CANCELLED PRESENTED THE BRITISH MUSEUM. CATALOGUE OF THE PALAEOZOIC PLANTS. U.UOOJATAO CATALOGUE OF THK PALEOZOIC PLANTS DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY, BKITM MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). uv ROBERT KIDSTON, F.G.S. LONDON: FEINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1886. QE LONDON: IMISON AND SONS, PBINTEB8 IN OKDINABT TO HK1 BT. MARTIN'S LANE, w.c. PREFACE. THIS Catalogue was commenced by Mr. Kidston in February, 1883 (nearly a year before the Gallery which contains the Fossil Plant Collection had been opened to the public). In order to prepare the present work the author first made a most careful examination of the entire collection of Palaeozoic plants in the Department, and provisionally named all the specimens which passed through his hands. He also visited and studied the collections of Mr. J. McMartrie at Radstock ; those in the Museums of Bath, Bristol, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle ; the Museum of Practical Geology, Jennyn Street, and many other public and private cabinets. He has further devoted much time in 1884-85, to collecting specimens of fossil plants from the classical localities in Gloucester- shire, Somerset, Monmouthshire and elsewhere, in order to observe the mode of occurrence of the various coal-plants in situ. As a result Mr. Kidston has enriched the collection by the addition of nearly 250 valuable specimens. In this task he has been aided by the Royal Society's Government Grants Fund. The work of naming and cataloguing so large a collection has occupied a much longer time than was originally contemplated ; but it is hoped that the Catalogue may prove useful to the student of Fossil Plants and be the means of stimulating other workers to take up a subject which offers to the enquirer so interesting a field of study and promises so large an opportunity for the development of original research. HENRY WOODWARD. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY, January 1st, 1886. INTRODUCTION. THE following Catalogue is an enumeration of the Palaeozoic Plants, with their synonymy, contained in the Collection of the Department of Geology and Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History). The classification employed is that at present adopted by the majority of Palaeophytologists, with slight modifications, and requires no special remark. The plants are treated under the four great Geolo- gical Divisions of the Palaeozoic Rocks, viz., Permian, Carboniferous, Devonian, and Silurian. In the Botanical arrangement the Family is first given, following which is the Genus, with its author's name, date of its publication and reference to the work in which it first appeared. The specific name adopted follows, with its synonymy : the oldest name of the plant in question being used. When, however, any doubt exists, the oldest name is adopted about which there is a certainty as to the plant meant. For the facility of finding a reference, the synonyms are given under each species in the alphabetical order of the authors' names and not in order of date. A list of the works consulted, with the dates and places of their publication, will be found at the end of the Catalogue, by referring to which the date of any particular reference can be ascertained. Tn the Index, the accepted names of both genera and species are printed in ordinary type, the synonyms in italics. In the preparation of this Catalogue I am indebted for assistance given in various ways, to the Officers and Assistants of the Geological Department, and more especially to Mr. Robert Etheridge, Jun., for his care in the revision of my references to authors, &c. ; to Mr, J. McMurtrie, Radstock, and the Officials of the Bath and Bristol Museums; Mr. R. Howse, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; to Dr. A. Geikie, F.R.S., Director-General of the Geological Survey of Great Britain ; and Mr. G. Sharman, Museum of Practical Geology, London ; to Dr. R. H. Traqnair, F.R.S., Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh ; viii INTEODUCTION. the Rev. D. Landsborough, Kilmarnock ; to Mr. James Bennie, Edin- burgh, and Mr. John Young, F.G.S., Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, and to many other botanical and geological friends. In dealing with Fossil Botany perhaps one of the most difficult branches of Palaeontology I have adopted the views which appear to me to be supported by the most satisfactory evidence, but in a branch of Natural History, where new discoveries are being made almost daily, I of course reserve to myself the right of altering or modifying them, as future investigations may show where I have erred or been misled. E. KIDSTON. 24, VICTORIA PLACE, STIRLING, N.B., January 1st, 1886. PEE MI AN CATALOGUE OF FOSSIL PLANTS. PERMIAN. ALG^E. CHONDRITES, Sternberg, 1838. Versuch Geognost. Botanisch. Darstellung Flora der Vorwclt. ii. p. '25. Chondrites virgatus, Munster. Chondrites virgatus. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 294. Geinitz, Vers. d. Zechst. p. 22. Die Leitpflanzen d. Rothl. p. 6. Dyas, p. 132, pi. xxiv. fig. 5. Goppert, Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 27. Munster, Beitr. z. Petrefactenkunde, heft. v. p. 102, pi. xv. fig. 18. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 20. Remarks. The only specimen in the Collection is the type figured by Munster in his Beitr. z. Petrefactenkunde, heft. v. plate xv. fig. 18. Horizon. Kupferschiefer. Locality. Bavaria : Riechelsdorf. EQUISETACE^:. CALAMITES, Suckow, 1784. Act. Acad. Theod. Palat. vol. v. p. 359. Calamites major, Weiss. Catamites major. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jiing. Steink. u. d. Kothl. p. 119, pi. xiii. fig. G, pi. xiv. fig. 1. Calamites Suckowii, var. major. Brongniart, in Murchisoii's Geol. Russia and Ural Mts. p. 11, pi. D, fig. 1. Calamites cannceformis. Schimper (in part), Traite d. Paleont. Vege't. pi. xx, fig. 1. Remarks. This species seems closely related to Calamites gigas, Brongt.,for which it might be easily mistaken. Horizon. Permian. Locality. Russia : Government of Perm. B 2 FOSSIL PLANTS. Calamites decoratus, Eichwald sp. tus. Catamites decorat. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. i. p. 318. Equisetites decoratus. . Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, p. 178, pi. xui. figs. 5-10. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 30. Vll. Vlll. :' Mount Kachkabache, 140 miles S.W. of Slataoust, Ural Mountains. Calamites striatus, Cotta sp. Calamitea striata. Broun, Index Palseont. p. 198. Cotta, Die Dendrolithen, pp. 67, 68, pi. xiv. figs. 1-4, pi. xv. figs. 1, 2. Geinitz, Die Leitpflanzen des Rothl. p. 8. Petzholdt. Uber Calamiten u. Steinkbild. p. 67, pis. vn Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen des Rothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 212. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 53. Calamodendron striatum. Brongniart, Diet. Universe! d'Hist. Nat. vol. xin. p. 99. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 135. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 180, pis. xxx. xxxi. Calamites Cottaeanus. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 51. Remarks. Among the specimens in the British Museum are portions of those figured by Cotta in his ' Dendrolithen,' pi. xiv. figs. 1 & 4, pi. xv. figs. 1 , 2. Horizon. Rothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. ARTHROPITYS, Goppert, 1864. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Formation, lief. 4. p. 183.* Arthropitys bistriata, Cotta, sp. Arthropitys bistriata. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form, p. 185, pis. xxxii. xxxiii. Schenk & Zittel, Handbuch d. Palseont. vol. ii. pt. iii. p. 236, figs. 168- 171A, 1884. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen des Rothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 212. Calamitea bistriata. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 198. Cotta, Die Dendrolithen, p. 69, pi. xv. figs. 3, 4. Geinitz, Die Leitpflanzen d. Rothl. p. 8. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 53. Calamites bistriatus. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 51. Calamodendron bistriatum. Brongniart, Diet. Universel d'Hist. Nat. vol. xiii. p. 90. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 135. Remarks. A portion of the specimen figured by Cotta in 'Die Dendro- lithen, pi. xv. fig. 3, as Calamitea bistriata, is in the Collection. Horizon. -Rothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. * This work forms vol. xii. of the ' Paljeontographica,' 18C4-65. FILICACE.E. SPHENOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 33.* Sphenopteris dichotoma, Albhaus. Sphenopteris dichotoma. Althaus, Pateontographica, vol. i. p. 30, pi. iv. fig. 1. Geinitz, Vers. d. Zechst. p. 21. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 90 (in part). Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 381 (in part). Unger, Genera et Species, p. 117, Remarks. Sphenopteris dichotoma, Gutbier (Vers. des Rothl. in Sachsen, p. 11. pi. viii. fig. 7), is a distinct species from that to which Althaus applied his name Gutbier's fern has since been distinguished as Sphenopteris semialata by Weiss (Flora d. jiing. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 55). The counterpart of the type, figured by Althaus (' Palaeontographica,' vol. i. pi. iv. fig. 1), is in the Collection. Horizon. Kupferschiefer. Locality. Bavaria : Riechelsdorf. Sphenopteris patens, Althaus sp. Sphenopteris patens. Geinitz, Vers. d. Zechstein, p. 21. Caulerpites dichotomus. Althaus, Palseontographica, vol. i. p. 31, pi. iv. fig. 2. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 4. Caulerpites patens. Althaus, Palseontographica, vol. i. p. 30, pi. iv. fig. 3. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 4. Remarks. Schimpert unites this species with Sphenopteris dichotoma, Althaus, but from a careful comparison of the two types, which are in the Collection, I find they must be kept separate. Horizon . Kupferschiefer. Locality. Bavaria : Riechelsdorf. Sphenopteris erosa, Morris. Sphenopteris erosa. Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, p. 79, pi. ii. fig. 2. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form, p. 89. Gutbier, Vers. d. Rothl. in Sachsen, p. 11. pi. viii. fig. 8. Morris, in Murchison's Geol. Russia and Ural Mts. p. 3, a pl. C, fig. 3. Schimper, Trait6 d. Palaeont. Veget. vol. i. p. 407. Unger, Genera at Species, p. 109. Horizon. Permian. Locality. Russia : Mine Blagoviestchensxoi, Perm, Ural. Sphenopteris Permica, Ettingshausen, sp. M.S. Asplenites permicus, Ettings, M.S. Remarks. The description of this species is not yet published, but Baron von Ettingshausen has informed me that he expects it to appear in a short time. Horizon. Permian. Locality. Moravia ; Rossitz. In Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1822, vol. 8. t Trait 6, TO!, i. p. 381. 6 FOSSIL PLANTS. NEUROPTERIS, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 33.* Neuropteris salicifolia, Fischer. Neuropteris salicifolia. Brongniart, in Murchison's Geol. Russia and Ural Mts. p. 2, pi. L, fig. 2. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 811. Eichwald, Lethaea Eossica, p. 69. Fischer, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1840, p. 492. linger, Genera et Species, p. 75. Weiss, Zeitsclirift d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxii. p. 871, 1870. Horizon. Permian. Locality. Etissia : near Nijni-Troisk ; Biebebei. CALLIPTERIS, Brongniart, 1849. Dictionnaire Universe! d'Histoire Naturelle, vol. xiii. p. 73. Callipteris conferta, Schlotheim, sp. Callipteris conferta. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 54, pL xi. figs. 1-4. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 104, pi. xiv. fig. 1 (var. intermedia}. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 153, pi. xiv. fig. 5, pi. xv. fig. 1, 1883. Eomer, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. ix. p. 59. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6get. vol. i. p. 466, pi. xxxii. Weiss, Verhand. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868,p. 76. Neuropteris conferta. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 249. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 204. Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen. Lief. v. vi. p. 102, pis. viii. ix. figs. 2, 3. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. xvii. ; ii. p. 75, pi. xxii. fig. 5. J Unger, Genera et Species, p. 84. Alethopteris conferta. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 73, pi. vi. figs. 1-11 & pL vii. figs. 3-6. Cyatheites confertus. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 141, pi. xxvii, figs. 1-8. Pecopteris gigantea. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 293, pi. xcii. Alethopteris gigantea. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 145. Hemitelites giganteus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 331. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 160. Hemitelites giganteus var. punctulatus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 331. Filicites giganteus. Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde, p. 404. Pecopteris punctulata. ^ Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 295, pi. xciii. figs. 1, 2. C 'i/phopteris punctulata. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 121. * In Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat,, 1822, vol. 8. Neuropteris decurrens. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 249. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 203. Sternberg, Vers i. fasc. iv. p. xvii. ; Vers. ii. p. 75, pi. xx. tig. 2. Pecopteris sinuata. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 296, pi. xciii. fig. 3. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 146. Alethopteris sinuata. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss, p. 318. Callipteris conferta var. sinuata. Weiss, Verhand d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 77. Pecopteris Gopperti. Brongniart, in Murcbison's Geol. Eussia and Ural Mts. p. 2, pi. A, fig. 2 a-c, pi. F, fig. 1 a-e. Callipteris obliqua. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 106. Neuropteris obliqua. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief. v. vi. p. 106, pi. xi. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 85. Neuropteris tenuifolia. Brongniart, in Murchison's Geol. Eussia and Ural Mts. p. 3, pi. B, fig. 3 (excl. refs.) Callipteris affinis. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 105, pi. xiii, figs. 1, 2. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 468. Hymenophyllites semialatus. Geinitz, Die Leitpflanzen d. EothL pi. i. fig. 4 (excl. text). Pecopteris neuropteroides. Kutorga, Verb. d. Mineralog. Gesellsch. St. Petersburg, p. 75, pi. iv. fig. 3, 1844. Horizon. Kupferschiefer. Localities. Bavaria : Mansfield ; Aschbucb. Bobemia : Ottendorf, near Braunau. Germany : Kirburg, Nassau. Callipteris conferta, var. prselongata, Weiss, sp. Callipteris prcelongata. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 154, pi. xv. figs. 2, 3, 1883. Alethopteris prcelongata. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Eotbl. p. 81, pis. iv. v. figs. 1, 2. Horizon. Kupferscbiefer. Locality. Bobemia. Callipteris Fischeri, Brongniart sp. Callipteris Fischeri. Weiss, Zeitsch d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxii. p. 871, pi. xxi. a. fig. 6 a -b. Odontopteris Fischeri. Brongniart, in Murchison's Geol. Eussia and Ural Mts. p. 4, pi. A. fig. 4, pi. F, fig. 3. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 838. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. 1, p. 464. Callipteris Wangenheimi. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 106. o FOSSIL PLANTS, o Geol. Eussia and Ural Mts. p. 2, pi. B, '*fig".i, pi. F, fig. 2. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 184. Neuropteris Wangenheimii. Bronn. Index Palseont. p. 812. Horizon. Permian. Locality. Eussia : Bielebei ; Orenbourg. ODONTOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. o4. Odontopteris Dufresnoyi P Brongniart, sp. Odontopteris Dufresnoyi. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. i. p. 461. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell, vol. xxn. p. 857, 18/0. jVeuropteris Dufresnoyi. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 246, pi. Ixxiv. fig. 4. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 810. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 200. Kutorga, Zweiter Beitr. z. Pal. Eusslands, p. 29, pi. vi. fig. 3. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 81. Otopteris Dufresnoii. Lindley and Button, Fossil Flora, vol. ii. p. 142. Horizon. Permian. Locality. Bohemia : Ottendorf , near Braunau. FERN-STEMS. PSARONIUS (Cotta, emend.) Goppert, 18G4. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Formation, p. 46. Psaronius Ungeri, Corda. Psaronius Ungeri. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 95. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 63, pi. v, fig. 6. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i, p. 723. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen des Eothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 218. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 217. Psaronius helmintholithus. Cotta (in part), Dendrolithen, p. 33, pi. vi. fig. 2. Remarks. The specimen in the Collection is a portion of that figured by Cotta in ' Die Dendrolithen,' pi. 6, fig. 2. Horizon. Eothliegend e. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. Psaronius infractus, Unger. Psaronius infractus. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 99, pi. xxxiv. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 57, pi. v., figs. 1, 2. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 143, pi. xxv. figs. 1, 2 & 4, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. 1, p. 721. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen des Eothl. v. Chemnitz, p.' 218. Linger. Genera et Species, p. 219. Psaronius helmintholithus. Cotta (in part), Die Dendrolithen, p. 31, pi. vi, fig. 3, and pi. A, fig. 2. Remarks. The specimen in the Collection is portion of that figured by Cotta as Psaronius helmintholithus on pi. v. fig. 3 of his ' Dentrolithen. Horizon. Eothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. Psaronius helmintholithus, Cotta (in part). Psaronius helmintholithus. Cotta (in part), Die Dendrolithen, p. 31, pi. v. figs. 1-3, Gb'ppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 61. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 144, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 722. Stenzel, Uber die Staarsteine, p. 842. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 173. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen des Eothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 218. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 218. Psaronius medullosus. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 102, pi. xxxix. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 220. Horizon. Rothliegende. Locality. Bohemia : Neu-Pakau. Psaronius simplex, Unger. Psaronius simplex. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 95. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 67, pi. vi. figs. 3, 4. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 725. Stenzel, Uber die Staarsteine, p. 857. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen des Rothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 220. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 217. Psaronius helmintholithus. Cotta (in part), Die Dendrolithen, p. 33, pi. vi. fig. 1. Horizon. Rothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz^ Psaronius Haidingeri, Stenzel. Psaronius Haidingeri. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 74, pi. v. fig. 8. Renault, Cours d. Botan, Foss. p. 147, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 728. Stenzel, Uber die Staarsteine, p. 878, pi. xxxix. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen des Rothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 222. Psaronius asterolithus. Cotta (in part), Die Dendrolithen, p. 29, pi. A, fig. 1, and pi, iv. figs. 3, 4. Remarks. The specimens of this species in the Collection are portions of those figured by Cotta in ' Die Dendrolithen ' on pi. A, fig. 1, and pi. iv. tig. 3, as Psaronius asterolithus. Horizon. Rothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. Psaronius asterolithus, Cotta (in part). Psaronius asterolithus, Cotta (in part), Die Dendrolithen, p. 29, pi. iv. fig. 1, 2. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 77. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 147, pi. xxiv. figs. 5, 6, 1883. JO . FOSit* PLANTS. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 229. Stenzel, Uber die Staareteine, p. 853, pi. xxxiv. tig. 4, and pi. xl. Sternberg, Vers. iL p. 173. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen des Rothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 222. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 222. Psaromus speciosus. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 106, pi. xliv. figs. 1-4. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 221. Psaronius dubius. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 108, pi. xxx. figs. 5-12. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 173. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 221. Psaronius Parkericeformu. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 110, pi. xlvii. figs. 3-6. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 173. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 222. Horizon. Rothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. Psaronius, sp. Remarks. In addition to the various species of this genus which have been already mentioned, there are in the Collection a number of polished sections showing structure, which have been named by Gotta Psaronius helmintho- tithus, but as under this name Gotta included several species which have since been described by different authors, and as from the want of microscopical sections I have not been able to satisfactorily relegate these specimens to their various species, they are merely placed under the generic name. By those interested in the subject, the following works may be consulted : Cotta, Die Dendrolithen, 1832. Corda, Beitr. zur Flora d. Vorwelt, 1845. Goppert, Die Fossile Flora der Perm. Formation, 1865. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. 1869. Stenzel, Uber die Staarsteine (Verh. d. Kaiser. Leop. Carl. Akad. d. Naturforscher. vol. xxiv.), 1854. Sterzel, Die Fossilen Pflanzen des Rothliegenden von Chemnitz (in der Geschichte der Palaeontologie.) Horizon. Eothliegende. Localities. Saxony : Chemnitz. Thuringia : Ilmenau ; Kiff hauser. ZYGOPTERIS, Corda, 1845. Beitr. zur Flora der Vorwelt, p. 81 . Zygopteris primseva, Corda. Zygopteris primceva. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 81. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 43. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 101, 1883. Schimper, Trait6 d. Pal6ont. Veget. vol. i. p. 696. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen des Rothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 216. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 200. Tubicaulis primar>'us. Cotta, Die Dendrolithen, p, 19. pi. i. figs. 1, 2. Remarks. A portion of the specimen figured by Cotta as Tubicaulis pnmarms, on pi. i. fig. 1 of his ' Dendrolithen ' is in the Collection Horizon. Rothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. Remarks. A portion of the specimen figured by ramosus, on pi. iii. fig. 1 of his ' Dendrolithen,' is in tt PERMIAN. 11 ASTEROCHKEJNA, Corda, 1845. Beitr. zur Flora der Vorwelt, p. 81. Asterochlaena Cottai, Corda. Asterochl&na Cottai. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 81. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 41, pi. viii. fig. 1, pi. ix. fig 1. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Vget. vol. i. p. 697. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen d. Eothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 214. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 200. Tubicaulis (?) ramosus. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1310. Cotta, Dendrolithen, p. 23, pi. iii. figs. 1-3. y Cotta as Tubicaulis (?} is in the Collection. Horizon. Rothli egende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. SELENOCHLJENA, Corda, 1845. Beitr. zur Flora der Vorvvelt, p. 81. Selenochlsena Reichi, Corda. Selenochlcena Reichi. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 81. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 44. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 697. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 200. Tubicaulis solenites. Cotta, Die Dendrolithen, p. 21, pi. ii. figs. 1-3. Remarks. A portion of specimen figured by Cotta in his ' Dendrolitlien ' (pi. ii. fig. 3) is contained in the Collection. Horizon. Rothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. TEMPSKYA, Corda, 1845. Beitr. zur Flora der Vorwelt, p. 81. Tempskya macrocaula, Corda. Tempskya macrocaula. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 82, pi. Iviii. figs. 6-8. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 44. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Vegut. vol. i. p. 69& Unger, Genera et Species, p. 201. Porosus communis. Cotta, Die Dendrolithen, p. 39, pi. viii. figs. 1, 2, & 3. Remarks. The Collection contains a portion of the specimen figured by Cotta in ' Die Dendrolithen ' (pi. viii. figs. 1, 2). Horizon. Rothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Riidigsdorf, near Chemnitz. MEDULLOSA, Cotta, 1832. Die Dendrolithen, p. 59. Medullosa elegans, Cotta. Medullosa elegans. Brongniart, Diet. Universel d'Hist. Nat vol. xiii. p. 109. Cotta, Die Dendrolithen, p. 62, pi. xii. figs. 1-5. FOSSIL PLANTS. Geiuitz, Die Leitptianzen d. Eothl. p. 20. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 131. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 162, 1883. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. n. p. 196. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen d. Eothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 224. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 303. Stenzelia elegans. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 218, pis. xxxvm. xxxix. Remarks.- See also Eenault, Etude du genre Myelopleris (Mem. 1'Acad. Sciences de 1'Institut de France, vol. xxii. No. 10). Horizon. Eothl iegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. Medullosa stellata, Cotta. Medullosa stellata. Brongniart, Diet. Universel d'Hist. Nat. vol. xiii. p. 109. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 708. Cotta, Die Dendrolithen, p. 66, pi. xiii. figs. 1-6. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 147. Leitpflanzen d. Eothl. p. 20. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 209, pi. xl. figs. 2-5, pi. xli. figs. 1-8, pis. xiii. xliii. figs. 1, 2, and pi. Ixiii. fig. 1. Schimper, Traite" d. PalSont. Vege't. vol. ii. p. 197. Sterzel, Foss. Pflaneen d. Eothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 224 Unger, Genera et Species, p. 303. Remarks. Portions of the specimens figured by Cotta in his ' Dendrolithen ' (pi. xiii. figs. 1 & 4) are in the Collection. Horizon. Eothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. Medullosa porosa, Cotta. Brongniart, Diet. Universel d'Hist. Nat. vol. xiii. p. 109. Cotta, Die Dendrolithen, p. 63, pi. xii. figs. 6, 7. Geinitz, Die Leitpflanzen d. Eothl. p. 20. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 217. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 197. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen d. Eothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 224. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 303, Remarks. Portions of the specimens figured by Cotta in his ' Dendrolithen (pi. xii. figs. 6, 7) are in the Collection. Horizon. Eothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. CYCADACE^E. PSYGMOPHYLLUM, Schimper, 1870. Traite d. Paleont. Vegetale, vol. ii. p. 192. Psygmophyllum expansum, Brongniart, sp. Psygmophyllum expansum. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. V6ge"t. vol. ii. p. 193. Noeggerathia expansa. Brongniart in Murchison's Geol. Eussia and Ural Mts. vol. ii. p. 1, pi B fig. 4, a, 6, pi. E, fig. 1, a-d. PERMIAN'. 13 Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 815. Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, p. 257, pi. xiii. figs. 17, 18 (? 19, 20). ? Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch. 1869, p. 458. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 156. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 104. Cyclopteris gigantea. Kutorga, Zweiter Beitr. z. Palaeont. Eussl. p. 33, pi. ii. fig. 7. Bockschia dilatata. Fischer, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 491, 1840. Horizon. Permian. Locality. Eussia : Mine Kamenskoi, Perm. Ural. Psygmophyllum cuneifolium, Kutorga sp. Psygmophyllum cuneifolium. Schimper, Trait6 d. Pal6ont. V6get. voL ii. p. 194. Nceggerathia cuneifolia. Brongniart, in Murchison's Geol. Russia and Ural Mts. vol. ii, p. 1, pi. A, fig. 3. Eichwald, Lethaea Rossica, vol. i. p. 256, pi. xiii. fig. 16. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 1 55. Nceggerathia Kutorgai. Bronn. Index Palseont. p. 815. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, fasc. v. and vi. p. 107. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 103. Sphenopteris dissoluta. Kutorga, Zweiter Beitr. z. Palaeout. Russl. p. 32, pi. vi. fig. 4 Cheilantheites Kutorgai. Fischer, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscon, p. 494, 1840. Horizon. Permian. Locality. Russia : Mine Ivanovskoi, Perm, Ural. CARDIOCARPUS, Brongniart, 1828. Prodrome des Vegetaux Fossil es, p. 87. Cardiocarpus triangularis, Geinitz. Cardiocarpus triangularis. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 145, pi. xxxi, figs. 12-15. Horizon. Kupferschiefer. Locality. Saxony : Trebnitz, near Gera. CONIFER.E. WALCHIA, Sternb^rg, 1825. Versuch einer Geognostisch-botanischen Darstelluug der Flora der Yorwelt, I. fasc. iv. p. xxii. Walchia piniformis, Schlotheim sp. Walchia piniformis. Geinitz, Die Leitpflanzen d. Rothl. p. 17, pi. ii. figs. 10, 11 (excl. figs. Dyas,' p.' 143, pi. xxix. fig. 7 (excl. figs. 5, 6), pi. xxx. fig. 1, and pi. xxxi. figs. 2-4 (excl. figs. 5-10). Neues Jahrbuch, 1869, p. 457. 14 FOSSIL PLANTS. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 236, pis. xlviii. xlix. and lii. figs. 1-5. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 276. Giimbel, Denksch. Bot. Gesell. Kegensburg, p. 104, pi. viii. fig. 9, 1859. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zechst. u. Bothl. p. 23, pi. x. figs. 3-7. Heer, Jahrbuch d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanstalt, vol. xxii. p. 292. Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 57, pi. xviii. figs. 8, 9, and pL xxii. fig. 1. Lesquereux, Bull. Mus. Comparative Zool. Harvard Col. vol. vii. p. 245, 1882. Eomer, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. ix. p. 58. Schimper, Traite d. Pal6ont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 236, pi. Ixxiii. figs. 1, 2, 4, and 8. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. xxii. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen d. Eothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 226. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 179, pi. xvii. figs. 1-2. Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheiiil. u. Westphalens, 1868, p. 94. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. Terr. Houil. p. 154, pi. clxxvi. fig. 3.* Lycopodiolithes piniformis. Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde, p. 415, p. xxiii, fig. la, and pi. xxv. fig. 1. Lycopodites piniformis. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 83. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 33, pi. xxii. figs. 1-6. Lycopodites pinnatus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 425. Walchia pinnata. Bronn, Lethaea Geog. vol. i. p. 151, pi. viii. fig. 1 1851-56. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zech. u. Eothl. p. 23, pi. x. figs. 8-10. Caulerpites Bronnii. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 23, pi. xxvi. (non pi. xviii.) Lycopodites Bronnii. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steinkohlen-Form. Westpli. p. 145, pi xxix fio- n Unger, Genera et Species, p. 274. Lycopodites Stiehlerianus. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs. p. 170, pi. xxv. figs. 1-4. Lepidostrobus geminceformis. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 142, pi. xix. fi gs . 1 4 -1 6 , pi. Hi. Voltzia heterophylla. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 232, pi. xlvii. ? Walchia foliosa. Eichwald, Lethaea Eossica, p. 235, pi xix. fia 1 Ehode, Beitr. z. Pflanzenkunde d. Vorwelt, p. 33, pi. ix. fig. i. Horizon. Permian. Walchia hypnoides, Brongniart, sp. Walchia hypnoides. Brongniart, Tabl. d. Genres de Vege"t. Foss pp 71 100 Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Forfn. p. 235 *' noL) * In Explication de la Carte Geologique de la France , Tome 4, pt. 2, 1879, 4to. PERMIAN. 15 Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 277. Zeiller, V6g6t. Foss. du Terr. HouiL p. 155, pi. clxxvi. fig. 4.* Fucoides hypnoides. Brongniart, Hist. d. Vege~t. Foss. p. 84, pi. ix. bis, figs. 1, 2. Remarks. Probably this species is only a smaller form of Walchia pini- farmis, Schlotheim sp. . Horizon. Permian. Locality. France : Lodeve, near Montpellier, D6pt. de 1'Herault. ULLMANNIA, Goppert, 1850. Monographie die Fossilen Coniferen, p. 185. Ullmannia Bronni, Goppert. Ullmannia Bronni. Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, p. 230. Geinitz, Die Leitpflanzen d. Rothl. p. 22, pi. 1. figs. 5, 6. Dyas, p. 154, pi. xxx, fig. 2a, and pi. xxxi, figs. 21-30. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 223, pi. xlv. tigs. 1-26. Mon. d. Foss. Coniferen, p. 185, pi. xx. figs. 1-26. Heer, Perm. Pflanzen v. Fiinfkirchen, p. 8, pi. xxi. tigs. 3-5. Lesquereux, Bull. Mus. Comparative Zool. Harvard Col. vol. vii. pp. 244 and 245, 1882. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 311. Weber, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 315, pi. xiv. tigs. 1-5, 1851. Cupressites Ullmanm. Bronguiart, Prodrome, p. 109. Broun, Index Palaeont. p. 362. Leonard's Zeitsch. fur Mineral, p. 509, pi. iv, 1828. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 192. Ckamcecy par ties Ullmanni. Endlicher, Synop. Conif. Foss. p. 14. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 350. Steinophyllum lanceolatum. Eichwald, Lethaea Rossica, p. 238, pi. xviii. tigs. 6, 7. Cupressites bituminosus. Geinitz (in part), Vers. d. Zechst. pi. viii. fig. 3. Cupressites- Slatt. Geinitz, Vers. d. Zechst. pi. viii. figs. 12, 13. Caulerpites selaginoides. Geinitz, Vers. d. Zechst. pi. viii. figs. 9, 10. Conifer en- Blatt. Geinitz, Vers. d. Zechst. pi. viii. fig. 11. Horizon. Kupf erschiefer. Locality. Saxony : Trebnitz, near Gera. Ullmannia lycopodioides, Brongniart, sp. Ullmannia lycopodioides. Goppert, Mon. d. Foss. Coniferen, p. 190, pi. xxi. figs. 4-6. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 229, pi. xlvi. tigs. 4-6. Schimper, Trait6 d. Pal6ont. Vege"t. vol. ii. p. 312. * In Explication de la Carte Gc'ologique de la France 5 Tome 4, pt. 2, 1879, 4to. jg FOSSIL PI-ANTS. Ullmannia selaginoides. Geinitz Die Leitpflanzen d. Rothl. p. 23. Dyas p 155, pi. xxxi. tigs. 17-20, pi. xxxu. , Weber, Self d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. P . 318, pi. xiv. fig. 0. Walchia lycopodioides. Eichwald, Lethaea Rossica, p. 234. Caulerpites selaginoides. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 251. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 20. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 3. Fucoides selaginoides. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 21. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 73, pi. ix. fig. 2. Cornier pa (?) selaginoides. King, Mon. Perm. Foss. Pal. Soc. p. 3, pi. 1, fig. 3. 1850. Caulerpites lycopodioides. , Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 251. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 20. Fucoides lycopodioides. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 21. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 72, pi. ix. fig. 3. Caulerpites intermedius. Miinster, Beitr. z. Petref. heft. v. p. 100, pi xv. fig. 19. Caulerpites brevifolius. Miinster, Beitr. z. Petref. heft. v. p. 101, pi. xv. fig. 17. Caulerpites distans. Miinster, Beitr. z. Petref. heft. v. p. 101, pi. xiv. fig. 1. Voltzia Phillipsii. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1367. Lindley and Button, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. cxcv. Araucarites Phillipsii. Endlicher, Synop. Conif. Foss. 37. Horizon. Kupferschiefer. Localities. Bavaria : Eeichelsdorf, Mansfield. Saxony : Trebnitz, near Gera. Ullmannia, sp. Remarks. A. few indistinct impressions, which may probably belong to Ullmannia lycopodioides, Brongt. sp. Horizon. Permian. Locality. British : Durham, Thickley. VOLTZIA, Brongniart, 1828. Prodrome d'une Histoire des \ T egetaux Fossiles, p. 108. Voltzia hexagona, Bischoff sp. Voltzia hexagona. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 156, pi. xxx, figs. 3-5. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 233. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 570. Lycopodites liexagonus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 681. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 143. Genera et Species, p. 275, Lycopodiolites hexagonus. Bischoff, Leonard's Zeitsch. fiir Mineral, p. 255, 1828. UUmannia longifolia. Geiuitz, Dyasj pi. xxx. figs. 3-5. Horizon. Permian : Todliegende. Locality. Bavaria : Spessart, near Aschaffenburg. Voltzia (P) Liebeana, Genitz sp. Cyclojoteris Liebeana. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 140, pi. xxvi. figs. 4-6. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 117. Schimper, Traite d. Pal6ont. Ve~get. vol. 1, p. 422. Remarks. These curious fossils appear to belong to the Coniferae, and not to Cydopteris. In all probability they are the bracts of a Voltzia cone. Horizon. Kupf erschief er. Locality. Saxony : Trebnitz, near Gera. PICEITES, Goppert, 1850. Monographic der Fossilen Coniferen, p. 208. Piceites orobiformis, Schlotheim sp. Piceites orobiformis. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 157, pi. xxxiii. figs. 2, 2 a (? fig. 3). Pinites orobiformis. Geinitz, Die Leitpflanzen d. Rothl. p. 24. Cupressites pectinatus. Geinitz, Vers. d. Deutsch. Zechstein, p. 20. Caulerpites pectinatus. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 21. Fucoides pectinatus. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 80. Algacites orobiformis. Schlotheim, Nachtr. z. Petrefactenk. p. 43. Carpolithes orobiformis. Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde, p. 419, pi. xxvii. fig. 2. Horizon. Kupferschiefer. Locality. Saxony : Trebnitz, near Gera. ARAUCAROXYLON, Kraus, 1870. Kraus, in Schimper's Traite de Paleont. Vegetale, vol. ii. part i. p. 380. Araucaroxylon saxonicum, Geinitz sp. Araucaroxylon saxonicum. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 383. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen d. Eothl. v. Chemnitz, p. 228. Araucarites saxonicus. Geinitz, Die Leitpflanzen d. Rothl. p. 25. Dyas, p. 169. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 251, pis. liv. Iv. Ivi. figs. 2-4, and pi. Ix. figs. 1, 2. Calamilea concentrica. Cotta, Dendrolithen, p. 72, pi. xvi. figs. 2-5. Calamites concentricus. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 51. 18 FOSSIL PLANTS. Calamodendroii concentricum. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 36. Remarks. Portions of the specimens figured as Calamitea coticentrica by Cotta on pi. xvi. figs. 4 & 6 of his ' Dendrolithen ' are in the Collection. Horizon. Rothliegende. Locality. Saxony : Chemnitz. CARBONIFEROUS. c 2 CARBONIFEROUS. ALG.E. CONFERVITES, Brongniart, 1828. Prodrome d'une Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles, pp. 13 and 211. Confervites acicularis, Goppert. Confervites acicularis. Goppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter. Kohl. p. 436. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 186. Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs. p. 80, pi. xli. fig. 3. Sandberger, Vers. d. Rheinischen Schichten. p. 422, pi. xxxviii. fig. 3. Schirnper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 156. Remarks. This species, which was described by Goppert from the Devonian Formation of Nassau, was not thought by Schimper to have much re- semblance to a Conferva* The specimens from Glencartholm, which I identify as Goppert's plant, are undoubtedly of organic origin, and although it is impossible to affirm that they possess any relationship to the recent Conferva, I believe them to be algoidal in their nature. Only two specimens are in the Collection. In one, which occurs on a slab associated with Chon- drites plumosa, Kidst., the filaments are bent over each other and matted together, but in the other specimen the filaments are only slightly curved, apparently simple and delicate, their thickness varying somewhat, but their greatest width is only about 1-25 of an inch. Horizon. Cement-stone Group, Calciferous Sandstone Series. Locality. British. Dumfriesshire : Glencartholm, Eskdale. CHONDRITES, Sternberg, 1838. Versuch. einer Geognostisch Botanischen Darstellung. der Flora der Vorwelt, ii. p. 25. Chrondrites plumosa, Kidston. Chondrites plumosa. Kidston, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 532, pi. xxx. fig. 3, and pi. xxxii, fig. 2. Kidston, Proc. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. Session 1881-2, p. 603. Horizon. Cement-stone Group, Calciferous Sandstone Series. Locality. British. Dumfriesshire : Glencartholm, Eskdale. Chondrites simplex, Kidston. Chondrites simplex. Kidston, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 533, pi. xxxi, fig. 14. Proceed. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. Session 1881-2, p. 603. Horizon. Cement-stone Group, Calciferous Sandstone Series. Locality. British. Dumfriesshire : Glencartholm, Eskdale. * Schimper, loc. cit., vol. i. p. 156, 22 FOSSIL PLANTS. BYTHOTREPHIS, Hall, 1847. Palffiontol. New York, vol. i. p. 8. Bythotrephis Scotica, Kidston, sp. nov. Btithotrephis, sp. Kidston, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 534, woodcut. Description. Frond frequently dichotomising, filaments contracted at the ^flemor**? When writing my report on the fossil plants collected by the Geolooical Survey of Scotland in Eskdale and Liddesdale,* the examples of this afga at my disposal were not sufficiently perfect to justify me in applying to them a specific determination. From specimens of this plant lately acquired for the Geological Department, I am now enabled to supplement my original description. Two of these examples are particularly good. The larger most probably represents a portion of a frond from near the base. All the filaments are broken, and the lower part of the fossil also appears to be incomplete. This specimen, which is fully six inches long, illustrates well the dichotomous division of the frond. The lower part of the fossil is half an inch broad, but about three-quarters of an inch from its base it swells out considerably, and is here 9-10ths of an inch wide, but this width most probably represents the measurement of two contiguous filaments, and though the fossil does not here show any line of division, in all likelihood the separation of the filaments extended further down, but from their close proximity the line of separation has been obliterated through pressure. These branchlets again dichotomise, the segments becoming more narrow, till at their upper extremity, where they are broken over, they are only one- fifth of an inch broad. In the other example, which is only 2| inches long, the length of the branchlets between the bifurcations is not so great as in the previous example, and it is most likely a portion of the frond nearer the apex. Immediately above its base it divides into two branches, each of which again dichotomises. These attain rather more than an inch in length, and give rise to a third set of dichotomous filaments. The branchlets which arise from a dichotomy are slightly contracted at their base, and the summit of the filament from which they spring is also constricted. In no case have I been successful in observing the termination of a filament, but from the manner in which they regularly decrease in width there is probably only a very small portion of the upper part of the smaller specimen wanting. As the filaments are frequently bent over each other, the alga has evidently been flaccid. The fossils are represented on the matrix by a well-defined carbonaceous stain, and from the quantity of carbonaceous matter adhering to them here and there, the plant must have originally possessed considerable consistency. Horizon. Cement-stone Group, Calciferous Sandstone Series. Locality. British. Dumfriesshire : Glencartholm, Eskdale. EQUISETACE^E. CALAMITES, Suckow, 1784. Act. Acad. Theod. Palat. vol. v. p. 359 (fide Unger). DiBerent opinions are held by some authors as to the structure of the outer surface of the bark of Calamites, whether it was smooth or furrowed. Almost all Continental Botanists accept the latter view, but some British * Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. CARBONIFEROUS. 23 writers have stated their belief in the former opinion. This subject I would willingly have left alone, nor can I in a work of this nature enter fully into the merits of the case, but may be allowed to state briefly the reasons why I have adopted the view that the bark of Catamites was furrowed on its outer aspect, in preference to the opinion that it was smooth. It has also been stated that the specimens of Catamites as ordinarily found are casts of the pith cavity, and that their furrowed surfaces are merely the impress of the inner angles of the vascular cylinder, which, from its more durable texture, was able to resist the decay longer than the delicate pith, which soon disappeared, its place being filled with sediment. Pressure then acting on the vascular cylinder caused the cast of the pith cavity to assume the furrowed appearance. That such specimens do occur there is little reason to doubt, but it appears to me to be equally clear that all furrowed specimens of Catamites are not internal casts of the pith cavity. On large stems we need scarcely expect to find the leaves attached, as probably in the course of nature they were shed before the stems were imbedded, but small branches, with the foliage still in position, are by no means uncommon, and on these, when at all well preserved, the furrows are distinctly seen. Hence it is evident that furrowed stems are not all internal casts of the pith cavity. The following plates bear out these remarks : Lebour, Illustrations of Fossil Plants, pi. iii. Catamites nodosus. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jUng. Steink. u. d. Eothl. pi. xii. fig. 1, Asterophyllites rigidus. Steinkohlen-Calamarien, pi. ix. figs. 1, 2, Cingularia typica. pi. xi. Asterophyllites capillaceus. pi. xv. Palceostachya elongata. Ettingshausen, Die Steinkohlenf. v. Radnitz, pi. vi. Catamites communis. Schimper (after Germar), Traite Paleont. Veget. Atlas, pi. xxii. figs. 1-3, Calamocladus equisetiformis. Again, if we regard them as casts, how are we to explain the large branch scars on Catamites ramosiw ? It seems most improbable that these large scars were caused by some structure jutting into the pith cavity ; and further, specimens showing the branch attached to the scar are by no means unknown. These arguments prove, I think, that Catamites as they usually occur are not all internal casts. The small tubercles at the top of the furrows are also, I believe, the scar left by the fallen leaf. This is clearly indicated by : Ettingshausen, Steinkohlenf. v. Radnitz, pi. i. fig. 5, Catamites communis. Weiss, Steinkohlen-Calamarien, pi. xvii. Calamitina GiJpperti. Then grant, for the sake of argument, that the carbonaceous layer commonly coating the outside of Catamites, as these usually occur, represents the vascular system and bark, the next point to be considered is whether the furrows have been imparted to a smooth bark by the external rounded surfaces of the vascular wedges, from the pressure exerted during minerali- zation, or whether the furrows are a natural character of the external surface of the stems. This question is more difficult to decide. Any specimens that have been figured showing the structure of the bark do not appear to have been sufficiently well-preserved to settle this point. With all respect to the opinion of those authors who have stated that Catamites had a smooth external bark, I think that the complete proof of the statement has not yet been given. In any figures that I have seen where the bark has been preserved, the flexuous outline they show appears to point more strongly to its having been fluted than smooth. Stems of Catamites also occur, which have not been in any way destroyed by pressure, in so far as they still retain the round form of the stem and on these, too, we find the characteristic furrows. The view which I am at present inclined to adopt, and the one 24 FOSSIL PLANTS. which seems most supported by evidence, points to the Calamite stem having been furrowed on its outer aspect ; the bark being thin, and following the contour of the vascular wedges, though probably the intervals between the furrows on a corticated specimen would be less distinct than on a decorticated example, nevertheless the furrows were distinctly shown, as we find in fact on the outer surface of the stems of recent Equisetum. Calamites Suckowii, Brongniart. Calamites Suckowii. Andrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 164. Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, p. 119, 1850. Boulay, Eecherches de Paleont. V6get. p. 7, 1880. Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 21. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 37. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 124, pi. xiv. fig. 6, pi. xv. figs. 1-6, pi. xvi. figs. 2, 3, 4 (1 ?). Bronn. Index Palaeont. p. 199. Lethaea Geog. vol. i. pt. ii. p. 101. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 478, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 151. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 439. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxx. p. 216. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb., Canada, p. 38. Eichwald, Lethaea Eossica, vol. i. p. 170. Feistmantel, O, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv, pp. 594 & 597. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292, 294, 298, 300, & 303. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 102, pi. ii. figs. 3, 4, pi. iii. figs. 1, 2, pi. iv. figs. 1, 2, pi. v. & pi. vi. fig. 1 (excl. as fruit, H. carinata). Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 66 (? excl. syn. C. Stein- Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohnien, p. 9. ,, K, Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 63. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, pp. 17 & 35. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, pp. 274 & 284. Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 6, pi. xiii. figs. 1-6. Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 67. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 21. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 1. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 34 (pi. 1, figs. 3, 4 ?). Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du De"p. de la Loire, p. 14, pi. 1, figs. 1-6. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzkohl. p. 17, pi. ii. figs. 1, 2. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 46 (in part). Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 20, pi. 1 figs. 3, 4. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 850. Eeport Geol. Survev Illinois, vol. ii. p. 445. Newberry, Annal. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1883, vol. xii. p. 173. Eenault, Cours d. Bot. Foss. p. 159, pi. xxiv. figs.' 3 & 5, 1882. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 9, pi. i. fig. 6, pi. ii. Eomer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 19, 1862. Sandbergeis Flora d. Ober. Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarz. p. 5. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 312 (pi. xviii. fig. 1 ?). Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 49. Stur, Verh. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. p. 303, 1874. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 21. Genera et Species, p. 44. Anthracit-Lager in Karnthen, p. 782. CARBONIFEROUS. 25 Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 84. Foss. Flora d. jiing. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 117. Steinkohlen-Calamarien, p. 123, pi. xix. tig. 1. Zeiller, Ve'ge't. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 12, pi. clix. fig. 1. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 3. Catamites decoratus. Artis, Antedil. Phytol. pi. xxiv. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 37. Hist. d. Vege~t. Foss. p. 123, pi. xiv. figs. 1-5. Class, d. Ve~ge~t. Foss. p. 9, pi. i. fig. 2. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 74. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 67. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 21. Kimball, Flora from the Appalachian Coal Field, p. 8. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 849. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 9. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 49. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 21. ,, Genera et Species, p. 44. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 84. Catamites cequalis. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 198. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 49. Catamites communis. Ettingshauseu, (in part), Steinkf. v. Raduitz* p. 24, pi. iii. figs. 1 & 3, pi. iv. figs. 1-3, pi. ix. fig. 1. (in part), Haidiuger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. Abth. I. p. 73. Catamites communis, var Suckowii. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142. Catamites cannceformis. Lebour, Illustrations of Fossil Plants, pi. i. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, pi. ii. fig. 3. ? Bambusoides abnormis. Konig, Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xvi. fig. 198. Catamites (the base of a stem). Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. xcvi. Remarks. It is very difficult to decide as to the species with which Brongniart's Catamites undulatus (Sternberg), Brongt. (Hist. d. V6get. Foss. p. 127, pi. xvii. figs. 1-4), should be united. As the flexuous character of the furrows has been imparted "by pressure, any species of Calarnite may, from the same cause, have the furrows bent in a flexuous manner. Some authors have united these figures with Catamites cannceformis, others with C. Suckowii, but the evidence afforded by them is too imperfect for a satisfactory decision on this point. The specimen figured by Roehl as Catamites cannceformis^ appears to belong to C. Suckowii. Cr6pinJ has pointed out that the furrows on the stems of Catamites Suckowii and C. Cistii do not always alternate at the nodes, but occasionally run continously from one internode to another, as in Bornia radiata. * Abhand. k. k. Geol. Eeich. Wien, Bd. ii. abth. 3. No. 3. t Loo. cit., pi. ii., fig. 3. Notes Paleophylologiques, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. vol. xix. 2 e paitie, (Observations sur les Cotes des Calamites) . 26 FOSSIL PLANTS. Germar previously called attention to a similar occurrence in C. alternant* This peculiarity is seen in some of the specimens of C. Suckowii in the Collection. In one example six furrows occupy the space of seven furrows in the next succeeding internode, and I have several times met with such specimens. The explanation of this local disarrangement of the furrows on Calamite stems seems to be clearly indicated by Prof. Williamson in his paper "On the Organization of the Fossil Plants of the Coal Measures. Part I. Catamites,'^ where he says : " Indications of wedges intercalated after the first growth had begun have only been met with in one example, in which a solitary wedge first appears at a point a little external to the concentric line formed by the inner angles of the rest of the series, and it was devoid of the usual accom- panying longitudinal canal. "J If, then, in any internode an additional vascular wedge is added, it must of necessity cause a local disarrangement of the furrows, which will be shown by their not holding their normal alternate position to the furrows of the succeeding joint. The specimen figured by Schimper as Catamites Suckowii , I am inclined to regard as belonging to Catamites cannceformis rather than to Catamites Suckowii. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Derbyshire : Biddings (Presented by F. Seymour Haden, Esq.). Devonshire : Bideford (Presented by Eev. W. Bilton). Durham : Jarrow Colliery. Lanarkshire : Carluke (Presented by the British Association) ; Chapelhall, Airdrie ; Dalmarnock ; Shotts (Presented by the British Association). Northumberland : Newcastle-on-Tyne. Shropshire : Coalbrook Dale. Staffordshire : Parktield, near Wolverhampton. Worcestershire : Bewdley, Forest of Wyre. Yorkshire : Leeds. Wales, S. : Ebbw Vale, near Merthyr Tydvil. Foreign. Bohemia : Eadnitz. Ehenish Prussia, Saarbruck. Eussia, near Kosloo, Black Sea (Presented by Capt. Spratt, E.N.). Saxony : Hainichen ; Zwickau. Calamites ramosus, Artis. Catamites ramosus. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 119. Artis, Antedil. Phytol. pi. ii. Boulay, Eecherches de Paleont. Ve"ge"t. p. 8, 1880. Brongniart, Hist. d. V6get. Foss. p. 127, pi. xvii. figs. 5, 6. Prodome, p. 37. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 199. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 433, 1847. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd edit. p. 478, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 151. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 439. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb., Canada, p. 36. Eichwald, Lethtea Eossica, vol. i. p. 165. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora p. 17 Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 21. Grand 'Eury, More Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 20, pi. ii fie 4 Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzkohl. p. 18, pi. ii. fig. 6 * Isis, p. 273, 1838. t Phil. Trans. 1871. t Loc. cit. p. 481. Traite Pal. Veg. pi. xviii. fig. 1. CARBONIFEROUS. 27 Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 22, pi. i. fig. 2. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 850. Eeport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 445. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 163, pi. xxiv. fig. 8, 1882. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 10, pi. i. figs. 3, 4. Stur, Culm Flora, heft ii. p. 213. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 21. Genera et Species, p. 45. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 15. Catamites nodosus. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle. 1850, p. 120. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 38. (?) Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 133, pi. xxiii. figs. 2-4. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. p. 86. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd edit. p. 479, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 151. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 440. Foss. Plants of Lower Garb., Canada, p. 36. Eichwald, Lethaea Rossica, vol. i. p. 163. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 77. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 17. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, pp. 23, 34. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 22. Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 3, pi. ii. p. 7, pi. iii. (Annularia radiata 1 Brongt.). Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pis. xv. xvi. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Portlock, Report Geol. of Londonderry, p. 627. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 2, pp. 27 & 32, pi. xvii. fig. 2 ; fasc. 4, pi. xxvii.; ii. p. 48 (non Schloth.). Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 22. Genera et Species, p. 47. Calamites communis. Ettingshausen (in part), Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 24, pi. iii. fig 2, pi. iv. fig. 4. (in part), Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 73. Calamites communis var. ramosus. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142. Calamites carinatus. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 3, pp. 36 & 39, pi. xxxii. fig. 1 ; fasc. 4, p. xxvii. Calamites cannceformis. 1 Geinitz (in part), Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, pi. xiii. fig. 8 ; pi. xiv. fig. 5. 1 (in part), Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, p. 32, pi. xiv. figs. 17, 18. Roehl (in part), Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. pi. i. fig. 5 ; pi. xxii. fig. 1. ? Volkmannia pseudosessilis. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 43, pi. vi. fig. 3. (?) Volkmannia tenera. Weiss, Steinkohlen-Calamarien, p. 113, pi. xii. figs. Ic, 2. Remarks. Many authors have united this species with Calamites cannce- formis ; but without expressing any decided opinion as to the validity of this view, I prefer to keep them separate for the present, till more careful examination has been given to the subject. I have examined the types in the Hutton Collection, from which the 28 FOSSIL PLANTS. plates xv & xvi. in Lindley and Button's ' Fossil Flora ' were drawn. What has been 'represented by these authors as small branchlets bearing foliage, are cones apparently similar to those described by Grand 'Eury as Volkmannm pseudosessilis. This is satisfactory proof as to Grand 'Eury's cones being the fruit of Catamites ramosus, Artis. Volkmannia tenera, Weiss, appears to be the same little cone as that named by Grand 'Eury Volkmannia pseudosessilis. Calamites nodosus, Schlotheim,* which is quite distinct from C. ramosus, Artis (C. nodosus, Sternb., and L. & H.), may, perhaps, belong to C. cannce- formis, Schloth. I am inclined to regard as the foliage of this Calamite, Annularia radiata, Brongt. In many cases these two plants are found associated together, and the figure of C. nodosus given in the " Illustrations of Fossil Plants," pi. iii., whose identification there seems no room to doubt, bears branchlets witli foliage, which are apparently indistinguishable from Brongniart's Annularia radiata (Asterophyllites foliosa, L. & H.). For the present, though believing Annularia radiata to be the foliage of C. ramosus, I have kept them separate till the subject is more carefully Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Devonshire : Bideford (Presented by Rev. W. Bilton). Lanarkshire : Carluke. Northumberland : Newcastle- on-Tyne. Somerset : Pensford. Stirlingshire : The Cleuch, Falkirk. Foreign. Bohemia : Eadnitz. Russia : Kosloo, Black Sea (Pre- sented by Capt. Spratt, R.N.). Calamites cannseformis, Schlotheim. Calamites cannceformis. Andrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 164. Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 120. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 38. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 131, pi. xxi. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 198. Buubury, Amer. Jour, of Science, 2nd ser. vol. ii. p. 231, 1846. Dawson, Acad. Geol. 2nd ed. p. 478, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 151. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 439. Foss. Plants of Lower Garb. Canada, pp. 30 & 36. Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, vol. i. p. 169. Urwelt Russlands, heft i. p. 84. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 594 & 597. (in part] Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 109 (? pi. vii. n>. 3, pi. viii. figs. 1, 2). Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292, 294, & 300. (in part) Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 68. Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 65. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 20 Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, pp. 17, 23, 32, pi. xiv. figs. 16 & 19 (excl. figs. 17, 18). Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. p. 350, 1857. Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, pp. 275 & 284. n- i -r7 erS {, d v, S ^ inkf - in Sachsen > P- 5 > PL xiv. figs. 1-4 (excl. fig. 5). Giebel, Deutshchl. Petrefacten, p. 21 Gomes Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 2. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 21, pi. iii. figs 1, 2. * Petrefactenkunde, p. 401, pi. xx. fig. 3. CARBONIFEROUS. 29 Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 22, pi. ii. fig. 7. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 850. Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 24, pi. i. fig. 1. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. Ixxix. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 164, 1882. Roehl (in part), Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form Westph. p. 12, pi. i. fig. 2, pi. ii. fig. 1 (pi. x. fig. 3 ?) Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 19, 1862. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarz. p. 3. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. d. Terr. Houil. de la Belgique, pi. xii. fig. 2. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 316, pi. xx. fig. 3 (excl. Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde, p. 398, pi. xx. fig. 1. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. 26 ; ii. p. 46. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 22. Genera et Species, p. 47. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 84. Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 115. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 16. Catamites pachyderma. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 120. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 38. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 132, pi. xxii. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 199. Giebel, Deutschl. Petref acten , p. 21. ? Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 23. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 850. Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 445. Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 28. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 50. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 22. Genera et Species, p. 47. Catamites undulatus. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 47, pi. i. fig. 1 (?pl. xx. fig. 8). Catamites communis. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 73. Catamites Suckowii var. cannceformis. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. 1, p. 46. ? Catamites nodosus. Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde, p. 401, pi. xx. fig. 3. ? Catamites gigas. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 21. ? Catamites sulcatm. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 199. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 22. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 27, pi. ii. fig. 8. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 51. Remarks. A very unsatisfactorily defined species, and in many cases it is extremely difficult to decide as to whether certain specimens should be referred to Catamites Siickowii or Catamites cannceformis* Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Durham : Sunderland. Northumberland : Newcastle- on-Tyne. Staffordshire: Wednesbury. Yorkshire: Bradford. * See Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 115. FOSSIL PLANTS. Calamites Cistii, Brongniart. Ch S Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle 1850, p. 119. B?uky,Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France p. 21 , Eecherches de PalSont. Veget. p. 8, 1880. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 38. Hist. d. Veget Foss. p. 129, pi. xx. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 198. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 478, 1868. Geol Survey Canada, Exports 18/4-5, pp. 192 & 196. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 151. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 439. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxx. p. 21b. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 29, pL vu. fig. 65. Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, vol. i. p. 171. ittingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss Abhandl vol iv. abth. L p. 75, Feistmantel, Steiukf. v. Kralup in Bohmen, pp. 10 & 15. Vers. d. Bohm Kohlenablag. p. 112. Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 67. , . Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 7, pL xi. figs. 7, 8, pi. xn. figs. 4, 5, pi. xiii. fig. 7. Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 68. Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 275. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 21. Gomes Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 3 Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 19, pi. 11. ngs 1-3. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 46, pi. xx. fig. 3 (?figs. 1, 2, & 4). Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 27 (? pi. i. fig- 6). Eeport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. n. p. 445. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 850. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 162, pi. xxiv. fig. 7, 1882. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 12. Eomer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 19, 1862. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarz. pp. 4 & o. Sauveur, Veget. Foss. d. Terr. Houil. de la Belgique, pi. via. pi. ix. fig. 1, pi. xi. figs. 1, 2. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 313. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 50. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 22. Genera et Species, p. 46. Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Anthracit-Lager in Karnthen, p. 782. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 84. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 14. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 3. Calamites tuberculosus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 200. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 24, pi. ii. figs. 4 & 14, & pi. hit*. fig. 4. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 52. Calamites articulatus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 198. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 26, pi. iii. figs. 2, 3. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 52. Calamites lioderma. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacteu, p. 22. fig. 3, CARBONIFEROUS. 31 Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 34, pi. iii. fig. ] . Gutbier, Vers. d. Rothl. in Sachsen, p. 8, pi. i. fig. 5. Calamities Durrii. Bronn. Index Palseont. p. 199. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 69. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 22. Gutbier, Vers. d. Eothl. in Sachsen, p. 8, pi. i. fig. 6. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 53. Catamites tenuifolius. Ettingshausen (in part), Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 24, pi. iii. fig. 4. Schimper, Traite" d. Pale"ont. Veg6t. vol. i. p. 320. Catamites Petzholdti. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 199. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 69. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 53. Remarks. In a specimen in the Collection from Richmond, Virginia, which retains an oval form, and on which the cortical envelope has been converted into coaly matter, the flutings on the outer surface of the stem are shown on the transversely broken surface of the fossil as clearly denned convex furrows. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Devonshire : Bideford (Presented by Rev. W. Bilton). Lanarkshire : Carluke ; Dalmarnock, near Glasgow. Northumberland : Newcastle-on-Tyne. Stafford- shire : Trial Sinking, Sandwell Park, West Brom- wich. Foreign. Bohemia : Radnitz. Saxony : Wettin, near Halle ; Zankerode, near Dresden. Spain : near Saredon. United States : Richmond, Virginia. Calamites varians, Sternberg. Catamites varians. Broun, Index Palseont. p. 200. Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, vol. i. p. 172. Etheridge, Cat. Australian Fossils, p. 30. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhaudl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 67. Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 47, pi. xx. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 21. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 14, pi. i. fig. 1. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 50, pi. xii. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 22. Genera et Species, p. 47. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, 84. feiss, Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 113, pi. xiii. tigs. 1 (!), 2, and 7. Calamites communis var. varians. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141 & 142. Endocalamites varians. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 40. Calamites dubius. Artis, Antedil. Phytol. pi. xiii. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 38. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 130, pi. xviii. figs. 1-3. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 198. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 151. Weis 32 FOSSIL PLANTS. Dawson, Canadian, Nat. vol. viii. p. 440. Foss. Plants of Lower Garb., Canada, p. 38. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. 1. p. 78. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 21. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 850. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 313. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 22. Genera et Species, p. 46. Catamites pseudobambusia. Artis, Antedil. Phytol. pi. vi. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 1, pp. 22 & 24, pi. xiii. fig. 3, fasc. 4, p. xxvi. Catamites alternans. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 198. Germar, Isis, p. 273, pi. iii. tig. 1 (? 2, 3, 4), 1838. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 50. Catamites approximatus. Artis, Antedil. Phytol. pi. iv. Brongniart, Hist. d. Vege't, Foss. pi. xv. figs. 7, 8, pi. xxiv. fig. 1. ? Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 46, pi. xx. fig. 5. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. pi. i. fig. 5. ? Geinitz (in part), Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, pi. xii. figs. 1, 2. Sauveur, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. de la Belgique, pi. ii. ? Catamites elongatus. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 23. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 28, pi. iii. 6, figs. 2, 3. Calamites varians, var. cruciatus, Sternberg, sp. Catamites cruciatus. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 119. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 37. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 128, pi. xix. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 198. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 21. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 19, pi. ii. figs. 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 850. Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 445. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 11. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxvii. pi. xlix, fig. 5, ii. p. 48. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 21. Genera et Species, p. 46. Neues Jahrbuch, p. 608, 1842. Catamodendron cruciatum. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 152, pi. clxxiv. fig. 3. Calamites approximatus. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, pi. xi. figs. 2 and 3. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. ccxvi. Calamites Brongniarti. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 198. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 48. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 21. Genera et Species, p. 46. Calamites alternans. Germar & Kaulfuss, Verh. d. k. Leop. Carol. Akad. vol. xv. p. 211, pi. Ixv. Calamites nodosus. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 23, pi. iii, fig. l. CARBONIFEROUS. 33 Catamites affinis, Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 22. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 27, pi. ii. tig. 11. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 51. Calamites infractus. Bronu, Index Palseont. p. 198. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 69. Dyas. p. 134, pi. xxv. figs. 2, 3, 4. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 22. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 25, pi. iii. figs. 4, 5, 6 (fig. 1 ?). Vers. d. Eothl. in Sachsen, p. 8, pi. i. figs. 1-4. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 51. Remarks. Calamites approximatus, L. & H. (vol. iii. pi. ccxvi.) must be referred to the cruciatus-form of C. varians, and not to C. approximatus. Calamites approximates, Artis (Antedil. Phytol. pi. iv.), and that in Lindley and Button's Fossil Flora, (pi. Ixxvii.), appear to be the true C. varians, Stern- berg. I have followed Weiss * in regarding Calamites cruciatus, Brongt., as a variety of Calamites varians, Steriib., as it must be admitted there are intermediate forms which connect the two plants together. It is quite pos- sible, however, that they may eventually be found to be distinct, as there is some evidence to show that C. cruciatus, Brongt., may be only a branched condition of C. Cistii. "Weiss includes as a form of C. varians, C. approxi- matus, Brongt. (Hist. d. Veget. Foss. pi. xxiv. figs. 2-5 [excl. fig. 1], & pi. xv. figs. 7, 8), but I prefer to keep them separate. C. varians and C. cruciatus are true Calamites, whereas C. approximatus, Brong., appears to be an internal cast, and possibly not referrable to the genus Calamites at all. C. approximatus, Feistmantel (Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanstalt, vol. xxii. p. 292, 1872), which is described by the author as " a well preserved example with distinct ribs and tubercles," must be referred to one of the forms of C. varians, and is probably comparable to C. approximatus, Artis, which is here placed under C. varians. Horizon. Coal Measures. Calamites varians, Sternb. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Carluke. Northumberland : Felling Colliery, Newcastle - on - Tyne. Worcestershire: near Bewdley. Yorkshire : Gannister Bed?., (Presented by the late Sir P. G. Egerton, Bart., Trustee Brit. Mus.) Var cruciatus, Brongt. sp. Foreign. Bohemia. Calamites P approximatus, Brongniart. Calamites approximatus. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 119. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord. de la France, p. 21. Brongniart (in part), Hist. d. Veget. Foss. pi. xxiv. figs. 2, 3, 4, 5. (in part), Prodrome, p. 38. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 198. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 433, 1847. Ettingshausen (in part), Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth I. p. 79. Feistmantel (in part), Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 106, pi. vi. fig. 2 ; pi. vii. figs. 1, 2 (?). (in part), Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 67. * Foss. Flora d. jttng. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 114. FOSSIL PLANTS. Feistmantel, Zeitech. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 594, 597. (in part), Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 64 Fontaine & White, Perm, or Up. Carb Flora, p. 17. Geinitz (in part), Vers. d. Stemkf. in Sachsen, p. 7, pi. xn. tig. 3. Giebel Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 22. ...-.- Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 23, pi 11. fig. 3 Kimbal, Flora from the Appalachian Coal Field p. 7, 1857 Lesquereux (in part), Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 26 (excl. pi. i. fig. 5). Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. n. p. 850. Eeport Geol. of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 445. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd Ser vol. v p. 488. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 14, pi. n. fig. 7. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 19, 1862. Sch,imper, Traite d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. i. p. 314. Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde, p. 399. Steinberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxvi., ii. p. 47. linger (in part), Synop. Plant, Foss. p. 22. (in part), Genera et Species, p. 48. Catamites interruptus. Schlotheim (in part), Petiefactenkunde, p. 400, pi. xx. tig. 2. Calamodendron approximatum. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd edit. p. 476, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 149, pi. vn. fig. 31, vol. xxx. p. 216. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 437. Endocalamites approximatus. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, pp. 39 & 47. Remarks. See notes to the previous species. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Ayrshire: Stevenston. Shropshire: Coalbrook U.nle. Staffordshire : Netherton. Worcestershire : near Dudley. Calamites, sp. Remarks. The plant here included I believe to be a new species, but as the specimen is somewhat fragmentary, it is desirable that additional examples be examined before giving any description. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Stirlingshire : The Cleuch, Falkirk. Calamites, species. Remarks. Transverse and longitudinal sections of stems showing some structural details. The vegetable matter is partly converted into coal in a matrix of white sandstone. The specimens were presented by Dr. Alex. Petzholdt, and are sections of the stems which he has described and figured in his work "Tiber Calamiten und Steinkohlenbildung," Dresden, 1841. None of the specimens in the collection show any characters by which a satisfactory specific determination can be made, but Geinitz unites that figured by Petzholdt on his pi. i. to Calamites Cistii* Some of these specimens seem to favour the view that the bark of Calamites was furrowed externally. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Saxony : near Dresden. * Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 7. CARBONIFEROUS. 35 ASTEROCALAMITES, Schimper, 1862. Terrain de Transition des Vosges, p. 321. Asterocalamites scrobiculatus, Schlotheim, sp. Asterocalamites scrobiculatus. ZeUler, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 17, pi. clix. fig. 2. Catamites scrobiculatus. Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde, p. 402, pi. xx. fig. 4. Bornia scrobiculata. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 171. Eichwald, Lethaea Rossica, vol. i. p. 177. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 89. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 24. Goppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon u. unter Kohl, p 472. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 191. Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs. p. 131, pi. x. figs. 1, 2. Neues Jahrbuch, 1847, p. 682. Ludwig, Palaeontographica, vol. xvii. p. 116, pi. xxi. figs. 1, 2. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. iii. p. 45, pi. vii. fig. 5, 1854. Die Vers. d. Harzgebirges, heft i. pi. i. fig. 4, 1843. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxviii. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 29. Genera et Species, p. 54. Bornia radiata. Etheridge, Catal. of Australian Fossils, p. 29. Kidston, in Cadell, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc. vol. iv. p. 334. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. p. 313, May, 1883. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 30 (? pi. i. fig. 7). Schimper, TraitS d. Pal6ont. Veget. vol. i. p. 335 ; vol. iii. p. 454 (xynon. in part). Schmalhausen, Melang. Phys. et Chem. vol. x. p. 738, pi. i. figs. 1-3. Catamites radiatus. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 37. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 122, pi. xxvi. figs. 1, 2. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I p. 77. Heer, Foss. Flora d. Baren Insel, p. 32, pis. i.-iv. Steink. Flora d. Artisch. Zone, p. 4. pi. i. figs. 1 -3. Schimper, Veget. Foss. du Terr, de Trans, d. Vosges, p. 321, pi. i. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 21. Genera et Species, p. 44. Archceocalamites radiatus. Peach, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. vol. xiii. p. 46. Stur, Culm Flora,* heft i. p. 2, pi. i. tigs. 3-8 ; pis. ii. iii. iv. v. figs. 1, 2, heft ii. p. 180 ; pi. ii. figs. 1-6 ; pi. iii. figs. 1,2; pi. iv, fig. i ; and pi. v. fig. i. Calamites transitionis. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 199. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd edit. p. 537, 1868. ? Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. pp. 298 & 309, 1862. Eichwald, Lethaea Rossica, vol. i. p. 166, pi. xiii. figs. 1, 2. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 80. Denks. k. Akad. Wiss., vol. xxv. p. 8J, pi. i. Jig. 4; pis. ii. iii. figs. 2-5 ; and pi. iv. figs. 1, 3, 4. Feistmantel, Zeitschr. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 491, pi. xiv. figs. 3,4. Geinitz, Die Vers. d. Grauwackenform. part ii. p. 82, pi. xviii. figs. 6, '7. * Abhandl. k. k. Geol. Reich. Wien, B 1. viii. hefts. 1 and 2. D 2 g FOSSIL PLANTS. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, p. 30, pi. i. figs. 2-7. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 20. Goppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon u. unter Kohl. p. 4bo. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 190. Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 109, pis. 111. iv. xxxvm. Neues Jalirbuch, 1847, p. 682. Hall 16th Annual Eeport State Cabinet, pp. 104 & 109, 18b3. Ludwig, Palaeontographica, vol. xvii. p. 115, pi. xxi. fig. iabcde. Koehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 15. Rb'mer, Palaeontographica, vol. iii. p. 45, pi. vii. fig. 4. Geol. v. Oberschlesien, p. 54, pi. iv. figs. 1-3. Sandberger, Vers. d. Ehein. Sch. in Nassau, p. 426, pi. xxxix. figs. 1 la. Stur, Verb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. pp. 295, 296, 1874. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 23. Genera et Species, p. 52. Bornia transitionis. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 24. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 54. Ed'mer, Palaeontographica, vol. iii. p. 45, pi. vii. fig. 7, 1854. Catamites laticostatus. Ettingshausen, Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. vol. xxv. p. 88, pi. iii. fig. 1. Eomer, Geol. v. Oberschlesien, p. 54. Bornia laticostata. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont. V6get. vol. i. p. 336. Catamites inornatus. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 310, pi. xvii. fig. 56. Hall, 16th Annual Eeport State Cabinet, pp. 108, 109, 1863. Bornia inornata. Schimper, Traite d. Pal6ont. V6get. vol. i. p. 336. Catamites variolatus. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 80. Goppert, Neues Jahrbuch, 1847, p. 682. Foss. Flora d. Silur. Devon u. unter Kohl. p. 469. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 191. Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 124, pi. v. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 52. Catamites Sternberc,i : . Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 172, pi. xiv. fig. 3. Catamites tenuissimus. Ettingshausen, Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. vol. xxv. p. 92, pi. i. figs. 1, 2. Catamites obliquus. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 121, pi. vi. figs. 9, 10. Catamites remotus. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 167, pi. xiv. tig. 2. ? Catamites distans. Eomer, Die Vers. d. Harzgebirges, p. 2, pi. i. figs. 5, 6, 1843. Catamites elegans. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 81. Catamites cannceformis. Eomer, Die Vers. d. Harzgebirges, p. 2, pi. i. fig. 7. Bornia Jordaniana. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 132, pi. x. fig. 3. CARBONIFKROUS. .37 Equisetites gradatus. Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, vol. i. p. 181, pi. xiii. figs. 3, 4. Equisetites radiatus. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 45. Stigmatocanna Volkmanniana. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 126, pis. viii. ix. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 191. Flora d. Silur. Devon u. Unter. Kohl. p. 470. / A narthrocanna tuberculosa. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 128, pi. vii. figs. 1, 2, 3. ? A narthrocanna stigmarioides. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 129, pi. xli. fig. 5. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 191. Sandberger, Vers. d. Rhein. Schich. in Nassau, p. 427, pi. xxxix. fig. 2. Sphenophyllum furcatum. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, p. 36, pi. i. figs. 10-12 ; pi. ii. figs. 1, 2. Goppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon u. unter Kohl. p. 474. Asterophyllum furcatum. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 345. Asterophyllites equisetiformis. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 498. pi. xiv. fig. G. Asterophyllites elegans. Goppert, Neues Jahrbuch, 1847, p. 682. Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 133, pi. vi. fig. 11. Flora d. Sil. Devon u. unter. Kohl. p. 473. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 192. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Ve"get. vol. i. p. 328. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 67. Schizopteris lactuca. Ettingshausen, Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. vol. xxv. p. 105, fig. 15. Schizcea transitions. Ettingshausen, Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. vol. xxv. p. 103, pi. vii. fig. 5. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 519, pi. xv. fig. 19. Romer, Geol. v. Oberschlesien, p. 55. Fruit of Asterocalamites scrobiculatus. Pothocites Grantoni. Beyschlag, Neues Jahrbuch, 1884, p. 298. Carruthers, Geol. Mag. vol. ix. p. 58, 1872. Kidston, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 548. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xi. 1883, p. 297, pis. ix. x. xi. figs. 9, 10, pi. xii. figs. 13-17. Paterson, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. vol. i. p. 45, pi. iii. 1841. Weiss, Neues Jahrbuch, 1884, p. 205. Williamson, Proc. Roy. Inst. Gt. Brit. vol. x. pt. 2, p. 299. fig. 9, 1883. Pothocites Patersoni. Etheridge, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. vol. xii. p. 151. Kidston, Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist, oth ser. vol. xi. p. 302, pi. x. figs. 6, 7, 8, pi. xi. figs. 9, 10, and pi. xii. fig. 14, 1883. Pothocites calamitoides. Kidston, Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 5th ser. vol. x. p. 404. 1882 ; p. 305, May, 1883. FOSSIL PLANTS. Soc. Edinb. vol. xii. p. 162. X Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 498, pi. xiv. fig. 5. with this plant as its fruit. Craig Quarry. Saxony : Hainichen (Horizon. Culm). FRUIT. British. Dumfriesshire : Glencartholm, Eskdale. C ALAMO CLADUS, Schimper, 1869. Traite d. Paleont. Vegetale, vol. i. p. 323. une Hist, des Veget. Foss. p. 159, 1828. Calainocladus eqnisetifonnis, Schlotheim, sp. Calamodadus eguisetiformis. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 22. , y , .. - , Crepin, Bui. 1'Acad. Boy. Belgique, 2 e ser. vol. xxxvm. pi. u. figs. 1-3, 1874. (Fructification.) , _ Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6get. vol. i. p. 324, pi. xxn. figs. 1, 2, 3. Asterophyllites equisetiformis. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 120. Brogniart, Prodrome, p. 159. Bronn, Index Paleont. p. 122. ? Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. p. 86. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 71. Feistmantel, Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 68. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292, 298, & 300. Steinkohlf. v. Kralup in Bbhmen. pp. 10 & 17. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 594 & 597. (in part?) Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 116, pi. x. figs. 1, 2, pi. xi. pi. xii. fig. 2. Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 66. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, p. 17. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 70. Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 8, pi. xyii. figs. 1-3. Gerrnar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 21, pi. viii. Isis, 1837, p. 428, pi. iii. fig. 3, p. 429, pi. ii. fig. 3. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 28. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 36, pi. 1, fig. 5. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carb. du Dep. de la Loire, p. 38. Heer, Urwelt d. Schweiz, p. 8, fig. 4c. Foss. Flora Helv. lief. i. p. 49, pi. xix. figs. 1, 2. Kimball, Flora from Appalachian Coal Field, p. 9, 1857. Le&quereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 35, pi. ii. fig. 3 (excl. pi. iii. figs. 5-7.) CARBONIFEROUS. 39 Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 851. Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 444. Renault, Ann. d. Sci. Nat. 6 e se"r. vol. ii. p. 18, pi iv. tigs. 14-18. Cours. d. Botan. Foss. p. 112, pi. xviii. fig. 1, 1882. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 22, pi. iii. fig. 5. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarz. p. 2. Stur, Verb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. 1874, pp. 268 & 303 ; 1884, p. 138. Unger, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 31. Genera et Species, p. 64. Weiss, Verbandl. Natur. Vereines Preuss. Rheinl. Westph. 1868, p. 8f.. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 126. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 19, pi. clix. fig. 3. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 3. Hippurites longifolia. Eichwald, Lethaea Rossica, vol. i. p. 191, pi. xiv. tig. 6 (fig. 5 ?). Ettiugshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 88. Grand 'Eury, Comptes Rendus, vol. Ixviii. p. 709, 1869. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pis. cxc. & cxci. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 35. Casuarinites equisetiformis. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 30, pi. i. figs 1, 2, pi. ii. fig. 3. Petrefactenkunde, p. 397. Bornia equisetiformis. Sternberg, Vers. i. Fasc. 4, p. xxviii. Catamites equisetiformis. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 28. Catamites interruptus. Schlotheim (in part), Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 30, pi. i. fig. 2. Petrefactenkunde, p. 400. Catamites Cistii. Ettingshausen (in part), Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 75, 1851. Heer, Urwelt d. Schweiz, p. 8, fig. 4 c. Bruckmannia tenuifolia, var. ft. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. 29. Annular ia calamitoides. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 48. Schimper, Traite d. Pal6ont. V6ge~t. vol. i. p. 349, pi. xxvi. fig. 1. Asterophyllites trinervis. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 152, pi. xiii. fig. 90. Asterophyllites Lindleyanus. Bronn, Index Palaebnt. p. 122. Asterophyllites grandis. Geinitz (in part), Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, pi. xvii. fig. 5. Asterophyllites rigidus. Heer, Foss. Flora Helv. lief. i. p. 49, pi. xviii. fig. ]. ? Calamocladus binervis. Boulay, Terr. Houil. d. Nord de la France, p. 22, pi. ii. fig. 1.' Remarks. Schimper is mistaken in uniting Hippurites longifolia, Land, and Hutt. Foss. Flora (pi. cxc.), with Bornia radiata, as its root portion.* Bath plates cxc. and cxci. are taken from the same specimen, the latter * Traite, vol. iii. p. 455. 40 FOSSIL PLANTS. of which Schimper correctly unites with Calamodadus equisetiformif . The variety of Calamodadus (Asterophi/llites) equisetiformis figured by Germar (Isis, p. 428, pi. ii., fig. 3, 1837), seems identical with the figure of Bechera grandis, given by Sternberg (Vers. pi. xlix. fig. 1). I think it extremely pro- bable that under Bechera grandis there is included only the smaller branchlets of Calamodadus equisetiformis. In the figures of the latter plant given by Germar (Vers. v. Wettin u. Lobejun, pi. viii.), we see some small branchlets which, if separated from their parent stem, are indistinguishable from some of the figures which are placed under Calamodadus grandis. In the meantime, however, I have treated Calamodadus equisetiformis and Cala- modadus grandis as distinct. Calamodadus (Asterophyllites) rigidus is also, perhaps, only the larger stems of Calamodadus equisetiformis. On some very fine examples of this last-mentioned plant, from the Eadstock Coal Field, in the collections of the Bath Eoyal Literary and Scientific Institution, and Mr. J. McMurtrie, F.G.S., of Radstock, the leaves on the stem which supports the lateral foliage branchlets, in their form and arrangement, appear indistinguishable from figures of Calamodadus rigidus. Some specimens similar in character to those mentioned above have been figured by several authors, and one might almost name the lateral branchlets Calamodadus equisetiformis, and their supporting stem Calamodadus rigidus. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Staffordshire : Himley. Shropshire : Coalbrook Dale. Somersetshire : Paulton. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Foreign. Bavaria. Bohemia : Kammerberg. Moravia : Eos- sitz. Saxony : Manebach, near Ilmenau ; Wettin, near Halle ; Zwickau. Silesia : Waldenburg. Switzerland : Anterne : Chamounix (Presented by Alfred Wills, Esq.). Calamodadus grandis, Sternberg, sp. Calamodadus grandis. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 325. Asterophyllites grandis. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 122. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 118, pi. xii. fig. 4, pi. xiii. fig. 3. Steinkohl u. Perm-Ablager. p. 69. Gemitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 8, pi. xvii. fig. 4 (5 ?). Flora d Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, pp. 17, 23, & 35 (pi xiv. fig. 15?). Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 28. Grand 'Eury, Flore Garb, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 41. Lesquereux, Eeport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 424. o T '?, o T Coal Flora in P en nsyl. p. 41 (syn. in part}. ? Lindley & Button, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pis. xvii. xix. fig. 2. S )ehl ' T F , S f- Flora d " Steink " Form - Westph. p. 23. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol xii pp. 141 & 142 Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 33. Genera et Species, p. 64. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 127. Calamites grandis. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 77. Bechera grandis. Bnubury Quart. Geol. Jour. vol. iii. p. 434 1847 M^T^T n ', F r- F1 ra < VOL J P' -- fig.' 1, vol. iii. pi. clxxiii. Mo ris, Tians. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489 Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxx . p l. xU i fig . L CARBONIFEROUS. 41 Asterophyllites delicatula. Brongiiiart, Prodrome, p. 159. Bronn, Index Palgeont. p. 122. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 28. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 26, pi. ii. fig. 6. pi. iii. fig. 1 a,b,c, fig. 2 a, 6, c, pi. iv. fig. 1 c, d. linger, Syuop. Plant. Foss. p. 33. Genera et Species, p. 67. Bechera delicatula. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. 31, pi. xix. fig. 2. Asterophyllites charceformis. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 122. Giebel, Deutschl. Patrefacten, p. 29. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 33. Genera et Species, p. 66. Bechera charceformis. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxx. pi. Iv. figs. 3, 5. Asterophyllites dubia. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 159. Bronn, Index Palteont. p. 122. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 32. Genera et Species, p. 64. Asterophyllites diffusa. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 159. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 122. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 28. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 32. Genera et Species, p. 64. Jjecnera Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. 30, pi. xix. fig. 3. Calamites cannceformis. Geinitz (in part}, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, pi. xiv. fig. 5. Asterophyllites sp. Lebour, Illustrations of Fossil Plants, p. 9, pi. iv. Remarks. For notes, see the previous species. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Shropshire : Coalbrook Dale. Foreign. Bohemia. Calamocladus longifolms, Brongniart, sp. Calamocladus longifolius. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 22. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 323. Asterophyllites longifolia. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 159. ? Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 311, 1862. Feistmantel (in part), Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 123 (? excl. figs.) Geinitz, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. p. 350, 1857. Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 9, pi. xviii. figs. 2, 3. Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 70. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 28. Heer, Foss. Flora Helv. lief. i. p. 50, pi. xix. fig. 3. Lesquerex, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 36. Lindley & Hutlon, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xviii. ^9 FOSSIL PLANTS. Koehl, Foss. Flora d. Steiuk. Form. Westph. p. 25 (? pi. iv. fig. 16, pi. xii. S& L'&ZL Schwarzk. pp. 3 * , Stur Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xn. pp. 141 & 142. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 32. Weiss, VeXndL dSur^ereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, &teinkohlen-Calamarien, p. 53, pi. x. figs. 2, 3. Bruckmannia longifolia. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxix. pi. l\m. tig. 1. Asterophyllites tenuifolia. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 159. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 122. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. <1. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 28. Renault, Cours. d. Botan. Foss. p. 113, 1882. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 25. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 32. Genera et Species, p. 65. Bruckmannia tenuifolia. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxix. pi. xix. tig. 2. SMotheimia tenuifolia. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 2, p. 32, pi. xix fig. 2. Calamites tenuifolius. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Stradonitz, pi. vi. fig. 5. (in part), Steinkf. v. Radnitz, pi. ii. fig. 1. Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 76. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. p. 142. Asterophyllites jubata. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 122. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. cxxxiii. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 32. Genera et Species, p. 65. Calamites jubatus. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 77. Asterophyllites comosa. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 122. Lindley & Hutton. Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. cviii. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 32. Genera et Species, p. 65. Remarks. The Calamites Volkmanni, Ettingshausen (Steinkf. v. Stra- donitz) may perhaps belong to this species, but the foliage is not very clearly shown. The fruit of Calamocladus Icmgifolius is figured and described by Weiss (Steinkohlen-Calamarien, p. 52, pi. x. figs. 2 3.) Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Wishaw Stirlingshire : The Clench, Falkirk. Foreign. Germany : Hesse. CARBONIFEROUS. 43 ANNULARIA, Sternberg, 1820. Versuch einer Geognost. Botanisch. Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt i. fasc. 2, p. 32. Annularia radiata, Brongniart, sp. Annularia radiata. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 156. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 77. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 23. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deuts. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 597. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 130. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 298, 300, & 303. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Up. Garb. Flora, p. 39. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 29. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 43. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 50. Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 9, 1876. Renault, Cours d. Botan, Foss. p. 133, pi. xx. tig. 4, 1882. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 28, pi. iv. figs. 3, 4. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. i. p. 349. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxxi. Unger, Synop. Plant. Fo'ss. p. 34. Genera et Species, p. 68. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereins. d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 85. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 24, pi. clx. tig. 1. Asterophyllites radiatus. Brongniart, Class. Veg6t. Foss. p. 35, pi. ii. fig. 7. Asterophyllites foliosa. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 122. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. p. 86. ; vol. iii. p. 433. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd edit. p. 479, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 152. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 440. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 121, pi. xiv. figs. 2, 3, 4. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 292. Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 67. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, p. 17. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 10, pi. xvi. figs. 1, 2, 3 (? fig. 4), (excl. pi. xv.) Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 424. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 850. (in part), Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 38. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xxv. fig. 1. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 113, 1882. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 32. Genera et Species, p. 65. CalamocladiLS foliosus. Schimper (in part), Trait6 d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 326. Annularia minuta. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 155. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 77. Ettingshausen, Steinkohlf. v. Radnitz, p. 29. Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abtli. . p 83, pi. x. figs. 1, 2. 44 FOSSIL PLANTS. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Up. Garb. Flora, p. 39. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 42. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. p. 142. [Jnger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 34. Genera et Species, p. 67. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxx. pi. li. fig. 3. / Asterophyllites radiiformis. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 129, pi. xii. fig. 3. Annularia longifolia. Lssquereux (in part), Coal Flora in Pennsyl. pi. ii. fig. 1. ? Asterophyllites galioides. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 122. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, pi. xxv. fig. 2. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 33. Genera et Species, p. 66. Remarks. The type of Asterophyllites foliosa, L. and H., is preserved in the Hutton Collection, Newcastle-on-Tyne. I have examined this specimen, and cannot discover any character by which it can be distinguished from Annularia radiata, Brongt. sp. It is a plant of frequent occurrence in the Scotch Coal Fields, so I have had many opportunities of examining specimens of this species. Asterophyllites galioides, L. and H., is probably only a small branchlet of their A . foliosa. Notwithstanding the slight differences pointed out by Weiss between his Atterophyllites radiiformis and Annularia (Asterophyllites) radiata, Brongt. sp., I am inclined to regard his plant as referable to Brongniart's species. Annularia longifolia, Lesqx. (in part), (Coal Flora in Pennsyl. pi. 2, fig. 1), is also, I think, referable to Annularia radiata. Schimper unites here Hydatica prostrata, Artis, and Hydatica columnaris, Artis. These are the Pinnularia capillacea, L. and H., and well-known to be roots ; similar fossils have been found attached to Calamite stems as their rootlets ; but it is more than probable that the so-called Pinnularia are the rootlets of several plants, hence we are scarcely warranted in uniting them with Annularia radiata, though in all likelihood this plant had rootlets similar in character to Pinnularia. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Devonshire (North) : Bideford. Gloucestershire : Forest of Dean. Lanarkshire : Airdrie ; Carluke. Stirlingshire : The Cleuch, Falkirk. Worcestershire : near Dudley. Wales (South) : Ehymney. Foreign. Bohemia : Stradonitz. Eussia : near Kosloo, Black Sea (Presented by Capt. Spratt, E.N.). Annularia sphenophylloides, Zenker sp. Annularia sphenophylloides. Andrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 165. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 23. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 77. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd edit. p. 479, 1868. Geol. Survey Canada Eeports, 1874-5, p. 191. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxx. p. 216. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 38. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 129, pi. xvii. figs. 5 (5. Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 68. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, pp. 17, 20, & 39. Geinitz (in part}, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 71. CARBONIFEROUS. 45 Geinitz, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. 1857, p. 350. Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 11, pi. xviii. tig. 10. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 29. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 43. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsvl. p. 48, pi. ii. figs. 8, 9 ; ear minor, pi. iii. fig. 13. Eeport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 444. Geol. of Pennsyl. part ii. p. 852, pi. i. fig. 5, 1858. Newberry, Expl. Exped. from Santa F6, &c. p. 18. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 133, pi. xx. fig. 3. Roehl. Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 29, pi. iv. fig. 5. Rb'nier, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 21, 1862. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarzk. pp. 2 & 4. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6get. vol. i. p. 347, pi. xvii. figs. 12, 13. Sterzel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxxiv. p. 685, pi. xxviii. Stur, Verb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. 1884, pp. 138, 268. Uuger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 34. Genera et Species, p. 68. Authracit-Ablager in Karnthen, p. 783, pi. i. fig. 8. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 131. Verhandl. Natur. Vereines Preuss. Rheinl. Westph. 1868, p. 85. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 25, pi. clx. fig. 4. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 4. Galium. sphenophylloides. Zeuker, Neues' Jahrb. 1833, p. 398, pi. v. fig. 6. Annularia brevi folia. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 156. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 76. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 85. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. Gomes, Flora Foss. do. Terr. Carbon, do Porto Serra do Bussaco, p. G. Heer, Urwelt d. Schweiz, p. 9, fig. 10. Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 51, pi. xix. figs. 6-9 (fig. 10 ?). Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 34. Genera et Species, p. 69. Annularia microphylla. Rb'mer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 21, pi. v. fig. 1. Rubeola mineralis. Luid, Lith. Brit. Ichnographia, p. 12, pi. v. fig. 202, 1760. Stachanmdaria calathifera. Weiss, Steinkohlen-Calamarien, p. 27, pi. iii. fig. 11. Remarks. The cones described by Weiss as Stachannularia calathifera , have been found attached to Annularia sphenophylloides, and figured by Sterzel (Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxxiv.). Localities. British. Somersetshire : Camerton. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Foreign. Saxony : Zwickau. Switzerland : Col d'Anterne, Cha- mounix (Presented by Alfred Wills, Esq.). United States : Gruudy Co., Illinois. Annularia stellata, Schlotheim sp. Annularia stellata. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 26, pi. clx. figs. 2, 3. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 4. 46 FOSSIL PLANTS. Cawarinites stellatus. Schlotheim, Flora u. Vorwelt, p. 32, pi. i. tig. 4. Petrefactenkunde, p. 397. Bornia stellata. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxviii. Annularia longifolia. Andrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 165. Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 121. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 156. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 76. Dawson, Geol. Survey Canada Eeports, 1874-5, pp. 192 & 196. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxx. p. 216. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb., Canada, p. 38. Ettin^shausen, Steinkf. v. Stradonitz,* p. 8, pi. 1. fig. 4. Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 30. Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 84. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 127, pi. xv. figs. 3, 4, pi. xvi. fig. 1. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 597. Steinkf. v. Kralup. in Bohmen, pp. 10 & 19. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 294, 298, &303. Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 71. Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 68. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Up. Carb. Flora, pp. 17, 20, & 39. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 10 (? pi. xviii. figs. 8, 9), & pi. xix. Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 275. Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 25, pi. ix. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto Serra do Bussaco, p. 6. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 29. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 38. Heer, Urwelt d. Schweiz, p. 9, fig. 7. Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 51, pi. xix. figs. 4, 5. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 45, pi. ii. fig. 2 (excl. fig. 1) (? pi. iii. figs. 10, 12). Eeport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 444, vol. iv. p. 422, pi. xxi. figs. 1, 2 ? Newberry, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xii., 1883, p. 173. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 126, pi. xx. fig. 1, 1882. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 28, pi. iv. fig. 6 (15 ?) Sandberger, Flora d. Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarzk. pp. 3, 5. Schimper, TraitS d. Pal6ont. Veg6t. vol. i. p. 348, pi. xxii. figs. 5, 6, & 10. Unger, Anthracit. Ablager. in Karnthen, p. 783, pi. i. fig. 9. Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 34. Genera et Species, p. 68. Weiss, Verhandl. Natur. Vereines Preuss. Eheinl. Westph. 1868, p. 85. Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 130. White, State of Indiana 2nd ann. Eeport, Dept. of Statistics and Geol. 1880, p. 521, pi. xi. figs. 1, 2. Annularia spinulosa. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 77. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 29. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxxi. pi. xix. fig. 4. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 34. Genera et Species, p. 68. A nnularia floribunda. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 156. * Abhandl. k. k. Geol. Eeich. Wien, Bd. I. abtli. 3, No. 4. CARBONIFEROUS. 47 Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 76. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxxi. Unger, Syuop. Plant. Foss. p. 34. Genera et Species, p. 68. Annular 'ia fertilis. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 156. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 76. Lethaea Geog. vol. L pt. ii. p. 105, pi. viii. fig. 8. Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, vol. i. p. 187, pi. xiv. fig. 9. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 29. Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 83. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 29. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxxi. pi. li. fig. 2. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 34. Genera et Species, p. 67. Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Annularia carinata. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 76. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. I. p. 84. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Up. Garb. Flora, p. 38. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 137. Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 71. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 29. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 38. Gumbel, Denk. d. k. Baier. Bot. Gesell. vol. iv. p. 100. Gutbier, Isis, 1837, p. 436. Die Vers. d. Eothl. in Sachsen, p. 9, pi. ii. figs. 4-8. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6g6t. vol. iii. p. 459. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 69. Ast&rophyllites equisetiformis. Bunbury, Quart. Jouru. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 433, 1847. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 480, 1868. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 440. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 152. Foss. Plants of Low. Carb., Canada, p. 38. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. cxxiv. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489. Aparince densius foliatce. Luid, Lith. Brit. Ichnographia, p. 12, pi. v. fig. 201, 1760. Scheuchzer, Herb, diluv. pi. iii. fig. 3, 1723. Remarks. Gutbier's Anmdaria carinata does not appear to differ in any essential manner from this species. The little irregularly placed pits on the stem, which form one of its chief characters, have evidently been caused by Spirorbis, which are commonly found on fossil plants that have been im- mersed in water for any length of time before mineralization.* Many authors unite here, as the fruit of Annularia stellata, Stachannularia (Eruckmannia) tuberculata, Sternberg, but I am not aware that this cone has ever been found attached to stems of Annularia stellata, and though they often occur together, till they are found in organic union it camiot posi- tively be affirmed that Stachannularia tuberculata is the fruit of this species. It must, however, be admitted that indirect evidence points strongly in favour of the view of the union of these two fossils, f Horizon. Coal Measures. * Etheridge, G-eol. Mag. 1880, p. 216. t See Weiss, Steinkohlen-Calamarien, p. 18. AQ FOSSIL PLANTS. Northumberland : Newcastle-on-Tyne. Somerset- shire : Camerton ; Eadstock. Foreign. Bohemia : Stradonitz. France : Sarrebour^ ; ; StJean, near St. Etienne. Saxony : Wettm , neai Halle , Zwickau Tuscany : East of Valterra (Presented by ? G Pentland/Esq.). United States: Mazon Creek, Grundy Co., Illinois. Annularia spicata, Gutbier sp. . Botan. Foss. p.,133, pL xx fig 5, 1882. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. V6get. vol. i. p. 350, vol. m. p. 4o9. Asterophyllites spicatus. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 136, pi. xxv. fags. 5, b. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 37. Gutbier, Vers. d. Rothl. in Sachsen p. 9, pi 11. figs 1, 3 Weiss, Verhandl. Natur. Vereines Preusa. Rheml. Westph 1868, p 80 Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 128, pi. xviu. tig. 32 (34, 35 ?). Annularia minuta. , ... a Wood, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol. xiii. p. 347, pi. vm. fig. 2. Asterophyllites delicatula. Geinit'z, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 70. : near Kosloo, Black Sea (Presented by Captain Spratt, R.N.). (?) RHIZOCAEPE^E. SPHENOPHYLLUM, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 34. Sphenophyllum cuneifolium, Stemberg, sp. Sphenophyllum cuneifolium, Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 87, pi. xiii. fig. 10, 1882. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du. Terr. Houil. p. 30, pi. clxi. figs. 1-2. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 4. Rotularia cunetfolia. Sternberg, Vers. i. p. 33, pi. xxvi. fig. 4 a. and b. Sphenophyllum erosum. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 23. Bronn, Index Palreont. p. 1166. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 430, pi. xxiii. fig. 3, 1847. Coemans and Kickx, Bull. 1'Acad. Roy. Belgique, 2 e s6r. vol. xviii. p. 149, pi. i. fig. 5. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 480, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 152. Canadian Natur. vcl. viii. p. 441. Foss. Plants of Lower Garb. Canada, p. 36. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. 1 lief. p. 53, pi. xix. figs. 11-14. Kidston in Cadell, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc. vol. iv. p. 334. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xiii. CARBONIFEROUS. 49 Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1876, p. 10. Portlock, Geol. Report of Londonderry, p. 603. Eenault, Ann. d. Scienc. Nat. 6 e , s6r. Bot. vol. iv. p. 282. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form. Westphalens, p. 30, pi. iv. fig. 19. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 341, pi. xxv. figs. 10-14. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 114. Genera et Species, p. 70. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 135. Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii, var erosum. Ettingshausen, Steinkohlf. v. Radnitz, p. 31, pi. xi. fig. 2. Steinkohlf. v. Stradonitz, p. 8, pi. vi. fig. G. Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. i. p. 86, 1851. Sphenophyllum dentatum. Brongniart, Prodrome, pp. 68 and 172. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1166. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 30. Newberry, Explor. Exped. from Santa Fe, &c,, p. 18. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 113. Genera et Species, p. 70. Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii, var. dentatam. Ettingshausen, Steinkohlf. v. Radnitz, p. 30 Steinkohlf. v. Stradonitz, p. 8. Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. i. p. 85, 185 1 . xiii. fig. 3. Rotularia pusilla. Bischoff, Die Kryptogam. Gewachse, p. 90, pi. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. xxxii. Rotularia, asplenioides. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. ii. p. 30. Sphenopteris (? Sphenophyllum} erosum. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto Serra do Bussaco, p. 13. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Carluke. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Foreign. Russia : near Kosloo, Black Sea. (Presented by Captain Spratt, R.N.) S. cuneifolium, var. saxifragsefolium, Brongniarf. Sphenophyllum erosum, var. saxifragcefolium. Coemans and Kickx, Bull. 1'Acad. Roy. Belgique, vol. xviii. p. 151, pi. i. fig. 6. Renault, Ann. d. Scienc. Nat. 6 e ser. Bot. vol. iv. p. 282. Sphenophyllum saxifragcefolium. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, p. 121, 1850. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1166. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 480, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 152. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 441. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 30. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainichen-Ebersdorfer, p. 37, pi. xiv. figs. 7-10. Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 13, pi. xx. figs. 8-10 Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 52. E 50 FOSSIL PLANTS. Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 10, 1876. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 87, pi. xiii. figs. 11-14, 1882 Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form. Westphalens,* p. 31. Romer, Beitr. Kenntniss d. Nordw. Harzgeb. f p. 22. Zeiller, Vege't. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 31, pi. clxi. figs. 3- 6. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 4. Weiss. Verhand. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 86. Sphenophyllites saxifragcefolius. Germar, Vers. v. Wettin u. Lobejun, p. 17, p]. vii. fig. 1. Rotularia saxifragcefolia. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxxii., pi. Iv. fig. 4. Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii^ var. saxifragcefolium. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. i. p. 85 1851. Steinkohlf. v. Radnitz, p. 31. Steinkohlf. v. Stradonitz, p. 7. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 142, 143. Sphenophyllum fimbriatum. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 68. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1166. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 30. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 113. Genera et Species, p. 70. Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii, var. fimbriatum. Ettingshausen, Haidingers Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. i. p. 85, 1851. Steinkohlf. v. Radnitz, p. 31, pi. xi. figs. 1 and 3 ; pi xii figs. 1, 2, 3. Steinkohlf. v. Stradonitz, p. 7. Sphenophyllum quadrifidum. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 68. Bronu, Index Palseont. p. 1166. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 113 Genera et Species, p. 70 Sphenophyllum dichotomum. Et 185 g l ShaUSen ' Haidinger>s Naturw iss- Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. i. p. 86, Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 30. Stur, Culm Flora, heft ii. p. 225. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 71. Rotularia dichotoma. Germar and Kaulfuss, Act. Acad. Nat. Curios, vol. xv. p. 226, pi. Ixvi. Sphenophyllvm emarginatuin G and6. ( ^ ^^ d ' Steiukf " in Sachsen ' P- 12 > Pi- fig* * Rotularia polyphylla. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. xxxii. pi. 1. fig. 4. authors separate S. saxifragcefolium from S. cuneifolium * Palseontographica, 1868, xviii. Bd. 1 lief t Palontographi, : a, 1862, ix. Bd. 1 lief. " CARBONIFEROUS. 51 (S. erosum L. and H.), and treat it as a distinct species. I have, however, followed Coeraans and Kickx, who regard it as a variety of S. cuneifolium. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. Foreign. Bohemia. Saxony : Zwickau. Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii, Brongniart. Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii. Audrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 121. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord. de la France, p. 23. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 68. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1166. Coemans and Kickx, Bull. 1'Acad. Eoy. Belgique, 2 e S6r. vol. xviii. p. 140. pi. i. fig. 1, 1864. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 480, 1868. Foss. Plants of Lower Garb. Canada, p. 36. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 441. Geol. Survey of Canada, Reports, 1874-5, p. 192. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica. vol. i. p. 192, pi. xiv. figs. 10-11. Feistmantel, Karl, Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 69. O. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292, 295, 298, 300, 303. Zeitsch. d. Dents. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 594 and 597. Steinkohlf. v. Kralup. in Bohmen. pp. 10, 20. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 17. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 30. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto Serra do, p. 7. Gb'ppert, Nova Acta Acad. Leop. Car. vol. xxxii. pi. ii. fig. 3, 1865. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 51. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 52, pi. xix. fig. 16. Lesquereux, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoology, Harvard Col. vol. vii. p. 244, 1882. Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 52, pi. ii. figs. 6, 7. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 852, 1858. Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 444. Eenault, Ann. d. Scienc. Nat. 6 e ser. Bot. vol. iv. p. 281. Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 86, pi. xiii. figs. 6 and 7, 1882. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Ve'ge't. vol. i. p. 339, pi. xxv. figs. 19-21. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 140, 142, 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 113. Genera et Species, p. 69. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 85. Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii, var. genuinum. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. i. p. 85, 1851. Steinkohlf. v. Eadnitz, p. 30. Steinkohlf. v. Stradonitz, p. 7. Sphenophyllites Schlotheimii. Isis, 1837, p. < Vers. v. Wettin u. Lobejun, p. 13, pi. vi. figs. 1-4. Germar, Isis, 1837, p. 425, pi. ii. fig. 1. T. Wettir ? Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii, var. brevifolium. Schmalhausen, Mem. 1'Acad. Imper. Sc. St. P6tersbourg, 7 e seY. vol. xxxi. p. 10, pi. ii. figs. 3, 4. Sphenophyllum emarginatum. Geinitz (in part), Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 12, pi. xx. figs. 2 and 7. E 2 52 FOSSIL PLANTS. Rotularia marsilecefolia. Sternberg (in part), Vers. i. fasc. ii. p. 30, fasc. iv. p. xxxu. (excl. syn. Brongt). Palmadtes verticillatus. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 57, pi. ii. fig. 24. Petrefactenkunde, p. 396. Remarks. From the small number of the veins, 8. Schlotheimii, var. brevifolium, Schmalh., appears to approach more closely to 8. emarginatum, Brongt., than to S. Schlotheimii, Brongt. Horizon. Coal measures. Localities. Foreign. Eussia : Donetz. Saxony : Wettin, near Halle. Sphenophyllum emarginatum, Brongniart. Sphenopyhllum emarginatum. Audrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 165. Coemans and Kickx, Bull. 1'Acad. Roy. Belgique, 2 e ser. vol. xviii. p. 144, pi. i. fig. 2, pi. ii. figs. 1-3. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 152. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 441. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxx. p. 216. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Feistmantel, Karl, Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 69. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 17. Geinitz (in part), Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, pi. xx. figs. 1, 3, 4. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 52. Konig, Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xii. fig. 149. Lesquereux, Bull. Mus. Cornp. Zoology, Harvard Coll. vol. vii. p. 244, 1882. Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 53. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 853, 1858. Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 444. Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 10, 1876. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 86, 1882. Ann. d. Scienc. Nat. 6 e ser. Bot. vol. iv. p. 282. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form. Wesphalens,* p. 30, pi. iv. fig. 12 (13 ?) Romer, Beitz. z. Geol. Kenntniss d. Nordw. Harzgeb.f p. 21. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 339, pi. xxv. figs. 15-17. Stur, Verb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. 1884, p. 141. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 142, 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 113. Genera et Species, p. 69. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 86. Foss Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 134. Zeiller, Flora Houil. des Asturies, p. 4. Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 430, 1847. Lindley and Button, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xxvii. Sphenophyllum truncatum. Bronguiart, Prodrome, p. 68. Renault, Cours de Botan. Foss. p. 87, pi. xiii. figs. 8, 9, 1882. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 113. Genera et Species, p. 72. * Paleeontographica, 1868, xviii. Bel., 1 lief, t Palaeontographica, 1862, ix. Ed., 1 lief. CARBONIFEROUS. 53 S. emarginatum, var. Brongniartianum, Coemans and Kickx. Sphenophyllum emarginatum, var. Brongniartianum. Coemans and Kickx, Bull. 1'Acad. Eoy. Belgique, 2 e s6r. vol. xviii. p. 145, pi. i. fig. 3, 1864. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Fonn. Westphalens,* p. 31, pi. xxvi. fig. 2, pi. xxxii. fig. 6 a . Schimper, Traite" d. PaMont. Veget. vol. i. p. 340, pi. xxv. figs. 15-17. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 86. Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 134. Sphenophyllum emarginatum. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 68. Bronn, Lethsea Geog. vol. i. p. 106, pi. viii. fig. 10. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 31. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 30. Sphenophyllites emarqinatus. Brongniart, Classif. d. Vege~t. Foss. p. 34, pi. ii. fig. 8, 1822. Sphenophyllum Osnabrugense. Eomer, Beitz. z. Kennt. d. Nordw. Harzgeb.f p. 21, pi. v. fig. 2, 1860. Rotularia marsilecefolia. Bischoff, Die Kryptogam. Gewachse. p. 89, pi. xiii. fig. 1. Sternberg (in part), Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxxii. (excl. syn. Schloth.). Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities : Foreign. SpJienophyllum emarginatum. Saxony : Zwickau. var. Brongniartianum. Bohemia. Switzerland : (?) Col. d'Anterne, Chamounix. (Presented by Lady Murchison.) Sphenophyllum angustifolium, Germar. Sphenophyllum angustifolium. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Natur. Vereines, Halle, p. 121, 1850. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1166. Lethsea Geog. vol. i. pt. ii. p. 106, pi. vi. bis, fig. 17. Coemans and Kickx, Bull. 1'Acad. Eoy. Belgique, vol. xviii. p. 154, pi. i. fig. 1, 1864. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 30. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 52 (? pi. vi. figs. 7-10). Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 88, pi. xiii. figs. 19-23, 1882. Ann. d. Scienc. Nat. 6 e ser. vol. iv. Bot. p. 283. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form. Westphalens,* p. 32, pi. iv. fig. 18. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 343, pi. xxv. fig. 14. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 71. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 86. Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 136. Zeiller, Flore Houil. des Asturies. p. 4. Sphenophyllites angustifolius. Germar, Vers. v. Wettin u. Lobejun, p. 18, pi. vii. figs. 4-8. Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii, var. angustifolium. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. i. p. 85, 1851. * See ante. f See ante. 54 FOSSIL PLANTS. Sphenophyllum trifoliolatum. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 853, pi. i. fig. 7, 1858. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. Foreign. Bavaria : Kammerberg. Moravia : Eossitz. Silesia : Waldenburg. Sphenophyllum longifolium, Germar. Sphenophyllum longifolium. Broun, Index Palseont. p. 1166. Coemans and Kickx, Bull. 1'Acad Eoy. Belgique, 2 e s6r. vol. xviii. p. 147, pi. i. fig. 4. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 480, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 152, vol. xxx. p. 216. Canadian Natur. vol. viii. p. 441. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 38. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, pp. 17, 38. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 13, pi. xx. figs. 15-17. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 30. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 53. Eenault, Ann. d. Scienc. Nat. 6 e ser. Bot. vol. iv. p. 282. Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 88, pi. xiii. fig. 18, 1882. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form. Westphalens,* p. 31, pi. iv. fig. 14. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 340, pi. xxv. figs. 22-23. linger, Genera et Species, p. 70. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. p. 86, 1868. Sphenophyllites longifolius. Germar, Isis, 1837, p. 426, pi. ii. figs. 2a, 26. Vers. v. Wettin u. Lobejuu, p. 17, pi. vii. fig. 2. Sphenophyllum Schlotheimii, var. longifolium. Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. abth. i p. 85 1851. Steinkf. v. Stradonitz, p. 7. Sphenophyllum majus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1166. ,, Lethsea Geog. vol. i. p. 106, pi. viii. fig. 9. Bonier, Beitr. z. Geol. Kennt. d. Nordw. Harzgeb.t vol ix. p. 22, 1860. Rotularia major. Bronn, in Bischoff, Die Kryptogam. Gewaches. p. 131, pi. xiii. fig. 2. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Saxony : Wettin, near Halle. * Palseontograpliica, 1868, xviii. Bd. 1 lief. t Palseontographica, 1862, ix. Bd. 1 lief. CARBONIFEROUS. 55 FRUCTIFICATIONS. I have included here certain small cones, the plants to -which they belong being still doubtful. Some of them are allied to Catamites (Calamocladus and Annularta), but others may belong to Sphenophyllum. VOLKMANNIA, Sternberg, 1820. Versuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellungen der Flora der Vorwelt, i. fasc. iv. p. xxix. Volkmannia Morrisii, Hooker. Volkmannia Morrisii. Hooker, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. x. p. 199, pi. vii. 1854. Remarks. The following is extracted from Sir Joseph Hooker's description of this interesting fossil : " It consists of a straight, undivided, apparently nearly cylindrical stem or termination of a branch, nine inches long, gradually tapering from ^ to ^ of an inch in diameter (as compressed), interrupted by seventeen nodes or joints, which bear each a series of tubercles. The internodes are grooved and diminish in length upwards, the grooves alternate with the tubercles, which appear to be placed on the intervening ridges; the number of striae and tubercles is from ten to fifteen on each surface. The lower transverse series of tubercles crosses obliquely the diameter of the stem, as though indicating a spiral arrangement ; this, however, I do not doubt is the effect of unequal pressure during fossilisation, it not being apparent in the seven upper nodes, which are nearly horizontal. The upper node appears to bear a whorl of subulate suberect leaves, half an inch long, pressed against a large, terminal, erect, oblong body resembling a cone. "This is no doubt an organ of fructification, but whether of male, female, or hermaphrodite flowers, there are no means even of assuming ; it is 2^ inches long and l inch in diameter, blunt at both ends, and appears to have been in a state of decomposition when embedded. " There is an appearance of what is usually (but often very erroneously) termed a bark, extending along the circumference, and for some distance along the axis of the cone, all around ; and this, as well as the surface from which it has been removed, presents obscure traces of hexagonal areolse ; this appearance, however, varies so much according to the light in which the fossil is held, that I cannot place much dependence upon it." This unique cone is probably allied to Calamites. There is only a repro- duction in the Collection, but it bears out the characters as mentioned in the original description. I am inclined to think that the cone has not suffered much from decay before mineralisation, as believed by Sir Joseph Hooker, but that it was only in an early stage of development. I cannot form even a conjecture as to what plant this fruit may have belonged. Horizon. Lower Carboniferous Limestone Group ; Ironstone midway between the Cannel Coal and Main Limestone. Locality. British. Lanarkshire : Carluke. STACHANNULARIA, Weiss, 1876. Steinkohlen-Calamarien (Abhandl. z. Geolog. Specialkarte von Preussen u. d. Thuringischen Staaten.), p. 1. Stachannularia tuberculata. Sternberg sp. Stachannularia tuberculata. Sterzel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxxiv. p. 685. Weiss, Steinkohlen-Calamarien, p. 17, pi. i. figs. 2-4, pi. ii figr. 1-3, 5 left ; pi. iii. figs. 3-10 and 12. 56 FOSSIL PLANTS. Bruckmannia tube/vulata. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 128, pi. xvi. figs. 2-3, pL xvn. fig. 1. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 129, pi. xxi. figs. 1-6. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. 29, pi. xlv. fig. 2. Asterophyllites tuberculatus. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 159. Lindley and Hutton, Fossil Flora, vol. i. pi. xiv. vol. iii. pi. clxxx. Asterophyllites foliosa. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, pi. xvi. fig. 4. Annularia longifolia. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, pi. xviii. figs. 8, 9. Germar, Vers. v. Wettin. u. Lobejun, pi. ix. fig. 4. Schiraper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. pi. xxii. fig. 10. Remarks. i have only given a few of the more important references to this species, as its synonymy is in a very unsatisfactory condition. It is more than probable that several species have at different times been placed under Stachannularia (Bruckmannia} tuberculata, Sternb. sp., therefore, unless where figures have been given, a list of references would be of little practical value. The plant figured in Lebour's Illustrations of Fossil Plants (pi. v. p. 11), does not belong to Sternberg's plant, but may perhaps be Calamostachys paniculata, Weiss (Steink. Calamarien, p. 59, pl.'xiii. fig. 1). The specimen from Felling Colliery, though its apex is wanting, measures 9 inches in length, and shows 37 whorls of bracts, which are on an average a quarter of an inch long. The bracts are not individually very distinctly shown, but there must have been about 30 in a whorl. The sporangia are completely obscured by the bracts. Reasons are given in the remarks appended to Annularia longifolia why this species is separately treated. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Northumberland : Felling Colliery. Foreign. Bohemia : Radnitz. CALAMOSTACHYS, Schimper, 1869. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. i. p. 328. Calamostachys Ludwigi, Carruthers, sp. Calamostachys Ludwigi. Weiss, Steinkohlen-Calamarien, pp. 38 and 139. Volkmannia Ludvrigi. Carruthers, Seeman's Journ. of Bot. vol. v. p. 349, 1867. Schimper, Traite de Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 329, pi. xxii. figs. 1, 2. Calamites communis. Ettingghausen, Steinkohlf. v. Eadnitz, pi. viii. figs. 1 and 4. Calamitenfrilchte. Ludwig, Palaeontographica, vol. x. p. 11, pi. ii. 1861. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Saxony : Radnitz. CARBONIFEROUS. 57 MACROSTACHYA, Schimper, 1869. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. i. p. 332. Macrostachya infundibulifonnis, Brongniart, sp. Macrostachya infundibuliformis. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord. de la France, p. 22. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 48. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 60, pi. iii. tigs. 17-20 (excl. fig. 14). Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 122, pi. xviii. fig. 2, 1882. Schituper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 133, pi. xxiii. figs. 15-17, ( J excl. figs. 13, 14;. Weiss, Steinkohlen-Calamarien, p. 71, pi. vi. figs. 1-4, pi. xviii. figs. 1, 3, 4. Equietite infundibuliformis. Bronn, Lethsea Geog. vol. i. part ii. p. 102 (excl. fig. 16 in ref.). Ettingshausen, Haidinger's Naturwiss. Abhandl. vol. iv. 1 Abth. p. 92 Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 597. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 92 (pi. i. figs. 2, 3, 5 ?). Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 294 and 298. Friicht. Foss. Pflanzen. Bohm. Steink. p. 4. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 17. Geinitz (in part), Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 3 (excl. figs.). Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 24. Renault, Ann. d. Scienc. Nat. 6 e ser. vol. ii. p. 20, pi. i. fig. 11, pi. iii. figs. 19-23. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form. Westphalens, p. 17, pi. iv. fig. 9. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 44. Weiss, Verhand. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. p. 83, 1868. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 28 (excl. ref. in Bischof ). Genera et Species, p. 59 (excl. ref. in Bischof). Equisetum infundibuliforme. Brongniart (in part}, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 119, pi. xii. figs. 14, 15 (excl. syn. and fig. 16). Germar, Vers. v. Wettin u. Lobejun, p. 91, pi. xxxii. fig. 3. Gutbier (var. ), Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 30, pi. iiib. figs. 5, 6. Huttonia carinata. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, p. 122, 1850. Friestmantel, O., Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 594. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 103, pi. iii. fig. 3, pi. ix. Abhandl. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 292. K., Der Hangendflb'tzzug, p. 70. Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte, p. 269. Germar, Vers. v. Wettin u. Lobejun, p. 90, pi. xxxii. figs. 1, 2. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 27. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. -Form. Westphalens, p. 21 ( ? pi. x. fig. i. pi. xxiv. fig. 2). Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 20, 1862. Macrostachya carinata. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 23, pi. clix. fig. 4. Equisetum. Brongniart, Classif. d. Veget. Foss. p. 90, pi. iv. fig. 4. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Moravia : Rossitz. Note. There is no more interesting class of fossil plants than the little cones found associated with Calamites, Annularia, and tiphenophyllum. As most of the information regarding their inner structure has been derived 58 FOSSIL PLANTS. from fragmentary specimens in which the bracts had been removed, causing the sporangia to be exposed, it is of the greatest importance that specimens in this condition should be secured. Often their beauty is not such as to attract the attention of the general collector ; but as these specimens are of the greatest value to those working out the minute structure of fossil fruits, it is to be hoped that all who have the opportunity will carefully collect them. Those interested in this group of fossils would do well to consult the " Steinkohlen-Calamarien " by Weiss. EOOTLETS. PINNULARIA, Lindley and Hutton, 1834. Fossil Flora of Great Britain, vol. ii. p. 81. Pinnularia capillacea, Lindley and Hutton. Pinnularia capillacea. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 130. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 981. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 434, 1847. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 480, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 153. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 441. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Feistmantel, O., Stefnk. v. Kralup in Bshrnen, p. 11, Steink. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 72. K., Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 96. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 18. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du De> de la Loire, p 46 pi vi fi 6 Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 878, pi. xvii. fig 22. Eeport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 462. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 518 Lindley and Hutton, Fossil Flora, vol. ii. pi cxi Portlock, Geol. Eeport of Londonderry, p 603 - d. Steink.-Form. Westphalens, p. 27, pi. ii. fig. 5a ; iv Eomer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 20 1862 Unger, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608 , , . Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 259. Genera et Species, p. 520. Hydatica columnaris. Artis, Anted. Phyt. p. 5, pi. v. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 259 Genera et Species, p. 520. Hydatica prostrata. Artis, Anted. Phyt. p. 1, pi. i. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 259. Genera et Species, p. 520. MyriophyUites yracilis. Artis, Anted. Phyt. p. 12, pi. x ii. L/nger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 243 Genera et Species, p. 479 AsterophyUites Artisi. Bronn, Index Paloeont. p. 122. CARBONIFEROUS. 59 Asterophyllites foliosa. Geinitz (in part), Vers d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, pi. xv. Eoehl (in part), Foss. Flora d. Steinkf. -Form. Westphalens, p. 24, pi. v. tig. 1. Pinnularia calamitarum. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 878, pi. i. fig. 9. Pinnularia pinnata. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 878, pi. xvii. fig. 18. Pinnularia ficoides. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 878, pi. xvii. fig. 19. Pinnularia horizontal-is. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 878, pi. xvii. fig. 21. Pinnularia confervoides. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. voL ii. p. 878, pi. xvii. fig. 20. Pinnularia ramosissima. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed p. 480, 1868. Pinnularia crassa. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 480, 1868. " A Fossil Aquatic Root." Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. ex. " Root and Rootlets." Lebour, Illustrations of Foss Plants, p. 21, pi. x. " Rootlets." Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 113, pis. lix. Ix. (? Ixi. and Ixii.) Remarks. Common in all coalfields. Pinnularia has been found attached to Calamites as their rootlets, but probably the fossils usually included under Pinnularia capillacea may also be the rootlets of other plants. Asterophyllites tenella, Rb'mer (Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 20, pi. v. fig. 3), is probably only one of the many forms of Pinnularia capillacea. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Airdrie. Northumberland : Felling Colliery. Stirlingshire : The Clench, Falkirk. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Foreign. Russia : Near Kosloo, Black Sea. (Presented by Captain Spratt, E.N.) FILICACE^E. SPHENOPTERIDEJE. EREMOPTERIS, Schimper, 1869. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. i. p. 416. Eremopteris artemisiaefolia, Sternberg, sp. Eremopteris artemisicefolia. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 28, pi. i. fig. 6. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 293, pi. liii. figs. 5, 6. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 416. Sphenopteris artemisicefolia. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 50. Hist. d. Vege"t. Foss. p. 176, pis. xlvi. and xlvii. figs. 1, Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1167. FOSSIL PLANTS. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol See , vol i| p. 429, 1847. ^fS 1 ^ Carb. Canada, p. 36. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. 11. p. 863. Romer, Palaeontograpbica, vol. ix. p. 22, 18W. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. de la Belgique pi. xx. figs. 1-3. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. xv. pi. liv. tig. 1. Gkichenites arterrusicefolius. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radmtz p. 50. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 68. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 184 Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 39. Genera et Species, p. 208. Sphenopteris crithmifolia. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1168. . Lindley and Button, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pL xlvi. Gleicherdtes crithmifdius. . Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, vol. i. p. 90 (excl. syn. S. affinw). Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 185. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 40. Genera et Species, p. 208. Sphenopteris stricta. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 50. Hist. d. Veget Foss. p. 208, pi. xlvm. fag. 2. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1170. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xix. fig. 1. Schimper, Truit6 d. Palseont. V6get. vol. 1. p. 406. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. xv. pi. Ivi. fig. 3 ; 11. p. 57 Sphenopteris Brongniartii. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 57. Hvmenophyliites Brongiuartii. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 258. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 70. Genera et Species, p. 130. Brongniart, Hist. d. Ve~get. Foss. p. 213. Sternberg, Vers. i. pp. 33 and 39, fasc. 4, p. xv., fasc. 3, pi. xxxi. fig. 3 ; ii. p. 58. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 60. Genera et Species, p. 110. Cheilanthites laxus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 233. Asplenioides obtusum. Konig, Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xvi. fig. 199. Sphenopteris, sp. Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 69, pis. xxxiv. xxxv. and xxxvi. Remarks. Specimens of Sphenopteris crithmifolia, which can only be regarded as a form of Eremopteris artemisicefolia, in the Museum of Natural History, Newcastle-on-Tyne, show the fronds attached to a caudex. One example from Jarrow is about 7 inches long, of which the caudex occupies CARBONIFEROUS. 01 4 inches. A few of the stems are attached to its summit, but very few of their pinnules are preserved. On the caudex are the scars from which the fronds have fallen. From the size of these miniature tree-fern stems, one would feel inclined to believe they had been epiphytal. The specimen from which Brongniart's figure of Sphenopteris stricta was taken is preserved in the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. The "strict" character is somewhat exaggerated in his plate, and the fern I believe to be only a varietal form of Eremopteris artemisicejolia. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Carluke. Northumberland : Newcastle- on-Tyne. Wales (South) : Beaufort. SPHENOPTERIDIUM, Schimper, 1874. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. iii. p. 487. Sphenopteridium dissectum, Goppert, sp. Sphenopteridium dissectum. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 204, pi. xxxv. fig. 6, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 488. Cyclopteris dissect a. Bronn, Index Palasont. p. 376. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 523, pi. xvi. tigs. 25-27. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. tfbergangs. p. 161, pi. xiv. figs. 3, 4. Flora d. Silur. Devon, u. Unteren Kohlenf. p. 495, pi. xxxvii. figs. 3-5. Neues Jahrbuch, 1847, p. 863. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 194. Eichter and linger, Palaont. d. Thuringer Waldes, p, 162, pi. vi. figs. 5-13. Archceoptens dissecta. Stur, Culm Flora, heft. i. p. 61. Sphenopteris pachyrrachis. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs. p. 143, pi. xiii. fig. 3. Flora d. Silur. Devon, u. Uuteren Kohlenf. p. 485. Sandberger, Vers. d. Eheiuischen Schichten. Nassau, p. 428, pi. xxxix. figs. 6, 7. Sphenopteris pachyrrachis, var. stenophylla. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs. pi. xiii. figs. 4, 5. Flora d. Silur. Devon, u. Unteren Koh Flora d. Silur. Devon, u. Unteren Kohlenf. p. 485. Archceopteris pachyrrachis. Stur, Culm Flora, heft. 1, p. 64, pi. viii. figs. 8, 9. Aneimia Tschermakii. Ettingshausen, Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. vol. xxv. p. 104, pi. vii. figs. 2, 3. Romer, Geol. v. Oberschlesien, p. 55. Sphenopteris imbricata,. Ludwig, Foss. Pflanzen. pala'ol. Form.* p. 118, pi. xxii. fig. 3. Archasopteris lyra. Stur, Culm Flora, heft. 1, p: 63, pi. v. fig. 8. Sphenopteris linearis. Portlock, Geol. Report of Londonderry, p. 594, pi. xxxviii. figs. 7, b. * Pala-ontographica, I860, xvii. Bd., 3 lief. FOSSIL PLANTS. lora cL'Bareu Insel. p. 37, pi. xiv. figs. 1, 2. ? Asplenium transition's. Ettingshausen, Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. vol. xxv. p. 99, tig. 8. Remarks. Stur, in his Culm Flora (heft. 1, pp. 61 and 64), regards as distinct species, Sphenopteris pachyrrachis, Goppert, and Sphenopteridium (Cyclop- teris) dissectum, Goppert, sp. I have carefully compared the descriptions and plates of these species with Foreign and British specimens, and am unable to find any fixed character by which they can be separated. If we compare the figure given by Goppert in his Flora d. Silur. Devon, u. Unteren Kohlenf. (pi. xxxvii. fig. 5), with that given in his Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs (pi. xiii. fig. 3), there does not seem to exist a single point of difference. Goppert, in his description of Sphenopteris dissectum (1. c. p. 495), says he believes the differences in the form of the pinnules arise from the plants having been of different ages ; probably they only represent fragments from different portions of the frond ; his figs. 3 and 4 being from a lower portion of the frond than his fig. 5. I also unite here Archceopteris lyra, Stur. This author mentions as refer- ences to Sphenopteridium dissectum, Goppert, sp., the three figures given in Feistmantel's paper, "Die Kohlenkalkvorkommen bei Rothwaltersdorf," (pi. xvi., figs. 25-27), but from these Stur's figure of A. lyra does not seem to differ. The upper portion of Stur's figure appears identical with those given by Feistmantel, and towards the lower portion of Stur's plant we have pinnules similar to those shown by Goppert in his Flora d. Silur. Devon, u. Unteren Kohlenf. (fig. 3, pi. xxxvii.). The pinnules on this fern vary considerably in their segmentation ; the upper ones are much more deeply segmented and cleft than those on the lower portion of the frond, which are merely divided into round lobes. All these conditions can be traced in the figures cited. Sphenopteris linearis, Portlock (non Brongt.), is evidently to be referred to this species. The figures of Cyclopteris dissecta, given by Richter and linger, are very fragmentary, it is therefore difficult to decide as to the species to which they belong. Horizon. Culm. Locality. Foreign. Silesia : Rothwaltersdorf, near Glatz. Sphenopteridium Plantianum, Carruthers, sp. Odontopteris Plantiana. Carruthers, Geol. Mag. 1869, vol. vi. p. 155, pi. vi. figs. 2, 3. Remarks. The three specimens of this plant which were lately presented to the British Museum by C. W. Wilmot, Esq., give additional information regarding the species. One of the specimens is similar to that figured by Mr. Carruthers, but the two others show the lower portion of the frond. The largest specimen, though incomplete in its upper part, is seven inches long and shows ten pairs of pinnules. The upper four pairs, though two of them are imperfect, show indications of lappets or lobes, which are characteristic of the upper pinnules. The pinnules towards the basal portion are simple and cyclopteroid in form and nervation, and much smaller. Those situated at the extreme base of the frond broader than long, sessile and slightly decurrent. The pinnules in this example are opposite above, but near the base they become alternate. In the type specimens only one side of the frond is exposed, hence this character is not shown. I have placed this fern in Schimper's ganus Sphenopteridium, on account of the form of the upper lappeted or lobed pinnules, though the lower CARBONIFEROUS. 03 pinnules have somewhat the character of Cardiopteris, or Odontopteris, in which genus Mr. Carruthers originally placed his specimens. The fossils presented by Mr. Wilmot unfortunately do not bear any note of the locality from which they were collected. We see in this species a similar change in the segmentation of the pinnules to that occurring in Sphenopteridium dissectum, Goppert, sp. Horizon. ? Coal Measures. Locality. Brazil : Rio Grande do Sul (type specimens). RHACOPTERIS, Schimper, 1869. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. i. p. 481. '. vhacopteris elegans, Ettingshausen, sp. Rhacopteris elegans. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 200, pi. xxxiii. fig. 20, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 482. Asplenites elegans. Aiulrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 167. Ettingshauseu, Steinkohlf. v. Stradonitz, p. 15, pi. iii. figs. 1-3, pi. iv. Sphenopteris asplenites. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 281. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 300. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 17, pi. xxiv. fig. 6. Eremopteris elegans. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 294, pi. liii. fig. 7. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Bohemia : Stradonitz. Rhacopteris Geikiei, Kidston, sp. Sphenopteris Geikiei. Kidston, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 535, pi. xxx. fig. 5, pi. xxxi. fig. 9. Remarks. The Collection contains a fine specimen from Glencartholm, which is 14 inches long, but only attains a width of rather less than \\ inches at its broadest part. Horizon. Cement-stone Group, Calciferous Sandstone Series (Culm.). Locality. British. Dumfriesshire : Glencartholm, Eskdale. Rhacopteris flabellata, Tate, sp. Sphenopteris Jlabellata. Tate, in Johnston's Botany of the Eastern Borders, p. 308, fig. 3, 1853. Noeggerathia, sp. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 32, pi. ii. figs. 1, 2, 1865. Remarks. This species was described from a very fragmentary specimen, which showed only a small part of a pinnule, but it gives the characters sufficiently clearly to enable one satisfactorily to identify the Burdiehouse fossil as the same species. Description. Pinna3 alternate, pinnae segmentation unilateral, segments, linear, narrow, one vein passing into each lobe. Rachis thin. The plant described by Gomes as Noeggerathia, sp., appears indistinguishable from Rhacopteris flabellata, Tate, sp. Schimper* unites Gomes' plant with Rhacopteris elegans, but this latter * Traite d. Paleont. Veget, vol. i. p. 482. 4 FOSSIL PLANTS. species has rhomboidal pinnae, and the pinnse segmentation is equilateral and much more numerous than in Rhacopteris flabellata and Noeggerathia, sp. Gomes, where it is unilateral. It also differs from Rhacopteris OeiMei in its unilateral segmentation, in its pinnule-cutting being narrower and longer, and in its more slender rachis. Horizon. Calciferous Sandstone Series (Culm). Locality. British. Midlothian : Burdiehouse, near Edinburgh. RENAULTIA, Zeiller, 1883. Ann. des Scienc. Nat. 6 e . Serie. Bot. Tome xvi. p. 185. Renaultia mierocarpa, Lesquereux, sp. Renaultia (Sphenopteris) microcarpa. Zeiller, Ann. d. Scienc. Nat. 6 e ser. Bot. vol. xvi. p: 186. Sphenopteris microcarpa. Kidston, Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. 5th ser. vol. x. p. 9, pi. 1 figs. 7-14. Trans. Eoy. Phys. Soc. Edinb. vol. vii. p. 131, pi. 1 figs. 7-14. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 280, pi. xlvii. fig. 2. Remarks. The fruit of this species was first observed by Lesquereux, but more fully figured and described by myself from specimens collected by Mr. James Bennie from the Coal Measures, Dysart, Fife. The sporangia are exannulate, and its affinities with recent genera are very obscure. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Carluke. (Presented by the British As- sociation). Lancashire : St. Helen's, near Liverpool. OLIGOCARPIA, Goppert, 1841. Die Gattungen der Fossilen Pflanzen, Lief. i. p. 3. Oligocarpia formosa, Gutbier, sp. Oligocarpia formosa. Zeiller, Ann. d. Scienc. Nat. 6 e ser. Bot. vol. xvi. p. 190, pi. x. figs. 6-12. Bull. Soc. G6ol. France, 3 e se~r. vol. xii. p. 194. Sphenopteris formosa. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 27. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1168. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachs en, p. 75. Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 14, pi. xxiii. figs. 7-9. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 43. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwickau Schwarzk. p. 41, pi iv fie 12 Schimper, Trait6 d. Pal6ont. Veget. vol. i. p. 385. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 129. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 66. ,, Genera et Species, p. 122. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. p. 79, 1868. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 54. Zeiller, Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 4. Sphenopteris laciniata. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1169. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 75. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 43. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwickau Schwarzk. p. 76, pi. xi. fig. 4. CARBONIFEROUS. 65 Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 129. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 66. Genera et Species, p. 122. Remarks. Sphenopt&ris formosa, Roehl (Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form West- phalens, p. 57, pi. xv. figs. 11 and 13, and pi. xvi. fig. 9), is Sphenopt&ris stipu- lata, Gutbier, but Roehl's Sphenopt&ris stipulata (loc. cit. pi. xvi. fig. 6a,) is not Gutbier's plant of that name. The fruit of Sphenopteris formosa has been described by Zeiller, who has shown that it must now be placed in Goppert's Genus Oligocarpia. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Bohemia. URNATOPTERIS, Kidston, 1884. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xl. p. 594. Urnatopteris tenella, Brongniart, sp. Urnatopteris tenella. Kidston, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xl. p. 594. Sphenopteris tenella. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 186, pi. xlix. fig. 1. Lebour, Catalogue of Hutton Collection, p. 108, Newcastle -on-Tyne. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 861. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 61 (excl. syn. S. cysteoides, L. and H.) Genera et Species, p. 112 (excl. syn. S. cysteoides, L. and H.) Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 56. Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. p. 79, 1868. Cheilanthites tenellus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 240. Sphenopteris lanceolata. Williamson, Proc. Roy. Instit. Great Brit., 1883, vol. x. pt. 2, p. 225, fig. 6a. Sphenopteris multifida. Lindley and Hutton, Fossil Flora, vol. ii. pi. cxxiii. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxiii. figs. 3, 4. Sphenopteris delicatula. Brongniart, Hist. d. Vege't. Foss. p. 185, pi. Iviii. fig. 4. Sauveur, Vege't. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxiii. fig. 5, pi. xxv. fig. 2. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 415. Trichomanites delicatulus. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 47. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 267. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 72. Genera et Species, p. 134. Hymenophyllites delicatulus. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 412 (gives as ref. Brongniart, pi. Iviii. fig. 4). Rhodea delicatula. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 111. Eiisphenopteris tenella. Kidston, Ti-ans. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb. vol. vii. p. 129, pi. i. figs. 1-6. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. 5th ser. vol. x. p. 7, pi. i. figs. 1 6. F 66 FOSSIL PLANTS. Sphenopteris, sp. Lebour, Illustrations of Fossil Plants, p. 79, pi. xxxix. Remarks The specimen figured by Brongniart (Hist, de Veget. Foss. pi. xlix. fig. 1) is in the Collection. No more definite locality for the specimen is known than " Yorkshire." Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Yorkshire. ZEILLERIA, Kidston, 1884. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xl. p. 590. Zeilleria delicatula, Sternberg, sp. Zeilleria delicatula. Kidston, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xl. p. 592, pi. xxv. Sphenopteris delicatula. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 50. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 2, p. 30, pi. xxvi. fig. 5 ; fasc. 4, p. xvi. Sphenopteris meifolia. Feistmantel, Steink. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 74. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 40. Schimper, TraitS d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 383. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 56, pi. xx. fig. 5. Stur, Jahrbuch d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 61. Genera et Species, p. 112. Cheilanthites meifolius. ? Ettingshausen, Steinkohlf. v. Radnitz, p. 36, pi. xviii. fig. 3. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 241. (var. trifidus\ Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 241, pi. xv. figs. 3, 4. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Foreign. Russia : Koslov, Black Sea. (Presented by Captain Spratt, R.N.) CALYMMATOTHECA, Stur, 1877 (emend.).* Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 149. Calymmatotheca affinis, Lindley and Hutton, sp. Sphenopteris affiiiis. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1167. Hibbert, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xiii. p. 178, pi. vi. fig. 4, and pi. v. bis. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xlv. Peach, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxiv. p. 131, pi. vii. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. vol. xii. pp. 162 and 187. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 57 (excl. syn. S. crithmifolia, L. and H.). Diplothinema affi,ne. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Sphenopteris linearis. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veg6t. Foss. p. 175, pi. liv. fig. 1. Bronn. Index Palseont. p. 1169 (excl. ref. Sternb.). Eibbert, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xiii. p. 178 pi vi fie 3 Kidston, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 535 Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 290. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. Foss. vol. i. p. 387. * Calymmatotheca, Zeille* (see footnote, Ann. Sci. Nat. 6' ser. Bot. vol. xri. p. 182). CARBONIFEROUS. 67 Cheilatithites linearis. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 232, pi. xvi. (excl. ref. Sternb.). Staphylopteris (?) Peachii. Peach, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxiv. p. 131, pi. viii. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. vol. xiii. p. 46. Sphenopteris frigida. Heer (in part), Foss. Flora Spitzbergens, pi. i. fig. 2. lis. Heer (in part), Foss. Flora Spitzbergens, p. 8, pi. i. figs. 11-27 (pi. ii. figs. 7-10 ?). Remarks. The plant figured by Brongniart as Sphenopteris linearis is certainly not Sternberg's* feni of that name. The specimen that has served as the type of Sternberg's S. linearis is so imperfect, that from any evidence afforded by the figure it is very improbable we shall ever know what his fern really is. Feistmantelf gives a figure of what he believes to be Sternberg's plant, which, from the little that can be learnt from Sternberg's figure, agrees with it pretty well ; but Feistmantel's fern may be only one of the many forms of Eremopteris artemisicefolia. One thing, however, is clear, whatever Scernberg's species may be, that figured under the same name by Brongniart is an altogether different plant. On the other hand, the plant figured by Brongniart as S. linearis is the same as that figured by Lindley and Hutton as >$'. ajfinis. This fern is extremely common in the Calciferous Sandstone Series of Scotland, and I have examined a great many beautiful examples from the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. The size of the pinnules varies considerably, from even smaller than those shown on the figure given by Lindley and Hutton to the size of those figured by Brongniart. These forms merge into each other by insensible gradations, so the identity of S. linearis, Brongt., and S. affinis, L. and H., is undoubted ; hence I have placed the former as a synonym of the latter. The fruit of S. affinis has been described by Mr. C. W. Peach under the name of Staphylopteris Peachii, Balf. and Eth. Jr., and a Note on a specimen showing the so-called Staphylopteris Peachii attached to S. affinis formed the subject of a communication to the Botanical Society of Edinburgh (Trans. vol. xii. p. 187). The main axis of this fern dichotomises and the pinnse are borne on the two forks of the dichotomy. This species, in so far as the barren frond is concerned, agrees with Stur's Diplothmema, but its fruit removes it from this too comprehensive genus, and places it in his Calt/mmatotheca. On a specimen in the Collection from the Calciferous Sandstone Series of the Island of Arran, Firth of Clyde, the fronds are shown to spring from a caudex. The specimen is, unfortunately, in a very imperfect state of preservation. I have examined the specimen from which the plate of Lindley and Button's & linearis was drawn. J Their plant is not the S. linearis, Brongt., but a very fine specimen of the upper portion of a frond of their Sphenopteris crassa.% The drawing is not a good representation of the fossil, which is preserved in the " Hutton Collection " at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Splienopteris frigida, Heer (1. c. pi. i. fig. 2), and Sphenopteris flexilis of the same author (1. c. pi. i. figs. 11-27), I believe to be merely fragments of /S'. affinis. The small specimen of fruit, which I identified as Staphylopteris Peachii, * Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 15, pi. xlii. fig. 4. t Palseontographica, vol. xxiii. pi. Ixv. fig. 1. 1 Foss. Flora, vol. iii. p. ccxxx. Kidston in Proc. Royal Phys. Soc. Ediiib. vol. rii. p. 238. F 2 FOSSIL PLiNTS. fruit attached. ^^^-Calciferous ' ^^ gS o f Arran. Dumfriesshire : Glencart- Localiti*s.--Bntish. ^^^^ Midlothian : Burdiehouse, near Edin- burgh ; Wardie, near Granton. Calymmatotheca bifida, Lindley and Button, sp Sp^nopt^risbi^.^ Ed . nb< yol _ xiii . p . IT? ' Ed . nb< yol _ xiii . p . IT? p l. vi. figs. 1-2. Steinberg, Vers. 11. p. 60. Trichovwnites bifidus. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p 72. Genera et Species, p. 134. . So, Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 539, pl. xxxi. fig. 6. 6, pl. i. figs. 1, 3-6. |~^ bergens , p. 7, p!. i. fig, 8 and 10 (fig, 7-9 ?). &rf, -The evidence upon which Sph**pter tifida is nov. -placed m rrnm'wn _ Calciferous Sandstone Series. .-BM. Midlothian: Burdiehouse, near Edinburgh. SPHENOPTERJS, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 33. Sphenopteris obtusiloba, Brongniart. Sphenopteris obtusiloba. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord. de la France, p. 26. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veg6t. Foss. p. 204, pl. 1m. fag. 2*. Bronn, Index Palseont, p. 1170. 1 Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxn. p. 15b. ? Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 445. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 37, pl. xxi. fig. 2. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 594 and 59/. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 279. 1 Trans. Koy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. pl. xxxi. fig. 6. CARBONIFEROUS. 69 Feistmantel, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292, 295, and 300. Steink. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 73. Steink. v. Kralup. in Bohmeu, pp. 11 and 20. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 42. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 435. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2 ser. vol. v. p. 488. Renault, Cour de Botan. Foss. p. 190, pi. xxxiii. figs. 5 and 6, 1883. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form Westphalens, p. 55, pi. xvi. figs. 10, 11 (pi. xxix. fig. 9 ?)., . Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xv. fig. 2 (excl. pi. xvi. fig. 3, and pi. xxv. fig. 1). Schimper, Traite d. Paleont Veget. vol. i. p. 399, pi. xxx. fig. 1. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 63. Stur, Jahrbuch, d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142, and 143. linger, Syuop. Plant. Foss. p. 64. Genera et Species, p. 116. Weiss, Verhaudl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. p. 78, 1868. Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 47 (excl. ref. Andrae). Zeiller, Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e se>. vol. xii. p. 191. Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 39, pi. clxii. figs. 1-2. Cheilanthites obtusilobus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 246. Diplothmema obtusilobum. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Sphenopteris irregularis. Andrae, Vorwelt. Pflanzen, p. 24, pi. viii. and pi. ix. fig. 1. Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 167. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord. de la France, p. 26. Cr6pin, Bull. Soc. Roy. Botan. Belgique, vol. xx. part ii. pp. 30 and 31. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Raduitz, p. 38. Feistmantel, Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 71. Lebour, Illustrations of Fossil Plants, p. 61, pi. xxx. (var.). Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 435. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form Westph. p. 56, pi. xvi. fig. 2, pi. xxxi. figs. 5, 6. Ronier, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 24, 1862. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steink. ini Badischen Schwarz. pp. 2 and 5. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 373. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 63, pi. xvii. fig. 4, and p. 152, pi. ix. fig. 7. Stur, Jahrbuch d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 64. Genera et Species, p. 116. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. p. 78, 1868. Pseudopecopteris irregularis. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 211, pi. lii. fig. 1-36, and fig 8. Cheilanthites irregularis. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 247. Diplothmema irregulare. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Sphenopteris trifoliolata. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 202, pi. liii. fig. 3 (excel, ref.). Feistmantel, Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 75. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 42. FOSSIL PLANTS. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 410. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. cle la Belgique, pi. xix. fig. 2, and pi. xxi. Un^er, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 63 (in part). Genera et Species, p. 116 (in part). Pseudopecopteris trifoliolata. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 217. Sphenopteris laiifolia, Lindley and Button, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. clvi., vol. 111. pi. clxxvui. Pecopteris, sp. (= Sphenopteris irregidaris.} Crepin, Bull. Soc. Koy. Botan. Belgique, vol. xx. part 11., pp. 24 and 2.x ? Sphenopteris botryoides. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz. p. 38. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Ve"get. vol. i. p. 373. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 63. Stur, Jahrbuch d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 64. Genera et Species, p. 117. ? Cheilanthites botryoides. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 247. ? Diplothmema botryoides. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. 19, pi. xxvi. fig. 1. Remarks. Crepin,* who has carefully examined Sphenopteris nummularia, Gutbier, S. convexiloba, Schimper, S. (Pecopteris) neuropteroides, Boulay, and S. trifoliolata, Artis, sp., thinks that these may be found eventually to be all varieties of S. irregularis Sternb., which last- mentioned species has been shown by Zeillerf to be identical with S. obtusiloba, Brongt. Gutbier J gives as a synonym to his Sphenopteris nummularia, the plant figured by Lindley and Hutton as S. latifolia, Brongt., but Lindley and Button's plant is now generally recognised as S. obtusiloba, Brongt. ( = S. irregularis, Sternb.). Gutbier also further states on p. 75 of the same work that he is strongly inclined to regard S. irregularis, Sternb., as only a variety of S. nummularia with somewhat irregular pinnules. GemitzH accepts this view, and unites S. nummularia, Gutbier, with S. irregularis, Sternb. I have, however, kept separate from S. obtusiloba, Brongt., S. nummularia, Gutbier, but followed ZeillerlT in uniting with the last-mentioned fern S. convexiloba, Schimper. Subsequent investigations may show S. nummularia, S. convexiloba, S. neurop- teroides, and S. trifoliolata to be* only forms of S. obtusiloba ; but from what is at present known, I think we must regard as distinct species, S. obtusiloba, S. nummularia, and S. neuropteroides. In the references I have excluded S. obtusiloba, mentioned by Goppert in his Foss. Flora d. Silur. Devon, u. Unter Kohlenformation (p. 487), as it is probable that a specimen of S. foliolata, Stur, or S. distans, Sternb., has been in this case mistaken for S. obtusiloba, Brongt. ^ S. distans has already been identified in error by Ettingshausen** as S. obtusiloba, and as imperfect specimens of S. foliolata and S. distans * Bull. Soc. Roy. de Botan. de Belgique, vol. xx. part ii p. 31. t Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. de la France, p. 40. t Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzkohl. p. 43. Foss. Flora, pi. clvi. || Bull. Soc. G6ol. France, 3 e ser. rol. xii. p. 192. IT Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 14. ** Foss. Flora d. Miihr-Schlesischen Dacbsch. p. 22, fig 6 CARBONIFEROUS. 71 might easily be mistaken for S. obtusiloba, its occurrence in the Culm requires corroboration. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Northumberland : Fawdon Colliery ; near Newcastle- on-Tyne. Foreign. Bohemia : Radnitz. Sphenopteris mimmularia, Gutbier. Sphenopteris nummularia. Andrae, Vorwelt. Pflanzen, p. 35, pi. xi. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 25. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1170. Crepin, Bull. Soc. Eoy. Botan. Belgique, vol. xx. part ii. p. 31. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwi'ck. Schwarzk. pp. 43. and 75, pi. iv. fig. 5, pi. x. figs. 7-8, pi. xi. fig. 3. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. 1, p. 14, pi. i. fig. 8, pi. xiv. fig. 6. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 374. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 78. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 192. Sphenopteris irregularis. Geinitz (in part), Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 14, pi. xxiii. figs. 2, 3, 4. Heer, Urwelt der Schweiz. p. 10, pi. i. fig. 4. Sphenopteris convexiloba. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 25, pi. ii. fig. 7. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 372. Diplothmema nummularium. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Remarks. For notes on this species, see the remarks appended to Sphenopteris obtusiloba, Brongt. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Northumberland : Felling Colliery, near Newcastle- on-Tyne. Foreign. Silesia : Waldenburg. Sphenopteris trifoliolata, Artis, sp. Sphenopteris trifoliolata. Andrae, Vorwelt. Pflanzen, p. 28, pi. ix. figs. 2, 3, 4. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 26. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 51. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1171. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 192, pi. xxxiii. fig. 8, 1883. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 65 (pi. xvi. figs. 3 & 16 ?). Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 371 (excl. ref. Brongt.). Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 63 (excl. ref. Brongt.). Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 63 (excl. ref. Brongt.). Genera et Species, p. 115 (excl. ref. Brongt). . Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 78. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 192. Cheilanthites trifoliolatiis. Gbppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 245 (in part). Filicites trifoliolatus. Artis, Antedil. Phytol. pi. xi. Cr6phi, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. de Belgique, vol. xx. part. ii. p. 31. 72 FOSSIL PLANTS. Sphenopteris dilatata. Lindley and Hutton, Fossil Flora, vol. i. pi. xlvu. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Cyclopteris dilatata. Sternberg, Vers. ii. pp. 66 & 135. Unger, Synop. Plant. FOBS. p. '56. Genera et Species, p. 100. Cyclopteris triloba. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 377. Adiantites trilobus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 225. Diplothmema dilatatum. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Parkinson, Organic Remains, vol. i. pi. v. fig. 2 ? Remarks. Sphenopteris trifoliolata, Brongt. (Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 202, pi. liii. fig. 3), is equivalent to his 8. obtusiloba, and that form of it which Sternberg named S. irregularis (Vers. ii. p. 63, pi. xvii. fig. 4). Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Wishaw. Northumberland : Newcastle- on-Tyne. Shropshire : Madeley Court (Presented by H. Pearce, Esq.). Sphenopteris Sauveurii, Crepin. Sphenopteris Sauveurii. Cre"pin, Bull. Soc. Eoy. Bot. de Belgique, vol. xix. part ii. p. 17. vol. xx. part ii. p. 26. Andrae, Vorwelt. Pflanzen, p. 32, pi. x. (excl. refs.). Sphenopteris elegans. Sauveur, V6get. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xviii. fig. 3. ? Sphenopteris polyphylla. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. p. 147. Remarks. There is little doubt in my mind as to Sphenopteris polyphylla, L. & H., being the same plant as those identified in error by Andrae as S. obtusiloba, Brongt., and subsequently named /Sphenopteris Sauveurii, by Cr6pin. Unfortunately the type of Lindley & Hutton's plant seems to be lost ; so in the meantime, S. polyphylla is placed in doubt under S. Sauveurii, Cr6pin, but should Lindley & Hutton's fern prove to be the same plant as S. obtusiloba, Andrae (non Brongt.), their name, S. polyphylla, must be sub- stituted for S. Sauveurii. Between Lindley & Hutton's plate and fig. 1 of Andrae's plate x., it is difficult to fix on any character by which these two species can be separated. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Worcestershire : Tipton, near Dudley. Foreign. Ehenish Prussia : Saarbruck. Sphenopteris Schillings!!, Andrae. Sphenopteris Schillingsii. Andrae, Vorwelt. Pflanzen, p. 22, pi. vii. fig. 1. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 26. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 64, pi. xv. fio- 1, pi. xxx. fig. 12. Schimper, Traite" d. Pale~ont Veget. vol. i. p. 400. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 192. CARBONIFEROUS. 73 ? ? Diplothmema Schillingsii. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, pp. 230 & 253, pi. xv. fig. 6. Sphenopteris obtusiloba. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xvi. fig. 3. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Lanarkshire : Airdrie. Sphenopteris adiantoides, Lindley & Hutton. Sphenopteris adiantoides. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 69, 1859. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. cxv. Schimper, Traite d. Pale"ont. Veget. vol. i. p. 401. Cyclopteris adiantoides. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 377. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 133. Diplothmema adiantoides. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Adiantites concinnus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 226. Cyclopteris concinna. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 56. Genera et Species, p. 101. Sphenopteris obtusiloba. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxv. fig. 1. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Durham : Jarrow Colliery. Sphenopteris Zobelii, Goppert, sp. Sphenopteris Zobelii. Schimper, Traite d. Palaeont. Veget. vol. i. p. 404. Hymenophyllites Zobelii. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 602. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 46. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 260, pi. xxxvi. figs. 3, 4. Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief. 3 u. 4, p. 55, pi. v. fig. 3. Stur, Verh. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. p. 300, 1874. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 69. Genera et Species, p. 129. Rhodea Zobelii. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 110. Diplothmema Zobelii. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 194. Remarks. The specimen from Dalkeith shows very well the characters of this species. Probably it only represents a lateral pinna, with a similar mode of growth to the pinnae of Mariopteris latifolia and M. nervosa, as figured by Zeiller (Bull. Soc. G6ol. de France, 3 e se~r. vol. vii. pp. 4 & 5.) The fossil shows a portion of a secondary rachis about 2^ inches long and the tenth of an inch broad. At its summit it bifurcates, the two forks forming a very obtuse angle. The leafbearing pinnae spring from the two arms of the bifurcation ; these latter are flexuous and strongly geniculate where the pinnae are given off. Neither of the arms of the bifurcation is complete, but the more perfect of the two is 5 inches long. The ultimate pinnae are 74 FOSSIL PLANTS. , margins TwaSs the apex of the pinnae they become confluent The veins Se Serous and radiate from the base of the pinnule, a veinlet extending into each of the marginal teeth. Jforizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Midlothian : Dalkeith. Foreign. Bohemia. Sphenopteris anthriscifolia, Goppert. s Voyage dans ,'AIM, p. 387, pi. xxviii. fig. 9. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 467. linger, Genera et Species, p. 122. Horizon. " Carboniferous." Locality. Foreign. Russia : Village Meretsxoia, Salaviok. Sphenopteris imbricata, Goppert. Sphenopteris imbricata. Goppert, in Tchihatcheff's Voyage dans 1' Altai, p. 387, pi. xxix. figs. 10-13. Schimper, Traite d. Pal6ont. Veget. vol. i. p. 398, vol. iii. p. 467. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 123. Horizon. " Carboniferous." Locality. Foreign. Eussia : Eiver Inia, Altai. Sphenopteris cristata, Brongniart. Sphenopteris cristata. JBroim, Index Palseont. p. 1167. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 45. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 12. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 60. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 273. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 397. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 131. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 68. Genera et Species, p. 125. Pecopteris cristata. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 58. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 356, pi. cxxv. figs. 4-5. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 125, 1883. Remarks. The Collection contains a fine specimen from Camerton. It is about 7 inches long, and at its broadest part about 6 inches wide. The pinna; are alternate, lanceolate ; the basal and longest pinna measures 3 inches in length, and at its base fully Ij inches wide. The pinnules on the lower side of the pinna are longer than those on the upper side. The pinnules are alternate, lobed, the lobes being again more or less dentate. On the upper portion the pinnae are almost oblong, pinnules confluent, the lower one with about three teeth. The pinnules appear to have been recurved, as their outline is seldom clearly seen, the greater majority of them having their margins embedded in the matrix. The lower basal pinnule has a large lobe directed to the main axis, which is moderately thick. The veins are strongly marked and almost impart a wrinkled appearance CARBONIFEROUS. 75 to the pinnules, but with the exception of the central vein, their full course is seldom traceable. This species is closely related to Sphenopteris chcerophylloides, Brongt. sp., and in the specimen from Camerton, some of the pinnules on the lower part of the frond are more deeply segmented than in the enlarged drawing of Sphenopteris cristata. In fact, this example is somewhat intermediate in its character between S. cristata and S. Horizon. Upper Coal Measures. Locality. British. Somersetshire : Camerton. Sphenopteris Hoeninghausi, Brongniart. Sphenopteris Hceninghausn. Andrae, Vorwelt. Pflanzen, p. 13, pls.-iv., v. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 26. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 51. Hist, d. Veget. Foss. p. 199, pi. Hi. Bronn, Index Palseont, p. 1168. Ettingshausen, Die Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 37. Feistmantel, Zeitsch d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 594 and 597. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 279, pi. Ixv. fig. 2. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Keichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 300. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 74. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, p. 39. Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 14, pi. xxiii. figs. 5-6. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Keichsanst. p. 350, 1857. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 42. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 288, pi. Iv. fig. 5. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 191, pi. xxxii. 1883. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 54, pi. xiv. fig.8, pi. xiii. fig. 3. Bonier, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 22, 1862. Sauveur, V6g6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxii. fig. 2. Schimper, TraitS d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 385. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141 and 142. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 63 (excl. syn. L. & H.). Genera et Species, p. 115 (excl. syn. L. & H.). Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 78. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 41, pi. clxii. figs. 4-5. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, 3 ser. vol. xii. p. 193. Cheilanthites Hoeninghausi. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 244. CalyHimotheca Hoeninghausi. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 174. Sphenopteris asplenioides. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 51. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 214. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xvi. ; ii. p. 62. Sphenopteris trifoliolata. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 74. Remarks. The fossil figured under the name of Sphenopteris Hoeninghausi by Lindley & Hutton (Fossil Flora) is a different species from that to which Brongniart applied the name. The type of Sphenopteris Hceninghausi, L. & H. (non Brongt.), is preserved in the "Hutton Collection," Newcastle-on- Tyne, and to distinguish it from Brongniart's plant, I propose for it the name of Sphenopteris effusa. 76 FOSSIL PLANTS. The plants named Sphenopteris Hceninghausi in my Report on the fossil plants collected in Eskdale and Liddesdale, by the Geological Survey of Scotland, must be excluded from Brongriiart's species, as also the figure of Sphenopteris Hceninghausi given by Feistmantel (Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pi. xiv. fig. 7). Probably this latter is referrable to Sphenopteris distans, Sternb. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Silesia : Waldenburg. Sphenopteris decomposita, Kidston. Sphenopteris decomposita. Kidston, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 538, pi. xxxii. figs. 1, 4, 5. Horizon. Cement Stone Group, Calciferous Sandstone Series. Locality. British. Dumfriesshire : Glencartholm, Eskdale. Sphenopteris stipulata, Gutbier. Sphenopteris stipulata. Andrae, Vorwelt. Pflanzen, p. 40, pi. xiii. fig. 4.* Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 25. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 74. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. pi. iv. fig. 10. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Vege~t. vol. iii. p. 464. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph 1868 p. 79. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. G6ol. de France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 193. Hymenophyllites stipulatus. Bronn, Index Palasont. p. 1170. Feistmantel, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 292. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 78. Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 72. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 18, pi. xxv. figs. 3, 4, 5. Sphenopteris rutcefolia. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1170. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 75. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 43. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 42, pi. x fio- s 10-11 Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 129. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 66. Genera et Species, p. 122. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 52. Sphenopteris formosa. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 57, pi. xv. figs. 11-13, Remarks.-- The plant figured as Sphenopteris rutcefolia by Schmalhausen must not be imstaken for Gutbier's plant of that name. Schmalhausen's >S rutafolw does not appear to be Eichwald's Gleichenites rutorfolvus with 11 ' - 1S ' thnk ' the W^ Wd, L. & H. = Todea p e st - Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Saxony : Zwickau. Sphenopteris excelsa, Lindley & Huttor.. Sphenopteris excelsa. Bronn, Index Palteont. p. 1168. CARBONIFEROUS. 77 Kidston, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 537, pi. xxx. fig. 2, pi. xxxi. tigs. 7-8. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. ccxii. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 130. Sphenopleris obovata. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. cix. Cydopteris obovata. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 134. Adiantites microphyllus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 228. Remarks. The specimen illustrated under the name of Sphenopteris obovata, by Lindley & Hutton (Fossil Flora, pi. cix.) is identical with their Sphenop- teris excelsa. I have carefully examined the type of S. obovata, which is preserved in the " Hutton Collection," Newcastle-on-Tyne, and have no doubt as to its specific identity with S. excelsa. " Newcastle Coalfield " is the locality given for Sphenopteris obovata, but from the matrix on which the plant is preserved, 1 believe it really comes from the Calciferous Sandstone Series of Granton, Midlothian, where S. excelsa occurs. Mr. Howse, the Curator of the Newcastle Museum, further informed me that from the character of the matrix he did not thing the fossil came from the Newcastle Coalfield. This view is strengthened by the fact that the specimen was communicated by T. Allan, Esq., of Edinburgh. Horizon. Cement Stone Group, Calciferous Sandstone Series. Locality. British. Dumfriesshire : Glencartholm, Eskdale. Sphenopteris Haidingeri, Ettingshausen. Sphenopteris Haidingeri. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 74. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Stradonitz, p. 13, pi. ii. figs. 1-3, pi. iii. fig. 4. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 15, pi. i. fig. 7. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 382. Horizon. Upper Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Moravia : Rossitz. Sphenopteris palmata, Schimper. Sphenopteris palmata. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 388, pi. xxviii. fig. 1. ? Sphenopteris elegans. Ettiugshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 36, pi. xv. fig. 1, and pi. xxi. fig. 1. Remarks. The specimen here included is similar to those described as Sphenopteris elegans by Ettingshausen. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Bohemia : Radnitz. Sphenopteris Bronnii, Gutbier. Sphenopteris Bronnii. Boulay, Terr. Houil. dn Nord de la France, p. 27 (excl. syn.). Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1167. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 16, pi. xxiii. figs. 15-16 (ayu. in part). Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 75. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 43. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 37, pi. iv. fig. 11, pi. v. figs. 1-2. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont, Veget. vol. i. p. 384 (syn. in part). 78 FOSSIL PLANTS. Steinberg, Vers. ii. p. 128. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 66. Genera et Species, p. 121. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. Geol. de France 3 e s5r. vol. xii. p. 193. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Saxony : Zwickau. Sphenopteris lanceolata, Gutbier. Sphenopteris lanceolata. Bronn, Index Pseleont. p. 1169. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 37. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. v. Sachsen, p. 17, pi. xxiv. fig. 4. Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 76. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 40. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 34, pi. iv. fig. 4 ; pi. v. figs. 12, 18, 19. Schimper, TraitS d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 389. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 127. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 62. Genera et Species, p. 113. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. Geol. de France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 194. Sphenopteris acutiloba. Andrae (non Stern.), Vorwelt. Pflanzen, p. 19, pi. vi. (excl. syn. and refs.). Sphenopteris Coemansii. Crepin, Bull. Soc. Eoy. Bot. Belgique, vol. xix. pt. ii. p. 17, 1880. Remarks. The Sphenopteris lanceolata, Ett. (Foss. Flora d. Mahr. Schles. Dachschiefer. p. 19, fig. 2), is not Gutbier's plant of that name, so must be excluded here. Stur has distinguished Ettingshausen's fern as 8. Ettingshauseni (Culm Flora, heft i. p. 29). Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Saxony : Zwickau. Sphenopteris Grandini, Goppert. Sphenopteris Grandini. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 27. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 404. Hymenophyllites Grandini. Bronn, Index Palgeont. p. 602. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 84. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 46. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 255, pi. xv. fig. 12. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 69. Genera et Species, p. 129. Sphenopteris alata. Brongniart, Hist, de Veget. Foss. p. 180, pi. xlviii. fig. 4. Eenault, Cours de Botan. Foss. p. 188, 1883. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xvii. fig. 2. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 59. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868 p. 79. ? Hymenophyllites alatus. Lesquereux, Eeport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 411. Diplothmema alatum. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Remarks. Hymenophyllites (tiplwnopteris) alatus, Geinitz (Vers. d. Steinkf. in OARBONIFEKODS. 79 Sachsen, p. 18, pi. xxiv. fig. 15, and pi. xxv. fig. 1) is specifically distinct from Brongniart's Sphenopteris alata, and has been redescribed by Weiss (Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 57) under the name of Hymenophyllea subalata. The description given by Weiss has special reference to Geinitz's fig. 15, pi. xxiv., but it is probable that his fig. 1, pi. xxv. belongs to the same plant. Hymenophyllites alatus, Lesquereux (Rport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. j). 437, pi. xxxix. fig. 1), is perhaps also referable to Hymenophyllea subalata, Weiss. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Shropshire : Brown Glee Hills. Foreign. Bohemia. Sphenopteris elegans, Brongniart. Sphenopteris elegans. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 50. Hist. d. Veg6t. Foss. p. 172, pi. liii. figs. 1, 2. Class, d. Veget, Foss. p. 33, pi. ii. fig. 2. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1168. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell, vol. xxv. pp. 507, 594, and 597. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 292. Steinkohl. u. Perru.-Ablager. p. 73. Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohmen, pp. 11, 12. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 280. ? Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, p. 40, pi. 2, fig. 8. ? Vers. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 16, pi. xxiv. fig. 5. Goppert, Flora d. Silur. Devon. Unter Kohl. p. 483. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 59. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 32, pi. iv. fig. 2 (? fig. 1). Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 287, pi. Iv. fig. 6. Romer, Geol. v. Oberschlesien, p. 54. Sauveur, V6g6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xvi. figs. 1, 2. Schimper, TraitS d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 389. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xv. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foas. p. 60. ,, Genera et Species, p. 111. Cheilanthites elegans. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 233, pi. x. fig. 1 ; pi. xi. figs. 1, 2. Diplothmema elegans. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 197, pi. xxxiii. figs. 13, 14, 1883. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 236, pi. xiii. fig. 5 ; pi. xiv. figs. 1-6. Sphenopteris Schlotheimii. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. xv. Acrostichum silesiacum. Sternberg, Vers. L p. 29, pi. xxiii. fig. 2. Filicites adiantoides. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 49, pi. x. fig. 18. Petrefactenkunde, p. 408, pi. xxi. fig. 2 (excl. centre fig.). Sphenopteris officinalis. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 39. Sphenopteris Johnstoniana. Tate, in Johnston's Nat. Hist, of Eastern Borders, vol. i. p. 306, figs. 1, 2, 1853. Farrnkraut. Rhode, Beitr. z. Pflanzen d. Vorwelt, p. 33, pi. viii. figs. 7-10. 80 FOSSIL PLANTS. not figures of Sphenopteris elegans distinct from Brongniart's species. Horizon. Cement Stone Group, Calciferous Sandstone Series. Locality. British. Dumfriesshire : Glencartholm, Eskdale. Sphenopteris furcata, Brongniart. Sphenopteris furcata. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 27. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 50. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 179, pi. xlix. figs. 4-5. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 20. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 282. Lindley & Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. clxxxi. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xviii. figs. 1-2. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. Foss. vol. i. p. 406. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 58. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Kheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 79. Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 54. Hymenophyllites furcatus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 602. Feistmantel, Fruchtstudien Foss. Pflanzen d. Bohm. Steink. p. 40, 1872. Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohmen, pp. 11 and 21. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 595 and 597. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292 and 298. Zeitsch d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 514, pi. xv. fig. 14? Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 17, pi. xxiv. figs. 8-13. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 46. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 259. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 470. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 66, pi. xv. fig. 12. (The other figures are unsatisfactory.) linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 70. Genera et Species, p. 131. Rhodea furcata. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 110. Diplothmema furcatum. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 197, 1883. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Ter. Houil. p. 45, pi. clxii. fig. 3. Bull. Soc. Geol. de France 3 e s6r. vol. xii. p. 195. Sphenopteris flexuosa. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1168. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 40. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 33, pi. iv. fig. 3 ; pi. v. fig. 3. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 389. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 127. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 62. Genera et Species, p. 113. Diplothmema flexiiosui,*. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. CARBONIFEROUS. 81 Sphenopteris geniculata. Germar & Kaulfuss, Verb. d. k. Leop. Carl. Akad. vol. xv. p. 224, pi. Ixv. fig. 2. Sternbnrg, Vers. ii. p. 61. Diplothmema geniculatum. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Trichomanites geniculatus. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 47. Sphenopteris Kaulfussi. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 412. Trichomanites Kaulfussi. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1278. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 264. Sphenopteris alata. Gutbier (non Brongt.), Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 34, pi. v. figs. 16, 17 ; pi. xi. fig. 1. Sphenopteris. Lebour, Illustrations of Fossil Plants, p. 83, pi. xli. ? Sphenopteris acwtiloba. Ettingshausen (non Sternb.), Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 35, pi. xviii. fig. 1. ? Hymenophyllites Hildreti. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 863, pi. ix. fig. 5. ? Sphenopteris Hildreti. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 283. ? Sphenopteris membranacea. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1169. CrSpin, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique, vol. xix. 2 e part, p. 51. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 43. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 35, pi. xi. fig. 2. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 127. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 66. Genera et Species, p. 121. ? Diplothmema membranaceum. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Remarks. Geinitz (Verstein. d. Steinkohlenf. in Sachsen) unites S. mem- branacea, Gutbier, with S. furcata, Brongt., regarding it only as a form of the latter fern. This view I feel inclined to adopt. Crepin (1. c. p. 15), however, who has been enabled to examine good specimens of *S'. membranacea, regards it as a distinct species. Should his opinion of the specific value of these two plants be adopted, fig. 9 of Geinitz's pi. xxiv., included under S. (Hymenophyllites) furcata, must be removed from that species and placed with S. membranacea, Gutbier. From the examination of better specimens, I find that the fern I identified as S. furcata from the Calciferous Sandstone Series, Glencartholm, Eskdale, is S. Machanekii, Ett., sp. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Ayrshire : Dalblare, near Old Cumnock. Lanark- shire : Airdrie. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Sphenopteris dissecta, Brongniart. Sphenopteris dissecta. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 28. FOSSIL PLANTS. Brongniart, g^fTv^tlFo.. p. 183, pl. xlix. figs. 2, 3. r, Vers. d." Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 75 Qauveiu, Y ttu. A o /. - -^ Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6get. vol. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 59. &n^. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 127. t &UU*_* P. 350, 1857 (excl. 8 ,,,). Giebel/Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 46, Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 260. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 71. Genera et Species, p. 131. Diplothmema dissectum. Renault, Cours de Botan. Foss.. p. 198, 188.1 Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 227. Rhodea dissecta. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 110 Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Worcestershire, near Dudley. Sphenopteris moravica, Ettiugshausen, sp. Sphenopteris moravica. Renault, Cours de Botan. Foss. p. 193, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6get. vol. i. p. 414. Trichomanes moravicum. . Ettingshausen, Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. vol. xxv. p. 100, pl. vi. fig. 4. Rhodea moravica. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 1, p. 38, pl. x. figs. 3-7 ; pl. xi. tig. 1. Calymmotheca moravica. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 1/4. Horizon. Calciferous Sandstone Series. Locality. British. Fifeshire : Grange Quarry, Burntisland. Sphenopteris Machanekii, Ettingshausen, sp. Sphenopteris Machanekii. Schimper, Traite d. Pale'ont. Veget. vol. i. p. 413. Trichomanites Machanekii. Ettingshausen, Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. vol. xxv. p. 101, fig. 12. Romer, Geol. v. Oberschlesien, p. 55. Hymenophyllites Machanekii. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 516, pl. xv. fig. 17. Rhodea Machanekii. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 1, p. 34. Sphenopteris furcata. Kidston, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 535. Remarks. From the examination of more perfect specimens, I find that the plant I identified as Sphenopteris furcata in the Report on the Fossil Plants collected in Eskdale and Liddesdale, belongs to this species. Horizon. Cement Stone Group, Calciferous Sandstone Series. Locality. British. Dumfriesshire : Glencartholm, Eskdale. CARBONIFEROUS. 83 Sphenopteris, sp. Horizon Calciferous Sandstone Series. Locality. British. Midlothian : Burdiehouse, near Edinburgh. Sphenopteris, sp. Neuropteris heterophylla. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 288, pi. Ixvi. fig. 7. Remarks. The specimen I place here is similar to that provisionally identified by Feistmantel as Neuropteris heterophylla. The fern I believe to be quits distinct from that species, and should, I am inclined to think, be placed in Sphenopteris. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Bohemia : Stradonitz. PAL^EOPTERIDE^E. PALJEOPTERIS, Schimper, 1869. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. i. p. 475. Palseopteris Reussii, Ettingshausen, sp. Palceopteris Reussii. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Ve"ge"t. vol. i. p. 478. Asplenites Reussii. Andrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 168. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Stradonitz, p. 16, pi. i. figs. 8, 9. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Bohemia : Stradonitz. TRIPHYLLOPTERIS, Schimper, 1869. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. i. p. 478. Triphyllopteris rhomboidea, Ettingshausen, sp. Triphyllopteris rhomboidea. Renault, Cours de Botan. Foss. p. 203, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 480. Cyclopteris rhomboidea. Andrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 173. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Stradonitz, p. 12, pi. ii. fig. 5. Feistmantel, Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 82. Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 73, Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality, Foreign. Bohemia. NEUROPTERIDEJS. CARDIOPTERIS, Schimper, 1869. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. i. p. 451. Cardiopteris frondosa, Goppert, sp. Cardiopteris frondosa. Heer, Foss. Flora d. Baren Insel, p. 36 (pi. xiv. figs. 3, 4 ?). Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 202, pi. xxxv. fig. 1, ]883. G 2 84 FOSSIL PLANTS. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. i. p. 453, pi. xxxv Stur, Culm Flora, heft 1, p. 43, pi. xiii. fig. 1, and pi. xiv. fig. 1. Zeiller, V6get. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 48. Cyclopteris frondosa. Bronn, Index Paleeont. p. 376. Gb'ppert, Neues Jahrbuch, 1847, p. 683. Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 163, pi. xiv. tigs. 1, z. Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter Kohl. p. 502. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. in. p. 194 Unger, Genera et Species, p. 102. Cyclopteris Haidinaeri. Ettingshausen, Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. vol. xxv. p. 96, fig. 5, and pi. v. Eomer, Geol. v. Oberschlesien, p. 54, pi. v. fig. 1. Cyclopteris Kcecklini. Schimper, Terr. d. Transition d. Vosges, p. 340, pi. xxvui. figs. 1-5. Noeggerathia obliqua. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, p. 108, pi. xn. fig. 2. Stur, Verh. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. 1874, p. 295. Horizon. Culm. Locality. Foreign. Vosges : Niederburbach, near Thann. Cardiopteris polymorpha, Goppert, sp. Cardiopteris polymorpha. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 202, pi. xxxv. figs. 2, 3, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 452. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 47. Cyclopteris polymorpha. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gessel. vol. xxv. p. 522, pi. xvi. figs. 21-24. Goppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter. Kohl. p. 502, pi. xxxviii. fig. 5. Schimper, Terr. d. Transition d. Vosges, p. 339, pi. xxv. figs. 1-7. Cyclopteris polymorpha, var. rotundifolia. Goppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter. Kohl. p. 502, pi. xxxviii. fig. 6. Cardiopteris Hochstetteri. Stur, Culm Flora, heft. 1, p. 48, pi. xiv. figs. 2, 3. Cyclopteris Hochstetteri. Ettingshausen, Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. vol. xxv. p. 97, pi. vi. fig. 3. Eomer, Geol. v. Oberschlesien, p. 54. ? Cyclopteris Bockschiana. Goppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter. Kohl. p. 501, pi. xxxviii. fig. 3. Remarks. Schimper unites with this species Cyclopteris Hochstetteri, Ett.,* but Stur in his Culm Flora treats them as distinct. The character on which Stur seems to place considerable importance is the alternate pinnules in C. Hochstetteri, and the opposite pinnules in C. polymorpha, Goppert. On both the figures of C. Hochstetteri given by Stur, the pinnules on the lower portions of the fronds are opposite, but on the upper part they are alternate. The alternate or opposite arrangement of pinnae or pinnules appears to be a character of little value, as they are frequently alternate and opposite on different parts of the same frond. The variety of C. polymorpha, named rotundifolia by Goppert, probably represent* the lower portion of a frond, his type of the species being the * Schimper, 1. c. p. 452. CARBONIFEROUS. 85 upper part. Both these forms are shown on Stur's C. Hochstetteri (loc, cit. pi. xiv. fig. 2). Horizon. Culm. Localities. Foreign. Bavaria : Altendorf. Silesia : Eothwaltersdorf, near Glatz. NEUROPTERIS, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 33. Neuropteris heterophylla, Brongniart. Neuropteris heterophylla. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord. de la France, p. 30. Brongniart (Filicites), Class, d. Veget. Foss. p. 33, pi. ii. fig. 6. ,, Prodrome, p. 53. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 243, pis. Ixxi. Ixxii. fig. 2. Bronn, Index Palseout. p. 810. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 482, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 155, vol. xxx. p. 216. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 443. Foss. Plants Lower Garb. Canada, p. 38. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 597. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 303. Fischer, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1840, p. 492. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 16. Giebel, Deutsch. Petrefacten, p. 32. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 198. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 23, pi. iv. figs. 1, 2, 3 ; pi. v. % 4 (excl. xii. fig. 106). Kidston, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 547. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 859. Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 430. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. cc. Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 15, 1876. Eenault, Cours de Botan. Foss. p. 170, pi. xxix. figs. 6, 7, 1883. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steiuk. Form. Westph. p. 37, pi. xvi. figs. 5 and 7. Homer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 28, 1862. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarz. p. 3. Sauveur, V6get. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxix. figs. 3, 4, pi. xxx. figs. 1, 2. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 439. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. 17, ii. p. 72. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 140, 142, and 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 46. Genera et Species, p. 79. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 76 (excl. syn. N. acutifolia and JV, varians). Zeiller, Veg6t. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 49, pi. clxiv. figs. 1, 2. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 196. Neuropteris Loshii. Andrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 168. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 30. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 53. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 242, pi. Ixxii. fig. 1, pi. Ixxiii. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 811. Bunbury, Quart. Jouru. Geol. Soc. vol. xiv. p. 249. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 482, 1868. Geol. Survey Canada, Eeports, 1874-5, p. 196. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 155. 86 FOSSIL PLANTS. Dawson, Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 443. Foss. Plants of Lower Garb. Canada, p. 36. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Stradonitz, p. 11. Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 33. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 597. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 286, pi. Ixvi. fig. 3. Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 80. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, pp. 17 and 20. Geinitz, Dyas. p. 138 (pi. xxviii. fig. 5 ?). Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 31. Gomes, Foss. Flora do Terr. Carbon, do Porto Serra do Bussaco, p. 9. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 198. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 96. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 118. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 55, pi. viii. fig. 6. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 23, pi. iii. figs. 6-8. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 858. Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 428. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 98, pi. xi. figs. 1-4. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xlix. (fig. inaccurate). Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 171, pi. xxix. fig. 1 bis -5. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 37, pi. xvii. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 27, 1862. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarz. pp. 3 and 6, pi. iv. fig. 1. Sauveur, Ve"get. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxxi. figs. 1, 2. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 437. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 72. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 142, 143. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 46. Genera et Species, p. 79. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 27. Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 76. Neuropteris Lindleyana. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 811. Goppert, Syst, Fil. Foss. p. 202. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i, p. 437. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 73. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 48. Genera et Species, p. 83. Neuropteris thymifolia, Bronn, Index Palseont. p, 811. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 202. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 75. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 48. Genera et Species, p. 83. Neuropteris Soretii. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 53. Hist. d. V6get. Foss. p. 244, pi. Ixx. fig. 2. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 811. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 482, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 155. Canadian Nat. vol. viii p 444 Giebe,, CAEBONIFEROUS. 87 Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 199. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 24, pi. vi. figs. 10, 11. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. 1. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. i. p. 439. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 73. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 46. Genera et Species, p. 80. Neuropteris Martini. Bronn (in part), Index Palaeont. p. 811. Goppert (in part), Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 208. Unger (in part), Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 50. Genera et Species, p. 87. Neuropteris Brongniarti. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 810. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto Serra do Bussaco, p. 9. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 199. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 73. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 46. Genera et Species, p. 80. Pecopteris Detkiersii, Brougniart, Prodrome, p. 56. Pecopteris adiantoides. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xxxvii. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v, p. 488. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Vege~t. vol. i. p. 501. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 159. Alethopteris adiantoides. Bronu, Index Palseont. p. 22. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 83 ('? Ref. " P, obliqua, L. and H." inaccurate.) Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 83 ., Genera et Species, p, 151 Oleichenites neuropteroides. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 186, pi. iv. v. Phytolithus osmundce regalis. Martin, Petrificata Derbiensia, pi. xix. fig. 1. Cyclopteris trichomanoides. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 126. Brougniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 217, pi. Ixi. bis, fig. 4. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 377. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 17. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 23, pi. xxviii. figs, 2, 3. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 36. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du De>. de la Loire, p. 113. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 45, pi. vi. fig. 1. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 17, pi. vi. fig. 16. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 79, pi. iv. fig. 4. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 856. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 184, pi. xxx. fig. 5. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 44, pi. xvii. and pi. xix. fig. 10. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 25, 1862. Rost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 18. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 421. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 67 I FOSSIL PLANTS. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 54. Genera et Species, p. 96. . Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Kheml. u. Westph. Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 23. Adiantites trichomanoides. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 220. Cyclopteris semiflabelliformis. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 377. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488, pi. xxxvui. fig. 7. Cyclopteris dilatata. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 376. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, dp Porto Serra do Bussaco, p. 10. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. xci. b. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 55. Genera et Species, p. 99. Neuropteris dilatata. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 78. Adiantites dilatata. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 221. Nephropteris dilatata. Schimper, Traite d. Pale"ont. Ve~ge"t. vol. i. p. 430. Cyclopteris oblata. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 377. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 481, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 154. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 442. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 379. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. ccxvii. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 135. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 77. Cyclopteris obliqua. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 52. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 221, pi. Ixi. fig. 3. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 377. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 154. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 442. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 17. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief. 5, 6, p. 91, pi. iv., v. fig. 1. Giebel, Deutsch. Petrefacten, p. 36. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. xc. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 45, pi. xxix. fig. 12. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 68. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 54. Genera et Species, p. 99. Adiantites obliquus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 221. Nephropteris obliqua. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6g6~t. vol. i. p. 430. CARBONIFEROUS. 89 Cydopteris Germari. Boat, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 1 9. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 68. Filicites conchaceus. Gerraar and Kaulfuss, Verh. d. k. Leop. Carol. Akad. vol. xv. p. 227, pi. Ixvi. tig. 5. Cydopteris crassinervis. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief. v. vi. p. 91, pi. vi. fig. 2. Cydopteris flabellata. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 18, pi. v. figs. 7, 8. Cydopteris incequalis. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 46, pi. vi. fig. 3. Cydopteris orbicularis. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 289, pi. Ixvii. figs. 2, 3. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 46, pi. vi. tig. 2. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 43, pi. xxi. fig. 3. Phytolithus filicites. Martin, Petrificata Derbiensia, pi. xxxiv. figs. 1, 2. Parkinson, Organic Remains, vol. i. pi. v. tig. 5. Remarks. I have united Neuropteris Loshii, with JV. heterophylla, Brongt., (a view adopted by several Botanists), as there is really no character by which they can be separated. The figure of Neuropteris Loshii, given in Lindley and Hutton's Fossil Flora (pi. xlix.), has much perplexed Botanists, and it differs so much from N. Loshii, Brongt., that Sternberg distinguished it as N. Lindleyana. I have examined the original of Lindley and Hutton's plate, which is in the " Hutton Col- lection," and find it to be the ordinary form of N. Loshii ; but their plate is inaccurately drawn, the pinnules not being separated or rounded on the specimen as shown in their figure, and the terminal lobes of the pinnae are not produced as represented by them. The enlarged view is altogether misleading. Steinberg's name, N. Lindleyana, must therefore be reduced to a synonym of N. heterophylla, Brongt. Judging from the plate, it is doubtful if the N. heterophylla, L. and H. (Fossil Flora, pi. cxcvii.), belongs to this species. It is certainly not a characteristic example of the plant, and is, I think, to be referred to N. gigantea. Pecopteris adiantoides, Lindley and Hutton, (Foss. Flora, pi. xxxvii.) : The figure of this plant is unfortunately another inaccurate drawing. In the plate the pinnae are represented as being of almost equal width throughout their whole length, and abruptly terminated by an odd leaflet. In the specimen, which is preserved in the " Hutton Collection," the apices of all the pinnae are broken off ; hence their termination, as represented on the plate (which is about two-thirds natural size), is purely imaginary. The drawing of the pinnules is also incorrect, the plant being, in fact, merely Neuropteris heterophylla, Brongt. The subject of pi. xxvii., "Neuropteris sp.," in Lebour's Illustrations of Fossil Plants, is also only a specimen of N. heterophylla, of which the figure is quite misleading. Neuropteris Soretii, L. and H. (Fossil Flora, pi. 1.) : The type of this species is also preserved in the same collection, and the plant appears to be only N. heterophylla. The pinnules in the figure are too much attenuated at their base. Sternberg's name for this figure, Neuropteris thymifolia, must there- fore be suppressed. Neuropteris Loshii, Gutbier (Vers. d. Rothl. in Sachsen, pi. iv. figs. 2, 3), is not Brongniart's plant of the same name, but in all likelihood an Odontopteris. (See Weiss. Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 27.) 90 FOSSIL PLANTS. Neuropteris heterophylla, Ettingshausen (Die Foss. Flora d. Mahr.-Schles. Dachschiefers. p. 96, fig. 4, and pi. vi. fig. 4), aDd N. Loshii Ettingshausen (loc cit. p. 95, pi. vi. fig. 2) ; N. Loshii and N. heterophylla, Feistmaiitel (Kohlenkaikvo'r. bei Rothwaltersdorf., Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. GeseU. vol xxv p 520 pi. xvi. fig. 20), are not referable to N. heterophylla, Brongt., but are the N. antecedens, Stur (Culm Flora, heft 1, p. 53, pi. xv. figs. 1-6). Cydopteris trichomanoides, Brongt., has been found attached to Neuropteris Loshii (N. heterophylla), and figured by Eoehl (Vers. d. Steink. Form. Westph. pi. xvii.), and I have seen a specimen affording similar evidence as to the union of Cydopteris trichomanoides with Neuropteris heterophylla. In the Coalbrook Dale and Dudley Coal Fields, where Cydopteris tricho- manoides is very common, the pinnules vary exceedingly in form and size, and do not appear to be separable into the various species which have been created for their reception. On specimens of Neuropteris Scheuchzeri, Hoff., from the Radstock Coal Field, I have seen gradations in form, from the typical acute pinnules to others truly cyclopteroid on the same pinna, and I have also observed similar differences in the shape of the pinnules situated on the main axis of this species ; hence outline is of no specific value in dealing with isolated pinnules of this kind. I believe that Cydopteris dilatata, Cydopteris oblata, and Cydopteris obliqua are all referable to Neuropteris heterophylla. Grand 'Eury mentions that he finds Cydopteris oblata, L. and H., to be only the pinnule of a Neuropteris, but he does not state to which species it was united.* In indifferently preserved cyclopteroid pinnules the finer veins are not shown, and the stronger veins only being preserved give the pinnule a different aspect ; but many specimens which at first sight appear to differ in this manner from Cydopteris trichomanoides have on more careful exami- nation been shown to' belong to this species, as at certain better preserved parts of the specimen, especially near the margin, the smaller veins were shown. To this class belongs, I believe, Cydopteris orbicularis, Brongt., the chief character between which and Cydopteris trichomanoides (irrespective of form, which we know varies in these pinnules, depending on their position on the fern), being its much less numerous and more distant veins. The type of Brongniart's Cydopteris orbicularis (Hist. d. Veget. Foss. pi. xli. fig. 2) is in the Oxford Museum, and Professor Moseley has kindly furnished me with the following particulars regarding itf : " The outline of the margin of the pinnule shown in the figure is purely imaginary, the margin not being included at all within the pebble, or if preserved anywhere, only exactly coinciding with the pebble's surface. The veins towards the margin are much more numerous than represented to be in the figure." He further states that in a given space on the margin of the figure only 13 or 14 veins are represented, whereas in a corresponding interval on the fossil he counted 49. Hence Cydopteris orbicularis, Brongt. (loc. cit. pi. Ixi. fig. 2), is evidently the same as his Cydopteris trichomanoides. As to the other figure of Cydopteris orbicularis, given by Brongniart, of course I cannot speak, but think it is most probably a condition of Cydopteris tricho- manoides, where the finer veins have disappeared. Again, many of these pinnules occurring in ironstone nodules do not appear to be preserved in their entirety : hence we find in different examples a varying number of veins in a given marginal space, the number very much depending on whether we have the real margin of the pinnule before us, or an apparent one. As the veins repeatedly bifurcate, they become more numerous as they recede from the base of the pinnule : thus many examples which appear * Flore Carbon, du Dgp. de la Loire, p. 379. t In letter, dated 17th August, 1883. CARBONIFEROUS. 91 to have fewer veins at their margin are in reality only imperfect specimens, whose apparent margin may only represent a position somewhere between the base and the true margin of the pinnule. This remark is more applicable to specimens found in ironstone nodules, such as occur in South Staffordshire and at Coalbrook Dale. Cyclopteris semiflabelliformis, Morris, is half of an ordinary pinnule of Cyclopteris trichomanoides which has been split in two. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Durham : Jarrow Colliery. Lanarkshire : Chapel Hall, Airdrie ; Carluke (Presented by the British Association). Lancashire : near Manchester. Northumberland : Felling Colliery, Newcastle- on-Tyne. Shropshire: Coalbrook Dale. Stafford- shire : Coseley, near Dudley ; Himley, near Dudley ; Tipton, near Dudley ; Netherton, near Dudley. Worcestershire : Bewdley Forest. Yorkshire : Ironstone Pits, near Wentworth Castle. Foreign. Bohemia. Switzerland : Col d'Anterne, Chamounix (Presented by A. Wills, Esq.). Neuropteris rarinervis, Bunbury. Neuropteris rarinervis. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 425, pi. xxii. 1847, vol. xiv. p. 248. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 482, 1868. Geol. Survey, Canada, Eeports, 1874-5, p. 196. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 154, vol. xxx. p. 216. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, pp. 36 and 38. Canadian Nat. voL viii. p. 443. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, pp. 16 and 20. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 109, pi. xv. figs. 2-5. Reports Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 428, pi. xxxiii figs. 1-5, pi. xxxiv. fig. i. ; vol. iv. p. 386, pi. viii. figs. 1-6. Geol. Survey of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 859. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 440, vol. iii. p. 475. White, State of Indiana, 2nd Ann. Eeport, Dep. Statistics and Geol. 1880, p. 520, pi. x. figs. 1, 2, 3. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. GeoL France, 3* s6r. voL xii. p. 197. Neuropteris coriacea. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 387, pi. viii. figs. 7, 8. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. Ill, pi. xviii. fig. 6. Schimper, Traite" d. Pal6ont. Veg6t. vol. iii. p. 475. Neuropteris Desorii. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 859, pi. v. figs. 11, 12, and pi. xx. figs. 5-8. Report, GeoL Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 430. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. vi. p. 418. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 112, pi. xiv figs. 1-7, pi. xv. fig. 1. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paltjont Vege't. vol. i. p. 447. Jfixoneura Desori. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxii. p. 865. / Neuropteris tenuifolia. Lebour, Illustrations of Fossil Plants, p. 25, pi. xii. / Neuropteris orientalis. Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 16, pi. i. fig. 1, 1876. 92 FOSSIL PLANTS. Remarks. The fern identified as N. attenuate/,, by Boulay (Terr. Houil. de Nord. de la France, p. 30), is, according to Zeiller, referable to this species (Bull. Soc. G6ol. France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 197, 1884). Neuropteris tenuifolia, Lebour, is also probably Neuropteris rarinervis, but the details of the nervation are not indicated with sufficient clearness in the plate to enable one satisfactorily to settle this point. The general character of the plant, however, points to its being N. rarinervis, Bunbury. Neuropteris orientalis, Ludwig, seems very closely related to N. rarinervis, if really distinct. Some exquisite specimens of Neuropteris rarinervis, Bunbury, from Rhymney, South Wales, show that Neuropteris coriacea, Lesquereux, and N. Desorii, Lesquereux, are merely different parts of N. rarinervis. Schimper* has thrown out the suggestion that N. coriacea was, perhaps, only an inferior pinna of N. rarinervis, and this, from an examination of the Rhymney examples, is proved to be the case. The figures of N. Desorii, given by Lesquereux in the Coal Flora, do not appear to differ from N. rarinervis and N. coriacea. In the figure of N. Desorii (Coal Flora, pi. xiv. fig. 2), there are some portions identical with the figures of N. rarinervis and N. coriacea, and the chief character by which N. Desorii is distinguished from N. rarinervis lies in its more " coriaceous texture, and its surface being opaque not shining," as in N. rarinervis. These differences are evidently due to changes which have taken place during mineralisation. In the Rhymney specimens, the largest of which is fourteen inches long and gives off primary pinnae about five inches apart, all the forms of pinnules, which Lesquereux has mentioned as occurring in his N. coriacea and N. Desorii, can be seen. The specimen of N. rarinervis from Staffordshire, which is identical in all respects with typical plants of that species, has a much more solid texture than the Rhymney examples ; but these latter have undergone immersion before fossilisation, as shown by numerous small Spirorbis attached to the pinnules. This immersion, though it has not destroyed the form or outline of the pinnules, has apparently produced a more delicate texture than is exhibited by specimens which have been embedded without subjection to the same conditions. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Shropshire : Madeley Court (Presented by H. Pearce, Esq.). South Wales : " Big Coal Vein," Rhymney (Presented by Coles Child, Esq.). Neuropteris gigantea, Sternberg. Neuropteris gigantea. Andrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 169. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 54. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 240, pi. Ixix. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 810. Bunbury (var.) Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. p. 86, vol. iii. p. 425, vol. xiv. p. 247. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 482, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 155. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 443. Foss. Plants of Lower Garb. Canada, p. 38. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Stradonitz, p. 10. Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 32. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 595 and 597. Jahrb.d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 293, 298, and 303. * Traitg d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 475. CARBONIFEROUS. 93 Feistmantel, Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 79. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 22, pi. xxviii. fig. 1. Gaea v Sachsen, p. 78. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 32. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 196. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 119. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzkohl. p. 59, pi. vi. fig. 11. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 22, pi. iv. figs. 4, 5, 6, pi. v. fig. 1. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 858. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. 1, pi. lii. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Portlock, Geol. of Londonderry, p. 603. Eenault, Cours. d. Botan. Foss. pp. 34 and 169, pi. xxix. fig. 12, 1883. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 36, pi. xx. fig. 6. Homer, Palaeontographica, 1862, vol. ix. p. 27. Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxxi. figs. 3, 4, pi. xxxiii. fig. 1 . Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. V6g6t. vol. i. p. 436. Sternberg, Vers. i. fas. 4, p. xvi. Vers. ii. p. 72. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. linger, Syriop. Plant. Foss. p. 45. Genera et Species, p. 78. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 76. Zeiller, Vege"t. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 50. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 196. Osmunda gigantea. Sternberg, Vers. i. fas. 2, pp. 33 and 36, pi. xxii. Neuropteris Martini. Bronn (in part), Index Palseont. p. 811. Goppert (in part), Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 208. Unger (in part), Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 50. (in part), Genera et Species, p. 87. Neuropteris flexuosa. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxxii. figs. 1, '2. Filicites linguarius. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 57, pi. ii. fig. 25. Petrefactenkunde, p. 411. Lithosmunda minor. Luid, Lith. Brit. Ichno. p. 12, pi. iv. fig. 189, 1760. Phytolithus osmundce regalis. Martin, Petrificata Derbiensia, pi. xix. fig. 2 (1 fig. 1). Neuropteris. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xiv. p. 243, fig. a b. Horizon. Coed Measures. Localities. British. Northumberland : Felling Colliery, Newcastle-on- Tyne. Shropshire : Coalbrook Dale ; Madeley Court (Presented by H. Pearce, Esq.). Stafford- shire : near Dudley. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. South Wales : " Big Coal Vein," Ehymney (Presented by Coles Child, Esq.). Neuropteris flexuosa, Sternberg. Neuropteris flexuosa. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 53. Hist. d. Veg6t. Foss. p. 239, pi. Ixviii. fig. 2, pi. Ixv. figs. 2, 3. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 810. 94 FOSSIL PLANTS. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 425, vol. xiv. p. 248. Dawson, Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 482, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 155, vol. xxx. p. 216, pi. iv. fig. 12, pi. vii. figs. 7 and 10. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 443. Geol. Survey Canada, Reports 1874-5, pp. 192 and 196. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 32. Feistmantel, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 301. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 286, pi. Ixv. figs. 5, 6. Zeitsch d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 597. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager, p. 79. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, pp. 12, 16, 17, 20, 49. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 32. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto Serra do Bussaco, p. 8. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 196 (excl. ref. Trans. Geol. Soc.). Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 99. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du De"p. de la Loire, p. 119. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 56, pi. vi. fig. 12, and pi. vii. figs. 1, 2, 5, 7(?10, 11, 12, 13). Heer (in part], Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 20. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 858. Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 428. Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1876, p. 14. Newberry, Expl. Exped. from Santa Fe, p. 18. Renault, Cours de Botan. Foss. p. 169, pi. xxix. figs. 10, 11, 1883. Roehl, Fos. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 35, pi. xii. fig. 3 a , pi. xv. tigs. 3 and 10 (pi. iv. fig. 1 ?). Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 27, pi. viii. fig. 6, 1862. Rost, De FiL Eotypis. p. 23. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Vege"t. vol. i. p. 434, pi. xxx. figs. 12, 13. Sternberg, Yers. i. fasc. iv. p. xvi., ii. p. 71. ; Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 142, 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 45. Genera et Species, p. 78. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 51. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e se"r. vol. xii. p. 196. Neuropteris plicata. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 54. Hist. d. Ve"ge"t. Foss. p. 248. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 811. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 17. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 32. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 201. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 428. Geol. of Pennsyl, vol. ii. p. 857. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 96, pi. x. figs. 1-4. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 38 (excl. figs.). Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. xvi., Vers. ii. p. 74, pi. xix. fig. 1 and 3. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 47. Genera et Species, p. 82. Osmunda gigantea, var. jS. Sternberg, Vers. i. pp. 36 and 39, pi. xxxii. fig. 2. Remarks -Iv my visits to the Radstock Coal Field, at one of the localities (Camerton) given by Brongniart for this species, I have been successful in collecting specimens of Neuropteris flexuosa, and had an opportunity of CARBONIFEROUS. 95 examining others in the collections of the Bath Museum and J. McMurtrie, Esq., F.G.S., Eadstock. From the examination of these fossils, I am unable to find any point by which N. flexuosa and N. plicata can be separated. Some of the examples are identical with the figure of N. plicata, given by Lesquereux (Coal Flora of Pennsyl. pi. x. fig. 1). Only one of Sternberg's figures of N. plicata shows the terminal pinnule, which is smaller than those occurring on most of the specimens of N. flexuosa, but this alone does not seem to me to be of specific importance. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Durham. South Wales : " Big Coal Vein," Rhymney (Presented by Coles Child, Esq.). Foreign. Bohemia. Savoy : Col de Balme, Alps (Presented by Sir P. G. Egerton, Trustee, Brit. Mus.). Saxony : Zwickau. Switzerland : Col d'Anterne, Chamounix (Presented by A. Wills, Esq.). United States : Murphysborough, Illinois ; Wilkesbarre, Pennsyl- vania. Neuropteris Leberti, Heer. Neuropteris Leberti. Heer, Urwelt d. Schweiz. p. 12, fig. 10. Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 22, pi. ii. figs. 8-10, pi. iii. fig. 9. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 442. Remarks. This species seems closely related to Neuropteris (Otopteris] undulata, Sauveur (Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxix. fig. 1). Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Switzerland : Col d'Anterne, Chamounix (Presented by A. Wills, Esq.). Neuropteris Scheuchzeri, Hoffmann. Neuropteris Scheuchzeri. ? Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 231, pi. Ixiii. fig. 5. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto Serra do Bussaco, p. 7. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 51 (excl. figs.). 1 Kimball, Flora from the Appalachian Coal Field, p. 9, pi. i. fig. 1, 1857. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p 434. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 70. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 43. Genera et Species, p. 74. Zeiller (in part), Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 6. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 198. ? Neuropteris angustifolia. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veg6t. Foss. p. 231, pi. Ixiv. figs. 3, 4. Broun, Index Palseont. p. 810. Ettingshauseu, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 32. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohrn. Kohlenabl. p. 287, pi. Ixvi. fig. 5 ('(). Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 301. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 1 7. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 139, pi. xxvii. fig. 9. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 31. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 193. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 89. pi. viii. figs. 3, 6, 8, 10, 11 (excl. fig. 2.) Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 466. 96 FOSSIL PLANTS. Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 13, 1876. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. pi. xiv. fig. 7. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 70. linger, Syuop. Plant. Foss. p. 43. Genera et Species, p. 75. ? Neuropteris acutifolia. Andrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 169. Brongniart, Hist. d. Ve'ge't. Foss. p. 231, pi. Ixiv. figs. 6, 7. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 810. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 482, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 155. ., Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 443. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 32, pi. xviii. fig. 5. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 595, 597. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 286, pi. Ixvi. fig. 4 ? Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 81. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292, 298, and 301. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, pp. 16 and 20. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 22 (? pi. xxvii. fig. 8). Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 31. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto Serra do Bussaco, p. 8. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 193. Die Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief. i. u. ii. p. 5. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzkohl. p. 52 (? pi. vii. fig. 6). Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 12, 1876. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 34, pi. xii. fig. 4, pi. xv. fig. 4. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 27 (? pi. vi. fig. 3). Schimper, Trait6 d. Pal6ont. Veget. vol. i. p. 433 (excl. N. cordata, Bunbury). Sternburg, Vers. ii. p. 70, pi. xix. fig. 4. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142. Unger, Synop. Plant Foss. p. 44. Genera et Species, p. 75. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 76. Neuropteris heterophylla. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. clxxxiii. Neuropteris cordata, var. angustifolia. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 424. Neuropteris Clarksoni. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 857, pi. vi. figs. 1-4. Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 428. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 94, pi. ix. figs. 1-6. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont. Veg6t, vol. i. p. 446. Neuropteris atwmala. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 118, pi. vii. fig. 1. Osmunda. Scheuchzer, Herb. Diluv. p. 48, pi. x. fig. 3. ? Phyllites mineralis. Luid, Lith. Brit. Ichno. p. 12, pi. v. fig. 190. Remarks.-Neuropteris heterophylla, L. and H. (Foss. Flora, pi. clxxxiii.). Ihis figure, judging from the pinnules on the right side of the rachis, is CARBONIFEROUS. 97 probably referable to Neuropteris Scheuchzeri, Hoffm. It is certainly not Neuropteris heterophylla, Bronguiart. Neuropteris Scheuchzeri, Hoffm., is extremely dimorphic in the form of its pinnules ; on the same example are found some pinnules similar in form to Neuropteris angustifolia, Brongt., and others agreeing with Neuropteris acuti- folia of the same author. In the notes appended to N. heterophylla (ante, p. 89) I have already referred to a specimen on which the pinnules showed gradations in form, from lanceolate to cyclopteroid on the same pinna. On another example, also from near Radstock, the pinnules on the left side of the rachis agree with Neuropteris Scheuchzeri, whilst those on the right of the rachis have all the essential characters of Neuropteris auriculata. I am therefore inclined to conclude that Neuropteris auriculata will eventually require to be given up as a distinct species. In the Radstock Coal Field Neuropteris Scheuchzeri occurs in an exquisite state of preservation, not only as regards the minute details of the nervation of the pinnules, but in having yielded several large specimens with the pinnules shown in situ, and it is from evidence afforded by these examples that I have come to the conclusion that Neuropteris auriculata may be only a portion of a frond of Neuropteris Scheuchzeri. The plant figured as Neuropteris angustifolia, by Lesquereux (Coal Flora of Pennsyl. pi. viii. fig. 2), belongs, I think, to Neuropteris cordata, L. and H. (? Brongt.), (= Neuropteris hirsuta, Lesq.), and not to this species. Two small cyclopteroid pinnules, situated at the base of the large terminal pinnule, is a character of Neuropteris cordata, but notwithstanding the many fine examples of Neuropteris Scheuchzeri which I have examined, similarly placed small cyclopteroid pinnules have not been once observed in this last- mentioned species. From the occurrence of these small cyclopteroid pinnules on Gutbier's figure of Neuropteris acutifolia, which has been copied by Geinitz, I am rather inclined to think that Gutbier's plant is not referable to this species, but belongs to Neuropteris cordata. On this point, however, I cannot speak definitely. Neuropteris Clarksoni, Lesq., and Neuropteris anomala, Lesq., appear to be indistinguishable from certain portions of the Radstock specimens of Neurop- teris Scheuchzeri. Neuropteris auriculata, Heer (Flora Foss. Helv. pi. iii. fig. 10, and pi. iv. figs. 18-21), is probably referable to Neuropteris Scheuchzeri, even if Neurop- teris auriculata is regarded as a true species. My friend M. Zeiller unites with Neuropteris Scheuchzeri, Neuropteris cordata, L. and H. (? Brongt.), (=Neuropteris hirsuta, Lesq.), Neuropteris angustifolia, and Neuropteris acutifolia, Brongt.* Neuropteris cordata, L. and H. (? Brongt.), occurs at Radstock along with the plant I have identified as Neuropteris Scheuchzeri, Hoffm., with which last-mentioned species I regard, as perhaps synonymous, Neuropteris angus- tifolia, Brongt., and Neuropteris acutifolia, Brongt. If the plant I have named Neuropteris Scheuchzeri, which appears to agree in all particulars with Scheuchzer's figure (Herb. Diluv. pi. x. fig. 3), is correctly identified, it seems impossible to unite with it Neuropteris cordata, L. and H. (? Brongt.), there being several well-marked characters by which they are separable. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities British. Somersetshire : Radstock. Worcestershire : Bewdley. Foreign. Saxony : Zwickau. * Flore Houi!. des. Asturies, pp. 6-10. 98 FOSSIL PLANTS. Neuropteris cordata, Lindley and Hutton, (? Brongniart). Neuropteris cordata. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord. de la France, p. 29. Brongniart, Hist. d. V6get. Foss. p. 229, pi. xliv. fig. 5. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 810. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. p. 86, vol. iii. p. 423, pi. xxi. fig. 1 a-/, 1847. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 482, fig. 1666, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 154 ; vol. xxx. p. 216. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 443. Geol. Survey, Canada, Eeports 1874-5, p. 192. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 38. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 52. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 31. Gomes, Flore Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto Serra do Bussaco, p. 7. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 100, pi. xi. figs. 1, 2. Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 192. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 119. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 19. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 91. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xli. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 173,, 1883. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 33, pi. xiii. fig. 6. Schiinper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 432. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 70. Stur, Verh. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. 1874, pp. 303, 304 ; 1884, p. 141. linger, Neues Jarhbuch, 1842, p. 608. Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 43. Genera et Species, p. 74. Neuropteris hirsuta. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, pp. 16, 17, 20 and 47, pi. viii. figs. 7, 8. Lesquereux, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. vi. p. 417, 1857. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 857, pi. iii. fig. 6 ; pi. iv. figs. 1-16 (syn. in part). Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 427, pi. xxxv. tigs. 6-10 ; vol. iv. p. 380. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 88, pi. viii. figs. 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12. Newberry, Explor. Exped. from Santa Fe, p. 18. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 445. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxii. p. 869, 1870. White, State of Indiana : 2nd Ann. Eept. Dept. of Statistics and Geol. 1880, p. 520, pi. ix. figs. 1-3. Neuropteris dictyopteroides. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 49, pi. viii. figs. 3-5. Neuropteris squarrosa. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Stradonitz, p. 10, pi. vi. fig. 3. Neuropteris. Hitchcock, Final Eept. Geol. of Massachusetts, vol. ii. p. 542, pi. xxi. ng. 1 (upper part). Dictyopteris tieuropteroides. Audrae, Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 170. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 598. Steink. u. Perm.-Ablager, p. 81. CARBONIFEROUS. 99 Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 37 (? pi. vii. fig. 9). Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 23, pi. xxviii. fig. 6. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 120. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 49, pi. xiv. fig. 6. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 618. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westpli. 1868 p. 83. Dictyopteris cordata. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 50. pi. xv. fig. 6 ; pi. xxi. fig. 76. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 30, pi. vi. fig. 4, 1862. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 619 ; vol. iii. p. 515. Dictyopteris Scheuchzeri. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 30, pi. ix. fig. 1, 1862. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleout. Veg6t. vol. i. p. 619 ; vol. iii. p. 515. Neuropteris angustifolia. Lesquereux (? in part\ Coal Flora of Pennsyl. pi. viii. fig. 2. Remarks. The surface of the pinnules in Neuropteris cordata often bears very many short stiff hairs, though in some cases only a few are present. When these hairs are numerous and pressed down on the surface of the pinnule obliquely to the nerves, they give the fern a dictyopteroid appearance, which has caused this species to be described as a Dictyopteris by several authors. In well preserved examples, these little bristles can easily be distinguished from the veins. Neuropteris cordata is not uncommon at Radstock, Rhymney, and Leebotwood. The specimens from which Lindley and Hutton's figures of Neuropteris cordata were taken seem to be lost, but in the Museum of the Geological Society of London are examples from the same locality (Leebotwood) as that from which Lindley and Huttou's plants were collected. These agree with the plate in the Fossil Flora with this addition, that they clearly show the hirsute character of the species, which seemingly has escaped the notice of the writers of the Fossil Flora. That Neuropteris hirsuta, Lesquereux, is the same plant as Neuropteris cordata, L. and H. (? Brongt.), is an irresistible conclusion. Bunbury in 1847 pointed out the hirsute nature of Neuropteris cordata* figure as a reference to Neuropteris angustifolia, which he treats as specifically distinct from his Neuropteris hirsuta. Although I have placed Neuropteris angustifolia and Neuropteris acutifolia under Neuropteris Scheuchzeri, I do so with considerable hesitation, as it is possible that these two species may eventually require to be placed here ; for Zeiller, who has examined Brongniart's types of these two ferns, states that they show clearly small hairs on their surface. This being so, possibly Neu- ropteris angustifolia and Neuroptens acutifolia may belong to Neuropteris cordata, but the last-named species cannot be united with Neuropteris Scheuchzeri, Hoffra., as has been done by Zeiller. Neuropteris decipiens, Lesquereux (Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 93), is very doubtfully distinct from Neuropteris cordata. Of the figures of Neuropteris angustifolia given by Lesquereux, that in the Coal Flora (pi. viii. fig. 2) is evidently referable to Neuropteris cordata, Probably his other figures of Neuropteris angustifolia may also belong to the same species. Further notes regarding Neuropteris cordata will be found in the remarks appended to Neuropteris Scheuchzeri. Horizon. Coal Measures. * Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 4f 3 100 FOSSIL PLANTS. Localities. British. Shropshire : Madeley Court (Presented by H. Pearce, Esq.). Somersetshire : Camerton. Staffordshire : Sandwell Park, Trial Boring, West Bromwich. Wales : "Big Coal Vein," Ehymney (Presented by Coles Child, Esq.). Worcestershire : Bewdley. Foreign. Bohemia. United States : Mazon Creek, Grundy Co., Illinois. Neuropteris Villiersii, Brongniart. Neuropteris Villiersii. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 125. Brongniart, Hist. d. V6get. Foss. p. 233, pi. Ixiv. fig. 1. Prodrome, p. 53. ? Fischer, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1840, p. 238. Geiuitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 77. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 33. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 858. Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 428. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 22. Cydopteris Villiersii. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 377. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 66. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 56. Genera et Species, p. 99. Adiantites Villiersii. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 225. Villiersii. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxii. p. 874. Neuropteris auriculata. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Nattifwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 125. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 236, pi. Ixvi. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 482, 1868. Geol. Survey; Canada, Eeports, pp. 192 and 196, 1874-5. Quart. Jourti. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 155 ; vol. xxx. p. 216. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 444. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 38. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 597. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 287, pi. Ixvii. fig. 1. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 50. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. ,, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 77. Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 21, pi. xxvii. figs. 4-7. Germar, Vers. d. Wettin u. Lb'bejun, p. 9, fasc. i. pi. iv. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 33. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 10. Goppert (in part), Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 98. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 119. Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1876, p. 14. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 173, pi. xxix. fig. 13, 1883. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 22. Schimper, Trait6 d. Pal6ont. V6g6t. vol. i. p. 443. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 76. Foss. Flora d. jung, Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 26. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 52. CARBONIFEROUS. 101 Cylopteris auriculata. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 376. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 34. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 49, pi. vi. figs. 8 and 13. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 45, pi. xiv. fig. 12. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 26, 1862. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 66, pi. xxii. fig. 6. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. p. 142. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 55. Genera et Species, p. 99. Adiantites auriculatus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 224. Neuropteris obtusifolia. Rost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 23. Neuropteris ingens. ? Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 425, 1847. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 481, 1868. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 442. Foss. Plants Lower Garb. Canada, p. 36. Qiiart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 154. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. xci a. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 137. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 50. Genera et Species, p. 87. Filicites osmundce. Artis, Antedil. Phytol. pi. vii. Remarks. See notes appended to Neuropteris Scheuchzeri. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Shropshire : Coalbrook Dale. Worcestershire, near Dudley. (?) Neuropteris verbenaefolia, Lesquereux. Neuropteris verbencefolia. rvey o fig. 1 ; vol. iv. p. 385, pi. vi. figs. 5, 6. Coal Flora of Peimsyl. p. 120, pi. xviii. figs. 1, 2. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 476. Remarks. The specimen shows a pinnule about 2j inches long, attached to a rachis inch broad. It is not well preserved, but one of the margins of the pinnule is serrated as described by Lesquereux. The imperfect preservation of the fossil prohibits a satisfactory determination of the species. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. United States : Mount Carbon, Pennsylvania. Neuropteris Elrodi, Lesquereux. Neuropteris Elrodi. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 107, pi. xiii. fig. 4. Remarks. The specimens I have referred to this species are not very large, but appear to agree with Lesquereux's figure and description. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Staffordshire, near Dudley. 102 FOSSIL PLANTS. (?) Neuropteris attenuata, Lindley and Hutton. Neuropteris attenuata. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 810. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 482, 1868. Quart. Jo urn. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 155. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 443. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. clxxiv. Schimper, Traite d. Pateont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 472. Sphenopteris attenuata. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 377. Remarks. The specimen I place here does not well show the details of the nervation or the mode of attachment of the pinnules to the rachis, but in general outline it agrees pretty well with Lindley and Hutton's figure. Some time ago, when I saw the type of this species, I felt more inclined to regard it as a Pecopteris allied to Pecopteris Bucklandi than as a Neuropteris. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. (?) British. Somersetshire : Eadstock Coal Field. Neuropteris lacerata, Heer, sp. Cyclopteris lacerata. ' Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 17, pi. vi. fig. 17. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 185, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Ve"ge"t. vol. i. p. 421. Remarks. Neuropteris Jimbriata, Lesquereux (Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 81, pi. v. figs. 1-6), appears to be very closely related to this species. The only stated difference between the two fossils lies in the veins of N. fimbriata, Lesq., not being so "dense" as those of N. lacerata, Heer, sp. This dif- ference may have been produced during fossilisation, or may be due to pecu- liarities of the matrix in which the specimens are preserved. Cyclopteris ciliata, Heer (Flora Foss. Helv. p. 17, pi. vi. fig. 24), is closely related to his Cyclopteris lacerata. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Switzerland : Col d'Auterne, Chamounix. (Presented by Alfred Wills, Esq.) (?) Neuropteris Germari, Goppert, sp. Neuropteris Germari. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 113, pi. xviii. figs. 3-5. Cyclopteris Germari. Lesquereux, Geol. of Peunsyl. vol. ii. p. 856, pi. v. fig. 5. Host (in part), De Fil. Ectypis, p. 19. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 54. Genera et Species, p. 96. Adiantites Germari. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 218. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 426. FUicites crispus. Germar and Kaulfuss, Verh. d. k. Leop. Carol. Akad. vol. xv. part ii. p. 229, pi. Ixvi. fig. 6. Schizopteris flabellata. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 112 (? excl. syn. Gutbier). Unger, Genera et Species, p. 105 (? excl. syn. Gutbier). Remarks^- Among the specimens from the Forest of Wyre is one which agrees with the description of FUicites crispus, Germar and Kaulfuss. Les- CARBONIFEROUS. 103 quereux describes some very similar plants under the name of Neuropteris Ge Geinitz (Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p 20, pi. xxvi. figs. 3-5) figures certain fossils very similar to the plant described by Germar and Kaulfuss, which he believed to be identical with it. These he unites with Odontopteris Reichiana, and in this view he is followed by Weiss (Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Bothl. p. 32). The nervation in Geinitz's figures appears finer than in the figure given by Germar and Kaulfuss, with which latter the specimen from the Forest, of Wyre agrees. Although I have provisionally treated this fossil as a separate species, it is quite possible, notwithstanding the apparent difference in the coarser nerva- tion of Germar and Kaulfuss's Filicites crispus from the figures of Odontop- teris Reichiana given by Geinitz, that it may belong to that species. Odontop- teris Reichiana also occurs at the Forest of Wyre. It is a little doubtful if, as supposed by some authors, Gutbier's Fucoides dentatus (Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. pi. 1, figs. 1, 2, and 4) is to be referred to this species. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. DICTYOPTERIS, Gutbier, 1835. Abdriicke nnd Versteinerungen des Zwickauer Schwarzkohlengebirges. p. 62. Dictyopteris Brongniarti, Gutbier. Dictyopteris Brongniarti. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 423. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 595, 598. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292, 301. Steink. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 81. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 23, pi. xxviii. figs. 4, 5. Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 79. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 39 Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief, v.-vi. p. 87, pi. iii. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 120. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 63, pi. xi. figs. 7, 9, 10. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 176, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. 617. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 142, 143. Unger, Synqp. Plant. Foss. p. 58. Genera et Species, p. 106. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 83. Zeiller, Vege't. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 53. Dictyopteris obliqua. Bunbury, Quart. Journ.. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 427, pi. xxi. fig. 2. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 483, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 156. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 444. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Cai'b. Flora, p. 17. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 146, pi. xxiii. figs. 4-6. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 861. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steiuk. Form. Westph. p. 51, pi. iii. fig. 6. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 618. Linopteris Gutbieriana. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 167. 104 FOSSIL PLANTS. Remarks. Dictyopteris Brongniarti, Boulay (Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 35), is, according to Zeiller, Dictyopteris subbrongniarti, a closely allied species. Dictyopteris obliqua, Bunbury, is united here with D. Srongniarti, as I have failed to discover in his description or figures any character by which these two species can be separated. It is stated by Bunbury of his Dictyopteris obliqua, " Possibly it may be identical with D. Brongniarti, Gutbier, but as I have neither seen description or figure of that plant, I am obliged to describe the one before us as new." Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Gloucestershire : Forest of Dean. Foreign. Saxony : Zwickau. Silesia : Waldenburg. ODONTOPTERIDE.E. ODONTOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Yegetaux Fossiles, p. 34. Odontopteris Reichiana, Gutbier. Odontopteris Reichiana. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 838. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 598. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p? 20, pi. xxvi. figs. 3-Y. Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 79. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 35. Grand 'Eury. Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 112. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 65, pi. ix. figs. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, pi. x. fig. 13. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 180, 1883. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarz. p. 4. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 456. Sternberg, Yers. ii. p. ] 37. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 52. Genera et Species, p. 92. Weiss, Yerhandl. d. Natur. Yereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868. p. 77. Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 32, pi. i. figs. 3-9. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. d. Terr. Houil. de la France, p. 61, pi. clxvi. figs. 1, 2. Xenopteris Reichiana. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxii. p. 865. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 837. Feistmantel, Yers. d. Bohm. Kohlenabl. p. 290, pi. Ixvii. figs. 4, 5, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 301. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 79. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 35. Gutbier, Yers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 67, pi. x. fig. 12. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 138. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 52. Genera et Species, p. 93. Odontopteris dentata. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 838. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 79. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 35. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 68, pi. ix. fig. 4. CAEBON1FEEOUS. 105 Steinberg, Vers. ii. p. 138. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 52. Genera et Species, p. 93. Remarks. Odontopteris Reichiana, Eoehl (Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, pi. iv. fig. 2), does not belong to this species. Some of the figures given by Fontaine and White of their Odontopteris nervosa, Odontopteris densifolia, and Odontopteris pachyderma (Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, pi. x.), approach very closely to Gutbier's Odontopteris Reichiana, and are very doubtfully distinct from it. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Foreign. Bohemia : Stradonitz. Saxony : Zwickau. Odontopteris minor, Brongniart. Odontopteris minor. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 60. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 253, pi. Ixxvii. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 838. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 35. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 213. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 112. Eenault, Cours de Botan. Foss. p. 181, pi. xxx. fig. 11, 1883. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Vege't. vol. i. p. 445. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 79. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 51. Genera et Species, p. 89. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 62. Xenopteris minor. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxii. p. 865. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. Foreign. France : La Croizet, near St. Etienne. (Presented by M. C. Chantre). Moravia : Eossitz. Odontopteris osmundseformis, Schlotheim, sp. Odontopteris osmundceformis. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 182, pi. xxx. fig. 9, 1883. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 63. Odontopteris Schlotheimii. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 60. Hist. d. Ve"get. Foss. p. 256, pi. Ixxviii. fig. 5. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 838. Lethaea Geog. vol. i. part ii. p. 3, pi. vii. fig. 1. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 426, 1847. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 482, 1868. Geol. Survey, Canada, Eeports, p. 196, 1874-5. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 155 ; vol. xxx. p. 216. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 444. Foss. Plants Lower Garb. Canada, p. 38. Feistmantel, O., Steink. u. Perm.-Ablager, p. 81. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 292. K., Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 73. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 17. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 34. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, heft v. vi. p. 98, pi. vi. figs. 1-5. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 109, pi. xiv. figs. 2, 3. Syst. Fil. Foss, p. 213. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 117. jQg FOSSIL PLANTS. Guembel, Denk. d. k. Bayer. Botan. Gesell. vol. iv. p. 102, pi. viii. fig. 2. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 860. Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 391. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 136. pi. xx. figs. 1 , 2. . Schimper (in part), Traite d. Paleont. V6g6t. vol. i. p. 460; vol. in. p. 477 (excl. syn. 0. Britannica.) Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 79. linger, Syn op. Plant. Foss. p. 51. Weiss, Ver^andl dStuV^Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 34, pi. i. figs. 11-13. Xenopteris Schlotheimii. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxu. p. 865, pi. xxi. fig. 5. Filicites osmundceformis. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 33, pi. m. figs. 5, 6. Petrefactenkunde, p. 412. Filicites vesicularis. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. pp. xiii., xiv. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 59, pi. xiu. fig. 26. Petrefactenkunde, p. 413. Weissites vesicularis. Geinitz, Vers. d. Zechst. u. Eothl. p. 21, pi. viii. fig. 8 (?). Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 63. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. xiv. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 174. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 106. Genera et Species, p. 191. Neuropteris nummularia. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xvii. Odontopteris obtusiloba. ? Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. pi. xiv. figs. 6, 7. Odontopteris crassinervis. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form, p. 113, pi. xiv. figs. 11, 12. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Portugal. Odontopteris obtusa, Brongniart. Odontopteris obtusa. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 60. Hist. d. Veg6t. Foss. p. 255, pi. Ixxviii. figs. 3, 4. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 838. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 276. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 12. Goppert, Syst. Fil Foss. p. 214. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 182, pi. xxx. fig. 10, 1883. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 51. Genera et Species, p. 90. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 77. Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 36, pi. ii., iii., and vi. fig- 12. CARBONIFEROUS. 107 Mixoneura obtusa. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxii. p. 865. Zamites obtusus. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 199. Odontopteris obtusiloba. Feistmantel, O., Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 595. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 292. K., Hangendflotzzug, p. 74. Geinitz, Dyas, p. 137, pi. xxviii. figs. 1-4 ; xxix. figs. 1-4, 8-10. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 35. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 108, pi. xiv. figs. 4, 5 (excl. figs. 6, 7). Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 116. Giimbel, Denk. d. k. Bayer. Botan. Gesell. vol. iv. p. 101, pi. viii. fig. 1. Gutbier, Vers. d. Eothl. in Sachsen, p. 14, pi. viii. figs. 9-11. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 181, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont. Veget. vol. i. p. 458 (excl. syn. Giimbel, (0. Schlotheimii). Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 63. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. viii. p. 198. Odontopteris linguata. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 182, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 459. Neuropteris linguata. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief v. vi. p. 104, pi. viii. and ix. figs. 12, 13. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 98. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 81. Neuropteris subcrenulata. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines. Halle, 1850, p. 125. Germar, Vers. v. "Wettin u. Lobejun. p. 11, pi. v. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 31. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief. v. vi. p. 106, pi. viii. and ix. fig. 6. Host, De Fil. Ectypis. p. 22. Cyclopteris subcrenulata. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 56. Genera et Species, p. 99. Odontopteris Sternbergi. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief. v. vi. p. 99, pi. vii. fig. 1. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 109. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont. Veget. vol. i. p. 458. Odontopteris Stiehleriana. Goppert, Foss. Flora des Ubergangs. p. 157, pi. xiii. figs. 1, 2. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 108, pi. xiv. tigs. 8-10. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 461. Odontopteris appendiculata. Sauveur, V6get. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxxv. fig. 4. Tceniopteris Brardii. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 141. Cyclopteris exsculpta. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 116, pi. xiii. fig. 5. Neuropteris postcarbonica. Giimbel, Denk. d. k. Bayer. Botan. Gesell. vol. iv. p. 102, pi. viii. fig. 3. 108 FOSSIL PLANTS. ? Cyclopteris auriculata. Giimbel, Denk. d. k. Bayer. Bo tan. Gesell. vol. iv. p. 103, pi. viii. fig. 4. / Cyclopteris elongata. Gumbel, Denk. d. k. Bayer. Botan. Gesell. vol. iv. p. 103, pi. viii. fig. 6. / Cyclopteris neuropteroides. Gumbel, Denk. d. k. Bayer. Botan. Gesell. vol. iv. p. 103, pi. viii. fig. 5. Remarks. Odontopteris obtusa, Lindley and Hutton (Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xl.), is not Brongniart's plant of the same name, and has been distinguished from it by Sternberg as Odontopteris Lindleyana (Vers. ii. p. 78). Odontopteris obtusiloba, Eoehl (Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. pi. xvi. figs. 12-15), must also be excluded here, as his figures do not belong to this species, with the exception of the enlargement, fig. 13, which appears to be copied from Geinitz.* Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Ehenish Prussia : Saarbriick. Odontopteris Britannica, Gutbier. Odontopteris Britannica. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 30. Bronn, Index Palseont, p. 836. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 21, pi. xxvi. figs. 8-11. Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 79. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 35. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 68, pi. ix. figs. 8-11. Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 17 (? pi. i. fig. 3), 1876. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 41 (? pi. xx. figs. 4 and 12). Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarz. p. 2. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 138. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 52. Genera et Species, p. 93. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 45, pi. i. fig. 2. Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868 p. 77. Callipteris Britannica. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxii. p. 875. Weissites gemmceformis. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 85. Odontopteris connata. Eomer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 31, pi. viii. fig. 7, 1862. Odontopteris Schlotheimii. Schimper (in part], Traite d. Paleont. Ve"get. vol. i. p. 460. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Worcestershire : Tipton, near Dudley. * Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 43. CARBONIFEROUS. 109 PECOPTERIDE^E. MARIOPTERIS, Zeiller, 1879. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. vii. p. 92. Mariopteris muricata, Schlotheim, sp. Mariopteris muricata. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 71, pi. clxvii. fig. 5. Bull. Soc. G6ol. France, 3 e s6r. vol. vii. p. 92 ; vol. xii. p. 198. Ann. d. Sc. Nat. Botan. vol: xvii. pp. 12, 13. Pecopteris muricata. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 32. Brongniart, Hist, de Veget. Foss. p. 352, pi. xcv. figs. 3, 4 ; pi. xcvii. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief i. p. 33, pi. xv. fig. 3. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Sauveur, V6g6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xliii. fig. 1. Schimper, Traite d. Pal6ont. Veget. vol. i. p. 514. Alethopteris muricata. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 24. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 157. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 446. Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 242, 1868. ,, Foss. Plants Lower Garb. Canada, p. 38. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 43, pi. xiv. fig. 1. Geinitz, Neues JahrbUch, 1867, p. 277. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 51. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 16. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 313. Lesquereux, Geol. of Peunsyl. vol. ii. part ii. p. 865. Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 395. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form; Westph: p. 78, pi. xi. fig. 1. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 84. Genera et Species, p. 152. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preiiss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 82 (excl. syn. Sphenopteris latifolia, Brongt.). Sphenopteris muricata. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 281, pi. Ixv. fig. 3 (excl. syn. S. acutifolia). Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 75. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 597. Diplothmema muricatum. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Filicites muricatus. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, pp. 54, 55, pi. xii. figs. 21 and 23. Petrefactenkunde, p. 409. Pecopteris laciniata. Crepin, Bull. Soc. Roy. d. Botan. d. Belgique, 1881, vol. xx. part ii. p. 25. Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 59, pi. xxix. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. cxxii. Pseudopecopteris muricata. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 203, pi. xxxvii. fig. 2. Pecopteris incisa. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 59. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. xx ; Vers. ii. p. 156, pi. xxii. fig. 3. FOSSIL PLANTS. XIX. Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 39, pi. Neuropteris heterophylla. Lebour, Illustrations of Foss Plants, p. 29, pi. xiv. Neuropteroid frond ? Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 31, pi. xv. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Chapelhall, near Airdrie. Foreign. Bohemia. Rhenish Prussia : Aix-la-Chapelle. Silesia : Mariopteris nervosa, Brongniart, sp. Mariopteris nervosa. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 195, 1883. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 69, pi. clxvil. figs. 1-4 (? excl. syn. Pecopteris Sauveurii, Brongt.). Bull. Soc. G6ol. France, 3 ser. vol. vii. p. 92, pi. v., vol. xii. p. 198. Pecopteris nervosa. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 32. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 57 (excl. syns.). Hist. d. Veg6t. Foss. p. 297, pi. xciv. and xcv. figs. 1, 2. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol. iii. p. 429. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, pp. 12 and 17. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 80. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 33, pi. xv. figs. 1, 2. Kidston, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 547. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 442. Lindley and Hutton, Foss; Flora, vol. ii. pi. xciv. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2 ser. vol. v. p. 488. Schimper, Traite d. Pal6ont. Ve'ge't. vol. i. p. 513 (? excl. syn. P. Sauveurii, Brongt.). Alethop'teris nervosa. Bronn, Index Palseont, p. 24. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 242, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 157, vol. xxx. p; 216. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 446. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 38. Feistmantel, Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohmen, p. 13. Steiukohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 86. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 30, pi. xxxiii. figs. 2, 3. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 51. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 312. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. part ii. p. 865. Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 22, 1876. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 77, pi. xxxi. fig. 7. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 144. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 84. Genera et Species, p. 152. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1863 p. 82. Pseudopecopteris nervosa. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 197, pi. xxxvi. figs. 1-3. Diplothmema nervosum. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 194. CARBONIFEROUS. Ill Pecopteris subnervosa. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 61. Koehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 90, pi. xiii. fig. 5. Eomer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 36, pi. viii. fig. 11, 1862. Schimper, Traite d. Pal6ont. Veget. vol. i. p. 513. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p; 198. Callipteris subnervosa. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxii. p; 864. Alethopteris Lindleyana. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 23. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 145. Sphenopteris Newberryi. Lesquereux, Geol; of Pennsyl. vol. ii: part ii. p. 862, pi. ix. fig; 4. Pseudopecopteris Newberryi. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 202, pi. xxxvii. fig. 1. Sphenopteris acutifolia. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 39, pi. xiv. fig. 2. Sphenopteris latifolia, Brongt. var. Crepin, Bull. Soc. Eoy. d. Botan. de Belgique, vol. xx. part ii. p. 25, 1881. Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 63, pi. xxxi. Pecopteris serra ? Crepin, Bull. Soc. Eoy. de Botan. de Belgique, vol. xx. part ii. p. 24, 1881. Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 45, pi. xxii. Pecopteris (Alethopteris) aquilihd. Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 33. pi. xvi. Pecopteris (Alethopteris) marginata. Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 35, pi. xvii. Sphenopteris macilenta, var. Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 39, pi. xix. Remarks. I unite here Sphenopteris Newberryi, Lesquereux, as it does not appear to differ in any essential point from this species. Pecopteris nervosa, Unger (nou. Brongt.), (Anthracit-Lager in Karnthen, p. 787, pi. i, fig. 6), is altogether distinct from P. nervosa, Brongt., and is also excluded from this species. It appears to belong to the genus Odontop- teris. Mariopteris muricata and M. nervosa are closely related to each other, and there are cases in which it is difficult to decide as to which of these species some specimens should be referred. The beautiful example of Mariopteris {Alethopteris) nervosa figured by Eoehl also seems to suggest that these two species may merely represent specimens from different parts of a large frond. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Chapelhall, Airdrie. Lancashire : Old- ham ; Eavenhead. Northumberland : Felling Col- liery, near Newcastle-on-Tyne. Shropshire : Coal- brook Dale ; Madeley Court (Presented by H. Pearce, Esq.). Staffordshire (South) : Netherton. Worcestershire : Bewdley ; Forest of Wyre. York- shire : Stanley Main, near Normanton. Foreign. Ehenish Prussia : Aix-la-Chapelle. 112 FOSSIL PLANTS. Mariopteris latifolia, Brongniart, sp. Mariopteris latifolia. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 195, pi. xxi. figs. 16, 17, 1883. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. vii. p. 92, pi. vi ; vol. xii. p. 198. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 5. Sphenopteris latifolia. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 51. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 205, pi. Ivii. figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Bronn, Index Palseont. (in part), p. 1167. Bunbury, Amer. Journ. of Science, 2nd ser. vol. ii. p. 230, 1846. Dawson, Geol. Survey of Canada, Eeports, 1874-5, p. 196. Feistmantel, Zeitscb. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 597. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeicbsanst. vol. xxii. p. 300. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 44. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief. 3, 4, p. 74, pi. xiv. figs. 5, 6. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 17. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 863. Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 435. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 191, 1883. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westpb. p. 59, pi. xxxi. figs. 1, 2. Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xv. fig. i. pi. xviii. fig. 4. Schimper, Traite" d. Pale"ont. Ve'ge't. vol. i. p. 399. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 63 (excl. syns.). Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142. Unger, Synop. Plant. Fose. p. 67. Genera et Species, p. 123. Aspidites latifolia. Goppert (in part), Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 356. Pseudopecopteris latifolia. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 215, pi. liii. fig. 4. Diplothmema latifolium. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Remarks. An example from Carluke, which closely approaches Mariopteris (Sphenopteris) acuta, Brongniart, is here regarded as a varietal form of Mari- opteris latifolia, Brongt, sp. Mariopteris latifolia and Mariopteris acuta hold a similar relation to each other to that which I have mentioned as existino- between Mariopteris muricata, and Mariopteris nervosa. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Carluke. foreign. Silesia : Waldenburg. Mariopteris Loshii, Brongniart, sp. Pecopteris Loshii. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 33. Brongniart, Hist. d. V6ge"t. Foss. p. 355, pi. xcvi. fio- 6 Schimper, Traite d. Pal6ont. Veget. vol. i. p. 516. bternberg, Vers. ii. p. 148. Uuger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 103 ' 185. _ teris Loshii. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 51. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1169. CARBONIFEROUS. 113 Diplothmema Loshii. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 230. Remarks. This specimen, though nearly allied to Mariopteris acuta, Brongniart, sp., possesses more generally the characters of N. Loshii, Brongt., sp. It is quite possible that eventually Mariopteris (Sphenopteris) acuta, Brongt, sp., and M. Loshii, Brongt., sp., may both prove to be only varietal forms of M. latifolia, Brongt., sp. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Lanarkshire : Carluke. PECOPTERIDE^E. PECOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 33. Pecopteris arborescens, Schlotheim, sp. Pecopteris arborescens. Brongniait, Prodrome, p. 56. Hist. d. Veg6t. Foss. p. 310, pi. cii. pi. ciii. figs. 2, 3. Diet. Univer. d'Hist. Nat. vol. xiii. p. 74. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Stic. vol. ii. p. 86. Carruthers, Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1872, pt. ii. p. 99. Crepin, Bull. Soc. Eoy. Bot. de Belgique, vol. xx. pt. ii. p. 24. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd edit. p. 484, 1868. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 38, 1873. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohmis Ablager, p. 292, pi. Ixvii. fig. 6. Fontaine & "White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, pp. 6 and 62. Gerniar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 97, pis. xxxiv. xxxv. figs. (4 ?), 5, 6, 7. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 68, pi. viii. fig. 6. Gutbier, Die Vers. d. Kothl. in Sachsen, p. 16, pi. ii. fig. 9. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 867. Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 230, pi. xli. figs. 6, 7. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Col. vol. vii. p. 244, 1882. Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 442. Renault, Cours de Botan. Foss. vol. iii. p. 108, pi. xvii. figs. 1, 2, 2 bis, 3. RoehJ^ Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 84, pi. xxvi. fig. 3. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 35. Rost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 29. Schimper, Traite d. Palseont. Veget. vol. i. p. 499. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 147. Zeiller, Princip. Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 81, pi. clxix. fig. 4. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 12. Cyatheites arborescens. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 364. Ettingshausen, Steink. v. Radnitz, p. 43. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 24, pi. xxviii. figs. 7-11. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 53. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 321. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. p. 27, pi. viii. figs. 1-4. Sandberger. Flora d. Ober. Steink. in Badischen Schwarz. p. 2. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 87. Genera et Species, p. 157. Cyathocarpusarborescens. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jiing Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 84. I 14 FOSSIL PLANTS, Asterotheca arborescens. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 293. Scolecopteris arborescens. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, pp. 102 and 122, fig. 20a. Pecopteris arborea. Sternberg, Vers. fasc. iv. p. xviii. Filicites arborescens. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 41, pi. viii. figs. 13, 14. Petrefacten, p. 404. Pecopteris cyathea. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 56. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 307, pi. ci. figs. 1-3 (excl. fig. 4). ? Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 429. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 485, 1868. Foss. Plants of Lower Garb. Canada, p. 37, 1873. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 68, pi. viii. fig. 7. Renault, Cours. d. Botan. Foss. vol. iii. p. 108, pi. xvii. figs. 4, 5. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 25. Sauveur, Ve'ge't. Foss. du Ter. Houil. de la Belgique, pi. xxxix. fig. 2. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 149. Zeiller, Princip. Veg6t. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 81, pi. clxix. figs. 5, 6. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 12. Asterotheca cyathea. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2. p. 293, Filicites cyatheus. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 38, pi. vii. fig. 11. Petrefacten, p, 403. Scolecopteris cyathea. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 122. Pecopteris Schlotheimii. Grand 'Eury, Flore Garb, du D6p. de la Loire, p 69. Sternberg, Vers. fasc. iv. p. xviii. Ct/atheites Schlotheimii. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 365. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 53. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 320. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 120, pi. xv. fig. 1, pi. xvi figs. 1, 4. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 83. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 86. Genera et Species, p. 156. Pecopteris platyrachis. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 56. Hist. d. Ve"get. Foss. p. 312, pi. ciii. figs. 4 and 5. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 365. Pecopteris aspidioides. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 311, pi. cxii. fig. 2. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 403. Pecopteris leptorrhachis. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 916. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 58. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 98. Genera et Species, p. 175. CARBONIFEROUS. H5 Aspidites leptorrhachis. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 373, pi. xxiii. fig. 2. Pecopteris nodosa. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 917. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 58. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 233. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 27. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Vege~t. vol. i. p. 500. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 98. Genera et Species, p. 175. Aspidites nodosus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 372, pi. xxiii. fig. 1. Asplenites nodosus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 280, pi. xix. figs. 1-3. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 75. Genera et Species, p. 138. ta. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 915. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 57. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. 97. Genera et Species, p. 173. Schimper, Traite d. Pale"ont. Veg^t. vol. i. p. 543. Stejfensia decussata. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 123. Aspidites decussatus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 369, pi. xxvi. figs. 1, 2. Filicites affinis. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 43, pi. viii. fig. 14. Petrefactenkunde, p. 404. Remarks. The specimen from the Sandwell Park Boring agrees entirely with the description and figure of Asplenites nodosus given by Goppert. I regard it, however, as merely a badly-preserved specimen of Pecopteris arborescens in fructification. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Gloucestershire: Forest of Dean. Somersetshire: Ead- stock. Staffordshire : Sandwell Park Trial Boring, "West Bromwich. Foreign. Bohemia. France : St. Chaumont, Lyons ; Chazotte, St. Etienne (Presented by M. C. Chantre) ; Bourg d'Oisans. Germany : Ilmenau. Moravia : Rossitz ; Podutha. Piedmont : Colle di Balme (Presented by Sir Henry T. De la Beche). Prussia : Metzebach. Saxony : Wettin ; Zwickau. Switzerland : Cha- mouni. Tuscany : Yano (Presented by J. G. Pent- land, Esq.) United States : Illinois, Grundy Co. ; Pennsylvania. Pecopteris Candolliana, Brongniart. Pecopteris Candolliana. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 56. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 305, pi. c. fig. 1. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carbon. Flora, p. 20 and p. 63, pi. xx. fig. 1 (2, 3 1 ). Germar, Vers. v. "Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 108, pi. xxxviii. i 2 116 FOSSIL PLANTS. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 69, pi. viii. fig. 8. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 401. Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 243. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. vol. iii. p. 109, pi. xvii. figs. 7, 8, 8 bis. Rb'mer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 35. Rost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 25. Schimper, Traite de Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 500. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 148. Pecopteris Candollei. Zeiller, Princip. V6get. Foss. du Ter. Houil. p. 84. Cyatheites Candollianus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 364. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 24, pi. xxviii. figs. 12 13. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 53. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Fose. p. 321. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 119. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. p. 28, pi. viii. fig. 9. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 83, pi. xii. fig. 3 b. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 87. Genera et Species, p. 157. Cyathocarpus Candolleanus. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jting. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 85. Asterotheca Candolleana. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 293. Pecopteris lepidorachis. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 313, pi. ciii. fig. 1. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 442. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. vol. iii. p. Ill, pi. xviii. figs. 9, 10. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 149. Cyatheites lepidorrachis. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 364. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 53. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 302. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 87. Genera et Species, p. 157. Pecopteris affinis. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 306, pi. c. figs. 2, 3 (excl. syn.) Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. vol. iii. p. 109, pi. xvii. fig. 6. Pecopteris cyathea. Brongniart (in part), Hist. d. Veget. Foss. pi. ci. fig. 4. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 68, pi. viii. fig. 7. Pecopteris arborescens. ? Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, pi. xxxiv. fig. 4. Scolecopteris Candolleana. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Cuba u. Carbonfarne, p. 123. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. "Worcestershire : Forest of "Wyre. Foreign. Bohemia. France : St. Jean, Nimes ; Chazotte, St. Etienne (Presented by M. C. Chantre). Prussia : Saarbruck. Saxony : Wettin. Pecopteris pteroides, Brongniart. Pecopteris pteroides. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 57. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 329, pi. xcix. fig. 1. CARBONIFEROUS. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 20 and p. 67. Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 103, pi. xxxvi. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon du Dep. de la Loire, p. 75. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 441. Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 249. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. vol. iii. p. 118. Rost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 25. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Ve~get. vol. i. p. 508. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 148. Alethopteris pterodes. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd edit. p. 242, 1868. ? Geinitz, Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 28 (excl. figs.). Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 51. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 80. Sandberger, Flora d. Steink. im Badischen Schwarzk. pp. 3, 4, 5. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jiing. Steink u. d. Rothl. p. 91. Alethopteris Brongniartii. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 23. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 314. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 84. Genera et Species, p. 153. Scolecopteris pteroides. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 125. Remarks. The specimen of this fern in the Collection shows very clearly the characters of the species. The pinnules are free and slightly rounded at their base, the veins are very numerous, fine, and dichotomise twice. The midrib of the pinnule is well defined. In form the pinnules are oblong, and gradually narrowed towards their obtuse apex. None of the figures given by Geinitz* as Alethopteris pteroides belong to Brongniart's plant. This fact has already been pointed out by several authors. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British : near Bath, Somerset. Pecopteris Bucklandii, Brongniart. Pecopteris Bucklandii. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 56. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 319, pi. xcix. fig. 2. Dawson, Acadian GeoL 2nd. Ed. p. 485,, 1868. Fossil Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 37, 1873. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 20. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. 'de la Loire, p. 75. Lesqueraux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 401. Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 244. Lindley and Hutton, Fossil Flora, vol. iii. pi. ccxxiii. Renault, Cours de Bot. Foss. vol. iii. p. 117. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6g6t. vol. i. p. 504. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 156. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jiing. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 64. Zeiller, Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 15. Alethopteris Bucklandii. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 23. Goppert, Synop. Fil. Foss. p. 314. Roehl. Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 78. * Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, figs. 1-5. 118 -FOSSIL PLANTS. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 84. Genera et Species, p. 152. Scolecopteris Bucklandi. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 124. Pecopteris pseudo-bwklandi. Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 106, pi. xxxvii. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 35. Schimper, TraitS d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 504. Scolecopteris pseudo-bucklandi. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 125. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British : near Bath, Somersetshire. Pecopteris oreopteridia, Schlotheim, sp. Pecopteris oreopteridia. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 64. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 71. Kenault, Cours de Bot. Foss. vol. iii. p. 110, pi. xviii. figs. 5, 5 bis, pi. xix. figs. 7-12. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Vege"t. vol. i. p. 502. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 66. Zeiller, Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 12. Bui. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. viii. p. 198. Pecopteris oreopteridius. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 56. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 317, pi. civ. figs. 1, 2, pi. v. figs. 1, 2, 3. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 35. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 28. Pecopteris oreopteridis. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 442. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. part ii. p. 866. Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 238, pi. xli. fig. 8. Sternberg, Vers. i. p. xix. ii. p. 149, pi. xxii. fig. 4. Cyatheites oreopteridis. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 43, pi. xv. fig. 2. Feistmantel, Steink. v. Kralup in Bohmen, p. 23. Vers. d. Bohm. Ablager. p. 294. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 53. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 323. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 122. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 85. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 87. Genera et Species, p. 158. Cyatheites oreopteridius. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. p. 30, pi. viii. fig. 8. Filicites oreopteridius. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 36, pi. vi. fig. 9. Petrefactenkunde, p. 407. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 485, 1868. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, pp. 37, 38, 1873. Cyatheites oreopteroides. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 364. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 25, pi. xviii. fig. 14. CARBONIFEROUS. 119 A lethopteris oreopteridis. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 145. Pecopteris aspidioides. Sternberg, Vers. i. p. xx, pi. 1. fig, 5. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Gloucestershire : Forest of Dean. Shropshire : Madeley Court (Presented by H. Pearce, Esq.) Worcester- shire : Forest of Wyre. Somersetshire : Radstock. Foreign. Saxony : Zwickau. Pecopteris villosa, Brongniart. Pecopteris villosa. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 316, pi. xiv. fig. 3. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 485, 1868. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 37, 1873. Fontaine and White, Perm or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 16. Lesquereux, (?) Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 253. Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 442. Rbmer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 36. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 503. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 160. Zeiller, Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 12. Cyatheites villosus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 365. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkh. in Sachsen, p. 25, pi. xxix, figs. 6-8. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 323. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. p. 30. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 87. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 87. Genera et Species, p. 158. Danceites villosus. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 150. Remarks. It is very doubtful if Pecopteris villosa, Brongt. should be regarded as a species. In the type specimen no trace of the veins is shown, thus we are ignorant of one of the most important characters for comparing it with the other Pecopteroids, to which it very closely stands. I have latterly regarded it as only a condition of Pecopteris oreopteridia, from which in general outline it does not appear to differ. Zeiller,* although coming to no definite conclusion, thinks it may perhaps belong to Pecopteris abbreviata, as he has observed on specimens of that plant a similar villose character. In the meantime a provisional specific position has been accorded it, awaiting further data for the decision of its real place, whether specific or only varietal. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Yorkshire (?). Pecopteris polymorpha, Brongniart. Pecopteris polymorpha. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 56. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 331, pi. cxiii. (fig. 2 ?). 1 Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 429. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd edit. p. 485, 1868. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36, 1873. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 17. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 74, pi. viii. figs. 10, 1 1. * More Houil. des Asturies, p. 13. 120 FOSSIL PLANTS. Lesquereux, Eeport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 441, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 866. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. voL iii. p. 116, pi. xx. figs. 1-10. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 26. Schimper, Trait6 d. Pale"ont. Vege~t, vol. i. p. 506 (excl. syn. P. abbreviate/,). Zeiller, Princip. Ve"get. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 91, pi. clxix. figs. 1, 2, 3. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 15. Hawlea polymorpha. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 293. Scolecopteris polymorpha. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 107, fig. 21. Remarks. In the barren condition there are no satisfactory characters by which this and the two following species can be distinguished ; 'their similarity in this state is so great, that several authors have united them. In the fructifying condition, however, Pecopteris polymorpha, Brongt. is essentially, distinct from Pecopteris Miltoni, Artis, and Pecopteris abbreviata, Brongt. In all three species the fruit is placed in stellate groups of from three to five sporangia. In Pecopteris polymorpha the sporangia are produced upwards and end in a setaceous point, in the two other species they rise little above the surface of the pinnule. In Pecopteris abbreviata, according to Zeiller,* the sporangia cover the whole lower surface of the pinnule. In Pecopteris Miltoni, they form one row, placed about midway between the margin of the pinnule and the central vein. Zeiller gives as the distinguishing character of P. abbreviata, Brongt., from P. Miltoni, Artis, sp. ; that in the former the fruit covers the whole of the under surface of the pinnule, whereas in the latter it is marginal. In proof, he cites the original figure of Pecopteris Miltoni, Artis, sp., where the fruit is shown to be placed on the margins of the pinnules ; but this is an error of the draughtsman, for Artis, in speaking of his plant says, " the fructifications seated on the back of the leaves are not so closely seated on the margin as is expressed on the plate, neither is the rib so round as represented. "t There is in the Collection a very fine specimen of Pecopteris Miltoni, Artis, sp., in fruit, from the Forest of Wyre. The sporangia are large, and although the groups form only a single row, they occupy nearly the whole space between the midrib and the margin of the pinnule, so really they cover the whole of the lower surface of the pinnule. This speci- men occurs with well-preserved barren examples of Pecopteris Miltoni, I there- fore feel quite convinced that the fruiting specimens belong to that species. I think it probable, that eventually Pecopteris Miltoni and Pecopteris abbreviata will be found to form only one species, and that Zeiller has been misled, by the figure given by Artis, as to the fruit being marginal in P. Miltoni, but at present I keep them separate until the differences indicated in their fructification be more fully investigated. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Northumberland : Newcastle-on-Tyne. Somersetshire : Camerton. Foreign. Bohemia : Podutha. France : Chazotte, St. Etienne. United States : Illinois, Mazon Creek, Grundy Co. Pecopteris Miltoni, Artis, sp. Pecopteris Miltoni. Boulay, Ter Houil. du Nord de la Francte, p. 31. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 58. Hist. d. Veget Foss. p. 333, pi. cxiv. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 65, pi. xxiii. figs. 2, 3. * Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 12. t Artw, I.e. p. 14. CAEBONIFEEOUS. 121 Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 63, pi. xxvii. (excl. syn. P. marginata). Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 74, pi. viii. figs. 10, 11. -Lesquereux, Coal Ftora in Pennsyl. p. 247, pi. xli. fig. 9. Homer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 34. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 505. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 151. Cyatheites Afiltoni. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 364. Feistmantel, Steink. v. Kralup in Bohmen, p. 23. Vers. d. Bohm. Ablager. p. 294. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 27, pi. xxx. figs. 5 and 8, pi. xxxi. figs. 1-1. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 54. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 324. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. p. 28. Koehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 85. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steink. im Badischen Schwarzk. p. 2, 4. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 88 (excl. syn. P. polymorpha). Genera et Species, p. 158 (excl. syn. P. polymorpha). Hawlea MiUoni. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 293. Morph. u, Syst. d. Culin u. Carbonfarne, p. 51, fig. 13, a, b. Filicites MiUoni. Artis ? Antedil. Phytol. pi. xiv. Pecopteris crenata. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 915. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 59. Sternberg, Vers. i. p. xx. pi. x. fig. 7, ii. p. 154. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 103. Genera et Species, p. 186. Hawlea pulcherrima. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 90, pi. Ivii. figs. 7, 8. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 68. Renault, Cours de Bot. Foss. vol. iii. p. 84, pi. xii. figs. 9, 1Q. Schimper, Traite d. Pale"ont. Veget. vol. i. p. 586, pi. xli. figs. 1, %, Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne p. 54, fig. 13, c, d. ' Unger, Genera et Species, p. 209. Remarks. The fruiting example of Pecopteris Miltoni from the Forest of Wyre, both in the general outline of the fern and in the arrangement of the sporangia, agrees in all respects with Corda's figure of Hawlea elegans, only in the British specimen the fruit is somewhat more perfect. I have therefore united this species with Pecopteris Miltoni. I also include here Pecopteris crenata, Presl., which does not differ from P. Miltoni in any appreciable manner. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Gloucestershire : Forest of Dean. Worcestershire : Bewdley Forest, Clee Hills (Presented by H. G. Lyons, Esq.), Forest of Wyre. Foreign. Bohemia. Pecopteris abbreviata, Brongniart. Pecopteris abbreviata. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 58. Hist. d. Vege't. Foss. p. 337, pi. cxv. figs. 1-4. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 914. 122 FOSSIL PLANTS. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 429. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 485, 1868. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, pp. 34, 36, 1873. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 59. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 124. ? Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 248, pi. xlvi. figs. 4-6, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 867. Eeport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 403. Lindley and Hutton, Fossil Flora* vol. iii. pi. clxxxiv. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Eb'mer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 34. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 152. Unger, Syn. Plant. Foss. p. 101. Genera et Species, p. 180. Zeiller, Princip. V6g6t. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 85. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 12. Fougeres du Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 200. Pseudopecopteris abbreviata. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 203. Hawlea abbreviata. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 293. Remarks. The value of the specific distinctions of this species have been already discussed in the remarks on Pecopteris polymorpha, Brongt. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Somersetshire : Eadstock. Staffordshire : Sandwell Park Trial Sinking, West Bromwich. Pecopteris unita, Brongniart. Pecopteris unita. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 58. Hist. d. Veget. Foss, p. 342, pi. cxvi. figs. 1-5. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 485, 1868. Fossil Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 38, 1873. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p, 58. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 76, pi. viii. fig. 13 b. Lesquereux^ Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 867. Eeport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 442. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 223, pi. xl. figs. 1-7. Presl in Sternberg, Vers. ii. Fasc. 7, 8, p. 158. Eenault, Cours. d. Botan. Foss. vol. iii. p. 119, pi. xx. figs. 11-19. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 90. Eomer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 34. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont. Ve.get. vol. i. p. 505. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 102. Genera et Species, p. 183. Cyatheites unitus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 365, Geinitz, Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 25, pi. xxix. figs. 4, 5. Sandberger, Flora d. Steink. im Badischen Schwarzk. pp. 3, 4, 5. Cyathocarpus unitus. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jiing. Steink. u. Eothl. p. 88, pi. xii. figs. 5, 6. Oligocarpia unita. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 294. Diplazites unitus. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 143. CABBONIFEROUS. 123 Pecopt&ris longifolia. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 56. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 273, pi. Ixxxiii. fig. 2. ? Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 428. Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 34, pi. xiii. figs. 2-4. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 226. Roruer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 36. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 30. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 158. Desmophlebis longifolia. Brongniart, Diet. Univer. d'Hist. Nat. vol. xiii. p. 72. Diplazites longifolius. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 426. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. pp. 82 and 90. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 275. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 74. Genera et Species, p. 136. Goniopteris longifolia. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 82. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont. V6ge"t. vol. i. p. 544. Alethopteris longifolia. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 469. Stichopteris longifolia. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. Rothl. p. 97, pis. ix. x. figs. 7, 8. Pecopteris emarginata. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. p. 82, pi. vi. 1846. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 225, pi. xxxix. fig. 11. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 119. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 158. Diplazites emarginatus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 426. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 274, pi. xvi. figs. 1, 2, Stur. Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u Carbonfarne, p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 73. Genera et Species, p. 136. Goniopteris emarginata. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 82. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. i. p. 544. Alethopteris emarginata. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 398, pi. xiii. fig. 4. Oligocarpia emarginata. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 294. Pecopteris elegans. Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 39, pi. xv. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 403. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. vol. iii. p. 118. Goniopteris elegans. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 82. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 542. Oligocarpia elegans. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 294. Pecopteris lanceolata. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 227, pi. xxxix. figs. 9, 10. 124 FOSSIL PLANTS. Alethopteris lanceolata. Lesquereux, Eeport Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 398, pi. xin. figs. 1-3. Goniopteris elliptica. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 83, pi. xxx. fig. 1. Goniopteris oblong a, (?). Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 83, pi. xxx. figs. 3-5. Remarks. The pinnae in this species differ much in appearance, being entire or pinnate, according to their position on the frond. Pecopteris longifolia, Brongt., is referrable to his Pecopteris unita. In the true Alethopteris (P.) longifolia, Sternb.,* the veins are only once forked, whereas in P. unita, Brongt., the main vein, throughout its whole course, gives off several simple lateral veinlets, which extend to the margin of the pinna when the pinnules are confluent, or to the apex of the pinnule where they are separate. Stur,t in referring to P. (Diplazites) unita, says it is an imperfectly and little-known species, whose relation to P. (Diplazites) longifolius, Brongt., and P. (Diplazites) emarginata, Gbpp. sp., is still undecided. Weiss places the figure of Pecopteris emarginata, given by Bunbury, J under P. (Stichopteris) longifolia, but Bunbury's figure, pi. vi. fig. 4, is identical in all essential respects with the figure of Pecopteris (Cyathocarpus) unita given by Weiss on his pi. xii. fig. 5, so if these two ferns are really specifically distinct, he appears to be in error in writing P. emarginata, Bunbury, with his P. (Stichopteris) longifolia. Lesquereux, after comparing the characters of P. elegans, Germar, and P. unita, Brongt., says : " After the examination of many hundred speci- mens, it is impossible to point out a single trait which could be described as distinctive of one of these spepies. I therefore consider this P. elegans, Germar, as a variety of P. unita, Brongt." ' Pecopteris lanceolata, Lesqx. appears to be merely the upper portion of a frond of P. unita, Brongt., and similar to what has been figured by Weiss as P. (Stichopteris) longifolia.\\ Many Authors regard P. unita, Brongt., P. longifolia, Brongt. (non Sternb.), P. emarginata, Gopp. sp., and P. elegans, Germar, as distinct species, but though I have examined a number of specimens, both Foreign and British, I am unable to find any definite character by which they can be distinguished, and therefore include them all under P. unita, Brongt. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. Foreign. France : Sa6ne-et-Loire, Blanzy ; Allier. Saxony : Wettip. United States : Mount Carbon, Penn- sylvania ; Illinois, Mazon Creek, Grundy Co. Pecopteris Defrancii, Brongniart. Pecopteris Defrancii. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 58. Hist. d. Vege"t. Foss. p. 325, pi. cxi. pi. cxii. fig. 1. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. p. 35. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 25. Alethopteris Defrancii. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 23. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 317. * Vers. pi. xxxvi. fig. 1. t Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 143. I Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. pi. vi. Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 403. || Loc. cit. pis. ix. x. figs. 7, 8. CARBONIFEROUS. 125 Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 52. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 145. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 85. Genera et Species, p. 154. Pecopteris Nestleriana. Brongniart, Hist. d. V6g6t. Foss. p. 327, pi. cxii. fig. 4. Alethopteris Nestleriana. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 24. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 318. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 85. Genera et Species, p. 155. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Unknown. Pecopteris fertilis, Grand 'Bury. Pecopteris fertilis. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 72, pi. viii. fig. 12. Scolecopteris fertilis. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 124. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. France : Chazotte, St. Etiennfe. Pecopteris Pluckenetiij Schlotheim; sp. Pecopteris Pluckenetii. Boulay, Ter Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 32. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 58. Hist. d. Ve~get. Foss. p. 355, pi. cvii. figs: 1-3. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 917. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 485, 1868. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 37, 1873. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, pp. 17, 20, 67, pi. xxi. figs. 4, 5. Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 41, pi. xvi. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 56. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 61. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. p. 34, pi. x. fig. 6, pi. xiv. figs. 1-5, pi. xv. tig. 4. Eenault, Cours d. Bot. Foss. vol. iii. p. 124, pi. xxi. figs. 6-9. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 33. Rost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 29. Schimper, Traite de Pal6ont. Ve~get. vol. i. p. 51 1> vol. iii. p. 495. Sternberg, Vers. i. p. xix. ii. p. 150. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 96. Genera et Species, p. 170. Zeiller, V6get. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 90, pi. clxviii. figs. 1, 2. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 15. Ann. d. Scienc. Nat. 6 e Ser. Bot. vol. xvi. p. 201. A lethopteris Pluckenetii. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohmischen Ablag. p. 295. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 30, pi. xxxiii. figs. 4, 5. Flora d. Hainich. Ebersdorfer, p. 45. Lesquereux, Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 395. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 80. Cyatheites Pluckenetii. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 67. 126 FOSSIL PLANTS. Pseudopecopteris Pluckenetii. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 199, pi. xxxiv. fig. 4, pi. xxxv. fig. /. Aspidites Pluckenetii. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 358, Filidtes Pluckenetii. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 52, pi. x. fig. 19. Petrefactenkunde, p. 410. Pecopteris bifurcata. Sternberg, Vers. i. p. xix. pL lix. fig. 2, pi. ii. p. 151. Sphenopteris bifurcata. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1167. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 45. Unger, Syn. Plant. Foss. p. 68. Genera et Species, p. 125. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. Foreign. Bohemia, Moravia : Rossitz. Saxony : Zwickau. Switzerland : Chamouni (Presented by A. Wills, Esq.). Pecopteris arguta, Brongniart. Pecopteris arguta. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 58. Hist. d. Veg6t. Foss, p. 303, pi. cviii. figs. 3, 4.* Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 914. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 77. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. part ii. p. 867. Report Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 403. Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 237, pi. xli. figs. 2, 3. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. vol. iii. p. 120, pi. xx. figs. 20, 21. Homer, Palaeontograpliica, vol. ix. p. 34. Rost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 29. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Vege"t. vol. i. p. 521. Sternberg Vers. i. fasc. iv. p. xix, ii. p. 157. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 96. Genera et Species, p. 171. Zeiller, Princip. Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 93, pi. clxvi. figs. 5, 6 Zeiller, Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 12. Cyatheites argutus. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkohl. in Sachsen, p. 24, pi. xxix. figs. 1-3. Feistmantel, Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohmen, p. 24. Aspidites arguta. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 359. Goniopteris arguta. Fontaine & White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 82. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont. V6ge~t. vol. i. p. 543. Filidtes fceminceformis. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwslt, p. 46, pi. ix. fig. 16. Petrefactenkunde, p. 407. Oligocarpia fceminceformis. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 294. * See Zeiller, I.e. Princip. Veget. Foss. p. 93. CABBONIFEBOUS. 127 Cyatheites elegans. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jiing. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 69 (in part). Potypodites elegans. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1027. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 56. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 344, pi. xv. fig. 10. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 94, Genera et Species, p. 168 (in part). Goniopteris Newberriana. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 84, pi. xxx. fig. 2, Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. Foreign. Moravia : Rossitz. United States : Mount Carbon. Pennsylvania. Pecopteris ovata, Brongniart, Pecopteris ovata. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 58, Hist. d. Vege"t. Foss. p. 328, pi. cvii. fig. 4. Schimper, Traite d. Palseont. V6g6t. vol. i. p. 510. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 150. Alethopteris ovata. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 24. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 51. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 315. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 559. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 85. Genera et Species, p. 153. Callipteridium ova turn. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 109, Zeiller, Princip. Ve'ge't. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 66, pi. clxvi. tigs. 3, 4. Neuropteris ovata. Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 33, pi. xii. Neuropteris mirabilis. Homer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 28. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 23. Callipteridium mirabile. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesellsch. vol. xxii. p. 87V. Neuropteridium mirabile. Weiss, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesellsch. vol. xxii. p. 858. Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. pp. 29 and 213. Filidtes pteridius. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 59, pi. xiv. fig. 27. Petrefactenkunde, p. 406. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Saxony : Wettin. Pecopteris Integra, Andrae, sp. Pecopteris Integra. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Vege"t. vol. i. p. 530. Zeiller, Fougeres du Ter. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 200. Sphenopteris Integra. Andrae in Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 67, pi. xxviii. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 63. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Saxony: Wettin (?) 128 FOSSIL PLANTS. Pecopteris truncata, Rost. Pecopteris truncata. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 17. Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 43, pi. xvii. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 70, Kenault, Cours d. Bot. Foss. vol. iii. p. 113. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 28. Alethopteris truncata. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 51. Asterocarpus truncatus. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 67. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6g6t. vol. i. p. 585. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 207. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink, u. d. Kothl. p. 92. Asterocarpus Sternbergii. Brongniart, Diet. Univer. d'Hist. Nat. vol. xiii. p. 76. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 121. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 188, pi. vi. figs. 1-3. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 68. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. pi. xli. figs. 15, 16. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 41. Genera et Species, p. 206. Ast&rotheca Sternbergii. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbbnfarne, p. 77, fig. 19. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Saxony : Wettin. Pecopteris Beyrichi, Weiss, sp. Pecopteris Beyrichi. Schimper, Traite d. PaMont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 497. Cyatheites Beyrichi. Lesquereux, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Col. vol. vii. p. 244, 1882 Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Both! p. 70, pi. viii. fig. 1. Horizon. Coal measures. Locality. Foreign. Prussia : Saarbriick. Pecopteris Haidingeri, Ettingshausen; sp. Sphenopteris Haidingeri. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Stradonitz, p. 13, pi. ii. figs. 1, 2, pi. iii. fig. 4 Schimper, TraitS d. Paleont. Ve'ge't. vol. i. p. 282; Horizon. Coal Measures. y. Foreign: Bohemia : Stradonitz. EACTYLOTHECA, Zeiller, 1883. Ann. des Scienc. Nat. 6 ser. Bot, vol. 16, p. 184. Dactylotheda plumosa, Artis, sp, Pecopteris plumosa. Brongniart,- Prodrome, p. 58. Hist. d. Ve'ge't. Foss. p. 348, pis. cxxi. cxxii. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 429. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 485, 1868. Foss. Plants of Lower Garb. Canada, p. 36, 1873, Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 45. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 17, CARBONIFEROUS. 120 Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 58. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 124. Lesquereux, Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 442. Geol. of Penusyl. vol. ii. part ii. p. 867. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 88, p. xxvii. fig. 4. Edmer, Palaeoutographica, vol. ix. p. 34. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 152. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 101. Genera et Species, p. 181. Cyaiheites plumosus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 365. Senftenbergia plu7 Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 293. Filicites plumosus. Artis, Anted. Phytol. p. 17, pi. xvii. Boulay, Ter. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 32. Brongniart, Prodome, p. 58. Hist. d. Veg6t. Foss. p. 346, pis. cxxiii. cxxiv. ? Fontaine & White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 66, pi. xxii. figs. 1-5. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carb. du Dep. de la Loire, p. 63.- Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 404. Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 240, pi. xliv. fig. 4. Lindley & Hutton, Fossil Flora, vol. ii. pi. cliv. Eenault, Cours de Botan. Foss. 1883, p. 121, pi. xxi. figs. 4, 5. Homer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 33. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Ve'ge't. vol. i. p. 508. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 152. Zeiller, Vege~t. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 86, pi. clxviii. figs. 3, 4. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 14. Cyaiheites dentatus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 364. Feistmantel, Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohmen, p. 24. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 294. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steink. in Sachsen, p. 26, pi. xxv. fig. 11, pi. xxix. figs. 10-12, plate xxx. figs. 1-4. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 54. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 325. Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 122. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief 1, p. 31. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens, p. 78, pi. xxvii. fig. 6. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 88. Genera et Species, p. 158. Cyathocarpus dentatus. Weiss, Flora d. jling. Stk. u. d. Eothl. p. 86. Senftenbergia dentata. Stur, Culm Flora, heft 2, p. 293. Dactylotheca dentata. Zeiller, Ann. d. Scien. Nat. Bot. 6 e s6r. vol. xvi. p. 184, pi. ix. figs. 12-15. Bull. Soc. G6ol. France, 3 e . ser. vol. xii. p. 201. Pecopteris acuta. Brogniart, Prodrome, p. 58. Hist, d Ve"g6t. Foss. p. 350, pi. cxix. fig. 3. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 914. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 485, 1868. 130 FOSSIL PLANTS. Dawson, Fos3. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 37, 1873. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 59. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 241. Schimper, Traitt; d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 516. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 160. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 102. Genera et Species, p. 184. Pecopteris delicatula. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veg6t. Foss. p. 349, pi. cxvi. fig. 6. Boulay, Ter. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 32. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 58. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 29. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 510. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 157. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 101. Genera et Species, p. 181. lus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 364. Pecopteris serra. ? Crepin, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique, vol. xx. part ii. p. 25, 1881. ? Lebour, Illustrations of Fossil Plants, p. 47, pi. xxiii. Lindley & Hutton, Fossil Flora, vol. ii. pi. cvii. Schimper, TraitS d. Paleont. vol. i. p. 504. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 159. Alethopteris serra. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 24. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 50. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 302. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 81. Genera et Species, p. 147. Pecopteris caudata. Bronn, Index Pala:ont. p. 914. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 57. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 97. Genera et Species, p. 172. Sphenopteris caudata. Lindley & Hutton, Fossil Flora, vol. i. pi. xlviii., vol. ii. pi. cxxxviii Aspidites caudatus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 363. Pecopteris Silesiaca. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 918. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 57. Lebour, Illustrations of Fossil Plants, pi. xxvi. Schimper, Traite c PaMont. V6get. vol. i. p. 517. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 97. Genera et Species, p. 173. Aspidites Silesiacus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 364, pi. xxvii. pi. xxxix. fig. 1. Ste/ensia Silesiaca. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 122. Pecopteris Olockeri. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 915. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 58. CARBONIFEROUS. 131 Pecopteris Glockeriana. Ettingsliausen, Steinkf. v. Badnitz, p. 44, pi. xvii. fig. 1. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 98. Genera et Species, p. 175. Aspidites Glockeri. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 375, pi. xxix. figs. 1, 2. Aspidites Glockeri, var. falciculatus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 375, pi. xxix. figs. 3, 4. Pecopteris triangularis. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 58. Pecopteris angustifida. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 45, pi. xvi. fig. 1. Remarks. Sphenopteris caudata, Lindley & Hutton. The types of this speciea are preserved in the Hutton Collection, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and from their examination I feel quite satisfied as to their identity with P. plumosa, Artis, sp. There is really no character by which they can be distinguished the apparent differences depending entirely on imperfect preservation. In the specimen figured on pi. cxxxviii. of the Fossil Flora, the pinnules are bent back upon each other, which has contributed much to the caudate appearance of the specimen. Pecopteris serra, Lindley & Hutton The type specimen of this species is also fortunately preserved in the Hutton Collection. I have examined it, and find it to be only P. plumosa, Artis, sp. (= P. dentata, Brong.). In regard to this species, the authors of the Fossil Flora make the following remark :* " But a small part of the extensive genus Pecopteris is yet published, from all the species of which any figures have been given, this is widely different ; but we are uncertain whether it may not be already named by M. Adolphe Brongniart, in his Prodromus." Their plate is dated Jan. 1834. Pecopteris acuta, Brong. The characters on which this species is founded seem to be identical with those of the upper portion of the fronds of P. plumosa, Artis, sp. (P. dentata, Brong.). In P. dentata, according to Brongniart, the veins are dichotomous, and in P. acuta they are simple ; but even in un- doubted specimens of P. dentata the veins are simple towards the upper portion of the frond, as shown by Brongniart's own figures (pi. cxxiii. fig. la and 3a, and pi. cxxiv. fig. c). In one of the figures given by the same author of P. plumosa, Artis, sp., the veins are also represented as simple (pi. cxxi. tig. 16), and, in fact, P. dentata and P. plumosa are generally regarded as different forms of one species. Geinitz has pointed out very fully the relationship of P. plumosa, P. dentata, and P. acuta to each other,t though he does not include P. acuta in his list of synonyms ; but from an examination of numerous specimens, I cannot discover any character by which these three species can be distinguished from each other. Pecopteris delicatula, Brongt. A number of specimens of this plant, from the Forest of Wyre, Lancashire, are in the Collection. The only character by which it is separated from P. plumosa is its smaller proportions. The example figured by Geinitz J on his pi. xxx. fig. 1, under the name of Cyatheites dentatus, is the same form as that to which Brongniart gave the specific distinction of " delicatula.'" Zeiller, in his recent paper on the Ferns of the North of France, has also united P. delicatula with P. dentata. In the specimens from the Forest of Wyre, the veins are sometimes simplo, and at other times dichotomous on the same specimen, but the variability * Vol. ii. p. 72. t Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 26. I Loc. tit. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 201, 1883. 132 FOSSIL PLANTS. of this character has already been pointed out. The rachis shows numerous little points from which the scales have fallen. Aspidites Silesiacus, Gopp., and Aspidites Glockeri, Gopp., are also merely forms of Pecopteris plumosa, and are here united with that species. Pro- bably Aspidites oxyphylla of the same author should also be included here. Most writers mention this plant under the name of P. dentata, Brongt., but as this fern is undoubtedly only a form of P. plumosa, Artis, sp., this ing the older, has priority of claim. The fructification has been y Zeiller,* who has created for this species the genus Dactylotkeca, which is here adopted. Dactylotheca plumosa, in its various forms, is widely distributed in the Coal Measures of Great Britain. Horizon, Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lancashire : near Manchester. Somersetshire : Gamer- ton ; Eadstock ; High Littleton. Worcestershire : Clee Hills (Presented by H. G. Lyons, Esq.) ; Forest of Wyre. Foreign. Bohemia : Eadnitz. Silesia : Waldenburg. Spain : Andalusia. United States : Du Quoin, Illinois. name, as bein described by ALETHOPTEKIDE.E. ALETHOPTERIS, Sternberg, 1820. Versuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt. I. fasc. iv. p. xxi. Alethopteris lonchitica, Schlotheim, sp. Alethopteris lonchitica. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 34. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 157. Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 484, 1868. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 445. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, pp. 34 and 38, pi. x. fig. 90. Etheridge, Catal. of Australian Fossils, p. 29. Feistmantel, Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohmen, p. 12. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, pp. 12 and 17. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, pp. 17 and 43, pi. xiv. figs. 1, 2. Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 277. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 49. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 15. Kidston, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. vol. xxx. p. 547. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 177, pi. xxviii. fig. 7. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 554. Unger, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 81. Zeiller, Vegt. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 73. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 11. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 19.9. Alethopteris lonchitidis. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 23. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 85, pi. ii. fig. 3. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 295 (excl. syn. A. Serlii} Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 294. * Ann. des Scienc. Na. 6 e ser. Bot. vol. xvi. p. 184. CARBONIFEROUS. 133 Lebour, Illustrations of Foss. Plants, p. 49, pi. xxiv. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 864. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steiuk. Form. Westph. p. 72, pi. xiv, figs. 1-4, pi. xxi. fig. 9, pi. xxxi. fig. 4. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxi., Vers. ii. p, 142, Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p, 79, Genera et Species, p. 144. Pecopteris lonchitica. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 57. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 275, pi. Ixxxiv, Lindley and Hutton, Foss, Flora, vol. ii. pi. cliii. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xl. fig. 3, pi. xli., xlij, figs, 4, 5. Aletkopteris heterophylla. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 23. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 484, 1868. Quart. Journ, Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 157. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 445, Gbppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 297. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p 82, pL xxxii. figs, 2, 5, 9, Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 79. Genera et Species, p, 145, Pecopteris heterophylla. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 281. Hooker, Mem. Geol. Survey Gt. Brit. vol. ii. pt. 2, p. 400, fig. 1, 1848, Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xxxviii. Morris, Trans. Geol, Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Alethopteris Mantelli. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 34, Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 23. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 50. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 297. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 74, pi. xiii. fig, 4 Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 79. Genera et Species, p. 145. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 74, pi. clxiii. figs. 3, 4. Bull Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 199. Pecopteris Mantelli. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 57. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 278, pi. Ixxxiii, figs. 3, 4. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 69, 1859. Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, vol. i. p. 88. Lindley and Hutton, FOBS, Flora, vol. ii. pi, cxlv, Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xl. figs. 1, 2, Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 142, Aletkopteris Sterribergii. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 24. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 42, pi. xviii. fig. 4 Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 295. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 73. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst, vol. xii, p, 143, Unger, Synop, Plant. Foss. p. 79. Genera et Species, p. 144. Alethopteris urophylla. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p, 24, 134 FOSSIL PLANTS. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 277. Gomes/Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 16. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 300. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. n. p. 864. ^ Roehi, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 75 pi xxru fig. <. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 32, pi. vm. tig. 8, Ib2. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 143. Uuger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 80. Genera et Species, p. 146. Pecopteris urophylla, Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 290, pi. Ixxxvi. Alethopteris vulgafior. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacteii, p. 49. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxi. pi. liii. fig. 2, Vers. n. p. 142. Alethopteris gracillima. Boulay, Terr, Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 33, pi. n. ng. 5. Crepin Bull. Soc. Roy. de Botan. de Belgique, vol. xx. pt. 2, p. 25. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 ser. vol. xii. p. 199. Pecopteris Rantelli (=? P. Mantelli.) Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xlii. fig. 1. Pecopteris multiformis. Sauveur, Ve-get. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxxvi. fig. 1. Pecopteris brachyloba, Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxxvi. figs. 2, 3. Pecopteris rugosa. Sauveur, Veget. Foss, de la Belgique, pi. xxxvii. fig. 2. Pecopteris blechnoides. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 66. Alethopteris distans. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 865, pi. xii. fig. 2. Filicites decurrens. Artis, Anted. Phytol. pi. xxi. Filicites lonchiticus, Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 55, pi. xi. fig. 22. Petrefactenkunde, p. 411. Phytolithm filicites. Martin, Petrificata Derbiensia, pi, x. Pteris (?) dubia. Konig, Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xv. fig. 180. Scheuchzer, Herb. Diluv. pi. i. fig. 4. Parkinson, Organic Remains, vol. i. pi. iv. figs. 1, 2. Remarks, This is one of the commonest and most variable of the Coal Measure plants, and numerous specific names have been applied to the different forms of it, but from Filicites lonchiticus, as figured by Schlotheim, to Alethopteris gracillima, Boulay, a chain of gradations connects the two extremes. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities, British, Derbyshire, near Derby. Durham : Sunderland. Gloucestershire : Forest of Dean. Kilkenny. Lanarkshire : Airdrie. Monmouthshire : Aber- suchan. Midlothian : Niddrie, Northumberland : Felling Colliery, near Newcastle-on-Tyne. Shrop- shire : Coalbrook Dale ; Madeley Court (Presented CARBONIFEROUS. 135 by H. Pearce, Esq.). Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre ; Tipton, near Dudley. Foreign. Africa (South) : Stormberg Mountains. Saxony : Zwickau. Silesia : Waldenburg. Westphalia : Piesberg, near Osnabriick. Alethopteris Serlii, Brongniart, sp. Alethopteris Serlii. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la Prance, p. 34, Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 34. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd Ed. p. 484, 1868. Geol. Survey of Canada, Eeports, 1874-5, pp. 192 and 196. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 157, vol. xxx, p, 216. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p; 446. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Feistmantel, O., Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohmen, p. 12. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 598. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 298, 301, 303. K., Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 78. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 17. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer. pp. 24 and 44, pi. xiv, figs. 3-5, Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 50. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 301, pi. xxi. figs. 6, 7. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 439, Coal Flora of Pennsyl, p, 176, pi. xxix. figs. 1-5. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 865. Newberry, Explor. Exped. from Santa Fe, p. 18. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol, ix. p. 32, pi. viii. fig. 9, 1862. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget, vol. i. p. 555. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 144. Unger, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Synop. Plant. Foss, p. 80. Genera et Species, p. 146. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl, u. Westph, 1868, p. 82. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 75, pi. clxiii. figs. 1, 2, Bull. Soc, Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 199. Pecopteris Serlii, Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 57. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 292, pi. Ixxxv. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 434, 1847. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 32, pi. xii. figs. 8, 9. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. ccii. Stur, Verh. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. pp. 135, 139, and 140, 1884. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 63. Pecopteris Hannonica. Sauveur, V6get. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. xxxviii, Neuropteris oblongata. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 54. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 249. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xvii. Vers. ii. p. 75, pi. xxii fig la, b. Alethopteris irregularis. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 81, pi. xv figs. 2, 14, 15, Parkinson, Organic Remains, vol. i. pi. iv. fig. 6. Horizon. Coal Measures. ^gg FOSSIL PLANTS. Locals-British. Gloucestershire : Forest of Dean. Somersetshire : Kadstock. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Fareian France : Rouchamp, Haut-Saone ; Mines of La Croizet, 9 ' St Etienne (Presented by M. C. Cbantre). Russia, near Kosloo, Black Sea (Presented by Captain Spratt, R.N.). (?) Spain : Andalucia. United States : Mazon Creek, Grundy Co., Illinois. Alethopteris gigas, Ghitbier, sp. Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 89, pi. xxxiii. Geinitz/Leitpflanzen d. Rothl. p. 12, pi. i. fig. 1. Dyas, p. 141. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont Ve~get, vol. i. p, 557, d. Rothl. in Sachsen, p. 14, pi. vi. figs. 1, 2, 3 (? pi. ix. fig. 7). CaHipteridium gigas, Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 109. Renault, Conrs d. Bo tan. Foss. 1883, p. 155. Weiss, Zeitsch. d, Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxii. p, 864, Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality Foreign. France : Mines of La Croizet, St. Etienne (Presented by M, C. Chantre). Alethopteris aquilina, Scnlotheim, sp. Alethopteris aquilina. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturw. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 127. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 22. Lethsea Geog. vol. i. pt. 2, p. 1 18, pi. vii. fig. 3, Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, vol. i. p. 86. Urwelt Russlands, heft i. p. 87. Feistmantel, O., Fruchts. Foss. Pflanzen aus d. Bb'hm. Steink. p. 49. Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohmen, p. 12. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p, 598. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 295. K., Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 79. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 20. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 27 (excl. pi. xxxi. figs, 5-7). Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 50. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 298. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep, de la Loire, p. 108. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 181. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol, ii. p. 864, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 438. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1883, p. 158, pi. xxvii. figs. 1, 2, 10-12. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p, 74. Rost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 26. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober, Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarz, p. 4. Stern berg, Vers. ii. p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 80. M Genera et Species, p. 145. Weiss, Verhaudl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 82. CARBONIFKROUS. 137 Pecopteris aquilina. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 56. Hist. d. V6get. Foss. p. 284, pi. xc. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 78. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xx. Asterocarpus aquilinus. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 90. Scolecopteris aquilina. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 122. Ftticites aquilinus. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 38, pi. iv. fig. 7, pi. v. fig. 8. Petrefactenkunde, p. 405. Pecopteris affinis. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xx. Pecopteris Schlotheimii. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 57. Remarks. The fossil figured as Alethopteris aquilina, Geinitz (Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, pi. xxxi. figs. 5-7), does not belong to this species, but to Pecopteris Miltoni, Artis, sp. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. foreign. Bohemia. Alethopteris Sullivantii, Lesqnereux, sp, Alethopteris Sullivantii. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 17. Schimper, Traite d. Paleon*. Veget. vol. i. p. 561. Callipteridium Sullivantii. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 164, Callipteris Sullivantii. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 440, pi. xxxviii. fig. 1. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 866, pi. v. fig. 13. White, State of Indiana, 2nd Ann. Rept. Dept. of Statistics and Geol. p. 521, pi. ix. fig. 4, 1880, Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. United States : Colchester, Illinois, Alethopteris longifolia, Presl, sp. Alethopteris longifolia. Feistmantel,' Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 292. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 29, pi. xxxi. figs. 8, 9. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 308. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 83. Genera et Species, p. 150. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss, Rheinl, u. Westph. 1868, p. 82. Pecopteris longifolia. Crepin, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, 2 e seV. vol. xxxviii. p. 10, pi. ii. figs. 4-6, 1874. Sternberg (Presl), Vers. ii, p. 155, pi. xxxvi. fig, 1. Asplenites longifolius. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 40, pi. xvi. figs. 2-4. ? Asplenites alethopteroides. , Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 41, pi. six. figs. 4, 5. 138 FOSSIL PLANTS. Remarks. Asplenites alethopteroides, Ett., is probably not specifically dis- tinct from Alethopteris longifolia. I cannot see in Ettinghausen's figures of these two species the distinguishing character of the venation, as mentioned in his descriptions. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Bohemia : Eadnitz. Alethopteris erosa, Gutbier, sp. Alethopteris erosa. Feistmantel, Fruchts. Foss. Pflanzen aus d. Bohm. Steink. p. 50. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 595 and 598. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 295 (excl. syn. A. Sternbergii, Ett.). Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. pp, 292, 295. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 29, pi. xxxii, figs, 7, 8. Lesquereux, Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv, p. 394. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 255, pi. xliv. figs. 1-3. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 81 (fig. bad). Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. vol. in. p. 501. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Prenss. Eheinl. u. Westph, 1868, p. 83. Zeiller, Ann. d. Sc. Nat. Bot. 6 e se"r vol. xvii., p. 8, 1884, Pecopteris erosa. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 915. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 81. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 63. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl, p. 255, pi. xliv. figs. 1 and 3. Imeans. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 83. Oligocarpia erosa. Stur, Culm Flora, heft ii. p. 294. Saccopteris erosa. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 68. Remarks. The specimen from Titterstone Glee, Shropshire, is a little indis- tinct, but I think is referable to this species. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Shropshire : Knowlbury Coal Basin, Titterstone Clee (Presented by the Eev. Burleigh James). Foreign. Saxony : Zwickau. Alethopteris Sternbergii, Ettingshausen, sp. Pecopteris Sternbergii. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 33, pi. ii. fig. 4. Schimper, Traite" d. Pale"ont. Vege"t. vol. i. p. 525. Asplenites Sternbergii. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 42, pi. xx. figs. 2, 3, and fig. 4 (pars.). Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 142, 143. Remarks. The example I have identified as Ettinghausen's plant is not well preserved, but I feel confident that it is his species. Feistmantel unites Alethopteris Sternbergii -with Alethopteris erosa. (Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 295). Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Durham : Howden, near Bishop Auckland. CARBONIFBBOUS. 130 LONCHOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1828. Prodrome d'une Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 59. Lonchopteris Bricii, Brongniart. Lonchopteris Bricii. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 60. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 368, pi. cxxxi. figs. 2, 3. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 667. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief, v., vi. p. 117, pi. xvii. figs. 1, 2. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1883, p. 166. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 167. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 79 (excl. syn. and figure). Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 199. Lonchopteris Roehlii. Andrae, Vorwelt. Pflanzen, p. 5, pi. i., ii. figs. 2, 3, 1865. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 36. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 69, pi. xii. fig. 2, and pi. xix. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 621. Woodwardites (?} Robertsi. Morris, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 82, figs. 1, 2, 1859. Remarks. Most writers on Fossil Botany have united Lonchopteris Bricii, Brongt., with Lonchopteris rugosa, Brongt. Brongniart's figures of these two ferns favour this view ; but Zeiller, who has carefully examined the types, finds Lonchopteris Bricii, Brongt., and Lonchopteris rugosa, Brongt., to be distinct species, and that Andrae's Lonchopteris Roehli is Brongniart's L^ Bricii* The fern described as Lonchopteris Roehli, by Andrae in 1865, is evidently similar to that described by Morris in 1859 as Lonchopteris ( Woodwardites) Robertsi. As Andrae does not refer to Morris's plant, possibly he was not aware of its existence. Professor Morris, in his description of Lonchopteris Robertsi, mentions that the pinnules are without a midrib, but he has pro- bably been misled in this point through the imperfect preservation of his specimens, as the presence of a midrib is shown in some fragments in the Collection, evidently belonging to his species, These fragments are from the same neighbourhood as that from which Prof. Morris's Woodwardites (?) Robertsi was collected. Lonchopteris Bricii being the oldest name for this fern, it is adopted here. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Lonchopteris rugosa, Brongniart. Lonchopteris rugosa. Andrae, Vorwelt. Pflanzen, p. 9, pi. iii. figs. 2, 3. Neues Jahrbuch, 1864, p. 171. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 35. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 60. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 368, pi. cxxxi. fig. 1. Bron, Index Palaeont. p. 668. Feistmantel, Steinkf. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 87. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 296, pi. Ixvii. figs. 7, 8. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 621. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 167. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 68, pi. xvi. fig. 4, pi. xxix. figs. 1-7. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 99. * Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 ser. vol. xii. p. 199. 140 FOSSIL PLANTS. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, ZeSler, Bull. Soc. Ge~ol. France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 199. / Woodwardites obtusilobus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1374. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 49. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 289, pi. xxi. fig. 1 . Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 77. Genera et Species, p. 142. Woodwardites acutilobus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1374. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 49. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 289, pi. xxi. fig. 2. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Beichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 77. Genera et Species, p. 142. Lonchopteris Dournaisii. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 171. Lonchopteris Goppertiana. Sternberg (Presl), Vers. ii. p. 166. Sagenopteris obtusiloba. Sternberg (Presl), Vers. ii. p. 166. Remarks. From the figure and description of Woodivardites obtusilobus it is difficult to decide whether it belongs to Lonchopteris Bricii, Brongt., or to this species. The meshes formed by the veins, as shown in Goppert's enlarged drawing, appear rather larger than they usually are in Lonchopteris rugosa. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Gloucestershire : Forest of Dean. Foreign. Bohemia : Stradonitz. FILICIN^E INCERT^E SEDIS. RHACOPHYLLUM, Schimper, 1869. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. i. p. 684. Rhacophyllum crispum, Gutbier, sp. Aphlebia crispa. Bronn, Index Paleeont. p. 85. Sternberg (Presl), Vers. ii. p. 112. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 106. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 95. Bull. Soc. G6ol. France, 3 e ser. vol. xii. p. 202. Fucoides crispus. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 13, pi. i. fig. 11, pi. vi. fig. 18. Rhacophyllum lactuca. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 36. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 94. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 315. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 684. pi. xlvi. fig. 1, pi. xlvii. fig. 2, and vol. iii. p. 524. Sehizopteris lactuca. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 126. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1122. CARBONIFEROUS. 141 Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 35. Feistmantel, Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohm. pp. 11 and 22. Steinkohl u. Perm-Ablager. p. 76. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 19, pi. xxvi. fig. 1. Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 73. Germar, Vers. v. Wettin u. Lobejun, p. 45, pis. xviii., xix. Giebel (in part), Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 38. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 199. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1883, p. 103. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarzk. pp. 2 and 5. Sternberg (Presl), Vers. ii. p. 112. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. p. 142. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 105. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Bheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 79. Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Kothl. p. 59. , Hymenophylhtes lactiica. Lesqu uereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 415. Pachyphyllum lactuca. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 863, pi. viii. figs. 4, 5. Aphlebia acuta. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 112. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 105. Fucoides acutus. Germar and Kaulfuss, Verb. d. k. Leop. Carol. Akad. vol. xv. part ii. p. 230, pi. Ixvi. fig. 7. Aphlebia linearis. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 85. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 73. Sternberg (Presl), Vers. ii. p. 113. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 106. Genera et Species, p. 190. Fucoides linearis. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 13, pi. i. figs. 10 and 12. Filidtes latidiformis. 1 Germar, Isis, 1837, p. 430, pi. ii. fig. 4. Rost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 20. Hymenophyllites Clarkii. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 438, pi. xxxix. fig. 7, vol. iv. p. 416, pi. xvi. figs. 1, 2. Remarks. Schizopteris lactuca, Roehl (Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form Westph. p. 47, pi. xviii.), is not, according to Schimper, this species, and has been named by him Rhacophyllum speciosissimum. (Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 685.) Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Shropshire : Madeley Court (Presented by H. Pe.arce, Esq.). Foreign. Saxony : Zwickau. Rhacophyllum filiciforme, Gntbier, sp. Rhacophyllum filiciforme. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 316. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1883, p. 106, pi. xv. fig. 5. Schimper, Traite' d. Paleont. Ve'ge't. vol. i. p. 685, pi. xlviii. figs. 3-6. 142 FOSSIL PLANTS. Schizopteris filiciformis. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 48. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 25, 1862. Fucoides filiciformis. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 11, pi. i. hgs. 3, 6, 7, 8, 13 (excl. syn.). Aphlebia crenata. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 85. Sternberg (Presl), Vers. ii. p. 112. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 106. Fucoides crenatus. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Schwarzk. p. 14, pi. i. fig. 14. Palmacites caryotoides. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 898. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Stradonitz, p. 17, pi. i. fig. 3. Sternberg, Vers. i. p. 35, pi. xlviii. fig. 2. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 340. Noeggwathia caryotoides. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 59. Schizopteris Gutbieriana. Feistmantel, Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 77. Steinkf. v. Kralup. in Bohm. pp. 11 and 22. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 595 and 597. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 293 and 295. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinf. in Sachsen, p. 19, pi. xxv. figs. 11-14. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 25, 1862. Hymenophi/llites Gutberianus. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 132. Trichomanites Gutbierianus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1278. Rhodea Gutbieriana. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 111. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Saxony : Zwickau. SPIROPTERIS, Schimper, 1869. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. i. p. 688. Spiropteris, sp. Remarks. I include here two specimens of circinately coiled ferns. That from Ebbw Vale belongs to the genus Neiiropteris, and from its being associated with some scattered pinnules of Neuropteris gigantea, it probably belongs to that species. The other example bears no locality, and does not appear to be British. It is possibly referable to Spiropteris (Selaginites) Erdmanni, Germar, 8]). (Vers. d. Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 61, pi. xxvi. ; Schimper, TraitS d. Paleont, Veget. vol. i. p. 689, pi. xlix.) Horizon. Coal Measures. . Localities. British. South Wales : Ebbw Vale, near Merthyr Tydvil. CARBON1FEEOUS. 143 FEEN STEMS. MEGAPHYTON, Artis, 1825. Antediluvian Phytology, p. 20. Megaphyton frondosum, Artis. Megaphyton frondosum. Artis, Anted. Phytol. pi. xx. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 32, pi. xxxv. fig. 10. Megaphyton approximatum. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 710. Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. heft i. p. 19. Goppert, Syst, Fil. Foss. p. 433. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. p. 93, pi. cxvi. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489, 1840. Schimper, Traitti d. Paleont. V6g6t. vol. i. p. 713. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 187. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 136. Genera et Species, p. 264. Weiss, Verhaudl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 83. Megaphyton distans. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 710. Goldenberg, Flora Sarasp. Foss. heft i. p. 19. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 433. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. p. 95, pi. cxvii. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont. Veget. vol. i. p. 713. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 187, pi. xlvi. fig. 2. Unger, Syuop Plant. Foss. p. 136. Genera et Species, p. 264. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 83. ? Megaphyton magnijicum. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 159, pi. viii. fig. 34. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. iii. p. 527. Megaphyton Goldenbergi. Feistmantel, Ueber Baumfarrenreste d. Bohm. Steink. p. 7, pi. i. fig. 1. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p 142, pi. xxii. fig. 1. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 598. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 349, pi. Ixi. fig. 4. Schimper, Traite' d. Pale"ont. V6get. vol. i. p. 713, pi. liv. Weiss, Zeitsch. .d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xii. p. 510 (fig.), 1860. Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Ehein. u. Westph. 1868, p. 83. Megaphytum majus. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 140, pi. xx. fig. 1. Megaphytum giganteum. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohin. Kohlenab. p. 141, pi. xx. figs. 2, 3, and pi. xxi. Megaphyton M'Layi (or M. Goldenbergii). Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 83. Remarks. I have adopted for these fossils the specific name originally applied to them by Artis, as the alteration of Megaphyton frondosum to Megaphyton distans on the grounds proposed by Lindley and Hutton is not admissible. Megaphyton approximatum, L. and H., is only a better-pre- 144 FOSSIL PLANTS. served example of Megaphyton frondosum, and should be united with that plant. This fern stem attained considerable size. The Museum of the Geological Society of London possesses a specimen presented to that society by Wm. Hutton, Esq., which, though the full dimensions of the stem are not shown, measures 19 inches in length and 8 inches in width. The scars, which stand about an inch apart, are nearly 3 inches wide. This, I believe, is the form which has been named Megaphyton magnificum by Dawson, but which does not differ from Megaphyton frondosum, except in being larger and the scars better preserved than on the type of the latter species, the counterpart of which is in the Collection. Some fine specimens of Megaphyton are in the Natural History Museum, Newcastle-on-Tyne. One of these shows on the upper end of the fossil well- preserved scars, apparently representing the Megaphyton Ooldenbergi, Weiss ; at the other end the less well-preserved scars represent Megaphyton approxi- matum, L. and H., or Megaphyton frondosum, Artis. These three species are, I believe, merely different ages and states of preservation of the same plant. Feistmantel figures in his Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. some specimens of Megaphyton. Of these he names those on pi. xx. figs. 2, 3, and pi. xxi. Megaphyton giganteum, and that on pi. xx. fig. 1, Megaphyton ma/jus. All these examples are apparently only old, and not very well-preserved speci- mens of Megaphyton frondosum, Artis. Whatever Steinberg's Megaphyton giganteum (Vers. ii. p. 187, pi. xlvi.) may be, whether really a Megaphyton or a decorticated Ulodendron, is a point very difficult or impossible to decide, but I think Feistmantel's Mega- phyton giganteum should be referred as above. It must be noted, however, in regard to Feistmantel's figures of Megaphyton giganteum, that Zeiller thinks them similar to the specimen he has named Megaphyton Souichi (Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 103, pi. clxx. fig. 3). I fear this last-mentioned species is founded on an imperfectly preserved specimen, one not showing clearly the original form of the leaf -scar, and being very much in the same state of preservation as Artis's type of Megaphyton frondosum, which is proved by many transitional specimens, and transitions in the form and pre- servation of the frond scars on the same fossil, to be similar to Megaphyton approximatum, L. and H. But though not prepared to say that Megaphyton Souichi, Zeiller, belongs to Megaphyton frondosum, Artis, still I feel little doubt in referring Feistmantel's figures to the last-mentioned species. It is evident that with the age of the plant the form of the leaf -scar would alter more or less, and that the scars on the lower part of the stem, even when the plant was in life, would through natural causes gradually lose the sharpness of the contour possessed by those situated higher up the stem, and from which the fronds had only recently fallen. Such modifications occur in the frond scars on the stems of recent tree ferns, and we have every reason to believe that their fossil representatives participated in the same changes. When we couple with this the different appearances imparted during fossili- sation, and partial decay probably taking place in some cases before the stems were finally imbedded in what now forms their matrix, it is evident that great care is necessary in the discrimination of such species, though at the same time care must be taken not to ignore real specific differences. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Yorkshire : Eowmarsh (counterpart of type). CAULOPTERIS, Lindley and Hutton, 1832. Fossil Flora of Great Britain, vol. i. p. 121. Caulopteris peltigera, Brongniart, sp. Caulopteris peltigera. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 252. Feistmantel, O., Ueber Baumfarrenreste d. Bohm.Steink. p. 13, pl.ii.fig. 2. CARBONIFEROUS. 145 Feistmantel, O., Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 88. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 147, pi. xxiv. K., Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 82, pi. iii. fig. 1. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. v. Sachsen, p. 31, pi. xxxiv. fig. 3. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 85, pi. ix. fig. 2. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 172. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 109. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868 p. 83. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France, 3 e ser. vol. iii. p. 574, pi. xvii. fig. 3. Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 99. Sigttlaria peltigera. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 64. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 417, pi. cxxxviiu Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 86. Stemmatopteris peltigera. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 125. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 76. Germar, Vers. v. Wettin. u. Lobejun, p. 116, pi. xl. fig. 3. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 64. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 710, pi. liii. figs. 1, 2. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 196. Caulopteris Phillipsii. Brongniart, Dictionnaire Universel, vol. xiii. p. 84. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 252. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 76. Feistmantel, Uber Baumfarrenreste d. Bohm. Steink. p. 13. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenablag. p. 146, pi. xxv. fig. 1. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 451. Lindley and Huttoii, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. cxl. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1883, p. 72. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 707. Steruberg, Vers. ii. p. 172. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 110. Genera et Species, p. 197. Caulopteris macrodiscus. Bronn, Index Paleont, p. 252. Feistmantel, Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 85, pi. iv Fischer, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, p. 491, 1840. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 31, pi. xxxv. figs. 4, 5. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 91, pi. xxvii. fig. 5. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. i. p. 707, pi. liii. fig. 3. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 172. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 110. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. iii. p. 576. Ptychopteris macrodiscus. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 125. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 76. Germar, Vers. v. Wettin. Lobejun, p. 115, pi. xl. fig. 1. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 65. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 88. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1883, p. 139. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 197. , Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 102, pi. clxx. fig. 2. Ptychopteris obliqua. Germar, Vers. v. Wettin. u. Lobejun, p. 115, pi. xl. fig. 2. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 89, pi. x. fig. 2 146 FOSSIL PLANTS. Siqillaria macrodiscus. Brongniart, Hist. d. Vege"t. Foss. p. 418, pi. cxxxix. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 86. Caulopteris Giffordi. Lesquereux, Coal. Flora of Pennsyl. p. 343, pi. Ix. figs. 1, 2. ? Lepidodendron radicans. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 454, pL xlvi. tig. 1. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 397. Remarks. Zeiller has given a figure of Caulopteris peltigera* showing the two genera Ptychopteris (Stemmatopteris} and Caulopteris united on one specimen. This example raised the question with him whether Caulopteris peltigera and Caulopteris macrodiscus should not be united, but he decided to keep them distinct and await further evidence. Although it was eventually discovered that the example with which he was dealing did not belong to Caulopteris peltigera, still it proved the identity of those stems comprised in the genus Ptychopteris (Stemmatopteris) with Caulopteris as restricted by some authors. Or in other words, the Caulopteris of the Caulopteris macrodiscus type are merely the inner surface of the stem of the Caulopteris of the Caulopteris peltigera type. This view is now adopted by Zeiller,f and judging from his figure of Caulopteris patria, it appears to be the only one that can be accepted. I have united with Caulopteris peltigera, Brongt., sp., Caulopteris macrodiscus, Brongt., sp., as a specimen of the former from Radstock in the Collection of Mr. J. McMurtrie, F.G.S., shows, where part of the outer surface has been removed, that the inner layer forms the Caulopteris macrodiscus, Brougniart. Caulopteris Phillipsii, L. and H., does not in any way differ from Caulopteris macrodiscus, Brongniart, sp. I have seen many specimens of this last- mentioned species from the Radstock Coal Field, the same district as that from which Caulopteris Phillipsii was collected, and have entirely failed to discover a character by which any of the specimens usually referred to Caulopteris Phillipsii, L. and H., can be distinguished from Brongniart's plant. From this circumstance, and the fact that Lindley and Button's figure does not in itself show any character by which it is distinguishable from Caulopteris macrodiscus, Caulopteris Phillipsii is also included here as a synonym for Caulopteris peltigera. The plate of Caulopteris Phillipsii, L. and H., in the Fossil Flora was taken from a plaster cast, the original of which seems to have been indifferently preserved. Feistmantel is of opinion that Caulopteris Phillipsii is related to Caulop- teris macrodiscus. He says : " It appears to me that this species (Caulop- teris Phillipsii) is pretty closely related to. Caulopteris macrodiscus" $ and again : " According to my view this species is probably related to Caulop- teris macrodiscus."^ Roehl's figure of Caulopteris macrodiscus shows towards the upper portion of the leaf-scar four longitudinal tracts arranged in a transverse row. I have not observed a similar structure, nor is it shown on any of the other figures of the species with which I am acquainted. Otherwise than being slightly larger than most of the specimens of Caulopteris macrodiscus, Brongt., sp., a character which only appears to represent an older stem, I do not see how Caulopteris Giffordi, Lesquereux, * Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e ser. vol. iii. p. 576, pi. XTU. fig. 4. This is named on the plate Caulopteris peltigera, Brong., ? but has since been described as a new- species by Grand 'Eury under the name ot Caulopteris patria. [See Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 100 ; also Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire p. 87.] t Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 C ser. vol. lii. p. 203. J Baumfarrenreste. p. 13. Vere. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 147. CARBONIFEROUS. 147 is to be separated from Brongniart's plant, which in turn, as above stated, appears only to represent an inner surface of the stem of Caulopteris peltigera, Brongt., sp. Lepidodendron radicans, Lesqx., seems to be referrable to Caulopteris, and perhaps to Caulopteris peltigera. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Northumberland : Newcastle-on-Tyne. Caulopteris Cistii, Brongniart, sp. Caulopteris Cistii. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 252. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 146. Uber Baumfarrenreste d. Bohm. Steink. p. 13. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 31, pi. xxxiv. figs. 1, 2. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 86. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 345. GeoL of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 869. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 172. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 110. Stemmatopteris Cistii. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 76. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 710. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 196. Sigillaria Cistii. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 64. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 418, pi. cxl. fig. 2. Remarks. Geinitz refers to transition specimens between this species and Caulopteris macrodiscus, Brongt., sp.*= (Caulopteris peltigera). Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Somerset : Badstock. Rachis of Ferns. Noeggerathia tenuistriata. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 219, pi. xli. fig. 8. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 157, pi. xxvi. figs. 1-4. Noeggerathia dichotoma. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 219, pi. xli. figs. 6, 7. Remarks. The rachis of fossil ferns have several times been described as Noeggerathia. They are usually longitudinally striated, but the striae are seldom constant in thickness or run continuously for any distance, and in these respects they essentially differ from those of Cordaitcs (Noeggerathia). When the specimens are of a moderate size they invariably give off lateral branches the rachis of the pinnae of the frond and occasionally they bear many small transverse shallow pits ; these are probably the seal's left by fallen scales. The large dimensions to which the fronds of some of the Carboniferous Ferns attained is indicated by the size of these specimens. A portion of a large rachis in the Collection measures in its compressed state 4 inches across. The fragment is only 9 inches long, but gives off two secondary branches each fully an inch wide. Another specimen from Carluke has a rachis 3 fnches wide. On the impression left in the matrix, where the carbonaceous matter has been removed, are shown the little transversely elongated pits from which the scales have fallen, and which appear to be without any definite order. * Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 31. 148 FOSSIL PLANTS. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Carluke (Presented by the British As- sociation). Northumberland : Newcastle-on-Tyne. Foreign. Saxony : Zwickau. LYCOPODIACE^E. LEPIDODENDRON, Sternberg, 1820. Versuch eines geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt i. fasc. i. p. 25, and fasc. iv. p. 10. Lepidodendron Sternbergii, Brongniart. Lepidodendron Sternbergii. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 36. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 85. Dawson, Geol. Survey of Canada, Eeports, 1874-5, p. 192. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, pp. 22 and 37, pi. vi. figs. 42-45. Ettingshausen, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. iv. p. 435. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 17. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 140. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 36, pi. xvi. fig. 8, pi. xviii. fig. 5. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 366 (excl. syn. L. selaginoides, L. and H.). Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. iv., vol. ii. pi. cxii., vol. iii. pi. cciii. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Portlock, Geol. Report of Londonderry, p. 627. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 14. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 127, pi. viii. fig. 8a. Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. lix. fig. 1. Schimper, Traite d. Paleoiit. Veg6t. vol. ii. p. 19, pi. Iviii. lix. Ix. figs. 3-5. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. Lepidodendron dichotomum. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 630. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 487, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 160. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 450. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 52. Feistmantel, O. (in part), Steinkf. v. Kralup. in Bohm, pp. 13 and 26. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 595 and 598. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 188, pi. xxxii. fig. 1 (excl. figs. 2-5). Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292, 298 301, and 303. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 89. K., Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 86. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 79. Kimball, Flora from the Appalachian Coalfield, p. 25. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 384, pi. Ixiv. fig. 3. Roehl (in part), Foss. Flora d."Steink. Form. Westph. p. 125, pi. viii. fig. 6 (excl. pi. xi. fig. 2). Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 38, 1862. Rost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 9. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 1, pp. 19 and 23, pis. i. and ii. (excl. pi. iii.), Vers. u. p. 177, pi. Ixviii. fig. 1. CARBONIFEROUS 149 Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp 141. 142, and 143 Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 128. Genera et Species, p. 253. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 90. Foss. Flora Jung. Steink. u. d. Eohl. p. 148. Zeiller, Ve~ge~t. Foss. du. Terr. Houil. p. 107, pi. clxxii. fig. 1. Sagenaria dichotoma. Geinitz (in part), Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 34, pi. iii. figs. 2-7 9 12 (8 ?) (excl. figs. 1, 10, and 11). Lycopodiolites dichotomus. Stemberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. ix. (excl. ref. pi. iii.). Lepidodendron obovatum. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 86. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 54. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 17. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 874. Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 455. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xix. bis. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Newberry, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1883, p. 173. Owen, Report, Geol. Survey of Wisconsin, p. 99, pi. vi. fig. 2. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 13, pi. vi. fig. 5. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 129, pi. vi. fig. 1, pi. viii. fig. 86, pi. xxix. fig. 15. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 1, pp. 20 and 23, pi. vi. fig. 1, pi. viii. fig. la, fasc. iv. p. x. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 140, 142, and 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 129. Genera et Species, p. 255. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 108. Sagenaria obovata. Bronn, Index Palseout. p. 1106. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohni Kohlenab. p. 204, pi. xxxviii. figs. 1 and 3 (figs. 2 and 4 ?) Jahrb. d. k. k. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292, 301, 303. Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 91. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 279. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 81. Gomes, Flora Foss. do. Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 28. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 178, pi. Ixviii. fig. 6. Lepidodendron Lindleyanum. Kimball, Flora from the Appalachian Coalfield, p. 24, 1857. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 130. Genera et Species, p. 256. Sagenaria Lindleyana, Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1106. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 179. Sagenaria Goppertiana. Bronn, Index Palseoiit. p. 1106. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 81. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 48, pi. xxxvii. fig. 1. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 179, pi. xiv. fig. 2. Lepidodendron elegans. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. ii. pi. xiv. Prodrome, p. 85. FOSSIL PLANTS. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 430 1847. Amer Journ. of Science, 2nd ser. vol. 11. p. 231, 1846. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 488, 1868. < Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. 1859, p. 67, vol. xxu. p. 161. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 450. FOBS. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 37. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, P- 140. Kimball, Flora from the Appalachian Coalfield, p. 26, 1857. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 433. Lindley and Button, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. cxvin., vol. in. pi. cxcix. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Eomer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 39, 1862. Weiss Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheml. u. Westph. 1868, p. 91. ^XStmanteuS' part), Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohm. pp. 13 and 30. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 595. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. voL xxii. pp. 292, 295, and 301. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 91. Lycopodiolites elegans. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. viii., pi. xvi. figs. 1, 2, 4. - "Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 681. Lepidodendron dilatatum. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 488, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 161. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 450. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 37. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. vii. fig. 2. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Owen, Report, Geol. Survey of Wisconsin, p. 99, pi. vi. fig. 5 Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 134, pi. viii. fig. 4, pi. x. fig. 9a. Lycopodites dilatatus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 681. Lepidodendron gracile. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. vol. ii. pi. xv. ? Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 430, 1847. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 488, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 161. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 450. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 37. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 433. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. ix. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Zeiller, V6ge"t. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 112, pi. clxxii. fig. 2. Lycopodites Lindleyanus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 681. Lepidodendron plumarium. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 488, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 162. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 450. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 37. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. ccvii. CARBONIFEROUS. 151 Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 132. Genera et Species, p. 260. Lycopodites plumarius. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 682. Eichwald, Lethsea Bossica, vol. i. p. 112, pi. v. fig. 5. Lycopodites longibracteatus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 682. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488, pi. xxxviii. figs. 9-11. Lepidodendron selaginoides. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 30. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 2, p 31, pi. xvi. fig. 3, pi. xvii. fig. 1. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 132. Lycopodites selaginoides. Boehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 144, pi. vi. figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5, pi. vii. fig. 3. Lycopodiolites selaginoides. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. viii. pi. xvi. fig. 3, pi. xvii. tig. 1. Lepidodendron rugosum. Itiereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 874. il, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 128. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 129. Genera et Species, p. 254. Sagenaria rugosa. Bronn, Index Palseont, p. 1106. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 81. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 178, pi. Ixviii. fig. 4. Sagenaria Martini. Konig, Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xiii. fig. 162. Lepidodendron lycopodioides. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 2, p. 31, pi. xvi. figs. 1, 2, 4. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Hoxiil. p. iii., pi. clxxi. Lepidodendron ophiurus. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 85. Sauveur, Veg6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. lix. fig. 2. Sagenaria ophiurus. Brongniart, Class, d. Veget. Foss. pi. iv. fig. 1. Lycopodiolites ophyurus. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. ix. ? Lepidodendron cordatum. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 86. ? Lycopodiolites cordatus. ' Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. ix., pi. Ivi. fig. 1 (fig. 3 ?). Lycopodiolithes affinis. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. ix., pi. Ivi. fig. 2 (fig. 1 ?). Lepidodendron aculeatum. Feistmantel (non Sternberg), Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. pi. xl. figs. 3, 4. Halonia gracilis. Carruthurs, Geol. Mag. vol. x. p. 151, fig., 1873. Lychnophorites superus. Artis, Anted. Phytol. pi. xix. 152 FOSSIL PLANTS. Phytolithus plantites. Martin, Petrificata Derbiensia, pi. xiv. fig. 4. Palmacites verucosus. Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde, p. 395, pi. xv. fig. 5. Remarks. The synonymy of the various species of Lepidodendron is extremely difficult, on account of the great change that takes place in the form and dimensions of the leaf -scar as the plant increases in size and age. This circumstance has not always been sufficiently kept in view, and conse- quently many species have been created whose supposed specific characters are entirely dependent on the age of the specimen, and not on real structural differences. The specimens of Lepidodendron which the Botanist has to examine are invariably mere fragments of a tree which attained the height of 100 feet ; hence it is evident in plants whose leaf -scars keep pace in growth with the increase of the stem, and those on older and larger branches will differ considerably from those on the younger twigs, not only in size, but in the relative proportion of their width to their vertical height. In most species the increase in the girth of the stem has a tendency to produce a greater lateral increase in the proportions of the leaf -scars than is equalised by the upward growth of the trunk ; consequently in some species, where the leaf- scars on the young twigs have a vertical length much greater than their width, their older conditions show proportionally a much greater transverse diameter. These remarks apply more or less to all species of Lepidodendron, though in some the increase in size of the stem is accompanied by a vertical splitting of the bark, which must to a considerable extent influence the form of the leaf -scar on the older stems, in so far as it probably helps to neutralise the tendency of the leaf-scar to become laterally expanded. Geinitz, under his Sagenaria dichotoma, appears to have included in error a specimen of Lepidodendron longifolium (I.e. pi. iii. fig. 1), and two specimens of Lepidodendron rimosum (pi. iii. figs. 10, 11). These I exclude from Lepido- dendron Sternbergii ( = Lepidodendron dichotomum}. Figure 8 of the same plate is also probably referable to Lepidodendron rimosum. Lepidodendron obovatum is only a varietal form of Lepidodendron Sternbergii, the apparent differences being consequent on the age of the specimens. The exquisite figures given by Ettingshausen in his Steinkohleuflora von Eadnitz (pi. xxvi. figs. 1, 2, pi. xxvii. and pi. xxviii.), as Lepidodendron Sternbergii do not belong to that species, but are the Lepidodendron longi- folium of Brongniart. Lepidodendron dilatatum, L. and H., is only a fragment of a stem of Lepi- dodendron Sternbergii, to which the leaf-bases are still attached, though their upper portions have been broken off. Lepidodendron gracile, L. and H., and Lepidodendron lycopodioides, Stern- berg, are only the younger branches of Lepidodendron Sternbergii, Brongniart. Lepidodendron selaginoides, Sternberg, also appears to me to be referable to the same species. Lycopodites longibracteatus, Morris, which shows portions of an attached cone, is the same state of Lepidodendron Sternbergii as that to which Brong- niart had previously applied the name of Lepidodendron ophiurus. Similar specimens showing the form of the leaf-scars in a state of great perfection are common in the ironstone nodules occurring so plentifully at Coalbrook Dale and in the neighbourhood of Dudley. To a specimen from one of these localities Konig has applied the name of Sagenaria Martini. Lepidodendron plumarium, L. and H., is also, I think, to be referred to Lepidodendron Sternbergii as a young and fructifying branch. Lepidodendron rugosum does not seem to be specifically distinct from Lepvdodendron Sternbergii, and appears to be similar to the form named Lepidodendron obovatum, by Sternberg, with the addition of a few transverse CARBONIFEROUS. 153 wrinkles on the medial line of the leaf-scar. Such wrinkles occur on individuals of many species, and are probably caused by shrinkage of the epidermal tissues. Lycopodites qffinis, Sternberg, and Lycopodites cordatus, of the same author, from J arrow, are both, I am inclined to think, only portions of Lepidodendron Sternbergii. The first is the younger branches, the latter the older stem. If my conjectures on the affinities of Lycopodites cordatus are correct, the specimen from which the figure was taken cannot have been in a good state of preservation, and this view is borne out by the indistinct manner in which the leaf-scars are shown on Sternberg's plate. Lepidodendron dichotomum, Bronn (Lethsea Geog. vol. i. pi. viii. fig. 2), does not appear to belong to the genus Lepidodendron, but to Lepidophloios. In the Museum of Practical Geology is a very interesting and beautifully defined impression of Lepidodendron Sternbergii. The core, which lifts out of the impression, has all the characters of Bergeria angulata, Sternberg (Vers. ii. p. 184 ; pi. Ixviii. fig. 17), from which Bergeria rhombica, Sternberg (I.e. pi. Ixviii. fig. 18), and Bergeria quadrata, Sternberg (I.e. pi. Ixviii. fig. 19), do not really seem to differ. The small vascular scar at the upper end of the leaf-scars of Bergeria is merely the small opening through which the foliar-bundle passed to the leaf, and not a vascular impression similar in structure to what is found in well-preserved Lepidodendroid leaf -scars. Iii the latter case there is the true outer surface of the leaf -scar, from which the leaf has been shed in the ordinary course of nature ; in Bergeria the peculiar appearance of the leaf -scar has been brought about by the breaking over of the leaf, and the more or less ill-defined small scar at its upper angle is the opening through which the foliar vascular bundle passes. The genus Bergeria I regard as only an incomplete condition of Lepido- dendron. Halonia gracilis, Carruthers, is a small branch of Lepidodendron Stern- bergii, and not Lindley and Hutton's plant. Such unequally dichotomised Lepidodendroid specimens are by no means uncommon. The fossil from which Mr. Curruthers' figure was taken is in the Collection, and shows clearly the Lepidodendron, not Lepidophloios leaf -scar. The specimen figured as Sagenaria Martini, Konig, is also in the Collection. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Durham : Sunderland. Lancashire : Bury. Lanark- shire : Shotts, Carluke. Northumberland : Felling Colliery, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Shropshire : Coal- brook * Dale ; Madeley Court (Presented by H. Pearce, Esq.). Staffordshire : Himley ; Nether- ton ; Tipton, near Dudley. Worcestershire : Bewd- ley ; Forest of Wyre. Wales (South) : Ebbw Vale; Merthyr-Tydvil. Foreign. Bohemia : Wranowitz. France : St. Etienne. Saxony : Hainichen. Silesia : Waldenburg. Var. obovatum. British. Northumberland : Newcastle-on-Tyne. Foreign. Moravia : Rossitz. Silesia : Waldenburg. United States : Orange Co., Indiana. Lepidodendron aculeatum, Sternberg. Lepidodendron aculeatum. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 86. Bunbury, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. p. 86. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 488, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 162. ,, Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 451. 154 FOSSIL PLANTS. Dawson, Foss. Plants of Lower Garb. Canada, pp. 32 and 37, pi. ix. fig. 75. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 53. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 371, pi. Ixiv. fig. 1. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 874. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Owen, Keport, Geol. Survey of Wisconsin, p. 99, pi. vi. figs. 1-3. Portlock, Geol. Eeport of Londonderry, p. 627. Eenault, Cours d. Bo tan. Foss. 1882, p. 12, pi. i. fig. 7, pi. vi. fig. 4. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 127. Sauveur. Veg6t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. Ixiii. fig. 4. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 20, pi. lix. fig. 3, pi. Ix. figs. 1, 2, and 6. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 1, pp. 20 and 23, pi. vi. fig. 2, and pi. viii. fig. 16, fasc. 2, p. 25, pi. xiv. figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, and fasc. 4, p. x. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Keichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142, and 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 129. Genera et Species, p. 254. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 91. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 109. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 15. Sagenaria aculeata. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1106. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 208, pi. xli. fig. 1 (excl. pi. xl. figs. 3, 4). Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 299. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 92. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gessel. vol. xxv. p. 598. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 279. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 80. Gomes, Foss. Flora do Terr. Carbon, do Poi^to, Serra do Bussaco, p. 27. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 178, pi. Ixviii. fig. 3. Lepidodendron undulatum. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 86. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 56. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 79. Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. Ixii. fig. 4. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 1, pp. 21 and 23, pi. x. fig. 2, fasc. 4, p. xi. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 133. ,, Genera et Species, p. 259. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph 1868, p. 91. Sagenaria undulata. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 126, pi. viii. fig. 8 (pi. ix. fig. 1 ?). Aspidiaria undulata. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 110. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 205, pi. xxxix. figs. 1-4, pi. xl. fig. 1 (fig. 2?). Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 182, pi. Ixviii. fig. 13. Lepidodendron conftuens. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 86. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 79. Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. Ixii. fig. 3. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xi. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 133. Genera et Species, p. 259. CARBONIFEROUS. 155 Aspidiaria confluens. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 110. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 182. Palmacites curvatus. Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde, p. 395, pi. xv. fig. 2. Lepidodendron cavdatum. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p 130. Genera et Species, p. 255. Sagenaria caudata. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 178, pi. Ixviii. fig. 7. Lepidodendron coelatum. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 86. Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. Ixi. fig. 5. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 21. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc 4, p. 10. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 131. Genera et Species, p. 257. Sagenaria coelata. Brongniart, Class, d. Ve"ge"t. Foss. pi. i. fig. 6. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 181. Lepidodendron crenatum. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 37. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 86. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 53. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 465, pi. xlii. figs. 4-6. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 37. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 394. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 874. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 128. Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. Ixiii. fig. 2. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6get. vol. ii. p. 21. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 1, pp. 20 and 23, pi. viii. fig. 26, fasc. 4, p. x. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 129. Genera et Species, pp. 254 and 256. Sagenaria crenata. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1106. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachseu, p. 35. Lepidodendron urceum. Wood, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol. xiii. p. 343, pi. ix. fig. 5. Lepidodendron Charpentieri. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 463, pi. xlii. fig. 1. Lepidodendron Pagensteckeri. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 134, pi. xxvii. fig. 3. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 39, pi. ix. fig. 4, 1862. Lepidodendron Bartlingi. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 134, pi. xxxii. fig. 3. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 40, pi. x. fig. 1, 1862. Lepidodendron obovatum. Broun, Lethsea Geog. vol. i. part ii. p. 126, pi. vi. fig. 8. Sauveur, V6get. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. Ixiii. fig. 3. Lepidodendron. King, Edinb. New Phil. Journ. vol. xxxvi. pi. iv. figs. 2 and 4, 1843-4. 156 FOSSIL PLANTS. Lepidodendron imbricatum. Sauveur, Ve"ge"t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. Ixii. fig. 2. Schupperpftanze. Ehode, Beitr. z. Pflanzen. d. Vorwelt, pp. 8, 9, pi. i. figs. 5, 6. / Rhytidophloyos tennis. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 30, pi. ix. fig. 20. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 57. Remarks. Lepidodendron Pagenstecheri, Rb'mer, does not seem to differ in any way from Lepidodendron aculeatum. Aphyllum asperum, Artis (Anted. Phytol. pi. xxiii.), is only a badly preserved specimen of this species. To this plant also are most probably to be referred as imperfectly preserved conditions Aphyllum cristatum, Artis, Anted. Phytol. pi. xvi. Sigillaria appendiculata, Brongniart, Hist. d. V6get. Foss. p. 420, pi. cxli. fig. 2. Lepidodendron appendiculatum, Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 3, p. 38, pi. xxviii. Caulopteris appendiculata, linger, Genera et Species, p. 197. Lepidodendron codatum, Brongniart, is here placed under Lepidodendron aculeatum, there being no characters by which it can be satisfactorily distin- guished from that species. ' Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Monkland, near Airdrie ; Shotts. Northumberland : Newcastle-on-Tyne. Somerset- shire : Bedminster, Bristol. Worcestershire : Bewdley ; Forest of Wyre. Yorkshire : Bank- top. Wales (South) : Ebbw Vale, near Merthyr- Tydvil. Foreign. Silesia : Waldenburg. Lepidodendron modulatum, Lesquereux. Lepidodendron modulatum. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 874, pi. xv. fig. 1. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 385, pi. Ixiv. figs. 13, 14. Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 430. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. vi. p. 428. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont d. Veg6t. vol. ii. p. 25. Lepidodendron distans. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 212, pi. xlviii. fig. 3. Lepidodendron conicum. Lesquereux, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. vi. p. 428. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 874, pi. xv. fig. 3. Schimper, Traite d. Paleout. Veget. vol. ii. p. 26. Lepidodendron caudatum. Eoehl (in part), Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. pi. vi. fig. 7. Remarks. This species much resembles Lepidodendron aculeatum, and may, perhaps, be only a variety of it, but for the present I prefer treating it as specifically distinct. A very interesting communication " On the Variations of the Leaf-scars of Lepidodendron aculeatum, Sternberg," by Mr. Fairchild, appears in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (vol. i. p. 77, pis. v.-ix.), 1877). This author is of opinion that Lepidodendron modulatum and certain other species are only different ages and states of preservation of Lepidoden- dron aculeatum. The subject still requires to be carefully examined into. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Durham : Sunderland. CARBONIFEROUS. 157 Lepidodendron longifolium, Brongniart. Lepidodendron longifolium. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 85. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 373. ? Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. clxi. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 22. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 132. Genera et Species, p. 260. Lycopodites longifolius. Bronn, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 85. Giebel, Index Palgeont. p. 682. Lepidodendron Sternbergii. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 54, pi. xxvi. figs. 1, 2 ; pi. xxvii. and pi. xxviii. Sternberg (in part), Vers. i. fasc. 1, p. 23, pi. iii. Sagenaria dichotoma. Geinitz (in part), Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, pi. iii., fig. 1. Remarks. The specimen which forms the subject of Lindley and Hutton's plate clxi., named by them Lepidodendron longifolium, is, I think, more probably referable to Sigillaria Brardii, Brongniart. The leaf -scars are very much obscured by the foliage, and though I have carefully examined the specimen, I am unable definitely to say whether this example should be referred to Sigillaria Brardii or to Lepidodendron longifolium. The leaf -scars on the specimen from Shotts agree so closely with Ettings- hausen's beautiful figures of Lepidodendron longifolium ( = Lepidodendron Sternbergii, Ettingshausen), that I have placed it under that species. The only specimens, however, which can with certainty be referred to Lepidoden- dron longifolium are those which show the foliage as well as the leaf -scars, as on the example in the Collection from Newcastle-on-Tyne. The difference between the foliage of Lepidodendron Sternbergii and Lepi- dodendron longifolium is such that, notwithstanding the great similarity of the leaf -scar, it is almost impossible to regard them as only representing different states of the same species. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Shott's Iron Works (Presented by the British Association). Northumberland : New- castle-on-Tyne. Lepidodendron serpentigerum, Kdnig. Lepidodendron serpentigerum. Konig, Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xvi. fig. 195. Lepidodendron cheilalceum. Wood, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol. xiii. p. 346, pi. ix. fig. 4. Lepidodendron distans. Lesquereux,- Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 387, pi. xliv. fig. 10. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 874, pi. xvi. fig. 5. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. vi. p. 429. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V%et. vol. ii. p. 27. Lepidodendron oculatum. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 874, pi. xvi. fig. 4. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. vi. p. 428. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Northumberland : Newcastle-on-Tyne. 158 FOSSIL PLANTS. Lepidodendron rimosum, Sternberg. Lepidodendron rimosum. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 37. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 86. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 487, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 161, pi. ix. fig. 42. ,', Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 450. Foss. Plants of Lower Carb. Canada, p. 37. Etheridge, Cat. Australian Fossils, p. 31. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 56. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 139. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 393, pi. Ixiv. fig. 11. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 874. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Eenault,- Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 15, pi. v. figs. 6, 7. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steinkf. Form. Westph. p. 132, pi. viii. fig. 1, and pi. x. fig. 2. Sauveur, V6ge"t. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. Ixii. fig. 1. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 1, pp. 21 and 23, pi. x. fig. 1, and fasc. 4, p. xi. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 131. Genera et Species, p. 257. Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Sagenaria rimosa. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1106. Eichwald, Lethaea Eossica, vol. i. p. 125, pi. vii. fig. 7. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 595. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 210, pi. xlviii. fig. 1, and pi. xlix. fig. 1. . Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 293. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager, p. 92. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 35, pi. iii. figs. 13-15, pi. iv. fig. 10 (excl. pi. ii. figs. 1 and 4, and pi. x. fig. 2 ?). Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 81. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 180, pi. Ixviii. fig. 15. Lepidodendron fusiforme. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 55. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 1 39. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6ge"t. vol. ii. p. 33. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 257. Sagenaria fusiformis. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 20, pi. vi. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 212, pi. xlviii. fio-. 2. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 81. Lepidodendron selaginoides. V Lindley and Button, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xii., vol. ii. pi. cxiii. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 37, pi. xvi. fig. 6 (tig. 7 ?). Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 184, pi. xxx. figs. 3, 4, and pi. xxxi. Lepidostrobus Lycopodites. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 184. Lepidodendron dubium. Wood, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol. xiii. p. 344, pi. viii. fig. 4. Sagenaria dichotoma. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, pi. iii. fig. 11. CARBONIFEROUS. 159 Lepidodendron undulatum. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steinkf. Form. Westph. p. xxxii. fig. 1. Ltipidodendron caudatum. ? Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. pi. viii. fig. 7. Aspidiaria undulata. i Geinitz, Vers d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 37, pi. iii. fig. 17. ? Lepidodendron Pictoense. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. pp. 454 and 487, fig. 169a, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 160, pi. ix. fig. 37, vol. xxx. p. 216. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 449. Foss. Plants of Lower Garb., Canada, p. 37. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 29. ? Lepidodendron plicatum. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 162, pi. ix. fig. 38. Schimper Traite Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 29. Lepidodendron simplex. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 454, pi. xlv. fig. 5. Lepidodendron. King, Edinb. New Phil. Journ. vol. xxxvi. pi. v. fig. 3. Lepidodendron dissitum. Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. lix. fig. 3 ; pi. Ixi. fig. 6. Lepidodendron elegans. 1 Sauveur, Veget. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. lix. fig. 4. Phytolithus (cancellatus). Martin, Petrificata Derbiensia, pi. xiii. fig. 3. Remarks. The plant figured by Lindley and Hutton under the name of Lepidodendron selaginoides belongs, I believe, to this species. The specimen from which their figure was taken, and which is preserved in the " Hutton Collection," has been very much restored in the plate, and embodies more the ideas of the artist than the appearance of the plant. The curious little scales on the uppermost lateral branch and on the basal portions of the two other branches are quite imaginary, neither are the leaf-scars so beautifully preserved on the specimen as represented in the figure ; in fact, the specimen is so indifferently preserved that it is very difficult to determine the species to which the plant belongs, but from what can be learnt it appears to be Lepidodendron rimosum, Sternberg. The specimen from which their plate cxiii. was taken is not in the " Hutton Collection " now, but it in all likelihood belongs to this species also, for they give as a reference their plate xii., and the form of the leaf -scars, as represented on their figure, seems to be that of Lepidodendron rimosum. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Durham : Sunderland. Northumberland : Newcastle- on-Tyne. Staffordshire : Sandwell Park Trial Sinking, Westbromwich. Yorkshire : near Halifax. Foreign. Africa (South) : Stormberg Mountains (?). Saxony : Zwickau. Silesia : Waldenburg. Russia : near Kosloo, Black Sea. Lepidodendron Haidingeri, Ettingshausen. Lepidodendron Haidingeri. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 74. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 55, pi. xxii. and xxiii. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. iv. p. 435. 1(JO FOSSIL PLANTS. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 23. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142, and 143. Sagenaria elegans. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 203, pi. xxxvii. fig. 3 (Syn. in part). Remarks. This species is apparently closely related to Bergeria acuta, Sternberg (Vers. ii. p. 184, pi. xlviii. fig. la-6), which seems to be a true species of Lepidodendron. Sagenaria acuta, Eichwald (Lethaea Rossica, vol. i. p. 124, pi. vi. figs. 11, 12), is not Sternberg's Bergeria acuta. Eichwald's fio-. 12 has a great similarity to Lepidodendron Volkmannianum. Feistmantel is mistaken in uniting Lepidodendron Haidingeri with Lepido- dendron elegans, which latter is only a form of Lepidodendron Sternbergii. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. Foreign. Bohemia : Kralup. Saxony : Zwickau. Liepidodendron Rhodeanum, Sternberg. Lepidodendron Rhodeanum. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 37. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 85. Kidston, in Cadell. Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc. vol. iv. p. 335. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xi. Stur, Culm Flora, heft ii. p. 389. pi. xxiii. fig. 1, pi. xxiv. figs. 1, 2, and 3. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 130. Genera et Species, p. 255. Sagenaria Rhodea. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1107. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 81. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 179. Sagenaria depressa. Goppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter-Kohl. p. 520 Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 195. Foss. Flora d. Ubergangsgebirges, p. 179, pi. xliii. figs. 5, 6. Sandberger, Vers. d. Rhein. Schich. in Nassau, p. 431, pi. xxxviii. fig. 8. ? Lepidodendron clypeatum. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. pi. Ixiv. fig. 16. Lepidodendron Sternbergii. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 68, fig. 3, 1859. Sch uppenpflanze. Rhode, Beitr. z. Pflanzen d. Vorwelt, p. 7, pi. i. figs. 1, 3, and 4. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Staffordshire : Kiln Coal Shale, Goyts Trough. Horizon. Carboniferous Limestone Series (?). Locality. British. Lanarkshire : Carluke. Lepidodendron Veltheimianuin, Sternberg. Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 631. Dawson, Foss. Plants of Lower Garb. Canada, p. 8. Etheridge, Cat. Australian Fossils, p. 31. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 138. Heer, Urwelt d. Schweiz, p. 7, fig. 2. Foss Flora d. Baren Insel, p. 38, pi. viii. figs. 1, 2a-6, 3, 4, 5a, 6, 7, pi. ix. figs. 3, 4 (fig. 2a ?). Steink. Flora d. Artischen. Zone, p. 4, pi. iv. and pi. v. fig. 3. ? Flora Foss. Helv. lief. 1, p. 37, pi. xviii. fig. 6. CARBONIFEROUS. 161 Kidston, in Cadell, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc. vol. iv. p. 335. Kb'nig, Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xviii. fig. 236. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 374, pi. Ixii. figs. 6-8. Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 455. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. p. 9, pi. v. figs. 1, 2, 1882. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 29. Schmalhausen, Melanges Phys. et Chemique, vol. x. p. 745, pi. i. figs. 4-7. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xii. pi. lii. fig. 3. Sterzel, Bericht d. Naturwiss. Gesell. zu Chemnitz, vol. ix. p. 215, 1884. Stur, Culm Flora, heft i. p. 79, heft ii. p. 375, pi. xviii. figs. 2, 3, pi. xix. figs. 5, 6 (8 ?), 9, 10, pi. xx. figs. 1-6, pi. xxi. xxii. fig. 3 (excl. figs. 1, 2). linger, Genera et Species, p. 256. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 110, pi. clxxii. figs. 3, 4. Sagenaria Veltheimiana. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 299. Ebray (in part), Veget. Foss. d. Terr. d. Transition, p. 19, pis. v.-viii. Eichwald, Lethsea Rossica, vol. i. p. 119, pi. vii. figs. 2-6. Ettingshausen, Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. vol. xxv. p. 106. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 528, pi. xvii. figs. 31, 32. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, p. 51, pis. iv.-vi. figs. 1-3. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 80. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs. p. 180, pis. xvii. xviii. xix. xx. and xxiii. figs. 1-3 ; pis. xxiv. and xliii. fig. 1. Neues Jahrbuch, 1847, p. 684. Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter. Kohl. p. 520, pi. xl. figs. 3, 4, pi. xli. figs. 2-4, pi. xlii. fig. 1 and pi. xliii. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 195. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. iii. p. 46, pi. vii. fig. 14, 1854, vol. v. p. 40, pi. viii. figs. 1, 2 (figs. 4, 5 ?), vol. ix. p. 10, pi. iii. fig. 6, 1862. Geol. v. Oberschlesien, p. 55. Schimper, Veget. Foss. du Terr, de Trans, d. Vosges, p. 336, pis. xx. xxi. xxii. and xxvi. fig. 6. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 180, pi. Ixviii. fig. 14. Stigmaria (?) Veltheimiana. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 88. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 117. Lepidodendron acuminatum. Stur, Culm Flora, heft ii. p. 397, pi. xxxix. fig. 4. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 261. Sagenaria acuminata. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 533. Goppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter. Kohl. p. 524. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. iii. p. 196. Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs. p. 185, pi. xxiii. fig. 4, pi. xliii. figs. 8-10. Neues Jahrbuch, 1847, p. 684. Ludwig, Palaeontographica, vol. xvii. p. 123, pi. xxvi. fig. 2. Romer, Geol. v. Oberschlesien, p. 55. Schimper, Veget. du Terr. Trans, d. Vosges, p. 338, pi. xxvi. figs. 1-5. Lepidodendron geniculatum. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 33. 162 FOSSIL PLANTS. Sagenaria geniculata. Giebel, Dentschl. Petrefacten, p. 80. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs. p. 186. Eomer, Palaeontographica, vol. iii. p. 46, pi. vii. fig. 13, 1854. Lepidodendron patens. Schimper, Traite d. Pal6ont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 36. Sdaginites patens. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 84. Hist. d. Vege"t. Foss. vol. ii. pi. xxvi. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1132. linger. Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 141. ' Genera et Species, p. 272. Lepidodendron Glincanum. Schimper, TraitS d. Paleont. Ve"get. vol. ii. p. 34. Schmalhausen, Mem. Acad. Imp. St. Petersb. vii e s6r. vol. xxxi. p. 11, pi. ii. figs. 1 and 5-15, pi. iii. figs. 1-14, 1883 (excl. other figs, and syn. L. Volkmannianum). Sagenaria Glincana. Eichwald, Lethsea Bossica, vol. i. p. 127, pi. v. figs. 21, 22, pi. va. figs. 1-6 - 3.7-10). Sagenaria confluens. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 1.21, pi. vii. fig. 1 (excl. syns.). Lepidodendron gracile. Bomer, Palaeontographica, vol. xiii. p. 213, pi. xxxv. fig. 7. Lepidodendron Jaschei. Eomer, Palaeontographica, vol. xiii. p. 213, pi. xxxv. fig. 6. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 32. Sagenaria polyphylla. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, p. 53, pi. vii. Sagenaria aculeata. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 531, pi. xvii. fig. 33. Goppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter. Kohl. p. 519, pis. xxxix.-xli. Lepidodendron Sternbergii. Heer, Foss. Flora Spitzbergens, p. 11, pi. iii. figs. 1-20 ; pi. iv. figs. 3, 4 (excl. refs.). Lepidodendron selaginoides. Heer, Foss. Flora Spitzbergens, p. 14, pi. iii. fig. 21. Sagenaria caudata. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, p. 53, pi. iv. fig. 4. Eomer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 9, pi. iii. fig. 5, 1862. Sagenaria elliptica. Goppert. Foss. Flora d. TJbergangs. p. 184, pi. xliii. fig. 7. Ludwig, Palaeontographica, vol. xvii. p. 122, pi. xxvi. figs, la, b, c, d. Lycopodites dilatatus. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, p. 46, pi. x. fig. 1. Lepidodendron ornati-ssimum. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 85. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. vol. ii. pi. xviii. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4. p. xii. Lepidodendron commutatum. Heer, Foss. Flora d. Ba'ren Insel, p. 39, pi. vii. figs. 8-10. CARBONIFEROUS. 163 zm. Schmalhauseu, Bull. 1'Acad. Imp. St. P6tersb. vol. xxii. p. 281, pi. ii. figs. 4, 5. Bergeria alternans. Schmalhausen, Bull. Acad. Imp. St. Petersb. vol. xxii. p. 281, pi. ii. fig. 6. Knorria acicularis. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs. p. 200, pi. xxx. fig. 3. Heer, Foss. Flora d. Baren Insel, p. 42, pi. viii. fig. 2d ; pi. x. figs. 6, 7. ? Knorria, anceps. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 153, pi. xii. figs. 2, 3. ? Knorria mammillaris. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 155, pi. ix. fig. 4. Knorria imbricata. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, p. 57, pi. viii. fig. 3 ; pi. ix figs. 1-3 (excl. 2 and 4). Flemingites Pedroanus. Carruthers, Geol. Mag. vol. vi. p. 151, pi. v. 1869. ? Ptychopteris microdiscus. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 106. pi. v. figs. 2, 3. Ulodendron commutatum. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 401, pi. Ixvi. fig. 2. Schmalhausen, Mem. 1'Acad. Imp. St. Petersb. vii e ser. vol. xxxi. p 17 pi. iv. figs. 7, 8, 1883. Schimper, Traite d. Paleout. Veget. vol. ii. p. 40, pi. Ixiii. Ulodendron parmatus. Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ. vol. iii. p. 152, pi. xliv. fig. 4, 1870. Ulodendron Allani. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1341. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral, vol. ii. p. 92, pi. Ivi. fig. 3. Ulodendron ovale. Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ. vol. iii. p. 152, pi. xliv. fig. 1. Ulodendron pumilum. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 144, pi. x. fig. 5. Ulodendron Rhodeanum. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1341. Uuger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 135. Ulodendron Rhodii. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral, vol. ii. p. 93, pi. Ivi. fig. 6. Ulodendron ellipticum. 1 Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1341. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 140, pi. ix. figs. 6, 7, pi. x. figs. 3, 4 and 6. ? Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. heft i. p. 18. ? Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 186, pi. xlv. fig. 2. ? Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 135. ? (in part), Genera et Species, p. 264. Ulodendron minus. Thompson (in part), Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinb. vol. iii. p. 341, pi. a, figs. 2, 3 Ulodendron transversum. Eichwald, Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 139, pi. ix. fig. 8 (? pi. vi. fig. 13). Ulodendron ornatissimum. Tate, in Johnston's Nat. Hist. Eastern Borders, vol. i. p. 302, 1853. M 2 164 FOSSIL PLANTS. Phytolithus parmatus. Steinhauer (in part), Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol. i. 2nd. ser. p. 287, pi. vii. fig. 1, 1818. Vegetable Impression. Allan, Trans. Koy. Soc. Edinb. vol. ix. p. 235, pi. xiv. 1823. Shuppenpflanzen. Rhode, Beitr. z. Pflanz. d. Vorwelt. p. 16, pi. iii. figs. 1-8. Remarks. Several species of Ulodendron are united here. Many palseobotanists have already adopted the view that the genus Ulodendron is only a condition of Lepidodendron. In this I so far agree, but though several species of Ulodendron belong to Lepidodendron, there are other named species of Ulodendron, which in the form and arrangement of their leaf-scars agree entirely with the Clathrarian-Sigillariae. Hence certain of these so-called Ulodendron have been placed by me in Sigillaria. This latter view is not the opinion generally accepted, but I have come to this conclusion after an examination of many beautifully preserved specimens. Almost all the misconceptions on the true affinities of Ulodendron have arisen through the neglect of a very essential element for the right understanding of these fossils, and one which only requires to be mentioned to be accepted by all botanists, viz., that only well-preserved examples should be taken into consideration when critically considering the affinities of this genus ; unfortunately this has not always been done. When determining the various species of the genera Lepidodendron and Sigillaria, unless the outer surface of the bark is well preserved and exhibits the form and arrangement of the leaf-scars, it is admitted that the plants do not show the characters by which a specific, or even in some cases, a generic determination can be made. In Ulodendron, on the other hand, though it is difficult to account for it, decorticated and badly-preserved specimens, if only they show the characteristic scar of the genus, have often been regarded as in a sufficiently good state of preservation, not only for generic identification, but even for the creation of new species, notwithstanding that the close affinity of Ulodendron and Lepidodendron, both in regard to their internal structure and general characters, is fully recognised. The form and size of the large scars have commonly been made the character on which the various species of Ulodendron have been founded the description generally mentioning as the chief distinguishing point " scar so long by so broad." Such arbitrary specific distinctions to be of any value must infer that the plant sprang into existence with the large Ulodendroid-scars fully developed ; this view of course was never intended by the authors who described the various species, characterised as indicated above ; but to make the species of true value, an inference of this nature is quite legitimate. Now it is obvious that the Ulodendroid-scars when they first appeared were very small, and this I have proved to be the case by observation, having traced them through their different stages of growth on stems of Lepido- dendron Veltheimianum, Sternb., where the leaf-scars were well preserved. Or, on stems having leaf-scars similar in all respects to those of Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, Sternb., and of which, had portions of the stems been broken off, either from between or from the sides of the scars, could not have been by any character distinguished from specimens of that plant. On a specimen of Sigillaria (Ulodendron) Taylori, Carr., to be referred to again, I have observed the appendicular organs attached, when only about three-quarters of an inch in length, and the branch bearing them must have been of considerable breadth, for though its full breadth, as shown on the specimen, is only about 3 inches, still it has probably been a little broader. The earliest stage of the Ulodendron-scars of Lepidodendron Veltheimianum with which I am acquainted, is shown on a specimen 22 inches long and fully CARBONIFEROUS. 165 4 inches wide. Here they are merely indicated as a point to which an appendicular organ has been attached, placed on a slight oval inflation. On the greater portion of this inflation the leaf-scars are preserved, showing their ordinary form, and running in the same series as the other leaf -scars on the stem. As the appendicular organ develops, its base pressing on the outer surface of the bark eventually obliterates all trace of the leaf -scars, whose presence is subsequently represented by so many little mamillse-like points the extremities of the vascular bundles of the aborted leaves. By the increase in girth of the stem, the bark swells up round the base of the attached organ, and thus the two vertical rows of depressions are formed, which keep pace in growth with the increase in size of the stem. This progression I have followed through a large series of specimens. In 1853, Tate* clearly pointed out that the only difference between Ulodendron and Lepidodendron was the presence on the former of the large lateral scars. He says, speaking of Ulodendron, " specimens obtained from Alnwick Moor enable us to add something to the knowledge of its form." " Its internal structure is the same as that of Lepidodendron ; it possessed similar leaves and rhomboidal areolae on the stem and branches. A specimen in Alnwick Castle shows that its mode of branching is dichotomous like the Lepidodendron, but in addition there are rows of round or oval scars on opposite sides of the stem arranged vertically, and these scars continue upward on the same plane along the branches, while other rows commencing at the point of forking run upon the opposite side of the branches ; the scars and the branches are all in the same plane. These scars appear to have been the points of attachment of masses of inflorescence, which had consisted of sessile cones formed of imbricated scales, in a manner similar to a fir cone. The chief difference between Lepidodendron and Ulodendron would therefore be that the cones, bearing sporules or seed, were placed at the end of the branches on the former, but their position on the latter was in linear rows on the stem and branches." This quotation contains the essence of the whole subject whether the presence of lateral appendicular organs (whether cones or bulbils) is a sufficient difference on which to found generic distinction. Stur believes that the large Ulodendroid-scars bore bulbils, but from the specimen of Sigillaria (Ulodendron} Tai/lon, Carr., figured by Prof. D'Arcy Thompson, I should be rather inclined to think that they bore cones, but this I am unable to decide, nor does it influence the point immediately at issue. Lepidodendron Veltheimianum did however bear terminal cones, and Mr. C. W. Peach has shown me a large specimen which exhibits 22 cones attached to the ends of the branches ; but this circumstance does not make it impossible for Lepidodendron Veltheimianum to have also had lateral appendicular organs. As far as the evidence goes, then, it would appear that Lepidodendron Vel- theimianum had, in addition to the true terminal cones as in other species of Lepidodendron, two vertical rows of lateral appendicular organs, which have left behind the characteristic Ulodendroid-scars. This conclusion is founded on the fact that the form and arrangement of the leaf-scars on stems showing the Ulodeiidroid-scar, as well as on those which have no such marking, and which constitute the Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, Sternberg, are in all respects identical and cannot be distinguished from each other. They also occur associated together in the same beds. The union therefore of those stems, variously named Ulodendron parmatum, Ulodendron commutatum, &c., with Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, seems to be an inevitable conclusion. There is another view of this subject, which some Botanists may be inclined to take, and which must not be passed over without remark. According to these the presence of the Ulodendroid-scars themselves may be of sufficient importance for the creation of a distinct genus. If we accept this view, * Nat. History of the Eastern Borders, vol. i. p. 302, 1853. IQQ FOSSIL PLANTS. Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, must be removed from Lepidodendron and placed in a separate genus, but not in Ulodendron, as at present constituted, and for the following reasons : Those who still regard Ulodendron as a true genus include in it two distinct groups of plants those with leaf-scars identical with Lepidodendron, as Ulodendron parmatum, and others with leaf-scars identical in form and arrangement with the Clathrarian-Sigillaria as in Ulodendron majus, L. and H. (= Ulodendron minus, L. and H.). Now in Lepidodendron and Sigillaria the form and arrangement of the leaf -scar is the character in which generic difference chiefly lies, but in Ulodendron, where plants closely allied to the two former genera are included, the character of the leaf -scar is all but entirely ignored. It is true that Ulodendroid specimens seldom show the leaf-scars well preserved, and that on many of the described species of Ulodendron they have not been observed ; still that does not alter the fact that when well- preserved examples are examined, the leaf-scars conform to the two types, as already indicated. If then the form of the leaf -scar is of generic value in Lepidodendron and Sigillaria and I think most Botanists will agree in the importance of this character on what grounds can we ignore the value of the same character in Ulodendron ? Therefore, if those species with Ulodendroid- scars are to be excluded from Lepidodendron and Sigillaria, it will be necessary to form two genera for these plants one for Lepidodendroid- Ulodendra, and the other for Sigillarian-Ulodendra. This view, however, I am not prepared to adopt, as I think the plants find a suitable and natural place in Lepidodendron and Sigillaria respectively. This subject I intend to enter into more fully at a future time, when I hope to figure some specimens on which the above views have been founded. Under Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, Stur, in his Culm Flora, has in error included on pi. xxxix. figs, la, b, and 2, two figures of Sigillaria Taylori, Carru- thers, sp. Both of these figures are exquisite examples of old stems of the plant described as Ulodendron Taylori by Mr. Carruthers (Monthly Micros. Journal, p. 152, pi. xliii. fig. 1, March 1870). Mr. Carruthers' specimen does not, unfortunately, show clearly the form of the leaf -scar. Lepidodendron acuminatum is only a varietal form of Lepidodendron Velthei- mianum, with which it has already been united by Schimper. Lepidoden- dron geniculatum is also merely a form of the same species. Lepidodendron patens (Selaginites patens), Brongniart, from the neighbourhood of Edin- burgh, is likewise to be referred to Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. The peculiar appearance of this fossil is caused by the basal portions of the leaves still retaining their attachment to the stem, and in other cases I have observed a very similar appearance produced by the leaves being addressed (probably through mechanical agency) to the branches. Although not in doubt for a moment that those specimens to which I refer are similar to that figured in vol. ii. pi. xxvi. of the Hist. d. V6g6t. Foss., examples with such an extremely scaly appearance are rare ; but I have one at least where it is as well marked as on the type figure of Lepidodendron patens, Brongt., sp. Schmalhausen has united Lepidodendron Glincanum, Eichwald, and Lepido- dendron Volkmannianum, Sternberg, with Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, Sternberg.* In regard to Lepidodendron Glincanum, I cannot find any point by which it can be distinguished from Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, and therefore include it under that name ; but Lepidodendron Volkmannianum seems an altogether distinct species, and cannot be united with Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. Lepidodendron (Sagenaria) Glincanum, Eichwald (Lethsea Eossica, pi. va, fig. 7), should perhaps be referred to Lepidodendron Volkmannianum. Lepidodendron (Sagenaria) aculeatum, Feistmantel and Goppert (I.e.), Lepi- dodendron selaginoides, Lepidodendron Sternbergii, Heer (I.e.), and Sagenaria * Mem. 1'Acad. d, Sc. de Potersbourg, rii" ser. vol. xxxi. No. 13, p. 11. CARBONIFEROUS. 167 caudata, Geinitzand Homer (l.c.), are all, I believe, referable to Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. Lepidodendron Jaschei and Lepidodendron gracile, Eb'mer (Palaeontogra- phica, vol. xiii. pi. xxxv. figs. 6, 7), are both young conditions of Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. Similar transverse bars to those occurring on the leaf-scars of Lepidodendron gracile have already been referred to in the case of Lepido- dendron rugosum* Bergeria regularis and Bergeria alternans, Schmalhausen (l.c.), appear to be only different conditions of preservation of Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. The core of an impression of Lepidodendron Veltheimianum in my own Col- lection agrees so entirely with Knorria acicularis that I have no hesitation in also referring that fossil to this species. The explanation of how this fossil is formed will be learnt from an examination of the internal structure of Lepi- dodendron. As far as the present example of Knorria acicularis is concerned, the more delicate tissue surrounding the central vascular bundle appears to have decayed, and the bundle thus freed has probably floated out of the cortical cylinder, which subsequently became filled with sediment. Pressure then acting on the cortical cylinder has forced the mud which filled its interior up the small channels through which the foliar vascular bundles pass to the leaves ; the bark next appears to have decayed, leaving the impression of its outer surface on the surrounding matrix. The preser- vation of the casts of the vascular bundle channels has been assisted by the decayed bark remaining around them in the form of a fine powder, and so helping to prevent their obliteration by subsequent pressure or infiltration. In this manner are formed the little acicular points (the casts of the channels through which the foliar vascular bundles passed) which characterise Knorria acicularis, Goppert. Some specimens of Knorria imbricata appear to be formed by a partial decay of the outer surface of the bark of Lepidodendron before fossilisation takes place. It is impossible to correlate the various named species of Knorria with the plants to which they really belong, as any species of Lepi- dodendron might produce one or more so-called species of Knorria, according to the amount of decay that had taken place in the plant and the conditions that had attended its mineralisation. Lepidophloios and the Clathrarian-Sigillaria might also form Knorria-like fossils. The type of Flemingites Pedroanus, Carruthers, is in the Collection. I have failed to see any character in which it differs from Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. good example of ^Lepidodendron Veltheimianum showing scars. This example was subsequentiy named Ulodendron Allani by Buck- land, and Lepidodendron ornatissimum by Brongniart. Lindley and Hutton mention Allan's figure as synonymous with their Ulodendron minus, but this appears to be a mistake, for Allan's specimen shows the Lepidodendroid leaf-scar, whereas Lindley and Hutton's plant belongs to the Sigillarian section of Ulodendron. The plate of Ulodendron minus, L. and H., does not at first lead one to this view, but from an examination of the counterpart of their fossil, all which is now preserved of their type,f I have been led to this conclusion. Ulodendron majus, L. and H., is only an older and larger example of their Ulodendron minus ; hence its supposed identity with Rhodes' pi. iii. fig. 1, is also erroneous. Lepidodendron ornatissimum and Rhodes' pi. iii. figs. 1-8 are referable to Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. Here must likewise be placed Eichwald's figures of Ulodendron ellipticum, * See note under Lepidodendron Sternbergii, ante, p. 152. f In the " Hutton Collection," Newcastle-on-Tyne. 168 FOSSIL PLANTS. which all appear to be more or less imperfectly preserved specimens of Lepidodendron Veltheimianum; that on his pi. x. fig. 6 (I.e.), in addition to exhibiting the leaf-scars of this Lepidodendron, shows also on other parts of the same fossil scars so preserved that they might be named with all propriety " Knorria." It is questionable, however, if most of the other figures which by different authors have been referred to Ulodendron ellipticum really belong to this plant. Ulodendron transversum, Eichwald (Lethsea Eossica, pi. ix. fig. 8), is another example, and a very interesting one, of the Ulodendroid condition of Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. On this specimen are shown the characteristic Lepidodendroid leaf -scars, a Knorria condition, a decorticated state of the stem, and finally the large Ulodendroid-scar. Eichwald's fig. 13, pi. vi., probably belongs to this species too, but the actual proof that it does so is not shown on the figure, which is merely a Knorria condition of Lepidodendron. Similar remarks to those just made on Eichwald's, fig. 8, pi. ix. may also be applied to his Ulodendron pumilum (pi. x. tig. 5). The large Ulodendroid- scar appears to have been partly covered by the matrix, and consequently looks smaller than in some other examples, but does not seem to be specifically distinct from them. It is identical with his Ulodendron trans- versum, with which the leaf -scars agree in all particulars. It is probable that the Ptychopteris microdiscus of the same author is only a badly-preserved specimen of Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. There is little evidence to support the view that this fossil is a fern stem. Under Pachyphlceus tetragonus, Goppert* appears to have included portions of different plants. His fig. 5 cannot be distinguished from a Ulodendroid- scar of Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, but his other figures do not seem to belong to this plant. Some authors have proposed the union of Lepidodendron corrugatum, Dawson, with Lepidodendron Veltheimianum; and " so closely indeed does the last species resemble Lepidodendron corrugatum, that Schimper and other European palseobotanists conversant with the protean forms of these species, and knowing ours only by imperfect figures, may well be excused for regarding them as identical."! As mentioned in the above quotation, some figures of Lepidodendron corrugatum are scarcely distinguishable from Lepidodendron VeltJieimianum, but through the kindness of Sir J. W. Dawson, who has forwarded me a series of specimens representing his plant at different ages of growth, I have been enabled to compare them with well-preserved examples of Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, and feel convinced that the latter and Lepidodendron corru- gatum cannot be united. Horizons. Carboniferous Limestone Series, and Calciferous Sandstone Series. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Carluke (Garb. Lime. Series). Mid- lothian : Burdiehouse, near Edinburgh ; Juniper Green, near Edinburgh (Calcif. Sandstone Series). Foreign. Silesia : Waldenburg (Culm). Brazil (Flemingites Pedroanus} : Eio Grande do Sol (Carboniferous). Lepidodendron Harcourtii, Witham. Lepidodendron Harcourtii. Binney, Obs. Structure Foss. Plants Carb. Strata, part ii. 1871, p. 46, pi. vii. figs. 1-10 ; 1872, p. 80, pi. xiv. tigs. 1-3. Bronn, Lethsea Geog. vol. i. part ii. p. 127, pi. vi 1 . fig. 5. Carruthers, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxv. p. 251, pi. x. fig. 8. Dawson, Quart. Jouru. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 162. Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 468, pi. xliii. t Dawson, Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 21. CARBONIFEROUS. 169 Dawson, Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 451. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pis. xcviii. xcix. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 488. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 26, pi. iv. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 36. Williamson, Phil. Trans. 1872, p. 205. Witham, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumberland, Durham and New- castle-on-Tyne, vol. ii. p. 236, pis. v. vi. 1838. Internal Structure of Fossil Vegetables, p, 51, pi. xii. xiii. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 132. Genera et Species, p. 259. Lepidodendron vasculare. Binney, Obs. Structure Foss. Plants Carb. Strata, part ii. p. 48, pi. viii. figs. 1-5 and 7-9, 1871. Sigillaria vascularis. Binney, Obs. Structure Foss. Plants Carb. Strata, part ii. p. 81, pi. xiv. figs. 4-6. Phillipsia Harcourti. Broun, Index Palaeont. p. 958. Remarks. Under this name are included some microscopic sections of Lepidodendra, showing structure similar to that described by Witham, and Lindley and Hutton. Lepidodendron Veltheimianum possesses an internal structure which agrees in all points with Lepidodendron Harcourtii, but it is not safe to conclude that all Lepidodendroid stems which agree in this character belong to one and the same species. The outer surface of the specimen figured by Witham, and Lindley and Hutton gives no clue as to the species to which their fossil belonged, as it merely represents a Knorria condition of a Lepidodendroid branch. Horizons. Coal Measures and Calciferous Sandstone Series. Localities. British. Buteshire : Laggan Bay ; Arran. Midlothian : Craigleith Quarry. Edinburgh (Calciferous Sandstone Series). Yorkshire : Oldhaiu (Coal Measures). LEPIDOPHLOIOS, Steinberg, 1825. Versuch eines geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt, vol. i. fasc. iv. p. 13. Lepidophloios laricinus, Sternberg. Lepidophloios laricinus. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 38. Bronn, Index Palteont. p. 631. Ettingshausen, Steiukf. v. Radnitz, p. 57. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 598. Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 86. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 18. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 87. Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. heft i. p. 22, pi. iii. fig. 14 (fig. 13 ?), heft iii. p. 30, pi. xv. figs. 5-8, 11-20, pi. xvi. figs. 1-13. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 142. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 40. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 440. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 442. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 44, pi. ix. figs. 1 and 5-8. 170 FOSSIL PLANTS. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 150, pi. xiii. fig. 1, pi. xxviii. fig. 8 (excl. fig. 9, Syn. in part). Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleout. Veget. vol. ii. p. 51, pi. lix. fig. 4 (excl. pi. Ix. figs. 11, 12 = Lepidophloios carinatus, Weiss). Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv. p, xiii. Stur, Jabrb. d. k. k. Geol. Beichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 144. Genera et Species, p. 278. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. p. 90, 1868. Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 154, pi. xv. figs. 6, 7, 9. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 113, pi. clxxii. figs. 5, 6. Lepidodendron laricinum. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 86. Feistmantel, Steinkf. v. Kralup in Bohm. pp. 13 and 26, pis. ii. iii. Vers. d. Bobm. Kohlenab. p. 191, pis. xxxiii. xxxiv. figs. 1-5 (? excl. syn. Lomatophloios crassicaule). Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 299. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 89. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich.-Ebersdorfer, pp. 17 and 47, pi. xi. figs. 4-7. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. i. p. 23, pi. xL figs. 2-4. Lepidophloios Acadianus. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 489, fig. 171, 1868. Geol. Survey of Canada, Eeports, 1874-5, p. 192. ,. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 163, pi. x. fig. 45. Canadian Nat. voL viii. p. 452. Foss. Plants, Lower Garb. Canada, pp. 33 and 37, pi. ix. fig. 85. / Lepidophloios acuminatus. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. Eothl. p. 155, pi. xv. fig. 8. Lepidophloios cbcordatus. Lesquereux, Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 457, pi. xli. fig. 2, (excl. fig. 1). (in part), Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 423. Lepidophloios geminum. Goldenberg, Flora Saraep. Foss. pi. xv. fig. 14. Sigillaria dubia. Goldenberg, Flora Saraep. Foss. pi. vii. fig. 12. Sigillaria Menardi. Goldenberg, Flora Saraep. Foss. pi. vii. fig. 1 (figure inverted). Halonia tuberculata,. Eichwald, Lethaea Eossica, vol. i. p. 148, pi. xi. Halonia. Carruthers, Geol. Mag. vol. x. p. 145, pi. vii., 1873 (excl. fig. p. 151, H. gracilis). (?) Ulodendron tumidum. Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ. p. 154, pi. xliii. figs. 5-7, 1870. ^ Remarks. It has been shown by Feistmantel, in his Steinkohlen-Flora von Kralup in Bohmen,* that Halonia, Lindley and Hutton, is only a fruiting branch of Lepidophloios laricinus, Sternberg, and later the same relationship of Halo-Ma to Lepidophloios has been further explained by Dr. Macfarlane (Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. vol. xiv. p. 181, pis. vii. viiLf). These figures * Abhandl. der k. Bohm. Gesellschaft der Wissensch. vi. Folge. vol. v. 1871. t Dr. Macfarlane's Lepidophloios is not L. laricinus, Sternberg, but a new species, for which I propose the name of Lepidophloios Scoticus. CARBONIFEROUS. 171 alone, one would think, were sufficient to place the affinities of Halonia outside the circle of discussion, but notwithstanding the conclusive evidence they afford on this point, the view held by these writers has not been univer- .sally accepted.* Mr. Carruthers has also figured a specimen of Halonia attached to Lepi- dophloios,^ which is in the Collection. The conclusion arrived at by him was very similar to that mentioned by Feistmantel, that Halonia was only a condition of Lepidophloios. Both on the Halonian-branch and the main stem of this example some of the characteristic leaf-scars of Lepidophloios are shown. Those on the Halonia portion are normal in form and point down- wards, but on the main stem from some cause, perhaps pressure or distortion during or after mineralisation, the leaf -scars are arranged at right angles to the direction they ordinarily hold on the stem ; hence the two lateral angles of the leaf-scar lie parallel to the direction of growth, and the scar of the vascular bundle so twisted round, and occupies one of the lateral angles. In his last memoir on the " Organisation of Fossil Plants of the Coal Measures,"! Dr. Williamson gives a figure (pi. xxxiv.) of Halonia attached to a Lycopodiaceous stem. He says, " In my second memoir (Phil. Trans. 1872, p. 222), read in June, 1871, I said, ' I have little doubt but that Halonia was a fruiting branch of a Lepidodendron ;' and in a note added in April, 1872, I affirmed absolutely, ' First, that Halonia belongs to the upper branches, of a Lepidodendroid tree, consequently it cannot be a root ;' 'secondly, we learn that Halonia is a specialised branch of a Lepidodendroid tree that is not itself a Halonia.' " . . . " The specimen now described is unquestionably not a Lomatophloios, but a true Lepidodendron." In describing his specimen, he says further (p. 468), that at the lower portion of the branch the leaf -scars have exactly the same form as those of L. selaginoides and L. elegans, Lindley and Hutton. I have already mentioned that the leaf-scars on the specimen described by Mr. Carruthers are so turned round on the stem that instead of their greater diameter being transverse to the stem, as is normally the case in Lepidophloios, it is vertical. Dr. Williamson's figure does not show clearly the form of the scars further than that the vertical diameter of those on the lower part of the stem seems greater than their transverse breadth. The leaf- scars towards the upper portions of the specimen are rhomboidal. I am inclined to think there is here a case of distorted leaf -scars on the lower part of the fossil, similar to that occurring in Mr. Carruthers' specimen, where, notwithstanding this peculiarity, the fossil is clearly identifiable as Lepido- phloios laricinus. With such an imperfectly preserved example as Dr. Williamson's appears to be, any conclusion derived from it is of doubtful value, and though from an examination of his plate one cannot affirm his fossil is a Lepidophloios, equally one cannot say it is a Lepidodendron. The figures given by Feistmantel and Dr. Macfarlane are conclusively affirmative that at least some Halonia specimens belong to Lepidophloios, whereas we have no example which shows in an undoubted manner that any Halonia fossil can be referred to Lepidodendron, My own opinion is that Halonia is exclusively related to Lepidophloios as its fruiting branch. Of course, those authors who place Lepidophloios laricinus, Sternberg, in Lepido- dendron, may consistently say that Halonia is the fruiting branch of Lepido- dendron, but I am not aware that any recent writer has followed this classifi- cation. Lepidophloios and Lepidodendron I regard as essentially distinct genera. Lomatophloios is now united with Lepidophloios, hence I understand * See Renault, Cours d. Bot. Foss. p. 53, 1882. t Geol. Mag. vol. x. April, 1873. J Phil Trans. 1883, clxxiy. p. 459. Z. c. p. 469. 172 FOSSIL PLANTS. Dr. Williamson's statement that " The specimen now described is unques- tionably not a Lomatophloios, but a true Lepidodendron, which is equivalent to saying that it is not a Lepidophloios but a Lepidodendron.'" Sigillaria Menardi, Goldenberg (Flora Sarsep. Foss. pi. vii. fig. 1), appears to be referable to L. laricinus. The central point of the leaf-scars of this figure is probably the tubercle with which the leaf supporting pedicels of this plant are frequently provided, as pointed out by Weiss.* U. tumidum, Carr., the type of which is in the Collection, is, I think, also referable to L. laricinus. The leaf -scars are not well preserved on his type, but it pro- bably finds its place here. It is not, at any rate, a Ulodendron as defined by Lindley and Hutton, for it shows more than two rows of the larger scars on the circumference of the stem, a third row appearing on the side not shown in Mr. Carruthers' figure. Halonia tuberculata, Eichwald (Lethaea Eossica, vol. i. p. 148, pi. xi.), is another instructive example- as illustrating the affinities of Halonia. The core out of this specimen is a typical Halonia, the impression Lepi- dophloios. In such examples as these a layer of cortical tissue from between the core and the impression has evidently been removed by decay, after the cortical cylinder had been filled with sediment and the impression of the outer surface of the bark had been imparted to the surrounding matrix. An example in the Collection shows the same conditions a removable Halonia core from a Lepidophloios impression. The plant figured as Knorria Sellonii, by Lindley and Hutton (Fossil Flora, vol. ii. pi. xcvii.), appears to be a compressed specimen of Lepidophloios. I have examined this type in the "Hutton Collection," of which their plate does not give a very correct idea. I am unable to discover from what evidence Eenault has restored his Lepi- dophloios, as represented in his Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, pi. xi. fig. 1. It appears to possess the large scars of one genus and the leaf -scars of another. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Staffordshire : Ipstones. Foreign. Bohemia : Radnitz. Silesia : Waldenburg. Lepidophloios carinatus, Weiss. Lepidophloios carinatus. Weiss, Foss Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Both. p. 155. Lepidophloios laricinus. Goldenberg, Flora Saraep. Foss. heft iii. p. 45, pi. xv. fig. 9 (named on plate, Lepidophloios inacrolepidotus). Schimper (in part), Traite d. Paleont. Veget. pi. Ix. figs. 11, 12. Lepidodendron brevifolium. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 53, pi. xxiv. figs. 4, 5, pis. xxv. xxvi. fig. 3. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 22. Lepidodendron acerosum. Lindley and Hutton, Foss Flora, vol. i. pi. vii. fig. 1, and pi. viii. Lepidostrobus pinaster. Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte, p. 270. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. cxcviii. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 139 Genera et Species, p. 270. ? Lepidodendron longifolium. Schimper (in part),'Tr&it6 d. Paleont. V6get. pi. lix. fig. 1. * Flora d. jiing. Stk. u. d. Bothl. p. 155. CAKBONIFEEOIIS. 173 / Lepidodendron dickotomum. Feistmantel (in part), Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 188, pi. xxxii. figs. 1, 3,5. Eoehl (in part), Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form. Westph. p. 125, pi. xi. fig. 2. Remarks. I have examined the specimens named Lepidodendron acerosum in the " Hutton Collection," and find they are the Lepidophloios carinatus, Weiss. To this species is also to be referred Lepidostrobus pinaster, Lindley and Hutton. This type is preserved at Newcastle-on-Tyne, and is merely a small fragment of the bark of Lepidophloios carinatus. The leaf-like pro- longations which are represented as springing from the scales of the supposed cone are not organic structures but cracks in the matrix. The cone-like form of the fossil is also more marked in the drawing than on the original. In the plate the leaf-scales are however drawn in their true position, the articulating surface being directed downwards in Lepidophloios. Pinus antkracia, Lindley and Hutton (Fossil Flora, vol. iii. pi. clxiv.), is likewise a fragment of the bark of Lepidophloios. The specimen being badly preserved cannot be definitely referred to any species, but is probably only an older condition of Lepidophloios carinatus, Weiss. The example in the Collection from Jarrow shows a cone attached to the stem. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Durham : Jarrow. Stirlingshire : No. 1 Pit, Railway Station, Falkirk ? Foreign. Bohemia : Kralup. Lepidophloios Scoticus, Kidston, n.s. Lepidophloios laricinus. Macfarlane, Trans. Botan. Soc. Edinb. vol. xiv. p. 181, pis. vii. viii. (excl. fig. 5a). Halonia. Thompson, Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinb. vol. iii. p. 341, pi. (? A), fig. 1. Remarks. This species has been figured and described by Dr. Macfarlane under the name of Lepidophloios laricinus, Sternberg, from which, however, it is essentially distinct. His description is very full, so nothing further need be added here. Reference has already been to made to Dr. Macfarlane's figures in regard to the relationship of Halonia to Lepidophloios (see ante, p. 170). Horizon. Calciferous Sandstone Series (Culm.). Locality. British. Midlothian : Burdiehouse, near Edinburgh. HALONIA, Lindley and Hutton, 1833. Fossil Flora of Great Britain, vol. ii. p. 11. Obs. The genus Halonia, as employed here, is synonymous with " fruiting branch of Lepidophloios," and is not regarded as constituting a true group of plants. Halonian branches of Lepidophloios, which cannot be specifically distinguished, are often met with, and for the purpose of noting the occurrence of the genus these specimens must not be passed over. The genus Cyclocladia, Goldenberg* (non Lindley and Hutton;, f is also to be referred to Lepidophloios. The original figure given by Golden burg is only a flattened impression of Halonia.]. * Flora Sarsep. Foss. heft i. pp. 19, 20, pi. iii. fig. 11. f Cyclocladia, Lindley and Hutton (Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. cxxx.), is to be referred to Calamitina, Weiss (Steinkohlen-Calamarien, p. 126, Abhand. z. Geol. Specialkarte v. Preussen u. d. Thuringischen Staaten, vol. ii. heft i. 1876). J Carruthers, Geol. Mag. vol. x. p. 145, 1873. 174 FOSSIL PLANTS. In unison with this view I give the following references : Halonia regularis. Binney, Obs. Structure Foss. Plants Carb. Strata, part iii. p. 89, pi. xv. figs. 1-4, pi. xvi. figs. 1-5, 1872. Feistmantel, Steink. v. Kralup in Bohm. pi. xvii, figs. 1-5, pi. xviii. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 193, pi. xxxiv., fig. G, pi. xxxv., pi. xxxvi. figs. 1, 2, and pi. xxxvii. figs. 1, 2). Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. ccxxviii. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 42. Uuger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 137. Genera et Species, p. 267. Halonia tuberculata. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs. p. 194, pi. xxviii. fig. 8 Keuault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 53, pi. xii. fig. 3. Haloniatortuosa. Bonlay, Terr. Houil. du Nord. de la France, p. 39. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. Ixxxv. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882 p. 54, pi. xii. fig. 4. Halonia gradlis. Lindley and Hutton, Fossil Flora, vol. ii. pi. Ixxxvi. See also Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 53. A number of examples of Halonian branches of Lepidophloios are in the collection. Localities. British. Durham : Gateshead. Northumberland : Newcastle- on-Tyue. Shropshire: Coalbrook-Dale. "Worcester- shire : near Bewdley. Yorkshire : Bradford ; Hifftree Quarry, Leeds. KNORRIA, Sternberg. I have already mentioned my reasons for rejecting this genus.* The plants for which it was formed are merely imperfectly preserved examples of Lepidodendron, and perhaps also individuals of other genera. The Collection contains many examples of these fossils. SIGILLARIA, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la classification des Vegetaux fossiles, p. 9. SECTION CLATHBABLE. Sigillaria discophora, Konig, sp. Lepidodendron discophorum. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 650. Konig, Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xvi. fig. 194, 1825. Ulodendron majus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1341. Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ. vol. iii. p. 153, pi. xliii. fig. 4, 1870. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 82. Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. heft i. p. 18. Lesquereux, Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 435. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 875. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 401 (? pi. Ixvi. figs. 3, 3 a ) (excl. ref. Steinhauer). Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. v. (excl. ref.). * See ante, p. 167. CARBONIFEROUS. 175 Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 50, pi. xi. fig. 3. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steinkf.-Form. Westph. p. 138. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 41 (syn. and ref., in part}. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 185. linger, Genera et Specie,?, p. 263. Ulodendron minus. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1341. Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ. vol. ii. p. 225, pi. xxxi., 1869, vol. iii. p. 153, 1870. Eichwald, Urwelt Eusslands, heft i. p. 82. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 82 (excl. syn.). Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. heft i. p. 18. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. iv. (excl. ref.). Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 403 (1 pi. Ixvi. fig. 1). Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 50. pi. xi. fig. 2. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form. Westph. p. 139 (excl. syn.). Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 42 (syn. in part). Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 185, pi. xlv. fig. 5. linger, Genera et Species, p. 263 (excl. ref., Allan and Brongt.). Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 115. Bothrodendron punctatum. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 173. Goldenberg, Flora Saraep. Foss. heft i. p. 18. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pis. Ixxx. Ixxxi. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 52, pi. xi. fig. 4. Ulodendron punctatum. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 42. Ulodendron Lindleyanum. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. p. 875, 1858. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 185, pi. xlv. fig. 4. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 135. Genera et Species, p. 263. Ulodendron ellipticum. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form. Westph. p. 139, pi. xxiii. fig. 3 (1 4), Ulodendron Stockesii. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral, vol. ii. p. 93, pi. Ivi. fig. 5. Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ. voL iii. p. 152, pi. xliv. fig. 3, 1870. ? Ulodendron Conybearii. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral, vol. ii. p. 94, pi. Ivi. fig. 6'. / Ulodendron transversum. Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ. vol. iii. p. 153, pi. xliv. fig. 2, 1870. Ulodendron pumilum. Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ. vol. iii. p. 152, pi. xliii. fig. 2. Ulodendron Lucasii. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral, vol. ii. p. 93, pi. Ivi. fig. 4. Lepidophloios parvus. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 490, fig. 170.7, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 163, pi. xi. fig. 50, vol. xxx. p. 216. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 453. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 38. Lepidophloios tetragonus. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 490, fig. 170^, 1868. 176 FOSSIL PLANTS. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 164. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 453. Foss. Plants Lower Garb. Canada, p. 37. Lepidodendron salebrosum Wood, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol. xiii. p. 345, pi. viii. fig. 6. Halonia disticha. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489, pi. xxxviii. fig. 1. Sigillaria Preuiana. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 42, pi. xii. fig. 7, 1862. Sigillaria perplexa. Wood, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol. xiii. p. 345, pi. viii. fig. 7. Sigillaria Menardi. Lesquereux, Keport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 450, pi. xliii. Remarks. In the notes appended to Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, Sternb., my reasons are stated fully for regarding certain species of Ulodendron as Sigillaria. The two species of Ulodendron (as far as specimens in the Collection are concerned) which fall to be placed in Sigillaria are Lepidodendron discophorum, Konig ( = Ulodendron majus, L. and H.), and Ulodendron Taylori, Carruthers. At present my remarks will apply chiefly to Sigillaria discophora, Konig, sp. This species was first figured as a Lepidodendron, without any description, by Konig, about 1825. As far as I am aware, Bronn is the only author who takes any notice of Kb'nig's plate, which is very characteristic of the species. His figure, of which there is a plaster cast in the Collection, represents a specimen 6| inches long and 3 inches wide, bearing two perfect Ulodendroid- scars and a portion of a third. These are about 2 inches in diameter. The rhomboidal leaf -scars are seen on the figure, and a separate drawing of them is also given, but they show no trace of the vascular bundle " dots." Lindley and Button's Ulodendron majus agrees in all respects with this figure, which evidently must have beeu unknown to the authors of the Fossil Flora, as they make no reference to it. In regard to Lindley and Hutton's plate, the leaf- scars appear to be a little roughly drawn, their upper angle being too acute, and the boundary lines of the lower portion of the leaf-scar too convex. Their reference to Rhode's plate must be excluded, as Rhode's figure belongs to Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, and not to their Ulodendron majus. From the examination of numerous specimens, many of which were in exquisite preservation, I can entertain no doubt that Ulodendron minus, L. and H., is only a slightly younger stem of Ulodendron majus, L. and H. The reference they give to Allan's plate of a Ulodendron from Craigleith Quarry as synonymous with their Ulodendron minus must also be cancelled, as Allan's plant is likewise Lepidodendron Vdtheimianum. I have carefully examined the counterpart of the type of Ulodendron minus, L. and H., which is now all that is known to exist of the fossil, and am assured by the shape of the leaf -scars that it is Sigillarian, they being, in fact, of the same form as that described by Romer as Sigillaria Preuiana, but this point will be more fully discussed presently. The figure of Ulodendron minus, given by Lesquereux in the Coal Flora of Pennsylvania, and which appears to be inverted, is not very satisfactory, but is probably Lindley and Hutton's plant. The same author gives es an excellent figure of Sigillaria discophora, Konig., sp. (Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 450, pi. xliii.), under the name of Sigillaria Menardi, where the character of the leaf-scar is clearly shown. The specimen he figures is a comparatively old stem, and is very characteristic of the species. In fact, Lesquereux here notices the Sigil- larian nature of his fossil, and places it in the correct genus, but perhaps not under the right species, though I am by no means sure that Sigillaria CARBONIFEROUS. 177 Menardi, Brongniart (Hist. d. V6g6t. Foss. pi. clviii. fig. 5, not fig. 6), does not belong to Sigillaria discophora. It is a little uncertain if the figures given as Ulodendron majus by Lesque- reux (Coal Flora, pi. Ixvi. figs. 3, 3a) belong to Lindley and Button's plant. The explanation of the figures is, I am afraid, inaccurate, if they belong to the species under which he has placed them. He appears to have under con- sideration two distinct plants. Perhaps his figure 3a is the Bothrodendron punctatum, Zeiller,* which is not, however, the Bothrodendron punctatum, Lindley and Hutton. The latter is only a decorticated state of their Vloden- dron majus and U. minus. The plant which Zeiller has figured and identified as Lindley and Hutton's Bothrodendron punctatum is a species closely allied to Rhytidodendron minuti- folium, Boulay.f It is interesting to find the large Ulodendroid-scars also occurring in Boulay's genus Rhytidodendron. Zeiller has probably been misled in the identification of his fossil, by the authors of the Fossil Flora having headed their description of pi. Ixxx. (Bothrodendron punctatum) " Corticated," and that of pi. Ixxxi. " Decorticated." In their description of pi. Ixxx. they say, " Upon the surface of the stem are discoverable a con- siderable number of minute dots, arranged in quincuncial manner, something less than half an inch apart ; it is probable that these may be the scars of leaves, but at present there is nothing to prove that they were so." (Vol. ii. p. 1.) It has since been proved that the little " dots," which were thought to be perhaps leaf -scars, are the extremities of the foliar vascular bundles, as exhibited on a decorticated stem. Their plate Ixxxi. is only a more indifferently preserved example of the same plant, where all traces of the foliar vascular bundles have been entirely obliterated. Ulodendron punctatum, Sternberg (Vers. ii. p. 186, pi. xlv. fig. 1). As this specimen is decorticated, it is impossible to determine the species to which it should be referred, though from the closeness of the foliar vascular bundles to each other it probably belongs to the Sigillarian group of Ulodendron. Even in decorticated conditions of the so-called Ulodendrons, if the little " dots " of the foliar vascular bundles are shown, a probable determination can be made in many cases as to whether the specimen belongs to the Lepidodendroid or Sigillarian group of Ulodendron, for, on the Lepidoclen- droid members the leaf-scars are larger than on the Sigillarian, and conse- quently the foliar vascular bundle " dots " on decorticated stems of Sigillarian- IJlodendra stand nearer to each other than they do on Lepidodendroid - Ulodendra. This is not, however, in all cases a secure generic test, and in no case will it lead to a specific determination. When the little " dots " are not shown it is impossible even to say the genus to which a Ulodendroid fossil belongs. Ulodendron ellipticum, Sternberg (Vers. ii. p. 186, pi. xlv. fig. 2), does not admit of any satisfactory allocation. Ulodendron ellipticum, Roehl (I.e. pi. xxiii. fig 3), appears to be referable to Sigillaria discophora, but his fig. 4 of the same plate is too indifferently preserved to speak of with any certainty. Neither can any definite identification be made of Ulodendron Lindleyana, Roehl (Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 138, pi. xxiii. figs. 1, 2). Nor can one speak with more certainty as to the specific designation of Ulodendron Schlegelii, Eichswald (Lethsea Eossica, vol. i. p. 138, and Urwelt Russlands, heft i. p. 81, pi. iii. fig. 4). Ulodendron transversum, Carruthers (non Eichwald), (which does not appear to differ from Ulodendron Schlegelii and Ulodendron Conybeani, Buckland), is also probably to be referred to Sigillaria discophora. Of course, in discussing the nature of Ulodendron, absolutely nothing for the elucidation of its true affinities can be learnt from * Ann. des Scienc. Nat. 6 e ser. Bot. vol. xiii. p. 218, pi. ix. figs. 1-3, and V6get. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 116. t Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France et ses VegSt. Foss. p. 39, pi. iii. figs. 1 and 1 bis. N 178 FOSSIL PLANTS. such examples as those just mentioned, though, if at all possible, one is naturally anxious to correlate them to the species of which they are decorti- cated examples. The small figure which Buckland gives of his Ulodendron Lucasii is not all that could be desired for a satisfactory determination, but from the form of the few leaf-scars, as shown on his figure, there is little reason to doubt that this species should also be placed under Sigillaria discophora. I am unable to discover any point by which Ulodendron pumilum, Carruthers, can be distinguished from Sigillaria discophora. The specimen from which Mr. Carruthers' figure is taken is in the Collection, and shows very well the Sigillarian form of the leaf-scars. This fossil is somewhat smaller in all its parts than Konig's example, but this difference is entirely dependent on age. A figure agreeing in all essentials with that of Mr. Carruthers, and which I also refer to Sigillaria discophora, had previously been published by Dawson in his Acadian Geology (2nd ed. fig. 170^, p. 455, 1868) under the name of Lepidophloios parvus. What I believe to be only an older state of Lepidophloios parvus is the Lepidophloios tetragonus, Dawson (l.c., p. 455 ; Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. pi. x. fig. 49). On a large specimens of Sigillaria discophora, from the Coal Measures, Old Sauchie, Clackmannanshire, in my own Collection, some of the leaf-scars agree entirely with those of Dawson's Lepidophloios tetragonus. Halonia disticha, Morris, must also be united with Sigillaria discophora. Specimens preserved in the round, similar to his figure, are by no means uncommon. The presence of only two rows of large scars on his fossil is sufficient to remove it from Halonia (Lepidophloios), and the other characters of the specimen show its true place to be here. Geinitz (Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 38) appears to have misunderstood the true nature of Lindley and Hutton's genus Bothrodendron, for under the name of Halonia punctata he includes different fossils. Lepidodendron salebrosum and Sigillaria perplexa, Wood, are only fragments of Sigillaria discophora. Both in Sigillaria perplexa and in the figure given under the name of Sigillaria Menardi by Lesquereux, the longitudinal clefts which appear in the bark of old examples are well seen. A similar vertical splitting of the bark also takes place in the succeeding species (Sigillaria Taylori, Carruthers, sp.), and has already been pointed out as occurring in Lepidodendron Veltheimianum (=Ulodendron parmatum and U. commutatum). One of the most interesting figures of this species has been given by Eomer (Palaeontographica, voL ix. pi. xii. fig. 7) under the name of Sigillaria Preuiana. He says of his plant (p. 42) : " The leaf -cushions stand as in Lepidodendron, in oblique rows ; they are rhomboidal or six-sided, as long as broad, slightly elevated, and show above the middle a round scar, on each side of which is a lunate cicatricule. The leaf-scar is almost as large as the leaf-cushion. In other words, there is in Sigillaria Preniana, which is synonymous with Sigillaria discophora, a Clathrarian-Sigillaria. In this section of Sigillaria the scars to which the leaves articulate are placed upon slightly elevated cushions, which in their structure are comparable to the cushions to which the leaves of Lepidophloios are attached. In the compressed condition these Clathrarian-Sigillaria might lead one to suppose that the vascular-scar was surrounded by a ' field " as in Lepidodendron, but this appearance is alto- gether due to mechanical causes, and does not represent a parallel structure. In Lepidodendron the leaf base is not only attached to the vascular impression of the leaf -scar, but to the whole area of the "field." In Sigillaria the leaf is only attached to the vascular-scar, which is not surrounded by a " field." I have seen many well-preserved specimens of Sigillaria discophora, with * h . e leaf -scars identical with those described by Homer as occurring on his bigMana Preuiana, and were it not for the presence of the large Ulodendroid- scars on these specimens they could not have been distinguished from his plant. Hence, when Sigillaria Preuiana agrees in all its characters with undoubted CARBONIFEROUS. 179 specimens of Sigillaria discophora, we have no course left but to unite the two. Portions of some of those examples of Sigillaria discophora, to which I have referred, might be broken off from those parts where the large scars do not occur, and would be indistinguishable from Sigillaria Preuiana, Bonier. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : near Carluke (Presented by the British Association) ; Shott's Iron Works. Northumber- land : Newcastle- on -Tyne (Specimen figured as Ulodendron Stockesii by Mr. Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ. 1870, vol. iii. pi. xliv. fig. 3.) Stafford- shire : Low Moor (Cast). Worcestershire : Bewd- ley. Yorkshire : Boldshaw, Bradford Moor, Brad- ford; Wakefield. (No more definite locality than Yorkshire is given for the type of Ulodendron pumilum, Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ. 1870, vol. iii. pi. xliii. fig. 2.) No locality. Cast of Sigillaria (Lepidodendron discophora, Konig., sp., figured in Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xvi. fig. 194). Sigillaria Taylori, Carruthers, sp. Ulodendron Taylori. Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ. vol. iii. p. 152, pi. xliii. fig. 1, 1870. Ulodendron minus. Thompson, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc. vol. iii. p. 341, pi. (B). Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. Stur (in part), Culm Flora, heft 2, pi. xxxix. figs. 1, 2. Remarks. The form of the leaf-scars is not well shown on the type specimen of this species. They are better shown on the three other figures of this plant which have been given under the names of Ulodendron minus and Lepidodendron Veltheimianum. It is difficult to understand how Dr. Stur has included his two figures of Sigillaria Taylori under Lepidodendron Veltheimianum, as no state of preservation or age could account for the leaf-scars of Lepidodendron Veltheimianum becoming so altered as to assume the form and arrangement of those on his pi. xxxix. figs. 1, 2. His figure 1 shows an older condition of Sigillaria Taylori than his figure 2. The right hand upper corner of this last-mentioned figure indicates clearly the Sigillarian form of the leaf -scar, and how close are the affinities of this species with Sigillaria discophora. (Compare Mr. Carruthers' figure of this last- mentioned plant under the name of Ulodendron pumilum, Monthly Micro. Journ. vol. iii. pi. xliii. fig. 2.) Prof. D'Arcy Thompson has figured an example of this species with the lower portion of the appendicular organ attached. The Clathrarian form of the leaf-scars is well shown on his figure, but even better on his specimen, which he has kindly lent me for exami- nation. I have already referred to an example collected by Dr. Macfarlane, which shows the appendicular organs, in a young condition, attached to the stem.* Horizon. Carboniferous Limestone Series. (Also occurs plentifully in the Calciferous Sandstone Series.) Locality. British. Linlithgowshire : Bathgate. (Type.) Sigillaria Brardii, Brongniart. Sigillaria Brardii. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 123. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 65. * See ante, p. 164. x 2 180 FOSSIL PLANTS. Brongniart, Hist. d. V6get, Foss. p. 430, pi. clviii. fig. 4. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1143. Feistmantel, Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 88, pi. v. figs. 1, 2. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 284. Germar, Vers. v. Wettin u. Lobejun, p. 29, pi. xi. figs. 1, 2. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 75. Goldenberg, Flora Saraep. Foss. heft ii. p. 25, pi. vii. figs. 7-10. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 201. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 154, Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 42. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 872. Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 451. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 477, pi. Ixxiii. figs. 8-16. Newberry, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1883, vol. xii. p. 174. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 129, pi. xvii. fig. 1. Eoehl, Vers. d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 95. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Ve"get. vol. ii. p. 102. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 120. Genera et Species, p. 233. Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Bothl. p. 161, pi. xvi. fig. 1, pi. xvii. figs. 7-9. Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p, 87. Zeiller, Vege"t. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 135, pi. clxxiv. fig. 1. Sigillaria Menardi. Brongniart (in part), Hist. d. Veget. Foss. pi. clviii. fig, 6 (not fig. 5). Sigillaria Serlii. Carruthers, Geol. Mag. 1883, Dec. ii. vol. x. p. 49, pi. ii, Clathraria Brardii. Brongniart, Classif, d, Veget. Foss. pi. i. fig. 5. Favularia Brardii. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. iv, p. 14. Catenaria decora. Germar, Vers. v. Wettin u. Lobejun, p. 30, pi. xi. fig. 3. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 15. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. 25, pi, Iji. fig. 1. Sigillaria dubia. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 65, Lepidophloios platystigma. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 490, fig. I70e, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. xxii. p. 164, pi. x. figs. 47, 48, 1866 Canadian, Nat. vol. viii. p. 453. Lepidodendron sexangulare. Eichwald, Lethaea Eossica, p. 114, pi. v. figs. 8, 9 (excl. syn.), Lepidodendron ottonis. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 462, pi. xlii, figs. 2, 3. Lepidodendron dichotomum. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 9. florizon.Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. France : Mines of La Croizet, St. Etienne (Presented by M. C. Chantre). CARBONIFEROUS. 181 SECTION LEIODEBMAKLS2. Sigillaria aquensis, Konig, sp. Lepidodendron aquense. Konig, Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xiv. fig. 164. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Bohemia. (The Type figured by Konig.) Sigillaria monostigma, Lesquereux. Sigillaria monostigma. Lesquereux, Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 449, pL xlii. figs. 1-5, vol. iv. p. 446, pi. xxvi. fig. 5. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 468, pi. Ixxiii. figs. 3-6. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. ii. p. 101. Horizon. Coal Measures, Locality. Foreign. United States : Pennsylvania. SECTION BHYTIDOLEPIS. Sigillaria tessellata, Brongniart. Sigillaria tessettata. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 40. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 65. Hist. d. Vege"t. Foss. p. 436, pi. clvi. fig. 1, pi. clxii. figs. 1, 2, 3,4. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1145. Dawson, Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 35. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 434. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 146. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 474, 1868. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 229, pi. 1. figs. 1, 2. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 18. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 44, pi. v. figs. 6-9. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 75. Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. heft ii. p. 29, pi. vi. figs. 14, 15. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 157. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 41, pi. xvi. figs. 3, 4. Lesquereux, Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 451. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 872. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 481, pi. Ixxii. figs. 2-4. Ludwig, Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou. p. 23, 1876. Nauman, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 414. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 132, pi. xvii. fig. 3. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 98, pi. ix. figs. 2-8. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. V6get. vol. ii. p. 81, pi. Ixviii. fig. 1. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 120. ,, Genera et Species, p. 235. Weiss, Verh. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 87. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 132, pi. clxxiii. fig. 2. Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 15. Favularia tessellata. Liudley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pis. Ixxiii. Ixxiv. Ixxv. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489. Phytolithus tessellatus. Steinhauer, Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol. i. p. 295, pi. vii. fig. 2. 2 FOSSIL PLANTS. Siaillaria elegans. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 124. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 40. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 65. Hist. d. V6get. Foss. p. 438, pi. cxlvi. fig. 1, pi. civ. and clviii. fig. 1. Bronn, Index Pateont. p. 1144. Lethsea Geog. vol. i. part ii. p. 134, pL vi. fig. 6. Dawson, Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 35. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 474, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 146, pi. vii. fig. 26. ,, Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 434. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 62. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 230, pi. 1. fig. 3. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 75. Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. heft ii. p. 27, pi. vi. figs. 16, 17. Grand 'Eury (in part), Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 158. Kimball, Flora from the Appalachian Coalfield, p. 20, 1857. Konig, Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xv. fig. 184. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 132, pi. xvii. fig. 4, and 4bis. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 96, pi. viii. fig. 9, and pi. xxviii. fig. 6. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 121. Genera et Species, p. 235. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 134. Sigillaria Knorrii. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 41. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 65. Hist. d. Ve'ge't. Foss. p. 444, pi. clvi. figs. 2, 3, pi. clxii. fig. 6. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1144. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 475, 1868. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 35. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 436. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 148. Feistmantel, Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 97. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 231, pi. 1. figs. 7, 8. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 76. Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. heft ii. p. 28, pi. vii. fig. 18. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 872. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form. Westph. p. 98, pi. xxviii. fig. 12. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 122. Genera et Species, p. 236. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 87. Sigillana hexagona. Bronguiart, Prodrome, p. 65. Hist. d. Vege~t. Foss. pis. civ. and clviii. fig. 1. Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. pi. vi. fig. 16. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 483 (pi. Ixxii. fig. 1 ?) Unger, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Zeiller, Flore Houil. des Asturies, p. 15. / Sigillaria ichthyolepis. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 29, pi. ix. fig. 19. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1144. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 61. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 231, pi. 1. fig. 4. Giebel, DeutschL Petrefacten, p. 75. Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. heft ii. p. 27, pi. vii. fig. 17. CARBONIFEROUS. 183 Kimball, Flora from the Appalachian Coalfield, p. 21, pi. ii. fig. 2, 1857. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 482, pi. Ixxiii. fig. 7. linger, Genera et Species, p. 231. Sigillaria alveolaris. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 41. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 65. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 443, pi. clxii. fig. 5. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1143. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 62. Feistmantel, Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 96. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 232, pi. li. fig. 2. Steinkf. v. Kralup. in Bohm. p. 14. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 76. Goldenberg, Flora Saraep. Foss. p. 40, heft ii. pi. vii. fig. 16. Konig, Icones Fossilium Sectiles, pi. xiv. fig. 166. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 872. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 121. Genera et Species, p. 236. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 88. Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. RothL p. 167. Lepidodendron alveolare. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. i. p. 23, pi. ix. fig. \a-b. Lepidodendron alveolatum. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. i. p. 21, pi. ix. fig. 1. Sigillaria minima. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 40. Brongniart, Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 435, pi. clviii. fig. 2. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1145. Goldenberg, Flora Saraep. Foss. heft ii. p. 26, pi. vi. fig. 15. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 96, pi. i. fig. 8b (? pi. ix fig. 7). Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 120. Genera et Species, p. 234. Sigillaria ornata. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 65. Hist. d. Veget. Foss. p. 434, pi. clviii. fig. 8 (? fig. 7). Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1145. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 29, pi. ix. fig. 21. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 61. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 75. Goldenberg, Flora Saraep. Foss. heft ii. p. 26, pi. vii. figs. 3, 4. Nauman, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 414. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. p. 142. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 120. Genera et Species, p. 233. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 87. Sigillaria microstigma. Brongniart, Hist. d. VegSt. Foss, p. 478, pi. cxlix. fig. 2. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1145. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 233, pi. 1. fig. 16. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 78. Goldenberg, Flora Saraep. Foss. heft ii. p. 52, pi. viii. fig. 30. Unger, Synop Plant. Foss. p. 126. Genera et Species, p. 249. 184 FOSSIL PLANTS. Sigillaria Zwickaviensis. JBronn, Index Palaeont. p. 1146. Calamosyrinx Zwickaviensis. Petzholdt, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 181, pi. v. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 259. Genera et Species, p. 521. Sigillaria approximates. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 96, pi. xxxvii. fig. 3. Sigillaria sexangula. Sauveur, Ve"get. Foss. de la Belgique, pi. liii. fig. 1. ? Favularia nodosa. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. cxcii. Nauman, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 414. Favularia variolata. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xiii. Favularia obovata. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xiii. Favularia ichthyolepis. Sternberg, Vers. ii. pi. xxxviii. fig. 26. Favularia elegans. Sternberg, Vers. i. p. 14, pi. Hi. fig. 4. Favularia hexagona. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xiii. Lepidodendron hexagonum. Eost, De Fil. Ectypis, p. 10. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 1, p. 23. Palmacites hexagonatus. Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde, p. 394, pi. xv. fig. 1. Palmacites variolatus. Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde, p. 395, pi. xv figs. 3a-b. Aspid'aria variolata. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 181, pi. Ixviii. fig. 12. Parkinson, Organic Remains, vol. i. pi. v. fig. 8. As THE EOOT OF SlGILLARIA TfiSSELATA. ? Stigmaria conferta. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1200. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 34, pi. xiii. figs. 9, 10. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 61. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 262, pi. 1 fi-&. Lesquereux, Bull. Mus. Com par. Zool. Harvard Col. vol. vii. 1882, p. 245. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 532, pi. Ixxvi. fig. 3. Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 877. Report, Geol Survey of Illinois, vol. ii. p. 443. Newberry, Explor. Exped. from Santa Fe, &c., p. 18. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1883, p. 173. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink.-Form. Westph. p. 149. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steinkf. im Badischen Schwarz. pp. 2, 4, and 5. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 142, 143. linger, Genera et Species, p. 277. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 93. Foss. Flora d. jiing. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 201, pi. xviii. fig. 38. Zeiller, Flore Houil. des Asluries, p. 16. Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 143. Fldbellaria borassifolia. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 121. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 499. Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt, p. 44, pis. xxiv. xxv. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc 2, pp. 27 and 32, pi. xviii., fasc. 4, p. xxxiv. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 182. Pycnophyllum borassifolium. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 190. Remarks. Of the numerous species of Cordaites which have been described, many are so imperfectly characterised that when guided only by descriptions it is all but impossible to discover in what they differ from each other. The plants here placed under Cordaites borassifolius, Sternberg, sp., are characterised by the leaves having alternately a' thick and a thin nerve. This plant is rare in Britain, the specimens from the Forest of Wyre being the only ones I have seen which can be referred to this species. Associated with these examples from the Forest cf Wyre are other CARBONIFEROUS. 207 specimens in which the nerves are of equal thickness, and the same distance apart from each other, as are the thicker nerves in the specimens of Cordaites borassifolius from the same locality. This equal-nerved variety doubtless originally possessed the alternate fine nerve of Cordaites borassifolius, which, however, from imperfect preservation has now disappeared from between the thicker nerves. In this condition, had the fossils not occurred with undoubted plants of Cordaites borassifolius, it would have been impossible to have distinguished them from Cordaites palmceformis, Goppert, sp., where the nerves are of equal thickness. I am therefore inclined to think that many of the records of Cordaites pal mceformis from the Coal Measures are merely imperfectly preserved examples of Cordaites borassifolius. The figure of Cordaites palmceformis given by Weiss (Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 199, pi. xviii. fig. 39) is probably referable to Cordaites borassifolius* The whole genus Cordaites requires a thorough revision. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Cordaites principalis, Germar, sp. Cordaites principalis. Feistmantel, Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 94. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 18. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 41, pi. xxi. figs. 1-6 (excl. fig. 22 ?). Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 159, pi. xxii. figs. 6-9. Grand 'Eury, Flora Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 216. Heer, Foss. Flora Spitzbergens, p. 22, pi. v. figs. 12-15 (?). Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 55, pi. i. fig. 1, and figs. 12, 14, and 16 (excl. fig. 13). Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 92, pi. xii. fig. 6. Roehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 163, pi. xx. figs. 1, 2. Romer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 44, 1862. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 92. Foss. Flora d. jiing. Steink. u. d. Rothl. p. 200. Flabellaria principalis. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwis. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 130. Germar, Vers. v. Wettin u. Lobejun, p. 55, pi. xxiii. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 332. Pycnophyllum principale. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 191. Remarks. This is the only species of Cordaites, as far as I am aware, which has been observed to occur in the Coal Measures of Scotland, where it is very common. Gienitz unites with it as its probable fruit Carpolithes Cordai, Geinitz. This seed I have not yet discovered in the Scotch Coal- fields. What I am inclined to regard as the fruit of Cordaites principalis is the Cardiocarpon Lindleyi, Carruthers (= Cardiocarpon acutum, L. and H.), as this little fruit is almost invariably found associated with the leaves of this species. The example of Cardiocarpon Lindleyi, from the Coal Measures, Falkirk, which has been figured by Mr. Carruthers (Geol. Mag. vol. ix. 1872), was found in association with the leaves of Cordaites principalis. * See remarks by Weiss, loc. cit., on the various species of Cordaites included by him in this work. 208 FOSSIL PLANTS. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Carluke. Stirlingshire : The Cleuch, Falkirk. Cordaites angulosostriatus, Grand 'Eury. Cordaites angulosostriatus. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 217, pi. xix. Rsnault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 90, pi. xii. fig. 3. Zeiller, Veget. Foss. du Terr. Houil. p. 144, pi. clxxv. figs. 2, 3. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Wales (South) : Brithdir Vein, Ehymney (Presented by Coles Child, Esq.). Cordaitefe lingulatus, Grand 'Eury. Cordaites lingulatus. Grand 'Eury, Flora Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 218, pi. xx. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 533. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 91, pi. xii. fig. 5. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. France : Mines of La Chazotte, St. Etienne. Cordaites obovatus, Carruthers, sp. Noeggerathia obovata. Carruthers, Geol. Mag. vol. vi. pi. vi. fig. 1, 1869. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 197. Remarks. The type of this species is in the Collection. Horizon. Carboniferous. Locality. Foreign. Brazil : Rio Grande do Sol. Cordaites Mansfieldi, Lesquereux. Cordaites Mansfieldi. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. vol, ii. p. 537, pi. IxxvL figs. 4-4b, pi. Ixxviii. figs. 1, 2, pi. Ixxxvii. fig. 8. Rhabdocarpus Mansfieldi. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. vol. ii, pi. Ixxxv. tig. 21. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. United States : Pennsylvania. ANTHOLITHUS, Brongniart (emend.). Prodrome d'une Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 128, 1828. Schimper, Traite de Pale"ontologie Vegetale, vol. iii. p. 564, 1874. Antholithus parvifloms > Schimper. Antholithus parviftofus. Schimper, Traite d, Paleont Veget. vol. iii. p. 567. Calamites Volkmannit Ettingahausen (in part), Steinkf. v. Stradonitz, p. 5, pi. v. figs. 1-3., Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Bohemia : Stradonitz. CARBONIFEROUS. 209 CARDIO CARPUS, Brongniart, 1828. Prodrome d'une Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 87. Cardiocarpus Lindleyi, Carrnthers. Cardiocarpon Lindleyi. Carruthers, Geol. Mag. vol. ix. p. 56, 1872 (excl. Cardiocarpon cornutum, Dawson). Cardiocarpon acutum. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 87. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 222. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. pi. xiii. fig. 25 (?). Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte, p. 274. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 84. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. Ixxvi. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 224. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 140. Genera et Species, p. 271. Cardiocarpon apiculatum. Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte, p. 274. Goppert and Berger, Frucht. et Seminibus, p. 23, pi. ii. fig. 32. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 176. Schimper, Traite d. PaJeont. Veget. voL ii. p. 224. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 271. Cardiocarpon operculatum. Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte, p. 274 Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 84. Goppert and Berger, Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 23, pi. ii. fig. 21. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget vol. il p. 224. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 271. ? Cardiocarpon obliquum. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, voL xviii. p. 324, pi. xiii. fig. 25. Carpolithes contractus. Bronn, Index Palseont p. 239. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Piadnitz, p. 69. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xl. pi. vii. fig. 7. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 256. Genera et Species, p. 517. Carpolithes morcheUceformis. Bronn, Index Paladont. p. 240. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 69. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 161. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xli. pi. vii. fig. 5. Unger, Synop. Plant Foss. p. 257. Genera et Species, p. 518. Carpolithes acuminatus. Bronu, Index Palasont. p. 238. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. P^adnitz, p. 69. Giebel, Deutschl Petrefacten, p. 160. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xl. pi. vii. fig. 4. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 255. Genera et Species, p. 516. Carpolithes corculum. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 239. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. P^adnitz, p. 69. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xl. pi. vii. fig. 6. V 210 FOSSIL PLANTS. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss/ p. 256. Genera et Species, p. 517. Cordaianthus Lindleyi. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 95, pi. xiii. fig. 9. Cordaispermum Lindleyi. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 103, pi. xiv. fig. 8. Antholithus Lindleyi. Sclrimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 566. A ntholithes Pitcairniff. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 82. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 595 and 598. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 293. Steinkohl u. Perm-Ablager. p. 104. Lindley and Button, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. Ixxxii. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 94, pi. xiii. fig. 7. Boehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 165, pi. vii. fig. 5. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 499. Botryoconus Pitcairnice. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du De"p. de la Loire, p. 280. Remarks. Feistmantel (Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii, p. 293, 1872) unites Antholithes Pitcairnice with Cordaites borassifolius. As far as I am aware, the British specimens of Lindley and Button's plant are uniformly associated with Cordaites principalis, Germar, sp. Cordaites borassifolius has not yet been discovered in Britain in any locality where Antholithes Pitcairnice has been found. However, it is quite possible that imperfectly preserved specimens of the fructifications of other species of Cordaites may be indis- tinguishable from the example that Lindley and Hutton have figured and described as Antholithes Pitcairnice, which does not show the fruit, but only portions of the bracts and the axis to which the fruit has been attached. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Northumberland : Newcastle-on-Tyne. Stirlingshire : The Cleuch, Falkirk. Cardiocarpus subacutus, Grand 'Eury, sp. Samaropsis subacuta^ Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 281, pi. xxxiii. fig 5. Remarks. This species is closely related to Cardiocarpus Lindleyi, Carruthers. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Cardiocarpus anomalus, Morris, sp. Cardiocarpon anomalum. Carruthers, Geol. Mag. vol. ix. p. 57, 1872. Antholithes anomalus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 82. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489, pi. xxxviii. figs. 5, 6. Antholithus anomalus. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 566. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Derbyshire. CARBONIFEROUS. 211 Cardiocarpus Gutbieri, Geinitz. Cardiocarpus Gutbieri. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 598. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 301. Grand 'Eury. Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 236. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 549, pi. Ixxxiii fig 8 fexcl figs. 9, 10, 11 (?). Cardiocarpon Gutbieri. Fiedler, Die Foss. Friichte, p. 275. Feistmantel, Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager, p. 94. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 39, pi. xxi. figs. 23-25. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 222. Cordaispermum Gutbieri. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 103, pi. xiv. fig. 7. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Worcestershire : Tipton, near Dudley. CYCLOCARPUS, Goppert and Fiedler, 1857. Uber Die Fossil en Friichte der Steinkohlenformation, Nova A eta Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. vol. xxvi. p. 292. Cyclocarpus nummularius, Goppert and Fiedler. Cyclocarpus nummularius. Weiss, Verhatidl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 94. Cydocarpon nummularium. Goppert and Fiedler, Die Foss. Frtichte, p. 292, pi. xxviii. fig. 47. ? Cyclocarpus intermedium. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 147, pi. xxvii. figs. 12-15, pi. xxix. tigs. 7, 13-16. ? Cardiocarpus intermedim. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 222. Remarks. I am inclined to think that Cyclocarpus intermedius, Goppert, is not specifically distinct from this species. A specimen from Staffordshire, which I place under Cyclocarpus nummu- larius, is about an inch and a quarter in diameter. Otherwise than in its size, it does not differ from the description of this species as given by Goppert and Fiedler. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Staffordshire. Yorkshire : Cloughton. Cyclocarpus, sp. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Northumberland : Newcastle-on-Tyne. NOEGGERATHIA, Steinberg, 1820. Versuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt. vol. i. fasc. 2, p. 28. Noeggerathia foliosa, Sternberg. Noeggerathia foliosa. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 121. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 815. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Radnitz, p. 58. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 266, pi. Ixii. figs. 1, 2, 8. P 2 212 FOSSIL PLANTS. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxvii. p. 78, pi. v. figs s 1 and 3. Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 101, pi. ii. fig. 1 . Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1865, p. 391, pi. iii. figs. 1, 2. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 38. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss. Pflanzen, lief. 5, 6, p. 108, pi. xii. fig. 1. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 65, pi. vii. fig. 6. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Veget. vol ii. p. 129. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 2, pp. 28 and 33, pi. xx., fasc. 4, p. xxxvi. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. p. 142. Morph. u. Syst. der Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 13, figs. 3, 4. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 57. Genera et Species, p. 103 Noeggerathiaestrdbus Bohemicus. Feistmantel, Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 270, pi. Ixi. fig. 5. Remarks. Stur (Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm, und Carbonfarne, p. 12) includes Noeggerathia in the order Ophioglossacece, but from the structure of the fruit of Noeggerathia foliosa this classification appears to me inadmissible, and I therefore prefer to retain the genus in the Cycadacece. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign. Bohemia : Radnitz. Noeggerathia (P) aequalis, Goppert. Noeggerathice cequalis. Goppert, Tchihatcheff's Voyage dans 1' Altai, p. 385, pi. xxvii. fig. 7. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 131. Horizon. Carboniferous. Locality. Foreign. Eussia : Altai. PSYGMOPHYLLUM, Schimper, 1870. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. ii. p. 192. Psygmophyllum flabellatum, Lindley and Button, sp. Psygmophyttum flabellatum. Schimper, TraitS d. Pal6ont. Ve"get. vol. ii. p. 193. Noeggerathia flabellata. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 815. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. 1868, p. 481. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 153. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 442. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. xxviii., xxix. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 19. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 57. Genera et Species, p. 103. Ginkgophyllum flabellatum. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 65, pi. vii. fig. 5. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Durham : Sunderland. CARBONIFEROUS. 213 GENERA. INCEBT^E SEDIS. RHABDOCARPUS, Goppert and Berger, 1848. De Fructibus et Seminibus ex Formations Lithanthracum, p. 20. Rhabdocarpus multistriatus, Presl, sp. Rhabdocarpus multistriatus. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 578, pi. Ixxxv. figs. 22, 23. Carpolithes multistriatus. Bronn, Index Paleeont. p. 240. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 18. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 16. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. 1858, p. 877. Report, Geol. Survey Illinois, vol. ii. p. 460, pi. xlvi. tig. -2. Sternberg, Vers. ii. pi. xxxix. figs. 1, 2. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 254. Genera et Species, p. 515. Rhabdocarpus carinatus. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 579. Newberry, .Report, Geol. Survey Ohio, vol. i. part ii. p. 376, pi. xliv. fig. 3. Rhabdocarpus apiculatus. Newberry, Report , Geol. Survey Ohio, vol. i. part ii. p. 377, pi. xliv. fig. 6. ? Rhabdocarpus insignis. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 478, fig. 173#, 1868. ? Rhabdocarpus oblongatus. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora, p. 98, pi. xxxvii. figs. 8, 9. Remarks. The specimen I identify as Rhabdocarpus multistriatus is about I inch long and f iuch broad at its widest part, which is about one-third of au inch above its base. On the exposed surface of the fruit there appear to be nine or ten longitudinal ribs, which are alternately strong and weak. The specimen is intermediate in size between Rhabdocarpus multistriatus and Rhabdocarpus lineatus, Goppert and Berger (De Fruct. et Seminibus, pi. i. fig. 18). It agrees well with the figures of Rhabdocarpus multistriatus given by Lesquereux (Coal Flora of Pennsyl. pi. Ixxxv. figs. 22, 23), but is slightly less. This difference in size is not apparently specific. Some of the figures of Trigonocarpum Schulzianum given by Fiedler (Foss. Friichte d. Steink. Form.), especially his figures on pi. xxvi., approach very closely to Rhabdocarpus multistriatus, if they are really distinct from it. In any case it is difficult to understand how this fruit should be retained (as figured by Fiedler) in the genus Trigonocarpus. The greater prominence of three of the angles, as mentioned by him in his description, can scarcely be said to agree with his figures. Rhabdocarpus carinatus and Rhabdocarpus apiculatus, Newberry, do not seem to differ from Rhabdocarpus multistriatus, and with this last-mentioned species, perhaps Rhabdocarpus insignis, Dawson, and Rhabdocarpus oblongatus, Fontaiue and White, should also be united. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality.- British. Staffordshire : Beggar's Bank, Longport (Presented by A. Smith Woodward, Esq.). 214 FOSSIL PLANTS. Rhabdocarpus Kiinssbergii, Gutbier, sp. Cardiocarpon KUnssbergi. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 222. Feistmantel, Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 98. Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte, p. 274. Geinitz, Flora d. Hainich-Ebersdorfer, pp. 24 and 49. Vers. d. Steinkf. in Saehsen, p. 39, pi. xxii. figs. 22, 23. Gutbier in Genitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 92. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 221. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 272. Cardiocarpum Kiinssbergi. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 598. Vers. d. Bohm. Kohlenab. p. 222. Steinkohl. u. Perm-Ablager. p. 94. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsaust. vol. xxii. p. 303. ? Carpolithes marginatus. Artis, Anted. Phytol. pi. xxii.-c. (excl. B.) Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. Foreign* Saxony : Zwickau. Rhabdocarpus (?) disciformis, Sternberg, sp. Rhabdocarpus disciformis. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jung. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 205, pi. xi. fig. 4tt, pi. xviii. figs. 2-8, 15, 16. Carpolithes disciformis. Bronn, Index Paleeont. p. 239. Ettingshauseii, Steinkf. v. Kadnitz, p. 68. Goppert, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 16. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 240, pi. xxiv. fig. 7. Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. lief. i. p. 58, pi. xvii. figs. 19, 20. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xl. pi. vii. fig. 13. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 256. Genera et Species, p. 517. ? Rhabdocarpus ovalis. Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte, p. 287, pi. xxviii. fig. 34. ? Carpolithes obscurus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 240. Sternberg, Vers. ii. pi. Iviii. (last figure to right hand of plate). Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 255. Genera et Species, p. 516. f Carpolithes petiolatus. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 25, pi. ii. fig 27. Horizon. -Coal Measures. Locality. British. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Rhabdocarpus (P) Bockschianus, Goppert and Berger. Rhabdocarpus Bockschianus, Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte, p. 272. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 42, pi. xxii. figa 8 9 Giebel, Deutsch. Petrefacten, p. 93. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 21, pi. i. figs. 13, 14. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 158, pi. xxii. fi e 5 Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 217. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 306. CARBONIFEROUS. 215 Remarks. It is with some uncertainty that I place the fruit from near Bewdley under this species. I am inclined to think Rhabdocarpus Bockschianus is only a Trigonocarpus partially enclosed in its pericarp.* The figures of this species given by Geinitz do not perhaps lead one to this conclusion, but those given by Goppert and Bdrger indicate that this is the true nature of their fossil. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Worcestershire, near Bewdley. CARPOLITHUS, Sternberg. Versuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt. vol. ii. p. 208. Carpolithus ovoideus, Goppert and Berger, sp. Carpolithus ovoideus. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D6p. de la Loire, p. 239. Rhabdocarpus (?) ovoideus, Weiss, Foss. Flora d. jiing. Steink. u. d. Both!, p. 206, pi. xvii. tig. 4, pi. xviii. figs. 10-14, 18-21. Rhabdocarpus ovoideus. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 173, pi. xxvii. figs. 9, 10. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct et Seminibus, p. 22, pi. i. fig. 17. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Vege~t. vol. ii. p. 218. linger, Genera et Species, p. 307. Rhabdocarpus Germanicus. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 270, pi. Ixiv, fig. 14. Carpolithes membranaceus. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 178, pi. xxix. figs. 19-21. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 25, pi. ii. tigs. 19 and 20a, b. linger, Genera et Species, p. 512. Carpolithes ellipticus. Bronn, Index Palaeont. p. 239. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 16. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 239. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xl. pi. vii. fig. 1. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 257. Genera et Species, p. 517. ? Carpolithes sepelitus. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 17. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 208, pi. xlvii. fig. 6a. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 254. Genera et Species, p. 515. ? Carpolithes regularis. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 17. Sternberg, Yers. i. fasc. 4, p. xl. pi. vii. fig. 2. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 257. Genera et Species, p. 518. ? Antholithes Rhabdocarpi. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 149, pi. vii. fig. 30. ? Antholithes. Newberry, Eeport, Geol. Survey of Ohio, vol. i. part ii. pi. xli. fig. 2. * See p. 218. 216 FOSSIL PLANTS. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. Carpolithus, sp. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lanarkshire : Airdrie. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre. TRIGONO CARPUS, Brongniart, 1828. Prodrome d'une Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 137. Trigonocarpus Noeggerathi, Sternberg, sp. Trigonocarpus Noeggerathi. Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France, p. 50. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 137. Bronu, Index Palaeont. p. 1282 (excl. ref. Lindley and Button). Lethsea Geog. vol. i. part ii. p. 147, pi. vi 1 . fig. 16 (excl. ref. L. and H.). Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 150, vol. xxx. p. 216. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 439. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 38. Fiedler, Die Foss. Friichte, pp. 271 and 277 (ref. and syn. in part). Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 92. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 167 (in part). Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, pp. 15 and 18, pi. i. figs. 1, 2 (excl. ref. L. and H.). Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 183 (? pi. xv. fig. 1). Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 584, pi. Ixxxv. fig. 1 (excl. ref. L. and H.). Schimper, TraitS d. Paleont. Ve~get. vol. ii. p. 214 (excl. ref. L. and H.). Steininger, Beschreibung der Eifel, p. 138. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 173 (excl. ref L. and H.). Genera et Species, p. 303 (excl. ref. L. and H.). Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 93. Foss. Flora d. jUng. Steink. u. d. Eothl. p. 204 (excl. ref. L. and H.). Palmacites Noeggerathi. Sternberg, Vers. i. fasc. 4, p. xxxv. pi. Iv. figs. 6, 7. Trigonocarpum areolatum. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 19, pi. i. figs. 3, 4. Schimper, Trait6 d. PalSont. V6get. vol. ii. p. 215. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 304. Remarks. All the figures given by Lindley and Hutton in their Fossil Flora as Trigonocarpum Noeggerathi are referable to the fruits figured with- out name by Parkinson in his Organic Eemains, vol. i. pi. vii. figs. 6-8, to which Brongniart in his Prodrome applied the name of Trigonocarpum Parkinsoni. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Lancashire : near Oldhani. Worcestershire : Forest of Wyre; Dudley. Foreign. Ehenish Prussia : Saarbruck. Trigonocarpus Dawesii, Lindley and Hutton. Trigonocarpus Dawesii. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1282. Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte, pp. 271 and 286, pi. xxvii. fig. 29. CARBONIFEROUS. 2 1 7 Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 92. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 168. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 14. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 586, pi. ixxxv. figs. 2, 3 (? fig. 25). Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. ccxxi. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. p. 489 (?) Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. ii. p. 215. linger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 174. Genera et Species, p. 305. Horizon. Coal Measures. Locality. British. Lancashire : Wigan. Trigonocarpus Parkinson!, Brongniart. Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 137. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1282. Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte, p. 286. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 43, pi. xxii. figs. 17-20 (excl. syn. C. sulcata, L. and EL). Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 168. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 15. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 183. Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. p. 589, pi. Ixxxv. figs. 9, 10. Pu>ehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 160, pi. xxii. fig. 11. Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steink. im Badischen Schwarz, pp. 3 and 4. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. V6get. vol. ii. p. 214 (ref. in part). Uuger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 173. ,, Genera et Species, p. 305. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868 p. 93. Trigonocarpus subcylindricuw. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. In explan. to pi. Ixxxv. figs. 9, 10 (= T. Parkinsoni). Trigonocarpum Noeggerathi. Fiedler (in part), Die Foss. Fruchte, p. 277. Goppert and Berger (in part), De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 18. 1 Gomes, Foss. Flora du Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 34, pi. iv. figs, a b. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. cxlii. c, vol. iii. pi. cxciii. 6, figs. 1-4, pi. ccxxii. figs. 2 and 4. Schimper (in part), Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 214. Unger (in part), Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 173. (in part), Genera et Species, p, 303. Trigonocarpum olivceforme. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 1282. Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte, pp. 271 and 282, pL xxvii. fig. 28. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 15, Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 460. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pi. ccxxii. figs. 1 and 3. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 215. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 174. Genera et Species, p. 305. Trigonocarpus olivceformis. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 168. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 590, pi. Ixxxv. figs. 7, 8. 2lg FOSSIL PLANTS. Carpolithes amygdalceformis. Bronu, Index Palteont. p. 238. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Semimbus, p. lo, pi. i. tig. 12. Rhabdocarpus amygdalceformis. Feistmantel, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 292. Fiedler, Die Foss. Friichte, p. 272. Fontaine and White, Perm, or Upper Garb. Flora, p. 18. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 43, pi. xxii. figs. 10, 11. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 21, pi. i. fig. 12. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 877. Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 581, pi. Ixxxv. figs. 27 and 28 (?). Schimper, Traite d. Pal6ont. V6get. vol. ii. p. 217. linger, Genera et Species, p. 306. ? Triqonocarpus Menzelianus. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 590, pi. Ixxxv. fig. 11. Carpolithes alatus. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 238. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 15. Lindley and Button, Foss. Flora, vol. ii. pi. Ixxxvii., vol. iii. pi. ccx. b. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 226. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 255. Genera et Species, p. 516. ? Trigonocarpum rostellatum. Lesquereux, Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, voL ii. p. 460, pi. xlvi. fig. 6. Triqonocarpon. Hooker and Binney, Phil. Trans, cxlv. p. 149, pi. iv. 1855. / Rhabdocarpus Bockschianus, ante p. 214. Phytolithus. Martin, Petrificata Derbiensia, pi. xxi. figs. 1-3. Rhabdocarpos. Parkinson, Organic Remains, vol. i. pi. vii. figs. 6-8. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, pi. xxii. fig. 16 a, 6. Remarks. This fruit occurs under three different states of preservation, each of which has been placed in a distinct genus. The earliest figured form is Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni, where the little nuts are isolated and still retain their original shape. Specimens so preserved occur at times very plentifully at Ardeer Sandstone Quarry, near Stevenston, Ayrshire, and at Peel Quarry, Bolton, Lancashire. When the stone is split, specimens so preserved frequently fall out of the matrix, leaving a cavity which is usually lined with a layer of coal the remains of the pericarp. When they remain attached to the sandstone, they are commonly surrounded by a border of a similar coaly matter. The upper extremity of the surrounding coaly matter is frequently produced into a neck, which has a depressed furrow, similar to what is seen in Goppert and Berger's figure of Rhabdocarpus Bockschianus (loc. cit. pi. i. fig. 13), which in their plate is represented with the apex directed downwards.* When these nuts are preserved in the ordinary grey shales which are associated with the coal seams, they are generally more or less compressed, and the remains of the pericarp is seldom preserved, but when present forms a narrow sur- rounding border, which, like the fruit itself, is often finely striated longi- tudinally. In this condition, Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni is the Rhabdocarpus amygdalceformis of Goppert and Berger (loc. cit. pi. i. fig. 12). The complete fruit has been figured by Lindley and Hutton in their Fossil Flora (vol. ii. pi. Ixxxvii.) as Carpolithes alatus. Here the pericarp is seen enclosing the * See ante p. 214. CARBONIFEROUS. 219 nut. In their fig. 2 the seed is clearly exhibited, but in some examples I have seen it more perfectly shown, when even the more prominent angles were visible. In fig. 3 is shown the neck-like canal, similar to what is figured by Goppert and Berger in Rhabdocarpus Bockschianus (loc. cit. pi. i. figs. 13, 14). These various forms and conditions of Tngonocarpus Parkinsoni I have traced through a large series of specimens, and am led to conclude that the three fruits, Trigonocarpus Parieinsoni, Rhabdocarpus amygdalceformis, and Carpolithes alatus are all different states of the same fossil. In Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni three of the angles are very prominent, the other three very slight and seldom observable. When the more delicate ridges have become obliterated, the specimens form the Trigonocarpus olioceformis, Lindley and Hutton. In the Collection there is a large sandstone slab, measuring 21 inches by 15 inches, from Peel Quarry, Bolton, the original locality for Tngonocarpus olivceformis, on which is seen over 400 of these little fossils, either represented as sandstone casts, surrounded by a coaly envelope, or as shallow coal-lined hollows from which the seeds have fallen. Trigonocarpus Noeggerathi, with which Lindley and Hutton identify in error Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni, is a larger and much more uncommon fruit in Britain. Trigonocarpus oblongus, Lindley and Hutton (Fossil Flora, pi. cxciii. c), is also, perhaps, only a specimen of Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni, with part of the pericarp still adhering to the nut. An example from Oldham in the Collection shows a very similar appear- ance to Lindley and Hutton's figure, and it occurred along with typical specimens of Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni : thus I suspect Trigonocarpus oblongus is only Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni, with part of the pericarp slightly split, but still adhering to the seed. Rhabdocarpus davatus, Geinitz (Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, p. 42, pi. xxii. figs. 12-14), is likewise, I am inclined to think, referable to Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni. The original figures of this species given by Sternberg under the name of Carpolithes davatus (Vers. i. pi. vii. fig. 14a-b), are not so like Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni as Geinitz's rendering of Steinberg's species, there- fore I would not in the meantime propose to unite Carpolithes davatus, Sternberg, with Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni, but specimens similar to Geinitz's Rhabdocarpus davatus occur along with Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni on the large slab from Peel Quarry. Geinitz's Rhabdocarpus (sp.) (loc. cit. pi. xxii. fig. 15a-6) is however certainly referable to Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni, Brongniart. Trigonocarpus Parkinsoni is frequent in all the Scotch and also in some of the English Coalfields. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Ayrshire: Ardeer Sandstone Quarry, near Stevenston. Durham : Sunderland. Lancashire : Peel Quarry, near Bolton ; Oldham. Northumberland : New- castle-on-Tyne ; Felling Colliery, near Newcastle- on-Tyne ^Carpolithes alatus, L. and H.). Worces- tershire, near Bewdley. PALJEOXYRIS, Brongniart, 1828. Prodrome d'une Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 137, and Tableau des Genres de Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 86, 1849. Palseoxyris helicteroides, Morris, sp. Carpolithes helicteroides. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 239. Goppert and Berger, De Fruct. et Seminibus, p. 16. Morris, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. v. Explan. to pi. xxxviii. fig. 12. 220 FOSSIL PLANTS. Palceoxyris Prendelii. Lesquereux (in part), Eeport, Geol. Survey of Illinois, vol. iv. p. 464, pi. xxvii. fig. 10. Spirangium Prendelii. Lesquereux (in part), Coal Flora of Pennsyl. p. 519, pi. Ixxv. fig. 15. Schimper (in part), Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 585. Remarks. I have united with this species part of the specimens described by Lesquereux as Palceoxyris Prendelii, as they do not differ in any manner from Palceoxyris helicteroides,^ Morris, sp., except in being slightly larger. Lesquereux has evidently included two species under his Palceoxyris Prendelii. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Shropshire : Coalbrook Dale. CONIFERS. ARAUCARIOXYLON, Kraus, 1870. In Schimper's Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. ii. p. 380. Remarks. The Collection contains a number of microscopical sections of stems which have been described by Witham and others as belonging to the Coniferce. As a transverse, longitudinal, and radial section of each specimen are necessary for a satisfactory specific determination, and as it is now im- possible to ascertain of those sections in the Collection which longitudinal, radial, and ti'ansverse slits have been cut from the same specimen, it would be unsafe to attempt to identify them. The greater part of them have been made from the fossil trees found at Craigleith and Gran ton Quarries, near Edinburgh, and at Tweed Mill and Lennel Braes, near Coldstream, and are from the original collection of the late Mr. Alexander Bryson. All of these localities are of Calciferous Sandstone age. Some of these ancient conifers attained great dimensions. The trunk of that found at Craigleith Quarry in 1826 was 36 feet long and 3 feet in diameter at its base.* Another trunk found in the same quarry in 1830 was 47 feet long. This specimen was much compressed, but measured at its larger extremity 5 feet by 2 feet.f Both these trunks were mere fragments of the original trees, the upper and lower extremities of the stems being broken over. The large tree (Pinites Brandlingi, L. and H.) discovered at "Wideopen, near Gosforth, about five miles from Newcastle-on-Tyne, and which measured 72 feet in length, has been referred by several recent writers to the Cycadacece as the stem of Cordaites.\ If then Araucarioxylon (Pinites) Brandlingi is unquestionably of Cordaites origin, as some authors state, how can any of the other stems which are at present included in the genus Araucarioxylon be distinguished from Cordaites? In other words, how are the Coniferous and Cycadaceous individuals of Araucarioxylon to be distinguished from each other ? Or do all these so- called Conifers? belong to the Cycadacae ? In the Calciferous Sandstone Series of Scotland the occurrence of is extremely rare, and as far as I can remember I have only seen three examples of the leaves of these plants from that horizon, whereas coniferous-like stems are comparatively common, and carbonized fragments of a like wood are abundant in volcanic ash at many localities in Scotland. * Witham, Internal Structure of Fossil Vegetables, p. 28, 1833. t Witham, I.e. p. 29. j Zittel and Schenk, Handbuch d. Palseontologie, ii. Band iii. lief. p. 243. Enault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881 , p. 82. CARBONIFEROUS. 221 The curious fossils known as Sternbergia or Artisia, which occur throughout the whole of the carboniferous formation, have by some authors been referred to Coniferse as the casts of their pith cavity. Similar Sternbergia pith casts have been described as occurring in stems of Cordaites by Grand 'Eury,* Eenault, and Schenk, and finally Goldenberg has referred Sternbergia to Lepidophloios as the cast of its pith cavity. f The microscopical sections in the Collection are from the following localities : Horizon. Calciferous Sandstone Series. Localities. British. Berwickshire : Lennel Braes, Midlothian : Craig- leith Quarry and Granton Quarry, near.Edinburgh. In addition to these are some blocks of fossil wood which are probably referable to this class. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Warwickshire : Stanley, near Arley. Worcestershire : Bowles Brook, near Bewdley. STERNBERGIA, Artis, 1825. Antediluvian Phytology, p. 8. Sternbergia approximata. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 137. Bawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 491, 1868. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. iii. pis. ccxxiv., ccxxv. Artisia approximata. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Bep. de la Loire, p. 247. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 171. Sternbergia angulosa. Brongniart, Prodrome, p. 137. Sternbergia transversa. Artis, Anted. Phytol. pi. viii. Artisia transversa. Eoehl, Foss. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westph. p. 148, pi. iv. fig. 8. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 192, pi. liii. figs. 7-9. Dictyodendron Patricii. Landsborough in Patrick, Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1st ser. vol xiii p. 287, pi. v. fig. 1. Sternbergia. Williamson, Monthly Micros. Journ. vol. ii. p. 72, 1869. Remarks. The nature of the genus Sternbergia, Artis (Artesia Sternberg) has been mentioned in the remarks appended to Araucarioxylon.\ Specific names have been applied to the various forms assumed by these fossils, which are only the casts of the pith cavity of plants which perhaps belong to distinct genera. A considerable number of specimens are in the Collection, but I have merely placed them under " Sternbergia" as the application of specific names to them does not seem to serve any practical purpose. Some of the Sternbergia are shown to be enclosed within a stem. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Ayrshire : Stevenston. Lanarkshire : Carluke. Burham : Gateshead. Shropshire : Oldbury! Worcestershire : Bewdley. * Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du D(ip. de la Loire, p. 249, 1877. f Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. heft 3, p. 27, 1862. 1 See also Dawson, Acad. Geo. 2nd ed. p. 535, fig. 185, 1868, and Foss. Plants Dev. and Up. Sil. Formations, Canada p. 12, pi. i. figs. 1-4 and fig. 15, 1871. DEVONIAN. 225 DEVONIAN. ALG.E. CHONDRITES, Sternberg, 1838. Versuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt, vol. ii. p. 25. Chondrites tenellus, Romer, sp. Chondrites tenellus. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. unter Kohl. p. 451. Neues Jahrbuch, 1847, p. 682. Fucoides tenellus. Komer, Vers. des Harzgebirges, p. 1, pi. xii. fig. 1, 1843. See also Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 172. Horizon, Devonian. Locality. Foreign. Germany : Schulenburg. BYTHOTREPHIS, Hall, 1847. Palaeontol. New York, vol. i. p. 8. Bythotrephis mutabilis, Ettingshausen (m.s.). Remarks. The description of this species is not yet published, but Baion von Ettingshausen informs me that he hopes to issue it soon. Horizon. Devonian. Locality. Foreign. Plawntsch. EQUISETACE^E. ASTERO CALAMITES, Schimper, 18G2. Terrain de Transition dcs Vosges, p. 321. Asterocalamites scrobiculatus, Schlotheim, sp. Calamites inornatus. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, p. 25, 1871. Calamites transition-is. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, p. 25, pi. iv. figs. 41-46. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 536, 1868. Remarks. For additional references and synonyms, see ante, p. 38. Horizon. Devonian. Locality. Foreign. Germany : Clausthal ; Herz. Q 226 FOSSIL PLANTS. CALAMOCLADUS, Schimper, 1869. Traite d. Paleont. Vegetale, vol. i. p. 323. Calaxnocladus acicularis, Dawson, sp. Asterophyllites acicularis. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 537, fig. 194/i, 1868. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 310, pi. xiii. fig. 16. ,, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, p. 28, pi. v. figs. 54-57. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veg6t. vol. iii. p. 458. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : Fern Ledges, Lancaster : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). ANNULARIA, Steinberg, 1820. Versuch einer Geognost. Botanisch. Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt. i. fasc. 2, p. 32. Annularia latifolia, Dawson, sp. Asterophyllites latifolia. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 311, pi. xiii. fig. 17. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 538, fig. 187a, b, d, 1868. Foss. Plants of Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 28, pi. v. tigs. 50-53, pt. ii. p. 115. Annularia Dawsoni. Schimper, Traite d. Pale~ont. Ve"get. vol. i. p. 350. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). PINNULARIA, Lindley and Hutton, 1834. Fossil Flora of Great Britain, vol. ii. p. 81. Pinmilaria dispalans, Dawson. Pinnularia dispalans.- Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 312, pi. xiii. fig. 22. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, p. 23, pi. vii. figs. 74-76. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W Dawson). FILICACE.E. SPHENOPTERIDE^E. SPHENOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 33. Sphenopteris Schimperiana, Goppert, sp. Sphenopteris Schimperiana. Schimper, Veget. Foss. d. Terr. d. Trans, des Vosges, p. 341, pi. xxvii. Traite" d. Paltont. V6get, vol. i. p. 408. DEVONIAN. 227 Sphenopteris Schimperi. Heer, Foss. Flora d. Baren Insel, p. 38. Hymenophyllites Schimperi. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter Kohlf. p. 490, pi. xxxvii. Hymenophyllites Schimperianus. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 513, pi. xv. fig. 13. ? Calymmotheca Schimperi. Stur, Culm Flora, heft ii. p. 255, pi. xvii. fig. 1. Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 174. Sphenopteris densepinnata. Ludwig, Palaeontographica, vol. xvii. p. 117, pi. xxiii. fig, 1. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Ve"get. vol. iii. p. 463. Sphenopteris pachyrrachis. Ludwig (non Goppert), Palaeontographica, vol. xvii. p. 119, pi. xxiii. fig. 2. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Ve"ge~t. vol. iii. p. 463. Horizon. Devonian. (Transition Eocks.) Locality. Foreign. Vosges : Niederburbach. Sphenopteris marginata, Dawson. Sphenopteris marginata. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 321, pi. xv. fig, 38, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. 1868, p. 551. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, p. 52, pi. xvi. fig. 184. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 408, vol. iii. p. 461. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W, Dawson). Sphenopteris pilosa, Dawson. Sphenopteris pilosa. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. 1868, p. 552, fig. 192/. Cnllipteris pilosa. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 51, pi. xvi. fig. 189. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Pi-esented by Sir J. W. Dawson). Sphenopteris Harttii, Dawson. Sphenopteris Harttii. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 321, pi. xvii. fig. 32. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 52, pi. xvi. figs. 176, 177. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. 1868, p. 551, fig. 192e. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). Sphenopteris curtiloba, Dawson, sp. Hymenophyllites curtilobus. '"Dawsou, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 321, pi. xv. fig. 39. Q 2 228 FOSSIL PLANTS. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 53, pi. xvi. figs. 178, 179. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 552, fig. 129,?, 1868. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). PAL^EOPTERIDE^E. PALJEOPTERIS, Schimper, 1869. Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. i. p. 475. Palaeopteris Hiberniea, Forbes, sp. Palceopteris Hibernica. Carruthers, Geol. Mag. vol. ix. pi. ii. figs. 1-4, 1872. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Vlget. vol. i. p. 475, pi. xxxvi. Cydopteris Hibernica. Baily, Brit. Assoc. Eeport for 1858, p. 75 ; id. for 1859, p. 99. Forbes, Brit. Assoc. Eeport for 1852, p. 43. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter Kohl. p. 499, pi. xxxviii. fig. la, b. Cydopteris McCoyana. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter Kohl. p. 500, pi. xxxviii. fig. 2a, 6. Adiantites Hibernicus. Baily, Geol. Survey Ireland, Explan. sheets 192 and 199, pp. 16 and 19, sheets 187, 195, and 196, pp. 14, 22, and 23, sheets 147 and 157, pp. 13 and 14, fig. 1. ? Archceopteris Gaspiensis. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. ii. p. 99, pi. xxi. and xxiii. fig. 14, 1882. Remarks. I am inclined to think that Archceopteris Gaspiensis, Dawson, should be united with Palceopteris Hibernica. Until better preserved specimens of the former plant be discovered, showing more clearly what are the real differences between these two species, the true specific value of Archceopteris Gaspiensis must, I am afraid, remain uncertain. Horizon. Upper Devonian. Locality. British. Ireland: Kiltorkan, Waterford. Palseopteris Rogers!, Dawson, sp. Cydopteris (Archceopteris) Rogerxi. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xix. p. 463, pi. xvii. figs. 17, 18, pi. xix. tig. 27. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, p. 46, pi. xv. fig. 171, 1871. Horizon. Devonian. Locality. Foreign. United States : Perry, Maine (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). Palaeopteris Gaspiensis, Dawson, sp. Archceopteris Gaspiensis. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. ii. p. 99, pis. xxi. and xxiii. fig. 14. Horizon. Upper Devonian. Locality. Foreign. Canada : Dalhousie, Province of Quebec (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). Palaeopteris Jacksoni, Dawson. Paloeopteris Jacksoni. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 484. Cyclopteris (Archceopteris) Jacksoni. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 319, vol. xix. p. 462, pi. xix. fig. 26. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 547, fig. 191, 1868. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 45, pi. xv. figs. 167-169. Horizon. Upper Devonian. Locality. Foreign. Canada : Dalhousie, Province of Quebec (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). Palseopteris (P) Brownii, Dawson, sp. Cyclopteris (Platyphyllum) Brownii. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 46, pi. xv. fig. 172, pt. ii. p. 101, pi. xxiii. figs. 11-13. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xix. p. 463, pi. xvii. fig. 6. Horizon. Devonian. Locality. Foreign. United States : Perry, Maine (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). Palseopteris obtusa, Lesquereux, sp. Archceopteris obtusa. Lesquereux, Coal Flora of Pennsyl. vol. i. p. 301, pi. xlix. figs. 6, 7, vol. iii. p. 774. Noeggerathia obtusa. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. vol. ii. p. 854, pi. i. tig. 11. Cyclopteris obtusa. Dawson, Foss. Plants of Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. ii. p. 100, pi. xxii. Horizon. Upper Devonian. Locality. Foreign. Canada : Dalhousie, Province of Quebec (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). ANEIMITES, Dawson, 1861.* Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvii. p. 5. Aneimites obtusa, Dawson. Aneimites obtusa. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. ii. p. 101. chi Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Ve"get., Atlas, pi. cvii. fig. 11. Cyclopteris (Aneimites) obtusa. Da wson, Quart. Jcurn. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 319, pi. xv. fig. 33. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 46, pi. xvi. fig. 188. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 547, fig. 192a, 1868. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). * Schimper, 187 -i, Traite d. Paleontologie Veg'jtale, vol. iii. p. 489. 230 FOSSIL PIANTS. NEUROPTERIDE^E. NEUROPTERIS, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 33. Neuropteris polymorpha, Dawson, Neuropteris polymorpha. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 320, pi. xv. fig. 36. Foss. Plants, Devon. Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, p. 49, pi. xviii. fig. 212. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 549, fig. 192c, 1868. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Veget. Vol. i. p. 443. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : near Carlton, St. John's (Presented by Sir. J. W. Dawson). ALETHOPTERIDE^E. ALETHOPTERIS, Sternberg, 1820. Versuch einer Geognostisch-Botanischen Darstellung d. Flora der Vorwelt, vol. i. fasc. iv. p. xxi. Alethopteris discrepans, Dawson. Alethopteris discrepans. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, p. 54, pi. xviii. figs. 203-205. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. 1868, p. 552, fig. 192t. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 502. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality^ Foreign* New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). PECOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 33. Pecopteris densifolia, Dawson. Pecopteris densifolia. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 56, pi. xvii. figs. 195, 19& Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign* New Brunswick : St, John's (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). Pecopteris serrulata, Hartt. Pecopteris serndata. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. 1868, p. 553, fig. 192/K Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 55, pi. xviii. figs. 207-209, pt. ii. p. 117. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 495. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J W. Dawson) DEVONIAN. 231 MEGALOPTERIS, Dawson, 1871. Fossil Plants of the Devonian and Upper Silurian Formations of Canada, part i. p. 51. Megalopteris Dawsoni, Hartt, sp. Neuropteris (Megalopteris) Dawsoni. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 51, pi. xvii. figs. 191-194. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6get. vol. iii. p. 476. Neuropteris Dawsoni. Dawson, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. 1868, p. 551, fig. 193. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : Fern Ledges, Lancaster (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). LYCOPODIACE^E. LYCOPODITES, Goldenberg, 1855. Flora Saraepontana Fossiles, heft 1, p. 9. Lycopodites (P) Richardsoni, Dawson. Lycopodites Richardsoni. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xix. p. 461, pi. xvii. figs. 1, 2, vol. xviii. p. 314. Fossil Plants, Devon, and Upper Silurian Form, of Canada, p. 34. pi. vii. fig. 81. Schimper, Trait6 d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 11. Horizon. Devonian. Locality. Foreign. United States : Perry, Maine (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). LEPIDODENDRON, Sternberg, 1820. Versuch einer Geognostisch-Botanischen Darstellung der Flora der. Vorwelt, i. fasc. 1, p. 25, and fasc. 4, p. x. Lepidodendron Australe, McCoy. Lepidodendron Australe. Etheridge, Cat. Australian Foss. p. 31. McCoy, Prodrome Pal. Victoria, Decade i. 1874, p. 37, pi. ix. Lepidodendron nothum. Carruthers, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Aug. 1872, vol. xxviii. pi. xxvi. Etheridge, Cat. Australian Foss. p. 31. Remarks. It is a little doubtful if this fossil is really referable to the genus Lepidodendron. The plant figured and described as Lepidodendron nothum by Mr. Carruthers (which, however, is not Unger's species of that name) appears to be indistinguishable from Lepidodendron Australe, McCoy. Horizon. (1) Devonian. Locality. Foreign. North Queensland : Sandy Creek, Star River. 232 FOSSIL PLANTS. LEPTOPHLEUM, Dawson, 1862. Quart. Jouin. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 316. Leptophleum rhombicum, Dawson. Leptophleum rhombicum. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 316, pi. xii. fig. 8, pi. xvii. fig. 53. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, p. 36, &viii. figs. 88, 89. . Australian Foss. p. 31. Remarks. The species is represented in the Collection by a plaster cast. Horizon. Devonian. Locality. Foreign. United States : Perry, Maine (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). PSILOPHYTON, Dawson, 1859. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 478. Psilophyton prineeps, Dawson. Psitophyton princeps*. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 479, fig. 1, vol. xviii. p. 315, vol. xix. p. 465, pi. xviii. fig. 22. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. 1868, p. 543. Geol. Survey of Canada, Eeports of Progress, 1863, p. 397, fig. 426, and p. 398, fig. 427. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, p. 37, pis. ix., x. figs. 111-119, pi. xi. figs. 127-129; and 133 and 134, and pt. ii. p. 103. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 7, pi. xvi. figs. 9, 10. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. ii. p. 76, vol. iii, p, 548. Horizon. Lower Devonian. Locality. Foreign. Province of Quebec : Gasp6. New Brunswick : Campbellton (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson) Psilophyton Dechenianus, Gdppert, sp. Psilophyton Dechenianum. Carruthers, Journ. Botany, 1873, vol. ii. p. 326, pi. 137, figs. 1 (22), 3, and 4. Haliserties Dechenianum, Goppert, Neues Jahrbuch, 1847, p. 686. Foss. Flora d. Ubergangs, p. 88, pi. ii. 1852. Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter Kohl. p. 442, 1859. Karsten and Dechen's Archiv. fur Min. vol. xxiii. 1850, p. 42. Sandberger, Vers, d. Eheinischen Schichtensyst, p. 424, pi. xxxviii. fig. 1. Psilophyton rolustius. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 481, figs. 2a, 6, 1869. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada, p. 39, pi. x. fig. 121, pi. xi. figs. 130-132, pi. xii. 1871. Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1882, p. 7, pi. xvi. figs. 11, 12. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. Ve~get. vol. ii. p. 76, and vol. iii. p. 548. Lycopodites Milleri. Salter, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Vol. xiv. p. 75, pi. v. figs. 80, &, 1858, vol. xv. p. 407, fig. 3, 1859. Lepidodendron nothum* Salter (non Unger), Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xiv. p. 74. pi. v. figs. 9a, &, c, vol. xv. p. 407, fig. 4 DEVONIAN. 233 Lepidodendron Gaspianum. Crepin, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot de Belgique, vol. xiv. p. 218, pis. iii., iv., and v. Lepidodendron Burnotense. Gilkinet, Bull. A cad. Eoy. de Belgique, 2 e ser. vol. xl. p. 141, figs. 2, 4, and 5 (fig. 5 in part), 1875. Hostinella hostinensis. Stur, Sitzb. der k. Akad. der. Wissensch. vol. Ixxxiv. 1 Abth. heft 1 and 2, 1881, p. 352, pi. iii. figs. 1 and 2, pi. iv. figs. 1-8. Lycopodite ? Miller, Testimony of the Eocks, p. 24, fig. 12, 1857. " Terrestrial plant allied to Lepidodendron.'" Miller, Testimony of the Rocks, p. 432, fig. 120, 1857. Fucoids. Miller, Testimony of the Rocks, p. 429, fig. 119, 1857 (left hand figure.) Vegetable impressions. Miller, Old Red Sandstone, p. 117, pi. vii. figs. 3-8, 1865. Footprints of the Creator, pp. 194, 196, figs. 61 and 62a, 6, 1863. " Plant." Vanuxem, Nat. Hist, of New York, Geol. pt. iii. p. 161, fig. 40, 1842. Rootlets. Salter, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xiv. p. 74, pi. v. figs. 3-6 (? not fig. 7). Young shoot of a Coniferous ? plant. Salter, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 408, fig. 146. Remarks. From many associations this is one of the most interesting of Palaeozoic plants with which the Botanist has to deal. The earliest figure of Psilophyton Dechenianus with which I am acquainted is that given by Vanuxem, which is merely referred to by him as a " Plant." In 1847 the name of Haliserites Dechenianus was given by Goppert to some fossils from the " Transition Rocks," which, however, were not figured by him till the appearance of hisFossile Flora der Ubergangsgebirges in 1852, where on plate ii. several specimens are illustrated. These are very fragmentary examples, but all the characters they show agree in every particular with the fossil which was described by Sir J. W. Dawson as Psilophyton robustius (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 481, 1859), but more fully in 1871 (Fossil Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, p. 39, pi. x. fig. 121, pi. xi. figs. 130-132, and pi. xii.). That Psilophyton robustius, Dawson, is founded on more perfect specimens of Haliserites Dechenianus seems to me certain. Sir J. W. Dawson himself points out that there can be little doubt that the species Haliserites Dechenianus, Goppert, is founded on badly presented specimens of Psilophyton. I am, however, of opinion that they are the same species, and therefore unite them, for though Dawson's examples are in a much better state of preservation than the fossils figured as Haliseites Dechenianus by Goppert, they possess all the characters of this last-mentioned plant, with the addition of other characters consequent on their more perfect state of preservation. Sir J. W. Dawson has been successful in finding specimens of his Psilophyton robustius with the internal structure preserved. He says the stem is composed of a thick vascular axis of scalarifcrrn vessels, surrounded by parenchymatous cells : those towards the periphery of the stem are elongated, and much firmer in texture. Mr. Carruthers, in his paper " On some Lycopodiaceous Plants from the Old Red Sandstone of the North of Scotland,"* has clearly demonstrated that the plants figured by Hugh Miller in his Old Red Sandstone, Testimony * Journ. Botany, 1873, vol. ii. p. 321. 234 FOSSIL PLANTS. of the Eocks, and the Asterolepis of Stromness, as Fucoids and Vegetable impressions, and which were subsequently named Lycopodites Milleri, Lepido- dendron nothum ? Unger, and " Rootlets" by Mr. Salter, are all to be referred to Psilophyton Dechenianus, Goppert, sp. About two years ago, Dr. A. Geikie. Director-General of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, submitted to me for examination some specimens of Psilophyton from Perthshire. These examples, which showed the fructification, further confirmed my opinion that Psilophyton robustius, Dawson, was nothing else than the plants identified by Mr. Carruthers as Psilophyton (Haliserites) Dechenianm, Goppert, sp. It has been thought by some that Lepidodendron Gaspianum, Dawson, might be referable to Psilophyton Dechenianus, but if Sir J. W. Dawson is correct in interpreting his specimen (Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, pi. viii. fig. 84) as the fruit of his Lepidodendron Gaspianum, this plant cannot be the same as his Psilophyton robustius. But whatever may be the nature of Dawson's Lepidodendron Gaspianum, it is evident that pis. iii., iv., and v. of Lepidodendron Gaspianum, O6pin* (? not Dawson), are the Psilophyton Dechenianus, Goppert, sp. As to those specimens which he figures on pis. i. and ii. I cannot express an opinion, as I have not seen any similar Lepidodendron-like fossils (especially like that figured on his pi. i. fig. 1) occurring with the Scotch plants, though to his tig. 2, pi. i., specimens bearing some resemblance have been collected in Scotland.! It is, however, quite possible that Cr6pin is correct in placing all his plants under one name. The entire agreement of Crepin's pis. iii., iv., and v. with the figures given by Hugh Miller and Mr. Carruthers, proves conclusively that all these specimens belong to one species the Psilophyton Dechenianus, Goppert, sp., as interpreted by Mr. Carruthers. There is also little room for doubt that the plants figured by Gilkinet as Lepidodendron Burnotense are identical with Psilophyton Dechenianus, Goppert, sp., and consequently with Lepidodendron Gaspianum (pis. iii.-v.) of Cr6pin. Gilkinet's figures might have been drawn from Scotch examples, they so thoroughly agree with them. It must, however, be noted that the larger fossil which occupies the centre of his fig. 5 does not appear to be the same as those fossils figured by Crepin under the name of Lepidodendron Gaspianum (pi. i. figs. 1 and 3, and pi. ii.) ; in fact, is perhaps not vegetable, but more probably a fragment of a large Pterygotus, similar to those which are associated with Psilophyton in the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland. $ The small branches across which this Pterygotus-like fossil lies are however to be referred to Psilophyton Dechenianus. Stur, in his " Silur.-Flora der Etage H-h, in Bohmen," under the name of Hostinella hostinensis, figures what is unquestionably only the Psilophyton Dechenianus (Carruthers), Goppert, sp. He unites with it Fucoides hostinensis, Barr., Haliserites zonarioides, Krejci, and Protopteridium hostinense, Krejci. The figures given by Stur (pi. iv. 1-6) are similar in all respects to the Scotch plants, and Stur's description further confirms their identity. His figures (pi. iv. figs. 7, 8) show a much less common condition of the same species, but the Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh, possesses a like example. These plants are regarded by Stur as Algse, and placed in the order _ Gigartinea; ; but that they occupy a much higher position in the botanical scale has been shown by Dawson, who, as already mentioned, has been enabled to describe the structure of these plants, which is undoubtedly Lycopodiaceous. * Cr6pin, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. de Belgique, vol. sir. t See Salter, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. yol. xv. p. 408, fig. 14i. I B. N. Peach, Proceed. Roy. Phys. Soc. vol. vii. p. 343, 1883. Krejci, Sitzungsberichte d. k.k.Bohm. Gesell. d. Wissensch. in Prae, Jahreane 1879, p. 201 1880 ; ibid., Jahrgang 1881, p. 68, 1882. DEVONIAN. 235 The view that Psilophylon does not exist as a true genus, but that its larger branches belong to a Ltpidodendron, and its supposed fruiting branches to a fern, I cannot admit.* The genus Psilophyton contains a very distinct group of Lycopods, whose fruit clearly prohibits it from being united with any other genus of plants. The fossil named Psilophyton condrusorum by Crepin,f does not, I believe, belong to Dawson's genus Psilophyton, and this view has already been adapted by Crepin himself, who has constituted the genus Rhacophyton for his Psilophyton condrusorum. Feistmantel figures two specimens in his " Das Kohlenkalkvorkommen bei Rothwaltersdorf in der Grafschaft Glatz,"| which he refers to Psilophyton robustius. His two fossils do not appear to belong to the genus Psilophyton, nor even to the Lycopodiacece, but most probably to Stur's Calymmatotheca. I have examined the specimen described as Caulopteris ? Peachii, by SaJter (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 408, fig. 14a). It does not seem to belong to the Ftticacew, but is, I am much more inclined to think, a large stem of Psilophyton Dechenianus. Among the specimens in the Collection, and also in the Museum of Science and Art, Edinburgh, are examples which show intermediate stages between this specimen and others of undoubted Psilophyton Dechenianus. Caulopteris ? Peachii cannot at all events be the trunk of Palceopteris Hibernica as suggested by Schimper, for that fern does not, to my knowledge, occur in any of the localities from which Psilophyton Dechenianus has yet been collected. As I am not, however, in a position to affirm positively what is the true nature of Caulopteris ? Peachii, a number of large stems, which in some respects resemble it, though most probably belonging to Psilophyton Dechenianus, are placed in this Catalogue under the head of " stems." Horizon. Lower Devonian (Old Red Sandstone). Localities. -British. Banffshire : Gamrie. Caithness : Ackergill Castle, near Wick ; Alrig Quarry ; Devil's Punch Bowl, Island of Stroma ; East Mey, Barrogill Castle ; Howland, near Wick ; John O'Groats ; Kilmster, near Wick ; St. John's Point, near Mey Castle ; Stone Gun Quarry, near Thurso ; Southhead, near Wick. Forfarshire : Turin Quarry. Orkney : Dale Quarry, Stromness. Shetland : near Lerwick. Foreign* New Brunswick : Campbellton, P. robustius, Dawson (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). ARTHROSTIGMA, Dawson, 1871. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 41. Arthrostigma gracile, Dawson. Arthrostigma gracile. Dawsou, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 41, pi. xiii., pt. ii. p. 104, pi. xxiv. fig. 22. whimper, Traite d. PalSont. Veget. vol. iii. p. > Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 549. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). * See Crepin, los. cit. p. 13. t Bull. 1'Acad. E. Belgique, 2 e ser. vol. xxxviii, Aug., 1874. I Zeitsch. d. deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xv. p. 541, pi. 18, figs. 39, 40. Traite d. Paleont, Veget. vol. iii. p. 527. 236 FOSSIL PLANTS. CYCLOSTIGMA, Haughton, 1860. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist., 3rd series, vol. v. p. 443. Cyclostigma Kiltorkense, Haughton. Cudostiqma Kiltorkense. Baily, Geol. Survey, Ireland, Expl. sheets 192-199, pp. 16, 19, and 20. Haughfcon, Nat. Hist. Eeview, vol. vi. pi. xl. fig. 1, vol. vii. p. 222. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3rd ser. vol. v. p. 444. Heer^ Foss. Flora d. Baren. Insel. p. 43, pi. xi. Schimper, Traite d. Pale" out. Veget. vol. iii. p. 540. Cyclostigma minuta. Baily, Geol. Survey, Ireland, Expl. sheets 187, 195, and 196, p. 21. Haughton, Nat. Hist. Eeview, vol. vi. pi. xl. fig. 2, vol. vii. p. 222. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. 3rd ser. vol. v. p. 444. Heer, Foss. Flora d. Baren Insel, p. 44, pi. vii. figs. 11, 12, pi. viii. fig. 56, pi. ix. fig. 5. Schimper, Traite" d. Pal6ont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 540. Cyclostigma Griffithii. Haughton, Nat. Hist. Eeview, vol. vi. pi. xli., vol. vii. p. 222. Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. v. 3rd ser. p. 445. Cyclostigma, sp. Haughton, Nat. Hist. Eeview, vol. vi. pis. xxxviii. and xxxix. Lepidodendron Griffithsii. Baily, Brit. Assoc. Eeport for 1859, p. 99. Quart. Jouni. Geol. Soc. vol. xxvii. p. 2, 1871. Lepidodendron minutum. Baily, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxvii. p. 2, 1871. Sagenaria Veltheimiana. Baily, Geol. Survey, Ireland, Expl. sheets 192-199, pp. 16, 19, and 20, fig. la, and Expl. sheets 187, 195, and 196, pp. 14, 21, and 22, fig. 3. Knorria Bailyana. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. V6"ge"t. vol. ii. p. 48. Remarks. The leaf-scars are oval or almost circular, and in well-preserved specimens they show slightly above their centre, three little vascular impressions. The bark between the leaf-scars is ornamented with delicate longitudinal lines. The older stems become irregularly furrowed, and when badly preserved might be mistaken for Calamites. The collection contains a specimen so furrowed, but which still shows very beautifully the characteristic Cyclostigma leaf -scar. On older stems the scars became more distant. The leaves are long, linear, single-nerved, and end in a setaceous point. After examining well-preserved specimens of Cyclostigma and Rhytidodendron, Boulay, I fail to discover any real character by which the two genera can be kept separate. There are in the Collection three small specimens from Lower Albany, South Africa, which are closely related to Cyclostigma Kiltorkense. The exact horizon of these examples is not known. Horizon. Devonian. Locality. British. Ireland : Kiltorkan, county Kilkenny. STIGMARIA, Bronguiart, 1822. Sur la Classification des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 9. Stigmaria ficoides, Brongniart. Remarks. For notes and references, see ante, p. 201. Horizon. Devonian. Locality. Foreign. Vosges : Niederburbach. DEVONIAN. 237 CYCADACE^E. CORDAITES, Unger, 1850. Genera et Species Plantarum Fossilium, p. 277. Cordaites Robbii, Dawson. Cordaites Robbii. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 316, pi. xiv. figs. 31a, 6, c. ,, Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 544, fig. 190, 1868. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, p. 43, pi. xiv. figs. 156-162. Pycnophyllum Robbii. Schiniper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 562. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). Cordaites angustifolia, Dawson. Cordaites angustifolia. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 318. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 44, pi. xiv. fig. 163, pt. ii. p. 106. Horizon. Upper Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : Campbellton (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). CARDIOCARPUS, Brongniart, 1828. Prodrome d'une Histoire des Vegetaux Fossiles, p. 87. Cardiocarpus cornutus, Dawson. Cardiocarpus cornutus. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 324, pi. xiii. figs. 23, 24. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 554, fig. 194a, 1868. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form of Canada, p. 60, pi. xix. fig. 214-218. Schimper, Traite" d. Paleont. V6get. vol. iii. p. 567. Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality. Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). CONIFERS. ARAUCARIOXYLON, Kraus, 1870. In Schimper's Traite de Paleontologie Vegetale, vol. ii. p. 380. Araucarioxylon Ouangondianum, Dawson, sp. Dadoxylon Ouangondianum. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xviii. p. 306. Acadian Geol. 2nd ed. p. 535, fig. 185. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, p. 12, pi. i. figs. 1-4 and fig. 15. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. iii. p. 622 (foot note). Horizon. Middle Devonian. Locality! Foreign. New Brunswick : St. John's (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). 238 rossir, PLANTS INCERT^E SEDIS. PROTOTAXITES, Dawson, 1859. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 484. Prototaxites Logani, Dawson. Prototaxites Logani. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 484. Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, pt. i. p. 16, pi. ii. figs. 18-27, pt. ii. p. 107. Nematophycus Logani. Carruthers, Monthly Micro. Journ., 1872, vol. viii. p. 160, pis. xxxi., xxxii. Horizon. Upper Devonian. Locality. Foreign. Canada : Dalhousie, Province of Quebec (Presented by Sir J. W. Dawson). STEMS. Remarks. Under this heading are placed the stems referred to in the notes appended to Psilophyton Dechenianus* They may belong to more than one species, but they do not show any characters by which they can be separated from each other. Some similar examples have been figured and described by Mr. Salter as " Coniferous Wood " t and " Flattened Boots." J On several of the specimens the vegetable matter is converted into bright coal. They occurred in company with Psilophyton Dechenianus. Horizon. Old Red Sandstone. Localities. British. Caithness : Ackergill Castle, near Wick ; Borgie Quarry, Olrig ; near Barrogill, Castle ; Castlehill ; Gallowshill, near Thurso ; John O'Groats ; Stone Gun Quarry, near Thurso. Dunscansbay ; Wydale, near Thurso. Forfarshire : Turin Quarry. STEM. Remarks. This example may perhaps belong to Unger's Stereocalamece.^ Salter describes similar stems to that included here as having their surface pretty regularly fluted by delicate longitudinal ridges, the intervening hollows being gently concave, not abruptly grooved ; these ridges are tolerably regular and equidistant, without being absolutely continuous ; seldom as much as a line apart, but occasionally more. They are not interrupted by any transverse joints as in Calamites.\\ Horizon. Old Eed Sandstone. Locality. British. Shetland : Lerwick. SPOROCHNUS, Stur (? non Kutzing), 1881. Sitzb. k. Akad. Wissensch. vol. Ixxxiv. abth. i. p. 342. P Sporochnus, sp. See Stur, Die Silur.-Flora der Etage H-h., in Bohmen, loc. cit. 1881, p. 330. Remarks. -The fossil placed here has considerable similarity with Spo- rochnus Krejcii, Stur. The specimen has very much the appearance of a root * See ante, p. 235. t Quart. Journ. Greo. Soc. vol. xiv. p. 72, pi. v. fig. 2, and vol XT p 407 fie 6 t Ibid. vol. xv. p. 407, fig. 5. Kichter and Unger, Beitrag zur Palseontologie des Thiiringer Waldee. p. 181, pi. xiii. figs. 3-11. || Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xiv. p. 73, pi. v. fig. 1. DEVONIAN. 239 with its attached rootlets. It was found associated with Psilophyton Deche- nianus. Stur has described what he believes to be the fruit of Sporochnus Krejcii, which consists of little club-shaped receptacles placed at the extremities of the hair-like filaments of the Alga. No similar structures are seen on the British example, which is not well preserved. Only one specimen of this curious fossil is in the Collection, but the counterpart, as well as the fossil proper, is fortunately preserved. Horizon. Old Eed Sandstone. Locality. British. Caithness : John O'Groats. RHACOPHYLLUM-LIKE FOSSIL. Remarks. The example in the Collection is the only specimen of this curious Rhacophyllum-like fossil with which I am acquainted. It measures 10^ inches in length, and is of almost equal width, about 1^ inches, till near its apex. The rachis (?) at its base is about inch wide, and gives off alter- nate pinnae (?), which are directed upwards, or even adpressed to the rachis. Six pairs of pinnae occupy about 6 inches, the lower ones being slightly more distant from each other than the upper pinna?. Towards the apex the pinnae are closer and not so clearly defined, which arises from some of the upper pinnae being apparently drawn together, probably by mechanical agencies. The longest pinna measures 2| inches, the central axis being fully -^ inch in width, from which spring lateral segments. Those on this pinna are not well shown, and appear to be imperfect. On some of the upper pinnae the lateral segments divide into two arms in a dichotomous manner. The whole specimen seems to have suffered from decay, through prolonged immersion. The plant which appears most closely related to this species is Sphenopteris Ouilelmi imperatoris, Weiss. (Beitr. zur Culm-Flora von Thuringen, p. 95, pi. xiv. 1883.) From this species it is distinguished by the pinnae being shorter, less segmented, and the segments broader and without any trace of a central vein. Horizon. Old Eed Sandstone. Locality. British. Caithness : John O'Groats SILURIAN. 243 SILURIAN. ALG^E. BYTHOTREPHIS, Hall, 1847. Palaeontol. New York, vol. i. p. 8. Bythotrephis gracilis, Hall. * Etheridge," Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxiv. p. 574. Geol. Survey of Canada,- Report of Progress, 1863, p. 937. Hall, Palwontol. New York, vol. i. p. 62, pi. xxi. fig. 1. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 198. Fucoides qracilis. Hall, Nat. Hist. New York, Geol. part. iv. p. 69. fig. 14, 1843. Remarks. Goppert unites Bythotrcpliis gracilis with Chondrites antiquus, Sternberg (Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter Kohl. p. 434). Horizon. Silurian. Localities. Foreign. Arctic America : Gould Bay. United States : Cin- cinnati, Ohio (Lower Silurian, Cincinnati Group, Caradoc). Western Ontario (Lower Silurian, Trenton Group). Hamilton, Ontario (Upper Silurian, Clinton Group). Bythotrephis divaricata, Kidston, n.s. Remarks. This is related to Bythotrephis gracilis, Hall, but distinguished from all the forms of that plant by its longer, lateral branchlets, and their more numerous segments. It may eventually prove to be only a varietal form of Hall's species, but after comparing the British examples with authentic specimens of Bythotrephis gracilis, I think its differences demand a specific distinction. Probably the plant figured by Jates (Trans. Geo. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. ii. pi. xxvii. fig. 2) belongs to this species. His specimen came from the " Slate clay at Colmore's Farm, Bromsgrove, Lickey." Horizon. Upper Silurian, Wenlock Shale. Locality. British. Shropshire : Malvern. Bythotrephis flexuosa, Emmons, sp. Bythotrephis (?}flexuosa. Goppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter Kohl. p. 452, pi. xxxv. fig. 6. Hall, PalseontokNew York, Geol. vol. i. p. 263, pis. Ixix. and Ixixa. Schimper, Traite d. Paleont. Veget. vol. i. p. 199. Fucoides flexuosa. Emmons, Taconic System p. 67, pi. v. fig. 3. Agriculture of New York, vol. i. pi. xvii. fig. 3, 1846. B 2 24 i FOSSIL PLANTS. Ficoides rigida. Emmons, Taconic System, p. 67, pi. v. fig. 2. Agriculture of New York, pi. xvii. fig. 2, 1846. Jates, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. ii. p. 256, pi. xxvii. fig. 1. Remarks. This species approaches somewhat closely to Bythotrephis gracilis var. crassa, but appears to branch more freely than that species. Mr. Jates has figured a specimen from Colmore's Farm, Bromsgrove, Lickey, which is evidently referable to this Alga. Horizon. Upper Silurian, Wenlock Limestone. Locality. British. Shropshire, Malveru. Bythotrephis, sp. Remarks. The specimens placed here may be only a variety of Bythotrephis divaricata, but are too fragmentary to allow of a satisfactory determination. Horizon. Upper Silurian. Localities. British. Herefordshire : Leiutwardine. Shropshire : Ludlow : Malvern Tunnel. ALGOIDAL (?) IMPRESSION. Remarks. These small fossils, which appear to be algoidal, are branched, and have their branchlets covered with fine segments, giving to them a plumose character. All the specimens are fragmentary, but I am not aware of any described species to which they can be referred. Horizon. Upper Silurian. Localities* British. Herefordshire : Bow Bridge, near Leintwardine : Brandon Camp. GENERA IN GERTIE SEDIS. GLYPTODENDRON, Claypole, 1878. Geol. Mag., Dec. 2, vol. v. p. 558. Glyptodendron Eatonense, Claypole. Glyptodendron Eatonense. Claypole, Gteol. Mag. vol. v. p. 558, fig., 1878. Remarks. This species is only represented in the Collection by a gutta- percha impression, Horizon, Upper Silurian, Clinton Limestones. Locality. Foreign. United States : Eaton, Ohio (Presented by Prof. E. W. Claypole, B.A.). PROTOTAXITES, Dawson, 1859. Quart. Journ Geol. Soc. vol. xv. p. 484. Prototaxites Hicksii, Etheridge, sp. Prototaxites Hicksii, Dawson, Foss, Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, p. 108, 1882. Hfeinatophycus HicksiL v Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvii. p. 490, pi. xxv. figs. 1-6. Horizon. Lower Silurian, Lower Llandovery. Locality. British. Denbighshire : Pen-y-Glog, Corwen (Presented by H. Hicks, Esq., M.D., F.E.S.). SILURIAN. 245 PACHYTHECA, Hooker, 1861. In Salter, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xvii. p. 162. Pachytheca sphaerica, Hooker. Hooker in Salter, Quart. Jouru. Geol. Soc. vol. xvii. p. 162, 1861. Pachytheca. Etheridge, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxxvii. pi. xxv. figs. 8, 9. ^Etheotesta. Dawson, Foss. Plants, Devon, and Upper Sil. Form, of Canada, pt. ii. p. 108, fig. 1. Horizon. Upper Silurian, Ludlow Bone-Bed. Locality. British. Herefordshire : Much March. INCERT^E SEDIS. STEM. Remarks. The vegetable matter has been converted into a bright coaly substance. Horizon. Upper Silurian. Locality. British. Denbighshire : Corwen (Presented by H. Hicks, Esq., M.D., F.E.S.). VEGETABLE IMPRESSIONS. Remarks. These specimens show carbonized remains of fossil plants. Horizon. Upper Silurian, Downton Tilestones, Upper Ludlow. Locality. British. Herefordshire : Dormington. APPENDIX. 249 APPENDIX. The following are additions to the Collection since the Catalogue was prepared. I have also added a few references, inadvertently omitted from their proper places : EQUISETACE^E. CALAMITES, Snckow (ante, p. 22). Remarks. From the evidence brought forward by Weiss in his Stein kohlen- Calamarien, pt. ii.,* it seems now clearly settled that though the members of the genus Calamites with thin barks are furrowed on their outer sur- face, those with a thick cortical envelope have a smooth exterior : the latter I previously placed in Calamitina, Weiss,f treating that genus as distinct from Calamites. Weiss now regards his Calamitina more as a well-marked division of the genus Calamites than as a distinct genus. This, perhaps, in the present state of information, is the best course to take, b\it it is extremely probable that the genus Calamites will eventually require to be broken up into several genera. Calamites ramosus, Artis, sp. Calamites ramosus (ante, p. 26). Calamites (Eucalamites) ramosus. Weiss, Steinkohlen-Calamarien, pt. ii. p. 98, pi. iii. fig. 3, pi. v. figs. 1, 2, pis. vi. and vii. figs. 1, 2, pi. viii. figs. 1, 2, 4, pi. ix. figs. 1, 2, pi. x. tig. 1, pi. xx. tigs. 1, 2. Calamites varians var. (ante, p. 31). Locality (additional). Foreign. United States : Pennsylvania. CALAMOCLADUS, P er (ante, p. 38). Calamocladus equisetiformis, Schlotheim, sp. (ante, p. 38). Locality (additional). Foreign. Westphalia : Langendreer. * Weiss, in Abhandl. z. Geol. Specialkarte Preussen u. d. Thiiringischen Staatcn. Band v. heft 2, Berlin, 1884. 1 am very sorry that I have been unable to avail myself of this valuable addition to the literature of the Calamari 128. * Ann. de la Soc. Scientifique d. Bruxelles, 4 me annee, 1880, 2 e part. 256 FOSSIL PLANTS. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 595-598. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292, 295, 298, and 301. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 83. Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 75. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1869, p. 463, 1867, p. 277. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 20. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142, 143. Unger, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 81. Alethopteris aquilina. Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen, pi. xxxi. tigs. 5-7. Remarks. The plant figured by Geinitz as Alethopteris aquilina in his Versteinerungen d. Steinkohlenformation in Sachsen is evidently to be referred to Pecopteris Idiltoni. Pecopteris abbreviata, Brongniart. Pecopteris abbreviata (ante, p. 121). Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwis. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 129. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 158. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 446. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxx. p. 216. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 36. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 278. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 26. Zeiller, Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 3 e se~r. vol. xii. p. 200. Pecopteris unita, Brongniart. Pecopteris unita (ante, p. 122). Dawson, Geol. Survey of Canada, Reports, 1874-5, p. 192. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 158, vol. xxx. p. 216. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 446. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 38. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, p. 278. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr, Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 25. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xii. p. 140. Zeiller, Ann. d. Mines, 1883, vol. iv. p. 595. Cyatheites unitus. Feistmantel, Steinkohl, u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 83. Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 76. Geinitz, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. 1857, p. 350. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 81. Pecopteris longifolia. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. ] 58. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 447. Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 37. Stur, Verhandl. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. 1874, p. 302. Diplazites longifolius. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwis. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p 127. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 277. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 14. Diplazites emarginatus. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 277. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 14. APPENDIX. 257 Cyatheties elegans. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 81. Pecopteris Defrancii, Brongniart. Pecopteris Defrancii (ante, p. 124). Alethopteris Defrancii. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwis. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 127. Unger, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Lonchopteris Defrancii. Weiss, Verhandl, d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 83. Pecopteris arguta, Brongniart. Pecopteris arguta (ante, p. 128). Cyatheitea argwtus. Feistmantel, Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 598. Jahrb. d. k. k,. Geol. Beichsanst. vol. xxii. p. 295. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 84. Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 76. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. p. 81, 1868. Aspidites argutus. Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 359. Polypodites elegans. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 277. Gomes, Flora Foss. do. Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 21, Pecopteris mtegra, Andrae, sp. Pecopteris Integra (ante, p. 127). Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwis. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 127. Sphenopteris Integra,, Andrae, Y ernanc ll. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 79. Pvb'mer, Palaeontographica, vol. ix. p. 23. Pecopteris truncata, Host. Pecapteris truncata (ante, p. 128). Asterocarpus truncatus. Andrae, Verhandl. d. Naturwis. Vere.ines, Halle, 1850, p, J29, Alethopteris truncata. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westph. 1862, p. 82. DICKSONIITES, Sterzel, 1883. Botanisches Centralhlatt, Band ^"i- Nos. 8, 9. Dicksoniites Phtckeneti, Schlptheirn, sp. Dicksoniites Pluckenetii. Sterzel, Bptanisches Centralblatt, vol. xiiL Nos. 8, 9, pi. vi. Pecopteris Pluckenetii (ante, p. 125). Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwis. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 129. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 159. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 447. 258 FOSSIL PLANTS. Dawson, Foss. Plants Lower Garb. Canada, p. 37. Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen, p. 83. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. p. 140. Alethopteris Pluckenetii. Feistmantel, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Reichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 295 and 298. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 87. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. p. 598. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 284. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 82. Aspidites Pluclceneti. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 278. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 22. Diplothmema Pluckenetii. Stur, Culm Flora, heft ii. p. 230. Pecopteris bifurcata. Schimper, Trait6 d. Pale"ont. Ve'ge't. vol. i. p. 531, Sphenopteris bifurcata. Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Eadnitz, p. 39. Aspidit Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. p. 359. Remarks. The fructification of this fern has been described by Sterzel, who has proposed for this species the new genus Dicksaniites. The fruit is not very well preserved, but in a sufficiently good state to show that its form is altogether new to Fossil Botany, and of a nature that affords characters for generic distinction. CALLIPTERIDIUM, Weiss, 1870. Zeitschrift der Deut. Geol. Gesellschaft. vol. xxii. p. 858. Callipteridium ovatum, Brongniarfc, sp. Callipteridiu Eenault, Cours de Botan. Foss. 1883, p. 155. Pecopteris ovata, Brongniart (ante, p. 127). Alethopteris ovata. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwis. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 127. Callipteris mirabilis. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, Remarks. This plant, which holds a somewhat anomalous position, possesses in part the characters of Neuropteris and Pecopteris. though from the former genus it is clearly separated by the pinnules being morl or less united among themselves and attached to the rachis by the whole of their base. It has also close affinities to the genus Callipteris. It was included in Pecopterus (ante, p. 127), but further investigations have led me to adopt for it the genus Callipteridium, Weiss. This genus is placed by some authors mNeuroptendea;, but from the pinnules being attached to the rachis by the whole of their base, I am more inclined to retain it in Pecopteridece. APPENDIX. 259 DACTYLOTHECA, Zeiller (ante, p. 128). Dactylotheca plumosa, Artis, sp. (ante, p. 128). Pecopteris plumosa. Dawson, Foss. Plants Lower Garb. Canada, p. 36. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 447. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 278. Gomes, Foss. Flora do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 24. Cyatheites plumosus. Unger, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 80. Senftenbergia plumosa. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 44. Cyatheites dentatus. Feistmantel, Fruchts. Foss. Pflanzen aus d. Bohm. Steink. p. 46. Zeitsch. d. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. xxv. pp. 595 and 598. Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xxii. pp. 292, 298, 301, 303, 306. Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. p. 85 (in part). Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 76. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 284. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142. Unger, Neues Jahrbuch, 1842, p. 608. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. 1868, p. 80. Pecopteris acuta. Dawson, Foss. Plants Lower Carb. Canada, p. 37. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xxii. p. 158. Canadian Nat. vol. viii. p. 447. Cyatheites acutus. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Ehenil. u Westph. 1868, p. 80. Senftenbergia acuta. Stur, Morph. u. Syst. d. Culm u. Carbonfarne, p. 44 Pecopteris delicatula. Geinitz, Neues Jahrbuch, 1867, p. 278. Gomes, Flora Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco, p. 25. Cyatheites delicatulus. Weiss, Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Ehenil. n. Westph. 1868, p. 81. Sphenopteris caudata. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 64. Pecopteris silesiaca. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141, 142. Aspidites silesiacus. Stur, Verhandl. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. p. 300, 1874. Pecopteris Glockeriana. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. p. 143. Pecopteris Glockeriana, var. falciculata. Stur, Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsanst. vol. xii. pp. 141 142 Stefensia? Glockeri. Sternberg, Vers. ii. p. 124. s 2 260 FOSSIL PLANTS. ALETHOPTERIDKdE. :^od ALETHOPTERIS, Sternberg (ante, p. 132). Alethopteris lonchitica, Schlotheim, sp. (ante, p. 132). Localities (additional). British. Lanarkshire : Kiltongue Coal, Mount Vernon. Foreign. United States : Pennsylvania. Alethopteris Serlii, Brongniart, sp. (ante, p. 135). Locality (additional). Foreign. United States : Pennsylvania. LONCHOPTERIS, Brongniart (ante, p. 139). Lonchopteris rugosa, Brongniart (ante, p. 139). Locality (additional). Foreign. Ehenish Prussia : Eschweiler, near Aachen. GLOSSOPTERIS, Brongniart, 1828. Prodrome d'une Histoire des Vegetaux Fpssiles, p. 55. Glossopteris Browniana, var. Australasica, Brongniart. Glossopteris Browniana var. Australasica. Brongniart, Hist. d. V6get. Foss. p. 223, pi. Ixii. fig. 1. Etheridge, Cat. Australian Foss. p. 31. Feistmantel, Palaeontographica, supp. iii. lief. iii. p. 78, 1878. Schimper, TraitS d. Paleont. V6get. vol. i. p. 646. Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. Foreign. Australia : Newcastle and Pprt Stephens, New South Wales. LYCOPODIACE^E. LEPIDODENDRON, Sternberg (ante, p. 148). Lepidodendrpn Sternbergii, Brongniart (ante, p. 148). Locality (additional). Foreign. Westphalia : Langendreer. Lepidodendron aculeatum, Sternberg (ante, p. 153). Localities (additional). 'Foreign. Westphalia: Carpe ; Wattenscheid^ ; Werdpn. Lepidodendron rimosum, Sternberg (ante, p. 158). Locality (additional). Foreign. Westphalia : Wattenscheidt. 261 CONIFERS. ARAUCARIOXYLON, Kraus (ante, p. 220). Araucarioxylon Brandling!, Witham, sp. Araucarioxylon Brandlingi. Feistmantel, Der Hangendflotzzug, p. 93. Schimper, Traite d. PalSont. Ve'ge't. v< vol. ii. p. 382. Sterzel, Naturwiss. Gesell. v. Chemnitz, 1873-74, p. 230. Araucarites Brandlingi. Andrae, Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle, 1850, p. 130. Bronn, Index Palseont. p. 91. Gerrnar, Vers. v. "Wett. u. Lobejun, p. 49, pis. xxi. and xxii. Giebel, Deutschl. Petrefacten, p. 113. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. p. 255. Mon. d. Foss; Coniferen, p. 232, pis; xxxix., xl., and xli., figs. 1-7. Gutbier, Vers. d. fiothl. in Sachsen, p. 23; Pinites Brandlingi. Goppert, Mon. d. Foss. Coniferen, p. 130. Lindley and Hutton, Foss. Flora, vol. i. pi. i. Eenault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. 1881, p. 83. Unger, Synop. Plant. Foss. p. 205. Witham, Intern. Structure of Foss. Vegetables, p. 73, pi ix. figs. 1-6, pi. x. figs. 1-6, and pi. xvi fig. 3. Dadoxylon Brandlingii. Endlicher, Synop. Conif. Foss. p. 35. Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire, p. 264. Unger, Genera et Species, p. 379; Horizon. Coal Measures. Localities. British. Shropshire : Madeley Court. Worcestershire: Bewdley. LIST OF WOEKS QUOTED. TH'Ul 265 LIST OP WORKS QUOTED. Abbreviated Title used. Title and Reference. Abhandl. d. k. k. Geol. Reich- sanst. Act. Acad. Nat. Curios, Act. Acad, Theod; Palat ..... Amer. Jour, of Science Andrae, Vorwelt. Pflanzen. .... Annal. and Mag. Nat. Hist* .... Ann. d. Mines .... Ann. New York Acad. Sciences Ann. d. Sci. Nat ......... Ann. d. Sci. Nat. Botan ..... Artis, Antedil. PhytoL Bericht d. Naturwiss, Geselh zu Chemnitz Binney, Obs. Structure Foss. Plants Carb. Strata, part ii. 1871 Bischoff, Die Kryptogam. Gewachse Boston Journ. Nat. Hist ..... Botanisches Centralblatt Boulay, Terr. Houil. du Nord de la France Boulay, Recherches de Paleont. Veget. Brit. Assoc. Report .... Abhandlungen der Kais.-Koniglichen Geolo- gischen Reichsanstalt. Vienna. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopold- inisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Natur- forscher. (Nova Acta Academise Csesareae Leopoldino - Carolines Naturae Curioso- rum). Breslau. Academia Electoralis Scientiarum et Ele- gantium Literarum Theodoro-Palatina. Mannheim. American Journal of Science and Arts. New Haven. Andrae, C. J., Vorweltliche Pflanzen aus dem Steinkohlengebirge der prexissischen Rheinlande und Westphalens. Bonn. 1865-69. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. Annales des Mines. Paris. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, New York. Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Paris. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique. Paris. Artis, Antediluvian Phytology. London, 1825. Bericht der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesell- schaft zu Chemnitz. Chemnitz. Binney, E. W., Observations on the Struc- ture of Fossil Plants found in the Carboniferous Strata. Palseontographical Soc. parts i.-iv. London, 1868-75. Bischoff, C. W., Die Kryptogamischen Gewachse. Nurnburg, 1828. Boston Journal of Natural History. Boston, Mass. Botanisches Centralblatt. Cassel. Boulay, N., Le Terrain Houiller du Nord de la France et ses Veg6taux Fossiles, Lille. 1876. Boulay, N., Recherches de Pal6ontologie Vegetale dans le Terrain Houiller du Nord de la France (Concession de Bully - Grenay). Annales de la Societe Scienti- fique de Bruxelles. 4** Annee, 2,' partie. 1880. Reports of the Meetings of the British Association, &c. London. 266 LIST OF WORKS QUOTED. Abbreviated Title used. Title and Eeference. Brongniart, Class, d. V6ge~t. Brongniart, Prodrome Brongniart, Hist, d. Ve'ge't. Brongniart, in Murchison's Geol. Russia and Ural Mts. Brongniart, Tabl. d. Genres de Veg6t. Foss. Bronn, Index Palaeont. Bronn, Lethaea Geog. Buckland, Geol. and Mineral. Bull. 1'Acad. Roy. Belgique .... Bull. Mus. Comparative Zool. Harvard Col. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou.... Bull. Soc. Roy. Bo tan. Belgique Canadian Nat Comptes Rendus Corda, Flora d. Vorwelt Cotta, Die Dendrolithen Dawson, Acadian Geol Brongniart, A., Sur la Classification et la Distribution de Ve'ge'taux Fossiles en general, et sur ceux des Terrain de Sediment Supe"rieur en particulier. Me"moires Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Tome VIII., Paris, 1822. Brongniart, A., Prodrome d'une Histoire des Ve"g6taux Fossiles. Paris, 1828. Brongniart, A., Histoire des Ve'getaux Fossiles. Tome L and II. (incompleted], Paris, 1828-37. Brongniart, A., in Ge"ologie de la Russie d'Europe et des Montagnes de 1'Oural, by Sir R. I. Murchison, &c. Vol. II., London and Paris, 1845. Brongniart, A., Tableau des Genres de V6getaux Fossiles, considered sous le point de vue de leur Classification Botanique et de leur distribution geolo- gique. Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire Naturelle. Vol. XIII. p. 52, Paris, 1849. Bronn, H. G., Index Palaeontologicus. Stutt- gart, 1848. Bronn, H. G., Lethaea Geognostica. 1st Ed. Stuttgart, 1837 ; 2nd Ed. Stuttgart, 1851-56. Buckland, W., Geology and Mineralogy, considered with reference to Natural Theology. Bridgewater Treatises, vol. 2, 1836. Bulletin de 1' Academic Royale de Belgique. Brussels. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Harvard College, Cambridge. Boston, Mass. Bulletin de la Soci^te" G6ologique de France. Paris. Bulletin de la Socie'te' Impe'riale des Natural- istes. Moscou. Bulletin de la Socie'te' Royale de Botanique de Belgique. Gand. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. Mon- treal. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Stances de 1' Academic ds Sciences. Paris. Corda, A. C., Beitrage zur Flora der Vorwelt. Prag, 1845. Cotta, B., Die Dendrolithen, in Beziehung auf ihren inneren Bau. Dresden and Leipzig, 1832. Dawson, Sir J. W., Acadian Geology. The Geological Structure, Organic Remains, and Mineral Resources of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. 2nd Ed. London, 1868. LIST OF WORKS QUOTED. 267 Abbreviated Title used. Title and Reference. Dawson, Foss. Plants of Lower Garb. Canada Dawson, Foss. Plants Devon, and Upper Silur. Form, of Canada Denksch. Bot. Gesell. Regens- burg Denks. k. Akad. Wiss. Diet. Universel d'Hist. Nat Ebray, V6get. Foss. d. Terr. d. Transition Edinb. New Phil. Journ. Eichwald, Urwelt Russlands . ^Eichwald, Lethaea Rossica , Emmons, Taconic System Emmons, Agriculture of New York Endlicher, Synop. Conif. Foss. Etheridge, Cat. Australian Fossils Ettingshausen, Steinkf. v. Stradonitz Ettingshausen, Die Steinkf. v. Radnitz Feistmantel, C., Der Hangend- flotzzug Feistmantel, O., Steinkf. v. Knilup in Bbhmen Dawson, Sir J. W., Report on the Fossil Plants of the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit Formations of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada. Montreal, 1873. Dawson, Sir J. W., The Fossil Plants of the Devonian and Upper Silurian Formations of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada. Montreal, Part /., 1871, Part II., 1882. Deukschriften der Kon.-Bayerisehen Botan- ischen Gesellschaft. Regensburg. Deukschriften der Mathematisch-natur- wissenschaf tliche Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaf ten. Vienna. Dictionnaire Universel d'Histoire Naturelle. Paris, 1849. Ebray, T., Veg6taux Fossile* des Terrains de Transition du Beaujolais. Aniiales de la Soci6t6 des Sciences Industrielles de Lyon. 1868. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal. Edinburgh. Eichwald, E., Die Urwelt Russlands durch Abbildungen erlseutert. St. Petersburg, 1840-46. Eichwald, E., Lethaea Rossica, ou Paleon- tologie de la Russie. Stuttgart, 1860. Emmons, E., Th-e Taconic System, based on Observations in New York, Massa- chusetts, Maine, Vermont, and Rhode Island. Albany, 1844. Emmons, E., Agriculture of New York. Vol 1. Albany, 1846. Endlicher, S., 'Synopsis coniferarum fos- silium. Sangalli, 1847. Etheridge, R., Jr., Catalogue of Australian Fossils. Cambridge, 1878. Ettingshausen, C., v., Die Steinkohlenflora von Stradonitz in Bohmen. Abhand- lungen der Kais.-Koniglichen Geologis- chen Reichsanstalt. /. Band, 3 Abth. No. 4. Vienna, 1852. Ettingshausen, C., v., Die Steinkohlenflora von Radnitz in Bohmen. Abhandlun- gen der Kais.-Kouiglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt. //. Band, 3 Abth. No. 3. Vienna, 1854. Feistmantel, C., Der Hangendflotzzug im Schlan - Rakonitzer Steinkohlenbecken. Archiv der Naturw. Landesdurchfors- chung von Bohmen. IV. Band, No. 6 (Geologische Abtheilung). Prag. 1881. Feistmantel, O., Steinkohlenflora von Kralup in Bohmen. Abhandlungen d. k. k. Bohir. Gesell. d. Wissen. V. Sand. Prag, 1871. 208 LIST OF WORKS QUOTED. Abbreviated Title used. Title and Eeference. Feistmantel, O., Uber Baum- farrenreste d. Bohm. Steink. Feistmantel, O., Friicht. Foss. Pflanzen Bohm. Steink. Feistmantel, O., Steinkohl. u. Perm.-Ablager. Feistmantel, O.j Vers. d. Bohm. KohlenabL Fiedler, Die Foss. Fruchte .... Fontaine and White Perm, or Upper Carb. Flora Geinitz, Gaea v. Sachsen Geinitz, Vers. d. Zechst. Geinitz, Die Vers. d. Grau- wackenform. Geinitz, Flora d. Haurich.- Ebersdorfer Geinitz, Vers. d. Steinkf. in Sachsen Geinitz, Die Leitpflanzen d. Eothl. Feistmantel, O., Uber Baumfarrenreste der bohmischeii Steinkohlen, Perm. - und Kreideformation. Abhandlungen d. k. k. Bohm. Gesell. d. Wissen. VI. Band. Prag, 1872. Feistmantelj O., Ueber Fruchtstadien fossiler Pflanzen aus der bdhiuischen Steinkoh- lenformation, Abth. I. Equisetaceae u. Filices. Abhandlungen d. k. k. Bohm. Gesell. d. Wissen. V. Sand. Prag, 1872. Feistmantel, O., Steinkohlen- u. Perm.- Ablagerung im Nord-Westen von Prag. Abhandlungen d. k. k. Bohm. Gesell. d. Wissen. VI. Band. Prag, 1873. Feistmantel, O., Die Versteinerungen der bbhmischen Kohlenablagerungen. Pa- laeontographica. XXIII. Band. Cassel, 1874-75. Fiedler, H., Die Fossilen Fruchte der Steinkohlen - Formation. Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch - Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher. Academise Csesareae- Leopoldino-Carol. Naturae Curiosorum. XXVI. Band. Breslau, 1858. Fontaine, W. M., and White, J. C., the Permian or Upper Carboniferous Flora of West Virginia and S.-W. Pennsyl- vania. Second Geological Survey of Penn- sylvania, Eeport of Progress, P.P. Har- risburg, 1880. Geinitz, H. B., Gaea von Sachsen. Einlei- tung in die Flora von Sachsen von Dr. und Prof. Ludwig Reichenbach. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. H. B. Geinitz. Dresden and Leipzig j 1843. Geiuitz, H. B., and Gutbier, A., v., Die Versteinerungen des Zechsteingebirges und Rothliegenden oder des Permischen Systemes in Sachsen. Dresden and Leip- zig, 1848-49. Geinitz, H. B., Die Versteinerungen der Grauwackenformation in Sachsen und den angrenzenden Lander- Abtheilungen. Heft 2. Leipzig, 1853. Geinitz, H. B., Darstellung der Flora des Hainichen-Ebersdorfer und des Flohaer Kohlenbassins. Leipzig, 1854. Geinitz, H. B., Die Versteinerungen der Steinkohlenformation in Sachsen. Leip- zig, 1855. Geinitz, H. B., Die Leitpflanzen des Roth- liegenden und des Zechsteingebirges oder Her Permischen Formation in Sachsen. Oster-Programm. d. Konig. Polytech. Schule zu Dresden. Leipzig, 1858. LIST OF WORKS QUOTED. 269 Abbreviated Title used. Title and Eeference. Geinitz, Dyas .... Geol. Mag, Geol. Survey Canada, Eeports 1874-5 ' Germar, Vers. v. Wett. u. Lobejun Giebel, Deutschl. Pefcrefacten Goldenberg, Flora Sarsep. Foss. Gomes, Flore Foss. do Terr. Carbon, do Porto, Serra do Bussaco Goppert, Syst. Fil. Foss. Goppert, Gatt. d. Foss, Pflanzen Goppert, in TchihatchefFs Voy- age dans 1' Altai Goppert, Monog. d. feren Fogs. Coni- Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Uber- gangs, Groppert, Flora d. Sil. Devon, u. Unter Kohl. Goppert, Foss. Flora d. Perm. Form. Geinitz, H. B., Dyas oder die Zechsteinf orma- tion und das Eothliegende, Heft II., Die Pflanzen der Dyas und Leipzig, 1862. Geological Magazine. London. Geological Survey of Canada. Eeports of Progress. Montreal, 1874-5. Germar, E. F., Die Versteinerungen des Steinkohlengebirges von "Wettin und Lobejun im Saalkreise. Halle, 1844-53. Giebel, E. G., Deutschlands Petrefacten. Leipzig, 1852. Goldenberg, F., Flora Sarsepontana Fossilis. Die Pnanzenversteinerungen des Stein- kohlengebirges von Saarbrucken. Saar- bruck, 1855-62, Gomes, B. A., Flore Fossile du Terrain Car- bonifere des Environs du Porto, Serra do Bussaco, et Moinho d'Ordem pres d'Alcacer do Sal. Commissao Geologica de Portugal. Lisbon, 1865. Goppert, H. E., Die Fossilen Farrnkrauter. Systema Filicum Fossilium. Nova Acta Acad. Csesareae-Leopoldino-Carol. Naturae Curiosorum. XVII. Suppl. Bd. Breslau, 1836. Goppert, H. E., Die Gattungen der Fos- silen Pflanzen. Bonn, 1841. Gqppert, H. E., Description of Fossil Plants in Voyage sciehtifique dans ]' Altai Oriental et les Parties adjacentes de la Frontie"re de Chine, par Pierre de Tchi- hatcheff. Paris, 1845, Gpppert, H. E., Monographic der Fossilen 'Coniferen. Naturkundige Verhandelin- gen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. Tweede Verzameling, 6 e deel, Leiden, 1850. Goppert, H. E., Fossile Flora des Ubergan- gsgebirges. Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch- Carolinischen Akademie der Naturfor- scher (Academiaa Caesareas - Leopoldino Naturaa Curiosorum). XXII. Supp. Bd. Breslau, 1852. Goppert, H. E., Ueber die Fossile Flora der Silurischen, der Devonischen, und un- teren Kohlenformation, oder des sogen- annten Ubergangsgebirges. Verhandlun- gen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Caro- linischen Deutschen Akademie der Na- turforscher (Academiae Caesareas-Leopol- dino- Carol. Germ. Naturae Curiosorum). XXVII. Bd. Jena, 1860. Goppert, H. E., Die Fossile Flora der Per- mischen Formation. Palaeontographica. XII, Band. Casell, 1864-65. 270 LIST OF WORKS QUOTED. Abbreviated Title used. Title and Reference. Goppert and Berger, De Frucht. et Seminibus Grand 'Eury, Flore Carbon, du Dep. de la Loire Gutbier, Vers. d. Zwick. Sch- warzkohl. Gutbier, Vers. d. Zechst. u. Eothl. Haidinger's Naturwiss. Ab- handl. Hall, Palseontol. New York .. Hall, 16th Annual Eeport State Cabinet Heer, Urwelt der Schweiz .... Heer,Foss. Flora d.Baren Insel Heer, Steink. Flora d. Artisch. Zone Heer, Foss. Flora Spitzbergens Heer, Perm. Pflanzen v. Flinf- kirchen Heer, Flora Foss. Helv. Hitchcock, Final Kept. Geol. of Massachusetts Isis Jahrb. d. k. k. Geol. Eeichsan- stalt Jahrb. d. Naturwiss. Vereines, Halle Journ. Botany Berger, E., De Fructibus et Seminibus ex Formatione Lithanthracum. Yratis-, 1848. Grand 'Eury, C., La Flore Carbonifere du D6partement de la Loire et du Centre de la France. Paris, 1877. Gutbier, A., v., Abdrucke u. Verstein- erungen des Zwickauer Schwarzkohlen- gebirges u.seinen Umgebungen. Zioickau, 1835. Geinitz, H. B., and Gutbier, A., v., Die Versteinerungen des Zechsteingebirges und Eothliegenden oder des Permischen Systems in Sachsen. Dresden and Leip- zig, 1848-49. Naturwissenschaf tliche Abhandlungen. Her- ausgegeben von. W. Haidinger. Vienna. Hall, J., Palaeontology of New York. Vols. I. and II., Albany, 1847-52. Hall, J., Contributions to Palaeontology. 16th Annual Eeport on the Condition of the State Cabinet of Natural History, New York. Appendix D. Albany, 1863. Heer, O., Die Urwelt der Schweiz. Zurich, 1865. Heer, O., Fossile Flora der Baren Insel. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Band IX., No. 5. Stock- holm, 1871. Heer, O., Beitrage zur Steinkohlenflora der Artischen Zone. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps - Akademiens Handlingar. Band XII., No. 3. Stockholm, 1874. Heer, O., Bertrage zur fossilen Flora Spitz- bergens, &c., Kongl. Svenska Veteuskaps- Akademiens Handlingar. Band XIV., No. 5. Stockholm, 1876. Heer, O., Ueber Permische Pflanzen von Funfkirchen in Ungarn. Mittheil.-Jahr- buch d. kon. ung. Geol. Anstalt. V. Bande. Pest. 1876. Heer, O., Flora Fossilis Helvetian Die Vor- weltliche Flora der Schweiz. Zurich, 1876-77. Hitchcock, E., Final Eeport on the Geology of Massachusetts. Vol. II., Northampton. U.S., 1841 Sitz. Abhandl. Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis. Dresden. Jahrbuch der Kais.-Koniglichen Geolo- gischen Eeichsanstalt. Vienna. Jahresbericht d. Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines in Halle. Seeman's Journal of Botany, British and Foreign. London. LIST OF WORKS QUOTED. 271 Abbreviated Title used. Title and Reference. Karsten and Dechen's Archiv. fiir Min. Kimball, Flora from the Ap- palachian Coal Field King, Monog. Perm. Foss. Pal. Soc. Konig, Icones Fossilium Sec- tiles Kutorga, Zweiter Beitr. z. Pal. Russlands Lebour, Illustrations of Fossil Plants Lebour, Catalogue of Hutton Collection Leonard's Zeitsch. fiir Mineral. Lesquereux, Geol. of Pennsyl. Lesquereux, Report, Geol. Survey of Illinois Lesquereux, Coal Flora in Pennsyl. Lindley and Hutton, Fossil Flora Ludwig, Foss. Pflanzen Palaol. Form. Luid Lich. Brit. Ichnographia Martin, Petriticata Derbiensia Melang. Phys. et Chem Archiv fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hiittenkunde, von C. J. B. Karsten und H. von Dechen. Berlin. Kimball, J. P., Flora from the Apalacpian Coal Field. Gottingen, 1857. King, W., A Monograph of the Permian Fossils of England. Palceontographicdl Society, London, 1850. Konig, C., Icones Fossilium Sectiles. London, ? 1825. Kutorga, S., Zweiter Beitrag zur Palaeonto- logie Russlands. Verhandlungen d. Russisch-Kaiserlichen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft. St. Petersburg, 1844. Lebour, G. A., Illustrations of Fossil Plants, being an Autotype reproduction of selected drawings. Prepared under the supervision of the late Dr. Lindley, between the years 1835-40, &c. New- castle-on-Tyne, 1877. Lebour, G. A., Catalogue of the Hutton Collection of Fossil Plants, &c. Newcastle- on-Tyne, 1878, Zeitschrift fiir Mineralogie von K. C. von Leonhard. Frankfurt-am- Main. Lesquereux, L., Descriptions of Fossil Plants in Geology of Pennsylvania, by H. D Rogers. Vol. II., London, 1858. Lesquereux, L., Descriptions of Fossil Plants in Report, Geological Survey of Illinois. Vols. H. and JV. Chicago, 1866 and 1870, Lesquereux, L., Coal Flora of the Carboni- ferous Formation in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States. Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania : Report of Progress. P. Harrisburg, Vols. /. and II., and Atlas, 1880 : Vol. III., 1884. Lindley, J,, and Hutton, W., The Fossil Flora of Great Britain. 3 vols., London, 1831-37. Ludwig, R.,Fossile Pflanzenreste aus den pal- aolithischen Formationen der Umgegend von Dillenburg, Bildenkopf und Fried- berg und aus dem Saalfeldischen. Palaeontographica, Vol. XVIL, 3 lief. Cassel, 1869. Luidius, E., Lithophylacii Britannici Ichno- graphia. Oxford, 1760. Martin, W., Petrificata Derbiensia, or Figures and Descriptions of Petrifactions collected in Derbyshire. Wigan, 1809. Melanges Physiques et Chimiques, du Bull. Physico-Mathematique. St. Petersbourg. 272 LIST OF WORKS QUOTED. Abbreviated Title used. Title and Reference. Mem. 1'Acad. ImpSr. St. P6ters- bourg Mem. Geol. Survey Gt. Brit Miller, Old Eed Sandstone ... Miller, Footprints of the Creator Miller, Testimony of the Rocks Monthly Micro. Journ Miinster, Beitr. z. Petrefacten- kunde Nat. Hist. Review Naturwiss. Gesell. v. Chemnitz Newberry, Report, Geol. Sur- vey, Ohio Newberry, Expl, Exped. from Santa Fe, &c. Neues Jahrbuch Nova Acta Acad. Owen, Report Geol. Survey of Wisconsin Palaeontographica Parkinson, Organic Remains.... Petzholdt, Uber Calamiten u. Steinkbild. Phil. Trans. Memoires de l'Acad6mie Imp6riale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. St. Peters- bourg. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland. London. Miller, H., Old Red Sandstone. 1st Ed., 1841. Miller, H., Footprints of the Creator, or the Asterolepis of Stromness. Edin- burgh, 1853. Miller, H., the Testimony of the Rocks ; or, Geology in its bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed. Edinburgh, 1857. Monthly Microscopical Journal; Trans, of the Royal Microscopical Society. London. Miinster, G. Graf zu, Beitrage zur Petre- factenkunde. Bayreuth, 1843. Natural History Review. London. Bericht der N,aturwissenschaftlichen Gesell- schaft zu Chemnitz. Chemnfa. Newberry, J. S., Descriptions of Fossil Plants in Report of the Geological Sur- vey of Ohio, Vol. /., part II., Geology and Palaeontology, Columbus, 1 873. Newberry, J.S., Geological Report in Report of the Exploring Expedition from Santa F6, New Mexico, to the Junction of the Grand and Green Rivers of the Great Colorado of the West, 1859, under the Command of Capt. J. N. Macomb. Washington, 1876. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologic, und Petrefaktenkunde, Heidelberg and Stuttgart. Nova Acta Academise Caesareae Leopoldino- Carol. Germ. Naturae Cuiiosorum. Kaiser- lichen Leopoldino-Carolinischen Deut- schen Akademie der Naturforscher. Dresden, &c. Owen, D. D., Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and, Minnesota, and incidentally of a portion of Nebraska Territory. Philadelphia, 1852. Palaeontographica. Beitrage zur Natur- geschichte der Vorwelt. Herausgegeben yon W, Dunker, H. von Meyer, u. K. A. ZitteJ. Cassel, 1851, etc. Parkinson, J., Organic Remains of a Former World. 3 volt., London, 1804-1L Petzholdt, A., Ueber Calamiten und Stein- kohlenbildung. Dresden and Leipzig, 1841. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. London. LIST OF WORKS QUOTED. 273 Abbreviated Title used. Title and Eeference. Portlock, Report Geol. of Lon- donderry Proc. Roy. Inst. Gt. Brit. ... Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb Prodromus Pal. Victoria Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc Renault, Cours d. Botan. Foss. Rep. Brit. Assoc. Rhode, Beitr. z. Pflanzenkunde d. Vorwelt Richter and Unger, Palseont. d. Thuringer Waldes Roehl, Foas. Flora d. Steink. Form. Westphalens Romer, Beitr. Kenntniss d. Nordw. Harzgeb. Romer, Die Vers. d. Harzge- birges Romer, Geol. v. Oberschlesien Rost, De Fil. Ectypis Sandberger, Vers. d. Rhein. Schich. in Nassau Sandberger, Flora d. Ober. Steinkf. im Badischen Sch- warz. Sauveur, Y6get. Foss. d. Terr. Houil. de la Belgique Schenk and 2ittel, Handbuch d. Palaeont. Scheuchzer, Herb. Diluv. Portlock, J. E., Report on the Geology of the County of Londonderry and of parts of Tyrone and Fermanagh. Dublin, 1843. Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. London. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh. McCoy, F., Prodromus of the Palaeontology of Victoria. Geological Survey of Vic- toria. Decade I., //., and IV., Melbourne, 1874-76. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, London. Renault, B., Cours de Botanique Fossile, 4 vols., Paris, 1881-85. Reports of the Meetings of the British Association. London. Rhode, J. G., Beitrage zur Pflanzenkunde der Vorwelt. Bresluu, 1820. Richter, R., and Unger, F., Beitrag zur Palaontologie des Thuringer Waldes. Denksch. d. Kaiser. Akad. d. Wissen- schaften. Vol. XL, Vienna, 1856, Roehl, Fossile Flora der Steinkohlen-.For- mation Westphalens, einschliesslich Piesberg bei Osnabriick. Palaeonto- graphica. Vol. XV III., Cassel, 1868-69, Romer, F. A., Beitrage zur geologischen Kenntniss des Nordwestlichen Harz- gebriges. Parts I. and II. Palaeontogra- phica. Vol. III., pp. 1 and 69, Cassel, 1854. Romer, F. A., Die Versteinerungen des Harzgebirges. Hannover, 1843. Romer, F., Geologic von Oberschlesien. Breslau, 1870. Rost, W., De Filicum Ectypis obviis ill Lithantracum Vettinensium Lobeiunen- siumque fodinis. Halle, 1839. Sandberger, F. and G., Die Versteinerungen, des Rheinischen Schichtensystems in Nassau. Wiesbaden, 1850-56. Sandberger, F., Die Flora der oberen Steinkohlenformation im Badischeu Schwarzwald. VerhandL d. Naturwiss* Vereins zu Karlsruhe. 1864. Sauveur, J., V6getaux Fosailes des Terrain Houillers de la Belgique. (69 plates without text.) Acad6mie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique Brussels, 1848. Handbuch der Palseontologie. Schimper, Schenk and Zittel. Miinchen, 1879-84. Scheuchzer, J. J., Herbarium Diluvianum. Editio-novissima. Leyden, 1723. T 274 LIST OF WORKS QUOTED. Abbreviated Title used. Schimper, Veget. Foss. d. Terr, d. Trans, des Vosges Schimper, Traite" d. Pale"ont. Veget. Schlotheim, Flora d. Vorwelt Schlotheim, Petrefactenkunde Seeman's Journ. of Bot. Steininger, Beschreibung der Eifel Stenzel, Uber die Staarsteine... Sternberg, Vers. Sterzel, Foss. Pflanzen des Rothl. v. Chemnitz Stur, Culm Flora Stur, Die Silur.-Flora d. Etage Hrh., in Bohm. Stur, Morph, u. Syst. d.. Culm u. Carbonfarne Tate, in Johnston's Botany of the Eastern Borders Trans. Amer, Phil, Soc Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb, Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc Trans. Geol. Soc Trans. Linn. Soc. Title and Reference. Schimper, W. P., Les Veg6taux Fossiles du Terrain de Transition des Vosges (in Le Terrain de Transition des Vosges by J. Koechlin-Schlumberger and W. Ph. Schimper). Strasbourg, 1862. Schimper, "W. P., Traite de Paleontologie Ve"ge"tale. 3 vols., with Atlas, Paris, 1869-74. Schlotheim, F., v., Beitrag zur Flora der Vorwelt. Beschreibung merkwiirdiger Krauter-Abdriicke und Pflanzen- Ver- steinerungen. Abth. L, Gotha, 1804 Schlotheim, F., v. Die Petrefactenkunde auf ihrem jetzigen Standpunkte durch die Beschreibung seiner Sammlung Ver- steinerter und fossiler iiberreste des Thier-und Pflanzenreichs der Vorwelt erlautert. Oatha, 1820-23. Seeman's (now Britten's) Journal of Botany, British and Foreign. London. Steininger, J., Geognostiche Beschreibung der Eifel. Trier, 1853. Stenzel, K. G., Uber die Starrsteine. Ver- handl. d. k. Leop.-Carol. Akad. der Naturforscher. Vol. XXIV., p. 751, 1854. Sternberg, K., v., Versuch einer Geognos- tisch-botanischen Darstellungen der Flora der Vorwelt. Leipzig, 1820-38. Sterzel, J. T., Die fossilen Pflanzen des Rothliegenden von Chemnitz in der Geschichte der Palaeontologie. Natur- wiss. Gesell. v. Chemnitz, 1873-74. Stur, D., Die Culm Flora. Abhandlungen der k. k. Geol, Eeichsanstalt. Vol. VIII. Vienna, 1875-77. Stur, D., Die Silur-Flora der Etage H.-h., in Bohmen. Sitzb. der K. Akad. der Wis- sensch. LXXX1V. Bd., Vienna, 1881. Stur, D., Zur Morphologic und Systematik der Culm-und Carbonfarne. Sitzb. der k. Akad. der Wissensch. LXXXVIIL Bd. Vienna, 1883, Tate, G., in Natural History of the East- ern Borders, by G. Johnston. Vol. L, Botany. London, 1853. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia. Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh. Transactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society. Transactions of the Geological Society. London. Transactions of the Linnean Society. London. LIST OF WORKS QUOTED. 275 Abbreviated Title used. Title and Eeference. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. North- umberland, Durham Trans. Boy. Phys. Soc. Edinb. Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edinb linger, Synop. Plant. Foss linger, Genera et Species linger, Anthracit - Lager 1 in Karnthen Vanuxem, Nat. Hist, of New York Verhandl. d. k. k, Geol. Reich- Verhandl. d. Mineralog. Gesellsch. St. Petersburg Verhandl. d. Natur. Vereines d. Preuss. Eheinl. u. Westph. Weiss, Foss. Flora d. Jung.- Steiuk. u. d. Bothl. Weisa, Steinkohlefn-Calamarien White, State of Indiana, 2nd And. Report, Dept. of Sta- tistics and Geol., 1880 Witham, Internal Structure of Fossil Vegetables Zeiller, Veget. Foss. Terr. Houil. Zeiller, Flore Houil. des As- turies Zeitschrif t d. Deut. GeoL Gesell. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and New- castle-on-Tyne. Newcastle-on- Tyne. Transactions of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edin- burgh. Edinburgh. linger, F., Synopsis Plantarum Fossilium. Leipzig, 1845. linger, F., Genera et Species Plantarum Fossilium. Vindobonce, 1850. linger, F., Anthracit-Lager in Karthen. Sitzb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. Math, Naturw. CL LX. Bd., 1 Abth., Vienna, 1869. Vanuxem, L., Natural History of New York. Geology. Part III., Albany, 1842. Verhandlungen der Kais.-Kdniglichen Geo- logische. Reichsanstalt. Vienna. Verhandlungen Russisch-Kaiserlichen Mi- neralogischen Gesellschaft. St. Peters- burg. Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Ver- eines der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens. Bonn. Weiss, C. E., Fossile Flora der jiingsten Steinkohlenformation und des Roth- liege nd en im Saar.-Rhein-Gebiete. Bonn. 1869. Weiss, C. E., Steinkohlen-Calamarien, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer Fruc- tificationen. Part I. Abhandl. zur Geo- logischen Specialkarte v. Preussen u. den Thuringischen Staaten. Band II., Heft I., Berlin, 1876; Part II., ibid.; Band V., Heft II., Berlin, 1884. White, C. A., Palaeontology of Indiana, Second Annual Report of the Depart- ment of Statistics and Geology. Indian- opolis, 1880. Witham, H. T. M., The Internal Structure of Fossil Vegetables found in the Car- boniferous and Oolitic Deposits of Great Britain. Edinburgh, 1833. Zeiller, R., V6getaux Fossiles du Terrain Houiller de la France (Extract du Tome IV., de 1'Explication de la Carte Geolo- gique de la France). Paris, 1880. Zeiller, R., Notes sur la Flore Houillere des Asturies. Memoires Societ6 G6ologique du Nord. Lille, 1882. Zeitschrift der Deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft. Berlin. INDEX. "/." J 279 INDEX. Synonyms are printed in italics. PAGE Adiantites concinnus 73 Oermari 102 Hibernims 228 JEtheotesta 245 Alethopteris . . .132, 230, 260 aquilina 136, 256 emarginata . . . . 123 erosa 138 Bucklandii . . . .117,254 Brongniartii. 254 conferta 6 Defrancii 124, 257 discrepans 230 gigantea 6 gigas ....... 136 gracellima 134 heterophylla 133 irregularis 135 lanceolata 124 Lindleyana Ill longifolia . 123, 124, 137, 138 lonchitica 132,260 Mantelli 133 ovata 127 Pluckenetii . . . .125, 258 prcelongata 7 pteroides 117,254 Serlii 135,260 serra 130 Sterubergii . . . . 133, 138 Sullivantii truncata . . urophylla . . vidgatior . . Anabathra pulcherrima . Anarthrocanna stigmarioides. tuoerculosa Aneimia Tschermakii . 137 128 133 134 37,38 37, 38 61 PAGE Aneimites 229 obtusa 229 Annularia .... 43, 226, 250 brevifolia 45 calamitoides 39 carinata 47 latifolia 226 longifolia . . 44, 46, 56, 250 microphylla 45 minuta 43 radiata 28, 43, 250 sphenophylloides . . 44, 250 spicata 48 spinulosa 46 stellata 45, 250 Antholithus . . 208 anomalus . Lindleyi . parviflorus Pitcairnice Aphlebia acuta . . cnspa . linearis . 210 210 208 210 141 140 141 Araucarites Brandlingli 261 Saxonicus 17 Araucaroxylon. . 17, 220, 237, 261 Brandling!! .... 220, 261 Ouangondianum . . . 237 Saxoniura 17 Archceocalamites radiatus 35 A rchceopteris dissecta. 61 Gaspimsis 228 lyra 61, 62 obtusa 229 pachyrrachis 61 Arthropitys 4 bistriata 4 280 FOSSIL PLANTS. PAGE Arthrostigma 235 gracilis 235 Artiiia 221 . 131, 132 . 130, 132 . 137, 138 . . 63 . . 83 . 138 Glockeri . Silesiacus , Asplenites alethopteroide Sternbergii . - Asplenium transitionis 62 Asterocalamites .... 35, 225 scrobiculatus . . .35, 38, 225 Asterocarpus pteroides , 117 Sternbergii 128 truncatus 128, 257 Asterochlsena 11 Cottai 11 A sterophyllites comosa 42 delicatula 41, 48 elegans 37 equisetiformis . . 37, 38, 47 foliosa . . .28, 43, 44, 56, 59 galioides 44 grandis 39, 40 jubata 42 longifolia ..,.,. 41 radiatus ...... 43 radiiformis 44 rigidus 39 spaniophyllus .... 38 spicatus 48 tenuifolia 42 tuberculatus 56 Aaterotheca arborescens 114 Candolleana 116 cyathea 114 Sternbergii . . . , . 128 Bechera charceformis 41 delicatula t 41 Bergeria 153 Bornia radiata 25, 35, 39 scrobiculata 35 transitionis 36 Botkrodendron punctatum .... 175, 177 Botryoconus Pitcairnwg 210 Bruckmannia tuberculata .... 56 PAGE Bythotrephis ... 22, 225, 243 divaricata 243 flexuosa 243 gracilis 243 mutabilis 225 Scotica 22 Calarriitea bistriata 4 concentrica .... 17, 18 striata 4 Calamites 3, 22, 249 alternans ...... 32 approximatus ... 32, 33 bistriatus 4 cannaeformis 3, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 36, 41 carinatus 27 Cistii . . 25, 30, 33, 34, 39 cruciatus 32, 33 decoratus 4, 25 dubius 31 gigas .,.,... 3, 29 infractus 33 inornatus 36, 225 interruptus ..... 34 laticostatus ..... 36 lioderma ...... 30 major ". 3 nodosus . . .23, 27, 28, 29 pachyderma 29 radiatus 35 ramosus . . . .26, 28, 249 scrobiculatus 35 Sternbergii 36 striatus 4 Suckowii . . .24, 25, 26, 29 sulcatus ...... 29 transitionis .... 35, 225 tuberculosus ..... 30 undulatus 25, 29 varians 31, 33, 249 variolatus 36 Volkmanni .... 42, 208 Calamitina 173 Calamocladus 38, 226 acicularis , 226 binervis 39 equisetiformis 23, 38, 40, 249 foliosus 43 grandis 40 longifolius .... 41, 42 rigidus ....... 40 Calamodendron approximatum .... 34 cruciatum 32 Calamostachys 56 Ludwigi 56 paniculata 56 INDEX. 281 PAGE Calamostachys typica 56 Callipteridium 258 gigou 136 mirabile 127 ovatum 127,258 Sullivantii 137 Callipteris 6 couferta 6 Fischer! 7 prselongata 7 Sullivantii 137 Calymmatotheca . . . . 66, 251 affinis 66 bitida 68, 251 Cardiocarpus ... 13, 209, 237 acutum 209 anomalus 210 apiculatum 209 cornutus ...... 237 Gutbieri 211 intermedium 211 Kuhnsbergi 214 Lindleyi 207,209 subacutus 210 triangularis 13 Cardiopteris ...... 83 frondosa ...... 83 Hochstetteri 84 polymorpha . . . . 62, 84 Carpolithes 215 alatus 218 disciformis 214 ellipticus 215 helicter aides 219 marginatus 214 membranaceus . . . . 215 ovoideus 215 Caulopteris 144 Cistii . . 147 Gi/ordi ,146 gracilis 203 macrodiscus . . . , , 145 patria 146 Peachii 235 peltigera 144 Phillipsii 145 Chondrites 3, 21, 225 plumosa 21 simplex ...... 21 tenellus 225 virgatus ...... 3 Confervites 21 acicularis 21 Con ophoroides anthemis 197 Cordaianthus Lindleyi 210 PAGE Cordaispermum Gutbieri 211 Lindleyi 210 Cordaites .... 205, 220, 237 aiigulosostriatus . . . 208 angustifolia . ... 237 borassifolius 205 lingulatus ...... 208 Mansfieldi 208 obovatus ...... 208 palmseformis 207 principalis 207 Eobbii 237 Cupressites Ullmanni . 15 Cyatheites arborescens . . . .113, 253 argutus 126, 257 Beyricki 128 Candollianus . . . .116,254 confertus 6 ddicatulus .... 130, 259 d&ntatus 129,259 elegans 127,257 Miltoni 121,255 oreopteridius . . . .118,255 Pluckenetii 125 plumosm 129,259 Schlotheimii 114 unitut 122, 256 villosus 119,255 Cyathocarpus arborescens 113 Candollianus . . . . 116 dentatus 129 unitus 122 Cyclocarpus 211 nummularis 211 Cydocladia . 173 Cyclopteris Brownii 229 ciliata 102 dilatata 88, 90 dissecta 61,62 frondosa 84 Germari 102 Haidingeri 84 Hibernica 228 Hochstetteri .... 84, 85 Jacksoni 229 Koechlini 84 lacerata 102 Liebeana 17 oblata 88, 90 obliqua 88, 90 obtusa 229 orbicularis 89, 90 84 282 Clydopteris rliombovdea, . . Rogersi semiflabelliformis . trichomanoides . . Cyclostigma .... Kiltorkense . .. . FOSSIL PAGE . . 83 . . 228 . 91, 88 87, 90, 91 . . 236 . . 236 . . 236 5 LANTS. Gleichenites neuropteroides Glossopteris . . . Browniana, var. lasica . . . dubia .... Ooniopteris arguta .... elegans .... elliptica . . . emarginata . . longifolia . PAGE ... 87 ... 260 Austra- ... 260 ... 200 ... 126 ... 123 ... 124 ... 123 ... 123 Dactylotheca .... dentata plumosa .... Dadoxylon Brandlingi . . Danceites . 128, 259 . . 129 . 128, 259 . . 261 . 119 oblonga . . . Glyptodendron . . Eatonense . . Haliserites Dttchenianus . . Hawlea pulcherrima . . Halonia ... 127 ... 124 ... 244 ... 244 . . 232, 233 ... 121 173 Dicksoniites .... Pluckeneti . . . . . 257 . . 257 . 103 Brongniarti . . . . 103, 104 . . 99 neuropteroides . . . . 98 103, 104 disticha . . . . . 176, 178 . . 99 gracttis .... punctata . 151, 153, 174 ... 178 snbbrongniarti . . Diplazites emarginatus . . . longifolius . . . unitus Diplothmema . . 104 . 123, 256 . 123, 256 . . 122 66 174 tortuosa . . . tuberculatct Heterangium . . . Grievii . . Hippurites longifolia , . . Hostinella hostinensis . . Huttonia ... 174 . . 170, 174 ... 205 ... 205 ... 39 ... 233 57 dissectunt . . . 82 79 furcatum .... irregulare .... . . 80 . . 69 112 113 Hymenophyllea subalata . . . Hywenophyllites^- Costae . , . . ... 79 ... 253 muricatum 109 nervosum . . . 110 nummularium . . Endocalamites approximatus . . varians Equisetites decoratus .... infundibuliformis . Eremopteris .... artemisisefolia . . elegans .... , . 71 . . 34 . . 31 . . 4 . . 57 . . 59 59, 61, 67 63 227 Grandini . Schimperianus . semiatatus. . . Zobelii ... 78 ... 227 ... 7 73 Knorria acicularis . . . Lepidodendron . . acerosum . . . aculeatum . . acuminatum . aquense . . . Australe . . . Bartlingi . . .. brevifolium . . Burnotense . . ccelatum . . . caudatum . . . cheHalcewn ... 174 ... 163 148, 231, 260 ... 172 151, 253, 260 . . 161, 166 ... 181 . J . 231 ... 155 ... 172 . . 233, 234 ... 155 155, 156, 159 . 157 Eusphenopteris tenella Favularia tessellato, .... . . 65 181 Flabettaria borassifolia . . . principalis . . 206 207 Stern bergii . . . Flemingites Pedroanus . . . . . 201 . 163, 167 INDEX. Lepidodendron ctypeatum . , . commutatum . confluens PAGE ... 160 ... 162 154 Lepidophloios laricinus . 169, 1 obcordatus . . PAGE 71, 172, 173 . . 170 175 178 conicum . , . cordatum . ... 156 . . 151, 153 platystigma . . Scoticus . . 180 170, 173 168 175 178 155 196 dichotomum 148, dilatatum . . . discophorum . . dissitum . . -, distans . . . > 153, 173, 180 . . 150, 152 ... 174 ... 159 . 156, 157 149 anthemis . . . Brownii . . . comosus . . . fimbriatus . . . Geinitzii . . . . , 197 . . 199 . . 196 . . . 197 . . . 196 197 . 158 201 Gaspianum . . geniculatum . . Glincanum . . , . 233, 234 . . 161, 166 . . 162, 166 152 162 167 oblongifolius . . ornatus , . . . ovatifolius . . . . . 197 , . . 198 . . . 197 172, 173 Haidingeri . . 159 197 Harcourtii . , Jaschei .... laricinum . . . Lindleyanum longifolium . . ... 168 . . 162, 167 ... 170 ... 149 152, 157, 172 . 151 variabilis . . , Lepidophyllum . . binerve .... glossopteroides . horridum . intermedium . , . 196, 197 . , . 200 . . . 200 . , . 200 . , . 201 . 201 modulatum . . nothum .... ... 156 . . 231, 232 149 152 155 lanceolatum . . majus . . . 200 . . . 200 200 oculatum . . . . 157 Leptophlajuin . , . . . 232 ophiurus . . . ornatissimum Ottonis .... Pagenstechen patens .... Pietoense . . . plicatum . . . , . . 151 . . 162, 167 ... 180 . . 155, 156 . . 162, 166 ... 159 . , , 159 150 152 rhombicum , . Lonchopteris . , . Bricii .... Robertsi . . , Roehlii. . . . rugosa . . . , Lycopodiaceous spores Lycopodites . . . 232 . . 139, 260 . . 139, 140 . . . 139 . . . 139 . . 139, 260 . . . 200 . 231 . 146 hexagonus , . . 16 Rhodeanum . . rimosuni . ... 160 152, 158, 260 longibracteatus . MiUeri . . . , . .151,152 ... 232 151 231 selaginoides 151, serpentigerum . 158, 162, 166 ... 157 180 selaginoides . . Lyginodendron . . Oldhamium . . . 151, 158 ... 205 . . . 205 159 199 Sternbergii 148, 157, 162, 166, 260 Macrostachya . . . . . 57,250 57 undulatum . . urceum . . 154, 159 . 155 infundibuliformis Mariopteris .... . . 57,250 . . 109, 252 vasculare . . , . 169 acuta .... . . 112, 113 Veltheimianum Lepidophloios . . . Acadianus . . acuminatus . . carinatus . 160, 164, 169, 179 ... 169 ... 170 ... 170 . . 171, 173 latifolia . . . Loshii .... muricata . 109, nervosa . . 73, Medullosa .... elegans . 73, 112, 113 . .112,113 111, 112, 252 110, 111, 112 , . . 11 ... 11 aeminium . . 170 Dorosa . 12 284 FOSSIL PLANTS. PAGE Medullosa stellate 12 Megalopteris 231 Dawsoni 231 Megaphyton 143 approximatum .... 143 distant 143 frondosum . . . .143,144 giganteum 143,144 Gold&nbergi 143 magnificum . . . . 143, 144 maius 143,144 McLayi 143 Souchi 144 Myelopteris 12 Nematophycus Hickrii 244 Logani 238 Neuropteridium mirabile 127 Neuropteris . . 6,85,230,252 acutifolia 96, 97 angustifolia . . 95, 96, 97, 99 anomala 96, 97 antecedens 90 attemiata 92, 102 auriculata 97, 100 Clarksoni 96, 97 conferta 6 cordata 97, 98, 99 coriacea 91, 92 Dawsoni 231 decipiens 99 decurrens 7 Desorii 91, 92 dictyopteroides .... 98 dilatata 88 Dufresnoyi 8 Elrodi ....... 101 fimbriata 102 flexuosa .... 93, 94, 252 Germari 102, 103 gigantea ... 92, 142, 252 heterophylla 83, 85, 89, 96, 97, 110, 252 Mrsuta 97, 98, 99 ingens 101 lacerata 102 Leberti 95 Lindleyana 86 linguata 107 Loshii 85, 89, 90 mirabilis 127 oblong ata 135 ori&nialis 91, 92 ovata 127 plicata 94, 95 polymorpha 230 PAGE Neuropteris postcarbonica 107 rarinervis 91, 92 salicifolia 6 Scheuchzeri . . 90, 95, 97, 99 Soretii 86, 89 squarrosa 98 subcrenulata 107 tenuifolia . . . . 7, 91, 92 thymifolia 86, 89 verbensefolia 101 Villiersii 100 Noeggerathia 211 aequalis 212 caryotoides 142 cuneifolia 13 dichotoma 147 expansa 12 flabellata 212 foliosa 211 obovata 208 obutsa 229 tenuistriata 147 Noeggerathiaestrobus Bohemians 212 Odontopteris . . . . 8, 89, 104 appendiculata .... 107 Bohmii 104 Britannica 108 connata ...... 108 densifolia 105 dentata 104 Dufresnoyi 8 Fischeri 7 Lindleyana 108 minor 105 nervosa 105 obtusa 106,108 obtusiloba . . . 106, 107, 108 osmundeeformis . . , . 105 pachyderma 105 Plantianum 62 Eeichiana . 103, 104, 106, 252 Schlotheimii . . . . 105, 108 Oligocarpia 64 erosa 138 formosa 64 Pachytheca . -. 245 sphaerica 245 Palaoopteris 83, 228 Brownii ...... 229 Gaspiensis ..... 228 Hibernica 228, 235 Jacksoni 229 obtusa . 229 Rogersi 228 Palaeoxyris 219 285 PAGE Palaeoxyris helicteroides . . . . 219 Prenddii 220 Pecopteris . . . .113, 230, 253 abbreviate 119, 120, 121, 256 acuta .... 129, 131, 259 adiantoides .... 87, 89 affinw 116,137 angu&tifida, 131 aquilina Ill, 137 arborescens . . . .113, 253 arguta 126,257 aspidioides .... 114, 119 Beyrichi ...... 128 bifurcata 126, 258 brachyloba 134 Buck'landii . . 102, 117, 254 Candolliana . . 115, 116, 254 caudata 130 crenata, 121 cristata 74 cyatkea. . . . 114, 116,253 d-ecussata 115 Defrancii 124, 257 delicatula . . . 130, 131, 259 densifolia 230 dentata .... 128, 129, 131 elegans 123, 124 emarginata . . . . 123, 124 erosa 138 fertilis 125 gigantea 6 Glockeri . . . 130, 131, 259 Haidingeri 128 Hannonica, 135 heterophylla 133 Integra 127, 257 laciniata 109 lanceolata 1J3 lepidorachis , .... 116 leptorrhachis . . . . . 114 lonchitica 133 longifolia . 123, 124, 137, 256 Loshii 112 Mantelli 133 Miltpni .... .120,255 muricata . . . . . . 109 nervosa 110,111 Nestleriana 125 nodosa 115 oreopteroidia . . 118, 119, 255 ovata 127, 258 platyrachis . . . .114,253 Pluckenetii . . . .125,257 plumosa 128,259 polymorpha . . 119, 120, 255 Pseudobucklandi . . . 118 pteroides 116,254 Pecopteris Schlotheimii Serlii . . serra . . serrulata . Silesiaca . sinuata . . . 114, 137 ... 135 111, 130, 131 truncata unita ... 130 ... 7 ... Ill . .128, 257 122, 124, 256 ... 134 ... 70 villosa 119, 255 Wangenheimi .... 8 Piceites 17 orobiformis 17 Pinites Brandlingi orobiformis Pinnularia . . . , capillacea . . , dispalens . , , Polysporia . . . , Porosus communis . . Potkodtes Grantoni . . , Patersoni . . . Prototaxites . . Hicksii. . . Logani . . . Psaronius . . . , asterolithus . . dubius . . . , Haidingeri . . helmintholithus . infractus . . . 220, 261 . . . 17 58, 226, 250 . 44, 58, 250 . . . 226 . 199 11 . 37 37,38 238, 244 . 244 . 238 8 9 . 10 9 . 8,9 Parkericeformis .... 10 simplex 9 speciosus 10 Ungeri 8 Pseudopecopteris abbreviata. .; ... 122 irregularis 69 latifolia 112 muricata 109 Newberryi Ill nervosa 110 Pluckenetii 126 trifoliolata 70 Psilophyton 232 condrusorum 235 Dechenianus 232 Princeps 232 robustius 232 Psygmophyllum . . . . 12, 212 cuneifolium . . 13 286 FOSSIL PLAVfS. Psygmophyllum PAGE 12 . Sagenaria rimosa . . . . rugosa . . . . Veltheimiana , PAGE! . . 158, 159 . . 151, 152 ', . . 161 flabellatum . . . Ptychopteris macrodiscus . . . . . 212 . 145 145 Schizopteris filiciformis . . . Gutbieriana . . lactuca, ... 142 ... 142 140 141 Pycnophyllum borassifolium . . principals . . . 206 . 207 147 Selaginites 142 64, 250 64, 250 < 140 patens . . . . Selenochlsena . . . Reichii . . . . Sigillaria ... 162 ... 11 ... 11 174 microcarpa . . . . 140 . 141 . , 140 . 141 . . 238 213 filiciforme. . . . lactuca speciosissimum . . Rhacophyllum-like Fossil alternans . . . alveolaris . . . ... 194 . . 183, 184 184 aspera . . , . aquensis . ; . . 191 . . 181 amygdalceformis . apiculatus .... Bockschianus . . ca/rinatus .... clavatus .... , 218 . 213 . 214 . 213 . 219 Boblayi 188 Brardii. . . . cactiforntis . . Candollii . . . . 179 ... 194 . . . 187 catenulata . . . coafctata . coriacea . . . Davreuxii. . . discophora ... 194 . . . 189 , . . 192 ... 190 ... 174 disciformis . . . insignis .... Kiinssbergii . . . Mansfieldi . . 214 . 213 . 214 . 208 multistriatus 213 Dournaisii t . dubia . . . t elegans .... elliptica . < . elon^ata ... 185 ... 170 . . 182, 185 ... 187 195 oblongatus. . . . ovoideus .... Khacopteris . 213 . 215 63 elegans flabellata ...'.. Geikiei . 63 63, 64 63,64 . 177 156 Feistmanteli . . gracilis. . . . grandis . . . . . . 191 . . : 189 . . , 192 189 Rhytidoden dron minutifolium . . . . Rhytido'phloyos tenuis hexagona . . '. ichthyolepis '. . Knorrii . . . ... 182 . . 182, 184 ... 182 192 Saccopteris erosa Sagenaria aculeata . . . 154, acumvnata . 138 162, 166 161 Icevis .... mammillaris . . Menardi . 170, minima . . . ... 193 ... 187 176, 178, 180 ... 183 184 ccelata . 155 . 162 caudata depressa dichotoma . . \ 149, elliptica 162, 167 . 160 157, 158 . 162 monostigma . . ocellata . . . ... 181 ... 191 183 185 pachyderma 186 elegans fusiformis 150, 160 158 perplexa . . . Folleriana . . . Preuiana . . . pyriformis . . 176, 178 ... 190 176, 178, 179 188 geniculata Glincana Goppertiana . . 162 . 162 . 149 reniformis . . rimosa .... ... 193 ... 190 190 Lindleyana .... obovat'a .... . 149 149 Rhodea . 160 Saullii . . 189 287 PAGE Sigillaria scutdlata 186 Serin 180 sexangula 184 subrotunda 192 Taylori . 164, 165, 166, 179 tessellata 181 trigona 186, 188 Utschneideri 189 vascularis 169 Sphenophyllum 48 angustifolium .... 53 cuneifolium .... 48, 50 dentatum 49 dichotomum 50 emarginatum . 50, 51, 52, 53 var. Brong- niartianuni .... 53 erosum 48 ... 50 furcatum 37 longifolium 54 majus 54 quadrifidum 50 saxifragaefolium ... 49 Schlotheimii .... 51, 52 var. brevi- folium 51,52 truncatwm 52 Sphenopteridium 61 dissectum 61, 62 Plantianum 62 Sphenopteris . . . . 5, 68, 226 acwta 112 acutifolia Ill acutiloba 78,81 adiantoides 73 affinis 66,67 alata 78,79,81 anthriscifolia 74 asplenites 63 artemisicefolia .... 59 bifida 68, 76 botryoides 70 Bronnii 77 caudata 130, 131 chserophylloides ... 75 '. . *70,71 ... 67 cristata 74 crithmifolia 60 curtiloba ...... 227 decomposita 76 delicatula 65, 66 densepinnata 227 dichotoma 5 dilatata 72 Ccemansii convexiloba PAGE Sphenopteris dissecta 81 dissoluta 13 distans . . . .70, 76, 251 divaricata 80, 251 elegans. . 72,77,79,80,251 effusa 75 erosa . 5 excelsa . 76,77 flexilis 67 flexuosa 80 foliolata 70 formosa .... 64, 65, 76 frigida 67,68 furcata 80, 82 Geikiei 63 geniculata 68, 81 Grandini 78. Haidingeri . . . . 77, 128 Harttii 227 Harveyi 250 Hildreti 81 Hoeninghausi ... 75, 252 imbricata 61, 74 integra 127 irregular is .... 69, 71 Johnstoniana .... 79 Kaulfussi 81 laciniata 64 lanceolata 65,78 latifolia ... 70, 111, 112 laxa 60 linearis. . . .61, 62, 66, 67 Loshii 112 Machanekii . . . . 81, 82 macilenta 110, 111 marginata 227 meifolia 66 membranacea 81 mierocarpa 64 Moravica 82 multiftda 65 neuropteroides .... 70 Newberryi Ill nummularia .... 70, 71 obovata 77 obtusiloba 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 251 officinalis 79 pachyrrachis . . .61, 62, 227 palmata 77 patens 5 permica 5 pilosa 227 polyphylla 72 rutcefolia 76 Sauveurii 72 Schillings!! 72 288 Sphenopteris Schimperiana . . . FOSSIL 1 PAGE . 226 . 79 >LANTS. Triplosporites Brownii . . . Tubicaulis primarius . ramosus . . . solenites . . . Ullmannia .... Bronni .... longifolia . . . lycopodioides selaginoides . . Ulodendron \ Allani .... PAGE ... 199 ... 10 ... 11 ... 11 ... 15 ... 15 ... 17 . . 15, 16 ... 16 . . 163, 167 5 65,76 60,61 . 65 . 251 trifoliolata 69, 70, 71 Zobelii Spiropteris Erdmanni .... Sporochnus Krejcii Stachannularia , 75, 251 . 73 . 142 . 142 . 238 . 238 45 commutatum . . Conybearii . . ettipticum . 163, Lindleyanum . .163, 165 . . 175, 177 167, 175, 177 ... 175 175 178 tuberculata ... 47 Peachii . . . . , 55, 250 67,68 . 147 majus .... minus . 163, 167, ornatissimum, ovale .... parmatus * * 167, 174, 177 175, 176, 179 ... 163 ... 163 . . 163, 165 Stemmatopteris Cistii , . peltigera . . . 4 . . 145 Stems 238, 245 . 221 pumilum . . . punctatum . . jRhodeanum . 163, 168, 175 . .175,177 . . . 163 Stickopteris 123, 124 37,38 201, 236 203 Stigmalocanna Volkmanniana * * . Stigmaria ...... 177 . , . 175 Taylori 179 transversum 163, tumidum . . . Urnatopteris 168, 175* 177 ... 170 ... 65 . 184 ficoides. . . , . 201, 236 . 204 . 204 . 205 var. minor . . var. reticulata rimosa .... tenella .... ... 66 Volkmannia . . . Ludwigi , . i ... 55 ... 56 stellata ; Spirangium Prendelii ..... Tempskya , 204 . 220 11 Morrisii . . . pseudosessilis. tenera, .... Voltzia heterophylla, . ... 55 . . 27, 28 . . 27,28 ... 16 ... 14 macrocaula .... Todea Lipoldi. . 11 68 hexagona . . . Liebeana . ... 16 17 Trichomanites bifidus . 68 Phillipsii . . . Walchia ..... ... 16 13 delicatulus .... Machanekii .... . 68, 82 hypnoides . ... 14 16 82 pin if or mis . . pinnata 14 Trigonocarpus . * ' , , . . 216 216 Woodwardites 140 Dawesii Noeggerathi .... oblongus . 216, 217, 216, 217 219 obtusilobus. Robertsi . .' ,' Zygopteris .... 1 . . 10 olivceforme .... Parkinsoni .... Triphyllopteris , . 217 216, 218 83 primaeva . . . Zeilleria delicatnla . ... 10 . . 66,250 66, 250 rhomboidea .... . 83 Date Due UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 000832010 3