UC-NRLF NARCH FLOUR MILLING No.115 SPROUT, WALDRON 6 COMPANY Q MUNCY, PA U.S.A. D GO 03 a O 73 2 2 r a MONARCH BALL BEARING ROLLER MILLS Section A, No. 115 n ~-2- Established 1866 SPROUT, WALDRON & CO. Mill Builders and Mill Furnishers MUNCY, PA., U. S. A. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S.A ^ OMMERCIAL enterprise is a science and in order to master it, years of hard work must be spent in the school of experience. Many theories have passed into oblivion after being subjected to the test of practi- cality. All sorts and classes of tools and machines are constantly being brought into existence but only those concerns which produce goods of sufficient quality to withstand the severe tests of practical usage survive the ravages of competition. Many concerns which manufacture inferior goods and sell them at seemingly remarkably low prices, pass into the lists of the unknown and forgotten like the theories above mentioned and their little ripple on the business pond is soon quieted. Competition is, no doubt, the heart of trade but it is also the grave of the inefficient. Quality in a business sense is like care of the health in humanity, it is conducive to long life. After a reputation has been established for fair dealing, a com- mercial firm must continue to exercise prudence, honesty and care- fulness in all its dealings in order to maintain it. The oldest firms, those who have been in business longest, are the ones that have adhered strictly to these principles in every transaction and have not sacrificed quality in favor of cheapness. They must continue to make and to sell articles of a high grade in order to retain the con- fidence of their patrons. They shun the imitation like the average mortal avoids a snake, because they know in the end it will poison their business. In presenting this short argument we wish particularly to empha- size the fact that quality and not price, honesty and not graft, are the ruling factors in the business, of the eminently successful firms in the United States an$' throughout the world. Let us further add in this connection, . that ^e -have been in business for very nearly fifty year's: Doe's not r this 'mere fact indicate that our patrons are pleased with the treatment received at our hands and the goods marketed by us? Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. 5. A. Our beginning was very humble in respect to buildings, equip- ment and resource, but we have progressed constantly, raising the standard of our product in proportion to any addition we were able to make in equipment. A glance at the illustration of our present quarters, shows the exterior of a model plant with 300,000 square feet of floor space and occupying several acres of ground. Monarch Mill- ing Machinery is well and favorably known throughout the United States. At the present time we are completing a large installation in China and our export trade is rapidly increasing another testi- monial to our careful business methods. Our motto is satisfaction and through our product we have been enabled to give the satisfaction that has drawn to us the trade of the progressive and allowed us to hold it. The use of good material, careful workmanship and long and practical experience have brought their reward in the good name we have made and maintained for the Monarch Line and incidentally for ourselves, the manufacturers. We take this opportunity to express our appreciation of the con- fidence and esteem in which we are held by those who have had business dealings with us and to thank them for their patronage which will continue to receive our careful consideration. We are willing and glad at all times to make suggestions and give technical advice for the betterment of milling conditions and to help those who wish to keep in touch with the methods of modern milling engineering. This catalog is presented with the object of placing before our customers and others a clear and concise summary of the machinery made and handled by us. Flowery language and fictitious names and descriptions have been avoided entirely. We sell our goods on their merits not on the talk of our advertising manager and sales- men alone. It will give us pleasure to serve you in any way. SPROUT, WALDRON & COMPANY 332676 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Roller Mills In presenting this section of our catalog, in which are described and illustrated the Monarch Roller Mills, we feel confident that we are offering to the trade a selection which, for quality, efficiency and economy, has never been equalled or approached. These mills are the result of necessity and obligation necessity on the part of our friends of the milling fraternity for efficient machines with which to carry on their work and obligation on our part to see that the necessity was well met. We know that we have discharged our obligation and the growing popularity of the Monarch Roller Mills and the large number in successful and satisfactory operation, is good and sufficient evidence that our efforts have been and are being appreciated. Experience is a good teacher and even though our constant observation of milling methods and requirements has not been carried on without considerable expense, we feel that the knowledge thus gained has helped us in a large measure to make the name "Monarch" syn- onymous with the word "satisfaction." Taking into consideration the facts that our guarantee fully covers all points in their construction and operation and that they are widely and favorably known, we feel that it is unnecessary to describe the Monarch Roller Mills in great detail. We do wish, however, to call particular attention to six important points in their construction which we consider of vital importance to prospective purchasers of machinery of this kind. First. Absolutely even reductions are obtained by delivering the stock to the rolls in a thin, even stream, the volume of which is automatically controlled by the speed at which the mill is operating. Second. A broad, massive base gives rigidity and steadiness, allowing the mill to perform its work easily, quietly and without consuming an unnecessary amount of power. Third. For the performance of satisfactory work, ease of adjustment, facility in starting and stopping, noiseless operation, and strength and simplicity of construction, there is nothing which can approach in merit the Monarch Vibratory Feeder with Ball Bearing Eccentrics. Fourth. Bearings are of the most approved type for the service required. They are durable, interchangeable and properly lubricated to overcome any tendency toward over- heating. Fifth. All parts are easily accessible, ample provision has been made for examination of the stock and the rolls can be removed without disturbing spouting or feeder top. Sixth. The general appearance of the Monarch Roller Mills makes evident the fact that the highest efficiency can be combined with perfect symmetry of construction without detract- ing from either quality. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill Non -Trammable The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill Non-Trammable In addition to overcoming the greater part of the friction invariably found in machinery equipped with ordinary babbitt or brass bearings, ball bearings as applied to the mill shown in the above illustration positively eliminate any necessity for tramming the rolls. The top surface of the massive base and the bottoms of the castings forming the bearing cases and adjusted by the regulating device for the movable rolls, are accurately dovetailed and the bearing case caps are halved with the lower parts of the cases to an exact fit. The outer races of the ball bearings are securely clamped into the cases designed to hold them and the inner races make an exact fit with the roll spindles, being held in place by a jam nut. From the foregoing description it can readily be understood how, with the rigidity given to the mill and the absolute alignment of the bearing cases, in addition to the absence of wear and vibration in the bearings, it is impossible for the rolls to get out of tram. See price list on page 15. 10 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill Type "C" Drive Non-Trammable The front view of this mill, shown on the left, gives further evidence as to care taken to combine strength and proportion. A good appearing machine and just as good and substantial as it looks. The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill Type "C" Drive Non-Trammable The illustration, showing the fast side of the mill, gives a very good idea of the operation of the Ball Bearing Vibratory Feeder. Driven from the roll spindle, it may be started or stopped instantly by throwing the lever, which brings the idler in or out of contact, with the belt. It will be readily understood that starting and stopping the feeder can be accomplished irrespective of the stopping or continued action of the rolls. The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill Non-Trammable Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. 11 The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill Non- Trammable This illustration exhibits the Non-Trammable Ball Bearing Roller Mill with the cover plates of the bearings removed. Note the accurate spacing of the balls and the large-sized compression grease cups conveniently placed. The ball bearings are kept in place on the roll journals by the hexagon nuts; these in turn are secured by the two cap screws, making them immovable. Bearing plates are machined to make the bearings oil tight. Note also the simplic- ity, convenience and strength of the differential screw, roll adjustment. The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill Non-Trammable The most important feature of this roller mill is that it requires no device for tramming the rolls. The frame is absolutely rigid; the entire top being carefully machined and the rolls accurately centered to within yaW of an inch. It is the only machine of the kind on the market, is proof against accidental disarrange- ment and after once being set for proper grinding, needs no further adjustment. Bearings are practically frictionless, will not heat or wear and therefore do away with any possibility of the rolls getting out of alignment. The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill Non-Trammable 12 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill Type "C" Drive With Tramming Device The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill. Type "C" Drive With Tramming Device Front view showing the easily accessible adjusting devices for both the Mill and Ball Bearing Vibratory Feeder. Note that while this mill is massive in construction, it still presents a perfectly symmetrical appearance. See price list on page 15. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 13 The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill The accompanying illustration shows method of removing the rolls from their bear- ings without taking down the spouting. This operation is accomplished by simply taking out a portion of the roll housing, leaving the feeder top in position and doing away with more than one half of the work usually required to change a pair of rolls. Illustration also shows the Monarch Ball Bearing Vibratory Feeder with tightener and lever for starting and stopping it. The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill Tramming the mill here illustrated, is accomplished by movement of the hexagon nuts shown in the stems of the bearings holding the movable rolls. These nuts control eccentrics, which, working in a recess in the stem, adjust the rolls to the desired position. The action of the tunnel shaft adjustment and the lever for spreading the rolls will also be readily understood by reference to this illustra- tion. It should be particularly noted that rolls can be thrown apart without changing the degree of compression of the springs; the whole bearing, spring case included, is moved by the lever. The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill 14 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Roll Feeder for Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mills Roll Feeder for Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mills This feeder is supplied with adjustable gates and has opening for roll exhaust in the center. The feed rolls are corrugated after being turned true. The corrugations are varied in size and depth to suit the stock. Ball bearings are used throughout. This style of feeder is supplied with any size of the Monarch Roller Mills when ordered, otherwise the Vibratory Feeder described below will be sent. The Monarch Automatic Vibratory Feeder for Monarch Double Roller Mills This feeder has ball bearings, noiseless ball bearing eccentrics and adjustable feed gates for spreading the stock. The feed gates are automatically raised by any accumulation of stock above the feeder, the top being specially designed to receive such accumulations. The additional weight thus provided causes an increased amount of stock to be fed to the rolls until the amount coming to the feeder again becomes normal, when the feeding of a regular amount is resumed. The front of the shoe is rounded and has a metal covering which delivers the stock to the rolls evenly and smoothly, be the amount large or small, Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 15 The Monarch Ball Bearing Double Roller Mill Sizes, Prices, Speeds, Etc. Size Inches Price with Smooth Rolls Price with Divided Rolls Price with Corrugated Rolls Approximate H. P. Required R. P. M. 6 x 12 $ 765.00 $ 772.50 $ 780.00 #to 1 600 6x 16 815.00 822.50 830.00 KtolK 600 6x20 865.00 872.50 880.00 1 to IK 600 7 x 14 851.00 858.50 866.00 #tol# 550 7 x 16 873.50 881.00 888.50 K to IX 550 7 x 18 896.00 903.50 911.00 1 to IK 550 7 x 20 918.50 926.00 933.50 IK to 2 550 7 x24 971.00 978.50 986.00 !Xto2K 550 9 x 18 1121.00 1133.50 1146.00 !Kto2K 450 9x24 1196.00 1213.50 1231.00 !Kto2X 450 9x30 1281.00 1303.50 1326.00 2K to 3 450 9 x36 1391.00 1418.50 1446.00 3 to3K 450 Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size Inches Size of Driven Pulley Fast Roll Inches Face of Pulley on Slow Roll Inches Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Lbs. Volume Cubic Feet 6x 12 10x3 3 1630 2030 55 6x 16 10 x 3X 3K 1750 2225 60 6x20 10x4 4 2050 2600 66 7 x 14 12 x 3X 3X 2240 2865 79 7 x 16 12 x 4 4 2540 3240 82 7 x 18 12 x4 4 2650 3425 85 7 x20 12 x 5 5 2800 3650 88 7x24 12 x 5 5 2950 3875 94 9 x 18 16x4 4 3600 4575 102 9x24 16x5 5 4350 5500 113 9 x30 16 x 6 6 5100 6325 131 9 x36 16x8 8 5400 6475 145 16 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. - 0> oc PQ = O S o u w a C5 4> d a u, o o VI I CN C-l PN fN M-S ^^^^^^^^^^^ ffi-g Dimensions 1 c >-H fisSwsifewa 1 w-g 1 C 588SSS***?!!? i Q| . XX^ ^^^^ rorOf^-^-r^rti-^TjtoCOOOOOO fOPOf^rO^fOPCfO^r^fO^O 8 1 irjirjiOiOiOiOiOiOOOOO V l 1 1 CNVOO'^rOlOt^'-HVOCNCVlO -<*TtiioiooioiO'Oir;vot oo I fH SSS5SS;ss ? s I CN\OO'*\OOOO-*OC"*O'O ujj ^i -i ci ** c<* ^ 450 9x 24 700.00 717.50 735.00 3 to 4 450 9x30 785.00 807.50 830.00 4 to 5 450 9x36 895.00 922.50 950.00 5 to 6 450 Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size of . Driven Pulley Fast Roll Inches 10x4 10x4>^ 10 x 5 12 x4K 12 x 5 12 x 5 12 x 6 12 x 6 16 x 5 16x6 16x7 16x9 Face of BOXED FOR EXPORT Slow Roll Lbs. Weight Volume Inches , Lbs. Cubic Feet 3 1650 2050 58 3/^ 1730 - 2205 63 ^ 4 2025 2575 71 2201 2826 79 A 2350 3050 82 4 2500 3275 85 5 2700 3550 88 5 2900 3825 94 4 3400 4400 101 5 4020 5095 112 6 4650 5800 130 8 5100 6325 144 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 19 ct\t\jf\*\* HH \O O O 1 20 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Monarch Drive for Double Roller Mill Fast Side Slow Side Drive "A" The Independent Drive This is usually called the independent drive as each roll is driven by its own belt. This is probably the most economical drive, considering the amount of power consumed. No tighteners of any kind are used, and is all the belts are narrow and light, any one of them can be thrown off at any time, without stopping the mill, ind be taken up and re-laced. The roll will run by friction from the other roll during the short time it takes4;o .ace the belt. The pulleys used on the roll spindles in this drive are of large diameter and narrow face, the belt null being slight, making an easy drive on the bearings. This does not in the least affect the roll adjustments when grinding. The belts are open on the fast side and crossed on slow side, as will be seen by a reference to the two cuts. Double crown pulleys are used on roll shaft unless the speed required for the differential is not the same n both pairs of rolls; we then use single pulley of right diameter to give the required speed. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 21 Monarch Drive for Double Roller Mill Fast Side Slow Side Drive "B" This is the drive that is most generally used in the mills we have recently constructed, the tightener for the fast side being above the floor on the side of the roll frame and the one for slow side being below the roll line shaft. (See illustrations.) By this method of driving, belts may be made endless and can be tightened at any time while running; no cross belts are used; both sides are open, and both fast and slow drives are long. Both pulleys on the driving ends of the rolls are in line so that the rolls present a better appearance than with any other drive. The drive is very strong, the only extra power required being just enough to operate the two tightening pulleys, both of which can be moved to take up the slack in the belts, by means of a hand wheel on side of roll frame for the fast side, and hand wheel and lighter rods on the grinding floor for slow side. Both are always in easy reach of the miller. The pulleys used on rolls are wide of face and smaller in diameter than those on Drive "A." The fact that only two belts are required for each four-roller mill makes this a standard drive. It is the one usually figured in our specifications and will be used unless some other drive is mentioned in the contract. 22 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Monarch Drive for Double Roller Mill Fast Side Slow Side Drive "C" Less belting is required with this method and but one main drive pulley is necessary, the slow rolls being driven from one end of the countershaft. Style "C," or the tunnel drive, employs a countershaft running through a tunnel in the base of mill, the shaft being adjustable and acting as a tightener for both belts. This drive has the advantage over other drives inasmuch as each pair of rolls can have slow pulleys to give any desired differential; one pair of rolls may be smooth and the other corrugated. This is especially convenient in a three or five-break mill where a four-roller mill must be used with one pair smooth and one pair corrugated. By simply placing the proper sized pulleys on the tunnel shaft and roll spindles a .differential of 2 X to 1 may be employed for the corrugated pair of rolls and a differential of IX to 1 for the smooth rolls, the changes being limited only by the number of different diameters of pulleys that can be used. Practically any desired differential can be easily secured by the use of Drive "C." This feature has made it a favorite drive in many of the larger mills. Sprout, WalJron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 23 Monarch Drive for Double Roller Mill Fast Side Slow Side Drive "D" Where long belts are required with tighteners on both sides, this device is especially suitable. Drive "D" is accomplished by using adjustable tighteners on both sides of frame, the belt which drives the slow roll being crossed. We recommend this drive for corn mills and for locations where there is not room enough to place a "B" belt tightener below the roll line shaft. This drive is one of the oldest in use and the fact that the slow belt is crossed does not interfere with its efficiency or strength. It admits of using slow and fast pulleys of the same size, on roller mills, the differential being the difference in diameter of the fast and slow pulleys on the roll line. For example, a fast pulley 40 inches in diameter and a slow pulley of 16 inches diameter will give a differential of exactly 2^4 to 1. All other differentials being produced in similar manner and the pulleys on the roller mills all being exactly the same size, gives the' line of roller mills a uniformity that is pleasing. 24 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Illustrations Showing Methods of Driving Monarch Double Roller Mills by Motor Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 25 Monarch Drive for Double Roller Mill Style "C" Drive \o ft* fCY.V ASO ^ Vc \ \ Abo -Vo \ 4-bo tftO -Vo \ 2.4* \fct> 3 -Vo \ 4- Vo \ Differential Chart for Monarch Double Roller Mills 26 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Single Roller Mill The Monarch Single Roller Mill is used for the same purpose and, in con- struction and design, is much the same as the double machine. Where space is limited and the requirements do not necessitate the use of more than a single pair of rolls, this machine will give excellent results. Sizes, Prices, Speeds, Etc. Size Inches Price with Smooth Rolls Price with Corrugated Rolls Additional Price for Gear Drive Fast Roll Speed R. P. M. H. P. Required Size of Drive Pulley Fast Side Inches Size of Drive Pulley Slow Side Inches 6x 12 $435.00 $440.00 $20.00 600 Xto X 10x3 12 x3 6 x 16 460.00 468.00 20.00 600 Ato & 10x3^ 12 x3X 6x 20 495.00 503.00 20.00 600 A to # 10x3^ 12 x3K 7 x 14 510.00 517.50 20.00 550 A to X 12 x3j^ 16x3K 7 x 16 520.00 528.00 20.00 550 Ato H 12 x3>? 16x3^ 7 x 18 537.50 545.00 20.00 550 Ato\ 12 x3>^ 16x3.^ 7 x 20 555.00 565.00 20.00 550 XtolX 12 x 4 18x3^ 9x 18 670.00 682.50 25.00 450 XtolX 16x4 22 x 4 9 x 24 720.00 737.50 25.00 450 1 to \ 1 A 16x5 22 x 5 9x 30 770.00 792.50 25.00 450 IX to IK 16x5 22 x 5 Dimensions, Weights, Etc. OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS I FLOOR SPACE, INCHES BOXED FOR EXPORT Size Length Length Floor to Center Weight Inches Height Inches Pulley Drive Gear ' Width Drive Inches of Rolls Inches E F G H K Lbs. Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. Inches Inches ! 6x12 58 42 38 27 33 X 25 27 21 23 X 725 1200 38" 6x 16 58 46 42 27 33X 25 31 21 27 775 1300 42 6x20 58 50 46 27 33X 25 35 21 31 X 850 1350 46 7 x!4 60 51 47 28 34 27 30 23 26 1150 1750 50 7 x!6 60 53 49 28 34 27 32 23 28 X 1260 1800 52 7 x!8 60 55 51 28 34 27 34 23 30 1375 2025 54 7 x20 60 57 53 28 34 27 36 23 32 X 1500 2200 56 9 x!8 62 56 51 31 38X : 30 35 26 31 X 1900 2700 63 9x24 62 62 57 31 38X 30 41 26 37 X 2250 3000 69 9 x30 62 72 64 31 38X 30 47 26 43 X 2600 3600 80 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 27 The Monarch Single Roller Mill With Self-Oiling Phosphor Bronze Bearings The Monarch Single Roller Mill is used for the same purpose and, in con- struction and design, is much the same as the double machine. Where space is limited and the requirements do not necessitate the use of more than a single pair of rolls, this machine will give excellent results. Sizes, Prices, Speeds, Etc. Size Inches Price with Smooth Rolls! Price with Corrugated Rolls Additional Price for Gear Drive Fast Roll Speed R. P. M. H. P. Required Size of Drive Pulley Fast Side Inches Size of Drive Pulley Slow Side Inches 6x 12 $285.00 $294.00 $20.00 600 y* to i 10x4 12 x 3 6 x 16 309.00 318.00 20.00 600 # to IK 10 x 4^ 12 x3X 6x 20 339.00 348.00 20.00 600 tf to \% 10x5 12 x 4 7 x 14 345.00 352.50 20.00 550 K to \% 12 x 4^ 16x3 7 x 16 360.00 367.00 20.00 550 K to IX 12 x 5 16x3X 7 x 18 375.00 382.50 20.00 550 1 to IK 12x5 16x4 7 x 20 390.00 397.50 20.00 550 1 to 2 12 x 6 18 x 3^ 9x 18 415.00 427.50 25.00 450 \ IK to 2 16x5 22x4 9x 24 465.00 482.50 25.00 450 1^ to 2X 16 x 6 22 x 5 9x 30 525.00 547.50 25.00 450 2X to 3 16 x 7 22x6 i Dimensions, Weights, Etc. OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS FLOOR SPACE, INCHES BOXED FOR EXPORT Size Length Length Center Weight Inches Height Inches Gear Driven Pulley ; Width Driven Inches of Rolls Inches E F G H K Lbs. Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. Inches Inches 6x12 58 40 44 27 i 33K 25 27 21 23 K 750 1225 40 6x 16 58 44 48 27 33K 25 31 21 27 K 800 1325 44 6x20 58 50 54 27 33K 25 35 21 31 K 875 1390 49 7 x!4 60 47 51 28 34 27 30 23 26 K i 1200 1785 50 7x16 60 49 53 28 34 27 32 23 28 K 1300 1970 52 7 x 18 60 51 55 28 34 27 34 23 30 K 1450 2100 54 7 x 20 ! 60 53 57 28 34 27 36 23 32 K 1560 2300 56 9x18 62 51 56 31 38K 30 35 26 31 K 2100 2800 63 9 x24 62 57 62 31 38K 30 41 26 37 K 2500 3100 69 9x30 62 65 72 31 38K 30 47 26 43 K 2900 3780 80 28 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Roller Oat Crusher The Monarch Roller Oat Crusher will be furnished with either a single or double pair of rolls in sizes from 7 x 20 to 9 x 36 inches and with either phosphor bronze or ball bearings as desired and specified. The roller force feeder is driven from the roll spindle and both the crushing and feeder rolls are corrugated in a manner proven by experience to be most desirable and efficient. The machine has no differential and can be arranged on one side for either pulley or gear drive. Materials and workmanship are first-class in every respect, adjustments are convenient and positive and a glance at the illustration will show a symmetrical and well-balanced machine. The Monarch Roller Oat Crusher The Monarch Single Roller Mill for Cracking Corn Equipped with Monarch Magnetic Separator and with the rolls properly corru- gated, the mill shown opposite gives excellent service as a "Corn Cracker." Furnished in either single or double type and with plain or ball bearings as desired. To ascertain price of the combination, refer to section of catalog containing price list of the Monarch Magnetic Separator and add price of size of separator desired to the price of roller mill desired. The Monarch Single Roller Mill For Cracking Corn Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 29 The Monarch Three Pair High Roller Mill With Self-Oiling Phosphor Bronze Bearings Monarch Three Pair High Roller Mill, Self-Oiling Phosphor Bronze Bearings Recommended for use in feed and corn meal grinding. The three pairs of rolls, mounted one above the other, are corrugated beginning with the top pair, coarse, medium and fine, thus providing for three successive reductions of an increasing degree of fineness. The illustration shows machine equipped with gear drive on slow side and belt drive on fast side. This is our standard construction, but to suit the preference of the purchaser we will furnish the mill with any of the drives shown on pages 37 and 38. Roll differential provided by gear drive ranges from 1 to 1 to 3 to 1. Floor idlers for both slow and fast sides are shown in another section of our general catalog, which will be furnished on application. Unless otherwise ordered, we furnish machine-cut gears for driving differential of the slow side of the mills shown above. 30 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Two Pair High Roller Mill With Self-Oiling Bearings This mill is similar to the one shown on page 29, the difference being in the ommission of one unit. Where medium fine grinding and mod- erate capacity are desired, we guarantee the Monarch Two Pair High to give satisfactory service in reducing corn, rye, oats, screenings, spices, etc. Reports which we have had from time to time, indicate that this mill is gaining pre- ference where fine grinding is desired and where economy is a consideration. The Monarch Two Pair High Roller Mill, with Self-Oiling Bearings The Monarch One Pair High Roller Mill With Self -Oiling Bearings The Bottom Unit of The Monarch Three Pair High Roller Mill For cracking corn, rolling oats or grinding screenings or other mate- rials requiring only one reduction, the Monarch One Pair High will give the desired results. A glance at the illustration shows a strongly built machine and the name "Monarch" guarantees workmanship and materials. Unless otherwise ordered, we furnish machine-cut gears for driv- ing differential of the slow side of the mills shown above. The Monarch One Pair High Roller Mill, with Self-Oiling Bearings Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 31 The Monarch Three Pair High Roller Mill With Self -Oiling Phosphor Bronze Bearings Pulley or Gear Driven Sizes, Prices, Capacities, Etc. Size Inches List Price Size of Pulleys on Fast Side Inches Size of Pulleys on Slow Side Inches Past Roll Speed R. P. M. Capacity Per Hour Bushels of Meal Capacity Per Hour Bushels of Feed H. P. Required ( 15 x 6 16x5) 9 x 14 $ 830.00 < 14 x 6 15 x 5 - 550 20 to 35 40 to 60 9 to 13 ( 13 x 6 14 x 5 ) (18 x 7 20 x 6) 9 x 18 900.00 \ 16 x 7 17 x 6 \ 550 30 to 45 50 to 75 10 to 15 (14x 7 16 x 6 j ( 18 x 8 20 x 7 ) 9 x 24 1000.00 1 16 x 8 17 x 7 [ 550 40 to 60 65 to 100 12 to 20 ( 14 x 8 16x7} (18x9 20 x 8 9 x30 1150.00 -M6x9 17 x 8 - 550 50 to 75 85 to 125 15 to 25 1 14 x 9 16 x 8 ) Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size Inches OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS FLOOR SPACE, INCHES 1 BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Inches Length i Length Pulley i Gear Driven Driven Inches Inches Width Inches E F G TT K Weight Lbs. Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 9x 14 9 x 18 9 x24 9x30 87^ 87>^ 87K 87K 55 49 59 53 66 60 73 67 36 36 36 36 35K 3534 35^ 35 K 29X 33>< 39 X 45 X 31# 31# 31# 31-U 25X 29 K 35^ 41K X % K M 4200 4700 4900 5475 5700 6350 6400 7125 101 108 121 133 Machine-Cut Spur Gears for Roller Mills In order to facilitate delivery, when ordering gears for roll driving, give the exact diameter of rolls and roll spindles and depth and width of key seat. Also state what differential is desired. Roll Diameter Inches Price Both Iron Gears Price Iron and Rawhide Roll Diameter Inches Price Both Iron Gears Price Iron and Rawhide 6 and 7 9 10 $20.00 25.00 30.00 $30.00 40.00 50.00 12 14 18 $ 45.00 65.00 100.00 $ 70.00 100.00 160.00 32 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Two Pair High Roller Mill With Self-Oiling Phosphor Bronze Bearings Pulley or Gear Driven Sizes, Prices, Capacities, Etc. Size Inches List Price Size of Pulleys on Fast Side Inches Size of Pulleys on Slow Side Inches Fast Roll Speed R. P. M. Capacity Capacity Per Hour Per Hour Bushels Bushels of Meal of Feed H. P. Required 9 x 14 $600.00 (15 x 6 114 x 6 15 x 5) 14 x 5 j 550 15 to 20 30 to 45 5 to 8 9 x 18 650.00 J 16 x 7 1 15 x 7 - 16 x 6) 15 x 6f 550 20 to 30 45 to 60 7 to 10 9 x 24 735.00 f 16 x 8 tl5 x8 16 x 7) 15 x 7 j 550 ' 25 to 40 55 to 80 9 to 14 9 x 30 830.00 (16 x 9 1l5 x 9 16 x 8) 15 x 8 I 550 35 to 50 65 to 100 12 to 18 Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size Inches OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS FLOOR SPACE, INCHES Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Inches Length Pulley Driven Inches Length Gear Driven Inches Width Inches E F G H K Weight Volume Lbs. Cu. Ft. 9 x 14 9x 18 9x24 9x30 67 67 67 67 55 59 66 73 49 53 60 67 36 36 36 36 35 X 35 K 35 K 35 K 29 % 33 Y< 39 % 45 % 31 X 31 X 31 K 31K 25 % 29 X 35 X 41 J< H X X X 2500 3200 3700 4300 3250 77 4150 83 4700 92 5425 103 The Monarch One Pair High Roller Mill With Self-Oiling Phosphor Bronze Bearings Pulley or Gear Driven Sizes, Prices, Speeds, Etc. Size Inches List Price Size of Pulleys on Fast Side Inches Size of Pulleys on Slow Side Inches Fast Roll Speed R.P. M. H. P. Required 9x 14 9x 18 9x24 9x30 $380.00 410.00 460.00 520.00 16x6 16 x 7 16x8 16x9 18x5 18 x 6 18 x 7 18x8 500 500 500 500 1 to IK IX to 2 I#to2# 2 X to 3 - Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size Inches OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS FLOOR SPACE, INCHES Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Inches Length Length Pulley ' Gear Driven Driven Inches Inches Width Inches E F G H K Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 9 x 14 9x 18 9x 24 9x30 46 # 46 K 46 K 46 K 55 49 59 53 66 60 73 67 36 36 36 36 35 X 35 K 35 X 34 K 29 % 33 X 39 X 45 X 31K 31K 31X 31 K 25 K 29 X 35 % MX H K H 1500 1700 2000 2300 1950 2300 2620 3000 54 57 64 71 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 33 The Monarch Ball Bearing Three Pair High Roller Mill SDf The Monarch Ball Bearing Three Pair High Roller Mill The notation accompanying illustration on page 29 applies as well to the Three Pair High Roller Mill shown above and in addition to the advantages which it clearly sets forth, this mill is equipped with ball bearings. Not only will the ball bearing mill grind oats, corn or mixed feed to a finish, but it will perform the operation in the most economical manner, saving power, reducing lubrication expense, and requiring very little attention. Drive will be arranged to suit local conditions. Unless otherwise ordered, we furnish machine-cut gears for driving differential of the slow side of the mill shown above. 34 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A, The Monarch Two Pair High Ball Bearing Roller Mill The Monarch Two Pair High Ball Bearing Roller Mill Another view of the Two Pair High Ball Bearing Mill. Both views of this mill show gear drive on slow side. The Monarch Two Pair High Ball Bearing Roller Mill This is another modification of the Monarch Three Pair High Ball Bearing Roller Mill which will make a closer reduction and has a larger capacity than the Monarch One Pair High shown below The Monarch One Pair High Ball Bearing Roller Mill The Monarch One Pair High Ball Bearing Roller Mill Showing mill with gear drive on slow side. This is the bottom unit of our Three Pair High Ball Bearing Roller Mill and was designed to supply a growing demand for a one-reduction machine for grinding screenings, rolling oats, cracking corn, etc. ; Unless otherwise ordered, we furnish machine-cut gears for driving differential of the slow side of the mills shown above. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 35 The Monarch Three Pair High Ball Bearing Roller Mill Pulley or Gear Driven Sizes, Prices, Capacities, Etc. Size Inches List Price Size of Pulleys on Fast Side Inches Size of Pulleys on Slow Side Inches Fast Roll Speed R. P. M. Capacity Per Hour Bushels of Meal Capacity Per Hour Bushels of Feed H. P. Required (15 x 4^ 16 x 3tf 9 x 14 $1245.00 -{ 14 x 4K 15 x 3% 550 20 to 35 40 to 60 : 5 to 7 1.13 x 4^ 14 x 3tf . (18 x 5 20 x 4 9 x 18 1350.00 -{ 16 x 5 17 x 4 550 30 to 45 50 to 75 6 to 9 1 14 x 5 16 x 4 (18 x 6 20 x 5 9 x 24 1500.00 ^ 16 x 6 17 x 5 550 40 to 60 65 to 100 7 to 12 (14 x 6 16 x 5 ( 18 x 7 20 x 6 ) 9 x 30 1725.00 -{16 x 7 17 x 6 V 550 50 to 75 85 to 125 9 to 15 (.14 x 7 16 x 6 ) . Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size Inches OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS FLOOR SPACE, INCHES Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Inches Length Pulley Driven Inches Length Gear Driven Inches Width Inches E F G H K Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 9x 14 9x 18 9 x24 9 x 30 87 K 87^ 87 # 87^ 58 62 68 74 47 51 57 64 36 36 36 36 35 ^ 35 Y, 35 K 35 K 29 X 33 X 39 X 45 K 31X 3iy< 3\y 4 31K 25 % 29 X 35 X 41 X X X y. y* 4200 4400 5700 6000 5225 5625 7025 7475 106 113 124 135 Roll Scrapers and Scraper Holders We have on hand constantly a full line of Adjustable Automatic Holders and Tampico Brush, Steel and Cotton Duck Scrapers, for use with Monarch and other makes of roller mills. Prices Per Pair LENGTH OF ROLLS, INCHES 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 42 Scraper Holders Duck Scrapers $4.00 3,00 $4.00 2.25 $4.00 2.50 $5.00 2.75 $5.00 3.00 $5.00 3.50 $5.00 4.00 $6.00 4.50 $6.00 5.00 Steel Scrapers 3.00 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.50 5.25 6.00 6.75 7.50 Tampico Brushes.. 2.00 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.75 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 Roll Tram Plates Tram Plates suitable for use with all makes of Roller Mills, will be furnished at the following list prices. Roll Diameter 6 Inch 7 Inch 9 Inch 10 Inch 12 Inch 14 Inch 18 Inch Price of Tram Plate $3.00 $4.00 $5.00- $6.00 $8.00 $10.00 $15.00 36 Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Two Pair High Ball Bearing Roller Mill Pulley or Gear Driven Sizes, Prices, Capacities, Etc. Size of Size of Fast Roll Capacity Capacity Size Inches List Price Pulley Driven Pulleys on Fast Side Pulleys on Slow Side Speed R P M Per Hour Bushels Per Hour Bushels H. P. Required Inches Inches . of Feed of Meal 9 x 14 $900.00 f 15 x 4# \14 x 4^ 15 x 3^1 14 x 3K) 550 30 to 45 15 to 20 3 to 5 9 x 18 975.00 !18 x 5 16 x 5 18 x 4 1 16 x 4 J 550 45 to 60 20 to 30 4 to 6 9 x 24 1100.00 18 x 6 16 x 6 18 x 5 1 16 x 5 1 550 55 to 80 25 to 40 5}4to 8.^ 9 x 30 1245.00 I 18 x 7 1 16 x 7 18 x 6 1 16 x 6 ( 550 65 to 100 35 to 50 7 to 10X Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size Inches OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS FLOOR SPACE, INCHES Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Inches Length Pulley Driven Inches Length Gear Driven Inches Width Inches E F G H K Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 9x 14 9x 18 9x 24 9x30 67 67 67 67 58 62 68 74 47 51 57 64 36 36 36 36 tfi\r>m\n 29 K 33 X 39 X 45 % 31 X 31 X 31X 31 X 25 % 29 X 35 X IIX K K | 2500 3200 3700 4300 3300 4200 4750 5475 81 87 95 104 The Monarch One Pair High Ball Bearing Roller Mill Pulley or Gear Driven Sizes, Prices, Speeds, Etc. Size Inches List Price Size of Pulley on Fast Side Inches Size of Pulley on Slow Side Inches Fast Roll Speed R. P. M. H. P. Required 9x 14 9x 18 9 x 24 9x30 $550.00 650.00 700.00 750.00 16x4# 16x5 16x6 16 x 7 18x4 18x4^ 18 x 5 18x6 500 500 500 500 Xto 1 XtolX 1 to IK 1 K to 2 Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size Inches OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS FLOOR SPACE, INCHES Weight Lbs. ' BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Inches Length Pulley Driven Inches Length Gear Driven Inches Width Inches E F G H K Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 9 x 14 9x 18 9x 24 9x30 46 y, 46 K 46 y, 46 K 58 62 68 74 47 51 57 64 36 36 36 36 35 X 35 K 35 K 35 K 29 K 33 X 39 % 45% 31K 31 K 31K 31K 25 X 29 K 35 % 41 X K y* I 1550 1780 2100 24(10 2000 2255 2650 3025 56 60 66 72 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 37 Monarch Drives for Three Pair High Roller Mills Drive No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 Drive No. 1 Fast Side Drive No. 1 Slow Side Drive No. 2 Fast Side Drive No. 2 Slow Side Drive No. 3 Fast Side Drive No. 3 Slow Side Shows method of driving by belt, fast and slow rolls of right-hand Monarch Three Pair High Roller Mill. It can also be driven from shaft on same floor or from above. Unless otherwise ordered, we furnish machine-cut gears for driving the differential or slow side. Gears are provided with guards to prevent accident. In this way mill is driven by only one belt from the line shaft and a positive differential is maintained. 38 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Monarch Drives for Three Pair High Roller Mills Drive No. 4 and No. 5 O Drive No. 4 Fast Side Drive No. 5 Fast Side Drive No. 4 Slow Side Drive No. 5 Slow Side Monarch Three Pair High Roller Mill with Direct Connected Motor Drive. Idler under floor adjustable to keep the belt tight. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 39 The Monarch First Break Feed Governor The Monarch First Break Feed Governor There is no doubt about the necessity for a feed governor in every flouring mill, the only question being the selection of the one best suited to perform the necessary work. The old type of governor, regulated by the striking force of the grain and supplying a regular feed is being rapidly replaced by the Monarch, the new type, which is belted directly to the roll spindle and which delivers a thin stream of grain to the rolls at a rate governed by the speed at which the mill is running. It can be easily understood, how, when the speed of a mill is increased or decreased either purposely or accidentally, the grinding capacity of the rolls will change in pro- portion and an automatic feed regulator becomes a necessity. The regulation of the amount of stock supplied to the first break rolls regulates, of course, the amount supplied to the entire mill and relieves the operator of the necessity for constantly changing the amount of power. The Monarch Feed Governor also acts in the capacity of a speed indicator, the dial shown in the above cut indicating to the operator of the mill when the machinery has attained the speed desired. In ordering, give size and speed of roll and spindle. Sizes, Prices, Etc. Size No. Bushels Per Hour List Price Size No. Bushels Per Hour List Price 1 3 to 15 $50.00 6 50 to 75 $ 85.00 2 10 to 25 60.00 7 60 to 90 90.00 3 20 to 35 70.00 8 75 to 115 95.00 4 30 to 50 75.00 9 90 to 125 100.00 5 45 to 60 80.00 The Columbian First Break Feed Governor Not Recommended where there is a variable Speed Sizes, Prices, Etc. Size No. Bushels Per Hour List Price Size No. Bushels Per Hour List Price 3 to 8 $25.00 7 35 to 50 $37.50 1 7 to 12 25.00 8 40 to 60 40.00 2 10 to 15 25.00 9 50 to 75 42.50 3 12 to 18 27.50 10 60 to 90 45.00 4 15 to 25 30.00 11 75 to 115 47.50 5 20 to 30 32.50 12 90 to 130 50.00 6 25 to 40 35.00 40 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Oat Crusher Front View of the Monarch Oat Crusher Side and Rear View of the Monarch Oat Crusher Sprout, Waldron & Company, Mulfy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 41 The Monarch Oat Crusher The nutritious part, or kernel of the oat is contained in a very coarse, tough and indigestible hull and unless this is broken before the grain is used as feed, about one fourth of the amount fed is wasted. Crushing is therefore necessary, but this is by no means a haphazard operation. Oats generally are, and always should be, fed in a dry state; therefore to avoid waste or expense entailed in taking out finely crushed material, the machine used for crushing should simply break the tough hull, leaving hull and kernel together. This is exactly the function of the Monarch Roller Oat Crusher, illustrations of which appear on the opposite page, and that it performs what is expected of it, is a matter of satisfaction both to us and to a large number of our patrons who have it in successful operation. The Monarch is provided with an automatic feeder and also a shaking sieve which takes out all coarse or foreign substances. When equipped with differential gears and the rolls properly corrugated, this machine gives excellent service as a Corn Cracker and produces a very small percentage of meal. Construction is "Monarch Quality" throughout. All parts are easily accessible, adjusting devices are convenient and very little attention is required on the part of the operator. Sizes, Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Size No. List Price OVER- ALL DIMENSIONS Floor Space Inches Distance Floor to Center of Shaft Inches Size of Pulley Inches Fast Roll Speed R. P. M. Height Inches Width Inches Length Inches 612 $190.00 32 30 37 20x21 12 10x4 550 616 200.00 32 30 42 20x25 12 10x4^ 550 620 230.00 32 30 46 20x29 12 10x5 550 714 270.00 32 32 40 22x23 12 12x4>^ 525 716 300.00 32 32 42 22x25 12 12x5 525 718 350.00 32 32 44 22x27 12 12x5K 525 720 375.00 32 32 47 22x29 12 12x6 525 918 360.00 32 36 44 26x27 12 16x5 500 924 400.00 32 36 51 26x33 12 16x6 500 930 450.00 32 36 58 26x39 12 16x7 500 Capacities, Weights, Etc. Size No. H. P. Required Capacity Pounds Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Gross Weight Lbs. Volume Cubic Feet 612 1.5 500 550 750 22 616 2 600 650 900 23 620 2.3 900 750 1000 24 714 3 750 850 1140 23 716 3.2 ' 920 1000 1400 23 718 4 1200 1100 1500 24 720 4.3 1500 1200 1600 25 918 4.5 2000 1400 1750 27 924 5 3000 1500 1850 28 930 5.4 4000 1650 2000 29 42 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The McAnulty Slow Motion Automatic Force Feeder The McAnulty Slow Motion Automatic Force Feeder The McAnulty, like the Monarch, has this distinctive feature: It evenly distributes the stock in a thin stream across the entire surface of the rolls. We lay special stress upon this feature because it is highly important, and because, so far as we know, our two types of feeders (the McAnulty and the Monarch) are the only ones which successfully accomplish this distribution. Irregularity of feeding, as every miller knows, is one of the prime causes of inferior grinding. The choice of either of our feeders will positively remove any possibility of this trouble. Another advantage of the McAnulty Slow Motion Automatic Force Feeder is its ready adaptability to any size or make of rolls. It can be perfectly controlled for a large or small stream, as may be desired. See directions for ordering on the following page. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A, 43 Directions for Ordering McAnulty Feeders For Double Roller Mills .> c * IT ir- 1 -A -V, J McAnulty Feeders for Double Roller Mills A Width of housing. B Distance between journals. C Distance outside of journals. D Length of housing. E Distance center to center of rolls. F Diameter of roll shafts. G Thickness of housing. Give diameter of pulley that drives old Feeder. Give speed of pulley that drives old Feeder. State the kind of Stock Feeder is to be used for. Give size of rolls. Price List Size of Rolls Inches Price of Feeder Price of Housing Size of Rolls Inches Price of Feeder Price of Housing 6 x 12 $27.00 $6.10 7 x 24 $33.00 $7.00 6 x 15 28.00 6.25 9x11 30.00 6.55 6 x 16 29.00 6.40 9 x 14 31.00 6.70 6 x 18 30.00 6.55 9 x 18 32.00 7.00 6 x 20 31.00 6.70 9 x 24 34.00 7.30 7 x 14 29.00 6.40 9 x 30 35.00 7.60 7 x 16 30.00 6.55 9 x 36 37.00 7.90 7 x 18 31.00 6.70 10 x 30 39.00 8.20 7 x 20 32.00 6.85 10 x 36 44.00 9.25 44 Sproui, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Vibratory Feeder Steady Feed Even Reductions The construction of the Monarch Vibratory Feeder insures delivery of the stock in a thin even sheet the entire width of the rolls. This prevents the material from becoming "bunched" and results in absolutely uniform reductions. It is simple in construction throughout and can be used with equal success on all makes of roller mills. Out of all the number of feeding devices on the market, we do not know of any other so simple and so satisfactory as the Monarch, unless perhaps it may be the McAnulty Feeder described on page 42. Many millers prefer the Monarch because it is the most advanced type of feeding apparatus. So popular has it become, that we now construct it to fit every make of roller mill. The Monarch must be driven from the fast roll spindle and when properly attached to the roll frames we guarantee that the feeder will perform its work to the letter. Great care should be taken, when ordering this feeder, to furnish us with all necessary dimensions of the roller mills with which it is to be used. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 45 Directions For Ordering The Monarch Vibratory Feeder For Double Roller Mills The Monarch Vibratory Feeder for Double Roller Mills A Width of housing. B Distance between journals. C Distance outside of journals. D Length of housing. E Distance center to center of rolls. F Diameter of roll shafts. G Thickness of housing. Give diameter of pulley that drives old Feeder. Give speed of pulley that drives old Feeder. State the kind of Stock Feeder is to be used for. Give size of rolls. Price List . Size of Rolls Inches Price of Feeder Price of Housing Size of Rolls Inches Price of Feeder Price of Housing 6 x 12 $34.00 $6.10 7 X 24 $40.00 $7.00 6 x 15 35.00 6.25 9x11 37.00 6.55 6 x 16 36.00 6.40 9 x 14 38.00 6.70 6 x 18 37.00 6.55 9 x 18 40.00 7.00 6 x 20 38.00 6.70 9 x 24 42.00 7.30 7 x 14 36.00 6.40 9 x 30 44.00 7.60 7 x 16 37.00 6.55 9 x 36 46.00 7.90 7 x 18 38.00 6.70 10 x 30 48.00 8.20 7 x 20 39.00 6.85 10 x 36 55.00 9.25 46 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Directions for Marking and Shipping Rolls To be Re- ground or Re-corrugated, and General Information Concerning this Work RIGHT HAND In sending rolls to us for re-grinding or re-corrugating we prefer, as a method of identification and an aid in the avoidance of mistakes, the use of special tags which we have prepared for the purpose, a supply of which will be furnished on application. If, however, use of the tags is not convenient, refer to diagram above and proceed as follows: Make a diagram of each pair of rolls sent and if more than one pair, mark the pairs A, B and C, respectively. Mark the fast roll as such and indicate the end on which the drive pulley belongs. Give each pair of rolls the same letter as given to it on the diagram. In boxing, see that shipping and shipper's name and address, the letter given to the pair and the word fast or slow are plainly marked on each box. Send the diagram with your order, stating plainly what you wish done. Your work will have our very best attention and will be promptly returned to you. The working life of corrugated rolls varies from two to five years, according to the amount of care used in handling them and the character of the service required. They may be very quickly spoiled by allowing them to run together. When thus dulled it is advisable to have them re-ground and re-corrugated at once, as it is poor economy to use rolls that are dull. They do poor work and consume more power than is necessary. Smooth rolls will give a much longer period of service than corrugated rolls if care is used to keep them in tram. It is a good plan to examine smooth rolls occasionally when the mill is not in operation. By putting them together, holding a lighted candle below and looking down from the top, if the light is entirely shut off the entire length of the rolls they are in good grinding condition; if, on the other hand, .the light cannot be entirely shut off when the rolls are in perfect tram, they should be re-ground. Our facilities for roll grinding and corrugating are large enough to insure prompt deliveries. Our machinery is of the very best and latest design and the operators are careful and experienced mechanics. Some idea of the care taken in this work may be gained from the fact that the finished product is accurate to the ten thou- sandth part of an inch. We do special corrugating work to order and do it well and promptly. A trial will be sufficient to convince you that our service is unsurpassed. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 47 New Chilled Iron Rolls Sizes, Prices, Weights, Etc. Size Inches Price Per Pair Smooth Price Per Pair Corrugated EACH ROLL BOXED Size Inches Price Per Pair Smooth Price Per Pair Corrugated EACH ROLL BOXED Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 6 x 6 $ 87.25 $ 93.75 90 1.01 9 x 18 .$ 156.50 1$ 170.00 385 3.57 6x9 93.00 100.00 110 1.17 9 x 20 166.00 180.00 430 3.73 6 x 12 98.75 106.25 130 1.26 9 x 24 185.00 200.00 490 4.04 6 x 15 106.50 114.00 155 1.39 9 x 30 215.00 235.00 600 4.51 6 x 16 110.00 119.50 165 1.44 9 x 36 246.00 267.00 700 4.98 6 x 18 118.75 127.50 175 1.53 10 x 10 119.50 129.00 275 3.50 6 x20 127.50 136.50 200 1.62 10 x 30 268.00 289.00 785 5.83 6 x24 136.50 145.50 240 1.80 10 x 36 317.00 342.00 935 6.50 7 x9 110.00 117.50 150 1.58 10 x 42 368.00 397.00 1090 7.20 7 x 12 117.50 125.00 170 1.76 12 x 18 314.65 339.85 775 7.03 7 x 14 122.50 131.00 190 1.88 12 x 20 338.00 363.00 840 7.38 '7 x 15 124.75 133.50 205 1.94 12 x 24 385.00 415.80 970 8.07 7 x 16 127.00 136.00 220 2.00 12 x 30 465.00 501.20 1150 -9.11 7 x 18 131.50 142.00 240 2.12 12 x 36 545.00 587.00 1330 10.15 7 x20 140.00 152.00 260 2.24 14 x 12 232.00 250.50 590 8.42 7 x24 150.00 163.00 300 2.48 14 x 16 315.00 340.20 820 9.30 7tf.x20 153.00 167.00 320 2.72 14 x 18 341.65 369.00 905 9.74 7^x24 167.50 183.50 380 2.95 14 x 20 358.55 387.25 985 10.18 754x30 190.00 207.50 480 3.29 14 x 24 427.40 461.60 1150 11.06 9x8 124.00 132.00 215 1.71 14 x 30 512.20 553.25 1366 12.38 9 x 11 132.00 143.25 263 2.26 18 x 18 832.30 898.80 1720 15.82 9 x 14 138.00 150.00 311 2.81 18 x 24 890.00 961.20 2130 17.61 9 x 15 142.00 154.00 330 3.00 18 x 30 1020.00 1101.60 2540 19.40 We can furnish rolls of any size but must call attention to the necessity of great care in ordering. A pair of right-hand rolls when running sharp against sharp, changed end for end in journal boxes, become left-hand rolls sharp against sharp. If you reverse the same rolls by putting the slow roll in journal boxes belonging to the fast roll and vice versa without changing ends, they will become left-hand rolls running dull against dull. Left-hand rolls, both sharp, when turned end for end, become right-hand rolls, both running sharp. Left-hand rolls, both sharp, when removed and changed, the slow roll being made to occupy the place belonging to the fast roll and vice versa, become right-hand rolls", both dull. Grinding and Corrugating Rolls Price Per Pair Size Inches Re-grinding Smooth Rolls Corrug'd Rolls Ground Smooth Corrugated Rolls Ground and Re-corrugat'd Smooth Rolls Re-ground and Corrugated Size Inches Re-grinding Smooth Rolls Corrug'd Rolls Ground Smooth Corrugated Rolls Ground and Re-corrugat'd Smooth Rolls Re-ground and Corrugated 6x6 $ 4.00 $ 6.00 $ 8.00 $ 7.00 9 x 18 $10.00 $13.00 $20.00 $17.00 6x9 5.00 7.00 10.00 8.00 9 x 20 10.75 14.00 21.75 18.50 6 x 12 6.00 8.00 12.00 10.00 9 x 24 12.00 16.00 25.00 21.00 6 x 15 7.50 9.50 14.00 12.00 9 x 30 15.00 20.00 30.00 25.00 6 x 16 8.00 10.50 15.00 12.50 9 x 36 18.00 24.00 35.00 29.00 6 x 18 9.00 12.00 16.00 13.00 10 x 10 10.00 16.00 20.00 18.00 6 x 20 10.00 13.00 18.00 15.00 10 x 30 16.50 22.00 33.00 27.50 6 x24 12.00 15.60 21.60 18.00 10 x 36 20.50 27.50 40.50 33.50 7 x 9 5.00 7.00 11.00 9.00 10 x42 25.50 34.00 49.50 41.00 7 x 12 6.75 9.00 13.50 11.25 12 x 18 18.00 22.50 36.00 28.80 7 x 14 8.00 10.50 15.00 12.50 12 x 20 20.00 25.00 40.00 32.00 7 x 15 8.00 10.50 15.00 12.50 12 x 24 24.00 30.00 44.00 36.00 7 x 16 8.50 11.00 16.00 13.50 12 x 30 30.00 36.00 50.00 42.00 7 x 18 9.00 11.50 17.00 14.50 12 x 36 36.00 42.00 56.00 48.00 7 x 20 9.75 12.50 18.25 15.75 14 x 12 13.00 18.00 26.00 20.00 7 x24 10.50 13.50 19.50 17.00 14 x 16 17.00 27.00 35.00 27.00 7^x20 11.00 14.00 19.50 16.50 14 x 18 19.80 30.80 39.60 30.60 7^x24 11.50 16.00 24.00 20.00 14 x 20 22.00 32.00 44.00 34.00 7^x30 13.50 17.50 26.50 22.50 14 x 24 26.40 38.40 52.80 40.80 9x8 6.00 8.00 12.00 10.00 14 x 30 33.00 48.00 66.00 51.00 9 x 11 8.50 11.25 15.50 12.75 18 x 18 27.00 33.75 54.00 43.00 9 x 14 9.00 11.50 16.00 13.50 18 x 24 36.00 45.00 66.00 54.00 9 x 15 9.50 12.00 17.00 14.50 18 x 30 45.00 54.00 75.00 63.00 Price for one roll, one-half the price per pair. For truing up roll journals an extra charge is made. Prices for grinding and corrugating rolls of odd sizes will be quoted on application. Special corrugations, special price. (Corrugations six cuts to the inch and coarser are considered special corrugations.) Prices for corrugating smooth rolls that do not need re-grinding same as prices in second column above, for re-grinding corrugated rolls. 48 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Middlings Mill The Monarch Ball Bearing Middlings Mill The cut above represents a perfected and valuable agent for the reduction, granulation and disintegration of middlings after the first reduction on smooth rolls and for substitution for and alternation with the rolls in subsequent reductions. It can also be used with highly beneficial results for finishing the feed at the end of the system. The principal advantages to be derived from the use of the Monarch Ball Bearing Middlings Mill are a greatly increased yield, a superior grade of flour and the absence of expense for installation and upkeep. This is a substantial machine, the value of which is by no means a matter of doubt or speculation, and so great are the savings accomplished by its use, that it will repay its first cost in three months. Sizes, Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. List Price OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Capacity Equal to One Pair of Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Inches Width Inches Length Inches Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 1 2 3 $130.00 150.00 170.00 11 13 15 10 12 14 20 21 22 6 x 20-in. Rolls 7 x 20-in. Rolls 9 x 24-in. Rolls 6x3 7 x3^ 8x4 600 550 500 175 185 200 210 240 275 2.0 2.2 3.7 4 200.00 17 16 23 9 x 36-in. Rolls 9x4^ 475 225 320 5.0 MONARCH Ball Bearing Sieve Bolters and Reels Section B, No. 115 Established 1866 SPROUT, WALDRON & CO, Mill Builders and Mill Furnishers MUNGY, PA., U. S. A. 50 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. W The Monarch Sectional Sifter ITH the competition daily growing more acute and the standard of quality in the finished product constantly advancing, the buyer of milling machinery is, today, much better informed and more exacting in his requirements than formerly. With full knowledge of this fact and realizing in addition, that the production of the highest grades of flour cannot be accomplished without the aid of a strictly high class, satis- factory and efficient bolting machine, we have not spared trouble, effort or expense in bringing the Monarch Sectional Sifter to the highest plane of mechanical perfection. While we describe and illustrate the component parts of this machine in detail, in suc- ceeding paragraphs, we wish, by way of introduction to emphasize the following vital points, to which we have given particular attention and which are in a great measure, responsible for the success of the Monarch Sectional Sifter as a peerless milling utility. First. The crank shaft, which is contained in the hollow square formed by the assembled sections of the sifter, is connected to the main driving shaft which is located in the base of the machine, by a flexible joint, which allows the two shafts to deviate from alignment, without interfering with their continued, satisfactory motion. Second. All bearings are ball bearings and have adjustable races which accommodate themselves to the position of the shaft. Third. The shaft in the base runs in oil and the two upper bearings are packed in grease, thus obviating the necessity for constant attention to their lubrication. Fourth. The sieve box is constructed in sections and can be separated into four or more parts for convenience in shipping and erecting. Fifth. The sieve box surrounds the driving mechanism and the weights are located in the center of the box where they are entirely out of the way. Sixth. The sieves being of the same size are interchangeable and any one of them can be drawn out at the side without interfering with another. Seventh. The box can be built of a height suitable to the capacity of the mill for which the sifter is intended and can contain from four to twelve flour sieves with the necessary scalping sieves above and below, thus providing ample flour bolting space. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyleania, U. S. A. 51 The Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Six Reduction Machine Style "S" The Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Six Reduction Machine 52 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Sectional View Showing Sieve Arrangement of the Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Six Reduction Machine Style "S" Sectional View Showing Sieve Arrangement of the Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Six Reduction Machine Cloth Cleaners The sieve frames in the Monarch Sectional Sifter are divided into small square spaces, each one of whicl has its own cloth cleaner, actuated by the motion of the machine. While there are many varieties of cloth cleaning devices, and while we are prepared to furnish any styli that may be preferred by the purchaser, we recommend the use of any one of the following: A square of Scandinavian belting with a metal button on the bottom side. A metallic ring with bristles protruding from the upper edge. A double leather loop with small tufts of bristles at each end the bristles being kept against the clotl by the weight of the leather. These three devices are designed for use beneath silk and grit gauze cloths and travel in a space betweer the cloths and a coarse wire screen which is tacked to the bottom of the sieve. Wire cloths are usually kept clean by means of a chain, which sways across the cloth with each gyratioi of the sifter. It can be easily understood that these cleaners are automatic in action and require no attention whatever Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. 53 The Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Four Reduction Machine Style "F The Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Four Reduction Machine Interchangeable Sieves The Interchangeable Sieves, which are a feature of both the Monarch Sectional and the Styles "H" and "E" Self-Balancing Sifters, are carefully made of selected wood and well padded to prevent dust leakage. In the case of the Sectional Sifter, the sieves are held in place by specially designed clamps and wood knobs are provided for convenience in removal and replacement. Emergency sieves can be kept conveniently at hand, ready clothed, to instantly take the place of any worn member, thereby avoiding lengthy delays or shut-down. The Sieve Box The Sieve Box is composed of either four or six sections, each one complete in itself. These sections are connected at two of the inside corners by a cast iron bearing frame which reaches across one diagonal of the square opening in the center. The other two diagonal corners are secured by means of angle irons. Each section can have from 6 to 14 sieves and being exactly alike in construction and size, these are inter- changeable. Each sieve has four or more compartments and each compartment is provided with a cloth cleaner. Where sieves are clothed with silk, the cloth cleaner is arranged to operate below; where they are clothed with wire cloth, the cleaner operates on top of the sieve. The construction of the sieve box permits of its being taken apart either for shipment or for convenient erection in a limited space. 54 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Driving Mechanism of the Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter One of the strongest points leading to the successful operation of the Monarch Sectional Sifter is the efficiency of the Ball Bearing Driving Mechanism, which imparts the gyratory motion to the machine. The main shaft, which is made from carefully selected steel, is accurately machined, fitted with driving pulley and ball bearings and placed in the bore of the cast iron base. At the bottom of the base is a machined casting on which rest the steel toe and chill which form the lower end of the shaft. The crank shaft, which is made of forged steel and turned to exactly the required size, is fitted with ball bearings, supported by a rigid cast iron frame which extends across the square opening in the center of the sieve box. The steel ball toe, which comprises the lower end of the shaft, fits into a step, central with the main driving mechanism, making a flexible joint as described in the succeeding paragraph. In order to provide for any possible disalignment of the main or driving shaft with the crank shaft, the two are flexibly connected in the following manner: On the upper end of the driving shaft and surrounding the step provided for the support of the ball toe, is placed the driver casing, on the inside of which are a number of teeth, arranged in a circle. These teeth engage with a second series similarly arranged on the driver which is attached to the lower end of the crank shaft. The ball bearings on the main or drive shaft run in oil and those on the crank shaft are contained in grease-packed, dust-proof casings. This method of lubrication obviates the necessity for replenishing oftener than at intervals of several months. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 55 Sectional View of Driving Mechanism for the Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Sectional View of Driving Mechanism for the Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter 56 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Plan View of the Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Plan View of the Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 57 The Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Six Reductions Style "S" Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size In. No. of Sieves Price Sq. Ft. f Cloth on Mach. Size of Sieves Inches J3 V G-oS. HP s c-d W^S Width to Remove Sieves Floor to Center of Pulley Inches Floor to Bottom of Box Inches o t"o 8&g feH Floor to Top of Spout Landing Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 67 48 $ 894.00 82 19x13 6'0" 7' 4" 12^ 24 4' 10" 6' 6" 4025 5275 128 67 54 941.00 93 19x13 6'0" 7' 4" 12X 24 5' 2" 6' 10" 4115 5425 134 67 60 983.00 103 19x13 6'0" 7' 4" 12^ 18 5' 0" 6' 8" 4200 5575 140 67 66 1025.00 113 19x13 6'0" r 4" 12^ 18 5' 4" 7' 0" 4290 5730 146 67 72 1067.00 123 19 x 13 6'0" 7' 4" 12X 18 5' 7" 7' 3" 4375 5880 152 67 78 1113.00 134 19x13 6'0" 7' 4" 12^ 18 5' 11" 7' 7" 4465 6030 158 67 84 1155.00 144 19x13 6'0" r 4" 12^ 18 6' 2" 7' 10" 4550 6185 165 67 90 1197.00 154 19 x 13 6'0" 7 '4" 12^ 18 6' 6" 8' 2" 4640 6335 173 67 96 1243.00 165 19x13 6'0" 7' 4" nj/ 2 18 6' 9" 8' 5" 4725 6485 178 77 48 1059.00 133 20x20 7'0" 9' 8" 12X 24 5' 0" 6' 8" 4400 6100 184 77 54 1105.00 150 20x20 7'0" 9' 8" 12^ 24 5' 4" 7' 0" 4500 6255 196 77 60 1151.00 167 20x20 7'0" 9' 8" 12^ 18 5' 2" 6' 10" 4600 6410 208 77 66 1194.00 183 20x20 7'0" 9' 8" ny 2 18 5' 6" 7' 2" 4700 6565 220 77 72 1240.00 200 20x20 7'0" 9' 8" 12K 18 5' 9" 7' 5" 4800 6720 232 77 78 1311.00 217 20x20 7'0" 9' 8" 12^ 18 6' 1" 7' 9" 4900 6875 244 77 77 77 84 90 96 1379.00 1450.00 1521.00 233 250 267 20x20 20x20 20x20 7'0" 7'0" 7'0" 9' 8" 9' 8" 9' 8" 12^ 12>^ 12K 18 18 18 6' 4" 8' 0" 5000 5100 5200 7035 7185 7350 256 268 279 6' 8" 6' 11" 8' 4" 8' 7" 87 48 1235.00 187 28x20 8'0" 10' 6" 12K 24 5' 6" 7' 4" 4525 6225 210 87 54 1307.00 210 28x20 8'0" 10' 6" ny* 24 5' 11" 7' 9" 4640 6415 228 87 60 1379.00 233 28x20 8'0" 10' 6" 12^ 18 5' 9" 7' 7" 4750 6600 246 87 66 1479.00 257 28x20 8'0" 10' 6" 12X 18 6' 2" 8' 0" 4865 6790 264 87 72 1576.00 280 28x20 8'0" 10' 6" 12K 18 6' 7" 8' 5" 4975 6975 282 87 78 1673.00 303 28x20 8'0" 10' 6" 12^ 18 7' 0" 8' 10" 5090 7165 300 87 84 1773.00 327 28x20 8'0" 10' 6" 12^ 18 r 5" 9' 3" 5200 7350 318 97 48 1446.00 243 28x26 9'0" 12' 6" 12^ 24 5' 6' 7' 4" 4900 6775 270 97 54 1547.00 273 28x26 9'0" 12' 6" 12X 24 5' 11" 7' 9" 5040 6955 295 97 60 1673.00 303 28x26 9'0" 12' 6" 12^ 18 5' 9' 7' 7" 5175 7135 320 97 66 1803.00 334 28x26 9/ " 12' 6" 12>^ 18 6' 2' 8' 0" 5315 7270 345 97 72 1925.00 363 28x26 9'0" 12' 6" 12^ 18 6' 7' 8' 5" 5450 7400 370 58 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Four Reductions Style "F" Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size In. No. of Sieves Price Sq. Ft. of Cloth on Mach. Size of Sieves Inches Extreme Length and Width Width to Remove Sieve "o fill gffiji Floor to Bottom of Box Inches &~ I-, 2 O.H .2 o o feH o bo *"S c fc 3 ; 3 lM feHcflJ Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 66 32 $ 888.00 97 33x13 6'0" 7' 4" ny 2 24 5' 2" 6' 10" 4025 5275 128 66 36 936.00 109 33 x 13 6'0" 7' 4" uy 2 24 5' 7" 7' 3" 4115 5425 134 66 40 984.00 121 33 x 13 6'0" 7' 4" ny 2 18 5' 5" 7' 1" 4200 5575 140 66 44 1032.00 133 33 x 13 6'0" 7' 4" ny 2 18 5' 10" 7' 6" 4290 5730 146 66 48 1080.00 145 33 x 13 6'0" 7' 4" 12^ 18 6' 2" 7' 10" 4375 5880 152 66 52 1128.00 157 33x13 6'0" 7' 4" 12^ 18 6' 7" 8' 3" 4465 6030 158 66 56 1176.00 169 33x13 6'0" 7' 4" 12^ 18 6' 11" 8' 7" 4550 6185 165 66 60 1224.00 181 33x13 6'0" 7' 4" 12K 18 7' 4" 9' 0" 4640 6335 173 66 64 1276.00 194 33x13 6'0" 7' 4" ny 2 18 7' 8" 9' 4" 4725 6485 178 76 32 1176.00 169 38x20 7'0" 9' 8" Uy 2 24 5' 4" 7' 0" 4350 6050 199 76 36 1235.00 190 38x20 7'0" 9' 8" 12^ 24 5' 9" 7' 5" 4450 6240 212 76 40 1294.00 211 38x20 7'0" 9' 8" 12K 18 5' 8" 7' 4" 4550 6425 225 76 44 1353.00 232 38 x 20 7'0" 9' 8" 12^ 18 6' 0" 7' 8" 4650 6620 238 76 48 1412.00 253 38x20 7'0" 9' 8" \2y 2 18 6' 5" 8' 1" 4750 6800 251 76 52 1490.00 274 38x20 7'0" 9' 8" 12K 18 6' 9" 8' 5" 4850 6990 264 76 56 1584.00 296 38x20 7'0" 9' 8" ny 2 18 7' 2" 8' 10" 4950 7175 277 76 60 1664.00 316 38x20 7'0" 9' 8" ny 2 18 7' 7" 9' 3" 5050 7365 290 76 64 1752.00 338 38x20 7'0" 9' 8" 12K 18 7' 11" 9' 7" 5150 7555 303 86 32 1338.00 222 40x25 8'0" 11' 4" ny 2 24 5' 6" 7' 4" 4500 6340 237 86 36 1425.00 250 40x25 8'0" 11' 4" 12K 24 5' 11" 7' 9" 4625 6565 269 86 40 1532.00 278 40x25 8'0" 11' 4" \iy 2 18 5' 9" 7' 7" 4750 6790 301 86 44 1624.00 306 40x25 8'0" 11' 4" 12K 18 6' 2" 8' 0" 4875 7015 333 86 48 1732.00 335 40x25 8'0" 11' 4" 12K 18 6' 7" 8' 5" 5000 7240 365 86 52 1844.00 361 40x25 8'0" 11' 4" 12K 18 7' 0" 8' 10" 5125 7465 397 86 56 1956.00 389 40x25 8'0" 11' 4" 12K 18 7' 5" 9' 3" 5250 7690 429 96 32 1625.00 300 52x26 9'0" 12' 6" ny 2 24 5' 11" 7' 9" 4750 6845 340 96 36 1752.00 338 52x26 9' 0" 12' 6" 12K 24 6' 4" 8' 2" 4900 7085 385 96 40 1904.00 376 52x26 9'0" 12' 6" 12^ 18 6' 4" 8' 2" 5050 7325 430 96 44 2052.00 413 52x26 9'0" 12' 6" ny 2 18 6' 9" 8' 7" 5250 7565 475 96 48 2204.00 451 52x26 9'0" 12' 6" ny 2 18 7' 2" 9' 0" 5350 7800 520 96 52 2352.00 488 52x26 9'0" 12' 6" \2y 2 18 7' 8" 9' 6" 5500 8045 565 96 56 2504.00 526 52x26 9'0" 12' 6" \2y 2 18 8' 1" 9' 11" 5650 8275 610 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 59 Sieves for the Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter A good supply of extra sieves for a Monarch Sectional Sifter is inexpensive and on account of the great convenience they afford are almost invaluable. A change in climatic conditions, change in grade or quality of wheat, matching competing grades of flour, bolting different varieties of material, etc., make it desirable for the use of a change to finer or coarser bolting cloths. With interchangeable sieves this change is made quickly and easily at any time while machine is standing or in full operation then, too, shut downs are avoided in replacing cloths. Extra Sieves for the Monarch Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Style "F" PRICE WITHOUT CLOTH PRICE WITH CLOTH Size Inches Size of Sieves Inches With Chain Cleaners Only With Underneath Cleaners Only With Combined Chain and Underneath Cleaners With Chain Cleaners Only With Underneath Cleaners Only With Combined Chain and Underneath Cleaners 66 33 x 13 $3.20 $4.50 $4.90 $ 5.10 $ 7.00 $ 7.35 76 38x20 3.80 5.20 5.60 7.00 8.90 9.30 86 40x25 4.40 6.40 7.20 8.70 11.30 12.00 96 52 x 26 4.70 7.30 8.40 10.40 13.50 14.60 Style "S" PRICE WITHOUT CLOTH PRICE WITH CLOTH Size Inches Size of Sieves Inches With Chain Cleaners Only With Underneath Cleaners Only With Combined Chain and Underneath Cleaners With Chain Cleaners Only With Underneath Cleaners Only With Combined Chain and Underneath Cleaners 67 19 x 13 $2.50 $2.90 $3.10 $4.00 $4.40 $4.60 77 20x20 3.00 4.00 4.30 5.30 6.30 6.60 87 28x20 3.50 4.70 5.10 6.00 7.20 7.60 97 28 x 26 3.90 5.40 6.00 7.40 8.90 9.50 Chain for cleaning sifter cloths, per foot $0.04 Underneath cleaners, imported 8-ply fabric, each .20 Underneath cleaners, leather, each .20 Underneath cleaners, spiral spring, each .20 Underneath wire for supporting cleaners, per square foot .18 Prices for sieves clothed with wire or silk at no higher cost than No. 12 XX silk. 60 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Sieve Bolter Self -Balancing Style "E" The Monarch Ball Bearing Self-Balancing Sieve Bolter The Monarch is the only self-contained bolter working on the true principle. The shaft is suspended from the ceiling and all of the weight and motion is carried and taken care of by the flexible reeds and the self -balancing device. The base or pedestal shown in the various illustrations is used simply for the attachment, of a pulley-shaped cup in which the small pulley on the end of the shaft revolves when stopping or starting the machine. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 61 The Monarch Ball Bearing Self-Balancing Sieve Bolter Style "E" The Monarch Style "E" Ball Bearing Self -Balancing Sieve Bolter is by no means a wholly recent contrivance, built on theoretical lines and offered to the trade with the hope or prophecy that it will perform the desired operations in a satisfactory manner, nor is it an obsolete reminder of the way bolting used to be accomplished. It is a strong, compact, easy running and non-vibrating machine, which has reached its present state of high efficiency through a gradual evolution and has proved to be, in actual operation, worthy of being classed with the first of the three essentials of successful milling, good machinery, good products and good prices. Lengthy technical explanations and descriptions are more often unread or misunderstood than correctly interpreted and for this reason, we avoid the presentation of the minute details of the Monarch Style "E" Bolter. However, as the question will naturally arise in the mind of the prospective purchaser as to the advantage of this particular machine to his business, we illustrate and describe in succeeding pages such features as we deem worthy of special study and consideration. These features, which have been assembled after years of experience, give the Monarch Style "E" Ball Bearing Self -Balancing Bolter the following five points of distinction which have been largely instrumental in accomplishing its growing popularity. First. The elimination of friction, noise and wear has been accomplished by applying ball bearings, which run in oil, to both the main bearing which is attached at the center of the box and the oscillating bearing where the weight of the shaft and balancing device is carried. Second. Capacity has been raised to the maximum through the agency of our Patent Brush Cloth Cleaner which automatically keeps the cloths free and open. Third. Ease of operation and control is insured by convenience of construction. Fourth. Perfect balance and easy running are secured by the construction of the driving mechanism. Fifth. Regular listed sizes and special machines which we are prepared to build for special places or purposes give the purchaser a wide range of selection. 62 Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Construction and Arrangement of the Sieves Style "E" Sectional View of Monarch Improved Sieve Bolter When the stock enters the head of the machine it travels over a coarse wire screen (No. 8), the tailings passing over into the outlet marked No. 1, as indicated by the arrow. The stock from screen No. 8 passes to screen No. 7, which is made of Grit gauze, the tailings passing off into outlet No. 1, as indicated by the arrow. The stock from No. 7 then passes to screen No. 6, which is of fine silk, after which it passes to sieve No. 5. From Screen No. 5 the stock passes off into flour spout indicated by the arrow. This constitutes the first series of sieves. Starting from screen No. 4, the unscreened stock from No. 5 is sifted through No. 4 and thence to the bottom marked No. 3, where it passes off through flour spout marked No. 6. The stock from screen No. 4 which does not pass off into the flour spout then passes to sieve No. 2, as indicated by the arrow, and finally to the bottom through the flour spout marked No. 7, as indicated by the arrow. Bottom of Sieve Box Notice the substantial manner in which the box is constructed. It is made from the very choicest of maple and poplar, in the strongest possible manner. No leaky joints. It is built for service and durability. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 63 The Monarch Automatic Brush Cloth Cleaner For Style "E" Ball Bearing Self -Balancing Sieve Bolter "A" Toggle used to clamp together the two sections of sieve. Set to hold one way, it forces the brushes to move in the opposite direction. When the brush reaches one end of its run it automatically starts back, the toggle reversing itself and setting the pull in the opposite direction and forcing the brush that way. "B" Strip of wood on which the toggle travels a couple of inches at a time. C "C" The brushes at the outer end of the brush frame. The brush permits the use of a much finer cloth than would be advisable under other methods; it allows the lighter stock to rise to the top and tail over the end of sieve, which insures a more perfect and uniform separation. The matter of the varying conditions of stock which formerly resulted from changes due to atmospheric conditions, is also disposed of by remembering that, with the use of modern mills, especially Monarch Roller Mills, the stock goes to the sifter in the condition most favorable for perfect bolting, and the miller of today does not have occasion to quarrel with the weather or with other conditions with which the old-time miller had to contend. We therefore lay down the principle that though the stock be soft or hard, or the weather hot or cold, wet or dry, the Monarch Improved Sieve Bolter will produce the most perfectly dressed flour because our process of arranging the sieves and keeping them perfectly clean without disturbing the stock causes every particle of undesirable material to pass in the tailings. As will be readily understood, the keeping of the cloths open at all times and under all conditions, enables the miller to get full bolting capacity out of the machine. Sometimes this increased output amounts to as much as 20 per cent. 64 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Assembled Driving Mechanism of the Monarch Ball Bearing Self-Balancing Sieve Bolter Style "E" FIG 1 FIG. 6 Figure 1. Shows the weighted balance pulley and oscillating ball bearing where the weight of the shaft and balancing device is carried. The detail of this part of the mechanism is shown in the separate illustration on page 65. The oscillating motion of the ball bearing allows the shaft to move freely at any angle and accommodate itself to the motion of the sieve box. Figure 2. Shows the main bearing which is attached at the centre of the box and imparts the motion to the machine. It contains a ball and socket bearing, which adjusts itself to any position of the shaft. It runs in oil. Figure 3. Shows the balancing weight for regulating the throw of the box. Moving the weight in or out gives the box more or less throw. This patented device is very easily regulated. Figure 4. Shows a short crank with shaft and small pulley attached for controlling the motion of the main shaft when starting and stopping the machine, and works inside of Figure 5. The object of this arrangement is to control the motion of the sieve box when starting or stop- ping. When the machine has attained its proper speed, this revolving pulley on the end of the shaft will remain central in the controlling cup- shaped pulley. When starting or stopping the machine, the swing of the box is irregular FIG. 3 an d naturally would be thrown out of circuit without a controller. The revolving pulley on the end of the shaft runs loose and does not touch the bottom of the cup at all. Consequently none of the weight of the machine rests on the floor. Figure 5. Shows pulley-shaped cup for controlling the shaft-end when starting or stopping the machine. This cup revolves in either direction; so does the pulley on the end of the shaft which eliminates all resistance. Figure 6. Shows a neat bell-shaped base fastened to the floor by small bolts. The top of the base contains a bearing for accom- modating the revolving pulley-shaped cup shown in Figure 5. As explained, this base supports none of the weight of the machine. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 65 Disassembled Driving Mechanism of the Monarch Ball Bearing Sieve Bolter Self-BalancingStyle "E" FIG. 2 FIG. I Figure 1. Shows detail of balancing weight for regulating throw of box (Figure 3, page 64). Figure 2. Shows detail of main bearing, including the ball and socket bearing, which adjusts itself to any position of the shaft. FIG. 1 FIG. 2 FIG 4 FIG. 3 Figure 1. Inside of Balance Pulley (Figure 1, page 64). Figure 2. Upper Socket Flange. Figure 3. Ball and Ball Bearing for Upper Socket Flange. Figure 4. Collar for Ball Race. 66 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Self-Balancing Sieve Bolter Style "E" Style "E" The Monarch Ball Bearing Self-Balancing Sieve Bolter Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. No. of Div. Width of Each Div. Price Extreme Length Including Throw of Machine Extreme Width Including Throw of Machine Height to Top of Landing Board Distance from Floor to Bottom of Box Size of Pulley Inches Rev. per Min. Sq. Ft. Cloth Surface Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 4 8 $ 740.00 7' 6" 5' 3tf" 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 85 2070 3350 174 6 8 845.00 7' 6" 6' iy 2 " 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 106 2430 3700 201 8 8 1025.00 7' 6" v ny 2 " 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 142 2800 4300 254 10 8 1214.00 7' 6" 9' 3K" 5' 8' 2'4K" 16 x 4 130 177 3150 4860 285 4 10 752.00 7' 6" 5' ny 2 " 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 88 2025 3200 179 6 10 958.00 7' 6" r 7K" 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 133 2550 3770 228 8 10 1178.00 7' 6" 9' zy 2 " 5' 8' 2' 4K" 16x4 130 177 3000 4630 279 10 10 1416.00 7' 6" 10' UK" 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 221 3375 5110 303 2 12 656.00 7' 6" 4' iy 2 " 51 Q / o 2'4K" 16x4 130 64 1890 3000 158 4 12 824.00 7' 6" 6' 7K" 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 106 2340 3660 202 6 12 1072.00 7' 6" 8' 7K" 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 160 2790 4220 267 8 12 1332.00 7' 6" 10' Ty 2 " 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 212 3200 5025 321 2 16 740.00 7' 6" 5' 3K" C' / J O 2'4K" 16x4 130 85 1980 3180 180 4 16 968.00 7' 6" 7' UK" 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 142 2430 3880 246 6 16 1290.00 7' 6" 10' 7K" 5' 8' 2' 4K" 16x4 130 212 3130 4910 321 2 20 752.00 7' 6" 5' UK" 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 88 1980 3160 179 4 20 1108.00 7' 6" 9' 3K" 5' 8' 2' 4K" 16x4 130 177 2700 4340 276 2 24 824.00 7' 6" 6' 7K" 5' 8' 2'4K" 16x4 130 106 2160 3440 201 4 24 1248.00 7' 6" 10' 7K" 5' 8' 2' 4K" 16x4 130 212 3060 4890 321 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 67 Price List of Silk Sieve Cloths for the Monarch Style "E" Sieve Bolters No. 2 SIEVE No. 4 SIEVE No. 6 SIEVE Width 8" 10" 12" 16" 20" 8" 10" 12" 16" 20" 8" 10" 12" 16" 20" Cloth 5xx $1.98 $2.36 :$2.72 $3.08 $3.82 $1.98 $2.36 $2.72 $3.08 $4.20 $1.98 $2.28 $2.72 $3.08 $4.20 6xx 2.02 2.40 i 2.78 3.16 3.92 2.02 2.40 2.78 3.16 4.28 2.02 2.40 2.78 3.16 4.28 7xx 2.06 2.42 2.80 3.18 3.96 2.06 2.42 2.80 3.18 4.34 2.06 2.42 2.80 3.18 4.34 8xx 2.10 2.50 2.90 3.30 4.10 2.10 2.50 2.90 3.30 4.50 2.10 2.50 2.90 3.30 4.50 9xx 2.20 2.64 3.06 3.48 4.34 2.20 2.64 3.06 3.48 4.78 2.20 2.64 3.06 3.48 4.78 lOxx 2.34 2.80 3.26 3.72 4.64 2.34 2.80 3.26 3.72 5.12 2.34 2.80 3.26 3.72 5.12 llxx 2.50 3.02 3.52 4.02 5.04 2.50 3.02 3.52 4.02 5.54 2.50 3.02 3.52 4.02 5.54 12xx 2.74 3.30 3.86 4.42 5.54 2.74 3.30 3.86 4.42 6.10 2.74 3.30 3.86 4.42 6.10 13xx 2.96 3.58 4.18 4.80 6.04 2.96 3.58 4.18 4.80 6.66 2.96 3.58 4.18 4.80 6.66 14xx 3.12 3.78 4.44 5.10 6.42 3.12 3.78 4.44 5.10 7.08 3.12 3.78 4.44 5.10 7.08 15xx 3.30 4.00 4.70 5.40 6.80 3.30 4.00 4.70 5.40 7.50 3.30 4.00 4.70 5.40 7.50 All Sizes of Grit Gauze No. 7 Sieve Width -. 8" 10" 12" 16" 20" Price _ . $2.60 $3.02 $3.44 $4.28 $5.12 Price List of Wire Sieve Cloths Nos. 7 and 8 Sieves Width 8" 10" 12" 16" 20" No. Wire 8 $1.18 $1.33 $1.50 $1.85 $2.16 10 1.31 1.49 1.70 2.12 2.50 12 1.31 1.49 1.70 2.12 2.50 14 1.31 1.49 1.70 2.12 2.50 16 1.31 1.49 1.70 2.12 2.50 18 1.31 1.49 1.70 2.12 2.50 20 1.40 1.88 2.16 2.75 3.27 22 1.76 2.04 2.37 3.02 3.61 24 1.76 2.04 2.37 3.02 3.61 26 1.76 2.04 2.37 3.02 3.61 28 1.76 2.04 2.37 3.02 3.61 30 1.76 2.04 2.37 3.02 3.61 32 1.76 2.04 2.37 3.02 3.61 34 1.99 2.32 2.70 3.47 4.17 36 2.62 2.70 3.16 4.10 4.94 The above prices include making up. Length of Cloths Including Webbing Seven-Foot Box Eight-Inch and Ten-Inch Sieves Sieve No. " No. " No. Sieve No. " No. " No. Sieve No. " No. " No. Sieve No. " No. " No. 8 clothed 7 6 8 clothed 7 6 with with Sieve No. 4 clothed with xx silk 73 in. long, 2nd flour sieve " No. 2 " " xx silk 69 in. long, 3rd flour sieve bottom wire on scalper 80 in. long. Grit gauze on grader 80 in. long xx silk 77 in. long, 1st flour sieve Seven-Foot Box Twelve-Inch and Sixteen-Inch Sieves wire on scalper 79 in. long Sieve No. 4 clothed with xx silk 72 in. long, 2nd flour sieve Grit gauze on grader 79 in. long ' No. 2 xx silk 76 in. long, 1st flour sieve xx silk 68 in. long, 3rd flour sieve bottom Six-Foot Box Eight-Inch and Ten-Inch Sieves 8 clothed 7 6 8 clothed 7 6 with with wire on scalper 68 in. long. Grit gauze on grader 68 in. long xx silk 64 in. long, 1st flour sieve Sieve No. 4 clothed with xx silk 61 in. long, 2nd flour sieve " No. 2 " " xx silk 57 in. long, 3rd flour sieve bottom Six-Foot Box Twelve- Inch and Sixteen-Inch Sieves wire on scalper 67 in. long Grit gauze on grader 67 in. long xx silk 64 in. long, 1st flour sieve Sieve No. 4 clothed with xx silk 60 in. long, 2nd flour sieve " No. 2 " " xx silk 56 in. long, 3rd flour sieve bottom 68 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Self -Balancing Sieve Boltei Two to Ten Reduction Style "H The Monarch Ball Bearing Self -Balancing Sieve Bolter Two to Ten Reduction Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 69 The Monarch Ball Bearing Self-Balancing Sieve Bolter Style "H" In contemplating the purchase of a bolter, there are many important points which should be given careful study and consideration. Least worthy of thought among these is the cost, or commercial value of the machine; vital in every respect is the economic value or, in other words, the value from a consideration of capacity for actual utility and service. Our object, therefore, in describing and recommending our Style "H" Ball Bearing Self- Balancing Sieve Bolter, is not to give it, or any of the several bolters listed in this section of our catalog, an increased or decreased prominence on account of price,. but to offer the trade a wide range of selection and to allow the individual to choose the machine best suited to his individual needs and to the local conditions under which installation will take place. The Monarch Style "H" machine is very similar in construction and operation to the Monarch Style "E" Ball Bearing Self-Balancing Bolter which has been described in the preceding pages. The principle of the balancing and driving mechanism is the same as described on pages 64 and 65, but some minor improvements have been made in the mechanical details of the drive, in order to provide for the slight variation from the general construction of the Style "E." The Style "H" design provides space for eight sieves in each section instead of five as found in the Style "E." This makes a greater depth of box necessary, but gives the former machine a substantial increase in capacity. The automatic method of keeping the cloths clean and open for the maintenance of maximum capacity is described on page 71. The undisputed advantages which Monarch Bolting Machines offer, should be determin- ating factors in the minds of those who are or expect to be engaged in the flour milling business and who look upon a machine of this kind as an investment, desiring to consider only the highest grade and proven worth. These advantages have long been desired by the trade and combine to make our machines the most reliable, practical and economical ever built, accom- plishing closer work than has hitherto been possible, with very little attention and a negligible amount of maintenance expense. 70 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Self -Balancing Sieve Bolte Style "H" Sectional View Showing Sieve Arrangement Style "H" Machine The Style "H" Monarch Ball Bearing Self-Balancing Bolter can be adapted to meet the conditions i mills of any size or capacity and can be arranged for a great variety of separations. All sieves are interchangeable and easy of access for removal or replacement. This feature will be greatl appreciated as the miller, by having conveniently at hand, sieves of various grades, can quickly and cor veniently make any changes deemed necessary by reason of the quality of the wheat or the desired texture c the finished product. The stock is flowed in such manner as to discharge all the flour from the machine on the inlet side, wher it enters two or three-way conveyors. All outlets for the tailings from the scalping sieves are located on th opposite side of the machine. For this reason, the spouting of the separated stock between the bolter and othe machines, can be arranged with the greatest convenience. Each flour sieve has a separate discharge spout, allowing the positive determination of the source c specky flour, without the inconvenience of opening up the machine. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 71 Sieves Showing Cloth Cleaners of the Monarch Ball Bearing Self-Balancing Sieve Bolter Style "H" Referring to the above illustrations you will observe that the sieve frames are divided into small square spaces, each one of which has its own cloth cleaner, which is actuated by the motion of the machine. While there are many varieties of cloth cleaning devices, and while we are prepared to furnish any style that may be preferred by the purchaser, we recommend the use of any one of the following: A square of Scandinavian belting with a metal button on the bottom side. A metallic ring with bristles protruding from the upper edge. A double leather loop with small tufts of bristles at each end the bristles being kept against the cloth by the weight of the leather. These three devices are designed for use beneath silk and grit gauze cloths and travel in a space between the cloths and a coarse wire screen which is tacked to the bottom of the sieve. Wire cloths are usually kept clean by means of a chain, which sways across the cloth with each gyration of the sifter. It can be easily understood that these cleaners are automatic in action and require no attention whatever. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. No. of Width Extreme Length Extreme Width Height to Top of Distance from Size of Rev. Sq. Ft. of Weight BOXE EXP FOR ORT Div. of Div. Price Includ'g Throw of Machine Including Throw of Machine Landing Board Floor to Bottom of Box Pulley Inches per Min. Cloth Surface Lbs. Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 4 8 $ 800.00 7' 6" 5' 3X" 6'0" 2'4K" 16x4 180 100 2490 3820 187 6 8 1025.00 7' 6" 6' IX" 6'0" 2'W 16 x 4 180 149 2920 4250 216 8 8 1275.00 7' 6" 7' 11#" 6'0" 2'4K" 16x4 180 199 3380 4950 272 10 8 1545.00 7' 6" 9' sy 2 " 6'0" 2' 4K" 16x4 180 249 3780 5570 306 4 10 896.00 7' 6" 5' 11#" 6'0" 2'4K" 16 x 4 180 124 2430 3650 192 6 10 1185.00 7' 6" 7' iy 2 " 6'0" 2'4X" 16 x 4 180 187 3060 4340 245 8 10 1495.00 7' 6" 9' 3K" 6'0" 2'4K" 16 x 4 180 249 3590 5300 300 10 10 1830.00 7' 6" 10' 11#" 6'0" 2'4K" 16 x 4 180 311 4050 5865 326 2 12 700.00 7' 6" 4' 7^" 6' 0" 2'4K" 16x4 180 75 2270 3430 170 4 12 996.00 7' 6" 6' 7^" 6'0" 2'4X" 16 x 4 180 149 2800 4180 217 6 12 1340.00 7' 6" 8' 7K" 6' 0" 2'4K" 16x4 180 224 3350 4850 287 8 12 1715.00 7' 6" 10' 7^" 6'0" 2'4K" 16x4 180 299 3840 5750 345 2 16 800.00 7' 6" 5' 3^" 6'0" 2'4K" 16 x 4 180 100 2780 4030 194 4 16 1196.00 7' 6" 7' 11#" 6'0" 2'4K" 16x4 180 199 2920 4440 264 6 16 1655.00 7' 6" 10' 7^" 6'0" 2'4K" 16 x 4 180 299 3750 5620 345 2 20 900.00 7' 6" 5' UK" 6'0" 2'4K" 16 x 4 180 125 2380 3610 192 4 20 1396.00 7' 6" 9' 3K" 6'0" 2'4K" 16x4 180 249 3240 4960 296 2 24 996.00 7' 6" 6' 7K" 6'0" 2'4K" 16x4 180 149 2600 3940 216 4 24 1596.00 7' 6" 10' 7K" 6'0" 2'4K" 16x4 180 299 3680 5600 345 72 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Round Flour Dresser Style "A" This machine has an inter-elevating round reel made in the most substantie way with an iron shaft, tight head, conveyor feed, and open tail periphera discharge. The spiders are made with wooden arms and an iron hub. Eac separate spoke passes through the rib which extends the entire length of the ree It thus forms an inter-elevator carrying the stock over and dropping it on th down-going side. Consequently the bolting capacity is nearly two-thirds of th circumference. This in a machine of this character, is unusually large. In changing the stock from one conveyor to the other in the Monarch Roun< Reel simply raise the lid on the conveyor box and throw the tin discharge spout so they will discharge in either of the conveyors, as the case demands. The frame of the machine is of rock maple and the body of poplar. Th whole is highly finished with bleached shellac and varnish. The doors are hel< in place by a patent fastener and handle of our own. These come flush with th inside of the frame and leave no place for flour to accumulate and fall ou when the door is opened. In ordering state whether reel is to turn to the right or to the left when stand ing at the head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. Price With Two Conveyors Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. Inches FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over all Floor to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft 1 $240.00 6'0" 21 7' 1" 2' 6K" 4' 9X" 8' 4' 3' 6' 16x3 33 850 1250 103 2 250.00 TO" 21 8' 1" 2' 6K" 4' 9K" 9' 4' 3' 6' 16x4 33 900 1350 116 3 260.00 8'0" 21 9' 1" 2' 6K" 4' 9K" 10' 4' 3' 6' 16x4 33 950 1450 130 4 270.00 9'0" 21 10' 1" 2' 6K" 4' <)%" 11' 4' 3' 6' 16 x 4K 33 1000 1550 144 S 270.00 6'0" 26 7'1" 2' 9K" 4' 10" 8' 4' 3' 6' 18x3 30 1050 1500 115 6 285.00 7'0" 26 8' 1" 2' 9K" 4' 10" 9' 4' 3' 6' 18 x 4 30 1125 1625 128 7 300.00 8'0" 26 9' 1" 2' 9K" 4' 10" 10' 4' 3' 6' 18 x 4K 30 1200 1750 142 8 315.00 9'0" 26 10' 1" 2' 9K" 4' 10" 11' 4' 3' 6' 18 x 5 30 1275 1875 155 9 330.00 10' 0" 26 11' 1" 2' 9K" 4' 10" 12' 4' 3' 6' 18 x 5K 30 1350 2000 169 10 320.00 7'0" 30 8' 1" 3' IK" 5' 4" 9' 4' 3' 10 K" 20x4 28 1225 1750 158 11 340.00 8'0" 30 9' 1" 3' IK" 5' 4" 10' 4' 3' 10 K" 20x4K 28 1290 1865 175 12 360.00 9'0" 30 10' 1" 3' IK" 5' 4" 11' 4' 3' 10 K" 20x5 28 1350 1975 192 13 380.00 10' 0" 30 11' 1" 3' IK" 5' 4" 12' 4' 3' 10 K" 20x5K 28 1420 2095 210 14 340.00 8'0" 32 9' 1" 3' 4" 5' 8K" 10' 4' 4' 1" 22 x 4 26 1350 1975 198 15 360.00 9'0" 32 10' 1" 3' 4" 5' 8K" 11' 4' 4' 1" 22 x4K 26 1425 2125 218 16 380.00 10' 0" 32 11' 1" 3' 4" 5' 8K" 12' 4" 4' 1" 22 x 5 26 1500 2275 238 17 420.00 12' 0" 32 13' 1" 3' 4" 5' 8K" 14' 4" 4' 1" 22 x5K 26 1650 2575 258 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 1 2XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard prices Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 21 inches in diameter, $20.00; 26 inches in diameter, $30.00; 30 and 32 inches in diameter, $40.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 73 The Monarch Hexagon Flour Dresser Style "B" This machine has a hexagon reel made in the most substantial way with an iron shaft, tight head, conveyor feed, and open tail and peripheral discharge. The spiders are made with wooden arms and an iron hub. An improvement which the Monarch Hexagon Reel has _ over the old-style flour dresser is that the cut-offs are operated from the inside of the machine instead of from the outside, by means of raising slides with buttons attached. In changing the stock from one conveyor to the other in the Monarch Hexagon Reel, simply raise the lid on the conveyor box and throw the tin discharge spouts so that they will discharge in either of the conveyors, as the case demands. The frame of the machine is of rock maple and the body of poplar. The whole is highly finished with bleached shellac and varnish. The doors are held in place by a patent fastener and handle of our own. These come flush with the inside of the frame and leave no place for flour to accumulate and fall out when the door is opened. In ordering state whether reel is to turn to the right or to the left when standing at the head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. Price With Two Conveyors Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. Inches FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over all Floor to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 18 $240.00 6'0" 21 7' 1" 2' 6K" 4' 9K" 8' 4" 3' 6" 16 x 3 33 850 1250 103 19 250.00 7'0" 21 8' 1" 2' t>y*" 4' 9K" 9' 4" 3' 6" 16x4 33 900 1350 116 20 260.00 8'0" 21 9' 1" 2' 6K" 4' 9K" 10' 4" 3' 6' 16x4 33 950 1450 130 21 270.00 9'0" 21 10' 1" 2' 6K" 4' 9X" 11' 4" 3' 6' 16x4K 33 1000 1550 144 22 270.00 6'0" 26 7'1" 2' 9K" 4' 10" 8' 4" 3' 6' 18 x 3 30 1050 1500 115 23 285.00 7'0" 26 8'1" 2' 9K" 4' 10" 9' 4" 3' 6' 18x4 30 1125 1625 128 24 300.00 8'0" 26 9'1" 2' 9K" 4' 10' 10' 4" 3' 6' 18x4K 30 1200 1750 142 25 315.00 9'0" 26 10' 1" 2' 9K" 4' 10' 11' 4" 3' 6' 18x5 30 1275 1875 155 26 330.00 10' 0" 26 11' 1" 2' 9K" 4' 10' 12' 4" 3' 6' 18x5K 30 1350 2000 169 27 320.00 7'0" 30 8' 1" 3' IK" 5' 4' 9' 4" 3' 10 K" 20x4 28 1225 1750 158 28 340.00 8'0" 30 9' 1" 3' IK" 5' 4' 10' 4" 3' 10 K" 20x4K 28 1285 1865 175 29 360.00 9'0" 30 10' 1" 3' IK" 5' 4' 11' 4" 3' 10 K" 20 x 5 28 1350 1975 192 30 380.00 10' 0" 30 11' 1" 3' 1^" 5' 4' 12' 4" 3' 10 K" 20x5K 28 1420 2095 210 31 340.00 8'0" 32 9'1" 3' 4" 5' 8K" 10' 4" 4' 1" 22 x 4 26 1350 1975 198 32 360.00 9 /0" 32 10' 1" 3' 4" 5' 8K" 11' 4" 4' 1" 22 x4K 26 1425 2125 218 33 380.00 10' 0" 32 11' 1" 3' 4" 5' 8K" 12' 4" 4' 1" 22 x 5 26 1500 2275 238 34 400.00 12' 0" 32 13' 1" 3' 4" 5' 8K" 14' 4" 4' 1" 22 x5K 26 1650 2575 258 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 12XX silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard prices. Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 21 inches in diameter, $20.00; 26 inches in diameter, $30.00; 30 and 32 inches in diameter, $40.00. 74 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Hexagon Flour Reel with Removable Frames style "c" This Reel is designed for use where it is desirable to make quick changes in the bolting cloth or quicl repairs as extra cloth frames can be furnished. The cloth frames are interchangeable and can be furnished ir six or more sections the length of the Reel. The Reel proper is made by bolting wooden ribs to heavy cast iron spiders. To these ribs are fastenec steel angle irons which form grooves in which the removable cloth frames fit. The cloth frames are made by clothing wooden frames with any kind of cloth desired. After the frame is in position it is held in place by iron clamps and thumt nuts as shown in cut. The Reel is enclosed in a hardwood frame with ends anc cant-boards of poplar which presents a very neat appearance We make them with either single or double conveyor a: ordered, and use either pulleys or sprockets for driving as desired. The price list covers the Reel with straight drive. Croa drive can be furnished for which an extra charge is made. Pulley or sprocket wheel is included for driving. In ordering state whether Reel is to turn to the right o: to the left when standing at the head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. PRICE Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. Inches FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over all Floor to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT With One Conveyor With Two Conv'rs Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu. Ft 35 $250.00 $270.00 6'0" 26 7' 1 3' 0' 5' 2' 8' 4' 3' 9' 18 x 3 30 1170 1615 130 36 280.00 300.00 8'0" 26 9' 1 3' 0' 5' 2' 10' 4' 3' 9' 18 x \% 30 1350 1870 160 37 310.00 330.00 10' 0" 26 11' 1 3' 0' 5' 2' 12' 4' 3' 9' 18x5^ 30 1525 2120 190 38 340.00 360.00 12'0" 26 13' 1 3' 0' 5' 2' 14' .4' 3' 9' 18 x 6 30 1710 2380 220 39 370.00 390.00 14' 0" 26 15' 1 3' 0' 5' 2' 16' 4' 3' 9' 18x6K 30 1900 2650 250 40 280.00 300.00 6'0" 30 7' 1 3' 4' 5' 8' 8' 4' 4' 1' 20 x 4 28 1275 1835 158 41 320.00 340.00 8'0" 30 9'1 3' 4' 5' 8' 10' 4' 4' 1' 20 x 4K 28 1475 2115 195 42 360.00 380.00 10' 0" 30 11' 1 3' 4' 5' 8' 12' 4' 4' 1' 20x5>4 28 1650 2370 233 43 400.00 420.00 12'0" 30 13' 1 3' 4' 5' 8' 14' 4' 4' 1' 20 x 6 28 1845 2650 271 44 440.00 460.00 14' 0" 30 15' 1 3' 4' 5' 8' 16' 4' 4' 1' 20 x 6^ 28 2035 2915 309 45 380.00 400.00 8'0" 36 9' 1 3' 10' 6' 4' 10' 4' 4' 6' 24x4 25 1625 2550 251 46 430.00 450.00 10' 0" 36 11' 1 3' 10' 6' 4' 12' 4' 4' 6' 24 x 5 25 1825 2840 300 47 480.00 500.00 12'0" 36 13' 1 3' 10' 6' 4' 14' 4' 4' 6' 24x6 25 2025 3130 350 48 530.00 550.00 14' 0" 36 15' 1 3' 10' 6' 4' 16' 4' 4' 6' 24 x 7 25 2225 3425 400 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 1 2XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard prices Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 26 inches in diameter, $30.00; 30 inches in diameter, $40.00; 36 inches in diameter, $50.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 75 The Monarch Inter-Elevator Flour Dresser Style "D" Stationary, steel buckets, extending the entire length of the cylinder and riveted to iron arms of the spiders, elevate and discharge the material on the down-going side of the reel, thus materially increasing the bolting capacity of this machine. The cylinder is constructed of iron and steel. The cloth-covered, steel ribs are riveted to iron spiders, and a solid steel shaft extends through the center and projects far enough to permit of driving the reel from either end. The cloth is kept clean by an adjustable, revolving brush. This type of machine requires little power, has large bolting capacity and subjects the flour to gentle treatment. In ordering, state whether reel turns to the right or left when standing at head end of machine. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. PRICE Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. Inches FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over all Floor to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT With One Conveyor With Two Conv'rs Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 49 $240.00 $260.00 8'0" 21 9' 1' 2' 6K" 4' 9X" 10' 4' 3' 6" 16 x 4 33 1000 1400 125 SO 260.00 280.00 10' 0" 21 11' 1' 2' 6K" 4' 9%" 12' 4' 3' 6" 16 x 4K 33 1100 1700 150 51 280.00 300.00 12'0" 21 13' r 2'6K' 4' 9^" 14' 4' 3' 6" 16 x 5 33 1200 1850 175 52 280.00 300.00 8'0" 26 9' 1' 2'9K' 4' 10" 10' 4' 3' 6" 18 x 4 30 1250 1800 142 53 310.00 330.00 10' 0" 26 11' 1' 2'9K' 4' 10" 12' 4' 3' 6" 18 x 5 30 1400 2050 170 54 340.00 360.00 12' 0" 26 13' 1' 2'9K' 4' 10" 14' 4' 3' 6" 18 x 6 30 1550 2300 200 55 320.00 340.00 8'0" 30 9' 1' 3' \ys 5' 4" 10' 4' 3'10K" 20 x 4 28 1350 1925 175 56 360.00 380.00 10' 0" 30 11' 1' 3' IK' 5' 4" 12' 4' 3'10K" 20 x 5 28 1475 2150 208 57 400.00 420.00 12' 0" 30 13'!' 3' IK' 5' 4" 14' 4' 3'10K" 20 x 6 28 1600 2375 241 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 1 2XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard prices. Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 21 inches in diameter, $20.00; 26 inches in diameter, $30.00; 30 inches in diameter, $40.00. 76 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch "Little Wonder" Flour Dresser Reel Style "L" A Flour Dresser and Rebolter are recognized important factors of economy in a mill. Their demand ha been taken advantage of by manufacturers, and as a consequence a great variety of such machines is offerei to mill owners, it becoming a difficult matter for those with limited experience to satisfy themselves about th merits of the various makes of machines. The Monarch "LITTLE WONDER" carries no load in bottom, like large reels that pulverize and grind th stock by its own weight in traveling from head to tail, wearing by friction caused by the load in bottom of reel cutting out silk and discoloring the material this amounts to more thai most millers would believe. "LITTLE WONDER" carries the stock from heai to tail, fast or slow, according to stock to be handled, by our system of elevat ing the stock up to the center of the reel, and the positive mild action of ou inside flexible spiral brushes. We keep the stock in a continual spray all ove the silk it permeates every portion of the cylinder, thus preventing cloggin of cloth or forcing the stock against the cloth in a heap. Our new principle enable us to scalp, grade or dress any kind of stock in the quickest, most accu rate and satisfactory manner possible without waste. The inside brushes rui clear of the silk one-half inch, they act as agitators, are constructed on belting which makes them soft and pliable, allowing us to handle stock on silk tha no other reel can do and the silk last. All scalping for short system mills don on grit gauze. In ordering state whether reel turns to the right or to the left whei standing at head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. FRAME Floor BOXED FOR Size No. PRICE Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. Inches DIMENSIONS Length Over all to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. EXPORT With One Conveyor With Two Conv'rs Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft 58 $250.00 $290.00 6'0' 18 7' 9' 2' 5' 3' 2' 9'0" 2' 2" 12 x 3 175 1000 1350 73 59 270.00 310.00 7'0' 18 8' 9' 2' 5' 3' 2' 10' 0" 2' 2" 12 x 3tf 175 1050 1425 80 60 290.00 330.00 8'0' 18 9' 9' 2' 5' 3' 2' ll'O" 2' 2" 12 x3>* 175 1100 1500 88 61 310.00 350.00 9'0' 18 10' 9' 2' 5' 3' 2' 12' 0" 2' 2" 12x4 175 1175 1600 95 62 330.00 370.00 10' 0' 18 11'9' 2' 5' 3' 2' 13' 0" 2' 2" 12 x 4 175 1250 1700 103 63 330.00 370.00 7'0' 24 9' 4' 3'0" 4' 2' 10' 4" 2' 10" 12 x 4 150 1600 2100 130 64 350.00 390.00 8'0' 24 10' 4' 3'0" 4' 2' 11' 4" 2' 10" 12 x 4 150 1700 2240 142 65 370.00 420.00 9'0' 24 11' 4' 3'0" 4' 2' 12' 4" 2' 10" 12 x 5 150 1800 2380 154 66 400.00 440.00 10' 0' 24 12' 4' 3'0" 4' 2' 13' 4" 2' 10" 12 x 5 150 1900 2520 166 67 440.00 480.00 12' 0' 24 14' 4' 3'0" 4' 2' 15' 4" 2' 10" 12 x 5 150 2100 2800 178 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 12XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard price; Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 18 inches in diameter, $20.00; 24 inches in diameter, $30.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 77 The Monarch Standard Centrifugal Reel Style "E" Modern requirements are becoming more and more exacting in the matter of dress and texture of flour. When the soft stock enters the reel it is quite necessary that it be handled so that the good material will be made light, fluffy and handsome in appearance; that it should be so treated that its superior baking qualities will be instantly evident to the discerning eye. Obviously the more readily and surely you can separate the low-grade material which should go into the feed (but doesn't always do so), the better and more marketable your product will be. Perfect work in a reel, as in a sieve bolter, largely depends upon keeping the cloths open without interfering with the travel of the stock. The Monarch Centrifugal Reel has a revolving brush cloth cleaner which works effectively and never pastes the cloth. It keeps every mesh free and open. The Monarch Centrifugal Reel is built to withstand the hardest wear and tear. It is sound in build, accurate to the very last detail, and every particle of material entering into its construction is absolutely the best obtainable. The cylinders are iron and steel. The beaters and deflectors are of steel. The gears used to secure the differential are machine cut and are well housed in a frame at the tail end of the machine. This makes the reel almost noiseless in operation. The gears are readily accessible by means of doors. The cut-off valves above the double conveyor are simple and very effective in operation, as well as non-leakable and easily adjusted from either side of the reel. Unless otherwise ordered this reel is furnished with wood flight conveyors. In ordering state whether reel is to turn to the right or to the left when standing at the head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. With One Conveyor With Two Conv'rs Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. Inches FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over all Floor to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. Box* Exi Weight Lbs. D FOR >ORT Length Width Height Vol. Cu.Ft. 68 69 70 71 $290.00 300.00 325.00 340.00 $310.00 320.00 345.00 360.00 7'0" 8' 0" 7'0" 8' 0" 20 20 26 26 7' 11" 8' 11" 7' 11" 8' 11" 2' 4" 2' 4" 2'9K" 2'9X" 3' 9" 3' 9" 4' 8" 4' 8" lO'O" ll'O" 10'2^" 11'2K" 2' iy," 2' 7 y," 3' 4" 3' 4" 12 x 3^ 12 x3X 12x4 12 x 4 250 250 200 200 1300 1450 1400 1550 1785 1950 1950 2150 116 128 146 160 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 12XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard price Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 20 inches in diameter, $30.00; 26 inches in diameter, $45.00. 78 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Centrifugal Reel Larger Sizes Style "F" Illustration showing Monarch Centrifugal Reel as built in sizes (diameter of cylinder) from 30 to 3 inches, inclusive. This is a very superior machine in every way and is used for dressing all grades of flou after the rough and foreign material has been scalped out. The frame of the machine is constructed, as are all Monarch Reels, of har wood, tenoned and strongly secured with joint bolts, side slat doors. The differentit speed between the silk surf ace and beater cylinder is obtained by the use of sprocket and chain. The tail of the slow cylinder is provided with an extended sleeve o which is a sprocket which is driven from a sprocket on the end of conveyor shafl The reel upon which the cloth is stretched is a cylinder of iron and ste construction. The ribs are of steel angles bolted to cast iron heads and so place as to form sloping deflections which cause the stock to be thrown back upon th beaters. This action greatly increases the capacity of the machine and make it most efficient in breaking up flaky stock. Steel hoops are bolted to the ribs at intervals and are wrapped with flanm to prevent wear on the cloth. The beaters are made of steel, bolted to stron cast iron spiders. A revolving brush cloth cleaning device is used with adjustabl bearings on outside so that it is an easy matter to regulate the pressure of bras on the cloth. The conveyors are 6 inches in diameter steel spiral, which w find gives as little grinding action as possible. Cut-offs are metal of the tippe valve type. The machine can be driven from either end with pulley or sprockel Cross shaft drives will be furnished for an additional charge. In ordering state whether reel is to turn to the right or to the left when standing at head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. PRICE Length of Cyl. Diam. of T Cy v!' FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over all Floor to Center of Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT With One With Two Length Width Height Weight Vol. Conveyor Conv'rs Inches Pulley Lbs. Cu.Ft 72 $360.00 $380.00 7'0" 30 8' 2' 3' 7#' 5' 3" 10'2" 3' 8^" 14 x 4 175 2100 2650 196 73 380'.00 400.00 8'0" 30 9' 2' 3' 7K' 5' 3" 11'2" 3' 8K" 14 x 4K 175 2175 2800 215 74 420.00 440.00 10' 0" 30 11' 2' 3' 7K' 5' 3" 13'2" 3' 8K" 14 x 5 175 2350 3100 253 75 360.00 380.00 7'0" 32 8' 2' 3' 9K' 5'5>" 10'2 K" 3' 10' 16 x 4 150 2200 2900 216 76 380.00 400.00 8'0" 32 9' 2' 3' 9K' 5' 5 Y,," \\'2Yt" 3' 10' 16 x 4 150 2300 3000 237 77 420.00 440.00 10' 0" 32 11' 2' 3' 9K' 5' 5 %" 13'2 K" 3' 10' 16 x 4K 150 2500 3300 280 78 380.00 400.00 8'0" 34 9' 2' 3'11K' 5' 8" 11'2K" 3'11' 18 x 4 135 2400 3200 255 79 420.00 440.00 10' 0" 34 11' 2' 3'llM' 5' 8" 13'2^" 3'11' 18 x 5 135 2550 3450 301 80 460.00 480.00 12' 0" 34 13' 2' 3' UK" 5' 8" 15'2K" 3'11' 18 x 6 135 2700 3700 393 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 1 2XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard price: Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 30, 32 and 34 inches in diameter, $60.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 79 The Monarch Round Scalping Reel Style "G" This Round Scalper is made in a substantial manner and of the best materials. A solid steel shaft extends through the center, the head is of cast iron, conveyor feed, and open tail discharge. The spiders are made with cast iron hubs and wooden arms. Each spoke passes through the ribs which extend the entire length of the cylinder and give the reel the inter-elevating feature, carrying the stock up and discharging it on the opposite side. The frame is of rock maple, the end boards and cant-boards are poplar, varnished in the natural color, and the machine presents a neat appearance. A revolving brush, adjustable for light or heavy dusting, prevents the meshes of the cloth from becoming clogged and assures regular work. The reel is furnished with either one or two conveyors. When equipped with two conveyors the discharge into either conveyor is regulated by means of our patent cut-offs. A cross shaft drive will be furnished at an additional charge. In ordering, state whether reel is to turn to the right or to the left when standing at the head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. PRICE Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. Inches FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over all Floor to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT With One Conveyor With Two Conv'rs Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 81 $180.00 $200.00 6'0' 21 7' 1 2'6K' 4'9K" 8' 4' 3' 6' 16x3 33 850 1250 103 82 190.00 210.00 7'0' 21 8' 1 2'6K' 4' 9X" 9' 4' 3' 6' 16x4 33 900 1350 116 83 200.00 220.00 8'0' 21 9' 1 2'6X' 4' 9 %" 10' 4' 3' 6' 16x4 33 950 1450 130 84 210.00 230.00 9'0' 21 10' 1 2'6X' 4' 9 H" 11' 4' 3' 6' 16x4K 33 1000 1550 144 85 210.00 230.00 6'0' 26 7' 1 2' 9%' 4' 10" 8' 4' 3' 6' 18 x 3 30 1050 1500 115 86 225.00 245.00 TO' 26 8' 1 2'9K' 4'10" 9' 4' 3' 6' 18 x 4 30 1125 1625 128 87 240.00 260.00 8'0' 26 9' 1 2'9K' 4'10" 10' 4' 3' 6' 18 x4K 30 1200 1750 142 88 255.00 275.00 9'0' 26 10' 1 2'9X' 4' 10" 11' 4' 3' 6' 18 x 5 30 1275 1875 155 89 270.00 290.00 10' 0' 26 11' 1 2'9X' 4' 10" 12' 4' 3' 6' 18 x5K 30 1350 2000 169 90 260.00 280.00 7'0' 30 8' 1 3' IK' 5' 4" 9' 4' 3'10K" 20 x 4 28 1225 1750 158 91 280.00 300.00 8'0' 30 9' 1 3' IK' 5' 4" 10' 4' 3'10K" 20x4K 28 1290 1865 175 92 300.00 320.00 9'0' 30 10' 1 3' 1 K" 5' 4" 11' 4' 3'10X" 20 x 5 28 1350 1975 192 93 320.00 340.00 10' 0' 30 11' 1 3' 1 K" 5' 4" 12' 4' 3'10K" 20x5K 28 1420 2095 210 94 280.00 300.00 8'0' 32 9' 1 3' 4" 5' 8K" 10' 4' 4' 1" 22 x 4 26 1350 1975 198 95 300.00 320.00 9'0' 32 10' 1 3' 4" 5' 8K" 11' 4' 4' 1" 22 x4K 26 1425 2125 218 96 320.00 340.00 10' 0' 32 11' 1 3' 4" 5' 8K" 12' 4' 4' 1" 22 x 5 26 1500 2275 238 97 360.00 380.00 12' 0' 32 13' 1 3' 4" 5' 8K" 14' 4' 4' 1" 22 x5K 26 1650 2575 258 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 12XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard prices Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels, 21 inches in diameter, $20.00; 26 inches in diameter, $30.00; 30 and 32 inches in diameter, $40.00 80 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Hexagon Scalping Reel Style "H" The Hexagon Scalper is used principally for scalping coarse stock, boltii corn meal, buckwheat and rye flour, etc. In construction it is very similar to the Hexagon Flour Dresser. The head cast iron, spiders are made with cast iron hubs and wooden arms, conveyor fee and open tail discharge. The solid steel shaft, extending through the cente permits of driving from either end. The frame is made of rock maple, the body of poplar, all highly finished the natural color with shellac and varnish. A revolving, adjustable brush keeps the cloth clean. Reel is furnished with one or two conveyors as desired. When supplied wi two conveyors the stock may be discharged into either conveyor by raising tl lid of the conveyor box and turning the tin discharge spouts as desired. Cross shaft drive will be furnished at an additional charge. In ordering, state whether reel is to turn to the right or to the left wh( standing at the head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. PRICE Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. Inches FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over all Floor to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT With One Conveyor With Two Conv'rs Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol Cu.F 98 $180.00 $200.00 6'0" 21 7' 1" 2'6K" 4' 9X" 8' 4" 3' 6' 16 x 3 33 850 1250 103 99 190.00 210.00 7'0" 21 8'1" 2'6K" 4' 9X" 9' 4" 3' 6' 16 x 4 33 900 1350 116 100 200.00 220.00 8'0" 21 9'1 ' 2' 6K" 4' 9X" 10' 4" 3' 6' 16x4 33 950 1450 130 101 210.00 230.00 9'0" 21 10' 1 ' 2'6K" 4' 9 K" 11' 4" 3' 6' 16x4# 33 1000 1550 144 102 210.00 230.00 6'0" 26 7'1 ' 2'9#" 4' 10" 8' 4" 3' 6' 18 x 3 30 1050 1500 115 103 225.00 245.00 TO" 26 8' 1 ' 2'9X" 4'10" 9' 4" 3' 6' 18x4 30 1125 1625 128 104 240.00 260.00 8'0" 26 9'1 ' 2'9#" 4' 10" 10' 4" 3' 6' 18 x 4X 30 1200 1750 142 105 255.00 275.00 9'0" 26 10' 1 ' 2'9K" 4' 10" 11' 4" 3' 6' 18x5 30 1275 1875 155 106 270.00 290.00 10' 0" 26 11' 1 ' 2' 9%" 4' 10" 12' 4" 3' 6' 18x5# 30 1350 2000 169 107 260.00 280.00 TO" 30 8' 1 ' 3' 1 K" 5' 4" 9' 4" 3'10K" 20 x 4 28 1225 1750 158 108 280.00 300.00 8'0" 30 9' 1 ' 3' 1 #" 5' 4" 10' 4" 3'10#" 20x4K 28 1290 1865 175 109 300.00 320.00 9'0" 30 10' 1 ' 3' 1 K" 5' 4" 11' 4" 3'10K" 20 x 5 28 ' 1350 1975 192 110 320.00 340.00 10' 0" 30 11' 1 ' 3' 1 K" 5' 4" 12' 4" 3'IOX" 20x5# 28 1420 2095 210 111 280.00 300.00 8'0" 32 9'1 ' 3' 4" 5' 8#" 10' 4" 4' 1" 22 x 4 26 1350 1975 198 112 300.00 320.00 9'0" 32 10' 1 ' 3' 4" 5' 8#" 11' 4" 4' 1" 22 x4^ 26 1425 2125 218 113 320.00 340.00 10' 0" 32 11' 1' 3' 4" 5' 8K" 12' 4" 4' 1" 22 x 5 26 1500 2275 238 114 360.00 380.00 12' 0" 32 13'!' 3' 4" 5' 8#" 14' 4" 4' 1" 22 x 5K 26 1650 2575 258 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 1 2XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard price Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 21 inches in diameter, $20.00 ; 26 inches in diameter, $30.00; 30 and 32 inches in diameter, $40.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 81 The Monarch Extra Heavy Hexagon Reel Style "I" The Monarch Extra Heavy Hexagon Reel is made very heavy and strong and is especially adapted for use in rice mills, oat meal mills, and for scalping all kinds of grain, as corn, barley, rye, etc. The main shaft is 3^-inch extra heavy hydraulic pipe. The spiders are heavy cast iron. The ribs are wood covered with heavy sheet steel. The head is cast iron. The end boards and cant- boards are covered with sheet steel. The conveyors are steel and conveyor boxes iron lined. Where double conveyor is used the cut-offs are of 16-gauge steel. In every way it is a very heavy, strong, substantial reel fitted for heavy duty. The frame is made of hard wood and the end boards and cant-boards are poplar. It is varnished on the natural wood and presents a very pleasing appear- ance. This reel can be furnished with either double or single conveyor. The price covers the machine with straight drive. Cross shaft drive will be furnished for an extra charge. In ordering state whether reel turns to the right or to the left when standing at head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. PRICE Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over all Floor to Center of Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT With One With Two Length Width Height Weight Vol. Conveyor Conv'rs Inches Pulley Lbs. Cu.Ft. 115 $380.00 $405.00 10' 0' 32 ll'O" 3' 6' TO" 13'0" 5' 2' 20 x 5 28 2000 2975 319 116 400.00 425.00 12' 0' 32 13' 0" 3' 6' TO" IS'O" 5' 2' 20x5 28 2150 3250 368 117 420.00 445.00 14' 0' 32 15' 0" 3' 6' TO" 17'0" 5' 2' 20 x 6 28 2300 3515 417 118 400.00 425.00 10' 0' 36 ll'O" 3' 10' r 2 y," 13'0" 5' 4' 20x6 24 2700 3700 361 119 440.00 465.00 12' 0' 36 13' 0" 3' 10' T 2 X" 15'0" 5' 4' 22 x 6 24 2900 4025 416 120 480.00 505.00 14' 0' 36 15' 0" 3' 10' T 2 X" 17'0" 5' 4' 22 x 6 24 3100 4340 472 121 420.00 445.00 10' 0' 40 ll'O" 4' 2' T 6" 13'3K" 5' 6' 22 x 6 20 2800 3910 414 122 460.00 485.00 12'0' 40 13' 0" 4' 2' 7' 6" 15'3K" 5' 6' 22 x 6 20 3000 4250 476 123 500.00 525.00 14' 0' 40 15' 0" 4' 2' 7' 6" 17'3K" 5' 6' 24 x 6 20 3200 4575 540 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 12XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard prices. Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 32 inches in diameter, $40.00; 36 and 40 inches in diameter, $50.00. 82 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Octagon Rice Bran Reel Style "J" The Monarch Octagon Rice Bran Reel was originally designed for use in rice mills, but it is equally well adapted and applicable for use for other special purposes, and we especially recommend it for the dusting or scalping of all kinds of cereals, coffee, or any material that is desirable to handle on a reel. It is the strongest and heaviest reel on the market. The main shaft is 3}4- inch extra heavy hydraulic pipe. The spiders are heavy cast iron. The ribs are wood covered with heavy sheet steel. The head is cast iron. The end boards and cant-boards are covered with sheet steel. The conveyors are steel and con- veyor boxes iron lined. Where double conveyor is used the cut-offs are of 16- gauge steel. In every way it is a very heavy, strong, substantial reel fitted for heavy duty. The frame is made of hard wood, and the end boards and cant-boards are poplar. It is varnished on the natural wood and presents a very pleasing appear- ance. This reel can be furnished with either double or single conveyor. The price covers the machine with straight drive. Cross shaft drive will be furnished for an extra charge. In ordering state whether reel turns to the right or to the left when standing at head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. PRICE Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. Inches FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over all Floor to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT With One Conveyor With Two Conv'rs Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 124 $310.00 $335.00 6'0" 32 7' 0" 3' 6" 6' 10" 9'0" 5' 2' 18 x 5 28 1800 2550 215 125 350.00 375.00 8'0" 32 9'0" 3' 6" 6'10" ll'O" 5' 2' 18 x 5 28 1900 2750 263 126 380.00 405.00 10' 0" 32 11' 0" 3' 6" 6'10" 13'0" 5' 2' 20x5 28 2000 2975 311 127 380.00 400.00 8'0" 36 9'0" 3' 10" 7' 2 1 A" ll'O" 5' 4' 1 20 x 6 24 2400 3275 306 128 400.00 425.00 10' 0" 36 ll'O" 3' 10" 7' 2#" 13'0" 5' 4' 20x6 24 2700 3700 361 129 440.00 465.00 12'0" 36 13' 0" 3' 10" 7' 2K" 15'0" 5' 4' 22 x 6 24 2900 4025 416 130 420.00 445.00 10' 0" 40 ll'O" 4' 2" 7' 6" 13'3K" 5' 6' 22 x 6 20 2800 3910 417 131 460.00 485.00 12'0" 40 13' 0" 4' 2" 7' 6" 15'3K" 5' 6' 22 x 6 20 3000 4250 480 132 500.00 525.00 14' 0" 40 15' 0" 4' 2" 7' 6" 17'3K" 5' 6" 24 x 6 20 3200 4575 541 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 12XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard prices. Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 32 inches in diameter, $40.00; 36 and 40 inches in diameter, $50.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 83 The Monarch Scalping and Grading Reel for Corn Mills Style "L" This Round Reel is designed principally for corn mills and is used extensively in the production of hominy grits, meal, etc. We have also furnished many of these reels for bolting and grading special products in feed plants, etc. The frame of this machine is made of hard wood tenoned and bolted together; side doors are of the cloth-covered lattice panel type. Reel is equipped with revolving brush cloth cleaner, either single or double steel conveyor. All parts subjected to wear by the stock are lined with sheet steel. The reel or cylinder has iron-lined wood head with central feed and open tail discharge. Spiders are iron with steel angles for carrying up the stock. Hoops are steel. Reel is given sufficient pitch to carry the stock through. Machine can be furnished with either single or double conveyor of the steel spiral type. Price includes straight drive with either pulley or sprocket. Cross shaft drive will be furnished at an additional charge. In ordering state whether reel is to turn to the right or to the left when standing at the head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. FRAME Floor BOXED FOR Size No. PRICE Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. Inches DIMENSIONS Length Over all to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. EXPORT With One Conveyor With Two Conv'rs Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 133 $240.00 $260.00 6'0' 21 7' 1' 2' 6K' 4' 9X" 8M' 3' 6' 16 x 3 33 970 1350 103 134 250.00 270.00 7'0' 21 8' 1' 2'6K' 4' 9%" 9' 4' 3' 6' 16 x 4 33 1050 1500 116 135 260.00 280.00 8'0' 21 9' 1' 2' 6K' I 4' <)%" 10' 4' 3' 6' 16x4 33 1130 1625 130 136 270.00 290.00 9'0' 21 10' 1' 2' 6K' 4' 94" 11' 4' 3'. 6' 16 x 4K 33 1210 1750 144 137 270.00 290.00 6'0' 26 7' 1' 2'9K' ; 4'10' 8' 4' 3' 6' 18x3 30 1170 1625 115 138 285.00 305.00 7'0' 26 8' 1' 2' 9K' ; 4' 10' 9' 4' 3' 6' 18 x 4 30 1260 1775 128 139 300.00 320.00 8'0' 26 9' 1' 2'9K' 4'10' 10' 4' 3' 6' 18 x4K 30 1350 1900 142 140 315.00 335.00 9'0' 26 10' 1' 2' 9K' 4' 10' 11' 4' 3' 6' 18 x 5 30 1440 2050 155 141 330.00 350.00 10' 0' 26 11' 1' 2'9K' 4' 10' 12' 4' 3' 6' 18 xSK 30 1525 2175 169 142 320.00 340.00 7'0' 30 8' 1' 3' IK' 5' 4' 9' 4' 3'10K" 20 x 4 28 1380 1900 158 143 340.00 360.00 8'0' 30 9' 1' 3' IK' 5' 4' 10' 4' 3'10K" 20 x 4K 28 1475 2050 175 144 360.00 380.00 9'0' 30 10' 1' 3' IK' 5' 4' 11' 4' 3'10K" 20 x 5 28 1570 2200 192 145 380.00 400.00 10' 0' 30 11' 1' 3' IK' 5' 4' 12' 4' 3'10K" 20x5K 28 1650 2325 210 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 12XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard prices. Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 21 inches in diameter, $20.00; 26 inches in diameter, $30.00; 30 inches in diameter, $40.00. 84 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Differential Reel For Use in Cotton Seed Oil Mills Style "K" This reel is designed for use in cotton seed oil mills. It contains the best features of the modern differential reel and is substantially built of the best material. The reel upon which the cloth is stretched is a cylinder of iron and steel construction. The ribs are of steel angles bolted to cast iron heads and so placed as to form sloping deflections which cause the stock to be thrown back upon the beaters. This action greatly increases the capacity of the machine and makes it most efficient in breaking up flaky stock. Steel hoops are bolted to the ribs at intervals and are wrapped with flannel to prevent wear on the cloth. The beaters are made of steel angles bolted to strong cast iron spiders. An automatic, adjustable brush prevents the meshes of the cloth from clog- ging and thus assures regular and even work. The machine is provided with a central screw feed and positive discharge. All bearings are located outside the case, easy of access for both oiling and repairing, if occasion requires. In ordering please state the purpose for which the reel is intended, if one or two conveyors are desired, and where the conveyors are to discharge, whether at the head or tail end. The machine can be driven from either end with pulley or sprocket. Cross shaft drives will be furnished for an additional charge. In ordering state whether reel turns to the right or to the left when standing at head end. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. PRICE Length of Cyl. Diam. of Cyl. Inches FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over all Floor to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT With One Conveyor With Two Conv'rs Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 146 $325.00 $345.00 7'0" 26 8' 2' 3' 3X" 4' 10" 10'!' 3' 6" 12 x 4 200 1850 2300 163 147 340.00 360.00 8'0" 26 9' 2' 3' 3K" 4' 10" ll'l' 3' 6" 12 x 4 200 1925 2500 178 148 370.00 390.00 1(XO" 26 11' 2' 3' Z%" 4' 10" 13'!' 3' 6" 12 x 5 200 2100 2800 208 149 360.00 380.00 7'0" 30 8' 2' y ix" 5' 3" 10'2' 3' 8^" 14x4 175 2100 2650 196 ISO 380.00 400.00 8'0" 30 9' 2' 3' 7K" 5' 3" 11'2' 3' 8M" 14x4K 175 2175 2800 215 151 420.00 440.00 10' 0" 30 11' 2' 3' 7K" 5' 3" 13'2' 3' S'/," 14x5 175 2350 3100 253 152 360.00 380.00 7'0" 32 8' 2' 3' 9K" 5' 5 K" 10'2^" 3' 10" 16 x 4 150 2200 2900 216 153 380.00 400.00 8'0" 32 9' 2' 3' 9^" s' s y<" 11'2X" 3' 10" 16x4 150 2300 3000 237 154 420.00 440.00 10' 0" 32 11' 2' 3' 9^" 5' 5X" 13'2K" 3' 10" 16x4# 150 2500 3300 280 155 380.00 400.00 8'0" 34 9' 2' 3'11K" 5' 8" 11'2K" 3'11" 18 x 4 135 2400 3200 255 156 420.00 440.00 10' 0" 34 11' 2' 3'11K" 5' 8" 13'2}i" 3'11" 18x5 135 2550 3450 301 157 460.00 480.00 12' 0" 34 13' 2" 3' 11^" 5' 8" 15' 2^" 3'11" 18 x 6 135 2700 3700 393 The above prices include cloth not more expensive than 1 2XX Silk. More expensive cloth to be charged additional at standard prices. Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive: For Reels 26 inches in diameter, $45.00; 30, 32 and 34 inches in diameter, $60.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 85 The Monarch Middlings Purifier Style "P" "Specky" middlings have been the bane of many a miller's life until he has installed the Monarch Middlings Purifier. It is the one link in the chain of perfect milling machinery you need if you have all of the other Monarch machines and are still sticking to some antiquated purifier. The frame is constructed entirely of the best hard woods. The body is of poplar natural finish. In outward appearance the machine is a beauty. We emphasize this because, in these days of factory organization, sanitation, etc., a great deal of attention is being paid to cleanliness, order and "looks." Nothing so detracts from the appearance of the milling plant as a lot of uncleanly and out-of-date machinery. The brush cloth cleaner travels on adjustable guides and lengthwise of the sieve, moving from side to side. It is noiseless, being driven by a belt. A double threaded shaft gives the reverse movement. Every square inch of the sieve is utilized and the screening is thorough and uniform. You cannot get this result in machines where the stock is distributed over the sieve in "bunches." The stock from the tail of the sieve is not carried back to be dumped with the clean stock at the head of the machine, as it is in purifiers which employ a brush carried by a sprocket and chain, traveling from end to end of sieve. The farther the air intake is located from the sieve, the better the distribution of air before it reaches the middlings in transit over the sieve. Another reason why there is such a superior purification with the Monarch. There is a very ingenious arrangement of the gather boards, or hopper boards, above the double conveyors, which admits the air at a point much farther away from the sieve than is possible when it is taken through slatted doors. The machine can be driven on either the fan or eccentric shaft, which are both of the same size. The fan, eccentric and conveyor cross shaft are all provided with self-oiling boxes, which insure cool and easy-running journals. Glass filled doors of ample size are placed at sides and in front to give quick access to the interior of the machine. This enables the miller to quickly examine the flow of the stock and regulate the feed. An aspirator is attached and controlled by a separate valve. It is especially desirable on germ stock, as it enables the operator to remove "Bee Wing" material after the coarsest germ has passed over the tail of the sieve. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. OVER-ALL BOXED FOR DIMENSIONS Floor to Size of Square S^U ^"2 EXPORT Size No. Price Height Width Length Center of Pulley Pulley Inches S 1* gtf Fan Opening Inches Feet of Sieve Cloth jj UO 3 $*> $ !! -M eO.S fe 8f& gfQ<2 Weight Lbs. Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu. Ft. 1 $225.00 5' 10" 3' 5" 7' 6" 3' 3" 6x3 500 7xlOX 9K 142 720 1000 1600 180 2 300.00 6' 1" 3' 11" 8' 8" 3' 5" 6x3 500 7xlOX 1534 190 810 1200 1900 245 3 350.00 6' 1" 4' 6" 8' 8" 3' 5" 8x4 500 7xll# 19 220 900 1300 2000 300 4 375.00 7' 1" 5' 0" 10' 0" 4' 1" 8x4 500 10x11 24^ 252 990 1500 2500 410 5 400.00 T 11" 5' 6" 11' 6X" 4' 7tf" 8x4 500 12x13 31# 302 1800 1800 3000 565 86 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Whitmore Improved Dustless Purifier Style "T" The Whitmore Dustless Purifier does just as good work as the Monarch, described in the preceding page, but does it in a different way. It purifies its own air before the air enters the machine proper. It has its own dust collector, the Wilson Tubular Dust Collector for collecting the dust from its own fan. Before the air enters the machine it passes through a set of filtering tubes. The cut-off is regulated by a lever the operating of which, by a notch either way, effects a corresponding change of an inch in the cut-off. The advantage of the filtering tubes can not be over-estimated. Around any plant the air is always laden with a certain amount of coal dust and dust from the gears and belts and machinery on the floors. The con- tinual suction of air into the machine is bound to draw these impurities in and taint the middlings with them unless the air is purified. The collecting of this smut in the middlings often means serious damage to their quality. To overcome the disadvantages of having the air become moist and sluggish through contact with the warm middlings we have attached a simple device at the tail of the machine which, working in conjunction with the filtering attachment, allows the heated air to escape and replaces it with a pure fresh supply. As a result the stock is kept bright, dry and clear. The Wilson Tubular Dust Collector attached to the machine is provided with our perfected cloth cleaning device. The filtering tubes are kept uniformly clean and insure an even and uninterrupted current of air relieved of every particle of dust. The machine finally filters the air, ventilates itself, collects the dust, keeps the tubes clean, relieves the middlings of all fibrous and fluffy matter before going to the sieve and thus the miller is enabled to make clean- cut, perfect separations, such as can be obtained on no other machine. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. Price OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Floor to Center of Pulley Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Width Inches Length Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 1 2 3 $340.00 375.00 410.00 6' 10" 6' 10" 6' 10" 32 38 42 9' 5" 9' 5" 9' 5" 48^ 48K 48^ 8x3 8x3 8x3 585 585 585 1200 1300 1400 1900 2050 2200 147 171 188 Metal Testing Sieves These sieves are nickel plated, six inches diameter, with ring to change the cloths, as shown in the cut. They are handsomely gotten up. Price of frame and ring, $1.25. With 20 numbers of Bolting Cloth, price, $6.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 87 The Monarch Horizontal Bran Duster Style "N" The revolving brushes are adjustable while the machine is in motion. The outside brush keeps cloth perfectly clean and can be clothed to make two separations if desired. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. Price OVER- ALL DIMENSIONS Floor to Center of Pulley Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Capacity per 24 Hrs. Bbls. Horse Power Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Width Length Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Pt. $175.00 4' 1' 2' 9' 5' 6' 28 8x6 450 60 K 515 875 80 1 200.00 4' 1' 2' 9' 6' 2' 28 8x6 450 100 K 550 950 89 2 230.00 4' 6' 3' 1' 6' 11' 30 8x6 450 150 i 620 1100 120 3 270.00 4' 6' 3' 1' 7' 7' 30 10x7 425 225 IK 660 1175 131 4 300.00 4' 11' 3' 4' 8' 6' 31 10x7 425 300 IK 720 1325 170 5 400.00 4' 11' 3' 4' 9' 4' 31 12 x8 425 400 IK 780 1425 186 6 450.00 5' 5' 3' 8' 10' 4' 33 12 x 8 400 500 IK 825 1600 245 7 500.00 5' 5' 3' 8' 11' 4' 33 14x9 400 600 IK 900 1750 262 8 600.00 5' 11' 4'0' 12' 4' 36 14x9 400 700 2 1100 2100 342 The Monarch Upright Bran and Ships Duster Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. No. Price Floor Space Extreme Height to Where Size of Pulley Floor to Center of Capacity for Bran from Bbls. Speed Weight BOXE EXF FOR ORT Inches Inches Pulley of Flour Weight Volume rs Inches 24 Hours Lbs. Cu. Ft. 1 $250.00 29 x 29 5' 5' 4' 5' 8x5 IOK 100 450 680 890 43 2 300.00 36 x 36 5' 8' 4' 11' 11 x5 10K 200 380 900 1168 66 3 350.00 36 x 36 6' 7' 5' 8' 11 x5 to# 300 380 965 1265 76 4 400.00 39 x 39 6' 10' 6' 0' 12 x 6 12 400 350 1375 1710 92 5 450.00 39 x 39 6' 10' 6' 0' 12 x6 12 500 350 1400 1736 92 6 500.00 48 x 48 7' 7' 6' 9' 14x6 12 600 300 1700 2143 142 The Niagara Upright Bran Duster Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Sizes 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 (Height 5' 10" 6' 4' 6' 10' 7' 4' 7' 1' 7' 7" 8' 1" Extreme \ Width . 36" 36' 36' 36' 40' 40" 40" [Length- _ . 36" 36' 36' 36' 40' 40" 40" Height to Center of Pulley 10" 10' 10' 10' 10' 10" 10" r> i, /Diameter 8" 8' 10' 10' 14' 14" 14" Pullev \Face 5" 5' 7' 7' 7' 7" 7" Revolutions per minute 400 400 375 375 300 300 300 Capacity for bbls. flour in 24 hours . . Price without Idlers 100 $250.00 200 $300.00 300 $350.00 400 $400.00 500 $450.00 600 $500.00 700 $600.00 Shipping Weight in Pounds 1475 1525 1600 1675 1775 1875 1975 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Corn Meal Sieve or Bolter Style "R" The Monarch Meal Sieve or Bolter is especially designed for meal, and is recommended where one does not care to be to the expense of putting in a reel. It does excellent work, requires but little power, and can be used successfully with Monarch Burr Mills. As the cut shows, it is compact, neat in appearance, strong and durable. The sieve, which is interchangeable, can be clothed with any number of wire cloth desired. Extra sieves can be furnished and clothed with a dif- ferent mesh wire, or with silk for bolting graham and buckwheat flour. Prices for extra sieves quoted on application. Unless otherwise specified, all machines will be clothed with No. 18 mesh wire cloth. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. Price OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Capacity Per Hour Corn Meal Bushels Sieve Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Length Width Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 1 $30.00 2' 0" 4' 3" 1' 2" 10 to 15 12 x36 6x3 600 110 210 9 2 36.00 3' 1" 5' 7" 2' 2" 15 to 25 24 x 51 6x3 600 175 425 36 Style "S The Monarch Testing Sifter The Monarch Testing Sifter Style "S" This machine consists of a sieve box containing twelve drawers. The bottoms of the drawers are covered with bolting cloth of varying fineness, beginning with No. 20 Grit gauze on the upper drawer and ending with No. 13xx on the next to the lowest drawer. The lower drawer catches the flour that passes through the No. 13 cloth on the drawer above. If samples are weighed before testing, and the contents of each drawer is weighed after the sifting process, the exact per- centage of each grade of stock is readily determined. By weigh- ing a pound or two of the stock as it comes from any of the breaks or smooth rolls and passing it through the sifter and finding the percentage of each grade, then changing the set of rolls and test- ing a similar amount, the miller obtains infallible evidence 40 guide him in setting his rolls. List price, $40.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyleania, U. S. A. 89 DuFour & Co.'s Anchor Brand Bolting Cloth Price per Yard, 40 Inches Wide .Number Standard Extra Heavy X Double Extra XX Treble Extra XXX Grit Gauze XXX Grit Gauze 0000 $1.60 1.65 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.10 3.40 3.75 3.90 4.15 4.70 5.25 6.10 7.50 8.50 9.20 10.00 $2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.25 2.30 2.45 2.55 2.65 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.10 3.35 3.70 4.10 4.55 4.70 5.00 5.60 No. Equals 16 0000 18 201. ..000 22 24 26 00 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 1 46 48 50 2 52 54 3 56 58 4 60 62 5 64 66 6 68 70 7 72 No. Equals 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 22 22 24 24 26 26 28 28 30 30 34 32 36 34 38 36 40 38 42 40 44 42 46 44 48 46 50 48 52 50 54 52 56 54 58 56 60 58 62 60 64 62 66 64 68 66 70 68 72 70 000 00 $1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.25 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.55 2.65 2.85 3.10 3.40 3.75 4.10 4.25 4.65 5.15 5.75 1_ - 2 3 4 5 6.i. 7 $2.90 3.05 3.25 3.50 3.80 4.20 4.65 4.80 5.15 5.80 6.50 7.40 8 9 10 11. . 12 13 14 15-- .. 16 17 18 19 20 21 25 Grit Gauze, all Nos., $3.00 XXX Grit Gauze, all Nos., $4.00 Bolting Cloth Data Exact Number of Meshes per Lineal Inch in Various Grades of Cloth No. Silk Stand. Silk X Silk XX Silk XXX Grit Gauze Standard Grit Gauze XXX No. Silk Stand. Silk X Silk XX Silk XXX Grit Gauze Standard Grit Gauze XXX 0000 18 18 18 24 23 23 000 23 23 23 25 200 200 200 00 29 29 29 26 25 25 38 38 38 28 27 27 1 48 48 48 30 29 29 2 54 54 54 32 31 31 3 58 58 58 34 33 33 4 62 62 62 36 35 35 5 66 66 66 38 37 37 6 74 74 74 40 39 39 7 82 82 82 74 42 40^ 40>^ 8 86 86 86 82 44 42^ 42 ^ 9 97 97 97 86 46 44^ MX 10 109 109 109 97 48 46>^ 46 tf 11 116 116 116 109 50 48 K 48 X 12 125 125 125 116 52 50>^ 50^ 13 129 129 129 125 54 52^ 52^2 14 139 139 139 129 13X 13> 56 54^ 54> 15 150 150 150 139 58 56>^ 56^ 16 157 157 157 150 15^2 15K 60 58 58 17 163 163 163 157 62 60 60 18 166 166 166 163 17^ 17K 64 62 62 19 169 169 169 66 64 64 20 173 173 173 19 19 68 66 66 21 178 178 178 70 68 68 22 21 21 72 72 72 90 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Steel Wire Cloth The Wire Cloth Manufacturers' Association Adopted the Washburn & Moen Gauge as the Standard for all Steel Wire Cloth Gauge No. 0000 .3938 of an Inch " 000 .3625 " " 00 .3310 " " .3065 " .-?' 1 .2830 " " 2 .2625 " " 3 .2437 " " 4 .2253 " " 5 .2070 " " 6 .1920 " " 7 .1770 " " 8 .1620 " " 9 .1483 " " 10 .1350 " " 11 .1205 " " 12 .1055 " " 13 .0915 " " 14 .0800 " " 15 .0720 " " 16 .0625 " " 17 .0540 " " 18 .0475 " " 19.. .0410 " " Gauge No. 20 .0348 of an Inch " 21 .0317 " " " " 22 .0286 " " 23 .0258 " " " 24 .0230 " " " 25 .0204 " " " 26 .0181 " " " 27 .0173 " " " 28 .0162 " " " 29 .0150 " " " 30 .0140 " " " 31 .0132 " " " 32 .0128 " " " 33 .0118 "~ " " 34 .0104 " " " 35 .0095 " " " 36 .0090 " " " 37 .0085 " " " 38 ;... .0080 " " " 39 .0075 " " " 40 .0070 " " " 41 . .0066 " " " 42.. .0062 " " Brass or Copper Wire Cloth The Wire Cloth Manufacturers' Association Adopted the Old English Gauge as the Standard for all Brass or Copper Wire Cloth Gauge No. 0000 .454 of an Inch 000. 00- 0_ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5- 6, 7. 8. 9- 10- 11- 12. 13. 14- 15- 16. 17- 18. .425 .380 .340 .300 .284 .259 .238 .220 .203 .180 .165 .148 .134 .120 .109 .095 .083 .072 .065 .058 .049 Gauge No. 19 .040 of an Inch " 20 .035 " " " 1- .0315 " " " 22 .0295 " " " 23 .027 " " " 24 .025 " " " 25 .023 " " " 26 .0205 " " " 27 .01875 " " " 28 .0165 " " " 29 .0155 " " " 30 .01375 " " " 31 .01225 " " " 32 .01125 " " " 33 .01025 " " " 34 .0095 " " " 35 .009 " " " 36 .0075 " " " 37 - .0065 " " " 38 .00575 " '"- " 39 .005 " " " 40-- .0045 " " Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyltania, U. S. A. 91 Tinned Milling Grade Wire Cloth Price List of Tinned Milling Grade Wire Cloth No. of Meshes per Inch No. of Wire Decimal Price per Square Foot No. of Meshes per Inch No. of Wire Decimal Price per Square Foot 2 17 .0540 $0.15 22 31 .0132 $0.28 3 19 .0410 .15 24 32 .0128 .28 4 20 .0348 .15 26 33 .0118 .28 5 21 .0317 .15 28 34 .0104 .28 6 22 - .0286 .15 30 35 .0095 .28 8 23 .0258 .15 32 36 .0090 .28 9 24 .0230 .15 34 36 .0090 .33 10 25 .0204 .18 36 36 .0090 .40 12 26 .0181 .18 40 36 .0090 .45 14 27 .0173 .18 45 36 .0090 .53 16 28 .0162 .18 50 36 .0090 .62 18 29 .0150 .18 54 36 .0090 .65 20 30 .0140 .25 60 36 .0090 .85 - Light Grade Bolting Steel Wire Cloth Price List of Light Grade Bolting Steel Wire Cloth No. of Meshes per Inch No. of Wire Decimal Price per Square Foot No. of Meshes per Inch No. of Wire Decimal Price per Square Foot 2 10 .1350 $0.38 22 27 .0173 $0.46 2K 11 .1205 .38 24_ 28 .0162 .46 3 12 .1055 .38 26 29 .0150 .46 3# 13 .0915 .38 28 30 .0140 .46 4 14 .0800 .38 30 30 .0140 .47 5 15 .0720 .38 35 32 .0128 .47 6 16 .0625 .38 40 33 .0118 .48 7 17 .0540 .38 45 34 .0104 .58 8 18 .0475 .38 50 35 .0095 .65 9 19 .0410 .38 55 36 .0090 .65 10 20 .0348 .38 60 37 .0085 .70 12 21 .0317 .38 64 38 .0080 .70 14 22 .0286 .38 70 39 .0075 .80 16 24 .0230 .38 74 40 .0070 .90 18 25 .0204 .38 80 41 .0066 1.10 20 26 .0181 .43 90 42 .0062 1.45 Bran Duster Wire Cloth This cloth is of heavy steel tempered wire, coated with black varnish which effectually prevents rust and facilitates the bolting. List Prices No. of Meshes Per Inch Diam. of. Wire Decimal of Inch List Price Per Square Foot No. of Meshes Per Inch Diam. of Wire List Price Decimal of Inch Per Square Foot 30 .014 $0.42 60 .0075 $0.90 35 .013 .45 64 .007 .95 40 .011 .50 70 .00675 1.00 45 .010 .65 74 .0065 1.10 50 .0095 ,70 80 .00525 1.30 55 .009 .85 Widths carried in stock, 18 and 27 inches. 92 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Steel Wire Cloth Number Meshes per Inch *J IH O* o ||| Number Meshes per Inch ll 21 14 15 16 14 15 16 14 rs 16 17 18 Above prices are per yard, forty inches wide, containing ten square feet. Brass Wire Cloth Regular Grade List Prices No. Meshes Diam. of Wire List Price No. Meshes Diam. of Wire List Price Per Inch Decimal of Inch Per Square Foot Per Inch Decimal of Inch Per Square Foot 2 .063 $0.60 22 .015 $0.55 3 .054 .70 24 .015 .60 4 .047 .65 30 .0135 .70 5 .041 .65 35 .011 .70 6 .035 .60 40 .010 .65 8 .028 .65 45 .0095 .85 10 .025 .65 50 .009 .80 12 .023 .60 60 .008 .85 14 .020 .65 70 .007 1.00 16 .018 .60 80 .00575 1.25 18 .017 .60 90 .00525 1.50 20 .016 .55 100 .0045 1.75 Prices on Extra Fine Brass Wire Cloth, from 110 to 200 meshes per inch, will be quoted on application. Making Up Wire Bolting Cloths We are prepared to make up wire bolting cloths, with webbing to fit reels or sieves, promptly and in the best possible manner. Prices for this work will be quoted upon receipt of specifications. 94 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Brass and Copper Wire Cloth Price List of Brass and Copper Wire Cloth No. Meshes per Inch No. of Wire Price per Square Foot No. Meshes per Inch No. of Wire Price per Square Foot No. Meshes per Inch No. of Wire Price per Square Foot No. Meshes per Inch No. of Wire Price per Square Foot No. Meshes per Inch No. of Wire Price per Square Foot 2 8 $4.00 5 21 $0.40 14 20 $2.50 20 33 $0.27 30 31 $0.55 2 9 3.50 5 22 .35 14 21 1.75 20 34 .25 30 32 .47 2 10 3.00 6 14 3.00 14 22 1.20 22 24 2.50 30 33 .42 2 11 2.50 6 15 2.50 14 23 .85 22 25 1.75 30 34 .37 2 12 1.75 6 16 1.75 14 24 .60 22 26 1.20 30 35 .33 2 13 1.20 6 17 1.20 14 25 .50 22 27 .85 30 36 .30 2 14 .85 6 18 .85 14 26 .45 22 28 .60 35 28 1.75 2 IS .60 6 19 .60 14 27 .40 *22 29 .50 35 29 1.25 *2 16 .50 *6 20 .50 14 28 .35 22 30 .45 35 30 .90 2 17 .45 6 21 .45 14 29 .30 22 31 .40 i 35 31 .75 2 18 .40 6 22 .40 16 21 2.50 22 32 .35 *35 32 .55 3 10 4.00 6 23 .35 16 22 1.75 22 33 .30 35 33 .48 3 11 3.50 8 16 3.00 16 23 1.20 22 34 .27 35 34 .45 3 12 2.50 8 17 2.50 16 24 .85 22 35 .25 35 35 .42 3 13 1.75 8 18 1.75 16 25 .60 24 25 2.50 35 36 .37 3 14 1.20 8 19 1.20 *16 26 .50 24 26 1.75 40 30 1.75 3 15 .85 8 20 .85 16 27 .45 24 27 1.20 40 31 1.25 3 16 .60 8 21 .60 16 28 .40 24 28 .85 40 32 .75 *3 17 .50 *8 22 .50 16 29 .35 *24 29 , .60 *40 33 .60 3 18 .45 8 23 .45 16 30 .30 24 30 .50 40 34 .53 3 19 .40 8 24 .40 18 22 2.50 24 31 .45 40 35 .45 3 20 .35 8 25 .35 18 23 1.75 24 32 .40 40 36 .42 4 11 4.00 10 17 3.00 18 24 1.20 24 33 .35 45 31 1.75 4 12 3.00 10 18 2.50 18 \ 25 .85 24 34 .30 45 32 1.25 4 13 2.50 10 19 1.75 18 N 26 .60 24 35 .27 45 33 .85 4 14 1.75 10 20 1.20 *18 27 .50 24 36 .25 *45 34 .65 4 15 1.20 10 21 .85 18 / 28 .45 26 26 2.25 45 35 .60 4 16 .85 10 22 .60 18 29 .40 26 27 1.65 45 36 .55 4 17 .60 *10 23 .50 18 30 .35 26 28 1.20 50 34 .85 *4 18 .50 10 24 .45 18 31 .30 26 29 .85 *50 35 .65 4 19 .45 10 25 .40 18 32 .27 *26 30 .60 50 36 .58 4 20 .40 '10 26 .35 20 23 2.50 26 31 .50 60 35 .88 4 21 .35 12 19 2.50 20 24 1.75 26 32 .45 *60 36 .70 5 13 3.00 12 20 1.75 20 25 1.20 26 33 .40 60 37 .60 5 14 2.50 12 21 1.20 20 26 .85 26 34 .35 *70 37 .80 5 15 1.75 12 22 .85 20 27 .60 26 35 .30 *80 38 1.00 5 16 1.20 12 23 .60 *20 28 .50 26 36 .27 *90 39 1.25 5 17 .85 *12 24 .50 20 29 .45 30 27 1.75 *100 40 1.45 S 18 .60 12 25 .45 20 30 .40 30 28 1.25 5 19 .50 12 26 .40 20 31 .35 30 29 .90 5 20 .45 12 27 .35 20 32 .30 *30 30 .65 Are standard milling grades and furnished unless otherwise ordered. Making Up Bolting Cloths Our bolting cloth department is equipped with new and late improved machines, and our facilities are unequalled for producing perfectly made cloths and prompt filling of orders. Price per Lineal Foot (Length of Reel or Sieve) For Sieve Bolters per lineal foot, $0.10 net For Purifiers " .20 net For Round Reels " " " .25 net For Hexagon Reels " " " .30 net For Octagon Reels " .35 net Shellacked Cloth For Sifter Bottoms, etc., per square yard $0.50 net Revolving Brushes for Reels List Prices per Foot Length and kind of bristles _ 2 K-in. Tampico 2K-in. Hair 2-in. Hair Brush, with Shaft $1.20 $1.40 $1.30 Brush only, without Shaft .. _ _ . . . _ .. .75 .98 .90 Journals one foot long and under, at same price per foot as Brush. Bearings for Brush Journals, with idler, per set, $3.50. Bran Duster and Purifier Brushes Price List KIND OF BRUSH Tampico Per Foot Hair Per Foot Brush with two rows of bristles _ _ --, $0.50 $0.90 Brush with three rows of bristles .65 1.10 Brush with four rows of bristles .. .75 1.30 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 95 Yield Table The following table is an extremely convenient one, showing accurately the number of pounds of flour per bushel of wheat and the number of barrels of flour per 100 bushels of wheat when using anywhere from 4 bushels and 10 pounds to 5 bushels of wheat per barrel. Number Bushels Per Barrel Flour Number Pounds Flour per Bushel Number Barrels Flour per 100 Bushels Wheat Number Bushels Per Barrel Flour Number Pounds Flour per Bushel Number Barrels Flour per 100 Bushels Wheat Bbls. Lbs. Bbls. Lbs. 4.10 47.04 24 00 4.36 42.60 21144 4.11 46.85 23177 4.37 42.45 21129 4.12 46.66 23158 4.38 42.30 21114 4.13 46.48 23140 4.39 42.15 21 99 4.14 46.30 23122 4.40 42.00 21 84 4.15 46.11 23103 4.41 41.85 21 69 4.16 45.93 23 85 4.42 41.70 21 54 4.17 45.75 23 67 4.43 41.55 21 39 4.18 45.57 23 49 4.44 41.40 21 24 4.19 45.40 23 32 4.45 41.26 21 10 4.20 45.23 23 15 4.46 41.11 20191 4.21 45.05 22193 4.47 40.97 20177 4.22 44.88 22176 4.48 40.83 20163 4.23 44.71 22162 4.49 40.69 20149 4.24 44.54 22142 4.50 40.55 20135 4.25 44.37 22125 4.51 40.41 20121 4.26 44.21 22109 4.52 40.27 20107 4.27 44.04 22 92 4.53 40.13 20 93 4.28 43.88 22 76 4.54 40.00 20 80 4.29 43.72 22 60 4.55 39.86 20 66 4.30 43.57 22 45 4.56 39.72 20 52 4.31 43.39 22 27 4.57 39.59 20 39 4.32 43.23 22 11 4.58 39.46 20 26 4.33 43.07 21191 4.59 39.30 20 10 4.34 42.91 21175 5.00 39.20 20 00 4.35 42.76 21160 Bushels and Pounds of Wheat Used Per Hour from 4 Bushels, 20 Pounds to 5 Bushels Per Barrel Capacity in Barrels Per 24 Hours 4 Bushels 20 Pounds 4 Bushels 25 Pounds 4 Bushels 30 Pounds 4 Bushels 35 Pounds 4 Bushels 40 Pounds 4 Bushels 45 Pounds 4 Bushels 50 Pounds 4 Bushels 55 Pounds 5 Bushels 25 4-31 4-36 4-41 4^6 4-50 4-55 5- 2 5- 5 5-12 50 9-2 9-12 9-22 9-32 9-40 9-50 10- 4 10-10 10-25 75 13-33 13-48 14- 3 14-18 14-30 14-45 15- 6 15-15 15-37 100 18- 3 18-24 18-45 19- 6 19-20 19-41 20- 8 20-21 20-50 125 22-34 23- 23-26 23-53 24-10 24-36 25-10 25-26 26- 2 150 27- 5 27-36 28- 8 28-39 29- 29-32 30-12 30-32 31-15 200 36- 6 36-48 37-30 38-12 38-40 39-22 40-1,6 40-42 41-40 250 45- 8 46- 46-52 47-46 48-20 49-12 50-20 50-52 52- 4 300 54-10 55-12 56-16 57-18 58- 59- 4 60-24 61- 4 62-30 350 63-11 64-24 65-38 66-51 67-40 68-54 70-28 71-14 72-55 400 72-12 73-36 75- 76-24 77-20 78-44 80-32 81-22 83-20 500 90-16 92- 93^14 95-32 96-40 98-24 100-40 101^4 104- 8 600 108-20 110-24 112-32 114-36 116- 118- 8 120^8 122- 8 125- 700 126-22 128-48 131-16 133^2 135-20 137-48 140-56 142-28 145-50 800 144-24 147-12 150- 152-48 154-40 157-28 161- 4" 162-44 166-40 1000 180-32 184- 187-24 191- 4 193-20 196-48 201-20 203-28 208-16 1200 216-40 220-48 225- 4 229-12 232- 236-16 245-36 244-16 250- 1500 270-48 276- 281- 8 286-36 290- 295-12 302- 305-12 312-24 1800 324-56 331-12 337-24 343-52 348- 354-16 362-24 366-12 374-56 2000 361- 4 368- 374-48 382- 8 386-40 393-36 402^0 406-56 416-32 2500 451-20 460- 468-32 477-40 483-20 492- 503-20 508-tO 520-40 3000 541-36 552- 562-16 573-12 580- 590-24 604- 610-24 624-48 4000 722- 8 736- 749-36 764-16 773-20 787-12 805-20 813-52 833- 4 5000 902-40 920- 937- 4 955-20 966^0 984- 1006-40 1017-20 1040-20 96 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Weights of Various Products Per Bushel Apples, dried (except Michigan, 22; Indiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, West Virginia, Wis- consin, 25; Florida, 26; Idaho, Minnesota, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Wash- ington, 28) 24 Pounds Barley (except Oregon, 46; Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, 47; California, 50) 48 Pounds Beans, white (except Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, 62) 60 Pounds Beans, castor (except Kentucky, 45; Mississippi, New Jersey, Ohio, 56; West Virginia, 60; New Hampshire, 62) 46 Pounds Bluegrass Seed 14 Pounds Bran 20 Pounds Broom Corn Seed J 52 Pounds Buckwheat (except California, Idaho, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, 42 ; Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Wisconsin, 48; Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, 50; Kentucky, South Carolina, 56) 52 Pounds Corn, shelled (except North Carolina, 55; California, 52) 56 Pounds Corn, on the cob (except South Carolina, 72; Ohio, Indiana, 68) 70 Pounds Corn Meal (except North Carolina, 46; Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, 48) 50 Pounds Clover Seed (except Pennsylvania, 62; New Jersey, North Carolina, 64) 60 Pounds Flax Seed (except Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, 55) 56 Pounds Hemp Seed 44 Pounds Hungarian Grass Seed (except Iowa, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, Vir- ginia, Wisconsin, 48) . 50 Pounds Malt Barley (except Ohio, Wisconsin, Indiana, 35 ; Montana, 30) 38 Pounds Millet Seed (except Iowa, Minnesota, 48; Wisconsin, 55) 50 Pounds Oats (except New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, 30; Maryland, 26; Idaho, Oregon, 36) 32 Pounds Onions (except Indiana, 48; Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, 50; Maine, Massachusetts, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, Oklahoma, 52; Michigan, 54; Ohio, 55; Tennessee, 56) 57 Pounds Peas (except North Carolina, 50) 60 Pounds Potatoes 60 Pounds Potatoes, Sweet (except Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, 46; Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, Ohio, Tennessee, 50; Massachusetts, New Jersey, Wisconsin, 54; Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Virginia, 56; South Carolina, West Virginia, 50) 55 Pounds Red Top Seed 14 Pounds Rice, rough : 32 to 46 Pounds Rice, clean 60 Pounds Rye (except California, 54) I 56 Pounds Sorghum Seed 40 Pounds Timothy Seed (except Arkansas, 60; New York, 44; Oklahoma, South Dakota, North Dakota, Washington, 42) 45 Pounds Turnips (except Kentucky, North Dakota, Maine, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Vermont, 60; Michigan, 58; Arkansas, 57; Minnesota, 52; Connecticut, Montana, Tennessee, 50; Missouri, Wisconsin, 42) -- 55 Pounds Wheat 60 Pounds Rough Rice..., 162 Pounds per bbl. Clean Rice 345 to 360 Pounds per bbl. 160 pounds Rough Rice make 100 pounds Clean Rice. MONARCH Grain Cleaning Machinery Section C, No. 115 Established 1866 SPROUT, WALDRON & CO. Mill Builders and Mill Furnishers MUNCY, PA., U. S. A. 98 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Compound Shake Double Receiving Separator The Monarch Compound Shake Double Receiving Separator Side and Front View The Monarch Compound Shake Double Receiving Separator Side and Rear View Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. 99 The Monarch Compound Shake Double Receiving Separator With Two Fans Style "A" The Monarch Compound Shake Double Receiving Separator Two Fans Radical departures from commonly accepted methods of machine construction are not always highly satisfactory, but while the separator illustrated above has many features which are of comparatively recent introduction, long periods of hard and successful service have proved every innovation to be a qualified improve- ment and success. There is no vibration or shake connected with the operation of the Monarch Receiving Separator. The reciprocating compound drive, whereby one shaking shoe is continually moving in an opposite direction to the other, gives a perfect balance and light and quiet running is insured by the use of ball bearings in the shake eccentrics. Air separations are accomplished by the action of two powerful fans, are subject to control for a wide range of utility and so arranged as to give the best results during the progress of the various stages of the cleaning process. Special attention is called to the Automatic Brush Sieve Cleaning Device, which requires no attention from the operator of the machine, greatly facilitates the work and guarantees maximum capacity by keeping the sieves free and open. The points of superiority which we have enumerated, coupled with extremely careful construction and the use of first-class materials, place the Monarch far in advance of any machine hitherto offered for the purpose. Price, Dimensions and Speed Ball Ball Bearing Ball Bearing on Fan and Height to Center Height Motion of Motion of Size No. Bearing Eccentric No Brush Eccentric with Brush on all Drive Shafts and with Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Floor Inches of Driving Pulley Where Grain Shaker Shaft R P M Fan Shaft R P M. Screens Brushes Inches n er 7 $645.00 $774.00 $834.00 7' IX" 8' 1" 7' 11" 73^x75 20 6' 1" 550 660 8 730.00 876.00 966.00 ' T 5" 8' 4tf" 8' 6" 75^x81 20 6' 4" 550 660 9 815.00 978.00 1038.00 7' 5" 8' W 9' 0" 75^x87 20 6' 4" 550 640 10 900.00 1080.00 1140.00 r 5" 8' W 9' 6" 75^x93 20 6' 4" 550 640 Dimensions, Weight and Capacity Size No. Size of Drive Pulley Inches Inside Measure of Dust Spouts Fan Opening CAPACITY IN BUSHELS PER HOUR Shipping Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Wheat Fine Screens Wheat Medium Screens Wheat Coarse Screens Corn or Oats Barley Fine Screens Barley Coarse Screens Depth Inches Width Inches Weight Pounds Volume Cu.Ft. 7 8 9 10 12x6X 12x6^ 16x7>? 16x7^ 14 14 14 14 14 is# 17 18# 750 900 1050 1200 1250 1500 1750 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 2000 2500 3000 3500 650 800 900 1100 1250 1500 1750 2000 2850 3000 3200 3300 3610 3830 4070 4210 456 529 560 590 100 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Compound Shake Double Receiving Separator With One Fan Style "B" The Monarch Compound Shake Double Receiving Separator One Fan The ideas and requirements of grain handlers for cleaning machirlery differ to such a degree that we have always found it advisable to include in our line, such modifications as seem to meet with popular approval; always, however, first proving for our own security and satisfaction that every machine which leaves our plant is fully capable of performing the work for which it is intended. The Receiving Separator shown in the illustration is similar in ^construction to the one shown on page 99, the only notable difference being, that it is equipped with one fan, instead of two. This fact, however, does not affect its efficiency in any way, for the reason that the sizes built as listed here require but the use of the one fan with satisfactory results in the air separations. Ball bearings in shake eccentrics, the Monarch Reciprocating Drive and the Automatic Brush Sieve Clean- ing Device, have been included in this construction, making an efficient and substantial machine which has brought us many expressions of satisfaction from satisfied customers. Price, Dimensions and Speed PRICE Size No. Ball Bearing Eccentrics No Brush Ball Bearing Eccentrics with Brush on all Ball Bearings on Fan and Drive Shafts Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Size on Floor Inches Height to Center of Driving Pulley Inches Height to Where Grain Enters Motion of Shaker Shaft R.P. M. Motion of Fan Shaft R.P.M. Screens and with Brushes 2 $275.00 $330.00 $385.00 6' 7K" 7' 8" 4' 9" 64>^x39 18 5' 2" 550 660 3 320.00 384.00 445.00 6' 9" 8' 1" 5' 8" 73^x48 20 5' W 550 660 4 390.00 468.00 528.00 6' 9" 8' 1" 6' 4" 73^x54 20 5' W 550 660 5 475.00 570.00 630.00 6' 9" 8' 1" 6' 9" 73 i^x61J^ 20 5' &y 2 " 550 660 6 560.00 672.00 732.00 7' \y 2 " 8' 1" 7' 3^" 73Kx67K 20 6' 1" 550 660 Capacity, Weight, Volume, Etc. Inside Measure of CAPACITY IN BUSHELS PER HOUR BOXED FOR Size No. 1 Driving Pulley Inches Dust Spouts Fan Opening Shipping Weight Pounds EXPORT Wheat Fine Screens Wheat Medium Screens Wheat Coarse Screens Corn or Oats Barley Fine Screens Barley Coarse Screens Weight Pounds Volume Cu.Ft. Depth Inches Width Inches 2 8x5 14 14 120 200 400 300 100 200 1050 1550 242 3 10x6 14 22K 180 300 600 450 150 300 1550 2140 310 4 12x6 14 22^ 300 500 1000 750 250 500 1750 2375 346' 5 12x6 14 26K 450 750 1500 1200 350 750 2200 2860 369 6 12x6^ 14 26^ 600 1000 2000 1500 500 1000 2500 3210 420 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania^ U." S.' 'A. 101 The Monarch Single Receiving Separator Every machine requires more or less attention if it is to satisfactorily perform the work expected of it and for which it was designed. The amount and nature of such attention determine to a great extent both the cost and true value; therefore, maintenance cost is as important as original price. The first cost of the Monarch Single Receiving Separator is practically all of the expense connected with its ownership. Sturdy build, first-class materials and automatic operations eliminate the expense occasioned by the necessity for frequent repairs and constant attention. The Monarch is admirably suited for use in both mills and elevators. It is provided with a shaking shoe, and being carefully counterbalanced and equipped with ball bearings in shake eccentrics, is light running and free from noise and vibration. The double sieves are kept clean by the action of the automatic brush cloth cleaner, insuring continuous opera- tion at maximum capacity. We build this machine in one size. Reference to the tabulation will show that a small amount of floor space is required for its installation and that there is a wide selection as regards capacity. Price, Dimensions and Speed Size Number 1 Price Ball Bearing Eccentric, No Brush. .. $210.00 Ball Bearing Eccentric, With Brushes 250.00 Ball Bearings on Fan and Drive Shafts and With Brushes 310.00 Extreme Height 5' 9" Extreme Length 6' 4K" Extreme Width 3' 7" Size on Floor 54x27 J4" Height to Center of Driving Pulley 17" Height to Where Grain Enters 4' 9" Motion of Shaker Shaft, R. P. M . . 550 Motion of Fan Shaft, R. P. M 690 Capacity, Weight and Volume Size Number 1 Size of Driving Pulley Inside Measure of Dust Spout, Fan Opening Depth. Width- Capacity in Bushels Per Hour Wheat, Fine Screens Wheat, Medium Screens Wheat, Coarse Screens ^ Corn or Oats Barley, Fine Screens Barley, Coarse Screens Shipping Weight 700 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 1050 Ibs. Volume... ..132 cu. ft. 7x4" 11" 11" 60 100 200 150 60 100 The Monarch Receiving Separator That this machine is a favorite among mill, elevator and warehouse owners, is evidenced by its steadily increasing sale, dating from the time it was first offered to the trade, several years ago. It is correctly designed, constructed with due regard to both strength and durability and has gained an enviable reputation for the production of accurate, economical and satisfactory results. The compound shoe construction gives it freedom from vibration and insures noiseless operation and the powerful suction fan, controlled by rolling valves, provides ample aspira- tion for the removal of all straw joints, sand, cockle, etc., from the grain. The eccentric bearings are of iron, brass lined, self oiling and absolutely true and perfect. The Monarch as listed below, will be furnished either with or without the traveling brush screen cleaning device, as desired. Style "C The Monarch Single Receiving Separator Style "D" The Monarch Receiving Separator with Compound Shoe and Regular Brass Lined Iron Eccentrics Price, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. 1 u e .a ^ 1 2 3 4 5 PRICE OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS PuHey Inches v . Floor to Pulley Center Inches Height to Grain Entrance Fan Opening Inches Sq. Feet Wilson Dust Collector Req. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT . 5 03 go Hi Height Width Length Weight Pounds Volume Cu. Feet $175 200 250 325 400 $210 240 300 390 480 5' 7" 6' 7" 6' 7" 6' 7" 7'0" 3' 6" 4' 7" 5' 7" 6' 1" 6' 7" 6' 11" 7' 11" 8' 5" 8' 5" 8' 5" 7x4 8x5 10x6 12x6 12x6 550 550 550 550 550 17 22 23 23 23 4' 4" 4' 10" 5' 2" 5' 6" 5' 8" 14x14 4 14x22^ 14x22^ 14x26^ 95 150 240 280 300 75 to 150 200 to 300 300 to 400 400 to 600 600 to 800 600 945 1250 1500 1600 1150 1625 2300 2750 2950 154 280 445 570 650 102 SprouT, Waldton & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch All-Steel Compound Shake Double Receiving Separators Style "AA" The Monarch Ail-Steel Compound Shake Double Receiving Separator with Two Fans Side and Front View Style "E The Monarch All-Steel Compound Shake Double Receiving Separator with One Fan Side and Front View - With the exception of the fireproof feature, these machines are the same as those illustrated and described on pages 98 to 100 inclusive. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 103 The Monarch All-Steel Compound Shake Double Receiving Separator With One Fan Price, Dimensions and Speed PRICE Ball Ball Height to Height Motion Motion Size No. Ball Bearing Eccentrics No Brush Bearing Eccentrics with Brush on all Bearings on Fan and Drive Shafts Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Size on Floor Inches Center Driving Pulley Inches to Where Grain Enters of Shaker Shaft R.P.M. of Fan Shaft R.P.M. Screens and with Brushes 2 $450.00 $500.00 $575.00 6' 7K" 7' 8" 4' 9" 64 x39 18 5' 2" 550 660 3 500.00 575.00 660.00 6' 9" 8' 1" 5' 8" 73^x48 20 5' 8^" 550 660 4 640.00 700.00 800.00 6' 9" 8' 1" 6' 4" 73^ x 54 20 5' 8}4" 550 660 5 800.00 900.00 1000.00 6' 9" 8' 1" 6' 9" 73^x6lX 20 5' 8K" 550 660 6 950.00 1050.00 1150.00 7' \%" 8' 1" T 3K" 73^x67^ 20 6' 1" 550 660 Capacity, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size No. Size of Driving Pulley Inside Meas. of Dust Spout Fan Opening CAPACITY IN BUSHELS PER HOUR Shipping Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Wheat Fine Wheat Medium Wheat Coarse Corn or Barley Fine Barley Coarse Depth Width Weight Volume Inches Inches Screens Screens Screens Oats Screens Screens Pounds Cu. Ft. 2 8x5 14 14 120 200 400 300 100 200 2000 2500 242 3 10x6 14 22^ 180 300 600 450 150 300 2500 3090 310 4 12x6 14 22^ 300 500 1000 750 250 500 2800 3425 346 s 12x6 14 26^ 450 750 1500 1200 350 750 3500 4160 369 6 12 x6^ 14 26X 600 1000 2000 1500 500 1000 4000 4710 420 The Monarch All-Steel Compound Shake Double Receiving Separator With Two Fans Price, Dimensions and Speed PRICE Ball Ball Height Height Motion Motion Size No. Ball Bearing Eccentrics No Brush Bearing Eccentrics with Brush on all Bearings on Fan and Drive Shafts and with Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Size on Floor Inches to Center of Driving Pulley Inches to Where Grain Enters of Shaker Shaft R.P.M. of Fan Shaft R.P.M. Screens Brushes 7 $1200.00 $1340.00 $1450.00 7' IK" 8' 1" 7' 11" 73^x75 20 6' 1" 550 660 8 1400.00 1550.00 1660.00 7' 5" 8' 4^" 8' 6" 75^x81 20 6' 4" 550 660 9 1600.00 1750.00 1875.00 7' 5" 8' 4K" 9' 0" 75^x87 20 6' 4" 550 640 10 1800.00 1960.00 2100.00 7' 5" 8' 4^" 9' 6" 75^x93 20 6' 4" 550 640 1 Dimensions, Weight and Capacity Size No. Size of Driving Pulley Inches Inside Meas. of Dust Spout Fan Opening CAPACITY IN BUSHELS PER HOUR Shipping Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Wheat Fine Screens Wheat Medium Screens Wheat Coarse Screens Corn or Oats Barley Fine Screens Barley Coarse Screens Depth Inches Width Inches Weight Pounds Volume Cu. Ft. 7 12 x6X 14 14 750 1250 2500 2000 650 1250 4500 5260 456 8 12 x6X 14 15# 900 1500 3000 2500 800 1500 5000 5830 529 9 16x7^ 14 17 1050 1750 3500 3000 900 1750 5500 6370 560 10 16x7^ 14 18 1200 2000 4000 3500 1100 2000 6000 6910 590 104 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Compound Shake Double Milling Separator With Two Fans Style "F" The Monarch Compound Shake Double Milling Separator with Two Fans A Milling Separator should be included in the equipment of the cleaning department of every mill and used, if possible, both for preparing the wheat for the scourers and for making the final separations after these machines have finished their work. The Monarch Compound Shake Double Milling Separator was designed to perform these preliminary and final operations with the greatest possible economy and efficiency and we are glad to be able to make the statement that it has in no way been a disappointment, either to us or to the large number of our clients who have it in use. It has every feature necessary or advisable to the perfect cleaning of grain. Two powerful fans provide for ample air separations and the Monarch Compound Shake eliminates vibration and allows the grain to lie flat on the sieves, which are kept clean by the constant automatic action of the brush sieve cleaning device. Ball bearings in shake eccentrics aid in promoting light and noiseless running, points of advantage which are both economical and desirable. Workmanship and materials are Monarch quality throughout and results obtained are continuously satisfactory. Price, Dimensions and Capacity PRICE Size Number With Ball Bearing Eccentrics with With Ball Bearings on Pan and Drive Shafts with Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Size on Floor Inches Height to Center of Driving Pulley Inches Height to Where Grain Enters Capacity Bushels Per Hour Brushes Brushes 66 $ 764.00 $ 824.00 7' \%" 8' 1" 7' 11" 73X x 75 20 6' 1" 200 67 866.00 956.00 r s" 8' 4K" 8' 6" 75^x81 20 6' 4" 235 68 968.00 1028.00 T 5" 8' 4^" 9' 0" 75^x87 20 6' 4" 290 69 1070.00 1130.00 r 5" 8' 4j4" 9' 6" 75^x93 20 6' 4" 325 Dimensions, Speed and Weight Size Number Size Driving Pulley Inches Motion of Shaker Shaft R. P. M. Motion of Fan Shaft R. P. M. Inside Measure of Dust Spouts Fan Opening Shipping Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Depth Inches Width Inches Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 66 67 68 69 12 x6^ 12 x6K 16 x iy 2 16 x7> 550 550 550 550 660 660 640 640 14 14 14 14 14 15> 17 18tf 2850 3000 3200 3300 3610 3830 4070 4210 456 529 - 560 590 Sprout, Waldron <5r Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 105 The Monarch Compound Shake Double Milling Separator With One Fan Style "G The Monarch Compound Shake Double Milling Separator with One Fan The purchase of a Milling Separator should be a permanently profitable investment. Therefore, first cost should not be curtailed to any great extent, because the best and most complete equipment will eventually be the most satisfactory and economical. While the Monarch Double Milling Separator, illustrated above, is not the least expensive machine for the purpose on the market, it is eminently satisfactory and economical in operation and we can give it an unqualified recommendation as being a money-making investment. With the omission of one fan, this machine follows very closely the lines of the separator illustrated on page 104. It is equipped with the power saving and noise eliminating ball bearings in shake eccentrics and with the reciprocating compound drive which gives perfect balance and prevents vibration. Screens are of proper size for securing full capacity and high grade work and are kept clean by the auto- matic action of the Monarch Brush Sieve Cleaning Device. Price, Dimensions and Capacity PRICE Size Number With Ball Bearing Eccentrics With Ball Bearings on Fan and Drive Shafts with Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Size on Floor Inches Height to Center of Driving Pulley Inches Height to Where Grain Enters Capacity Bushels Per Hour with Brush Brushes 61 $320.00 $375.00 6' 7^" 7' 8" 4' 9" 64 K x 39 18 5' 2" 60 62 374.00 435.00 6' 9" 8' 1" 5' 8" 73^x48 20 5' 8X" 75 63 458.00 518.00 6' 9" 8' 1" 6' 4" 73>^ x 54 20 51 \/ll O/2 90 64 560.00 620.00 6' 9" 8'i" 6' 9" 73^x61^ 20 5' 8X" 120 65 662.00 722.00 7' IX" 8' 1" 7' 3^" 73^x67^ 20 6' 1" 160 Dimensions, Speed and Weight Size Number Size Driving Pulley Inches Motion of Shaker Shaft R. P. M. Motion of Fan Shaft R. P. M. Inside Measure of Dust Spout Fan Opening Shipping Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Depth Inches Width Inches Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 61 62 63 64 65 8x5 10 X 6 12 x 6 12 x 6 12 x6> 550 550 550 550 550 660 660 660 660 660 14 14 14 14 14 14 2iy 2 22K 26^ 26X 1050 1550 1750 2200 2500 1550 2140 2375 2860 3210 242 310 346 369 420 106 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Style "H The Monarch Single Shoe Milling Separator Style "J" The Monarch Double Milling Separator The Monarch Single Shoe Milling Separator The simplicity, strength, durability, running balance and efficiency, which are marked features of the Monarch Single Shoe Milling Separator, have gained for it a reputation which makes a lengthy description of it unnecessary. We wish, however, to call attention to the most important points in its construction, viz., the counterbalanced eccentric shaft and the ball bear- ings in the shake eccentrics, two features which insure noiseless light running; the unusually powerful suction controlled by rolling valves and the wide hopper which supplies the entire width of the upper sieve with a thin sheet of grain. This machine enables the accomplishment of particularly high class work, occupies a compara- tively small amount of floor space, consumes a minimum amount of power and has proved to be a money maker wherever installed. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Size Number 60 Price With Ball Bearing Eccentrics $150.00 With Ball Bearings on Fan and Drive Shafts. 200.00 Extreme Height- 5' 9" Extreme Length 6' 4K" Extreme Width 3' 7" Size on Floor 54x27^" Height to Center of Driving Pulley Height to Where Grain Enters Capacity, Bushels per Hour Size Driving Pulley Motion Shaker Shaft, Revolutions per Minute Motion Fan Shaft, Revolutions per Minute Size Fan Opening 11x11" Shipping Weight 700 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 1050 Ibs. Volume... ...132 cu. ft. The Monarch Double Milling Separator The separator illustrated herewith is built with the Monarch Compound Shake which insures steadi- ness of operation and allows the grain to lie flat on the sieves. It has a full complement of air separa- tions, is correct in design and carefully built, and has every feature necessary for the satisfactory cleaning of the grain after it has passed through the receiver. Number 1 machine is built with single shoe; larger sizes with double shoe. 17" 4' 9" 25 7x4" 550 690 Prices, Dimensions Weights, Speed, Etc. Size Number Price Without Cleaner Price With Auto- matic Screen Cleaners OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Size of Pulley Inches S 13 . ^ d Floor to Center of Pulley, In. Height to Grain Entrance Fan Opening Inches Sq. Feet Wilson Dust Coll'r Req. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Hght. Width Length Weight Pounds Volume Cu. Ft. 1 2 3 4 5 $ 165.00 190.00 240.00 315.00 390.00 $200.00 230.00 290.00 380.00 470.00 5' 7" 6' 7" 6' 7" 6' 7" 7'0" 3' 6" 4' 7" 5' 7" 6' 1" 6' 7" 6' 11' 7' 11' 8' 5' 8' 5' 8' 5' 7x4 8x5 10x6 12x6 12x6 550 550 550 550 550 17 22 23 23 23 4' 4" 4' 10" 5' 2" 5' 6" 5' 8" llxll# 14x14 14x22 K 14x22 # 14x26 M 95 150 240 280 300 30 140 200 275 400 600 945 1250 1500 1600 1150 1625 2300 2750 2950 154 280 445 ' 570 650 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U, S. A. 107 The Monarch Horizontal Wheat and Buckwheat Scourer Single Type, With or Without Shoe Style "A" The Monarch Horizontal Wheat and Buckwheat Scourer Showing Single Type with Shoe Durability and efficiency are the pre-eminent features of this machine, but a glance at the cut will show that a symmetrical and compact construction has not been forgotten. The Monarch is a perfect scouring machine, with a scientific method of ventilation, well balanced air separations and an unequalled scouring mechanism. The Buckwheat Scourer is slightly different in construction but the standard of quality _ is maintained. No shoe is necessary when used in connection with a Gravel Separator. Machine will be furnished with self- oiling or ball bearings as desired. Price, Dimensions and Weight PRICE OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS || BOXED FOR EXPORT 1 .Q With Shoe Without Shoe Size of Driving Pulley Inches BO O 'g (U >. *" ill die . B L SI*. 8 o&< V 1 bc*^ ** I Width Length " 60 fJl Size on Floor Inches M 111 11 5 PH ^ ' ^ ^^ _c *2 r* *rt O hi. O "3 3 352; SfJHOw OAffl OTiSf*! W W^w fe"oi-i W^&H Pd< >0 $175.00 $150.00 8x4 8x10 20 700 500 5' 0" 4' 6" 3' 8" 6' 0" 23 57x21 X 640 1031 122 i 200.00 175.00 8x5 10x11 30 650 500 5' 8" 4' 9" 4' 1 Y*" 6' 10f" 26 68x24 700 1177 163 2 225.00 200.00 8x6 10x11 45 650 500 5' 8' 4' 9" 4' 1 %" 8' 2' 26 74x24 950 1453 174 3 250.00 220.00 10x6 11x11 60 600 325 5' 10' 5' 0" 4' 9" 8' 11' 25 % 87x29 X 1100 1637 194 4 300.00 260.00 12x6 11x11 80 600 325 5' 10' 5' 0" 4' 9' 9' 10' 25 # 100x29 J^ 1250 1841 221 5 350.00 300.00 12x7 11x11 100 550 325 6' 4' 5' 5" 5' 1' 8' 11' 28 87x33 1500 2450 288 6 400.00 350.00 12x7 12x12 150 550 300 6' 4' 5' 5" 5' 1' 9' 5' 28 95x33 1800 2780 303 7 450.00 400.00 14x6 # 12x12 200 550 300 6' 4' 5' 5" 5' 1' 9' 10' 28 100x33 2200 3200 316 8 500.00 425.00 14x7 12x12 250 550 300 6' 10' 5' 11" 5' 6' 8' 11' 30 87x37 2400 3450 336 9 600.00 525.00 13x13 325 500 300 6' 10' 5' 11" 5' 6' 9' 7' 30 96x37 2800 3900 360 10 700.00 600.00 14x8 13x13 400 500 300 6' 10' 5' 11" 5' 6' 9' 10^" 30 100x37 3200 4350 370 Prices of the Monarch Horizontal Scourer with Ball Bearings Size No. With Shoe Without Shoe. Size No. 1 With Shoe Without Shoe. Size No. 2 With Shoe Without Shoe. Size No. 3 With Shoe Without Shoe. Size No. 4 With Shoe Without Shoe. Size No. 5 With Shoe Without Shoe. .$200.00 . 175.00 . 225.00 . 200.00 . 250.00 . 225.00 . 280.00 . 250.00 . 340.00 . 300.00 . 390.00 . 340.00 Size No. 6 With Shoe $445.00 Without Shoe 395.00 Size No. 7 With Shoe... 500.00 Without Shoe 450.00 Size No. 8 With Shoe... 550.00 Without Shoe 475.00 Size No. 9 With Shoe 655.00 Without Shoe --- 580.00 Size No. 10-With Shoe 760.00 Without Shoe 660.00 108 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Horizontal Wheat Scourer Double Type, With or Without Shoe The same desirable efficiency found in the Monarch Single Scourer is maintained in this machine and nothing has been overlooked, either in material or workmanship, that could add to its durability. It is furnished either with two scouring cases, or with one scour- ing case and one brush case, as, desired. The shoe is counter-balanced to eliminate vibration and has a fine and a coarse screen which eliminate everything of a foreign nature before the wheat goes to the cylinder. Style "B The Monarch Horizontal Wheat Scourer Showing Double Type with Shoe Price, Dimensions, Weight, Volume, Etc. _^ K PRICE Size of bo S 3*21 m o o rt OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Weight EXPORT ll With Shoe Without Shoe Pulley Inches 2 15x12 550 28^ 5' 2" 9' 0" 8' 3" 5' 1" 9' 5" 3000 4250 430 6 650.00 610.00 14x7 15x12 550 28^ 5' 2" 9' 0" 8' 3" 5' 1" 9' 5" 3200 4450 430 7 750.00 675.00 14x7 # 15x12 550 28^ 5' 2" 9'0" 8' 3" 5' 1" 9' 5" 3400 4650 430 8 850.00 775.00 16x6 15x12 500 30 5' 10X" 9' 8" 8' 10" 5' 9" 9' 7" 3800 5250 532 9 950.00 885.00 16x7 16x13 500 30 5' 10X" 9' 8" 8' 10" 5' 9" 9' 11" 4000 5500 550 Prices of the Monarch Double Scourer with Ball Bearings Size No. With Shoe. _. $340.00 Without Shoe. Size No. 1 With Shoe.__. Without Shoe- Size No. 2 With Shoe Without Shoe- Size No. 3 With Shoe Without Shoe- Size No. 4 With Shoe Without Shoe- Size No. 5 With Shoe $660.00 315.00 Without Shoe 610.00 385.00 Size No. 6 With Shoe 740.00 360.00 Without Shoe 700.00 430.00 Size No. 7 With Shoe 850.00 400.00 Without Shoe . - - 775.00 480.00 Size No. 8 With Shoe 950.00 450.00 Without Shoe 875:00 580.00 Size No. 9 With Shoe 1060.00 530.00 Without Shoe.. 995.00 Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 109 The Monarch Two High Horizontal Close Scouring and Sepa- rating Machine Style "AA" Built in Ten Sizes The Monarch Two Pair High, a type of scourer which is rapidly growing in popularity, is a well built machine and special care has been taken to make it durable. Each of the two scouring cylinders is provided with a fan, ample ventilation and air separations have been provided and nothing has been omitted from either the design or construction which would pro- mote efficiency. The advantage of having a machine which will give two complete scourings while occupying the small floor space of one machine, can readily be appreciated. Price, Dimensions, Etc. Style "AA" The Monarch Two High Horizontal Close Scouring and Separating Machine Size Number Price With Shoe Price Without Shoe OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Floor Space Occupied Inches Floor to Center of Pulley on Lower Machine, Inches Extreme Height With Shoe Extreme Length Extreme Width $ 325.00 $300.00 11' 0' 6' 0" 3' 8" 57 x 21K 23 1 375.00 350.00 11' 11' 6' 10K" 4' W 68 x24 26 2 425.00 400.00 11' 11' 8' 2' 4' \%" 74 x24 26 3 470.00 440.00 12' 4' 8' 11' 4' 9' 87 x 29^ 25^ 4 560.00 520.00 12' 4' 9' 10' 4' 9' 100 x 29^ 25^ 5 650.00 600.00 13' 3' 8' 11' 5' 1' 87 x33 28 6 750.00 700.00 13' 3' 9' 5' 5' 1' 95 x33 28 7 850.00 800.00 13' 3' 9' 10' 5' 1' 100 x 33 28 8 925.00 850.00 14' 3' 8' 11' 5' 6' 87 x37 30 9 1000.00 925.00 14' 3' 9' 7' 5' 6' 96 x37 30 Speed, Capacity, Weight, Etc. INSIDE MEASURE OF DUST SPOUT Size Number Size of Drive Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Net Weight Pounds Fan Opening Deep Fan Opening Wide Inches Inches 8x5 700 8 10 20 1280 1 9x6 650 10 11 30 1400 2 10x6 650 10 11 45 1900 3 10x6 600 11 11 60 2200 4 12 x 6 600 11 11 80 2500 5 14 x 7 . 600 11 11 100 3000 6 14 x 7 550 12 12 150 3600 7 14x7 550 12 12 200 4400 8 16x7 550 12 12 250 4800 9 16x8 500 13 13 325 5600 For Gross Export Weights and Volumes, Double Figures given for same size numbers of One High Scouring and Separating Machines on page 107. Prices of the Monarch Two High Scourer with Ball Bearings Size No. 5 With Shoe... . $ 730.00 Size No. With Shoe.. . $375.00 Without Shoe. Size No. 1 With Shoe Without Shoe- Size No. 2 With Shoe.... Without Shoe- Size No. 3 With Shoe Without Shoe. Size No. 4 With Shoe Without Shoe. 350.00 425.00 400.00 475.00 450.00 530.00 500.00 640.00 600.00 Without Shoe 680.00 Size No. 6 With Shoe 840.00 Without Shoe 790.00 Size No. 7 With Shoe 950.00 Without Shoe 900.00 Size No. 8 With Shoe 1025.00 Without Shoe 950.00 Size No. 9 With Shoe 1110.00 Without Shoe 1035.00 110 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Horizontal Brush Machine Style "C" The Monarch Horizontal Brush Machine We have absolute confidence in this machine as a complete and efficient finisher for wheat before grinding. It cleans and aspirates the grain in a perfect manner and removes not only the grease dirt, but all smut balls, screenings, dust and other impurities. The same first-class materials and construction will be found in this machine as in all others of the Monarch Line. Size, Price, Dimensions and Weight PRICE Size of Size of Capa- OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Floor to Center BOXED FOR EXPORT b ID .0 S N 3 With Shoe Without Shoe Driving Pulley Inches Open- ing Inches Per Hour Bush. -o . Height With Shoe Height Without Shoe Width Length of Driving Pulley, Inches Floor Inches 3! 11 3 si l! oiis we! ^o< ptft >0 $175.00 $150.00 8x4 8x10 20 700 5' 0" 4' 6" 3' 8" 6' 0" 13 57x21 X 640 1031 122 1 200.00 175.00 8x5 10x11 30 650 5' 8' 4' 9" 4' IX" 6' 10 K" 26 68x24 700 1177 163 ? 225.00 200.00 8x6 10x11 45 650 5' 8' 4' 9" 4' 1 %" 8' 2" 26 74x24 950 1453 174 3 250.00 220.00 10x6 11x11 60 600 5' 10' 5' 0" 4' 9' 8' 11" 25 % 87x29 # 1100 1637 194 4 300.00 260.00 12x6 11x11 80 600 5' 10' 5' 0" 4' 9' 9' 10" 25 % 100x29 Y* 1250 1841 221 5 350.00 300.00 12x7 11x11 100 550 6' 4' 5' 5" 5' 1' 8' 11" 28 87x33 1500 2450 288 6 400.00 350.00 12x7 12x12 150 550 6' 4' 5' 5" 5' 1' 9' 5" 28 95x33 1800 2780 303 7 450.00 400.00 14x6^4 12x12 200 550 6' 4' 5' 5" 5' 1' 9' 10" 28 100x33 2200 3200 316 8 500.00 425.00 14x7 12x12 250 550 6' 10' 5' 11" 5' 6' 8' 11" 30 87x37 2400 3450 336 Prices of Brush Machines with Ball Bearings Size No. With Shoe $200.00 Without Shoe 175.00 Size No. 1 With.Shoe 225.00 Without Shoe 200.00 Size No. 2 With Shoe 250.00 Without Shoe 225.00 Size No. 3 With Shoe... 280.00 Without Shoe 250.00 Size No. 4 -With Shoe 340.00 Without Shoe 300.00 Size No. 5 With Shoe. ...$390.00 Without Shoe 340.00 Size No. 6 With Shoe 445.00 Without Shoe - 395.00 Size No. 7 With Shoe 500.00 Without Shoe 45,0.00 Size No. 8 With Shoe - 550.00 Without Shoe... 475.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Ill Standard Iron Prince Scourers Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size Number Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour Extreme Height Height to Grain Entrance Diameter of Base I&eJJ IS!* Cuj u ts OH OCQPQ '!** 3Z% _, 7 12x 5 650 to 30 1400 to 1800 2124 99 25 700 1600 2 235.00 30 to 7'0" 7'0" 465 15/4 16x 6 580 to 30 1500 to 2300 2660 112 50 620 1800 2/4 305.00 40 to 7' 6" 7' 6" 550 16 18x 6 510 to 35 1000 to 2800 3268 158 65 550 1200 3 360.00 80 to 7' 3" 7' 3" 640 17 20x 6 480 to 35 1200 to 3000 3468 171 100 530 1400 3/4 430.00 100 to 7' 9" 7' 9" 740 17/4 22x 7 420 to 35 1400 to 3300 3840 195 140 460 1700 4 495.00 160 to 7' 9" 7' 9" 865 18^4 24x 8 400 to 40 1200 to 4000 4540 208 200 440 1400 5 625.00 250 to 8' 4" 8' 4" 1015 19/4 28x10 350 to 40 1400 to 5100 5784 286 280 375 1600 6 800.00 300 to 9' 6" 9' 6" 1190 22 34x10 300 to 45 '1200 to 6900 7836 459 350 320 1400 7 1000.00 400 to 10' 0" 10' 0" 1475 30 36x12 270 to 50 1200 to 8850 9858 506 500 285 1300 The Double Tightener The Double Tightener is used when driving the Iron Prince Scourer from a horizontal shaft located either above or below the scourer. It is made with large pulleys and bearings of ample diameter and length. Tightener No. Length and Width Over All, Inches Pulleys Inches Weight Pounds Price 29x21 8 and 10 x 5^4 200 $24.00 1 29x21 8 and 10 x 6K 200 26.00 2 32x26 10 and 12 x 6>? 250 28.00 1% 32x26 10 and 12 x 7^ 275 30.00 3 34x28 12 and 14 x 7K 375 32.00 3M 41 x28 14 and 16 x 8^ 400 34.00 4 43 x 28 16 and 18 x 8^ 500 36.00 5 49x30 18 and 20x11^ 550 42.00 6 - 54 x 35 20 and 23x11^ 675 48.00 7 56x35 22 and 25 x 12^ 725 52.00 NOTE The number or size of tightener corresponds with number of scourer. 112 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Scalping Shoe with Feeding Device The Style "A" machine was de- signed for scalping shelled corn and other grain. It is provided with a sand screen which separates this as well as any other undesirable materials from the grain. The machine is also supplied with feeding device which causes the grain to be evenly distributed over the sur- face of the screen. This machine will be found a very efficient medium for removing foreign substances from grain before grinding. Style "A" The Monarch Scalping Shoe with Feeding Device Price, Dimensions, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size Number Price Height Inches Length Inches Width Inches Sieve Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Shipping Weight Pounds Boxed for Export Weight Pounds Volume Cu.Ft. 1 2 $40.00 45.00 50.00 36 39 44 50 59 72 26 38 48 32 x!2 38Kx24 50,^x34 6x2 6x3 8x3 600 550 550 130 190 240 330 490 640 28 50 88 The Monarch Scalping Shoe This is a very valuable agent for removing sand and other un- desirable materials from shelled corn, and may also be used for bolting corn meal. The sieves are fur- nished with any size perforations desired and can be changed without trouble or delay. The machine is inexpensive, efficient and carefully constructed throughout. Style "B" The Monarch Scalping Shoe Price, Dimensions, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size No. Price Height Inches Length Inches Width Inches Sieve Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Shipping Weight Pounds Box'd for Export Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 1 $30.00 25 59 35X 8}4 x 24 and 24 x 30 6x3 550 80 200 24, 2 40.00 30 72 45^ 8^ x 34 and 34 x 42 8x3 550 135 335 47 3 50.00 32 80 six 10 x 42 and 42 x 48 8x4 550 200 600 75 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 113 The Monarch Single Sieve Scalping Shoe A very well built and useful machine at a moderate cost. Particularly useful in scalping or grading corn goods, but adapted to handling grain, cereals, seeds, etc. It requires no attention, very little power to operate and is positive and efficient in its action. We will furnish this shoe with or without fan and with or without sieve cleaning device, as desired. Style "C" The Monarch Single Sieve Scalping Shoe Price, Dimensions, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size No. PRICE Additional Price with Fan OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Size of Sieve Inches Speed R. P. M. Size of Driving Pulley Inches Shipping Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT With Cleaning Device Without Cleaning Device Height Inches Length Inches Width Inches Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 1 2 3 $125.00 175.00 220.00 $ 90.00 135.00 180.00 $45.00 50.00 50.00 46 46 46 80 80 80 54 66 78 72 x36 72x48 72x60 500 500 500 7x3 7x3^ 7x4 450 500 550 1000 1100 1200 115 141 167 The Monarch Scalping Cylinder The illustration shows a very con- venient machine for use in feed mil- ling plants; a rough cleaner which is preferable in many ways to the ordi- nary feed screen. It can be installed either on or below the floor and gives very good results in removing chaff, silk, husks and pieces of cob from the corn before it is sent to the grinding machinery. We recommend this scalper, not only in respect to the quality of the work per- formed by it, but also as being a well built and serviceable machine with an almost unwearable cylinder of perfor- ated sheet steel .and iron spiders and hoops. It requires no attention ex- cept occasional lubrication and requires a very insignificant amount of power. Style "D" The Monarch Scalping Cylinder Price, Dimensions, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size Number 2 Price Cylinder with Frame and Counter- shaft Drive $140.00 Cylinder Without Frame and Countershaft Drive- Extreme Height. Extreme Width.. Extreme Length . Size on Floor_ . . 100.00 60" 44" 89" 37^x71" Size of Cylinder Diameter Length Floor to Center of Shaft Size of Pulley Speed of Countershaft, R. P. M. Speed of Cylinder, R. P. M Shipping Weight Boxed for Export Weight Volume 12x4" 75 25 600 Ibs. .1175 Ibs. .136 cu. ft. Price for other sizes furnished on application. 114 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Grader and Separator This is a most desirable type of machine for handling poultry food, cracked corn, etc. It is Monarch built throughout and the interchangeable sieves make it adapt- able for a variety of purposes. Style "K" The Monarch Grader and Separator Price, Dimensions, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size Number Price Extreme Height Inches Extreme Width Inches Extreme Length Inches Size on Floor Inches Floor to Center of Shaft Inches Size Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Shipping Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 1 2 3 $125.00 150.00 175.00 39 39 39 38 40 45 59 65 71 29 x41K 30 x47> 35Kx53^ 12 # n# MX 6x2^ 6x3 8 x3 600 600 600 325 400 475 810 950 1100 68 84 100 The Monarch Improved Rolling Screen The Monarch Improved Rolling Screen On its way to the rolls, clean grain will accumulate more or less dust from spouts, conveyors, etc. The Rolling Screen is indispensable in removing this and preventing it from getting into the flour. The Monarch has a large fan, perfect ventilation and an effective air separation. The case or screen is made of steel in removable sections. A conveyor running the full length of the machine underneath takes care of the dirt removed. Size, Price, Speed, Capacity, Etc. Size Number Price Size of Cylinder Inches Height to Feed Spout Height Center of Fan Shaft Speed R. P. M. Size of Pulley Inches Capacity Per Hour Bushels $175.00 22 x40 3' 7' 5' 1" 500 8x3 30 1 200.00 22 x50 3' 7' 5' 3" 500 8x3 45 2 220.00 22x56 3' 7' 5' 5" 500 8x3 60 3 260.00 26x56 3' 9' 5' 11" 500 8x4 80 4 300.00 30x56 4' 1' 6' IK" 500 8x4 100 5 350.00 34x56 4' 5' 6' 6" 500 10 x 4 150 6 450.00 38x56 4' 8' 7' 1" 500 10 x 4 250 7 575.00 42 x56 5' 3' 8' 0" 500 12 x 4 350 8 750.00 46 x 56 5' 4' 8' 4" 500 12 x4' 450 Dimensions, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size Size on Weight BOXED FC R EXPORT Number Height Floor Pounds Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 5' 9' 6' 8' 4' 8"x2' 5' 600 890 93 1 7' 2' 6' 8' 6' 2"x2' 5' 750 1100 116 2 7' 1' 6' 5' 6' 2"x2' 2' 800 1115 99 3 7'!' 7' 0' 6' 2"x2' 9' 900 1280 137 4 7' 4' 7' 8' 6' 3"x3' 3' 1250 1695 183 5 7' 5' 8' 9' 6' 4"x3' 3' 1400 1900 211 6 7' 5' 9' 5' 6' 4"x3' 11' 1700 2275 274 7 7' 5' 9' 11' 6' 11" x 4' 3' 1900 2525 313 8 7' 5' 10' 2' 6'll"x4' 7' 2100 2770 346 Sprout, Waldron 6- Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 115 The Monarch Receiving and Scalping Shoe The Monarch Receiving and Scalping Shoe, here illustrated, is a strong, heavily built machine, designed for use where large capacity or contin- uous hard service makes extraordinary durability desirable. The quantity of feed is controlled by a valve in the feed hopper and uniform delivery of the grain to the upper sieve is obtained by the action of the non-chokable vibratory feeder. Best grade steel is used in the eccentric shaft which is of large diameter and carefully turned to the requisite size. The counterbalance wheels on this shaft are accurately placed to prevent any vibration by the eccentrics which are brass lined, adjustable and lubricated through compression- oil cups. The shoe is constructed so as to permit the equipment of either top or bottom sieve with traveling brush cleaners at any time. All sieves are interchangeable, thus giving the machine a wide range of utility. When so desired and ordered, we will build the Monarch with aspirating leg and fan, quoting prices for this construction on application. The Monarch Receiving and Scalping Shoe Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Speed and Volume 6 B 2 w ~w 21 22 23 24 PRICES Extreme Dimensions K8 "J3 2 ac fcWl-H 5"o S&.SS? .S'c.^ra 0fe $110.00 150.00 190.00 250.00 285.00 $132.00 180.00 228.00 300.00 340.00 $154.00 210.00 266.00 350.00 399.00 3' 8" 4'1" 4' 7" 4' 8" 5' 0" 5' 1" 5' 10" 6' 7" 7' 8" 9' 0" 3' 9' 4' 9' 5' 7' 6' 9' 7' 10' 38x57 50x65 61x75 72x81 85x98 I'O" 1'4" 1'8" 2'0" 2' 2" 3' 8" 4'1" 4' 7" 4' 8" 5'0" 600 600 600 600 600 5x3 X 6x3 % 6x3 y t 10x3}^ 10x3^ 60 180 450 750 900 200 600 1500 2500 3000 150 450 1200 2000 2500 400 650 900 1300 1500 760 1150 1550 2150 2590 70 113 169 242 353 The Monarch Buckwheat Gravel Separator By using the Monarch Buckwheat Gravel Separator, every substance can be removed from the buckwheat that would be detrimental to the quality of the flour. When it is used in conjunction with a scourer the use of a shoe on the latter is unnecessary and the two machines in combination make a perfect appar- atus for cleaning, scouring and polishing the grain. The Separator is easy to operate and by making a slight change in the speed and the strength of the air current it may be used as a wheat stoner. Jt has always given satisfac- tion both as to construction and durability and the quality of its product. The Monarch Buckwheat Gravel Separator Prices, Dimensions, Capacities, Weights, Volumes, Etc. Size No. Price Floor to Center Drive Shaft, In. Size of Fan Opening Inches Speed of Fan R.P.M. Size of Pulley Inches Capac'y Per Hour Bushels OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Size on Floor Inches Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Inches Width Inches Length Inches Weight Lbs. Volume Cu.Ft. 1 2 3 $150.00 200.00 250.00 15 15 15 8 x 8> 8x 13 8 x 18# 600 600 600 7x4 8x4 8x5 50 100 200 52^ 52^ 52 ^ 37 48 60 56 56 56 49 x 27 49 x38 49 x 49 440 600 720 670 860 1020 62 71 103 116 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. The Monarch Cracked Corn Separators FOR several years there has been an increasing demand for clean, uniform, marketable grades of cracked corn, a commodity which, until a comparatively short time ago, was used just as it came from the burr or rolls, without any attempt being made to remove the uncracked kernels, meal or bran from it. In undertaking to provide a machine for cleaning, separating and grading, we found that these operations combined, presented many more complications than are entailed in any grain cleaning process and that it would be necessary to design and construct a machine expressly for the purpose. This we did, and the Monarch Cracked Corn Separators described and illustrated on the following pages machines which are widely and well known and deservedly popular with the trade are witnesses to the fact that our work was well done. While there are minor differences in the construction of the various separators listed and while each model is offered in both wood and iron construction, operation is practically the same throughout the entire line and results are identical, each machine producing three distinct grades of clean cracked corn, making a scalping of foreign materials and a tailing of bran and one of meal. This operation is briefly described as follows: In entering the machine through the regulating feed box, the cracked corn is exposed to a powerful air suction which removes all dust from it and thus makes subsequent operations free from what would otherwise be a decided nuisance. A corrugated roll distributes it in a thin even stream over the full surface of a scalping sieve and here the gross foreign materials and uncracked kernels are removed. The top half of the sieve over which the product next passes, takes out the grits and fine meal and the bottom part removes the second grade of cracked corn. The coarse cracked corn tails through a strong air suction and is carried off and discharged from the machine by means of a conveyor. The first part of the second or lower sieve separates the meal from the grits and the second part takes out the third grade of cracked corn, allowing the second grade to tail over into an air leg. The third and last grade of cracked corn is carried by means of a conveyor, to the side of the machine, where it is discharged. The meal which is separated by these operations is carried off by a conveyor in the same manner. The details of construction, which, as we have previously stated, differ to some extent, will be found in the following pages, accompanying the illustration and data concerning each individual machine. We invite a careful perusal of descriptions and study of data, feeling that we have pro- vided for every requirement for the successful, economical and profitable separating and grading of cracked corn. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. 117 The Monarch Cracked Corn Separator and Grader With Two Fans Style "A" The Monarch Cracked Corn Separator and Grader Two Fans Every point in the construction of the separator shown in the illustration aids in making it both durable and efficient. We build this machine in three sizes, equipped with two shoes working side by side, which by their recipro- cating motion and even weight form a perfect counterbalance. Shake eccentrics are ball bearing and sieves are automatically cleaned by the Automatic Traveling Brush Screen Cleaning Device. Ample screen surface, coupled with the action of two fans, aids in the production of absolutely clean and uniform grades. Prices and Dimensions PRICE Height to 1 XI 08 5 2 w With Ball Bearing Eccentric With Ball Bearings on Fan and Drive Shafts Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Size on Floor Inches Driving Pulley Inches Where Grain Enters 11 $ 900.00 $ 970.00 6' 11" 7' 11" 9' 1" 106^ x 66 24^ 6' 4" 13 1000.00 1080.00 6' 11" 7' 11" 10' 1" 116# x66 24^ 6' 4" 15 1100.00 1180.00 6' 11" 7' 11" 10' 7" 122X x 66 24^ 6' 4" Dimensions, Capacity and Weights Size Number Size of Driving Pulley Inches Inside Measure of Dust Spout Fan Opening Motion of Shaker Shaft R. P. M. Motion of Fan Shaft R. P. M. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Shipping Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Depth Inches Width Inches Weight Pounds Volume Cu. Feet 11 14 x iy 2 14 12 500 825 210 3800 5150 497 13 14 x7>4 14 14 500 825 275 4200 5650 552 15 16 x7X 14 15 500 825 300 4500 6000 580 118 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Cracked Corn Separator and Grader With One Fan The Monarch Cracked Corn Separator and Grader One Fan We devoted years of study and experiment to the perfection of the machine illustrated herewith and it has justified our efforts by attaining great popularity through its accurate results and long wearing qualities. It differs slightly from the separator described on the preceding page, inasmuch as it has but the one fan. Screens are made of the best grade of sheet steel, accurately perforated for best results and automatically cleaned by the bevel gear-driven brush attachment. Opposite eccentrics operate the two parallel shoes with a compensating motion which prevents vibration, and ball bearings in shake eccentrics make the Monarch light running and noiseless. The four sizes present a range of selection which covers every requirement. Machines will be equipped with ball bearings on the driving and fan shafts when so ordered. Prices and Dimensions Size No. PRICE Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Size on Floor Inches Height to Center of Driving Pulley Height to Where Grain With Ball Bearing With Ball Bearings on Fan Eccentric and Drive Inches Shafts 3 $360.00 $410.00 6' 1" r 6" 5' 5" 54 x 61X 18 5' 6^" 5 450.00 510.00 6' Z%" T 7" 6' y 2 " 60 x 63X 19# 5' iy 2 " 7 575.00 630.00 6' zy," T 7" T 1" 73 x 63 X 19X 5' 7^" 9 800.00 870.00 6' 10#" 7' 11" 8'0" 88^ x 66 20^ 6' 2" Dimensions, Capacity and Weights Size No. Size of Driving Pulley Inside Measure of Dust Spout Fan Opening Motion of Shaker Shaft R. P. M. Motion of Fan Shaft R. P. M. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Shipping Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Depth Width Weight Volume Inches Inches Pounds Cubic Feet 3 8x5 14 14 550 785 60 1350 2200 248 5 8x5 14 14 550 785 90 1485 2405 288 ' 7 8x6 14 18 550 785 120 2200 3250 335 9 12 x 6 14 22 550 750 185 2900 4150 438 Sprout, Waldrort & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 119 The Monarch Cracked Corn Sepa- rator and Grader With One Fan Illustration shows a separator which is very often preferred on account of its occupying less floor space by reason of one shoe being placed above the other. These shoes are each driven by two eccen- trics, the pairs working in opposite direc- tions, the throw of one reciprocating for that of the other and thus avoiding the transmission of vibration to the machine. Eccentrics are ball bearing, screens are automatically cleaned as noted in previ- ous descriptions and the single fan pro- vides ample and efficient aspiration. The two sizes have capacities which will meet the requirements of the small mill. If so desired, we will build this style of separator equipped with ball bearings on the fan and driving shafts. Style "C" The Monarch Cracked Corn Separator and Grader One Fan Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Etc. ^ _ size Number PRICE Ex- treme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Size on Floor Inches Height to Cen. Driving Pulley, In. Height to Where Grain Enters d "o S ^ ill Inside Measure of Dust Spouts Fan Opening Motion of Shaker Shaft R. P. M. Motion of Fan Shaft R. P. M. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Shipping Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT With Ball Bearing Eccentric With Ball Bearings on Fan and Drive Shafts Weight Pounds Volume Cu. Ft. Dpth. In. Wdth In. $200.00 250.00 $250.00 300.00 5' 7 K" 5' 10" 5' 10" 3' 10" 4' 4" 38x51 44x51 14 & 4' 10K" 4' 10 X" 7x4 7x4 11 11 n& 550 550 785 785 40 50 900 990 1450 1590| 126 143 The Monarch Garlic Separator This machine is guaranteed to remove 95 to 98 per cent of the garlic contained in the wheat. Any miller who is troubled with garlic in either his home wheat or foreign wheat will find this machine of great value. It decreases the cost of milling and removes the loss of trade resulting from flour tainted with garlic. This machine will also remove stones from wheat, weevil-eaten wheat from good wheat, adobe from wheat, groats from unhulled oats, unhulled rice from hulled rice and can be used for numerous other purposes. A variable-speed countershaft drive is furnished with each machine. By means of two chains hanging from the countershaft the speed can be varied or the machine started or stopped. The machine is also equipped with a device for quickly changing the pitch of the table so as to get the exact results desired. The Monarch Garlic Separator Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Etc. Compart- ments Price Decks Capacity Bushels Per Hour OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Speed Driving Pulley R. P. M. Size of Driving Pulley Inches Size Drive Pulley on Variable Speed Counter- shaft, In. Speed of Coun- tershaft R.P.M. Weight Pounds Height Length Width 12 18 24 36 51 $325.00 350.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 2 3 2 3 3 15-18 18-25 30-35 40-50 60-70 3' 8W 4' 0^" 4' 3X" 4' 7" 4' 7" r 9^" 7' 9X" 8' 6K" 8' W 11' 4" 5' 1#" 5' \%" 5' 9" 5' 9" 5' 9" 90-110 90-110 90-110 90-110 90-110 18 xsyt 18 x5>^ is x sy 2 18x5^ 18 x5^ 10 x 5^2 10 x 5^ 10 x 5^ 10 x 5> 10 x 5^ 200 200 200 200 200 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 120 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch All-Steel Cracked Corn Separator and Grader With Two Fans Style "D" The Monarch All-Steel Cracked Corn Separator and Grader Two Fans Greater durability under heavy duty and ability to prevent and withstand the effects of fire, are the cardinal points in the construction of the Monarch All-Steel Cracked Corn Separators, and our expectations in regard to these qualities have been greatly exceeded by these machines in every installation. In details of construction and operation, the two separators here described correspond respectively with the wood machines shown on pages 117 and 118. There is nothing on the market which can approach these separators in point of durability and efficiency in the satisfactory separation and grading of cracked corn. Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight, Etc. PRICE >> BOXED FOR J S 3 52 With Ball Bearing Eccentrics With Ball Bearings on Fan and Drive Shafts Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Size on Floor Inches Height to Cen of Driv'g Pull Inches Height to Where Grain Enters Size of Driving Pulley Inches Inside Measur of Fan Openin Inches Motion of Shaker Shaft R. P. M. ^IL S$* '%%*< Sfe*' Capacity Bushels Per Hour bo 111 -0|>- Wt On Weight Pounds . Volume Cubic Feet 11 $1500.00 $1600.00 6' 11" 7' 11" 9' 1" 106^x66 24>g 6' 4" 14x7^ 14x12 500 825 210 5000 6350 497 13 1600.00 1700.00 6' 11" 7' 11" 10' 1" 116^x66 24 yt 6' 4" 14x7 K 14x14 500 825 275 5500 6950 552 15 1700.00 1800.00 6' 11" 7' 11" 10' 7" 122Kx66 24X 6' 4" 16x7 X 14x15 500 825 300 6000 7500 580 The Monarch All-Steel Cracked Corn Separator and Grader With One Fan Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight, Etc. PRICE &>> M 0} bo i- ? BOXED FOR Size Number With Ball Bearing Eccentrics With Ball Bearings on Fan and Drive Shafts Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Size on Floor Inches Height to Cen of Driv'g Pull Inches Height to Where Grain Enters (5 "o >> m Inside Measu of Fan Openii Inches Motion of Shaker Shaft R. P. M. Motion of Fan Shaft R. P. M. Capacity Bushels Per Hour M C <-> at W^CL, si fl Volume Cubic Feet 3 $ 800.00 $ 875.00 6' 1" 7' 6" 5' 5" 54 x61^ 18 5'6K" 8x5 14x14 550 785 60 2850 3700 248 5 900.00 985.00 6' 3K" 7' 7" 6' % tr 60 x63 X 19 K 5' 7 >4" 8x5 14x14 550 785 90 3000 3950 288" 7 1000.00 1085.00 6' 3 %" 7' 7" T I" 73 x63K 19}4 5' 7 H" 8x6 14x18 550 785 120 4650 5700 335 9 1200.00 1300.00 6' 10 K" 7' 11" 8' 0" 88^x66 20 X 6' 2" 12x6 14x22 500 750 185 4800 6000 438 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 121 Style "B" The Monarch Double Aspirator The Monarch Double Aspirator Its use is two-fold: (1) to remove all light, fluffy and other objectionable material, leaving the grits or middlings pure, clean and free from all light, fine stock, and putting it into the best possible condition for grinding; (2) it has a drying effect, as the air current removes much moisture from the stock, making the process of reducing much easier and improving the keeping qualities of the products. Upon this idea along these lines The Monarch Double and Single Aspirator was constructed and met with im- mediate success from the first. The Feed Delivers the Grits or Middlings in a Thin, Uniform Stream into the Aspirating Legs This machine is provided with a reliable feed that delivers the grits or middlings in a thin, even stream into the aspirat- ing legs, which are provided with a series of adjustable slats to admit the air. The material to be aspirated falls on a series of oblique slats that cause the stock to turn over and on leaving the slats strikes an opposing surface, arresting the flow and scattering it into a spray in an opening through which the air current passes. It has a very powerful fan, and is provided with the necessary valves for controlling the strength of the air. Price, Dimensions, Weight, Speed and Capacity Height Height Size of BOXED FOR EXPORT Size No. PRICE Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width to Where Grain Enters to Center of Driving Pulley Driving Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Shipping Weight Pounds Weight Pounds Volume Cu. Feet 1 $175.00 6'0" 5' 1" 4' 10" 3' 8" 4' \W 8x3 575 600 1250 148 2 210.00 5' 8" 5' 1" 5' 10" 3' 8" 4' \y 2 " 8x3 575 700 1400 168 3 260.00 5' 8" 5' 1" i 6' 10" 3' 8" 4'1#" 8x4 575 800 1550 197 The Monarch Single Aspirator For Grain This Aspirator is undoubtedly the best all around machine for aspirating work of any kind. We have sold hundreds of them and every customer has been gratified with the work accomplished. Feed hopper is provided. This is equipped with gate valve to control quan- tity of grain fed into machine and also an oscillating feeder which distributes the grain evenly across the entire width of as- pirating leg. This leg is of extra length and its interior is built up with a series of deflecting shelves. As the grain drops through the suction leg it is repeatedly in- terrupted and each time the aspirating current renews its work. This arrange- ment provides for exceptionally effective aspirations. All internal parts which the grain comes in contact with are covered with sheet iron to give long service. A well built, compact and very superior Aspirator. Style "A" The Monarch Single Aspirator Price, Dimensions, Weight, Speed and Capacity Size No. Price Extreme Height Inches Extreme Length Inches Extreme Width Inches Height to Where Grain Enters Inches Height to Center of Drive Pulley Inches Size of Drive Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Capacity Bushels Per Hour M fii | Wt>0n BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight ' Volume Pounds Cu. Ft. 2 3 4 5 6 $100.00 105.00 110.00 128.00 137.00 40 47 53 61 68^ 28 35 42 50 57 41 49 60 68^ 76 32 36 39 46X 52 28 32^ 35^ 41X 47 5x3 6x3 6x3 7x3 8x3 600 600 600 600 600 20 to 50 50 to 100 100 to 300 300 to 600 600 to 1000 210 305 400 480 530 400 475 600 725 800 27 47 78 121 173 122 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Goose Neck Aspirator Single Goose Neck Aspirator Double Goose Neck Aspirator Our Goose Neck Aspirator has automatic roller feed, adjustable from outside of machine, giving operate complete control of amount of stock fed. Double machines have separate feed adjustments for each leg. The fan shaft runs in special self-oiling bearings with'oil shields. The fan is built within the frame of machine. Size, Dimensions, List Price, Etc. Size Inches EXTREME DIMENSIONS FAN Size Pulley Inches - List Price Length Inches Width Inches Height Inches Diameter Inches Width Blade Inches 12 Single 36 36 41 41 36 36 41 41 29 35 39 45 46 56 64 74 71 71 79 79 71 71 79 79 24 24 30 30 24 24 30 30 7 9 9 11 10 12 12 14 8x5 8x5 8x5 8x5 8x5 8x5 8x5 8x5 $ 85.00 100.00 115.00 130.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 16 20 24 " ... - ___ .:. 12 Double 16 20 24 A series of these aspirators may be installed and connected with one fan. Prices and drawings of such combinations will be furnished on application. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 123 The Monarch Revolving Disc Aspirator Style "C" Style "D" Single Machine with Fan Double Machine with Fan In milling for the highest qualities of wheat, corn and oat goods, it is necessary, in order that the finished product shall not be off in color or grade, to separate the bran, germ and other light impurities from it. The excellent results obtained in accomplishing this separation through the use of the Monarch Revolving Disc Aspirator, illustrated above, are due primarily to the manner in which every particle of the stock is sub- jected to the action of the air current. Passing through the spout and entering the inner cylinder, it falls upon a revolving disc and is thrown slightly upward and momentarily suspended in the air chamber in a thin wide stream. Here it is aspirated so effectually that all materials lighter than itself are drawn up through the air space and discharged, while the stock falls into the aspirator tip and can be disposed of as desired. This machine has proved to be a good investment wherever installed and is steadily growing in popularity among corn millers and manufacturers of wheat, corn and oat goods. Monarch Single Disc Aspirator With or Without Fan Price, Dimensions, Weight, Etc. Size Price V Ss 0fe 1 Sgl., without fan 1 Sgl.,withfan-.- 2 Sgl., without fan 2 Sgl., with fan 3 Sgl., without fan 3 Sgl., with fan 4 Sgl., without fan 4 Sgl., with fan 5 Sgl., without fan 5 Sgl., with fan $ 90.00 125.00 100.00 135.00 110.00 145.00 112.00 145.00 125.00 160.00 62 79 66 81 69 83 72 84 80 86 50 50 56 56 60 60 64 64 71 71 20 30 27 37 27 38 27 38 37 48 50 50 54 54 57 57 60 60 66 66 10 x iy* 6x6 10x2^ 8x6 10 x ly* 8x6 12x2^ 8x6 12x2^ 8x6 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 24 24 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 90 90 30 30 45 45 60 60 75 75 135 135 240 390 260 420 270 430 280 440 300 460 400 620 460 700 490 740 520 770 630 840 36 69 58 98 65 110 72 119 122 170 600 8^x11 600 10>4xl4 600 roKxi4 600 11 xlS 600 11 x!7 Monarch Double Disc Aspirator With Fan Price, Dimensions, Weight, Etc. Size Number Price Extreme Height Inches Extreme Length Inches Extreme Width Inches Height to Feed Inlet Inches Size of Driving Pulley Inches Size of Disc Inches Speed R.P.M. Fan Outlet Inches CAPACITY PER HOUR C 4J W 111 J3i O W^O, BOXED FOR EXPORT Oats or Corn Bu. Wheat Bu. Weight Lbs. Volume Cu.Ft. 1 2 3 4 5 $215.00 235.00 245.00 260.00 285.00 81 83 86 86 88 50 56 60 64 71 49 56 58 60 76 50 54 57 60 66 6x6 8x6 8x6 8x6 8x6 12 14 16 18 24 700 700 700 700 700 8^x11 10^x14 10^x14 11 x!5 11 x!7 40 60 80 100 180 60 90 120 150 270 510 620 720 830 970 830 980 1120 1250 1510 115 151 174 192 275 124 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Horizontal Corn Scourer Single Type With and Without Shoe Style "N" The Monarch Horizontal Cora Scourer Showing Single Type with Shoe The objection common to the majority of corn scourers, lies in the fact that beaters are employed in the performance of the scouring operation, thus causing an unnecessarily great amount of breakage and con- sequent loss of stock. In designing the Monarch Corn Scourer, shown in the illustration, our aim was to construct the cylinder in such a way as to prevent this breakage and the loss entailed thereby. Our efforts in this respect were entirely successful and we are ready to guarantee this machine for the production of the most economical and satis- factory results. Materials and construction are first class throughout; the scouring case is almost unwearable and air separations and ventilation are accomplished in the most scientific and approved manner. Size, Price, Dimensions and Weight Size Number PRICE Size of Driving Pulley Inches H -. C ai '32 nil CCfeOM Capacity Per Hour Bushels 0^ cun! 8 . * OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS o.fc'.S go* c- E S Size on Floor Inches III BOXED FOR EXPORT With Shoe Without Shoe Height with Shoe Height without Shoe Width Length W'g't Lbs. Vol. Cu. Feet $175.00 $150.00 8x4 8x10 20 500 5' 0" 4' 6" 3' 8" 6' 0" 23 57x21 # 640 1031 122 1 200.00 175.00 8x5 10x11 30 500 5' 8" 4' 9" 4' 1 X" 6' 10J<" 26 68x24 700 1177 163 2 225.00 200.00 8x6 10x11 45 500 5' 8" 4' 9" 4' 1 Y<" 8' 2' 26 74x24 950 1453 174 3 250.00 220.00 10x6 11x11 60 325 5' 10" 5' 0" 4' 9" 8' 11' 25 # 87x29 K 1100 1637 194 4 300.00 260.00 12x6 11x11 80 325 5' 10" 5' 0" 4' 9" 9' 10' 25 tf 100x29 tf 1250 1841 221 5 350.00 300.00 12x7 11x11 100 325 6' 4" 5' 5" 5' 1" 8' 11' 28 87x33 1500 2450 288 6 400.00 350.00 12x7 12x12 150 300 6' 4" 5' 5" 5' 1" 9' 5' 28 95x33 1800 2780 303 7 450.00 400.00 14x6^ 12x12 200 300 6' 4" 5' 5" 5' 1" 9' 10' 28 100x33 2200 3200 316 8 500.00 425.00 14x7 12x12 250 300 6' 10" 5' 11" 5' 6" 8' 11' 30 87x37 2400 3450 336 9 600.00 525.00 14x7 K 13x13 325 300 6' 10" 5' 11" 5' 6" 9' 7' 30 96x37 2800 3900 360 10 700.00 600.00 14x8 13x13 400 300 6' 10" 5' 11" 5' 6" 9' 10 X" 30 100x37 3200 4350 370 Prices of Horizontal Corn Scourers with Ball Bearings Size No. With Shoe '... . ...$200.00 Without Shoe ..175.00 Size No. 1 With Shoe . ... 225.00 Without Shoe ... . 200.00 Size No. 2 With Shoe 250.00 Without Shoe 225.00 Size No. 3 With Shoe . 280.00 Without Shoe 250.00 Size No. 4 With Shoe ... ... ..340.00 Without Shoe 300.00 Size No. 5 With Shoe . 390.00 Without Shoe 340.00 Size No. 6 With Shoe $445.00 Without Shoe 395.00 Size No. 7 With Shoe 500.00 Without Shoe 450.00 Size No. 8 With Shoe 550.00 Without Shoe 475.00 Size No. 9 With Shoe 655.00 Without Shoe SSO.Otf Size No. 10 With Shoe 760.00 Without Shoe ... 660.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 125 The Monarch Corn Cleaner This machine prepares shelled corn for grinding by removing all foreign substances and, if desired, the light grain from it. It is dust- less, substantially built and Monarch standard in every respect. The Monarch Corn Cleaner Size, Price, Dimensions, Weight and Volume Size Number Price From Floor to Center of Drive Shaft Inches Floor Space Occupied Inches Size of Fan Opening Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. OVER- ALL DIMENSIONS Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Inches Width Inches Length Inches Weight Lbs. Volume Cu.Ft. 1 $150.00 15 40x27 8x8^ 7x4 600 52^ 37 56 440 670 62 ?. 200.00 15 49x38 8x 13 8x4 600 52^ 48 56 600 860 71 3 250.00 15 49x49 8x 18# 8x5 600 52^ 60 56 720 1020 103 The Monarch Corn Germ Cleaner A machine intended primarily to separate all foreign substances from corn germs. The Monarch Corn Germ Cleaner can also be used in handling meal, grits, middlings, etc. It is simply and well made, has a controllable air current and occupies very little space. The Monarch Corn Germ Cleaner Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight and Volume Size Number 1 Price $120.00 Capacity, Bushels Corn Meal Per Hour- - 15 to 20 Size of Sieve 36"x24" Height 2' 10" Length 5' 6" Width 3' 4" Size of Pulley 6"x3K" Speed, Revolutions per Minute 300 Weight 650 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 900 Ibs. Volume.. 52 cu. ft. 126 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Power Cylinder Corn Sheller Built With Elevator The frame of this machine is made of thoroughly seasoned hardwood, mor- tised and tenoned and put together with strong draw bolts. The bottom of the cylinder has graduated perforations which allow the corn to drop freely into an iron conveyor underneath, which conveys it into an air leg at the tail end, through which a strong current of air is forced and which removes all dust, silk and light pieces of cob. As the cobs leave the cylinder, they drop onto a shaking shoe, which has a per- forated bottom and separates any corn that may pass out with the cobs, shooting it into the air leg through an iron spout. Style No. 1 The Monarch Power Cylinder Corn Sheller with Elevator Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size Number 1 Price With Elevator $120.00 Without Elevator 100.00 Size of Pulley 14"x6" Speed, Revolutions per Minute 600 Capacity, Bushels per Hour 75 Required Horse Power 8 to 10 6'0" 4'0" 5' 6" 4' 6" 5' 10" Weight 800 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 1 1 00 Ibs. Volume^. -.105 cu. ft. Width With Elevator Without Elevator - Height With Elevator. . _ Without Elevator. Length Over All. The Monarch Power Cylinder Corn Sheller Built Without Elevator Our No. 2 Sheller is constructed on the same principle as the No. 1, but in addition it has a large shoe with a screen 22 x 42 inches for separat- ing the cobs and husk from the corn. The grain passing through the screen enters an air leg through which a strong current of air is drawn by the suction fan, thus removing all dust and light impurities and putting the corn in good condition for market or milling. Practically a sheller and cleaner combined. Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight, Volume, Etc. Style No. 2 The Monarch Power Cylinder Corn Sheller without Elevator Size Number 2 Price With Elevator $150.00 Without Elevator 130.00 Size of Pulley 14"x6" Speed, Revolutions per Minute 600 Capacity, Bushels per Hour 75 Required Horse Power 8 to 10 Width With Elevator 6' 8" Without Elevator 4' 8" Height With Elevator 5' 6" Without Elevator 4' 6" Length Over All 6' 0" Weight 850 Ibs.- Boxed for Export Weight 1 200 Ibs. Volume-. __126cu. ft. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S, A. 127 Power Corn Shelters Triumph Improved Corn Shelters Are built in two styles: Style A, with iron legs to stand on the floor; and Style B, to be fastened under the floor. Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight, Etc. Size No. Price OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Size of Pulley Speed R. P. M. Horse Power Capacity Bushels Shipping Weight Inches Required Per Hour Pounds Height Length Width A $110.00 2' 8" 5' 7" 1' 10" 10 x 6 500 to 800 4 to 6 75 to 100 600 B 220.00 5' 3" 6' 6" 2' 0" 16x8 500 to 800 8 to 10 150 to 200 1000 Little Victor Combined Corn Sheller and Cleaner Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size Floor BOXED FOR Size No. with One Sieve OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS of Pulley Inches to Center of Pulley Speed R.P.M. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Weight Pounds EXPORT Weight Pounds Volume Cu. Ft. Height Length Width 1 $110.00 4' 4" 4' 5" 4' 9" 10x5 3' 3^" 800 60 to 80 650 920 91 2 160.00 4' 7" 7'0" 5' 3" 12 x 6 3' 8" 800 125 to 150 900 1320 134 Victor Corn Sheller Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight, Volume, Etc. BOXED FOR Size No. Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Weight Pounds EXPORT Weight Volume Height Length Width Pounds Cu. Ft. 000 $ 60.00 60 to 75 1' 10' 4' 1" 2' 1" 10 x 5 800 275 365 16 00 80.00 125 to 150 2' 1' 4' 4" 2' 3" 12 x 6 800 395 515 21 100.00 175 to 225 2' 1' 4' 6" 3' 1" 12 x 8 500 650 795 29 1 120.00 250 to 350 2' 4' 4' 8" 3' 4" 16 x 8 500 750 910 37 2 150.00 400 to 600 2' 7' 5' 0" 3' 9" 20 x 10 500 1150 1340 49 3 175.00 800 to 1000 3' 2' 6' 8" 4' 3" 24 x 12 450 1550 1830 90 4 225.00 1200 to 1500 3' 4' 7' 6" 4' 8" 26 x 12 450 2000 2340 117 Pitless Corn Sheller Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight, Volume, Etc. BOXED FOR Size No. Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Pounds EXPORT Weight Volume Height Length Width Pounds Cu. Ft. 25 $140.00 250 to 350 1' 11" 5' 6" 2' 5" 14 x 8 600 900 980 26 24 170.00 400 to 600 2' 1" 5' 8" 2' 9" 16 x 8 550 1000 1160 33 23 200.00 800 to 1000 2' 4" 6' 4" 3' 2" 20 x 10 500 1550 1740 47 22 240.00 1200 to 1500 2' 4" 6' 9" 3' 2" 20 x 12 500 1650 1860 50 Western Corn Sheller Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight, Volume, Etc. BOXED FOR Size No. Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Weight Pounds EXPORT Weight Volume Height Length Width Pounds Cu. Ft. 17 $ 80.00 125 to 150 1' 9' 3' 7" 2' 7" 10 x 6 800 350 450 17 16 100.00 175 to 225 1' 7' 4' 2" 2' 3" 12 x 6 600 500 600 15 15 120.00 250 to 350 1' 8' 4' 2" 2' 3" 12 x 8 600 600 700 16 14 150.00 400 to 600 1' 8' 4' 4" 2' 5" 16 x 8 550 700 820 18 13 175.00 800 to 1000 2' 0' 6' 8" 3' 2" 20 x 10 500 1350 1540 43 12 225.00 1200 to 1500 2' 3' 7' 1" 3' 9" 24 x 12 420 1850 2080 60 11 275.00 1600 to 2000 2' 3' 8' 0" 3' 9" 26 x 12 420 2000 2250 68 128 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Wilson Tubular Dust Collector The Wilson Tubular Dust Collector The efficiency of a Textile Dust Collector is measured by the amount and filtering capacity of the cloth contained and the simplicity of the cleaning device. That these qualities in the Wilson, which has been im- proved by us from time to time, have been fully recognized and appreciated is evidenced in its growing use and popularity. The general construction is simple and plainly shown in the above illustration. The machine is generally attached to the ceiling but may be supported in any other suitable manner. Dust-laden air enters the tubes in a downward course and precipitates to the lower case where a drag discharges it into a cross conveyor. The Cloth Cleaning Device is shown below. The wood frame surrounding the tubes carries a series of parallel, crossed wires which come in contact with the entire circumference of each tube. This frame moves up and down continually while the machine is in operation. Automatic Cloth Cleaner In determining upon the proper size of dust collector for ordinary mill work, a square yard of cloth should be allowed for each square inch of fan opening, based on the speed of fans usually running from 500 to 600 revolutions. For fans running at greater velocity and for special work a larger amount of cloth should be allowed. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 129 The Wilson Dust Collector Continued With 3i/2-Inch Tubes Size, Price, Cloth Capacity, Etc. Size Number Price No. of Rows of Tubes Length of Tubes Feet No. of Sq. Ft. of Cloth Size of Pulley Inches Speed of Shaft R. P. M. 1-A $80.00 8x9 7 504 8x3 36 to 45 B 75.00 8x9 8 576 8x3 36 to 45 C 80.00 8x9 9 648 8x3 36 to 45 D 85.00 8x9 10 720 8x3 36 to 45 2-A 80.00 10 x 11 6 657 8x3 36 to 45 B 85.00 10x11 7 765 8x3 36 to 45 C 90.00 10x11 8 882 8x3 36 to 45 D 95.00 10x11 9 990 8x3 36 to 45 E 100.00 10 x 11 10 1098 8x3 36 to 45 3-A 90.00 12 x!5 4 720 8x3 36 to 45 B 95.00 12 x!5 5 900 8x3 36 to 45 C 100.00 12 x!5 6 1080 8x3 36 to 45 D 105.00 12x15 7 1260 8x3 36 to 45 E 110.00 12x15 8 1440 8x3 36 to 45 F 115.00 12x15 9 1620 8x3 36 to 45 G 120.00 12 x 15 10 1800 8x3 36 to 45 4-A 130.00 14x20 7 1980 8x3 36 to 45 B 145.00 14x20 8 2250 8x3 36 to 45 C 160.00 14x20 9 2520 8x3 36 to 45 D 175.00 14x20 10 2790 8x3 36 to 45 5-A 175.00 14x25 8 2790 8x3 36 to 45 B 195.00 14x25 9 3150 8x3 36 to 45 C 215.00 14x25 10 3510 8x3 36 to 45 6-A 205.00 14x30 8 3330 8x3 36 to 45 B 230.00 14x30 9 3780 8x3 36 to 45 C 255.00 14x30 10 4230 8x3 36 to 45 Dimensions, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size Number Width Length Height Feet Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight, Pounds Volume, Cubic Feet 1-A 3' 3" 3' 7" 9 300 525 40 B 3' 3" 3' 7" 10 300 525 40 C 3' 3" 3' 7" 11 300 525 40 D 3' 3" 3' 7" 12 300 525 40 2-A 4'0" 4' 4" 8 375 665 61 B 4'0" 4' 4" 9 375 665 61 C 4'0" 4' 4" 10 375 665 61 D 4'0" 4' 4" 11 375 665 61 E 4'0" 4' 4" 12 375 665 61 3-A 4' 8" 5' 9" 6 450 835 108 B 4' 8" 5' 9" 7 450 835 108 C 4' 8" 5' 9" 8 450 835 108 D 4' 8" 5' 9" 9 450 835 108 E 4' 8" 5' 9" 10 450 835 108 F 4' 8" 5' 9" 11 450 835 108 G 4' 8" 5' 9" 12 450 835 108 4-A 5' 4" T 6" 9 550 1050 133 B 5' 4" T 6" 10 550 1050 133 C 5' 4" 7' 6" 11 550 1050 133 D 5' 4" 7' 6" 12 550 1050 133 5-A 5' 4" 9' 1" 10 625 1200 160 B 5' 4" 9'1" 11 625 1200 160 C 5' 4" 9'1" 12 625 1200 160 6-A 5' 4" 10' 11" 10 725 1400 202 B 5' 4" 10' 11" 11 725 1400 202 C 5' 4" 10' 11" 12 725 1400 202 NOTE We will make special sizes to fit special conditions. 130 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Wilson Dust Collector Continued With 41/2- Inch Tubes Size, Price, Cloth Capacity, Etc. Size Number Price No. of Rows of Tubes Length of Tubes Feet No. of Sq. Ft. of Cloth Size of Pulley Inches Speed of Shaft R. P. M. 7-A $ 95.00 8x9 8 684 8x3 36 to 45 B 100.00 8x 9 9 774 8x3 36 to 45 C 105.00 8x9 10 864 8x3 36 to 45 8-A 110.00 9x12 8 1035 8x3 36 to 45 B 115.00 9x12 9 1170 8x3 36 to 45 C 120.00 9x 12 10 1296 8x3 36 to 45 9-A 115.00 10x14 8 1323 8x3 36 to 45 B 120.00 10x14 9 1512 8x3 36 to 45 C 130.00 10x14 10 1674 8x3 36 to 45 10- A 150.00 10x20 8 1917 8x3 36 to 45 B 160.00 10x20 9 2160 8x3 36 to 45 C 170.00 10x20 10 2394 8x3 36 to 45 11-A 175.00 10x24 8 2304 8x3 36 to 45 B 185.00 10x24 9 2592 8x3 36 to 45 C 195.00 10x24 10 2880 8x3 36 to 45 12-A 200.00 11 x26 8 2745 8x3 36 to 45 B 225.00 11 x26 9 3087 8x3 36 to 45 C 240.00 11 x26 10 3420 8x3 36 to 45 D 260.00 11 x26 11 < 3753 8x3 36 to 45 13-D 280.00 12 x26 11 4113 8x3 36 to 45 Dimensions, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size Number Width Length Height Feet Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight, Pounds Volume, Cubic Feet 7-A 4' 2" 4' 5" 10 375 675 64 B 4' 2" 4' 5" 11 375 675 64 C 4' 2" 4' 5" 12 375 675 64 8-A 4' 8" 5' 9" 10 450 * 825 91 B 4' 8" 5' 9" 11 450 825 91 C 4' 8" 5' 9" 12 450 825 91 9-A 5'1" 6' 7" 10 550 1000 112 B 5'1" 6' 7" 11 550 1000 112 C 5'1" 6' 7" . 12 550 1000 112 10-A 5'1" 9' 3" 10 625 1200 156 B 5'1" 9' 3" 11 625 1200 156 C 5'1" 9' 3" 12 625 1200 156 11-A 5' 1" 11' 0" 10 725 1400 195 B 5'1" 11' 0" 11 725 1400 195 C 5'1" 11' 0" 12 725 1400 195 12-A 5' 7" 11' 10" 10 850 1600 228 B 5' 7" 11' 10" 11 850 1600 228 C 5' 7" 11' 10" 12 850 1600 228 D 5' 7" 11' 10" 13 850 1600 228 13-D 6'1" 13 In addition to the widths given above, the chains and attachments at corners of the machine, for operating the cleaner, project 3 inches on each side. The cross conveyor and driving shaft project on the discharge side about 11 inches. The driving shaft is 1 inch in diameter, and sufficient projection is left so that it can be driven from either end. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 131 The Monarch Dust Collector The Monarch Dust Collector Requiring an equally insignificant amount of power and floor space, this machine has a large area of cloth surface and a correspondingly great filtering capacity. It is well built of iron and hard maple. Is guaranteed to collect all the dust when properly placed and operated and is self cleaning. The independent cloth sections can be easily removed and the cloth renewed at small expense. A simple and effective driving arrangement gives the collector and its conveyor positive action and at the same time operates the cloth cleaning device. The stand- ard pulley is 14 x 3 inches, running forty revolutions per minute, but where conditions require the substitution, a larger or smaller pulley will be furnished. In order to determine the size of collector which will give you the best results, the following instructions should be carefully observed: For Scourers, allow from two and one-half to three square feet of cloth for each square inch of opening in discharge spout from fan. For Purifiers, allow eight square feet of cloth for each square foot of sieve surface For Roll Exhaust, allow thirty-six square feet of cloth for each double stand of rolls up to 9 x 18 inches; forty- four square feet for 9 x 24 inches and fifty square feet for 9 x 30 inch rolls. These estimates are based on an average speed of fans of from five to six hundred revolutions per minute. Where fans are operated at greater speed a correspond- ingly larger amount of cloth should be used. Size, Price, Etc. Size Number Price Sizes of Sections Inches Total Square Feet of Cloth Size of Pulley Inches Size of Fan Spout Opening Inches 2 $ 80.00 18 x 15 142 14 x 3 9tf x 14tf 4 110.00 14x30 221 14 x 3 9y 2 x 14X 5 120.00 16x30 252 14 x 3 vy* x UK 6 125.00 18x30 285 14 x 3 9^ x 14X 12 130.00 16x30 302 14 x 3 14^ x 18^ 13 140.00 18 x30 352 14 x 3 14K x 18^ 14 155.00 14x45 411 14 x 3 14K x 18X 15 175.00 18 x45 528 14 x 3 14^ x 18^ 16 190.00 16 x 60 604 14 x 3 14> x 18X 17 200.00 18x60 704 14 x 3 14K x 18K 18 210.00 20x60 786 14 x 3 14K x 18K 24 225.00 14x93 822 14 x 3 14X x 18X 25 250.00 16x93 906 14 x 3 14Kxl8X 26 275.00 18x93 1056 14 x 3 14X x 18X 27 300.00 20x93 1180 14 x 3 14X x 18X Dimensions, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size Number Height Length Diameter Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 2 6' 7" 3' 6' 5' 6' 900 1425 149 4 6' 3" 4' 9' 5' 0' 1050 1725 178 5 6' 5" 4' 9' 5' 6' 1200 1875 200 6 6' 7" 4' 9' 5' 10" 1200 2000 217 12 6' 8" 4' 9' 6' 0' 1200 1875 225 13 6' 10" 4' 9' 6' 4' 1260 1950 243 14 6' 6" 6' 0' 5' 8' 1320 2025 260 15 6' 10" 6' 0' 6' 4' 1380 2150 297 16 6' 8" 7' 3' 6' 0' 1440 2250 330 17 6' 10" 7' 3' 6' 4' 1500 2325 355 18 7' 0" 7' 3' 6' 8' 1500 2425 380 24 6' 1" 10' 1' 5' 8' 1600 2575 400 25 6' 8" 10' 1' 6' 0' 2000 2875 460 26 6' 10" 10' 1' 6' 4' 2400 3225 497 27 7' 2" 10' 1' 6' 8' 2400 3575 548 132 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Deflecting Dust Collector Reliable, Automatic and Fireproof This machine is unquestionably the best one on the market for collecting the dust from cleaners, separators and scourers. Made entirely of galvanized steel with angle iron joints strongly riveted and soldered, it is both durable and dust proof. The Monarch has no movable parts, hence no power is required to operate. Spouting to it from the machine is all that is necessary. We build these collectors without hood and with dust inlet on left-hand side as shown in cut, unless order specifies otherwise. The Monarch Deflecting Dust Collector Size, Price, Etc. Number Price Size of Inlet Inches Area of Inlet Square Inches Diameter of Air Outlet Inches Area of Air Outlet Square Inches Diameter of Dust Outlet Inches 2 $ 60.00 3^x13^ 47K 12# 122 3 3 75.00 4Xx 16 72 1SK 182 4 4 85.00 5 x 18 90 17 226 4 5 100.00 sx x2i 115 19K 290 4 6 120.00 6X x 24 156 22X 397 4 7 140.00 7 x27 189 2X 471 5 8 160.00 8 x30 240 27K 600 5 9 190.00 9 x30 270 29>< 670 6 10 210.00 10 x30 300 31 754 7 11 230.00 11 x31 341 33 855 8 12 250.00 12 x32 384 35 962 9 13 295.00 12 x34 408 35X 994 10 Dimensions, Weight, Volume Number Height Over All Outside Diameter Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight, Pounds Volume, Cubic Feet 2 4' 2" 3' 6X" 140 403 60 3 4' 10#" 4' 0^" 175 520 86 4 5' 7" 4' 6X" 245 677 119 5 6' 2" 5' OX" 315 838 159 6 6' 11" 5' 6X" 395 1028 207 7 7' 8" 6' OX" 490 1244 264 8 8' 4*4" 6' 9" 575 1489 355 9 9' 0^" 7' 3" 715 1767 436 10 9' 6" 7' 7X" 875 2035 512 11 9' 10X" 8'0" 930 2191 579 12 10' 6X" 8' 4" 1000 2387 650 13 10' 8X" 8' 4" 1095 2614 650 NOTE Prices on larger sizes quoted on application. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 133 Style M MONARCH The Monarch Suction and Exhaust Fan With Fireproof Bearings and Fan Case Shields This fan is substantially made, has suction trunk and can be used for various purposes. Is furnished with self-oiling or ball bearings as desired. The Monarch Suction and Exhaust Fan Price, Dimensions, Speed, Etc. OVER-ALL BOXED FOR \-l .a 1 wZ Price Price with Ball Bearings Size of Fan Inches "8-t. v S'S'S -& c WWf-1 Size of Fan Opening Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. DIMENSIONS Floor Space Occupied Inches Weight Pounds EXPORT O M 11 8 3-S Je a .SPJ3 H E Weight Pounds 1* "o 3 >o 1A $28.00 $58.00 19x 7 IX 7Xx 8# 6x3 500 to 800 32 30 % 30 X 21#x30K 140 190 18 IB 30.00 60.00 19x10 1# 7KxlOK 6x3 500 to 800 36 30 K 30 X 25 x30j< 150 210 20 1C 32.00 62.00 25x10 1# 9 xlQX 8x3 400 to 600 38^ 32 32 X 27 x30J< 170 240 24 ID 40.00 70.00 30x10 IX 10 xlO^ 10x4 400 to 600 38 tf 33 37 30 x30j< 190 265 28 IE 48.00 80.00 36x10 IK 10 x!2 10x4 400 to 600 38 % 35 40 32 x32 210 290 32 IF 54.00 85.00 40x15 2 12 x!2 12x4 400 to 600 40 35 42 32 x32 240 330 35 Price per Lineal Foot of Wood Trunking Boxes for Fans Size of Fan . IB. 1C ID IE IF. The Monarch Steel Plate Exhaust Fan This fan is Used for exhaust from rolls and elevators, rice mills, and for handling all sharp substances that wear or clog the fan wheel and casing. Note that all bolts holding shell are exterior, rendering it an easy matter to remove the shell plate and replace with new. The fan wheel can also be readily removed at this point. It is built in all sizes and in all styles of discharge. It has ring-oiling reservoir journal bearings. Also made with ball bearings. Style G The Monarch Steel Plate Exhaust Fan Price, Dimensions, Speed, Etc. Size Inches Price Price with Ball Bearing Area of Inlet Square Inches Diam. of Inlet Inches Width and Height of Outlet Inches Required Horse Power Size of Pulley Inches SPEED Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT 2 Ounce Pres. 4 Ounce Pres. Weight Pounds Volume Cu.Ft. 25 $ 40.00 $ 70.00 78 10 10 x 10 2 to 6 6x4 1550 2225 300 408 23 30 44.00 75.00 113 12 11 x 10 2^ to 7 6x 4 1475 2100 350 494 34 35 55.00 85.00 153 14 12 x 13 3 to 8 7x5 1275 1825 400 616 48 40 70.00 100.00 176 15 13 x 14 3# to 10 8x6 1125 1600 600 816 68 45 90.00 120.00 227 17 14 x 16 4 to 12 8x7 1000 1425 740 1028 87 50 115.00 155.00 283 19 16 x 18 5# to 16 10 x 7 875 1250 1000 1360 120 55 150.00 200.00 346 21 17 x 20 7 to 20 12 x 8 800 1150 1200 1632 150 60 175.00 225.00 415 23 18 x 23 9 to 24 14 x 8 750 1050 1550 2054 186 70 250.00 300.00 531 26 21 x 28 11 to 31 14 x 10 650 925 2600 3284 287 80 325.00 380.00 707 30 24 x 36 14 to 41 16 x 12 575 800 2850 3714 420 90 400.00 475.00 1018 36 30 x 36 18 to 53 18 x 12 500 725 3100 4288 652 134 Sprout, Waldron 6r Company, Muncy, Pennsyhania, U. S. A. The Monarch "B" Volume Mill Exhausters The application of the fan shown in the illustration, to roll and elevator exhaust systems, to dryers, to purifiers and aspirators without fans, and to pneumatic conveying systems has been most extensive and satisfactory. This exhauster has many points of merit among which are great strength, easily accessible interior, perfect balance and extra long journal bearings of the ring oiling type, particularly suited to the classes of service mentioned above. The blast wheel is of heavy rolled steel plate mounted on an iron spider and hub and the vanes are securely riveted not only to the arms of the spider but also to the heavy steel flanges. Suggestions to Follow in Ordering In ordering a fan, in addition to giving the size, always state the hand and discharge desired. The standard arrangement is right hand, bottom horizontal discharge and if we are not advised otherwise, a fan of this arrangement will be shipped. While the hand and discharge can be changed on Standard Steel Plate Mill Exhausters, the same is not the case with motor or turbine-driven units nor with the "B" Volume Exhausters. The "hand" of the fan is determined by the location of the drive side when one stands facing the outlet of the fan. If the pulley, motor or turbine is on the left, it is called "left hand;" if on the right, "right hand." The discharge is designated as "Bottom Horizontal," "Vertical Down," "Up-Blast," or "Top Horizontal," as the case may be. We request that information relative to the service in which the fan is to be employed be stated in ordering, thus avoiding dissatisfaction due to the purchase of equipment not designed for the work imposed on it. Speed, Capacity and Horse Power of "B" Volume Exhausters "o | 0,2 pq K-OUNCE 1-OUNCE 2-OUNCE 3-OUNCE 4-OUNCE 6-OUNCE R.P.M. Cap. H.P. R.P.M. Cap. H.P. R.P.M. Cap. H.P. R.P.M. Cap. H.P. R.P.M. Cap. H.P. R.P.M. Cap. H.P. 1 1693 104 .023 2396 148 .074 3393 210 .233 4169 258 .382 2 1397 264 .059 1976 374 .187 2800 534 .593 3437 651 .964 3977 753 1.37 3 980 438 .098 1387 621 .310 1965 888 .987 2414 1090 1.615 2794 1261 2.29 3436 1551 3.86 4 859 585 .130 1216 828 .414 1724 1174 1.300 2119 1441 2.135 2452 1667 3.03 3015 2051 5.13 5 776 837 .186 1098 1185 .593 1556 1688 1.870 1912 2071 3.08 2212 2397 4.36 2721 2948 7.37 6 635 1185 .263 898 1677 .839 1274 2382 2.650 1563 2923 4.33 1809 3382 6.15 2225 4160 10.40 7 582 1372 .305 823 1941 .971 1168 2752 3.060 1434 3377 5.00 1660 3908 7.10 2041 4806 12.00 8 499 1986 .440 706 2810 1.405 1001 3983 4.430 1229 4888 7.24 1422 5656 10.20 1748 6957 17.40 9 411 3299 .733 581 4668 2.334 824 6641 7.300 1012 8150 12.10 1171 9431 17.10 1440 11599 28.90 10 349 4488 .997 494 6350 3.175 702 9003 9.900 861 11050 15.00 966 12786 21.90 1225 15726 37.00 Specifications and Dimensions No. Price Inlet Diam. Outlet Diam. Weight PULLEY c ^ D F G H I K L Outside Outside Pounds pvj PflPP Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches 000 $15.00 5 A SH 45 2* 2* 9 5K B* UK 7* 3* 3 3* 1 20.00 60 3 2 * 9 6^i 9?* 10 fa 6 ^* 4 3K 3ft 2 25.00 6 A 6 A 100 3* 2M 11 K 8J^ 11/4 14* 9 5^ 4 2* 5 3 33.00 170 4 3 14 10 ii 13?* 18^6 11 .Mi 5 J* 5?* 5 ?* 4 44.00 9 9 200 5 3 J* 15 H 12 A 14i 9 a 19?* 12 6?* 6 5 55.00 10?* 10?* 275 5* *H 18 17 ^i 23 K 14* 7* 7 6 }i 6 70.00 12 * 1111 380 20 H 16^ 19Ji 25?* 15 J* 8^i 7H 7?i 7 90.00 14 14 575 7* 6* 23 * 18^ 22 28 16* 10?* 8|J 8 150.00 16 16?* 725 8* 7* 25 H 21* 24J* 30?* 18* 11 J* 9?* 9 200.00 17 * 17H 1100 9* 8* 30 yi 25 28 K 33?* 20 X 14 * 11 * II 1 10 250.00 21 21 1600 12 9 * 38^ 30 ^ 31 ?* 37 yi 23 yi 18* 13^ 14* 11 350.00 24* 24* 3200 14 12 42 K 35?* 46 K 22 16* 17* ' Special discharge, 10 per cent additional. In ordering please specify "B" Volume Blower or Exhauster, in full. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S, A. 135 Prinz Cockle Machines The Nos. 1 and IK Cockle Machines are built in two styles, single and double geared. The single machine is driven by passing the belt directly around the cylinder, which is 16 inches in diameter, and should run from 17 to 20 revolutions per minute. No supporting frame is furnished for the single machines. The No. 1 should be set on an incline of 6K inches from end to end of shaft and the No. IK. an incline of 7 inches. Dimensions, Price, Etc. of Single Machines No. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Length Over All Speed R. P. M. Weight Pounds Price BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 1 IK 16-18 18-25 7' 2" 8' 2" 17-20 17-20 260 275 $65.00 85.00 350 375 13 15 The geared machines have a cast-iron stand at each end and are driven by countershaft and spur gears. t ' . Dimensions, Price, Etc., of Geared Machines No. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Length Over All Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Weight Pounds Price BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 1 IK 16-18 18-25 7' 6" 8' 6" 12x2K 12 x 2K 60 60 285 300 $73.00 93.00 395 425 17 20 All machines larger than No. IK are supported in a substantial wood frame. The Nos. 2 and 2K machines have one cockle cylinder with a short grading reel above. Dimensions, Price, Etc. No. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Length Over All Width Over All Inches Height Over All Drive Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Weight Pounds Price BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 2 2K 25-35 35-45 7' 6" 8' 6" 27 27 4' 6" 4' 8" 12 x 3 12 x 3 60 60 850 950 $130.00 155.00 1130 1265 76 90 Nos. 3 and 3K machines contain two cockle cylinders with one grading reel above extending full length of machine. Dimensions, Price, Etc. No. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Length Over All Width Over All Inches Height Over All Drive Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Weight Pounds Price BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 3 3K 45-70 60-80 8' 0" 9' 0" 38 38 5' 0" 5' 2" 12 x 4 12x4 60 60 1400 1500 $215.00 230.00 1760 1900 127 148 The Nos. 4 and 4K machines have two grading reels extending full length of machine and two cockle cylinders beneath. Dimensions, Price, Etc. No. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Length Over All Width Over All Inches Height Over All Drive Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Weight Pounds Price BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 4 4K 70-110 100-130 8' 0" 9' 0" 38 38 7' 0" 7' 2" 18 X 4 18x4 60 60 2400 2500 $275.00 320.00 2860 3000 178 205 NOTE The Nos. 2 to 4K machines inclusive can be driven from either end. When machine is to set at right angles to the driving shaft it may be furnished with cross shaft drive at an extra charge of $5.00 net. This cross shaft when used should run at 100 revolutions per minute, and is not furnished unless specially ordered . The Nos. 5 and 5K machines have four grading reels and three cockle cylinders, cross shaft drive. Dimensions, Price, Etc. They are built with No. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Length Over All Width Over All Inches Height Over All Drive Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Weight Pounds Price BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 5 5K 160-190 190-230 8' 0" 9' 0" 60 60 7' 8" 7' 10" 18 x 4 18 x 4 100 100 3350 3550 $400.00 480.00 3950 4225 296 353 136 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Eureka Two, Four and Six-Cylinder Cockle and Seed Separating Machine Size, Price, Dimensions, Etc. Size Number Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour Number of Cylinders Length Width Height 2-275 $275.00 40- 45 2 8' 4" 6' 3' 5' 0' 2-276 340.00 60- 70 2 9' 4" 7' 0' 5' 1' 2-276A 445.00 80- 90 2 10' 0" 8' 0' 5' 11' 2-276B 550.00 100-110 2 12' 3" 8' 2' 6' 2' 4-275 605.00 80- 90 4 8' 11" 11' 0' 5' 4' 4-276 740.00 120-140 4 9' 7" 11' 8' 5' 11' 4-276A 960.00 160-180 4 10' 3" 13' 9' 6' 6' 4-276B 1180.00 200-220 4 12' 7" 15' 10' 6' 6' 6-275 920.00 120-135 6 8' 11" 9' 3' 8' 3' 6-276 1125.00 180-210 6 9' 7" 9' 8' 8' 9' 6-2 76A 1450.00 240-270 6 10' 3" 10' 9' 9' 11' 6-276B 1775.00 300-330 6 12' 7" 10' 10' 10' 2' Eureka Cockle Cylinder Size, Price, Dimensions, Etc. SPROCKET WHEEL BOXED FOR EXPORT I-) V .0 il N 9 Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour Diameter of Cylinder Inches Extreme Length Speed R. P. M. Weight Pounds Teeth Chain No. Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet OBK 274 $ 85.00 8-10 16 6' 0" 40 45 18-20 300 450 14 275 120.00 20-22 20 7' 9" 42 45 12-15 400 645 31 276 150.00 30-35 22 8' 7" 46 45 12-15 450 710 34 276A 200.00 40-45 28 9' 1" 54 45 8-10 900 1215 56 276B 250.00 50-55 28 11' 1" 54 45 8-10 1050 1430 69 Monitor Cockle Cylinder Size, Price, Dimensions, Etc. Size Number Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour Diameter of Cylinder Inches Extreme Length SPROCKET WHEEL Speed R. P. M. Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Teeth Chain No. Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 1 $120.00 20 20 8' 1" 42 45 15-20 500 760 30 ' 2 130.00 25 20 9' 1" 42 45 15-20 550 865 50 3 140.00 30 22 8' 1" 46 45 15-20 600 860 34 4 150.00 35 22 9' 1" 46 45 15-20 650 965 56 Invincible Cockle Cylinder Size, Price, Dimensions, Etc. ll Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour Diameter of Cylinder Inches Extreme Length SPROCKET WHEEL Speed R. P. M. Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT Teeth Chain No. Weight Pounds Volume Cubic Feet 1 $120.00 20 20 8' 0" 42 45 15-20 400 660 30 2 130.00 25 20 9' 0" 42 45 15-20 450 765 50 3 140.00 30 22 8' 0" 45 45 15-20 500 760 34 4 150.00 35 22 9' 0" 45 45 15-20 550 865 56 Cockle cylinder should be set to have incline of one inch for every foot in length. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 137 Horizontal Oat Clippers Eureka Horizontal Oat Clipper Price, Dimensions, Capacity, Weight, Volume, Etc. Size No. PRICE Carry By Spout Extra Capacity Per Hour Bushels OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Height Where Grain Falls on Shoe Size of Fan Outlet Inches Diam. Width Height to Center of Drive Pulley Size of Pulley Inches % o . SJP< cfcd Weight Pounds BOXED FOR EXPORT 1 I m .d 1 3 1 P With Shoe No Shoe Wg't Lbs. Vol. Cu. Feet 27 $200.00 $175.00 $25.00 60 5' 6" 5' 11" 3' 10" 5' 3" ll^x 9H 2' 5" 8x 5 700 1000 1340 125 28 225.00 200.00 28.00 90 5' 9" 6' 6" 4' 4" 5' 7" 12^x11 2' 5" lOx 6 700 1200 1600 162 29 250.00 220.00 30.00 120 6' 3" 7' 1" 4' 9" 6' 0" 12#xll# 2' 8" 12x 6 700 1400 1875 214 30 300.00 260.00 34.00 160 6' 10" 7' 6" 5' 4" 6' 5" 13#xl2X 2' 11" 14x 7 650 1600 2140 274 31 350.00 300.00 40.00 200 7' 2" 7' 10" 5' 7" 7' 10" 14^x12 2' 11" 16x 7 650 1900 2500 314 32 400.00 350.00 50.00 400 8' 7" 8' 3" 6' 2" 8' 5" 15 Jixl3>i 3' 1" 18x 8 600 2300 3040 437 33 500.00 425.00 56.00 600 8' 11" 8' 10" 6' 4" 8' 11" 15^x14 3' 4" 20x 8 550 2500 3320 499 35 600.00 525.00 60.00 800 10' 2" 10' 2" 7' 1" 10' 5" 18?i 2' 9" 14x 7 675 1500 2050 274 5 350.00 300.00 200 7' 4" 7' 9" 5' 7" 7' 5" 13^x12^ 2' 10" 16x 7 675 1700 2300 318 6 400.00 350.00 400 8' 5" 8' 8" 6' 7" 8' 6" 14J PQ Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 147 The Monarch Ball Bearing Attrition Mills Herein illustrated and described have six pre-eminent features, which, backed by our guarantee, make further recommendations unnecessary. These features are: First. They will save from 30 to 40% of the power required to operate the plain bearing mills, or, if the same amount of power is used they will give an equal amount of increase in capacity. Second. The positive construction of the ball bearing feature will not allow these mills to get out of tram or alignment. Third. The bearings are absolutely dust proof, require very little lubrication and no other form of attention, and are guaranteed for one year. Fourth. All parts are interchangeable so that repairs can be made quickly and without involving much expense. Fifth. All that is necessary in gaining access to the grinding plates for examination or renewal, is the removal of six cap screws and the operation of a rack and pinion attachment, located in the tail end pedestal. This can be accomplished in less than five minutes with the aid of an ordinary wrench. Sixth. These mills are made, as is the balance of the Monarch line, of the best materials obtainable, by skilled mechanics and under the supervision of competent mechanical and milling engineers. Ball Bearings There are four of these in each Monarch Ball Bearing Attrition Mill. Tests have shown that the friction on babbitted bearings will consume at least one-third of the power delivered to the driving pulley. To make matters worse, this power is being misapplied to the destruc- tion of the bearings. There is practically no wear on the ball bearings in the Monarch Mill, because the friction which causes wear is absent. Our guarantee, covering material and workmanship in these bearings, does not mean that one year is approximately the period of their utility. It is simply a safeguard against physical or mechanical defects, which, if any exist, will become apparent in a year's time or less. The Monarch Runner Head and Seal Rings Practically all of the wear on the Monarch Runner Head falls on the arm plates and seal rings. These parts can be quickly removed and easily replaced at a small cost. Monarch Grinding Plates Evolved by years of experience and experimentation in the building of successful grinding machinery, are made of special metals, by a special process known to us alone. The chemical properties are carefully analyzed by an experienced chemist and physical tests are being constantly made in order to maintain a standard product. The Monarch Plates are at once hard and tough, are accurately ground on machines specially designed for the purpose and operated by experts, and have by test, proven to be the best on the market. We make various styles to meet all sorts of requirements in grinding, and every set is carefully fitted to templet and accurately balanced before leaving our hands. 148 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. 5. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Attrition Mill The Monarch Ball Bearing Attrition Mill with Door of Shell Removed, Showing Accessibility of the Grinding Plates All that is necessary in gaining access to the grinding plates for examination or renewal, is the removal of six cap screws and the operation of a rack and pinion attachment, located in the tail end pedestal. This can be accomplished in less than five minutes with the aid of an ordinary wrench Section of Adjusting End Showing the Ball Bearing Feature, the Position of the End Thrust and Safety Springs and the Operation of the Quick Release Mechanism The end thrust spring, lying nearest to the end of the bearing, is in constant compression of a sufficient degree to keep the runner heads together for grinding, but is capable of further compression, allowing the heads to part should any hard substance reach the surface of the plates. The safety spring, when operated on by the movement of the release lever at the end of the mill, causes the heads to separate and the mill may run empty in this manner without damage to the grinding plates. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S, A. 149 The Monarch Ball Bearing Attrition Mill Prices, Capacities, Speeds, Etc. Of The Monarch Ball Bearing Attrition Mill Size Inches 16 18. 20 22 24 26 30 32 36 List Price Speed R. P. M. Required H. P. Loaded Required H. P. Empty Size Pulley Capacity in Pounds per Hour Diam. Face $ 500.00 2250 10 to 30 3 8 6 1000 to- 2000 550.00 2150 15 to 30 4 10 8 1500 to 3000 580.00 2050 20 to 40 4 10 8 1800 to 3500 600.00 1850 20 to 40 5 12 8 2000 to 4000 700.00 1700 25 to 50 5 12 8 2500 to 5000 850.00 1600 35 to 60 7 14 10 3000 to 5000 1000.00 1080.00 1400 1400 50 to 100 60 to 100 9 10 16 16 10 10 5000 to 10000 6000 to 10000 1200.00 1300 70 to 115 14 18 12 7500 to 12500 Dimensions, Weights, Volumes, Etc. Size Inches Length Over All Inches Height Over All Inches Width Over All Inches Floor Space of Base Inches Floor to Center of Shaft Inches Center to Center of Pulleys Inches Weight Lbs. Boxed for Export Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 16 74 42 23 65^x22^ 12K 35 1000 1400 56 18 74 38 27 66^x26^ 14H 35 1300 1700 56 20 74 38 27 66^x26^ 14H 35 1300 1700 56 22 85 42 30 75 x26>^ 16K 42 2000 2400 82 24 85 42 30 75 x26X 16K 42 2000 2400 82 26 101 45 32 86^x32^ !8# 47 3100 3700 107 30 101 52 40 88>ix39K 22 47 4000 4700 179 32 101 52 40 88^gx39K 22 47 4100 4800 179 36 123 58 48 108 x48 25 60 6600 7300 261 150 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Vertical Motion Shoe Feeder This feeder derives its name from the motion imparted to it by a belt, running from a pulley on the mill spindle to another on the feed. In this manner the shoe is made to rise and fall by the operation of a cam eccentric and a uniform feeding is accomplished. Movement of the small lever shown in the cut throws the cam in or out of contact with the shoe, instantly starting or stopping the operation of the feed while the mill is in motion. Adjustment of the feed is simple and effective and no other attention is necessary as the construction is simple and the motion practically noiseless. The Monarch Force Feeder Provided with a gear-driven roll, having projections arranged in a manner proven by experience to be most efficient. This feeder is especially adapted to handling material the nature and size of which prevent successful feeding by gravity alone. The construction and method of regulation are clearly shown in sectional view above. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 151 c p PQ a at 0> PQ CO. 52 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. ^x32^ 5000 5670 113 30 108 52 40 22 95^x39^ / 6000 to \ 6600 6700 to \ 7300 / 179 32 108 52 40 22 95^x39% / 6000 to \ 6600 6700 to \ 7300 / 179 36 I for the < 131 58 48 25 116 x48 / 9500 to \ 10000 10250 to \ 10750 / 222 f separate Auto-Starter for each motor and separate No Voltage and Overload Release for each Starter is required, charge :xtra equipment as per price list on page 154. 154 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Attrition Mill Motor-Driven, with 25-Cycle Motors Each equipped with two Direct Connected 25-Cycle Westinghouse Special Type C. C. L. Induction Motors, one Oil Immersed Type "E" Auto-Starter, of sufficient size to start both motors simultaneously, one 3verload Release and one No Voltage Release. NOTE. These combinations are standard and must be strictly adhered to. Conditions requiring special jquipment should be referred to us for estimate. Dimensions, Prices, Etc. Size of Mill Inches List Price Horse Power of Motors Speed R.P. M. Floor Space of Base Inches Overall Dimensions From Floor to Center of Shaft Ins. Weight Lbs. Boxed for Export Length Inches Height Inches Width Inches Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 24 24 26 30 32 36 36 $1900.00 2070.00 2660.00 2810.00 2890.00 3310.00 3660.00 15 20 30 30 30 40 50 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 1440 81 x26K 81 x26K 99^x32^ 95^gx39X 95^x39^ 116 x48 116 x48 97 97 114 115 115 139 139 42 42 45 52 52 58 58 30 30 32 40 40 48 48 16K 16K 18K 22 22 25 25 3200 3500 5000 6000 6000 9500 10000 3680 3980 5670 6700 6700 10250 10750 86 86 113 210 210 302 302 If separate Auto-Starter for each motor and separate No Voltage and Overload Release for each Starter is required, the extra quipment will be charged for as per list below. Two-Point Oil Immersed Self-Contained Starters for Squirrel Cage Motors Type "E" Auto-Starter can be used on voltages 10% higher or lower than rated voltage. Weight and price include complete auto-starter with self-contained auto-transformers and oil, which is ihipped separately. Any Type "E" Auto-Starter can be equipped with a self ; contained automatic no voltage release and with i separate overload release. Prices are regular, weights are gross (shipping) and may vary 5% from figures given. 220 Volts 60 Cycle 220 Volts 25 Cycle 440 and 550 Volts 60 Cycle 440 and 550 Volts 25 Cycle H. P. Weight Regular Price H. P. Weight Regular Price H. P. Weight Regular Price H. P. Weight Regular Price 7# 15 30 50 100 250 250 290 535 875 $120.00 120.00 140.00 180.00 380.00 7K 15 30 50 100 250 290 535 615 875 $130.00 150.00 180.00 230.00 400.00 7# 15 30 50 100 200 250 250 290 535 615 875 $120.00 120.00 150.00 190.00 280.00 440.00 1% 15 30 50 100 250 290 535 615 875 $130.00 150.00 190.00 240.00 350.00 No Voltage and Overload Release Devices for Type Ratings and Regular Prices 'E" Auto-Starters Maximum Horse Power Regular Price Maximum Horse Power Regular Price 220 Volt 440 Volt 550 Volt No Voltage $20.00 Overload 220 Volt 440 Volt 550 Volt No Voltage Overload 35 75 100 $30.00 100 200 200 $20.00 $36.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 155 The Monarch Ball Bearing Single Disc Corn Cracker Belt-Driven, Single Disc, Ball Bearing Corn Cracker with Shake Feed This mill was designed primarily for the purpose of cracking corn and is entirely satisfactory for this work, as, with one head only in motion, a minimum amount of fine meal is produced in the operation. Monarch Single Disc Corn Crackers are equipped with ball bearings which give them the same advan- tages found in our Standard Mills. They have the safety and quick release features, are well and carefully built and modern in every respect. Prices, Capacities, Speeds, Etc. Size of Mill Inches List Price Speed R. P. M. Size of Pulley Diam. Face 6 16 $360.00 1400 8 20 400.00 1140 10 8 24 600.00 1140 12 8 30 800.00 800 16 10 32 850.00 800 16 10 36 1100.00 800 18 12 Capacity per Hour Bushels 50 to 75 75 to 125 100 to 200 175 to 275 200 to 300 300 to 400 Horse Power Required 5 to 8 8 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 25 18 to 30 20 to 35 Dimensions, Weights, Volumes, Etc. Size of Mill Inches Length Over All Inches Height Over All Inches Width Over All Inches Floor to Center of Shaft Inches Floor Space Weight of Base T . Inches Lbs - 16 55 38 23 12tf 23x44 875 20 55 41 27 14}4 27x46 960 24 60 46 29 16^ 27x51 1400 30 76 60 40 22 40x64 3000 32 76 60 40 22 40x64 3025 36 102 65 48 25 48x87 5360 Boxed for Export Weight Lbs. Volume Gu. Ft. 35 925 1060 46 1550 57 3200 124 3275 124 5660 210 156 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Ball Bearing Single Disc Corn Cracker The Monarch Ball Bearing Single Disc Corn Cracker (Motor-Driven) The words motor-driven in the above title accurately describe the only important feature in which this mill differs from the Ball Bearing Single Disc Mill previously described. Having but one movable head, it is equipped with but one motor which is specially designed for this installation and gives the mill ample power to perform the work for which it is intended. Except the over-all length this machine has the same dimensions as the belt-driven Corn Cracker. Prices, Speeds, Weights, Etc. Size of Mill Inches List Price Horse Power of Motor Speed R.P.M. Phase | >, No. of Starters O Voltage cClll Weight Inches Lbs - Boxed for Export Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 20 $ 770.00 7K 1140 2 or 3 60 1 220-440-550 59 1500 1650 46 20 820.00 10 1140 2 or 3 60 1 M 220-440-550 59 1500 1650 46 24 1020.00 10 1140 2 or 3 60 1 | 220-440-550 64 2300 2450 57 24 1090.00 15 1140 2 or 3 ! 60 1 1 220-440-550 64 2465 2615 57 30 1400.00 20 1140 2 or 3 ! 60 1 g 220-440-550 84 3600 3800 124 30 1540.00 25 850 2 or 3 60 1 1 220-440-550 84 3600 3800 124 32 1510.00 20 850 2 or 3 60 1 0 10 $110.00 32 27 17 16 x 17 7x4 8# 10 1000 to 1200 2 to 4 4 to 8 325 420 14 12 125.00 36 32 19 17x17 8x5 10X 13 800 to 1200 4 to 6 6 to 12 400 510 19 [70 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Heavy Duty Burr Mills Three Pedestal Type ROUTWALDRON & co. MUNCY PA. Style "E" With Self-Oiling Bearings Style "EE" With Ball Bearings Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 171 The Monarch Heavy Duty Burr Mill Three Pedestal Type This mill we have designed for the especial purpose of grinding coke, crushed limestone, paint rock, foundry facing, graphite, carbon and like hard materials. It is the heaviest and most substantial mill made. We have so constructed it that it runs without the least vibration, which speaks much for its solidity of construction and insures rapid grinding of the finest quality. It is mounted on a double base and the feed or bed end of the mill can be run back by the use of the hand lever on the side of the mill after removing four machine bolts and four "T" bolts. Being on a double base this operation is made all the more easy, and free access to the burrs easily and quickly accomplished. Each bearing has a large reservoir holding about a pint of oil, and is supplied with two cable chain oilers, which distribute it evenly to all parts of the bearings. These bearings are absolutely dustproof and superior in every way. We have applied our patent ball bearing device to the end of the spindle. The peculiar value of having it on this mill is that it reduces what would otherwise be a large amount of friction to a minimum and thereby greatly adds to the capacity of the mill. The spindle is 3>^ inches in diameter and is made of the best cold rolled steel. We fit a positive end motion shoe feed to this mill, as that type of feed is best suited to its purposes. It is very simple and very effective as well, and is so sensitive that it can be regulated to feed any desired quan- tity with the greatest ease. If you desire we will furnish your mill with a sub-base which will be so arranged that the belt can be tightened or slackened without removing it. from the pulleys. This, you will understand, allows of the use of an endless belt. The delivery spout is located, unless otherwise ordered, in the most convenient position underneath the mill. The mill being absolutely dustproof, the operator is enabled to keep his grinding floor perfectly clean. However, when it is not convenient to have the discharge underneath, the delivery spout can be placed on the left-hand side when you stand at the adjusting end facing the mill. Emery rock mill stones have many advantages in this kind of work. They reduce the cost of grinding nearly one-half because they require only about one-fourth the dressing of other burrs and on hard materials will wear from two to four times as long as French burrs or other stones. Prices and Dimensions Size Inches PRICE OVER- ALL DIMENSIONS Floor Space . Inches SELF-OILING BEARINGS BALL BEARINGS Height Length Width With French Burrs With Pebble Grit or Esopus Burrs With Emery Rock Burrs With French Burrs With Pebble Grit or Esopus Burrs With Emory Rock Burrs 30 $ 800.00 $750.00 $ 960.00 $1050.00 $1000.00 $1200.00 4' 11" 8' 4" 3'1" 89x34 36 1040.00 950.00 1200.00 1280.00 1200.00 1440.00 5' 5" 8' 4" 3' 7" 89 x40 Dimensions, Speeds, Weights, Etc. BOXED FOR EXPORT Size Inches Floor to Center of Shaft Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Horse Power Required Weight Lbs. Weight Lbs. Volume Cubic Feet 30 23 24 x 12 650 to 700 35 to 40 5000 5488 155 36 26 30 x 12 550 to 600 40 to 50 6500 7050 162 172 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Monarch French Burr Mills with Interchangeable Burrs The Monarch French Burr Mill with Interchangeable Burrs Round Hopper and Shoe Feed The Monarch_French Burr Mill with Interchangeable Burrs Force Feed Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 173 The Monarch French Burr Mill with Interchangeable Burrs THE most advantageous feature in this mill is that of the interchangeable burrs. By the use of this feature, the user can readily substitute the runner for the bed-stone or the bed-stone for the runner, or procure new burrs from the factory, or make any other change of the burrs required without returning the mill to us for repairs. If you are a busy miller and have to keep your mill running all day long you can save yourself much unnecessary delay by this feature, for the changing of the burrs requires only a few minutes time, if you have an extra pair on hand which may be dressed while the mill is running. These mills have, over and over again, for many years, demonstrated their superior practical value. They are especially adapted for use on oil cake, foundry facings, plaster of Paris, table corn meal, corn and cob feed, mineral paint, drugs, spices, mustard seeds, tobacco stems. Emery rock, Esopus, or any other kind of burrs, can be used in place of French burrs, if so desired. We supply a good many Emery Rock burrs for paint grinding, foundry facing, limestone, graphite and like hard materials. If you want to grind fine meal, the burrs should be especially dressed for the purpose. The same applies to corn and cob, or any other work where the best possible results are desired. We sometimes furnish this mill with a pair of solid French Burr stones for feed purposes and a pair of Monarch Pebble grit for meal. This places you in a position to please your trade by always giving them just what they desire and a pleased customer is your best advertisement. Monarch Mills of this type are not only time savers and money savers, but they are great money makers as well. Before purchasing a Burr Mill you should by all means investigate our line of Monarchs. The many advantages and practical features involved in their construction, their superior capacity, their economy in other respects, the small cost of keeping them in repair, the strength and durability of their construction, all combine to make them the ideal mill for the practical miller and taking the purchase price into consideration, you will find it impossible to secure a mill of equal value for anything like the same amount of money. 174 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch French Burr Mill with Interchangeable Burrs In the above illustration the two parts marked "A" are the runner and the bed-stone. These are built exactly alike and as they appear in the engraving, one shows the face of the burr and the other the back; either one can be used as runner or bed-stone, or, in other words, they possess the advantage of being interchangeable. "B" is the runner plate or hub attached to the shaft. This attachment is made by means of our patent divided tapered steel sleeve. (Refer to description of same feature on Monarch Standard Mill on page 165.) By the use of four bolts, either burr can be fastened to the runner plate or to the inside of the bed-shell. "C" is the outer bed-shell and "E" the outer runner-shell. Each burr is encased in an inner shell having on its back a boss, "F." The outer bed-shell also has a boss, "G." These bosses are turned and fitted so that when the burrs are put into place, they come into perfect face. "H" shows our split leather-covered pulley. You never injure the shaft by taking a pulley off of a Monarch Mill. The hopper is made of cast iron and its design is that of a frustum of a cone, with its sides at a slant of 50 degrees, having a neck on the small or lower base, through which the material flows to a light shoe. This shoe has an end motion, obtained by the means of a ocking arm and an eccentric on the mill spindle. The flow of the material is regulated by a sleeve around the neck of the hopper, which is raised and lowered by a fork lever attached to each side and fulcrumed at the center on either arm of the hopper and is held in place or adjusted by a hand wheel at the opposite end of the lever. The important feature about this feed is the large, slow stream which it delivers which especially adapts it to the handling of all kinds of grain, both clean and dirty, as well as foundry facings, etc. See cut on page 172 showing Force Feed, which is used for special purposes and which can be put on any size. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 175 The Monarch French Burr Mill with Interchangeable Burrs The Monarch French Burr Mill with Interchangeable Burrs The interchangeable feature is especially desirable. By having an extra pair of burrs always on hand and kept in proper condition, a change may be effected in a very few minutes, causing practically no delay whatever and in this way the work progresses with little or no interruption. The other burrs can easily be redressed when out of the mill and set to place again when needed. Prices and Dimensions PRICE OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Self-Oiling Bearings Ball Bearings Floor Size Inches Height Inches Length Inches Width Inches Space Inches With French With Esopus or Pebble Grit With Emery Rock With French With Esopus or Pebble Grit With Emery Rock Burrs Burrs Burrs Burrs 16 $250.00 $225.00 $375.00 $325.00 $300.00 $450.00 43 60 27 41 x 20 20 320.00 288.00 480.00 410.00 378.00 570.00 46 70 30 49 x 26 24 430.00 387.00 645.00 580.00 527.00 785.00 51 75 32 53 x 30 30 560.00 506.00 840.00 700.00 644.00 980.00 61 75 36 52 x 34 36 800.00 720.00 1200.00 950.00 870.00 1350.00 70 102 48 77 x 66 Dimensions, Capacities, Weights, Etc. Floor to Size of Pulley Cap. Bushels Per Hour BOXED FOR EXPORT Size Inches Center of Shaft Inches Diam. Inches Face Inches Feed Meal Fine Table Meal Speed R.P.M. Power Required Weight Lbs. Weight Lbs. Volume Cubic Feet 16 14 10 6 20 to 25 10 to 12 1000 6 to 10 1000 1250 54 20 18 12 8 40 to 50 15 to 20 900 12 to 15 1600 1900 73 24 20 16 10 60 to 70 20 to 25 800 20 to 25 2200 2550 90 30 23 20 10 \ Rate of Capacity fur- 1 700 30 to 40 3500 3900 119 36 26 30 12 j nished on application | 600 40 to 50 5500 6150 233 Note. Tell us what you have to grind and we will give the capacity. 176 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. o. O .a I I .5 1 Sprout, WalJron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 177 The Monarch Milling Outfits Outfit No. 1 We illustrate above our combined mill and crusher constituting Outfit No. 1. This outfit is especially adapted for the use of Farmers or Threshermen who cannot run their crusher independent of the mill, or those who require an outfit of this character that may be easily transferred from place to place without extra expense and trouble. Combination Outfit No. 2 Consisting of Monarch French Burr Mill Crusher, Elevator and Bagger In our Monarch Crushing and Grinding Outfit No. 2 we use the same mills and crushers as in the No. 1 Outfit combined in the same way. But we add to this our elevating and bagging device. The advantage of this is that the feed is discharged into the boot of the elevator and conveyed up to the bagging conveyor whence it is immediately and automatically bagged. An economy amounting to the time and labor of two men is accomplished in this way, over the old way, where the material ground was discharged into the box and had to be shoveled into bags. One man can really operate one of our outfits alone. It easily pays for its additional cost in a short time by the saving it entails. On opposite page we show a barn scene which is a very good representation of one of these outfits at work. Note the ease with which the work is done no hard or un- necessary labor. Labor is an item of expense and means profit which is large when you consider the interest on your investment. You are making no mistake when you purchase Outfit No. 2. All you have to furnish to run this outfit is your power and drive belt. We ship outfit complete as shown in illustration. 178 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Milling Outfits Outfit No. 3 If you do not require a crusher for corn cob work this is the outfit you need. The same good strong construction and materials are embodied in it that enter into the construction of the other outfits. We are not only willing to guarantee our Monarch Outfits to be the most satisfactory and profitable ones you can buy, but we are willing to take them back at our own expense if you feel we have misrepresented them to you. We could do no more than this to protect you. If you have ever operated a mill, you will appreciate the inconvenience and time consumed in packing the ground feed by the use of a shovel or scoop. This time and expense would pay you good interest on the additional invest- ment for a Monarch elevator and bagger. The device means the saving of one man's time. Figure what this will cost you, and you will see how soon it will pay for itself. By run- ning the ground feed onto the floor or into a box, you have more or less dust to contend with, which is practically overcome by the use of a Monarch elevator and bagger. List Prices on Monarch Outfits Outfit No. 1 NAME Size of Mill Inches List Price Floor Space Inches No. 1 Crushe combined 12 $214 00 No. 2 Crushe combined 12 238.00 No. 2 Crushe combined 16 280.00 No. 3 Crushe combined _ . . 16 300.00 No. 2 Crushe combined 20 350 00 No. 3 Crushe combined 20 370.00 No. 3 Crushe combined ___ 24 450.00 No. 4 Crushe combined. _ __ 24 500.00 No. 1 and 2 Crusher . . 12 86 x 46 No. 2 and 3 Crusher. . . 16 90 x 54 No. 2 and 3 Crusher 20 104 x 67 No. 3 and 4 Crusher. __ _ _. 24 104 x 67 Outfit No. 2 NAME List Price Distance Over All Inches Height Over All Inches 12-inch Monarch French Burr Mill, No. 1 Monarch Crusher and Elevator, and Monarch Elevator and Bagger combined . . $264.00 12-inch Mill and No. 2 Crusher and Elevator and Elevator and Bagge combined 16-inch Mill and No. 2 Crusher and Elevator and Elevator and Bagge combined 16-inch Mill and No. 3 Crusher and Elevator and Elevator and Bagge combined 20-inch Mill and No. 2 Crusher and Elevator and Elevator and Bagge combined 20-inch Mill and No. 3 Crusher and Elevator and Elevator and Bagge combined 24-inch Mill and No. 3 Crusher and Elevator and Elevator and Bagge combined 24-inch Mill and No. 4 Crusher and Elevator and Elevator and Bagge combined 12-inch Mill, Nos. 1 and 2 Crusher, and Bagger and Elevator combined 288.00 330.00 350.00 400.00 434.00 510.00 560.00 116 x 116 75 16-inch Mill, Nos. 2 and 3 Crusher, and Bagger and Elevator combined 120 x 122 75 20-inch Mill, Nos. 2 and 3 Crusher, and Bagger and Elevator combined 156 x 126 75 24-inch Mill, Nos. 3 and 4 Crusher, and Bagger and Elevator combined- . 162 x 126 75 Outfit No. 3 Name List Price Distance Over All Inches Height Over All Inches 12-inch Monarch French Burr Mill with Monarch Elevator and Bagger attached. 16-inch Mill with Monarch Elevator and Bagger attached $186.00 230.00 20-inch Mill with Monarch Elevator and Bagger attached. 300.00 24-inch Mill with Monarch Elevator and Bagger attached .. 380.00 12-inch Mill and Bagger and Elevator combined ._ .. 50 x 120 75 16-inch Mill and Bagger and Elevator combined 54 x 120 75 20-inch Mill and Bagger and Elevator combined 58 x 126 75 24-inch Mill and Bagger and Elevator combined .___ ... 60 x 126 75 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 179 The Monarch Vertical Oat Huller Ball Bearing Section Showing Construction The hulling of oats by means of the Vertical Emery Disc Huller is by no means an innovation in this branch of the milling industry. In England, and in fact, throughout Europe, where oats products are in great demand, the Horizontal Hulling Stone, with its comparatively slow and laborious operation, has given place entirely to the vertical type of machine. It is evidently only a matter of the time necessary to bring full appre- ciation, before the same complete change will have taken place in this country. Our basis for this prediction lies in the fact that the numbers of satisfied users of the Monarch, which has been on the market and in use for several years, is steadily increasing. The method of fitting the Ball Bearings makes it impossible for the huller to get out of tram. Price, Dimensions, Speed, Etc. Diameter of Disc Inches Price OVER -ALL DIMENSIONS Floor Space Inches Floor to Center of Drive Shaft Inches Height to Feed Inlet Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. 1. I- 2 ^j BOXED FOR EXPORT 4 rn II 38 11 ^^ 8 toj* V Wi i Weight Lbs. Vol- ume Cwbfo Feet 36 $1100.00 84 48 45^ 73 x 48 25 3' \%" 16x8 300 to 350 3500 4000 112 180 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Milling Outfits Combination Outfit No. 4 Quite frequently we have found customers who did not have the space to use our four Bagger Elevator, and to accommodate those who are so situated we offer our No. 4 Outfit, as shown opposite, arranged for two bags. It is of the same general construction as our No. 3 Outfit, with the exception of the Bagger, which, as seen by the cut, drops the ground material into one of the spouts, to which a bag has been attached. When the bag is full, by simply throwing a switch, the stream is cut into the other spout which is filled while the first bag is removed and another attached. The extra energy and time saved by this device will more than pay for itself in a very short time. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Size of Mill List Price OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Floor Space Inches Length Width Height Feet 12 16 20 24 $180.00 223.00 300.00 370.00 4' 4" 5' 0" 6' 0" 6' 4" 5' 2" 5' 2" 5' 7" 6' 5" 8 8 8 8 55 x 62 60 x 62 72 x 67 77 x 77 Outfit No. 4 Combination Outfit No. 5 This Outfit is of the same construction as our No. 4, but instead of being arranged for two bags but one spout is used for bagging the feed and the other throws the ground meal to a Monarch Meal Sieve. Customers who do not have a line shaft from which to drive a separate machine, and who occasionally wish, or, have calls for, bolted meal, this Outfit is es- pecially recommended. As will be seen by the cut, both elevator and sieve are driven from the mill. When grinding feed, the sieve can either be removed or the belt thrown off. What we have said of our other Out- fits as to labor, time, 'etc., will apply to Outfit No. 5. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Size of Mill Size of Sieve List Price OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Floor Space Inches Length Width Height Feet 12 16 20 24 No. 1 No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 $210.00 253.00 335.00 405.00 6' 4" 7'0" 8'0" 8' 4" 9' 0" 9' 2" 9' 6" 9' 10" 8 8 8 8 76 x 108 84 x 110 96 x 114 100 x 118 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 181 The Monarch Milling Outfits Combination Outfit No. 6 Specially designed for grinding and bolting corn meal, buckwheat, rye and graham flour. The meal is delivered from mill to bolter, thence to elevator boot, and is carried and delivered to sacks. Extra sieves for different products can be furnished. When grinding feed it is not necessary to run stock over sieve. Furnished complete except driving belt. Outfit No. 6 Front View Outfit No. 6 Back View Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Size of Mill List Price OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS Floor Space Inches Weight Lbs. Length Width Height Feet Length Width 12 $260.00 5' 0" 6' 2" 6 46x42 950 16 325.00 5' 9" 6' 4" 6 48 x45 1250 20 400.00 6' 10" 6' 6" 6 54 x 50 1700 182 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Milling Outfits Illustration of Outfits Nos. 7 and 8, Showing End Elevation Illustration of Outfits Nos. 7 and 8, Showing Side Elevation Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 183 The Monarch Milling Outfit No. 7 One 18-inch Monarch Under- Runner Burr Mill One No. Monarch Scourer One Monarch Round Reel, 8 feet x 26 inches Two No. 1403X Elevators complete, 21 feet C. to C. Six Mill Picks Reel to have Cross Shaft and Gear One Shaft 16 feet x 2 ^ inches One Shaft, 5 feet x 1 % inches Two Collars, 2 j^ inches Two Collars, 1> inches Four Post Boxes, 2^ inches Two Post Boxes, \^4 inches One Pulley, 28 x 8 Burr One Pulley, 28 x 4 Scourer One Pulley, 10 x 4 Reel One No. 45 Sprocket with 28 teeth One No. 45 Sprocket with 14 teeth 22 feet of No. 45 Chain 21 feet of 8-inch Leather Belting 44 feet of 4-inch Leather Belting Total weight, pounds Total Weight Boxed for Export, pounds. Volume, Cubic Feet List Price __ 6400 8000 450 $630.00 The Monarch Milling Outfit No. 8 One 22-inch Monarch Under-Runner Burr Mill One No. 1 Monarch Scourer One Monarch Round Reel, 8 feet x 26 inches Two No. 1403K Elevators, 21 feet complete C. .to C. Six Mill Picks Reel to have Cross Shaft and Gear One Shaft, 61 feet x 2^ inches One Shaft, 5 feet x \% inches Four Post Boxes, 2 j^ inches Two Post Boxes, \y* inches Two Collars, 2 j^ inches Two Collars, \yi inches One Pulley, 38 x 8 Bun- One Pulley, 28 x 4 Scourer One Pulley, 10 x 4 Reel One No. 45 Sprocket with 28 Teeth One No. 45 Sprocket with 14 Teeth 22 feet of No. 45 Chain 24 feet of 8-inch Leather Belting 45 feet of 4-inch Leather Belting Total Weight, pounds Total Weight Boxed for Export, pounds Volume, cubic feet List Price... 7200 8400 500 $700.00 184 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Milling Outfits Illustration of Outfits Nos. 9 and 10, Showing End Elevation Illustration of Outfits Nos. 9 and 10, Showing Side Elevation Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 185 The Monarch Milling Outfit No. 9 One 16-inch Monarch Standard French Burr Mill One No. Monarch Scourer One Monarch Round Reel, 8 feet x 26 inches Two No. 1403^ Elevators, 21 feet Center to Center Six Mill Picks Reel to have Cross Shaft and Gear One Shaft, 12 feet x Iff inches One Shaft, 5 feet x \% inches .; \. Two Collars, 1 xf inches Two Collars, \y inches Three Post Boxes, 1 yf inches Two Post Boxes, \% inches One Pulley, 50 x 6 Burr One Pulley, 28 x 4 Scourer One Pulley, 10 x 4 Reel One No. 45 Sprocket with 28 Teeth One No. 45 Sprocket with 14 Teeth 22 feet of No. 45 Chain 24 feet of 6-inch Leather Belting 42 feet of 4-inch Leather Belting Total Weight, pounds Total Weight Boxed for Export, pounds. Volume, cubic feet List Price- _. 6000 7400 400 $565.00 The Monarch Milling Outfit No. 10 One 20-inch Monarch Standard French Burr Mill One No. 1 Monarch Scourer One Monarch Round Reel, 8 feet x 26 inches Two No. 1403^ Elevators complete, 21 feet C. to C. Six Mill Picks Reel to have Cross Shaft and Gear One Shaft, 12 feet x 2 ^ inches One Shaft, 6 feet x 1 1 / 2 inches Two. Collars, 2^- inches "Two Collars, \]^ inches Three Post Boxes, 2^ inches Two Post Boxes, \]4 inches One Pulley, 54 x 8 Burr One Pulley, 28 x 4 Scourer One Pulley, 10 x 4 Reel One No. 45 Sprocket with 28 Teeth One No. 45 Sprocket with 14 Teeth 22 feet of No. 45 Chain 25 feet of 8-inch Leather Belting 44 feet of 4-inch Leather Belting Total Weight, pounds Total Weight Boxed for Export, pounds . Volume, cubic feet List Price-.. 6400 8000 450 $650.00 186 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Milling Outfits Illustration of Outfits Nos. 11 and 12, Showing End Elevation Illustration of Outfits Nos. 11 and 12, Showing Side Elevation Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 187 The Monarch Milling Outfit No. 1 1 One 24-inch Monarch Standard French Burr Mill . r One No. 1 Monarch Scourer One Monarch Round Reel, 8 feet x 26 inches Two No. 1603.K Elevators complete, 21 feet C. to C. Six Mill Picks Reel to have Cross Shaft and Gear One Shaft, 12 feet x 2^ inches One Shaft, 6 feet x 1 }4 inches Two Collars, 2^s inches Two Collars, \]4 inches Three Post Boxes, 2^s inches Total Weight, pounds Total Weight Boxed for Export, pounds Volume, cubic feet List Price. .. Two Post Boxes, 1> inches One Pulley, 54 x 8 Burr One Pulley, 28 x 4 Scourer One Pulley, 12 x 5 Reel One No. 45 Sprocket with 28 Teeth One No. 45 Sprocket with 14 Teeth 24 feet of No. 45 Chain 26 feet of 8-inch Leather Belting 18 feet of 5-inch Leather Belting 26 feet of 4-inch Leather Belting 6800 8400 500 $700.00 The Monarch Milling Outfit No. 12 One 30-inch Monarch Standard French Burr Mill One No. 1 Monarch Scourer One Monarch Round Reel, 8 feet x 26 inches Two No. 1604 Elevators complete, 21 feet C. to C. Ten Mill Picks Reel to have Cross Shaft and Gear One Shaft, 12 feet x 2 if inches One Shaft, 6 feet x 1 if inches Two Collars, 2 if inches Two Collars, 1 if inches Three Post Boxes, 2 jf inches Total Weight, pounds Total Weight Boxed for Export, pounds Volume, cubic feet List Price. .. Two Post Boxes, 1 if inches One Pulley, 54 x 8 Burr One Pulley, 28 x 4 Scourer One Pulley, 12 x 5 Reel One No. 45 Sprocket with 28 Teeth One No. 45 Sprocket with 14 Teeth 24 feet of No. 45 Chain 26 feet of 8-inch Leather Belting 18 feet of 5-inch Leather Belting 26 feet of 4-inch Leather Belting 7000 9000 550 $800.00 188 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Iron Frame Upper Runner Burr Mill This illustration was made from a photograph of our 54-inch Monarch Upper Runner Pulley Mill, but will serve to illustrate the 30-inch, 36-inch and 42-inch sizes also, as the only difference is in the size of the parts, the general appearance being the same. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. g Q Js s-g 33-8,5 ^S '! Oi[S.5>-H rtC v OOCX Size of Drive Pulley Inches Speed R. P.M. Weight Lbs. List Price B f 1 a,Ow Pulley on Countershaft of G'red Mill >> 6 21 a ~ ct~ $3 >. B 11 o ol=l 11 30 6 to 8 20x10 360 220 2350 2600 $420.00 $570.00 36 7 to 10 24x10 300 241 3250 3700 570.00 740.00 42 8 to 12 30x10 240 193 4500 5200 720.00 940.00 54 12 to 20 42x12 175 104 8250 9000 1370.00 1620.00 The Monarch Upper Runner Burr Mill with Wood Hurst or Frame This mill has a hard wood frame, mortised, tenoned and joint bolted; neatly painted. Galvanized iron hoop with turned wood top. If preferred, wood stove hoop can be furnished. Adjustable bridgetree; self-adjusting driving irons; self -oiling bush, adjustable from below bed-stone. Furnished with Esopus burrs and with either pulley or mortise gear drive. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Capacity Bushels Per Hour Speed R. P. M. Pulley Mills Geared Mills Size Inches Wheat Corn Horse Power Pulley Inches Pulley on Pulley on C'tershaft Geared Weight Lbs. List Price Weight Lbs. List Price Mill 30 6 to 8 6 to 16 10 20 x 10 360 283 2240 $400.00 2600 $530.00 36 7 to 10 7 to 20 12 24 x 10 300 236 2650 500.00 3100 650.00 42 8 to 12 8 to 24 14 30 x 10 240 235 3950 600.00 4175 750.00 48 10 to 18 10 to 30 16 36 x 12 180 177 5100 700.00 5800 850.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 189 Assembly of The Monarch Top Runner Burr Outfit Top Runner Burrs with driving mechan- ism or fixtures. Either Esopus or pebble grit burrs will be furnished. The prices below are for burrs including the fixtures as indicated by number in the following list. This price does not include Mill Hurst and Wood Crane with hoisting screws. No. 7, Hopper; No. 8, Stand; No. 9, Shoe; No. 10, Damsel; No. 11, Hoop; Nos. 12 and 13, Burrs; No. 14, Spindle; No. 15, Leveling Screws with Plates; No. 16, Lighter Lever; No. 17, Adjusting Screw; No. 18, Step Box, No. 19, Rhine or Bail; No. 20, Driver; No. 21, Lighter Rod; No. 22, Bushing; No. 23, Balance Weight; No. 24, Band; No. 27, Hand Wheel. Driving pulley or gears will be furnished at an extra charge. Prices, Weights and Speeds Illustration Showing Arrangement of Burrs and Driving Mechanism when Built in Mill B PRICE PER PAIR 3 3 PQ <8 v *^ Pulley Mortise Gear ft >> f 1 S A IS d . aJ Mill ^3 I^OJ <#d 30 $400.00 $530.00 2240 2600 360 36 500.00 650.00 2650 3100 300 42 600.00 750.00 3950 4175 240 48 700.00 850.00 5100 5800 180 54 800.00 950.00 6300 7000 120 60 900.00 1050.00 7000 8000 90 Mill Stone Supporting Frame Consisting of timber work or frame surrounding and supporting the bed-stone of upper runner mills. It is the part that forms the top of the hurst frame, and is furnished with leveling plates and screws. Prices for Mill Stone Supporting Frame Size Burrs, In. 30 36 42 48 54 Price _ $45.00 $52.50 $60.00 $67.50 $75.00 Prices for Hurst Frames for Top Runner Burr Mills Size Burrs, In 30 36 42 48 54 60 Price _ $80.00 $100.00 $110.00 $130.00 $150.00 $175.00 The Monarch Hurst Frame is made of 10 x 10-inch hard wood and equipped with self -oiling bearings for the cross shaft, and includes no other iron work. 190 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Under Runner Burr Mill Monarch Style "M" Pulley MU1 There are many materials which require some special form or degree of reduction before they are fitted for commercial use and for grinding such commodities as wet mustard and starch, various kinds of herbs and grains, spices, drugs, silica, clay, bones, shells, glass, plaster of Paris, crushed limestone, foundry facings, etc., etc., we recommend the Monarch Style "M" Under Runner Mill as being an entirely efficient, satisfactory and durable machine. It is substantially built, compact, easily accessible and gives the maximum capacity for the amount of power used. The carefully selected burrs are banded with welded wrought iron and dressed by experts to meet the requirements of the class of grinding for which they will be used. Prices, Weights, Capacities, Etc. Size Inches Capacity Bushels Per Hour Corn Size of Pulley Inches Revolutions Per Minute Pulley Mills Mortise Geared Mills Pulley Mill Pulley on Geared Mill Weight Lbs. Prices Weight Lbs. Prices 30 20 to 40 20 x 10 400 245 2200 $420.00 2500 $570.00 36 25 to 50 24 x 10 330 265 3050 570.00 3350 740.00 42 30 to 60 30 x 10 240 193 4080 720.00 4700 940.00 Sftroul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 191 The Monarch Under Runner French Burr Mill The Monarch is above all things a strong durable machine. The casting which forms the shell for the runner is a part of the very frame work of the machine which gives it remarkable solidity. The wooden frame- work however, is light, yet so rigid that it will not carry destructive vibration. Neither will it become loose jointed. The driving shaft, which goes with the geared arrangement as shown in the illustration, extends entirely across the frame, being journaled with bearings on either side of the drive wheel, the shaft extending under the step spindle in an arch step where the best fittings are used with an adjustable tram pot and lever. The top or stationary burr is hinged on our 18-inch mill and bolted to the case of the runner so that it can be readily thrown back for the purpose of dressing the burrs as shown in the second illustration. The joints are all turned up to a templet and present a perfectly even face. They cannot get out of alignment and con- sequently your grinding is always even and the work uniformly perfect. We use our patent tapered steel sleeve on the spindle for holding the runner in position. This renders it absolutely impossible for the drive gears to raise the spindle out of the step; and the runner, being secured, cannot get loose. This means the best sort of grinding surface, makes a higher speed possible and gives the mill a greater capacity. The lighter lever is cushioned on a coil spring under the short end. This gives all needed pressure and allows the burrs to give way without injury to their surfaces, should a piece of iron or other dangerous matter happen to get in with the grain, allowing any obstruction to pass out between the burrs which will then return to their proper grinding adjustment. The face of the runner is adjusted to that of the stationary burr by a hand wheel on the side of the frame. This is the simplest and most exact method of any used on machines o'f this type. There are no complicated parts to the machine. Each part is located exactly where it is needed and where most convenient. The 22- inch mill does not have the hinge feature, but the top can be readily removed when the burrs require dressing. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Diam. PRICES CAPACITY Bushels per Hour ner Stone per Min. Size WEIGHTS BOXED FOR EXPORT of Stone Inches Pulley Mills Iron Geared Mills Mortise Geared Mills Corn Meal Feed Wheat Grinding Power of Pulley Inches Pull'y Mills Lbs. G'red Mills Lbs. Weights Vol. Cubic Feet Wh't Corn Pull'y Mills G'red Mills Lbs. Lbs. 18 $180.00 $240.00 $270.00 6 to 12 10 to 25 3 to 6 400 600 4 to 6 14 x 8 950 1150 1320 1420 76 22 220.00 290.00 320.00 10 to 16 15 to 30 5 to 8 350 500 5 to 9 16x8 1200 1400 2110 2210 87 192 Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Under Runner Burr Mill Outfit No. 14 The Monarch Under Runner Burr Mill Outfit We illustrate here our Grinding and Bagging Outfit No. 14, consisting of the Monarch Under Runner French Burr Mill and Two-Spout Sacking Elevator. We have had numerous calls from persons who prefer an Under Runner Mill for a Feed Meal Outfit. We have therefore designed an Outfit arranged in the manner shown in the accompanying illustration Prices for Outfit No. 14 PRICES of Stone Inches Pulley Mills Iron Geared Mills Mortise Geared Mills 18 22 $230.00 275.00 $290.00 345.00 $320.00 375.00 Burr Stones for Vertical Mills French burrs have been used for many years by the most successful millers the world over. Of course they are more expensive than native stones, but experi- ence has shown them to be much superior for a great many purposes. We import our burrs direct from the best quarries of France where they are specially selected for our own use. They are especially adapted to the grinding of cereals by reason of their fierce, tough texture. They are so much harder than native or Esopus stones that they do not require to be dressed nearly so often. Monarch pebble grit burrs are principally used in a few of the Southern districts for the grinding of soft fine meal and we especially recommend them for corn or meal grinding. French burrs are harder in quality and consequently harder to dress. Besides they are more costly to prepare. Their cost however is defrayed by their hard wearing qualities and the small amount of dressing they infrequently require, which peculiarly adapts them for feed grinding. It is a very simple and easy task to keep them in shape by the use of mill picks after they have been put in service. We always dress the burrs we send you with a furrow that is especially adapted to the work you want your mill to do. They slightly differ in their quality and stones of one texture are more suitable to work of a certain kind than others. Always state the nature of your grinding and we will furnish a pair of burrs most suitable. We are the largest importers of burrs in America. Prices and Diameters Diameter Inches Genuine French Burr Stones Per Pair Esopus Stones Per Pair Pebble Grit Stones Per Pair Price Iron Casing for Burr Each 10 $ 50.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $10.00 12 50.00 35.00 35.00 10.00 16 70.00 40.00 40.00 12.00 18 90.00 55.00 55.00 13.00 20 100.00 65.00 65.00 13.00 22 110.00 75.00 75.00 14.00 24 130.00 85.00 85.00 14.00 30 200.00 95.00 95.00 16.00 36 300.00 140.00 140.00 20.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 193 The Monarch Turkey Emery Rock Burrs This illustration shows one of the Monarch Turkey Emery Rock Burrs, which shows the face of the emery blocks set in metal. These blocks are very carefully selected, so as to have the grain of the emery always running at right angles to the face of the stone, thus giving the maximum of cutting power. They are made for the especial purpose of grinding coke, crushed limestone, paint rock, foundry facing, graphite, carbon and like hard materials. Prices and Diameters Diameter Inches PRICE LIST PER PAIR Ground in Face Set in Iron Case 16 20 24 30 36 $190.00 280.00 320.00 400.00 580.00 $200.00 300.00 340.00 420.00 600.00 Burr Stones for Under and Top Runner Mills Prices on mill stones backed, banded, faced and furrowed, and without irons. All irons are charged extra. On page 189 this book we list burrs with irons complete. Fitting mill irons to burrs will be charged for extra. Thirty inches and up, $20.00 per pair. Prices and Diameters Diameter, Inches . . 30 36 42 Genuine French Burr Stones Esopus Stones.. $200.00 120.00 $300.00 200.00 $400.00 250.00 Pebble Gritstones 120.00 200.00 250.00 Diameter, Inches. 48 50 54 Genuine French Burr Stones Esopus Stones $500.00 300.00 $550.00 350.00 $600.00 400.00 Pebble Grit Stones 300.00 350.00 400.00 The Monarch Iron Mill Hoops for Upper Runner Mills This hoop is made of heavy galvanized iron, with turned white pine top. Unless otherwise ordered, this hoop is > neatly painted on the outside. List Prices, Size of Mill, Diameter of Burrs 30-Inch Mill 36-Inch Mill 42-Inch Mill 48-Inch Mill 54-Inch Mill 60-Inch Mill $30.00 $32.00 $36.00 $40.00 $46.00 $75.00 The 60-inch hoop is made of heavy black sheet steel with turned wood top. The Monarch Wood Mill Hoops for Upper Runner Mills This hoop is made of pine staves, iron-banded under walnut finish. List Prices, Size of Mill, Diameter of Burrs 30-Inch Mill 36-Inch Mill 42-Inch Mill 48-Inch Mill 50-Inch Mill 54-Inch Mill $40.00 $44.00 $48.00 $52.00 $54.00 $60.00 194 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Mill Feeders Hopper, Stand and Shoe, with Damsel Feed List Prices, Size of Mill, Diameter of Burrs 36-Inch Mill and all Smaller Sizes 42-Inch Mill 48-Inch Mill 54-Inch Mill IJopper and Stand only $10.00 $11.00 $12.00 $1400 Note. If shoe is wanted, add $4.00 to above prices. The Monarch Tripod Feeder Silent Feed This feeder consists of cast-iron tripod, hopper and adjustable feed tube. Made with throat either 2^s inches or 3^ inches diameter. Tripod feeder with planished iron hopper $25.00 Tripod feeder with glass globe 30.00 Tripod feeder with copper or brass hopper 30.00 The Monarch Bracket Feed Rig Silent Feed Made with throat either 2^ inches or 3^ inches diameter. Bracket feeder without hopper ..$10.50 Bracket feeder with iron or tin hopper 13.50 Bracket feeder with brass or copper hopper and with nickel plated feed wheel : 18.00 Silent feeder with wood hopper and stand 18.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. 195 Hoisting Screws Monarch Hoisting Screws are made of best grade of steel with a large square thread so that lifting is rapid. The fixtures are made of wrought steel, strong and reliable. On page 189 of this catalog we illustrate an installa- tion of Monarch Top Runner Burrs with Hoisting Crane with Screws. Prices for Hoisting Screws with Nut, Wrench, Bails and Pins Size of Burrs, Inches 30 36 42 48 50 54 60 and Smaller Price . , - $18 00 $20.00 $22.50 $27.00 $28.00 $3000 $33 00 Wood Crane The Monarch Hoisting Crane is made of hardwood lumber, strongly designed and securely put together ready to install. It is filled and varnished to show natural wood finish. On page 189 of this book we illustrate a crane installed with a burr outfit. Price (10 to 12-foot post) without hoisting irons $30.00 Prices on special length cranes quoted on application. 196 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Balance Boxes Price, per set of three $13.50 Each.. 4.50 This balance box consists of a cast-iron box with removable cap, shown in cut to the right, inside of which is fitted a cast-iron weight pocket, shown in cut to the left. The weight pocket also has removable cover, and holds weights as required. It is adjusted up or down within the box by means of the screw which projects above the cap. The Monarch Balancing Rhine or Bail In Four Sizes For stones with 7 -inch eye $4.00 For stones with 8>-inch eye . 4.50 For stones with 10 -inch eye 5.50 For stones with 12 -inch eye 6.00 The Monarch Adjustable Driving Iron In Four Sizes For stones with 7 -inch eye $4.00 For stones with 8K-inch eye 4.00 For stones with 10 -inch eye 5.00 For stones with 12 -inch eye. _, 5.00 The Monarch Instant Lift Screw stub with hand wheel, stand and cap, plain Screw stub with hand wheel, stand and cap, turned Screw stub with hand wheel, stand and cap, nickel plated Screw stub with hand wheel, stand and cap, brass polished \ 7.50 9.00 12.00 19.50 Self -Ad justing Driving Irons Cone Bail Cast Driver Steel Driver Adjusting Ring (Hood) For 10-inch eye For 12 -inch eye $8.00 9.00 $4.00 4.00 $8.00 8.00 $3.00 4.00 Hood Driver Cone Bail Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 197 The Monarch Adjustable Mill Step For 30 and 36-inch stones and under $22.00 For 42 to 54-inch stones 24.50 Above with brass bushing, extra. The Monarch Arch Mill Step and Lighter Lever For 30 and 36-inch stones and under For 42 to 54-inch stones The above prices do not include lighter lever. .$27.50 . 33.00 The Monarch Lighter Levers Including Screw Wrench, Nut Bolts and Pins For 30-inch burrs and smaller, For 36-inch burrs For 42-inch burrs For 48-inch burrs For 54-inch burrs. _ .$18.00 . 20.00 . 22.50 . 27.00 . 30.00 The Monarch Mill Bushes Made in four sizes. Has wood followers with iron backs. Self-oiling and adjustable from below bed-stone. Babbitt bearing. Removable cap. Leather washer surrounding spindle. Extra charge when brass bearing is furnished. For 7 -inch eye $14.00 For 8>^-incheye 15.00 For 10 -inch eye 16.00 For 12 -inch eye 17.00 198 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Mill Picks Facing Hammer Mill Picks Furrow Hammer Our Mill Picks are made from special steel, and are the same that are used in our factory in facing and furrowing the burrs that go in our burr mills. Don't wait until your burrs need dressing before ordering picks, but purchase them with the mill. Standard Mill Picks, weighing 2 pounds or less, each $2.00 Picks weighing over 2 pounds, price per pound 1.00 For tempering and drawing Picks (each point) .20 For drawing from center and tempering (per Pick) .60 Furrowing or Facing Hammers, 3 pounds or less 6.00 Furrowing or Facing Hammers, 3> or 4 pounds . 7.00 The Monarch Proof Staffs and Spirit Level Warranted True. Boxed feet long $18.00 feet long 21.00 feet long 24.00 The Monarch Red Staffs Made of Pieces and Boxed For 30-inch burr and under $ 6.00 For 3-foot burr _ 7.50 For 3^-footburr.__ : 9.00 For 4-foot burr.. . . . 10.50 For 4^-foot burr. . 11.50 Pick Handles Pick Handles, Patent Socket, each $1.50 Plain Hickory Handles for Eye Picks .15 Sprout, Waldron 6- Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 199 The Monarch Mill Spindles Made from Steel with Inserted Hardened Steel Toe and Cockhead Spindles for Under Runner Mills Price List 18-Inch Burrs 20-Inch Burrs 22-Inch Burrs 24-Inch Burrs 26-Inch Burrs 30-Inch Burrs 36-Inch Burrs 42-Inch Burrs $15.00 $15.00 $18.00 $18.00 $21.00 $21.00 $24.00 $27.00 Spindles for Upper Runner Mills Price List Diameter of Spindle Inches Length from Shoulder to Toe Feet Price Spindle Complete Price Additional Length Per Foot Price Steel Toe Price Cockhead 2A 3 $22.50 $1.00 $4.00 $3.00 2tt 4 25.00 1.25 4.50 3.00 2H 5 30.00 1.50 5.00 3.00 3^ 6 37.50 1.80 5.00 3.00 3^ 7 45.00 2.10 5.00 3.00 3 8 60.00 2.85 5.00 3.00 4A 10 70.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 4A 10 80.00 4.00 5.00 3.00 Cockeyes, each $ 3.00 Taper Sleeves, for pinions, fitted to spindle, each 10.00 Chain Jack, with shaft, hand wheel, ratchet pawl, two chains and hooks for lifting pinions out of gear, each 20.00 Leveling Plates and Screws For Leveling Bed-Stones in Upper Runner Mills Monarch Mill Spindle Price, per set of three $ 7 - 50 Price, per set of four. 10.00 200 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Corn Sheller No. 2 Here's a sheller that doesn't cost a great deal of money, but which is a wonder for work. It is built right, works right and is right. Shafting cold rolled steel; flywheel large and heavy, making it a light runner. It is a one-hopper, right-hand sheller without cob separator. Capacity : 125 bushels per day. Weight: 125 pounds, crated in one package; 8 cubic feet. Price: No. 2, Plain Bearing $14.00 No. I]/*, Roller Bearing 15.00 FeedTable 2.00 Basket Board.. 2.00 The Monarch Corn Sheller No. 2 The Monarch Corn Sheller No. 3 We don't believe there is a better corn sheller made than our No. 3. Note hopper is adjustable, conforming to different sized ears. The separator not only separates the corn from the cob, but thoroughly cleans the grain from all chaff. The crank is on the right side of the machine. Capacity: 125 bushels per day. Weight: 125 pounds crated in one package; 8 cubic feet. Price: No. 3, Plain Bearing _- .$16.00 No. 3X, Roller Bearing 17.00 No. 03, Plain Bearing with Fan 17.00 No. 03>4, Roller Bearing with Fan 18.00 FeedTable 2.00 Basket Board.. 2.00 The Monarch Corn Sheller No. 3 The Monarch Corn Sheller No. 4 Our No. 4 is a one-hopper, right-hand sheller, with cob and chaff separator, particularly adapted to general farm work. A cheaper sheller than our No. 3. Shafting of cold rolled steel; heavy, large diameter balance wheel. Capacity: 125 bushels per day. Weight: 125 pounds, crated in one package; 8 cubic feet. Price: No. 4, Plain Bearing $15.00 No. 4>4, Roller Bearing, - 16.00 No. 04, Plain Bearing with Fan 16.00 No. 04X, Roller Bearing with Fan 1 7.00 FeedTable 2.00 Basket Board.. 2.00 The Monarch Corn Sheller No. 4 Sprout, Waldron 6- Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 201 The Monarch Corn Sheller No. 7 This is our two-hopper, left-hand sheller. It is a sheller we are willing to put against the world. Cold rolled steel shafting, perfect adjustable separator, auto- matic spring, heavy smooth running gearing, combined flywheel and 20-inch pulley. It is a rapid worker and easy runner. The Monarch Corn Sheller No. 7 Capacity: By power, 500 to 600 bushels per day; by hand, 200 bushels per day. Weight: 280 pounds, crated in one package; set up, 24> cubic feet. Price: No. 7, Outside Gear, Plain Bearing $36.00 No. T l /2, Outside Gear, Roller Bearing 38.00 Feed Table 2.00 Basket Board.. 2.00 The Monarch Corn Sheller No. 8 This is a two-hopper, right-hand sheller of large capacity, for either hand .or power use. Adjustable shaker thoroughly separates the grain from cobs and chaff. It will 'take any sized ear, the shelling apparatus being controlled by a strong automatic spring. The shafting is cold rolled steel, and runs in either roller or plain bearings. Heavy, smooth-running gearing transmits the power from one shaft to the other. It is practically free from clogging and choking, and is suitable for either farm or warehouse, for hand or power use. The Monarch Corn Sheller No. 8 Capacity: By power, 500 to 600 bushels per day; by hand, 200 bushels per day. Weight: 300 pounds, crated in one package; set up 24 ^ cubic feet. Price: No. 8, With Plain Bearings $36.00 No. 8K, With Roller Bearings . 38.00 Feed Table 2.00 Basket Board.. 2.00 202 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Corn Ear Crushers Wood Frame Crushing Parts of Our Nos. 1 and 2 Crushers The Monarch Corn Ear Crusher No. 2 The Monarch Corn Ear Crusher No. 1 The function of our Monarch Corn Ear Crushers is to reduce the corn ears to the proper proportions about the size of corn grains to insure perfect grinding on either our Burr or Attrition Mills. They are all built on low designs so that they' may be fed by the operator when standing on the floor. These machines are very light running, solid of construction and devoid of almost all vibration. We have given special attention to the construction of details. All crushing parts are made of white iron, which for durability and toughness is unsurpassed. The burrs are made interchangeable and as such can be replaced at small cost, besides they are always sure to fit. We make the breaker shaft and the driving shaft of cold rolled steel and the lower bearings of both shafts are cast in one piece. This, you see, makes it impossible for the gears to get out of alignment. All the bear- ings are lined with the best babbitt. It is a very simple operation to adjust these Crushers while in operation for the purpose of coarse or fine grinding by means of a hand screw especially provided for that purpose. They may be used not only for crushing corn ears, but for reducing oyster shells, shale, and soft rock to a required degree of fineness. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Capacities, Etc. Size No. Price Height Over All Inches Floor Space Required Inches Size Over All Includ'g Pulley Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed of Pulley R.P.M. Horse Power Capacity Bushels Per Hour Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 1 $56.00 48 30x30 30x34 16x4 400 1 to 2 12 to 25 350 521 34 2 80.00 50 36x36 36x42 20x4 450 2 to 3 40 to 60 750 1144 50 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 203 Iron Frames This is a very strong and substantial machine composed of durable materials constructed in a highly scientific manner. Its crushing parts are composed entirely of the best white iron. The frame work is cast in one solid piece. It has a strong, massive base which absorbs the friction without transmitting it to the floor. It has one peculiar feature of advantage in its reversible drive and also a device for adjusting the machine for fine or coarse crushing. The machine is constructed with a drive shaft which extends right through the base. Unless otherwise advised we send the machine to you arranged with the drive pulleys as shown in the illustration. If, however, when you come to set up the machine and find that it would be more convenient to have the pulley on the other side, this may be easily accomplished by simply reversing the position of the pulley and changing the pinion to the opposite side. It will be seen that the shaft will then revolve in the opposite direction but the pinion being on the opposite side of the machine will cause the crushing parts to revolve in the same direction as formerly. This is a very important feature. The adjustment of the machine for fine or coarse crushing is accomplished by means of the lighter rod with hand wheel which operates a supporting bar which in turn upholds the shaft upon which the adjusting step box rests. By the use of lighter rod you can raise or lower the supporting bar, and consequently, by means of the step box upon which the grinding parts rest, which in turn are supported by a strong bar forming a part of the solid frame, you can throw them either closer together, or farther apart, and thus regulate the coarseness or fineness of the crushing. The shaft which supports the crushing parts rests on a tapered toe of hardened steel which turns upon a base plate of the same hard material. The nature of this connection insures very little wear on the machine at this point and even, if in time, the toe does wear, its tapered shape only tends to settle it more firmly into the socket in which it rests, and the wear is taken up on its sides. This device is arranged to run in oil, _thus preventing undue friction and wear, of which there is likely to be very little on account of the comparatively slow motion on this part of the machine. While this machine is reversible, the crushing parts are made on the same plan as our Nos. 1 and 2 machines. The ribs are all set on a slant so that the greatest amount of crushing may be done with a minimum of power. Machines having straight ribs, it has been demonstrated over and over again, are not desirable because of the waste of power which they entail and the unevenness of their work. The Monarch Crushers are very light running and easy to operate. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Capacities, Etc. Size Number Price Height Over All Inches Floor Space Required Inches Size Over All Includ'g Pulley Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed of Pulley R.P.M. Horse Power Capacity Bushels Per Hour Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 3 $100.00 41 30x34 31 x40 14x4 750 2 to 3 40 to 60 700 864 33 4 150.00 50 36x39 36x44 20x5 650 4 to 5 60 to 100 1000 1226 53 204 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Horizontal Crusher The Monarch Corn Ear Crusher No. 5 To millers who have ample power and who desire large capacity, we recommend our No. 5 Horizontal Crusher, as its capacity is only limited by the amount of power applied. It is built especially strong and heavy to stand the most severe usage and do the largest amount of work in a given time. It is simple in construction, containing but few parts, and can be readily adjusted, while in operation, to crush either fine or coarse. The crushing parts are made of chilled iron and when worn can be replaced at a small cost, which makes the machine an inexpensive one to operate. Built in one size only. This crusher is used extensively for crushing burnt lime and like material. Price, Dimensions, Weight, Capacity, Etc. Size BOXED FOR Size No. Price Over All with Pulley Floor Space Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Horse Power Height Inches Capacity Bushels Per Hour Weight Lbs. Exi Weight J ORT Vol. Inches Lbs. Cu. Ft. 5 $180.00 57 x 22 28 x 21 20x8 400 to 600 1 to 10 27 1 100 to 200 1000 1255 28 The Monarch Cake Breaker This Breaker is built for strength, durability and economy in operation. The breaker saws are made of one-quarter inch saw steel, nine inches in diameter, and will last indefinitely. The saws are placed on a square shaft, so spaced and arranged that the teeth of the saws pass between the teeth on the opposite roll, thus insuring capacity and an even product. The shafts are geared together by a pair of spur cut gears 8 inches diameter by 5 inches face. Price, Dimensions, Weight, Capacity, Etc. Size No. Price Size Over All with Pulley ' Inches Height Inches Floor Space Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed of Pulley R.P.M. Horse Power Capacity in 12 Hours Tons Weight Lbs. BOXE Ex Weight Lbs. D FOR PORT Vol. Cu.Ft. 6 $350.00 28 x 45 26 24 x 29 20 x 6 400 4 to 6 35 to 40 1300 1447 22 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 205 The Monarch Ore Crusher The Monarch Ore Crusher No. 9 This Crusher is thoroughly built and its parts made strong for the work for which it was designed. It will crush materials of medium hardness, such as bone, oyster shells, shale, paint rock, etc., for finishing on our vertical mills. The bearings are all above the crushing parts, which prevents dirt of a gritty nature getting into them. The machine is supplied with an adjustable hand wheel so that it may be regulated to crush fine or coarse while in operation. The frame is built of 5 x 5-inch kiln-dried hard wood, the whole being held together by heavy joint bolts. The hardest and toughest iron obtainable has been selected for the making of the crushing parts. It has a capacity of from three to six tons per hour, according to the material and degree of fineness required. Pieces from three to six inches through are reduced to the size of corn and wheat grains. The machine is shipped complete ready for the bslt, making the erection a very simple operation. Price, Dimensions, Weight, Etc. Size No. Price Height Inches Floor Space. Inches Size Over All with Pulley Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed of Pulley R. P. M. Horse Power Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 9 $300.00 93 35^ x 35^ 35^ x 44^ 30 x 7 125 10 2000 2350 110 206 Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Roller Crusher In Wood or Steel Frame The Monarch Roller Crusher Two-Pair High The Monarch Two-Pair and Three-Pair High Roller Crusher is designed for strength, durability and large capacity for crushing clay, coal, coke, lime and like materials. It is arranged to crush these materials to size of corn grains and smaller. The rolls are constructed of specially treated hard steel discs securely bolted together on a square shaft and are provided with adjustable relief springs that may be tensioned to suit materials to be crushed. The frame is made of hard wood mortised and tenoned and securely fastened with draw bolts. We also furnish with steel frame if desired. Prices for machine equipped with steel housing will be furnished on application. Two-Pair High Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS BOXED FOR EXPORT Size Number Price with Wood Frame Price with Steel Frame Weight Lbs. Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Volume Cubic Feet 12 $700.00 $1050.00 6' 1#" 3' 10" 4' 4" 4500 4990 78 13 790.00 1100.00 6' SX" 3' 10" 4' 4" 4600 5100 109 14 850.00 1250.00 6' nx" 3' 10" 4' 4" 4800 5350 118 15 900.00 1300.00 V 5X" 3' 10" 4' 4" 5000 5600 126 Three-Pair High Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. OVER-ALL DIMENSIONS BOXED FOR EXPORT Size Number Price with Wood Frame Price with Steel Frame Weight Lbs. Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Volume Cubic Feet 12 $ 950.00 $1350.00 6' IX" 3' 10" 6'0" 5500 6100 108 13 1050.00 1450.00 6' 5X" 3' 10" 6' 0" 6000 6650 150 14 1150.00 1600.00 6' nx" 3' 10" 6'0" 6500 7160 162 15 1250.00 1700.00 r sx" 3' 10" 6'0" 7000 7700 174 Sprout, Waldron 6- Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 207 Grain Measure To find the capacity in bushels of a bin or wagon-bed, multiply the cubic feet by .8 (tenths). For greater accuracy, add ^ of a bushel for every 100 cubic feet. To find the cubic feet, multiply the length, width and depth together. Find the capacity of a bin 4 feet wide, 5 feet deep, and 15 feet long. To get the exact answer, 1 bushel is added for the 300 cubic feet. How many bushels will a wagon-bed hold, 10 feet long, 3 feet wide, 18 inches or 1> feet deep? A bed 10 feet long, 3 feet wide, will hold 2 bushels for every inch in depth. 4x5x15 = 300 cubic feet. Answer, 240.0 bushels. 240 + 1 = 241 bushels exact answer. x 3 x 10 = 45 cubic feet. Answer, 36.0 bushels. Ear Corn Measure To find the contents of a corn crib: multiply the cubic feet by 4 and divide the product by 9." Find the contents of a corn crib, 18 feet long, 7 x 8 x 18 = 1,008 cubic feet. 4 .7 feet wide, 8 feet high. *Note. This allows 2% cubic feet for a bushel. It is the rule most generally used, and will hold out 9)4,032 in ordinary good corn, even if measured at the time A 4,0 < i. it is cribbed. Two Simple Rules for Finding the Capacity of Round Bins, in Bushels Where the dimensions measure exactly in feet, multiply the diameter by the diameter, multiply by the depth, multiply by .63. Where the dimensions measure in inches, multiply the diameter by the diameter, multiply by the depth, multiply by .000365. To Find the Quantity of Grain When Heaped on the Floor in the Form of a Cone Square the depth and square the slant height, in inches. Take their difference and multiply by the depth, in inches. Multiply this product by .00048. The result will be the contents, in bushels. To Find the Quantity of Grain When Heaped Against a Straight Wall Square one-half of the depth and proceed as in the previous rule. Estimated Weights of Lumber, in Pounds Walnut, dry, per square foot 4 Oak, green, per square foot 5^ Walnut, green, per square foot 5 Sycamore, dry, per square foot 3^ Cherry, dry, per square foot 3> Sycamore, green, per square foot 4^ Cherry, green, per square foot 4^ Chestnut, dry, per square foot 3.K Ash, dry, per square foot 3> Chestnut, green, per square foot 4> Ash, green, per square foot 4X Basswood, dry, per square foot 2> Maple, dry, per square foot 4> Basswood, green, per square foot 4 Maple, green, per square foot 6 Butternut, dry, per square foot 3 Hickory, dry, per square foot 5 Butternut, green, per square foot 4 Hickory, green, per square foot 6^ Whitewood, dry, per square foot 2^ Oak, dry, per square foot 4^" Whitewood, green, per square foot 4 208 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Relative Value of Feed Contents of Feed Materials FEEDING STUFF Water Per Cent Ash Per Cent Protein Per Cent Fiber Per Cent Nitrogen Free Extract Per Cent Fat Per Cent Number of Analysis Corn Silage 77.3 1.4 1.9 5.9 12.6 0.9 161 Red Clover 15.3 6.2 12.3 248 38.1 3 3 38 Alfalfa 8.4 7.4 14.3 25 42.7 2 2 21 Cowpea 10.7 7.5 16.6 20.1 42.2 2 9 8 Oat Straw 9.2 5.1 40 37 42.4 2 3 12 Oat Shorts. - . 5.5 3.9 18.1 8.9 57.4 5 5 Kafir Corn 12.5 1.3 10.9 1.9 70.5 2 9 6 Barley 10.9 2 4 12 4 2 7 69.8 1 8 10 Oats 11.0 3.0 11 8 9.5 59.7 5 30 Oat Hulls 7.3 6.7 3 3 29.7 52.1 1 Rye 11.6 1 9 10 6 1 7 72.5 1 7 6 Wheat, Spring Varieties 10.4 1.9 12.5 1.8 71.9 2.2 13 Wheat, Winter Varieties 10.5 1.8 11.8 1.8 72.0 2.1 262 Wheat, All Varieties 10.5 1.8 11 9 1.8 71.9 2.1 310 Buckwheat 12.6 2.0 100 8 7 64.5 2.2 8 Buckwheat Hulls 13.2 2.2 46 43.5 35.3 1.1 Cotton Seed (with Hulls) 9.1 4.0 19.6 18.9 28.3 20.1 11 Corn Meal 15.0 1.4 9.2 1.9 68.7 3.8 77 Rye Flour 13.1 0.7 67 0.4 78.3 0.8 4 Ground Corn and Oats, Equal Parts Corn Cob 11.9 10.7 2.2 1.4 9.6 2.4 30.1 72.0 54.9 4.4 0.5 6 18 Hominy Chop 11.1 2.5 9.8 3.8 64.5 8.3 12 Corn Bran 8.7 1.5 9.8 11.2 62.6 6.2 6 Corn Germ Meal 10.7 4.0 9.8 4.1 64.0 7.4 3 Oat Feed. 7.7 3.7 16.0 6 1 59.4 7.1 4 Rye Bran __ _ 11.8 3.5 14.7 3.3 63.9 2.8 11 Wheat Bran, Spring Wheat 11.5 5.4 16.1 8.0 54.5 4.5 10 Wheat Bran, Winter Wheat 12.3 5.9 16.0 8.1 53.7 4.0 7 Wheat Bran, All Analysis 11.9 5.8 15.4 9.0 53.9 4.0 88 Wheat Middlings 12.1 3.3 15.6 4.6 60.4 4.0 32 Wheat Shorts 11.8 4.6 14.9 7.4 56.8 4.5 12 Wheat Screenings 11.6 2.9 12.5 4.9 65.1 3.0 10 Rice Hulls . 8 2 13 2 3.6 35.7 38.6 0.7 3 Buckwheat Bran 11 5 4.5 24.8 11.7 40.8 6.7 7 Buckwheat Middlings 11.8 4.8 28.0 6.3 41.9 7.2 12 Cotton Seed Meal 8.2 7.2 42.3 5.6 23.6 13.1 35 Linseed Meal, New Process 9.9 5.6 35.9 8.8 36.8 3.0 33 Peanut Meal _ _ _ 10.7 4.9 47.6 5.1 23.7 8.0 2480 Peanut Hulls . . . 9.0 3.4 6.6 64.3 15.1 1.6 5 Flaxseed 9.2 4.3 22.6 7.1 23.2 33.7 Peas 14.3 2.5 22.4 9.2 49.1 2.5 Dried Blood _ 8.5 4.7 84.4 2.5 Dried Fish 10.8 29.2 48.4 11.16 MONARCH PACKING MACHINES Section EE, No. 115 Established 1866 SPROUT, WALDRON & CO. Mill Builders and Mill Furnishers MUNCY, PA., U. S. A. 210 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Friction Clutch Flour Packer Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 211 The Monarch Line of Packing Machines THE Monarch Line of Packing Machines for flour, feed, bran, alfalfa, cement, etc., etc., is by no means in need of a lengthy introduction to those who are already actively connected with such industries as require use of any of the individual machines of which it is composed. It is therefore mainly for the benefit of prospective users that we have herein assembled, illustrated and briefly described a line of packers which is already well known and widely used by the trade. While we have made and are still making, packing machines of special design to suit the requirements of every class of manufacturing where the careful and economical filling of barrels, sacks or packages is the final operation, the packers listed on the following pages are standard and have certain qualities which we deem worthy of special comment as follows: Our Friction Clutch Packers are equipped, for starting and stopping, with the Monarch Friction Clutch, which, while simple in construction and requiring but little attention, is mechanically perfect, easily adjusted and incapable of becoming accidentally engaged or disengaged. It is preeminently durable, has a large area of contacting surface, is scientifically lubricated and will give equal efficiency at all speeds. We invite a close investigation of the merits of this clutch, believing it to be a marked improvement over any other clutch used for the same purpose. In cases where our packers are described as being started and stopped by the drop gear method, we desire to make note of the fact that this mechanism is constructed in the strongest possible manner. It is well balanced, the packing and driving shafts are both held in rigid alignment and fitted with wide-faced gears best suited to the purpose. Monarch Packers of wood and iron construction are designed with particular attention to making the combination effectively strong, durable, rigid and satisfactory. The surfaces of iron parts which come in contact with the hardwood frame are large in area, smooth and true. Bolts and braces are made of best grade iron and used in such numbers as to secure unquestioned stability without detracting from the appearance of the machine. It is hardly necessary to emphasize the importance of fireproof construction nor to call attention to the disadvantage of installing wooden machines in buildings of this type a practice which we believe is being rapidly discontinued. Monarch Packers constructed of steel and iron, are not only proof against the ravages of fire, but are also proof against its local inception. Furthermore they are beyond any doubt, the most durable, rigid, rapid and economical machines, for the intended purpose, on the market. Frames are made of heavy angle iron, castings are solid, flawless and massive and everything, in both design and method of construction, combines to make an almost unwearable and indestructible unit. It will be noted on referring to the following pages, the Monarch Line of Packing Machines offers a wide range of selection and covers a wide range of utility. Each machine, be it barrel, sack or package packer, was especially designed for the service for which we recom- mend it; each machine is economical in its work, automatic and positive in action, easy of adjustment and thoroughly established with a reputation for satisfactory operation. Bearings are extra long and carefully lined; gears, augers, shafting, etc., etc., are made of best materials for the purpose and in the most careful manner and particular attention has been given to cleanly, convenient and economical lubrication. Finally, we invite prospective purchasers of packing machinery to submit their problems to us for expert advice and consideration. We feel that measuring the value of a machine in terms of its usefulness, measuring a guarantee by the character of the plant and the ability of the organization behind it and taking into consideration the length of successful manufac- turing experience, we are in a position to give you prompt and permanently satisfactory service. Directions for Ordering Orders for Monarch Flour Packers should be accompanied by information as to: Size and weight of package to be filled; type of packer desired; whether driving is proposed from right or left side as you face machine ; whether augers turn with or against the sun or if more readily understood, whether top of driving pulley turns toward the front or back of the machine. When ordering Bran Packers : In addition to the information asked for above, give width and length of bag to be filled, when same is empty and lying flat on floor. 212 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Flour Packer The illustration conveys some idea of what we guarantee to be a strictly modern, efficient, strong and durable barrel and large sack packer. Its work is rapid, absolutely automatic and satisfac- tory and is performed with an even pressure the full length of the sack or barrel. Attention is called to the friction clutch driving arrangement, which, to insure rigidity and long life to the machine, is carried in a strong iron yoke securely bolted across the entire width of the frame. The clutch referred to is of the most appproved design; simple, durable, effective and noiseless. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Flour Packer Style A Price Packer with One Tube and Auger $ 1 80.00 Additional Tube and Auger 10.00 Extreme Height to Top of Iron Front 8' 7>" Extreme Height to Top of Frame 8' 2^" Extreme Width 4' 11" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley T 5%" Size of Packing Shaft 1H" Size of Countershaft \W Size of Driving Pulley 20"x 5*4" Speed of Pulley, Revolutions per Minute I _ _ _ 150 Shipping Weight . 1200 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 2000 Ibs. Volume . _ - _ 1 55 cu. f t. The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Flour Packer With the exception that it is equipped with the well known drop gear method of stopping and starting, this machine is much the same as the one described and illustrated above and is recommended for the same class of service. This is a substantial machine, firmly bolted together, insuring a rigid drive and perfect motion of the running parts. Lubrication to the packer shaft, which revolves in a steel toe is accomplished by means of a compression grease cup. Rapid and reliable operation with small consumption of power have made this packer very popular with the trade. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Tube and Auger $150.00 Additional Tube and Auger 10.00 Extreme Height 8' 4" Extreme Width 3' 3" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley T 5%" Size of Packing Shaft Iji" Size of Countershaft 1^" vSize of Driving Pulley 20"x Stf" Speed of Countershaft, Revolutions per Minute 150 Shipping Weight 950 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 1600 Ibs. Volume.. ..llOcu. ft. The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Flour Packer Style B Sproui, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 213 The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Flour Packer Steel and Iron Construction As its name indicates this packer is built entirely of iron and steel, a construction that is proof against the action of fire and gives extreme rigidity to the machine and insures perfect alignment of the bearings. In respect to operation and the use for which it is intended, it corresponds with the Monarch described and illustrated on the fore part of page 212. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Flour Packer Price Packer with One Tube and Auger , _ _ $350.00 Additional Tube and Auger 10.00 Extreme Height to Top of Iron Front 8' 7^" Extreme Height to Top of Frame 8' 2y" Extreme Width 4' 11" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley T S%" Size of Packing Shaft 1^" Size of Countershaft 1>" Size of Driving Pulley 20"x 5^" Speed of Pulley, Revolutions per Minute 150 Shipping Weight 1500 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 2300 Ibs. Volume. _ __155 cu. ft. Style C The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Flour Packer Steel and Iron Construction Where steel construction in the drop gear type of packer described on the lower part of page 212 is preferred, we offer this machine as being suitable and serviceable for the requirements. A machine of this kind is a necessity in a fireproof mill and is so durable as to require almost nothing in the way of repairs. The design, as in the packer illustrated above, is extremely substantial. The frame, while made up of several pieces, is so securely assembled as to be practically a solid unit. The journals are unusually long, giving strength and bearing surface to preserve alignment. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with one Tube and Auger- Additional Tube and Auger Extreme Height Extreme Width.. $290.00 10.00 8' 4" 3' 3" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley _______________________ T 5%" Size of Packing Shaft ________________________________ 1H" Size of Countershaft _________________________________ 1>" Speed of Countershaft, Revolutions per Minute _________ 150 Size of Driving Pulley _______________________________ 20"x 5K" Shipping Weight ____________________________________ 1200 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight ___________________________ 1850 Ibs. Volume.. __110cu. ft. Style D 214 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Sack Packer A fast, noiseless and easily operated machine, designed for packing sacks ranging in weight from 40 to 100 pounds. The friction clutch is carried by a substantial iron frame, making a rigid and durable construction. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Sack Packer Price Packer with One Tube and Auger $140.00 Additional Tube and Auger 10.00 Height to Top of Iron Front 7' 4" Height to Top of Frame 6' 11" Extreme Width 4' K" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley 5' 10" Size of Packing Shaft !&" Size of Countershaft !&" Size of Driving Pulley 16"x 4X" Speed of Pulley, Revolutions per Minute 135 Shipping Weight 700 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 1350 Ibs. Volume.. -_HOcu. ft. Style E The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Sack Packer A most satisfactory machine for packing sacks of from 5 to 100 pounds capacity, which operation it performs with a saving of labor and most satisfactory results. The gear drive is rigidly arranged, shaft and bearings are care- fully fitted and every element unites in making construction strong and durable. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Tube and Auger $120.00 Additional Tube and Auger 1 10.00 Height to Top of Frame 6' 11" Extreme Width 2' 9" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley 5' 10" Size of Packing Shaft 1&" Size of Countershaft 1&" Size of Driving Pulley 16"x 4^" Speed of Countershaft, Revolutions per Minute 135 Shipping Weight 500 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 1100 Ibs. Volume.. _-100cu. ft. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 215 Automatic Small Sack Packer This is the most up-to-date Small Sack Packer on the market. It accurately packs sacks of from 2 to 24 pounds weight in from one to three seconds. Nothing is required of the operator save placing empty sacks on the tube and depressing the foot lever. We guarantee this machine to give satisfaction in putting up small packages quickly and economically. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Style G Automatic Small Sack Packer Price Packer with One Tube and Auger $200.00 Additional Tube and Auger 20.00 Extreme Height 7' Extreme Length 2' Extreme Width 2' Height to Center of Drive Pulley 7' 0" Height to Top of Frame 7' 3^" Size of Drive Pulley 16"x 4X" Speed of Drive Pulley, Revolutions per Minute 250 Shipping Weight 700 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 1075 Ibs. Volume.- 60 cu. ft. Automatic Small Sack Packer The Style "H" Small Sack Packer is similar in construction to the Style "G" and operates with the same speed and accuracy. It is designed for packing sacks up to 48 pounds in weight, is unequalled for rapid and accurate work and entirely automatic in action. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Tube and Auger $200.00 Additional Tube and Auger 15.00 Extreme Height 8' 0" Extreme Length 3' 5}4" Extreme Width 3' 7" Height to Center of Drive Pulley 7' ^" Height to Top of Frame T 2j<" Size of Drive Pulley 16"x 4>" Speed of Drive Pulley, Revolutions per Minute 250 Shipping Weight 800 -Boxed for Export Weight 1250 Ibs. Volume. - . 98 cu. ft. Style H Automatic Small Sack Packer 216 Sprout, Waldron 6- Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Compression Screw Packer This packer is designed for packing rolled oats, wheat and corn flakes and all other flaky substances that are easily broken, into barrels, half barrels, 90, 50 and 25-pound bags. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Tube and Plunger $2 50.00 Additional Tube and Plunger 20.00 Additional Enclosing Case 24.00 Height to Top of Frame 9' 1 1 A" Height to Center of Countershaft ', 7' 8" Extreme Width 5' 9" Width of Frame 3' 1" Speed of Countershaft when Screw is Ascending, R. P. M. 290 Speed of Countershaft when Screw is Descending, R. P. M. 230 Size of Pulley 18"x 5K" Shipping Weight 1300 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 1650 Ibs. Volume.- - 84 cu. ft. Style I Compression Screw Packer Automatic Small Package Packer Designed for packing small packages of from three ounces to twelve pounds in wrappers, made of any material and any shape. Will accurately pack self-rising and graham flour, cereals, etc. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Tube and Auger .. $180.00 Additional Tube and Auger 15.00 Extreme Height 8' 4" Extreme Width . 3' UK" Extreme Depth 3' 2^" Height to Center of Drive Pulley 7' 11" Height to Top of Table 3' 0" Height to Top of Feed Opening 7' 5" Size of Pulley 10"x 3" Speed, Revolutions per Minute 300 Shipping Weight 600 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 940 Ibs. Volume.. _.108cu. ft. Style J Automatic Small Package Packer Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 217 The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Bran and Feed Packer A strong and durable machine for use in feed mills for the rapid sacking of bran and feed. Has extra long bearings, powerful friction clutch drive, hardwood frame and is so assembled as to give rigidity and perfect running balance. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger $270.00 Additional Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger 36.00 Additional Enclosing Case 24.00 Extreme Height to Top of Iron Front 9' 2^" Extreme Height to Top of Frame 8' 9" Center of Main Shaft to End of Drive Shaft 3' %" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley 7' 10><" Size of Packing Shaft 2&" Size of Countershaft 2^" Size of Driving Pulley 24"x W Speed of Pulley, Revolutions per Minute 175 to 200 Shipping Weight 1600 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 2600 Ibs. Volume.. . 156cu.ft. Style K The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Bran and Feed Packer With the exception that it is equipped with the well known drop gear driving arrangement, the packer illustrated herewith is similar to the machine shown above. We recommend it as being very satisfactory for sacking bran and feed and guarantee construction to be first class in every respect. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price $200.00 36.00 24.00 7' 11" 7' 2" -Packer with One Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger Additional Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger Additional Enclosing Case Extreme Height Floor to Center of Drive Pulley Size of Packing Shaft 1H" Size of Countershaft Ifs" Size of Driving Pulley 24"x 7K" Speed of Countershaft, Revolutions per Minute 140 Shipping Weight 1100 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 1900 Ibs. Volume.- __154 cu. ft. Style L The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Bran and Feed Packer 218 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Bran and Feed Packer Steel and Iron Construction In offering our steel and iron construction Bran and Feed Packer to the trade, we feel that we are meeting an increasing popular demand for durable and fireproof construction in mill machinery. This packer is carefully designed and substantially built, has angle iron frame, solid iron shaft support and long journal bearings and is equipped with our friction clutch drive held rigidly in place by an iron yoke, bolted to the frame. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger $400.00 Additional Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger 36.00 Additional Enclosing Case 24.00 Extreme Height to Top of Iron Front 9' 2^" Extreme Height to Top of Frame 8' 9" Center of Main Shaft to End of Drive Shaft 3' 4K" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley 7' 10X" Size of Packing Shaft.. 2^" Size of Countershaft 2^" Size of Driving Shaft 24"x 8K" Speed of Pulley, Revolutions per Minute 175 to 200 Shipping Weight 2000 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 3000 Ibs. Volume.. __156 cu. ft. Style M The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Bran and Feed Packer Steel and Iron Construction Starting and stopping this machine is accomplished by means of the drop gear construction; otherwise it is similar to the packer described above, having all the advantages found in the steel and iron construction and being guaranteed for fast, accurate, heavy and continuous satisfactory work. There is no weak point in this packer, because, like the balance of the Monarch Line, it is perfectly proportioned and constructed in a substantial manner to the smallest detail. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger $300.00 Additional Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger 36.00 Additional Enclosing Case 24.00 Extreme Height 7' 11" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley 7' 2" Size of Packing Shaft lf" Size of Countershaft lf" Size of Driving Pulley 24"x 7K" Speed of Countershaft, Revolutions per Minute 140 Shipping Weight 1375 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 2175 Ibs. Volume.. _.154 cu. ft. Style N The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Bran and Feed Packer Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. 219 The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Alfalfa Packer tr ,v"*-~- The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Alfalfa Packer The illustration gives a good idea of the details of the construc- tion of this packer and we guarantee that it is strongly made, con- venient to operate and practically noiseless. The friction clutch starting and stopping arrangement will not stick or slip when properly lubricated and adjusted, and is amply supported by a strong iron yoke bolted to the frame of the machine. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price -Packer with One Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger $270.00 Additional Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger 36.00 Additional Enclosing Case 24.00 Extreme Height to Top of Iron Front 9' 6X" Extreme Height to Top of Frame 9' %" Center of Main Shaft to End of Drive Shaft 3' \%" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley 8' W Size of Packing Shaft .... 2&" Size of Countershaft ITS" Size of Driving Pulley 24"x 8>" Speed of Pulley, Revolutions per Minute 175 to 200 Shipping Weight 1600 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 2800 Ibs. Volume.. _.160cu. ft. Style O The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Alfalfa Packer The words "Drop Gear" accurately describe the only difference between this packer and the one described above. The drop gear starting and stopping arrangement is preferred by many and we assure prospective purchasers that the construction of this mecha- nism is carefully looked after to insure perfect rigidity and alignment of the bearings. Directions for ordering are contained in the footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Pric $200.00 36.00 24.00 9' y*" Packer with One Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger Additional Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger ------ Additional Enclosing Case _____________________ Extreme Height ____________________________________ Floor to Center of Drive Pulley _____________________ -- 8' 1^" Size of Packing Shaft ________________________________ 2^" Size of Countershaft ________________________________ 2^" Size of Driving Pulley ____________________________ _._24"x 1%" Speed of Countershaft, Revolutions per Minute _________ 175 to 200 Shipping Weight ____________________________________ 1100 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight ___________________________ 1900 Ibs. Volume- - - - 154 cu. ft. Style P The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Alfalfa Packer 220 Sprout, Waldron < Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Alfalfa Packer Steel and Iron Construction We illustrate herewith a combination of strength, durability and capacity for satisfactory operation, that we feel justified in claiming has never been approached in any machine for the intended purpose. It is- fireproof, practically wear proof, rigid, noiseless and power- ful; is fitted with the Monarch friction clutch starting and stopping mechanism and operates with absolute certainty. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Alfalfa Packer Price Packer with One Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger $400.00 Additional Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger 36.00 Additional Enclosing Case 24.00 Extreme Height to Top of Iron Front 9' &%' ' Extreme Height to Top of Frame 9' ]4" Center of Main Shaft to End of Drive Shaft 3' %" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley 8' 1^" Size of Packing Shaft 2&" Size of Countershaft 2^" Size of Driving Pulley 24"x 8K" Speed of Pulley, Revolutions per Minute 175 to 200 Shipping Weight 2000 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 3200 Ibs. Volume.. _.160 cu. ft. The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Alfalfa Packer Steel and Iron Construction This packer, with the exception that it is equipped with the drop gear arrangement for starting and stopping, is the same in every way as the one shown in the illustration above. Nothing whatever has been either sacrificed or forgotten to make this steel and iron machine durable, efficient and quick and sure acting, and its reputation is proof of the fact that care in its design was not taken without the production of definite results. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger $300.00 Additional Enclosing Case, Tube and Auger 36.00 Additional Enclosing Case 24.00 Extreme Height ____ 9' %" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley 8' Itf" Size of Packing Shaft 2^" Size of Countershaft 2 YS" Size of Driving Pulley 24"x 7K" Speed of Countershaft, Revolutions per Minute 175 to 200 Shipping Weight 1375 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 2175 Ibs. Volume.. -.154 cu. ft. Style R The Monarch Automatic Drop Gear Alfalfa Packer Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 221 The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Heavy Duty Cement Packer For Packing Barrels and Sacks This machine is admirably suited in every way to the class of service for which it is intended. The steel and iron construction resists the action of fire and at the same time insures durability and steadiness. The gears of the driving mechanism are forced in and out of mesh by means of the powerful Monarch Friction Clutch; shafting is of steel and the long bearings are maintained in absolute rigidity and alignment. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Tube and Auger $270.00 Additional Tube and Auger .' . 20.00 Extreme Height to Top of Iron Front 9' 2 #" Extreme Height to Top of Frame 8' 9" Center of Main Shaft to End of Drive Shaft 3' 4#" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley 7' 10}<" Size of Packing Shaft 2^" Size of Countershaft 2^" Size of Driving Pulley - 24"x8^" Speed of Pulley, Revolutions per Minute 175 to 200 Shipping Weight 1600 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 2600 Ibs. Volume.. . 156cu. ft. The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Heavy Duty Cement Packer Style S The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Cement Packer For Packing Sacks Where it is desired to pack cement in sacks only, the machine illustrated herewith will be found to give the maximum amount of service and to be at once durable and economical. Notable features are steel and iron construction, friction clutch starting and stopping mechanism, large, strong gears, steel shafting and generally careful construction designed for long periods of heavy work. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Tube and Auger $ 1 80.00 Additional Tube and Auger 10.00 Extreme Height to Top of Iron Front 8' 1%" Extreme Height to Top of Frame 8' 2}4" Extreme Width 4' 6*4" Floor to Center of Drive Pulley 7' Itt" Itt" Size of Packing Shaft Size of Countershaft Size of Driving Pulley 20"x 6^" Speed of Pulley, Revolutions per Minute 150 Shipping Weight 1200 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 2000 Ibs. Volume. _. . 155 cu. ft. The Monarch Automatic Friction Clutch Cement Packer Style T 222 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Floor Portable Sacking Scale This scale is built especially for cleaned, free running grains such as wheat, corn, corn chops, oats, seeds, barley, chicken feed and similar dry, free-flowing granular substances. This scale is guaranteed to weigh within ^ of 1 % of accuracy if operated as per instructions. We can also supply this scale in overhead portable type and stationary type. Hopper Capacity Bushels List Price Sacks per Minute 3 $500.00 5 to 6 4 560.00 5 5 625.00 4 to 5 6 667.00 4 Style X Stationary Sacking Scale For All Dry, Cleaned, Free- Flo wing Grains Hopper Capacity List Price Scale only List Price of Scale with Small Top Hopper Sacks per Minute 10 to 25 Ibs. For chicken feed . _ ! $334.00 417.00 500.00 $346.00 426.00 517.00 / 10 10-lb.\ \7to8 25-lb./ 1 to 6 4 to 5 3 bu. or 100 Ibs. For corn, corn chops, wheat, oats, chicken feed, etc. , c u (160 Ibs. of oats } ' \100-1121bs.ofcorn i ~ Stationary Sacking Scale s * leY Of All Iron and Steel Construction For Corn Meal, Linseed Meal and other similar sluggish materials. This scale is of enclosed type so as to be entirely dust proof. It is supplied with spiked agitator to ensure an even feed of the material to be weighed. Corn Meal and Meals of Similar Consistency List Price with Top Hopper Capacity Hopper, Agitator and Sacks per Minute Accuracy Sacking Hopper 9 to 25 Ibs. $417.00 / 7 9-lb. \ 4 25-lb. 1 A OZ. 9 to 50 Ibs. 500.00 j 7 9-lb. \ 3 to 4 50-lb. >^oz. 50 to 100 Ibs. 667.00 2 to 3 2 oz. 100 to 175 Ibs. 709.00 3 to 4 tflb. 100 to 200 Ibs. 750.00 3 to 4 X to /^ Ib. Style Z For Cotton Seed Meal Hopper Capacity List Price with Steel Hopper List Price with Bronze Hopper Sacks per Minute Accuracy 100 Ibs. $584.00 $626.00 1 to 2 y, ib. 165 Ibs. 709.00 759.00 1 to 2 #16. NOTE Meal must be fed evenly from conveyor or elevator. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 223 Special Floor Portable Meal Sacking Scale For Corn Meal, Linseed Meal and Similar Materials This type is supplied with small top hopper, sacking spout, hand discharge gear, portable frame with four ball bearing wheels, also with > horse power motor and equipment to drive agitator. Hopper Capacity List Price with Bronze Weigh Hopper Sacks per Minute Accuracy 100 Ibs. $834.00 2 to 3 Xof 1% Richardson Automatic Mixed Feed Scale and Packer For Alfalfa Feeds, Mixed Feeds, Hominy Feed, Beet Pulp, Etc. Hopper Capacity Price with One Tube and Auger Price of Extra Tubes and Augers Code Word 100 Ibs. (30 to 40 Ibs. per bushel) . . $1500.00 $34.00 Palatial 100 to 175 Ibs. (30 to 40 Ibs. to bu.) . 1584.00 34.00 Palatine 100 Ibs. (Beet Pulp, Bran, etc.) with jacket - 1750.00 34.00 Paltos 100 Ibs. (Light Feed, 15 to 30 Ibs. to bushel) 1584.00 34.00 Palude 175 Ibs. (Light Feed, 15 to 30 Ibs. to bushel) 1667 00 3400 Paludique 100 Ibs. (Special All Ball Bearing Packer) 2167.00 34.00 Paludoso Style U NOTE Speed varies on feed packers with the feed, i. e., with the material. Gluten feed and corn oil meal, practically free running materials, have been packed at six and seven sacks per minute. Lighter feeds have been packed at three to four sacks per minute. Beet Pulp and bran are only packed at the rate of one sack per minute but mill shorts or middlings can be packed at two sacks per minute. The accu- racy varies with the material to be packed as well as with the manner in which it is fed to the scale packer, i. e., from *4 pound to ^ pound generally speaking. 224 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Friction Clutch Steel Packer For Heavy Duty Service This packer is built entirely of steel and iron. The frame is made of special heavy channel iron. This machine is designed for speedily packing all kinds of feed, alfalfa, barley or oat hulls, malts and grits, cement, plaster of Paris and all kinds of pulverized materials requiring great power and pressure. This packer will be built with reversible levers so that it may be operated from either front or the rear. Directions for ordering are contained in footnote on page 211. Prices, Dimensions, Speed, Weight, Etc. Price Packer with One Tube and Auger _ _ _ $400.00 Additional Tube and Auger 1 2.00 Additional Enclosing Case 24.00 Extreme Height 10' 1#" Height of Frame 9' 7^" Width Over All 5' 4><" Floor to Center of Pulley 8' 8K" Size of Pulley 24" x 7" Speed of Pulley, Revolutions per Minute 280 Shipping Weight 2000 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight 3000 Ibs. Volume.. -.200 cu. ft. Style V The Monarch Hand Packer The Monarch Hand Packer as shown in cut, is designed for use in mills having a custom trade, and is very convenient in filling farmers' sacks, obviating the necessity of using a scoop. By its use the flour is conveyed from the packer or a storage bin directly to the sack without packing it, a few turns of the crank being suffi- cient to fill a two-bushel sack. Price, Dimensions, Weight, Etc. $30.00 Price Length.. Height ____________________________________ : _______ 12' 0" Weight ___________ ' _________________________________ 150 Ibs. Boxed for Export Weight ___________________________ 210 Ibs. __ Volume __________________________ 18 cu. ft. For height over 12 feet, add $1.00 for each extra foot. The Monarch Hand Conveyor Bag Filler The illustration shows a simple and con- venient device for rapidly filling bags by hand. It takes up little room, and prevents flour from wasting. Not more than 18 inches of the length of conveyor should be subject to the direct pressure of the contents of bin, for the weight will cause the conveyor to turn harder than is desirable. Price Packer, as shown in cut Conveyor and Handle alone $15.00 10.00 Style W The Monarch Hand Packer Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 225 Richardson Automatic Elevator Scale for Bulk Grains This Scale is designed to automatically weigh cleaned or uncleaned corn, oats, wheat or similar free-flowing grains. This scale should not be sold for more than a few hours service daily, for not more than ten hours maximum. If scales are required for 24 hours daily service, customers should purchase the Richardson Automatic Mill Grain Scale, which is built on the same principle but of much heavier con- struction and does not work so fast as the Elevator Scale. (This type scale is described and illustrated below.) The Richardson Automatic Elevator Scale is guaranteed to weigh any dry free-running cleaned or uncleaned grains having a commercial grading that will pass State Grain Inspectors, within j^th of 1% of accuracy. The Residue Weighing Attachment or Double Checking Beam, which is shown on the cut, is supplied only when specified, and with this attachment any amounts in the hopper less than the hopper capacity can be weighed, or can be used as a double check against the weighment of a full load. Hourly capacities given are the capacities of the various scales on OATS a comparatively light material. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Hopper Capacity Bushels Hourly Capacity Bushels Price of Scale Only Price of Scale with Residue Weighing Attachment Height Inches Weight Lbs. 3 750 $375.00 $425.00 47^ 1020 4 1000 417.00 467.00 50^ 1170 5 1250 459.00 509.00 54^ 1270 6 1500 500.00 567.00 SIX 1680 7 1750 542.00 608.00 55K 1790 8 2000 584.00 650.00 58X 1890 10 2250 625.00 691.00 65 % 2140 12 2500 900.00 1000.00 58X 2810 15 3000 1040.00 1140.00 64X 3105 Richardson Automatic Mill Scale for Bulk Grains This Scale is designed to automatically weigh dry clean wheat, corn, oats or similar free-flowing grains in flour and feed mills, cereal plants, etc. Weighing the grain before it is tempered is the principal function of this scale; thereby the miller can ascertain the exact amount ground to produce a definite quantity of flour. It is equally well adapted for weighing grain in other parts of the mill. We recommend running this scale at approximately one and one-quarter dumps per minute, and never, under any circumstances, more than two dumps per minute for continuous running or 24 hours a day service. These scales are guaranteed to weigh accurate within Ysth of 1% if operated at not over two weighings per minute, and if the material to be weighed is fed evenly to the scale. Also the material must not weigh less than 30 pounds to the bushel. In ordering please specify the grain to be weighed, also if both night and day service is required. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Hopper Capacity Bushels Price Hourly Capacity Bushels Daily Capacity Barrels Height Inches Weight Lbs. X $225.00 30 to 60 125 to 275 29 260 1 267.00 60 to 120 275 to 550 34^ 360 2 375.00 120 to 240 575 to 1100 44^ 950 3 400.00 180 to 360 850 to 1700 50 1050 4 417.00 240 to 480 1150 to 2200 55^ 1110 5 459.00 300 to 600 1450 to 2800 61 1180 6 500.00 360 to 720 1750 to 3400 58X 1640 226 Sproui, Waldron r Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Richardson Automatic Mill Scale Enclosed Type for Bulk Grains This Automatic Mill Scale is also made in Enclosed, External Lever Dust- Proof type, this type being illustrated on the accompanying cut. Sizes and Prices Hopper Capacity. Bushels Hourly Capacity Bushels Price of Scale y* 30 to 60 $292.00 i 60 to 120 334.00 2 120 to 240 534.00 3 180 to 360 566.00 4 240 to 480 667.00 5 300 to 600 709.00 6 360 to 720 750.00 Richardson Automatic Bulk Flour Scale This cut shows a new departure to automatic scale construction. The machine is not merely of enclosed dust-proof type, but the working parts are dust-proof, by being arranged entirely out of contact with dust and flour. With this scale you can tell the total amount of each grade of flour, also the percentage made. It ensures that correct weight of flour is deposited into each barrel or container, and there will be no spilling of flour on the floor. We make these scales with steel parts and with non-corrosive metal parts. The weighing hopper of the non-corrosive scale is made of Tobin bronze, and the pins on which the levers work are of brass. These scales are guaranteed to weigh within >ith of 1% of accuracy. Sizes and Prices Hopper Capacity Hourly Capacity Barrels Price with Non-Corrosive Metal Parts Price with Steel Parts ^ bbl. or 25 Ibs. 1 to 8 $ 542.00 $500.00 M bbl. or 48 Ibs. 5 to 15 560.00 515.00 y* bbl. or 96 Ibs. 10 to 30 667.00 584.00 1 bbl. or 196 Ibs. 30 to 60 750.00 667.00 IK bbl. or 292 Ibs. 60 to 90 1067.00 875.00 l^bbl. or 292 Ibs. 90 to 120 1067.00 875.00 l#bbl. or 292 Ibs. 120 to 150 1067.00 875,00 2 bbl. or 392 Ibs. 150 to 180 1112.00 960.00 2 bbl. or 392 Ibs. 180 to 200 1112.00 960.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, if. S. A. 227 Portable Platform Scale Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Lbs. Size Platform Inches WITHOUT WHEELS WITH WHEELS Extra for Number Price Number Double Price Beam 2,500 x A 26x34 S-1100 $80.00 S-1116 $85.00 $6.00 2,000 x /* 25x33 S-1102 70.00 S-1118 75.00 6.00 l,500x A 21 x28 S-1104 52.00 S-1120 56.00 5.00 1,200 x A 20x28 S-1106 45.00 S-1122 49.00 5.00 1,000 x A 17x26 S-1108 39.00 S-1124 43.00 4.00 800 x ^ 17x26 S-1110 34.00 S-1126 38.00 4.00 600 x A 16x25 S-1112 30.00 S-1128 33.00 4.00 400 x A 15x21 S-1114 23.00 S-1130 26.00 4.00 Portable Platform Scale With Square Platform The shape of platform adapts the scale to more bulky goods than the usual oblong pattern. Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Lbs. Size Platform Inches WITHOUT WHEELS WITH WHEELS WITH WHEELS AND BAG RACK WITH WHEELS AND DROP LEVER Number Price Number Price Number Price Number Price 600xK lOOOx^ 1200x^ 1500x^ 2000x^ 23x23 25x25 27x27 29x29 31x31 S-1487 S-1489 S-1491 S-1493 S-1495 $32.00 42.00 50.00 56.00 75.00 S-1501 S-1503 S-1505 S-1507 S-1509 $35.00 45.00 53.00 60.00 80.00 S-1529 S-1531 S-1533 S-1535 S-1537 $38.50 49.00 57.00 64.50 85.00 S-1515 S-1517 S-1519 S-1521 S-1523 $43.00 53.00 63.00 74.00 91.00 228 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Portable Platform Scale With Bag Rack for Supporting Sacks or Bales The bag rack is placed on platform so that material handled in bags will be prevented from leaning against pillar and causing incorrect weighing, also permitting larger quantities to be put on platform. Capacities, Sizes and Prices WITHOUT WHEELS WITH W HEELS n Size Platform Inches Number Price Number Price 2500 x y 26x34 S-1132 $84.00 S-1148 $89.00 2000 x / 25x33 S-1134 74.00 S-1150 79.00 1500 x / 21 x28 S-1136 55.50 S-1152 59.50 1200 x / 20 x 28 S-1138 48.50 S-1154 52.50 1000 x / 17x26 S-1140 42.50 S-1156 46.50 800 x / 17x26 S-1142 37.50 S-1158 41.50 600 x y 16x25 S-1144 33.00 S-1160 36.00 400 x / 15 x 21 S-1146 26.00 S-1162 29.00 Portable Platform Scale With Wheels and Drop Lever By means of drop lever, all bearings are relieved from wear and danger of breaking the scale mechanism when loading or removing heavy articles from platform. Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Lbs. Size Platform Inches No. Price 2,500 X % 26x34 S-1166 $94.00 2,000 x y* 25x33 S-1168 82.00 l.SOOx # 21 x28 S-1170 70.00 1,200 x y* 20x28 S-1172 59.00 l,000x % 17x26 S-1174 51.00 800 x % 17 x26 S-1176 46.00 600 x y* 16x25 S-1178 41.00 400 x X 15x21 S-1180 34.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 229 Grain Dealers' Scale The large platform of these scales adapt them for weighing bags of grain, flour and other materials which are bulky to their weight. Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Lbs. Size Platform Inches WITHOUT WHEELS WITH WHEELS Number Price Number Price 1000 X & 42 x30 S-1300 $68.00 S-1310 $73.00 1200 x % 42 x30 S-1302 72.00 S-1312 77.00 1800 x y 2 44x35 S-1304 87.00 S-1314 94.00 2000 x # 44x35 S-1306 91.00 S-1316 98.00 2200 x Y* 44x35 S-1308 93.00 S-1318 100.00 Dormant Flour Scale Scale is set dormant in the floor and suitable for weighing barrels of flour or other merchandise where a small dormant scale is required. Furnished with set of weights for ordinary weighing and with one each 196-pound and 98-pound weight for weighing barrels and half-barrels of flour. Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Lbs. Size Platform Inches Number Price 600_X y, 16x25 S-1068 $40.00 230 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Dormant Warehouse Scale With Single Wood Pillar Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Pounds Size Platform Inches Number Price Platform to Pillar Inches 5,000 x X 3,500 x # 2,500 x tf 1,500 x X 48 x 48 42 x 44 46x37 41 x 32 S-1036 S-1038 S-1040 S-5044 $150.00 105.00 92.00 85.00 22 12 12 s, 1 /; Dormant Warehouse Scale With Two Tall Iron Pillar Outfit Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Pounds Size Platform Inches . Number Price Platform to Pillar Inches 6,000 X }/* 60 x 54 S- 996 $260.00 21 5,000 X y* 48 x 48 S-1046 180.00 22 3,500 x y* 42 x44 S-1048 133.00 12 2,500 x y* 46 x 37 S-1050 113.00 12 l,500x K 41 x 32 S-5054 103.00 8K f 42 x 44 < 3,500 x y* With extra S-1052 141.00 20 ( long neck Sprout, Waldron 6- Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. 231 Dormant Warehouse Scale Two Short Iron Pillars Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Platform Number Price Inches 6,000 x # 60 x 54 S- 995 $253.00 5,000 x % 48 x 48 S-1035 160.00 3,500 x K 42 x 44 S-1039 120.00 2,500 x y 2 46 x 37 S-1041 100.00 1,500 x y* 41 x 32 S-5043 90.00 Grain or Coffee Warehouse Scale The large platform makes it useful for weighing bags of grain, coffee or similar bulky material when the load is distributed over entire platform. Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Lbs. Size Platform Inches Platform to Pillars Inches SINGLE BEAM DOUBLE BEAM No. Price No. Price 3,500 X 1 5,000 x 1 76x52 76x52 1 1 S-1080 S-1082 $125.00 190.00 S-1080 S-1082 $133.00 198.00 232 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Hopper Scale for Grain The hopper is set upon the platform and braced to relieve pressure, permitting a central discharge of grain. The scales are usually set upon the floor to avoid weakening of building. Prices are exclusive of the hopper, which is to be furnished by purchaser. Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Bushels Capacity Lbs. WITH WOOD PILLAR WITH TWO IRON PILLARS Size Platform Inches Opening for Hopper Inches No. Price No. Price 30 l,800xK S-5600 $ 85.00 S-5630 $100.00 42 x 30 14 X 14 40 2,400 x % S-5602 92.00 S-5632 105.00 46 x37 16 x 16 60 3,600 x Y* S-1606 105.00 S-1608 125.00 42 x 44 16 x 16 100 6,000 x y* S-1610 140.00 S-1612 160.00 48 x48 22x22 125 7,500 x y 2 S-1614 160.00 S-1616 180.00 48 x48 22 x22 150 9,000 x 1 S-1618 175.00 S-1620 195.00 49^ x 51 36x36 200 1 2,000 x 1 S-1619 195.00 S-1621 215.00 49^ x 51 36x36 Hopper Scale for Grain Trussed Lever Pattern These scales used extensively in elevators, grain warehouses, etc., and are suspended in floor. Scales can be framed in wood or steel. All prices are exclusive of the hopper and timber or steel, which are to be furnished by purchaser. Capacities and Prices Capacity Bushels Capacity Lbs. No. Price 200 12,000 X 5 S-1750 $225.00 300 18,000 x 5. S-1752 285.00 350 21,000 x 5 S-1754 300.00 400 24,000 x 5 S-1762 320.00 500 30,000 x 5 S-1764 350.00 600 36,000 x 5 S-1768 390.00 700 42,000 x 5 S-1770 430.00 800 48,000 x 5 S-1772 475.00 1000 60,000 x 5 S-1794 600.00 1200 72,000 x 5 S-1796 700.00 1400 84,000 x 5 S-1739 800.00 1600 96,000 x 5 S-1741 900.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 233 Wagon Scale Trussed Lever Pattern The sizes of platform of these scales may be varied somewhat from the given dimensions without increasing the cost of the scales. All the prices are exclusive of the timber, steel, beam box and foundation, which are to be furnished by purchaser. Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Tons Size of Platform No. PRICE Distance from Edge of Platform to Beam Rod Single Beam Double Beam 20 22' x 10' 3>g" S-1800 $570.00 $585.00 2' 1" 20 20' x 7' 9^" S-1836 520.00 535.00 4' IX" 20 16' x 7' 10" S-1922 450.00 465.00 1' 10K" 15 22' x 10' 2>H" S-1802 440.00 455.00 2' 1" 15 18' x 8' 3" S-1838 420.00 435.00 4' 5K" 15 14' x 8' 4X" S-1924 390.00 405.00 2' 1" 10 22' x 10' 3}i" S-1806 365.00 380.00 2' 1" 10 18' x 8' 3" S-1843 350.00 365.00 4' 5^" 10 14' x 8' 4H" S-1928 300.00 315.00 2' X" 8 20' x 7' 9^" S-1845 315.00 330.00 4' IK" 8 16' x 7' 10" S-1930 275.00 290.00 1' 10K" 6 18' x 8' 3" S-1846 275.00 290.00 4' 5^" 6 14' x 8' W S-1932 250.00 265.00 2' X" 6 22' x 8' S-2100 250.00 265.00 2' 9" 5 14' x 8' S-2112 200.00 210.00 2' 2K" 4 14' x 8' S-2114 170.00 180.00 2' 2^" \J\ KLKVATOU. Dump Scale For use in elevators and grain warehouses for convenient and quick weighing and dumping of grain. The platforms of these scales are entirely free from levers, so that dump can be built in the platform. Prices are ex- clusive of timber and foundation. Beam box or fixtures when furnished, extra, $25.00. Patent controllable dump irons for holding wagon in any desired position while unloading the grain, furnished, extra, $75.00. Beams graduated by 2 X- pound marks. Capacities, Sizes and Prices Capacity Tons Size of Platform Feet Number PRICE Distance from Edge of Platform to Beam Rod Single Beam Double Beam 4 6 6 14 X 8 14 X 8 22 x 8 S-2211 S-2213 S-2215 $165.00 225.00 250.00 $175.00 240.00 265.00 2' 8" 2' 8" 3' 4" 234 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Beams for Wagon Scales Single Beam Made of brass, with brass sliding poise, highly polished, accurately graduated, 1,000 pounds on beam. Remainder of capacity of scale is indicated by weights. Two pounds per ton. Double Beam Made of highly polished brass with brass sliding poises and set screw in lower poise. This style is desired to balance the tare weight on lower bar and indicate the net weight on upper bar. Triple Beam Without Weights Made of highly polished brass with brass sliding poises and set screw in poise on middle bar; lower bar is notched on top. This style brass beam has full capacity, and for light service gives same satisfaction as com- pound beam illustrated below. Furnished with scale at extra price as shown. Capacity on beam, 5 tons, extra $15.00 Compound Beam Without Weights This style has full capacity of scale on beam; no loose weights required. Upper bar is brass faced, notched on top and has latched roller poise. Lower brass beam has brass sliding poise with set screw. Furnished with scale at extra prices as shown. Capacity on beam, 5 tons, extra $20.00 Capacity on beam, 6 to 10 tons, extra 30.00 Double Faced Beams, 5 tons, extra 40.00 Double Faced Beams, 6 to 10 tons, extra 50.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 235 Flour Hopper Scale Moving or Trolley Type The Stationary Scale is sus- pended from the ceiling directly over the dough mixer or conveyor to mixer, and is made in two capaci- ties, namely three and five-barrel, diameter of hopper 37^2 inches for both sizes. The five-barrel scale has a longer hopper. From a storage room above scale the flour enters the covered hopper by a spout, and leaves, after weighing, through the gate in cone of hopper. The Moving Scale, as shown in cut, requires a track to be suspended from ceiling and is moved by an operator, and can supply many Mixers and Automatic Kneaders, justifying, in many plants, the higher cost of installation. Prices do not include Hopper or Trolley. Scales only with single beam. Weights, ^/L pound to 100 pounds. Price List Sbbl. or 1,000 Ibs $100.00 7 bbl. or 1,500 Ibs J 120.00 Stonebraker Continuous Feed Hominy Mill The operation of these machines is extremely simple, the corn being fed in continuously at the end of a cylinder, filled with revolving knives, or cutters having thin edges and arranged so that all the outside of the grain is exposed to their action as it travels to the discharge end, the whole outside covering and the germ being removed, and passing out through openings in the cylinder and deposited in its proper receptacle, the two sizes of finished Hominy passing out through strong air current that removes any meal, or bran that adheres, leaving the product clear and free of dust. No. 2 is designed for ordinary mills that desire to manufacture Hominy, Grits, etc., for the retail trade. This machine makes two separations of Hominy and Grits, Bran or Blowings and Meal. No. 4 is a double machine and is used where a very large capacity is demanded. It has two cylinders entirely independent of each other, and can be used separately, or to give two reductions on the same material so as to produce a finished and polished Hominy continuously in large quantities. Machine can be driven from either end. T . T^. . T^ Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour EXTREME DIMENSIONS Horse Power Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Length Width Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 2 4 $500.00 570.00 18 to 25 40 to 50 6'0" 4' 6" 8' 6" 6' 4" 4' 6" 5' 10" 4 6 10x8 10x8 800 800 1800 2100 2650 2780 230 176 236 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Corn Grader The Monarch Corn Grader This machine is constructed with a steel cylinder, very similar to the lower reel of the Hominy Separator, and is driven the same, with belt and pulley. It is covered with perforated sheet steel the holes varying in size, being the smallest at the head of the reel, which takes out the small grains, the next size the medium grains, while the very large grains are passed over the tail. The machine can be made to make four separations, but is built to make three, unless otherwise ordered. Where it is desirable to make the highest grade of Hominy or Grits a much better yield can be obtained, and much better work done, by grading the corn and treating each size to be degerminated separately. The advantage of this is apparent to every corn miller. Prices and Dimensions, Etc. EXTREME Diameter of Cylinder Inches Diameter of Fan Inches Pulley Inches Revolu- tions per Minute Capacity Bushels Per Hour 1- 15 Price Length Width Height ll'O" 5' 4X" 6'1#" 24 26 28x6 Cylinder 100 Beater Shaft 300 Fan 600 275 1700 $500.00 The Monarch Corn Temperer The Monarch Corn Temperer is used for tempering corn by steaming or wetting, or both; thus facilitating the removal of the bran and germ with the smallest possible waste of material. The water and steam both enter the machine at the top, the former through a cone not shown in the illustration, the amount being regulated by suitable valves. Flights on the revolving shaft within the cylinder, thoroughly distribute the grain to the action of steam or water. The amount discharged by the temperer is controlled by a gate, which in turn is regulated by a screw, thus permitting the feeding of the grain to Degerminator or bin in regular quantities. Owing to the differential and arrangement of the gear drive, the amount of power necessary to drive this machine is so small as to be unnoticeable. The Monarch Corn Temperer Prices, Dimensions, Etc. List Price Height Over All Outside Diam. of Cylinder Inches Diam. of Inlet Pipe Inches Floor to Center of Pulley Inches Floor Space Occupied Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Capacity Bushels of Corn Per Hour Net Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Lbs. Volume Cu.Ft. $150.00 4' 8" 10 1# 9 3'x2'6" 14 x 3 150 50 to 100 570 783 48 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 237 The Monarch Degerminator SOLE MANUFACTUH MUNCY, PA. ONAHCH IMPROVED DEGERMINATOR j The Monarch Degerminator The function of the Monarch Degerminator is to remove the germ and hull from the grain for the pro- duction of corn goods. This operation is performed by a revolving cylinder consisting of specially hardened iron rings, keyed to a shaft. At the end of the cylinder is a force feed which delivers the stock to the cylinder and corrugated plates bolted to the sides of the drum. These corrugated plates are adjustable to the proper distance from the cylinder for giving whatever product is desired, as well as for taking the different sizes of corn grains. The corrugated cylinder is made in rings, instead of being cast solid, in order that the worn sections may be easily and economically removed without replacing the entire cylinder. In replacing rings, it is only neces- sary to remove the head plate of the machine, after which the bearing and cylinder can be readily slipped out. Between the corrugated plates at the side of the drum and the walls thereof is placed a perforated screen for the retaining of the germs and the passing out of the feed and meal. This screen is so arranged that it is self- cleaning; in other words, the screen does not have to be removed from the machine to be cleaned. The reduction of the stock into the desired sizes is automatically accomplished by means of a tension spring and nut at the discharge; the tighter the spring is adjusted, the longer the product will be retained in the cylinder and the finer it will be reduced. Whether the machine be regulated for fine or coarse grinding, it is so designed as to keep the stock in the cylinder for the necessary length of time and no longer, the object being to give the product the best possible dress and texture and the greatest uniformity. Machine is built with either ball bearings or interchangeable phosphor bronze or babbitt bearings. Price, Dimensions, Etc. Size No. PRICE Caoacitv Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. EXTREME DIMENSIONS Size on Floor Inches Floor to Center of Shaft Inches Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT With Plain Bearings W... in Bu. 1th p TT Ball ; ^ er Hr " Bearings Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 1 $600.00 $700.00 80-100 18x8> 900 6'0" 1' 11" 1'9" 23 x66 12 1440 1593 26 238 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Samp Mill The Monarch Samp Mill For the manufacture of Hominy we recommend the use of the Monarch Samp Mill. This machine is for use in combination with the breaking and hulling apparatus and effectively separates the waste material from the finished hominy. This machine is equipped with a reel for the bolting operation. The Monarch is designed on lines suggested by successful, practical experience, is well built and the only attention required for its satisfactory operation, is the opening and closing of the valves of the degerminating cylinder. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. Price Capacity Pounds Hominy Per Hour Bushel Corn for Each Charge Horse Power Length Width Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Lbs. Cu.Ft. 1 2 3 $400.00 350.00 315.00 300-500 200-300 100-200 K y* H 8 to 10 5 to 7 5 to 5 7' 2" 5' 10" 4' 5" 3' 4" 3' 2" 2' 10" 15 x 11 10 x 8 8x5 750 to 850 750 to 850 750 to 850 840 670 600 1200 950 870 150 110 75 Beall Combination Hominy Mill, Sifter and Aspirator Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. Price Capacity Bushels Per Hr. EXTREME DIMENSIONS Size on Floor Inches Height to Feed Inlet Height to Center of Drive Shaft Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Shipping Weight Lbs. Height Length Width 1 2 3 $350.00 450.00 500.00 550.00 8- 15 15- 30 30- 60 60-100 6' 9" 7'0" 7' 1" 7' 2" 6'0" 6' 2" 6' 6" 6' 7" 6' 0" 6' 8" 7' 6" 7' 10" 36x40 36x43 37x48 37x50 3' 10" 3' 11" 4' 2" 4' 3" 3' 3" 3' 4" 3' 6" 3' 6" 12 x 7 14 x 8 14 x 9 15 x 10 725 700 675 640 1250 1350 1750 2150 Beall Degerminator Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour Floor Space Inches Height Length Height to Pulley Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. 1 2 $200.00 325.00 450.00 10-20 20-40 40-80 30x34 28x32 30 x 58 2' 8" 2' 9" 3' 0" 4' 6" 4' 10" 6' 4" 2' 2^" 2' 3K" 2' IK" 10 x 9 12x 9 15 x 10 750 750 700 700' 800 1150 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 239 The Monarch Hominy Separator The Monarch Hominy Separator Rear View The machine is strongly built and finely finished; best hardwood frame; heads of iron; all working parts of steel. The cylinders are constructed of heavy perforated steel; the beaters are practically indestructible, being made of angle iron. In no part of the machine does the stock come into contact with wood. The machine is equipped with a very powerful fan. The aspirating process is easily and perfectly con- trolled by adjustable valves. There is an upper and a lower reel or cylinder. The stock is spouted to the head of the first reel, where the separation of the feed from the hominy stock is accomplished. The hominy stock then passes to the second reel, where it is separated into four different sizes. Each separation receives a thorough aspiration and polishing before leaving the machine. It is then in absolutely perfect condition for the rolls. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. EXTREME REVOLUTIONS PULLEYS Capac- ity Weight Price Length Width Height Beater Shaft Cyl- inder Fan Main Drive Inches Counter Drive Inches Fan Inches Upper Separ't'r Lower Separ't'r 9' 3" 5' 8" 10' 0" 300 171 100 47 600 16x6>^ 16x6^ 32x6^ 250 250 4000 $1200.00 240 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Grits Grader The Monarch Grits Grader The Monarch Grits Grader resembles a Purifier in action and construction, with the exception that no fan or air current is used. The arrangement is similar to that of the ordinary purifier sieve. The Grader sieve is usually clothed with five or more different sizes of wire, each size of wire having under- neath the sieve a separate department or box to receive the grits. The partitions between these apartments are provided with a hinged valve at the top next to the sieve, which may be adjusted to increase or diminish the amount of grits taken into each of the divisions, and also to make an exact adjustment and separation of the different sizes of material passing through the sieve, and permitting each size of grits to go to the proper discharge in the bottom of the machine. The head of the sieve is provided with an automatic feed box that spreads the stock evenly the entire width of the sieve, under varying conditions of quantity, and when once adjusted requires no further attention. The sieve is provided with an efficient brush cloth cleaner which is moved by two double-threaded screws, and is kept in contact with the wire by adjustable guides, the brush having a compact and narrow-contact on the underside. The wire cloth is thoroughly cleansed by each passing of the brush so that the meshes are kept open and any particles of grit that may have become fastened in the meshes are pushed out and all the wire used all the time to the best advantage. This perfect separation of grits enables them to be aspirated and cleansed perfectly without loss, which would not be possible were the different sizes blended together. The importance of this feature will be apparent to every manufacturer of corn food products. Price, Dimensions, Weight, Etc. Size No. Price EXTREME DIMENSIONS Size on Floor Size Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Height Length Width Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 1 $400.00 5' 5K" 13' 1" 4' 8" 3'5"xll'6" 8x4 550 1700 2800 334 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 241 The Monarch Special Ball Bearing Differential Hominy Reel with Perforated Cylinder Style M Style N Illustrations show our special, steel cylinder, differential reel, designed for the reception of degerminated corn stock, the removal of all feed products from it and the accurate grading of the hominy into four sizes. Each size or separation of the hominy stock is automatically polished before leaving the machine and is dis- charged in perfect condition for sending to the rolls. This machine is substantially built throughout, for heavy and continuous service. The cylinders, which for convenience in handling are in three longitudinal sections, are made of perforated steel carried on steel frames, the differential gears are cut steel, the fast running cylinders are mounted on ball bearings and the entire design provides for an almost unwearable, symmetrical and thoroughly efficient reel for the intended purpose. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. FRAME DIMENSIONS BOXED FOR Size No. Price of Cylin- der of Cylin- der Length Over All Floor to Center of Pulley of Pulley Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. EXPORT Length Width Height Weight Vol. Feet Inches Lbs. Cu.Ft. 167 $600.00 7 26 8'W 3' 1" 5'4M" 10' 9" 3' 10" 16x6 200 1500 2000 148 168 640.00 8 26 9'8X" 3' 1" 5'4K" 11' 9" 3' 10" 16x6 200 1600 2100 162 169 690.00 10 26 11' 8^" 3' 1" 5' 4^" 13' 9" 3' 10" 16x6 200 1700 2400 180 Extra charge for Cross Shaft Drive. 242 Sprout. Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Goulds Power Rotary Force Pumps Fig. 1185X Fig. 1281 These pumps are made with heavy cast iron bases. They are fitted with tight and loose pulleys, supported by bearings with babbitted boxes. These pumps are especially adapted for pumping molasses in connection with feed mixing plants. When used for this service, molasses must flow to the pump. Pumps are also used extensively for circulating cooling water for gas engines, for filling tank cars, for creamery, cider mill, bottling machine and similar service. Fig. 11851/2 Sizes, Prices, Etc. Capacity No. per Minute 200 Rev. Suction Pipe Inches Discharge Hose Inches Tight and Loose Pulleys Approx. Weight Lbs. Iron Price Bronze Case arid Cams Price Bronze Price Gallons Inches 1 20 IX 1 8 x 2X 70 $19.75 $ 66.15 $ 81.00 2 25 IX 1 8 x 2X 75 22.00 75.60 87.75 3 28 IX IX 8 x 2X 84 23.25 85.00 101.25 4 50 2 IX 12 x 3X 145 44.50 114.00 146.25 4A 50 2 IX 16 x 3X 161 50.30 122.85 160.85 5 55 2 2 12 x 3X 154 47.80 131.60 175.50 5A 55 2 2 16 x 3X 175 53.85 140.40 190.00 6 65 2X 2X 24 x 4 320 80.00 197.45 255.95 Fig. 1281 No. Capacity Per Minute 200 Rev. Suction Pipe Inches Discharge Pipe Inches Tight and Loose Pulleys Approx. Weight Lbs. Iron Price Bronze Case and Cams Price Bronze Price Gallons Inches 1 20 IX IX 8 x 2X 66 $19.00 $ 64.80 $ 78.30 2 25 IX IX 8 x 2X 73 21.25 74.25 85.00 3 28 IX IX 8 x 2X 78 22.35 83.70 98.55 4 50 2 2 12 x 3X 137 43.00 111.15 140.40 4A 50 2 2 16 x 3X 153 49.10 120.00 155.00 5 55 2 2 12 x 3X 146 46.00 128.70 169.65 5A 55 2 2 16 x 3X 167 52.25 137.50 184.25 6 65 2X 2X 24 x 4 300 77.50 193.75 248.60 Total Lift and Force 60 feet from supply to point of delivery. Pump not more than 20 feet above liquid. Glucose Pot Our Glucose Pot consists of a double can made of heavy galvanized iron, the inner can having considerably less diameter than the outer. The glucose is kept at the proper temperature by the introduction of steam into the outer can. The inner can has a close-fitting, galvanized iron, removable top through which the glucose is introduced. A pipe passes from the bottom of the inner can, through the side of the outer can, to the conveyor, which fee"ds the rice trumble, and is provided with a valve for regulating the supply of glucose. Price, $30.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 243 The Monarch Rice Huller Years of experience in hullers of various makes have enabled us to perfect and embody principles in the Monarch which warrant us in guaranteeing the same to be superior to any other huller. The Monarch is constructed along the lines to obtain the very best results, with the smallest percentage of breakage, and from the point of mechanical construction there is no machine of its equal. A number of mills have adopted the Monarch Hullers in preference to others. It requires but eight horse power to operate this machine. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Price With Legs Price Without Legs Capacity on Paddy Per Hour Lbs. Floor Space Occupied Mounted on Iron Legs Inches Height of Machine With Legs Inches Height of Machine Without Legs Inches Size of Drive Pulley Inches Revolut'ns of Driving Pulley Per Min. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. $220.00 $200.00 500 26 x 42 54 24 16 x 7 500 310 420 10 The Monarch Pearling Cone The Pearling Cone is a machine devised for the whitening of rices with the smallest percentage of breakage. This machine does particularly good work in cases where you have to handle red rices. It is constructed of iron, which makes the machine strong and of long endurance. The principal working part of the machine is a cone covered with a composition stone ; this is surrounded by a sieve mantel, divided by partitions of rubber, which keep the rice from reach- ing the bottom and prevent the breaking of rice. The wire which covers the mantel and the stone can be easily renewed. One single machine takes place of three or four Hullers, depending on class of work. Price, Weight, Capacity, Etc. Diameter of Stone in Feet Price Capacity Per Hour Lbs. Power Required Speed R. P. M. Gross Weight Lbs. 5 $1,000 6,500 14 160 10,600 244 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Rice Sheller The Monarch Sheller is the heaviest and best sheller on the market. The plates are made of the very best iron, well balanced, and covered with a cement surface that will last for years, and can easily be renewed. When this sheller is used in connection with our huller better results can be obtained than by attempting to run the paddy through a chilled steel huller, as the huller becomes smooth from the paddy and does very inferior work. The Monarch Rice Sheller Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size Inches Price Extreme Height Extreme Length Extreme Width Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 30 60 $175.00 290.00 4' 7" 4' 7" 3' 4" 5' 2" 3' 4" 5' 2" 12 x 6 28 x 7 400 185 1240 2850 1600 3200 40 112 The Monarch Paddy Machine The Monarch Paddy Machine The cut shows our Paddy Machine, which has become a necessity in modern rice milling. This machine separates the hulled rice from the unhulled, which in former times was a very difficult problem, but with the use 'of this machine the work is accomplished, producing the most satisfactory results. The cost of installing these machines, when compared with the results, is a mere trifle. They are built on strong lines of the very best material and work smoothly without any jarring. Single Type Prices, Dimensions, Capacities, Weights, Etc. EXTREME DIMENSIONS Height Height BOXED FOR EXPORT Size No. Price to Where Rice Enters to Center of Driv'g Shaft Size Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Capacity Per Hour Lbs. Horse Power Req. Weight Lbs. Height Length Width Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 18 $275.00 4' 7' 9' 6' 7' 6' 4' 7' 2'0" 16x5 100 2160 # 1200 1500 210 24 375.00 4' 7' 11' 0' 7' 6' 4' 7' 2'0" 20x5 100 2880 1 1500 1900 225 30 475.00 4' 7' 12' 7' 7' 6' 4' 7' 2'0" 24x6 100 3600 1 1600 2100 240 36 575.00 4' 7' 14' 2' 7' 6' 4' 7' 2'0" 30x6 100 4320 iti 1900 2500 260 45 680.00 4' 7' 16' 3' 7' 6' 4' 7' 2'0" 30x6 100 5400 IK 2300 2900 310 60 750.00 4' 7' 19' 9" 7' 6" 4' 7' 2'0" 30x6 100 7200 2 2900 3800 380 Tandem Type 72 1075.00 4' 7" 24' 11" 6' 8" 4' 7" 2'0" 36x6 100 8640 3^ 5800 8400 550 90 1215.00 4' 7" 29' 1" 6' 8" 4' 7" 2'0" 36x6 100 10800 4 6200 9800 650 120 1360.00 4' 7" 36' 1" 6' 8" 4' 7" 2'0" 36x6 100 14400 6 7500 11000 800 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 245 The Monarch Rice Brush In the construction of our latest Self -Contained Brush we have spared no expense in putting in the finest material by the most skilled workmen. The cylinder is made of thick, kiln-dried wooden staves with solid cast iron heads. The top end has flush bolt heads and there is a heavy turned supporting wheel in the center to which the staves are bolted, the bolt heads being sunk deep and the holes plugged. Wrought iron rods passing through hold the heads securely in place. After the cylinder is put together the staves are turned true and finished smooth. The heads are turned to receive the ends of staves, and are keyseated and fitted in line with each other. The case is made in halves- and is of very substantial construction. It is fitted on each end with cast iron plate rings, also in halves with ends matched, bored to size and faced two sides at one end and on one side at the other. The frame work is composed of heavy iron posts held together in three places by heavy cast iron spiders. Price, Dimensions, Weight, Etc. Size No. Price EXTREME DIMENSIONS Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. FOR EXPORT Height Length Width Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft 1 $500.00 11'3" 5'8^" 5' 8K" 26x14 200 to 300 4200 4200 372 The Monarch Rice Trumble This cut shows our Trumble, which is sometimes called a Rice Polisher. The frame work of the base is made of heavy timbers firmly bolted together so as to be rigid. On the frame work are bolted six bearings, three on each side, through which run two shafts bearing three tram wheels each; the tram wheels engaging three circular tracks are heavy cast iron rings, which surround the Trumble. The faces of the tram wheels and circular tracks are broad and flat, giving good bearing and reducing the wear. The staves which form the Trumble are thoroughly kiln dried and 2^i inches thick by 4 inches wide, being grooved along each edge to receive a slip tongue. The staves are sustained by three heavy cast iron, machine turned rings. These rings are cut into two sections held firmly together by bolts and bolted to the staves forming the track which runs the tram wheels. The feed head has an opening in the center to receive the rice, while a similar opening in the tail end provides for the discharge. The discharge head has six openings near its circumference. These holes are covered with doors or plates held in place by bolts and small hand wheels. They may be opened while the machine is in motion, which being done, the machine will quickly empty itself. The machine revolves slowly and gives the final finish to the rice, which is accomplished by the tumbling motion of the large quantity of rice contained in the drum, the finish being regulated by the rapidity with which the material is fed to the machine. The feed may be continuous or intermittent as desired. The machines are well constructed and will give years of good service. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. SIZE OF DRUM EXTREME DIMENSIONS Size of Speed of FOR EXPORT Length Feet Width Inches Price Height Length Feet Width Pulley Inches Drum R.P.M. Weight Lbs. Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 10 40 $550.00 5' 6" 12 5' 6" 16x5^ 15 to 20 5400 5400 363 12 40 575.00 5' 6" 14 5' 6" 16x5^ 15 to 20 5700 5700 424 14 40 600.00 5' 6" 16 5' 6" 16x5^ 15 to 20 6000 6000 484 10 50 650.00 6' 4" 12 6' 4" 16x6> 10 to 15 6000 6000 481 12 50 675.00 6' 4" 14 6' 4" 16x6^ 10 to 15 6300 6300 562 14 50 700.00 6' 4" 16 6' 4" 16x6X 10 to 15 6700 6700 642 246 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Rice Grading Reel The Grading Reel shown above is specially designed to meet the require- ments of rice handlers and the fact that every one installed has given unqualified satisfaction, is testimony to our definite experience and thorough workmanship. The Monarch is a well proportioned machine and especially adapted to heavy duty. It is equipped with heavy shaft and iron spiders, has carefully babbitted bearings and a durably constructed conveyor, designed for easy access. Every feature necessary to the successful, accurate and economical grading of rice, has been included in this reel which is built in two sizes and with and without cleaner frames as desired and as listed below. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. PRICE Length of Cyl. Feet Diam. of Cyl. Inches FRAME DIMENSIONS Length Over All Floor to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Without Cleaner Frames With Cleaner Frames Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu. Ft. 159 $550.00 $650.00 12 40 13' 4" 4' 8" 7' 11" 14' 3" 5' 9" 24x5 25 3300 3500 527 160 600.00 700.00 14 40 15' 4" 4' 8" r ii" 16' 3" 5' 9" 24x6 25 3500 3700 600 The above prices do not include cloth for reel. Price additional for Cross Shaft Drive for Reels 40 inches in diameter, $50.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 247 Rice Cylinders Where floor space is limited, this outfit is a favorite with the practical rice miller. It is easily the most complete and simplest arranged mounting of six cylinders on the market. For substantial construction, ease of manipu- lation, perfect regulation, and smooth action this outfit cannot be equalled. Prices of special outfits of greater capacity furnished on application. Prices, Dimensions, Capacities, Weights, Etc. EXTREME DIMENSIONS Height to Height to Size of Capacity BOXED FOR EXPORT No. Price Height Length Feet Width Where Rice Enters Center of Drive Pulley Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Hour Lbs. Weight Lbs. Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 61 $ 785.00 7' 4" 10 7' 4" 7' 4" 4' 3' 24x6 170 7200 2650 4000 210 62 850.00 7' 4" 11 7' 4" 7' 4" 4' 3' 24x6 170 8100 2850 4200 235 63 925.00 7' 8" 10 T 6" 7' 8" 4' 3' 24x6 170 9300 2950 4400 245 64 1000.00 7' 8" 11 7' 6" 7' 10" 4' 3' 24x6 170 10500 3100 4700 275 65 1075.00 8'0" 10 7' 10" 8' 0" 4' 6' 24x6 170 12000 3200 4850 305 66 1150.00 8'0" 11 r 10" 8' 2" 4' 6' 24x6 170 13200 3350 5000 340 Rice Cylinders A direct-connected, self-contained outfit of three cylinders completely equipped, ready to attach drive belt. The frame is of best quality hardwood, mortised and tenoned, put together with heavy joint bolts; fittings are best that high grade, selected materials and skilled workmanship can produce. Prices, Dimensions, Capacities, Weights, Etc. EXTREME DIMENSIONS Height Height Capacity EXPORT Size No Price to Where to Center Size of Pulley Speed R P M Per Weight Lbs Height Length Width Rice Enters of Drive Pulley Inches Lbs. Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 31 $400.00 7' 4" 9' 6' 4'0' 7' 4' 4' 9' 20x4 130 3600 1500 2300 118 32 440.00 7' 4" 10' 6' 4'0' 7' 4' 4' 9' 20x4 130 4050 1600 2475 130 33 475.00 7' 8" 9' 6' 4' 2' 7' 8' 5'0' 20x4 130 4650 1650 2550 135 34 515.00 7' 8" 10' 6' 4' 2' 7' 8' 5'0' 20x4 130 5250 1750 2700 140 35 550.00 8'0" 9' 6' 4' 6' 8'0' 5' 2' 20x5 130 6000 1800 2775 155 36 600.00 8'0" 10' 6' 4' 6' 8'0' 5' 2' 20x5 130 6600 1875 2850 175 248 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Rice Grader Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. Price CYLINDER Extreme Length Capacity Per Hour Lbs. Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Diameter Inches Length Weight Lbs. Volume Cu. Ft. 1 2 3 4 5 6 $120.00 130.00 140.00 150.00 160.00 175.00 20 20 22 22 24 24 6' 1' 7' 1' 6' 1' 7' 1' 6' 1' 7' 1' 8' 1" 9' 1" 8' 1" 9' 1" 8' 1" 9' 1" 1200 1350 1550 1750 2000 2200 15 to 18 15 to 18 14 to 17 14 to 17 13 to 16 13 to 16 360 385 400 420 432 450 600 640 665 700 720 750 28 32 32 36 40 45 Wheat Washer and Drier Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. No. No. of Cylinders PRICE Capacity Bushels Per Hr. Approx. Req! SPEED, R. P. M. Pulley Inches EXTREME DIMENSIONS Collar Oiling Ball Bearing Upper Cylinder Lower Cylinder Height Length Width *934 935 936 9310 1 2 2 2 $ 800.00 1200.00 1400.00 3000.00 $ 900.00 1400.00 1600.00 3400.00 5- 30 30- 75 70-150 150-350 3- 4 4- 6 6- 8 12-18 440 440 440 320 460 460 460 340 14 x 6 14 x 6 14 x 8 18 x 10 5' 3" 6' 4" 6' 4" 8' 4" 9' 8" 7' 11" 9' 8" 15' 0" 5' 2" 5' 2" 5' 2" 7' 2" No. SIZE ON FLOOR Floor to Wheat Inlet Floor to Wheat Discharge FLOOR TO C. PULLEY DIAM. OF SHAFT Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Length Width Lower Cylinder Inches Upper Cylinder Collar Oiling Inches Ball Bearing Inches Weight Vol. Lbs. Cu. Ft. *934 935 936 9310 7' 7" 6' 0" 7' 7" 11' 6" 4' 2" 4' 2" 4' 2" 6' 0" 5' 3" 5' 3" 5' 3" 5' 4" 3' 3" 6' 0" 6' 0" 7' 10" 25 25 25 28 ^ 4'~9" 4' 9" 6' 0^" 2tt 2tt 2tt 3H 2A 2A 2A 3A 2500 3400 4000 10000 3700 200 5000 260 6000 300 12000 1000 Machine No. 934 is but one cylinder high. Net extra price, single drive on 935 and 936, $30. Net extra price, single drive on 9310, $60. Wheat Washing, Stoning and Drying Machine Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. No. No. of Cylinders PRICES Capacity Bushels Per Hr. Approx. Req.' SPEED, R.P.M. Pulley Inches EXTREME DIMENSIONS Collar Oiling Ball Bearings Upper Lower Cylinder Cylinder Height Length Width 944 945 946 9410 1 2 2 2 $1000.00 1500.00 1700.00 3400.00 $1100.00 1700.00 1900.00 3800.00 5- 30 30- 75 100-150 225-300 3-4 4- 6 6-8 12-18 440 460 440 460 440 460 320 340 12 x 4 10x4 12 x 4 20x8 4' 3" 6' 0" 6' 0" 10' 6" 13' 3" 4' 2" 12' 2" 4' 2" 13' 10" 4' 2" 20' 6" 6' 0" No. SIZE ON FLOOR Floor to Wheat Inlet Floor to Wheat Discharge FLOOR TO C. PULLEY DIAM. OF SHAFT Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Length Width Bottom Cylinder Top Cylinder Collar Oiling Inches Ball Bearing Inches Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu. Ft. 944 945 946 9410 12' 0" 10' 11" 12' 7" 19' 0" 4' 2" 4' 2" 4' 2" 6' 0" 4' 3" 4' 3" 4' 3" 4' 3" 2' 11" 5' 7" 5' 7" 7' 2" 2' 1" 2' 1" 2' 1" 2' 6" 3tt 2rV 2A 2A 3r\ 3025 3975 4600 11300 4625 6000 7025 13800 249 316 356 1300 4' 9" 4' 9" 6' 2" Sprout, Waldron 6- Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 249 Wheat Washer We guarantee this machine to thoroughly and completely wash the worst samples of smutty wheat and remove all traces of smut, both in appearance and odor. This machine is strong and substantially constructed; with the exception of the frame it is made entirely of iron and steel. It consists of a heavy, galvanized, boiler plate tank in which is placed one or more agitator cylinders, depending on the capacity. The agitator cylinder, the outer shell of which is perforated galvanized steel, is very similar to a conveyor with its lower end adjustable to any depth into water, depending on the condition of the grain. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. EXTREME DIMENSIONS Height Height Height BOXED FOR Size No. Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour to Where Grain Enters to Where Water Enters Center of Driv'g Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 332 $350.00 100 6' 6' 2' 9' 5' 10' 4' 8 5' 7' 5' 4' 12x3 200 850 1365 107 333 400.00 200 6' 6' 3' 7' 5' 10' 4' 8 5' 7' 5' 4' 12x4^ 200 1100 1700 137 334 500.00 300 6' 6' 4' 6' 5' 10' 4' 8 5' 7' 5' 4' 12x5^ 200 1950 2625 176 335 600.00 400 6' 8' 5' 4' 5' 10' 4' 8 5' T 5' 4' 14x5 X 200 2800 3600 213 336 700.00 500 6' 8' 6' 3' 5' 10' 4' 8 5'T 5' 4' 14x6 200 3050 3900 250 Wheat Whizzer In our Whizzer the water is separated by centrifugal motion on the same principle as a centrifugal dryer used in sugar mills and laundries. The action of the machine is gentle, the wheat is not scoured or broken because there are no beaters nor other moving mechanism to cause the slightest injury. It is strongly built, extremely simple in construction, and entirely automatic in operation requires no adjust- ment whatever and no attention beyond oiling occasionally. Price, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. Size No. Price Capacity Bushels Per Hour EXTREME DIMENSIONS Height to Top of Frame Height to Top of Feed Spout Height to Center of Pulley Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. BOXED FOR EXPORT Length Width Height Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu.Ft. 1 $350.00 100-200 5'0" 3' 3" 4' 5" 2' 11" 3' 9" 3'K" 9x4K 450 800 1175 74 250 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, V. S. A. Eureka Grain Dryer This apparatus will completely dry any kind of grain or seed ; also is successful for kiln drying corn. The drying and cooling is accomplished by a current of air passing through the body of the grain. By use of a special outside wall of peculiar shape, the grain is continually turning over and over and changing place so that even drying is insured. , Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. No. Price Capacity Bushels Per Hr. Extr'me Height Extr'me DIam. SPACE FOR DOUBLE FAN SPACE FOR HEATER gg o C art Cfl|i< *! nife 1~ nj U IV-3 d o o WWW Q $ S UJ3 o> O. o caSiH Weight Lbs. Height Width Length Length Width Height 17-A 17-B 22-C 22-D 32-E 32-P 42-G 42-H $1210.00 1320.00 1452.00 1694.00 1948.00 2178.00 2476.00 2750.00 10- 15 20- 25 30- 40 40- 50 60- 70 70- 80 80- 90 100-125 25' 11" 31' 11" 26' 2" 32' 2" 26' 7" 32' 7" 27' 1" 35' 1" 2' 11" 2' 11" 3' 11" 3' 11" 4' 11" 4' 11" 5' 11" 5' 11" 5' 4' 5' 10' 5' 10' 6' 4' 6' 4' 6' 10' 7' 6' 8' 1' 3'0' 3' 5' 3' 5' 3' 9' 3' 9' 4' 2' 4' 5' 4' 9' 3' 4" 3' 9" 3' 9" 4' 2" 4' 2" 4' 6" 4' 10" 5' 5" 4' 6" 4' 6" 4' 10" 4' 10" 5' 6" 5' 6" 5' 7" 6' 3" 3' 8" 3' 8" 3' 8" 3' 8" 3' 8" 3' 8" 4' 6" 4' 6" 3' 10" 3' 10' 5' 8' 5' 8' 5' 8' 5' 8' 5' 9" 5' 9" 850 900 850 900 800 850 750 750 IK 2 3 4# 6 12 18 25 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 20 2X 2^ 2^ 2K 3 3 3 3 3110 3735 5000 5710 6325 7130 9150 10000 Cutler Steam Dryer For Drying Corn Meal, Hominy, Brewer's Grits and Meal and all Cereal Products, Sand, Coal Dust, Paint, Clay, Mica, Graphite, etc. The drying cylinder consists of a large number of steam pipes. These pipes are closed up solid at one end, the open end being con- nected with a hollow steam chamber. The cylinder is mounted in a strong portable box frame and covered with sheets of steel riveted together. Open- ings are provided for the escape of the moisture, that comes from the material in process of drying. A steam trap takes away the condensed water with- out allowing the steam to escape and is attached to the exhaust pipe. When in operation the product is conveyed by means of floats up to the top and dropped over the heated pipes to the bottom, this process being repeated hundreds of times before the lower end of the machine is reached. Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. No. Price Cap. Bush. Per Hr. H.P. Boiler Req. No. of Pipes Length of Pipes Feet Diam. of Cyl. Inches Size Supply Pipe Inches Length Width Height Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Rev. of Cyl. Weight Lbs. 1 1* 2 3 4 $250.00 300.00 400.00 550.00 800.00 1100.00 15 20 30 50 80 120 5- 6 8-10 10-12 10-15 15-20 20-25 12 16 24 34 52 88 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 16 20 22 30 40 K % K IX 12' 2" 12' 2" 14' 0" 14' 3" 14' 6" 15' 0" 1' 6" 2' 2" 2' 4" 2' 6" 3' 4" 4' 2" 2' 0' 2' 4' 2' 8' 3' 4' 4' 6' 5' 4' 20x3 20x3 24x4 24x4 30x5 36x7 65 65 64 80 70 60 18 18 16 15 14 12 1100 1500 2000 2700 4500 6500 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 251 Plan No. 683 Standard Flour Mill Having a Capacity of 25 Barrels per 24 hours. End Elevation Side Elevation 252 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Plan No. 362 Standard Flour Mill Having a Capacity of 50 Barrels per 24 hours. End Elevation Side Elevation Sprout, Waldron 6- Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 253 Plan No. 422 Standard Flour Mill Having a Capacity of 100 Barrels per 24 hours. End Elevation Side Elevation 254 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Plan No. 651 Standard Flour Mill Having a Capacity of 150 Barrels of Flour in 24 hours. End Elevation Side Elevation Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 255 Plan No. 1092 Standard Flour Mill Having a Capacity of 250 Barrels of Flour in 24 hours. End Elevation IP Side Elevation 256 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Plan No. 1076 Side Elevation Standard Flour Mill Having a Capacity of 500 Barrels per 24 hours Sprout, Waldron r Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 257 Corn Steamer The Steamer is used for steaming corn slightly before its reduction to hominy, thus facilitating the removal of the bran and germ. An adjustment is provided with which to regulate the capacity of the machine, and the adjustable discharge gate is used to regulate the discharge of the corn to suit the capacity, at the same time keeping the cylinder full. Steam is supplied direct from a boiler, and the quantity of steam entering the steamer is controlled by the adjustment of a needle valve. Price, Dimensions, Etc. DIMENSIONS Size of Price Width Inches Height Inches Length Inches Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Weight Lbs. $100.00 29 21 61X 16x2^ 140 400 The Monarch Speed Indicator The Monarch Speed Indicator indicates the proper speed for the mill and is invaluable in a water mill for that purpose. The operator turns on the amount of water needed to bring the mill to the right speed as indicated by the pointer on the dial. The proper regulation of the water secures a regular speed for the rolls. By securing a regular speed for the rolls the miller gets a regular flow of stock through the mill. Price.. _. $50.00 258 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Bail-Bearing Gyratory Separator The Monarch Bali-Bearing Gyratory Separator Steel and Iron Construction In order to meet the preference of the purchaser, Monarch Bail-Bearing Gyratory Separators will be fur- nished either in wood and iron or steel and iron construction, as desired. In both types of construction, as will be noted by reference to the illustration, the platform provided for the huller is supported by a rigid and substantial cast-iron framework which overcomes any tendency toward the transmission of vibration. The sieves, in both types, are interchangeable and can be quickly removed, thus giving the operator perfect control of the separations and insuring uniformity of the product. Extra sieves of different mesh cloth may be ordered with each machine, so that different separations may be provided for in a few minutes. These machines mark a great advance in the design and construction of Cotton Seed Separators, their gyratory motion and the arrangement of the sieves, providing a means of quick separation of the meats from the hulls and greatly increasing capacity. The value of the quick separation of the meats from the hulls is twofold; it reduces the loss from absorption to a minimum and gives a Monarch machine of smaller size a greater capacity than a larger Separator operating with a reciprocating motion. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Wood and Iron Construction BOXED FOR Size Inches List Price Width Over All Inches Height Over All Inches Length Over All Inches Length Including Space to Change Sieve Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. EXPORT Weight Lbs. Vol. Cu. Ft. 30 $550.00 62 51 171 209 18 x 4 250 2000 3100 313 36 650.00 66 51 171 209 18 x 4 250 2500 3700 334 42 750.00 78 53 173 211 18 x 4 250 3500 4900 425 Steel and Iron Construction Length BOXED FOR Size Inches List Price Width Over All Inches Height Over All Inches Length Over All Inches Including Space to Ch'ge Sieves Size of Pulley Inches Speed R.P.M. Weight Lbs. EXPORT Weight Vol. Inches Lbs. Cu.Ft. 36 $700.00 66 51 172 210 18x4 250 3500 4700 333 42 800.00 78 53 174 212 18 x 4 250 4500 5900 334' 48 950.00 78 53 174 212 18x4 250 5000 6400 334 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 259 Gate City Steam Generator This Generator is made just like a boiler. All seams are beveled and calked and it is warranted to carry sixty pounds of steam. It has corru- gated fire box in all sizes except No. which is plain, heavy, durable grate, sub-base with air space underneath and pan for water, no tubes to get out of order, and complies with insurance requirements. If necessary, it can be used to heat mill office in addition to other work. By placing wheat heater higher than steam generator, condensation can be returned to steam generator and effect a saving both of labor of pumping water and fuel used. The same is applicable to coils or radiators in office. Price covers boiler, hand pump, pipe connections between water barrel, pump and generator, steam gauge, water gauge, two gauge cocks, safety valve, blow-off cock, one steam valve, three hand plates, fusible plug, chimney elbow, one set of grates, cast-iron base which forms ash pan and sub-base. Anything else extra. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Number Price Horse Power Diameter Inches Height Inches Diameter Smoke Pipe Inches Weight Lbs. $65.00 1 18 44 5 500 1 85.00 w 22 52 6 840 2 95.00 2 24 54 6 950 3 105.00 3 26 54 6 1200 4 125.00 4 28 56 8 1250 5 135.00 5 30 58 8 1400 Floor Space required, 2> x 5 to 3 x 5 feet. Beall Automatic Wheat Steamer The cut shows a sectional view of the Beall Steamer. It will be seen that it is made of two copper cylinders. The space between the cylinders is always filled with steam. This steam, freed from condensation, enters inside of steamer and tempers the wheat. It is held under pressure because the wheat prevents its escape at top and bottom. This pressure of dry steam, suddenly applied to wheat, tends to loosen the bran from the inside of the berry, and toughens it so it remains tough throughout the reductions. The inside of the berry is not even moistened, the dry steam penetrating the bran only. That leaves the flour-producing part of the berry in its natural state. This steamer is absolutely automatic and controls flow of wheat into it to suit feed of rolls. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Number Price With Valves Height Over All Inches Diameter Over All Inches Capacity In Barrels For 24 Hours Shipping Weight 00 $45.00 20 8 10 to 50 25 60.00 24 9 50 to 75 31 1 75.00 26 10 75 to 125 36 2 90.00 30 11 125 to 250 44 3 110.00 34 13 250 to 375 55 260 Sprout, Waldron i ^i K 27 63 137 23 7^ UK 3K 9i 1^ K ft Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 265 Standard Manila Rope Car Puller With Friction Clutch Has a friction clutch of ample capacity. Shaft bearings are fitted to special double base plates, insur- ing permanence of alignment. Capacities given below are based on straight track, in good condition. Price List No. of Car Puller Capacity Cars Pulling Speed Feet per Min. Size of Rope, Inches PULLEY Price Each Size, Inches Speed, R. P. M. 31 32 33 34 3 8 12 18 83 83 83 80 1)4 IX IK 2 20 x 7 24 X 11 30 x 13 36 x 15 225 225 200 200 $120.00 186.00 306.00 390.00 Price includes Pulley, but not any Lead Sheaves or Rope. Dimensions No. of Car Puller Capacity Cars DIMENSIONS, INCHES Base Bolts J A B c D E P G H 31 32 33 34 3 8 12 18 34^ 43 % 49^ 57*4 19H 22 23^ 27^ 55^ 71K 82 93 47 54 60 70 36 39 45^ 49^ 33 % 36^ 42^ 46^ 6K 7K 8# 9K 4K 5 5X 6^ H K l# \rt 266 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Special Manila Rope Car Puller With Jaw Clutch Complete with full cast-iron frame. Capacities are based on straight and level track, in good condition. Price List and Dimensions PULLEY No. of Car Puller Capacity Cars Pulling Speed Feet per Min. Size of Rope, Inches Price, Each Size, Inches Speed, R. P. M. 41 3 83 IX 20 x 7 225 $ 96.00 42 8 83 IX 24 x 11 225 162.00 43 12 83 iK 30 x 13 200 240.00 44 18 80 2 36 x 15 200 342.00 Price includes Pulley, but not any Lead Sheaves or Rope. Dimensions No. of Car Puller Capac- ity Cars DIMENSIONS, INCHES DIAM. OF FOOT BOLTS, INCHES A B c D E F G H J K L 41 42 43 44 3 8 12 18 29 2 36 42 CA> to to to $fc>0 (*>(*) XXX 58 4 66 78 to to to to XX Kp>. C*> Oo to to Ov to vo xxxx 19 24^ 30^ 14 20 23 23^ 12)4 26^4 7 . H H l H . Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 267 Type "CS," Constant-Speed, A. C. Induction Motors Westinghouse Electric Alternating-Current Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor 10-Horse Power Westinghouse Electric Motor Voltage. Motors listed will operate continuously at full rating without injury on 10 per cent higher or lower than rated voltage. Price and Weight of complete motor includes standard paper pulley, two rails f for floor, wall or ceiling mounting, and Type "E" Auto Starter (except with motors 5 h. p. and below). Motors are regularly supplied for floor mounting, but will be arranged for wall or ceiling mounting if so specified. If auto starter is desired with motors 5 h. p. and below, add $40.00 to regular retail price. Omission prices must not be used as separate selling prices. Ratings, Regular Retail Prices, Pulleys and Approximate Weights 220 and 440 Volts, Two and Three Phase; 550 Volts, Three Phase REGULAR RETAIL PRICE SHIPPING WEIGHT. LBS. Standard No. Full Load Frame Deduct for Pulley Deduct for H. P. Poles R. P. M. No. Complete Omission of Dia. x Face Complete Omission of Motor Inches Motor tRails Pulley tRails Pulley *2 4 1720 220 $ 55.00 $3.00 $1.00 4x3 145 20 5 *2 6 1120 226 71.00 3.00 .00 4x3 160 20 5 *2 8 850 328 87.00 5.00 .00 4x4 225 30 5 *3 4 1730 224 62.00 3.00 .00 4x3 155 20 5 *3 6 1130 328 82.00 5.00 .00 4x4 225 30 5 *3 8 850 356A 102.00 5.00 .00 5 x 4K 315 30 5 *5 4 1735 328 72.00 5.00 1.00 4x4 225 30 5 *5 6 1140 356A 100.00 5.00 1.00 5x4^ 315 30 5 *5 8 850 446 130.00 7.00 1.00 6x5 435 40 10 *5 10 675 544 150.00 7.00 2.00 7x6 550 50 10 *5 12 565 546 180.00 7.00 3.00 8x7 580 50 15 *7# 4 1740 354A 128.00 5.00 1.00 5 x 4K 535 35 5 *7K 6 1140 452 172.00 7.00 1.00 6x5 680 40 10 *7K 8 855 466A 190.00 7.00 2.00 7x6 755 40 10 *7J4 10 680 548 220.00 7.00 3.00 8x7 880 50 15 *7^ 12 570 558 250.00 7.00 4.00 9x8 960 50 25 10 4 1740 453 153.00 7.00 1.00 6x5 685 40 10 10 6 1150 464A 197.00 7.00 2.00 7x6 755 40 10 10 8 860 548 215.00 7.00 3.00 8x7 900 50 15 10 10 680 558 248.00 7.00 4.00 9x8 960 50 25 10 12 570 636 277.00 9.00 4.00 10 x 9 1400 100 35 15 4 1740 471A 202.00 7.00 2.00 7x6 775 40 10 15 6 1155 554 228.00 7.00 3.00 8x7 900 50 15 15 8 860 572 260.00 7.00 4.00 9x8 1000 50 25 15 10 680 636 297.00 9.00 4.00 10 x 9 1400 100 35 15 12 570 646 335.00 9.00 5.00 11 x 10 1575 100 40 *Can be furnished for 110 Volts, 2 and 3 Phase, at same price. fMotors built on frames smaller than number 400 are furnished with bed plates. 268 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Type "CS," Constant-Speed, A. G. Induction Motors Continued H. P. No. Poles Full Load R. P. M. Frame No. REGULAR RETAIL PRICE Standard Pulley Dia.x Face Inches SHIPPING WEIGHT, LBS. Complete Motor Deduct for Omission of Complete Motor Deduct for Omission of tRails Pulley tRails Pulley 20 20 4 6 1740 1160 563 574 $230.00 268.00 $ 7.00 7.00 $ 4.00 4.00 9x8 9x8 975 1125 50 50 25 25 20 20 20 8 10 12 860 685 575 644 654 746 302.00 345.00 370.00 9.00 9.00 13.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 10 x 9 11 x 10 12 x 12 1550 1750 2275 100 100 150 35 40 55 25 25 4 6 1755 1160 573 644 275.00 293.00 7.00 9.00 4.00 4.00 9x8 9x8 1050 1540 50 100 25 25 25 25 25 8 10 12 865 685 575 646 335.00 744 378.00 748 412.00 9.00 13.00 13.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 10 x 9 11 x 10 12 x 12 1625 2150 2375 100 150 150 35 40 55 35 35 4 6 1755 1170 651 654 325.00 348.00 9.00 9.00 4.00 5.00 10 x 9 11 x 10 1900 2000 100 100 35 40 35 35 35 8 10 12 870 685 575 658A 748 758 402.00 440.00 485.00 9.00 13.00 13.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 12 x 12 13 x 12 14 x 12 2300 2625 2850 100 150 150 55 60 65 50 50 4 6 1755 1170 655A 744 405.00 425.00 9.00 13.00 5.00 5.00 11 x 10 12 x 12 2175 2400 100 150 50 55 50 50 50 8 10 12 870 690 580 754 758 856 475.00 540.00 590.00 13.00 13.00 15.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 13 x 12 14 x 12 16 x 13 2650 2850 3500 150 150 225 60 65 100 t Motors built on frames smaller than number 400 are furnished with bed plates. Two-Point Oil-Immersed Self-Contained Starters for Type "CS" Induction Motors Type "E" Auto-Starters can be used on voltages 10% higher or lower than rated.voltage. Weight and price includes complete auto-starter with self-contained auto-transformers and oil, which is shipped in a separate package. Any Type "E" Auto-Starter can be equipped with a self-contained automatic no- voltage release and with a separate overload release, as described on following page. Prices are regular; weights are gross (shipping) and may vary 5% from figures given. Ratings, Weights and Regular Prices H. P. 60 CYCLE 25 CYCLE Weight, Lbs. Regular Price Weight, Lbs. Regular Price 220 Volts 7# 15 30 50 100 250 250 290 535 875 $ 60.00 60.00 70.00 90.00 190.00 250 290 535 615 875 $ 65.00 75.00 90.00 115.00 200.00 440 and 550 Volts 7# 15 30 50 100 200 250. 250 290 535 615 875 $ 60.00 60.00 75.00 95.00 140.00 220.00 250 290 535 615 875 $ 65.00 75.00 95.00 120.00 175.00 2,200 Volts 50 100 200 745 745 745 $110.00 120.00 160.00 745 745 $140.00 185.00 50 and 60, 25 and 40 Cycles 2 and 3 Phase 240, 440. 550 and 2200 Volts Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 269 No -Voltage and Overload Release Devices for Use with Type "E" Auto-Starters Type "H" Overload Relay Tank Removed Both no-voltage and overload release devices can be supplied with Type "E" Auto-Starters. When equipped .with no- voltage release, these starters will be designated as Type "El." The No-Voltage Release consists of an electromagnetically operated latch attached to the front of the auto-starter in place of the ordinary dial plate. The electromagnet is excited when the handle is in the running position, and the latch holds the handle. If the voltage fails, however, the handle is released and it returns instantly to the off position. The handle can be released at any time by pressing the thumb piece. This device can be mounted on auto-starters already in service by substituting it for the dial plate and drilling the case to bring out leads to the release coil. Type "H" Overload Release consists of an electromagnetically operated contact in series with the magnet coil of the no-voltage release. Two magnet coils operate the contact, their pull depending on the current through two phases of the motor primary; the tripping point can be adjusted between wide limits. An inverse time element prevents the contact from opening under temporary overload. The overload release coils and inverse time element are immersed in a tank of oil, the whole device being arranged for mounting on a vertical support separate from the auto-starter. Ratings and Regular Prices MAXIMUM HORSE POWER REGULAR PRICE 2 20- Volt 440-Volt 550-Volt 2 200- Volt No Voltage Overload 35 100 75 200 100 200 200 $10.00 10.00 $15.00 18.00 With voltages above 550, each no-voltage release device requires one potential transformer and each overload relay requires two current transformers. Regular Prices Transformers for 2000-2200 Volts Potential Transformers, all ratings and frequencies. Regular price, each $20.00 Current Transformers (two), all frequencies, 20- 50 h. p. Regular price (two) __' 30.00 60-200 h. p. Regular price (two) 35.00 270 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Direct-Current Motors Voltage. All motors listed below will operate continuously at full rating without injury on 10% higher or lower than rated voltage. Speeds may vary 7K% from those listed on frames 40 and below and 5% on frames 50 and above; they can be increased 15% by shunt field control. Price and weight of complete motor include Type " D " starting rheostat, standard paper pulley, and two rails for floor, wall or ceiling mounting. Motors are regularly supplied for floor mounting, but will be arranged for wall or ceiling mounting if so specified. Westinghouse Electric Direct-Current Motor Ratings, Regular Retail Prices, Pulleys and Weights 230 Volts REGULAR RETAIL PRICES APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT, POUNDS H.P. Full Load Frame No. COMPLETE MOTOR OPEN TYPE DEDUCT FOR OMISSION OF Standard Pulley Dia. x Face Complete DEDUCT FOR OMISSION OF R.P.M. Inches Motor Tit- Shunt Compound Rails Pulley Rheostat Rails Pulley Rheo- stat IX 900 10 $ 92.00 $ 95.00 $4.00 $1.00 $4.00 4x3 285 30 5 20 2 1200 10 92.00 95.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 4x3 285 30 5 20 2 850 20 113.00 116.00 5.00 1.00 4.00 4x4 325 30 5 20 3 1800 10 92.00 95.00 4.00 .00 4.00 4x3 295 30 5 30 3 1150 20 113.00 116.00 5.00 .00 4.00 4x4 335 30 5 30 3# 850 30 140.00 144.00 5.00 .00 6.00 5 x 4K 425 35 5 30 5 1800 20 113.00 116.00 5.00 .00 6.00 4x4 335 30 5 30 5 1100 30 140.00 144.00 5.00 .00 6.00 5 x 4>i 425 35 5 30 5 850 40 176.00 181.00 7.00 .00 6.00 6x5 560 35 10 30 7X 1700 30 140.00 144.00 5.00 .00 8.00 5 x 4K 435 35 5 40 7X 1150 40 180.00 185.00 7.00 1.00 8.00 6x5 570 35 10 40 TX 975 50 198.00 204.00 7.00 2.00 8.00 7x6 600 40 10 40 7K 850 60 201.00 207.00 7.00 2.00 8.00 7x6 640 40 10 40 TY* 650 70 240.00 247.00 7.00 3.00 8.00 8x7 765 50 15 40 10 1700 40 189.00 195.00 7.00 1.00 9.00 6x5 570 35 10 40 10 1300 SOL 205.00 211.00 7.00 2.00 9.00 7x6 610 40 10 40 10 1150 60L 215.00 221.00 7.00 2.00 9.00 7x6 650 40 10 40 10 850 70 230.00 237.00 7.00 3.00 9.00 8x7 765 50 15 40 10 730 80 242.00 249.00 8.00 3.00 9.00 8x7 840 60 15 40 10 600 90 268.00 276.00 8.00 4.00 9.00 9x8 890 60 25 40 15 1700 60L 220.00 227.00 7.00 3.00 13.00 7x6 735 40 10 125 15 1250 70L 240.00 247.00 7.00 3.00 13.00 8x7 865 50 15 125 15 1100 SOL 242.00 249.00 8.00 3.00 13.00 8x7 945 60 15 125 15 825 90 265.00 273.00 8.00 4.00 13.00 9x8 975 60 25 125 15 675 100L 328.00 338.00 8.00 4.00 13.00 10 x 9 1225 85 35 125 15 600 110L 345.00 355.00 9.00 5.00 13.00 11 x 10 1310 100 40 125 20 1700 70L 263.00 271.00 7.00 3.00 18.00 8x7 865 50 15 125 20 1100 90 323.00 333.00 8.00 4.00 18.00 9x8 975 60 25 125 20 900 100L 335.00 345.00 8.00 4.00 18.00 10 x 9 1225 85 35 125 20 750 110L 395.00 407.00 9.00 5.00 18.00 11 x 10 1330 100 40 125 20 650 120 432.00 445.00 10.00 5.00 18.00 11 x 10 1475 100 40 125 25 1400 90 340.00 350.00 8.00 4.00 20.00 9x8 975 60 25 125 25 1100 100L 355.00 366.00 8.00 4.00 20.00 10 x 9 1225 85 35 125 25 950 110L 410.00 422.00 9.00 5.00 20.00 11 x 10 1330 100 40 125 25 825 120 432.00 445.00 10.00 5.00 20.00 11 x 10 1475 100 40 125 25 600 130 495.00 510.00 13.00 5.00 20.00 12 x 12 1775 150 55 125 30 1700 90 343.00 353.00 9.00 4.00 23.00 9x8 975 60 25 125 30 1150 110L 390.00 402.00 9.00 5.00 23.00 11 x 10 1330 100 40 125 30 975 120 432.00 445.00 10.00 5.00 23.00 11 x 10 1475, 100 40 125 30 725 130 535.00 551.00 13.00 5.00 23.00 12 x 12 1775 150 55 125 30 600 140 585.00 602.00 14.00 6.00 23.00 13 x 12 2225 150 60 125 35 1700 100L 400.00 412.00 8.00 4.00 23.00 10 x 9 1225 100 35 125 35 1150 120 432.00 445.00 10.00 5.00 23.00 11 x 10 1475 100 40 125 35 850 130 505.00 520.00 13.00 5.00 23.00 12 x 12 1775 150 55 125 35 675 140 570.00 587.00 14.00 6.00 23.00 13 x 12 2250 150 60 125 40 1700 110L 440.00 453.00 9.00 5.00 30.00 11 x 10 1445 100 40 240 40 950 130 505.00 520.00 13.00 5.00 30.00 12 x 12 1900 150 55 240 40 775 140 570.00 587.00 14.00 6.00 30.00 13 x 12 2350 150 60 240 40 600 150 665.00 685.00 15.00 6.00 30.00 14 x 12 2775 225 65 240 50 1700 120L 480.00 494.00 10.00 5.00 40.00 11 x 10 1610 100 40 240 50 975 140L 595.00 613.00 14.00 6.00 40.00 13 x 12 2400 150 60 240 50 750 150 665.00 685.00 15.00 6.00 40.00 14 x 12 2775 225 65 240 50 565 160 785.00 808.00 16.00 7.00 40.00 16 x 13 3300 225 100 240 Open and Semi-Enclosed Types Shunt and Compound Wound SK MOTORS, CONSTANT SPEED. CONTINUOUS SERVICE 230 Volts Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 271 Direct-Current Generators Machines listed are designed to operate within a variation of not more than 5% from rated voltage and speed. Price and weight include a standard pulley, two rails, and field rheostat. The switchboard mounting rheostat is regularly supplied with a 3^-inch tetrapod, but a 624-inch tetrapod will be supplied at the same price if specified. Prices, Ratings, Etc. 125 Volts Kw. No. of SO- Watt Lamps PRICE GENERATOR COMPLETE WITH Amps. Pull Load R. P. M. Frame No. Standard Pulley Diam. x. Face Inches Shipping Weight Lbs. Separate Mtg. Rheo. Switchboard Mtg. Rheo. # 15 $126.00 $131.00 6 1900 3 3^x 2% 180 IX 25 168.00 173.00 10 1650 4 3^x 3 250 IK 30 200.00 204.00 12 1380 10 4x3 300 2 40 206.00 210.00 16 1830 10 4x3 300 3 60 231.00 236.00 24 1700 20 4x4 335 3 60 269.00 273.00 24 1500 30 5 x 4X 425 4K 90 294.00 300.00 36 1930 30 5 x 4^ 425 5 100 389.00 393.00 40 1120 40 6x5 560 6 120 389.00 393.00 48 1480 40 6x5 560 7 140 452.00 456.00 56 1210 60-L 7x6 640 9 180 441.00 445.00 72 1700 50-L 7x6 600 9 180 588.00 593.00 72 950 80-L 8x7 850 10 200 714.00 719.00 80 750 100-L 10 x 9 1130 12X 250 578.00 582.00 100 1350 80-L 8x7 850 I2K 250 714.00 719.00 100 875 100-L 10 x 9 1130 18 360 756.00 761.00 144 1100 100-L 10 x 9 1130 18 360 840.00 845.00 144 800 120 11 x 10 1380 272 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Knife Switches and Fuses Style No. 148841 Fused Knife Switch Style No. 142660 Non-Fused Knife Switch Sizes, Prices, Etc. fs Double o SINGLE THROW SWITCHES Throw o a TT p Vrtl + T>1, C_ -i-,1. SXT Switches s 6 fc .tl.r. voits rnase Amps. OWltCn ISO. Price Fuse Price Total Price Price 1 7K 220 2 18.5 30A4P 181259 $1.92 30A-S No.37165 $0.15 $2.52 $2.88 1 T% 220 3 20.5 30A3P 142700 1.44 30A-S No.37165 .15 1.89 2.16 1 TX 440 2 9.2 30A4P 181260 3.05 15A-S No.37194A .24 4.01 4.57 1 TX 440 3 10.3 30A3P 181261 2.28 15A-S No.37194A .24 3.00 3.42 1 IX 550 3 8.3 30A3P 181262 3.00 12A-S No.37193A .24 3.42 4.50 1 10 220 2 25 30A4P 181259 1.92 40A-S No.37167 .21 2.76 2.88 1 10 220 3 25 30A 3P 142700 1.44 40A-S No.37167 .21 2.07 2.16 1 10 440 2 11.5 30A4P 181260 3.05 20A-S No.37195A .24 4.01 4.57 1 10 440 3 12.6 30A3P 181261 2.28 20A-S No.37195A .24 3.00 3.42 1 10 550 3 10.7 30A3P 181262 3.00 15A-S No.37194A .24 3.72 4.50 1 15 220 2 35 60A4P 142709 2.83 50A-S No.37169 .21 3.67 4.24 1 15 220 3 37 60A 3P 142701 2.12 50A-S No.37169 .21 2.75 3.18 1 15 440 2 16.5 30A4P 181260 3.05 25A-S No.37196A .24 4.01 4.57 1 15 440 3 18.6 30A3P 181261 2.28 25A-S No.37196A .24 3.00 3.42 1 15 550 3 15 30A3P 181262' 3.00 25A-S No.37196A .24 3.72 4.50 2 10 220 2 50 100 A 4P 142710 5.69 75A-S No.37171 .54 7.85 8.53 2 10 220 3 50 100A3P 142702 4.26 75A-S No.37171 .54 5.88 6.39 2 10 440 2 23 30A4P 181260 3.05 35A-S No.37198A .36 4.49 4.57 2 10 440 3 25 30A3P 181261 2.28 35A-S No.37198A .36 3.36 3.42 2 10 550 3 21.5 30A 3P 181262 3.00 30A-S No.37197A .24 3.72 4.50 2 15 220 2 70 100A4P 142710 5.69 100A-S No.37173 .34 7.85 8.53 2 15 220 3 74 100A3P 142702 4.26 100A-S No.37173 .54 5.88 6.39 2 15 440 2 33 60A4P 142728 4.62 50A-S No.3720lA .36 4.44 6.93 2 15 550 3 30 60A3P 142727 3.36 45A-S No.37200A .36 4.44 5.04 2 20 220 2 88 100A4P 142710 5.69 125A-S No.37174 1.20 10.49 8.53 2 20 220 3 97 100A 3P 142702 4.26 100A-S No.37175 1.20 7.86 6.39 2 20 440 2 42.6 60A4P 142728 4.62 60A-S No.37202A .36 6.06 6.93 2 20 440 3 48.6 60A 3P 142727 3.36 60A-S No.37202A .36 4.44 5.04 2 20 550 3 39 60A 3P 142727 3.36 60A-S No.37202A .36 4.44 i 5.04 2 25 220 2 106 200A4P 142711 7.32 150A-S No.37175 1.20 12.12 10.98 2 25 220 3 120 200A 3P 142704 5.49 150A-S No.37175 1.20 9.09 8.23 2 25 440 2 53 100A 4P 142731 5.20 75A-S No.37203 .90 8.80 7.80 2 25 440 3 60 100A3P 142729 4.68 85A-S No.37204 .90 7.38 7.02 2 25 550 3 48 100A 3P 25134A 4.35 6.52 2 25 550 3 FB-124393 3.15 75A-S No 37203 .90 10.20 2 30 220 2 126 200A 4P 142711 7.32 200A-S No.37177 1.20 10.92 10.98 2 30 220 3 144 200A3P 142704 5.49 200A-S No.37177 1.20 9.09 8.23 2 30 440 2 63 100 A 4P 142731 5.20 100A-S No.37205 .90 7.90 7.80 2 30 440 3 72 100A 3P 142727 4.68 100A-S No.37205 .90 7.38 7.02 2 30 550 3 58 100A 3P 25134A 4.35 6.52 2 30 550 3 FB-124393 3.15 7.SA-S No.37203 .90 10.20 2 35 220 2 145 200A4P 142711 7.32 !200A-S No.37177 i 1.20 10.92 10.98 2 35 220 3 165 200A 3P 142704 5.49 I200A-S No.37177 1.20 9.09 8.23 2 35 440 2 72 100A 4P 142731 5.20 125A-S No.37206 1.50 9.70 7.80 2 35 440 3 82 100A3P 142729 4.68 125A-S No.37206 1.50 9.18 7.02 2 35 550 3 66 100A 3P 25134A 4 35 6.52 2 35 550 3 FB-124393 3.15 innA-vS No.37205 .90 10.20 2 40 220 2 168 200A4P 142711 7.32 250A-S No.37179 2.16 13.80 10.98 2 40 220 3 193 200A3P 142704 5.49 300A-S No.37180 2.16 11.97 8.23 2 40 440 2 84 100A4P 142731 5.20 125A-S No.37206 1.50 9.70 7.80 2 40 440 3 96 100A3P 142729 4.68 125A-S No.37206 1.50 4.18 7.02 2 40 440 3 25134A 4.35 6.52 2 40 550 3 77 inn A 7p PT3 1 94.2Q1 3.15 120AS No. 189132 1 50 12 15 2 50 220 2 209 ll/l/A Or 300A4P c jj-iztoy*> 31951 2o!49 300A-S No!37180 2'.16 26.97 30.73 2 50 220 3 229 300A 3P 31944 12.30 300A-S No.37180 2.16 18.78 18.45 2 50 440 2 105 200A4P 142732 8.33 '150A-S No.37207 1.50 12.83 12.49 2 50 440 3 119 200A3P 142730 6.25 150A-S No.37207 1.50 10.75 9.37 2 50 550 3 O/c 11 111 A 3P I?T5 1 lAIQA 5 40 150A S No.37207 1 50 14.25 2 75 220 2 yo 304 MMJ.A Oi 300A4P c D-iz'*jy* 31951 20~49 450A-S No'l84121 3.30 30.39 30.73 2 75 220 3 353 400A3P 142707 14.58 450A-S No. 184121 3.30 24.40 21.87 2 75 440 2 156 200A 4P 142732 8.33 200A-S No.37209 1.50 12.83 12.49 2 75 440 3 176 200A 3P 142730 6.25 250A-SN0.37211 3.30 16.15 9.37 2 75 440 a 25135A 6 95 10.42 2 75 550 7 1 J.1 onn A IP T?R 1943O4. 5.40 -> (which is the weight in pounds of one cubic foot). Multiply that product by the head (in feet) and divide the product by 33,000. The quotient will be the full horse power of the stream. Most turbine manufacturers claim that their wheels will develop 80% efficiency, but it is well known that very few of them in actual use will ever reach 70% efficiency and then only under the most favorable conditions. The I-X-L will develop from 90% to 95% efficiency, depending upon the diameter of the wheel; or at least one-third more power than any other wheel using the same amount of water. It will develop just as high efficiency at one-third or one-fourth capacity as it will when run at normal capacity. A turbine will do prac- tically no work at all when run much below full gate, so that in the course of a year's run on a variable stream, the I-X-L will develop twice the power of the most economical turbine. 276 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Measurement of Water It is highly important to those who contemplate improving or utilizing their water power to determine the head that can be secured that is, the vertical distance from the surface of tail-water to the surface of head-water. Then ascertain the amount of water that can be relied upon. It would not be prudent for parties to subject themselves to an expense without having the assurance of having power sufficient to propel their proposed machinery. It has frequently occurred that mills and factories have been completed, and not until then was the mistake discovered. By knowing the head and the number of cubic feet of water that flows per minute, the size of wheel that is best adapted can be selected and the horse power determined. We would, therefore, recommend, when convenient, to get some one who is skilled in hydraulics to make the calculations; however, if this cannot be conveniently done, parties can measure their streams themselves by methods which we propose. There are many ways by which streams of water can be measured approximately, but, undoubtedly, the most correct way by which it can be done, is by means of a "Weir Dam." If the stream is not too large, take a board, or, if required, joint and nail together with cleats more than one, wide and long enough to form a dam across the stream. Cut a notch in the top of the board of sufficient depth to allow all the water to pass through. The length of said notch should not be more than half or two-thirds the width of dam, and should be beveled on the down side of the stream nearly to a feathered edge. Be particular to have the notch level across the stream so the water will be of the same depth at both ends. Drive a stake in the ground about four feet up the stream from the board, so that the top of the stake will be on a level with the bottom of said notch, which can readily be seen when the water begins to flow over it. When the dam is made perfectly tight, so that all the water passes through the notch or Weir, and the water raised to its maximum height, measure carefully how much the water raises above the top of stake. This measurement is the basis from which the calculations are made to find the amount of water that flows per minute, as shown in the Weir Table. Care must be taken to get a board wide enough to dam the water to a dead level before it begins to flow over the notch, and that the water has a fall, enough to clear itself below say a depth of six inches, or more in a large stream. Another matter of importance is the possibility of storing the water by means of a dam or pond, so that the machinery can be run during the time when the regular flow of the stream is not sufficient say, if the location admits, a dam or pond can be constructed so as to store the water through the night to be used through the day, or store and use as the case may suit; thus, if the water can be stored for twelve hours, the next twelve the power will be double that of the regular stream. We emphatically state that every water power in existence within the range of this type of wheel can be greatly improved by the use of our I-X-L Steel Overshoot Water Wheel. No difference whose make or what kind of a wheel is used, we can increase your power 25% to 50%. This is especially true of light streams, where the economical use of water is an object. The Weir Table O /^ K M 1 A X K M O H # M # M # .00 .01 .05 .09 .14 .19 .26 .32 13 18.74 19.01 19.29 19.56 19.84 20.11 20.39 20.67 1 .40 .47 .55 .64 .73 .82 .92 1.02 14 20.95 21.23 21.51 21.80 22.08 22.37 22.65 22.94 2 1.13 1.23 1.35 1.46 1.58 1.70 1.82 1.95 15 23.23 23.52 23.82 24.11 24.40 24.70 25.00 25.30 3 2.07 2.21 2.34 2.48 2.61 2.76 2.90 3.05 16 25.60 25.90 (26.20 26.50 26.80 27.11 27.42 27.72 4 3.20 3.35 3.50 3.66 3.81 3.97 4.14 4.30 17 28.03 28.34 28.65 28.97 29.28 29.59 29.91 30.22 5 4.47 4.64 4.81 4.98 5.15 5.33 5.51 5.69 18 30.54 30.86 31.18 31.50 31.82 32.15 32.47 32.80 6 5.87 6.06 6.25 6.44 6.62 6.82 7.01 7.21 19 33.12 33.45 33.78 34.11 34.44 34.77 35.10 35.44 7 7.40 7.60 7.80 8.01 8.21 8.42 8.63 8.83 20 35.77 36.11 36.45 36.78 37.12 37.46 37.80 38.15 8 9.05 9.26 9.47 9.69 9.91 10.13 10.35 10.57 21 38.49 38.83 '39. 18 39.53 39.87 40.22 40.57 40.92 9 10.80 11.03 11.25 11.48 11.71 11.94 12.17 12.41 22 41.27 41.62 141.98 42.33 42.69 43.04 43.40 43.76 10 12.64 12.88 13.12 13.36 13.60 13.85 14.09 14.34 23 44.12 44.48 44.84 45.20 45.56 45.93 46.29 46.66 11 14.59 14.84 15.09 15.34 15.59 15.85 16.11 16.36 24 47.03 47.39 47.76 48.13 48.50 48.87 49.24 49.62 12 16.62 16.88 17.15 17.41 17.67 1 17.94 18.21 18.47 This table is to assist in ascertaining the capacity of a stream of water. It gives the number of cubic feet of water that will pass over a Weir one inch wide, and from >i of an inch to 24.fi in depth. The figures on the first upright column represent whole inches, and those on the top horizontal line represent fractional parts of an inch of depth over the Weir. The figures on the second upright column indicate the number of cubic feet of water that will flow per minute over the Weir, for whole inches in depth, and on the succeeding columns whole inches and the fractions under which they occur. Then the number of cubic feet thus found, multiplied by the width of the Weir in inches, will give the capacity of a stream. EXAMPLE: To find the required number of cubic feet of water that will flow over a Weir, 6*A inches in depth and 50 inches In width, follow down the left-hand column of figures in the table to 6, then across, until directly under the Y* in the top line, where will be found 6.62; this, multiplied by 50, will give 331, the number of cubic feet of water that passes over the whole Weir. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 277 Measurements in Miner's Inches A miner's inch is the quantity of water that will flow through an orifice one inch square when the head above the center of the orifice is six inches. This is but an approximate definition, as the "miner's inch" seems to be differently understood in different sections. It ranges in value from 1.20 to 1.76 cubic feet per minute, but with a head of six inches is about 1.60 cubic feet per minute. When correspondents speak of miner's inches they should accompany their statement by a description of the kind of miner's inch they have in view, when writing. As we have before intimated, the amount of pressure over the opening differs in different parts of the country, or in different mining districts, and each depth, or miner's inch, will discharge differently. The kind of miner's inch we have described above, is one that is generally used. A miner's inch is a measure for flow of water, and is an opening one inch square in plank, two inches thick, under a head of six inches of water to upper edge of opening. Measurement of Larger Streams In streams too large to measure by Weir, the Float Measurement method may be used. Select a place where the bed of the stream is smooth and comparatively uniform both as to width and as to depth. Throw into the middle of the stream some light floating objects of sufficient weight to sink well into the water. Time the passage of these floats between certain fixed points, say 20 or 30 feet apart. The average velocity of the stream will be about 75% of the velocity of the floats, for the water does not run as fast along the sides or on the bed of the stream as it does in the center of the stream. Secure the average depth and average width of the stream at the points where the velocity was taken. The more nearly uniform the stream is in width and depth, the nearer correct your estimates will be. Multiply the average depth (in feet) by the average width (in feet), and multiply the product by the velocity in feet per minute as ascertained from the floats. The result will be the number of cubic feet per minute which the stream flows. Measurement of Water Through Openings Under Pressure Table giving the number of cubic feet of water discharged per minute, by an orifice one inch square, under any head from 3 to 62 inches Head Cubic Feet Head Cubic Feet Head Cubic Feet Head Cubic Feet Head Cubic Feet Head Cubic Feet 3 1.12 13 2.20 23 2.91 33 3.47 43 3.95 53 4.39 4 1.27 14 2.27 24 2.97 34 3.52 44 4.00 54 4.42 5 1.41 15 2.36 25 3.03 35 3.57 45 4.05 55 4.46 6 1.53 16 2.44 26 3.09 36 3.63 46 4.10 56 4.52 7 1.64 17 2.51 27 3.15 37 3.67 47 4.13 57 4.55 8 1.75 18 2.58 28 3.20 38 3.72 48 4.18 58 4.58 9 1.85 19 2.65 29 3.26 39 3.77 49 4.22 59 4.63 10 1.94 20 2.72 30 3.32 40 3.82 50 4.27 60 4.66 11 2.03 21 2.78 31 3.37 41 3.86 51 4.30 61 4.71 12 2.12 22 2.85 32 3.42 42 3.92 52 4.34 62 4.74 278 Sprout, Waldron Sr Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Burnham Turbine Water Wheels Complete with Eccentric or Worm Gear Gate Burnham Turbine Water Wheel Size, Power, Speed, Etc. Size of Wheels Head 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Water___ 63 77 89 100 109 118 126 134 141 148 154 160 166 172 178 184 190 195 200 9 Power .19 .36 .55 .77 1.02 1.29 1.57 1.87 2.18 2.53 2.88 3.24 3.61 4.00 4.41 4.84 5.28 5.73 6.18 Speed 190 232 270 302 330 358 382 404 426 448 468 487 505 523 540 557 573 588 603 Water 86 105 121 135 149 161 171 182 192 201 210 219 228 236 244 251 258 265 271 ioy, Power .27 .49 .75 1.05 1.36 1.75 2.13 2.54 2.98 3.42 3.90 4.41 4.93 5.47 6.03 6.60 7.19 7.80 8.42 Speed ... 162 200 232 258 284 306 327 348 366 384 401 417 433 448 463 477 491 504 517 Water 112 138 159 177 194 210 225 238 250 262 274 286 297 308 318 327 336 345 354 12 Power .33 .65 1.00 1.40 1.81 2.29 2.79 3.33; 3.89 4.47 5.10 5.77 6.45 7.17 7.89 8.61 9.37 10.16 10.98 Speed 143 175 202 226 248 268 286 304 320 336 351 365 379 392 405 417 429 441 453 Water 142 174 201 225 246 265 283 300 316 333 348 363 376 389 402 414 426 438 450 13 K 1 Power .44 .81 1.25 1.74 2.28 2.88 3.51 4.20 4.93 5.67 6.47 7.32 8.18 9.03 9.97 10.91 11.88 12.90 13.95 1 Speed 127 156 180 201 220 236 255 270 285 298 312 325 337 349 360 371 382 392 402 Water 175 215 247 277 303 328 351 372 391 411 429 447 465 481 497 512 527 541 555 15 Power .54 .99 1.53 2.15 2.82 3.57 4.37 5.21 6.07 7.01 7.98 9.02 10.08 11.16 12.30 13.48 14.69 15.93 17.20 Speed 115 140 162 181 198 214 229 243 256 269 281 292 303 314 324 334 344 353 362 Water 211 259 300 336 367 397 424 450 474 498 521 542 562 581 600 618 636 654 671 16K Power .66 1.20 1.86 2.61 3.42 4.29 5.27 6.27 7.35 8.49 9.68 10.91 12.16 13.50 14.88 16.29 17.75 19.25 20.79 Speed 104 128 147 165 180 195 208 221 233 244 255 265 i 275 285 295 304 313 321 329 Water 252 309 457 399 438 572 505 537 565 594 620 645 669 692 714 737 758 779 800 18 Power .78 1.44 2.21 3.10 4.08 5.13 6.27 7.47 8.72 10.13 11.52 12.95 14.45 16.05 17.70 19.41 21.14 22.94 24.78 Speed 95 117 135 151 165 179 191 202 213 224 234 244 253 262 270 278 286 294 302 Water 343 421 486 543 595 643 687 729 769 807 842 876 909 942 972 1002 1032 1060 1086 21 Power 1.07 1.97 3.02 4.22 5.49 6.99 8.52 10.16 11.93 13.76 15.65 17.66 19.73 21.90 24.11 26.40 28.76 31.19 33.66 Speed 81 100 116 129 142 153 164 174! 183 192 200 208 216 224 232 239 246 253 259 Water 448 549 634 709 777 840 897 952! 1003 1053 1100 1145 1187 1229 1269 1308 1346 1383 1419 24 Power 1.40 2.55 3.93 5.51 7.22 9.12 11.12 13.29-15.56 17.96 20.45 23.06 25.76 28.56 31.47 34.46 37.55 40.75 44.00 Speed 72 88 101 113 124 134 143 152 160 168 175 182 189 196 203 209 215 221 226 Water 568 696 804 900 984 1060 1132 1200 1264 1334 1392 1449 1505 1557 1608 1658 1706 1752 1797 27 Power 1.86 3.24 5.00 6.96 9.12 11.52 14.04 16.83 19.70 22.74 25.89 29.19 32.64 36.19 39.87 43.68 47.58 51.60 55.71 Speed 64 78 90 101 110 119; 127 135 142 149 156 162 168 174 180 186 191 196 201 Water 702 866 994 1112 1215 1312 1404 1488 1569 1645 1719 1789 1857 1921 1984 2047 2106 2163 2220 30 Power 2.18 3.96 6.15 8.60 11.30 14.24 17.26 20.66 24.32 28.05 31.98 36.06 40.29 44.67 49.22 53.90 58.70 63.71 68.82 Speed 57 70 81 91 99 107 115 122 128 134 140 146 152 157 162 167 172 177 181 Water 1011 1237 1429 1597 1750 1891 2022 2143 2260 2360 2475 2577 2674 2770 2859 2946 3031 3115 3196 36 Power 3.13 5.76 8.86 12.37 16.27 20.55 25.08 29.90 35.04 40.41 46.08 51.93 58.07 64.35 70.90 77.61 84.58 91.74 99.09 Speed 48 58 67 75 83 90 96 102 107 112 117 122 127 131 135 139 143 147 151 Water 1444 1770 2044 2284 2503 2704 2889 3066 3232 3390 3540 3684 3823 3956 4087 4213 4336 4455 4570 42 Power 4.47 8.23 12.67 17.74 23.28 29.34 35.82 42.76 50.10 58.27 65.85 74.24 82.93 92.04 101.5 111.0 121.0 131.2 141.6 Speed 41 50 58 65 71 77 82 87 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 123 126 129 Water 1884 2290 2644 2956 3238 3498 3739 3966 4185 4384 4579 4763 4947 5125 5289 5451 5608 5763 5913 48 Power 5.84 10.65 16.22 22.97 30.12 37.95 46.35 55.32 64.80 74.57 85.18 96.06 107.3 119.1 131.1 143.6 156.4 169.7 183.3 Speed 36 44 51 57 62 67 72 76 80 84 88 92 95 98 101 104 107 110 113 Water 2328 2847 3334 3729 4089 4411 4716 5002 5274 5530 5776 6012 6240 6459 6670 6874 7074 7269 7456 54 Power 7.30 13.42 20.67 28.93 37.98 47.86 58.47 69.87 81.75 94.29 107.4 121.1 135.4 150.0 165.4 181.1 197.3 214.0 231.1 Speed 32 39 45 50 55 60 64 68 71 74 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 Water 2901 3579 4101 4585 5023 5427 5815 6153 6486 6797 7105 7395 7674 7944 8203 8457 8701 8940 9172 60 Power 9.00 16.51 25.42 35.53 46.72 58.87 72.10 85.83 100.5 115.9 132.0 149.0 166.5 184.5 203.4 222.8 242.7 263.2 284.3 Speed 29 35 40 45 50 54 57 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 87 89 91 Power=Horse Power. Water=Cubic Feet per Minute. One Cubic Foot=62!Vj, pounds. Speed = Revolutions at work, per min. NOTE: Net prices, dimensions and detailed specifications will be furnished on application. Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 279 Improved Upright Samson Turbines Upright Samson Turbine Complete Size, Power, Speed, Etc. Size Head 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Water 384 411 436 460 482 503 524 544 553 581 599 617 634 650 17E Power . 4.1 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.1 9.2 10.4 11.7 12.9 14.3 15.6 17.0 18.4 19.9 Speed 246 264 280 294 308 322 335 348 360 373 384 394 405 416 Water 464 502 536 569 601 629 657 683 709 734 758 782 804 827 848 17D Power 4.3 5.4 6.5 7.8 9.2 10.6 12.0 13.6 15.2 16.9 18.6 20.4 22.1 24.0 25.9 Speed.. _ 228 246 264 280 294 308 322 335 348 360 373 384 394 405 416 Water 558 611 650 706 749 791 828 864 900 934 967 998 1029 1059 1088 1116 17C Power 4.3 5.6 7.1 7.6 10.3 12.1 14.0 15.8 17.9 19.0 22.2 24.5 26.8 29.1 31.6 34.1 Speed 208 228 246 264 280 294 308 322 335 348 360 373 384 394 405 416 Water 616 689 754 815 871 924 975 1021 1066 1110 1153 1193 1232 1270 1307 1343 1377 17B Power 3.7 5.3 7.0 8.7 10.6 12.7 14.9 17.2 19.5 22.0 24.7 27.4 30.2 33.1 36.0 39.0 42.1 Speed 186 208 228 246 264 280 294 308 322 335 348 360 372 384 394 405 416 Water 697 805 900 986 1065 1139 1208 1275 1335 1394 1451 1506 1559 1610 1660 1708 1755 1800 17A Power 3.2 4.9 6.9 9.1 11.4 13.9 16.6 19.5 22.5 25.5 28.8 32.3 35.6 39.5 43.3 47 51 55 Speed 161 186 208 228 246 264 280 294 308 322 336 348 360 372 384 391 406 416 Water 914 1055 1180 1293 1396 1493 1583 1669 1750 1828 1903 1975 2044 2111 2179 2239 2300 2360 20 Power 4.2 6.4 9.0 11.9 15.0 18.3 21.8 25.5 29.5 33.6 37.8 42.3 46.9 51.5 56.6 61.7 66.9 72.2 Speed 140 162 182 199 215 230 244 257 270 282 293 304 315 325 335 345 354 364 Water. __ 1209 1391 1561 1710 1847 1974 2094 2207 2315 2418 2517 2612 2703 2792 2878 2961 3043 3122 23 Power 5.5 8.5 11.9 15.7 19.8 24.2 28.8 33.8 39 44.4 50 55.9 62 68.3 74.9 81.6 88.5 95.5 Speed 127 141 158 173 187 200 211 224 235 245 255 265 274 283 292 300 308 316 Water 1545 1784 1995 2185 2360 2523 2676 2821 2959 3090 3216 3338 3455 3569 3678 3785 3888 3919 26 Power 7.10 10.9 15.2 20.1 25.3 30.9 36.8 43.2 49.8 56.7 64 71.5 79.3 87.3 95.7 104 113 121 Speed 108 125 140 153 166 177 188 198 207 217 226 234 242 250 258 265 273 280 Water 2057 237j 2656 2909 3142 3359 3563 3756 3939 4114 4282 4444 4600 4751 4897 5039 5177 5312 30 Power 9.44 14.5 20.3 26.7 33.6 41.1 49.1 57.5 66.3 75.5 85.2 95.2 106 116 127 139 150 162 Speed 94 108 121 132 143 153 163 171 180 188 195 203 210 217 224 230 236 242 Water 2789 3220 3600 3944 4260 4554 4830 5091 5339 5577 5805 6024 6236 6440 6638 6831 7018 7200 35 Power 12.8 19.7 27.5 36.2 45.6 55.7 66.5 77.9 89.8 102 115 129 143 158 173 188 204 220 S->eed 81 93 104 114 123 132 140 147 154 161 168 174 180 186 192 197 203 208 Water 3657 4223 4722 5172 5587 5972 6335 6677 7003 7315 7613 7900 8178 8446 8706 8958 9204 9443 40 rower 16.8 25.8 36.1 47.5 59.8 73.1 87.2 102 118 134 151 169 188 207 226 247 268 289 Speed 70 81 91 100 108 115 122 129 135 141 147 152 157 163 168 172 177 182 Water 4629 5344 5975 6546 7070 7558 8017 8450 8861 9257 9635 9999 10350 10689 11018 11337 11648 11951 45 Power 21.2 32.7 45.7 50.1 75.7 92.5 110 129 149 170 192 214 238 262 287 312 336 366 Speed 63 72 81 88 96 102 109 114 120 125 130 135 140 145 149 153 158 162 Water 5714 6598 7377 8081 8729 9331 9897 10433 10942 11429 11795 12344 12777 13196 13603 13997 14380 14754 50 Power 26.2 40.5 56.4 74.2 93.5 114 136 150 184 210 235 264 293 324 354 385 418 451 Speed 56 65 73 80 86 92 98 103 108 113 117 122 126 130 134 138 142 145 Water___ 7168 8277 9254 10137 10950 11705 12415 13087 13726 14336 14922 15485 16028 16554 17063 17558 18039 18508 56 Power 32.9 50.6 70.8 93 117 143 171 200 231 263 297 332 368 405 444 484 524 566 Speed 50 58 65 71 77 82 87 92 96 101 105 109 112 116 120 123 127 130 Water.. . 8787 10146 11344 12426 13419 14349 15219 16042 16825 17574 18291 18982 19648 20292 20917 21523 22113 22688 62 Power 40.3 62.1 86.8 114 144 176 210 245 283 323 364 407 451 497 544 593 643 694 Speed 45 52 59 64 69 74 79 83 87 91 95 98 102 105 108 111 114 117 Water 10570 12204 13645 14947 16145 17258 18306 19297 20238 21139 22002 22832 23634 24409 25160 25890 26599 27290 68 Power. . . 48.5 74.7 104 137 171 211 252 295 341 388 438 489 542 597 654 713 773 835 Speed 41 48 53 59 63 68 72 76 79 83 86 89 93 96 99 101 104 107 Water. ._ 12517 14453 16159 17701 19120 20439 21679. 22852 23967 25034 26056 27039 27988 28906 29796 30659 31500 32318 74 Power 57.5 88.5 124 1621 205 250 299 350 403 460 518 579 642 708 775 844 916 992 Speed 38 44 49 54| 58 62 66 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 96 99 Power= Horse Power. Water= Cubic Feet per Minute. One Cubic Foot= 62 r 3 o 7 6 pounds. Speed = Revolutions per Minute at Work. NOTE: Net prices, dimensions and detailed specifications will be furnished on application. 280 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Upright Standard Leffel Turbines and Globe Cases for Standard Turbines Standard Leffel Turbine Standard Leffel Turbine and Globe Case Size, Power, Speed, Etc. Size Head 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 [ Water 142 153 163 172 180 188 196 203 211 217 224 231 237 243 No. 10 | Power _ _ 3 3.7 4.6 5.2 6 6.8 7.7 8.6 9.6 10 5 11 5 12 6 13 6 14 7 Standard [ Speed. 502 535 567 598 628 655 682 707 732 757 780 802 824 846 No. 1\ 1 A [ Water \ Power ... ... 174 3.2 189 4 201 4.9 213 5.8 224 6.8 235 7.8 246 8.9 256 10.1 265 11.2 275 12.5 284 13.75 292 15 301 16 4 308 17 7 316 19 1 Standard [ Speed ... 403 436 463 493 520 545 569 593 615 636 658 678 697 716 735 f Water 211 232 250 267 284 299 313 327 341 354 366 378 390 401 412 423 No. 13 }4 \ Power _ _ 3.2 4.2 5.3 6.5 7.75 9 10.4 11.9 13.4 15 16.6 18.3 20 21 8 23.7 25.6 Standard ( Speed 319 349 378 404 428 451 473 495 514 533 553 571 589 605 622 638 No. 15 X Standard No. 17 K Standard f Water \ Power 1 Speed f Water 1 Power I Speed. .. 246 3 248 321 3.9 217 275 4.2 284 359 5.4 242 301 5.5 303 393 7.12 265 325 6.9 328 425 9 286 348 8.4 351 455 11 306 369 10 372 482 13.1 324 389 11.8 393 508 15.4 341 407 13.5 411 533 17.7 358 426 15.5 430 557 20.2 374 443 17.4 447 579 22.8 390 460 19.5 464 602 25.5 404 476 21.6 480 622 28.2 418 492 23.8 496 643 31.1 433 507 26.1 511 663 34.9 445 521 28.4 526 682 37.1 459 536 31.8 540 700 40.2 471 550 33.3 555 719 43.5 483 Size Head 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 No. 11 # Standard No. 13 X Standard No. 15 # Standard No. 17 K Standard ( Water \ Power [ Speed ( Water < Power [ Speed f Water I Power 1 Speed [ Water 1 Power 1 Speed f Water 324 20.6 756 433 27.5 654 563 35.75 568 736 46.3 495 332 22.1 770 444 29.5 669 576 38.3 582 752 50 506 340 23.6 790 454 31.6 685 589 41 595 768 53.4 518 348 25.25 807 464 33.7 698 602 43.7 607 784 56.9 530 356 26.9 824 474 35.8 713 614 46.4 621 800 60.5 540 363 28.5 842 482 37.9 727 626 49.3 632 816 64.2 551 371 30.3 857 491 40.1 741 638 52.1 644 832 67.9 561 1132 378 32 871 500 42.3 755 650 55 656 848 71.8 571 1152 385 33.8 885 509 44.62 768 662 58 667 864 75.8 582 1172 391 35.5 898 518 47 782 674 61.1 679 880 79.8 592 1192 396 37.1 912 527 49.4 794 686 64.3 691 896 84 601 1212 402 38.9 925 535 51.8 807 696 67.3 702 912 88.25 611 1233 408 40.7 939 543 54.2 820 706 70.4 713 928 92.6 621 1253 414 42.6 953 552 56.75 832 716 73.6 724 942 96.87 630 1273 420 44.4 966 561 59.37 844 725 76.75 734 956 101 639 1292 426 46.37 984 570' 62 856 738 80.3 746 969 105 648 1310 432 48.3 999 577 64.6 868 748 83.7 753 982 110 657 1327 No. 20 < Power 92.4 97.5 103 108 114 119 125 131 137 143 148 Standard [ Speed 492 501 509 518 527 534 542 551 559 567 575 f Water . . 1475 ' 1501 1532 1561 1587 1613 1637 1660 1681 1702 1726 No. 23 120 127 134 142 149 156 163 171 178 185 193 Standard [ Speed 429 436 442 449 457 463 469 476 483 492 500 Power=Horse Power. Water=Cubic Feet per Minute. One Cubic Foot = 62 r 3 7 o pounds. Speed = Revolutions per Minute at Work. NOTE: Net prices, dimensions and detailed specifications will be furnished on application. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 281 The Woodward Standard Water Wheel Governor Recommended for use on water wheels driving flouring mills, feed mills, or any machinery where load is irregular and a uniform speed is desired. In ordering, or in writing for prices or advice it is necessary to answer the following questions as fully as possible. Where it is not convenient to give us all of this information with your inquiry we can usually make a satisfactory reply if you give us what you can. In fitting up governors for shipment we must have the data as complete as possible, especially that in regard to the gate. The Woodward Standard Water Wheel Governor Make and size of water wheels Number of wheels in unit Style of gate (Register, Wicket or Cylinder) Head : Distance from open water above wheels to tail water. Max , Min. _ _ , Ave. . _ Speed of wheels, actual, not nominal Position of main gate shaft, vertical or horizontal Number of turns of main gate shaft from shut to full open Diameter of main gate shaft . Direction of rotation in opening gates Position of shaft to which governor will be geared Diameter of this shaft Number of turns of this shaft from shut to full open gate ___. Direction of rotation in opening gates . Describe gate rig and if there is any lost motion state how much Speed and size of shaft from which the governor may be driven Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. No. To Regulate Diameter Wheel Price Height Width Length Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Weight Lbs. 60" and over $300.00 4' 10" 2' 0" 4' 2" 12x3X 175 to 200 850 1 54" and less 187.50 3' 0" 1' 6" 3' 3" 10x2 }4 180 to 205 385 2 42" and less 150.00 2' 6" 1' 2" 3' 0" 8x2 200 to 225 250 3 27" and less 112.50 2' 0" O'll" 2' 4" 6x1 ^ 270 to 310 160 The Woodward Compensating Type Governor For Electric Machinery and all work requiring Quick and Accurate Control Prices, Dimensions, Weights, Etc. No. To Regulate Diameter Wheel Price Height Width Length Pulley Inches Speed R.P. M. Weight Lbs. B 2-60" wheels $1050.00 3' 8" 3' 4" 5' 0" 30x6 120 to 150 2200 C 42" and less 525.00 3' 7" 2' 0" 4' 3" 18x4 180 to 225 900 D 27" and less 375.00 3' 0" 1' 6" 3' 4" 12x3 270 to 325 450 F 60" and less 750.00 3' 5" 2' 10" 4' 3" 22x5 170 to 200 1100 282 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Standard Corliss Engine W ig 1 S PQ .2 Sprout, Waldron Sr Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 283 Power Plant Equipment Fluctuation in the market price of materials and the cost of labor, transportation, etc., etc., make it impossible for us to compile price lists on power plant equipment, the accuracy of which would remain undis- turbed for a reasonable length of time. We are prepared at all times however, to quote prices and to furnish plans and specifications for complete outfits for the generation of power or for such parts as are desired and noted below, with the greatest possible dispatch and satisfaction. Everything supplied by us in this line, is strictly first class, modern in design, carefully constructed and well adapted to the service which will be required of it. In ordering power plants, or parts thereof, from us without our having first quoted prices thereon, our patrons are assured that they will be given every possible advantage in the matter of discounts, freight rates, etc., etc. Steam Engines These engines include only such types as combine all the features of design and construction which make for maximum strength and efficiency. They are guaranteed to be economical in the use of fuel and the cost of repairs, have perfect regulation and are meeting with absolute success and approval wherever installed. Gas and Gasoline Engines We include under this heading a series of engines which have been thoroughly tested in practical use, which are simple in construction, easily manipulated and as near perfect as thorough mechanical skill can make them. They are designed to run on either natural or manufactured gas or gasoline, are always ready to start and do not increase the cost of insurance or require expert handling or attention. Oil Engines The oil engines which we furnish are of the horizontal, single-cylinder, two-cycle type and can be operated with either crude or fuel oil. They are made to stand up to steady hard work and long hours of service with very little attention or operating expense, are made in sizes to meet every requirement and carefully tested before leaving the factory. Boilers We will furnish any type of horizontal or vertical boiler desired and give special attention to supplying the best type and size for the service specified. We insist on selected materials of construction and apply careful tests before shipments go forward. Pumps In ordering fire or boiler feed pumps, injectors, etc. from us, our patrons are requested to give a careful account of the service for which they are intended. We will thereby be enabled to intelligently select and recom- mend from the many approved types which we handle, the ones best fitted for the class of work described. Water Heaters and Purifiers Open or closed heaters will be furnished as desired and specified; the former heating and purifying the water and the latter simply heating it. These heaters are of the latest types, well and carefully made, fully tested and continuously satisfactory in operation. We will gladly and promptly furnish prospective customers with full descriptive details of the whole or any part of our various power plant equipments and will guarantee that such equipments or parts thereof are first class in every respect. 284 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Cast-iron Cut Spur Gears Hubs Flush, Bore and Keyseat as Ordered Pitch Diam. Teeth Price Pitch Diam. Teeth Price Pitch Diam. Teeth Price Pitch Diam. 'Teeth Price 7 D.P. Involute 1 X-inch Face 5 D.P. Involute 1 H-inch Face 3% D.P. Involute 2 ^-inch Face 2 % D.P. Involute 3 %-inch Face if 12 $ 1.70 37f 188 $20.70 8 28 $ 6.15 4| 12 $ 5.45 2* 18 2.00 381 192 21.35 9* 32 7.00 61 16 6.50 3? 24 2.30 39* 196 21.90 10? 36 7.55 8 20 7.70 4? 30 2.50 40 200 22.75 11? 40 8.30 24 8.80 5* 36 2.85 40f 204 23.20 12* 44 8.95 111 28 9.95 6 42 3.10 411 208 24.05 13? 48 9.70 32 11.15 6* 48 3.45 421 212 24.90 14? 52 10.50 141 36 12.30 7? 54 3.80 43* 216 25.45 16 56 11.25 16 40 13.35 8* 60 4.05 44 220 26.00 17* 60 12.15 44 14.85 9? 66 4.35 44 5 224 26.75 18? 64 12.90 19* 48 16.15 10? 72 5.15 45? 228 27.50 19? 68 13.90 20} 52 17.50 78 5.20 461 232 28.25 20* 72 14.55 221 56 18.70 12 84 5.30 47* 236 29.10 21? 76 15.20 24 60 19.95 12? 90 5.65 48 240 30.00 22? 80 16.10 64 21.30 13? 96 6.05 48^ 244 30.75 24 84 16.65 27J 68 22.60 14* 102 6.45 4.O 3 248 31.60 25* 88 17.35 28$ 72 23.95 15? 108 6.85 501 252 32.50 26? 92 17.90 301 76 25.20 16? 114 7.25 51* 256 33.40 27? 96 18.70 32 80 26.55 17* 120 7.55 52 260 34.30 28* 100 20.00 33| - 84 27.65 18 126 7.90 52j 264 35.00 29? 104 21.35 35J 88 28.85 18? 132 8.35 53JJ 268 35.60 30? 108 21.95 36\ 92 30.15 19? 138 8.70 541 272 36.30 32 112 23.25 38| 96 31.65 20* 144 10.20 55* 276 37.00 33} 116 24.45 40 100 33.25 21? 150 10.75 56 280 37.50 34? 120 25.25 41? 104 35.30 22? 156 11.20 56} 284 38.00 35? 124 26.10 43* 108 37.40 23} 162 11.45 57J 288 38.50 36* 128 26.85 44$ 112 38.90 24 168 11.80 581 292 39.00 37? 132 27.70 461 116 40.35 24? 25? 174 180 12.30 13.35 4 D.P. Involute 2 %-inch Face 38? 40 136 140 28.60 29.40 48 120 124 41.65 44.40 3 12 $ 2.35 26* 186 14.00 4 16 2.80 41* 144 30.25 51* 128 45.60 27? 192 14.55 5 20 3.30 42? 148 30.95 132 46.80 28? 198 15.00 6 24 3.80 43? 152 31.90 541 136 48.05 29} 204 15.40 7 28 4.30 44* 156 32.80 56 140 49.55 30 210 17.50 g 32 4.70 45? 160 33.40 57i 144 51.05 30? 216 18.15 9 36 46? 164 34.60 59* 148 52.45 31? 222 18.65 10 40 5^60 48 168 35.25 60} 152 53.25 32* 33? 228 234 19.10 19.85 11 44 6.05 49* 50? 172 176 36.00 36.40 2 D.P. Involute 4%-inch Face 34? 35} 36 240 246 252 2o!85 21.30 12 13 14 1 c 48 52 56 t .(\ 6.45 6.90 7.45 7 O^ 51? 52* 53? 180 184 188 38!75 40.20 6 8 10 12 16 20 $ 7.95 9.85 11.65 36? 37? 38* 39? 40? 258 264 270 276 282 22.10 22.50 23.45 23.90 24.65 1 *J 16 17 18 19 20 21 Ow 64 68 72 76 80 84 / .vo 8.45 8.90 9.45 9.80 10.45 10.85 54? 56 57* 58? 59? 60* 192 196 200 204 208 212 40.65 41.20 42.45 42.95 44.40 44.95 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 13.30 15.10 16.35 17.85 19.95 21.50 23.15 5 D.P. Involute 1 }i-inch Face 2$ 12 $ 2.00 22 88 11.30 3 D.P. Involute 3-inch Face 26 52 25^40 3* 16 2.30 23 92 12.10 4 12 $ 3.90 28 56 27.00 4 20 2.70 24 96 13.15 16 4.70 30 60 29.10 4j 24 3.05 25 100 13.90 6% 20 5.55 32 64 30.95 51 28 3.40 26 104 14.65 8 24 6.65 34 68 33.15 61 32 3.70 27 108 15.60 28 7.80 36 72 35.05 7* 36 3.95 28 112 16.35 10% 32 8.70 38 76 38.45 8 40 4.30 29 116 16.90 12 36 9.65 40 80 41.15 81 44 4.65 30 120 17.35 40 10.55 42 84 44.70 9? 48 4.95 31 124 17.70 14% 44 11.50 44 88 47.65 101 52 5.30 32 128 18.55 16 48 12.40 46 92 49.45 11* 56 5.60 33 132 19.80 17% 52 13.35 48 96 51.75 12 60 6.00 34 136 20.35 56 14.40 50 100 53.40 12* 64 6.40 35 140 23.60 20 3 60 15.50 52 104 56.00 13? 68 6.70 36 144 24.15 64 16.35 54 108 60.00 72 6.95 37 148 25.20 22% 68 17.25 56 112 61.50 15* 76 7.35 38 152 25.80 24 72 18.30 58 116 64.55 16 80 7.70 39 40 156 160 26.50 27.30 25% 76 19.15 60 120 70.90 16} 84 88 8.05 8.40 41 164 26% 28 80 84 20.00 20 90 1 K D.P. Involute 5-inch Face isf 92 8.95 42 168 2S!95 29% 88 21.55 6? 12 $ 9.15 19* 96 9.35 43 172 29.70 30% 92 22.45 9* 16 11.65 20 100 9.90 44 176 30.50 32 96 23.60 11? 20 14.30 20J 104 10.25 45 180 31.25 33% 100 24.65 13? 24 16.90 21? 108 10.40 46 184 31.80 34% 104 25.70 16 28 19.65 221 112 10.75 47 188 32.65 36 108 26.55 18? 32 22.40 23* 116 11.20 48 192 33.50 37% 112 27.45 20* 36 25.20 24 120 11.65 49 196 34.15 38% 116 28.10 22? 40 27.75 24| 124 11.90 50 200 34.95 40 120 28.90 25* 44 30.50 25? 128 12.15 51 204 35.50 41% 124 29.75 27? 48 33.30 26 132 12.60 52 208 36.10 42% 128 30.70 29? 52 36.25 27J 136 13.95 53 212 36.75 44 132 31.95 32 56 38.95 28 140 14.60 54 216 37.50 45% 136 33.05 34? 60 41.75 28| 144 15.05 55 220 37.75 46% 140 34.00 36* 64 44.60 29jj 148 15.40 56 224 38.50 48 144 34.95 38? 68 47.30 301 152 15.85 57 228 39.50 49% 148 37.20 41* 72 50.70 31* 156 16.10 58 232 40.75 50% 152 39.45 43? 76 53.25 32 160 16.45 59 236 41.50 52 156 40.50 45? 80 56.50 32} 164 16.70 60 240 42.25 53% 160 41.50 48 84 59.45 331 168 17.45 3 y* D.P. Involute 2 ^-inch Face 54% 164 42.60 50? 88 62.50 341 172 18.80 3? 12 $3.05 56 168 43.65 52* 92 66.30 '. 35* 176 19.25 4* 16 3.85 57% 172 44.75 54? 96 68.90 36 180 19.70 5? 20 4.55 58% 176 45.80 57} 100 72.30 36} 184 20.25 6? 24 5.30 60 180 46.95 60? 104 77.55 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. 285 Rawhide Pinions Face Price Face Price Face Price In. Complete Gears In. Complete Gears In. Complete Gears 2 K In. Outside Diam. 4 Kin . Outside Diam. 3K-- ...$12.15 1K-- -- $2.55 1K--- ...$ 4.91 3K-- .. 13.01 2 2.70 2 ... . 5.45 3K 13.87 2K 2.92 2K---. 6.01 4 . 14.72 2K 3.13 6.57 4K 15.58 2K 7.13 4K .- 16.44 2 K In. Outside Diam. 3 .._ . 7.68 4K 17.30 IK---- $2.73 2 2.95 2K 3.20 3K 3K--- 4 .-. 8.24 . 8.80 9.36 .. . 9.90 5 18.15 5K 19.01 5% -- 19.87 5K 20.73 2K 3.69 4K '- 10.46 _ 11.02 6 21.58 3 In. Outside Diam. 4K--- 11.58 6K In. Outside Diam. IK -- $2.93 5 In. Outside Diam. IK $ 7.47 2 8 39 2 3.20 2K 3.48 1K--- 2 ... .-_$ 5.31 5.92 2K 9.32 2 1 A--- -- 10.24 2K 3.75 2K 4.03 2K . 6.54 7.15 2K 11-16 3 . ... 12.09 3 ._. 4.30 2K--- 7.77 3K 13.02 3 8.38 3^ - 13.94 3 K In. Outside Diam. 3K ... 9.00 3K 14.86 IK $3.15 2 3 45 3K--- 9.61 10.23 4 15.78 4K--- -- . - 16.71 2K 3 77 4 .._ ... 10.84 4}* 17.63 2 1 A 4 07 4K--- 11.46 4K 18.55 2K 4 38 4^ 12.07 5 __ 19.48 3 4 68 4K--- 12.69 5K 20.41 3K 4 99 5 -__ 13.30 5M 21.33 5K - -- -- 22.25 3 K In. Outside Diam. 5 Kin IK , Outside Diam. $ 5.72 6 23.17 6# 24.10 IK - -. $3.38 2 -__ . 6.39 2 3.70 2K 4.04 2% 4.38 2K 4.72 3 5.05 3K 5.39 3% 5.73 2K 2K--- 3 3K 3K--- 7.07 7.74 8.41 . 9.09 9.77 10.44 . .. 11.11 6K In. Outside Diam. IK $ 7.95 2 8.94 2K 9.94 2X 10.93 2K 11.92 3 12.91 3 K In. Outside Diam. 4 4K--- 11.78 12.46 3K 13.91 3% 14.90 IK $3.68 2 4.05 4K--- 13.13 13.80 3K 15.89 4 16.88 2K 4.44 5 . .. . .- 14.48 4K--- - 17.88 2K 4.82 5 K 4K 18.87 2K 5.20 4K- 19.86 3 -. 5.58 5^ In. Outside Diam. 5 20.85 3K . 5.97 1K-- ..-$ 6.13 5K 21.85 3# . 6.35 2 6 86 5M 22.84 3K-- . 6.74 2K--- . 7.60 5K 23.83 2K 8 33 6 24.82 4 In. Outside Diam. 2K---. 9.06 6K 25.82 IK .- $3.98 3K 10.53 2K 4.83 2% 5.25 3K---. . . 11.26 ... 11.99 6K In. Outside Diam. 1K-- ---$ 8.45 2K 5.68 3 6.10 4K---- 13.46 2 9.51 2K 10.58 3K 6.53 3K 6.95 3K 7.38 4 7.80 4K---. 5 5K---- .. . 14.19 _ 14.92 15.65 16.39 2K H.64 2K 12.70 3 13.77 3K- 14.84 5 X 3K 15.90 4 K In. Outside Diam. 5 K In. Outside Diam. 3K-- 16.96 4 18.02 IK $4.29 2 4.75 IK---. 2 $ 6.56 7 35 4K 19.09 4K 20.15 2K 5.22 2K 8 15 4K 21.21 2K 5.69 8 94 5 22.28 2K 6.16 3 6.63 2K---. 3 . 9.73 10 53 5K 23.35 5K 24.41 3K 7.10 3K .- 7.57 3K---- _ 11.33 12 12 5K--- 25.47 6 ... 26.53 3K 8.04 4 8.50 3K---- 4 - 12.91 13 70 6K 27.60 6K 28.66 4K 8.97 4K---- . 14.50 6K 29.72 4- 1^ . 15.29 4K In. Outside Diam. 4K---- . 16.08 7 In. Outside Diam. IK $ 4.59 5 16.88 1K-- --$ 8.97 2 . 5.10 5K 17.68 2 . .. 10.10 2K 5.62 5.K- .. 18.47 2K--- 11-24 2K 6.13 5K 19.26 2K-- - 12.38 2K 6.64 3 7.15 6 In. Outside Diam. 2K-- 13.52 3 . _ 14.65 3K 7.67 1K- $ 7.01 3K 15.79 3X . 8.18 2 . 7.86 3%.. _ 16.93 3K 8.69 2K---- -.. 8.72 3K 18-07 4 9.20 9.58 4 . ___ 19.20 4K 9.72 2K--- 10.44 4K 20.34 4K 10.23 3 11.29 4> j 21.48 Face Price Face Price In. Complete Gears In. Complete Gears 4K-- ..,$22.62 2K ...$15.58 5 .. 23.75 2K--- 17.04 SH 24.89 3 ... 18.49 5^-. 26.03 3K--- 19.95 5K-- 27.17 21.41 6 .. 28.30 3K--- 22.87 6K-- 29.44 4 -_. ... 24.32 f>y* 30.58 4K--- 25.78 6K-- 31.72 27.24 7 .. 32.85 4K--- 28.70 5 ... 30.15 7 K In. Outside Diam. 5K-- 31.61 1K-- $ 9.50 5 yi 33.07 2 . 10.71 5K--- 34.53 2K-- 11.93 6 .-_ 35.98 - 13.14 6K--- 37.44 2K-- .. , 14.35 6K- 38.90 3 . 15.57 6K--- 40.36 16.79 7 ... 41.81 3K-- 18.00 7K--- 43.27 3K-- .. 19.21 7K--- 44.73 4 -. - - - 20.42 7K--- 46.19 21.64 8 ... 47.64 4 ^/^ 22 85 4K-- ._ 24.06 8K In. Outside Diam. 5 -. 25.28 1K-- $11.81 5 K 26.50 2 -_. 13.35 SH 27.71 2K-- ------ 14.90 5K-- 28.92 16.44 6 -- 30.13 2K--- 17.98 6K-- 31.35 3 --. 19.53 6K .- 32.56 3K-- 21.08 6K-- 33.77 . 22.62 7 __ 34.99 3K--- 24.16 7K 36.21 4 -_. 25.70 4K--- 27.25 7^1 n. Outside Diam. 28.79 1K-- ..-$10.05 4K--- 30.33 2 11 34 5 --_ -. 31.88 2K-- _ 12.64 5K--- 32.43 13.93 s y* _. 33.97 2K-- 15.22 5K--- 36.51 3 16.51 6 --_ 38.05 3K-- 17.81 6K--- 39.60 19.10 6 /^ 41.14 3K-- 4 20.39 21 68 6K- 42.68 44.23 4K-- 22.98 7K-- 45.78 24 27 7 j^ 47.32 4K-- -__ 25.56 7K--- 48.86 5 26 85 8 50.40 ._ 28.15 8K-- 51.95 5 K 29.44 5K-- 30.73 8K In. Outside Diam. 6 6'^ 32.02 33.32 1K--- 2 ... $12.41 14.04 6K-- 34.61 35.90 2K--- 15.67 .. 17.30 37.19 38.49 2K--- 3 -__ 18.93 20.56 7K-- 39.78 3K--- 22.19 7 K In. Outside Diam. 3K--- 23.82 25.45 1K-- $10.63 4 _.. 27.08 2 ._ 11.99 4K--- 28.71 2 K - 13.37 30.34 2^i 14.74 4K--- 31.97 2K-- 16.12 5 ... .. 33.60 3 .- 17.49 5 K 35.23 3tf 18.87 5K 36.86 3^.. 20.24 5K--- 38.49 3K-- ._ 21.62 6 ... 40.12 4 ... 22.98 6K--- 41.75 4K ._ 24.36 6K--- .. 43.38 4/4 25.73 6K---. 45.01 4K--. 27.11 7 ._ 46.64 5 ... 28.48 7K---- 48.27 5 K .- 29.46 T y* 49.90 5 1 A 30.83 7K---- ._ 51.53 5K--. .. 32.21 8 53.16 6 ... 33.97 8K---- ._ 54.79 6K 35.35 56.42 6K--- 36.72 6K-- ... 38.10 8 Kin. Outside Diam. 7K--- 40.85 1K---- $13.04 42 22 2 14.75 7K--- 43.60 2K---- 2K---- __- 16.47 18.19 8 In. Outside Diam. 2K---- 3 -. 19.91 21.63 1K--- _-_$11.21 3K---- 23.35 2 ... 12.66 3K---- .. 25.07 2K- - . 14.12 3K---- 26.79 286 Sprout, Waldron Sr Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Rawhide Pinions Continued Face Price In. Complete Gears 4 . ...$28.50 4K 30.22 4K- 31.94 4K 33.66 5 35.38 5X 37.10 5K 38.82 5K 40.54 6 42.25 6K 43.97 6K 45.69 6K 47.41 7 49.13 7X 50.85 7K 52.57 7K 54.29 8 56.00 8)4 57.72 8K--- 59.44 8K 61.16 9 In. Outside Diam. IK $13.71 2 15.52 2# 17.34 2K 19.15 2K 20.97 3 22.78 3K 24.60 3K 26.41 3K 28.23 4 30.04 4K 31.86 4K 33.67 4K 35.49 5 37.30 5K 39.12 5K 40.93 5K 42.75 6 44.56 6K 46.38 6% 48.19 6K 50.01 7 51.82 7K 53.64 7# 55.45 7K 57.27 8 59.08 8K 60.90 8K 62.71 8K 64.53 9 66.34 9 % In. Outside Diam. IK ...$14.40 2 16.31 2K 18.23 2K- 20.14 2K 22.05 3 23.97 3K 25.89 3% 27.80 3K 29.71 4 31.62 4K 33.54 4K 35.45 4K 37.37 5 .. 39.28 Face Price Face Price In. Complete Gears In. Complete Gears 5K--- ..-$41.20 6K ___$53. 78 5K 43.11 6K 55.89 5K 45.02 6K 58.00 6 46.93 7 60.12 6K- - -- - - 48.85 7K 62.23 6K 50.76 7K 64.34 6K -- 52.67 7K - 66.45 7 54.59 8 68.56 7K 56.51 8K 70.67 7K 58.42 8K 72.78 7K 60.33 8K -- 74.89 8 ... . 62.24 9 77.01 8K 64.16 8K - --- --- 66.08 10 In. Outside Diam. 8K 67.99 9 . ... . . 69.90 IK $16.49 2 18.70 9 K !& Outside Diam. 2K 20.92 2K 23.13 IK--- ...$15.09 2K 25.34 2 17.10 3 27.55 2K 19.12 3K 29.76 2K- ------ 21.13 3K 31.97 2K - 23.14 3K 34.18 3 25.15 4 36.40 3K 27.17 - 4K--- - 38.62 3K 29.18 4K --- 40.83 3K 31.19 4K 43.04 4 33.20 5 45.25 4K 35.22 5K - 47.47 4K 37.23 5K- 49.68 4K 39.24 5K 51.89 5 41.25 6 54.10 5K 43.27 6X 56.32 5K- - - - - 45.28 6K 58.53 5K- - 47.29 6K 60.74 6 49.30 7 62.95 6K 51.32 7K--- - - - - 65.17 6K- - - - -. 53.33 7K 67.38 6K-- 55.34 7K 69.59 7 57.35 8 71.80 7K 59.37 8K--- - -- -- 74.02 7K 61.38 8K 76.23 7K 63.39 8K 78.44 8 65.40 9 80.65 8K --- 67.42 8K - 69.43 10 K In- Outside Diam. 8K - 71.44 9 73.45 IK $17.24 2 . 19.55 9K In. Outside Diam. 2K 21.87 2K 24.19 IK $15.78 2K 26.51 2 17.89 3 28.83 2K 20.00 3K 31.15 2K 22.11 3K 33.47 2K 24.22 3K 35.79 3 26.34 4 38.10 3K 28.45 4K - - 40.42 3K 30.56 4K 42.74 3K 32.67- 4K 45.06 4 34.78 5 47.38 4X 36.89 5K 49.70 4K--- 39.00 5K 52.02 4K 41.11 5K t 54.34 5 43.23 6 56.65 5K 45.34 6K 58.97 5K 47.45 6K 61.29 5K -- 49.57 6K 63.61 6 51.67 7 65.93 Face Price Face Price In. Complete Gears In. Complete Gears 7K .-- $68.25 8K-- iJ $84.78 7K--. 70.57 8K--- 87.32 7K-- 72.89 8K--- 89.86 8 ._, 75.20 9 .-- 92.40 8K 77.52 8K-- 79.84 11 In. Outside Diam. 8K 9 ... 82.16 84.48 IK 2 ..- $19.55 22.20 10 X In. Outside Diam. 2X 2K-- 24.85 __- 27.50 IK--. . - - - -.$18.00 2K-- 30.15 2 ... -. 20.42 3 --- 32.80 2K-- 22.85 3K-- 35.45 2 K 25.28 3K-- . 38.10 2K-- 27.71 3K-- 40.75 3 ... . 30.13 4 - . 43.40 3K 32.56 4X-- 46.05 3K--. 34.99 4K-- 48.70 3K--. 37.42 4K-- 51.35 4 ... 39.84 5 --- 54.00 4K--. 42.27 5K-- 56.65 4^ . 44.70 5K--- 59.30 4K-- 47.13 5K-- 61.95 5 ... 49.55 6 - _. 64.60 5K--. 51.98 6X-- 67.25 5^--. . . -.. .. 54.41 fX- . - --. 69.90 5K--. 56.84 6K--- 72.55 6 ... 59.26 7 . _ 75.20 6K--. 61.69 7K-- 77.85 6K--- . _ .- -. 64.12 7K--- 80.50 6K--. 66.55 7K-- 83.15 7 . 68.97 8 ... 85.80 7K--. . ... 71.40 8K--- 88.45 7K ... ... . 73.83 8K--- 91.10 7K 76.26 8K-- 93.75 8 --. 78.68 9 ... 96.40 8K 81.11 8^ . . 83.54 HKIi L. Outside Diam. 8K--. 9 -.. 85.97 88.39 IX 2 --_ ..-$20.37 23.13 10 K In. Outside Diam. 2K-- 2K--- 25.90 28.66 IK--. $18.78 2K-- 31.43 2 -.. 21.31 3 ___ 34.20 2X . 23.85 3K-- 36.97 2 '/, . . 26.39 39.73 2K--. 28.93 3K--- 42.50 3 ... 31.47 4 ... 45.26 3X 34.01 4K 48.03 3K 36.55 4^4 50.79 3K-- 39.09 4K-- 53.56 4 ... 41.62 5 ... 56.33 4K 44.16 5K-- 59.10 4^ 46.70 5K-- 61.86 4K-- 49.24 5K--- 64.63 5 ... 51.78 6 ..- 67.39 SX 54.32 6K--- 70.16 5K--- 56.86 72.92 5K--- 59.40 6K-- 75.69 6 ... 61.93 7 ... 78.46 6K-- 64.47 7K-- 81.23 6K-- 67.01 7K--- 83.99 6K-- 69.55 7K--- . 86.76 7 72.09 8 . 89.52 7K 74.63 8K-- 92.29 7K--- 77.17 8K--- 95.05 7K-- 79.71 8K--- 97.82 8 .-. 82.24 9 --- -.100.59 Bevel Gears Planed Teeth, Involute Form, Keyseats as Ordered Pitch Number of Teeth Pitch Diam Face Price Complete Pitch Number of Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Price Complete Pin Gear Pin Gear Pin Gear Pin Gear 20 30 120 1# 6 A $4.85 18 12 48 X 2% A 3.30 20 30 90 1# 4# A 3.85 18 12 36 X 2 3.15 20 30 60 IK 3 X 3.55 18 12 24 A IK A 3.10 20 20 100 1 5 H 3.70 18 12 18 X A 2.90 20 20 80 1 4 X 3.55 16 24 84 IK 5K A 4.25 20 20 60 1 3 3.25 16 24 72 IK 4K A 4.10 20 20 40 1 2 fa 3.00 16 24 60 IK 3K X 3.90 20 20 30 1 IK j. 2.75 16 24 48 IK 3 X 3.85 18 26 78 1* *x K 4.20 16 24 36 IK 2K H 3.70 18 26 52 14 2| A 3.65 16 16 96 i 6 K 4.70 18 26 40 1* 2j A 3.55 16 16 88 l 5K K 4.60 18 18 72 1 4 X 3.85 16 16 72 l 4K A 4.20 18 18 54 1 3 M 3.45 16 16 64 l 4 X 4.05 ' 18 18 36 1 2 X 3.25 16 16 56 l 3K A 3.90 18 18 27 1 IK H 3.25 16 16 48 l 3 A 3.85 18 12 60 # 3K A 3.45 16 16 40 l 2K H 3.85 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 287 Bevel Gears Continued Planed Teeth, Involute Form, Keyseats as Ordered Pitch Number of Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Price Complete Pitch Number of Teeth Pitch Diam. Face Price Complete Pin Gear Pin Gear Pin Gear Pin Gear 16 16 32 1 2 X $ 3.70 6 20 60 3X 10 IX $ 8.10 16 16 24 1 IX X 3.70 6 20 50 3X 8X IK 7 - M 16 12 48 K 3 X 3.50 6 20 40 3X 6*3 6.90 16 12 36 K 2X A 3.35 6 20 30 3X 5 l 6.20 16 12 24 K IX H 3.25 6 16 48 2*3 8 1A 6.55 14 24 84 1? 6 4.40 6 16 40 6*3 IX 6.40 14 24 72 1? 5) ii 4.05 6 16 32 2*3 SX 6.05 14 24 60 u 4? X 4.00 6 16 24 2*3 4 X 5.55 14 24 48 1? 3? A 3.80 6 12 48 2 12 1 6.55 14 24 32 2* A 3.80 6 12 40 2 10 6.25 14 16 64 If 4* H 4.40 6 12 36 2 9 X 6.05 14 16 56 If 4 X 4.20 6 12 28 2 7 K 5.45 14 16 48 If 3? X 4.10 6 12 24 2 4 11 5.25 14 16 40 If 2f 4.05 5 25 65 5 13 IX 10.45 14 16 32 I* 2} A 4.00 5 25 50 5 10 IX 9.45 14 16 24 H 1? X 3.90 5 25 40 5 8 1 9.20 14 12 48 3? A 3.80 5 20 80 4 16 IX 11.45 14 12 36 1 2* A 2.65 5 20 60 4 12 IA 9.80 14 12 30 6 2k 3.50 . 5 20 50 4 10 l" 9.30 14 12 24 \ A 3.35 5 20 40 4 8 1A 8.10 12 24 84 2 7 H 5.05 5 20 30 4 6 IK 7.45 12 24 72 2 6 4.70 5 14 56 2 IX 10.15 12 24 60 2 5 ii 4.40 5 14 42 21 81 5 1A 8.55 12 24 48 2 4 X 4.10 5 14 28 s| IX 6.75 12 24 36 2 3 A 4.00 5 14 21 21 6.40 12 20 90 1*3 7 X 4.85 5 12 48 21 9J IX 8.35 12 20 80 1*3 6*3 H 4.60 5 12 40 21 8 IK 7.40 12 20 70 1*3 5 K 4.40 5 12 36 21 IK 7.15 12 20 60 5 K 4.20 5 12 28 21 53 IX 6.25 12 20 50 1*3 4J/ H 4.05 5 12 24 21 4} l 6.00 12 20 40 1*3 3X 3.80 4 24 96 6. 24 2K 24.65 12 20 30 1*3 2X A 3.70 4 24 72 6 18 19.90 12 16 88 IM 7X H 4.40 4 24 48 6 12 l K 14.50 12 16 80 \i/i 4.25 4 20 60 5 15 2 16.20 12 16 72 IX 6 3 K 4.20 4 20 50 5 12X 13.15 12 16 64 SX K 4.05 4 20 40 5 10 1H 11.45 12 16 56 IX 4.00 4 20 30 5 IX 9.10 12 16 48 IX 4 3 ii 3.90 4 16 48 4 12 12.15 12 16 40 IX 3X 4 3.85 4 16 40 4 10 IK 10.45 12 16 32 X 3.80 4 16 32 4 8 IX 9.45 12 16 24 IX 2 A 3.25 4 16 24 4 6 IX 8.45 12 12 48 4 H 3.85 4 12 48 3 12 11.45 12 12 40 1 3X A 3.80 4 12 36 3 9 IX 9.80 12 12 36 1 3 A 3.65 4 12 24 3 6 1A 8.10 12 12 30 1 2X X 3.50 4 12 18 3 IX 7.10 12 12 24 1 2 X 3.35 3 20 60 6*3 20 2K 18.00 10 24 96 21 9? IK 6.40 3 20 50 6X 16*3" 2 16.20 10 24 84 21 81 1A 5.95 3 20 40 13X 1 K 15.30 10 10 24 24 72 60 21 21 6 ' 'S 5.40 4.90 3 3 20 16 30 48 6*! SX 10 16 IK 2 12.00 15.30 10 24 48 21 3* 4.65 3 16 40 SX 13 X 2 14.10 10 24 36 21 K 4.40 3 16 32 SX 1 X 11.70 10 20 100 2 io s 1 K 6.50 3 16 24 SX 8 l X 10.20 10 20 90 2 9 IA 6.05 3 12 48 4 16 2 15.60 10 20 80 2 8 5.65 3 12 36 4 12 IK 13.80 10 20 70 2 7 l 5.35 3 12 24 4 8 IK 9.60 10 20 60 2 6 ii 4.90 2X 24 60 24 3 29.15 10 20 50 2 5 X 4.65 2X 24 48 9J 19X 2X 25.25 10 20 40 2 4 K 4.25 2X 24 36 93 141 2 21.00 10 20 30 2 3 tt 4.05 2X 20 60 8 24 3 28.15 10 16 . 48 If 4$ H 4.50 2X 20 50 8 20 2X 23.95 10 16 40 If 4 X 4.30 2X 20 40 8 16 2K 21.45 10 16 32 if 3X A 4.20 2X 20 30 8 12 2 18.25 10 16 28 IS 2f A 4.00 2X 16 64 61 25g 3K 28.30 10 16 24 If X 3.90 2X 16 54 3 25.45 10 12 48 4i X 4.45 2X 16 48 61 19 X 2K 23.05 10 12 36 IM 32 A 4.05 2X 16 40 61 16 2K 20.25 10 12 30 IX 3 X 4.00 2X 16 32 61 12J 2 17.70 10 12 24 IX 21 X 3.85 2X 16 24 61 IK 15.25 8 24 96 3 12 IX 7.85 2X 12 72 28J 3 29.85 8 24 72 3 9 IK 6.40 2X 12 60 4f 24 2K 26.00 8 24 60 3 7 X 6.05 2X 12 48 4$ 19 X 2K 22.15 8 24 48 3 6 1 5.65 2X 12 36 4| 141 2 17.95 8 24 36 3 4K w 5.35 2X 12 24 9$ IK 14.70 8 20 80 2X 10 1H 6.60 2 24 60 12 30 3K 38.70 8 20 60 2X 7 X IK 5.40 2 24 48 12 24 3X 32.80 8 20 50 2X 6K 5.15 2 24 36 12 18 3 26.10 8 20 40 2X 5 l 4.85 2 20 60 10 30 3X 36.85 8 20 30 2X 3K H 4.70 2 20 50 10 25 3X 32.60 8 16 64 2 8 IK 5.55 2 20 40 10 20 3 28.30 8 16 48 2 6 5.45 2 20 30 10 15 2K 24.00 8 16 40 2 5 l 5.25 2 16 64 8 32 3K 37.10 8 16 32 2 4 5.05 2 16 54 8 17 3K 32.40 8 16 24 2 3 X 4.70 2 16 48 8 24 3 30.80 8 12 48 6 K 5.40 2 16 40 8 20 2K 26.90 8 12 40 IX 5 K 5.15 2 16 32 8 16 2X 23.55 8 12 36 IX 4X tt 4.85 2 16 24 8 12 2K 22.25 8 12 28 IX 3X H 4.50 2 12 72 6 36 3K 39.50 8 12 24 IX 3 4.30 2 12 60 6 30 3K 34.05 6 24 96 4 16 1 A 10.80 2 12 48 6 24 2K 28.15 6 24 72 4 12 IA 9.45 2 12 36 6 18 2X 23.30 6 24 48 4 8 1A 7.60 2 12 24 6 12 2K 18.85 288 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Miter Gears Planed Teeth, Involute Form, Keyseats as Ordered Pitch Number of Teeth Pitch Diam. Inches Face Inches Price Per Pair Complete Pitch Number of Teeth Pitch Diam. Inches Face Inches Price Per Pair Complete 16 112 7 A $7.40 8 18 2K H $ 4.25 16 96 6 A 6.40 8 16 2 H 4.05 16 72 . 4K 5.40 16 16 16 64 56 48 4 3K 3 A 4.70 4.40 3.70 7 7 7 56 49 42 8 7 6 IK 1* 8.90 8.10 7 15 16 16 44 40 2K 2K M 3.50 3.35 7 7 35 28 5 4 H 6^35 5.55 16 16 32 28 2 IK H 3.10 3.00 7 21 3 H 4^80 16 24 IK H 2.85 16 20 H 2.70 6 60 10 i yi 10.95 16 16 l H 2.70 6 54 9 IK 10.00 6 48 8 IK 9.30 14 90 6? K 7.30 6 40 6% 1A 8.30 14 84 6 K 6.80 6 36 6 1 K 7.60 14 80 Si K 6.50 6 30 5 1A 6.75 14 14 76 70 4 5 A A 6.05 5.65 6 6 24 20 4 3K 1A 5.95 5.40 14 60 4? A 4.85 6 18 3 n 5.15 14 56 4 A 4.40 14 49 3K A 4.20 5 60 12 i j^ 13.30 14 44 3* K 4.05 5 55 11 IK 12.35 14 42 3 K 3.90 5 50 10 IH 11.35 14 40 2? K 3.70 5 45 9 IK 10.30 14 38 2? K 3.70 5 40 8 1A 9.30 14 35 2K K 3.50 5 35 7 IH 9.20 14 32 2? A 3.45 5 30 6 1A 8.10 14 30 2* A 3.35 5 28 Sg IK 7.60 14 28 2 A 3.35 5 25 5 IK 7.20 14 26 IT A 3.30 5 20 4 J A 6.25 14 24 1? A 3.15 5 18 3g 6.15 14 22 1* H 3.15 5 15 3 1A 5.80 14 20 H 3.05 14 18 l| 3.05 4 60 15 2K 18.65 4 56 14 2K 17.20 12 70 5| K 6.05 4 48 12 2K 15.30 12 66 5K K 5.75 4 40 10 2 12.80 12 60 5 K 5.60 4 36 9 IH 11.80 12 56 4 H 5.25 4 30 7K 1A 10.30 12 50 5.05 4 24 6 IK 8.75 12 48 4 * M 4.80 4 20 5 1 } 7.75 12 40 3K M 4.50 4 18 4K 1 yk 7.10 12 38 A 4.40 4 16 4 IK 6.60 12 36 3 A 4.20 4 14 3K IK 6.25 12 34 2| A 4.20 12 32 2% A 4.05 3 48 16 2K 27.35 12 30 2K A 3.90 3 40 13K 2K 23.60 12 28 2K K 3.80 3 36 12 2K 21.35 12 26 K 3.65 3 30 10 2K 18.35 12 24 2 K 3.55 3 24 8 2 13.25 12 22 A 3.55 3 20 6K IK 12-15 12 20 1% A 3.50 3 18 6 IK 10.80 12 18 IK A 3.45 3 16 5K 1 Ji 9.45 3 14 4% IK 8.10 10 60 6 ii 6.05 3 12 4 IK 6.75 10 55 5K J^ 5.85 10 50 5 - ii 5.55 2 K 36 141 2K 26.75 10 45 4K i| 5.25 2K 34 13? 2K 24.85 10 40 4 K 4.90 32 2K 23.60 10 35 3K 4.60 2K 30 12 2K 22.45 10 32 3K if 4.45 28 Hi 2K 20.60 10 30 3 4.40 2K 24 2K 18.20 10 28 2ft H 4.30 22 8J 4 2K 17.00 10 26 4.25 2K 20 8 2K 15.50 10 24 2J ?i 4.20 18 7K 2 14.85 10 22 2K A 4.05 2K 16 61 2 13.95 10 20 2 A 3.90 2K 15 6 2 13.10 10 18 J4 3.70 10 15 1 K K 3.65 2 48 24 4 45.90 2 44 22 4 41.15 8 60 7K 1A 7.90 2 40 20 3K 38.80 8 56 7 7.40 2 36 18 3K 35.10 8 50 6K l A 7.10 2 32 16 3K 31.05 8 48 6 1A 6.90 2 28 14 3 28.35 8 46 5K 4.70 2 24 12 3 26.30 8 44 5K l 6.50 2 20 10 3 24.30 8 42 5K 6.25 2 16 8 2K 22.60 8 40 5 H 6.15 2 12 6 2K 20.25 8 36 4K 7-i 5.80 8 34 4K J^ 5.55 IK 36 24 4K 56.70 8 30 3K H 5.25 IK 32 21K 4K 48.60 8 28 3K H 5.00 IK 28 18% 4K 45.50 8 8 26 24 3K- 3 H 4.80 4.60 IK IK 24 20 16 13K 4 3K 36.10 33.40 8 22 2K K 4.45 IK 16 3K 29.00 8 20 2K K 4.40 IK 12 8 3 3K 25.65 MONARCH ELEVATING AND CONVEYING MACHINERY Section G, No. 115 Established 1866 SPROUT, WALDRON & CO. Mill Builders and Mill Furnishers MUNGY, PA., U. S. A. 290 Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Special Dry Mixer Fig. No. 301 This machine was designed for mixing material in bulk and can be used for varied purposes. May be used as a continuous or batch mixer. Write for particulars. Prices, Dimensions, Capacities, Etc. EXTREME DIMENSIONS SIZE ON FLOOR Height Height Size Cap. Size Price to to of Speed Per Weight No. Length Width Height Length Width Center of Pulley Center of Mixer Pulley Inches R.P.M. Hour Bu. Lbs. 35 $300.00 7' 1" 2' 8" 4:8" 4'0" 2' 6" 1'8" 2'8^" 16x4 80 10 700 36 370.00 8' 4" 2' 8" 4' 8" 4' iy 2 " 2' 6" 1'8" 2'8^" 20x4 60 16 900 37 500.00 10' 7" 3' 4" 4' 8K" 6' OK" 3'0" 2'0" 3' 1" 24x6 60 30 1300 The Monarch Feed Mixer For Wet Materials Fig. No. 302 The Monarch Feed Mixer is designed for mixing molasses feed stock food materials that require mixing with liquid. If other sizes than those listed are required, prices will be quoted on application. Prices, Dimensions, Capacities, Etc. EXTREME DIMENSIONS CYLINDER Capacity Height Size Size Per to Center of Speed Horse Weight No. Length Width Height Diam. Inches Length Charge Ton of Pulley Inches Pulley Inches R.P.M. Power Lbs. 4 $ 600.00 11' 8" 4' 9" 4'0" 38 6' 6" X 20 30 x 6 235 6 2600 5 750.00 13' 4" 5' 9" 5'0" 40 8'0" y* 22 36 x 8 180 8 3200 6 1000.00 15' 6" 6' 9" 6'0" 60 10' 0" i 24 36x10 145 10 3800 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 291 The Monarch Mixing and Blending Machine This machine was designed and built especially to meet the requirements of the manufacturers of chick feed. Each one of the feeders is entirely independent of the others and can be regulated to feed any amount, large or small, into the conveyor. The conveyor thoroughly mixes the different materials and delivers the product through the spout at the driving end perfectly blended. When the machine is placed on the second story, the conveyor can be placed directly on the floor. In addition to the mixing of chick feed, this machine can be used for many purposes where different materials of various amounts are desired to be blended. The engrav- ing shows four mixers and feeders, but any number desired may be used. We furnish the machine with or without the frame, as desired. j^g j^ o 303 Dimensions, Prices, Etc., with No. 1 Mixers No. of Mixers Price Length Over All Width Over All Height Over All Floor to Center of Pulley Speed of Conveyor Capacity Inches 2 $ 85.00 5' 0' 2' iy 2 " 5' 7' 3154 80 3 4 110.00 145.00 7' 1' 9' 1' 2' iy 2 " 2' iy 2 " 5' 7' 5' 7' 31* 80 80 Capacity is regulated by feed gate 5 175.00 11' 1' 2' Ty 2 " 5' 7' 31/4 100 of machines 6 200.00 13' 2' 2' iy 2 " 5' 7' 31> 100 and depends 7 240.00 15' 1' 2' iy 2 " 5' 7' 31^4 120 als mixed. 8 280.00 17' 2' 2' Ty 2 " 5' 7' 31K 120 Dimensions, Prices, Etc., with No. 2 Mixers No. of Mixers Price Length Over All Width Over All Height Over All Floor to Center of Pulley Inches Speed of Conveyor Shaft Capacity 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $112.00 150.00 190.00 230.00 270.00 312.00 360.00 5' 8" 8' 0" 10' 4" 12' 8" 15' 0" 17' 4" 19' 8" 3'0" 3 ! Q".. 3'0" 3'0" 3'0" 3'0" 5' 7' 5' 7' 5' 7' 5' 7' 5' 7' 5' 7' 5' 7' 1 80 80 80 100 100 120 120 Capacity is regulated by feed gate of machines and depends on materi- als mixed. The Monarch Cylinder Mixer and Feeder This feeder is specially recommended for feeding flour that has become lumpy, due to hard packing, etc. The cylinder has enough of the grinding action to thoroughly pulverize and feed the same to the elevator or to the blender so that it will re-bolt with little or no loss. The best feeder for feeding in material accumulated from chokes. We build them in groups of two or more machines for mixing chick feed. Dimensions, Prices, Etc. Fig. No. 304 No. Price Height Inches Width Inches Length Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed 1 $20.00 37 16 22 18 x 3 35 2 30.00 37 20 24^ 18 x 3 35 292 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Poultry Food Feeder The demonstrated convenience, economy and accuracy of the machine illustrated, has brought it into prominence and general use in milling plants, poultry ranges and private enterprises where the qualities enumerated above are appreciated as necessities. It will feed any kind of stock used in poultry raising; is easily adjusted for quantity, non-chokeable, has light joints to prevent leakage and is well and carefully built of best materials throughout. The combination of two or more of these units with a special conveyor, as described below, makes a very effi- cient and satisfactory mixing outfit, which is reasonable in price, easy to install and requires very little attention after once being set up and regulated. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Size No. Price EXTREME DIMENSIONS Floor to Center of Pulley Inches Size of Pulley Inches Speed R. P. M. Length Width Height 3 $30.00 1' 4K" 1'8" 1' 7^" 4^ 8x2 50 The Monarch Poultry Food Feeding and Mixing Outfit A feeding and mixing outfit is indispensable to those who raise poultry on a large scale or who cater to the wants of those engaged in this occupation, and whatever the scale of operation or the demands of the individual, conditions are ably met by the Monarch Equipment illustrated herewith. Two or more feeders are used in this combination and steadily discharge the cracked corn, grit, charcoal, salt, gravel, crushed bone or whatever materials are to compose the feed, into a mixing conveyor, where they are thoroughly mixed by the action of the specially constructed flights. Quantities are easily and quickly regulated by means of adjusting screw and ratchet. The short conveyor sections contained in the feeders make choking up impossible and guarantee a uniform supply of each commo- dity to the mixer. Power required to operate is very small, construction is of steel and iron which gives both strength and neatness and the entire outfit will give years of satisfactory service with profitable results. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. of Feeders Price EXTREME DIMENSIONS Speed of Conveyor Shaft R. P. M. Size of Pulley Inches Length Feet Width Height 2 $ 90.00 6 2' 2" 2' 6' 150 8x3 3 125.00 8 2' 2" 2' 6' 150 8x3 4 175.00 10 2' 6" 2' 9' 150 8x4 5 215.00 12 2' 6" 2' 9' 150 8x4 6 255.00 14 2' 6" 2' 9' 150 8x5 7 295.00 16 2' 6" 2' 9' 150 8x5 8 335.00 18 2' 6" 2' 9' 150 8x5 NOTE. Prices are for machine with ordinary steel conveyor; if mixing conveyor is desired, price additional quoted on application. Sprout, IValdron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 293 Gardner's Patent Combined "Rapid" Sifter and Mixer Fig. No. 305 Sizes for Power Pulley Drive A reference to illustration above will show that this machine is fitted with fast and loose pulleys for power driving. Hundreds in use for baking powder, self-rising flour, coffee, chicory and powders. Sizes, Dimensions, Capacities and Prices a o *" >>5 S3 O *H g o c 60 i3;S ll O 0) ill c~ ci u & rt+3 >> C ac * fl 1^1 ftSIs >, ^ 8! M g.S O 81 c/3 WJ w ffi -> >> JH 15 oj S3 o ri OJ2 uoEffi auaJ (Scgtt 8(2 ^ euO JJ 9'0" 3' 0" 2' 10' 24 7'0" 600 55 18 22x5 120 2 $245.00 $270.00 1,300 J 10' 0" 3' 2" 3' 0' 26 8'0" 800 65 18 24x5 100 2^2 320.00 355.00 1,500 K 10' 0" 3' 6" 3' 3' 30 8'0" 1,000 70 18 24x5 100 3 360.00 400.00 1,800 L 10' 6" 3' 10" 3' 9' 36 7' 6" 1,500 85 24 30x6 80 4 475.00 525.00 2,300 M 13' 0" 3' 10" 3' 9' 36 10' 0" 2,000 100 24 30x6 80 5 575.00 625.00 3,000 N 13' 0" 4' 4" 4' 3' 42 10' 0" 3,000 150 24 36x6 75 8 690.00 750.00 4,500 13' 0" 4' 10" 4' 9' 48 10' 0" 4,000 200 24 30x8 75 10 850.00 925.00 6,000 Batch Sifter and Mixer Batch Sifters and Mixers are suitable for the blending of self-rising flours, cereals, all kinds of prepared powders for cereals, and washing preparations, drugs, coffees and spices, and all kinds of feeds and like materials. Our Sifters and Mixers are provided with an intake hopper, which contains an adjustable automatic feeder which is adjustable from to maximum capacity, insuring a steady continuous feed to sieve, and are constructed of the very best material and workmanship, on the most scientific principles of perfection attained in this type of Blenders. Machine will be furnished with or without sifters, as desired. Fi g- No - 3 <> 7 Sizes, Dimensions, Capacities and Prices Cap. Flour Per Charge Pounds Price with Direct Drive Price with Gear Drive For Clutch Drive Add to List M G -4-> 'o.C'O ! ; . 2 16 X 3 15.00 12 3K 3 9 A 2 5.50 10 2M v ". 2 16 K 3 18.00 12 3K 3 9 2 6.25 10 2*A 2 18 A 3 12.50 12 3K 3 9 . A 2 7.25 10 2* ' 2 18 X 3 14.00 12 3K 3 9 N 2 8.00 10 2*A ';' 2 18 A 3 16.00 12 3K 3 12 A 2 6.00 12 2* I 2 18 X 3 20.00 12 3K 3 12 X 2 7.00 12 2* l 2 18 K 3 25.00 12 3K 3 12 A 3 7.00 12 3X 3 20 A 3 14.00 12 3K 3 12 K 3 8.50 12 3K 3 20 3 16.50 12 3K 3 12 A 3 10.00 12 3K 3 20 A 3 19.00 12 3K 3 12 H 3 11.50 12 3K 3 Prices above are for regular strength of pipe shaft, and include one hanger and one coupling for each standard section. Lining not included with heavy conveyors. 296 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Standard Sectional Flight Conveyor Fig. No. 310 BIGHT HAND* LEFT HAND. LEFT HAND. v v^^y ^ LEFT HAND. v^\r WV^P The arrows indicate in the cuts which way the conveyors turn and also which way the material is conveyed. Conveyors run by belts can be made to run either way by operating the belts crossed or straight. Changing the conveyor end for end does not change the direction in which it conveys. In ordering pick out the conveyor with the motion you want from the diagram. Send us this number, the length and diameter of driving end, and we will fill your order promptly. Price List Diameter Inches Price Per Foot Standard Steel Price Per Foot Galvanized Steel Standard Lengths Feet Inside Diam. of Hollow Shaft Inches Outside Diam. of Hollow Shaft Inches Diam. of Couplings Inches 4 $1.40 $1.90 8 1 1A 1 6 2.00 2.70 10 IK lif IK 9 2.50 3.50 10 IK 1M IK 12 3.50 5.00 12 2 2H 2 16 on 2 5.00 7.00 12 2 2Y* 2 16 on 3 6.25 8.75 12 3 3K 3 18 7.50 10.50 12 3 3K 3 Price list includes one hanger and one coupling for each standard length, with necessary bolts and linings. For Galvanized Conveyor we do not regularly furnish hangers and box end galvanized. Unless specially ordered to the contrary, the fittings furnished by us will be black. Standard lengths as given above include the width of one hanger bearing. We can furnish sections of conveyor in any desired lengths, but for readier shipment from stock recommend the use of standard lengths as far as possible. It is always preferable to use a cast-iron box end as a bearing for the driving ends of conveyor. If a regular hanger is to be used for this purpose, an extra one should be ordered, for which an additional charge is made. A proper reduction is made for fittings not needed. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 297 The Monarch Standard Helicoid Conveyor Fig. No. 311 Dimensions and Prices Diameter Inches J-.T3 o ^ o a C^fXww d J|- Standard Lengths Feet ill .s!2 *o g l?l b U u JL| >.g Capacity Per Hour Bushels Diameter Inches B a) g| o U CO rt J5 Its WtJfa l!| |f 3-3 S l?1 Q,^ tl ||| 3 4 5 6 7 8 $1.40 1.40 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 $1.90 1.90 2.70 2.70 3.50 3.50 8 8 8 10 10 10 i i i 2 1 100 100 140 140 140 150 75 100 200 300 400 750 9 10 12 14 16 $2.50 3.00 3.50 5.00 6.25 $3.50 4.20 5.00 7.00 8.75 10 10 12 12 12 2 3 2 2 3 2^g 2>^ 4 150 160 160 160 160 1000 1100 2000 3000 5000 The standard lengths as given above include the width of one hanger bearing. Price list above includes one hanger and one coupling for each standard length, with necessary coupling bolts and linings. The sizes shown in black face type are regular sizes carried in stock in standard lengths. The sizes shown in regular type are odd sizes not carried in stock. The Monarch Heavy Helicoid Conveyor The process of manufacturing Helicoid Conveyors permits the production of heavy conveyors of any desired thickness of flight and the use of any size of pipe or shaft. As the preparation of the machinery for making special conveyors is expensive, we give below prices of heavy conveyors as regularly made, and by ordering from this list prompt shipment will be secured. Price List Diameter Inches Price Per Foot Standard Length Feet Thickness of Flight Next Pipe Inches Thickness of Flight Outer Edge Inches Inside Diameter Pipe Inches Diameter Couplings Inches If Made on Solid Shaft Diam. Shaft Inches 4x $2.50 8 A .11 ^A 1 1H 6x 3.00 10 X .125 IK IX 2^ 6xx 3.50 10 H .2 IK IK 2yb 7x 3.75 10 % .141 1# 1* itt 9x 4.75 10 & .172 2 IK 23/i 9xx 5.50 10 H .19 2^ 2 2H lOxx 6.50 10 y% .19 2K 2 2ff 12x 6.00 12 M .17 2^ 2 2M 12xx 7.00 12 M .18 3 2A 3A 12 xxx 8.50 12 X .25 3K 3 3M 14xx 8.00 12 A .234 3^ 3 3i* 16xxx 10.00 12 K .25 4 3 4^ Prices above are for regular strength of pipe shaft, and include one hanger and one coupling for each standard section. Lining not included with heavy conveyors. Directions for Ordering State whether right-hand conveyor or left-hand conveyor is wanted. State whether linings and hangers are wanted, and state style of hanger preferred. State length and diameter of driving end, and if possible, order driving ends of standard diameters. When possible, order conveyors in feet without fractional parts of a foot, and we can fill promptly with stock lengths. All conveyors made of steel unless otherwise ordered. All conveyors shipped right hand at our discretion unless otherwise ordered. Unless order specifies exact length of pipe, we deduct from length given the width of one hanger bearing. 298 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Conveyors with Mixing Paddles Fig. No. 312 Fig. No. 313 To thoroughly mix, in transit, several kinds of material or several grades of the same material, we sometimes recommend the use of our Standard Conveyor with Mixing Paddles inserted. By setting these paddles in the direction opposite to the pitch of the conveyor flights, the material is thrown back and the combined forward and backward movement accomplishes the mixing. These conveyors are used in lines 24, 36 and 48 feet long, or one or two sections can be placed at the delivery end of the regular conveyor to mix the feed or other material before it is discharged. Prices will be quoted on application. Ribbon Conveyor Fig. No. 314 Especially adapted to the handling of sticky materials, the clear space between the flights and pipe preventing the collection of any substance where they join. Prices will be quoted on application. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyleania, U. S. A. 299 Cut Flight Conveyor Fig. No. 315 This conveyor is designed to remove sand, grit and other foreign substances from cotton seed, insuring a clean product for gin or storage. Perforated conveyor box lining must be used for this purpose. Prices furnished on application. Cut Flight Conveyor with Mixing Paddles Fig. No. 316 For thoroughly mixing material in a short conveyor. Prices furnished on application. Cut and Folded Flight Conveyor Fig. No. 317 A type of mixing and drying conveyor which has been found efficient and suitable for use with a large variety of materials. Prices furnished on application. 300 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Standard Conveyor Couplings Fig. No. 318 Fig. No. 319 Prices and Dimensions Diameter of Conveyor, Inches Diameter of Coupling Inches Price Each 3 & $030 4 . . 1 .50 5-6-7-8-9-10 IK .75 9-10-12-14-16 2 1 50 12-14-16 .. 2-rk 2.00 12-14-16-18 3 2.50 Conveyor Coupling Bolts Square Head and Nut Price List Diameter of Conveyor Size of Bolt Inches Price Per Dozen 4-inch 5-inch 6-inch 8-inch 9-inch 10-inch 12-inch 14-inch 16-inch 12-inch 14-inch 14-inch 16-inch on 1-inch pipe fix2X Kx3 ^x4 Hx4K Kx5 $0.40 .60 .90 1.00 1.40 on IK-inch pipe on 2-inch pipe on 2K-inch pipe. on 3-inch pipe Drive Ends for Conveyor The standard diameters of driving ends are as follows : 12" 16 on 2" 16 on 3" 18" 3" 3" Diameter of conveyor: 4" 6" 9" Diameter of drive end : 1" IK" IK" 2" 2" Can furnish any diameter drive end desired. Price List Fig. No. 320 Projection from Pipe, Inches Diameter 1 Inch Diameter 1 ^ Inches Diameter 2 Inches Diameter 2 A Inches Diameter 3 Inches 6 $0.70 $1.20 $2.00 $2.70 $3.40 8 .80 1.35 2.25 3.05 3.95 10 .90 1.50 2.50 3.40 4.50 12 1.00 1.65 2.75 3.75 5.05 14 1.10 1.80 3.00 4.10 5.60 16 1.20 1.95 3.25 4.45 6.15 18 1.30 2.10 3.50 4.80 6.70 20 1.40 2.25 3.75 5.15 7.25 22 1.50 2.40 4.00 5.50 7.80 24 1.60 2.55 4.25 5.85 8.35 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 301 The Monarch Standard Sectional Conveyor Flight Fig. No. 321 Price List Diameter of Conveyor Inches THICKNESS OF FLIGHTS, INCHES Approximate Pitch Inches Standard ^i-Inch &-Inch X-Inch A-Inch H-Inch %-ln.ch 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 $0.20 .20 .30 .30 .45 .45 .45 .75 .75 1.00 1.35 2.25 $0.30 .30 .40 .40 .65 .65 .65 1.00 1.00 1.20 3K 4K 6 6 6 %Y2 10 10 12 14 16 18 $0.50 $0.75 .60 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.25 2.50 3.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.20 2.20 3.50 4.00 5.25 $2.50 2.75 2.75 4.50 5.00 6.00 $2.50 3.25 3.25 5.00 5.75 7.50 $ 7.50 10.00 When ordering flights, be particular to give the pitch of screw, inside or outside diameter of pipe and whether right or left hand. In case any flights are wanted for the end of the section of conveyor, it should be noted, as end flights have a space cut to allow them to go over the end collar on the pipe. Flight Studs Fig. No. 322 Fig. No. 323 For end flights use the short stud with threaded end, which is screwed into collar on end of pipe and riveted to flight. Lugs for center flights have a long shank which passes through both walls of pipe and is riveted on opposite side. Lugs are made of Norway iron. In ordering studs, state whether for end or center flights and give size of conveyor. Price List Size of CENTER STUD Size of END STUD Conveyor Inches Size of Stud Inches Price Conveyor Inches Size of Stud Inches Price 4 H $0.04 4 # $0.09 6 A .05 6 H .11 8 & .06 8 X .12 9 A .06 9 H .12 10 & .06 10 H .12 12 H .07 12 X .16 14 X .08 14 X .18 16 H .08 16 H .25 18 H .08 18 H .25 302 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Regular Styles of Hangers for Conveyors Fig. No. 324 Fig. No. 325 . Fig. No. 326 Fig. No. 328 Illustrations Showing Regular Hangers for Conveyors Price List Diameter Conveyor Inches Diameter Coupling Inches Width of Bearing Inches Fig. 324-A Solid Eye Fig. 324 Bolted Cap Fig. 325 Fig. 326 Fig. 327 Fig. 328 Fig. 329 Fig. 330 3 4 X IK IK $0.40 .45 $0.60 $2.00 5 1 IK .60 5 IK 2 .60 6 7 IK IK 2 2 .60 1.00 .90 $1.00 $1.00 2.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.40 8 IK 2 1.00 1.20 2.75 1.20 1.20 1.70 9 IK 2 1.00 1.20 1.60 2.75 1.20 1.20 1.70 9 2 2 1.40 1.70 3.00 1.70 1.70 2.20 10 IK 2 1.40 1.70 3.25 1.70 1.70 2.40 10 2 2 1.60 1.80 3.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 12 2 2 1.80 2.00 2.40 3.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 12 2;Hf 3 2.50 2.50 4.50 2.75 2.75 3.50 12 3 3 2.70 2.70 5.00 3.25 3.25 4.00 14 2 2 3.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.75 14 2T6 3 3.40 3.40 5.50 3.40 3.40 4.00 16 2 2 3.80 3.80 5.50 3.80 3.80 4.25 16 3 3 4.50 4.50 5.00 6.00 4.50 4.50 5.00, 18 3 3 5.50 5.50 7.00 5.50 5.50 6.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 303 Conveyor Hangers for Wood Box Fig. Nos. 324 and 324-A Fig. No. 324-A Solid Eye Fig. No. 324 Bolted Cap Table of Dimensions Diameter of Conveyor, In. Bearing Bore Inches Bearing Length, In. A Inches B Inches c Inches D Inches E Inches F Inches H Inches 3 # IX 4 2^8 K ^ A 5 A 4 1 IX 5 3 1 X A 5X A 5 1 IX 6 3X 1 # A 6X A 5 I# 2 6 3X 1 X X 6X A 6 IX 2 7 4 IX X A 7X A 7 IK 2 8 4X ifi 1 X 9 A 8 IX 2 9 5 1# IX X iox A 9 IX 2 10 5X IX IX X nx A 9 2 2 10 5]/8 IX IX X HX A 10 IX 2 11 7 IX IX X 12X A 10 2 2 11 7 IX IX X 12K A 12 2 2 13 8X IX IX A 14X A 12 2A 3 13 8X IX IX X 14X A 12 3 3 13 8X IH IX 14X A 14 2 2 15 9^ IX 2 # 17 A 14 2* 3 15 9X 2X 2 H 17 A 14 3 3 15 9^ 2X 2 H 17 A 16 2 2 17 iox 3 2 H 18X A 16 3 3 17 iox 3X 2 # 18X A 18 3 3 19 UK 3X 2 H 20X if NOTE. Sizes from 3 to 7 inches inclusive are made from solid eye pattern, from split or bolted cap pattern. Above 7 inches they are made Conveyor Hanger for Wood or Steel Box Fig. No. 325 Table of Dimensions Diameter of Conveyor, Inches Bearing Bore Inches Bearings Length, Inches A Inches B Inches C Inches E Inches H Inches 4 1 IX 5 X 1H A M 6 IX 2 7 2 i# A H 8 IX 2 9 IX 2X X A 9 IX 2 10 2 2X X A 9 2 2 10 2 2X X A 10 IX 2 11 2 2X A A 10 2 2 11 IX 2X A A 12 2 2 13 2X 2X A A 12 3 3 13 2X 2X X H 14 2 2 15 3X 2^ X A 14 2^ 3 15 4 3 X H 16 2 2 17 3X 2^ N H 16 3 3 17 3^ 2H X tt 18 3 3 19 3X 2X X fg 20 3 3 21 3>3 2^g IX If 304 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Conveyor Hanger for Wood Box Fig. No. 326 "gn'v. 4& Table of Dimensions Diameter of Conveyor Inches Bearing Bore Inches Bearing Length Inches A Inches B Inches D Inches E Inches H Inches 6 IK 2 3K 4 X A A 9 IK 2 5 5^ IK A 9 3T 9 2 2 5 5# IK A A 10 IK 2 5K 7 IK A A 12 2 2 6K 8K IK A A 12 9-t ^16 3 6K 8K IK N A 14 2 2 7K 9K IK M A 14 2A 3 7K 9K IK N A 16 2 2 8K 10^ IK A A 16 3 3 8K 10# IK A A Conveyor Hanger for Wood Box Fig. No. 330 Table of Dimensions Diameter of Conveyor Inches Bearing Bore Inches Bearing Length Inches A Inches B Inches c Inches D Inches Inches F Inches H Inches 6 IK 2 7 4^ IK K A 7K A 8 IK 2 9 5K IK IK N IOK A 9 IK 2 10 5K IK IK A UK A 9 2 2 10 5K IK IK A 11 A 10 IK 2 11 7^g 2 IK A 12K A 10 2 2 11 7^ IH IK K 12K * 12 2 2 13 8^ \H IK K 15 A 12 2A 3 13 8f< IK IK K 15 A 12 3 3 13 8H IK IK A 15K ? 14 2A 3 15 9K IK IK K 17 A 16 2 2 17 IOK IK IX K 19 A 16 3 3 17 IOK 2K IH K 19 A - 18 3 3 19 12 2K 1H A 21 A Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A, 305 Conveyor Hanger for Wood Box Fig. No. 328 Table of Dimensions Diameter of Conveyor Inches Bearing Bore Inches Bearing Length Inches .. A Inches B Inches c Inches D Inches E Inches p Inches H Inches 6 IK 2 7 1 A IK K A 7K A 8 IK 2 9 5K IK IK K IOK A 9 IK 2 10 5K IK IK A UK A 9 2 2 10 5^ IK IK A 11 A 10 IK 2 11 7^ 2 IK A 12K A 10 2 2 11 7^ IN IK K 12K A 12 2 2 13 8H i# IK K 15 A 12 2A 3 13 8^ IK IK K 15 A 12 3 3 13 8H IK IK A 15K A 14 2A 3 15 9K IK IK K 17 A 16 2 2 17 IOK IK IN K 19 S 16 3 3 17 IOK 2K IN K 19 A 18 3 3 19 12 2K lf< A 21 A Conveyor Hanger for Wood and Steel Box Fig. No. 329 SIZE OF HOLE -fbyk OIL HOLE .4.1 A J V -< 3 i ^ CJ 3 I i s. "- Table of Dimensions Size Conveyor Inches Bearing Bore Inches Bearing Length Inches A Inches B Inches C Inches E Inches H Inches J Inches 6 IK 2 7 4K \H K A K 8 IK 2 9 5K 2K A A ^ 9 IK 2 10 6 2^ A A ^ 9 2 2 10 6 2^ A A H 10 IK 2 11 6K 2^ A A K 10 2 2 11 6^ 2^ A A K 12 2 2 13 7H 2^ A A l 12 2A 3 13 7^ 2^ A A l 12 3 3 13 7H 2fi K A 1 14 2 2 15 9 2K K n ^ 14 2A 3 15 9 2K K ii H 16 3 3 17 10H 2K A T6 l 18 3 3 19 12 3 K H IK 306 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Conveyor Hanger for Wood and Steel Box Fig. No. 327 Table of Dimensions Diameter of Conveyor Inches Bearing Bore Inches Bearing Length Inches A Inches B Inches E Inches G Inches H Inches Inches 4 1 IK 5 2K K M A K 6 IK 2 7 3K A IK H H 8 IK 2 9 4K H IK il 32 K 9 IK 2 10 5K N IK H 1 9 2 2 10 5K K IK 1 10 IK 2 11 5K K 1^ H IK 10 2 2 11 5K K IK 17 32 IK 12 2 2 13 6K K 2K M IK 12 2A 3 13 6K H 2K y IK 12 3 3 13 6K H 2K i IK 14 9 T ^16 3 15 7K H 2K 1H 16 2 2 17 9 K 3 fi IK 16 3 3 17 9 K 3 H IK Fig. No. 331 Plain Bored Flange Bearings Prices and Dimensions Fig. No. 332 Fig. No. Diameter of Shaft Inches Price DIMENSIONS, INCHES B c D E F G 331 332 1 1 $1.00 1.40 3& 4^ i& IK Itt A A ft 2K 2^ 2*A Fig. No. 333 Prices and Dimensions Fig. No. Diameter of Shaft Inches Price DIMENSIONS, INCHES B C D E F G 333 H $0.90 K H K 2 3A 5 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 307 ;' Cast Iron Box Ends for Wooden Conveyor Boxes We recommend the use at all driving ends of Steel Conveyors of a cast iron box end, as shown in cuts on following pages. These box ends close up and strengthen the conveyor box and give a rigid bearing for the driving end. In most cases their use will dispense with the necessity of outside bearings. When the drive end is 12 inches or longer, use a box end, and for the outer end a pillow block or other suitable shaft support. Prices and Dimensions Fig. No. 334 Diameter Conveyor Inches Diam. Shaft Inches Price Solid Pattern Price Split Pattern Split Pattern Remov- able Cap Split Pattern Adjust- able Bearing Diameter Conveyor Inches Diam. Shaft Inches Price Solid Pattern Price Split Pattern Split Pattern Remov- able Cap Split Pattern Adjust- able Bearing 3 4 5 1 1 $1.75 2.00 2.75 $4.00 $4.50 12 12 12 2 2^ 3 $ 8.00 9.00 10.00 $ 9.50 11.00 12.00 $12.00 13.50 15.00 $15.00 20.00 23.00 6 8 9 9 10 10 1# l# IK 2 IK 2 3.00 4.25 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 4.66 5.25 5.50 6.50 7.00 7.50 4.50 6.50 6.75 7.50 8.25 9.00 $ 8.50 10.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14 16 16 18 20 2A 2 3 3 3 11.50 13.00 14.00 17.00 21.00 13.00 16.00 17.00 21.00 26.00 16.50 20.00 21.00 25.00 30.00 25.00 28.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 Discharge Box Ends for Conveyor Boxes Where it is desired to deliver the material at the end of the con- veyor box without cutting a delivery opening in the bottom of the box, we recommend the use of our special Box End for Conveyor Boxes, shown in the cut. Dimensions same as solid box ends. Prices and Dimensions Fig. No. 335 Diameter Conveyor Inches Diameter Shaft Inches Price Diameter Conveyor Inches Diameter Shaft Inches Price 4 1 $1.75 12 2 $ 7.00 6 IK 2.75 12 9 1 *T6 8.00 8 IK 3.80 12 3 9.00 9 IK 4.00 14 2^ 10.00 9 2 4.50 16 2 11.50 10 IK 5.00 16 3 12.50 10 2 5.50 18 3 15.00 Patent Delivery Gates for Either Wooden or Steel Boxes The natural action of a conveyor is to carry more material on one side of the shaft than the other, unless the box is full. When run at high speed, the material will not deliver through ordi- nary openings in the bottom of the box without carrying over. The Delivery Gate is self-con- tained, so that in attaching same to the wooden box no fitting is required except to properly fasten the castings to openings cut in the box. The gates reach above the center of the conveyor and are hinged, so when they are open, the fact that the conveyor carries on one side of the shaft does not interfere with the perfect discharge of the material, and this is true even though the conveyor is run at a high speed. We make the gates very much j?jg_ j^o. 335 shorter than the ordinary slide openings and secure perfect delivery. Through the use of the knuckle joints and weighted levers, the gates are very easily operated, and by attaching cords to the ends of the levers, the gates can be opened or closed at any distance from the conveyor. Price List Diameter Conveyor Inches Price Diameter Conveyor Inches Price Diameter Conveyor Inches Price 6 9 $14.00 18.00 12 14 $24.00 30.00 16 18 $35.00 40.00 308 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Cast Iron Bearing Ends for Steel Box Fig. No. 337 Inside Pattern ' 1 Fig. No. 338 Outside Pattern roH i Dimensions of Cast Iron Box Ends for Steel Boxes 8 rt g"S 36,5 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 A In. 5 7 9 10 11 13 15 17 19 B In. 3 3K 4 4 4K 5 5K 6 6K C In. D In. 4K 9K E In. 2K 3K 4K 5 5K 6K 7K 8K 9K A In. 8 12K In. In. D In. E In. 12 F In. 1 IK \y& 2 2 Q In. 2 2K 3K H In. K K K In. 9K 13K 14; 16 K In. 10 11 12 15 16K 18 19 L In. K K K Prices and Dimensions Diameter Conveyor Inches Diameter Shaft Inches Price Solid Pattern Price Split With Adjustable Bearings 4 1 $ 3.00 6 IK 4.00 $ 8.50 8 IK 6.00 10.00 9 IK 7.00 10.00 9 2 7.50 11.00 10 IK 8.00 12.00 10 2 8.50 13.00 12 2 10.00 15.00 12 2& 12.00 20.00 12 3 14.00 23.00 14 2A 16.00 25.00 16 2 20.00 28.00 16 3 22.00 30.00 18 3 25.00 35.00 20 3 30.00 40.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 309 Countershaft Box End for Conveyor Fig. No. 339 For Wooden Box Fig. No. 340 For Steel Box The bearings for the countershaft and the conveyor drive end are all a part of the same casting, making it unnecessary to provide special support for the countershaft bearings. The design of the box end is such that the driving gear can be shifted to one side or the other of the driven gear, thus reversing direction of motion of the conveyor as desired. When box ends for steel boxes already made are wanted, a template should be sent showing exact location and size of bolt holes. Prices and Dimensions Size of Diameter Size of Diameter Conveyor Price Drive End Conveyor Price Drive End Inches Inches Inches Inches 4 $11.00 1 12 $41.00 2A 6 14.00 1# 12 45.00 3 8 18.00 IK 14 45.00 2 9 19.00 IK 14 50.00 2& 9 22.00 2 16 65.00 2 10 25.00 IK 16 70.00 3 10 30.00 2 18 80.00 3 12 33.00 2 Prices include the cast iron box end, necessary drive end projection for the conveyor, miter gears, and short countershaft projecting far enough to take sprocket wheel or pulley. The Monarch Miter Gear Bearing Ends for Right Angle Conveyors Fig. No. 341 By using the proper hand of Conveyor, material can be carried around a corner. Price List Price For 4-inch Conveyor.. _ _ ___ _____ $11.00 For 6-inch Conveyor 14.00 For 9-inch Conveyor 25.00 For 12 -inch Conveyor _ _ _ 40.00 Prices of other sizes furnished on application. 310 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Improved Right-Angle Conveyor Drive Fig. No. 342 For Wooden Box Fig. No. 343 For Steel Box The above illustration shows an improved device for use with conveyors running at right angles. It allows the delivering conveyor to carry its full capacity, and drop the material into the receiving conveyor without any danger of clogging or choking up. The power to drive both conveyors may be applied to either of the shafts shown in illustration. We suggest that, in using this device, the delivering conveyor be placed a few inches above the box for the receiving conveyor. We furnish castings forming box ends and bearings as shown; miter gears, miter gear shaft sprocket wheels, chain, safety collar and driving ends of proper length ready to set up. Prices and Dimensions Diameter Conveyor Inches Price for Wood Box Price Steel Box Diameter Both Drive Ends Inches Countershaft Diameter Inches 4 $18.00 $20.00 1 1 6 21.00 25.00 IK IK 8 25.00 33.00 IK IK 9 25.00 35.00 IK IK 9 32.00 40.00 2 2 10 35.00 45.00 IK IK 10 41.00 50.00 2 2 12 55.00 60.00 2 2 12 60.00 70.00 2^ 2 12 65.00 75.00 3 2 14 75.00 85.00 2 2 14 80.00 90.00 2& 2 16 95.00 115.00 2 2& 16 100.00 120.00 3 zg Special Universal Couplings For Connecting Steel Conveyor Nut Type Fig. No. 344 We have designed the special universal coupling shown in the above illustration for use in coupling sections of steel conveyor, the construction of the coupling being such that it offers the least possible obstruction to the passage of the material. This coupling is especially useful where part of a line of conveyor is horizontal and part at an incline not exceeding 20 degrees. Price List For Conveyor Diameter Inches Price For Conveyor Diameter Inches Price 4 6 and 9 $6.00 6.50 12 16 $ 8.00 15.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 311 Steel Box for Spiral Conveyor Fig. No. 345 Prices and Dimensions Diameter of Conveyor Inches BOX A Inches B Inches Size of Angle Iron Inches Cover Gauge of Metal No. Price Per Foot Box Added Price Per Foot For Cover Gauge of Metal No. Width of Sheet Inches 4 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 18 16 14 14 14 12 12 12 10 15 20 26 28 30 36 42 48 54 5 7 9 10 11 13 15 17 19 6tf 8 IOH 11H Itfi 14X 16K 19# MM 1 xl n l A Itfxl ^xA IKxlKxA l^xl^xA iKxlKxA 2 x2 x& 2 x2 X& 2 x2 xf 2Kx2Kx>< 20 18 16 16 16 16 16 16 14 $1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.50 4.00 4.50 6.00 $0.40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .65 .70 .75 1.00 Perforated Linings Fig. No. 346 Dimensions Diameter of Conveyor Inches Price per Lineal Foot Gauge of Steel Width of Sheet Inches Stand. Length of Sheet Inches Diam. of Perfor'ns Inches Diameter of Conveyor Inches Price Per Lineal Foot Gauge of Steel Width of Sheet Inches Stand. Length of Sheet Inches Diam. of Perfor'ns Inches 6 f 18 12 30 yi 10 1 ( 18 20 30 y& 6 J 18 12 30 Ti 10 J 1 18 20 30 l /i 6 1 18 12 30 A 6 I 18 12 30 12 "I (is 24 30 y& 9 [18 18 30 H 12 I J 18 24 30 A 9 65 J 18 18 30 12 t 1 18 24 30 A 9 1 18 18 30 A 12 J 1 18 24 30 J* 9 1 18 18 30 K Standard Gauges and Widths of Conveyor Lining Prices and Dimensions Fig. No. 347 Diameter of Conveyor Inches Price per Lineal Foot Gauge of Steel Width of Sheet Inches Standard Length of Sheet Inches Diameter of Conveyor Inches Price per Linea! Foot Gauge of Steel Width of Sheet Inches Standard Length of Sheet Inches 4 6 8 9 10 $0.08 .10 .16 .16 .19 22 22 20 20 20 8K 11# 16 16 18 30 30 30 30 30 12 14 16 18 .20 .34 .36 .49 20 18 18 18 20 24 27 36 30 30 30 30 312 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Cast Iron Supports for Steel Conveyor Boxes These illustrations show some of the standard types of conveyor box supports, although other designs can be supplied to meet special conditions. Fig. No. 348 Fig. No. 349 Fig. No. 350 CTR. LINE I Of COKV Fig. No. 349 Prices and Dimensions DltHTl. Cast Iron Cast Iron Flanges Cast Iron Conv'r Inches A Inches B Inches C Inches D Inches E Inches F Inches G Inches H Inches Flanges Without Feet With Feet Fig. No. 348 Saddles Fig. Nos. 349 and 350 4 4X 5X 7X X IX X 2 H $0.65 $0.75 $0.45 6 5X 8X 10 4 X IX 1 4 2X ^ .90 1.15 .70 8 7/4 8X 11 ^ IX 2X X 1.40 1.90 1.10 9 TH 9X 12 H IX IX 2X X 1.70 2.25 1.35 10 8X 9X 12X 1 IX 2X X 2.10 2.90 1.75 12 9X 12X 15 X 1 J1 3X 2.70 3.40 2.25 14 10^6 13X 16X X 2^6 1M 4 ^ 3.80 4.80 3.50 16 12 14^ 18 X 2X 2 4X H 4.30 5.70 4.25 . 18 13* 16 19 X 2X 2 4X 5.20 7.00 5.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 313 Wood Boxes for Steel Conveyors Fig. No. 351 Prices and Dimensions Size DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE PER FOOT A B C D With Lid Without Lid 3 2X 2 4 H $0.70 $0.60 4 3# 2K 5 H .90 .75 5 4 3 6 H 1.10 .90 6 4X 3K 7 H 1.30 1.10 8 SH 4 9 1H 1.50 1.30 9 6K 4# 10 134 1.70 1.50 10 7 5 11 1M 2.00 1.70 12 9 6K 13 1H 2.35 2.00 14 9X 7K 15 ^~1H 2.75 2.35 16 11 8^ 17 \H 3.25 2.75 18 11 9K 19 \H 3.75 3.25 Wood Conveyor Shafts Fig. No. 352 Prices and Dimensions Size of Shaft Inches Size of Flights Inches Size of Box Inside Dim. Inches Price per Foot Including Flights Size of Shaft Inches Size of Flights Inches Size of Box Inside Dim. Inches Price per Foot Including Flights 2X 3X 3X 4 l#xl# \y* x IK ItfxlN 2 x2 6x6 7x7 8x8 9x9 $0.55 .58 .60 .65 4M 5 S^ 2Xx2X 2^x2^ 2Kx2J< 10 x 10 11 x 11 12 x 12 $0.68 .70 .75 All prices without iron connections. Wood Conveyor Flights Prices and Dimensions Size, Inches Price per 100 Size, Inches Price per 100 Size, Inches Price per 100 Size, Inches Price per 100 IXx IX l^x \% $0.75 .80 r#xi# 2 x 2 $0.85 .90 2Xx2X 2^x2^ $0.95 1.00 2#x2J< $1.05 Gudgeons for Wood Conveyor Prices Including Bolts Diameter of Plate Inches Diameter of Journal Inches LENGTH OF JOURNAL 2 Inches 4 Inches 6 Inches 8 Inches 10 Inches 12 Inches 3H 1 $0.80 $1.00 $1.20 $1.40 $1.60 $1.80 3H IX .85 1.10 1.30 1.50 1.70 1.90 3H I* .90 1.15 1.40 1.60 1.80 1.90 3H 1 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.90 2.00 4^ 1A .85 1.10 1.30 1.50 1.70 1.90 4K 1& .90 1.15 1.40 1.60 1.80 1.90 4K ifi 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.90 2.00 *X 1U 1.10 1.40 1.60 1.90 2.00 2.10 5K l| 1.10 1.40 1.60 1.90 2.00 2.10 5K 1.20 1.50 1.70 2.00 2.10 2.20 5K 1 1| 1.30 1.60 1.80 2.25 2.50 2.70 5K 2& 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 3.00 Coupling Gudgeons with Stands for Wood Conveyor Prices and Dimensions Diameter of Plates Inches Diameter of Journal Inches Price Diameter of Plates Inches Diameter of Journal Inches Price 3H 3H 3X 4K 4X 1% id 18 $2.00 2.40 2.50 2.25 2.60 4K SX SX 5K 11 $2.80 3.00 3.25 3.40 314 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, if. S. A. Salem Steel Elevator Buckets Fig. No. 353 Prices and Dimensions Capacity Bushels Per Hour Size Inches Mill and Elevator Products Ear Corn and Heavy Substances Ores, Coal, Broken Stone and Extra Heavy Substances Gauge Price 16 Gauge 14 Gauge 12 Gauge 10 Gauge 8 Gauge 6 Gauge 21 2 x2 25 $0.10 28 2^x2^ 24 .10 35 2^x2^ 24 .10 42 2^x2K 24 .10 59 3 x2>^ 24 .10 87 3 x3 23 .10 $0.29 69 3^x2^ 24 .10 .31 102 3^x3 23 .10 .31 116 4 x3 23 .15 .35 159 4 x3>^ 22 .15 .38 $0.41 131 4^x3 23 .15 .39 .43 179 4^x3^ 22 .15 .40 .43 199 5 x3^ 22 .19 .44 .47 229 5 x4 22 .19 .48 .51 $0.71 251 5^x4 21 .22 .49 .53 .73 393 5Xx4>^ 21 .35 .53 .57 .78 274 6 x4 21 .22 .50 .54 .75 500 7 x4^ 20 .30 .56 .60 .83 $1.03 670 8 x5 19 .38 .63 .68 .93 1.15 $1.36 $1.56 754 9 x5 19 .40 .75 .81 1.12 1.38 1.63 1.88 973 10 x5K 19 .48 .86 .93 1.28 1.58 1.87 2.15 1220 10 x6 18 .55 .91 .98 1.36 1.67 1.98 2.28 1590 10 x7 18 .75 1.16 1.25 1.73 2.13 2.52 2.90 1342 11 x6 18 .63 .98 1.05 1.45 1.79 2.12 2.44 1749 11 x7 18 .85 1.23 1.32 1.83 2.25 2.66 3.06 1464 12 x6 18 .70 1.03 1.11 1.53 1.89 2.22 2.56 1908 12 x7 18 .90 1.28 1.38 1.90 2.35 2.77 3.19 1586 13 x6 18 .85 1.04 1.12 1.54 1.96 2.25 2.59 2067 13 x7 18 .93 1.29 1.39 1.91 2.37 2.79 3.21 2226 14 x7 18 .95 1.30 1.40 1.94 2.39 2.82 3.25 2385 15 x7 18 1.23 1.33 1.43 1.97 2.44 2.88 3.31 2544 16 x7 18 1.28 1.35 1.46 2.01 2.48 2.93 3.38 3184 16 x8 18 1.40 1.60 1.73 2.38 2.94 3.47 4.00 2862 18 x7 18 1.38 1.40 1.51 2.09 2.58 3.04 3.50 3582 18 x8 18 1.50 1.65 1.78 2.46 3.03 3.57 4.13 3180 20 x7 18 1.43 1.45 1.57 2.16 2.67 3.15 3.63 3980 20 x8 18 1.65 1.70 1.84 2.53 3.13 ' 3.69 4.25 4378 22 x8 18 1.75 1.80 1.94 2.68 3.31 3.96 4.50 4776 24 x8 18 1.85 1.90 2.05 2.83 3.50 4.12 4.75 5180 26 x8 18 2.50 3.07 3.31 4.57 5.64 6.66 7.67 5565 28 x8 18 2.60 3.10 3.34 4.62 5.70 6.71 7.75 5985 30 x8 18 2.70 3.15 3.40 4.69 5.79 6.83 7.87 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 315 Odd Sizes of Salem Buckets Prices and Dimensions Size Inches Gauge No. 25 Gauge No. 24 Gauge No. 22 Gauge No. 20 Gauge No. 19 Gauge No. 18 Gauge No. 16 Gauge No. 14 Gauge No. 12 Gauge No. 10 Gauge No. 8 Gauge No. 6 2*/4 x2 $0.10 $0.18 3 x2 .15 .20 3 l /2 x 2 .15 .21 3 x2>< $0.10 .20 3X x2>^ .10 .21 4 x 2X .15 .23 4X x2X .15 .25 5 x2j4 .15 .30 2 l / 2 x2>^ .10 .20 4 x2^ .15 .25 4>^ x2^ .16 .30 5 x2^ .16 .34 5 x3 .18 $0.43 3> x3> $0.15 .36 $0.39 5> x3K .21 .45 .49 6 x3K .21 .48 .51 4 x4 .22 .45 .49 $0.67 4^ x4 .23 .46 .50 .69 6X x4 .27 .51 .55 .76 7 x4 .30 .53 .57 .78 7^x4 .33 .54 .58 .80 8 x4 .35 .55 .59 .82 8K x4 .38 .63 .68 .93 9 x4 .40 .68 .73 1.01 9 l /4 x4 .45 .70 .76 1.04 10 x4 .46 .75 .81 1.12 11 x4 .48 .80 .87 1.19 4> x4K $0.27 .50 .54 .75 $0.92 5 x4^ .30 .51 .55 .76 .94 5^ x4^ .35 .53 .57 .78 .96 6 x4^ .23 .54 .58 .80 .98 6K x4K .30 .55 .59 .82 1.01 7K x4^2 .36 .58 .62 .86 1.06 8 x4> .38 .59 .63 .87 1.08 8^ x4K .40 .66 .76 .98 1.21 9 x4X .45 .71 .77 1.06 1.31 9K x4>^ .50 .74 .79 1.10 1.35 10 x4>^ .51 .79 .85 1.17 1.44 11 x4>^ .53 .84 .90 1.24 1.53 12 x4K .55 .89 .96 1.32 1.63 5 x5 $6.40 .53 .57 .78 .97 $1.13 $1.31 5K x5 .41 .54 .58 .80 .98 1.16 1.34 6 x5 .43 .55 .59 .82 1.01 1.19 1.36 6>^ x5 .44 .59 .63 .87 1.08 1.27 1.48 7 x5 .45 .60 .65 .89 1.10 1.30 1.50 7X x5 .46 .61 .66 .91 1.12 1.32 1.53 8^ x5 .48 .70 .76 1.04 1.29 1.52 1.75 9K x5 .50 .78 .84 1.15 1.43 1.68 1.94 10 x5 .55 .81 .88 1.21 1.49 1.76 2.03 11 x5 .60 .88 .95 1.30 1.61 1.90 2.19 12 x5 .65 .93 1.00 1.38 1.70 2.07 2.31 5K x5^ .45 .59 .63 .87 1.08 1.27 1.46 6 x5K .46 .60 .65 .89 1.10 1.30 1.50 6^ x5^ .48 .64 .70 .95 1.17 1.38 1.59 7 x5>^ .49 .65 .70 .97 1.20 1.41 1.63 7^ x5>^ .50 .66 .71 .98 1.21 1.43 1.65 8 x5K .53 .68 .73 1.01 1.24 1.47 1.69 8>^ x5^ .55 .75 .81 1.12 1.38 1.63 1.88 9 x5K .48 .80 .87 1.19 1.47 1.74 2.00 9K x5K .61 .83 .89 1.23 1.52 1.79 2.06 11 x5> .65 .93 1.00 1.36 1.70 2.01 2.31 12 x5>^ .70 .98 1.05 1.43 1.79 2.12 2.44 6 x6 .60 .65 .70 .97 1.20 1.41 1.63 7 x6 .63 .70 .76 1.04 1.29 1.52 1.75 . 316 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Tin Mill Buckets Fig. No. 354 These Buckets are guarded with band iron riveted to the body. Prices, Dimensions, Capacities, Etc. - Capacity Bushels Size, Inches Price Capacity Bushels Size, Inches Price Per Hour Per Hour 16 2 x2 $0.10 92 4 x3 $0.12 22 2Kx2X .10 127 4 x3K .13 28 2>4x2X .10 105 4^x3 .14 34 2 y+TClyi .10 143 4 i^x3^ .14 47 3 x2> .10 160 5 x3K .16 70 3 x3 .10 183 5 x4 .16 55 3>x2X .10 200 5^x4 .17 82 3Kx3 .10 220 6 x4 .18 Minneapolis "V" Elevator Buckets Black and Galvanized Steel Fig. No. 355 Fig. No. 356 Price List with Wrought Iron Brace in Sizes 14 Inches and Larger SIZE OF BUCKET, INCHES Capacity Cu. In. Number of Braces Gauge of Steel PRICE, EACH Length Projection, A Depth, B Black Galvanized * 3 3 3# 9 27 $0.12 $0.16 3X 3 3X 10 27 .14 .18 4 3 3H 12 27 .17 .22 4 3# 4X 17 27 .18 .23 4# 3 3H 14 27 .18 .23 4J* 3^ 4K 19 27 .20 .26 5 sy, 4K 21 24 .21 .26 5 4 4Ji 28 24 .23 .28 5# 4 H 30 24 .24 .30 6 4 4# 33 24 .26 .32 7 4# 5M 49 24 .32 .39 8 5 6X 70 24 .38 .47 9 5 6>^ 78 22 .41 .50 10 5# 6J4 105 22 .45 .55 10 6 7J* 126 22 .48 .59 10 7 8H 171 20 .60 .74 11 6 7H 138 22 .50 .62 11 7 BM 188 20 .66 .81 12 6 7H 151 20 .54 .66 12 7 8N 205 20 -72 .89 14 6 7>i 176 20 .63 .73 14 7 8^ 240 20 .81 1.00 16 6 7^ 201 20 .75 .92 16 7 8^ 274 18 .93 1.14 18 6 7N 226 20 .90 1.11 18 7 8fi 308 18 .99 1.22 20 6 7J< 252 20 .98 1.21 20 7 8H 343 18 1.05 1.29 22 7 8>i 377 1 18 1.11 1.36 24 7 8f< 411 1 18 1.17 1.44 A Bucket particularly adapted to high speeds, with perfect discharge. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 317 Fig. No. 357 Elevator Cup Bolts Reliance Elevator Bolts These bolts are manufactured of wrought iron. They have four ribs under the head, which take a firm hold on the belt, and prevent slipping when the nut is turned. Price per Box of One Hundred Fig. No. 358 Size Inches Price Size Inches Price | Size Inches Price Size Inches Price Size Inches Price Size Inches Price y^A $1.00 y^A $1.05 y^A $1.10 y^A $1.15 Ixtf $1.20 \y^A M OC -if . ZO Excelsior Elevator Bolts Forged from the best Norway iron, with large flat heads, and used in large mills, elevators and other establishments where bolts are subjected to extraordinary strain. Price Per Box of One Hundred Size Inches Price Size Inches Price Size Inches Price Size Inches Price y^y, H^A $2.20 2.30 1 xX IXxX $2.30 2.40 iMxX 1 x^ $2.50 3.00 i^xA lKx& $3.20 3.40 Eclipse Elevator Bolts Made of Norway iron and having a slotted head. Can be turned or held by use of an ordinary screw driver while nut is held with fingers or wrench. Price Per Box of One Hundred Size Inches Price Size Inches Price Size Inches Price Size Inches Price y^A $1.00 H^A $1.00 y^y* $1.00 IxX $1.25 Clinch Bolts For fastening small buckets to belts. They are less expensive and easier to put on and take off than rivets or bolts. The head of the clinch bolt sets up close to the belt, thus presenting a smooth surface to the pulley. We guarantee two of them to stand a strain of 500 pounds, which makes them amply strong for small buckets. Price per box of 100, including burrs $0.50 Leather Washers for Elevator Bolts Price per 100 for >^-inch bolts, net Price per 100 for j^-inch bolts, net. .20 Fig. No. 359 Socket Wrench for Elevator Bolts Fig. No. 360 A handy tool which can be used in any ordinary brace to rapidly and securely fasten buckets on belts. Net price ._ $0.25 318 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Solid Woven Cotton Belting Price List Width, Inches 2-Ply 3-Ply 4-Ply 5-Ply 6-Ply 8-Ply 10-Ply 1 $0.04 $0.06 $0.09 $0.15 $0.20 IX .045 .065 .10 .16 .22 IX .05 .075 .11 .18 .24 IX .055 .085 .12 .19 .29 2 .06 .095 .13 .21 .30 $0.36 2X .075 .11 .15 .23 .32 .38 3 .085 .13 .18 .26 .34 .41 3X .10 .15 .20 .29 .36 .45 4 .115 .17 .23 .31 .38 .50 4X .13 .19 .26 .33 .41 .55 5 .145 .21 .28 .36 .44 .58 $0.80 5X .16 .23 .30 .38 .47 .61 .85 6 .18 .25 .33 .41 .50 .65 .95 7 .21 .29 .38 .48 .58 .75 1.10 8 .23 .33 .44 .55 .65 .85 1.20 9 .26 .37 .50 .61 .73 1.00 1.40 10 .29 .42 .56 .69 .82 1.15 1.60 12 .35 .50 .66 .83 1.00 1.35 1.80 14 .43 .62 .78 .98 1.20 1.60 2.20 16 .49 .72 .90 1.15 1.40 1.95 2.45 18 .57 .82 1.00 1.28 1.55 2.15 2.70 20 .61 .90 1.15 1.45 1.75 2.35 2.95 22 .65 1.00 1.35 1.65 1.95 2.60 3.25 24 .69 1.10 1.55 1.85 2.16 2.85 3.60 26 .77 1.35 1.75 2.00 2.36 3.10 3.90 28 .85 1.50 1.90 2.15 2.60 3.35 4.20 30 .90 1.60 2.10 2.40 2.85 3.60 4.50 32 1.00 1.70 2.25 2.60 3.00 3.85 4.80 34 1.10 1.80 2.40 2.80 3.25 4.10 5.10 36 1.20 1.90 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.35 5.40 38 1.30 2.05 2.65 3.20 3.70 4.60 5.70 40 1.40 2.15 2.80 3.40 3.90 4.85 6.00 42 1.50 2.25 2.90 3.60 4.05 5.10 6.30 44 1.60 2.35 3.00 3.75. 4.20 5.45 6.60 48 1.80 2.50 3.20 4.00 4.80 5.80 7.20 Rubber Belting Price List Width, Inches 2-Ply 3-Ply 4-Ply 5-Ply 6-Ply 7-Ply 8-Ply 1 $0.09 $0.11 $0.13 IX .11 .13 .16 IX .13 .15 .19 $0.23 IX .15 .17 .22 .27 2 .18 .20 .25 .31 $0.37 2X .22 .25 .31 .38 .46 3 .26 .30 .37 .45 .55 3X .30 .35 .43 .53 .65 4 .34 .40 .50 .61 .75 $0.86 4X .38 .45 .55 .69 .84 .96 5 .42 .50 .61 .76 .91 1.06 6 .50 .60 .72 .89 1.08 1.25 $1.44 7 .59 .70 .84 ' 1.04 1.25 1.46 1.68 8 .67 .80 .96 1.19 1.44 1.68 1.92 9 .76 .90 1.07 1.34 1.60 1.88 2.16 10 .84 1.00 1.20 1.49 1.77 2.09 2.40 11 .92 1.10 1.32 1.63 1.96 2.29 2.62 12 1.00 1.20 1.43 1.78 2.15 2.50 2.85 13 1.10 ' 1.30 1.56 1.95 2.34 2.73 3.12 14 1.19 1.40 1.69 2.11 2.54 2.96 3.39 15 1.28 1.52 1.83 2.28 2.74 3.19 3.65 16 1.37 1.65 1.96 2.44 2.94 3.42 3.92 18 1.55 1.87 2.22 2.77 3.33 3.88 4.44 ' 20 1.74 2.09 2.49 3.10 3.73 4.35 4.97 22 1.94 2.33 2.77 3.47 4.16 4.85 5.54 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 319 Wood Elevator Trunking - E- Fig. No. 360 Fig. No. 361 Prices, Dimensions, Etc. [/) |gi DIMENSIONS O ji s DIMENSIONS 6 111 g^ A B C D E F O Ui Q) x C* 8 fl "oS UoJ3 Ks A B C D E F "o S ZfflJS 3 a In. In. In. In. In. In. C-'U'E - 3 c jo: In. In. In. In. In. In. u! 2 x2 $0.38 4M 4^ 3 3 % % F . 360 9x5 SI. 42 1454 9% 11% 8 t \ 3 /8 /8 F(?. 361 254 x 2% .40 5 4% 354 3K % % 360 10 x 554 1.53 15% 10% 13 m H 361 2% x 2 l /z .42 S 5 3% 354 % % 360 11x6 1.62 16% 10% 14 9 m /8 361 3 x3 .44 5% y/2 4 4 % % 360 12x6 1.66 17% 10% 15 9 1% /8 361 3% x 3 .46 6 554 454 4 % % 360 13x6 1.71 18% 10% 16 9 if* /8 361 4 x3 .48 6/4 554 5 4 % % 360 14x7 1.88 21 12M 1854 11 m 361 454 x 354 .52 7 6 554 4/4 % % 360 16x7 1.98 23 12% 20 % 11 /i 361 5 x4 .56 7% 7 6 " 554 % % 360 18x7 2.07 25 12% 22% 11 m /8 361 554x4 .58 S% 7 654 554 % % 360 20x7 2.17 27 12% 24% 11 1% /8 361 6 x4 .61 y/4 7 7/4 554 % % 360 22x7 2.26 29 12% 26% 11 i% % 361 7 x454 .84 10% 7J* 9 5% % % 360 24x7 2.36 31 12% 11 1% 361 8 x5 .92 12% 854 11 6% % 7/ 8 360 361 Steel Elevator Leg with Flanged Corners Fig. No. 362 Prices and Dimensions Size of Buckets Inches PRICE PER LINEAL FOOT, BOTH LEGS 12 Gauge 14 Gauge 16 Gauge 18 Gauge 20 Gauge Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. 2 x2 $4.16 $4.52 $4.03 $4.34 $3.93 $4.19 $3.82 $4.03 2Kx2>< 4.19 4.55 4.06 4^37 3\)5 4.21 3.85 4.06 2X*2X 4.21 4!58 4.08 4.37 3.98 4.24 3'gy 4.06 3 x3 4.21 4.68 4.08 4.45 3.98 4.29 3.87 4!ll 3Kx3 4.34 4.76 4.19 4.52 4.06 4.32 3.93 4.11 4 x3 4.39 4.84 4.21 4.58 4.08 4^37 3.95 4.16 4^x3>i 4.42 4.89 4.24 4.60 4.11 4.39 3^95 4.19 5 x4 $4.89 $5.33 4.50 4.99 4^29 4^71 4.13 4i45 5^x4 4.91 5.36 4.52 5.02 4.32 4.73 4.16 4.47 6 x4 4.97 5.43 4.55 5.07 4.34 4.76 4.19 4.50 7 x4K 5.75 6.55 5.28 5.88 5.04 5.51 4.86 5.23 8 x5 5.93 6.84 5.41 6.06 5.15 5.67 4.94 5.36 9 x5 6.01 6.99 5.46 6.14 5.20 5.75 4.97 5.43 10 xSK 6.08 7.07 5.51 6.21 5.25 5.80 5.02 5.46 11 x6 6.29 7.20 5.67 6.55 5.36 6.11 5.10 5.75 12 x6 6.34 7.51 5.72 6.66 5.41 6.16 5.15 5.80 13 x6 6.40 7.62 5.75 6.68 5.41 6.21 5.15 5.82 14 x7 7.18 8.42 6.47 7.38 6,11 6.84 5.82 6.40 16 x7 7.33 8.63 6.58 7.51 6.19 6.94 5.90 6.50 18 x7 8.16 9.59 7.33 8.37 6.94 7.75 6.60 7.25 20 x7 8.29 9.80 7.44 8.53 7.02 7.88 6.66 7.36 22 x7 8.40 10.09 7.51 8.81 7.10 8.16 6.73 7.64 24 x7 8.61 10.37 7.67 9.02 7.18 8.32 6.79 7.77 320 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Steel Elevator Leg with Four- Angle Iron Corners Prices and Dimensions Fig. No. 363 Size of PRICE PER LINEAL FOOT, BOTH LEGS Buckets Inches 12 Gauge 14 Gauge 16 Gauge 18 Gauge 20 Gauge Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. 2 x2 $5.67 $6.03 $5.54 $5.85 $5.43 $5.69 $5.33 $5.54 2Mx2X 5.69 6.06 5.56 5.88 5.46 5.72 5.36 5.56 2Jix2j4 5.72 6.08 5.59 5.88 5.49 5.75 5.38 5.56 3 x3 5.72 6.19 5.59 5.95 5.49 5.80 5.38 5.62 3^x3 5.85 6.27 5.69 6.03 5.56 5.82 5.43 5.62 4 x3 5.90 6.34 5.72 6.08 5.59 5.88 5.46 5.67 4Kx3j4 5.93 6 40 5 75 6 11 5 62 5 90 5.46 5.69 5 x4 $6.40 $6.84 6.01 6.50 5.80 6.21 5.64 5.95 5^x4 6.42 6.86 6.03 6.53 5.82 6.24 5.67 5.98 6 x4 6.47 6.94 6.06 6.58 5.85 6.27 5.69 6.01 7 x4# 7.41 8.22 6.94 7.54 6.71 7.18 6.53 6.89 8 x5 7.59 8.50 7.07 7.72 6.81 7.33 6.60 7.02 9 x5 7.67 8.66 7.12 7.80 6.86 7.41 6.63 7.10 10 x5# 7.75 8.74 7.18 7.88 6.92 7.46 6.68 7.12 11 x6 7.96 8.87 7.33 8.22 7.02 7.77 6.76 7.41 12 x6 8.01 9.18 7.38 8.32 7.07 7.83 6.81 7.46 13 x6 8.06 9.28 7.41 8.35 7.07 7.88 6.81 7.49 14 x7 8.97 10.22 8.27 9.18 7.90 8.63 7.62 8.19 16 x7 9.13 10.43 8.37 9.31 7.98 8.74 7.70 8.29 18 x7 10.11 11.54 9.28 10.32 8.89 9.70 8.55 9.20 20 x7 10.24 11.75 9.39 10.48 8.97 9.83 8.61 9.31 22 x7 10.35 12.04 9.46 10.76 9.05 10.11 8.68 9.59 24 x7 10.56 12.32 9.62 10.97 9.13 10.27 8.74 9.72 ) Steel Elevator Leg with Two- Angle Iron Corners Fig. No. 364 Prices and Dimensions Size of PRICE PER LINEAL FOOT, BOTH LEGS Buckets Inches 12 Gauge 14 Gauge 16 Gauge 18 Gauge 20 Gauge Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. 2 x2 $4.84 $5.20 S4.71 $5.02 $4.60 $4.86 $4.50 $4.71 2^x2K 4.86 5.23 4.73 5.04 4.63 4.89 4.52 4.73 2J5 4.89 5.25 4.76 5.04 4.65 4.91 4.55 4.73 3 x3 4.89 5.36 4.76 5.12 4.65 4.97 4.55 4.78 3Kx3 5.02 5.43 4.86 5.20 4.73 4.99 4.60 4.78 4 x3 5.07 5.51 4.89 5.25 4.76 5.04 4.63 4.84 4^x3^ 5.10 5.56 4.91 5.28 4.78 5.07 4.63 4.86 5 x4 $5.56 $6.01 5.17 5.67 4.97 5.38 4.81 5.12 5Kx4 5.59 6.03 5.20 5.69 4.99 5.41 4.84 5.15 6 x4 5.64 6.11 5.23 5.75 5.02 5.43 4.86 5.17 7 x4# 6.47 7.28 6.01 6.60 5.77 6.24 5.59 5.95 8 x5 6.66 7.57 6.14 6.79 5.88 6.40 5.67 6.08 9 x5 6.73 7.72 6.19 6.86 5.93 6.47 5.69 6.16 10 x5# 6.81 7.80 6.24 6.94 5.98 6.53 5.75 6.19 11 x6 7.02 7.93 6.40 7.28 6.08 6.84 5.82 6.47 12 x6 7.07 8.24 6.45 7.38 6.14 6.89 5.88 6.53 13 x6 7.12 8.35 6.47 7.41 6.14 6.94 5.88 6.55 14 x7 7.96 9.20 7.25 8.16 6.89 7.62 6.60 7.18 16 x7 8.11 9.41 7.36 8.29 6.97 7.72 6.68 7.28 18 x7 9.00 10.43 8.16 9.20 7.77 8.58 7.44 8.09 ' 20 x7 9.13 10.63 8.27 9.36 7.85 8.71 7.49 8.19 22 x7 9.23 10.92 8.35 9.65 7.93 9.00 7.57 8.48 24 x7 9.44 11.21 8.50 9.85 8.01 9.15 7.62 8.61 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 321 Solid Steel Elevator Trunking ) ( ( ) Fig. No. 365 Prices and Dimensions Size of Buckets Inches Size of Pulley Inches 2 x2 2Xx2X 12x 2K 12x 3)4 ly^Yz 12x 3)4 3 x3 12x 3^ 3^x3 12x 4}< 4 x3 12x 42< 2 x2 i4x iy 4 2>x2>^ 14x 3K" 2 2^x2 K 14x 3X 3 x3 14x 3X 3,^x3 14x 4,5^ 4 x3 14x 4^< 4,Kx3K 14x 5X 2Xx2K 16x 3^ 3 x3 16x 3i 3^x3 16x 4X 4 x3 16x 4}< 4>^x3K 16x 5> 5 x4 16x 5^ 5^x4 16x 6> 6 x4 16x 7X 3>^x3 18x 4)4 4 x3 18x 4J< 4/4x3K 18x 5J< 5 x4 18x 5K 5^x4 18x 6X 6 x4 18x 1% 7 x4K 18x 8K 4 x3 20x 4< 4Kx3K 20x 5)4 5 x4 20x 5^ 5^x4 20x 6*4 6 x4 20x 7X 7 x4K 20x 8K 8 x5 20x 9>? 9 x5 20xlOK 10 x5K 20x1 IK 11 x6 20x1 2 K 12 x6 20x13^ 13 x6 20x14^ 5 x4 24x 5^4 5^x4 24x 6X 6 x4 24x 7X PRICE PER LINEAL FOOT 12 Gauge 14 Gauge 16 Gauge 18 Gauge 20 Gauge Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. $3.33 $3.80 $3.17 $3.59 $3.04 $3.38 $2.91 $3.20 3.41 3.90 3.20 3.64 3.07 3.43 2.94 3.22 3.41 3.90 3.20 3.64 3.07 3.43 2.94 3.22 3.43 3.95 3.25 3.67 3.09 3.46 2.94 3.25 3\43 3.98 3.25 3.72 3.12 3.48 2.96 3.28 3.46 4.00 3.28 3.74 3.12 3.51 2.96 3.28 3.43 3.95 3.25 3.67 3.09 3.46 2.94 3.25 3.43 3.98 3.25 3.72 3.12 3.48 2.96 3.28 3.43 3.98 3.25 3.72 3.12 3.48 2.96 3.28 3.51 4.06 3.30 3.80 3.15 3.56 2.99 3.33 3.51 4.06 3.30 3.80 3.15 3.56 2.99 3.33 3.51 4.06 3.30 3.80 3.15 3.56 2.99 3.33 3.59 4.19 3.35 3.90 3.20 3.64 3.04 3.38 3.51 4.06 3.30 3.80 3.15 3.56 2.99 3.33 3.54 4.13 3.33 3.82 3.17 3.59 3.02 3.35 3.56 4.16 3.33 3.85 3.17 3.61 3.02 3.35 3.59 4,19 3.35 3.90 3.20 3.64 3.04 3.38 3.64 4.29 3.41 3.95 3.22 3.69 3.07 3.43 $4" 19 $5"07 3.72 4.39 3.46 4.06 3.28 3.77 4.19 5.10 3.72 4.42 3.48 4.06 3.28 3.77 4.24 5.15 3.74 4.45 3.51 4.11 3.30 3.82 3.61 4.24 3.38 3.93 3.22 3.67 3.04 3.41 3.64 4.29 3.41 3.95 3.22 3.69 3.04 3.43 3.67 4.32 3.43 4.00 3.25 3.72 3.07 3.46 4~24 5~ 15 3.74 4.45 3.51 4.11 3.30 3.82 4.26 5.23 3.77 4.50 3.51 4.13 3.33 3.85 4.32 5.28 3.80 4.55 3.54 4.16 3.33 3.87 4.76 5.77 4.24 5.02 3.95 4.58 3.74 4.29 3.67 4.32 3.43 4.00 3.25 3.72 3.07 3.46 3.74 4.45 3.51 4.11 3.30 3.82 3.09 3.51 4~34 5~33 3.82 4.58 3.56 4.21 3.35 3.90 4.34 5.33 3.82 4.58 3.56 4.21 3.35 3.90 4.39 5.41 3.87 4.65 3.59 4.21 3.38 3.93 4.81 5.88 4.26 5.07 4.00 4.68 3.77 4.34 4.89 5.98 4.32 5.15 4.03 4.76 3.80 4.39 5.10 6.29 4.45 5.38 4.13 4.91 3.90 4.55 5.17 6.40 4.52 5.46 4.19 4.99 3.93 4.60 5.28 6.58 4.60 5.59 4.26 5.10 3.98 4.68 5.30 6.60 4.60 5.62 4.26 5.12 4.00 4.71 5.33 6.66 4.63 5.67 4.29 5.15 4.00 4.73 4.45 5.51 3.90 4.71 3.64 4.32 3.41 3.98- 4.50 5.56 3.93 4.76 3.64 4.34 3.43 4.00 4.52 5.62 3.95 4.78 3.67 4.39 3.43 4.03 322 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Solid Steel Elevator Trunking Continued Prices and Dimensions Size of Buckets Inches Size of Pulley Inches PRICE PER LINEAL FOOT 12 Gauge 14 Gauge 16 Gauge 18 Gauge Black Galvanized Black Galvanizec Black Galvanized Black Galvanized 7x4K 24x 8K $4.97 $6.11 $4.34 $5.25 $4.08 $4.81 $3.85 $4.47 8x5 24x 9K 5.04 6.16 4.42 5.30 4.13 4.86 3.87 4.52 9x5 24xlOK 5.23 6.53 4.58 5.54 4.24 5.07 3.95 4.65 10x5K 24xllK 5.33 6.66 4.63 5.67 4.29 5.15 4.00 4.73 11x6 24xl2K 5.38 6.76 4.68 5.72 4.32 5.20 4.03 4.78 12x6 24xl3K 5.46 6.84 4.71 5.75 4.34 5.25 4.06 4.81 13x6 24xl4K 5.51 6.92 4.76 5.85 4.39 5.30 4.08 4.86 8x5 30x 9K 5.28 6.58 4.60 5.59 4.26 5.10 3.98 4.68 9x5 30xlOK 5.46 6.86 4.73 5.80 4.37 5.28 4.06 4.84 10x5K 30x1 IK 5.56 7.02 4.78 5.90 4.42 5.36 4.11 4.91 11x6 30xl2K 5.62 7.10 4.86 5.98 4.45 5.41 4.13 4.94 12x6 30xl3K 5.67 7.18 4.89 6.03 4.47 5.46 4.16 4.99 13x6 30xl4K 5.72 7.28 4.91 6.11 4.52 5.51 4.19 5.04 9x5 36xlOK 5.69 7.23 4.89 6.06 4.50 5.49 4.16 4.99 10x5K 36xllK 5.80 7.36 4.97 6.16 4.55 5.56 4.21 5.07 11x6 36xl2K 5.85 7.46 4.99 6.24 4.58 5.62 4.24 5.12 12x6 36xl3K 5.90 7.54 5.04 6.29 4.60 5.67 4.26 5.17 13x6 36xl4K 5.95 7.62 5.07 6.37 4.65 5.72 4.29 5.20 14x7 36x17 6.45 8.16 5.54 6.86 5.07 6.19 4.71 5.64 9x5 42xlOK 5.93 7.57 5.04 6.32 4.63 5.69 4.26 5.17 10x5K 42xllK 6.01 7.72 5.12 6.42 4.68 5.77 4.32 5.25 11x6 42xl2K 6.08 7.80 5.17 6.50 4.71 5.82 4.34 5.28 12x6 42xl3K 6.14 7.88 5.20 6.55 4.73 5.88 4.37 5.33 13x6 42xl4K 6.19 7.98 5.25 6.60 4.78 5.93 4.39 5.38 14x7 42x17 6.66 8.53 5.69 7.12 5.20 6.42 4.81 5.82 16x7 42x19 6.71 8.68 5.75 7.25 5.23 6.53 4.86 5.90 9x5 48xlOK 6.14 7.98 5.23 6.58 4.76 5.90 4.37 5.36 lOxSK 48x1 IK 6.24 8.06 5.28 6.68 4.81 5.98 4.42 5.41 11x6 48xl2K 6.29 8.16 5.33 6.76 4.84 6.06 4.45 5.46 12x6 48xl3K 6.32 8.24 5.38 6.81 4.86 6.11 4.47 5.51 13x6 48xl4K 6.34 8.32 5.38 6.84 4.91 6.14 4.50 5.54 14x7 48x17 6.89 8.87 5.85 7.36 5.33 6.63 4.91 6.01 16x7 48x19 6.99 9.05 5.90 7.49 5.38 6.73 4.97 6.08 18x7 48x21 7.44 9.52 6.34 7.96 5.82 7.18 5.38 6.53 9x5 54xlOK 6.34 8.27 5.38 6.84 4.89 6.11 4.50 5.51 10x5X 54x1 IK 6.47 8.42 5.41 6.94 4.94 6.21 4.52 5.59 11x6 54xl2K 6.53 8.50 5.49 6.99 4.97 6.27 4.55 5.64 12x6 54xl3K 6.58 8.58 5.51 7.07 4.99 6.32 4.58 5.67 13x6 54xl4K 6.63 8.68 5.54 7.12 5.02 6.37 4.60 5.72 14x7 54x17 7.10 9.23 6.01 7.62 5.46 6.84 5.02 6.16 16x7 54x19 7.20 9.39 6.08 7.75 5.49 6.94 5.07 6.27 18x7 54x21 7.64 9.88 6.55 8.22 5.93 7.38 5.49 6.68 20x7 54x23 7.75 9.96 6.58 8.27 5.98 7.44 5.51 6.73 12x6 60xl3K 6.73 8.87 5.64 7.25 5.10 6.47 4.65 5.80 13x6 60xl4K 6.84 8.97 5.69 7.36 5.12 6.53 4.71 5.85 14x7 60x17 7.36 9.57 6.19 7.88 5.59 7.07 5.12 6.34 16x7 60x19 7.41 9.70 6.24 7.98 5.64 7.12 5.15 6.40 18x7 60x21 7.90 10.19 6.68 8.45 6.01 7.57 5.59 6.84 20x7 60x23 7.96 10.32 6.71 8.53 6.14 7.64 5.62 6.89 22x7 60x25 8.01 10.43 6.76 8.61 6.14 7.72 5.67 6.97 16x7 72x19 7.72 10.40 6.53 8.48 5.90 7.54 5.38 6.73 20x7 72x23 8.37 11.02 7.07 9.05 6.34 8.06 5.82 7.25 24x7 72x27 8.40 11.26 7.12 9.23 6.45 8.22 5.88 7.36 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 323 The Monarch Wood Elevator Heads Figure 366 illustrates our Standard Type Wood Elevator Head with iron connections. In ordering refer to figure number. Fig. No. 366 Figure 367 shows our Standard Type Wood Ele- vator Head with stubs for splicing wood trunking. Refer to figure number in ordering. Fig. No. 367 Figure 368 illustrates Standard Wood Elevator Heads equipped with back gears to reduce the speed of elevator when the speed of countershaft is too great. Fig. No. 368 324 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Wood Elevator Boots Fig. No. 369 Standard Wood Elevator Boot with Stubs for Attaching Trunking and Hard-Wood Bearings Fig. No. 370 Standard Wood Elevator Boot with Iron Cleats for Attaching Trunking and Hard-Wood Bearings Fig. No. 371 Standard Wood Elevator Boot with Light Adjustable Take-up Bearings for Tightening Belt Fig. No. 372 Standard Wood Elevator Boot with Heavy Adjustable Take-up Bearings for Tightening Belt Sprout, Waldron fr Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 325 Wood Elevator Heads Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. Size oi Buckets Inches Width of Belt Inches Exact Size of Pulley Inches Rev. per Minute Belt Speed in Feet Per Minute Capacity Bushels Per Hour Price Without Pulley Price Cast Iron Pulley 1202 2 x2 2X 12x 23^ 56 170 10 $4.75 $3.60 1202^ 2^x2^ 3 12x 3J< 56 170 20 5.00 3.60 1202^ 23/ 4 x2y 2 3 12x 3^4 56 170 24 5.10 3.60 1203 3 x3 3^ 12x 3K 56 170 32 5.30 4.05 1203# 3^x3 4 12x 4K 56 170 36 5.50 4.05 1204 4 x3 4X 12x 4J< 56 170 42 5.75 4.55 1402 2 x2 2^ 14x 2K 50 180 11 5.00 4.05 1402,^ 2^x2>< 3 14x 3^ 50 180 22 5.20 4.05 1402^ 2^x2K 3 14x 3X 50 180 27 5.30 4.05 1403 3 x3 3K 14x 3%" 50 180 36 5.50 4.65 1403^ 3^x3 4 14x 4X 50 180 41 5.75 4.65 1404 4 x3 4K 14x 4K 50 180 47 6.00 5.10 1404^ 4^x3^ 5 14x 5J4 50 180 75 6.25 5.10 160224 2^x2X 3 16x 3X 48 . 200 34 5.50 4.65 1603 3 x3 3K 16x 3K 48 200 45 5.80 5.20 1603K 3^x3 4 16x 4X 48 200 52 6.05 5.20 1604 4 x3 4^ 16x 4^< 48 200 59 6.25 5.80 1604^ 4Kx3^ 5 16x 5K 48 200 94 6.55 5.80 1605 5 x4 5K 16x 5^< 48 200 129 6.80 6.50 1605K 5^x4 6 16x 6J4 48 200 142 7.00 6.50 1606 6 x4 7 16x 7X 48 200 157 7.25 7.30 1803>4 3^x3 4 18x 4>< 44 207 54 6.30 5.35 1804 4 x3 4K 18x 4^: 44 207 61 6.50 6.60 1804X 4^x3^ 5 18x 5X 44 207 97 6.80 6.60 1805 5 x4 5K isx SK 44 207 134 7.05 7.40 1805^ 5^x4 6 18x 6>< 44 207 148 7.25 7.40 1806 6 x4 7 18x 7>< 44 207 162 7.35 8.30 1807 7 x4K 8 18x 8K 44 207 278 7.75 10.40 2004 4 x3 4^ 20x 4K 42 220 65 6.75 7.55 2004X 4^x3^ 5 20x 5J4 42 220 103 7.00 7.55 2005 5 x4 5K 20x SK 42 220 142 7.30 8.50 2005 K 5Kx4 6 20x 6X 42 220 157 7.50 8.50 2006 6 x4 7 20x 7X 42 220 172 7.60 9.45 2007 7 x4K 8 20x 8K 42 220 295 8.00 11.55 2008 8 x5 9 20x 9 1 A 42 220 417 8.25 12.70 2009 9 x5 10 20x10^ 42 220 476 8.50 15.60 2010 10 x5K 11 20x11^ 42 220 639 8.75 16.85 2011 11 x6 12 20xl2>^ 42 220 796 9.05 18.15 2012 12 x6 13 20x13^ 42 220 873 9.30 19.45 2013 13 x6 14 20x14^ 42 220 933 9.50 20.80 2405 5 x4 5K 24x 5^< 38 238 154 7.80 10.50 2405^ 5Kx4 6 24x 6X 38 238 170 8.00 10.50 2406 6 x4 7 24x 1% 28 238 187 8.10 11.65 2407 7 x4^ 8 24x 8^ 38 238 320 8.50 14.00 2408 8 x5 9 24x 9K 38 238 452 8.75 15.20 2409 9 x5 10 24xlOK 38 238 516 9.00 19.30 2410 10 x5K 11 24x1 IK 38 238 692 9.25 20.85 326 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Wood Elevator Heads Continued Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. Size of Buckets Inches Width of Belt Inches Exact Size of Pulley Inches Rev. per Minute Belt Speed in Feet Per Minute Capacity Bushels Per Hour Price Without Pulley Price Cast Iron Pulley 2411 11 x6 12 24xl2K 38 238 862 $ 9.55 $22.40 2412 12 x6 13 24xl3K 38 238 945 9.80 24.00 2413 13 x6 14 24xl4K 38 238 1010 10.00 25.60 3008 8 x5 9 30x 9K 38 314 662 19.00 20.35 3009 9 x5 10 30xlOK 38 314 737 19.40 22.00 3010 10 x5K 11 30x1 IK . 38 314 912 19.80 27.85 3011 11 x6 12 30x1 2 # 38 314 1137 20.30 29.85 3012 12 x6 13 30xl3K 38 314 1238 20.70 31.90 3013 13 x6 14 30xl4K 38 314 1340 21.10 33.95 3609 9 x5 10 36xlOK 38 358 851 24.50 28.30 3610 10 x5K 11 36x1 IK 38 358 1039 24.95 30.45 3611 11 x6 12 36xl2K 38 358 1296 25.50 38.15 3612 12 x6 13 36x1 3 % 38 358 1411 25.95 40.70 3613 13 x6 14 36xl4K 38 358 1781 26.40 43.25 3614 14 x7 16 36x17 38 358 1922 27.40 48.45 4209 9 x5 10 42xlOK 36 395 935 29.40 34.65 4210 10 x5K 11 42x1 1^ 36 395 1133 29.90 37.10 4211 11 x6 12 42xl2K 36 395 1412 30.55 46.60 4212 12 x6 13 42xl3K 36 395 1540 31.05 49.50 4213 13 x6 14 42xl4K 36 395 1669 31.55 52.45 4214 14 x7 16 42x17 36 395 2094 32.70 58.35 4216 16 x7 18 42x19 36 395 2280 33.70 64.35 4809 9 x5 10 48xlOK 34 427 1007 42.40 41.60 4810 10 x5K 11 48x1 IK 34 427 1212 43.05 43.90 4811 11 x6 12 48x1 2 K 34 427 1502 43.90 56.55 4812 12 x6 13 48xl3K 34 427 1647 44.55 60.00 4813 13 x6 14 48xl4K 34 427 1786 45.20 63.50 4814 14 x7 16 48x17 34 427 2241 46.70 70.55 4816 16 x7 18 48x19 34 427 2564 48.00 77.70 4818 18 x7 20 48x21 34 427 2735 49.30 84.95 5409 9 x5 10 54xlOK 32 466 1068 48.75 59.65 5410 10 x5K 11 54x1 IK 32 466 1303 49.45 63.75 5411 11 x6 12 54xl2K 32 466 1624 50.40 67.85 5412 12 x6 13 54xl3K 32 466 1770 51.10 72.00 5413 13 x6 14 54xl4K 32 466 1919 51.80 76.15 5414 14 x7 16 54x17 32 466 2408 53.45 84.55 5416 16 x7 18 54x19 32 466 2752 54.85 93.05 5418 18 x7 20 54x21 32 466 3100 56.25 101.65 5420 20 x7 22 54x23 32 466 3446 57.65 110.35 6012 12 x6 13 60xl3K 32 502 2030 55.00 85.15 6013 13 x6 14 60xl4K 32 502 2200 55.75 90.05 6014 14 x7 16 60x17 32 502 2760 57.50 100.00 6016 16 x7 18 60x19 32 502 3155 59.00 110.10 6018 18 x7 20 60x21 32 502 3555 60.50 120.35 6020 20 x7 22 60x23 32 502 3951 62.00 130.75 6022 22 x7 24 60x25 32 502 4241 63.50 143.00 7216 7220 16 x7 20 x7 18 22 72x19 72x23 30 30 565 565 3540 4429 106.10 110.10 139.10 165.15 7224 24 x7 26 72x27 30 565 5323 114.10 178.75 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 327 Wood Elevator Boots and Elevators Complete Prices for complete Elevators are based on using one .Wood Elevator Head; one Wood Elevator Boot, Fig. No. 369; one Cast Iron Head Pulley; one Cast Iron Boot Pulley, with Mandrel; Belting, 6 inches and less, 3-ply Cotton; 7 to 10 inches inclusive, 4-ply Cotton; 11 to 14 inches inclusive, 4-ply Rubber; 16 inches and above, 5-ply Rubber; Salem Steel Buckets, Elevator Bolts and Poplar Elevator Trunking. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. Exact Size of Pulley Inches Price Cast Iron Pulley Elevator Boots Without Pulleys Elevators Complete Without Trunking Elevators Complete With Trunking Figure No. 369 Figure No. 370 Figure No. 371 Figure No. 372 10 Feet Center to Center Each Foot Additional 10 Feet Center to Center Each Foot Addit'l 02 12x 2^ $3.60 $4.75 $6.25 $7.25 $7.95 $25.66 $0.40 $31.36 $0.98 02 % 12x 3)4 3.60 5.00 6.50 7.50 8.20 26.80 .42 32.80 1.02 02 ?4 12x 3)4 3.60 5.10 6.60 7.60 8.30 27.12 .42 33.42 1.06 03 12x 3K 4.05 5.30 6.80 7.80 8.50 28.82 .46 35.42 1.12 03 # 12x 4K 4.05 5.50 7.00 8.00 8.70 29.80 .48 36.70 1.18 04 12x 4K 4.55 5.75 7.25 8.25 8.95 32.02 .56 39.22 1.28 02 14x 2K 4.05 5.00 6.50 7.50 9.00 27.18 .40 32.88 .98 02K 14x Z% 4.05 5.20 6.70 7.70 9.20 28.18 .42 34.18 1.02 02 X 14x 3X 4.05 5.30 6.80 7.80 9.30 28.50 .42 34.80 1.06 03 14x 3*4 4.65 5.50 7.00 8.00 9.50 30.44 .46 37.04 1.12 03 % 14x 4X 4.65 5.75 7.25 8.25 9.75 31.54 .48 38.44 1.18 04 14x 4J< 5.10 6.00 7.50 8.50 10.00 33.74 .56 40.94 1.28 04^ 14x 5)4 5.10 6.25 7.75 8.75 10.25 35.20 .62 43.00 1.40 02K 16x 3X 4.65 5.50 7.00 8.00 9.50 30.24 .42 36.54 1.06 03 16x 334 5.20 5.80 7.30 8.30 9.80 32.40 .46 39.00 1.12 03 % 16x 4)4 5.20 6.05 7.55 8.55 10.05 33.54 .48 40.44 1.18 04 16x 4K 5.80 6.25 7.75 8.75 10.25 35.84 .56 43.04 1.28 04K 16x 5K 5.80 6.55 8.05 9.05 10.55 37.46 .62 45.26 1.40 05 16x 5J< 6.50 6.80 8.30 9.30 10.80 40.08 .70 48.48 1.54 05^ 16x 6>4 6.50 7.00 8.50 9.50 11.00 41.24 .74 49.94 1.62 06 16x 7K 7.30 7.25 8.75 9.75 11.25 46.02 .96 55.32 1.90 03^ 18x 4)4 5.35 6.30 7.80 8.80 10.30 34.62 .48 41.52 1.18 04 18x 4X 6.60 6.50 8.00 9.00 10.50 37.96 .56 45.16 1.28 04^ 18x 5>< 6.60 6.80 8.30 9.30 10.80 39.58 .62 47.38 1.40 05 18x 5K 7.40 7.05 8.55 9.55 11.05 42.36 .70 50.76 1.54 05^ 18x 6X 7.40 7.25 8.75 9.75 11.25 43.54 ' .74 52.24 1.62 06 18x 7)4 8.30 7.35 8.85 9.85 11.35 48.06 .96 57.36 1.90 07 18x 8> 10.40 7.75 9.25 10.25 11.75 54.74 1.18 67.34 2.44 04 20x 4^ 7.55 6.75 8.25 9.25 10.75 40.28 .56 47.48 1.28 04^ 20x 5)4 7.55 7.00 8.50 9.50 11.00 41.78 .62 49.58 1.40 05 20x 5# 8.50 7.30 8.80 9.80 11.30 44.98 .70 53.38 1.54 05^ 20x 6)4 8.50 7.50 9.00 10.00 11.50 46.16 .74 54.86 1.62 06 20x 7^< 9.45 7.60 9.10 10.10 11.60 50.80 .96 60.10 1.90 07 20x 8K 11.55 8.00 9.50 10.50 12.00 57.70 1.18 70.30 2.44 08 20x 9)4 12.70 8.25 9.75 10.75 12.25 63.00 1.38 76.80 2.76 09 20x10^ 15.60 8.50 10.00 16.50 69.90 1.52 91.20 3.66 10 20xll>^ 16.85 8.75 10.25 16.75 88.88 2.84 111.82 5.14 11 20x12*4 18.15 9.05 10.55 17.05 96.08 3.22 120.38 5.66 12 20xl3> 19.45 9.30 11.30 17.30 102.52 3.54 127.42 6.04 13 20xl4J^ 20.80 9.50 11.50 17.50 109.90 3.96 135.56 6.52 328 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Wood Elevator Boots and Elevators Complete Continued Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. Exact Size of Pulley Inches Price Cast Iron Pulley Elevator Boots without Pulleys Elevators Complete without Trunking Elevators Complete with Trunking Figure No. 369 Figure No. 370 Figure No. 371 Figure No. 372 10 Feet Center to Center Each Foot Addit'l 10 Feet Center to Center Each Foot Addit'l 2405 2405K 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 4209 4210 4211 4212 4213 4214 4216 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4816 4818 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5416 5418 5420 6012 6013 6014 6016 6018 6020 6022 7216 7220 7224 24x 5^ 24x 6X 24x T% 24x 8K 24x 9K 24xlOK 24x1 IK 24xl2K 24xl3K 24xl4K 30x 9K 30xlOK 30x1 IK 30xl2K 30xl3K 30xl4K 36xlOK 36x1 IK 36x1 2 K 36xl3K 36xl4K 36x17 42xlOK 42xllK 42xl2K 42xl3K 42xl4K 42x17 42x19 48xlOK 48x1 IK 48xl2K 48xl3K 48xl4K 48x17 48x19 48x21 54xlOK 54x1 IK 54x1 2 K 54xl3K 54xl4X 54x17 54x19 54x21 54x23 60xl3K 60xl4K 60x17 60x19 60x21 60x23 60x25 72x19 72x23 72x27 $ 10.50 10.50 11.65 14.00 15.20 19.30 20.85 22.40 24.00 25.60 20.35 22.00 27.85 29.85 31.90 33.95 28.30 30.45 38.15 40.70 43.25 48.45 34.65 37.10 46.60 49.50 52.45 58.35 64.35 41.60 43.90 56.55 60.00 63.50 70.55 77.70 84.95 59.65 63.75 67.85 72.00 76.15 84.55 93.05 101.65 110.35 85.15 90.05 100.00 110.10 120.35 130.75 143.00 139.10 165.15 178.75 $ 7.80 8.00 8.10 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.55 9.80 10.00 19.00 19.40 19.80 20.30 20.70 21.10 24.50 24.95 25.50 25.95 26.40 27.40 29.40 29.90 30.55 31.05 31.55 32.70 33.70 42.40 43.05 43.90 44.55 45.20 46.70 48.00 49.30 48.75 49.45 50.40 51.10 51.80 53.45 54.85 56.25 57.65 55.00 55.75 57.50 59.00 60.50 62.00 63.50 106.10 110.10 114.10 $ 9.30 9.50 9.60 10.00 10.25 10.50 10.75 11.55 11.80 12.00 23.00 23.40 23.80 24.30 24.70 25.10 29.50 29.95 30.50 30.95 31.40 32.40 35.40 35.90 36.55 37.05 37.55 38.70 39.70 50.40 51.05 51.90 52.55 53.20 54.70 56.00 57.30 58.75 59.45 60.40 61.10 61.80 63.45 64.85 66.25 67.65 $ 10.30 10.50 10.60 11.00 11.25 $ 11.80 12.00 12.10 12.50 12.75 17.00 17.25 17.55 17.80 18.00 27.00 27.40 27.80 28.30 28.70 29.10 32.50 32.95 33.50 33.95 34.40 35.40 39.40 39.90 40.55 41.05 41.55 42.70 43.70 52.40 53.05 53.90 54.55 55.20 56.70 58.00 59.30 58.75 59.45 60.40 61.10 61.80 63.45 64.85 66.25 67.65 67.00 67.75 69.50 71.00 72.50 74.00 75.50 118.10 122.10 126.10 $ 50.04 51.26 56.40 63.80 69.26 78.16 98.38 106.16 113.24 121.24 109.16 114.66 143.18 152.56 161.00 170.60 141.04 164.74 183.60 193.18 204.00 234.56 166.86 192.18 214.42 224.96 236.80 269.94 296.02 218.26 245.00 273.28 285.36 298.94 336.08 365.82 391.72 267.26 298.00 313.12 326.74 341.76 382.54 415.38 444.20 476.10 362.14 378.80 423.50 459.88 492.18 527.74 569.80 656.10 737.72 806.76 $ .70 .74 .96 1.18 1.38 1.52 2.84 3.22 3.54 3.96 1.38 1.52 2.84 3.22 3.54 3.96 1.52 2.84 3.22 3.54 3.96 5.30 1.52 2.84 3.22 3.54 3.96 5.30 6.28 1.52 2.84 3.22 3.54 3.96 5.30 6.28 6.94 1.52 2.84 3.22 3.54 3.96 5.30 6.28 6.94 7.82 3.54 3.96 5.30 6.28 6.94 7.82 8.94 6.28 7.82 9.84 $ 58.44 59.96 65.70 76.40 83.06 99.46 121.32 130.46 138.14 146.90 122.96 135.96 166.12 176.86 185.90 196.26 162.34 187.68 207.90 218.08 229.66 262.76 118.16 215.12 238.72 249.86 262.46 298.14 325.72 239.56 267.94 297.58 310.26 324.60 364.28 395.52 422.78 288.56 320.94 337.42 351.64 367.40 410.74 445.08 475.24 508.64 387.04 404.44 451.70 489.58 523.22 560.28 603.70 685.80 770.26 842.16 $1.54 1.62 1.90 2.44 2.76 3.66 5.14 5.66 6.04 6.52 2.76 3.66 5.14 5.66 6.04 6.52 3.66 5.14 5.66 6.04 6.52 8.12 3.66 5.14 5.66 6.04 6.52 8.12 9.26 3.66 5.14 5.66 6.04 6.52 8.12 9.26 10.04 3.66 5.14 5.74 6.04 6.52 8.12 9.26 10.06 11.10 6.04 6.52 8.12 9.26 10.06 11.10 12.34 9:26 11.10 13.38 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Penmyhania, U. S. A. 329 Steel Elevator Boots and Heads Dust Tight Fig. No. 373 Heads and Boots are made for wood or steel legging, iron pulley. Heads without pulley. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Fig. No. 374 Each boot is fitted with take-ups, mandrel and cast No. Size of Buckets Inches Width of Belt Inches Exact Size of Pulley Inches PRICE, EACH Boot With Pulley Head Without Pulley Black Galvanized Black Galvanized 2004 4 x 3 4J4 20 x 4J< $24.25 $26.25 $24.30 $26.70 200454 4}4 x 354 5 20 x 5% 25.30 27.40 25.20 27.70 2005 5 x 4 554 20 x 5K 26.50 28.70 26.10 28.70 2005 X 5J4 x 4 6 20 x 6% 27.40 29.70 27.00 29.70 2006 6 x 4 7 20 x 7J< 28.20 30.50 27.40 30.10 2007 7 x 454 8 20 x 854 30.00 32.40 28.80 31.60 2008 8 x 5 9 20 x 954 31.35 33.90 29.70 32.70 2009 9 x 5 10 20 x 1054 32.70 35.20 30.60 33.60 2010 10 x 554 11 20x 1154 34.05 36.70 ' 31.50 34.65 2011 11 x 6 12 20 x 1254 35.65 38.50 32.55 35.80 2012 1 12 x 6 13 20 x 1354 37.00 39.80 33.50 36.85 2013 13 x 6 14 20 x 14}? 38.20 41.00 34.20 37.60 2405 5 x 4 5% 24 x 5# 28.90 31.30 28.10 30.90 2405 % 554 x 4 6 24 x 654 30.00 32.40 28.80 31.60 2406 6 x 4 7 24 x 7X 31.00 33.50 29.15 32.10 2407 7 x 454 8 24 x 854 32.90 35.50 30.60 33.60 2408 8 x 5 9 24 x 954 34.50 37.10 31.50 34.65 2409 9 x 5 10 24 x 1054 35.90 38.60 32.40 35.65 2410 10 x 554 11 24x \\% 37.50 40.20 33.30 36.60 2411 11 x 6 12 24 x 12J4 39.00 41.90 34.40 37.80 2412 12 x 6 13 24 x 13 X 40.60 43.60 35.40 38.90 2413 13 x 6 14 24 x 1454 42.00 45.00 36.00 39.60 Large Steel Elevator Heads Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. Size of Buckets Inches Width of Belt Inches Exact Size of Pulley Inches PRICE WITHOUT PULLEY No. Size of Buckets Inches Width of Belt Inches Exact Size of Pulley Inches PRICE WITHOUT PULLEY Black Ga1v. Black Galv. 4809 9x5 10 48x1054 $106.00 $112.35 6012 12x6 13 60x1354 $137.50 $145.25 4810 10x5 54 11 48x1 IK 107.65 114.10 6013 13x6 14 60x1454 139.40 147.75 4811 11x6 12 48x1254 109.75 116.35 6014 14x7 16 60x17 143.75 152.40 4812 12x6 13 48x1354 111.40 118.30 6016 16x7 18 60x19 147.50 156.35 4813 13x6 14 48x1454 113.00 119.80 6018 18x7 20 60x21 151.25 160.30 4814 14x7 16 48x17 116.75 123.75 6020 20x7 22 60x23 ! 155.00 164.30 4816 16x7 18 48x19 120.00 127.20 6022 22x7 24 60x25 158.75 168.30 4818 18x7 20 48x21 122.90 130.30 7213 13x6 14 72x1454 255.00 270.00 5409 9x5 10 54x10 tf 121.90 129.25 7214 14x7 16 72x17 260.00 275.00 5410 10x554 11 54x11-4 123.60 131.00 7216 16x7 18 72x19 265.00 280.00 5411 11x6 12 54x1254 126.10 133.65 7218 18x7 20 72x21 270.00 285.00 5412 12x6 13 54x1354 127.75 J35.40 7220 20x7 22 72x23 275.00 290.00 5413 13x6 14 54x1454 129.50 137.30 7222 22x7 24 72x25 280.00 295.00 5414 14x7 16 54x17 133.60 141.60 7224 24x7 26 72x27 285.00 300.00 5416 16x7 18 54x19 137.10 145.35 5418 18x7 20 54x21 140.60 149.00 5420 20x7 22 54x23 144.10 152.75 330 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Cast Iron Adjustable Elevator Boot Fig. No. 375 Fig. No. 376 Price List For Wood Trunking For Steel Trunking No. of Boot Size of Pulley Inches Size of Bucket Inches Diam. of Shaft Inches Price, Each No. of Boot Size of Pulley Inches Size of Bucket Inches Diam. of Shaft Inches Price, Each A- 43 14 x 44 4x3 H $ 32.00 A 143 14 x 4| 4 x3 H $ 34.00 A- 43| 14 x 5 4|x3| H 33.00 A-143i 14 x 5 4|x34 U 35.00 B- 54 14 x Si 5 x4 H 35.00 B-154 14 x 5| 5 x4 li 37.00 B- 64 14 x 6| 6 x4 H 40.00 B-164 14 x 64 6 x4 H 42.00 B- 74| 14 x 8J 7 x4i II 45.00 B-174i 14 x 8^ 7 x4| H 47.00 C- 85 16 x 94 8 x5 1M 48.00 C- 185 16 x 94 8 x5 i| 51.50 D- 95 16 x 10| 9 x5 I| 50.00 D- 195 16 x 10i 9 x5 iM 53.50 D-1054 16x114 10 x5i 11 52.00 D 11054 16xlli 10 x54 11 55.50 E-116 18 x 12i 11 x6 Hi 60.00 E-1116 18x124 11 x6 4 64.00 . E-126 18 x 13i 12 x 6 in 62.00 E-1126 18 x 13i 12 x 6 ii 66.00 E-136 18 x 1 4 .1 13 x 6 il 64.00 E-1136 18 x 14| 13 x 6 is 68.00 F-147 20x17 14 x 7 *}2. 73.00 F-1147 20x17 14 x 7 H 77.00 *F-147i 20x17 14 x7i 21 75.00 F-1147i 20x17 14 x7i 21 80.00 F-167 20x19 16 x 7 2ft 90.00 F-1167 20x19 16 x 7 24 95.00 F-187 20x21 18 x 7 O 3 92.00 F 1187 20x21 18 x 7 2S 97.00 F-207 20x23 20 x 7 2 98.00 F-1207 20x23 20 x 7 21 103.00 G-187 24x21 18 x 7 2fi 100.00 G 1187 24x21 18 x 7 2| 105.00 G-207 24x23 20 x 7 2| 104 00 G-1207 24x23 20 x 7 2ft 109.00 G-227 24x25 22 x 7 2* 110.00 G-1227 24x25 22 x 7 2ft 115.00 G-247 24x27 24 x 7 2* 120.00 G 1247 24x27 24 x 7 2ft 125.00 *This size for ear corn. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 331 All Metal Elevators We here illustrate our All-Metal Elevators with- out legging. While the illustrations show sprockets and chains, if desired will furnish belting and pulleys instead. Prices will be quoted on application. When asking for prices give extreme height, size of cups and figure number. Fig. No. 377 Fig. No. 378 All-Metal Elevators Without Legging Illustration showing All-Metal Elevators with single and double legging. Prices for complete elevator quoted on application. We are in position to furnish promptly all-steel heads and either cast iron or steel boots and any gage of metal legging. Fig. No. 379 Fig. No. 380 All-Metal Elevators With Legging 332 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Elevator Doors Plain Paneled Glass Fig. No. 381 Fig. No. 382 Fig. No. 383 Price Each Size, Inches Plain Paneled Glass Panel SK to iy 2 8 to 9K 10K to \2% 13^ to 15*4 $0.70 .80 .90 1.00 $1.25 1.35 1.55 1.70 $1.35 1.55 1.75 2.00 Hand Hole Covers Fig. No. 384 Pear-Shaped Swing Cover Fig. No. 385 Round Cover With Porcelain Knob Price List 3 inches diameter, each $0.10 zy 2 " " " .11 4 " " " . .12 4K " " " --- .13 5 " .14 5K " " " .15 6 " " " _ .16 Price List inches diameter, per dozen $1.20 " " " " 1.40 " " " " 1-60 " " " " 1.80 " " " " . 2.'00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 333 Spouting Windows Fig. No. 386 Spouting Window Used at the bottom of spouts to enable the miller to see the stock as it passes through. The opening in the board is covered with glass. Price List Window Window For Use Price For Use Price With Spouting Number Each With Spouting Number Each 1 $0.85 4 $1.00 2 .90 5 1.10 3 .95 Double Spout Valves Generally used on the top of Roller Mills for dividing the stream and spreading it to both sides of the machine. Price List Double Valve Double Valve For Use Price For Use Price With Spouting Each With Spouting Each Number Number 1 $6.00 4 $6.70 2 6.20 5 7.00 3 6.40 Fig. No. 388 Valve for Dividing Stream Fig. No. 387 Valve for Top of Roller Mill Single Spout Valves Used in any part of a mill for dividing a stream. Price List Single Valve For Use With Price Single Valve For Use With Price Spouting Number Each Spouting Number Each 1 $3.00 4 $3.35 2 3.10 5 3.50 3 3.20 Used for letting stock into spouting. Price List For Spouting Number Price Each For Spouting Number Price Each 1 $1.40 4 $1.70 2 1.50 5 1.85 3 1.60 Fig. No. 389 Pocket 334 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Elevator Boot Take-Up Boxes Heavy and Light Patterns Fig. No. 395 Elevator Boot Take-Up Box Heavy Pattern Price List Fig. No. 395-A Elevator Boot Take-Up Box Light Pattern Price List Diameter of Shaft Inches Number of Inches Adjustment Price 1ft Iff 8 12 12 $ 8.00 10.00 11.00 2iV 12 12.00 2yk 20 15.00 2ii 24 18.00 Diameter of Shaft Inches Price 1ft 1}| $4.00 5.00 5.50 2 A 6.00 2yk 7.50 2fi 9.00 Elevator Boot Bearings Fig. No. 396 Plain Bearing Price List Diameter of Shaft, Inches Price, Each H $0.75 IT .80 1 A .85 1 IT .90 1H 1.00 ill 1.20 Fig. No. 397 Adjustable Bearing Price List Diameter of Shaft, Inches Price, Each 11 16 $1.50 |4 1.60 1ft 1.70 1ft 1.80 ill 2.00 Of 2.40 Elevator Boot Mandrels Fig. No. 398 For Elevator Boot Pulleys, 8^ inches wide and less, each $2.00 For Elevator Boot Pulleys, 14>^ inches wide and less, each.. _ 2.50 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 335 Internal Spur Gears for Elevators The gears listed below are standard patterns and are carried in stock. Internal spur gears are used to reduce the speed or back gear the elevator line shaft when it is desired to run the elevator countershaft in the same direction. At the bottom of this page we also list standard spur gears for use in connection with elevators. Prices will be furnished on application for drop hangers and post hangers with double bearings to suit the gears listed on this page. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Fig. No. 399 No. of Teeth Price Pitch Inches Face Inches Pitch Diameter Inches Proportion 1 to 75 25 $28.00 8.00 IX IK 2X 2X 30 9X 3.00 75 18 28.00 4.40 IX IX 2X 2X 30 7X 4.16 75 14 28.00 4.00 IX IX 2X 2X 30 5X 5.35 75 11 28.00 3.00 IX IX 2X 2X 30 4^ 6.81 89 30 32.00 9.00 IX IX 3X 3X 35X 11X 2.96 89 25 32.00 8.50 IX IX 3X 3X 35X 9X 3.56 89 19 32.00 6.00 IX IX 3X 3X 35X 7X 4.68 Standard Spur Gears for Elevators Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Fig. No. 400 Pattern No. Price No. of Teeth Pitch Diameter Inches Width of Face Inches Pitch Inches 4314 $1.00 13 2A X M 4296 3.00 85 16X X H 4305 1.50 15 3H IX X 4301 2.00 19 4^ IX X 4303 2.50 25 6* IX X 4281 6.00 77 18^ IX 'X 4294 2.75 11 4# 2X IX 4293 3.00 14 5*/8 2X IX 4288 3.50 18 73/S 2X IX 4277 9.00 55 22& 2X IX 4289 3.50 19 7X 3 IX 4287 4.50 25 10)4 3 IX 4278 16.00 75 30^ 3 IX 336 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Standard Chain Drag Our Standard Chain Drag can be used either hori- zontally or at any incline desired, not exceeding 45 degrees. The heavy steel flights are attached to No. 55 chain on each side and run so close to the edge of the box that material of almost any size can be handled without leakage. This conveyor can be arranged for driving from either end, but unless otherwise specified will be furnished to drive from the head shaft as shown above. Head shaft should run at from 75 to 100 revolutions per minute. Fig. No. 401 Price List Twelve feet of Standard Drag complete with box 13 inches wide inside, head shaft extended 6 inches on each side, not including sprocket or pulley Each additional foot.. .$50.00 3.00 Special Chain Drags, Elevators, Etc. On receipt of specifications we are prepared to supply special Feeders, Drags and Conveyors of any capacity and for handling any kind of material. The Monarch Drag Elevator with Two Sacking Spouts This Elevator is designed for use with feed grinders of all kinds. It is made of poplar lumber put together with screws and has wood cleats attached to cotton belt. Price . $25.00 Fig. No. 402 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 337 Sacking Elevator This Elevator is designed for use with feed grinders of all kinds. It is made of poplar lumber put together with screws and is equipped with steel cups attached to cotton belt. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Size of Cup Inches Price Height Over all Distance From Floor to Bottom of Spouts Speed of Head Pulley R.P.M. 2^x2 $30.00 7'0" 3' 2" 70 3 x3 35.00 7' 2" 3' 2" 65 3^x3 40.00 7' 2" 3' 2" 60 Fig. No. 403 The Monarch Elevator and Two-Sack Bagger This Elevator is designed for use with our Vertical Burr Mills, is made of standard elevator construction and is driven the proper direction so that the discharge of mill will not choke the elevator. When ordering state size of mill it is to be connected to. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Center Size No. Price Size of Cups Inches to Center of Cups Width of Belt In. Size of Pulleys Inches Speed R.P.M. Cap. in Bu. per Hr. Out- side Length Height Over all In. 1 $35.00 4 x3# 12 4^ 14x4 K 50 65 2' 11" 8'tf" 2 40.00 4Kx3>4 12 5 14x5 50 100 3' 0" 8'1" 3 45.00 5Kx4 12 6 14x6 48 175 3' 2" 8'1" Fig. No. 404 338 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Elevator and Bagger Convenient for elevating and bagging feed. The cut shows places for four bags. The time-saving qualities of the device will strongly appeal to you. Fig. No. 405 Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Center Distance No. PRICE COMPLETE SIZE OF CUPS to Center of Cups Inches Width of Belt Inches Size of Pulleys Inches Rev. per Minute Capacity in Bu. Outside Length Center of Head to Center of Boot Feet Height Over all of Elevator Belt Gear Width Pro- jection f $40.00 $50.00 } h 6' 1" 44.00 54.00 6 8' 1" 1 < 50.00 60.00 > 4 3 14 4^ 14x4 40 65 8' 0" 8 10' 1" 56.00 66.00 10 12' 1" I 62.00 72.00J U2 14' 1" f 42.00 52.00 1 f 4 6' 4" 46.00 56.00 I 6 8' 4" 2 < 52.00 62.00 > 4 3# 12 \% 16x4^ 45 95 8' 6" 8 10' 4" 58.00 68.00 10 12' 4" { 64.00 74.00 J 1,12 14' 4" (50.00 60.00 1 f 4 6' 4" 54.00 64.00 6 8' 4" 3 60.00 70.00 f 5^ 4 12 5 16x6 50 175 9' 10" 8 10' 4" 76.00 86.00 1 10 12' 4" 82.00 92.00J U2 14' 4" The Monarch Bagger Box With Wood Spouts Price complete with conveyor, pulley and 4 spouts . $20.00 Price complete with conveyor, pulley and 6 spouts 24.00 Fig. No. 407 Fig. No. 406 The Monarch Bagger Box With Metal Spouts Bagger was designed for feed plants and will be furnished with either wood or metal conveyor, as desired. Prices will be furnished on application for larger and special sizes. Price with steel conveyor and 4 spouts.$26.00. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 339 The Monarch Employees Elevator Floor Plan This Elevator is constructed of steel and iron, in the most approved and scientific manner, is perfectly safe and can be used for carrying both passengers and small articles of freight, up and down, from floor to floor. Fig. No. 409 Prices, Weights, Volumes, Etc. WITH BELT WITHOUT BELT PRICE BOXED FOR EXPORT PRICE BOXED FOR EXPORT Weight Weight No. Elevator Complete 50 Feet Per Foot More or Less Than 50-Foot Elevator Pounds Cubic Feet 50-Foot Weight 50-Foot Elevator No. Elevator Complete 50 Feet Per Foot More or Less Than 50-Foot Elevator Pounds Cubic Feet 50-Foot Weight 50-Foot Elevator High 50 Feet Elevator Pounds High 50 Feet Elevator Pounds 100 $450.00 $4.00 2650 170 3350 101 $350.00 $2.00 2530 165 3160 102 500.00 4.00 2650 170 3350 103 400.00 2.00 2530 165 3160 104 850.00 8.00 4400 255 5200 105 700.00 4.00 4200 245 4850 106 1000.00 10.00 4900 260 5700 107 800.00 5.00 4650 250 5400 Dimensions, Etc. PRINCIPAL DIMENSIONS REV. PER MINUTE Size of Drive No. Diam. of Head and Foot Pulleys Inches Width and Ply of Rubber Belt A B C D In. E In. Travel of Platform Belt in Feet per Minute Tight and Loose Pulleys Diam. of Worm Shaft In. Pulley Width Str't Face Tn 50 60 70 Feet i Feet Feet Inches in. 100-101 20 12"-4 5' 8" 2' 6" 3' 2" 1454 22 250 1 300 350 14x5 Iff 10 102-103 20 12"-4 5' 8" 2' 6" 3' 2" 14# 22 250 300 350 14x5 1 10 104-105 20 16"-5 6'0" 2' 10" 3' 2" 14K 22 380 460 530 14x5 iff 10 106-107 20 20"-5 6' 4" 3' 2" 3' 2" 14K 22 380 460 530 14x5 Iff 10 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Fig. No. 410 The Humphrey Employees Elevator This Elevator is very simple in construction, is especially designed for and adapted to the needs of flouring mills and will be found extremely valuable in saving time, maintaining efficiency and lowering operating expenses. It is constantly in operation while the mill is running, is equally useful for going up or down, can be stopped or started instantly by the passenger and requires a small amount of power. Materials entering into the construction are of the best obtainable, lubrica- tion is scientifically and economically accomplished and the patent lock stop device is a positive means of security in case of emergency. Prices Wood and Iron Construction 50 feet of Elevator without Belt $200.00 Different Heights, per foot more or less 1.00 Bronze Gear and Steel Chased Worm for Tall Elevators. _ 18.00 Improved Steel and Iron Construction 50 Feet of Elevator Without Belt ..$400.00 Different Heights, per foot more or less . 2.00 Measurement for calculating price should be taken from bottom of legs to top of top pulley. For 12-inch, 4-ply rubber belt, see Monarch Belting Lists. Safety Man-Lift or One-Passenger Hand Power Elevator This Elevator is especially adapted for elevators or mills for conveying persons from one floor to another. It has counterbalancing weights and is fitted with ball bearings, which makes it very sensitive to the slightest pull, either up or down after stepping on the foot lever. It is provided with safety catch that will prevent its falling in case of accident. We furnish car 28 x 30 inches, also guides, ropes, sheave and weights. Full instructions for installing and operating will be sent with each elevator. Price List Complete 50-foot lift between floors $100.00 More or less lift, per foot .50 Fig. No. 411 Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 341 Cast Iron Turn Heads Fig. No. 412 Cast Iron Turn Head Without Hopper Fig. No. 413 Cast Iron Turn Head With Hopper It will be noticed from the illustration of turn-head spout that the elbow fits over the hopper bottom loosely and is supported by the rod independently of the hopper bottom. This prevents binding in case of unequal settling of the building. The entire spout is made of cast iron and is very durable. Price List Diameter 4 in. 6 in: 8 in. 10 in. 12 in. Price Without Hopper $5.00 $7.00 $ 8.50 $13.00 $18.00 Price With Round or Sq. Hop. - . 6.50 9.00 10.50 15.00 20.00 Indicator Rods For small spouts and ordinary work we furnish 1-inch pipe. For medium-sized spouts and heavier work, IK'-inch pipe should be used. Price List 1 -inch, per foot, 1^-inch outside diameter. , per foot, 1 ^-inch outside diameter- Price .16 Fig. 414 Indicator Stand Complete Indicator Stands and Rings for Revolving Spouts Our indicator stands are of a neat and strong design, as shown. The handle is bored to receive the indicator rod, which is held firmly by a set screw. When ordering, please state size of indicator rod. Price List Price Indicator Stand complete, including 10 numbers, as shown Indicator Ring complete, including 10 numbers, as shown $10.00 4.00 342 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Indicator Wheels This style of Indicator can be used with elevator legs of almost any height, and makes a very satisfactory and positive device for this purpose. The usual outfit sent includes the following: One 18-inch grooved indicator wheel, with eight numbers. One 12-inch grooved wheel, l>i-inch bore, for indicator rod. One lever to operate indicator wheel. One idler bracket, with two 6-inch idler sheaves for wire rope. One indicator stub rod to connect with turn head, 1 >^-inch diameter, 6-feet long. One step box casting to receive lower end of indicator stub rod. Two turnbuckles for ^-inch wire rope to take up slack. For price of turn head refer to page 341. Price List Fig. No. 415 Price Above outfit complete as listed Wire rope, 3^-inch diameter, per foot. $20.00 .10 The Monarch Turn Head Complete with Indicator Illustration shows Monarch Turn Head with rod, step and indicator dial. For prices of turn head and rod, refer to page 341. Price of Indicator Dial and Step as shown here, per set $3.00 Fig. No. 416 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 343 Fig. No. 417 All Steel Hopper and Elbow Fig. No. 418 Hopper and Elbow is Made of Cast Iron Distributing Spouts for Elevator Heads The hopper fits loosely in the revolving spout and allows the spout to turn freely; the hopper is fastened to the discharge spout from elevator head and the spout is supported by the bracket and indicator stand, with which it is connected by a continuation of the rod. As the hopper and spout are separate, any settling of the building is easily adjusted. Prices and Dimensions Diameter of Spout Inside Inches Center of Rod to Center of Discharge Inches Top of Hopper to Bottom of Spout Inches Price Fig. No. 417 Price Fig. No. 418 6^ 9 12 14 30 36 42 48 33 41X 47K 54^ $ 9.00 12.00 16.00 $12.00 16.00 20.00 33.00 Hall Signaling Grain Distributor Fig. No. 419 The use of this device renders impossible the mixing of grain in the various bins at the point of distribution in the elevator cupola, either from inaccurate locking or the filling of bins. It occupies less room than other devices, and where it is installed the operator is not required to visit the cupola for the purpose of properly distributing the grain. It is locked and unlocked entirely from the lower floor, and cannot be locked out of connection with the bin. The Automatic "Signal." When the bin becomes full, or a spout gets clogged, and the grain backs up in the tube to the spout, it cannot back up any higher because it instantly and automatically "signals" the operator on the lower floor that the bin is full. The operator then shuts off the inflowing grain until the signaling ceases, and then turns his spout, now empty, to another bin without mixing any of the grain. Price List For Cups 10 x 6 Inches and Smaller For Cups Larger than 10 x 6 Inches For Filling Garners or Scales in Large Elevators 1907 No. No. of Ducts Prices 1907 No. No. of Ducts Prices 1907 No. No. of Ducts Prices 68 8 $55.00 78 8 $60.00 916 1 $ 25.00 610 10 60.00 710 10 65.00 122 2 95.00 612 12 65.00 712 12 70.00 123 3 100.00 615 15 75.00 715 15 80.00 These prices include hopper, spout, frame, frame bolts, distributing case, overflow funnel, lever, dial board, cast elbow for overflow spout, and a set of numbered bin cards. 344 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Fig. No. 420 Flexible Car Loading Spouts Standard and Telescope Figure No. 420 illustrates the Standard Flexible Spout with swivel joint. Figure No. 422 illustrates the flexible spout of the tele- scope type. Price List Either Style HOPPER Si ZE, INSIDE GAUGE c >F STEEL Diameter Inches Square Side Inches Round Diameter Inches Length Feet No. 18 No. 16 No. 14 No. 12 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 8 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 7 7 7 9 9 9 11 11 5 6 8 6 8 10 6 7 $ 8.50 10.20 13.60 10.50 14.00 17.50 12.00 $10.00 12.00 16.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 $12.00 15.60 20.80 16.00 21.35 26.70 18.00 19.00 $17.00 20.40 27.20 21.00 28.00 35.00 23.00 25.00 10 12 11 8 17.15 21.75 28.55 10 12 U 10 21.45 27.20 35.70 12 12 14 14 13 13 8 10 18.50 20.00 25.00 31.30 30.00 37.50 In ordering give the size of the down spouts to which the above are to be fitted. We furnish the above spouts in any length, diameter or gauge of steel, but list only the standard sizes. Cast Iron Bagging Spout Ends Price, each _ __$3.00 Iron Hopper and Bag Spouts Hopper spouts are provided with slide, clamp and removable ring to which can be attached a pipe or metal spout for filling bins. Fig. No. 423 Fig. No. 424 Bag Spout Hopper Discharge Spout Price List Diameter, Inches. ' 5 7-^ Hopper Spout only, with slide, Fig. No. 424, each $2.25 $3.00 Iron Bag Spout, with bag clamp or pin, Fig. No. 423, each 2.50 3.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 345 Wood Spouting Fig. No. 425 Unless otherwise specified, we furnish spouting made of the best seasoned poplar lumber surfaced and sand papered on all sides, accurately machined, ready to put together. Dimensions and Prices Size No. Dimension at A, Inches Dimension at B, Inches Price per Foot 1 5 2K $0.17 2 5K 2K .18 3 6 3X .20 4 6X 3K .22 5 7 4K .23 Round Metal Spouting Pipe with Lock Seam and Slip Joints Fig. No. 426 Price List PRICE PER FOOT B 1 2% Inches Diameter 3 Inches Diameter 3% Inches Diameter 4 Inches Diameter 4> Inches Diameter 5 Inches Diameter Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. 30 $0.31 $0.34 $0.31 $0.34 $0.31 $0.36 $0.39 $0.44 $0.42 $0.44 $0.47 $0.49 28 .31 .34 .31 .36 .31 .36 .42 .44 .42 .47 .47 .52 26 .31 .36 .34 .36 .34 .36 .42 .47 .42 .47 .47 .55 24 .34 .36 .34 .39 .34 .39 .44 .49 .44 .49 .49 .55 22 .34 .39 .36 .42 .36 .42 .44 .52 .47 .52 .52 .60 20 .36 .39 .36 .42 .36 .44 .47 .52 .49 .55 .55 .62 18 .36 .44 .39 .47 .39 .47 .49 .57 .49 .60 .57 .68 16 .39 .47 .42 .49 .42 .52 .52 .62 .57 .65 .62 .73 Price List PRICE PER FOOT 6 Inches 7 Inches 8 Inches 9 Inches 10 Inches 11 Inches 12 Inches Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. Black Galv. 30 $0.47 $0.52 $0.52 $0.57 $0.52 $0.60 $0.60 $0.65 $0.60] $0.68 $0.68 $0.78 $0.68 $0.78 28 .47 .55 .55 .60 .55 .62 .60 .70 .62) .70 .70 .81 .70 .83 26 .49 .55 .55 .62 .55 .65 .62 .73 .62 .73 .73 .83 .73 .86 24 .52 .57 .57 .65 .57 .68 .65 .75 .68 .78 .75 .88 .78 .91 22 .55 .62 .60 .70 .62 .73 .70 .81 .70 .83 .81 .96 .83 .99 20 .55 .65 .62 .73 .62 .78 .73 .86 .73 4 .88 .83 1.01 .86 1.04 18 .60 .73 .68 .81 .70 .86 .78 .94 .81 .99 .91 1.12 .94 1.17 16 .65 .78 .73 .88 .75 .94 .86 1.04 .88 1.09 .99 1.25 1.04 1.30 346 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Spout Paper Compressed boards. Made expressly for lining spouts in flour mills. Warranted not to corrode or rust. Size of board, 24 x 32 inches. Price, each _ _ $0 . 25 Sheet Steel Price List Gauge Size of Sheets Inches Weight in Pounds Per Sheet Price Per Sheet 14 30x96 68.4 $8.75 16 30x96 53.6 7.50 18 30x96 40.4 6.25 20 30x96 31.8 5.00 24 30x96 20.4 2.50 26 30x96 16.4 1.85 Sheet Tin Price List Grade Size of Sheet Inches Price Per Sheet Grade Size of Sheet Inches Price Per Sheet XX IX 28x20 28 x 20 $0.50 .40 1C IX 28 x20 14 x 20 $0.36 .20 Galvanized Iron Pipe for Exhaust Systems Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Diam. of Pipe Inches Area Sq. In. Gauge No. Weight, Lbs. PRICE Diam. of Pipe Inches Area Sq. In. Gauge No. Weight, Lbs. PRICE Pipe Elbow Pipe Per Foot Elbow Pipe Elbow Pipe Per Foot Elbow 3 7.1 28 .7 .4 $0.20 $1.00 28 615.8 22 11.4 64.1 $2.28 $17.00 4 12.6 28 1.1 .9 .30 1.36 29 660.1 22 11.8 68.6 2.36 17.84 5 19.6 28 1.2 1.2 .34 1.40 30 706.9 22 12.2 73.4 2.44 18.72 6 28.3 28 1.4 1.7 .36 1.44 32 804.2 22 13.0 83.4 2.60 20.54 7 38.5 28 1.7 2.3 .39 1.52 34 907.9 22 13.9 94.3 2.78 22.16 8 50.3 28 1.9 2.9 .46 1.76 36 1017.9 20 17.2 124.4 3.44 28.00 9 63.6 26 2.4 4.3 .54 2.32 38 1134.1 20 18.2 139.4 3.64 30.00 10 78.5 26 2.7 5.3 .64 3.04 40 1256.6 20 19.1 152.2 3.82 32.00 11 95.0 26 2.9 6.4 .74 3.20 42 1385.4 20 20.1 168.6 4.02 34.00 12 113.1 26 3.2 7.6 .78 3.60 44 1520.5 20 21.0 185.0 4.20 37.00 13 132.7 26 3.4 9.0 .82 3.86 46 1661.9 20 22.0 202.2 4.40 40.44 14 153.9 26 3.7 10.4 .90 4.48 48 1809.6 18 29.8 286.6 5.96 57.32 15 176.7 25 4.5 13.5 .94 4.80 50 1963.5 18 31.0 309.9 6.08 61.98 16 201.1 25 4.7 15.1 .98 5.20 52 2123.7 18 32.2 335.1 6.44 67.02 17 227.0 25 5.0 17.0 1.04 5.48 54 2290.2 18 33.6 363.4 6.72 72.68 18 254.5 25 5.3 19.1 1.12 6.16 56 2463.0 18 34.9 390.7 6.98 78.14 19 283.5 25 5.6 21.4 1.24 7.32 58 2642.1 18 36.1 418.8 7.22 83.76 20 314.2 25 6.0 24.0 1.32 7.60 60 2825.4 18 37.4 448.6 7.48 89.72 21 346.4 24 7.0 29.6 1.40 8.88 62 3019.1 16 47.5 589.0 9.50 117.80 22 380.1 24 7.3 32.3 1.48 9.53 64 3217.0 16 49.1 628.5 9.82 125.70 23 415.5 24 7.7 35.6 1.54 10.22 66 3421.2 16 50.5 666.6 10.10 133.32 24 452.4 24 8.0 38.6 1.60 11.20 68 3631.7 16 52.1 708.6 10.42 141.72 25 490.9 24 8.3 41.7 1.68 11.68 70 3848.5 16 53.6 750.4 10.72 150.08 26 530.9 24 8.7 45.1 1.74 12.40 72 4071.5 16 55.1 793.0 11.02 158.60 27 572.6 22 10.9 59.1 2.18 15.96 If made of black iron, 10 per cent less than the above prices. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 347 Steel Tanks for Elevator Boots Fig. No. 427 We give below a list of our standard water-tight Iron Tanks, but are prepared to furnish them in any size, shape or gauge of metal. Price List No. Length at Top Inches Length at Bottom Inches Width Inches Height Inches THICKNESS OF STEEL No. 16 Gauge No. 14 Gauge No. 12 Gauge No. 10 Gauge A in. #ia. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 48 48 60 60 72 84 90 90 96 96 108 108 108 120 120 36 36 46 46 50 60 70 70 76 76 86 86 86 96 96 30 30 36 36 40 40 44 44 48 48 48 48 54 54 60 24 30 30 36 36 36 40 48 48 54 54 60 60 60 60 $12.60 13.35 17.50 19.46 24.00 $14.40 15.24 20.50 23.00 26.40 30.00 34.00 $17.60 20.00 26.25 29.86 34.20 39.00 49.50 54.00 55.00 60.00 $21.32 24.72 31.00 34.94 42.15 46.00 50.00 60.00 66.00 70.00 80.00 84.00 90.00 100.00 105.00 $41.00 50.00 54.92 60.00 65.00 82.00 87.00 92.00 103.00 110.00 117.00 126.00 134.00 $ 32.00 87.00 112.00 117.00 124.00 135.00 149.00 160.00 176.00 188.00 Galvanized Iron Grain Tempering and Flour and Feed Packer Bins Prices, Dimensions, Etc. GRAIN BINS PACKER BINS Diameter Bin Prices Capacity, Bushels Prices Capacity, Barrels Weight Pounds Inches 5 Feet High or Less Each Additional Foot 5 Feet High Each Additional Foot 5 Feet High or Less Each Additional Foot 5 Feet High Each Additional Foot Per Foot 20 $16.00 $1.32 7.44 1.75 $12.80 $1.32 1.75 .35 9 22 18.00 1.48 8.97 2.11 14.40 1.48 2.08 .42 12 24 20.00 1.60 10.46 2.51 16.00 1.60 2.37 .50 15 27 25.00 2.18 13.00 3.18 20.00 2.18 2.86 .64 18 30 30.00 2.44 15.72 3.93 24.00 2.44 3.38 .79 21 36 37.50 3.44 21.22 5.66 30.00 3.44 4.48 1.13 27 42 45.00 4.02 27.00 7.70 36.00 4.02 5.43 1.54 33 48 60.00 5.96 33.50 10.05 48.00 5.96 6.00 2.01 40 54 75.00 6.72 40.28 12.72 60.00 6.72 6.69 2.55 48 60 90.00 7.48 47.25 15.75 72.00 7.48 7.30 3.14 56 72 120.00 11.02 56.55 22.62 96.00 11.02 8.00 4.53 70 Bins made of black iron, 10 per cent less than the above prices. 348 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Hopper Bottoms With Revolving Heads for Attaching Wooden Spouts Fig. No. 428 Cast Iron With Heavy Sheet Steel Slides Price List Size, Inches 10 12 14 16 18 24 Price, .. $13.00 $15.00 $1 8.00 $22.00 $24.00 $46.00 Bin Bottoms Fig. No. 429 Price list includes slide, but not the wooden spout. Wooden spouts furnished as per separate price list. Price List Size, Inches 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 24 Price. $5.25 $6.00 $8.00 $12.00 $14.00 $16.00 $18.00 $28.00 Four- Way Bin Bottom Fig. No. 430 This Bin Bottom is designed for use where a large bin has been subdivided into two or four small bins and all of them are to be connected with one spout. The illustration shows a four-way bin bottom* but it can be arranged for a two-way bin bottom at the same price. Price list includes steel slides with links, and clip plates for attaching wood spouts. Price List Diameter of Discharge Inches Gauge of Metal In Slide Price 12 14 10 10 $20.00 30.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. We have patterns for both the Ratchet and Lever and Rack-and- Pinion Feed Gates for Elevator Legs. The former are generally used where gates of large capacity are required. Price List Ratchet and Lever with Slides and Guides, Complete Size of Gates Inches Price 16 X 20 20x26 24x30 $ 8.00 9.00 10.00 Rack and Pinion with Slides and Guides, Complete Size of Gates Inches 10 x 14 16x20 20x26 Price $5.00 6.00 7.00 Fig. No. 431 Ratchet and Lever Fig. No. 432 Rack and Pinion Adjustable Bin Gates Fig. No. 433 Adjustable Bin Gate Price List Vj.- Size, Inches Price 12 x 14 14 x 16 16 x 18 18 x 20 20 x 22 22 x 24 $2.50 . 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 Fig. No. 434 Adjustable Bin Gate with Spout Price List Size, Inches Price 12 x 14 14 x 16 16 x 18 18 x 20 20 x 22 22 x 24 $ 5.00 6.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 350 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Troughing Belt Conveyor Rolls Fig. No. 435 Fig. No. 435 Trunnion Support Price List and Dimensions DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE, EACH Width of Belt Rolls Only Inches With Without A E F Return Roll Return Roll Carrier Return 12 19% 17K 21% $17.50 $13.70 $1.50 $2.30 14 194/ 19% 23% 19.50 14.60 2.40 3.25 16 1Q3/ 21% 25% 19.60 14.70 2.45 3.30 18 19%: 23% 27% 19.70 14.80 2.50 3.35 20 19% 25% 29% 20.70 15.70 3.40 3.40 22 19% 27%- 31% 20.90 15.90 3.45 3.45 24 21/4 33% 21.30 16.20 3.50 3.50 26 21% 31% 35% 21.50 16.30 3.55 3.55 28 21% 33% ' 37% 22.50 16.40 3.60 4.45 30 35% 39% 22.60 16.50 3.70 4.50 36 21% 45% 23.90 17.70 4.70 4.70 42 21% 47% 51% 26.20 18.90 5.65 5.65 48 21% 53% 57% 28.30 20.00 6.70 6.70 Stands, each, right or left, with upper and lower bearings $4.00 Stands, each, right or left, with upper bearing only 3.00 For Flat Belt Rolls and separate Return Rolls, see later pages. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 351 Troughing Belt Conveyor Rolls Fig. No. 436 Fig. No. 436 Trunnions Above Set Screws Below Price List and Dimensions DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE, EACH Width of Belt Rolls Only Inches g With Without Return Roll Return Roll Carrier R t With Bells 12 2ltf 16 19X $13.45 $ 9.60 $5.45 $2.30 14 23^ 18 21X 14.40 9.60 5.60 3.25 16 25^ 20 23X 14.50 9.70 5.70 3.30 18 27K 22 25>< 15.50 10.65 6.20 3.35 20 29^ 24 27>< 15.60 10.70 6.30 3.40 22 3m 26 29>< 15.75 10.75 6.40 3.45 24 33^ 28 31X 16.70 11.65 7.40 3.50 26 36^ 31 34X 16.80 11.70 7.70 3.55 28 38^ 33 36>< 17.80 11.75 7.90 4.45 30 40K 35 38X 17.95 11.85 8.10 4.50 36 46K 41 44^ 19.15 12.90 9.40 4.70 42 52^ 47 50X 21.50 13.95 10.75 5.65 48 58^ 53 56^ 23.40 23.40 12.36 6.70 Stands, each, with upper and lower bearings $3.60 Stands, each, with upper bearing only 2.60 Bells, each 3.25 For Flat Belt Rolls and separate Return Rolls, see later pages. 352 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Troughing Belt Conveyor Rolls Fig. Nos. 437 and 438 Prices and Dimensions for Fig. No. 437 Width of Belt Inches DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE, COMPLETE A C With Return Roll Without Return Roll 12 14 16 18 9^ 9K 10 10K ISH 17X 19# 21# $15.15 16.65 17.15 17.60 $10.10 10.50 11.05 11.50 Fig. No. 437 Fig. No. 438 Trunnion Support Prices and Dimensions for Fig. No. 438 Width of Belt Inches DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE, EACH Width of Belt Inches DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE. EACH A E F Complete Carrier Roll Only A E F Complete Carrier Roll Only 12 . 11^ 11> 15 $13.10 $1.50 26 13 2S l /2 29 $15.70 $3.55 14 11 1 A 13X 17 14.00 2.40 28 13 2TX 31 15.80 3.60 16 tltf 153^ 19 14.10 2.45 30 13 29^2 33 15.90 3.70 18 UK \1% 21 14.20 2.50 36 13 35^ 39 17.00 4.70 20 11 14 19 x 23 15.20 3.40 42 13 41 1^ 45 19.20 5.65 22 ll/^ 2\y 25 15.30 3.45 48 13 47^ 51 19.30 6.70 24 13 23 l /2 27 15.60 3.50 Stands, each, right or left, with bearing $2.50 NOTE. Troughing Rolls can be set at 30 angle when desired, at same prices. Height to top of carrier roll then becomes 7 ^ inches and height (A) to top of troughing rolls becomes 10> inches for 12 to 22-inch belts and 11>^ inches for belts 24 inches and wider. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 353 Plain Troughing Rolls For Use with Fig. Nos. 441 or 442 Flat Belt Rolls Stands furnished in two heights (E), 8 and 9*4 inches. Stands may be omitted and clips used in securing cross bar. Prices and Dimensions DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE, COMPLETE Width of Belt A C With With With Inches D Clips 8-Inch 9 ><-Inch With Clip 8-In. Stand 9#-In. St'd 8-In. Stand 9K-In. St'd Stands Stands 12 10# 18# 19# nx 19# 21X $8.65 $9.70 $10.05 14 10# 18# 19X 19K 21K 23K 8.70 9.75 10.10 16 10# 18# 19X 21X 23^ 25>< 8.75 9.80 10.15 18 10# 18# 19X 23K 25^ 27>< 8.80 9.85 10.20 20 IOK 18# I9tf 25^ 2W 29K 8.85 9.90 10.25 22 10# 18# I9tf 27^ 29^ 31X 8.90 9.95 10.30 24 12 20 21X 29^ 31J< 33X 9.30 10.40 10.75 26 12 20 21X 31K 332< 35X 9.35 10.45 10.80 28 12 20 21X 33K 35^ 37^ 9.40 10.50 10.85 30 12 20 21X 35K 37K 39X 9.45 10.55 10.90 36 12 20 21# 4ltf 43 K 45>< 9.50 10.60 10.95 42 12 20 21X 47K 49J< 51^ 9.55 10.65 11.00 48 12 20 1\% 53 K 55K 57X 9.60 10.70 11.05 Clips, each - -- - ---$0.40 Stands 8-inch each - -- -90 Stands. 9 ^-inch. each-- - 1.10 Dump Troughing Rolls For Use with Fig. Nos. 441 or 442 Flat Belt Rolls For use with Fig. Nos. 441 or 442 Flat Belt Rolls, Height C = 10X inches. Prices and Dimensions 5-S 8 ."2-S 0*5 DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE, COMPLETE Width of Belt Inches DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE, COMPLETE A D E C = lOXIn. A D E C = 9 In. C = lOKIn. C = 9 In. C = 10#In. C = 9 In. C = 9 In. C = 10X In. 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 18# 18^ I8# 18# 18# 18^ 20 19K 19K 19K 19K 19J< 19K 21X 21X 23X 25^ 27X 29X 31K 33 X 30J< 32^ 34^ 36^ 38^ 40K 42^ $18.70 18.75 18.80 18.85 18.90 18.95 19.80 $19.10 19.15 19.20 19.25 19.30 19.35 20.20 26 28 30 36 42 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 21X 21K 21X 21tf 21X 21X 35K 37^ 39X 45X six 57K 44^ 46^ 48^ 54^ 60^ 66X $19.85 19.90 19.95 20.00 20.05 20.10 $20.25 20.30 20,35 20.40 20.45 20.50 354 Sproui, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Flat Belt Conveyor Rolls Fig. Nos. 441 and 442 Fig. No. 441 Prices and Dimensions for Fig. No. 441 Width of Belt Inches DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE, EACH E F With Return Roll Without Return Roll Either Roll Only 12 1924 21J4 $10.50 $6.65 $2.30 14 2124 23X 12.50 7.60 3.25 16 2324 25X 12.60 7.65 3.30 18 2524 27X 12.65 7.70 3.35 20 2724 29>4 12.75 7.75 3.40 22 2924 31>4 12.90 7.80 3.45 24 3124 33^4 12.95 7.85 3.50 26 3324 35 J4 13.10 7.90 3.55 28 35K 37 J4 15.00 8.85 4.45 30 3724 39>< . 15.05 8.90 4.50 36 43 24 45>4 15.35 9.05 4.70 42 4^24 six 17.40 10.05 5.65 48 5524 57X 19.60 11.15 6.70 Stands, each, with upper and lower bearings $3.90 Stands, each, with upper bearing only 2.70 Fig. No. 442 Set Screw Support Prices and Dimensions for Fig. No. 442 Width DIMENSIONS INCHES PRICE, EACH Width DIMENSIONS INCHES PRICE, EACH of Belt of Belt Inches E F Complete Roll Only Inches E F Complete Roll Only 12 1924 21>4 $6.50 $2.30 26 3324 35>4 $7.75' $3.55 14 2124 23^4 7.40 3.25 28 3524 37>4 8.70 4.45 16 2324 25^4 7.45 3.30 18 2524 27>4 7.50 3.35 30 3724 39>4 8.80 4.50 36 4324 45^4 8.90 4.70 20 2724 29K 7.55 3.40 22 2924 7.60 3.45 42 4924 Sltf 9.95 5.65 24 31* 33>4 7.65 3.50 48 5524 57>4 11.00 6.70 Stands, each, with bearing $2.95 Sprout, Waldron Sr Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 355 Return Belt Conveyor Rolls Fig. Nos. 443 and 444 Fig. No. 443 Set Screw Support, Reversible, to Hang or Stand Prices and Dimensions Fig. No. 444 Trunnion Support Hanger Nos. 443 and 444 DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE, EACH of Belt Inches Fig. No. 443 Fig. No. 444 Figure Figure Roll Only No. 443 No. 444 Either Style A C A c 12 21# 18# 24X 21 $5.60 $5.00 $2.30 14 23^ 20^ 26^ 23 6.60 6.00 3.25 16 25;^ 22^4 28^ 25 6.65 6.05 3.30 18 2iy 2 24}< 30X 27 6.70 6.10 3.35 20 29^ 26X 32X 29 6.75 6.15 3.40 22 31 1^ 28>< 34 y 31 6.80 6.20 3.45 24 333^ 30X" 36^ 33 6.85 6.25 3.50 26 35^ 32>< 38^ 35 6.90 6.30 3.55 28 37^ 34 X 40X 37 7.85 7.25 4.45 30 39^ 36^4 42X 39 7.90 7.30 4.50 36 45K 42 % 45 8.05 7.45 4.70 42 51>? 48 % 54 % 51 9.15 8.50 5.65 48 57X 54X 60X 57 10.20 9.60 6.70 Stands, each, with bearing, Fig. No. 443 1 $2.20 Stands, each, with bearing, Fig. No. 444 1.80 Steel and Wood Belt Conveyor Rolls Fig. No. 445 Prices and Dimensions STEEL ROLLS WOOD ROLLS Width Length of Belt of Roll Nominal Diameter, Inches Nominal Diameter, Inches Inches Inches 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 12 14 $3.75 $4.20 $5.60 $6.90 $1.60 $1.80 $2.30 $2.60 14 16 4.00 4.50 6.00 7.35 1.75 1.95 2.50 2.85 16 18 4.20 4.80 6.50 7.80 1.90 2.15 2.75 3.15 18 20 4.45 5.15 6.80 8.30 2.10 2.35 3.00 3.45 20 22 4.75 5.40 7.20 8.75 2.35 2.60 3.30 3.75 22 24 4.95 5.75 7.60 9.20 2.60 2.80 3.60 4.05 24 26 5.20 6.05 8.00 9.70 2.85 3.05 3.95 4.40 26 28 5.45 6.35 8.40 10.15 3.10 3.30 4.30 4.80 28 30 5.75 6.65 8.80 10.60 3.35 3.55 4.70 5.20 30 32 6.00 6.95 9.20 11.10 3.60 3.80 5.05 5.60 36 38 6.45 7.60 11.20 12.75 3.90 4.25 5.50 6.20 356 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Fig. No. 446 Single Bearing Belt Conveyor Roll Stands Trunnion and Set Screw Supports Plain Oiling Bearings Prices and Dimensions Fig. No. 447 Height FOOT BOLTS PRICE, EACH Base to Center of Bearing Inches Number Diameter, Inches Trunnion Support Set Screw Support 2 2 y* $0.75 3 2 X .80 $0.85 4 2 A .85 .90 5 2 A .90 .95 6 2 A .95 1.00 9 2 A 1.05 1.15 12 2 y*- 1.15 1.30 14 2 y* 1.25 1.45 May be furnished with self-oiling bearings if desired, at extra prices. Tripper Stops Fig. No. 448 Clamp firmly onto rails of all usual sections. Price, each. .$5.00 Fig. No. 449 Guide Sheaves for Conveyor Belts Where belt conveyors are of great length, guide sheaves are used to overcome any tendency of the belt to run out of a straight track. Guides should be placed eight to ten feet from head and tail ends of conveyor and then at intervals of twenty-five to fifty feet. Price List Fig. No. 450 Height to Center of Guide Inches Adjustable Plain, Straight or Offset 4 $2.25 6 2.75 9 3.00 12 14 16 18 20 22 $5.25 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 3.30 3.60 3.90 4.20 4.50 4.80 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 357 Steel Frame Self-Propelling Two-Pulley Tripper Fig. No. 451 Light and Heavy Types Fig. No. 451 Prices and Dimensions Width Track DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE, EACH of Belt Gauge Inches Light Heavy es A B C D E F G H K For For Coal Grain Stone, Etc. 18 43# 33 62 54 20^ 60 2 15 13 $496.00 $516.00 20 45 X 35 64 54 20K 60 2 15 13 506.00 526.00 22 47^ 37 66 54 20^ 60 2 15 13 516.00 536.00 24 49^ 39 68 54 20K 60 2 18 16 526.00 546.00 26 51# 41 70 60 20^ 61 2 18 16 541.00 561.00 28 53^ 43 72 60 20^ 61 2 18 16 556.00 576.00 30 55^ 44 75 60 20K 61 2 20 18 576.00 596.00 36 61# 50 81 66 20^ 62 2 20 18 636.00 656.00 42 67X 55 88 72 20K 62 2 24 22 696.00 716.00 48 73^ 61 94 78 20%: 62 2 24 22 756.00 776.00 358 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. A-Frame Two-Pulley Trippers Self-Propelling, Hand -Propelling and Plain Fig. No. 452 Hand-Propelling Fig. No. 452 illustrates Tripper of the hand-propelling type. This design is also built in the plain and self-propelling type, per list below. Prices and Dimensions Width of Belt Inches Track Gauge Inches A DIMENSIONS, INCHES PRICE, EACH B c D E F Self-Propelling Plain Swivel Spout Hand Propelling Swivel Spout Swivel Spout Two-Way Spout 18 36 32K 48 50 19 56 $392.00 $432.00 $229.00 $254.00 20 38 35^ 50 50 19 56 398.00 438.00 235.00 260.00 22 40 37X 52 50 19 56 404.00 444.00 241.00 266.00 24 42 39# 54 50 19 56 410.00 450.00 247.00 272.00 26 50 48X 63 56^ 25 62 416.00 456.00 253.00 278.00 28 52 50^ 65 56^ 25 62 422.00 462.00 259.00 284.00 30 54 52# 67 56H 25 62 430.00 470.00 267.00 292.00 36 60 58^ 73 56K 25 62 454.00 494.00 291.00 316.00 42 70 68K 83 56^ 25 62 512.00 552.00 339.00 364.00 48 72 70^ 85 56^ 25 62 536.00 576.00 363.00 388.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 359 Clark Automatic Power Shovel Fig. No. 455 Dimensions of Clark Automatic Power Shovel The above illustration shows one of our Single Clark Automatic Power Shovels. They are generally used in pairs, both being placed on the same shaft, side by side. They are perfectly automatic in action and may be adjusted to throw in or out of gear at any desired point. A double shovel operated by two men will unload a car in about five minutes and a single machine with one man in about fifteen minutes. Price List Single Shovel $100.00 Double Shovel 200.00 The above price list includes the following fixtures with each single shovel: One scoop, 35 feet of rope, scoop chain, two horizontal sheaves, one swivel sheave and shaft with suffcient projection to receive driving pulley. An extra charge is made for the driving pulley, the amount depending upon the size required. We manufacture Ship Shovels, also the necessary Steel Scoops, Clamps, Chains, etc. Prices quoted on application. Directions for Setting Up Clark Power Shovel The frame of shovel should rest on 4 x 8 timbers, supported from the floor or suspended from the ceiling at any height desired. The shovel should be bolted to the frame. After securing one end of the shovel rope to scoop chains, place the scoop in car door at the point where it should stop when bringing the load to the hopper. Lead the other end of the rope through the sheaves to the drum; lap all the loose rope around the drum and fasten to the link which is screwed to the drum. Wind the chain around the smaller drum and fasten the end to hook in clutch lever. Particular attention and care should be taken to wind it so that when hooked to the lever the lead of chain is from the lower side of drum, not from upper. Attach the larger weight to the other hook and lever, placing the rope over small sheave in shovel frame. In this position the rope will be on the drum, the chain wound around the smaller drum and hooked to lever (thus keeping the clutch out of gear), and the scoop at the car door. Attach one end of the counter- weight rope to the link on small spool from the side opposite to that on which the scoop rope leads to the large drum (so that as one winds the other unwinds). The other end of counter- weight rope is attached to any convenient place on which the weight with small sheave runs. The counter-weight should hang sufficiently low so that when the rope is all off the large drum, the counter-weight will be at its highest point. As a new shovel rope stretches badly, thus leaving the scoop too far back in the car, it will be necessary to unscrew the link connection from the drum when the rope is all off and lap it sufficiently around it to take up the stretch and screw the link in another hole. There is an oil hole at each end of spool. Keep well lubricated. To throw the clutch into gear, the shoveler when putting the scoop into the grain should give it a sharp throw, thus giving slack to the rope which allows the counter-weight to reverse the drum, thus throwing the clutch into gear. 360 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Improved Design Automatic Power Grain Shovel Shovels Made Both Right and Left- Hand Fig. No. 456 Right-Hand Shovel RIGHT HAND Dimensions Single Power Grain Shovel The design of this shovel mechanism is heavier, stronger and the details of construction better than the older patterns. The winding drum is larger. Those portions of the mechanism subject to shock or unusual wear are of steel, and the frame is of what is known as box cross section. The operation of the mechanism is as follows: The large rope on the middle drum is led by sheaves to the shovel in the car. The drum being loose on the shaft the shovel is drawn back into the car where desired and slack is given the rope. This allows the small weighted rope to reverse the motion of the drum, tripping a catch and throwing the jaw clutch into mesh. The drum then winds up the rope until the shovel reaches the car door and discharges its load, at which time the chain shown in the cut being wound up pulls the jaw clutch out of mesh, throwing the shovel out of gear. The mechanism is then ready to repeat the operation. Speed of shovel, 65 R. P. M. The spool or drum should run easily on shaft, and all moving parts kept well lubricated. The machine is made right and left-hand, a right-hand and left-hand machine operated on one shaft making a double shovel. Where a single shovel is wanted, it is generally not important whether right or left-hand is installed. Price List Single Shovel $100.00 Double Shovel 200.00 The fittings regularly furnished with a single power shovel include the mechanism, iron frame, 5-foot shaft, weights, one floor sheave, two car door sheaves, and one wooden shovel, but does not include the driving pulley nor the ropes. With a double shovel the length of the shaft is increased and twice the fittings specified above are included. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 361 Scoops for Power Shovels Fig. No. 457 Steel Scoop for Power Grain Shovels Fig. No. 458 Wooden Scoop for Power Grain Shovels Fig. No. 459 Scoop for Ear Corn Steel Scoops are used in connection with Power Shovels for handling material other than grain, chiefly coal, sand, gravel, etc. Our Scoops are made to withstand the rough usage to which they are subjected. Made in various sizes and gauges of steel. Price List Price Wooden Shovels, each.. $ 6.70 Scoops for Ear Corn, each 25.00 Steel Scoops, each .. . _ __ _ _ 6.80 362 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muticy, Pennsylcania, U. S. A. The Monarch Drum Hoist Fig. No. 460 Drum Fig. No. 461 Tightener This Hoist is of simple construction, easy to install and operate, and can be given any desired speed. For prices of bearings, pulleys, etc., refer to power transmission section of this catalog. Prices and Dimensions Diameter of Drum Inches Length of Drum Between Flanges Price of Drum Price of Tightener 6 2' 0" $14.00 $10.00 6 4' 0" 15.00 10.00 6 6' 0" 16.00 10.00 8 2' 0" 17.00 10.00 8 4' 0" 19.00 10.00 8 6' 0" 21.00 10.00 Friction Hoist Hanger Type Fig. No. 462 The drum shaft is raised by the lever, bringing the iron and paper frictions into contact for hoisting. When the lever is released the iron friction rests on the brake shoe, thus holding the load. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. of Hoist Price For Load in Pounds H. P. Required Size Drive Pulley Inches Speed Drive Pulley Revolutions Size Winding Drum Inches Estimated Shipping Weight Pounds 1 $200.00 200- 500 2X 24x4 99 12 x 12 1350 2 260.00 500-1000 4j^ 30x5 99 12 x 12 2050- 3 320.00 1000-1500 6K 36 x 6 78 15 x 15 2875 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 363 Peerless Hoist 8000 to 40,000-pound hoists have lower sheave. For quick lifting the 1000 and 2000 sizes can be equipped with special gearing. They handle light loads at double speed. Prices, Capacities, Etc. Capacity Pounds Regular Lift Feet Price Extra Lift Price Per Foot Weight of Hoist Pounds 500 8 $ 48.00 $1.36 48 1000 8 56.00 1.44 52 2000 8 72.00 1.52 80 3000 8 96.00 1.60 112 4000 9 112.00 1.68 151 6000 10 144.00 2.00 226 8000 10 176.00 2.56 227 10000 12 224.00 3.20 320 12000 12 264.00 3.20 335 16000 12 320.00 4.40 415 20000 12 384.00 5.12 496 30000 12 544.00 7.36 1000 40000 12 680.00 10.24 1229 Fig. No. 463 Spur Geared Single Chain Differential Hoist We can furnish these blocks to hoist any length. Prices, Capacities, Etc. Capacity Pounds Regular Lift Feet Price Extra Lift Price Per Foot Weight of Hoist Pounds 500 6 $28.80 $4.48 22 1000 7 33.60 4.48 31 2000 8 44.80 4.80 50 3000 8X 57.60 5.12 80 4000 9 72.00 5.44 130 6000 10 96.00 6.40 178 Improved Screw Hoist 30,000 and 40,000-pound hoists are fitted with lower sheave. Prices, Capacities, Etc. Fig. No. 464 Fig. No. 465 Double Chain Capacity Pounds Regular Lift Feet Price Extra Lift Price Per Foot Weight of Hoist Pounds 500 8 $ 36.00 $1.60 41 1000 8 40.00 1.92 68 2000 8 48.00 2.40 75 3000 8 64.00 2.80 106 4000 9 80.00 3.20 160 6000 10 120.00 3.52 247 8000 10 152.00 3.84 325 10000 12 224.00 4.80 483 12000 12 288.00 6.00 555 16000 12 336.00 6.40 735 20000 12 440.00 6.80 785 30000 12 544.00 9.60 1179 40000 12 880.00 13.60 2370 364 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. Improved American "Safety" Manila Rope Hoist Nos. 1 to 6 consist of two double blocks. Nos. 7 to 10 consist of two qu ruple blocks. This is a cheap and effective hoist and can be used to advanta for light, occasional lifting. Prices do not include Manila rope, which v will be furnished as per our price list. Prices of overhead tracks, hangers a trolleys, quoted on receipt of specifications. Fig. No. 466 Prices, Capacities, Etc. No. Sizes of Rope, Inches One Man Can Lift Pounds Weight Pounds Capac- ity Pounds Price No. Sizes of Rope, Inches One Man Can Lift Pounds Weight Pounds Capac- ity Pounds Pric 1 tf A N 300 2K 600 $ 2.50 6 Hi i IH 650 50 6000 $15.0 2 X & K 400 5K 1000 4.00 7 K A M 1000 17K 1700 11.0 3 K A H 500 UK 1500 6.00 8 H % 1100 30 3000 14.0 4 H }{ X 600 20 2800 9.00 9 K H 1100 51 6000 18.5 5 H it H 650 35 4000 12.00 10 H i IX 1100 75 8000 22.0 Steel Tackle Blocks Fig. No. 467 Prices on all sizes of wood or steel shell snatch blocks furnished on application. Prices, Dimensions, Etc. Phosphor Bronze or Dimensions Iron Bushed Improved Roller Bushed Metaline Bushed Self Lubricating Diameter Sheaves Inches Diameter Rope Inches Length Shell Inches Single Each Double Each Triple Each Single Each Double Each Triple Each Single Each Double Each Triple Each 2% X 4 $0.90 $ 1.75 $ 2.50 $ 1.40 $ 2.60 $ 3.75 $ 1.65 $ 3.25 $ 4.75 3 H 5 1.00 1.90 2.75 1.50 2.90 4.25 1.80 3.50 5.15 3K % 6 1.25 2.25 3.25 1.75 3.25 4.75 2.10 4.00 5.80 4K H 7 1.50 2.70 4.00 2.10 3.85 5.80 2.45 4.60 6.85 *K l 8 1.85 3.20 4.75 2.55 4.60 6.85 2.90 5.30 7.90 5K 1# 9 2.40 4.00 5.50 3.20 5.60 7.90 3.55 6.30 9.00 6K IK 10 3.10 5.10 7.00 4.05 7.00 9.85 4.40 7.70 11.00 8 IK 12 5.00 8.25 11.75 6.00 10.35 14.90 6.45 11.15 16.00 9K IK 14 7.50 11.75 16.50 8.75 14.25 20.25 9.10 15.00 21.30 11 2 16 13.00 21.00 32.00 14.00 24.00 35.00 15.00 25.00 38.00 12 2K 18 22.00 35.00 50.00 25.00 41.00 ,59.00 14 2K 20 30.00 50.00 65.00 34.00 58.00 77.00 Sprout, IValdron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 365 The Monarch Bag Truck This cut represents our Bag Truck, which is made from the very best material. It weighs but 20 pounds, and will carry 500 pounds. Every miller, farmer and warehouseman should have one or more of these trucks. Price, each ..$5.00 Fig. No. 468 Fig. No. 469 The Monarch Barrel Truck With Bent Iron Crossbars and Steel Nose Sizes, Prices, Etc. Fig. No. 470 Size No. Length of Handles Inches Width at Nose Inches Width at Upper Bar Inches Diameter of Wheels Inches Weight Pounds Price with Rubbered Wheels Price with Iron Wheels 1 49 11# 18 6 40 $15.00 $ 8.50 2 54 13# 21 7K 54 19.00 11.00 3 58 14# 22 9K 71 25.00 13.50 4 62 I5# 22 10# 116 34.00 16.50 5 63 18 22 10# 130 38.00 20.00 6 60 16 21 iO# 90 28.00 18.00 These trucks are firmly bolted together and have forged axles with turned bearings. Furnished with fibre wheels if desired at extra price. 366 Sprout, WalJron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Truck With Ball Bearing Casters This truck will be found especially adapted to the wants of merchants, millers, and warehouse men. Jobbers in almost any line will find by its use a great saving of time and expense. We make them to fit elevators or scales, and thus do away with transfering from truck to elevator or scales, and vice versa. Nicely oiled and varnished. Fig. No. 471 Face of Wheels and Casters Trucks numbered to 8 inclusive have casters with 1^-inch tread, wheels 2-inch tread. Trucks numbered 9 to 23 inclusive, have casters with l^-inch tread, wheels 2>^-mch tread. Trucks numbered 9 to 23 inclusive, with extra heavy casters with 2^-inch tread, wheels 3}4-inch tread, are $2.00 extra per truck advance on prices below. Rubber Tired Wheels Trucks numbered to 8 inclusive, with grooved wheels and casters with round rubber tires sprung into groove, price, $8.00 extra per truck. Trucks numbered to 8 inclusive, with patent rubber tired wheels and casters, price, $12.00 extra per truck. Trucks numbered 9 to 23 inclusive, with patent rubber tired wheels and casters, price, $24.00 extra per truck. Sizes, Prices, Etc. Size No. Size of Platform in Feet Diameter of Wheels Inches . Diameter of Casters Inches Height to Top of Platform Inches Capacity in Pounds Weight Pounds Price Each 2 x3 12 6 14 1200 125 $24.00 1 2 x4 12 6 14 1200 152 25.00 3 2#x4 12 6 14 1200 172 26.10 4 2 x 5 12 6 14 1200 161 26.10 5 3 x4 12 6 14 1200 173 27.00 6 2#x5 12 6 14 1200 175 27.00 8 3 x5 12 6 14 1200 192 29.25 J* r 9 2 x4 18 9 19 3000 217 30.00 g 11 2#x4 18 9 19 3000 229 31.50 fc 13 2#x4}4 18 9 19 3000 237 32.25 >, 15 3 x4 18 9 19 3000 246 33.00 C8 16 2#x5 18 9 19 3000 243 33.00 .3 < 18 2 x 5 18 9 19 3000 230 32.25 |19 2 x6 18 9 19 3000 240 33.00 i 20 2#x6 18 9 19 3000 255 34.50 > 21 3 x 5 18 9 19 3000 255 35.25 * 22 3 x6 18 9 19 3000 270 36.00 23 3 x8 18 9 19 3000 310 40.00 Above sizes of Trucks kept in stock. Any size made to order. The Monarch General Utility Truck Sizes, Prices, Etc. Number 1 2 3 4 Size of Base, Inches 24 x 40 26 x 40 26 x 42 27 x 42 Diameter of Wheels, In Price . 7 $15.00 7 $15.00 7 $15.00 7 $15.00 Fig. No. 472 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 367 The Monarch Hopper for Grain Scales Prices and Capacities Fig. No. 473 Capacity Bushels Price Capacity Bushels Price Capacity Bushels Price Capacity Bushels Price 30 $42.00 125 $ 98.00 400 $221.00 800 $350.00 40 56.00 150. 120.00 500 263.00 900 392.00 60 70.00 200 148.00 600 294.00 1000 434.00 100 84.00 300 182.00 700 319.00 The Monarch Grain Hopper on Trucks Fig. No. 474 Prices, Dimensions and Capacities Capacity Bushels Height Length Width Price 30 3' 7" 5' 2K" 3' 9" $60.00 40 4' 4" 5' 2tf" 3' 9" 70.00 60 5' 6" 5' 2y 2 " 3' 9" 85.00 The Monarch Flour Wagon Fig. No. 475 Capacity 600 to 1000 pounds of flour in sacks. Price, $33.00. 368 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Garden Barrow With Steel Wheel Fig. No. 476 The Monarch Barrow has been on the market so many years, and is so well and favorably known, that many imitations have been made. None of the imitators have succeeded in producing so strong a barrow. No. 1 S. W. Large Size Inside measurement of box, 32 inches long, 22 inches wide at wheel end, 27 inches wide at handle end, 12 inches deep. Has a 20-inch wheel. Nicely painted and striped. Bottoms matched and glued. Weight, 48 pounds each. Price each, $7.00. No. 2 S. W. Medium Size Inside measurement of box, 30 inches long, 19 inches wide at wheel end, 24 inches wide at handle end, 12 inches deep. Has a 20-inch wheel. Nicely painted, blue, green or red, or oiled and varnished and striped. When ordering state which color is preferred. Bottoms matched and glued. Weight, 44 pounds each. Price each, $6.00. No. 3 S. W. Small Size _ Inside measurement of box, 28 inches long, 17 inches wide at wheel end, 22 inches wide at handle end, 11 inches deep. Has an 18-inch wheel. Bottom matched and glued. Painted green or red, striped and varnished. Weight, 40 pounds each. Price each, $5.00. For barrows with wood wheels, deduct $0.50 each. The Monarch Tubular Steel Barrow Fig. No. 477 The tray is pressed from one piece of steel without seams or rivets. The edges of the trays are flanged and turned over a j^-inch steel rod. This rod prevents the tray from breaking at the edge and makes it very much stronger. These barrows are made to dump forward, and are so constructed that at the dumping point they will not run back on the operator. They are well bolted and braced, and made of the best material, and painted. The wheel revolves on a heavy bolt which also passes through the handles and so materially strengthens the barrow. Sizes, Prices, Etc. No. Size of Tray on Top Inches Diameter of Wheel Inches Gauge of Steel in Tray Capacity Cubic Feet Weight Pounds Price Each A-02 29x32 17 16 3 60 $11.00 A- 2 29x32 17 15 3 70 12.00 A-13 29x32 17 13 3 75 13.00 A- 14 29x32 17 12 3 90 15.00 A-15 29x36 17 14 4^ 86 15.00 A-16 29x36 17 12 4>4 95 18.00 A-17 29 x36 17 10 4^ 105 20.00 A-18 33 x42 17 14 6 100 20.00 A-18>* 33x42 17 16 6 90 19.00- A-19 40x49 17 16 8 100 24.00 MONARCH Power Transmission Appliances Section H, No. 115 Established 1866 SPROUT, WALDRON & CO, Mill Builders and Mill Furnishers MUNCY, PA., U. S. A. 370 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Machine Moulded Cast Iron Pulleys Style No. 100 Single Arm Solid Pulley Style No. 101 Single Arm Split Pulley Our Pulleys are machine moulded, bored and turned in the lathe, carefully balanced; are made either straight or crowning face, and are provided with set screws or key seat as desired. The tight and loose Pulleys should have crowning faces, and the driving Pulleys for shifting belts should have straight faces. To save time, in ordering please give full particulars, stating diameter, width and kind of face, single or double belt, bore, set screw or key seat, and, if anything special is desired, as tight and loose, flanged or split, thus: One 20-inch diameter, 4-inch straight face, single belt "Split" Pulley, Ij^-inch bore, key seat; or, One 20-inch diameter, 4-inch crowning face, double belt Pulley, 1^-inch bore, set screws; or, One pair 20-inch diameter, 4-inch crowning face, single belt Pulleys, Ij^-inch bore. Tight and Loose. When orders are received and no descriptions given, crowning face, single belt Pulleys will be furnished. Prices for special sizes not mentioned in the list will be quoted upon application. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 371 Cast Iron Solid Single Belt Pulleys Price List Diameter FACE IN INCHES Largest Bore Regular 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ;o 11 12 Inches 6 $2.20 $2.50 $2.85 $3.20 $3.60 $4.05 1ft 7 2.40 2.75 3.10 3.50 3.95 4.40 t 8 2.65 3.00 3.40 3.80 4.25 4.75 9 2.90 3.25 3.65 4.10 4.60 5.10 1 Ib 10 3.10 3.50 3.95 4.40 4.90 5.45 2 A 11 3.30 3.75 4.20 4.70 5.25 5.85 2A 12 3.60 4.05 4.55 5.10 5.70 6.30 2A 13 3.65 4.35 4.90 5.50 6.10 6.75 $ 7.45 2A 14 4.05 4.65 5.10 5.75 6.45 7.20 7 95 2A 15 4.35 4.85 5.65 6.10 6.85 7.70 8.60 2A 16 4.65 5.20 5.80 6.50 7.30 8.20 9.20 2^; 17 4.90 5.50 6.25 7.00 7.85 8.75 9.75 2f 18 5.20 5.85 6.60 7.40 8.30 9.30 10.40 2* 19 5.45 6.25 7.05 7.90 8.85 9.85 10.95 2* 20 5.75 6.65 7.55 8.50 9 45 10 45 11.55 $12.70 2^; 21 6.05 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.10 13.25 22 6.35 7.40 8 45 9 50 10 55 11 55 12 65 13 85 3 A 23 6.70 7.80 8.90 10.00 11 10 12 15 13 30 14.45 3 JL 24 7.05 8.20 9.35 10.50 11.65 12.80 14.00 15.20 3& 25 7.40 8.60 9.80 11.00 12.20 13.40 14.65 15.90 3A 26 7.75 9.00 10.25 11.50 12 75 14 05 15.35 16.70 3& 27 8.15 9.50 10 80 12 10 13 45 14 80 16 20 17 65 $19 15 3A 28 8.55 9.95 11.35 12 75 14 15 15 55 17 00 18 50 20.10 3A ' 29 9.00 10.50 12.00 13.45 14 90 16 35 17 95 19.45 21.05 3& 30 9.40 10.90 12 45 14 00 IS 85 17 15 18 75 20 35 22 00 3A 31 9.85 11.40 12.95 14 55 16 15 17 80 19 50 21 25 23.00 3H 32 10.30 11.90 13.55 15.20 16 90 18 60 20 35 22.15 24.00 33 10.80 12.40 14 10 15 85 17 65 19 45 21 30 23 15 25 05 3H 34 11.35 12.95 14.70 16 50 18 40 20 30 22 20 24 15 26.10 3ii 35 11.85 13.50 15.30 17.15 19 10 21 20 23.10 25.15 27.20 3tt 36 38 12.40 14.20 15.65 16.05 17 70 18.00 19 80 20.05 21 95 22.10 24 10 24.15 26 25 26.20 28 40 28.30 30 60 $30.45 32.85 3tt 3H 40 16.75 18 95 21 15 23 40 25 70 28 00 30 30 32 60 34.95 42 17 90 20 20 22 60 25 00 27 40 29 80 ?2 20 34 55 37 10 3H 44 19.30 21 75 24 20 26 70 29 25 31 80 34 30 36 80 39.30 4& 46 20.80 23 35 25 95 28 55 31 20 33 85 36 50 39 15 41.60 4A 48 22.40 25.05 27.75 30.45 33.20 35.95 38.75 41.60 43.90 4& Cast Iron Split Single Price List Belt Pulleys Diameter FACE IN INCHES Largest Bore Regular 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Price Inches 6 $3.70 $4.00 $4.60 $4.95 $5 60 $6 05 14 7 3.90 4.25 4.85 5.25 5.95 6.40 1M 8 4.25 4.60 5.30 5.70 6.45 6.95 9 4.50 4.85 5.55 6.00 6.80 7 30 1 H 10 4.80 5.20 6.00 6.45 7.30 7.85 2 JT 11 5.00 5.45 6.25 6.75 7.65 8.25 2& 12 5.40 5.85 6.75 7.30 8.30 8 90 2 A 13 5.70 6.15 7.10 7.70 8.70 9.35 $10.50 2-fs 14 6.00 6.60 7.50 8.15- 9.30 9.95 11.30 2A 15 6.30 6.80 8.05 8.50 9.70 10 05 11.95 2^c 16 6.75 7.30 8.40 9.10 10.40 11 30 12.85 2ft 17 7.00 7 60 8 85 9 60 10 95 11 95 13.40 2 18 7.45 8.05 9.40 10.20 11.70 12 65 14.35 2H 19 7.70 8 50 9 85 10 70 12 20 13 20 14 90 2H 20 8.20 9.10 10 60 11 55 13 10 14 10 15.85 $17.00 2H 21 8 50 9 45 11 05 12 05 13 65 14 65 16 40 17 55 3-i 22 9.00 10 05 11 75 12 80 14 50 15 50 17.30 18.50 - 3A 23 9 35 10 45 12 20 13 30 15 05 16 10 17 95 19 10 3 i 24 9.85 11 00 12 90 14 05 15 90 17 05 19 00 20.20 3A 25 10 20 11 40 13 35 14 55 16 45 17 65 19 65 20 90 26 10.75 12 00 14 10 15 35 17 35 18 65 20 75 22.10 3-4 27 11 15 12 50 14 55 15 95 18 05 19 40 21 60 23 05 $25.35 3A 28 11 80 13 20 15 50 16 90 19 10 20 50 22 80 2430 26.75 3A 29 12.25 13 75 16 15 17 60 19 85 21 30 24.75 25.25 27.70 3A 30 12 90 14 40 16 90 18 45 21 15 22 45 24 95 26 55 29.10 3A 31 13 35 14 90 17 40 19 00 21 45 23 10 25 70 27.45 30'. 10 32 14 10 15 70 18 35 20 00 22 60 24 30 27 00 28 80 31.60 315 33 14 60 16 20 18 90 20 65 23 25 26 10 27 95 29.80 32.65 38 34 15 45 17 05 19 gs 21 65 24 50 26 40 29 30 31 25 34.20 3H 35 15 95 17 60 20 45 22 30 25 20 27 30 30 20 32.25 35.30 3H 36 38 16.80 18.60 20.40 21.55 23.65 23.50 25.70 26.55 28.90 28.60 31.05 31.70 34.30 33.75 36.45 36.90 39.75 $39.05 42.00 3H 3ft 40 21.85 25.25 27.45 30.80 33.10 36.55 38.85 42.30 44.65 3ft 42 23.35 26.90 29.30 32.85 35.25 38.85 41.25 44.90 47.35 3ft 44 25.15 28.90 31.35 35.05 37.60 41.40 43.90 47.65 50.15 4rs 46 27.05 30.95 33.55 37.40 40.05 44.00 46.65 50.60 53.05 4A 48 ' 29.05 33.10 35.80 39.80 42.55 46.65 49.45 53.65 55.95 4A 372 Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Cast Iron Solid Double Belt Pulleys Price List Diameter Inches FACE IN INCHES Largest bore, reg. price, in. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 $2.50 2.70 2.90 3.20 3.45 3.70 3.95 4.20 4.50 4.80 5.10 5.40 5.70 6.05 6.40 6.75 7.10 7.50 7.90 8.35 8.80 9.30 9.80 10.30 10.85 11.40 11.95 12.50 13.10 13.70 14.30 $2.80 3.05 3.35 3.65 3.95 4.25 4.55 4.85 5.20 5.55 5.80 6.25 6.65 7.05 7.45 7.85 8.30 8.75 9.25 9.75 10.30 10.85 11.45 12.00 12.65 13.25 13.90 14.50 15.20 15.90 16.55 18.00 19.50 21.05 22.65 24.35 26.10 27.90 29.80 31.75 33.80 35.95 38.20 40.50 $3.15 3.50 3.80 4.15 4.45 4.80 5.15 5.50 5.95 6.35 6.60 7.10 7.60 8.10 8.55 9.00 9.50 10.05 10.60 11.20 11.80 12.45 13.10 13.75 14.45 15.15 15.85 16.55 17.30 18.10 18.85 20.50 22.15 23.85 25.65 27.50 29.40 31.40 33.50 35.65 37.90 40.25 42.65 45.15 $ 3.60 3.95 4.25 4.65 5.00 5.40 5.80 6.20 6.70 7.15 7.45 8.00 8.55 9.15 9.65 10.15 10.75 11.35 12.00 12.65 13.35 14.05 14.80 15.50 16.30 17.05 17.85 18.60 19.45 20.35 21.15 23.00 24.80 26.65 28.65 30.65 32.75 34.90 37.25 39.60 42.05 44.60 47.25 49.85 52.65 55.55 58.55 61.50 64.55 $ 4.10 4.40 4.75 5.20 5.55 6.00 6.45 6.90 7.50 8.00 8.50 8.90 9.55 10.25 10.80 11.35 12.00 12.70 13.40 14.15 14.90 15.70 16.50 17.30 18.15 19.00 19.85 20.70 21.60 22.60 23.50 25.55 27.45 29.45 31.65 33.85 36.10 38.40 41.00 43.55 46.20 49.00 51.85 54.60 57.50 60.50 63.60 66.70 69.90 $ 4.55 4.90 5.25 5.75 6.15 6.65 7.15 7.65 8.30 8.85 9.20 9.85 10.55 11.35 11.95 12.55 13.30 14.05 14.85 15.65 16.50 17.35 18.25 19.10 20.05 20.95 21.90 22.80 23.80 24.90 25.85 28.10 30.10 32.25 34.65 37.05 39.45 41.95 44.75 47.55 50.40 53.45 56.50 59.40 62.40 65.50 68.70 71.95 75.30 78.75 82.30 85.95 89.70 93.55 97.50 101.55 105.70 109.95 114.30 118.75 123.30 127.95 131.45 134.95 138.45 142.60 147.60 152.70 157.90 163.20 168.60 174.10 179.80 $ 5.05 5.35 5.80 6.30 6.80 7.30 7.85 8.40 9.10 9.75 10.10 10.80 11.60 12.40 13.15 13.80 14.60 15.45 16.30 17.20 18.10 19.05 20.00 20.95 21.95 22.95 23.95 24.95 26.05 27.20 28.25 30.70 32.80 35.10 37.70 40.25 42.85 45.50 48.55 51.55 54.65 57.95 61.20 64.25 67.35 70.55 73.85 77.85 80.75 84.35 88.05 91.90 95.90 100.00 104.20 108.50 112.95 117.55 122.30 127.10 132.05 137.10 140.80 144.50 148.20 152.55 157.75 163.05 168.50 174.05 179.70 185.50 191.40 $ 5.55 5.85 6.35 6.90 7.50 8.00 8.60 9.20 9.95 10.65 11.05 11.80 12.65 13.55 14.35 15.05 15.95 16.85 17.80 18.75 19.75 20.75 21.80 22.80 23.90 24.95 26.05 27.10 28.30 29.55 30.70 33.30 35.50 37.95 40.75 43.45 46.25 49.10 52.35 55.60 58.95 62.45 65.90 69.15 72.35 75.65 79.05 82.65 86.25 90.05 93.90 97.95 102.20 106.55 111.00 115.60 120.30 125.25 130.35 135.50 140.85 146.30 150.20 154.10 158.00 162.55 167.95 173.45 179.20 185.00 190.90 196.95 203.05 $ 6.55 6.85 7.60 8.15 8.95 9.55 10.15 10.85 11.70 12.55 13.00 13.85 14.85 15.90 16.85 17.65 18.70 19.75 20.85 21.95 23.10 24.25 25.45 26.60 27.85 29.05 30.30 31.55 32.90 34.30 35.65 38.60 40.95 43.70 46.85 49.95 53.10 56.35 60.05 63.75 67.50 71.55 75.45 79.10 82.50 86.00 89.60 93.60 97.40 101.60 105.90 110.40 115.15 120.00 124.95 130.15 135.45 141.00 146.70 152.60 158.70 164.95 169.25 173.45 177.75 182.80 188.60 194.55 200.85 207.15 213.55 220.05 226.60 2A 2& 2A 2A 2A 1 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A ii 3tt 3tf 3tf 3M 3H 4A 4A 4A 4tf 4M 4tt 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A SA SA SA 5A SA 5A 5A SA SA SA 5A SA SA SA I* ;* SA a $11.75 12.60 13.50 14.50 15.00 16.00 17.05 18.35 19.45 20.35 21.55 22.75 24.00 25.25 26.55 27.85 29.20 30.50 31.90 33.25 34.70 36.10 37.60 39.15 40.70 44.00 46.45 49.50 53.05 56.50 60.00 63.70 67.85 72.00 76.25 80.75 85.15 89.25 92.85 96.55 100.35 104.75 108.85 113.50 118.30 123.30 128.55 133-.90 139.40 145.20 151.05 157.20 163.65 170.10 176.80 183.85 188.55 193.05 197.70 203.30 209.55 215.95 222.85 229.65 236.55 243.50 250.45 $17.20 18.25 19.45 20.90 22.15 23.15 24.50 25.85 27.25 28.65 30.10 31.55 33.05 34.50 36.00 37.55 39.20 40.75 42.40 44.10 45.85 49.50 52.05 55.40 59.25 63.10 67.00 71.15 75.75 80.35 85.10 90.05 95.00 99.60 103.40 107.30 111.30 116.10 120.65 125.80 131.10 136.60 142.35 148.30 154.35 160.75 167.20 173.90 181.00 188.00 195.30 203.00 208.10 212.90 217.85 224.05 230.80 237.70 245.15 252.45 259.85 267.20 274.65 $23.55 24.95 26.05 27.55 29.05 30.60 32.15 33.75 35.35 36.90 38.60 40.25 41.95 43.80 45.50 47.30 49.15 51.10 55.10 57.75 61.35 65.55 69.80 74.10 78.70 83.75 88.80 94.05 99.45 105.05 110.15 114.15 118.25 122.50 127.75 132.85 138.50 144.30 150.40 156.60 163.15 169.80 176.80 183.80 191.05 198.70 206.40 214.20 222.35 227.80 233.05 238.20 245.10 252.35 259.80 267.70 275.50 283.50 291.30 299.25 $30.70 32.35 34.05 35.75 37.50 39.25 40.95 42.80 44.60 46.45 48.50 50.35 52.30 54.30 56.45 60.80 63.60 67.35 71.80 76.55 81.30 86.35 91.85 97.35 103.10 108.95 115.20 120.90 125.10 129.45 133.95 139.75 145.45 151.60 158.00 164.60 171.30 178.45 185.75 193.35 200.95 208.70 216.90 225.20 233.50 242.05 247.80 253.40 258.80 266.40 i 274.70 282.20 290.60 298.90 307.45 315.80 324.25 $39.45 41.35 43.25 45.10 47.10 49.05 51.10 53.30 55.30 57.40 59.60 61.90 66.55 69.35 73.35 78.25 83.40 88.60 94.15 100.00 106.00 112.25 118.60 125.55 131.85 136.30 141.05 145.75 152.15 158.45 165.20 172.10 179.20 186.40 194.25 202.20 210.35 218.55 227.00 235.60 244.40 253.20 262.15 268.15 273.95 279.65 287.85 296.40 304.95 313,80 322.60 331.65 340.60 349.65 $60.35 62.65 65.00 67.40 72.35 75.35 79.40 84.75 90.30 95.95 102.05 108.20 114.70 121.45 128.45 136.00 142.95 147.90 152.95 157.95 164.90 171.95 179.20 186.60 194.20 202.10 210.40 219.00 227.80 236.70 245.70 254.80 264.00 273.30 282.70 288.70 294.70 300.70 309.70 318.80 328.00 337.30 346.70 356.20 365.80 375.50 Sprout, Waldron fr Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 373 Cast Iron Split Double Belt Pulleys Price List S Add 5% for each additional > ^ inch or fractional part thereof 4 inch or fractional part thereof 4 inch or fractional part thereof 378 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. All Wrought Steel Split Pulleys Six Arm Pulleys Style No. 102 Design Used Sizes 6" to 24" (Patented) (Narrow Faces Above 16") Style No. 103 Design Used Sizes 16" to 24" (Patented) (Wide Faces) Same Design All Faces 25" to 42" (Patented) Furnished With Either Straight or Crowning Face Price List FACE IN INCHES 5 v i-i TO U 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 j 24 6 $3-15 $3.30 $ 3.45 $ 3.75 $ 4.05 7 3.22 3.38 3.60 3.90 4.20 8 3.30 3.45 3.75 4.05 4.35 $ 4.95 $ 5.60 9 3.38 3.60 3.90 4.20 4.50 5.10 5.75 10 3.45 3.75 4.05 4.35 4.65 5.25 5.90 $ 6.45 11 3.65 3.90 4.20 4.50 4.80 5.40 6.00 6.90 12 3.90 4.20 4.63 4.80 5.33 5.78 6.45 7.65 13 4.05 4.35 4.80 5.20 5.62 6.43 7.20 8.40 14 4.20 4.50 5.20 5.65 6.15 7.05 8.03 9.00 15 4.35 4.65 5.45 5.80 6.55 7.65 8.80 9.75 16 4.50 4.95 5.75 6.10 6.90 8.25 9.45 10.50 17 5.25 6.00 6.50 7.28 8.78 10.05 11.25 18 5.55 6.38 7.00 7.65 9.30 10.65 12.00 19 5.80 6.75 7.50 8.25 10.13 11.25 12.90 20 6.00 7.50 8.10 9.00 10.73 12.00 14.25 21 6.25 8.00 8.90 9.60 11.25 12.98 15.60 $18.00 $20.55 22 6.50 8.55 9.50 10.28 12.00 14.10 16.80 19.50 21.30 23 7.00 8.70 9.90 10.58 12.60 14.75 18.00 21.00 24.30 24 7.50 8.90 10.00 10.95 13.20 15.68 19.05 22.65 26.25 $29.92 $34.50 25 9.20 11.45 13.80 16.40 20.20 24.50 29.25 35.05 39.50 26 9.55 11.95 14.40 17.10 21.30 26.25 31.20 36.15 41.40 28 10.80 12.90 15.45 18.15 22.90 28.50 34.50 40.35 46.35 30 12.00 14.10 17.25 19.90 24.75 31.50 38.10 45.00 49.50 $55.50 $61.50 32 13.20 15.45 19.35 22.50 26.86 34.15 41.65 48.37 54.37 60.37 66.37 34 14.40 17.25 21.75 25.50 30.00 36.75 45.00 51.75 57.45 63.75 69.75 36 15.90 19.50 24.00 28.65 33.75 39.75 48.60 55.50 61.50 67.50 73.50 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 379 All Wrought Steel Pulleys with Cork Inserts Patented For hard drives and excessive loads, where a slipping belt makes trouble, the use of a pulley equipped with Cork Insets will generally change the whole situation. Extensive tests made at the Lowell Textile School show conclusively that a greatly increased efficiency is obtained where Cork Insets are used. The corks wear indefi- nitely and are practically unaffected by dust, oil or water. We are able to supply on short notice any standard size of American Pulley, above 5 inches diameter, equipped with Cork Insets. Net Extra Price Style No. 104 FACE IN INCHES So rj .rt o 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 6 $0.26 $0.39 $0.52 $0.65 $0.79 7 .31 .46 .61 .76 .92 8 .35 .52 .70 .87 1.05 $1.40 $1.75 9 .39 .59 .78 .98 1.18 1.57 1.96 10 .44 .65 .87 1.09 1.31 1.75 2.18 $2.62 11 .48 .72 .96 1.20 1.44 1.92 2.40 2.88 12' .52 .78 1.05 1.31 1.57 2.09 2.62 3.14 13 .57 .85 1.13 1.42 1.70 2.27 2.83 3.40 14 .61 .92 1.22 1.53 1.83 2.44 3.05 3.66 15 .65 .98 1.31 1.63 1.96 2.61 3.27 3.92 16 .70 1.05 1.40 1.74 2.09 2.79 3.48 4.18 17 1.11 1.48 1.85 2.22 2.97 3.71 4.45 18 1.18 1.57 1.96 2.35 3.14 3.92 4.71 19 1.24 1.66 2.07 2.49 3.32 4.14 4.97 20 1.31 1.74 2.18 2.62 3.49 4.36 5.23 21 1.37 1.83 2.29 2.75 3.66 4.58 5.50 $ 6.40 $ 7.32 22 1.44 1.92 2.40 2.88 3.84 4.80 5.75 6.71 7.67 23 1.51 2.01 2.51 3.01 4.01 5.01 6.02 7.02 8.03 24 1.57 2.09 2.62 3.14 4.19 5.23 6.28 7.32 8.37 $ 9.42 $10.50 25 2.18 3.27 4.36 5.45 6.54 7.62 8.72 9.80 10.90 26 2.27 3.40 4.54 5.67 6.80 7.93 9.07 10.20 11.30 28 2.44 3.66 4.88 6.10 7.32 8.54 9.77 11.00 12.20 30 2.62 3.92 5.23 6.54 7.84 9.15 10.50 11.80 13.10 $14.40 $15.70 32 2.79 4.18 5.58 6.97 8.36 9.76 11.20 12.60 14.00 15.30 16.70 34 2.96 4.44 5.93 7.41 8.89 10.40 11.90 13.30 14.80 16.30 17.80 36 3 14 4.71 6.28 7.85 9.42 11.00 12.60 14.10 15.70 17.30 18.90 380 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Wood Split Pulleys Style No. 107 Construction of Pulleys up to and in- cluding 36-inch diameter, all faces. Style No. 108 Pulleys 37 to 83 inches in diameter are constructed in this manner; 84-inch diame- ter, and larger, are built with such addi- tional arms as the diameter of the pulley makes necessary. Construction Style No. 107 and 108 Pulleys are constructed throughout of the best materials obtainable. We carry an immense stock of lumber carefully selected and all of it is thoroughly air dried for many months and then carefully kiln dried. The rims are built of sections nailed and glued. It is worthy of mention that the glue we use is of superior quality and is prepared for use in the most careful manner, for unquestionably, the gluing of a wood pulley is one if not the most important functions of its manufacture. The arms are built of white oak, sections placed edgewise to the strain, and these sections increase with the width of face so that the width of spoke is always in proportion to the width of face. This method of spoke construction gives these pulleys ample rim support as well as ample compression on the shaft. The spokes are built into the rim and there firmly secured in such a manner that the strain of compression is equalized upon an extended portion of the rim. In clamping the pulley upon the shaft we use heavier iron plates, together with hexagon nuts and bolts of larger size, and in greater number, than any other maker. This insures the user against possible slipping on the shaft, no matter how severe the work the pulley may be called on to perform. These pulleys are finished throughout with pure orange shellac, unquestionably the best material known for the purpose. List prices on page 381. Wood Pulleys with Iron Hub Made Split or Solid We carry a large stock of these pulleys and are prepared to make immediate shipment of all orders. Pulleys are 70% lighter than iron and transmit 60% more power. The rims are made of poplar which will transmit 25% more power than any other wood. List prices on page 381. Style No. 105 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 381 The Monarch Wood Split Pulleys Price List FACE IN INCHES Slfl efl c S M 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 $2.80 2.85 2.90 2.95 3.00 3.10 3.25 3.50 3.75 $ 2.90 295 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.25 3.40 3.70 4.00 4.30 $ 3.10 3.20 3.25 3.35 3.40 3.60 3.75 4.10 4.45 4.80 $ 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.90 4.10 4.50 4.90 5.30 $ 3.70 3.85 4.00 4.15 4.30 4.55 4.80 5.30 5.80 6.30 $ 4.10 4.30 4.50 4.70 4.90 5.20 5.50 6.10 6.70 7.30 $ 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.85 6.20 6.90 7.60 8.30 $ 5.80 6.10 6.50 6.90 7.70 8.50 9.30 $ 7.60 8.50 9.40 10.30 $ 10.30 11.30 14 4.60 5.15 5.70 6.80 7.90 9.00 10.10 11.20 12.30 $ 13.40 15 4.90 5.50 6.10 7.30 8.50 9.70 10.90 12.10 13.30 14.50 16 5.20 5.85 6.50 7.80 9.10 10.40 11.70 13.00 14.30 15.60 $ 16.90 17 5.50 6.20 6.90 8.30 9 70 11.10 12.50 13.90 15 30 16 70 18 10 18 5.80 6.55 7.30 8.80 10.30 11.80 13.30 14.80 16.30 17.80 19.30 $ 20.80 19 6.10 6.90 7.70 9.30 10.90 12.50 14.10 15.70 17.30 18.90 20.50 22.10 20 6.40 7.25 8.10 9.80 11 50 13.20 14.90 16.60 18 30 20 00 21 70 23 40 22 7.00 7.95 8.90 10.80 12.70 14.60 16.50 18.40 20.30 22.20 24.10 26.00 24 7.70 8.80 9.90 12.10 14.30 16.50 18.70 20.90 23.10 25.30 27.50 29.70 26 8.40 9.65 10.90 13.40 15 90 18.40 20.90 23.40 25 90 28 40 30 90 33 40 28 9.10 10.50 11.90 14.70 17.50 20.30 23.10 25.90 28.70 31.50 34.30 37.10 30 9.80 11.35 12.90 16 00 19 10 22 20 25 30 28 40 31 50 34 60 37 70 40 80 32 10.50 12.20 13.90 17.30 20 70 24.10 27.50 30.90 34 30 37 70 41 10 44 50 34 11.30 13.15 15.00 18.70 22.40 26.20 29.80 33.50 37.20 40.90 44.60 48.30 36 12.10 14.10 16.10 20 10 24 10 28 10 32 10 36 10 40 10 44 10 48 10 52 10 38 17.20 21.50 25 80 30.10 34.40 38.70 43 00 47.30 51 60 55 90 40 18 30 22 90 27 50 32 10 36 70 41 30 45 90 50 50 55 10 59 70 42 19.60 24 60 29 60 34 60 39 60 44 60 49 60 54 60 59 60 64 60 44 20.90 26.30 31 70 37.10 42.50 47.90 53 30 58 70 64 10 69 50 46 22 30 28 10 33 90 39 70 45 50 51 30 57 10 62 90 68 70 74 50 48 23.80 30.00 36 20 42 40 48 60 54 80 61 00 67 20 73 40 79 60 50 25.40 32.00 38 60 45.20 51.80 58.40 65 00 71 60 78.20 84 80 52 27 10 34 10 41 10 48 10 55 10 62 10 69 10 76 10 83 10 90 10 54 28.90 36.30 43 70 51.10 58 50 65 90 73 30 80 70 88 10 95 50 56 30.80 38.60 46.40 54.20 62.00 69.80 77.60 85.40 93.20 101.00 58 32.80 41 00 49 20 57 40 65 60 73 80 82 00 90 20 98 40 106 60 60 34.90 43.50 52 10 60 70 69 30 77 90 86 50 95 10 103 70 112 30 62 37 10 46 10 55 10 64 10 73 10 82 10 91 10 100 10 109 10 118 10 64 39.40 48 80 58 20 67 60 77 00 86 40 95 80 105 20 114 60 124 00 66 41.90 51.80 61.70 71 60 81.50 91.40 101 30 111 20 121 10 131.00 68 44 50 54 90 65 30 75 70 86 10 96 50 106 90 117 30 127 70 138 10 70 47.20 58 10 69 00 79 90 90 80 101 70 112 60 123 50 134 40 145 30 72 50.00 61.40 72.80 84.20 95.60 107.00 118 40 129 80 141.20 152.60 78 71.90 84.80 97.70 110.60 123.50 136.40 149.30 162.20 175.10 84 83 30 97 70 112 10 126 50 140 90 155 30 169 70 184 10 198 50 90 95.60 111 50 127.40 143.30 159.20 175 10 191.00 206.90 222.80 96 100.00 126.50 144.00 161.50 179.00 196.50 214.00 231.50 249.00 102 123.70 143 00 162 30 181 60 200 90 220 20 239 50 258 80 278.10 108 139.30 160.40 181.50 202.60 223.70 244.80 265.90 287.00 308.10 114 155 80 178 70 201 60 224 50 247 40 270 30 293 20 316 10 339 00 120 173 20 197 90 222 60 247 30 272 00 296 70 321 40 346 10 370.80 Special Bores For boring pulleys to fit shaft when bore is less than standard, or for boring pulleys larger than standard but smaller than bores shown in the following table, add 10 per cent to regular list. Prices for Extra Large Bores Add to List Add to List Add to List Add to List Add to List Add to List . 15% 20% 25% 35% 50% 65% Under 12 inches diameter 3 is to 4 in. 4 T l s to 5 in. SIB to 6 in. From 12 to 48 inches diameter 4^8 to 4X in. 4 IB to 6 in. 6 A to 7^ in. 7 T 9 g to 10 in. From 49 to 72 inches diameter 5 t l 4 to 6 in. 6^8 to 7K in. 7 T 9 s to 9>^in. 9 T 9 9 to 12 in. 12 A to 15 in. 15^ to 18 in. From 73 to 96 inches diameter From 97 to 120 inches diameter. . 7 A to 8 in. 9i J B to 10 in. 8^ to 10 in. lO^sto 12 K in. 10 , l e to 12 in. 12rfe to 15 in. 12^ to 15 in. 15^ a to 18 in. 15 r l e to 18 in. 18 ,"9 to 21 in. 18^ to 21 in. 21^ to 25 in. For bores in excess of above limits, net prices will be made on application. Bore of Standard Pulleys 3 inches diameter . 1 } J inches 4 to 7 inches diameter, inclusive 2 $4 inches 8 to 72 inches diameter, inclusive 3}4 inches If desired, 6 and 7-inch diameter pulleys can be bored 3.K inches. 50-inch diameter and larger can be bored 4> inches and urnished with interchangeable bushings. 382 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Bushings for Pulleys, Sheaves, Gears, Etc. Style No. 109 Split Bushing with Flange Style No. 110 Plain Split Bushing Style No. Ill Solid Bushing with Flange Style No. 112 Plain Solid Bushing Brass Bushings Dimensions and Prices Size of Shaft, Inches ITTT to ITT? to lf to 144 to 2A to 2A to 2H to 2M to 3A to Price per Inch, in Length IX $1.20 IK $1.25 i# $1.30 2 $1.40 2K $1.50 2X $1.60 2K $1.70 3 $1.80 3# $1.90 Size of Shaft, Inches 3^ to 3H to 3ff to 4,Tf tO 4H to STTT to 5M to 6iTr to 6ri to Price per Inch, in Length 3K $2.00 3^ $2.25 4 $2.50 4X $3.00 5 $3.50 5K $4.00 6 $4.50 6K $5.00 7 $6.00 Fractions of an inch charged full inch. Babbitt and Cast Iron Bushings Dimensions and Prices Inside Diameter Inches Outside Diameter Inches Cast Iron Per Inch Babbitt Metal Per Inch Itt 2* 3H $0.55 .60 .65 .70 .75 .85 .95 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.50 $0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.70 1.85 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.85 3.20 3.60 Prices listed are for plain solid bearings. For split 'bushings add 25%. For bushings with flange add for width of flange, per inch, 25%. Wood Bushings Bushings 10 inches or less in length $0.50 Bushings over 10 inches in length, per inch .05 Applying to diameters from \]A to 3^ inches. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 383 Bevel Gears and Pinions Style No. 113 li S Pattern Number IH ill ZaS Number of Teeth Width of Facelnches Backing Length of Hub Inches Proportion Weight Pounds H. P. at 100 Rev. 1 ll S3 Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth Width of Facelnches Backing Length of Hub Inches Proportion Weight Pounds H. P. at 100 Rev. u I 1 A 50004 5.50 28 H IH IH 1.75 5 .48 $1.40 34 50019 6.00 25 IX IX 2 2.08 8 1.37 $ 2.50 /. 50004 X 2.62 16 H H ift to 1 2 .25 1.00 V*T 50019 X 2.87 12 IX X IH to 1 2 .50 1.20 50001 5.75 36 IH 2H 2X 2.00 5 .72 1.80 50018 6.62 28 IX 2 2 2.33 10 1.40 2.80 50001 % 2.87 18 1M IH 2H to 1 2 .36 1.00 50018 X 2.87 12 IX X IH to 1 3 .50 1.20 50002 8.62 55 H H IX 2.62 5 .41 2.75 5167 24.83 104 IX 2X 2 8.00 40 2.99 10.40 50002 X 3.37 21 H H 1 to 1 2 .27 1.05 5168 3.13 13 IX IH 3 to 1 4 .70 1.30 5017 7.61 48 H IX IX 3.00 4 .54 2.40 5018 2.50 16 H if H to 1 IX .24 1.00 13 50022 9.00 36 IH 2 2 3.00 10 1.56 4.50 5019 9.20 57 i IX IN 3.00 7 .70 2.85 1 fi 50022 X 3.00 12 IH H IX to 1 3 .50 1.50 5020 3.05 19 i l IX to 1 2X .40 1.00 J.U 50023 12.37 48 IX 2X 2H 3.00 18 2.25 6.00 0029 3.50 28 X 1.28 | 50023 X 4.12 16 1 X H 2 to 1 5 1.10 2.00 0028 4.50 36 X to 1 [ 3.00 * 74 0131 3.50 21 IH 1.90 6 76 5025 11.20 40 2X IX 3 1.33 18 3.10 5.00 0130 6.66 40 IH to 1 2X II \ 5.50 n> 5026 8.40 30 2X IX 3 to 1 14 2.56 3.75 5161 12.30 44 2 IX 2 2.00 18 2.90 5.50 3 5165 19.68 104 1% X IH 8.00 26 1.90 7.30 5162 6.14 22 2 IX 2X to 1 9 2.00 2.75 5 5166 2.50 13 IX X 2 to 1 2X .20 1.00 5163 12.24 44 IX IH 2 2.45 20 2.08 5.50 5164 5.10 18 IX ift 2X to 1 10 1.23 2.25 % 5181 11.54 58 2X 1& 2H 1.02 20 2.22 4.65 50030 8.37 30 IH IH 2X 2.50 15 2.01 3.75 7\J 5182 11.34 57 2X 1A 2H to 1 19 2.18 4.60 50030 X 3.87 j 12 IH H 2X to 1 5 1.54 1.50 5189 6.00 30 1H! IH IH 2.00 10 .86 2.40 50025 11.25 40 2X 2 3 2.50 20 3.16 5.00 5190 3.00 15 IH IX 2X to 1 4 .60 1.20 50025 X 4.50 16 2X X 2X to 1 7 !l.84 2.00 50006 8.50 44 IX IH 2 2.00 8 1.05 3.55 5187 15.03 54 2X 4H 3 2.84 25 3.78 6.75 50006 X 4.25 22 IX 2 to 1 6 .73 1.80 5188 5.31 19 2X A 3X to 1 12 1.84 2.40 5003 11.75 60 IX! IX 2 1.20 12 1.49 5.40 5159 15.06 54 IX 2X 2X 3.00 28 3.02 6.75 5004 9.87 50 iX! i 2 to 1 10 1.31 4.00 5160 5.02 18 IX IX 3 to 1 8 1.44 2.25 5177 7.96 40 IX IH IH 2.50 8X 1.02 3.20 50027 14.50 52 2 2X 2X 3.71 30 3.08 6.50 5178 3.20 16 IX IH 2ft to 1 4X .65 1.30 50027 X 3.87 14 2 H 2X to 1 5 1.66 1.75 50008 6.37 32 IX IX IH 2.99 8 .94 2.60 50026 18.00 65 2 2X 2X 5.91 35 3.85 8.15 50008 X 2.19 11 IX H IXi to 1 2 .50 1.00 50026 X 3.06 11 2 H 2X to 1 4 1.40 1.40 5175 12.00 60 IX IX IH 4.00 16 1.28 4.80 5176 3.03 15 IX IH 2ft to 1 4 .60 1.20 50043 13.75 43 2X IH 3X 1.16 31 4.40 6.45 0018 3.60 18 IX 2.22 3X i 50043 X 1 1-75 37 2X IH 3X to 1 27 3.95 5.55 0019 8.00 40 IX to 1 7 :: f 5.00 5001 17.25 54 4 2H 4H 1.17 56 8.80 10.80 0000 4.00 20 2 3.95 10 > 5002 14.62 46 4 IH 4H to 1 46 7.04 9.20 0000 15.80 79 2 to 1 32 ::f 12.65 5039 14.07 44 2X IX 3X 1.22 42 4.50 6.60 5040 11.51 36 2X IH 3X to 1 32 3.60 5.40 11 16 0002 0001 50009 50009 X 4.59 13.78 16.50 3.25 21 63 78 15 IX IX 2 2 3.00 to 1 5.20 to 1 8 18 30 5 ll7~2~ .76 7.50 7.50 7.80 1.50 5041 5042 5011 5012 50034 15.32 11.47 11.87 8.75 16.00 48 36 38 25 50 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X IH IX 2H IX 2 2X 2X 2H 2H 3X 1.33 to 1 1.34 to 1 1.35 50 34 22 18 37 4.45 3.55 3.71 3.15 4.95 7.20 5.40 5.70 3.75 7.50 2X H 2X 2H 50034 X 11.75 37 2X IH 3X to 1 27 3.95 5.55 34 5029 12.25 51 2X IX 2X 1.34 21 2.66 5.10 5183 11.49 36 3 IX 2H 1.38 30 5.74 5.40 5030 8.12 38 2X IH 2X to 1 15 2.10 3.80 5184 8.30 26 3 IH 4 to 1 20 3.69 3.90 50014 14.12 60 1# IX 2X 1.36 26 2.48 6.00 5007 15.87 50 2X 2 3X 1.43 28 5.45 7.50 50014 X 10.50 44 IH IX 2X to 1 19 2.04 4.40 5008 11.12 35 2X IX 3X to 1 24 4.35 5.25 50011 4.75 20 . IX IH 2 1.43 5 1.05 2.00 50033 12.12 38 2 2 3 1.52 22 3.30 5.70 50011X 3.37 14 IX X 2 to 1 3 .80 1.40 50033 X 8.00 25 2 IH 3 to 1 12 2.60 3.75 50016 14.87 62 IX IX 2X 1.55 22 2.31 6.20 5043 17.23 54 2X 2X 3X 1.80 48 5.25 8.10 50016 X 9.62 40 IX H 2X to 1 14 2.00 4.00 5044 9.60 30 2X 1 3X to 1 20 3.50 4.50 5033 9.60 40 IX IX 2X 1.82 12 1.90 4.00 50041 9.00 28 2 IX 2X 2.00 18 2.80 4.20 5034 5.25 22 IX IX 2X to 1 9 1.23 2.20 50041 X 4.50 14 2 H 2X to 1 5 1.87 2.10 50020 4.81 20 IX IX IX 2.00 5 .88 2.00 5015 17.50 56 2 2H 2X 2.00 34 4.20 8.40 50020 X 2.44 10 IX X IX to 1 3 .30 1.00 5016 8.12 28 2 IH IX to 1 20 2.60 4.20 5013 9.50 40 IX 2 2H 2.00 16 1.84 4.00 50044 17.75 56 2X 2X 3X 2.00 44 5.50 8.40 5014 4.75 20 IX IX IX to 1 8 1.23 2.00 50044 X 8.87 28 2X 1 3X to 1 24 3.50 4.20 50013 12.75 52 IX 2 2H 2.00 21 2.08 5.20 5045 19.74 62 2X 2H 3X 2.38 60 4.95 9.30 50013 X 6.37 26 IX IX 3 to 1 10 1.40 2.60 5046 8.30 26 2Xl IX 3X to 1 24 2.93 3.90 384 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Bevel Gears and Pinions Continued Jj Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth Width of Facelnches Backing Length of Hub Inches Proportion Weight Pounds H.P. at 100 Rev. | w II Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth Width of Facelnches Backing Length of Hub Inches Proportion Weight Pounds > CO &) 'g K2 0010 3.82 60 2X to 1 50 " f 14.20 0006 23.86 15 3 to 1 80 ::: f 19.90 11 50046 15.00 45 2X 2X 3X 3.00 38 5.35 9.00 1-1 5031 26.19 60 4 2X 4 Ml 1.50 120 15.13 18.00 ITTF 50046 X 5.00 15 2X X 2X to 1 8 2.43 3.00 Is 5032 17.43 40 4 IX 4^ to 1 75 11.00 12.00 5027 24.87 57 4 3X 4J< 3.00 110 14.58 17.10 11 50053 20.75 58 3 2X 4 1.45 64 8.16 11.60 5028 8.31 19 4 2X 5X to 1 40 7.15 5.70 IIF 5005 3 X 14.31 40 3 IK 4 to 1 42 5.91 8.00 50216 21.12 59 2X 2X 4 1.96 63 6.07 11.80 H" 5069 15.30 32 4 2X 5 1.07 80 11.88 12.80 50216X 10.25 30 2X 1 2X to 1 28 3.50 6.00 5070 14.35 30 4 2X 5 to 1 68 10.54 12.00 50051 27.25 76 2X 2X 3X 2.00 75 7.75 15.20 50077 18.12 38 3 2X 4 1.15 75 9.95 15.20 5005 IX 13.62 38 2X 1 3 to 1 40 4.40 7.60 5007 7 K 15.75 33 3 IX 4 to 1 65 8.91 13.20 50049 14.37 40 2X 2X 3X 2.50 35 4.62 8.00 50241 10.50 22 3X IX 3X 1.22 44 7.90 8.80 50049 X 5.75 16 2X 1 3 to 1 12 2.14 3.20 50241 X 8.50 18 3X IX 3X to 1 35 7.00 7.20 50056 13.62 38 2X 2X 2X 3.80 25 4.22 7.60 5071 21.98 46 4 2X 4X 1-28 112 15.00 18.40 50056 X 3.75 10 2X X 2X to 1 5 2.05 2.00 5072 17.21 36 4 IX 4X to 1 90 12.60 14.40 50052 29.75 83 2X 3X 3X 4.37 120 9.12 16.60 50078 21.00 44 3 2X 4X\ 1-29 90 10.94 17.60 50052 % 6.87 19 2X M 3X to 1 17 2.42 3.80 50078 X 16.25 34 3 IX 4 i to 1 64 8.91 13.60 50057 18.62 52 2X 3 3 4.73 53 5.40 10.40 50091 24.00 50 3X 2X 4X 1-43 120 13.25 20.00 5005 7 X 4.00 11 2X M 2X to 1 5 2.34 2.20 5009 IX 16.75 35 3X IX 4X to 1 70 9.90 14.00 50217 32.25 90 3 3X IX 5.00 152 11.49 18.00 50079 22.00 46 3 2X 4 i 1.44 90 11.25 18.40 50217X 6.43 18 3 1 4X to 1 20 4.10 3.60 50079 X 15.25 32 3 IX 4 to 1 80 8.33 12.80 0043 7.16 20 2 1.50 10 1 50082 24.87 52 3X 2X 4 U 1 53 175 144O 20.80 0043 10.74 30 2 to 1 25 Hi} 7.50 50082 X 16.25 34 3X l \V\ to 1 60 9.90 13.60 0019 7.16 20 2X 1.50 12 5075 28.66 60 4 2 X 4X 1-58 196 18.60 24.00 0019 10.74 30 2X to 1 28 :'".} 7.75 5076 18.16 38 4 IH 4X to 1 100 13.26 15.20 50076 14.25 30 3X 3 4X 1-66 60 9.00 12.00 i 3 0014 7.24 19 3 2.57 22 i 50076 X 8.62 18 3X 1 4X to 1 25 7.00 7.20 iTtf 0013 1.29 48 3 to 1 75 -'- 1 16.90 50081 24 00 50 3X 3X 4i^l 1 fifi 1910 13.50 20.00 5008 IX 14.37 30 3X IX 4X to 1 65 9.15 12.00 50070 25.50 64 3 2X 4 1.06 101 10.80 16.00 50092 16.25 34 3 3 4 2.00 65 8.91 13.60 50070 ^ 23.87 60 3 2 4 to 1 87 9.94 15.00 50092 X 8.12 17 3 IX 3X to 1 35 6.22 6.80 50066 20.75 52 3 2X 4 1.21 83 9.11 13.00 50094 16.25 34 4 3X 5 2.00 86 11.88 13.60 50066 X 17.12 43 3 IX 4 to 1 62 7.43 10.75 50094X 8.12 17 4 1 5 to 1 35 8.16 6.80 50065 20.75 52 3 2X 4 1.33 71 9.11 13.00 50090 19.12 40 3 3 4 2.00 75 9.95 16.00 50065 X 15.50 39 3 IX 4 to 1 53 6.60 9.75 50090 X 9.56 20 3 IX 4X to 1 50 6.30 8.00 5169 10.93 28 3 IX 3X 1.33 38 5.63 7.00 50080 24.00 50 4 3X 5 2.00 140 15.90 20.00 5170 8.21 21 3 IX 3X to 1 30 5.00 5.25 50080 X 12.00 25 4 IX 5 to 1 80 9.48 10.00 5005 15.75 40 3K 2 3X 1.33 60 9.11 10.00 50086 39.25 82 3X 2X 4X 2.00 235 23.40 32.80 5006 11.75 30 3X IX 3X to 1 42 7.27 7.50 50086 X 19.62 41 3X IX *X to 1 80 13.80 16.40 50060 14.25 36 3 2X 4 1.44 47 6.40 9.00 50085 J36.25 75 4 3X 5 2.27 200 22.44 30.00 50060 X 10.00 25 3 IX 4 to 1 28 5.25 6.25 50085 X; 15.87 33 4 IX 5 to 1 80 11.40 13.20 5057 19.11 48 3 2X 4 1.60 70 8.29 12.00 5079 |30.57 64 4 3X 5 2.29 224 19.56 25.60 5058 11.96 30 3 IX 4 to 1 40 5.93 7.50 5080 13.40 28 4 1& 5 to 1 80 10.56 11.20 50063 20.25 51 3 2X 4 1.65 70 9.20 12.75 50088 24.00 50 3X 3X 4X 2.50 105 15.90 20.00 50063 X 12.37 31 3 IX 4 to 1 40 6.15 7.75 50088 X 9.62 20 3X IX 4X to 1 45 8.40 8.00 50071 24.75 62 3 2X 4X 1.68 95 9.94 15.50 50087 42.50 89 4 4X 5 2.62 270 24.36 35.60 5007 IX 14.75 37 3 IX 4X to 1 45 6.75 9.25 50087 X 16.25 34 4 1 5 to 1 86 11.88 13.60 50067 22.00 55 3 2X 3X 1.83 85 9.38 13.75 50083 25.75 54 3 3X 4 2.70 118 12.96 21.40 50067 X 12.00 30 3 IX 3X to 1 50 5.93 7.50 50083 X 9.62 20 3 4 to 1 35 6.30 8.00 50059 11.12 28 2X 2X 3X 2.00 25 5.37 7.00 5085 37.25 78 4 4X 5 3.00 290 22.40 31.20 50059 X 5.56 14 2X IX 3X to 1 12 3.18 3.50 5086 12.44 26 4 5 to 1 84 10.56 10.40 5191 18.33 46 3 2X 3X 2.00 68 8.00 11.50 50093 42.00 88 3X 4 4 4.00 280 17.10 35.20 5192 9.18 23 3 2 3X to 1 28 5.00 5.65 50093 X 10.50 22 3X X 3X to 1 44 7.90 8.80 5059 22.40 56 3 2X 4 2.00 108 9.11 14.00 50084 35.87 75 4 4X 5 5.00 240 21.48 30.00 5060 11.20 28 3 IX 4 to 1 38 6.32 7.00 50084 X 7.25 15 4 X 4X to 1 35 7.50 6.00 50064 17.87 45 3 2X 4 2.05 55 7.43 11.25 50089 42.00 88 3 4X 4X 5.87 190 18.27 35.20 50064 X 8.75 22 3 X 3X to 1 26 4.88 5.50 50089 X 7.25 15 3 XI 3 X to 1 30 1 5.63 6.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 385 Bevel Gears and Pinions Continued ll Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth Width of Facelnches Backing Length of Hub Inches Proportion Weight Pounds d 0) & C sl . 8 Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches ! Number j of Teeth Width of Facelnches Backing Length of Hub Inches Proportion Weight Pounds H. P. at 100 Rev. 8 1 50095 24.87 48 5 2X 6 1.02 178 21.20 $33.60 50131 21.75 34 5 2X 5 2.12 150 24.30 $30.60 8 50095 X 24.37 47 5 6 to 1 172 20.80 32.90 50131 X 10.25 16 5 1 5 to 1 60 14.10 14.40 SO 120 35.00 55 6 sx 7X 2.20 380 42.96 49.50 H" 50107 25.12 45 4 2X S 1.18 160 20.16 31.50 50120K 16.00 25 6 to 1 141 23.76 22.50 50107X 21.12 38 4 2X 5 to 1 130 17.01 26.60 50121 130.75 56 5 4X 6X 2.24 318 37.40 50.40 50104 30.50 55 4 3 5 1.25 217 22.82 38.50 50121 X; 16.00 25 5 IX 6 to 1 127 21.78 22.50 50104 X 24.50 44 4 2yi 5 to 1 135 18.55 ! 30.80 5115 140.76 64 6 SX 7 2.46 420 48.60 57.60 50097 20.00 36 4 3 5 1.33 110 16.50 25.20 5116 16.59 26 6 l X 7 to 1 152 23.88 23.40 50097 X 15.00 27 4 2 5 to 1 79 12.60 18.90 50126 60.50 95 6 6 7 X 2.64 800 62.40 85.50 50099 23.37 | 42 4 3 X 5 1.50 140 18.55 29.40 50126X 22.87 36 6 IX 7 to 1 250 30.00 32.40 50099 X 1 15.62 28 4 2 ^ 5 to 1 82! 13.86 19.60 50133 ! 18.00 29 4 3X 4X 2.90 100 17.68 26.10 50101 25.12 45 5 6X 1.50 200 i 25.92 31.50 50133X 6.37 10 4 1 4X to 1 55 9.60 9.00 50101X1 16.75 30 5 2 6 to 1 100 17.82 21.00 50117 26.75 42 5 SX 6X 3.00 240 29.00 37.80 5093 36.78 66 5 4 5 J^O 1.65 308 i 33.66 46.20 50117X 8.87 14 5 1 SX to 1 40 14.00 12.60 5094 22.30 40 5 1 J4 5 J'S to 1 196 21.87 28.00 5117 42.03 66 6 5X 6X 3.00 445 48.72 59.40 50257 28.37 51 5 3X 5 1.70 210 27.90 35.70 5118 14.05 22 6 IX 6X to 1 140 21.12 19.80 50257 X 16.75 30 5 l X 6 to 1 115 17.82 21.00 50130 44.00 69 6 6 7X 3.00 520 50.40 62.10 S0100 24.00 43 4 3 $4 5 1.79 133 ! 18.55 ; 30.10 50130 X 14.62 23 6 IX 7X to 1 130 21.50 20.70 50100 X 13.37 24 4 1 X 5 to 1 80 12.32 16.80 50125 48.50 76 SX 6 4.00 535 49.50 68.40 50108 30.62 55 4 1 X 5 1.90 218 22.82 38.50 50125X 12.12 19 sx 1 6 to 1 121 17.38 18.10 50108 X 16.12 29 4 1 X 5 to 1 96 13.86 20.30 50129 60.00 95 5 6X 6X 4.75 780 52.00 86.50 50259 24.50 44 5 4X 6X 1.91 186 25.92 30.80 50129X 12.75 20 5 1 6 to 1 100 16.50 18.00 50259 X 12.75 23 5 1 X 6X to 1 78 15.84 16.10 5171 75.77 119 6 7 6X 5.95 1280 72.84 107.10 50098 22.25 40 4 3X 5 X 2.00 120 17.01 28.00 5172 12.78 20 6 1 X 6X to 1 120 21.12 18.00 50098 X 11.12 20 4 4X to 1 60 ill. 06 14.00 50110 24.50 44 4X 4 SX 2.00 170 23.04 30.80 ry 1 50141 27.12 38 8 4X 9 yt 1.22 350 55.80 52.25 50110X 12.25 22 4X IX SX to 1 80 12.64 15.40 AT 50141 X 22.25 31 8 3X 9 y* to 1 310 45.00 42.60 5095 35.67 64 5 4 2.00 280 33.66 44.80 50135 35.75 50 6 4X 7^ 1.43 425 46.54 62.50 5096 17.85 32 5 l X SX to 1 172 19.89 22.40 50135X25.00 35 6 2X to 1 331 37.44 43.75 50109 31.25 56 4X 4 SX 2.00 250 26.08 39.20 5123 (28.72 40 7 4^6 73Jf 1.54 310 52.00 50.00 50109 X 15.62 28 4X IX SX to 1 95 15.84 19.60 5124 18.71 26 7 2X to 1 190 35.36 32.50 50262 25.00 45 4X 4X 6 2.25 175 25.92 31.50 S0140 46.50 65 SX 4 X 7 1.75 640 52.20 81.25 50262 X 11.12 20 4X 2 5 X to 1 80 14.22 14.00 50140 X 26.50 37 SX 2 X 7 to 1 350 37.20 46.25 5097 28.98 52 5 4ft 5 X 2.36 236 27.90 36.40 5127 37.27 52 6 5'8 6?-?' 2.00 408 48.62 65.00 5098 12.30 22 5 5 X to 1 102 14.22 15.40 5128 18.73 26 6 IX 63-4 to 1 190 28.73 32.50 50102 28.00 50 5 4X 6 2.38 210 27.50 35.00 50136 48.00 67 6X SX 7X 2.03 678 63.00 83.75 50102 X 11.75 21 5 1 X 6 to 1 65 14.10 14.70 50136X 23.62 33 6X IX 7X to 1 296 37.10 41.25 50105 49.00 88 5 4^jj 6X 2.38 470 40.50 61.60 5131 41.61 58 7 6 2.42 510 64.96 72.50 50105 X 20.62 37 5 IX 6 to 1 200 21.87 25.90 5132 17.27 24 7 IX 7 3 A to 1 190 35.36 30.00 50260 24.00 43 4X 3X 5 X 2.53 170 21.20 30.10 50142 36.12 52 7 7 7K 4.00 475 59.82 65.00 50260 X 9.50 17 4X 2X 6X to 1 70' 11.20 11.90 50142 X 9.25 13 7 1 7 y\ to 1 110 22.40 16.25 50103 28.37 51 5 4X 6 2.68 205 '27.90 35.70 50139 71.62 100 6 7 7X 4.76 1170 75.92 125.00 50103X 10.62 19 5 IX 6 to 1 SO 12.69 13.30 50139 X 15.00 21 6 IX 7X to 1 170 25.74 26.25 5099 37.89 68 5 4X SX 2.83 330 35.10 47.60 5100 13.44 24 5 1 SX to 1 116 15.84 16.80 21 50152 30.25 38 6 4H 7 ^ 1.27 365 48.90 57.00 50264 26.75 48 4 3X SX 3.00 165 21.70 33.60 Y 50152 X 23.87 30 6 2X 7 ^8 to 1 270 43.20 45.00 50264X 8.87 16 4 IX 5 to 1 68 9.80 11.20 50145 47.75 60 8 5 X 9X 1.33 960 90.00 99.00 50258 31.75 57 5 6X 3.00 220 30.78 39.90 50145 X 35.75 45 8 3X 9X to 1 625 72.00 74.25 50258 X 10.62 19 5 1 to 1 64 12.69 13.30 50151 44.00 55 8 4X 9X 1.44 825 84.00 90.75 5101 40.12 72 5 5 X 5 pi 3.27 380 36.54 50.40 50151X 35.75 45 8 3X 9X to 1 655 72.00 74.25 5102 12.30 22 5 ft 5 X to 1 116 14.22 15.40 50153 30.25 38 6 4X 7 X 1.53 340 48.90 57.00 50261 36.00 65 6 3 5 4.33 380 41.14 45.50 50153 X 20.75 26 6 2X 7X to 1 220 36.45 39.00 50261 X 8.00 15 6 X 7 to 1 50 14.30 10.50 50155 25.50 32 6 5 J4, 1.88 272 43.20 48.00 5023 50.35 90 6 6X 7 6.00 398 51.04 63.00 50155X 13.62 17 6 1 6 to 1 127 25.40 25.50 5024 8.40 15 6 2 ^ 8 to 1 88 15.40 10.50 50154 47.75 60 8 6X 9X 2.00 910 90.00 99.00 5023 50.35 90 6 6X 7 5.00 398 51.04 63.00 50154X 23.87 30 8 2X 9X to 1 382 53.00 49.50 5024X 10.15 18 6 2ft 8 to 1 110 17.38 12.60 50156 21.50 27 5 4 2.08 170 30.38 40.50 50112 55.62 100 5 6X 6X 6.66 500 44.37 70.00 50156X 10.37 13 5 1 SX to 1 80 18.75 19.50 50112X 8.37 15 5 1 SX to 1 70 12.60 10.50 50150 54.12 68 7 6X 8X 2.27 900 84.00 102.00 50150X 23.87 30 7 2 8X to 1 340 46.38 45.00 U" 0003 15.42 27 4 2.11 86 . ) 50149 74.75 94 7 7 8X 2.94 1325 104.25 143.00 . 0004 32.57 57 4 to 1 270 -- \ 38.90 50149X 25.50 32 7 2 8 to 1 350 50.40 48.00 50148 67.50 85 7 7X 8X 3.15 1150 100.27 127.00 17 50111 44.75 75 5 6 6 5.00 416 41.88 67.50 50148 X 21.50 27 7 IX 8X to 1 290 42.53 40.50 11T 50111X 9.00 15 5 1 6 to 1 75 13.13 13.50 50146 57.25 72 7 7X 8X 3.79 980 88.55 108.00 50146X 15.12 19 7 IX 8X to 1 275 35.65 28.50 50115 22.00 36 5 3X 6 1.24 185 24.20 32.40 50115X 18.50 29 5 2X 6 to 1 135 22.00 26.10 O 3 5135 43.80 50 8 4X 8X 1.19 650 92.40 100.00 5107 29.31 46 6 7 1.28 262 38.20 41.40 AT 5136 36.82 42 8 3X 8X to 1 480 82.28 84.00 5108 22.94 36 6 2M 7 to 1 200 28.60 32.40 5141 57.80 66 8 6X 8X 1.94 860 111.32 132.00 50119 33.12 52 6 4 7 1.30 335 42.92 46.80 5142 29.80 34 8 2ft 8X to 1 380 71.72 68.00 501 19 X 25.50 40 6 2X 7 to 1 240 34.32 36.00 50157 98.00 112 8 9X 9 4.00 2922 240.00 224.00 50128 25.50 40 5 3X 6X 1.33 200 28.60 36.00 50157X 24.50 28 8 IX 9 to 1 550 65.00 56.00 50128X 19.12 30 5 2X 6X to 1 140 22.06 27.00 50122 40.12 63 SX 4 1.40 435 44.63 56.70 5179 42.05 44 10 5 X 10 X 1.02 1200 121.90 133.10 50122X 28.62 45 SX 2X 6X to 1 294 35.86 40.50 5180 40.10 43 10 5 10 X to 1 1140 108.00 129.40 50118 31.87 50 5 4 6X 1.43 300 34.20 45.00 50161 40.00 42 7 7 8 2.00 366 81.90 105.00 50118X 22.25 35 5 2 6X to 1 188 26.50 31.50 50161 X 20.00 21 7 2 8 to 1 144 51.03 52.00 50113 16.00 25 4 3X 4X 1.56 90 15.84 22.50 50164 62.00 65 8 9X 9X 4.06 1300 127.97 162.50 50113X 10.25 16 4 4X to 1 40 12.00 14.40 50164X 15.25 16 8 X 8 to 1 265 47.52 40.00 50116 25.50 40 5 4 6 1.60 200 28.60 36.00 50165 76.25 80 8 9X 10 4.44 1824 150.00 200.00 50116X 16.00 25 5 IX 6 to 1 120 21.78 22.50 50165 X 17.25 18 8 IX 8X to 1 350 53.04 45.00 50114 21.00 33 5 4 6 1.65 150 24.30 30.70 50321 62.00 65 8 9X 10 5.42 1675 127.92 162.50 50114X 12.75 20 5 IX 6 to 1 76 16.50 18.00 5032 IX 11.50 12 8 IX 9 to 1 150 37.92 30.00 50124 44.00 69 6 7 1.72 520 50.45 62.10 50124X 25.50 40 6 2 7 to 1 260 34.32 36.00 5 1 50166 76.50 74 9 7X 10X 1.90 2070 181.25 222.00 50132 15.28 24 4 IX 2.00 85 15.84 21.60 JT 50166X 40.37 39 9 3 10 X to 1 1190 131.10 117.00 50132 X 7.62 12 4 3 6fi to 1 35 9.84 10.80 50123 42.00 66 6 5 7X 2.00 490 48.60 59.40 3 1 50169 87.00 78 10 11X 12X 4.33 3350 232.40 273.00 50123 X 21.00 33 6 IX 7X to 1 220 29.16 30.70 O~Z 50169 X 20.00 18 10 2 7 to 1 575 85.05 63.00 386 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Cast Iron Mitre Gears s! s* Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth Width of Pacelnches M i o a m Length of Hub Inches Jc-o C3 VI j || i! ||| |H :! "2. o a I? ill V 3 ^8 1 o-C "S Hi "g ^-^ |F :s| | n '5 -* ^8 9 "0 ^fe JW ta tn2 & DnZ Q Z,"o t&H a ijW ^Pn W2 IX u 80001 80001 K 15.25 15.25 32 32 3K 3K 3ft 2ft SK 4K 66 46 10.92 10.92 $32.00 25.60 If 8017 8018 26.76 26.76 48 48 5 5 3ft 2K 6K SK 322 208 26.55 26.55 $60.00 48.00 8003 18.20 38 3 3ft SK 153 9.90 38.00 8004 18.20 38 3 2ft 4K 78 9.90 30.40 80005 20.37 32 4K 4 6K 140 21.87 48.00 11 80002 80002 K 16.50 16.50 32 32 4 4 3 SK 5 80 70 12.87 12.87 40.00 32.00 80005 K 80066 80066 K 20.37 23.00 23.00 32 36 36 4K 6 6 2K 4K 3 SK 9 7K 110 240 225 21.87 31.80 31.80 38.40 54.00 43.20 1 ' 8001 16.20 29 4 3K 5ft 180 13.86 36.25 8011 26.75 42 6 4K VK 335 35.40 63.00 AT 8002 16.20 29 4 2K 4ft 120 13.86 29.00 8012 26.75 42 6 3ft 6K 210 35.40 50.40 80004 24.50 44 4K 3ft 6ft 150 24.30 55.00 8005 29.94 47 7 3ft 7K 400 45.64 70.50 80004 K 24.50 44 4K 2K SK 135 24.30 44.00 8006 29.94 47 7 2ft 7K 270 45.64 56.40 NOTE. The first wheel of each pair is the mortise wheel. Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, V. S. A. 387 Mitre Mortise Gears and Pinions Continued 0) s g s e u V H 0) W s-s "o-g M -1 ft C 4J W ?|j el a i to 1 75 8.50 24.80 9051 23.00 48 4 3K 5 1.50 224 11.28 48.00 9052 15.35 32 4 Ifi 4K to 1 74 8.94 25.60 9053 28.75 60 4 3K 5K 1.77 297 13.60 60.00 9054 16.30 34 4 IK 5 to 1 80 9.10 27.20 9018 24.37 51 4K 4>i 5H 1.96 236 12.68 51.00 9019 12.50 26 4K IX 5K to 1 60 8.84 20.80 90003 19.00 40 3K 4K 5H 2.00 80 8.48 40.00 90003 K 9.50 20 3K 1 4 to 1 35 5.46 16.00 9055 30.25 63 4 4K SH 2.25 280 13.80 63.00 9056 13.44 28 4 IK 4J4 to 1 66 8.16 22.40 9057 31.04 65 4 4Ji 5 2.50 304 13.92 65.00 9058 12.48 26 4 IK 4K to 1 66 7.50 20.80 9026 28.50 59 5 5K 5Ji 2.57 328 16.65 59.00 9027 11.00 23 5 IK 5K to 1 65 10.20 18.40 90002 19.12 40 4 4K 5K 2.66 85 9.96 40.00 90002 K; 7.12 15 4 K 4K to 1 30 5.14 12.00 9061 134.32 72 4 4fi 4# 3.00 322 15.06 70.00 9062 1 1 .50 24 4 414 H to 1 64 7.14 19.20 9047 43.00 90 4K 5 5K 3.75 410 23.99 90.00 9048 11.50 24 4K 1 5K to 1 70 8.09 19.20 90001 30.50 64 4K SK 6H 4.00 150 15.64 64.00 90001 K 7.62 16 4K K 5 to 1 40 6.12 12.80 U" 90005 18.62 36 4 3K 5K 1.20 95 10.53 40.50 , 90005 K 15.50 30 4 IK 5 to 1 65 9.10 27.00 Is 90062 90062 K 10.37 90004 90004 K 12. 00 90006 90006 K 90063 90063 K 9001 9002 90066 90066 K 2 1.65 9003 9004 90065 90065 K 17. 87 90071 22.25 90071 K 18.87 90072 30.00 90072 K 24.00 9063 [24.64 19.60 31.25 9001 IK 24.50 90014 90014K 16.75 H +j C II 22.75 37.50 s i! to 1 6K 5K 6K 5 7 5 7 K 7 K 5M 3.12 to 1 6.00 to 1 6.00 to 1 1.00 8.S 40 275 48 264 24 27.S 35 215 132 1.04 365 1.09 to 1 1.18 to 1 1.25 to 1 1.26 to 1 1.27 to 1 1.33 to 1 1.45 to 1 1.48 to 1 1.50 to 1 1.71 to 1 1.80 to 1 1.91 to 1 2.00 to 1 2.00 to 1 2.38 to 1 2.58 to 1 2.76 to 1 4.00 to 1 5.00 to 1 6.00 to 1 to 1 1.02 to 1 130 85 170 75 240 150 300 120 230 140 125 70 286 120 286 115 230 115 262 120 120 40 286 96 185 75 190 65 356 96 30 50 150 76 !15 60 395 90 348 62 330 70 380 40 400 310 240 260 12.22 7.15 20.96 10.00 17.03 5.56 20.90 5.50 15.75 15.90 15.04 14.40 18.24 17.60 13.44 12.90 14.40 13.00 23.94 20.16 18.18 15.30 22.05 18.00 12.60 10.43 18.90 15.75 18.90 15.58 20.52 14.85 19.80 14.70 12.25 8.33 18.18 12.24 17.55 11.25 20.52 12.78 19.12 12.02 15.52 10.00 20.43 12.24 19.44 10.71 22.50 12.24 20.52 10.50 24.57 9.27 24.00 7.60 24.30 7.00 28.05 26.29 27.84 27.32 $49.50 18.00 81.00 20.70 81.00 10.80 81.00 10.80 45.00 37.00 50.00 39.00 67.50 52.00 43.75 32.00 50.00 34.00 68.75 44.00 55.00 35.00 70.00 44.00 50.00 30.00 60.00 36.00 60.00 33.00 65.00 35.00 63.75 34.00 45.00 21.00 56.25 25.00 55.00 23.00 67.50 27.00 72.50 29.00 55.00 22.00 68.75 25.00 62.50 21.00 79.50 24.00 72.50 21.00 90.00 18.00 87.50 14.00 90.00 12.00 84.00 61.20 72.00 56.00 388 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Bevel Mortise Gears and Pinions Continued ll Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth Width of Facelnches Backing Length of Hub Inches Proportion Weight Pounds rt u * 1 g.8 'S c Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth Width of Facelnches Backing Length of Hub Inches Proportion Weight Pounds *-* > a v On a 90019 25.50 40 6 4K 8 1.08 200 24.24 $60.00 21 9024 43.00 60 8 7K 9 2.00 900; 54.92 105.00 90019 K 23.50 37 6 2K 7 to 1 166 22.56 44.40 4~ 9025 21.50 30 8 lit 9 to 1 270i 32.40 40.50 9077 30.72 48 6 4K 8 1.09 448 27.90 72.00 9043 32.94 46 7 SX 8 2.08 495 : 38.24 80.50 9078 28.04 44 6 3 7 to 1 250 25.92 52.80 9044 15.84 22 7 IK 8 to 1 150 23.84 29.70 9005 30.00 47 7 4K 7K 1.20 434 31.78 82.25 90029 38.87 54 7 6K 9K 2.25 500 43.68 94.50 9006 24.75 39 7 2K 6K to 1 240 27.16 58.50 90029Kil7.25 24 7 IK 8 to 1 135 24.80 32.40 90079 26.75 42 6 5 8K 1.23 260 25.92 63.00 9148 35.83 50 7 SX IX 2.27 875 41.92 87.50 90079 K 21.62 34 6 2K 7K to 1 170 21.60 40.80 9149 15.84! 22 7 IX IX to 1 150 23.84 29.70 9079 30.58 48 6 4K 6K 1.26 388 27.70 72.00 9028 50.12 70 7 7X 2.33 855 50.88 122.50 9080 24.32 38 6 2X 6K to 1 210 23.04 45.60 9029 21.50 30 7 2K 8K to 1 230 28.00 40.50 90018 25.50 40 5 4K 1.33 190 20.20 60.00 90036 43.00 60 7 7K SX 2.50 590 47.04 105.00 90018 K 19.12 30 5 2 6 to 1 108 17.00 36.00 90036 K 17.25 24 7 IK 8K to 1 146 24.80 32.40 90080 30.62 48 6 SX 8 1.41 445 27.84 72.00 90032 48.00 67 6 7X 7K 3.72 4851 42.39 117.25 90080 K 21.62 34 6 2X 7 to 1 170 21.60 40.80 90032 K 12.87 18 6 6K to 1 136 18.36 24.30 90022 34.50 54 6 5K 7 X 1.50 355 30.00 81.00 90028 84.50 118 6 SX sx 4.37 1450 62.10 206.50 90022 K 23.00 36 6 2 7 to 1 163 22.56 43.60 90028 K 19.25 27 6 \x 7K to 1 230 27.30 36.45 9014 29.87 47 5 4K 6X 1.51 354 22.80 70.50 9015 90026 90026 K 90024 90024 K 90027 9002 7 K 9081 9082 90023 90023 K 19.62 48.37 29.25 30.62 17.87 36.25 20.37 22.80 12.78 48.50 25.00 31 76 46 48 28 57 32 36 20 76 39 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2K SX 2 SK SK 2 4X IX 6K IK 6K 7X S 7 7 7 S 7 to 1 1.65 to 1 1.71 to 1 1.78 to 1 1.80 to 1 1.95 to 1 140 500 240 254 112 370 170 300 105 560 210 17.00 37.68 27.24 27.50 19.44 31.44 21.00 22.56 14.28 37.68 24.24 37.20 114.00 55.20 72.00 33.60 85.50 38.40 54.00 24.00 114.00 46.80 2\ 90056 9005 6 K 90058 9005 8 K 9103 9104 90103 90103 K 90042 90042 K 90099 25.50 24.75 33.37 27.87 43.00 33.55 35.00 27.00 37.37 27.00 30.25 32 31 42 35 54 42 44 34 47 34 38 5 5 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 3K 6K 3K 6X 3X 6K 3K SK 3 5 8K 6 10^ 8K 9X 9 IOK 9K 9K 9X 1.03 to 1 1.20 to 1 1.29 to 1 1.29 to 1 1.38 to 1 1.46 275 240 460 295 785 390 700 330 545 333 420 35.88 33.75 57.28 49.60 84.00 71.60 74.80 62.00 78.00 62.00 48.90 72.00 55.80 94.50 63.00 121.50 75.60 99.00 61.20 105.75 61.20 85.50 9020 9021 90081 9008 IK 90020 90020 K 9083 9084 90017 90017 K 90054 90054 K 9039 29.90 15.34 39.50 19.75 30.50 14.62 34.39 15.96 35.12 16.00 35.62 15.25 33.12 47 24 62 31 48 23 54 25 55 25 56 24 52 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6K IK SX IK SX IK 6K IK 6K IK SX 7 7 6 7K 7 6K 6K 8K 7K 7K 6 1.96 to 1 2.00 to 1 2.09 to 1 2.16 to 1 2.20 to 1 2.33 to 1 2.36 360 120 350 100 255 100 450 110 336 150 325 96 435 27.36 17.88 27.30 17.00 27.84 16.32 30.12 17.88 30.60 17.88 26.20 14.90 29.04 70.50 28.80 93.00 37.20 72.00 27.60 81.00 30.00 82.50 30.00 84.00 28.80 78.00 90099 K 9105 9106 90039 90039 K 90048 90048 K 9107 9108 90102 90102 K 9109 9110 38!22 25.50 47.75 31.75 71.62 43.00 42.99 25.51 36.62 19.87 43.00 22.33 26 48 32 60 40 90 54 54 32 46 25 54 28 6 8 8 9 9 9 9 8 8 7 7 8 8 2 SX 2K 7K 3 8K 2K 2K 6K 2K 6 2K 7 8K 8K nx IOK 12 IOK 9 9 9K 8K 9 9 to 1 1.50 to 1 1.50 to 1 1.67 to 1 1.69 to 1 1.84 to 1 1.93 to 1 205 600 290 881 450 1830 860 750 290 620 220 750 275 36.45 79.00 57.60 85.80 66.69 103.49 81.90 82.00 57.60 65.45 40.25 84.00 53.00 46.80 108.00 57.60 135.00 72.00 202.50 97.20 121.50 57.60 103.50 45.00 97.20 50.40 9040 90052 9005 2 K 9037 9038 9085 9086 14.00 31.87 13.37 38.10 15.25 42.00 15.32 22 50 21 60 24 66 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 \x 6K IK 6X IK 7X IX 7 8 7 TX 8 -7 to 1 2.38 to 1 2.50 to 1 2.75 to 1 96 290 90 555 132 580 125 16.32 28.68 16.00 32.40 16.80 34.20 16.80 26.40 75.00 25.20 90.00 28.80 99.00 28.80 90040 90040 K 90038 90038 K 90101 90101 K 90097 71.62 35.75 47.75 21.50 59.37 25.37 52.50 90 45 60 27 75 32 66 8 8 8 8 10 10 S 7K 2X 8K 2 9K 3K 8 10 9K IOK 9K 12K 12 X 8 2.00 to 1 2.22 to 1 2.34 to 1 2.36 1350 640 740 260 1500 400 710 118.00 73.00 88.00 50.00 130.00 72.00 61.75 202.50 81.00 135.00 48.60 168.75 57.60 120.00 90025 90025 K 9030 42.00 15.25 48.25 66 24 76 6 6 4K 6K IK 7X 7 K 6K 2.75 to 1 2.80 403 107 610 34.20 16.80 28.26 99.00 28.80 114.00 90097 K 9111 9112 22.25 47.77 19.15 28 60 24 5 8 8 IK 7K IK 6K 9K 9 to 1 2.50 to 1 225 925 245 33.13 88.00 26 00 45.00 135.00 43.20 9031 9087 9088 17.25 45.85 15.32 27 72 24 4K 6 6 IX 6K IX 6X 7K 7K to 1 3.00 to 1 124 625 135 13.41 36.00 16.80 32.40 108.00 28.80 90043 90043 K 90096 57.25 22.25 62.00 72 28 78 8 8 6 8K IK 9 IOK 9X 9 2.57 to 1 2 78 1025 252 950 101.20 53.00 79.80 162.00 50.40 155.00 9030 9032 9035 9036 90053 90053 K 90082 90082 K 48.25 15.88 41.50 12.75 35.62 11.50 41.37 10.25 76 25 65 20 56 18 65 16 4K 4K 6 6 4K 4K 6 6 7X IK 6X IT'S 6K 6X 1 6K 6 6K SK 7K 6X 3.04 to 1 3.25 to 1 3.50 to 1 4.06 to 1 600 120 585 110 275 50 456 80 28.26 16.00 34.20 15.60 23.58 10.71 34.20 13.20 114.00 30.00 97.50 24.00 84.00 21.60 97.50 19.20 90096 K 90037 9003 7 K 90098 90098 K 90100 90100 K 22.25 43.00 15.12 66.75 22.25 50.00 14.37 28 55 19 84 28 63 18 6 8 8 6 6 8 8 IK 8K IK 8K IK 9K 7K IOK 8K 8K 7K IOK 8K to 1 2.84 to 1 3.00 to 1 3.50 to 1 262 700 150 1200 275 1150 140 39.75 84.00 39.60 83.70 39.75 92.80 35.20 48.00 97.20 34.20 165.00 48.00 141.75 32.40 90083 90083 K 54.87 8.25 86 13 6 6 8K 9K 6K 6.51 to 1 550 40 41.40 12.00 129.00 15.60 2f 90106 90106K 47.25 45.50 54 52 10 10 6K 4K 13K UK 1.04 to 1 955 795 86.80 85.12 162.00 124.80 21 -f 90031 9003 IK 90030 90030 K 90051 9005 IK 9007 9008 35.75 35.00 30.00 26.50 38.75 32.25 36.00 27.88 50 49 42 37 54 45 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12 13K14 2.07 4450 196.80 560.00 90035 K 24.37 34 8 2 9K to 1 265 35.10 45.90 9151 34.48 27 12 2K113 to 1 1090 120.48 216.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 389 Spur Mortise Gears Style No. 116 sj 3 SJ3 Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth V 3 8 1 ^fe-g !><" C > OM Weight Pounds H. P. at 100 Rev. | S.8 o Pattern Number i all i'3 3,3 Number of Teeth Width of Face Inches Weight Pounds H. P. at 100 Rev. | 11 60002 24.00 60 t# 50 6.32 $54.00 60038 50.25 79 6 540 55.68 $118.50 IT 60039 53.50 84 6 614 57.48 126.00 If 60008 30.00 64 IK 65 7.82 64.00 6101 57.12 90 8 1470 80.96 135.00 l 60041 57.25 90 6 725 60.72 122.00 11 60011 13.37 28 3 60 7.43 28.00 60040 63.00 99 6 950 65.40 148.50 AT 60012 23.87 50 3# 96 14.04 50.00 60042 71.25 112 6 875 69.60 168.00 60014 29.62 62 3X 185 16.95 62.00 60043 80.25 126 6 1200 74.40 189.00 1 3 6111 17.86 32 6 238 22.05 40.00 21 60053 37.25 52 6 465 50.39 91.00 l 60017 22.25 40 4 110 17.50 50.00 T 60054 43.00 60 6 550 55.35 105.00 60020 34.50 62 4 210 25.06 77.50 60056 64.50 90 6 1100 73.57 167.50 60021 39.00 70 4 272 27.30 87.50 60060 86.00 120 7 1855 97.65 210.00 6018 40.50 72 4X 465 32.80 90.00 60059 96.00 134 6 2100 95.85 234.50 60026 15.25 24 6 100 22.32 36.00 01 60061 16.75 21 6 140 29.70 47.25 60027 17.18 27 6 130 25.20 40.50 e\ 60062 19.87 25 6 210 34.50 56.25 60028 20.37 32 6 163 29.16 48.00 60063 23.87 30 6 250 39.75 67.50 60044 21.00 33 6 185 30.00 49.50 60070 27.00 34 6 385 43.50 76.50 60029 22.87 36 6 210 31.80 54.00 60069 27.87 35 7 475 54.30 78.75 60030 25.50 40 6 240 34.56 60.00 60066 38.25 48 8 630 78.00 108.00 60031 28.00 44 6 280 37.20 66.00 60065 43.00 54 7 610 73.50 121.50 60033 30.50 48 6 310 39.12 72.00 60064 57.25 72 5# 670 70.84 162.00 60032 33.12 52 6 325 41.52 78.00 60068 66.75 84 6tf 1195 90.56 189.00 60034 35.62 56 6 350 42.96 84.00 60067 71.62 90 7 1255 103.25 202.50 60035 38.12 60 6 460 45.60 90.00 60036 44.50 70 6 450 50.40 105.00 93 60151 19.25 22 6 190 59.10 66.00 6011 46.00 72 5 600 43.50 108.00 ^T 60037 45.87 72 6 525 51.36 108.00 4 60086 138.00 108 6 4800 216.00 1080.00 Spur Mortise Pinions C ll 1*6 Q) CO III |$ |Jl lag 'S g 8 || If ill |$ HI bfl C '" }4 126 18.98 19.20 70013 9.50 20 4 50 7.38 16.00 70026 11.00 17 6 120 18.00 20.40 70012 16.75 35 6 145 17.82 35.00 70045 11.50 18 6 125 18.96 21.60 70027 12.75 20 6 142 19.80 24.00 14 70017 11.125 20 4 52 11.06 20.00 70028 15.25 24 6 125 23.76 28.80 IT 7113 12.31 22 4K 60 11.84 22.00 70029 17.25 27 6 192 26.40 32.40 70018 12.75 23 4 64 11.55 23.00 70030 19.12 30 6 160 27.60 36.00 7057 14.50 26 5 120 16.20 31.20 70031 21.00 33 6 184 29.16 39.60 70020 15.625 28 4 80 13.86 28.00 70032 22.25 35 6 198 30.00 42.00 70021 17.87 32 6 135 22.55 38,40 70033 23.00 36 6 205 31.80 43.20 390 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Spur Mortise Pinions Continued ll Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number ot Teeth Width of Face Inches Weight Pounds > 03 ^0 K2 o> o W II E Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth S jL<9 && cti jj *8 K2 | 2 70034 7037 23.62 25.00 37 39 6 6 188 254 32.00 34.50 $44.40 46.80 2\ 70063 70062 21.25 22.87 30 32 6 6 255 195 32.81 33.75 $40.50 43.20 70035 25.50 40 6 248 34.80 48.00 70065 28.62 40 7 325 49.59 54.00 70044 26.12 41 6 225 35.00 49.20 70042 27.00 42 6 235 37.20 50.40 01 70146 8.75 11 5 70 15.38 19.80 70036 28.00 44 6 240 38.00 52.80 ft% 70075 i 11.12 14 7 170 26.25 32.40 7101 28.10 44 8 395 49.92 63.30 70066 ! 14.31 18 6 145 27.90 32.40 70037 29.25 46 6 265 39.12 55.20 70071 16.00 20 7 224 34.65 36.00 70038 31.87 50 6 300 40.20 60.00 70067 16.81 21 6K 176 34.13 37.80 70039 33.75 53 6 320 41.40 63.60 7102 18.37 23 6 164 33.00 41.40 70040 37.00 58 6 385 45.12 69.60 70069 19.87 25 6K 216 36.80 45.00 70046 39.50 62 6 420 46.80 74.40 70072 25.50 32 6 240 43.20 57.60 70043 44.50 70 6 525 50.40 84.00 70073 35.00 44 7 415 62.65 79.20 70074 43.00 54 8 645 84.00 97.20 21 70056 12.25 17 6 112 21.33 22.95 4 70057 14.31 20 6 135 24.30 27.00 W 7114 16.58 15 4K 225 31.49 54.00 70055 15.75 22 7# 210 34.53 29.70 Ol 6 70058 17.25 24 6 160 29.70 32.40 ai 70079 31.25 28 6K 485 78.66 100.80 70059 17.25 24 7 188 35.20 35.40 02 70060 18.62 26 6 205 30.00 35.10 70081 28.12 22 5 200 63.00 88.00 70054 19.50 27 6 220 31.05 36.45 Cast Iron Spur Gears Style No. 117 ll ShH Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth S ^ Weight Pounds 1 ro A IK 2 2K 3 3 2 2K 2 2 2K 2 IK 2 2 2K 3 3 2K 2 3 2 2 2K 2 2K 2 2K 2K 2 2K 2 2K 2 2K 2 2 2K 2K IK 5 5 8 9 14 12 9 15 19 22 32 40 40 52 6 5 8 4 7 9 8 5 8 12 13 6 7 9 12 18 22 12 15 25 20 36 40 20 30 44 26 27 33 28 40 46 48 50 55 72 80 51 108 96 108 105 118 180 4 .95 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.60 1.70 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.40 4.00 4.50 4.50 6.50 1.10 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.44 2.10 1.36 1.44 1.56 2.00 2.30 1.56 1.92 1.87 2.00 2.16 2.10 2.00 2.12 2.30 2.64 3.60 4.00 3.48 3.20 4.20 3.90 4.10 4.92 4.50 5.52 5.10 6.00 7.68 6.30 8.64 8.00 10.00 9.20 11.30 10.10 11.15 13.60 16.00 $1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.25 3.75 3.75 4.25 5.00 5.50 6.50 7.50 8.25 11.25 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.65 1.80 2.16 1.95 1.95 2.25 2.52 2.70 2.25 2.40 2.55 2.70 2.70 2.85 3.00 3.00 3.30 3.50 4.50 5.04 4.35 4.50 5.40 5.25 5.40 6.15 6.60 6.90 7.50 7.65 9.60 9.90 11.25 12.15 12.75 13.20 14.10 15.90 16.50 16.95 20.55 1.65 1169 21 77 91 1 3^ 43 4 20 9 10 0023 3 82 12 IK 4 1.80 10086 23 87 100 1 K 43 4 25 10 00 0024 6 04 19 IK 20 2.75 10088 26 75 112 IK 45 4 50 11 20 0025 7 63 24 IK 18 3.00 1047 30 00 125 l ^ 66 6 00 12 50 0026 3 82 12 IK 4 1.60 1014 36 00 151 i y* 88 7 20 15 10 0027 3 82 12 2 4^ 1.95 0063 2.62 11 IK 2 1 10 0028 5 72 18 2K 18 2.70 0064 2.86 12 IK 3 1 25 0029 3 66 11 3 6 2.2.S 0065 3.10 13 IK 4 1.30 0066 3.10 13 IK 4 1.30 1 i 1157 4.10 12 3X 12 1.90 2.16 0067 3.58 15 IK 5 1.50 ll 10142 12.50 38 IX 28 2.75 5.70 0068 4.53 19 IK 7 2.00 10143 24.50 67 3X 100 8.00 11.05 0069 5.96 25 IK 10 2.60 0070 18.38 77 IK 30 6 00 11 10144 3.62 10 IX 5 1.00 2.00 0071 3.58 15 IK 6 1.50 I 1198 3.67 10 3 7 1.80 2.00 0072 27.14 114 IK 69 12 55 10146 3.87 11 2 5 1.90 2.20 4 0017 14.50 58 1 23 6.25 1048 10147 4.35 4.62 12 13 3 2 9 8 2.16 2.00 2.40 2.60 5 0018 17.00 68 IK 26 6.75 10404 5.37 15 2K 13 2.10 3.00 0019 3.25 13 IK 4 1.50 1174 5.77 16 3 15 2.88 3.20 0020 3.75 15 2 4 1.75 10401 5.75 16 2 11 2.20 3.20 0021 18.75 75 2 40 8.50 10148 6.06 17 2K 17 2.40 3.40 13 16 % 1033 10092 1015 10352 10093 10095 4.16 2.62 2.82 3.00 3.37 3.87 16 10 10 11 12 14 2yt 2 2X 2 l# IX 6 4 4 5 4 4^ .80 .88 .95 1.00 .85 .90 1.60 1.25 1.40 1.38 1.50 1.75 1050 10403 10402 1051 1125 10405 10151 1053 7.20 7.87 7.87 8.64 9.69 11.50 13.62 14.34 20 22 22 24 27 32 38 40 3 2K 3K 3 3 3 2 3 18 30 30 22 28 41 30 28 3.60 3.00 3.96 4.10 5.00 5.76 4.70 7.56 4.00 4.40 4.90 4.80 5.40 6.40 7.60 8.00 392 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. Cast Iron Spur Gears Continued ll 5 Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth *3j Sfc| * Weight Pounds H. P. at 100 Rev. | -si a Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number oi Teeth Width of Face Inches Weight Pounds M > 03 m ' *g ffi2 V H lf\ li 1054 10406 10150 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 10149 1060 10145 10163 10420 1026 10159 10152 10153 10157 1153 10154 17.25 17.50 18.62 20.06 23.00 26.51 30.09 34.38 36.25 40.88 8.00 4.00 4.50 4.44 4.75 4.75 5.18 5.63 5.63 6.00 48 49 52 56 64 74 84 96 101 114 21 10 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2# 3 2K 3^ 3X 3X 2K 3 2X 2M 3X 2X 52 70 40 58 72 76 84 102 128 106 32 12 10 12 9 13 10 17 18 18 8.64 8.82 6.00 10.00 11.50 13.30 15.00 17.00 18.00 21.00 4.40 2.20 2.70 2.96 2.00 2.90 2.20 2.80 3.40 2.90 $ 9.60 9.80 10.40 11.20 12.80 14.80 16.80 19.20 20.20 22.80 5.25 2.50 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 3.75 i* 1064 10208 10210 10213 10212 10184 10189 1028 10219 10199 10185 1067 10216 10186 10214 10187 10215 10217 10356 10218 10220 0045 18.16 18.12 23.00 23.75 26.75 29.56 30.12 30.00 34.37 35.20 36.00 36.25 36.25 40.00 42.00 46.25 46.25 49.75 50.00 60.00 72.12 5.72 38 38 48 50 56 62 63 63 72 74 75 76 76 84 88 97 97 104 105 126 151 12 4 3tf 3X 4^ 4 4 5 4 4K 3 1 A 4K 4 3 4 2X 3 3^ 4 4 3 3 3# 128 97 138 180 177 268 300 220 300 275 340 256 214 342 230 330 304 392 450 412 660 17 17.00 15.80 18.00 24.00 23.50 26.50 23.00 29.00 35.00 29.00 36.00 34.00 26.00 39.00 30.00 46.00 47.00 48.00 49.00 50.00 60.00 $15.20 15.20 19.20 20.00 22.40 24.80 28.80 25.20 28.80 29.60 30.00 30.40 30.40 33.00 35.20 38.80 38.80 41.00 42.00 50.40 60.40 400 10155 6.00 15 3 21 3.70 4.00 0046 7.64 16 3K 30 5.60 10156 6.37 16 2K 19 3.00 4.00 0047 8.49 18 3X 50 7.20 10158 6.75 17 3% 29 4.40 4.25 0048 12.89 27 3K 80 10.80 10166 7.12 18 2 22 3.00 4.50 0049 15.75 33 3/4 100 14.50 10180 7.25 18 3# 32 4.40 4.50 0042 6.20 13 iy t 26 5.00 10160 8.30 21 2tf 28 3.50 5.25 0044 5.25 11 zy t 17 4.00 10161 10165 10.00 11.62 25 29 3 2 42 34 6.00 3.80 6.25 7.25 15 0073 10.86 21 4 60 8.00 10162 10164 10167 10169 10168 10170 10171 10177 10179 10172 10175 10178 10176 10174 0038 12.75 16.00 20.00 21.44 23.87 24.00 24.00 28.62 29.00 29.87 32.19 33.00 35.75 47.00 29.83 32 40 50 54 60 60 60 72 73 75 81 83 90 118 75 3 3 3X 2 2X 2X 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 2X 3 48 69 105 56 84 87 120 135 135 140 130 135 210 196 230 7.60 9.50 13.00 6.00 7.50 8.50 14.70 17.00 17.25 18.00 12.00 24.00 22.00 18.00 8.00 10.00 12.50 13.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 18.00 18.25 18.75 20.25 20.75 22.50 29.50 18.00 8 If 10225 10232 10221 10226 10222 1069 10224 1070 10228 10233 1071 10227 10229 10231 6.00 6.75 7.25 7.87 8.37 8.97 10.00 12.30 15.62 17.25 17.85 19.00 22.25 27.87 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 22 28 31 32 34 40 50 3 SX *y, *x 4# 4K 5 4# 4^ 5 4# 4^ ty* 20 45 42 56 65 46 84 80 150 160 156 160 178 225 4.00 9.50 9.00 9.40 9.80 12.00 11.00 16.50 19.00 22.00 25.00 24.00 28.00 34.00 7.70 8.40 9.10 9.80 10.50 11.20 12.60 15.40 19.60 21.70 22.40 23.80 28.00 35.00 0039 7.55 19 3X 27 3.50 1073 27.87 50 5 240 39.00 35.00 0040 11.93 30 3# 65 10.00 10230 34.00 61 4# 330 43.00 42.70 0041 5.96 15 3K 14 3.00 1138 40.74 73 5 440 50.00 50.00 0031 4.37 11 IK 13 3.00 10236 44.50 80 4# 440 58.00 56.00 0032 5.57 14 2X 10 3.25 10235 47.87 86 5 500 70.00 60.20 0033 6.36 16 2tf 20 3.75 10237 53.50 96 4# 525 74.00 67.20 0034 7.16 18 2 1 A 26 4.00 1076 61.34 110 5 600 88.00 77.00 0035 9.94 25 iy* 28 4.50 10239 62.37 112 4# 700 80.00 78.40 0036 21.87 55 1% 84 10.00 1077 68.08 122 5 680 97.00 85.40 0037 9.94 25 3 28 4.60 10238 79.00 142 4K 850 90.00 99.40 11 11 1027 10346 1127 10181 10182 1196 10191 10350 10183 10188 10192 1038 10193 10194 10196 10197 10198 10200 1061 10355 10202 10201 10195 10203 1062 10353 10204 10211 10205 10209 10206 10207 5.25 6.12 7.94 4.37 5.00 5.35 5.25 5.75 5.75 5.75 6.25 6.74 6.75 7.18 7.18 8.12 8.62 9.25 9.59 9.56 10.50 11.00 12.00 12.00 12.92 12.75 13.37 13.37 14.37 14.75 15.25 17.25 12 14 18 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 20 22 23 25 25 27 27 28 28 30 31 32 36 4 2# 3 3 3# 4# 2X 3# 4 4H 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 3 4 4# 4 4 4K 3 4 3X 2H 4 4 4 3 3^ 16 18 20 9 16 18 12 18 20 26 20 30 42 40 40 40 56 42 60 75 72 44 40 74 86 60 52 85 76 88 72 91 4.00 3.00 4.80 3.90 4.10 4.25 4.00 5.00 5.40 5.60 4.50 6.50 7.20 5.00 6.40 5.20 8.50 6.80 8.50 9.60 9.20 10.20 12.00 9.00 11.20 10.50 9.00 12.56 13.00 14.00 12.00 15.00 3.60 4.20 5.40 3.60 4.00 4.40 4.40 4.80 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.60 6.72 6.00 6.00 6.80 7.20 7.60 8.00 8.00 8.80 9.20 10.00 10.00 10.80 10.80 11.20 11.60 12.00 12.40 12.80 14.40 2 10500 10242 10241 10502 10243 10244 10501 10255 10492 10491 10246 1079 10259 10505 10248 10250 10245 1080 10249 10493 10253 10251 1081 10252 10247 10254 10256 10294 10258 10503 10497 10498 10499 6.50 6.50 7.62 8.37 8.87 9.37 9.37 10.18 10.81 12.00 13.12 14.05 14.62 15.25 17.25 17.75 18.50 19.13 21.00 21.62 23.75 24.25 24.22 25.50 28.00 30.50 35.62 39.50 42.75 44.50 51.00 54.75 60.50 10 10 12 ' 13 14 15 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 33 34 37 38 38 40 44 48 56 62 67 70 80 86 95 3J4 6 5 5 5 4K 6K 6 y* 4 5 6 5 6 5 3K 6 6 6 4 5 5 6 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 6 33 42 52 74 70 70 115 100 95 125 160 122 170 200 140 125 190 194 250 144 230 239 194 282 210 300 400 450 550 555 550 985 1115 6.00 11.50 12.00 13.00 14.00 14.00 17.50 18.40 15.00 16.50 20.00 25.00 23.00 27.50 27.00 16.80 33.30 35.00 37.90 29.58 37.00 38.00 43.00 40.00 36.96 48.00 56.00 62.00 75.00 70.00 80.00 97.00 110.00 9.00 10.00 10.80 11.70 12.60 13.50 14.00 14.40 15.30 17.10 18.00 19.80 20.70 21.60 24.30 25.20 26.10 27.00 29.70 30.60 33.30 34.20 34.20 36.00 39.60 43.20 50.40 55.80 60.30 63.00 72.00 77.40 85.50 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. 393 Cast Iron Spur Gears concluded si is o E Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth Width of Face Inches Weight Pounds H. P. at 100 Rev. J jj II Pattern Number Pitch Diameter Inches Number of Teeth V 1 & Ow Weight Pounds ClJ Q) is W2 o 10504 65.50 103 5 1250 103.00 $ 92.70 01 10286 22.87 30 3X 224 24.00 $ 40.00 10496 77.75 122 5 1210 122.00 109.80 4^ 1096 23.95 30 8 450 72.00 54.00 10287 24.75 31 6K 375 60.14 46.50 1 1 0074 16.91 25 6 186 36.00 10288 27.00 34 6K 390 65.96 51.00 ^8 10289 29.50 37 6K 525 71.78 55.50 21 0050 12.17 17 6# 190 22.50 10290 30.25 38 368 57.00 57.00 i 10262 7.25 10 4K 60 13.00 12.50 10291 32.62 40 6 595 72.00 60.00 10261 7.87 11 5 75 15.73 13.75 10292 36.00 45 5 470 67.50 67.50 10264 8.62 12 6 84 15.00 15.00 10294 43.00 54 6# 865 104.76 81.00 10279 9.25 13 6 100 19.50 16.25 10295 47.75 60 6# 950 116.40 90.00 10266 10.75 15 6X 120 24.00 18.75 10297 66.00 83 6^ 1380 161.02 124.50 10263 12.25 17 5 135 24.31 21.25 10299 72.50 91 6# 1510 176.54 136.50 1088 12.24 17 7 210 29.65 22.50 10572 81.00 102 8 2100 244.80 153.00 10265 15.00 21 6 220 31.50 26.25 10300 97.00 122 6K 2030 236.68 183.00 10267 18.00 25 6 250 37.50 31.25 1089 20.08 28 7 245 49.00 35.00 74 10583 20.12 23 7 450 62.00 46.00 10269 20.75 29 4^ 190 37.70 36.25 A\ 10584 24.50 28 4 242 42.00 56.00 10270 23.62 33 5 270 47.19 41.25 10581 27.12 31 4K 320 44.00 62.00 1029 25.00 35 5 280 50.00 43.75 10582 29.50 36 4^ 385 57.60 72.00 1030 27.24 38 5 290 54.34 47.50 10271 27.87 39 6 400 58.50 48.75 3 10303 12.50 13 6^ 180 39.00 32.50 10272 28.62 40 4 300 48.00 48.50 O 10301 17.25 18 5 200 45.00 45.00 10268 28.62 40 6tf 350 64.00 50.00 10305 20.00 22 7# 350 74.36 55.00 1031 30.00 42 5 306 60.06 52.50 10314 23.00 24 9 670 101.52 59.00 1124 31.54 44 5 408 62.92 55.00 10306 23.87 25 7X 750 84.50 62.50 10276 34.37 48 5 435 68.64 60.00 10315 36.50 38 9 1100 160.74 95.00 10273 35.75 50 6 560 75.00 62.50 10310 59.25 62 6# 1460 186.00 155.00 1032 36.00 50 6X 600 78.00 62.50 10309 60.00 63 1490 198.45 157.50 10274 40.25 56 4K 495 72.80 68.00 10275 40.25 56 6 592 84.00 70.00 31 10621 15.37 12 10 440 76.80 42.00 10277 48.00 67 6 830 102.00 83.75 32 10322 16.75 15 10 650 90.00 52.50 1091 48.72 68 7 950 119.00 85.00 10619 23.37 21 11 440 135.00 88.20 10278 50.12 70 3^ 500 70.00 74.00 10618 31.25 28 8 1425 160.60 98.00 1094 71.75 100 7 1360 175.00 125.00 10617 53.50 48 8 3025 273.60 168.00 10622 53.50 48 10 2160 307.20 168.00 ?1 10571 8.87 11 6^ 100 21.34 16.50 10620 60.37 65 10 3000 416.00 227.50 3 10281 10.50 13 4 75 13.00 19.50 10321 95.75 86 10 4500 550.40 301.00 10284 10.50 13 9 160 33.80 31.20 10293 11.25 14 7 170 31.50 21.00 10325 17.56 14 8 480 124.16 63.00 10573 12.00 15 8 220 36.00 27.00 . 10324 19.00 15 11 550 176.00 67.50 10282 12.75 16 6# 190 31.04 24.00 10319 33.12 26 12 1625 255.00 117.00 10283 16.00 20 5 190 30.00 30.00 10323 68.75 54 10 4000 386.40 243.00 10298 18.30 23 5# 200 36.80 34.50 10320 84.00 66 10 3800 443.32 297.00 10285 20.75 26 5 310 39.00 39.00 Spur Racks The Standard Faces for Spur Racks are the same as for Spur Gears Sizes and Prices Pattern Number Price Per Foot Number of Teeth Face. Inches Pitch, Inches Length 6032 $0.60 32 IX . X 2' 0" 6096 .60 96 6' 0" 8036 .80 36 2X ; ;.-. 1 4 3' 0" 8048 .80 48 2X 1 4' 0" 9032 1.00 32 3 IX 3' 0" 9064 1.00 64 3 IX 6'0" 10034 1.25 34 3X 1'X 3' 6X" 10039-A 1.10 39 3 IX 4' OX" 10048 1.25 48 3X IX 5' 0" 12024 1.75 24 4X IX 3' 0" 12032 1.75 32 4X IX 4' 0" 12048 1.75 48 4X IX 6' 0" 13015 2.25 15 5 1^1$ 2' OX" 14036 3.00 36 5X IX 5' 3" 16012 3.75 12 6 2 2' 0" 18016 4.75 16 7 2X 3' 0" 24012 8.00 12 9 3 3' 0" 400 14- A 14 ll"Eff. 5" Circ. 5' 10" Rack 40014-A 14 11" Eff. 5" Circ. 22.28 I. D.Pinion 394 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Maple Cogs for Mortise Gears Mitre and Bevel Wheels Spur Gears Shank Sawed to Shape. Teeth Dressed Ready to Run Direction for Ordering Cogs 1. Give number of cogs wanted, and face measure of iron pinion tooth in inches. 2. Send old cog or pattern which has been driven in the mortise, or send drawing giving exact dimensions as indicated in the above diagram. 3. In ordering "Ready Dressed Cogs" for mortise, bevel or mitre wheels, tracings should be sent on a piece of stiff paper showing the shape of three consecutive iron pinion teeth, both inner and outer ends. If the cogs are for a spur wheel it is necessary to send tracing of one end of iron pinion teeth. 4. Patterns showing exact shape of head of cogs may be sent in lieu of tracings. 5. When keys are wanted, either send a pattern or sketch giving the length of key and the width at both ends. A pattern is preferred. List Price Unfinished Cogs Face, Inches 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price $0.14 $0.16 $0.20 $0.24 $0.28 $0.34 $0.44 $0.48 $0.54 Ready Dressed Cogs Face, Inches 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price $0.20 $0.22 $0.26 $0.30 $0.36 $0.44 $0.54 $0.58 $0.68 Hard Wood Keys 3 to 5-inch Face, List Price, each $0.06 6 to 8-inch Face, List Price, each .10 9 to 12-inch Face, List Price, each .14 NOTE. Unless otherwise ordered, cogs furnished with shanks to shape and teeth not dressed. It is recommended that cogs be ordered this way, as owing to variations in the core wheel, the best way to secure a perfect running wheel, the cogs should be spaced, shaped and dressed after they have been fitted and keyed into the core or mortise wheel. Diagram Showing Method of Obtaining Dimensions Used in Gear List BEVEL WHEELS PITCH OIMfTB SPUR WHEEL Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 395 Spur Paper and Iron Friction Gearing Style No. 118 Frictions over 30 inches diameter are made as above Style No. 119 Small Spur Paper Friction Price List of Spur Paper Frictions Diam. Inches Face Inches Friction Wheel Complete with Flanges Diam. Inches Face Inches Friction Wheel Complete with Flanges Diam. Inches Face Inches Friction Wheel Complete with Flanges Diam. Inches Face Inches Friction Wheel Complete with Flanges 4 3 $2.12 9 5 $ 6.22 14 4 $10.74 18 12 $31.78 4 2.60 6 7.06 5 12.27 14 35.98 5 3.02 7 7.86 6 13.84 16 40.16 6 3.42 8 8.70 7 15.38 20 5 21.36 7 3.84 9 9.54 8 16.96 6 23.76 8 4.26 10 10.36 9 18.58 7 26.16 9 4.68 10 4 6.62 10 20.16 8 28.54 10 5.10 5 7.60 12 23.26 9 31.06 5 3 2.38 6 8.60 14 26.38 10 33.46 4 2.84 7 9.58 15 4 11.10 12 38.24 5 3.30 8 10.58 5 12.76 14 43.04 6 3.76 9 11.66 6 14.42 16 47.82 7 4.20 10 12.64 7 16.08 22 5 26.60 8 4.66 12 14.62 8 17.78 6 29.34 9 5.02 14 16.60 9 19.50 7 32.06 10 5.48 11 4 7.44 10 21.20 8 34.78 6 3 2.80 5 8.56 12 24.52 9 37.66 4 3.28 6 9.66 14 27.90 10 40.44 5 3.78 7 10.78 16 4 12.77 12 45.88 6 4.30 8 11.88 5 14.58 14 51.34 7 4.80 9 13.08 6 16.42 16 56.88 8 5.32 10 14.20 7 18.24 24 5 30.58 9 5.82 12 16.42 8 20.06 6 33.64 10 6.30 14 18.64 9 22.02 7 36.70 7 3 3.38 12 4 8.28 10 23.84 8 39.74 4 4.00 5 9.50 12 27.50 9 43.00 5 4.62 6 10.72 14 31.44 10 46.04 6 5.28 7 11.96 17 4 13.82 12 52.14 7 5.90 8 13.20 5 15.78 14 58.24 8 6.58 9 14.52 6 17.74 16 64.14 9 7.22 10 15.74 7 19.70 26 5 33.72 10 7.88 12 18.20 8 21.66 6 36.98 8 3 3.82 14 20.68 9 23.74 7 40.16 4 4.58 13 4 9.70 10 25.70 8 43.48 5 5.28 5 11.08 12 29.60 9 46.94 6 6.04 6 12.50 14 33.30 10 50.18 7 6.76 7 14.00 18 5 16.98 12 56.68 8 7.52 8 15.30 6 19.08 14 63.16 9 8.28 9 16.78 7 21.18 16 69.68 10 9.10 10 18.20 8 23.26 28 5 39.12 9 3 4.68 12 21.00 9 25.48 6 42.98 4 5.40 14 23.80 10 27.58 7 46.84 Prices of larger sizes, and also of Bevel and Mitre Frictions furnished upon application. When ordering Paper Friction Rolls or Fillers, give dimensions, and state number and size of bolts, also radius or circle on which bolt holes are to be drilled. Send paper pattern when the holes in flanges have not been accurately spaced. For prices of Cast Iron Spur Friction Wheels use lists as for standard Double Belt Cast Iron Pulleys, with Double Flange extras . 396 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Cast Iron Sheaves for Manila Rope Transmission With Turned Grooves Style No. 120 For 34, % and 1-Inch Rope Price List Diam. Inches 1 Groove 2 Grooves 3 Grooves 4 Grooves 5 Grooves 6 Grooves 7 Grooves 8 Grooves 9 Grooves 10 Grooves |36 $ 14.70 $ 22.45 $ 30.20 $ 37.95 $ 45.70 $ 53.45 $ 61.20 $ 68.95 $ 76.70 $ 84.45 40 15.75 24.30 32.95 41.60 50.15 58.75 66.40 75.95 84.50 93.15 44 17.90 27.75 37.50 47.40 57.20 67.00 76.90 86.70 96.50 106.40 48 24.15 34.40 44.75 55.00 65.25 75.65 85.88 96.25 106.40 116.75 52 26.25 37.50 48.75 60.00 71.25 82.50 93.75 105.00 116.25 127.50 56 30.50 42.25 54.00 65.65 77.40 89.15 100.90 112.60 124.25 136.00 60 35.90 50.25 63.10 75.90 88.75 101.65 114.40 127.25 140.00 153.00 64 41.15 54.60 68.10 81.50 95.00 108.45 121.90 135.30 148.75 162.25 68 49.65 65.00 80.40 95.75 111.15 126.50 141.90 157.30 172.80 188.15 72 58.50 74.40 89.90 105.30 120.80 136.20 151.00 166.00 180.90 195.80 76 61.50 77.00 92.50 108.00 123.50 139.00 154.50 170.00 185.50 201.00 80 69.25 85.80 102.20 118.70 135.00 151.50 167.90 184.40 200.80 217.30 84 78.20 95.30 112.40 129.70 146.80 163.90 181.10 198.20 215.40 232.50 88 85.90 103.90 121.80 139.80 157.80 175.70 193.70 211.70 229.70 247.50 92 95.20 113.50 131.90 150.40 168.80 187.25 205.80 224.20 242.70 261.00 96 106.70 125.50 144.40 163.20 182.00 200.90 219.80 238.70 257.50 276.30 102 126.25 144.40 162.50 180.70 198.80 216.90 235.00 253.20 271.30 289.40 108 135.70 154.00 172.40 190.80 209.20 227.50 245.90 264.30 282.80 300.80 114 156.80 174.00 191.40 208.70 225.90 243.30 260.70 277.90 295.00 313.50 120 179.00 198.20 216.90 235.70 254.50 273.80 292.50 311.30 330.00 348.80 126 208.70 229.90 250.00 270.40 290.70 310.90 331.30 351.30 371.70 391.90 132 236.30 256.90 277.50 298.40 319.00 339.80 360.50 381.20 401.90 422.50 Diam. Inches 1 1 Grooves 12 Grooves 13 Grooves 14 Grooves 15 Grooves 16 Grooves 1 7 Grooves 18 Grooves 19 Grooves 20 Grooves 36 $ 92.20 $102.50 $110.90 $119.20 $127.50 $135.90 $144.20 $152.50 $160.90 $169.25 40 101.70 110.30 129.25 139.40 145.65 152.00 170.30 179.50 188.65 197.75 44 116.15 125.95 135.75 145.65 166.40 176.50 188.00 199.50 211.00 222.40 48 127.15 137.40 147.50 157.90 173.25 197.75 207.50 217.50 227.40 237.15 52 138.75 150.00 161.25 172.50 183.75 209.40 219.40 229.25 239.20 249.15 56 147.75 159.50 171.20 182.90 194.65 220.00 245.25 255.50 265.65 275.90 60 165.75 178.65 191.50 204.30 216.25 230.00 271.65 288.40 305.25 322.15 64 175.75 189.20 202.65 216.15 229.50 243.65 276.25 305.90 323.00 340.00 68 203.50 218.90 234.25 249.65 265.00 280.50 295.90 311.25 335.00 357.50 72 210.80 225.50 240.70 255.40 270.40 285.30 300.30 315.00 350.00 372.50 76 216.50 232.00 247.50 263.00 278.50 294.00 309.50 325.00 365.00 388.80 80 233.70 250.20 266.50 283.00 299.50 315.90 332.40 348.80 395.00 418.80 84 250.00 266.90 284.00 301.20 318.40 335.50 352.70 369.80 437.50 462.50 88 265.50 283.50 301.50 319.40 337.40 355.40 373.30 391.30 470.00 505.00 92 279.50 298.00 316.40 334.90 353.30 371.80 390.30 408.80 490.00 525.00 96 295.00 314.00 332.90 351.80 370.70 389.40 408.30 427.20 520.00 550.00 102 307.50 324.50 341.50 358.50 398.70 416.50 434.40 452.30 550.00 587.50 108 328.40 346.90 365.40 384.00 417.30 439.40 461.70 483.80 600.00 634.30 114 362.50 382.80 402.90 423.00 448.50 484.70 520.80 556.90 622.50 655.00 120 368.80 419.50 445.20 470.80 496.40 522.00 547.50 584.30 672.50 705.90 126 447.20 466.70 486.30 505.70 525.00 544.40 564.20 599.70 741.90 764.70 132 474.30 500.00 525.70 551.30 576.90 602.50 628.00 703.20 764.80 826.30 Sheaves over 120 inches diameter always made split. For Split Sheaves 120 inches diameter and under add 25%. Large bores are subject to extra charge. Prices quoted on application on sheaves with Engineer's Standard or English Grooves. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 397 Cast Iron Sheaves for Manila Rope Transmission Continued Diameter Inches 1 Groove 2 Grooves 3 Grooves 4 Grooves 5 Grooves 6 Grooves 7 Grooves 8 Grooves 44 $ 24.50 $ 37.40 $ 50.30 $ 63.20 $ 76.00 i $ 88.80 $101.80 $114.60 48 31.00 45.40 59.60 73.80 88.10 102.40 116.60 130.90 52 32.80 48.30 63.80 79.30 94.80 110.30 125.70 141.20 56 37.50 53.40 69.40 85.70 101.30 117.30 133.20 149.20 60 43.20 61.10 78.20 95.40 112.50 129.80 146.90 164.20 64 49.00 68.80 88.50 108.40 128.30 147.90 167.80 187.50 ft 68 60.20 81.80 103.30 125.00 147.00 168.00 189.80 211.30 72 67.00 90.70 112.90 135.40 157.80 180.00 202.40 224.80 76 69.80 98.20 117.50 140.80 160.90 184.80 218.50 232.40 J3 80 79.70 103.40 126.90 150.70 174.30 198.00 221.70 245.30 a 84 87.90 112.50 137.50 162.00 186.90 211.70 236.40 261.00 88 99.40 125.70 151.20 177.40 203.30 229.20 255.00 280.90 4j 92 112.00 138.40 164.70 191.00 217.50 243.80 270.30 296.50 96 119.70 148.00 176.30 204.50 232.90 261.30 289.50 317.90 i. 102 134.80 163.00 192.20 221.50 250.80 280.00 309.30 338.50 o 108 146.80 177.20 207.70 238.20 268.50 299.20 329.50 360.20 fa 114 174.30 204.50 235.00 265.40 295.80 326.30 356.70 387.00 120 191.00 230.50 269.90 309.40 348.80 388.30 427.70 467.20 126 216.30 259.50 302.80 346.00 396.80 432.50 475.80 519.00 132 244.40 288.30 332.30 376.30 427.50 464.00 508.00 552.00 138 272.30 317.00 361.90 406.30 458.80 495.70 540.30 585.00 144 300.40 345.80 391.20 436.50 489.40 527.30 572.70 618.00 Diameter Inches 9 Grooves 10 Grooves 11 Grooves 12 Grooves 13 Grooves 14 Grooves 15 Grooves 16 Grooves 44 $127.50 $140.40 $177.20 $192.50 $205.40 $218.30 $235.90 $250.00 48 145.00 170.40 185.80 199.40 216.50 227.00 247.30 272.30 52 156.50 172.20 202.50 217.80 233.20 248.40 258.80 292.30 56 165.20 181.20 219.70 227.00 259.40 272.50 285.70 310.30 60 181.30 198.40 238.50 253.40 279.90 298.20 317.30 336.70 -> 64 209.80 227.00 246.90 281.20 297.80 314.40 339.80 356.30 ft 68 232.90 254.50 276.20 297.50 323.20 347.00 371.00 395.00 72 247.20 269.50 291.90 313.30 335.00 356.90 378.00 414.90 76 256.30 294.40 316.30 338.00 363.20 389.30 415.40 441.30 J3 80 268.90 320.30 332.00 366.00 393.30 420.70 448.00 475.30 a 8 * 285.90 344.40 368.50 389.80 418.30 446.90 475.50 501.50 - 88 307.40 363.50 391.20 418.80 446.50 474.20 501.90 530.00 ^ 92 322.90 382.20 405.00 428.50 459.90 491.30 522.50 553.80 S 96 346.20 405.50 435.40 465.40 494.80 525.40 555.30 585.70 t. 102 367.90 459.90 489.20 517.90 546.70 575.40 615.70 644.20 108 390.70 490.40 525.50 ' 556.00 586.50 617.20 655.00 687.50 fe 114 417.40 527.00 574.90 607.80 640.80 673.80 709.30 750.00 120 506.70 563.80 602.70 642.00 683.20 724.50 765.70 807.50 126 562.30 605.50 648.80 692.20 735.40 778.50 821.80 865.00 132 596.00 639.80 684.20 727.50 771.90 815.80 859.80 907.00 138 629.80 674.20 719.00 763.40 808.40 853.00 897.80 949.00 144 663.40 708.80 754.20 799.20 844.90 890.30 935.70 991.00 Diameter Inches 1 Groove 2 Grooves 3 Grooves 4 Grooves 5 Grooves 6 Grooves 7 Grooves 8 Grooves 52 $ 39.30 $ 59.00 $ 78.80 $ 98.50 $118.20 $137.90 $157.70 $177.40 56 44.20 64.40 84.70 104.90 125.20 145.40 165.50 185.80 60 50.50 71.90 93.40 114.90 136.40 157.90 179.40 200.90 64 56.90 83.00 109.10 135.30 161.30 187.40 223.50 239.60 68 66.20 95.00 123.30 151.30 179.50 207.50 229.50 257.50 72 72.50 104.80 134.50 164.40 194.20 223.90 253.80 283.50 ft 76 80.00 110.50 142.50 173.50 198.30 230.40 262.50 294.80 80 90.00 120.90 151.80 182.70 213.50 244.40 275.30 306.20 * 84 97.50 129.90 162.20 194.50 226.90 259.30 292.20 323.90 88 112.80 147.30 180.70 215.00 248.80 282.50 316.30 350.00 a 92 123.80 158.80 193.80 228.80 263.80 298.80 333.80 368.90 M 96 132.80 170.50 208.30 246.00 283.80 321.50 358.30 397.00 4. 102 141.20 185.50 229.90 273.60 317.80 362.00 406.10 450.00 - 108 157.80 205.50 254.00 302.50 351.00 399.50 448.10 496.50 u 114 191.70 242.70 293.50 344.20 395.70 447.20 497.70 548.20 120 204.10 261.00 317.90 375.00 431.80 488.80 545.70 602.50 h 126 227.50 290.00 352.50 415.00 478.80 541.30 602.50 666.30 132 257.00 324.30 391.50 458.80 527.00 594.30 660.50 728.80 138 286.50 358.50 430.50 502.50 575.30 647.30 718.50 791.30 144 316.00 392.80 469.50 546.30 622.40 700.30 776.30 853.70 150 345.50 427.00 508.50 590.00 671.70 753.20 834.40 916.20 156 375.00 461.30 547.50 633.80 719.90 806.20 892.40 978.70 Diameter Inches 9 Grooves 10 Grooves 11 Grooves 12 Grooves 13 Grooves 14 Grooves 15 Grooves 16 Grooves 52 $197.10 $216.80 $266.30 $285.70 $305.00 $323.30 $354.10 $375.00 56 206.00 226.20 291.50 294.40 347.70 362.20 376.70 400.50 60 222.40 243.80 311.30 328.20 368.30 393.30 418.30 443.30 64 270.70 291.80 317.90 373.20 392.90 412.70 450.00 470.00 68 285.80 313.80 342.00 376.30 412.00 444.40 476.90 509.40 72 313.30 343.20 372.90 401.20 429.40 457.80 485.50 544.40 ft 76 326.90 387.70 415.90 444.00 478.80 515.40 552.00 588.70 80 337.00 423.30 452.90 481.90 520.00 558.20 596.40 634.50 * 84 356.30 461.30 486.90 512.50 552.50 592.50 632.50 672.50 M 88 385.00 489.40 516.80 553.20 591.50 628.90 666.30 703.70 a 92 403.20 503.10 531.20 569.00 602.30 647.50 691.80 736.00 S 96 434.80 534.70 575.70 616.80 656.70 694.00 740.00 781.20 4 102 494.40 630.30 670.80 711.30 751.70 792.20 832.50 873.00 ^ 108 549.00 680.20 722.70 765.20 807.70 850.30 892.80 935.30 h 114 600.00 731.40 787.20 832.80 878.50 924.30 970.00 1015.70 120 659.50 751.00 807.80 864.50 922.30 978.20 1034.90 1091.70 fa 126 727.50 791.30 853.80 916.30 978.80 1042.50 1105.00 1167.50 132 795.00 863.30 930.50 997.80 1065.00 1133.20 1200.00 1267.80 138 862.50 935.20 1007.20 1078.70 1151.30 1223.90 1295.90 1367.90 144 929.90 1007.20 1083.90 1160.70 1237.50 1314.50 1391.30 1468,00 150 997.30 1079.00 1160.50 1242.00 1323.50 1405.30 1486.80 1568.30 156 1074.80 1151.00 1237.30 1323.50 1409.80 1495.90 1582.20 1668.40 Sheaves over 120 inches diameter always made split. For Split Sheaves 120 inches diameter and under add 25%. Large bores are subject to extra charge. Prices quoted on application on sheaves with Engineer's Standard or English Grooves. 398 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Tallow-Laid Manila Rope For Transmission of Power We carry a large stock of specially selected extra long fibre Manila Rope, carefully laid up in a lubricant which prevents its wearing and chafing when put into service. It is especially adapted for power transmission and we guarantee it superior to any other on the market for the purpose. Circumference APPROXIMATE WEIGHT AND STRENGTH OF MANILA TRANSMISSION ROPE Inches Diameter Inches Weight of 100 Feet in Pounds Strength of New Rope in Pounds Length of Rope in One Pound 1# tf 11 2,250 9' 2" 2 H 15 '4,000 6' 8" 2X X 20 5,000 5' 2K X 26 7,500 4' 3 1 34 9,000 3' 3K 1# 43 12,250 2' 6" 3K IK 53 14,000 2' 4K IX 65 18,062 1' 8" 4K IX 77 20,250 1' 3" 5 \tt 95 25,000 1' 1" 5K w 115 30,250 10#" 6 2 142 36,000 9^" Price, per pound $0.25 Manila Rope Dressing The occasional application of a good Rope Dressing will add to the life of any transmission rope as it keeps it soft and pliable and protects it from external and internal friction, moisture or heat. For this purpose, we recommend the "Magnolia" Rope Dressing which is sold in the following size packages: In 5 and 10-pound tin cans per lb., $0.40 In 25, 40 and 75-pound wooden kits " .35' In half and full barrels. _ " .25 Horse Power, Manila Rope VELOCITY, FEET PER MINUTE Diameter of Rope Inches 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 X 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.2 6.0 6.6 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.3 6.9 H 3.0 4.5 5.9 7.0 8.2 9.0 9.6 9.8 10.0 9.6 9.0 i 4.0 5.9 7.7 9.2 10.6 11.8 12.7 12.9 13.0 12.7 12.0 IK 5.0 7.5 9.7 11.6 13.5 14.9 16.0 16.3 16.7 16.5 15.3 IK 6.3 9.1 12.0 14.3 16.7 18.5 20.0 20.2 20.7 20.1 18.9 IK 9.0 13.5 17.4 20.7 23.0 26.3 28.7 29.0 29.5 28.6 26.7 IK 12.3 18.0 23.6 28.2 32.7 36.4 38.5 39.4 40.5 38.7 36.0 2 16.0 23.2 30.6 36.8 42.5 46.7 50.0 51.7 52.8 50.6 47,3 2K 20.0 29.6 38.6 46.6 53.6 59.2 63.6 65.8 66.3 64.4 60.3 2^ 25.0 36.6 47.7 57.5 66.0 71.2 78.0 80.0 81.0 79.0 73.8 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 399 Diagrams of Rope Drives Examples of Simple Vertical and Horizontal Rope Drives and Tension Carriages 400 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Tension Carriages Vertical Tension Carriages with Guides The Tension Carriage is provided with an adjustable yoke in which the sheave runs. The guides are made of T iron the lengths contained in price list. Style No. 122 List Prices Diameter of Sheave Inches DIAMETER OF ROPE EXTRAS *-#-I Inch 1 J< Inches 1 % Inches 1 yl, Inches 2 Inches Pipe Double Track Per Foot Wire Cable Per Foot 12-Inch Pull-Back Sheave 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 84 $ 94.00 103.00 113.00 $1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 $0.15 .13 .20 .20 .20 .25 .25 .25 $8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 $123.00 135.00 149.00 $156.00 171.00 187.00 $211.00 227.00 242.00 $230.00 244.00 284.00 The prices for Tension Carriages include sheave, adjustable yoke, guide fingers, 50 feet of f^-inch or J^-inch wire rope, weight rod and necessary tension weights. Prices do not include pipe guides. Prices for suitable guide supports quoted on application. NOTE. We have listed sheaves which are best adapted for ropes of the various diameters. Smaller sheaves do not give good service. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 401 Tension Carriages (Continued) Horizontal Tension Carriage Style No. 123 List Prices Diameter of Sheave Inches DIAMETER OF ROPE EXTRAS tf-tt-2 Inches \yi Inches \% Inches 1}4 Inches 2 Inches Channel Double Track per Foot I Beam Double Track per Foot Pipe Double Track per Foot Wire Cable per Foot 12-inch Pull Back Sheave 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 84 $ 83.00 91.00 101.00 $1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 $0.75 .75 .90 .90 .90 1.00 1.00 1.00 $1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 $0.15 .15 .20 .20 .20 .25 .25 .25 $8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 $111.00 122.00 135.00 $141.00 154.00 170.00 $190.00 205.00 220.00 $210.00 225.00 265.00 The prices for Tension Carriages include sheave, adjustable yoke, track wheels, pull-back sheave, 50 feet of fi-inch or ^2-inch wire cable, weight rod and necessary tension weights. Prices do not include track. Prices for suitable track supports quoted upon application. NOTE. We have listed sheaves which are best adapted for ropes of the various diameters. Smaller sheaves do not give good service. Plain Swinging Tensions For 34 to l l Inch Rope Diameter of Sheave, Inches Price 18 $20.00 24 25.00 30 . ._- 30.00 36 35.00 40 40.00 The above prices include yokes, sheaves, and 100 pounds of weights. Hanging Tightener Plain Tied Down Tensions For 34 to V/& Inch Rope Diameter of Sheave, Inches Price 18.. $2500 24 30.00 30 35.00 36.... 40.00 40 45.00 The above prices include yokes, sheaves, two well sheaves, 20 feet of wire cable and 100 pounds of weights. Tension Carriage Fixtures Swivel Pull-Back Sheaves $2.75 Swinging Pull-Back Sheaves 2.75 Pull- Back Ropes For Pull-Back Ropes we recommend Iron or Steel Hoisting Rope, made with 19 wires to the strand. Tension Weight Rods Price, 24 inches long, ^ inch diameter, each $1.25 Tension Weights, per pound .04 Tied Down Tightener 402 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Sprocket Wheels for Detachable Link Belting Bored and Key Seated or Set Screwed Price List NOTE. These prices cover Wheels with bores as specified. For Wheels having hubs and bores larger than standard, or otherwise special, additional charge will be made on account of additional weight and labor. For larger than maximum bore specified in list add 10% for each quarter inch or fraction thereof. No. 25 Also used for No. 31. Bore, 1/8 in. and Smaller. No. 32 Continued No. 34 Continued No. 42 Continued Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 2.58 2.95 3.33 3.70 4.08 4.45 4.83 5.20 5.58 5.95 6.33 7.08 7.45 7.83 8.20 8.58 8.95 9.33 9.70 10.08 10.45 11.20 11.95 12.33 13.08 14.20 16.45 16.83 24.33 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 35 38 44 45 65 $1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.70 1.80 1.85 1.90 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.55 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.35 3.40 4.40 5.04 5.49 5.94 6.39 6.84 7.29 8.19 8.64 9.09 9.99 12.24 12.69 13.59 14.49 15.39 16.29 18.54 18.99 24.39 28.44 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 22 27 28 30 32 34 36 41 42 54 63 $1.60 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.20 3.30 3.65 3.70 4.90 5.85 9.76 10.63 11.93 12.37 14.11 15.85 17.15 18.02 20.19 24.11 22 24 27 28 32 36 39 41 46 55 $2.50 2.60 2.80 2.90 3.20 3.60 3.90 4.00 4.50 5.50 2.02 2.31 2.61 2.90 3.20 3.50 3.79 4.08 4.38 4.68 4.97 5.27 5.56 5.86 6.15 6.44 7.03 7.33 7.62 7.91 8.21 8.50 8.80 9.98 10.27 10.57 12.34 12.93 14.11 15.29 16.47 17.65 18.83 24.73 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 34 35 36 42 44 48 52 56 60 64 84 $1.15 .20 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .50 .55 .55 .60 .65 1.70 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.88 1.90 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.40 2.55 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.00 No. 45 Also used for Nos. 35 and55. Bore, Ijiin.and Smaller. Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 2.65 3.18 3.71 4.24 4.77 5.30 5.83 6.36 6.89 7.42 7.95 8.48 9.01 9.54 10.07 10.60 11.13 11.66 12.19 12.72 13.25 13.78 14.31 14.84 15.37 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 $1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80, 3.90 No. 35 Use No. 45. No. 42 Bore, 1JJ in. and Smaller. Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price No. 33 Use No. 34. No. 34 Also used for No. 33. Bore, 1/8 in. and Smaller 2.80 3.23 3.67 4.10 4.54 4.97 5.41 5.84 6.28 6.71 7.15 7.58 8.02 8.45 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 $1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 1.93 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 No. 32 Bore, l/ 8 in. and Smaller. Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 2.79 3.24 3.69 4.14 4.59 6 7 8 9 10 $1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.83 2.20 5 6 $1.15 1.20 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 403 Sprocket Wheels for Detachable Link Belting Continued Price List No. 45 Continued No. 52 Continued Nos. 57, 67, 77 and 77 # Bore, 2^f in. and Smaller. Nos. 75, 78 and 88 Continued Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 15.90 16.43 18.55 19.08 20.67 21.20 22.26 23.32 23.85 25.44 26.50 28.62 30.74 36.57 43.46 30 31 35 36 39 40 42 44 45 48 50 54 58 69 82 $4.00 4.10 4.60 4.70 5.10 5.20 5.40 5.80 6.00 6.50 6.80 7.50 8.30 11.00 11.60 10.23 10.72 11.70 12.19 12.68 13.17 13.66 14.64 15.62 16.60 18.07 18.56 19.05 19.54 20.52 22.48 23.95 24.93 26.89 28.36 31.31 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 34 37 38 39 40 42 46 49 51 55 58 64 $2.90 3.00 3.15 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.45 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.30 4.45 4.60 4.80 5.20 5.60 5.80 6.40 6.75 7.20 30.46 31.30 32.15 32.99 33.84 35.53 36.38 37.22 38.91 41.45 42.29 43.98 49.05 50.74 54.97 65.11 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 46 49 50 52 58 60 65 77 $11.90 12.40 12.90 13.40 13.90 14.90 15.40 15.90 17.10 19.00 19.70 20.50 24.80 26.00 28.00 32.80 3.86 4.61 5.35 6.10 6.84. 7.59 8.33 9.08 9.82 10.57 11.31 12.06 12.80 13.55 14.29 15.04 15.78 16.53 17.27 18.02 18.76 19.51 20.25 21.00 22.49 23.98 24.72 25.47 26.96 28.45 29.94 30.68 32.17 32.92 35.90 36.64 38.88 40.37 41.86 44.84 47.82 55.27 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 32 33 34 36 38 40 41 43 44 48 49 52 54 56 60 64 74 $1.80 1.90 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 2.90 3.10 3.25 3.40 3.55 3.70 3.85 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.85 6.10 6.50 7.00 7.25 7.50 8.00 8.60 9.20 9.50 10.10 10.40 11.80 12.20 13.20 13.90 14.60 16.50 18.50 21.10 No. 51 Bore, 1ft in. and Smaller. No 83 All Double Teeth, ft in. and Smaller. Bore, 2-ff in. and Bore, 2 Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 1.98 2.72 3.09 3.46 3.83 4.20 4.57 5.31 5.68 6.05 6.42 6.79 7.16 7.53 7.90 8.27 8.64 9.01 9.38 9.75 10.12 11.23 11.97 12.34 12.71 13.45 14.56 16.78 18.63 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 32 33 34 36 39 45 50 $1.40 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.70 2.85 2.90 2.95 3.05 3.20 3.70 4.10 No. 62 Smaller 10.65 11.93 14.49 17.05 20.89 24.73 28.57 31.13 34.97 41.37 16 18 22 26 32 38 44 48 54 64 $ 4.00 4.80 5.85 6.90 8.30 10.20 12.50 14.20 16.50 21.50 Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 3.29 3.82 4.35 4.88 5.41 5.94 6.46 7.00 7.53 8.06 8.59 9.12 9.65 10.18 10.71 11.25 11.78 12.31 12.84 13.90 14.96 16.02 17.08 18.14 19.20 20.26 22.91 23.97 26.09 30.86 36.16 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 43 45 49 58 68 $1.75 1.85 1.95 2.05 2.15 2.25 2.40 2.55 2.70 2.85 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.35 3.50 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.15 4.45 4.70 5.10 5.35 5.60 5.90 6.20 7.00 7.40 8.30 10.20 12.20 No. 85 Also used for Nos. 94, 95 and 102. Bore, 2ft in. and Smaller. Nos. 75, 78 and 88 Bore, 2ft in. and Smaller. Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 7.85 9.12 10.40 12.95 14.22 15.50 16.77 18.05 19.32 20.60 23.15 24.42 28.25 30.80 33.35 34.62 35.90 41.00 60.12 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 22 24 26 27 28 32 47 $ 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.05 6.50 6.95 7.40 7.85 8.35 8.80 10.25 11.00 13.60 15.40 17.15 18.25 20.40 24.40 45.00 Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 4.28 5.13 5.97 6.82 7.66 8.51 9.35 10.20 11.04 11.88 12.72 13.57 14.41 15.25 16.10 16.94 17.79 18.63 19.48 20.33 21.17 22.02 2.2.86 23.71 24.55 25.40 26.24 27.09 27.93 28.77 29.61 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 $2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.45 3.70 3.95 4.20 4.50 4.80 5.20 5.60 5.80 6.20 6.60 6.90 7.30 7.65 8.00 8.30 8.60 8.90 9.20 9.50 9.80 9.90 10.10 10.70 11.10 11.50 No. 52 Bore, 1ft in. and Smaller. No. 66 Bore, 2 A in. and Smaller. Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 2.88 3.37 3.86 4.35 4.84 5.33 5.82 6.31 6.80 7.29 7.78 8.27 8.76 9.25 9.74 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 $1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.75 2.80 No. 103 Bore, 3-ff in. and Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 5.32 5.97 7.27 7.92 8.57 10.52 11.82 12.47 16.37 8 9 11 12 13 16 18 19 25 $1.90 2.00 2.20 2.30 2.50 2.80 3.00 3.20 4.00 Smaller Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 5.05 6.04 7.03 8.02 5 6 7 8 $3.20 3.60 4.00 4.40 404 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Sprocket Wheels for Detachable Link Belting Concluded Price List No. 103 Continued No. 105 Bore, 3^ in. and No. 114 Bore, 3^ in. and No. 124 Bore, 3 if in. and Pitch No. of Smaller. Smaller. Smaller. Diam. In. Teeth Price Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 9.01 10.00 9 10 $ 4.80 5.25 12.15 6 $ 5.40 7.52 7 $ 4.15 8.09 6 $ 5.50 10.99 11 5.65 16.05 g 8.00 8.57 8 4.50 10.70 8 6.20 11.98 12.97 13.96 12 13 14 6.05 6.45 6.85 19.95 23.85 25.80 10 12 13 10.60 13.20 16.00 9.62 10.67 11.72 12.77 9 10 11 12 4.85 5.20 5.65 6.10 12.01 13.31 14.62 15.93 9 10 11 12 6.90 7.70 8.50 9.40 14.95 15 7.25 27.75 14 18.00 13.82 13 6.55 17.23 13 10.20 15.94 16 7.65 31.65 16 19.20 14.87 14 7.00 18.54 14 11.00 16.93 17 8.05 37.50 19 22.40 16.97 16 8.00 19.84 15 12.00 17.92 18.91 18 19 8.45 8.90 49.20 25 33.60 18.02 19.07 17 18 8.60 9.20 21.15 22.45 9 3 7 A 16 17 1 ft 13.00 14.20 i s on 19.90 20 9.40 20.12 22.22 19 21 9.80 11.10 Z.J .1 lj 25.06 lo 19 1 j.zu 16.20 21.88 22 10.35 24.32 23 12.45 26.37 20 17.30 22.87 23 10.80 25.37 24 13.10 28.98 22 19.50 23.86 24 11.20 31.67 30 17.50 30.28 23 20.60 24.85 25 11.75 33.77 32 19.30 31.59 24 21.70 25.84 26 12.25 36.92 35 22.00 32.89 25 22.80 26.83 27 12.75 37.97 39.02 36 37 23.00 24.00 36.81 42.03 28 32 26.10 30.80 27.82 28.81 29.80 28 29 30 13.30 13.85 14.40 No. 108 Also used for Nos. 110 and 111. 40.07 44.27 49.52 38 42 47 25.00 29.10 34.90 44.64 49.86 60.30 34 38 46 33.00 38.00 48.80 30.79 31 15.20 Bore, 3 A in- and Smaller. 60.02 57 44.75 62.91 48 52.00 31.78 32 16.00 32.77 33 16.80 Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 33.76 34 17.60 No. 122 Bore, 3ti in. and 34.75 35.74 35 36 18.40 1 O OC 9.64 6 $ 5.20 Smaller. 36.73 37.72 37 38 IV. ZO 20.25 21.20 11.13 12.66 7 8 5.70 6.20 Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price No. 146 Bore, 3Jf in. and Smaller. 39.70 40.69 41.68 40 41 42 23.10 23.95 24.80 14.11 15.60 17.09 9 10 11 7.25 8.10 9.00 16.07 18.03 20.00 8 9 10 $ 9.75 10.80 12.80 Pitch Diam. In. No. of Teeth Price 45.64 46 28.20 18.58 12 9.90 21.96 11 14.60 48.61 54.55 60.49 65.44 49 55 61 66 30.75 35.85 40.95 45.50 20.07 21.56 24.54 30.50 13 14 16 20 10.90 11.80 14.00 18.50 23.93 25.89 29.82 31.79 37.68 12 13 15 16 19 16.50 18.25 21.80 23.60 30.00 16.62 18.59 20.56 24.50 30.41 8 9 10 12 15 $12.00 12.65 13.70 15.70 18.50 67.42 68 47.40 36.46 24 24.00 41.61 21 34.00 36.32 18 24.00 80.29 81 59.10 48.38 32 37.00 43.57 22 36.00 71.78 36 45.00 Additional Price to be Added to the List Price for Split Sprocket Wheels Detachable Link Belting NUMBER OF TEETH No. of Chain 4-7 8-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 23-024-025-25-31 32 33-34-42 35-37-38-45-55 ---- $1.15 1.20 1.30 1.40 $1.15 1.25 1.35 1.50 $1.20 1.30 1.40 1.60 $1.20 1.40 1.50 1.75 $1.25 1.45 1.55 1.90 $1.25 1.50 1.65 2.00 $1.30 1.55 1.75 2.15 $1.35 1.65 1.85 2.35 $1.40 1.70 1.95 2.60 $1.45 1.80 2.05 2.85 $1.50 1.90 2.20 3.10 $1.55 2.00 2.35 3.35 $1.60 2.05 2.50 3.60 $1.70 2.15 2.65 3.85 $1.75 2.25 2.80 4.15 48-51 52 57-67-77 62 - 1.20 1.40 1.55 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.70 1.60 1.30 1.60 1.95 1.75 1.40 1.70 2.20 1.90 1.45 1.80 2.45 2.10 1.50 1.90 2.75 2.25 1.55 2.00 3.10 2.45 1.65 2.10 3.50 2.65 1.75 2.25 3.90 2.95 1.90 2.45 4.30 3.25 200 2.60 4.75 3.55 2.10 2.80 5.15 3.85 2.25 3.00 5.60 4.15 2.40 3.20 6.00 4.45 2.50 3.40 6.45 4.75 65-66 75-78-88 83-93 $1~65 1.45 1.70 2.05 1.55 2.00 2.70 1.65 2.45 3.50 1.80 2.90 4.30 1.95 3.40 5.10 2.10 3.90 5.90 2.30 4.40 6.80 2.50 4.95 2.75 5.50 3.05 6.05 3.35 6.60 3.60 7.15 3.90 7.70 4.20 8.25 4.50 8.80 85-94-95-102 2.05 2.35 3.05 3.90 4.80 5.70 6.60 7.50 8.40 9.35 103-105 108-110-111 1.90 2.20 2.20 3.00 2.70 3 85 3.30 5.10 4.00 6.40 4.70 7.70 5.40 9.00 6.10 10.35 6.75 7.45 8.10 8.75 9.40 10.05 10.70 11.40 114 1.65 2.05 2 70 3 50 4 30 5 15 6 05 6 95 7 90 122 3.50 4.50 5.70 7.25 8.80 124 2.10 2 70 3 50 4 40 5 40 6 40 7 40 8 40 9 45 10 45 11 50 12.55 13.60 14.70 , ' 146 3.50 4.20 5.00 600 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 405 Finished Steel Shafting Price List Size Inches Weight per Foot Price per Pound Price per Foot Size Inches Weight per Foot Price per Pound Price per Foot N .375 $0.06X $0.03 3 24.05 $0.05 *i 91 fyl.Zl A .511 .06 .03 3X 26.09 -05X 1.43 X .667 .06 .04 3& 27.16 .05X 1.49 A .845 .06 .06 3X 28.22 .05X 1.55 N 1.05 .05X .06 3^ 30.43 .05X 1.67 H 1.26 .05X .07 3& 31.58 -05X 1.74 X 1.50 .05X .09 3X 32.73 .05X 1.88 if 1.77 .05X .10 3^ 35.20 .05X 2.02 8 2.05 .05X .12 3M 36.40 .05X 2.09 H 2.35 .05X .13 3X 37.57 .05X 2.16 3^ 39.95 .05X 2.30 l 2.68 .05X .15 31f 41.25 .05X 2.37 l* l# 1* IX i& if* 1^6 IX 1A 1H I IX 1M 3.02 3.38 3.77 4.17 4.61 5.05 5.52 6.01 6.52 7.06 7.61 8.18 8.78 .05X .05X .05 X .05X .05X .05X .05X .05X .05X .05X .05X .05 X .05 X .17 .19 .21 .23 .26 .28 .31 .32 .34 .37 .40 .43 .46 4 4X 4& 4X 4^g 4A 4X 4H 4tt 4X H 4M 42.75 45.44 47.40 48.26 51.80 52.62 54.11 57.12 58.66 60.88 63.46 65.50 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06 .06X .06X .06X .06X .06X .06X 2.57 2.73 2.85 2.90 3.11 3.16 3.52 3.72 3.82 3.96 4.13 4.26 l# 1 !5 ire 9.39 10.03 .05X .05X .49 .53 5 5A 67.45 71.86 .07 .07 4.72 5.03 5^ .78.95 .07 5.52 2 10.69 .05 .54 5X 80.77 07X 6.26 2^ 11.35 .05 .57 5H 86.38 07X 6.69 2X 12.07 .05 .61 5X 88.37 -07X 6.85 2A 12.80 .05 .64 57/S 92.25 .07 X 7.15 2X 13.52 .05 .68 SH 94.14 .07X 7.30 2A 14.35 .05 .72 2X 15.07 .05 .76 6 96.14 .08 X 8~.17 2^ 15.89 .05 .80 6^ 100.26 .08X 8.52 2X 16.70 .05 .84 6X 104.41 .08X 8.87 2& 17.55 .05 .88 6^ 110.70 .08X 9.41 2H 18.41 .05 .93 6X 112.92 .09 10.16 2H 19.31 .05 .97 6tt 119.40 .09 10.75 2X 20.21 .05 1.02 6X 121.78 .09 10.96 2H 21.15 .05 1.06 6^ 126.20 .09 11.36 2X 22.09 .05 1.11 6M 128.50 .09 11.57 m 23.06 .05 1.16 7 130.77 .09 11.77 The above prices are for shafts 1 foot to 20 feet long, inclusive. For shafts 3 to 11X inches long, 1 cent per pound, net extra. For shafts over 20 feet long and less than 30 feet, X cent per pound, net extra. Dimensions of Standard Key Seats Diameter of Shaft Inches Size of Key Way Inches Diameter of Shaft Inches Size of Key Way Inches Xto tt to 1 j^ tO i&to to to Ax to 3^ to 3^ to 3^ to 4X to 4ls to 5^ to 5^i 15 15 Te' x 32 1 xX IX xX 406 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Key Seating Price List End Each Diameter of Shaft Full Length, Key Seats 12" Long or Less First Foot or Less Second Foot 12" or Less Extra for Each Drilled End Extra for Each Squared End Inches Per Foot A B A or B AorB AorB i -"*> 1A 1# $0.16 $0.24 $0.50 $0.16 $0.20 $0.30 1A 1M .20 .30 .60 .20 .30 .40 1A IK .24 .40 .70 .24 .40 .50 1H- 2^ .30 .50 .80 .30 .50 .60 2A- 2^ .40 .60 .90 .40 .60 .70 2H 3^ .50 .80 1.10 .50 .70 .80 3A- 3^ .60 1.00 1.30 .60 .80 1.00 3M-4X .70 1.20 1.50 .70 .90 1.20 4A 4}< .90 1.40 1.70 .90 1.00 1.30 4M 5X 1.20 1.70 2.20 1.20 1.10 1.50 5A 5^ 1.50 2.00 2.50 1.50 1.30 1.70 SH 6>< 2.00 2.50 3.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 6A 7^ 2.25 2.75 3.25 2.25 1.80 2.30 7A- 8# 2.50 3.00 3.50 2.50 2.00 2.50 8A-9^ 2.75 3.25 3.75 2.75 2.30 2.75 9^ 103/g 3.00 3.50 4.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 1 | 1 ! Horse Power of Shafting Diameter of NUMBER OF REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE Shaft Inches 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 rff 5.3 6.6 7.9 9.2 10.6 11.9 13.2 14.6 15.9 17.2 18.3 ill 8.1 10.1 12.2 14.2 16.2 18.2 20.1 22.3 24.3 26.3 28.3 2A 11.6 14.5 17.4 20.3 23.2 26.1 29.0 31.9 34.8 37.7 40.6 16.1 20.1 24.2 28.2 32.2 36.2 40.2 44.3 48.3 52.3 56.4 2H 21.9 27.4 32.9 38.4 43.8 44.3 54.7 60.3 65.7 71.2 76.6 2 if 28.2 35.2 42.3 49.3 56.4 63.5 70.5 77.5 84.6 91.6 98.7 3A 36.0 45.0 54.0 68.0 72.0 81.0 90.0 99.0 108.0 117.0 126.0 3A 45.1 56.5 67.6 74.0 90.2 102.0 113.0 124.0 135.3 146.5 158.0 3 55.7 69.5 83.5 97.4 111.4 125.3 139.5 153.3 167.1 181.5 195.0 3L 67.8 84.7 102.0 118.8 135.6 152.6 169.2 181.8 203.4 220.5 237.0 4A 97.0 121.3 145.5 169.8 194.0 218.3 242.5 266.8 291.0 315.3 339.5 4H 134.0 167.0 200.0 234.0 268.0 302.0 335.0 368.0 402.0 435.0 468.0 SA 178.0 223.0 268.0 313.0 357.0 402.0 447.0 491.0 536.0 581.0 625.0 5H 232.0 291.0 349.0 407.0 465.0 523.0 581.0 639.0 697.0 755.0 813.0 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 407 The Monarch Peerless Friction Clutches Clutch and Pulley Patented Style No. 126 A glance at the above cut will serve to convince the initiated of the extreme simplicity and practicality of this clutch. It is radically different from other friction clutches and as far in advance of other makes as friction clutches in general are in advance of the old style, jaw or interlocking clutches. Description Above is a central longitudinal sectional view of the Monarch Peerless Friction Clutch with pulley, and shows the parts in the position they assume when the clutch is out of engagement. The numeral (1) indicates a shaft on which is keyed a disc (2) that turns with the shaft. Arranged on the shaft opposite the disc is a sleeve and formed on one end of this sleeve next to the disc is a cone. This sleeve is provided with a bronze bushing which can easily be replaced in case of wear. An oil or grease cup is attached to the sleeve whereby it is kept constantly lubricated, the oil being fed to the center of the sleeve by means of a channel or duct. The disc and the cone of the sleeve are encased by a cylindrical shell provided with an inwardly projecting annular flange, the inner surface of which is conical in shape to accurately conform to the face of the cone. This shell is free to move longitudinally on the disc, but is prevented from turning thereon by two pins or rollers mounted on the periphery of the disc and engaging two corresponding recesses in the inner face of the shell. A groove is turned in the interior of the shell for lubricating the contacting surfaces of the shell and cone. The disc is provided with an oil hole which serves as a reservoir for oil. 408 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Peerless Friction Clutches continued Style No. 127 Duplex Clutches, Equipped to Work Together, are Furnished at Price of Two Separate Clutches of Same Size Effective Combinations Great care should be taken when ordering, that the clutch of your selection will transmit the maximum power of the wheel which you intend to use. Allowance must be made for work involving fluctuations, shocks, varying turning movements, etc. Especially where high speed is involved should due consideration be given to clutch selection. Under ordinary conditions the list below gives proper size of clutch for pulleys 10 inches to 72 inches in diameter. We will gladly advise you in reference to any special conditions or requirements. FACE OF PULLEY, INCHES Pulley Diameter, I 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 PROPER SIZE NUMBER OF CLUTCH 10 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 12 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 14 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 16 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 18 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 20 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 22 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 24 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 26 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 28 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 30 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 32 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 34 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 36 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 38 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 40 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 42 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 44 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 46 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 48 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 8 50 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 8 52 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 54 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 56 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 58 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 9 60 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 9 62 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 64 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 66 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 68 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 70 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 72 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 409 The Monarch Peerless Friction Clutches Continued Price List Peerless Friction Clutches with Sleeves for Pulleys, Gears, Sprockets, etc. Size No. of Clutch Range of Bore in Clutch and Sleeve Inches Outside Diameter of Sleeve Inches H. P. at 100 R. P. M. Maxi- mum Speed PRICE OP CLUTCH WITH SLEEVE FOR PULLEY 8-Inch Face andUnder 10-Inch Face 12-Inch Face 14-Inch Face 16-Inch Face 18-Inch Face 20-Inch Face 1 1 to 1& 3 5 650 $ 44.00 $ 44.80 $ 45.60 $ 46.40 $ 47.20 $ 48.00 $ 48.80 l&to 1& 3^ 5 650 45.50 46.40 47.30 48.20 49.10 50.00 50.90 l&to It* 3H 5 650 47.00 48.00 49.00 50.00 51.00 52.00 53.00 2 i to in 3H 10 600 52.00 53.00 54.00 55.00 56.00 57.00 58.00 iftto 1H 3M 10 600 53.50 54.60 55.70 56.80 57.90 59.00 60.10 lit to 2A 4& 10 600 56.00 57.20 58.40 59.60 60.80 62.00 63.20 3 1 to2A 4H 20 550 68.00 69.30 70.60 71.90 73.20 74.50 75.80 2& to 2^ 4M 20 550 69.50 70.90 72.30 73.70 75.10 76.50 77.90 2& to 2H 5A 20 550 72.00 73.50 75.00 76.50 78.00 79.50 81.00 4 1H to 2H SA 30 500 88.00 89.50 91.00 92.50 94.00 95.50 97.00 2ft to 2H 5M 30 500 90.00 91.60 93.20 94.80 96.40 98.00 99.60 2tf to 3& 6^ 30 500 92.50 94.20 95.90 97.60 99.30 101.00 102.70 5 2;& to 3^ 6& 40 400 110.00 111.70 113.40 115.10 116.80 118.50 120.20 3& to 3^ 6A 40 400 113.00 114.80 116.60 118.40 120.20 122.00 123.80 3& to 3H 6H 40 400 116.00 118.00 120.00 122.00 124.00 126.00 128.00 6 2^ to 3M 7A 55 350 135.00 137.40 139.80 142.20 144.60 147.00 149.40 3M to 4A ?M 55 350 138.00 140.60 143.20 145.80 148.40 151.00 153.60 4A to 4^ 8& 55 350 142.00 145.00 148.00 151.00 154.00 157.00 160.00 7 2& to 4^ 8A 70 300 164.00 167.00 170.00 173.00 176.00 179.00 182.00 4& to 4^ 8A 70 300 168.00 171.00 174.00 177.00 180.00 183.00 186.00 4H to 4tf 8^ 70 300 172.00 176.00 180.00 184.00 188.00 192.00 196.00 8 2M to 4H 8A 100 275 196.00 200.00 204.00 208.00 212.00 216.00 220.00 4M to 5A 8^ 100 275 200.00 204.00 208.00 212.00 216.00 220.00 224.00 5& to 5^ 9 100 275 205.00 210.00 215.00 220.00 225.00 230.00 235.00 5A to SH 9^ 100 275 210.00 215.50 221.00 226.50 232.00 237.50 243.00 5ti to 5M 10 100 275 215.00 221.00 227.00 233.00 239.00 245.00 251.00 Sleeves for Clutches Style No. 128 The lengths in which these sleeves are made correspond with the standard pulley faces. By referring to cut on page 410 it will be observed that lubrication is accomplished by means of an oil or grease cup, the oil being carried to the center of the sleeve by means of a channel or duct. A groove is turned into the interior of the bonnet and serves as a reservoir to supply the oil for lubricating the contacting surfaces of the bonnet and cone. The flange is provided with an oil hole through which the contacting surfaces of the flange and cone can be kept lubricated. 410 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Peerless Friction Clutches Continued Phosphor Bronze Bushings Style No. 129 Bushings for sleeves of Monarch Peerless Friction Clutches are made of phosphor bronze. They can be quickly and easily replaced in case of wear. The method of lubrication is simple in the extreme and may be readily understood by reference to the above cut. Great care is taken in the selection of the material for and the process of manufacture of these bushings. The severe tests to which they have been subjected have proved to us the advisability of our care in their manufacture. Price Per Pair of Phosphor Bronze Bushings for Sleeves of Monarch Peerless Friction Clutches S* _ _r cVi^f*. Outside LENGTHS IN INCHES AND PRICES PER PAIR ize or onatt Inches Diameter of Bushing 3^ 3K 4X 4K 5X 5K 6J< 63/4 if! 2.063 $13.50 $14.30 $15.50 $16.70 $17.90 $19.10 $20.30 $21.50 ill 2.313 . 14.10 15.30 16.20 17.40 18.30 19.50 21.60 22.80 2A 2.563 14.70 16.00 17.40 18.60 19.50 20.70 23.40 24.60 2^ 2.813 15.30 16.60 18.00 19.20 20.40 22.20 24.00 25.25 m 3.063 15.60 16.90 18.60 20.10 21.60 22.25 24.90 27.00 2}| 3.313 16.80 17.85 18.90 20.55 22.20 23.85 25.50 27.75 3^ 3.563 18.00 18.90 19.80 21.90 24.00 25.50 27.00 28.95 3A 3.938 19.50 20.40 21.30 26.70 24.90 26.40 27.90 29.85 3tt 4.188 21.00 21.90 22.80 24.90 27.00 28.80 30.60 32.55 3|f 4.438 28.50 30.00 31.50 32.25 33.00 34.80 36.60 38.55 4& 4.688 29.00 30.20 31.70 33.10 33.85 35.60 37.00 38.90 4A 4.938 31.50 32.25 33.00 34.50 36.00 37.50 39.00 40.80 * 5.188 33.50 34.25 35.00 37.25 39.50 40.50 41.50 42.75 4ff 5.438 34.50 ' 35.55 36.60 38.85 41.10 42.00 42.90 43.95 Outside LENGTHS IN INCHES AND PRICES PER PAIR Size of Shaft Inches Diameter of Bushing 1% 7K 8X 8K 9K 9K 10X iff 2.063 $22.70 $23.90 $25.10 lit 2.313 26.10 27.30 28.20 2& 2.563 27.00 28.20 29.10 2^ 2.813 27.50 28.75 30.00 $32.60 $35.10 $36.30 $37.50 2H 3.063 29.10 30.05 30.90 33.45 36.00 37.20 38.40 m 3.313 30.00 31.35 32.70 35.10 37.50 39.60 41.70 3& 3.563 30.90 32.25 33.60 35.85 38.10 40.80 43.50 3^ 3.938 31.80 33.50 34.50 36.75 39.00 41.55 44.10 3 4.188 34.50 36.45 38.40 39.75 41.10 43.05 45.00 3H 4.438 40.50 42.00 43.50 45.00 46.50 48.60 50.70 4A 4.688 41.00 43.10 44.20 47.00 49.20 50.40 52.10 4A 4.938 42.60 44.55 46.50 49.35 52.20 53.85 55.50 4H 5.188 44.00 46.00 48.00 50.75 53.50 55.50 58.50 4H 5.438 45.00 47.25 49.50 52.20 54.90 57.15 59.40 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 411 The Monarch Peerless Friction Clutches Concluded Dimensions of Monarch Peerless Friction Clutches with Standard Sleeves Size No. of Clutch Range of Bore in Clutch and Sleeve Inches Outside Diameter of Sleeve Inches H. P. at 100 R.P. M. Maximum Speed C Inches D Inches G Inches p Inches 1 1 to 1& 3A 5 650 5 6J/8 8^ 4H 1A to i& 3A 5 650 5 67/8 8>< 4^ 1A to IH 3H 5 650 5 6?/i 8^ 4H 2 1 to 1H 3H 10 600 5H 7X 9A 4M 1H to lit 3H 10 600 SH 7K 9A 4H lit to 2A 4A 10 600 5H 7K 9A 4it 3 1 to 2A 4H 20 550 7& 9^ 11X. 7 2A to 2^ 4H 20 550 7A 97/8 HX 7 2^ to 2H 5A 20 550 7& 9H HX * 7 4 lit to 2H 5A 30 500 W \\% 13H 8 2H to 2M 5M 30 500 W ll'M 13^ 8 2tt to 3A 6A 30 500 8X n# 13M 8 5 2^ to 3^ 6A 40 400 8X 13 15^ 9^ 3A to 3^ 6A 40 400 8K 13 iSH 9H 3A to 3H 6H 40 400 8^ 13 15^ 9^ 6 2A to 3M 7A 55 350 15K 17K 11H 3M to 4^ 7M 55 350 I5K 17K 11^ 4& to 4^ 8A 55 350 _.. 15K 17K UN 7 2A to 4& 8A 70 300 17K 20^ t$M 4A to 4H 8A 70 300 17K 20^ 13H 4H to 4H 8A 70 300 ___ 17^ 20^ 13H 8 2H'to 4{| 8A 100 275 23X 26^ 20>< 4M to 5A 8A 100 275 23^ 26X 20X 5A to 5A 9 100 275 23^ 26X 20^ 5A to 5H 9A 100 275 23^ 26X 20^ 5H to 5H 10 100 275 --- 23^ 26X 20>< 412 Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Peerless Friction Cut-Off Couplings Patented In order to adjust the parts in assembling them and to compensate for wear, the following means are provided. Arranged between the face of the disc and the bearing plates is a slotted washer or ring through which the screws, which fasten the bearing plates to the disc, pass. The face of this ring adjacent to the bearing plates is formed of reversely inclined surfaces against which the bearing plates lie. To adjust the clutch, loosen the cap screws by which the bearing plates are attached to the disc and turn the slotted washer or ring. By doing this it is obvious that the bearing plates are thrown to a greater or less extent from the face of the disc and consequently the space between the disc and the conical-shaped flange of the shell is increased or decreased. It will be noted that the washer acts on the bearing plates simultaneously and to exactly the same extent, hence the clutch is adjusted uniformly at all points and with one simple operation. This sectional view of the Monarch Peerless Friction Clutch Cut-Off Coupling illustrates the clutch applied to a divided shaft. Dimensions, Prices, Etc. Size No. Space on Shaft Engaged Inches Space on Shaft Released Inches Maxi- mum Bore Inches c Inches D Inches G Inches K Inches L Inches N Inches Maxi- mum Speed R. P. M. H. P. at 100 R.P.M. Price Includ'g Lever 14 5H 17H 20^ 20^ 22^ 13 22^ 22^ 1* 1M liV 20^ 650 600 550 500 400 350 300 275 10 20 30 40 55 70 100 $ 40.00 47.00 62.00 82.00 103.00 128.00 154.00 184.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 413 The Monarch Peerless Friction Cut-Off Couplings Cont'd List of Parts of the Monarch Peerless Friction Cut-Off Couplings Number Name of Part Number Name of Part Number Name of Part 1 Adjusting Ring 5 Guide Hub with Lug 9 Link 2 Bearing Plate 6 Cap Bolt 10 Guide Plate with Hub 3 Lever 7 C. R. S. Pin 11 Outside Shell 4 Clutch Collar 8 Oil Plug 12 Inside Friction Cone Directions for Ordering Monarch Peerless Friction Clutches A friction clutch to operate properly should meet existing conditions. Therefore all conditions must be known and given with order so that proper size of clutch may be determined. 1. State whether cut-off coupling or clutch with extended sleeve is desired. 2. Give bore or size of shaft. Cut-off couplings may be bored to connect two shafts of different diameters. 3. Give speed at which clutch will be operated. This is necessary, as power of clutch is conditioned upon speed it will run. Construction of sleeve and method of lubrication are also affected by speed. 4. Advise size and give description of article to be attached to sleeve and which clutch will be required to drive. This information is necessary to figure power capacity of article to be driven. It is not good policy to use clutch with a rated capacity less than the pulley, sheave or gear to be driven. 5. Give full information as to character of service. State whether load is steady or intermittent, as clutch rating is based on a steady, even load and a larger clutch must be used for intermittent work. 6. Give maximum amount of power clutch will be required to transmit. Where conditions will permit, always place a friction clutch on the driven shaft, as the sleeve will revolve on standing shaft when clutch is disengaged ; whereas, if placed on driving shaft the sleeve would stand idle on revolving shaft. This would wear bore of sleeve out of round. When ordering or writing for prices, always give the diameter and speed of the shaft to which the clutch is to be fitted, diameter and face of pulley and horse power to be transmitted. Every essential feature of the principle and construction of the Peerless Friction Clutch is covered by patent No. 635194, of October 17, 1899. Legal steps will be taken to protect our rights in any case of infringement. 414 Sprout, IValdron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Style "M" Friction Cut-Off Coupling Dimensions and Prices Symbol or Size Price Space on Shaft Inches Diameter Over All Inches H. P. at 100 Rev. Largest Shaft Inches Equal to Shaft Inches *E $ 28.00 ISA M m .A *H 34.00 16H. 11 7K 2^ H *A 40.00 i*M 12K 13 2H 2A B 54.00 22M 15 19 3M 2ft G 75.00 24H 17 27 >H 2{* C 95.00 27M 18K~ 36 SH 3ft F 145.00 30& 21^ 55 6H 3H D 180.00 33 A 26 70 4ft *This Clutch has no friction fibre. Style "M" Friction Clutch with Extended Sleeves Dimensions and Prices Symbol or Size Price Space on Shaft Inches Diameter Over All Inches H. P. at 100 Rev. Largest Shaft Inches *E $ 27.00 18 8tf 3K 2K *H 32.50 20 11 7K 3 *A 38.00 23X 12K 13 3^ B 52.00 26^ 15 19 4^ G 72.00 29X 17 27 5 C 92.00 33^ 18# 36 6K F 140.00 37K 21K 55 7K D 175.00 39^ 26 70 12 *This Clutch has no friction fibre. For standard dimensions of Extended Sleeve see page 415. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 415 Table of Standard Dimensions of Extended Sleeves Outside diameter of Extended Sleeves, showing bores required in pulleys, sheaves, sprockets, gears, etc. which are either keyed or clamped on extended sleeve of clutches. DIAMETER OF SHAFT, INCHES *o > H .0 | 8 V 55 I 1 1A 1H 2A 2H 3rV 3H 4rV 5j^ W la 5 IM O pq o to to to to to to to to | O ii II jhS f! oj y 1* 1 ii 1 16 2 - 2H 3rV 3rl 4 - 5M E 3K 5 8 18 2fV 2H H 7X 6 9K 20 2X 3 3^ A 13 7 11 23X 2H 3A 3H 4l 2 6 Ei B 19 8 12 26/^ 2tt 3rV 3fl 4jL 5rV eo S o , . G 27 10 15 29 5^ 3iif 3fl 4ii 5rV Sri a 3? H C 36 11 16 33%" 415 s T 51 s. 6fl il w e F 55 12 17 5^ 515. ID 8A i 16 16 D 70 13 18 39}^ gJZ_ f 1 8A ^^ 1 o & E 314 5 8 18 2ii 3A 2 H 7X 6 9/4 20 2^i 3>i 3K B A 13 7 11 23>< 2H 3rV ^Te 4tt a) "S 3 S B 19 8 12 26^ 2fl 3A 4rV ^H 5rV W^ a g 3 G 27 10 15 29^ 311 4A 4if 511 6rV || o S-H C 36 11 16 33^ g 3 C 11 ^ T~6~ ^11 7 B5 F 55 12 17 37^ e 15 6 H 7H 8H 1 D 70 13 18 39K 6H 715. ' 16 8M The dimensions of extended sleeve are subject to order, but unless the dimensions of sleeve are stated on the order, they will be furnished according to the above table. One-half inch should be added to the outside diameter of sleeve when babbitted or bronzed bearings are wanted and when clutch is to be furnished split. If sleeves are wanted longer than standard length according to the above table, add 25 cents net per inch. Sleeves of clutches should be key-seated on outside to prevent pulleys, etc., from slipping. See table of dimensions for key-seats on outside of sleeves below. Cost of key-seating sleeves, 40 cents net extra. All clutches running 250 revolutions per minute or over should have babbitted or bronze bearing and ample means of lubrication. Standard Sizes of Key-Seats for Outside of Extended Sleeves for Clutch For 2 to 2H Diameter }4. in. wide M " " ^ in. deep For 6 to 6f| Diameter __ 1 in. wide y% in. deep ' 4 to 4f| " y & " " H " " " 8 to 8f| " " 9to9ff " .- x - K- - 416 Sprout, Waldron 6- Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Standard Plate Couplings Complete With Bolts and Key Style No. 133 Dimensions and Prices Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. Add 10% for Reduc- tion Couplings. Size of Shaft, Inches 1A 1A ITTT 1 15 2 3 7 Oil 15 A, Inches 7 iy. *iy. g Q\/. z 16 Q3/? L 16 1fl3/ Z 16 B, Inches 5^ 5X 6 1 A 1% g gi? lu r4 9 03xf List Price $7.50 $8.00 $8.50 $9.00 $10.50 $12.50 $15.25 ?y\ $18.25 Size of Shaft, Inches 2 3 3A 211 341 4 3 4 7 411 415 A, Inches H?4 \]_y 2 12^1 13i2 14 14 1"? ^16 1 C *16 1 *,*/ B, Inches 10 \Qy, U U y. \\VA 12 1 7 ix^ 13 List Price _ . $21.75 $25.25 4>7Q TC >B>zy.zo $33.25 $38.25 $43.25 $49.00 $54.75 Square and Spiral Jaw Clutch Couplings Substantially Designed for General Service and Finished In a First-Glass Manner ^^fmfi^w Style No. 137 Style No. 138 To determine Right or Left Hand Spiral Jaw Clutch Couplings For Reducing Couplings add 10% to list. Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. prices for larger sizes. Dimensions and Prices Special Size of Shaft Inches Price Not Fitted Price Fitted to Shaft Price of Shifter A Inches B Inches E Inches F Inches c Inches H Inches G Inches m 1 $16.50 19.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 29.00 32.00 36.00 40.00 46.00 51.00 59.00 67.00 74.00 82.00 90.00 $19.50 23.00 26.00 ,28.00 30.00 33.50 36.50 40.50 44.00 52.00 5700 66.00 75.00 82.00 91.00 100.00 t 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.25 8.50 9.00 9.50 9.50 10.00 10.00 10.50 10.50 11.50 11.50 12.00 12.00 3 3j 4 4j 5 5j 6 6j 7 1 8 X 83 9 93 10 5 SJ 6j 7 7; 8j 9j 10 # 15 16 12X 13 10 11 13 15 23 1* 2 2X 2X 2X 3 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 417 Standard Clamp Couplings Complete With Bolts and Key. Extra Charge For Covers Style No. 134 Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. Add 10% for reduc- tion Couplings. Dimensions and Prices Size of Shaft, Inches 1A 1A 1ft Itt 2A 2A Oil 2rf A, Inches 3X 4> 5X 6> 7^ 8 8K B, Inches 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 List Price - $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 $8.00 $9.00 $10.75 $13.00 $16.50 Size of Shaft, Inches- _ 3A 3T6 3H 3if 4A 4re 4tt 4rf A, Inches 8K 9;^ 9J< tOK lOjl 11 UK 12 B, Inches 13 14 15 16 16X 17 17# 18 List Price $20.00 $24.00 $28.90 $32.00 $42.00 $42.00 $53.40 $53.40 Solid Sleeve Couplings For Light Work Only Style No. 135 Our Solid Sleeve Couplings are designed and constructed for light work only, are finished all over and have countersunk set screws. Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. Add 20% for Reduc- tion Couplings. Dimensions and Prices Size of Shaft, Inches A, Inches . . IH i* 2A 1& 2^ Itt 3rg Itt 3X B, Inches 4 5 6 7 8 List Price. ... $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 $7.50 Universal Couplings Ring Type This coupling is intended for slow speed shafts varying not more than 20 from a straight line. We do not recommend it for heavy or high speed work. For greater angles and high speed we recommend a selection of special angle gears. Style No. 136 Price List, Including Set Screws or Key Ways Bore Inches Price Bore Inches Price 1A ift IJ4 Itt |tt $6.00 6.50 6.50 7.00 8.00 2 2A 2k $8.00 9.50 11.00 12.75 15.00 418 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. The Hendershot Coupling Just a Few Points of Superiority Two complete cases double strength. Two short sleeves compensating for shaft in equalities. Self- centering insuring proper alignment. Internal jaws or clutches eliminating strain on connecting bolts. Greater compression area increasing power factor. The foregoing are but a few of the Hendershot's more salient features when compared with any and all other Compression Sleeve Shafting Couplings. Too much attention and consideration cannot, however, be given the Interlocking Internal Jaws and self-aligning features, which absolutely do not apply to any other make of Compression Sleeve Couplings. The power is transmitted by the jaws, and not the bolts, obviating possibility of the shearing of the latter and probable breaking of the one-piece sleeve. The male and female joint of the two cases guarantee perfect alignment without necessity of chalking and running of shafts to determine whether or not the couplings are erected true. Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. Add 10% for Reduc- tion Couplings. Sizes and Prices Style No. 132 Diameter of Shaft, Inches Outside Diam. of Shell, Inches Total Length of Coupling, In._ List Price _ . __ H 3^ 4 $3.00 I& 4^ 4K $4.75 I* SK 5X $5.00 I* 5K 5K $5.50 Itt 6K 6K $6.25 |tt 7K 8K $8.00 2& 7H 8K $9.00 2& 8^ 10# $10.75 2H 9^ 10K $13.00 Diameter of Shaft, Inches Outside Diam. of Shell, Inches Total Length of Coupling, In._ List Price, 2M 9^ ilk $27.25 3A 10>g I2tf $32.50 3& lltf 13k $39.25 3H 12 14 $45.25 3M 12# 14^ $51.25 4& 13K 15K $61.50 4& 14K 16K $71.25 4H 15H 17X $83.00 4H 16K 19 $94.00 Shaw Single Compression Flange Couplings Require No Keys or Key- Seating Intermediate sizes charged at nearest list prices. Reducing Couplings advance 10% on prices below. The largest shaft which the coupling fits determines the size. Style No. 139 Patented Dimensions and Prices Size of Shaft, Inches I* 47/8 4 $4.75 iA 5^ 4^ $5.00 1* 5^ 5K $5.50 l 6 5H $6.25 Jfl 7^ 7X $8.00 2^ 7^ 8^ $9.00 2A sy s H $10.75 2tt 9^i 9 l /8 $13.00 Outside Diam. of Shell.In. Length, Inches List Price Shaw Double Compression Flange Couplings Require No Keys or Key- Seating Style of Coupling for sizes 2f| inches and larger. Constructed with four flanges instead of two, the alternating flanges being bolted together. Style No. 140 Dimensions and Prices Patented Size of Shaft, Inches $27.25 $32.50 $39.25 $45.25 $51.25 $61.50 UK $71.75 $83.00 $94.00 Outside Diam. of Flange, In Length, Inches List Price Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 419 The Monarch Spiro Compression Coupling Style No. 141 Single Flange Coupling A Sleeve B Outer Shell C Inner Shell The method of this construction gives an enormous gripping power on the shaft, the sleeve gripping its entire length and circumference. From actual tests this coupling has exerted from 40 to 60% more grip- ping power than any other compression coupling on the market. Price List Size, Inches . Price X $3.50 H $4.00 IA $4.75 ** $5.00 1A $5.50 1 $6.25 Iff $8.00 2& $9.00 2& $10.75 2H $13.00 2 $16.00 Double Flange Coupling Style No. 142 Double Flange Coupling A Sleeve B Shells These Double Compression Couplings are constructed with four flanges. Two of the flanges and hub of half of the coupling cast in one piece, using long and short bolts alternately for bolting together. Price List Size Inches 2H 3A 3A 2 11 ?l_5. 4A 4H Price.. __ $27.50 $32.50 $39.25 $45.25 $51.25 $71.75 $94.00 Intermediate or odd sizes charged at next listed price above. For Reducing Couplings add 10% to largest bore. 420 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Plain and Safety Set Collars, Solid and Split These collars are made solid and split for all sizes of shafting and comply with all the legal requirements as to safety by having set screws and bolts protected. They are finished and polished on periphery and faced on ends, accurately bored and reamed and substantial throughout. A strictly high grade machine and shafting collar, manufactured in large quantities, sold at reasonable prices, and carried in stock for immediate shipment. Style No. 143 Solid Construction Safety Set Collars Prices Shaft Size Inches Price Shaft Size Inches Price Shaft Size Inches Price tt $0.60 3H $3.30 6^ $10.10 1A .80 3M 3.60 6ii 10.90 1ft 1.00 4& 4.15 6tt 11.70 itt 1.20 4A 4.70 7^ 14.05 ltt 1.40 4 5.30 8 16.20 2A 1.60 4M 5.90 8^ 18.45 9 7 Z 16 1.80 5A 6.55 9 20.70 2H 2.10 7.20 9tf 23.10 2H 2.40 5fe 7.90 10 25.75 3& 2.70 5tf 8.60 3A 3.00 6& 9.35 Split Construction Safety Set Collars Dimensions and Prices Diameter Shaft Inches Price A Inches B Inches 1A $ 1.20 3*4 l^i 1A 1.50 3^2 1^ iff 1.80 3^4 lf^ 1 S 2.10 4 IN 2.40 43/4" \j/& 2^ 2.70 5 \y% 2fe 3.15 SK" IN 2ff 3.60 5/4 IN 3j%- 4.05 6y$ 2 3iV 4.50 6}4 2 3|i 4.95 6$4 2 315. 5.40 7 2 4^. 7.05 8)4 2^ 4tt 8.85 8K 1% 5^ 10.80 9n 2/^ 5i| 12.90 9X 2K 6^ 15.15 10^2 2M 7 17.55 11 2ji 8 24.25 \2% 3 9 31.05 i3y 3 10 38.65 14K 3 11 48.00 16 3/^ 12 58.50 17 3>t Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 421 The Monarch Ball Bearing Drop Hanger List Prices Style No. 144 Type Shaft Inches DROP OF HANGER IN INCHES 10 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 1 $12.00 $12.25 $12.50 $12.75 $13.00 $13.25 1 1ft 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 14.00 14.25 2 1* 17.75 18.00 18.25 18.50 18.75 19.00 $19.25 $19.50 2 iff 18.75 19.00 19.25 19.50 19.75 20.00 20.25 20.50 2 1 20.00 20.25 20.50 20.75 21.00 21.25 21.50 21.75 3 2A 27.25 27.50 27.75 28.00 28.25 28.50 28.75 $29.00 $29.50 3 2A 32.00 32.25 32.50 32.75 33.00 33.75 34.00 34.50 35.00 3 Oil Z 16 41.75 42.00 42.25 42.50 42.75 43.00 43.50 44.00 44.50 4 2M 46.00 46.25 46.50 46.75 47.00 47.50 48.00 48.50 4 3A 51.00 51.25 51.50 51.75 52.00 52.50 53.00 53.50 4 3A 66.00 66.25 66.50 66.75 67.00 67.00 68.00 68.50 Style No. 145 The Monarch Ball Bearing Post Hanger List Prices Shaft EXTENSION OF HANGER I] sr INCHES Type Inches 7 8 9 iox 12 1-P 1-P 2-P H 1* ITS $12.00 12.85 $12.00 12.85 18.00 $18.00 2-P 1H 18.75 18.75 2-P ill 20.00 20.00 3-P 2& 27.25 $27.25 3-P 2A 32.00 32.00 3-P 2tt 42.00 42.00 4-P 2ii 46.00 $46.00 4-P 3A 50.75 50.75 4-P 3A 66.00 66.00 These hangers are guaranteed to produce definite results in the saving of power. They are also guaranteed for a period of one year from installation, against defects in material and workmanship. 422 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Drop Hangers With Hyatt Standard Line Shaft Bearings Four-Point Set Screw Type For Speed up to 600 Revolutions Price List DROP IN INCHES Diam. Shaft Inches 6-8 9-11 12-14 15-17 18-20 21-23 24-26 27-29 30-32 33-35 I* iff iH 2& 2A 2H 2tt 3& $12.90 13.90 19.25 20.25 29.50 31.25 39.25 43.75 $13.40 14.40 19.75 20.75 30.00 31.75 40.75 45.25 $14.60 15.60 20.75 21.75 31.50 33.25 42.25 46.75 $15.25 16.25 21.50 22.50 33.25 35.00 44.25 48.75 $15.75 16.75 23.25 24.25 34.75 36.50 45.50 50.00 $16.25 17.25 23.75 24.75 35.50 37.25 47.50 52.00 $16.75 17.75 24.25 25.25 36.25 38.00 48.25 52.75 $26.00 27.00 37.00 38.75 49.25 53.75 $28.00 29.00 38.00 39.75 51.25 55.75 $39.50 41.25 52.25 56.75 Even inches and their fractions take list of nearest sixteenth plus 10%. Drop Hangers with Extra Heavy Main Shaft Bearings Four-Point Set Screw Type For Speed up to 400 Revolutions Price List DROP IN INCHES Diam. Shaft Inches 6-8 9-11 12-14 15-17 18-20 21-23 24-26 27-29 30-32 33-35 36-38 3A 3H 3tt $ 86.50 113.00 $ 88.10 114.60 163.25 $ 89.75 116.15 166.30 $ 92.80 119.30 169.45 $ 96.00 122.45 174.15 $ 99.00 125.60 178.85 $102.65 129.15 184.15 $107.35 133.85 188.30 $112.00 138.55 193.00 $116.75 143.25 197.70 $122.00 148.00 202.50 4TT 220.75 223.15 227.85 234.10 238.80 243.50 248.25 253.00 258.00 4r| 250.00 256.35 262.75 269.00 275.40 281.55 287.75 294.00 300.50 List of Intermediate Diameter Shafts given on application. Even inches and their fractions take list of nearest sixteenth. Hyatt Roller Bearing Post Hangers Four-Point Set Screw Type 3^-inch Bearings and under, suitable for 600 Revolutions- larger sizes suitable for 400 Revolutions Price List Diam. of Shaft, Inches Price List - - _ 1* $12.50 51 $13.50 $18 1 .75 2& $19.75 2^ $28.50 2 $31.00 2tt $41.00 Diam. of Shaft, Inches Price List . .. 3& $45.50 3A $86.00 3& $116.00 m $153.00 4& $200.00 4M $230.00 5& $340 V 00 Even inches and their fractions take list of nearest sixteenth plus 10% in sizes up to and including inches. Above that list is the same. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 423 Radial Ball Bearings Style No. 146 Price List WIDE SERIES NARROW SERIES Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Number Price Number Price Number Price Number Price Number Price Number Price 200 $ 3.00 300 $ 3.75 403 $ 7.50 102 $ 3.75 1 $ 4.75 52 $ 7.50 201 3.20 301 4.00 404 8.75 103 4.25 2 5.00 ' 53 8.75 202 3.50 302 4.25 405 10.50 104 4.75 3 5.90 54 10.60 203 4.00 303 5.00 406 11.90 105 5.25 4 6.90 55 11.90 204 4.75 304 5.90 407 13.75 106 6.25 5 8.10 56 13.75 205 5.25 305 6.90 408 16.50 107 6.85 6 9.50 57 17.50 206 6.25 306 8.10 409 19.50 108 7.50 7 11.90 207 6.85 307 9.50 410 22.50 109 9.00 8 15.40 208 7.50 308 11.90 411 26.50 110 10.40 9 16.90 209 9.00 309 14.50 412 31.00 111 12.50 10 18.25 210 10.00 310 16.00 413 36.50 112 13.75 11 20.90 211 12.50 311 18.00 414 45.50 113 17.40 12 23.75 212 14.50 312 21.00 415 55.00 114 18.75 13 28.25 213 16.50 313 24.00 416 62.00 115 22.25 14 31.20 214 18.75 314 28.00 417 85.00 116 24.10 15 35.00 215 21.50 315 31.00 418 90.00 117 27.80 216 24.10 316 35.00 419 110.00 118 29.40 217 27.80 317 43.50 420 125.00 119 31.90 218 30.30 318 51.50 120 34.40 219 33.50 319 60.00 121 39.40 220 37.00 320 70.00 122 41.25 221 42.00 321 80.00 222 48.00 322 90.00 Larger sizes supplied but not carried in stock. 424 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Hess-Bright Ball Bearing Floor Stand Style No. 147 .- 7 1 T ,9 Foot Dimensions in Inches O 4->" ^ 0> HU3 Price *O m g vi _L N 2 '2 14K 2 1 9 3X 2 X 20X 25.30 19 4K 15 X 2K 2 1 K 9 3X 4 N 2H 14 101.94 25 6X 21 3K 2 IK 16 SK 4 H 23 K 25.94 20 5 16 2X 2 i k 9 4 17 102.94 26 X 6K 22 X 3K 2 IK 16 5 K 4 Pi 20 104.00 28 6K 23 K 3K 2 IK 16 SK 4 H 1A 11 X 25.67 16X 4 13 IK 1 9 3X 2 ^i 23 105.00 29K 7 24K 3K 2 IK 16 SK' 4 H 14K 2( >.24 17X 4 K 13 K 2 1 9 3X 2 &i 26 106.04 31X 7K 26 4 3 IK 16 SK 4 H 17K 26.67 18 4K 14K 2 1 9 2 fi 29 107.04 32 K 7K 27 X 4 3 IK 16 4 20 K 27.24 19 4K 15 X 2K 2 IX 9 3X 4 X 32 108.07 34X 7K 28 K 4 3 IK 16 5K 4 pi 23 X 27.94 20 5 16 2X 2 IK 9 4 # 35 109.07 36 8 30 4 3 IK 16 SK 4 H 1A 12X 37.24 19 X 4K 16 IK IK 11 4X 2 f$ 3& 14 109.84 25 6K 21 3 K 2 IK 16 SK 4 H 15X 3 - .84 21 4 # 17K IK IK 11 4X 2 fi 17 110.84 26 X 6K 22 X 3K 2 IK 16 5 K 4 pi 18X 38.40 22 K 5X IK 11 4X 2 ^ 20 111.87 28 6K 23 X 3K 2 IK 16 SK 4 H 21X 39.14 24K SX 21 3 2 IK 11 4X 4 fi 23 112.87 Ly ^4 7 3 K 2 l H 16 SK 4 H 24X 3S .87 26 K 5 K 22 X 3 2 IK 11 4X 4 ^i 26 113.90 31X 7K 26 4 3 IK 16 SK 4 pi 27X 40.57 28X SK 24 3 2 IK 11 4X 4 ^i 29 114.90 52 ^4 7X 2,1 /*4 4 3 IK 16 4 H 30 X 41.34 30 6 25 K 3 2 IK 11 4 VJL 4 ^i 32 115.94 34X 7K 28 K 4 3 IK 16 SK 4 pi 35 116.94 36 8 30 4 3 IK 16 SK 4 Pi l ij 12X 39.94 19X 4H 16 IX IK 11 4 y* 2 ^i 15X 40.54 21 4 - 17 K IK IK 11 4X 2 /'^ 3 A 16X 144.74 27X 7 23 X 3 IK 2 18 6 4 18X 41 .10 22 K 5 X IK IK 11 2 X 19X 146.07 29 7K 24K 3 2 2 18 6 4 21X 41.84 24X sx 21 3~ 2 IK 11 4X 4 H 22X 147.38 30 X 8 25 X 4K 2 2 18 6 4 24 X 42.57 26 X 5X 22X 3 2 IK 11 4X 4 25 X 148.70 31K 8X 26K 4K 2 2 IX 6 4 27X 43 .-27 28 X 5 K 24 3 2 IK 11 4 fi 28 X 150.00 33 X 9 27K 4K 3 2 is 6 4 30 K 44.01 30 6 25 K 3 2 IK 11 4X 4 H 31X 151.30 34 K 9K 29 4K 3 2 18 6 4 34X 152.74 36 10 30 4K 3 2 18 6 4 1 ti 12X 43.74 19X 4# 16 IK IK 11 4X 2 f^ 15X 44.30 21 4 -x 17K IK IK 11 4X 2 N 3H 16X 155.37 27X 7 23 X 3 IK 2 IX 6 4 18X 44.90 22 K SX 19K IK IK 11 4X 2 19X 156.70 29 7K 24X 3 2 2 IX 6 4 21X 45 .60 24K 5 ' 21 3 2 IK 11 4X 4 ^i 22X 158.00 |30X 8 25 X 4K 2 2 18 6 4 24X 46.34 26 K SX 22X 3 2 IK 11 4 X 25 X 159.34 31 K 8K 26 K 4K 2 2 18 6 4 1 27X 47 .07 28 K 5 K 24 3 2 IK 11 4X 4 ^i 28X 160.64 33 X 9 27K 4K 3 2 18 6 4 1 30 K 47.80 30 6 25 K 3 2 IK 11 4X 4 ^i 31 K 161.97 34 K K 29 4K 3 2 18 6 4 1 34 X 163.37 36 10 30 4K 3 2" 18 6 4 1 2 A 15 61 .97 24 5 K 19X IK IK 13 5 2 K 18 62.84 25 K 5K 21 IK IK 13 5 2 K 3tf 16X 168.50 27K 7 23 X 3 IX 2 18 6 4 1 21 63 .57 27K 6 22 X 3X 2K 13 5 4 19X 169.84 29 7K 24K 3 2 - 2 IX 6 4 1 24 64.47 29 6X 24 2K 1 K 13 5 4 K 22 X 171.14 30 X 8 25 X 4K 2 2 IX 6 4 1 27 65.17 30 K 6K 25X 3X 2K IK 13 5 4 K 25X 172.47 31 K 8K 26K 4X 2 2 IX 6 4 1 30 66 .04 32 K 6 K 27 3X 2K IX 13 5 4 K 28 X 173.74 33 K 9 27K 4K 3 2 18 6 4 ,1- 33 66.90 34K 7 28 X 3/4 2K IK 13 5 4 K 31X 175.07 34K 9K 29 4K 3 2 in 6 4 1 36 67.80 36 7X 30 3 74 2 ^i IK 13 5 4 34 X 176.50 36 10 30 4.K 3 2 IX 6 4 1 Adjustment 1 inch vertical and X inch horizontal each way from central position. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 425 The Hess-Bright Ball Bearing Pillow Block Style No. 149 Price List and Dimensions T a If Mj3 Price Foot Dimensions in Inches O W ^" | A B C D E ' G 6X $23.70 12 X 14X 9 3X 1 IX 2 *i 1& 6X 25.67 12 X 14X 9 3X 1 IX 2 ^ 1* 8X 37.24 14 X 17 10X 4X 1 X IX 2 ^ 1H 8X 39.94 14X 17 10X 4X l X IX 2 N iti 8X 43.74 14X 17 iox 4X 1 X _.i IX 2 ^ 2& 9 61.24 16X 19 12X 5 1H *_. IX 2 X 2& 9 72.50 16X 19 12X 5 \H ... IX 2 X 2H 9 5^ 89.54 19X 22 ' 4 15 X 5X IX 3X l y 4 X 2 9 ^2 100.90 19X 22 X 15 X 5X IX 3X 1 4^ 4 X 3& 9X 108.77 19 X 22 X 15 H 5X IX 3^ IX 4 X 3& 10 X 141.84 21X 25 nx 6 IX 3X IX 4 H 3*i 10X 152.47 21X 25 11 X 6 IX 3^ IX 4 N 3tf 10X 165.57 21X 25 17X 6 IX 3K IX 4 H Adjustment X inch each way from central position. 426 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Hess-Bright Ball Bearing Post Hanger Style No. 150 Price List and Dimensions l-t O j-T .81 wco Extension Inches Price Foot Dimensions in Inches s a || feMf \ A B c D B F G H 5 h" "*1 ^ H itt 2A 2H 2tt 3A 3A 3tt 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 12 12 12 13 13 13 $24.30 26.24 37.84 40.54 44.30 61.97 73.20 90.57 101.94 109.84 143.30 153.90 167.05 8K IOK IOK IOK 12 12 12 13 K 13 K 13 K 9 9 IOK IOK IOK 12 # 13K 13K 13K 16K 16K 9K IOK 12K 12 K 8 8 9 9 9 \\H 11# UK 11 K 11 K 14 ^4 3K 3X 4K 4 X 4K 5 5 SK 5 ^4 SK 6 6 6 3K 3K 4K 4K 4K 5 5 6K 6K 6K 6K 6K 6K 3K 3 % 3K 3K 3K 3K IK IK IK IN IK IK IK 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 ^'dVi r'cb^ \ t ~ 1 3: N M N K Yl C rf a 1 ^ ~-~x ^^ ' E K N N i * Be \ i /J - 1 X J ^ r r 1 \ > . i (j IJ - *"'! i i Adjustable 1 inch vertical and K inch horizontal each way from central position. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 427 The Hess-Bright Ball Bearing Ceiling Hanger Style No. 151 Price List and Dimensions d Foot Dimensions in Inches *hS d Foot Dimensions in Inches M-t "sjg "O 4->" 81 .2^5 ej Po Jr 1 c Price A B C D B F G H *O M -S"3 i"" * O j-T ^3 aSJ 11 Price A B C D E P G H to . -M O-Q g .a-o ww Qw Q wco Q pq OCQ H 6 $22.70 12 115 9 3X 3X l X l 2 H 2& 33 $78.50 28 X 34 X 13 5 3X|7 2X IX 4 X 9 23.00 12 K 15X 9 3X ... 3X IX 1 2 N 36 79.04 30 36 13 5 3X 7K 2X IX 4 X 12 23.70 13 16X 9 3X 4 IX 1 2 M IS 24.30 I3K 17K 9 3X ... 4X 2 i 2 N 2tt 9X 88.67 20 24 16 SK 3K SK 2 IX 4 K 18 24.70 14X 18 9 3X 4X 2 i 2 M 12 89.54 20 24 16 5K 3K 6 2 IX 4 K 21 25.30 isK 19 9 3X 2X 4X 2 IK 4 N 15 90.57 21 25 16 5 3K 6X 2 IK 4 H 24 25.94 16 20 9 3X 23/2 5 2 IX 4 N 18 91.57 22 X 26 X 16 5* 3X 6X 2 IX 4 K 21 92.64 23 X 28 16 5X 3X 6X 2 IX 4 K 1ft 6 24.67 12 15 9 3X ... 3X IX 1 2 N 24 93.64 24 X 29 X 16 534 3X 2 IX 4 K 9 24.94 12 X 15 X 9 3X ... 3X IK i 2 N 27 94.67 26 31X 16 5 H 4 7X 3 IX 4 K 12 25.67 13 16X 9 3X ... 4 IX 1 2 M 30 95.67 27X 32 X 16 SX 4 7X 3 IX 4 K IS 26.24 13X 17X 9 3X 4X 2 1 2 N 33 96.70 28 X 34 X 16 sx 4 7K 3 IX 4 K 18 26.67 14X 18 9 3X 4X 2 1 2 N 36 97.50 30 36 16 SX i 8 3 IK 4 K 21 27.24 15 X 19 9 3X 2 X 4X 2 IX 4 N 24 27.94 16 20 9 3X 2X 5 2 IX 4 N 2H 9X 100.01 20 24 16 SX 3X 5X 2 IK 4 H 12 100.90 20 24 16 SK 3X 6 2 IK 4 #' l& 7 36.20 14 17 11 4X 4X IX IX 2 H 15 101.94 21 25 16 SK 3X 6X 2 IK 4 K 9 36.67 14K 18 11 4X 4X IX l X 2 * 18 102.94 22 X 26X 16 5 ' 3X 6X 2 IK 4 K 12 37.24 16 19X 11 4X ... 4Ji IX IK 2 H 21 104.00 23 X 28 16 5^4 3K 6X 2 IK 4 K IS 37.84 17X 21 11 4X 4^i IX IX 2 N 24 105.00 24 X 29 X 16 5M 3K 2 IX 4 K 18 38.40 19 % 22 X 11 4X 5X> IX IX 2 N 27 106.04 26 31X 16 5 4 7X 3 l-K 4 K 21 39.14 21 24X 11 4X 3 SX 2 i X 4 tt 30 107.04 27X 32X 16 >h 4 7X 3 IK 4 H 24 39.87 22X 26X 11 4X 3 SX 2 IX 4 H 33 108.07 28X 34 X 16 5K 4 7K 3 l x 4 K 27 40.57 24 28X 11 4X 3 SX 2 IX 4 X 36 109.07 30 36 16 SX 4 8 3 IK 4 K 30 41.34 25 X 30 11 4X 3 6 2 IX 4 M 3& 9X 107.90 20 24 16 sx 3X 3K 2 IK 4 K 1H 7 38.90 14 17 11 4X ... 4X IK IX 2 N 12 108.77 20 24 16 sx 3 'X4 6 2 IK 4 K 9 39.37 14X 18 11 4X 4X i X IX 2 N 15 109.84 21 25 16 5 X 3 ,' 4' 6X 2 IK 4 H 12 39.94 16 19 X 11 4X ... 4# IX IX 2 N 18 110.84 22X 26X 16 SK 3K 6X 2 IK 4 H 15 40.54 17X 21 11 4X 4# IK IX 2 M 21 111.87 23 X 28 16 5K 3'< 6X 2 IK 4 H 18 41.10 19 X 22 X 11 4X ... 5# IX IX 2 H 24 112.87 24 X 29 X 16 5k 3K 7 2 IK 4 H 21 41.84 21 24 X 11 4X 3 5H 2 1 x 4 M 27 113.90 26 31X 16 5 H 4 7X 3 l K 4 M 24 42.57 22 x 26 X 11 4X 3 SX 2 IX 4 N 30 114.90 27 X 32 X 16 5 4 4 4 7X 3 IK 4 N 27 43.27 24 28 X 11 4X 3 5X 2 IX 4 M 33 115.94 28 X 34X 16 5K 4 7K 3 IK 4 K 30 44.01 25 X 30 11 4X 3 6 2 IX 4 H 36 116.94 30 36 16 5K 4 8 3 IX 4 K iti 7 42.67 14 17 11 4X 4X IK IX 2 H 3A llX 141.84 22 26 X 18 6 3 6 IX 2 4 1 9 43.14 14K 18 11 4X 4X IX IX 2 N 15 143.30 22 26 X 18 6 3 6X IX 2 4 1 12 43.74 16 19X 11 4X 4# IK IX 2 M 18 144.74 23 X 27X 18 6 3 7 IX 2 4 l 15 44.30 17X 21 11 4X 4>i IX IX 2 M 21 146.07 24X 29 18 6 3 7K 2 2 4 l 18 44.90 19X 22 X 11 4X 5X IX IX 2 N 24 147.38 25 X 30 X 18 6 4X 8 2 2 4 1 21 45.60 21 24X 11 4X 3 SJi 2 IX 4 N 27 148.70 26X 31X 18 6 4X 8X 2 2 4 l 24 46.34 22X 26X 11 4X 3 SX 2 IX 4 N 30 150.00 27K 33 X 18 6 4X 9 3 2 4 l 27 47.07 24 28 X 11 4X 3 SX 2 IX 4 M 33 151.30 29 34 X 18 6 4X 9X 3 2 4 1 30 47.80 25 X 30 11 4X 3 6 2 IX 4 pi 36 152.74 30 36 18 6 4X 10 3 2 4 1 2& 8X 59.80 18 22 13 5 5 IX IX 2 K 3tt UK 152.47 22 26 X 18 6 3 6 IX 2 4 1 12 61.24 18 22 13 5 5X IX IX 2 X 15 153.90 22 26X 18 3 6X IX 2 4 l 15 61.97 19X 24 13 5 5X IK IX 2 K 18 155.37 23 X 27X 18 6 3 7 IX f 4 l 18 62.84 21 25 X 13 5 5X IX IX 2 X 21 156.70 24X 29 18 6 3 7X 2 2 4 l 21 63.57 22X 27X 13 5 3X 6 2X IX 4 K 24 158.00 25 X 30 X 18 6 4X 8 2 2 4 l 24 64.47 24 29 13 5 3X 6X 2X l K 4 K 27 159.34 26 X 31X 18 6 4X 8X 2 2 4 l 27 65.17 25 X 30 X 13 5 3/4 6X 2X IX 4 K 30 160.64 27K 33 X 18 6 4X 9 3 2 4 l 30 66.04 27 32 X 13 5 3X 6X 2X IX 4 K 33 161.97 29 34 X 18 6 4X 9X 3 2 4 l 33 66.90 28 X 34 X 13 5 3-4- 7 2X IK 4 K 36 163.37 30 36 18 6 4X 10 3 2 4 l 36 67.80 30 36 13 5 3X 7X 2# IX 4 K 3H 11X 165.57 22 26 X 18 6 3 6 IX 2 4 2& 8X 71.04 18 22 13 5 --. 5 IX IK 2 X 15 167.05 22 26 X 18 6 3 6X IX 2 ' 4 12 72.50 18 22 13 5 SX IX IX 2 X 18 168.50 23 X 27X 18 6 3 7 IX 2' 4 15 73.20 19 X 24 13 5 ... SX IX IX 2 X 21 169.84 24X 29 18 6 3 7X 2 2 4 18 74.07 21 25 X 13 5 SX 1 K IX 2 X 24 171.14 25 X 30 X 18 6 4X 8 2 2 4 21 74.84 22 X 27 X 13 5 3~X 6 2X IK 4 X 27 172.47 26 K 31K 18 6 4X 8X 2 2 4 24 75.70 24 29 13 5 3 X 6X 2X IX 4 X 30 173.74 27X 33 X 18 6 4X 9 3 2 4 27 76.40 25 X 30 X 13 5 3X 6X 2X IK 4 X 33 175.07 29 34 X 18 6 4X 9K 3 2 4 30 77.30 27 32 'X 13 5 3H[ 6K 2 K 1 X 4 X 36 176.50 30 36 18 6 4X 10 3 2 4 Adjustable 1 inch vertical and X inch horizontal each way from central position. 428 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Adapter and the Method of Assembling it with Bearings on a Straight Shaft The bush is tapered outside, and the inner race is tapered to correspond, there- fore a special bearing is required. First locate the bearing (Fig. 2) and start the bush in place. Oil the bush lightly inside and outside, and drive it solidly home (Fig. 3) by means of the Adapter Tool (7). The inner race, not the outer, should be backed while the adapter is driven in. Finally screw the nut (4) home and lock it by the set screw. It is important that the nut (4) be not used to draw the bush home, as that is apt to strip the thread; its function is that of a check-nut. Always place the Adapter so that, if nut (4) should loosen under vibrations till it rubs against housing (5), it will tend to screw up, not to unscrew. Do not jam the lateral trunnion set screws. Dimensions Size No. of Box 1*L IftL 2&L 2HL 3AL Inches B Inches S 6 6 ^o 6 J'a 7f< 9 C Inches 4fi Size No. of Box 2AM Inches B Inches 3H 9 9K c Inches 9ft 3>i 4H Fig. 1 Fig- 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 429 The Monarch Hercules Duplex Oiling Hangers Convertible Into Floor Stands Style No. 152 Double Braced Four- Way Adjustable The Monarch Hercules "Duplex" Hangers are without exception the heaviest and strongest of their type on the market and rank as the peer of all others. The duplex system of oiling as used in the ball and socket box illustrated above, is a combination of centri- fugal force and capillary attraction effected by means of tempered steel rings and woven cotton wick. With this system of oiling, dry bearings are an impossibility as long as any oil remains in the reservoirs which require filling only after from six to twelve-month periods of service. *Dimensions, Prices, Etc. CO **- K Drop Inches Price ;h Boxes 8 Base Inches Thick- ness, In. Bolt Holes Inches f Bolts B if Shaft B Drop Inches Price h Boxes B Base Inches d .0 w - H c Bolt Holes Inches f Bolts 13 V ll A I! B C D E p "o 6 O D ll O D ll A ll B C D E F o 6 || 1A 7 to 9 $ 4.20 5 12 3X 1 8X 2 A 2A 16 to 18 $10.50 9X 18X 5X IX 14 X 2 X 10 to 12 4.80 5 13 X 3X 1 10A 2 A 19 to 21 11.25 9X 19X 6 IX 15 X 2 X 13 to 15 5.50 5 15X 4 1 2 A 23 to 25 12.25 9X 26 6X IX 21H 3" 4 X 16 to 18 6.00 5 16X 4X 1 13 X 2 A 28 to 30 14.00 9X 30 7 IX 25 X 3 4 X 1A 7 to 9 10 to 12 13 to 15 16 to 18 19 to 21 23 to 25 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.75 8.75 6 6 6 6 6 6 13X 15X 16H 22 4 4 4X 5 5X 6 IX IX IX IX IX IX 9X "8 13 18 1 ~2~X 2 2 2 2 2 4 fli 2A 7 to 9 10 to 12 13 to 15 16 to 18 19 to 21 23 to 25 11.00 12.00 13.00 13.75 14.75 17.00 10 10 10 10 10 10 17X 19 X 20X 21X 26 X 5X 5X 6 6X 7X IX IX IX IX IX IX 12A 13A 14tt 17X 22 X 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 I I/ itt 7 to 9 10 to 12 6.00 6.50 7 7 13X 14H 4 4 IX IX 9X .... 2 2 X 28 to 30 34 to 36 18.50 22.00 10 10 30 34 8 8X IX IX 25 X 29 X 3 3 4 4 % 13 to 15 16 to 18 7.00 7.50 7 7 15 X 4X 5 IX IX lit* 13 .... 2 2 f! 2tt 7 to 9 12.50 11X 16# 5X IX 12A 2 $/ 19 to 21 23 to 25 8.25 9.25 7 7 17X 22 5X 6 IX IX 14A 18 "ix 2 4 X 10 to 12 13 to 15 16 to 18 13.50 14.50 15.25 11X 11X 11X 17X 19X 20 X 5X 6 6X IX IX IX 13A 14tt 15 X -- 2 2 2 i itt 7 to 9 10 to 12 13 to 15 16 to 18 7.25 8.00 8.75 9.50 8X 8X 8X 14H 16A 17X 4X 4X 5 5X IX IX IX IX 10H 12A 14 A 2 2 2 2 x 19 to 21 23 to 25 28 to 30 34 to 36 16.25 18.50 20.00 23.50 11X 11X nx llX 26X 30 34 7X 8 8X IX IX IX IX 17X 22 X 25 X 29 X 3 3 2 4 4 4 rX 19 to 21 10.25 8X 19X 6 IX 15 X 2 M 23 to 25 11.25 8X 26 6X IX 21 tt 3" 4 ^ 2ti 7 to 9 15.00 12X 18X 6 IX 13A 2 X 28 to 30 13.00 8X 30 7 IX 25 X 3 4 10 to 12 16.50 12X 19A 6X IX 14 X 2 X 13 to 15 18.00 12X 20 X 6X IX 15 X 2 H 2A 7 to 9 8.25 9X I I !,; 4X IX 10H 2 x 16 to 18 19.00 12X 22 A IX 17X 2 X 10 to 12 9.00 9X 16A 4X IX 12A 2 x 19 to 21 20.00 12X 23X 7X IX 18X 2 X 13 to 15 9.75 9X 17X 5 IX 13A 2 X 23 to 25 21.50 12X 28 A 8 23 X 3X 4 X * Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. 430 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Hercules Duplex Oiling HangersContinued Style No. 152 Double Braced Four- Way Adjustable *Dimensions, Prices, Etc. "rt i i! w5 Drop Inches Price Length Boxes Inches Base Inches H a Bolt Holes Inches No. of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches Size of Shaft Inches Drop Inches Price Length Boxes Inches Base Inches H c Bolt Holes Inches No. of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches A B C D E F A B C D E F 2H 28 to 30 $25.00 12 X 31tf SX IX 26 X 3X 4 X 3tt 28 to 30 $42.00 16X 33 9X 2 27 4X 4 1 34 to 36 29.00 12 X 36 9 IX 31A 3X 4 X 34 to 36 45.00 16 X 36 10 2 30 4X 4 1 3* 7 to 9 16.50 13X 18|S 6 IX 13A 2 X 4* 10 to 12 34.00 17 23 X 7 2 17 3X 4 1 10 to 12 18.00 13 X 19& 6X 1 y'i 14K 2 X 13 to 15 36.00 17 24X 7 X 2 ISX 3X 4 1 13 to 15 19.50 13X 20 X IX 15 X 2 X 16 to 18 37.50 17 25 X 8 2 19 X 3X 4 1 16 to 18 20.50 13X 7 IX nx 2 X 19 to 21 39.00 17 26X sy, 2 20 X 3X 4 1 19 to 21 21.50 13X 23 X 7X IX 1SX 2 X 23 to 25 41.50 17 30 X 9 2 24X 4 1 23 to 25 23.00 13 X 28& 8 IX 23 X ~3~X 4 28 to 30 45.00 17 33 9% 2 27 4X 4 1 28 to 30 26.50 13 X 31 8 SX IX 26 X 3X 4 X 34 to 36 48.00 17 36 10 2 30 4X 4 1 34 to 36 30.50 13 X 36 9 IX 3lrV 3X 4 4A 10 to 12 44.00 18 27 8 2X 21 3X 4 IX 3& 10 to 12 13 to 15 16 to 18 19 to 21 23 to 25 28 to 30 23.00 25.00 27.00 29.00 32.00 35.00 14 X 14 X 14X 14 X 14 X 14 X 21X 22 y, 23 X 24^ 29 X 32 X 6X IX s SX 9 1 &4 i y* 1 ^ 1 % 1 74 16X 17 18 19 24 27 3X 3X 3X 3X 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 X X X X X X 13 to 15 16 to 18 19 to 21 23 to 25 28 to 30 34 to 36 47.00 50.00 53.00 56.00 60.00 64.00 18 18 18 18 18 18 2SX 30 31X 33 X 36 X 39 X 9 9X 10 10 X 11 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 22 X 23 K 25 X 27K 30 33 X 3X 5 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 IX IX IX IX IX IX 34 to 36 37.50 14 X 36 9X IX 30 X 4 4 X 4tt 10 to 12 47.00 19 27 8 2X 21 3X 4 IX 10 to 12 13 to 15 16 to 18 19 to 21 23 to 25 28 to 30 26.50 28.50 30.50 32.50 35.50 38.50 15 15 15 15 15 15 21 X 22 X 23 X 24X 29 X 32 X 6K 7X S sx 9 1 2^ 1 3^ 1 % IX 16X 17 18 19 24 27 3X 3X 3X 3X 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 X X X X X X 13 to 15 16 to 18 19 to 21 23 to 25 28 to 30 34 to 36 50.00 53.00 56.00 59.00 63.00 67.00 19 19 19 19 19 19 28 X 30 33 36 X 39 X 9 9X 10 10 X 11 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 22 X 23K 25^ 27 X 30 33 X 5 5 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 IX IX IX IX IX IX 34 to 36 41.00 15 36 9X IX 30 X 4 4 X 4H 10 to 12 50.00 20 27 8 2X 21 3X 4 IX 13 to 15 53.00 20 28 X sx 2X 22X 3X 4 IX 3tt 10 to 12 31.00 16X 23 X 7 2 17 X 3X 4 1 16 to 18 56.00 20 30 9 2X 23 X 4 IX 13 to 15 33.00 16X 24X 7 X 2 18X 3X 4 1 19 to 21 59.00 20 31 X 9X 2X 25X 5 4 IX 16 to 18 34.50 16X 25 y, 8 2 19 X 3X 4 1 23 to 25 62.00 20 33 K 10 2X 27 yi 5 4 IX 19 to 21 36.00 16X 26X sx 2 20 X 3X 4 1 28 to 30 66.00 20 36 y, 10X 2X 30 6 4 IX 23 to 25 38.50 16X 30 X 9 2 24X 4X 4 1 34 to 36 70.00 20 39 X 11 2X 33 y. 6 4 IX Hanger Boxes *price List Size Standard Wick Oiling Universal Ring Oiling Hercules Duplex Oiling Price Price Price H $ 1.75 $ 2.25 Ift 2.00 2.50 $ 2.75 iA 2.25 2.75 3.00 1 11 L T6 2.65 ' 3.25 3.50 lit 3.25 3.75 4.00 2& 4.15 4.75 5.00 2A 4.90 5.35 5.65 2H 6.15 6.75 7.15 2if 7.40 8.00 8.45 3^ 9.15 9.50 10.40 3A 10.75 11.25 13.00 3H 12.00 12.50 14.55 3H 13.25 13.75 16.35 14.75 15.50 18.00 s 16.25 17.00 19.00 4ii 17.75 18.50 20.25 4M 19.25 20.00 21.20 Style No. 153 Standard Wick Oiling Style No. 154 Universal Ring Oiling Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. Style No. 155 Hercules Duplex Oiling Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyhania, U. S. A. 431 The Monarch Hercules Long Reach Post Hangers Duplex Oiling, Ball and Socket, Babbitted Bearings, Broached Style No. 156 *Dimensions and Prices ^ 01 M ^ 01 01 "rt 4-> 33 *3 +*! ^H .c A B C D E F H "o O j A B C D E F H o m *o cu Price In. In. In. In. In. In. In. s O V "o S Price In. In. In. In. In. In. In. "o *O < 9 Kx2K 2 X iff 6.00 5>i 12X 4 IX 9 Kx2K 2 X ill 7.25 5& 13K 4K IK - 10K Kx2K 2 X 8.25 5ft 13K 4K IK IOK Kx2>^ 2 X 2j^ 11.00 6^ 16K 5^ 1H 12 Xx3 2 K 2H 12.50 6^ 16K 5^ 1M 12 Hx3 2 K 2 15.00 6?/s 18K 6 IX l'3'A Xx3 2 X 3& 16.50 (>tt 18# 6 IX 13* *ix3 2 X 3^ 22.00 8 21# 7 Ifi is* Kx3K 2 i 3H 25.50 8 21^ 7 1H ISA Kx3K 2 i 3H 30.00 8K 24 8 IK 17K Kx3K 2 IX 4A 33.00 8K 24 8 IK 17K Kx3K 2 IX 4A 40.00 10 27K 8^ 2K 20K ^x4K 2 IK 4^ 43.00 10 27J< 8^ 2K 20K ^x4K 2 IK 4H 46.00 10 27^ 8^ 2K 20K Xx4K 2 IK "Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. The Monarch Standard Wick Oiling Hangers Convertible into Floor Stands Style No. 153 Ball and Socket Wick Oiling Box, Broached Style No. 161 Double Braced This line of Hangers combines symmetry, strength and durability, it gives both the two-way screw and the ball and socket adjustments and we recommend it for use where hangers or floor stands are called for. The Wick Oiling Boxes, illustrated above, are carefully and scientifically made, are self oiling, generously babbitted and machined and guaranteed to have the maximum amount of bearing surface. 434 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Standard Wick Oiling Hangers Continued *Dimensions, Prices, Etc. Drop H Base , ^ Bolt _ Drop 8 Base ^ Bolt 01 a Inches O Inches ~ yf Holes ^ "o 1 Inches o 11 *-* Cfi nches $ Holes Q *o ^ Price Q r 1 c Inches pq m <*H W to Price Pq Inches PQ o v (L>.fi - C A fl B C D E F "o 6 o A fl B C D E F 6 o i H 7 to 9 $ 3.00 4 12 3K K 8K 2 K 3& 22 to 24 $25.50 13 25 K IOK IX 19K SK 4 K 10 to 13 3.75 4 13 3K 8K 2 K 25 to 27 27.00 13 26K IOK IX 20 K SK 4 K 28 to 30 29.00 13 27K IOK IX 21K SK 4 1 A 7 to 9 3.75 5 13K 4K 1 9K 2 X 31 to 33 30.50 13 28K IOK IX 22 K SK 4 K 10 to 13 4.50 S 14K 4K 1 11 2 X 34 to 36 32.50 13 29 K IOK IX 23K 5K 4 k 14 to 17 5.00 5 116K 5 1 12 2 X 18 to 21 6.25 5 J17K 5 1 13K 2 X 3rV 10 to 13 21.50 14 21 IOK IX 14K 4K 4 k 22 to 24 6.75 5 18K 5 1 14K 2 X 14 to 17 24.00 14 22 K IOK IX 16K 4K 4 K 18 to 21 26.50 14 24K IOK SK 4 k 1 A 7 to 9 4.00 6 13K 4K l 9K 2 X 22 to 24 27.50 14 25K IOK 1 X 19K SK 4 K 10 to 13 4.75 6 14K 4K 11 2 X 25 to 27 29.00 14 26K IOK IX 20 K SK 4 K 14 to 17 5.25 6 16K 5 12 2 X 28 to 30 31.00 14 27K IOK 1 X 21 K SK 4 K 18 to 21 6.50 6 17K 5 13K 2 X 31 to 33 32.50 14 28 K IOK IX 22 K SK 4 22 to 24 7.00 6 18K 5 14K --- 2 X 34 to 36 34.50 14 29 K IOK IX 23 K SK 4 k Ifi 7 to 9 5.25 7 14 4K 10 2 X 3H 10 to 13 25.50 IS 22 10 IX 16K SK 4 k 10 to 13 6.00 7 14K 4K 11 2 X 14 to 17 28.00 IS 23 K IOK IX 18 SK 4 y\ 14 to 17 6.75 7 16K 4K 12 K 2 X 18 to 21 31.00 IS 25 K IOK IX 19K SK 4 k 18 to 21 7.25 7 19 6 14K 2 X 22 to 24 32.50 15 27 IOK IX 21K SK 4 k 22 to 24 7.75 7 20 K 6 15K 2 X 25 to 27 34.00 15 28 IOK 1X22X SK 4 k 25 to 27 9.25 7 21K 6 16K 2 X 28 to 30 35.50 15 29 IOK 1 fi<23K 5K 4 K 28 to 30 11.25 7 22k 6 1 17K 2 X 31 to 33 37.50 IS 30 K IOK IX 24 K 5K 4 k 34 to 36 39.50 15 31K IOK IX 25 K SK 4 k 1 1| 7 to 9 6.00 8 14 4K 1 10 2 X 10 to 13 6.75 8 14K 4K 1 11 2 X 3 10 to 13 27.50 16 22 IOK IX 16K SK 4 K 14 to 17 7.50 8 16K 4K 1 12K 2 X 14 to 17 30.00 16 23 K IOK IX 18 SK 4 18 to 21 8.00 8 19 6 1 14K 2 X 18 to 21 33.00 16 25 K IOK IX 19K SK 4 K 22 to 24 8.50 8 20 K 6 1 15K 2 X 22 to 24 34.50 16 27 IOK IX 21K SK 4 k 25 to 27 10.00 8 21K 6 1 16 K 2 X 25 to 27 36.00 16 28 IOK IX 22K 5K 4 k 28 to 30 12.00 8 22K 6 1 17K 2 X 28 to 30 37.50 16 29 IOK IX 23 K SK 4 K 31 to 33 39.50 16 30 K IOK IX 24 K 5K 4 K 2 A 7 to 9 7.75 9 16K 7 1 X UK 3K 4 X 34 to 36 41.50 16 31K IOK IX 25 K SK 4 K 10 to 13 8.75 9 17K 7 1 X 12 K 3K 4 X 14 to 17 9.75 9 19K 7 IX 14K 3K 4 X 4A 10 to 13 35.00 16 22 10 IX 16K SK 4 K 18 to 21 10.25 9 19K 7 IX 14 K 3K 4 X 14 to 17 37.50 16 23 K IOK IX 18 SK 4 22 to 24 11.25 9 22 7K 16K 3K 4 X 18 to 21 40.00 16 25 K IOK 1X\19X SK 4 k 25 to 27 12.75 9 23 7K IK 18 3K 4 X 22 to 24 42.50 16 27 IOK IX 21K 5K 4 k 28 to 30 13.25 9 24 7K IK 18 K 3K 4 X 25 to 27 45.50 16 28 IOK IX 22K SK 4 K 28 to 30 47.50 16 29 IOK IX 23K SK 4 k 2A 7 to 9 8.75 10 16K 7 IX UK 3K 4 X 31 to 33 50.50 16 30 K IOK IX 24K SK 4 10 to 13 9.75 10 17K 7 IX 12 % 3K 4 X 34 to 36 54.00 16 31K IOK IX 25 K SK 4 K 14 to 17 10.75 10 19K 7 IX UK 3K 4 X 18 to 21 11.25 10 19 H 7 IX 14K 3K 4 X 4iV 10 to 13 40.00 16 23 K 10 IX 18 SK 4 X 22 to 24 12.25 10 22 7K IK 16K 3K 4 X 14 to 17 43.00 16 24k IOK IX 19 K SK 4 H 25 to 27 13.75 10 23 7K IK 18 3K 4 X 18 to 21 46.00 16 25 K IOK IX 20 SK 4 X 28 to 30 14.25 10 24 7K IK 18K 3K 4 X 22 to 24 48.50 16 28 K IOK IX 23 SK 4 X 25 to 27 51.50 16 29 K IOK IX 24 SK 4 X 2H 10 to 13 13.00 11 18 7 IK 13K 3K 4 K 28 to 30 55.00 16 31 IOK IX 25 K SK 4 X 14 to 17 14.50 11 20 9 IK 4K 4 31 to 33 58.00 16 32 IOK IX 26K SK 4 X 18 to 21 16.50 11 20K 9 IK 15K 4 k 34 to 36 62.00 16 34 IOK IX 28 SK 4 X 22 to 24 17.50 11 24K IOK IK 18K SK 4 k 25 to 27 18.50 11 25 K IOK IK 19K SK 4 K 414 10 to 13 42.50 16 23 K IOK IX 18 SK 4 X 28 to 30 20.00 11 26 K IOK IK 20K 5K 4 K 14 to 17 45.50 16 24K IOK IX 19K SK 4 X 31 to 33 22.50 11 27K IOK IK 21K SK 4 K 18 to 21 48.50 16 25 K IOK IX 20 SK 4 X 34 to 36 25.00 11 28 K IOK IK 22K SK 4 k 22 to 24 51.00 16 28K IOK IX 23 SK 4 X 25 to 27 54.00 16 29 K IOK IX 24 5K 4 X 2H 10 to 13 15.00 12 18 7 IK 13 K 3K 4 $4 28 to 30 57.50 16 31 IOK IX 25 K SK 4 X 14 to 17 16.50 12 20 9 IK 14K 4 K 31 to 33 60.50 16 32 IOK IX 26 K SK 4 X 18 to 21 18.50 12 20 K 9 IK 15 K 4K 4 K 34 to 36 64.50 16 34 IOK IX 28 SK 4 X 22 to 24 19.50 12 24 K IOK IK 18K SK 4 K 25 to 27 20.50 12 25 K IOK IK 19K SK 4 k 41i 10 to 13 45.00 16K 23 K IOK IX 18 5K 4 X 28 to 30 22.00 12 26 K IOK IK 20 K SK 4 K 14 to 17 48.00 16K 24 K IOK IX 19K SK 4 X 31 to 33 24.50 12 27K IOK IK 21K SK 4 k 18 to 21 51.00 16K 25 K IOK IX 20 SK 4 X 34 to 36 27.00 12 28 K IOK IK 22K SK 4 k 22 to 24 53.50 16K 28 K IOK IX 23 SK 4 X 25 to 27 56.50 16K 29 K IOK IX 24 SK 4 X 3A 10 to 13 19.50 13 21 9K IX 14K 4K 4 yi 28 to 30 60.00 16K 31 IOK IX 25 K 5K 4 X 14 to 17 22.00 13 22 K 9K IX 16K 4K 4 k 31 to 33 63.00 16K 32 IOK IX 26 K SK 4 X 18 to 21 24.50 13 24 K IOK 17K SK 4 .* 34 to 36 67.00 16K 34 IOK IX 28 SK 4 X * Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 435 The Monarch Standard Adjustable Pillow Blocks Wick Oiling, Ball and Socket, Babbitted Bearings, Broached Convertible Into Low Drop Hangers - Li Style No. 162 Olir Pillow Blocks vary in style and design as do our line of Hangers and have in addition a line of "Common Blocks." Every possible usage of a block bearing has been kept in mind throughout the design of this line of Pillow Blocks so that we can guarantee the best possible results if a little care is exercised in your selection. ^Dimensions and Prices Size of Shaft Inches Price A Inches B Inches C Inches D Inches E Inches F Inches H Inches No. of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches H $ 2.75 2K to 3K 9K 3> X 6 8 2 K lilf 3.75 3%: to 4K 12K 4 1>6 8K 10K 2 ^ 1 4.00 3^< to 4K 12K 4 iH 8K 10K 2 H ill 5.25 4K to 5K 13^ 4K iX 9 11J< 2 H IT! 6.00 4K to 5K 13K 4X i^ 9 UK 2 H 2A 7.75 5 to 6K 16 5K tM UK 13 2 f6 2 8.75 5 to 6K 16 5>^ U4 UK 13 2 H 2ri 10.50 5K to 7 18>< 6X f|i 12K 14K 2 K 2|i 12.50 5K to 7 18X 6X IK 12^ 14K 2 y* 3A 18.00 6K to 8 19^ 7X IK 13^ 3 16 4 H 3rV 20.00 6K to 8 19X 7X IK I3K 3 16 4 H 3H 28.50 7Kto9 20^ 7^ IK 15 3 17 4 H m 30.50 7Kto9 20^ 7X IK 15 3 17 4 H 4A 33.00 7Kto9 20^ 7K IK 15 3 17 4 H 4rV 40.00 8K to 9K 21K 7K IK 16 3 18 4 y* 4tt 42.50 8K to 9K 21K - 7^ IK 16 3 18 4 H 4M 45.00 8K to 9K 2134 7X IK 16 3 18 4 # ""Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. The Monarch Four-Point Adjustable Ring Oiling Hangers Double Braced, Cracked Joint Yoke Style No. 163 Convertible Into Floor Stands Style No. 154 Ball and Socket Ring Oiling Box, Broached These Hangers excel not alone in their outward appearance. All openings and pockets are as smooth and neat as machined work, providing equal bearings for nuts and adjustment screws. The cracked joint yoke, while giving the hanger all of the neat appearance and rigidity of a solid piece of metal, prevents the oscillation so common in other makes of hangers. We consider this as being absolutely the most desirable shaft hanger on the market. 436 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Four-Point Adjustable Ring Oiling Hangers continued *Dimensions, Prices, Etc. Size of Shaft Inches Drop Inches Price Length Boxes Inches Base Inches fi Bolt Holes Inches No. of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches Size of Shaft Inches Drop Inches Price Length Boxes Inches Base Inches d- *? w f- V H B Bolt Holes Inches No. of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches A B C D E F A B C D E F H 6 to 8 * 3.50 4 UK 4 1 8 2 K 3ft 22 to 24 26.50 12K 28 10 IK 22 5K 4 K 10 to 12 4.00 4 13K 4 1 10 2 K 26 to 28 28.50 12K 30 10 IK 24 5K 4 K 14 to 16 4.75 4 4 1 12X ... 2 K 30 to 32 30.50 12 K 32 10 IK 26 5K 4 K ift 6 to 8 4.50 5 13K 4K IX 9K 2 X 3ft 6 to 8 21.00 13K 20 8K IK 14 3K 4 K 10 to 12 5.00 5 14K 4K l X 11 2 X 10 to 12 22.00 13 K 22 8K IK 16 3K 4 K 14 to 16 5.75 5 17K 5 1 X 13K 2 X 14 to 16 24.50 13 K 24 8K IK 18 3K 4 K 18 to 20 6.50 5 19 K 5 IX 16 2 18 to 20 27.00 13K'26 10 IK 20 5K 4 K 22 to 24 28.50 13 K 28 10 IK 22 5K 4 K ift 6 to 8 5.00 6 13K 4K IX 9K 2 X 26 to 28 30.50 13K 30 10 IK 24 5K 4 K 10 to 12 5.50 6 14K 4K IX 11 2 X 30 to 32 32.50 13 K 32 10 IK 26 5K 4 K 14 to 16 6.25 6 17K 5 IX 13K 2 X 18 to 20 7.00 6 19 K 5 IX 16 2 3H 6 to 8 25.00 14 22 K 9 IX 16K 4X 4 K 10 to 12 26.00 14 22 K 9 IX 16 K 4X 4 K i j i 6 to 8 6.00 7 14K 5 IX 10K 2 X 14 to 16 28.50 14 24 K 9 IX 18K 4X 4 K 10 to 12 6.50 7 15K 5 IX UK 2 X 18 to 20 31.50 14 26K 11 IX 20 K 6 4 K 14 to 16 7.25 7 18K 5 IX 14K 2 22 to 24 33.50 14 28K 11 IX 22 K 6 4 K 18 to 20 7.75 7 20 X 6K IX 16K 2 X 26 to 28 35.50 14 30 K 11 IX 24K 6 4 K 22 to 24 8.50 7 22 6K IX 18 2 X 30 to 32 37.50 14 32 11 IX 26 6 4 K 26 to 28 10.75 7 25 6K IX 21 2 3H 6 to 8 27.00 14K 22 ^4 9 IX 16K 4X 4 K lit 6 to 8 7.00 8 14K 5 IX 10K 2 X 10 to 12 28.00 14K 22 K 9 IX 16K 4X 4 K 10 to 12 7.50 8 15K 5 IX UK 2 X 14 to 16 30.50 14K 24 K 9 IX 4X 4 K 14 to 16 8.25 8 18K 5 IX 14K 2 4 18 to 20 33.50 14K 26 K 11 IX 20K 6 4 K 18 to 20 8.75 8 20 K 6K IX 16K 2 X 22 to 24 35.50 14K 28 K 11 IX 22K 6 4 K 22 to 24 9.50 8 22 6K IX 18 2 26 to 28 37.50 14K 30 K 11 IX 24K 6 4 K 26 to 28 11.75 8 25 6K IX 21 ... 2 X 30 to 32 39.50 14K 32 11 IX 26 6 4 K 2ft 6 to 8 10 to 12 14 to 16 8.75 9.50 10.50 9 9 9 16 7 7 7 IX IX 14 17 3K 3K 3K 4 4 4 X 4ft 7 to 9 10 to 12 14 to 16 34.00 35.00 38.00 15 15 15 23 23 K 26 10 K 10 K 2X 2X 2X 16K 17 i 4 4 4 X X 18 to 20 22 to 24 26 to 28 11.25 12.25 14.00 9 9 9 23 25 26 K ll IX \H \H 20 K 22 4K 4K 4K 4 4 4 1 18 to 20 22 to 24 26 to 28 40.50 43.50 47.00 15 15 15 28 30 K 33 12 12 12 2X 2X 2X 21K 24 26K 6K 6K 6K 4 4 4 X X 2ft 6 to 8 9.75 10 16 7 IX UK 3K 4 X 30 to 32 51.00 15 34 K 12 2X 28 6K 4 H 10 to 12 14 to 16 18 to 20 22 to 24 26 to 28 10.50 11.50 12.25 13.25 15.00 10 10 10 10 10 18 K 23 25 ' 26K 7 7 IX IX IX IX IX 14 17 20K 22 3K 3K 4K 4K 4K 4 4 4 4 4 X X X X 4ft 7 to 9 10 to 12 14 to 16 18 to 20 22 to 24 37.00 38.00 41.00 43.50 46.50 15K 15K 15 X 15K 15 K 23 23 K 26 28 30 K 10 K 10K 12 12 2X 2X 2X 2X 2X 16K 17 21K 24 4K 4K 6K 6K 4 4 4 4 4 X X X X 2tt 6 to 8 10 to 12 11.50 13.50 11 11 19 7 7 IX IX 12 K 14 3K 3K 4 4 X 26 to 28 30 to 32 50.00 54.00 15K 15K 33 34 K 12 12 2X 2X 26K 28 6K 6K 4 4 X 14 to 16 18 to 20 22 to 24 26 to 28 15.00 17.00 18.50 20.00 11 11 11 11 24 26 28 7 9 9 9 IX IX IX IX 17K 19 21 23 3K 5K 5K 5K 4 4 4 4 X X X 4H 7 to 9 10 to 12 14 to 16 18 to 20 41.00 42.00 46.00 49.00 16X 16X 16X 16X 24 25 27K 29 K UK 11K 11K 13 2K 2K 2K 2K 17K 21 23 7K 4 4 4 4 i 2tt 6 to 8 10 to 12 14 to 16 13.50 15.50 17.00 12 12 12 19 22 K 7 7 7 IX IX 12K 14 17K 3K 3K 3K 4 4 4 i 22 to 24 26 to 28 30 to 32 52.00 55.50 60.50 16H 16H 16X 32 34 35 K 13 13 13 2K 2K 2K 25 K 27K 29 7K 7K 7K 4 4 4 X IS 18 to 20 19.00 12 24 9 IX 19 5K 4 X 22 to 24 20.50 12 26 9 IX 21 5K 4 X 4ti 7 to 9 43.50 17K 24 UK 2K 17K SK 4 X 26 to 28 22.00 12 28 9 IX 23 5K 4 10 to 12 44.50 17K 25 UK 2K SK 4 X 14 to 16 48.50 17K 27K 2K 21 SK 4 X 3ft 6 to 8 19.00 12 K 20 8 K 1 ^ 14 3K 4 K 18 to 20 51.50 17K 29 K 13 2K 23 7K 4 X 10 to 12 20.00 12K 22 8K 1 4^ 16 3K 4 K 22 to 24 54.50 17K 32 13 2K 25 K 7K 4 X 14 to 16 22.50 12K 24 8K 1 $4 18 3K 4 K 26 to 28 58.00 17K 34 13 2K 27K 7K 4 X 18 to 20 25.00 12K 26 10 IK 20 5K 4 30 to 32 63.00 17K 35 K 13 2K 29 7K 4 : X 'Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 437 The Monarch Four-Point Adjustable Post Hangers Ring Oiling, Ball and Socket, Babbitted Bearings, Broached Style No. 164 *Dimensions and Prices of Shaft es Price A In. B In. C In. D In. E In. F In. G In. "o *4-l of Bolts es .a "oSS Price A In. B In. C In. D In. E In. F In. G In. of Bolts of Bolts es .2 c O U-g 33 ,S J| 6 1A $ 4.75 7* 13^ 4* 15* O IX" 3* 2 ^ 3A $20.00 8* 19 8* i y* 13 3K 7K 4 K 5.25 7* 13K 4K 1 Hi 9 L^ sy, 2 ^ 22.00 8 ^ 19 f# l v 13 3K 7 K 4 K 1 ti 6.00 7# 14 5 IX 10 SK 2 f* 3ii 31.50 11 20 y* 9 1 ^8 14K 4X 8K 4 1 ^j 7.00 7*4 14 5 10 sy< 2 X 3M 33.50 11 20 K 9 1 ^8 14K 4X 8K 4 2A 9.25 7^ 15 6 IX 10 'X 6 2 K 4A 43.00 11 22 10K 2 J^i 15K 4^ 8K 4 ^ 2A 10.25 7* 15 6 IX 10 K 6 2 4A 46.00 11 22 10K 2 ^i 15^ 4X 8K 4 ^ 2H 13.50 17 7 12 3 K 6K 4 K 4j 53.50 11 23 10 H 2X 16^ 4K 4 J^ 15.50 8K 17 7 IX 12 3K 6K 4 K 4tt 56.00 11 23 10 K 16* 4* 9 J^ 4 M The Monarch Four-Point Adjustable Pillow Blocks Ring Oiling, Ball and Socket, Babbitted Bearings, Broached Convertible Into Low Drop Hangers Style No. 165 *Dimensibns and Prices 1 'o M "o 1 "o "o CO O 0) Price A In. B In. C In. D In. E In. F In. H In. o "SS o v Price A In. B In. C In. D In. E In. F In. H In. m "o O 88 SJI 6 $ jjw o ia5 i4 $ 3.50 7M to 9 UK 4 1 8 12 2 X 3A $19.00 7Kto 9 20 8K IK 14 3K 16 4^ K 1 A 4.50 7^ to 9 13 K 4K 1 /^ 9% 14 2 X 3A 21.00 7K to 9 20 8K IK 14 3K 16 4 K i A 5.00 7>? to 9 13K 4K 1 ^i 14 2 3H 26.50 7K to 9 22 K 9 IX 16^ 4 ^i 17 4 K 1 ^1 6.00 T 1 A to 9 14X 4K IX 10 X 14K 2 X 28.50 7K to 9 22 K 9 IX 16K 4 X 17 4 K 1H 7.00 7^ to 9 4K 1 /'i 10K 14K 2 X 4A 36.00 8 K to 10 23 10 K 2X 16K 4K 18 4 X 2A 8.75 7 i/ to 9 16 * 6 l>i UK 3 X 15 4 X 4A 39.00 8 K to 10 23 ioK 2X 16K 4K 18 4 X 2A 9.75 7K to 9 16 6 IX UK 3K 15 4 4H 43.50 8 K to 10 24 11 K 2 K 17 K 5 K 19 4 X 2H 11.50 7^ to 9 17^ 6J^ 12 K 3 K 15K 4 X 4tt 46.00 8>ito 10 24 UK 2K 17 K 5K 19 4 X 2 13.50 7 ^ to 9 6# Ifi 12 K 8 15K 4 X 'Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. 438 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Style No. 166 The Monarch Standard Wick Oiling Rigid Post Hangers Babbitted Bearings, Broached *Dimensions and Prices O -w m "8 in < 31 w "o * > N rt "S WWw Price A In. B In. C In. D In. E In. F In. G In. L In. l 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 * w i 2^1 sortw ^O^V Jll WCOHH Price A In. B In. C In. D In. E In. F In. G In. L In. *0 M SSA *O tn ^ 7 7# 8 9 9K 11 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 K N N K K U X X 3A 3A 3ft 2S 1ft 4ft $18.50 22.00 26.50 31.50 36.00 41.00 46.50 52.50 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 15f 4 17^ 19 19K 21 22 23 23 K 7 7M 8 8^ 8K 9 9# 10 9 W M i i IH i^ 13 14K is y, 16 17tf 18^ 19^ 20 4 4 4# 5 5 5X 6 7 UK 12 12^ 13 14 15 15 X 16 13 14 15 16 16 16 16 16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 H N K H i Style No. 168 Solid Journal Post Boxes Babbitted For Light Work Our Solid Journal Post Boxes are furnished either "bored" or "babbitted." We furnish them "babbitted" _ unless otherwise specified. *Dimensions and Prices . A-J g^s A B C D E tvp s o M S O +J V A B C D E -Jf| "S M o M S III Price In. In. In. In. In. SJI 6"o III III Price In. In. In. In. In. isJU II III ft $0.90 1 5 2 ^ 3% 3 2 ft 2ft $ 4.40 2X 9X 4J5 ft 7 6X 2 K 1.00 IX 5% 2X X 3X 3X 2 % 2ft 5.50 2H 10% M IX VK 7 2 ^ 1 A 1.40 IX 4X 3X 2 3A 6.60 2 X 11 X 5 IX 8X 7 % 2 X ift 1.75 2.20 IX IX 6X T% 3 H t% Tx 2 2 X X ift 8.00 9.50 2X 3 12 13 5X 5% IX IX 9 9X 8 8X 2 2 1 ?A 2.90 2 B 4 X 5% 5 % 2 X 3ft 11.00 3/4 14 *X IX 11 9% 2 I 2A 3.60 2X 9 *x ft 6% 6X 2 X * Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 439 The Monarch Standard Wick Oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks Babbitted Bearings, Broached 1 . 1 Ik J =>- - > 3- => 1 - J Style No. 169 *Dimensions and Prices -4J L L 3 d -M +2 "3 d _^ *j o v Price A Jn. B In. C In. D In. E In. F In. H In. 3 ra .*8 o <*-* CO o o 6 M^l N a 'ti Jffl 25 MM w ij: 2; w5 1A $ 2.50 IX 7X 2X H 6 3X 3X 2 K 3A $13.25 2# 14 7# \% 11 4X 6X 9X 4 X 1A 3.75 Ifi 8X 3X M 7 4* 4X 2 H 3A 14.50 3 15 8 IX 12 5 7 10 4 X itt 5.00 1# 9 3X X 7X 4X 5 2 jM 3tt 16.50 3tf 15# 8 IX 12X 5 7X 10^ 4 X itt 6.25 2 11X 4X X 8X 4X 6X 2 K 3tt 18.50 3X 16 8X 1H 12K 5X 7X 11 4 H 2& 7.75 2% 12 5X 1 9X 5 7 2 K 4A 21.00 3X 16K 8M 1H 13 5X 7X nx 4 X 2A 9.00 iy* 12X 6 1 9X 5 7X 2 K 4A 25.00 3tf 17 9 Ifi 13 X 6 8X 12 4 # 2H 10.00 iy* 13 6X 1H 10X 4 5X 8X 4 K 4H 27.50 3H 17K 9K IX 14 X 6 8X 12X 4 ^ 2}f 11.50 2X 13X 7 IX 10X 4X 6 9 4 K 4 30.00 4 18K 10 IX 15 X 7 8X 13 4 M Heavy Pattern, Common Pillo\v Blocks Babbitted Bearings, Broached Style No. 174 *Dimensions and Prices L L co Price A Tn B Tn. C Tn D Tn E Tn F Tn, H Tn J3 Si? "o "o 1 co Price A Tn. B Tn. C In. D In. E In. F In. H In. d "o (4-4 "o "o S |1 S$ d S-fe |1 6 .a"r COt-i jm 'A COi-H COw JCQ * COw 1A $1.50 1'4 6X 2% H 4*1! 2X 35* 2 M 3A $10.00 2X 13 5 IX Q r^ 1 6 9X 2 X 1A 2.25 2.75 IX 1** 7X 2X 3 X SH f> 3H 4X 5 2 2 *i 11.50 13.00 3 14 145* ty, 6X 15* 10 4^ 3H 7 10 10 x 4 4 X X 'Is 3.50 IX 9X 3X X 7 3 ]& 6 2 ** 3ii 16.50 3X 15 7 1 X UK 4X 7X 11 4 K 2A 4.00 2 10 3X H 4X 6X 2 4A 18.00 3*1i 15J* 75* 1 *fi 12X 4^6 8 11 x 4 X 13 4.75 6.25 2X 10X 11 5* 4X 8 8X 5 7X 2 2 X X 4A 4tt 21.00 23.00 4 16 165* 8 IX 13 5X 9 12 12X 4 4 i 7.50 2H 12 4X IX 9 5* 9 2 X 26.50 4X 17 9 IX iX 9* 13 4 _ 'Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. 442 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Solid Journal Boxes Babbitted for Light Work Style No. 175 Dimensions and Prices i i *o 8 Price A In. B In. C In. D In. E In. il of Bolts Jo "38 (D J3 M U I w o i H 7 6X 2 K l ^ 1.00 IX 5/4 2 Ji H 3 J^ 7>yi 2 Ji 5.50 2H 10 X 4?4 IX 7 J^ 7 2 4< 1A 1.40 IX 6 2y* 4 Ji 3X 2 yz 3 A 6.60 2X 11 X 5 1-4 8 J^ 7 ^ 2 H 1 ^j 1.75 IX 6^ 3 2^ 4^4 4/^ 2 X 3 A 8.00 274 12 5 j4 IK 9 8 2 % 1 jj 2.20 1 2^ T y 3}4 X 5 4^4 2 X 3H 9.50 3 13 5y IN 9 J^ 8i< 2 i 2 A 2.90 2 8 4 N 5 J4 s yi 2 X 3 ri 11.00 $y+ 14 5 $4 IX 11 2 i 2A 3.60 2X 9 4X it 6^ (> 1 A 2 Friction Transmission Boxes Style No. 176 Eccentric Box for Engaging Spur Frictions Style No. 178 Quick-Acting End-Thrust Box Used when frictions are frequently engaged and disengaged, also for reverse motions. Price List Style No. 177 Take-Up End-Thrust Box For adjusting the pressure and taking up the wear of bevel and mitre frictions. Used when frictions are not frequently thrown in and out of contact. Size of Shaft Inches Quick-Acting End-Thrust Box Take-up End- Thrust Box Eccentric Box IA $ 9.75 $11.25 $' 7.50 1A 10.60 12.25 8.15 itt 12.15 14.00 9.35 ill 13.85 16.00 10.65 2& 15.75 18.15 12.10 2l 3 6 17.90 20.60 13.75 2H 20.35 23.50 15.65 2H 23.20 26.80 17.85 3& 26.55 30.60 20.40 3A 30.35 35.00 23.35 HI 34.80 40.10 26.75- 3ft 39.80 45.90 30.60 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 443 Vertical Common Pillow Blocks Babbitted Bearings, Broached Style No. 179 * Dimensions and Prices +-> i M ., j Bl *c5 CO A B C D E F 1* " 4J "3 fl a ffl c eg A B C D E F W^ "o ffl "o PQ O 5 W^ J.S 2 W^S tt $2.00 K 5 IK X 3K 3 2 M 3& $11.00 2X 13 6 IK 10X 3X 8 4 fi 1 A 2.50 1 6 l K X 4X 3X 2 N 13.00 2X 13X 6X IK 10X 3X 8K 4 X 1 1^ 3.00 IX 6X 2 X 4K 3K 2 X 3ii 15.00 2X 13X 6X 2 10X 9X 4 X 1 ^J 4.00 IX 7X 2X X 5X 4X 2 X 3}f 17.00 3 13K 6K 2 11 4 9K 4 X 1 }$ 5.00 1 X 8 2X X 6X 4K 2 X '' 1 1. 22.00 3 14X 2 X nx 4X 10X 4 X 2 A 6.00 IK 8X 2K X 6K 5X 2 X 4vt 25.00 3X 7X 2X UK 4X 11 4 2rV 7.00 IK 9X 3X X 7K 6X 2 N 4tt 29.00 15 7X 2X 12 5 UK 4 X 2ii 8.00 2 10X 3X X 8X 2 4H 32.00 3K 15 K 7K 2X 12K 5 12X 4 2tl 9.00 2X 10K 4X X 8X 7 2 M Vertical Wick Oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks Babbitted Bearings, Broached * Dimensions and Prices Style No. 180 Size of Shaft Inches Price A In. ~X IX IX IX IK IK 2 2X B In. C In. D In. E In. F In. Length Bear- ing, Inches No. of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches Size of Shaft Inches Price A In. B In. C In. D In. E In. F In. Length Bear- ing, Inches No. of Bolts Size of Bolts Inches 18 J* 1H 2k 2H $ 3.00 3.75 4.50 6.00 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 13.50 5 6 6X 7X 8 8X 9X 10X 10K IK IK 2 2X 2X 2K 3X 3X 4K X X X X X X tt rt X 3K 4X 4K 5X 6X 6K 7K 8X 8X :::: 3 3X 3K 4X 4K 5X 6X 6X 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 H X X X X $ X X 3A ^3 JS 4A 4H 4 $16.50 19.50 22.50 25.50 33.00 37.50 43.50 48.00 2H 2X 2H 3 3 3X 3H 3K 13 13X 13X 13K 14X 14K 15 15 K 6 6X 6X 6X 7X 7X 7K IK IK 2 2 2X 2X 2X 2X 10X 10X 10X 11 nx UK 12 12K 3X 3X 3H 4 4X 4X 5 5 8 8K 9X 9K 10X 11 UK 12X 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 X H X X X % Style No. 181 Vertical Shaft Step Bearings Adjustable in All Directions This bearing is equipped with a tempered steel button and bab- bitted bushing, surrounded by an oil reservoir of ample capacity, and operates with a minimum friction loss. Price List Size of Shaft IfV ITT Ifi IT* 2& 2A 2tt 2H Price $6.00 $6.75 $7.80 $9.20 $11.00 $13.00 $16.00 $20.00 Size of Shaft, Inches 3A 3 3ii 3H *:& 4A 4{i 4M Price . $22.80 $26.20 $29.90 $36.00 $44.00 $49.00 $56.00 $64.00 "Intermediate sizes charged at next larger diameter. Special prices for larger sizes. 444 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Sole Plates _ Our Sole Plates are made in three styles for Pillow Blocks of our own construction. The "Plain" type is designed for our own Wick and Ring Oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks; the "Standard" type for our Standard, Universal and Hercules Adjustable Pillow Blocks; and our "Wedge Adjustable" type for our Wick and Ring Oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks where vertical, as well as horizontal adjustment is desired. Style No. 182 Plain Sole Plates For Wick and Ring Oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks Price List Diameter of Shaft, Inches Price. _ . _ __ __ 1A $3.90 l* $4.30 1 $4.60 Iff $5.10 2A $5.60 27 T? $6.10 2U $7.50 2tt $8.10 Diameter of Shaft, Inches Price.. _ _ 3A $10.60 3^ $11.10 ^ $13.00 3H $14.10 4A $16.00 4^ $16.60 4tt $18.00 4H $18.60 Wedge Adjustable Sole Plates For Wick and Ring Oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks Style No. 183 *Dimensions and Prices Ill Price A In. 18 1ft 2A 2A 2ft 9ii $ 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 >n nn 4 * 4K 4K 5X 5A fi U In. 12X 13 X HX 15K 16K 15 18K 20 K In. UK 12X 16K 18 In. T~ JX 2 '4 24.4 27s 3 3K 3K In. IK 2K1X 3 3K . IX In. In. w In. ~2 2K 3 3K 4 4X 6 6K 55-53S ZM tncQt-H M 3A 3ft 3H 4A 4ft Price In. In. In. $28.00; 6X23K20K 32.00 7X24K21K 40.00! 8 25K22Ki 44.00 46.00 50.00 9KI29 25 K 54.00 9K30K27 SS.OOilO 31K28 In. IK" 3X In. In. In. In. 7K 8 9 9K 9K 2KilK l lO Style No. 184 *Dimensions and Prices 1A 18 ift i* iit Price 3.90 4.30 4.60 5.80 7.25 9.25 10.50 11.60 A In. 4K to 5K 5K to 6K 5Kto6K B In. 19K 21 21 18K 23K21K 23K21K 23 K 23 K IK IK In. In. a K .3! 3A 3A 3ft 3ft a Price $13.00 14.50 16.50 17.75 21.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 A In. In. 8 to 9Ki28K26 8 to 9KI28K26 9X to 10X 30 9 X to 10 X 30 o 11K31K lOKto 11K31K28K lOKto 11K31K28K In. 28 K D In. IK" }r* |^ 2K 2K 2K In. In. 1X4K7K 1X4K7K 1X4K 1X4K7K 1K4K7K 1K4K 1K4K In. 7K 1 X 1 'Special prices for larger sizes. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 445 The proportions of the Wedge Adjustable Floor Stands are such that they give ample strength, weight and area of base for the respective shaft sizes, are well adapted to heavy duty and high speed service, as well as being symmetrical in design, carefully made and finished. They are furnished for shaft sizes, and heights as shown in tables. Our Standard, Universal and Hercules Drop Hangers are all convertible into Floor Stands and are fre- quently used as such where heavy duty and high speed service does not demand the Wedge Adjustable type. Our Pedestal Floor Stands are offered to satisfy the demand for a stand of this character and meet the varied requirements in every respect. They are furnished with Common Split Babbitted Bearing Boxes. Wedge Adjustable Floor Stands For Wick or Ring Oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks Style No. 185 *Dimensions and Prices Size Size Size Size of A B C D E P G of of A B C D E P G of Shaft Price In. In. In. In. In. In. In. Bolts Shaft Price In. In. In. In. In. In. In. Bolts In. In. In. In. HI $14.00 24 21X 24K 26 K 1 3 5 K 3& $62.00 42 38 X 39 K 42 K IK 7 10 K 18.00 30 27X 27^ 29 K 1 3K 5K K 22.00 36 33 X 31K 33 K 1 4K 6K K 3tt 50.00 30 25 K 34 K 38 1H 6 9K N 57.00 36 31K 38 41 K 1H 6K 10 H 2& 18.00 24 21 X 26K 29 IX 4 6-K M 65.00 42 37 K 41 K 45 1* 7K 10K H 22.80 30 27^ 30 32 K IX 4K 7 H 27.80 36 33 X 33 35 K IX 5K 7K N 3H 52.00 30 25 X 34 K 38 1H 6 9K N 59.00 36 SIX 38 41 K 1H 6K 10 J^ 2& 19.00 24 21 26K 29 IX 4 6K N 67.00 42 37 X 41 K 45 IN 7K 10K J^ 23.80 30 27 30 32 K IX 4K N 28.80 36 33 33 35 K IX 5# 7K N 4& 66.00 30 25 K 37 K 41 K IK 7 11 85.00 36 31K 40K 44 K IK 7K UK 2tt 34.00 24 20 K 28 K 31K IX SK 8 K 97.00 42 37 K 44 48 IK 8K 12 K 40.00 30 26 K 32 K 35 IK 6K 8K K 48.00 36 32 K 35 K 38 X IK 9# K 4& 68.00 30 25 X 37K 41 K IK 7 11 87.00 36 SIX 40 K 44^ IK 7K UK 2tt 35.00 24 20 X 28 X 31K IK SK 8 K 99.00 42 37 X 44 48 IK 8K 12K 41.00 30 26 X 32 K 35 IK 6K 8K K 49.00 36 32 K 35 K 38 % IK 7 9K K 4{i 85.00 30 24 K 39 K 44 IK 7K 12 96.00 36 30 K 43 47 K IK 8K 12K 3& 44.40 30 26K 33 36 IK SK 8K K 107.00 42 36 K 46 K 50 K IK 9 13K 51.60 36 32 K 36 K 39 K IK 6K 9K K 60.00 42 38 X 39 K 42 K IK 10 K *H 88.00 30 24K 39 y, 44 IK 7K 12 99.00 36 30 K 43 47 K IK 8K 12 K 3& 47.00 30 26X 33 36 IK 5K 8K K 110.00 42 36 K 46 K 50K IK 9 13 K 54.00 36 32 }i 36K 39 K IK 6K 9K K 'Special prices for special stands. Wall Box Frames These Frames are strong and well made, having been designed for our Standard, Universal and Hercules Adjustable and Wick and Ring Oiling Rigid Pillow Blocks, provide for both horizontal and vertical adjustment as well as the removal of the pillow block cap. List Prices Style No. 186 Size of Shaft, Inches 1A Ifk lii IT! 2JL. 2T6 2U 2 it For Adjustable Pillow Blocks . $6.00 $6.80 $ 7.80 $ 8.50 $, 9.50 $10.50 $13.00 $15.00 For Wick and Ring Oiling Rigid Pil.Bl. $8.00 $9.00 $10.00 $11.00 $12.00 $13.00 $16.00 $18.00 Size of Shaft, Inches 3A 3rs- 3H 3if 4& 4T6 4ii 4ff For Adjustable Pillow Blocks . $16.40 $20.00 $23.50 $25.40 $27.00 $31.50 $34.00 $37.20 For Wick and Ring Oiling Rigid Pil.Bl. $22.00 $26.00 $30.00 $32.00 $34.00 $38.00 $42.00 $46.00 446 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Extension Wall Brackets Style No. 187 *Dimensions and Prices C "o *r 81 A Exten . In. Price B In. C In. D In. E In. F In. IT In. i. JL In. .H"o d M-l . A Exten. In. Price B In. C In. D In. E In. P In. H In. , J n. K In. d N*o wW ww Mffl H to 1 fl 12 18 $ 8.00 12.00 19 X 25 K 18 24 14X 20 X 2 2 ; 6K JJ X 2ti to 12 18 24 $12.00 16.00 21.00 22 K 34 X 13 27X 33'^ 17 23 28^ 2X 2U 2X 8X 8X 8K UK UK 11 V, 4X 4K 4'X X X 24 16.00 31K X 30 26 2 K 5 K VK 3* K 30 26.00 40 K IK 39 X 34 X 2K 8K UK 4K 1 30 20.00 37K X 36 32 2K SK 7 VL 3X K 3H 12 20.00 23 1K> 22 K 16 X 4 m 11 K 5 1 1ft 12 9.00 20 X 1 19 X 15 X 2:< S sx 7 3^ 3X K to 18 24 26.00 32.00 29 35 13 28K J 22X 34X'28^ 4 41^ K 5 s 8X UK 5 1 IX to 18 12.50 26 Vi 1 25 'A 21** 2** SX 7*< 3 i,^ X 24 30 18.00 22.00 32 X 38 K IX 31X 37 K 27X 33 X 2X 2X Stf 5K 8K 8K 3X 3 4& to 12 18 24 28.00 36.00 43.00 23 K 29 K 35 K IK 23 K 29 K 35 K 16X 22 X 28 X 4 T 2 4X 4X S!^ 8X UK UK UK 5X SX SX IX IX *Special prices for larger sizes. Mule Stands Style No. 188 Stationary Mule Stands Complete as illustrated with ceiling plate, guy rods, turnbuckles and compression grease cups. We furnish iron pulleys (crowned) unless otherwise specified. Dimensions and Prices Width Sizes Standard Belt Pulleys Length Price Inches Inches Shaft 3 12 x 4 3' 6' $ 37.50 4 12 x 5 4'0' 42.50 5 12 x 6 4'0' 45.00 6 15 K 7 4' 6' 52.00 7 15 x 8 4' 6' 55.00 8 20 x 9.5 5' 0' 65.00 9 20 x 10.5 5'0' 88.00 10 24 x 11.5 5' 6' 100.00 12 30 x 13.5 5' 6' 140.00 14 30 x 15.5 6'0' 155.00 Style No. 189 Adjustable Mule Stands Adjustable in every direction and complete as illustrated with ceiling plate, guy rods, turnbuckles and compression grease cups. Unless otherwise ordered will be furnished with crowned iron pulleys. Dimensions and Prices Width Sizes Standard Belt Pulleys Length Price Inches Inches Shaft 3 12 x 4 3' 6' $ 60.00 4 12 x 5 4'0' 67.50 5 12 x 6 4' 6' 70.00 6 15 x 7 5'0' 90.00 7 15 x 8 5'0' 95.00 8 20 x 9.5 5' 6' 100.00 9 20 x 10.5 5' 6' 135.00 10 24 x 11.5 6'0' 147.00 12 30 x 13.5 6' 6' 200.00' 14 30 x 15.5 7'0' 215.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Binder Frames Complete as illustrated with guy rods, turnbuckles and com- pression grease cups. Crowned iron pulleys furnished unless otherwise specified. Style No. 190 Single Brace Binder Frames Dimensions and Prices Width Belt Inches Sizes Pulleys Inches Standard Length Shaft Price 3 12x4 3' 6" $46.00 4 12 x 5 4'0" 50.00 5 12 x 6 4' 0" 70.00 6 12 x 7 4' 6" 75.00 Style No. 191 Double Brace Binder Frames Dimensions and Prices Width Sizes Standard Belt Inches Pulleys Inches Length Shaft Price 4 12 x 5 4'0' $ 75.00 5 12 x 6 4' 0' 78.00 6 15 x 7 4' 6' 81.00 7 15 x 8 4' 6' 85.00 8 20 x 9 5' 0' 125.00 10 20 x 12 5' 6' 130.00 12 20 x 14 5' 6' 135.00 The Monarch Idlers Dimensions and Prices The Monarch Adjustable Idler and Tightener PULLEY Diam. Inches Face Inches Price $14.00 14.50 15,00 PULLEY Diam. Inches Face Inches Price $14.50 15.00 15.50 PULLEY Diam. Inches 10 Face Inches Price $15.00 15.50 16.00 Style No. 192 The Monarch Floor Idler Style No. 193 PULLEY Diam. Inches 12 Face Inches 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 6 ~ Price $14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.50 17.50 18.50 19.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 PULLEY Diam. Inches 14 Face Inches 9 10 11 12 5 6 r s 9 10 Price $16.50 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.50 16.50 17.50 18.50 19.50 20.50 22.50 PULLEY Diam. Inches 14 16 Face Inches 11 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Price $23.50 24.50 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 The Monarch Adjustable Idler PULLEY Diam. Inches Face Inches Price $13.50 14.00 14.50 PULLEY Diam. Inches Face Inches Price $14.00 14.50 15.00 PULLEY Diam. Inches 10 Face Inches 4 5 6 Price $14.50 15.00 15.50 K.-'-.m . i Style No. 194 448 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, 11. S. A. The Monarch Idlers The Monarch Angle Idler Dimensions and Prices Style No. 195 PULLEY Price PULLEY Price PULLEY Price Diameter Inches Face Inches Diameter Inches Face Inches Diameter Inches Face Inches 10 6 $ 9.50 11 12 $13.00 13 10 $14.50 8 10.50 12 6 10.50 12 16.50 10 11.50 8 12.00 14 6 12.00 12 12.50 10 14.00 8 14.00 11 6 10.00 12 16.00 10 16.00 8 11.00 13 6 11.50 12 18.00 10 12.00 8 12.50 Style No. 196 The Monarch Floor Stand Idler Dimensions and Prices PULLEY PULLEY PULLEY Diam. Face Price Diam. Face Price Diam. Face Price Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches 6 3 $11.00 8 3 $12.00 10 3 $13.00 4 11.50 4 12.50 4 13.50 5 12.00 5 13.00 5 14.00 6 12.50 6 13.50 6 14.50 The Monarch Floor Idler Dimensions and Prices PULLEY Diam. Inches Face Inches Price $11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 PULLEY Diam. Inches 10 12 Face Inches Price $13.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 14.00 14.50 PULLEY Diam. Inches 12 14 Face Inches Price $15.00 15.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 Style No. 197 The Monarch Beam Idler Dimensions and Prices Style No. 198 Diam. Face Inches Inches Price $ 9.50 10.00 10.50 11.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 PULLEY Diam. Face Inches Inches 10 12 Price $12.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 12.50 13.00 PULLEY Diam. Face Inches Inches 12 14 Price $13.50 14.00 13.00 14.00 14.50 15.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 449 The Monarch Vertical Mill Tightener This is a very substantial and convenient Tightener and can be used for a variety of purposes. It consists of two adjustable floor stands with a short shaft and pulley between. We can furnish it with any size pulley wanted, the price varying according to size of pulley. Style No. 199 Price List Pulley Pulley Pulley Diam. Face Price Diam. Face Price Diam. Face Price Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches 10 5 $21.50 12 8 $24.00 14 11 $30.50 6 22.00 9 25.50 12 31.50 7 22.50 10 26.00 16 5 25.00 8 23.00 11 27.00 6 26.00 9 24.50 12 28.00 7 27.00 10 25.00 14 5 23.50 8 28.00 11 25.50 6 24.50 9 29.00 12 26.50 7 25.50 10 31.00 12 5 22.50 8 26.50 11 32.00 6 23.00 9 27.50 12 33.00 7 23.50 10 29.50 The Monarch Swing Tightener Style No. 200 Price List Pulley Price Pulley Price Pulley Price Diam. Inches Face Inches Diam. Inches Face Inches Diam. Inches Face Inches 8 6 $20.50 13 14 $31.00 19 12 $36.00 8 21.50 14 6 24.50 14 39.50 10 23.50 8 25.50 20 6 29.00 12 24.50 10 28.00 8 31.00 14 26.00 12 30.00 10 34.00 9 6 21.00 14 32.00 12 37.00 8 22.00 15 6 25.00 14 41.00 10 24.00 8 26.50 21 6 30.00 12 25.00 10 29.00 8 32.00 14 26.50 12 31.00 10 35.00 10 6 21.50 14 33.00 12 38.00 8 22.50 16 6 25.50 14 42.00 10 25.00 8 27.00 22 6 31.50 12 26.00 10 29.50 8 34.00 14 27.50 12 32.00 10 37.50 11 6 22.00 14 34.50 12 41.00 8 23.00 17 6 26.00 14 45.00 10 25.50 8 28.00 23 6 32.50 12 26.50 10 31.00 8 35.00 14 27.50 12 34.00 10 38.50 12 6 23.00 14 37.00 12 42.00 8 24.00 18 6 27.00 14 46.00 10 26.50 8 29.00 24 6 34.00 12 28.50 10 32.00 8 37.00 14 30.50 12 35.00 10 41.00 13 6 23.50 14 38.00 12 45.00 8 24.50 19 6 28.00 14 50.00 10 27.00 8 30.00 12 29.00 10 33.00 450 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Heavy Single Pipe Style Belt Tighteners Made in Both Horizontal and Vertical Styles Style No. 201 Horizontal Style This type of Belt Tightener is suitable for medium service. It is made with ring or collar-oiling bearings. The dimensions of the pulleys can be varied if necessary from the standard sizes given below. The prices cover tighteners with standard adjustment as given in the dimension list. Prices for tighteners with other than standard adjustment quoted on application. Horizontal Single Pipe Belt Tighteners Price List No. Size of Pulley, Inches Price 1 16 x 8 $45.00 2 20 x 12 76.00 3 24 x 16 95.00 4 30 x 20 150.00 5 36 x 26 200.00 Vertical Single Pipe Belt Tighteners Price List No. Size of Pulley, Inches Price 6 16 x 8 $ 60.00 7 20 x 12 80.00 8 24 x 16 115.00 9 30 x 20 165.00 10 36 x 26 220.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 451 Dimensions of Horizontal Single Pipe Belt Tighteners No. of Max. Size of Diam. of Travel A DIMENSIONS, INCHES ener Pulley Inches Shaft Inches Inches B c D E F G H J K L M N p 1 16 x 8 1 24 4# 6# 12 5K 3^ M IK 2 # 14 22 uy 4 3/4 H 2 20 x 12 2fV 30 5 8 16X 7 43/6 IX IX 4 19 29 }i 34 3 24 x 16 36 lyi 8X 21 7^ 4:^4 l 13/6 4H 24 34 17X H X 4 30 x 20 2if 36 9K 9> 27 9 sy* IX IX 5 30 42 22 1 1/& 5 36 x 26 3A 36 9X 34 9 sx IX IX 5 37 51 22 1 & Dimensions of Vertical Single Pipe Belt Tighteners No. of Max. Size of Diam. of Travel DIMENSIONS, INCHES ener Pulley Inches Shaft Inches Inches B C D E F G H J K L N p 6 16 x 8 1M 24 12 1514 25/6 7K 21 4X 3 5 14 22 H 5/6 7 20 x 12 2A 30 14X 19 3 8^8 27K 5y& 4 6 19 29 l X 8 24 x 16 ITS 36 16X 22 3 o^o 36K 5y& 4X 7 24 34 IX pi 9 30 x 20 2jf 36 21 25 4 83^ 393^ 5X 5 7X 30 42 IX 1 10 36 x 26 3^ 36 24 27 5 934 6 5X 8 37 51 IX 1 452 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Rack Belt Tightener This Tightener is especially suited for heavy work and is made so that it can be used either vertically or horizontally. The bearings are of the ball and socket chain oiling type, either babbitted or brass bushed and adjustable in any direction. The racks, hand wheel and pulley are of cast iron, the latter being accurately balanced and the shafting is best grade cold rolled steel. Price List Length of Size of Size of Adjustment Pulley Shaft Price Inches Inches Inches 20 20 x 8 2& $100.00 20 24 x 10 2^ 110.00 24 30 x 16 2H 130.00 24 36x20 2H 200.00 For intermediate or larger sizes, write for prices. Style No. 202 The Monarch Radial Belt Tightener Geared Dimensions and Prices No. of Tightener Size of Pulley Inches Radius Inches Diameter of Shaft Inches Price, Each Without Pulley 915 12 x 8 36 Iff $ 45.00 916 16x10 36 1H 50.00 925 20x14 40 60.00 926 24x16 40 ifl 65.00 935 28x20 52^ 2i* 100.00 936 30x26 52>^ 2H 110.00 Style No. 203 The Monarch Rack and Pinion Belt Tightener with Cast Iron Frame These Tighteners are designed for use on main drives or other large belts. They are of very substantial construction and are fur- nished complete in iron frame as shown in the illustration. Prices given apply to both the Horizontal and Upright Tighteners. Price List Length of Size of Diameter No. Adjustment Pulley of Shaft Price Feet Inches Inches 00 IK 12 X 9 l^T $ 45.00 \y^ 18 X 12 ig 60.00 1 2 24 x 14 Itt 70.00 2 3^2 28 x 20 100.00 3 4 30 x 26 2f 160.00 4 5 42 x 38 2tt 350.00 Style No. 204 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 453 The Monarch Rack and Pinion Belt Tightener Vertical and Horizontal Style No. 205 For Horizontal Belt Price List Style No. 206 For Vertical Belt PULLEY Price PULLEY Price PULLEY Price Diameter Inches Face Inches Diameter Inches Face Inches Diameter Inches Face Inches 10 6 $25.00 18 14 $44.00 26 10 $52.00 8 26.50 16 46.50 12 56.00 10 28.50 18 49.00 14 60.00 12 30.00 20 52.00 16 64.00 14 32.00 18 68.00 20 8 38.00 20 73.00 12 6 26.00 10 41.00 8 29.00 12 44.00 28 10 56.00 10 30.00 14 48.00 12 60.00 12 32.00 16 -1.00 14 64.00 14 34.00 18 54.00 16 68.00 14 6 8 10 12 14 27.50 32.00 33.50 35.00 36.00 22 20 8 10 12 14 59.00 40.00 44.00 47.00 50.00 30 18 20 10 12 14 72.00 78.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 16 8 30.00 16 53.00 16 75.00 10 33.00 18 56.00 18 80.00 12 35.00 20 64.00 20 86.00 14 37.00 16 39.50 24 8 44.00 32 10 65.00 18 41.00 10 49.00 12 71.00 20 44.50 12 51.50 14 77.00 14 55.00 16 83.00 18 8 36.00 16 59.00 18 89.00 10 39.00 18 62.00 20 96.00 12 41.50 20 68.00 Style No. 207 Special Rack Belt Tightener A very substantial tightener that can be used in any position, upright with either end up and horizontal as shown, or upside down. It can be used effectively to start and stop machines. Price List Size of Pulley Inches Length of Travel Inches PRICE Size of Pulley Inches Length of Travel Inches PRICE Plain Bearings Collar Oil Bearings Plain Bearings Collar Oil Bearings 12 x 6 12 x 7 16x 8 16 x 10 20 x 9 11 11 15 15 15 $35.00 37.00 44.00 48.00 58.00 $43.00 45.00 52.00 56.00 66.00 20 x 11 20 x 13 20 x 15 20 x 17 20 x 19 15 15 15 15 15 $62.00 66.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 $70.00 76.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. The Monarch Hanging Yoke Double Tightener with Lighter Rod Price List Pulley Center to Pulley Center to Diameter Face Center of Pulleys Price Diameter Face Center of Pulleys Price Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches 10 6 32 $50.00 16 10 36 $69.00 12 7 32 53.00 18 8 48 70.00 14 8 32 57.00 10 48 76.00 10 32 62.00 24 12 52 84.00 16 8 36 63.00 The Monarch Hanging Yoke Tightener with Lighter Rod Price, including Lighter Rod, Post Bearings, Shaft and Pulley Pulley Pulley Pulley Diam. Face Price Diam. Face Price Diam. Face Price In. In. In. In. In. In. 12 5 $24.00 28 5 $33.50 36 6 $44.00 14 5 25.00 6 36.50 8 51.00 16 5 26.00 7 39.50 38 5 43.00 18 5 27.00 30 5 36.00 6 46.00 20 5 28.50 6 39.00 8 53.00 6 30.00 7 42.00 40 5 49.00 22 5 30.50 8 45.00 10 59.00 6 32.00 32 5 37.00 42 5 52.00 24 5 31.50 6 40.00 10 62.00 6 33.50 8 47.00 44 5 55.00 7 35.00 34 5 39.00 10 66.00 26 5 32.50 6 42.00 46 10 70.00 6 35.00 8 49.00 48 10 74.00 7 37.00 36 5 41.00 50 10 78.00 The Monarch Adjustable Post Chain Tightener The Monarch Floor Chain Tightener Style No. 210 Price $7.00 Style No. 212 Price $3.00 The Monarch Adjustable Chain Tightener Style of Chain and Price Chain Number 25, 32, 33, 35, 42, 45, 52, 55- 57.67, 77... 78. 88 Price $2.00 2.25 2.50 Style No. 211 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 455 The Monarch Special Take -Up Post Hanger Chain Oiling Bearings Dimensions and Prices Style No. 2 13 Size In. A In. B In. c In. D In. E In. F In. Price I* 5K 4K 6 36 19# 3 $ 8.00 itt 7K 4K 6 37 19tf 3 9.00 2A 8^ 4j^ 6 37 19K 3 12.00 2A 9 5 6 37K 20%: 3X 13.00 2ti 10 5K 8 38 22^ 3K 16.00 2H 12 5X 8 38 22^ 3^ 19.00 3A 12 5K 8 38 22^ 3K 24.00 3A 12tf 5K 8 38 22^ 3^ 31.00 The Monarch Special Drop Hanger with Take -Up Boxes Chain Oiling Bearings Dimensions and Prices Style No. 214 D Size Shaft In. A In. C In. E In. F In. Price From In. To In. 12 20 Itf 8^ 8 20 3M $11.00 2A 9 8 20 3^ 13.00 2A 9 8 20 3^ 16.00 2H 12 8 20 3^i 23.00 18 24 2^ 9 6 25X 3H 18.00 2H 10 6 25X 3^g 23.00 2if 12 6 25X 3H 26.00 22 30 1M 8^ 8 25X 3H 20.00 2A 9 8 25X 3^ 21.00 2& 9 8 25^ 3& 23.00 2H 12 8 25>i 3H 2^.00 The Monarch Special Take-Up Post Hanger Ball Bearing Dimensions and Prices "o M DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Price ScCw A B c D E F G 2& $ 61.97 4K 83/S 8^ 42 273^ 3J^ 6 2^ 73.20 4K 83/S 8 42 27# 3^ 6 2H 90.57 4K 8*/8 7^ 42 27 y< 3^ 6 2H 101.94 4> 83/t 7 42 27^ 3^ 6 Prices for larger sizes quoted on application. Style No. 215 456 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Plain Brass Oilers Screw Cover The Plain Brass Oiler is made with or without tube. A small wick placed in the tube with one end in the oil provides a regular, efficient and economical means of feeding oil to the bearings. Unless otherwise specified, oiler will be furnished without tube. Order by number. Price List Number - __ 00 1 2 3 4 5 g g Diameter, Inches __ X X M 1 IX IX 1^ 11^ 2 Pjpft Thread, Inches J4 X X Yi X Vi li 32 i/ Brass _ $0.25 $0.30 $0 35 $0 40 $0 50 $0 60 $0 90 $1 25 $1 75 Brass, with Tube .35 40 45 50 60 70 1 00 1 35 1 85 Nickel . .45 50 55 65 75 90 1 25 1 65 2 25 Nickel, with Tube .55 .60 65 75 85 1 00 1 35 1 75 2 35 Style No. 216 Style No. 217 Elbow Shank Oilers Screw Cover The Elbow Shank Oiler is like the Plain Brass Oiler shown above, except for the elbow shank. Order by number. Price List Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tt X 1 IX IX IX IX 2 2X Pipe Thread, Inches X X x X X X X X X Brass . - -.-.-. $0.65 $0.75 $0.85 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.15 2.40 3.00 Extra for Tube .10 .10 .10 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .20 Extra for Nickel .10 .10 .10 .10 .15 .15 .15 .20 .20 Brass Loose Pulley Oiler This oiler is intended to be attached to hub of pulley. It is easily filled and regulated, will not throw or waste oil, and a trial will convince users that it is a simple and satisfactory oiler for loose pulleys. The feed is regulated by means of screw in the shank and one filling will last from two to four weeks. For high speeds, we recommend the use of two oilers for each pulley, so as to keep same properly balanced . Shanks on Nos. 0, 1 and 2 are threaded ^-inch on point, 16 threads to the inch, and are tapered so as to screw tightly into j^-inch bolt hole. Shanks on Nos. 3 and 4 are threaded ^4-inch pipe thread. Price List Number 1 2 3 4 Height of Cup (plug raised to fill) Inches Length of Cup, Inches Iff IK" 2A 2 2^ 2& 3 2X 3J/S 2K Diameter of Body, Inches i 1& \y 2 ifi 2 Capacity, Ounces _ - % tf K IX IK Rough Brass, Bronzed, each $0.25 $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.65 Style No. 218 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 457 Coin Patent Compression Grease Cup Style No. 219 For finish, workmanship, elegance of design, the Coin Grease Cup is not excelled by any cup on the market. It is especially designed for engine bearings of all kinds, excepting crank pins. The base of the cup need never be disturbed for filling. The pressure is equalized the entire length of the cup, insuring emptying the entire contents. About three adjustments of the hood will accomplish this. Price List Number _ 00 1 2 3 Inside Diameter of Body, Inches 1 lj4 1# 2 2K Capacity, Ounces >< l IK 3 4K Size of Shank, Pipe Thread, Inches K % H 3 A X Polished, Per Dozen _ . $21.00 $25.00 $29.00 $33.50 $50.00 Grease Cups Pressed Steel or Brass Pressed Grease Cups are drawn from rolled sheet metal. They are light and strong, with all the rigidity and density of rolled metal. The combination type has a plain steel base with plain -brass cover and is known as the plain combination type. Full informa- tion regarding special combination cups with polished brass covers furnished on application. Price List Number 000 00 1 2 3 4 Inside Diam., In. K 1 IK IK 2 2K 3 Shank Pipe \ /Kor\ i/ (Xor ^or\ i/ Thread, In. . _ / /8 A 1 K] /4 I # K / 7* Capacity, Ounces K K K 1 2 3K 5 Polished Brass $0.70 $0.80 $1.05 $1.30 $1.70 $2.45 $3.25 Full information regarding pressed steel or brass grease cups with female thread will be sent upon application. Style No. 220 Plain Brass Grease Cup The Plain Brass Grease Cup was designed to meet the demand for a low-priced, all-finished brass cup. It is not provided with the spring lock arrangement, but the cup is well made throughout, and will be found superior to iron grease cups. Price List Style No. 221 000 00 1 2 3 4 Inside Diameter, Inches H M 1& 1H irt 2H 2 ft Extreme Outside Diam., Finished Pat., Inches Extreme Outside Diameter, Rough Pat., Inches H IX 1& 1H 1H iJi IK 2& 2X 2 2K 3& 3K Extreme Height over all, (Cup Open) Finished and Rough Patterns, Inches. .. IH 1# 1M 2& 2^ 2M 3& Shank Pipe Thread, Inches X H X y* }i K ^ Capacity (Grease), Ounces . 1 A y* # i 2 3# 5 Finished Brass, each $0.50 $0.70 $0.90 $1.15 $1.50 $2.15 $3.30 458 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Rules for Determining Size and Speed of Pulleys, Sheaves, Gears or Sprocket Wheels The Driving Pulley is called the Driver and the Driven Pulley the Driven. If the number of teeth in gears or sprocket wheels is used instead of diameter in these calculations, number of teeth must be substituted whenever diameter occurs. To determine the diameter of Driver, the diameter of the Driven and its revolutions, and also revolutions of Driver being given. Diameter of Driven X revolutions of Driven = Diameter of Driver. Revolutions of Driver To determine the diameter of Driven, the revolutions of the Driven and the diameter and revolutions of the Driver being given. Diameter of Driver X revolutions of Driver =Diameter of Driven. Revolutions of Driven To determine the revolutions of the Driver, the diameter and revolutions of the Driven, and diameter of the Driver being given. Diameter of Driven X revolutions of Driven = Re volutions of Driver. Diameter of Driver To determine the revolutions of the Driven, the diameter and revolutions of the Driver, and diameter of the Driven being given. Diameter of Driver X revolutions of Driver = Revolutions of Driven. Diameter of Driven Horse Power of Cast Iron Pulleys Let D = diameter of pulley in inches. W= width of belt in inches. N = revolutions per minute. H. P. = horse power. DXWXN Then H. P.= for single belt. 2860 DXWXN H. P.= for double belt. 1720 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 459 Weight of Square and Round Rolled Iron One Foot Long Square Size Inches Weight Pounds Size Inches Weight Pounds Size Inches Weight Pounds Size Inches Weight Pounds % .211 2X 21.120 4X 76.264 8 216.336 X .475 2X 23.292 4X 80.333 8K 230.038 X .845 2X 25.560 5 84.480 8X 244.220 X 1.320 2X 27.939 5X 88.784 8K 258.800 X 1.901 3 30.416 5X 93.168 9 273.792 % 2.588 3X 33.010 5X 97.656 9K 289.220 1 3.380 3X 35.704 5X 102.240 9X 305.055 IX 4.278 3X 38.503 5X 106.956 9K 321.332 IX 5.280 3X 41.408 5X 111.750 10 337.920 IN 6.390 3X 44.418 5X 116.671 10K 355.136 IX 7.604 3X 47.543 6 121.664 iox 372.672 1M 8.926 3X 50.756 6K 132.040 IOK 390.628 IX 10.352 4 54.084 6X 142.816 11 408.960 IX 11.883 4X 57.517 6K 154.012 UK 427.812 2 13.520 4X 61.055 7 165.632 llX 447.024 2X 15.263 4X 64.700 7> 4 177.672 UK 466.684 2X 17.112 4X 68.488 7X 190.136 12 486.656 2X 19.066 4X 72.305 7K 203.024 Round Diameter Inches Weight Pounds Diameter Inches Weight Pounds Diameter Inches Weight Pounds Diameter Inches Weight Pounds % .165 2X 16.688 4X 59.900 8 169.826 y* .373 2X 18.293 4X 63.094 8X 180.696 X .663 2X 20.076 5 66.752 8X 191.808 N 1.043 2X 21.944 5X 69.731 8X 203.260 K 1.493 3 23.888 5X 73.172 9 215.040 H 2.032 3X 25.926 5X 76.700 9X 227.152 i 2.654 3X 28.040 5X 81.304 9X 239.600 iX 3.360 3X 30.240 5H 84.001 9X 252.376 IX 4.172 3X 32.512 5X 87.776 10 266.288 IX 5.019 3X 34.886 5X 91.634 iox 278.924 IX 5.972 3X 37.332 6 95.552 iox 292.688 IX 7.020 3X 39.864 6X 103.704 iox 306.800 IX 8.128 4 42.464 6X 112.160 11 321.216 IX 9.333 4X 45.174 6X 120.960 nx 336.004 2 10.616 4X 47.952 7 130.048 HX 351.104 2X 11.988 4X 50.815 7X 139.544 nx 366.536 2X 13.440 4X 53.760 7X 149.328 12 282.208 2X 14.975 4X 56.788 7X 159.456 460 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Weight of Flat Rolled Iron One Foot Long Square Breadth Inches Thickness Inches Weight Pounds Breadth Inches Thickness Inches Weight Pounds Breadth Inches Thickness Inches Weight Pounds 1 K .422 IK IK 8.871 2K K 4.224 K .845 IX 9.610 X 5.280 K 1.267 K 6.336 2 K .845 K 2.690 X 7.392 K 1.689 fi 2.112 i 8.448 N 2.534 K 2.534 IK 9.504 K 3.379 # 2.956 4.224 IK 10.560 IK K .528 K 5.069 IX 11.616 K 1.056 5.914 IK 12.672 N 1.584 i 6.758 IX 13.728 K 2.112 IK 7.604 IK 14.784 f* 2.640 IK 8.448 IX 15.840 K 3.168 If* 9.294 2 16.866 # 3.696 IK 10.138 2yi 17.952 i 4.224 10.983 2K 19.008 IK 4.752 IK 11.828 2^ 20.064 IK K .633 IX 12.673 2K K 2.323 \/ 1.266 2K 1 A .950 K 4.617 3/6 1.900 K 1.900 K 6.970 l^ 2.535 N 2.851 i 9.294 5/6 3.168 K 3.802 IK 11.617 K 3.802 4.752 IK 13.840 7x> 4.435 K 5.703 IK 16.264 1 5.069 7^ 6.653 2 18.587 1 x^ 5.703 1 7.604 2K 20.910 1 J^ 6.337 IK 8.554 2K 23.234 1^ 6.970 IK 9.505 IK K .739 10.455 3 K 2.535 K 1.479 IK 11.406 K 5.069 N 2.218 1-H 12.356 K 7.605 K 2.957 IK 13.307 i 10.138 M 3.696 14.257 IK . 12.673 K 4.435 2 15.208 IK 15.208 # 5.178 2K 16.158 IK 17.742 i 5.914 2 20.277 IK 6.653 2K K 1.056 2K 22.811 IK 7.393 K 2.112 2K 25.346 1H 8.132 H 3.167 2K 27.881 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 461 Table Showing the Difference Between Standard Gauges of Metal THICKNESS ] N DECIMALS OF AN INCH Number of Gauge Birmingham Browne & Sharpe United States Standard Plate. Iron and Steel British imperial American Steel & Wire Co. Trenton Iron Co. Stubs Steel Wire 7 .500 .500 6 .46875 .464 - 5 .4375 .432 .45 4 .454 .46 .40625 .400 .3938 .40 3 .425 .40964 .375 .372 .3625 .36 2 .380 .3648 .34375 .348 .3310 .33 .340 .32486 .3125 .324 .3065 .305 1 .300 .2893 .28125 .300 .2830 .285 .227 2 .284 .25763 .265625 .276 .2625 .265 .219 3 .259 .22942 .25 .252 .2437 .245 .212 4 .238 .20431 .234375 .232 .2253 .225 .207 5 .220 .18194 .21875 .212 .2070 .205 .204 6 .203 .16202 .203125 .192 .1920 .190 .201 7 .180 .14428 .1875 .176 .1770 .175 .199 8 .165 .12849 .171875 .160 .1620 .160 .197 9 .148 .11443 .15625 .144 .1483 .145 .194 10 .134 .10189 .140625 .128 .1350 .130 .191 11 .120 .090742 .125 .116 .1205 .1175 .188 12 .109 .080808 .109375 .104 .1055 .1050 .185 13 .095 .071961 .09375 .092 .0915 .0925 .182 14 .083 .064084 .078125 .080 .0800 .0800 .180 15 .072 .057068 .0703125 .072 .0720 .0700 .178 16 .065 .05082 .0625 .064 .0625 .0610 .175 17 .058 .045257 .05625 .056 .0540 .0525 .172 18 .049 .040303 .05 .048 .0475 .0450 .168 19 .042 .03589 .04375 .040 .0410 .0400 .164 20 .035 .031961 .0375 .036 .0348 .0350 .161 21 .032 .028462 .034375 .032 .03175 .0310 .157 22 .028 .025347 .03125 .028 .0286 .0280 .155 23 .025 .022571 .028125 .024 .0258 .0250 .153 24 .022 .0201 .025 .022 .0230 .0225 .151 25 .020 .0179 .021875 .020 .0204 .0200 .148 26 .018 .01594 .01875 .018 .0181 .0180 .146 27 .016 .014195 .0171875 .0164 .0173 .0170 .143 28 .014 .012641 .015625 .0148 .0162 .0160 .139 29 .013 .011257 .0140625 .0136 .0150 .0150 .134 30 .012 .010025 .0125 .0124 .0140 .0140 .127 31 .010 .008928 .0109375 .0116 .0132 .0130 .120 32 .009 .00795 .01015625 .0108 .0128 .0120 .115 33 .008 .00708 .009375 .0100 .0118 .0110 .112 34 .007 .006304 .00859375 .0092 .0104 .0100 .110 35 .005 .005614 .0078125 .0084 .0095 .0095 .108 36 .004 .005 .00703125 .0076 .0090 .0090 .106 37 .004453 .006640625 .0068 .0085 .103 38 .003965 .00625 .0060 .0080 .101 39 .003531 .0075 .099 40 .003144 .0070 .097 462 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Mensuration Diameter 'of a circle x 3. 1416= circumference. Diameter of a circle x .8862 =side of an equal square. Diameter of a circle x .7071 =side of an inscribed square. Square of diameter x .7854 = area of circle. Circumference of a circle x .31831 = diameter. Side of a square x 1.128 = diameter of equal circle. Square root of an area x 1.12837 = diameter of equal circle. Square of the diameter of a sphere x 3.1416 =convex surface. Cube of the diameter of a sphere x .5 236 = solidity. Diameter of a sphere x .806 = dimensions of equal cube. Diameter of a sphere x .6667 =length of equal cylinder. Square inches x .00695 = square feet. Cubic inches x .00058 = cubic feet. Cubic feet x .03704 = cubic yards. Cylindrical inches x .0004546= cubic feet. Cylindrical feet x .02909 = cubic yards. Cubic inches x .003607 = imperial gallons. Cubic feet x .6232= imperial gallons. Cylindrical inches x .002832 =imperial gallons. Cylindrical feet x 4.895 = imperial gallons. 183.346 circular inches =1 square foot. 2,200 cylindrical inches =1 cubic foot. Avoirdupois pounds x .009 =cwts. Avoirdupois pounds x .00045 = tons. Lineal feet x .00019 = statute miles. Lineal yards x .000568= statute miles. Table of Half Circumferences of Pulleys 6 to 100 Inches Diameter Diameter Inches Half Circumference Diameter Inches Half Circumference Diameter Inches Half Circumference 6 9X" 28 3' 8" 60 7' 10J4" 7 11" 29 3' 9^" 62 8' \%" 8 12X" 30 3' \\%" 64 8' 4K" 9 1' 2" 31 4' K" 66 8' 7^" 10 1' 3^" 32 4' 1%" 68 8' 10K" 11 1' 5K" 33 4' 3^" 70 9' 2" 12 1' 7" 34 4' 5X" 72 9' 5" 13 1' 8K" 35 4' 7" 74 9' 8^" 14 1' 10" 36 4' 8^" 76 9' \\y 2 " 15 i' UK" 37 4' 10X" 78 10' 2X" 16 2' 1" 38 4' UK" 80 10' W 17 2' 2K" 40 5' 2K" 82 10' 8K" 18 2' 4X" 42 5' 6" 84 11' 19 2' 5K" 44 5' 9" 86 11' 3X" 20 2' 7tf" 46 6' X" 88 11' 6X" 21 2' 9" 48 6' 3K" 90 11' 9^" 22 2' 10K" 50 6' 6" 92 12' %" 23 3' 52 6' 9y 2 " 94 12' 3K" 24 3' \y<" 54 T X" 96 12' 6K" 25 3' 3^" 56 r 4" 98 12' 10" 26 3' 4K" 58 7' 7" 100 13' \%" 27 3' 6X" Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 463 Circumference and Area of Circles Diameter Circum- ference Area Diameter Circum- ference Area Diameter Circum- ference Area X .785 .049 14 43.982 153.93 46 144.513 1661.9 K 1.570 .196 14K 44.767 159.48 47 147.655 1734.9 K 2.356 .441 14# 45.553 165.13 48 150.796 1809.5 i 3.141 .7854 14K 46.338 170.87 49 153.938 1885.7 IK 3.926 1.227 15 47.123 176.78 50 157.080 1963.5 IK 4.712 1.767 15K 47.909 182.65 51 160.221 2042.8 IK 5.497 2.405 15J* 47.694 188.69 52 163.363 2123.7 2 6.283 3.141 15K 49.480 194.82 53 166.504 2206.1 2K 7.068 3.976 16 50.265 201.06 54 169.646 2290.2 2K 7.853 4.908 16K 51.050 207.39 55 172.788 2375.8 2K 8.639 5.939 16# 51.836 213.82 56 175.929 2463.0 3 9.424 7.068 16K 52.621 220.35 57 179.071 2551.7 3K 10.210 8.295 17 53.407 226.98 58 182.212 2642.0 3K 10.995 9.621 17K 54.192 233.70 59 185.354 2733.9 3K 11.781 11.045 17# 54.977 240.52 60 188.496 2827.4 4 12.566 12.566 17K 55.763 247.45 61 191.637 2922.4 4K 13.351 14.186 18 56.548 254.46 62 194.779 3019.0 4K 14.137 15.904 18K 57.334 261.58 63 197.920 3117.2 4K 14.992 17.721 18# 58.119 268.80 64 201.062 3216.9 5 15.708 19.635 18K 58.904 276.11 65 204.204 3318.3 5K 16.493 21.648 19 59.690 283.52 66 207.345 3421.2 5K 17.278 23.758 19K 60.475 291.03 67 210.487 3525.6 5K 18.064 25.967 19# 61.261 298.64 68 213.628 3631.6 6 18.849 28.274 19K 62.046 306.35 69 216.770 3739.2 6K 19.635 30.679 20 62.831 314.16 70 219.911 3848.4 6K 20.420 33.183 20^ 64.402 330.06 71 223.053 3959.2 6K 21.205 35.784 21 65.973 346.36 72 226.195 4071.5 7 21.991 38.484 21K 67.544 363.05 73 229.336 4185.3 7K 22.776 41.282 22 69.115 380.13 74 232.478 4300.8 7K 23.561 44.178 22^ 70.685 397.60 75 235.619 4417.8. 7K 24.347 47.173 23 72.256 415.47 76 238.761 4536.4 8 25.132 50.265 23^ 73.827 433.73 77 241.903 4656.6 8K 25.918 53.456 24 75.398 452.39 78 245.044 4778.3 8K 26.703 56.745 24K 76.969 471.43 79 248.186 4901.6 8K 27.488 60.132 25 78.539 490.87 80 251.327 5926.5 9 28.274 63.617 26 81.681 530.93 81 254.469 5153.0 9K 39.059 67.200 27 84.823 572.'55 82 257.611 5281.0 9K 29.845 70.882 28 87.964 615.75 83 260.752 5410.6 9K 30.630 74.662 29 91.106 660.52 84 263.894 5541.7 10 31.415 78.539 30 94.247 706.86 85 267.035 5674.5 10K 32.201 82.516 31 97.389 754.76 86 270.177 5808.8 10K 32.986 86.590 32 100.531 804.24 87 273.319 5944.6 10K 33.772 90.760 33 103.673 855.30 88 276.460 6082.1 11 34.557 95.033 34 106.814 907.92 89 279.602 6221.1 UK 35.342 99.402 35 109.956 962.11 90 282.743 6361.7 UK 36.128 103.869 36 113.097 1017.8 91 285.885 6503.8 UK 36.913 108.430 37 116.239 1075.2 92 289.027 6947.6 12 37.699 113.097 38 119.381 1134.1 93 292.167 6792.9 12K 38.484 117.85 39 122.522 1194.5 94 295.310 6936.7 12# 39.269 122.71 40 125.664 1256.6 95 298.451 7088.2 12K 40.055 127.67 41 128.805 1320.2 96 301.593 7238.2 13 40.840 132.73 42 131.947 1385.4 97 304.734 7389.8 13K 41.626 137.88 43 135.088 1452.2 98 307.876 7542.9 13K 42.411 143.13 44 138.230 1520.5 99 311.018 7697.7 13K 43.196 148.48 45 141.372 1590.4 100 314.159 7853.9 To find the circumference of circle, multiply the diameter by 3.1416. To find the diameter of circle, divide the circumference by 3.1416, or multiply by 7 and divide by 22, and the product is the diameter. To find area of circle, square the diameter and multiply by 0.7854. 464 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Weight of Sheets of Wrought Iron, Steel, Copper and Brass Weights per Square Foot Thickness by Birmingham Gauge No. of Gauge Thickness in Inches Iron Pounds Steel Pounds Copper Pounds Brass Pounds 0000 .454 18.22 18.46 20.57 19.43 000 .425 17.05 17.28 19.25 18.19 00 .38 15.25 15.45 17.21 16.26 .34 13.64 13.82 15.40 14.55 1 .3 12.04 12.20 13.59 12.84 2 .284 11.40 11.55 12.87 12.16 3 .259 10.39 10.53 11.73 11.09 4 .238 9.55 9.68 10.78 10.19 5 .22 8.83 8.95 9.97 9.42 6 .203 8.15 8.25 9.20 8.69 7 .18 7.22 7.32 8.15 7.70 8 .165 6.62 6.71 7.47 7.06 9 .148 5.94 6.02 6.70 6.33 10 .134 5.38 5.45 6.07 5.74 11 .12 4.82 4.88 5.44 5.14 12 .109 4.37 4.43 4.94 4.67 13 .095 3.81 3.86 4.30 4.07 14 .083 3.33 3.37 3.76 3.55 15 .072 2.89 2.93 3.26 3.08 16 .065 2.61 2.64 2.94 2.78 17 .058 2.33 2.36 2.63 2.48 18 .049 1.97 1.99 2.22 2.10 19 .042 1.69 1.71 1.90 1.80 20 .035 1.40 1.42 1.59 1.50 21 .032 1.28 1.30 1.45 1.37 22 .028 1.12 1.14 1.27 1.20 23 .025 1.00 1.02 1.13 1.07 24 .022 .883 .895 1.00 .942 25 .02 .803 .813 .906 .856 26 .018 .722 .732 .815 .770 27 .016 .642 .651 .725 .685 28 .014 .562 .569 .634 .599 29 .013 .522 .529 .589 .556 30 .012 .482 .488 .544 .514 31 .01 .401 .407 .453 .428 32 .009 .361 .366 .408 .385 33 .008 .321 .325 .362 .342 34 .007 .281 .285 .317 .300 35 .005 .201 .203 .227 .214 Specific Gravity 7.704 7.806 8.698 8.218 Weight, Cubic Foot. Pounds 481.25 487.75 543.6 513.6 Weight, Cubic In ch, Pounds .2787 .2823 .3146 .2972 MONARCH Line of Mill Supplies Section I, No. 115 Established 1866 SPROUT, WALDRON & CO. Mill Builders and Mill Furnishers MUNCY, PA., U. S. A. 466 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Detachable Chain Belt Standard Sizes Sizes, Prices, Etc. Chain Belt Number List Price per Foot Couplers per Pair Approximate Links in 10 Feet Working Strain 200 Feet per Minute Maximum Speed Feet per Minute 25 $0.13 $0.13 133 115 700 32 .13 .16 104 185 700 33 .13 .15 86 200 700 34 .13 .15 86 215 700 35 .13 .18 74 200 700 42 .15 .19 88 250 700 45 .13 .18 74 265 700 51 .19 .18 104 315 700 52 .18 .16 80 385 700 55 .16 .16 74 370 700 57 .18 .19 52 465 700 62 .22 .22 73 515 700 66 .23 .22 60 435 600 67 .23 .22 52 550 600 75 .24 .19 46 665 600 77 .25 .22 52 600 600 78 .34 .25 46 815 600 83 .35 .32 30 825 500 85 .44 .44 30 1265 500 88 .43 .28 46 960 600 95 .53 .54 30 1450 500 103 .67 .58 39 1600 500 108 .63 .79 25K 1650 400 110 .74 .92 25^ 2115 400 114 .85 .84 37 1835 500 122 1.13 1.58 20 2500 300 124 1.03 1.19 30 2115 400 146 1.02 1.29 20 2335 300 Working strains for speeds greater than 200 feet travel per minute, but not exceeding maximum speeds given are the following per cent of tabulated working strains: 200 to 300 feet per minute ___________________ 80% 300 to 400 feet per minute ___________________ 65% 400 to 500 feet per minute ___________________ 55% 500 to 600 feet per minute ___________________ 50% 600 to 700 feet per minute ___________________ 45% Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 467 Detachable Chain Belt Special sizes Chain Belt Number List Price per Foot Couplers per Pair Approximate Links in 10 Feet Working Strain 200 Feet per Min. 4 $0.14 31 250 5 .18 22 470 6 .20 19 500 21 .23 191 40 22 .24 160 60 23 .18 185 80 024 .16 133 115 025 .16 120 115 027 .15 129 115 28 .15 130 110 29 .15 120 140 31 .17 133 80 34^ .16 103 250 36>^ .17 81 220 37 .13 60 205 38 .13 60 210 4 Bar 39 .27 75 300 042 .18 88 250 42 ^ .13 88 250 3 Bar 43 44 .29 .14 $0.49 79 81 335 260 046 .20 74 300 46 .18 74 250 047 .20 69 265 48 50 50-32-25 .15 .18 .14 .20 .18 60 87 94 280 320 130 052 52^ Keeper 53 .24 .26 .20 .20 .20 80 79 90 380 480 370 54 .18 82 310 054 .19 80 300 055 .19 ~~~~ 74 350 Keeper 55 .18 74 370 056 .27 80 430 057 .19 74 320 58 .20 75 375 062 .28 73 550 62>^ .26 73 520 063 .28 79 390 64 .26 59 490 65 .19 56 410 71 .36 72 730 071^ .36 58 900 71K 072 72 .32 .37 .30 .34 .33 60 72 59 560 720 710 072^ .38 72 720 72X 73 .39 .36 .34 72 54 1000 570 075 .33 58 765 75^ .26 51 500 76 .35 52 590 76^ or El .27 58 650 77>^ .40 52 765 88^ 89 .65 .58 .46 46 46 1200 920 93 94 .49 .80 .44 30 30 1000 1835 101 .60 45 . 1255 105 .54 20 1150 L-lll .18 74 200 115 1.04 37 2120 116# 1.16 37 2110 117 1.12 37 2400 118 1.20 37 1830 125 1.45 35 2200 130 HHK-1 1.72 1.40 1.74 34 37 3090 1620 HHK-2 2.04 34 2500 468 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Attachments for Detachable Sprocket Chain These Cuts are not Actual Size Other Styles can be Made to Order A 1 Left A 1 Right Chain Coupler Coupler Male Coupler Female Pin A 1 Right Coupler A Strap A Spoon AA Al A2 A3 A 3 on No. 57 A 4 A6 A 7 A 10 *> AH A 12 A 13 A 14 A 14 A A 15 A 16 A 17 A 18 A 20 A 22 A 25 A 28 A 29 A 33 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 469 Attachments for Detachable Sprocket Chain A 35 A 37 A 41 ASS A 86 A 399 Bl B2 C 1 C2 C4 C 10 C 19 C22 Cll C20 D 1 DD on No. 42 DD on Nos. 103-114 D4 EM E2 E3 F2 Fl F4 F6 F8 Gl G6 470 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Attachments for Detachable Sprocket Chain G27 HI H9 16 K 1 K 11 K6 K7 K8 K 12 K34 K40 K 44 K 48 Longer than K 3 on No. 45, otherwise K 3 and K 48 the same L3 L9 MO Ml M3 Swivel Socket Tube Link No. 40 Special Scraper No. 1 No. 45 Pitch Hod Link Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 471 Attachments for Detachable Sprocket Chain Showing the Manner in Which Various Attachments are Applied A U Right and Left, attached to Slat G 6 Right and Left attached to Bucket, K 1 Attached to Bucket centrally hung two lines of chain one line of chain E 2 Attached to Slat C 1 Attached to Flight S 2 Attached to Flight Sawdust Carrier Using F 2 Attachments with Hard Wood Flights Straw Carrier Using A 2 Right and Left Attachments with Wood or Iron Flights 472 Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Partial List of Various Special or Attachment Links Price per Foot not Included in Regular Price List No. 22 R38 $0.35 No. 027 Al . . $0.28 No. 34 Al $0.24 No. 42 Con. K10 < !0 25 R39 .. .35 A8 .. .25 A2 .30 L6 79 Kl .. .28 Cl .37 R9 35 .41 SI SO JNo. 23 tff\ 2Q No. 29 C21 .51 .79 TT1 -2,9 Kl $0.58 EO .48 Scraper No. 2, each .07 El . . .27 Scraper No. 6, each 16 No. 2 btud. . .18 Kl .32 No. 31 K6 .43 S9 _ ... $0.82 No. 43 ( 3 Bar) K37 .54 Cl $0 30 SIO... .. .75 V"1'7 I/ C.A K3 ._ _! U.bU A25 91 CQ K5 .68 B25 .. .88 No. 32 LI 27 Al ..$0.27 No. 44 A2 .28 A3 J 5078 No. 025 A3 .24 No. 35 131... 54 A3 _.$0.36 A12 30 Al $0.26 Kl 33 Cl .. .40 A1 ?i^ 41 A2__ .36 K6 43 Cl 36 A13 .30 No 25 C5 42 A14 .30 No 45 Al $0 24 D3 .30 A29 .30 Al J 50 22 A3 25 D46 .18 AM .37 A2 28 A39 22 El .24 Cl .36 A3 31 A50 66 ED .65 DK Roller 1.82 A10 .22 A399 20 Gl .28 El .28 A12 28 24 13 .33 Kl .36 A13 28 cy 26 KO 47 K3j^ .43 A14 35 Cl 32 Kl .33 K5 :.-. .33 A15 .29 C26 48 K3 .43 SI .30 A29 25 10-C-66 .28 K5 .26 Scraper No. 1, each. .09 A33 43 D3 .29 K6 .42 A37-LA 35 D8 .79 K36 .36 No. 36> Strap _ _ 25 D28... .19 K40 .. .69 K5 $0.37 Cl.. 30 D34_ .27 LI .30 C9 31 D46 .28 L2 .26 No. 37 CIS 38 El .24 Ml. .. .36 K5 .. . .. $0.30 C20... 4?, E3 . . .40 Ol .. .24 L3 .28 C22 58 E16 .31 O2 .28 L14 .36 C27 4? Gl .31 R9 .38 C28 47 G13 .65 SI .29 No. 39 (4 Bar) Dl 64 H2. .31 .46 L3 $0.50 D3 38 H16 .46 U .21 S15 1.05 D5 36 H22 .27 Ul .21 D6 36 HO2 .46 No. 042 D17 S4 HO5 .38 No. 33 Al . $0.32 D42... .78 HHH .26 Al $0.19 El .30 D43 ,33 13 .38 A3 .22 L2 .31 D45 75 IK... .28 A6 -. .25 DK with Roller 1.37 Kl .29 A13 .25 No. 42 El 74 K5 .26 A14 .30 Al $0.26 E2... .77 K6 .32 A29 .29 Al Coupler, per pair .29 E4._. ,70 LI .24 Cl .29 A3 .39 E12 16 L2 22 D3 .43 A3 Coupler, per pair .36 F2 30 Ml. .30 D5 .22 A6 .26 FK .43 Ol .26 D16 .80 A14 .41 Gl .76 O2 .30 D33 .28 A15 .32 G27... ,36 R4 .32 El .20 A29 .30 HI ,36 R16 .36 Gl .24 Cl .35 H2 39 R26 .22 13 .37 DK Roller 1.53 13 33 R27 27 Kl .28 D3 .47 112 31 R28 .34 K3 .43 El .24 115.. .31 R29 .27 K5 .28 113 .27 I16-. .28 SI .30 K6 .39 Kl .32 Kl .79 S9 .68 Kll .46 K3 .45 K3 .38 U 22 K12 .28 .84 K5 ,78 .26 L2 .26 K5 .29 K34 .29 W3 .27 Ml .32 K6 .45 K40 ,48 W30 .21 SI .28 .97 .50 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 473 Partial List of Various Special or Attachment Links Price per Foot not Included in Regular Price List No. 45 Con. K44 $0.30 No. 52 Con. DK Roller $ >1.25 No. 55 Keeper A2 $0.38 No. 062 Cl $0,77 K45^_ .77 El .37 A41 ,49 K48 .38 E3 .35 No. 65 L2 .25 F2 .48 No. 55^ Bl $0.59 L3 27 Gl 36 A25 $0.37 B2 63 A41 . _ -.- .48 L4 _ .21 120 _- . __ .37 MO. _ ------ .29 K>4 . .37 No. 56^ TVTrt f\f\ Ml .28 Kl .39 A25 $0.47 P1 fto 44. M5 .39 K5 .36 A41 .63 Tfl 4.7 P4 .43 K46 .36 A95 60 P4>^ .39 K50 1.40 SI .26 R20 .35 No. 057 No. 67 ss 27 SI 36 L3 $0.28 Al $0.36 Sfi 27 S?i/< 48 L4 .41 A7 .41 Scraper No. 1, each .09 Scraper, each .20 TVT/-> KT A7 Coupler, pair .53 All .38 Scrpr. No. 2, 4 in., ea .08 Scraper, lXx7^1j, ea. .29 Al $0.33 A72 57 Scraper, 5 in., each- .09 Scraper, No. 19, ea._ .11 A3 ,37 D5 48 Scraper, 6 in., each- .10 Cl ,33 D26 50 Scraper No. 3, each- .07 No. 53 C4 .74 El 41 Scraper No. 4, each- .11 Cl I ;o.36 D5 .41 EM 46 Scraper No. 6, each- .13 El .31 D25 .28 F1 43 Picker _ . _ .49 SI 33 EA1 .43 T?9 C2 Kl Coupler, pair Tube, each .35 .06 EA2 .37 FF .54 No. 55 Al J 50 28 - E2 .30 .30 FF> Gl .55 fS JNO. 47 T 9 ^ .50 HI .46 Kl .44 A14 39 H2 .49 K3 .59 A15 32 Kl .39 S2 .39 JNO. 48 A3 ftO 30 A41 .47 Kl Coupler, pair .49 Tube, each . .07 pi f\T. ADS 50 K2 .43 B2 57 Cl .35 K2 Coupler, pair .53 Nn 70 C29-. .36 C5 .48 M3 AT C .46 A.f\ A7 $0.43 K1-- .43 C8 . C17 .50 63 S2 .36 C18 47 Tube, each .06 No. 71 JNO. 50 Al $0.27 C20 CH .62 .35 No. 59 Kl K40 $0.57 1.10 A70 AJ .06 .43 48 D3 D5 .59 .39 A23 T\Tn fi? $0.30 Scraper, each .13 K3K .74 D41 .84 A^ $0.38 No. 71 YZ A1 $0 49 DK Roller 1.18 Al. -- .36 No. 51 El .28 A2 37 Al $0.28 ES .39 A3-. .38 L4^ $0,76 CL- OU-. .38 .58 Gl .39 .39 A12 A 33 .43 4.7 D4. .76 G16 f~")7 .33 20 Cl .43 No. 72 Y 2 Kl $0.59 lo -. 16 .47 .36 151--- .43 C8 T^C .39 cr> Kl K5 .36 .37 KS3 Kl Coupler, pair .38 .39 Gl . rv?7 .51 4.3 No. 73 K8 $0.62 K7 R18 .48 .36 Kl K5 .31 .33 G28 T2 .47 4.8 Cup-. .36 SI .31 K9 .35 Pfi/ 30 No. 75 K404>^ .58 TT1 2Q A2 $0.53 No. 52 K40 5J< .62 C4 ,3?. AA $0.37 K52 .36 Kl Coupler pair f"C .55 27 El .40 Al- .31 L2- .7,8 v/tr\ f.f. F2 .58 A3 .38 L21 ,33 T A I/ A S Gl .58 A14 .65 L2> . 31 L4>i A7 HI .50 Cl .37 MO ,33 Loop, each _ 01 .01 ifi H13X .60 D3 .43 Ml ,3?, CO I/ C7 H2 .50 D4 .70 MS .61 b<>3 H3 .57 D5 .50 SI .28 No. 62 >^ H4 .69 D12 41 S5 .33 A3 - $0.38 H4^ 1.25 D13 .44 Scraper each .12 A52 .48 H4K" 1.46 474 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Partial List of Various Special or Attachment Links Price per Foot not Included in Regular Price List No. 75 Con Kl $0.43 No. 83 All $061 KB1 .74 D5 .74 Rl- - .32 El .63 R2- . .32 E2 .63 R8 .38 FF .97 No. 75^ H2 .$0.46 F2 1.02 F15 .73 Gl 82 No. 77 Al .$0.41 G24 .82 Kl .70 M3 83 A12 - .61 M4 92 A23 . .54 Mil 84- D53^ .60 No. 85 EO $1 06 DK Roller .93 El . .42 E2 . .37 El 76 Fl . .55 E2 80 F2._ . .71 Fl 1 08 Gl _ .53 F2 1 02 G6 . .57 1 02 G19 . .57 FF 90 HI . .53 98 H9 - .64 F8 1 17 Kl - .47 G6 79 Kl Coupler, pair.. K3 - .49 - .60 HI .80 H2 86 K8 - .50 K2 80 Ml . .75 94 M3 . .60 K4 88 Rl - .36 K7 81 R3._. . .40 M3 86 S2 . .43 SI 98 No. 78 Al -$0.51 S2 - .71 S5 .99 "K"? Pniin1^r 77 A3. .. .65 No. 88 Al $0.77 All _. .55 . .62 A16_ .94 A3 .77 A33 - .69 A7 .70 A63 .68 All .66 D5 .72 Cl .85 D12 .96 D5 .74 El .52 DH 1.43 F2 .77 DF12 Roller 1 60 F4 .79 DF14 Roller 1.51 F8 . .82 DK Roller 1.52 FF - .81 El .71 . .65 Fl .66 G6-. .75 F2 .88 G19 . .73 F4 . .79 G60 . .66 F8 .98 HI .73 F12 .96 H2 .77 F14 .85 H6 1.26 GX .99 H22... . 1.14 Gl .73 Kl . .52 G6 .81 K3-- - .73 G8 .80 Klll . .95 G10 1.36 M3 .77 G19 .90 .47 HI .84 Rl/4 . .49 H2 . .86 R3 .55 H5 1 09 R8 .50 H6 Plain Links with- out Top -83 R20-. . .69 RR .68 H6 1.43 S2 .58 H9 .71 No. 88 Con H14 -$0.92 No. 103 Con. Mil $1 07 H15_. - 1.29 Rl 91 H16 - .80 Wl 1 21 Kl - .68 W2 1 21 K5 - 1.01 Scraper each 68 K8 .83 M3 .95 No. 104K M5 1 22 F2 $1 SS Rl 57 K2 1.42 R2 .57 R8 .60 No. 105 R30 Fl $0.76 S2 69 H4-8-in 1.71 H22 1.90 if. H24 1.68 K2 1.07 No. 88^2 M3 1.26 F2 $1.10 Rl 96 F8 . 1.28 G6 1.02 No. 108 010 1 74 F2 $1.30 fV90 1 69 FF 1.24 HI 1 27 Gl 1.07 TC1 92 H2 1.05 Rl 75 K2 1.13 S2 _ .96 K2 Coupler, pair 1.46 K5 . ... 1.54 No 93 R2 .91 Gl -$1.00 No 94 No. 110 F2 $1.40 K2 $1 30 K2 1.24 No. 95 F2 $1.21 No. 114 A2 $1.37. HI 95 All 1,17 H2 1.06 DD 1.71 K2 .93 F2 1.50 F8 1.47 No. 103 F12 1,83 Al .$1.01 1 83 A4 - 1.04 Tf 1 1 34 A4 Coupler, pair _ _ - 1.07 L2 1.67. All . 1.01 1 56 All> _ 1.23 Nl 1 41 A24 _ 1.08 D5 1.13 No. 122 DD 1.54 F2 $1.74 DDM3 1.90 K2 -. 1 83 El .. . -.- -- - 1.04 F2 _ 1.23 JMO. 124 M 6-inch .60 Raw Hide Lace Leather, per square foot, $0.60. 476 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Red Stitched Canvas Belting It is made especially for us from a prepared cotton duck treated by a special process which makes it proof against water, steam or heat. It is recommended for many purposes where it is not advisable to use leather or rubber belting. Endless belts can be made to order in from three to five days, for which an extra charge is made for splicing, equal to the price of three feet, subject to regular discount. Well adapted for heavy work in wet or hot places where leather or rubber belting will not last. Price List, Per Lineal Foot Width of Belt Inches 4-Ply Equal to Single Leather 5-Ply Equal to Light Double Leather 6-Ply Equal to Double Leather 8-Ply Equal to Heavy Double Leather 10-Ply Equal to Triple Leather 1 $0.12 l# .18 2 .24 $0.30 $0.36 2^ .30 .38 .45 3 .35 .44 .53 3^ .39 .49 .59 4 .43 .54 .65 $0.86 4^ .47 .59 .71 .94 5 .51 .64 .77 1.02 6 .60 .75 .90 1.20 7 .70 .88 1.05 1.40 8 .80 1.00 1.20 1.60 9 .90 1.13 1.35 1.80 10 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 11 1.10 1.38 1.65 2.20 12 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.40 $3.00 13 1.43 1.79 2.15 2.86 3.58 14 1.54 1.93 2.31 3.08 3.85 15 1.65 2.06 2.48 3.30 4.13 16 1.76 2.20 2.64 3.52 4.40 18 1.98 2.48 2.97 3.96 4.95 20 2.20 2.75 3.30 4.40 5.50 22 2.42 3.03 3.63 4.84 6.05 24 2.64 3.30 3.96 5.28 6.60 26 3.12 3.90 4.68 6.24 7.80 28 3.36 4.20 5.04 6.72 8.40 30 3.60 4.50 5.40 7.20 9.00 32 3.84 4.80 5.76 7.68 9.60 34 4.08 5.10 6.12 8.16 10.20 36 4.32 5.40 6.48 8.64 10.80 38 4.94 6.18 7.41 9.88 12.35 40 5.20 6.50 7.80 10.40 13.00 42 5.46 6.83 8.19 10.92 13.65 44 5.72 7.15 8.58 11.44 14.30 46 5.98 7.48 8.97 11.96 14.95 48 6.24 7.80 9.36 12.48 15.60 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 477 Rubber Belting Price List, Per Lineal Foot Width Inches 2-Ply 3-Ply 4-Ply 5-Ply 6-Ply 7-Ply 8-Ply 1 $0.09 $0.11 $0.13 IK .11 .13 .16 1M .13 .15 .19 $023 IK .15 .17 .22 .27 2 .18 .20 .25 .31 $0.37 2K .22 .25 .31 .38 .46 3 .26 .30 .37 .45 .55 3K .30 .35 .43 .53 .65 4 .34 .40 .50 .61 .75 $0.86 4K .38 .45 .55 .69 .84 .96 5 .42 .50 .61 .76 .91 1.06 6 .50 .60 .72 .89 1.08 1.25 $1.44 7 .59 .70 .84 1.04 1.25 1.46 1.68 8 .67 .80 .96 1.19 1.44 1.68 1.92 9 .76 .90 .07 1.34 1.60 1.88 2.16 10 .84 1.00 .20 1.49 1.77 2.09 2.40 11 .92 1.10 .32 1.63 1.96 2.29 2.62 12 1.00 1.20 .43 1.78 2.15 2.50 2.85 13 1.10 1.30 .56 1.95 2.34 2.73 3.12 14 1.19 1.40 .69 2.11 2.54 2.96 3.39 15 1.28 1.52 .83 2.28 2.74 3.19 3.65 16 1.37 1.65 1.96 2.44 2.94 3.42 3.92 18 1.55 1.87 2.22 2.77 3.33 3.88 4.44 20 1.74 2.09 2.49 3.10 3.73 4.35 4.97 22 1.94 2.33 2.77 3.47 4.16 4.85 5.54 24 2.16 2.60 3.08 3.85 4.62 5.39 6.16 26 2.38 2.86 3.39 4.23 5.08 5.93 6.78 28 2.60 3.12 3.70 4.62 5.54 6.47 7.39 30 2.82 3.39 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 32 3.04 3.65 4.31 5.39 6.47 7.55 8.62 34 3.26 3.92 4.62 5.78 6.93 8.09 9.24 36 3.48 4.18 4.93 6.16 7.39 8.62 9.86 38 3.70 4.44 5.24 6.55 7.85 9.16 10.47 40 3.92 4.71 5.55 6.93 8.32 9.70 11.09 42 4.14 4.97 5.85 7.32 8.78 10.24 11.70 44 4.36 5.24 6.16 7.70 9.24 10.78 12.32 46 4.58 5.50 6.47 8.08 9.70 11.32 12.94 48 4.80 5.76 6.73 8.47 10.16 11.86 13.55 50 5.02 6.03 7.08 8.85 10.63 12.40 14.17 52 5.22 6.29 7.39 9.24 11.09 12.94 14.78 54 5.46 6.56 7.70 9.63 11.55 13.48 15.40 56 5.68 6.82 8.01 10.01 12.01 14.01 16.02 58 5.90 7.08 8.32 10.49- 12.47 14.55 16.63 60 6.12 7.35 8.62 10.78 12.94 15.09 17.25 Balata Belting Price List, Per Lineal Foot Width Inches 3-Ply 4-Ply 5-Ply 6-Ply 7-Ply 8-Ply 10-Ply 1 $0.18 $0.24 $0.30 IX .23 .30 .38 IK .27 .36 .45 IK .32 .42 .53 $0.63 2 .36 .48 .60 .72 2K .41 .54 ' .68 .81 ~ 2K .45 .60 .75 .90 2K .50 .66 .83 .99 3 .54 .72 .90 1.08 3K .59 .78 .98 1.17 3K .63 .84 1.05 1.26 3K .68 .90 1.13 1.35 4 .72 .96 1.20 1.44 4K .77 1.02 1.28 1.53 4^ .81 1.08 1.35 1.62 4K .86 1.14 1.43 1.71 5 .90 1.20 1.50 1.80 5K .99 1.32 1.65 1.98 6 1.08 1.44 1.80 2.16 $2.52 $2.88 6K 1.17 1.56 1.95 2.34 2.73 3.12 7 1.26 1.68 2.10 2.52 2.94 3.36 8 1.44 1.92 2.40 2.88 3.36 3.84 $ 4.80 9 1.62 2.16 2.70 3.24 3.78 4.32 5.40 10 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.60 4.20 4.80 6.00 11 1.98 2.64 3.30 3.96 4.62 5.28 6.60 12 2.16 2.88 3.60 4.32 5.04 5.76 7.20 13 3.90 4.68 5.46 6.24 7.80 14 4.20 5.04 5.88 6.72 8.40 15 4.50 5.40 6.30 7.20 9.00 16 4.80 5.76 6.72 7.68 9.60 18 5.40 6.48 7.56 8.64 10.80 20 6.00 7.20 8.40 9.60 12.00 22 6.60 7.92 9.24 10.56 13.20 24 7.20 8.64 10.08 11.52 14.40 Other widths and plies at proportionate prices. For endless belts, charge 3 feet extra up to 20 inches wide; 4 feet extra for 21 inches and above, for 1 inch. Two-ply belts at list price for 3-ply. Widths below 1 inch at list price 478 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylcania, U. S. A. Horse Power Transmitted by Leather Belts We give below a conservative estimate of the horse power transmitted by oak-tanned leather belting. Conditions under which belts are operated, however, may either increase or diminish the efficiency of the belt. These tables are based on the arc of contact on driving pulley being at least 180 degrees. For sizes not given , figure proportionately. Single Speed in Feet WIDTH OF BELT IN INCHES Per Minute 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 16 H. P. H. P. H. P. H. P. H. P. H. P. H. P. H. P. H. P. H. P. H. P. 600 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 15 1200 4 5 7 9 11 15 16 18 22 25 29 1800 6 8 11 14 16 22 25 27 33 38 44 2400 7 11 15 18 22 29 33 36 44 51 58 3000 9 14 18 23 27 36 41 45 55 64 73 3600 11 16 22 27 33 44 49 55 65 76 87 4200 13 19 25 32 38 51 57 64 76 89 102 4800 15 22 29 36 44 58 65 73 87 102 116 5400 16 25 33 41 49 65 74 82 98 115 131 6000 18 27 36 45 55 73 82 91 109 127 145 Double WIDTH OF Speed in Feet BELT IN INCHES Per Minute Per Minute 4 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 30 36 40 H. P. H. P. H. P. H.P. H.P. H.P. H.P. H.P. H.P. H.P. H. P. 400 4 6 8 10 12 16 19 23 29 35 39 800 8 12 16 20 23 31 39 47 58 70 78 1200 12 18 23 29 35 47 58 70 87 105 116 1600 16 23 31 39 47 62 78 93 116 140 155 2000 19 29 39 49 58 78 97 116 145 175 194 2400 23 35 47 58 70 93 116 140 175 209 233 2800 27 41 54 68 81 109 136 163 204 244 271 3200 31 47 62 78 93 124 155 186 233 279 310 3600 35 52 69 87 105 139 175 209 262 314 350 4000 39 58 78 97 116 155 194 233 291 349 388 5000 48 73 97 121 145 194 242 291 364 436 485 Rule for Determining Horse Power of Leather Belting Based on 180 Degrees Contact Let "D" = Diameter of Pulley. "R" Revolutions per minute. = Width of belt in inches. = Ounces of belt per square foot. Then D X R X W X O X = Horse power of belt. [46000 for pulleys 48 inches in diameter and over. 48300 for pulleys 36 inches to 47 inches in diameter. X j 50600 for pulleys 24 inches to 35 inches in diameter. 53000 for pulleys 12 inches to 23 inches in diameter. [57000 for pulleys 6 inches to 11 inches in diameter. Example: To find the horse power of a 12-inch belt weighing 15 ounces per square foot, and running on a 20-inch pulley which makes 500 fevolutions per minute. 20 X 500 X 12 X 15 53,000 1,800,000 53,000 = 34 Horse Power. Rule for Finding Length of Belts Find circumference of pulleys by multiplying the diameter by 3.1416. Add circumference of the two pulleys divide by 2, reduce the result to feet by dividing by 12, add twice the distance between centers of shafts and allow for splicing. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 479 Solid Woven Cotton Belting Practical mill men are too well acquainted with the merits, durability and serviceable qualities of good cotton belting to make any comments necessary here. Suffice it to say we always furnish the best belting made for elevator and other kindred purposes. Price List Width Inches 2-Ply 3-Ply 4-Ply 5-Ply 6-Ply 8-Ply 10-Ply 1 $0.04 $0.06 $0.09 $0.15 $0.20 IX .04^ .06^ .10 .16 .22 IK .05 .07K .11 .18 .24 IX .05^ .08^ .12 .19 .29 2 .06 .09^ .13 .21 .30 $0.36 2K .07^ .11 .15 .23 .32 .38 3 .08^ .13 .18 .26 .34 .41 3^ .10 .15 .20 .29 .36 .45 4 .11# .17 .23 .31 .38 .50 4^ .13 .19 .26 .33 .41 .55 5 .14K .21 .28 .36 .44 .58 $0.80 5K .16 .23 .30 .38 .47 .61 .85 6 .18 .25 .33 .41 .50 .65 .95 7 .21 .29 .38 .48 .58 .75 1.10 8 .23 .33 .44 .55 .65 .85 1.20 9 .26 .37 .50 .61 .73 1.00 1.40 10 .29 .42 .56 .69 .82 1.15 1.60 12 .35 .50 .66 .83 1.00 1.35 1.80 14 .43 .62 .78 .98 1.20 1.60 2.20 16 .49 .72 .90 1.15 1.40 1.95 2.45 18 .57 .82 1.00 1.28 1.55 2.15 2.70 20 .61 .90 1.15 1.45 1.75 2.35 2.95 22 .65 1.00 1.35 1.65 1.95 2.60 3.25 24 .69 1.10 1.55 1.85 2.16 2.85 3.60 26 .77 1.35 1.75 2.00 2.36 3.10 3.90 28 .85 1.50 1.90 2.15 2.60 3.35 4.20 30 .90 1.60 2.10 2.4Q 2.85 3.60 4.50 32 1.00 1.70 2.25 2.60 3.00 3.85 4.80 34 1.10 1.80 2.40 2.80 3.25 4.10 5.10 36 1.20 1.90 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.35 5.40 38 1.30 2.05 2.65 3.20 3.70 4.60 5.70 40 1.40 2.15 2.80 3.40 3.90 4.85 6.00 42 1.50 2.25 2.90 3.60 4.05 5.10 6.30 44 1.60 2.35 3.00 3.75 4.20 5.45 6.60 48 1.80 2.50 3.20 4.00 4.80 5.80 7.20 Belt Buckles Width, Inches _. 3K 4 4K 5 5K 6 6K 7 8 Price, net $0.30 $0.35 $0.40 $0.45 $0.50 $0.55 $0.60 $0.65 $0.70 Belt Awl Belt Borer Style "A" Round Blade, Belt Awls, Price, each. Belt Awl Price, each .$0.50 Combination Punch $0.50 Style "B" Price, each._ ,._$0.50 Style Price, each__ $1.50 480 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Revolving Spring Punch Spring Punch Style "D" Price with Four Tubes, Nos. 6, 8, 9, 10 $1.25 Price with Six Tubes, Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 $1.50 Style "E" Price with Screw Tubes, Each $0.75 Price Extra Screw Tubes, Each .20 Drive Punches Style U F" Numbers and Prices Style "G Number ROUND Price OVAL Price 1, 2, 3, 4, 5__. $0.20 $0.35 6, 7, 8, 9 .20 .45 10, 11, 12 .25 .50 13, 14, 15, 16 .50 .85 Smith's Patent Belt Fasteners Copper Rivets and Burrs Prices Per Pound Sizes, Prices, Etc. No. Length of Rivets Inches Price Per 100 1 % $2.00 2 y* 1.75 3 A 1.50 3 H 1.50 3 X 1.50 4 X 1.25 4 X 1.25 No. Price Per Pound No. Price Per Pound 7 $0.49 12 $0.58 8 .50 13 .60 . 9 .52 14 .65 10 .54 15 .70 11 .56 Rivets all lengths from Y* to 1> inches, with equal number of burrs in % and 1 -pound boxes. Rivet Set and Header Numbers, Prices, Etc. Number _: 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For Iron Rivets, Pounds 14 10-12 8 6 4-5 2K-3 2 IK IX X For Copper Rivets, No. 5 6 7 8 9 10-11 12 13 14 Price Each _ $0.75 $0.75 $0.65 S0.65 $0.50 $0.50 $0.40 $0.40 $0.35 $0.35 Blakes Belt Studs Numbers and Prices No. Price Per 100 No. Price Per 100 00 1 2 $2.50 2.00 1.65 1.25 3 4 5 6 $0.90 .80 .70 .60 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 481 Improved Belt Clamp The frame of this clamp is of rock maple with beveled corrugated jaws. Rods and bolts are of wrought iron. Screws are of rapid pitch. Price List Number For Belt Width Price Number For Belt Width Price 270 271 6 to 14 12 to 18 $ 8.00 10.00 272 273 18 to 24 24 to 36 $12.00 18.00 Hartford Patent Belt Clamp Price List Widest Belt, Inches Weight, Pounds Price Widest Belt, Inches Weight, Pounds Price 8 12 16 20 26 45 60 82 $14.00 18.00 22.00 26.00 24 28 32 36 107 153 165 215 $30.00 34.00 38.00 44.00 Belt Guards These guards are cast iron and are made for belts from 3 to 24 inches wide, away from belts they add much to the cleanliness of a mill. Dimensions, Prices, Etc. By keeping sweepings, etc., Width of Belt Inches Over-all Length of Guard Inches Over-all Width of 90 Guard Inches Over-all Width of 60 Guard Inches Over-all Height of Guard Inches Length of Opening Inches Width of Opening Inches Price 3 7 4 4^ IK 4^ 1/4 $0.72 4 8 4 4^1$ 5/4 1/4 .81 5 9 4 41/6 IK 6>^ 1/4 .95 6 IOK 4K 4K 1 ^8 7K IK 1.04 7 UK 4K 4K 1 ^8 8K IK 1.17 8 13 5 SK 2 10 2 1.26 9 14 5 5K 2 11 2 1.40 10 15 5 5K 2 12 2 1.53 11 16K 5K 2K 13K 2K 1.60 12 17.J4 5y 6 2 2K 1.66 13 18K 5K 6K 2K 15K 2K 1.73 14 20 6 6^3 2K 17 3 1.80 16 22K 6K 7K 19K 3K 2.07 18 25K 7K 7K - 2/4 21K 3K 2.21 20 28 8 8,J4 2K 24 4 2.34 24 33 9 9}4 3 29 5 3.06 482 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Grain Tester 1 pint. Price List .$13.00 1 quart $14.00 2 quart . Starrett Speed Indicators .$15.00 Price List No. Description Price in Pasteboard Box Leatherette Case 104 High Speed Indicator _ $1.00 $1.50 106 Improved Speed Indicator 1.50 2.00 107 Registering Speed Indicator. __ 8.00 3.50 Equipped with rubber tips for pointed and centered shafts. The Tabor Speed Indicator with Stop Motion Price, $2.00 Fulton Speed Indicators Price List Double Indicator, Registers from 1 to 1000. Price each Single Indicator, Registers from 1 to 1000. Price each .$1.50 .75 Sproul, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, if. S. A. 483 Champion Flour Scoop Heavy Tin Flour Scoop Price List Length Inches Tin Steel 8 $0.60 $0.75 10 .65 .85 12 .75 1.00 14 1.00 1.25 Price List No. Length Inches Price No. Length Inches Price 2 6X $0.60 4 9^ $0.80 3 7^ .70 5 UX 1.00 Hercules Steel Scoops Bushel Scoop, price each $3.00 Half-bushel Scoop, price each 2.50 Grain Trimmer's Steel Scoops Size, 11 x 15^2 inches, per dozen $18.00 484 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Mill Brushes and Dusters These Brushes are all made of the best grade of bristles and are intended for general factory service. They are far superior to the brushes ordinarily carried in stock by dealers, and on account of their durability are the cheapest that can be used. Extra Dusters Russia Bristles Style "A" Price List Trade Number Price, Each Price, Per Dozen Trade Number Price, Each Price, Per Dozen 4 5 $1.70 2.00 $17.00 21.50 6 Tampico Fibre 7 $2.50 1.00 $26.00 8.00 Extra Brushes Russia Bristles Style "B No. 4 Price, each $ 1.70 Per dozen 17.00 Floor Brushes Russia Bristles Style "C" Price List Trade Number Length, Inches Price, Each Price, Per Dozen 3 4 6 12 13 14 $5.00 6.00 8.00 $45.00 60.00 84.00 Wire Brushes for Cleaning Screens Style "D Price, each $1.50 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. 485 Durant's Flour Tally Price List Tally with Friction Attachment Attachment for l /i, X, X, bbls, 140-lb. sacks $10.00 Attachment complete and No. 1 Tally . 18.00 Attachment complete and No. 2 Tally 20.00 No. 1 Tally and Lever Attachment 9.00 No. 2 Tally and Lever Attachment 11.00 Price List Tally Without Attachments No. 1 Four Dials Registering 10,000 $ 8.00 No. 2 Five Dials Registering 100,000 10.00 No. 2 With Four-inch Gong to give alarm at each 100 15.00 Every machine warranted to give satisfaction. Tally with Friction Attachment The Monarch Flour Triers Polished Steel Flour Trier, size 6x2, each $1.00 The Monarch Bag Samplers These samplers are used for sampling in sacks, grain seeds of all kinds, coffee, etc. Prices complete with sheath for protecting point: 6-inch,$1.00; 8-inch, $1.25; 10-inch, $1.50. The Monarch Steel Tube Grain Samplers Price List inches diameter x 48 inches long. inches diameter x 52 inches long. .$10.00 . 12.00 The Monarch Bolting Cloth Glasses Price List Size of No. Opening Finish Price Inches 1 X Brass $0.50 2 H Brass .75 3 i Brass 2.00 486 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. KN 1 FE HA N OLE" Goes' Knife Handle Wrench Sizes, Prices, Etc. Length Inches Opens Inches Price Length Inches Opens Inches Price 6 U $1.10 15 2^8 $2.50 8 IX 1.40 18 3 3.00 10 IX 1.75 21 4X 3.50 12 2X 1.90 15-Degree Angle, Drop Forged Double End Wrenches List Prices, Dimensions, Etc. No. For U. S. Standard Nuts Size Bolts Openings Milled Extreme Length Thickness Heads Price Unfinished Price Semi- finished Price Finished 30 M and X tt and # 7X _s anr i is 16 <*LL { -i- 32 $0.28 $0.42 $0.56 31 & and X f| and ^g 7X H and ^ .30 .45 .60 32 re and ^ B and f 8X H and jV .34 .51 .68 33 X and & J/g, and fi 8X U and A .36 .54 .72 34 X and 6 ^ and H 9X M and X .41 .61 .82 35 & and ^i |i and H 9X i^ and X .43 .65 .86 36 rs and X It and IX llX A and & .50 .75 1.00 37 ^ and X tt and IX nx X and 1% .53 .80 1.06 38 :H and ^ tt and U 13X X and fi .62 .93 1.24 39 X and >g IX and H 13X 3^ and ft .65 .98 1.30 40 X and 1 IX and l^i 15X A and X .78 1.17 1.56 41 >6 and 1 H and 1H 15X It and X .82 1.23 1.64 Forged Steel Socket Wrenches for Bolters Made Any Size to Order Dimensions, Prices, Etc., of Standard Sizes Size of Socket Extreme Length, Inches Kind of Nut Price X Short Diameter XxX 25 27X Hexagon Square $0.25 25 Double Head Cast Iron Wrenches Dimensions and Prices WIDTH OPENINGS, INCHES Length Wrench Over All Large Small Inches 6 H A 7X $0.11 7 23/8 lg 123/8 .13 9 2H IX 12X .13 Single Head Cast Iron Wrenches Dimensions and Prices Number Size Opening Inches Length Over All Inches Price 7 9 IH 2 12X 12X $0.10 .10 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 487 Basket Hand Wheels Tapped, Bored and Set Screwed or Key Seated Dimensions and Prices Diameter Inches Price Thickness of Rim Inches Number of Arms Diameter of Hub Inches Length of Hub Inches Diameter Inches Price Thickness of Rim Inches Number of Arms Diameter of Hub Inches Length of Hub Inches 4 $1.00 3 23/8 IK 14 $3.50 1H 4 2 2K 5 1.25 4 IX IK 16 4.00 1'ftf 6 2K 23/8 6 1.50 tf 4 13/8 i# 18 5.00 IK 6 2K 3 7 1.75 N 6 i# IK 20 6.00 IK 6 2K 2K 8 2.00 i 4 2 IK 22 7.00 l# 6 3 2K 10 2.50 iK 4 2 2H 24 9.00 1H 6 3 3K 12 3.00 iH 4 2 ?J- Z 16 28 11.00 \H 6 3K 2K Open Drop-Forged Turnbuckles Dimensions and Prices Size of Rod Inches Weight Without Ends Pounds Weight with Ends Pounds Total Length of Buckle Inches Clear Between Heads Inches Diameter of Side Bar Inches Width of Turn- Buckles Inches Length of Stub Ends Inches Price Each Without Ends Price Each With Ends M 0.63 1 (>K 5 K IK 6 $0.50 $0.65 A 0.63 IK 6J4 5 K IK 7 .55 .70 K 1.06 2 8K 6 K IK 8 .60 .80 A 1.06 2K 8K 6 K IK 8 .65 .85 II 1.37 2K 8K 6 A IK 9 .70 .95 K 1.83 4K 8K 6 fi 2K 10 .80 1.15 N 2.53 6K 9 6 K 23/8 11 .95 1.40 i 3.96 9K 9 6 K 2/8 12 1.10 1.60 IK 4.23 UK 9K 6 # 3 13 1.25 1.90 IK 5.46 15 9K 6 K 3K 14 1.50 2.35 IK 5.61 18K 9K 6 l 3H 16 1.70 2.70 IK 7.50 23K IOK 6 IK 4 16 1.90 3.30 1H 8.75 28K 10K 6 IK 4K 17 2.30 3.80 IK 8.75 33 IOK 6 IK 4K 18 2.30 4.10 \H 10 39 UK 6 l# 4^ 19 2.90 4.90 2 10 44 UK 6 IK 4> 19 3.10 5.35 With Upset Ends, designated by diameter of screw, 30 per cent additional. These Turnbuckles are made without a weld, from a single piece of iron, have a smooth finish, and the ends are tapped perfectly true in line. Special prices for quantity will be quoted. Malleable Iron Thumb Nuts Price Per One Hundred Diameter, Inches _ _ K & K A H A K g K Threads per Inch 40 24 20 18 16 14 12 11 10 Per 100 Threaded _ $1.45 $1.45 $1.60 $1.80 $2.25 $2.80 $4.00 $6.00 $7.00 Blanks per Pound .30 .30 .15 .12 .12 .12 .10 .10 .10 488 Sprout, Waldron 6r Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Common Carriage Bolts Price Per Hundred Length in Inches X A X A K A and ^i X 1 $1.00 $1.40 $1.90 $2.20 1# 1.00 1.40 1.90 2.20 2 1.10 1.52 2.06 2.40 2K 1.20 1.64 2.22 2.60 $3.25 $5.75 $8.50 3 1.30 1.76 2.38 2.80 3.53 6.13 9.00 3# 1.40 1.88 2.54 3.00 3.81 6.51 9.50 4 1.50 2.00 2.70 3.20 4.09 6.89 10.00 4^ 1.60 2.12 2.86 3.40 4.37 7.27 10.50 5 1.70 2.24 3.02 3.60 4.65 7.65 11.00 5^ 1.80 2.36 3.18 3.80 4.93 8.03 11.50 6 1.90 2.48 3.34 4.00 5.21 8.41 12.00 6tf 2.00 2.60 3.50 4.20 5.49 8.79 12.50 7 2.10 2.72 3.66 4.40 5.77 9.17 13.00 7^ 2.20 2.84 3.82 4.60 6.05 9.55 13.50 8 2.30 2.96 3.98 4.80 6.33 9.93 14.00 8>* 2.40 3.08 4.14 5.00 6.61 10.31 14.50 9 2.50 3.20 4.30 5.20 6.89 10.69 15.00 9^ 2.60 3.32 4.46 5.40 7.17 11.07 15.50 10 2.70 3.44 4.62 5.60 7.45 11.45 16.00 11 2.90 3.68 4.94 6.00 8.01 12.21 17.00 12 3.10 3.92 5.26 6.40 8.57 12.97 18.00 13 3.30 4.16 5.58 6.80 9.13 13.73 19.00 14 3.50 4.40 5.90 7.20 9.69 14.49 20.00 15 3.70 4.64 6.22 7.60 10.25 15.25 21.00 16 3.90 4.88 6.54 8.00 10.81 16.01 22.00 17 4.10 5.12 6.86 8.40 11.37 16.77 23.00 18 4.30 5.36 7.18 8.80 11.93 17.53 24.00 19 4.50 5.60 7.50 9.20 12.49 18.29 25.00 20 4.70 5.84 7.82 9.60 13.05 19.05 26.00 Bolts with hexagon nuts, 15 per cent extra, take Machine Bolt List. Intermediate lengths take next longer list. Larger diameters Machine Bolts Manufacturers' Standard List Price Per Hundred, with Square Heads and Nuts Length in Inches X A M A K A and ^i X g 1 KtolX $1.70 $2.00 $2.40 $2.80 $3.60 $5.20 $ 7.20 $10.50 $15.10 2 1.78 2.12 2.56 3.00 3.86 5.58 7.70 11.20 16.00 2^ 1.86 2.24 2.72 3.20 4.12 5.96 8.20 11.90 16.90 3 1.94 2.36 2.88 3.40 4.38 6.34 8.70 12.60 17.80 3K 2.02 2.48 3.04 3.60 4.64 6.72 9.20 13.30 18.70 4 2.10 2.60 3.20 3.80 4.90 7.10 9.70 14.00 19.60 4K 2.18 2.72 3.36 4.00 5.16 7.48 10.20 14.70 20.50 5 2.26 2.84 3.52 4.20 5.42 7.86 10.70 15.40 21.40 5K 2.34 2.96 3.68 4.40 5.68 8.24 11,20 16.10 22.30 6 2.42 3.08 3.84 4.60 5.94 8.62 11.70 16.80 23.20 6^ 2.50 3.20 4.00 4.80 6.20 9.00 12.20 17.50 24.10 7 2.58 3.32 4.16 5.00 6.46 9.38 12.70 18.20 25.00 7X 2.66 3.44 4.32 5.20 6.72 9.76 13.20 18.90 25.90 8 2.74 3.56 4.48 5.40 6.98 10.14 13.70 19.60 26.80 9 2.90 3.80 4.80 5.80 7.50 10.90 14.70 21.00 28.60 10 3.06 4.04 5.12 6.20 8.02 11.66 15.70 22.40 30.40 11 3.22 4.28 5.44 6.60 8.54 12.42 16.70 23.80 32.20 12 3.38 4.52 5.76 7.00 9.06 13.18 17.70 25.20 34.00 13 3.54 4.76 6.08 7.40 9.58 13.94 18.70 26.60 35.80 14 3.70 5.00 6.40 7.80 10.10 14.70 19.70 28.00 37.60 15 3.86 5.24 6.72 8.20 10.62 15.46 20.70 29.40 39.40 16 4.02 5.48 7.04 8.60 11.14 16.22 21.70 30.80 41.20 17 4.18 5.72 7.36 9.00 11.66 16.98 22.70 32.20 43.00 18 4.34 5.96 7.68 9.40 12.18 17.74 23.70 33.60 44.80 19 4.50 6.20 8.00 9.80 12.70 18.50 24.70 35.00 46.60 20 4.66 6.44 8.32 10.20 13.22 19.26 25.70 36.40 48.40 Bolts with hexagon heads or hexagon nuts, 10% extra. With both hexagon heads and hexagon nuts, 20% extra. All bolts are cut with United States Standard Thread, unless otherwise ordered. Bolts of irregular shape or style, made to order, will be charged extra at our discretion. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 489 Wood or Lag Screws, with Square Heads Price Per Hundred Length in Inches A N A # & and $4 K M 1 \yi $2.25 $2.70 $3.15 $3.75 2 2.45 2.96 3.47 4.11 $ 5.00 W 2.65 3.22 3.79 4.47 5.50 $ 7.90 3 2.85 3.48 4.11 4.83 6.00 8.60 $12.50 3^ 3.05 3.74 4.43 5.19 6.50 9.30 13.50 $18.20 4 3.25 4.00 4.75 5.55 7.00 10.00 14.50 19.50 4X 3.45 4.26 5.07 5.91 7.50 10.70 15.50 20.80 5 3.65 4.52 5.39 6.27 8.00 11.40 16.50 22.10 5X 3.85 4.78 5.71 6.63 8.50 12.10 17.50 23.40 6 4.05 5.04 6.03 6.99 9.00 12.80 18.50 24.70 6X 4.25 5.30 6.35 7.35 9.50 13.50 19.50 26.00 7 4.45 5.56 6.67 7.71 10.00 14.20 20.50 27.30 7X 4.65 5.82 6.99 8.07 10.50 14.90 21.50 28.60 8 4.85 6.08 7.31 8.43 11.00 15.60 22.50 29.90 9 5.25 6.60 7.95 9.15 12.00 17.00 24.50 32.50 10 5.65 7.12 8.59 9.87 13.00 18.40 26.50 35.10 11 6.05 7.64 9.23 10.59 14.00 19.80 28.50 37.70 12 6.45 8.16 9.87 11.31 15.00 21.20 30.50 40.30 Iron Set Screws Price Per Hundred Diameter of Screw Inches X A N A X A X X H 1 1# IX # $2.00 $2.20 $2.50 $2.90 $3.40 $4.25 $ 5.00 1 2.15 2.35 2.65 3.10 3.60 4.25 5.00 $ 7.00 I IX 2.30 2.50 2.80 3.30 3.80 4.50 5.25 7.00 $11.30 & \% 2.45 2.65 2.95 3.50 4.00 4.75 5.50 7.50 11.30 $14.90 1 IK 2.60 2.80 3.10 3.70 4.20 5.00 5.75 8.00 12.00 15190 $19.50 2 2.80 3.00 3.30 3.95 4.45 5.30 6.05 8.60 12.90 17.00 21.10 $25.30 1 2 X 3.05 3.25 3.55 4.25 4.75 5.65 6.40 9.30 13.80 18.40 22.90 27.40 o 2K 3.30 3.55 3.85 4.60 5.10 6.05 6.80 10.00 14.80 19.80 24.70 29.60 2^ 3.55 3.85 4.20 5.00 5.50 6.50 7.25 10.80 15.90 21.40 26.70 32.00 rt 7 < 9.75 10.75 16.70 23.60 31.50 39.80 48.60 J 4K 11.35 17.70 24.90 33.20 42.00 51.40 4K 18.70 26.20 34.90 44.20 54.20 5 27.50 36.60 46.40 57.00 Threads to Inch 20 18 16 14 12 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 Add for each 1 A inch $0.25 $0.30 $0.35 $0.45 $0.50 $0.55 $0.60 $1.00 $1.30 $1.70 $2.20 $2.80 490 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Hexagon Head Cap Screws Price Per Hundred Diameter of Head, Inches A * & * X 1A Tff H 1 W i* ' 1M IX Length of y 5 3/6 7 y 9 t4 V 7/ 1 1 *A Head, Inches A 16 " 16 A A Diameter of Screw, Inches X A N A X A X X H 1 IX IX X $3.00 $3.25 $3.75 $4.40 $5.50 $7.00 1 3.25 3.50 4.00 4.70 5.70 7.00 $ 9.50 IX 3.50 3.75 4.25 5.00 6.00 7.50 9.50 $12.20 IX 3.75 4.00 4.50 5.30 6.30 8.00 10.00 12.20 $16.00 s *# 4.00 4.25 4.75 5.60 6.60 8.50 10.60 12.80 16.60 $21.20 | 2 4.25 4.60 5.05 5.95 7.00 9.10 11.20 13.40 17.20 22.30 $29.00 $37.50 4.55 5.00 5.40 6.35 7.50 9.70 11.90 14.10 17.90 23.60 30.50 39.30 W^- 2X 4.85 5.40 5.80 6.80 8.00 10.40 12.70 14.90 18.80 25.10 32.30 41.40 |1 2X 5.15 5.80 6.30 7.30 8.60 11.20 13.60 15.90 20.00 26.90 34.40 44.00 5.45 6.20 6.80 7.90 9.30 12.10 14.70 17.00 21.80 29.00 37.00 47.50 v ^i/ 6.60 7.30 8.50 10.10 13.10 16.00 18.60 23.80 31.40 40.00 51.50 S S 2 I/ 7.80 9.10 10.90 14.10 17.30 20.20 25.80 33.80 43.00 55.50 9.70 11.70 15.10 18.60 21.80 27.80 36.20 46.00 59.50 >J W 4 12.50 16.10 19.90 23.40 29.80 38.60 49.00 63.50 2 4X 17.10 21.20 25.00 31.80 41.00 52.00 67.50 4X 22.50 26.60 33.80 43.40 55.00. 71.50 28.20 35.80 45.80 58.00 75.50 5 37.80 48.20 61.00 79.50 Threads to Inch 20 18 16 14 12 12 11 10 9 8 7 7 Add for Each X Inch $0.30 $0.40 $0.50 $0.60 $0.80 $1.00 $1.30 $1.60 $2.00 $2.40 $3.00 $4.00 Standard Wrought Iron and Steel Steam, Gas and Water Pipe _ Black and Galvanized Nominal Inside Diameter Inches Price Per Foot Thickness Inches Normal Weight Per Foot Pounds Number of Threads per Inch of Screw # $0.05X .068 0.24 27 X .06 .088 0.42 18 M .06 .091 0.56 18 X .08X .109 0.84 14 X .11X .113 1.12 14 .17 .134 1.67 11X IX .23 .140 2.24 11X IX .27X .145 2.68 11X 2 .37 .154 3.61 11X 2X .58X .204 5.74 8 3 .76X .217 7.54 8 3X .92 .226 9.00 8 4 1.09 .237 10.66 8 4X 1.27 .246 12.49 8 5 1.48 .259 14.50 8 6 1.92 .280 18.76 8 7 2.38 .301 23.27 8 8 2.88 .322 28.18 8 9 3.45 .344 33.70 8 10 4.12 .366 40.00 8 11 4.63 .375 45.00 8 12 5.07 .375 49.00 8 Unless otherwise ordered this pipe will be shipped in random lengths, including thread and coupling. For cut lengths an extra charge will be made above random lengths. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 491 Wrought Iron Washers Sizes and Prices Diameter Inches Hole Inches Thickness of Wire Gauge No. Bolt Inches Price per Pound in 200-lb. Kegs Cents Number in 100 Pounds A X 18 A 14. 39400 # A 16 X 12.2 15600 H N 16 A 11.4 11250 i A 14 H 10.5 6800 IX X 14 A 9.8 4300 IN A 12 X 9.4 2600 l# N 12 A 9.3 2250 IX tt 10 H 9.2 1300 2 if 9 X 9.1 900 2X ft 8 W 9. 782 2X 1A 8 1 9. 568 2X IX 8 4X 9. 473 3 Iff 8 IX 9.2 364 3X IX 7 1H 9.2 275 3X IX 7 IX 9.2 256 3X IX 7 1H 9.5 220 4 1# 7 IX 9.5 197 4X 2 7 t>< 9.5 174 4X 2^ 7 2 9.5 160 4^ 23/ 8 5 2X 10.5 122 5 2H 4 2X 10.5 106 For less than keg lots (200 Ibs.) of a size, add: lOc per cwt. per 100-lb. kegs 20c " " " 50 to 100-lb. boxes 30c " " " 25 to 50-lb. boxes 50c per cwt. for 5-lb. boxes $1.00 " " " 1-lb. boxes Cast Iron Washers Price per pound $0.05 Stay Rods We are prepared to furnish promptly Stay Rods any length and diameter and made in any style desired; also the necessary special cast and wrough iron washers. Close prices quoted upon receipt of specifications. 492 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Stove Bolts Flat Head Round Head List Price Per Hundred Length Inches Diameter >i and A Inch Diameter A inch Diameter A and % Inch Diameter A Inch Diameter H Inch N K N X H i 1)4 IX IX IK IK 2 2X $0.85 .85 .85 .85 .90 .90 .95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 $0.85 .85 .85 .85 .90 .90 .95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 $1.20 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.70 $1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 2.05 2.15 2.30 2.40 $2.65 2.70 2.75 2.85 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.40 3.60 2^ 1.30 1.80 2.50 3.80 2K 1.40 1.90 2.60 4.00 3 1.50 2.00 2.70 4.20 3# 1.60 2.10 2.85 4.40 3^ 1.70 2.20 3.00 4.60 3K 1.80 2.30 3.15 4.80 4 1.90 2.40 3.30 5.00 4X 2.00 2.50 3.45 5.20 4^ 2.10 2.60 3.60 5.40 4K 2.20 2.70 3.75 5.60 5 2.30 2.85 3.90 5.80 5X 2.40 3.00 4.10 6.00 5X 2.50 3.15 4.30 6.20 5K 2.60 3.30 4.50 6.40 6 2.75 3.45 4.70 6.60 6X 2.90 3.60 4.90 6.80 6>^ 3.05 3.75 5.10 7.00 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Murtcy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 493 Iron Machine Screws Flat Head Round Head Fillister Head List Price Per Gross OUR STANDARD THREADS PER INCH 48 56 64 48 56 32, 36, 40 30 32 36 30 32 30 32 36 24, 30, 32 20 24 18 20 24 16, 18, 20 16 18 14 16 18 14 16 13 No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 34 Inches ~ H $0.30 $0.30 $0.30 $0.35 $0.35 $0.40 $0.40 A .30 .30 .30 .35 .35 .40 .40 $0.60 $0.60 % .30 .30 .30 .35 .35 .40 .40 .60 .60 $0.70 $0.85 A .32 .32 .32 .37 .37 .44 .44 .65 .65 .75 .90 $1.15 M .32 .32 .32 .37 .37 .44 .44 .65 .65 .75 .90 1.15 $1.50 $1.90 $ 2.30 A .34 .34 .34 .39 .39 .48 .48 .70 .70 .80 .95 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 % .34 .34 .34 .39 .39 .48 .48 .70 .70 .80 .95 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 A .37 .37 .37 .42 .42 .52 .52 .75 .75 .85 1.00 1.25 1.70 2.10 2.50 ^ .37 .37 .37 .42 .42 .52 .52 .75 .75 .85 1.00 1.25 1.70 2.10 2.50 H .41 .41 .41 .46 .46 X .41 .41 .41 .46 .46 .56 .56 .80 .80 .90 1.05 1.30 1.80 2.20 2.60 $4.00 $5.10 if .45 .45 .45 .50 .50 lo ^ .45 .45 .45 .50 .50 .60 .60 .85 .85 .95 1.15 1.40 1.90 2.30 2.70 4.25 5.85 ff .50 .55 .55 1 .50 .55 .55 .65 .65 .90 .90 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.40 2.80 4.50 6.60 l# .55 .60 .60 .70 .70 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.35 1.60 2.20 2.60 3.00 5.00 7.00 IX ___ .60 .65 .65 .75 .75 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.45 1.75 2.40 2.80 3.20 5.25 7.35 IN .65 .70 .70 .80 .80 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.55 1.90 2.60 3.00 3.40 5.75 8.00 i# .70 .75 .75 .85 .85 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.65 2.10 2.80 3.20 3.60 6.00 8.00 ttt .80 .85 .85 .95 .95 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.75 2.30 3.00 3.40 3.80 6.35 \y< .90 .95 .95 1.05 1.05 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.85 2.50 3.20 3.60 4.20 6.65 8.60 IX -.. --. 1.00 1.05 1.05 1.15 1.15 1.60 1.60 1.70 2.00 2.70 3.40 3.80 4.40 7.00 .... 2 1.10 1.15 1.15 1.25 1.25 1.70 1.70 1.80 2.20 2.90 3.60 4.00 4.60 7.35 9.40 2X 1.25 1.25 1.45 1.45 1.90 1.90 2.20 2.60 3.30 4.00 4.40 4.80 8.00 10.30 2^ 1.65 1.65 2.20 2.20 2.50 2.80 3.50 4.40 4.90 5.30 8.90 11.50 2K 1.90 1.90 2.50 2.50 2.90 3.20 4.00 4.90 5.40 5.90 9.85 3 2.30 2.30 2.90 2.90 3.50 3.80 4.50 5.60 6.00 7.40 11.00 3X 3.30 3.30 4.25 4.50 5.50 6.50 7.00 8.80 13.00 3M 3.75 3.75 5.00 5.25 6.50 7.50 8.50 10.10 15.00 3tf 6.00 7.50 8.50 9.25 12.20 17.50 4 6.75 8.50 9.60 10.25 13.50 20.50 494 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Patent Iron Wood Screws List Price Per Gross % Inch y* Inch Cont. IX Inch Cont. 2 Inch Cont. 2X Inch Cont. 4 Inch Cont. No. Price Per Gross No. Price Per Gross No. Price Per Gross No. Price Per Gross No. Price Per Gross No. Price Per Gross o vH 1 2 3 4 $0.72 .72 .72 .72 .72 o i-i 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 $1.00 1.10 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.50 1.65 1.80 o i-* * in 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 $1.70 1.90 2.15 2.50 2.75 3.30 4.00 4.80 5.40 m * l-H 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 $1.75 1.85 2.00 2.20 2.45 2.75 3.10 3.70 4.20 4.80 5.50 6.40 P< * X 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 $2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.60 3.90 4.50 5.00 6.10 7.20 8.50 X 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 $5.90 6.20 6.50 7.00 7.60 8.60 9.70 11.20 14.00 16.00 18.50 }4 Inch o <-H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 $0.72 .72 .72 .72 .72 .75 .78 .82 .88 .94 H Inch \Y* Inch o *H 2 3 4 5 6 - 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 $0.74 .78 .82 .85 .90 .94 1.00 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.55 1.75 2.00 o l-H * W 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 $0.98 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.50 1.65 1.80 2.00 2.35 2.80 3.20 3.80 4.30 5.10 5.90 4}4 Inch 2% Inch 3 Inch 5R 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 $7.00 7.20 7.60 7.85 8.15 8.60 9.15 9.85 11.20 13.50 16.00 18.50 21.50 in * fH 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 $1.55 1.60 1.65 1.75 1.85 1.95 2.05 2.20 2.35 2.65 3.10 3.50 3.85 4.55 5.30 6.10 6.90 P4 * 5R 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 $2.95 3.00 3.05 3.10 3.15 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.80 4.20 4.80 5.50 6.50 7.50 8.70 10.50 K Inch o >H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $0.72 -.72 .72 .75 .78 .80 .84 .90 .96 1.05 1.10 1.20 1 Inch 5 Inch 1 1 * in 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 $0.80 .84 .87 .92 .98 1.05 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.60 1.70 2.00 2.50 2.70 2.80 3.50 * 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 $ 8.10 8.30 8.60 9.10 9.70 10.10 11.00 11.50 13.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 IX Inch H Inch 2^ Inch 3^ Inch o i i * in 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 $1.30 1.35 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.70 1.80 2.00 2.25 2.60 2.90 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.20 6.00 wt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 $0.72 .72 .72 .75 .78 .82 .86 .92 .98 1.07 1.12 1.20 1.25 1.30 in * f-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 $1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.90 3.30 3.65 4.20 4.70 5.80 6.70 7.50 X 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 $3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.75 4.95 5.40 6.15 7.30 8.70 10.20 12.00 6 Inch X 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 $10.00 10.30 11.00 11.60 12.40 13.00 14.50 16.00 18.00 20.00 23.00 27.00 30.50 IX Inch o 1-4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $0.88 .92 .98 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.55 X Inch 4 Inch o M 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $0.72 .75 .78 .82 .85 .90 .95 2 Inch i 8 9 10 11 12 13 $4.90 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.60 2X Inch in 5 6 7 8 9 $1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1-H 6 7 8 9 $2.40 2.60 2.70 2.80 *The number of gross in a bundle is indicated by small figures on the side, divided by a star (*). The following varieties of Iron Screws are invoiced from this list at varying discounts: Flat, Round, Fillister and Oval Head Screws, Dowel, Winged, Headless, Pinched Bung Head and Felloe Screws; Bright Blued, Nickel Plated, Silver Plated, Brassed, Bronzed, Coppered, Japanned, Lacquered and Tinned, also Drive Screws. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsyloania, U. S. A. 495 Magnetic Tack Hammers Made of magnetic steel, of medium length, and have steel claws for removing tacks. Weight, 5 ounces. Price, each.. --$0.30 Hand Forged Pliers These Pliers are 3 ounces. Price, each inches long with polished jaws, lock joint and gun metal finish handles. Weight, ..$0.75 End Cutting Nippers Hand forged from special Swedish steel. Box joint, polished jaws and gun metal finish handles. Weight, 3 ounces. Price, each. .$0.80 Combination Pliers Cast steel, combining Gas*Plier, Wire Cutter, Wrench and Screw Driver. Weight, 8 ounces. Price, each.. ..$1.25 496 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Sheet Iron and Steel Weight of One Square Foot, Birmingham Gauge Weight in Pounds Weight, in Pounds vjau.c Iron Steel ^JetU^C Iron Steel No.l=.3 12.12 12.36 No. 16 = .065 2.63 2.68 2 = .284 11.48 11.71 17 =.058 2.34 2.39 3 =.259 10.47 10.68 18 = .049 1.98 2.02 4 = .238 9.62 9.81 19 = .042 1.70 1.73 2=.22 8.89 9.07 20 = .035 1.56 1.59 6 = .203 8.20 8.36 21 =.032 1.40 1.43 7=.18 7.27 7.42 22 =.028 1.25 1.28 8 =.165 6.67 6.80 23 =.025 1.12 1.14 9 = .148 5.98 6.10 24 = .022 1.00 1.02 10 = . 134 5.42 5.53 25 =.02 .9 .92 11 =.12 4.85 4.95 26 = .018 .8 .82 12 =.109 4.41 4.50 27=.016 .72 .73 13 =.095 3.84 3.92 28 =.014 .64 .65 14 = .083 3.35 3.42 29 = .013 .56 .57 15 =.072 2.91 2.97 30 = .012 .5 .51 Tank Iron and Steel Weight of One Square Foot Thickness in Inches Weight in Pounds Thickness in Inches Weight in Pounds Iron Steel Iron Steel ^ = .03125 1.27 1.30 A = -3125 12.63 12.88 ^ = .0625 2.52 2.57 y&= .375 15.16 15.46 ^ =.09375 3.79 3.87 A = .4375 17.68 18.03 #-.125 5.05 2.15 K= -5 20.21 20.61 & = . 15625 6.32 6.45 &= .5625 22.73 23.19 A = -1875 7.58 7.73 #= .625 25.26 25.77 3^ =.21875 8.84 9.02 X = -75 30.31 30.92 X = .25 10.10 10.30 %= .875 35.37 36.08 ^ =.28123 11.38 11.61 1 =1.000 40.42 41.23 Weights of Round and Square Iron Per Lineal Foot Size in Round Square Size in Round Square Inches Weight in Pounds Weight in Pounds Inches Weight in Pounds Weight in Pounds 3 16 .0930 .1184 IX 8.101 10.31 A .1266 .1612 IH 9.300 11.84 % .1653 .2105 2 10.58 13.47 & .2093 .2665 2X 11.95 15.21 A .2583 .3290 2% 13.39 17.05 tt .3126 .3980 23/8 14.92 19.00 3 A .3720 .4736 2X 16.53 21.05 H .4365 .5558 2^ 18.23 23.21 Tf .5063 .6446 2X 20.01 25.47 X .6613 .8420 2H 21.87 27.84 A .8370 1.066 3 23.81 30.31 H 1.033 1.316 3X 27.94 35.57 tt 1.250 1.592 3X 32.41 41.26 1.488 1.895 3X 37.20 47.37 T* 1.746 2.223 4 42.33 53.89 H 2.025 2.579 4X 47.78 60.84 if 2.325 2.960 4^ 53.57 68.20 2.645 3.368 4X 59.69 75.99 1A 2.986 3.803 5 66.13 84.20 i# - 3.348 4.263 5X 72.91 92.83 IA 3.730 4.750 5X 80.02 101.9 IX 4.133 5.263 5X 87.46 111.4 i& 4.557 5.802 6 95.23 121.3 1H 5.001 6.368 6K 111.8 142.3 IA 5.466 6.960 7 129.6 165.0 IX 5.952 7.578 7X 148.8 189.5 iA 6.458 8.223 8 169.3 215.6 IH 6.985 8.893 8^ 191.1 243.4 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 497 Belt Dressing Black Diamond Belt Dressing We guarantee that Black Diamond Belt Dressing will preserve the belts, stop slipping, increase power, and overcome the trouble caused by belts stretching and shrinking in wet and dry weather. Our dressings are made to preserve the materials from which belts are made, such as leather, rubber, cotton, etc., and to suit the conditions under which they run, such as dusty belts, dry belts, wet belts, oily belts, etc. Put up in pound cans. Price per pound '_ Red Canvas Belt Dressing Red Canvas Belt Dressing. Put up in 5-pound cans. Price per can $2.80 Cement Giant Belt Cement Giant Belt Cement. Is put up for our special use and is the finest and best cement on the market. A belt can be made endless or spliced in fifteen to twenty minutes. Will go farther and make a better joint than any cement made. Put up in pound cans. Price per pound $2.00 Monarch Belt Cement Price per pound $2.00 Burr Stone Cement Burr Stone Cement. For filling holes, seams, etc., in Burr Stones. If properly used will get as hard as the burr itself. Will save the price of new burr. Put up in 5-pound cans. Price per pound $0.50 Metal Cement Metal Cement. Price per pound $0.60 Le Page's Glue Le Page's Glue. Price per pint __$1.00 Miller's Spectacles Miller's Spectacles. Clear glass, each , . _$0.60 Mosher Bag Holder This is the only bag holder adapted for all sizes of bags from a 48- pound flour sack to a 6-bushel gunny bag. It does not tear the bag. It is well made, with malleable iron jaws, wrought-iron pipe standards and steel spring. Weight, 20 pounds. Price.. __$5.00 498 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Metric Weights and Measures with Equivalents Weights Units Equivalents Milligram (1-1000 gram) __ 0.0 154 grain. Centigram (1-100 gram). .0.1543 grain. Decigram (1-10 gram) 1.5432 grains. Gram 15.432 grains. Decagram (10 grains) 0,3527 oz. avoirdupois. Hectogram (100 grams) 3.5274 oz. avoirdupois. Kilogram (1,000 grams) .. 2. 2046 Ibs. avoirdupois. Myriagram (10,000 grams)22.046 Ibs. avoirdupois. Quintal (100,000 grams) .-220.46 Ibs. avoirdupois. Millier or tonneau ton (1,000,000 grams) 2,204.6 Ibs. avoirdupois. Dry Measure Milliliter (1-1000 liter) 0.061 cubic inch. Centiliter (1-100 liter) 0.6102 cubic inch. Deciliter (1-10 liter) 6.1023 cubic inches. Liter 0.908 quart. Decaliter (10 liters) 9.08 quarts. Hectoliter (100 liters) 2.838 bushels. Kiloliter (1,000 liters) 1.308 cubic yards. Liquid Measure Units Equivalents Milliliter (1-1000 liter) 0.0338 fluid ounce. Centiliter (1-100 liter) 0.338 fluid ounce. Deciliter (1-10 liter) 0.845 gill. Liter 1 .0567 quarts. Decaliter (10 liters) 2.6418 gallons. Hectoliter (100 liters) 26.418 gallons. Kiloliter (100 liters) 264.18 gallons. Measures of Length Millimeter (1-1000 meter) .0.0394 inch. Centimeter (1-100 meter) _0.3937 inch. Decimeter (1-10 meter) 3.937 inches. Meter 39.37 inches. Decameter (10 meters) 393.7 inches. Hectometer (100 meters) _328 feet 1 inch. Kilometer (1,000 meters) _0.62137mi.(3,280ft.lOin.) Myriameter (10,000 m.) ..6.2137 miles. Surface Measure Centare (1 square meter) _ 1,550 square inches. Are (100 square meters) 119.6 square yard. Hectare (1 0,000 sq.meters) 2.471 acres. Metric Conversion Table Millimetres X .03937 = inches. Millimetres -4- 25.4 = inches. Centimetres X .3937 = inches. Centimetres -4- 2.54 = inches. Metres X 39.37 = inches. Metres X 3.281 = feet. Metres X 1.094 = yards. Kilometres X .621 = miles. Kilometres -4- 1.6093 = miles. Kilometres X 3280.7 = feet. Square Millimetres X .0155 = square inches. Square Millimetres -4- 645.1 = square inches. Square Centimetres X .155 = square inches. Square Centimetres -4- 6.451 = square inches. Square Metres X 10.764 = square feet. Square Kilometres X 247.1 = acres. Hectare X 2.471 = acres. Cubic Centimetres -4- 16.383 = cubic inches. Cubic Centimetres -4- 3.69 = fl. drachms (U.S.P.) Cubic Centimetres -4- 29.57 = fl. ounces (U.S.P.) Cubic Metres X 35.315 = cubic feet. Cubic Metres X 1.308 = cubic yards. Cubic Metres X 264.2 = gallons (231 cubic inches) . Litres X 61.022 = cubic inches. Litres X 33.84 = fluid ounces. (U. S. Phar.) Litres X .2642 = gallons (231 cubic inches). Litres -4- 3.78 gallons (231 cubic inches). Litres -4- 28.316 = cubic feet. Hectolitres X 3.531 = cubic feet. Hectolitres X 2.84 = bushels (2150.42 cubic inches). Hectolitres X .131 = cubic yards. Hectolitres -4- 26.42 = gallons (231 cubic inches). Grammes X 15.432 = grains. Grammes -4- 981. = dynes. Grammes (water) -4- 29.57 = fluid ounces. Grammes -4- 28.35 = ounces avoirdupois. Grammes per cu. cent. -4- 27.7 = Ibs. per cubic inch. Joule X .7373 = foot pounds. Kilo-grammes X 2.2046 = pounds. Kilo-grammes X 35.3 = ounces avoirdupois. Kilo-grammes -4- 1102.3 = tons (2000 pounds). Kilo-grammes per sq. cent.X 14.223 = Ibs. per sq. in. Kilo-gram-metres X 7.233 = foot pounds. Kilo per Metre X .672 = pounds per foot. Kilo per Cubic Metre X .026 = pounds per cu. ft. Kilo per Cheval X 2.235 = pounds per H. P. Kilo- Watts X 1.34 = Horse Power. Watts -4- 746. = Horse Power. Watts -4- .7373 = foot pounds per second. Calorie X 3.968 = B. T. U. Cheval vapeur X .9863 = Horse Power. (Centigrade X 1.8) + 32 = degree Fahrenheit., Franc X .193 = Dollars. Gravity Paris = 980.94 centimetres per second. Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 499 Table of Decimal Equivalents of Millimetres and Fractions of Millimetres mm. Inches mm. Inches mm. Inches mm. Inches mm. Inches mm. Inches 1-100 = .00039 22-100 = .00866 43-100 = .01693 64-100 = .02520 85-100 = .03346 7= .27559 2-100 = .00079 23-100 = .00906 44-100 = .01732 65-100 = .02559 86-100 = .03386 8= .31496 3-100 = .001 18 24-100 = .00945 45-100 = .01772 66-100 = .02598 87-100 = .03425 9= .35433 4-100 = .001 57 25-100 = .00984 46-100 = .01811 67-100 = .02638 88-100 = .03465 10= .39370 5-100 = .00197 26-100 = .01024 47-100 = .01850 68-100 = .02677 89-100 = .03504 11= .43307 6-100 = .00236 27-100 = .01063 48-100 = .01890 69-100 = .027 17 90-1 00 = .03543 12= .47244 7-100 = .00276 28-100 = .01102 49-100 = .01929 70-100 = .02756 91-100 = .03583 13= .51181 8-100 = .003 15 29-100 = .01142 50-100 = .01969 71-100 = .02795 92-100 = .03622 14= .55118 9-100 = .00354 30-100 = .01181 51-100 = .02008 72-100 = .02835 93-100 = .03661 15= .59055 10-100 = .00394 31-100 =.01220 52-100 = .02047 73-100 = .02874 94-100 = .03701 16= .62992 11-100 = .00433 32-100 =.01260 53-100 = .02087 74-100 = .02913 95-100 = .03740 17= .66929 12-100 = .00472 33-100 = .01299 54-100 = .02126 75-100 = .02953 96-100 = .03780 18= .70866 13-100 = .005 12 34-100 =.01339 55-100 = .02165 76-100 = .02992 97-100 = .03819 19= .74803 14-100 = .00551 35-100 = .01378 56-100 = .02205 77-100 = .03032 98-100 = .03858 20= .78740 15-100 = .00591 36-100 = .01417 57-100 = .02244 78-100 = .03071 99-100 = .03898 21= .82677 16-100 = .00630 37-100 = .01457 58-100 = .02283 79-100 = .031 10 1=. 03937 22= .86614 17-100 = .00669 38-100 = .01496 59-100 = .02323 80-100 = .03150 2 = .07874 23= .90551 18-100 = .00709 39-100 = .01535 60-100 = .02362 81-100 = .03189 3-. 11811 24= .94488 19-100 = .00748 40-100 = .01575 61-100 = .02402 82-100 = .03228 4 = . 15748 25= .98425 20-100 = .00787 41-100 = .01614 62-100 = .02441 83-100 = .03268 5 = .19658 26 = 1.02362 21-100 = .00827 42-100 = .01654 63-100 = .02480 84-100 = .03307 6 = .23622 Metric Equivalents Size Meters Size Meters Size Meters Size Meters Size Meters Size Meters 1" .025 3' 9" 1.143 13' 3" 4.038 22 7 ~9" 6.934 32' 3' 9.830 41' 9' 12.725 2" .051 4'0" 1.219 13' 6" 4.115 23' 0" 7.010 32' 6' 9.905 42' 0' 12.801 3" .076 4' 3" 1.295 13' 9" 4.191 23' 3" 7.086 32' 9' 9.982 42' 3' 12.877 4" .101 4' 6" 1.372 14' 0" 4.267 23' 6" 7.163 33' 0' 10.058 42' 6' 12.954 5" .127 4' 9" 1.448 14' 3" 4.343 23' 9" 7.239 33' 3' 10.134 42' 9' 13.030 6" .152 5'0" 1.524 14' 6" 4.419 24' 0" 7.315 33' 6' 10.211 43' 0' 13.106 7" .178 5' 3" 1.600 14' 9" 4.496 24' 3" 7.391 33' 9' 10.287 43' 3' 13.182 8" .203 5' 6" 1.676 15' 0" 4.572 24' 6" 7.467 34' 0' 10.363 43' 6' 13.258 9" .228 5' 9" 1.753 15' 3" 4.648 24' 9" 7.544 34' 3' 10.440 43' 9' 13.335 10" .254 6'0" 1.829 15' 6" 4.724 25' 0" 7.620 34' 6' 10.515 44' 0' 13.411 11" .279 6' 3" 1.905 15' 9" 4.800 25' 3" 7.697 34' 9' 10.592 44' 3' 13.487 1' 0" .304 6' 6" 1.982 16' 0" 4.877 25' 6" 7.772 35' 0' 10.668 44' 6' 13.563 1' 1" .330 6' 9" 2.057 16' 3" 4.953 25' 9" 7.848 35' 3' 10.744 44' 9' 13.640 1' 2" .356 7'0" 2.134 16' 6" 5.029 26' 0" 7.924 35' 6' 10.820 45' 0' 13.716 1' 3" .381 7' 3" 2.210 16' 9" 5.105 26' 3" 8.000 35' 9' 10.897 45' 3' 13.792 1' 4" .406 7' 6" 2.286 17' 0" 5.182 26' 6" 8.077 36' 0' 10.973 45' 6' 13.868 1' 5" .432 7' 9" 2.362 17' 3" 5.258 26' 9" 8.153 36' 3' 11.049 45' 9' 13.944 1' 6" .457 8'0" 2.438 17' 6" 5.334 27' 0" 8.229 36' 6' 11.125 46' 0' 14.020 1' 7" .483 8' 3" 2.525 17' 9" 5.410 27' 3" 8.306 36' 9' 11.201 46' 3' 14.097 1' 8" .508 8' 6" 2.591 18' 0" 5.486 27' 6" 8.381 37' 0' 11.277 46' 6' 14.173 1' 9" .533 8' 9" 2.667 18' 3" 5.563 27' 9" 8.458 37' 3' 11.354 46' 9' 14.249 1' 10" .559 9'0" 2.743 18' 6" 5.638 28' 0" 8.534 37' 6' 11.430 47' 0' 14.325 I'll" .584 9' 3" 2.819 18' 9" 5.715 28' 3" 8.610 37' 9' 11.506 47' 3' 14.401 2' 0" .609 9' 6" 2.896 19' 0" 5.791 28' 6" 8.688 38' 0' 11.582 47' 6' 14.478 2' 1" .635 9' 9" 2.972 19' 3" 5.867 28' 9" 8.763 38' 3' 11.658 47' 9' 14.554 2' 2" .667 10' 0" 2.048 19' 6" 5.943 29' 0" 8.839 38' 6' 11.735 48' 0' 14.630 2' 3" .686 10' 3" 3.124 19' 9" 6.020 29' 3" 8.915 38' 9' 11.810 48' 3' 14.706 2' 4" .711 10' 6" 3.200 20' 0" 6.096 29' 6" 8.991 39' 0' 11.887 48' 6' 14.783 2' 5" .744 10' 9" 3.286 20' 3" 6.172 29' 9" 9.068 39' 3' 11.963 48' 9' 14.859 2' 6" .762 11' 0" 3.353 20' 6" 6.248 30' 0" 9.144 39' 6' 12.039 49' 0' 14.935 2' 7" .787 11' 3" 3.429 20' 9" 6.324 30' 3" 9.220 39' 9' 12.116 49' 3' 15.011 2' 8" .820 11' 6" 3.505 21' 0" 6.400 30' 6" 9.296 40' 0' 12.192 49' 6' 15.087 2' 9" .838 11' 9" 3.581 21' 3" 6.477 30' 9" 9.372 40' 3' 12.268 49' 9' 15.164 2' 10" .864 12' 0" 3.658 21' 6" 6.553 31' 0" 9.448 40' 6' 12.344 50' 0" 15.240 2' 11" .896 12' 3" 3.734 21' 9" 6.629 - 31' 3" 9.524 40' 9' 12.420 3' 0" .914 12' 6" 3.810 22' 0" 6.705 31' 6" 9.600 41' 0' 12.496 3' 3" .991 12' 9" 3.886 22' 3" 6.781 31' 9" 9.677 41' 3' 12.573 3' 6" 1.067 13' 0" 3.962 22' 6" 6.858 32' 0" 9.753 41' 6' 12.649 500 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. INDEX A Page A. C. Motors 267, 268 Adapter for Ball Bearings 428 Adjustable Bin Gate 349 Adjustable Feeder, Gauntt 295 Adjustable Floor Stand, Wedge 445 Adjustable Idler 447 Adjustable Pillow Block, Hercules 433 Adjustable Pillow Block, Ring Oiling 437 Adjustable Pillow Block, Wick Oiling 435 Adjustable Post Hanger, Hercules 431 Adjustable Post Hanger, Ring Oiling __ 437 Adjustable Post Hanger, Wick Oiling 432 Adjustable Sole Plates 444 Alfalfa Packer 219, 220 Alternating Current Motor 267, 268 Angle Idler 448 Arch Mill Step 197 Area of Circles, Table of 463 Aspirators 121-123 Attachments for Link Belting 468-474 Attrition Mill, Ball Bearing 146-154 Attrition Mill, Ball Bearings for 156 Attrition Mill Drive 158, 159 Attrition Mill Plates 147, 160 Attrition Mill Repair Parts 160 Automatic Flour Scale 226 Automatic Grain Scale 222, 225, 226 Automatic Power Grain Shovel 359-361 Auto-Starter for Motors 268 Awl, Belt 479 B Babbitt Bushings 382 Bag Filler, Hand Conveyor 224 Bag Holder, Mosher ^ 497 Bag Sampler 485 Bag Spout 344 Bag Truck 365 Bagger Box 338 Bagger, Elevator and 338 Bagger, Elevator and Two-Sack 337 Bagger Spout End . 344 Balance Bail 196 Balance Box 196 Balance Rhine 196 Balata Belting 477 Ball Bearings 423 Ball Bearings for Attrition Mill 156 Ball Bearing, Adapter for 428 Ball Bearing Ceiling Hangers, Hess-Bright 427 Ball Bearing Drop Hangers 421 Ball Bearing Floor Stand, Hess-Bright--- 424 Ball Bearing Pillow Block, Hess-Bright 425 Ball Bearing Post Hanger 421 Ball Bearing Post Hanger, Hess-Bright 426 Ball Bearing, Radial 423 Ball Bearing Take-Up Post Hanger 455 Ball Bearing Truck. . . 366 Barrel Truck 365 Barrows 368 Batch Sifter and Mixer 294 Beall Degerminator 238 Beall Hominy Mill 238 Beall Wheat Steamer 259 Beams for Wagon Scale 234 Beam Idler 448 Bearings, Ball 156, 423 Bearing, Conveyor Flange 306 Bearing, Elevator Boot 334 Bearing End, Mitre Gear, for Conveyor 309 BeltAwL. . 479 Page Belt Borer _-_._ 479 Belt Buckle _ 479 Belt Cement " 497 Belt Clamps , 481 Belt Conveyor Guide Sheaves 356 Belt Conveyor Rolls 350-355 Belt Conveyor Roll Stands 356 Belt Conveyor Tripper 357, 358 Belt Conveyor Tripper Stop 356 Belt Dressing 497 Belt Fasteners, Smith's Patent 480 Belt Guards-'. 481 Belting, Attachments for Chain 468-474 Belting, Balata _ 477 Belting, Chain 466, 467 Belting, Cotton 318, 479 Belting, Horse Power of Leather 478 Belting, Leather 475 Belting, Red Stitched Canvas _ 476 Belting, Rubber: 318, 477 Belting, Twist Leather . 475 Belt Lacing, Cut 475 Belt Punch 479,480 Belt Stud . 480 Belt Tighteners 449-454 Bench Brush 484 Bevel Gears, Cast Iron 383-385 Bevel Gears, Cut . 286, 287 Bevel Gears, Mortise J 387, 388 Bevel Pinions, Cast Iron 383-385 Bevel Pinions, Cut 286, 287 Bevel Pinions, Mortise 387, 388 Bins, Tempering and Packer 347 Bin Bottoms 348 Bin Gate 349 Binder Frame 447 Blending Machine, Mixing and 291 Blocks, Tackle 364 Boilers, Steam 1 283 Bolt, Carriage - 488 Bolt, Conveyor Coupling 300 Bolt, Elevator Cup 317 Bolt, Machine 488 Bolt, Stove 492 Bolter,Self-BalancingSieve,Style"E"and"H". 60-71 Bolter Sieve Cloth for Style "E" Bolter 67 Bolter Wrench 486 Bolting Cloth Glass 485 Bolting Cloth, Making Up 94 Bolting Cloth, Shellacked 94 Bolting Cloth, Silk - 89 Bolting Cloth, Wire 90-94 Boot, Cast Iron Elevator 330 Boot, Steel Elevator __- 329 Boot, Wood Elevator 324-328 Boot Bearing, Elevator 334 Boot Mandrel, Elevator 334 Boot Take-Up Box, Elevator 334 Borer, Belt 479 Bottoms, Bin and Hopper 348 Box Ends, Conveyor i_.-307, 308 Box Ends, Counter Shaft 309 Box End, Discharge 307 Boxes, Bagger 338 Boxes for Conveyor, Steel 311 Boxes for Conveyor, Wood '._ 313 Boxes, Hanger, 430 Box Frame, Wall 445 Box Lining, Conveyor 3 11 Bracket Feed Rig 194 Brackets, Wall - 446 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 501 INDEX Continued Page Braden's Wheat Heater 262 Bran Duster 87 Bran Packer 217, 218 Bran Shaker, Hull - 274 Brass Bushing 382 Brass Grease Cup 457 Brass Oilers 456 Brass, Weight of Sheet 464 Bristle Brush 484 Bronze Bushing for Friction Clutches 410 Brush, Bench 484 Brush, Bran Duster 94 Brush, Floor - 484 Brush Machine, Horizontal 110 Brush, Mill 484 Brush, Purifier 94 Brush, Reel 94 Brush, Rice 245 Brush, Wire , 484 Buckle, Belt 479 Buckets, Elevator 314-316 Buckwheat Gravel Separator 115 Buckwheat Scourer, Horizontal 107 Burnham Turbine Water Wheel 278 Burr Mill, Interchangeable 172-175 Burr Mill, Light Power 169 Burr Mill, Standard 162-168 Burr Mill, Three Pedestal 170, 171 Burr Mill, Under Runner 190, 191 Burr Mill, Upper Runner 188, 189 Burr Mill Bush 197 Burr Mill Driving Irons 196 Burr Mill Feeders 194 Burr Mill Hoops 193 Burr Mill Hurst Frame 189 Burr Mill Instant Lift 196 Burr Mill Leveling Plate and Screw 199 Burr Mill Lighter Lever 197 Burr Mill Outfits _176-187, 192 Burr Mill Spindle 199 Burr Mill Step 197 Burr Stones 192, 193 Burr Stone Cement 497 Burrs, Copper 480 Bushing, Babbitt Bushing, Brass 382 Bushing, Bronze, for Friction Clutch 410 Bushing, Cast Iron 382 Bushing, Wood 382 Bushings for Pulleys, Gears, etc 382 c Cake Breaker 204 Canvas Belting, Red Stitched 476 Cap Screws 490 Car Loading Spout - 344 Car Pullers 263-266 Carriage Bolt 488 Carriage, Fittings for Tension 401 Carriage, Tension 400,401 Cast Iron Elevator Boot 330 Ceiling Hangers, Ball Bearing 427 Cement, Belt 497 Cement, Burr Stone 497 Cement, Metal 497 Cement Packer 221, 224 Centrifugal Reel 77, 78 Chain Belting 466, 467 Chain Belting, Attachments for 468-474 Chain Belting Sprocket Wheels 402-404 Chain, Cleaner, for Sifter Chain Drag 336 Page Chain Hoist 363 Chain Tightener 454 Circumference of Circles, Table of 463 Clamp, Belt 481 Clamp Coupling 417 Clark Automatic Power Shovel 359 Cleaner, Com 125 Cleaner Chain for Sifter 59 Cleaners, Underneath, for Sifter 59 Clippers, Oat 137 Cloth, Silk Bolting 89 Cloth, Wire Bolting 90-94 Cloth, Wire, for Sifter Cleaners 59 Cloths, Sieve, for Style "E" Bolter 67 Clutch Coupling, Jaw 416 Clutches, Friction 407-415 Clutches, Bushing for Peerless 410 Clutches, Sleeve for Peerless 409 Clutches, Style "M" Friction 414, 415 Cockle Machines 135, 136 Coe's Knife Handle Wrench 486 Cogs, Maple, for Gear 394 Collars, Set 420 Collectors, Dust 128-132 Columbian Feed Governor 39 Combination Milling Outfits 176-187 Compensating Water Wheel Governor ,.. 281 Compression Couplings 418, 419 Compression Grease Cup 457 Cone, Rice -Pearling 243 Conveyor, Belt 350-358 Conveyor Belt, Rollers for 354, 355 Conveyor Belt, Stands for 356 Conveyor Box, Delivery Gates for 307 --Conveyor Box, Ends for 307-309 Conveyor Box Lining 311 Conveyor Box, Steel 311 Conveyor Box, Supports for Steel 312 Conveyor Box, Wood 313 Conveyor, Concentrators for Belt 350-353 Conveyors, Counter Shaft Box End for 309 Conveyor Coupling 300 Conveyor Coupling, Bolts for 300 Conveyor Coupling, Universal 310 Conveyor, Cut and Folded Flight - - - 299 Conveyor, Cut Flight 299 Conveyor, Cut Flight, with Mixing Paddles. -. 299 Conveyor, Delivery Gates for 307 Conveyor, Directions for Ordering 297 Conveyor, Discharge Box Ends for 307 Conveyor Drive, Right Angle 310 Conveyor, Driving Ends for 300 Conveyor Flange Bearings 306 Conveyor, Flights for Sectional 301 Conveyor Flights, Wood 313 Conveyor Flight Stud . - 301 Conveyor, Gudgeons for Wood 313 Conveyor, Guide Sleeve for Belt 356 Conveyor Hangers 302-306 Conveyor, Helicoid 297 Conveyor Lining 311 Conveyor Lining, Perforated 311 Conveyor, Mitre Gear Bearing End for 309 Conveyor, Ribbon 298 Conveyor Rolls, Belt 350-355 Conveyor, Sectional Flight 295, 296 Conveyor Shafts, Wood 313 Conveyor, Stands for Belt 356 Conveyor, Tempering 261 Conveyor, Trippers for Belt 357, 358 Conveyor, Tripper Stops for Belt 356 Conveyor with Mixing Paddles -- 298 502 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. INDEX Continued Page Copper Burrs 480 Copper Rivets 480 Copper, Weight of Sheet 464 Corliss Steam Engine 282, 283 Corn Cleaner 125 Corn Cracker, Ball Bearing Single Disc 155, 156 Corn Degerminator 237, 238 Corn Ear Crushers 202-204 Corn Germ Cleaner 125 Corn Grader 236 Corn Meal Sieve 88 Corn Scourer, Horizontal 124 Corn Sheller, Hand 200, 201 Corn Sheller, Power Cylinder 126,127 Corn Steamer 257 Corn Temperer 236 Cotton Belting 318, 479 Cotton Seed Hull Packer 273 Cotton Seed Separator, Gyratory 258 Countershaft Box End for Conveyor 309 Coupling Bolt for Conveyor 300 Coupling, Clamp 417 Coupling, Conveyor 300 Coupling Gudgeon for Wood Conveyor 313 Coupling, Hendershot 418 Coupling, Jaw Clutch 416 Coupling, Peerless Friction Cut-Off 412, 413 Coupling, Plate 416 Coupling, Ring-Type Universal 417 Coupling, Shaw Compression Flange. .: 418 Coupling, Sleeve 417 Coupling, Spiro Compression 419 Coupling, Style "M" Friction Cut-Off 414 ' Covers, Hand Hole 332 Cracked Corn Separators 1 16-120 Crane, Wood, for Burr Mill 195 Crushers 202-206 Crushers, Oat 40, 41 Crusher, Roller Oat 28 Cup Bolts, Elevator 317 Cup Bolts, Leather Washers for Elevator 317 Cups, Elevator 314-316 Current Transformers - 269 Cut Gears 284-288 Cutler Steam Dryer _. 250 Cylinder Feeder and Mixer 291 Cylinder, Rice 247 Cylinder, Scalping 113 D D. C. Generators - 271 D. C. Motors 270 Degerminator, Corn 237, 238 Delivery Gate for Conveyor Box 307 Differential Hoist 363 Differential Hominy Reel 241 Differential Reel for Oil Mills 84 Direct Current Generators 271 Direct Current Motors 270 Disc Aspirator, Revolving 123 Disc Corn Cracker, Ball Bearing Single 155, 156 Disc Feed Grinder, Ball Bearing Single 157 Discharge Box End for Conveyor 307 Distributing Spout for Elevator Head 343 Distributor, Hall Grain 343 Door, Elevator 332 Dormant Scales 229-23 1 Double Swivel Post Box 335 Drag, Chain 336 Drag Elevator 336 Dresser, Hexagon Flour 73 Dresser, Inter- Elevator Flour 75 Page Dresser, Little Wonder Flour 76 Dresser, Round Flour 72 Dressing, Belt 1 _ _ 497 Drives, Attrition Mill 158, 159 Drive, Double Roller Mill __ 20-25 Drive Ends for Conveyor . 300 Drive, Manila Rope _ 399 Drive, Right Angle Conveyor 310 Drive, Three Pair High Roller Mill 37, 38 Driving Irons for Burr Mill 196 Drop Hanger, Ball Bearing 42 1 Drop Hanger Boxes 430 Drop Hanger, Hercules Duplex Oiling 429, 430 Drop Hanger, Hyatt Roller Bearing __. 422 Drop Hanger, Ring Oiling 435, 436 Drop Hanger, Take-Up 455 Drop Hanger, Wick Oiling^ 433, 434 Drum Hoist . 362 Dryer, Cutler Steam . 250 Dryer, Grain 250 Dryer, Wheat Washer and 248 Drying Machine, Wheat Washing, Stoning and 248 Dry Mixer 290 Duck Belting 476 Dump Scales 233 Dump Troughing Rolls 353 Duplex Oiling Adjustable Pillow Block 433 Duplex Oiling Adjustable Post Box 431 Duplex Oiling Floor Stand 429, 430 Duplex Oiling Hanger ^ 429, 430 Duplex Oiling Hanger Boxes 430 Duplex Oiling Post Hanger, Long Reach 431 Dust Collectors 128-132 Dusters, Bran 87 Duster, Mill...'. 484 E Electric Generators 271 Electric Motors 267, 270 Elevator and Bagger 338 Elevator and Two-Sack Bagger 337 Elevator Boot Bearings 334 Elevator Boots, Cast Iron 330 Elevator Boot Mandrel _ 334 Elevator Boots, Steel 329 Elevator Boot, Steel Tank for 347 Elevator Boot Take-Up Box 334 Elevator Boots, Wood 324-328 Elevator Buckets 314-316 Elevator Bucket Bolts 317 Elevator Bucket Bolt, Leather Washers for 317 Elevator Bucket Bolt, Wrench for 317 Elevators Complete, Wood 327, 328 Elevator Doors 332 Elevator, Drag 336 Elevator, Employees 339, 340 Elevator Gears 335 Elevator Head, Distributing Spout for 343 Elevator Head, Steel 329 Elevator Head, Wood 323-326 Elevator Leg, Feed Gate for 349 Elevators, Metal ' 331 Elevator Pulleys 325-328 Elevator, Sacking 337 Elevator Scales, Automatic 225, 226 Elevator Trunking 319-322 Elevator Turn Head 341, 342 Emery Stones for Burr Mills 193 Employees Elevator 339, 340, Ends, Bagging Spout 344 Ends, Drive, for Conveyor 300 Sprout, Waldron 6r Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 503 INDEX Continued Page Engines, Steam, Gas, and Oil 282, 283 Esopus Stones for Burr Mills 192, 193 Exhausters 133,134 Exhaust Pipe 346 Facing Hammer 198 Fans, Suction and Exhaust 133, 134 Fasteners, Smith's Patent Belt 480 Feeder, Attrition Mill 150 Feeder, Burr Mill 194 Feeder, Cylinder Mixer and 291 Feeder, Gauntt Adjustable 295 Feeder, McAnulty Force 42, 43 Feeder, Poultry Food 292 Feeder, Roll, for Double Roller Mill 14 Feeder, Vibratory, for Double Roller Mill. 14, 44, 45 Feed Governors 39 Feed Grinder, Single Disc Ball Bearing 157 Feeding and Mixing Outfit, Poultry Food 292 Feed Mixer for Wet Materials 290 Feed Packers 217, 218, 223 Feed Stuffs, Table of Value of 208 Fittings for Tension Carriage 401 Flange Bearings 306 Flange Couplings, Shaw Compression 418 Flange Couplings, Spiro 419 Flange Couplings, Standard 416 Flange Pulley 377 Flanges, Pulley 376 Flat Belt Conveyor Rolls 354 Flat Iron, Weight per Foot 460 Flexible Car Loading Spout 344 Flight, Sectional Conveyor 301 Flight Studs, Conveyor 301 Flight, Wood Conveyor 313 Floor Brushes 484 Floor Idler 447, 448 Floor Stand, Hercules Duplex Oiling 429, 430 Floor Stand, Hess-Bright Ball Bearing 424 Floor Stand, Wedge Adjustable. 445 Floor Stand, Wick Oiling 433, 434 Flour Dresser, Hexagon 73 Flour Dresser, Inter-Elevator 75 Flour Dresser, Little Wonder 76 Flour Dresser, Round 72 Flour Hopper Scales 225 Flour Mill Plans 251-256 Flour Packers 210-215 Flour Reel, Hexagon, with Removable Frames _ 74 Flour Scale, Automatic c 226 Flour Scale, Dormant 229 Flour Scoop 483 Flour Slick 485 Flour Tally, Durant 485 Flour Trier 485 Flour Wagon 367 Frame, Binder 447 Frame, Hurst, for Burr Mill 189 Frame, Wall Box 445 French Burr Mills 162-191 French Burr Stones 192, 193 Friction Clutches 407-415 Friction Clutch, Bushing for Peerless 410 Friction Clutch, Dimensions of Peerless 411 Friction Clutch, Directions for Ordering Peerless 413 Friction Clutch, Sleeves for Peerless 409 Friction Clutch, Sleeves for Style "M" 415 Friction Clutch, Style "M" 414, 415 Friction Cut-Off Coupling, Peerless 412, 413 Friction Cut-Off Coupling, Style "M" 414 Friction Gearing 395 Page Friction Hoist 362 Friction Transmission Box 442 Furrowing Hammer 198 Fuses for Knife Switches. _. _ 272 G Galvanized Iron Bins 347 Galvanized Iron Exhaust Pipe 346 Galvanized Steam, Gas, and Water Pipe 490 Garden Barrow 368 . Gardner Mixer 294 Gardner Sifter and Mixer 293 Garlic Separator . 119 Gas Engine 283 Gas Pipe, Wrought Iron and Steel 490 Gate, Bin 349 Gate City Steam Generator 259 Gate, Delivery, for Conveyor Box 307 Gate for Elevator Leg 349 Gauges of Metal, Table of 461 Gauntt Adjustable Feeder _ 295 Gear, Bevel Mortise., 387, 388 Gear, Bushing for 382 Gear, Cast Iron Bevel 383-385 Gear, Cast Iron Mitre 386 Gear, Cast Iron Spur 390-393 Gear Cog, Mortise 394 Gear, Cut 284-288 Gear, Cut Spur, for Roller Mill 31 Gear, Directions for Dimensions of 394 Gear, Elevator 335 Gear, Friction 395 Gear Keys and Keyseating 376 Gear, Mitre Mortise 386, 387 Gear, Rawhide 285, 286 Generator, Electric 271 Generator, Steam 259 Germ Cleaner, Corn 125 Giant Belt Cement 497 Glass, Bolting Cloth 485 Glasses, Miller's 497 Glucose Pot 242 Glue 497 Goose Neck Aspirator 122 Governor, Feed 39 Governor, Water Wheel 281 Grader and Separator 114 Grader, Corn 236 Grader, Grits 240 Grader, Rice 248 Grading Reel for Corn Mills 83 Grading Reel, Rice 246 Grain Dealers Scale 229 Grain Distributor, Hall 343 Grain Dryer 250 Grain Hopper on Truck 367 Grain Sampler 485 Grain Scale, Automatic 222, 225, 226 Grain Scale Hopper 367 Grain Scoop 483 Grain Shovel, Power 359-361 Grain Tester 482 Gravel Separator 115 Grease Cups 457 Grinding Plates for Attrition Mills 147, 160 Grits Grader 240 Guard, Belt 481 Gudgeon for Wood Conveyor 313 Guide Sleeve for Conveyor Belt 356 Gyratory Separators 258 504 Sproui, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. INDEX Continued H Page Hall Grain Distributor 343 Hammer, Facing and Furrowing 198 Hammer, Magnetic Tack 495 Hand Corn Shelters 200, 201 Hand Hole Cover 332 Handles, Pick 198 Hand Wheel, Basket 487 Hanger, Ball Bearing Drop 421 Hanger, Ball Bearing Post 421 Hanger Boxes 430 Hanger, Conveyor 302-306 Hanger, Hercules Adjustable Post 43 1 Hanger, Hercules Duplex Oiling 429, 430 Hanger, Hercules Long Reach Post 431 Hanger, Hess-Bright Ball Bearing Ceiling 427 Hanger, Hess-Bright Ball Bearing Post 426 Hanger, Hyatt Roller Bearing Drop 422 Hanger, Hyatt Roller Bearing Post 422 Hanger, Ring Oiling Adjustable Post Hanger, Ring Oiling Drop 435, 436 Hanger, Ring Oiling Rigid Post 438 Hanger, Take-Up Drop 455 Hanger, Take-Up Post 455 Hanger, Wick Oiling Adjustable Post 432 Hanger, Wick Oiling Drop 433, 434 Hanger, Wick Oiling Long Reach Post 432 Hanger, Wick Oiling Rigid Post 438 Hanging Yoke Tightener 454 Head, Steel Elevator 329 Head, Wood Elevator 323-326 Header, Rivet._ 480 Heater, Wheat . 262 Helicoid Conveyor 297 Hendershot Coupling 418 Hercules Adjustable Pillow Block 433 Hercules Adjustable Post Hanger 431 Hercules Duplex Oiling Floor Stand 429, 430 Hercules Duplex Oiling Hanger 429, 430 Hercules Long Reach Post Hanger 43 1 Hess-Bright Ball Bearing Ceiling Hanger 427 Hess-Bright Ball Bearing Floor Stand 424 Hess-Bright Ball Bearing Pillow Block 425 Hess-Bright Ball Bearing Post Hanger 426 Hexagon Flour Dresser 73 Hexagon Flour Reel with Removable Frame . _ 74 Hexagon Scalping Reel ,_- 80 Hexagon Scalping Reel, Extra Heavy 81 Hoists - 362-364 Hoisting Screw 195 Holder, Mosher Bag 497 Hominy Mill, Beall 238 Hominy Mill, Stonebraker 235 Hominy Reel 241 Hominy Separator 239 Hoop, Burr Mill 193 Hopper Bottom 348 Hopper for Grain Scale 367 Hopper Scale for Flour 235 Hopper Scale for Grain 232 Hopper Spout 344 Horizontal Crusher 204 Horse Power of Cast Iron Pulleys 1 458 Horse Power of Leather Belting 478 Horse Power of Manila Transmission Rope 398 Horse Power of Shafting 406 Hot Air Wheat Heater 262 Hull Bran Shaker 274 Huller, Oat 179 Huller, Rice 243 Hull Packer, Cotton Seed Humphrey Employee's Elevator 340 Page Hurst Frame for Burr Mill 189 Hyatt Roller Bearing Drop Hanger 422 Hyatt Roller Bearing Post Hanger _- 422 I Idlers . 447, 448 Indicator for Revolving Spout 341, 342 Indicator Ring 341 Indicator Rod _ 341 Indicator, Speed 257, 482 Indicator Stand 341 Indicator, Turnhead with 342 Indicator Wheel 342 Induction Motor 267, 268 Induction Motor Starter 268 Instant Lift, Burr Mill 196 Interchangeable Burr Mill 172-175 Inter-Elevator Flour Dresser 75 Internal Spur Gear 335 Iron, Driving, for Burr Mill ... 196 Iron Prince Scourer 111 Iron, Weight of Flat 460 Iron, Weight of Round and Square 459, 496 Iron, Weight of Sheet 496 Iron, Weight of Tank. . . 496 I. X. L. Water Wheel . .275 Jack Chain for Bolter Cloths! 59 Jaw Clutch Coupling 416 Journal Box, Solid : 442 Journal Post Box, Solid 438 K Keys for Gears, Pulleys, etc 376 Keys, Wood 394 Key seating Gears, Pulleys, and Sheaves 376 Keyseating Shafting 406 Keyseats for Shafting, Dimensions of Standard 405 Knife Switch ._ - 272 Lace Leather, Rawhide 475 Lacing, Cut Belt 475 Lag Screw 489 Leather Belting 475 Leather Belting, Horse Power of 478 Leather Belting, Twist 475 Leather, Rawhide Lace 475 Leather Washer for Elevator Bolt. _ _ . 317 Leffel Water Turbine 280 Legging, Steel Elevator 319-322 Legging, Wood Elevator 319 Leveling Plate and Screw 199 Lever, Lighter, for Burr Mill 197 Lift, Instant, for Burr Mill 196 Light Power Burr Mill 169 Lighter Lever for Burr Mill 197 Lining for Conveyor Box 311 Link Belting 466, 467 Link Belting, Attachments for 468-474 Link Belt Sprocket Wheel 402-404 Little Wonder Flour Dresser 76 Loading Spout, Car 344 Long Reach Post Hanger, Hercules 431 Long Reach Post Hanger, Wick Oiling 432 Loose Pulleys, Tight and 377 Lumber, Weight of . 207 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 505 INDEX Continued M Page Machine Bolt 488 Machine Screw 493 Magnets 138 Magnetic Field 138 Magnetic Separator ^ 138 Magnetic Tack Hammer 495 Mandrel, Elevator Boot 334 Manila Rope Car Pullers 265, 266 Manila Rope Dressing 398 Manila Rope for Power Transmission 398 Manila Rope Hoist . 364 Manila Rope, Horse Power Transmitted by 398 Manila Rope Transmission 396-40 1 Manila Rope Transmission, Sheave for 396, 397 Manila Rope, Weight of 398 Man-Lift, Safety 340 McNeil Wheat Steamer 261 Meal Scale, Automatic 222, 223 Meal Sieve, Corn 88 Measurement of Water 276, 277 Mensuration 462 Metal Cement 497 Metal Elevators 331 Metal Gauges, Table Showing 461 Metal Spouting 345 Metric Tables 498,499 Middlings Mill, Ball Bearing 48 Middlings Purifier . 85, 86 -Miles Wheat Heater 262 Mill Bush . 197 Mill Exhauster 134 Mill Feeders 194 Mill Hoop i 193 Milling Outfits 176-187 Milling Separators 104-106 Mill Pick . 198 Mill Pick Handle 198 Mill Plans 251-256 Mill Spindle 199 Mill Step 197 Mill Stone Supporting Frame-. 189 Mill Tightener, Vertical 449 Minneapolis "V" Elevator Bucket 316 Mitre Gear Bearing End for Conveyor 309 Mitre Gear, Cast Iron 386 Mitre Gear, Cut 288 Mitre Mortise Gear and Pinion 386, 387 Mixer and Feeder, Cylinder 291 Mixer, Batch Sifter and 294 Mixer, Dry 290 Mixer, Feed, for Wet Materials 290 Mixer, Gardner 294 Mixer, Gardner Sifter and 293 Mixing and Blending Machine 291 Mixing Outfit, Poultry Food 292 Molasses Feed Mixer 290 Molasses Pump 242 Mortise Gear and Pinion 386-390 Mortise Gear Cog 394 Mosher Bag Holder 497 Motor, Electric 267, 268, 270 Motor Protective Devices 269 Motor Starter 154, 268 Motor Starter Release Device 1 54, 269 Motor Switch 272 Mule Stand __ . 446 N Nipper, End Cutting 495 Nuts, Thumb or Wing . 487 O Page Oat Clippers 137 Oat Crusher 40, 41 Oat Crusher, Roller 28 Oat Huller 179 Octagon Rice Bran Reel _ 82 Oil Engine 283 Oiler, Brass . 456 Ore Crusher 205 Outfits, Combination and Milling 1 76-187 Outfit, Under Runner Burr Mill 192 Overload Release Device for Motor Starter. 154, 269 Overshot Water Wheel, I. X. L._ _ . 275 Packer, Alfalfa 219, 220 Packer Bin 347 Packer, Bran and Feed 217, 218 Packer, Cement 221, 224 Packer, Cotton Seed Hull 273 Packer, Flour 210-213 Packer, Hand 224 Packer, Heavy Duty 224 Packer, Package 216 Packer, Richardson Automatic Scale and 223 Packer, Sack 214, 215 Packer, Screw 216 Paddy Separator 244 Paper Friction Gearing 395 Paper, Spouting 1_ . 346 Passenger Elevator 339, 340 Pearling Cone, Rice 243 Pebble Grit Stones for Burr Mill 192, 193 Perforated Lining for Conveyor Box 311 Perforated Sheet Metal 139-144 Pick Handle, Mill . 198 Pick, Mill 198 Pillow Block, Common 440, 441 Pillow Block, Hercules Adjustable 433 Pillow Block, Hess-Bright Ball Bearing 425 Pillow Block, Ring Oiling Adjustable 437 Pillow Block, Ring Oiling Rigid 439 Pillow Block, Vertical 443 Pillow Block, Wick Oiling Adjustable 435 Pillow Block, Wick Oiling Rigid 439, 440 Pinion, Cast Iron Bevel 383-385 Pinion, Cast Iron Spur 390-393 Pinion, Mortise 386-390 Pinion, Rawhide 285, 286 Pipe Belt Tightener 450 Pipe, Exhaust System _ _ 346 Pipe, Steam, Gas and Water. _ _. 490 Plans, Flour Mill 251-256 Plate, Attrition Mill 147, 160 Plate Coupling 416 Plate, Leveling. _ _ . 199 Plate, Sole 444 Platform Scale, Portable 227-229 Pliers 495 Pocket, Spout 333 Polisher, Rice 245 Portable Platform Scale 227-229 Post Hanger, Ball Bearing . 421 Post Hanger, Double Swivel 335 Post Hanger, Hercules Adjustable 43 1 Post Hanger, Hercules Long Reach 431 Post Hanger, Hess-Bright Ball Bearing 426 Post Hanger, Hyatt Roller Bearing 422 Post Hanger, Journal 438 Post Hanger, Ring Oiling Adjustable 437 Post Hanger, Ring Oiling Rigid 438 Post Hanger, Take-Up 455 Post Hanger, Wick Oiling Adjustable 432 506 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. INDEX Continued Page Post Hanger, Wick Oiling Long Reach 432 Post Hanger, Wick Oiling Rigid 438 Potential Transformers' 269 Pot, Glucose 242 Poultry Food Feeder 292 Poultry Food Feeding and Mixing Outfit 292 Power Grain Shovel 359-361 Prince Scourer 1 111 Proof Staff 198 Protective Devices for Motor 269 Puller, Rope Car 263-266 Pulley Bushing 382 Pulley, Cast Iron 370-377 Pulley, Elevator * 325-328 Pulley, Flange 377 Pulley Flanges 376 Pulley Keys and Keyseating. . . 376 Pulley, Horse Power of Cast Iron 458 Pulley Oiler, Brass 456 Pulley, Steel Split 378 Pulley, Steel Split, with Cork Inserts 379 Pulley, Tight and Loose 377 Pulley, Wood 380, 381 Pump, Molasses 243 Pumps 283 Punch, Belt 479, 480 Purifier Brush 94 Purifier, Middlings. --,, __85, 86 R Rack and Pinion Belt Tightener 452, 453 Rack, Spur 393 Radial Ball Bearing 423 Radial Belt Tightener 452 Rawhide Gears 285, 286 Rawhide Lace Leather 475 Receiving and Scalping Shoe 115 Receiving Separator 98-103 Red Staff for Burrs 198 Reel Brush 94 Reel, Centrifugal' 77, 78 Reel, Differential, for Oil Mills 84 Reel, Extra Heavy Hexagon 81 Reel, Hexagon Flour, with Removable Frame. 74 Reel, Hexagon Scalping 80 Reel, Hominy 241 Reel, Little Wonder 76 Reel, Octagon Rice Bran 82 Reel, Rice Grading 246 Reel, Round Scalping 79 Reel, Scalping and Grading, for Corn Mill 83 Release Device, Overload and No- Voltage _ 154, 269 Return Belt Conveyor Roll 355 Rhine, Balance - 196 Ribbon Conveyor 298 Rice Bran Reel 82 Rice Brush 245 Rice Cylinder . 247 Rice Grader.. - 248 Rice Grading Reel - 246 Rice Huller 243 Rice Paddy Machine 244 Rice Pearling Cone 243 RiceSheller 244 Rice Trumble Richardson Automatic Scales 222-226 Right Angle Conveyor Drive 310 Rigid Pillow Block, Ring Oiling 439 Rigid Pillow Block, Vertical 443 Rigid Pillow Block, Wick Oiling 439, 440 Rigid Post Hanger, Ring Oiling 438 Rigid Post Hanger, Wick Oiling 438 Page Ring, Indicator 341 Ring Oiling Adjustable Post Hanger 437 Ring Oiling Drop Hanger : 435, 436 Ring Oiling Hanger Box 430 Ring Oiling Rigid Pillow Block 439 Ring Oiling Rigid Post Hanger 438 Ring Type Universal Coupling 417 Rivet, Copper 480 Rivet Set and Header 480 Rod, Indicator 341 Rod, Stay 491 Roll, Belt Conveyor 350-355 Roller Bearing Drop Hanger, Hyatt 422 Roller Bearing Post Hanger, Hyatt 422 Roller Crusher 206 Roller Mill, Double, Ball Bearing 8-16 Roller Mill, Double, Phosphor- Bronze Bearing 17-19 Roller Mill Drives, Double 20-25 Roller Mill Drives, Three Pair High 37, 38 Roller Mill Gears, Cut Spur 31 Roller Mill, One Pair High, Ball Bearing 34, 36 Roller Mill, One Pair High, Phosphor-Bronze Bearing : 30,32 Roller Mill, Single, Ball Bearing 26 Roller Mill, Single, for Cracking Corn 28 Roller Mill, Single, Phosphor-Bronze Bearing.. _ 27 Roller Mill, Three Pair High, Ball Bearing._30, 35 Roller Bearing, Three Pair High, Phosphor- Bronze Bearing 29, 31 Roller Mill, Two Pair High, Ball Bearing 34, 36 Roller Mill, Two Pair High, Phosphor-Bronze Bearing 30,32 Roller Oat Crusher 28 Roll Grinding and Corrugating 47 Rolling Screen 114 Rolls 47 Rolls, Directions for Marking and Shipping 46 Roll Scrapers and Holders 35 Roll Stand, Belt Conveyor 356 Roll Tram Plate 35 Rope Car Puller 263-266 Rope Dressing, Manila 398 Rope Drive, Tension Carriage for 400, 401 Rope Hoist 364 Rope, Horse Power of Manila Transmission 398 Rope, Manila, for Power Transmission 398 Rope Sheave 396, 397 Rope Sheave, Keyseating and Keys for 376 Rope Transmission, Manila 396-401 Rope, Weight of Manila Transmission 398 Round Flour Dresser 72 Round Iron, Weight per Foot of 459, 496 Rubber Belting 318, 477 Sacking Elevator 337 Sack Packer 214, 215 Salem Steel Elevator Bucket 314, 315 Samp Mill Sampler, Grain Samson Water Turbine 279 Scale Beam . Scale, Hopper for Grain 1 367 Scales 225-234 Scales, Feed, and Packer 223 Scale, Sacking 222, 223 Scalping Cylinder - 113 Scalping Reel for Corn Mill Scalping Reel, Hexagon Scalping Reel, Round 79 Scalping Shoes 112, 113, 115 Scoop 483 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 507 INDEX Continued Page Scoop for Power Grain Shovel 361 Scourer, Corn 124 Scourer, Iron Prince 111 Scourer, Wheat and Buckwheat 107-109 Scraper and Scraper Holder, Roll 35 Screen, Rolling . 114 Screw, Cap... . 490 Screw Hoist 363 Screw, Hoisting 195 Screw, Lag 489 Screw, Leveling 199 Screw, Machine 493 Screw Packer 216 Screw, Set 489 Screw, Wood 494 Self-Propelling Tripper 357, 358 Separator and Grader 114 Separator, Buckwheat Gravel 115 Separator, Cotton Seed 258 Separator, Cracked Corn 116-120 Separator, Garlic . 119 Separator, Hominy 239 Separator, Magnetic 138 Separator, Milling 104-106 Separator, Receiving 98-103 Separator, Rice Paddy 244 Set Collar 420 Set, Rivet 480 Set Screw, Iron 489 Shaft, Wood Conveyor 313 Shafting, Dimensions of Standard Keyseats for 405 Shafting, Horse Power Transmitted by 406 Shafting, Keyseating 406 Shafting, Steel 405 Shaker, Hull Bran ... 274 Shaw Compression Coupling 418 Sheave, Bushing for Rope 382 Sheave for Manila Rope Transmission 396, 397 Sheave, Guide for Conveyor Belt 356 Sheave, Keyseating and Key for Rope 376 Sheet Iron, Weight of 496 Sheet Steel 346 Sheet Steel, Weight of 496 Sheet Tin 346 Sheller, Hand Corn 200, 201 Sheller, Power Cylinder Corn 126, 127 Sheller, Rice 244 Shelling Stone, Rice 244 Shovel, Power Grain 359-361 Sieve Bolter, Self-Balancing, Style"E"and"H"60-71 Sieve Cloth for Style "E" Bolter 67 Sieve, Corn Meal 88 Sieve for Ball Bearing Sectional Sifter Style "F" and "S" 59 Sieve, Metal Testing 86 Sifter and Mixer, Batch 294 Sifter and Mixer, Gardner 293 Sifter, Ball Bearing Sectional, Style"F"and"S"50-59 Sifter, Testing 88 Silk Bolting Cloth 89 Sleeve Coupling 417 Sleeve for Peerless Friction Clutch 409 Sleeve for Style " M " Friction Clutch 415 Slick, Flour 485 Smith's Patent Belt Fastener- .-. 480 Socket Wrench for Bolter 486 Socket Wrench for Elevator Cup Bolt 317 Sole Plate 444 Spectacles 497 Speed Indicator 257, 482 Spindle, Burr Mill Spiro Compression Coupling Spout, Car Loading Spout, Distributing, for Elevator Head. Spout End, Bagging Spout, Hopper and Bag Spouting, Metal and Wood Spouting Paper Spout Pocket Spout Valve Spout Window Spring Punch Sprocket Wheel for Link Belting Spur Friction Gearing Spur Gear, Cast Iron Spur Gear, Cut Spur Gear for Elevator Spur Mortise Gear and Pinion Spur Rack Square Iron, Weight of Staffs, Red and Proof Standard Burr Mill Stand, Belt Conveyor Roll Stand, Indicator Stand, Mule Starter for Motor Stay Rod Steam Boiler Steam Dryer, Cutler Steam Engine Steamer, Corn Steamer, Wheat Steam Generator Steam Pipe, Wrought Iron and Steel. _ Steel Barrow Steel Belt Conveyor Roll Steel Box for Conveyor Steel Conveyor Box Ends Steel Conveyor Box, Supports for Steel Conveyor, Wood Box for Steel Elevator Boot -_ _ Steel Elevator Bucket . . Steel Elevator Head . Steel Elevator Trunking Steel, Perforated Sheet Steel Pulley Steel Pulley with Cork Inserts Steel Scoop Steel, Sheet Steel Steam, Gas, and Water Pipe Steel Tank for Elevator Boot. ___'__.___ Steel, Weight of Sheet Steel, Weight of Tank Step Bearing, Vertical Shaft Step, Burr Mill Stonebraker Hominy Mill Stone Cement, Burr Stone for Burr Mills Stone, Rice Shelling Stoning Machine, Wheat Washing and. Stop, Tripper ._ Stove Bolt Stud, Belt Stud for Conveyor Flight Suction Fan._ . Support for Steel Conveyor Box Supporting Frame for Mill Stone Swing Tightener Switches, Knife Page .... 199 419 344 . 343 ___ 344 344 ...i 345 .... 346 333 333 333 480 _402-404 395 .390-393 284 335 -389, 390 393 .459, 496 198 .162^168 356 341 446 -154, 268 491 283 250 -282, 283 257 -259-261 259 490 368 355 311 308 312 313 329 .314,315 329 .319-322 .139-144 378 379 483 346 490 347 496 496 443 197 235 497 .192, 193 244 248 356 492 480 301 .133, 134 312 189 449 - 272 508 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. INDEX Continued T Page Table, Grain Measure 207 Table, Metric 498, 499 Table of Circumference and Area of Circles 463 Table of Gauge of Metal 461 Table of Half-Circumference of Pulley 462 Table of Value of Feed Stuffs 208 Table of Weight of Flat Iron 460 Table of Weight of Round and Square Iron.459, 496 Table of Weight of Sheet Iron, Steel, Copper and Brass 464 Table of Weight of Various Products 96 Table, Weir 276 Table, Yield .' 95 Tack Hammer, Magnetic 495 Tackle Block 364 Take-Up Box for Elevator Boot 334 Take-Up Drop Hanger 455 Take-Up Post Hanger 455 Tally, Durant Flour 485 Tampico Scraper for Rolls 35 Tank for Elevator Boot, Steel 347 Tank Iron and Steel, Weight of 496 Temperer, Corn 236 Tempering Bin 347 Tempering Conveyor 261 Tension Carriage, Fittings for 401 Tension Carriage for Rope Drive 400, 401 Tester, Grain 482 Testing Sieve, Metal 86 Testing Sifter 88 Thermal Wheat Steamer 260, 261 Three Pedestal Burr Mill 170, 171 Thumb Nut 487 Tightener, Belt 449-454 Tightener, Chain 454 Tightener for Iron Prince Scourer 111 Tightener, Vertical Mill 449 Tin Elevator Bucket 316 Tin Flour Scoop 483 Tin, Sheet 346 Top Runner Burr Mill 188, 189 Tram Plate, Roll. 35 Transformer, Current and Potential 269 Transmission Box, Friction 442 Transmission Rope, Manila . 398 Trier, Flour 485 Tripod Feeder for Burr Mill 194 Tripper for Belt Conveyor 357, 358 Tripper Stop 356 Troughing Belt Conveyor Roll 350-353 Troughing Roll, Dump 353 Troughing Roll, Plain - 353 Trucks 365-367 Trumble, Rice 245 Trunking, Elevator 319-322 Tubular Dust Collector 128-130 Turbine Water Wheel . . - - 2 78-280 Page Turnbuckle 487 Turnhead, Elevator 341 , 342 Twist Leather Belting 475 U Under Runner Burr Mill 190, 191 Under Runner Burr Mill Outfit 192 Universal Coupling for Conveyor 310 Universal Coupling, Ring Type 417 Upper Runner Burr Mill __188, 189 Upright Shaft Bearing '. 443 Value of Feed Stuffs 208 Valve, Spout 333 "V" Elevator Bucket 316 Vertical Burr Mill 162-175 Vertical Mill Tightener 449 Vertical Oat Huller _ 179 Vertical Pillow Block 443 Vertical Shaft Step Bearing 443 Vibratory Feeder for Roller Mill 14, 44, 45 w Wagon, Flour 367 Wagon Scale 233 Wagon Scale Beam 234 Wall Box Frame 445 Wall Bracket, Extension 446 Warehouse Scale 230, 231 Washer, Wheat 248, 249 Washer, Leather, for Elevator Bolt 317 Washer, Wrought and Cast Iron r - 491 Water, Measurement of 276, 277 Water Pipe, Wrought Iron and Steel 490 Water Wheels 275-280 Water Wheel Governor 281 Weight of Flat Iron 460 Weight of Lumber 207 Weight of Round and Square Iron 459, 496 Weight of Sheet Iron and Steel 496 Weight of Sheet Copper and Brass 464 Weight of Tank Iron and Steel 496 Weight of Various Products 96 Weir Table 276 Wheat Heater 262 Wheat Scourer _ ,' 107-109 Wheat Steamer 259-261 Wheat Tempering Conveyor . 261 Wheat Washer and Dryer 248 Wheat Washing, Stoning, and Drying Machine 248 Wheat Whizzer 249 Wheel, Hand 487 Wheel, Indicator 342 Wheel, Sprocket, for Link Belting ..402-404 Wheels, Water 275-280 Whitmore Purifier _ _ 86 Sprout, Waldron & Company, Muncy, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. 509 INDEX Concluded Page Whizzer, Wheat 249 Wick Oiling Adjustable Pillow Block 435 Wick Oiling Adjustable Post Hanger 432 Wick Oiling Drop Hanger 433, 434 Wick Oiling Floor Stand 433, 434 Wick Oiling Hanger Box 430 Wick Oiling Long Reach Post Hanger 432 Wick Oiling Rigid Pillow Block 439, 440 Wick Oiling Rigid Post Hanger 438 Wick Oiling Vertical Pillow Block 443 Window, Spouting 333 Wing Nut 487 Wire Bolting Cloth 90-94 Wire Brush 484 Wire Cloth for Sifter Cleaner 59 Wire Rope Car Puller 263, 264 Wire Sieve Cloth for Style "E" Bolter 67 Wood Barrow 368 Wood Belt Conveyor Roll 355 Wood Box for Conveyor 313 Wood Bushing 382 Wood Conveyor Box End 307 Page Wood Conveyor Flight . . 313 Wood Conveyor Gudgeon. 313 Wood Conveyor Shaft. _ 313 Wood Crane for Burr MilL 195 Wood Elevator Boot 324-328 Wood Elevator, Complete. . 327,328 Wood Elevator Head. __ 323-326 Wood Elevator Trunking . 319 Wood Key . . 394 Wood Pulley . 380,381 Wood Spouting 345 Wood Screw 494 Woodward Water Wheel Governor. 281 Wrenches 486 Wrench, Socket, for Elevator Bolt.. 317 Y Yield Table .. 95 Yoke Tightener. _ 454 z Zinc, Perforated Sheet . ..139-144