THE CORRESPONDENCE OF PRONTO AND M. AURELIUS A LECTURE DELIVERED IN THE HALL OF CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE OXFORD, DECEMBER 3, 1903 WITH AN APPENDIX OF EMENDATIONS OF THE LETTERS BY ROBINSON ELLIS, M.A., HON. LL.D. CORPUS PROFESSOR OK LATIN California Regional facility This book is DUE on the last date stamped below ' PA25 Ellis- C68 The correspond- v74 enoe of Pronto and M. Aurelius. THE CORRESPONDENCE OF PRONTO AND M. AURELIUS A LECTURE DELIVERED IN THE HALL OF CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE OXFORD, DECEMBER 3, 1903 WITH AN APPENDIX OF EMENDATIONS OF THE LETTERS BY | ROBINSON (ELLIS, CORPUS PROFESSOR OF LATIN CONDON HENR^Y FROWDE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AMEN CORNER, E.G. OXFORD: 116 HIGH STREET 1904 C68 AT the beginning of the nineteenth century all that sur- vived of the once famous orator M. Cornelius Fronto was a few short fragments quoted in Charisius, in Servius' Com- mentary on Vergil, and 'in the short treatise de Abstrusis Sermonibus of Fulgentius Planciades. Yet his greatness as a speaker had been attested not only by the fact of his being selected to train the young Caesars M. Aurelius and L. Verus in rhetoric,but by the united verdict of the Panegyrist Eume- nius and the poet Ausonius, the former of whom comparing him with Cicero had pronounced Fronto the second, but not inferior, glory of Roman eloquence, while Ausonius, contrast- ing his own elevation to the Consulship with Fronto's two months' tenure of the same office, deprecates any rivalry with Fronto's acknowledged eloquence, but prefers his own Emperor Gratianus to Fronto's patron M. Aurelius. It was remembered too that M. Aurelius, in the very first chapter of his Reflexions, had ascribed to Fronto his percep- tion of the jealousy, artifice, and insincerity which mark tyrants, as well as the want of natural affection often found in the so-called aristocracy. These were recommendations of no slight kind to that ' great age ' in which the French Revolution was still new, and the monarchs of Europe had one after another been dispossessed by Napoleon. Great, therefore, was the curiosity which greeted the announce- ment in 1815 that an Italian scholar, the now famous Mai, had discovered in the Ambrosian Library at Milan a palim- psest containing on 282 pages of double columns, 24 lines in each column, part of the correspondence between Fronto and his pupil M. Aurelius. Later, when Mai removed to Rome as librarian of the Vatican, he found there another part of the same palimpsest, containing further letters of B 2 3 4 Fronto in 106 pages. Over the original writing had been superscribed a Latin account of the Acts of the Council of Chalcedon. On the antiquity of the original writing various opinions have been formed ; Mai considered it to be very old, indeed not later than the fourth century ; Mebuhr referred it to the beginning of the seventh, arguing from the shape of the letters, which are not unlike those of the Pandects in the famous MS. at Florence. Naber assigns it to the beginning of the sixth century, and considers it to approximate most nearly to the Vienna MS. of Livy. This view he conceives to be further supported by the form and character of the Greek letters (the MS. contains several epistles of and to Fronto in Greek) and the absence of accents and marks of aspiration. There are few contractions, q' for que, B' for bus, IMP. for irti- perator. The facsimile given by Mai at the end of his Milan edition, 1815, has in some cases a large comma written above the line, apparently to divide words from each other, or show when sentences end ; but it is hard to speak confi- dently, as in a short letter of thirty-six words and five sentences, the comma is introduced five times, but in two of the five after words which do not end a sentence, and one which does not even end a clause. The text of Fronto in the MS. was emended at an early period by a person whose name Caecilius was formerly legible at the end of the third book of Epistles, though it has now been obliterated. He has written in the margin sometimes words, sometimes sentences, now transposed and altered, now in imperfect ex- cerpts, now in full. His notes are more numerous towards the end. There are a few various readings. All this is reproduced in Naber's edition of Fronto (1867). After the publication of the Ambrosian part by Mai, it was again edited by Niebuhr, Buttmann, and Heindorf conjointly. Mai, on the discovery of the Vatican portion, re-edited the whole in 1823, since which time nothing of much impor- tance was done till 1858 J , when Naber's friend, Du Rieu, 1 Sec Du Rieu'a Schedae Vaticancu, Praef., p. a, published in 1860. again examined the MS. very carefully, and rearranged the whole. Instead however of publishing his results himself, he entrusted them to Naber, whose edition of 1867 still remains the only adequate form in which the text of the Letters can be studied. In 1874 Klussmann published hisi excellent Emendationes Frontoniariae with an Epistula Critica by Studemund, and in 1902 the Dutch scholar Brakman in his Frontoniana contributed the results of a new examination of both palimpsests, which must be considered valuable. From a short conversation with Dr. Hauler of Vienna in 1897 I learnt that he was then meditating a new edition. The literary interest of this correspondence is consider- able. It comprises 8 books ad M. Caesarem et inuicem, i.e. between Fronto and M. Aurelius, still Caesar, 2 to M. Aure- lius as Imperator, 2 Ad Verum Imperatorem, to Aurelius' colleague Verus, i to Marcus Antoninus de eloquentia, i to the same de oTationibus, i to Antoninus Pius, 2 Ad Amicos et inuicem. Besides these, there are six short and imperfect treatises: (i) Principia Historiae, (2) Laudes Fumi et Pulueris, (3) Laudes Negligentiae, (4) De Bella Parthico, (5) De Feriis Alsiensibus, (6") De Nepote Amisso t (7) Arion. There is finally a short book of Greek letters, in which two Latin letters are included. We have thus, numerically, a tolerably large body of remains from which to estimate the literary merits and position of Fronto, among the writers of African Latin the most conspicuous figure that has survived to modern times with the single exception of Apuleius. It is true that nothing remains of his speeches, and it was on his speeches that his chief title to distinction rested. In this respect he is at a disad- vantage as compared with another but later writer who happens to be included in the same palimpsest with himself, the famous supporter of Paganism in its last days, the object of the Christian poet Prudentius' attack, the episto- lographer and orator Symmachus, of whose oratory at least some fragments survive. This is the more regrettable as Fronto is selected by no less a critic than Macrobius (Sat v. i) in the passage where he describes the four styles of oratory, the copious, the concise, the colourless, the florid, as the best type of the colourless or dry style (siccus), and is contrasted -with the younger Pliny and Syminachus, who represented the fourth or florid genus. M. Cornelius Pronto was born in the Berber town Cirta (modern Constantine), it is not known in what year, but perhaps, as Monceaux thinks, in the principate of Nerva or the first years of Trajan. Nor are we informed when he left his native country for Rome, where, seemingly under the training of the philosopher Athenodotus and the rhetorician Dionysius, he gave himself to the study of eloquence and rose under Hadrian (109-138 A.D.) to be the first orator of his time. As such he is mentioned by Dion Cassius among the chief ornaments of Hadrian's reign (Ixix. 18). Hadrian himself he never liked and seems to have avoided close contact with him; 'I approached him,' he confesses in a letter to M. Aurelius, p. 25 N., ' as a kind of Mars Gradivus, or Dis Pater, whom I wished to soothe rather than loved,' This was not inconsistent with fre- quent laudation of Hadrian in the senate ; and these orations were, Fronto tells us, in every one's hands. An Algerian inscription, Renier 2717, gives a list of the offices he held before his appointment to the Consulship : triumvir capitalis, quaestor of the province of Sicily, plebeian aedile, praetor. It was not till the sixth year of Antoninus Pius, 143 A.D., that he was made consul suffectus for the months of July and August. Before this he had been appointed tutor in rhetoric to the young M. Aurelius, and later to L. Verus, the future joint-rulers of the Roman Empire, whom Antoninus Pius had adopted, in conformity with the wish of Hadrian, as the condition of his own succession to the principate (Feb. 25, A.D. 138). From this time to the end of his life Fronto continued in high favour with the reigning emperors, his reputation increasing steadily with his years. He was offered the pro- consulate of Asia, but declined it on grounds of health. ' I had made every preparation for starting, and had even. arranged with a Mauritanian soldier-friend of tried ex- perience to provide means for hunting out and coercing the banditti. It was my hope by spare diet and drinking water to alleviate, if not keep off, the malady from which I Buffer. But an attack supervened of such violence as to convince me that all hope of accepting the post was impos- sible' (p. 169). He remained at Rome, too confirmed an invalid to be very happy, too much courted and caressed to be quite miserable. Capitolinus tells us (M. Aurel. 2), that M. Aurelius had a statue erected to him, and he was doubtless included in the series of golden effigies which the Emperor placed in his Lararium in honour of his various preceptors (ib. 3). Though he affected no state, he was rich ; owned villas in different parts of Italy, was proprietor of the famous horti Maecenatiani (p. 23), and is introduced by A. Gellius (xix. 10) as surrounded by architects who ex- hibited to him plans of costly baths, one requiring an outlay of 350,000 sesterces. It is not wonderful therefore that he is mentioned in the inscription above quoted as patronus of the African town of Calama, and seems to have been solicited to assume the same function in his native Cirta (p. 200). In the loss of all Fronto's orations, it will suffice to mention the titles of those by which he gained most applause. The Panegyrist Eumenius (Pan. Constantii XIV), from whom I have cited the words Fronto Romanae elo- quentiae non secundum sed alterum decus, quotes a passage from the eulogium which he addressed to Antoninus Pius on his successful consummation, though not personally present, of the war in Britain. Another famous display was his invective against Herodes Atticus, his rival in oratory and the instructor of M. Aurelius in Greek, as Fronto in Latin, rhetoric. On this occasion M. Aurelius interceded with Fronto in behalf of Herodes ; and the orator seems to have modified the violence of his invective, at the same time that he maintained a stern and dignified attitude towards an undoubted offender. In his speech de hereditate Matidiae he supported M. Aurelius and his wife Faustina against Matidia's legatees. But the crowning effort of his oratory was his speech against Pelops, probably, as Niebuhr suggested, the celebrated physician mentioned by Aelius Aristides and Galen ; in this he surpassed himself, as we are expressly told by Apollinaris Sidonius (Epp. vii. 10). Deplorable as is the loss of even one specimen of Fronto's oratory instructive as it would have been to compare him with his great rival, Cicero, or his senior contem- porary, Pliny, particularly where both had to deal with the same materials, the laudation of really great and admirable emperors we have enough left us in the palimpsest remains discovered by Mai to form an adequate idea not only of the man but of the epoch in which he lived and which was moulded considerably by him. A circumstance there is which heightens or even doubles the attractiveness of Fronto's correspondence. The letters with their replies are addressed to and answered by a youth who became later one of the greatest and certainly one of the best men of the Koman world. When the correspondence with his tutor began, M. Aurelius was quite young, audax puerulus, as he calls himself (p. 41), perhaps, as Naber thought, nineteen years old. Such indeed is the tone of these letters between master and pupil as to suggest an even earlier age. They may fairly be said to over- flow with affection, and this a reciprocal passion in which the fondness of the master is more than equalled by the ardour of the pupil. It may well be that the feeling of fondness which Fronto would naturally conceive for Marcus as a young boy extended itself to his adolescence and even to his mature youth ; in fact he tells us so in one of the first passages of the letters (p. 102). ' Schoolmasters, as we know, have more affection for their pupils while they are still learning the tasks of boyhood and paying their fee. Speaking for myself, the moment I entered upon the work of tending and cultivating your intellect, my hopes anticipated that you would be what you are : I strained the eyes of my affection to reach into this your reign. Your boyhood was already bright with native excellence, your adolescence still brighter ; yet only with the dawning and imperfect light of a day without cloud. Now at last the brilliant orb of your perfect excellence has risen and dispersed its rays over the world ; and yet you would recall ine to the ancient measure of a love still in its dawn, and would have the dim light of morning shine at midday.' Again (p. 51), 'In receiving the letters you sent me every day, I felt all the pangs of a lover who sees his love hurry- ing to him along a rugged and perilous road. His joy at meeting again alternates with his alarm at the danger.' Again (p. 74), ' If, when slumber's chain has bound me, to speak with the poet, I see you in my sleep, I never fail to embrace and kiss you ; then, according as each sleep varies its scene, I either weep profusely or feel my heart beat with an ineffable joy.' Again (p. 155), * I confess and it is a fact that I tell you that one thing, and one only, can occur to make my love for you halt to any considerable degree your neglecting oratory.' On his side Marcus was equally warm (p. 26). ' To my dear Fronto. I give in, you have conquered ; all lovers that ever were you have conquered in loving. Take the crown : and besides this let the herald declare openly in front of your tribunal this your victory. Marcus Cor- nelius Fronton Consul a la victoire ; il revolt la couronne des grandes luttes d'amour. For my part, defeated as I am, I am not likely to withdraw from my devotion or prove untrue. Leaving it then to yourself to love me more than man ever loved man, I, who own an inferior power in loving, shall love you more than any human being loves you, nay more than you love yourself. Henceforth Gratia and I are rivals : and yet I feel I shall not be able to go beyond her. For her passion, as Plautus says, is a rain whose large drops have not only drenched her robe, but actually course through her vitals.' Again (p. 56), ' What do you think are my feelings, when I reflect how long it is since I have seen you, and why it is I have not seen you ? Possibly indeed I may not see you during the few days B3 10 which you are compelled to take for recovering your strength. So as long as you lie by, my own spirits must droop ; when with heaven's help you stand on your feet again, my own spirits will resume their composure : at this moment they burn with the intensest longing to see you. Farewell, thou soul of thy own Caesar, thy friend, thy pupil.' And in another letter he even more closely anticipates the language of Shakespeare's Sonnets (p. 4) : ' Where my mind has be- taken itself, I do not know, except that I know this, it is on its way to that unknown somewhere, you. ... If you think of any waters as a cure, write and restore to my breast its soul.' Similar, but perhaps a little less high-flown,' is the ex- pression of Fronto's feeling for his younger pupil, Lucius Verus. ' How often,' he writes (p. 1 36), ' have you supported me in your hands, raised me when I had difficulty in standing up, or almost carried me when bodily weakness made it difficult to move ! With what a joyous and benign look did you always greet me : how gladly converse and how long 1 how unwillingly break off the conversation ! ' The infirmities of which Fronto here speaks extended to every part of his body and fill his whole correspondence. He was a perpetual sufferer from gout, and is called ' Fronto the gouty ' by Artemidorus (de Somniis, iv. 24), and twice described by Gellius (ii. 26, xix. 10) as pedibus aeger, and pedes tune grauiter aeger. He describes himself as suffer- ing successively in the arm, the elbow, the knee, the neck, the groin, the left foot, the sole, the stomach, the right hand, the chest, the windpipe, the shoulders, the peritoneum (if Klussmann's conjecture is right, p. 72), the eyes. The whole of the fifth book of the correspondence with Aurelius is an alternation of Fronto's varying ailments and Marcus' sympathizing replies : a fact, I believe, without any other example in Greek or Roman literature. But he knew how to turn his pains to good purpose ; they excused his at- tendance at court, and gave him a real plea for absenting himself from visits of ceremony which to a man so much employed as a pleader must too often have been a waste of 11 time. Nor does it seem that such absences were resented or that they caused any coldness between the Caesar and his master. As might be expected from the intimacy of their relations, the letters of Fronto and Marcus range over a wide list of subjects and admit us to many different phases of Italian life in the second century A. D. The most prominent place must be given to literature, under which I include oratory and the study of words. At that time Rome was filled with grammarians, and most of them acknowledged a leader in Fronto. The Attic Nights of A. Gellius are perhaps the most faithful exhibition of the literary tendencies of the epoch, Gellius introduces us no less than five times to scenes in which Fronto is the central figure. Once it is a discus- sion with Favorinus on colours and the words which express them (ii. 26) ; then a defence of Claudius Quadrigarius' cum multis mortalibus against a caviller who could feel no difference between this and cum multis hominibus (xiii. 29) ; in a third (xix. 8) the question is asked, Have harena, triticum, caelum plurals 1 has quadrigae a singular. ? and Fronto quotes the Dictator Caesar's de Analogia and a passage of Ennius : in a fourth praeter propter, alleged to be a low word used by artisans, is defended and shown to be good Latin (xix. 10) : in the fifth a grammatical quartett, Gellius, Apollinaris Sulpicius, Festus Postumius, and Fronto, canvass in the vestibule of the Palace the respective claims of nanus and pumilio ; and Fronto's dis- paraging opinion of 'nanus is shown by Apollinaris to be inconsistent with its being genuine Greek, and by Postumius with its authorization by a poet as learned and famous as Helvius Cinna. This side of Fronto's activity is well represented in the letters. He has the most pronounced judgements on Roman oratory, and it is clear that with him oratory depended for its success almost wholly on the choice of words. ' Few writers,' he says (p. 62), ' have addressed themselves to the laborious and hazardous study of carefully looking for words. Among orators Cato above all others and his constant B 4 12 imitator Sallust ; among poets Plautus especially, and most especially Ennius with his studious imitator L. Caelius : again, Naevius, Lucretius, Accius, Caecilius, and Laberius. Reserv- ing these, there are some writers whom you may observe to be choice in special lines ; Novius, Pomponius,and their com- peers, in words of country life or of jesting and farce : Atta in words used by women, Sisenna in love-scenes, Lucilius in the words appropriate to each profession or business. You may perhaps ask impatiently where I place Cicero, the so-called fount and spring-head of Roman eloquence. I consider him to have used invariably the finest words and to have excelled all other orators in the splendour with which he adorns everything he wished to set off with dis- tinction. I hold him, however, to have been far removed from any minute search for language, either because he was too high-minded or shunned the labour, or felt assured that without any search he would find ready to his hand words which would hardly occur to others with it. And so I believe I have made out for I have been a careful reader of everything he wrote that while he has handled all other classes of words with rare fullness and richness, words proper or metaphorical, simple or compound, in- cluding those choice, and often quite beautiful dictions which shed a lustre over all his writings still throughout his speeches any one of those sudden surprises of language which only study, attention, vigilance and extensive memory of old poetry are able to discover, is very rare in- deed. By sudden surprises of language I mean what comes upon the hearer or reader unexpectedly and unawares, such that if it is withdrawn and the reader is ordered to search himself for the right word, he will either find none at all or no other as well fitted to indicate the meaning.' He illustrates what I have here translated by the various uses of luere and its compounds. To rinse the mouth is os colluere, to scour a pavement is pelluere, to wash off sweat abluere, to wash out a stain eluere, to mix a draught of mulse diluere, to rinse the throat proluere, to bathe an animal's hoof sulluere. To wash a dress is lauare, to 13 drench the cheeks with tears is lauere, to scour away dirt that clings is elauere, a word affected by Plautus. A similar characterization of Roman orators and historians is found (p. 113). 'Among poets, as every one knows, Lucilius is a type of the meagre, Albucius of the lifeless style, Lucretius is lofty, Pacuvius neither high nor low, Accius unequal, Ennius various. Again, history has been written by Sallust in a set periodic style, by Pictor roughly, by Antias with sprightliness, by Sisenna tediously, by Cato with words in long teams, by Caelius in single words. Again, in public harangues Cato is fierce, Gracchus noisy, Cicero copious : in judicial speeches Cato is furious, Cicero exultant, Gracchus vehement, Calvus quarrelsome.' Nor must we suppose that Fronto contented himself with merely lauding these antiquated worthies ; he got copies to be made of them and dispatched them to his imperial pupil ; the Sota of Ennius, we learn from Marcus himself, was thus sent off to him written on cleaner paper, in a more attractive volume and finer writing ; whether it was read, or if read thought much of, we are not told ; but the next sentence informs us that a speech or speeches of Gracchus which Pronto wished also to send, might as well wait, as there was no hurry. It would seem that the great literary epoch of Domitian and Trajan, the epoch of Statius, Juvenal, Martial, Suetonius, Tacitus, Pliny, was too recent in men's memories to give way without a struggle to a new creed which reversed their pretensions and returned by preference to the older, mostly pre-Ciceronian models, now long out of date and only to be revived by an effort. Fronto, however, was too wise to attack these great names ; his scoffs are aimed at an earlier generation, the writers of Nero's reign, specially the younger Seneca and Lucan. This is his verdict on Seneca (p. 156) : 'I well know the fellow to be copious and exuberant in philosophic aphorisms (sententiis) ; but I observe that his trotting sentences no- where hold on at a quick galloping pace, nowhere join issue, nowhere aim at a grandiose effect ; he is like Laberius, full of witty sallies, or perhaps I should say witticisms, rather 14 than of smartly turned dicta. Do you really think you will find weightier judgements, I mean on the same matter, in your Seneca than in Sergius ? But then Sergius' sentences are not so well modulated ; true ; nor so lively in movement ; no : nor so resonant : granted. Well, suppose the same breakfast served up to both, one of the two fingering the olives set before him, putting them to his mouth, chewing them in the authorized manner of mastica- tion ; the other tossing his olives into the air, opening his mouth to catch them, displaying them when caught at the tip of his lips as a conjurer does with counters. By this he would certainly secure the vivas of boys, and the amuse- ment of the guests ; but the one would be taking his meal decorously, the other using his lips to play the harlequin.' The criticism is severe, but has at least elements of truth ; even more decidedly damning is what he says of the Neronian affectation of repeating the same idea in many different forms. ' The first vice in that kind of speaking is a very vile one, I mean repeating the same idea a thousand times over in a different dress. As actors dancing in a mantle use the same mantle to express a swan's tail, the hair of Venus, the lash of a Fury ; just so this school of writers present the same one sentiment in many forms, air it, change and turn it about, rub up the same one idea continually. ' Has something to be said about Fortune ? You shall find there every single aspect of the Goddess : the Fortune of Antium, the Fortune of Praeneste, Fortune looking back- wards, even the Fortune of the bath, all alike with wings, wheels, and rudders. 1 As an instance I will mention one poetical prelude, by a poet of the same time and the same name : he was him- self an Annaeus. At the beginning of his epic he has illustrated in the first seven lines one single idea a more than civil war. Now count up how many varieties he uses to unfold the idea.' Here he proceeds to draw out Lucan's famous proem clause by clause, adding at the end, ' Annaeus, where will you finish ? Or if limit and 15 measure must not be observed, why not add Et similes lituos ; concluding with et carmina nota tubarum 1 Indeed you may as well go on to coats of mail, helmet- plumes, swords, belts, and the whole equipage of war.' With this Neronian verbiage he rightly contrasts the condensation of Apollonius Rhodius, who in the four hexameters with which his Argonautica open cre'o, 4>oT/3e, ira\ai-yevfa>i> /cAe'a ot HOVTOIO Kara orojua Kat 86a Kvaveas f3a(ri.\f}o$ f(f>r]{j.ocrvvri HeAiao Xpvx oj TOVTOV firi5(tnt>vvTa>v Op&ffos tiivoias, AAAANAITONTflN viToSiovai, tntftif/a TO itpiv tiriTptyys. Read oux &? rov-ruv tmtitiKyvvTajv Opaffos fvvoias d\\' avqTT6vT