?R 3369 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND POEMS ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS E NG L1SH and L A TIN. By the Rev. Mr. JOHN DANIEL COTTON, ** u- Matter of the Grammar School in Newbury^ Berks. Pritnum ego me illorum y dederim quibus ejfe Excerpam numero : Hor. Sat. Lib. i. Sat. 4. (Tamen) h. Mr. John Brunfdon, Apothetary in Newbury, Berks Rev. Mr. Bellas, of Tattenden Rev. Mr. James Brown, of Bradford Capt. John Barford Mifs Ifabella Burchell, of Vaux-Hall Mr. James Burchatt, of Rudgivick, Suflex Rev. Mr. Barry, Student of Cbrift Churchy Oxford Mr. Beale, Attorney at Law in Neivbury Richard Birch, Demi of Magdalen College y Oxford Mifs Sally Blake, of 'Lymington Rev. Mr. Bell, of Kingfilere Mr. William Bourne, Apothecary in Romfey Maplefden Bound, Attorney at Law in Chelmsford Tho. Blunt Surgeon to the County Hofpital.in Exeter John Biddiecomb, of Portsmouth James Biddiecomb, of Salijbury Lypeat Bodman, Apothecary, in Newbury Rd. Baldwin, Bookfeller, in Pater-nojler-row> London Thomas Bilhop, of Fleetftreet y London John Bradley, of Alfesford John Bertie, Student at Winchefter College Thomas Baverftock, of Alton John Baverftock, of Newbury William Baylis, of Oriel College, Oxford Thomas Braxtone, of Titchfield William Baker, of Salijbury Jofeph Beacham, of Popham Lane, Hants Thomas Bower, of Winchefter Barlow Brander C Sir Boteler Chernock, Bart. Rev, John Coxed," L. L.' D. Warden 'of Winchester College B vi. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Rev. Thomas Cheney, D. D. Fellow of Winchefter College, and Dean of Winchester Richard Collins, of Newton, Efq; Mr. Samuel Collins, Student of Cbrift Church College, Oxford' Rev. Mr. Collins, Fellow of New College, Oxford Mr. Benjamin Collins, Printer, in Satijbury John Collins, of Newbury Stephen Chafe, of Wcodhay, Efq ; John Cook, of Fridlejham, Efq; Rev. Mr. Thomas Cooke, Fellow of C. C.C. Oxford Mr. John Cooke, Scholar of C. C. C. Oxford Rev. Mr. Cobbe, Prebendary of St. Patrick's, Dublin William Coles, of Salisbury, Efq; Rev. Mr. Crawley, Vicar of Rudgivick, SuJ/ex Mr. John Chaundler, Fellow of New College, Oxford 'William Coles, of Deddington, Oxfordfiire James Chambers, of Baliol College, Oxford ' George Caverley, of Univerfity College, Oxford Charles Cornwall, Fellow of New College, ' Oxford Clare, of St. John's College, Oxford Crookfhanks, of Crawley, Hants- Mifs Kitty Carey, of Newbury Mifs Nanny Carey Mr. John Carey Thomas Clarke, of Farnbam, Surrey John Clarke, Surgeon in Winchejler Charles Clarke, Apothecary in Farnham, Surrey Jafper Clarke, Lay Vicar of the Cathedral of Durham' Mifs Crufe, of Neivbury Rev. Mr. Cotton, Rector of St. Lawrence in Winchcfter Mr. Richard Cotton, Apothecary in Stockbridge t 5 Books Carew Cotton, of Dunsfold, Surrey SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. vii. Charles Cotton, Fellow of New College, Oxford John Cuel, Wine-Merchant in Winchefter Wade Cuel Nathaniel Caflleton, Efq^ Mrs. Clements, of Denmead, Hants Mr. John Child, of Wincbejter David Compignee, of ditto Thomas Chubb, of ditto John Child, of Stockbridge John Cafwall, Student at Winchefter College Edward Carne, of Oriel College -, Oxford Richard Chance, of Farnham, Surrey John Cooper, Attorney at Law in Salijbury Collier, of Alresford, Hants Creak, of ditto Ambrofe Courtney, of Salijlury Francis Chambers Urry Coleman, of Newport Efqj Mr. Coleman, of 'Trinity College y Oxford D Sir James Dafhwood, Bart. Member of Parliament for Lady Dafhwood (Oxfordjhire Simeon Defcury, of Salisbury, Efq; Robert Duke, of Lake, Efqj Mrs. Docker, of Alton, Hants Mn. Duke, of Salisbury Hill Dawe, of Ditcheat, Somerfetjhire, Efq; Rev. Mr. Dawes, of Crux Eajlon, Hants Rev. Mr. William Drake, Matter of Fclftead School, Effcx Rev. Mr. Davies, of Twvford, Hants Mr. Francis Denver, Apothecary in Alresford Y Hants Davenport, of Worcester College, Oxford viii. S U B S C R I B E R S N A M E S. Dundridge, of ditto Thomas Dormer, of Brafen Nofe College, Oxford Henry Dench, Attorney at Law in Salisbury Duthy, Attorney at Law in Atresford Scroope Egerton, of Salisbury* John Egerton, of Friday Street, London, Efq? John Eames, Counfellor at Law, in Gofport, Efq; Rev. Mr. John Eyre, Fellow of New College, Oxford Nicholas Elliot, of Salisbury, Efqj Mr. Henry iliot, of ditto Rev. Mr. Edwards, of Salisbury Mr. Henry Edwards, Attorney at Law, ditto Mr. John Edwards, Student at Winchefler College Mr. George Evans, Fellow of New College, Oxford F Gorges Foyle, of Somerford, Wilts* Efq; Rev. Mr. Foyle, Re6lor of Kimpfton, Hants Thomas Felton, of the Temple, Efqj Mr. John Finden, Matter of the Free School, at Alton John Find en, of Magdalen College, Oxford William Finden, of C. C. C. ditto Rev. Mr. Forfter, of Salisbury Mr. Thomas Forrefter, of Oriel College, Oxford William Forty, of Salisbury John Forty, of Hungerford, Berks John Farhill, Apothecary, in Cbichejler Richard Foquet, Attorney at Law, at Newport Fofbery, of Romfey, Hants Thomas Freeman, Attorney at Law, in CMmsford Robert Foley, of Oriel College , Oxford Philip Fleetwood SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. ir. G Thomas Gatehoufe, of Wallop, Hants. Efq; Richard Godwin, of Harm/worth, Efq; James Grainger, M. D. in the Univerfity of Glafcow Mifs Grace, of Winchefter Robert Godfrey, of Romfey, Hants. Efq> Mr. John Gauntelet, Wine-Merchant, in Wincbe/ler Rev. Mr. Charles Gretton, Reftor of Springfield* EfTex Rev. Mr. Mark Gretton, two Books John Godbold, Efq; Rev. Mr. Goodwin, Fellow of New College, Oxford Mifs Gifford Mr. Goldwire, Surgeon, in Salisbury Mr. Edward Gale, Attorney at Law, in Applejhaw, Hants Edward Goddard, of Woodhay, Efq; Mr. Richard Glafle, Fellow of New College, Oxford John Green, of Winchejler, Efq; Mr. Richard Green, Student at WincbeJIer College Mr. William Griffith, Commoner, of Oriel College, Oxforcl Mr. William Greenville, Bookfeller, in Winchejler Mr. William Gother, of New College, Oxford Rev. Mr. John Gibfon Mr. Glaflpoole, H Sir Thomas Heathcotte, Bart, of Hurjley Lodge,, Hants William Hunt, of Bajing/loke, Efq; Rev. Mr. Hilman, Prebendary of Salisbury Rev. Mr. Harris, Fellow ot Winchefter College Charles Harrifon, of Alton, Efq; John Lee Hill, of Cbolderton, Efq; Rev. Mr. Kill, of Waikp, Hants Edward Hopfon, Efq; C x. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Peter Hawker, of Long Parijh, Hants. Efq; . Hancock, M. D. of Salisbury Edward Hooke, M. D. Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford Mr. John Hooke, Student at Winchejler College Richard Harrington, Efq; Thomas Hulbert, M. D. of Newbury Rev. Mr Charles Holloway, Chaplain to the Englifh Fac- Rev. Mr. Heath, oi Bramdean ( tol 7> at ^ C PP Mr. Sherville Holloway, Linen Draper, on Snow Hill London Mr. Richard Holloway, Attorney at Law, in Winchejler Mr. John Holloway Mr. Edward Holloway, Student at Winchejler Collegt Rev. Mr. Hinton, Rector of Chalton, Hants Rev. Mr. Jofeph Hoole, 'Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford Chriftopher Holyland, of Friday Street, London, Efq; Rev. Mr. Henville, Rector of Rowner Mr. Thomas Hayward, Fellow of New College, Oxford Mr. Harry Hampton, Attorney at Law, in Waltham Rev. Mr. Harter, Mafter of the Free School rtWiltofi Rev. Mr. John Henchman, Vicar of Dedington Rev. Mr. Hawkins, Vicar of Boldre Mr. Francis Hackman, otLymington Jofeph Hackman, of ditto Thomas Hollift, Fellow of New College, Oxford Hopkins, Fellow of New College, ditto Hockley, Q Cheriton Mifs Head, of Newbury Mr. James Huntingford, of Winchejler Ifaac Hooper, of ditto Charles Harding of ditto Robert Hughes, Student at Winckefter College William Hearft, Student at ditto SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. jxi. John Hall, at Maplederwett Hatch David Humphrey Harry Harmwood, Attorney at Law, in Stockbridge, Habgood, Schoolmafter, in N&wbury tt William Jolliffe, of Pitflace, Me of Wight, Efq; Banks Jenkinfon, Efq; Mr. George Jackfon, Attorney at Law, in Alresford Rev. Mr. Jeffery, oiWincbefter Mr. Jeffery, of Hunton William Jackfon, of Park, Me of Wight John Jeanes, Attorney at Law, melton Timothy Jones, of Romfey Rev. Mr. Jennings K Rev. Mr Stephen Kinchin, of Stoke Charity, five Books Mrs. Kinchin John Kelly, M. D. oiCBrtfl Church College, Oxford, 2 Books Mr. Berrington King, Surgeon, in Winchejler Kent, Organift, of the Cathedral and College, ditto Richard King, Wine-Merchant, in Newbury Manaileh King, Apothecary, ditto Rev. Mr. Ambrofe Kent, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford Mifs Eliza Knapton, of Lymington Mr. Launcelot Kerby, of Trinity College, Oxford Mr. Cranley Kerby, Student at Winchefter College Rev. Mr. John Kipling, Student ofCbrift Church, Oxfortf Mr. Robert Lumley Kingfton, of Dorchefter J_/ William Le-Marchant, of Neu-bury, Efqj Browne Langrifh, M. D. siWir.cbefter Mrs, Langrifh, fix Books xii. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Mr. Browne Langrifh, Attorney at Law, in Peter fold . John Langrifli Rev. Mr. Lumby, Prebendary of Salt/bury Rev. Mr. Langbaine, Fellow of Winchester College Rev. Mr. Letchmere, Prebendary otWincheJier Thomas Lann, of Hambledon, Efq; Rev. Mr. Lee, Fellow of New College^ Oxford Rev. Mr. Lee, of Barton Stacey, Hants -Mr. Henry Layng, Fellow of New College, Oxford Francis Le-Breton, of Jefus College, ditto Leddiard, of Baliol College t ditto Mrs. Lypeat, of Newbury Mifs Laurence, of Winchefter Mr. Daniel Lafhford, of ditto Henry Lyfs, of Portfmouth Samuel Leeke, Goldfmith, of ditto William Lake, Surgeon at Harting Edward Loggin, Student at Winchefter College M Carew Mildmay, of Shawford, Hants. Efq; George Morley, of Droxford, Efq; Richard Mill, of Mottisfont, Efq; Rev. Mr. Mill, Rector of Ktngs-Somborne y Hants Rev. Mr. May, Fellow of C. C. C. Oxford Mrs. May, .of Beenham, Berks Thomas Mitchell, Efq; of Friday Street, London Mr. Thomas Mitchell, of Cbeapjide, London Meyricke, Efq; Gentleman Commoner of New College* Mifs Mayo, of Winchejler (Oxford Thomas Wilkins Morgan, of St. Georges, Sowerfetfoire, Efq; Benjamin Merriman, of Ncwbiiry, Efq; Mrs, Merriman, of Newbury SUBSCRIBERS NAMES, xiii, Richard Maddox, Efq; Mrs. Manwaring, of 'Twyford, Hants Re/. Mr. Matter, Redor of Eaft Hanningfield, E/eX Mr. Manfield, Attorney at Law, in. Ringivood Lieutenant John Moore Mr. Moore, of Worcester College, Oxford James Maidlow, of Jefus College, Cambridge Charles Micklewright, Bookfeller, in Reading Thomas Mant Thomas Middieton, Student at Winchefter College N Thomas Newnham, of Winchefter, Efqj Hugh Norris, of Romfey, Efq; Mr. Philip Newbolt, of Winchefter Thomas Nichols, of New College, Oxford William Norton, Attorney at Newport, Ifle of Wjglit Loder Needham, Surgeon, akWatlington C John Oglander, Efq; Gentleman Commoner of New College, Mr. Oglander, Student at Winchefter College (Oxford Rev. Mr. Obourne, Reftor, of Laver/tock, Hants Mrs. Olding, of Winchefter Mr. Oviat, of Lymington, Hants P Charles Penruddocke, of Compt 'on Chamberlain*, Efq; Rev. John Purnell, D. D. Warden of New College, Oxford Henry Pinke, of Kemp/hot, Efq; Norton Powlet, of Rotherfield, Efq; Richard Puckeridge, of Romfey, Efq; Rev. Mr. Price, Fellow of Winchefter College Rev. Mr. Price, Reclor of Newton Tony, Wilts Rev. Mr. Purnell, Fellow of New College, Oxford D xiv. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Pye, Counfellor at Law, of the Middle Temple, Efq; Rev. Mr, Benjamin Pye, Fellow of New College, Oxford Alexander Powel, of Salijbury, Efq; Rev. Mr. Powel Francis Page, Efq; Mayor of Neivbury Henry Penton, Efq; Gentleman Commoner, of Emamtl College, Cambridge Rev. Mr. Penrofe, Re&or of Neivbury Jonathan Moreton Pleydell, of Lincoln* Inn, Efq; ReVi Mr. Harry Parker, Fellow of 'Trinity College, Otford Mr. Chriftopher Parker, of Cheapfide, London Rev. Mr Phelps, Fellow of New College, Oxford Richard Payne, of Salijbury, Efq; Rev. Mr. Plowden, Rector of Ewhurft, Hants Mr. Pratt, Apothecary, to the County Hofpital at Wincbejlcr Rev. Mr. Pratt, oiWadbam College, Oxford Mrs. Poulter, of Effingham, Surrey Rev. Mr. Philips, of Newton, Hants Mr. John Philips, Student, at Winchcjler College John Pitman, Efq; Rev. Mr. Thomas Panting, of Merton College, Oxford Mr. Pearce, of St. Mary Hall, Oxford Jofeph Pearce, Demi, of Magdalen College, Oxford John Pott, Fellow of New College, Oxford Porter, Attorney at Law, in Winchester Benjamin Pughe, Surgeon, at Cbelmsford George Auguftus Proffer, Attorney at Law, in Porff- Mifs Peck, ofTbame- (mouth Mr. Perry, of Micheldever John Pottinger, Bookfeller, in Newbury Thomas Pocklington, Attorney at Law, in Cbelwford Leonard Pearman, of Harpfdean SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. xv. Thomas Palmer, of Ncnvbury Robert Fitters, Student at Winchefter College Harry Peckham, Student at ditto R George Ridge, of Kilmefton, Efq; William Ruflel, of Bafaig, Hants. Efq; Mr. John RufTel, Senr. Attorney at Law, in Bajingftofa Sambrooke RufTel, of Queens College, Oxford Nicholas Ruifel, Apothecary, in Alresford Bofwell Ruflel, at Portfmoutb John Ridge, of Stubbington, Hants. Efq; Rev. Mr. Carew Reynell, Reclor ofCbildrey, fix Books Rev. Mr. Carew Reynell, Fellow of New College, Oxford Mr. Carew Reynell, Apothecary, in Cannon Street, London Rev. Mr. Ridding, Prebendary of Winchefter Henry Roberts, Junr. of Stainham, Ifle of Wight, Efqj James Rolfe, of Salijbury, Efq; Rev. Mr. Robert Ready, Fellow of New College, Oxford Mr. John Ray, Commoner, of Oriel College, Oxford Rogers, Attorney at Law, in Bafingjioke Robert Rickets, of ditto William Reynolds, ofChelmsford Richard Bifs Riland, of Queens College, Oxford Benjamin Rcoke, of Shaw, Berks Charles Roiie, of Newbury Raymond S Anthony Langley Swymrner, Efq; Member of Parliament for Southampton Powlet St. John, of Dogmersfcldy Hants. Efq; The Honble. St. Andrew St. John, Efq; Gentleman Com- moner, of New College, Oxford, two Books xvi. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Francis Swanton, of Wallop, Hants. Efqj Mr. William Swanton, of Salisbury, Rev. Mr. Scott, Fellow of Winchejler College Rev. Mr, Speed, Ufher of ditto Rev. Robert Shipman, L. L. D. Fellow of All Souls Oxford Mr Shipman, Apothecary, in Winchejler, five Books William Smith, M. D. Fellow of New College, Oxford Rev. Mr. Richard Smith, ofHoughton> Hams Mr. George Smith, Fellow of New College, Oxford Rev. Mr. Peter Smith, Rector of Hartley Row, Hants Mifs Rofe Smith, of Winchejler Mr. Purdue Smith, of ditto Ralph Smith, of Merton College, Oxford Jofeph Smith, Upholfter, at Portfmoutb Smith, of Thame, Oxfordshire Edward Scroggs, of Chute Lodge, Efq; John Spencer, of the Temple, Efq; Rev. Mr. Stockwell, Rector of Lindbitrft^ Hants Rev. Mr. Stockwell, Rector of Dummer Rev. Mr. Sealy, Rector of Bighton Rev. Mr. William Scale William Stonehoufe, Efq; Robert Snallin, Efq; Rev. Mr. George Sale, Fellow of New College, Oxford Samuel Slocock, of Newbury, Efq; Mifs Sedgeley, of ditto Rev. Mr. Starkley, Fellow of C. C. C. Oxford Mr John Sturgefs, Fellow of New College, ditto Charles Saunders, of Winchefter> Efq; Mr. John Silver, of ditto Rev. Mr. Stephens, Rector of St. flaw, ditto SUBSCRIBERS NAMES, xvii, Mifs Stafford, of ditto Mr. Spencer, Mailer of the Free School, ditto Mifs Skeeler Rev. Mr. Simmons, Fellow of New College, Oxford Mr. John Staker, of New College, ditto Rev. Mr. Still, of Oriel College, ditto Mr. Sheffield, < Worcefter College, ditto Mr. John Sainfbury, Attorney at Law, in Portfmouih Mr. Stone, of Salisbury Samuel Shipton, Apothecary, in Bafingjlokc Samber, oiLymington South, Attorney at Law, in Chalk Rev. Mr. Silk Mr. Charles Salkelet T Alexander ThLftlethwayte, Efq; Member of Parliament for Lady Tent, of Dogmersfeld, Hants (Hampfkirc Rev. Mr. Taylor, Fellow of Winchester College Mr. Taylor, Attorney at Law, in Oxford Thomas Taylor Rev. Mr. Taggart, Rector of Crookherne, SomerfetJJnre Rev. Mr. Tirrel, Fellow of St. Jobns College, Oxford j Mr. William Tirrel, Attorney at Law, in Andover Rev. Mr. Turner, Fellow of New College, Oxford Rev. Mr. Topping, Re&or of Cholderton Rev. Mr. Leonard Troughere, of Nortbwood, Ifle of Wight Mrs. Tinfley, Governefs of the Boarding School, Neu-bury Mifs Tinfley Mr. Townihend, Fellow of New College, Oxford Mr. John Talmage, of Winchester Rev. Mr. Troughton E xviii. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. V Rev. Mr. Viney Mr. William Vivyan, Fellow of C. C. C. Oxford, Vyvyan, of Queens College, ditto Vivers, Fellow of New College, ditto- Richard Vokings, of Neivbury Edward Ventris W Sir Edward Worfley, of Gatcombe, Ifle of Wight Thomas Worfley, of Sombourne, Efq; Robert Worfley, of Pidferd, Ifle of Wight, Efq; James Worfley, of Stenbury, ditto, Efq; Rev. Mr. Francis Worfley, Fellow of New College > Oxford Rev. Mr. Whiftler, Reftor of Dinton, Wilt* Abraham Weeks, of Rookley, Hants Efq; John Willis, of Ringwood', Efq; Rev. Mr. James Willis, Vicar of Sopley Mr. Thomas Willis, Student at Winchejler College Rev. Mr. Wilks,- Reftor of Weft Woodhay, Hants Rev. Mr. Whiting, Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford Henry Windham, of Salijbury, Efq; Henry Wells, of Brambridge, Hants. Efq; - Rev. Mr. Jofeph Warton, Redor of Winjlade Rev. Mr. Thomas Warton, Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford James Warde, of Crabborne, Hants. Efq; Richard Willoughby, of Salisbury, Efq; Thomas Wallis, of Inglewood Park, Berks. Efq; Mrs. Waring, Governefs of the Boarding School, NewburJ Mr. Whitmore, Fellow of New College, Oxford Benjamin Wheeler, of ^Trinity College, Oxford Edward Weller, of C. C..C. Oxford Weller, Junr. of ditto Matthew Woodford, Junr, of Southampton S U B S-C R I B E R S NAMES, xix, John Woodford Edward Withers, Junr. Surgeon in Newbury John Wilkins, of Brecknock, Wales William Wilcox, of Portfmoutb John White, of Romfey, Hants John White, of Bramley Mrs. Woodward, of Winchefter Rev. Mr. Thomas Winbolt, of Lymington> Hants Mr. Thomas Goodridge Waller, of Wincbefter Benjamin Winkworth, 1 of ditto John Wilde, of Portfmoutb] John Watts, viBafingftoke John Wooll, Junr. t&Wincbefler Jecon Wellard, Efqj Mr. Whitmarfh Y Rev. Richard Yates, EX. D. of St. James s Square > London Z Zinzan, M. D. of B&nham> Berks ERRATA. Page 7. Line n.for cur'd, read lur'd. p. 20. 1. iS.for vin^o, read vlnch. 1. 21. for Vlnttorum^ read Vinclorum. p. 22. 1. S.forPupureos, read Purpureos. p. 23, 1. 6.forv:ttfto, read tiinclo. 1. 14. for fine ^ rzzAJine. p. 26.!. 20. /w Pfl/J, read Ptf/5V. p. 28. 1. 8. for fufpend, read fufpend. I. 20. /*r tf/^r. read 0//0r. p. 37.!. 9'/^ Viginibus^ read Virginibus. p. 38. //^ I. /r cenprrey read conferre. p. 39. 1. 3-/?r Fuiarum* read Furiarum. 1. 12. jftr comitefqueS) read comltefque. p, 40. 1. 2, yr dificerent^ read deficerent. I. 6.forfenfus t r&dfenfus. 1. 7-/*r ^^ 3 read /ftr. p. 64. 1. 9. /r /A/V> read /6/V. Reverendis adtnodum Viris Cuftodi, Archididafcalo, Hypodidafcalo, Et Sociis Collegii Wintonienfis, Haec Poemata, five potiiis Lufus juveniles, Tyrocinii Sub eorum Cura et Patrocinio adi Grate Memor, Societati Wiccamicae Faufta omnia precatus D. D. D, J. D. COTTON. To fa Cramping. Written at WINCHESTER SCHOOL. E G A S U S exultet P/W0 licet arduus, alti Impatiens equitis, me Bellerepbontis imago Effuii, et fubito correptus turbine vertex Ut potius pedes ire velim, cantemque pedeftres Praemonuit numeros, Pes ergo canninis huju Materies, digitique affini jure fbdales. Siqua puer dodus milTas celare placentas Secefiu intrufus furtivo roderit ore Maternum rrmnus, psenae haud fecurus, inultam A von 3 POEMS, Non pubem eludet, fi quas nodofa tenaci Funiculo virtus, agilique aftutia dextrae. Quis puer exiguam non parco ex aere trientem. Expromet, lori pretium ? fatoria merccs Hoc nummo, validum cerato robore linum, Vender,, cuifetae peracuto in fine rigefcunt Porcinse, quo non fiinis mordacior alter Haerefcat digito, ant ftridlos mage torqueat artus.- Mox, ubi privato condimpfit edulia morfii _^ Munera, lorum emitur ; jamnox fatalis, avarae Paena gulae ; dudum filuit compago, feratae Nee crepuere fores, feflbs fopor occupat artus : Stertit clamantem vincat quod S tent or a ; nodos Jam ligat artifices, cui fit fiducia dextrae Subtilis, formatque arclo fubtemine filum. Jam leclo lente proreptum eft, quo tuba nafi Monftrat iter, radiis etiam ducente lucerna Aufpicioque facis, leviori dextera tadu Stragula cauta levat, turpes etleniter ungues Exponit, nafo ftertit tamen ille canoro Nefcius uftura; no&urno angore catenae. Sic: 0/5 fever ai Occafofts. 3 Sic male Deiphobus thalamis edormiit, hora Jam no&is media, nimis heu ! uxorius, arris Fasmineas, et fcelerum tantorum ignarus, Epei Nefcius aftuti, cum jam fatale minatur Ferrum, et fopiti jugulo flat mucro mariti. Turbajocans fordes digkorum ridet odoras ^ Obfcamofque pedes, faedum fuffimen honeflas ti "J Corrugat nares, prasfertim ferveat aura Siquando seftiva, atque exurat Sinus agros* Non defendit odor, digito fed tortile lorum Stringitur, implexos et fortis dextera nexus Ardius innodat ; varies per fomnia tortus Dans Magnum horrendumque gemit, crudelis imago Territat in fomnis, vindum fe compede Furis Falla monet forma elufique Chimaera cerebri. Verlantem in lecto feque in fua membra plicantem Inftantes rident pueri miferumque fatigant. Qualis Ariftczi cum vindlus, compede Proteus Indignans torquet corpus, frendetque malignis Dentibus, et fla,vas nequicquam calcat arenas ^ Torquentem fefe et ludantem abrumpere nodos Qeruleae 4 POEMS, Cxrulex rident Nymphae, qux per mare nante& Littora grata petunt, virides ficcantque capillos. . Jam magis accrefcit dolor, irrequieta molefto Membra torb, vitulos jam dormitare marinos Definit, ingenti quin perfonat atria plan&u, Et veram fentit paenam, jam pollice crudo Uritur, et torto funis ceratus inhasret. Alternare preces tremebunda voce minafque Cogitur, et dubios fingultim promere queftus. Sic Nautae, quoties violento turbidus Auftro; Corruit imber aquis, nigraque cohorreat unda Tempeftas, clamant trepidi, jampedore ab imo* Effudere preces, dubia nunc morte laborant Atlantes Fludhis, fuium ruit ore rotundo Dirarum omne genus y mixtisque alterna profanis Vota, audit caelum accentus et confcius aether Incertofque fonos de monte repercutit Echo. Dura nimis pubes : tantine injuria caenae ? Tantafiie exefe pxnas meruere pkcentas ? Haecne cupido gulae ? nodos diflblve, nee ultra Torqueat implicitos crudelis dextera nexus. Afpicc On fever alOccafwns. 5 Afpice ! quam mordax crude de pollice cera Raditur, asgroti velut acris puftula terguni Excoriat pellemque trahit, torto ore dolorem Vix fert extremum, gernitus ciet inde fupremos^ Cum tandem loro requierunt membra foluto* Hie finis digiti tortorum, flebile fatuiu Paenaque avaritiae : placido li forte fopori Componit caput, eludunt Phantafmata fenius,, Perfentitque novas dira flib imagine pxnas, Tor tor idem terret > mentifque inamabilis angpr* . . Vos Wiccamiculi le&o dormire quieto Si vultis, placidafquc fereno pedlore nodes^ Tranfigere, hie facilcs praebete attentius aures r Sit comitum fincerus amor, communia nunquam. Sitqui dida foras eliminet:, hie procul abfit Introrfum turpis, (peciofus pelle decora. Nullus avaritiae fautor - Y concordia caetus Wiccamicos beet, et niveis circumvolet alls. Sic fine lite dies ; noctes dormire quietas Sic. dahitur, paenae nee ludicer ingruet horror,. Poverty, POEMS, P O V E R T Y. In Imitation of Mr. PHILIP'S Splendid Shilling, Written ^WINCHESTER SCHOOL. APPY the man ! whofe weighty purfe |l contains Or yellow gold, pale filver, or the coin Of ruddy copper ; he on cheerful thoughts Enjoys a mental feaft, nor pines with care. The chink of gold with gold (transporting found ! ) Excels the timbrel, or the Siren's voice Harmonious, or the whifper foft Of Zephir, warbled thro' the breathing flute To fleeping Beauty, by affiduous Love, Jn midnight ferenade. Gold, magic /pell ! Secures On federal Qccafam. jfe Secures from wants and woes, from bitter ftill Extracts the fweets of life, and leaves the dregs To Poverty and Me. Say, favoured Youths ! When from the bag's wide mouth, or fecret flit Of Fob) you joyous draw the glitt'ring gold, What pride, what pleafure kindles in your breaft J Grief flies, nor Mem'ry, if fhe views, regrets Home, happy feat of freedom and delight 1 Where letter'd tyranny no more decrees The tafk laborious, but the vacant mind Is free to ev'ry blifs, and cur'd by all, Infatiate riots on parental love. But I nor join the gingling fport of chuck, Nor cliiming ring my coin, but debtor too, Far from the tread of focial foot,; the Shout Of mingled joy, with flow and iilent pace,:, Alone thro' unfrequented glades I rove : Loft in the mazes of diftradling thought, My mind too wanders, by no converfe cheer'd. Thus, when the birds in wanton bands combine, , And round and round in iportive circles glide, Or 8 POEMS, Or perch'd on fome tall willow's bending top, In joyful concert pour die blended ftrain ; The folitary bat, in chimney's dark, Or hollow tree, abfconds, nor dares enjoy The noon- tide breeze of balmy fpring ; when eve Prolongs the deep'ning {hade, and cheerlefs night Steals o'er the fading landfcape, thro' the gloom She wings her folitary flight, while ghofts Glide filent o'er the haunted green, or ftart At the 'lone owl's fhrill fcream, ill-omen'd found 1 But lo 1 to fharpen pain with fights of blifs, And fcourge with Envy's fcorpions, where, by years Bent double, on her weary arm, an hag The loaden bafket bears ; tott'ring with hafte, And grinning fhe approaches : fee! with joy A welcome crowd furrounds her ; money now Bears off or Nonpareil, or fweet Permain, Or Reinette, golden fruit ! I, like the fam'd Tho' wretched Tantalus, whom thund'ring Jove . Plung'd into Hell's fulphureous deep abyfs, Jn rnkjft of plenty , poor and. meagre ft and. Yet On fever al Octafiom. -^ Yet Tantalus one wretched comfort boafls, Society in woe ; near him renew'd Prometheus* liver, doom'd the living food Of the ftili hung'ring Vulture. Si/yphus Straining each nerve in unavailing toil, Up the fleep hill fcarce moves the ponderous ftone, Jxion^ bound in galling chains, is whirl'd Round with the reftlefs wheel. I, wretched I, In poverty, . that complicated curfe, fuftaia The plague of each, no fellow fuff'er nigh. At night I quaff no rvveet nectareous juice, Nor laugh at merry Pun or jocund tale, But, like the damn'd, when Orpheus charm'd tlie fliades, With Face diftorted {crew 'a painful '{mile. While others o'er the golden pofiet chat, Whofe yellow ftreams like fam'd Pa&olus flow Redundant, with a Jug of finall-beer flip, Wants cheerlefs potion, I deferted fit Like meagre hermit in a gloomy grot With trees embower'd, and far from human fight. To fuch retreat, from all things vile and vain, E The 10 P O E M~ 8, The glare of wealth, and blandifliment of joy* .. O lead me, God of Silence ! hide me here From Infolence and Scorn ; where Poverty Prefides, the poor, have peace. Receive me, then,; Pale Gcddefs j from the fhine of Gold I fly. Thus, when the gaudy Sun in glitt ring car Arifes, lo ! afar the glooomy fliades Depart, and vanifli from the roiy Morn,, , With Chaos mixing and maternal Night, . A PASTORAL ESSAY. Written in 1748. Qccafiorid by the great ECLIPSE. PENSIVE te.Colm at the break of day, His bleating flocks around him {porting play r New fragance ftealing as they {weep the plain, The morning breezes fan the thoughtful fwain ; On 'On fever al Occafans* "i% On quiv'ring wings the fongfters of the fky O'er his head hover, or fleet warble by ; But not the beauties that the morn difplay'd, Nor bleating flocks that /porting round him play 'd, Nor fragrant breezes, nor the warbling throng That near him thrilTd the fweetly varied fong, Chafe from his breaft the glooms of dark defpair, Or from his brow difperfe the Clouds of care ; But lo ! his Ph&be with a graceful mien, Now fwiftly trips it o'er the diftant green ; At her approach he flowly rais'd his head, And thus with looks of love and grief he faid. COLIN. 'Tis Thurfday morn, lo ! yonder rifing Sun Haftes the laft remnant of his courfe to run, Ere noon 'tis finifh'd, and his fading light, Then leaves thefe fields in everlafting night \ Some gloomy pow'r uftirps his golden throne, And fweeps us, Phczbe^ to fome realms unknown, Some unknown realms, where Phaebe fought in vain, .No more with am'rctus wiles fhall charm her fwain ; Time *2 P O E M S, Time was, that Colin on thy heaving breaft Was footh'd from care, and lull'd to blifsfull reft ; With thee reclining on the mountain's brow, The prolpect charm'd, yet lovelier profpecl: thou ! With thee, in dance I lightly trod the green, Blithe as the Fairies by pale moonlight feen. P B JE-B E... Colin / kt me flop that riling fight, Sooth thy pain'd breaft, and wipe thy iwimmingeye; With thee I'll go, whatever woes betide, Cure what I can, and what I can't, divide ; Shou'dft thou thro' air in furious winds be huiTd,, In the fame ftorm I'd drive from world to world ; Shou'dft thou be plung'd below the reach of night ^ With thee I'd wander thro' the realms of night i. Shou'dft thou glide filent o'er the haunted plain, "With wings of Love I'd catch my darling Swain, COLIN. Vain frantic thought ! thy Colin far from thee Shall foon be wafted, on fome ftormy fea, Or wrapt in clouds, and blown we know not where s Our On federal Occafions. Our pale grim ghofts fhall whirl about in air ; Shall thou then bloom thus eminent in charms ? Then can'ft thou catch me panting to thy arrm ? P H M B E. But gentle minds a gentler fate {hall mare, Nor wrapt in clouds nor blown we know not wfcere For there are blifsful plains, fweet fcenes below * Where faithful Lovers never tafte of woe ; Where ftreams. for ever purl, and Zephyrs figrf, And riling flow'rs fpontaneous fweets fupply ; There cloie embower'd within the myrtle The bleft ihall triumph in immortal Love ; There ever conftant, Colin fliail abide, And Phcebe fmile, for ever at his fide. COLIN. For faithful Lovers this, for thee remains ; But what for faithlefs nymphs, and perju^ Inconftant, cruel, I but once was true, True to one Fair, and that one Fair was you ; . Inconftant, eruel> to the nymph I woo'd ;. la :q P O EMS, In vain her feet my parting fteps purfu'd In vain did Phitlis^ drowning ev'ry grace, Bedew with pearly drops her lovely face ; Deaf to her cries, .and to her forrows blind, To pale defpair her love, my fcorn refign'd : So fhall juft Heav'n reject the pray'rs I make, v And fcorn my fighs and tears, for Philliis fake. ~ P H JE B E. This hour, repentant, to the Nymph return, For thee her breaft ftill beats, her wifhes burn .; Soon reconciTd, her pray'rs fhall rife with thine, A fweet attonement to the pow'rs divine. C O L IN. 'But lay, can'ft thou refign my fond embrace, And view a rival happy in thy place ? When thro' Elyjium at my fide fhe roves* And fighs eternal love in Pluto groves* P H & BE. Alas ! thy .words have taught my heart to fear ; To 0?r fiver al ' Occfifonst To Damon faithlefs, tho' to thee fincere ; His vows I heard, and bid him hope the blifs, Receiv'd his prefents, and return'd" his kifs ; Then proud of conqueft, tho' fubdu'd by thee, With fcorn I left him, yet hefighs for me : To him I fly, on him my fate depends, And mercy ftill, if he forgives, defcends : And witnefs thou, O Sun ! fair orb of light, Who foon fhall fink, fuffus'd in endlefs nighty My guilty paffion here at once fhall end, v Of Colin^ now no lover, but a friend ; * With joy Til fee his years of blifs increafe, Where falfliood, grief, and jealoufy fhall ceafe j ;. Damon fhall fmile to fee his Phcebe fhed Elyfian flow'rs, o'er happy Colin s bed : In hallow'd urns to thee, unblam'd, I'll bring The cooling cryftal of the bubbling fpring ; No envy there fhall focial hearts enthral, But each one's blifs, fhall be the bliis of all. She faid, high noon arrives ; the lovers found The darknefs fled, and daylight pour'd around : : And now, without remorfe, th' cmboldervd -Swakl 1 6 P O E M S, Hugs clofe his Phcebe to his Breaft again ; For haplefs Damon^ Phabes fcorn returns, And all her breaft with love for Colin burns. Thus oft, with Fear> Repentance quits the heart : Weigh well the Moral that my ftrains impart. .fit, /^N, jit TO, x^ -W 9fL /^ JR SSL /^\ ^? iRh ^f\ J*l 5(7, y^\ ^l JH, x^v ^H JIL /^\ T E M P L U M H Y M E N JE I. OU AM turbam cerno ? quo tot vefligia ducunt ? Ad templum, O Hymenae^ tuum, quo fcvior uno Non Deus, hoftiles meditanti ped:ore curas Hurriano generi, femper tibijurgiacordi, Praeliaque et lites, et linguae fulmina ; quanquam Clementis fpeciem praefers, vultuque decoro Blanditias geris, et mendaci aftutus ocello Gaudia mille vibras ; quin li quis pe&ora poflet Infpicere, occultafque intus deprendere fraudes, Infidias vitare tuas^ et caelibe vita Tranqu ilium On feveral Occaftcfas. tj Tranquilhim poflet traducere leniter aevum. En Deus ante fores, quarum de limine flores Purpurei arrident, multoque Cupidine poftes Caslati eliciunt vacuam fine peftore turbam. Hie nitido (illecebrse dulces) Venus aurea curru lavehitur, fidafque regit de more columbas : Mammarum globuli fula nive candidiores, Deliciis tumidi, dextra trepidante videntur Velle premi : pulchram inferius decrefcere formanj Etleiite fenfim minuijufto ordine cernas, .Qua ceftus mediam felix amplexus, amorum ^ Felices j uxta fedes et limen adha^ret. Nuda genu : leni veftis circumflua vento Vifa dari, veros mentito marmore flatus. Afpice quot juvenes (fatalia corpora ! ) tcmplum Introeunt redeuntque, fores difcrimine nullo Dant regum pueris aditum campique colonis. Ner&o nifi vates, (hac in re fcilicet una Quam felix ! ) fugit infidias, infanior ipfo Nympha foret, vati dextram quas jungeret, ex qit* In triviis panem fletura poetica proles Nafcatur, queniloque infeftet carmine vicos. C Ecce j8 POEMS, Ecce novo felix juvenis veftitus amictu, Nefcius, heu ! quas fata manent, ad templa futuraofc Uxorem ducit, vittifque et flore nitentem PhilliJa, quae dubia contriftet prole parentem Dimidium, et miferos funeftet litibus annos.. Sic *tauri quos dura manus jam deftinat arae Flore coronati frontes, vittifque fuperbi. Compita folenni paffii Romana peragrant, Nee percuflbres juxta cultrumque minantem Reipiciunt, feftaque revindlos fronde ^uiri^es. Nulli certa quies, pofito, ecce ! feneda bacillo Florentem ducit greffa titubante puellam r Et coitus iterum jam- tentatura priores Enumerat pugnas, venaique refecl:a feniles Pulvere mufcar um Verier em cogente futuram, Spes vana ! elufae molitur gaudia fponfe Nequicquam : quid non mortalia pedlora cogis, Auri facra fames ; Te, te, quaecunque videris Na6la voluptatem plena Ibeupletior area, Cura manet, quanto patriis felicior arvis ^quales inter, cum te divina bearet Libertasj hilarefque dedit foe conjuge lufus ! Ecce Oti federal Occafiom. 19 Ecce autem ad templum greflus ut adurget aniles Laeta fuo Corydone Chloe^ fido ille tumultu Stringit amans dextram, rifus caeca ilia procaces Se putat elicere, arcanum quos elicit aurum. Jam flavos animo (fallacia gaudia) nummos Enumerat, pretio fervili turpiter emptos. Invidia fine collectis mifer undique faccis Pofle frui dabitur, nodurno frigidus oftro Temet ama, pigrifque hyemes mglorius uhiis. Quo properas ? ne tende pedes, moderatius ito ; No&es atque dies patet alti janua templi, Sed tevocare gradum durofque abrumpere nexus, Hoc opus, hie labor eft ; mordacia vincula collo Servili haerefcent, dum mors clementior illam Vel te felicem optata tellure recond^t. Vos mihi, Pierides^ vos mecum cadibe vita Oaudentes, varias comites monftrate figuras Introrfum, ejt fculpto viventia corpora vitro, Conjugii ve^ras, Vukania munera, formas. Ecce aras fupra capiti quam dira minentur oimia> quse thalamos decorent horrenda futuros ; Qualia '20 P O E M S, Qualia nee ja&at domini caput arietis, altos Dum peragrat montes, comitefque in pafcua ducit Lanigeras, curvofque oftendit frontis honores. Qualia nee, Tulcane^ geris, dum vincula Marti Subdolus inne&as, nudaeque infignia rponfae In lucem rapias, et myftica prodis amorum. Lunarum formas dextra laevaque frequentes Cernere erit, quamm toto pars plenior orbe Melle novo rident, flavefcit circulus auro ; Cujus et in niedio, varix laeto ordine formae, Et VenuS) et Nympha exultant, puer ipfe Cupido Turba alatorum fratrum comitante, choreas Ludicer exercet fociofque inftigat amores. Aft aliis orbes fenlim decrefcere cernas, Cornua felle virent, flentes hinc inde figurse Et Dolor, et mdefuada Fames, et turpis Egeftas Circumftant, Ira^que et non placabile Bellum. Parte alia conjux vindlo male nexus aheno Belligera uxori, demiflb vertice, duros (Stultitice pasnas) infelix fuftinet id:us. .Vindorum nodes abrumpere velle videtur : Neqiucquam ; On fever al Occafaris., ai; Nequicquam ; infequitur dextra laevaque fatigans. \ Ecce manu> capiti oppofita, cubitoque reflexo In genua, infelix juvenis, fimilifque dolenti Affidet uxori, furtivos nefcit amores. Nee ruptiira cutem frontis turgentia fentit Cornua, delufam quail vulneris infcia, fponflim Ilia fovet, veras fallaci ped:ore curas Mentita, aegroto iimul aegrotatque marito. Undique cornutos oculo percurrite fratres, Debita connubiorum inhonefta fronte gerentv^ Premia, fervili pariter nexofque catena. Heu nimium miferos ! quam fpes illudt inanis ! Gaudia qui nuper (quid non iibi fomnia fingunt) Sperarunt animo, dum latro alvearia caekbs Poffidet, et flavos avide rimatur acervos, Mel totum rapiens, fel tantum et amara quieto (Reliquias turpes) linquens impune marito. Quin veftiga oculis et dextro pariete formam Afpicias placidam, laeto ridere videtur Jucundum vnltu ; quibus haee exorfa voluptas Aufpiciis homini ? quid fit nifi mortua conjux ? Pullati 22 POEMS, Pullati circum laetum et funebre tuentes Gaudia teftantur, terrain fubitura parentem Portantur multo (bona fata) cadavera collo. Ante aras fiipplex binos de more juvencos Plutoni caedit, fefla qui vincula rupit Ceiyice, ingentemque tibi, Proferpina^ vaccam. Sanguineas effufa comas furialis Erynnis Pupureos regum tlialamos, inopumque Ibpores Stramineos pugnis et fxva lite moleftat. Ecce toros circum ' Cytherea frequenfque Gupldo Purpureos fternunt flores, dum melleus ordo Lunarum nondum lites admittit ; at inde Eriget amor, motu alarum mox agmirie facto Aufugiunt. Ir