Physical F i4 > 24 C3 ■A3 NO 115 ^^^9 DEPARTMENT OF NilTUML RESOURCES wmm.. ■www<«w Mm iiiwii'w w w»wntf»tw»won«mw n HmH<.i»*fwiiMi'»itiii . MMSnMVtfWWWMlJUf Hll WH^Mtl BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE YEARS 1931 TO 1936, INCLUSIVE BULLETIN No. 115 ISSUED BV THB STATE DIVISION OF MINKS FERRY BUILDING SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 1937 m tm am utmimt^imi STATE OF CALIFORNIA DKPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURc'lCS GEORGE D. NORDENHOLT, Director DIVISION OF MINES WALTER W. BRADLEY State Mineralogist GEOLOGIC BRANCH Ferry Building, San Francisco OLAF P. JENKINS Chief Geologist San Francisco Bulletin No. 115 October, 1937 RIBLIOGHAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF CALIFORNIA For the years 1931 to 1936, inclusive (Supplementing the Master Bibliography, Bulletin 104) By SOLON SHEDD • Stanford University, California 51441 CALIFORNIA STATE PRINTING OFFICE GEORGE H. MOORE, STATE PRINTER SACRAMENTO, 1938 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To His Excellency, The Honorable Frank F. Merriam, Governor of the State of California. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith Bulletin No. 115 of the Division of Mines, being' the "Bibliography of the Geology and Mineral Resources of California, 1931-1936, Inclusive." Like this division's previous Bulletin No. 104 covering the bibliography to the end of 1930, and which it supplements, this present work has been prepared by Dr. Solon Shedd, librarian of the Branner Memorial (Geological) Library at Stanford University, in cooperation with the Geologic Branch of the Division of Mines, with clerical assistance furnished by the federal Works Progress Administration. As evidenced hy the number of entries herein, the past six years have been particularly fruitful in contributions to the literature on the geology and mineral resources of California. Respectfully submitted. George D. Nordenholt, Director, Department of Natural Resources. November 1, 1937. (iii) <\- '^'^v \ ?:> TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Letter of Transmittal iii Author's Preface vii List of Abbreviations ix Serials xi Errors in Bulletin 104 xiv Part I — Bibliography 1 Part II— Index 87 (V) AUTHOR'S PREFACE Part I (Bibliography) The l)ibliograpln' formiiiji: Part I of this publication is intended to include the publications dealing with geology, paleontology, mineral- ogy, petrology, economic mineral resources and related subjects of California. An attempt has been made to list all the published material deal- ing with these subjects that have to do with California in any way from January 1, 1931, to December 31, 1936. This bibliography is also intended to include references to all publications that were omitted from Bulletin 104. In some cases abstracts were published after the articles were published and references made to them in Bulletin 104. Those abstracts have been included in the present bibliography. The plan folloAved in this bibliography is similar to that used in Bulletin 104 of the Division of Mines. The entries in this bibliography are made in a definite way. First comes the name of the author, then the title of the article follow^ed by the citation. In most cases the citation is greatly abbreviated and given in a fixed order as follow^s : The publication, then in the case of serials, the number of the volume followed by a colon and the inclu- sive pages, after which comes, in parentheses, the year of publication. In case the volume is in a numbered series this number, unless it is the first series, appears in parentheses just before the volume number. When issues are paged separately the serial number is given immedi- ately following the volume number. The papers of each author are listed in chronologic order by years but no definite order of arrangement is attempted for the papers in any particular year. When papers form a part of a volume that may continue for more than one year, the date on the title page of the volume has been used as the date of issue. Each reference bears an index number, consisting of the last two figures of the year of publi- cation. This is followed by a small letter, should there be more than one publication listed by the same author in any year. These index symbols are made use of in Part II (Index) for the purpose of finding references cited in Part I (Bibliography). Part II (Index) The Index to the Bibliography, Part IT, is arranged alphabeticallj' with cross references according to subject as shown in the title of the article. In the Index, the titles have been very much shortened. The intention has been to give as much information in the Index as possible and make the references easy to find. In the compilation of this bil)liography free use has been made of various bibliographies dealing with geological literature and related subjects, but by far the most helpful have been those prepared by (vii) Mr. John M. Nickles. These inelnde those published as bulletins of the U. S. Geological Survey and Annotated Bibliography of Economic Geology of which he has been Editor. Acknowledgments. To the Division of Mines, Department of Natural Resources of the State of California, Mr. Walter W. Bradley, State Mineralogist, and Mr. Olaf P. Jenkins, Chief Geologist, I am under obligations for helpful suggestions. To Miss Corinne Kibler, who has acted as assistant in the preparation of this bulletin, I am under obligation for her very careful work at all times. She has been very helpful, not only in copying and checking references, but also in looking through periodicals to find articles dealing with California. To all those persons who were so kind as to take time to check their list of publications, I hereby express my sincere thanks. While it is not possible to mention each one separately from whom help has been received, I wish to say that I appreciate fully any help and suggestions that I have received from any source and hereby acknowledge my gratitude. Clerical assistance was provided by a Federal Works Progress Administration project. While it is too much to expect a work of this kind to be absolutely perfect the author hopes the number of omissions and mistakes will not be large and that this publication may be of value to persons interested in the geology of California. Stanford University, California, Solon Shedd, June 10, 1937. ( viii ) LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS abst abstract Absts Abstracts abt Abteilung Ac academy Am American, etc. An annals, annual ; Annotated ann annotation App Appendix Ariz Arizona As association B bulletin Beitr Beitrage Bib bibliography Biol biological Bur bureau C R compte rendu Cal California Chem chemical, etc. Circ circular Col collection Coll college Cong congress conn connexes Contr contributions D C District of Columbia Dev development Div division Dom Dominion Dp department Ec economic Ed edition, editor, etc. Eng engineering, engineer flgs. figures G geology, geologist, etc. G S geological survey Geog geography, etc. Geol geological, etc. Geop geophysical Govt government Hist history I institute illus illustration incl including Inf information Inst institute Int international Invest investigation J journal, etc. Jb Jahrbuch Jr junior M mines, mining Mag magazine Mem memoirs Metal metallurgy Min mineral Miner mineralogy, etc. Misc miscellaneous Mus museum N new; neues N H natural history n s new series Nat national ; natural, etc. no number Obs observatory Oc P occasional papers Off office P papers Pacif Pacific Pet, Petr petroleum pp pages Pr proceedings Print printing Pub publications Q quarterly R royal Ref referate Res research Rp report Rv review S southern, etc. : survey Sc science, scientific, etc. Sci sciences Sec section Ser series, serial, etc. Soc society Sp special Sta station Stat statistical Suppl supplement, etc. Tech technology, etc. Tr transactions U S United States Univ university Wash "Washington Yb yearbook Zool zoology Zs . Zeltschrift (ix) SERIALS (The abbreviation used in the citation is printed in black-faced type.) Ac N Sc, Phila, Pr. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Proceedings. Ac Sc, C R. Academie des sciences, Paris, Comptes rendu."?. Agr Exp Sta Berkeley Cal, B. Ag^ricul- tural Experiment Station, Berkeley, California, Bulletin, Am Ac Arts, Pr. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Proceedings. Boston. Am As Petroleum G, B. American Asso- ciation of Petroleum Geologists, Bulle- tin. Am Chem Soc J. American Chemical So- ciety, Journal. New York. Am G. American Geologist. Minneapolis. Am Gas J. American Gas Light, Journal. X. Y. Am Geop Union, Tr. American Geophysi- cal Union, Transactions. Am ! M Eng, Tech Pub, Petr Div, Tr. American Institute of Mining and Metal- lurgical Engineers, Petroleum Develop- ment and Technolf)gy, Petroleum Divi- sion, Transactions. Am J Sc. American Journal of Science. New Haven, Conn. Am J Surgery. American Journal of Sur- gerj-. American Midland Naturalist. Am Miner J. American Mineralogica! Journal. New York. Am Mineralogist. American Mineralogist. Am Petroleum Inst, Pr, Sec, Production B. American Petroleum Institute, Pro- ceedings, Section, Development and Production Engineering, Bulletin. Am Soc Civil Eng, Pr. American Society of Civil Engineers, Proceedings. N. Y. Am Soc Mechanical Eng, Tr. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Trans- actions. An Bib Ec G. Annotated Bibliography of Economic Geology. Anal Soc Clentif Argent. Sociedad Cien- tifica Argentina, Anales. Aquarium. Beitr Geoph. Beitrage zur Geophysik. Leipzig. Biogeographical Soc Japan, B. Biogeo- graphical Society, Japan, Bulletin. Biol Absts. Biological Abstracts. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines; M. G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp; Div Mines and Min- ing, Mining in California. State of Cali- fornia, Department of Natural Re- sources, Division of Mines, California Journal of Mines and Geology. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, Cali- fornia Oil Fields. State of California, Department of Natural Resources, Di- vision of Oil and Gas. Cal Dp Pub Works, Cal Highways. State of California, Department of Public Works, California Highway.^. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B. State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Water Re- sources, Bulletin. Cal Oil World. California Oil World. Los Angeles, California. Cal Univ, Coll Agri, B. California, Uni- versity of, College of Agriculture, Bul- letin. Cal Univ, Dp G, B. California, University of, Department of Geology, Bulletin. Cal Univ, Los Angeles, Pub Math & Phys Sc. LTniversity of Southern California, Los Angeles, Publication Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Cal Univ, Pub Zool. California, Univer- sity of, Puljlications in Zoology. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B. California, Uni- versity of. Publications Seismographic Stations, Bulletin. Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism. Pub- lications of the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, Canada, Bibliography of Seis- mology. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Nev/s Service B, School Ed. Carnegie Institution of M'ashington (D. C.) News Service Bul- letin, School Edition. Chem Absts. Chemical Abstracts. Chem Met Eng. Chemical and ^iTetallur- gical Engineering. Chemicals. Chimie et Industrie. .Civil Eng. Civil Engineering. Compressed Air. Condor. Congres intern Mines Met et Geol appl. Congres international des mines, de la metallurgie, de la mechanique et de la geologic appliqufes. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr. Con- tributions from the Cushman Labor.a- tory for Foraminiferal Research. Deutsche Rundschau. Berlin. (xi ) SERIALS— Continued (The abbreviation used in the citation is printed in black-faced type.) Earthquake Res Inst, B. Earthquake Re- search Institution, Bulletin. Tokyo Im- perial University. Ec G. Economic Geology. Lancaster, Pa. Eng Index. Engineering Index. Eng IVI J. Engineering and Mining Jour- nal. Eng News-Rec. Engineering News-Rec- ord. Entomological News. Ergebnisse der Kosmischen Physik. Explosives Eng. Explosives Engineer. Far-East Geological and Prospecting Trust of U.S.S.R. G Rundschau. Geologische Rundschau. Leipzig. G Soc Am, B, Pr. Sp P. Geological So- ciety of America, Bulletin, Proceedings, Special Paper. G Zentralbl. Geologisches Zentralblatt. Anzeiger fur Geologic, Petrographie, Palaeontologie, und verwandte Wissen- schaften, Leipzig. Gas Age-Rec. Gas Age-Record. Geog J. The Geographical Journal. Geog Rv. The Geographical Review. Geog Soc Philadelphia, B. Geographical Society of Philadelphia, Bulletin. Inst Pet Tech, J. Institute of Petroleum Technology, Journal. Int G Cong, Guide Book. International Geological Congress, Guide Book. J Botany. Journal of Botany. J G. Journal of Geology. Chicago, 111. J Mammalogy. Journal of IMamnialogy. J Paleontology. Journal of Paleontology. J Sed Petrology. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. Kyoto Imperial Univ. Kyoto Imperial University. Los Angeles Jr Coll, Pub. Los Angeles Junior College, Publications. Los Angeles Museum, Pub. Los Angeles Museum of History, Science, and Art, Publications. M J Ariz. Mining Journal, Arizona. M Mag. Mining Magazine; later Mining and Statistic Magazine; Mining Maga- zine and Journal of Geology, Mineral- ogy, Metallurgy, Chemistry and the Arts. N. Y. M Metal. IMining and Metallurgy. M Sc Press. Mining and Scientific Press. Madrono, Cal Botanical Society. Ma- drofio, California Botanical Society journal. Military Eng. Military Engineer. Min Absts. Mineral Abstracts. Min Ind. Mineral Industry. Min. Res. Mineral Resources. Miner Mag. Mineralogical Magazine and •Tournal of the Mineralogical Society. London. Miner Soc S Calif, B. Mineralogical So- ciety of Southern California, Bulletin. Mineralogist. Mining Rv. Mining Review. Musee Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Bel- gique. N Jb. Xeues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geologic, und Palaeontologie. Nat Ac Sc, Pr. National Academy of Sci- ences, Proceedings. Nat Geog Soc, Mag. National Geo- graphic Society Magazine. Nat Hist. Natural History. Nat Mus Canada, B. National Museum of Canada, Bulletin. Nat Pet News. National Petroleum News. Cleveland, Ohio. Nat Res Council, B, Rp Committee Sedi- mentation, Circ Ser. National Re- search Council, Bulletin, Report Com- mittee Sedimentation, Circular Series. Nature. London. Nautilus. Oil B. Oil Bulletin. Oil Gas J. Oil and Gas Journal. Pacif Hist Rv. Pacific Historical Review. Pacific Dental Gazette. Pacific M News. Pacific Mining News. Pacific Mineralogist. Pale Zentralbl. Palaeontologisches Zen- tralblatt. Pan Am G. Pan American Geologist. Des Moines, Iowa. Peabody Mus N H. Peabody Museum of Natural History. Petermann's Mitt. Petermann's Mittei- lungen aus Justus Perthes Geogi'aph- ischer. Anstalt, Gotha. Pet Tech, J. Petroleum Technology Journal. Petroleum Times. Petroleum World, An Rv. Petroleum World. Annual Review, Los Angeles, California. Petroleum World, London. Physics. Physikalische Zs. Physikalische Zeit- schrift. Pit and Quarry. Pop Sc Mo. Popvilar Science Monthly. Q J G Soc London. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of I.,ondon. R Soc London, Pr. Royal Society of Lon- don, Proceedings. Revue des Produits Chimiques. Rocks & Min. Rocks and Minerals. Rv Geol et Sci conn. Revue de Geologic et des Sciences connexes. Rv Univ Mines. Revue universelle des niiuiis. Liege and Paris. S Cal Ac Sc, B. Southern California Academy of Sciences, Bulletin. (xii) SERIALS — Continued (The abbreviation used in the citation is printed in black-faced type.) San Diego Soc N H, Tr. San Diepo So- ciety of Natural History, Transactions. San Diego State Coll, Delvers Quarterly. San Diegi) Stato CViIU'k-o, r>f>lvfrs Quar- terly. Santa Barbara Mus N H, Oc P. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Occasional Papers. Sc Mo. Scientific Monthly. N. Y. Sc Progress. Science Progress. Science ns. Science, new series. N. Y. Scripps Inst Oceanography, B. Scripps Institute (if Oceanography, Bulletin. Seism Soc Am, B, Eastern Sec, Earth- quake Notes. Seisniological Society of America, Bulletin, Eastern Section, Earthquake Notes. Smiths Misc Col, An Rp. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Annual Re- port. Soc G Belgique, An. Soci4t6 gfiologique de Belgique, Annales. Li^ge. Standard Oil B. Standard Oil Bulletin. Stanford Univ IVIicropaleontology B. Stanford University Micropaleontology Bulletin. Stanford Univ Press. Stanford Univer- sity Press. Terre Vie. Terre et la Vie. Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity. Torrey Botanical Club, B. Torrey Botan- ical Club, Bulletin. U S B M, Min Yb, Min Res, Calendar Year, Inf Circ, List Pub, Stat. App, Rp Invest, Ec P, Geophysical Absts, Tech P, B. United States Bureau of Mines, Minerals Yearbook, Mineral Re- sources, Information Circular, List of Puhlications, Statistical Appendix, Re- port of Investigation, Economic Paper, (Geophysical Abstracts, Technical Pa- per, Bulletin. U S Bur Rec. United States Bureau of Reclamation. U S Coast S, Sp Pub, Serial. United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Spe- cial Publication. U S Dp Interior. United States Depart- ment of the Interior. U S G S, Sp Pub, B, P.P, W-S P, Type- Script Rp, Circ, Monographs, An Rp. United States Geological Survey, Spe- cial Pul)lication, Bulletin, Professional Paper, Water-Supply Paper, Typescript Report, Circular, Annual Report. U S Nat Mus. Pr. United States Na- tional Museum, Proceedings. Union Oil Company, B. tinion Oil Com- pany, Bulletin. Univ Mexico, B. University of Mexico, Bulletin. Volcano Letter. Wash Ac Sc, J. Washington (D.C.) Academy of Sciences, Journal. Western City. Western Miner & Prospector. Westways. Yosemite Nature Notes. Zoolbot Gesell. Zoologisch-botanische gesellschaft. Zs Geom., Zeitschrift fiir Geomorphol- ogie. Zs Gletscherk. Zeitschrift fiir Gletscher- kunde, Berlin. Zs Prak G. Zeitschrift fiir praktische Geologie. Berlin. Zs Vulkan. Zeitschrift fiir Vulkanologie. ( xiii ) ERRORS IN BULLETIN No. 104 Page 6 — Lieutenant R. S. Williamson. In the first line "set" should be "sent". Page 45 — Bealey, A. — 52 Chem Soc Q.J. 4:180 (1S52) should read Chem Soc Q.J. 4:180-186 (1852) Fage 47 — Berkey, Charles P. — 29a Berry, Edward W. is the correct author for this article, not Berkey. Page 47 — Bertrand, Eraile Reference 81 should he 78. Spelling error — Kyrst should be Kryst. Fage 49 — Blake, William Phipps references 55a and 55g are the same, with the correct title under 55g-, and the correct references under 55a. Reference 64 should refer to vol. 9, not vol. 10. Fage 88 — Dolbear, Samuel H. — 15a (1950) should be (1915) Fage 113 — Guild, F. N. Reference 11 is merely a part of 11a. The inclusive paging is 321-331. Fage 128 — Hofmann, Dr. — 49 Should be Hofman, Dr. Page 134 — Irelan, William, Jr. — 93 The last two lines should read Wm. G. Hodson, R. L. Dunn and Harold W. Fairbanks. Fage 135 — Jannetaz, Edouard — 86 This reference should not appear in Bulletin 104 because it deals with material from Boleo, Lower California. There is no mention of anything from the State of California. Fage 137 — Johnson, Harry Roland — 27 Should read Division of Water Rights, not Div Eng and Irrigation. Page 145 — Koechlin, R. — 07 This reference should not be in No. 104 as it is merely a list similar to that of L. J. Spencer. Fage 148 — Lahmann, W. M. Should be Lehmann, W. M. Fage 159 — Louderback, George Davis — 08a Title is incorrect. It should be "Benitoite, its paragenesis and mode of occurrence". Reference OSb should be to vol. IS of G Soc Am, B, not to 19. Page 196 — Papish, Jacob — 29 This paper is by Papish and Holt only. Reference should also be made to the original of this article which appeared in the Journal of Physical Chemistry, vol. 32, no 1:142-147, 2 tables (1928). Brewer's name should also be eliminated from page 130 — Holt, Donald A. — 29, and his name and the reference also eliminated from page 5G. Fage 202 — Price, T. — 83 An Rp 3:311-312 (1883) should be An Rp 3:86-87 (1883) Page 206— Reed, R. D. — 28a The reference should read as follows : The occurrence of feldspar in California sandstone. Discussion. Am As Petroleum G, B 12:1023-1024 (1928) J'age 329 — At top of page. Mono — Cont. should read Mono County — Cont. Fage 359 — At top of page, right hand column. Should read Sierra Nevada, southern — Cont. ( xiv ) BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF CALIFORNIA 1931 TO 1936 (INCLUSIVE) By Solon Shedd PART I BIBLIOGRAPHY Anonymous 31 New surveys made by magneto- meter. (Editorial note) Cal Oil World 23:15 (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:153-154 (1932) 32 Three dams on San Andreas fault have resisted earthquakes. Eng News- Rec 109:218-319 (1932) (abst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:269 (1933) 33 Borates (second edition 1920-1932): the mineral industry of the British Em- pire and foreign countries. (Great Brit- ain), Imperial Institute, 44 pp London (1933) 33a Hazardous tunneling at Hetch Hetchy. Eng News-Rec 110, no 22:701- 704 (1933) (anil) An Bib Ec G 6:111 (1934) 34 Debris flow from canyons in Los Angeles County flood. Eng News-Rec 111:439-440 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:457 (1934) Abozeid, Mahmood 31 Microscopic study of California oil field emulsions. Am I M Eng, Petr Div, Tr 1931:340-358 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:133 (1932) (abst) M Metal 11:28 (1930) Adams, Bradford C. 32 An ecologic analysis of a Pliocene faunule from southern California. Stan- ford Univ Micropaleontology B 3:122-127 (1932) 35 (and Cushman, J. A.) Two late Tertiary Bolivinas from California. Cush- man Lab Foram Res, Contr 11:16-20, flgs (1935) Adams, Oscar S. 30 The Bowie method of triangulation adjustment. U S Coast S, Sp Pub 159:32 pp (1930) Adams, W. W. 32 (and Gallher, C.) Fuller's earth. USB M, Min Yb 1932-1933:709-714, California 709, 711, 712, 713 (1933) Adams, W. W.— Cont. 34 (and Metcalf, R. W.) Fuller's earth. U S B M, Min Yb 1934:969-974, California 971, 974 (1934)... 1935:1063-1068 (1935)... 1936:947-952, California 950, 951 (1936) Aitkens, Irene 31 Feldspar gems (Amazon stone. Moonstone, Sunstone). U S B M, Inf Circ 6533:1-11, California 6, 8-9 (1931) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:152 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1931:1268 (1931) 31a Garnets (gem stones). U S B M, Inf Circ 6518:1-12, California 4, 7 (1931) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:151 (1933) 31b Opals. U S B M, Inf Circ 6493:9 pp (1931) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:150 (1933) 31c Turquoise. U S B M, Inf Circ 6491: 1-18, California 10 (1931) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:150 (1933) 31 d Topaz. U S B M, Inf Circ 6502:11 pp (1931) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910- 1932:150 (1933) 31e Tourmaline. U S B M, Inf Circ C359:l-9, California 5-6 (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931:1268 (1931) 32 Quartz gem stones. U S B M, Inf Circ 6561:15 pp (1932) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:154 (1932) Allan, M. 32 (and Hughes, H. H.) Sand and gravel. U S B M, Stat App, Min Yb 1932-1933:289-297, California 293, 294 (1934)... 1935:939-948, California 942 (1935) Allen, A. W. (Ed) 30 Vertical range of gold deposits in CaHfornia. Eng M J 130:210-211 (1930) 31 Geology of the Yosemite Valley. Eng M J 131:204 (1931) Allen, E. T. 30 (and Day, A. L.) The volcanic ac- tivity and hot .'springs of Lassen Peak, California. The Volcano Letter no. 293: (1) GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: ALLEN ANDERSON Allen, E. T. — Cont. 1-3 (1930) (abst) Zs Yulkan 9:271-278 (1925-1926) Allen, M. W. 34 (Wood, H. C: and Heck, N. H.) Desti'uctive and near-destructive earth- quakes in California and western Nevada, 1769-1933. U S G S, Pub 191:24 pp (1934) Allen, R. C. 34 (and Campbell, A. B.) Story of Grass Valley — past and present. M J, Ariz 17, no 18:3-4, 24 (1934) (abst) Eng Index 1934:536 (1934) Allen, Robert E. 30 The mechanics of crude oil curtail- ment in California. Petroleum World 28, no 11:52 (1930) 31 Control of California oil curtailment. In Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 1931:47-65 (1931) 31a Some problems of oil proration. Petroleum World 28, no 12:37 (1931) 32 How the umpire fixes your potential. Petroleum World 29, no 1:23 (1932) 33 Theory and practice of directed drill- ing. Am I M Eng, Tr 107:34-41 (1934) Petroleum World 30, no 10:8 (1933) M Metal 14:501-504 (1933) 33a Voluntary oil curtailment in Cali- fornia. Petroleum World An Rv 1933: 135 (1933) 34 Some effects of curtailment on the potential and recovery of petroleum in California. M Metal 15:486-489, 4 figs (1934) 35 fand Pemberton, J. R.) How much oil can California produce? Petroleum World 32, no 11:94 (1935) Allen, Victor T. 31 The lone formation of California. (abst) N Jb 1931:225-227 (1931) (.abst) G Zentralbl 44:60 (1931) (Review) J G 39:693-694 (1931) (abst) Zs Geom 7:268-269 (1932) Allison, Ira S. 35 Late Pleistocene topographic corre- lations on Pacific Coast, (abst) Pan Am G 63:3in (1935) Allyne, A. B. 32 Notes on a distribution soil survey. Gas Age-Rec 70:207-208, 219 (1932) American Institute of Mining and Metal- lurgical Engineers, Petroleum Division. 33 Petroleum developments and tech- nologj', 1933. Am I M Eng, Tr 103:426 pp (1933) Anderson, Charles A. 27 Voltaite from Jerome, Arizona. Am Mineralogist 12:287-290 (1927) 30 (and Knopf, A.) The Engels copper deposits, California, (ojm) An Bib Ec G 3:60 (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1930:450 (1930) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:439-440 (1931) (abst) Zs Prak G 39:30 (1932) 30a Opal stalactites and stalagmites from a lava tube in northern California. (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 1:131 (1931) (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:310 (1931) (abst) Zs Vul- kan 14:92 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 45:294 (1931) 31 The geology of the Engels and Su- perior mines, Plumas County, California, with a note on the ore deposits of the Superior mine. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 20:293- 330, pis 51-54, 3 figs (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:40 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:220-221 (1932) 31a (and Finch, R. H.) Quartz-basalt eruptions of Cinder Cone, (abst) Zs Vul- kan 14:94-95 (1931) G Soc Am, B 41:157 (1930) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:277 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 45:488-489 (1931)... 46:232-233 (1932) 33 Volcanic history of Glass Mountain, northern California. Am J Sc 26:485-506 (1933) Chem Absts 28:729 (1934) 33a The Tuscan formation of northern California. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 23:215- 276, 5 pis, 13 figs (1933) (Review) Sc Prog- ress 29:121 (1934) (abst) Zs Vulkan 16:281 (1936) 34 Alteration of lavas surrounding hot springs in Lassen Volcanic National Park. Am Mineralogist 20:240-252, 2 tables (1935) (abst) Pan Am G 61:373 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:330-331 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15 :489 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1935:501 (1935) Chem Absts 29:6544 (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:36 1936) 35 Volcanic history of Clear Lake area. (abst) Pan Am G 64:66-67 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:343-344 (1936) G Soc Am, B 47:629-664 (1936) Anderson, Frank Marion 31 Kreyenhagen shales and the Lillis shale. (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:302-303 (1931) I 31a Upper Cretaceous (Chico) deposits ! in Siskiyou County, California. Cal Dp j Nat Res, Div Mines and Mining, Mining ; in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:11- I 14, 2 figs (1931) 31b The genus Fagesia in the upper j Cretaceous of the Pacific Coast. J Pale- : ontology 5:121-126, 1 fig, 3 pis (1931) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 1:54 (1932) i 31c Age of Horsetown beds of Calif or- ' nia. (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:317-318 (1931) BIBLIOGRAPHY : ANDERSON AVERILL Anderson, Frank Marion — Cont. 32 Jurassic and Cretaceous divisions in the Knoxville-Sha.sta succession of Cali- fornia. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines ^nd Mining, Mining in California, St Mineral- ogist's Rp 28:311-328 (1932) 33 Knoxville-Shasta succession in Cali- fornia. G Soc Am, B 44:1237-1270, 3 pis (1933) Biol Absts 9:2169, entry 19682 (1935) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 5:88 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:381-382 (1935) 33a Type area of Jurassic Knoxvillian series of California. Pan Am G 60:175-188 (1933) Anderson, George Harold 31 Geology of the northern half of the White Mountain quadrangle of California- Nevada, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:312-313 (1931) 33 Pseudo-cataclastic texture of re- placement origin, {abst) Pan Am G 59: 317-318 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933: 316 (1934) 34 (and Maxson, J. H.) Physiography of northern Inyo Range (abst) Pan Am G 61:314-315 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:318 (1935) 34a Pseudo-cataclastic texture of re- placement origin in igneous rocks. Am Mineralogist 19:185-193 (1934) 35 Granitization and albitization in Inyo Range. (abst) Pan Am G 64:66 (1935) (abst) G Soc 1935:63 (1936) (abst) G Soc Am. Pr 1935:343 (1936) 35a (and Maxson, J. H.) Terminology of surface forms of the erosion cycle. J G 43:88-96 (1935) Anderson, Robert 33 The diatomaceous and fish-bearing Beida stage of Algeria. J G 41:673-698, California 685, 693-695 (1933) Annis, Wilbert 36 (and Byerly, P.) Earthquakes in northern California and the registration of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mount Hamil- ton, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Ferndale from July 1, 1935 to September 30, 1935. Cal Univ Seism Sta B 5:40-78 (1936)... October 1, 1935 to December 31, 1935, B 5:80-117 (1936) 36a (and Wilson, J. T) Earthquakes in northern California and the registration of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mount Ham- ilton, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Ferndale from April 1, 1935 to June 30, 1935. Cal Univ Seism Sta, B 5:1-38 (1936) Antonius, Otto 33 Ueber einen Pferdeschadel aus dem Rancho La Brea. Zoolbot Gesell, Band 83, Heft 3-4 pp 39-40 (1933) 2 — 51441 Applin, K. R. 33 A microfossiliferous upper Cretace- f)us section from South Dakota. J Pa- leontology 7:215-220 (1933) 34 Correlation of California Turritella andersoni zone with Gulf Coast Eocene. (abst) Pan Am G 62:78 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:392 (1934) Arnold, Ralph 27 (and Loel, W.) New oil fields of the Los Angeles basin, California, (abst) N .lb 1927, Ref 2, Abt B:113 (1927) 31 (and Kemnitzer, W. J.) Petroleum in the United States and possessions. 1052 pp, maps, charts, tables (1931) Ashauer, Hans 36 (Hollister, J. S., and Reed, R. D.) Sedimentation und faltung im sudlichen Kalifornien. Stille-festsohrift 1936:232- 233 (1936) Ashley, James P. 34 (and Miller, A. H.) Goose footprints on a Pliocene mud flat. Condor 36:178- 179, 1 fig (1934) (abst) U S G S, B 869:165 (1933 and 1934) Atwill, E. R. 31 Truncation of Maricopa sandstone members, Maricopa Flat, Kern County, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 15: 671-688, 5 figs (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:465 (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl 45:307 (1931) (abst) Inst Pet Tech, J 17: 423A-424A (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931: 1036 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1932, Ref 2:114 (1932) 35 Oligocene Tumey formation of Cali- fornia. Am As Petroleum G, B 19: 1192-1204, figs (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:383-384 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1935:501 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:358 (1936) Averill, Charles Volney 31 Preliminary report on economic ge- ology of the Shasta quadrangle. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines and Mining, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:3- 65, illus, map (1931) (ami) An Bib Kc G 4:10 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:245 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1931:898 (1931) 31a The Mountain Copper Company Ltd. Cyanide treatment of gossan. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines and Mining, Min- ing in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:129-139 (1931) 33 Gold deposits of the Redding and Weaverville quadrangles. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G J, St Mineralogist's Rp 29:2-73, 18 figs, 3 pis (incl geol map) (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1934:533 (1934) GEOLOGY OP CALIFORNIA : AVERILL — BALK Averill, Charles Volney — Cont. iai}7i) An Bib Ec G 6:223 (1934) (,abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 53:330 (1934) 33a The Shasta County copper l)elt, CaUfornia, Copper Resources of the World: International Geological Congress, Washington XVI:237-240 (1933) 34 Current mining developments in northern California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 30:303-309 (1934) 34a Northernmost gold producers led by Mountain Copper. Eng M J 135:516- 517 (1934) 35 Mines and mineral resources of Sis- kiyou County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 31: 255-338, 13 figs, 1 pi (county map) (1935) 36 (and Erwin, Homer D.) Mineral re- sources of Lassen County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, St Mineralogist's Rp 32:405-444 (1936) 36a Mineral resources of Modoc County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, St Miner- alogist's Rp 32:445-457 (1936) Axelrod, D. I. 34 A Pliocene flora from the Eden beds. Am Mus Novitates 729:4 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 3:151 (1935) Ayers, W. O. 14 Borax. Pop Sci Mo 21:350-361 (1882) (abst) Min Res 1913, Part 2:526 (1914) Backus, H. 32 (and Hopkins, G. R.) Natural gas. U S B M Min Res, Calendar Tear 1929: 319-340, California 319, 320, 322, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 334, 336, 337, 339, 340(1932)... 1930:457-481, California 459, 461, 462, 465, 466, 468, 471, 472, 475, 477, 478, 480, 481 (1932)... 1931:349-372, California 351, 352, 358, 360, 363, 366, 369, 372 (1933)... 1932-1933 Min Yb, Stat App:103- 116, California 104, 105, 107, 108, 112, 115 (1934)... 1933:121-135, California 122, 123, 127, 128, 132, 134 (1934)... 1934:31-45, Cali- fornia 32, 33, 36, 39, 42, 44 (1935) Bacon, Charles S. Jr. 31 Chemistry of the California igneous rocks graphically represented by Niggli- Becke method, (abst) G Soc Am, B 43: 232 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 55:368 (1931) 33 Geology of Riverside area, Califor- nia, (abst) Pan Am G 59:313-314 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933:311-312 (1934) Bagg, R. M. 08 Miocene foraminifera from the Mon- terey shale of California, with a few spe- cies from the Tejon formation, (abst) N Jb 1908, Band 2:283 (1908) Bagley, B. W. 32 Cement. USB M, Min Res, Calen- dar Year 1929:389-340, California 390, 393, 394, 396, 397, 398, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 411 (1933)... 1930:397-432, California 398, 401, 407, 408, 410, 411, 412, 415, 416, 418, 419, 423 (1933)... 1931:523-552, Cali- fornia 526, 527, 529, 530, 531, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 542 (1934) Stat App Min Yb 1932-1933:481:514, California 482, 483, 489, 490, 491, 497, 498, 499, 500, 502, 504. 505 (1934)... 1934:65-92, California 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 78, 79. 81, 84 (1935)... Min Yb 1936:789-807, California 791, 792, 794, 795, 796, 798 (1936) 32a (and Hughes, H. H.) Cement. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933: 565-575, California 571 (1933)... 1934:775-797, Cali- fornia 782 (1934) 35 (Hughes, H. H.: and Shuey, E. T.) Cement. USB M, Min Yb 1935:883-909, California 887, 898, 901, 904 (1935) Bailey, Thomas L. 31 Eocene age of the Markley forma- tion, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:304 (1931) 31a The geology of the Potrero Hills and Vacaville region, Solano County, California. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 19:321- 333, 2 pis (1931) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:558-559 (1933) 34 Lower Pleistocene lateral change of fauna near Ventura. G Soc Am, B 46: 489-502, 1 pi, 1 Sg (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:312 (1935) (abst) Pan Am G 61:309 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16: 114 (1936) 35 (and Morse, R. R.) Geological ob- .servations in the Petaluma district, Cali- fornia. G Soc Am, B 46:1437-1456, 2 figs, pi (1935) 35a Lateral change of tauna in the lower Pleistocene. G Soc Am, B 46:489- 502, 1 pi, 1 fig (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:114 (1936) Bally, Joshua L. Jr. 34 The first Pacific conchologi.'^t. Naut- ilus 48:73-76 (1935) Baker, Frank C. 34 New Lymnaeidae from the United States and California: I. California, Ore- gon and other western states. Nautilus 48: 17-20 (1934) 36 The freshwater mollusk Helisoma corpulentum and its relatives in Canada. Nat Mus Canada, B 79:1-37 (1936) Balk, R. 31 (and Cloos, E.) Primary structure of the Sierra Nevada intrusive in a cross section from Yosemite Valley to Mono Lake, California, (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:311 (1931) BIBLIOGRAPHY : BALK — BEATTY Balk, K.— Cont. 36 Structure elements of domes. Am As Petroleum G, B 20:51-67, California 53, 56, 57, 66-67 (1936) Ball, Sydney H. 33 Diamond deposits of mag-matic origin. In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Pub 524:526 (1933) 35 Precious and semi-precious stones (gem minerals). U S B M, Min Yb 1935: 1193-1212, California 1194, 1195, 1196 (1935) 36 Gem stones, U S B M, Min Yb 1936: 1051-1056, California 1052 (1936) Ballard, J. I. 33 Building damag'e sustained in Cali- fornia earthquake. Eng News-Rec 110: 378-381, 9 figs (1933) (.abst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:305 (1933) Banks, D. M. 33 (and Bowles, O.) Onyx marble and travertine. U S B M, Inf Giro 6751:1-11, California 5 (1933) 36 (and Bowles, O.) Lime. U S B M, Inf Circ 6884:37 pp, California 11, 21, 24 (1936) Barbat, William F. 30 Notes on subsurface methods em- ployed in parts of the San Joaquin Valley. Stanford Univ, Micropaleontology B 2:1-3 (1930) 31 (and Weymouth, A. A.) Stratigraphy of Borophayus littoralis locality, Cali- fornia. Cal Univ Dp G, B 21, no 3:25-36, 2 figs, 2 pis (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl Abt A 48:253 (1932) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2: 266-267 (1933) 32 (and Cunningham, G. M.) Age of producing horizon at Kettleman Hills, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 16: 417-421 (1932) (correction)... 16:611-612 (1932) (ami) An Bib Ec G 5:145 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1932:952 (1932) 32a (and Cushman, J. A.) Notes on some arenaceous foraminifera from the Temblor formation of California. Cush- man Lab, Foram Res, Contr 8:29-40 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:189 (1933) Pale Zentralbl 2:353-354 (1933) 33 (and von Estorff, F.) Lower Mio- cene foraminifera from the southern San Joaquin Valley, California. J Paleon- tology 7:164-175, 1 pi, 1 fig (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:422 (1934) Pale Zen- tralbl 5:271-272 (1934) Biol Absts 9:916, entry 8195 (1935) 34 (and Galloway, J.) San Joaquin clay, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 18:476-499 (1934) (abat) Inst Pet Tech, J 20:347A-348A (1934) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:330-331 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7:98 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1934:802 (1934) Barbat, Wiliam F.— Cont. 34a (and Johnson, F. L.) Stratigraphy and foraminifera of the Reef Ridge shale, upper Miocene, California. J Paleontology 8:3-17, 1 pi (1934) (abst) Pan Am G 59:239 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:624 (1934) Biol Absts 9:1396, entry 12523 (1935) Barber, Ray J. 36 Scott River lifts itself for hydraulic mining. Eng M J 137:171-174 (1936) Barbour, Percy E. 31 Copper. Min Ind 39:116-212. Califor- nia 134, 145 (1931)... 40:107-163, Califor- nia 131 (1932)... 41:107:131, California 109, 122, 131 (1933)... 42:113-148, California 117 (1934)... 43:116-174, California 121 (1935) Barksdale, Julian D. 32 (and Cushman, J. A.) Eocene fora- minifera from Martinez, California. (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:632-633 (1932) Nature 128:1080 (1931) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:291 (1933) Barnes, R. M. 30 (and Bowes, G. H.) Seal Beach oil field. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, California Oil Fields 16, no 2:9-31, 9 figs, 8 pis (1930) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:234 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1932:899 (1932) 32 (and Bell, A. H.) Proration on the basis of uniform allowable gas production. In Petroleum development and tech- nology. Am I M Eng, Tr 103:142-147 (1932) Barton, Cecil L. 31 A report on Playa del Rey oil field (Los Angeles County) California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, California Oil Fields 17, no 2:5-15, 5 pis (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:315 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1933:774 (1933) Baskerville, Charles 04 (and Kunz, G. F.) Kunzite and it.'; unique properties. Am J Sc (4) 18:25-28 (1904) Baumhauer, H. 99 Ueber sogennante anomale Aetz- figuren an monoklinen Krystallen, insbe- sondere am Colemanit. Zs Kryst 30:97- 117 (1899) Beatty, M. E. 33 Mountain sheep found in Lyell Gla- cier. Yosemite Nature Notes 12, no 2:110- 112, 1 fig (1933) Biol Absts 8:2503, entry 21473 (1934) GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : BECKER BLACKWELDER Becker, C. K. 90 Geology of tlie quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope. U S G S, Monograph XII:486* pp (1888) (abst) Am G 5:178- 180 (1890) Am Nat 24:850-851 (1890) Am J So (3) 39:68-60 (1890) Eng M J 49:137-138 (1890) Beebe, Jas. W. 35 History, geology of Dudley Ridge. Cal Oil World 28, no 16:72 (1935) Beechey, P. W., 39 The zoology of Captain Beechey's voyage. 180 pp., 50 pis, California 17-1 (1839) Behre, C. H. Jr. 33 (and Loughlin, G. F.) Classification of ore deposits. In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Pub 17:55, California 44-45 (1933) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:566 (1934) Bell, A. H. 31 Oil drainage and gas conservation problems in Kettleman Hills. (o)in) An Bib Ec G 4:101 (1931) 32 (and Barnes, R. M.) Proration on the basis of uniform allowable gas pro- duction. In Petroleum development and technology. Am I M Eng, Tr 103:142-147 (1932) Bennit, H. L. 31 (Mann, L.; Young, W. H.; Tryon, F. G.; and Berquist, F. E.) Coal. USB M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1931:415-510, California 426, 472 (1933) 32 (Young, W. H.; Tryon, F. G.; and Mann, L.) Coal. U S B M, Min Yb, Stat App, Calendar Year 1932:373-454, California 376, 423 (1934)... 1933:281-360, California 286, 323 (1935) Berkey, C. P. 31 (with Savage, J. L. ; Louderback, G. D.; HInderllder, M. C; and Williams, I. A.) Report of consulting board on safety of the proposed Pine Canyon dam, Los Angeles County. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources May 1931:22 pp, 8 pis, 1 map (1931) Berquist, F. E. 31 (Young, W. H.; Tryon, F. G.; Mann, L.; and Bennit, H. L.) Coal. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1931:415-510, California 426, 472 (1933) Berry, E. W. 29 Fossil Meliosoma from the Miocene of California, (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:330 (1931) Berthelot, Charles 34 Procedes de prospection, d'extraction et de traitenient de minerals auriferes. Chimie et Industrie 31:3-31, 262-279 (1934) (.abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:351-352 (1934) Beverly, Burt Jr. 34 Graphite deposits in Los Angeles County, California. Ec G 29:346-355 (1934) (ami) An Bib Ec G 7:68 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:491 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:682 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 1:38 (1935) Chem Absts 28:6090-6091 (1934) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 53:471 (1934) Bignell, L. G. E. 33 Inglewood fault regarded as im- portant factor in minimizing earthquake effect on oil fields. Oil Gas J 31:8, 29 (1933) Billingsley, Paul 33 (and Locke, A.) Tectonic position of ore districts in the Rocky Mountain re- gion. Am I M Eng, Tech Pub 501:12 pp (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 2:199-200 (1934) (abst) Eng Index 1933:729 (1933) 34 (Locke, A., and Schmitt, H. A.) Some Ideas on the occurrence of ore in the western United States. Ec G 29:560- 576 (1934) Blackman, E. O. 35 Submarine geology from the air. Petroleum World An Rv 1935:187-188 (1935) Blackwelder, Eliot 28 Notes on sedimentary deposits in the desert. (Rp committee on sedimentation) Nat Research Council, B 85:78-80 (1928) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:69 (1934) 29 The Kern River scarp. Am As G An 19:9-13 (1929) 31 Sandblast action in relation to the glaciers of Sierra Nevada, (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:685 (1931)... Ref 3:1931:929-930 (1931) 31a Landslide family and its relations. (abst) G Soc Am B 42:296 (1931) 31b Specific evidence of deflation in deserts, (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:348 (1931) 31c Pleistocene lakes of the Basin Range province, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42: 313 (1931) 31d The lowering of playas by deflation. Am J Sc (5) 21:140-144 (1931) (abst) Zs Geom 7:64-65 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:68 (1934) Geog J 78:93-94 (1931) G Zen- tralbl 46:94-95 (1932) (Eeview) Geog J 78:93-94 (1931) BIBLIOGRAPHY : BLACKWELDER — BODE 7 Blackwelder, Eliot — Cont. 31e Pleistocene glaciation in the Sierra Nevada and Basin Ranges. G Soc Am, B 42:865-922, 2 pis, 21 figs (1931) (abst) Zs Gletscherk 20:498-499 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:562-563 (1933) 32 Sedimentation studies at Stanford University. Nat Research Council, B 89: 99-100 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:69 (1934) 32a Origin of the Piedmont Plains of the Great Basin, (abst) G Zentralbl 46:93 (1932) 32b Glacial and associated stream de- posits of the Sierra Nevada. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines and Mining, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 28:303- 310 (1932) 33 Eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada. Int G Cong, Guide Book 16:81-95 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1936, Ref 3:70-71 (1936) 33a Yardangs. (abst) Pan Am G 59:309 (1933) G Soc Am, B 45:159-165, 7 pis (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933:305 (1934) 34 Supplementary notes on Pleistocene glaciation in the Great Basin. Wash Ac Sc, J 24:217-222 (1934) 34a Talus slopes in Basin Range prov- ince, (abst) Pan Am G 61:313 (1934) 34b Origin of the Colorado River. G Soc Am, B 45:551-566, 3 figs (incl maps) (1934) 35 Pleistocene Lake Tecopa. (abst) Pan Am G 63:311 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933:333 (1936) 36 (and Ellsworth, E. W.) Pleistocene lakes of the Afton Basin. Am J Sc 31 (5):453-463, figs (1936) Blake, William Phipps 58 Report of a geological reconnais- sance in California. N Y (1858) 67 Note upon partzite. Am J Sc (2) 44:119 (1867) 82 On the occurrence of vivianite in Los Angeles County. St Mineralogist's Rp 2:265 (1882) Blanchard, F. B. 35 (and Byerly, P.) A study of a well gauge as a seismograph. Seism Soc Am, B 25:313-323 (1935) 35a (and Byerly, P.) Well gauges as seismographs. Nature 135:303-304 (1935) Blaney, H. F. 30 (with Taylor, C. A. and Young, A. A.) Rainfall penetration and con- sumptive use of water in Santa Ana River Valley and Coastal Plain, California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Water Resources, B 3:158 pp (1930) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:333 (1931) Blank, E. W. 34 Diamond finds in the United States. Rocks and Min 9:147-150, 163-166, 179-182, California 148, 179-180 (1934) Blount, A. L. 35 (Hoots, H. W. and Jones, P. H.) Marine oil shale, source of oil in Playa del Rey field, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 19:172-206 (1935) (ami) An Bib Ec G 8:142 (1936) Blume, John A. 35 A machine for setting structures and ground into forced vibration. Seism Soc Am, B 25:361-381 (1935) Boardman, Leona 32 (and Mansfield, G. R.) Nitrate de- posits of the United States. U S G S, B 838: 107 pp. 11 pis, California 23-29 (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:413- 414 (1932) Min Absts 5:164 (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:85 (1933) Bode, Francis D. 31 Characters useful in determining the position of individual teeth in the perma- nent cheek-tooth series of Merychippine horses, (abst) Pan Am G 56:57 (1931) J Mammalogy 12:118-129, 13 figs (1931) 33 Merychippine species of western United States and their stratigraphic re- lationships, (abst) Pan Am G 59:377 (1933) G Soc. Am, Pr 1933 1:392 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am. Pr 1934:383 (1935) 33a (and Findlay, W. A.) Structures of a part of the San Joaquin Hills, Cali- fornia, (abst) Pan Am G 59:318-319 (1933) G Soc Am, Pr 1933:316 (1934) 34 Merychippes zone fauna, Coalinga, California, (abst) Pan Am G 62:68 (1934) 34a Anchithernne horses from the Merychippus zone of the north Coalinga district, California. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Pub 440:43-58, 5 pis (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:239 (1934) (abst) Pan Am G 58:149-150 (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 44: 219 (1933) 35 Tooth characters of Protohippine horses with special reference to species from the Merychippus zone, California. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Pub 453:39-63, 2 pis, 6 figs (1935) 35a The fauna of the Merychippus zone, north Coalinga district, California. Car- negie Inst, Wash, Pub 453:65-96, 2 pis, 10 figs (1935) 35b (and Stock, C.) Occurrence of lower Oligocene mammal-bearing beds near Death Valley, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 21:571-579, 2 pis (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:53-54 (1936) 8 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: BODLE BRADLEY Bodle, R. R. 29 (and Hicks, N. H.) United States earthquakes. U S Coast S 1928 Serial 483:31 pp, 5 figs (1930)... 1929 Serial 511:61 pp, California 11-15, 1 fig (1931)... 1930 Serial 539:25 pp, California 8-14, 2 figs (1932)... 1931 Serial 553:26 pp, California 14-20 (1932)... 1932 Serial 563:21 pp, Cali- fornia 6-15 (1934) 32 Earthquake notes. Seism Soc Am, KasEern section 3:12 pp (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:15 (1932) 32a (and Newmann, P.) United States earthquakes 1930, U S Coast S, Serial 539:25 pp (1932) (ahst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:274 (1932) Bowers, N. A. 34 California makes progress against earthquake hazard. Eng News Rec 113: 14-17 (1934) (cthst) Eng Index 1934:323 (1934) Bowes, Glenn H. 30 (and Barnes, R. M.) Seal Beach oil field. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, California Oil Fields 16, no 2:9-31, 9 figs, 8 pis (1930) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:234 (1933) (ahst) Eng Index 1932:899 (1932) Bowie, A. J. 93 A practical treatise on hydraulic mining in California. (Fifth edition) 313 pp, 72 figs (1893) Bowie, William 35 Fundamental geodetic surveys in the United States nearing completion. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 21:32-36, California 34, 35 (1935) 36 Vertical movements of earth's crust as determined by leveling. J G 44:387- 395 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:347-348 (1936) Bowles, Oliver 31 Chalk, whiting and whiting substi- tutes, U S B M, Inf Circ 6482:13 pp (1931) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:149 (1933) 31a (and Hatmaker, P.) Trends in the production and uses of granite as dimen- sion stone. U S B M, Rp Invest 3065:21 pp, 11 figs (1931) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:115 (1933) 31b Talc and soapstone. Min Ind 39:572-578, California 572, 575 (1931)... 40:520-525, California 522 (1932)... 41:497- 502, California 498 (1933) 32 Abrasive materials. U S B M, IMin Re.s, Calendar Year 1929:65-81, California 60, 74, 75, 76, 77 (1932) Bowles, Oliver — Cont. 32a (and Coons, A. T.) Slate. USB M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:161-174, California 166 (1932)... 1930:277-290, Cali- fornia 283, 286, 290 (1932)... 1931:165-177, California 171, 173, 177 (1933) (Stat App) Min Yb 1932-1933:13-16, California 14 (1934) Min Yb 1934:817-828, California 822, 826, 827 (1935)... 1936:833-840, Cali- fornia 837, 839 (1934) 32b (and Middleton, J.) Feldspar. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:83-93, California 89 (1932) 32c (and Stoddard, B. H.) Asbestos. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929: 195-207, California 199 (1932)... 1930:263- 275, California 266, 267 (1932)... Min Yb 1934:1009-1016, California 1012 (1934) 32d (and Stoddard, B. H.) Talc and soapstone. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1930:303-313, California 304, 305, 306, 307, 308 (1932)... 1931:99-110, California 100, 103, 104, 110 (1933) 32e Asbestos. Min Ind 40:48-56, Cali- fornia 52 (1932) 33 (and Banks, D. M.) Onyx marble and travertine. U S B M, Inf Circ 6751: 1-12, California 5, 9 (1933) 33a (and Justice, C. W.) Growth and development of the nonmetallic mineral industries. USB M, Inf Circ 6687:1-50, California 10-12, 29-36, 40-42, 44-46, 49 (1933) 34 Asbestos — domestic and foreign de- posits. U S B M, Inf Circ 6790:1-24, Cali- fornia 3, 5 (1933) 34a (and Davis, A. E.) Abrasive mate- rials. U S B M, Min Yb 1934:889-906, California 891, 892 (1934) 34b The stone industries. 519 pp, tables, figs, maps (1934) Crushed stone industry 400, 401, 478, 479, 480. Basalt 477, 478. Sandstone 73, 476, 478, 479. Limestone 399, 400, 401, 203. Diatomite 344. Granite 137, 475, 478. Marble 202, 203, 401. Lapis-lazuli 345. Travertine 44, 401. Felsite porphyry 479. Soapstone 291. Onyx 203. Slate 251. Cement 399, 400. 35 (and Coons, A. T.) Lime. U S B M, Min Yb 1935:967-976, California 969 (1935) 36 (and Banks, D. M.) Lime. USB M, Inf Circ 6884:37 pp California 11, 21, 24 (1936) Bradley, James 31 Mining and milling at the Spanish Mine. M Metal 12:435-439 (1931) Chem Absts 26:53 (1932) Bradley, Walter W. 30 Biennial report of the State Min- eralogist. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, BIBLIOGKAPHY : BRADLEY — BROWN Bradley, Walter W.— Cont. Mining- in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 26:489-494 (1930) 30a Barite in California. Am I M Eng, Tr 1931:170-176 (1931) (anu) An Bib Ec G 4:272 (1931) (.abst) M Metal 11:18 (1930) Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 26:45-57 (1930) 32 California geological surveys. In summary information on the State Geo- logical Surveys and the United States Geological Survey under the direction of M. M. Leighton. Nat Res Council, B 88: 10-14 (1932) 32a Renewed activity in California gold mining. M Metal 13:385-390 (1932) (o&sO Am I Eng, Tr 102:266-267 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1932:634 (1932) 32b Sanbornite, a newly described min- eral from California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines and Mining, Mining in Califor- nia 28:82-83 (1932) 32c Biennial report of State IMineralog- ist. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 28:385-394 (1932) 33 Itinerary, Yosemite to Mother Lode. Int G Cong, Guide Book 16:62-63 (1933) 34 An echo of the days of '49. Eng M J 135:494-496 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7: 243 (1934) 34a The nonmetallic minerals of Cali- fornia. Pit and Quarry 26 (ll):35-40 (1934) (ami) An Bib Ec G 7:56 (1935) 34b Biennial report of the State Min- eralogist, Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 30:431-439 (1934) 35 Change made in California law for mining claims. M Metal 16:389 (1935) 35a Recent nonmetallic mineral devel- opment in California. M Metal 16:181-184 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:75 (1935) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 1:555 (1935) (abst) Am I M Eng, Yb 1935:58 (1936) 35b California gold mining second to oil in value for year 1934. Cal Oil World 28, no 16:76 (1935) 36 Biennial report of the State Miner- alogist, Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 32:481-489 (1936) Bradley, Worthen W. 31 Method and cost of recovering quick- silver from low-grade ore at the reduction plant of the Sulphur Bank Syndicate, Clear Lake, California. U S B M, Inf Circ 6429:17 pp, 11 figs (1931) Bramkamp, R. A. 34 Molluscan fauna of Imperial forma- tion of San Gorgonio Pass, (abst) Pan Am G 62:70-71 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:385 (1935) Bramlette, M. N. 33 Rhythmic bedding in the Monterey rocks of California, (abst) Wash Ac Sc, J 23:575 (1933) 33a Petrographic studies in correlation of sands from Kettleman Hills, Califor- nia, (abst) Pan Am G 59:235 (1933) 33b (and Ponsjak, E.) Zeolitic altera- tion of pyroclastics. Am Mineralogist 18:167-171, 1 fig (1933) Min Absts 5:357 (1933) 34 Heavy mineral studies on correlation of sands at Kettleman Hills, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 18:1559-1576 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 2:696 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:7 (1935) 36 (and Woodring, W. P., Kleinpell, R. M.) IMiocene stratigraphy and paleo- tology of the Palos Verdes Hills, Cali- fornia. Arn As Petroleum G, B 20:125- 149 (1936) (abst) G Zentralbl Abt A, Bd 57:51-52 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:378 (1936) Bratter, Herbert M. 36 Silver. Eng M J 137:55-56, 62 (1936) Breakey, H. A. 36 (White, A. G., and Hopkins, G. R.) Crude petroleum and petroleum products. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:667-723, California 668, 674, 678, 681, 686, 687, 691, 693, 695, 711 713 (1936) Bremner, Carl St. J. 32 Geology of Santa Cruz Island, Santa Barbara County, California. Santa Bar- bara Mus N H, Oc P 1:33 pp, 12 figs, 5 pis (1932) 33 Geology of San Miguel Island, Santa Barbara County, California. Santa Bar- bara Mus N H, Oc P 2:23 pp, 10 figs, 4 pis (incl map) (1933) Bridge, A. P. 36 Dry natural-gas reserves, their con- trol and conservation, a California prob- lem. M Metal 17:393-395 (1936) Brooks, Benjamin T. 36 Origins of petroleums: chemical and geochemical aspects. Am As Petroleum B, B 20:280-300, California 281, 287-288, 289, 292, 293 (1936) 36a (and Snider, L. C.) Probable petro- leum shortage in the United States, and methods for its alleviation. Am As Petroleum G, B 20:15-50, California 24, 27-28, 34, 36, 40 (1936) Brown, Arthur B. 32 (and Kew, W. S. W.) Occurrence of oil in metamorphic rocks of San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County, Califor- nia. Am As Petroleum G, B 16:777-785, 10 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: BROWN — BUWALDA Brown, Arthur B. — Cont. 4 figs (1932) (aist) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:237 (1933) G Zentralbl, Abt. A 48:317 (1932) Inst Pet Tech, J 18:415A (1932) Chem Absts 26:5278 (1932) Brown, C. C. 31 Kettleman Hills most important Cal- ifornia gas reserve. Oil Weekly 63, no 1:28... 2:26, 28 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:317 (1931) Brown, J. S. 27 Routes to desert watering places in the Salton Sea region, California, (abst) N Jb 1927, Ref 2, Abt B:113 (1927) Brown, S. M. 33 (Kelley, W. P.; and Woodford, A. C.) Clay minerals of California soils, (abst) Pan Am G 59:315-316 (1933) Brues, C. J. 28 Studies on the fauna of hot springs in the western United States and the biology of Thermophilous animals. Am Ac Arts, Pr 63:139-228, pis, figs (1928) Bryan, E. N. 32 Topographic mapping program for California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 28:85-87 (1932) Bryan, Kirk 31 Physiographical study in the Salton Basin Region. Geog Rv 21:153-154 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 44:496 (1931) 31a Wind-worn stones or ventifacts — a discussion and bibliography. Rp Com- mittee Sedimentation for 1929-1930 Nat Res Council Rp and Circ Sed no 98:29-50 (1931) (abst) Zs Geom 8:144 (1934) 31b (and Wickson, G. G.) The W. Penck method of analysis in southern California. Zs Geom 6:287-291 (1931) Buddington, A. F. 33 Correlation of kinds of igneous rocks with kinds of mineralization. 7m ore de- posits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Pub 3:350-385 (1933) Bue, C. D. 34 (Pritchett, H. C; and Piper, A. M.) Seepage loss and gain of the Mokelumne River, California, U S G S Memorandum for the Press (mimeographed) (Ph 85246) (1934) Burchard, E. F. 33 Fluorspar deposits in western United States. Am I M Eng, Tech Pub 500:26 pp, map (1933) Burchfiel, B. M. 36 Ceramic materials other than clays abundant in California. M Metal 17:441- 443 (1936) Burgess, J. A. 35 Mining gold on Carson Hill. Eng M J 136:111-115 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:56 (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:157 (1936) Bush, Edgar 32 Active placers in southern Califor- nia. M J Ariz 16, no 5:7 (1932) Bush, J. Burchard 30 Foraminifera of Tomales Bay, Cali- fornia. Stanford Univ, Micropaleontology B 2:38-43 (1930) Bush, R. D. 30 Fifteenth annual report of the State Oil and Gas Supervisor of California for the fiscal year 1929-1930, Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, California Oil Fields... Sixteenth 1930-1931... Seventeenth 1931- 1932... Eighteenth 1932-1933... Nineteenth 1933-1934... Twentieth 1934-1935 32 Resume of oil field operations in 1931. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, California Oil Fields 17:164 pp (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1933:774 (1933) Butler, B. S. 32 Influence of the replacement miner- als associated with ore deposits. Ec G 27:1-24 (1932) 33 Ore deposits as related to strati- graphic structural and igneous geology in the western United States. Jn ore de- posits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Pub:19S-240 (1933) 33a Ore deposits of the United States in their relation to geologic cycles. Ec G 28:301-328 (1933) Buttgenback, H. 32 Notes mineralogiques. Soc G Bel- gique, An 55:B165-B178, 6 figs (1932) Butts, Allison 35 Lead. Min Ind 43:362-389, California 366-367 (1935) Buwalda, John Peter 31 Reversal in direction of vertical com- ponent movement along faults. (abst) Pan Am G 55:64 (1931) 31a (and Wood, H. O.) Horizontal dis- placement along the San Andreas fault in the Carrizo Plain, California, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:298-299 (1931) Pan Am G 54:75 (1930) BIBLIOGRAPHY : BUWALDA — BYERLY 11 Buwalda, John Peter — Cont. 31b (Gazin, C. L. ; and Sutherland, J. C.) Frazier Mountain; a crystalline over- thrust slab without roots, west of Tejon Pass, southern California, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:294-295 (1931) (.abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 2:251 (1933) 32 (Gutenberg, B.; and Wood, H. O.) Experiments testing seismographic meth- ods for determining crustal structure. (abst) Pan Am G 58:65-66 (1932) Seism Soc Am, B 22:185-242 (1932) 33 The Long Beach earthquake. Sci- ence n s 78:148-149 (1933) 34 Tertiary tectonic activity in the Te- hachapi region. (abst) Pan Am G 61: 309-310 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934: 312 (1935) 35 (and Gutenberg, B.) Seismic reflec- tion profile across Los Angeles basin. (abst) Pan Ajn G 63:303 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:327 (1936) 35a (and Gutenberg, B.) Investigation of overthrust faults by seismic methods. Science, n s 81, no 2103:384-386 (1935) Byerly, Perry 27 Registration of earthquakes at the Berkeley Station and at the Lick Observ- atory Station from April 1, 1925 to Sep- tember 30, 1925... October 1, 1925 to March 31, 1926. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 2:156- 199 (1927) 27a (and Jones, A. E.) Registration of earthquakes at the Berkeley Station and at the Lick Observatory Station from April 1, 1926 to September 30, 1926... Oc- tober 1, 1926 to March 31, 1927. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 2:202-250 (1927) 28 The registration of earthquakes at the Berkeley Station arid at the Lick Observatory from April 1, 1927 to Sep- tember 30, 1927. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 2:251-272 (1928) 28a (and Dyk, R.) Registration of earthquakes at the Berkeley Station and at the Lick Observatory Station from Oc- tober 1, 1927 to March 31, 1928. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 2:273-300 (1928) 30 (and Dyk, R.) Registration of earthquakes at the Berkeley Station and at the Lick Observatory Station from April 1, 1929 to September 30, 1929. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 2:361-397 (1930) 30a (and Dyk, R.) Registration of earthquakes at the Berkeley Station and at the Lick observatory Station from Oc- tober 1, 1929 to March 31, 1930. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 2:399-439 (1930) 30b The California earthquake of No- vember 4, 1927. Seism Soc Am, B 20:54- GC (1930) 31 The earthquakes of November 28, 1029, and the surface layers of the earth Byerly, Perry — Cont. in California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 17:91-100, 2 figs (1931) (abst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:160 (1931) (abst) Science n s 72:373 (1930) Nature 127:995 (1931) 31a (Hester, J., and Marshall, K.) The natural periods of vibration of some tall buildings in San Francisco. Seism Soc Am, B 21:268-276, 3 figs (1931) (abst) Can- ada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:228 (1932) 31b Dispersion of seismic waves of the Love type and the thickness of the sur- face layer of the earth under the Pacific. G Soc Am, B 42:312 (1931) Beitr Geoph 26:27-33 (1930) 31c The registration of earthquakes at the Berkeley station and at the Lick Ob- servatory station from April 1, 1930 to September 20, 1930. Cal Univ Seism Sta, B 2:442-476 (1931)... October 1, 1930 to March 31, 1931, B 2:477-533 (1932)... April 1, 1931 to September 20, 1931, B 3:1-51 (1932) 31 d Seismology at the University of California. Seism Soc Am, Eastern Sec, Earthquake Notes 3:9-10 (1931) 32 (and Sparks, N. R.) Earthquakes in northern California and the registration of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mount Ham- ilton, Palo Alto from October 1, 1931 to March 31, 1932. Cal Univ, Seism Sta B 3:53-96 (1933)... April 1, 1932 to Septem- ber 30, 1932, B 3:97-150 (1933)... October 1, 1932 to March 31, 1933, B 3:151-241 (1935) 32a (and Dyk, K.) Richmond quarry blast of September 12, 1931 and the sur- face layering of the earth in the region of Berkeley. Seism Soc Am, B 222:50-55 (1932) 33 Seismic geography. Nat Res Council, B 90:206-215 (1933) 33a (and Sparks, N. R.) The first pre- liminary waves of the California earth- quake of June 6, 1932. Seism Soc Am, Eastern Sec, Earthquake Notes 5:254- 256, fig (1933) Am Geop Union, Tr 14:254- 256 (1933) 33b California earthquakes, (abst) Am Soc Civil Eng. 169th Regular Meeting of the San Francisco Section, Pr 1933:2-3 (1933) 33c A'ibrations of buildings. Am Soc Mechanical Eng, Pacific Coast Applied Mechanics Meeting, Pr 1933:16 (1933) 33d (and Sparks, N. R.) Earthquakes in northern California and the registra- tion of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mt. Hamilton, Palo Alto from October 1, 1931 to March 31, 1932. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 3:54-96 (1933) 33e (and Sparks, N. R.) Earthquakes in northern California and the registra- tion of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mt. 12 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: BYERLY Byerly, Perry — Cont. Hamilton, Palo Alto, San Francisco from April 1, 1932 to September 30, 1932. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 3:97-150 (1933) 34 Northern California earthquakes, April 1, 1932 to April 1, 1933. Seism Soc Am, B 24:115-117 (1934) 35 (and Wilson, J. T.) Earthquakes in northern California and the registration of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mount Ham- ilton, Palo Alto, and San Francisco from April 1, 1933 to September 30, 1933. Cal Univ Seism Sta, B 4:1-73 (1935) 35a (and Wilson, J. T.) Earthquakes in northern California and the registra- tion of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mount Hamilton, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Ferndale from October 1, 1933 to March 31, 1934. Cal Univ Sta, B 4:75-165 (1935)... April 1, 1934 to September 30, 1934, B 4: 167-243 (1936)... October 1, 1934 to March 31, 1935, B 4:245-338 (1936) 35b (and Wilson, J. T.) The Richmond quarry blast of August 16, 1934. Seism Soc Am, B 25:259-268 (1935) 35c (and Blanchard, F. B.) A study of a well gauge as a seismograph. Seism Soc Am, B 25:313-321 (1935) 35d (and Sparks, N. R.) Earthquakes in northern California and the registra- tion of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mt. Hamilton, Palo Alto, San Francisco from October 1, 1932 to March 31, 1933. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 3:151-241 (1935) 35e (and Wilson, J. T.) Northern Cali- fornia earthquakes, April 1, 1933 to March 31, 1934. Seism Soc Am, B 25:269-273 (1935) 35f (and Blanchard, F. B.) Well gauges as seismographs. Nature 135:303-304 (1935) 35g (and Wilson, J. T.) The central California earthquakes of May 16, 1933 and June 7, 1934. Seism Soc Am, B 25: 223-347 (1935) 36 (and Annis, W.) Earthquakes in northern California and the registration of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mount Ham- ilton, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Ferndale from July 1, 1935 to September 30, 1935. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 5:40-78 (1936)... October 1, 1935 to December 31, 1935, B 5:80-117 (1936) 36a (and Hosklns, E. E.) Earthquakes in northern California and the registra- tion of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mount Hamilton, Palo Alto, San Francisco, Ferndale From January 1, 1936 to March 31, 1936. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 6:1-37 (1936)... April 1, 1936 to June 30, 1936, B 6:38-85 (1936) California Department of Public Works 31 Kings River Water Master Report for ])erioa 1918-1930. Cal Dp Pub Work.s, California Department of Public Works — Cont. Div Water Resources, B 38:426 pp, pi (1931) (abst) Eng Index 933:1219 (1933) 31a Variation and control of salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and upper San Francisco Bay. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 27:440 pp, illus, charts, tables, maps (1932) 32 Records of ground water levels at wells. South Coastal Basin investigation, 1932. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Re- sources B 29:590 pp, maps, tables (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1933:1221 (1933) 32a Economic aspects of a salt water barrier below confluence of Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 28:450 pp, illus, charts, tables, maps (1932) 33 Sacramento River basin, 1931. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 26:583 pp, illus, charts, tables, maps (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1933:1919 (1933) 33a Quality of irrigation waters. South Coastal Basin investigation, 1933. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 40:95 pp, tables, maps (1933) 33b Pit River investigation, 1933. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 41:152 pp, tables, charts, maps (1933) 33c Records of ground water levels at wells for the year 1932. Seasonal pre- cipitation records to and including 1931- 1932. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Re- sources, B 39A:162 pp, map (mimeo- graphed) (1933) 34 San Joaquin River basin, 1931. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 29:656 pp, illus, charts, tables, maps (1934) 34a Ventura County investigation, 1933. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 46:244 pp, tables, charts, maps (1934) (abst) An Bib Ec G 8:162 (1936) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:501 (1936) 34b Ventura County investigation. Ba- sic data for the period 1927-1932, incl. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 46A (mimeographed) 574 pp, tables, map (1934) (abst) An Bib Ec G 8:162 (1936) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57: 501 (1936) 34c Mojave River investigation, 1934. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 47:247 pp (mimeographed), tables, charts, maps (1934) 34d San Joaquin River basin, 1931. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 29:656 pp, illus, charts, tables, maps (1934) 34e Records of ground water levels at wells for the year 1933. Seasonal precipi- tation records to and including 1932-1933. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 39B:146 pp (mimeographed) (1934) BIBLIOGRAPHY : BYERLY CARLSON 13 California Department of Public Works — Cont. 34f Water losses under natural condi- tions from wet areas in southern Califor- nia. South Coastal Basin investigation, 1933. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Re- sources, B 44:176 pp, illus, charts, tables, maps (1934) 35 San Diego County investigation, 1935. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 48:300 pp (mimeographed) tables, charts, maps (1935) 35a Records of ground water levels at wells for the year 1934. Seasonal precipi- tation records to and including 1934-1935. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Resources, B 39C:14S pp (mimeographed) (1935) 35b Geology and ground water storage capacity of valley fill. South Coastal Ba- sin investigation, 1934. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 45:280 pp, illus, charts, tables, maps (1935) 36 Records of ground water levels at wells for the year 1935. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 39D (mimeographed) 122 pp (1936) California Oil World 31 Sespe producer aids geologist. Cal Oil World 24, no 13:1, 5 (1931) 33 Stalder says Buttes drilling violates text book geology but fits experience. Cal Oil World 25:12, 33 (1933) 33a Three groups seek carbon dioxide gas east of Salton Sea in Imperial "Valley. Cal Oil World 25:15, 30 (1933) 33b El Monte wildcat will test interest- ing geological theories. Cal Oil World 25, no 41:11 (1933) 33c Huge deposits of diatomaceous earth may supply billion barrels of oil. Cal Oil World 26, no 22:4 (1933) 34 Temblor found at 750 feet in San Luis Obispo County well. Cal Oil World 26, no 51:5 (1934) 34a New geophysical methods claimed to determine oil, geology. Cal Oil World 27, no 12:11 (1934) 35 Geological and legal history of Del Rey area outlined. Cal Oil World 27, no 29:15 (1935) 35a Unsung source of oil in diatomace- ous earth; deposit at Casmalia. Cal Oil World 28, no 16:24 (1935) Calkins, P. C. 32 The granitic rocks of the Yosemite region. (abst) G Zentralbl 46:401-402 (1932) Callaghan, Eugene 34 (and Gianella, V. P) The earthQutike of December 20, 1932 at Cedar Mountain, Nevada, and its bearing on the genesis of Basin range structure. J G 42:1-22 Callaghan, Eugene — Cont. (1934) (Revieio) Sc Progress 29:501 (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl 51:455 (1934) Calvert, Earl L. 33 Boron in California. Miner Soc S Calif, B 2:1-2 (1933) 34 Kernite supplies the world with borax. Oregon Mineralogist 2:18-19 (1934) Cameron, E. N. 36 (and Kerr, P. F.) Fuller's earth of bentonitic origin from Tehachapi, Cali- fornia. Am Mineralogist 21, no 4:230-237 (1936) Campbell, A. B. 34 (and Allen, R. C.) Story of Grass Valley — past and present. M J, Ariz 17, no 18:3-4, 24 (1034) ( Eng Index 1934: 536 (1934) Campbell, Arthur S. 34 (and Cushman, J. A.) A new Spiro- plectoides from the Cretaceous of Cali- fornia, Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 10:70-71 (1934) 35 (and Cushman, J. A.) Cretaceous foraminifera from the Moreno shale of California. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 11:65-73, figs (1935) (ahst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:606 (1936) Campbell, C. D. 35 (and Waters, A. C.) Mylonites from San Andreas fault zone, (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:325 (1935) (abst) Pan Am G 61:319-320 (1934) Am J Sc (5) 29:473-503 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:359- 360 (1935) (abst) Sc Progress 30:307 (1936) Chem Absts 29:6182 (1935) Canfield, N. C. 31 (Grover, N. C, McGlashan, H. D., and Henshaw, F. F.) Surface water supply of the United States, 1928 Part XI Pacific Slope basins in California. U S G S, W-S P 671: IX, 304 pp (1931)... 1929, 691 :IX, 294 pp (1931)... 1930, 706 :IX, 317 pp (1932)... 1931, 721:XI, 497 pp (1932)... 1932, 736:XI, 415 pp (1933) Carder, Dean S. 34 Seismic surface waves and the crust- al structure of the Pacific region. Seism Soc Am, B 24:231-302 (1934) Carlson, Anders Johan 31 Geothermal variations in oil fields of Los Angeles Basin, California, (abst) n some arenaceous foraniinfera from the Temblor formation of California. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 8:29-40 (1932) (.abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:189 (193:!) (dbst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:391 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:353-354 (1933) 32a Xotes on the genus Virr/ulina. Cush- man Lab Foram Res, Contr 8:7-23, pis (1932) 32b A bil)liograi)hy of American fora- minifera. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Sp Pub 3:1-40 (1932) 32c (and Barksdale, J. D.) Eocene fora- minifera from Martinez, California, (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:632-633 (1932) Na- ture 128:1080 (1931) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:291 (1933) 34 (and Campbell, A. S.) A new Spiro- plectoides from the Cretaceous of Califor- nia. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 10:70-71 (1934) 34a (and Galllher, E. W.) Additional new foraniinifera from the Miocene of California. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 10:24-26 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:624 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:505 (1P34) 34b (and Kleinpell, R. :M.) New and un- recorded foraminifera from the Califor- nia Miocene. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 10:1-23 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:623-624 (1934) (nbst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:504 (1934) 34c (and Dusenbury, A. N. Jr.) Eocene foraminifera of tiie Poway conglomerate of California. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 10:51-65, pis (1934) 35 (and Hobson, J. A.) A foramiiiiferal faunule from the type San Lorenzo for- mation, Santa Cruz County, California. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 11:53-64, pis (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15: 606-607 (1935) 35a (and Campbell, A. S.) Cretaceous foraminifera from the Moreno shale of California. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 11:65-73 pis, figs (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:606 (1936) 35b (and Adams, B. C.) New late Ter- tiary Boliiinas from California. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 11:16-20, figs (1935) 35c (and Siegfus, S. S.) New species of foraminifera from the Kreyenhagen shale of Fresno County, California. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 11:90-96 (1935) 35d (and Hanna, G. D.) Foraminifera fi om the Eocene near Coalinga, Califor- nia. Biol Absts 9:457, entry 3894 (1935) Dachnowski-Stokes, A. P. 33 Peat deposits in U. S. A. Handbuch der Moorkunde, Bd 7:1-140, 1-9 pis (193:!) (Review) J Sed Petrology 1:100 (1934) Daly, John W. 33 Paragenesis of mineral assemblages I at Crestmore. (abst) Pan Am G 59:312- 313 (1933) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:311 (1934) Am Mineralogist 20:638-659, 1 map, 1 table (1935) (anil) An Bib Ec G 8:265 (1936> (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 58:195 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:260 ' (1936) Dana, James Dwight 68 A system of Mineralogy. Fifth edi- tion 827 pp (1868) Darton, N. H. 34 Guidebook of the western United States. Part F. The Southern Pacific lines. New Orleans to Los Angeles. U S i G S, B 845:304 pp, maps and illus (1934) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:3^0 (1934) (Re- ' view) Geog Rv 24:344-345 (1934) (abst) I Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:204 (1934) Davies, A. Morley 35 Tertiary faunas. Vol I. 11. 685 pp, illus (1934, 1935) ; 35a A text book for oil field palaeon- ' tologists and students of geology. Vol I, II 658 pp, pis, illus (1935) Davis, A. E. 1 30 (and Hatmaker, P.) Abrasive ma- terials. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1930:151-169, California 152, 161, 163, 164 (1932)... 1931:111-130, California 112, 121, 124 (1933) 32 (and Partridge, E. P.) Magnesium and its compound.s. USB M, Min Yb 1! 32-1933:777-786, California 779 (1933)... 1934:1047-1056, California 1048, 1050 (1934)... 1935:1165-1176, California 1166, 1168 (1935) 34 (and Bowles, O.) Abrasive materials. USB M, Min Yb 1934:889-906, California ; 891, 892 (1934) 35 Abrasive materials. U S B M, Min Yb 1935:995-1010, California 997, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1005 (1935) 36 (and Johnson, B. L) Abrasive ma- j terials. USB M, Min Yb 1936:877-894, I California 878, 880, 883 (1936) i Davis, C. W. 32 (and Davis, H. W.) Platinum and allied metals. U S B M, Min Yb 1932- 1933:337-345, California 337, 338 (1933) Davis, E. L. 33 (Wilhelm, V. H. ; and Clark, W. A.) Characteristics of edgewater encroach- ments in California fields. Oil Weekly 3—51441 20 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: DAVIS— DERIBERE Davis, K. L. — Cont. 71, DO 4:13-16 (1933) (dim) An i:il) Ec G i;:204 (1934) M Metal 14:423-425 (1933) ((thst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:345 (1935) Davis, Hubert W. 32 Platinum and allied metals. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:57-71, California 57 (1932)... 1930:99-112, Califor- nia 99 (1933)... 1931:89-101, California 89, 97 (1934)... Min Yb 1934:507-516, California 508 (1934)... 1935:509-518, California 562 (1935)... 1936:509-518, California 510 (193C) 32a Iron ore, pig iron, and steel. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:5-44, California 7, 25 (1932) 33 (and Davis, C. W.) Platinum and allied metals. USB M,' Min Yb 1932- 1933:337-345, California 337, 338 (1933)... 1935:561-580, California 562 (1935) 34 (and Kiessling, O. E.) Iron ore, pig iron, ferro-alloys, and steel. U S B M, Min Yb 1934:317-366, California 351 (1934) 35 Fluorspar and cryolite. U S B M, Min Yb 1935:1083-1105, California 1096- 1097 (1935) 36 (and Kiessling, O. E., Herring, C. T.) Iron ore, pig' iron, ferro-alloys and .steel. USB M, Min Yb 1936:365-394, California 375 (1936) Davis, William Morris 31 Clear Lake, California. (abst) Sci- ence 74:572-573 (1931) 31a Shore lines of the Santa Monica Mountains, California, (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:227 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 55:362- 363 (1931) 31b (Putnam, W. C. and Richards, G. L.) Elevated shore lines of the Santa Monica ^Mountains, California. (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:309-310 (1931) 32 Glacial epochs of the Santa Monica Mountains, California. Nat Ac So, Pr 18:659-665, 8 figs (1932) G Soc Am, B 44: 1041-1133, 16 pis, 26 figs (1933) (abst) Pan Am G 59:306-307 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:304-305 (1934) (abst) Zs Glets- cherk 21:389 (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:31-32 (1936) (1934) (Revieiv) Geog Rv 24:139 (1934) (abst) Nature 131:288 (1933) 32a Rock floors in arid and in humid re- gions. Zs Geom 7:250-253 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 11:104-105 (1930) 33 California Journal of Mines and Ge- ology. (Revietv) Am J Sc (5) 26:533 (1933) 33a Granitic domes of the Mojave Desert, California. San Diego Soc N H 7:211-258, 4 pis, 34 figs (1933) (Review) Geog Rv 24:138-139 (1934) 33b Mining in California. (Review) Am J Sc (5) 26:190 (1933) Davis, AN'iliiani IVIorri.s — -Cont. 33c San Frnncisco Bay. Int G Cong, Guide Book 16:18-21 (1933) (1930) Dolbear, Samuel H. 34 Magnesite. Min Ind 42:380-386, Cali- fornia 380-382 (1934)... 43:490-395, Califor- nia 390, 391 (1935) Dolman, S. G. 31 Elwood oil field, California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, California Oil Fields 16, no 3:5-12, 4 pis (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:234 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1932:899 (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:154 (1935) California Oil Fields 16:484-487 (1931) 31a Operations in district No. 3, 1930. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, Cali- fornia Oil Fields 16, no 3:43-51 (1931)... 1931, 17, no 3:33-39 (1932)... 1932, 18, no 3:33-40 (1933) 32 Lompoc oil field, Santa Barbara County, California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, California Oil Fields 17, no 4:13-20 (1932) Donnay, J. D. H. 31 Genesis of the Engels copper de- posit; a field study and microscopic in- vestigation of a late magmatic deposit. Congres Intern Mines, Met et Geol appl. 4:99-111 (1930) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:233 (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14: 69-70 (1934) Donnelly, Maurice 34 Econcimic geology of Julian region. (abst) Pan Am G 61:316 (1934) (abst) C, Soc Am, Pr 1934:321 (1935) 34a Geology and mineral deposits of the Julian district, San Diego County, California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, :M G J, St Mineralogist's Rp 30:331-370, map (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:55 (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:156 (1936) 35 Orthoclase from San Diego County pegmatites. (abst) Pan Am G 63:320 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:341 (1936) 36 Notes on the lithium pegmatites of Pala, California. The Pacific Mineralo- gist 3, no 1:8-12 (1936) Dorf, Erling 33 (and Chaney, R. "\V.) Ecology of the Tertiary forests of western North America. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 193S 1:357 (1934) 33a Pliocene floras of California. Car- negie Inst, Wash, Pub 412:1-112, 13 pis, 1 fig (1933) Biol Absts 7:2246, entry 22152 (1933) 22 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : DORN— EATON Dorn, C. L. 32 Report on a deep boring in Salinas Valley, California. Stanford Univ Micro- paleontology, B 3:28-29 (1932) Dreyer, F. E. 35 Geology of Mount Pinos quadrangle. (abst) Pan Am G 64:74-75 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:351 (1936) Origgs, F. H. 31 (and Marden, J. W.) Titanium and zirconium. Min Ind 39:602-611, California 603-604 (1931) Dudley, Paul H. 31 Geology of a portion of the Perris block, southern California, (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:223 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 55:358 (1931) Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 31:487-507 (1935) 36 Physiographic history of a portion of the Perris block, southern California. J G 44:358-378 (1936) {abst) G Zentralbl Abt A, Bd 57:510 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:368 (1936) Dunham, K. C. 33 A note on the texture of the Crest- more contact rocks. Am Miner, J 18:475- 477 (1933) Min Absts 5:443 (1934) 33a (and Larsen, E. S.) Tilleyite, a new mineral from the contact zone at Crestmore, California. Am Miner, J 18:469-473 (1933) Min Absts 5:387 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 1:142 (1934) Dunlop, J. P. 32 Gold and silver. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:877-920, Califor- nia 877, 885, 886, 891, 892, 896, 897, 900, 901, 904, 905, 907, 908, 909, 912 (1932)... 1930:817-857, California 827, 828, 830, 831. 833, 834, 835, 836, 838, 839, 840, 841, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 850, (1933)... 1931: 679-710, California 680, 686-687, 688, 689, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 698, 699, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705-706, (1934) U S B M, Min Yb Stat App 1932-1933:455-479, California 455, 462, 463, 464, 465, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, (1934)... 1934:335, 337-351 (1935)... 1935:327- 352, California 327, 335, 337, 338, 340, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, 348 (1936) 36 (and Henderson, Chas. W.) Gold and silver. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:91- 105, California 92, 93, 95. 101, 103 (1936) Dunn, J. A. 33 Andalusite in California and kyanite in North Carolina. Ec G 28:692-695 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 6:244 (1934) Dusenbury, Arthur N. Jr. 32 A faunule from the Poway conglom- erate. Upper middle Eocene of the San Diego County, California. Stanford Univ Micropaleontology B 3:84-95 (1932) 34 (and Cushman, J. A.) Eocene fora- minifera of the Poway conglomerate of California. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 10:51-66, pis (1934) Dyk, Karl 32 (and Byerly, P.) Richmond quarry blast of September 12, 1931 and the sur- face layering of the earth in the region of Berkeley. Seism Soc Am, B 22:50-55 (1932) Dyk, Robert 28 (and Byerly, P.) Registration of earthquakes at the Berkeley Station and at the Lick Observatory Station from October 1, 1927 to March 31, 1928. Cal Univ, Sei.«m Sta, B 2:273-300 (1928) 30 (and Byerly, P.) Registration of earthquakes at the Berkeley Station and the Lick Observatory Station from Oc- tober 1, 1929 to March 31, 1929. Cal. Univ. Seism Sta, B 2:399-439 (1930) 30a (and Byerly, P.) Registration of earthquakes at the Berkeley Station and at the Lick Observatory Station from April 1, 1929 to September 30, 1929. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 2:361-397 (1930) Dykes, Leland H. 32 Occurrence of monazite in a grano- diorite pegmatite (Riverside County, California) (abst) Pan Am G 58:74 (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:161 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 6:72 (1934) Eardley-Wilmot, V. L. 31 Abrasives. Min Ind 39:1-12, Califor- nia, Pumice 7 (1931)... 40:1-14, California 1, 4, 7 (1932)... 41:1-12, California 1, 6-7 (1933)... 42:1-12, California 7 (1934)... 43: 1-12, California 3, 6 (1935) 31a Diatomite. Min Ind 39:213-220. California 215-216 (1931)... 40:173-179 California 175 (1932)... 41:164-168, Cali- fornia 165-166 (1933)... 42:177-183, Califor- nia 178-179 (1934)... 43:175-179, California 176 (1935) Eaton, J. Edmund 31 Standards in correlation. Am As Petroleum G, B 15:367-384, 4 flgs (1931) 32 Decline of the Great Basin, south- western United States. Am As Petro- leum G, B 16:1-49, 10 figs (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 47:188 (1932) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:575-577 (1933) BIRLTOGRAPIIY : EATON — EXOEL 23 Eaton, J. Edmund — Cont. 33 Clastic facies and faunas of Mon- terey formation, California. Am As Pe- troleum G, B 17:1009-1015 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec O 6:294-295 (1934) (obst) G Zentralbl 51:56 (1934) (abst) Eng Index i:o,4:51fi (1934) 33a (Jeology of the southern California earthquake. Petroleum World 30, no 4:13-14 (1933) 33b Long Beach, California, earthquake of March 10, 1933. Am As Petroleum O, B 17:732-738 (1933) (.ahst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:343 (1933) (abst) Knp Index 1933:774 (1933) 35 Miocene of Caliente Range, Califor- nia. Am As Petroleum G, B 19:1844 (1935) 35a California is earth's youngest child. Petroleum World 1935 (Novem- ber) :89-93, 100 (1935) 35b Outlook for new fields in California. Petroleum World An Rv 1935:29-34 (1935) Eckel, E. C. 34 Limestone deposits of the San Fran- cisco region. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines and Mining, M G, J 29:348-361, (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7:58 (1935) (ahst) Eng Index 1934:639 (1934) Eckis, Rollin 31 Alluvial fans of Cucamonga district, .southern California. (abst) N Jb 1931. Ref 3:932 (1931) 34 South Coastal Basin investigation. Geology and ground water storage capac- ity of valley fill. Cal Dp Pub Wks, Div Water Resources, B 45:1-273 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:375 (1936) 35 Late Quaternary geology of Los An- geles basin. (abst) Pan Am G 64:74 (1935) Xabst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935: 350 (1936) 35a (and Gross, P. L. K.) Porosity and sorting of California fanglomerates. (abst) Pan Am G 64:77 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:353 (1936) Edwards, Everett C. 34 Pliocene conglomerates of Los An- geles Basin and their paleogeographic sig- nificance. Am As Petroleum G, B 18:786- 812, 7 figs (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:453 (1934) Inst Pet Tech, J 20: 435A (1934) (abat) Eng Index 1934:802 (1934) (ahst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 53: 314 (1934) Edwards, M. G. 33 Some Eocene localities in Salinas Valley district, California. Am As Pe- troleum G, B 17:81 (1933) Edwards, S. C. 34 Sand concretions from California. Rocks ,Sr Min 9:82-83 (1934) Effinger, W. L. 35 Gaviota formation of Santa Barbara County. (abst) Pan Am G 64:75-76 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:351-352 (1936) Eggleston, H. L. 34 The outlook for natural gasoline. Petroleum World An Rv 1934:144-147. 1C6 (1934) Ellsworth, E. W. 33 Physiographic history of Afton basin of Mojave Desert. (abst) Pan Am G 59:308-309 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:306-307 (1934) 33a Tracing buried river channels by geomagnetic methods. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 29:244-250 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G G:335 (1934) 36 (and Blackwelder, E.) Pleistocene lakes of the Afton basin. Am J Sc 31 (5):453-463, figs (1936) Emery, Alden H. 33 (and Stoddard, B. H.) Talc and ground soapstone. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933:715-722, California 717, 718, 719 (1933)... 1934:975-984, California 976, 977- 978 (1934)... 1935:1069-1081, California 1070, 1071, 1072 (1935)... 1936:953-962, Cali- fornia 953, 954, 9.55 (1936) Emmons, William Harvey 31 Geology of petroleum. (2nd edition > 736 pp, figs, California 520-565. Petrolia 524. Petaluma 524. Santa Clara and Sargent 524. CN>alinga 525-528. Kettle- man Hills 528-529. Devil's Den 530. Lost Hills 530. Buttonwillow 530. North Bel- ridge 531. Belridge 531. McKittrick, Sun- set, and Midway 531-537. Buena "Vista Hills 537. Elk Hills 538-539. Kern River 539-541. Arroyo Grande 541. Santa Maria 541-544. Goleta 544. Elwood 544. Summerland 544. Santa Clara Valley 545-551. Los Angeles Basin 551-565 (1931) I Engel, Rene ! 31 Geology of the southwest quarter of the Elsinore quadrangle. (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:225 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 65:360 (1931) 34 Geochemical relations between wa- if-VH in Elsinore region, (abst) Pan Am G 61:317 (1934) 24 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : ENGELN — FENNEMAN Engein, O. D. von 32 Ubehebe craters and explosion brec- cias in Death Valley, California. J G 40:726-734 (1932) (abst) Eng- Index 1933:536 (1933) (ahst) Zs Vulkan 15:209 (1933) Rv So Progress 29:121 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:563-564 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:21 (1933-1934) 33 Palisade glacier of the high Sierras of California. G Soc Am, B 44:575-599 (1933) (nbst) Zs Gletscherk 21:388 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:549 (1935) Engineering and Mining Journal 31 California moves to stabilize mineral production. Eng M J, June 8 (1931) 34 Eighty-six years of gold production in California. Eng M J 135:483-485 (1934) (ami) An Bib Ec G 7:243 (1934) 34a California gold continues to enrich the nation. Eng M J 135:481 (1934) 34b Equipment of gold mines and mills in California. Eng M J 135:522-527 (1934) Engineering News-Record 33 Destructive earthquake centers on Long Beach, California. Eng News-Rec 110:353-355 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1933: 327 (1933) 35 Underground water storage in Cali- fornia's south coastal basin. Eng News- Rec 115:733-738 (1935) (abst) An Bib Ec G 8:376 (1936) Erich, E. E. 31 Mining opportunities in known dis- tricts. Geologic map of Weaverville quadrangle, (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:435 (1931) Erwin, Homer D. 34 Geology and mineral resources of northeastern Madera County, California. Cal Dp Nat Re.s, Div Mines, M G, J. St Mineralogist'.s Rp 30:7-78 (1934) 34a Notes on sampling as applied to gold quartz deposits. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 30:91-99 (1934) 36 (and Averili, Chas. Volney) Min- eral resources of Lassen County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Miner- alogist's Rp 32:405-444 (1936) Estorff, Fritz E., von 31 Kreyenhagen shale at type locality, Fresno County, California. (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 11:372-373 (1930) (abst) G Zentralbl 44:58 (1931) Biol Absts 6:567, entry 5255 (1932)... 6:1186, entry 11262 (1932) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:222 (1933) 33 (and Barbat, W. F.) Lower Mio- cene foraminifera from southern San Joa- Estorff, Fritz E., von — Cont. quin Valley, California. J Paleontology 7: 164-174, 1 pi, 1 fig (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:422 (1934) Pale Zentralbl 5:271-272 (1934) Biol Absts 9:916, entry 8195 (1935) Etcheverry, Bernard Alfred 33 (and others) Report on Iron Canyon, Table ^Mountain, and Kennett dam sites, on Sacramento River. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Res, B no 26 (1931) :455-462 (1933) Evans, R. D. 35 (and Williams, H.) The radium con- tent of lavas from Lassen Volcanic Na- tional Park, California. Am J Sc (5) 29: 441-452 (1935) Fairchlld, J. G. 20 (and Miser, H. D.) Hausmannite in the Batesville district, Arkansas. Wash Ac Sc J 10:1-8 (1920) 32 (and Schaller, W. T.) Bavenite, a beryllium mineral, pseudomorphous after beryl, from California. Am Mineralogist 17:409-422 (1932) (mm) An Bib Ec G 5:255 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 1:235-237 (1933) Min Absts 5:230-231 (1933) (abst) Rv Geo! et Sci conn 14:97 (1934) Chem Absts 26:5515 (1932) Farnsworth, H. R. 32 (Woodring, W. P.; and Roundy, P. V.) Geology a' id oil resources of the Elk Hills, California (including Naval Petro- leum Reserve No 1) U S G S, B 835:82 pp, 8 figs, 22 pis (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:367, 513 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1933:818 (1933) Farquhar, Francis P. (Editor) 31 Up and down In California.' The journal of William H. Brewer. Yale Univ Press: 601 pp, 32 pis (1930) (abst) Am J Sc 21:466-467 (1931) (Review) Nature 127: 968 (1931) 35 The story of Mount Whitney, part 2. Sierra Club, B 20:81-94 (1935)... Part 3, 1936:64-75 (1936) Faustino, Leopoldo 31 Two new madreporarian corals from California. Philippine J Sc 44, no 3:285- 289, 1 pi (1931) Biol Absts 7:721, entry 7024 (1933) (abst) G Zentralbl 45:334 (1931) Pale Zentralbl 2:103 (1932) Fenneman, Nevin M. 32 Physiography of western United States, (abst) Zs Geom Band VII, Heft 4/5:265-266 (1932) BIBLIOGRAPHY : PEXXER — FORBES 25 Fenner, C. X. 31 The Engels copper deposits, Cali- fornia, (abst) G Zentralbl 43:408 (1930- 1931) Chem Absts 25:1464 (1931) Ferguson, Ileiirj- G. 30 Vein quartz of the Alleghany dis- trict, California, {ahst) Wash Ac Sc, J 20:151-1.52 (1930) 32 (and Gannett, R. W.) Gold quartz veins of the Alleghany district, Callfor- nit. U S O S. P P 172:139 pp (1932) Am I at Eng, Teoh Pub 211 (Class 1, mining geology 24):40 pp, 17 figs (1929) (.nbst) M Metal 10:252 (May 1929) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:88-90 (1932) (aim) An Bib Ec G 5:54 (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, 48:362-363 (1932) {absO N Jb 1933, Ref 2:186-187 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1932:632 (1932) Chem Absts 26:4776 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:587 (1933) (Re- view by Knopf, A.) Ec G 28:399-401 (1933) Finch, Ruy H. 26 (and Jaggar, T. A.) Tilting and level changes at Pacific volcanoes. Third Pan- Pacific Sc Cong, Tokyo, Pr 1:672-686 (1926) (abst) Canada Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:42 (1929) 30 Activity of California volcano in 1786. The Volcano Letter, no 308: No- vember 21 (1930) 31 Some work of the Lassen volcano observatory. The Volcano Letter, no 336: 1-3 June 4 (1931) 31a The youngest Inxa, flow on the mainland of the United States. The Vol- cano Letter, no 334: May 21 (1931) 31b (and Anderson, C. A.) Quartz-basalt eruptions of Cinder Cone, (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:277 (1931) G Zentralbl 46:232- 233 (1932) Zs Vulkan 14:94-95 (1931) 31c Rainfalls accompanying explosive eruptions of volcanoes. F P S C, Pr 2 B: 511-516 (1930) (abst) Zs Vulkan 14:94 (1931) 32 Work of the Lassen volcano observa- tory in 1931. The Volcano Letter, no 373: 1-2 February 18 (1932) 33 Block lava. J G 41:769-770 (1933) (abst) X Jb 1934, Ref 2:552 (1934) 33a Burnt lava flow in northern Cali- fornia. Zs Vulkan 15:180-183, pis 8-9, 3 figs (1933) (abst) X Jb 1935, Ref 2:492 (1935) 33b Slump scarps. J G 41:647-649 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:552 (1934) 33c Lassen report, no 32. The Volcano Letter, no 395:1 January (1933) (abst) Zs Vulkan 15:196 (1933) Findlay, W. A. 33 (and Bode, F. D.) Structure of a part of the San Joaquin Hills, California. Findlay, W. A.— Cont. (abst) Pan Am G 59:318-319 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:316 (1934) Fink, Colin G. 31 Tungsten. Min Ind 39:612-623, Cali- fornia 614 (1931)... 40:555-566, California 557-558 (1932)... 41:525-535, California 527 (1933)... 42:571-581, California 571, 572 (1934)... 43:.570-583, California 572 (1935) Fisher, E. H. 31 X'atural gas aids in sand production. Am Gas J 134:39-40, 7 figs (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931:1255 (1931) Fisher, Edna M. 30 Early fauna of Santa Cruz Island, California. J Mammalogy 11, no 1:75-76 (1930) Biol Absts 7:760, entry 7492 (1933) 30a Early fauna of the Santa Barbara region, California. J Mammalogy 11, no 2:223-224 (1930) Biol Absts 7:243, entry 2442 (1933) Fisher, H. F. 31 Microscopic study of California oil field emulsions and some notes on the effects of superimposed electrical fields. Am I M Eng, Petr Div, Tr, Petroleum Dev and Tech 1931:359-375 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:134 (1932) Fitch, A. A. 31 Barite and witherite from near El Portal, Mariposa County, California. Am Mineralogist 16:461-468, 3 figs (1931) (aim) An Bib Ec G 4:272 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 1:554-555 (1931) Min Absts 5:66 (1932) 31a The geology of Ben Lomond Moun- tain, California. Cal Univ Dp G, B 21:1- 13, 2 figs (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:507-508 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1932: 612 (1932) 32 A contact section on the Mokelumne River, California. Cal Univ Dp G, B 22: 1-12, 2 figs, 1 pi (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1932:612 (1932) 32a The Sierra Nevada as a comag- matic region. Am J Sc (5) 24: 481-495, 5 figs (1932) (Revietv) Sc Progress 29:120 (1934) Foote, H. W. 10 (and Lang ley, R. W.) On an indirect method for determining columbium and tantalum. Am J Sc (4) 30:393-400 (1910) Forbes, Hyde 29 Geology of damsites on American River. Cal Dp Pub "Works, -Div Water Resources, B 24:175-190 (1929) 26 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: FORBES — FURLOXG Forbes, Hyde — Cont. 31 Geology and underground water storage capacity of Sacramento valley. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div "Water Resources, B 26:512-532 (1933) 31a Geologic reports on damsites in Sac- ramento River Basin. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 26:479-514 (1933) 31b Geology and underground water storage capacity of San Joaquin Valley. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 29:530-550 (1931) 31c Geological reports on damsites in San Joaquin River Basin. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 29:552-606 (1931) Foshag, William Frederick 25 Famous mineral localities: Furnace Creek, Death Valley, California, (abst) N Jb 1925, Band 2, Abt A 1925:299 (1925) 31 A new sulfate of iron and potash from California, (abst) Am Mineralogist 16:115 (1931) 31a Krausite, a new sulphate from Cali- fornia. Am Mineralogist 16:352-360 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:34 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1932:45-46, Band 1 (1932) Min Absts 5:51 (1932) Chem Absts 25:5644-5645 (1931) 31b Schairerite, a new mineral from Searles Lake, California. Am Mineralo- gist 16:133-139, 5 figs (1931) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 1:331-333 (1931) Min Absts 4:498 (1931) Chem Absts 25:5116 (1931) . 31c Probertite from Ryan, Inyo County, California. Am Mineralogist 16:338-341 (1931) (a7in) An Bib Ec G 5:35 (1932) Min Absts 5:52 (1932) Chem Absts 25:5644 (1931) 32 (and Palache, C.) The chemical na- ture of joaquinite. Am Mineralogist 17: 308-312, 1 fig (1932) Min Absts 5:191 (1932) 35 Burkeite, a new mineral species from Searles Lake, California. Am Mineralo- gist 20:50-56 (1935) (ami) An Bib Ec G 8:26 (1935) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 1:144 (1935) Chem Absts 29:6176 (1935) 36 (and Woodford, A. O.) Bentonltic magnesian clay-mineral from California. Am Mineralogist 21:238-244 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:435-436 (1936) Fourmarier, P. 33 Observations sur la Geologie et quel- ques Cites mineraux de L'Amerique du Nord. Rv Univ Mines (8) 9:61-67 Sierra Nevada 67 (1933) Fowler, H. C. 32 Technical developments in petroleum and natural gas production. USB M, Min Yb 1932-1933:497-509, California 507 (1933) Fowler, H. C. — Cont. 35 (and Kennedy. H. S.) Natural ga.«. USB M, Min Yb 1935:795-819, California 798-801 (1935) 35a (and Cattell, R. A.) Influence of technology upon composite interest in oil. U S B M, Min Yb 1935:771-794, California 773, 778, 789-791, 793-794 (1935) Franke, Herbert A. 30 Santa Clara County. (abst) Eng Index 1930:1114-1115 (1930) 30a San Francisco field division: Kings County. Cal Dp Nat Re.«, Div Mines, Mining in California, St ]\rineralogist's Rp 26:413-471 (1931) 31 Tulare County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralo- gist's Rp 26:423-471 (1931) 32 Selected bibliography on placer min- ing. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines. Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 28: 219-224 (1932) 35 Mines and mineral resources of San Luis Obispo County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 31:402-461, tables, figs, maps (1935) 35a Mineral resources of portions of Monterey and Kings County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J 31:462-465 (1935) 36 (and Logan, C. A.) Mines and min- eral resources of Calaveras County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogists Rp 32:226-364 (1936) Franz, Shepherd Ivory 34 (and Norris, A.) Human reactions to the Long Beach earthquake. Seism Soc Am, B 24:109-114 (1934) Fraser, Donald McCoy 31 Geology of San Jacinto quadrangle south of Gorgonio Pass, California. Cal Dp Nat Re.s, Div Mines, Mining in Cali- fornia, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:494-540, 22 figs (1931) (abst) G Soc Am, B 42: 235 (1931) (abst) Pan Am G 55:318-319 (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1932:612 (1932) Freeman, J. R. 32 Earthquake damage and earthquake insurance. McGraw Hill Book Co., N. Y.: 904 pp (1932) (Review) Nature 131:381-382 (1933) Frost, F, H. 34 The Pleistocene flora of Rancho La Brea. (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:359 (1934) Furlong, Eustace L. 31 Capromeryx viinor Taylor from the McKittrick Pleistocene, California, (abst) G Zentralbl 44:68 (1931) Pale Zentralbl 3: 440 (1933) BIBLIOGRAPHY : FURLONG GALLIHER 27 Furlong, Eustace L. — Cont. 31a Distribution and description of skull remains of the Pliocene antelope Spheno- phalos from the Northern Great Basin Province. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Pub 418: 29-3B, 1 flp, 5 pis (1931) Furness, J. M'. 35 (and Meyer, H. M.) Mercury. U S B M, Min Yb 1935:437-463, California 442, 449-451 (1935) 35a (and Pehrson, K. W. ; Meyer, H. M.) Copper. USB M, Min Yb 1035:45-73, California 51, 53, 54, 55, 56 (1935)... 1936: 107-135, California 112, 114, 11G-11S (1936) Gale, Hoyt Rodney 31 Correlation between later Cenozoic deposits of California and of Europe. Am As Petroleum G, B 15:555-556 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 45:253 (1931) 31a Summary of stratigraphy, hi Grant and Gale, catalogue of the marine Plio- cene and Pleistocene moUusca of Califor- nia. San Diego Soc N H, Mem 1:19-78 (1931) 31b (and Gale, H. S.) Miocene ^•ulcan- ism. (fib.sO Pan Am G 55:371 (1931) G Soc Am, B 43:234-235 (1932) 31c (and Grant, U. S.) Catalogue of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene mollusca of California. San Diego Soc N H, jMem 1:1036 pp, 15 figs, 32 pis (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl Abt A 47:393-395 (1932) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:168-174 (1933) Nature 129:135 (1932) Pale Zentralbl 2:186-190 (1933) 33 Summary of west coast subgenus Trophosyvon (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:373 (1933) Gale, Hoyt S. 31 (and Gale, H. R.) Miocene vulcan- ism. (abst) Pan Am G 55:371 (1931) (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:234-235 (1932) 31a (and Scofield, C. S.) McKenzie Taylor's genesi.'* of petroleum and coal as applied to Fruitvale field, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 15:709-712 (1931) 32 (and others) Geology of southern California. Int G Cong, Guide Book 15: 1-10 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1936, Ref 3:55-56 (1936) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 53: 240 (1934) 32a (Piper, A. M.: and Thomas, H. E.) Geology of the Mokelumne River basin, California. U S G S typescript Rp 377 pp (1932) (abst) Nat Res Council, B 98: 192-193 (1935) 33 Hopeful view of Huntington Beach tide lands. Cal Oil World 26, no 21:11-12 (1933) 34 Geology of Huntington Beach oil field, California. Am As Petroleum G, Gale, Hoyt S.— Cont. B 18:327-342 (1934) (ami) An Bib Ec G 7:100 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:492-493 (1934) Inst Pet Tech, J 20: 268A-269A (1934) (abst) Eng Index 1934: 802 (1934) 34a Real field lies in the sea at Hunt- ington. Petroleum World 1934 (June):16- 18 (1934) Galiher, C. 32 (and Adams, W. W.) Fuller's earth. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933:709-714, Cali- fornia 709, 711, 712, 713 (1933) 32a (and Metcalf, R. W.) Gypsum. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933:17-23, California 18, 20 (1933) 36 (and Rogers, H. O.) Feld.spar. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:735-743, California 740, 741, 742 (1936) Galliher, E. Wayne 31 Collophane from Miocene brown shales of California. Am As Petroleum G, B 15:257, 269, 10 figs (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:544 (1932) (aim) An Bib Ec G 4:27 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 45:163 (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931:655 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1932 Band 2, Ref 2:113 (1932) Chem Absts 25:2668 (1931) 31a Notes on excrement. .Stanford Univ, Micropaleontologv B 3:11-13 (1931) 31b Stratigraphic position of the Mon- terey formation. Stanford Univ, Micro- paleontology B 2:71-75 (1931) 32 Geology and physical properties of building stone from Carmel Valley, Cali- fornia. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 28:14-41 (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:71 (1932) 32a Sediments of Monterey Bay, Cali- fornia. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Min- ing in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 28:42-79, 17 figs (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1932:613 (1932) 33 The sulfur-cycle in sediments. Sed- imentary Petrology J 3:51-63 (1933) 34 (and Cushman, J. A.) Additional new foraminifera from the Miocene of California. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 10: 24-26 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1934. Ref 3:624 (1934) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14: 505 (1934) 35 Glauconite genesis. G Soc Am, B 46:1351-1366, 2 pis, 1 fig (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:359 (1936) 35a Interstial sedimentation. (abst) Pan Am G 63:303 (1935) 35b Geology of glauconite. Am As Petroleum G, B 19:1569-1601 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:148 (1936) 28 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: GALLOWAY — GILBERT Galloway, John 33 (and Gester, G. C.) Geology of Kettleman Hills oil field, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 17:1161-1193 (1933) (onn) An Bib Ec G 6:294 (1934) (abst) Inst Pet Tech, J 20:2A (1934) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:74-75 (1934) G Zentralbl 51: 253 (1934) 34 (and Barbat, W. F.) San Joaquin clay, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 18:476-499 (1934) (o/).sO Inst Pet Tech, J 20:347A-348A (1934) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:330-331 (1934) (aun) An Bib Ec G 7:98 (1935) 35 Accumulation of oil in the Coalinga district, (abst) Am As Petroleum G, B 19:1843 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:357 (1936) Gannett, Roger W. 32 (and Ferguson, H. G.) Gold quartz veins of the Alleghany district, Califor- nia, (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:88- 90 (1932) U S G S, P P 172:139 pp (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:54 (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:362-363 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:587 (1933) (Review by Knopf, A.) Ec G 28:399-401 (1933) N Jb 1933, Ref 2:186-187 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1932:632 (1932) Gardner, E. D. 34 (and Johnson, C. H.) Placer mining in the western United States. U S B M, Inf Giro 6786:1-74... 6787:1-89... 6788:1-81 (1934) 35 (and Johnson, P. W.) Prospecting for lode gold and locating claims of the public domain. USB M, Inf Circ 6843: 1-lS, California 2, 6, 11. 14, 16-18 (1935) Garner, Kenneth B. 36 Concretions near Mt. Signal, Lower California. Am J Sc 31 (5):301-311 (1936) Gaylord, E. G. 32 Kettleman Hills development and production problems. Am Petroleum Inst, Pr Sec 4, Production B 210:40-45 (1932) Oil Weekly, 67 no 11:33-38 (1932) 32a Kettleman HilLs field. Petroleum World (London) 29:364-368 (1932) Gaylord, H. M. 34 (and Horton, F. W.) Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in California. USB M, Min Yb 1934:149-158 (1934)... 1935:147-195 (1935) 36 (and Merrill, C. W.) Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in California. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:219-241 (1936) Gazin, C. L. 31 Geology of the central portion of the Mount Pinos quadrangle, Ventura Gazin, C. L. — Cont. and Kern Counties, southern California. (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:316 (1931) (abst) Pan Am G 54:159 (1930) 31a (Buwalda, J. P. and Sutherland, J. C.) Frazier jNIountain; a crystalline overthrust slab without roots, west of Tejon Pass, southern California, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:294-295 (1931) N Jb 1933:251 (1933) 33 A Tertiary mammalian fauna from upper Cuyama -Drainage Basin, Califor- nia, (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:324 (1933) Genth, F. A. 67 Observations on certain doubtful minerals. Ac N Sc Phila, Pr 19:86 (1867) 87 Contributions to mineralogy. Am Ph Soc, Pr 24: 23-44 (1887). Gentry, A. W. 33 Ventura County investigation. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div AVater Resources, B 46:35-45 (1933) Gester, G. C. 33 (and Galloway, J.) Geology of Ket- tleman Hills oil field, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 17:1161-1193 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 6:294 (1934) (abst) Inst Pet Tech, J 20:2A (1934) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:74-75 (1934) G Zentralbl 51:253 (1934) (abst) Eng Index 1934:802 (1934) Geyer, L. E. 36 (and Metcalf, R. W.) Clay. USB M, Min Yb 1936:867-875, California 869, 871 (1936) Gianella, Vincent P. 33 Earthquake or landslide? Seism Soc Am, B 23:91-94, 1 pi (1933) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:620 (1933) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:344 (1933) 34 (and Callaghan, E.) The earthquake of December 20, 1932, at Cedar Mountain, Xevada and its bearing on the genesis of Basin Range structure. J G 42:1-22 (1934) (Review) Sc Progress 29:501 (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl 51:455 (1934) 34a New features of the geology of the Comstock lode. M Metal 15:298-300 (1934) Gilbert, G. K. 31 Studies of Basin Range structure. (abst) G Zentralbl 143:97-98 (1930-1931) Gilbert, J. C. 33 (Collins, L. B.; and Siemon, J. H.> Marine oil drilling in California. Petro- leum World (London) 30:327-329 (1933) Petaoleum "SVorld 1933 (October) :15-1S (1933) BIBLIOGRAPIIV : GOLDSMITH — GREEN 29 Goldsmith, E. 76 On sonomaite. Ac N Sc Phila, Pr 28:26.-.-264 (1876) Gonyer, F. A. 32 (and Irving, J.; Vonson, M.) Puni- pellyite from California. Am Mineral- r.gist 17:338-342 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:84 (1933) Min Absts 5:233 (1933) 34 (and Moehlman, R. S.) Monticellite from Crestmore, California. Am Miner- alogist 19:474-476 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 1:62 (1935) Min Absts 6:96 (1935) Goodrich, H. B. 32 Early discoveries of petroleum in the United States. Ec G 27:160-168 (1932) Goodspeed, George E. 32 Micro-structures of gold quartz- veins, (abst) Pan Am G 58:79 (1932) Goold, W. D. 30 (Jensen, J.; McDowell, G.; and Gwin, M. L.) Deep sand development at Santa Fe Springs. In Petroleum Div and Tech. Am I Si Kng, Tr 1930:310-321 (1930) Gore, F. D. 27 Oil shale in Santa Barbara County, California. (abst) N Jb 1927, Ref 2; Abt B:114 (1927) Goudey, Hatfield 36 :Minerals — Ritter Range, California. The Mineralogist 4, no 5:7-8, 26, 28-29 (1936) Goudkoff, Paul P. 31 Age of producing horizon at Kettle- man Hills, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 15:839-842 (1931) (ami) An Bib Ec G 4:317 (1931) (arm) An Bib Ec G 4:317 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 45:389-390 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1932, Band 2, Ref 2:113 (1932) 34 Subsurface stratigraphy of Kettle- man Hills oil field, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 18:435-475 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7:100 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:276 (1934) Inst Pet Tech, J 20:348A (1934) Gould, Charles N. (Chairman) 33 Committee on stratigraphic nomen- clature. Classification and nomenclature of rock units. G Soc Am, B 44:423-459 (1933) Gould, H. W. 31 Quicksilver. Min Ind 39:529-534, California 532 (1931)... 40:481-487, Califor- nia 485 (1932) Grant, Ulysses S. IV 31 (and Gale, H. R.) Catalogue of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene mollusca of California. San Diego Soc N H, Mem 1: 1036 pp, 15 figs, 32 pis (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl Abt A 47:393-395 (1932) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:168-174 (1933) Nature 129: 135 (1932) Pale Zentralbl 2:186-190 (1933) Biol Absts 8:242-243, entry 2118 (1934) 31a (and Oldroyd, I. S.) A Pleistocene molluscan fauna from near Goleta, Santa Barbara County, California. Nautilus 44: 91-94 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:283 (1934) G Zentralbl 46:425 (1932) Pale Zentralbl 1:44 (1932) 32 (and Soper, E. K.) Geology and paleontology of a portion of Los Angeles, California. G Soc Am, B 43:1041-1067 (1932) (amn) An Bib Ec G 5:341 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 57:370-371 (1932) G Soc Am, B 44:148 (1933) Pale Zentralbl 4:162 (1934)... 5:91-92 (1934) Biol Absts 9:1857, entry 16826 (1935) 33 Notes on Searlesia. (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:220 (1933) Pale Zentralbl 4:276 (1934) 34 (and Quayle, E. H.) A new middle Miocene Neptunea from California. Naut- ilus 47:91-93 (1934) 34a (and Strong, A. M.) Fossil mol- lusks from the vertebrate-bearing asphalt deposits at Carpinteria, California. S Cal Ac Sc, B 33:7-11 (1934) (abst) Pan Am G 59:375 (1933) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:390 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:244 (1934) 34b (and Soper, B. K.) Stratigraphy of western Santa Monica Mountains. (abst) Pan Am G 61:308 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:310-311 (1935) 34c (and Strong, A. M.) Pliocene and Pleistocene mollusca of Santa Barbara. (abst) Pan Am G 62:71-72 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:386-387 (1935) 35 Summary of marine Pleistocene of California. (abst) Pan Am G 64:73-74 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:349 (1936) 35a (and Putman, W. C.) Barrancos and arroyos in California. (abst) Pan Am G 63:307-308 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am 1935:331 (1935) Graves, McDowell 30 (Jensen, J.; Goold, AV. D. ; and Gwin, M. L.) Deep sand development at Santa Fe Springs. In Petroleum Dev and Tech Am I M Eng, Tr 1930:310-321 (1930) Green, Norman B. 33 Reinforced concrete in the Long Beach earthquake. Eng News-Rec 110: £60-562, 2 figs (1933) (abst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:309 (1933) 30 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: GREGER GWIN Greger, Darling K. 34 Notes on a collection of Dentalinm veohexagonum S. and P. G Mag 71:236- 237 (1934) Gregory, Herbert 10. 25 Reconnaissance traverse from Alojave Ulojane, California, to Rock Creek. Utah, {abst) N Jb Band 1:257- 258 (1925) Gregory, J. W. 31 The geological history of the Pacific Ocean. Q J G Soc London 86:lxxii-cxxxvi (1930) iahst) N Jl3 1931, Ref 3:237-240 (1931) Greig, T. W. 32 Temperature of formation of the il- menite of the Engels copper deposit — a discussion. Ec G 27:25-38 (1932) Grieger, J. M. 34 San Diego County, California, gem mines not exhausted. Oregon Mineral- ogist 2, no 10:7-8, 20 (1934) Griffith, Lloyd 29 Preparedness of the oil companies for a major disaster in the Los Angeles basin. Seism Soc Am, B 19:156-161 (1929) iahst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:72 (1930) Grinnell, Joseph 32 A relic shrew from central Califor- nia. (A relic of a palustrine fauna) Cal IJniv, Pub Zool 38:389-390 (1932) Biol Absts 7:1778, entry 17633 (1933) Gross, Paul L. K. 35 (and Eckis, R.) Porosity and sort- ing of California fanglomerates. {ahst) Pan Am G 64:77 (1935) {ahst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:353 (1936) Grover, N. C. 31 (McGlashan, H. D.; Henshaw, F. F.; and Canfield, G. H.) Surface water sup- ply of the United States 1928 Part XI, Pacific Slope basins in California. U S G S, W-S P 671: IX, 304 pp (1931)... 1929, 691 :IX, 294 pp (1931)... 1930, 706:IX, 317 pp. (1932)... 1931, 721:XI, 497 pp (1932)... 1931, 721:XI, 497 pp (1932)... 1932, 736:XI, 415 pp (1933)... 1933, 751:XI, 376 pp (1935) 32 Water resources branch, California. U S G S, An Rp 1932:57 (1932) Grunsky, C. E. 31 Comments on a few dams and reser- voirs. Military Eng 23, no 128:135-139 (1931) Gudger, E. W. 33 The opah or moonflsh, Lampris Luna, on the coasts of California and Hawaii. (Attention is called to a fossil from the Lompoc beds in California.) Am Nat 65:531-540, 1 fig (1931) Biol Absts 7:1001, entry 9889 (1933) Guiberson, W. R. 34 The challenge of Coalinga. Petro- leum World An Rv 1934:173-177 (1934) Gunter, Herman 31 Fuller's earth. Min Inrt 40:608-710, California 609 (1932) Gutenberg, Bene. 31 ;Microseisms in North America. Seism Soc Am, B 21: 1-24, 4 figs (1931) (ahst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 47:231 (1932) 31a (and Richter, C. F.) On supposed discontinuities in the mantle of the earth. Seism Soc Am, B 21:216-223 (1931) 32 (Wood, H. O., and Buwalda, J. P.) Experiments testing seismographic meth- ods for determining crustal structure. (ahst) Pan Am G 58:65-66 (1932) Seism Soc Am, B 22:185-242 (1932) 32a (Richter, C. F., and Wood, H. O.) The earthquake in Santa Monica Bay, California, on August 30, 1930. Seism Soc Am. B 22:138-154, 1 fig, 2 pis (1932) (ahst) N Jb 1933, Ref 2:573-574 (1933) 32b Travel time curves at small dis- tances and wave velocities in southern California. Beltr Geoph 35 heft 1:6-45, 11 figs (1932) (abst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:229 (1932) 33 Tilting due to glacial melting. J G 41:449-467, California 464-465 (1933) 34 The propagation of the longitudinal waves produced by the Long Beach earth- quake. Gerl Beitr 41:114-120, 3 figs (1934) (ahst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:545 (1934) 35 (and Buwalda, J. P.) Seismic re- fiection profile across Los Angeles Basin. (ahst) Pan Am G 63:303 (1935) (ahst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:327 (1936) 35a (and Buwalda, J. P.) Investigation of overthrust faults by seismic methods. Science n s 81, no 2103:384-386 (1935) Gutenberg, G. 34 Das "Seismological Laboratory" in Pasadena (the seis)nological laboratory in Pasadena) Ergebnisse der Kosmischen Physik 2:123-237 Leipzig (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:198 (1935) Gwin, M. L. 30 (Jensen, J.; McDowell, G.; and Goold, W. D.) Deep sand development at Santa Fe Springs. In Petroleum Dev BIBLIOORAPTIY : OWIN HARDING 31 Gwin, M. Lj. — Cont. and Tech. Am I M lOiigr, Tr 1930 ::nn- 321 (1930) Hake, B. F. 32 Scarps of the southwestern Sierra Nevada, California, (ahst) Zs Geom 7: 53-54 (1932) Hall, C. L. 97 The gravel fields of northern Cali- fornia. M Sc Press 74:113 (1897) Hall, E. R. 30 A bassarisk and a new mustelid from the later Tertiary of California. J Mam- malogy 11:23-26, 2 figs (1930) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:66 (1932) 33 (and Stock, C.) The Asiatic genus Eomellivora in tlie Pliocene of California. J Mammalogy 14:63-65, 1 pi (1933) Biol Absts 8:834, entry 7628 (1934) 34 Rodents and lagomorphs from the Barstow Beds of southern California. Biol Absts 8:281, entry 2545 (1934) Ham mar, Harold E. 33 (and Trask, P. D.) Source beds in Mesozoic rock.s west of Sacramento River, California. (ahst) Pan Am G 59:229 (1933) 33a (and Trask, P. D.) Some rela- tions of the organic constituents of .sedi- ments to the formation of petroleum. (abst) Wash Ac Sc, J 23:568 (1933) 34 (and Trask, P. D.) Preliminary study of source beds in late Mesozoic rocks on west side of Sacramento Valley, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 18: 1346-1373 (1934) (abst) Wash Ac Sc, J 24: 491-492 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 2:688 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:154 (1936) (anil) An Bib Ec G 7:312 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:207-208 (1935) 35 (and Trask, P. D.) Organic content of sediments, (abst) Wash Ac Sc 25:508 (1935) Am Petroleum Inst, Productions, B 214 (1934) Oil Gas J 33, no 27, 28, 29: 43-46, 40-41, 36-39 (1934) Petroleum World (London) 32:19-20 (1935) Hampton, Edgar Lloyd 33 The California earthquake by engi- neer and architect. Tech Eng New 14, no 5:94-95, 104 (1933) (abst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub. Bib Seism 10:345 (1933) Hanks, Henry Garber 82 Gold nuggets. Cal St Mineralogist's Rp 2:147-150 (1882) Hanna, G. Dallas 30 Porosity of diatomite. Eng M J 130: 7-8, 7 figs (1930) I Hanna, G. Dallas — Cont. 31 Diatoms and silicoflagellates of the , Kieyenhagen shale. Cal Dp Nat Res, j Div :Minfs, Mining in California, St Min- ! eralogisfs Rp 27:187-201, 5 pis (1931) \(ohst) I'ale Zentralbl 1: 28 (1932) (abst) I G Soc Am, B 42:306 (1931) 31a illustrating fossils. J Paleontology 5:49-68, 1 pi, 2 figs (1931) 31b Geology of Sharktooth Hill, Kern County, California. (abst) G ZentraH)l 43:270-271 (1930-1931) N .lb 1933, Ref 3: 359-360 (1933) Biol Absts 5:25386 (1931) 32 The Monterey shale of California at its type locality with a summary of its fauna and flora. Biol Absts 6:2181 (1931) (abst) N .lb 1930, Ref 2:239 (1930) 32a Desniosti/lus tooth dredged in Mon- terey Bay. (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:291 (19:^2) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:159 (1934) 32b The diatoms of Sharktooth Hill. Kern County, California. Cal Ac Sc. I'r (4) 20:161-263, 17 pis (1932) 33 The name "Lillis Formation" in California geology. Am As Petroleum G. B 17:81-84 (1933) 33a (and Smith, A. G.) Two new spe- cies of Mnnailtnin from northern Califor- nia. Nautilus 46, no 3:79-86, 2 pis (193:n Biol Absts 8:243, entry 2121 (1934) 34 I.,and shells from the upper Eocene Sespe deposits, California. Wash Ac Sc, .1 24:539-541, 3 pis (1934) 34a Additional notes on diatoms from the Cretaceous of California. J Paleon- tology 8:352-355, 1 pi (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:377 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:216-217 (1935) 35 (Taff, J. A.; and Cross, C. M.) Chico Cretacic at type-locality. (abst) Pan Am G 64:72 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am. Pr 1935:348 (1936) 35a Interesting whale jaw from Kern County, (abst) Pan Am G 64:79-80 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:419 (1936) 35b (and Cushman, J. A.) Foramini- fera from the Eocene near Coalinga, Cali- fornia. Biol Absts 9:457, entry 3894 (1935) 36 A nevv land shell from the Eocene of California, J Paleontology 10, no 5:416- 417, 1 text fig (1936) 36a (and Vonson, M.) Borax Lake, California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 32:99-108. 5 text figs (1936). Harden, B. D. 35 The Spanish mine: brief history and recent metallurgy. M Metal 16:415-417 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1935:523 (1935) Harding, C. R. 31 Location and design of the Southern 32 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : IIARDIN( -HECK Harding, C. R. — Coiit. Pacific Company's Suisun Bay Bridge as affected by considei-ation of earthquakes. (ami) An Bit) Kc G 4:112 (19ol) Hardy, Cliarles 31 Barium and strontium. Min Iiid 39:64-68, California 65, 66 (1931)... 40:63- 67, California 64 (1932)... 41:53-57, Califor- nia 54 (1933)... 42:57-61, California 59 (1935) Hartmann, Miner L. 31 California's diatoms supply a wide and varied market. Chem & Met Elng 38:652-653 (1931) (aim) An Bib Ee G 4:273 (1931) Haselwood, F. W. 35 Grizzly Dome drops 75,000 yards of granite into Feather River Canyon. Cal Dp Pub Works, Cal Highways April: 4, 28 (1935) Hatai, Kotora 36 A note on the distribution of certain species of marine invertebrates. Bio- geographical Soc Japan, B 6, no 12:123- 141 (1936) Hatmaker, Paul 30 (and Davis, A. B.) Abrasive mate- rials. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1930:151-169, California 152, 161, 163, 164 (1932)... 1931:111-130, California 112, 121, 124 (1933) 31 (and Bowles, O.) Trends in the pro- duction and uses of granite as dimension stone. U S B M, Rp Invest 3065:21 pp, 11 flgs (1931) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:115 (1933) 31a (and MIddleton, J.) Fuller's earth. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1931: 73-98, California 84, 91 (1933) 31b Diatomite. U S B M, Inf Circ 6391:20 pp, California 4, 17 (1931) 32 (and Coons, A. T.) Lime. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933:629-637, California 631, 632 (1933)... 1934:861-871, California 863 (1934) 32a Pumice and pumicite. U S B M, Inf Circ 6560:1-24, California 11, 13, 14, 21, 22 (1932) Hay, Oliver P. 30 On the fossil mammalia of the first interglacial stage of the Pleistocene of the United States. Wash Ac Sc, J 20: 501-509 (1930) Hazzard, John C. 33 Notes on the Cambrian rocks of the eastern Mojave Desert, California. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 23:57-80, 1 pi, 1 fig (1933) Hazzard, Jolin C. — Cont. 36 (and Mason, J. F.) Stratigraphy and litholosy of the Middle Cambrian for- matisins of tlie Providence and Marble Mountains, San Bernardino County, Cali- fornia, (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:408- 409 (1930) (abst) Pan Am G 63:369-370 (1935) 36a (and Mason, J. F.) Middle Cam- brian formations of the Providence and Marble Mountains, California. G Soc Am, B 47:229-240, 1 fig (1936) Head, EI. R. 35 New light oil field discovery made in Montebello area. Cal Oil World 27, no 28:4 (1935) Heald, K. C. 30 Determination of geothermal gra- dients in oil fields on anticlinal struc- ture. Am Petroleum Inst, Pr 11, no 1:102- 109 (1930) (absf) Eng Index 1931:660 (1931) Heck, N. H. 29 Eartliquake investigation in the United States. U S S, Serial no 456:21 pp (1929) 30 Earthquakes — a challenge to science. Sc Mo 31:113-125, California 116-117 (1930) 31 Doing something about earthquakes. Sc Mo 32:365-367, California 366, 367 (1932) 31a Seismology and engineering. The Military Eng 1931:131-134, California 132, 134, 6 illus (1931) 31b Coming to grips with the earth- quake problem. Smiths An Rp 1931:361- 380, California 365-366, 370-371, 377, 378, 379, pis, figs, maps (1931) Franklin Inst, J 212:269-303, California 270, 278, 285, 289, 297, 299, 301, figs, maps (1931) 32 Structural hazard of earthquakes measured by new instruments. Eng News-Rec 109:288-289 (1932) 33 (and Neumann, F.) Destructive earthquake motions measured for first time. Eng News-Rec 110:804-807, 8 figs, 1 table (1933) (abst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism, 10:345 (1933) 33a Strong-motion records of Long Beacli earthquake. Eng News-Rec 110: 442-443 (1933) 35 A review of outstanding problems in strong-motion vibration work. Seism Soc Am, B 25:343-349 (1935) 35a Investigation of strong earthquake motions in California. Wash Ac Sc, J 25: 513 (1935) 35b (Wood, H. O.; and Allen, M. W.) Destructive and near-destructive earth- quakes in California and western Ne- vada, 1769-1933. U S G S, Sp Pub 191:24 PP (1934) BIBIjIOGRAPTIY : HECK IIEROLD 33 Heck, N. IL— Cont. 35c A new map of (>;ii-thi|u;ike distrilm- tion. Geog Rv 2n:lL'r.-ini, Califoniin 12S. 130, map (1935) 36 Observations nn recent in-og-ress in seismology. (abst) Pan Am G 65:157 (1936) Hedges, .T. II. 32 I'ota.'^h. USB M, Min Yb 1032- iy:i:!:763-77r), California 767 (1933)... 1934: 1031-1046, California 1036 (1934)... 1935: 1137-1164, California 1143, 1154 (1935)... 1936:1007-1021, California 1012 (1936) Heikes, V. C. 31 California'."! metal mines output. Mining Rv 33, no 1:13-14 (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931:869 a931) 32 Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in California. U S B M, Min Res Calendar Year 1929:431-470 (1932)... 1930:963-1027 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1931:869 (1931)... 1932:803 (1932) 32a (and Merrill, C. W.) Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinr in California. U S B M, Min Yb, Stat App 1932-1933:199-215 (1934) 33 Gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc in California, Nevada, .and Oregon. USB :\I, Min Yb 1932-1933:121-136, California 121-128 (1933) Heller, A. H. 31 Possible new productions in Kettle- man area. Oil B 17:434-440 (1931) (nbst) Eng Index 1931:1036 (1931) 31a Valuation of oil properties. Oil B 17:269-271, 363-365, 404 (1931) Henderson, Charles W. 32 Gold and silver. USB M, Min Yb 1932-1933:11-26, California 14, 18, 19, 21- 22 (1933)... 1934:25-52, California 40, 41. 47, 49 (1934)... 1935:27-44, California 27, 28, 30, 35-36, 40, 41 (1935) 33 The history and influencing of min- ing in the western United States. In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I .M Eng. Pub:730-784, California 733 (1933) 36 Gold and silver. USB M, Min Yb 1936:91-105, California 91, 92, 93, 95, 101, 103 (193(5) 36a (and Dunlop, .1. P.) Gold and sil- ver. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:91-105, Cali- fornia 92, 93, 95, 101, 103, (1936) Hendy, X. Ingram 33 A preliminary note on the distribu- tion of marine diatoms during the Ter- tiary period. J Botany 71:111-118, 1 fig (1933) Henny, Gerard 30 McLure shale of the Coalinga region. Henny, Gerard — Cont. Fresno and Kings Counties, California. Am As Petroleum G, H 14, no 4:403 (1930) 31 Presence of the McLure shale on west side of the San Joaquin Valley. (ami) An Bilt Ec G 4:100 (1931) G Zen- tralbl, Abt A 48:427 (1933) Petroleum World 1930 (August) :97-99, 117 (1930) Henshaw, V. F. 31 (Grover, N. C; McGlashan, H. D.; and Canfield, G. H.) Surface water sup- ply of the United States, 1928 Part XI Pacific Slope basins in California. U S G S, W-S P 671:IX, 304 pp (1931)... 1929, 691 :1X. 294 pp (1931)... 1930, 706 IX, 317 pp (1932)... 1931, 721:XI, 427 pp (1932)... 932, 736 :XI, 415 pp (1933) Herlihy, K. V. 32 (and Middleton, .1.) Clay. U S 1! M. Min Res, Calendar Year 1930:171-180, California 174, 176, 178 (1932) 33 (and Kiessling, O. E. ) Clay. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1931:237- 242, California 239 (1933) 33a (and Kudlich, R. H.) Clay. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933:639-645, Califor- nia 641 (1933) Herold, C. Lathrop 34 Fossil markings in the Carmelo Se- ries. (Upper Cretaceous) Point Lobos. California. J G 42:630-640 (1934) (abst) Uv Geol et Sci conn 16:79-80 (1936) 35 Geology of Salinas quadrangle. (abst) Pan Am G 63:315-316 (1935) (ahst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:337 (1936) 36 Distribution of Eocene rocks in Santa Lucia Mountains California. Am As Petroleum G, P. 20:491-494 (1936) Herold, Stanley C. 30 Problem of drainage at Kettleman Hills. Oil Gas J 28,' no 45:40, 146-147 (1930) Oil Weekly 57, no 2:32-38 (1930) 31 On and off the dome at Kettleman Hills, California. Oil Weekly 61, no 3:36, 38, 42, 65, 4 figs (1931) Oil Gas J 29:100, I (55, 166, 169, 4 figs (1931) Oil B 17, no 3:188-191, 238 (1931) (aim) An Bib Ec G 4:100 (1931) (abst) Inst Pet Tech, J 17: 344A (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931:1036 (1931) 33 How much will an oil field produce? Petroleum World 1933 (.lune) :23-27 (1933) 34 Geology and technology go forward. Petroleum AVorld 1934:32-44 (1934) 35 (and Hoots, H. W.) Natural gas resources of California, geology of natu- ral gas. Am As Petroleum G 1935:113-220, 36 figs (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Set conn 16, fasc 10:579-580 (1936) 34 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : HERRINC -HIGHT Herring, C. T. 36 (Davis, II. W.: and Kiessling, (). E.) Iron ore, pig' iron, ferro-alloys and .steel. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:365-394, California 375 (1936) Hershey, O. H. 05 The Quaternary of southern Califor- nia, (absl) X Jb 1905, Band 145-146 (1905) Hertel, F. W. 30 Ventura Avenue oil field, Ventura County, California. (abst) N Jb 1930, Ref 2:241 (1930) 31 (and Jensen, J.) Development in a part of the Ventura Avenue oil field. In Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 1931:149-156 (1931) Oil Weekly 59, no 6:34-43 (1930) Hertlein, Leo George 31 Preliminary report on the paleon- tology of the Channel Islands, California. (abst) G Zentralbl 43:269-270 (1930- 1931) Biol Absts 5:950, entry 9481 (1931) 31a Changes of nomenclature of some recent and fossil Peetinidae from Japan, Porto Rico, South America, New Zealand, and California. J Paleontology 5:367-3(;9 (1931) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 3:425 (1933) 33 Additions to the Pliocene fauna of Turtle Bay, Lower California, with a note on the Miocene diatomite. J Pa- leontology 7:439-441 (1933) Biol Absts 9:1616, entry 14669 (1935) 33a A new Gryphaeoid oyster from the Eocene of California. San Diego Soc N H, Tr 7:277-280 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:1255 (1933) Pale Zentralbl 5: 141 (1934) 33b Some of the common rocks of the San Francisco Bay region. The Aqua- rium J 6:106-107 (1933) 34 New oysters and a new pecten from the Tertiary of California. S Cal Ac Se, B 33:1-6, pi 1-2 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:244 (1934) 34a Three new specific names for west American fossil moUusca. Biol Absts 8:2365, entry 21109 (1934) 34b A new Pecten from the San Diego Pliocene, (abst) G Zentralbl 5:139 (1934) Hess, C. J. 34 Another record of the fossil vole Mimmomys primus (Wilson) from Cali- fornia. J Mammalogy 15:246 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:617 (1935) Hess, Frank L. 33 Tungsten. U S B M, Min Res, Cal- endar Year 1930:179-207, Cahfornia 179, 182 (1933)... 1931:43-50, Cahfornia 43, 44 Hess, I'raiik L. — Cont. (1934)... Ui3J-1933:Min Yb:271-279, Califor- nia 275 (1933)... 1934:435-444, California 339-340 (1934)... 1935:491-498, California 494 (1935) 33a The pegmatites of the western states. Ain I jM Eng, Lindgren Volume: 526-536 (1933) 34 Molybdenum. U S B M, Min Yb 1934:417-434, California 426-427 (1934) Hester, James 31 (Byerly, P., Marshall, K.) The nat- j ural periods of vibration of some tall buildings in San Francisco. Seism Soc Am, B 21:268-276, 3 figs (1931) (abst) Can- ada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:228 (1932) Hewett, D. F. 33 Sedimentary manganese deposits. In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I M Eng:488-491, California 490 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:722 (1934) 33a (and Pardee, J. T.) Manganese in western hydrothermal ore deposits. In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Lindgren Volume :671-682, California 671, 672, 680 (1933) 36 (and others) Mineral resources of the region around Boulder Dam. U S G S, B 871:197 pp (1936) Hicks, N. H. 29 (and Bodle, R. R.) United States earthquakes. U S, Coast S 1928 Serial 483:31 pp, 5 figs (1930)... 1929 Serial 511: 61 pp, California 11-15, 1 fig (1931)... 1930 Serial 539:25 pp, California 3-14, 2 figs (1932)... 1931 Serial 553:26 pp, California 14-20 (1932)... 1932 Serial 563:21 pp, Cali- fornia 6-15 (1934) Hidden, W. E. 91 Mineralogical notes. 41:438 (1891) Am J Sc (3) Hight, William 33 Graphic history, development and production of California oil fields. Cal Oil World 25, no 29:8-9 #1 Inglewood field... 25, no 31:8, 10 $2 Rosecrans field... 25, no 33:8, 10 $3 Torrance field... 25, no 35:12, 16 jf4 Playa del Rey field... 25, no: 37:8, 10 ti Mount Poso field... 25, no 39:8 S6 Seal Beach field... 25, no 41:8 il Alamitos Heights field... 25, no 43:8, 15 i8 Elk Hills field... 25, no 45:8 59 Richfield field... 25, no 47:8 $10 Monte- hello field... 25, no 49:8 fill Kern Front field... 25, no 51:8-9 #12 Elwood field... 26, no -1:8, 12 S13 Kettleman Hills field... 26, no 3:8, 9 814 Ventura field... 26, no 5:8. 10 S15 Dominguez field... 26, no 7:8-9 516 Long Beach field (1933) RIBTJOORAI'lTV : HILL HOFFMAN' 35 Hill, H. R. 34 Notes on bentonite. Pacific Mineral- ogist. 1. no 1:12-13 (1934) Hill, Mason Lowell 31 Structure of the San GaVtriel Moun- tains north of Los Angeles, California. (abst) G Zentralbl 45:495-596 (1931) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:577-579 (1933) 32 Mechanics of faulting near Santa Barbara. J G 40:535-556, 9 figs (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:149-150 (1932) Cabst) Pan Am G 57:72 (1932) (abst) Rv Geo! et Sci conn 13:557-558 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1932:612 (1932) 33 Diagnostic phenomena for direction of fault-slip as illustrated in Kettleman Hills. (abst) Pan Am G 59:319 (1933) i (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:317 (1934) 34 Origin of faulting in Kettleman Hills. (abst) Pan Am G 61:317-318 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:322, 323 (1935) Hill, R. A. 32 New emergency water supply for Santa Barbara. Western City 7, no 2:9- 13 (1932) Hillis, Donnil 33 Cracks produced by Ijong Beach California earthquake. Am As Petroleum G, B 17:739-740 (1933) Hinderlider, M. C. 31 (with Savage, J. L.: Berkey, C. P.; Louderback, G. D.; and Williams, I. A.) Report of consulting board on safety of the proposed Pine Canyon dam, Los Angeles County. Cal Dp Pub "Works, Div Water Resources May 1931:22 pp, 8 pis, 1 map (1931) Hinds, Norman E. A. 31 Most ancient formation in the Klam- ath Mountains, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42: 292-293 (1931) 32 Paleozoic eruptive rocks of the south- ern Klamath Mountains, California. Cal Univ Dp G Sc, B 20:375-410, 2 figs, 2 pis (1932) (abst) Zs Vulkan 15:145 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1932:613 (1932) 32a Diastrophic epochs in the southern Klamath Mountains, California. (abst) Pan Am G 57:153-154 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:273-274 (1932) 33 Geologic formations of the Redding- Weaverville districts, northern Califor- nia. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, .7, St Mineralogist's Rp 29:77-122 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 6:222 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:315 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1934:516 (1934) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 53:330 (1934) Hinds, Norman E. A. — Cunl. 34 Late Cenozoic history of southern Klamath Mountains, (abst) Pan Am G 61:315-316 (1934) 34a Geology of the Weaverville district, northern California. (abst) Pan Am G 61:312 (1934) 34b The Jurassic age of the last grani- toid intrusives in the Klamath Mountains and Sierra Nevada, California. Am J Sc 27:287-294 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7:20 (1935) (abst) Zs Vulkan 16:78 (1934) 35 Mesozoic and Cenozoic eruptive rocks of the southern Klamath Mountains, Cali- fornia. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 23:313-380, 16 figs, 1 map (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:255 (1936) Hinton, Martin A. C. 32 Note on "Cosomys" Wilson, from the Pliocene of California. J Mamalogy 13:280-281 (1932) Hirschkind, W. 31 Alkaline lake brines supply western soda producers. Chem Met Eng 38:657- 659 (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931:214 (1931) Hobson, Henry D. 32 The stratigraphic significance of for- aminifera from the type San Lorenzo formation, California. Stanford Univ, Micropaleontology, B 3:30-40 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 58:148 (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:217 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:148 (1934) 35 (and Cushman, J. A.) A foramini- feral faunule from the type San Lorenzo formation, Santa Cruz County, Califor- nia. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 11:65-73, pis, figs (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:606 (1935) Hodge, Edwin T. 29 Earthquake insurance risks of the Pacific Coast. 55th Annual Meeting Fire I Underwriters Association of the Pacific ! Coast, February 1929 (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 11:415-416 (1930) Hodges, F. C. 32 (and Johnson, A. M.) Subsurface storage of oil and gas in the Brea- Olinda and Lompoc fields. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, Cal Oil Fields 17, no 4:5-12 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:73-74 (1934) Hoffman, Thelma 35 Natural gas and natural gasoline. Petroleum World (London) 32:156-157 (1935) 4 — 514 41 36 GEOLOGY OP CALIFORNIA: IIOLLICK — HOPKINS Hollick, Arthur 32 Descriptions of new species of Ter- tiary cycads, with a review of those previously recorded. Torrey Rot (Muh B 59; no 4:16!>-1S9, California 172. 14 pis (1932) Biol Absts 7:180, entry 1803 (1933) Hollister, J. S. 35 (and Reed, R. D.) Paleogeology of southern California, {ahst) Am As Pe- troleum G, B 19:1841 (1935) (foni) An Bib Ec G 8:358 (1936) 35a (and Reed, R. D.) Geology of the 'Pransxerse Ranges, (.abst) Am As Pe- troleum G, B 19:136 (1935) 36 (Reed, F. D.; and Ashauer, H.) Sed- imentation und faltung im sudlichen Kalifornien. Stille-Festschrift 1936:232- 233 (1936) 36a (and Reed, R. D.) Structural evo- lution of southern California. Am As Petroleum G, B 20:1529-1692, 57 figs, 9 pis. 6 tables, map (1936) Holmes, ArtJiur 35 ^Yhen will Lassen Peak again erupt? Sc Mo 40:21-33 (1935) Holway, Ruliff S. 06 Eclogites in California, (ahst) X Jb 106 Band 2:218 (1906) 16 Preliminary report on the recent vol- canic activity of Lassen Peak. (abst) Zs Vulkan 2:243-246 (1915-1916) Hoots, Harold W. 30 Oil shale in a producing oil field in California, (abst) N Jb 1930, Ref 2:239- 240 (1930) 31 Geology and oil resources along the southern border of the San Joaquin Val- ley, (abst) G Zentralbl 43:374-375 (1930- 1931) X Jb 1931, Ref 2:541-542 (1931) iabst) Eng Index 1930:1300 (1930) Zs Prak G 39:62-63 (1931) (abst) Zs Geom 7:61-62 (1932) 31a Geology of eastern part of the Santa Monica Mountains, California. U S G S, P P 165:83-134 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:100 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, 47:187-188 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1931:1036 (1931) 32 Excursion in Los Angeles basin and Santa Monica Mountains. Int G Cong, Guide Book 15:43-48 (1932) 32a General geology of the eastern part of the Santa Monica Mountains. Int G Cong, Guide Book 15:40-43 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1936, Ref 3:60-61 (1936) 32b General geology of the Los Angeles basin. Int G Cong, Guide Book 15:23-26 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1936, Ref 3:57-58 (1936) 32c Oil development in the Los An- geles basin. Int G Cong, Guide Book 15: Hoots, Harold W. — Cont. 26-30 (1932) (abst) X Jb 1936, Ref 3:58- 59 (1936) 35 (Blount, A. T..: and Jones, P. H.) Marine oil shale, source of oil in Playa del Rey field, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 19:172-206 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:142 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:209 (1935) 35a (and Herold, S. C.) Natural gas resources of California. Geology of nat- ural gas. Am As Petroleum G 1935:113- 220, 36 figs (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16, fasc 10:579-580 (1936) 36 IMigration of oil in California. Am As Petroleum G, B 20:613-615 (1936) 36a Recent discoveries and present oil supply in California. Am As Petroleum C, B 20:939-950, 4 figs (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16, fasc 10:578 (1936) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 58:146 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:578 (1936) Hoover, J. ^Y. 32 Geographic littoral of northern Cali- :ornia. (abst) G Sec Am, B 43:246 (1932) Hopkins, G. R. 31 rand Backus, H.) Xatural gas. U S r; M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:319- .;40, California 319, 320, 322, 324, 325, 326. ;!27, 328, 330, 331, 332, 334, 336, 337, 339, :M0 (1932)... 1930:457-481, California 459, 461, 462, 465, 466, 468, 471, 472, 475, 477, 478, 480, 481 (1932)... 1931:349-372, Califor- nia 351, 352, 358, 360, 363, 366, 369, 372 (1933)... 1932-1933 Min Yb, Stat App:103- 116, California 104, 105, 107, 108, 112, 115 (1934)... 31-45, California 32, 33, 36, 39, 42, 14 (1935) 31a (and Seeley, E. M.) Natural gaso- line plants in the United States, January 1, 1932. USB M, Inf Circ 6635:28 pp. California 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (1932) 31b (and Cochrane, E. W.) Petroleum tefineries in the United States January 1, 1931. USB M, Inf Circ 6485:1-21, Cali- fornia 5, 6, 7-9 (1931)... January 1, 1932. U S B M, Inf Circ 6641:1-21, California 3, 4, 6-9 (1932)... January 1, 1933, USB M, Inf Circ 6728:1-28 (1933)... January 1, 1934. U S B M, Inf Circ 6807:1-30 (1934) 32 (and Seeley, E. M.) X'atural gaso- line. U S B M, Min Yb, Stat App 1932- 1933:55-65, California 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65 (1934) 32a (and Coons, A. B.) Crude petro- leum and petroleum products. U S B M, :\Iin Yb, Stat App 1932-1933:299-372, Cali- fornia 299, 300, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 309, 311, 327, 328, 330, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339-340, 341, 342, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 353. 354, 359, 360, 361, BIBLIOGRAPHY : HOPKINS HOWARD 37 Hopkins, G. R.— Cont. 362. 363, 364, 365, 368, 369, 371, 372 (1934) 32b Crude petroleum and petroleum products. U S B M. Min Yb 1932-1933: 459-495, California 4fi|, 466, 467, 470, 471- 473, 486, 487, 488, 489, 490-493, 494, 495 (1933)... 1934:653-690, California 662, 663, 666, 667, 668-669, 682, 685, 687, 690 (1934) 32c (and Seeley, E. M.) Natural gaso- line. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:299-318, California 299, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 311, 312, 313, 314, 317, 318 (1932)... 1930:433-456, California 435, 436, 437, 438. 439, 440, 443. 444. 445, 446, 447, 449, 450, 451, 453, 455, 456 (1932)... 1931:331-347, California 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342. 343. 344, 347 (1933) 32d (and Coons, A. B.) Crude petro- leum and petroleum products. U S B M Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:421-521, California 421. 423. 424. 427. 428, 430. 431. 432, 434, 435, 437, 439-444, 476, 477, 478, 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 486. 487. 488, 490, 500-503, 504, 505, 507, 514, 516. 517, 518, 521 (1932)... 1930:775-876, California 775, 777, 778, 779, 781, 782, 784, 785. 786, 788-789. 790. 792-796, 829. 830, 832, 833- 834, 835. 836, 837, 838, 840, 841, 856-859, 860. 861. 862, 863, 868. 869. 871, 872, 873 874, 875 (1932)... 1931: 553-675. California 553, 554, 559, 560, 562, 564, 566, 567, 568, 570- 571, 594. 595, 596, 598, 599, 601, 604, 606, 607, 608, 610. 612, 613, 614. 617, 619, 620, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627. 629, 632, 633, 635. 636, 637, 638, 639, 640. 642, 643, 645, 647. 648, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661. 662. 665, 666, 668, 671. 672. 673, 674, 675 (1933)... M in Yb, (Stat App) " L932- 1933 :299- 372, California 299, 300, 303, 304, 305, 306, 309. 311, 326, 327, 328, 329. 330, 331, 332. 333. 334, 335, 336, 337, 338. 339, 340, 341. 342. 345, 346, 347, 348. 349. 350. 351, 353, 354, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 368, 369, 371, 2 72 (1934). .. 1934:199 -281, Californ a 199, 200 , 201 , 203 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 213. 215, 230, 231, 232, 333, 234, 235. 236, 237, 238. 240, 242, 244, 245. 246, 247, 248. 250, 252, 253. 254, 255, 256, 257. 258 259. 260, 262, 263, 268, 269, 270, 271. 272. 273, 274. 276. 277, 278 279 280 (1935) 35 Crude petroleum and petroleum prod- ucts. U S B M, Min Yb 1935:725-758, California 733, 734, 736, 738, 740, 741. 751, 753, 755, 758 (1935) 36 (White, A. G.; and Breakey, H. A.) Crude petroleum and petroleum products. USB M, Min Yb 1936:667-723, California 668, 674, 678, 681, 686, 687. 691. 693, 695, 711, 713 (1936) 36a (and Lott, P. S.) Natural gas. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:725-748, California 726, 728-729 (1936) Hopkins, G. R. — Cont. 36b Natural gasoline. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:749-759, California 750, 751, 753, 754, 755 (1936) Horner, A. C. 33 (and Walles, C. D. Jr.) Earthquake damage analysed by Long Beach officials. Eng News-Rec 110:684-686 (1933) {ahst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:334 (1933) iahst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:175- 176 (1933-1934) Horner, R. R. 18 Notes on the black sand deposits of southern Oregon and northern California. U S B M, Tech P 196:5-39 (1918) Horton, F. W. 34 (and Gaylord, H. M.) Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in California. U S B M, Min Yb 1934:149-158 (1934)... 1935:147-195 (1935) Hoskins, E. E. 36 (and Byerly, P.) Earthquakes in northern California and the registration of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mount Ham- ilton, Palo Alto, San Francisco. Ferndale from January 1. 1936, to March 31, 1936. Cal Univ. Seism Sta, B 6:1-37 (1936)... April 1, 1936 to June 30, 1936, B 6:38-85 (1936) Hough, F. W. 34 Geodetic engineering applied to Colo- rado river aqueduct. Military Eng 26, no 146:124-129 (1934) (abst) Eng Index 1934: 515 (1934) Howard, Arthur D. 32 Microcrystals of barite from Bar- stow, California. Am Mineralogist 17: 120-121 (1932) (a?ni) An Bib Ec G 5:33 (1932) Chem Absts 26:4775 (1932) Howard, Hildegard 31 Pliocene bird remains from Santa Barbara, California. Condor 33:30-31 (1931) (aftsO Pale Zentralbl 1:68 (1932) 32 Eagles and eaglelike vultures of the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea (Califor- nia). Carnegie Inst, Wash, Contr Pale- ontology, Pub 429:82 pp, 3 figs, 29 pis (1932) iahst) Pale Zentralbl 4:114-115 (1934) 32a A new species of cormorant from Pliocene deposits near Santa Barbara, California. Condor 34:118-120, 4 figs (1932) 33 A new species of owl from the Pleis- tocene of Rancho La Brea, California. Condor 35:66-69, 1 fig (1933) (ahst) Pale Zentralbl 5:169 (1934) 38 GEOLOGY OF CALTPORNIA : HOWARD HUTTL Howard, r. .1. I Hiiguenin, E. 32 (Crown, W. .1.; and Pierce, G. G.) 30 Operations in district No. 1, 1929. Developments in the Long Beach oil field. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, Cali- Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, Cali- fornia Oil Fields 15, no 3:29-43 (1930)... fornia Oil Fields 18, no 2:5-26 (1932) (onn) An Bih Ec G 7:100 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:625 (1934) Howe, Marshall A. 33 Eocene marine algae (Lithotham- nieae) from the Sierra Blanca limestone, Santa Barbara County, California, (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933:87 (1934) G Soc Am, B 45:507-518 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15: 522 (1935) Hubbard, J. D. 17 Drift mining in California. Eng M J 104:863-866 (1917) Hubbard, Prevost 31 Asphalt. Min Ind 39:56-63, Califor- nia 57 (1931)... 40:57-62, California 58 (1932)... 41:46-52, Cahfornia 47 (1933)... 42:50-56, California 51 (1934)... 43:52-58, California 52 (1935) Huber, Ernst 34 Anatomical notes on Pinnipedia and Cetacea. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Pub 447: 105-136, California 107-112 (1934) 1930, 16, no 3:25-34 (1931)... 1931, 17, no :'.:17-24 (1932)... 1932, IS, no 3:17-24 (1933)... 19:«, 20, no 3:17-24 (1934) Hulin, Carlton D. 31 A Mother-Lode gold ore. (abst) Eng Index 1930:847 (1930) Zs Prak G 39: JS (1931) Chem Absts 25:1464 (1931) 31a Subsequent faulting in the Great r.asin. (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:307 (1931) X Jb 1931, Ref 2:446-447 (1931) G Zen- tralbl 43:407 (1930-1931) 33 Geological relations of ore deposits in California. In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Lindgren Volume:240-253 (1933) 35 Geologic features of the dry placers of the northern Mojave desert. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines M G, J, St Mineral- ogist's Rp 30:417-426 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ke G 8:55 (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt .A.. Bd 57:155 (1936) Hunziker, A. A. 35 (and Shrock, R. R.) A study of .vome Great Basin lake sediments of Cali- fi)rnia, Nevada, and Oregon. J Sed Pe- trology 5:9-30 (1935) Huber, W^alter L. Hurlbut, C. S., Jr. 30 San Francisco earthquakes of 1865 35 Dark inclusions in tonalite from and 1868. Seism Soc Am, B 20:261-272 .'outhern California. Am Mineralogist 20: (1930) 1 609-630, 9 figs (1935) (abst) 20:205 (1935) Hughes, H Herbert 31 Iceland spar and optical fluorite. USB M, Inf Circ 6468:1-18, California 11 (1931) 32 (and Allan, M.) Sand and gravel. USB M, Min Tb, Stat App 1932-1933: 289-297, California 293, 294 (1934)... 1935: 939-948, California 942 (1935) 32a Soapstone. U S B M, Inf Circ 6563: 18 pp (1932) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:154 (1933) 32b (and Bagley, B. W.) Cement. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933: 565-575, Cali- fornia 571 (1933)... 1934:775-797, California 782 (1934) 32c (and MIddleton, J.) Feldspar. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1930: 137-149, California 143, 145-146 (1932)... 1931: 179-190, California 184, 186-187 (1933) 35 (Bagley, B. W., and Shuey, E. T.) Cement. U S B M, Min Yb 1935:883-909, California 887, 898, 901, 904 (1935) 36 (and Cornthwaite, M. A.) Sand and gravel. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:841-848. California 844 (1936) Hutcheson, Robert B. 31 Micropaleontology: an important de- velopment in geological science. Oil B 17:119-121 (1931) Hutchinson, A. 12 On the identity of neocolemanite v.ith colemanite. Miner Mag 16:239-246 (1912) HuttI, J. B. 33 Short trip to Mother Lode. Eng M J 134:521-522 (1933) (Abst) Eng Index 1933: 722 (1933) 34 From the Siskiyous to the South. .Mines of the Mother-Lode. Eng M J 135: .-)fi6-510 (1934) 34a Rock asphalt. Eng M J 135:116-117, 259 (1934) (abst) Eng Index 1934:56 (1934) 35 Natomas' newest dredge. Eng M J 136:270-272 (1935) (ami) An Bib Ec G 8:56 (1935) 35a Montezuma-Apex — newest Mother Lode producer. Eng M J 136:173-174 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:56 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1935:523 (1935) BIBLIOGKArHY : IIUTTL — ^JEXKINS 39 HuttI, J. B.— Cont. 35b Gold placer mining revived at Lin- coln. En^ M J 136:440-443 (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Band 57:415 (1936) 35c Activity spurred in camps of south- ern California. Eng M J 136:343-347 (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Band 57:416 (1936) 35d Grass Valley gold mines hold their place. Eng M J 136:617-618 (1935) (.ami) An Bib Ec G 8:290 (1936) 35e Bib Canyon's surface plant an in- stance of modern efficient design. Eng M J 136:216-210 (193.=;) (abst) Eng Index 1935:523 (1935) Hyatt, Edward 32 Records of ground-%Yater levels at wells for the year 1934, and precipitation records for the season 1933-1934. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 39- 0:148 pp (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:162 (1936) Ickes, E. L. 36 Estimation of probable value of wild- cat land. Am As Petroleum G, B 20: 1005-1018, California 1006, 1007 (1936) Irving, John 32 (Vonsen, M. and Gonyer, F. A.) Pumpelljite from California. Am Min- eralogist 17:338-342 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:84 (1933) Min Absts 5:233 (1933) Chera Absts 26:4773 (1932) Jackson, Charles F. 32 (and Knaebel, J. B.) Small-scale placer mining methods. U S B M, Inf Circ 6611:17 pp, 25 figs (1932) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:156 (1933) 32a (and Meyer, H. M.) Mercury. U S B M, Min Res, Min Yb 1932-1933:225- 241, California 229, 230, 231-233 (1933)... 1934:385-397, California 390-391 (1934) 32b (and Knaebel, J. B.) Gold mining and milling in the United States and Canada. U S B M, B 363:1-143 (1932) Jaeger, E. C. 33 California deserts. Stanford Univ Press (1933) (Heview) Geog J 84:267-268 (1934) Jaggar, T. A. 26 (and Finch, R. H.) Tilting and level changes at Pacific volcanoes. Third Pan- Pacific Sc Cong, Tokyo, Pr 1:672-686 (1926) (abst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub. Bib Seism 10:42 (1929) 26a "Volcanic relations of great Pacific earthquakes. (abst) Third Pan-Pacific Sc Cong Tokyo, Pr 1:370 (1926) Jaggar, T. A. — Cont. 30 The Lassen myth. The Volcano Let- ter, no 266:3 January 30 (1930) 31 Hot volcanism of northwest United States and Canada. Volcano Letter, no 334: May 21 (1931) 31a Volcanic waters of Napa County, California. The Volcano Letter, no 340: July 2 (1931) Jakosky, J. J. 31 Uses of geophysics in gold mining. M J Ariz 15, no 6: 5-7, 37 (1931) 32 (and Wilson, C. H.) Use of geo- physics in placer mining. M J Ariz 16, no 14:3-4, 29 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:416 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1932: 617 (1932) G Zentralbl 51:485-486 (1934) 34 (and Wilson, C. H.) Geophysical studies in placer and water-supply prob- lems. Am I M Eng, Tech Pub 515:18 pp, pis (1934) Eng M J 135:71-74 (1934) (abst) Eng Index 1934:519 (1934) 36 (and Wilson, C. H.) Electrical map- ping of oil structures. M Metal 17:231- 237 (1936) Jamison, C. E. 10 Santa Clara River placers. M Sc Press 100:360-361 (1910) Jay, Michael 31 Signal Hill's tenth birthday. Oil B 17:528-529 (1931) Jeffery, J. A. 31 (with Woodhouse, C. D.) Note on a deposit of andalusite in ;Mono Co., Cal: its occurrence and teclinical importance. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:459- 464 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:271 (1931) 32 (with Woodhouse, C. D.) Mining andalusite in Mono County, California. M J Ariz 15, no 16:5-6, 43-44 (1932) Jenkins, Olaf P. 30 Geological survey of California under way. (abst) Eng Index 1930:822 (1930) 30a Geologic Branch. Progress report. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 26:330- 333, 1 fig (1930)... 26:473-474 (1931)... 27: 402-403, 492-493 (1931)... 28:109 (1932)... 29:492-493 (1932) 30b Geologic Branch. Geological and economic mineral survey. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California. St Mineralogist's Rp 26:138-144 (1930) 31 California geological survey. M J Ariz 14, no 21:4 (1931) 31a Stratigraphic significance of the Kreyenhagen shale of California. Cal Dp 40 GEOLOGY OP CALIFORNIA: JENKINS JOHNSON Jenkins, Olaf P. — Cont. Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining: in Califor- nia, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:141-186, 10 figs, 1 pi (1931) (abst) G Soc Am, B 42: 303-304 (1.931) (abst) G Zentralbl 46:195- 106 (1932) (abst) Kng Inrlex 1931:1036 (1931) 31b Sandstone dikes as conduits for oil migrration through shales. (abst) Eng Index 1930:1300 (1930) Zs Prak G 39:29 (1931) 31c Geologic Branch. Record of prog- ress by federal departments. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:67-73, 1 fig (1931) 31 d Geologic Branch. Publication of papers on the geology of California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in Cali- fornia, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:140 (1931) 32 Compilation of the geologry of the Mount Shasta quadrangle, California. (abst) Pan Am G 55:361 (1931) (aim) An Bib Ec G 5:238 (1932) 32a Report accompanying geologic map of northern Sierra Nevada. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 28:279-298 (1932) (aim) An Bib Ec G 6:9 (1934) 32b Geologic Branch. Contributions to the study of sediments. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Min- eralogist's Rp 29:12-13 (1932)" 32c Geologic Branch. Current notes. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 28:278 (1923)... 29:74-75, 340 (1933)... 30:3-4, 117, 328-329, 1 fig (1934)... 31:50, 112, 339, 486 (1935) 33 Use of geology in seeking gold. M J. Ariz 17, no 2:3-4 (1933) 33a The San Francisco peninsula. Int G Cong, Guide Book 16:Exc C-13-18 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1936, Ref 3:65-66 (1S36) 33b (and others) ;Middle California and western Nevada. Int G Cong, Guide Book 16, Exc C-1 116 pp. 19 figs (incl geol map) 18 pis (1933) (abst) G Zentralbl Abt A, Bd 53:240 (1934) 34 Resurrection of early surfaces in the Sierra Nevada. Cal Dp Nat Res. Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 30: 5-6 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:335 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7:243 (1934) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 55:457 (1935) 34a (and Wright, W. Q.) California's gold-bearing Tertiary channels. Eng M J 135:497-502 (1934) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A. Bd 55:457 (1935) 35 New technique applicable to the study of placei-s. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines. M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 31: 143-211 (1935) Jenkins, Olaf P. — Cont. 35a Progress of the geologic map of California. Am As Petroleum G, B 19: 135 (1935) (abst) Pan Am G 63:314-315 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:337 (1936) 35b Preliminary legend of rock forma- tion units used on the new geologic map of California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J St Mineralogist's Rp 31: 113-114 (1935) Jenny, W. P. 32 ^Magnetic vector study of regional and local geologic structure in principal oil states. Am As Petroleum G, B 16: 1177-1203, 10 figs (1932) 34 Structural trends on the gulf coast. Oil Weekly 74:33-40, California 40, figs (1934) Jensen, Joseph 30 (McDowell, C: Goold, W. D.; and Gwin, M. L.) Deep sand development at Santa Fe Springs. In Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 1930:310-321 (1930) 30a (and Stevens, J. B.) ^Vater inva- sion, McKittrick oil field. M Metal 11: j 470-471 (1930) I 30b Unit operation in California. In Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, j Tr 1930:69-79 (1930) I 31 L'^nit operation in California, with ' discussion of Kettleman North Dome As- sociation. 7»i Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I il Eng. Tr 1931:80-91 (1931) 31a (and Hertel, F. W.) Development in a part of the Ventura Avenue oil field. /)) Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 1931:149-156 (1931) Oil Weekly 59, no 6:34-43 (1930) M Metal 11: 47r.-47S (1930) 31b (and Stevens, J. B.) "U^ater prob- lems of McKittrick oil field. In Petro- leum Dev and Tech. Am I ^I Eng, Tr 92:164-167 (1931) 32 Oil curtailment in California. M Met 13:521-522 (1932) 33 Kettleman Hills Middle Dome unit plan. /)( Petroleum Dev and Tech. Am 1 M Eng, Tr 1933:160-167 (1933) 34 California oil field waters. In Prob- lems of petroleum geology, Sidney Powers Memorial Volume. Am As Petroleum G, Pub:953-985 (1934) Johnson, A. M. 32 (and Hodges, F. C.) Subsurface storage of oil and gas in the Brea- Olinda and Lompoc fields. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, Cal Oil Fields 17. no 4:5-12 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:73-74 (1934) BIBLIOGRAPHY : JOHNSON — JULIHN 41 Johnson, Bertrand L. 36 (and Cornthwaite, M. A.) Barite and barium products. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:997-1006. California 998, 999 (1936) 36a (and Davis, A. E.) Abrasive mate- rials. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:877-894, California 878. 880, 883 (1936) Johnson, C. H. 34 (aiul Gardner, E. D.) Placer mining in tlie western United States. U S B M, Inf Circ 6786:1-74... 6787:1-89... 6788:1-81 (1934) Johnson, Floyd L. 34 (and Barbat, W. F.) Stratigraphy and foraminifera of the Reef Ridge shale, Upper Miocene, California. J Paleontol- ogy 8, no 1:3-17, 1 pi (1934) (ahst) Pan Am G 59:239 (1933) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:624 (1934) Biol Absts 9:1396, entry 12523 (1935) Johnson, Fred "W. 35 (and Gardner, E. D.) Prospecting for lode gold and locating claims of the public domain. U S B M, Inf Circ 6843: 1-18, California 2, 6, 11, 14, 16-18 (1935) Johnston, J. H. 35 Geologist contends Nevada Lakes caused by gigantic gas blow out: oil possibilities at Nevada Lakes. Cal Oil World 27, no 24:8-9 (1935) Johnston, William D., Jr. 32 Geothermal gradient at Grass Val- ley, California. Wash Ac Sc, J 22:267-271, 1 fig (1932) (absO G Zentralbl Abt A, 48:22 (1932) 32a Geothermal gradient of the Mother Lode belt, California: a reply. Wash Ac Sc, J 22:390-393 (1932) (abst) G Zen- tralbl, Abt A 48:228 (1932) 32b Structure of the Grass Valley bath- olith, California, (abst) Wash Ac Sc, J 22:317-318 (1932) 33 Grass Valley district. In Ore de- posits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Lindgren Volume: 580 (1933) 33a Copper in Trinity County, Califor- nia. XrV Int G Cong, Wash, Copper re- sources of the world, 1933:251 (1933) 34 (and Cloos, E.) Structural history of the fracture systems of Grass Valley, California. Ec G 29:39-63 (1934) (amO An Bib Ec G 7:41 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:180 (1934) G Soc Am, B 44:88 (1933) (abst) G Zentralbl Abt A 48:186-188 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:523-524 (1934)... 1935, Ref 2:156 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1934:533 (1934) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 53:348-349 (1936) Johnston, William D., Jr. — Cont. 36 Nodular, orbicular, and banded chro- mite in northern California. Ec G 31:417- 427 (1936) Joleaud, M. L. 31 Les recents progrfis de nos connais- sances sur I'histoire du Pacifique aux temps tcrtiatres et la thSorie de Wegener. Ac Sc Paris, C R 192:628-629 (1931) Jomercq, J. Junr 35 (Mejea, J.; and Uren, L. C.) Large diameter wells are indicated. Petroleum World (London) 32:260-262 (1935) Jones, Austin E. 27 (and Byerly, P.) Registration of earthquakes at the Berkeley Station and at the Lick Observatory Station from April 1, 1926 to March 31, 1927. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 2:202-250 (1927) Jones, P. H. 35 (Hoots, H. W.; and Blount, A. L.) Marine oil shale, source of oil in Playa del Rey field, California. Am As Pe- troleum G, B 19:172-206 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:142 (1935) Jones, Paul L. 36 Testing placer ground in a imique way. Eng M J 137:337-338 (1936) Jordan, D. S. 31 New sharks from the Temblor group in Kern County, California, (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:293 (1931) Josephson, W. G. 32 Argonaut mine of today. IM Metal 13:475-477 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1932: G34 (1932) Judson, S. A. 30 (and Murphy, P. C.) Deep sand de- velopment in Barbers Hill. Am As Pe- troleum G, B 14:719-741, 11 figs (1930) Oil Gas J 28, no 44:146-147 (1930) Oil Weekly 57 (3):25-30, 76, 78 (1930) (abst) Eng Index 1930:1300 (1930) Julihn, C. E. 32 (with Meyer, H. M.) Copper. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:525- 580, California 527, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 557-558 (1932)... 1930:691- 748, California 725 (1933)... 1931:575-600, California 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 590, (1934)... Min Yb 1932-1933:27-52, California 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 (1933)... 1934:53-77, California 63-64 (1934) 42 GEOLOGY OP CALIFORNIA: JULLUM — KENNARD Jullum, Henry. 32 Milling at the Argonaut. M Metal 13:476-477 (1932) Jumper, Harry D. 33 Mining, treatment methods and cost at the plant of the Consolidated Rock Products Co., Durbin, California. U S B M, Inf Circ 6607:1-20 (1933) Justice, C. W. 33 (and Bowles, O.) Growth and de- velopment of the non-metallic mineral industries. U S B M, Inf Circ 6687:1-50, California 10-12, 29-36, 40-42, 44-46, 49 (1933) Kaplow, E. J. 33 (and Dodd, H. V.) Kettleman North Dome and Kettleman Middle Dome fields — progress in development. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, California Oil Fields 18, no 4:5-20 (1933) (.ann) An Bib Ec G 7:324 (1934) Keen, A. Myra 35 (and Schenck, H. G.) West Ameri- can marine molluscan provinces, (abst) Pan Am G 63:375-376 (1935) (ahst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:413 (1936) Keen an, Marvin Francis 32 The Eocene Sierra Blanca limestone at the type locality in Santa Barbara County, California. San Diego Soc N H, Tr 7:53-84, 4 figs, 3 pis (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:395 (1932) Pale Zen- tralbl 3:103 (1933) Keith, Arthur 28 Structural symmetry in North Amer- ica. G Soc Am, B 39:321-385 (1928) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:555-557 (1931) Kelley, V. C. 34 Westernmost Santa Monica Moun- tains, (abst) Pan Am G 61:308-309 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:311-312 (1935) 35 (and Soske, J. L.) W^ave-built pum- ice deposits and Salton rhyolitic hills. (abst) Pan Am G 63:319-320 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:341 (1936) 36 (and Soske, J. L.) Origin of the Salton volcanic domes, Salton Sea, Cali- fornia, J G 44:496-509, figs (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:514-515 (1936) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 58:28 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:514-515 (1936) 36a Occurrence of claudetite in Im- perial County, California. Am Mineral- ogist 21:137-138 (1936) Kelley, W. P. 33 (Woodford, A. O. ; and Brown, S. M.) Clay minerals of California soils, (abst) Pan Am G 59:315-316 (1933) Kellogg, A. E. 30 Hydraulic concentration of cinnabar ore. M J Ariz 14, no 15:13, 36, 3 figs (1930) (abst) Eng Index 1931:865 (1931) 31 Origin of flour gold in black sands. M J Ariz 14, no 20:3-4, 49-50 (1931) Kellogg, Remington 31 Pelagic mammals from the Temblor formation of the Kern River region, Cali- fornia. Cal Ac Sc, Pr (4) 19:217-397, 134 figs (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 44:454-455 (1931) Pale Zentralbl 2:324 (1933) 32 A Miocene long-beaked porpoise from California. Smiths Misc Col 87, no 2:11 pp, 4 pis (1932) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4: 234 (1934) Biol Absts 7:1257, entry 12523 (1933) 34 A new cetothere from the Modelo formation at Los Angeles, California. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Pub 447:83-104, 3 figs, 1 pi (1934) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:471 (1934) 34a Study of the skull of a fossil sperm whale from the Temblor Miocene of southern California. Biol Absts 8:282, entry 2550 (1934) 34b Fossil pinnipeds from California. Biol Absts 8:282, entry 2551 (1934) Kelly, Junea W. 33 Limestone weathering and plant as- sociations of the San Francisco region. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 29:362-367 (1934) Kemnitzer, W. J. 31 (and Arnold, R.) Petroleum in the United States and Possessions. 1052 pp, maps, charts, tables (1931) Kendall, E. B. 33 Mining methods and costs at Plant C, Eliot, California, of the Pacific Coast .-Aggregates, Inc. U S B M, Inf Circ 6705: 12 pp, 11 figs. (1933) (abst) USB M List Pub July 1, 1932 to June 30, 1933, Suppl:16 (1933) Kennard, T. G. 33 (and Rambo, A. I.) Occurrence of rubidium, gallium, and thallium in lep- idolite from Pala, California. Am Min- eralogist 18:454-455 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 6:194 (1934) 35 Spectrographic examination of smoky and ordinary quartz from Rincon, Cali- fornia. Am Mineralogist 20:392-399 (1935) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 1:445 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:295 (1935) BIBLIOGRAPHY : KENNEDY KIRBY 43 Kennedy, H. S. 35 (and Fowler, H. C.) Natural pas. U S B M, Min Yb 1935: 795-819, Califor- nia 798-801 (1935) Kerr, Paul Francis 31 Bentonite from Ventura, California. Kc G 26:153-168 (1931) (rum) An Bib Ec G 4:68 (1931) <,abst) G Zentralbl 45:475 (1931) Zs Prak G 39:194 (1932) Chem Absts 25:3275 (1931) 31a (Schenck. H. G.; and Muller, S.) Geology of the Ventura quadrangle, Cali- fornia. G Soc Am, B 42:186-187 (1931) (abst) Pan Am G 55:64 (1931) 31b (and Schenck, H. G.) Significance of the Matilija overturn. (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:544-545 (1931) 32 Occurrence of andalusite and related minerals at White Mountain, California. Ec G 27:614-643, 18 figs (1932) (ami) An Bib Ec G 5:299 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 2:289 (1933) Zs Prak G 41:167 (1933) Min Absts 5:288 (1933) Chem Absts 27:2114 (1933) (abst) Rv Geo! et Pci conn 15:51-52 (1935) 32a (and Ross, C. S.) Manganese min- erals of a vein near Bald Knob, North Carolina. Am Mineralogist 17:1-18, 2 figs, California 13 (1932) Min Absts 5:50-51 (1932) 36 (and Cameron, E. N.) Fuller's earth of bentonitic origin from Tehachapi, Cali- fornia. Am Mineralogist 21, no 4:230-237 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:435 (1936) Kew, W. S. W. 27 Geologic formations of a part of southern California and their correla- tion, (abst) N Jb 1927, Ref 2, Abt B:114 (1927) 32 Los Angeles to Santa Barbara. Int G Cong, Guide Book 15:48-68 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1936, Ref 3:61-62 (1936) 32a (and Brown, A. B.) Occurrence of oil in metamorphic rocks of San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County, Califor- nia. Am As Petroleum G, B 16:237 (1933) G Zentralbl Abt A 48:317 (1932) Inst Pet Tech, J 18:415A (1932) 32b (and Woodring, W. P.) Tertiary and Pleistocene deposits of the San Pedro Hills, California. (abst) Wash Ac Sc, J 22, no 2:39-40 (1932) Keyes, Charles Rollin 31 Barrelian series in eastern Califor- nia. Pan Am G 56:76-78 (1931) 31a Mojave as geological title. Pan Am G 56:155-158 (1931) 31b Esmeralda formation of California. Pan Am G 56:158-160 (1931) 31c Greenwater volcanics around Death Valley. Pan Am G 56:315-316 (1931) Keyes, Charles Rollin — Cont. 31d Proper usage of the terranal title Camulos in California. Pan Am G 56: 74-76 (1931) 31e Tills of the last glacial cycle. Pan Am G 55:367 (1931) 32 Last glacial cycle and its tills. (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:231 (1932) 32a Mechanics of geographic over- thrusting, (abst) G Soc Am,, B 43:231- 232 (1932) Khomenko, I. P. 30 On the age of the Tertiary forma- tion along the coast of Korf Gulf Kam- :hatka. Far-east Geological and Pros- pecting Trust of U. S. S. R., Tr 1933, Fascicle 287:1-32, California 31, 32 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1935:784 (1935) Khomenko, J. P. 31 Stratigraphy of the Tertiary beds of the Eastern Sakhalin oilfield. 1. The Nutovo and Supranutovo series. Geologi- cal and Prospecting Service of the U. S. S. R., Tr 1931, Fascicle 79:1-126, Califor- nia 113 (1931) Kiessling, O. E. 31 (and Herlihy, K. V.) Clay. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1931:237- 242, California 239 (1933) 33 Minerals yearbook 1932-1933. U S B M, Dp Commerce xiii plus 819 pp, 90 figs (1933) Min Absts 6:26 (1935) 34 (and Davis, H. W.) Iron ore, pig iron, ferro-alloys and steel. U S B M, Min Yb 1934:317-366, California 351 (1934) 35 Minerals yearbook 1935. (Compiled under supervision of O. E. Kiessling) Introduction by Kiessling. xiv 1293 pp (1935) 36 (Davis, H. W., and Herring, C. T.) Iron ore, pig iron, ferro-alloys and steel. U S B M, Min Yb 1936: 365-394, Califor- nia 375 (1936) Kimberlin, C. L. 33 (and Clark, C. L.) Bottom hole pressure work at Kettleman. Petroleum World 1933 (April) :19-20 (1933) King, Philip B. 32 An outline of the structural geology of the United States. Mt G Cong, Guide Book 28:57 pp, map (1932) Kirby, J. M. 34 (and Crook, T. H.) The Capay for- mation, (abst) Pan Am G 61:377 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:334 (1935) 35 Geology of the Vacaville-Rumsey Hills area, Solano, Yolo, and Colusa Counties, California, (abst) Am As Pe- troleum G, B 19:1841 (1935) 44 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: KIRKHAM — KOCK Kirkham, Virgil R. D. 31 Review of Allen's "The lone forma- tion of California." J G 39:693-694 (1931) Kissock, Alan 34 Molybdenum. Min Ind 42:404-409, California 408 (1934)... 43:417-420, Califor- nia 420 (1935) Klein pel I, Robert Missen 30 Zonal distribution of the Miocene foraminifera in Reliz Canyon, California. Stanford Univ, Micropaleontology B 2:33- 38 (1930) 32 Miocene foraminifera from Reliz Canyon (Monterey County, California). iabst) Pan Am G 58:77 (1932) (abst) G See Am, B 44:165 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:149 (1934) 33 Miocene foraminifera from Contra Costa County, (abst) Pan Am G 59:375- 376 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1: 390 (1934) 34 Proposed biostratigraphic classifica- tion of California Miocene, (abst) Pan Am G 62:76-77 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:390-391 (1935) 34a (and Cushman, J. A.) New and unrecorded foraminifera from the Cali- fornia Miocene. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 10:1-23 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:623-624 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:504 (1934) 34b Miocene foraminifera from Reliz Canyon, Monterey County, California. Stanford University, Abstract Disserta- tions 9:100-101 (1933-1934) 34c Difficulty of using cartographic ter- minology in historical geology. Am As Petroleum G, B 18:374 (1934) 35 (Bramlett, M. N.; and Woodring, W. P.) Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Palos Verdes Hills. Am As Pe- troleum G, B 19:1842 (1935) (abst) G Zen- tralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:51-52 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:378 (1936) 35a (and Schenck, H. G.) Foraminifera from Gaviota formation, (abst) Pan Am G 64:76 (1935) 36 (and Schenck, H. G.) Refugian stage of Pacific Coast Tertiary. Am As Petroleum G, B 20:215-225 (1936) Kleinpell, W. D. 34 (and Cunningham, G. M.) Impor- tance of unconformities to oil production in the San Joaquin Valley, California. In Problems of petroleum geology. Am As Petroleum G, Sidney Powers Memorial Volume:785-805 (1934) (ami) An Bib Ec G 7:314 (1934) Knaebel, John B. 31 The veins and crossings of the Grass Valley district, California. Ec G 26:375- Knaebel, John B. — Cont. 398 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:49 (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:478 (1932) G Zentralbl 46:12 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1931:672 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1932, Band 2, Ref 2:38 (1932) 32 (and Jackson, C. F.) Small-scale placer-mining methods. U S B M, Inf Circ 6611:17 pp, 25 figs (1932) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:156 (1933) 32a (and Jackson, C. F.) Gold mining and milling in the United States and Canada. U S B M, B 363:1-143 (1932) Knapp, Arthur 31 Petroleum and petroleum products. Min Ind 39:431-456, California 433, 434, 435, 444 (1931)... 40:392-415, California 394- 396, 404 (1932)... 41:376-394, California 385, (1933)... 42:418-440, California 426 (1934)... 43:429-447, California 434 (1935) Knopf, Adolph 27 A geologic reconnaissance of the Inyo Range and the eastern slope of the southern Sierra Nevada, California, with a section on the stratigraphy of the Inyn Range, by Edwin Kirk, (abst) N Jb 1927, Ref 1, Abt A:212-213 (1927) 31 The Mother-Lode system of Califor- nia, (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:445-446 (1931) M Metal 11:23 (1930) 31a (and Anderson, C. A.) The Engels copper deposits, California. (abst) Eng Index 1930:450 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:439-440 (1931) (abst) Zs Prak G 39:30 (1932) Chem Absts 25:265 (1931) 32 Geothermal gradient of the Mother Lode belt, California. Wash Ac Sc, J 22: 389-390 (1932) 33 The Mother Lode system. Int G Cong Guide Book 16:45-60 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:231 (1934) 33a Pyrometasomatic deposits. In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Lindgren Volume:537-557, Califor- nia 538, 542-543, 552-553, 555, 557 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934 Ref 2:679 (1934) 33b The Darwin silver-lead mining dis- trict, California, (abst) In Ore deposits of the western states, Lindgren Volume. Am I M Eng:552 (1933) 33c Tungsten deposits of northwestern Inyo County, California, (abst) In Ore deposits of the western states. Lind- gren Volume Am I M Eng:555 (1933) 35 The Plumas County copper belt. XVI Int G Cong 1:241-245 (1935) Kock, Thomas W. 33 Analysis and effects of current movement on an active fault in Buena Vista Hills oil field, Kern County, Cali- fornia. Am As Petroleum G, B 17:694- 712 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 6:97 BIBLIOGRAPHY : KOCK — LAUDERMILK 45 Kock, Thomas "W. — Cont. (Itt34) (abst) Inst Pet Tech, J 19:395A (1933) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:106 (1934) Kraemer, A. J. 31 Properties of California crude oils. U S B M, Rp Invest 3074:12 pp (1931) {nbst) USB M, List Pub 1910-1932:115 (1933) Kraut, Max 32 Floating gold on the Mother Lode. M Metal 13:175-176 (1932) Kudllch, R. H. 32 (and Herlihy. K. V.) (May. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933:639-645, Califor- nia 641 (1933) Kunz, George F. 03 (and Baskerville, C) Kunzite and its unique properties. Am J Sc (4) 18:25- 28 (1904) 30 Platinum group metals. Min Ind 39:474-491, California 476 (1931)... 40:430- 444, California 430 (1932)... 41:430-444, California 430 (1933) Lahee, Frederic H. 34 A study of the evidences for lateral and vertical migration of oil. In Prob- lems of petroleum geology. Am As Pe- troleum G, Sidney Powers Memorial Vol- ume:399-431 (1934) 34a (and Washburne, C. W.) Oil field waters (foreword) In Problems of petro- leum geology. Am As Petroleum G, Sid- ney Powers IMemorial Volume :833-840 (1934) 34b (and Wrather, W. E. Ed) Prob- lems of petroleum geology: a symposium. Am As Petroleum G, Sidney Powers Me- morial Volume (1934) (Review) Ec G B 30:194-196 (1935) Inst Petroleum Tech, J 20:1113-1115 (1934) Lalming, Boris 31 (and Cushman, J. A.) Miocene for- aminifera from Los Sauces Creek, Ven- tura County, California. J Paleontology 5, no 2:79-120, 6 pis, 5 figs (1931) Biol Absts 9:457, entry 3895 (1935) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 3:187 (1933) Laizure, C. McK. 32 Elementary placer mining methods and gold-saving devices. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, SI Mineralogist's Rp 28:112-204 (1932) 33 Booming. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 29: 368-371 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1934:540 (1934) Laizure, C. McK. — Cont. 34 Elementary placer mining in Cali- fornia and notes on the milling of gold ores. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 30:121-281 (1934) (abst) Eng Index 1934:540 (1934) 35 Current mining activities in the San Francisco district with special reference to gold. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 31:24-49 maps (1935) Lalicker, Cecil G. 35 New Tertiary TextuUiriidae. Cush- man Lab Foram Res, Contr 11:29-51, Cali- fornia 40, 41, 49 (1935) 35a New Cretaceous Textulariidae. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 11:1-13, California 4, 5, 7, 8, pis (1935) Lancaster, H. K. 32 (and McKenzie, M. R.) Milling methods at the Concentrator of the Walker Mining Co., Walkermine, Cali- fornia. U S B M, Inf Circ 6555:1-11 (1932) Lang, W. B. 34 (and Mansfield, G. R.) The Texas- New Mexico potash deposits. Univ Tex- as, B 2, 3401:641-832, California 642, 643, (^52, 653, 676 (1934) Langley, R. W. 10 (and Foote, H. W.) On an indirect method for determining columbium and tantalum. Am J Sc (4) 30:393-400 (1910) Larsen, Esper S. 33 (and Dunham, K. C.) Tilleyite, a new mineral from the contact zone at Crestmore, California. Am Mineralogist 18:469-473 (1933) Min Absts 5:387 (1934) (abst) N .lb 1934, Ref 1:142 (1934) Chem Absts 28:1957-1958 (1934) 35 (and Miller, F. S.) The Rosiwal method and the modal determination of rocks. Am Mineralogist 20:260-273, 7 tables (1935) Larson, L. M. 30 Osteology of the California road- runner, Recent and Pleistocene. Cal Univ Pub Zool 32:409-428, 3 figs (1930) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:265 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:207 (1933) Laudermilk, J. D. 30 (and Woodford, A. O.) Soda-rich anthophyllite asbestos from Trinity County, California. Am Mineralogist 15: 259-262 (1930) Min Absts 5:45 (193^2) Chem Absts 25:1764 (1931) - 31 A mineralogical occurrence of' iron tannate. Rocks and Minerals 6:24-25 (1931) 46 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: LAUDERMILK — LILLET Laudermilk, J. D. — Cont. 31a On the origin of desert varnish. Am J Sc (5) 21:51-66, 14 figs (1931) Min Absts 4:515 (1931) (Rernew) Sc Progress 27:582-583 (1933) 32 (and Woodford, A. O.) Concerning Rillensteine. Am J Sc (5) 23:135-154, figs (1932) 32a (and Woodford, A. O.) Rilled lime- stone, (ahst) G Soc Am, B 43:227 (1932) 33 (and Woodford, A. O.) California occurrence of montmorlllonite after feld- spar, (abst) Pan Am G 59:315 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:313 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:375 (1933- 1934) 34 (and Woodford, A. O.) Secondary montmorillonite In a California pegma- tite. Am Min 19:260-267 (1934) (.abst) N Jb, 1934, Ref 1:464 (1934) Chem Absts 28:6089 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7:218 (1934) 35 (and Woodford, A. O.) Black iron sulphide in California crystalline lime- stone, (abst) Pan Am G 63:320 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am 1935:342 (1936) 36 (and Merriam, R.) Two diopsides from southern California. Am Mineral- ogist 21:715-718 (1936) Lawrie, H. N. 30 Gold and silver. Min Ind 39:229-294, California 252-253, 258-261 (1931)... 40: 185-257, California 223-225, (1932)... 41: 175-260, California 218-219 (1933)... 42:190- 292, California 239-240, 246-247 (1934)... 43:186-294, California 232-233, 237-239 (1935) 36 Gold. Eng M J 137:54-55, 61-62 (1936) Lawson, Andrew C. 31 The Cordilleran shield. Third Pan Pacific Sci Cong, Tokyo, Pr:371-388 (1928) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:305 (1931) 32 Rain wash erosion in humid regions. G Soc Am, B 43:703-724 (1932) 32a Insular arcs, foredeeps, and geo- synclinal seas of the Asiatic Coast. G Soc Am, B 43:353-381, California 363, figs (1932) 33 The geology of middle California. Int G Cong, Guide Book 16:1-12 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1936, Ref 3:62-65 (1936) 36 The Sierra Nevada in the light of isostasy. G Soc Am, B 47:1691-1712 (1936) Leach, C. E. 32 (with Menken, P. A.) Overturned plunge on overturned folds in Sespe-Piru Creek district, California. Am As Pe- troleum G, B 16:209-212 (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:140 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1932:613 (1932) Leaver, E. S. 31 (and Woolf, J. A.) Re-treatment of Mother Lode, California carbonaceous slime tailings. U S B M, Tech P 481:20 PP (1931) Lee, Bourke 30 Death Valley. X, 211 pp (1930) Leith, Kenneth 35 (and Liddell, Donald M.) The min- eral reserves of the United States and its capacity for production. Prepared for the Planning Committee for Mineral Policy. Nat Resources Committee, "Wash, D. C. 246 pp, 25 pis (March, 1935) Lemmon, Dwight W. 35 Augelite from Mono County, Cali- fornia. Am Mineralogist 20:664-668 (1935) (anil) An Bib Ec G 8:266 (1936) Les Journaux Francais 30 Tremblement de terre en Califor- nie. Les journaux francais du 5 Mars 1930. (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:188 (1932) Leverett, F. 29 Pleistocene glaciations of the north- ern hemisphere. Science n s 69:231-239, California 236 (1929) Levorsen, A. Irving 33 Studies in paleogeology. Am As Pe- troleum G, B 17:1107-1132, California 1113, 1126-1127, 1129 (1933) Lewis, W. Scott 33 Occurrences of opal in California. Rocks & Min 8:36 (1933) Leypoldt, Harry 34 Earth-movements in California de- termined from apparent variation in tidal datum planes. Seism Soc Am, B 24:63- 68 (1934) Liddell, Donald M. 35 (with Leith, Kenneth) The mineral reserves of the United States and its capacity for production. Prepared for the Planning Committee for Mineral Policy. Nat Resources Committee, Wash, D. C. 246 pp. 25 pis (March, 1935) Lilley, Ernest R. 36 Economic geology of mineral de- posits. 811 pp, figs, tables. Barite 727, 729. Bentonite 718. Boron 62, 721, 722. Coal 247. Chromite 23, 425. Copper 473. Diatomite 709. Feldspar 701. Fuller's earth 717. Gold 51, 52, 53, 65, 102, 568. 570, 573, 575. Granite 152. Graphite 712. Gypsum 189. Kyanite and andalu- HIBliTOGRAPHY : LILLEY LOUDERBACK 47 Lilley, Ernest R.— Cont. site 770. Magnesite 749, 750. Marble 155. Mercury 59, 550, 553, 554. Natural pas 354. Natural sodium compounds 774. Nitrate G81. Petroleum 296, 297, 298, 308, 309, 326. Potash 668, 676. Pumice 772. Pyrite 644. Salt 660. Silver 600. Slate 156. Strontium 774. Talc 756. Tin 522. Trap rock 512. Tung.sten 431. Volcanic rock 138. (1936) LIndgren, Waldemar 33 Differentiation and ore deposition, Cordilleran region of the United States. In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Lindgren Volume:152-180 (1933) Linton, Robert 36 Clay mining in California. M Metal 17:198-200 (1936) Livingston, Alfred, Jr. 33 (and Putnam, W. C.) Geological journeys in southern California. Los Angeles Jr. Coll, Pub 1:104 pp, 56 figs, 1 pi (1933) Locke, Augustus 31 Ore hunting in California. M Metal 12:540-541 (1931) 33 (and Billingsley, P.) Tectonic posi- tion of ore districts in the Rocky Moun- tain region. Am I M Eng, Tech Pub 501: 12 pp. (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 2:199-200 (1934) 34 (Billingsley, P.; and Schmitt, H. A.) Some ideas on the occurrence of ore in the western United States. Ec G 29: 560-576 (1934) Loel, Wayn« 27 (and Arnold, R.) New oil fields of the Los Angeles basin, California, (.abst) N Jb, Abt B, Ref 2:113 (1927) 31 (and Corey, W. H.) Geologic his- tory of the Vaqueros period in Califor- nia. Petroleum World 28, no 8:55, 77, 1 fig (1931) 32 (and Corey, W. H.) The Vaqueros formation, lower Miocene of California. I Paleontology. Cal Univ Dp G Sc, B 22:31-410, 61 pis, 2 maps (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:523-524 (1933) (abst) Am J Sc 26:528-529 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1933:536 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 3:283-287 (1935) Logan, Clarence A. 24 Notes on mining during the year 1923. Cal St Mineralogist's Rp 20:1-23 (1924) 30 Sacramento field division. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, Logan, Clarence A. — Cont. St Mineralogist's Rp (Nevada Co) 26:90- i:!7 (1930)... (Yuba County) 26:186-201 (1930)... 27:246-261 (1931) (Butte County) 20:360-412 (1931)... (Alpine County) 27: 488-491 (1931) (absl) Eng Index 1930:1114 (1930)... 1931: 898 (1931) 35 Mother Lode gold belt of California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, B 108:219 pp, maps (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:56 (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:156-157 (1936) 35a Review of gold mining in east- contral California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div IMines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 31:1-23 (1935) 36 Gold mines of Placer County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 32:7-96 (1936) 36a (and Franke, H. A.) Mines and mineral resources of Calaveras County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 32:226-364 (1936) Logan, J. 28 Geophysics reveal vast petroleum deposits in coast region. Oil "Weekly 51, no 9:40-50 (1928) Lohman, Kenneth B. 31 Upper Miocene index diatoms, (abst) Pan Am G 56:70 (1931) 36 Pliocene diatoms from the Kettle- man Hills, Califoi-nia. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:382 (1936) Lott, P. S. 36 (and Hopkins, G. R.) Natural gas. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:725-748, Califor- nia 726, 728-729 (1936) Louderback, George D. 09 Benitoite, its paragenesis and mode of occurrence, with chemical analyses by Blasdale. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 5:331-380 (1909) 26 Period of scarp production in the Great Basin, (abst) N Jb 1926, Abt B, Ref 2:197 (1926) 31 (with Savage, J. L., Hinderlider, M. C, Berkey, C. P., and Williams, L. A.) Report of consulting board on safety of the proposed Pine Canyon dam, Los An- geles County. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources May 1931:22 pp, 8 pis, 1 map (1931) 31a Geologic conditions at the Lafayette dam. (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:295 (1931) 33 Geologic report on Fairview damsite on Trinity River. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 26:471-478 (1933) 33a (and Ransome, P. L.) Geologic re- port on Kennett, Iron Canyon, and Table Mountain damsites on Sacramento River. 48 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: LOUDERBACK MANSFIELD Louderback, (Jeorge D. — Cont. fal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 26:131-454 (1933) 34 Notes on the geologic section near Columbia, California: with special refer- ence to the occurrence of fossils in the auriferous gravels. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Pub Paleontology 440: 7-13 (1934) 36 River action in the San Gabriel Mountains, California, (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:327 (1936) (ahst) Pan Am G 63: 305-306 (1935) Loudermilk, J. D. 35 (and Woodford, A. O.) Black iron sulphide in California crystalline lime- stone, (abst) Pan Am G 63:320 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:342 (1936) Loughlin, G. F. 33 (and Behre, C. H.) Classification of ore deposits. In Ore deposits of the west- ern states. Am I M Eng, Lindgren Vol- ume: 17-55, California 44-45 (1933) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:566 (1934) Lowy, H. 31 Eine elektrodynamische methode zur esforschung des erdinnern. Physikalische Zs 32:337-345 (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:412 (1932) Luther, L. A. 33 San Francisco's Hetch Hetchy proj- ect. Compressed Air 38:4157-4162 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 6:329 (1934) Lynton, Edward D. 31 Some results of magnetometer sur- veys in California. Am As Petroleum G, B 15:1351-1370 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:356 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 46:424 (1932) Inst Pet Tech, J 1S:41A (1932) Macelwane, J. B. 33 Tectonic earthquakes. Nat Res Council, B 90:4-8 (1933) 33a Earthquakes — what are they? Sc Mo 36:457-460, California 458 (1933) MacFarlane, J. M. 31 The quantity and sources of our pe- troleum supplies. Noel Printing Co. 250 pp (1931) (abst) Zs Prak G 41: 199- 200 (1933) MacGinitie, Harry 33 Ecological aspects of the floras of the auriferous gravels, (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:356 (1934) 34 Tertic floras of Trinity County, Cali- fornia, (abst) Pan Am G 62:75-76 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:390 (1935) Mackintosh, .1. B. 91 Mineralogical notes. Am J Sc (3) 41:438 (1891) Macintosh, F. G. 34 Rare gem minerals of America. Oregon Mineralogist 2, no 7:3-4, 30, no S:5-6, 21 (1934) 34a A trip to Death Valley. Min Soc S Cal 3, no 8:28 (1934) 34b Two rare and beautiful California gems. Oregon Mineralogist 2, no 1:10 (1934) Maenicke 33 Die Ausbeutung des Searles-Seese In Kalifornien. (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 47:287 (1932) Maher, Thomas J. 29 The United States Coast and Geo- detic Survey — its work in collecting earth- quake reports in the state of California. Seism Soc Am, B 19:77-79 (1929) Maklyama, Jiro 36 The Meisen Miocene of North Korea. Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial Univ 11, no 4, articl* 8 (1936) Mann, L. 30 (Tryon, F. G.; and Rogers, H. O.) Coal. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1930:599-773, California 614, 707 (1932) 31 (Young, W. H.; Tryon, F. G.; Ber- quist, F. E.: and Bennit, H. L.) Coal. USB M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1931: 415-510, California 426, 472 (1933) 32 (and Tryon, F. G.) Coal. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:673-858, California 700, 703, 743 (1932) 34 (Young, W. H.; Bennit, H. L. ; and Tryon, F. G.) Coal. U S B M, Min Yb, Stat App, Calendar Year 1932:373-454, California 376,423 (1934)... 1933:281-360, California 286, 323 (1935) Manning, Paul D. V. 31 Sodium salts. Min Ind 39:543-558, California 545, 546, 547, 550 (1931)... 40: 496-508, California 497, 499 (1932)... 41:473- 484, California 474, 475, 477, 478 (1933)... 42:530-537, California 530, 533, 534, 536 (1934) Mansfield, G. R. 32 (and Boardman, L.) Nitrate de- posits of the United States. U S G S, B 838:Vi, 107 pp, 11 pis, California 23-29 (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:413- 414 (1932) Min Absts 5:164 (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec 5:85 (1933) 34 (and Lang, W. B.) The Texas- New Mexico potash deposits. Univ Texas, B UIBLIUGRAI^HY : MANSFIELD MATTHES 49 Mansfield, G. R. — Cont. 2, :;401:641-832, California ('.42, r.43, 6r)2. G53, 676 (1934) Mansfield, Wendell C. 31 Some peculiar spiral fossil forms from California and Mexico. U S Nat Mus, Pr 77. art 13:1-3, 2 pis (1930) Biol Absts 5:15302 (1931) Marden, J. W. 31 (and Briggs, F. H.) Titanium and zirconium. Min Ind 39:602-611, Califor- nia 603-604 (1931) Marliave, Chester 31 Geology of the Sacramento River Canyon between Cottonwood Creek and Iron Canyon. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 26:463-470 (1933) 33 Geological report on upper Pit River damsites. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources, B 41:145-148 (1933) Marsh, Hallan N. 32 (and Robinson, B. H.) Advantag'es of flowing wells through tubing. In Petroleum Dev and tech. Am I M EJng. Tr iri.'!2:3ni-305 (1932) Marshall, Kenneth 31 (Byerly, P. and Hester, J.) The natural periods of vibration of some tall buildings in San Francisco. Seism Soc Am, B 21:268-276, 3 figs (1931) (abst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10: 228 (1932) Marshall, P. 26 Crustal movements and geotectonics in the Pacific region: earthquake, crust- tides, variation of mean sea-level. Third Pan-Pacific Sc Cong, Tokyo, Pr 1:440- 443 (1926, Marshall, W. C. 34 Description of Manhattan Beach area. Cal Oil World 27, no 11:8 (1934) Martin, Lois T. 30 Foraminifera from the intertidal zone of Monterey Bay, California. Stan- ford Univ, Micropaleontology B 2, no 3:50-54, figs (1930) 31 Additional notes on the foraminifera from the intertidal zone of Monterey Bay, California. Stanford Univ, Micro- paleontology B 3:13-15 (1931) 35 Foraminifera from Monterey Bay. (abst) Pan Am G 63:378 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:416 (1936) Mason, Herbert L. 31 Pleistocene floras of the San Fran- cisco Bay region, (abst) G Soc Am, B Mason, Herbert L. — Cont. 42:365 (1931) (abst) Pan Am G 55:159 (1931) 32 A phylogenetic series of the Califor- nia closed-cone pine suggested by the fossil record. Madrono, Cal Botanical Soc, 2:49-55 (1932) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 5:252 (1934) Biol Absts 7:453, entry 4318 (1933) 33 (and Chaney, R. W.) A Pleistocene flora from the asphalt deposits at Car- pinteria. California. Carnegie Inst Wash. Pub 415:45-79, 9 pis (1933) Biol Absts 9:3721 (1935) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:314 (1934) 34 Pleistocene flora of the Tomales for- mation. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Contr Pa- leontology (Studies of the Pleistocene paleobotany of California) Pub 415:82- 179, 11 tables, 1 fig (1934) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 3:152-153 (1935) 34a (and Chaney, R. W.) A Pleisto- cene flora from Santa Cruz Island, Cali- fornia. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Pub 415: 1-24, 7 pis, 1 fig (1934) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:869 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt .\ 48:32 (1932) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 1:313 (1932)... 2:143-144 (1932) Mason, .John F. 35 Fauna of the Cambrian Cadiz for- mation, Marble Mountains, California. S Cal Ac So, B 34:97-120 (1935) 36 (and Hazzard, J. C.) Middle Cam- brian formations of the Providence and Marble Mountains, California. G Soc Am, B 47:229-240, 1 fig (1936) Matthes, Francois Emile 31 Geologic history of the Yosemite Val- ley. (Revicji:) Geog Rv 21:698-699 (19311 (abst) Eng Index 1931:655 (1931) (Review) Sierra Club B 17:126-127 (1932) (abst) Zs Geom 7:50-53 (1932) 32 Report of the committee on glaciers. Am Geop Union, Tr 1932:282-287, Califor- nia 284 (1932)... 1933:345-350, California 347 (1933)... 34:279-285, California 281- 283 (1934)... 35:387-392, California 390, 391 (1935) 33 Geography and geology of the Sierra Nevada. Int G Cong, Guide Book 16:26- 40 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1936, Ref 3:67-69 (1936) 33a Up the western slope of the Sierra Nevada by way of the Yosemite Valley. Int G Cong. Guide Book 16:67-81 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1936, Ref 3:69-70 (1936) 33b The little "Lost Valley"' on Shep- herd's Crest. Sierra Club B 18:68-80 (1933) 35 Why we should measure our gla- ciers. Sierra Club B 20:20-28 (1935) 50 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : MATTHES MC GLASHAN Matthes, Francois Emile — Cont. 35a Studies in glacial sediments. Nat Res Council, B 98:82-146, California 139- 141 (1935) Matthew, William Diller 31 A Pliocene mastodon skull from Cali- fornia. Plioniastodon vexillarius n sp. (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:682 (1931) G Zentralbl 45:458 (1931) (abst) Pale Zen- tralbl 2:328 (1933) 31a (and Stirton, R. A.) Osteology and affinities of Borophagus. (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:678-679 (1931) (.abst) G Zen- tralbl 45:458 (1931) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 1:142 (1932) Maxson, John H. 31 Geomorphic features of northwest- ernmost California, (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:224 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 55:358- 359 (1931) 31a Tertic mammalian fauna from Mint Canyon formation of southern California. (.abst) G Zentralbl 44:66-67 (1931) 32 Structural relationships of coast and continental margin of northern Califor- nia, (abst) Pan Am G 58:66-67 (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:152 (1933) 33 Contact conditions of some chromite deposits in serpentine in the Klamath Mountains, (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:166 (1933) (abst) Pan Am G 58:77-78 (1932) 33a Economic geology of portions of Del Norte and Siskiyou Counties, north- westernmost California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 29:123-160 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1934: 710 (1934) 34 Pre-Cambrian stratigraphy of the Inyo Range, (abst) Pan Am G 61:310-311 (1934) 34a (and Anderson, G. H.) Physiog- raphy of northern Inyo Range. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:318 (1935) (abst) Pan Am G 61:314-315 (1934) 35 (and Davis, W. M.) Valleys of the Panamint Mountains, California, (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:339 (1935) 35a (and Anderson, G. H.) Terminol- ogy of surface forms of the erosion cycle. J G 43:88-96 (1935) Mayo, Evans B. 30 Preliminary report on the geology of southwestern Mono County, California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 26:475- 482, 3 figs (1930) 31 Fossils from the eastern flank of the Sierra Nevada, California. Science 74: 514-515 (1931) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 3:312 (1933) Biol Absts 7:454, entry 4326 (1933) Mayo, Evans B. — Cont. 32 Two new occurrences of piedmont - ite in California. Am Mineralogist 17: 238-248, 3 figs (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:264 (1933) Am Mineralogist 17:117 (1932) Min Absts 5:222 (1933) Chem Absts 26:4773 (1932) 33 Discovery of piedmontite in the Sierra Nevada. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 29: 239-243 (1933) 33a Preliminary survey of an intra- septum intrusion in eastern California. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933:97 (1934) 34 Geology and mineral deposits of Laurel and Convict Basins, southwestern Mono County, California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 30:79-90 (1934) 34a The Pleistocene Long Valley Lake in eastern California. .Science, n s 80:95- 96 (1934) 35 Some intrusions and their wall rocks in the Sierra Nevada. J G 43:673-789 (1935) (abst) Sc Progress 31:316 (1936) 36 (Conant, D. C, and Chelikowsky, J. R.) Southern extension of the Mono Craters, California. Am J Sc 32 (5):81- 97, figs, maps (1936) McCollough, E. H. 34 Structural influence of the accumu- lation of petroleum in California. In Problems of petroleum geology. Am As Petroleum G, Sidney Powers Memorial Volume: 735-760 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7:314 (1934) McComb, H. E. 36 Observations on recent progress in seismology. (abst) Pan Am G 65:157 (1936) McDonald, G. A. 34 (and Shepard, F. P). Sediments of Santa Monica Bay. (abst) Pan Am G 61: 317 (1934) McDowell, G. 30 (Jensen, J.; Goold, W. D.; and Gwin, M. L.) Deep sand development at Santa Pe Springs. In Petroleum Dev and Tech Am I M Eng, Tr 1930:310-321 (1930) McGlashan, H. D. 31 (Grover, N. C, Henshaw, F. F., and Canfield, G. H.) Surface water supply of the United States 1927 Part XI Pacific Slope basins in California. U S G S, "W-S P 1927, 651:IX, 299 pp (1931)... 1928, 671:IX, 304 pp (1931)... 1929, 691:IX. 294 pp (1931)... 1930:706:IX, 317 pp (1932)... 1931, 721:XI, 497 pp (1932)... BIBLIOGRAPHY : MCGLASHAN — MERRIAM 51. McGlashan, H. D. — Cont. I Melton, l'r;iiik Armon 1932, 736:XI, 415 pp (1933)... 1^33, 751 :XI, I 34 Erosional soil hillock.';. 376 pp (1935) Snc Am, Pr 1933:98 (1934) (abst) G McKenzie, M. R. 32 (and Lancaster, H. K.) Milling methods at the Concentrator of the Walker Mining: Co., Walkermine, Cali- fornia. USB M, Inf Circ 6555:1-11 (1932) McMasters, .John H. 32 Eocene Llajas formation of Califor- nia, (abst) Pan Am G 58:148-149 (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:217 (1933) 33 Notes on a Middle Kocene forma- tion of Ventura County, California. Stanford Univ, Micropaleontology B 4:64- 71 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 5:213 (1934) Mead, Roy G. 31 A brief history of Kettleman Hill.s. Oil B 17:507-511. 597-602, 645 (1931) 33 Kramer borax deposit in California and the development of other borate ores. M Metal 14:405-409 (1933) Chem Absts 28: 6660 (1934) Means, T. H. 32 Death Valley. Sierra Club B 17:67- 76 (1932) Mehl, Maurice G. 30 Petroliferous provinces. Science 1930: 541-543 (1930) Mejea, .7. 35 (Jomercq, J. Junr., and Uren, L. C.) Large diameter wells are indicated. Pe- troleum World (London) 32:260-262 (1935) Melhase, John 33 Diatomaceous earth, its nature, oc- currence and use. Rocks & Min 8:27-29 (1933) 34 A diversity of California minerals. Oregon Mineralogist 2, no 7:7-8, 23 (1934) 35 Fluorescent minerals of California. The Mineralogist 3, no 1:3-4, 38 (1935) 35a Discovery of sanbornite in Califor- nia. The Mineralogist 3, no 9:.'?-4, et seq (1935) 35b Some garnet localities of Califor- nia. The Mineralogist 3, no 11:7-8, 22-24 (1935) 36 A new occurrence of rare-earth min- erals in California. The Mineralogist 4, no 1:11 (1936) S6a Industrial uses of nonmetallic min- erals. The Mineralogist 4, no 8:7-8 (1936) I Melville, William Harlow 92 Tourmaline from Nevada County, California. U S G S, B 90:39 (1892) Mendenhali, W. C. 31 Fifty-second annual report of the Director of the Unite8 (1934)... 43:295-304, California 298-299 (1935) Miller, Franklin S. 35 (and Larsen, E. S.) The Rosiwal method and the modal determination of rock.s. Am Mineralogi.^t 20:260-273, 7 tables (1935) 35a Anorthite from California. Am Mineralogist 20:139-146, 2 figs (1935) Min Absts 6:118 (1935) Chem Absts 29:6538 (1936) Miller. Fred Af. 31 Cold ijrodurtioii of Nevada County, California. Cal M C, .1 1, no 3:11, 17 (1931) 34 Prosperity rules in Grass Valley and Nevada City. Eng M .T 135:511-515 (1934) Miller, H. C. 32 Migration of injected gas through oil and gas sands of California. U S B M, Rp Invest 3177:29 pp, 9 ligs (1932) (abst) USB M, List rub 1910-1932:121 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:136 (1932) Miller, Harold W. 33 (and Wilhelm, V. H.) Developments in the California petroleum industry dur- ing 1932. In Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 1933:345-351 (1933)... 1933, Am [ M Eng, Tr 1934:182-197 (1934) 34 (and Wilhelm, V. H.) Developments in the California oil industry during the year 1933. Am I M Eng, Tr 107:182-197 (1934) Miller, Loye Holmes 31 Bird remains from the Kern River Pliocene of California. Condor 33:70-72, 1 fig (1931) (abat) Pale Zentralhl 1:377 (1932) 31a Pleistocene birds from the Carpin- teria asphalt of California. Cal Univ Dp G Sc, B 20:361-374, 4 figs (1931) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:20S (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 1:377-378 (1932) 32 Two Pleistocene avifaunas from the Carpinteria asphalt, (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:291 (1932) 32a The Pleistocene storks of Califor- nia. Condor 34:212-216. 3 figs (1932) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 3:149 (1933) 32b Royal vulture from the Kern River Pliocene, California. (abst) G .Soc Am, B 43:291-292 (1932) (abst) Pale Zen- tralbl 2:321 (1933) 32c Further bird remains from the up- per San Pedro Pleistocene, (abst) Pale Zentralbl 1:377 (1932) Miller, Loye Holmes — Cont. 32d A fossil goose from the Rioardo Pliocene. (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:264 (1933) (abst) N .lb 1933, Ref 3:207 (1933) 33 The Lucas auk of California. Con- dor 35:34-35 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 3:274 (1933) 33a A Pleistf>cene record of the flam- meolated screech owl. San Diego Soc N H, Tr 7:209-210 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:178 (1934) 34 A new horizon for the extinct goose "Chendutes." Science n s 80:141-142 (1934) 35 A second avifauna from the McKit- Irick Pleistocene. Condor 37:72-79 (1935) 35a New bird horizons in California. Cal Univ, Los Angeles Biol Sc, Pul) 1, no 5:73-80 (1935) Miller, R. B. 36 Nickel. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:521- 524, California 521 (1936) Miller, R. H. 31 Analysis of some torsion balance re- sults in California. Am As Petroleum G, B 15:1419-1429 (1931) (aim) An Bib Ec G 4:353 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 46:424 (1932) Inst Pet Tech, .1 18:42A (1932) Miller, William John 30 Geomorphology of the southwestern San Gabriel IMountains of California. (abst) Petermann's Mitt 76:273 (1930) 31 The landslide at Point Firmin, Cali- fornia. Sc Mo 32:464-469, 5 figs (1931) (abst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub Bib Seism 10:273 (1932) 31a Anorthosite in Los Angeles County, California. J G 39:331-344, 1 fig (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:507 (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl 45:211 (1931) (Review) Sc Progress 27:439 (1933) (abst.) N Jb 1932, Band 2, Ref 2:878 (1932) 31b Geologic section across the south- ern Sierra Nevada of California. Cal Univ Dp G Sc, B 20:331-360, 3 figs. 4 pis (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:508 (1933) 31c Geology of Deep Spring Valley, California, (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:557- r.58 (1931) 32 Cenozoic history of San Gabriel Mountains. (abst) Pan Am G 58:78 (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:166-167 (1933) 32a Comparison of two granites, San Gabriel Mountains, California. (abst) Pan Am G 58:74 (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:161-162 (1933) 32b Intrusive power of anorthosite. (abst) Pan Am G 57:233 (1932) 54 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : MILLER^ — MITCHELL Miller, William John — Coiit. 35 Geologfy of the western San Gabriel Mountains of California. Cal Univ, Los Angeles, Pub Math and Phys Sc 1:1-114, 13 pis, 6 figs, 1 map (1935) (abst) Am Mineralogist 20:402-403 (1935) (ob.sO Rv Geo] et Sci conn 15:296 (1935) 35a Pre-Cambrian and associated rocks near Twenty-nine Palms, California. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:99 (1935) 35b A geologic section across the south- ern Peninsular Range of California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 31:115-143, map (1935) (dbst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933:312 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:256 (1936) (abst) G Zen- tralbl, Abt A, Bd 58:233-234 (1936) 35c Geomorphology of the southern Pe- ninsular Range of California. G Soc Am, B 46:1535-1582, 5 pis, 1 fig (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:317-318 (1935) (abst) Pan Am G 61:313 (1934) Mlllett, E. R., Jr. 35 New Playa Del Rey area may be another major field for Los Angeles Basin. Petroleum World 1935 (April): 13-15, 30 (1935) Mills, B. 31 Everything is unusual at Kettleman Hills. Oil Weekly 60, no 5:37-44, 10 figs (1931) 31a Ventura probably has oil below 15,- 000 feet. Oil Weekly 62, no 12:18-21 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:317 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:317 (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931:1036 (1931) 32 Geology, both good and bad, has fig- ured in California development. Oil Weekly 65:28-32 (1932) 33 Two holes under one derrick offer an economy when foundations are expen- sive. Oil Weekly 71:14-16, no 12 (1933) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:357 (1933- 1934) 34 Geophysical work hindered by geo- logic conditions in California. Oil Weekly 73, no 10:22-23 (1934) (abst) Inst Pet Tech, J 20:389A (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7:121 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1934: 520 (1934) 34a California crude reserves are below- future demand recjuirements. Oil Week- ly 76, no 1:13-16 (1934-1935) 35 Kettleman Hills today — water intru- sions and declining pressures lower esti- mated ultimate production. Oil Weekly 80, no 1:24-30 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:358 (1936) 35a Geophysical operations have been very successful in San Joaquin valley during past year. Oil Weekly 78, no 4: 28-29 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:400 Mills, B. — Cont. (1936) (abst) Rv de Geol et Sci conn 16: 180 (1936) The Mineral Collector 07 Tripoli deposits in California. Min- eral Collector 14, no 6:95-96 (1907) Mineral Industry 32 Magnesite. Min Ind (Roush, G. A., editor) 40:351-359, California 351, 352 (1932)... 41:343-349, California 343, 344 (1933)... 42:380-386, California 380, 382 (1934) 33 Quicksilver. Min Ind (Roush, G. A., editor) 41:455-461, California 455, 456 (1933)... 42:510-518, California 513 (1934)... 43:509-515, California 511-512 (1935) 33a Zinc. Min Ind (Roush, G. A., edi- tor) 41:536-558, California 543 (1933)... 42:582-613, California 595 (1934)... 43:584- 615, California 594 (1935) 33b Lead. Min Ind (Roush, G. A., edi- tor) 41:321-342, California 323, 328, 329 (1933),.. 42:358-379, California 362, 364 (1934) 34 Gypsum. Min Ind (Roush, G. A., editor) 42:303-307, California 304 (1934) 34a Talc and soapstone. Min Ind (Roush, G. A., editor) 42:549-552, Cali- fornia 549, 550 (1934)... 43:549-552, Cali- fornia 549 (1935) 35 Iodine. Min Ind (Roush, G. A., edi- tor) 43:634-636, California 635 (1935) Mining and Scientific Press 80 Theory of auriferous gravel chan- nels. M Sc Press 41:226 (1880) Mining Journal, Arizona 31 Important ore discovery at Carson Hill, M J Ariz 15, no 11:22, 42 (1931) 31a Unique placer development (Yuba River). M J Ariz 14, no 23:4 (1931) Miser, H. D. 20 (and Fairchild, J. G.) Hausmannite in the Batesville district, Arkansas. Wash Ac Sc J, 10:1-8 (1920) Mitchell, A. W. 32 (and Ridgway, R. H.) Sulphur and pyrites. U S B M, Min Yb 1932- 1933:669-686, California 671, 677, 681 (1933) ... 1934:907-928, California 918-919, 924 (1934)... 1935:1011-1028, California 1020, 1024 (1935) 36 (and Ridgway, R. H.) Pyrites. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:909 (1936) Mitchell, R. L. 34 (and Ritter, G. J.) Composition of three fossil woods mined from the Mio- cene auriferous gravels of California. BIBLKKJRAPHY : .MITCHELL MURDOfK 55 Mitchell, R. L.— Cont. Am Chem Soc. J 36:1603-1605, 1 fig July (1934) Chem Al)sts 28:5376 (1934) Mitchell, Stewart 33 A 320-foot concrete art-li on .scenic loute along- California Eng Xews- Rec 110 no 15:467-470 (1933) (nun) An Bib Ec G 6:324 (1934) Miyabe, Xaomi 30 I)eforniatioii of earthcrust in Cali- fornia. Earthther active faults in the desert region of southeastern California. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Yb 31:355-363 (1932) Third Pan- Pacific Sci Cong, Tokyo, Pr:394-401 (1928) (abst) N .Tb 1931, Ref 2:305 (1931) 34 Rock formations of Death Valley, California. Science 80:173-178 (1934) Nolan, T. B. 33 Epithernial precious-metal deposits. Jn Ore deposits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Lindgren Volume, Pub: 623-641, California 630 (1933) 33a Mother Lode district. In Ore de- posits of the western states. Am I M Kng, Lindgren Volume:579 (1933) Nomland, .Torgcn O. 32 (and Schenck, H. G.) Cretaceous beds at Slate's Hot Springs, California. Cal Univ, Dp G Sc, B 21:37-49, 4 figs (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:592 (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl. Abt A 48:397- 398 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1932:612 (1932) Norris, A. 34 (and Franz, S. 1.) Human reactions to the Long Beach earthquake. Seism Soc Am, P. 24:in!»-n4 (1934) Norris, Byron B. 30 Report on the oil fields on or adja- cent to the Whittier Fault. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Gas and Oil, Cal Oil Fields 15, no 4:5-20, 7 maps on supp plates (1930) (i)ods of genus Anadara. (abst) Pan Am G 63:373-374 (1935) Requa, Lawrence K. 32 Description of the property and operations of the Lewiston Dredge, Lewiston, California. U S B M, Inf Giro 6660:1-15 (1932) Resser, Charles F. 30 Cambrian fo.ssils from the Mojave Desert, California. Smiths Misc Col 81, no 2:1-14. 3 pis (1930) Reusch, Ethel Grace 33 (and Reusch, H. E.) Historic spots in California. (Rrview) Geog J 81:455 (1933) Reusch, H. E. 33 (and Reusch, E. G.) Historic spots in California. (Review) Geog J 81:455 (1933) Reyer, Eduard 86 Californische Skizzen. (1) Die hy- draulischen Goldwaschen. Deutche Rund- schau (Berlin. 1886, vol XLIX:371-379 (1886) (Translation) Padover, S. K. Placer mining in California. Pacif Hist Rv 4, no 4:386-392 (1935) Rich, John Lyon 34 Problems of the origin, migration, and accumulation of oil. In Problems of petroleum geology. Am As Petroleum G, Sidney Powers Memorial Volume :337-345 (1934) Richard, I>. M. 22 California clays require special treatment to meet metallurgical demands. Pacific M News I, No. 1:13 (1922) Richards, G. L. 31 (Davis, W. M.; and Putnam, W. C.) Elevated shore lines of the Santa ilonica Mountains, California, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:309-310 (1931) 35 Revision of some California species of Astrodapsis. San Diego Soc X H, Tr 8:59-66, 1 pi (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:426-427 (1935) 35a Asti-odapsis faunal zones of Cali- fornia upper Miocene and lower Pliocene formations, (abst) Pan Am G 63:374-375 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:412 (1936) (abst) Pan Am G 63:374 (1935) Richter, Charles F. 31 Earthquake of January 28, 1931 (California). Seism Soc Am, B 21:284 (1931) 31a (with Wood, H. O.) Recent earth- quakes near Whittier, California. Seism Soc Am, B 21:183-203 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:191 (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:496 (1933) 31b (and Wood, H. O.) A study of blasting records in southern California. Seism Soc Am, B 21:28-46 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:661 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:477 (1933) 31c (and Gutenberg, B.) On supposed discontinuities in the mantle of the earth. Seism Soc Am, B 21:216-223 (1931) 32 (Gutenberg, B.; and Wood, H. O.) The earthquake in Santa Monica Bay, California, on August 30, 1932. Seism Soc Am, B 22:138-154, 1 fig, 2 pis (1932) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 2:573-574 (1933) 33 (and Wood, H. O.) A second study of blasting recorded in southern Califor- nia, Seism Soc Am, B 23:95-110, 2 pis (1933) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:620 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:550 (1934) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 47:177 (1932) Ricketts, A. H. 31 Manner of locating and holding mineral claims in California (with forms). Cal Dp Xat Res, Div Mines, B 106:20 pp (1931) (aim) An Bib Ec G 5:1 (1932) Ridgway, Robert H. 31 Pyrites. U S B M, Inc Circ 6523: 1-27, California 10 (1931) 32 Sulphur and pyrites. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:175-194, Cali- fornia 180, 189-190 (1930)... 1930:117-135, California 119, 122, 130, 131 (1931)... 1931: 131-158, California 146, 154 (1932) (34 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : RIDGWAY ROGERS Ridgway, Jlobei't H. — Coiit. 32a Manganese and manRaniferous ores. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1930:297-332, California 305 (1932)... 1931: 153-184, California 160 (1932)... Min Yb 1932-1933:243-258, California 244 (1933)... 1934:399-416, California 401 (1934)... 1935: 465-484, California 470 (1935)... 1936:425- 441, California 436, 437 (1936) 33 Manganese, general inforniation. U S B M, Inf Circ 6729:30 pp (1933) 33a (and Mitchell, A. W.) Sulphur and pyrites. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933:669- 786, California 671, 677, 681 (1933)... 1934: 907-928, California 918-919, 924 (1934)... 1935:1011-1028, Califoi-nia 1020, 1024 (1935) 35 Chromite. USB M, Min Yb 1935: 521-533, California 523 (1935) 36 Manganese and manganiferous ores. USB M, Min Yb 1936:423-441, California 436, 437 (1936) 36a (and Mitchell, A. W.) Pyrites. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:909 (1936) 36b (and Umhau, J. B.) Tungsten. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:447-455, California 449 (1936) Rieber, Frank 31 Results of elastic-wave surveys in California and elsewhere, {abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:472 (1932) (abst) G Zen- tralbl 44:226 (1931) Ritter, George Joseph 34 (and Mitchell, R. L. ) Composition of three fossil woods mined from the :Mio- cene auriferous gravels of California. Am Chem Soc, J 56:1603-1605, 1 fig July (1934) Chem Absts 28:5376 (1934) Roalfe, G. A. 32 Quarrying and crushing methods and costs at the Santa Catalina Island Quarry of Graham Bros., Inc., Santa Catalina Island, California. USB M, Inf Circ 6609:15 pp, 9 figs (1932) (abst) U S B M, List Pub July 1, 1932 to June 30, 1933. Suppl:12 (1933) Robertson, G. R. 30 Natural gasoline — a new miracle. Chemicals 34:27-28 (1930) Robinson, Bruce H. 32 (and Marsh, H. N) Advantages of flowing wells through tubing. In Petro- leum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 1932:301-305 (1932) Robinson, T. ^V. 31 (with Stearns, H. T. ; and Taylor, G. H.) Geology and water resources of the Mokelumne area, California, (aim) An Bib Ec G 4:333 (1930) (abst) G Zen- tralbl 43:375-376 (1930-1931) Robinson, W. "\V., Jr. 35 < iutlr>nk for California natural gaso- line. Petroleum World An Rv 1935:237- , 239, 243, 248, 252, 257 (1935) I Robotham, C. A. 34 Mining limestone by a caving method at Crestmore mine of the River- side Cement Co., Crestmore, California. ' U S B M, Inf Circ 6795:1020 (1933) iabst) Eng Index 1934:640 (1934) Rogers, Austin Flint 25 (and Reed, R. D.) Sand-calclte crys- tals from Monterey County, California. (abst) N Jb 1925, Ref 2, Al)t A:281 (1925) 25a Euhedral magnesite crystals from 1 San Jose, California. (abst) N Jb Ref I Band 2, Abt A 1925:284-285 (1925) 31 Chromite in the dunite of north- j western Siskiyou County, California. (abst) Pan Am G 55:368-369 (1931) (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:232 (1932) (aim) An Bib j Ec G 5:287 (1932) 31a Castanite, a basic ferric sulphate I from Knoxville, California. Am Mineralo- I gist 16:396-404 (1931) (ami) An Bib Ec j G 4:217 (1931) (abst) Am Mineralogist I 16:115 (1931) Min Absts 5:96 (1932) ; Chem Absts 25:5645 (1931) 31b Granite pegmatite from Salt Creek, Tulare County, California. (abst) Am j Mineralogist 16:116 (1931) ! 31c Geological history of Lone Hill, Santa Clara Countj-, California. (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:316 (1931) : 31 d Periclase from Crestmore, near i Riverside, California, with a list of min- erals from this locality, (abst) N Jb I 1931, Ref 1:80-81 (1931) i 32 Anauxite as a secondary mineral in '. some volcanic rocks of California and ' Arizona. (abst) Pan Am G 58:72-73 ' (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:159-160 I (1933) (ami) An Bib Ec G 6:244 (1934) 32a Euhedral gold crystals from Mari- posa County, California, (abst) Am Min- eralogist 17:1115 (1932) 32b Sanbornite, a new barium silicate mineral from Mariposa Co., California. Am Mineralogist 17:161-172 (1932) (ami) An Bib Ec G 5:35 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:568-569 (1932) Min Absts 5:145 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1932, Band 1, Ref I 1:408 (1932) Chem Absts 26:4772 (1932) ! 32c Sanbornite, a new barium disili- cate mineral from Mariposa County, Cali- fornia. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div ilines, Mining in California, St ^lineralogist's Rp 28:84 (1932) (abst) Am Mineralogist's Rp 17:117 (1932) 33 Cleavage and parting in quartz. (abst) Am Mineralogist 18:111-112 (1933) 34 Salton volcanic domes of Imperial County. (abst) Pan Am G 61:372-373 BIBLIOGRAPHY : ROGERS — SA M PS( ty ().") Rogers, Austin Flint — Cont. (1934) (absO G Sno Am, I'r 1934:328 (1935) 34a Unique ocfUirence of \ein f|u;',rtz in Mariposa County, California. (ahst) Pan Am G 61:370-371 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:327-328 (1935) (o(ni) An Bib Ec G 8:57 (1935) Rogers, H. O. 30 (Tryon, F. G.; and Mann, L.) Coal. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1H30: 599-773, California 614, 707 (1932) 34 (and Metcalf, R. W.) Feldspar. U S B M, Min Yb 1934:999-1007, California 1005, 1006, 1007 (1934)... 1935:1107-1114, California 1112 (1935) 36 (and Gaiiher, C.) Feldspar. USB M, Min Yb 1936:735-743, California 740, 741, 742 (1936) Romanowltz, C. M. 34 (and Young, G. J.) Gold dredging. Eng M J 135:486-490 (1934) 34a $34 gold stimulates the dredge de- signer's ingenuity. Eng it J 135:338-341 tl934) Roscoe, H. E. 76 On two new vanadium minerals. Soc London, Pr 25:109-112 (1876) R Ross, Clyde P. 33 Quicksilver deposits. In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I Eng, Lind- gren Volume :652-658, California 654 (1933) Ross, C. S. 32 (and Kerr, P. F.) Manganese min- erals of a vein near Bald Knob, North Carolina. Am Mineralogist 17:1-18, 2 figs, California 13 (1932) Min Absts 5:50- .-)! (1932) Ross, Roland Case 35 A new genus and species of pigmy goose from the McKittrick Pleistocene. San Diego Soc N H, Tr 8:107-114, figs (1935) (abst) Rv CJeol et Sci conn 15: 427-428 (1935) Roundy, P. V. 32 (Woodring, W. P.: and Farnsworth, H. R.) Geology and oil resources of the Elk Hills, California (including Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1), U S G S, B 835:82 pp. 8 figs, 22 pis (1932) iabst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:367, 513 (1933) {abat) Eng Index 1933:818 (1933) Rousch, G. A. 32 Platinum group metals. Min Ind 41:407-418, California 407 (1933)... 42:456- 469, California 459 (1934)... 43:460-473, California 463 (1935) Rousselot, X. A. 33 (and Silent, H.) The killing and well history of Milham Elliott No. 1 and Con- tinental Elliott 12-8 wells on the North Dome of Kettleman Hills, California. In Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 1933:91-111 (1933) Russell, Richard Dana 31 (and Vander Hoof, V. L.) A verte- brate fauna fnim a new Pliocene forma- tion in northern California. Cal LTniv, Dp G, B 20:11-21, 7 figs (1931) {abst) G Zentralbl 46:194 (1932) Pale Zentralbl 1:137 (1932) Biol Absts 8:1035, entry 9537 (1934) 32 Nomlaki tuff, its origin and mode of emplacement. (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:186-187 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 57:234 (1932) 33 Fossil pearls from the Chico forma- tion of Shasta County, California, (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:423-424 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 5:115-116 (1934) Russell, Richard Joel 30 Basin range structure and strati- graphy of the Warner Range, north- eastern California. (abst) Peterman's Mitt 76:274 (1930) 31 Do fault patterns indicate type of displacement? (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:300 (1931) 31a Dry climates of the United States. Cal Univ, Pub Geog 5:1-41 (1931)... 245- 274 (1932) 32 Land forms of the San Gorgonio Pass, southern California. Cal Univ Pub Geog 6:23-121, 42 figs, 1 map (1932) 32a Land.'ilide lakes of the northwestern Great Basin, (abst) Zs Geom 7:268 (1932) 33 Alpine land forms of western United States. G Soc Am, B 44:927-950 (1933) Russell, S. 31 The romance of Signal Hill. Oil B 17:588-596 (1931) Rutten, Von L. 35 Alte Land-und Meeresverbindungen in und Zentralamerika. G Rundschau, Bd XXVI, Heft 1/2:65-94, 2 pis, 3 figs in text (1935) Salvatori, Henry 33 Correlation of reflection seismograph records in California. Am As Petroleum G, B 17:257-267 (1933) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:497 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 6:135 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1933:540 (1933) Sampson, Reid J. 31 (with Tucker, W. B.) Feldspar, silica, andalusite, and cyanite deposits of 66 OEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : SAMPSON SAWYER Sampson, Ueid J. — Coiit. California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, .Mining- in California, St MineialoRist's Rp 27:407-45S (in.",!) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:264 (1931) 31a (and Tucker, W. B.) Los Angeles Field Division: San Bernardino County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining- in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 26:203- 334, 25 figs, 3 pis (1930) (nbst) Kng Index 1931:898 (1931) 32 Mineral resources of a part of the Pananiint Range. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, S.t Mineralo- gist's Rp 28:357-376 (1932) (ann) An Bib Ee G 6:9 (1934) 32a Eoonomio mineral deposits of the San Jacinto quadrangle. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 28:3-11 (1932) (a»ui) An Bib Ec G 5:12 (1932) 32b Placers of southern California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in Cali- fornia. 28:245-^55 (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:54 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1932: 632 (1932) 32c (and Tucker, W. B.) Los Angeles field division, Ventura County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in Califor- nia, St Mineralogist's Rp 28:247-277 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1933:722 (1933) 33 (and Tucker, W. D.) Gold resources of Kern County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 29: 231-239 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7:41 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1934:533 (1934) 35 Mineral resources of a portion of the Perris Block, Riverside County, Cali- fornia. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J 31:507-521 (1935) Sanborn, Frank 32 Prospecting for vein deposits. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div ]\flnes, Mining in Cali- fornia, St Mineralogist's Rp 28:214-218 (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:54 (1932) San Diego State College, Delvers Quar- terly 36 Preliminary report of the geology of the southern half of the Cuyamaca State Park and adjacent districts, San Diego County, California. San Diego State Coll, Delvers Quarterly 1, no 4:28 (minieo- graphed) illus (1936) Santmyers, R. M. 31 Boron and its compounds. U S B M, Inf Circ 6499:37 pp. 1 fig (1931) (abst) V S B M, List Pub, 1910-1932:150 (1933) 31a Quartz and silica. Part I. General summary. U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932: 149 (1933)... Inf Circ 6472:15 pp, 1 fig (1931) Santmyers, R. M. — C'ont. 31b Quartz and silica. Part II. Quartz, (luuitzite and sandstone. USB M, Inf Circ 6473:20 pp (1931) (nbsf) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:149 (1933) 31c Quartz and silica. Part III. Sand and miscellaneous silicas. USB M, Inf Circ 6474:17 pp (1931) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:149 (1933) 31d Umber, sienna, and other bro-wn earth pigments. U S B M, Inf Circ 6504: 14 pp (1931) (abst) USB M, List Pub 1910-1932:150 (1933) 31e Lead. Min Ind 39:356-384, Califor- nia 366 (1931)... 40:321-350, California .530-331 (1932) 32 Gypsum. USB M, Min Yb 1932- 1933:617-628, California 621, 623, 625 (1933) 32a (and Stoddard, B. H.) Barite and barium products. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:209-218, California 209, 211 (1932)... 1930:291-301, California 291, 292, 293, 294, 301 (1932)... 1931:289- 296, California 290, 291 (1933)... Min Yb 1932-1933:753-761, California 754, 756, 757 (1933)... 1935:1125-1136, California 1129 (1935) 32b (and Middleton, J.) Gypsum. U S B M, Min Re.s, Calendar Year 1929:105- 118, California 106 (1932)... 1930:87-100, California 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 (1932)... 1931:191-203, California 193, 195, 199 (1933) Sappar, Karl Theodor 16 Bertrage zur geographic der tatigen vulkane. Zs Vulkan 3:65-197, California 83 (1916-1917) Sauer, Carl 32 Land forms in the Peninsular Range of California as developed about Warner's Hot Springes and Mesa Grande. (lievieiv) Geog Rv 20:529-530 (1930) (abst) Peternmnn's Mitt 78:106 (1932) (abst) Zs Geom Band VII, Heft 4/5:246-248 (1932) Savage, J. L. 31 (with Berkey, C. P.; Louderback, G. D.; Hinderlider, M. C: and Williams, I. A.) Report of consulting board on safety of the proposed Pine Canyon dam, Los Angeles County. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources May 1931:22 pp, 8 pis, 1 map (1931) Sawdon, W. A. 36 Handling high-pressure -wells in California. Petroleum Eng 6, no 6:51-59, illus (1936) Sawyer, Edmund O. 35 Geophysical survey by seismic re- flection. Petroleum World An Rv 1935: 197-208 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:303 (1936) BIBLIOGRAPHY : SCHALLER — SCHMIDT 67 Schaller, W. T. 05 Notes oil some Cjilifoi'iiiii minerals. (ubst.) N Jb lOOS, Band 1:204-205 (1905) 31 Borate minerals from the Kramer district, Mojave Desert, California, (abst) N Jb 1931; Ref 1:150-155 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 44:346 (1931) 31a Hydroboracite from California. Min Absts 4:93-94 (1931) 32 (Fairchlld, J. G.) Bavenite, a beryl- lium mineral, pseudomorphous after beryl, from California. Am Mineralogist 17: 409-422 (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:255 (1932). (abst) Am Mineralogist 17:114 (1932) Min Absts 5:230-231 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 1:235-237 (1933) (by Schal- ler) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:97 (1934) Chem Absts 26:5515 (1932) 32a Chemical compo.'^ition of cuprotung- stite. Am Mineralogist 17:234-237 (1932) 33 Pegmatites. In Ore deposits of the western states, Lindgren Volume :144-151 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:206-207 (1934) 35 Monticellite from San Bernardino County, California, and the Monticellite series. Am Mineralogiet 20:815-827, 12 tables (1935) (aim) An Bib Ec G 8:267 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:200 (1936) Schenck, Hubert Gregory 30 An additional occurrence of Amphis- tegina californica. Stanford Univ, Micro- paleontology B 2:43-44 (1930) 31 Cephalopods of the genus Aturia from western North America. Cal Univ, Dp G So, B 19:435-490, 5 figs, 13 pis (1931) (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:369 (1931) (abst) Pan Am G 54:238 (1930) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 1:118 (1932) 31a (and Nelson, R. N.) Eocene algae and stellate orbitoids from the Santa Ynez Range, California. (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:371 (1931) 31b (Kerr, P. E. ; and Muller S.) Geol- ogy of the Ventura quadrangle, Califor- nia, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:186-187 (1931) (abst) Pan Am G 55:64 (1931) 31c Miocene brown shales of the Ket- tleman Hills wells, California, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:300 (1931) 31d Diatomaceous shales interbedded with arkose. Stanford Univ Micropaleon- tology B 2:105-106 (1931) 32 (and Nomland, J. O.) Cretaceous beds at Slate's Hot Springs, California. Cal Univ Dp G Sc, B 21:37-49, 4 figs (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:592 (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:379- 398 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1932:612 (1932) 33 New records of Discocyclina in the California Eocene. Stanford Univ, Micro- paleontology B 4:72-79 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 15:97-98 (1934) 6—51441 Schenck, Hubert Gregory — Cont. 33a .Sigiiiliiancr nf Icpidocyclina in California, (dbsl) I'an Am G 59:319-320 (1933)... 62:156 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933:302 (1934) (abst) G Zentralbl 51: 407 (1934) 33b (and Taliaferro, N. L.) Lepidocy- clina in California. Am J Sc 25:74-80 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 3:412 (1933) Biol Absts 9:1886, entry 17081 (1935) 35 What is the Vaqueros formation of California, and is it Oligocene? Am As Petroleum G, B 19:521-536 (1935) (abst) 137 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:150 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:252 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1935:784 (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bb 55:47 (1935) 35a (and Keen, A. M.) West American marine molluscan provinces, (abst) Pan Am G 63:376-377 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:413 (1936) 35b (and Kleinpell, R. M.) Foraminifera from Gaviota formation, (abst) Pan Am G 46:76 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935: 352 (1936) 35c A^alid species of the nuculid pelecy- pod Acila. Musee royal d'Historie natu- relle de Belgique, B Tome XI, no 14:1-5 (1935) 35d Oligocene problem, (abst) Pan Am G 63:75 (1935) 35e (and Reinhart, P. W.) Oligocene arcid pelecypods of genus Anadara. (abst) Pan Am G, 63:373-374 (1935) 36 (and Kleinpell, R. M.) Refugian stage of Pacific Coast Tertiary. Am As Petroleum G, B 20:215-225 (1936) (abst) B Zentralbl, Abt A, Band 57:50 (1936) 36a Nuculid bivalves of the genus Acila. G Soc Am, Sp P no 4:48-50, 82-86, 94-99, 106-110, 112-114, 117-118 (1936) (abst) Pan Am G 56:68 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:1054-1055 (1933) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:587-589 (1936) Schenk, Edward Theodore 33 Marine Triassic of central Oregon. (abst) Pan Am G 59:374 (1933) 35 A new ammonite genus from the upper Triassic of central Oregon. The American Midland Naturalist 16, no :',: 400-405, California 404 (1935) Schmeltz, Fred W. 32 Lapis-lazull in California. Rocks & Min 7:69 (1932) Schmidt, Ludwig 35 (Thorne, H. M.; and Wilhelm, C. J.) Disposing of oil field brines. Petroleum World (London) 32:103-106, California 105 (1935) B8 GEOLOGY OP CALIFORXIA : SCHMITT— SHAW Schmitt, II. A. 34 (Locke, A.; uiul Billingsley, P.) Some ideas on the occurrence of oi'e in the western United States. Ec G 29:560- 576 (1934) Scholtz, Hermann 31 Die bedeutung makroskopischer ge- fugentersuchungren fur die rekonstruction fossiler vulkan. Zs Vulcan 14:97-117, pis 15-16, 10 figs (1931> Schrader, F. C. ■33 Epithernial antimony deposits. In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Lindgren Volume:658-665, Cali- fornia 661-662 (1933) Schroter, G. A. 35 A geologist visits the Mojave min- ing district. Eng M J 136:185-188 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:55 (1935) (abst) Eng Index 1935:520 (1935) (abst) G Zen- Iralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:155-156, 269-270 (1936) Schuchert, Charles 19 Petroliferous provinces. Am I INI Eng, B 155:3058-3070 (1919) 33 The Vaqueros formation, lower Mio- cene of California. Part I. Paleontology by Wayne Loel and W. H. Corey. (i?e- view) An J Sc (5) 26:528-529 (1933) Schuette, Curt Nicolaus 31 Occurrence of quicksilver ore bodies. Am I M Eng, Tech Pub 335:88 pp, 16 figs (1930) (with discussion) Tr (general volume) 1931:403-488, 16 figs (1931) 31a Quicksilver. USB M, B 335:168 pp, 56 figs (1931) {ab.sO U S B M List of Pub 1910-1932:25 (1933) 31b Quicksilver mining in the United States, Compressed Air 36:3457-3461 (1931) 33 Lahontan quicksilver. Eng M J 134: 329-332 (1933) Schultz, John R. 36 Plesippus Francescana (Frick) from the Coso Mountains, (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935: 419 (1936) (abst) Pan Am G 64: 79 (1936) Scofield, C. S. 31 (and Gale, H. S.) McKenzie Taylor's genesis of petroleum and coal as applied to Fruitvale field, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 15:709-712 (1931) Sedelmyer, H. A. 31 Preparation of a new relief map of California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:73-77, 2 figs, map (1931) Seeley, E. ]\L 31 (and Hopkins, G. K.) Natural gaso- line plants in the United States, January 1, 1932. USB M, Inf Circ 6635:28 pp (1931) 32 (and Hopkins, G. R.) Natural gaso- line. USB M, Stat App, Min Yb 1932- 1933:55-65, California 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63 (1934) 32a (and Hopkins, G. R.) Natural gaso- line. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:299-318, California 303, 304, 305, 306, 308, 309, 312, 313, 314, 317, 318 (1932)... 1930:433-456, California 435, 436, 4^7, 438, 439, 440, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 449, 450, 451, 453, 455, 456 (1932)... 1931:331-347, California 331, 334, 335, 336, 338, 344 (1933) Segerstrom, C. H. 35 Gold mining in California. M Cong J 21, no 4:14, 35 (1935) Seismological Society of America 31 Seismological notes (California earthquakes). Seism Soc Am, B 21:61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 79, 176, 179, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 289, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308 (1931)... 22:172, 175, 251, 252, 256, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 295, 296 (1932) ... 23:23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 83, 85, 86, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 174, 175, 176, 177 (1933) ... 24:73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427 (1934) ... 25:96-112, 184-189, 275-279. 387-390 (1935) Seward, A. C. 32 The redwoods of California: the past and the present. Nature 130:723-726 (1932) Shannon, Earl V. 30 (and Short, M. N.) Violarite and other rare nickel sulphides. (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 11:158 (1930) Sharp, R. P. 35 Geology of Ravenna quadrangle. (abst) Pan Am G 63:314 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:336 (1936) Shaw, E. 31 New gypsum products plant in Cali- fornia. Rock Products 34, no 19:60-64, 4 figs (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931:685 (1931) BIBLIOGRAPHY : SHEA — SIMPSON 69 Shea, G. B. 32 Natural gasoline. USD -M, Miii Yb 1932-1933:535-544, California 541, 543 (1933)... 1934:737-745, California 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744 (1934)... 1935:821- 831, California 823, 827, 829 (1935) Shedd, Solon 31 Bibliography of the geology and mineral resources of California to the end of 1929. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Geologic Branch, B 104:205 pp (1931) (new edition, revised) 376 pp (1933) (ami) An Bib Ec G 4:1 (1931) 6: 170 (1934) (Reviexo) Sierra Club B 19:107 (1934) Shenon, Philip John 33 Copper deposits in the Squaw Creek and Silver Peak districts and at the Alameda mine, southwestern Oregon, with many notes on the Pennell & Farmer and Banfleld Prospects. U S G S, Circ 2:34 pp, 5 figs, 6 pis (incl geol maps) (1933) Shepard, Francis P. 33 Investigation of California subma- rine canyons, (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933: 107-108 (1934) 34 (and McDonald, G. A.) Sediments of Santa Monica Bay. (abst) Pan Am G 61: 317 (1934) 35 Exact configuration of two Califor- nia submarine canyons. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934-:106-107 (1935) 35a Continued explorations of Califor- nia submarine canyons. Am Geop Union, Tr 1935:221-223 (1935) 36 New discoveries from the California submarine canyons. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:104 (1936) 36a Northward continuation of the San Andreas fault. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:105 (1936) 36b The underlying causes of subma- rine canyons. Nat Ac Sc 22:496-502 (1936) Shimer, Hervey "W. 34 Correlation chart of geologic forma- tions of North America. G Soc Am, B 45:909-935 (1934) Shore, F. M. 36 Peat. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:663- 665, California 665 (1936) Short, Allan M. 33 A chemical and optical study of piedmontite from Shadow Lake, Madera County, California. Am Mineralogist 18: 493-500 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 1: 449-450 (1934) Min Absts 5:519 (1934) (abst) Eng Index 1933:831 (1933) Short, M. X. 30 (and Shannon, i;^. V.) Violarite and other rare nickel sulphides. (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 11:158 (1930) Shrock, R. R. 35 (and Hunsicker, A. A.) A study of some great basin lake sediments of Cali- fornia, Nevada and Oregon. J Sed Petrology 5:9-30 (1935) Shuey, E. T. 32 (and Clark, M. B.) Summary of min- eral production. U S B M, Stat App, Min Yb 1932-1933:A1-A40, California A13 (1934)... 1934:A1-A41, California A14 (1935) 34 (and Clark, M. B.) Summary of min- eral resources of the United States. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Y'ear 1931 :A5- A112, California A86 (1934) 35 (Bagley, B. W. ; and Hughes, H. H.) Cement. U S B M, Min Yb 1935:883-909, California 887, 898, 901, 904 (1935) Siegfus, Stanley S. 35 (and Cushman, J. A.) New species of foraminifera from the Kreyenhagen shale of Fresno County, California. Cushman Lab Foram Res, Contr 11:90- 96 (1935) Siemon, J. H. 33 (Collins, L. B.; and Gilbert, J. C.) Marine oil drilling in California. Petro- leum World (London) 30:327-329 (1933) Petroleum World 1933 (October) :15-18 (1933) Silent, R. 33 (and Rousselot, N. A.) The killing and well history of Milham Elliott No. 11 and Continental Elliott 12-8 wells on the North Dome of Kettleman Hills, California. In Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 1933:91-111 (1933) Simonson, R. R. 35 Piedmontite from Los Angeles County, California. Am Mineralogist 20: 737-738 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:268 (1936) Simpich, F. 33 ]Men and gold. Nat Geog Soc, Mag 43:481-518, California 481, 497, 501, 502 (1933) Simpson, Edward C. 34 Geology and mineral deposits of the Elizabeth Lake quadrangle, California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 30:371-415 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:57 (1936) (abst) G Zen- tralbl, Abt, Bd 57:201-202 (1936) 70 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: SIMPSON SOPER Simpson, G. G. 33 Glossary and correlation charts of North American Tertiary mammal bear- ing formations. Am Mus, B 67:79-121 (1933) (ahst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:308 (1934) Sinclair, William John 06 The exploration of the Potter Creek cave, California. (g-eolog-y and Quater- nary vertebrate.s). (nhst) N Jb 1906, Ref 1:125-127 (1906) Singewald, Joseph T. Jr. 33 Genetic groups of hypogene deposits and their occurrence in the western United States. In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Lindgren Volume: SO.": 524, California 505-oOG, 512, 516-518, 519-520, 522-524 (1933) Skeggs, J. H. 33 Skilful work of engineers saved highway in 200,000 cubic yard slide. Cal Dp Pub Work.s, Cal Highways, April :22 (1935) Skidmore, W. A. 85 Gravel channels of ancient rivers. M Sc Press 51:6 (1885) Smith, Allyn G. 33 (and Hanna, G. D.) Two new species of Monadenia from northern California. Nautilus 46:79-86, 2 pis (1933) Biol Absts 8:243, entry 2121 (1934) Smith, Hampton 34 Origin of some siliceous Miocene rocks of California. (abst) Pan Am G 61:376-377 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:334 (1935) Smith, James Perrin 06 The comparative stratigraphy of the marine Trias of western America, (abst) N Jb 1906, Band 2:98-100 (1906) 09 The paragenesis of the minerals in the glaucophane-bearing rocks of Cali- fornia, (abst) N Jb 1909, Band 1:71-74 (1909) 31 Upper Triassic marine invertebi-ate faunas of North America. G Zentralbl 44:440-447 (1931) 32 Lower Triassic ammonoids of North America. U S G S, P P 167:199 pp, 81 pis, .1 fig (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:443 (1933) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:598-610 (1933) Biol Absts 8:804, entry 7233 (1934) Smith, Lewis A. 32 Chromite. U S B M, Min Res, Cal- endar Year 1929: 203-229, California 205, 206 (1932)... 1930:243-266, California 244- 245 (1933)... 1931:103-116, California 104 Smith, Le\\i.s A. — Cont. (1934)... Min Y'b 1932-1933:299-309, Cali- fornia 300 (1933) 32a Manganese and manganiferous ores. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929: 275-332, California 282 (1932) 32b Chromium. U S B M, Inf Circ 6566:1-32, 6 figs, California IS, 19-20 (1932) Smith, Wayne M. 30 Some foraminifera from the Elwood field, Santa Barbara County, California. Stanford Univ, Micropaleontology B 2:5-8 (1930) Smith, W. S. T. 33 Marine terraces on Santa Catalina Island. Am J Sc 25:123-136 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1933:536 (1933) Smyth, H. L. 05 Origin and classification of placers. Eng M J 79:1045-1046, 1179-1180, 1228-1230 (1905) Snedden, Loring B. 32 Notes on the stratigraphy and the micropaleontology of the Miocene forma- tion in Los Sauces Creek, Ventura County, California. Stanford Univ, Micro- paleontology B 3:41-46 (1932) Snider, L. C. 33 A comparison of old and new oil fields. In Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 1933:71-86 (1933) 34 Current ideas regarding source beds for petroleum. In Problems of petroleum geology. Am As Petroleum G, Sidney Powers Memorial Volume :51-66 (1934) 36 (and Brooks, B. T.) Probable petro- leum shortage in the United States, and methods for its alleviation. Am As Pet- roleum G, B 20:15-50, California 24, 27-28, 34. 36, 40 (1936) Somers, George B. 30 Anomalies of vertical intensity com- pared with regional geology for the State of California, (abst) G Zentralbl 43:421- 422 (1930-1931) Soper, E. K. 32 Limitations of ground water in determining hidden geologic structures. Am As Petroleum G, B 16:335-360.(1932) (abst) Inst Pet Tech, J 18:198A (1932) (abst)- Eng Index 1932:952 (1932) 32a (with Grant, U. S.) Geology and paleontology of a portion of Los Angeles, California. G Soc Am, B 42:1041-1067 (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:341 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 57:370-371 (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:148 (1933) (abst) Pale BIBLlOGKAl'IIY : SOPER — STALDEB 71 Soper, E. K.— Cont. Zentralbl 4:162 (1934)... 5:91-92 (1934) Biol Absts 9:1857, entry 16826 (1935) 34 (and Grant, U. S.) Stratigraphy of western Santa Monica JSlnuntains. (ahst) Pan Am C. 61:308 (1934) (absl) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:310-311 (1935) Soske, J. Tj. 33 Differences in diurnal variation of vertical magnetic intensity in southern California. Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity 1933:109-115 (1933) (abst) N .lb 1935, Ref 2:4S5 (1935) 35 (and Kelley, V. C.) Wave-built pumice deposits and Salton rhyolitic hills, (abst) Pan Am G 63:319-320 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:341 (1936) 35a Magnetometer survey of southern portion of San Andreas fault. (.abst) Pan Am G 63:318 (1935) Utbst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:340 (1936) 36 (and Kelley, V. C.) Origin of the Salton volcanic domes, Salton Sea, Cali- fornia. J G 44:496-509, figs (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:514-515 (1936) (abat) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 58:28 (1936) Sparks, Neil R. 32 (and Byerly, P.) Earthquakes in northern California and the registration of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mount Ham- ilton, Palo Alto from October 1, 1931 to March 31, 1932. Cal Univ, Seism Sta B 3:53-96 (1933)... April 1, 1932 to Septem- ber 30, 1932, B 3:97-150 (1933)... October 1, 1932 to March 31, 1933, B 3:151-241 (1935) 33 (and Byerly, P.) The first prelimi- nary waves of the California earthquake of June 6, 1932. Seism Soc Am, Eastern Sec, Earthquake Notes 5:254-256, 1 flg (1933) Am Geop Union, Tr 14:254-256 (1933) 33a (and Byerly, P.) Earthquakes In northern California and the registration of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mount Ham- ilton, Palo Alto from October 1, 1931, to March 31, 1932. Cal Univ, Seism Sta B 3:54-96 (1933) 33b (and Byerly, P.) Earthquakes in northern California and the i-egistration of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mt. Hamil- ilton, Palo Alto from October 1, 1931, to April 1, 1932 to September 30, 1932. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 3:97-150 (1933)... October 1, 1932 to March 31, 1933. Cal Univ, Seism Sta, B 3:151-241 (1935) 35 Building vibrations. Seism Soc Am, B 25:381-387 (1935) Spicer, H. Cecil 36 Rock temperatures and depths to normal boiling point of water in the Spicer, H. Cecil — Cont. United States. Am As Petroleum G, B 20:270-279, California 271, 279 (1936) Spiers, James 31 Mining methods and costs at Cen- tral-Eureka Mine, Amador County, Cali- fornia. U S B M, Inf Circ 6512:12 pp, IS figs (1931) (abst) U S B M, Pub 1910-1932:151 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1931:674 (1931) 33 Mining methods and costs at Cen- tral Eureka mine, California. Explosives Rng 11, no 4:119-123 (1033) U S B M, Inf Circ 6512, 12 pp, 18 figs (1931) Spilman, C. F. 31 Grass Valley-Nevada City district stages comeback. M J Ariz 15, no 12:3-4, 37 (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931:673-674 (1931) 31a The Hadsel mill and Beebe gold mine. M J Ariz no 15:5-6 (1931) Spitaler, R. 34 Uber die Erdbeden in Kalifornien. Beitr Geoph 42:321-328 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 2:485 (1935) Staack, J. G. 32 Topographic branch, California. U S G S, An Rp 1932:48 (1932) Stabler, Herman 32 Conservation branch, California. U S G S, An Rp 1932:62 (1932) Stalder, Walter 31 New productive horizon in Califor- nia. Am As Petroleum G, B 15:201 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 44:478 (1931) 31a Northern California's chance for oil. Petroleum World 28:49-51. 127 (1931) 31b New light on California's early days. Petroleum World 28:32-34, 40 (1931) 32 Commercial oil and gas production in northern California not far off. Petro- leum World 29, no 7:13-16, 60 (1932) 32a Structural and commercial oil and gas possibilities of central valley region, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 16: 361-371 (1932) (anv) An Bib Ec G 5:145 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:618 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:1204-1205 (1933) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 47:413 (1932) (abst) Inst Pet Tech, J 18:197A (1932) 33 Gas on Marysville Buttes, Sutter County, California. Am As Petroleum G 17:443 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1933:818 (1933) 33a Northern California development. Petroleum World, An Rv 1933:151 -Ifil (1933) 72 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : STANDARD OIL BULLETIN — STIPP Standard Oil Bulletin 36 New oil deposit in San Joaquin Val- ley. Standard Oil, B 24, no 9:1 (1936) Stanton, T. W. 32 Geologic branch, California. U S G S, An Rp 1932:15-16 (1932) Stanton, W. Layton, Jr. 31 Geology of the Adelaida quadrangle, California (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:301-302 (1931) 32 Structure of portion of southern Santa Lucia range, (abst) G Soc Am, B 1344:147-148 (1933) (abst) Pan Am G 57: 369-370 (1932) Stauffer, Clinton R. 31 The Devonian of California, (abst) G Zentralbl 44:191 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:533-534 (1933) Biol Absts 6: 5273 (1932) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:140- 141 (1934) Stearns, Harold T. 28 Lava beds of National Monument, California. Geog Soc Philadelphia, B 26, no 4:239-253, 12 figs, 1 map (1928) 31 (with Robinson, T. W.; and Taylor, G. H.) Geology and water resources of the Mokelumne area, California, (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:333 (1931) (abst) G Zen- tralbl 43:375-376 (1930-1931) 31a Rainfall and stream run-off in southern California since 1769. "Western City 7, no 9:19-20 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:333 (1931) Steffa, Don 30 Pumicite, cement's little sister. M J Ariz 14, no 9:7-8 (1930) 32 Gold mining and milling methods and costs at the Vallecito Western Drift Mine, Angels Camp, California. USB M, Inc Circ 6612:13 pp, 4 figs (1932) Sterrett, Douglas Bovard 09 Precious stones, (abst) N Jb, Ref Band 1, 1909:30-31 (1909) Stevens, J. B. 30 (and Jensen, J.) Water invasion, McKittrick oil field. M Metal 11:470-471 (1930) 31 (and Jensen, J.) Water problems of McKittrick oil field. In Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 92:164-167 (1931) Stewart, J. D. 34 Hydraulic mining again interesting to capital. Eng M J 135:491-493 (1934) {(itDi) An Bib Ec G 7:243 (1934) Stewart, Katherine C. 30 (and Stewart, R. E.) "Lower Plio- cene" in eastern end of Puente Hills, San Bernardino County, California. (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 11:467-468 (1930) (abst) Eng Index 1930:823 (1930) Pale Zentralbl 2:222 (1933) 31 (and Stewart R. E.) Post-Miocene foraminifera from the Ventura quad- rangle, Ventura County. (Twelve new species and varieties from the Pliocene). (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:79 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 43:266-267 (1930-1931) Biol Absts 9:687, entry 6060 (1935) 33 (and Stewart, R. E.) Notes on the foraminifera of the type Merced at Seven Mile Beach, San Mateo County, Califor- nia. San Diego Soc N H, Tr 7:259-272, 2 pis (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:80-81 (1934) Biol Absts 8:1326, entry 12240 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:218 (1935) Stewart, Ralph B. 31 Gabb's California Cretaceous and Tertiary type lamellibranchs. (Reviexc) J G 39:177-178 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:161-167 (1933) Biol Absts 6:11261 (1932) Stewart, Roscoe E. 30 (and Stewart, K. C.) "Lower Plio- cene" in eastern end of Puente Hills, San Bernardino County, California. (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 11:467-468 (1930) (abst) Eng Index 1930:823 (1930) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:222 (1933) 31 (and Stewart, K. C.) Post-Miocene foraminifera from the Ventura quad- rangle, Ventura County. (Twelve new species and varieties from the Pliocene.) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:79 (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 43:266-267 (1930-1931) Biol Absts 9:687, entry 6060 (1935) 33 (and Stewart, K. C.) Notes on the foraminifera of the type Merced at Seven Mile Beach, San Mateo County, Califor- nia. San Diego Soc N H, Tr 7:259-272, 2 pis (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:80- 81 (1934) Biol Absts 8:1326, entry 12240 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:218 (1935) Stille, Hans 36 The present tectonic state of the earth. Am As Petroleum G, B 30:849-878 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:516 (1936) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 58: 150-151 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:516 (1936) Stipp, T. F. 34 (and Tolman, P. B.) Eocene strati- graphy on north side of Simi Vallev. BIBLIOGKAPIIV : STIPP — teTOC'K 73 Stipp, T. F.— Cont. (abst) Pan Am G 42:79 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:393-394 (1935) Stirton, R. A. 31 (and Matthew, W. D.) Osteology and affinities of Borophagrus. (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:678-679 (1931) (abst) G Zen- tralbl 5:458 (1931) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 1:142 (1932) 32 A new genus of Soricidar from the Barstow Miocene of California. (abst) Pale Zentralbl 1:297 (1932) 33 Critical review of Mint Canyon mammalian fauna and its correlative significance. Am J So 26:569-576 (1933) (abst) Pan Am G 59:377 (1933) (abst) X Jb 1934, Ref 3:476 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:392 (1934) 33a (and Vander Hoof, V. I^.) Osteo- borus, a new genus of dogs and its rela- tions to Borophapus Cope. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 23:175-182, 3 figs (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:475 (1934) 34 (and De Chardin, T. P.) A correla- tion of some :Miocene and Pliocene mam- malian assemblages in North America and Asia with a discussion of the Mio- Pliocene boundary. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 23:277-290, 3 tables (1934) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 3:913 (1935) 35 A review of the Tertiary beavers. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 23:391-458, 142 figs, 1 map, 2 charts (1935) 36 Succession of North American con- tinental Pliocene mammalian faunas. Am J Sc 32 (5):161-206 (1936) Stock, Chester 30 Oreodonts from the Sespe deposits of South Mountain, Ventura County, (California. Carnegie Inst, Wash Pub 404: 27-42, 2 figs, 2 pis (1930) 31 Discovery of upper Eocene land mammals on the Pacific Coast. Science 74:577-578 (1931) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 3: 219 (1933) 32 Is Feli-s atrox of Rancho La Brea, a lion or a tiger? (abst) G Soc Am, B 43: 290 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 56:70 (1932) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:390 (1933) 32a An upper Oligocene mammalian fauna from southern California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 18:550-554 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 58:71 (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:158 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 5:295 (1934) 32b Additions to the mammalian fauna from the Tecuya beds, California. Car- negie Inst, "Wash, Contr Paleontology, Pub 418:87-92, 1 pi (1932) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:52 (1934)... 5:295 (1934) Biol Absts 8:562, entry 5097 (1934) 32c (and Merriam, J. C.) The Felidae of Rancho La Brta. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Pub 422:152 figs, 42 pis (1932) (abst) N Stock, Chester — Cont. Jb 1934, Ref 3:319-320 (1934) Biol Absts 9:491, entry 4313 (1935) 32d Upper Eocene mammals from the Sespe, north of the Simi Valley, Califor- nia, (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:158 (1933) (abst) Pan Am G 58:71 (1932) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:180 (1934) 32e Hyaenognathus from Pliocene of Coso Mountains (Inyo County, Califor- nia) (abst) Pan Am G 58:149 (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B, 44:218 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:233 (1934)... 5:361 (1934) (abst) J Mammalogy 13:263-266, 1 pi (1932) 32f Eocene land mammals on the Pa- cific Coast. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 18:518-523, 4 figs (1932) 32g Rancho La Brea, a record of Pleistocene life in California. Los An- geles Museum, Pub 1:1-84, 27 figs (1930) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 1:175 (1932) 32h Asphalt deposits and Quaternary life of Rancho La Brea. Int G Cong, Guide Book 15:21-23 (1932) 33 Carnivora of the Sespe upper Eocene, Simi Valley region, California. (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:199 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:232 (1934) 33a Carnivora of the Sespe Oligocene, Las Posas Hills, California, (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:199 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:232 (1934) 33b Carnivora from the Sespe of the Las Posas Hills, California. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Pub Paleontology 440:29-41, 3 pis (1934) 33c An Amynodont skull from the Sespe deposits of California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 19:762-767, 1 fig (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:308-309 (1934) Biol Absts 8:2129. entry 19253 (1934) 33d Hjaenodontidae of the upper Eo- cene of California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 19: 434-440, 12 figs, 1 pi (1933) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:309 (1934) Biol Absts 8:2129, entry 19251 (1934) 33e An Eocene primate from California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 19:954-959, 1 pi (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:665 (1934) Biol Absts 8:2129, entry 19254 (1934) 33f (and Hall, E. R.) The Asiatic genus Eomellivora in the Pliocene of California. J Mammalogy 14:63-65, 1 pi (1933) Biol Absts 8:834, entry 7628 (1934) 33g A miacid from the Sespe upper Eocene, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 19: 481-486, 1 pi (1933) Biol Absts 8:2129, entry 19252 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:309 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933: 302 (1934) (abst) Pan Am G 59:304 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 5:170 (1934) 33h (and Merriam, J. C.) Tertiary mammals from the auriferous gravels near Columbia, California. Carnegie 74 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : STOCK — STODDARD Stock, Chester — Cont. Inst, Wash, Pub Paleontology 440:1-6, 2 figs (1934) 33i Canid and proboscidean remains from the Ricardo deposits, Mojave desert, California. Biol Absts 7:762, entry 7523 (1933) 33J A peccary from the McKittrick Pleistocene, California. Biol Absts 7:1258, entry 12543 (1933) 33k A tooth of Hipparion mohavense from the Puente formation, California. Biol Absts 7:516, entry 5024 (1983) 34 A Hypertrag-ulid from the Sespe uppermost Eocene, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 20:625-629 (1934) 34a Eocene vertebrate faunas from the Sespe north of Simi Valley, (abst) Pan Am G 41:375 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:332 (1935) 34b INIicrosyopsinae and Hyopsodontidae in the Sespe upper Eocene, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 20:349-354 (1934) 34c Eocene vertebrate fauna from the Sespe, north of Simi Valley, (abst) Pan Am G 62:79-80 (1934) 34d New genus of rodent from the Sespe. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:384 (1934) 34e On the occurrence of an Oreodont skeleton in the Sespe of South Mountain, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 20:518-523, 2 pis, 2 figs (1934) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 3:440 (1933) 34f A second Eocene primate from California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 20:150-154 (1934) Biol Absts 9:492, entry 4320 (1935) 34g New Creodonta from the Sespe upper Eocene, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 20:423-427 (1934) Biol Absts 9:1919, entry 17496 (1935) 35 Deep-well record of fossil mammal remains in California. Am As Petroleum G, B 19:1064-1068, 2 figs (1935) (absf) Eng Index 1935:501 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:358 (1936) (abst) N Jb 1936, Ref 3:160 (1936) 35a Insectivora from the Sespe upper- most Eocene, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 21:214-219, 1 pi (1935) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 3:907-908 (1935) 35b Exiled elephants of the Channel Islands, California. Sc Mo 41:205-215, 10 figs (1935) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 3:1080 (1935) 35c (and Bode, F. D.) Occurrence of lower Oligocene mammal-bearing beds near Death Valley, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 21:571-579, 3 pis (1935) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:53-54 (1936) 35d Plesiomiacis, a new creodont from the Sespe upper Eocene, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 21:119-123, 1 pi (1935) Stock, Chester — Cont. 35e Titanothere remains from the Sespe of California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 21:456-462, 2 pis (1935) 35f New genus of rodent from the Sespe Eocene. G Soc Am, B 46:61-68, 1 pi, 1 fig (1935) Biol Absts 9:1919, entry 17498 (1935) 35g Artiodactyla from the Sespe of the Las Posas Hills, California. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Pub 453:119-125, 1 pi (1935) 35h Sespe faunas, (abst) Pan Am G 63:315 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935: 337 (1936) 36 Perissodactyla of the Sespe Eocene, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 22:260-266, pis (1936) 36a Hesperomeryx, a new artiodactyl from the Sespe Eocene, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 22:177-182, pi (1936) 36b Titanotheres from the Titus Can- yon formation, California. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 22:656-662, pis (1936) 36c Sespe Eocene didelphids. Nat Ac Sc, Pr 22:122-124, pi (1936) 36d Ice age elephants of the Channel Islands. Westways 28 (June) :14-15, illus (1936) 36e When Titans roamed prehistoric Death Valley. Westways 28 (March) :28- 29, illus (1936) Stockman, L. P. 30 Submarine geology opens possibili- ties, (abst) Eng Index 1930:1300 (1930) 31 New oil fields at San Miguelito, Cali- fornia. Oil Gas, J 30, no 22:17 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:317 (1931) 35 California needs 200,000,000 barrels of new crude oil each year. Oil Gas J 34, no 25:87-119 (1935) 35a New oil field opened in El Segundo after years of intensive exploration. Oil Gas J 34, no 14:15 (1935) Stoddard, Blanche H. 32 ]\Iica. USB M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:373-388, California 373, 375 (1932) 32a (and Bowles, O.) Asbestos. USB M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:195-207, California 199 (1932)... 1930:263-275, Cali- fornia 266, 267 (1932)... Min Yb 1934: 1009-1016, California 1012 (1934) 32b (and Santmyers, R. M.) Barite and barium products. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:209-218, California 209, 211, (1932)... 1930:291-301, California 291, 292, 293, 294, 301 (1932)... 1931:289- 296, California 290. 291 (1933)... Min Yb 1932-1933:753-761, California 754, 756, 757 (1933)... 1935:1125-1136, California 1129 (1935) BIBLIOGRAPHY : STODDARD TAPP 75 Stoddard, Blanche H. — Cont. 32c (and Bowles, O.) Talc and soap- stone. U S B I\r, INIin Res, Calendar Year 1030:303-313, California 304, 305, 306, 307, 308 (1932)... 1931:09-110, California 100, 103, 104, 110 (1933) 33 (and Emery, A. H.) Talc and g:round soapstone. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933: 715-722. California 717, 718, 719 (1933)... 1934:975-984, California 976, 977-978 (1934) ... 1935:1069-1081, California 1070, 1072 (1935)... 1936:953-962, California 953, 954, 955 (1936) Storie, R. E. 36 (and Weir, W. W.) A rating of Cali- fornia soils. Cal Univ, Coll Agri, B 599: 158 pp, 67 tab, 4 maps (1936) (absO Rv Geol et Sci 16:136 (1936) Strong, A. M. 34 (and Grant, U. S.) Fossil mollusks from the vertebrate-bearing asphalt de- posits at Carpinteria, California. S Cal So, B 33:7-11 (1934) (abst) Pan Am G 59:375 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am Pr 1933 1:390 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:244 (1934) 34a (and Grant, U. S.) Pliocene and Pleistocene mollusca of Santa Barbara. (abst) Pan Am G 42:71-72 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:386-387 (1935) Sutherland, J. C. 31 (Buwalda, J. P.; and Gazin, C. L.) Frazier IMoiintain; a crysalline overthrust .slab without roots, west of Tejon Pass, southern California. (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:294-295 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 2:251 (1933) 35 Geological investigation of the clays of Riverside and Orange Counties, south- ern California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Jlines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 31: 51-87, maps (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 8:80, 308 (1936) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:343-344 (1936) Suverkrop, Lew 31 Oil possibilities of Terra Bella dis- trict in Tulare County, California. Oil B 17:14-17, 76, 6 figs (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931:1036 (1931) Swanson, E. B. 32 Natural gas. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933:517-533, California 518, 519 (1933) Swartzlow, Carl R. 35 Ice caves in northern California. J G 43:440-442 (1935) Symons, Henry H. 28 California mineral production for 1027. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, B 101: Symons, Henry H. — Cont. 311 pp (1928)... 1928, B 102:210 pp (1929)... 1029, B 103:231 pp (1930)... 1930, B 105:229 pp (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1930:1106 (1930)... 1931:892 (1931) 30 Commercial grinding plants in Cali- fornia. Northern California plant. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in Cali- fornia, St Mineralogist's Rp 26:334-340 (1930) 30a California mineral-paint materials. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 26:148- 160 (1930) U S B M, B 370:77-82 (1933) 31 Minerals and statistics. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 26:347-348, 499-500 (1030-1931)... 27:113-114 (1031)... 30:291- 204, 447-450 (1934)... 31:101-102, 221-245 (1935) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:4 (1931)... 27:224-231, 547-549 (1931)... 28:89-90, 226- 234, 396-398 (1932)... 29:252-253, 379-381 (1932-1933)... 30:101-102 1934:31:101-102 221-246, 386-391, 527-531 (1935) 31a California mineral production and I directory of mineral producers for 1030. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, B 105:231 pp I (1931) (awi) An Bib Ec G 5:6 (1932) 32 California mineral production and directory of mineral producers for 1931. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines. B 107:220 pp, ill (1932)... 1932, B 109:200 pp (1933) 32a The pan, rocker, and sluice box. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 28: 205- 213 (1932) 35 Museum, with index of mineral col- lection in museum. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, .1, St Mineralogist's Rp 31:228-245 (1935) Taber, Stephen 33 The location of earthquake epi- centers. Science n s 78:283 (1933) Taff, Joseph A. 33 Geology of McKittrick oil field and vicinity, Kern County, California. Am A.S Petroleum G, B 17:1-15 (1933) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:511-512 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 6:97 (1934) (abst) Inst Pet Tech, J 19:161A-162A (1933) (abst) Pan Am G 57:313 (1932) 34 Physical properties of petroleum in California. In Problems of petroleum ge- ology. Am As Petroleum G, Sidney Pow- ers Memorial Volume :177-234 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7:311 (1934) 35 Geology of :Mount Diablo. G Soc Am, B 46:1079-1100, 1 pi, 1 fig (1935) (abst) a Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57:369 (193G) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:349- :",5o (103f;) 35a (Hanna, G. D.: and Cross, C. M.) Chico Cretacic at type locality. (abst) 76 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : TAFF — THOMS Taff, Joseph A. — Cont. Pan Am G 64:72 (1935) (ahst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:348 (1936) 36 Discussion of papers on Mt. Diablo. G Soc Am 46:2043-2045 (1936) Taliaferro, Nicholas Lloyd 31 Analcite diabase and related rocks in California, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42: 296-297 (1931) (abst) Pan Am G 54-73 (1930) 32 (and Turner, R. E.) Lithophysae- bearing- rhyolites in the southern Santa Lucia Range, (abst) Pan Am G 55:374 (1931) (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:237 (1932) 32a Stratigraphy of the bedrock com- plex of the Sierra Nevada of California. (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:233-234 (1932) (ann) An Bib Ec G 5:238 (1932) (abst) Pan Am G 55:369-370 (1931) 32b Bedrock complex of the Sierra Nevada, west of the southern end of the Mother-Lode, (abst) G Soc Am, B 44: 149-150 (1933) (abst) Pan Am G 57:371- 372 (1932) 33 Contraction phenomena in cherts. (abst) Pan Am G 59:305-306 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933:303 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:358-359 (1935) 33a The relation of volcanism to dia- tomaceous and associated siliceous sedi- ments. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 23:1-56 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1933:291 (1933) (abst) Zs Vulkan 16:149-150 (1935) 33b (and Schenck, H. G.) Lepidocyclhia in California. Am J Sc 25:74-80 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 3:412 (1933) Biol Absts 9:1886, entry 17081 (1935) 35 Geology of San Simeon, Adelaida, and Paso Robles quadrangles. (abst) Pan Am G 63:316 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:338 (1936) Taylor, C. A. 30 (with Blaney, H. F. ; and Young A. A.) Rainfall penetration and consump- tive use of water in Santa Ana River valley and Coastal Plain, California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Water Res, B 33: 158 pp (1930) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:333 (1931) Taylor, Edward 34 (and Woodford, A. O.) Longitudinal profiles of streams. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:307 (1934) Taylor, Frank Bursley 31 Correlation of Tertiary mountain ranges in the different continents. G Soc Am, B 41:431-473, 4 pis (1930) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:616-618 (1931) Taylor, George F. 33 Scarp-ramp in northern Owens Val- ley, (abst) Pan Am G 59:311-312 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:309 (1934) Taylor, G. H. 31 (Stearns, H. T. ; and Robinson, T. W.) Geology and water resources of the Mokelumne area, California. (onri) An Bib Ec G 4:333 (1930) (abst) G Zentralbl 43:375-376 (1930-1931) Ten Eyck, Richard G. 36 Late Tertiary foraminifera of San Jose Hills, Los Angeles County, Califor- nia, (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:364 (1936) Thalman, H. E. 35 Bibliography and index to new genera species and varieties of foramini- fera for year 1933. J Paleontology 9:715- 743 (1935) Theller, J. H. 14 Hydraulicking on Klamath River. M Sc Press 108:523-526 (1914) Thorn, Emma M. 35 Bibliography of North American geology 1933 and 1934. U S G S, B 869: 389 pp (1935) Thomas, H. E. 32 (Gale, H. S.; and Piper, A. M.) Geology of the Mokelumne River basin, California. U S G S typescript Rp 377 pp (1932) (abst) Nat Res Council, B 98: 192-193 (1935) Thompson, A. P. 30 Finding the lost Vulture Lode. M J Ariz 14, no 13:8-11, 28-30 (1930) Thompson, David G. 20 The IMojave desert region, Califor- nia, (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 11:426- 427 (1930) (abst) Peterman's Mitt 77:327 (1931) (abst) Zs Geomorphology 5:280-281 (1929) Thompson, Warren O. 33 Observations on the stratification of beach deposits, (abst) G Soc Am, B 44: 171 (1933) 35 Original structure of beaches. Stanford LTniv, Abstracts Dissertations 10:77-82 (1934-1935) Thorns, C. C. 31 Operations in district No. 2, 1930. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Oil and Gas, Cali- fornia Oil Fields 16, no 3:35-41 (1931)... 1931, 17, no 3:26-31 (1932)... 1932, 18, no 3:25-31 (1933) BIBLIOGRAPHY : TUORNE — TUCKER 77 Thome, H. M. 35 (Schmidt, I^., and Wilhelm, C. J.) Disposing of oil field brines. Petroleum World (London) 32:103-106, California 105 (1935) Thorpe, W. H. 32 Petroleum bacteria and the nutri- tion of Pailopa petrolei. Nature 130:437 (1932) Tieje, A. J. 33 (and Cassell, D.) Megafauna and Microfauna of the Pleistocene and Plio- cene formations of southern California as revealed in a deep well near Ventura. (abst) Pan Am G 59:376 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:390-391 (1934) Tolman, C. F. 31 Geolofi-y of upper San Francisco Bay region with special reference to a salt water barrier below confluence of Sac- ramento and San Joaquin Rivers. Cal Dp Pub "Work, Div Water Resources, B 28: 309-360 (1932) 33 The foothill copper belt of Califor- nia. XVI Int G Cong, Wash, Copper re- sources of the world 1933:247-249, 2 pis (1933) Tolman, F. B. 34 (and Stipp, T. F.) Eocene strati- graphy on north side of Simi Valley. (abst) Pan Am G 42:79 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:393-394 (1935) Townsend, R. H. 33 Method and cost of quarrying lime- stone at plant of Calaveras Cement Co., San Andreas, California. U S B M, Inf Circ 6610:11 pp, 5 figs (193.'?) (abst) U S B M, List Pub, July 1, 1932 to June 30, 1933, Suppl:12 (1933) Trask, Parker D. 31 (and Wu, C. C.) Analyses of oil and gas from distillation of recent sediments. (ann) An Bib Ec G 3:135 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:513 (1931) 31a Sedimentation in the Channel Islands region, California. Ec G 26:24-43, 6 figs (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:91 (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 12:146 (1932) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:740-741 (1931)... 1932, Ref 2:89-290 (1932) (abst) G Zentralbl 45:289 (1931) (absl) Eng Index 1931:1036 (1931) (absl) Zs Prak G 39:180 (1931) Chem Absts 25:1773 (1931) 33 (and Hammar, H. E.) Source bed.s in Mesozoic rocks west of Sacramenlu River, California, (abst} I'an .Vni G M: 229 (1933) 33a (and Hammar, If. 10.) Snme rela- tii)ns (if (he organic constituents of sedi- Trask, Parker D. — Cent. ments to the formation of petroleum. (abst) Wash Ac Sc, J 23:568 (1933) 34 (and Hammar, H. E.) Preliminary study of source beds in late Mesozoic rocks on west side of Sacramento Val- ley, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 18:1346-1373 (1934) (abst) Wash Ac Sc, J 24:491-492 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 2:688 (1935) (a7in) An Bib Ec G 8:154 (1935) (ami) An Bib Ec G 7:312 (1935) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:207-208 (1935) 35 The organic content of some Ter- tiary formations in California. Am As Petroleum G, B 19:135 (1935) 35a (and Hammar, H. E.) Organic content of sediments. (absl) Wash Ac Sc 25:508 (1935) Am Petroleum Inst, Pro- ductions B 214 (1934) Oil Gas J 33, no 27, 28, 29:43-45, 40-41, 36-39 (1934) Petroleum ^Vorld (London) 32:19-20 (1935) 36 Proportion of organic matter con- verted into oil in Santa F'e Springs field, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 20: 245-257, table (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:404 (1936) Tryon, F. G. 32 (Mann, L. ; Young, W. H., and Ben- nit, H. L.) Coal. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1930:599-733, California 614, 707 (1932) 32a (and Mann, L.) USB M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929:673-858, Califor- nia 700, 703, 743 (1932) 33 (Young, W. H.; Berquist, F. E.; Mann, L., and Bennit, H. L.) Coal. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1931: 415-510, California 426, 472 (1933) 33a (with Young, W. H.; and Corse, J. M.) P'uel briquets. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1931:61-71, California 65. 67 (1933) 34 (Mann, Tj.; Young, W. H.; and Ben- nit, H. L.) Coal. U S B M, Min Yh, Stat App, Calendar Year 1932:373-454, California 376, 423 (1934)... 1933:281-360, California 286, 323 (1935) Tucker, W. B. 31 Notes on mining activity in Inyo and Mono counties in July, 1931. Cal Dp Nat Res, Piv IMines, Mining in Cali- fornia, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:543-545 (1931) 31a (with Sampson, R. J.) Feldspar, silica, andalusite, and cyanite deposits of California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineral- ogist's Rp 27:407-458 (1931) (anv) An P.ih lOc G 4:264 (1931) 31b (and Sampson, R. J.) Los An- geles l<''iel'^an Hornardino 78 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: TUfKER — U. S. BUREAU OF MIXES Tucker, W. B.— Cont. County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 26:203-334, 25 figs, 3 pis (1930) (abst) Eng Index 1931:898 (1931) 32 (and Sampson, R. J.) Los Angeles field division, Ventura County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 28:247-277 (1932) (abst) Eng Index 1933:722 (1933) 33 (and Sampson, R. J.) Gold re- sources of Kern County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 29:271-339 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1934:533 (1934) (ann) An Bib Ec G 7:41 (1935) 34 South of the Tehachapi gold mining makes new gain. Eng M J 135:517-521 (1934) 34a Current mining activity in south- ern California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J, St Mineralogist's Rp 30: 310-329 (1934) 35 Mining activity at Soledad Mountain and Middle Buttes, Mojave mining dis- trict, Kern County. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, M G, J 31:465-483 (1935) 35a IMo.iave mining district. "Western Miner & Prospector 2, no 1:3-4 (1935) 36 Gold mining in the Mojave District, California. M Metal 17:82-85 (1936) Turner, Henry Ward 22 The Wilshire gold mine. Eng M J 114:888-890 (1922) Turner, R. E. 31 (and Taliaferro, N. L.) Lithophysae- bearing rhyolites in the southern Santa Lucia Range, (abst) Pan Am G 55:374 (1931) (abst) G Soc Am, B 43:237 (1932) Turrentine, J. W. 31 Potash. Min Ind 40:445-457, Cali- fornia 445, 446 (1932)... 41:419-435, Cali- fornia 420, 421 (1933)... 42:470-487, Cali- fornia 472 (1934)... 43:474-489, California 475 (1935) Tyler, Paul M. 31 Magnesite. U S B M, Inf Circ 6437:53 pp, California 4, 7-11, 13, 14, 22- 26 (1931) (ahst) USB M, List Pub 1910- 1932:147 (1933) 31a Magnesium compounds (other than magnesite). U S B M, Inf Circ 6406:19 pp, 1 fig (1931) (nbst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:145 (1933) 31b (and Myer, H. M.) Mercury. U S B :M, Mill Res, Calendar Year 1931:191- 209, California 192, 195, 198-201 (1934) 31c (and Petar, A. V.) Molybdenum. USB M, :\nn Res, Calendar Year 1931: 75-80, California 77 (1934) Tyler, I'aul M. — Cont. 31d Magnesite. Min Ind 39:385-398, California 387, 388 (1931) 32 Abrasive and industrial diamonds. U S B M, Inf Circ 6562:25 pp (1932) (abst) USB :M, List Pub 1910-1932: 154 (1933) 32a Magnesium and its compounds. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929: 119-138, California 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 130, 135, 136 (1932)... 1930:181-203, Cali- fornia 183, 184, 185, 187, 195, 200 (1932)... 1931:263-277, California 265, 266, 267, 275 (1933) 32b Mercury. U S B M, Min Res, Cal- endar Year 1929:117-142, California 120, 121, 122, 123, 126-127 (1932)... 1930:31-56, California 32, 37, 39-42 (1933) 32c (with Petar, A. V.) Rare metals. USB M, Min Res, Calendar Year 1929: 79-116, California tungsten 98 (1932) 34 (and Metcalf, R. W.) Clay. U S B M, Min Yb 1934:873-887, California 876 (1934)... 1935:977-993, California 980 (1935) 34a (and Petar, A. V.) Arsenic. U S B M, Ec P 17:1-35, California 16 (1934) 35 Minor nonmetals: graphite, green- sand, kyanite, mineral wool, monazite, olivine, strontium minerals, and vermicu- lite. U S B M, Min Yb 1935:1213-1236, California 1213, 1214, 1225, 1228, 1229, 1231, 1232 (1935)... 1936:1057-1073, California 1057, 1063, 1065, 1066, 1073 (1936) 35a (and Metcalf, R. W.) Gypsum. U S B M, Min Yb 1935:949-966, California 951, 953 (1935) 35b Sodium sulphate. U S B M, Inf Circ 6833:1-40, California 14 (1935) Ulrich, Franklin P. 35 A progress report of the California seismological program of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Seism Soc Am, B 25: 349-361 (1935) 35a. The California strong-motion pro- gram of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey. Seism Soc Am, B 25: 81-96 (1935) Umhau, J. B. 36 (and Ridgway, R. H.) Tungsten. U S B M, Min Yb 1936:447-455, California 449 (1936) Union Oil Company Bulletin 35 Progress in petroleum geology. Union Oil Company B 1:6-14 (1935) 36 Petroleum geology in California. Union Oil Company B 3:2-5 (1936) U S Bureau of Mines 31 Mining methods and costs at the < 'eiUral-Eureka ;Mine, Amador County, California. U S B M, Inf Circ 6512 (1931) 1'.iiu-io(;i;ai'Iiv : t'. s. in^RiLvr of minks — vaxder hoof 79 U. S. Bureau of Mines — Coiit. 32 Mineral resources of the United States, 1930. Part II— Nonmetals, 876 pp, Washington. Govt. Print Off (1D32) 33 Mineral resources of the United States, 1931. Part I — Metals, Washington, Govt Print Off (1933) 33a Mineral resources of the United States, 1931. Part II— Nonmetals, Wash- ington, Govt Print Off (1933) U S Department of the Interior, Geologi- cal Survey 34 Mineral resources and possible in- dustrial development in the region sur- rounding Boulder Dam. U S Dp Interior, Geological Survey, Bur Roc 1934:1-27 (1934) 34a Geology and occurrence of petro- leum in the United States. Petroleum Investigation, Hearings, H. Res. 441, Part 2, pp 869-1086 (1934) Uren, Lester C. 35 (Jomercq, J. Jr.; and Mejea, J.) Large diameter wells are indicated. Petroleum World (London) 32:260-262 (1935) 36 Drilling and production progress in California fields. Petroleum World An Rv 1936:39-64, 248, 250 (1936) Uwatoko, Kunio 32 Genesis of oil by high radial axial pressure. Am As Petroleum G, B 16: 1029-1037, 1 fig (1932) (aist) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:364 (1933) Valentine, W. W. 31 (and Cushman, J. A.) Shallow water foraminifera from the Channel Islands of southern California, (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:77 (1931) 35 Semitropic gas field. Am As Petro- leum G, B 19:1843-1844 (1935) (ahst) An Bib Ec G 8:358 (1936) Van Amringe, E. V. 32 Mining in Pasadena. Miner Soc S Cal, B 1, no 3:1-2 (1932) 33 The gem minerals of San Diego County, California. Miner Soc S Cal, B 2, no 7:1-4 (1933) Min Absts 5:281 (1933) 34 Bentonite, neptunite, and joaquinite. Oregon Mineralogist 2, no 11:9-10 (1934) 35 Fine colemanite specimens found in California. The Mineralogist 3, no 1:51 (1935) Van Couvering, Martin 30 So this is Venice! Oil B 16:1151- 1157 (1930) Vanderburg, W. O. 31 Methods and costs of concentrating Vanderburg, W. O. — Cont. tungsten ores at Atolia, San Bernardino County, California. U S B M, Inf Circ 6532:12 pp, 4 figs (10:!1) 31a Mining methods and costs at Argo- naut Mines. M Cong J 17:48-55, 10 figs (1931) U S B M, Inf Circ 6311: 14 pp, figs (1930) 35 Tungsten. U S B M, Inf Circ 6821: 1-31, California 11 (1935) 35a Mining and milling tungsten ores. U S B M, Inf Circ 6852:78 pp, 17 figs, California 8-11, 25-31 (1935) {ahst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 58:284 (1936) VanderEike, Paul 36 Sharktooth Hill. The Pacific Min- eralogist 3, no 2:18, 27 (1936) Vander Hoof, V. L. 31 (and Russell, R. D.) A vertebrate fauna from a new Pliocene formation in northern California. Cal Univ Dp G, B 20:11-21, 7 figs (1931) (abst) Pale Zen- tralbl 1:137 (1932) Biol Absts 8:1035, entry 9537 (1934) 31a Boraphac/us littoralis from the ma- rine Tertiary of California. Cal Univ Dp G, B 21:15-24, 3 pis (1931) (abst) Pale Zentralbli 2:64 (1932) Biol Absts 8:563, entry 5099 (1934) 33 Additions to the fauna of the Te- hama upper Pliocene of northern Califor- nia. Am J Sc (5) 25:382-384 (1933) Biol Absts 9:1857, entry 16829 (1935) 33a Pliocene vertebrate fauna from Sierra foothills of central California. (abst) Pan Am G 59:376-377 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:391 (1934) 33b (and Stirton, R. A.) Osteoborus, a new genus of dogs, and its relation to Borophagus Cope. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 23 : 175-182, 3 figs (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:475 (1934) 33c A skull of Pliohippus tantalus from the later Tertiary of the Sierra foothills of California. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 23:183- 194, 1 pi, 5 figs (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:316-317 (1934) Pale Zentralbl 5:299 (1934) Biol Absts 9:962, entry 8646 (1935) 34 Pleistocene vertebrates from north- ern California, (abst) Pan Am G 62:69 (1934) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:383-384 (1935) 34a Seasonal banding in asphalt de- posits, (abst) Pan Am G 61:374-375 (1934) 35 Seasonal banding in an asphalt de- posit at McKittrick. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:332 (1935) 35a Nature and distribution of Desmo- stylus, a marine Tertic mammal, (abst) Pan Am G 64:80 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:420 (1936) 80 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : VAN ORSTRAND WATERFALL Van Orstrand, C. B. 32 On the correlation uf isogeothernial surfaces with the rock strata. I'hysics 2, no 3:139-153 (1932) 34 Temperature gradients. In Prob- lems of petroleum geology. Am As Pe- troleum G, Sidney Powers Memorial Vol- ume :989-1021 (1934) 34a Some possible applications of geo- thermics to geology. Am As Petroleum G, B 18:13-38, California 21, 24, 25, 30, Si (1934) 35 Normal geothermal gradient in the United States. Am As Petroleum G, B 19:78-115, California 80, 96, 100, 111-112 (1935) Vanossi, R. 35 La industria del Yodo. Anal Soc Cientif Argent 118, 1934 Entrege 2:105- lOG (1934) (abst) N Jb 1935, Ref 2:575 (1935) Vaughan, Thomas Wayland 32 Notes on investigation on modern marine sediments in California. Nat Res Council, B 89:74-79 (1932) 32a Rate of sea cliff recession on the property of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at La Jolla, California. Science n s 75:250 (1932) Vickery, Frederick P. 31 Pleistocene history of southern Coast Ranges of California, {ahst) Pan Am G 56:234 (1931) Vokes, H. E. 33 New species of Haliotis from the Pliocene of southern California. (ahst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:373 (1934) J Pa- leontology 9:251-252 (1935) 34 Stratigraphic position of Turi-iteUa andersoni zone, north of Coalinga. {ahst) Pan Am G 62:78 (1934) (ahst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:393 (1935) 35 The genus Velates in the Eocene of California. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 23:381- 390, 6 tables (1935) {ahst) N Jb 1935, Ref 3:903 (1935) 35a Notes on the variation and synon- omy of Ostreor idriaeiisis Gabb. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 23:291-304, 3 pis (1935) 36 (and Clark, B. L.) Summary of ma- rine Eocene sequence of western North America. G Soc Am, B 47:851-878, 2 pis, 3 figs (1936) 36a Middle Eocene molluscan faunas of the Vallecitos and Coalinga area, (ahst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:411 (1936) (abst) Pan Am G 63:372 (1935) 36b The gastropod fauna of the inter- tidal zone at Moss Beach, San Mateo County, California. The Nautilus 50:46-51 (1936) Vonsen, ]M. 29 Death Valley and the borates of California. Rocks & Min 13:73 (1929) Utbst) N Jb 1931, Ref 1:88 (1931) 32 (Irving, J.; and Gonyer, F. A.) Pumpellyite from California. Am Min- eralogist 17:338-342 (1932) (ahst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:84 (1933) Min Absts 5:233 (1933) 35 The discovery of borates in Califor- nia. The Mineralogist 3, no 12:21-23 (1935) 36 (and Hanna, G. D.) Borax Lake, California. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines M G, J St Mineralogist's Rp 32:99-108, 5 text figs (1936) Wailes, C. D., Jr. 33 (and Horner, A. C.) Earthquake damage analyzed by Long Beach officials. Eng News-Rec 110:684-686 (1933) (abst) Canada, Dom Obs, Pub, Bib Seism 10:334 (1933) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:175- 176 (1933-1934) Walcott, Charles Doolittle 12 Cambrian brachiopoda. U S G S Monograph 50:Pt 1 Text 11-872 (1912) Wallace, K. C. 32 Temblor: past, present, future: Pur- man well stimulates action. Cal Oil World, 24, no 45:7-8 (1932) Ward, George W. 31 A chemical and optical study of the black tourmalines. Am Mineralogist 16: 145-190 (1931) Warner, Thor 30 What the drill reveals of subsurface geology at Venice. Petroleum World 1930 (August) :78-80 (1930) 31 Mercury deposit in Coso range, Inyo County. (abst) Eng Index 1930:1076 (1930) Chem Absts 25:2670 (1931) Wartenweiler, Otto 36 The new mill of the Golden Queen. Eng M J 137:327-335 (1936) Washburne, Chester W. 32 Premonitory formations. (ahst) Pan Am G 57:69-70 (1932) 34 (and Lahee, F. H.) Oil-field waters (foreword) In Probleins of petroleum ge- ology. Am As Petroleum G, Sidney Powers Memorial Volume :833-840 (1934) Waterfall, Louis N. 29 A contribution to the paleontology of the Fernando group, Ventura County, California. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 18:71-92 pis 5-6, 1 fig (1929) (aim) An Bib Ec G 2:129 (1929) (abst) G Zentralbl 41:105 BIBLKKiKAI'llV : WATERFALL WE.-TSJIlTll 81 Waterfall, J.ouis N. — Cont. , (1930) Uibst) Eng Index l'J29:879 (19;!0) j (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 3:227-228 (1931) Waters, Aaron Clement 33 Summary of the sedimentary, tec- tonic, ignieous and metalliferous history of Washington and Oregon. In Ore de- posits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Lindgren Volume:253-265 (1933) 35 (and Campbell, C. D.) Mylonites from San Andreas fault zone near Crys- tal Springs lakes. Am J Sc (5) 29:473- 503 (1935) (obsO G Soc Am, Pr 1934:325 (1935) (abst) Pan Am G 61:319-320 (1934) {.abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 15:359-360 (1935) (abst) Sc Progress 30:307 (1936) Chem Absts 29:6182 (1935) Watkins, S. L. 17 El Doradoite. Am Mineralogist 2:26 (1917) Watts, Arthur S. 31 Feldspar. Min Ind 39:664-667, Cali- fornia 665, 66 (1931)... 40:606-608, Califor- nia 606, 607 (1932)... 41:570-572, California 570 (1933)... 42:629-632, California 630 (1934)... 43:631-633, California 631, 632 (1935) Weatherbee, D'Arcy 06 A hydraulic mine in California. SI Sc Press 93:296-298 (1906) Weaver, Charles Edwin 31 Stratigraphic relations of the Do- mengine and Markely formations in the Antioch, Vacaville, and Napa quad- rangles, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:305 (1931) 32 Geologic cross section through the Coast Ranges immediately north of San Francisco Bay. (abst) Pan Am G 58:69 (1932) (abst) G Soc Am, B 44:155 (1933) 33 Early Pliocene diastrophism in the Coast Ranges of northern California. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933:117 (1934) Weaver, Donald K. 31 Encroachment of edge water at Santa Fe Springs. In Petroleum Dev and Tech. Am I M Eng, Tr 1931:157-162 (1931) M Metal 11:472-474 (1930) Webb, Robert "W. 35 Tetradymite from Inyo Mountains, California. Am Mineralogist 20:399-400 (1935) (abst) N .Jb 1935, Ref 1:445 (1935) (abst) An Bib Ec G 1935:28 (1936) 35a Opportunities for meteorite discov- eries in the western United States. The Mineralogist 3, no 3:5-6 (1935) 35b The Cerro Gordo mining district. The Pacific Mineralogist 2, no 1:9-11 (1935) Webb, Rnbtrt W. — Cont. 36 Guide to the geology of the route from Los Angeles to Bakersfield, Cali- fornia. The Pacific ;MineraU>gist 3, no 2:6-7 (1936) 36a Kern Canyon fault, southern Sierra Nevada. J G 44:631-638 (1936) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 58:156 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:446 (1936) Webber, Irma E. 33 Woods from the Ricardo Pliocene of Last Chance Gulch, California. Car- negie Inst, Wash, Pub 412:113-134, 5 pis (1933) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:358 (1934) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:306 (1934) Biol Absts 8:1302, entry 12077 (1934) Weir, Walter W. 32 Soil erosion in California: its pre- vention and control. Cal Univ, Coll Agri, B 538:46 pp, 39 figs (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:293 (1934) (abst) G Zen- tralbl 51:445 (1934) 36 (and Storie, R. Earl) A rating of California soils. Agr Exp Station, Berke- ley, Cal, B 599:157 pp, tables, maps (1936) Weirich, T. E. 32 (Discussion to article on petroleum production in Oklahoma during 1931) In Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 1932:170 (1932) Wells, Arthur E. 31 Sulphur, pyrite and sulphuric acid. Min Ind 39:559-571, California 565 (1931)... 40:509-519, California 515 (1932)... 41:485- 496, California 492 (1933)... 42:538-548, California 544 (1934)... 43:538-548, Cali- fornia 538, 544 (1935) Welsch, O. D. 30 Testing ores for recovery of gold content. M J Ariz 18, no 19:11 (1930) West, H. E. 28 New attempt to develop Temescal tin deposit in southern California, (abst) In Ore deposits of the western states. Am I M Eng, Pub 1933:561 (1933) Westsmith, J. N. 30 Lower horizons in Kettleman Hills proved by general well. Nat Pet News 22, no 26:52-53 (1930) 30a Superior well proves eleven mile axis for Kettleman Hills field. Nat Pet News 22, no 37:43-44 (1930) 30b Shallow sand at Playa del Rey adds to field's prospects. Nat Pet News 22, no 45:43-44 (1930) 30c Temblor formation found in deep test in Lost Hills field. Nat Pet News 22, no 50:44-45 (1930) 82 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: WESTSMITH — WILHELM Westsmith, J. N. — Coht. 31 Ocean floor surveys show off-sliorf extension to Rincon field. Inst I'et Tech, J 8:243-244, 2 figs (1931) (ahst) Eng Index 1931:1036 (1931) 31a New deep sand in Ventura Ave- nue field discovered at 8800 feet. Nat Pet News 23:44-45 (1931) Wetmore, Alexander 30 Fossil bird remains from the Tem- blor formation near Bakersfleld, Califor- nia. Cal Ac Sc, Pr (4) 19:85-93, 7 figs (1930) (abst) G Zentralbl 43:282 (1930- 1931) (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:208 (1933) 31 The fossil birds of North America. Check-list of North American birds. American Ornithologist's Union 1931:401- 472 (1931) 33 Development of our knowledge of fossil birds. Fifty Years Progress of .American Ornithology 1883-1933:231-239 (1933) Weymouth, A. Allen 31 (and Barbat, W. F.) Stratigraphy of Borophagus littoralis locality, California. Cal Univ Dp G, B 23, no 3:25-36, 2 figs, 2 pis (1931) {abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:266-267 (1933) iabst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:253 (1932) Whaley, W. C. 33 Reconditioning of oil wells in Cali- fornia. Petroleum World (London) 30: 320-323 (1933) Wheeler, Harry Eugene 32 Fusulinids of McCloud and Nosoni formations (Shasta County, California) iahst) Pan Am G 58:149 (1932) {ahst) G Soc Am, B 44:218 (1933) {abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:212 (1934) 34 The Carboniferous-Permian dilemma. J G 42:62-70 (1934) {abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933:302 (1933) {abst) Pale Zentralbl 5:84 (1934) 35 New trilobite species from the an- thracolithic of northern California. San Diego Soc N H, Tr 8:47-58, 1 pi (1935) {ahst) G Soc Am, Pr 1934:386-387 (1935) {ahst) Pan Am G 62:71 (1934) 35a The fauna and correlation of the McCIoud limestone of northern California. Stanford Univ, Abstracts Dissertations 10:83-85 (1934-1935) 36 Stratigraphy and fauna of the Mc- Cloud limestone. {ahst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:409 (1936) {ahst) Pan Am G 63:370 (1935) Whelden, Roy M. 30 Diatomaceous earth or diatomite. Rocks & Min 5:43 (1930) White, A. G. 36 (and Hopkins, G. K. ; and Breakey, II. A.) Crude petroleum and petroleum products. USB M, Min Yb 1936:667-723, California 668, 674, 678, 681, 686, 687, 691, 693, 695, 711, 713 (1936) Whitfield, James Edward 10 Analyses of borates. U S G S, B 419:300 (1910) Wicks, Frank R. 31 Crystalline talc. Operations in Cali- fornia of the Pacific Talc Co. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, Mining in Califor- nia, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:100-104 (1931) iabst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:552-553 (1931) Eng M World 2:37-39 (1931) Wickson, Gladys G. 31 (and Bryan, K.) The W. Penck method of analysis in southern Califor- nia. Zs Geomorph 6:287-291 (1931) 33 New Miocene mollusks from Califor- nia, {abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:152 (1933) {abst) G Zentralbl 43:268-270 (1930-1931) {abst) Pale Zentralbl 5:118 (1934) Biol Absts 8:2088-2089, entry 18903 (1934) 34 Some previously unpublished figures of type mollusks from California, {abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 3:282-283 (1934) WIebe, Walter A., ver 30 Oil fields of the United States. 629 pp, 230 illus (1930) {ahst) G Zentralbl 43:168 (1930-1931) {Review) M Mag 43: 90-91 (1930) {ann) An Bib Ec G 3:143-144 (1931) 32 Present distribution and thickness of Paleozoic systems. G Soc Am, B 43: 495-540, California 500, 506, 510, 512, 513, 514, 517, 518, 519, 525-526, 527, 531, 532, 533, 538, maps (1932) 33 Present distribution and thickness of Mesozoic systems. G Soc Am, B 44:827- 864, California 830, 831, 832, 838, 839, 840- S43, 846, 847, 852, 853, 854, 863 (1933) Wiel, S. C. 05 Ancient channels at Gibsonville, California. M Sc Press 91:73 (1905) Wilhelm, C. J. 35 (Thorne, H. M. ; and Schmidt, L.) Disposing of oil field brines. Petroleum World (London) 32:103-106, California 105 (1935) Wilhelm, Salomon C. 32 Epeirophorese. III. Teil. Die vor- diluvialen Eiszeiten. A. Die Eiszeiten des Tertiars und Mesozoicuins. iabst) N Jb 1932, Ref 2:169-170 (1932) BIBLIOGRAPHY : \VILHELM WILSON 83 Wilhelm, V. H. 32 Doveloimients in thf < ";ilifi>rnia petroleum industry during 1931. In Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Kuk, Tr 1932:lS2-in5 (1932) 33 (Davis, E. L.; and Clark, W. A.) Characteristics of edge- water encroach- ments in California fields. Oil Weekly 71, no 4:13-16 (1933) (ann) An Bib Ec G 6:294 (1934) M :Metal 14:423-425 (1933) (dbst) Rv Geol et Soi conn 15:354 (1935) 33a (and Miller, H. W.) Developments in the California petroleum industry dur- ing 1932. 7)1 Petroleum Dev and Tech, Am I M Eng, Tr 1933:345-351 (1933)... 1933, Am I Af Eng, Tr 1934:182-197 (1934) 34 (and Miller, H. W.) Developments in the California oil industry dui-ing the year 1933. Am I M Eng, Tr 107:182-197 (1934) 35 Development in the California oil industry during the year 1934. Am I M Eng, Tr 114:257-269 (1935) 36a Petroleum development and pro- duction in the future. M Metal 17:343-346 (1936) Williams, Howell 30 The volcanic domes of Lassen Peak and vicinity, California, (abst) Zs Vul- kan 13:223 (1930) 30a Geology of the Marysville Buttes, California, (ctbst) Zs Vulkan 13:224 (1930) (Review) Sc Progress 24:581 (1929-1930) 30b A recent vf)lc-anio eruption near Lassen Peak, California, (abst) Zs Vul- kan 12:268 (1929-1930) (abst) Peterman's Mitt 76:275-276 (1930) 31 The daeites of Lassen Peak and vicinitj', California, and their basic in- clusions. Am J Sc (5) 22:385-403, 7 figs j (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl 46:406 (1932) j Zs Vulkan 15:224 (1933) (Reriew) Sc | Progress 27:439 (1933) Chem Absts 26: 943 (1932) 31a The history and character of vol- canic domes. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 21:51- 146, 37 figs (1932) (abst) Zs Vulkan 15: 224 (1933) (dbst) Eng Index 1932:616 (1932) 32 Geolog.v of the Lassen Volcanic Na- tional Park, California. Cal Univ, Dp G, B 21:195-385, 2 maps, 64 figs (1932) (Re- view) Sc Progress 29:120 (1934) Zs Vulkan 16:69-73 (1934) (abst) N ,11) 1934, Ref 2:563 (1934) 32a Mount Shasta, a Cascade volcano. .1 G 40:417-430 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:20 (1932) N Jb 1934, Ref 2:63- 64 (1934) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48: 282 (1932) (abst) Zs Vulkan 15:224 (1933) (Revi^vi) Sc Progress 29:121 (1934) 33 Mount Thielsen, a dissected Cascade volcano. Cal Univ, Dp G Sc, B 23:195- 213, 13 figs (inel geol map) (1933) 7—51441 Williams, Howell — Cent. 34 Mount Shasta. California. Zs Vul- kan 15:225-253 pis 15-21, 1 fig (1934) 35 (and Evans, R. D.) The radium content of lavas from T.,assen Volcanic National Park, California. .Am .1 Sc (5) 29:441-452 (1935) Williams, I. A. 31 (witli Berkey, C. P.; Louderback. G. D. : Hinderlider, M. C; and Savage, J. L. ) Report of consulting board on safety of the proposed Pine (~"anyon dam, Los Angeles County. Cal Dp Pub Works, Div Water Resources May:22 pp. 8 pis, 1 map (1931) Willis, Bailey 25 (and Dewell, 11. D.) Earthquake ; damage to buildings. Seism Soc Am, B ! 15:282-301, 15 pis (1925) 26 Seismicity of Chile and California. Third Pan-Pacific Sc Cong Tokyo, Pr 1: 389-394 (1926) Wilmarth, Grace 31 Names and definitions of the geo- logic units of California. U S G S, B 826:97 pp (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:562-563 (1933) (abst) G Zentralbl 45:386 (1931) Wilson, C. H. 32 (and Jakosky, J. J.) Use of geo- physics in placer mining. ;M J Ariz 16, no 14:3-4, 29 (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et .Sci conn 13:416 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1932:617 (1932) (absi) G Zentralbl 51:485- 486 (1934) 34 (and Jakosky, .T. J.) Geophysical studies in placer and water supply prob- lems. Am I M Eng, Tech Pub 515:18 PP, pis (1934) Eng M J 1935:71-74 (1934) (abst) Eng Index 1934:519 (1934) 36 (and Jakosky, J. J.) Electrical map- ping of oil structm-es. 'SI Metal 17:231-237 (1936) Wilson, .lames T. 35 (and Byerly, I'.) The Richmond guarry blast of August 16, 1934. Seism Soc Am, B 25:259-269 (1935) 35a (and Byerly, P.) The central Cali- fornia earthquakes of May 16, 1933, and June 7, 1934. Seism Soc Am, B 25:223- 247 (1935) 35b (and Byerly, P.) Earthciuakes in northern California and the registration of earthquakes at Berkeley, Mount Ham- ilton, Palo Alto, and San Francisco froni April 1, 1933 to September 30, 1933. Cal Univ Seism Sta, B 4:1-73 (1935) 35c (and Byerly, P.) Northern Cali- fornia earthquakes, April 1, 1933 to March 84 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : WILSON WOOD Wilson, James T.- — Cont. 31, 1934. Seism Soc Am, B 25:269-273 (1935) 35d (an 1!':'.4, U.-f 2:550 (VXU) (.abst) O Zentralbl, Al>t A 47:177 (1932) 34 Eartti'iuakes in Califnrtiia. Re Mo 09:323-314 (1031) 35 (Allen, M. W. : and Heck, N. H.) Destructive and neai'-destructive earth- quakes in Califnrnia and western Nevada, 1769-1933. U S G S, Sp Pub 191:24 w (1934) Woodford, A. O. 26 The Catalina iiietaniorphic fades of Franc-iscan series, (abst) S Jb 1926, Ref 2, Abt B:199 (1926) 26a The San Onofrc bret-cia: its nature and origin. (nhf>n N' -fb 1926, Ref 2, Abt B:198 (1926) 32 (and Laudermilk, .1. 1>.) Rilled lime- stone, (abst) a Soc Am, B 43:227 (1932) 32a (and Laudermilk, J. D.) Concern- in§r Rillensteine. Am ,1 Sc (5) 23:135-154, figs (1932) 32b (and Laudermilk, J. D.) Soda-rich anthophyllite asbestos from Trinity County, California. :Min Absts 5:45 (1932) 33 Clay miPierals of California soils. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:313-314 (1934) 33a (Kelley, W. P.: and Brown, S. M.) Clay minerals of California soils, (abst) I'an Am G 59:315-r,l(! (li)33) 33b (and Laudermilk, J. D.) Califi)rnia occurrence of montmorillonite after feld- spar, (nbst) Pan Am G 59:315 (1933) (abst) G Soc Am. Pr 1933 1:313 (1934) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 14:375 (1933- 1934) 33c (and Taylor, E.) Lons'itudinal pro- files of streams. (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1933 1:307 (1934) 34 (and Laudermilk, J. D.) Secondary montmorillonite in a California pegmatite. Am Miner J 19:260-267 (1934) (abst) N Jb 1934, Ref 1:464 (1934) (ami) An Bib Ec G 7:218 (1934) 35 (and Laudermilk, J. D.) Black iron sulphide in California ci-ystalline lime- stone, (abst) Pan Am G 63:320 (1935) (abst) G Soc Am 1935:342 (1936) 35a Rhomboid ripjjle mark. Am J Sc (5) 29:518-525. figs (1935) 36 (and Foshag, W. F.) Bentonitic mag- nesian cla>'-niiiieral from California. Am Mineralogist 21:238-244 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:435-436 (1936) Woodhouse, C. D. 31 (with Jeffery, J. A.) Note on a de- posit of andalusite in Mono County, Cali- fornia: its occurrence and technical im- portance. Cal Dp Nat Res, Div Mines, ^Mining in California, St Mineralogist's Rp 27:459-464 (1931) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:271 (1931) Woodhouse, C I). — Ctmt. 32 (and Jeffery, .1. A.) Mining andalu- site in .Mono Countx', California. AT J Ariz 15, no 16:5-6, 43-44 (1932) 34 A new ot-currence of montroydite in California. Am Mineralogist 19:603-604 (1934) (aim) An Bib Ec G 7:218 (1934) 36 Change them every 10.000 miles. The :Mincralogist 4, no 3:3-4, 37-38 (1936) Woodring, Wendell I'hillips 30 Tertiary deposits bordering the Simi Valley, California. (abst) G Zentralbl 43:267 (1930-1931) (abst) G Soc Am, B 12:299 (1931) 31 A iMiocene Haliotis from southern California. J Paleontology 5:34-39, 1 pi (1931) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 1:370 (1932) 31a Age of the orbitoid-bearing Eocene limestone and Tiirritclla varinta zone of I the western Santa Ynez Range, Califor- 1 nla. San Diego Soc N H, Tr 6:371-388 ' (1931) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A 48:70 ; (1932) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:292 (1933) Biol Absts 8:526, entry 4671 (1934) 31b Upper Eocene orbitoidal foramini- fera from the Santa Ynez Range, Cali- fornia, (abst) G Soc Am, B 42:370 (1931) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 2:292 (1933) 32 Miocene mollusk of the genus Haliotis from the Temblor Range, Cali- fornia. U S Nat Mns, Pr 81, art 15, 4 pp, 1 pi (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:443 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 4:276 (1934) 32a (Roundy, P. V.; and Farnsworth, H. R.) Geology and oil resources of the Kik Hills, California (including Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1). U S G S, B 835:82 pp, 8 figs, 22 pis (1932) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:367, 513 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1933:818 (1933) 32b Distribution and age of the marine Tertiary deposits of the Colorado Desert. Carnegie Inst, Wash, Contr to Paleon- tology, Pub 418:1-425, 1 fig (1931) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 13:339-340 (1933) 32c (and Kew, W. S. W.) Tertiary and Pleistocene deposits of the San Pe- dro Hills, California. (abst) Wash Ac Sc. J 22, no 2:39-40 (1932) 32d San Pedro hills. XVI. Int G Cong. Guide Book 15:34-40. figs (1932) 33 Pliocene deposits north of Simi Val- ley, California. (abst) N Jb 1933, Ref 3:560-561 (1933) (abst) Pale Zentralbl 3: 318 (1933) Biol Absts 7:454, entry 4333 (1933^ 35 (Bramlette, M. N.; and Kleinpell, R. M.) Miocene stratigraphy and paU-iin- tology of the Palos Verdes Hills. Am As Petroleum G, B 19:1842 (1935) 35a Fossils from marine Pleistoceno terraces of the San Pedro Hills, Califor- 86 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : WOODRING ZEPHAROVICH Woodring, Wendell Phillips — Cont. nia. Am J Sc 29:292-305, fig (1935) (abst) Rng Index 1935:501 (1935) 35b Pliocene viviparoid calcareous oper- cula from Kettleman Hills, (.abst) Pan Am G 63:375 (1935) 36 New Miocene fauna from the Cali- fornia Coast Ranges, (abst) G Soc Am, Pr 1935:366 (1936) 36a (Kleinpell, R. M.; and Bramlette, M. N.) Miocene stratigraphy and paleon- tology of Palos Verdes Hills, California. Am As Petroleum G, B 20:125-149, figs (1936) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 57: 51-52 (1936) (abst) Rv Geol et Sci conn 16:378 (1936) Woodworth, S. E. 31 Milling methods and costs at the Argonaut Mill, Jackson, California. U S B M, Inf Cire 6476:12 pp, 3 figs (1931) (abst) U S B M, List Pub 1910-1932:149 (1933) (abst) Eng Index 1931:676 (1931) Woolf, J. A. 31 (and Leaver, E. S.) Re-treatment of Mother Lode (California) carbonaceous slime tailing. U S B M, Tech P 481: 20 pp (1931) Wrather, W. E. (Ed.) 34 (and Lahee, F. H. (Ed.)) Problems of petroleum geology: a symposium. Am As Petroleum G, Sidney Powers Memorial Volume (1934) (Review) Ec G B 30:194- 196 (1935) Inst Pet Tech, J 20:1113-1115 (1984) Wright, C. W. 32 (and Meyer, H. M.) Lead. USB M, Min Res, Min Yb 1932-1933:53-66, Cali- fornia 58 (1933) Wright, W. Quinby 34 (and Jenkins, Olaf P.) California's gold-bearing Tertiary channels. Eng M J 135:497-502 (1934) (abst) G Zentralbl, Abt A, Bd 55:457 (1935) Wu, C. C. 31 (and Trask, P. D.) Analyses of oil and gas from distillation of recent sedi- ments, (abst) G Zentralbl 43:98 (1930) (ann) An Bib Ec G 3:135 (1931) (abst) N Jb 1931, Ref 2:513 (1931) Yaeckel, M. P. 34 Benitoite, California's exclusive gem. Oregon Mineralogist 2:26-27 (1934) Young, A. A. 30 (with Blaney, H. F. ; and Taylor, C. A.) Rainfall penetration and con- sumptive use of water in Santa Ana River valley and coastal plain, California. Cal Dp Nat Res, B 33:158 pp (1930) (ann) An Bib Ec G 4:333 (1931) Young, G. J. 31 Gold-ore mining and milling. Eng M J 132:195-199, 4 figs (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931:073 (1931) 34 (and Romanovt^itz, C. M.) Gold- dredging. Eng M .T 135:486-490 (1934) Young, W. H. 31 (with Tryon, F. G.; and Corse, J. M.) Fuel briciuet.s;. U S B M, Min Res, Calen- dar Year 1931:61-71, Cahfornia 65, 67 (1933) 31a (Mann, L.; Tryon, F. G.; Berquist, F. E.; and Bennit, H. L.) Coal. U S B M, Min Res, Calendar Tear 1931:415- 510, California 426, 472 (1933) 32 (and Corse, J. M.) Fuel briquets. U S B M, Min Yb 1932-1933, Calendar Year 1932:451-458, California 456 (1933) 32a (Mann, L. ; Bennit, H. L.; and Tryon, P. G.) Coal. U S B M, Min Yb, Stat App, Calendar Year 1932:373-454, California 376, 423 (1934)... 1933:281-360, California 286, 323 (1935) 33 (and Clark,' J. B.) Fuel briquets. U S B M, Min Yb 1934, Calendar Year 1933:645-652, California 648, 651 (1934)... 1935:Calendar Year 1934:711-718, Califor- nia 715, 717 (1935) Youngman, E. P. 31 Zircon. U S B M, Inf Circ 6465:20 pp, 1 fig (1931) (abst) Eng Index 1931: 1268 (1931) 31a Zirconium. U S B M, Inf Circ 6456:1-31, California 5-6 (1931) Zadach, S. 33 Placer mining in San Gabriel Can- yon. M J Ariz 17, no 3:3 (1933) Zepharovlch, V. von 85 Kallait pseudomorph nach Apatit aus Californien. Zs Kryst 10:240-251 (1885' PART II INDEX FOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA .The numbers in bold-faced type, set in parentheses, refer to pages in I'arl ].) Abrasiv(i: (22) Eanlley-Wilmot. V. I.. 31 materials: (8) Howies. O. 32. 34a; (19) Davis. A. K. 30, 34. .35. 36; (32) Hatmaker. P. 30; (41) .Johnson. B. L. 36a Acila. nuculid pelecypod: (67) Srhenck, H. G. 35c, 36c Adamite, Chloride Cliff: (55) Murdoch, ,1. 36b Adelaida quadrangle: (76) Taliaferro, N. L. 35 Seology: (72) .Stanton, W. I.. 31 Afton, Basin, Mojave desert, physio- graphic history: (23) Ellsworth, E. W. 33 Agate beds. Mint Canyon: (58) Patton, .T. W. 36 Alamitos Heights oil field: (34) Hight, W. 33 Albitization. Inyo Range: (3) Anderson. G. H. 35 Algae. Eocene. Santa Barbara County: (38) Howe. M. A. 33; (56) Nelson. \l. X. -.n; (67) Schenck, H. G. 31a Alkaline lakes supply soda: (35) Hirsch- kind, \V. 31 Alleghany district, gold quartz veins: (25) Ferguson. H. G. 30, :J2; (28) Gan- nett, R. W. 32. Alluvial fans, Cucanionga district: (23) Eckis, R. 31 Alpine County: (47) Logan, C. A. 30 land forms: (65) Russell, R. J. 33 Amador County, auriferous gravels. dredging: (58) Patmon, C. G. 32 Central-Eureka mine: (71) Spiers, J. 31: (78) U. S. Bureau of Mines 31 Amazon stone: (1) Aitkens, I. 31 Amber; (55) Murdoch, J. 34 American River, geology of damsites: (25) Forbes, H. 29 Ammonite, Barroisiceras, Cretaceous: (62) Reeside, J. B. 32 Jurassic, Coast Ranges: (14) Crickmay, C. H. 32 Ammonoids, Triassic: (70) Smith, J. P. 32 Amphistegina californica: (67) Schenck, H. G. 30 Amynodont skull, Sespe: (73) Stock, C. 33c Analcite diabase: (76) Taliaferro, N. L. 31 Analysis. ^V. Penck method in soutliern California: (10) Bryon. K. 31b; (£2) Wickson, G. G. 31 Anauxite. volcanic rocks: (64) Rogers, A. F. 32 Anchitherine horses, Merychippus zone, Coalinga: (7) Bode, F. D. 34a Ancient channels at Gibsonville; (82) Wiel, S. C. 05 formation, Klamath ;Mountains: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 31 (87) Ancient channels — Cont. rivers, gravel channels: (7) Skid more. W. A. 85 Andalusite: (22) Dunn, J. A. 33: (46) Lilley, E. R. 36; (55) Murdork. .1. 36a; (65) Samp.son, R. J. 31; (77) Tucker, W. B. 31a Mono County; (39) Jeffery. .1. A. 31, 32; (85) Woodhouse. C. D. 31. 32 White Mountain: (43) Kerr. P. F. 32 Anorthite: (53) Miller. F. S. 35a .Vnorthosite; (53) :\Iiller. W. J. 31a. 32b Antelope Sphenophalos. Pliocene, distri- bution; (26) Furlong. E. D. 31 Antliophyllite asbestos. Trinity County; (45) Laudermilk. J. D. 30; (85) Woodford, A. O. 30. 32b Antimony deposits; (68) Schrader, F. C. 33 Antioch quadrangle. Domengine and Markley formations; (81) Weaver. C. E. 31 Arcidae. classification: (63) Reinliarl, 1". W. 35 Tertiary; (63) Reinliart. P. W. 33 Arenaceous Temblor foraminifera; (5) Barbat, W. F. 32b; (19) Cushmnn. J. A. 32 Argonaut, milling: (42) Jullum, H. 32 mine: (41) Josephson. W. G. 32; (79) Vandenburg, W. O. 31a; (86) Wood- worth, S. E. 31 Arid regions, rock fioors: (20) Davis, W. M. 32a Arkose. diatomaceous shales interbedded; (67) Schenck, H. G. 31d Arroyas: (29) Grant, U. S. 35a; (61) Put- man, W. C. 35a Arroyo Giande oil field: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Arsenic; (59) Petar, A. V. 34a; (78) Tyler, P. M. 34 Artiodactyl, Sespe Eocene; (74) Stock, C. 36a Artiodactyla, Sespe, Las Posas Hills: (74) Stock, C. 35g Asbestos: (8) Bowles, O. 32c, 32e, 34; (45) Laudermilk, J. D. 30; (74) Stoddard. B. II. 32a; (85) Woodford, A. O. 32b Asphalt; (38) Hubbard. P. 31; (38) Huttle, J. B. 34a; (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 34, 35 production, 1933; (59) Petroleum World 34f Rancho La Brea: (73) Stock, C. 32h related bitumes: (62) Redfield, A. H. 32 Astrodajjsis. antiselli zone: (15) Clark, B. L. 31d revision of species: (63) Ricliards, G. L. 35 Aluria, cerilialopods of North America: (67) Schenck, H. G. 31 88 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: AUGELITE — BORAX Augelite, Mono County: (46) Lemmon, D. W. 35 Auk, Lucas: (53) Miller, L. 33 Auluroid, Ordovician: (60) Phleger, F. B, 36 AurlferoiLs gravels, age: (14) Chaney, R. W. 31a, 33 Amador County: (58) Patmon, C. G. 32 Channels: (54) Mining and Scientific Press SO dredging: (58) Patmon, C. G. 32 floras: (48) MacGinitie, H. 33 fossils, near Columbia: (34) Louderback, G. D. 34 Sierra Nevada, fossil plants: (14) Cha- ney, R. W. 32 Tertiary mammals: (51) Merriam, J. C. 33: (73,74) Stock, C. 33h Avifaunas, Pleistocene, (53) Miller, L. H. 32. 35 Bacteria, ijetroleum: (77) Thorpe, W. H. 32 Bakersfield, oil fields: (16) Clute, W. S. 36 petroleum: (16) Clements, T. 36 Barber's Hill deep sand development: (41) Judson, S. A. 30; (56) Murphy P. C. 30 Barite: (9) Bradley, W. W. 30a; (18) Cornthwaite, M. A. 36; (25) Fitch A. A. 31; (41) Johnson, B. L. 36; (46) Lilley, B. R. 36; (66) Sant- myers, R. M. 32a; (74) Stoddard, B. H. 32b microcrystals from Barstow: (37) How- ard, A. D. 32 Barium: (32) Hardy, C. 31 products: (18) Cornthwaite, M. A. 36; (41) Johnson, B. L. 36; (66) Santmyers, R. M. 32a; (74) Stod- dard, B. H. 32b Barrancos: (29) Grant, U. S. 35a; (61) Putman, W. C. 35 Barrelian series, eastern California: (43) Keyes, C. R. 31 Barroisiceras, Cretaceous ammonite: (62) Reeside, J. B. 32 Barstow, beds, lagomorphs and rodents: (31) Hall, E. R. 34 Miocene, Soricidae: (73) Stirton, R. A. 32 Basalt: (8) Bowles, O. 34b Basin, Range, Pleistocene glaciation: (7) Blackwelder, E. 31e, 34 lakes: (6) Blackwelder, E. 31c structures: (28) Gilbert, G. K. 31; (65) Russell, R. J. 30 earthquake of December 20, 1932: (13) Callaghan, E. 34; (28) Gia- nella, V. P. 34 talus slopes: (7) Blackwelder, E. 34a south coastal investigation: (12, 13) California Department of Public Works 32, 33a, 34f, 35b Bassarisk, Tertiary: (31) Hall, E. R. 30 Batholith, Grass Valley, structure: (41) Johnston W. D. 32b Sierra Nevada: (16) Cloos, E. 32, 33, 33a, 33b Bavenite, beryllium mineral: (24) Fair- child, J. G. 32; (67) Schaller, W. T. 32 Beach deposits, stratification: (76) Thompson, W. O. 33 Beach deposits — Cont. placers, Oregon coast: (58) Pardee, J. T. 34 structure: (76) Thompson, W. O. 35 Beavers, Tertiary: (73) Stirton, R. A. 35 Bedding, Monterey Rocks: (9) Branilette, M. N. 33 Bed-rock complex: (76) Taliaferro, N. L. 32a, 32b Belridge oil field: (23) Emmons, AV. H. 31 Ben Lomond Mountain, geology: (25) Fitch, A. A. 31a Beiiitoite: (47) Louderljack, G. D. 09; (86) Yaeckel, M. P. 34 Bentonite: (35) Hill, H. R. 34: (43) Kerr, P. F. 31; (46) Lilley, E. R. 36; (79) Van Amringe, E. V. 34 Bentonitic magnesian clay-mineral: (26) Foshag, W. F. 36; (85) Woodford, A. O. 36 Berkeley, earthquake registration: (11, 12) Byerly, P. 27, 27a, 28, 28a, 30, 30a, 31c, 33d, 33e, 35, 35a, 35d, 36, 36a; (3) Annis, W. 36, 36a; (22) Dyk, R. 28, 30, 30a; (37) Hoskins, E. E. 36; (41) Jones, A. E. 2'7; (71) Sparks, N. R. 32, 33a, 33b; (83, 84) Wilson, J. T. 35b, 35d, 36 Hills: (15) Clark, B. L. 33 Pliocene sequence: (15) Clark, P>. L. 32a, 33a Beryl: (59) Petar, A. V. 31 Beryllium: (20, 21) Derib^rg M. 34; (59) Petar, A. V. 31 bavenite: (24) Fairchild, J. G. 32; (67) Schaller, W. T. 32 Bibliography, foraminifera: (76) Thai- man, H. E. 35 geology, mineral resources of Califor- nia: (69) Shedd, S. 31 North American: (57) Nickles, J. M. 31; (76) Thom, E. M. 35 placer mining: (26) Franke, H. A. 32 stones, A'entifacts: (10) Bryan, K. 31a Biostratigraphic classification, Miocene: (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 34 Birds, fossil: (82) "Wetmore, A. 31, 33 horizons: (53) Miller, L. 35a Pleistocene of Carpinteria: (53) :Miller, L. H. 31a remains. Pliocene: (37) Howard, H. 31; (53) Miller, L. H. 31 Pleistocene: (53) Miller, L. H. 32c Black Mountains: (84) Wolff, J. E. 31 sand deposits, northern California: (37) Horner, R. R. 18 flour gold: (42) Kellogg, A. E. 31 Blasting study, southern California: (63) Richter, C. F. 31b, 33; (84, 85) Wood, H. O. 31b, 33e Bolivinas, Tertiary: (1) Adams, B. C. 35; (19) Cushman, J. A. 35b Booming: (45) Laizure, C. M. 33 Borates: (1) Anonymous 33; (80) Vonson, M. 29 analyses: (82) Whitflekl, J. E. 10 discovery: (80) Vonson, M. 35 minerals, Kramer district: (67) Schal- ler, W. T. 30 Borax: (4) Ayers, W. O. 14; (48) Man- ning, P. D. V. 30; (13) Calvert, E. D. 34 INDKX : BORAX — CARYOPIIYUJA 89 Borax — Cont. deposits, Kramer, borate ores: (51) Mead, R. G. 33 I>ake: (31) H;inna, C. D. 36a; (80) Von- son, M. 3C Boron: (13) Calvert, K. L. 33; (46) T.illey, E. R. 36; (66) Santmyers, R. M. 31 minerals: (17) Coons, A. T. 32g: Borophagus, littoralis, locality, stratig- raphy: (5) Barbat, W. F. 31; (82) Weymouth, A. A. 31 Tertiary: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 31a osteology and affinities: (50) Matthew, W. D. 31a; (73) Stirton, R. A. 31 relation to Osteoborus: (73) Stirton, R. A. 33a; (79) A'ander Jloof, V. T.. .33b Boulder Dam, mineral resources: (34) Hewett, D. 36: (79) V. S. Depart- ment of the Intprior, Geological Survey 34 Bowie method, triangulation: (1) Adams, O. S. 30 Brachiopods, zoning Jurassic: (18) Crick- may, C. H. 33a Brea Canyon oil field: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Olinda field, oil and gas storage: (35) Hodges, F. C. 32; (40) Johnson, A. M. 32 Breccias, Miocene: (62) Reed, R. D. 35c San Onofre: (85) Woodford, A. O. 26a volcanic: (2) Anderson, C. A. 33a Brewer's journal: (24) Farquhar, F. P. Ed. 31 Brittle-star limestone: (51) Merriam, C. W. 31 Brock Mountain: (67) Schenk, E. T. 35 Bromine: (17) Coons, A. T. 32b, 32h Buena Vista Hills oil field: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 active fault: (44) Kock, T. W. 33 Building stone, Carmel Valley, geology and physical properties: (27) Galli- her, E. W. 32 vibrations: (11) Byerly. P. 31a, 33c: (34) Hester, J. 31; (49) Marshall, K. 31; (71) Sparks, N. R. 35 Burkeite: (26) Foshag, W. F. 35 Butte County: (47) Logan, C. A. 30 stratigraphy, fauna: (18) Cross, C. M. 35: (75,76) Taff, J. A. 35a Buttonwillow gas field: (56) Musser, E. H. 31 oil field: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Cajon Pass, San Andreas fault excursion: (57) Noble, L. F. 32 Calcareous algae, Miocene: (16) Clark, I^ M. 31 beds, San Pedro Hills: (62) Reed, R. D. 31 Calcium chloride: (17, 18) Coons, A. T. 32b, 32h Caliente range, Miocene: (23) Eaton, J. E. 35 California, Brewer's Journal: (24) Far- quhar, F. P. 31 earth's youngest child: (23) Eaton, J. E. 35a eastern, Barrelian series: (43) Keyes, C. R. 31 California — Cont. intra-s(']ituin intrusion: f50) Mayo, E. B. 33a geology: (62) Reod. R. D. 33 lakes: (20) Davis. W. M. 33f mineral production: (75) Symons, H. H. 28, 31a, 32 northern, earthquakes: (11, 12) Byerly, P. 32, 33d. 33e. 34. 35, 35a. 35d. 35e, 36, 36a: (83, 84) AVilson, J. T. 35b, 35c, 35d, 36 oil: (71) Stalder, W. 31, 32 relief map: (68) Sedelmyer, H. A. 31 southern, rainfall: (72) Stearns, H. T. 31a sedimentation and faulting: (3) As- hauer. II. 36; (36) Tlollistcr. .1. .^. :;(;; (62) Reed, R. D. 36 structural evolution: (36) Hollister, J. S. 36a; (62) RccmI. R. D. 36a Calaveras County, mines, mineral re- sources: (26) Franke. H. A. 36; (47) Logan, C. A. 36a Cambrian fauna. Marble Mountains: (49) Mason, J. F. 35 fossils, Mojave desert: (63) Resser, C. V. rocks, Mojave de.sert: (18) Crickmay, C. H. 33a; (32) Hazzard, J. C. 33 Camulos, use as terranal title: (43) Keyes, C. R. 31d Cancer Pliocene, Los Angeles Basin: (62) Rathbun, M. J. 32 Canid remains. Ricardo deposits, Mojave desert: (74) Stocks, C. 33i Canyons, submarine, configuration: (69) Shepard, F. P. 35 Capay Valley formations: (18) Crook, T. PL 34; (43) Kirby, J. M. 34 Capromeryx minor from McKittrick Pleis- tocene: (26) Furlong. E. L. 30 Carbon dioxide sought in Imperial Valley: (13) California Oil World 33a Carboniferous-Permian dilemma: (82) Wheeler, H. E. 34 Cardita, statistical study: (61) Quayle, E. H. 33 Carmel Valley building stone: (27) Galli- her, E. W. 32 Carmelo series, fossil markings: (33) Iler- old, C. L. 34 Carnivora, Sespe: (73) Stock, C. 33, 33a, 33b Carpinteria. Inrds: (53) Miller, L. H. 31a, 32 flora: (14) Chaney. R. W. 33b; (49) Mason, H. L. 33 mammalian fauna: (84) Wilson, 11. ^^'. 3*^ mollusks: (29) Grant. U. S. 34a; (75) Strong, A. M. 34 passerine remains: (52) Miller, A. H. 33 Pleistocene history: (62) Reed, R. D. 33b rodent fauna: (84) Wilson, R. W. 32 Carrizo Plain, San Andreas fault: (11) BuwakUi, J. P. 31a; (84) Wood, H. O. 31 Carson Hill, gold mining: (10) Burgess, J. A. 35 Caryophyllia. genus of coral: (61) Quayle, E. H. 31 fiO GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : CASMALIA — COAST RANGES Casmalia, speed of oil migration in water encroachments: (60) Porter, W. "W. 33 undeveloped oil source: (13) California Oil World 35a Castanite, Knoxville: (64) Rogers, A. F. 31a Catalina metamorphic facies. Franciscan series: (85) "Woodford, A. O. 26 Cats, Rancho La Brea: (51) Merriam, J. C. 31 Cement: (4) Bagley, B. W. 32, 32a, 35; (8) Bowles. O. 34b; (38) Hughes. H. H. 32b; (69) Shuey. E. T. 35 Cenozoic deposits: (27) Gale, H. R. 31 history, Klamath Mountains: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 34 San Gabriel Jlountains: (53) Miller, W. J. 32 rocks, southern Klamath Mountains: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 35 Central-Eureka mine: (78) U. S. Bureau of Mines 31; (71) Spiers, J. 31, 33 valley region, oil, gas possibilities: (71) Stalder, W. 32a Cephalopods of genus Aturia: (67) Schenck. H. G. 31 Ceramic material: (10) Burchfiel, M. M. 36 Cerro Gordo mining district: (81) "Webb, R. "W. 35b Cetacea: (38) Huber, E. 34 Cetothere from Modelo formation, Los Angeles: (42) Kellogg. R. 34 Chalk: (8) Bowles, O. 31 Saratoga, foraminifera: (18) Cushman, J. A. 31b Channel Islands, elephants: (74) Stock, C. 35b, 36d foraminifera: (18) Cushman, J. A. 31c; (79) Valentine, "W. "W. 31 paleontology: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 31 sedimentation: (77) Trask. P. D. 31 Channels, ancient, at Gibsonville: (82) Wiel, S. C. 05 buried rivers, geomagnetic tracing: (23) Ellsworth, E. W. 33a Chert, contraction phenomena: (76) Talia- ferro, N. L. 33 Chico Cretacic, type locality: (31) Hanna, G. D. 35 formation, fossil pearls, Shasta County: (65) Russell, R. D. 33 Chloride Cliff, adamite: (55) Murdoch, J. 36b Chromite: (21) Doerner, H. A. 30a; (46) Lilley, E. R. 36; (6'4) Ridgeway, R. H. 35; (70)' Smith, L. A. 32 analysis: (59) Pemberton, H. Jr. 91 concentration: (21) Doerner, H. A. 30a deposits, Klamath Mountains: (50) :Maxson. J. H. 33 dunite, Siskiyou County: (64) Rogers, A. F. 31 ore, Klamath River district: (57) O'Farrell, C. 33; (21) Doerner, H. A. 30 Chromium: (70) Smith, L. A. 3:!b Cinder Cone eruptions: (2) Anderson. C. A. 31a; (25) Finch. R. H. 31b Cinnabar ore, hydraulic concentration: (42) Kellogg, A. E. 30 Classification, Miocene, biostratigraphic: (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 34 Classification — Cont. ore deposits: (6) Behre, C. H. 33; (48) Loughlin. G. F. 33 phy.siographic surfaces; (15) Clark, B. L. 31 tvpes of Coast Ranges: (15) Clark. 1!. L. 32 rock units: (29) Gould. C. N. 3.". Clastic dykes: (56) Newson. J. F. 03 far-ies and faunas: (23) Eaton. J. K. 3:! Claudetite: (58) Palache. C. 34 Imperial County: (42) Kelley V. C. 36i Clay: (28) Geyer, L. E. 3fi: (33) Herlihy, K. V. 32. 33. 33a; (43) Kiessling. K. V. 31: (45) Kudlich. 11. H. 32: (52) Middleton. J. :i2a. :;2d; (52) Metcalf. R. "W. 32, 34a, 3Gc: (73) Tyler. P. M. 34 geological investigation: (75) Sutlier- land, J. C. 3.") minerals: (10) Brown. S. M. 33: (42) Kelley. W. P, 33; (85) Woodford, A. O. 33, 33a mining: (21) Dietrich, W. F. 31: (36) Linton, R. 3R San .Joaauin: (5) Barbat. "U'. F. 34; (28) Galloway. J. 34 treatment: (63) Richard, L. M. 22 Clear Lake: (20) Davis, W. M. 31 area, volcanic liistory: (2) Anderson, C. A. 35 Climates, dry: (65) Russell. R. J. 31 Coal: (6) Bennit. H. L. 31, 32; (6) Bcr- quist, F. E. 31: (46) Lilley. E. R. 36; (48) Mann, L. 30. 31. 32. 34: (64) Rogers, H. O. 30: (32) Tryon. F. G. 32, 32a. 33. 34; (86) Young, W. H. 31a, 32 Coalinga, challenge: (30) Guiberson, "^', R. 34 district. Anchitherine horse.s: (7) Bode, F. D. 32 folding: (15) Clark, B. L. 34 foraminifera. Cretaceots: (14) Church. C. C. 31; (18) Cushman. J. A. 31d Eocene: (19) Cushman, J. A, 35d; (31) Hanna, G. D. 35b geothermal variation.s: (13) Carlson. A. J. 31a McClure shale: (23) Henny. G. 30 Merychippes zone fauna: (7) Bode. F. b. 34 north, Eocene-Cretaceous contact: (14) Church, C. C. 31 oil accumulation: (28) Galloway. J. 35 oil field: (23) Emmons. ^V, H. 31 tectonics: (15) Clark, B, L, 35 Turritella andersoni zone: (80) Yokes. H. E. 34 Coast Ranges, classification of physio- graphic types: (15) Clark. B. L. 32 faulting, primary: (15) Clark. B. L. 32b geology: (81) ^VeaYer, C. E. 32 Jurassic ammonite: (18) Crickmay. C, H. 32 Pleistocene history: (80) \'ickery. F. P. 31 Pliocene diastropliisni : (81) "SYeaver. C. E. 33 tectonics: (15) Clark, B. L. 32c region, petroleum deposits: (47) Logan, J. 28 INDEX: COLEMANITE CUCAMONGA 91 Colemanite: (5) Bauinhauer, H. 99; (79) ^'an Amringe, K. V. 35 identity with neocolemanite: (38) Hutchinson, A. 12 ('i»llophan<> frum Miocene brown sliales: (27) Galliher, E. W. 31 Tertiary deposits: (85) Woodring, W. r. 321. River aqueduct, geodetic engineering: (37) Hough. F. W. :!4 KeoloLTv : (62) Uansome. F. L. 32 origin: (7) Blackwelder, E. 34b geoitigy. fossils in auriferous gravels: (48) Louderback, G. I). 34 Tertiary niamnials, auriferous gravels: (51) ^rerriam. J. C. 33; (73,74) Stock, C. 33h Columbium. determination: (25) Foote. II. W. 10: (45) I.angley. K. W. 10 Colusa County, ^'acaville-Rumsey Hills area, geology: (43) Kirby, J. M. o.'i Comagmatic region. Sierra Nevada: (25) Fitch. A. A. 32a Commercial grinding plants, noithern California: (75) Symons. H. H. 30 Comstock Lode: (28) Cianella. V. P. 34a Conception of focus: (63) Reid, H. F. 33 Conchologist: (4) Rally. .J. I.,. 35 Concrete arch, California coast route: (55) Mitchell. S. 33 Concretions, sand: (23) Edwards. S. C. 34 Configuration of submarine canyons: (69) Shepard, F. P. 35 Conglomerate, Santa Margai-ita. Temblor Range: (62) Reed. R. D. 33c Contact section, Mokelumne River: (25) Fitch, A. A. 32 Contra Costa Count.v, Miocene foramini- fera: (44) Kloinpcll, R. M. 33 Contraction plienomena in chert: (76) Tali;awson, A. C. 31 Cormorant, new species. Pliocene: (57) Howard, H. 32a Correlation chart, geologic l\>rinations: (69) Shimer, H. W. 34 Tertiary Mammal bearing formations: (70) Simpson, G. G. 33 Eocene, west coast: (15) Clark, B. L,. 34a Eocene — Cent. Igneous rocks with mineralization: (10) Buddington. A. F. 33 Pleistocene: (2) Allison, I. S. 35 standards: (22) Eaton, J. E. 31 Tertiary mountain ranges: (76) Taylor, F. B. 31 Turritella andersoni zone: (3) Applin, E. R. 34 Coso Mountains. Pliocene Hyaenognathus, Inyo County: (73) Stock, C. 32e Range, mercury deposits: (80) Warnei', T. 31 Cosomys, Pliocene: (35) Hinton M. A. C. 32: (84) Wilson. R. W. 32a Creodonta, Sespe upper Eocene: (74) Stock, C. 34g. 35d Crestmore contact rocks, texture: (22) Dunham, K. C. 33 limestone mining: (64) Robotham, C. A. 34 mineral assemblages: (19) Daly, J. W. 33 periclase and other minerals: (64) Rogers, A. F. 31d Cretaceous ammonite, Barroisiceras: (62) Reeside, J. B. 32 deposits, Siskiyou County: (2) Anderson, F. M. 31a diatoms: (31) Hanna, G. D. 34a Eocene contact north of Coalinga: (14) Church, C. C. 31b Fagesia of Pacific Coast: (2) Anderson, F. M. 31b. foraminifera: (13) Campbell, A. S. 35: (15) Church, C. C. 31; (19) Cush- man, J. A. 31d, 35a Knoxville-Shasta succession: (3) Ander- son, F. M. 32 lamellibranchs, Gabb: (72) Stewart, R. B. microfossiliferous section: (3) Applin, E. R. 33 Slate's Hot Springs: (57) Nomland, J. O. 32; (67) Schenck, H. G. 32 Spiroplectoides: (13) Campbell, A. S. 34; (19) Cushman, J. A. 34 Textulariidae: (45) Lalicker, C. G. 35a Cretacic, Chico, type locality: (18) Cross, C. M. 36: (31) Hanna, G. D. 35; (75, 76) TafE, J. A. 35a Crushed Stone industry: (8) Bowles, O. 34b Crustal movements, Pacific region: (49) Marshall, P. 26 structure determined by seismographic methods: (11) Buwalda, J. P. 32; (30) Gutenberg, B. 32; (84) Wood, H. O. 32 Cryolite: (20) Davis, H. W. 35 Crystal Springs Lakes, San Andreas fault zone, mylonites: (13) Campbell, C. D. 35; (81) Waters, A. C. 35 structure, seismic surface waves: (13) Carder, D. S. 34 Crystalline talc: (81) Wicks, F. R. 31 overthrust, Frazier Mountain: (11) Bu- walda, J. P. 31b; (28) Gazin, C. L. 31b; (75) Sutherland, J. C. 31 Crystallography contributions: (58) Pa- lache, C. 34 Cucamonga district, alluvial fans: (23) Eckis, R. 31 r»L' (iEOLOGV OF CALIFORNIA: CUPROTUXGSTITE EARTHQUAKES Cuprotungstite, chemical composition: (67) Schaller, A¥. T. 32a Cuyama drainage basin, fauna: (28) Gazin. C. L. 33 Cyanite deposits: (65, 66) Sampson, R. J. 31; (77) Tuclier, W. B. 31a Cycads, Tertiary: (36) irolliclc. A. 32 Decites, Lassen Peak: (83) AVilliams, H. 31 Dams: (30) Grunsky, C. E. 31 eartliqualve resistance: (1) Anonymous 32 San Andreas fault: (1) Anonymous 32 sites, Iron Canyon, Table Mountain, Kennett: (24) Etcheverry, B. A. 33 liarwin silver-lead mining district: (44) Knopf, A. 33b Days of '49: (9) Bradley, W. W. 34 Deadman's Island stratigraphy: (18) Crickmay, C. H. 31 Death Valley: (14) Chalfant, W. A. 31; (46) Lee, B. 30; (48) Mcintosh, F. G. 34; (51) Means, T. H. 32; (80) Vonsen, M. 29 Furnace Creek: (26) Foshag, W. F. 25 Greenwater volcanics: (43) Keyes, C. R. 31c mammal-bearing beds, lower Oligocene: (7) Bode, F. D. 35b; Stock, C. 35c prehistoric Titans: (74) Stock, C. 36e rock formations: (57) Noble. L. F. 34 Ubehebe craters and explosion breccias: (24) von Engeln, O. D. 32 Deep sand development, Bartaar's Hill: (41) Judson, S. A. 30; (56) Murphy, P. C. 30 Spring Valley, geology: (53) Miller, W. J. 31c Deflation in deserts: (6) Blackwelder, E. 31b playas: (6) Blackwelder, E. 31d Del Norte County economic geology: (50) Maxson, J. H. 33a Rey area, geological history: (13) Cali- fornia Oil World 35 oil field collapse: (59) Petroleun. World 35 Dentalium neohexagonum: (30) Greger, D. K. 34 Derrick economy: (54) Mills, B. 33 Deserts: (39) Jaeger, E. C. 33 deflation: (6) Blackwelder, E. 31b sedimentary deposits: (6) Blackwelder, E. 28 varnish: (46) Laudermilk, J. D. 31a watering places, Salton Sea region: (10) Brown, J. S. 27 Desmostylus tooth from Monterey Bay: (31) Hanna, G. D. 32a Devil's Den, oil field: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Post pile: (14) Chapman, E. W. 32a Devonian of California: (72) Stauffer, C. R. 31 Diamonds, abrasive and industrial: (78) Tyler, P. M. 32 deposits: (5) Ball, S. H. 33 finds: (7) Blank, E. W. 34 Diastrophic epochs, Klamath Mountains: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 32a Diatomaceous earth; (82) Whelden. R. M. 30 oil source, Casmalia: (13) California Oil World 35a supply: (13) California Oil World 3^c use and nature: (51) Alelhase, J. 33 shales: (67) Schenck, H. G. 31d stage: (3) Anderson, R. 33 Diatomite: (8) Bowles, O. 34b; (22) Eard- ley-Wilmot. V. L. 31a: (32) Hat- maker. P. 31b; (46) Lillev, E. R. 36: (86) Whelden, R. M. 30 Lompoc: (55) Mulryan. H. 36 Miocene: (20) Deflandre. G. 34; (34) Hertlein. L. G. 33 porosity: (31) Hanna. G. D. 30 Diatoms: (32) Hartman, M. L. 31 Cretaceous: (31) Hanna. G. D. 34a Kreyenhagen shale: (31) Hanna, G. D. 31 Lillis shale: (31) Hanna, G. D. 31a marine: (33) Hendy, N. I. 33 Miocene: (47) Lohman, K. E. 31 Sharktooth Hill: (31) Hanna, G. D. 32b Tertiary: (33) Hendy, N. I. 33 Didelphids, Sespe Eocene: (74) Stock, C 36c Dimension stone: (8) Bowles, O. 31a; (17) Coons, A. T. 32d; (32) Hatmaker. P. 31 Diopsides: (46) Laudermilk, J. D. 36; (51) Merriam, R. 36 Discocyclina, Eocene: (67) Schenck, H. G. 33 Divi.sion of Mines, geologic branch report: (39) Jenkins, O. P. 30b Domengine formation: (81) Weaver, C. E 31 Dominguez oil field: (34) Hight, W. 33; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Dragon fly, fossil: (17) Cockerell, T. D. A. 30 Drainage, Kettleman Hills: (33) Herold, S. C. 30 Dredge, Natomas: (38) Huttle, J. B. 35 Dredging, auriferous gravels: (58) Pat- mon, C. G. 32 gold: (65) Romanowitz, C. M. 34; (86) Young, G. J. 34 Drift mining: (38) Hubbard, J. D. 17 Drilling, directed: (2) Allen, R. E. 33 Dudley Ridge, geologv, hlstorv: (6) Bee- be, Jas. W. 35 Dumortierite, Imperial County: (84) Wolff, J. E. 30 Riverside County: (56) Murphv, F. M. 31a Durbin, mining: (33) Jumper, H. D. 33 Dykes, clastic: (56) Newsom, J. F. 03 Eagles, Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea: (37) Howard H. 32 Earth mantle discontinuities: (30) Guten- berg. B. 31a: (63) Richler, C. F. 31c movements: (46) Leypoldt, H. 34 surface layer: (11) Byerly, P. 31, 31b, • 32a; (22) Dyk, K. 32 crust deformation: (55) Miyabe, N. 30 Earthquakes: (2) Allen, M. W. 34; (8) Bodle, R. R. 29, 32, 32a; (16) Cloos, H. 33; (28) Gianella, V. P. 33: (31) INDEX : EARTHQUAKES — ELEPUANTS 93 Earthquakes — Cont. Hampton, E. L. 33; (32) Heck, N. H. 30, 31, 31b, 35b; (34) Hicks, N. H. 29; (46) I^es Journaux Prancaise 30; (48) Macelwane, J. B. 33a; (4S) Maher, T. J. 29; (56) Nature 33; (56) Neumann, F. 32; (68) Seismo- logical Society of America 31; (71) Spitaler, R. 34; (85) Wood, H. O. 34, 35 "apparent" intensity: (84) II. O. 33b center. Long Beach: (24) Ener. News- Rec. 83 central California: (11) Byerly, V. 35g-; (83) Wilson. J. T. 35a cracks. Long Beach: (35) Hillis, D. 33 damage: (26) Freeman, J. R. 32; (5) Ballard. .T. I. 33; (21) Dewell, TT. 25; (83) Willis, B. 25 Long Beach: (37) Horner, A. C. 33; (81) Wailes. C. D. 33 Signal Hill: (56) National Petroleum News 33 December 20, 1932, Basin Range struc- ture: (13) Callaghan, E. 34; (28) Gianella, V. P. 34 distribution map: (32) Heck, N. H. 35b epicentens: (75) Taber, S. 33 geology, southern California: (23) Ea- ton, J. E. 33a hazard: (8) Bowers, N. A. 34 in.. 31a Felidae, Rancho La Biea: (51) Merriam, J. C. 32; (73) Stock, C. 32c Felix atrox, Rancho La Brea: (73) Stock. C. 32 Felsite porphyry; (8) Bowles, O. 34b Fernando group. Las Posas-South Moun- tain district, Ventura County: (61) Pressler, E. D. 29 paleontology, Ventura County: (80,81) Waterfall. L. N. 29 Ferndale, earthquake registration: (3) Annis W. 36, 36a; (12) Byerly, P. 35a, 36, 36a; (37) Hoskins, E. E. 36; (83, 84) Wilson, J. T. 35d. 36 Ferro-alloys; (20) Davis, H. W. 34; (34) Herring, C. T. 36; (43) Kiessling, O. E. 36 Flammeolated screech owl. Pleistocene: (53) Miller. L. H. 33a Floras, auriferous gravels: (48) MacGin- itie, H. 33. Klc.ra.s— Cont. fo.ssil. Vollowstono (62) Read, C. B. 3:! Miorfne; (14) Chan»y, R. W. 36; (16) Chmcnts, F. E. 36 • »liK<.,enc; (14) Clianey. R. W. 36; (16) Clements. F. E. 36 Pleistocene: (14) Chaney, R. M'. 33b, 36; (16) Clements, F. E. 3G; (49) Mason. H. L. 33 Rancho La Brea: (26) Frost. F. H. 34 San Mateo Tountv: (60, 61) Potburv. S. S. 33 Santa Cruz Island: (14) Chanev. R. W. 34; (49) Mason, H. L. 34a Tomalcs formation: (49) Mason, H L 34 Pliocene; (4) Axelrod. D. 1. 34; (21) Dorf, E. 3.3a Plumas County; (61) Pot1>uiy, S. S. 35 Tertiary. Trinity County: (48) MacGin- itie. H. 34 Flfiw-structure. nioasurenicnt : (58) Pabst. A. 34 Fluorescent minerals; (51) Melhase. J. 3-i Fluorite. optical; (38) Hughes. H. H. 31 quartz, pseudiiiiiorphs; (55) Murdoch, J. 35 Fluorspar; (20) Davis, H. W. 35 deposits in western U. S.; (10) Burch- ard, E. F. 33 Focus, conception: (63) Reid. H. F. 33 Folding, Mt. Diablo and Coalinga areas: (15) Clark, B. L. 34 Footprints, goose. Pliocene mud flat; (3) Ashley. James F. 34; (52) Miller. A. H. 34 Foraminifera, arenaceous from Temblor: (5) Barbat. W. F. 32b: (19) Tush- man, J. A. 32, 32a liibliosraphy : (19) Cushman. .1. A. 3i'b; (76) Thalman, H. E. 35 Channel Islands: (18) Cushman. ./. A. 30a: (79) Valentine, W. W. 31 Cietaceous, Coalinga: (14) Churcii. c. C. 31; (19) Cushman, .1. A. 31d Moreno shale: (19) Cushman, ,1. A. 35a Elwood field: (70) Smith. W. M. 30 Eocene. Coalinga: (19) Cushman, J. A. 35d; (31) Hanna, G. D. 35b Poway conglomerate; (19) Cushman. J. A. 34c: (22) Dusenbury, A. N. Jr. 34 Santa Ynez Range: (85) AA'oodring, \V. P. 31a faunule. San Lorenzo formation. Santa Cruz County: (19) Cushman, J. A. 35; (35) Hobson, H. D. 35 fossil and recent, distribution: (56) Nat- land, M. L. 33, 33a Gaviota formation: (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 35a; (67) Schenck, H. G. 35b Krevenhagen shale: (15) Church, C. C. 31c; (69) Siegfus, S. S. 35 new species: (19) Cushman, J. A. :!5e- (69) Siegfus. S. S. 35 Lillis shale: (15) Church. C. C. 31c Los Sauces Creek, Ventura County, Miocene; (18) Cushman, J. A. 31c; (45) Laiming. B. 31 Martinez, Eocene: (5) Barksdale. J. 1). 32: (18) Cushman, J. A. 30 96 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : MERCED MARYSVILLE BUTTES Foiaininifera — Cuiit. Merced, San Mateo CouiUy: (72) Stew- art, K. C. 33; (72) Stewart, R. K. 3:! Miocene: (19) Cushman, J. A. 34a; (27) Galliher, E. W. 34; (44) Kleinpell. R. M. 341) Contra Costa County: (44) Kleinpell. R. M. 33 southern San Joaquin Valley: (5) Barbat, W. F. 33; (24) von Estorff, F. 33 Temblor, east San Joaquin Valley; (18) Cushman, J. A. 31a; (58) Parker F. L. 31 Monterey Bay: (49) Martin, t^. T. 30, 35, 31 shale: (4) Bagg, R. M. OS Newport Lagoon: (61) Rankin, W. D. 31 orbitoids: (56) Nelson, R. N. 31; (67) Schenck, H. G. 31a Point Firmin, San Pedro (55) Mover, D. A. 29 Reef Ridge shale, upper Miocene: (5) Barbat, W. F. 34a; (41) Johnson, F. L. 34 San Francisco Bay: (21) Diediker, P. L. 30 Saratoga chalk: (18) Cushman, .1. A. 31b siliceous, in diatomite, INIioeene: (20) Deflandre, G. 34 stratigraphic significance, San Lorenzo formation: (35) Hobson, H. D. 32 Tomales Bay: (10) Bush, J. B. 30 Ventura County: (72) Stewart, K. C. 31; (72) Stewart, R. E. 30a zonal distribution, Miocene, Reliz Can- yon: (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 30 Foraminiferal faunule, San Lorenzo for- mation: (35) Ilobson, H. D. 35; (19) Cushman, J. A. 35 research: (19) Cushman, J. A. 32a Foredeeps: (46) Lawson, A. C. 32a Fossils, auriferous gravels, near Colum- bia: (47) Louderback, G. D. 33 birds: (82) Wetmore, A. 30, 31, 33 Cambrian, Mojave desert: (62) Resser, C. F. 30 dragon fly: (17) Cockerell, T. D. A. 30 eastern Sierra Nevada: (50) Mayo, E. B. 31 fish, Lompoc beds: (30) Gudger, E. W. 33 floras, Yellowstone Park (62) Reed. C. B. 33 fresh water. Pliocene: (60) Pilsbry, H. A. 34 goose, Pliocene: (53) Miller, L. H. 32d illustration: (31) Hanna, G. D. 31a Imperial County: (14) Chapman, E. W. 32 mammal remains, deep well record: (74) Stock, C. 35 markings, Carmelo series: (33) Herold, C. L. 34 Meliosoma, Miocene: (6) Berry, E. W. 31 mollusca, new names: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 34a Japanese identical with California species: (48) Makiyama, J. 36 pearls, Chico formation, Shasta County: (65) Russell, R. D. 33 Pectinidae nomenclature changes: (34) Hertlein, L. G, 31a pinnipeds: (42) Kellogg, R. 34b Fossil.s, i)iiiiiii)eds — Cont. plaTits in auriferous gravels of Sierr:i Nevada: (14) Chaney, R. AV. 32 Pleistocene, San Pedro Hills: (£5, 86) Woodring, W. P. 3r)a Pliocene, fresh water: (60) Pilsbry, H. A. 34 rodents: (84) Wood. A. E. 36a Sierra Nevada, east flank: (50) Mayo, E. B. 31 similarity to West Indies: (65) Rutten. V. L. 35 spiral forms: (49) Mansfield, W. C. 31 vole Mimmomys primus: (34) Hess, C. J. 34 whale skull: (42) Kellogg, R. 34a woods, Miocene: (54, 55) Mitchell, R, L. 34; (64) Ritter, G. J. 34 Franciscan series, Catalina facies: (85) Woodford, A. O. 26 Frazier Mountain: (11) Buwalda, J. P. 31b; (28) Gazin, C. L. 31b; (75) Sutherland, J. C. 31 Fresno County, geothermal variations, Coalinga area: (13, 14) Carlson, A. J. 31a Kreyenhagen shale: (24) von Estorff, F. E. 30 Fruitvale oil field: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35; (61) Preston, H. M. 31 petroleum genesis: (27) Gale, H. S. 31d: (68) Scofield, C. S. 31 Fuel briquets: (18) Corse, J. M. 31, 32; (15) Clark, J. B. 33, 36; (60) Plein, N. L. 36; (77) Tryon, F. G. 33a; (86) Young, W. H. 31, 32, 33 oil: (60) Petroleum World (London) 3:; Fuller's earth: (1) Adams, W. W. 32, 34: (27) Galiher, C. 32; (30) Gunter, H. 31; (32) Hatmaker, P. 31a; (46) Lilley, E. R. 36; (52) Metcalf, R. W. 34b; (52) Middleton, J. 32. 33 bentonitic origin, Tehachapi: (13) Cam- eron, E. N. 36; (43) Kerr P. F. 3(; Furnace Creek, Death Valley: (26) Foshag, W. F. 25 Fusulinids, McCloud and Nosoni forma- tions, Shasta County: (82) Wheeler, H. E. 32 Gabb's Cretaceous, Tertiary lamelli- branchs: (72) Stewart, R. B. 31 Gallium in lepidolite from Pala: (42) Kennard, T. G. 33; (61) Rambo, A. 1. 33 Garnets: (1) Aitkens, I. 31a glaucophane schist: (57) Pabst, A. 31 localities: (51) Melhase, J. 35b Gas analyses, recent sediments: (77) Trask, P. D. 31; (86) Wu, C. C. 31 conservation, Kettleman Hills: (6) Bell, A. H. 31 discovery: (59) Petroleum World 33 field, Buttonwillow: (56) Musser, E. H. 30 semitropic: (79) Valentine, W. W. 35 Marysville Buttes: (71) Stalder, W. 33 natural: (9) Bridge, A. F. 36; (37) Hop- kins, G. R. 36a; (26) Fowler H. C. 35; (43) Kennedy, H. S. 35; (46) Lilley, E. R. 36 resources: (33) Herold, S. C. 35; (36) Hoots, H. W. 35a northern California: (71) Stalder, W. 32; (59) Petroleum World 33; (60) Petroleum World (London) 33b INDEX: GAS, XORTITKRX CALIFORNIA GEOLOGY (Ja.s, northciii California — Gout. production proration: (5) Barnes, H. .\1. 32; (6) Bell, A. H. 32 report: (10) Bush. R. D. .-.0 reserve, Kettleman Hills: (10) Brown. C. C. 31 reservoirs, classification: (84) Wilson. W. B. 34 storage, Brea-Olinda and I^ompoc fields: (32) Hodges, F. C. 32; (40) Johnson, A. U. 32 Gaviota formation: (23) Kffinger, W. L. 3') foraminifera: (44) Kleinpell. R. M. 35a; (67) Schenck, H. G. 35b Gems: (5) Ball, S. H. 36; (48) Maclntosii, F. G. 34; (58) Patton. J. W. 34 benitoite: (86) Yaeckel, M. P. 34 feldspar: (1) Aitkens, I. 31 minerals: (48) Macintosh, F. G. 34 San Diego County: (79) Van Amringe. K. V. 33; (30) Grieger. J. M. 34 stones: (1) Aitkens, L 31a; (5) Ball, S. H. 36 quartz: (1) Aitkens, I. 32 Geochemical relations, Elsinore region: (23) Engel, R. 34 Geodetic engineering, Colorado river aqueduct: (37) Hough, F. W. 34 surveys: (8) Bowie, W. 35 seismological program: (78) Ulrich, F. P. 35 strong motion program : (78) Ulrich, F. P. 35a Geographic littoral of northern Califor- nia: (36) Hoover, J. W. 32 overthrusting, mechanics: (43) Keyes, C. R. 32a Geography, seismic: (11) Byerly, P. 33 Sierra Nevada: (49) IMatthes, F. E. 33 Geologic Branch, current notes: (40) Jen- kins, O. P. 32c geological, economic mineral survey: (39) Jenkins, O. P. 30b papers publication: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 31d progress report: (39, 40) Jenkins, O. P. 30a, 31c sediments study contributions: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 32b conditions: (54) Mills, B. 34 Colorado River aqueduct: (62) Ran- some, F. L. 32 cycles, ore deposits: (10) Butler, B. S. 33a formations, correlation chart: (69) Shi- nier, H. W. 34 nomenclature: (83) Wilmarth, G. 31 Redding-Weaverville district: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 33 southern California: (43) Kew, W. S. W. 27 history. Lone Hills, Santa Clara Coun- ty: (64) Rogers, A. F. 31 Pacific Ocean: (30) Gregory, J. W. 30 Vaqueros: (18) Corey, W. H. 31; (47) Loel, "W. 31 Washington and Oregon: (81) Wa- ters, A. C. 33 Yosemite Valley: (49) Matthes, F. E. 31 map: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 35a, 35b Weaverville quadrangle: (24) Erich, E. E. 31 Gi'ojdgic Branch, map — Cont. it'lKirl, Sierra Nevada: (40) Jenkins, O. 1'. :i2a section, foUinibia: (47) Louderback, G. D. 33 Peninsula)- Almmtains: (52) Miller, W. r •! »> •J . .)•> Structure, ground- water limitations: (70) Soper, E. K. 32 oil states: (40) Jenny, W. P. 32 units, names and definitions: (83) Wil- marth, G. 31 Geological conditions, geophysical work: (54) Mills, P.. 34 Lafayette dam: (47) I^ouderback, G. D. 31b investigation of clays: (75) Sutherland, J. C. 35 .iomneys, southern California: (47) Liv- ingston, A. J. S.-^f; (61) Putnam, W. C. 33f ol)servatii)ns. Petaluma district: (55) Morse. R. R. 35; (4) Bailey T. L. 35 past: (57) Noble, E. B. 32 problems, unsolved. Pacific Coast: (62) Reed, R. D. 34 relations, ore deposits: (38) Hulin, C. D. 33 .-surveys: (9) Bradley, W. W. 32; (39) Jenkins, O. P. 30b report: (51) Mendenhall. W. C. 31 theories tested: (13) California Oil World 33 b Geologist visits Mojave mining disti-ict: (68) Sehroter, G. A. 35 Geology: (23) Eaton, J. E. 35a; (33) Her- old, S. 34; (40) Jenkins, O. P. 31d; (54) Mills, B. 32; (62) Reed, R. D. 33, 35a; (72) Stanton, T. W. 32 Adelaida quadrangle: (72) Stanton W. L. 31; (76) Taliaferro, N. L. 35 American river damsites: (25) Forbes, H. 29 application to civil engineering: (15) Clark, D. 33 Ben Lomond Mountain: (25) Fitch, A. A. 31 bibliography: (57) Nickels, J. M. 31; (69) Shedd, S. 31; (76) Thoni, E. M. 35 building stone, Carmel Valley (27) Gal- liher, E. W. 32 Coast Ranges: (81) Weaver, C. E. 32 Colorado River aqueduct: (62) Ransome, F. L. 31 Comstock Lode: (28) (Jianella, V. P. 34a contributions: (20) Decius. L. C. 32 Deadman's Island: (18) Crickmay. C. H. 31 Deatli Valley: (14) Chalfant, W. A. .in Deep Spring Valley: (53) Miller, W. J. 31c Del Norte county: (50) Maxson, J. H. • 33a determination by geophysical methods: (13) California Oil World 34a Dudley Ridge: (6) Beebe, Jas. W. 35 earthquake, southern California: (23) Eaton, J. E. 33 economic, Julian Region: (21) Donnelly, Maurice 34 mineral deposits: (46) T.illey, E. R. 36 98 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : EL SEGUNDO — GEOMAGNETIC Geology, ecoiiomio — Cont. El Segundo oil field: (61) Powell. E. B. 36 Elizabeth Lake quadrangle: (69) Simp- son, E. C. 34 Elk Hills, oil resources: (85) Woodriiifj. W. P. 32a; (65) Roundy, P. V. 32; (24) Farnsworth, H. R. 32 Elsinore quadrangle: (23) Engel, R. 31 geothermics applications: (80) Van Ors- trand, C. E. 34a glauconite: (27) Galliher, E. W. 35b gold: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 33 historical, difficulty of using carto- graphic terminology: (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 34c Inyo Range: (44) Knopf, A. 27 Julian region: (21) Donnelly. M. 34, 34;i Lassen Volcanic National Park: (83) Williams, H. 32 Laurel and Convict Basins, Mono Coun- ty: (50) Mayo, E. B. 34 Los Angeles: (70) Soper, E. K. 32a; (29) Grant, U. S. 32 to Bakersfleld: (81) Webb, R. W. 3G Basin: (36) Hoots. H. W. 32b late Quaternic: (23) Eckis, R. 35 Lucia quadrangle: (63) Reiche. P. 34 Madera County: (24) Erwin, H. D. 34 Marysville Buttes: (83) Williams, H. 30a McKittrick oil field: (75) Taff, J. A. 33 middle California: (46) Lavvson, A. C. 33 Mokelumne area: (76) Taylor, G. H 31; (64) Robinson, T. W. 31; (72) Stearns, H. T. 31; (76) Thomas, il. E. 32; (27) Gale, H. S. 32a; (60) Piper, A. M. 32a Mono County: (50) Mayo, E. B. 30 Mount Diablo: (75) Taff. J. A. 35 Mount Jura: (18) Crickmay, C. H. 31 Pinos quadrangle: (22) Dreyer, F. E. 35; (28) Gazin. C. L. 31 Shasta quadrangle: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 32 ore deposits: (10) Butler, B. S. 33, 33a Panamint Range; (56) Murphv, F. M, 31, 32 silver district: (56) Murphy. F. M. 30 Paso Robles quadrangle: (76) Taliaferro. N. L. 35 Perris block, southern California: (22) Dudley, P. H. 31 petroleum: (23) Emmons. W. H. 31; (45) Lahee, F. H. (Ed.) 34b; (78) Union Oil Company Bulletin 36; (86) Wrather, W. E. (Ed.) 34; (79) U. S. Department of the Interior, Geo- logical Survey 34a progress: (78) Union Oil Company Bulletin 35 Pit River damsites: (49) Marliave, C. 33 placers. Mojave desert: (38) Hulin. C. D. 35 Plumas County: (2) Anderson, C. A. 31 Potter Creek Cave: (70) Sinclair, W. J. 06 quicksilver deposits: (6) Becker, G. F. 90 Ravenna quadrangle: (68) Sharp, R. P. 35 ( leology — Cont. rogif)nal and \<-rti-tes. new horizon: (53) Mil- ler, L. H. 34 footprints on Pliocene mud flat: (3; Ashley, .Tamos F. 34: (52) Miller, A. H. 34 pigmy, McKittrick Pleistocene: (65) Ross, R. C. 35 Ricardo Pliocene: (53) Miller, L. 32d Gossans, sulphur deposits: (62) Ravmond, L. C. 35 Granite: (8) Bowles. O. 34h: (46) Lille\. E. R. 36; pegmatite. Salt Creek. Tulare County (64) Rogers, A-. F. 31 b San Gabriel Mountains: (53) Miller, W. J. 32a uses: (8) Bowles, O. 31r: (32) Hat- maker, P. 31b Granitic domes, Mo.jave desert: (20) Davis, W. M. 33a rocks, Yosemite region: (13) Calkins, P. C. 32 Granitization, Inyo Range: (3) Anderson. G. H. 35 Granitoid intrusives, Sierra Nevada and Klamath Mountains, Jurassic age: (35) Hinds. N. E. A. 34b Granodiorite south of Mariposa: (16) Cloos, E. 32b Graphite: (46) Lilley. E. R. ; (52) Miller, B. L. 33: (78) Tyler, P. M. 35 deposits, Los Angeles County: (6) Bev- erly, B. 34 Grass Valley: (53) Miller, F. M. 34 batholith, structure: (41) Johnston, W. D. 32b district: (41) Johnston, W. D. 33; (71) Spilman, C. F. 31 fracture systems: (16) Cloos, E. 32a; (41) Johnston, "W. D. Jr. 34 geotheriiial gradient: (41) Johnston, W. D. 32 gold: (14) Chandler, J. W. 34 mines: (39) Huttl, J. B. 35d history: (2) Allen, R. C. 34; (13) Camp- bell, A. B. 34 veins and crossings: (44) Knaebel, J. B. 31 Gravel: (1) Allen, M. 32; (18) Corn- thwaite, M. A. 36a; (38) Hughes, H. H. 32, 36; (60) Phillips, E. R. 32 channels of ancient rivers: (70) Skid- more, W. A. 85 fields of northern California: (31) Hall, C. L. 97 Great Basin decline: (22) Eaton, J. E. 32 faulting: (38) Hulin, C. D. 31a lake sediments: (38) Hunzicker, A. A. 35; (69) Shrock, R. R. 35 landslide lakes: (65) Russell, R. J. 32a Pleistocene glaciation: (7) Blackwelder, E. 31e, 34 scarp production: (47) Louderback, G. D. 26 Great Plains, environment, life: (14) Chaney, R. W. 36; (16) Clements, F. E. 36 Greenhorn Gulch, placer gold: (57) Old- ham, C. 31 Greensand: (78) Tyler, P. M. 35 Greenwater: volcanics, Death Valley: (43) Keyes, C. R. 31c Grinding plants: (75) Symons, H. H. ."(i Grizzly Dome drops granite: (32) Hasel- wood, F. W. 35 Ground water, level records: (12, 13) Cali- fornia Department of Public Works 32, 33c, 34e, 35a, 36 limitations, geologic structures: (70) Soper, E. K. 32 Gryphaeoid oyster. Eocene: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 33a Uiidebook, Los Angeles to Santa Bar- bara: (43) Kew, W. S. W. 32 Western U. S. (19) Darton, N. H. 34 i.'ypsum: (27) Galiher, C. 32a; (46) Lilley, E. R. 36: (54) Mineral Industry 34; (52) Metcalf, R. W. 32a, 35; (52) Middleton, J. 32c; (66) Santmvers, R. M. 32; (78) Tyler, P. M. 35a products plant: (68) Shaw, E. 31 Haliotis, Miocene, southern California: (85) Woodring, W. P. 31 Temblor Range: (85) Woodring, W. P. 32 Pliocene, southern California: (80) Vokes, H. E. 33 Hausmannite: (24) Fairchild, J. G. 20; (54) Miser, H. G. 20 Hetch Hetchy project: (4S) Luther, L. A. 33 tunneling: (1) Anonymous 33a Hillocks, erosional soil: (51) Melton, F. A. 34 Hlpparion mohavense, tooth, Puente formation: (74) Stock, C. 33k Historic spots, California: (63) Reusch, E. G. 33; (63) Reusch, H. E. 33 Horizon, producing, Kettleman Hills: (5) Barbat, W. F. 32 productive: (71) Stalder, AV. 31 Horizontal displacement along San Andreas fault in Carrizo Plain: (10) Buwalda, J. P. 31a; (84) Wood, H. O. 31 Horse, Rancho La Brea: (3) Antonius, O. 33 Horses, anchitheriine, Merychippus zone, Coalinga district: (7) Bode, F. D. 34a Horsetown beds, age: (2) Anderson, F. M. 31c Hot springs fauna: (10) Brues, C. J. 28 J Lassen Peak: (1,2) Allen, E. T. 30; (20) j Day, A. L. 25 1 Humid regions, rainwash erosion: (46) ! Lawson, A. C. 32 I rock floors: (20) Davis, W. M. 32a I Huntington Beach, oil field: (74) Stock- man, L. P. 35; (27) Gale, H. S. 34 geology: (27) Gale, H. S. 34 tide lands: (27) Gale H. S. 33 Hyaenagnathus, Pliocene, Coso Moun- tains: (73) Stock, C. 32e Hyaenodontidae, Eocene: (73) Stock, C. 33d Hydraulic mining: (8) Bowie, A. J. 93; (56) Newman, W. A. 36; (72) Stew- art, J. D. 34; (81) Weatherbee, d'A. 06 Scott River: (5) Barber, R. J. 36 Hydraulicking, Klamath River: (76) Theller, J. H. 14 Hydroboracite: (67) Schaller, "W. T. 31a Hypogene deposits, genetic groups: (70) Singeward, J. T. 33 INDEX: inOI'SODOXTIDAE — KETTLEMAN FIELO 101 Hyopsodontidae, Sespe Kocene: (74) Stock, C. 34b Hypertragulid from Sespe Kocoiio: (74) Stock, C. 34 Ice age elephants, ("hnniu-l Islands: (74) Stock, ('. 36d caves: (75) Swartzlow, C. R. So Iceland spar: (38) Hughes, H. H. 31 Igneous rocks, chemistrv: (4) Bacon, C. S. 31 correlation with mineralization: (10) Budding-ton, A. F. 33 pseudo-cataclastic texture of replace- ment origin: (3) Anderson, G. H. 34 Ilmenite formation, Kngels copper deposit: ^ (30) Greig, T. W. 32 Imperial County, claiKiftite: (42) Kellev, V. C. 36a fossils: (14) Chapman, 10. W. 32 volcanic domes: (64, 65) Rogers, A. F. 34 Imperial formation, San Gorgonio Pass: (9) Bramkamp, R. A. 34 Imperial Valley, carbon dioxide sought: (13) California Oil World 33a Indium: (58) Palache, C. 34 Inglewood, fault, effect on oil fields: (6) Bignell, L. G. E. 33 oil field: (34) Hight, W. 33; (74) Stock- man, L. P. 35 Insectivora, Sespe uppermost Eocene: (74) Stock, C. 35a Insular arcs: (46) Lawson, A. C. 32a Intensity, earthquakes: (84) Wood, H. O. 33 b Intrusions: (50) Mayo, E. B. 35 eastern California: (50) Mayo, E. B. 33a Intrusive granite masses between Mono Lake and Mother Lode: (16) Cloos, E. 31 structure, Sierra Nevada: (4) Balk, R. 31; (16) Cloos, E. 31 Inyo, County, Mercury deposits, Coso Range: (80) Warner, T. 31 pr'obertite from Ryan: (26) Foshag, W. F. 31c tungsten deposits: (44) Knopf, A. 33c mountains, Ordovician faunas: (60) Phleger, F. B. 33 Tetradymite: (81) Webb, R. W. 35 Range, geology: (44) Knojif, A. 27 physiography: (3) Andei-son, G. H. 34; (50) Maxson, .J. H. 34a pre-Cambrian stratigrapii>-: (50) Maxson, .1. H. 34 stratigraiihy: (44) Knopf, A. 27 Iodine: (54) Mineral Industry 35; (17) Coons, A. T. 32b; (80) Vanossi, R. 35 lone formation: (2) Allen, V. T. 31; (44) Kirkham, V. R. D. 31 Iron, Canyon: (24) Etcheverry, B. A. 33 damsite; geology: (47, 48) Louder- back, G. D. 33a; ore: (20) Davis, H. W. 32a, 34, 36; (34) Herring, C. T. 36; (43) Kiessling, O. E. 34, 36 tannate occurrence: (45) Laudermilk, J. D. 31 Irrigation waters, quality: (12) California Department of Public Works 33a Isogeothermal surfaces correlation with rock strata: (80) Van Orstrand, C. 32 .r.>a. M. 31b, 32b deposits, Coso Range. Inyo County: (80) Warner. T. 31 Merychippine horse.s: (7) Bode, F. D. 31 species: (7) Bode, F. I). 33 Merychippus fauna, Coalinga: (7) Bode, F. D. 34, 35a horses, Anchitherine, Coalinga: (7) Bode. F. D. 31a T'rotochippine: (7) Bode. F. D. 35 Mesozoic rock.s. source beds. Sacramento River: (31) llammar, H. K. 3:?. 34: (77) Trask. P. D. 33, 34 southern Klamath Mountains: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 35 systems, distribution and tliickness: (82) "UHebe, ver 33 Metallurgy, Spanish mine: (31) Harden, B. D. 35 Metals: (79) V. S. Bureau of Mines 33 mines output: (33) Heikes. V. C. 31 platinum group: (65) Rousch, G. A. 32; (45) Kunz. G. F. 30 rare: (59) Petar, A. V. 32; (78) Tyler, P. M. 32 Metamoriihic rocks, oil occurrence in San Gabriel Mountains: (9. 10) Brown, A. B. 32; (43) Kew. W. S. W. 32a Meteorite discoveries: (81) "Webb. R. W. 35a Miacid Sespe Eocene: (73) Stock, C. 33g Mica; (74) Stoddard, B. H. 32 Microcrystals of barite from Barstow: (37) Howard, A. D. 32 Microfossiliferous section. Cretaceous: (3) Applin, E. R. 33 MicropaleontologT: (38) Hutcheson, R. P.. 31 excrement: (27) Galliher. E. W. 31a Microscopic study, oil field emulsions: (1) Abozeid, M. 31: (25) Fisher, H. F. 31 subsurface work oil fields: (62) Reed, R. D. 31b Microseisms: (30) Gutenberg. B. 31 Micro-structure, gold-quartz veins: (29) Goodspeed, G. E. 32 Microsyopsinae, Sespe upper Eocene: (74) Stock, C. 34b Middle Buttes, mining activity: (78) Tucker. W. B. 35 Middle California: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 33b geology: (46) Lawson, A. C. 33 Dome unit plan: (40) .Jensen, J. 33 Midway oil field: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Migration, gas through oil and gas sands: (53) Miller, H. C. 32 oil: (63) Rich, J. L. 34 lateral and vertical: (45) Lahee, F. H. 34 Milling, Argonaut: (42) Julluui, H. 32 Engels mine, Plumas County: (56) Nel- son, W. 1. 31 gold: (39) Jackson, C. F. 32b; (44) Knaebel, J. B. 32a; (86) Young. G. J. 31 Spanish Mine: (8) Biadley, J. 31 Walkermine: (45) Lancaster, H. K. 32; (51) McKenzie, M. R. 32 Milton formation. Sierra Nevada: (16) Clark, S. G. 33 Mimmomys primus, fossil vole: (34) Hess. C. J. 34 Minasragrite: (58) Palache. C. 34 Mineralogical notes: (34) Hidden. E. E. 91; (4S) IMackintosh, J. B. 91 occurrence, iron tannate: (45) Lauder- milk, J. D. 31 Mineralogist report: (8, 9) Bradley. W. W. 30. 32c, 34b Mineralogique, notes: (10) Buttgenbach, • H. 32 Mineralogy cotitriliutions: (28) Gcntli. F. A. cS7 Mineralogy system: (19) Dana. J. D. GS Minerals: (67) Schaller. W. T. 05; (51) Melhasc, J. 34; (75) Svmons, H. II. 31 analyses: (16) Clarke, F. W. 15 assemblages at Crestmore: (19) Dal.v, J. W. 33 borate, Kramer district, Mojave desert: (67) Schaller. W. T. 31 burkeite: (26) Foshag. W. F. 35 claims: (63) Ricketts, A. H. 31 clay: (10) Brown, S. M. 33; (42) Kel- ley, W. P. 33; (85) Woodford. A. O. 33. 33a collection: (75) Symons. H. H. 35 conservation: (71) Stabler, H. 32 Crestmore: (64) Rogers, A. F. 31d deposits: (26) Fourmarier, P. 33 economic geology: (46, 47) Lillev, E. R. 36 Elizabeth Lake quadrangle: (69) Simpson, E. C. 34 Julian district; San Diego: (21) Don- nelly, M. 34a Laurel and Convict Basins, Mono County: (50) Mayo, E. B. 34 San Jacinto quadrangle: (66) Samp- son, R. J. 32a Huorescent: (51) Melhase, J. 35 giaucophane-bearing rocks, paragene- sis: (70) Smith, J. P. 09 gold-bearing treatment: (6) Berthelot, C. 34 industry: (1) Anonymous 33 Kettleman Hills sands: (9) Bramlette, M. N. 34 Kings County: (26) Franke. H. A. 35 localities. Furnace Creek. Death Valley: (26) Foshag. W. F. 25 Monterey County: (26) Franke, H. A. 35 museum collection: (75) Svmons, H. H. 35 nonmetallic: (9) Bradley, W. W. 34a, 35a; (8) Bowles, O. 33a; (42) Jus- tice. C. W. 33 observations: (28) Genth, F. A. 67 orientation in rocks: (57, 58) Pabst, A. 31a paint materials: (75) Symons, H. H. 30a producers, directory: (75) Symons, H. H. 31a production: (16) Clark, M. B. 34a, 35; (69) Shuey, E. T. 32; (75) Symons, H. H. 28, 31a. 32 stabilization: (24) Engineering and Mining Journal 31 I'are-earth: (51) Melhase, J. 36 106 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : MINERALS — MIOCENE Minerals — Cont. replacement, ore deposits: (10) Butler, B. S. 32 reserves: (46) Leith, K. 35; (46) Liddell, D. M. 35 resources: (79) U. S. Bur. Mines 32, 33, 33a; Clark, M. B. 32, 34; (66) Samp- son, R. J. 31a; (69) Shuey, E. T. 34; (77, 78) Tucker, W. B. 31b, 32 bibliography: (69) Shedd, S. 31 Boulder Dam: (34) Hewett, D. P. 36 Calaveras County: (26) Franke, H. A. 36; (47) Logan, C. A. 36a Kings County: (26) Franke, H. A. 35 Lassen County: (4) Averill, C. V. 36; (24) Erwin, H. D. 36 Madera County: (24) Erwin, H. D. 34 Modoc County: (4) Averill, C. V. 36 Monterey County: (26) Franke, H. A. 35 Panamint Range: (66) Sampson, R. J. 32 Perrls Block: (66) Sampson, R. J. 35 San Luis Obispo County: (26) Franke, H. A. 35 Ritter Range: (29) Goudey, H. 36 schairerite, from Searles Lake: (26) Foshag, W. F. 31b •statistics: (75) Symons, H. H. 31 studies correlation of sands at Kettle- man Hills: (9) Bramlette, M. N. 34 sulphate, krausite: (26) Foshag, W. F. 31a survey: (39) Jenkins, O. P. 30b vanadium: (65) Roscoe, H. E. 76 wool: (78) Tyler, P. M. 35 yearbook: (43) Kiessling, O. E. 33, 35 Mines, Calaveras County: (26) Franke, H. A. 36 (47) Logan, C. A. 36a gold: (39) Huttl, J. B. 35d; (47) Logan, C. A. 36; (71) Spilman, C. F. 31a equipment: (24) Engineering and Mining Journal 34b metal: (33) Heikes, V. C. 31 San Luis Obispo County: (26) Franke, H. A. 35 Siskiyou County: (4) Averill, C. V. 35 Mining: (20) Davis, W. M. 33b activity, Inyo and Mono Counties: (77) Tucker, W. B. 31a San Francisco district: (45) Laizure, C. M. 35 southern California: (78) Tucker, W. B. 34a Amador County, Central-Eureka: (71) Spiers, J. 31 andalusite. Mono County: (39) Jeffery, J. A. 32; (85) Woodhouse, C. D. 32 Cerro Gordo district: (81) Webb, R. W. 35b claims, law change: (9) Bradley, W. "W. 35 clay: (21) Dietrich, W. F. 31 development, northern California: (4) Averill, C. V. 34 district, Mojave: (78) Tucker, W. B. 35 drift: (38) Hubbard, J. D. 17 Durbin: (42) Jumper, H. D. 33 Engels mine, Plumas County: (56) Nel- son,W. I. 30 Mining — Cont. gold: (9) Bradley, W. W. 35b; 32a; (38) Huttl, J. B. 35c; (39) Jackson, C. F. 32b; (44) Knaebel, J. B. 32a; (45) Laizure, C. M. 34; (68) Segerstrom, C. H. 35; (75) Symons, H. H. 32a (86) Young, G. J. 31 activity: (9) Bradley, W. W. 32a Carson Hills: (10) Burgess, J. A. 35 districts: (16) Clements, T. 34a east-central California: (47) Logan, C. A. 35a geophysics: (39) Jakosky, J. J. 31 Mojave: (78) Tucker, W. B. 36 Tehachapi range: (78) Tucker, W. B. 34 "Western Drift Mine, Angels Camp; (72) Steffa, D. 32 history and influence: (33) Henderson, C. W. 33 hydraulic: (8) Bowie, A. J. 93; (72) Stewart, J. D. 34 limestone at Crestmore: (64) Robotham, C. A. 34 methods. Argonaut mines: (79) Van- denburg, "W. O. 31a Central-Eureka mine: (78) U. S. Bur. Mines 31; (71) Spiers, J. 33 Eliot: (42) Kendall, B. B. .33 INIojave mining district: (78) Tucker. W. B. 35 opportunities, Weaverville quadrangle: (24) Erich, E. E. 31 Pasadena: (79) Van Amringe: 32 placer, geophysics: (39) Jakosky, J. J. 32; (83) Wilson, C. H. 32 San Gabriel Canyon: (86) Zadach, S. 33 Spanish Mine: (8) Bradley. J. 31 Yellow Aster mine: (18) Cooper, C. L. 36 ]!)23: (47) Logan, C. A. 24 Mint Canyon: (61) Putnam, W. C. 33; (47) Livingston. A. 33 agate beds: (58) Patton, J. W. 3G mammalian fauna: (73) Stirton, R. A. 33 Tertiary mammalian fauna: (50) Max- son, J. H. 31a Miocene, Barstow, Soricidae: (73) Stir- ton, R. A. 32 biostratigraphic classification: (44) Kleinpell. R. M. 34 breccias: (62) Reed, R. D. 35c bi'own shale, cellophane: (27) Galliher. E. W. 31 Kettleman Hills: (67) Schenck. H. G. 31c calcareous algae: (16) Clark. L. M. 31 Caliente Range: (23) Eaton, J. E. 35 diatomite: (34) Hertlein. L. G. 33 diatoms index: (47) Lohman, K. E. 31 taunal zones: (63) Richards, G. L. Jr. 35a Hora: (14) Chaney, R. W. 36; (16) Clements, F. E. 36 foraminifera: (19) Cushman, J. A. 34a; (27) Galliher, E. W. 34; (44) Klein- pell, R. M. 34b Contra Costa County: (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 33 INDEX : MIOCENE — MONO COUNTY 107 Miocene — Cont. diatomite: (20) Deflandre, G. 34 Los Sauces Creek: (18) Cushman, J. A. 31; (45) LaimiiiK. H. 31 Monterey shale: (4) Bagg, R. M. 08 Reliz Canyon: (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 30, 34b San Joaquin Valley: (5) Barhat. \V. F. 33; (24) von Estorff. F. 33 Temblor east San Joaquin Valley: (18) Cushman, J. A. 31a; (58) Parker, F. L. 31 Ventura County: (72) Stewart. K. C. 31: (72) Stewart. R. E. 31 formation. Los Sauces Creek. Ventura County: (70) Snedden. L. B. 32 fossils: (43) Khomenko. I. P. 33 gravels, fossil woods: (54, 55) Mitchell, R. I>. 34: (64) Ritter. C. J. :!4 Haliotis: (85) Woodring. W. P. 31 Temblor Range: (85) Woodring, W. P. 32 limestone, brittle star: (51) Merriam. C. W. 31 long-beaked porpoise: (42) Kellogg, R. 32 mammalian assemblages: (20) Oe Char- din. T. P. 34; (73) Stirton, R. A. 34 marine mammals, Bakersfield: (84) Wilson, L. E. 35 Meliosnma (6) Berry, E. W. 29 mollusks: (82) AVickson. G. G. 33 Neptunea: (29) Grant, V. S. 34; (61) Quayle, E. H. 34 orogenies: (62) Reed, R. D. 34a pinnotherids: (62) Rathbun, M. J. 32a shale, Reef Ridge, stratigraphy and foraminifera: (5) Barbat, W. F. 34a; (41) Johnson. F. L. 34 • siliceous rocks: (70) Smith. H. 34 stratigraphy, Palos Verdes Hills: (44) Kleinpell. R. M. 35; (9) Bramlette. M. N. 3Ga Textulariidae: (18) Cushman. J. A. 25 Va(iueros formation: (47) Loel. W. 32; (18) Corey, W. H. 32 volcanism: (27) Gale, H. R. 31b; (27) Gale. H. S. 31 whale skull: (4?) Kellogg. R. 34a Mio-Pliocene boundaiy: (20) l)e Chardin, T. P. 34; (73) Stirton. R. A. 34 Modal determination of rocks; (45) Lar- sen, E. S. 35; (53) Miller, F. S. 35 Modelo cetothere. Los Angeles: (42) Kellogg, R. 34 Modoc County, mineral resources: (4) Averill, C. V. 36a lava bed quadrangle; (61) Powers. H. A. 32 field, northern California: (58) Pea- cock, M. A. 31 Mohavense, Hipparion, Puente forma- tion: (74) Stock. C. 33k Mojave desert: (61) Putnam, W. C. 33; (47) Livingston, A. 33 Afton Basin: (23) Ellsworth, E. W. 33 borate minerals: (67) Sehaller. W. T. 31 Mojave desert — Cont. Cambrian fossils: (63) Resser, C. F. 30 rocks: (32) Hazzard. J. C. 33 dry placers, geology: (38) Hulin, C. D. 35 granitic domes: (20) Davis, W. M. 33a paleontology of Cambrian rocks: (18) Crickmay, C. H. 33a region: (76) Thompson. D. G. 20 Ricardo deposits, canid and probosci- dean remains: (74) Stock. C. 33i geological title: (43) Keyes. C. R. 31a gold mining: (78) Tucker. W. B. 30 mining district: (78) Tuiker. W. B. 35 geologist visit: (68) Schroter, G. A. 35 River valley, geology: (12) California Department of Public Works o4c ground water levels, water supply: (12) California Department of Pub- lic Works 34c L^lojane to Rock Creek, traverse: (30) Gregory, H. E. 25 Mokelumne area, geology and water re- sources: (77) Taylor. G. H. 31: (64) Robinson, T. W. 31; (72) Stearns, H. T. 31 River Basin, geology: (76) Thomas. H. E. 32; (27) Gale, H. S. 32a; (60) Piper. A. M. 32a contact section: (25) Fitch, A. A. 32 seepage, loss and gain: (10) Bue, C. D. 34; (60) Piper, A. M. 34 (61) Pritch- ett, H. C. 34 Mollusca, Long Beach: (15) Clark, A. 33 new names: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 34a Pleistocene and Pliocene: (29) Grant, U. S. 31a; (27) Gale, H. R. 31c Santa Barbara County: (57) Oldroyd, I. S. 31; (29) Grant, U. S. 31, 34c; (75) Strong, A. M. 34a Molluscan fauna, Imperial formation, San Gorgonio Pass: (9) Bramkamp. R. A. 34 Santa Barbara County: (29) Grant, U. S. 31a; (57) Oldroyd, L S. 31 provinces: (42) Keen, A. M. 35; (67) Schenck, H. G. 35a Mollusks: (82) Wickson, G. G. 34; (32) Hatai, K. 36 Carpinteria asphalt pit: (29) Grant, U. S. 34a; (75) Strong, A. M. 34 Kettleman Hills: (60) Pilsbry, H. A. 35 Miocene: (82) Wickson, G. G. 33 Pliocene correlation with Supranutovo series, Sakhalin oil field: (43) Khomenko, J. P. 31 Molybdenum: (44) Kissock, A. 34; (78) Tyler, P. M. 31c; (59) Petar, A. V. 31a (34) Hess, F. L. 34 Monadenia: (31) Hanna, G. D. 33a; (70) Smith, A. G. 33 Monazite: (78) Tyler, P. M. 35 granodiorite pegmatite Riverside County: (22) Dykes, L. H. 32 Mono County, andalusite: (39) Jeflfery, J. A. 31, 32; (85) Woodhouse, C. D. 31, 32 108 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: MONO COUNTY — NEWPORT LAGOON Mono County — Cont. augelite: (46) Lemmon, D. W. 35 geology: (50) Mayo, B. B. 30, 34 mineral deposits: (50) Mayo, E. B. 34 mining activity: (77) Tucker, W. B. 31a Montebello area, light oil field discovery: (32) Head, E. R. 35 oil field: (34) Might, W. 33 Monterey Bay, Desmostyhis tooth: (31) Hanna, G. D. 32a foraminifera: (49) Martin, L. T. 30, 31, 35 sediments: (27) Galliher, E. W. 32a Monterey County foraminifera, Miocene from Reliz Canyon: (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 30, 32, 34b sand-calcite crystals: (62) Reed, R. D. 25; (64) Rogers, A. F. 25 mineral resources: (26) Franke, H. A. 35 formation, clastic fades and faunas: (23) Eaton, J. E. 33 stratigraphic position: (27) Galliher, E. W. 31a rocks, bedding: (9) Bramlette, M. N. 33 shale: (31) Hanna, G. D. 32 foraminifera: (4) Bagg, R. M. 08 Monticellite: (67) Schaller, W. T. 35 Crestmore: (29) Gonyer, F. A. 34 (55) Moehlman, R. S. 34 Montmorillonite feldspar: (46) Lauder- milk, J. D. 33; (85) Woodford, A. O. 33b pegmatite: (46) Laudermilk, J. D. 34; (85) Woodford, A. O. 34 Montroydite occurrence: (85) Woodhouse, C. D. 34 Moonflsh, Lompoc beds: (30) Gudger, E. W. 33 Moonstone: (1) Aitkens, I. 31 Moreno shale, Cretaceous foraminifera: (19) Cushman J. A. 35a; (13) Camp- bell, A. S. 35 Moss Beach, gastropod fauna: (80) Yokes, H. E. 3Gb Mother Lode: (16) Cloos, E. 33a, 33b bed-rock complex: (76) Taliaferro, N. L. 32b carbonaceous tailings treatment: (46) Leaver, E. S. 31; (86) Woolf, J. A. 31 district: (57) Nolan, T. B. 33a floating gold: (45) Kraut, M. 32 geo thermal gradient: (44) Knopf, A. 32; (41) Johnston, \Y. D. 32a gold belt: (47) Logan, C. A. 35 ore: (38) Hulin, C. D. 31 producer Montezuma-apez: (38) Huttl, J. B. 35a system: (44) Knopf, A. 31, 33 trip: (38) Huttl, J. B. 33 Yosemite: (9) Bradley, W. W. 33 Mount Diablo: (76) Taff, J. A. 36 geology: (75) Taff, J. A. 35 area stratigraphy: (15) Clark, B. L. 31c folding: (15) Clark, B. L. 34 relation Eocene to Oligocene deposits: (15) Clark, B. L. 31c tectonics: (15) Clark, B. L. 35 Hamilton, earthquake registration: (11, 12) Byerly, P. 27, 27a, 28, 28a, 30, 30a, 31c, 32, 33d 33e, 35, 35a, 35d, 36, 36a (41) Jones, A. E. 27; (22) i Hamilton, earthquake — Cont. Dyk, R. 28, 30, 30a; (71) Sparks, N. R. 32, 33a, 33b; (83, 84) Wilson, J. T. 35b, 35d, 36; (3) Annis, W. 36, 36a; (37) Hoskins, E. E. 36 Jura investigation: (18) Crickmav, C. H. 33 Pinos quadrangle, geology: (28) Gazin, C. L. 31; (22) Dreyer, F. E. 35 Poso oil field: (21) Diepenbrock, A. 33; (34) Hight, W. 33; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Shasta: (83) Williams, H. 32a, 34 glaciers: (49) Matthes, F. E. 32 quadi-angle, geology: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 32 Thielsen, volcano: (83) Williams, H. 33 Whitney: (24) Farquhar, F. P. 35 Mountain View oil field: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Movements along fault: (10) Buwalda, J. P. 31 earth: (16) Cloos, H. 33 Mustelid, Tertiary: (31) Hall, E. R. 30 Mylonites, San Andreas fault zone: (13) Campbell, C. D. 35; (81) Waters. A. C. 35 Napa County volcanic waters: (39) Jaggar, T. A. 31a quadrangle Domengine and Markley formations: (81) Weaver, C. E. .il National Monument, lava beds: (72) Stearns, H. T. 28 Natomas dredge: (38) Huttle, J. G. 35 Natural gas: (4) Backus, H. 32; (26) Fowler, H. C. 35; (35) Hoffman, T. 35; (36,37) Hopkins, G. R. 31, 36a; (43) Kennedy, H. S. 35; (47) Lott, P. S. 36; (75) Swanson, E. B. 32 development: (20) Decius, L. C. 27 production: (26) Fowler, H. C. 32 reserves, control and conservation: (9) Bridge, A. F. 36 resources: (33) Herold, S. C. 35; (36) Hoots, H. W. 35a sand production aid: (25) Fisher, E. H. 31 gasoline: (23) Eggleston, H. L. 34; (35) Hoffman, T. 35; (36) Hopkins, G. R. 31a, 32, 32c, 36b; (64) Rol>ertson, G. R. 30; (68) Seeley, M. 31. 32, 32a; (69) Shea, G. B. 32 outlook: (64) Robinson, W. W. Jr. 35 plants: (59) Petroleum World 34c Neocolemanite identity with colemanite: (38) Hutchinson, A. 12 Neptunea, Miocene: (29) Grant. U. S. 34: (61) Quayle, E. H. 34 Neptunite: (79) Van Amringe, E. V. 34 Nevada City: (53) Miller, F. M. 34 district: (71) Spilman, C. F. 31 gold: (14) Chandler, J. W. 34 County, gold bearing veins: (84) Wisker, A. L. 36 production: (53) Miller, F. M. 31 tourmaline: (51) Melville, W. H. 92 Lakes, cause and oil possibilities: (41) Johnston, J. H. 35 New Idria mine, quicksilver: (55) Moore- head, W. R. 31 Newport Lagoon, foraminifera: (51) Rankin, W. D. 31 INDEX : XICKEIi KETTLEMAN NORTH 109 Nickel: (53) Miller R. B. 36 .sulphicles: (68) Shannon, E. V. 30; (69) Short, M. N. 30 Nitrates: (47) Lilley, E. R. 36 deposits: (57) Nol)le, I.. F. 31; (7) Boardinan, I^. 32; (48) Mansfield, G. R. 32 Nonienc-lature and ilassification, rock units: (29) Gould, C. N. 33 stratipraphic: (62) Reeside, J. B. Jr. 32a Noinlaki tuff: (65) Russell, R. D. 32 Nonnietallic minerals: (9) Bradley, W. W. 34a, 35a; Bowles, O. 33a; (42) Justice, C. W. 33 industrial uses: (51) Melhase, J. 36a Nonmelals: (78) Tyler. P. M. 35; (79) U. S. Bureau of Mines, 33a North America, western. Tertiary forests: (14) Chaney, K. W. :i:!:i; (21) Dorf, E. 33 Belridge oil field: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31; (61) Preston, H. M. 32; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Northern California, black sand deposits: (37) Horner, R. R. 18 Eocene faunas: (51) Merriam, C. W. 34 grinding plants: (75) Symons, H. H. 30 ice caves: (75) Swartzlow, C. R. 35 lava flow: (25) Finch, R. H. 33a Modoc lava field: (58) Peacock, M. A. 31 oil: (71) Stalder, W. 31a, 32 Pleistocene vertebrates: (79) Vander Hoof, V. Li. 34 Pliocene vertebrate fauna: (65) Russell, R. D. 31; (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 31 trilobite from anthracolithic: (82) Wheeler, H. E. 35 North westernmost California: (50) Max- son, J. H. 31 Nothrotherium, teeth and jaws: (55) Moodie, R. L. 29 Nuculid pelecypod Acila: (67) Schenck, H. G. 35c, 36a Nutovo series: (43) Khomenko, J. P. 31 Oil: (57) Oil Gas Journal 35a; (59) Petro- leum World 33b; (60) Petroleum World (T.ondon) 30c; (71) Stalder, W. 31b accumulation: (63) Rich. J. I^. 34 analysi.s from i-ecent sediments: (77) Trask, P. D. 31; (86) Wu, C. C. 31 Bakersfield: (16) Clute, W. S. 36 -bearing- Pliocene beds, southern Cali- fornia: (62) Reed, R. D. 33a Coalinga district: (28) Galloway, J. 35 companies Los Angeles Basin, prepare for disaster: (30) Griffith, L. 29 composite interest, influence of technol- ogy: (14) Cattell, R. A. 35; (26) Fowler, H. C. 35a conservation: (59) Petroleum Times 32 crude: (59) Petroleum World 36d production: (59) Petroleum World 34a properties: (45) Kraemer, A. J. 31 reserves: (54) Mills, B. 34a search for: (56) National Petroleum News 36 curtailment: (2) Allen, R. E. 30, 31, 33a, 34; (40) Jensen, J. 32; (59) Petro- leum World 34e; (60) Petroleum World (London) 3a Oil, deep drilling: (56) National Petro- leum News 36; (59) Petroleum Times 32c Oil, deep drilling — Cont. depth: (59) Petroleum World 33a, 34; (60) Petroleum World (London) 30a Ventura: (54) Mills, B. 31a determination, geophysical methods: (13) California Oil World 34a development, Los Angeles Basin: (36) Hoots, H. W. 32c discoveries: (59) Petroleum Times 31 drilling: (2) Allen, R. E. 33a; (79) Uren, L. C. 36 operations 1935: (59) Petroleum World 36c dry hole record: (59) Petroleum World 36 fields: (82) Wiebe, W. A. ver 30 Alamitos Heights: (34) Might, W. 33 Arroyo Grande: (23) l^miiioiis, W. H. 31 Bakersfield: (16) Clule, \V. S. 36 Belridge (23) Emmons. W. H. 31 Brea Canyon: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 brine disposition: (67) Schmidt, L. 35; (77) Thorne, H. M. 35; (82) Wilhelm, C. J. 35 Buena Vista Hills: (23) Emmons. W. H. 31 Buttonwillow: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Coalinga: (23) En:mons, W. H. 31 comparison: (70) Snider, L. C. 33 data: (59) Petroleum World 34g, 36e Del Rey, collapse: (59) Petroleum World 35 development: (59) Petroleum Times 32a; (59) Petroleum World 36a; (71) Stalder, J. 31b Devils Den: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 discovery, Montebello area: (31) Head, E. R. 35 Dominguez: (34) Hight, W. 33; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Edison: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 effect of Inglewood fault: (6) Bignell, L. G. E. 33 El Segundo: (61) Powell. E. B. 36; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35a Elk Hills: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31; (34) Hight, W. 33; (59) Petroleum Times 32b; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Elwood: (21) Dolman, S. G. 31; (23) Emmons, W. H. 31; (34) Hight, W. 33; (59) Petroleum Times 30a; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 emulsions, microscopic study: (1) Abozeid, M. 30; (25) Fisher, H. F. 31 Fruitvale: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 geothermal gradient: (32) Heald, K. C. 30 variations, Los Angeles Basin: (13, 14) Carlson, A. J. 31 Goleta: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Huntington Beach: (27) Gale, H. S. 34; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Inglewood: (34) Hight, W. 33; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Kern Front: (34) Hight, W. 33 River: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Kettleman Hills: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31; (28) Gester, G. C. 33; (28) Galloway, J. 33; Goudkoff, P. P. 34; (34) Hight, W. 33; (59) Petroleum Times 30b; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Kettleman North and Middle Domes: ]10 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : OIL PRODUCTION Oil — Cont. (21) Dodd, H. V. 33; (42) Kaplow, E. J. 33 Lompoc: (21) Dolman, S. G. 32 Long Beach: (34) Hight, W. 33; (74) Stockman. L. P. 35; (18) Crown, W^ J. 32: (37) Howard, P. J. 32: (60) Pierce, G. G. 32 Los Alamos: (14) Chappius, L. C. 31 Los Angeles Basin: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31: (3) Arnold, R. 27; (47) Loel, W. 27; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Lost Hills: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 McKittrick: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31; (75) Taff, J. A. 33 water Invasion: (40) Jensen, J. 30a, 31b; (72) Stevens, J. B. 30, 31 Manhattan Beaoh: (49) Marshall, W. C. 34 microscopic work: (62) Reed, R. D. 31b Midway: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Sunset: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Montehello: (34) Hight, W. 33 Mount Poso: (21) Diepenbrock, A. 33; (34) Hight, W. 33; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Mountain View: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 North Belridge: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31; (61) Preston, H. M. 32; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Operations: (10) Bush, R. D. 32 District No. 1: (38) Huguenin, E. 30 District No. 2: (76) Thorns, C. C. 31 District No. 3: (21) Dolman, S. G. 31a District No. 4: (56) Musser, E. H. 31 ■ District No. 5: (21) Dodd, H. V. 31a | palaeontologists textbook: (19) Davies, A. M. 35a Petaluma: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Petrolia: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Playa del Rey: (5) Barton, C. L. 31; ' (41) Jones, P. H. 35; (36) Hoots, ' H. W. 35; (7) Blount, A. L. 35; (81) Westsmith, J. N. 30b; (74) Stock- man, L. P. 35; (34) Hight, W. 33 possibilities: (54) Millett, E. R. Jr. 35 I production: (33) Herold, S. C. 33 Richfield: (34) Hight, W. 33; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Rincon: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Rosecrans: (34) Hight, ^V. 33 Round Mountain: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 San Miguelto: (74) Stockman, L. P. 31, 35 Santa Barbara Mesa: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 geology: (61) Powell, E. B. 34 Santa Clara: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Santa Fe Springs: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Santa Maria: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Sargent: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Seal Beach: (5) Barnes, R. M. 30: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35; (34) Hight, W. 33; (8) Bowes, G. H. 30 subsurface microscopic work: (62) Reed, R. D. 31b I Oil — Cont. Summerland: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Sunset: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 -Midway: (58) Pack, R. W. 20 Torrance: (34) Hight, ^V. 33; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 unit development: (59) Petroleum Times, 32a Venice: (59) Petroleum Times 30; (79) Van Couvering, M. 30 Ventura Avenue: (34) Hertel, F. AV. 30, 31; (34) Hight, W. 33; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Venttira Basin: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 waters: (45) Lahee, F. H. 34a (80) Washburn, C. W. 34; (40) Jensen, J. 34 M'hittier fault: (57) Norris, B. B. 30 gain: (59) Petmleum World 35a gas .'^ands: (53) Miller, H. C. 32 genesis by radial axial pressure: (79) Uwatoko, K. 32 Huntington: (27) Gale. H. S. 34 industry: (59) Petroleum Times 34 development: (83) Wilhelm. V. H. 35 developments 1935: (83) Wilhelm, V. H. 36 Kern County: (59) Petroleum World 3fib marine drillings: (69) Siemon, J. H. 33; (28) Gilbert, J. C. 33 marine oil shale, Playa del Rey: (41) Jones, P. H. 35; (36) Hoots, H. W. 35; (7) Blount, A. L. 35 metamorphic rocks, San Gabriel Moun- tains: (9, 10) Brown, A. B. 32; (43) Kew, W. S. W. 32a migration: (45) Lahee, F. H. 34; (63) Rich, J. L. 34 accumulation, origin: (63) Rich, J. L. 34 sandstone dykes through shales: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 31b water encroachments at Casmalia: (60) Porter. W. W. 33 new fields outlook: (23) Eaton, J. E. 35 Northern California: (71) Stalder, W. 31, 31a, 32 occurrence, metamorphic rocks of San Gabriel ^Mountains: (9, 10) Brown. A. B. 32; (43) Kew, W. S. W. 32a organic mattei- converted into: (77) Trask, P. D. 36 origin and accumulation: (15) Clark. F. R. 34; (63) Rich, J. L. 34 outlook for new fields: (23) Eaton, J. E. 35b possibilities: (41) Johnston. J. H. 35 Rumsey Hills: (59) Petroleum World 32 Terra Bella. Tulare County: (75) Suverkrop, L. 31 problems, Kettleman Hills: (6) Bell, A. H. 31 production: (59) Pemberton, J. R. 35; (2) Allen, R. E. 35 (40) Jensen, J. 30b; (79) Uren, L. C. 36 Kettleman Hills: (54) Mills, B. 35a San Joaquin Valley: (44) Kleinpell, W. D. 34 1929: (60) Petroleum World (London; 30e 1933: (59) Petroleum World 34b INDEX: OIL OWI- PLKISTOCENE 111 Oil— Cont. jnoperties valuation: (33) Heller, A. H. 31a l.inratioii: (2) Allen, R. E. 31a IJiospects, l!t30: (60) Petroleum World (London) 30d report: (10) Bush, R. D. 30 reserve."?: (17) Collom, R. E. 34; (60) Petroleum World (London) 36 re.servojrs, classification: (84) Wilson, W. B. 34 resources, Elk Hills (85) W^oodring, W. P. 32a: (65) Roundy, P. V. 32; (24) Farnsworth, H. R. 32 San Joaquin Valley: (36) Hoots, H. W. 31 San Joa(iuin Valley: (72) Standard Oil B 36 shale producing field: (36) Hoots, H. W. 30 Santa Barbara County: (29) Gore, F. D. 27 source: (7) Blount, A. L. 35; (36) Hoots, H. W. 35; (41) Jones, P. H. 35 storage, Brea-Olinda and Lompoc fields: (35) Hodges, P. C. 32; (40) Johnson, A. ir. 32 structures, electrical mapping: (83) Wilson, C. H. 36; (39) Jakosky, J. J. 36 Santa Maria district: (17) Collom, R. E. 29 supply, diatomaceous earth: (13) Cali- fornia Oil World 34 discoveries: (36) Hoots, H. W. 36a tests: (84) Woelflin, W. 35 Santa Rosa Island: (59) Petroleum World 32a trade: (60) Petroleum World (London) 33a undeveloped source: (13) Cal Oil World 35a unit operation: (40) Jensen, J. 30h well completions: (59) Petroleum World 34d, 36 wells, fewer: (59) Petroleum World (London) 30 large diameter: (79) Uren, L. C. 35: (41) Jomercq, J. 35; (51) Mejea, J. 35 Ojai Valley: (61) Putnam, W. C. 33; (47) Livingston, A. 33 Oligocene: (43) Khomenko, I. P. 33 floras: (14) Chaney, R. W. 36; (16) Clements, F. E. 36 fossils: (43) Khomenko, I. P. 33 mammal-bearing beds. Death Valley: (7) Bode, F. D. 35b; (74) Stock, C. 35c mammalian fauna, southern California: (73) Stock, C. 32a marine, western North America: (15) Clark, B. L. 31a relation to Eocene, Mt. Diablo area: (15) Clark, B. L. 31c Tumey formation: (3) Atwill, E. R. 35 Olivine: (78) Tyler, P. M. 35 Onyx: (8) Bowles, O. 34b marble: (5) Banks, D. M. 33; (8) Bowles, O. 33 Opah, Lompoc beds: (30) Gudger, E. W. 33 DO Opals: (1) Aitkens, I. 31b; (46) Lewis, W. S. 33 Opercula, Pliocene vi\ipMrio(l: (86) Wood- ring, W. P. 35b Orange County, clays, geological investi- gation: (75) Sutherland, J. C. 35 foraminifera Newport Lagoon: (61) Rankin, W. D. 31 Orbitoid-bearing limestone, age: (85) Woodring, W. P. 31a Orbitoids, stellate, Santa Ynez Range: (56) Nelson, R. N. 31; (67) Schenck, H. G. 31a Ordovician auluroid: (60) Phleger. F. B. 36 faunas: (60) Phleger. F. B. 33 Orebodies, quicksilver: (68) Schuette, C. N. 31 Oreodonts, Sespe deposits, Ventura County: (73) Stock, C. 30a Ores: (39) Huttl. J. B. 35c cinnabar, hydraulic concentration: (42) Kellogg, A. E. 30 deposition, Cordilleran region: (47) Lindgren, W. 33 deposits, borax and borates: (51) Mead, R G 33 deposits, classification: (6) Behre, C. H. 33; (48) Loughlin, G. F. 33 geologic cycles: (10) Butler, B. S. 33a geological relations: (38) Huhn, C. D. 33 geology: (10) Butler, B. S. 33 manganese: (34) Hewett, D. I*. 3.5, 35a; (58) Pardee, J. T. 33a Panamint Range: (56) Murphy, F. M. 31 replacement minerals: (10) Butler, B. S 32 Superior mine: (2) Anderson, C. A. 31 discovery. Carson Hill: (54) Mining Journal, Arizona 31 district Rockv Mountain Region: (6) Billingsley, P. 33; (47) Locke, A. 3b hunting: (47) Locke. A. 31 I^lother Lode gold: (38) Huhn, C /). 31 occurrence: (68) Schmitt, H. A. 34; (47) Locke, A. 34; (6) Billing.sley. P. 34 quicksilver: (9) Bradley. W. 31a Oreodonts, South ^Mountain Sespe depos- its: (73,74) Stock, C. 30a, 34e Organic constituent of sedinients, petro- leum formation: (31) Hammar, H. E. 33a; (77) Trask, P. D. 33a matter conversion into oil: (77) Trask, Orogenies, Miocene: (62) Reed, R. D. 34a Orthoclase, pegmatites: (21) Donnelly, M. 35 Orthophragmina: (18) Cushman. J. A. 20 Osteoborus, relation to Borophagus (73) Stirton, R. A. 33a; (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 33b „ , „,. ,.0. Osteology: (73) Stirton, R. A. 31, (bu) Mathew, W. D. 31a Ostrea idriaensis: (80) Voke^''- ,^;,.^- ,fi^ Overthrust faults investigation. (H) Buwalda, J. P. 35a; (30) Gutenberg, ■r> 35a, over thrusting. geographic, mechanics: (42) Keyes. C. R. 32a overturned plunge. Sespe-Piru Creek district: (46) Leach, C. t>. 3Z Owens Valley. Scarp-ramp: (76) Taylor. G F. 33 owl. Pleistocene: (37) Howard, H. 33 112 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : OYSTER, EOCENE — PETROLEUM Oyster, Eooeiu-: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 33a Tertiary: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 34 Pacific Coast, geolog-ical problems: (62) Reed, R. D. 34 earth thickness: (11) Byerly, P. 31 ocean, geological history: (30) Gregory, J. W. 31 Tertiary history: (41) Joleaud, M. L. 31 volcanoes: (25) Finch, R. H. 26; (39) Jaggar, T. A. 26 Pala, lithium pegmatites: (21) Donnelly, M. 36 rubidium, thallium and gallium in lepidolite: (42) Kennard, T. G. 33; (61) Rambo, A. I. 33 Paleocene seas in Tejon quadrangle: (16) Clements, T. 32 Paleodontology: (55) Moodie, R. L. 29, 29a Paleogeography: (46) Leversen, A. I. 33 Paleogeology, southern California: (46) Hollister, J. S. 35; (62) Reed, R. D. 35 Paleontology: (18) Crickmay, C. H. 33a (18) Cushman, J. A. 20 aid to petroleum geology: (56) Myers, D. B. 30 Channel Islands: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 31 Fernando group, Ventura County: (80, 81) Waterfall, L. N. 29 Nutovo series: (43) Khomenko, J. P. 31 Palos Verdes Hills: (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 35; (9) Bramlette, M. N. 36; (85) Woodring, W. P. 35 tertiary faunas: (19) Davies, A. M. 35 Los Angeles: (70, 71) Soper, E. K. 32a; (29) Grant, U. S. 32 Paleopathology: (55) Moodie, R. L. 30 Paleozoic eruptive rocks, Klamath Mountains: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 32 systems: (82) Wiebe, Walter A. ver 32 Palo Alto, earthquake registration: (3) Annis, W. 36, 36a; (11,12) Byerly, P. 32, 33d, 33e, 35, 35a, 35d, 36, 36a; (37) Hoskins, E. E. 36; (71) Sparks, N. R. 32, 33a, 33b; (83, 84) Wilson, J. T. 35b, 35d, 36 Palos Verdes Hills, Miocene stratigraphy: (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 35; (9) Bram- lette, M. N. 36; (85) Woodring, W. P. 35 Palustrine fauna: (30) Grinnell, J. 32 Panamints: (84) Wolff, J. E. 31 Mountains, valleys: (50) Maxson, J. H. 35; (20) Davis, W. M. 35 Range, geology: (56) Murphy, F. M. 31, 32 mineral resources: (66) Sampson, R. J. 32 silver district geology: (56) Murphy, F. 30 Partzite: (7) Blake, W. P. 67 Pasadena, mining: (79) Van Amringe 32 Pine Canyon dam: (55) Morris, S. B. 33 Paso Robles quadrangle, geology: (76) Taliaferro, N. L. 35 Passerine birds, Pleistocene of Carpin- teria: (52) Miller, A. H. 32 remains, Pleistocene of Carpinteria: (52) Miller, A. H. 33 Rancho La Brea: (52) Miller, A. H. 33a Past, geological: (57) Noble, E. B. 32 living: (51) Merriam J. C. 30 Peat: (69) Sliore, F. M. 36 deposits: (19) Dachnowski -Stokes, A. P. 33 ['eccary, McKittrick Pleistocene: (74) Stock C. 33j Pecten San Diego Pliocene: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 34b Tertiary: (34) Hertlein, D. G. 34 Pegmatites: (67) Schaller, W. T. 33; (34) Hess, F. L. 33a granite. Salt Creek, Tulare County: (64) Rogers, A. P. 31b lithium, Pala: (21) Donnelly, M. 36 orthoclase: (21) Donnelly, M. 35 Pelagic mammals frcjni Temblor of Kern river region: (42) Kellogg, R. 31 Pelecypods Arcidae classification: (63) Reinhart, P. W. 35 nuculid, Acila: (67) Schenck, H. G. 35c, 36a Pseudomonotis sulicircularis: (55) Mul- ler, S. 35 Peneplain, Sierra Nevada: (58) Panzer, W. 33 Peninsular Range, geologic section: (54) Miller, W. J. 35c land forms: (66) Sauer, C. 32 Periclase, Crestmore: (64) Rogers, A. F. 31d Perissodactyla, Sespe Eocene: (74) Stock, C. 36 Permian-Carboniferous dilemma: (82) Wheeler, H. E. 34 Perris Block geology: (22) Dudley, P. H. 31 mineral resources: (66) Sampson, R. J. 35 physiographic history: (22) Dudley, P. H. 36 Petaluma, district, geological observa- tions: (55) Morse, R. R. 35; (4) Bailey, T. L. 35 oil field: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Petrified Forest: (14) Carnegie Inst. Washington 32 Petroleum: (42) Kemnitzer, W. J. 31; (3) Arnold, R. 31; (9) Breakey, H. A. 36; (37) Hopkins, G. R. 36; (82) White, A. G. 36; (44) Knapp, A. 31; (47) Lilley, E. R. 36; (71) Stalder, W. 33a; (81) Weirich, T. E. 32 accumulation, structural infiuence: (50) McCollough, E. H. 34 bacteria: (77) Thorpe, W. H. 32 Bakersfield: (16) Clements, T. 36 crude: (17) Coons, A. T. 32e; (36, 37) Hopkins, G. R. 32a, 32b, 32d, 35, 36; (82) White, A. G. 36; (9) Breakey, H. A. 36 curtailment effects: (2) Allen, R. E. 34 deposits, coast region: (47) Logan, J. 28 developments: (2) American Institute Mining Engineers 33 1930: (58) Parsons, B. E. 31; (59) Petroleum Times 31a 1931: (83) Wilhelm, V. H. 32 1932: (83) Wilhelm, V. H. 33a; (53) Miller, H. W. 33 1933: (53) Miller, H. W. 34; (83) Wil- helm, V. H. 34 early discoveries: (29) Goodrich, H. B. 32 IXDEX : l•^:TI^OTJE^'M PLEISTOCEXE 113 Petroleum — Coiit. formation, sediments: (31) Ilanimai-, H. K. 33a; (77) Trask. P. D. 33a future: (83) Wilhelm, V. H. 36a genesis; Fruitvale field: (27) Gale, H. S. 31a: (68) Scofield, C. S. 31 geology: (86) Wrather, W. E. (Ed.) 34; (45) Lahee, F. H. (Ed.) 34b; (56) Myers, D. B. 30; (23) Emmons, W. H. 31; (19) Davies, A. M. 35 (79) U. S. Department of the Interior, Geological Survey 34a (78) Union Oil Company- Bulletin 35 industry developments: (53) Miller, H. W. 33, 34; (83) Wilhelm, V. H. 32, 33a, 34 occurrence: (61) Powers, S. 31 paleontology: (56) Myers, D. B. 30 physical properties: (75) Taff, J. A. 34 production: (26) Fowler, H. C. 32 products: (36,37) Hopkins, G. R. 32a, 32b, 32d, 35, 36; (17) Coons. A. T. 32e; (82) White, A. G. 36; (9) Breakey, H. A. 36; (44) Knapp, A. 31 refineries: (17) Cochrane, E. W. 31, 32, 33; (36) Hopkins, G. R. 31b source beds: (70) Snider, L. C. 34 supplies: (48) MacFarlane, J. M. 31 Petrolia, oil field: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Petroliferous provinces: (51) Mehl, M. G. 30; (68) Schuchert, C. 19 Phylogeny, closed-cone pine: (49) Mason, H. L. 32 Physical properties, building stone: (27) Galliher, E. W. 32 petroleum: (75) Taff, J. A. 34 Physiographic history, Afton Basin, Mojave desert: (23) Ellsworth, E. W. 33 surfaces, classification: (15) Clark, B. L. 31 Physiographical study, Salton Basin: (10) Bryan, K. 31 Physiography: (24) Fenneman, N. M. 32 Inyo Range: (50) Maxson, J. H. 34a; (3) Anderson, G. H. 34 Sierra Nevada: (58) Panzer, W. 33 types in Coast Ranges, classification: (15) Clark, B. L. 32 Piedmont plains. Great Basin origin : (7) Blackwelder, E. 32a Piedmontite: (50) Mayo, E. B. 32 Los Angeles County: (69) Simonson, R. R. 35 Shadow Lake, Madera County: (69) Short, A. M. 33 Sierra Nevada: (50) Mayo, E. B. 33 Pig iron: (20) Davis, H. W. 32a, 34; (43) Kiessling, O. E. 34; (34) Herring, C. T. 36; (43) Kiessling, O. E. 36; (20) Davis, H. W. 36 Pigments, brown earth: (66) Santmyers, R. M. 31d Pine Canyon dam, Los Angeles County: (36) Hinderlider, M. C. 31; (6) Berkey, C. P. 31; (47) Louderback, G. D. 31; (66) Savage, J. L. 31; (83) Williams, I. A. 31; (55) Morris, S. B. 33 Pine, closed-cone, phylogeny: (49) Mason, H. L. 32 I'iniiipedia: (38) Huher, E. 34 Pinnipeds, fossil: (42) Kellogg, U. 34b Pinn')therids, Miocene: (62) Rathbun, M. J. 32a Pit River damsites, genlogic- report: (12) California Department of Public Works 33b geology: (49) Marliave, C. 33 Placers: (70) Smyth, H. L. 05 beach: (58) Pardee, J. T. 34 County, gold mines: (47) Logan, C. A. 36 deposits: (58) Pardee, J. T. 33 development, Yulia River: (54) Mining Journal, Arizona 31a ground testing: (41) Jones, P. L. 36 mining: (45) Laizure, C. M. 34; (28) Gardner, E. D. 34; (41) Johnson, C. H. 34; (63) Reyer, E. 86 bibliography: (26) Franke, H. A. 32 geophysics: (39) Jakosky, J. J. 32; (83) AVilson, C. H. 32 methods: (39) Jackson, C. F. 32; (44) Knaebel, J. B. 32; (45) Laizure, C. M. 32 San Gabriel Canyon: (86) Zadach, S. 33 problems, geophysical studies: (39) Jakosky, J. J. 34; (83) Wilson, C. H. 34 Santa Clara River: (39) Jamison, C. E. 10 southern California: (10) Bush, E. 32; (66) Sampson, R. J. 32b study, new technique: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 35 Plant association, San Francisco region: (42) Kelly, J. W. 33 Platinum: (19) Davis, C. W. 32; (20) Davis, H. W. 32, 33 group metals: (45) Kunz, G. F. 30; (69) Rousch, G. A. 32 Playa del Rey oil field: (5) Barton, C. L. 31; (34) Right, W. 33; (74) Stock- man, L. P. 35 oil source: (7) Blount, A. L. 35; (36) Hoots, H. W. 35; (41) Jones, P. H. 35 shallow sands: (81) Westsmith, J. X. 30b possibilities: (54) Millett, E. R. Jr. 35 Playas, lowering by deflation: (6) Black- welder, E. 31d Pleistocene, avifaunas: (53) :\Iiller, L. H. 32, 35 birds, Carpinteria: (53) Miller, L. H. 31a remains: (53) Miller, L. H. 32c Capromerj-x, McKittrick: (26) Furlong, E. L. 31 deposits, San Pedro Hills: (43) Kew, W. S. W. 32b; (85) Woodring, W. P. 32c eagles, Rancho La Brea: (37) Howard, H. 32 fauna, Ventura: (14) Cassell, D. 33; (77) Tieje, A. J. 33 faunal change: (4) Bailey, T. L. 34, 35, 35a flammeolated screech owl: (53) Miller, L. H. 33a floras: (14) Chaney, R. W. 36; (16) Clements, F. E. 36 asphalt deposits, Carpinteria: (14) Chaney, R. W. 33b; (49) Mason, H. L. 33 114 GEOLOGY OP CALTFORXIA: PLEISTOCENE PRE-CAMBRL\N Pleistocene — Coiit. Rancho La Brea; (26) Frost, K. H. 34 San Francisco Bay region: (49) Mason, H. L. 31 San Mateo County: (60, 61) Potberry, S. S. 33 Santa Cruz Lsland: (14) Chaney, R. W. 34; (49) Mason, H. L. 34a Toniales formation: (49) Mason, H. L. 34 glaciation: (7) Blackwelder, E. 31e, 34 Northern Hemisphere: (46) Leverett, F. 29 history, Carpinteria district: (62) Reed, R. D. 33b southern Coast Ranges: (80) Vickerv, F. P. 31 lakes, Afton basin: (7) Blackwelder, E. W. 36; (23) Ellsworth, E. W. 36 Basin Range: (6) Blackwelder, E. 31c Tecopa: (7) Blackwelder, E. 35 late, topographic correlations: (2) Alli- son, I. S. 35 life record, Rancho La Brea: (73) Stock, C. 32g Long Valley Lake: (50) Mayo, E. B. 34a mammalia: (32) Hay, O. P. 30 mammalian fauna, Carpinteria asphalt: (74) Wilson, R. W. 33 marine, summary: (29) Grant, U. S. 35 terraces, San Pedro Hills: (85, 86) Woodring, W. P. 35a passerine birds, Carpinteria: (52) Miller, A. H. 32 remains, Carpinteria: (52) Miller, A. H. 33 peccary: (74) Stock, C. 33j pigmy goose: (65) Ross, R. C. 35 roadrunner: (45) Larson, L. M. 30 rodent fauna, Carpinteria: (84) Wilson, R. W. 32 storks: (53) Miller, L. 32a Timms Point, San Pedro: (15) Clark, A. 31 vertebrates, northern California: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 34 Plesiomiacis, creodont: (74) Stock, C. 35d Pliocene antelope: (26) Furlong, E. L. 31 Berkeley Hills: (15) Clark, B. L. 32a birds, Kern River: (53) Miller, L. 31 remains, Santa Barbara: (37) How- ard, H. 31 Cancer, Los Angeles basin: (62) Rath- bun, M. J. 32 conglomerates, Los Angeles basin: (23) Edwards, E. C. 34 cormorant: (37) Howard, H. 32a Cosomys: (35) Hinton, M. A. C. 32 vole: (84) Wilson, R. W. 32a deposits, north of Simi Valley: (85) Woodring, Vi". P. 30 diastrophism. Coast Ranges: (81) Weaver, C. E. 33 Eomellivora: (74) Stock, C. 33f; (31) Hall, E. R. 33 fauna, Tehama: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 33 Turtle Bay: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 33 faunal zones: (63) Richards, G. L. Jr. 35a faunule, southern California: (1) Adams, B. C. 32 Pliocene antelope — Cont. fauna, A'entura: (14) Cassell, D. 33; (77) Tieje. A. J. 33 floras: (21) Dorf, E. 33a Eden beds: (4) Axelrod, D. I. 34 fossils, fresh water: (60) Pilsbrv, H. A. 34 goose: (53) Miller, L. P.Od footprints on mud flat: (3) Ashley, James F. 34; (52) Miller, A. H. 34 Haliotis, southern California: (80) Vokes, H. E. 33 Hyaenognathus, Coso Mountains: (73) Stock, 32e mammalian assemblages: (20) De Chardin, T. P. 34; (73) Stirton, R. A. 34 faunas: (73) Stirton, R. A. 36 mastodon skull: (50) Matthew, W. D. 31 mollusca: (29) Grant, L'. S. 31; (27) Gale, H. R. 31c Santa Barbara: (29) Grant, U. S. 34c; (75) Strong, A. M. 34a mollusks, Kettleman Hills: (60) Pilsbry, H. A. 35 oil-bearing beds, southern California: (62) Reed, R. D. 33a opercula, viviparoid: (86) "Woodring, W. P. 35b owl: (37) Howard, H. 33 Pecten, San Diego: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 34b Puente Hills: (72) Stewart, K. C. 30; (72) Stewart, R. E. 30 royal vulture from Kern River: (53) Miller, L. H. 32b Santa Maria district: (60) Porter, W. W. 32 sequence: (15) Clark. B. L. 33a vertebrate fauna, northern California: (65) Russell, R. D. 31: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 31 Sierra foothills: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 33a woods, Ricardo: (81) Webber, I. E. 33 Pliohippus tantalus. Tertiary of Sierra foothills: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 33c Plumas County, copper belt: (44) Knopf, A. 35 flora: (61) Potbury, S. S. 35 Pluton, Sierra Nevada: (16) Cloos, E. 33c Point Firmin landslide: (53) Miller, W. J. 31 Point Lobos Carmelo series: (33) Herold, C. L. 34 Porosity, fanglomerates: (23) Eckis, R. 35a; (30) Gross, P. L. K. 35 Porphyry, felsite: (8) Bowles, O. 34b Potash: (17) Coons, A. T. 32a; (32) Hedges, J. H. 32; (48) Mansfield, G. R. 34; (46,47) Lilley, E. R. 36; (78) Turrentine, J. W. 31 deposits: (48,49) Mansfield, G. R. 34; (45) Lang, W. B. 34 Potrero Hills, Solano County, geology: (4) Bailey, T. L. 31a Potter Creek Cave, exploration: (70) Sin- clair, W. J. 06 Poway conglomerate faunule, San Diego County: (22) Dusenbury, A. N. 32 Pre-Cambrian rocks. Twenty-nine Palms: (54) Miller, W. J. 35a INDEX: I'RE-CAM BRIAN — REPORT STATE MINERALOGIST 115 i're -Cambrian— Colli. stratigraphy; Inyu KaiiKf: (50) .Maxsoii, J. H. 34 I'recious-metal deposits: (57) Nolan, T. B. 33 stones: (5) Ball, S. H. :!.'): (72) Sterrett, D. B. 09 Premonitory formations: (80) Washburne, C. W. 32 I'rimate, Eocene: (74) Stock, C. 33e, 34f Probertite from Ryan: (26) Foshag, W. P. 31c Proboscidean remains, Ricardo deposits, Mojave desert: (74) Stock, C. 33i Production, Kettleman Hills: (23) Gay- lord, E. G. 32 area: (33) Heller, A. H. 31 Properties, California crude oils: (45) Kraemer, A. J. 31 Prospecting: (56) Newitt, H. R. 36 vein deposits: (66) Sanborn, F. 32 Protohippin horses, Merychippus zone: (7) Bode, F. D. 35 Provinces: (51) Mehl, M. C. 20 petroliferous: (68) Schuchert, C. 19 Pseudo-cataclastic texture of replacement origin in igneous rocks: (3) Ander- son, G. H. 34 Pseudomonotis subcircularis: (55) Muller, S. 35 Pseudomorphs, silica-fluorite: (55) Mur- doch, J. 36 quartz-fluorite: (55) Murdoch, J. 35 I'liente formation, Hipparion mohavense: (74) Stock, C. 33k hills. Pliocene: (72) Stewart, K. C. 30; (72) Stewart, R. E. 30 Pumice: (32) Hatmaker, P. 32a; (22) Eardley-Wilmot, V. L. 30; (47) Lilley, E. R. 3G deposits, wave-built: (71) Soske, J. L. 35; (42) Kelley, V. C. 35 Pumicite: (32) Hatmaker, P. 32a; (72) Steffa, D. 30 Pumpellyite: (39) Irving J. 32; (29) Gon- yer, F. A. 32; (80) Vonsen, M. 32 Pyrites: (63. 64) Ridgway, R. H. 31, 32, 33a, 36; (54) Mitchell, A. W. 32, 36; (47) Lilley, E. R. 36; (81) Wells, A. E. 31 Pyroclastics, zeolitic alterations: (9) Bramlette, M. N. 33b; (60) Posnjak, E. 33 Pyrometasomatic deposits: (44) Knopf, A. 33a Quarry blast, Richmond: (11) Byerly, P. 32a; (22) Dyk, K. 32 Quarrying at Santa Catalina Island: (64) Roalfe, G. A. 32 Quartz: (66) Santmyers, R. :M. 31a, 311), 31c -basalt eruptions of Cinder Cone: (2) Anderson, C. A. 31a; (25) Finch, R. H. 31b cleavage and parting: (64) Rogers, A. F. 33 -fluorite pseudomorphs: (55) Murdoch, J. 35 Mariposa County: (65) Rogers, A. F. 34a spectrographic examination; (42) Ken- nard, T. G. 35 Quaternary life, Rancho La Brea: (73, 74) Stock, C. 32h 9—51441 Quaternary life — Cont. southern t^ilifornia; (34) Hershey, O. H. 05 vertebrates: (70) Sinclair, W. J. 06 Quicksilver: (29) Gould, H. W. 31; (54) Mineral Industry 33; (68) Schuette, C. N. 31a deposits: (65) Ross, C. P. 33 geology: (6) Becker, G. F. 90 Lahonton: (68) Schuette, C. N. 33 low grade ore: (9) Bradley, W. 31 mining: (68) Schuette, C. N. 31b New Idria mine: (55) Moorehead, W. R. 31 orebodies, occurrence: (68) Schuette, C. N. 31 Rainfall, Santa Ana River Valley and Coastal Plain: (76) Taylor, C. A. 30; (7) Blaney, H. F. :50; (86) Young, A. A. 30 southern California: (72) Stearns, H. T. 31a volcanic eruptions: (25) Finch, R. H. 31c Rainwash erosion in humid regions: (46) Lawson, A. C. 32 Rancho La Brea: (61) Putnam, W. C. 33; (47) Livingston, A. 33 asphalt deposits: (73) Stock, C. 321) avifauna: (52) Miller, A. H. 29 cats: (51) Merriam, J. C. 31 felidae: (52) Merriam, .1. C. 32: (73) Stock, C. 32c FeUxatrox: (73) Stock, C. 32 horse: (3) Antonius, O. 33 passerine remains: (52) Miller, A. H. 33a Pleistocene flora: (26) Frost, F. H. 34 life record: (73) Stock, C. 32g owl: (37) Howard, H. 33 Quaternary life, asphalt deposits: (73) Stock, C. 32h Randsburg, mining: (18) Cooper, C. L. 36 Rare metals: (78) Tyler, P. M. 32c; (59) Petar, A. V. 32 Ravenna quadrangle, geology: (68) Sharp, R. P. 35 RecenT roadrunner: (45) I.,arsnn, L. M. 30 sands: (62) Reed, R. D. 30 Reconnaissance, geological-: (7) Blake, W. P. 58 Redding district, geological formations: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 33 field division: (3) Averill, C. V. 31a quadrangle, gold deposits: (3, 4) Averill, C. V. 33 Redwoods. (68) Seward, A. C. 32 Reef Ridge shale, upper Miocene: (5) Barbat, W. F. 34a: (41) Johnson, F. L. 34 Refineries, petroleum: (36,37) Hopkins, Refugian stage. Tertiary: (67) Schenck, H G 36; (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 36 Relief map, preparation: (68) Sedelmyer, H. A. 31 --- Reliz Canyon, Miocene foraminifera: (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 34b Repetto Hills to Long Beach oil field: (62) Reed, R. D. 32 Report, biennial, state mineralogist: (8, 9) Bradlev, W. W. 30, 32c, 34b, 36 Director, U. S. G. S.: (51) Mendenhall, W. C. 31 116 GEOLOOY OF CALIFORNIA- -REPORT OF STATE MINERALOGIST SALINITY Report of state mineralogist — Cont. geological branch, division of Mines: (39) Jenkins, O. P. 30b Resurrection early surfaces. Sierra Nevada: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 34 Rhomboid ripple mark: (85) "Woodford, A. O. 35a Rhyolites, Lithophysae-bearing, Santa Lucia range: (76) Taliaferro, N. L. 32; (78) Turner, R. E. 31 Ricardo deposits, Mojave desert, canid and proboscidean remains: (74) Stock, C. 33i Pliocene, fossil goose: (53) Miller, L. 32d woods from: (81) Webber, I. E. 33 Richfield oil field: (34) Hight, "W. 33; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Richmond quarry blast: (11,12) Byerly, P. 32a, 35a; (22) Dyk, K. 32; (83) Wilson, J. T. 35 Rillensteine: (45) Laudermilk, J. D. 32; (85) Woodford, A. O. 32a Rincon oil field: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 off-shore extension: (82) Westsmith, J. N. 31 Quartz, spectrogi-aphic examination: (42) Kennard, T. G. 35 Ripple mark, rhomboid: (85) Woodford, A. O. 35a Ritter Range minerals: (29) Goudey, H 36 Riverside area, geology: (4) Bacon, C. S. 33 County, clays, geological investigation: (75) Sutherland, J. C. 35 dumortierite: (56) Murphy, P. Mac. 31a monazite: (22) Dykes, L. H. 32 Roadrunner, Pleistocene and recent, osteology : (45) Larson, L. M. 30 Rocks, analcite diabase: (76) Taliaferro, N. L. 31 analyses: (16) Clarke, F. W. 15 Cambrian, Mojave desert: (32) Hazzard, J. C. 33 Cenozoic, southern Klamath Moun- tains: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 35 contact, Crestmore: (22) Dunham, K C. 33 decomposed, sulphur deposits: (62) Raymond, L. C. 35 formation units, geologic map: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 35b floors: (20) Davis, W. M. 32a arid and humid regions: (20) Davis, W. M. 32a formations. Death Valley: (57) Noble, L. F. 34 glaucophane-bearing, minerals: (70) Smith, J. P. 06 igneous, correlation with mineraliza- tion: (10) Buddington, A. F. 33 Mesozoic, Sacramento River: (31) Ham- mar, H. E. 33, 34; (77) Trask, P. D. 33, 34 southern Klamath Mountain: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 35 metamorphic, oil, San Gabriel Moun- tains: (9, 10) BrowTi, A. B. 32; (43) Kew, W. S. W. 32a Miocene siliceous: (70) Smith, H. 34 Rocks — Cont. modal determination: (45) Larsen, E. S. 35; (53) Miller, F. S. 35 Pre-Cambrian: (54) Miller, W. J. 35a San Francisco liay region: (34) Hert- lein, L. G. 33b strata correlation with isogeothermal surfaces: (80) Van Orstrand, C. E 32 units, classification and nomenclature- (29) Gould, C. N. 33 wall, Sierra Nevada: (50) Mayo, E. B 35 Rodents, Barstow beds, southern Cali- fornia: (31) Hall, E. R. 34 Sespe: (74) Stock, C. 34d fossil: (84) Wood, A. E. 36a fauna, Pleistocene, Carpinteria: (84) Wilson, R. W. 32 Rodent, Sespe: (74) Stock, C. 34d Eocene: (74) Stock, C. 35f; (84) Wil- son, R. W. 35, 35b Las Posas Hills: (84) Wilson, R. W. 35a Rosecrans, oil field: (34) Hight, W. 33 Rosiwal method: (45) Larsen, E. S 35- (53) Miller, F. S. 35 Round Mountain: (21) Diepenbrock, A. 34 oil field: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Royal vulture, Kern River Pliocene: (53) Miller, L. H. 32b Rubidium in lepidolite from Pala: (42) Kennard, T. G. 33; (61) Rambo, A. L 33 Rumsey Hills, oil possibilities: (59) Petroleum World 32 Sabre-tooth: (55) Moodie, R. L. 29a, 30 Sacramento field division: (47) Logan, C. A. 30 River basin, 1931: (12) California De- partment of Public Works 33 Canyon, geology: (49) Marliave, C. 31 damsites, geology: (12) California De- partment of Public Works 33; (24) Eteheverry, B. A. 33; (26) Forbes, H. 31; (47) Louderback, G. D. 31 Mesozoic rocks: (31) Hammar, H. E. 33; (77) Trask, P. D. 33 Valley geology: (12) California Depart- ment of Public %Vorks 33 water storage capacity: (26) Forbes, H. 31 Mesozoic rocks: (77) Trask, P. D. 34; (31) Hammar, H. E. 34 underground water storage: (12) Cali- fornia Department of Public Works 33 Salinas quadrangle, geology: (33) Herold. C. L. 35 Valley boring: (22) Dorn, C. L. 32 Eocene localities: (23) Edwards, M. G. 33 post-Monterey: (62) Reed, R. D. 25 Salinity, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, upper San Francisco Bay: (12) California Department of Public Works 31a variation and control: (12) California Department of Public Works 31a INDEX : SALT — SAN MIGUELITO OIL FIELD 117 Siili: (17,18) ('nuns. A. T. :'.L'l), :!2li; (47) Lilley, K. R. ."?•'« Creek, prranile • peRniatitc, 'riilarc County: (64) R.JKers, A. F. 3lb water harrier, Saoraniento and San .Ii)a. 35a zone, mylonites: (13) Campliell, C. D. 3.5; (81) Waters, A. C. 3.") rift: southeastern California: (57) Noble, L. F. 32a San Bernardino County: (66) Sampson, U. J. 31a: (77, 78) Tucker, W. B. 31b monticellite: (67) Schaller, W. T. 35 tungsten ores: (79) Vanderlaug, W. O. 31 San Diego County damsites, geology: (13) California Department of Public Works 35 gem minerals: (79) Van Amringe, E. V. 33 gem mines: (30) Grieger. .1. M. 34 ground water levels: (13) California Department of Public Works 35 Poway longlomerate faunule: (22) Dusenbury, A. N. 32 water supply: (13) California Depart- ment of Public Works 35 .fulian disli-ict, geology, mineral depos- its: (21) Donnelly, M. 34, 34a Pliocene Pecten: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 34 b San Fernand. 34 creodonts: (73) Stock, C. 30 Eocene, artiodaclyl: (74) Stock, C. 36a carnivora, Simi A'alley: (74) Stock, C. 33 creodont: (74) Stock, C. 35d didelphids: (74) Stock, C. 36c Hypertragulid: (74) Stock, C. 34 insectivora: (74) Stock, C. 35a mammals, Simi valley: (73) Stock, C. 32d Miacid: (73) Stock C. 33g Microsyopsinae and Hyopsodontidae: (74) Stock, C, 34b Perissodactyla: (74) Stock, C. 36 rodent: (74) Stock, C. 35f; (84) Wil- son, R. W. 35, 35b upper, Creodonta: (74) Stock, C. 34g fauna: (74) Stock, C. 35h Las Posas Hills: (84) Wilson, R. W. 34 Oreodonts, South ^Mountain: (73) Stock, C. 30a Perissodactyla, Las Posas Hills: (74) Stock, C. 36, 33i -Piru Creek district, overturned plunge: (46) Leach, C. E. 32; (51) Menken, F. A. 32 producer aids geologist: (13) t^alifornia Oil World 31 rodent: (74) Stock, C. 34d Las Posas Hills: (84) Wilson, R. ^Y. 35a South Mountain, Oreodont skeleton: (74) Stock, C. 34e Titanothere remains: (74) Stock, C. 35e vertebrate fauna, Simi Valley: (74) Stock, C. 34a, 34c Shales, diatomaceous: (67) Schenck, H. G. 31d foVmation, siliceous:(62) Reed, R. D. 31a Kreyenhagen: (15) Church, C. C. 31d and Lillis: (2) Anderson, F. M. 31 Lillis, foramiuifera: (15) Church, C. C. 31c marine oil: (7) Blount, A. L. 35; (36) Hoots, H. W. 35; (41) Jones, P. H. 35 McLure, Coalinga region; (33) Ilenny, G. 30, 31 120 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : SHALES SOIL EROSION Shales — Cont. Miocene brown, Kettlaman Hills: (67) Schenck, H. G. 31c Monterey: (31) Hanna, G. D. 32 Reef Ridge, stratigraphy and foramini- fera, Upper Miocene: (5) Barbat, W. F. 34a; (41) Johnson, F. L. 34 Sharks from Temblor group, Kern County: (41) Jordan, D. S. 31 tooth Hill: (79) Vander Eike, P. 36 diatoms: (31) Hanna, G. D. 32b geology: (31) Hanna, G. D. 31b Shasta County, Chico formation, fossil pearls: (65) Russell, R. D. 33 copper: (4) Averill, C. V. 33a fusulinids: (82) Wheeler, H. E. 32 quadrangle: (3) Averill, C. V. 31 Sheep, mountain, Lyell Glacier: (5) Beatty, M. D. 33 Sheetfloods: (20) Davis, W. M. 33e Shells, Eocene: (31) Hanna, G. D. 34, 36 Shorelines, Santa Monica Mountains: (20) Davis, W. M. 31a; (20) Davis, W. M. 31b; (61) Putnam, W. C. 31; (63) Richards, G. L. 31 Shovel tusker, Serbelodon burnhami: (57) Osborn, H. F. 33 Shrew, relic: (30) Grinnell, J. 32 Sienna: (66) Santmyers, R. M. 31d Sierra Blanca limestone, Eocene: (42) Keenan, M. F. 32 marine algae, Santa Barbara County: (38) Howe, M. A. 33 foothills. Pliocene vertebrate fauna: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 33a Tertiary, Pliohippus tantalus: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 33c Nevada: (58) Panzer, "W. 33 batholith: (16) Cloos, E. 32, 33, 33a, 33b bed-rock complex: (76) Taliaferro, N. L. 32a, 32b comagmatic region: (25) Fitch, A. A. 32a east flank: (50) Mayo, E. B. 31 east slope: (7) Blackwelder, E. 33 fossil plants in auriferous gravels: (14) Chaney, R. W. 32 geologic report: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 32a geology: (53) Miller, W. J. 31b and geography: (49) Matthes, F. E. 33 geomorphology: (58) Panzer, W. 33 glacial and stream deposits: (7) Blackwelder, E. 32b glaciation, Pleistocene: (7) Black- welder, E. 31e glaciers: (49) Matthes, F. E. 32 sand blast: (6) Blackwelder, E. 31 granitoid intrusives, Jurassic age: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 34b intrusions and their wall rocks: (50) Mayo, E. B. 35 structure: (4) Balk, R. 31; (16) Cloos, E. 31 Milton formation: (16) Clark, S. G. 33 mountaineering: (43) King, C. 35 peneplain: (58) Panzer, W. 33 Pleistocene glaciation: (6) Black- welder, E. 31a Pluton: (16) Cloos, E. 31b, 33c resurrection of early surfaces: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 34 Sierra Blanca — Cont. scarps: (31) Hake, B. F. 32 southern part, eastern slope geology: (44) Knopf, A. 27 western slope: (49) Matthes, F. E. 33a Signal Hill: (39) Jay, M. 31; (65) Russell, S. 31 Silica: (60) Phillips, E. R. 32a: (66) Sant- myers, R. M. 31a deposits: (65,66) Sampson, R. J. 31; (77) Tucker, W. B. 31a -fluorite pseudomorphs: (55) Murdoch, J. 36 Siliceous shale formation, southern Cali- fornia: (62) Reed, R. D. 31a Silicoflagellates, Kreyenhagen shale: (31) Hanna, G. D. 31 Silver: (9) Bratter, H. M. 36; (22) Dun- lop, J. P. 32, 36; (33) Henderson, C. W. 36a; (52) Merrill, C. TV. 36; (28) Gaylord, H. M. 36, 34; (47) Lillev, E. R. 36; (37) Horton, F. W. 34; (33) Heikes, V. C. 32, 32a, 33: (52) Merrill, C. W. 34; (33) Henderson, C. W. 32; (46) Lawrie, H. N. 30 -lead mining district, Darwin: (44) Knopf, A. 33b yield, copper ores: (58) Pehrson, E. W. 34 Simi Valley, carnivora, Sespe Eocene: (73) Stock, C. 33 Eocene stratigraphy: (77) Tolman, F. B. 34; (72,73) Stipp, T. F. 34 vertebrate fauna: (74) Stock, C. 34a Sespe Eocene mammals: (73) Stock, C. 32d vertebrate fauna: (74) Stock, C. 34a Tertiary deposits: (85) Woodring, "W. P. 30 Siskiyou County, chromite: (64) Rogers, A. F. 31 Cretaceous deposits: (2) Anderson, F. M. 31a geology: (50) Maxson, J. H. 33a mines, mineral resources: (4) Averill, C. V. 35 Siskiyous, south: (38) Huttl, J. B. 34 Slate: (47) Lilley, E. R. 36; (8) Bowles, O. 32a, 34b; (17) Coons, A. T. 32c Hot Springs, Cretaceous beds: (57) Nomland, J. O. 32: (67) Schenck, H. G. 32 Soapstone: (8) Bowles, O. 31; (23) Emery, A. H. 33; (75) Stoddard, B. H. 32c, 33; (8) Bowles, O. 32d, 31b, 34b; (38) Hughes, H. H. 32a; (54) Min- eral Industry 34a ground: (23) Emery, A. H. 33; (74) Stoddard, B. H. 32 Soda, alkaline lake brines supply: (35) Hirschkind, W. 31 Sodium compounds: (47) Lilley, E. R. 36 natural: (17) Coons, A. T. 32 salts: (48) Manning, P. D. V. 31 sulphate: (78) Tyler, P. M. 35b Soil erosion: (81) Weir, W. W. 32 hillocks, erosional: (51) Melton, F. A. 34 investigation, southern California: (48) Lowy, H. 31 rating: (75) Storie, R. E. 36; (81) Weir, W. W. 36 survey, distribution: (2) Allyne, A. B. 32 INDEX : SOLANO COUNTY — STONE 121 Solano County, Vacaville-Rumsey Hills area geology: (43) Kirby, J. M. 35 Soledad Mountain, mining: (78) Tucker, W. B. 35 Quadrangle, geology: (57) Nickell, P. A. 30 Sonomaite: (29) Goldsmith, E. 76 Soricidae, new genu.s: (73) Stirtoii, R. A. 36 Source beds, Mesozoic rocks west of Sacramento River: (77) Trask, P. D. 33; (31) Hamniar, H. E. 33 South Coastal Basin investigation: (12, 13) California Department of Public Works 32, 33a, 34f, 35b South Mountain, Oreodont, Sespe: (74) Stock, C. 34e Sespe oreodonts: (73) Stock, C. 30a Southeastern California, San Andreas rift: (57) Noble, L. F. 32a nitrate deposits: (57) Noble, L. F. 31 strontium dep(jsits: (55) Moore, B. N. 35 Southern California blasting study: (63) Richter, C. F. 31b. 33: (84,85) Wood, H. O. 31, 33e distribution, fossil and recent forami- nifera: (56) Natland, M. L. 33 earthquake: (56) Neumann, F. 33 geology: (23) Eaton, J. E. 33a geological journeys: (61) Putnam, W. C. 33; (47) Livingston, A. Jr. 33 formations: (43) Kew, W. S. W. 27 geology: (27) Gale, H. S. 32 Haliotis, Pliocene: (80) Yokes, H. E. 33 method of analysis: (10) Bryan, K. 31b; (82) Wickson, G. G. 31 mining activity: (78) Tucker, W. B. 34a oil-bearing beds, Pliocene: (62) Reed, R. D. 33a Oligocene mammalian fauna: (73) Stock, C. 32a paleogeology: (36) Hollister, J. S. 35; (62) Reed, R. D. 35 placers: (66) Sampson, R. J. 32b; (10) Bush, E. 32 Pliocene fauna: (1) Adams, B. C. 32 Quaternary: (34) Hershey, O. H. 05 rain and stream run-off: (72) Stearns, H. T. 31 siliceous shale foi-niatiuii : (62) Reed, R. D. 31a soil investigation: (48) Lowy, H. 31 water losses: (13) California Depart- ment of Public Works 34f Spanish mine: (31) Harden, B. D. 35 mining: (8) Bradley, J. 31 Sphenophalos, antelope. Pliocene: (26) Furlong, E. L. 31 Spiroplectoides from Cretaceous: (13) Campbell, A. S. 34; (19) Cushman, J. A. 34 Stalactites, lava tube: (2) Anderson, C. A. 30a Stalagmites, lava tube: (2) Anderson, C. A. 30a State mineralogist, biennial report: (8, 9) Bradley, W. W. 30, 32c, 34b, 36 Statistics, minerals: (75) Symons, H. H. 30 Steel: (34) Herring, C. T. 36; (43) Kies- sling, O. E. 36: (20) Davis, H. W. 36, 32a, 34; (43) Kiessling, O. E. 34 Stone: (17, 18) Coons, A. T. 32c, 32d, 32i industries: (8) Bowles, O. 34b Stone — Cont. precious and semi-precious: (5) Ball, S. H. 35 wind-worn: (10) Bryan, K. 31a Storage, gas and oil, Brea-Olinda and Lompoc fields: (35) Hodges, F. C. 32; (40) Johnson, A. M. 32 Storks, Pleistocene: (53) Miller, L. 32a Stratification, beach deposits: (76) Thompson, W. O. 33 Stratigraphic nomenclature: (62) Reeside, J. B. Jr. 32a position, Monterey formation: (27) Gal- liher, E. W. 31b significance of Kreyenhagen shale: (39, 40) Jenkins, O. P. 31a Stratigraphy: (27) Gale, H. R. 31a bed-rock complex. Sierra Nevada: (76) Taliaferro, N. L. 32a Borophagus littoralis locality: (5) Bar- bat, W. F. 31; (82) Weymouth, A. A. 31 Butte County: (31) Hanna. G. D. 35: (75,76) Taff, J. A. 35a; (18) Cross, C. M. 35 Deadman's Island: (18) Crickmay, C. H. 31 Domengine, Markley formations: (81) Weaver, C. E. 31 Eocene of Simi "Valley: (77) Tolman, F. B. 34; (72) Stipp, T. F. 34 Meganos group. Eocene: (15) Clark, B. L. 28 Mount Diablo area: (15) Clark, B. L. 31c Reef Ridge shale, upper Miocene: (5) Barbat, W. F. 34a; (41) Johnson, F. L. 34 Santa Monica Mountains: (29) Grant, U. S. 34b; (71) Soper, E. K. 34 shale. Reef Ridge, Upper Miocene: (5) Barbat, W. F. 34a; (41) Johnson F. L. 34 Warner Ranges: (65) Russell, R. J. 30 Stream deposits of Sierra Nevada: (7) Blaclcwelder, E. 32b Streams, longitudinal profiles: (76) Tay- lor, E. 34; (85) Woodford, A. O. 33c run-off, southern California: (72) Stearns, H. T. 31 Strong-motion program: (78) Ulrich, F. P. 35a vibration work: (32) Heck, N. H. 35 Strontium: (32) Hardy, C. 31; (47) Lllley, E. R. 36 deposits, southeastern California: (55) Moore, B. N. 35 minerals: (78) Tyler, P. M. 35 Structural evolution, southern California: (62) Reed, R. D. 36a; (36) Hollister, J. S. 36a geology: (43) King, P. B. 32 influence, petroleum accumulation: (50) McCollough, E. H. 34 symmetry in North America: (42) Keith, A. 28 trends: (40) Jenny, W. P. 34 Structure: (16) Cloos, H. 33 Basin Range: (28) Gilbert, G. K. 31; (65) Russell, R. J. 30; (13) Cal- laghan, E. 34; (28) Gianella, V. P. 34 coast and continental margin, northern California: (50) Maxson, J. H. 32 122 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA: STRUCTURE — TERTIARY ARCIDAE Structure — Cont. fracture system, Grass Valley: (16) Cloos, E. 32a; (41) Johnston, W. D. 32a g-ranodiorite south of Mariposa: (16) Cloos, E. 32b Grass Valley batholith: (41) Johnston, W. D. 32b oil, central Valley region: (71) Stalder, W. 32a San Gabriel Mountains: (35) Hill, M. L. 31 San Joaquin Hills: (7) Bode, F. D. 33a; (25) Findlay, W. A. 33 Santa Lucia Range: (72) Stanton, W. L. 32 Santa Maria district: (17) Collom, R. E. 29 Sierra Nevada batholith: (16) Cloos, E. 33 intrusive: (16) Cloos, H. 31; (4) Balk, R. 31 Tejon quadrang-le: (16) Clements, T. 31 Warner Ranges: (65) Russell, R. J. 30 Submarine canyons: (69) Shepard, F. P. 33; (69) Shepard, F. P. 35a causes: (69) Shepard, F. P. 36b geolog-y: (73) Stockman, L. P. 30 mock valleys: (20) Davis, W. M. 33d Subsurface correlation method, Los An- geles basin: (61) Rankin, W. D. 30 methods, San Joaquin valley: (5) Bar- bat, W. F. 30 Suisun Bay Bridge and earthquakes: (31, 32) Harding, C. R. 31 Sulfate, iron and potash: (26) Foshag, W. P. 31 Sulphide, black-iron in crystalline lime- stone: (46) Laudermilk, J. D. 35; (85) Woodford, A. O. 35 Sulphohalite: (59) Penfield, S. L. 00 Sulphur: (54) Mitchell, A. W. 32; (63, 64) Ridgway, R. H. 32, 33a; (81) Wells, A. E. 31 cycle in sediments: (27) Galliher, E. W. 33 deposits associated with gossans: (62) Raymond, L. C. 35 Summerland oil field: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 Sunset oil field: (23) Emmons, W. H. 31 -Midway oil field: (58) Pack, R. W. 20; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Sunstone: (1) Aitkens, I. 31 Surface layering- of earth near Berkeley: (11) Byerly, P. 32b; (22) Dyk, K. 32 layers of earth, earthquakes: (11) Byerly, P. 31 resurrection, Sierra Nevada: (40) Jen- kins, O. P. 34 water supply: (13) Canfield, G. H. 31; (30) Grover, N. C. 31a; (50) Mc- Glashan, H. D. 31a Surveys, g-eodetic: (81) Bowie, W. 35 geological: (9) Bradley, W. W. 32; (39) Jenkins, O. P. 30a Table Mountain: (24) Etcheverry, B. A. 33; (47,48) Louderback, G. D. 33a Tailing- treatment: (17) Colnian M. N. 34 Talc: (23) Emery, A. H. 33; (8) Bowles, O. 32d, 31c; (47) Lilley, E. R. 36; (74, 75) Stoddard, B. H. 30, 32, 32c, 33; (54) Mineral Industry 34a crystalline: (82) Wicks, F. R. 31 Talus slopes, Basin Range province: (7) Blackwelder, E. 34a Tantalum, determination of: (25) Foote, H. W. 10; (45) Langley, R. W. 10 Technology: (33) Herold, S. 34 Tectonic activity. Tertiary: (11) Buwalda, P. J. 34a Tectonics, Coalinga area: (15) Clark, B. L. 35 Coast Range: (15) Clark, B. L. 32c Tectonic earthquakes: (48) Macelwane, J. B. 33 Mount Diablo area: (15) Clark, B. L. 35 Tecuya beds, mammalian fauna: (73) Stock, C. 32b Teeth, Merychippine horses: (7) Bode, F. D. 31 Tehachapi region, Tertic tectonic activ- ity: (11) Buwalda, J. P. 34 Tehama fauna, upper Pliocene: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 33 Tejon quadrangle, Paleocene seas: (16) Clements, T. 32 structure: (16) Clements, T. 31 Temljlor, arenaceous foraminifera: (19) Cushman, J. A. 32, 32a; (5) Barbat, W. F. 32a foraminifera, San Jr)aquin Valley: (18) Cushman, J. A. 31a; (58) Parker, F. L. 31 fossil birds: (82) Wetmore, A. 30 history: (80) Wallace, K. C. 32 Kern River region: (42) Kellogg, R. 31 Lost Hill field: (81) Westsmith, J. N. 30c Rang-e, Miocene Haliotis: (85) Wood- ring, W. P. 32 Miocene whale skull: (42) Kellogg, R. 34a Range, Santa Margarita conglomerate: Reed, R. D. 33c Vaqueros: (15) Clark. 35: (15) Clark, L. M. 35 sharks, Kern Countv: (41) Jordan, D. S. 31 Temescal tin deposits: (81) West, H. E. 28 Temperature gradients: (80) Van Or- strand, V. E. 34 Terra Bella, Tulare County, oil possibil- ities: (75) Suverkrop, L. 31 Tertiary arcidae: (63) Reinhart, P. W. 33 bassarisk and mustelid: (31) Hall, E. R. 30 beavers: (73) Stirtcni, R. A. 35 Bolivinas: (1) Adams, B. C. 35; (19) Cushman, J. A. 35b Borophagus littoralis: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 31a channels, g-old-bearing: (40) Jenkins, O. P. 34a; (86) Wright, W. Q. 34 cycads: (36) Hollick, A. 32 deposits, Colorado desert: (85) Wuod- ring, W. P. 32b San Pedro Hills: (43) Kew, W. S. W. 32b; (85) Woodring, W. P. 32c Simi Valley: (85) Woodring, W. P. 30 fauna, Cuyama basin: (28) Gazin, C. L. 33 faunas: (19) Davies, A. M. 35 floras. Trinity County: (4S) MacGinitie, H. 34 forests, western North America: (14) Chaney, R. W. 33a; (21) Dorf, E. 33 INDEX : TERTIARY AKCIDAE — VACAVILLE QUADRANGLE 123 Tertiary arcidae — Cont. formations, organic content: (77) Trask, P. D. 35 history, Pacific: (41) Joleaud, M. L. 31 lamellibranchs, Gabb: (72) Stewart. R. B. 31 mammals, auriferous gravels, near Columbia: (51) Merriam, J. C. 33; (73, 74) Stock, C. 33h mammal-bearing formations, correla- tion chart: (70) Simpson, G. G. 33 mammalian fauna. Upper Cuyama drainage l)asin: (28) Gazin. C. L. 33 mountain ranges, correlation: (76) Tay- lor. F. B. 31 oyster: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 34 pecten: (34) Hertlein, L. G. 34 refugian stage: (67) Schenck, H. G. 36; (44) Kleinpell, R. M. 36 Sierra foothills, Pliohippus tantalus: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 33c tectonic activity, Tehachapi region: (11) Buwalda, J. P. 34 Textulariidae: (45) Lalicker, C. G. 35 Tertic limestones, San Rafael Mountains: (62) Reed, R. D. 35d mammal, marine: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 35a mammalian fauna. Mint Canyon: (50) Maxson, J. H. 31a Textulariidae, Cretaceous: (45) Lalicker, C. G. 35a Miocene: (18) Cushman, .1. A. 25 Tertiary: (45) Lalicker, C. G. 35 Thallium in lepidolite from Pala: (42) Kennard, T. G. 33; (61) Rambo, A. I. 33 Themophilous animals: (10) Brues, C. J. 28 Tilleyite, from Crestmore: (22) Dunham, K. C. 33a Tills of last glacial cycle: (43) Keves, C. R. 31e, 32 Tilting, glacial melting: (30) Gutenberg, B. 33 Timms Point Pleistocene, San Pedro: (15) Clark, A. 31 Tin: (52) Merrill, C. W. 32; (47) Lilley, E. R. 36 deposits, Temescal: (81) West, H. E. 28 Titanium: (22) Driggs, P. H. 31; (49) Marden, J. W. 31 Titanothere remains, Sespe: (74) Stock, C. 35e Titus Canyon: (74) Stock, C. 36b Tomales Bay, foraminifera: (10) Bush, J. B. 30 formation. Pleistocene flora: (49) Mason, H. L. 34 Tonalite, inclusions: (38) Hurlbut, C. S. 35 Tooth characters, Protohippine horses: (7) Bode, F. D. 35 Topaz: (1) Aitkens, I. 31d Topographic correlations, late Pleisto- cene: (2) Allison, S. 35 mapping program: (10) Bryan, E. N. 32 Topography: (71) Staack, J. G. 32 Torrance oil field: (34) Hight, W. 33; (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 Torsion balance results, analysis: (53) Miller, R. H. 31 Tourmaline: (1) Aitkens, I. 31e black: (80) Ward, G. W. 31 Nevada County: (51) Melville, W. H. 92 Transverse Ranges geology: (36) Hollis- ter, J. S. 35a; (62) Reed, R. D. 35b Travel time curves: (30) Gutenberg, B. 32b Traverse, Mojave Ulojane to Rock Creek: (30) Gregory, H. E. 25 Travertine: (5) Banks, D. M. 33; (8) Bowles, O. 33. 34 Triangulation, Bowie method: (1) Adams, O. S. 30 Triassic ammonoids: (70) Smith. J. P. 32 marine, central Oregon: (67) Schenck, E. T. 33 invertebrate faunas: (70) Smith, J. P. 31 stratigraphy: (70) Smith, J. P. 06 upper, I'elecypod, I'seudomonotis sub- circularis: (55) .Muller, S. 35 Trilobite, from anthracolithic: (82) Wheeler, H. E. 35 Trinity County, anthophyllite asbestos: (45) I^audermilk, .1. D. 30; (85) Woodford, A. O. 32b County, copper: (41) Johnston, W. D. Jr. 33a tertiary floras: (48) MacGinitie, H. 34 River, Fairview damsite, geology: (47) Louderback, G. D. 33 Tripoli deposits: (54) Mineral Collector 07 Trophosycon: (27) Gale, H. R. 33 Tulare County: (26) Franke, H. 31 oil possibilities. Terra Bella: (75) Suverkrop, L. 31 Salt Creek, granite pegmatite: (64) Rogers, A. F. 31b Tumey formation, Oligocene: (3) Atwill, E. R. 35 Tungsten: (25) Fink, C. G. 31; (34) Hess, F. L. 33; (64) Ridgvvay, R. H. 36; (78) Umhau, J. B. 36; (47) Lilley, E. R. 36; (79) Vanderburg, W. O. 35 deposits, Inyo County: (44) Knopf, A. 33c ores, mining and milling: (79) Vander- burg, W. O. 35 San Bernardino County: (79) Vander- burg, W. O. 31 Tiirbinolia, Eocene coral: (61) Quayle, E. H. 32 Turquoise: (1) Aitkens, I. 31c trails: (61) Randolf, G. C. 34 Turritella andersoni zone correlation: (3) Applin, E. R. 34 Coalinga: (80) Vokes, H. E. 34 distribution and affinities: (52) Mer- riam, C. W. 32 variata zone, Santa Ynez Range: (85) Woodring, W. P. 31a Tuscan formation: (2) Anderson, C. A. 33a Types, Jurassic: (18) Criokmay, C. H. 33 Uljehebe craters. Death Valley: (24) von Engeln, O. D. 32 Umber: (66) Santmyers, R. M. 31d Underground water: (60) Piper, A. M. 32 LTnconformity, Santa Ana mountain foot- hills: (55) Moody, G. B. 35 Use of terranal title Camulos: (43) Keyes. C. R. 31d Vacaville quadrangle, Markley and Dom- engine foi-mations: (81) Weaver, C. E. 31 region, Solano t'ounty, geology: (4) Bailey, T. L. 31a 124 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA : VACAVILLE QUADRAXGLE WARNER RANGE Vacavllle quadrangle — Cont. Rumsey Hills area, geologj': (43) Kirby, J. M. 35 Valleys, Panamint Mountains: (50) Max- son, J. H. 35; (20) Davis, W. M. 35 Vanadium minerals: (65) Roscoe, H. E. 76 Vaqueros formation: (68) Schuchert, C. 33; (67) Schenck, H. G. 35 lower Miocene: (47) Loel, W. 32; (18) Corey, W. H. 32 geologic history: (18) Corey, W. H. 31; (47) Loel, W. 31 Temblor Range: (15) Clark, 35; (16) Clark, L. M. 35 Vein deposits, prospecting: (66) Sanborn, F. 32 Velates, California Eocene: (80) Vokes, H. E. 35 Velocity, seismic surface wave: (56) Neu- mann, F. 29 Venice district, schist elastics: (18) Corey, W. H. 35 oil field: (59) Petroleum Times 30; (79) Van Couvering, M. 30 Ventifacts: (10) Bryan, K. 31a Ventura County, oreodonts from Sespe deposits: (73) Stock, C. 30a Ventura: (61) Putnam, W. C. 33; (47) Livingston, A. 33 Avenue; field: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35; (82) Westsmith, J. N. 31a; (34) Hertel, F. W. 30, 31 Basin oil field: (74) Stockman, L. P. 35 bentonite occurrence: (43) Kerr, P. F. 31 County: (78) Tucker, W. B. 32; (66) Sampson, R. J. 32c Eocene: (51) McMasters, J. H. 33 Fernando group paleontology: (80, 81) "Waterfall, L. N. 29 geology: (12) California Depart- ment of Public Works 34a investigation: (28) Gentry, A. W. 33; (59) Perry, E. S. 33 Las Posas-South Mountain district, Fernando group: (51) Pressler, E. D. 29 Llajas and Santa Susanna fauna: (15) Clark, B. L. 34b Los Sauces Creek, Miocene forami- nifera: (18) Cushman, J. A. 31; (45) Laiming, B. 31 Miocene formation: (70) Snedden, L. B. 32 post-Miocene foraminifera: (72) Stewart, K. C. 31; (72) Stewart, R. E. 31 water analyses: (12) California Department of Public Works 34b oil depth: (54) Mills, B. 31a avenue oil field: (34) Hight, W. 33 Pleistocene fauna: (77) Tieje, A. J. 33 faunal change: (44) Bailey, T. L. 34 Pliocene fauna; (77) Tieje, A. J. 33 quadrangle geology: (43) Kerr, P. F. 31a; (55) Muller, S. 31; (67) Schenck, H. G. 31b well. Pliocene, Pleistocene fauna: (14) Cassell, D. 33; (77) Tieje, A. J. 33 VermicuUte; (78) Tyler, P. M. 35 Vertebrate fauna Pliocene of northern California: (65) Russell, R. D. 31; (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 31 Vertebrate fauna — Cont. Sespe, north of Simi Valley: (74) Stock, C. 34a, 34c Pleistocene, northern California: (79) Vander Hoof, V. L. 34 Vertebrates, Quaternary: (70) Sinclair, W. J. 06 Vesuvianite, Georgetown: (58) Pabst, A. 36 Vibrations, building: (71) Sparks, N. R. 35; (11) Byerly, P. 31a, 33c; (34) Hester, J. 31; (49) Marshall, K. 31 forced: (7) Blume, J. A. 35 periods, San Francisco buildings: (11) Byerly, P. 31a; (34) Hester, J. 31; (49) Marshall, K. 31 work, strong-motion: (32) Heck, N. H. 35 Violarite: (68) Shannon, E. V. 30; (69) Short, M. N. 30 Yirgidina: (19) Cushman, J. A. 32a Vivianite, Los Angeles County: (7) Blake, W. P. 82 Viviparoid, Pliocene opercula: (86) Woodring, W. P. 35b Volcanic activity, Lassen Peak: (20) Day, A. L. 25; (1,2) Allen, E. T. 30; (36) Holway, R. S. 16 breccias: (2) Anderson, C. A. 33a domes, history and character: (83) Williams, H. 31a Imperial County: (64, 65) Rogers, A. F. 34 eruption, Lassen Peak: (83) Williams, H. 30b rainfalls: (25) Finch, R. H. 31c force: (56) Narici, E. 33 history, Clear Lake area: (2) Anderson, C. A. 35 Glass Mountain: (2) Anderson, C. A. 33 reconstruction: (68) Scholtz, H. 31 domes, Lassen Peak, vicinity: (83) Williams, H. 30 relations, Pacific earthquakes: (39) Jaggar, T. A. 26a rock: (47) Lilley, E. R. 36 anauxite: (64) Rogers, A. F. 32 waters, Napa County: (39) Jaggar, T. A. 31a Volcanism, measurement of flow-struc- tures: (58) Pabst, A. 34 Miocene: (27) Gale, H. R. 31b; (27) Gale, H. S. 31 northwest United States: (39) Jaggar, T. A. 31 siliceous sediments: (76) Taliaferro, N. L. 33a Volcano: (25) Finch, R. H. 30; (66) Sap- per, K. 16; (14) Chang, G. L. 31 Mount Thielsen: (83) Williams, H. 33 Pacific: (25) Finch, R. H. 26; (39) Jaggar, T. A. 26 Vole, Cosomys, Pliocene: (84) Wilson, R. W. 32a fossil, Mimmomys primus: (34) Hess, C. J. 34 Voltaite: (2) Anderson, C. A. 27 Vulture Lode: (76) Thompson, A. P. 30 Walkermine, milling methods: (45) Lan- caster, H. K. 32; (51) McKenzie, M. R. 32 Warner Range, stratigraphy structure: (65) Russell, R. J. 30 i INDEX : WATER — ZIRCONIUM 125 Water, ground, level at wells: (12, 13) California Department of Public Works 32, 33c, 34e, 35a, 36; (39) Hyatt, E. 32 intrusion, Kettleman Hills: (54) Mills, B. 35a invasion, McKittrick oil field: (40) Jen- sen, J. 30a, 31b: (72) Stevens, J. B. 30, 31 level at wells: (12) California Depart- ment of Public Works 32; (39) Hyatt, K. 32 resources: (30) Grover, N. C. 32 Mokelunme area: (76) Taylor, G. H. 31; (64) Robinson, T. W. 31; (72) Stearns, H. T. 31 Water storage, capacity, Sacramento Valley: (26) Forbes, H. 31 San Joaquin Valley: (26) Forbes, H. 31b valley fill: (23) Eckis. R. 24 south coastal basin: (24) EnRineerina: News-Record 35 supply, depletion: (17) Conklina:, II. :>4 problems, geophysical studies: (39) Jakosky, J. J. 34: (83) Wilson, C. H. 34 Santa Barljara: (35) Hill, R. A. 32 surface: (13) Canfield, G. H. lU ; (30) Grover, N. C. 31; (51) McGlashan, H. D. 31 underground: (17) Conkling, H. 34 Wave velocities: (30) Gutenberg, B. 321) Weaverville district, geological forma- tions: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 33 geology: (35) Hinds, N. E. A. 34a quadrangle, gold deposits: (3,4) Averill, C. V. 33 mining opportunities: (24) Erich, E. K. 31 Well flow through tubing: (49) Marsh, H. N. 32; (64) Robinson, B. H. 32 gauge, seismograph: (12) Byerly, P. 35c: (7) Blanchard, F. B. 35 Wells, ground water records: (12, 13) California Dei)artment of Public Works 33, 33c, 34e, 35a, 36 records: (39) Hyatt, E. 32 fossil mammal remains: (74) Stock, C. 35 West Coast Eocene correlation: (15) Clark, B. L. 34a United States: (19) Darton, N. H. 34 Whale jaw: (31) Hanna, G. D. 35a \Vhite Mountain, andalusite occurrence: (43) Kerr, P. F. 32 Quadrangle, northern half: (3) Ander- .son, G. H. 31 Whittier, earthtiuakes: (84) Wood, H. O. 31a; (63) Richter, C. F. 31a fault, ad.iacent oil fields: (57) Xoii-is, B. B. 30 Wilshire gold mine: (78) 'I'urner, H. W'. 22 Wind erosion in desert: (6) Blackwelder, E. 31b Witherite, El Portal: (25) Fitch, A. A. 31 Woods, coniferous, Lamar River flora: (62) Read, C. B. 33 fossil, Miocene gravels: (64) Ritter, G. J. 34; (54,55) Mitchell, R. L. 34 Ricardo Pliocene, Last Chance Gulch: (81) Webber, L E. 33 Yardangs: (7) Blackwelder, )0. 33a Yellow Aster mine: (18) Cooper, C. L. 36 Yellowstone National Park, fossil floras: (62) Read, C. B. 33 Yolo County, Vacaville-Rumsey Hills area, geology: (43) Kirby, J. M. 35 Mother Lode: (9) Bradley, W. W. 33 region, granitic rocks: (13) Calkins, F. C. 32 valley, geology: (1) Allen, A. W. (Ed.) 31: (49) Matthes, F. E. 31 Yuba County: (47) Logan, C. A. 30 Zeolitic alteration of pyroclastics: (9) Bramlette, M. N. 33b; (60) Posnjak, E. 33 Zinc: (58) Pehrson, E. W. 29a; (54) Min- eral Industry 33a; (28) Gaylord, H. M. 34, 36; (37) Horton, F. W. 34; (33) Heikes, V. C. 32, 32a, 33; (52) Merrill, C. W. 34, 36 pigments: (58,59) Pehrson, E. W. 30, 33, 35a; (52) Meyer, H. M. 33 salts: (58,59) Pehrson, E. W. 30, 33, 35a; (52) Meyer, H. M. 33 Zircon: (86) Youngman, E. P. 31 Zirconium: (86) Youngman, E. P. 31, 31a; (22) Driggs, F. H. 31; (49) Marden, J. W. 31 DIVISION OF MIKES PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATIONS OP THE DIVISION OF MINES During the past fifty-six years, in carrying out the provisions of the organic act creating the former Cfiliforiiia State Mining Bureau, there have been published many reports, bulletins and maps which go to make up a library of detailed information on the mineral industry of the State, a large part of which could not be duplicated from any other source. One feature that has added to the popuhirity of the publications is that many of them have been distributed without cost to the public, and even the more elaborate ones have been sold at a pi-ice which barely covers the cost of printing. Owing to the fact that funds for the advancing of the work of this department have usually been limited, the reports and bulletins men- tioned are printed in limited editions many of which are now entirely exhausted. Copies of such f)ublications are available for reference, however, in the offices of the Division of Mines, in the Ferry Building, San Francisco; State Building, Los Angeles; State Office Building, Sacra- mento ; Redding ; and Division of Oil and Gas at Santa Barbara, Taf t, Bakersfield, Coalinga. They may also be found in many public, pri- vate and technical libraries in California and other states and foreign countries. A catalog of all publications from 1880 to 1917, giving a synopsis of their contents, is issued as Bulletin No. 77. Publications in stock may be obtained postpaid by addressing any of the above offices and enclosing the requisite amount in the case of publications that have a list price. Only coin, stamps or money orders should be sent, and it will be appreciated if remittance is made in this manner rather than by personal check. Money orders should be made payable to the Division of Mines. Note. — The Division of Mines frequently receives requests for some of the early Reports and Bulleiins nn\v out of print, and it will be npineciated if t)arties having such publications and wishing to dispose of them will advise this office. II " REPORT OF STATE IMINERALOGIST REPORTS Asterisks (♦*) indicate the publication is out of print. Price Postpaiti **First Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1880, 43 pp. Henry G. Hanks ♦♦Second Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1882, 514 pp., 4 illustra- tions, 1 map. Henry G. Hanks ♦♦Third Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1883, 111 pp., 21 illustra- tions. Henry G. Hanks ♦♦Fourth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1884, 410 pp., 7 illustra- tions. Henry G. Hanks , ♦♦Fifth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1885, 234 pp., 15 illustra- tions, 1 geological map. Henry G. Hanks Sixth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, Part I, 1886, 145 pp., 3 illustrations, 1 map. Henry G. Hanks $0.70 Part II, 1887, 222 pp., 36 illusti-ations. William Irelan, Jr .70 ♦♦Seventh Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1887, 315 pp. William Irelan, Jr. ♦♦Eighth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1888, 948 pp., 122 illus- trations. William Irelan, Jr : Ninth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1889, 352 pp., 57 illustra- tions, 2 maps. William Irelan, Jr 1.15 ♦♦Tenth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1890, 983 pp., 179 ilus- trations, 10 maps. William Irelan, Jr Eleventh Report (First Biennial) of the State Mineralogist, for the two years ending September 15, 1892, 612 pp., 73 illustrations, 4 maps William Irelan, Jr 1.25 ♦♦Twelfth Report (Second Biennial) of the State Mineralogist, for the two years ending September 15, 1894, 541 pp., 101 illustrations, 5 maps. J. J. Crawford ♦♦Thirteenth Report (Third Biennial) of the State Mineralogist, for the two years ending September 15, 1896, 726 pp., 93 illustrations, 1 map. J. J. Crawford Chapters of the State Mineralogist's Report, Biennial Period, 1913-1914, Fletcher Hamilton : Mines and Mineral Resources, Amador, Calaveras and Tuolumne Counties, 172 pp., paper .60 Mines and Mineral Resources, Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Marin, Napa, Solano, Sonoma and Yolo Counties, 208 pp., paper .60 Mines and Mineral Resources, Del Norte, Humboldt and Mendocino Coun- ties, 59 pp., paper .35 ♦♦Mines and Mineral Resources, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties, 220 pp., paper Mines and Mineral Resources of Imperial and San Diego Counties, 113 pp., paper .50 Mines and Mineral Resources, Shasta, Siskiyou and Trinity Counties, 180 pp., paper .60 Fourteenth Report of the State Mineralogist, for the Biennial Period 1913- 1914, Fletcher Hamilton, 1915 : A General report on the Mines and Mineral Resources of Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne, Colusa, Glenn, Lake, Marin, Napa, Solano, Sonoma, Yolo, Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, San Diego, Imperial, Shasta, Siskiyou and Trinity Counties, 974 pp., 275 illustrations, cloth 3.00 Chapters of the State Mineralogist's Report, Biennial Period, 1915-1916. Fletcher Hamilton : Mines and Mineral Resources, Alpine, Inyo and Mono Counties, 176 pp., paper .75 Mines and Mineral Resources, Butte, Lassen, Modoc, Sutter and Tehama Counties, 91 pp., paper .55 Mines and Mineral Resources, EI Dorado, Placer, Sacramento and Yuba Counties, 198 pp., paper .75 Mines and Mineral Resources, Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, 183 pp., paper .75 DIVISION OF MINES PUBLICATIONS III REPORTS — Continued Asterisks (**) indicate tlie publication is out of print. Price Postpaid Mines and Mineral Kesources, Ix)S Angeles, Orange and Riverside Coun- ties, 136 pp., paper $0.60 Mines and Mineral Resources, San Bernardino and Tulare Counties, 186 pp., paix?r .75 ♦♦Fifteenth Report of the State Mineralogist, for the Biennial Period 1915- 1916, Fletcher Hamilton, 1917: A General Report on the Mines and Mineral Resources of Alpine, Inyo, Mono, Butte, Lassen, Modoc, Sutter, Tehama, Placer, Sacra- mento, Yuba, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Bernardino and Tulare Coun- ties, 990 pp., 413 illustrations, cloth . Chapters of the State Mineralogist's Report, Biennial Period, 1917-1918, Fletcher Hamilton : Mines and Mineral Resources of Nevada County, 270 pp., paper .90 Mines and Mineral Resources of Plumas County, 188 pp., paper .60 Mines and Mineral Resources of Sierra County, 144 pp., paper .60 Seventeenth Report of the State Mineralogist, 1920, 'Mining in California during 1920,' Fletcher Hamilton ; 562 pp., 71 illustrations, cloth 2.00 Eighteenth Report of the State Mineralogist, 1922, 'Mining in California,' Fletcher Hamilton. Chapters published monthly beginning with January, 1922: ♦♦January, ♦♦February. March, April, ♦♦May, June, July, August, Sep- tember, October, November, December, 1922 .30 Chapters of Nineteenth Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in Cali- fornia,' Fletcher Hamilton and Lloyd L. Root. January, February, March, September, 1923 .30 Chapters of Twentieth Rei)ort of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in Cali- fornia,' Lloyd L. Root. Published quarterly. January, April, July, October, 1924, per copy .30 Chapters of Twenty-first Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in Cali- fornia,' Lloyd L. Root. Published quarterly : January, 1925, Mines and Mineral Resources of Sacramento, Monterey and Orange Counties .30 April, 1925, Mines and Mineral Resources of Calaveras, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus and Ventura Counties .30 July, 1925, Mines and Mineral Resourc*es of Del Norte, Humboldt and San Diego Counties .30 October, 1925, Mines and Mineral Resources of Siskiyou, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties .30 Chapters of TSventy-second Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in California, Lloyd L. Root. Published quarterly : January, 1926, Mines and Mineral Resources of Trinity and Santa Cruz Counties .30 April, 1926, Mines and Mineral Resources of Shasta, San Benito and Imperial Counties .35 July, 1926, Mines and Mineral Resources of Marin and Sonoma Counties .30 ♦♦October, 1926, Mines and Mineral Resources of El Dorado and Inyo Coun- ties, also report on Minaret District, Madera County Chapters of Twenty-third Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in Cali- fornia,' Lloyd L. Root. Published quarterly : January, 1927, Mines and Mineral Resources of Contra Co.sta County ; Santa Catalina Island .35 April, 1927, Mines and Mineral Resources of Amador and Solano Counties .30 ♦♦July, 1927, Mines and Mineral Resources of Placer and Los Angeles Counties October, 1927, Mines and Mineral Resources of Mono County .30 Chapters of Twenty-fourth Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in California,' Lloyd L. Root. Published quarterly : January, 1928, Mines and Mineral Resources of Tuolumne County .30 April, 1928, Mines and Mineral Resources of Mariposa Couuty .30 July, 1928, Mines and Mineral Resources of Butte and Tehama Counties .30 IV REPORT OF STATE ^NflNERALOGIST REPORTS — Continued Asterisks (♦*) indic«te the publication is out of print. Price Postpaifi October, 192S, Mines and Mineral Resources of Plumas and Madera Counties $0.30 Chaptei-s of Twenty-fifth Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in Cali- fornia,' Walter W. Bradley. Published quarterly : January, 1929, Mines and Mineral Resources of Lassen, Modoc and Kern Counties; also on Special Placer Machines .35 April, 1929, Mines and Mineral Resources of Sierra, Napa, San Fran- cisco and San Mateo Counties .35 July, 1929, Mines and Mineral Resources of Colusa, Fresno and Lake Counties .35 October, 1929, Mines and Mineral Resoiirces of Glenn, Alameda, Mendo- cino and Riverside Counties .35 Chapters of Twenty-sixth Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in Cali- fornia,' Walter W. Bradley. Published quarterly : January, 1930, Mines and Mineral Resources of Santa Clara County ; also Barite in California .30 ** April, 1930, Mines and Mineral Resources of Nevada County ; also Min- eral Paint Materials in California July, 1930, Mines and Mineral Resources of Yuba and San Bernardino Counties; also Commercial Grinding Plants in California .35 October, 1930, Mines and Mineral Resources of Butte, Kings and Tulare Counties; also Geology of Southwestern Mono County (Preliminary) .35 Chapters of Twenty-seventh Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in Cali- fornia,' Walter W. Bradley. Published quarterly : .January, 1931, Preliminary Report of Economic Geology of the Shasta Quadrangle. Beryllium and Beryl. The New Tariff and Nonmetallic Products. Crystalline Talc. Decorative Effects in Concrete .35 April, 1931, Stratigraphy of the Kreyenhagen Shale. Diatoms and Sili- coflagellates of the Kreyenhagen Shale. Foraminifera of the Kreyen- hagen Shale. Geology of Santa Cruz Island .35 **July, 1931. (Yuba, San Bernardino.) Feldspar, Silica, Andalusite and Cyanite Deposits of California. Note on a Depo.sit of Andalusite in Mono County ; its occurrence and chemical importance. Bill creating Trinity and Klamath River Fish and Game District and its effect uiK>n mining October, 1931. (Alpine.) Geology of the San Jacinto Quadrangle south of San Gorgonio Pass, California. Notes on Mining Activities in Inyo and Mono Counties in July, 1931 .30 Chapters of Twenty-eighth Report of the State Mineralogist, 'Mining in Cali- fornia.' Walter W. Bradley. Published quarterly : January, 1932, Economic Mineral Deposits of the San Jacinto Quad- rangle. Geology and Physical Properties of Building Stone from Car- mel Valley. Contributions to the Study of Sediments. Sediments of Monterey Bay. Sanbornite .35 April, 1932. Elementary Placer Mining Methods and Gold Saving Devices. The Pan, Rocker and Sluice Box. Prospecting for Vein Deposits. Bibliography of Placer Mining .35 Abstract from April quarterly : Elementary Placer Mining Methods and Gold Saving Devices. Types of Deposits, Simple Equipment. Special Machines. Dry Washing. Black Sand Treatment. Marketing of Products. Placer Mining Areas. I^aws. Prospecting for Quartz Veins. Bibliography (mimeographed) .25 July-October. (Ventura.) Report accompanying Geologic Map of North- ern Sierra Nevada. Fossil Plants in Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada. Glacial and Associated Stream Deposits of the Sierra Nevada. Jurassic and Cretaceous Divisions in the Knoxville-Shasta Succession of California. Geology of a Part of the Panamint Range. Economic Report of a Part of the Panamint Range. Acquiring Min- ing Claims Through Tax Title. The Biennial Report of State Min- eralogist .65 DIVISION OF MIXES PUBLICATIONS V REPORTS— Continued Asterisks (**) indicate the publication is out of print. Price Postpaid Chapters of Report XXIX, I'XVA (.111:1 rtorly : titled 'Calil(»rnia Journal of Mines and (ieology,' containing the following: January-April. (Jold Deposits of the Redding and Weavcrville Qa:id- rangles. Geologic Formations of the Redding-Weavorville District, Northern Califoniia. Geology of Portions of Del Norte and Siskiyou Counties. Applications of Geology to Civil Engineering. The I.,ak('s of California. Discovery of Piedniontite in the Sierra Nevada. Trac- ing 'Buried River' Channel Deiwsits by Geomagnetic Methods. Geol- ogic Map of Redding-Weaverville District, showing gold mines iiud l)rospects. Geologic Map showing various mines and prospects of part of Del Norte and Siskiyou Counties !${).{)[> .luly-October, Gold Resources of Kern County. IJmestone Deposits of the San Francisco Region. Limestone Weathering :uul Plant Assu- ciations of the San Francisco Region. Booming. Death Valley National Monument, California. Placer Mining Districts, Senate Bill 480. Navigable Waters, Assembly Bill 1543 AH) Chapters of Report XXX, 1934 (quarterly) : titled 'California Journal of Mines and (ieology,' containing the following : January. Resurrection of Early Surfaces in the Sierra Nevada. Geology and Mineral Resources of Northeastern Madera Couuty. Geology and Mineral Deiwsits of Laurel and Convict Basin.s, Southwestern Mono County. Notes on Sampling as Applied to Gold Quartz Deposits .">() April-July. Elementary Placer Mining in California and Notes on the Milling of Gold Ores .!)() October. Current Mining Developments in Northern California. Current Mining Activity in Southern California. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Julian District, San Diego County. Geology and Mineral Resoui'ces of Elizabeth Lake Quadrangle. Dry Placers of Northern Mojave Desert. Biennial Report of State Mineralogist. Assessment Work Within Withdrawn Areas .50 Chapters of Reix)rt XXI, 1935 (quarterly) : titled 'California Journal of Mines and (Jeology,' containing the following : January. Review of Gold Mining in East-Central, 1934. Current Min- ing Activities in the San Francisco District with Special Reference to Gold. Geological Investigation of the Clays of Riverside and Orange Counties, Southern California. Information regarding Mining Loans by the Reconstruction Finance Conwration .50 April. A Geologic Section Across the Southern Peninsular Range of California. New Technique Applicable to the Study of Placers. Grub- stake Permits .50 July. Mines and Mineral Resources of Siskiyou County (with map). Dams for Hydraulic Mining Debris. Leasing System as Applied to Metal Mining. Mine Financing in California. New Laws Make Radical Change in Mining Rights .50 October. Mines and Mineral Resources of San Luis Obispo County. Min- eral Resources of Portions of Monterey and Kings Counties. Mining Activity at Sidedad Mountain and Middle Buttes — Mojave District, Kern County. Geology of a Portion of the Perris Block, Southern California. Mineral Resources of a Portion of the Perris Block, Riv- erside County .50 Chapters of Report XXXII, 1936 (quarterly) : titled 'California Journal of Mines and Geology,' containing the following : January. Gold Mines of Placer County, including Drag-line Dredges. Geologic Report on Borax Lake, California .50 April. Geology, Mining and Processing of Diatomite at Ix>mpoc, Santa Barbara County. Essentials in Developing and Financing a Prospect into a Mine. Gold-bearing Veins of Meadow Lake District, Nevada County. Semi-Precious Gem Stone Collection in Division Mu.seum .50 July. Mines and Mineral Resources of Calaveras County. Mining in California by Power Shovel. Assessment W^ork on Mining Claims Within Withdrawn Areas. Joshua Tree National Monument. Cost 10—51441 VI REPORT OP STATE MINERALOGIST REPORTS — Continued Asterisks (**) indicate the publication is out of print. Price Postpaid of Producing Quicksilver at a California Mine in 1931-1932. The Age of Mineral Utilization $0.50 October. Mineral Resources of Lassen and Modoc Counties. Mechanics of Lone Mountain Landslides, San Francisco. Biennial Report of the State, Proi>erties and Industrial Applications of Opaline Silica .')() Chapters of Report XXXIII, 1937 (quarterly) : titled 'California Journal of Mines and Geology,' containing the following : January. Source Data of the Geologic Map of California, January, 1937. The Geology of Quicksilver Ore Deposits. Pro.specting for Lode Gold .50 April. Miiiei'al Resourc-es of Plumas County (with Geologic Map). List of preferi-ed mineral names. New Placer Mining Del>ris Law .50 July. Mineral Resources of Los Angeles County (with map showing principal Mines and Oil Fields.) Geology and mineral deposits of the Western San Gabriel Mountains, Los Angeles County .50 Subscription. .$2.00 ix>stpaid in advance (by calendar year only). Chapters of State Oil and Gas Supervisor's Report: Summary of Operations — California Oil Fields, .Tuly, 1918, to March, 1919 (one volume) Free Summary of Operations — California Oil Fields. Published monthly, beginning April, 1919 : ** April, **May, **June, **July, ** August, ** September, **October, **November, **December, 1919 **January, **February, **March, **April, **May, **June, **.July, **August, **September, **October, **November, **December, 1920- January, **February, **March, April, **May, **June, **July,, **September, **October, **November. **December, 1921 Free January, February, March, April, May, June, **.ruly, ** August, Sep- tember, **Oetober, **November, December, 1922 Fi"ee January, February, **March, **April, May, **.Tune, **.July, August, September, **October, November, **Deceml)er, 1923 Free .January, February. March, April, May, .Tune, **.July, August, Septem- ber, October, November, December, 1924 Free January, February, March, April, May, June, July. August, September, October, November, December, 1925 Free January, February, March. April, May, .Tune, July, August, September. October, November, Decemlier, 1926 Free January, Februai"y, March, April, May, June, .Tuly, August. September, October, November, December, 1927 Free January, February, March, April, **May, June, July, August, Septem- ber, October, **November, **DecemI}er, 1928 Free January, Febniary, March, April, May, June, July-August-September, October-November-December, 1929 Free (Published quarterly beginning July, 1929) JanuaiT-February-lNIarch, April-May-.Tune, July-August-September, Octo- ber-November-December, 1930 . Free JanuaiT-FcbruaiT-March, April-May-Juue, July-August-September, 1931 Free January, Februai-j', March, April, May. June, July, August, September, October, Noveml)er, December, 1932 Free January, Febniary, March, 1933 Free April, May, June, 1933 Free July, August, September, 1933 Free October-November-December, 1933 Free January -February -March, 1934 Free Ap! il-May-June, 1934 Free July-August-September, 1934 Free October-November-Deceml)er, 1934 Free January-Febniary-March, 1935 Free April-May-June, 1935 Free ♦•Bui ♦*Bul **Bul Bui ♦*Bul **Bul ♦*Bul **Bul Bui Bui ♦*Bul Bui **Bul **Bul **Bul ♦*Bul **Bul **Bul ♦♦Bui ♦♦Bui Bui Bui Bui ♦♦Bui Bui Bui ♦♦Bui Bui DIVISIOX OF MINES PUBLICATIONS VII BULLETINS Asterisks (**) indicate the publication is out of print. Price Postpaid etin No. 1. Description of Some Desiccated Human Remains, by Winslow Anderson. 1SS8, 41 pji.. illustrations etin No. 2. Methwls of Mine Timlx-ring, by W. H. Storms. 1894. 58 pp., 75 illustrations etin No. 3. (Jas and I'etroleum Yielding Foiinations of Central Valley of California, by W. L. Watts. 1894, 100 pp., 13 illustrations, 4 maps etin No. 4. Catalogue of California Fossils, by J. G. Cooper, 1894, 73 pp., 67 illustrations. (Part I was published in the Seventh Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, 1887) $0.10 etin No. 5. The Cyanide Process, 1894, by Dr. A. Scheidel. 140 pp.. 46 illustrations etin No. 6. California Gold Mill Practices, 1895, by E. B. Preston, 85 pp., 46 illustrations etin No. 7. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for the year 1894, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet etin No. 8. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for the year 1895, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet etin No. 9. Mine Drainage, Pumps, etc., by Hans C. Behr. 189(5, 210 pp., 206 illustrations .75 etin No. 10. A Bibliography Relating to the Geology, Paleontology and Mineral Resources of California, by Anthony W. Vogdes. 1896. 121 pp. .50 etin No. 11. Oil and Gas Yielding Formations of Los Angeles, Ven- tura and Santa Barbara Counties, by W. L. Watts. 1897, 94 pp., 6 maps, 31 illustrations etin No. 12. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for 1896, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet .10 etin No. 13. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for 1897, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet etin No. 14. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for 1898, by Charles G. Yale etin No. 15. Map of Oil City Fields, Fresno County, by John H. Means, 1899 etin No. 16. The Genesis of Petroleum and Asphaltum in California. by A. S. Cooper. 1899, 39 pp.. 29 illustrations etin No. 17. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for 1899, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet etin No. 18. Mother Lode Region of California, by W. H. Storms, 1900, 154 pp., 49 illustrations etin No. 19. Oil and Gas Yielding Formations of California, by W. L. Watts. 1900, 2.36 pp.. 60 illustrations, 8 maps etin No. 20. Synopsis of General Report of State Mining Bureau, by W. L. Watts. 1901, 21 pp. This bulletin contains a brief statement of the progress of the mineral industry in California for the four years ending December, 1899 etin No. 21. Mineral Production of California by Counties, by Charles G. Yale. 1900. Tabulated sheet .10 etin No. 22. Mineral Production of California for Fourteen Years, hy Charles G. Yale. 1900. Tabulated sheet .10 etin No. 23. The Copper Resources of California, by P. C. DuBois, F. M. Anderson, J. H. Tibbits and G. A. Tweedy. 1902, 282 pp., 69 illustrations, 9 maps .75 etin No. 24. The Saline Deposits of California, by G. B. Bailey. 1902, 216 pp., 99 illustrations, 5 maps etin No. 25. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for 1901, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet .10 etin No. 26. Mineral Production of California for the Past Fifteen Years, by Charles G. Yale. 1902. Tabulated sheet .10 etin No. 27. The Quicksilver Resources of California, by William Forstner. 1903. 273 pp., 144 illustrations. 8 maps etin No. 28. Mineral Production of California for 1902, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet .lO VIII REPORT OF STATE MINERALOGIST BULLETINS— Continued Asterisks (**) indicate the publication is out of print. Price Postpaid Bulletin No. 29. Mineral Production of California for Sixteen yeare, by Charles G. Yale. 1903. Tabulated sheet ,$0.10 **Bulletin No. 30. Bibliography Relating to the Geology, Paleontology and Mineral Resources of California, by A. W. Vogdes. 1903, 290 pp. ** Bulletin No. 31. Chemical Analyses of California Petroleum, by H. N. Cooper. 1904. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 32. Production and Use of Petroleum in California, by Paul W. Pi-utzman. 1904, 230 pp., 116 illustrations, 14 maps ♦♦Bulletin No. 33. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for 1903, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet ____ ♦♦Bulletin No. 34. Mineral Production of California for Seventeen Yeai-s. by Charles G. Yale. 1904. Tabulated sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 35. Mines and Minerals of California, by Charles G. Yale. 1904, 55 pp., 20 county maps. Relief map of California ♦♦Bulletin No. 36. Gold Dredging in California, by J. E. Doolittle. 1905. 120 pp., 66 illustrations, 3 maps ♦♦Bulletin No. 37. Gems, Jewelers' Materials, and Ornamental Stones of California, by George F. Kunz. 1905, 168 pp., 54 illustrations ♦♦Bulletin No. 38. Structural and Industrial Materials of California, bv Wm. Forstner, T. C. Hopkins, C. Naramore and L. H. Eddy. 1906, 412 pp., 150 illustrations, 1 map Bulletin No. 39. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, for 1904, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet .10 Bulletin No. 40. Mineral Production of California for Eighteen Years, by Charles G. Yale. 1905. Tabulated sheet .10 Bulletin No. 41. Mines and Minerals of Califoraia for 1904, by Charles G. Yale. 1905, 54 pp., 20 county maps .10 Bulletin No. 42. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1905, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet .10 Bulletin No. 43. Mineral Production of California for Nineteen Years, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulated sheet .10 Bulletin No. 44. California Mines and Minerals for 1905, by Charles G. Yale. 1907, 31 pp., 20 county maps .10 ♦♦Bulletin No. 45. Auriferous Black Sands of California, by J. A. Edman. 1907. 10 pp ♦♦Bulletin No. 46. General Index of Publications of the California State Mining Bureau, by Charles G. Yale. 1907, 54 pp ♦♦Bulletin No. 47. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1906, by Charles G. Yale. Tabulatefl sheet ♦♦Bulletin No. 48. Mineral Production of California for Twenty Years, by Charles G. Yale. 1906 ♦♦Bulletin No. 49. Mines and Minerals of California for 1906, by Charles G. Yale. 34 pp Bulletin No. 50. The Copper Resources of California, 1908, by A. Haus- mann, J. Kruttschnitt, Jr., W. E. Thorn and J. A. Edman, 366 pp., 74 illustrations. (Revised edition) 1.25 Bulletin No. 51. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, 1907, by D. II. Walker. Tabulated sheet .10 Bulletin No. 52. Mineral Production of California for Twenty-one Years, by D. H. Walker, 1907. Tabulated sheet .10 Bulletin No. 53. Mineral Production of California for 1907, with County Maps, by D. H. Walker. 62 pp .10 ♦♦Bulletin No. 54. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, by D. H. Walker, 1908. Tabulated sheet Bulletin No. 55. Mineral Production of California for Twenty-two Years, by D. H. Walker. 1908. Tabulated sheet .10 ♦♦Bulletin No. 56. Mineral Production for 1908, with County Maps and Mining Laws of California, by D. H. Walker, 78 pp . ♦♦Bulletin No. 57. Gold Dredging in California, by W. B. AVinston and Chas. Janin. 1910, 312 pp., 239 illustrations, 10 maps Bulletin No. 58. Mineral Production of California, by Counties, by D. H. Walker. 11)09. Tabulated sheet .10 DIVISIOX OF ISriKES PUBLICATIONS IX BULLETINS— Continued Asterisks (*•) indicate the publication is out of print. Price Postpaid Bulletin No. 59. IMineral Produotion of California for Twenty-three Years, by D. H. Walker. 1909. Tabulated sheet $0.10 **Bulletin No. GO. Mineral Production for 1900, with County Maps and Mining Laws of California, by D. H. Wali ♦♦Bulletin No. 72. The Geologic Formations of California, by James Perrin Smith. 1916, 47 pp ♦♦Reconnaissance Ceologic Map (of which Bulletin 72 is explanatory), in 23 coloi-s. Scale: 1 inch = 12 miles. Mounted ♦♦Bulletin No. 73. First Annual Report of the State Oil and Gas Super- visor of California for the fiscal year 1915-16, by R. P. McLaughlin. 278 pp., 26 illustrations Bulletin No. 74. Mineral Production of California in 1916, with County Maps, by Walter AV. Bradley. 179 pp., 12 illustrations .25 ♦♦Bulletin No. 75. United States and California Mining Laws. 1917, 115 pp., paper Bulletin No. 76. Manganese and Chromium in California, by Walter W. P.radley. J^mile Huguenin, C. A. Logan, W. B. Tucker and C. A. War- ing. 1918, 248 pp., 51 illustrations, 5 maps, paper .60 Bulletin No. 77. Catalogue of Publications of California State Mining Bureau, 1880-1917, by E. S. Boalich. 44 pp., paper Free Bulletin No. 78. Quicksilver Resources of California, with a Section on Metallurgy and Ore-Dressing, by Walter W. Bradley. 1919, 389 pp., 77 photograplis and 42 plates (colored and line outs), cloth 1.90 Bulletin No. 79. Magnesite in California, by Walter W. Bradley. 1925, 147 pp., 62 photographs, 11 line cuts and maps, cloth 1.10 fBulletin No. 80. Tungsten. Molybdenum and Vanadium in California. (In preparation.) tBulletin No. 81. Foothill Copper Belt of California. (In preparation.) **Bulletin No. 82. Second Annual Report of the State Oil and Gas Super- visor, for the Fiscal Year 1916-1917, by R. P. McLaughlin. 1918, 412 pp., 31 illustrations, cloth Bulletin No. 83. Califoniia Mineral Production for 1917, with County Maps, by Walter W. Bradley. 179 pp., paper .15 ♦♦Bulletin No. 84. Third Annual Report of the State Oil and Gas Super- visor, for the Fiscal Year 1917-1918, by R. P. McLaughlin. 1918, 617 pp., 28 illustrations, cloth **Bulletin No. 85. Platinum and Allied Metals in California, by C. A. Ijogan, 1919. 10 pliotographs, 4 plates, 120 pp., paper t Not yet published. 2L REPORT OF STATE MINERALOGIST BULLETINS— Continued Asterisks (**) indicate the publication is out of print. Price Postpaid Bulletin No. 86. California Mineral Production for 1918, with Ounty Maps, by Walter W. Bradley. 1919, 212' pp., i>aper Free Bulletin No. 87. Commercial Minerals of California, with notes on their uses, distribution, properties, ores, field tests, and preparation for market, by W. O. Castello. 1920, 124 pp., paper $0.75 Bulletin No. 88. California Mineral Production for 1919, with County Maps, by Walter W. Bradley. 1920, 204 pp., paper Free **Bulletin No. 89. Petroleum Resources of California, with Special Ref- erence to Unproved Areas, by Lawrence Vander Leek. 1921, 12 figures, C photographs, maps in pocket, 186 pp., cloth Bulletin No. 90. California Mineral Production for 1920, with County Maps, by Walter W. Bradley. 1921, 218 pp., paper '_ .2.1 **Bulletin No. 91. Minerals of California, by Arthur S. Eakle. 1923, 328 pp., cloth **Bulletin No. 92. Gold Placers of California, by Charles S. Haley. 1923, 167 pp., 36 photographs and 7 plates (colored and line cuts, also geological map), cloth Bulletin No. 93. California Mineral Production for 1922, bv AValter W. Bradley. 1923, 188 pp., paper .15 Bulletin No. 94. California Mineral Production for 1923, by Walter W. Bradley. 1924, 162 pp., paper .2."> Bulletin No. 95. Geology and Ore Deposits of the Randsburg Quadrangle, by Carlton D. Ilulin. 1925, 152 pp., 49 photographs, 13 line cuts, 1 colored geologic map, cloth 2.75 Bulletin No. 96. California Mineral Production for 1924, by Walter W. Bradley. 192.5, 173 pp., paper .15 **Bulletin No. 97. California Mineral Production for 1925, by Walter W. Bradley. 1926, 172 pp., paper Bulletin No. 98. American Mining Law, by A. H. Ricketts, 1931, 811 pp., flexible leather 3.25 Bulletin No. 99. Clay Resources and Ceramic Industry of California, by Waldemar Fenn Deitrich. 1928, 383 pp., 70 photographs, 12 line cuts including mai>s, cloth 1.75 Bulletin No. 100. California Mineral Production for 1926, by Walter W. Bradley, 1927, 174 pp., paper .25 Bulletin No. 101. California Mineral Production for 1927, by Henry H. Symons. 1928, 311 pp., paper .25 Bulletin No. 102. California Mineral Pi-oduction for 1928, by Henry H. Symons. 1929, 210 pp., paper .25 Bulletin No. 103. California Mineral Production for 1929, by H«nry H. Symons, 1930. 231 pp., paper .25 Bulletin No. 104. Bibliography of the Geology and Mineral Resources of California, to the end of 1930, by Solon Shedd 2.25 **Bulletin No. 105. Mineral Production in California for 1930 and Direc- tory of Producers Bulletin No. 106. Manner of Locating and Holding Mineral Claims in California (with forms) .25 Bulletin No. 107. Mineral Production in California for 1931 and Direc- tory of Producers .50 Bulletin No. 108. Mother Lode Gold Belt of California, by Clarence A. Logan, 1934, 240 pp., with geologic and claim maps, cloth 2.00 Bulletin No. 109. California Mineral Production and Directory of Min- eral Producers for 1932, by Henry H. Symons, 200 pp., paper .25 Bulletin No. 110. California Mineral Production and Directory of Min- eral Producers for 1933, by Henry H. Symons, 214 pp., paper .25 Bulletin No. 111. California Mineral Production and Directory of Min- eral Producers for 1934, by Henry H. Symons, 334 pp., paper .75 Bulletin No. 112. California Mineral Production and Directory of Min- eral Producers for 1935. l)y Henry IL Symons. 205 pp., paper .80 DIVISION OF MINKS PUBLICATIONS XI PRELIMINARY REPORTS Asterisks (**) indicate tlie publication is out of print. Price Postpaid **Preliminary Keix>rt No. 1. Notes on Damage l).v Water in Califoruiu Uil Fields, December, 1913. By R. P. McLaughlin, 4 pp ♦♦Preliminary Report No. 2. Notes on Damage by Water in California Oil Fields, Marcli, 1914. By R. P. McLaughlin, 4 pp Preliminary Report No. 3. Manganese and Chromium, 1917. By E. S. Boalich. 32 pp $0.05 ♦♦Preliminary Report No. 4. Tungsten, Molylxlenum and Vanadium. By E. S. Boalich and W. O. Castello, 191S. 34 pp. Paiwr **Preliminary Report No. 5. Antimony, Graphite, NickeS, Potash, Strontium and Tin. By E. S. Boalich and W. O. Castello, 1918. 44 pp. I'aper Preliminary Report No. 6. A Review of Mining in California During 1919. By Fletcher Hamilton, 1920. 43 pp. Paper .05 ♦♦Preliminary Report No. 7. The Clay Industry in California. By E. S. Boalich, W. O. Castello, E. Huguenin, C. A. Logan, and W. B. Tucker, 1920. 102 pp. 24 illustrations. Paper ♦♦Preliminary Report No. 8. A Review of Mining in California During 1921, with Notes on the Outlook for 1922. By Fletcher Hamilton, 1922. 68 pp. Paper MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS ♦♦First Annual Catalogue of the State Museum of California, being the collection made by the State Mining Bureau during the year ending April 16, 1881. 350 pp ♦♦Catalogue of books, maps, lithographs, photographs, etc., in the library of the State Mining Bureau at San Francisco, May 15, 1884. 19 pp ♦♦Catalogue of the State Museum of California, Volume II, being the col- lection made bv the State! Mining Bureau from April 16, 1881, to May 5, 1884. 220 pp ♦♦Catalogue of the State Museum of California, Volume III, being the col- lection made by the State Mining Bureau from May 15, 1884, to March 31, 1887. 195 pp ♦♦Catalogue of the State Museum of California, Volume IV, being the col- lection made by the State Mining Bureau from March 30, 1887, to August 20, 1890. 261 pp ♦♦Catalogue of the Library of the California State Mining Bureau, Sep- tember 1, 1892. 149 pp ♦♦Catalogue of West North American and Many Foreign Shells with Their Geographical Ranges, by J. G. Cooper. Printed for the State Mining Bureau, April, 1894 ♦♦Report of the Board of Trustees for the four years ending September, 1900. 15 pp. Paper Bulletin. Reconnaisance of the Colorado Desert Mining District. By Stephen Bowers, 1901. 19 pp. 2 illustrations. Paper .10 Commercial Mineral Notes. A monthly mimeographed sheet, beginning April, 1923 (15c annually) Free MAPS Register of Mines with Maps ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Amador County Register of Mines, with Map, Butte County .30 ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Calaveras County ♦♦Register of Mines, with INIap, El Dorado County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Inyo County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Kern County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Lake County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Mariposa County Register of Mines, with Map, Nevada County .30 •♦Register of Mines, with Map, Placer County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Plumas County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, San Beniardino County XII REPORT OF STATE MINERALOGIST MAPS — Continued * Register of Mines with Maps Asterisks (**) Indicate tlie publication is out of print. Price Postpaid Register of Mines, with Map, San Die},'0 County $0.30 Register of Mines, with Map, Santa Barbara County (1906) .30 **Register of Mines, with Map, Shasta County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Sierra County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Siskiyou County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Ti-inity County ♦♦Register of Mines, with Map, Tuolumne County Register of Mines, with Map, Yuba County (1905) ..30 Register of Oil Wells, with Map, Ivos Angeles City (190G) .10 OTHER MAPS ♦♦Map of California, Showing Mineral Deposits (50x60 in.) ♦♦Map of Forest Reserves in California ♦♦Mineral and Relief Map of California *^Map of El Dorado County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests ♦♦Map of Madera County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests ♦♦Map of Placer County, Showing Boundaries, National Fortsts ♦♦Map of Shasta County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests ♦♦Map of Sierra County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests ♦♦Map of Siskiyou County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests ♦♦Map of Tuolumne County, Showing Boundaries, National Forests ♦♦Map of Mother Lode Region ♦♦Map of Desert Region of Southern California Map of Minaret District, Madera County .25 Map of Copper Deposits in California .05 ♦♦Map of Calaveras County ♦♦Map of Plumas County ♦♦Map of Trinity County ♦♦Map of Tuolumne County ♦♦Geographical Map of Inyo County. Scale 1 inch equals 4 miles ♦♦Map of California ac-companying Bulletin No. 89, showing generalized classification of land with regard to oil iwssibilities. Map only, with- out Bulletin Geological Map of California, 1916. Scale 1 inch equals 12 miles. As accurate and up-to-date as available data will permit as regards topography and geography. Shows railroads, highways, post ofiices and other towns. First geological map that has been available since 1892, and shows geology of entire state as no other map does. Geo- logical details lithographed in 23 colors. Mounted 2.75 ♦♦Topographic Map of Sierra Nevada Gold Belt, showing distribution of auriferous gravels, accompanying Bulletin No. 92. In 4 colors (also sold singly) Geologic Map of Xortlieni Sierra Nevada, showing Tertiary River Chan- nels and Mother Lode Belt accompanying .luly-October Chapter of Report XXVIII of the State Mineralogist. (Sold singly)--; .25 Map of Northern California, showing rivers and creeks which produced placer gold in 1932 .20 Mother Lode Geologic and claim maps in 5 county sections : El Dorado, Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne and Mariposa. Single sections 10c. Set of 5 .50 Map of Mariposa County, showing principal gold mines .10 Geologic Map of Elizabeth Lake Quadrangle, Los Angeles and Kern Counties (accompanying October Chapter of Report XXX), sold separately -10 Map of Western Portion of Siskiyou County Showing Location of Prin- cipal Gold Mines (accompanying July Chapter of Report XXXI), sold separately -10 Geologic Map of Redding and Weaverville Quadrangles Showing Location of Gold Mines .25 Map of Ancient Channel System, Calaveras County .10 Map of Ancient Channels Between San Andreas and Mokelumne Hill .10 DIVISION OF MINKS PUBLICATIONS XIII OIL FIELD MAPS The maps are revised from time to time as development work advances and ownerships change. Price (including postage) Map No. 1— Sargent, Santa Clara County $0.50 Map No. 2 — Santa Maria, including Cat Canyon and Los Alamos — 1.00 Map No. 3 — ^Santa Maria, including Casmalia and Lompoc 1.00 Map No. 4 — Brea Olinda and (East Portion) Coyote Hills, Los Angeles and Orange Counties 1.00 Map No. 6 — Salt Lake-Beverly Hills, Los Angeles County 1.00 Map No. 7 — Sunset and San Eniidio, Kern County 1.00 Map No. 8 — South Midway and Buena Vista Hills, Kern County 1.00 Map No. 9 — North Midway and McKittrick, Kern County , 1.00 Map No. 10 — Belridge and McKittrick Front, Kern County 1.00 Map No. 11 — Lost Hills and North Belridge, Kern County l.(M» Map No. 12 — Devils Den, Kern County .!'> Map No. 13 — Kern River, Kern County l.(M) Map No. 14 — Coalinga, Fresno County 1.25 Map No. 15— Elk Hills, Kem County 1.00 Map No. 16 — Ventura-Ojai, A'entura County 1.00 Map No. 17 — Santa Paula-Sespe, including Bardsdale, South Moun- tain and Camarillo, Ventura County 1.00 Map No. 18 — Piru-Simi-Newhall, Ventura County 1.00 Map No. 19 — Arroyo Grande, San Luis Obispo County .75 Map No. 20 — Long Beach, Los Angeles County 1.50 Map No. 21-B — Portion of District No. 5, showing boundaries of oil fields — Fresno, Kings and Kern Counties .75 Map No. 21-C — Portion of District No. 4, showing boundaries of oil fields — Kern, Kings and Tulare C^^mnties .75 Map No. 22 — Portion of District No. 3, showing boundaries of oil fields — Santa Barbara County .50 Map No. 23 — Portion of District No. 2, showing boundaries of oil fields — Ventura County .75 Map No. 24 — Portion of District No. 1, showing boundaries of oil fields — Los Angeles and Orange Counties .75 Map No. 26 — Huntington Beach, Orange County 1.25 Map No. 27 — Santa Fe Springs, Los Angeles County 1.00 Map No. 28 — Torrance, Los Angeles County 1.25 Map No. 29 — Dominguez, Los Angeles County .75 Map No. 30 — Rosecrans, Los Angeles County 1.00 Map No. 31 — Inglewood, Los Angeles County 1.00 Map No. 32 — Seal Beach, Los Angeles and Orange Counties 1.00 Map No. 33 — Rincon, Ventura County 1.25 Map No. 34 — Mt. Poso, Kem County .75 Map No. 35 — Round Mountain, Kern County .75 Map No. 36 — Kettleman Hills, Fresno, Kings and Kern Counties 1.25 Map No. 37 — Montebello, Los Angeles County 75 Map No. 38 — Whittier, Los Angeles County 1.00 Map No. 39 — West Coyote, Los Angeles and Orange Counties 1.00 Map No. 40 — Elwood, Santa Barbara County 1.00 Map No. 41 — Potrero, Los Angeles County .75 Map No. 42 — Playa del Rey, Los Angeles County 1.25 Map No. 43 — Capitan, Santa Barbara County .75 Map No. 44 — Mesa, Santa Barbara County 1.25 Map No. 45 — Buttonwillow gas, Kem County .75 Map No. 46 — Richfield, Orange County 1.25 Map No. 48 — Mountain View and Edison, Kern County 1.00 Map No. 49 — Fruitvale, Kern County 1.00 Map No. 50 — Wilmington, Los Angeles County :_ 1.00 Map No. 51 — Santa Maria Valley, Santa Barbara County 1.00 Map No. 52 — El Segundo and Lawndale, Los Angeles County 1.50 Map No. 53 — Greeley and Ten Section, Kern County .75 11—51441 XIV REPORT OF STATE MINERALOGIST DETERMINATION OF MINERAL SAMPLES Samples (limited to two at one time) of any mineral found in the State may be sent to the Division of Mines for identification, and the same will be classified free of charge. No samples will be determined if received from points outside the State. It must be understood that no assays, or quantitative determinations will be made. Samples should be in lump form if possible, and marked plainly with name of sender on outside of package, etc. No samples will be received unless delivery charges are prepaid. A letter should accompany sample, giving locality where mineral was found and the nature of the information desired. 51441 4-3S 1,500 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW SMM 13 '85 i AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. MAY 1 fi ^3^^ SEPl 7 1946 3 PM L b '56 1 MAY 1960 SW ^£CEIV£D MAyJ^MQQ•( PHYSSC/ LIBRARY LIBEAEY, BEANCH OF THE OOLLEGK OF AGEIOTTDTURB UNIVEESITY OF CALIFOENIA 5m-8,'37 (s) 51836 California, Dent, of natural: 'e sources . Division Bulletin (Shedd, S.: phy of the mineral ref Calif., 19;; MAY I '^ '4| >HYSICAL LIBRARY of mines. TN24 C3 no. 115. BiblJQgra- g?eolopy and ources of 1 - 1956) A no. 115 •Ms PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY LIBRAKY, BRANOn OF THE COLLEGE OF AGKICULTUEB, DAVIS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA