14 IB •As Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cabletariffsotheOOallarich ALL AMERICA CABLES CABLE TARIFFS AND OTHER INFORMATION OF INTEREST TO THE CABLING PUBLIC MAIN CABLE OFFICE: 89 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK JOHN L. MCRRILL, PRKSIOKNT NEW HOME OF ALL AMERICA CABLES 89 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK ALL AMERICA CABLES BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE Central and South American Telegraph Co. Edward D. Adams Francig L. Higginson Robert W, de Forest Daniel P. Kingsford Wm. Pierson Hamilton John L. Merrill J. Montgomery Hare W. Emlen Roosevelt BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE Mexican Telegraph Co. John W. Auchincloss John J. Pierrepont Edmund L. Baylies Percy R. Pyne R. Fulton Cutting W. Emlen Roosevelt John L. Merrill Charles Howland Russell Cornelius Vanderbilt The ALL AMERICA CABLES System The ALL AMERICA CABLES system is operated jointly by the Mexican Tele- graph Company and the Central and South American Telegraph Company. The former company was established in 1879 and the latter in 188L The system is composed of the following lines of communication, viz. : "VIA COLON" From New York,^ there are two direct duplexed cables to Colon, touching at Guan- tanamo, Cuba. These cables continue across the Isthmus of Panama by means of du- plicate underground cables uniting with cables at Panama, extending down the west coast as far as Valparaiso and serving the Republics of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile. From Valparaiso, Chile, the lines (trip- licate) extend to Santiago, and, also, across the Andes to the city of Buenos Aires, in the Argentine. An **A11 America" cable is now being installed between Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Montevideo, Uruguay, and it is ex- pected will be in operation within a short time. Plans for the extensions of the cables from Buenos Aires to the cities of Santos 5 M ^ W ^ iL^sicfuh Ubriry and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil have been completed and it is hoped that these extensions may be made at an early date. (In the meantime mes- sages to Brazil are being handled via the ALL AMERICA CABLES and connecting lines.) "VIA GALVESTON" From Galveston, Texas, there are trip- licate cables to Vera Cruz and Puerto Mexico. These cross the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and extend down the west coast of Central America as far as Panama, there connecting with the cables above described. From Vera Cruz there is a duplicate landline to the City of Mexico. Messages to and from Mexico are received from, or delivered to, connecting lines at Galveston. The ALL AMERICA CABLES system provides a cable service of exceptional im- portance to the Republics of the United States, Mexico, Central and South America. It is certain that no one agency has done more toward the development of commerce between the three Americas and in foster- ing the friendly relations between the citizens of these Republics than this system. The service rendered has been of incalcu- lable benefit to the nations of the Western Hemisphere and to the world. The policy of the ALL AMER- ICA CABLES has ever been one of distinct puhlk service, a fact fully appreciated by the Republics served. This system holds the record for speed in transmission and accuracy in service and no expense has been spared to make it the best cable service in the world. Cablegrams over the ALL AMERICA CABLES be- tween New York and Buenos Aires are now being forwarded without retransmission by hand, t. e., by purely automatic methods, without the intervention of a single oper- ator between the office in New York and the office in Buenos Aires, 7,452 miles in less than ten minutes. Similar good serv- ice is enjoyed by all of the Republics. The remarkable service which this system ren- dered during the World Wlar is appreciated by the cabling public of the Americas. This policy of real public service is further evidenced by the marked reduc- tion in tariffs, which the ALL AMERICA CABLES have inaugurated over and over again. When the system entered Buenos Aires the rate was $7.50 per word. Today the rate to Buenos Aires by these cables is 50 cents per word for regular traffic and one-half that rate, or 25 cents per word, for Deferred Rate traffic {i. e,, cablegrams which are sent when the line is clear, subject to a possible delay of from ten to twenty-four hours). This last large reduction to 50 cents was effected by the ALL AMERICA CABLES on December 1st, 1917, and the announcement such a radical reduction in the cost of ca- bling at a time when the cost of everything else was mounting higher and higher, was enthusiastically received by the Governments of all the Americas and the public. Natur- ally such a progressive policy of public service plays a large part in fostering trade relations, likewise a closer friendship, be- tween the Republics mentioned. The office of the ALL AMERICA CABLES in the city of New York is situated at 89 BROAD STREET and the New York cabling public is fast learning the many advantages to be gained by the filing of messages direct at this office. If it is inconvenient for a customer to send to the 89 Broad Street office, the management will, upon telephonic application, send a mes- senger anywhere in the city for the message. (Telephone BROAD 7470.) For the convenience of the United States Government and the Embassies and Lega- tions of the Central and South American Republics, the ALL AMERICA CABLES have recently established an office in Wash- ington, D. C, at 1126 Connecticut Avenue, thus putting the capital of the nation in direct telegraphic touch with the nations of South America. One of the main objects of this publication is to enlighten the citi- zens of all of these countries in regard to this great American cable system and to impress upon the telegraph- ing public of the United States, the fact that messages by this DIRECT ROUTE to SOUTH AMERICA may be filed at any telegraph office in the land but to insure transmission by this DIRECT ROUTE TO PANAMA, COLOMBIA, ECUADOR, PERU, BOLIVIA, CHILE, ARGENTINA, PARAGUAY, URUGUAY, AND BRAZIL, it is of the utmost importance that cable- grams shall bear the routing instructions ''VIA COLON'' (which words are transmitted free of charge by any telegraph or cable company). Number of Statute miles in operation — ^July 1, 1919 21,400 PRINCIPAL OFFICES WASHINGTON. D. C, 1 126 Connecticut Ave., N. W. NEW YORK CITY, 89 Broad Street GALVESTON, TEXAS, Strand and 21st Street. MEXICO, Vera Cruz, Calle de la Indepen- dencia No. i. City of Mexico, San Juan del Letrdn y Av. Independencia. Puerto Mexico. Salina Cruz GUATEMALA, San Jose. SALVADOR, La Libertad. NICARAGUA. San Juan del Sur. PANAMA, Panama, Colon. COLOMBIA, Buenaventura. ECUADOR, Esmeraldas, Santa Elena, Guayaquil. PERU, Paita, Callao, Lima, 266 Villalta. Barranco. CHILE, Iquique, Serrano 150, Antofagasta, Calle Washington No. 462, Valparaiso, Cochrane No 583. Santiago, Huerfanos No. 1041. ARGENTINA, Mendoza, Calle 9 de Julio 1383, Rosario, Calle San Martin No. 625, Buenos Aires, Calle San Martin, y Sarmiento. URUGUAY, Montevideo, Calle 25 de Mayo y Esquina Zabala. BRAZIL See Page 20 Connecting with all the World "Si IT IS IMPORTANT /that you should mark all of your messages FULL RATE (from New York Ctty) ARGENTINA $ .50 BOLIVIA 50 BOLIVIA (Riberalta Wireless) 85 BRAZIL .85 BRAZIL (Manaos) 1.36 BRAZIL (Pernambuco) 70 CHILE ^ .50 COLOMBIA (Buenaventura) * .50 COLOMBIA (Other Places). 65 COSTA RICA (Sender's Risk) .49 ECUADOR .50 GUATEMALA (San Jose) 44 GUATEMALA (All Other Places) 49 HONDURAS (Sender's Risk) 49 NICARAGUA (San Juan del Sur) 44 NICARAGUA (All Other Places) 49 PANAMA SO PARAGUAY 50 PERU .60 PERU (Iquitos Wireless) 60 SALVADOR (La Libertad) .44 SALVADOR (All Other Places) 49 URUGUAY 50 12 IT IS IMPORTANT that you should mark all of your messages^ ••VIA COLON^* DEFERRED RATE (from New York City) ARGENTINA $ .25 BOLIVIA 26 BRAZIL 42Ji BRAZIL (Manaos) 68 BRAZIL (Pernambuco) 85 CHILE .26 COLOMBIA (Buenaventura) 26 COLOMBIA (Other Places) Z2^ ECUADOR 25 PANAMA 16 PARAGUAY 26 PERU 26 URUGUAY .26 FULL RATE: An Expedited Service. DEFERRED RATE: Half rate messages, accepted subject to delivery within 24 hours. Must be written in the language of Country of Origin, or Destination, or French. No figures allowed. Used in the transmission of Cable Messages. ®(D®®®®®®®(0)0 ®®®®®®®®®® ®®®®®®®®® Useful when decoding messages. Operators sometimes strike the wrong key and errors can fre- quently be detected by referring to the keyboard. 14 POSSIBLE ERRORS IN CABLE SLIP READING Letter Error A U or ET B D or NI or TS C TN or NE or TR D N or TI E I F IN or IE G ME H S or IE or EI I E or S J W K NT or TT L ED or AE or D M T or N TE O M or TT P WE or AN or EG Q MA R EN or EE S I or H'^**»*^«U UhnMQuI T M U ......A or IT V U W J or EM X NA or TU Y TW Z MI or TI or G IS CABLE SIGNALS as they appear upon the tape of the Siphon Recorder Instru- ment, which is used for the transmission of cable messages: ^ r M r V JT Jr « 16 DIFFERENCES IN TIME s Between New York and the prin- cipal cities of the West Indies and South America : H.M. SAN JUAN, PORTO RICO Add .32 ST. THOMAS " .36 BARBADOS " .58 GEORGETOWN, DEMERARA " 1.03 CAYENNE " 1.27 DUTCH GUIANA " 1.28 VENEZUELA " .29 VALPARAISO " .17 BUENOS AIRES " .45 MONTEVIDEO " 1.11 BAHIA *• 2.22 PARA *' 1.42 PERNAMBUCO " 2.35 RIO JANEIRO " 2.00 SANTOS " 1.51 MEXICO CITY Deduct 1.36 HAVANA " .30 KINGSTON, JAMAICA " .23 PANAMA " .22 GUAYAQUIL " .24 QUITO ** .14 LIMA " .12 17 IMPORTANT TO YOU Write your messages clearly. Leave space between words and particularly spa^e between lines of typed or written messages. The operator is less likely to make errors. Remember that the operator is compelled to work rapidly and that legibility makes for accuracy. Hand your messages to us for transmission in the way you would wish them delivered to you. The result will be gratifying. 18 Do you wonder that mistakes occur when cables are written this way? JONES BUENOS AIBES (VIA COlyON) ICYUKICYOL ICYAGICYBH ICYHOICYIJ ICYULICYAH OKPIBOKSOG 0KTYK0KUF3 OKVIHOKWEH OLEVBOLETZ TAZHETAZMY TEGYXTEHUX TEYBSTEYUP TIJZATIJYG TOPYRTOPME TUCUJTUCYK TUDPATUGAJ USSYKUSTUK USYJAUSYIL UTBUHUTAWl SMITH Make it a habit to write your cables clearly as follows: JONES BUENOS AIRES (VIA COLON) ICYUKICYOL ICYULICYAH OKVIHOKWEH TEQYXTEHUX TOPYRTOPME U3SYKUSTUK ICYAQICYEH OKPIBOKSOQ OLEVBOLETZ TEYBSTEYUP TUCUJTUCYK USYJAUSYIL ICYHOICYIJ OKTYKOKUFS TAZHETAZMY TIJZATIJYG TUDPATUQAJ UTBUHUTAWl SMITH The result will be increased accuracy. 19 IMPORTANT Until extensions of ALL AMERICA CABLES from Buenos Aires to Brazil are completed, cablegrams to and from Brazil FULL RATE and DEFERRED are now being handled satis- factorily, via ALL AMERICA CABLES and direct connecting lines. 20 MARK YOUR MESSAGES "VIA COLON" MAIN CABLE OFFICE 89 Broad Street, New York Telephone, Broad 7470 THE ONLY direct ROUTE TO ISTHMUS OF PANAMA AND SOUTH AMERICA 21