed it me and alfo thy feed. 12 And lofeph toke them awaye from his lappe, and they fell on the grounde before him. 13 Than toke lofeph them both: Ephraim in his ryghte hande towarde Ifraels left hande ad Manaffes in his left hande, towarde Ifraels ryghte hande, and brought 14 them vnto him. And Ifrael ftretched out his righte hande and layde it apon Ephraims head which was the yonger, and his lyft hade apon Manaffes heed, 15 croffmge his handes, for Manaffes was the elder. And he bleffed lofeph faynge: God before whome my fathers Abraham and Ifaac dyd walke, and the God which hath 16 fedd me all my life longe vnto this daye, And the angell which hath delyuered me fro all euyll, bleffe thefe laddes: f they maye be called after my name, V. 7 ipfo itinere, eratque vernum tempus: & ingred. 12 de gremio patris, adorauit 14 commutans manus. 15 Benedixitque lac. filiis los., & ait, Deus . . . qui pafcit me 16 et inuocetur fuper cos nomen 1/. 6 follen generet fein mit jrer briider namen 7 Ephrath, die jm Bethelehem iieift. 8 Wer find die ? 10 tunkel . fiir alter . . wol fehen . . hertzet fie, 11 vnd fprach 12 von feinem fchos, vnd er nieget fich 14 Vnd tiiet wiffend alfo mit feinen henden 15 erneeret hat . . diefen tag, 16 das fie nach meinem JH. itt. N. 14 The puttyng on of hades was comenly vfed of the Hebrews, whe they comended or offred any thyng to God, as Leuit. i, b. 146 Wt}t fsi^st iiofte of JHoses, xLvm. 17-xLix. 2 and after my father Abraham and Ifaac, and that they maye growe ad multiplie apo [Fo. LXXIII.] the erth. 17 When lofeph fawe that his father layd his ryghte hande apon the heade of Ephraim, it difpleafed him. And he Hfte vpp his fathers hade, to haue removed it 18 from Ephraims head vnto Manaffes head, and fayde vnto his father: Not fo my father, for this is the eldeft. 19 Put thy right hand apon his head. And his father wold not, but fayde: I knowe it well my fonne, I knowe it well. He fhalbe alfo a people ad fhalbe great. But of a troth his yonger brother fhalbe great- 20 ter than he, and his feed fhall be full of people. And he bleffed them fainge. At the enfample ^t the enfam- of thefe, the Ifraelites fhall bleffe and faye: pie, according God make the as Ephraim and as Manaffes. " Thus fett he Ephraim before Manaffes. 21 And Ifrael fayde vnto lofeph :beholde, I dye. And god fhalbe with you and bringe you agayne vnto the land of 22 youre fathers. Moreouer I geue vnto the, a porcyon of lande aboue thy brethern, which I gatt out of the handes of the Amorites wyth my fwerde and with my bowe. The .XLIX. Chapter. ND lacob called for his fonnes Sf /;/'';, cob blejjeth all ad fayde: come together, that his awnefon- I maye tell you what fhall nes andJhew- . . , n ^ ^^"- ^"^ what happe you m the lafl dayes. is to come. 2 Gather you together and heare ye fones He apoynteth c t -t 111 ^ T/- 1 where he wyl- of lacob, and herken vnto Ifrael youre ^^ buryed: father. anddyeth. V. 17 Ephraim, grauiter accepit 20 in tempore illo . . In te benedicentur Ifrael 22 vnam partem extra fratres 31. 16 . . das fie wafchen 17 gefiel es jm vbel 18 Nicht fo 19 Ich weis wol (bis) 20 gelegnet er fie des tages . . Nach deiner weife werde Ifrael gef. . . fetze dich . fetzt. . fur 22 ein fliick lands ib. Jtt. N. 22 Stuck: heifl im Ebrefchen Sichem, vnd die felbe flat meinet er hie. * A curious typographical error, nvafchen (to wash) being put for wachfen (to grow). XUX.3-IO. calletr &tnt^is* 147 3 .?. Ruben, thou art myne eldeft fonne, my myghte and the begynnynge of my ftrength, chefe in receau- 4 ynge and chefe in power. As unftable as water waft thou: thou fhalt therfore not be the chefeft, for thou wenft vp vpo thy fathers bedd, and than defyledeft thou my couche with goynge vppe. 5 The brethern Simeon and Leui, weked inftrumentes 6 are their wepos. In to their fecrettes come not my foule, and vnto their congregation be my honoure not coupled: for in their wrath they flewe a man, and 7 in their felfewill they houghed an oxe. Curfed be their wrath for it was ftronge, and their fearfnes for it was cruell. I will therfore deuyde them in lacob, & fcater them in Ifrael. 8 luda, thy brethern fhall prayfe the, & and thine hande fhalbe in the necke of thyne enimies, & thy 9 fathers childern fhall ftoupe vnto the. luda is a lions whelpe. Fro fpoyle my fonne thou art come an hye: he layde him downe and couched himfelfe as a lion, 10 and as a lioneffe. Who dare ftere him vp ? The fceptre fhall not departe from luda, nor a ruelar from V. 3 principium doloris mei 4 effufus es ficut aqua 6 & in voluntate fua fuffoderunt murum 9 quis fufcitabit eum 1. 36berfl jm opffer . . jm reicn 5 Vnrecht haben fiegehandelt 6 den ochfen verderbt 9 du bifl hoch komen . . widder yhn aufF lehnen? ^. ^. JT. 6 That is, cut the fenowes on the infyde the knee, or as fome call it the hamme, fo that he coulde not goo. 10 Sceptre is here taken for power royall & dignytie. Here is alfo prophecied the cominge of Chrift, as in Efaye. ix, a. Judge hys people, that is, he fhall rule & gouerne them, as Exo. xviii, d. iL. Jtt. N. 3 Reuben folt der erfle geburte wurde haben, nem- lich, das Priefterthum vnd konigreich, Nu aber wirds beides von jm genome vnd Leui das Priefterthum, vnd luda das konigreich gebe, Hie ifl bedeut, die Syund Nagaga, die das bette lacob, das ifl der Schrifft befuddelt mit falfche lere dariiber fie verloren hat Priefterthum & ynn konigreich Ifrael. 10 Scepter; Hie fehet an der fegen von Chrifto, der von luda geporn folk werden, vnd heyft yhn Silo, das ift der gluck felig feyn vnd frifch durch dringeii folt, mit geyft vnnd glauben, das zuuor durch werck faur vnd vn- felig ding war, darumb nenn wyr, Silo, eyn belt, denn das vorige teyl dis fegens betrifft den konig Dauid, vnd ift fonft ynn alien fegen nichts mehr von Chrifto Sondern alles ander ift von zeyt- lichem heyl, das den kindern Ifrael geben ift, als das Sebulon am mcer wonen bis gen Sidon, vnd Iffachar mitten ym land vom meer wonen, vnd doch zinfsbar gewefen ift den konigen von Affyrien, 148 K])t fgrst tiolte of iHoses, xlix. 11-22 betwene his legges, vntill Silo come, vnto whome the 11 people fhall herken. He fhall bynde his fole vnto the vine, and his affes colt vnto the vyne braunche, ad Ihall wafh his garment in wyne and his mantell in the 12 bloud of grapes, his eyes are roudier than roudier, rud- wyne, ad his teeth whitter then mylke. ^^^''' ^^^.der 13 [Fo. LXXIIII.] Zabulon fhall dwell in the hauen of the fee and in the porte of fhippes, & fhall reache vnto Sidon. 14 Ifachar is a ftronge affe, he couched him doune 15 betwene .ii. borders, and fawe that refl was good and the lande that it was pleafant, and bowed his fhulder to beare, and became a fervaunte vnto trybute. 16 Dan fliall iudge his people, as one of the trybes of 17 Ifrael. Dan fhalbe a ferpent in the waye, and an edder in the path, and byte the horfe heles, fo '^ his ryder 18 ihall fall backwarde. After thy fauynge loke I LORde. 19 Gad, men of warre fhall invade him. And he fhall turne them to flyght. 20 Off Affer Cometh fatt breed, and he fhall geue pleaf- ures for a kynge. 21 Nepthali is a fwyft hynde, ad geueth goodly wordes. 22 That florifhynge childe lofeph, that florifhing childe and goodly vn to the eye: the doughters come forth ^H. 22 the daughters ran vpon the walle. "F. 10 qui mittendus eft, et ipfe erit expectatio gentium, ii et ad vi-tem o fili mi, afmam 12 Pulchriores funt oculi 17 mordens ungulas equi, vt cadat afc. eius retro. 18 Salutare tuum expectabo 19 accinctus prasliabitur 20 praebebit delicias regibus. 21 dans eloquia pulchritudinis. 22 filias difcurrerunt fuper murum. ~%. 10 noch eyn meyfter von feynen fuffen, bis das der Hellt komme 14 beynern efel 17 reutter zu ruck falle 18 ich wartte auff deyn heyl 19 vnd widder erumb furen. 20 konigen nredliche fpeyfe 22 holdfelige kind . . die tochter tretten eynher im regiment fSi. ^1. N- 20 Fat brede, is plenteoufnes of the erth: as encreafe of corne and other. &c. therwith ftiall fede kinges, & all the me of the erth, as .ii. Efd. ix, c. Hl.iVt. N. 16 Den Segen Dan hat Sampfon erfullet, ludic. xii. 19 Gad hat feyn fegen aufzgericht, do fie fur Ifrael her zoge los. i. 20 AJjTer hat gut getreyde land ynnen gehabt. 21 Naphthali fegen ift erfullet durch Debora vnnd Barac lud. v. 22 Der fegen lofeph gehet auff das konigreych Ifrael vnnd ift ganz von leybli- chem regiment gefagt, das die tochter (das ift die ftedte ym land) wol regirt worden zeytlich, vnd viel propheten vnd gros leut zu eckfteyn hatten, vnd wie wol fie offt angefochte worden, ge- wonnen fie doch, vnd dis konigreich war im gefchlecht Ephraim, alfzo bleybt der geyftlich fegen vnd reich auff luda, vnd das leyplich reich auff Ephraim. xLix. 23-32. calleti Btntm. 149 23 to here ruele. The fhoters haue envyed him and chyde 24 with him ad hated him, and yet his bowe bode faft, & his armes and his handes were flronge, by the handes of the myghtye God of lacob: out of him fhall come 25 an herde ma a ftone in Ifrael. Thi fathers God fhall helpe the, & the almightie fhall bleffe the with bleflinges from heaven aboue, and with bleffmges of the water that lieth vnder, & with bleflinges of the brefles & of 26 the wombes .F. The bleffmges of thy father were ftronge: euen as the bleffmges of my elders, after the defyre of the hieft in the worlde, and thefe bleffmges fhall fall on the head of lofeph, and on the toppe of the head of him f was feparat from his brethern. 27 Ben lamin is a rauefhynge wolfe. In the mornynge he fhall deuoure his praye, ad at nyghte he fhall de- uyde his fpoyle. 28 All thefe are the .xii. tribes of Ifrael, & this is that which their father fpake vnto them whe he bleffed 29 them, euery man with a feverall bleffinge. And he charged them and fayde vnto them. I fhall be put vnto my people: fe that ye burye me with my fathers, in the caue that is in the felde of Ephron the Hethyte, 30 in the double caue that is in the felde before Mamre in the lande of Canaan. Which felde Abraham boughte 31 of Ephron the Hethite for a poffeflio to burye in. There they buryed Abraha and Sara his wyfe, there they buryed Ifaac and Rebecca his wyfe. And there I 32 buryed Lea: which felde & the caue that is therin, was bought of the childern of Heth. iSl. 25 wombe. V. 24 diffoluta funt vincula brach. & man. illius per . . inde paftor egreffus eft lapis Ifrael. 26 patris tui confortatas funt . . . patrum eius: donee ven. defyderium coUium aetern., . . et in vertice Nazaraei 29 ego congregor ad pop. 31 eum, et Saram [v. 32 want- ing in Latin] it. 24 die arm feyner hende . . find komen hirtten vnd fteyn 25 fegen von der tieffe . . an bruften vnd beuchen. 26 nach wundfch der hohen in der welt . . aus lofeph foUen hewbter werden, vnd vberfte Naferer 32 ynn dem gut des ackers vnd der hole drynnen |K. ^. N. 27 Wolfe is here taken in a good fence, and fignifi- eth a feruent preacher of godes worde as was Paule in whome this text is verified. 31. fi. N. 27 Ben lamin fegen hat S. Paullus erfuUet, odet der Konig Saul vnd die burger zu Gaba. ludic. xx. i5o Efje fgrst iroke of JHoges, xux. 33-L. 9 33 When lacob had commaunded all that he wold vnto his fonnes, he plucked vp his fete apon the bedd L, I and dyed, and was put vnto his people. And lo- feph fell apon his fathers face, and wepte apon him, and kyffed him. [Fo. LXXV.] The .L. Chapter. ND lofeph commaunded his fer- JH.(![^.S. la- uauntes that were Phificions, 'r't'L^^'Z''^- ' lofeph jor- to embawme his father, and geueth hys the Phificios ebawmed Ifrael brethre the JftttifV trtClt 3 xl. dayes loge, for fo loge doth y em- they dyd to bawminge laft, & the Egiptians bewepte ^/'^- ^^^ ^^ , . T 1 dyeth. nim .Lxx. dayes. 4 And when the dayes of wepynge were ended, lo- feph fpake vnto ^ houfe of Pharao faynge: Yf I haue founde fauoure in youre eyes, fpeake vnto Pharao and 5 tell him, how that my father made me fwere and fayde: loo, I dye, fe that thou burye me in my graue which I haue made me in the lande of Canaan. Now therfor let me goo and burye my father, ad tha will I come 6 agayne. And Pharao fayde, goo and burye thy father, acordynge as he made the fwere. 7 And lofeph went vp to burie his father, and with him went all the feruauntes of Pharao that were the 8 elders of his houfe, ad all y elders of Egipte, and all the houfe of lofeph ad his brethern & his fathers houfe: only their childern & their fhepe and their catell lefte 9 they behinde them in the lande of Gofan. And there went with him alfo Charettes and horfemen: fo that they were an exceadynge great companye. ^- 33 appofitufque eft . . . 1, i quod cernens . . . patrem. 2 Quibus iuffa 3 explentibus . . . cadauerum conditorum 5 in fepul- chro meo quod fodi mihi 7 fenes domus Phar., cunctique maiores natu terrae 9 turba non modica. 5^. 33 bette, nam ab. 1, 2 erzten {bis) 5 begrabe . . . grabe . . . graben hab 10 feer groffe vnd bittere klag L. I0 2I. calleti ^tntQifi. i5i 10 And when they came to f felde of Atad beyonde lor- dane, there they made great & excea- .?. dinge fore lamentacio. And he morned for his father .vii. dayes. 11 When the enhabiters of the lande the Cananytes fawe the moornynge in f felde of Atad, they faide: this is a greate moornynge which the Egiptians make. Wherfore f name of the place is called Abel miz- raim, which place lyeth beyonde lordane. And his 12 fonnes dyd vnto him acordynge as he had com- maunded them. 13 And his fonnes caried him in to the land of Canaan and buryed him in the double caue which Abraha had boughte with the felde to be a place to burye in, of 14 Ephron the Hethite before Mamre. And lofeph re- turned to Egipte agayne and his brethern, and all that went vp with him to burye his father, affone as he had buryed him. 15 Whe lofephs brethern fawe that their father was deade, they fayde: lofeph myght fortune to hate us and rewarde us agayne all the euell which we dyd 16 vnto him. They dyd therfore a commaundment vnto lofeph faynge: thy father charged before his deth fa- 17 ynge. This wife fay vnto lofeph, forgeue I praye the the trefpace of thy brethern & their fynne, for they rewarded the euell. Now therfore we praye the, for- geue the trefpace of the fervauntes of thy fathers God. And lofeph wepte when they fpake vnto him. 18 And his brethern came ad fell before him and fayde: 19 beholde we be thy fervauntes. And [Fo. LXXVL] lofeph fayde vnto them: feare not, for am not I vnder 20 god .'' Ye thoughte euell vnto me: but God turned it vnto good to bringe to paffe, as it is this daye, euen to 21 faue moch people a lyue Feare not therfore, for I will ^. 16 charged vs V. II loci illius, Planctus JEgypt'i. 15 & mutuo colloquentes 16 mandauerunt ei dicentes . . prascepit nobis 17 Obfecro vt obli- uifcaris . . malitiae quam exercuerut 19 nu dei poffumus refiftere uoluntati ? 20 faluos faceret i. 1 1 den ort, der Egypter leyde 14 fie yhn begraben 16 darumb lieffen fie yhm fagen 17 das fie fo vbel an dyr than haben 19 ich byn vnter Gott 20 gedachtet bofes vber mich . . zum gutten gewand 1 52 Efje t^x&t ijojte of JHoses, l. 22-26 care for you and for youre childern, and he fpake kyndly vnto them. 22 lofeph dwelt in Egipte and his fathers houfe alfo, 23 ad lyved an hundred & .x. yere. And lofeph fawe Ephraims childern, eue vnto the thyrde generation. And vnto Machir the fonne of Manaffes were childern borne, and fatt on lofephs knees. 24 And lofeph fayde vnto his brethern: I die And God will fuerlie vyfett you and bringe you out of this lande, vnto the lande which he fware vnto Abraham, 25 Ifaac and lacob. And lofeph toke an ooth of the childern of Ifrael ad fayde: God will not fayle but vyfett you, fe ther- 26 fore that ye carye my boones hence. And fo lofeph dyed, when he was an hundred and .x. yere olde. And they emba- wmed him and put him in a cheft in Egipte. :hef. eojin The end of the firft boke of Mofcs. v. 21 cdfolatufque eft eos, & blande ac leniter eft. locutus. 23 nati funt in genibus lofeph. 25 dixiflet, Deus vifitabit . . de loco ifto. 26 repofitus eft in loculo . . 31. 21 euch verforgen . . vnd er troftet fie vnd redet freuntlich mit yhn. 23 zeucheten auch kinder auff los. fchos. 26 eyn lade. fk. i&.. N. 24 God wyll vyfet you, that is, he wyll remember you and delyuer you oute of bodage that ye flialbe in vnder Pharao. .?. 31 table eicpountimge tttttp ne tDortiejJ I Abrech, tender father, or, as fome will, bowe the knee. Arcke, a fhippe made flatte as it were a chefl or a cofer. 5 Biffe: fyne whyte, whether it be filke or linen. Bleffe: godes bleffinges are his giftes, as in the firfle chaptre he bleffed them, fayng: growe & multiplye & haue dominion &c. And in the .ix. chaptre he bleffed Noe and his fonnes, & gaue the dominio over all beeftes lo & authoryte to eate the. And god bleffed Abraha with catell ad other ryches. And lacob defyred Efau to receaue f bleffinge which he brought him, f is, the preafent & gifte. God bleffed the .vii. daye, f is, gaue it a prehem^mence f men fhuld reft therein from 15 bodely laboure & lerne to know the will of god & his lawes & how to worke their workes godly all the weke after. God alfo bleffeth all nations in Abrahams feed, that is, he turneth his loue & favoure unto the and geveth the his fpirite and knowledge of the true waye, 20 ad lufl and power to walke therin, and all for chrifbes fake Abrahams fonne. Cain, fo it is writen in Hebrue. Notwitftodinge whether we call him Cain or caim it maketh no mat- ter, fo we vnderftond the meaninge. Euery lande hath 25 his maner, that we call Ihonn the welchemen call Evan: the douch hace. Soch dififerece is betwene the Ebrue, greke and laten: and that maketh them that tranflate out of the ebrue varye in names from them that tranf- late out of laten or greke. 30 Curfe: Godes curfe is the takynge awaye of his ben- efytes. As god curfed the erth and made it baren. So now hunger, derth, warre, peftilence and foch like are yet ryght curfes and fignes of the wrath of God vnto the vnbeleuers: but vnto them that knowe Chrift, 1 54 ^ iMt expountiinse they are very bleffinges and that wholfome croffe & true purgatorye of oure flefh, thorow which all muft go that will lyue godly ad be faued: as thou readeft Matt. V. Bleffed are they that fuffre perfecution for right- 5 ewefnes fake. &c. And hebrewes .xi. The lorde chaftyfeth whom he loveth and fcorgeth all the children that he receaveth. Eden: pleafure Firmament: The fkyes lo Fayth is the belevinge of goddes promeffes & a fure truft in the goodneffe and truth of god. Which faith iuftifyeth Abraha gen. xv. and was the mother of all his good workes which he afterward did. For faith is the goodneffe of all workes in the fight of God. 15 Good workes .?. are thinges of godes commaundemet, wrought in faith. And to fow a Ihowe at the com- maundement of god to do thy neyghboure fervice withal'l, with faith to be faved by Chrift (as god prom- yfeth vs.) is moch better the to bild an abbay of thyne 20 awne imagination, truftinge to be faved by the fayned workes of hypocrites. lacob robbed Laban his vncle: Mofes robbed the Egiptians: And Abraha is aboute to flee and burne his awne fonne: And all are holye workes, becaufe they were wrought in fayth at goddes 25 commaundement. To ftele, robbe and murther are no holye workes before worldly people: but vnto them that haue their trufte in god: they are holye when god commaundeth them. What god commaundeth not getteth no reward with god. Holy workes of mens 30 imagination receave their rewarde here, as Chrift tef- tyfyeth Matt. .vi. How be it of fayth & workes I haue fpoken abundantly in mammon. Let him that defyreth more feke there. Grace: fauoure. As Noe founde grace, that is to 35 faye favoure and love. Ham and Cam all one. lehovah is goddes name, nether is any creature fo called. And it is as moch to faye as one that is of him felf, and dependeth of nothinge. Moreouer as oft certegne bjorties i55 as thou feift LORde in gre- .f. at letters (excepte there be any erroure in the pretinge) it is in hebrewe lehovah, thou that arte or he that is. Marfhall, In hebreue he is called Sar tabaim, as thou 5 woldeft faye, lorde of the flaughtermen And though that Tabaim be take for cokes in many places, for the cokes did fle the beafles the felues in thofe dayes: yet it may be taken for them that put men to execution alfo. And that me thought it fhould here beft fignifye lo in as moch as he had the overfight of the kinges prefon and the kinges prefoners were they neuer fo great me were vnder his custodye. And therfore I call him cheffe marfhall an officer as is the lefetenaunte of the toure, or mafter of the marfhalfye. 15 Slyme was their morter .xi. Chapter, and flyme pittes .xiv. chapter: that flyme was a fatteneffe that ofed out of the erth lyke vnto tarre, And thou mayft call it cement, if thou wilt. Siloh after fome is as moch to faye as fent, & after 20 fome, happie, and after fome it fignifieth Mefias, f is to faye annoynted, and that we call Chrifte after the greke worde. And it is a prophefie of Chrift: For after f all y other tribes were in captiuite & their kyng- dom deftroyed, yet the tribe of luda had a ruler of 25 the famebloud, even vnto the comynge of Chrift. .?. And aboute the comige of Chrift the Romayns con- quered them, and the Emperoure gaue the kyngdom of tribe luda unto Herode which was a flraunger, even an Edomite of the generacyon of Efau. 30 Teftamet here, is an appoyntemet betwene god and ma, and goddes promyfes. And facramet is a figne rep- refentinge foch an appoyntement and promefes: as the raynebowe reprefenteth the promyfe made to Noe, that god will no more drowne the worlde. And circum- 35 ciflon reprefenteth the promyfes of god to Abraham on the one fyde, and that Abraha and his feed fhuld circumcyfe and cut off the luftes of their flefhe, on the other fyde, to walke in the wayes of the lorde: As baptyme which is come in the roume therof, now figni- 1 56 ^ table expountiinfle fieth on the one fyde, how that all that repent and beleve are wafhed in Chriftes bloud: And on the other fyde, how that the fame muft quench ad droune the luftes of the flefh, to folow the fteppes of Chrift. 5 There were tyrantes in the erth in thofe dayes, for the fonnes of god faw the doughters of men. &c. The fonnes of god were the prophetes childerne, which (though they fucceded there fathers) fell yet from the right Avaye, and thorow falfehod of hypocryfye fubdued lo the world vnder them, and became tyrantes, As the fuccef- .?. ours of the apoflles haue played with vs. Vapor, a dewy mifte, as the fmoke of a feth- ynge pott. To walke with god is to lyve godly and to walke 15 in his commaundementes. Enos walked with god, and was no moare fene : that is, he lyved godly and dyed, God toke him a waye: that is, god hyd his bodye, as he did Mofes ad Aarons: left haplye they fhuld haue made an IdoU of him, for he 20 was a great preacher and an holye man. Zaphnath paenea, wordes of Egipte are they (as I fuppofe) and as moch to faye: as a man to whom fecrete thinges be opened, or an expounder of fecrete thinges as fome enterprete it. 25 That lofeph broughtthe egiptians in to foch fubiiec- tion wold feme vnto fome a very cruell deade: how be it it was a very equal waye. For they payde but the fifte part of that that grewe on the grounde. And therwith were they qwytt of all duetyes, both of rent, 30 cuftome, tribute & toll. And the kinge therwith founde them lordes and all miniflres and defended them. We now paye half fo moch vnto the prefles only, befyde their other craftye exactions. Then paye we rent yerely, though there grow never fo litle on the 35 grounde. And yet, when the kinge cal- .1. leth paye we neuer the leffe. So that if we loke indifferently, their condition was eafyar the oures, and but even, a very indifferet waye, both for the comen people and the kynge alfo. 15 certcsne biortres iS; Se therfore that thou loke not on the enfamples of the fcripture with worldly eyes: left thou pre- ferre Cain before Abel, Ifmael before Ifa- ac, Efau before lacob, Ruben before lu da, Sarah before Pharez, Manaf es before Ephraim. And e- uen the worft before the beft, as the maner of the worl- de is. L Emprented at Malborow in the Ian de of Heffe, by me Hans Luft, the yere of oure Lorde, M. CCCCC.xxx. the xvii. dayes of lanu arij. A PROLO GE IN TO THE SECON* de boke of Mofes called Exodus. m c F the preface vppo Genefis mayft thou vn- derftonde how to behaue thi filf in this boke alfo ad i all other bokes of the fcripture. Cleaue vnto the texte and playne ftorye 5 and endevoure thi filf to ferch out the meaninge of all that is defcribed therin and the true fenfe of all maner of fpeakynges of the fcripture, of proverbes, fimilitudes ad borowed fpeach, wherof I entreated in the ende of the obedience, and beware of fotle allegoryes. And lo note euery thinge erneftly as thinges partayninge vnto thine awne herte and foule. For as god vfed hym fylf vnto them of the old teftament, even fo fhall he vnto the worldes ende vfe him filf vnto vs which haue receaved his holye fcripture ad the teftimonye of IS his fonne lefus. As god doeth all thinges here for them that beleve his promifes and herken vnto his com- maundmentes and with pacience cleaue vnto him and walke with him: euen fo fhall he do for vs, yf we re- ceaue the witneffe of Chrift with a ftronge faith and 20 endure paciently folowinge his fteppes. And on the otherfyde, as they that fell from the promises of god thorow vnbelefife and from his liawe and ordinaunces thorow impaciencie of their awne luftes, were for faken of god ad fo peryfhed: even fo fhall we as many as do 25 lykewyfe and as.f .manye as mock with the doctrine of chrifb and make a cloke of it to lyue flefhlye ad to folow oure luftes. Note therto how god is founde true at the laft, and how when all is paft remedye ad brought into defpera- ;o cion, he then fulfilleth his promifes, and that by an ab- iecte and a caftawaye, a defpifed and a refufed perfon: ye and by awaye impoffible to beleue. The caufe of all captiuite of goddes people is this. The worlde ever hateth them for their fayth and truft 35 which they haue in god: but i vayne vntill they falle fro the fayth of the promyfes ad love of the lawe ad ordi- i62 3E S naunces of god, and put their truft in holy deades of their awne findinge and live all to gether at their awne luft and pleafure without regard of god or refpecte of their neygboure. Then god forftketh vs and fendeth vs in to 5 captiuite for oure difhonouringe of his name and defpifinge of oure neghboure. But the world perfecuteth vs for oure faith in chrift only (as the pope now doeth) ad not for oure weked livinge For in his kigdome thou maift quietly ad with licece ad vnder a protectio doo what lo fo euer abhominatio thi herte lufteth: but god perfe- cuteth us becaufe we abufe his holye teftamet, ad becaufe that whe we knowe the truth we folowe it not. .?. Note alfo the mightye hand of the Lorde, how 15 he playeth with his aduerfaries ad provoketh the ad fturreth the upp a litle ad a litle, ad deliuereth not his people in an houre: that both the paciece of his electe ad alfo the worldly witte ad wilye policye of the weked wherwith they fight agaynft god, might appeare. 20 Marke the longefoferinge and fofte paciece of Mofes and how he loveth the people ad is euer betwene the wrath of god ad the ad is readye to lyue ad dye with the ad to be put out of the boke that god had written for their fakes (as Paule for his brothren Roma, ix.) and how 25 he taketh his awne wroges pacientlie ad never avengeth him filf And make not Mofes a figure of Chrift with Rocheftre: but an enfample vnto all princes ad to all that are in authorite, how to rule vnto goddes pleafure ad vnto their neyghbours profette. For there is not a 30 perfecter lyfife in this world both to the honoure of god and profytte of his neygboure nor yet a greatter croffe, the to rule chriftenlye. And of Aaron alfo fe that thou make no figure of chrift vntill he come vnto his facri- fifinge, but an enfample vnto all preachers of goddes 35 worde, that they adde nothing vnto goddes worde or take ought therfro. Note alfo how god fendeth his promiffe to .?. the people ad Mofes confermeth it with miracles ad the people beleve. But whe teptacion cometh they 40 falle into vnbeleffe ad few byde ftodinge. Where thou feeft that all be not chrifte that wilbe fo called, w t!r 163 ad that the croffe trieth the true fro the fayned: for yf the croffe were not Chrift fhuld haue diffiples ynowe. Wherof alfo thou feefb what an excellent gifte off god true fayth is, ad impoffible to be had without 5 the fprete of god. For it is aboue all naturall power that a man in tyme of teptation when god fcorgeth him fhuld beleue then fbedfafblye how that god loveth him ad careth for hi ad hath prepared all good thinges for him, ad that that fcorginge is as erneft that 10 god hath electe and chofe him. Note how oft Mofes fturreth the vpp to beleve ad to truft in god, puttinge the in remembraunce alwaye in tyme of temptation of the miracles and wonders which god had wrought before tyme in their eyfight. How 15 diligently alfo forbiddeth he al that might withdrawe their hartes from god.? to put nought to goddes word: to take nought therfro: to do only that which is right in the fyght of the Lorde: that they fhuld make no maner image to knele doune before it: ye that they fhuld make none 20 altar of hewed ftone for feare off images: .?. to flee the hethen Idolatres vtterly ad to deftroye their Idolles ad cutte doune their groves where they worfhupped: And that they fhulde not take the doughters of them vnto their fonnes, nor geue their doughters to the fonnes 25 of them. And that whofoeuer moued any of the to worJliuppe falfe goddes, how fo euer nye of kynne he were, they mull accufe him ad bryng him to deth, ye and wherefoeuer they hard of ma, woma or citye that worfhupped falfe goddes, they muft flee the ad deflroye 30 the citie for ever ad not bild it agayne. And all be- caufe they fhuld worfhuppe nothinge but God, nor put confidence in any thinge faue in his word Yee and how warneth he to beware of witchcraft, forcery, in- chauntment, negromatie ad all craftes of the devell, 35 ad of dreamers, fothfayers and of myracledoers to deftroye his worde, and that they fhulde fuffer none foch to lyue. Thou wilt happlye faye. They tell a man the truthe. What then.'' God will that we care not to knowe what 40 fhall come. He will haue vs care only to kepe his com- maundmetes and to commytte all chaunfes vnto him f 64 , 'Wi M He hath promyfed to care for vs and to kepe vs from all evell. All thinges are in his hande, he can remedye all thinges and wil for his truthes fake, yf we praye him. In his promyfes only will he haue vs truft ad there reft 5 ad to feke .?. no farther. How alfo doth he prouoke them to loue, euer reherfynge the benefites of God done to them all- ready and the godly promyfes that were to come .'' And how goodly lawes of loue geveth he .? to helpe lo one another: and that a man fhuld not hate his neyghboure in his harte, but loue him as him filf, Leuitici .xix. And what a charge geueth he in euery place over the poore and neadye: over the ftraunger frendleffe ad wedowe ? And when he defyreth to ftiew 15 mercye, he reherfeth with all, the benefites of God done to them at their neade, that they myght fe a caufe at the left waye in God to ftiew mercye of very loue vnto their neyghboures at their neade. Alfo there is no lawe fo fimple in apperaunce thorow out all the fine 20 bokes of Mofes, but that there is a greate reafon of the makynge therof if a man ferch diligently. As that a man is forbyd to feth a kyd in hys mothers milke, mou- eth vs unto compaffyon and to be pytyefull, As doth alfo that a man fhall not offer the fyre or dame and 25 the yonge both in one daye Leuitici .xxii. For it myght feme a cruell thing inj as moch as his mothers milke is as it were his bloude, wherfore god will not haue him fod therin: but will haue a man fhewe cur-.f .tefye vppon the very beaftes: As in another place he commaund- 30 eth that we mofell not the mouth of the oxe that tread- eth oute the corne (which maner of threfftiinge is vfed in hote contrees) and that becaufe we fhuld moch rath- er not grudge to be liberall and kynde vnto me that do vs fervice. Or happlye God wold have no foch wan- 35 ton meate vfed among hys people. For the kyd of it felf is noryfhinge and the gotes milke is reftauretyue, and both together myght be to rancke and therfore forbode or fome other like caufe therewas. Of the ceremonies, facrifices and tabernacle with all his 40 glorye ad pompe vnderftode, that they were not per- mitted only, but alfo commaunded of God to lead the pec- Wi C i65 pie in the (hadowes of Mofes ad night of the old teftamet, vntyll the light of chrift ad daye of the new teftamet were come: As childern are ledde in the phantafies of youth, vntyll the difcretio of mas age become vppon 5 them. And all was done to kepe them from idolatrye. The tabernacle was ordened to the entent they might haue a place appoynted them to do their facrifices openly in the fyght of the people ad namelye of the preaftes which waytedthero: that it might be fene that lo they dyd all thige accordig to gods word, and not after the Idolatrie of their awne .?. imaginacion. And the coftlineffe of the tabernacle ad the bewtye alfo pertayned therevnto, that they fhuld fe nothinge fo bew- tifuU amonge the hethe, but that they fhuld fe more 15 bewtifuU ad wonderful! at home: becaufe they fhuld not be moued to folowe them. And in like maner the diuers facions of the facrifices and ceremonies was to occupye their mindes that they fhuld haue no luft to folow the hethe: ad the multitude of them was, that they 20 fliuld haue fo moch to do in kepinge the that thei fhuld haue no leyfure to ymagine other of their awne: yee and that gods word might be by in all that they dyd, that they might have their fayth and truft in God, which he can not haue, that ether foloweth his awne inven- 25 cyons, or tradicyons of menes makynge wyth out Gods word. Finally God hath two teftamentes: the old and the newe. The old teftament is thofe temporal! promyfes which God made the childre of Ifrael of a good londe 30 and that he wolde defende them, and of welth and prof- peryte ad of temporall bleffynges of whiche thou read- eft ouer all the lawe of Mofes, But namelye Leuitici xxvi. And Deuteronomii .xxviii. ad the avoydynge of all threateninges and curfes off which thou readeft 35 lykewyfe everye where, but fpecyallye in the two places aboue reherfed, .f. and the avoydinge of all punyfhmet ordened for the tranfgreffers of the lawe. And the old teftamet was bilt all to gether vppo the kepinge of the lawe ad ceremonyes and was the 40 reward of kepinge of the in this liffe only, ad reached no further than this liffe and this world, as thou i66 5IE s readeft leu, xviii. a ma that doth them fhall live there in which texte Paule reherfeth Rom. x. and Gala, iii. That is, he that kepeth them fhall haue this lifife glorioufe accordinge to all the promifes and bleffinges 5 of the lawe, and fhall avoyde both all temporall pun- ifhment of the lawe, with al the threateninges and curf- inges alfo. For nether the lawe, euen of the .x. comaund- mentes nor yet the ceremonies iuftifyed in the herte before god, or purifyed vnto the life to come. Infomoch 10 that Mofes at his deeth euen. xl. yere after the lawe and ceremonyes were geuen complayneth fayenge : God hath not geven you an hart to vnderftonde, nor eyes to fe, nor eares to heare vnto this daye. As who fhuld faye, god hath geuen you ceremonies, but ye know not the IS vfe of them, and hath geue you a lawe, but hath not wryten it in youre hartes. Wherfore ferveth the lawe then, yf it geue vs no power to do the lawe .' Paule anfwereth the, that it was geuen to vtter fynne onlye and .?. to make it 20 appere. As a corofye is layde vnto an old fore, not to heale it, but to flere it vp ad to make the dif- eafe a lyve, that a ma might feale in what ioperdye he is ad how nye deeth ad not aware, ad to make awaye vnto the healinge playfter. Eue fo fayth 25 Paule Gala. iii. The lawe was geven becaufe of tranf- grefTio (that is, to make the fynne alyve that it might be felt and fene) untill the feed came vnto whom it was promifed: that is to faie, vntil the childern of fayth came, or vntill Chrift that feed in whom god promifed 30 Abraha that all nations of the worlde fhuld be bleffed, came. That is, the lawe was geue to vtter fynne, deeth damnatio and curfe, ad to dryve vnto Chrift in who forgeueneffe, life, iuftifyinge ad bleffmges were promifed, that we might fe fo greate love of god to vs 35 ward in chrift, that we heceforth ouercome with kind- neffe might love againe ad of love kepe the comaud- metes. So now he that goeth aboute to quiette his cofciece ad to iuflifye him filf with the lawe, doth but heale his wondes with freatlge corefyes. And he that 40 goeth aboute to purchafe grace with ceremonies, doth but fucke the alepope to qwech his thirft, in as moch as EE K 167 the ceremonies were not geve to iuftifie the herte, but to fignifie the iuftifiynge: and forgeueneffe that is in chriftes bloude .f . Of the ceremonies that they iustifie not, thou read- 5 eft. Ebrues .x. It is impoffible that fynne fhuld be done awaye with the bloud of oxe ad gootes. And of the law thou readeft .Gala. iii. Yf there had bene a lawe geue that coude haue quykened or geue liffe, then had rightuoufneffe or iuftifyinge come by the lawe in dede. 10 Now the lawe not only quyckeneth not the harte, but alfo woundeth it with confcience of fynne and minif- treth deeth ad damnacio vnto her: ii. Corin. iii. fo that fhe muft neades dye ad be damned excepte Ihe finde other remedy, fo farre it is of that fhe is iuftified or 15 holpe by the lawe. The newe teftament is thofe euerlaftinge promyfes which are made vs in chrift the Lorde thorow out all the fcripture. And that teftamet is bylt on faith ad not on workes. For it is not fayde of that teftament 20 he that worketh fhall lyue: But he that beleveth fhall lyue, as thou readeft .loan. iii. God fo loued the worlde that he gaue his only begote fonne that none which beleue in hi fhuld perifh but haue euerlaftinge lyfe. And when this teftament is preached and be- 25 leued, the fprete entreth the hart and quyckeneth it, and geueth her lyfe and iuftifieth her. The fprete alfo maketh the lawe a lyuely thing .T. in the herte, fo that a man bringeth forth good workes of his awne acord without compulfio of the lawe, without feare 30 of threateninges or curfmges: yee and with out all maner refpecte or loue vnto any temporal pleafure, But of the very power of the fprete receaved thorow faith. As thou readeft .loan .i. He gaue them power to be the fonnes of God in that they beleued on his 35 name. And of that power they worke: fo that he which hath the fprete of chrift is now no moare a childe: he nether learneth or worketh now any longer for payne of the rodde or for feare of boogges or pleaf- ure of apples. But doth althinges of his awne courage 40 As chrift fayeth .loan. vii. He that beleueth on me fhall haue riuers of lyuinge water flowinge out of his belye. i68 n K That is, All good workes ad all giftes of grace fpringe out of him naturallye and by their awne accorde. Thou neadeft not to wreft good workes out of him as a ma wold wringe veriuce out of crabbes: Nay thei 5 flow naturally out of him as fpringes out off hilles or rockes. The newe teflament was euer, eue from the begin- ning of the world. For there were alwaye promyfes of Chrift to come by faith in whiche promyfes the lo electe were then iuflified .IT. inwardly before God, as outwardly before the world by kepynge of the lawe and ceremonies And in conclufyon as thou feyfb bleffmges or curf- ynges folow the kepinge or breakynge of the lawe 15 of Mofes: eue fo naturally do bleffynges or curfynges folow the breakyng or kepynge of the lawe of nature, out of which fprige all oure temporall lawes. So that whe the people kepe the temporall lawes of their lond temporall profperite and all maner of foch teporall 20 bleffynge as thou readest of in Mofes doo accompanye them and fall vppon them. And contraryewyfe when they fynne vnpunifhed, ad whe the rulars haue no refpecte vnto naturall equyte or honeftye, the God fendeth his curfes amonge the, as hun- 25 gre, derth, moren banynge, peflilece, warre, oppreffyon with ftraunge ad wonderfuU difeafes ad newekyndes of miffortune ad evell lucke, Yf any ma axe me, feyng that faith iuftifieth me why I worke ? I anfwere loue copelleth me 30 For as loge as my foule fealeth what loue god hath fhewed me in Chrifl:e, I can not but loue god agayne ad his will ad comaudmetes and of loue worke them, nor ca they feme hard vnto me. I thinke not my felf better for my workynge, nor feke heue nor an hyer 35 place in heue becaufe of it. For a chrifte worketh to ma- .f . ke his weake brother perfecter, ad not to feke an hier place in heue. I copare not my filf vnto him that worketh not: No, he that worketh not to daye fhall haue grace to turne ad to worke tomorow, ad in 40 the meane ceafon I pytye hym ad praye for him. Yf I had wrought the wil of god thefe thoufande yeres, ad BE E i^ another had wrought the will of the devell as long ad this daye turne ad be as well willynge to fufifre wyth Chrift as I, he hath this daye ouertake me ad is as farre come as I, and (hall haue as moche rewarde as 5 I. And I envye him not, but reioyce moft of all as of lofte trefure founde. For yf I be of god, I haue this thoufand yere fofred to wynne him for to come ad prayfe the name of God with me: this .M. yeres I haue prayed forowed, longed, fyghed ad fought for that lo whiche I haue this daye founde, ad therfore reioyfe with all my myght and prayfe God for hys grace and mercy. ALBE, a longe garment of white lynen. Arcke, a cofer or chefte as oure fhrynes faue it was flatte, ad the fample of oure fhrynes was taken 15 thereof. Boothe, an houffe made of bowes. Breftlappe or breftflappe, is foche a flappe as thou feift in the breft of a cope. Confecrate, to apoynte a thinge to holy vfes. 20 Dedicate, purifie or fanctifie. .IT. Ephod, is a garment fomwhat like an amyce, faue the armes came thorow ad it was gird to. Geeras, in weyght as it were an englyfh halfifpenye or fomwhat more. 25 Heveoffringe, becaufe they were hoven vp beifore the Lorde. Houfe, he made the houfes: that is, he made a kynred or a multitude of people to fpringe out of them: as we faye the houfe of Dauid for the kinred 30 of Dauid. Peaceofifrige: offerlges of thakesgeuige of deuotio, ad not for cofciece of fmne ad trefpace. Polute, defyle. E Reconcyle, to make at one and to bringe in 35 grace or fauoure. Sanctefie, to clefe ad purifie, to apointe a thinge vnto holie vfes and to feperate fro vnclene ad un- holye vfes. E Sanctuarie, a place halowed and dedicate vnto 40 god. i7o SE E [ Tabernacle, an houfe made tentwife, or as a pauelion. Tunicle, moch like the vppermoft garmet of the deake. 5 ML Waueoffringe, becaufe they were waue in the preaftes hades to diuers quarters. Worfhuppe: by worfhuppinge whether it be in the old teftamet or the newe, vnderftod the bowenge of a mans felf vppon the grounde: As wee oftymes as we lo knele in oure prayers bowe oure felves ad lye on oure armes ad handes with oure face to the grounde. The fecon de boke of Mofes, cal* led Exodus. [Fo. II.] E THE SECONDE BOKE OF MOSES CALLED EXODUS. i[ The firft Chapter. HESE are the names of the children of Ifrael, which came jm.CS. The children of Jacob are nb- to Egipte with lacob, euery bred. The man with his houfholde: Ru- ^^'^ Pharao oppreffethihe. The acteofthe godly tnyd- wiues. 3 be, Simeon, Leui, luda, Ifachar, Zabulon, 4 Beniamin, Dan, NeptaH, Gad ad Afer. 5 All the foules that came out of the loynes of lacob, were .Lxx. and lofeph was in Egipte all redie. 6 when lofeph was dead and all his brethern and all 7 that generation: the children of Ifrael grewe, encreafed, multiplied and waxed enceadinge myghtie: fo that the londe was full of them. 8 Then there rofe vp a new kynge in Egipte which 9 knewe not lofeph. And he fayde vnto his folke: be- holde the people of the childre of Ifrael are moo ad 10 mightier than we. Come on, let vs playe wifely with them: left they multiplie, and then (yf there chaunce any warre) they ioyne them felues vnto oure enimies and fyghte ageynft vs, and fo gete them out of the lande. 11 .f . And he fette tafkemafbers ouer them, to kepe them vnder with burthens. And they bylte vnto 12 Pharao treafurecities: Phiton and Raamfes. But the more they vexed the, the moare they multiplied and grewe: fo that they abhorred the childre of Ifrael. |K. 4 Nephtali 5 All thefe foules 6 all his brether 11 Ramefes U . 7 & quafi g-erminates multiplicati funt 10 fapienter oppri- mamus eum 11 vrbes tabernaculorum 1.. 5 zuuor 7 vnd wymmelten vnd mehrten 10 vnd vns iiber- winden 11 fchatzhewfern 12 den kindern Ifrael gram 172 E\}t secontre ftoJte of Jloses, 1. 13-22 13 And the Egiptias helde the childern of Ifrael in bond- 14 age without mercie, and made their lyues bitter vnto them with cruell laboure in claye and bricke, and all maner worke in the feldes, and in all maner of fervice, which they caufed the to worke cruelly 15 And the kynge of Egipte fayde vnto the mydwiues of the Ebruefwomen, of which the ones name was 16 Ziphra ad the other Pua: whe ye mydwiue the women of the Ebrues and fe in the byrth tyme that it is a 17 boye, kyll it. But yf it be a mayde, let it lyue. Not- withflonding the mydwiues feared God, and dyd not as the kinge of Egipte commauded them: but faued the menchildern. 18 The the kinge of Egipte called for the midwiues ad fayde vnto the: why haue ye delt on this maner and 19 haue faued the menchildern ? And the mydwiues anfwered Pharao, that the Ebrues wemen were not as the wemen of Egipte: but were flurdie women, and were delyuered yer the midwyues came at them. 20 And God therfore delt well with the midwyues. [Fo. III.] And the people multiplied and waxed very 21 mightie. And becaufe the mydwiues feared God, he made them houfes. houfes,/a;- 22 Than Pharao charged all his pepple ^"^^ fayng All the menchildern that are borne, caft in to the ryuer and fave the maydchildern a lyue. ^. 15 Sephora . . Phua: i6 when ye do y office of a mydwife to the wome 22 people V. 13 & affligebant illudentes eis & inuidetes. 18 Quibus ac- cerfitis ad fe rex 19 ipfae enim obfletricandi habent fcientiam 21 aedificauit illis domos. 22 foeminini, referuate. 2.. 13 vnbarmhertzickeyt (v. 14) 14 thon vnd zigelln 16 den Ebr. weyb. helfft, vnd auff dem fluel fehet das 18 die kinder leben 19 hartte weyber 21 machet er jn heufer. M.. ^T. N. 7.\ He made them houfes: that is, he encreafed and multiplyed them, & made houfholdes of them: geuynge the both hufbandes and chyldre, as in Gen. vii, a. M. I-IO. calletr (IHxoUus. 17$ Egypcian. He flyeth &= ma- ryeth a wyfe. The Ifraelites crye vnto the iL The Seconde Chapter. ND there wet a ma of the houfe of Leui ad toke a doughter of Leui. And the wife coceaued ad bare a fonne. And whe fhe fes is borne and cajl into the fiagges. He is take vp of Pharaos fawe that it was a propre childe, fhe hyd daughter. He 3 him thre monethes longe. And whe flie 4^^^^^^ ^^^ coude no longer hyde him, fhe toke a bafket of bulruffhes ad dawbed it with flyme ad pytche, ad layde the childe therin, ad put it in the flagges by the Lorde. 4 riuers brynke. And his fifter ftode a ferre of, to wete what wold come of it. wete, know 5 And the doughter of Pharao came doune to the riuer to wafhe her felfe, and hir maydens walked a longe by the riuers fyde. And when fhe fawe the bafket amoge the flagges, fhe fent one of hir maydes 6 and caufed it to be fet. And whe fhe had opened it fhe fawe the childe, and behold, the babe wepte. And fhe had copaflio on it ad fayde: it is one of the Ebrues childern 7 Then fayde his fifter vnto Pharaos doughter: fhall I goo and call vnto the a nurfe of the Ebrues wemen, 8 to nurfe the childe ? .?. And the mayde ranne and 9 called the childes mother. The Pharaos doughter faide vnto her, Take this childe awaye ad nurfe it for me, ad I will rewarde the for thi laboure. And the woman toke the childe and nurfed it vp. 10 And whe the childe was growne, fhe brought it vnto Pharaos doughter, and it was made hir fonne, and fhe called it Mofes, becaufe (fayde fhe) I toke him out of the water. U. I vxorem flirpis fue 3 fifcellam fcirpeam . . carecto ripaa fluminis 5 vt lauaretur in flumine . . . fifcellam in papyrione 6 par- uulum vagientem 10 adoptauit in locum filii, . . Quia de aqua tuli eum. i. 3 rhor . . fchilff 6 das kneblin weynet 10 vnd es ward jr fon ^. ^H. N. 10 Mofcs is an Egipt name & it fignitieth drawen out of the water. 1. i[. N. 10 Mafa heyfl zihen daher heyfl. Mofe getzogen, nemlich aufs dem waffer. 174 EJje secontje &oke of Hoses, n. u-ai 11 And it happened in thefe dayes when Mofes was waxte great, that he went out vnto his brethern ad loked on their burthens, and fpied an Egiptian fmyt- 12 ynge one of his brethern an Ebrue. And he loked round aboute: and when he fawe that there was no man by, he flewe the Egiptian and hyd hi in the fonde. 13 And he went out a nother daye: and beholde, two Ebrues ftroue to gether. And he fayde vnto him that dyd the wronge: wherfore fmyteft thou thine neygh- 14 boure ? And he anfwered: who hath made the a ruelar or a iudge ouer vs ? intendeft thou to kill me, as thou killedft the Egiptian ? Then Mofes feared and fayde: 15 of a fuertie the thinge is knowne. And Pharao herde of it and went aboute to flee Mofes: but he fled from Pharao ad dwelt in the lade of Madian, and he fatt doune by a welles fy'de. 16 The preaft of Madian had .vii. doughters [Fo. IIII.] which came ad drew water and fylled the troughes, 17 for to water their fathers fliepe. And the fhepardes came and drove them awaye: But Mofes ftode vp and 18 helped them and waterd their fhepe. And when they came to Raguel their father, he fayde: how happeneth 19 it that ye are come fo foone to daye ? And they an- fwerede there was an Egiptia that delyuered vs fro the fhepardes, and alfo drewe vs water & waterd the 20 Ihepe. And he fayde vnto his doughters: where is he? why haue ye lefte the man ? Goo call him that he maye eate bread. 21 And Mofes was content to dwell with the man. JH. 19 fhepardes, & fo drewe V. 12 circunfpexiffet hue atque illuc 13 ei qui faciebat iniuriam 14 conflituit te in princ. 15 iuxta puteii. 21 lurauit ergo Moyfes H. 13 fprach zu dem gottlofen 14 vbirflen odder richter 15 bei eynen brunnen. 20 das jr jn nicht ludet JH. ^X. N. 12 He Jlew the Egypcyd: that is, he declared hi felfe to haue fuche loue unto hys brethre the Ifraelytes that were the people of god: that he wolde rather flaye or be flayne then that hys brother fhulde fuffer wr5g of the enemy of the lord. In which acte alfo, he fhewed hym felfe to be predeflinate of the lorde, to be a defence and fauer of the Ifraelytes. 17 Raguel: This Raguel is not lethro, but is the father of lethro and the graundfather of zephora, and was alfo the prefle of Madian. For it was a lyke order with them as it was with the lewes, that the fonne poffeffed the office of his father. II. 23-111.4- calletr (JHxotius* 175 22 And he gaue Mofes Zipora his doughter which bare a fonne, ad he called him Gerfon: for he fayde. I haue bene a ftraunger in a ftraunge lande. And fhe bare yet another fonne, whom he called Eliefer fayng: the God of my father is myne helper, and hath rid me out of the handes of Pharao. 23 And it chaunced in proceffe of tyme, that the kinge of Egipte dyed, and the childern of Ifrael fyghed by the reafon of laboure and cryed. And their complaynt 24 came vp vnto God from the laboure. And God remem- 25 bred his promife with Abraham, Ifaac ad lacob. And God loked apon the children of Ifrael and knewe them. f . i[ The thyrde Chapter. OSES kepte the fhepe of lethro M-^S^-^-Mo- his father in law preaft of ;^-^, %^^^ Madian, and he droue the apperethvnto flocke to the backefyde of the |^^ 'X/^^^ deferte, ad came to the moutayne of hym to the 2 God, Horeb. And the angell of the chyldrenofh- T J 1^1-- n ,- rael, and to Lorde apeared, vnto hi m a flame of Pharao that fyre out of a bufh. And he perceaued tyrant. that the bulh burned with fyre and confumed not. 3 Than Mofes fayde: I will goo hece and fee this grete fyghte, howe it cometh that the bufhe burneth not. 4 And whe the Lorde fawe that he came for to fee, he called vnto him out of the bufh and fayde: Mofes JH. 22 Zephora 1!. 22 Accepitque Sephoram . . Alterum vero fieperit: qtcein vocauit Eliezer, dicens, Deus enim patris met adiutor Mens, fir eripuit me de manu Pharaonis. 23 ad deum ab operibus. . . Et audiuit gemitum . . 24 foederis quod pepigerat 25 refpexit . . . et cognouit eos. iii, i ad interiora deferti 3 videbo vifionem hanc magn. 3L. 22 bewilligete . . vnd er gab 23 Gott erhoret jr wehklagen 24 . . feynen bund 25 fahe fie an vnd erkennet es. iii, i treib . . enhindern 3 befeiien difz gros geficht |H. i[. N. 25 Looked vpb the: that is he had pitie & com- paffyon ouer their foore labours, as Deut. xxvi, d. iii, i Defert: that is in the wyldernes, a place not inhabited. 3L. |K. N. 22 Gerfon, heyfl ein frembder oder aufzlender. Eliefer, heyft. Gott meyn hylffe. 176 Ejje secontre i&oJte of JHoseg, m. 5-14 5 Mofes And he anfwered: here am I. And he fayde: come not hither, but put thy fhooes off thi fete: for the 6 place whereon thou ftondefl is holy grounde. And he fayde: I am the God of thy father, the God of Abra- ham, the God of Ifaac and the God of lacob. And Mofes hyd his face, for he was afrayde to loke vpon God. 7 Than the Lorde fayde: I haue furely fene the trouble of my people which are in Egipte and haue herde their crye which they haue of their tafkemafters. For I 8 knowe theire forowe and am come downe to delyuer them out of the handes of the Egiptians, and to brynge the out of that londe vnto a good londe and a lar-[Fo. v.] ge and vnto a londe that floweth with mylke and hony: euen vnto the place of the Canaanites, Hethites, Amorites, Pherezites, Heuites, and of the lebufites. 9 Now therfore beholde, the complaynt of the children of Ifrael is come vnto me and I haue alfo fene the oppreflion, wherwith the Egiptians opprefle them. 10 But come, I will fende the vnto Pharao, that thou mayft brynge my people the childern of Ifrael out of Egipte. 11 And Mofes fayde vnto God: what am I to goo to Pharao and to brynge the childern of Ifraell out of 12 Egipte ^ And he fayde: I wilbe with the. And this fhalbe a token vnto the that I haue fent the: after that thou haft broughte the people out of Egipte, ye fhall 13 ferue God vppon this mountayne. Than fayde Mofes vnto God: when I come vnto the childern of Ifraell and faye vnto them, the God of youre fathers hath fent me vnto you, ad they faye vnto me, 14 what ys his name, what anfwere fhall I geuethem .-* Jfil. II vnto Pharao V. 5 folue calceamentum . . terra fancta 6 non enim audebat afpicere contra 12 immolabis deo 3L. 5 zeuch deine fchuch aus . . ein heylig land 7 die, fo fie treyben g befchwerung . . . befchweren. 12 Gotte eyn dienft thun fSl. pi. N. 5 The fcripture vfeth to call that holy whyche ether the Lorde chofeth vnto hym felfe: or is dedicate vnto the Lorde as Ex. xxii, d. 8 By mylcke and hony is vnderflonde aboudaunce & plenteoufnes of all thynges that pertayne to the comfort ot ma. III. IS-20 calleti (JHxotiug, i77 Then fayde God vnto Mofes: I wilbe what Of this word, I wilbe: ad he fayde, this (halt thou faye f,f^f/ ;; vnto the children of Ifrael: I wilbe dyd of God leho- fend me to you. ^'^^ ^^^/^^' 15 And God fpake further vnto Mofes: prete, Lorde, thus fhalt thou faye vnto the children of and is as mock Ifraell: .f. the Lorde God of youre fa- that am. thers, the God of Abraham, the God of Ifaac, and the God of lacob hath fent me vnto you: this is my name for euer, and this is my memoriall 16 thorow out all generacyons. Goo therfore and gather the elders of Ifrael to gether and faye vnto them: the Lorde God of youre fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Ifaac and the God of lacob, appeared vnto me and fayde: I haue bene and fene both you and that 17 whiche is done to you in Egipte. And I haue fayde it, that I will bringe you out of the tribulacio of Egipte vnto the londe of the Canaanites, Hethites, Amqrites, Pherezites, Heuites and lebufites: euen a londe that floweth wyth mylke ad hony. 18 Yf it come to paffe that they heare thy voyce, then goo, both thou ad the elders of Ifrael vnto the kinge of Egipte and faye vnto him: The Lord God of the Ebrues hath mett with vs: Let vs goo therfore .iii. dayes iourney in to the wilderneffe, that we maye facrifice vnto 19 the Lorde oure God. Notwithftondinge I am fure that the kinge of Egipte will not lett you goo, excepte it be 20 with a mightie hande: ye ad I will therfore ftretche out mynehonde,and fmyte Egipte with all my woders which I wil do therin. And after that he will let you goo. ^. 14 vnto you "F. 14 Ego fum qui fum . . Qui eft, mifit me 15 hoc memoriale meum 16 Vifitans vifitaui 18 vt immolemus 20 in medio eorum BL. 14 Ich werde feyn, der ich feyn werde . . Ich werds feyn, . . . gefandt 16 iieymgefucht vnd gefehen 18 das wyr opffern 20 wunder die ich drynnen thun werde |H. ^. N. 14 I wyll be tJiat I ivyll be: that is I am as fome interprete it: which is, I am the begynnyng & endynge: by me haue you all thinges & with out me haue you nothynge that good is, lohn i, a. 3L. ^. N. 14 Ich werds feyn. Der name Gottis ich werds feyn zeygt an, wie man mit glawben zu Gott, vnd er zu vns komen mufz, denn der glawbe fagt, was God feyn vnd thun wirt mit vns nemlich gnade vnd hulffe. 178 Efje secontte hokt of IHoses, m. ai-im. e 21 And I will gett this people fauoure in the [Fo. VI.] fyghte of the Egiptians: fo that when ye goo, ye fhall 22 not goo emptie: but euery wife fhall borow of hir neyghboureffe and of her that fogeorneth in hir houfe, iewels of fyluer ad of gold and rayment. And ye fhall put them on youre fonnes and doughters, and fhall robbe the Egiptians. m. The .1111. Chaptre. OSES anfwered and fayde: Se, m-^-^-Mo- ,1 ., ,11 A-5" receaueth they wil not beleue me nor 'j^^^^^^ ^j ^ -^ herke vnto my voyce: but callynge and wil faye, the Lorde hath not ^|;^{^^^ ^^g 2 apeared vnto the. Then the Lorde faide wyfe zephora vnto him: what is that in thine hande ? circumcifeth rl % f 1 7X7% 3 and he fayde, a rodd. And he fayde, Aaroti meteth caft it on the grounde, and it turned "^^^^ Mofes r X. A J T\/r / - Mofes taketh vnto a lerpent. And Mofes ra awaye ^is haue of 4 from it. And the Lorde fayde vnto his father in Mofes: put forth thine hande ad take it by the tayle. And he put forth his hande and caught it, and it became a rodd agayne in his hand, 5 that they may beleue that the Lorde God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Ifaac ad the God of lacob hath appeared vnto the. 6 And the Lorde fayde forther more vnto him:- thruft thine hande in to thy bofome. And he thruft his hande in to his bofome and toke it out. And be- holde, his hand was leporous euen as fnowe. And he 1^. 22 poflulabit mulier a vicina fua & ab hofpita fua vafa . . fpoliabitis. iiii, 4 apprehende caudam eius. 5 Vt credant, inquit 3L. 22 foddern filberen vnd gulden gefefz . . . entwenden. iiii, 4 erhafche fie bey dem fchwantz. ^. JH. N. 22 Robbe the Egypcians: here ye maye not note that they Hale and therfore ye maye fteale: but note that it was done at godes comaundement & therfore was it a lufl & a right- eous thing to be done. For he is not the auctor of euell &c. nil. 7-17- callfti (JHxotius. 179 7 faide: put thine hande in .f. to thy bofome agayne. And he put his hande in to his bofome agayne, and pluciced it out of his bofome, and beholde, it was 8 turned agayn as his other flefh, Yf they will not beleue the nether heare the voyce of the firft token: yet will they beleue the voyce of the feconde toke 9 But and yf they will not beleue the two fignes nether herken vnto thy voyce, then take of the water of the riuer and poure it vpon the drye lond. And the water which thou takeft out of the riuer fhall turne to bloude vpon the drie londe. 10 And Mofes fayde vnto the Lorde: oh my Lorde. I am not eloquet, no not in tymes paft and namely fence thou haft fpoken vnto thy feruaunte: but I am flowe 11 mouthed and flowe tongued. And the Lorde fayde unto hi: who hath made mas mouth, or who hath made the domme or the deaff, the feynge or the blynde ? haue 12 not I the Lorde ? Go therfore and I wilbe with thy mouth and teach the what thou flialt faye. 13 And he fayde: oh my Lorde, fend I pray the 14 whome thou wilt. And the Lorde was angrie with Mofes and fayde: I knowe Aaro thy brother the leuite that he can fpeake. And morouer behold, he cometh out agaynft the, ad whe he feyth the, he wilbe glad 15 i his hert. And thou [Fo. VIL] fhalt fpeake vnto hi and put the wordes in his mouth, ad I wilbe with thy mouth ad with his mouth, ad will teach you what ye 16 fhal do. And he fhalbe thy fpokesma vnto the peo- ple: he fhall be thy mouth, ad thou fhalt be his God. 17 and take this rodd in thy hade, wherwith thou fhalt do myracles. fiSl. 14 he cometh to mete the V. 7 retrahe . . finum tuum . . . . et erat fimilis 8 audier. fer- monem . . . credet verbo 10 obfecro domine, non fum eloquens ab heri & nudiuftertius 12 ero in ore tuo 15 pone verba mea . . quid agere debeatis. 16 tu autem eris in his quae ad deum perti- nent. 17 facturus es figna. 3L. 7 vnd er thet fie wieder 8 horen die flim . . . glawben der flim 10 von giftern vnd ehegiflern her 12 mit deynem mund 14 feer zornig 15 wsls jr thun folet 16 folet feyn Got feyn 17 zeychen thun folt. JH. i&.. N. 16 Hejhalbe thy mouth: that is, he (hall fpeak-e for the as in lob xxix, c. i8o Elje secontie boke of Jloses, mi. 18-30 18 And Mofes went ad returned to lethro his father in lawe agayne ad feyde vnto hi: let me goo (I praye the) ad turne agayne vnto my brethern which are in Egipte, that I may fe whether they be yet alyue. 19 And lethro fayde to Mofes: goo in peace. And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes in Madia: returne agayne in to Egipte for they are dead which wet aboute to kyll 20 the And Mofes toke his wife and his fonnes and put them on an affe, and went agayne to Egipte, and toke the rodd of God in his hande. 21 And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: when thou art come in to Egipte agayne, fe that thou doo all the wondres before Pharao which I haue put in thy hande: but I will harden his herte, fo that he fhall not let the people goo. 22 And tell Pharao, thus fayth the Lorde: Ifrael is 23 mine eldeft fonne, and therfore fayth vnto the: let my fonne goo, that he may ferue me. Yf thou wilt not let hi goo: beholde, I will flee thi-.f.ne eldeft fonne. 24 And it chaunced by the waye in the ynne, that the 25 Lorde mett him and wolde haue kylled him. Than Zepora toke a ftone ad circumcifed hyr fonne, and fell at hys fette, and fayde: a bloudy hufband art thou 26 vnto me. And he lett him goo. She fayde a bloudy hufbonde, becaufe of the circumcifion. 27 Than fayde the Lorde vnto Aaron: go mete Mofes in the wilderneffe. And he went and mett him in the 28 mounte of God and kiffed hi And Mofes told Aaron all the wordes of the Lorde which he had fent by him, ad all the tokens which he had charged him with all. 2g So went Mofes and Aaron and gatherd all the elders 30 of the childern of Ifrael. And Aaro told all the wordes V. 19 quaerebant animam tuam. 25 tetigitque pedes eius 26 pofl- quam dixerat, Sponfus 28 pro quibus miferat eum 29 & fecit figna . 19 nach deynem leben ftunden. 25 ruret jhm feyn fuffe an 28 zeychen . . befolhen hatte H. ^. N. 25 Blutbreutgam, das id fie ward zornig vnd fprache, Es koft blut, das du mein man bift vnd mus mein kind befchneytten, wilches fie vngerne thet, als das ein fchant war vnter de heyde. Bedeut aber des gefetz volck wilchs gern woUt Got haben, aber es will dz creutz nicht leyden nocii den alten Adam befchneytten laffen bifz es thun mus. nil. 31-V. 5. calleti (Bxotim. 181 which the Lorde had fpoke vnto Mofes, and dyd the 31 myracles in the fyght of the people, and the people beleued. And whe they herde that the Lord had vifited the children of Ifrael and had loked vpon their tribulacion, they bowed them felues, and worfhipped fL The .V. Chapter. HEN Mofes ad Aaro wet and ^.dl^.^-Mo- told Pharao, thus fayth the ^Za ^^nil Lorde God of Ifrael. Let my Pharao. The people goo, that they may *ZtJ '/;. kepe holye [Fo. VIIL] daye vnto me in preffed more the wilderneffe. And Pharao anfwered: and more, and they crye out what felowe is the Lord, that I Ihulde heare vpon Mofes ^ his voyce for to let Ifrael goo t I knowe Aaron ther- not the Lorde, nether will let Ifrael goo. And they fayde: the God of the Ebrues hath mett with vs: let vs goo (we praye the) .iii. dayes iourney in to the deferte, that we maye facrifice vnto the Lorde oure God: left he fmyte vs ether with peftilence or with fwerde. Then fayde the kinge of Egipte vnto them: wherfore do ye, Mofes and Aaron, let the peo- ple fro their worke, gett you vnto youre laboure. And Pharao fayde further more: beholde, there is moch people in the londe, and ye make them playe and let their worke ftonde. "F. 2 nefcio dominum 3 Deus Hebr. vocauit nos . , accidat nobis pedis aut gladius. 5 videtis quod turba fuccreuerit ^*;i. Note The German notes in this Chapter and in Chapters VI., VII., VIII., and IX. lucre taken from a copy of Luther in the Lenox Library which is made up from different editions: the text of these chapters belongs to later editions. A perfect copy pf the edition of IS 23 having come into my use since the notes were prepared and set up in type, they have been carefully compared with that copy and agree with the former text in all particulars except the spelling, which being materially different 'from that in the edition of 1^23, has been retained as illustrating the changes intro- duced. The precise date of the later editions I have not been able to verify. 2.. I feyre in der wiiflen 2 weyfz nichts von dem H. 3 der Ebraer Got hat vns geruffen . . widerfare peftilentz oder fchwerd. ^. JH. N. 31 They bowed the. selues, that is, gaue thackes & prayfed the Lorde. v, 2 I know e not the Lorde, that is: I feare him not, I beleue not in him: nether haue I any thyng to do with him. And euen thus faye all hardened hartes that haue not the feare of the Lorde before their eyes. i82 Ejje secontie tioke of Jloses, v. 6-17 6 And Pharao commaunded the fame daye vnto the tafkemaflers ouer the people and vnto the officers fa- 7 ynge: fe that ye geue the people no moare ftrawe to make brycke with all as ye dyd in tyme paffed: let 8 them goo and gather them ftrawe them felues, and the nombre of bricke which they were wont to make in tyme paffed, laye vnto their charges alfo, and min- yfh nothinge therof For they be ydill ad therfore crye faynge: let vs goo and do facrifice vnto oure 9 God. They muft haue more worke layed vpon them, that they maye laboure theryn, and than will they not turne them felues to fal-.?.fe wordes. 10 Than went the tafkemafters of the people and the officers out and tolde the people faynge: thus fayeth 11 Pharao: I will geue you no moare ftrawe, but goo youre felues ad gather you ftrawe where ye can fynde 12 it, yet fhall none of youre laboure be minyfhed. Than the people fcatered abrode thorowe out all the lande of Egipte for to gather them ftubyll to be in ftead of ftrawe. 13 And the tafkemafters haftied the forward fayng: ful- fill youre werke daye by daye, eue as when ftrawe 14 was geuen you. And the officers of the childern of Ifrael which Pharaos tafkmafters had fett ouer them, were beaten. And it was fayde vnto them:*wherfore haue ye not fulfilled youre tafke in makinge brycke, both yefterdaye and to daye, as well as in tymes paft. 15 Than went the officers of the childern of Ifrael ad complayned vnto Pharao faynge: wherfore dealeft thou thus with thy fervauntes .'' there is no ftrawe geuen i6 vnto thy fervauntes, and yet they faye vnto vs: make brycke. And loo, thy fervauntes ar beaten, and thy 17 people is foule intreated. And he anfwered: ydill ar ye ydill and therfore ye faye: let vs goo ad do fac- V. 8 imponetis fuper eos, nee minuetis quicquam 9 Oppri- mantur oper., & expleant ea 12 colligendas paleas. 13 Prasfecti 14 Flagellatique funt . . ab exactoribus Pharaonis . . . ficut prius, nee heri nee hodie ? 16 lateres fimiliter imperantur . . iniufte agitur . 17 Vaeatis otio IL. 7 famlen vnd geben 8 aufflegen vnd niehts myndern 14 wur- den gefchlagen . . heut noch geflern . . wie geftern vnd ehegefl- ern? 16 man fiindiget an deynem volck. 17 Ir feit miiffig, miiffig feit jr V. I8-VI. 3. calleli (JHxotius, ui:^ 183 18 rifice vnto the Lorde. Goo therfore and worke, for [Fo. IX.] there fhall no ftrawe be geuen you, and yet fee that ye delyuer the hole tale of J^'^' ^"'^'^^^ , CI. derman brycke. Zakl 19 when the officers of the childern of Ifrael fawe them filfe in fhrode cafe (in that he fayde ftirode. evil ye fhall minyfh nothinge of youre dalye makige of 20 brycke) than they mett Mofes and Aaro flondinge in 21 there waye as they came out fro Pharao, and fayde vnto them: The Lorde loke vnto you and iudge, for ye haue made the fauoure of vs flincke in the fighte of Pharao and of his fervauntes, and haue put a fwerde in to their handes to flee vs. 22 Mofes returned vnto the Lorde and fayde: Lorde wherfore dealefl thou cruelly with this people: and 23 wherfore haft thou fent me ? For fence I came to Pharao to fpeke in thy name, he hath fared foull with this folke, ad yet thou haft not delyuered thy people VI, I at all. Then the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes. Now fhalt thou fee what I will doo vnto Pharao, for with a myghtie hande fhall he let them goo, and with a mightye hande fhall he dryue them out of hys lande. f[ The .VL Chapter ND God fpake vnto Mofes fa- m-^-^-God yng vnto him: I am the Lorde, f/u"mcfo/ and I appeared vnto Abraham M ^ Sinieoti and appoyntment, an appoyntment with them Leui. covenant |.q ggue them the londe of Canaa: the londe of their pilgremage wherin they were ftraungers. 5 And I haue alfo herde the gronyng of the childern of Ifrael, becaufe the Egiptians kepe them in bondage, ad haue remembred my promyffe a promyfe, 6 wherfore faye vnto the childern of o^ tejlamet Ifrael: I am the Lorde, and will brynge you out from vnder the burdens of the Egiptians, and wyll rydd you out of their bondage, and wyll delyuer you wyth a 7 ftretched out arme and wythe great iudgementes. And I wil take you for my people and wilbe to you a God. And ye fhall knowe that I am the Lorde youre God which bringe you out from vnder the burthens of the 8 Egiptians. And I wyll brynge you vnto the londe ouer the which I dyd lyfte vpp my hande to geue it vnto Abraham, Ifaac and lacob, and will geue it vnto 9 you for a poffeffyon: eue I the Lorde, And Mofes tolde the children of Ifrael euen fo: But they barkened not vnto Mofes for anguyfhe of fprete and fprete, y^^zW/ for cruell bondage. Temptacyon trieth faith. 10, II And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes faynge Goo and bydd Pharao kynge of Egipte, that he let the childern 12 of Ifrael goo out of his londe. And Mofes fpake before the Lorde fa-[Fo. X.] ynge: beholde, the childern of Ifraell herken not vnto me, how than fhall Pharao heare me: feynge that I haue vncircumcifed lippes. T^. 4 Pepigique foedus 5 audiui gemitum . . pacti mei. 6 erga- ftulo yEgyyt., . . iudiciis magnis. 8 fuper quam leuaui manum mea 9 propter angufliam fpintus, & opus duriffimum. 31. 4bund. . au%ericht5diewehklage . . bundgedacht. 61aflen in Eg. . groffe gerichte 8 dariiber ich habe meine hand gehaben 9 vor keychen des geyfls -vnd vor barter arbeyt. ^. J^l. N. 5 A promyfe or a teflament. 6 ludgemetes are taken for the woderfuU dedes of God: as here for his woderfuU plages as Pfal. xxx, d. & cxviii. 8 To lyfte vp the hande is to promyfe by an othe, as in Gen. xiiii, d. of Abraham. 12 To be of vncircujncifed lippes, is to haue a tonge that lacketh good vt- terance & lacketh eloquence to fet out his matter with all. %. ^. N. 3 Nicht kundt gethan: Die Patriarchen haben Gott wol erkand, aber ein folche offentliche gemeyne predig war zu der zeyte von Gott noch nicht auff gangen, wie durch Mofe vnd Chriflu gefchehen ifl. VI. 13-27- callet( CHxolJUS. i85 13 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes and Aaron and gaue them a charge vnto the childern of Ifrael ad vnto Pharao kyng of Egipte: to brynge the childern of Ifrael out of the londe of Egipte. 14 Thefe be the heedes of their fathers houffes. The children of Ruben the eldefl fonne of Ifrael are thefe: Hanoh, Pallu, Hezron, Charmi, thefe be the houfholders 15 of Ruben. The childern of Symeon ar thefe: Gemuel, lamin, Ohad, lachin. Zohar, and Saul the fonne of a Cananytefh wife: thefe are the kynreddes of Symeon 16 Thefe are the names of the childern of Leui in their generations: Gerfon, Kahath and Merari. And 17 Leui lyued an hundred and .xxxvii. yere. The fonnes of Gerfon: Libni ad Semei in their kinreddes. 18 The childern of Kahath: Amram, lefear, Hebron and Vfiel. And Kahath lyued an hundred and .xxxiii. yere. 19 The children of Merari are thefe: Mahely and Mufi: thefe are the kynreddes of Leui in their generations. 20 And Amram toke lochebed his nece to wyfe which bare him Aaron and Mofes. And Amram lyued an 21 hundred and .xxxvii. yere. .f. The childern of lezear: 22 Korah, Nepheg and Sichri. The childern of Vfiel: Mifael,Elzaphan and Sithri. 23 And Aaron toke Elizaba doughter of Aminadab ad fifler of Nahafon, to wife: which bare him Nadab, 24 Abehu, Eleazar and Ithamar. The childern of Korah: Afiir, Elkana ad Abiaffaph: thefe are the kynreddes 25 of the Korahites. And Eleazar Aarons fonne toke him one ofthe doughters of Putuel to wife: which bare him Pinehas: thefe be the principall fathers of the Leuites in their kynreddes. 26 Thefe are that Aaron and Mofes to whom the Lorde fayde: carie the childern of Ifrael out of the lond of 27 Egipte, with their armyes. Thefe are that Mofes and Aaron whiche fpake to Pharao kynge of Egipte, that they myghte brige the childern of Ifrael out of Egipte. 7. 14 hje cognationes Ruben. 20 Moyfen &- Mariam 25 prin- cipes familiarum Leuit. 27 Hi funt . . Ifrael de y^gypto: ifte eft Moyfes & Aaron i. 27 Sie finds 1 86 Eije gecontie iiofee of JHoses, vi. 28-vii. s 28 And in the daye whe the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes in 29 the londe of Egipte, he fpake vnto him faynge, I am 'the Lorde, fe that thou fpeake vnto Pharao the kinge 30 of Egipte all that I faye vnto the. And Mofes anfwered before the Lorde: I am of vncircumcifed lippes, howe fhall Pharao than geue me audience ? m. The .VII. Chaptre. ND the Lorde faide vnto Mo- ^.(!^ -S. T/te fes: beholde, I haue made the ^''J^^' qH Pharaos God, and [Fo. XL] The rodde of - Aaron thy brother fhal be ^^/f'''/"'?^: ^ ed to a ferpet. 2 thy prophete. Thou fhalt fpeake all that The forcerars I commaunde the and Aaron thy brother ^^ ^"^ i.f ^ jatne. 1 he fhall fpeake vnto Pharao: that he fende waters are the childern of Ifrael out of his londe. tourned into 3 But I will harden Pharaos hert, that I may multiplie my myracles and my wondres in the 4 land of Egipte. And yet Pharao fhall not herken vnto you, that I maye fett myne honde vpon Egipte and brynge out myne armyes, eue my people the chil- dern of Ifrael out of the lade of Egipte, with great 5 iudgementes. And the Egiptians fhall knowe that I am the Lorde when I haue ftretched forth my hande vpo Egipte, and haue brought out the childern of Ifrael from amonge the. 6 Mofes and Aaron dyd as the Lorde commaunded 7 them. And Mofes was .Lxxx, yere olde and Aaron 8 Lxxxiii. when they fpake vnto Pharao. And the T. 28indiequalocutuseftdominus. ..interra.(g. vii. i con- flitui te deum Phar. 3 figna & oflenta 4 exercitum & populum meum . . . iudicia maxima. 5 de medio eorum. \. I eynen Gott gefetzt vber Phar. 3 zeychen vnd wunder 4 fiire meyn heer, meyn volck . . grofle gerichte 5 mitten aufz ynen fSi. iH. N. I / haue made the Pharaos God, that is: I haue made the Pharaos iudge as in Ex. xxii, d. VII. 9-19- calletJ (BxoXiu%, 187 9 Lorde fpake vnto Mofes and Aaron faynge: when Pharao fpeaketh vnto you and fayth: fhewe a wondre, than fhalt thou faye vnto Aaron, take the rodd and caft it before Pharao, and it fhall turne to a ferpent 10 Than went Mofes and Aaro in vnto Pharao, and dyd euen as the Lorde had commaunded. And Aaron caft forth his rodd before Pharao and before his fer- 11 vauntes, and it turned to a ferpente. Than Pharao called for the .?. wyfe men and enchaunters of Egipte 12 dyd yn lyke maner with there forcery. -^^ /^ ^^ And they caft doune euery ma his rodd, now deceaue ad they turned to ferpetes: but Aarons all princes ,3 rodd ate vp their roddes: ad yet for all '"J^phiJiL^dd that Pharaos herte was hardened, fo that tumetheclene he herkened not vnto the, euen as the ^/l"' ^^^.^' ' tauce 1 0- Lorde had fayde. vvarde the 14 Than fayde the Lorde vnto Mofes. lawe of ^, . . , , , , , 0(1: ad fro Pharaos herte is hardened, and he re- the fayth that 15 fufeth to let the people goo. Get the is in Chrifl. vnto Pharao in the mornynge, for he will come vnto the water, and ftode thou apon the ryuers brynke agenft he come, and the rodd whiche turned to a 16 ferpente take in thine hande. And faye vnto him: the Lorde God of the Hebrues hath fente me vnto the faynge: let my people goo, that they maye ferue me in the wildernes: but hither to thou woldeft not heare. 17 wherfore thus fayth the Lorde: hereby thou fhalt knowe that I am the Lord. Behold, I will fmyte with the ftafife that is in myne hand apon the waters that 18 are in the ryuer, and they fhall turne to bloude. And the fifhe that is in the riuer fhall dye, and the riuer fhall ftinke: fo that it fhall greue the Egiptias to drinke of the water of the ryuer. 19 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes, faye vnto Aaron: take thy ftafife and ftretch out thyne hande ouer the waters of Egipte, ouer the- [Fo. XIL] ir ftreames, ^. II Egypte: and they dyd F. 9 Oflendite figna 12 dracones 14 Ingrauatum 16 vt facri- ficet mihi in deferto 1. 9 beweyfet ewre wunder 11 fchwarzkiinfligen 13 verflockt 16 diene in der wiiften. i88 |je secontie bofte of IHoses, vu. 20-viii. 3 ryuers, pondes and all pooles off water, that they maye be bloude, and that there may be bloude in all the lande of Egipte: both in veffells of wodd and alfo of ftone. 20 And Mofes and Aaron dyd euen as the Lorde com- maunded. And he lifte vp the ftaffe and fmote the waters that were in the riuer, in the fyghte of Pharao and in the fyghte of his fervauntes, and all the water 21 that was in the ryuer, turned in to bloude. And the fifh that was in the riuer dyed, and the ryuer ftanke: fo that the Egiptians coude not drinke of the water of the ryuer. And there was bloude thorowe out all the lande of Egipte. 22 And the Enchaunters of Egipte dyd lyke wyfe with their enchauntmentes, fo that Pharaos herte was hard- ened and dyd not regarde them as the Lorde had fayde. 23 And Pharao turned him felfe and went in to his houffe, 24 and fet not his herte there vnto. And the Egiptians dygged round aboute the ryuer for water to drynke, for they coude not drynke of the water of the ryuer. 25 And it continued a weke after that the Lorde had fmote the ryuer. The .VIIL Chapter. .?. HE Lorde fpake vnto Mofes: P-ffl^-S. The Goo vnto Pharao and tell g^^^^ Mofes him, thus fayeth the Lorde: prayeth for let my people goo. that they "^^^IZfflJe:. 2 maye ferue me. Yf thou wilt not let them goo: beholde I will fmyte all thy londe with -i frogges. And the ryuer fhall fcrale with fcrale, crawl,^ <- , , ^ 1, J creep. Lev. xi frogges, ad they Ihall come vp and goo ^^_ ^^ in to thine houffe and in to thy chaumbre T". 22 malefici ^gyptiorum 23 nee appofuit cor etiam hac vice. 27 or viii, 2 terminos tuos 28 or viii, 3 ebulliet fluuius . . \. 23 vnd keret fein hertz noch nit dran 27 or viii, 2 deyne grentzen 28 or viii, 3 wymmeln . . P im. N. 23 He fet not his heart t herd thsit is, the danger moued him nothinge, as is declared in Ef. xlvii, b. vin.4-i5. calleti (i^xotrus, 189 where thou flepeft ad vppo thy bedd, and in to the houffes of thy fervauntes, and vppon thy people, and in to thyne ovens, and vppon thy vitels which thou 4 haft in ftore And the frogges fhall come vpon the and on thy people and apon all thy fervauntes. 5 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes, faye vnto Aaron: ftretche forth thine hande with thy rodd ouer the ftremes, riuers, ad pondes. And bringe vp frogges 6 apon the londe of Egipte And Aaron ftretched his hande ouer the water of Egipte, and the frogges came 7 vp ad couered the londe of Egipte. And the forcerers dyd likewife with theire forcery, and the frogges came vp apon the lande of Egipte. 8 Then Pharao called for Mofes and Aaro and fayde, praye ye vnto the Lorde that he may take awaye the frogges from me and from my people, and I will let the people goo, that they maye facrifice vnto the 9 Lorde. And Mofes fayde vnto Pharao: Appoynte thou the tyme [Fo. XIII.] vnto me, when I fhall praye for the and thy fervauntes ad thy people, to dryue awaye the frogges from the and thy houffe, fo that they fhall 10 remayne but in the riuer only. And he fayde tomorow. And he fayde: euen as thou haft fayde, that thou may- ft knowe that there is none like vnto the Lorde oure 11 God. And the frogges Ihall departe from the ad from thyne houfes, and from thy fervauntes and from thy people, and fhall remayne in the riuer only. 12 And Mofes and Aaron went out fro Pharao, and Mofes cryed vnto the Lorde apo the apoyntment of 13 frogges which he had made vnto Pharao. And the Lorde dyd accordinge to the faynge of Mofes. And the frogges dyed out of the houffes, courtes and feldes. 14 And they gathred them to gether vppon heppes: fo that the lande ftanke of them. 15 But when Pharao fawe that he had reft geuen itt. 9 Appoynte thou the tyme 7- 28 or viii, 3 reliquias ciborum tuorum. viii, 9 conftitue ... a domo tua, dr' a feruis tuts, &" a populo tuo 12 pro fponfione ramarum . . . quam condixerat ^. 28 or viii, 3, in deyne teyg. viii, 9 Hab du die ehr fiir mir, vnd flymme mir 12 vmb das gedinge . . ..zugefagi 15 das er lufft kriegen hatte I90 ^!ie geconUe boke of JHoseg, vm. 16-^24 him, he hardened his herte and herkened not vnto 16 them, as the Lorde had fayde. And the Lord fayde vnto Mofes: Saye vnto Aaro ftretch out thy rodd and fmyte the duft of the lande that it may turne to lyfe 17 in all the londe of Egipte. And they dyd fo. And Aaron ftretched out his hande with his rodd and fmote the duft of the erth. ad it turned to lyfe both in man and beeft, fo that all the duft of the lande .?. turned to lyfe, thorowe out all the lande of Egipte. 18 And the enchaunters affayde lykewyfe with their enchauntmentes to brynge forth lyfe, but they coude not. And the lyfe were both apon man and beeft. 19 Then fayde the enchaunters vnto Pharao: it is the fingre of God. Neuerthelater Pharaos herte was hard- ened and he regarded them not, as the Lorde had fayde. 20 And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: ryfe vp early in the mornynge and flonde before Pharao, for he will come vnto the water: and faye vnto him, thus fayth the Lorde: let my people goo, that they maye ferue 21 me. Yf thou wilt not let my people goo: beholde, I will fende all maner flies both apon the and thy fer- vauntes ad thy people and into thy houffes. And the houffes of the Egiptians fhalbe full of flies, and the 22 grounde where on they are. But I will feperate the fame daye the londe of Gofan where my people are, fo that there fhall no flyes be there: that thou mayft knowe that I am the Lorde vppon the erth. 23 And I will put a deuifion betwene my people and thine. And euen tomorow fhall this myracle be done. 24 And the Lorde dyd euen fo: and there came noy- fom flyes in to the houffe of Pharao [Fo. XIIII.] and in to his fervauntes houffes and in to all the lode of Egipte: fo that the londe was marred with flyes. V. 16 et fmt cyniphes i8 vt educerent 21 omne genus mufca- rum . . . mufcis diuerfi generis 22 Faciamque mirabilem in die ilia terram Geffen in qua populus meus eft, vt non fint ibi mufcas 23 fignum irtud 24 mufca grauiffima . . corruptaque eft terra %. 16 das leufe warden 18 eraufz brechten 22 vnd wil des tages ein fonders thun 23 erlofung fetzen . . . zeichen 24 bofe wiirm . . . land ward verderbet ^1. ^1. N. 19 What the fynger of God doth fignifie is ex- pounded in Luke xi, c. VIII. 25-ix. 3. calletr (iHxotrus* 191 25 Then Pharao fent for Mofes and Aaron and fayde: 26 Goo and do facrifice vnto youre God in the land. And Mofes anfwered: it is not mete fo to do. for we muft offer vnto the Lorde oure God, that whiche is an abhominatyon vnto the Egiptians: beholde fhall we facrifice that which is an abhominacion vnto the Egiptians before their eyes, and fhall they not ftone 27 vs ? we will therfore goo .iii. dayes yournay in to the deferte and facrifice vnto the Lorde oure God as he hath comaunded vs. 28 And Pharao fayde: I will late you goo, that ye maye facrifice vnto the Lorde youre God in the wil- dernes: only goo not ferre awaye, ad fe that ye praye 29 for me. And Mofes fayde: beholde, I will goo out from the and praye vnto the Lorde, and the flyes fhall departe fro Pharao and from his fervauntes and from his people tomorow. But let Pharao from hece forth defceaue no moare, that he wolde not lett the people goo to facrifice vnto the Lorde. 30 And Mofes went out from Pharao and prayed vnto 31 the Lorde. And the Lorde dyd as Mofes had faide: ad toke awaye the flies fro Pharao and from his fer- vauntes ad from hys .IT. people, fo that there remayned not one. But for all that, Pharao hardened his herte euen then alfo and wolde not let the people goo, f[ The .IX. Chaptre. ND the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes, ^..%. The goo vnto Pharao and tell him, moren of oeflss. The thus fayeth the Lorde God of piag'e of bot- the Ebrues: fende out my peo- chesandfores. 2 pie that they maye ferue me. Yf thou layUjZider wilt not let them goo but wilt holde them cr* lyghten- 3 ftyll: beholde, the hande of the Lorde '*'^^^ JE. 29 that he wille not ix, i, let my people goo that T. 25 in terra hac. 28 longius ne abeatis 29 noli vltra fallere 31 non fuperfuit ne vna quidem BL. 28 nicht ferner zihet 29 alleyne theufche mich nicht mehr 192 Efje secontre ftofee of looses* ix.4-13 fhalbe ap6 thy catell which thou haft in the feld apon horfes affes, camels, oxen, and fhepe, with a mightye 4 great morrayne. But the Lorde fhall make a deuyfion betwene the beeftes of the Ifrahelites, ad the beeftes of the Egiptias: fo that there fhal nothing dye of all that 5 perteyneth to the children of Ifrael. And the Lorde appoynted a tyme faynge: tomorow the Lorde fhall do this thinge in the londe. 6 And the Lorde dyd the thinge on the morow, and all the catell of Egipte dyed: but of the catell of the 7 childern of Ifrael dyed not one. And Pharao fent to wete: but ther was not one of the catell wete, know of the Ifrahelites dead. Notwithftondinge the hert of Pharao hardened, and he wolde not let the people goo. 8 And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes and Aaron: take youre handes full of affhes out of the [Fo. XV.] fornace, and let Mofes fprynkel it vp into the ayre in 9 the fyghte of Pharao, and it fhall turne to duft in all the londe of Egipte, and fhal make fwellynge foores with blaynes both on ma and beeft in all blaynes, ptm- 10 the londe of Egipte. And they toke tule's affhes out of the fornace, and ftode before Pharao, ad Mofes fprynkeld it vp into the ayre: And there brake 11 out foores with blaynes both in ma and beeft: fo that the forcerers coude not ftonde before Mofes, by the reafon of botches on the enchaunters and botches, /w^/- 13 apon all the Egiptians, But the Lorde Ungs, blotches hardened the herte of Pharao, that he herkened not vnto them, as the Lorde had fayde vnto Mofes. 13 And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: ryfe vp early in the mornynge and ftonde before Pharao and tell him, ^- II before Mofes for there were botches vpon the en- chaunters "F. 3 pedis valde grauis 4 inter poffeffiones Ifrael, & poffefliones /Egypt. 7 Mifit Phar. ad videdum 8 cineris de camino 9 vlcera, & veficas turgetes H. 3 faft fchweren peflilentz 7 Ph. fandte darnach, vnd fihe, 8 rufz aufz der fewrmaur 9 fchweren vnd driifze ^. |H. N. 6 This word all: is not taken here for eqery one, but for a great nombre, or of all fortes of catell fome, as in I Tim. ii, a. IX. 14-25. called (IHxotius. 193 thus fayth the Lorde God of the Ebrues: Let my 14 people goo, that they may ferue me, or els I will at this tyme fende all my plages apon thine herte and apon thy fervauntes and on thy people, that thou mayft knowe that there is none lyke me in all the erth. 15 For now I will ftretch out my hande and will fmyte the and thy people with peflilence: fo that thou (halt 16 periifhe from the erth. Yet in very dede for this caufe haue I fterred the vpp, for to fhewe my power in the, and to declare my name thorow out all the worlde. 17 ?. Yf it be fo that thou ftoppeft my people, that thou 18 wilt not let them goo: beholde, tomorow this tyme I will fend doune a mightie great hayle: eue foch one as was not in Egipte fence it was grounded ^S'^y."^^4' r- , 1 r , r eJlabHfhed, 19 vnto this tyme. bende therfore and fet founded. home thy beeftes and al that thou haft in the felde. For apon all the men and beeftes which are founde in the felde ad not broughte home, fhall the hayle fall, 20 ad they fhall dye And as many as feared the worde of the Lorde among the fervauntes of Pharao made 21 their fervauntes ad their beeftes flee to houfe: and they that regarded not the worde of the Lorde, left their 22 fervauntes and their beeftes in the felde. And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: ftretche forth thine hande vnto heauen, that there may be hayle in all the lande of Egipte: apo ma ad beeft, ad apo all the herbes 23 of the felde in the feld of Egipte. And Mofes ftretched out his rodd vnto heauen, and the Lorde thondered and hayled fo that the fyre ran a longe vppon the grounde. And the Lorde fo hayled in the lode of 24 Egipte, that there was hayle ad fyre megled with the hayle, fo greuous, that there was none foch in all the londe of Egipte, fence people inhabited it. 25 And the hayle fmote in the londe of Egip- [Fo. "F. 14 mittam omnes plagas meas i6 Idcirco autem pofui te 18 pluam . . . grandinem 23 discurrentia fulgura fuper terram 24 ignis mifla pariter ferebantur . . ex quo gens ilia condita eft. %. 14 alle meyne plagen . . fenden 16 Doch darumb hab ich dich erweckt 18 hagel regen laffen 23 fewr auff die erden fchofz. 24 hagel vnd fewr vntereinander furen . . der zeyt leut drynnen gewefen find. 194 ^ije seconUe hofte of IHoscs, ix. 26-35 XVI.] te all that was in the felde: both man and beefb And the hayle fmote all the herbes of the feld and 26 broke all the trees of the felde: only in the lande of Gofan where the childern of Ifraell were, was there 27 no hayle. And Pharao fent ad called for Mofes and Aaron, and fayde vnto the: I haue now fynned, the Lorde is rightwes and I and my people are weked. 28 Praye ye vnto the Lorde, that the thonder of God and hayle maye ceafe, and I will let you goo, and ye fhall tarie no longer. 29 And Mofes fayde vnto him: affoone as I am out of the citie, I will fprede abrode my handes vnto the Lorde, and the thunder fhall ceaffe, nether fhall there be any moare hayle: that thou mayftknowe, howethat 30 the erth ys the Lordes, But I knowe that thou and 31 thy fervauntes yet feare not the Lord God. The flaxe ad the barly were fmytte, for the barly was fhott vp 32 ad the flaxe was boulled: but the whete boulled, /wo/- and the rye were not fmeten, for they ^-^/^ ^^J^. were late fowne. 33 And Mofes went out of the citie fro Pharao ad fprede abrode his handes vnto the Lorde, and the thunder and hayle ceafed, nether rayned it any moare 34 vppon the erth. whe Pharao fawe that the rayne and the hayle and thunder were ceafed, he fynned agayn ad hardened .?. his herte: both he and his fervauntes. 35 So was the herte of Pharao hardened, that he wolde not let the childern of Ifrael goo, as the Lord had fayde by Mofes. 1^- 25 lignum regionis 28 vt definant tonitrua dei 31 hordeum effet virens it. 25 bewm auff de feld 28 gnug fey des donnern Gotes 31 gerften gefchoffet . . knotten gewunnen jl. ^. N- 27 To be weked, is: to be without the knowledge & felynge of the goodnes of God and without hope to receaue any goodnes at his hande: fo that we cannot paciently here any of his truthes nor beleue the nether foffer the to be taught to othefj as it apereth in all the pfalmes & in Efa. Ivii, d. X. 1-8. calleti (&xo^\i%. igS m. The .X. Chapter. HE Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: goo vnto Pharao, neuertheleffe I haue hardened his harte and the hertes of his fervauntes, heart of Pha- rao is hard- ened of God. The grefhop- pers. The thicke darck- nes. pagiantes, feats, exploits thatlmightefhewethefemyfygnesamong- 2 eft the and that thou tell in the audience of thy fonne and of thy fonnes fonne, the pa- giantes which I haue played in Egipte ad the miracles which I haue done amonge them: that ye may knowe how that I am the Lorde. 3 Than Mofes ad Aaron went in vnto Pharao and fayde vnto him: thus fayth the Lorde God of the Hebrues: how longe fhall it be, or thou wilt fubmyt thy felfe vnto me } Let my people goo that they 4 maye ferue me. Yf thou wilt not let my people goo: beholde, tomorow will I brynge grefhoppers in to thy 5 lande, and they ftiall couer the face of the erth that it can not be fene, ad they fhall eate the refidue which remayneth vnto you and efcaped the hayle and they 6 fhall eate all your grene trees vpon the fel-de, and they fhall fill thy houffes and all thy fervauntes houffes, and the houffes of all the Egiptias after foch a maner: as nether thy [Fo. omittedi\ fathers nor thy fathers fathers haue fene, fence the tyme they were apon the erthe vnto thys daye. And he turned him filfe aboute, ad went out from Pharao. 7 And Pharaos fervauntes fayde vnto hym: Howe longe fhall this felowe thus plage vs } Let the men goo that they maye ferue the Lorde their God, or els 8 wilt thou fee Egipte firftdeftroyed.-* And than Mofes and JE. 7 How l5ge fhall we be thus euell intreated ? . . . God: wilt thou not yet knowe that Egypt is deftroyed ? H. 2 in auribus . . quoties contriuerim 5 ne quicquam eius appareat . . refiduum fuerit . . ligna, quae germinant 7 patiemur hoc fcandalum ? i. 2 fur den oren . . getrieben hab 5 land nicht fehen kunde . . vberig vnd erredtet . . . grunende bewm 7 das wefen verflricken ? 19^ ^jje secontre iofte of IHoses, x. 9-16 Aaron were brought agayn vnto Pharao, and he fayde vnto them: Goo and ferue the Lorde youre God but 9 who are they that fhall goo? And Mofes anfwered: we muft goo with yonge and olde : ye and with our sonnes and with oure doughters, ad with our Ihepe and oxe muft we goo For we muft holde a feaft vnto the Lorde. 10 And he fayde vnto them: fhall it be foo ? The Lorde be with you, fhulde I lett you goo, and youre childern alfo ? Take heede, for ye haue fome myfchefe 11 in honde. Nay not fo: but goo ye that are men and ferue the Lorde, for that was youre defyre. And they thruft the out of Pharaos prefence. 12 And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: Stretch out thine hande ouer the lande of Egipte for grefhoppers, that they come apon the lande of Egipte and eate all the herbes of the londe, ad all that the hayle left vn- 13 touched. And Mofes .f. ftretched forth his rodd ouer the londe off Egipte, ad the Lorde brought an eaft wynde vppo the lande, all that daye and all nyghte. And in the mornynge the eaft wynde broughte the 14 grefhoppers, ad the grefhoppers wet vp ouer all the lande of Egipte and lighted in all quarters off Egipte verye greuoufly: fo that before them were there no foch 15 grefhoppers, nether after them fhal be. And they couered all the face of the erth, fo that the londe was darke therwith. And they ate all the herbes of the lande and all the frutes of the trees which the hayle had lefte: fo that there was no grene thinge lefte in the trees and herbes of the felde thorow all the lande of Egipte. 16 Then Pharao called for Mofes and Aaro in hafte and fayde: I haue fynned agaynft the Lorde youre God JH. 9 we wyll go lo vnto them: let it be fo ? V. 9 eft enim folennitas domini lo Sic dominus fit . . cui du- bium eft quod peffime cogitetis? 13 induxit ventum vrentem 14 in- numerabiles 16 Quam ob rem 1L. 9 denn wyr haben eyn feft des Herrn. 10 Awe ia, der Herr fey mit euch .... Sehet da, ob yr nicht bofes fur habt ? 13 treyb eynen Oftwind 14 fo feer viel 16 Da foddert H. ^H. N. II Dife hawfchrecken heyffen hie nicht Hagab aufl Ebreifch, wie an etlichen ortten, fondern Arbe, Es find aber vier- fuffige fliegende thier vnd reyn zu effen, wie Hagab Leuit. xi. aber vnd vnbekand, on dz fie den hewfchrecken glaych find. X. 17-27. calleti xotius* 197 17 and agaynft you. Forgeue me yet my fynne only this once, and pray vnto the Lorde youre God that he maye 18 take awaye fro me this deth only. And he wet out 19 fro Pharao ad prayd vnto the Lorde, ad the Lord turned the wynde in to a myghtie ftronge weft wynde, and it toke awaye the grefhoppers and caft the in to the reed fee: fo that there was not one grefhopper left 20 in all the coftes of Egipte But the Lorde hardened Pharaos herte, fo that he wold not let the childern off Ifrael goo 21 [Fo. XVIL] And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: Stretch out thy hond vnto heaue ad let there be darckneffe vppon the londe of Egipte: eue that thei 22 maye feale the darckneffe. And Mofes ftretched forth his hande vnto heaue, ad there was a darke myft vppo 23 all the lande off Egipte .iii. dayes longe fo that no ma fawe another nether rofe vp fro the place where he was by the fpace of .iii. dayes, but all the childre of Ifrael had lighte where they dwelled. 24 Then Pharao called for Mofes and fayde: goo and ferue the Lorde, only let youre fhepe. and youre oxen 25 abyde, but let youre childern go with you. And Mofes anfwered: thou muft geue vs alfo offringes and burnt- ofTringes for to facrifice vnto the Lord oure God, 26 Oure catell therfore fhall goo with vs, and there fhall not one hooffe be left behinde, for therof muft we take to ferue the Lorde oure God. Moreouer we ca not knowe wherwith we fhall ferue the Lorde, vntyll we come thither. 27 But the Lorde hardened Pharaos herte, fo that he ^. 19 grefhopper in all the cofles 22 there was a thicke darcknes vpo V. 19 tiare fecit ventum ab occid., 21 vt palpare queant. 26 prsefertim cum ignoremus JL. 19 wendet der Herr eyn feer flarcken Weflwind 21 das mans greyffen mag 26 Auch wiffen wyr nicht JH. JH. N. 26 This was an outward feruyce, but the true and ryght feruyce of god, is to feare him as a father, to loue hym, kepe hys comaundementes and to commyt a manes felfe holy to him, truflynge in hys mercy only: fetting al thought & care vp5 him. And when we haue offended, to repet and to be fory, & knowledge oure offence & beleue that he will forgeue it vs, for his truthes fake as i Pet. v, b. & Ps. xxxvi, a. 198 Efje secontie tiofte of looses, x.as-xi. 7 28 wold not let the goo. And Pharao fayde vnto him: get the fro me ad take heade to thy felfe that thou fee my face no moare, For whe foeuer thou comeft in my 29 fyghte, thou Ihalt dye. And Mofes faide: let it be as thou haft fayde: I will fee thy face no moare. .?. f[ The .XI. Chapter. ND the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes : iH..55. The yet wil I brynge oae plage ';'J%,^ "^ moare vppon Pharao and vpp- troble the E . on Egipte, and after that he 'S^^P'^/-'/,^^ ^ deth of all the wyll lett you goo hence. And when he fyrji begotten letteth you goo, he fhall vtterly dryue ^^ ^gypt- 2 you hence. But byd the people that euery man borowe of his neghbour and euery woman of hir neghboureffe: iewels off fyluer and iewels of golde. 3 And the Lorde gatt the people fauoure in the fyghte of the Egiptians. Moreouer Mofes was very great in the lande of Egipte: both in the fyghte of Pharao, and alfo in the fyghte of the people. 4 And Mofes fayde : thus fay th the Lorde. Aboute myd- 5 nyghte will I goo out amonge the Egiptians, and all the firftborne in the lande of Egipte fhall dye: euen from the firftborne off Pharao that fitteth on his feate, vnto the firftborne of the maydefervaunte that is in the mylle, 6 and all the firftborne of the catell. And there fhall be a great crye thorow out all the lande off Egipte: fo that 7 there was neuer none lyke nor fhall be. And among "^ . 28 caue ne vltra videas faciem meam. xi, I dimittet vos, et exire compellet. 2 vt poflulet 3 vir magnus valde 4 egrediar 5 ancillae . . ad molam 3L. 28 hut dich, das du nicht mehr fur meyn augen komfl. xi, I laffen von hynnen . . nicht alleyn alles laffen . . von hynnen treyben 2 gefefs foddere . 3 faft eyn grofler man 4 ausgehen ynn 5 magd die hynder der mul ifl. i5l. JH. N. 5 To fyt, is for to beare rule or to mynyflre any maner of office, as in i Reg. ii, b. XI. 8-xn. 4 calleti (i^xotiug* 199 all the childern of Ifrael fhall not a dogg move his tongue, nor yet man or beeft: that ye may knowe, how the Lorde putteth a difference betwene the Egip- 8 tias and Ifrael. And all thefe thy fervauntes fhal come downe vnto me, and fall before me ad faye [Fo. XVIII.] get the out and all the people that are vnder the, and than will I departe. And he went out from Pharao in a great anger. 9 And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: Pharao fhall not regarde you, that many wondres maye be wrought in lo the lande of Egipte, And Mofes ad Aro dyd all thefe wondres before Pharao. But the Lorde hardened Pharaos herte, fo that he wolde not let the childern of Ifrael goo out of his londe. i[ The .XIL Chapter. ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes and Aaron in the londe of Egipte faynge: This moneth fhall be youre chefe moneth: cue the firfl moneth of the yere fhal it be vnto you Speake ye vnto all the felow- fhipe of Ifrael faynge: that they take the X. daye of this moneth to euery houf- Thatlhere holde, a fhepe. Yf the houf- holde be to few for a fhepe, cai in Ebrue a vvorde indif- then lett him and his negh- ferent to a ^ i.u i. i. i. u- Jhepe and a ^^^"^ ^^^^ ^^ "^^^e vnto his gotte both. houfe, take acordinge to the n-'^.Z. The pajfeouer is eaten. The fwete brede. They tnujl t cache their chyldrenwhat the pajfeou- er fignyfyeth. The dejiruc- cybofthefyrjl be gotte in E- gypt. The robbery of the Egy pcians. The goynge oute of the Ifraelytes. JH. 8 And thefe thy feruautes xii, 2 euen of the fyrft moneth '9- 7 non mutiet canis ab homine vfque ad pecus; . . quanto miraculo diuidat 10 figna et oflenta quae fcripta funt. xii, 2 prin- cipium menfium . . coetum 3 agnum 4 animarum quae fufticere poffunt ad efum agni 1. 7 hund mit feyner zungen lippern . . wie . . Mg. vnd Ifrael fcheyde xii, 3 eyn fchaff 4 vnd rechnets aus, was eyn iglicher effen muge 4VI. ^. N. 8 A foudayne chaunge of fpeakyng to dyuerfe per- fonnes, as in the Pfal. xv, a. and thys is referred to the ende of the chapter that goeth before, xii, 3 That is here called z. fhepe is in Ebrew a worde indifferent to be take ether for fhepe or gote. 200 Efje secontre fiofee o! JHoses, xn. 5-13 nombre of foulles, and counte vnto a fhepe acordinge 5 to euery mans eatinge. A fhepe with out fpott and a male of one yere olde Ihall it be, and from amonge the lambes ad the gootes fhall ye take it. 6 And ye fhall kepe him in warde, vntyll in ward, in the .xiiii. daye of the fame moneth. And fin'^^ngnt '^^' euery ma of the multitude of Ifrael fhall 7 kyll him abou- .f . te eue. And they fhall take of the bloud ad flrike on the .ii. fyde poftes ad on the vpper 8 dorpoft of the houfes, wher i they eate hi. And thei fhall eate the flefh the fame nyght, rofl with fyre, ad with vnleueded bread, ad with fowre fowre, bitter 9 herbes they fhall eate it. Se that ye eate not therof fode in water, but rofb with fyre: both head fete, ad 10 purtenance together. And fe that ye let nothinge of it remayne vnto the mornynge: yf oughte remayne burne it with fyre. 11 Off this maner fhall ye eate it: with youre loines girded, ad fhoes on youre fete, ad youre ftaves in youre handes. And ye fhall eate it in hafte, for it 12 is the Lordes *paffeouer, for I will go The lambe aboute i the lade of Egipte this fame Yaffeouerthat nyghte, ad will fmyte all the firftborne the very name in the lande off Egipte: both of ma T/fr^itl"/ of t tie in rente- ad beeft, ad apo al the goddes off brauncewhat Egipte will I the Lorde do execution, '//^^''^^'^-f 'l thejignes that 13 And the bloude fhall be vnto you a god ordined JE. 6 fhall kepe hym in, vntyll 9 therof rawe ner foden in water, but rofl, with fyre: both the head U. 5 luxta quern ritum tolletis & hoedum 6 vniuerfa multitudo 8 affas agni, & azymos panes cum lactucis agreftibus 9 crudum quid, nee coctum aqua, fed affum tantum igni: caput cum pe- dibus eius & inteftinis vorabitis. 11 eft enim phafe, id eft tranfitus domini. 12 faciam iudicia, ego dominus. 1.. 5 lemmern vnd zigen 8 mit bitter falzen 9 mit feynen fchenckeln vnd eyngeweyde 12 gerichte vben ^. JH. N. 12 The lambe was called the paffeouer: that the very name it felfe fhulde kepe in memorye what was fignyfyed therby, which phrafe & maner of fpeakynge the fcripture vfeth often, callynge the figne by the name of the thynge that it fygny- fieth, as Gen. xvi, b. 1L. JH. N. 6 Was das ofterlamb bedeut, leret gnugfam. S. Paulus. I Cor. 5. da er fpricht, vnfer ofterlamb is Chriftus der geopffert ift. xii. 14-21. calleti (SxotiVLfi* 201 toke vppon the houfes where in ye are, ether fignified for whe I fee the bloude, I will paffe ouer ^^^ ^^ i)ro- you, ad the plage fhall not be vppo you myfes to come to deftroye you, when I fmyte the londe f.^^^l Tre off Egipte. the /ignes of 14 And this daye fhall be vnto you a re- "q^'^ ^^fpj^' mebraunce, ad ye fhall kepe it holie vnto the Lorde: euen thorow out youre generacions after you fhall ye kepe it holie daye, that it be a cuftome for euet: 15 vii. dayes fhal ye eate vnleveded bre- [Fo. XIX.] ed, fo that euen the firft daye ye fhall put awaye leuen out off youre houffes. For whofoeuer eateth leuended bread from the firft daye vntyll the .vii. daye, that foule fhall be 16 plucked out fro Ifrael. The firft daye fhall be a holie feafl vnto you, and the .vii. alfo. There fhal be no maner off worke done in the, faue aboute that only which euery 17 man muft eate that only may ye do. And fee that ye kepe you to vnleueded breed. For vppo that fame daye I will brynge youre armyes out off the londe of Egipte, therfore ye fhall obferue this daye and all youre childern after you, that yt be a cuftume for euer. 18 The firft moneth and the .xiiii. daye off the moneth at euen, ye fhall eate fwete brede vnto the .xxi. daye off the moneth at euen agayne. 19 Seuen dayes fe that there be no leuended bred foude in youre houffes. For whofoeuer eateth leuended bred, that foule fhall be roted out fro the multi- roted, rooted tude of Ifrael: whether he be a ftraunger or borne in 20 the londe. Therfore fe that ye eate no leuended bred, but in all youre habitacions eate fwete bred. 21 And Mofes called for the elders off Ifrael and fayde vnto them: choufe out and take to euery houfholde a T. 14 in monimentum . . cultu fempiterno. i6 fancta atque folennis .... eadem feftiuitate venerabilis: 17 exercitum veflrum 19 de ccEtu Ifrael 21 toUentes animal l. 14 zum ewigen brauch 16 on was zur fpeys gehoret fur allerley feelen 17 heer iH. ^1. N. 14 Euer is not here take for atyme without ende, but for a longe ceafon whofe end is not determyned, as in Gen. xiii, d. and Ex. xxviii, g. 202 ^jje gecontre fiofte of IHoses, xn. 22-30 22 fhepe, ad kyll paffeouer. And take a bunch of yfope, ad dyppe it in the bloud .?. that is in the bafyn, and ftryke it vppon the vpperpofte and on the .ii. fyde poftes, and fe that none of you goo out at the doorc 23 of his houfe vntyll the mornynge. For the Lorde will goo aboute and fmyte Egipte. And when he feyth the bloude vppon the vpper doorpofte ad on the .ii fyde poftes, he will paffe ouer the doore and will not fuffre the deftroyer to come in to youre houffe to plage 24 you. Therfore fe that thou obferue this thinge, that it be an ordinaunce to the, and thy fonnes for euer. 25 And when ye be come in to the land which the Lorde will geue you acordinge as he hath promyfed, 26 fe that ye kepe this feruice.* And when Ourefignes youre childern axe you what maner off ^^ doine, vye ' ' know not the 27 feruice is this ye doo. Ye fhall faye, it is reafonof oure the facrifice of the Lordes paffeouer which bapttm: ye Cl7tCl UUB 7ft "U it paffed ouer the houffes of the childern of faye oure Ifrael in Egipte, as he fmote the Egiptians prayers dd AC A \. cc ^u ^u 1 ^^^ ^^^^-^^ ^ and faued oure houffes. Than the people ^ tbgevve vn- 28 bowed them felues and worfhipped. And derjlonde not. the childern of Ifrael went and dyd as ^j^jj^ an/were the Lorde had commauded Mofes and not our prel- im ates when ^^''"- theibeangrie, 29 And at mydnyghte the Lorde fmote eueti as thei all the firftborne in the lode of Egipte: ll"jf'J)jZlhe from the firft borne of Pharao that fatt fyre with out on his feat, vnto the firftborne of the redemption, or , I, c rL forfvver god captyue that was m prefone, and all tirlt- 30 borne of the catell. Than Pharao [Fo. XX.] arofe the fame nyghte and al his fervauntes ad all the Egiptians, and there was a great crieng thorowe out Egipte, for there was no houffe where there was not one dead. "?. 22 in limine . . . oftium domus 23 percufTorem . . . lasdere. 25 obferuabitis ceremonias iflas 26 ilia religio ? 3L. 23 verderber . . . zu plagen 25 difen dienft 26 fur eyn dienfl? ffl. |H. N. 23 To paffe ouer is a maner of fpeache of the fcrypture, & fignyfieth no more, but that as he wolde plage the wycked, as he dyd here the Egypcyas, eue fo he wold fhew mercye to the faythfuU, as he dyd to the Ifraelytes, as in Ex. xxxiii, d. XII. 31-43- calleti aSxotiu^. 203 31 And he called vnto Mofes and Aaron by nyghte faynge: Ryfe vp and gett you out from amonge my people: both ye and alfo the children of Ifrael,and goo 32 and ferue the Lorde as ye haue fayde. And take youre fhepe and your oxen with you as ye haue fayde, 33 ad departe ad bleffe me alfo. And the Egiptians were ferce vppon the people and made hafte to fend the out of the lad: for they fayde: we be al deed me 34 And the people toke the dowe before it was fow- ered which they had in ftoare, and bounde it in clothes 35 ad put it vpo their fhulders And the childern of If- rael dyd acordinge to the faynge of Mofes: ad they borowed of the Egiptians: iewels of fyluer, and iewels 36 of gold, and rayment. And the Lorde gat the people fauoure in the fyghte of the Egiptians: ad fo they bor- 37 owed and robbed the Egiptians. Thus toke the childern of Ifrael their yourney fro Ra- 38 emfes to fuchoth .vi. hundred thoufand me of foote, befyde childern. And moch comon people went alfo with the, 39 ad fhepe ad oxen ad catell exceadinge moch. And they baked fwete cakes of the dowe which they brou- .?. ghte out of Egipte, for it was not fowered: becaufe they were thruft out of Egipte and coude not tarie, nether had they prepared them any other prouifion of meate. 40 And the tyme of the dwellinge of the childern of Ifrael which they dwelled in Egipte, was .iiii. hundred 41 and .XXX. yere. And whe the .iiii. hundred and .xxx yeres were expyred, eue the felfe fame daye departed all the hoftes of the Lorde out of the lande of Egipte. 42 This is a nyghte to be obferued to the Lorde, becaufe he broughte them out of the lande of Egipte. This is a nyghte of the Lorde, to be kepte of all the childern of Ifrael and of their generacions after them. 43 And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes ad Aaron, this is JH. Suchoth, margin: otherwyfe Socoth V. 31 immolate domino 32 vt petieratis 35 veflemque pluri- mam 36 vt commodarent eis: & fpoliauerunt 37 fexcenta fere millia peditum virorum 39 dudum de Mg., confperfam . . & nullam facere fmentibus moram IL. 32 wie yhr gefagt habt {&ts) 33 verflurtzt auff das volck 34 zu yhrer fpeyfe 36 leyiieten, vnd entwandtens 39 fonfl keyne zehrung zubereyt. 204 Eije seconUe ioke of JHoses, xii. 44-xiii. 2 the maner of Paffeover: there fhall no ftraunger eate 44 there of, but all the feruauntes that are bought for money fhall ye circumcife, and then let them eat 45 there of. A ftrauger and a hyerd feruaunte (hall not 46 eate thereof. In one houffe fhall it be eate. Ye fhall carie none of the flefh out at the doores: moreouer, fe 47 that ye breke not a bone there of. All the multitude 48 of the childern of Ifrael fhall obferue it Yf a ftraunger dwell amonge you ad wyll holde Paffe- over vnto the Lorde, let him circucife all that be males, ad thelet him come and [Ko.XXI.] obferue itad be takeasone that is borne i the lode. No vncircucifed perfone fhall 49 eate there of. One maner of lawe fhalbe vnto the that are borne in the lode, ad vnto the ftraugers that dwell 50 amoge you. And all the childern of Ifrael dyd as the 51 Lorde comauded Mofes ad Aaro. And eue the felfe fame daye dyd the Lorde brynge the childern of Ifrael out of the londe of Egipte with their armies. The .XIII. Chapter. ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes JH-C^-S. The faynge : fanctifie vnto me all the jf i'/}an^. firflborne that ope all maner tyfyed vnto matrices amoge the childern theLordeThe memory all oj of Ifrael, as well of me as of beeftes: for their delyuer- "F. 43 religio phafe 47 coetus 48 in veftram voluerittranfire colo- niam 49 colono 51 per turmas fuas. xiii, 2 Sanctifica . . . mea funt enim omnia iL. 43 die weyfe 45 mietling 48 der befchneytte 51 mit yhrem heer. fSi.. |K. N. 49 Thofe that were borne in the lande, are only thofe that were borne amonge the: not defcendynge of the flocke or lynage of Ifrael. And the flraungers were thofe that dwelt amoge the Ifraelites, and were not borne among the, as aboue in this fame chapter at the letter .d. [i. e. v. 15 fq.] xiii, 2. Sanctifyig loke Gene ii, a. 31. JH. N. 43 Paffah, heyft eyn gang, darumb das der herr ynn Egypteland des nachts gieng, vnd fchlug alle erflegepurt todt, bedeut aber Chriflus flerbe vn aufferftehen, damit er von difer wellt gangen ifl, vnnd ynn dem felben fund, tod, vnd teuffel gefchlagen vnd vns aus dem rechten Egypten gefurt hat zum vater, das ift. vnfer Paffah oder oftern XIII. 3-IO. calleti (JHxotius* 2o5 3 they are myne. And Mofes fayde vnto aunce. Why the people: thike on thys daye i which ye f^Yd'^ThoroZ came out of Egipte and out of the houffe the wylder- of bondage: for with a myghtie hade the ^ones of^^o- Lorde broughte you out fro thece. Se /eph. The therfore that ye eate no leuended bred. Pyler of the 4 This daye come ye out of Egipte in the moneth of Abib. 5 whe the Lorde hath broughte the i to the lode of the Canaanites, Hethites, Amorites, Heuites ad lebu- fites, which he fware vnto thi fathers that he wolde geue the: a londe where in milke ad honye floweth, the fe that thou kepe this fervyce in this fame moneth. 6 Seue dayes thou Ihalte eate fwete bred, ad the .vii 7 daye fhal be feaftfull vnto the Lorde. Therfore thou .r. fhalt eate fwete bred .vii. dayes, and fe thafr there be no leuended bred fene nor yet leue amonge you in all youre quarters. 8 And thou fhalt fhewe thy fonne at Thefathers that tyme faynge: this is done, becaufe ^^^ a dayes r 1 1 1 -1 T 1 ,1 may e not be f of- of that which the JLorde dyd vnto me red to know 9 when I came out of Egipte. Therfore o'>^ght of God it fhall be a figne vnto the vppon thine ^^vv can they hande and aremembrauncebetwene thine then teach eyes, that the Lordes lawe maye be in thy ^^^^^hcit IheZr- mouth. For with a ftronge hade the Lorde emonie mean- lo broughte the out of Egipte, fe thou kepe '^^'^ therfore this ordinauce in his feafon from yere to yere. ^. 9 hande a remembrauce TJ. 4 menfe nouarum frugum . 5 hunc morem facrorum 7 in cunctis finibus tuis. 9 monimentum ante oculos . . femper fit in ore 10 ftatuto tempore a diebus in dies. V. 7 an alien deynen ortten 8 fon fagen 9 fur deynen augen. JE. iE. N. 4 Abib: That is the moneth of Apryll. 9 With a ftronge hande: Looke Pfal. cxxxv, b. !L. JH. N. 4 Abib. Abib ifl der mond den wyr April heyffen, denn die Ebreer heben yhr new iar an nach der natur wenn alle ding widder new grunet and wechfet vnd fich zichtiget, darumb heyffl er auch Menfis nouorum, das denn alles new wirt. 6 Un- gefewrt brad. So hart wyrt der fawerteyg verpoten, das man ia dz lautter Euangelion vnd Gottis gnade, nicht vnfer werck vnd gefetz foil predigen nach der aufferflehung Chrifli, wie Paulus I Cor. V. auch zeygt, vnd ifl folch effen nichts anders denn glaw- ben ynn Chriflo. 2o6 Cjje secontie fiofte of looses, xm. 11-19 11 Moreouer when the Lorde hath broughte the in to the londe of the Canaanytes, as he hath fworne vnto 12 the and to thi fathers, and hath geuen it the, the thou fhalt appoynte vnto the Lorde all that appoynte, af- openeth the matrice, and all the firfl- Jys^J^P"'^'^ ^ borne among the beeftes which thou haft yf they be 13 males. And all the firflborne of the affes, thou fhalt redeme with a fhepe: yf thou redeme him not, then breake hys necke. But all the firflborne amonge thi childern fhalt thou bye out. 14 And when thi fonne axeth the in tyme to come faynge: what is this .-* thou fhalt faye vnto Teach your e him: with a mightie hande the Lorde <^hyldern. broughte us out of Egipte, out of the houffe of bon- 15 [Fo. XXII.] dage. And when Pharao was looth to lete*us goo, the Lorde flewe all the firflborne in the lande of Egipte: as well the firflborne of men as of beafles. And therfore I facrifice vnto the Lorde all the males that open the matrice, but all the firflborne 16 of my childern I mufl redeme. And this fhall be as a token in thine hande, and as a thinge hanged vpp be- twene thine eyes: becaufe the Lorde broughte vs out of Egipte with a mightie hande. 17 when Pharao had let the people goo, God caried them not thorow the londe of the Philiflines, though it were a nye waye. For God fayde: the people myghte happly repent when they fe warre, and fo 18 turne agayne to Egipte: therfore God led the aboute thorow the wylderneffe that bordreth on the redd fee. The childern of Ifrael went harneffed out harneffed, 19 of the lade of Egipte. And Mofes toke |K. 12 matryce, all T. 12 feparabis . . confecrabis domino 13 mutabis oue . . . interficies . 14 filius tuus eras 16 appenfum quid, ob recordationem, ante oculos 17 quae vicina efl 18 & armati afcenderunt 2.. 13 lofen mit eynem fchaff . . . brich yhm das genick 16 fur deynen augen 17 die am nehiften war 18 vmb, auff die flraffe 18 gewapnet 1. itt. N. 18 Schilffmeer. Die kriechen heyffen es, dz rote meer vo dem roten fand vnd boden, aber die Ebreer heyfens fchilffmeer von dem fchilff, vnd bedeut die welt mit yhrem pracht, dadurch die heyligen mit viel leyden gehen muffen. xm.2o-xiin.s. calletT (!Hxotrus* 207 the bones of lofeph with him: for he made the childern of Ifrael fwere faynge: God will furely vyfet you, take my bones therfore away hence with you, 20 And they toke their iorney from Suchoth: and pitched their tentes in Etham in the edge of the wyl- 21 derneffe. And the Lorde went before them by daye in a piler of a cloude to lede them the waye: and by nyghte in a piler of fyre to geue the lighter that they 22 myghte goo both .?. by day ad nyghte. And the piler of the cloude neuer departed by daye nor the piler of fyre by nyghte out of the peoples fighte. The .XIIII. Chapter. HAN the Lorde fpake vnto ^..SocAe ?V^ ad kylle it or felle it, he fhall ^^^^ ^'^'^'^ f' "^ ** ' '"^ are 171 the reftore .v, oxen for an oxe, chapteraboue. and .iiii. fhepe for a fhepe. 2 Thefte Yf a thefe be founde breakynge vpp ad be fmytten that he dye, there fhall no bloude be fhed 3 for him: excepte the fonne be vpp when he is founde, then there fhalbe bloude fhed for him, A thefe fhall make reftitucyon: Yf he haue not 4 wherewith, he fhalbe folde for his thefte. Yf the thefte be founde in his hande alyue (whether it be oxe, affe or fhepe) he fhall reftore double. 5 Yf a man do hurte felde or vyneyarde, fo that he put in his beeft to fede in another mans felde: off the befl ofifhys owne felde, [Fo. XXXVIL] and of the befl of his awne vyneyarde, fhall he make reflitucyon. 6 Yf fyre breake out and catch in the thornes, fo that the ftoukes of corne or the ftodynge corne ^o\xV&s,Jlacks or felde be confumed therwith: he that kynled the fyre fhall make reftitucyon. 7 Yf a man delyuer his neghboure money or ftufife to "^^ 36 cadauer integrum accipiet. xxii, 2 effringens . . fiue fuffodiens 3 homicidium perpetrauit & ipfe morietur. 5 pro damni aeftimatione 31-. 36 vnd das afs haben. xxii, 2 blut gericht {bis) 6 die mandel odder getreyde. 230 Efje secont(e toU of Ptoses, xxn. 8-17 kepe, and it be ftolen out of his houffe: Yf the thefe 8 be foude, he fhal paye double. Yf the thefe be not founde, then the goodma of the houffe goodman, fhalbe brought vnto the goddes and fwere, ^^Ji^^ whether he haue put his hande vnto his neghbours good. 9 And in all maner of trefpace, whether it be oxe, affe, fhepe, rayment or ony maner loft thynge which another chalegeth to be his, the caufe of both parties fhall come before the goddes. And whom goddes, jud- the goddes condene: the fame fhall paye S^^' "'^ ^^^' ^ ID double vnto his neghboure. Yf a man delyuer vnto his neghboure to kepe, affe, oxe, fhepe or what foeuer beeft it be and it dye or be hurte or dryu- 11 en awaye and no man fe it: then fhall an othe of the Lorde goo betwene them, whether he haue put his hande vnto his neghbours good, and the owner of it fhall take the othe, and the other fhall not make it good: 12 Yf it be ftollen from him, then he fhall make refti- 13 tucion vnto the owner: Yf .IT. it be torne with wylde beefles, the let him bringe recorde of the teerynge: and he fhall not make it good. 14 when a man boroweth oughte of his neghbour yf it be hurte or els dye, and yf the owner therof be not 15 by, he fhall make it good: Yf the owner there of be by, he fhall not make it good namely yf it be an hyred thinge ad came for hyre. 16 Yf a man begyle a mayde that is not betrouthed and lye with her, he fhall endote her and endote, endow 17 take her to his wife: Yf hir father refufe to geue her vnto him, he fhall paye money acordynge to the dowrie of virgens. 7. 8 dominus domus applicabitur ad deos lo vel captum ab hoflibus 13 deferat ad eum quod occifum i6 dotabit earn 3L. 8 haufswirt fur die Gotter bringen iH. |K. N. II An othe is the ende of ftryfe and deuifyon, the which is lawful! to be done, when it is ether to the glorie of God or proffyt of our neyboure or for the comen wealth, or elles not, as Math, v, f. \. iH. N. 8 Gotter heyffen die richter, darumb dz fie an Got- tis flat, nach Gottis gefetz vnd wort, nicht nach eygen dunckel richten vnd regirn muflen, wie Chriftus zeugt, lohan. lo XXII. I8-30. calleti a^xoWfi* 231 i8 Thou fhalt not fufifre a witch to lyue, wyches 19 who foeuer lyeth with a beeft, fhalbe flayne for it. 20 He that ofifreth vnto ony goddes faue vnto the Lordc 21 only, let him dye without redemption vexe not a ftraunger nether oppreffe him for ye were ftraungers in the londe of Egipte. 22 Ye fhall trouble no wedowe nor fa- Let all op- 23 therleffe childe: * Yf ye Ihall trouble the: t'''-^Ti''^Jt' ^ ' pore take hede they fhall crye vnto me, ad I wyll to this texte. 24 furely heare their crye and then will my wrath waxe hoote and I will kyll you with fwerde, and youre wyues fhalbe wedowes and youre childern fatherleffe. [Fo. XXXVIIL] 25 Yf thou lende money to ani of my Lend. people that is poore by the, thou fhalt not be as an vfurer vnto him, nether fhalt oppreffe him with vferye. 26 Yf thou take thi neghbours raymet to Pl^gge. pledge, fe that thou delyuer it vnto him agayne by 27 that the fonne goo doune. For that is his couerlet only: eue the rayment for his fkynne wherin he flepeth: or els he will crye vnto me ad I will heare him, for I am mercyfull. 28 Thou fhalt not rayle vppon the goddes, Goddes. nether curfe the ruelar of thi people. 29 Thy frutes (whether they be drye or moyft) fe thou kepe not backe. Thi firflborne fonne thou fhalt geue 30 me: likewife fhalt thou doo of thine oxen and of thy JH. 24 y fwerde T. 20 diis, occidetur, praster dom. 25 vrgebis cum quafi ex- actor, nee vfuris opprimes. 27 indumentum carnis eius nee . . in quo dormiat. 1.. 19 der fey verbannet. 26 feyn eynige decke feyner haut, darynn er fchlefft. 29 fulle vnd threnen JH. |tX. N. 22 Let all oppreffars of the pore take hede to this texte. 29 By tythes & fyrfl frutes are vnderftdde geuynge ot thakes wher by the heart knowledgeth & confeffeth to haue re- ceaued it of God, as in i Tim. iiii, a. BL. ^. N. 29 Fulle heyfl er alle hartte fruchte als da find, korn, gerflcn, epffel, byrn, da man fpeyfe von macht, Threnen heyfl er alle weych fruchte, da man faft vnd tranck von macht, Als da find weyndrauben ole. Bedeut aber das Euangelion dz da fpeyfet vnd trenckt geyfi.lich. 232 Wi}t secotitJe irofte of fEoses,xxn.3i-xxiii.8 fliepe, Seuen dayes it fhall be with the dame, and the .viii. daye thou (halt geue it me. 31 Ye fhalbe holye people vnto me, and therfore fhall ye eate no flefh that is torne of beeftes in the feld. But fhall caft it to dogges. The .XXIII. Chapter. HOU fhalt not accept a vayne pi.^.S. Here tale, nether fhalt put thine i,ecaurT^^'l hande with the wiked to wolde allmen be an vnrightous witneffe. f^,'" J^pt Falfevvitnejfe. Thou fhalt not folowe a mul- thorow oute, titude to do euell: nether anfwere in a ^f^^ ^^^^ ^^^ mater of plee that thou woldeft to folow before alfo. many turne a fyde .?. from the trueth, 1 n 1 1 paynte, favor nether (halt thou paynte a porre mans /li^ caufe, fee caufe. Hebrew. whe thou meteft thine enimies oxe or affe goynge a ftraye, thou fhalt brynge the to him agayne. Yf thou fe thine enimies affe fynke vnder his bur- then, thou fhalt not paffe by and let him alone: but fhalt helpe him to lyfte him vp agayne. Thou fhalt not hynder the right of the poore that are amonge you in their fute. Kepe the ferre from a falfe mater, and the Innocent and righteous fe thou fley not, for I will not iuflifye the weked. Thou fhalt take no giftes, for gyftes Gyftes. blinde the feynge and peruerte the wordes of the righteous. D . I non fufcipies vocem mendacii 2 vt a vero deuies. 3 non mifereberis 5 fed fubleuabis cum eo. 6 non declinabis in iud. pauperis. 7 quia averfor impium. 8 fubuertunt verba i. I annehmen vnnutzer teydinge 2 vom rechten weychefl 6recht . . beugen 7 rechtfertige keynen gotlofen. 8 rechten fachen. JH. f^. N. 8 By receauyng of gyftes is vnderflonde all thyngc by which one feketh hys awne profijt and honoure and not godes, as in Deut. xvi, d. xxvii, d. & Eccli. xx, d. xxiii. 9-18. calleti (JHxotius- 233 9 Thou fhalt not oppreffe a ftraunger, Straunger. for I knowe the herte of ftraunger, becaufe ye were ftraungers in Egipte. 10 Sixe yeres thou fhalt fowe thi londe ad gather in the 11 frutes theroff: and the feuenth yere thou fhalt let it refl and lye flyll, that the poore of thi people maye eate, and what they leaue, the beeftes of the felde fhall eate: In like maner thou fhalt do with thi vyne- yarde ad thine olyue trees. 12 Sixe dayes thou fhalt do thi worke ad the [Fo. XXXIX.] feuenth daye thou fhalt kepe holie daye, that thyne oxe and thine affe maye reft ad the fonne of thi mayde and the ftraunger maye be refreffhed. 13 And in all thinges that I haue fayde vnto you be circumfpecte. And make no reherfall of the names of the ftraunge goddes, nether let any man heare the out of youre mouthes. 14 Thre feaftes thou fhalt holde vnto me in a yere. 15 Thou fhalt kepe the feaft of fwete bred that thou eate vnleuend bred .vii. dayes loge as I comaunded the in the tyme appoynted of the moneth of Abib, for in that moneth thou cameft out of Egipte: ad fe that noman 16 appeare before me emptie. And the feaft of Herueft, when thou reapeft the firftfrutes of thy laboures which thou haft fowne in the felde. And the feaft of ingad- erynge, in the ende of the yere: when thou haft gath- ered in thy laboures out of the felde. 17 Thre tymes in a yere fhall all thy menchildern ap- pere before the Lorde lehouah. 18 Thou fhalt not offer the bloude of my facrifyce with "V. 9 fcitis enim ad. animas 12 refrigeretur 13 cuflodite . . non iurabitis neque audietur 15 menfis nouorum 16 menfis primiti- uorum %. 9 yhr wiffet vmb der fremdling herz 17 Herrn des hirfchers 3L. |K. N- 14 Das ifl, das oflerfefl ym april, Pfingften ym brach- mond vnd das lauberhutten feft ym weynmond, davon lies am 23. Cap. des dritten buchs. Des iars ausgang heyfl er den weyn mond, das als denn aus ifl mit frucht wachfen vnd famlen. 18 Das blut etc. das ill du folt das ofler lamb nicht opffern ehe denn all gefeurt brod aus deynem haufe kompt, Bedeut das Chrillus blut nicht neben fich leydet eygg menfchen leer vnd werck, Matth. 16, hut euch fur dem faurteyg der Pharifeer. 234 Cfte secontie hokt of JKoges, xxm. 19-28 leuended bred: nether fhall the fatt of my feaft re- mayriQ vntill the mornynge. 19 The firft of the firftfrutes of thy lode thou .?. fhalt bringe in to the houffe of the Lorde thy God thou fhalt alfo not feth a kyde in his mothers mylke. 20 Beholde, I fende mine angell before the, to kepe the in the waye, and to brynge the in to the place 21 which I haue prepared Beware of him and heare his voyce and angre him not: for he wyll not fpare youre 22 myfdedes, yee and my name is in him. But and yf thou fhalt herken vnto his voyce ad kepe all that I fhall tell the, the I wilbe an enimye vnto thyne enimies and an aduerfarie vnto thine aduerfaries. 23 when myne angell goth before the ad hath broughte the in vnto the Amorites, Hethites Pherezites, Ca- naanites, Heuites and lebufites and I fhall haue de- 24 ftroyed them: fe thou worfhippe not their goddes ne- ther ferue them, nether do after the workes of them: but ouerthrowe them and breake doune the places of them 25 And fe that ye ferue the Lorde youre God, ad he fhall bleffe thi bred and thy water, ad I will take all fyckneffes awaye from amonge you. 26 Moreouer there fhalbe no woman childleffe or vn- frutefuU in thi londe, and the nombre of thi dayes I 27 will fulfyll. I will fende my feare before the and will kyll all the people whether thou fhalt goo. And I will make all thine enemies turne their backes vnto 28 the, ad I will [Fo. XL.] fend hornettes before the, and they fhall dryue out the Heuites, the Cananites and the Hethites before the. V. 18 fuper fermeto 24 confringes flatuas eorum. 25 vt bene- dicam . . auferam infirm. 26 dier. tuor. implebo. 28 emittes cra- brones prius, qui fug. i. 18 nebeti dem fawrteyg 19 an feyner mutt, milch 24 gotzen abtiiun vnd zubrechen 26 eynfame noch vnfruchtbar . . alter vol machen 28'horniffen . . ausjagen ^X. JB:. N. 19 That is, thou fhalt not fethe it fo longe as it foucketh, or as fome thynke: they fhuld not kyll bothe the dame & the kyd. 28 A hornet is lyke a wafpe (he is of a more vene- mous nature & flyngeth moche forer, as in Deut. vii. & lofu. xxiiii. c. 1. At. N. 19 Das bocklin etc. das ifl. die fchwachglewbigen vnd iunge Chriflen folltu nicht ergern noch mit ftarcker lere vnd wercken beladen. XXIII. 29-xxiiii. 4. callctr (JHxotJUg, 235 29 I will not call: them out in one yere, left the lande growe to a wylderneffe: and the beeftes of the felde multiplye apon the. 30 But a litle and a litle I will dryue them out before the, vntill thou be increafed that thou mayft enherett 31 the londe. And I will make thi cofles fro the red fee vnto the fee of the Philiftenes and from the deferte vnto the ryuer. I will delyuer the in- By the ryuer habiters of the londe m to thme hande, ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^_ and thou fhalt dryue them out before the. phrates, 32 And thou fhalt make none appoyntment with them 33 nor wyth their goddes. Nether fhall they dwell in thi londe, left they make the fynne agaynft me: for yf thou ferue their goddes, it will furely be thy decaye. The .XXIIII. Chapter. the couen- aunt. The el- ders of Ifrael iudge the peo- ple. ND he fayde vnto Mofes: come P^-^-Z. Mofes vnto the Lorde: both thou and '''Thf mount Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and and wryteth the .Lxx. elders of Ifrael, 'l'^r''t:;l 2 and worfhippe a ferre of. And Mofes The bloude of went him felf alone vnto the Lorde, but they came not nye, nether came the peo- ple vp with him. 3 And Mofes came ad tolde the people al the .T. wordes of the Lorde and all the lawes. And all the people anfwered with one voyce and fayde: all the wordes which the Lorde hath fayde, will wee doo. 4 Then Mofes wrote all the wordes of the Lorde and rofe vp early ad made an alter vnder the hyll, and .xii IJ. 31 tradam in man. veflris 32 inibis . . . foedus 2)2) quod tibi certe erit in fcandalum. xxiiii, i Afcede 3 iudicia 4 ad radices mentis \. 30 meylich 32 bund machen 33 zum ergernis geratten. xxiiii, I Steyg erauff 4 vnden am berge iL. Jtt. y. 3 Eyner flym: Das gefetz zwinget wol euferlich eynerley zu fagen oder geloben, aber das iiertz ifl nicht da, drumb ill hie des volcics wol eyne flym, aber keyn hertz. 236 Efje secontre ijoke of JHoses, xxmi. 5-14 pilers acordynge to the nombre of the .xii. trybes of 5 Ifrael, ad fent yonge men of the childern of Ifrael to facrifyce burntoffrynges ad to offre peaceoffrynges of oxen vnto the Lorde. 6 And Mofes toke halfe of the bloude and put it in bafens, and the otherhalfe he fprenkeld on the alter. 7 And he toke the boke of the appoynt- appoyntment, ment and red it in the audience of the (covenant people. And they feyde. All that the Lorde hath 8 fayde, we will do and heare. And Mofes toke the bloude ad fprinkeld it on the people ad fayde: be- holde, this is the bloude of the appoyntment which the Lorde hath made with you apon all thefe wordes. 9 Then went Mofes and Aaron, Nadab ad Abihu and 10 the .Lxx. elders of Ifrael vppe, and fawe the God of Ifrael, and vnder his fete as it were a brycke worke of Saphir and as it were the facyon of f^cyon, ap- 11 heauen when it is cleare, and apo the jy_ nobles of the childern of Ifrael he fett not his hande. And when they had fene God [Fo. XLL] they ate and dronke. 12 And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: come vpp to me in to the hyll and be there, ad I will geue the tables of fbone and a lawe and commaundmentes, which I 13 haue written to teach them. Then Mofes rofe vppe ad his minifter lofua, and Mofes went vppe in to the 14 hyll of God, ad feyde vnto the elders: tarye ye here vntill we come agayne vnto you: And beholde here is Aaron and Hur with you. Yf any man haue any maters to doo, let him come to them U- 5 victimas pacificas 7 volumen foederis . . erimus obed. 8 fuper cunct. ferm. 10 opus lapidis fapphirini . . czelum cum fe- renum 11 eos qui procul receff. 12 doceas eos. 14 referetis ad eos. 3L. 5 fridopffer 7 buch des bunds . . gehorchen 8 vber alien dif. wortten 10 zigel von Sapphir werck . . geflaltdes hymels, wens klar ift, 11 furnemiflen 14 an die felben gelangen. ^. Si.. N. 5 Peace offrynge is to reconcile God toward me, to be at peace wyth them & to forgiue the their trefpace: or as fome men faye for peace obtayned after victorie in batayle, as afore in the .ix. chapter, d and here after xxxii, b. 10 They fawe God, that is: they knewe certenly thatt he was there prefent, and they fawe him as in a vifyon, not in his godly maieftie: but as it were by a certen reuelacion. XXIIII. 15-XXV. 9. calleti ^xotius. 237 15 when Mofes was come vpp in to the mounte, a 16 clowde couered the hyll, and the glorye of the Lorde abode apon mounte Sinai, and the clowde couered it vi. dayes. And the feuenth daye he called vnto Mo- 17 fes out of the clowde. And the facyon of the glorie of the Lorde was like confumynge fyre on the toppe of the hyll in the fyghte of the childern of Ifrael. 18 And Mofes went in to the mountayne And Mofes was in the mounte .xl. dayes and .xl. nyghtes. The .XXV. Chapter ND the Lorde talked with Mofes iH.. Z. The faynge: fpeake vnto the chil- ^j^f.f/-^^. dern of Ifrael that they geue fyo7i of the me an heueoffrynge, and of holy place and the tftvfi^cs euerey man that geueth it willingly wyth pertaynynge 3 his herte, ye fhall take it. And this is therto. the heue- .?. offrynge which ye fhall take of them: 4 gold, filuer ad braffe: and lacyncte col- iacyncte, hya- oure, fcarlet, purpull, byffe and gootes "^^. ^^^-^ 5 here: rams fkynnes that are red, and the fkynnes of 6 taxus and fethimwodd, oyle for lightes and fpices for 7 a noyntynge oyle and for fwete cenfe: Onix ftones and fett ftones for the Ephod and for the ^^^'f Y^ ^ garment lyke breftlappe. an amyce. 8 And they fhall make me a fanctuarye that I maye 9 dwell amonge them. And as I haue fhewed the the facion of the habitacio and of all the orna- facion, pat- mentes therof, eue fo fe that ye make it in ^^^^^ ^' 'f-^- all thynges. JH. 9- And I fhall fhewe the U. 15 op. nubes mont. 16 medio caliginis. 17 ignis ardens 18 Ingreffufque M. medium nebulae, afcendit in . . xxv, 2 primi- tias 4 purpuram, coccumque bis tinctum 5 pellefque hyac. 7 ephod ac rationale. i. 17 vertzehrend fewr. . xxv, I HebopflFer 4 gelle feyden, fcharlacken, rofynrodt, 5 dachs fell 7 brufl latzen. ^. ^. N. 16 Of this glorie is fpoken before in the .xvi. Chap- ter, c. xxv, 7 Ephod is a garment lyke an amyce. 238 E\}t secontie tiofte of looses, xxv. ia-23 10 And they fhall make an arke of fethim wodd .ii. cu- bittes and an halfe longe, a cubite ad an halfe brode 11 and a cubitt and an halfe hye. And thou fhalt ouer- leye it with pure golde: both within and without, and fhalt make an hye vppon it a crowne of golde rounde 12 aboute. And thou fhalt caft .iiii. rynges of golde for it and put them in the .iiii. corners there of .ii. rynges 13 on the one fyde of it and .ii. on the other. And thou fhalt make flaues of fethim wodd and couer them with 14 golde, and put the flaues in the rynges alonge by the 15 fydes of the arke, to bere it with all. And the ftaues fhall abyde in the rynges of the arke, and fhall not be 16 taken awaye. [Fo. XLIL] And thou fhalt put in the arke, the wytnefTe which I fhall geue the. 17 And thou fhalt make a mercifeate of pure golde .ii cubytes and an halfe longe and a cubete and an halfe 18 brode. And make .ii. cherubyns off thicke golde on 19 the .ii. endes of the mercyfeate: and fett the one cherub on the one ende and the other on the other ende of the mercyfeate: fo fe that thou make them on the .ii 20 endes there of. And the cherubyns fhall ftretch theyr wynges abrode ouer an hye, ad couer the mercy feate with their wynges, and theyr faces fhall loke one to another: eue to the mercyfeate warde, fhall the faces of 21 the cherubyns be. And thou fhalt put the mercyfeate aboue apon the arke, ad in the arke thou fhalt put the wytneffe which I will geue the. 22 There I will mete the and will comon comon, com- with the from apon the mercyfeate from "^"^^^ betwene the two cherubyns which are apon the arke of witneffe, of all thynge which I will geue the in commaundment vnto the childern of Ifrael. 23 Thou fhalt alfo make a table of fethim wod of two V. II fupra coronam i6 teftificatione i8 productiles facies ex vtraque parte oraculi. 22 Inde prcecipiam, & loquar !L. 1 1 oben vmbher 12 geufs 13 foern holtz 16 zeugnis 17 Gna- den ftuel 22 Von dem ort 1. ^1. N. 22 Bjfr zeugen: das ifl, dabey als bey eym gewiflen zeichen vnd zeugnis will ich dich wiffen laffen, das ich da bin gegenwertig, das ich dafelbs reden werde etc. Bedeut aber Chriftum ynn der menfcheyt. Ro. 3. XXV. 24-36. calletJ (JHxotrus;, 239 cubittes longe and one cubett brode ad a cubett ad an 24 halfe hye. And couer it with pure golde and make 25 there to a crowne of golde rounde aboute. And make vnto that .?. an whope of .iiii. fyngers brode, rounde aboute, And make a golde crowne alfo to the 26 whope rounde aboute. And make for it .iiii. rynges of golde and put them in the corners that are on the 27 iiii. fete therof: eue harde vnder the whope harde ynder, t ifi 7H 6 dt ate Iv fhall the rynges be, to put in ftaues to under 28 bere the table with all. And thou fhalt make flaues of Sethim wodd and ouerleye the with golde, that the 29 table maye be borne with them And thou fhalt make his diflhes, fpones, pottes and flatpeces to poure out 30 withall, of fyne golde. And thou fhalt fett apon the table, fhewbred before me allwaye. Shewbredbe- 31 And thou fhalt make a candelfticke of '^'^^fe it yvas pure thicke golde with his fhaft, braunches, '^p^e/ence\nd bolles, knoppes ad floures proceadynge fight of the 32 there out Syxe braunches fhall procede ^ ' out of the fydes of the candelfticke .iii. out of the one 33 fyde and .iii. out of the other. And there fhalbe .iii cuppes like vnto almondes with knoppes knoppes, buds ad floures vppon euery one of the .vi J ^ ^^'"if^i ^^ ^ notv fpelled braunches that procede out of the cadel- knob 34 ftycke: and in the candelfticke felfe .iiii. cuppes like 35 vnto almondes with their knoppes and floures: that there be a knope vnder eueri .ii. brauches of the fyxe 36 that procede out of the cadelftycke. And the knoppes and the braunches fhal be altogether, one pece of pure thicke golde. [Fo. XLIIL] Woodcut with the infcription : [ The forme of the arke of witneffe with his ftaues and two cherubyns. .?. Verfo of Fo. XLIII. Woodcut with the infcrip- T. 24 labium aureum 25 coronam interrafilem 29 libamina, ex auro puriffimo 30 panes propofitionis 36 vniuerfa ductilia de auro puriff. 31. 29 aus lauter golt 30 fchawbrod 36 alles eyn ticht lautergolt. IK. JH. N. 30 Sheivbreed, becaufe it was alwaye in the prefence and fyght of the Lorde. 240 Efje gecoittje ioke of looses, xxv. 37-xxvr. 4 tion: [ The table of fhewbreed with the loves of breed vppon it, and his other veffels. [Fo. XLIIIL] Woodcut with the infcription\ fL The facion of the cadelfticke with his lampes, fnoffers and other neceffaryes. F. S. by H. \in lower right hand corner.l 37 .IT. Verfo of folio, but marked [Fo. XLV.] And thou flialt make .vii. lampes and put them an hye there on, to geue lighte vnto the other fyde that is ouer agaynft 38, 39 it: with fnoffers and fyre pannes of pure golde. And hundred pounde weyghte of fyne golde {hall make it 40 with all the apparell. And fe that thou make them after the facyon that was fhewed the in the mounte. The .XXVI. Chapter. ND thou fhalt make an habi- ^.'i The mojl holy place, was the fecrete and in- warde place of the fanctuary wheri flode the arcke & the mercye- feate, and into which none but the prefles only might come, and that but once a yere. The figure of which thynge is declared in the Hebrewes ix, a. iii. Reg. vi, c. 244 tlTfje gecontie bofte of JHoses, xxvn. s-is 5 euen in the .iiii. corners of it, and put it beneth vnder the compaffe of the altare, and let the net reache vnto 6 the one half of the altare, And make ftaues for the 7 altare of fethim wodd, and couer the wyth braffe, and let them be put in rynges alonge by the fydes off the altare, to bere it with all. 8 And make the altare holowe with hordes: euen as it was fhewed the in the mount, fo lett them make it, 9 And thou fhalt make a courte vnto the habitacion, which fhall haue in the fouth fyde hagynges of twyned 10 byffe, beyng an hundred cubettes longe, and .xx pilers thereof with there .xx. fockettes of braffe: but the knoppes of the .?. Verfo ofYo. XLVIII. containing a woodcut with the infcription: [ The forme of the alter of the burnt- offrynge with his homes, ringes ftaues, gredyernes and other ornametes. 11 [Fo. XLIX.] pilers and their whopes fhalbe fyluer. In like wife on the north fyde there fhalbe hagynges of an hundred cubettes longe and .xx. pilers with their 12 fokettes of braffe, and the knoppes and the whopes of fyluer. And in the bredth of the courte weflwarde, there fhalbe hangynges of fyftye cubettes longe, and 13 X. pilers with their .x. fokettes. And in the bredth of the courte eaftwarde towarde the ryfynge of the fonne, 14 fhalbe hangynges of .L. cubyttes. Hagynges of .xv cubittes in the one fyde of it with .iii. pilers, and ,iii , 15 fokettes: and likewife on the other fyde fhalbe hang- ynges of .XV. cubettes with .iii. pilers and .iii. fokettes. 16 And in the gate of the courte fhalbe a vayle of .xx cubettes: of lacyncte, fcarlet, purpul and twyned byffe wroughte with nedle worke, and .iiii. pilers with their 17 iiii. fokettes. All the pilers rounde aboute the courte fhalbe whoped with fyluer, and their knoppes of fyluer, 18 and their fokettes of braffe. The length of the courte, fhall be an hundred cubettes, and the bredth fiftye, and U. 5 fubter arulam . . ad alt. medium. 8 Non folidu, fed inane & cauum 10 viginti cum bafibus . . . capita cum caelaturis 1. 5 vnden auff vmb 9 hoff ^. |K. N. 9 The cowrie is that whych we call a church yarde, XXVII. I9-XXVIII. 3- callctr (fHxotius* 245 the heygth fyue, and the hangynges fhalbe of twyned 19 byffe and the fokettes of braffe. And all the veffels of the habitacion to all maner feruyce ad the pynnes there of: ye and the pynnes alfo of the courte, flialbe braffe. .IT. Verfo 0/ Fo. XLIX. containing a woodcut with the infcription: [ The figure of the orderinge of all the ornametes which muft ftande in the tabernacle. 20 [Fo. L.] And commaunde the childern of Ifrael that they geue the pure oyle olyue beaten for the lyghtes SI to poure all way in to the lampes. In the tabernacle of witneffe without the vayle which is before the wyt- neffe, fhall Aaron ad his fonnes dreffe it both even and mornynge before the Lorde: And it fhalbe a dewtie for euer vnto youre generacyons after you; to be geuen of the childern of Ifrael. The .XXVIII. Chapter. ND take thou vnto the, Aaron Pi.<^.%.Aa- thi brother and his fonnes with 7SlvfiZi^' c^ nys Jonnes. him, from amonge the childern ^^- ;^ -^^ ^^_ of Ifrael, that he maye min- to the bokes yftre vnto me: both Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, ^^^^ ^ !^- T-1 1 T 1 A / A , rovve out all Jileazar and Ithamar Aarons fonnes. And thenexteboke, thou fhalt make holye rayment for Aaron ^^^^ y^a// fe thy brother, both honorable and glory- the Pope and ous Moreouer fpeake vnto all that are vvhence he wyfe harted which I haue fylled with '^tono/t'heit- the fprete of wyfdome: that they make metes and or - Aarons rayment to confecrate him wyth, ^^^^^^^ ^^9-^ ' -^ ' arenovvevfed that he maye myniftre vnto me. inthe chyrche ^. 21 and Aaron and hys fonnes fhall dreffe V. 19 cuncta vafa 20 vt ardeat lucerna femper 21 collocab. earn . . . vt vfque mane luceat . . . cultus per fucceffiones eorum. xxviii, I vt facerdotio fungantur 2 in gloriam et decorem. iL. 19 negel 21 von morgen bis an den abent. xxviii, i meyn Priefler fey 2 zu ehren vnd fchmuck 3 weyfen hertzen ^. JH. N. 21 It is called the tabernacle of witnejfe: becaufe therin was contayned the couenaiit & witneffe whervnto god wold that the chyldren of Ifrael fhuld trufl, as Leu. iii. c. For- euer: loke in Genefis xiii, d. 246 Efje secontic bofee of Jloses, xxvm. 4-14 4 Thefe are the garmentes which they andthemaner fhall make: a breftlappe, Ephod, a tu- ofhalovvejigc , off the church, nycle, a Itrayte cote, a myter and a altare,chalice, girdell. And they fhall make holye fonte, belles, garmentes for Aaron thi brother ad 7s become as it his fones, that he maye myniflre vnto were a prejl 5 me. And they fhal take there to, favJtddhath golde, lacincte, fcarlet, brought vs in to captiuite as .?. Verfo of Fo. L. containing a wood- itvverevnder . ..J ,//.. mr -r\ c c theceremonies cut With the tnjcrtptton: m. Ihe forme of gf ^/^^ ^/^ Aaron with all his apparell. lavve, faue theirs fpak [Fo. LI.] purpull and byffe. ^^ ^"^-^ ^^ 6 And they fhall make the Ephod: of golde lagyncte, fcarlett, purpull ad white twyned 7 byffe with broderdworke, The two fydes fhall come 8 to gether, cloffed vppe in the edges thereof And the girdell of the Ephod fhalbe of the fame worke- manfhippe ad of the fame ftuffe: euen of golde, la- cyncte, fcarlete, purpull ad twyned byffe, 9 And thou fhalt take two onyx ftones and graue 10 in them the names of the childern of Ifrael: fixe in the one ftone, and the other fixe in the other fhone: 11 acordinge to the order of their birth. After the worke of a fbonegrauer, eue as fygnettes are grauen, fhalt thou graue the .ii. ftones with the names of the childern of Ifrael, ad fhalt make the to be fet 12 in ouches of golde. And thou fhalt put ouches, or- the two ftones apo the two fhulders of njime.tsjit to ^ difplay jew- the Ephod, ad they fhalbe ftones off re- els or precious membraunce vnto the childern off Ifrael. Jiones. And Aaron fhall bere their names before the Lorde vppon hys two fhulders for a remembraunce. 13, 14 And thou fhalt make hokes off golde and two T. 4 Rationale & fuperhumerale, tunicam et lineam ftrictam 6 byffo retorta, opere polymito. 7 Duas oras iunctas, 10 iuxta or- dinem natiuit. eorum. 11 Opere fculptoris & caslatura g-emmarii 12 memoriale fil. Ifrael, . . . ob recordatione. 13 vncinos ex auro BL. 4 weyhe . . brufllatz, leybrock, feyden rock, engen rock 10 orden yhrs alters 12 gedechtnis {bis) ^. JW. N. 4 Brejllappe or breftflappe is foche a flappe as is \ the brefl of a cope. XXVIII. 15-26, calleti ((Hxotius. 247 cheynes off fine golde: lynkeworke and wrethed, and faften the wrethed cheynes to the hokes. 15 And thou Ihalt make the brefllappe of en- .f. fample with broderd worker eue after the worke of the Ephod fhalt thou make it: of golde, lacyncte, fcarlet, purple ad twyned byffe fhalt thou make it. 16 Fourefquare it fhall be ad double, an hande brede 17 longe and an hande brede brode. And thou fhalt fyll it with .iiii. rowes of ftones. In the firfl rowe fhalbe 18 a Sardios, a Topas and Smaragdus, The feconde rowe: 19 a Rubyn, Saphir and a Diamonde. The thyrd: Lygu- rios an Acatt and Amatift. 20 The fourth: a Turcas, Onix and lafpis. And they fhalbe fett in golde in their inclofers. 21 And the flones fhalbe grauen as fygnettes be graue: with the names of the childern of Ifrael euen with xii. names euery one with his name acordynge to the .xii, trybes. 22 And thou fhalt make vppon the brefllappe .ii fafteninge cheynes of pure golde ad wrethen worke. 23 And thou fhalt make likewyfe vppon the brefllappe ii. rynges of golde and put them on the edges of the 24 breftlappe, and put the .ii. wrethen cheynes of golde in the .ii. rynges which are in the edges of the breftlappe, 25 And the .ii. endes of the .ii. cheynes thou fhalt faften in the .ii. rynges, and put them vppon the fhulders of the Ephod: on the forefyde of it. 26 And thou fhalt yet make .ii. rynges of gol- [Fo. LIL] de ad put them in the .ii. edges of the breftlappe eue in the borders there of towarde the infyde of the JHl. 15 breftlappe of iudgemet 19 Rubye "F. 15 rationale quoque iudicii 17 Ponefque in eo . . ordines lapidum 17 in primo verfu 20 in quarto chryfolitus, onych., et beryllus 21 caelabuntur 25 quod rationale refpicit. % 15 bruftlatz des rechts . . nach der kunfl 17 fullen mit vier rigen 25 ecken am leybrock gegen ander vber. fK. JH. N. 17 Smaragdus: Or an emeraude. 18 Rubye: Some rede a carbuncle. 2.. |K. N. 15 Des rechts: Mit dem wort zeygt er an, was der bruftlatz bedeut, nemlich, das ynn Chrifto dem hohen priefter die macht ftehet das gefeze aus zu legen vnnd zu lencken nach ge- legenheyt der fachen vnnd notturft der gewiffen, wie Chriftus Matth. 12 mit dem Sabbath thut. 248 EJje secontie fiofte of IKoges, xxvm. 27-32 27 Ephod that is ouer agaynft it. And yet .ii. other riges of golde thou l]^alt make, ad put the on the ii. fydes of the Ephod, beneth ouer agaynfl the breft- lappe, alowe where the fydes are ioyned together 28 vppo the brodered girdell of the Ephod. And they fhall bynde the breftlappe by his rynges vnto the rynges of the Ephod with a lace of lacyncte, that it maye lye cloffe vnto the brodered girdell of the Ephod, that the breftlappe be not lowfed from the Ephod. 29 And Aaro fhall bere the names of the childern of Ifrael in the breftlappe of enfaple vppo his herte, whe he goth in to the holy place, for a remebrauce before 30 the Lorde allwaye. And thou (halt put i the breft- lappe of enfaple* lighte and perfectneffe: Light ad per- that they be eue vpon Aaros herte whe Hebrue it is he goeth i before the Lorde ad Aaro Ughtes and fhall bere the enfaple of the childern of id^fY4nke Ifrael vpo his herte before the Lorde that the one alwaie ZTV^-fTa that did ghjl- 31 And thou fhalt make the tunycle vnto erdd had light the Ephod, all to gether of lacyncte. ^', *^^^ f^^ thcotficf 32 And ther fhalbe an hole for the heed in clere Jlones ^. 27 bordered 29 breftlappe of iudgement, fo v. 30. 30 Vrim and Thumin y. 28 vitta hyacinthina, vt maneat iunctura fabrefacta 29 fuper pectus 30 doctrinam et veritatem 32 capitium, & ora per gyrum eius textilis 3L. 30 Liecht vnd voUickeyt |K. JE. N. 30 Vrym and Thumin, are Hebrue wordes: Vrim fignifieth light & Thumin perfectnes; and I thynke that the one were ftones that dyd glyfter and had light in the, the other clere ftones as criftall. And the lighte betokened the light of Godes worde & the pureneffe cleane lyuynge acordynge to the fame, & was therfore called the enfample of the chyldern of Ifrael, becaufe it put them in remembraunce to feke Gods worde & to doo the rafter. iL. itt. N. 30 Liecht etc. Ebreifch heyffen dife wort Urim and Thumim, Urim heyft liechte odder glentze, Thumim heyft, voUige vnd on wandel, was folchs fey gewefen leyplich, weyfs man itzt nit mehr, Bedeut aber on zweyffel, das Chriftus lere ifl vnd wirt behalten lauter, hel vnd on wandel ynn des prediger hertzen, wie paulus. Tito gepeut, das er das wort heylfam, red- lich vnd vnftrefflich furen fol, vnd Timotheo befilt, eyn gutte bey- lage zu beware, das heyft auch hie, das recht der kinder Ifrael auff Aarons hertzen tragen. XXVIII. 33-40. calletJ (JHxotius, 249 the myddes of it, ad let there be a bonde as crijlall. r 1 1 i_ . .1 1 Andtheliehte 01 wouen worke rounde aboute the colore betokened the colore of a of it: as it were the colore light of Codes partlet, collar c ^.i i_ ^i. i. -i. l. l. vvorde and If a ruff, or ^^ ^ Partlet, that it rent not- ,^^ p^reneffe 33 neckband. And beneth .IT. vppon the cleane livinge hem thou fhalt make pomgranates of la- '^fordynge to ^ the fame and cyncte, of fcarlet, and of purpull rounde vvastkerefore aboute the hem, and belles of golde be- called the en- f(X'}fii)lB of the 34 twene them rounde aboute: that there be childern of If- euer a golden bell and a pomgranate, a rael,bec_aufeit ^ut t ftp ZW ^^~ golden bell and a pomgranate rounde fnembraunce aboute vppon the hem of the tunicle. to feke Gods 35 And Aaron fhall haue it vppon him Yo^htelfte^. when he minyftreth, that the founde maye be herde when he goeth in to the holy place before the Lorde and when he cometh out, that he dye not. 36 And thou fhalt make a plate of pure golde, and graue there on (as fignettes are grauen) the ho- 37 lynes of the Lorde, and put it on a lace Thathecall- of lacyncte and tye it vnto the mytre, ^^^ ^^ /j^g 38 vppon the forefrunt of it, that it be apon Lorde I fup- K2.xbs foreheed: that Aaron bere the t"/l'J^'L\'n name leho- fynne of the holy thynges which the uah. childern of Ifrael haue halowed in all their holye giftes. And it fhalbe alwayes vpon Aarons foreheed, that they maye be accepted before the Lorde 39 And thou fhalt make an albe of byffe, and thou fhalt make a mytre of byffe ad a girdell of nedle worke. 40 And thou fhalt make for Aarons fonnes alfo cotes, T. 35 vt audiatur fonitus 36 Sanctum domino. 38 muneribus et donariis 40 tunicas lineas \- 35 an haben wenn er dienet 36 die heylickeyt dem Herrn 38 gaben vnd heylthum . . das er fie verfune ^H. ^. N. 36 The holynes of the Lord, was a name of God made with .iiii. letters, which the Hebrues durfl not name for honoure wyich they had to God, in (lede wherof they fayd Adonay. Which we haue interpret in Ex. vi, a. by his name lehouah. 38 The fynne: for the offryng made for fynne, as Rom. viii, a. 25o Efje secontre irofee of JHoses, xxvm. 41-xxix. 3 41 girdels and bonettes honourable and glorious, and thou fhalt put them vppon Aaron thy brother ad on his fonnes with him [Fo. LIII.] and fhalt anoynte them and fyll theyr handes and confecrate them, 42 that they maye myniftre vnto me. And thou fhalt make them lynen breches to couer their preuyties: 43 from the loynes vnto the thyes fhall they reach. And they fhalbe apon Aaron and his fonnes, whe they goo in to the tabernacle of wytneffe, or when they goo vnto the altare to myniftre in holynes, that they bere no fynne and fo dye. And it flialbe a lawe for euer vnto Aaron ad his feed after him. The .XXIX. Chapter. HIS is the thinge that thou iH.C.S. The fl.alt doo vnto them when ^jl^^.t; thou haloweft them to be his fonnes. my preaftes. Take one oxe and two 2 rammes that are without blemyfh, ad vnleueded bred and cakes of fwete bred tempered with oyle and wafers of fwete bred anoynted with oyle (of 3 wheten floure fhalt thou make them) and put them in a maunde and brynge the in maunde, a the maunde with the oyle and the .ii hand bajket. rammes. ^. 3 maunde with the oxe T. 41 cunct. confec. manus 43 vt min. in fanctuario, ne iniq. rei moriantur. xxix, 2 cruflulam abfque fermento . . lagana 3 in caniflro . . vitulu autem 2.. 40 zu ehren vnd fchmuck. 41 hende fuUen 42 nydderkleyd 43 yhr miffethat tragen. iH. ^. N. 43 Tabernacle of witnejfe: Loke in Ex. xxvii, d. Foreuer: Loke in Gen. xiii, d. 1. |K. N. 41 Fullen: Dis fuUen ifl ein Ebreifch fprach, der man mus gewonen, vnd war das, wie ym folgend capitel fteht, das ynn der weyhe den Prieflern die hende mit opfer gefullet wurden fur dem herrn, Bedeut, das die prediger follen vol gutter werck feyn fur alien, wie Chriftus Math, 5. leret laft ewr gutte werck fur den menfchen leuchten. XXIX. 4-17. tBlltti (SxoXiU&* 25l 4 And brynge Aaron ad his fonnes vnto Ofthysthey the doore of the tabernacle of wytneffe, ad cratyn ^ tha Aarons fayde: fyll your handes vnto the Lorde this calfe, eue an daye, euery man vppo his fonne and vppon hundredthou- . ' -"^^ 1 /and for one his brother : to brynge vppo you a bleffy nge heere of them. this daye 30 And on the morowe, Mofes fayde vnto the people: Ye haue fynned a great fynne. But now I will goo vpp vnto the Lorde, to witt whether I can make an attonement for youre fynne. 31 And Mofes went agayne vnto the Lorde and fayde: "F. 24 Quis . . aurum ? 25 nudatus . . propter ignom. fordis & inter hofles nudu coftituerat 29 Confecraflis . . vt detur vobis ben. 31. 25 entbloffet . . auffrichtet . . entbloflet zur fchande 29 fullet heutte . . . das heutte vber euch 5.. |H. N. 25 Entbloffet: dis bloflen ift, des heubts, wenn das heubt on decke vnnd fchmuck ift, vnd ift die meynung, das Aaron hatte das volck Gotte entzogen, das er nicht mehr vber fie regirt, fondern giengen barheubt ynn eygen wercken, denn dife gefchicht ift eyn exempel, aller die on glauben, ynn eygen wercken wandeln, wilche fchande zu richten die priefter mit menfchen lere, vnd meynen doch die leut damit auff zurichten vnd wol zu helfen. XXXII. 32-XXXIII. 3. calletr (SxoXiu&. 263 Oh, this people haue fynned a great fynne and haue 32 made the a god of golde: Yet forgeue them their fynne I praye the: Yf not wype me out of thy boke which thou 33 haft written. And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: I will put him out of my boke that 34 hath fynned agaynft me. But goo and brynge the people vnto the lande which I fayde vnto the: beholde, myne angell fhall goo before the. Neuerthelater in the daye when I vyfet, I will vyfett their fynne vppon 35 them. And the Lorde plaged the people, because they made the calfe which Aaron made. O pitiful Mo' fes,ddlike'wife O mercifull Paul Rom. ix. And abhom- inable pope with all his mercilejfe I- doles. The .XXXIII. Chapter ND the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: JH.^.S. The departe ad goo hence: both Lord fendeth ^ an angell be- thou ad the [Fo. LXII.J peo- fore his peo- ple which thou haft brought P^- TheLorde .,,,-. 111 denyeth to goo out 01 the lad of Lgipte, vnto the lande r^p ivUh the which I fwore vnto Abraha, Ifaac ad la- people. The cob, faynge: vnto thi feed I will geue it. fhefJ' /y^^ne. 2 And I will fende an angell before the, Mofes talketh and will caft out the Canaanytes, the xXS^^-^J?- Amorites, the Hethites, the Pherezites, fyrethtofehis 3 the Heuites and the lebufites: that thou f"''-' """-"^ Ji . coinmaunded maft goo in to a lande that floweth with toflandevpon mylke ad honye. But I will not goo *^^ rocke. among you my felfe, for ye are a ftyfnecked people: left I confume you by the waye. T''- 31 obfecro, peccauit 32 aut dimitte . . aut 34 iflum quo locu- tus . . in die vltionis 35 pro reatu. xxxiii, 3 difperdam te in via. 1. 31 Ach, das volck 34 dahyn ich dyr . . heymfuchunge . . heymfuchen. 35 plaget . . gemacht, . . machet. xxxiii, 3 vnter wegen auff freffen Jtl. ^. N. 32 To wype him oute of the booke, is to put him cute of the nombre of the chofen and to cail him cleane oute from god, as Rom. ix, a. 34 To vyfet their fynne, is to haue their lynne in remebraunce to ponylhe it as in Gen. i, d. 264 Efje gecontre bofte of IHosejs, xxxiii.4-12 4 And when the people heard this euell tydinges, they forowed: ad no ma dyd put on his beft rayment. 5 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes, faye vnto the childern of Ifrael: ye are a ftyffnecked people: I muft come ons fodenly apon you, ad make an o^^s, once, cf. ende of you. r>\xX. now put youre goodly Germ, einmal. raymet from you, that I maye wete what to do vnto 6 you. And the childern of Ifrael layde their goodly raymet from them eue vnder the mount Horeb. 7 And Mofes toke the tabernacle ad pitched it with- out the hofte a ferre of fro the hofte, ad called it the tabernacle of wytneffe. And al that wold axe any queflio of the Lorde, went out vnto the taber- 8 nacle of wytneffe which was without the hofte. And when Mofes wet out vnto the tabernacle, all the people rofe .T. vp and ftode euery man in his tent- dore and loked after Mofes, vntill he was gone in to 9 the tabernacle. And as fone as Mofes was entred in to the tabernacle, the clouden piler defcended and ftode in the dore of the tabernacle, ad he talked with 10 Mofes. And when all the people fawe the clouden piler ftonde in the tabernacle dore, they rofe vp and worfhipped: euery man in his tentdore. 11 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes face to face, as a * man fpeaketh vnto his frende. And when Mofes turned agayne in to the hofte, the ladd lofua his feruaunte the fonne of Nun departed not out of the 12 tabernacle. And Mofes fayde vnto the Lorde: fe, thou faydeft vnto me: lede this people forth, but thou fhewefl me not whom thou wilt fend with me. And haft fayde moreouer: I knowe the by name and thou haft alfo founde grace in my fyghte: F. 4 indutus ell cultu fuo. 7 Tabernaculum foederis . . aliquam quaeflionem 8 refpiciebantque tergum Moyfi . . tentorium 11 min- ifler eius lofue filius Nun, puer \. 5 alle machen 7 hutte des zeugnis 10 wolcken feule 1 1 feyn diener lofua der fon Nun der iungling |K. JH. N. II To fe God or to fpeake to God face to face, is: to haue a manyfefle & a fure knowledge of him as in Gen. xxxii, g. 1. |K. N. 8 Den rucken Mofe fehen alle werck heyligen, die das gefetz nicht verflehen noch vnter augen kennen. xxxiii. 13-21. calleti (JHxotrus. 265 13 Now therfore, yf I haue founde fauoure in thi fyghte, the fhewe me thy waye ad let me know the : that I maye fynde grace in thi fighte. And loke on this alfo, how that this nacyon is thi people. 14 And he fayde: my prefence fhall goo The popijh 15 with the, and I will geue the reft. And -/f-^^i "J-y ^ ' chyrch,mipa- he fayde: Yf thi prefence goo not with rejh my di- 16 me, carye us not henfe for how fhall it ''^^A ^^ t^^ 11 1 1 1 TT- T -trTTT n inonkes ana be knowne now that both [ro. LAili.J friresfaye all I and thi people haue founde fauoure in is oures. thi fighte, but in that thou goeft with us: that both I and thi people haue a preemynence before all the 17 people that are vpon the face of the erth. And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: I will doo this alfo that thou hafl fayde, for thou haft founde grace in my fighte, and I knowe the by name. 18 And he fayde: I befech the, fhewe me thi glorye: 19 And he fayde: I will make all my good goo before the, and I will be called in this name lehouah be- fore the, ad wil fhewe mercy to whom I fhew mercy, and will haue compaffion on whom I haue compaflion. 20 And he fayde furthermore: thou mayft not fe my face, for there fhall no man fe me and lyue. 21 And the Lorde fayde: beholde, there is a place by V. 13 vt fciam te . . refpice populii tuum gente hac. 14 Facies mea prascedet te . . requie dabo 16 vt glorificemur ab omnib. pop. 19 oflendam omne bonum tibi . . miferebor . . clemens ero . . mihi placuerit i.. 13 las mich deynen weg wyffen, damit ichs erkenne I4meyn angeficht wirt gehen 16 etwas befonders werden 19 alle meyn gut . . . gnedig . . . gnedig . . . erbarme . . . erbarme 20 kanft . . nicht fehen JH. JH. N. 20 There Jhal no man fe my face and lyue. Not that the face of God which is the face of lyfe, is the caufe of death to them that fe it, for the fayntes that are in heuen do in dede fe it. But that none that lyueth in the bodye can fe ner copre- hend the maieflye of his face: but muft be fyrfl purifyed by death, as Paule declareth . i Cor. xv, g. 3L. ^. N. 19 Das ifl alles gefagt von Chriflo, wie der folt le- ben, predigen, flerben, vnd aufferflehen vnter dem volck Mofis, vnd fie feyn angeficht nicht fehen fondern yhm hynden nach fehen warden, das id, fie folten Chriflum ym glawben feyner menfcheyt vnd noch nicht ynn der gottheyt fehen, vnd das ifl, der rawm vnnd der fels, darauff alle glewbigen flehen ynn difem leben. Aber dz ift alles Gottis gabe on vnfer verdienft, drum fpricht er, wem ich gnedig byn dem byn ich gnedig etc. 266 Efje secontie 6ofte of JHoses, xxxm. 22-xxxiin. ^ 22 me, and thou fhalt ftonde apon a rocke, and while my glorye goeth forth I will put the in a clyfte of the rocke, and will put myne hande apon the while I 23 paffe by. And then I will take awaye myne hande, and thou fhalt fe my backe partes: but my face fhall not be fene. The .XXXIIII. Chapter. ND the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes : ^.<^.%. The , ,1 , 1 1 r n 1-1 tables are ren- hew the .n. tables of ftone like ^^^ Themer- vnto the firft that I maye write eye of God. . 1 - . 1 J u- u Tohauefelow- m the the wordes which we- ^^^^ ^/^^ ^^^ .?. re in the fyrft .ii. tables which thou gentylesis.for- 2 brakeft. And be redye agaynft the morn- K'^^^^'s , ^/^ ^ -^ theirydolatrie ige that thou mayft come vpp early vnto alfo. Thefeajl the mount of Sinai and ftode me there apo / , -^""^ t^/ '^ oreade. Tne 3 the toppe of the mount. But let no man firji begotte. come vp with the, nether let any man be "^^^ Saboth. r 1 11 1 11 Tne feajt of fene thorow out all the mount, nether let m.wekes. The fhepe nor oxen fede before the hyll. frfl frutes. 4 And Mofes hewed .ii. tables of ftone like /ei face glyf- vnto the firft ad rofe vp early in the morn- treth. inge ad went vp vnto the mout of Sinai as the Lorde comaunded him: ad toke in his hade the .ii. tables of 5 ftone. And the Lorde defceded in the cloude, ad ftode with him there: ad he called apo the name of the Lorde. 6 And whe the Lorde walked before him, he cryed: Lorde Lorde God full of compaffion ad mercy, which art not 7 lightly angrye but abundat in mercy ad trueth, ad kepeft mercy in ftore for thoufandes, ad forgeueft wikedneffe, trefpace ad fynne (for there is no man ynnocet before the) and vifeteft the wikydneffe of the fathers vpo the "F. 22 protegam dextera mea 23 pofleriora mea, faciem . . . non poteris. xxxiiii, i Ac deinceps prascide, ait, tibi duas 2 ftabifque mecum 4 Excidit ergo 6 Dominator domine deus 7 apud te per fe innocens 3L. 23 fol nicht gefehen werden. xxxiiii, 2 zu myr trettift 6 HERR HERR GOTT xxxnn.8-i9. calletj (fE?xotius. 267 childern ad apon childerns childern, euen vnto the 8 thryd ad fourth generatio. And Mofes bowed hymfelf 9 to the erth quykly, ad worfhipped ad fayde: Yf I haue foude grace in thi fighte o Lorde, than let my Lorde goo with us (for it is a ftuburne people) and haue mercy [Fo. LXIIII.] apo oure wikedneffe ad oure fynne, and let us be thyne enheritaunce. 10 And he fayde: beholde, I make an appoyntment before all this people, that I will do maruells: foch as haue not bene done i all the worlde, nether amoge any nacyon. And all the people amonge which thou art, fhall fe the worke of the Lorde: for it is a terryble 11 thinge that I will doo with the: kepe all that I com- maunde the this daye, and beholde: I will caft out before the: the Amorites, Canaanites, Hethites, Pher- 12 ezites, Heuites and lebufites. Take hede to thi felfe, that thou make no compacte with the inhabiters of the lode whether thou goeft left it be caufe of ruyne 13 amonge you. But ouerthrowe their alters and breke 14 their pilers, and cutt doune their grooues, for thou fhalt worfhippe no ftraunge God For the Lorde is 15 called gelous, becaufe he is a gelous God: left yf thou make any agreament with the inhabiters of the lande, when they go a whoorynge after their goddes ad do facrifyce vnto their goddes, they call the and thou eate 16 of their facrifyce: ad thou take of their doughters vnto thi fonnes, and when their doughters goo a whoorynge after their goddes, they make thi fonnes goo a whoor- ynge after their goddes alfo. 17 .f. Thou fhalt make the no goddes of metall 18 The feft of fwete bred fhalt thou kepe, ad .vii. dayes thou fhalt eate vnleuended bred (as I commaunded the) in the tyme apoynted in the moneth of Abib: for 19 in the moneth of Abib thou cameft out of Egipte. All V. 8 curuatus eft pronus in terra & adorans 9 & auferas iniq. , . . nofque poffideas loEg-o inibo pactum . . opus dom. terribile quod facturus fum. 12 ne vnquam . . . iungas amicitias, . . in ruinam. 14 Dominus zelotes . . asmulator. 15 ineas pactum . . adorauerint fimulachra 18 menfis nouorum: menfe enim verni temp. !L. 8 neyget fich eylend . . bettet yhn an . . deyn erbg-ut feyn. 10 denn fchreclclich fols feyn 14 eyfferer . . eyfiferiger Gott 268 Efje secontfe liofee of fHoses, xxxmi. 20-29 that breaketh vp the matryce fhalbe mine, and all that breaketh the matryce amonge thi catell, yf it be 20 male: whether it be oxe or fhepe. But the firft of the affe thou fhalt by out with a fhepe, or yf thou redeme him not: fe thou breake his necke. All That is a god the firftborne of thi fonnes thou muft nedes ^^^^ ' ^ redeme. And fe that no ma appeare before me emptye. 21 Sixe dayes thou fhalt worke, and the feueth thou fhalt reft: both from earynge and reap- earynge, 22 ynge. Thou fhalt obferue the feaft of ^ui'^i^!''^' 'y^ wekes with the fyrft frutes of wheate Latin aro. herueft, ad the feaft of ingaderynge at the yeres ende. 23 Thrife in a yere fhall all youre men childern appeare 24 before the Lorde lehouah God of Ifrael: for I will caft out the nacyons before the and will enlarge thi coftes, fo that no man fhall defyre thi londe, while thou goeft vp to appeare before the face of the Lorde thi God, thryfe in the yere. 25 Thou fhalt not ofifre the bloude of my facrifyce with leuended bred: nether fhall ought [Fo. LXV.] of the sacrifyce of the feaft of Paffeover, be lefte vnto the 26 morninge. The firft of the firftfrutes of thy lode, thou fhalt brynge vnto the houfe of the Lorde thy God. And fe, that thou feth not a kydd in his mothers mylke. 27 And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: write thefe wordes, for vppon thefe wordes I haue made a couenaunt with 28 the and with the childern of Ifrael. And he was there with the Lorde .xl. dayes ad .xl. nyghtes, ad nether ate bred nor dronke water. And he wrote in the tables the wordes of the couenaunt: euen ten verfes. 29 And Mofes came doune from mount Sinai and the ii. tables of witneffe in his hande, and yet he wyft not that the fkynne of his face fhone with beames of his "V. 20 dederis, occidetur. 23 omnipotentis domini dei Ifrael. 24 tulero gentes a facie tua 27 quibus . . . pepigi foedus. 29 cor nuta effet facies fua ex confortio fermonis domini. 3L. 20 brich yiim das genig. 23 dem hirfcher dem Herrn vnd Gott yfrael. 26 noch an feyner mutter milch 28 die zehen wort. 29 die hiaut feyns angeficlits glentzet, dauon, das |H. JH. N. 19 All that breaketh vp the matryce, that is all the fyrfl born, as in Gen. xxxviii. xxxnii. 30- XXXV. 3. calletj ^xotius* 269 31 32 30 comenynge with him. And when Aaron and all the childern of Ifrael loked apon Mofes and fawe that the Ikynne of his face fhone with beames, they were a frayde to come nye him. But he called the to him, and then Aaron and all the chefe of the companye came vnto him, ad Mofes talked with them. And at the laft all the childern of Ifrael came vnto him, and he commaunded them all that the Lorde had 33 fayde vnto him in mount Sinai. And as foone as he had made an ende of comenynge with them, he put a 34 couerynge .IT. apo his face. But whe he went before the Lorde to fpeak with him, he toke the couerlge of vntill he came out. And he came out and fpake vnto the childern of Ifrael that which he was The Pope 35 commaunded. And the childern of Ifrael fP^^keth that r ir rn/rr 1 ^ r, VVhlche he IS lawe the face of Mofes, that the ikynne not com- of his face fhone with beames: but Mofes maunded. put a couerynge vppon his face, vntill he went in, to comen with him. The .XXXV. Chapter. ND Mofes gathered all the com- i^.C.^. The panye of the childern of Ifrael %tT' frut together, and fayde vnto them: are requyred. thefe are the thinges which Th^redynes of the Lorde hath commaunded to doo: 2 Sixe dayes ye fhall worke, but the feu- enth daye fhal be vnto you the holy Sabbath of the Lordes reft: fo that who- f^tt to worke 3 foeuer doth any worke therein, fhall dye. Moreouer ye fhall kyndle no fyre thorow out all youre habita- cyons apo the Sabbath daye. T^. 31 principes fynagogse. 33 velamen. xxxv, i Ifrael, dixit ad eos 2 fanctus, fabbathum & requies domini .... occidetur. BL. 31 vbirften der gemeyne :i-i eyn deck. xxxv. 2 eyn Sab- bath der ruge des Herrn fSi. f&.. N. 30 The fhynynge of Mofes face is expounded in 2 Cor. iii, b. the people to offer. Be z ale el and Ahaliab are prayfed of Mofes and 270 E!je gecontie 6ofte of ptoses, xxxv. 4-21 4 And Mofes fpake vnto all the multitude of the chil- dern of Ifrael fainge: this is the thinge which the Lorde 5 comauded faynge: Geue fro amoge you an heueoffringe, vnto the Lorde. All thatt are willynge in their hartes, fhall brynge heueoffringes vnto the Lorde: golde, fyl- 6 uer, braffe: lacyncte, fcarlet, purpull, byffe ad gootes 7 hare: rams fkynnes red and taxus fkyn- [Fo. LXVL] 8 nes and Sethim wodd: and oyle for lightes ad fpices 9 for the anoyntynge oyle ad for the fwete cens: And Onixflones and ftones to be fett for the Ephod and for the breftlappe. 10 And let all them that are wyfeharted amdge you, come and make all that the Lorde hath commaunded: 11 the habitacion and the tent there of with his couer- ynge ad his rynges, hordes, barres, pilers and fokettes: 12 the arke and the ftaues thereof with the mercyfeate 13 ad the vayle that couereth it: the table and his ftaues with all that perteyneth thereto ad the fhewebred: 14 the candelfticke of lighte with his apparell and his 15 lampes ad the oyle for the lyghtes: the censalter and his ftaues, the anoyntynge oyle and the fwete cens ad 16 the hangynge before the tabernacle dore: the alter of burntfacrifyces ad his brafen gredyren that longeth there to with his ftaues ad all his ordynauce ad the 17 lauer and his fote: the hangynges of the courte with his pilers and their fokettes, and the hangynge to the 18 dore of the courte: the pynnes of the habitacion and 19 the pynnes of the courte with their boordes: the myn- yftrynge garmentes to mynyftre with in holyneffe, and the holy veftimentes of Aaron the preaft and the vefli- mentes of his fonnes to mynyftre in. 20 .IT. And all the companye of the childern of Ifrael 21 departed from the prefence of Mofes. And they went (as many as their hartes coraged them and as many T. 12 velum quod . . . oppanditur 13 menfam cum vectibus & vafis 16 craticula eius asnea cum vect. & vafis 18 paxillos taberna- culi atrii 21 mente promptiffima atque deuota 1. 5 von freyem hertzen 13 tifch mit . . alle feynem geredt 21 hertzen gabe, vnd . . aus freyem vvillen ^i M. N. 6 lacynct is before in the xxvi, a. Gotes hearre is that which we call chablet. XXXV. 22-29. faWeti (!Hxotius. 271 as their fpirites made them willynge) and broughte heueoffrynges vnto the Lord, to the makynge of the tabernacle of wytneffe and for all his vfes and for 22 the holy veftmentes. And the men came with the wemen (euen as manye as were willynge harted) and brought bracelettes, earynges, rynges and girdels and all maner Jewels of golde. 23 And all the men that waned waueoffrynges of golde vnto the Lorde and euery man with whom was founde lacyncte, fcarlet, purpull, byffe or gootes hayre or red fkynnes of rammes or taxus fkynnes, brought it. 24 And all that houe vpp golde or braffe, brought an heueoffrynge vnto the Lorde. And all men with whom was founde fethim wodd mete for any maner worke or feruyce, broughte it. 25 And all the wemen that were wife herted to worke with their handes, fpanne, and brought the fponne worke, both of lacyncte, fcarlet, purpull and byffe. 26 And all the wemen that excelled in wyfdome of herte, 27 fpane the gotes hayre. And the lordes brought Onix ftones and fettftones for the Ephod, and for the breft 28 lappe, and fpyce and oyle: both for the lightes [Fo. LXVIL] and for the anoyntyng oyle and for the fwete 29 cens. And the childern of Ifrael brought wyllynge offrynges vnto the Lorde, both men ad women: as many as their hartes made the wyllynge to brynge, for all maner workes which the Lorde had com- maunded to make by the hande of Mofes. V. 22 armillas & inaures, annulos & dextralia . . Omne vas aureu in donaria dom. feparatum eft. 25 mulieres doctae . . dede- runt 26 fponte propria cuncta tribuentes. 29 mente deuota obtu- lerunt donaria 5.. 22 armfpangen, ohr rincken, ringe vnd gurttel vnd allerley gulden geredich 25 fpunnen mit yhren henden . . fpynwerck 26 fpunnen zigen bar JH. ^. N. 23 ByJ/e is fyne white, whether it be fylke or lynen. 31. |H. N. 22 Dife zwey wort, Heben vnd Weben, miiffen wir lernen brauchen vnd verftehen, denn eyn opffer oder gabe zu Gottis dienft heyft darumb eyn Hebe, odder Hebopffer das mans dem herrn ftracks empor hub. Webe aber heyfl es, das mans hyn vnd her zogynn vier ortter gegen morgen, abent, mittag vnd mit- ternacht, Bedeut alles, das Euangelifch v^refen, das fich zuerft ge- gen got hebt mit rechtem glauben, vnd darnach fich ausbreyt ynn alle welt, durch predigen vnd bekentnis des glaubens zu leren auch den nehiften. 272 Eije secontre fiofte of JKoses, xxxv. 30-xxxvi. 3 30 And Mofes fayde vnto the childern of Ifrael: be- holde, the Lorde hath called by name Bezabeel the 31 fon of Vri the fon of Hur of the trybe of luda, and hath fylled him with the fprete of God, with wifdome, vnderftodinge and knowlege, euen in all maner worke, 32 ad to fynde out curyous workes, to worke in golde, 33 fyluer and braffe: and with grauynge of ftones to fett, and with keruynge in wodd, and to worke in all maner 34 of fotle workes. And he hath put in hys harte the grace to teach: both him and Ahaliab the fon of 35 Ahifamach of the trybe of Dan hath he fylled with wifdome of herte, to worke all maner of grauen worke: they are alfo broderers and workers with nedle, In lacyncte, fcarlet, purple and byffe, and are weuers that can make all maner worke, and can deuyfe fotle workes. The .XXXVI. Chapter. ND Bezaleel wrought and Aha- P--^- The liab ad all wyfe harted me to s^ziled *and whom the Lorde .If. had geuen Ahaliab made wyfdome and vnderftondynge, ^J^J'^J/^I^ to knowe how to worke all maner worke Lorde. for the holye fervice, in all that the Lorde commaunded. 2 And Mofes called for Bezaleel Ahaliab and all the wife harted men in whose hertes the Lorde had put wyfdome, eue as many as their hartes coraged to 3 come vnto the worke to worke it. And they receaued of Mofes all the heueoffrynges which the childern of ^. 30 by name Bezaleel "V- 31, 32 & omni doctrina ad excogitandu IZ & opere car- pentario quicquid fabre adinueniri potefl, 34 dedit in corde eius. 35 abietarii, polymitarii, ac plumarii . . & texant omnia, ac noua quasque reperiat. xxxvi, i quas in vfus fanct. neceffaria 2 opus, 3 tradidit eis vniuerfa donaria i. 33 allerley kunftlich erbeyt 34 vnd hat yhm vnterweyfung ynn feyn hertz geben 35 machen allerley werck, . . . vnd kunfllich erbeyt erfinden. xxxvi, i allerley werck . . . zum dienfl des hey- ligthums XXXVI. 4-13 calleti a^xoWs, 273 Ifrael had brought for the worke of the holye fervice to make it with all. And they brought befyde that wyllyngeoffringes euery mornyng. 4 And all the wyfe men that wrought all the holye worke, came euery man from his worke which they 5 made, and fpake vnto Mofes faynge: the people brynge to moch and aboue that is ynough to ferue for the werke which the Lorde hath commaunded to make. 6 And then Mofes gaue a commaundment, and they caufed it to be proclamed thorow out the hofte faynge: fe that nether man nor woman prepare any moare worke for the holy heueoffrynge, and fo the people 7 were -;<- forboden to brynge: for the fluffe w/ien wil they had, was fufficyent for them vnto all ^ooJndforbiA the worke, to make it and to moch. to offer e for 8 [Fo. LXVIIL] And all the wyfe harted ^Z^'^^f,, men amonge them that wroughte in the chyrch: and worke of the habytacyon made: euen .x. "^^^^ .J^^^j ^ -' our fpiritual- corteynes of twyned byffe, lacyncte, fear- tie /aye hoo, let and purple, and made them full of ""^^/^^J^^^f * 9 cherubyns with broderd worke. The londeddto length of one curtayne was .xxviii. cu- "'^^ke moo fu- bettes and the bredth .iiii. and were all ^jeygiy vntiU 10 off one fyfe. And they coupled fyue cur- they haue all. teyns by them felues, and other fyue by them felues. 11 And they made fyftye louppes of lacincte alonge by the edge of the vtmoft curtayne, euen in the filvege of the couplynge courtayne: And likewife they made on the fyde of the vtmoft couplinge curtayne on the other 12 fyde, fyftye louppes they made in the one curtayne, and fyftye in the edge of the couplynge curtayne on the other fyde: fo that the loupes were one oueragenft 13 another. And they made fyftye rynges of golde, and coupled the curtaynes one to another with the rynges: and fo was it made a dwellinge place. iW. 6 forbidden "V . 3 Qui cum inflarent operi quotidie, mane vota populus offerebat. 6 praeconis voce cantari 7 fufficerent & fuperabudarent. 8 opere vario & arte polymita 13 qui morderent cortinarum anfas il. 3 yhr willige fleure zu yhm. 274 ^])t gecontie iofee of JHoses, xxxvi. 14-34 14 And they made .xi. curtaynes of gootes heere to be 15 a tent ouer the tabernacle .xxx. cubettes longe a pece and .iiii. cubettes brode, and they all .xi. of one fyfe. 16 And they coupled .v. by them felues, and .?. vi. by 17 them felues, and they made fyftye louppes alonge by the border of the vtmoft couplinge curtayne on the one fyde, and fyftye in the edge of the couplynge cur- 18 tayne on the other fyde. And they made fyftye rynges of braffe to couple the tent together that it 19 myghte be one. And they made a couerynge vnto the tent of rammes Ikynnes red, and yet another of taxus fkynnes aboue all. 20 And they made bordes for the dwellynge place of 21 fethim wodd that ftode vpright euery borde .x. cubetes 22 longe and a cubet ad an halfe brode. And they made ii. fete to euery boorde of the dwellinge place ioyninge 23 one to another. And they made .xx. boordes for the 24 fouth fyde of the habytacyon, and .xl. fokettes of fyluer vnder the .xx. boordes .ii. fokettes vnder euery boorde, 25 euen for the .ii. fete of the. And for the other fyde of the dwellynge towarde the north, they made other .xx 26 boordes with .xl. fokettes of syluer .ii. fokettes vnder 27" euery boorde. And behynde in the ende of the taber- 28 nacle towarde the weft, they made .vi. boordes and .ii 29 other bordes for the corners of the habitacyon behynde, and they were ioyned cloffe both beneth and alfo aboue with clampes, and thus they dyd to both the corners: 30 fo they were in all .viii. boordes and .xvi. fokettes, vn-[Fo. L'XIX.] der euery borde two fokettes. 31 And they made barres of fethim wodd .v. for the 32 bordes of the one fyde of the habitacion and .v. for the other, ad fiue for the bordes of the weft ende of the 33 habitacion. And they madd the myddell barre to fhote thorowe the bordes: euen from the one ende to 34 the other, and ouerlayde the bordes with golde, and "F. 14 faga vndecim i8 quib. necteretur tectu, vt vnum palli- um ex omnibus fagis fieret. 22 Sic fecit in omnibus tabern. tabulis. 27 contra occidentem vero, id eft, ad earn parte tabernaculi quae mare refpicit 29 & in vnam compaginem pariter ferebantur. 32 oc- cidentalem . . . contra mare. i-. 20 foern holtz flrack XXXVI. 3S-XXXVII. 7- calletr (!Hxotfus 275 made the rynges of golde to thruft the barres thorow, 35 and couered the barres with golde. And they made an hangynge of lacincte, of fcarlett purple ad twyned 36 byffe with cherubyns of broderd worke. And made thervnto .iiii. pilers of fethim wodd and ouerlayde them with golde. Their knoppes were alfo of gold, ad they 37 caft for them .iiii. fokettes of fyluer. And they made an hangynge for the tabernacle dore: of lacincte, fcar- 38 let, purple and twyned byffe of nedle worke, and the pilers of it were fiue with their knoppes, and ouerlayde the heades of them and the whooppes with golde, with their fiue fokettes of braffe. The .XXXVII. Chapter ND bezaleel made the arcke of fethim wodd two cubettes and an halfe longe and a cubette and a halfe brode, and a cu- a halfe hye: and ouerlayde it IT. de both within and JE.e^.S. The arcke of wit- n ejfe . Th e mercyfeate. The table. The candeljlycke. The lyghtes. The alt are and the in- 2 bett and with fyne gol- without, and made a crowne of golde to cenfe. 3 it rounde aboite, and caft for it .iiii. rynges of golde for the .iiii. corners of it: twoo rynges for the one fyde 4 and two for the other, and made ftaues of Sethim wodd, 5 and couered them wyth golde, and put the ftaues in the rynges alonge by the fyde of the arcke to here it with all. 6 And he made the mercyfeate of pure golde two cubettes and a halfe longe and one cubette and a 7 halfe brode, and made two cherubyns of thicke golde T. 35 varium atque diflinctum. xxxvii, 2 coronam auream per gyrum 6 propitiatorium, id eft. oraculum 7 Duos et. cher. ex auro ductili ^- 35 Vnd machet Cherubim am furhang' kunftlich. xxxvii, 7 Cher, von tichtemgolt JH. |K. N. 6 Mercyfeate was the place where God fpake vnto the children of Ifrael, whyche was vpo the arcke of witneffe fygur- ynge Chrift, as it is fayde Hebr. ix, b. 276 Ef|e secontie fiolte of IHoses, xxxvn. 8-21 8 apon the two endes off the mercyfeate: One cherub on the one ende, and another cherub on the other ende of the mercyfeate. And the cherubyns fpredde out their wynges aboue an hye, and couered the mercy- feate therewith, And their faces were one to another: euen to the mercyfeate warde, were the mercyfeate faces of the cherubins. ^^''^^^ ' ' ?' ward the 10 And he made the table of fethim wodd mercy feat two cubettes longe and a cubette brode, and a cu- 11 bette and an halfe hyghe, and ouerlayde it with fine golde, and made thereto a crowne of golde rounde 12 aboute, and made thereto an whope hande brede. of an hande brede rounde aboute, and t^^' breadth of ' a h a fid cf. made vnto the whope a crowne of xxxix, g. 13 golde rounde aboute, and caft for it .iiii. rynges of golde ad put the rynges in the .iiii. corners by the fete: 14 [Fo. LXX.] euen vnder the whope to put ftaues in to 15 bere the table with all. And he made ftaues of Sethim wodd and couered them with golde to bere the table 16 with all, and made the veffels that were on the table of pure golde, the dyffhes, fpones, flattpeces and pottes to poure with all, 17 And he made the candelfticke of pure thicke golde: both the candelfticke and his fhaft: with braunces, 18 bolles, knoppes ad floures procedyngip out of it. Sixe braunches procedinge out of the fydes thereof .iii. out 19 of the one fyde and .iii. out of the other. And on euery braunche were .iii. cuppes like vnto almondes, wyth knoppes and floures thorow out the fixe 20 braunches that proceded out of the candelfticke. And apon the candelfticke felfe, were .iiii. cuppes after the 21 facyon of almondes with knoppes and floures: vnder V. 8 in fummitate . . . duos cherub. 9 feque mutuo & illud re- fpicientes. 12 coronam aur. interrafilem quatuor digit., & fuper eandem alteram cor. aur. 19 fphasrulasque fimul & lilia 3L. 13 an feynen fuffen 14 hartt an der leyften 16 aus vnd eyn goffe. 26 feyn dach vnd feyne wende rings vmb her vnd feyne homer %. |H. N. 19 Wie mandelnuffe: das ift dife koppfe oder bechei waren aufswendig vmbher boclclicht oder knorricht, als weren gulden nufs fchalen vmbher dreyn gefetzt. XXXVII. 22-xxxviii. 7. calleti (iHxotius, 277 22 eueri two braunches a knoppe. And the knoppes and the braunches preceded out of it, and were all one pece 23 of pure thicke golde. And he made feuen lampes thereto, and the fnofifers thereof, ad fyrepanes of pure 24 golde. An hundred weyghte of pure golde, made both it and all that belonged thereto. 25 And he made the cesalter of fethi wodd of a cubett loge ad a cubett brode: eue .iiii. fquare .f . and two cu- 26 bettes hye with homes procedynge out of it. And he couered it with pure golde both the toppe ad the fydes rounde aboute ad the homes of it, and made vnto it 27 a crowne of golde rounde aboute. And he made two rynges of golde vnto it, euen vnder the croune apon ether fyde of it, to put ftaues in for to bere it with al: 28 and made flaues of fethim wodd, ad ouerlayde them 29 with golde. And he made the holy anoyntinge oyle and the fwete pure inces after the apothecarys crafte. i[ The .XXXVIII. Chapter ND he made the burntoffrynge- i5t..5. 7ue alter of fethim wodd, fiue cu- 'h^.^If^J'^t ' ur ni ojfer- bettes longe ad .v. cubettes ynges. The brode: euen .iiii. fquare, and ^f-/^f^ lauer. ,1 Ihefommeof 2 ni. cubettes hye. And he made homes that the peo- in the .iiii. corners of it procedinge out of Pj^ offred to 3 it, and ouerlayde it with braffe. And he of the habyta- made all the veffels of the alter: the ^yon of the cauldrons, fhovels, bafyns, flefhokes and colepannes all of braffe. 4! And he made a brafen gredyren of networke vnto the alter rounde aboute alowe beneth vnder the com- paffe of the alter: fo that it reached vnto half the 5 altare, and caft .iiii. rynges of braffe for the .iiii. endes 6 of the gredyren to put ftaues in. And he made flaues 7 of fethim wodd and couered them with braffe, and put F. 26 cum craticula ac parietibus & cornibus. 1. 29 reuchwerck von reyner fpecerey 278 W\}t secontie fiolte of Jttoses, xxxvm. 8-17 the ftaues in the rynges alonge by the alter fy-[Fo. LXXL] de to here it with all, and made the alter holowe with hordes. 8 And he made the lauer of braffe and the fote of it alfo of braffe, in the fyghte of them that dyd watch* before the dore of the tabernacle of witneffe. 9 And he made the courte with hangynges of twyned byffe of an hundred cubettes longe vppon the fouthfyde, 10 ad XX. pilers with .xx. fokettes of braffe: but the knoppes 11 of the pilers, ad the whoopes were fyluer. And on the north fyde the hanginges were an hundred cubettes longe with .xx. pilers and .xx. fokettes of braffe, but the knoppes and the whopes of the pilers were of fyl- 12 uer. And on the weft fyde, were hangynges of .L. cubettes longe, and .x. pilers with their .x. fokettes, and the knoppes ad the whoopes of the pilers were 13 fyluer. And on the eaft fyde towarde the fonne ryfynge, 14 were hangynges of .L. cubettes: the hangynges of the one fyde of the gate were .xv. cubbettes longe, and 15 their pilers .iii. with their .iii. fokettes. And off the other fyde of the court gate, were hanginges alfo of XV. cubettes longe, and their pilers .iii. with .iii. fok- 16 ettes. Now all the hanginges of the courte rounde 17 aboute, were of twyned byffe, ad the fokettes of the pilers were braffe: but the knoppes ad the whoopes of the pilers we-.F. re fyluer, and the heedes were ouer- V 7 Ipfum autem altare non erat folidum, fed cauum 8 de fpeculis mulieru, quae excubabant %. 8 auff dem platz der heere die fur der thur der hutten des zeugnis lagen 9 gezwirnter weyffer feyden (and fo throughout) H. ^Vi. N- 8 Der heere: Dife heere waren die andechtigen wit- wynn vnd weyber, die mit faflen vnd beten fur der hutten Gott riterlich dieneten, wie .i. Reg. 2. zeygt, vnd Paulus .i. Tim. 5. befchreybt, wie auch S. Lucas die heylige prophetyn Hanna ru- met Luc. 2. Es reden aber hie die luden vnd viel andere, von frawen fpiegeln, die da folten am handfafs gewefen fein, die laf- fen wyr yhrs fynnes walden. Es bedeut aber geyfllich, die hif- torien des alten teflamets die man prediget durchs Euangelion, wilche gar ritterlich ftreytten den glawben zu beweyfen ynn Chrifto widder die werckheyligen etc. * Note. Tyndale's rendering is suggested by the Latin excubabant, while Luther's is an ingeniiius inferential rendering drawn from the Greek. The Hebrew mareah may be rendered sight, or mirror; the latter is the rendering of the LXX , which, if correct, imports that the laver of brass was made of the brazen mirrors, offered by the womea This meaning b sustained also by the Targums and good critics. XXXVIII. 18-28. ralleti ^xotius. 279 layde wyth fyluer, ad all the pilers of the courte were 18 whoped aboute with fyluer. And the hanginge of the gate of the courte was nedleworke: of lacincte, fear- let, purple, and twyned byffe .xx. cubettes longe and fiue in the bredth, acordynge to the hangynges of the 19 courte. And the pilers were .iiii. with .iiii. fokettes of braffe, ad the knoppes of fyluer, ad the heedes ouer- 20 layde with fyluer and whoped aboute with fyluer, ad all the pynnes of the tabernacle ad of the courte rounde aboute were braffe. 21 This is the fumme of the habitacyo of witneffe, whiche was counted at the commaundment of Mofes: and was the office of the Leuites by the hande 22 of Ithamar fonne to Aaron the preaft. And Beza- leel fonne of Vri fonne to Hur of the trybe of luda, made all that the Lorde commaunded Mofes, 23 and with hi Ahaliab fonne of Ahifamach of the tribe of Dan, a conynge grauer ad a worker of nedle worke In lacincte, fcarlett, purple ad byffe. 24 All the golde that was occupyde apon occn^y A&.u/ed all the worke of the holy place (whiche was the golde of the waueofferynge) was, .xxix. hundred weyght and feuen hundred and .xxx. fycles, acordynge to the holy 25 fycle. And the fumme of fyluer that came of the mul- titude, was .V. [Fo. LXXIL] fcore hundred weyght and a thoufande feuen hundred and .Lxxv. fycles of the holye fycle. 26 Euery man offrynge halfe a fycle after the weyght of the holye fycle amonge them that went to be nom- bred from .xx. yere olde and aboue, amonge .vi. hun- dred thoufande ad .iii. thoufande ad .v. hundred ad .L. men, 27 And the .v. fcore hundred weyght of fyluer went to the caftynge of the fokettes of the sanctuary and the fokettes of the vayle: an hundred fokettes of the fiue fcore hundred weigh an hundred weyght to euery 28 fokette. And the thoufande feuen hundred and .Lxxv fycles, made knoppes to the pilers ad ouerlayde the heedes and whoped them. V. 24 ad menfuram fanctuarii i. 24 nach dem feckel des heyligthums 28o Ejje secontie iofte of Ptoses, xxxvm. 29-xxxix. s eg And the braffe of the waueofferynge was .Lxx. hundred weyght and two thoufande, and .iiii. hundred 30 fycles. And therewith he made the fokettes to the doore of the tabernacle of witneffe, and the brafen altare, and the brafen gredyrefi that longeth thereto, 31 and all the veffels of the alter, and the fokettes of the courte rounde aboute, and the fokettes of the courte gate, and all the pynnes off the habitacyon, and all the pynnes of the courte rounde aboute. .?. [ The .XXXIX. Chapter. ND of the lacyncte, fcarlet, pur- JH..^. T/te pie and twyned byffe, they TarZfnJfs made the veftimetes of min- fonnesappar- iftracion to do feruyce in irt ^jj- r ^ v ^^^^ ^ ineLordecom- that holye place, and made the holye maundedwas garmentes that perteyned to Aaron; as ^ff''"^^- the Lorde commaunded Mofes. 2 And they made the Ephod of golde, lacinte, fcar- 3 let, purple, and twyned byffe. And they dyd beate the golde in to thynne plates, ad cutte it in to wyres: to worke it in the lacincte, fcarlet, purple, 4 and the byffe, with broderd worke. And they made the fydes come together, and* cloofed them vp by the 5 two edges. And the brodrynge of the girdel that was vpon it, was of the fame fluffe and after the fame worke of golde, lacincte, fcarlet, purple and twyned byffe, as the Lorde commaunded Mofes. 6 And they wrought onix ftones cloofed in ouches of golde and graued as fygnettes are grauen with the 7 names of the children of Ifrael, and put them on the fhulders of the Ephod that they fhulde be a remem- braunce off the childern of Ifrael, as the Lorde com- maunded Mofes. 8 And they made the breftlappe of conning worke, U. 6 duos lap. onychinos, aftrictos & inclufos auro XXXIX. 9-22. callelr (JHxotiug, 281 after the worke of the Ephod: euen of golde, lacincte, 9 fcarlet, purple ad twyned byffe [Fo. LXXIII.] And they made it .iiii. fquare ad double, an hade bredth 10 longe and an hande bredth brode. And thei filled it with .iiii. rowes of ftones (the firft rowe: Sardios, a 11 Topas ad fmaragdus. the fecode rowe: a Rubin, a 12 Saphir ad a Diamode. The .iii. rowe: Ligurios, an 13 Achat ad a Amatift. The fourth rowe: a Turcas, an Onix ad a lafpis) clofed in ouches of gold in their 14 inclofers. And the .xii. ftones were gra- inclofers,/^/- ue as fygnettes with the names of the ^^^S^ childern of Ifrael: euery fkone with his name, acordinge to the .xii. trybes. 15 And they made apon the breftlappe, twoo faften- 16 ynge cheynes of wrethen worke ad pure golde. And they made two hokes of golde and two golde rynges, and put the two rynges apo the two corners of the 17 breftlappe. And they put the two chaynes of golde in the .ii. rynges, in the corners of the breftlappe. 18 And the .ii. endes of the two cheynes they faftened in the .ii. hokes, ad put them on the fhulders of the Ephod apon the forefront of it. 19 And they made two other rynges of golde and put them on the two other corners of the breftlappe alonge apon the edge of it, toward the infyde of the Ephod 20 that is ouer agaynft it And they made yet two other golde rynges, ad put them on the .ii. fydes of the Ephod, beneth .?. on the fore fyde of it: eue where the fydes goo together, aboue apon the brodrynge 21 of the Ephod, ad they ftrayned the breft- ftrayned, tied, lappe by his riges vnto the ringes of the bound Ephod, with laces of lacincte, that it mighte lye faft apon the brodrynge of the Ephod, and fhulde not be lowfed from of the Ephod: as the Lorde comauded Mofes. 22 And he made the tunycle vnto the Ephod of wo- T^. 10 gemmarum ordines quatuor. in primo verfu ii fapphi- rus & iafpis 12 amethyflus 13 chryfolithus it. 10 die erfle riege 11 Demant JH. IK. N- 10 Sfnaragdus, or an Emeraude. 11 Rubye, or a carbuncle. 282 Efje secontie bofee of IHoses, xxxix. 23-37 uen worke and all together of lacincte, heade, i. e. the 23 ad the heade of the tunycle was in the f'^'^'K? for ^ ' the head to middeft of it as the color of a partlet, pafs through, with a bonde rounde aboute the color, f^^xxviii,j2. 24 that it fhulde not rent, And they made beneth apon the hem of the tunycle: pomgranates of lacincte, 25 fcarlet, purple, and twyned byffe. And they made litle belles of pure golde, ad put them amonge the pomgranates roude aboute apo the edge of the tuny- 26 cle a bell ad a pomgranate, a bell ad a pomgranate rounde aboute the hemmes of the tunycle to myniftre in^ as the Lorde commaunded Mofes. 27 And they made cotes of byffe of woue worke for 28 Aaron and his fonnes, and a mytre off byffe, and goodly bonettes of byffe, and lynen breches off twyned byffe, 29 and a gyrdell of twyned byffe, lacyncte, fcarlett and pur- ple: euen of nedle worke, as the Lorde comauded Mofes, 30 [Fo. LXXIIIL] And they made the plate of the holy croune of fine golde, ad wrote apo it with 31 graue worke: the holynes of the Lorde. ad tyed it to a lace of lacincte to faflen yt an hye apon the mytre, as the Lorde commaunded Mofes. 32 Thus was all the worke of the habitacyon of the tabernacle of witneffe, finyffhed. And the childern of Ifrael dyd, acordynge to all that the Lorde had com- 33 maunded Mofes. And they brought the habitacyon vnto Mofes: the tent and all his apparell thereof: the 34 buttones boordes, barres, pilers and fokettes: and the couerynge of rams fkynnes red, and the couerynge of 35 taxus fkynnes, and the hanginge vayle, and the arcke of witneffe with the ftaues thereof, and the mercyfeate: 36 the table and all the ordinaunce thereof, and the 37 fhewbred, and the pure candelflicke, and the lampes IJ. 23 capitium in fuperiori parte contra medium 26 quibus ornatus incedebat pontifex. 30 Sanctum domini 32 Perfectum eft igitur omne opus tabernac. et tecti teftimonii. [The references are to the Authorized Version; in the Vulgate see instead vv. 21, 24, 29, 31 ] 1.. 23 fevn loch oben mitten ynn 30 Die heylici offr I n ge s , be male or female, he fhall whyche were brvnge fuch as is without offered for the . kepynge of 2 blemyfh, before the Lorde, and let him peace, made |K. 14 then take that U. 12 Primitias tantum eorum 13 de facrificio tuo. 14 munus primitiaru . . . de fpicis adhuc virentibus . . confringes in morem farris 16 farris fracti [The Latin has nothing to represent Tyn- dale's: "That is an oiferynge vnto the Lorde."] \. 15 weyr. drauff legen, fo ifts eyn fpeyfsopffer. iii, i III aber feyn opffer ein todopffer von rindern itt. JtX. N. 13 All offringes muft be falted with fait, whiche fignyfieth that all our good workes muft be directed after the doc- tryne of the Apoftles & prophetes, for then fhall they be accep- table in the fyghte of the Lorde, yf they fauer of the fait therof, & elles not. i. iH. X. I Todopffer foil hie nicht eyn todtopffer heyffen das nicht lebet, fondern das da todtet vnd wurget vnnd des dings eyn end macht, vollend aus richt, Denn es bedeut das opfifer, da S. Paulus Ro. 12. vnd Petrus i. Pet. 2. von leren, das wir nach dem glauben, follen vnfern leyb vnd feyne lufte vollend todten vnd aufferbeytten, dz frid werd zwifchen geyft vnnd fleyfch, vnd weret, wie die andern die leben lang. in. 3-II calleti iLeuiticus* 305 put his hande apon the heed of his offer- ofoxen.Jhepe '^ ^ lambes and ynge, and kyll it before the dore of the gootes. tabernacle of witneffe. And Aarons fonnes the preaftes, fhall fprinkle the bloude apon the alter rounde aboute. 3 And they fhall offre of the peaceofferynge to be a fac- rifice vnto the Lord: the fatt that couereth the in- 4 wardes and all the fatt that is apon the inwardes: and the two kydneys with the fatt that lyeth apon the loynes: and the kail that ys on the lyuer, they fhall 5 take awaye with the kydneyes. And Aarons fonnes fhall burne them apon the alter with the burntfacrifice which is apon the wodd on the fire. That is a facrifice of a fwete fauoure vnto the Lorde. 6 Yf a man brynge a peaceoffrynge vnto the Lorde from of the fiocke: whether it be male, or female, 7 it fhalbe without blemyfh. Yf he offre a lambe, he 8 fhall brynge it before the Lord .?. and put his hande apon his offrynges heede, and kyll it in the doore off the tabernacle off wytneffe, and Aarons fonnes fhall fprinkle the bloude thereof rounde aboute the alter. 9 And of the peafeoffringe they fhall brynge a facri- fyce vnto the Lorde: the fatt there of ad the rompe altogether, which they fhall take off harde by the backe bone: and the fatt that couereth the inwardes 10 and all the fatt that is apon the inwardes and the .ii kydneyes with the fatt that lyeth apon them and apon the loynes, and the kail that is apon the lyuer he 11 fhall take awaye with the kydneyes. And the preaft fhall burne them apon the alter to fede the Lordes offrynge withall. 'V. 9 offerent de pacificorum hoftia facrificium domino lo op- erit ventrem atque vniuerfa vitalia, & vtrumque ren. c. adipe qui eft iuxta ilia ii in pabulii ignis et oblationis dom. IL. 6 Ift aber feyn fridopffer (alfo v. 9) 11 zur fpeyfe des opffers dem HERRN. |K. |K. N. 4 By the takyng awaye of the fat, the inwardes, the .ii. kydneys & the kalle is fignifyed vnto us, that yf we wylbe a fwete facrifice vnto the Lorde we muft cut of all concupifceces & naughty defyres of the fleffhe, and the euell vfe of all our me- bres, and muft fubdue & mortyfye our affectios, & offre the to God, by the mortificacyon of the croffe, as fayth the Prophete Ps. XXV, a. 3o6 Efje tijirtie iiofte of JHoses, m. 12-nii. s 12 Yf the offrynge be a goote, he fhall brynge it be- 13 fore the Lorde and put his hande apon the head of it and kyll it before the tabernacle of witneffe, and the fonnes of Aaron fhall fprinkle the bloude thereof apon 14 the alter rounde aboute. And he fhall brynge thereof his offrynge vnto the Lordes facrifyce: the fatt that couereth the inwardes and all the fatt that is apo the 15 inwardes and the .ii. kydneyes and the fatt that lyeth apon them and apon the loynes, and the kail that is apo the lyuer he fhall take awaye with the kydneyes. 16 And the preaft fhall burne them apo the alter to fede the Lordes facrifyce [Fo. V.] wyth all ad to make a fwete fauoure. And thus fhal all the fatt be the Lordes, 17 and it fhalbe a lawe forever amonge youre generacions after you in youre dwellynge places: that ye eate nether fatt nor bloude. m: The .1111. Chapter. ND the Lorde talked with Mofes m-(^-&- The faynge: fpeake vnto the chil- ^for^^fynnes dern of Ifrael ad faye: when a done of igno- foule fynneth thorow igno- '''^^^- raunce and hath done any of thofe thinges which the Lorde hath forbydden in his commaundmentes to be 3 done: Yf the preaft that is anoynted fynne and make the people to doo amyffe, he fhall brynge for his fynne which he hath done: an oxe wythout blemyfh vnto 4 the Lorde for a fynneoffrynge. And he fhall brynge the oxe vn to the dore of the tabernacle of wytneffe be- fore the Lorde, and fhall put his hande apon the oxes heade and kyll him before the Lorde. 5 And the preaft that is anoynted fhall take of the JW. I Lorde fpake vnto Mofes 4 vpon the oxe heade V. 13 altar, circumitu, 14 toUentque ex ea in paflu ignis do- minici ad. qui operit ventre, & qui tegit vniv. vital., 15 duos ren. cum reticulo quod eft fuper eos iuxta ilia 16 in alimonia ignis & fuaviffimi od. iiii, 2 et de vniuerfis madatis domini . . vt non fierent3delinquere faciens 1. 16 zur fpeyfz des opffers zum fuffen geruch. nii.6-i6. calletr %mititm, 307 oxes bloude and brynge it in to the tabernacle of wit- 6 neffe and fhall dyppe his fynger in the bloude and fprinkle thereof .vii. tymes before the Lorde: euen be- 7 fore the hangynge of the holy place. And he fhall put fome of the bloude apon the homes of the alter of fwete cens before the Lorde which is in the .F. taber- nacle of witneffe, and fhall poure all the bloude of the oxe apon the botome of the alter of burntofferynges which is by the dore of the tabernacle of witneffe. 8 And he fhall take awaye all the fatt of the oxe that is the fynne-offerynge: the fatt that couereth the in- 9 wardes and all the fatt that is aboute them, and the ii. kydneyes with the fatt that lyeth apon the and apon the loynes, and the kail apon the lyuer let them 10 take awaye alfo with the kydneyes: as it was taken from the oxe of the peaceofifrynge and let the preafl 11 burne them apon the altare of burntofferynges. But the fkynne of the oxe and all his flefh with his heede, 12 his legges, his inwardes with his donge, fhall he carye altogither out of the hofte vnto a clene place: euen where the affhes are poured out, and burne hi on wodd with fyre: euen apon the heape of affhes. 13 Yf the hole comynalte of the childern comynalte, rrr i r ^i 1.1 Community , of llrael fynne thorow ygnoraunce and the congregation. thynge be hyd from their eyes: fo that they ^- 21. haue commytted any of thefe thinges which the Lorde hath forbidden to be done in his commaundmentes 14 ad haue offended, ad the fynne which they haue fynned be afterwarde knowne, than fhal they offre an oxe for a fynneofferynge ad fhall brynge him before the taber- 15 nacle of wit- [Fo. VL] neffe, and the elders of the multitude fhall put their handes apon his heed before 16 the Lorde And the preaft that is anoynted fhall brynge of his bloude in to the tabernacle of witneffe, JW. 5 of the oxe bloude F. 6 cotra velum fanctuarii 7 thym. gratiffimi domino 8 tarn eum qui vitalia operit, quam omnia quae intrinfecus funt 11 omnes carnes 12 & reliquo corpore . . . cin. eflfundi folent . . quae in loco effuforu ciner. cremabuntur. 13 omnis turba Ifr. ignorauerit & per imperitia fecerit 15 feniores populi i^. 9 fett das ynnwendigft ifl 13 eyn gantze gemeyne ynn Ifrael 3o8 EJje tijirt(c hokt of Jloges, mi. 17-28 17 and fhall dyppe his finger in the bloude, and fprinkle it feuen tymes before the Lorde: euen before the uayle. 18 And fhall put of the bloude apon the homes of the alter whiche is before the Lorde in the tabernacle of witneffe, and fhall poure all the bloude apon the botome of the alter of burntofifrynges which is by the 19 dore of the tabernacle of witneffe, and fhall take all 20 his fatt from him and burne it apon the altare, and fhall do with his oxe as he dyd wyth the fynneoff- ryngeoxe. And the preaft fhal make an attonement 21 for them, ad fo it fhalbe forgeuen them. And he fhall brynge the oxe without the hofte, ad burne him as he burned the firft, fo is this the fynneofiferynge of the comynalte. 22 When a Lorde fynneth and committeth thorow ignoraunce any of thefe thynges whiche the Lorde his God hath forbydden to be done in his commaund- 23 mentes and hath fo offended: when his fynne is fhewed vnto him which he hath fynned, he fhall brynge for 24 hys offerynge an he goote without blemyfh and laye his hande apon the heed of it, and kyll it in .F. the place where the burntofferynges are kylled before the 25 Lorde: this is a fynneofifrynge. Tha let the preafb take of the bloude of the fynneoffrynge with his finger, and put it apon the homes of the burntofferyngalter, and poure his bloude apon the botome of the burntoffer- 26 yngealter and burne all his fatt apon the alter as he doth the fatt of the peaceofferynges. And the preafl fhall make an attonement for him as concernynge his fynne, and so it fhalbe forgeuen him. 27 Yf one of the come people of the londe fynne thorowe ignoraunce and committe any off the thinges which the Lorde hath forbidden, in his commaundementes 28 to be done, and fo hath trefpafed, when his fynne V. 20 fic facies & de hoc vitulo quomodo fecit & prius & rog. pro eis fac, propitius erit eis dom. 21 quia eft pro peccato muiti^ tud. (v. 24) 22 quod domini lege prohibetur. 25 & reliquum fundes (v. 30) 26 ficut in vict. pacific, fieri folet (v. 31) 27 de populo terras "l. 18 alias ander blut 24 Das fey feyn fundopffer 25 vnd das ander blut ini. 29-v. 2. callcli a^eutttcug* 309 whiche he hath fynned is come to his knowlege, he Ihall bringe for his ofiferynge, a fhe goote without blem- 29 ifh for his fynne which he hath fynned, and laye his hande apon the heed of the fynneofferynge ad flee it 30 in the place of burntoffrynges. And the preaft fhall take of the bloude with his finger ad put it apo the homes of the burntoffryngealter and poure all the 31 bloude apo the botome of the alter, ad fhall take awaye all his fatt as the fatt of the peaceoffrynges is take awaye. And the preaft fhal burne it apo the alter for a fwete fauoure vnto the Lorde, and [Fo. VII.] the preaft fhall make an attonemet for him ad it fhalbe forgeuen him. 32 Yf he bringe a fhepe ad offer it for a fynneoffer- ynge, he fhall bringe a yewe without blemifh and 33 laye his hande apon the heed of the fynneofferynge and flee it in the place where the burntoffrynges are 34 flayne. And the preaft fhal take of the bloude of the fynneofferynge with his finger, ad put it apo the hornes of the burntoffryngealter, ad fhall poure all the bloude thereof vnto the botome of the alter. 35 And he fhall take awaye all the fatt thereof, as the fatte of the fhepe of the peaceoffringes was take a waye. And the preaft ftiall burne it apo the alter for the lordes facrifice, and the preaft fhal make an attonemet for his fynne, and it fhalbe forgeuen him. f[ The ,V. Chapter. HE a foule hath fynned ad herde P-^.^- Of the voyce of curfynge ad is a 'f/ean/yngl^of witneffe: whether he hath fene kym that or knowne of it yf he haue not ^o"cheth vn- . . r cleane thyn- 2 vttered it, he fhall here his fynne. Ether ges. The pur - Jfft. 32 a lambe . . . bringe a female "F. 35 adeps arietis, qui immolatur pro pacificis. v, i aut ipfe vidit, aut confcius efl 31. 35 lam des todopffers. v, i eyn fluch horet 3IO Ejje tjirtie 6oJte of JHoses, v. 3-10 when a ma toucheth any vnclene thinge: gacyon of an , , . , ^, r 1 othe and of whether it be the caryon of an vnclene j-y^^^ ^^^^ ^ beeft or of vnclene catell or vnclene ignoraunce. worme, ^orme and is not warre of L^'-. ^'1 ^^^ any creeping . , . ,. , , offringes for thing it, he is alio vnclene and fynnes which hath offended. are done ivy 11- yngly. 3 Ether when he toucheth any vnclen- neffe of ma (whatfoeuer vnclenneffe it be that a man is defyled with all) and is not warre of it warre, aware and after- .?. warde cometh to the knowledge of it, he 4 is a trefpafer. Ether when a foule fweareth: fo that he pronounceth with his lippes to do euell or to do good (what foeuer it be that a man pronounceth with an othe) and the thinge be out of his mynde and afterwarde cometh to the knowledge of it, than he hath offended in one of thefe, 5 Than when he hath fynned in one of thefe thinges, 6 he fhall confeffe that wherein that he hath fynned, and fhall bringe his trefpaceofferynge vnto the Lorde for his fynne which he hath fynned. A female from the flocke, whether it be an yewe or a fhe goote, for a fynne- offerynge. And the preaft fhall make an attonement 7 for him for his fynne. But yf he be not able to brynge a fhepe, then let him brynge for his trefpace which he hath fynned, two turtyll doues or two yonge pygeons vnto the Lorde one for a fynneoffrynge and another 8 for a burntofferynge. And he fhall brynge them vnto the preaft, which fhall offer the fynneoffrynge firfl and wringe the necke a fundre of it, but plucke it not clene 9 of. And let him fprinkle of the bloude of the fynne- offerynge apon the fyde of the alter, and let the refle of the bloude blede apon the botome of the alter, and 10 than it is a fynneofferynge. And let him offer the fe- JH. 5 that wherin he hath 6 whether it be a lambe T. 2 immundum, fiue quod occifu a beflia eft, aut per fe mor- tuum, aut quodlibet aliud reptile . . . rea eft & deliquit. 3 poftea, fubiacebit delicto. 4 iuramento & fermone 5 agat poenitentiam 6 agnam fiue capram 8 retorq. caput eius ad pennulas, ita vt collo adhaereat, & no penitus abrumpatur. 9 faciet diftillare ad funda- mentum eius i. 4 wie denn eym menfchen eyn fchwur entfaren mag 6 die da tragen haben 8 vnd yhr fornen den hals abftechen 9 ausblutten V. II-I8. calleti Heuittcus. 311 [Fo. VIIL] conde for a burntofifrynge as the maner is: ad fo fhall the preaft make an atonement for him for the fynne which he hath fynned, and it fhal be forgeuen him. 11 And yet yf he be not able to brynge .ii. turtyll doues or two yonge pigeons, then let hym brynge his offer- ynge for his fynne: the tenth parte of an Epha of fine floure for a fynneofiferynge, but put none oyle thereto nether put ony frankencens thereon, for it is a fynne- 12 offeringe. And let him brynge it to the preaft, and the preaft fhall take his handfull of it and burne it apon the alter for a remembraunce to be a facryfice 13 for the Lorde: that is a fynneoffrynge. And let the preaft make an atonement for him for his fynne (what foeuer of thefe he hath fynned) and it fhalbe forgeuen. And the remnaute ftialbe the preaftes, as it is in the meateofferynge. 14 And the Lorde comyned with Mofes comyned, , , r ^ . r ^i--j/- communed, i, 15 fayenge: when a foule trefpaceth ad fyn- ^ converfed, neth thorow ignoraunce in any of the holy fpoke thinges of the Lorde, he fhall brynge for his trefpace vnto the Lord, a ram without blymefh out of the flocke valowed at two fycles after the holy fycle, for a trefpace- 16 offerynge. And he fhall make amendes for the harme that he hath done in the holy thynge, and put the fifte parte moare .IT. there to and geue it vnto the preaft. And the preaft ftiall make an attonemet for him with the ram of the trefpaceofferynge, and it flialbe forgeue hym. 17 When a foule fynneth and committeth any of thefe thinges which are forbidde to be done by the comaund- mentes of the Lorde: though he wift it * 18 not, he hath yet offended and is in fynne, ad ftiall JH. 15 fycles after the fycle of the fanctuary i6 fyfte parte more to. [The following 7 verses in Tyndale are transferred in Matthew's Bible to ch. vii.] F. II manus eius duos offere turt. 12 in monimentum eius qui obtulit 13 hab. in munere. 17 & peccati rea, intellexerit iniquita- tem fuam i^. 12 zum gedechtnis, vnd antzunden 13 Vnd fol des priefters feyn 15 feckel des heyligthums 3 1 2 Efje tjjirtie faoke of JHoiSes, v. 19-vi. 7 brige a ram without blymefh out of the flocke that is eftemed to be worthe a fynneofferynge, vnto the preaft. And the preaft fhall make an attonement for him for the ignoraunce whiche he dyd and was 19 not ware, and it fhalbe forgeuen him. This is a tref- paceofferynge, for he trefpaced agaynft the Lorde. VI, 1,2 And the Lorde talked with Mofes fayenge: when a foule fynneth ad trefpaceth agaynft the Lorde and denyed vnto his neyghboure that which was taken him to kepe, or that was put vnder his hande, or that which he hath violently taken awaye, or that whiche he hath 3 deceaued his neyghboure off wyth fotylte, or hath founde that whiche was lofte and denyeth it, and fwereth falfe- ly, in what foeuer thinge it be that a man doth and 4 fynneth therein, Then when he hath fynned or tref- paced, he fhall reftore agayne that he toke violently awaye, [Fo. IX.] or the wronge whiche he dyd, or that whiche was delyuered him to kepe, or the loft thinge 5 which he founde, or what foeuer it be aboute which he hath fworne falfely, ^ he fhall reftore it Vnto my ney- agayne in the whole fume and fhal adde _^^^ /ati/Tac- the fifte parte moare thereto and geue do, but vnto it vnto him to whome it pertayneth, the ^"^ ^^^lA'- ^ ' ' aunce: andthe fame daye that he ofifereth for his tref- thefacrificeof 6 pace, and fhall brynge for his trefpace <:hrijles blonde offerynge vnto the Lorde, a ram without faccion, dd blymefh out of the flocke, that is eflemed attonemet dd ,irrr i n apeafin[e of worth a trefpaceofferynge vnto the preaft. ^/ wrath. 7 And the preaft fhall make an atonemet for him before the Lorde, ad it fhall be forgeue hi in what foeuer thinge it be that a ma doth ad trefpaceth therein. T. 19 quia per errorem deliquit in domino, vi, 2 fidei eius cre- ditum . . aut calumniam fecerit 3 & inficians inluper peierauerit 5 voluit obtinere, integra & quintam 7 pro fingulis quae faciendo peccavit. 1.. 18 eyn fhuldopfiFers werd ill (cf. vi. 5) 19 das er dem HERRN verfallen ifl. vi, 2 zu trawer hand 3 mit eym falfchen eyde JH. JH. N. 24 Vnto my neybour pertayneth fatiffaccyon, but vnto god repetaunce & then the facrifice of Chriftes bloude is a full fatiffaccid & attonement & apeafyng of all wrath. VI. 8-17. caEeti ILeuiticus- 313 m: The .VI. Chapter. ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes p..S. T/ig faynge. Commaunde Aaron f^^^^^ M ' . . fynnes which and his fonnes faynge: this is ar^ done the lawe of the burntoffrynge. 'wyllyngly Ihe lawe of The burntoflerynge Ihalbe apon the herth the burntoff- of the alter all nyghte vnto the mornynge, rynges. The and the fire of the alter fhall burne there- abyde euer- to in. And the preaft fhall put on his lynen morevpon the albe and his lynen breches apon his flefh, "'^^Z^ 1 T 1 1,1- , , jorthe, and as the Lorde commaunded him, and the the anoynt- people gathered them felues togither vnto ^"S^ ^f ^W^- the doore of the tabernacle of witneffe. andfoch like. 5 And Mofes fayde vnto the people: this is the thinge which the Lorde commaunded to do. 6 [Fo. XIII.] And Mofes broughte Aaron and his 7 fonnes, and waffhed them with water, and put apon him the albe and gyrde him with a girdel and put apon him the tunycle and put the Ephod thereon, and gyrded him with the broderd girdel of the Ephod, U. 2 caniflru cu azymis 6 Cumque lauiflet eos %. 36 zum ewigen recht 37 fuUeopffer. . todopffer. viii, 6wufch fie mit waffer. vnir. 8-21. calleti ILcuiticus* 319 8 and bounde it vnto him therewith. And he put the breftlappe thereon, ad put in the breftlappe lighte ad g^perfectneffe. And he put the myter apon his heed ad put apo the myter eue apo the forefrot of it, the golden plate of the holy croune, as the Lorde com- maunded Mofes. 10 And Mofes toke the anoyntynge oyle and anoynted the habitacion and all that was therein and fanctified 11 them, and fprynkled thereof apon the alter .vii. tymes and anoynted the alter and all his veffels, and the lauer 12 with hys fote, to fanctifie them. And he poured of the anoyntynge oyle apon Aarons heed and anoynted him 13 to fanctifie him. And he broughte Aarons fonnes and put albes apon them, and gyrde them with gyrdels, ad put bonettes apo their heedes: as the Lorde c6- maunded Mofes 14 And the fynneofifrynge was brought. And Aaron and his fonnes put their handes apon the heed of the 15 oxe of the fynneoffryng. And when it was flayne, Mofes toke of the bloude, and put it apon the homes of the alter rounde .?. aboute with his finger and puri- fied it, ad poured the bloud vnto the botome of the 16 alter ad fanctified it ad reconcyled it. And he toke all the fatt that was apon the inwardes ad the kal that was on the lyuer ad the two kydneyes with their fatt 17 ad burned it apo the alter. But the oxe, the hide, his flefh ad his donge, he burnt with fire without the hofte, as the Lorde commaunded Mofes. 18 And he broughte the ram of the burntofferynge, and Aaron ad his fonnes put their handes apon the 19 heed of the ram, and it was kylled. And Mofes fprink- 20 led the bloud apo the alter roude aboute, ad cutt the ram in peces ad burnt the heed, the peces ad the fatte, 21 ad waffhed the inwardes ad the legges in water, and burnt the ram euery whitt apo the alter. That was a iH. 8 Vrim and Thumim v. 8 doctrina & Veritas. 9 lamina auream c5fecratam in fanc- tificatione 15 quo expiato & fanctificato 1. 8 Liecht vnd Vollickeyt. 15 entfiindiget den altar . . das er yhn verfunet. 20 zehyeb den widder yn fluck J5l. ^T. N. 8 Loke in Exo. xxviii, c. & Num. xxvii. d. 320 Ejje tfjtrtie fiofte of looses, vm. 22-31 burntfacrifice of a fwete fauoure ad an offrynge vnto the Lorde, as the Lorde comaunded Mofes. 22 And he broughte the other ram that was the fuU- offerynge, and Aaron and his fonnes put their hades 23 apo the heed of the ram: And when it was flayne, Mofes toke of the bloude of it, and put it apon the typpe of Aarons ryght eare and apon the thombe of his right hande, and apon the great too of his right fote. 24 Then were Aarons fonnes broughte, ad Mo- [Fo. XIIII.] fes put of the bloude on the typpe of the right eare of them, and apon the thombes of theire righte handes, and apon the great tooes of their righte fete, and fprinkled the bloud apo the alter rounde aboute. 25 And he toke the fatt ad the rompe ad all the fatt that was apon the inwardes, ad the kail of the lyuer, ad the .ii. kydneyes with their fatt ad their righte fhul- 26 der. And out of the bafket of fwete bred that was before the Lorde, he toke one fwete cake of oyled bred ad one wafer, ad put the on the fatt ad apon the righte 27 fhulder, ad put altogether apo Aarons handes ad apo his fonnes handes, ad waued it a waueofiferynge before 28 the Lorde. And tha Mofes toke the from of their handes agayne ad burnt the apo the alter, euen apon the burnt- offrynge: These are the fullofifrynges of a fwete fauoure ad a facrifice vnto the Lorde. 29 And Mofes toke the brefte and waued it a waueof- frynge before the Lorde, of the ram of the ful offrynges: ad it was Mofes parte, as the Lorde commaunded Mofes. 30 And Mofes toke of the anoynting oyle ad of the bloude whiche was apon the alter, and fprinkled it apo Aaro ad apon his veftimetes ad apo his fones ad on their veftimetes with hi ad fanctified Aaro ad his veflurs ad his fones .IT. and his fonnes veftures alfo. 31 Then Mofes fayde vnto Aaron and his fonnes: boyle the flefh in the doore of the tabernacle of witneffe, v. 24 reliquum fudit fuper altare 27 qui poftquam leuauerunt ea 28 eo quod confecrationis effet oblatio %. 22 widder des fuUeopffers 24 gos das blut VIII. 32-ix, 4. calleti ILeuiticus. 321 and there eate it with the bred that is in the bafket of fullofferynges, as the Lorde commaunded fayenge. 32 Aaron and his fonnes fhall eate it: ad that which remayneth of the flefli and of the brede, burne with fire. 33 And fe that ye departe not from the doore of the tabernacle of witneffe feuen dayes longe: vntill the dayes of youre fullofferynges be at an ende. For .vii 34 dayes muft youre hades be filled, as they were this daye: eue fo the Lorde hath commauded to do, to 35 reconcyle you with all. Se therfore that ye abyde in the dore of the tabernacle of witneffe daye and nyghte feuen dayes longe: and kepe the watch of the Lorde that ye dye not: for fo I am commaunded. 36 And Aaron and his fonnes dyd all thynges which the Lorde commaunded by the hande of Mofes. C The .IX. Chapter. ND the .viii. daye Mofes called Aaron and his fonnes and the iH.([D.S. The fyrjl offringes of Aaron, for elders of Ifrael, and fayde vnto hymfelfe and Aaron: take a calfe for a fynne fZfontuIm offrynge, and a ram for a burntoffrynge : thepeople.The both without blemifh, and brynge them f^^^-J'j f ^^.' ' J Lorde is 3 before the Lorde. And vnto the childern fitewed. The of Ifrael he fpa- [Fo. XV.] ke fayenge: //^^ ^^'''- .1 ir r rr mvn^e from take ye an he goote for a fynneofferynge, aboueconfum- and a calfe and a lambe bothe two of a eth the facri- yere olde, and without blemyfh for a '^''^' 4 burntfacrifice, and an oxe and a ram for peaceoffrynges, to offer before the Lorde, and a meateofferyng myngled with oyle, for to daye the Lorde will appere vnto you. 'F. 31 panes quoque confecrationis edite 33 complebitur tepus confecrationis veflrae. 34 ficut imprasfentiarum factum eft, vt ritus facrificii compleretur. ix, 4 immolate eos coram domino in facri- ficio fmgulorum 3L. 33 bis an den tag, da die tage ewrs fullopffers aus fmd JH. Jk. N. 36 Loke in the .iiii. of the kinges in the .xix. ch. b. 32 2 .Efje tjirtie ftofte of IHoses, ix. 5-18 5 And they brought that which Mofes commaunded vnto the tabernacle of witneffe, ad all the people came 6 and ftode before the Lorde. And Mofes fayde, this is the thynge which the Lorde commaunded that ye fhulde do: ad then the glorye of the Lorde fhall appere 7 vnto you. And Mofes fayde vnto Aaron: go vnto the alter and offer thy fynneofferynge, and make an at- tonement for the and for the people: and then offer the offerynge of the people and reconcyle them alfo, as the Lorde comaunded Mofes. 8 And Aaron went vnto the alter, and flewe the calfe 9 that was his fynneoffrynge. And the fonnes of Aaron broughte the bloude vnto him, and he dypte his finger in the bloude and put it apon the homes of the alter, and poured the bloude vnto the botome of the alter. 10 And the fatt and the two kydneyes with the kail of the lyuer of the fynneoffrynge, he burnt vppon the 11 alter, as the Lorde commaunded Mofes: .IT. but the flefh and the hyde, he burnt with fyre without the hofte. 12 After warde he flewe the burntofferynge, ad Aarons fonnes brought the bloude vnto him, and he fprinkled it 13 rounde aboute apon the alter. And they brought the burntofferynge vnto him in peces and the heed alfo, 14 and he burnt it apon the alter, and dyd waffhe the inwardes and the legges, and burnt them alfo apon the burntofferynge in the alter. 15 And than he broughte the peoples offerynge and toke the goote that was the peoples fynneofferynge, and flewe it and offered it for a fynofferynge: as he dyd the firft. 16 And then broughte the burntofferynge and offered it 17 as the maner was, and broughte the meatofferynge and fylled his hande thereof, and burnt it apon the alter, befydes the burntfacrifyce in the mornynge. 18 Then he flewe the oxe and the ram that were the v. 7 et deprecare pro te & pro populo. cumque mactaueris hoftiam populi, ora pro eo, ficut praecepit dominus. 15 expiatoque altari 17 abfque ceremoniis hoi. matutini. 1-. 7 deyn fundopffer vnd deyn brandopffer . . verfiine dich vnd das volck 13 zu yhm zuftucket vnd den kopff 17 auffer des morgens brandopffer. IX. I9-X. 2. calleti iLeuiticus, 323 peoples peafeofiferynges, and Aarons fonnes broughte the bloude vnto him, and he fprinkled it apon the alter 19 rounde aboute, and toke the fatt of the oxe and of the ram: the rope and the fatt that couereth the inwardes 20 and the kydneyes and the kali of the lyuer: and put them apon the breftes and burnt it apon the alter: 21 but the breftes and the righte fhulders Aaron waued before the Lorde, as the Lorde c6- [Fo. XVI.] maunded Mofes. 22 And Aaron lifte vpp his hande ouer the people and bleffed the, and came doune from offerynge of fynofferynges, burntofferynges and 23 peafeofferynges. Then Mofes and Aaron wet into the tabernacle of witneffe and Of foch places the biffhopes toke their domme bleff- ynge with di. fingers: came out agayne and bleffed the people. But numery and the glorye of the Lorde apered vnto ''' S^T '''""'i^ -^ ^ read the good- 24 all the people. And there came a fyre ly prayer of out from before the Lorde, and confumed '^" bleffynge. apon the alter: the burntofferynge and the fatt. And all the people fawe it and fhowted, and fell on their faces. fC The .X. Chapter ND Nadab and Abihu the fonnes of Aaron toke ether of them his cenfor ad put fyre there- in and put cens apo, and Hereof ye fe broughte ftraunge fyre be- thefrute of a ^ ** / mans good en- fore the Lorde: which he tent with out comaunded the not and there As we maye went a fyre out fro the Lorde dab and Abi- hu are flayne. Ifrael niourn- eth for them. The Preafles areforbydden w y n e . Th e refydew of the facrifice the Preafles eate. H. 24 turbae, laudauerunt dominu x, i ignem alienum 1. 22 fteyg herab vom werck 24 frolocketen fie. x, i frembd feur JTO. f&.. N. I Herof ye fe the frute of a mans good entent wyth- out Goddes word. As we maye do no leffe, fo doeth thys en- fample teache that we may do no moare then is commaunded. 324 C!ie tijtrtie iroke of JHoseg, x. 3-12 do nolejfe, fo and cofumed the, and they dyed before the 3 fample teach Lorde. Then Mofes fayde vnto Aaro this that we niaye is it that the Lorde fpake fa- / -^^ "^'^f '^" %a7 T'cl y'Se: I will be fanctifyed in Z o^eyhi^^ viaunded. them that come nye me, ad ^^ mortify before all the people I wilbe glorifyed. to doo his And Aaron helde his peafe. 4 And Mofes called Mifael and Elefapha the fonnes of Vfiel the vncle of Aaron, and fayde vnto the: goo to and carye youre brethre from the holy place out 5 of the hofte. And they went to them and caryed them in their albes out of the hofte, as Mofes bad. 6 .T. And Mofes fayde vnto Aaron and vnto Eleazar and Ithamar his eldeft fonnes: vncouer not youre heed nether rent youre clothes, left ye dye and wrath come apon all the people lett youre brethren the hole houfe of Ifrael, bewepe the burnynge which the Lorde hath 7 burnt. But goo ye not out from the dore of the taber- nacle of wytneffe, left ye dye: for the anoyntynge oyle of the Lorde is apon you. And they dyd as Mofes bad. 8 And the Lorde fpake vnto Aaron fa- Oure prelates 11 JT. J 1 ^^ dronke 9 ynge: drynke no wyne nor ftronge drynke, ^^^^ ^^^^^ nether thou nor thi fonnes with the: when of honoure ye go in to the tabernacle of witneffe, left ^^'^^ ht'^lhe ye dye. And let it be a lawe foreuer vnto world oute 10 youre childern after you: that ye maye "L^r^V'-^rJ^ll^^^ ^ A-ec u ^ u 1 ^ u 1 Watiffie their put difference betwene holy and vnholy, lufles, and 11 and betwene vnclene and clene, and that liue not fobir- ye maye teach the childern of Ifrael: ^hat chrifl all the ordynaunces which the Lorde commaunded hath comaunded them by the handes of ^r ^^^ aVlo^fl- Mofes. els.. 12 And Mofes fayde vnto Aaron and vnto Eleazar ad D. 3 tacuit Aaron. 5 tulerunt eos ficut iacebant . . . vt fibi fu- erat imperatum. 6 incendium, quod dominus fufcitauit 10 vt ha- beatis fcientiam difcernendi 3L. 3 fchwyg ftille. 6 brand . . gethan hat 10 das yhr kund vn- terfcheyden ^. pi. N. 3 God is fanctified when we obey hym, and mor- tyfye oure wyll to do his. 4 Loke in Gen. xiii, b. 9 For euer, it is here taken for a tyme that hath an ende, and not euer lafl- ing as it is alfo in Gen. xiii, d & Ex. xii, c. X. 13-20. calleti iLeuittcuiS* 325 Ithamar his fonnes that were lefte: take the meat- offerynge that remayneth of the facrifyces of the Lorde, and eate it without leuen befyde the alter, for it is 13 mofl holy: eate it therfore in the holy place, becaufe it is thy dutye and thi fonnes dutye of the dutye [often], facrifyce of the Lorde: for fo I am com- due 14 maunded. And the [Fo. XVII.] wauebreft and heue- fhulder eate in a clene place: both thou and thy fonnes and thy doughters with the. For it is thy dutye and thy fonnes dutye with the, of the peace- 15 offerynges off the childern of Ifrael. For the heue- fhulder ad the wauebreft whiche they brynge with the facrifices of the fatt, to waue it before the Lorde, fhal- be thyne and thy fonnes with the, and be a lawe for euer, as the Lorde hath commaunded. 16 And Mofes foughte for the goote that was the fynneofferynge, and fe, it was burnt. And he was angrye with Eleazar and Ithamar the fonnes of Aaron, 17 which were lefte alyue fayenge: wherefore haue ye not eaten the fynneofferynge in the holy place, feynge it is moft holye: and for as moch as it is geuen you to bere the fynne of the people, and make agrement for them 18 before the Lorde } Beholde, the bloude of it was not brought in within the holy place therfore fhulde ye haue eaten it in the holy place as I commaunded. 19 And Aaron fayde vnto Mofes: behold, this The offeringes daye haue they offered their fynneoffrynge Sf/S'^/^S- and their burntoffrynge before the Lorde, neffe: but Aa- and it is chaunced me after thys maner. ^^^ ""^"^^ ''f ^ out morne for Yf I fhulde eate of the fynneofferynge to his fonnes. 20 daye, wolde the Lorde be content with all t And when Mofes herde that, he was content. "^^ 17 portetis iniquitatem multitudinis & rogetis pro ea i8 ficut prasceptum efl mihi? 19 mihi autem accidit quod vides . . aut pla- cere domino in cerem. mente lugubri ? 20 recepit fatiffactionem. 1. 17 miffethat der gemeyne tragen ... fie verfunet 19 es ifl myr gangen, wie es da ift . . vnd gutter ding feyn 20 lies ers yhm ge fallen. Jtt. ^. N. 19 The offringes mufl haue bene eate in gladnefle, but Aaron coulde not but morne for hys fonnes. 326 Eije t\\itXit tjofte of lEoses, xi. i 15 .f. The .XL Chapter. ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes 4H.C.5. 0/ and Aaron fayenge: fpeake iT-^TeaZ^''^ vnto the childre of Ifrael and which vn- faye, thefe are the beeftes '^"''''' whiche ye fhall eate amonge all the beeftes that 3 are on the erth: what foeuer hath hoffe and dyuyd- eth it in to two clawes ad cheweth cud among the 4 beeftes, that ftiall ye eate. Neuertheleffe, thefe fhall ye not eate of them that chewe cud and haue hoffes. The camel, for he cheweth cud but he deuydeth not the hoffe in to two clawes therfore he fhall be vnclene 5 vnto you. And the Conye, for he cheweth the cud but deuydeth not the hoffe in to two clawes, therfore 6 he is vnclene to you. And the hare, for he likewife cheweth the cud, but deuydeth not the hoffe in to two 7 clawes, he is therfore vnclene to you. And the fwyne, for though he deuyde the hoffe in to two clawes, yet he cheweth not the cud ad therfore is vnclene to 8 you. Of their flefh fee that ye eate not ad their car- kaffes fe that ye twych not for they are vnclene to you. 9 Thefe fhall ye eate of all that are in the waters: what foeuer hath finnes and fkales in the waters, fees 10 and ryuers, that fhall ye eate And all that haue not finnes ad fkales in the fees ad ryuers of all that moue and lyue in the waters, [Fo. XVIII.] fhall ye abhorre. 11 Se that ye eate not of their flefh, ad alfo that ye ab- 12 horre their carkafes: for all that haue no finnes nor fcales in the waters, fhalbe abhominacion vnto you. 13 Thefe are the foules which ye fhall abhorre and which fhall not be eaten, for they are an abhomina- 14 cion. The egle, the goofhauke, the cormoraunte, the 15 kyte, the vultur and all his kynd and all kynde of U. 5 Chirogryllius 7 Et fus . . . ruminat. 8 horum carnibus 9 tarn in mari quam in fluminibus & flagnis 1 1 morticina vitabitis. 13 Aquilam, & gryphe, & haliaeetum 14 miluii . . %. 5 die Canynchen 7 Vnd eyn fchweyn 9 ynn waffern, ym mehr vnd bechen XI. ifr-28. calleli iLeuiticus* 327 16 rauens, the eftrich, the nightcrowe, the cocow, the 17 fparowhauke, and al the kynde: the litle oule, the i8 ftorcke, the great oule the backe, the pellicane, 19 the pye, the heron, the laye with the kynde, the 20 lappwynge ad the fwalowe. And all foules that crepe ad goo apo all .iiii. fhalbe an abhominacion vnto you. 21 Yet thefe maye ye eate of all the foules that moue and goo apon .iiii. fete: euen thofe that haue no knees aboue vppon their fete to lepe with all apon the erthe, 22 euen thefe of them ye maye eate: the arbe and all his kynde: the Soleam with all his kynde: the Har- gol and all the kynde, ad the Hagab ad all his kynd. 23 Al other foules that moue ad haue .iiii. fete, fhalbe 24 abhominacion vnto you. In foch ye fhalbe vnclene whofoeuer touch the carkeffe of the fhalbe vnclene 25 vnto the euen, ad whofoeuer bereth the carkeffe of the, fhal wafh his clothes ad fhalbe .IT, vnclene vntyll euen. 26 Amonge all maner beeftes, they that haue hoffes and deuyde them not in to two clawes or that chewe not the cud, fhalbe vnclene vnto you: and all that 27 twicheth them fhalbe vnclene. And all that goeth apon his handes amonge all maner beefles that goo on all foure, are vnclene vnto you: and as many as twych their carkeffes, fhalbe vnclene vntyll the euen. 28 And he that beareth the carkeffe of them, -fhall waffhe his clothes ad be vnclene vntyll the euen, for foch are vnclene vnto you. ^. 22 Selaam . . kynde, the Hagab 27 foure fete v. 16 larum, & accipitrem 17 bubonem et mergulum et ibin 18 cygnum et onocrotalum, et porphyrionem, 19 herodionem, charadrion . . vpupam . . vefpertilionem. 21 longiora retro crura 22 brucus . . attacus . . ophiomachus, ac locufla 25 & ii neceffe fuerit vt portet i. 21 das keyne knye oben an den beynen hat, da mit es auff erden hupffe 27 auf tappen geht ^. iH. N 22 Arbe, Selad, Hargol, Hagab are kyndes of bealles that crepe or fcraul on the grounde which the Hebrues them felues do not now a dayes know. 3L. ^. N. 22 Dife vier thier find ynn vnfern landen nicht, wie wol gemeyniglich Arbe vnnd Hagab, fur Hewfchrecken gehalte werden, die auch vierfuffige vogel find, aber es ifl gewiffer, dife Ebreifche namen zu brauchen, wie wyr mit alleluia vnd audern frembder fprach namen thun. 328 Ejje tfjirtre hokt of lEoses, xi. 29-40 29 And thefe are alfo unclene to you amonge the thinges that crepe apon the erth: the wefell the 30 moufe, the tode and all his kynde, the hedgehogge, 31 ftellio, the licerte, the fnayle and the moule. Thefe are vnclene to you amonge all that moue, and all that twych them when they be dead, fhalbe vnclene 32 vntyll the euen. And what foeuer any of the dead carkeffes of them fall apon, fhalbe vnclene: what foeuer veffel of wodd it be, or rayment, or fkynne, or bagge or what foeuer thinge it be that any worke is wroughte with all. And they fhalbe plunged in the water and be vnclene vntill the eue, and then they fhalbe clene agayne. 33 All 'maner of erthen veffel where in to any of them falleth, is vnclene with all that therein [Fo. XIX.] is: 34 and ye fhall breake it. All maner meate that is eaten, yfany foch water come apon it, it fhall be vnclene. And all maner drynke that is droke in all maner foch veffels, fhalbe vnclene. 35 And whether it be ouen or kettel, it fhalbe broken. For they are vnclene and fhalbe vnclene vnto you: 36 Neuerthelater, yet the fountaynes ad welles and pondes of water, fhalbe clene flyll. But whofoeuer twycheth their carkeffes, fhalbe vnclene. 37 Yf the dead carkeffe of any foch fall apo any feed 38 vfed to fowe, yt fhall yet be clene ftyll: but ad yf any water be poured apo the feed ad afterward the dead carkeffe of them fall thereo, then it fhalbe vn- clene vnto you. 39 Yf any beefl of whiche ye eate dye, he that twitch- eth the dead carkeffe fhalbe vnclene vntyll the euen. 40 And he that eateth of any foche dead carkeffe, fhall waffhe his clothes and remayne vnclene vntyll the euen. And he alfo that beareth the carkeffe of it, fhall waffhe his clothes and be vnclene vntyll euen. T. 29 mus & crocodilus 30 migale, & chamaeleon, & ftellio & lacerta 32 pelles & cilicia 34 fufa fuerit fuper eum 36 & omnis aquarum congregatio ?l. 35 es fey ofen odder keffel XI. 4i-xn.3. calletr Heuiticus* 329 41 All that fcrauleth vpon the erth, is an fcrauleth, abhominacyon and fhall not be eaten. ^cr^eTethw x'l 42 And what foeuer goeth apon the breft ad what foeuer goeth apon .iiii. or moo fete amonge all that fcrauleth apon the erth, of that fe ye eate not: for they are abhomynable. Make not youre foules 43 .f . abhominable. Make not youre foules abhomynable with no thinge that crepeth, nether make youre foules vnclene with them: that ye fhulde be defiled thereby. 44 For I am the Lorde youre God, be fanctified therfore that ye maye be holy, fot I am holy: and defile not youre foules with any maner thinge that crepeth apon 45 the erth. For I am the Lorde that brought you out of the londe off Egipte to be youre God: be holy ther- fore, for I am holy. 46 This is the lawe of beeft and foule and off all maner thinge that lyueth ad moueth in the water 47 ad of all thinges that crepe apo the erth, that ye may put differece betwene vnclene ad clene, ad betwene the beeftes that are eate and the beeftes that are not eaten. C The .XII. Chapter. |ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes , ^-f-^- A I ^ law e now e w e and fayde: fpeake vnto the men Jhulde be childern of Ifrael ad faye: whe purged after a woma hath conceaued ad ance. hath borne a man childe, fhe fhalbe vnclene .vii. dayes: euen in like maner as when fhe is put aparte in tyme of hir naturall difeafe. And in the .viii. daye the flefh ^. 42 omits Make not youre foules abhominable "F. 42 quadrupes graditur, & multos habet pedes 43 Nolite cotaminare animas 47 differetias noveritis \. 41 was auff erden fchleicht (42, 44) 42 auff vier odder mehr fuffen 43 feelen vervnrejnigen JH. JH. N. 2 Some call it the monethes dyfeale, lome the floures. 330 Ef)e tijirtje faoke of Ploses, xn. 4-xiii. 2 4 of the childes forefkynne fhalbe cut awaye. And fhe fhall cotynue in the bloude of hir purifienge .xxxiii dayes, fhe fhal [Fo. XX.] twytch no halowed thinge nor come in to the fanctuary, vntyll the tyme of hir 5 purifienge be out. Yf fhe bere a maydechilde, then fhe fhalbe vnclene two wekes as when fhe hath hir naturall difeafe. And fhe fhall contynue in the bloude of hir purifienge .Lxvi. dayes. 6 And when the dayes of hir purifienge are out: whether it be a fonne or a doughter, fhe fhall brynge a lambe of one yere olde for a burntoffrynge and a yonge pigeon or a turtill doue for a fynneoffrynge vnto the dore of the tabernacle of witneffe vnto the 7 preaft: which fhall offer them before the Lorde and make an attonement for her, and fo fhe fhalbe purged of hir yffue of bloude. This is the lawe of her that hath borne a childe, whether it be male or female. 8 But and yf fhe be not able to bringe a fhepe, then let her brynge two turtyls or two yonge pigeons: the one for the burntofiferynge, and the other for the fynneofferynge. And the preaft fhall make an attone- ment for her, ad fhe fhalbe clene. i[ The .XIII. Chapter. jlND the Lord fpake vnto Mofes fSi.Q^.z. The ad uto Aaro faynge: whe Preajles are there apeareth a ryfinge in ""it^J^fi H any mas flefh ether a fcabbe are the Lep- or a gliftrige .?. whyte: as though the ^^^ T. 7 mundabitur a profluuio fanguinis fui 8 Quod fi non in- uenerit manus eius, nee pot. offerre agnum . . . orabitque pro ea facerdos. xiii, 2 diuerfus color fiue puflula 3L. 4 tage yhrer reynigung aus find 5 da heym bleyben ynn dem blut yhrer reynigung. 6 aus find 7 reyn von yhrem blutgang 8 Vermag aber yhre hand nicht eyn fchaff . . verfiinen. xiii, 2 eyt- ter weys (4, 19, 23, 39). XIII. 3-8. calleti ILeuiticus, 331 This chapter makeih not/or cbfejjlon in the eare, but is an exaple of ex- communica- cion off open plage of leprofye were in the flcynne of his flefh, then let him be brought vnto Aaron the preaft or vnto one of hys fonnes 3 the preaftes, and let the preaft loke on the fore that is in the flcynne of his flefhe. Yf the heer in the fore be turned vnto J},^^^/^\ ^^ thefe prejles whyte, and the fore alfo feme to be lower makevncleane than the fkynne of his flefhe, then it is ^ f^^'i^ out /, -in 11 1 n ^ ^ of Company, fuerly a leprofye, and let the preaft loke /^^^^ j-g ^^^^ on him and make hym vnclene. binde dd ex- \Tr xi 1 L i_ 1 -i. 1 1 i-u cotnmunicat 4 Yf there be but a white plecke m the ^^^ ^j ^^^ ^^. fkynne of his flefhe and feme not to be gregacib: and lower than the other fkynne nor the heer ^L'^Of^t thereof is turned unto white: then let the ours lowffe, 5 preaft fhitt him vpp feuen dayes. And let ^^^ ''thi'lhai the preaft loke apon him the .vii. daye: yf futne fecretly the fore feme to him to abyde ftyll and to tf^ff bmde 'Wttrt vTBdC H- go no further in the fkyne, then let the ige gods word preaft ftiutt him vppe yet .vii. dayes moo. ddyf thei re- 4) , t IV i t It 6 And let the preaft loke on him agayne ^reachinge the .vii. daye. Then yf the fore be waxed thei lowfe the blackefh and is not growen abrode in the '^S'-'-y^^- fkynne, let the preaft make him clene, for it is but a fkyrfe. And let him Avaffhe his clothes, and then he is 7 clene But and yf the fcabbe growe in the fkynne after 8 that he is fene of the preaft agayne. Yf the preaft fe that the fcabbe be growen abrode in the fkynne, let him make him vnclene: for it is fuerly a leprofye. |H. 3 iudge hym vnclene. U. 3 humiliorem cute & came reliqua . . . et ad arbitrium eius feparabitur. 7 & redditus munditiae . . adducetur ad eum, 8 & immunditiae condenabitur. 1.. 3 vrteylen 4 verfchlieffen fieben tage 6 mal gefchwungen M. JH. N. 2 The lepre fignifyeth properly mannes doctrine, whyche fpreadeth abroade lyke a canker: & to be fhort all infec- cyon of vngodlynes, therfore mud the Leuytes geue dylygent hede therto: for a lytell leuen foureth the whole loumpe of doughe. 1. ffl. N. 4 Hie ifts offinbar das Mofes ausfatz heyft allerley grind vnd blattern odder mal, da ausfatz aus werden kan oder dem aufzfatz gleych ifl. Ausfatz aber bedeut eygentlich, men- fchen lere auffer der lere Gottliebs wort, die felbe bluet vnnd grunet fur den leuten vnd friffet vmb fich, darumb den prieflera hie mit fleys auffzufehen gepotten wirt. 332 Eije t^ixtit tiofte of JHoses, xm. 9-21 9 [Fo. XXL] Yf the plage ofleprofye be in a man, let 10 hi be broughte vnto the preaft, and let the preaft fe him. Yf the ryfmge apeare white in the fkynne ad haue alfo made the heer white, ad there be rawe flefh 11 in the fore alfo: then it is an olde leprofye in the fkynne of his flefh. And the preaft fhall make him vnclene, ad fhall not fhutte him vp for he is vnclene. 12 Yf a leprofye breake out in the fl^ynne and couer all the fkynne from the heed to the fote ouer all where- 13 foeuer the preaft loketh, then let the preaft loke apon him. Yf the leprofye haue couered all his flefh, let him make the difeafe clene: for in as moch as he is 14 altogether white he is therfore cleane. But and yf there be rawe flefh on him when he is fene, then he 15 fhalbe vncleane. Therfore when the preafl feeth the rawe flefh, let him make him vnclene. For in as moch as his flefh is rawe, he is vnclene and it is fuerly a true 16 leprofye. But and yf the rawe flefh departe agayne and chaunge vnto white, then let him come to the 17 preaft and let the preaft fe him: Yf the fore be chaunged vnto white, let the preaft make the difeafe cleane, ad then he is cleane. 18 When there is a byele in the fkynne byele [often], 19 of any mans flefh and is helede and after ^^ in the place of the byele there appeare a whyte ryfyng ether .?. a fhynynge white fomwhat redyfh, let him 20 be fene of the preaft. Yf when the preaft feeth hi it appeare lower than the other fkynne and the heer thereof be chaunged vnto white, let the preaft make hi vncleane: for it is a very leprofye, that is broken 21 out in the place of the byele. But and yf when the J5l. II iudge him vnclene 13 iudge the difeafe 15 iudge 17 iudge 20 iudge V. II inolita cuti. 12 quicquid fub afpectu oculorum cadit 15 facerd. iudicio polluetur, & inter immundos reputabitur 18 Caro autem et cutis ^. 10 rho fleyfch ym gefchwyr ^. JH. N. 13 Couered all his flejh, etc. Here is that called a leper which yet is none in dede, but femyth to be one: whereas the rotneffe of humoures brekyng forth into the vtter partes all the body ouer, is called a leper, and yet mufl it be iudged to be cleane. XIII. 22-31. calleti 5Leutticus 333 preaft loketh on it there be no white heeres therein nether the fcabbe lower than the other fkynne and be fomewhat blackefh, then the preaft fhall fhutt him 22 aparte .vii. dayes. Yf it fprede abrode in the meane feafon, then let the preaft make him vnclene: for it is 23 a leprofye. I) .it ad yf the gliftringe white abyde ftyll in one place and go no further, then it is but the prynte of the byele, and the preaft fhal make him cleane. 24 When the fkynne of any mas flefh is burnt with fire that it be rawe and there apere in the burnynge a gliftringe white that is fomwhat redyfh or altogether 25 white, let the preaft loke apon it. Yf the heer in that brightneffe be chaunged to white and it alfo appeare lower than the other fkynne, than it is a leprofye that is broken out in the place of the burnynge. And the preaft fhall make him vncleane, for it is a leprofye. But 26 and yf (when the preaft loketh on it) he fe that there is no white heer in the bryghteneffe and that it is no lower than the other [Fo. XXII.] fl when they myne holy name: for I am the Lorde. jhulde be off- 3 Saye vnto them: whofoeuer he be of all ^^d. youre feed amonge youre generacion after you, that goeth vnto the halowed thinges which the childern of Ifrael fhall haue halowed vnto the Lorde, his vn- clennes fhalbe apon him: and that foule fhal peryfh from out of my fyghte. I am the Lorde. iH. 21 preace F. 20 fi lippus, fi albuginem 24 Ifrael cuncta quae fuerat fibi imperata. xxii, 2 & non cotaminent nomen fanctincatorum mihi, quae ipfi offerunt. 3 in quo eft immunditia 5^. 20 fell auffem auge . . fchehl 21 nicht erzu thun zu opffern . . . nicht nahen 362 E|)e t!)irtre bofte of fHoses, xxn. 4-15 4 None of the feed of Aaron that is a leper or that hath a runnynge fore, fhall eate of the halowed thinges vntill he be cleane. And whofoeuer twytcheth any vncleane foule or man whofe feed runneth fro him by nyghte, 5 or whofoeuer twitcheth any worme that worme, any is vncleane to him, or man that is vn- creeping thing cleane to him, what- .]j*. foeuer vnclenneffe he hath: 6 the fame foule that hath twyched any foch thynge, fhalbe vncleane vntill euen, and fhall not eate of the halowed thynges vntill he haue waffhed his flefh with 7 water. And than when the fonne is doune he fhalbe cleane ad fhall afterward eate of the halowed thynges: 8 for they are his fode. Off a beeft that dyeth alone or is rent with wylde beafles, he fhall not eate, to defyle 9 him felfe therwith: I am the Lorde. But let them kepe therfore myne ordynaunce, left they lade fynne apo them and dye therein when they haue defyled them felues: for I am the Lorde which fanctifye them. 10 There fhall no ftraunger eate of the halowed thinges, nether a geft of the preaftes, or an hyred 11 feruaunte. But yf the preaft bye any foule with money he maye eate of it, and he alfo that is borne in his houffe maye eate of his bred. 12 Yf the preafles doughter be maryed vnto a ftraun- ger, fhe maye not eate of the halowed heueoffer- 13 ynges. Notwithftondynge yf the preaftes doughter be a wedowe or deuorfed and haue no childe but is returned vnto hir fathers houffe agayne, fhe fhall eate of hir fathers bred as wel as fhe dyd in hyr youth. But therefhall no flraunger eate there of. 14 Yf a man eate of the halowed thynges vn- [Fo. XL.] wyttingly, he fhall put the fyfte parte there vnto, and 15 make good vnto the preafl the haloAved thynge. And ^. 6 that hath any foch thynge ^. 4 patiens fluxum feminis 5 & quodlibet immundum 9 non fubiaceant peccato 12 cuilibet ex populo nupta 13 ficut puella confueuerat BL. 5 gewurm . . . das yhm vnreyn . . menfchen der yhm vn- reyn ift, vnd alles was yhn vervnreynigt 7 feyn futter. 9 fund auff fich laden 12 nicht von der Hebe der heylickeyt 13 wie andere dyrnen. XXII. 15-27. calleti Heuittcus* 363 let the preaftes fee, that they defyle not the halowed thynges of the childern of Ifrael which they haue 16 offered vnto the Lorde, left they lade them felues with myfdoynge and trefpace in eatynge their halowed thinges: for I am the Lorde which halowe them. 17, 18 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes faynge: fpeake vnto Aaron and his fonnes and vnto all the childern of Ifrael and faye vnto them, what foeuer he be of the houffe of Ifrael or ftraunger in Ifrael that will offer his offerynge: what foeuer vowe or frewilloffer- ynge it be which they will offer vnto the Lorde for a 19 burntofferynge to reconcyle them felues, it muft be a male without blemyfh of the oxen, fhepe or gootes. 20 let them offer nothynge that is deformed for they fhall gett no fauoure there with. 21 Yf a man will offer a peafeoffrynge vnto the Lorde and feparate a vowe or a frewill offerynge of the oxen or the flocke, it muft be without deformyte, that it maye be accepted. There maye be no blemyfh 22 therein: whether it be blide, broke, wounded or haue a wen, or be maunge or fcabbed. fe that ye offre no foch vnto the Lorde, nor put an offerynge of any foch apon the alter vnto the Lorde. 23 .?. An oxe or a fhepe that hath any membre out of proporcion, mayft thou offer for a frewillofferynge: but 24 in a vowe it fhal not be accepted. Thou fhalt not offer vnto the Lorde that which hath his ftones broofed broke, plucked out or cutt awaye, nether ftialt make 25 any foch in youre lande, nether of a ftraungers hande fhall ye offer an offerynge to youre God of any foch. For they marre all in that they haue deformytes in them, and therfore can not be accepted for you. 26,27 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes faynge: when an oxe, a fhepe or a goote is brought forth, it fhalbe feue dayes vnder the damme. And from the .viii ^. 24 that which is broofed, broken, plucked V. 18 domini, 19 vt auferatur per vos 23 Bouem & ouem aure & Cauda amputatis 25 non offeretis panes deo . . quia corrupta & maculata funt omnia, non fufcipietis ea. 27 fub vbere matris H. 21 todopffer 23 vngehewre gelied oder keyn fchwantz 3^4 STjje tfjirtie iiofte of floseg, xxn. 28-xxni. 7 daye forth, it fhalbe accepted vnto a gifte in the facri- 28 fice of the Lorde. And whether it be oxe or fhepe, ye fhall not kyll it, and hir yonge: both in one daye. 29 When ye will offre a thankofiferynge vnto the Lorde, ye fhall fo offre it that ye maye be accepted. 30 And the fame daye it mufb be eate vp, fo that ye leaue none of it vntill the morowe. For I am the 31 Lorde, kepe now my commaundementes and do them, for I am the Lorde. 32 And polute not my holy name, that I maye be halowed amonge the childern of Ifrael. For I am 33 the Lorde which halowe you, and broughte you out of the londe of Egipte, to be youre [Fo. XLL] God: for I am the Lorde. iE The .XXIIL Chapter. ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes P-^-S- Of r r 1 i 1.U u-i the holy dayes, faynge: fpeake vnto the chd- ^^ ^^-^ ^^^. dern of Ifrael, and faye vnto oth, EJler, them. Thefe are the feaftes f/-^^/''^^-^fj the feajt of off the Lorde which ye fhal call holy the fyrjl 3 feaftes. Sixe dayes ye fhall worke, ad f/'^^i^^: , '^H 1 r i-Tr-i, 1,-,^ 11 feajlofcleanf- the feuenth is the Sabbath of reft an holy yng. The feaft: fo that ye maye do no worke there- feajloftrom- in, for it is the Sabbath of the Lorde, jeajl of the wherefoeuer ye dwell. tabernacles. 4 Thefe are the feaftes of the Lorde whiche ye fhall 5 proclayme holy in their ceafons. The .xiiii. daye of 6 the firft moneth at eue is the Lordes Paffeouer, And the .XV. daye of the fame moneth is the feaft of fwete bred vnto the Lorde: .vii. dayes ye muft eate vn- leuended bred. 7 The firft daye fhalbe an holy feafte vnto you, fo "V. 3 fabbathi requies 5 phafe domini 6 azymorum domini i. 3 feyr des Sabbaths ^. |H. N. 29 A thankqfferynge, that is, an oflferyng- of thanckes geuynge. Thankes geuynge is when the benefytes of God are recyted, wherby the fayth to Godward is flregthened the more faflly to loice for the thyng that we defyre of God. Eph. v, a. I Tim. iii, a. & b. XXIII. 8-i8. calletr 3Leuittcus* " 365 8 that ye maye do no laborious worke therein But ye fhall offer facrifices vnto the Lorde .vii. dayes, and the feuenth daye alfo fhalbe an holy feaft, fo that ye maye doo no laborious worke therein. 9, 10 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes fayenge: fpeake vnto the childern of Ifraell and faye vnto them: when ye be come in to the lande whiche I geue vnto you and repe doune youre harueft, ye fhall brynge a fhefe 11 of the firfl frutes of youre harueft vnto the preaft, and he fhall wa- .T. ue the fhefe before the Lorde, to be accepted for you: and euen the morow after the Sab- 12 bath the preafte fhall waue it. And ye fhall offer the daye when he waueth the fhefe, a labe without blemyfh 13 of a yere old for a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde: and the meatoffrynge thereof, two tenth deales of fine floure mengled with oyle to be a facrifice vnto the Lorde of a fwete fauoure: and the drinkofferinge thereto, the 14 fourth deale of an hin of wyne. And ye fhall eate nether bred, nor parched corne, nor furmentye of new corne: vntyll the felfe fame daye that ye haue broughte an offrynge vnto youre God. And this fhalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre childern after you, where foeuer ye dwell. 15 And ye fhall counte from the morowe after the Sabbath: euen from the daye that ye broughte the 16 fheffe of the waueoffrynge, vii. wekes complete: euen vnto the morow after the .vii. weke ye fhall numbre L. dayes. And the ye fhal bringe a newe meatoffrynge 17 vnto the Lorde. And ye fhall brynge out of youre habitacions two waueloaues made of two tenthdeales off fine floure leuended and baken, for firft frutes vnto 18 the Lorde. And ye fhall bringe with the bred feuen lambes without deformyte of one yere of age, and one yonge oxe, and .ii. rambes, [Fo. XLIL] which fhall V. 8 dies autem feptimus erit celebrior & fanctior lo mani- pulos fpicarum ii eleuabit fafciculum 14 ex ea deo veflro. 17 panes primitiarum i<. 10 garben der erflling ewr erndten JH. M. N. 10 The /yr/l/rufes & tythes were the fygnes of the faith knowleagynge to haue receaued their goodes & catell of the Lorde, as it is fayde Ex. xxii, d. and .xxiii, c. 3^6 Cije tfjtrlie boJte of IHoses, xxm. 19-30 feme for burntoffrynges vnto the Lorde, with meat- offringes and drinkoffringes longinge to the fame, to be a facrifice of a fwete fauoure vnto the Lorde. ig And ye fhall offer an he goote for a fynneofferinge: and two lambes of one yere old for peaceoffringes, 20 And the preaft fhall wane the with the bred of the firft frutes before the Lorde, and with the two lambes. And they fhalbe holy vnto the Lorde, and be the 21 preaftes. And ye fhall make a proclamacio the fame daye that it be an holy feafb vnto you, and ye fhall do no laborious worke therein: And it fhalbe a lawe for euer thorowe out all youre habitacions vnto youne childern after you, 22 Wljen ye repe doune youre haruefl, thou fhalt not make cleane ryddaunce off thy felde, nether fhalt thou make any aftergatheringe of thy harueft: but fhalt leue them vnto the poore and the ftraunger. I am the Lorde youre God. 23,24 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes faynge: fpeake vnto the childern of Ifrael ad faye. The firft daye of the feuenth moneth fhalbe a reft of remembraunce vnto 25 you, to blowe homes in an holy feaft it fhalbe, and ye fhall do no laborious worke therein, and ye fhall offer facrifice vnto the Lorde. 26, 27 IT. And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes fayenge: alfo the tenth daye of the felfe feueth moneth, is a daye of an attonement, and fhalbe an holy feaft vnto you, ad ye fhall humble youre foules and offer facrifice vnto 28 the Lorde. Moreouer ye fhall do no worke the fame daye, for it is a daye of attonement to make an at- 29 tonemet for you before the Lord your God. For what foeuer foule it be that humbleth not him felfe that daye, he fhalbe deftroyde from amonge his peo- 30 pie. And what foeuer foule do any maner worke that daye, the fame I will deftroye from amonge his peo- "P^. 20 cedet in vfum eius. 22 vfque ad folum 27 dies expiat. erit celeberrimus . . . affligetifque animas i. 22 nichtgarauff demfeld eynfchneytten 27 feelen demutigen [3 times cf. vv. 29, 32.] A1. JH. N. 27 To humble the foule is, to chaflyce the bodye by abilynence & affliction, as is fayde Efaie, Iviii. a. xxin.3i-4o. callelj ^tuititm. 367 31 pie. Se that ye do no maner worke therfore. And it fhalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre generacions after 32 you in all youre dwellynges. A fabbath of refte it fhalbe vnto you, and ye fhall humble youre foules. The .ix. daye of the moneth at euen and fo forth from eue to euen agayne, ye fhall kepe your Sabbath. 33, 34 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes fayenge: fpeake vnto the childern of Ifrael ad faye: the .xv. daye of the fame feuenth moneth fhalbe the feaft of tabernacles 35 vii. dayes uto the Lorde. The firfl daye fhalbe an holy feaft, fo that ye fhall do no laborious worke there- 36 in. Seuen dayes ye fhall offer facrifice vnto the Lorde, and the .viii. daye fhalbe an holy feaft vnto you [Fo. XLIIL] ad ye fhall offer facrifice vnto the Lorde. It is the ende of the feaft, and ye fhall do no laborious worke therein. 37 Thefe are the feaftes of the Lorde whiche ye (hall proclayme holy feaftes, for to offer facrifice vnto the Lorde, burntofferynges, meatofferynges, and drink- 38 offrynges euery daye: befyde the fabbathes of the Lorde, ad befyde youre giftes, and all youre vowes, and all your frewillofferynges whiche ye fhall geue vnto the Lorde. 39 Moreouer in the .xv. daye of the feuenth moneth after that ye haue gathered in the frutes of the lande, ye fhall kepe holy daye vnto the Lorde .vii : dayes longe. The firft daye fhall be a daye of reft, and the 40 viii. daye fhalbe a daye of reft. And ye fhall take you the firft daye, the frutes of goodly trees and the braunches off palme trees and the bowes of thicke v. 32 & affligetis animas veftras 35 dies primus vocabitur celeberrimus atque fanctiffimus 36 & feptem diebus offeretis holocaulla domino, dies quoque octavus erit celeberr. atque fanct. et offer, holocauflum . . coetus atque collectas 37 libamen- ta iuxta ritum vniufcuiufque diei. 40 fructus arboris pulcherrimae H 36 es ifl der fteur tag JH. JH. N. 32 Sabbothes, fejles & newe mones fygnifie the loye & gladnes of the confciece the renewyng of ma and the reft, wherin we reft from oure awne woorckes, not doynge oure wylles but godes, which woorcketh in vs thorou hys Gofpell & glad tidynges whyle we erneftly beleue it. Ezech. xx, b. 3L. iE. N. 36 Stcuer: Das ift die collect odder famlung, da man zufammen trug vnd gab den armen als ynn ein gemeynen beuttel. 368 Efje tfjirtte ftoJte of lotoses, xxm. 41-xxiiii. 8 trees, ad wylowes of the broke, and fhall reioyfe be- 41 fore the Lorde .vii. dayes. And ye fhall kepe it holy daye vnto the Lorde .vii. dayes in the yere. And it fhalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre childern after you, 42 that ye kepe that feaft in the feuenth moneth. And ye fhall dwell in bothes feuen dayes: euen all that are 43 Ifraelites borne, fhall dwell in bothes, that youre chil- dren after you maye knowe howe that I made .T. the childern of Ifrael dwell in bothes, when I broughte them out of the lande of Egipte: for I am the Lorde youre 44 God. And Mofes told all the feafles of the Lorde vnto the childern of Ifrael. m: The .XXIIIL Chapter. ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes faynge: commaunde the chil- dern of Ifrael that they bringe vnto the, pure oyle olyue bete ^.e;.s. The oyle for the lampes and lyghtes of the bredde of re- niembraunce for lightes to poure in to the lampes all- or ffiewbrede. 3 waye, without the vayle of teftimonye ^^ ^^mlfi'^'e within the tabernacle of witneffe. And floned. He Aaron fhall dreffe them both euen and ^i^l%/lyiif^ morninge before the Lorde alwayes. And etc. it fhalbe a lawe for euer amoge youre childern after 4 you. And he fhal dreffe the lampes apon the pure candelfticke before the Lorde perpetually. 5 And thou fhalt take fine floure ad bake .xii. waftels thereof, two tenthdeales fhall euery waftell waflell, fine 6 be. And make two rowes of them, fixe on ^^^^^> ^'^^^ 7 a rowe apon the pure table before the Lorde, and put pure frankencens vppon the rowes. And it fhalbe bred 8 of remembraunce, ad an offerynge to the Lorde. Euery ^. 3 vayle of wytneffe T. 3 velum teftimonii in tabernaculo foederis . . cultu rituque perpetuo 7 panis in monimentum oblationis domini. i. 2 bawm ole 3 furhang des zeugnis ynn der hutten des zeugnis. 7 Denckbrot zum opffer dem HERRN ^1. ^. N. 5 Waftels, The fhewe bredes or the halowed loues. xxiiii. 9-20. calletr ILeuiticus. 369 Sabbath he fhall put them in rowes before the Lorde euermore, geuen off the childern of Ifrael, that it be 9 an euerlaftynge couenaunte. And they fhal- [Fo. XLIIIL] be Aarons and his fonnes, and they fhall eate them in the holy place. For they are moft holy vnto him of the offerynges of the Lorde, dutye, law, and fhalbe a dutye for euer. Jlatute 10 And the fonne of an Ifraelitifh wife whofe father was an Egiptian, went out amonge the childern of Ifrael. And this fonne off the Ifraelitifh wife and a 11 man of Ifrael, ftrooue togither in the hofte. And the Ifraelitifh womans fonne blasphemed the name and curfed, and they broughte him vnto Mofes. And his mothers name was Selamyth, the doughter 12 off Dybri off the trybe of Dan: and they putt him in warde, that Mofes fhulde declare vnto them what the Lorde fayde thereto. 13, 14 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes fayenge, bringe him that curfed without the hofte, and let all that herde him, put their handes apo his heed, and let all the mul- 15 titude flone him. And fpeake vnto the childern of Ifrael fayenge: Whofoeuer curfeth his God, fhall bere 16 his fynne: And he that blafphemeth the name of the Lorde, fhall dye for it: all the multitude fhall ftone him to deeth. And the ftraunger as well as the Ifraelite yf he curfe the name, fhall dye for it. 17, 18 .IT. He that kylleth any man, fhall dye for it: but he that kylleth a beeft fhall paye for it, beeft for beefl. 19 Yf a man mayme his neyghboure as he hath done, fo 20 fhall it be done to him agayne: broke for broke, breach, broke, eye for eye and toth for toth: euen A^*^^^^"? JH. 14 hym that blafphemed ^. II nomen domini 12 donee noffent quid iuberet dominus. 16 nomen domini lypercuff. & occiderit 18 animam pro anima 5.. II nennet den namen 12 bis yhn aus gelegt wurd durch den mund des HERRN. 15 foil feyne fund tragen 16 den namen nennet 18 Seele vmb Seele. iH. fS^. N. II Yioxwe.fchem that is, name that is bleffed aboue all names. 15 Curfeth: he curfeth God & blafphemeth the name of God, that defpyfeth and defyeth godes ordynaunces flatutes & commaundemetes, or that magnifyeth mennes tradicions and lawes aboue Godes, or fetteth as moch therby, as by the pre- ceptes of the mofl mercyfle God. 370 Efje tfjirtie hokz of iHoses, xxim. 21-xxv. 7 as he hath maymed a man, fo fhall he be maymed 21 agayne. So nowe he that kylleth a beeft, fhall paye for it: but he that kylleth a man, fhall dye for it. 22 Ye fhall haue one maner of lawe amonge you: eue for the ftraunger as wel as for one of youre felues, for I am the Lorde youre God. 23 And Mofes tolde the childern of Ifrael, that they fhulde bringe him that had curfed, out of the hofte, and ftone him with ftones. And the childern of Ifrael dyd as the Lorde comaunded Mofes. m: The .XXV. Chapter. iH.:.S. T/ie Saboth of the vii. yeres and of the y ere of iubelie, other- ivy fe called th efyftyeyere. |ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes in mount Sinai fayenge, fpeake vnto the childern of Ifrael and faye vnto the. When ye be come in to the lande whiche I geue you, 3 let the londe reft a Sabbath vnto the Lorde. Sixe yeres thou fhalt fowe thi felde, and sixe yere thou fhalt 4 cut thi vynes and gather in thy frutes. But the feuenth yere fhall be a Sabbath of [Fo. XLV.] reft vnto the londe. The Lordes Sabbath it fhalbe, ad thou fhalt nether fowe thi felde, nor cut thy vynes. 5 The corne that groweth by it felfe thou fhalt not repe, nether gather the grapes that growe without thy dreffynge: but it fhalbe a Sabbath of reft vnto the 6 londe. Neuertheleffe the Sabbath of the londe fhalbe meate for you: euen for the and thy fervaunte and for thy mayde and for thy hyred fervaunte and for the 7 ftraunger that dwelleth with the: and for thi catell and for the beeftes that are in thy londe, fhall all the encreafe thereof be meate. "F. 21 Qui perc. iumentum, reddet aliud. Qui perc. hominem, punietur. 23 lapidibus opprefferunt. xxv, 2 fabbathizet fabbathum domino. 4 fabbatiium erit terras requietionis domini . . vineam non putabis. 3.. 3 weynberg befchneyttift 4 weynb. befchn, folt. 7 alles getreyde foil fpeyfe feyn. XXV. 8-15. caWf^ 3Leutticus, 371 8 Then numbre feuen wekes of yeres, that is, feuen tymes feuen yere: and the fpace of the feuen wekes of 9 yeres will be vnto the .xlix. yere. And then thou fhalt make an home blowe: euen in the tenth . This home daye of the feuenth moneth, which is the called iobel. Ad daye of attonement. And then fhall ye ofthistokethe make the home blowe, euen thorowe out P"P^ ^^ ff^tl ' Jio to tnaHe 10 all youre lande. And ye fhal halowe the eueri .1 .yere fiftith yere, and proclayme libertie thorowe ^, ^^^^/y^- f out the lande vnto all the inhabiters there- tr afaiteth of. It fhalbe a yere of homes blowynere S^'d-^ "^ euen , n y^ pOlTlt ad Wyl vnto you and ye Ihall returne: euery man not be one ace vnto his poffeffion and euery man vnto behinde him. 11 his kynred agayne. A yere of homes blowynge fhall that fiftieth yere be vnto you. Ye fhall not fowe nether re- .?. pe the corne that groweth by it felfe, nor gather the grapes that growe without thi laboure 12 For it is a yere of homes blowinge and fhalbe holy vnto you: how be it, yet ye fhall eate of the encreafe of the 13 felde. And in this yere of homes blowinge ye fhall returne, euery man vnto his poffeffion agayne. 14 When thou felleft oughte vnto thy neyghboure or byeft off thy neyghboures hande, ye fhall not oppreffe 15 one another: but accordynge to the numbre of yeres after the trompett yere, thou fhalt bye of thy neygh- boure, and accordynge vnto the numbre off frute- JH. 10 a yere of iubilee 11 a yere of iubilee 12 a yere of iubelye 13 a yere of iubelye 15 iubelye yere "V . 9 clanges buccina 10 ipfe eft enim iubileus. 12 ob fanctifica- tionem iubilei, fed ftatim oblata comedetis .14 cotriftes fratrem tuum 3L. 8 die zeyt der fieben iar Sabbath 9 hall der pofaunen 10 denn es ift das Halliar [and so throughout the chapter] 14 bruder fchinden |K. pi. N. 8 Wekes of yeres: A weke is fometyme taken for the nombre of .vii. dayes as before, xxiii, c. fometyme for the nombre of feuen yeres, as here & in Daniel .ix, f. g. 10 Iubelye of this Hebrewe woorde iobell, which in Englyfhe fygnifieth a trumpet. A yere of fynguler myrth and ioye and of moche reft, wher in their corne and all their frutes cam forth wythout fow- ynge, tyllynge or any other laboures. 15 By this iubelye is fyg- nified the reftorynge of all thinge vnto his perfeccion, which fhal be after the generall iudgement in that floryffhynge worlde, when the chofen flial be admytted in to lybertye fro all wretchednes, pou- ertye, anguyftie & oppreffion, when all fhalbe fully reftored againe in Chrift, that thorow the fynne of the fyrft man was taken awaye. 372 Efje tjjtrtie trofte of JHoses, xxv. 16-28 16 yeres, he fhall fell vnto the. Accordinge vnto the multitude of yeres, thou fhalt encreafe the price there- of and accordinge to the fewneffe of yeres, thou fhalt mynifh the price: for the numbre of frute he fhall fell 17 vnto the. And fee that no ma oppreffe his neygh- boure, but feare thi God. 18 For I am the Lorde youre God. Wherfore do after myne ordinaunces and kepe my lawes ad doo them, 19 that ye maye dwell in the lande in faftie. And the lande fhall geue her frute, and ye fhall eate youre fille and dwell therein in faftie. 20 Yf ye fhall faye, what fhall we eate the feue- [Fo. XLVL] nth yere in as moche as we fhall not fowe nor 21 gether in oure encreafe. I wyll fende my bleffynge apon you in the fixte yere, and it fhall brynge forth 22 frute for thre yeres: and ye fhall fowe the eyghte yere and eate of olde frute vntill the .ix. yere, and euen vntyll hir frutes come, ye fhall eate of olde ftoare. 23 Wherfore the londe ihall not be folde for euer, becaufe that the lande is myne, and ye but ftraungers and fo- 24 iourners with me: and ye fhall thorowe oute all the lande of youre poffefTion, let the londe go home fre agayne. 25 When thy brother is waxed poore and hath folde awaye of his poffefTion: yf any off his kyn come to redeme it, he fhall by out that whiche his brother folde. 26 And though he haue no man to redeme it for him, yet yf hys hande can get fufilicyent to bye it oute agayne, 27 then let him counte how longe it hath bene folde, and delyuer the reft vnto him to whome he folde it, ad fo 28 he fhall returne vnto his poffefTion agayne. But and yf his hande ca not get fufficiet to reftore it to him agayne, then that whiche is folde fhall remayne in the hande of him that hath boughte it, vntyll the horne- yere: and in the home yere it fhall come out, and he fhall .f. returne vnto his poffefTion agayne. J5l. 28 the yere of iubelye [its], so vv. 30, 31, 33, 40, 50, 52, 54. V. 16 tempus enim frugum 17 Nolite affligere contribules vef- tros 19 nuUius impetum formidantes. 23 & vos aduenae & coloni mei 27 ficque recipiet poffeffionem fuam. 28 non inuenerit manus eius 5t. 18 ym land ficher wonen mugt XXV. 29-41. calleti ILeuiticus. 373 29 Yf a man fell a dwellynge houfe in a walled cytie, he maye bye it out agayne any tyme withi a hole yere after it is folde: and that fhalbe the fpace in which he 30 maye redeme it agayne. But and yf it be not bought out agayne within the fpace of a full yere, then the houffe in the walled cytie fhalbe ftablifhed for euer vnto him that boughte it and to his fucceffoures after 31 hi and fhall not goo out in the trompet yere. But the houffes in villagies which haue no walles rounde aboute them, fhalbe counted like vnto the feldes of the cuntre, and maye be boughte out agayne at any feafon, and fhall goo out fre in the trompett yere. 32 Notwithftondynge the cityes of the leuytes and the houffes in the cities of their poffefTios the leuytes maye 33 redeme at all ceafons. And yf a man purchace ought of the leuytes: whether it be houfe or citie that they poffeffe, the bargayne fhall goo out in the tropet yere. for the houffes of the cyties of the leuites, are 34 their poffeffions amonge the childern of Ifrael. But the feldes that lye rounde aboute their cyties, fhall not be bought: for they are their poffeffions for euer. 35 Yf thi brother be waxed poore ad falle in decaye with the, receaue him as a ftraunger or [Fo. XLVII.] 36 a foiourner, and let him lyue by the. And thou fhalt take none vfurye of him, nor yet vantage. But fhalt feare thi God, that thi brother maye lyue with the. 37 Thou fhalt not lende him thi money apon vfurye, nor 38 lende him of thy fode to haue avantage by it for I am the Lorde youre God which broughte you out of the lande of Egipte, to geue you the lande of Canaan and to be youre God. 39 Yf thi brother that dwelleth by the waxe poore and fell him felfe vnto the, thou fhalt not let him laboure 40 as a bondferuaunte doeth: but as an hyred feruaunte and as a foiourner he fhalbe with the, and fhall ferue 41 the vnto the trompetyere, and then fhall he departe "F. 29 intra vrbis muros, hab. licentiam redimendi 31 villa . . quae muros non habet, agrorum iure vendetur. 35 & infirmus manu 37 frugumfuperabundantiam nonexiges.4omercennarius & colonus 3L. 35 frembdlingen oder hausgnofs 37 deyn fpeyfe auff vber- fatz austhun. 374 ^])t tjjtrtie hokt of Jloses, xxv. 42-53 fro the: both he and his childern with him, and fhall returne vnto his awne kynred agayne and vnto the 42 poffefTions of his fathers, for they are my feruauntes which I brought out of the lande of Egipte, and fhall 43 not be folde as bondmen. Se therfore that thou reigne not ouer him cruelly, but feare thi God. 44 Yf thou wilt haue bondferuauntes and maydens, thou fhalt bye them of the heythen that are rounde 45 aboute you, and of the childern of the ftraungers that are foiorners amonge you, ad of their generacios that 46 are with you, which they begate in youre lade. And ye fhall poffeffe .?. them and geue them vnto youre childern after you, to poffeffe them for euer: and they fhalbe youre bond men: But ouer youre brethern the childern of Ifrael, ye fhall not reigne one ouer another cruelly. 47 When a ftraunger and a foiourner waxeth rych by the ad thi brother that dwelleth by him waxeth poore -and fell him felfe vnto the ftraunger that dwelleth by 48 the or to any of the ftraungers kyn: after that he is folde he maye be redemed agayne. one of his brethren 49 maye bye him out: whether it be his vncle or his vncles fonne, or any that is nye of kynne vnto him of his kynred: ether yf his hande can get fo moch he 50 maye be loofed. And he fliall reken with him that boughte him, from the yere that he was folde in vnto the trompet yere, and the pryce of his byenge fhalbe acordynge vnto the numbre of yeres, and he fhalbe 51 with him as a hyred feruaunte. Yf there be yet many yeres behynde, acordynge vnto them he fhall geue agayne for his delyueraunce, of the money that he was 52 folde for. Yf there remayne but few yeres vnto the trompet yere, he fhall fo counte with him, and acord- ynge vnto his yeres geue him agayne for his redemp- 53 cion, and fhalbe with him yere by yere as an hyred feruaunte, [Fo. XLVIII.] and the other fhall not reygne v. 43 afflig-as eum per potentia. 46 fratres . . ne opprimatis per potentiam 47 inualuerit apud vos manus 53 non affliget eum vio- leter in cofpectu tuo i. 43 mit der ftrenge vber fie hirfchen 50 vnd fol feyn tagelon der gantzen zeyt mit eyn rechen [Ms], XXV. 54-xxvi. 6. calkti 2^eutticus. 375 54 cruelly ouer him in thi fyghte. Yf he be not bought fre in the meane tyme, then he (hall goo out in the 55 trompet yere and his childern with him. for the chil- dern of Ifrael are my feruauntes which I broughte out of the lande of Egipte. I am the Lorde youre God. XXVI, I Ye fhall make you no ydolles, nor grauen ymage, nether rere you vpp any piler, nether ye fhall fett vp any ymage of ftone in youre lande to bowe youre felues there to: for I am the Lorde youre God. 2 kepe my fabbathes and feare my fanctuary. for I am the Lorde. m. The .XXVL Chapter. F ye fhall walke in myne ordy- naunces and kepe my com- maundmentes and do them, then I will fende you rayne in the ryght ceafon ad youre londe fhall yelde her encreafe and the trees of the 5 felde fhall geue their frute. And the threfhynge fhall reach vnto wyne har- ueft, and the wyneharuefl fhall reach vnto fowyng tyme, and ye fhall eate youre bred in plenteoufnes and fhall 6 dwell in youre lande peafably. And I wil fende peace in youre londe, that ye fhall .IT. flepe, and no man fhal make you afrayde. And I will ryd euell ages are for- ty dden. BleJJT- ed are they that kepe tho/e thytiges that God byddeth and m ojl cur fed are they that kepe them not. [*/ Matthew's Bi- ble this chap- ter begtjts ivith xxvi, I as in the Au- thorized Ver- fion, while Tyndale cofi- nects xxvi,i,2 withch.xxv.'] V. 2 pauete ad fanctuarium meum. 4 terra gignet germe fuum, & pomis arbores replebuntur. 5 abfque pauore 31. 4 bewme auffdem felde 5 ficher ynn ewrm land |K. |t"l. N. 2 Feare tny fanctuary: To feare the fanctuarie, is dylygently to performe the true worfhyppyng & feruyce of God, to leue of nothynge, to obferue and kepe the purenes both of bodye & mynde, verely & not ypocritelike to beleue that he know- eth, beholdeth, doeth & ruleth all thynges: to bewarre of offend- ynge hym and with all feare and dylygence to walke in the pathes of his lawes. 376 Efje tijtrtre ftoke of looses, xxvi.7-18 beeftes out of youre londe, and there fhall no fwerde goo thorowe out youre lande. 7 And ye fhall chace youre enemyes, and they fhall 8 fall before you vppon the fwerde. And fiue of you fhall chace an hundred, and an hundred of you fhall put .X. thoufande to flighte, and youre enemyes 9 fhall fall before you apon the fwerde. And I wil turne vnto you and encreafe you and multiplye 10 you, and fett vpp my teflament with you. And ye fhall eate olde ftore, ad caft out the olde for 11 plentuoufnes of the newe. I will make my dwellynge place amonge you, and my foule fhall not loothe you. 12 And I will walke amonge you and wilbe youre f3 God, and ye fhalbe my people. For I am the Lorde youre God whiche broughte you out off the lande of the Egiptians, that ye fhulde not be their bondemen, and I brake the bowes of youre yockes, and made you go vp righte. 14 But and yf ye will not harken vnto me, nor will 15 do all thefe my commaundementes, or yf Note well. ye fhall defpyfe myne ordinaunces ether yf youre foules refufe my lawes, fo that ye wil not do all my com- maundmentes: but fhall breake myne appoyntment: 16 then I will do this agayne vn- [Fo. XLIX.] to you: I will vifet you with vexations, fwellynge and feuers, that fhall make youre eyes dafell and with forowes of herte. And ye fhall fowe youre feed in vayne, for 17 youre enemyes fhall eate it. And I will fet my face agenfte you and ye fhal fall before youre enemyes, and they that hate you fhal raigne ouer you, ad ye fhal flee whe no man foloweth you. 18 And yf ye will not yet for all this herken vnto me, 7. 9 firmabo pactum meum 13 c5fregi catenas ceruicu veftraru 14 omnia mandata mea 15 fed fpreu. leges meas, & iudicia mea cont. vt non fac. ea quae a me conflituta funt, & ad irritum per- due, pactum meum 16 velociter in egeftate & ardore, qui conficiat ' ocul. veft. & confumat animas veftras. iL. 8 Ewr funffe . . . iagen . . . iagen 9 bund . . . auffrichten II feele . . nicht verwerffen 15 meynen bund lafTen anflehen 16 fchwulft vnd fiber 17 fiiehen . . niemant iaget. XXVI. 19-29. calleti %tmtitvi%. 377 than will I punifli you feuen tymes more Godbeginneth ,9 for youre fynnes, and will breake the /^ -^7-'; pride off youre flrength. For I will make mo are ad the heaue ouer you as harde as yerne, and ^noare as the 1 , 1 1 L /v- A J /- people harde 20 youre londe as hard as bralle. And lo /^^/^ hertes youre laboure fhalbe fpent in vayne. For ag'ejle him. youre londe fhall not geue hir encreafe, nether the trees of the londe fhall geue their frutes. 21 And yf ye walke contrary vnto me and will not herken vnto me, I will bringe feuen tymes moo plages 22 apon you acordinge to youre fynnes. I will fende in wylde beeftes apon you, which fhall robbe you of youre childern and deftroye youre catell, and make you fo fewe in numbre that youre hye wayes fhall growe vnto a wilderneffe. 23 And yf ye will not be lerned yet for all this 24 but fhall walke contrarye vnto me, then will I alfo walke contrarye vnto you and will punifh .?. 25 you yet feuen tymes for youre fynnes. I will fende a fwerde apon you, that fhall avenge my teflament with you. And when ye are fled vnto youre cities, I will fende the peftelence amonge you, ye fhall be delyuered in to the handes of youre enemyes. 26 And when I haue broken the flaffe of youre bred: that .X. wyues fhall bake youre bred in one ouen and men fhall delyuer you youre bred agayne by weyghte, tha fhal ye eate and fhall not be fatiffied. 27 And yf ye will not yet for all this harken vnto me, 28 but fhall walke contrarye vnto me, then I will walke contrary vnto you alfo wrathfully and will alfo chaf- 29 tice you feuen tymes for youre fynnes: fo that ye fhall 7. 18 addam correptiones veflr. 19 fuperbiam duritiae 23 Quod fi nee fic 25 gladium vltorem foederis mei. 28 & ego incedam ad- uerfus vos in furore contrario 3L. 19 hoffart ewr ftercke 20 ewr muhe vnd erbeyt 25 ein rachfchwerd JH. JH. N. 18 God begineth & augmenteth his plages moare and moare as the people harden their hertes agenfle him. 21 Seuen tymes: by that nombre vnderflande all tymes, as in this chapter, c. 26 To breake the Jlaffe of their breade, is, to breake the flregth therofand to mynifhe hyt fo that they (huld not haue ynowghe to lyue by. 378 ^fje tfjirtie tioJte of IKosfS, xxvi. 30-40 eate the flefh of youre fonnes and the flefh of youre 30 doughters. And I will deftroye youre alters bylt apon hye hylles, and ouerthrowe youre images, and caft youre carkaffes apon the bodies of youre ydolles, 31 and my foule fhall abhorre you. And I will make youre cities defolate, and bringe youre fanctuaries vnto nought, and will not fmell the fauoures of youre fwete odoures. 32 And I will bringe the londe vnto a wilderneffe: fo that youre enemyes which dwell there in fhall wondre 33 at it. And I will ftrawe you amonge the heethen, and will drawe out a fwerde after you, and youre lande 34 fhalbe waft, and [Fo. L.] youre cities defolate. Then the lande fhall reioyfe in hir Sabbathes, as longe as it lyeth voyde and ye in youre enemies londe: euen then fhall the londe kepe holye daye and reioyfe in 35 hir Sabbathes. And as longe as it lyeth voyde it fhall refl, for that it coude not refte in youre Sabbathes, when ye dwelt therein. 36 And vppon them that are left alyue of you, I will fende a feyntneffe in to their hertes in the londe of their enemies: fo that the founde of a leef that falleth, fhall chace them and they fhall flee as though thei fled a fwerde, and fhall fall no man folowinge 37 them. And they fhall fall one uppon another, as it were before a fwerde euen no man folowinge them, and ye fliall haue no power to fbonde before youre 38 enemyes: And ye fhall perifh amonge the hethen, ad the londe of youre enemyes fhall eate you vpp. 39 And thei that are left of you, fhall pyne awaye in their vnrightuoufnes, euen in their enemies londe, and alfo in the myfdeades of their fathers fliall they con- 40 fume. And they fhall confeffe their mifdedes and the mifdeades of their fathers in their trefpafes which thei V. 30 Cadetis inter ruinas idol, veflrorum, & abhominabitur vos anima mea 35 fabbathizabit, & req. in fabbathis . . . folitudinis fuse 36 terrebit eos fonitus folii volantis 37 quafi bella fugietes 39 tabefcent in iniquit., . . . affligentur: 40 donee confiteantur 31. 30 ewre hohen altar . . ewre leychnam . . gotzen leychnam 31 ewre kirchen eynreyffen 36 eyn feyg hertz machen . . . eyn rauffchend blat iagen 39 verwefen ynn der feynde land XXVI. 41-46. calleti 3Leuiticus* 379 haue trefpafed againft me, and for that alfo that they 41 haue walked contrary vnto me. Therfore I alfo will walke contrary vnto them, and will brynge them in to the londe of their enemyes. .F. And then at the leeft waye their vncircumcyfed hertes fhall be tamed, ad then they fhall make an attonement for their mifdedes. 42 And I wil remembre my bonde with Mercyisneuer lacob and my teftamet with Ifaac, and hiin^ that\e- my teftament with Abraham, and will penieth. thinke on the londe. 43 For the londe fhall be lefte of them and fhall haue pleafure in hir Sabbathes, while fhe lyeth waft with- out them, and they fhall make an attonement for their mifdeades, becaufe they defpyfed my lawes and 44 their foules refufed myne ordinaunces. And yet for all that when thei be in the londe of their enemyes, I will not fo caft them awaye nor my foule fhall not fo abhorre them, that I will vtterlye deftroye the ad breake myne appoyntment with them: for I am the 45 Lorde their God. I will therfore remebre vnto the the firft couenaunt made when I broughte them out of the lond of Egipte in the fighte of the hethen to be their God: for I am the Lorde. 46 Thefe are the ordinaunces, iudgemetes, ad lawes which the Lorde made betwene him ad the childern of Ifrael in mount Sinai by the hade of Mofes. m. The .XXVIL Chapter. ^. 44 lande of their enemye "V. 41 donee erubefcat incircucifa 43 Ipfi vero rogabunt pro peccatis fuis 44 non penitus abieci eos 45 record, foed. mei prifl. 1. 41 vnbefchnyttens hertz 46 fatzung vnd rechte vnd gefetze |K. JH. N. 42 Mercy is never denyed vnto him that repenteth 380 Efje tjirtre iiofte of JBoses, xxvn. 1-13 XXVII. Chapter. [Fo. LI.] ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes |H..S Of faynge: fpeake vnto the chil- f/^'^"";:- dern of Ifrael and faye vnto demynge of them: Yf any man will geue f J^''^^^ ^^ a fynguler vowe vnto the Lorde acord- 3 ynge to the value of his foule, then fhall the male from XX. yere vnto .Lx. be fet at fyftie fycles of fyluer, after 4 the fycle of the fanctuary, and the female at .xxx 5 fycles. And from .v. yeres to .xx. the male fhalbe fet 6 at .XX. fycles, and the female at .x. fycles. And from a moneth vnto .v. yere, the male fhalbe fet at .v. fycles 7 of fyluer, and the female at thre. And the man that is .Lx. and aboue, Ihalbe valowed at .xv. ficles, ad the 8 woman at .x. Yf he be to pore fo to be fet, the let him come before the preaft: and let the preaft value him, acordynge as the hande of him that vowed is able to gete. 9 Yf it be of the beeftes of which men bringe an offer- inge vnto the Lorde: all that any man geueth of foch vnto the Lorde, fhalbe holy. 10 He maye not alter it nor chaunge it: a good for a bad or a bad for a goode. Yf he chaunge beeft for beeft, then both the fame beeft and it alfo where with 11 it was chaunged fhall be holy. Yf it be any maner of vncleane beeft of which men maye not offer vnto the Lorde, let him brynge the beeft before the preaft 12 and let the preaft value it. And whether it be good f or bad .?. as the preaft fetteth it, fo fhall it be. And yf he will bye it agayne, let him geue the fyfte part moare to that it was fet at. '^- 2 & fpofpdderit deo animam fuam, 3 fub aeftimatione dabit pretium. 8 & viderit eu poffe reddere, tantu dabit. 12 malum fit, ftatuet pretium. it. 2 befonder glubde 3 fchetzen auff [throughout] 8 priefler fol yhn fchetzen, Er fol yhn aber fchetzen nach dem feyne hand, des der gelobd hat, erwerben kan. XXVII. 14-25. calletJ ILeuiticus* 381 14 Yf any man dedicate his houffe, it flialbe holy vnto the Lorde. And the preaft fhall fet it. whether it be good or bad, and as the preaft hath fet it, fo it ftialbe. 15 Yf he that fanctifyed it will redeme his houffe, let him geue the fyfte parte of the money that it was iudged at thereto, and it fhalbe his. 16 Yf a man halowe a pece of his enhereted londe vnto the Lorde, it fhalbe fet acordynge to that it beareth. Yf it here an homer of barlye, it fhall be fet at fyftie 17 ficles of fyluer. yf he halowe his felde immediatly from the trompet yere, it fhalbe worth acordynge as it 18 is eftemed. But and if he halowe his felde after the tropetyere, the preaft fhall reke the price with him acordynge to the yeres that remayne vnto the tropet yere, ad there after it fhalbe lower fett. 19 Yf he that fanctifyed the felde will redeme it agayne, let him put the fyfte parte of the pryce that it was fet 20 at, there vnto and it fhalbe his yf he will not it fhalbe 21 redemed nomoare. But when the felde goeth out in the trompet yere, it fhalbe holy vnto the Lorde: euen as a thinge dedycated, ad it fhall be the preaftes poffefTion. 22 Yf a man fanctifie vnto the Lorde a felde. [Fo. LII.] which he hath boughte and is not of his enheritaunce, 23 then the preaft fhall reken with him what it is worth vnto the trompet yere, and he fhall geue the price that it is fet at the fame daye, and it fhalbe holy vnto the 24 Lorde. But in the trompet yere, the felde fhall re- turne vnto him of whome he boughte it, whofe en- heritaunce of londe it was. 25 And all fettinge fhalbe acordinge to the holy fycle. One fycle maketh .xx. Geras. iH. 17 yere of iubely 21 yere of iubelye 23 yere of iubelye 24 yere of iubelye F. 14 confyderabit earn facerdos ... & iuxta pret. quod ab eo fuerit conflitutum, venundabitur 18 pofl. aliquantulum temporis 21 & poffeffio cdfecrata ad ius pertinet facerdotum. 24 in fortem poffeffionis fuas. 25 viginti obolos 1. 21 wie eyn verbannet acker, vnd fol des prieflers erbgut feyn. M. iH. N. 16 To halow & to fanctifie are bothe one, what fanctyfieng is loke Gen. iii, a. 25 Holy fycle or fycle of the fanctuarye: they be both one. 382 Efje tfjirtje boJte of jHoses, xxvn. 26-34 26 But the firftborne of the beeftes that pertayne vnto the Lorde, maye no ma fanctifie: whether it be oxe or 27 Ihepe, for they are the Lordes allredy. Yf it be an vncleane beeft, then let him redeme it as it is fett at, and geue the fifte parte moare thereto. Yf it be not redemed, the let it be folde as it is rated. 28 Notwithftondinge no dedicated thinge that a man dedicateth vnto the Lorde, of all his goode, whether it be man or beeft or lande off his enheritaunce, fhalbe folde or redemed: for all dedicate thiges are moft holy 29 vnto the Lorde. No dedicate thinge therfore that is dedicate of ma, may be redemed, but muft nedes dye 30 All thefe tithes of the londe, whether it be of the corne of the felde or frute of the trees, fhalbe holy vnto 31 the Lorde. Yf any man will redeme oughte of his tithes, let him adde the fifte .IT. parte moare thereto. 32 And the tithes of oxen and fhepe and of all that goeth vnder the herdemans kepinge, fhalbe holye tithes 33 vnto the Lorde. Men fhal not loke yf it be good or bad nor fhall chaunge it. Yf any man chaunge it then both it and that it was chaunged with all, fhalbe holy and maye not be redemed. 34 Thefe are the commaundmentes whiche the Lorde gaue Mofes in charge to geue vnto the childern of Ifrael in mount Sinai. I The ende of the thyrde boke of Mofes. V. 29 Et omnis confecratio . . morte morietur. 32 fub pafloris virga tranfeunt %. 28 keyn verbantes verkeuffen . . . verbannet . . . verbante 29 verbanten . . todts fterben. 32 was vnter der rutten gehet I A prolo ge in to the fourth boke of Mofes, called Nu= men. E a l^rologe in to ti^e fourtl^ bofee of jHo-- jseji, calleti Bnmttt |N the feconde ad thirde boke they receaved f lawe. And in this .iiii. they begynne to worke and to practyfe. Of which practif- ynge ye fe many good enfamples of vnbe- 5 lefife & what frewill doth, when fhe taketh in hand to kepe the lawe of her awne power with out help of fayth in the promyfes of god: how fhe leueth her mafters carkeffes by the way in the wilderneffe and bringeth them not in to the londe of reft. Why coude they not lo entre in ? Becaufe of their vnbeleffe Hebre. iii. For had they beleved, fo had they bene vnder grace, and their old fynnes had bene forgeuen the, ad power fhulde haue bene geue them to haue fulfilled the lawe thence- forth & they fhuld haue bene kepte from all temptacios 15 that had bene to ftronge for them. For it is wrytten lohan .i. He gaue them power to be the fonnes of god, thorow belevynge in his name. Nowe to be the fonne of god is to loue god and his commaundmentes and to walke in his waye after the enfample of his 20 fonne Chrift. But thefe people toke vppon them to worke without faith as thou feyfte in the .xiiii. of this boke, where they wold fight and alfo did, without the worde of promyfTe: eue when they were warned that they fhuld not. And in f .xvi. agayne they wolde 25 pleafe god .?. with their holye faithleffe workes (for where gods worde is not there can be no faith) but y fyre of god confumed their holy workes, as it did Na- dab and Abihu Leui. x. And fro thefe vnbeleuers turne thyne eyes vnto the pharefyes which before the com- 30 ynge of Chrift in his flefh, had layde the fundacion of frewill after the fame enfample. Wher on thei bilt 386 m ^ . holy workes after their awne imaginacion with out faith of the worde, fo fervently that for the greate zele of them they flew the kinge of all holy workes and the lorde of frewill which only thorow his grace maketh 5 the will fre and lowfeth her from bondage of fynne, and geueth her loue and luft vnto the lawes of god, and power to fulfyll them. And fo thorowe their holye workes done by the power of frewill, they excluded them felues out of the holy reft of forgeueneffe of lo fynnes by faith in the bloude of Chrift. And then loke on oure ypocrites which in like maner folowinge the doctryne of Ariftotle and other hethen paganes, haue agenfte all the fcripture fett vpp frewill agayne, vnto whofe power they afcribe the 15 kepynge of f comaundmetes of god. For they haue fet vp wilfuU povertye of a nother maner then any is comaunded of god. And the chaftite of matrimony vtterlye defyed, they haue fet vp a nother wilfull chaftite not required of god, whiche they fwere, vowe 20 & profeffe to geue god, .If. whether he will geue it them or no, and compell all their difciples there vnto, fayenge that it is in the power of euery mans frewill to obferue it, contrarye to Christ and his apoftle Paule. And the obedience of god and man excluded they 25 haue vowed a nother wilfull obedience condemned of all the fcripture whiche they will yet geue God whether he will or wyll not. And what is become of their wilfull pouertye ? hath it not robbed the whole worlde & brought all vnder 30 them .'' Can there be ether kynge or emperoure or of what foeuer degre it be, excepte he will hold of them ad be fworne vnto them to be their fervaunte, to go and come at their lufte and to defende their quarels be they falfe or true ? Their wilfull pouertye hath all 35 readye eaten vpp the whole worlde & is yet ftill gredyar then euer it was in fo moche that ten worldes mo were not ynough to fatiffye the hongre thereof. Moreouer befydes dayly corruptinge of other mens wyues and open whoredome, vnto what abominacions 40 to fylthye to be fpoke off hath their voluntarye chaflite broughte them ? M % 387 And as for their wilfull obediece what is it but ^ difobediece & the diffiauce both of all ^ lawes of god & ma: in fo moch ;^ yf any price begine to execute any law of ma vppo the, .f . they curfe him vnto the botom 5 of hell & proclayme him no right kinge & that his lordes ought no lenger to obaye him, and interdite his comen people as they were hethe turkes or faracenes. And yf any man preache them gods lawe, him they make an heretike and burne him to affhes. And in 10 fteade of gods lawe and mans, they haue fette vpp one off their awne imaginacion which they obferue with difpenfacions. And yet in thefe workes they haue fo greate confi- dence that they not onlye trufte to be faued therby, 15 and to be hyer in heauen then they that be faued thorow chrift: but alfo promeffe to all other forgeue- neffe of their fynnes thorow the merites of the fame. Wherin they refl and teach other to reft alfo, ex- cludynge the whole worlde from the refte of forgeueneffe 20 of fynnes thorowe faith in Chriftes bloude. And now feynge that faith only letteth a ma in uto reft & vnbeleffe excludeth hi, what is the caufe of this vnbeleffe ? verely no fynne ^ the world feyth, but a pope holyneffe & a rightuoufnes of theire awne im- 25 aginacion as Paule fayeth Roma. x. They be ignoraute of y rightuoufnes wherwith god iustifieth & haue fet vp a rightuoufnes of their awne makige thorow which they be disobediet vnto y rightuoufnes of god. And Chrift rebuketh not the pharifeys for groffe fynnes 30 whiche .?. the worlde fawe, but for thofe holye deades whiche fo blered the eyes of the worlde that they were take as goddes: eue for long prayers, for faftynge, for tythige fo diligetly that they lefte not fo moch as their herbes vntithed, for their clenneffe in waffhynge be- 35 fore meate and for wafhynge of cuppes, diflies, and all maner veffels, for buyldinge the prophetes fepulchres, and for kepinge the holy daye, and for turnynge the hethen vnto the fayth, and for gevynge of almes. For vnto foch holy deades they afcribed rightuoufnes and 40 therfore when the rightuoufneffe of god was preached vnto them they coude not but perfecute it, the devel] was fo flronge in the. Which thinge Chrift well defcri- beth Luce. xi. fayenge that after the devell is caft out he cometh agayne and fyndeth his houfe fwepte and made gaye and then taketh feuen worfe then him felfe 5 and dwelleth therein, and fo is the ende of that man worfe then the beginnynge. That is, when they be a litle clenfed from groffe fynnes whiche the worlde feyth and then made gaye in their awne fyght with the rightuoufnes of tradicions, then cometh feuen, that is lo to faye the hole power of y devell, for feue with f hebrues fignifieth a multitude without nubre & the extremyte of a thinge & is a fpeach borowed (I fuppofe) out of leuiticus where is fo oft mencion made of feue. Where I wolde faye: I will punilh the .?. that all the 15 world fhall take an enfample of the, there the lewe wold faye, I will circumcyfe the or baptife the .vii. tymes. And fo here by feuen is ment all the devels of hell & all y might & power of the devell. For vnto what further blindneffe coude al the deuels in hell bringe 20 the, then to make them beleue f they were iustified thorow their awne good workes. For whe they once beleued f they were purged fro their fynnes & made rightuouffe thorowe their awne holye workes, what rowme was there lefte for y rightuoufnes f is in chriftes 25 bloudefhedinge .'' And therfore whe they be fallen in to this blindneffe they ca not but hate & perfecute the light. And the more cleare & evidently their deades be rebuked y furiouffer & maliciouffer blind are thei vntill they breake out in to ope blafphemye & fynnynge 30 agenft y holy gofb, which is y malicious perfecutige of the cleare trouth fo manifeftly proued that they ca not once hijfh agenft it. As the pharefyes perfecuted Chrift becaufe he rebuked their holy deades. And when he proued his doctrine with y fcripture & miracles, 35 yet though they coude not improue him nor reafon agenft him they tought f the fcripture muft haue fome other meaninge becaufe his interpretacion vndermyned their fundacion & plucked vpp by the rootes the fectes which they had plated, & they afcribed alfo his mira- 40 cles to the deuell. And in like .?. maner though oure ypocrites can not denye but this is fcripture, yet be- Wi C 389 caufe there can be no nother fens gathered thereof, but that ouerthroweth their byldynges, therfore they euer thinke that it hath feme other meanynge than as the wordes founde and that no man vnderftondeth it or 5 vnderftode it fens the tyme of the Apoflles. Or yf they thynke that fome that wrote vppon it fens the apoftles vnderftode it: they yet thynke that we in like maner as we vnderftonde not the texte it felfe, fo we vnderftande not the meanynge of the wordes of that 10 doctoure. For when thou layeft the iuftifyinge of holy workes and denyeft the iuftifyinge of fayth, howe canft thou vnderftond faynt Paule, Peter, lohan and the Actes of the apoftles or any fcripture at all, feynge the iufti- 15 fyinge of faith is almoft all that they entende to proue. Fynally, concernynge vowes whereof thou readeft chaptre .xxx. there maye be many queftyons, where- unto I anfwere fhortly that we ought to put fait to all oure ofiferynges: that is, we ought to miniftre 20 knowledge in all ovre workes and to do nothinge whereof we coude not geue a reafon out $)ff gods wordes. We be now in the daye light, and all the fecretes of God and all his counfell and will is opened vnto vs, and he f was promyfed fliuld come and 25 bleffe vs, is .?. come all readye and hath fhed his bloud for vs and hath bleffed vs with all maner bleff- ynges and hath obtayned all grace for vs, and in him we haue all. Wherfore god henceforth will receaue no moare facrifices of beeftes of vs as thou readeft 30 Hebre. x. Yf thou burne vnto god the bloud or fatt of beeftes, to obtayne forgeueneffe of fynnes therby or that god fhuld the better heare thy requeft, then thou doeft wronge vnto the bloude of chrift, and chrift vnto the is dead in vaine. For in him god hath promyfed 35 not forgeueneffe of fynnes only, but alfo what foeuer we axe to kepe vs from fynne and temptacion with all. And what yf thou burne frankencens vnto him, what yf thou burne a cadle, what yf thou burne thi chaftite or virginite vnto him for the fame purpoffe, 40 doeft thou not like rebuke vnto chriftes bloude .-' Moreouer yf thou offer gold fyluer or any other good 390 M K for the fame entent, is there any difference ? And euen fo if thou go in pilgrymage or faftift or goefl wolward or fpricleft thy felfe with holy water or els what foeuer dead it is, or obferueft what foeuer cere- 5 monye it be for like meanynge, then it is like abhom- inacion. We muft therfore bringe the fait of the knowledge of gods worde with all oure facrifices, or els we fhall make no fwete fauoure vnto God thereof Thou wilt axe me, fhall I vowe nothynge at all ? yes, lo gods .f. commaundement whiche thou haft vowed in thy baptyme. For what entent? verely for the loue of Chrift whiche hath bought the with his bloude & made the fonne & heyre of god with him, f thou fhuldeft wayte on his will & comaundmentes and 15 puryfye thy mebres acordinge to y fame doctryne that hath puryfyed thyne harte, for if the knowlege of gods worde haue not puryfyed thyne harte, fo that thou confenteft vnto the lawe of god that it is right- uouffe & good and foroweft, that thy membres moue 20 the vnto the contrarye, fo haft thou no parte with Chrifte. For yf thou repent not of thy fynne, fo it is impof- fible that thou ftiuldeft beleue that Chrifte had dely- uered the from the daunger therof Yf thou beleue 25 not that Chrifte hathe delyuered the, fo is it impoffible that thou fhuldeft loue goddes commaundementes. Yf thou loue not the commaundementes, fo is Chriftes fprete not in the whiche is the ernefte off forgeueneffe of fynne and of faluacion. 30 For fcripture teacheth, firft repentaunce then fayth in Chrift, that for his fake fynne is forgeuen to them that repent: then good workes, whiche are nothynge faue the commaundement of god only. And the com- maundemetes are nothinge els faue the helpinge of 35 oure neyghboures at their neade & the tamyinge of oure mebres that they myghte .?. be pure alfo as the harte is pure thorow hate of vice and loue of vertue as gods worde teacheth vs which workes muft precede out of faith: f is, I muft do them for the 4D loue which I haue to god for that greate mercye which he hath fliewed me in chrift, or els I do them M % 391 not in y fight of god. And that I faynte not in the payne of the fleyinge of the fynne that is in my flefh, myne helpe is the promeffe of the afliflence of the power of god and f comforte of the rewarde to come 5 which rewarde I afcribe vnto the goodneffe, mercye ad truth of the promifer that hath chofe me, called me, taught me and geuen me the ernefl therof, ad not vnto the merites of my doenges or foferiges. For all that I do & foffre is but y waye to the rewarde ad 10 not the deferuinge thereof. As if the kinges grace fhuld promeffe me to defend me at whome in myne awne royalme yet the waye thyther is thorow the fee wher- in I might happlye foffre no litle trouble. And yet for all that, yf I might lyue in reft when I come 15 thither, I wold think & fo wold other faye, that my paynes were well rewarded: which reward & benefyte I wold not proudlye afcribe vnto the merites of my paynes takynge by the waye: but vnto the goodneffe, mercyfulneffe and conftaunt truth of the kinges grace 20 whofe gifte it is and to whome y prayfe ad thanke thereof belongeth of duetye and right. So now a rewarde is a gift geue .?. frelye of the goodneffe of the geuer and not of the deferuinges of the receauer. Thus it appeareth, that if I vowe what foeuer it be, 25 for any other purpoffe then to tame my membres and to be an enfample of vertue ad edefyenge vnto my neyghboure, my facrifice is vnfauery and cleane with- out fait and my lape without oyle and I one of the folyfh virginis and fhalbe fhutt out from the feafl of 30 the bruydegrome when I thinke my felf moft fure to entre in. Yf I vowe voluntary pouerty, this mufl be my purpoffe, that I will be content with a competent lyuinge which cometh vnto me ether by fucceffion of 35 myne elders or which I gette truly with my laboure in miniftringe and doynge feruice vnto the comen welth in one office or in a nother or in one occupatyon or other, becaufe that riches and honoure fhall not corrupte my mynde and drawe myne harte from god, 40 and to geue an enfample of vertue and edefyinge vnto other and f my neyghboure may haue a lyuinge by 392 m E me as well as I, if I make a cloke of difTimulacion of my vowe, laynge a net of fayned beggerye to catch fuperfluous aboundaunce of ryches and hye degre ad authorite & thorow the eftimacion of falfe holineffe 5 to fede and maitayne my flowthfuU ydleneffe with f fweate, laboure, lades, & rentes of other me (after y enfample of oure fpiritualtye) robbinge the .f . of their faythes and god of his honoure turnynge vnto myne ypocrifye that confidence, which fhuld be geue lo vnto y promyfes of god only, am I not a wilye fox & a raueninge wolfe in a labes fkynne & a paynted fepulchre fayre without ad filthye with in? In like maner though I feke no worldlye promocyon therebye, yet if I do it to be iufbifyed therwith ad to gett an hyer 15 place in heauen, thinkynge that I do it of myne awne naturall ftrength & of the naturall power of my frewill & f euery man hath might euen fo to doo and that they do it not is their faute & negligece and fo with the proude pharefye in coparyfon of my felf defpife 20 the fmfuU publicanes: what other thinge do I then eate y bloude & fatt of my facrifice devowringe f my felf which fhuld be offered vnto god alone and his chrifte. And fhortly what foeuer a man doeth of his naturall giftes, of his naturall witte, wifdom, vnder- 25 ftondinge, reafon, will, & good entent before he be otherwyfe & cleane cotrary taught of goddes fprete & haue receaued other witt and vnderftondinge, rea- fon ad will, is flefh, worldlye and wrought i abomi- nable blidneffe, with which a man can but feke him 30 felf, his awne profyte, glory & honoure, eue in very fpirituall matters. As if I were alone in a wilderneffe where no man were to feke profite or prayfe of yet if I wold feke heug of god there, I coude of myne awne naturall gyftes feke it no no- .?. ther wayes then 35 for the merites and deferuinges of my good workes and to entre therin by a nother waye then by y dore chrift, which were very thefte, for chrifl is lord ouer all and what fo euer any man wil haue of god, he muft haue it geuen him frelye for chriftes fake. Now to 40 haue heauen for myne awne deferuinge, is myne awne prayfe and not chrifles. For I can not haue it by M E 393 fauoure & grace in chrift and by myne awne merites alfo: For fregeuinge and deferuinge can not ftod to gether. Yf thou wilt vowe of thy goodes vnto god thou 5 muft put fait vnto this facrifice: that is thou muft min- iftre knowlege in this deade as Peter teacheth. 2 pet. i. Thou muft put oyle of gods worde in thy lape & do it accordinge to knowlege, if thou wayte for the comynge of the bridegrome to entre in with him in to his reft, lo Thou wilt hage it aboute the image to moue men to deuocyon. Deuocyon is a feruent loue vnto gods co- maudmentes and a defyre to be with god and with his euerlaftinge promyfes. Now fhall the fight of foch riches as are fhewed at faynt thomas fhryne or at wal- 15 fingham moue a man to loue the comaundmetes of god better and to defyre to be loofed from his flefh and to be with god, or fhall it not rather make his poore herte figh because he hath no foch at home and to wyfh parte of it in a nother place ? 20 .?. The preaft fhall haue it in gods ftead. Shall the preaft haue it .-' Yf the preaft be bought with chriftes bloude, the he is chriftes feruaute & not his awne & ought therefore to feade chriftes flocke with chriftes doctryne & to miniftre chriftes facrametes vnto the 25 purely for very loue & not for felthy lucres fake or to be lord ouer the as Peter teacheth i pet. v. & paule Actes.xx. Befydethis chrift is oures ad is a gifte geuen vs, & we be heyres of chrift & of all that is chriftes Wherfore the preaftes doctryne is oures & we heires 30 of it, it is f fode of oure foules. Therfore if he miniftre it not truly ad frely vnto vs with out fellinge, he is a thefe & a foule murtherar: ad euen fo is he if he take vppon him to fede vs & haue not wherewith. And for a like conclufyon becaufe we alfo with all that we haue 35 be chriftes, therfore is the preaft heyre with vs alfo of all that we haue receaued of god, wherfore in as moch as y preaft wayteth on f worde of god ad is oure fer- uaunte therin, therfore of right we are his dettars & owe him a fufficyent lyuinge of oure goodes, ad euen 40 therto a wiffe of oure doughters owe we vnto him if he requyre her. And now when we haue appoynted him 394 m K a fufficiet liuinge, whether in tythes rentes or in yere- lye wages, he ought to be cotent & to require no more nor yet to receaue any more, but to be an enfample of foberneffe & of difpyfmge worldly thinges vnto the 5 en- .F. fample of his paryfheonars. Wilt thou vowe to offre vnto f poore people ? that is pleafaunte in y fight of god, for they be lefte here to do oure almes apo in chrifbes ftead & they be f right heyres of all oure abundauce & ouerplus. More- lo ouer we muft haue a fcole to teach goddes worde i (though it neded not to be fo coftely) & therfore it is lawfuU to vowe vnto the buyldynge or mayntenauce therof & vnto helpinge of all good werkes. And we ought to vowe to paye cuftome, tolle, rent & all maner 15 dutyes and what foeuer we owe: for that is gods commaundmet. Yf thou wilt vowe pilgrimage, thou muft put fait therto in like maner if it fhalbe accepted, if thou vowe to go ad vifet the poore or to here gods worde or 20 what foeuer edifieth thy foule vnto loue & good worke after knowlege or what foeuer god comaudeth, it is well done and a facrifyce that fauoreth well ye will happlye faye, that ye will go to this or f place becaufe god hath chofen one place more then a nother and 25 will heare youre peticyon more in one place then a nother. As for youre prayer it muft be accordige to goddes worde. Ye may not defyer god to take ve- geaunce on him who goddes worde teacheth you to pytye & to praye for. And as for y other glofe, f god 30 will heare you more i one place the in a nother, I fup- pofe it fal infatuatum, fait vnfauerye, for if it were wif- dome how coude .f. we excufe the deeth of fteue Acts vii. which dyed for f article that god dwelleth not in teples made with hades we that beleue in god are y 35 temple of god fayth paule, if a man loue god & kepe his worde he is the teple of god & hath god prefently dwellinge in him, as witneffeth chrift lohan .xiiii. fay- ege: If a ma loue me he will kepe my worde, & the my father will loue him & we will come vnto him and 40 dwell with him. And in the .xv. he fayth: if ye abyde in me and my wordes alfo abyde in you, then axe what M % 395 ye will & ye fliall haue it. If thou beleue in chrift & haft the promyfes which god hath made the in thyne harte, the go on pilgrymage vnto thyne awne harte ad there praye & god will heare f for his mercy and 5 truthes fake and for his fonne chriftes fake and not for a few ftones fakes. What careth god for the temple ? The very beeftes in that they haue liffe in them be moch better then an hepe of ftonnes couched to gether. 10 To fpeake of chaftite, it is a gifte not geuen vnto all perfones teftifyeth both chrift and alfo his apoftle Paule, wherfore all perfones maye not vowe it. More- ouer there be caufes wherfore many perfones maye bet- ter lyue chaft at one tyme then at a nother. Many 15 maye lyue chaft at twentye and thirtye for certayne colde difeafes folowinge them, which at .xl. when their helth is come can not do fo. Many be occupyed with wylde .f. phantafyes in their youth f they care not for mariage which fame when they be waxe fad fhalbe 20 greatly defyroufe, yt is a daungerous thynge to make fynne where none is ad to forfwere f benefyte of god & to bynde thy felf vnder payne of danacyon of thy foule that thou woldeft not vfe the remeadye that god hath created if nead requyred. [ A nother thinge 25 is this, beware that thou gett the not a falfe fayned chaftite made with yvngodlyperfwafions offaynte Hiero or of Ouide in his fylthye boke of the remedye agenft loue, left when thorow foch imaginacyons thou haft vtterlye defpyfed, defyed ad abhorred all woman 30 kynde, thou come in to foch cafe thorow the firce wrath of god, f thou canft nether lyue chaft nor fynde in thy harte to marye ad fo be copelled to faule into the abhominacion of the pope agenft nature and kynde. 35 Moreouer god is a wyfe father & knoweth all y in- firmityes of his children & alfo mercyfull, ad therfore hath created a remedye without fynne ad geuen ther- to his fauoure and bleflinge. Let vs not be wyfer then god with oure ymagina- 40 cyos nor tepte him, for as godly chaftite is not euery mas gyfte: euen fo he ^ hath it to daye hath not 396 M power to continue it at his awne pleafure, nether hath god promyfed to geue it him ftill & to cure his infirm- ytyes with out his naturall remeadye no more then he hath promyfed to flake his hongre .?. with out meate 5 or thirft with out drinke. Wherfore other let all thinges byde fre as wife god hath created them & nother vowe that which god requyreth not nor forfwere that which god permitteth the with his fauoure and bleffmge alfo: or els if thou lo wilt neades vowe, then vowe godly 8i vnder a codityon, f thou wilt contynue chaft, fo longe as god geueth the f gyfte ad as longe as nether thyne awne neceffyte nether cheryte toward thy neighboure nor f authorite of the vnder whofe power thou arte dryue y vnto the 15 contrarye. The purpoffe of thy vowe muft be falted alfo with f wifdom of god. Thou mayeft not vowe to be iuflefyed therbye or to make fatiffaction for thy fynnes or to Wynne heaue nor an hyer place: for then dideft thou 20 wroge vnto the bloude of chrift & thy vowe were playne Idolatrye & abhominable in ;y flght of god. Thy vowe muft be only vnto y furtheraunce of y com- maudmetes of god, which are as I haue fayde nothinge but y taminge of thy mebres & the feruice of thy neygh- 25 boure: that is if thou thyncke thy backe to weake for the burthen of wedlocke & f thou canfl not rule thy wiff, children feruautes and make prouifion for the godlye & with out ouermoch bufyenge and vnquyet- ynge thy felf ad drounynge thy felf in worldly bufy- 30 neffe vnchriftenlye or that thou canft ferue thy neyghboure in fome office better beynge chaft then maryed. And then .?. thy vowe is good & lawfull. And eue fo muft thou vowe abftinece of meates & drynkes fo far forth as it is profitable vnto thy neygh- 35 bours & vnto f tamige of thy flefh: But thou mayft vowe nether of them vnto y fleynge of thy bodye. As Paule comaudeth tymothe to drincke wyne & no moare water becaufe of his difeafes. Thou wilt faye f timo- thy had not happlye forfworne wyne. I thinke the 40 fame and that the apoftles forfware not wedlocke though many of them lyued chaft nother yet any M % 397 meate or drincke, though they abfteyned from the, & that it were good for vs to folow their enfample. How be it though I vowe & fwere ad thynke on none ex- ceptyon, yet is the breakynge of gods comaudmetes 5 except & all chaunces that hage of god. As if I fwere to be in a certayne place at a certayne houre to make a louedaye with out exception, yet if the kinge in the meane tyme commaunde me a nother waye, I mufl goo by gods commaudment ad yet breake not myne lo othe. And in like cafe if my father and mother be feke and requyre my prefence, or if my wifif, children or houfhold be vifited that my affiftence be requyred, or if my neyghbours houfe be a fyre at the fame houre and a thoufand foch chaunces: in which all I breake 15 myne oth and am not forfworne and fo forth. Read gods word diligently and with a good herte and it fhall teach the all thynges. The four the boke of Mofes called Numeri. I. Chapter. [Fo. II.] iiTHE .1111. BOKE OF MOSES, CALLED NUMERL j]ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mo- jm.CD.S. All fes in the wilderneffe of Sinai, ^^at are apte for batell are in the tabernacle of witneffe, nombred. The the fyrft daye of the feconde ^O"^^ of Leuy , , . , r 1 r .1 ^^ appoynted moneth, ad in the feconde yere after they /^ mynijlre to were come out of ^ londe of Egipte fay- the taberna- 2 enge: take ye the fumme of al the multi- tude of the childern of Ifrael, in their kynredes and houfholdes of their fathers and numbre the by name 3 all that are males, polle by polle, fro .xx. yere & aboue: euen all ^ are able to goo forthe in to warre in Ifraell, thou & Aaro fhall nubre the in their armies, 4 & with you fhalbe of euery trybe a heed man in the houfe of his father. 5 And thefe are the names of ^ me -^ fhall ftode with 6 you: in Rube, Elizur y fonne of Sedeur: In Simeo, 7 Selumiel y fonne of Suri Sadai: In ^ tribe of luda, 8 Naheffon y fonne of Aminadab: In Ifachar, Nathaneel 9 y fonne of Zuar: In Sebulo, Eliab y fonne of Helo. lo Amoge y childern of lofeph: In Ephrai, Elifama ^ fonne of Amihud: In Manaffe, Gamaliel ^ fone of Peda II, 12 zur: In Be lamin, Abidan the fonne of Gedeoni: In 13 Dan, Ahiefer the fonne of Ammi Sadai: In Affer, 14 Pagiel the fonne of Ochran: In Gad, Eliafaph the fone 15 of Deguel: In Naphtaly, Ahira the fonne of Enan. |K. 5 ftande ... of Ruben 6 of Simeon 7 of . . of luda 8 of Ifachar 9 of Zabulon 10 of Ephraim . . of Manaffe 11 of Ben la- min 12 of Dan 13 of Afer 15 of Nephthali "F. I tabernaculo foederis 2 quicquid fexus eft mafculini . . . 3 omnium virorum fortium 13 Phegiel filius Ochran. i- 2 heufer, bey der zal der namen . . . von heubt zu heubt itt. JH. N. 13 or Phegiel 402 Cjje fourtfj bofte of iHoses, 1. 16-28 16 .IT. Thefe were councelers of the congregacion and lordes in the trybes of their fathers & captaynes ouer 17 thoufandes in Ifrael. And Mofes and Aaron toke 18 thefe men aboue named and gathered all the congre- gacion together, the fyrft daye of the feconde moneth, and rekened them after their byrth & kinredes and houfes of their fathers by name fro .xx. yere & aboue 19 hed by hed: as the Lorde comaunded Mofes, eue fo he numbred them in f wilderneffe of Sinai. 20 And the childern of Ruben Ifraels eldeft fonne in their generacions, kynredes ad houfes of their fathers, whe they were numbred euery man by name, all that were males fro .xx. yere and aboue, as many 21 as were able to goo forth in warre: were numbred in the trybe off Ruben, .xlvi. thoufande and fine hundred. 22 Among the childern of Simeon: their generacion in their kynredes and houffes of their fathers (when 'euery mans name was tolde) of all the males from .xx yeres and aboue, whatfoeuer was mete for the warre: 23 were numbred in the trybe of Simeon .Lix. thoufande and .iii. hundred. 24 Amonge the childern of Gad: their generacion in their kynredes and houfholdes of their fathers, when thei were tolde by name, fro .xx. yere and aboue, all 25 that were mete for the warre: were numbred in the tribe of Gad .xlv. [Fo. III.] thoufande, fixe hundred and fyftie. 26. Amonge the childern of luda: their generacion in their kinredes and houffes of their fathers (by the numbre of names) from .xx. yere and aboue, all that 27 were able to warre, were tolde in the trybe of luda Lxxiiii. thoufande and fixe hundred. 28 Amonge the childern of Ifachar: their generacion, "P. 18 recefentes eos 19 Numeratique funt in deferto Sinai. 20 de Ruben . . procedentiu ad bellum 24 omnes qui ad bella procederent 26 poterant ad bella procedere (fo of luda, Iflachar, Zabulon, Ephraim, Manaffe, Benjamin, Dan, Afer and Nephtali, and 45.) 3L. 16 die namhafftigen der gemeyne . . heubter vnd furflen 20 Ruben . . . yns heer zu zihen tuchte 24 Gad . . tuchtig war 26 luda . .yns heer zu zihen tuchte (fo vv. 20, 24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38.) JH. |H. N. 20 Of Ruben 22 Of Simeon 24 Of Gad 26 Of luda 28 Of Ifachar 1.29-42. calletr 0ximerL 403 in their kinredes and houfes of their fathers (when their names were counted) from .xx. yere ad aboue, 29 what foeuer was apte for warre: were numbred in f trybe of Ifachar .Liiii. thoufande and .iiii. hundred. 30 Among the childern of Sebulon: their generacion, in their kynredes and houfes of their fathers (after the numbre of names) from .xx. yere and aboue, whofo- 31 euer was mete for the warre: were counted in f trybe of Sebulo .Lvii. thoufande and .iiii. hundred. 32 Amonge the childern of lofeph: fyrft amoge the childern of Ephraim: their generacion, in their kyn- redes and houffes of theyre fathers (when the names of all that were apte to the warre were tolde) from .xx 33 yeres and aboue: were in numbre in the trybe off Ephraim, .xl. thoufande and fyxe hundred. 34 Amonge the childern of Manaffe: their generacion, in their kynredes and houfes of their fathers (when the names of all f were apte to warre were tolde) from 35 XX. and aboue .?. were numbred in the tribe of Ma- naffe .xxxii. thoufand and two hundred. 36 Amonge the childern of Ben lamin: their gener- acion, in their kynredes and houffes of their fathers (by the tale of names) from twentye yere f^le, number, and aboue of all that were mete for warre, Zahl 37 were numbred in the trybe off Ben lamin .xxxv. thou- fande and .iiii. hundred. 38 Amonge the childern of Dan: their generacion in theyr kynreddes and houffes off their fathers (in the fumme of names) off all that was apte to warre from 39 twentye yere and aboue, were numbred in the trybe of Dan .Lxii. thoufande and .vii. hundred. 40 Amonge the childern of Afer: their generacyon, in their kynredes & houfes of their fathers (when thei were fummed by name) from .xx. yeres & aboue, all 41 that were apte to warre were numbred in the tribe of Afer .xli. thoufande and .v. hundred. 42 Amoge the childern of Nepthali: their generacion, HL. 40 Afler . . . yns heer zihen mochte (fo vv. 42, 45.) M. fa. N. 30 Of Zabulon 32 Of lofeph 34 Of Manaffes 36 Of Be lamin. 38 Of Dan 40 Of Afer 42 Of Nephtali 404 ^!jf fourtfj ftoke of JHoses, i. 43-54 in their kynredes & houffes of their fathers (when their names were tolde) from .xx. yeres ad aboue, what fo- 43 euer was mete to warre: were numbred in the trybe of Nephtali .Liii. thoufande and .iiii. hundred. 44 Thefe are the numbres which Mofes ad Aaro num- bred with ;y' .xii. princes of Ifrael: of euery houffe of 45 their fathers a man. And all the numbres of the chil- dern of Ifrael, in [Fo. IIII.] the houffes of their fa- thers, from twentye yere and aboue, what foeuer was 46 mete for the warre in Ifraell, drewe vnto the fumme 47 of fyxe hundred thoufande, fyue hundred and .L. But the leuites in the tribe off their fathers were not num- bred amonge them. 48, 49 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes fayenge: only fe that thou numbre not the trybe of Leui, nether take the fumme of them amonge the childern of Ifrael. 50 But thou fhalt appoynte the leuites vnto the habita- cio of witneffe, and to all the apparell thereof and vnto all that longeth thereto. For they longeth, be- fhall here the tabernacle and all the ordi- longeth, vi, 13 naunce thereof, and they fhall miniflre it and fhall 51 pitche their tentes rounde aboute it. And when the tabernacle goeth forth the leuites fhall take it doune: and when the tabernacle is pitched, they fhall fett it vpp: for yf any ftraunger come nere, he fhall dye. 52 And the childern of Ifrael fhall pitch their tentes, euery man in his owne companye and euery ma by his awne ftandert thorow out all their hoftes. 53 But the leuites fhall pitche rounde aboute the habi- tacion of witneffe, that there fall no wrath vpon the congregacion of the childre of Ifrael, and the leuites 54 fhall wayte apon the habitacion of witneffe. And the childern of Ifrael dyd acordinge to all that the Lord commaunded Mofes. ^. 43 thrye and fyftye 46 fyxe hundred and thre thoufande T. 46 fexceta tria millia virorum quingenti quinquaginta. 50 vafa eius, & quicquid ad ceremonias pertinet. 52 per turmas & cuneos atque exercitu fuum. 53 ne fiat indignatio . . & excubabunt in cuflodiis tabern. IL. 50 wonung des zeugnis 53 Leuiten der hutt wartten an der wonung des zeugnis. called i^umert* 4o5 .f. [ The .II. Chapter. iE..S. The order of the pytchyng of the t e nt e s rounde aboute the tabernacle of ivytneffe. The heades and chefe Lordes of the ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mo- fes and Aaron fayenge: The childern of Ifrael fhall pitch: euery man by his owne ftand- ert with the armes of their fathers houfes, a waye, away a waye from the prefence of the tabernacle of witneffe, 3 On the eaft fyde towarde the ryfynge kynredes of of ^ fonne, fhall they of the ftandert of the ^{^^j/ '^'^' hofte of luda pitch with their armes: And Naheffon the fonne of Aminadabfhalbecaptaine ouerthe 4 fonnes of luda. And his hofte and the numbre of them 5 Lxxiiii. thoufande and .vi. hundred. And nexte vnto him fhall the trybe of Ifachar pitche and Nathaneel the 6 fonne of Zuar captayne ouer y childre of Ifachar: his hofte and the numbre of them .Liiii. thoufande and 7 iiii. hundred. And than the trybe of Zabulon: with Eliab the fonne of Helon, captayne ouer the childern 8 of Zabulon, and his hofte in the numbre of them: .Lvii 9 thoufande and .iiii. hundred. So that all they that per- teyne vnto the hoft of luda, are an hundred thoufande Lxxxvi. thoufande ad .iiii. hundred in their companies: and thefe ftiall goo in the forefront, wen they iurney. 10 And on the fouthfyde, the ftandert of the hofte of Ruben fhall lye with their companyes and the captayne ouer the fonnes of Ruben, Elizur the fonne of Sedeur, 11 and his hofte and the numbre of them .xlvi. thoufande, 12 [Fo. v.] and .v. hundred. And faft by him fhall y trybe of Simeon pitche, and the capteyne ouer y fonnes ~^ 2 per turmas, figna atque vexilla 3 ludas . . per turmas ex- ercitus fui 4 fumma pugnantium 5 Iffachar 6 numerus pugna- torum 7 Zabulon 8 exercitus pugnatorum k> Ruben 11 & cuctus exercitus pugnatorum 5.. 2 panir vnd zeychen nach yhrer veter haus 9 luda . . . heer, (and fo throughout the chapter) JH. JH. N. 3 On the eaft fyde the c5panye of luda, Ifachar & Zabulon. 10 On the fouthfyde the companye of Ruben, Simeo & Gad. 4o6 Efje fourtij ftofee of IHoses, n. 13-26 13 of Simeon. Selumiel the fonne of zuri Sadai, & his hofte and the nubre of them .Lix. thoufande and .iii. hundred 14 And the trybe of Gad alfo: And the captayne ouer the 15 fonnes of Gad, Eliafaph the fonne of Deguel and his hofte and the numbre of them .xlv. thoufande .vi. hun- 16 dred and .L. So that all f numbre that pertayne vnto the hofte of Ruben, are an hundred thoufande .Li thoufande .iiii. hundred & fyftie, with their companyes, and they fhall be the feconde in the iourney 17 And the tabernacle of witneffe with the hofte of the leuites, fhall goo in the myddes of ^ hoftes: as they lye in their tetes, euen fo fhall they precede in the iurney, euery man in his quarter aboute their flandertes. 18 On the weft fyde, the ftandarte and the hofte of Ephraim fhall lye with their companies. And the captayne ouer the fonnes of Ephraim, Elifama the 19 fonne of Amihud: & his hofte and the numbre of them 20 xl. thoufande & .v. hundred. And fafl faft by, clo/e to by him, the trybe of Manaffe, and the captayne ouer the fonnes of Manaffe, Gamaleel ^ fonne of Peda zur 21 and his hofte and the numbre of them .xxxii. thoufande 22 and .ii. hundred. And the trybe of Ben lamin alfo: and the captayne ouer the fonnes of Ben lamin, Abidan 23 the fonne of Gedeoni, ad his hofte and the numbre of 24 the .r. XXXV. thoufande and .iiii. hundred. All the nubre that perteyned vnto the hofte of Ephraim, were an hundred thoufand .viii. thoufande and an hundred in their hoftes: and they fhalbe the thryde in the iurneye 25 And the ftandert and the hofte of Dan fhall lye on the north fyde with their companyes: & the captayne ouer y childre of Dan, Ahiezer the fonne of Ammi 26 Sadai: and his hofte and the nubre of them .Lxii. thou- "V. 12 Simeon 13 & cunctus exercitus pugnat. (so 15, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 30) 16 Omnes qui recefiti funt 17 Leuabitur aute taber- nac. teftim. per officia leuitarum & turmas eorum. quomodo eri- getur, ita et deponetur. 24 caflris Ephraim . . . per turmas fuas f iL. 18 Gezelt vnd panier Ephraim JH. ^. N. 17 The leuytes with the tabernacle in the myddes. 18 On the wefl fyde the copany of Ephraim Manaffe and Ben la- min 25 On the north fyde the company of Dan, Affer and Nephthali, 11. 27-III. 3- calleti i^umert. 40; 27 fande & .vii. hundred. And faft by him (hall the trybe of Affer pitche: and the captayne ouer the fones of 28 Affer, Pagiel the fonne of Ochran: & his hofte & the 29 nubre of them .xli. thoufande & .v. hundred. And the trybe of Naphtali alfo, and the captayne ouer f chil- 30 dern of Naphtali: Ahira the fonne of Enan: & his hofte and the nubre of them .Liii. thoufande & .iiii. hudred 31 So f the hole nubre of all that perteyned vnto f hofte of Dan, was an hudred thoufande .Lvii. thoufande & vi. hudred. And they fhalbe the laft in y iurney with their ftadertes. 32 Thefe are y fumes of f childern of Yfrael in the houffes of their fathers: euen all the nubres of the hoftes with their copanies .vi. hudred thoufande .iii. thou- 33 fande .v. hudred and fyftie. And yet y leuites were not nubred amoge the childern of Yfrael, as the Lorde 34 commaunded Mofes. And f childern of Yfrael dyd acordynge to all that the Lorde comauded Mofes, & fo they pitched with their ftan- [Fo. VI.] dertes, and fo they iurneyd: euery man in his kynred, and in the houffholde of his father. f[ The .III. Chapter. HESE are the generacions of ^.^.s. The Aaron and Mofes, when the Leuitesarenot Lorde fpake vnto Mofes in Mount Sinai, and thefe are the names of the fonnes of Aaron: Nadab the eldeft fonne, and Abihu Eleazar and 3 Ithamar. Thefe are the names of the fonnes of Aaron which were preaftes anoynted and their handes fylled to myn- nombred to go to batell, but to niynijlre to the holy place or fattctuary. Th ey m uji a Ifo pitch their tentes next to the habyta- cyon. T. 31 caftris Dan, fuerunt 32 per domos cognationum fuarum & turmas diuifi exercitus 34 Caftrametati funt per turmas fuas, & profecti per familias ac domos patrum fuorum. iii, 3 vncti funt, & quorvi repletas & confecratae manus vt facerdotio fungerentur. i.. 34 lagerten fich vnter yhre panier, vnd zogen aus, eyn ig- licher ynn feynemgefchlecht nach yhrer veter haus, iii, 3 zu priefler gefalbet . . hende gefullet zum prieflerthum. 4o8 Clje fourti^ ijofte of JHoses, 111.4-18 4 iftre but Nadab and Abihu dyed before the Lorde, as they broughte ftraunge fyre before the Lorde in the wylderneffe of Sinai, and had no childern. And Eleazar and Ithamar myniftred in the fyght of Aaron their father. 5, 6 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes faynge brynge the trybe of leui, and fet them before Aaron the preaft, 7 and let them ferue him ad wayte apon him, & apon all the multitude, before the tabernacle of witneffe, to doo 8 the feruyce of the habitacion. And they fhall wayte apo all y apparell of y tabernacle of witneffe & apon f childern of Yfrael, to doo y feruyce of the habitacio. 9 And thou fhalt geue the leuites vnto Aaron & his fonnes, for they are geuen vnto him of y childern of 10 Yfrael. And thou fhalt appoite Aaro & his fonnes to wayte on their preaftes office: & the ftrauger f cometh nye, fhall dye for it. II, 12 And f Lorde fpake vnto Mofes faynge: beholde, I haue take the leuites fro amonge f .f. childern of Yfrael, for all the firftborne that openeth the matryce amonge the childern of Yfrael, fo that the leuites fliall 13 be myne: becaufe all the firfl borne are myne: for f fame daye that I fmote all the fyrftborne in the lande of Egipte, I halowed vnto me all the firftborne in Yfrael, both man and beefb, and myne they fhall be: for I am the Lorde. 14 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes in the wilderneffe 15 of Sinai fayenge: Numbre the childern of Leui in f houffes of their fathers and Kynredes, all f are males 16 from a moneth olde and aboue. And Mofes numbred them at the worde of the Lorde, as he was comauded. 17 And thefe are y names of f childre of Leui: Gerfon, 18 Cahath, & Merari. And ;y fe are the y fe, ^/le/e names of the childern of Gerfon in their kynredes: "P 6 vt miniflret ei 7 & excubet & obferuet 10 fuper cultu fa- cerdotii . Externus qui ad miniflrandum accefferit 2.- 4 batten keyne fone. 7 gemeyne hutt wartten 8 butt der kinder Ifrael zu dienen am dienfl der wonung. |H. JH. N. 12 Leuyte fomtyme fygnifyeth only a mynyfler or feruaunt, as here and Efa. Ixvi, g. III. 19-31. calletr i^utnert, 409 19 Libni and Semei. And the fones of Cahath in their kynredes were Amram. lezehar. Hebron and Vfiel. 20 And the fonnes of Merari in their kynredes were Maheli and Mufi. Thefe are the kynredes of Leui in the houffes of their fathers. 21 And of Gerfon came the kynred of y Libnites and the Semeites, which are the kynredes of the Gerfonites. 22 And y fumme of them (when all the males were tolde) from a moneth olde and aboue, tolde, num- were .vii. thoufande and fyue hundred. "^^^"' 23 And the kynredes of the Gerfonites pitched behynde 24 the habitacion weft warde. And the captayne of the moft awnciet [Fo. VII.] houffe amonge ^ Gerfonites, 25 was Eliafaph the fonne of Lael. And the office of the childern of Gerfon in the tabernacle of witneffe was the habitacion and the tente with the coueringe ther- off and the hangynge of the dore of the tabernacle of 26 witneffe, and the hangynges of the courte, and the curtayne of the dore of the courte: which courte went rounde aboute the dwellynge, and the alter, and the cordes ^ perteyned vnto all the feruyce therof 27 And of Cahath came the kynred of y Amramites and the kynred of the lezeharites & of the Hebronites and of the Vfielites: And thefe are the kynredes of y 28 Cahathites. And the numbre of all the males from a moneth olde and aboue, was .viii. thoufande and fixe 29 hundred: which wayted on y holy place. And the kynred of the childern of Cahath, pitched on ^ fouth 30 fyde of y dwellynge And y captayne in ^ moft aun- cyent houffe of the kynredes of the Cahathites, was 31 Elizaphan the fonne of Vfiel, and their office was: the arcke, the table, the candelfticke, and the alter and the holy veffels to minyftre with and the vayle with iW. 25 was to kepe the habitacyon 31 was to kepe the arcke t'. 21 De Gerfon fuere familiae dus 25 Et habebunt excubias in tab. foederis 26 quicquid ad ritum altaris pertinet 28 habebunt excubias fanctuarii 30 Oziel 31 & cuflodient arcam ?l. 25 vnd fie follen warten 31 Heyligthums, daran fie dienen, vnd des tuchs |H. p.. N. 21 The Gerfonites pitch on the weft fyde. 27 The Cahathites are affygned to the fouthfyde. 4IO Ejje fourth ftofee of IHoses, m. 32-42 32 all that ferued there to. And Eleazar f fonne of Aaron the preaft, was captayne ouer all the captaynes of the Leuites, and had the ouer fyghte of them that wayted vppon the holythynges. 33 And of Merari came the kynredes of the Mahelites and of the Mufites: and thefe .If. are the kynredes 34 of the Merarites. And the nubre of them (when all the males fro a moneth olde ad aboue was tolde) drewe vnto .vi. thoufande & .ii. hundred. drewe vnto, 35 And y captayne of the moft auncient amounted to houffe amonge the kynredes of the Merarites, was Zuriel the fonne of Abihail which pitched on the north 36 fyde of the dwellynge. And the office of the fonnes of Merari was: the bordes of ^ dwellynge & the barres, pilers with the fokettes thereof, and all the inftrumetes 37 there of & all that ferued thereto: & the pilers of the courte rounde aboute and their fokettes, with their 38 pynnes & cordes. But on ^ fore front of ^ habitacio ad before the tabernacle of witneffe eaft warde, fhall Mofes and Aaron & his fonnes pytch and wayte on the fanctuary in the fteade of ^ childern of Yfrael. And the 39 ftraunger ^ cometh nye, fhall dye for it. And the hole fumme of the leuites which Mofes & Aaron nubred, at y- comaudmet of y Lorde thorow out their kynredes euen, of all ^ males of a moneth olde & aboue, was xxii. thoufande. 40 And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: Numbre all f firft borne that are males amoge the childern of Yfrael, fro a moneth olde & aboue and take ^ numbre of their 41 names. And thou fhalt appoynte y leuites to me the Lorde, for all the firftborne amoge ^ childern of Yfrael and the catell of J ^ n ^y 1 fytine dofte of males or females ye Ihall put them out ignoraunce. of the hofte, that they defyle not the tentes Thelaweofthe 4 amoge which I dwell. And the childern %>ofgeloufye. of Ifrael dyd fo, and put them out of the hofte: euen as the Lorde comaunded Mofes, fo dyd the childern of Ifrael. 5,6 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes fayenge: fpeake vnto the childern of Ifrael: whether it be man or woman, whe they haue fynned any maner of fynne which a man doeth wherewith a man trefpafeth agenft the Lorde, fo that the foule hath done amyffe: 7 then they fhall knowlege their fynnes knowlege, which they haue done, and reflore a gayne ^confefT ^ ^^' the hurte that they haue done in the hole, j^^ ^^^ j^ , and put the fyfte parte of it moare there- in the whole, 8 to, and geue it vnto him whom he hath '.^- f'^'^ Prin- cipal trefpafed agenfle. But and yf he that maketh the amendes have no man to doo it to, then the amendes that is made fhalbe the Lordes and the preaftes, befyde the ram of the attonementoffer- ynge where with he maketh an attonemet Vfye haue false gotten go odes &^ no md to reflore it vnto, then bringe it vnto y pope dd he 'will dif't)Qce 9 for hymfelfe .T. And all heueofiferynges ^nh it. of all the halowed thinges which the childern of |K. 3 amoge which ye dwell. ^- 2 leprofum, & qui femine fluit 3 cum habitauerint vobif- cum. 8 excepto ariete 9 Omnes quoque primitias 5.. 2 alle die eytter fluffe haben 3 darynnen ich vnter yhnen wone 6 hat die feel eyn fchuld auff yhr 7 verfunen mit der fumma 8 priefler, ausgenomen den widder let. iH. N. 6 This text is to be vnderftaded of foche trefpaces, wherwith we hurt oure neybours in worldly goodes (as they cal the) & therfore muft the hurt be reflored and the fyfth parte moare therto: If the partye remayned not to whom the reflitu- cyon was due, ner any of his leafull heares, then muft it be the preaftes wages, whiche at that tyme had no nother lyuehode. V. lo-ig. calleti i^umeru 417 Ifrael brynge vnto the preafte, fhalbe the preaftes, and 10 euery mans halowed thinges fhalbe his awne, but what foeuer any man geueth the preaft, it fhalbe the preafles. II, 12 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes fayenge: fpeake vnto the childern of Ifraell and faye vnto them. Yf any mans wyfe goo a fyde and trefpafe agaynft 13 hym, fo that another man lye with her fiefhely and the thynge be hydd from the eyes of hir hufbonde and is not come to lighte that fhe is defyled (for there is no witneffe agenfl her) in as moche as fhe was not taken 14 with the maner, and the fprete of geloufye with the man- cometh apon him and he is geloufe ouer ^^' ^" ^^'^ ^'^^ his wife and fhe defyled, Or happely the fprete of geloufye cometh apon him, and he is geloufe ouer hys 15 wyfe ad fhe yet vndefyled. The let hyr hufbonde bringe her vnto the preafte and brynge an offerynge for her: the tenthe parte of an Epha of barlye meele, but fhall poure none oyle there vnto, nor put franken- cens thereon: for it is an offerynge of geloufye, and an offerynge that maketh remembraunce of fynne. 16 And let the preaft brynge her and fett her before the 17 Lorde, and let him take holy water in an erthen veffell & of the duft that is in y flore of the habytacyon, and 18 put it in to the [Fo. XII.] water. And the preaft fhall fet the wyfe before the Lorde and vncouer jg^ woman hir heed, and put the memoryall of the w. 22, 25, 31 offerynge in hyr handes whiche is the ^^^' geloufye offerynge, and y preaft fhall haue bytter and 19 curfynge water in his hande, and he fhall coniure, ad- coniure her and fhall faye vnto her. Yf ^^^^ V. 13 hoc maritus deprehendere n5 quiuerit, fed latet adul- terium . . . inuenta in flupro 14 polluta eft, vel falfa fufpicione appetitur 15 facrificium zelotypias eft, & oblatio inueftigans adul- terium. 18 facrif. recordationis, & oblationem zelotypise . . . aquas amariffimas, in quibus cum execratione maledicta congeffit. ^. 14 eyffergeyft entzundet yhn 15 eyn eyffer opffer vnd eyn riige opffer, das miffethat riiget. 18 bitter verflucht waffer ^H. IK. N. 14 The hole lawe of geloufie femeth to be a feare & a certen nourtour of wyues that they fliulde be obediet to their hufbades, chafte, manerly & faythfull, and foche as geue no oc- cafio to be fufpect: & therto ferued thys lawe whyle it kept the vnder & gaue the no lices to rene at large wherby they might haue come in fome fufpect & fo haue come to thys greate fhame before the congregacyon. 4i8 Eije fourtlj ftoke of iHoses, v. 20-30 no man haue lyen wyth the nether hafte gone afyde, and defyled thy felfe behynde thy hufbonde, then haue thou no harme of this bytter curfynge water. 20 But and yf thou haft gone afyde behynde thyne hufbonde and art defyled and fome other man hath 21 lyen with the befyde thyne hufbonde (and let the preafte coniure her with the coniuracyon of the curfe and faye vnto her.) the Lorde make the a curfe and a coniuracyon amonge thy people: fo that the Lorde 22 make thy thye rotte, and thy bely fwell and thys bytter curfynge water goo in to the bowels of the, that thy bely fwell and thy thye rotte, and the wyfe fhall faye Amen Amen. 23 And the preaft fhall wrytte this curfe in a byll and 24 waffhe it out in the bytter water. And when the curf- 25 ynge water ys yn her that it is bytter, then let the preaft take the geloufyofferynge out of the wyfes hande, and waue it before the Lorde, and brynge it vnto the 26 altare: and he fhall take an hande- .IT. full off the memoryall offerynge and burne it apon the alter, and 27 then make her dryncke the water and when he hath made her dryncke the water. Yf fhe be defyled and haue trefpafed agenft her hufbond, then fhall the curf- ynge water goo in to her and be fo bitter, f hir bely fhall fwell and hir thye fhall rotte, & fhe fhalbe a curfe 28 amonge hir people. And yf fhe be not defyled but is cleane, then fhe fhall haue no harme, but that fhe maye conceaue. 29 This is the lawe of geloufye, when a wyfe goeth a 30 fyde behynde hyr hufbonde ad is defyled, or when the V. 19 fi n5 poUuta es defeiio mariti thoro . . amariffimae, in quas maledicta congeffi 20 altero viro, 21 his maledictionibus fubiacebis . . tumens vterus tuus difrumpatur. 23 congeffit 24 & dabit ei bibere. Quas cum exhauferit, 25 toilet facerdos 26 & fic potu det mulieri 27 mulier in maledictionem & in exemplu omni populo. %. 21 fetze dich zum fluch vnd zum fchwur . . bauch berften lafle 22 deyn bauch berfle 24 das yhr bitter wirt 27 ynn fie gehen vnd fie verbittern . . berften 31 weyb foil feyn miffethat tragen. f\.. ^. N. 22 Amen is an Hebrew word & fygnifyeth euen fo be it, or be it faft and fewer, approuynge & alowing the fentece going before: and when it is doubled it augmenteth the confyr- macyon, as in many pfalms & lohn .v. & .vi. V. 3I-VI.6. calletr ^umtxL 419 fpirite of geloufye cometh apon a man, fo that he is gelouse ouer his wife: then he fhall bringe her before the Lorde, and the preaft fhall miniflre all this lawe 31 vnto her, & the man fhalbe giltleffe, & the wyfe fhall bere hir fynne. C The .VI. Chapter. IND the Lorde fpake vnto Mo- MM.S.T/ie fes faynge: fpeake vnto y ^^^^ /^j^^ ^^. childre of Ifrael & faye vnto pen them ab- them: when ether man or ^y'"'''"; ,V'J maneroj olej/- appoynteth, woman appoynteth to vowe yngthepeople. refolveth ^ vowe of abftinence for to abftene vnto 3 the Lorde, he {hall abftene from wyne and ftronge drynke, and fhall dryncke no vynegre of wyne or of ftronge drynke, nor fhal drynke what foeuer is preffed out of grapes: & fhal eate no frefh grapes nether yet 4 dry- [Fo. XIII.] ed, as loge as his abftinece edureth. Moreouer he fhall eate nothyng ^ is made of the vyne tre, no not fo moch as y cornels or the cornels ker- hufke of the grape. nels 5 And as longe as the vowe of his abftinece endureth, there fhall no rafure nor Iheres come apon his heed, vntill his dayes be out which he fafteth vnto the Lorde, and he fhalbe holy and fhall let the lockes of his heer 6 growe. As longe as he abfteneth vnto the Lorde he F. 2 vt fanctificentur, & fe voluerint domino confecrare 3 a vino, & omni quod inebriare potefl 1. 2 eyn zucht gelubd, das er dem herrn zuchtet 3 weyns vnd flarcks getrencks ^. JVt. N. 2 Here it appereth what a vowe is after the olde teftament, whyche was a fygure of the vowe that a Chrifle man ought to do, geuyng & dedicatinge hymfelfe to God: as it is fpoken Roma. .xii. a. i. ^. N. 2 Auff Ebreifch heyfl dife zucht Nefer vnd der fie belt heyfl Najlr, wilchem nach auch vnfer herr Ihefus Chriflus Nafarenus heyft, vnd er der rcchte Nafir ifl, weyl wir aber keyn deutfch wort drauff haben muffen wyrs die weyl zucht vnd Nafir nennen. Denn auff deutfch fagen wyr von folchen leuiten. Er zuchtet alfo theur etc. 420 Efje fourtft iofte of JHoses, vi. 7-17 7 fhall come at no deed bodye: he fhall not make him felfe vncleane at the deeth of his father, mother, brother or fyfter. for the abftinece of his God is 8 apon his heed. And therfore as longe as his abfty- nence lafleth, he fhalbe holy vnto the Lorde. 9 And yf it fortune that any man by chaunce dye fodenly before him, and defyle the heed of his abfli- nece, then muft he fhaue his heed the daye of his clefynge: euen the feuenth daye he fhall fhaue it. 10 And the eyght daye he fhall brynge .ii. turtels or .ii yonge pigeons to the preafl, vnto f dore of y taber- 11 nacle of witneffe And y preaft fhall offer the one for a fynofferynge and the other for a burntofferynge & make an atonement for him, as concernynge that he fynned apon the deed, and fhall alfo halowe his 12 heed the fame daye and he fhall abftene vnto the Lorde the tyme of his abflinencye, and fhall brynge a lambe of an yere olde for a trefpace offerynge: but the dayes f .?. were before are loft, becaufe his abfti- 13 nence was defyled. [ This is the lawe of the ab- fleyner, when the tyme of his abftinece is is out, com- out. he fhalbe broughte vnto y dore of P''^^^^, 14 y tabernacle of witneffe & he fhall brynge his offerynge vnto y Lord: an he labe of a yere olde with out blem- yfh for a burntofferynge & a fhe lambe of a yere olde without blemyfh for a fynofferynge, a ram without 15 blemyfh alfo for a peafeofiferynge, & a bafket of fwete breed of fyne floure myngled with oyle & wafers of fwete bred anoyntyd with oyle with meatofferynges ad drynkofferynges that longe thereto. 16 And the preaft fhall brynge him before y Lorde & 17 offer his fynofferynge & his burntofferynge, & fhall offer y ram for a peafeofferynge vnto y Lorde with 1^- 7 cofecratio dei fui 9 in eadem die . . & rurfum feptima. II fuper mortuo BL. 7 Denn die zucht feyns Gottis 9 das ifl am fiebenden tage II an eym todten 14 todopffer (17, 18.) ^. iH. N. 7 To haue the abjlynence of God vpon his heed is, to fhew a token of refufing the care of bodely thynges by that he fetteth not by the hayre of hys heed, or by the trymmynge of hys buffhe or bearde, which thig the world fo greatly efteameth. VM&-27. calleti i^umerL 421 the bafket of fwete brede, ad the preafl (hall ofifer alfo 18 his meat ofiferynge & his drynckofferynge. And f abfteyner fhall fhaue his heed in f dore of ;^ tabernacle of witneffe ad fhall take the heer of his fober heed & put it in f fyre which is vnder the peafeofiferynge. 19 Then the preafl fhall take the fodden fhulder of f ram ad one fwete cake out of f bafket & one fwete wafer alfo ad put them in the hade of the abfteyner 20 after he hath fhaue his abflinece of, & the preaft fhall waue them vnto the Lorde, which offerynge fiialbe holy vnto the preafl with y wauebrefl and heue fhulder: & then the abfteyner maye drynke wyne. 21 This is the lawe of the abfley- [Fo. XIIIL] ner which hath vowed his offerynge vnto f Lorde for his abfty- nence, befydes that his hade can gete And acordyng to the vowe which he vowed, euen fo he muft doo in the lawe of his abflinence. 22, 23 And the Lorde talked with Mofes fayenge: fpeake vnto Aaron and his fonnes fayege: of this wife ye fhall bleffe the childern of Yfrael faynge vnto them. 24 The lorde bleffe the and kepe the. Here of ye 25 The lorde make his face fhyne apon fe that Aaro, the & be mercyfull vnto the. Zpp\ishande 26 The lorde lifte vpp his countenaunce andblejfedthe 27 apo the, and geue the peace For ye ilf^lumme^as fhall put my name apon the childern of oure bifjhopes Yfrael, that I maye bleffe them. ^^' V. 18 radetur Nazarasus 20 Sufceptaque rurfum ab eo. . . fa- cerdotis erunt, ficut pectufculum quod feparari iuffum eft, & fe- mur. 21 exceptis his quae inuenerit manus eius 25 Oftendat dom. faciem, 26 Conuertat dom. vultu fuum ad te IL. 18 Vnd foil dem zuchter . . . befcheren 19 nach dem er feyn zucht befchoren hat 20 zu der Webebruft vnd der Hebe- fchuldern 21 auffer dem das feyne hand erwerben kan 25 erleuchta feyn angeficht 26 hebe feyne angeficht auff dich |H. JH. N- 25 To make his face to fhijne is to geue a token of his louyng kyndenes. 422 Efje faurtl) iiofee of lEoses, vn. i-u IE The .VII. Chapter. |ND when Mofes had full fett vp ^-(S^.Z. The the habitacion and anoynted fZT^lnd it ad fanctifyed it and all heades of If- the apparell thereof, and had ';^f ^^^'^^^^^ '^^ tabernacle anoynted & fanctifyed ^ alter alfo and all was fett vp. 2 the veffels there of: then the prynces of Yfrael heedes ouer the houffes of their fathers which were the lordes 3 of the trybes that ftode ad numbred, offered ad broughte their giftes before the Lorde fixe couered charettes and .xii. oxen: two and two a charet and an oxe euery man, and they broughte them before the habitacion. 4, 5 T. And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes faynge take it of them and let them be to do the feruyce of y tab- ernacle of witneffe, and geue them vnto the leuites, 6 euery man acordynge vnto his office And Mofes toke the charettes ad the oxen, & gaue them vnto the leu- 7 ites: .ii. charettes and .iiii. oxen he gaue vnto the fonnes 8 of Gerfon acordynge vnto their office. And .iiii. char- ettes and eyght oxen he gaue vnto y fonnes of Merari acordynge vnto their offices, vnder the handes of 9 Ithamar the fonne of Aaron the preaft. But vnto the fonnes of Cahath he gaue none, for the office that perteyned to them was holy, & therfore they muft bere vppon fhulders. 10 And the princes offered vnto the dedycatynge of the alter in the daye ^ it was anoynted, and brought 11 their giftes before the alter And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: let the prices brynge their offerynges, euery daye one prynce, vnto the dedicatynge of the alter. T. 2 principes Ifrael & capita familiarum, quae erant per fin- gulas tribus praefecti eorum qui numerati fuerant 3 duo duces 7 iuxta id quod habebant neceffarium. 8 Merari fecundum officia & cultum fuum, 9 Caath non dedit plauflra & boues: quia in fanctuario feruiunt 10 obtulerunt duces i. 2 die heubtleut Ifrael, die die vbirflen waren ynn yhrer veter haufe. Denn fie waren die heubtleut vnter den gefchlechten vnd ftunden vber den getzeleten. 3 zween heubtleut 7 nach yhrem ampt 8 nach yhrem ampt 9 gab er nicht, darumb das fie eyn heylig ampt auff yhn hatten 10 Vnd die heubtleut VII. 12-29. ralleti ilumeru 423 12 He that offered his offerynge f firft daye, was Na- heffon the fonne of Aminadab of the trybe of luda. 13 And his offerynge was: a fyluer charger, of an hundred and .XXX. ficles weight: and a fyluer boule of .Lxx ficles of the holy ficle, both of them full of fyne whete 14 floure myngled with oyle for a meat offerynge: & a 15 fpone of .X. ficles of golde full of cens: & an oxe, a ram 16 ad a lambe of a yere olde for burnt offerynges, and an 17 he goote for a fynnofferyn- [Fo. XV.] ge: and for peafe offerynges .ii. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v lambes of a yere olde. and this was the gifte of Naheffon the fonne of Aminadab. 18 The feconde daye, dyd Nathaneel offer, f fonne of 19 Zuar, captayne ouer Yfachar. And his offerynge which he broughte was: a fyluer charger of an hundred & .XXX, ficles weyght, and a fyluern boule of .Lxx ficles, of y holy ficle: [* and both full of fyne floure 20 myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge:] and a golden 21 fpone of .X. ficles full of cens: and an oxe, a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges: [22 see foot 23 note**] ad for peafeofferynges .ii. oxen .v. rammes V. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was y offerynge of Nathaneel the fonne of Zuar. 24 The thyrde daye, Eliab the fonne of Helon the chefeft amonge the childern of Zabulon, brought his 25 offerynge. And his offerynge was, a fyluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. ficles weyghte, and a fyluern boule of .Lxx. ficles of the holy ficle, & both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meat offerynge: 26, 27 and a golden fpone of .x. flcles full of ces: and an oxe and a ram and a lambe of a yere olde for burntof- 28, 29 ferynges, and an he goote for a fynofferynge: and for peafeofferynges .ii. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes JB. 15 & an bullock 19 and both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: 21 a bullock iH. iH. N. 12 The offerynge of Naheffon. 18 The offrynge of Nathanael. 24 The offrynge of Eliab. * The passage in brackets, omitted by Tyndale, has been supph'ed from Mait/iew's Bible. ** Tyndale and Matthew omit v. 22, which by analogy of v. 16 may be supplied thus; and an he goote for a synofferynge. 424 ^fte fourtfj ftofte of JHosfg, vn. 30-47 and .V. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Eliab the fonne of Helon. 30 The fourt daye, Elizur the fonne of Sedeur, chefe lorde amonge the childern of Ru- .?. ben, broughte his 31 offerynge. And his gifte was: a fyluer charger of an hundred and .xxx. ficles weyghte, and a fyluern boule of .Lxx. ficles of the holy ficle, & both full of fyne 32 floure myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: and a 33 golden fpone of .x. ficles full of cens: and an oxe, a 34 ram & a lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges, and 35 an he goote for a fynofferynge: and for peafeofferynges ii. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Elizur the fonne of Sedeur. 36 The fyfth daye, Selumiel y fonne of Zuri Sadai, chefe lorde amonge the childern of Simeon, offered. 37 whofe gifte was: a fyluer charger of an hundred & .xxx ficles weyghte: and a fyluer boule of .Lxx. ficles of the holy ficle: ad both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle 38 for a meatofferynge: & a golden fpone of .x. ficles full 39 of cens. And an oxe, a ram ad a labe of a yere olde 40 for burntofferynges, ad an he goote for a fynofferynge: 41 & for peafeofiferiges .ii. oxen .v. rames .v. he gootes ad .V. labes of a yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Selumiel the fonne of Zuri Sadai. 42 The fixte daye, Eliafaph f fonne of Deguel the chefe lorde amonge the childern of Gad, offered. 43 whofe gifte was: a fyluer charger of an hundred and xxx. ficles weyghte: and a fyluern boule of .Lxx. ficles of the holy [Fo. XVI.] ficle: & both full of fyne floure 44 myngled with oyle for a meatofferynge: and a golden 45 fpone of .X. ficles full of cens. And an oxe, a ram ad a 46 lambe of a yere olde for burntofferynges, & an he goote 47 for a fynofferynge: And for peafeofferynges .ii. oxen .v rammes .v. he gootes and .v. labes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Eliafaph the fonne of Deguel. M- 33 a bullock 39 a bullock |K. |a. N. 30 The offrynge of Elizur. 36 The offrynge of Se- lumiel. 42 The offrynge of Eliafaph. VII. 48-67. callctr humeri. 4^5 48 The feuenth daye, Elifama the fonne of Amiud, f 49 chefe lorde of y childern of Ephraim, ofifered. And his gifte was a fyluern charger of an hundred and .xxx. ficles weyght: ad a fyluern boule of .Lxx. ficles of the holy ficle: ad both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle for 50 a meatofferynge: and a golden fpone of .x. ficles, full of 51 cens. And an oxe, a ram and a lambe of a yere olde 52 for burntofferynges, ad an he goote for a fynofferynge: 53 and for peafeofferynges .ii. oxen .v. rammes .v. he gootes & .V. lambes of a yere olde. And this was f offerynge of Elifama the fonne of Amiud. 54 The .viii. daye, offered Gamaliel the fonne of Peda- 55 zur, the chefe lorde of the childern of Manaffe. And his gifte was: a fylueren charger of an hundred and xxx. ficles weyght: and a fyluern boule of .Lxx. ficles of the holy ficle: ad both full of fyne floure myngled 56 with oyle for a meatofferynge: & a golden fpone of .x 57 fycles, full of ces. And an oxe, a ram .?. and a lambe 58 of a yere olde for burntofferynges, and an he goote for 59 a fynofferynge: and for peafeofferynges .ii. oxen .v rammes, fyue he gootes and fyue labes of a yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Gamaliel the fonne of Peda zur. 60 The .ix, daye, Abidan y fonne of Gedeoni f chefe 61 lord amoge f childern of Ben lamin offered. And his gifte was: a fyluern charger of an hundred and .xxx ficles weyght: & a fyluern boule of .Lxx. ficles of the holy ficle, and both full of fyne floure myngled with 62 oyle for a meatofferynge: and a golden fpone of .x. ficles, 63 full of cens. and an oxe, a ram and a lambe of one 64 yere olde for burntofferynges: & an he goote for a 65 fynofferynge: and for peafeofferynges .ii. oxen .v. rammes V. he gootes & .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Abidan the fonne of Gedeoni. 66 The .X. daye, Ahiefer the fonne of Ammi Sadai, 67 chefe lorde amoge f childern of Dan offered. And his M- 51a bullock 57 a bullock 63 a bullock ia. JH. N. 48 The offerynge of Elifama. 54 The offerynge of Gamaliel. 60 The offryng of Abidan. 66 The offryng of Ahiezer. 426 Cfie fourtfj iofte of JHoses, vn. 68-84 gifte was: a fyluern charger of an hundred and .xxx fycles weyght: a fyluern boule of feuentye ficles of the holy fycle: and both full of fyne floure myngled 68 with oyle for a meatofferynge: and a golden fpone of .x 69 ficles full of cens: and an oxe, a ra and a lambe of a 70 yere olde for burntofferynges, and an he goote for 71 a fynofiferynge: and for peafeofferynges .ii. oxen .v rammes, fyue he gootes and fyue labes of a yere olde. And [Fo. XVII.] this was the offrynge of Ahiefer the fonne of Ammi Sadai. 72 The .xi. daye, Pagiel the fonne of Ochran the chefe 73 Lorde amonge the childern of Affer offered: And his gifte was: a fyluere charger of an hundred and .xxx fycles weyghte: a fylueren boule of .Lxx. fycles of the holye fycle and both full of fyne floure myngled with 74 oyleforameateoffrynge: and a golden fpone of .x. fycles, 75 full of cens. And an oxe, a ram and a lambe of one 76 yere olde for burntofferinges: and an he goote for a 77 fynneofferynge: ad for peaceofferynges: two oxen, fyue rammes .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the ofiferynge of Pagiel y fonne of Ochran. 78 The .xii. daye, Ahira the fonne of Enan, chefe lorde 79 amonge the childern of Nephtali offered. And his gifte was: a fylueren charger of an hundred and .xxx fycles weyghte: a fylueren boule of .Lxx. fycles of the holye fycle, both full of fyne floure myngled with oyle 80 for a meatofferynge: and a golden fpone of twentye 81 fycles, full of cens. And an oxe, a ram and a lambe 82 of one yere olde for burntofferynges: and an he goote 83 for a fynneofferinge: and for peaceofferynges, two oxen V. rames .v. he gootes and .v. lambes of one yere olde. And this was the offerynge of Ahira, the fonne of Enan. 84 Of this maner was the dedicacyon of the .?. alter, when it was anoynted: vnto the whiche was broughte of |K. 69 a bullock 75 a bullock 81 a bullock v. 72 Phegiel la. M. N. 72 The offryng of Pagiell, or Phegiell. 78 The off- ryng of Ahira. vii. 8S-VIII. 3. calleti ,umtxu 427 the prynces of Ifrael .xii. chargers of fyluer .xii. fyluern 85 boules and .xii. fpones of golde: euery charger con- taynynge an hundred and .xxx. fycles of fyluer, and euery boule .Lxx. fo that all the fyluer of all the vef- fels, was two thoufande and .iiii. hundred fycles of the 86 holy fycle. And the .xii. golden fpones which were full of cens, contayned ten fycles a pece of the holy fycle: fo that all the golde of the fpones, was an hun- dred and .XX. fycles. 87 All the oxen that were broughte for the burntoff- rynges were .xii. and the rames .xii. & the labes .xii of a yere olde a pece, with the meateofferynges: with 88 he gootes for fynne offrynges. And all the oxe of the peaceofferynges were .xxiiii. the rammes .Lx. the gootes Lx. and lambes of a yere olde a pece .Lx. & this was the dedicacion of the alter, after f it was anoynted. 89 And when Mofes was gone in to the tabernacle of witneffe to fpeke with hi, he harde the voyce of one fpeakinge vnto him from of the mercyfeate that was apon the arcke of witneffe: euen from betwene the two cherubyns he fpake vnto him. m. The .VIII. Chapter. [Fo. XVIII.] VIII. Chapter. ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mo- ^.(S^.S.T/ie fes faynge: fpeake vnto Aaron ^J//^/^'J''^ and faye vnto hym: when thou the lampes. putteft on the lampes fe that The forme of the candel- they lighte all feuen apon the forefront ftyck. The 3 of the candelfticke. And Aaron dyd euen cleanfyngand V. 84 principibus 88 altaris quando vnctum 89 vt confuleret oraculum . . vnde & loquebatur ei. viii, 2 lucernas, candelabrum in audrali parte erigatur. Hoc igitur praecipe vt lucernae contra boream eregione refpiciant ad menfam panum propofitionis: . . contra earn partem quam candelabrum refpicit, lucere debebunt, i-. 84 heubtleut 88 nachdem er gefalbet wart. 89 von dannen wart mit yhm geredt. 428 ^ije fourtfj iiofte of Jloses, V111.4-1S fo, and put the lampes apon the forefrot offryng of the of the candelfticke, as the Lorde com- fj.^^^/ m^ 4 maunded Mofes, and the worke of the can- fame. delfticke was of ftiffe golde: both the fhaft fliffe./o//^, and the floures thereof. And accord- beaten inge vnto the vifyon whiche the Lorde had fhewed Mofes, euen fo he made the candelfticke. 5, 6 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes fayenge: take the leuites from amonge the childern of Ifrael, and 7 clenfe them. And this doo vnto them when thou clenfeft them, fprinckle water of purifyenge apon them and make a rafure to runne alonge apon all the flefhe of them, and let them wafhe their clothes, and then 8 they fhall be cleane. And let them take a boUocke and his meatofferynge, fyne floure myngled with oyle: & another bollocke fhalt thou take to be a fynneofferynge. 9 Than brynge the leuites before the tabernacle of witneffe and gather the hole multitude of the chyldern 10 of Ifrael together. And bringe the leuites before the Lorde, and let the childern of Ifrael put their handes 11 apon the leuites. And let Aaron heue the leuites before the LORDE, for an heueoffe- .?. rynge geuen of the childern of Ifrael, ad the let them be appoynted to wayte apon the feruyce of the Lorde. 12 And let t*he leuites put their handes vpo the heedes of the bollockes, and then offer them: the one for a fynneofferynge and the other for a burntofferynge vnto the Lorde, to make an attonement for the leuites. 13 And make the leuites flonde before Aaron & hys fonnes, and heue them to be a heueofferynge vnto the 14 Lorde. And thou fhalt feparate the leuites, from amonge the childern of Ifrael, that they be myne: 15 and after that let them goo and do the feruice of the F. 4 iuxta exemplum 7 iuxta hunc ritum . . aqua luftrationis, et radant omnes pilos carnisg omni multitudine 11 vt feruiant in miniflerio eius i. 4 nach dem geficht 9 gantze gemeyne 11 auf das fie dienen mugen an dem ampt des Herrn. \. p;. N. 7 Entfund Waffer: Entfunden id fo viel als ab- foluiren oder los fprechen, daher das waffer damit fie abfoluirt wurden von funden heyft entfund waffer. VIII. 16-26. calletr j^umtvL 429 tabernacle of witneffe. Clenfe them and waue them, 16 for they are geuen vnto me from amonge the childre of Ifrael: for I haue taken them vnto me for all y firftborne that ope any matrice amoge the childern of Ifrael. 17 For all the fyrftborne among the childern of Ifrael are myne both man and beeft: becaufe the fame tyme that I fmote the fyrftborne in the lande of Egipte, I fanctyfyde 18 them for my felfe: and I haue taken the Leuites for all the fyrftborne amonge the childern of Ifrael, and haue 19 geuen them vnto Aaron and his fonnes from amonge the childern of Ifrael, to doo the feruyce of the chil- dern of Ifrael in the tabernacle of witneffe and to make an attonement for the chyldern of Ifraell, that there be no plage amonge the childern [Fo. XIX.] of Yfraell, yf they come nye vnto the fanctuarye 20 And Mofes and Aaron and all the congregacion of the childern of Ifrael dyd vnto the leuites acordynge 21 vnto all that y Lorde commaunded Mofes. And the leuites purifyed them felues, and waffhed their clothes. And Aaron waued them before y Lorde, and made 22 an attonement for them to clenfe them. And after that they went in to doo their feruyce in the tabernacle of wytneffe, before Aaron and his fonnes. And acord- inge as the Lorde had commaunded Mofes as concern- ynge the leuites, euen fo they dyd vnto them. 23, 24 And the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes fayenge: this fhalbe the maner of the leuites: from .xxv. yere vpp- warde they fhall goo in to wayte vppon the feruyce in 25 the tabernacle of witneffe, and at fyftye they fhall ceaffe waytynge apon the feruyce thereof, and fhall laboure 26 no moare: but fhall miniftre vnto their bretheren in the tabernacle of witneffe, and there wayte, but fhall doo no moare feruyce. And fe that thou doo after this maner vnto the leuites in their waytynge tymes. f[ The .IX. Chapter. "P. 15 ingrediantur i6 accepi eos. 17 Ex die quo 19 dono Aaron 22 vt purificati ingrederentur 25 annum astatis impleuerint 5^- 15 hyneyn gehen 16 vnd hab fie myr genomen 19 zum ge- fchencke Aaron 22 Darnach giengen fie hyneyn 430 Cjje fourtj iroJte of JHoses, ix. 1-13 .f. .IX. Chapter. ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mo- ^<^-%.Tke r . ^, ., J rr r c- ejler or paffe- les in the wildernelle oi binai, g^gy qfrm^e in the fyrfte moneth of the of the cledne r 1 c 1.-L. cind vncleane. feconde yere, after they were ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^. come out of the londe of Egipte fayeng: erynge the 2 let t childern of Ifrael offer Paffeouer in ^,'' t' '^i'' ""'/if ' _ leadeth the 3 his feafon: euen the .xiiii. daye of this hojle. moneth at euen they fhall kepe it in his feafon, ac- cordynge to all the ordinaunces & maners thereof. 4 And Mofes bade the childern of Yfrael that they 5 fhulde offer Paffeouer, & they offered Paffeouer the xiiii. daye of the firft moneth at euen in the wilder- neffe of Sinai: and dyd acordinge to all that the Lorde commaunded Mofes. 6 And it chaunced that certayne men whyche were defyled with a deed corfe that they myghte not offer Paffeouer the fame daye, came before Mofes and Aaron 7 the fame daye, and fayde: we are defyled apon a deed corfe, wherfore are we kepte backe that we maye not offer an offerynge vnto the Lorde in the due feafon, 8 amonge the childern of Ifraell ? And Mofes fayde vnto them: tary, that I maye heare what the Lorde wille 9 commaunde you. And the Lord fpake vnto Mofes 10 fayenge: fpeake vnto the childern of Ifraell and faye. Yf any man amonge you or youre childern after you be vncleane by the reafon of a corfe or is in the waye ferre of, then lett hym offer Paffeouer vnto y Lorde: 11 the .xiiii. [Fo. XX.] daye of the feconde moneth at euen, and eate it with fwete bred and foure herbes, 12 ad let them leaue none of it vnto the mornynge nor breake any boone of it. And acordynge to all the ordinaunce of the Paffeouer let them offer it. 13 But yf a man be cleane and not let in a iurney, and "F. 5 Qui fecerunt tempore fuo 7 quare fraudamur vt non vale- amus II lactucis agreftihus IX. 14-21. calletr i^umeri. 431 yet was negligent to offer Paffeouer, the fame foule fhall perifh from his people, becaufe he brought not an offerynge vnto the Lorde in his due feafon: and 14 he fhall here his fynne. And when a ftraunger dwell- eth amonge you and will offer Paffeouer vnto the Lorde, accordynge to the ordinaunce of Paffeouer and maner thereof fhall he offre it. And ye fhall haue one lawe both for the ftraunger and for him that was borne at home in the lande. 15 And the fame daye that the habitacio was reered vpp, a cloude couered it an hye apon the tabernacle of witneffe: and at euen there was apon the habita- cyon, as it were the fymilitude of fyre vntyll the 16 mornynge. And fo it was allwaye, that the cloude couered it by daye, and the fymylitude of fyre by 17 nyghte. And when the cloude was taken vpp from of the tabernacle, then the childern of Ifrael iurneyed: and where the cloude abode there the childern of 18 Ifrael pitched their tentes. At the mouthe of the Lorde the childern of Ifraell iurneyed, and at the mouthe of .?. the Lorde they pitched. And as longe as the cloude abode apon the habitacion, they laye 9 ftyll, and when the cloude taryed ftill apon the hab- itacion longe tyme, the childern of Ifraell wayted apon the Lorde and iurneyed not. 20 Yf it chaunced that the cloude abode any fpace of tyme apon the habitacion, then they kepte their tentes at the mouth of the Lorde: and they iurneyed 21 alfo at the commaundement of the Lorde. And yf it happened that the cloude was apon the habitacion from euen vnto mornynge and was taken vpp in f T. 15 quafi fpecies ignis 19 in excubiis domini v. 23. 1. 15 ein geftalt des fewrs v. 16. 19 wartten . . . auff die hutt des Herrn v. 23. ^. Jtt. N. 13 In lyke maner is it with vs in o\\x& fpirituall ejier or paffeouer, who foeuer doth not reuerently beleue the re- depcyon of mankynde whyche was thoroulye fynifhed in offrynge the true labe chrift and amendeth not his life, nor turneth fro vyce to vertue in the tyme of this mortal life fhall not beloge vnto the glory of the refurreccion, which fhall be geuen vnto the true worfhippers of chrifl: but fhall be roted oute fro the companye of the faynctes. 432 Eije fourtj) fiofee of Jloses, IX. 22-X, 7 mornynge, then they iurneyed. Whether it was by daye or by nyghte that y cloude was taken vpp, they 22 iurneyed. But when y cloude taryed two dayes or a moneth or a longe feafon apon the habitacion, as longe as it taried thereon, the childern of Ifrael kepte their tentes and iurneyed not. And as foone as the cloude was taken vpp, they iurneyed. 23 At the mouth of the Lorde they refted, and at the commaundment of the Lorde they iurneyed. And thus they kepte the wayte of the Lorde, at the com- maundement of the Lorde by the hande of Mofes. i[ The .X. Chapter. ND the Lorde fpake vnto Mofes JH-^-S. r^^ fayenge: Make the two trom- fyZerandthe pettesofhardefyluer, that thou vf ether of. The mayft vfe the to call the con- V;:;lp^ % gregacion together, and when [Fo. XXL] nai. The cap- 3 the hofte Ihall iurney. when they blowe ^^y]}'' 'f ^^' 5 ' ' hojlearenom- with them, all the multitude fhall reforte bred. Hobab to the, vnto the dore of the tabernacle of ^^/f/^f^J i'^ So with Mofes. 4 witneffe. Yf but one trumpet blowe only, then the princes which are heedes ouer the thoufandes of 5 Yfrael fhall come vnto the. And when ye trompe, to , f. n ^ t n .1 . ^ soutidatrum- trompe the nrlt tyme, the holtes that lye ^^/ 6 on the eaft partes fhall goo forwarde. And when ye trope the feconde tyme, then the hoftes that lye on ^ fouth fyde fhall take their iurney: for they fhall trompe 7 when they take their iurneyes. And in gatherynge ^. 2 beaten fyluer T^. 4 principes, & capita multitudinis 6 & iuxta hunc modum reliqui facient vlulantibus tubis in profectionem. it. 4 vbirftenvber die taufent ynn Ifrael. iH. iH. N. 22 Two dayes etc., after the grekes certayne dayes, a fewe or fome dayes. x, 4 To blowe with one trumpet is, to fhew the worde of helth fynglye after the vnytye of the faith. X. 8-19. calleU humeri* 433 the congregacion together, ye fhall blowe and not 8 trompe. And the fonnes of Aaron the preaftes fhall blowe the trompettes and fhall haue them and it fhal- be a lawe vnto you for euer & amonge youre childern after you. 9 And when ye fhall goo to warre in youre londe agenft youre enymies that vexe you, ye fhall trompe with the trompettes and ye fhalbe remebred before the 10 Lorde youre God and faued from youre enymies. Alfo when ye be mery in youre fefl dayes and Hece oure in the firfldayes of youre monethes, ye belleswerefett. fhall blowe the trompettes ouer youre burnt facrifices and peafeofferynges, that it maye be a remebrauce of you before youre God. I am the lorde youre God. 11 And it came to paffe the .xx. daye of the feconde moneth in y feconde yere, that the cloude was take 12 vpp from of the habitacion of .T, witneffe. And the childern of Ifrael toke their iurney out of the deferte of Sinai, and the cloude refted in f wilderneffe of Para. 13 And y firft toke their iurney at the mouth of the Lorde, 14 by the honde of Mofes: euen the ftanderte of y hofte of luda remoued firft with their armies, whofe captayne 15 was Naheffon y fonne of Aminadab. And ouer the hofte of ^ trybe of the childern of Ifachar, was Nathaneel 16 the fonne of zuar. And ouer the hofte of y trybe of the childern of Zabulon, was Eliab the fonne of Helon. 17 And the habitacion was taken doune: and the fonnes of Gerfon and Merari went forth bearynge the habitacion 18 Then the flandert of the hofle of Ruben went forth with their armies, whofe captayne was Elizur the 19 fonne of Sedeur. And ouer the hofle of the trybe of |K. 13 they firft 'F. 7 fimplex tubarum clangor erit, & non concife vlulabunt. 10 canetis tubis 13 Moueruntque caftra primi i. 7 blafen vnd nicht drometen. ^. JW. N. 7 Blowe and not trompe: The comen people muft they teache playnely, and with oute curiofitye. 9 Troinpe with the trompettes: In tyme of warre mufl they trumpe with trum- petes: which fygnifyeth when mofle neade is at hande then muft faithe prayer and lyftyng vp of the mynde to God be chefely exercyfed. 434 Wi}t fourtjj ftofee of iHoses, x. 20-30 y childern of Simeon, was Selumiel the fonne [of 20 Suri faddai. And ouer the hofte of the tribe of the chyldren of Gad was Eliafaph the fonne]* of Deguel. 21 Then the Cahathites went forwarde and bare the holy thinges, and the other dyd fet vp the habita- cion agenft they came. 22 Then the ftandert of the hofte of the childern of Ephraim went forth with their armies, whofe captayne 23 was Elifama the fonne of Amiud. And ouer the hofte of the trybe of the fonnes of Manaffe, was Samaleel the 24 fonne of Peda zur. And ouer the hofte of the trybe of the fonnes of Ben lamin, was Abi- [Fo. XXII.] dan the fonne of Gedeoni. 25 And hynmofl of all the hofte came the ftandert of the hofte of the childern of Dan with their armies; whofe captayne was, Ahiezar the fonne of Ammi Sadai. 26 And ouer the hofte of the trybe of the childern of 27 Affer, was Pagiel the fonne of Ochran. And ouer the hofte of the trybe of the childern of Naphtali, was 28 Ahira the fonne of Enan, of this maner were the iurneyes of the childern of Ifrael, with their armies when they remoued. 29 And Mofes fayde vnto Hobab the fonne of Raguel the Madianyte, Mofes father lawe: we goo vnto the place of which the Lorde fayde I will geue it you. Goo with us ad we will doo the good, for the Lorde 30 hath promyfed goode vnto Ifrael. And he fayde vnto ^. 19 Salamiel y fonne of Suri faddai. And ouer the hofle of the tribe of the chyldren of Gad was Eliafaph the fonne of 23 Gamaliel 29 father in lawe V. 21 Tamdiu tabernaculum portabatur, donee venirent ad erectionis locum. %. 21 vnd richteten auff die wonung bis fie hyneyn kamen. 29 das befle bey dyr thun JH. ^1. N. 26 Pagiel: or phegiell. 29 Hobab is the fame which before is called lethro eue as Salamo is called i fome places Idida, & as Ofias is alfo called Azarias. He was the fonne of Raguell & father to zephora Mofes wyfe: all be it that in the fecond of exod. Raguell be called her father, not becaufe he was fo in deade but becaufe he was her fathers father: which maner of fpeakyng is not a fewe tymes vfed in the fcrypture. * The passage in brackets omitted by Tyndale, has been supplied from Matthtw't BibU. him: I will not: but will goo to myne awne londe and 31 to my kynred. And Mofes fayde oh nay, leaue us not, for thou knoweft where is beft for us to pitche in the 32 wilderneffe: and thou fhalt be oure eyes And yf thou goo with us, loke what goodneffe the Lorde flieweth apon us, the fame we will fhewe apon the 33 And they departed from the mount of the Lorde iii. dayes iurney, and the arcke of the teftament of the Lorde went before .If. them in the .iii. dayes iurney 34 to ferche out a reftynge place for them. And the cloude of the Lorde was ouer them by daye, when they went out of the tentes. 35 And when the arcke went forth, Mofes fayde Ryfe vp Lorde and lat thine enemies be fcatered, and let 36 them that hate the flee before the. And when the arcke refted, he fayde returne Lorde, vnto the many thoufandes of Yfrael. C The .XL Chapter. ND the people waxed vnpacient, JH.CP.S. Tkg and it difpleafed the eares of ^^^^ wJ the Lorde. And when the punyjhedwith Lorde herde it he was wroth, P^f: ^.^^^ loothe mana. and the fyre of the Lorde burnt amonge The murmur- them and confumed the vttermoft of y^g ^ ^^- . 1 1 n A 1 , , , ueryng fayth 2 the hofte. And the people cried vnto of Mofes. The Mofes, & he made interceflion vnto the Lorde dyuy- 3 Lorde and the fyre qwenched. And they ^^^ ^y ^ Mofes called y name of the place Tabera be- to feuentye JH. I complayned F. 32 quicquid optimum fuerit 36 ad multitudinem exercitus Ifrael. xi, 2 abforptas eft ignis. 5^. 30 meyn land zu meyner freuntfchafft 36 zu der menge der taufent Ifrael. xi, 2 verfchwand das feur ^. p;. N. 31 Eyes: or gyde. xi, i Complained: Or waxed difcontent, fome tyme dyd wekedly. 3 Thaberah fignyfyeth, kyndlyng inflamyng or fyryng. 43^ E!je fourtjj Ibofte of IHoseis, xi.4-15 caufe the fyre of the Lorde burnt amonge of the aun- , cyentes, and tJ^em. i/^gy prophe- 4 rafcall peo- And the rafcall people fye.Eldadand ^\^, rabbled that was amonge them fell ^edaddoalfo t-^^^K ^r, prophefye m LXand ra. ^ lu^ynge, And the chil- Uehofe. It cler, to fcrape dern of Yfrael alfo went to raynethquay- too-pthpr 1 1 /- 1 1 ^^^- rhe Jlejh logeuier ^^^ wepte and fayde: who raueners are 5 fhall geue us flefh to eate ? we remembre punnyjked. the fyfh which we fhulde eate in Egipte for noughte, and of the Cucumbers and melouns, lekes, onyouns 6 and garleke. But now oure foules ar dryed a waye, for oure eyes loke on nothynge els, faue apon Manna. 7 The Manna was as it had bene corian- [Fo. XXIII.] 8 der feed, and to fee to lyke Bedellion. And y people went aboute and gathered it, & groude it in milles, or bett it in morters and boke it in pannes boke, baked and made cakes of it. And the taft of it was like vnto 9 the taft of an oylecake And when the dewe fell aboute y hofte in the nyghte, the Manna fell therewithe. 10 And when Mofes herde the people wepe in their houfholdes euery man in the dore of his tent, then the wrath of the Lorde waxed whote exced- whote hot 11 yngly: and it greued Mofes alfo. And v. 33 Mofes fayde vnto the Lorde: wherfore dealeft thou fo cruelly with thi feruaunte } wherfore doo I not fynde fauoure in thi fyghte, feynge that thou putteft the 12 weyght of this people apon me .'' haue I conceyued all this people, or haue I begote them, that thou fhuld- eft faye vnto me, carye them in thi bofome (as a nurfe beareth the fuckynge childe) vnto the londe which 13 thou fwareft vnto their fathers 1 where fhulde I haue flefh to geue vnto all this people .'' For they wepe vnto me fayenge: geue us flefh that we maye eate. 14 I am not able to bere all this people alone, for it is 15 to heuy for me. Wherfore yf thou deale thus with JH. 8 baked . . . kakes T. 6 Anima n. arida 10 Moyfi intoleranda res vifa eft 12 nu- trix infantulum 14 grauis efl mihi. iL. 6 vnfer feele verdorret 10 verdros Mofen auch 14 es ift myr zu fchweer XI. ifr-23. called i^umeru 437 me, kyll me, I praye the, yf I haue founde fauoure in thi fyght and let me not fe my wrechidneffe. i6 And the Lorde fayde vnto Mofes: gather vnto me Lxx. of the elders of Yfrael, which thou knoweft that they are the elders of f pe- .f. pie and officers ouer them, and brynge them vnto the tabernacle of witneffe, 17 and let them ftonde there with the. And I wyll come doune and talke with the there, and take of f fpirite which is apon the and put apon them, ad they fhall bere with the in the burthen of the people, and fo fhalt thou not beare alone. 18 And faye vnto y people: halowe youre felues agenft to morow, that ye maye eate flefh for ye whyned, wepi haue whyned in the eares of the Lorde 1 J u t-^ 1-- ^^^ bleJTeth Balam and brought him vpp ^^^ pf^^i^^ in to the hye place of Baall, where he was ad thece he fawe vnto the vtt- ''^^"^^f. % curje the and XXIII, I mofl parte of the people. And Ba- prophefyeth lam fayed vnto Balac: bylde me here that they Jhal- r \ 1 , 1 r beagreatepeo- leven alters and prouyde here feue oxen pie, 2 and feuen rammes. And Balac dyd as Balam fayed. And Balac and Balam offered on euery alter an oxe and a ram. iSl. 39 came vnto the large cytie. xxiii, i feuen bullockes 2 al- ter a bullock T'- 35 caue ne aliud qaam 36 Quod cum audiflet Balac, egref- fus eft in occurfum eius in oppido Moabitarum, quod fitum eft in extremis finibus Arnon. 37 cur non ftatim ... an quia mercedem aduetui tuo reddere nequeo ? 39 vrbem quae in extremis regni eius finibus erat. 40 mifit ad Balaam . . . munera. i. 35 aber nichts anders denn was ich 36 die da ligt an der grentze 39 vnd kamen in die gaffenftadt 40 fandte nach Bileam ^. ^1 N. 39 The large cytie: Ebre. of places or of ftreates. Some full of people in the ftreates. XXIII. 3-13- raHeb i^umerL 47? 3 And Balam fayed vnto Balac: ftonde by the facri- fyce, whyle I goo to wete whether the Lorde will come ad mete me: & what foeuer he fheweth me, I will tell the, and he went forthwith. 4 And god came vnto Balam, and Balam fayed vnto him: I haue prepared .vii. alters, and haue offered apo 5 euery alter, an oxe & a ram. And f Lorde put a fayenge in Balas mouth & fayed: goo agayne to Balac 6 & faye on this wyfe. And he went agayne vnto him and loo, he ftode by his facrifice, both he ad all the 7 lordes of Moab. And he began hys parable and fayed: Balac the kinge of [Fo. XLV.] Moab hath fett me fro Mefopotamia out of the mountaynes of the eafte fay- enge: come & curfe me lacob, come and defye me 8 Ifrael. How fhall I curfe whom God TAe pope cd curfeth not and how fhall I defye whom ^^^^ howe. 9 the Lorde defyeth not .- from the toppe of y rockes I fe him and from the hylles I beholde him: loo, y peo- ple fhall dwell by him felfe and fhall not be rekened 10 amoge other nacions. Who can tell the duft of lacob & the numbre of the fourth parte of Ifrael. I praye God that my foule, maye dye the deeth of the righte- ous, ad that my laft ende maye be like his. 11 And Balac fayed vnto Balam, what haft thou done vnto me .'' I fett y to curfe myne enemyes: and be- 12 holde, thou bleffeft them. And he anfwered and fayed: mufl I not kepc that and fpeake it, which the Lorde 13 hath put in my mouthe } And Balac fayed vnto him: Come I praye the with me vnto another place, whence thou fhalt fe them, and fhalt fe but y vtmofte parte of them ad fhalt not fe them all and curfe me them there. |K. 4 alter, a bullock "F- 3 Sta paulifper . . . donee 7 propera et deteflare Ifrael. 10 & noffe numerum ftirpis Ifrael? 12 Num aliud poffum loqui nifi quod iufferit dominus ? 13 vnde partem Ifrael videas, & totum videre non poffis 1. 7 kom fchilt Ifrael 10 die zahl des vierden teyls Ifrael ? 12 Mus ich nicht das halten vnd reden, das myr der Herr ynn den mund gibt ? ^. iH. N. 9 To dwell by him felfe is, to lyue in lybertye with oute trouble and oute of the fubieccion of other people as in Deutero. xxxiii, d. Rekened: After the chald. dellroyed. 476 Efje fourtfj bofte of JKoses, xxm. 14-24 14 And he brought him in to a playne felde where men myght fe farre, euen to the toppe of Pifga, and bylt .vii. alters and offered an oxe and a ra on euery 15 alter. And he fayed vnto Balac: flonde here by thi 16 sacrifyce whyle I goo yonder. And the Lorde mett Balam and put wordes in his mouth and fayed: goo 17 agayne vnto Balac ad thus faye. And when .?. he came to him: beholde, he ftode by his facrifyce and the lordes of Moab with him And Balac fayed vnto him: what fayeth y Lorde .-' 18 And he toke vp his parable and fayed: ryfe vpp Balac and heare, and herken vnto me thou fonne of 19 Ziphor The Lorde is not a ma, that he can lye, ne- ther the fonne of a ma that he can repent: fhulde he faye and not doo, or fhulde he fpeake and not make it 20 good .'' beholde, I haue begon to bleffe and haue bleffed, 21 and can not goo backe there fro. He beheld no wiked- neffe in lacob nor fawe Idolatrye in Ifrael: The Lorde his God is with him, and the trompe of a kynge amonge 22 the. God that broughte them out of Egipte, is as the 23 ftrength of an vnycorne vnto them, for there is no forcerer, in lacob, nor fothfayer in Ifrael. When the tyme cometh, it wylbe fayed of lacob & of Ifrael, what 24 God hath wrought Beholde, f people fhall ryfe vp as "F. 14 locum fublimem fuper verticem mentis Phafga 19 vt mutetur 21 Non eft idolum in lacob, nee videtur fimulachrum in Ifrael. Dominus deus eius cum eo eft, & clangor victoriae regis in illo. 23 Non eft augurium in lacob, nee diuinatio in Ifrael. 1. 14 eyn freyen platz auff der hohe Pifga 19 das yhn etwas gerewe 21 keyn muhe in Jacob noch keyn erbeyt ynn Ifrael, der Herr feyn Gott ift bey yhm vnd das drometen des konigs vnter yhm 23 keyn zeuberey ynn lacob vnd keyn warfager ynn Ifrael . . . was Gott thut |H. JH. N. 21 //e behelde no wikedneffe: Ther is no people wythoute fynne nether yet Ifrael, but God loketh not on hit, he waxeth not angrye in the ende, he auengeth it not accordynge as it deferueth, but amendeth it by his grace. Triumphe of a kynge: Chal. habitacion dwellyng place or courte. 3L. JH. N. 21 Muhe vnd erbeyt heyft die fchrifft die groffen ^utten werck on glawben gethan Pfal. 10. Vnter feyner zunge ift muhe vnd erbeyt, Denn folch lere vnd v^erck macht bofe fchwere gewriflen die der glaube leicht vnd frolich macht. Dro- meten des konigs, das ift, die leyplichen drometen gottis yhres konigs, der fie zu machen befolen hatt, darumb, fie vnvber windlich waren ym ftreyt. Bedeut aber das Euangelion in der Chriftenheyt. XXIII. 2S-XXIIII. 4. calleti i^umeri. 477 a lyoneffe and heue vpp hym felfe as a lion, & fhall not lye downe agayne, vntill he haue eaten of the praye and dronke of the bloude of them that are flayne. 25 And Balac fayed vnto Balam: nether curfe them 26 nor bleffe the. And Balam anfwered ad fayed vnto Balac: tolde not I the fayege, all that the Lorde 27 byddeth me, f I muft doo .'' And Balac fayed vnto Balam: come I praye the, I will brynge the yet vnto another place: fo perauenture it fhall pleafe God, that 28 [Fo. XLVI.] thou mayft curfe the there. And Balac broughte Balam vnto the toppe of Peor, that boweth 29 towarde the wilderneffe. And Balam fayed vnto Ba- lac: make me here .vii. alters, & prepare me here .vii. bol- 30 lockes and .vii. rames And Balac dyd as Balam had fayed, and offered a bollocke and a ram on euery alter. if The .XXIIII. Chapter. jjHEN Balam fawe that it pleafed |a.s;.^. Ba- f Lorde that he fhulde bleffe ^am prophe- Ifrael, he went not as he dyd i^^^g^oL ^tf twyfe before to fett fothfay- I/rael and of enge, but fett his face towarde f wilder- ^ftf ^?y^gff rr 1 , / 1 . 1111 Chrijl. Balac 2 neffe, and lyfte vpp his eyes and loked is angriewith apon Ifrael as he laye with his trybes, and Balam. The .I/--- /-/-I 1- Ai aejtriiccion of 3 the fpirite of God came apon him. And t^g Amelick- he toke vp his parable and fayed: Bala itesandofthe the fonne of Beor hath fayed, and the ^"-^ ^^' 4 man whofe eye is open hath fayed: he hath fayed which heareth the wordes of God and feeth the vifions of the allmightie, which falleth downe & his eyes are opened. "F. 4 qui vifionem omnipotentis intuitus eft, qui cadit & fic aperiuntur oculi eius 3L. 24 eyn iunger lewe. xxiiii, 4 der des almechtigen geficht fahe, der da nydder fiel H. f^. N. I Hyraus merckt man, das Bileam droben altzeyt fey zu zeuberey gangen vnter Gottis namen. Aber der Herr ift yhm ymer begegenet vnd hat die zeuberey gehyndert, das er hat muflen das recht gottis wort faffen an ftatt der zeuberey. 478 Cfje fourth iofte of IHoses, xxmi. 5-15 5 How goodly are the tentes of lacob and thine ha- 6 bitacions Ifrael, euen as the brode valeyes and as gardens by the ryuers fyde, as the tentes which the Lorde hath pitched & as ciperstrees apon the water. 7 The water fhall flowe out of his boket and his feed fhall be many waters, and his kynge fhalbe hyer then 8 Agag, And his kyngdome .f. fhalbe exalted. God that broughte him out of Egipte is as the ftrenght of an vnycorne vnto him, and he fhall eate the nacions that are his enemies and breake their bones and perfe 9 them thorow with his arowes. He couched him felfe and laye doune as a lion and as a lyoneffe, v/ho fhall ftere him vp .-' bleffed is he that bleffeth the, ad curfed is he that curfeth the. 10 And Balac was wroth with balam and fmote his handes together, and fayed vnto him: I fent for the to curfe myne enemyes: & beholde, thou haft bleffed 11 them this thre tymes, and now gett the quyckly vnto thi place. I thoughte that I wolde promote the vnto honoure, but the Lorde hath kepte the backe from 12 worlhepe. And Balam fayed vnto Balac: tolde I not 13 thi meffegers which thou fenteft vnto me fayenge: Yf balac wolde geue me his houfe ful of fyluer ad golde, I can not paffe the mouth of the Lorde, to doo ether good or bad of myne awne mynde. What the Lorde 14 fayeth, that muft I fpeake. And now beholde, I goo vnto my people: come let me fhewe the, what this people fhall doo to thi folke in the later dayes. 15 And he began his parable ad fayed: Balam the fonne of Beor hath fayed, and y man that hath his eye lX\. 3 thyne habitacion. 8 Egypt his ftrenght is as the ftrenght V. 6 cedri 7 in aquas multas. 8 Deuorabunt gentes hoftes illius . . . et perforabunt fagittis. 13 non potero praeterire 14 quid popu- lus tuus populo huic faciat extremo tempore 1. 6 cedern 7 eyn grofs waffer 8 Seyne freydigkeyt ift wie eyns Eynhorns . . . pfeylen zu fchmettern 9 wie eyn iunger lewe 13 fo kund ich doch fur des Herrn wort nicht vber 14 was dis volck mit deynem volck thun folle ^. fK. N. 5 By all thefe fimilitudes wolde Balam declare the felycitye of the people of Ifrael which came of God. as ye haue in the Pfal. cxi, & lere. xvii, b. xxiiii. 16-25. ^^^^^'^ iinrntvu 479 16 open hath fayed, & he hath fayed that heareth the wordes of God & hath the knowlege of the moft hye and beholdeth f [Fo. XLVIL] vifion of the allmightie, 17 and when he falleth downe hath his eyes opened. I fe him but not now, I beholde him but not nye. There fhall come a ftarre of lacob and ryfe a cepter of Ifrael, which fhall fmyte y cooftes of Moab and vndermyne 18 all the childern of Seth. And Edom fhalbe his poffef- fion, and y poffefTion of Seir fhalbe their enimyes, and 19 Ifrael fhall doo manfully. And out of lacob fhall come he that fhall deftroye the remnaut of the cities. 20 And he loked on Amaleck and began his parable and fayed: Amaleck is the firft of the nacions, but his 21 latter ende fhall peryfh utterly. And he loked on the Kenites, and toke his parable and fayed: ftronge is thi 22 dwellynge place and put thi neft apon a rocke, Neuer thelater thou fhalt be a burnynge to Kain, vntill Affur 23 take f prifoner. And he toke his parable & fayed: 24 Alas, who fhall lyue when God doeth this .-* The fhippes fhall come out of the cofle of Cittim and fub- due Affur and fubdue Eber, and he him felfe fhall 25 peryfh at the laft. And Balam rofe vp and went and dwelt in his place: and Balac alfo went his waye. JH. 24 Chittim V. 17 confurget virga de Ifrael . . . duces Moab, vaftabitque omnes filios Seth. 18 Ifrael vero fortiter aget. 19 qui dominetur.et perdat 22 & fueris electus de flirpe Cin 24 Venient in trieribus de Italia . . . vaflabuntque Hebraeos & ad extremum etiam ipfi peri- bunt. 25 Balac quoque via qua venerat, rediit. %. 17 eyn fcepter aus Ifrael auff l) euch die ftette zu weyfen 36 voUiglich . . . gefolget hat 39 die heuts tags I. 42-11. 4. calleti euteronomge. 529 us. And whe ye had gyrde on euery man his wepons 42 of warre and were ready to goo vp in to the hilles, the Lorde fayed vnto me: faye vnto the, fe that ye go not vp and that ye fighte not, for I am not amoge you: left ye be plaged before youre enemies. Here thou i(. And whe I told you ye wold not {nfag^7/\Z heare: but difobeyed the mouth of the papijles. For Lorde, and went prefumptoufly vp in to thei like wife the hilles. where Gods wordeHs, there The the Amorites which dwelt in thofe they beleue not lilies, came out agenft you and chafed you not there they as bees doo, and hewed you in Seir, eue be bold. vnto Horma. And ye came agayne and but the Lorde wolde not 43 44 45 wepte before the Lorde 46 heare youre voyce nor geue you audience. And fo ye abode in Cades aloge feafon, acordinge vnto the tyme that ye there dwelt. The .IL Chapter. HEN we turned and toke oure p.CfD.S. A iurney in to the wilderneffe, reherfall of trtat IV fttCrt euen the waye to the red fee was done from as the Lord comaunded me. ^^^ ty"^^ ^^^'^t tJlV ci^'^ctt^tcd And we compaffed the mountayns of Seir frojn Cades 2 a loge tyme The the Lorde fpake vnto barne, vnto 3 me faienge: Ye haue copaffed this moun- ^gaynft ^the tayns loge ynough, turne you northwarde. kynges Sehon 4 And warne the people fay- [Fo. IIIL] ^ '^^' enge: Ye fhall goo thorow the coftes of youre brethern JH. 46 omits: acordinge vnto the tyme that ye there dwelt. 'F. 41 inflructi armis 42 ne cadatis 43 tumentes fuperbia 44 ficut folent apes perfequi: & cecidit de Seir vfque Horma. ii, I circumiuimus 31. 41 Da yhr euch nu ruflet eyn iglicher mit feynem harnfch 42 gefchlagen werdet 43 wart vermeffen 44 wie die byenen thun, vnd fchlugen euch zu Seir bis gen Harma, ii, i vmbzogen ^. ^1. X. 43 Ye wold not heare: Here thou feyft the verye Image of vs that lyue i this mod perloufe tyme, for euen we lyke- wyfe, where goddes worde is, here beleue we not: and where it is not, there be we bolde. 530 Efje t^ttt hokt of JHoses, n. 5-14 the childern of Efau which dwell in Seir, and they fhalbe afrayed of you: But take good hede vnto youre 5 felues that ye prouoke the not, for I wil not geue you of their lode, no not fo moch as a fote breadeth: be- caufe I haue geue mount Seir vnto Efau to poffeffe. 6 Ye fhall bye meate of the for money to eate, and ye 7 fhall bye water of the for money to drike. For the Lorde thy God hath bleffed the in all the workes of thine hade, ad knew the as thou weteft thorow this greate wilderneffe. Moreouer the Lorde thi God hath bene with the this .xl. yeres, fo that thou haft lacked nothinge. 8 And whe we were departed from oure brethern the childern of Efau which dwelt in Seir by the felde waye from Elath ad Ezion Gaber, we turned ad went the 9 waye to the wilderneffe of Moab. The the Lorde fayed vnto me fe that thou vexe not the Moabites, nether prouoke the to batayle for I will not geue the of their lode to poffeffe: becaufe I haue geue Ar vnto the chil- 10 dern of loth to poffeffe. The Emimes dwelt there in in tymes paft, a people greate, many ad tal, as the Ena- 11 kimes: which alfo were take for geantes as the Enakimes: And the Moabites called the Emymes. 12 In like maner the Horimes dwelt in Seir before time which .f . the childern of Efau caft out, ad deftroyed the before them and dwelt there in their ftede: as Ifrael dyd in the londe of his poffeflio which the Lorde gaue them 13 Now ryfe vpp (fayed I) ad get you ouer the ryuer 14 Zared: ad we went ouer the ryuer Zared. The fpace JH. II Emims. 12 Horims "^^ 5 ne moueamini contra eos 8 de Afion-gaber, venimus ad iter 9 Non pugnes . . . nee ineas aduerfus eos praelium . . . filiis Lot 13 venimus ad eum. H. 5 nicht reytzet, denn ich werd euch yhres lands nicht eynen fufs breyt geben 6 das yhr effet . . . trincket 8 Ezeongaber, wandten wyr vns vnd giengen 9 nicht beleydigen noch fie reytzen zum ftreyt ^. |K. N. 10 Emims: Emym a kynd of Geauntes fo called becaufe they were terrible & cruell for Emym fygnifyeth terryble- neffe. Enakyms loke ludic. i, d. 12 Horims a kynde of Ge- auntes and fygnifyeth noble, becaufe that of pryde they called the felues nobles or gentels. II. L5-25. calletr euteronomse* ^31 in which we came from Cades bernea vntill we were come ouer the ryuer Zared was .xxxviii. yeres: vntill all the generacion of the men of warre were wafted 15 out of the hoft as the Lorde fware vnto the. For in dede the hande of the Lorde was ageft the, to deftroye them out of the hoft, till they were confumed. 16 And as foone as all the men of warre were confumed 17 and deed from amonge the people, then the Lorde 18 fpake vnto me fayenge. Thou fhalt goo thorow Ar 19 the cofte of Moab this daye, and fhalt come nye vnto the childern of Ammon: fe that thou vexe them not, nor yet prouoke them. For I will not geue the of the londe of the childern of Ammon to poffeffe, becaufe I haue geuen it vnto the childern of loth to poffeffe. 20 That alfo was taken for a londe of geauntes and geauntes dwelt therin in olde tyme, and the Ammonites called 21 them Zamzumyms. A people that was great, many and taule, as the Enakyms. But the [Fo. V.] Lorde deftroyed them before the Ammonites, and they caft 22 them out and they dwelt there i their fteade: as he dyd for the childern of Efau which dwell in Seir: eue as he deftroyed the horyms before them, ad they caft them out and dwell in their fteade vnto this daye. 23 And the Avims which dwelt in Hazarim eue vnto Aza, the Caphthoryms which came out of Caphthor deftroyed them and dwelt in their rowmes. 24 Ryfe vp, take youre yourney and goo ouer the ryuer Arnon. Beholde, I haue geuen in to thy had Siho the Amorite kynge of Hefbo, ad his londe. Goo to and 25 conquere and prouoke hi to batayle. This daye I will begynne to fend the feare and dreade of the vppon all J5C. 14 barne 20 Zamzumims 21 Enakims 24 Sehon V, 14 donee confumeretur 15 vt interirent de caflrorum me- dio. 18 vrbem nomine Ar 20 reputata eft 22 quam poffident vfque in praefens. 24 incipe poffidere 1. 14 eyn ende nemen 15 vmbkemen . . . bis das yhr eyn ende wurde. 20 gefchetzt 22 befitzen, das lie da an yhrer ftat wo- neten, bis auff difen tag. 24 heb an zu eintzunem 01. iH. N. 20 Zdzumims: Zamzumim a kynde of geauntes and fygnyfyeth myfcheuoufe. They were tyrauntes, cruell theues & pollars. 24 Sehon &^ his lande before the: Or at thy co- muundement 532 Ei| fstte iofte of JttoseiS, n. 26-35 nacions that are vnder al portes of heauen: fo that whe they heare fpeake of the, they fhall tremble and quake for feare of the. 26 Then I fent meffengers out of the wilderneffe of kedemoth vnto Syhon kynge of Hefbon, with wordes 27 of peace faynge: Let me goo thorow thy londe. I will goo allweyes alonge by the hye waye and will nether turne vnto the righte hande nor to the left. 28 Sell me meate for money for to eate, and geue me drinke for money for to drynke: I will goo thorowe 29 by fote only (as the childern of Efau dyd vnto me whi- .f . che dwell in Seir and the Moabites whiche dwell in Ar) vntyll I be come ouer lordayne, in to the londe which the Lorde oure God geueth vs. 30 But Sihon the kinge of Hefbon wolde not let vs paffe by him, for the Lord thy God had hardened his fprite and made his herte tough becaufe he wold de- lyuer him into thy hondes as it is come to paffe this daye. 31 And the Lorde fayed vnto me: beholde, I haue be- gonne to fet Sihon and his londe before the: goo to 32 and conquere, that thou mayft poffeffe his londe. Then both Sihon and all his people came out agenft vs 33 vnto batayle at lahab. And the Lorde fet him before vs, and we fmote hym and his fonnes and all hys people. 34 And we toke all his cities the fame feafon, and deftroyed all the cities with men, wemen, and childern 35 ad let nothinge remayne, faue the catell only we iH. 26 wilderneffe of the eafte . . Sehon 29 lordan 30 Sehon 32 Sehon . . . lahaza T. 25 fub omni caelo: vt . . . paueat, & in morem parturentium contremifcant, & dolore teneantur. 27 publicagrad. via 28 Tantum ell vt nobis concedas tranfitum 29 ad lordanem 30 indurauerat dominus deus tuus fpiritum eius, & obfirmauerat cor illius . . . ficut nunc vides. 32 incipe poffidere earn. 2.. 25 vnter alien hymeln, das wenn fie von dyr horen, toben vnd fich engflen fur deyner zukunfft. 28 Ich wil nur zu fufs durch hyn gehen 29 vber den lordan 30 verhertet feynen mut vnd ver- flockt yhm feyn hertz . . . wie es ill itzt am tage. 31 eyn zu ne- men zu befitzen feyn land 34 alle feyne fledte vnd verbanten alle fledxe JW. Jfil. N. 32 lahaza: Otherwyfe lafa. n. 36-111. 5. calleti euterottom^e* 533 caught vnto oure felues and the fpoyle of the cities 36 which we toke, from Aroer vppon the brynke off the riuer off Arnon, and the citie in the ryuer, vnto Gilead: there was not one citye to ftronge for vs. The Lorde 37 oure God delyuered all vnto vs: only vnto the londe of the childern of Ammon ye came not, nor vnto all the cofte of the riuer labock [Fo. VI.] ner vnto the cities in the mountaynes, nor vnto what foeuer the Lorde oure God forbade vs. m. The .III. Chapter. HEN we turned and went vpp JH.^.S. A . ^ T-, r A J /^ reherfall of the waye to Bafan. And Og thyjiges that the kinge of Bafan came out chawt/edfrom agenft vs: both he and all his $^^'3.^ the .11. kynges 2 people to batayle at Edrey. And the Sehon &^ Og, Lorde fayed vnto me: feare him not, for ^i^.^^ ^.^^ ^'^; ' jiitucion of I haue delyuered him and all his people lofue in Mo- ad his lande in to thy hande ad thou fhalt fss fleade. deale with hi as thou dealeft with Sihon kynge of the 3 Amorites which dwelt at Hefbon. And fo the Lorde oure God delyuered in to oure handes, Og alfo the kynge off Bafan and al his folke, And we fmote him vntyll noughte was left him. 4 And we toke all his cities the fame ceafon (for there was not a citie whiche we toke not from them) euen iii. fcore cities, all the region of Argob, the kyngdome of Og in Bafan. 5 All thefe cities were made ftronge with hye walles, gates and barres, befyde vnwalled townes a greate JH. 36 Galaad. iii, i Edrai 2 Sehon F. 35 Abfque iumentis 36 torrentis Arnon, & oppido, quod in valle . . Non fuit vicus & ciuitas yj Abfque terra . . . torrenti leboc iii, 2 traditus efl 3 percuffimufque eos vfque ad interne- cionem 4 vno tempore. 5 abfque oppidis innumeris 2- 36 des bachs Arnon 37 on zu dem land . . . bach labok ill, 2 ich hab . . . geben 3 fchlugen bis das yhm nichts vberbleyb. JH. ^. y. 5 Vnwalled townes: As thoroufares and vyllages. 534 ^Je fgfte tiofte of looses, m. 6-17 6 maynye. And we vtterly deftroyed them, as we played with Sihon kynge off Hefbon: bringing to nought al the cities with men, wemen and childern. 7 But all the catell and the fpoyle of the cities, we caughte for .f. oure felues. 8 And thus we toke the fame ceafon, the lode out of the hande of two kynges of the Amorites on the other fyde lordayne, from the ryuer of Arnon vnto mount 9 Hermon (which Hermon the Sidons call Sirion, but 10 the Amorites call it Senyr) all the cities in the playne ad all Gilead and all Bafan vnto Salcha and Edrei, 11 cities of the kingdome of Og in Bafan. For only Og kynge of Bafan remayned of the remnaut of the geauntes: beholde, his yernen bed is yet at Rabath amonge the childern off Ammo .ix. cu- bettes longe ad, .iiii. cubetes brode, of the cubettes of a man. 12 And when we had conquered this londe the fame tyme, I gaue from Aroer which is apon the riuer of Arnon, and halfe mount Gilead and the cities thereof 13 vnto the Rubenites, and Gadites. And the reft of Gil- ead and all Bafan the kingdome of Og, I gaue vnto the halfe trybe of Manaffe: all the regio of Argob with all 14 Bafan was called the londe of geauntes. lair the fonne of Manaffe toke all the region of Argob vnto the coftes of Gefuri ad Maachati, and called the townes of Bafan after his owne name: the townes of lair vnto thys daye. 15,16 And I gaue half Gilead vnto Machir. And vnto Ruben ad Gad, I gaue from Gile- [Fo. VII.] ad vnto the ryuer of Arnon ad half the valey ad the cofte, eue vnto the ryuer labock which is the border of the chil- 17 dern of Ammon, and the feldes ad lordayne with the iH. 6 Sehon lo Galaad . . Salecha . . Edrai 12 Galad 13 Ga- laad 14 & called them after his owne name: Bafan Hauoth lair vnto this daye. 15 Galaad 16 Galaad v. 8 trans lordanem 11 Et monflratiir lectus 14 Bafan, Auoth- lair, id eft Villas lair 1. 6 vnd verbanneten (dis) 8 ienfyd dem lordan 11 alhie zu Rabath JH. |K. N. 14 Hauoth lair: That is fuburbes or vyllages be longyng to lair. in. 18-26. calleti euteronomse, 535 cofte, from Cenereth even vnto the fee in the felde which is the fait fee vnder the fprynges off Pifga eaftwarde. 18 And I commaunded you the fame tyme (ye Ruben ad Gad) fayeng: the Lorde your God hath geuen you this londe to enioye it: fe that ye go harneffed before youre brethern the childern of Ifrael, all that are me 19 of warre amonge you. Youre wyues only youre chil- dern ad youre catell (for I wote that ye haue moch catell) fhall abyde in youre cities which I haue geuen 20 you, vntyll the Lorde haue geue reft vnto your breth- ern as well as vnto you, and vntyll they alfo haue conquered the londe which the Lorde youre God hath geuen them beyond lordayne: and then re- turne agayne euery ma vnto his poffeffion which I haue geue you. 21 And I warned lofua the fame tyme fayeng thyne eyes haue fene all that the Lorde youre God hath done vnto thefe two kynges, eue fo the Lorde will doo 22 vnto all kyngdomes whither thou goeft. Feare them not, for the Lorde youre God he it is that fighteth for you. 23 And I befoughte the Lorde the fame tyme .?. fay- 24 enge: O lorde lehoua, thou haft begonne to fhewe thy fervaunte thy greatneffe and thy mightie hande for there is no God in heauen nor in erth that can do 25 after thy workes and after thy power: let me goo ouer ad fe the good londe that is beyonde lordayne, that goodly 26 hye contre and Libanon. But the Lorde was angrie with me for youre fakes and wolde not heare me, but fayed JH. 17 Ceneroth . . Phafgah 24 O lorde God V. 17 & planitiem folitudinis ... ad mare deferti, quod eft falfiffimum ad radices montis Phafg-a 20 trans lordanem 21 quas fecit dominus deus vefter duobus his regibus: fic faciet omnibus regnis ad quae tranfiturus es. 24 comparari fortitudini tuae. 25 mon- tem iftum egregium %. 17 vnden am berge Pifga 20 ienfyd dem lordan 24 der es deynen werclcen vnd deyner macht kunde nach thun ? 25 dis gutte gepirge . . . |K. ^. N- 17 Vnder y fpringes of Phafgah: Some the hyll fote. Heb. Efdoth which fignifyeth fpriges, although fome wyll that it be the name of a towne. 536 Cfje i^iit iofte of looses, m. 27-1111. 3 vnto me, be content, and fpeake henceforth no moare 27 vnto me of this matter. Get the vp in to the toppe of Pifga ad Hfte vpp thine eyes weft, north, fouth ad eafte, ad beholde it with thyne eyes for thou fhalt not 28 goo ouer this lordayne. Moreouer, charge lofua and corage, verd, corage him and bolde him. bolde, verd, to encourage, Yox he fhall go ouer before ^o e^tcourage his people, and he fhall deuyde the londe which thou 29 fhalt fe vnto them. And fo we abode in the valaye befyde Beth Peor. il The .1111. Chapter. ND now herken Ifrael vnto the JH.C.S. An ordinaunces ad lawes which ]o%Ve''dy'ly- I teache you, for to doo them, gejtt heede that ye maye lyue ad goo ad ''^'^'^^t'Thty No: ner yet conquere the londe which jhulde not take '^UhVaUe the Lorde God of youre awayeoradde wiinjacje > a7iy thyng 2 glofes to CO- fathers geueth you. Ye therto. Images fi^^\AriJlo- ^^^ ^^ nothinge vnto the ^ay not be tie: but re- , ,. , t j ivorjhypped buke Arijlo- worde which i commaunde nor yet made. tlesfalfelern- you nether doo ought there The.iii.Cytyes tnge there- ^ ^ of refuge, with. from, that ye maye kepe J J ^ [Fo. VIII.] the commaundmentes off the Lorde youre 3 God which I commaunde you. Youre eyes haue fene what the Lorde dyd vnto Baal Peor: for al the men that folowed Baal Peor, the Lorde youre God hath |a. 27 Phafgah P. 26 Sufficit tibi, nequaquam vltra loquaris de hac re ad me. 27 et oculos tuos circunfer ... & afpice. 28 corrobora . . . con- forta 29 contra phanum Phogor. iiii, i doceo te . . . daturus eft 2 verbum quod vobis loquor . . cuftodite 3 contra Beel-phegoi, quomodo contriuerit 1. 26 Las gnug feyn, fage myr dauon nicht mehr 29 Alfo blieben wyr ym tal gegen dem haus Peor. iiii, i euch lere . . gibt 2 nichts dazu thun, das ich euch gepiete . . . auff das yhr behaltet 3 vber dem Baal Peor JH. Jl. N. 2 To put to the woord and to take awaye therfro is, to ludge & thynck otherwyfe of the wyll of god then is (hewed vs in the fcrypture, as in Deut. xii, d. Prouer. xxx, a. nil. 4-II. calleti euteronomge. 537 4 deftroyed from amoge you: But ye that claue vnto the Lorde youre God, are alyue euery one of you this 5 daye. Beholde, I haue taught you ordinaunces and lawes, foche as the Lorde my God commauded me, that ye fhulde do eue fo in the londe whether ye goo to poffeffe it 6 Kepe them therfore and doo them, for that is youre wifdome and vnderflandynge in the fyghte of the na- cyons: whiche when they haue herde all thefe ordi- naunces, fhall faye: O what a wyfe and vnderftondynge people is this 7 greate nacion. For what nacyon is fo greate that hath Goddes fo nye vnto hym: as the Lorde oure God is nye vnto vs, in all thinges, when we call vnto hym ? 8 Yee, and what nacyon is fo greate that hath ordinaunces and lawes fo ryghtuouffe, as all thys lawe which I fett before you this daye. 9 Take hede to thy felfe therfore only ad kepe thy foule diligently, that thou forgett not the thinges which thyne eyes haue fene and that they departe not out of thyne harte, all the dayes of thine life: but Teach youre teach them thy fon- .f. nes, ad thy fonnes childem. 10 fonnes. The daye that I ftode before the Lorde youre god in Horeb, whe he fayed vnto me, gather me the people together, that I maye make them heare my wordes that they maye lerne to fere me as longe as thei lyue vppon the erth and that they maye teache 11 their childern: ye came ad ftode alfo vnder the hyll ad the hyll burnt with fire: euen vnto the myddes of heaue, ad there was darckneffe, clowdes ad myft. JH. 9 thy lyfe 1^. 4 adhaeretis 5 Scitis ... fie facietis ea in terra qua poffefluri eftis 6 fapientia, & intellectus coram populis . . . gens magna. 7 natio tarn grandis . . . deos appropinquantes fibi 8 alia gens fie inclyta . . . ceremonias, iuftaque iudicia, & vniuerfam legem . . . proponam hodie ante oeulos veft.ros ? 9 cunctis diebus vitas tuae. II ad radices montis . . . tenebrag, et nubes, & caligo. 3L. 4 anhienget 5 Sihe . . das yhr alfo 6 weyfzheyt vnd ver- fland fur alien volckern . . . vnd eyn trefflich volck 7 Gotter alfo nahe fich thun . . fo offt w^ir yhn an ruffen ? 8 furlege ? 9 alle deyn leben lang 11 vnden an dem berge . . . finflernis, wolcken vnd tunckel. ^. JH. N- 9 Teaehe your chyldre. 538 Efje fgfte Ijofte of JEoses, mi. 12-21 12 And the Lorde fpake vnto you out of the fire ad ye herde the voyce of the wordes: But fawe ^, The *uotC6 ts no ymage, faue herde a voyce only, all to gether: 13 And he declared vnto you his coue- ""^io that im- ^ , . 1 , J , , J age ought men naunt, which he commaunded you to doo, ^* ^^^^ ^^^^^ euen .x. verfes and wrote them in two hertes. 14 tables of ftone. And the Lorde commaunded me the fame feafon to teache you ordynaunces and lawes, for to doo them in the londe whether ye goo to poffeffe it 15 Take hede vnto youre felues diligently as pertayn- inge vnto youre foules, for ye fawe no maner of ymage the daye when the Lorde fpake vnto you in Horeb out 16 of the fire: left ye marre youre felues and make you grauen ymages after what foeuer likeneffe it be: whe- 17 ther after the likeneffe of ma or woma or any maner beeft that is on the erth or of any maner fether- [Fo. 18 IX.] red foule that fleth in the ayre, or of any maner worme that crepeth on the erth or of any maner fyfh 19 that is in the water beneth the erth: Ye and lefte thou lyfte vpp thyne eyes vnto heuen, and when thou feyft the fonne and the mone and the flarres and what foeuer is contayned in heauen, fhuldeft be difceaued and fhuld- eft bow thi felfe vnto them ad ferue the thinges which the Lorde thy God hath diftributed vnto all nacions that are vnder al quarters of heauen. 20 For the Lorde toke you and broughte you out of the yernen fornace of Egipte, to be vnto him a people 21 of enheritaunce, as it is come to paffe this daye. For- thermoare, the Lorde was angrye with me for youre fakes and fware, that I fhulde not goo ouer lordane and that I fhulde not goo vnto that good londe, which "F. 12 formam penitus non vidiftis. i6 fculptam fimilitudinem, aut imaginem 19 omnia aflra casli, & errore deceptus . . quae cre- auit . . in minifterium cunctis gentibus 21 propter fermones vefl- ros . . . terram optimam quam daturus eft vobis. 1. 13 nemlich die zehen wort 19 das gantze heer des hymels (corrected into: yrgent eyn heer des hymels) 21 vmb ewres thuns willen JH. |K. N. 12 The voyce of the wordes: The voyce is al to gether: vnto that ymage ought men to bowe there hertes, 20 Yron fornace: By the yron fornace is vnderftande anguyfh & greate forowe & carefulnes of hert .iii. Reg. viii, f. & lerem. xi, a. mi. 22-30. calletr euteronom^e, 539 22 the Lorde thy God geueth te to enherytaunce. For I mufl dye in this londe, and fhall not goo ouer lordane: But ye fliall goo ouer and conquere that good londe 23 Take hede vnto youre felues therfore, that ye forgett not the appoyntment of the Lorde youre appoyntment, God which he made with you, and that covenant ye make you no grauen ymage of whatfoeuer it be that 24 the Lorde thi God hath for- .IT. bidden the. For the Lorde thi God is a cofuminge fyre, and a geloufe God. 25 Yf after thou haft gotten childern and childerns childern and haft dwelt longe in the londe, ye fhall marre youre felues and make grauen ymages after the likneffe of what fo euer it be, and fhall worke weked- neffe in the fyghte of the Lorde thy God, to prouoke him. 26 I call heauen and erth to recorde vnto you this daye, that ye fhall fhortely pereffh from of the londe whether ye goo ouer lordayne to poffeffe it: Ye fhall not prolonge 27 youre dayes therin, but fhall fhortly be deftroyed. And the Lorde fhall fcater you amonge nacions, and ye fhalbe lefte few in numbre amonge the people whother the 28 Lorde fhall brynge you: and there ye fliall ferue goddes which are the workes of mans hande, wod and flione which nether fe nor heare not eate nor fmell. 29 Neuer the later ye fhall feke the Lorde youre God euen there, and fhalt fynde him yf thou feke him with 30 all thine herte and with all thy foule. In thi tribula- cion and when all thefe thinges are come apon the, euen in the later dayes, thou fhalt turne vnto the Lorde F. 22 Ecce morior . . . terram egregiam. 23 quae fieri dominus prohibuit. 24 deus asmulator. 25 patrantes malum ... ad iracun- diam prouocetis 27 et remanebitis pauci 29 & tota tribulatione animae tuas. 30 Poftquam te inuenerint omnia quae prasdicta funt, nouiffimo autem tempore reuerteris 3IL. 22 fondern . . . gutt land 23 wie der Herr deyn Got ge- potten hat 27 eyn geringe pobel vberig feyn jVl. iVI. X. 24 Confuminge fyre: Becaufe God proueth his by afflyccion, therfore is he called a confumyng fyre. Hebr. xii, g. & becaufe he confumeth the vnfaithfuU remedyleffe, for ther is nothing that can refyfl his anger toward the. And he is called geloufe becaufe he can not fuffer that any fhuld fall from hym. 540 Efje fsfte &ofte of ptoses, mi. 31-39 thy God, and fhalt herken vn- [Fo. X.] to his voyce. 31 For the Lorde thy God is a pitiefuU God: he will not forfake the nether deftroye the, nor forgett the ap- poyntmet made with thy fathers which he fware vnto them. 32 For axe I praye the of the dayes that are paft which were before the, fence the daye that God created man vppon the erth and from the one fyde of heauen vnto the other whether any thinge hath bene lyke vnto this greate thinge or whether any foche thinge hath bene 33 herde as it is, that a nacion hath herde the voyce of God fpeakinge out of fyre as thou haft herde, and yet 34 lyued.'' ether whether God affayed to goo and take him a people from amonge nacions, thorow temptacions and fygnes and wonders and thorow warre and with a mightie hande and a ftretched out arme and wyth myghtye terreble fightes, acordynge vnto all that the Lorde youre God dyd vnto you in Egipte before youre eyes. 35 Vnto the it was fhewed, that thou myghteft knowe, how that the Lorde he is God and that there is none but he. 36 Out of heauen he made the heare his voyce to nurter the, and vppon erth he fhewed nurter, verb, . 1 1 . r 11 -i -i n to bring wp, .T . the his greate fyre, and thou hardelt educate 37 his wordes out of the fyre. And becaufe he loued thy fathers, therfore he chofe their feed after them and broughte the out with his prefence and with his 38 myghtye power of Egipte: to thruft out nations greater ad myghtyer then thou before the, to bringe the in and to geue the their londe to enheritaunce: as it is come to paffe this daye. 39 Vnderftonde therfore this daye and turne it to thine herte, that the Lorde he is God in heauen aboue "^ 31 nee omnino delebit 34 fi fecit deus . . . de medio natio- num ... & horribiles vifiones . . . oculis tuis: 35 vt fcires 36 vt doceret te 37 Eduxitque te praecedens in virtute fua magna ex ^gypto 38. in introitu tuo: & introduceret te 1. 34 Oder ob Got verfucht habe . . . durch groffe gefichte 36 dz er dich zuchtiget 37 ausgefurt mit feym angeficht durch groffe krafft aus Egypten ini. 40-49. calleti euteronomse* S^i and vppon the erth beneth there is no moo: moo, befides, 40 kepe therfore his ordynaunces, and his ^V^ commaundmentes which I commaunde the this daye, that it maye goo well with the and with thi childern after the and that thou mayft prolonge thy dayes vppon the erth which the Lorde thi God geueth the for euer. 41 Then Mofes feuered .iii. cities on the other fyde 42 lordane towarde the fonne ryfynge, that he fhulde fle thiter which had kylled his neyghboure vnwares and hated him not in tyme pafl and therfore fhulde fle vnto *43 one of the fame cities and lyue: Bezer in the wilder- neffe euen in the playne contre amonge the Rubenites: and Ramoth in Gilead amonge the Gaddites and Solan in Bafan amonge the Manaffites. 44 [Fo. XL] This is the lawe which Mofes fet before 45 the childern of Ifrael, and thefe are the witneffe, ordi- naunces and ftatutes which Mofes tolde the childern 46 of Ifrael after they came out of Egipte, on the other fyde lordayne in the valey befyde Beth Peor in the londe of Siho kinge of the Amorites which dwelt at Hefbon, whom Mofes and the childern of Ifrael fmote 47 after they were come out of Egipte, ad conquered his lande and the lande of Og kinge of Bafan .ii. kynges of the Amorites on the other fyde lordayne towarde 48 the fonne ryfynge: from Aroar vppon the bancke of the ryuer Arnon, vnto mount Sion which is called 49 Hermon ad all the feldes on the other fyde lordayne eaflwarde: euen vnto the fee in the felde vnder the fpringes of Pifga, JBl. 40 geueth the thy lyfe longe 43 Galaad 45 witneffes 46 Se- hon 49 Phafgah . 40 Cuflodi . . : vt bene fit tibi . . quam dom. deus tuus da- turus eft tibi. 42 nee fibi fuerit inimicus ante vnum & alteram diem, & ad harum aliq. vrbium poffit euadere 44 propofuit 46 trans (vv. 47, 49) lordanem in valle contra phanum Phogor . . . quern percufllt Moyfes. Filii quoque Ifrael egrefti ex ^gypto 48 qui eft & Hermon 49 & vfque ad radices montis Phafga. iC. 40 das du halteft . . . fo wirt dyrs . . . wolgehn . . . gibt deyn leben lang. 42 nicht feynd gewefen ift, der fol ynn der ftedte eyne fliehen 45 fur legt 46 ienfid (vv. 47, 49) dem lordan ym tal gegen dem bans Peor . . den Mofe vnd die kinder Ifrael fchlugen, da fie aus Egypten zogen waren 49 vnden am berge Pifga. 542 EJje fgfte &oJte of JHoges, The .V. Chapter. ND Mofes called vnto all Ifraell ^.<^.%.The.x and fayed vnto them: Heare commaunde- Ifrael the ordynaunces and 'iZTnoM- lawes which I fpeke in thyne age maye be eares this daye, and lerne them and take ^""^ 2 hede that ye doo them. The Lorde oure God made an appoyntment with us in Horeb. 3 The Lorde made not this bonde with oure fathers, but with us: we are they, which are .If. al heare a lyue 4 this daye. The Lord talked with you face to face in 5 the mout out of the fyre. And I ftode betwene the Lorde and you the fame tyme, to fhewe you the fayenge of the Lorde. For ye were afrayed of the fyre and therfore went not vpp in to the mount and he fayed. 6 I am the Lorde thy God which brought the out of 7 the lode of Egipte the houffe of bodage. Thou fhalt haue therefore none other goddes in my prefence. 8 Thou fhalt make the no grauen Image Image off any maner lykeneffe that is in heauen aboue, or in the erth beneth, or in the water beneth the erth. 9 Thou fhalt nether bowe thy felf vnto them nor ferue them, for I the Lorde thy God, am a geloufe God, vifettinge the wikedneffe of the fathers vppon the chil- dern, euen in the thyrde and the fourth generacion, 10 amonge them that hate me: and fhew mercye apon thoufandes amonge them that loue me and kepe my commaundmentes. IH. 8 in erth benethe "V. I Vocauitque . . . difcite ea, & opere complete. 4 locutus eft nobis 5 Ego fequefler & medius fui . . . vt annuntiarem 7 in confpectu meo. 8 in aquis 9 deus eemulator . . generationem 1. I rieff 4 mit vns 5 anfagete 7 fur myr 8 keyn bildnis . . . ym waller 9 eyn eyfFeriger Gott . . . gelied JTfl. iVT. N- 4 Face to face the Chaldees woorde to worde, that is to faye, with fo manyfefl woordes and fygnes that it cannot be denyed but that it was god. 8 Images. V. u-22. calleti euteronomse. 543 11 Thou fhalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vayne: for the Lorde will not holde him giltleffe, that taketh his name in vayne. 12 Kepe the Sabbath daye that thou fancti- [Fo. XII.] fie it, as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the. 13 Syxe dayes thou fhalt laboure and doo all that thou 14 haft to doo, but the feuenth daye is the Sabbath of the Lorde thy God: thou fhalt doo no maner worke, nether thou nor thy fonne nor thy doughter nor thy feruaunte nor thy mayde nor thine oxe nor thyne affe nor any of thi catell nor the ftraunger that is within thy cytye, that thy feruaunte and thy mayde maye reft as well 15 as thou. * And remembre that thou waft God Jhew- a feruaunte in the londe of Egypte and ^,uj hy we ought e how that the Lorde God, brought the to kepe his out thence with a myghtye hande and a '"ZleJ'""L ftretched out arme. For which caufe the pope doth not. Lorde thy God commaundeth the to kepe the Sabbath daye. 16 Honoure thi father and thi mother, as the Lord thi God hath comauded the: that thou mayft prolonge thi dayes, and that it maye go well with the on the londe, which the Lorde thi God geueth the. 17 Thou fhalt not flee. i8 Thou flialt not breake wedlocke. 19 Thou flialt not fteale. 20 Thou fhalt not beare falfe witneffe agenft thy neghboure, 21 Thou fhalt not lufte after thi neghbours .IT. wife: thou flialt not couet thi neyghbours houffe, felde, fer- uaunte, mayde, oxe, affe nor ought that is thi neghbours. 22 Thefe wordes the Lorde fpake vnto al youre mul- titude in the mount out of the fyre, cloude and darck- neffe, with a loude voyce and added nomoare there T. 1 1 Non vfurpabis nomen . . . fruflra . . qui fuper re vana no- men eius affumpferit. 14 Septimus dies fabbathi eft, id eft requies 18 moechaberis. 22 multitudinem veftra in monte de medio ignis iL. II Du folt den namen . . . nicht vergeblich furen, denn der HERR wirt den nicht vnfchuldig halten, der feynen namen vergeblicii furet. 18 ehebrechen. 22 gemeyne auff dem berge . . . 544 ^!ie tgftt ftofte of J^oses, v. 23-32 to, and wrote them in .ii. tables of ftone and delyuered them vnto me. 23 But as foone as ye herde the voyce out off the darckneffe and fawe the hill burne with fyre, ye came vnto me all the heedes of youre tribes and youre 24 elders: and ye fayed: beholde, the Lorde oure God hath fhewed us his glorye and his greatneffe, and we haue herde his voyce out of the fyre, and we haue fene this daye that God maye talke with a man and he 25" yet lyue. And now wherfore fhulde we dye that this greate fyre fhulde confume us: Yf we fhulde heare the voyce of the Lorde oure God any moare, we fhulde 26 dye. For what is any flefh that he fhulde heare the voyce of the lyuynge God fpeakynge out of the fyre as 27 we haue done and fhulde yet lyue: Goo thou ad heare all that the Lorde oure God fayeth, and tell thou vnto us all that the Lorde oure God fayeth vnto the, and we will heare it and doo it. 28 [Fo. Xin.] And the Lorde herde the voyce of youre wordes when ye fpake vnto me, and he fayed vnto me: I haue herde the voyce of the wordes of this people which they haue fpoke vnto the they haue well fayed all that they haue fayed. 29 Oh that they had foche an herte with them to feare me ad kepe all my commaundmentes alwaye, that it myghte goo well with them and with their childern 30 for euer. Goo ad faye vnto them: gett you in to 31 youre tentes agayne, but ftonde thou here before me and I will tell the all the commaundmentes, or- dinaunces ad lawes which thou fhalt teache the, that they may doo them in the londe whiche I geue them to poffeffe. 32 Take hede therfore that ye do as the walke Lorde youre God hath commaunded you, Jlrayght v. 22 in duabus tabulis 23 de medio 24 maieflatem & magni- tudinem fuam . . . , & probauimus hodie 26 Quid eft omnis caro 27 Tu magis accede 29 Quis det talem eos habere mentem 30 Re- uertimini 31 hie fta mecum . . in poffeffionem. 3.. 22 auff zwo fteynern taffeln 24 herlickeyt vnd feyne groffe 26 Denn was ift alles fleyfch 30 Gehet heym 31 hie fur mv^ JE. JH. N. 32 Walke ftraight. V- 33-vi- 7- calleti euteronomge* 545 and turne not afyde: ether to the righte hande or to 33 the lefte: but walke in all the wayes which the Lorde youre God hath comaunded you, that ye maye lyve and that it maye goo well with you ad that ye maye prolonge youre dayes in the lond which ye Ihall poffeffe. m. The .VI. Chapter HESEarethecommaundmentes, ordinaunces and lawes which the Lorde youre God commaund- ed to teach you, that ye might ^\.(&.S>. The laive mujt be ernejily pryn- ted in their hartes and to kepeitinmem- doo them in the londe whother ye goo to oryethey mujl . pof- .?. feffe it: that thou mighteft feare ^.^Jores aZ the Lorde thy God, to kepe all his ordin- poojies of their aunces and his commaundmentes which ^^^Tf-^' And teache it vn- I commaunde the, both thou and thy to their chyl- fonne and thy fonnes fonne all dayes off derne. 3 thy lyfe, that thy dayes maye be prolonged. Heare therfore Ifrael and take hede that thou doo thereafter, that it maye goo well with the and that ye maye en- creafe myghtely: eue as the Lord God of thy fathers hath promyfed the, a lode that floweth with mylk ad hony 4, 5 Heare Ifrael, the Lorde thy God is Lorde only and thou fhalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thyne harte, with all thy foule and with all thy myght. It is herefy 6 And thefe wordes which I commaunde Yayemdiohke 7 the this daye, fhalbe in thine herte ad whett on, to thou fhalt whett them on of gods ivorde or to reade it. fharpen, dif-^ ^^^ childern, and fhalt talke of them when thou art at home in thyne houffe and as cipline, Jlim uiate V. ^;i fed per viam quam . . . ambulabitis ... & protelentur dies veftri in terra poffeffionis veflrse. vi, i vt docerem vos 2 tibi 6 filiis ac nepotibus tuis . . . vt prolongentur dies tui. 3 ficut pol- licitus eft . . . terram lacte & melle manantem. 5 fortitudine tua. 7 & narrabis ea . . & meditaberis fedens . . . i. 33 fondern wandelt ynn alien wegen. vi, 2 du vnd deyne kinder vnd deyns kinds kinder 3 dyr geredt hat 7 fcherffen |H. ^. N- 2 To feare God is to honoure him in putting thy confydence in him, and in hauyng a good and rightwes conuer- facion in hys fyght. 7 Whett them on thy children that is, exer- cyfe thy chyldren in them & put the in vre with them. 546 E\}t fT^ttt iioftr of JHoses, vi. s i^ thou walkeft by the waye, and when thou lyefl: doune and 8 when thou ryfeft vpp: and thou (halt bynde them for a fygne vppon thyne hande. And they flialbe papers 9 off remembraunce betwene thyne eyes, and (halt write them vppon the poftes of thy houffe ad vppon thy gates. 10 And when the Lorde thy God hath brought the in to the lond which he fware vnto thy fathers Abraham, Ifaac and lacob, to geue the with greate and goodly 11 cities which thou byl- [Fo. XIIII.] deft not, and houffes full of all maner goodes which thou fiUedeft not, and Welles dygged which thou dyggedeft not, ad vynes and olyue trees which thou plantedefl not, ad whe 12 thou haft eaten, and art full: Then beware left thou forget the Lorde which broughte the out off the lande of Egipte the houffe of bondage. 13 But feare the Lorde thy God and ferue hym, and 14 fwere by his name, and fe that ye walke not after flraunge goddes of the Goddes off the nacyons whiche 15 are aboute you. For the Lorde thy God is a geloufe God among you left the wrath of the Lorde thy God waxe hotte vppon the and deftroye the from the erth. 16 Ye fhall not tempte the Lorde youre God as ye 17 dyd at Mafa. But fe that ye kepe the commaund- mentes of the Lorde youre God, his witneffes and his 18 ordinaunces which he hath commaunded the, and fe thou doo that which is right and good in J^ig^^ in the fyghte of the Lorde: that thou mayfl fsfffathfclm- profpere and that thou mayft goo ad co- maundeth quere that good lade which the Lorde fware vnto thy 19 fathers, and that the Lorde maye cafl out all thine enemies before the as he hath fayed, "F. 8 & mouebuntur inter oculos tuos 1 1 quas non extruxifti 13 & illi foli 15 de fuperficie terrae. 16 Non tentabis . . in loco tentationis. 18 in confpectu domini H. 8 eyn denckmal furdeynen augen 11 ausgehawen brunne 15 von der erden 17 fondern i8 fur den augen des HERRN JE. iH. N. 13 Swere by his name: Loke beneth in the .x. chap- ter d. 15 Geloufe \oke. Exod. xx, a and the chapter next afore this. 16 Mafa: or Mafah. 18 Right i goddes fyght is that which he commaundeth. VI.20-2S. calleti euteronom^e. 547 20 When thy fonne axeth the in tyme to Teach youre come fayenge: What meaneth the witneff- <^h^ld^^"- es, ordina- .f . unces and lawes which the Lorde oure God 21 hath commaunded you ? Then thou fhalt faye vnto thy fonne: We were bondmen vnto Pharao in Egipte, but the Lorde brought vs out of Egipte with a mightie hande. 22 And the Lorde fhewed fignes and won- The outwarde 1 i_ ^1 z. - 1 11 T- 1. deadetsri^ht- dres both greate ad evell vppon Egipte, uoufnejfevnto Pharao and vppon all his houfholde, before the avoidinge 23 oure eyes and broughte vs from thence: to iJeUniliges brynge vs in ad to geue vs the londe dd curfes dd 24 which he fware vnto oure fathers. And "^^^^fr^^fT ^ p or all bleff- therfore comaunded vs to do all thefe -iges: but vnto ordinaunces ad for to feare the Lord ^^^ W^ ^ come thou welth,/rtf/- oure Crod, lor oure welth mujl haue the perity.happi- alwayes and that he might rightuouf- nefs f ... i. rr ^C^^ of faith ' faue vs, as it is come to paffe ^^ there by 25 this daye. Moreouer it fhalbe rightuouf- receaue for- nes vnto vs before the Lorde oure God, ^n^^H^ff J'-v ji n n e s a a y{ we take hede to kepe all thefe co- promife of en- maundmetes as he hath commaund- heritaunce dd power to ed vs, worke of loue. V. 20 eras 22 fecitque figna . . . contra Pharaonem . . in con- fpectu noftro 24 omnia legitima haec . . vt bene fit nobis cunctis diebus vitas noflrae 25 Eritque noflri mifericors 1. 20 heut odder morgen 22 Vnd der HERR thet grofle vnd bofe zeychen vnd wunder . . . fur vnfern augen 24 alien difen fitten . . . auff das vns wol gehe all vnfer lebtage 25 vnd es wirt vns zur gerechtickeyt gedeyen fur dem HERRN |fl. ^. N. 20 Teach youre chyldren. 25 Righteoufnes vnto vs, etc: The outwarde deade is righteoufneffe vnto the auoydinge of punnifhemet, threteninges & curfes & to optayne teporall bleff- ynges: but vnto the life to come thou mufl haue the ryghteouf- neffe of faith & thereby receaue forgeueneffe of finnes & promife of enheritaunce & power to worke of loue. 548 Efje fgfte trofte of JEoses, VII. 1-6 iE The .VII. Chapter. HE the Lorde thy God hath m<^-Z-The brought the in to the lond whi- ^^''^^fno "^ou- therthou,goefttopoffeffeit,and enant or ap- poyntment with the Gen- tyles. They mujl dejtroye their Idolles. Them that hath caft out manye nacions before the: the Hethites, the Girgofites, the Amorites, the Cananites, the Phere- fites, the Heuites and the lebufites: vii nacions moo in numbre ad mightier than keape the 2 thou: ad whe the Lorde thy God hath fett rentes doth them before the that thou fhuldeft fmyte God loue and them fe that thou vtterly deftroye them contrary ha- and make no couenaunt [Fo. XV.] with teth fir* pun- 3 them nor haue compaffion on them. Alfo J-^^^^ ;^^^ ^^ thou fhalt make no mariages with them, Jlayne. nether geue thy doughter vnto his fonne nor take his 4 doughter vnto thy fonne. For they will make youre fonnes departe fro me and ferue ftraunge Goddes, and then will the wrath off the Lorde waxe whote vppon you ad deflroye you fhortely. 5 But thus ye fhall deale with them: ouerthrowe their alters, breake doune their pilers, cut doune their groves 6 ad burne their ymages with fyre. For thou art an holy nacion vnto the Lorde thy God the Lorde thy God hath chofen the to be a feuerall people vnto feuerall, fep- him filf of all nacions that are vppon the erth. 7 It was not becaufe of the multitude of you aboue all nacions, that the Lorde I J 1 /, ^ , , - truethcaufeth had lult vnto you and chofe you. l*or ye ^- ^^ worke. JH. I Gergefites 2 not haue compaflyon "V. I et deleuerit 2 tradideritque eas 4 quia feducet filium tuum 5 fubuertite, & confringite flatuas 6 populus peculiaris 7 vobis iunctus eft dominus !L. I vnd aus wortzelt 2 Vnd wenn fie . . . fur dyr gibt . . . noch yhn gonft erzeygeft 5 yhr feulen zu brechen 7 Nicht hat euch der HERR vmbfangen vnd euch erwelet [corrected into: nicht hat der HERR luft zu euch gehabt] |a. |K. N. 7 Gods awne goodneffe & his awne trueth caufeth him to worke. Gods awne goodneffe dd his awne VII. 8-15. call^^ euteronomge* 549 8 were feweft of all nacions: But becaufe the Lorde loued you and becaufe he wolde kepe the othe which he had fworne vnto youre fathers, therfore he brought you out of Egipte with a mightie hande ad delyuered you out of the houffe of bondage : eue fro the hande of Pharao kinge of Egipte. 9 Vnderftonde therfore, that the Lorde thy God he is God and that a true God, which kepeth poyntment and mercy vnto them that loue him and kepe his com- maundmentes, euen .?. thorowe out a thoufande gen- 10 eracions and rewardeth them that hate him be- fore his face fo that he bringeth them to Before his noughte, and wil not defferre the tyme ^prefec7, while vnto him that hateth hi but will rewarde he loketh on. 11 him before his face. Kepe therfore the commaund- mentes, ordinaunces and lawes which I commaunde you this daye, that ye doo them. 12 Yf ye fhall herken vnto thefe lawes ad fhall obferue and do them, then fhall the Lorde thy God kepe poyntment with the and the mercy which he fwore 13 vnto thy fathers and will loue the, bleffe the and mul- tiplye the: he will bleffe the frute of thy wombe and the frute of thi felde, thy corne, thy wyne and thy oyle, the frute of thyne oxen and the flockes of thy fliepe in the londe which he fwore vnto thy fathers to 14 geue the. Thou fhalt be bleffed aboue all nacions, there fhalbe nether man nor woman vnfrutefull amonge you, nor any thinge vnfrutefull amonge youre catell. 15 Moreouer the Lorde will turne from the all maner infirmityes, and will put none off the euell dyfeafes off Egipte (whiche thou knowefl) apon the, but wyll fende them vppon them that hate the. JE. 13 thyne oyle T. 8 Eduxitque vos in manu forti 9 quia dominus deus tuus, ipfe eft deus fortis & fidelis 10 ftatim ... & vltra non differat, pro- tinus els reftituens quod merentur. 12 Si poftquam audieris 13 oleo, & armentis, gregibus ouium 14 inter omnes populos . . . vtriufque fexus, tarn in hominibus quam in gregibus tuis. 15 fed cunctis hoftibus tuis. 1.^. 8 hat er each ausgefuret mit mechtiger hand 10 fur feynem angeficht 14 vber alien volckern 15 alien deynen heffern f&.. JH. N- 10 Before his face: Before his face in his prefence, whyle he loketh on. 55o Efje fgfte iofte of JHoses, vn. 16-25 16 Thou fhalt bringe to nought all nacions which the Lorde thy God delyuereth the, thy- [Fo. XVI.] ne eye fhall haue no pitie vppon them nether fhalt thou 17 ferue their goddes, for that fhalbe thy decaye. Yf thou fhalt faye in thine hert thefe nacions are moo than I, 18 how ca I caft them out? Feare the not, Codis as able but remebre what the Lorde thy god dyd now alfo to de- huer vs out 19 vnto Pharao ad vnto all Egipte, ad the of the captiu- greate temptacions which thine eyes fa we, ^^^ '^f ^^^ PP^ ad the fignes ad wonders ad mightie hade ad ftretched out arme wherewith the Lord thy god broughte the out: eue fo fhall the Lorde thy God doo vnto all the nacions of which thou art afrayed. 20 Thereto, the Lorde thy God will fend hornettes amonge them vntyll they that are lefte, and hyde them 21 felues fro the, be deftroyed. Se thou feare the not for the lord thi god is amog you a mightie god ad a 22 terrible. The Lord thy god will put out thefe nacios before the a litle ad a litle: thou maift not cofume the at oce left the beeftes of the felde encreafe vpo the. 23 And the lorde thy god fhall delyuer the vnto the ad fterre vp a mightie tepeft amoge the, vntil thei be 24 brought to nought. And he fhal deliuer their kinges in to thine hade, ad thou fhalt deftroye their nan js fro vnder heaue. There fhal no ma ftonde before the, 25 vntill thou haue deftroyed them. The images of their goddes thou fhalt burne with fire, ad fe that thou couet not .?. the fyluer or golde that is on them nor take it "F. 16 Deuorabis omnes populos 17 delere eas ? 18 noli metuere fed 19 plagas maximas . . . lie faciet cunctis 20 qui te fugerint, & latere non potuerint. 22 ipfe confumet . . . paulatim atque per partes . . . pariter 23 et interficiet illos 25 Sculptilia eorum . . . de quibus facta funt IL. 16 Du wirfl alle volcker freflen . . . denn das wurde dyr eyn flrick feyn. 19 durch groffe verfuchung 20 vnd fich verbirget fur dyr 22 Er der Herr deyn Gott wirt dife leut aus wurtzelen fur dyr, eyns nach clem andern . . . nicht eylend alle machen 23 wirt fie mit grofler fchlacht erfchlahen 25 E)ie bild yhrer Gotter . . . das dran ifl iH. ^. N. 20 What hornettes are loke Exod. xxiii, d. 25 '6>/- uer or golde: Whatfoeuer golde or fyluer honoure or profet, calleth fr5 the woorde of God, belogeth to the Images of their goddes & mufl be therfore abhorred: yee yf they be good worckes whe thou thynkefl that thou doefl the of thyne awne ftrenght & not helped of God. vii. 26 -via. 4. calleti enter onomse. 55i vnto the, left thou be fnared therewith. For it is an 26 abhominacyon vnto the Lorde thy God. Brynge not therfore the abhominacyon to thyne houffe, left thou be a damned thynge as it is: but vtterlye defye it and abhorre it, for it is a thinge that muft be deftroyed. ye maye lyue and multiplye and goo and poffeffe the londe whiche the Lorde fware vnto youre fathers. And iC The .VIII. Chaptre. LL the commaundmentes which ^.(S^.Z.Mo- I commaunde the this daye ye /^^ j/Zdltes fhal kepe for to do them, that in reinem- braunceofihe afflicyons and benifytes that they hadde the thinke on all the waye which the Lorde ^^^^ were in thy God led the this .xl. yere in the wil- the wilder- derneffe, for to humble the ad to proue ^^-l^^- the, to wete what was in thine herte, whether thou 3 woldeft kepe his commaundmentes or no, He hum- bled the and made the hongre and fed the with man which nether thou nor thy father knewe of to make the know that a man muft not lyue by bred only: but by al that procedeth out of The word is the mouth of the Lorde muft a man lyue. J^ 4 Thy rayment waxed not olde vppon the, nether dyd thy fete fwell thys .xl. yere. 7. 26 quippiam ex idolo . . . ne fias anathema . . . Quad fpurcitiam deteftaberis, & velut inquinamentum ac fordes abomi- nationi habebis viii, 2 Et recordaberis . . vt affligeret te atque tentaret3Afflixit te penuria . . vt oftenderet tibi ... in folo pane . . . in omni verbo 4 Veflimentum tuum quo operiebaris, nequaquam vetuflate defecit i. 25 nicht drynnen verfehift 26 fondern du folt eyn ekel vnd grewel daran haben. viii, 2 vnd gedenckfl . . demutiget vnd ver- fucht 3 am brot alleyn, fondern an allem 4 veraltet an dyr . . ge- fchwollen ^1. iH. N. 26 Damned, Or curfed. viii, 3 Humbled the: Hum- bled loke after .xxi, c. The word is lyfe. 4 Thy rayment, etc.: Here mayfl thou fe that they fhall want nothyng that beleue the woorde & lyue after it, but that God careth for them in all thynges yf they c5mytt them felues wholy to his prouifyon. i. Pet. v, d. 552 Z^t fgfte hokt of JHoses, vm. 5-16 5 Vnderftonde therfore in thine herte, that as a man nurtereth his fonne, euen fo the Lorde thy God nurter- 6 eth the. Kepe therfore the com- [Fo. XVII.] maund- mentes of the Lorde thy God that thou walke in 7 his wayes and that thou feare him For the Lorde thy God bringeth the in to a good lande, a londe of riuers of water, of foutens and of fpringes 8 that fpringe out both in valayes and hylles: a londe of whete and of barly, of vynes, figtrees and pomgranates, a lond of olyuetrees with oyle and of 9 honye: a lande wherin thou fhalt not eate bred in fcarceneffe, and where thou fhalt lacke nothinge, a londe whofe ftones are yerne, and out of whofe hylles 10 thou fhalt dygge braffe. When thou haft eaten ther- fore and filled thy felfe, then bleffe the Lord for the good lond which he hath geuen the. n But bewarre that thou forgett not the Lorde thy God, that thou woldefb not kepe his comaundmentes, lawes and ordinaunces which I commaunde the this 12 daye: yee and when thou haft eate ad filled thy felfe 13 ad haft bylt goodly houffes ad dwelt therin, ad when thy beeffe ad thy ftiepe are waxed manye ad thy fyluer ad thy golde is multiplied ad all that thou haft en- 14 creafed, then bewarre left thine herte ryfe ad thou for- gett the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the 15 londe of Egipte the houffe of bondage, ad which led the in the wilderneffe both greate ad terreble with firye ferpentes ad fcor- .?. pios ad thurfte where was no water which brought the water out of the rocke of 16 flynt: whiche fed the in the wilderneffe with Man where of thy fathers knewe not, for to humble the and to M- 15 and drouth V. 5 Vt recogites 6 vt cuftodias 7 terram riuorum, aquarumque, & fontium: in cuius campis & montibus erumpunt fluuiorum abyfli 9 abfque vlla penuria ... & rerum omnium abundantia perfru- eris . . . asris metalla 10 vt cu comederis 13 armenta bourn, & ouium greges 14 eleuetur cor tuu 15 Terpens flatu adurens 16 Et poftquam . . . ^. 7 beche. brunnen. tieffen ... die an den bergen vnd ynn den awen flieffen 8 olebewm vnd honnig ynnen wechft. 9 ertz aus den bergen 11 So hiitt dich nu 14 deyn hertz fich nicht erhebe 15 feuer fpeyeten VIII. I7-IX. 3- called euteronomse. 553 proue the, that he might doo the good at thy later ende. 17 And beware that thou faye not in thine herte, my power and the might of myne awne hade hath done 18 me all thefe actes: But remembre the Lorde thy God, how that it is he which gaue the power Gods power to do mafully, for to make good the prom- ^^/ ^^ ^{{q. which he fware vnto thy fathers, as it is come to paffe this daye, 19 For yf thou fhalt forget the Lorde thy god and fhalt walke after ftraunge goddes and ferue them and wor- fheppe them, I teftyfye vnto you this daye, that ye 20 fhall furely peryfh. As the nacyons whiche the Lorde deftroyeth before the, euen fo ye fhall peryfhe, becaufe ye wolde not herken vnto the voyce of the Lord youre God. i[ The .IX. Chapter. liEARE Ifrael, thou goefl ouer lordayne this daye, to goo and conquere nacions greater and mightier than thy felfe: and cities greate ad walled vp to heauen, 2 ad people greate and tall, euen the chil- dern of the Enakims, which thou knoweft and of whom thou haft [Fo. XVIIL] herde faye who is able to ftond before the chil- 3 dern of Enack.'' But vnderftonde this are forbidde to trujl in their awne Jlredgth. A reherfall of certen thyttges thatweredone after the lawe was geuen, vnto the mur- muring at the Gr aue s of Lufi. V. 16 ad extremu mifertus eft tui 18 vt impleret pactum fuum . . . ficut praefens indicat dies. 19 omnino difpereas. 20 quas de- leuit dominus in introitu tuo ix, i & ad caelu vfque muratas 2 quibus nullus poteft ex aduerfo refiftere. a. 16 das er dyr hernach wol thett 7 difs vermugen 18 auff- richt feynen bund . . . wie es gehet heuts tags, ix, i vermauret bis vn den hymel 2 Wer kan widder die kinder Enak beftehen ? Jtl. fK. N. 17 And beware, etc.: By the helpe of God onely doeft thou what foeuer good is, & not by thyne awne helpe, no not by the helpe of any of the faynctes were he neuer fo holy, ix, I Walled vp to heaue is a fyguratyue fpeache, fygnyfyeg that the walles were hye and not eafye to be wone. 554 Ci^e fgfte &ofee of Jloses, ix. 4-10 daye that the Lorde thy God which goeth ouer before the a confumyng fire, he fhall deftroye them and he fhall fubdue them before the. And thou fhalt caft them out, and brynge them to noughte quyckely as the Lorde hath fayed vnto the. 4 Speake not in thyne hert, after that the Lorde thy God hath caft them out before the fayenge: for my rightuoufnes the Lorde hath brought me where is mds in to poffeffe this lode. Nay, but {oxrightewefnejfe. the wekedneffe of thefe nacions the Lord doth caft 5 the out before the. It is not for thi rightuoufnes fake ad right hert that thou goeft to poffeffe their lod: But partely for the wekedneffe of thefe nacios, the Lord thy god doth caft the out before the, and partly to performe that which the Lorde thy God fware vnto thi fathers, Abraham, Ifaac and lacob. 6 Vnderftond therfore that it is not for thy rightuouf- nes fake, that the Lorde thy God doth geue the this good lond to poffeffe it, for thou art a ftiffenecked 7 people. Remebre ad forget not how thou prouokedeft the Lorde thi god in the wilderneffe: for fens the daye that thou cameft out of the lond of Egipte vntyll ye came vnto this place, ye haue rebelled agenft the 8 .r. Lorde. Alfo in Horeb ye angred the Lorde fo that the Lorde was wroth with you, eue to haue de- 9 ftroyed you, after that I was gone vpp in to the mount, to fett the tables of ftone, the tables of appoyntment which the Lorde made with you. And I abode in the hyll .xl. dayes ad .xl, nightes and nether ate bred nor 10 dranke water. And the Lorde delyuered me two tables of ftone writen with the finger of God, and in them was acordynge to all the wordes which the Lorde JH. 3 caft the out, and brynge them out, and brynge them to noughte 4 in to poffeffe. ^'- 3 ignis deuorans atque cofumens, qui conterat eos & deleat atque difperdat ante facie tua velociter 6 cum duriffimae ceruicis fis populus. 7 ad iracundiam prouocaueris . . . femper aduerfum dominum contendifti. 8 prouocafti eum 2-- 3 er wirt fie vertilgen . . . vnd vmbringen bald 6 fyntemal du ein halftarrig volck bift 7 erzorntift ynn der wuften 8 ynn Horeb ertzurntet Jl. Jtt. N. 4 Where is mans rightwefnes ? IX. II-2I. calletr euteronomge. 555 fayed vnto you in the mount out of the fire in the daye whe the people were gathered together. 11 And whe the .xl. dayes and .xl. nyghtes were ended, the Lorde gaue me: the two tables off ftone, the tables 12 of the teftament, and fayed vnto me: Vpp, and get the doune quyckely from hence, for thy people which thou haft broughte out of Egipte, haue marred marred, hurt, , f. , injured, dam- them lelues. ^^ed They are turned attonce out of the waye, whiche I commaunded them, and haue made the a god of metall. 13 Furthermore the Lorde fpake vnto me fayenge: I fe 14 this people how that it is a ftiffenecked people, let me alone that I maye deflroye them and put out the name off them from vnder heauen, and I will make off the a nacion both greater ad moo than they. 15 [Fo. XIX.] And I turned awaye and came doune from the hyll (and the hyll burnt with fire) and had 16 the two tables of the appoyntment in my handes. And when I loked and fawe that ye had fynned agenft the Lorde youre God and had made you a calfe of metall and had turned attonce out of the waye whiche the 17 Lorde had commaunded you. The I toke the two tables and caft them out of my two handes, and brake 18 the before youre eyes. And I fell before the Lorde: euen as at the firft tyme .xl. dayes ad .xl. nightes and nether ate bred nor dranke water ouer all youre fynnes whiche ye had fynned in doynge wekedly in the fyght 19 of the Lorde ad in prouokinge him. For I was afrayed of the wrath and fearfneffe wherwith the Lord was angrie with you, eue for to haue deftroyed you But the Lorde herde my peticion at that tyme alfo. 20 The Lorde was very angrie with Aaron alfo, eue for to haue deftroyed him: But I made intercefilon 21 for Aaro alfo the fame tyme. And I toke youre fynne, the calfe which ye had made ad burnt him T. 10 quando concio populi congregata eft. 12 .^gypto, de- feruerunt velociter viam, quam demonftrafti eis, feceruntque fibi conflatile. 14 dimitte me 16 vitulum conflatilem 18 procidi ... & eum ad iracundiam prouocaftis. 20 fimiliter \. 12 eyn gegofiens bild 14 las ab von niyr 16 eyn gegoffen kalb 18 fiel fur . . . yhn zu erzurnen 20 zur felben zeyt 556 E]}Z fgfte tiohe of lEoscs, ix. 22-29 with fire ad ftampe him and grounde dampe.veri, him a good, eue vnto fmal duft. And ^fj^^%r. I caft the duft thereof in to the broke oughly that defcended out of the mount. 22 Alfo at Thabeera and at Mafa and at the .?. fepul- 23 chres of luft ye angred the Lorde, yee ad when the Lorde fent you from Cades Bernea fayenge: goo vpp and conquere the lond whiche I haue geuen you, ye difobeyed the mouth of the Lorde youre God, and 24 nether beleued hi nor herkened vnto his voyce. Thus ye haue bene difobediet vnto the Lord, fence the daye that I knew you. 25 And I fell before the Lorde .xl. dayes Lerne to and .xl. nightes whiche I laye there, for P^'^y^- 26 the Lorde was minded to haue deftroyed you. But I made interceffion vnto the Lorde and fayed: O Lorde lehoua, deftroye not thy people and thyne enherit- auce which thou haft delyuered thorow thi greatneffe and which thou haft brought out of Egipte with a 27 mightie hand. Remebre thy fervauntes Abraham, Ifaac and lacob and loke not vnto the ftoburneffe 28 of this people nor vnto their wekedneffe and fynne: left the londe whence thou broughteft them faye: Becaufe the Lorde was not able to brynge them in to the londe which he promyfed them and becaufe he hated them, therfore he caried them out to deftroye them in the 29 wilderneffe. Moreouer they are thy people and thine enheritaunce, whiche thou broughteft out with thy myghtye power and wyth thy ftretched out arme. JEl. 22 Thaberah 23 Barne U. 22 In incendio quoque, & in tentatione, & in Sepulchris c5cupifcentiae 23 & contempfiflis imperium domini 24 fed femper fuiflis rebelles a die qua noffe vos coepi. 25 quibus eum fuppliciter deprecabar . . . vt fuerat comminatus 26 in magnitudine tua 28 dicat habitatores terras . . . quam poUicitus eft eis it. 22 zu Thabeera vnd zu Maffa vnd bey den Luftgrebern 24 denn yhr feyt vngehorfam dem Herrn geweft, fo lang ich euch kand habe. 25 die ich da lag, Denn der Herr fprach 28 das land fage . . . das er yhnen geredet hatte la. JH. N. 25 Lerne to praye. x.i-8. calleti euteronomse, 55/ [Fo. XX.] [ The .X. Chapte . N the fame ceafon the Lord fayed ^'^ '^^^ the water of the red fee vppon the as they chafed you, and how the Lorde hath brought them to nought vnto U. 20 & ei foli feruies: ipfi adhasrebis, iurabifque in nomine illius. xi, I obferua praecepta eius 2 Cognofcite hodie , . . difci- plinam domini 4 omnique exercitui . . et deleuerit 1. 20 yhm foltu dienen, yhm foltu anliangen, vnd bey feynem namen fchweren 21 bey dyr. xi, i vnd feyne hut 2 ericennet . . . nemlich die zuciitigung 4 an der macht der Egypter ... da fie euch nach iagten . . vmbracht JH. ^. N- 20 Swere by his name: To fweare that which is true in a caufe of fayth ether .0 the honoure of God or profet of thy neyghboure is leafull. And then wyll Mofes that the othe be made by the name of God: by which he meaneth, that yf we mufl neades fweare, we refer the othe to God onely although thou fweare by a boke or other thyng; as paull dyd by his con- fcience. Roma. ix. a. 56o m^t fgfte iofte of IHoses, xi.5-14 5 this daye: ad what he dyd vnto you in the wilderneffe; 6 vntill ye came vnto this place: ad what he dyd vnto Dathan and Abiram the fonnes of EHab the fonne of Ruben, how the erth opened hir mouth ad fwalowed the with their houfholdes and their tentes, ad all their fubftace that was in their poffeffio, in the myddes of Ifrael. 7 For youre eyes haue fene all the greate deades of 8 the Lorde which he dyd. Kepe therfore al the c6- maundmentes which I comaunde the this daye that ye maye be ftronge ad goo and conquere the londe 9 whether ye go to poffeffe it, ad that ye maye prolonge youre dayes in the londe which the Lorde fware vnto youre fathers to geue vnto them ad to their feed, a londe that floweth with mylke and honye. 10 For the londe whother thou goefl to poffeffe it, is not as the londe of Egipte whence thou cameft out, where thou fowedeft thi feed and wateredeft it with 11 thi laboure as a garden of herbes: but the londe whither ye goo ouer [Fo. XXII.] to poffeffe it, is a londe of hilles and valeyes and drynketh water of the rayne of 12 heaue, and a londe which the Lorde thi God careth for. The eyes of the Lord thi God are always apo it, from the begynnynge of the yere vnto the later ende of the yere. 13 Yf thou fhalt herken therfore vnto my commaunde- mentes which I commaunde you this daye, that ye loue the Lorde youre God and ferue him with all youre 14 hertes and with all youre foules: then he will geue rayne vnto youre londe in due feafon, both the fyrft rayne and the later, and thou fhalt gather in thy corne, v. 6 in medio Ifraelis. lo vbi iacto femine in hortorum morem aquas ducuntur irriguas 12 femper inuifit i.. 6 yhrem gefind . . mitten vnter dem gantzen Ifrael. 8 ge- flerckt werdet 10 da du deynen famen fehifl: vnd trenckefl es zu fuffen, wie eyn kol garten, 12 nach wilchem land der Herr . . . fraget . . . ymer dar drynen 14 fo wil ich , . . regen geben |H. ^. N. 6 Abiram: Or Abirom. 10 Water dejl, etc: By this is meant that water was wonte to be brought ouer all Egypt oute of the ryuer Nilus by laboure becaufe they wanted rayne. 14 Rayne &^ the later: That is after the Hebre. the rayne in October which is after herueft, & in fpring tyme. XI. 15-24. calleti eutcronomge. 56i 15 thy wyne and thyne oyle. And he will fende graffe in thy feldes for thy catell: and thou (halt eate and fyll thy felfe. 16 But bewarre that youre hertes difceaue you not that ye turne afyde and ferue ftraunge goddes and worfhepe 17 them, and the the wrath of the Lorde waxe hote vpon you ad fhott vp the heauen that there be no rayne and that youre londe yeld not hir frute, and that ye perefli quickly from of the good lode which the Lorde geueth you. 18 Putt vp therfore thefe my wordes in youre hertes and in youre foules, and bynde them for a fygne vnto youre handes, and lett .f. them be as papers of re- 19 membraunce betwene youre eyes, and teach them youre childern : fo that thou ^ talke of them TalAe of rob- when thou fytteft in thyne houffe, and ynhod /aye , ., 11 n. i_ ^1 1 V our e prelates when thou walkelt by the waye, and when ^ 20 thou lyeft doune and when thou ryfeft vpp: yee and Avrite them vppon the dorepoftes of thine houffe and 21 vppon thi gates, that youre dayes may be multi- plyed ad the dayes of youre childern apon the erth which the Lorde fware vnto youre fathers to geue them, as longe as the dayes of heaue laft vpon the erth. 22 For yf ye fhall kepe all thefe comaundmentes which I comaunde you, fo that ye doo the and loue the Lorde youre God and walke in all his wayes and cleaue vnto 23 him. Then will the Lorde caft out all thefe nacions 24 both greatter and myghtyer then youre felues. All the places where on the foles of youre fete fhall treade, fhalbe youres: euen from the wilderneffe and from ^. 23 all thefe nacions & ye fhall conquere the which are both greatter "F. 17 iratufque dominus claudat caelum . . de terra optima . . . daturus efl 18 & fufpendite ea pro figna in manibus, & . . . collocate. 19 vt ilia meditetur 21 quamdiu caelum immineret ter- rae. 23 poffidebitis 24 Omnis locus quern calcauerit 1. 15 vnd wil . . . gras geben 16 das fich ewr hertz nicht vberreden laffe 18 bindet fie zum zeichen auff ewre hand, das fie eyn denckmal fur ewren augen feyen. 19 leret fie . . . das du dauon redid 21 fo lange die tage von hymel auff erden weren. 24 AUe ortter darauff ewr fufs folen trit 562 C!)e fgfte isokt of JHoses, xi. 25-32 Libanon and from the ryuer Euphrates, euen vnto the 25 vttemoft fee fhall youre coftes be. There fhall no man be able to fbonde before you: the Lorde youre God fhal caft the feare and dreade of you vppo all londes whe- ther ye fhall come, as he hath fayed vnto you. 26 Beholde, I fett before you this daye a ble- [Fo. 27 XXIII.] ffynge and a curfe: a bleffynge: yf ye herke vnto the commaundmentes of the Lorde youre God 28 which I comaude you this daye: And a curfe: yf ye will not herke vnto the comaundmentes of the Lord youre God: but turne out of the waye which I commaude you this daye to goo after ftraunge goddes which ye haue not knowen. 29 When the Lorde thi God hath brought the in to the londe whother thou goeft to poffeffe it, then put the bleffmge vppon mount Grifim and the curfe vppon 30 mount Ebal, which are on the other fyde lordane on the backe fide of the waye towarde the goynge doune of the fonne in the lode of the Cananites which dwell in the feldes ouer agenft Gilgal befyde moregroue. 31 Fo ye fhall goo ouer to goo and poffeffe the londe which the Lorde youre God geueth you, and fhall con- 32 quere it ad dwell there in. Take hede therfore that ye doo al the comaundmentes and lawes, which I fett before you this daye. JH. 29 Garizim 30 agenft Galgal befyde the groue of Moreh. V. 24 a flumine magno Euphrate vfque ad mare occidentale 25 fuper omnem terram qua calcaturi eftis 28 quam ego nunc oftendo vobis 30 poft viam quas vergit ad folis occubitum . . . Galgalam, quae eft iuxta vallem tendentem & intrantem procul. 32 Videte ergo 5^. 24 bis ans letzte meer 25 darynnen yhr reyfet 29 den fe- gen geben 30 der ftraffen nach von der fonnen nyddergang . . . blachen felt wonen gegen Gilgal vber, bey dem hayn More 32 So behaltet nu XII. 1-9- calleti euteronomge* 563 The .XII. Chapter. HESE are the ordinaunces and M- _ _ we ought to agayne. But that which thou haft with lende. 4 thy brother thyne hande fhall remytt, and that in any wyfe, that there be no begger amonge you. For the Lorde fhall bleffe the lande whiche the Lorde thy God 5 geueth the, an heritaunce to poffeffe it: fo that thou herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, to obferue ad doo all thefe commaundmentes which I commaunde 6 you this daye: ye and then the Lorde thy God fhall bleffe the as he hath promyfed the, and thou fhalt lende vnto many nacyons, and fhalt borowe of no man, and fhalt raygne ouer many nacyons, but none fhal reygne ouer the. 7 [Fo. XXIX.] When one of thi brethern amonge you is waxed poore in any of thi cities within thi lode which the Lorde thi God geueth the, fe that thou harden not thine hert nor fhetto thyne hande from thi poore bro- 8 ther: But open thyne hand vnto him and lende him 9 fufficient for his nede which he hath. And beware that JH. 2 afke agayne 4 enheritauce V. I remiffionem 2 quae hoc ordine celebrabitur. Cui debetur aliquid ab amico vel proximo ac fratre fuo, repetere non poterit 3exiges: ciuem & propinquum repetendi non habebis poteftatem. 4 omnino indigens, & mendicus ... vt 5 Si tamen . . . quae iuffit, & quae . . . praecipio 5 vt pollicitus eft. 7 Si vnus ... ad pauperta- tem deuenerit 8 quo eum indigere perfpexeris. 3L. I Freyiar 2 Alfo fols aber zugehen . . eynmanen (v. 3) . . . denn es heyft 4 Es fol aller dinge keyn . . . denn 5 alleyn XV. lo-is. . calkti euteronomge* 573 there be not a poynte of Belial in thine hert, that thou woldeft faye. The feuenth yere, the yere of fredome is at honde, and therfore it greue the to loke on thy poore brother and geueft him nought and he then crye vnto 10 the Lorde agenft the and it be fynne vnto the: But geue him, and let it not greue thine hert to geue. Be- caufe that for that thinge, the Lorde thy God fhall bleffe the in all thi workes and in all that thou putteft 11 thine hande to. For the londe fhall neuer be without poore. Wherfore I comaunde the fayenge: open thine hande vnto thi brother that is neady ad poore in thy lande. 12 Yf thi brother an Hebrue fell him felf to the or an Hebruas, he fhall ferue the fyxe yere and the feuenth 13 yere thou fhalt lett him go fre from the. And when thou fendeft hym out fre from the, thou fhalt not let 14 him goo awaye emptye: but Ihalt geue him of thy fhepe and of thi corne and of thy wyne, and geue him off .If that where with the Lorde thi God hath bleffed the. 15 And remembre that thou waft a feruaunte in the londe of Egipte, and the Lorde thi God delyuered the thence: wherfore I commaunde the this thinge to daye. 16 But and yf he faye vnto the, I will not goo awaye from the, becaufe he loueth the and thine houffe and 17 is well at eafe with the. Then take a naule anaule,flaw/ and nayle his eare too the doore there with ad let him be thi feruaunte foreuer and vnto thi mayde feruaunte 18 thou fhalt doo likewife. And let it not greue thine V. 9 fubrepat tibi impia cogitatio, & dicas in corde tuo ... & auertas oculos tuos (i8) . . clamet contra te lonec ages quippiam callide in eius neceffitatibus fubleuandis ... ad quae manum mi- feris. 12 Hebrseus aut Hebrasa I4fed dabis viaticum 1 5 & liberauerit te 17 & perforabis aurem eius %. 9 eyn Belial tuck fey, das da fprech . . . vnd fihefl deynen . . . vnfreuntlich an 10 fondern du folt yhm geben vnd deyn hertz nicht verdriffen laffen, das du yhm gibfl 12 Ebreer odder Ebreeryn 17 bore yhm durch feyn ohr an der thur 18 Vnd las dichs nicht fchwer duncken ^. ^. N. 9 yi poynte of Belial in thine herte: A poynt of Belial here for the wycked and frowarde councell of Belial, 17 Then take a naule and nayle, etc: The entent of this lawe is to caufe the to abhorre bodage wherunto this open fhame fhulde dryue them for God wyll not that the loue of any man fhulde be dearer vnto hym then lybertye. 574 ^ ^2^^ &^^^ of IHoscs, XV. 19-23 eyes to lett him goo out from the, for he hath bene worthe a double hired feruaunte to the in his feruyce vi. yeres. And the Lorde thi God fhall bleffe the in all that thou doeft. 19 All the firftborne that come of thine oxen and of thi fhepe that are males, thou fhalt halowe vnto the Lorde thi God. Thou fhalt do no feruyce with the firftborne 20 of thi fhepe: but fhalt eate the before the Lorde thi God yere by yere in the place which the Lorde hath chofen both thou and thine houffholde. 21 Yf there be any deformyte there in, whether it be lame or blinde or what foeuer euell faueredneffe it hath, 22 thou fhalt not offer it vnto the Lorde thi God: But fhalt eate it in thine awne citie, the vncleane and the cleane in- [Fo. XXX.] differently, as the roo and the 23 hert. Only eate not the bloude there of, but poure it vppon the grounde as water. v. 18 quoniam iuxta mercedem mercennarii 19 deo tuo. Non operaberis in primogenito bouis, & non tondebis primogenita ouium. 21 aut in aliqua parte deforme vel debile 22 tarn mundus quam immundus fimiliter vefcentur eis iL. 18 denn er hat dyr als eyn zwiffeltig tagloner 19 heyligen. Du folt nicht ackern mit dem erflling deyner ochfen, vnd nicht befcheren die erflhling deyner fchafiF2i odder fonfl yrgen eyn bofen feyl 22 fondern ynn deynem thor foltu es effen (du feyfl vnreyn Oder reyn) iH. JH. N. 22 T/ie vncleane and the cleane indifferetly , etc.: Or whether thou be cleane or vncleane, & lyke wyfe in the .xii chapter b, and c. In the Hebrue it is indifferet in al thefe places, to aplye the cleanes or vncleanes to the perfon that eateth it, or to the beafl that is eaten. calleti eutcronomjje. 575 i[ The .XVI. Chapter. BSERUE the moneth of Abyb, iH.C.S. Of and offer paffeover vnto the ^j^^Z';^^^ ^^^ Lorde thi God. For in the the feajl of moneth of Abib, the Lorde t^'bern^cles. ' what offycers thy God brought the out of Egipte by ought to be nyght. ordeyned. 2 Thou fhalt therfore offer paffeover vnto the Lorde thi God, and fhepe and oxen in the place which the 3 Lorde fhall chofe to make his name dwell there. Thou fhalt eate no leueded bred there with: but fhalt eate there with the bred of tribulacio .vii. dayes loge. For thou cameft out of the lode of Egipte in hafl, that thou mayft remembre the daye when thou cameft out of 4 the londe of Egipte, all dayes of thi life. And fe that there be no leuended bred fene in all thi coftes .vii dayes longe, and that there remayne nothinge of the flefh which thou haft offered the fyrft daye at euen, vntil the mornynge. 5 Thou mayft not offer paffeover in any of thi cities 6 which the Lord thi god geueth the: But in the place which the Lorde thi God fhall chofe to make his name dwell in, there thou .IT. fhalt offer Paffeouer at euen aboute the goyngdoune of the fonne, euen in the 7 feafon that thou cameft out of Egipte. And thou fhalt feth and eate in the place which the Lorde thi God hath chofen, and departe on the morowe and 8 gette the vnto thi tente. Sixe dayes thou fhalt eate U. I menfem nouarum frugum, & verni primu temporis . . . in iflo menfe 2 de ouibus3 Non comedes in eo . . abfque fermento, afflictionis panem . . in pauore egreffus 4 immolatum 5 immo- lare . . phafe . . daturus efl 7 maneque confurgens vades \. I bey der nacht 2 Vnd folt . . . zu Oflern opffern 3 vn- gefeuerts brod deyns elends 5 Oflern opffern (v. 6) 7 vnd darnach dich wenden des morgens vnd lieym gehen ^. JH. N. I Abib: Abib, that is of apryll, when all thynges do fprynge of freaffhe Exod. xxiii, b. 57^ Efje fgfte ioke of fHoses, xvi. 9-16 fwete bred, and the feuenth daye is for the people to come together to the Lorde thi God, that thou mayft do no worke. 9 Then reken the .vii. wekes, and begynne to reke the .vii. wekes when the fyccle begynneth in the corne, 10 and kepe the feaft of wekes vnto the Lorde thi God, that thou geue a frewilofferinge of thine hade vnto the Lord thi God acordinge as the Lorde thi God hath 11 bleffed the. And reioyfe before the Lorde thi God both thou, thi fonne, thi doughter, thi feruaunte and thi mayde, and the leuite that is within thi gates, and the ftraunger, the fatherleffe ad the wedowe that are amonge you, in the place which the Lorde thi God 12 hath chofen to make his name dwel there. And remebre that thou waft a feruaute in why. Egipte, that thou obferue and doo thefe ordinaunces. 13 Thou fhalt obferue the feaft of tabernacles .vii. dayes longe, after that thou haft gathered in thi corne and 14 thi wyne. And thou fhalt reioyfe in that thi feaft, both thou and thi fonne, [Fo. XXXL] thi doughter, thi feruaunte, thi mayde, the leuite, the ftraunger, the fatherleffe and the wedowe that are in thi cities. 15 Seuen dayes thou fhalt kepe holy daye vnto the Lorde thi God, in the place which the Lorde fhal chofe: for the Lorde thi God fhall bleffe the in all thi frutes and in all the workes of thine handes, and thou 16 fhalt be all together gladneffe. Thre tymes in the yere fhall al youre males appere before the Lorde thi God in the place which he fhal chofe: In the feaft of |K. 15 handes, & therfore (halt thou be glad. "F. 8 collecta efl domini o Sept. hebd. numerabis tibi ab ea die qua falcem in fegetem miferis lo diem feflum hebdomadarum II & epulaberis (v. 14) 12 cuflodiefque ac facies quas prascepta funt. 14 fefliuitate tua 15 erifque in laetitia, 3L. 8 die fleur 9 zelen, vnd an heben zu zehlen 11 frolich feyn (v. 14) 12 haltift vnd thufl nach difen fitten. 15 das fefl halten 16 erwelet hat |K. JH. N. 1 1 Gates: By gates is oft tymes vnderflande cytyes lurifdycyon rule and gouernaunce as in this fame chapter beneth in d. (v. 18). XVI. I7-XVII. 2. calletr euteronomse. ^11 fwete bred, in the feaft of wekes and in the booth feaft. And they fhal not appere before the Lorde emptier 17 but euery ma with the gifte of his honde, acordynge to the bleflinge of the Lorde thi God, which he hath geuen the. The .XVII. Chapter. payne and p u nyjhement the Lorde thi God geueth the for Idolatrie. VDGES and officers thou fhalt make the in all thi cities which thorowoutthitrybes. andlett the iudge the people right- Wreft not the lawe nor knowe The doutefull fentence muji be referred vntothegreaie Judges. The punyfJiement of a rebeller or prefump- tuoufe with- ludges. 19 eoufly. any perfone nether take any rewarde: for giftes blynde the wife and peruerte the 20 wordes of the righteous. But in all thinge folowe righteoufneffe, that thou mayft lyue flander of the and enioye the londe which the Lord thi ^jlJi'iucyJnof God geueth the. a Kynge. 21 .T. Thou fhalt plante no groue of what foeuer trees it be, nye vnto the altare of the Lorde thi God which 22 thou fhalt make the. Thou fhalt fett the vpp no piler, XVII, I which the Lorde thy God hateth. Thou fhalt offer vnto the Lorde thy God no oxe or fhepe where in is any deformyte, what foeuer euell faueredneffe it be: for that is an abhominacion vnto the Lorde thi God. 2 Yf there be founde amonge you in any of thi cities JH. 16 feafl *of tabernacles (* Margin, see below. This chap- ter ends in Matthew's Bible as in the Authorized Version; v. 17 of the latter is the last verse of Ch. xvi. in Tyndale). xvii, 2 the cytyes 'H. 18 ludices & magiflros 19 nee in alteram partem declinent. . . . excascant oculos . . . mutant verba 20 lufle quod iuftum eft, perfequeris. xvii, i macula aut quippia vitii JL. 18 richten mit rechtem gericht 19 Du folt das recht nicht beugen . . . verleytten die rechten fachen 20 Was recht ift dem foltu nach iagen. xvii, i etwas bofes JH. |E. N. 16 Of tabernacles: Or bothes. 18 Judges. 578 Efje fsfte ftofte of JHoses, xvn. t,o which the Lord thi God geueth the man or woman that hath wrought wekedneffe in the fighte of the Lord thi God, that they haue gone beyonde his appoynt- 3 ment, fo that they haue gone and ferued ftrauge goddes ad worfhipped the, whether it be the fonne or mone or 4 any thinge contayned in heaue which I forbade, and it was tolde the ad thou haft herde of it: Then thou fhalt enquere diligently. And yf it be true and the thinge of a fuertye that 5 foch abhomynacion is wrought in Ifrael, the thou fhalt bringe forth that ma or that woman whiche haue c6- mytted that weked thinge, *vnto thi gates Op inly in ad fhalt ftone the with ftones ad they fhall not fecretlye 6 dye. At the mouth of .ii. or .iii. witneffes in pre/on: (hal he that is worthy of death, dye: but ^jJ^/r^S at the mouth of one witneffe he fhall not not torjnent- 7 dye. And the handes of the witneffes yngethem or fhalbe fi- [Fo. XXXIL] rft vppon hym /wer agetijl to kyll him, ad afterwarde the handes of ^'^^ felves or all the people: fo fhalt thou put weked- feives. neffe awaye from the. 8 Yf a matter be to harde for the in iudgemet be- twene bloud and bloude, plee and plee, plage and plage in maters of ftrife within thi cities: Then Arife and gett the vpp vnto the place which the Lorde thi 9 God hath chofen, and goo vnto the preaftes the leuites and vnto the iudge that fhalbe in thofe dayes, and axe, 10 and they fhall fhewe the how to iudge. And fe that JH. 5 vnto the gates 9 dayes, and afke "F. 2 malum 3 omnem militiam caeli, quae non praecepi 4 in- quifieris diligenter 5 et lapidibus obruentur. 6 peribit qui inter- ncietur 7 vt auferas malum de medio tui (v. 12). 8 Si difficile & ambiguii . . . lepram & non lepram, & iudicum intra portas tuas videris verba variari 9 qui indicabunt tibi iudicii veritatem. 1. 2 vbels thut 3 yrgent eyn heer des hymels, das ich nicht gepotten habe 5 vnd folt fie zu todt fleynigen 7 das du den bofen von dyr thuefl (v. 12). 8 zwiffchen plage vnd plage, vnd was zen- kifche fachen find ynn deynen thoren 9 die foUen dyr das vrteyl fprechen Jl. |K. N. 5 Vnto the gates: Opely in the gates & not fe- cretly in prefon With lawful witneffe and not tormentinge them or makynge the fwere agaynfl them felues or forfwere them felues. XVII. II-I8. calleti euteronomse. 579 thou doo acordinge to that which they of that place which the Lorde hath chofen fhew the and fe that thou obferue to doo acordinge to all that they enforme the. 11 Acordinge to the lawe which they teach the and maner of iudgement which they tell the, fe that thou doo and that thou bowe not from that which they fhewe the, nether to the right hande nor to the lyfte. 12 And that man that will doo prefumptuously, fo that he will not herken vnto the preafl that ftondeth there to myniftre vnto the Lorde thi God or vnto the iudge, fhall dye: and fo thou fhalt put awaye euell from Ifrael. 13 And all the people fhall heare and fhall feare, and fhall doo nomare prefumptuofly, 14 .IT. When thou art come vnto the lode which the Lorde thi God geueth the and enioyeft it and dwelleft therin: Yf thou fhalt faye, I will fett a kinge ouer kynges. me, like vnto all the nacions that are aboute me: 15 Then thou fhalt make him kinge ouer the, whom the Lorde thi God fhal chofe. One of thi brethern muft thou make kinge ouer the, and mayft not fett a ftraunger 16 ouer the which is not of thi brethern. But in ani wyfe let hi not holde to many horffes, that he bringe not the people agayne to Egipte thorow the multitude of horffes, for as moch as the Lorde hath fayed vnto you: ye fhall 17 hence forth goo no moare agayne that waye. Alfo he fhall not haue to many wyues, left his hert turne awaye, nether fhall he gather him fyluer and golde to moch. 18 And when he is feten vppon the feate off his JH. 18 And when he is fett t^. II iuxta legem eius, fequerisque fententiam eorum, nee declinabis 12 Qui autem fuperbierit ... ex decreto iudicis 13 vt nullus deinceps intumefcat fuperbia. 14 poffederis earn, habita- uerifque in ilia 15 Non poteris alterius gentis hominem regem facere, qui non fit frater tuus. 16 Cumque fuerit conflitutus . . . equitatus numero fubleuatus . . . vt nequaquam amplius per eandem viam reuertamini. 17 quae alliciant animum eius i. 10 nach allem das fie dich leren werden 11 foltu dich halten . . . nicht abweychefl 12 vermeffen handeln . . . ampt flehet 14 nymefl es eyn vnd wonefl drynnen 16 nicht viel roffer halte . . . vmb der roffe menge willen . . . fort nicht widder durch difen weg komen folt 17 das feyn hertze nicht abgewand werde &.. ^"t. y. 14 Kynges. 58o Cfje f^fte ftofee of looses, xvn. 19-xvin. 5 kingdome, he fhall write him out this feconde lawe in a boke takynge a copye of the preaftes the leuites. 19 And it fhalbe with him and he fhall reade there in all dayes of his lyfe that he maye lerne to feare the Lorde his God for to kepe all the wordes * 20 of this lawe ad thefe ordinaunces for to doo them: that his hert aryfe not aboue his brethern and that he turne not from the commaundment: ether to the righte hande or to the lifte: that both he ad his [Fo. XXXIIL] childern maye prolonge their dayes in his kingdome in Ifrael. i[ The .XVIII. Chapter. HE preaftes the Leuites all the M.dP.S. The i_ tc -r n 11 1 Leuytesmyp^ht trybe off Leui fhall haue no ^^/^ o pof- parte nor enheritaunce with feffyons. I- Ifrael. The offrynges of the ifjlTlf. I meruel that Lorde ad his enheritaunce The prophet ^ourediffig- tj^ ^^11 gate, but fhall ^/''y-f^ r 'I uredcoude ' pro my fe d . 7nakenofigure hauenoenheritaunceamonge The falfe pro- of this all their brethern: the Lorde he P^^t ^>^^Jt be this while . , . , . , /lay ne, Or' how IS their enheritaunce, as he ^^ may be 3 hath fayed vnto them. And this is the know'e. dutie of the preaftes, of the people and of them that offer, whether it be oxe or fhepe: They muft geue vnto the preaft, the (hulder and the two chekes and the 4 maw, the firftfrutes of thy corne, wyne and oyle, and the firft of thy fhepefheryng muft thou geue 5 him. For the Lorde thy God hath chofen him out "F. 18 defcribet fibi Deuteronomium legis huius in volumine, accipiens exemplar a facerdotibus Leuiticas tribus 19 & ceremo- nias eius quae in lege praecepta funt. 20 in fuperbiam fuper fratres fuos . . . vt . . regnet ipfe & filii eius fuper Ifrael. xviii, i quia 3 Hoc erit iudicium facerdotum 1. 18 alle wort difes gefetzs vnd dife fitten 20 auff feynem konigreych. xviii, 3 das recht der priefter xvin. 6-14. calleti eutcronomse* 58 1 of all thy trybes to ftonde and to miniftre in the name of the Lorde: both hi and his fonnes for euer. 6 Yf a Leuite come out of any of thy cities or any place of Ifrael, where he is a fegeorner, ad come with all the luft of his herte vnto the place which the Lorde 7 hath chofen: he fhall there miniftre in the name of the Lorde his god as all his brethern the Leuites doo 8 whiche ftonde there before the Lord. And they fhall haue lyke porcyons to eate, befyde that whiche cometh to hym of the patrimonye of hys .f. elders. 9 When thou art come in to the londe which the Lorde thy God geueth the, fe that thou lerne not to 10 doo after the abhominacyos of thefe nacyons. Let there not be founde amonge you that maketh his fonne or his doughter go thorow fyre, ether b r u t e r a r, a bruterar or a maker of difmale dayes or difmale dayes, 11 that vfeth witchcraft or a forcerar or a unlucky days charmar or that fpeaketh with a fpirite or a fothfayer 12 or that talketh with them that are deed. For all that doo foch thinges are abhominacion vnto the Lorde: and becaufe of thefe abhominacyons the Lorde thy 13 God doeth caft them out before the, be pure therfore 14 with the Lorde thy God. For thefe nacyons whiche thou fhalt conquere, herken vnto makers off dyfemall dayes and bruterars. iSl. 5 all the trybes lo fonne or daughter to go thorow the fyre, or that vfeth withcraft, or a chofer oute of dayes or that re- gardeth the flyeg of foules, or a forcerar ii or a charmar, or that counceleth with fpretes, or a propheciar or that afketh the aduyfe of the deed. 14 herken vnto chofers oute of dayes and prophecyars. 1^. 6 defyderans locum 8 ex paterna ei fucceffione debetur. 9 dabit . . . ne imitari velis 10 qui luflret . . . ducens per ignem: aut qui ariolos fcifcitetur, & obferuet fomnia atque auguria. nee fit maleficus, 11 nee ineatator, neque qui pythones confulat, nee diuinos, & quaerat a mortuis veritate. 12 delebit eos in introitu tuo. 13 perfectus eris & abfque macula 14 tu autem . . aliter in- ftitutus es. 3L. 6 vnd kompt nach aller lufl feyner feele 8 on was er hat von dem verkaufften gutt feyner veter. 9 geben wirt 10 odder eyn weyffager, odder eyn tage weler, odder der auff vogel gefchrey achte, odder zeuberer, 1 1 odder befchwerer, odder warfager, odder eyn zeychen deutter, odder der die todten frage. 13 on wandel JH. JH. N. 10 Withcrafte: Or arte magyke. Chofer oute of dayes: Some that haue regarde to tymes. 1 1 Afketh the aduyfe of the deed: They afl-ce y aduyfe of y deed that coiure fprytes in the nyght thinckyng that they are foules departed 582 Cjje fgfte iioke of fHoses, xvm. 15 22 But the Lorde thy God permytteth not that to the. 15 The Lorde thy God will fterre vpp a prophete amonge you: eue of thy brethern like vnto me: and 16 vnto him ye fhall herken acording to all chrijl is here that thou defyredeft of the Lorde thy god promyfed a in Horeb in the daye when the people bftter'tyd- were gathered fayenge: Let me heare the inges then voyce of my Lorde God nomoare nor fe ^f^^- 17 this greate fire any moare, that I dye not. And the 18 Lorde fayed vnto me: they haue well fpoken, I will [Fo. XXXIIIL] rayfe them vpp a prophett from amonge their brethern like vnto the ad will put my wordes in to his mouth and he fhall fpeake vnto the al that I 19 fhall commaunde him. And whofoeuer will not herken vnto the wordes which he fhall fpeake in my name, I will requyre it off him. 20 But the prophete which fhall prefume to fpeake ought in my name which I commaunded him not to fpeake, and he that fpeaketh in the name of ftraunge 21 Goddes, the fame prophete fhall dye. And yf thou faye in thine hert, howe fhall I knowe that whiche 22 the Lorde hath not fpoken .'' When a prophete fpeaketh in the name of the Lorde, yf the thynge folow not nor come to paffe, that is the thinge which the Lorde hath not fpoken. But the prophete hath fpoken it prefumptuoufly: be not aferde therfore of him. JSl. 20 commaunded not to fpeake D'. 15 de gente tua & de fratribus tuis l6 quando contio con- jjregata eft 17 Bene omnia funt locuti 19 ego vltor exiftam. 21 fi. tacita cogitatione 22 hoc habebis fignum: . . . fed per tumorem animi fui propheta confinxit, & idcirco i. 14 nicht alfo ftellen dem Herrn 16 am tage der verfam- lung 19 von dem wil ichs fuchen. 20 vermeffen 22 mit vermefTen- heyt geredt, darumb Itl. iH. N. 15 Chrift is here promyfed a preacher of better tydynges then Mofes. %. f&.. N. 15 Hie wirt klerlich eyn ander predigt verheyffen dcnn Mofes predigt, wilche kan nicht das gefetze feyn, das gnug- fam durch Mofe geben, drum mus es das Euangelion feyn, Vnd difer prophet niemant denn Ihefus Chriftus felbs der folch newe predigt auff erden hat bracht. XIX. I-O. calleti euteronomse. 585 m: The .XIX. Chapter. HEN the Lorde thy God hath ^.<^.5.Tke J n J ,, , r frannche fed deftroyed the nacyons whofe 'townes. The londe the Lorde thy God geueth p ti nyjhe77tent the. and thou haft conquered 'U^^Jl fjj^ the and dwelleft in their cities and in their wytneffe. 2 houffes: thou fhalt appoynte .iii. cities in the lande whiche the Lorde thy God geueth the to .?. poffeffe 3 it: thou fhalt prepare the waye and deuyde the coftes of thy lande whiche the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheret, in to .iii. partes that whofoeuer committeth murthur may flee thither. 4 And this is the caufe of the fleyer that The popi-s flial flee thither and be faued: Yf he fmyte ^ ^an^^other his neghboure ignorantly and hated him purpofe. For 5 not in tyme paffed: As when a man goeth \^ ^"-f, ^f^^'^ J J ir b haue thejren- vnto the wodd with his neghboure to hew jfiep of the wod, and as his hade fetcheth a ftroke ^^^^< ^\^, ^^ 1 1 1 1 1 n- 1 r Jaue them with the axe, the head flippeth from the that are Good. helue and fmyteth his neghboure that he dye: the fame fhall flee vnto one off" the fame cities ad be faued. 6 Left the executer of bloude folowe after the fleyer while his hert is whote and ouertake him, becaufe '^- 2 feparabis tibi 3 fternens diligenter viam 4 Haec erit lex homicidas fugientis . . . nefciens, & qui heri & nudiuftertius nul- lum contra eum odium habuiffe comprobatur 5 ferrumque lap- fum de manubrio . . ad vnam fupradictarum vrbium 6 dolore flimulatus 3L. 2 ausfondern 4 Vnd das fol die fach feyn . . . vnwiffend, vnd hat vorhyn keyn hafs auff yhn gehabt 5 das eyfen fure vom fliel 6 der blut recher dem todfchleger nach iage, weyl feyn hertz erhitzt id JH. |H. N. 4 If he fmyte, etc.: Here are fhewed .ii. maner of maquellyng one done wyllyngly & of fet purpofe, the other vn- wyllinglye: for eue he that kylleth with the hande maye before God be no maquellare: and agayne he that is angrye and enuyeth althoughe he kyll not wyth the hade, canot but be a manilear before God: becaufe he wylleth hys neyghboure euyll. As it is fayde .i. lohan .iii, c. 584 K\}t fgfte iofte of lEoses, xix. 7-16 the waye is longe, and flee him, and yet there is no caufe worthy of deeth in him, in as moch as he hated not his neghbour in tyme paffed. As hate ma- 7 Wherfore I commaunde the fayeng: fe J^'lf^/.t^^J that thou appoynte out .iii. cities maketh it 8 And yf the Lorde thy God enlarge so^'^- thy cofl:es as he hath fvvorne vnto thy fathers and geue the all the londe which he fayed he wold geue vnto 9 thy fathers (fo that thou kepe all thefe commaund- mentes to doo them, which I commaunde the this daye, that thou loue the Lord thy god ad walke in his wayes euer) then thou [Fo. XXXV.] fhalt adde .iii 10 cities moo vnto thofe .iii. that innocent bloude be not fhed in thi lande which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheret, and fo bloude come vppon the, 11 But and yf there be any man that hateth his neygh- boure and layeth awayte for him and ryfeth agenfl him and fmyteth him that he dye, and fleeth vnto any of 12 thefe cities. Then let the elders of his citie fende and fetche him thence and delyuer him in to the hondes 13 of the iuftice of bloude, and he {hall dye. Let thyne eye haue no pitie on him, and fo thou fhalt put awaye innocent bloude from Ifrael, and happie arte thou. 14 Thou fhalt not remoue thy neghbours marke which they of olde tyme haue fett in thyne enheritaunce that thou enheretteft in the londe which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enioye it. 15 One witneffe fhall not ryfe agenft a man Yee in all ^ r r u i. r mater of her- m any maner trefpace or fynne, what fo- ^^^ agenjt euer fynne a man fynneth: But at the holyechurche: mouthe of two witneffes or of .iii. witneffes fhall all maters be tryed. 16 Yf an vnrighteous witneffe ryfe vp agenft a man to "V. 6 qui non eft reus mortis: . . contra eum qui occifus eft, odium . . . monftratur. 8 quam eis pollicitus eft 9 omni tempore . . . et fupradict. trium vrbium numerum duplicabis 10 ne fis fan- guinis reus. 12 de loco effugii . . proximi, cuius fanguis effufus eft 13 Non mifereberis eius . . vt bene fit tibi. 15 ftabit omne verbum. i.. 6 fo doch keyn vrteyl des todts an yhm ift 7 ausfonderft. 8 geredt hat 9 deyn leben lang 10 vnd kome blut auff dich. 12 des blut rechers 13 deyn augen foUen feyn nicht verfchonen (v. 21) . . das dyrs wol gehe. 15 fol alle fache beftehen. 16 eyn freueler zeuge XIX. I7-XX. 4- calleti euteronompe. 585 17 accufe him of trefpace: then let both the men which ftryue together ftonde before the Lorde, before the preaftes and the iudges .f . which fhalbe in thofe dayes, 18 and let the iudges enquyre a good. And a good, in yf the witneffe be founde falfe and that good earnest, he hath geuen falfe witneffe agenft his 19 brother the fhall ye do vnto hi as he had thought to do vnto his brother, and fo thou fhalt put euel away 20 fro the. And other fhal heare ad feare ad fhal hece- forth comytt no more any foch wekedneffe amog you. 21 And let thyne eye haue no compaffio, but life for life, eye for eye, toth for toth, hande for hand, and fote for fote. : The .XX. Chapter |HEN thou goeft out to batayle agenft thine enemyes, and feeft horfes and charettes and people moo then thou, be not JH.(!t.S. Who ought to go to battel. The Lawe of Ar- mes atnonge aferde of them, for the Lorde thy God is ^f^f Ifraelites. ' Fhe Canaa- with the whiche broughte the out of the nytes mujl 2 londe off Egipte. And when ye are come ^^^^y ^y^^- nye vnto batayle, let the preaft come forth and fpeake 3 vnto the people and faye vnto them: Heare Ifrael, ye are come vnto batayle agenfte youre enemyes, let not youre hartes faynte, nether feare nor be amafed nor a dreade of them. 4 For the Lorde thy God goeth with you to fyghte for you agenfbe youre enemyes and to faue you. li. 18 Cumque diligentiffime perfcrutantes 19 & auferes malum de medio tui 20 talia audeant facere. 21 Non mifereberis eius, fed . . . exiges. xx, i ad bellum . , . equitatus & currus, & maiorem quam tu habeas, aduerfarii exercitus multitudinem 2 praelio, flabit fac. ante aciem 4 contra aduerfarios dimicabit, vt eruat vos de periculo. i^. 18 wol forfchen 19 das bofe von dyr weg thuft 20 folche bofe fluck furnemen zu thun. xx, i ynn eyn kneg . . . rofs vnd wagen des volcks das groffer fey, denn du 2 zum flreyt 3 furcht euch nicht, vnd zappelt nicht 586 Cl)e fsfte iiokt of JHoses, XX. 5-13 5 And let the officers fpeake vnto the peo- [Fo. XXXVI.] pie fayenge: Yf any man haue bylt a new houffe and haue not -^ dedicate it, let him Dedicat: the 6 goo and returne to his houffe left he dye ^euites I fup- in the batayle, and another dedicate it. fhi^as'lve^doo And yf any man haue planted a vyne- oureJJtippes. ..f'^'"^i, ^^^ yarde and haue not made it comen -k- let ttt. firjl yeres , . , the frute ^^"^ ^0 and returne agayne vnto his myghte not be houfe, left he dye in the batayle TlfhTt ^""^ ='""'er make it comen. And 7 offred dd the yf any man be betrothed vnto a wyfe fifte eaten ad ^nd haue not taken hyr, let hym goo make it come and returne agayne vnto his houffe, left to bringe tt to hg dye in the batayle and another take the vj/e of the , laye people. n er . 8 And let the officers fpeake further vnto the people and faye. Yf any man feare and be faynte herted, let him goo and returne vnto his houffe, left his brothers 9 hert be made faynte as well as his. And when the officers haue made an ende off fpeakynge vnto the people, let the make captaynes of warre ouer them. 10 When thou comeft nye vnto a citie to fight agenft 11 it, offre them peace. And yf they anfwere the agayne peafably, and open vnto the, then let all the people that is founde therein be tributaries vnto the and ferue 12 the. But and yf they will make no peace with the, then make warre agenfte the citie and befege it. 13 .If. And when the Lord thy God hath delyuered it in to thine handes, fmyte all the males thereof with "F. 6 fecit earn effe communem, & de qua vefci omnibus liceat? ... & alius homo eius fungatur officio. 8 licut ipfe timore perter- ritus eft. 9 filuerint duces exercitus . . .vnufquifque fuos ad bel- landum cuneos praeparabit. 10 offeres ei primum pacem. 11 Si receperit . . . faluabitur, & feruiet tibi fub tributo. 12 finautem foedus inire noluerit, & coeperit contra te bellum i.. 5 die heubtleut follen mit dem volck reden 6 noch nicht gemeyn gemacht 8 feyner briider hertz feyg mache wie fein hertz ift. 9 die heubtleut . . . follen fie die vbirften des heers fur das volck an die fpitzen ftellen. 11 Antworttet fie dyr fridelich . . . dyr zinsbar vnd vnterthan feyn. 12 Wil fie aber nicht fridelich mit dyr handeln, vnd wil mit dyr kriegen ^. iH. N. 5 Dedicat: Same note as in Tyndale. 6 Come. Same note as in Tyndale. XX. I4-20. callcU euteronomge, 58; 14 the edge of the fwerde, faue the weme and the childern and the catell and all that is in the citie and all the fpoyle thereof take vnto thy felfe and eate the fpoyle of thyne enemies which the Lord thy God geueth the. 15 Thus thou flialt doo vnto all the cities whiche are a greate waye of from the ad not of the cities of thefe nacions. 16 But in the cities of thefe nacions which the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheret, thou fhalt faue alyue 17 nothinge that bretheth. But fhalt deftroye them with out redempcion, both the Hethites, the Amorites, the Cananites, the Pherezites, the Heuites and the lebu- fites, as the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the, 18 that they teach you not to doo after all their abhom- inacyons whiche they doo vnto theire goddes, and fo fhulde fynne agenft the Lorde youre God 19 When thou haft befeged a citie longe tyme in mak- inge warre agenft it to take it. deftroye not the trees thereof, that thou woldeft thruft an axe vnto them. For thou mayft eate of the, and therfore deftroye them not. For the trees of the feldes are no men, that they 20 myght come agenft the to befege the. Neuerthelater thofe [Fo. XXXVIL] trees which thou knoweft that me eate not of them, thou maift deftroye and cutte them doune and make bolwerkes agenft the citie that maketh warre with the, vntyll it be ouerthrowne. V. 14 Omnem prasdam exercitui diuides . . de fpoliis 15 & non funt de his vrbibus quas in poffeffionem accepturus es. 17 fed interficies in ore gladii 19 nee fecuribus per circuitum debes vaflare regionem . . . nee potefl bellantium contra te au- gere numerum. 20 non funt pomifera, fed agreflia & in casteros apta vfus, fuccide & inftrue machinas i. 14 alien raub foltu vnter dich austeylen . . . von der aus- beut 15 vnd nicht hie von den fledten find difer voleker. 17 fon- dern folt fie verbannen 19 das du mit exten dran farifl . . . Ifls doch holtz auff dem feld . . . vnd kan nicht zum bolwerg komen widder dich. 20 bolwerg draus bawen. 588 \it fgfte I)ofee of IHoses, XXI. 1-8 [ The .XXI. Chapter. F one be founde flayne in the land whiche the Lorde thy purgacion of God geueth the to poffeffe it, foundTdledi- and Heth in the feldes, and is not knowctt 2 not knowne who hath flayne him: Then ^^'^^J' ^/^ let thine elders and thy iudges come forth we ought to ad meet vnto the cities that are rounde ^f^^^ {^ "^yff ftf trlClt ZS 3 aboute the flayne. And let the elders of takeinwarre. that citie which is nexte vnto the flayne ^'^'^^ ^ys^^ of 1 , rr ^ i i i thefyrjloegot- ma, take an neyifer that is not laboured ten. The pun- 4 with nor hath drawen in the iocke, and nyfhment of 1 , , 1 , . V . 1 1 the fonne that let them brmge her vnto a valeye where i^ dyfobedyeni is nether earinge nor fowenge, ad flrike to hys father of hir heed there in the valey. ''^^ '''^^''''- 5 Then let the preaftes the fonnes of Leui come forth (for the Lorde thy God hath chofen them to minifl;re and to bleffe in the name off the Lorde and therfore at 6 their mouthe fhall all flrife and plage be tryed). And all the elders of the citie that is nexte to the flayne man fhall waffhe their handes ouer the heyffer that is 7 beheded in the playne, and fliall anfwere ad faye: oure handes haue not flied this bloude ne- .?. ther haue oure 8 eyes fene it. Be mercifull Lord vnto thy people Ifrael which thou haft delyuered and put not innocent bloude vnto thy people Ifrael: and the bloude fhalbe forgeuen 1^. 2 & metientur a loco cadaueris fingularum per circumitum fpatia ciuitatum 3 quae non traxit iugum, nee terram fcidit vomere 4 vallem afperam et faxofam, quae nunquam arata eft, nee femen- tem reeepit 5 & ad verbum eorum omne negotium pendet: & quiequid mundum vel immundum eft, iudieetur. 7 & dieent 8 Et auferetur ab eis reatus fanguinis 3L. 2 vnd von dem erfchlagenen meffen an die ftedte die vmb- herliegen 3 da mit man nieht geerbeyttet hat, noch am ioeh gezo- gen hat 4 ynn eynen kiefiehten grund, der widder geerbeytet noch befeet ift 5 nach yhrem mund follen alle fach vnd alle plage gehandelt werden 7 vnd follen antwortten vnd fagen 8 So werden ue vber dem blut verfunet feyn XXI. 9-17- calleti euteronomse* 589 9 the And fo fhalt thou put innocent bloud fro the, when thou fhalt haue done that which is Right in the 1 1 r 1 r i T 1 lordes fighte, right in the fyght of the Lorde. adnotinthyne 10 When thou goefl to warre agenfb thyne imaginacion. enemies and the Lorde thy God hath delyuered them in to thine handes and thou haft take them captyue, 11 and feift amonge the captyues a bewtifuU woman and haft a fantafye vnto her that thou woldeft fantafye, lik- 12 haue her to thy wyfe. Then bringe her ingjondnefs home to thine houffe and let her ftiaue hir heed and 13 pare hir nayles ad put hir rayment that fhe was taken in from hir, and let hir remayne in thine houffe and be wepe hir father and hir mother a moneth long and after that goo in vnto her ad marie her ad let her be 14 thi wife. And yf thou haue no fauoure vnto her, then let her go whother ftie lufteth: for thou mayft not fell her for monye nor make cheuefauce of her, cheuefaunce, becaufe thou haft hubled her. bargain 15 Yf a man haue two wyues, one loued and a nother hated, and they haue borne him children, both the loued and alfo the hated. Yf the firftborne be the fonne of the 16 hated: then whe [Fo. XXXVIII. ] he deal- dealeth, di- eth his goodes amonge his childern, he ^^^^^-^ maye not make the fonne of the beloued firftborne be- fore the fonne of the hated whiche is in deade the firft- 17 borne: But he ftiall knowe the fonne off the hated for H. 9 tu autem alienus eris ab innocentis cruore qui fufus efl, cum feceris quod prascepit dominus. ii adamaueris earn 13 & poflea intrabis ad earn, dormiefque cum ilia 14 non federit animo tuo . . . nee opprimere per potentiam 17 fed filium odiofas agnofcet 1^. 9 Alfo foltu das vnfchuldige blut von dyr thun, das du thuefl was recht ifl fur den augen d. H. 11 hafl luft zu yhr . . . 12 befcheren 14 wenn du aber nicht luft zu yhr haft 14 verkeuffen noch verfetzen 17 fondern . . . erkennen |K. fSi. N. 9 Innocet bloud: The Chald. interpre. him that fhedeth innocet bloude. 11 Haue her to thy wyfe: Here were they permytted to take a wife of the gentyles but fyrft to ftiaue her head & cut her nayles &c. which ceremony fygnifyed that Ihe ftiuld be inftruct to cutt a waye the wantoneffe, & fuperflu- oufe deckyng with the delycate condycions of the gentyles, left the cleane people of the lewes ftiulde in ftiort fpace abhorre her, yf ftie contynued in her olde maners. 14 Hajl humbled her, that is, afiflyct vexed & greued her by takig awaye her father contrey & goodes &c. as in the Pfal. xxxvii, b. 590 Eije t^ttt iofee of JBoses, xxi. is-xxn. 2 18 19 his firftborne, that he geue him dowble off all that he hath. For he is the firft off his ftrength, and to him belongeth the right of the firftbornefhippe. Yf any man haue a fonne that is ftuburne,and dif- obedient, that he will not herken vnto the voyce of his father and voyce of his mother, and they haue taught him nurture, but he wolde not herken vnto them: Then let his father and his mother take him and brynge hym out vnto the elders of that citie and 20 vnto the gate of that fame place, ad faye vnto the elders of the citie. This oure fonne is ftoburne and difobedient and will not herken vnto oure voyce, he 21 is a ryoter and a dronkarde. Then let all the men of that citie ftone him with ftones vnto deeth. And fo thou fhalt put euell awaye from the, and all Ifrael fhall heare and feare. 22 Yf a man haue commytted a trefpace worthy of deeth and is put to deeth for it and hanged on tree: 23 let not his body remayne all nyghte vppon the tree, but burye hym .?. the fame daye. For the curfe off God is on him that is hanged. Defile not thy londe therfore, whiche the Lorde thy God geueth the to enherett. f[ The .XXII. Chapter. F thou fe thy brothers oxe or ^S^-S- IVkaf fhepe goo aftraye, thou fhalt fo^'^dT^whai not with drawe thy felfe from thou fyndeji them: But fhalt brynge them ^^^ -' oou neygh- _ ures beajt 2 home agayne vnto thy brother. Yf thy goynga/lraye. fSi. 21 And thou (halt put 1^. 17 ifte eft enim principium liberorum eius 19 ad portam iudicii 20 contemnit, comeffationibus vacat, & luxuriae atque conuiuiis 21 vt auferatis malum 22 morte plectendum eft, & ad- iudicatus morti appenfus fuerit in patibulo. xxii, i Non videbis ... & praeteribis: led reduces 3L. 17 Denn der felb ift der anfang feynes vermugens 20 vnd ift eyn fchwelger vnd truncken bolt 21 das bofe 22 des todes wir- dig ift, vnd wirt alfo getodt das man yhn auff eyn holtz henget. XX, I Wenn du . . . fiheft . . . fo foltu dich nicht entzihen XXII. 3-8. calleti euteronomge, 59 1 brother be not nye vnto the or yf thou ^ A'^^^ , , . ^, . not were we- knowe him not, then bnnge them vnto mensclothyng thine awne houffe and lett them be with or a womd the, vntyll thy brother axe after them, and ^^ Toiveare 3 then delyuer him them agayne. In Hke a cote of woo He maner fhalt thou doo with his affe, with ^, ^-^/'^^f ," also jorbiaae. his rayment and with all loft thinges of Thepunnyjhe- thy brother which he hath loft and thou f// ^f j}yf' \ - . .n '1 thataccufetna haft founde, and thou maift not with- ^an vnri^ht- drawe thy felfe. eoujly: of an 4 Yf thou fe that thy brothers affe or oxe y^ ^ ^y ^^^ is fallen doune by the waye, thou fhalt that rauyfh- not withdrawe thy felfe from them: but ^ ^ ^"'^ fhalt helpe him to heue them vp agayne. 5 The woman fhall not weere that whiche pertayneth vnto the man, nether fhall a man put on womans ray- ment. For all that doo fo, are abhomynacyon vnto the Lorde thi God. 6 Yf thou chaunce vppon a byrds neft by the [Fo. XXXIX.] waye, in what foeuer tree it be or on the groude, whether they be younge or egges, ad the dame fittenge vppon the younge or vppo the egges: 7 Thou fhalt not take the mother with the younge. But fhalt in any wyfe let the dame go and take the younge, that thou mayft profpere and prolonge thy dayes. 8 When thou byldeft a new houffe, thou fhalt make JW. 2 afke "F. 2 quaerat ... & recipiat. 3 ne negligas quafi alienam. 4 non defpicies, fed fubleuabis cum eo. 5 apud deum 7 abire patieris i.. 2 fuche, vnd denn yhm widder gebifl 3 du kanfl dich nicht entzihen. 4 fondern folt yhm auff helffen. 7 folt die mutter fliegen laffen JH. fSi. N. 5 It is not here forbydde but that to cxtue {sic) or auoyde leopardye, or to pafTe the tyme merely or to begile oure enemyes a woma may were a mans harneffe or veftimentes & contrarywyfe a man womas clothes: but that they be not erneflly & cuflomablye vfed, that due honefly & dignitye may be obferued of bothe kyndes: feyng to do other wyfe is vncomely. 6 The mother with the younge: Thou fhalt not kil the mother, etc. This lawe will no moare but that in dealinge mercifully with beafles we (hulde lerne mercyfulneffe vnto oure neyghboures. 8 A new houfe: The houfes be flat in thofe contreys. 592 \}t f2fte UU of Ptoses, xxii.9-17 a batelmet vnto the roffe, that thou lade j^j^ houffes not bloude vppon thine houffe, yf any ma beflattinthofe fall there of. '''^''''^ 9 Thou fhalt not fowe thy vyneyarde with dyuerfe" fede: left thou halowe the fede whiche thou haft fowen with the frute off thy vyneyarde. 10 Thou fhalt not plowe with an oxe ad an affe togetherr 11 Thou fhalt not weere a garment made of woU and flax together. 12 Thou fhalt put rybandes vpo the .iiii. quarters of thy vefture wherewith thou couereft thy felfe. 13 Yf a man take a wyfe and when he hath lyen with 14 her hate her ad leye fhamefull thinges vnto hyr charge and brynge vp an euell name vppon her and faye: I toke this wyfe, and whe I came to her, I founde her 15 not a mayde: The let the father of the damfell and the mother .?. brynge forth the tokens of the damfels vir- ginite, vnto the elders of the citie, euen vnto the gate. 16 And let the damfels father faye vnto the elders, I gaue my doughter vnto this man to wife and he hateth her: 17 and loo, he layeth fhamefull thinges vnto hir charge faynge, I founde not thy doughter a mayde. And yet thefe ar the tokens of my doughters virginite. And let them fprede the vefture before the elders off the citie. "F. 8 murum tecti per circuitum: ne effundatur fanguis in domo tua, & fis reus labente alio, & in praeceps ruente. q ne & fementis quam feuifli, & quas nafcuntur ex vinea, pariter lanctifi- cetur. II contextum 12 quatuor angulos pallii tui 13 & poflea odio habuerit earn, 14 qusefieritque occafiones . . . obiiciens ei nomen peffimum 15 tollent earn ... & ferent 17 imponit ei no- men peffimum . . . hsec funt figna ?l- 8 eyn lehnen drumb auff d. dache, auff das du nicht blut auff deyn haus ladift. 9 das du nicht zur fulle heyligeft . . . fampt dem eynkomen des weynbergis. 11 zu gleych gemenget. 12 an den vier fittigen deynes mantels 13 vnd wirt yhr gram, wenn er fie befchlaffen hat, 14 vnd legt yhr was fchendlichs auff 15 fie nemen, vnd fur die Eltiflen der flad yn dem thor eraus bringen 17 vnd legt eyn fchendlich ding auff fie ^1. iH. N. 9 With diuerfe feede for then the one fhulde hurte the other: fo the maners & dealig of men may not be double but fingle fymple agreable in opinions & not of contrary fectes & dy- uerfe doctrynes. 10 To not plowe with an oxe and an affe and not to were a garmet of woUen & Ij'ne do meane both one thyng, and are expounded in Leuiti. xix, d. XXII. 18-26. talltti Beuteronomge, 593 18 Then let the elders of that citie take that man and 19 chaftyce him and merce him in an hundred fycles of fyluer and geue them vnto the father of the damfell, becaufe he hath brought vpp an euell name vppon a mayde in Ifrael. And fhe fhalbe his wife, and he maye 20 not put her awaye all his dayes. But and yf the thinge be of a fuertie that the damfell be not founde a virgen, 21 let them brynge her vnto the dore of hir fathers houffe, and let the men of that citie ftone her with flones tc deeth, becaufe fhe hath wrought folye in Ifrael, to playe the whore in hir fathers houffe. And fo thou fhalt put euell awaye from the. 22 Yf a man be founde lyenge with a woman, that hath a wedded hufbonde, then let the etherother, dye etherother of the: both the man that ^^^^ the one laye with the wife and alfo the wife: fo fhalt thou put awaye euell from Ifrael. 23 Yf a mayde be hanfafled vnto an huf- hanfafted, bonde, and then a man finde her in the ^fanect\e'- 24 towne and leye with her, then ye fhall trothed brynge them both out vnto the gates of that fame citie and fhall ftone them with flones to deeth: The damfell becaufe fhe cried not beynge in the citie: And the man, becaufe he hath humbled his neyghbours wife, and thou fhalt put awaye evell from the. 25 But yf a man finde a betrothed damfell in the felde and force her and leye with her: The the man that 26 laye with her fhall dye alone, and vnto the damfell thou fhalt doo no harme: becaufe there is in the dam- fell no caufe of deeth. For as when a man ryfeth 'F. 19 quos dabit . . diffamauit nomen peffimum . . . non po- tent dimittere earn 20 non eft in puella inuenta virginitas: 21 eiici- ent earn . . . quoniam fecit nefas in Ifrael ... & auferes malum (vv. 22, 24) 22 morietur, id eft, adulter & adultera 23 Si puellam. defponderit vir . . . 24 quia humiliauit vxorem proximi fui. 25 & apprehendens concubuerit cum ea, ipfe morietur folus 26 quo- niam ficut latro i. 19 feyn leben lang nicht laffen muge. 20 Ifts aber die warheyt, das . . . nicht ift iungfraw funden 21 torheyt in Ifr. be- gangen hat . . das bofe (vv. 22, 24) 22 der man vnd das weyb, bey Hem er gefchlaffen hat 23 yemand vertrawet ift 24 gefchrien hat 25 auff dem felde krieget, vnd ergreyfft fie vnd fchlefft bey yhr . , . der man alleyne fterben 26 Sondern gleych wie yemand 594 Efje fgfte tiofte of JEoses, xxn. 27-XX111.3 agenfte his neyghboure and fleyeth him, eue fo is this 27 matter. For he founde her in the feldes and the be- trothed damfell cried: but there was no ma to fuccoure her. 28 Yf a man finde a mayde that is not betrothed ad 29 take her ad lye with her ad be founde: Then the man that laye with her fhall geue vnto the damfells father L. fycles of fyluer. And fhe fhall be his wife, becaufe he hath humbled her, and he maye not put her awaye all hys dayes. 30 No man fhall take his fathers wife, nor vnheale his fathers couerynge. .f. f[ The .XXIII. Chapter |ONE that is gelded or hath his PL.CD.S. W/iai - u 4-t. ^c ru-,11 maner of men preuey membres cutt of, fhall ^^^y ^.t i,e ad- come in to the congregacion myt in to the of the Lorde. And he that is cjiurche. Pol- lucios that borne of a comen woman fhall not come happe in the in- the congregacion of the Lorde, no in night. Vfurte. the tenth generacyon he fhall not entre in to the con- gregacyon of the Lorde. The Ammonites and the Moabites fhall not come in to the cogregacyon of the Lorde, no not in the tenth generacion, no they fhall ^. 2 in to the congregacyo U. 26 animam eius: ita et puella perpeffa eft. 27 liberaret earn. 28 & res ad iudicium venerit 29 cunctis diebus vitae fuae. 30 nee reuelabit operimentum eius. xxiii, i eunuchus attritis vel amputatis tefticulis, & abfcifo veretro 2 mamzer, hoc eft de fcorto natus . . . vfque El. 26 fchluge feyne feele todt, fo ift dis auch 27 fchrey, ynd war niemant der yhr halff. 28 vnd werden gefunden 29 nicht laffen feyn leben lang. 30 nicht auff decken feyns vaters declerehard ^ ..... to proue this one 01 them dye ad haue no childe, the a ceremonye wyfe of the deed fhall not be geuen out vnto a ftraun- ger: but hir brotherlawe fhall goo in vnto her and take 6 her to wife and marie her. And the eldeft fonne which fhe beareth, fhall ftonde vp in the name of his brother which is deed, that his name be not put out in Ifrael. 7 But and yf the man will not take his fyfterlawe, then let her goo to the gate vnto the el- [Fo. XLIIII.] ders and faye: My brotherlawe refufeth to fterre vpp vnto his brother a name in Ifrael, he will not marie 8 me. Then let the elders of his citie call vnto him and comen with him. Yf he ftonde and faye: I will not take her, then let his fyfterlawe goo vnto him in the prefence of the elders and loofe his fhowe of his fote and fpytt in his face and anfwere and faye. 9 So ftiall it be done vnto that man that will not 10 bylde his brothers houffe. And his name flialbe called in Ifrael, the vnfhoed houffe. JH. 3 vngoodly 7 fyfler in lawe (v. 8) ''C. 2 Pro menfura peccati, erit & plagarum modus 3 non ex- edant: ne foede laceratus 6 & primogenitum ex ea filium nomina illius appellabit 7 accipere vxorem frat. fui quae ei lege debetur ... ad portam ciuitatis, & interpellabit . . dicetque 10 Domus difcalceati. 1. 2 nach der mas vnd zal feyner miffethat 3 fo man mehr fchlege gibt, er zu viel gefchlagen werd, vnd deyn bruder fcheuf- lich fur deynen augen fey. 7 fchwegeryn neme, fo fol fie, feyne fchwegeryn hinauflF gehen vnter das thor . . . eyn namen zu er- wecken.8 Wenn er denn fteht 10 des Barfuffers haus. fSi. |H. N. 3 .XL. Jlrypes: Therfore had S. Paul no mo at any tyme. 2 Cor. xi, f. 6 Which is deed: So that he fhulde be the chylde of the brother that deed was, & not his that gatt him XXV. ii-ig. calif ti euteronomse. 6oi 11 Yf when men ftryue together, one with another, the wife of the one rune to, for to ryd hyr hufbonde out of the handes of him that fmyteth him and put forth 12 hir hande and take him by the fecrettes: cutt of hir hande, and let not thine eye pitie her. 13 Thou (halt not haue in thy bagge two maner 14 weyghtes, a greate and a fmall: nether fhalt thou haue in thine houfe dyuerfe meafures, a great ad a fmall. 15 But thou fhalt haue a perfect ad a iuft meafure: that thy dayes maye be lengthed in the londe whiche the 16 Lorde thy God geueth the, For all that do fochethinges ad all that doo vnright, are abhominacion vnnght.wron^ vnto the Lorde thy God. 17 .?. Remembre what Amalech dyd vnto the by the 18 waye after thou cameft out of Egipte, he mett the by the waye and fmote the hynmoft of you, all that were ouer laboured and dragged by hynde, when thou waft 19 faynted and werye, and he feared not God. Therfore when the Lorde thy God hath geuen the reft from all thyne enemyes rounde aboute, in the londe whiche the Lorde thy God geueth the to enheret and poffeffe: fe that thou put out the name of Amalech from vnder heauen, ad forget not. iB.. 13 two maner of weyghtes TJ. II iurgium viri duo, & vnus contra alterum rixari coeperit 12 nee flecteris fuper earn vUa mifericordia. 15 pondus habebis iuflum & verum, & modius aequalis & verus 16 abominatur . . . & auerfatur omnem iniuflitiam. 19 requiem, & fubiecerit . . . delebis 3L. II leufft zu 12 auge fol yhr nicht verfchonen. 15 voUig vnd recht gewicht . . . Epha 19 austilgen. JH. ^. N. II Put forth her hande etc.: God wyll that a wo- man be moare fhame faft then ether to exercyfe the feate of a ma in feyghtynge or to touche that mebre. 6o2 Cije fgfte iroke of JEoses, xxvi. 1-7 i[ The .XXVI. Chapter. fiHEN thou art come in to the P-^- The . . . . . , T 1 1 /''^y? frutes londe whiche the Lorde thy arid tythes to God geueth the to enherett the Leuites, and haft enioyed it and dwell- {^IdowesUnd 2 eft there in: take of the firft of all the Jlraungers. frute of the erthe, which thou haft brought in out of the lande that the Lorde thy God geueth the and put it in a maunde and goo vnto the place maunde, ^/- which the Lorde thy God fhall chofe to ^^* 3 make his name dwell there. And thou fhalt come vnto the preaft that fhalbe in thofe dayes ad faye vnto him I knowledge this daye vnto the Lorde thy God, that I am come vnto the contre whiche the Lorde fware vnto oure fathers for to geue vs. 4 [Fo. XLV.] And the preaft fhall take the maunde out of thine hande, and fet it doune before the alter of the 5 Lorde thy God. And thou fhalt anfwere ad faye before the Lorde thy God: The Sirians wolde haue deftroyed my father, and he went doune in to Egipte ad fogeorned there with a few folke and grewe there vnto a nacyon 6 greate, myghtie and full of people. And the Egiptians vexed vs ad troubled vs, and laded vs with cruell bond- 7 age. And we cried vnto the Lorde God of oure fathers, 7. I daturus eft poffidendam, & obtinueris earn 2 de cunctis frugibus tuis primitias, & pones . . vt ibi inuocetur nomen 3 Pro- fiteer hodie coram domino 5 loqueris . . Syrus perfequebatur . . . in pauciffimo numero ... & infmitae multitudinis. . I zum erbe geben wirt, vnd nympft es eyn 2 die aus der erden komen 3 Ich verkundige heutt dem Herrn deynem Gott 5 antworten . . . Die Syrer wolten meynen vater vmb bringen ^. ^. N. 5 The Sirids would haue dejlroyed etc.: The Chaldee interpret, readeth, The Sirian went aboute to deftroye my father meanyng (as fome fuppofe) laban, of whom Gene, xxxi. The .Lxx. my father left or forfoke Siria. The come tranf- lacyon readeth, the Sirian did perfequute my father: fignifying, as fome interpretate, that Siria the contrey of their fathers had expelled the and thruft them out. XXVI. 8-15- callcti eutcronomge. 603 and the Lorde herde oure voyce and loked on oure 8 aduerfyte, laboure and oppreffyon. And the Lorde brought vs out of Egipte with a mightye hande and a flretched out arme and with greate terebleneffe and 9 with fygnes and wonders. And he hath brought vs in to this place and hath geue vs this londe that floweth 10 with mylke and honye. And nowe loo, I haue brought the firft frutes off the londe whiche the Lorde hath geuen me. And fet it before the Lorde thy God and 11 worfhepe before the Lorde thy God and reioyfe ouer all the good thinges whiche the Lorde thy God hath geue vnto the and vnto thyne houffe, both thou the Leuite and the flraunger that is amonge you. 12 When thou haft made an ende of tithynge .?. all the tithes of thine encreafe the thyrde yere, the yere of tythynge: and haft geuen it vnto the Leuite, the ftraunger, the fatherleffe ad the wedowe, and they 13 haue eaten in thy gates ad fylled them felues. Then faye before the Lorde thy God: I haue brought the halowed thinges out of myne houffe: and haue geuen them vnto the Leuite, the ftraunger, the fatherleffe and the wedowe acordynge to all the commaundmentes which thou commaundeft me: I haue not ouerfkypped 14 thy commaundmentes, nor forgetten them. I haue not eaten thereof in my moornynge nor taken awaye thereof vnto any vnclenneffe, nor fpente thereof aboute any deed corfe: but haue herkened vnto the uoyce of the Lorde my God, and haue done after all that he com- 15 mauded me, loke doune from thy holy habitacyon heauen and bleffe thy people Ifrael and the lande which T. 7 humilitatem noflram, & laborem atque anguflias 8 et eduxit nos 9 introduxit 10 Et idcirco nunc offero . . . dominus dedit mihi. 12 Quando compleueris . . . vt comedant intra portas tuas, & faturentur 13 non prasteriui mandata tua, nee fum oblitus imperii tui. 14 in re funebri . . . ficut praecepifti mihi. 15 fanctuario tuo, & de excelfo cselorum habitaculo 3/. 7 zwang, erbeyt and leyd 8 vnd furet vns aus 9 vnd bracht vns 10 Nu bringe ich . . . das der Herr vns geben hat. 12 zu- fammen bracht haft . . . das fie effen ynn deynem thor vnd fatt werden. 14 nicht zu den todten dauon gegeben . . . wie du myr gepotten haft. 15 heyligen wonung vom hymel 6o4 Efje fgfte hakt of iHoses, XXVI. 16-XXV11. 3 16 17 thou haft geuen vs (as thou fwareft vnto oure fathers) a lond that floweth with mylke and honye. This daye the Lorde thy God hath commaunded the to doo thefe ordinaunces and lawes. Kepe them therfore and doo them with all thyne hert and all thy foule. Thou hafl fett vpp the Lorde this daye to be thy God and to walke in hys wayes and to kepe his ordinaunces, his commaundmentes and his lawes, and 18 [Fo. XLVI.] to herken vnto his voyce. And the Lord hath fett the vp this daye, to be a feuerall feuerall, /^i)- people vnto him (as he hath promyfed araU 19 the) and that thou kepe his commaundmentes, and to make the hye aboue all nacyons which he hath made, in prayfe, in name and honoure: that thou mayft be an holy people vnto the Lord thy God, as he hath fayed. m i[ The .XXVIL Chapter. ND Mofes with the elders of ^-^- ^^ aultare mujl Ifrael comaunded the people be bylded be- fayens^e: kepe all the com- f^^ they go 1 -i T ouer lordan. maundmentes which I com- The bleffynges 2 maunde you this daye. And when ye ^' {^^ ^y^^ Gcif^tztffz The be come ouer lordayne vnto the londe Curfes in the which the Lorde thy God geueth the, hyll Eball. fett vpp greate flones and playfler them with playf- 3 ter, and write vpo the all the wordes of this lawe, T^. 17 Dominum elegifli hodie . .rSpopulus peculiaris, ficut locutus eft tibi 19 & facial te excelfiorem cunctis gentibus quas creauit in laudem, & nomen, & gloriam fuam xxvii, 2 dabit tibi (v. 3) . . cake leuigabis (v. 4) 1. 17 Dem Herrn haftu lieutte geredt 18 Vnd der Herr hatt dyr heut geredt . . . feym volck des eygenthums feyn folt wie er dyr geredt hat . . . vnd er dich das hohifte mache zu lob, namen, vnd preyfs vber alle volcker. xxvii, i fampt den Eltiften 2 geben wirt (v. 3) . . kalck tunchen (v. 4) ^ ^. iH. N. 17 Thou haft fett vp the Lorde etc.: Or thou hafte caufed to be fayde that j Lorde lliulde be vnto the for thy God: or, as many will, he made the to faye, that is, he was the caufe that thou fhuldeft faye, that the Lorde fhulde be vnto y foi thy God. xxvii. 4-is- callctr JDeuteronomse, 6o5 when thou arte come ouer: that thou mayft come in to the londe whiche the Lorde thy God geueth the: a londe that floweth with mylke and honye, as the Lorde God off thy fathers hath promyfed the. 4 When ye be come ouer lordayne, fe that ye fet vpp thefe ftones which I commaunde you this daye in 5 mount Eball, and playfter them with playfter. And there bylde vnto the Lord thy God, an altare of ftones and fe thou lifte .f. vpp no yerne uppon them: 6 But thou fhalt make the altare of the Lorde thy God of rughftones and offer burntoffrynges thereon vnto 7 the Lorde thy God. And thou fhalt offer peaceoff- rynges and fhalt eate there and reioyfe before the Lorde 8 thy God. And thou fhalt write vppon the ftones all the wordes of this lawe, manyfeftly and well 9 And Mofes with the preaftes the Leuites fpake vnto all Ifrael fayenge: take hede ad heare Ifrael, this daye thou art become the people of the Lorde thy God. 10 Herken therfore vnto the voyce of the Lorde thi God ad do his comaundmetes ad his ordinaunces which I commaunde you this daye. 11 And Mofes charged the people the fame daye fay- 12 enge: thefe fhall ftonde vppon mount Grifim to bleffe the people, when ye are come ouer lordayne: Symeon, 13 Leui, luda, Ifachar, lofeph and Ben lamin. And thefe fhall ftonde apon mount Eball to curfe: Ruben, Gad 14 Affer, Zabulon, Dan and Neptaly. And the Leuites fhall beginne ad fay vnto all the men of Ifrael with a loude voyce. 15 Curfed be he that maketh any carued j/g^g qJ take image or image of metall (an abhomina- the popes an cion vnto the Lorde, the worke of the curfe^ iiii handes of the craftefman) and putteth it tymes in the in a fecrett place: [Fo. XLVIL] And all -^^''^ the people fhall anfwere and faye Amen. Pl. 12 Garizim "F. 5 quos ferrum non tetigit 6 faxis informibus & impolitis 8 plane et lucide. 10 audies vocem eius 15 ponetque illud in abfcondito. iL. 5 dar vber keyn eyfen feret 6 gantzen (leynen 7 todopfifer 8 klar vnd wol. 10 das du der flym des Herrn deyns Gottis ge- horfam feyfl 15 vnd fetzt es verporgen 6o6 Efje fgftc hokt of |$loses, xxvh. 16-26. 16 Curfed be he that curfeth his father or hys mother, and all the people fhall faye Amen. 17 Curfed be he that remoueth his neghbours marke and all the people fhall faye Amen. 18 Curfed be he that maketh the blynde goo out off his waye, and all the people fhall faye Amen, 19 Curfed be he that hyndreth the right of the ftraun- ger, fatherleffe and wedowe, and all the people fhall faye Amen. 20 Curfed be he that lieth with his fathers wife becaufe he hath opened his fathers coueringe, ad all the people fhall faye Amen. 21 Curfed be he that lieth with any maner beeft, and all the people fhall faye Amen. 22 Curfed be he that lieth with his fyfter whether fhe be the doughter of his father or off his mother, and all the people fhall faye Amen 23 Curfed be he that lieth with his mother in lawe, and all the people fhall faye Amen. 24 Curfed be he that fmyteth his neghboure fecretly, and all the people fhall faye Ame. 25 Curfed be he that taketh a rewarde to flee innocent bloude, and all the people fhall faye Amen. 26 Curfed be he that matayneth not all the wor- .IT. des of this lawe to doo them, ad all the people fhall faye Amen. v. 16 non honorat patrem 17 tranffert 18 errare facit 19 per- uertit iudicium 20 dormit cum vxore . . reuelat operimentum lectuli eius. 24 clam percufferit Maledictus qici dormit cum vxore proxiini fid. 6^ dicet omnis populus. Amen . . 25 animam fan- guinis innocentis. 26 permanet in fermonibus legis huius, nee eos opere perficit. 3L. 16 feym vater . . . flucht 17 grentze engert 18 yrren maeht 19 das reeht . . . beuget 20 bey feynes vaters weyb ligt . . . den flugel 24 heymlich fchlecht 25 die feele des vnfchuldigen bluts 26 alle wort difes g-efetzs auffrichtei das er darnach thue XXVIII. i-g. calleti cuter onomse. 607 iE The .XXVIII. Chapter ^.(S^.%. The promyfes of the bleffynges vnto thein that re garde the cotnmaunde- metites: and Lorde wil fet the an hye aboue all nacions ^^^ f"S/f^^ ^^ of the erth. And all thefe bleffynges fhall F thou fhalt herken diligently vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, to obferue and to do all his commaundmentes whiche I commaunde the this daye. The the contrary e. come on the and ouer take the, yf thou fhalt herken 3 vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God. Bleffed fhalt 4 thou be in the towne and bleffed in the feldes, bleffed fhalbe the frute of thy body, the frute of thy grounde and the frute of thy catell, the frute of thine oxen, and 5 thy flockes of fhepe, bleffed fhall thine almery, a 6 almery be ad thy ftore. Bleffed fhalt cupboard thou be, both when thou goeft out, ad bleffed whe thou comeft in. 7 The Lorde fhall fmyte thyne enemyes that ryfe agenft the before thy face. They fhall come out agenfl 8 the one waye, and flee before the feuen wayes. The Lorde fhal commaunde the bleffynge to be with the in thy ftore houffes ad in all that thou fetteft thine hande to, and will bleffe the in the lande which the Lord thi god geueth the. 9 The Lorde fhall make the an holye people [Fo. XLVIIL] vnto himfelfe, as he hath fworen vnto the: 7. I Si autem audieris 2 & apprehendent te: fi tamen . . au- dieris. 4 ventris . . . greges armentorum . . caulas ouium 5 reliquias tuas (v. 17). 6 Benedictus eris ingrediens & egrediens. 7 in con- fpectu tuo. 8 Emittet dom. benedictionem fuper cellaria . . opera manuum tuarum . . in terra quam acceperis. i.. I Vnd wenn . . . gehorchen wirfl 2 werden vber dich komen . . dich treffen (v. 15) darumb das du . . . bift gehorfam geweft. 4 fruchte deyner ochfen . . . fruchte deyner fchaff 5 deyn vbrigs 6 Gefegnet . . . Gefegenet 8 gepieten dem fegen . . . keller . . . fur handen nimpft 1. JH. N. 5 Deyn kerb: das ift alles was du befeyt legefl zu behalten vnd alles was du brauchefl. 6o8 Ef)e fsfte ftofee of JSoses, xxvm. 10-20 yf thou fhalt kepe the commaundmentes of the Lorde thy God and walke in hys wayes. 10 And all nacyons of the erthe Ihall fe that thou arte called after the name of the Lorde, and they fhalbe 11 aferde offthe. And the Lorde fhall make the plente- ous in goodes, in the frute of thy body, in the frute off thy catell and in the frute of thy grounde, in the londe whiche the Lorde fware vnto thy fathers to geue the. 12 The Lorde fhall open vnto the his good treaf- ure, euen the heauen, to geue rayne vnto thy londe in due ceafon and to bleffe all the laboures of thine hande. And thou fhalt lende vnto many nacyos, but fhalt not nede to borowe thy felfe. 13 And the Lorde fhall fett the before and not behinde, and thou fhalt be aboue only and not beneth: yf that thou herken vnto the commaundmentes of the Lorde thy God which I commaunde the this daye to 14 kepe and to doo them. And fe that thou bowe not from any of thefe wordes which I commaunde the this daye ether to the right hande or to the lefte, that thou woldeft goo after ftraung goddes to ferue them. 15 But and yf thou wilt not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God to kepe and to .T. doo all his com- maundmentes and ordinaunces which I commaunde the this daye: then all thefe curfes fhall come vppon 16 the and ouertake the: Curfed fhalt thou be in the 17 towne, and cursed in the felde, curfed fhall thyne almery 18 be and thi ftore. Curfed fhall be the frute of thy body ad the frute of thy lond be ad the frute of thine oxen 19 ad the flockes of thy fhepe. And curfed fhalt thou be when thou goeft in, ad whe thou goeft out. 20 And the Lorde fhall fende vppon the curfynge, T. 9 fi cuflodieris ii fructu terrae tusc quam iurauit 13 in caput, et non in caudam (v. 44): & eris femper fupra, & non fubter 14 non declinaueris 15 & apprehendent te. 2.. 9 darumb das du . . . heltift 10 nach dem namen 13 zum heubt . . nicht zum fchwantz (v. 44) vnd . . . oben fchweben vnd nichtvnten liegen 14 nicht gewichen bid JH. JH. N. 14 Bowe not from any etc.: To bowe vnto the rj'ght hade is to adde to the woorde of God, And to bowe vnto the lefte is to take awaye, as in the prouer .iiii, d. xxviii. 21-28. calleti euteronomse. 609 goynge to nought and complaynyng in all that thou fetteft thine hande to what foeuer thou doeft: vntyll thou be deftroyed ad brought to nought quyckely, be- caufe of the wekedneffe of thyne invencyons in that 21 thou haft forfaken the Lorde. And the Lorde fhall make the peftilence cleaue vnto the, vntyll he haue confumed the from the londe whether thou goeft to 22 enioye it. And the Lorde ftiall fmyte the with fwell- ynge, with feuers, heet, burnynge, wetherynge, with fmytynge and blaftinge. And they fhall folowe the, vntyll thou perifhe. 23 And the heauen that is ouer thy heed fhalbe braffe, and the erth that is vnder the, yerne. 24 And the Lorde fhall turne the rayne of the lade vnto powder ad duft: euen fro heauen they [Fo. XLIX.] fhal come doune vpo the, vntyll thou be brought to 3$ nought. And the Lorde fhall plage the before thine enemyes: Thou fhalt come out one waye agenft them, and flee feuen wayes before them, ad fhalt be fcatered 26 amonge all the kingdomes of the erth. And thy car- caffe fhalbe meate vnto all maner foules of the ayre ad vnto the beeftes of the erth, and no man ftiall fraye them awaye. 27 And the Lorde will fmyte the with the botches of Egipte and the emorodes, fcalle and maungyneffe, 28 that thou ftialt not be healed thereof And the Lorde fhall fmyte the with madneffe, blyndneffe and dafynge V. 20 famem & efuriem, & increpationem , , . velociter, propter adinuentiones tuas peffimas 21 Adiungat . . . peflilentiam 22 ege- ftate, febri & frigore, ardore & asflu, et acre corrupto ac rubi- gine, & perfequatur 23 terra quam calcas 24 puluerem, & de caslo . . cinis 25 Tradat te dom. corruentem 26 abigat. 27 vlcere ^gypti, & partem corporis per quam ftercora digeruntur, fcabie quoque & prurigine 28 furore mentis 5L. 20 bald vmbringe, vmb deynes bofen thuns willen 22 fchwulfl, fiber, hitze, brand, brunfl, durre vnd bleyche, vnd wirt dich verfolgen 24 flaub, vnd affchen fur regen . . affchen vom hymei 26 fcheucht. 27 drufen Egypti, mit feygwartzen, mit grind und kretz 28 rafen des hertzen . . . 1.. |a. N. 20 Klagen: das ifl wenn das volck klagt, heulet vnd fchreyet vber die theurung vnd iamer ym land da alles fich weg friffet vnd vnterhenden verfchwindet, wilches gefchicht, das Gott dem land nicht fegenet, fondern flucht vnd fchilt. 6io E|}e fgfte faofee of jHoses, xxvm. 29-3^ 29 of herte. And thou fhalt grope at none daye as the blynde gropeth in darkeneffe, and fhalt not come to the right waye. And thou fhalt fuffre wronge only and polled, //- 1 1,1 _ J n 11 dered, robbed be polled euermore, and no man mall 30 foker the, thou fhalt be betrothed vnto a foker,/rror wife, and another fhall lye with her. Thou fhalt bylde an houffe and another fhall dwell therein. Thou fhalt plante a vyneyarde, and fhalt not make it comen. 31 Thine oxe fhalbe flayne before thyne eyes, ad thou fhalt not eate thereof. Thine affe fhalbe violently taken awaye euen before thi face, and fhall not be reflored the agayne. Thy fhepe fhalbe geuen vnto thine enemyes, ad no .T. man fhall helpe the. 32 Thy fonnes ad thy doughters fnall be geue vnto another nacion, and thyne eyes fhall fe and dafe vppon them all daye longe, but fhalt hauenomyghte in thyne 33 hande. The frute of thy londe and all thy laboures fhall a nacyon which thou knowefb not, eate, ad thou fhalt but fofifre violence only and be oppreffed alwaye: 34 that thou fhalt be cleane befyde thy felfe for the fyghte of thyne eyes whiche thou fhalt fe. 35 The Lord fhall fmyte the with a myfcheuous botche in the knees ad legges, fo that thou cafb not be healed: eue from the fole of the fote vnto the toppe of the heed. 36 The Lorde fhall brynge both the and thy kynge which thou haft fett ouer the, vnto a nacyon whiche nether thou nor thy fathers haue knowne, and there thou fhalt ferue ftraunge goddes: euen wodd ad ftone. 37 And thou fhalt goo to waft ad be made an enfample ad a geftyngeflocke vnto al nacios whe- geflyngeflocke ther the Lord fhall carye the. laughing- 38 Thou fhalt carie moch feed out in to ' JH. 29 at none dayes . . . y ryght awaye 30 betrawthed '^. 29 non dirigas vias tuas . . . calumniam fuilineas, & oppri- maris violentia 30 non habites in ea . . . non vindemies earn. 32 de- ficientibus ad confpectum eorum 2>Z femper calumniam fuftinens, & oppreffus 34 flupens ad terrorem eorum 37 eris perditus, in pro- uerbium ac fabulam 3L. 30 nicht drynnen wonen 31 nicht gemeyn machen. 32 alle warden vber yhnen 34 wanfynnig yj vnd wirft verwuflet, vnd eyn fprich wort vnd fabel XXVIII. 39-50- i^alleti euteronomge* 6ii the felde, and flialt gather but litle in: for the locuftes 39 fhall deftroye it, Thou fhalt plante a vyneyarde and dreffe it, but fhalt nether drynke off the wyne nether gather of the grapes, [Fo. L.] for the wormes fhall eate 40 it. Thou fhalt haue olyue trees in all thy coftes, but fhalt not be anoynted with the oyle, for thyne olyue 41 trees fhalbe rooted out. Thou fhalt get fonnes ad doughters, but fhalt not haue them: for they fhalbe 42 caried awaye captyue. All thy trees and frute of thy londe fhalbe marred with blaftynge. 43 The ftraungers that are amonge you fhall clyme aboue the vpp an hye, ad thou fhalt come doune be- 44 neth alowe. He fhall lende the ad thou fhalt not lende him, he fhalbe before ad thou behynde. 45 Moreouer all thefe curfes fhall come vppo the and fhall folowe the and ouertake the, tyll thou be de- ftroyed: becaufe thou herkenedeft not vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God, to kepe his comaundmetes ad 46 ordinaunces whiche he comauded the, ad they fhalbe vppo the as miracles ad wonders ad vppon thy feed 47 for euer. And becaufe thou feruedefl not the Lorde thy God with ioyfulneffe and with a good herte for the 48 abundaunce of all thinges, therfore thou fhalt ferue thyne enemye whiche the Lorde fhall fende vppon the: in hunger and thruft, in nakedneffe and in nede off all thynge: and he fhall put a yocke off yerne vppon thyne necke, vntyll he haue broughte .?. the to noughte. 49 And the Lorde fhall brynge a nacion vppon the from a farre, euen from the ende off the worlde, as 50 fwyfte as an egle fleeth: a nacion whofe tonge thou IH. 38 for the grefhoppers 49 flyeth v. 40 quia defluent, & deperibunt 41 et non frueris eis 42 ru- bigo 43 defcendes, & eris inferior. 46 Et erunt in te figna atque prodigia 47 in gaudio, cordifque laetitia49 in fimilitudinem aquilae volantis cum impetu i. 40 ausgeriffen 43 erunder fleygen vnd ymer vnterligen 46 darumb werden zeychen vnd wunder an dyr feyn 47 mit fro- liciiem vnd gutem hertzen 49 wie eyn Adeler fleuget |a. |K. N. 42 blajlytii^e: Or grefhoppers, fome reade vermyn. 46 as miracles and wonders: Myracles do fometyme ftreangthen the weakneffe of the faithful! and blynde the vnfaythfuU. and be vnto them a wytneffe of danacyon. 6i2 Eije fgfte iokc of JEoses, xxvm. 51^57 fhalt not vnderftonde: a herde fauoured nacion whiche fhall not regarde the perfon of the olde nor haue com- 51 pafiTio on the younge. And he Ihall eate the frute of thy londe and the frute of thy catell vntyll he haue deftroyed the: fo that he fhall leaue the nether corne, wyne, nor oyle, nether the ecreafe of thyne oxen nor the flockes of thy fhepe: vntyll he haue brought the 52 to nought. And he fliall kepe the in all thy cities, vntyll thy hye ad ftronge walles be come doune where! thou truftedefl, thorow all thy londe. And he fhall befege the in all thy cities thorow out all thy land whiche the Lorde thy God hath geuen the. 53 And thou fhalt eate the frute of thyne awne bodye: the fleffh of thy fonnes and off thy doughters which the Lorde thy God hath geuen the, in that flrayteneffe and 54 fege wherewith thyne enemye fhall befege the: fo that it fhall greue the man that is tender and exceadynge delycate amonge you, to loke on his brother and vppon his wife that lyeth in hys bofome ad on the remnaunte 55 of his childern, whiche he hath yet lefte, for feare of geuynge [Fo. LI.] vnto any of them of the flefh of hys childern, whiche he eateth, becaufe he hath noughte lefte him in that ftrayteneffe and fege wherewith thyne enemye fhall befege the in all thy cytyes. 56 Yee and the woman that is fo tender and delycate amonge you that fhe dare not auenture to fett the Me of hyr foote vppon the grounde for foftneffe and ten- derneffe, fhalbe greued to loke on the hufbonde that leyeth in hir bofome and on hyr fonne and on hyr 57 doughter: euen becaufe of the afterbyrthe that ys come out from betwene hyr legges, and becaufe of hyr childern whiche fhe hath borne, becaufe fhe wolde eate JH. 52 kepe the in, in all thy cities . . . thorow all the lande 56 adueture T. 50 gentem procaciffimam, quae non deferat 52 conterat . . . Obfideberis 53 in anguftia & vaflitate qua opprimet 55 in ob- fidione & penuria qua vaflauerint 56 Tenera mulier & delicata (v. 54) . . . propter mollitiem & teneritudinem nimiam, inuidebit i. 52 engften . . . geengftet werden 53 angfl vnd not (vv. 55, 57) 54 ein man der zuuor zertlich vnd ynn luften . . vergonnen (ct. V. 56 Eyn weyb, etc.) 55 engften 57 die aflfterburd die zwiffchen yhr eygen beynen find ausgangen xxvin. 58-66. calleti ^tnttxoxiom^t. 613 them for nede off all thynges fecretly, in the ftrayteneffe and fege wherewith thine enemye fhall befege the in thy cities. 58 Yf thou wilt not be diligent to doo all the wordes of this lawe that are wrytten in thys boke, for to feare this glorious and fearfull name of the Lorde thy God: 59 the Lorde will fmyte both the and thy feed with won- derfull plages and with greate plages and of longe contin- uaunce, and with euell fekeneffes and of longe duraunce. 60 Moreouer he wyll brynge vppon the all the difeafes off Egipte whiche thou waft afrayed off, and they fhall 61 clea- .T. ue vnto the. Thereto all maner fekeneffes and all maner plages whiche are not wrytten in the boke of this lawe, wyll the Lorde brynge vppon the 62 vntyll thou be come to noughte. And ye fhalbe lefte fewe in numbre, where to fore ye were as the ftarres off heauen in multitude: becaufe thou woldefb not herke vnto the voyce of the Lorde thy God. 63 And as the Lorde reioyfed ouer you to do you good and to multiplye you: euen fo he will reioyfe ouer you, to deftroye you and to brynge you to nought. And ye fhalbe wafted from of the lande whother thou goeft 64 to enioye it. And the Lorde ftiall fcater the amonge all nacyons from the one ende of the worlde vnto the other, and there thou fhalt ferue ftraunge goddes, which nether thou nor thy fathers haue knowne: euen wod and ftone. 65 And amonge thefe nacyons thou fhalt be no fmall feafon, and yet fhalt haue no refte for the fole of thy foote. For the Lorde fhall geue the there a treblynge 66 herte ad dafynge eyes and forowe of mynde. And thy lyfe fhall hange before the, and thou fhalt feare both daye v. 58 nomen . . . hoc eft dominum deum tuum 59 plagas magnas & perfeuerantes, infirmitates peffimas & perpetuas 60 om- nes afflictiones ^gypti 64 a fummitate terras vfque ad terminos eius 65 non quiefces . . . cor pauidum, & defic. oculos, & animam confumptam moerore 66 vita tua quafi pendens ante te. i. 58 namen den Herrn deynen Gott 59 wunderlich mit dyr vmbgehen 60 alle feuge Egypti 62 ewer wenig pubels vberbleyben 64 von eym end der welt bis ans ander 65 keyn weiire haben . . . bebendes hertz . . ammacht der augen . . verfchmachte feele, 66 das deyn leben wirt fur dyr hangen 6i4 Efje fgfte ftofte of looses, xxvm. 67-xxix. a 67 and nyghte ad fhalt haue no truft in thy lyfe. In the mornynge thou fhalt faye, wolde God it were nyghte. And at nyghte thou fhalt faye, [Fo. LII.] wolde God it were mornynge. For feare off thyne herte whiche thou fhalt feare, and for the fyghte of thyne eyes whiche thou fhalt fe. 68 And the Lorde fhall brynge the in to Egipte agayne with fhippes, by the waye which I bade the that thou fhuldeft fe it nomoare. And there ye fhalbe folde vnto youre enemyes, for bondmen and bondwemen: and yet no man fhall bye you. m: The .XXIX. Chapter. HESE are the wordes of the ap- poyntmet which the Lorde commaunded Mofes to make with the childern of Ifrael in IR.S^.S. The pe.fi pie are exhorted to obferue the c bni aun d e - 7nentes,forthe the londe of Moab, befyde the appoynt- confyderacion ofbenefytes re- ceaued: which yf they breake they are threatned to be plaged. ment whiche he made with them in Horeb. 2 And Mofes called vnto all Ifrael and fayed vnto them: Ye haue fene all that the Lorde dyd before youre eyes in the lande of Egipte, vnto Pharao and vnto all his 3 feruauntes, and vnto all his londe, and the greate temptacyons whiche thyne eyes haue fene and thofe 4 greate myracles and wonders: and yet the Lorde hath not geuen you an herte to perceaue, nor eyes to fe, nor eares to heare vnto this daye. 5 .?. And I haue led you .xl. yere in the wilderneffe: and youre clothes are not waxed olde vppon you, nor are 6 thy fhowes waxed olde vppon thy fete. Ye haue eaten "V. 67 propter cordis tui formidinem, qua terreberis 68 per viam de qua dixit tibi xxix, 2 in terra ^gypti 3 figna ilia por- tentaque ingentia 4 cor intelligens 5 Adduxit vos . . . attrita vefti- menta . . . calceamenta . . . vetuflate confumpta funt 3L. 67 Wer gibt . . . Wer gibt ... fur grofler furcht . . die dich fchrecken 68 durch den weg, dauon ich gefagt hab. xxix, 2 ynn Egypten . . 3 groffe zeychen vnd wunder 4 eyn hertz, das verflen- dig were 5 Er hat euch . . . laffen wandeln . . veraltet . . veraltet XXIX. 7-17- calleti euteronomse* 6i5 no bred nor droncke wyne or ftrounge dryncke: that ye myghte knowe, howe that he is the Lorde youre God. 7 And at the laft ye came vnto this place, ad Sihon the kyngeof HefbonandOgkynge ofBafancame out agenst S you vnto batayle, and we fmote them and toke their londe and gaue it an heritaunce vnto the Rubenites 9 and Gadites and to the halfe tribe of Manaffe. Kepe therfore the worde of this appoyntment and doo them, that ye maye vnderftonde all that ye ought to doo. 10 Ye ftonde here this daye euery one of you before the Lorde youre God: both the heedes of youre trybes, youre elders, youre officers ad all the me of Ifrael: 11 youre childern, youre wyues and the ftraungere that are in thyne hoft, from the hewer of thy wod vnto the 12 drawer of thy water: that thou fhuldeft come vnder the appoyntment of the Lorde thy God, and vnder his othe which the Lorde thy God maketh with the this daye. 13 For to make the a people vnto him felfe, and that he maye be vnto the a God, as he hath fayed vnto the and [Fo. LIIL] as he hath fworne vnto thi fathers Abra- ham, Ifaac and lacob. 14 Alfo I make not this bonde and this othe with you 5 only: but both with him that ftodeth here with us this daye before the Lorde oure God, and alfo with 16 him that is not here with us this daye. For ye knowe how we haue dwelt in the londe of Egipte, and how we came thorow the myddes of the nacions which we 17 paffed by. And ye haue fene their abhominacios and their ydolles: wod, flone, filuer and golde which they had. JH. 9 wordes V. 6 vt fciretis 7 et veniftis . . . occurrentes nobis ad pugnam. 9 verba . . . vt intelligatis vniuerfa quse facitis. 10 atque doctores, omnis populus Ifrael 11 exceptis lignorum cajfor. 12 vt tranfeas in foedere 15 fed cunctis prasfentibus & abfentibus. 17 abomina- tiones & fordes, id eft idola eorum . . . quae colebant. iL. 6 auff das du wiffeft 7 Vnd da yhr l