LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF Oa./'v>^>wAJUL {^., S-*Jl^ ^^i-*^ Class J ?^t X ^4 A READER: This brief working refutation of Christian Science contains samples of contents of my larger book written but not yet published. Presented on request to THE O^IIVERSITY LIBRARY, BERKLEY, GALIF'ORNIA by the AOTHOR, Los Angeles, California, September 30,1910.^ Cbrietian Science AS IT tS (AN analysis; By Samuel Buisben Xetson Author of 'Prince of Peace," "Going Home," "Dear Mother at the Door, "Sure Foundation," "The Beautiful Bethlehem Star," Etc. So? Did she find ^svitnout a mmd '"'Man has no mmd but God ? |^ubllsbe^ bp tbe Hutbor, Xo5 Bngcleg, Calttornla COPYRIGHT, 1910, hy SAMUEL B. LETSON FIRST EDITION: TWENTY THOUSAND COPIES Contents I. Christian Science in Embryo. II. Christian Science. III. Plain Points. rV. First Fatal Error in Christian Science. V. To Reclaim the Only Consciousness. VI. Productive Myths. VII. The Utility of Myths. VIII. A Modern Miracle. IX. Christian Science and Sex. X. Christian Science Whirlpool Basis. XI. ** Chief Stones in the Temple of Christian Science." XII. Her '^AU" an Idol. XIII. God AU-Inclusive. XIV. What the Christian Science God Cannot Do. XV. How Christian Science Contradicts the Bible Regarding God. XVI. How Christian Science Contradicts the Bible Regarding Christ. XVn. Christian Science Declared To Be the Holy Ghost. XVIII. She Claims To Excel Christ. XIX. ^ The Coming of Christ a Myth. XX. Man a Mere Idea and Matter a Mere Thought. XXI. Evil Is Belief In Anything Besides God. XXII. Non-Existent ''Erring Mind." XXIII. ''Right To Be Sick." XXIV. Varied Falsehoods. XXV. What Can a Christian Scientist Know? XXVI. Does a Law of God Produce Sickness? XXVn. Five "Erroneous Postulates." XXVIII. "Mother of Christian Science" Affirms and Denies that Sin, Sickness, and Death are realities. Christian Science as It Is. XXIX. Neither Matter nor Spirit In Man. XXX. The Curo for Nothingness. XXXI. Christian Science Both Affirms and Denies the Reality of Sin. XXXII. Sin and No Sin, Death and No Death. XXXIII. The Bible Declares That God Forgives Sin. XXXIV. Mother of Christian Science, Make Good or Be Con- victed of Fraud on This Point. XXXV. Christian Science Denies the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. XXXVI. Christian Science Would Abolish Marriage. XXXVII. The Bible on Marriage. XXXVIII. Essence of Christian Science. XXXIX. Corner and Cuj'e of Sin, Sickness and Death XL. God Was Sick. God the Only Sinner. God Is Dead. XLI. Impossible to Follow Both Christ and Christian Science In the Matter of Prayer. XLII. "Disbelief Destroys Error." XLIII. Spiritual Sense. XLIV. Perpetual Motion. XLV. Future Revelations of Interest. XLVI. Did the Founder of Christian Science Drink Large Doses of Morphine with no Effect? XL VII. Where Is Her Omniscience? XLVIII. Incomprehensible Mystery. XLIX. Christian Science Against the Bible. L. Christian Science as Others See It. LI. McCorkle's View of Christian Science. LIL Do Christian Scientists Tell the Truth? r*>fiscK.M;!y ?* LIII. Brief Analysis of Christian Science. LIV. God's Mistake. LV. Christian Science Is False or the Bible is a Farce and Jesus Christ a Fool. LVI. Buried in the Last Ditch. LVII. Pen Pictures of Christian Science. Christian Science as It Is. 203488 Cbristian Science in Embryo i< PIRIT, God, is All" 425 (20).* ''He is the only Spirit'' 73 (11, 12). "God, good, is the only Mind" 469 (13). ''In fact, all is Mind" 371 (2). ^" There is no finite soul or spirit" 466 (21). "Man has no mind but God" 319 (19). "Man is the idea or reflection of Spirit" 478 (27, 28). • "The real man cannot depart from holiness" 475 (29). "All that really exists is in and of God" 340 (13). ^-^"God, Spirit, is all, there is no matter" 421 (17, 18). "To Infinite Spirit there can be no matter" 75 (11). "Matter is unknown in the infinitude of Mind" 280 (1). "All that is real is included in this Mind" 399 (30). ^ "God, Spirit, being all, nothing is matter" 113 (18). 'iThere is but one mind or intelligence" 216 (12). '^"That God and man co-exist, is fully sustained by spiritual sense" 471 (15). "The spirituality of the universe, including man, is the only fact of creation" 471 (18,19). "The creative Principle, Life, Truth and Love, is God" 502 (27, 28). "Life is divine Principle, Mind. Soul, Spirit, without beginning and without end" 468 (26,27). .^ "Spirit — the synonym of Mind, Soul, or God — is substance; that is the only real substance" 468 (20, 21). "The foundation of evil is laid on a belief in something besides God" 92 (26, 27). ^ "God being everywhere and all-inclusive, * * how can there be more than alir 287 (14, 16). v^" Christian Science rests on the conception of God as all Life, U^^substance and intelligence" 185 (18, 20). "Intelligence is omniscience and omnipresence and omnipotence. It is the infinite Mind, the triune Principle — or Life, Truth, Love — called God" 469 (9, 11). ^ "In reality there is no evil" 311 (6). "The basis of all health, sinlessness, and immortality is the great fact that God is the only Mind; and this Mind must be not merely believed, but understood" 339 (25, 28). "GOD IS ALL AND THERE IS NO OTPIER CONSCIOUSNESS" 492 (25) and 536 (9). No other page known to me presents so much that is fundamental in "Christian Science." Without the propositions presented above, "Christian Science" could not be. There is no proof that "Christian Science" is true. Eveiy created thing in the universe shows that "Christian Sci ence" is FALSE. *425 (20) means page 425 and line 20 of "Science and Health" of 1904 Christian Science as It Is. Iprobuctive flD^^tbs ^•P^HAT "mortal mind claims to govern every organ of the ma- il terial body, we have overwhelming proof. But this so- ^^*^ called mind is a 'myth' " 151 (31, 32) and 152 (1, 2). ** Mortal mind constructs a machine, manages it, and then calls it material." "A mill at work, or the action of a water-wheel, is but a deriva- tive form, and continuation of the primitive, mortal mind-force. Without this force the body is devoid of action" 399 (18, 22). ''How can I heal the body, without beginning v/ith mortal mind, which directly controls it?" 400 (1, 3). (Mind, "myth," mere noth- ing, "controls"!) "Mortal mind assigns character and type to disease" 400 (17, 18). "The time approaches when mortal mind will forsake its corporeal, structural and material basis" 402 (9, 10). (Mind, "myth" for- sake"!) "Sometime it will be learned that mortal mind constructs the mortal body and with its own materials" 402 (14, 15). (Mind, "myth," constructs!) "Mortal mind is constantly producing on mortal body the results of false opinion" 403 (16). "The human mind produces disease" 403 (26). ("Myth" pro- duces"!) "Lust, malice, and all sorts of evil are diseased beliefs" 404 (10). ("BeUefs" of the "myth" "mortal mind"!) "All that we term sin, sickness and death is comprised in a be- lief in matter" 278 (28). "Insist that health is the everlasting fact, and sickness the tem- poral falsity" 412 (23). "Break the dream of material senses" 412 (17). "Nothing is matter" 113 (18). "Sin, sickness and death are the vague realities of human con- clusions" 297 (31, 32). By all the foregoing Christian Science afiirms that matter is a myth, that sin, sickness and death are all myths, that human intelli- gence is a myth, that mortal mind is a myth, that man's material body is a myth, that human life is a myth,* that human pleasure is a myth, and that pain is a myth. We certainly have as good reason at least to believe that the book, Science and Health, and Christian Science and the mother of Christian Science are all myths. *Just so, if "God is All, and there is no other consciousness." Christian Science as It Is. << ^^ O-CALLED mortal mind is a myth" 152 (1). - ** Mortal mind perpetuates its own thoughts" 399 (18). ** Matter, the inanimate substratum of mortal mind" 243 (22). "Substratum" of "so-called mortal mind," "myth"! "Mortal body and mind are one, and that one is called man" 250 (14). "Matter is unknown" 280 (1). "Mortal existence is a dream, it has no real entity, but saith, *It is I' " 250 (7). "A sick body is evolved from sick thoughts believed." "Evil, disease and death proceed from false beliefs" 260 (20). Human mind, which does not exist, has beliefs! God, the only Spirit, the only consciousness, has evil, disease, death and false beliefs. Do you relish such foolishness? If so you are a Christian Sci- entist. "Never born and never dying, it were impossible for man to fall from his high estate" 258 (28). "Mortal mind rules all that is mortal" 400 (23). "Mortal mind and body combine as one" 409 (3). "Mortal mind needs to be set right" 382 (32). Poor mortal mind! How did the "myth" ever go wrong? Notice the "myth," mortal mind, combines with the "myth" mor tal body. Will you know yourself hereafter? "We must leave the mortal basis of belief and unite with the one Mmd" 424 (7). What possible interest can either God or the "myth" have in uniting a "myth" to Him who is "ALL"? If "Matter is unknown" 280 (1) and if "in reality there is no mortal mind" 103 (29), there certainly can be no "mortal basis of belief" either to leave or to have. Christian Science proceeds fur- ther to regale us with the declaration, ' ' There is in reality, one Mind only" 330 (23). The same so-called Science affirms also "The one Spirit includes all identities" 333 (31), and then adds, "Spirit is the only substance, the invisible and indivisible God" 335 (11). Has Christian Science still in reserve the secret process by which the "myth" "we," can decrease or increase the only Mind," "the only Spirit," "ALL"? How can the "myth," "we," "unite" with Him who "is ALL"? The stupendous work which Christian Scientists have assigned to themselves is clearly set forth in the following statement in ' * Sci- ence and Health." "The human concepts named matter, death, disease, sickness, and sin are all that can be destroyed" 426 (30). Christian Science as It Is. Christian Science clearly and emphatically affirms: "There is no matter'' 421 (17). ''There is no mortal mind" 103 (29). ''Man is incapable of sin" 475 (26). "God could never make man capable of sin" 480 (19). "Man is never sick" 393 (29). "There is no reality in death" 427 (8). Christian Science stands for the statement: "Mortal mind is a myth" 152 (1). If "there is no mortal mind," then, certainly human concept is a myth. Then "matter, the human concept," is nothing, a myth. And also "death, the human concept" is a myth. By the same authority "the human concept, ^sease," is a myth. Sickness and sin by the same authority and same logic are myths. Notice, these MYTHS "are all that can be destroyed." Christian Science is on earth to destroy these myths. She so de- clares. Will you tell me that God has any voice or hand or part in such fool's work? You know better. ' ' Man has no mind but God ' ' 319 ( 19) . No human mind. Of course, then, no "human concept." 3 No matter. 4 No death. 5 No disease 6 No sickness. 7 No sin. Christian Scientist, answer me : If you destroy the "myth, human concept," what have you de- stroyed? Nothing. If you destroy the "myth, mortal mind, ' ' what have you destroyed? Nothing. If you destroy the "myth, matter," what have you destroyed? Nothing. If you destroy the "myth, death," what have you destroyed? Nothing. If you destroy the "myth, disease," what have you destroyed? Nothing. If you destroy the "myth, sickness," what have you destroyed? Nothing. If you destroy the "myth, sin," what have you destroyed? Noth- ing. How much less will there be when you have destroyed one of your m3rths? Nothing. How much less will there be when you have destroyed all of your myths? Nothing. Antichrist has given herself a fool's task, the work of destroying that which is nothing. Sane humanity will treat her folly right and consign it to oblivion. Christian Science as It Is. Cbristian Science anb Sex ^^ /ffl^ATTER was shown to be belief only" 321 (13). ^jTl ''What is termed mortal mind is not Mind" 311 (3, 5). "The mind supposed to exist in matter, or beneath a skull-bone, is a myth" 281 (18). "Man is the reflection of his Maker, he is not subject to birth, growth, maturity, decay" 305 (28). "The objects cognized by the physical senses have not the reality of substance. They are only what [the "myth"] mortal mind's belief calls them" 311 (26,27). "Gender is a quality, a characteristic of mortal mind, not mat- ter" 305 (13). "Gender consists of Mind, not matter" 508 (14). In Christian Science, Mind capitalized means God. So, a Chris- tian Scientist is supposed to believe that all sex is in God and not in any material body. Male and female, then, are all alike to the Christian Scientist. If a Christian Scientist actually believes "there is no matter," 421 (18), no material substance, he cannot believe that one material body has the form of the male and another the form of the female, as neither is supposed to have any material body whatever. "Mortal body and mind are one" 177 (8). "Matter or body is but a false concept of mortal mind" 177 (10). Thus Christian Science afi&rms that the material body is only a "false concept" of the "myth," mortal mind. "From first to last, the body is a sensuous human concept" 177 (13). "Masculine, feminine, and neuter genders are human con- cepts" 516 (31). "There is no such thing as mortality, nor are there properly any mortal beings" 554 (4, 5). In Christian Science the fact is made obvious that the sinner and the sin are alike simply nothingness. To what abandon must such illusions lead! Christian Science leads to results worse than the fruits of Mormonism. Will you help to prepare mankind for the abolishment of marriage? Will you help to strike out the founda- tions of civilized society? Will you assist in reducing mankind to a level lower than the beasts? Will you aid in the utter destruction of the human race? In all this fiendish work you can be a promoter by aiding the Christian Scientists in affirming "The allness of God" and the "nothingness of matter," and the "nothingness of sin." Will you lend yourself to a work so inhuman and so diabolical? I hope not. Christian Science as It Is. Christian Science is ^alse or Xlbe Bible is a ffarce an^ Jesus Cbrtst a ffool 4mJ^ r^ i STATEMENT in Christian Science is addressed to the fish of the sea or the birds of the air or the beasts of the field. Human beings buy Christian Science literature and pay for it and use it more or less. Other beings or creatures have not been caught so doing. In spite of all the Christian Science bombast denying the reality and existence of the human mind, all Christian Science literature is addressed in fact to the human mind and to nothing else. There- fore, there is human mind or the author of Christian Science is in- sane. A thousand times in Science and Health, she capitalizes the word mind, writing it "Mind," and making it mean God. As many other times she uses the word mind, or Mind, where it cannot pos- sibly mean God and must mean human mind. For example: ** Be- lief locates the Mind within a skull-bone." Index, page 643 of Science and Health of 1891. Is her double and contradictory use of Mind the result of clear-cut insanity? Or is it the fruit of shame- less dishonesty? In either case she shows Christian Science to be unfit for sane human beings. Further: ''Finite belief [human belief] would compress Mind, God, which is infinite, beneath a skull-bone," Science and Health, page 280 (9-11). In this she slanders humanity and perpetrates another Christian Science falsehood. Sane human beings do not claim that the "infi- nite Mind, God," is beneath or inclosed within a skull-bone. Evi- dently truth does not serve the purposes of Christian Science. We have found both the foundations and claims of Christian Sci- ence to be falsehoods. Christian Science without falsehoods would be like a barrel without either head or hoop. Having revamped the word mind and declared "Mind is God," she seeks either to rob man of mentality or fool him into the stupid notion that man has no human mind. In many ways she asserts the nothingness of hu- man mind. Christian Science as It Is. There is no mistaking her meaning on this point. Look at one of her preposterous declarations: ''Man has no mind but God." The statement, "Man has no mind but God," originated in some mind. God is not the author of this statement for God does not lie. The mother of the statement, "Man has no mind but God," has a mind. Is she human or demon? Which? // she is human, man Jms human mind. She proves it. If she is demon, there is "everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his messengers." Matt. 25:41. Every statement in the Bible is addressed to the human mind and is contemplated by human mind. If any part of contents of the Bible was not for human consideration such part would not have been written. Indeed, unless there is human mind the entire Bible must be a ridiculous farce. More, every written and printed statement in the Bible and out of it proclaims the reality of human mind. Nothing contains nothing. A nonentity knows nothing. A mind that is so far off that it denies its own existence cannot claim with any degree of consistency either to publish or teach or know any- thing whatever. You know this. All through the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, He addressed His teachings to human minds. Claiming that "So-called mortal mind is a myth," Christian Science would make Jesus Christ a fool addressing a nonentity, yes, countless nonentities! In the last two thousand years the gos- pel of Christ has been preached world wide to countless millions of human beings. This has been done by command of Jesus Christ. If "Man has no mind but God," as Christian Science so insanely affirms, how utterly foolish Christ would be to command, "Preach the gospel to every creature" and "make disciples," when no dis- ciple and no creature has either material body or human mind! Christ could not so act the fool. The colossal foolishness of undertaking to teach nonentities is the Christian Science job. Civilized humanity knows and admits that the Bible, addressed to human mind, is the most useful, the most valuable of all books. Has the Bible been shown to be a farce? Has Jesus Christ been shown to be a fool? No. Neither has ever been done. Well, both must be done before Christian Science can be shown to be true. Christian Science as It Is. jf (287 (14)0 ^^ ^^ INITE sense has no true appreciation of God or man*' 300 (5, 7). If this he true, no woman in Boston should have any- thing to say ahout either God or man. ''Erroneous belief is mental self-mesmerism*' 297 (12). If "Man has no mind but God" 319 (19, 20), will that mindless woman of Boston restore God from ** erroneous belief and "self- mesmerism"? "Change the belief" 297 (12). Will the "Mother of Christian Science" tell us how to "change the belief" of "the only Mind"? "A belief fulfills its own illusive conclusions" 297 (31). Will the mere myth, the mere nothing, of Boston administer an emetic to the "only Mind" and so relieve Him of "erroneous belief" and so prevent Him from reaching "illusive conclusions"? "Sin, sickness, and death are the vague realities of human con- clusions" 297 (31, 32). If "God is All, and there is no other consciousness' 536 (8, 9), will the female Boston myth so treat "the only consciousness" as to eliminate from Him "the vague realities" and the "human con- clusions"? "False belief silences * voice of immutable harmony" 298 (4). So sad that the Only Consciousness should lose His voice. How did He acquire "false belief"? So sad to lose His "immut- able harmony"! "To material sense the unreal is the real until this sense is cor- rected by Christian Science" 298 (9,11). What! Is "mortal sense'' unconscious? Or is there in fact some "other consciousness," some consciousness other than "God, AH"? In either case, here is a fatal hole directly through the heart of Christian Science. Unconscious "mortal sense" could never know Christian Science, nor know anything. If God be the Only Consciousness, He can have no use for Chris- tian Science. If "God is All, and there is no other consciousness," there has never been a being low enough to produce Christian Science. If there ever was such a thing as Christian Science, Christian Sci- ence is DEAD. "Spiritual sense, contradicting the material sense," etc., 298 (12). If you can do so without fatal cramps, think for a moment of the Christian Science rot, the "spiritual sense" of "the only Mind" con- tradicting the "material sense" of the Only Consciousness!! Christian Science as It Is. ''(50J), aiUIInClUeiVe'' (continue^)) ^* ^ff^O HIMSELF, mortal and material man seems to be sub- it\ stance" 301 (9). ^U/ Is "mortal and material man" God? No. Christian Science declares "there is no other consciousness." It declares this of God. Christian Science, therefore, assumes that man is uncon- scious. It declares "Mortal mind is a myth" and "Man has no mind but God" 319 (19). A mind which is nothing can neither be deceived nor know anything whatever. Man has mind. Man is conscious. Man does know. Therefore, the contrary, that which is called Christian Sci- ence, is false. "Delusions arise from the false testimony of material sense" 301 (28). So, undeniably, "false testimony" comes from God, the Only Consciousness, or from the mere nothing, "the myth, mortal mind," or Christian Science LIES. "Mortal belief is all that will ever be lost" 302 (16). Can the mere nothing, the "myth, mortal mind," have any- thing to lose? Certainly not. The "myth, mortal mind," could have no "be- lief to lose." Why, of course not. But CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HAS LOST ITS JOB. "God is the only Mind governing man" 308 (7). "The mortal dreams, i. e., birth, growth, maturity, decay, are of human origin, not divine" 305 (28, 29). Decay is real. Maturity is real. Growth is real. Birth is real. We know these are realities. Christian Science asks us to believe that these realities were produced by mind, mortal mind, a "myth," which never existed. Can you accommodate the old lady? Not if you are of sound mind. If "Jesus knew of but one Mind" 315 (6), and if "mind never enters the finite" 536 (2), and if "the Divine Mind controls man and man has no mind but God" 319 (19, 20), then undeniably, all ideas, good and bad, and all errors, sins, and crimes are rightly chargeable to "the all-knowing, all-acting intelligence, God" 587 (5. 8). If "The one Spirit includes all identities" 333 (31), and if "Nothing possesses reality except the divine Mind" 331 (12), and if "There is in reality one Mind only, because there is but one God" 330 (23), how could the All-wise, Omniscient, Omnipotent, All-in- clusive God, the only Mind, ever become so abnormal as to need to have an old lady fling half a million copies, more or less, of the book, Science and Health, at his head? How could He? He never did. There is no such god as Christian Science pictures. Your knowledge and good sense should keep you from believ- ing the claims of Christian Science. Christian Science as It Is. Christian Science Haainst the Bible Christian Science: Sacred Scriptures: Christian Science: Sabred Scripture: Christian Science: Sacred Scriptures: Christian Science: Sacred Scriptures: ^'Nothing is matter" 113 (18). ''There is no matter" 421 (17). ''There can be no matter" 75 (11). "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Gen. 1:1. "To believe in sin is death," Science and Health of 1891, page 642. "Sin is belief in matter" 278 (28). "Man is incapable of sin" 475 (26). "God could never make men capable of sin" 480 (19). "Man cannot depart from holiness" 475 (29). "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Rom. 3:23. "All unrighteousness is sin." 1 John 5:17. "Sickness is a belief," Science and Health of 1904, page 493 (18). "Sickness is an illusion." Science and Health of 1901, page A77 (18). Belief is illusion! "Sickness is unknown to Truth" 184 (4). "Man is never sick" 393 (29). "They brought unto Him all sick people." Matt. 4:24. "Jesus went about all Galilee * healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. ' ' Matt. 4 :23. "Death is unknown to Truth" 184 (4). "It is the lie of life "584 (9). "Death is an illusion for there is no death," S. and H. of 1891, p. 563 (6). "It is appointed unto men once to die." Heb. 9:27. "The dead in Christ shall rise first." 1 Thess. 4:16. Christian Science: "Man co-exists with God" 120 (5) Christian Science as It Is. Sacred Scriptures: Christian Scien ce : Sacred Scriptures: Christian Science: Sacred Scriptures: Christian Science: Sacred Scriptures: Christian Science: Sacred Scriptures: ''And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground." Gen. 2:7. ' ' So God created man in his own image. ' * Gen. 1:27. "As for man, his days are as grass, as the flower of the field so he flourisheth." Psalm 103:15. "God is not a person" Science and Health 1891, index page 634. "God is infinite personality." "God is identical with nature." "God is all, no room for more." Science and Health of 1891, index page 605. "His dear Son, who is the image of the invis- ible God." Col. 1:15. "The express image of His person." Hebrews 1:3. "Woman perceived this spiritual idea * * in infant form" 29 (28). "The Virgin-mother conceived this spiritual idea of God and gave to her ideal the name of Jesus" 29 (17). "She brought forth her first bom son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger." Luke 2:7. "A body hast thou prepared me." Heb. 10.5. "Miracles are impossible" 83 (12). "This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee * * and His disciples believed on Him." John 2:11. "The material blood of Jesus was no more effi- cacious to cleanse from sin when it was shed upon the 'accursed tree,' than when it was flow- ing in his veins" 25 (6-8). "Without shedding of blood is no remission." Hebrews 9:22. "The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin. ' ' 1 John 1 :7. Christian Science as It Is. Christian Science: Sacred Scriptures: Christian Science: Sacred Scriptures: Christian Science: Sacred Scripture: Christian Science: Sacred Scripture: Christian Science: Sacred Scriptures: "Resurrection: Spiritualization of thought" 593 (9). ''His reappearance in idea,'* Science and Health 0/1891,/). 348 (5). ''Jesus saith, It is I myself; handle me and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. ' ' Luke 24 :39. "Another illusive personification, named Sa- tan" 187 (11, 12). "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Cor. 11:14. "Audible prayer is apt to hinder growth," S. and H. of 1891, p. 635. "God is not influenced by man," Science and Health of 1904, 7 (21). ' ' Watch y e, therefore, and pray always. ' ' Luke 21:36. "For this shall every one that is godly pray unto Thee." Psalm 32:6. "The claims of the marriage covenant may be relinquished by mutual consent or legally dis- solved," S. and H. of 1893, p. 297. "What God hath joined together* let no man put asunder." Mark 10:9. "My discovery, new lines" 108 (30). "A woman learned this, that corporeal sense is the serpent" 533 (31). "She is first to abandon the belief in the ma- terial origin of man." "This enables woman to be first to interpret the Scriptures in their true sense" 534 (1, 6). "I suffer not a woman to teach." I Tim. 2:12. "Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you * * let him be accursed." Gal. 1:8. Christian Science as It Is. Christian Science: Sacred Scripture: Christian Science. Sacred Scripture: Christian Science: Sacred Scripture: Christifin Science: Sacred Scripture: Christian Science: Sacred Scripture: ''The personality of Jesus not to be worshiped.'* Science and Health of 1891, index page 615. "At the name of Jesus every knee should bow." Philippians 2:10. ''Dreams, the belief of having died and left a material body, and the belief of still living in an organic, material body." "When the belief of life in matter is gone, the mortal who has held it dissolves with it, and never returns to the old condition." Science and Health of 1891, 240 (5-11). "The rocks rent; and the graves were opened; and many of the bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of their graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city and appeared unto many." Matt. 27:51-53. "The Bible was my only textbook" 110 (13, 14). "Handling the word of God deceitfully." 2 Cor. 4:2. "Christ was incorporeal" 334 (9). "Every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God, and this is that spirit of antichrist." 1 John 4:3. "We have known Christ after the flesh." 2 Cor. 5:16. ' ' God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gen- tiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." I Tim. 3:16. Church of Christ Scientist. and shall ' ' Many shall come in my name * deceive many." Matt. 24:5. ' ' Christ is the head of the church. ' ' Eph. 5 :23. "Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named." Eph. 3:14, 15. Christian Science as It Is. OF , ^^/Jl^i^HE DIVINE MIND includes all action and volition, and 41 man in Science is governed by this Mind'* 187 (22, 24). ^^^ If this be so, there can be no "mortal mind," "erring mind," and all Christian Science literature is out on a fool's errand. "The belief in sin," "governs the so-called man" 188 (4, 8). If both of the statements from Christian Science, given above, are true, the divine Mind, God, who "governs man," has "belief in sin" and uses it to govern man. The Christian Science god is certainly not omniscient or he would not have "false belief," or which is the same, "belief in sin," since to Christian Science there is no sin. Unless the "only Mind," the Christian Science god, is more stupid than the average human being, he would never present him- self as such a monstrosity. "The human mortal mind, by an inevitable perversion, makes all things start from the lowest instead of from the highest mortal thought" 189 (16, 18). How can a nonentity, "human mortal mind," "make perver- sion"? It never did. Christian Science lies about "human mortal mind." Yes, or its writer was insane. When did a "myth," a nonentity, "make all things start," or make anything start? Never. Can a mind which is "myth," nothing, have either "lowest" or "highest" thought? Certainly not. A mind which never existed never had any thoughts whatever. "Spirit can not believe in God. Spirit is God" 192 (11). If spirit can not believe in god, then spirit can not believe in Christian Science nor can it believe in anything whatever. Oh, imbecility. Christian Science. Why did you ever appear? What greater insult than the claims of Christian Science could by any possibility be thrust at humanity? Notice here some of its transparent and outrageous fallacies : "There is not finite soul or spirit 466 (21). "Man has no mind but God" 319 (19). "There is but one mind or intelligence" 216 (12). "God, Spirit, being all, nothing is matter" 113 (18). "Christian Science rests on the conception of God as all Life, substance and intelligence" 185 (18, 20). Yes, rests on the self-evident falsehood, "all intelligence, all substance and all life are God.'' If Christian Science were true, how much human intelligence or human life could there be? None whatever. If Christian Science were true, man never could have known either Christian Science or humanity. Christian Science as It Is. 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