A = — r- A- a: — ^ ^ = = :□ U '" ..-, 4 — H- 4 m -n _^ x> 1 = jj 4 = f-i 8 ^ I — Drama League of America Selective List of Books about the Theatre and of Published Plays in English ,jm THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES / fje ama l^eafiue ot America A SELECTIVE LIST OF BOOKS ABOUT THE THEATRE D OF PUBLISHED PLAYS IN ENGLISH Compiled to 'January I, igi2 ^JVf roBKiit 7?^ Marquette Building, Chicago Price 25 Cents Arranged by FRANK CHOUTEAU BROWN Chairmafi of the National Committee on Publications Relating to the Drama Copyright, igi2 These lists of books about the Theatre and of published plays in English are compiled for the convenience of League members, to provide them with a list of recent publications, to jfanuary i, IQI2, and occasional older titles of standard or other works available for study or reference. Additional Copies at Twenty-five Cents each may be obtained from the office of the Drama League, /jd Marquette Building, Chicago A supplement, continuing the list through igi2, will be issued early in igij. A SELECTIVE LIST OF ESSAYS AND BOOKS ABOUT THE DRAMA AND THE THEATRE EXCLUSIVE OF BIOGRAPHY z o7t/ [The purpose or particular value of the volume listed is sug- gested by the numerals preceding each title, thus: (i) Tech- nique; (2) Biography; (3) Historical Treatise; (4) Criticism of Drama ; (5) Critical Dramatic Records; (6) Essays; (7) Drama Study; (8) Technical ; (9) Sociological; (10) Theatre of Future.] ARCHER, WILLIAM (English) 2, 3 English Dramatists of To-day. Sampson Low, Marston. 1882. 8s. 6d. 4, 6 About THE Theatre. Unwin. 1886. 7s. 6d. 6 Study AND Stage. Wessels. 1899. Si. 50 net. 5 Theatrical World (5 vols.). Walter Scott. 1893-7. 3s. 6d. the volume. 4, 6 Masks OR Faces ? Longmans. 1888. 6s. 6d. ARCHER, WILLIAM & GRANVILLE BARKER (English) 10 Scheme .and Estimates FOR A Nation.al Theatre. Duffield. 1908. $2.50 net. AYRES, ALFRED (American) 2, 4 Acting AND Actors. Appleton. 1894. $1.25. BORSA, MARIO (Italian) 2, 4 English St.age of To-day. John Lane. 1908. 7s 6d. net. CAFFIN, CHARLES H. (American; 7 The Appreci.ation of the Drama. Baker & Taylor. 1908. Si. 50 net. CASSON, LEWIS (English) 10 Steps Toward a Civic The.itre. Reprinted from Poet-Lore. Boston, 191 1. $. 10. CLAPP, H. A. (American) 2 Reminiscences of a Dramatic Critic. Houghton, Mifflin. 1902. Si. 75 net. COURTNEY, W. L. (English) 6 The Idea of Tragedy. Brentano. 1900. S1.25. COQUELIN, B. C. (French) 2, 8 The Actor and His Art. 1881. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 1217997 CRAIG, GORDON (English) 8 The Art of the Theatre. T. N. Foulis, London. 1908. 2s. 6d. 8, 10 On the Art of the Theatre. (Enlarged edition.) Browne's Bookstore, Chicago. igii. $2.00. DAVIES, MICHAEL M., Jr. (American) 9 The Exploitation of Pleasure. Russell Sage Foundation. 191 1. $.25. EATON, WALTER P. (American) 4, 6 The American St.'^ge OF To-DAY. Small, Maynard. 1908. $1.50 4, 6 At the New Theatre and Others. Small, Maynard. 1910. $1.50. FAXON, FREDERICK W. Editor The Dr.'vmatic Index. ( An annual magazine subject index.) Vol. i, Boston Book Co., 1909; Vol. 2, Boston Book Co., 1910; Vol. 3, Boston Book Co., 191 1. 33-50 per volume. FILON, AUGUSTUS (French) 4 The English Stage. Dodd, Mead. 1897. $2.50. 3 Modern French Drama. Chapman & Hall. 1898. FITZGERALD, PERCY (English) 3 The Savoy Opera. (Gilbert & Sullivan. ) Chatto & Windus. 1899. 3s. 6d. FREYTAG, GUSTAV (German) Translated by E. J. MacEwan. 1 Technique of the Drama. S. C. Griggs & Co. Chicago, 1895. ^1.50. FROHMAN, DANIEL (American) 2 Memoirs of a Manager. Doubleday, Page. 1911. $1.00 net. FYFE, H. HAMILTON (English) 2 Arthur Wing Pinero. Greening. 1902. 3s. 6d. FYLES, FRANKLIN (American) 7 The Theatre and Its People. Doubleday, Page. 1900. S'-^S- GARNETT, PORTER (American) 3 The Bohemian Jinks. Bohemian Club. San Francisco, 1908. ^1.50 net. GREIN. J. T. (English) 4 Dramatic Criticism. John Long. 1899. 3s. 6d. 4 Dramatic Criticism. Greening. 1901. 3s. 6d. 4 Dramatic Criticism. Everleigh Nash. 1904. 3s. 6d. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 54Z South Dearborn Street, Chicago. HALE, EDWARD EVERETT, Jr. (American) 2 Dramatists OF To-nAv. Henry Holt. 1905. $1.50 net. HAMILTON, CLAYTON M. (American) 1 Theory OF THE Theatke. Henry Holt. 1910. $1.50. HAPGOOD, NORMAN (American) 5, 6 The Stage in America. (1899-1900) Macmiilan. 1901. $1.75 net. HAZLITT, WILLIAM (English) 2 Lectures ON the English Poets. Macmiilan. 1876. Si. 00 net. A View OF the English Stage. Macmiilan. 1851. $1.00 net. HENDERSON, ARCHIBALD (American) 2 George Bernard Shaw: A Biography. Stewart & Kidd Co., Cinn. 1911. $5.00 net. 2 Interpreters of Life. (Studies of Five Dramatists.) Kennerley, N.Y. 1910. $1.50 net. HENNEQUIN, ALFRED (American) 1 The Art of Plavwriting. Houghton, Mirtiin. 1890. Si. 25. HERRMANN, OSCAR Editor 2 Living Dramatists. Brentano. 1905. $5-00 net. HERTS, ALICE MINNIE (American.) 9 The Children's Educational Theatre. Harper. 1912. Si-^Snet. HOWE, P. P. (English) 10 The Repertory Theatke. Kennerley. 1911. Si. 00 net. HUNEKER, JAMES (American) 2, 6 Iconoclasts. (A Book of Dramatists.) Scribner. 1905. Si-5onet. HUTTON, LAURENCE (American) 3 Curiosities OF the American Stage. Harper. 1891. $z.^o. 2, 4 Plays AND Players. Dutton. 1875. $2.5.0. IBSEN, HENRIK (Norwegian) 7, 8 From Ibsen's Workshop. Scribner. 1911. $1.00. IRVING, H. B. (English) 3, 6 Occasional Papers, Dramatic and Historical. Small, Maynard. 1907. $1.50 net. 6 The Drama. Page. 1893. Si. 50. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. JONES, HENRY ARTHUR (English) 6 Renascence of the English Drama. Macmillan. 1895. $2.00. 4, 6 The Corner Stones of Modern Drama. (Lecture at Harvard University.) Chiswick Press, London. 1906. 6, 10 The Foundations of a National Drama. (Privately issued.) Chiswick Press, London. 1904. 4, 6 Literature and the Modern Drama. (Lecture at Yale University.) Chiswick Press, London. 1907. 9, 10 Aims and Duties of a National Theatre. (Lecture at Columbia University.) Privately printed. 1911. KNIGHT, JOSEPH (English) 3, 5 Theatrical Notes. Lawrence & Bullen, London. 1893. KRANS, H. S. (English) 2, 3 William Butler Yeats and the Irish Literary Revival. Heine- mann. 191 1. is. 6d. KUEFFNER, L. M. (American) 3 Development of the Historic Drama. (University of Chicago.) 1910. ^.50. LEWES, G. H. (English) 2, 8 On Actors and the Art of Acting. Holt. 1875. #1.50. MacCARTHY, DESMOND (English) 5 The Court Theatre. (1904-07) Sidgwick & Jackson, London. 1907. 2s. 6d. (3-95-) MACKAYE, PERCY (American) 6 The Playhouse and the Play. Macmillan. 1909. ^i-^S- MATTHEWS, BRANDER (American) 3, 7 Development of the Drama. Scribner. 1903- $^■'^5 net. 1,3,7 Study OF THE Drama. Houghton, Mifflin. 1910. $1.50. 2, 3 French Dramatists of the 19TH Century. Scribner. 1906. $1.25 net. 3 The Theatres of Paris. Scribner. ^1.25. 2, 3 MoLiERE, His Life Work. Scribner. 191 1. ^3.00 net. MAUDE, CYRIL (English) 3 The Haymarket Theatre. Grant Richards. 1907. 12s. 6d. MEREDITH, GEORGE (English) 6 An Essay on Comedy, and the Uses of the Cokfic Spirit. Scribner. 1897. ^1.25 net. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. MONKHOUSE, ALLAN (English) 4 Books AND Plays. Lane. 1894. $1.50. MONTAGUE, C. E. (English) 4, 6 Dramatic \'alues. Macmillan. 191 1. Si. 25 net. MORLEY, HENRY (English) 3, 5 Journal OF A London Playgoer, I 851 TO 1866. Routledge. I 891. MOSES, MONTROSE J. (American) 2 The American Dramatist. Little, Brown & Co. 191 i. $2.50 net. MURRAY, GILBERT (English) 3 The Rise of THE Greek Epic. Oxford Univ. Press. 191 1. $2. 50 net. NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH (German) 3, 6 The Birth of Tragedy. Macmillan. 1910. 5i--5- NIRDLINGER, CHARLES FREDERICK (American) 5 Masques and Mummers. DeVVitt. 1899. $1.50. POLLAK, GUSTAV 2, 4, 7 Franz Grillparzer and the Austri.^n Drama. Dodd, Mead. 1907. $2.50 net. POLLARD, PERCIVAL (American) 2, 6 Masks AND Minstrels OF New Germany. John W. Luce. 1911. $1.50 net. OLLOCK, CHANNING (American) 4 The Footlights, Fore and Aft. Badger. 191 1. $1.50 net. PRICE, WILLIAM T. (American) I The Technijjue OF the Dr.ama. Brentano. 1909. $1.50. I Analysis of Play Construction and Dramatic Principles. W. T. Price. 1908. ^5.00. RENNERT, H. A. (American) 3 Spanish Stage in Time of Lope de Vega. Hispanic Soc. of America. 1909. $3.00 net. SCOTT, CLEMENT (English) 2, 3 Dr.ama of Yesterd.\y AND To-Day. (2 vols.) Macmillan. 1899. $8.00. SCHUTZE, MARTIN (American) 1 Repetition .■^s a Means of Suspense in German Dr.a.ma. Univ. of Chicago. 1907. $.25 net. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. lO SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD (Irish) 4 Dramatic Opinions and Essays. (2 vols.) Brentano. 1906. S2.50 net. 3, 7 The Quintessence OF Ibsenism. Brentano. 1891. Si. 00 net. SWINBURNE, A. C. (English) 2, 3 Age of Shakespeare. Harper. 1908. $2.00 net. SYLE, L. DuP. (American) 6, 4 Ess.'iYs IN Dramatic Criticism. W. R. Jenkins, N.Y. 1898. $■75 net. SYMONS, ARTHUR (English) 6 Pl.ays, Acting and Music. Dutton. 1903. S2.00 net. 6 Studies in Prose and Verse. Dutton. 1904. §2. 50 net. 6 Studies in Seven Arts. Dutton. 1906. S2.50 net. TWENTIETH CENTURY CLUB, DRAMA COMMITTEE 9 Report on the Amusement Situ.^tion in Boston. Twentieth Centur)' Club. 1910. $.10. WALKLEY, A. B. (English) 6 Frames of Mind. Grant Richards. 1899. 5s. 4 Dramatic Criticism. Dutton. 1903. 3i-So net. 4, 6 The Drama AND Life. Brentano. 191 1. $2.50 net. WINTER, WILLIAM (American) 2, 3 Other Days. Moffat, Yard. 1908. $3.00. 2, 3 Shadows of the Stage. (3 vols.) Macmillan. 1892. Si. 50 each. 3, 5 Sh.'^kespeare on the Stage. Moffat, Yard. 1912. 33- 00 net. WITKOWSKI, GEORG (German) 3 The German Dr.^ma of the i 9TH Century. Holt. 1 909. Si. 00 net. WOODBRIDGE, ELIZABETH (American) I The Dr-ama, Its Laws and Technique. AUyn & Bacon. 1898. S.80 net. WYNDHAM, H. SAXE (English) 3, 5 The Annals of Covent Garden Theatre. (2 vols.) Chatto & Windus, London. 1906. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. A SELECTIVE LIST OF PUBLISHED PLAYS IN ENGLISH [Plays that have been professionally acted in English are indicated by *. The nationality of the various playwrights is given for those desiring to study the plays of certain nations. A tentative selection of plays particularly available for certain purposes is indicated bv numerals set against each title : (l) Representative modern plays for technical study and reading; (2) Plays typical of the author's methods ; (3) Representative modern plays available for younger readers; (4) Plays possible for advanced amateur use ; (5) Simpler plays for amateur use ; (6) Notable modern plays ; (7) Notable modern poetic plays ; (8) Closet or literary dramas.] ADAM, VILLIERS de L'lSLE (French) The Revolt and the Escape. Sergei, Dramatic Pub. Co. 1901. Si. 25 net. ADAMS, OSCAR FAY (American) A Motley Jest. Sherwin, French. 1909. $1.00. *A Shakespearian Fantasy. ♦Merchant of Venice, Act Sixth. ALDRICH, THOMAS BAILEY (American) *Mercedes. Houghton, Mifflin. 1884. $1.00. 7 *JuDiTH OF Bethltlia. Houghton, MitHin. 1904. $1.00 net ANDREIEV, LEONID N. (Russian) An.athema. Macmillan. 1910. $1.25 net. ANNUNZIO, GABRIELE d' (Italian) *La Gioconda. Russell. 1901. Si.oo. ^Francesca da Rimini. Stokes. 1902. $1.00. 2 *The Dead City. Laird & Lee. " $1.25. 7 *The Daughter of Jorio. Little, Brown. 1907. $1.50 net. ANSPACHER, LOUIS K. (American) Tristan and Isolde. Brentano. 1904. AUGIER, EMILE (French) Giboyer's Son. Dramatic Pub. Co. 191 1. $1.25. AUSTIN, MRS. MARY H. (American) *The Arrow Maker. Duffield. 1911. $1.00 net. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. BARKER, GRANVILLE (English) Three Plays : 4 *The Marrying of Ann Leete ) 2 *The Voysey Inheritance j- Kennerley. 1911. $1.50 net. I *Waste J *Anatol (paraphrased from A. Schnitzler). Kennerley. 19 11. $1.00 net. 6 "The Madras House. Kennerley. 1911. Si.oonet. BEYERLEIN, F. A. (German) I "Lights Out. Heinemann. 1910. 2s. 6d. BENNETT, ARNOLD (English) 4 ^Honeymoon. George H. Doran. 191 1. Si.oo net. I *What the Public Wants. George H. Doran. 1911. $1.00 net. Cupid and Commonsense. " " " " BESIER, RUDOLPH (English) I *DoN. Duffield & Co. 1910. Si. 00 net. *Lady Patricia " " 191 1 " BJORNSON, BJORNSTJERNE (Norwegian) Pastor Lang. Longmans. 1902. $1.50. Sigura Slembe. Sergei. 1910. ^1.50. Leonarda. The Drama. 1911. $.75. Lesson in Marrl^ge. Brandu. 191 1. $.50 net. BLASHFIELD, Mrs. E. W. (American) 4 Masques of Cupid, Scribner. 1910. $3.50 net. A Surprise Party ; The Lesser Evil ; The Honor of the Crequy; In Cleon's Garden. BOKER, G. H. (American) *Francesca da Rimini. Dramatic Pub. Co. 1901. $1.00. BRACCO, ROBERTO (Italian) The Hidden Spring. (Poet Lore) 1907. Si.5onet. Phantasms. " " 1908. $1.50 net. BRIEUX, EUGENE (French) Three Plays : 1 *The Three Daughters of M. Dupont ^ Damaged Goods (Les Avaries) > Brentano, 191 1. $1.50 net. 2 Maternity. ( First and second versions) J These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. •5 BROADHURST, THOMAS VV. (American) The Holy City. Jacobs. 1904. $1.50 net. BROWNE, WALTER (American) *EvERYW0MAN. H. K. Fly Co. 191 i. 5i.oonet. BUCKTON, ALICE M. (English) Eager-He.^rt. (Paper) Methuen. 1904. is. net. Kings IN Babylon. (Paper) Methuen. 1906. is. net. BURTON, RICHARD (American) Rahab. Holt. 1906. $1.25 net. CALDERON, PEDRO (Spanish) Six Dramas: (Trans, by E. Fitzgerald) Ed. Oelsner. 2 Vols. (King's Classics.) J. W. Luce & Co. 1907. $1.50 net. The Painter of His Own Dishonour ; Keep Your Own Secret; Gil Perez, the Galician ; Three Judgments at a Blow ; The Mayor of Zalame.a ; Beware of Smooth Waters. Eight Dramas : (Trans, by E. Fitzgerald. ) Macmillan. 1906. $2.25. The Painter of His Own Dishonour ; Keep Your Own Secret ; ■Gil Perez, the Galician; Three Judgments at a Blow; The Mayor of Zalamea ; Beware of Smooth Waters ; The Mighty Magici.an ; Such Stuff as Dreams Are Made of. CARR, J. COMYNS (English) *King Arthur. Macmillan. 1896. $.75 net. CHAMBERS, C. HADDON (English) Captain Swift. (Paper) French. 1900. S. 50. The Idler. (Paper) French. 1902. $.50. *SiR Anthony. (Paper) French. 1909- $-5°- 4 *The Tyranny of Tears. " Heinemann. 1902. 2s. 6d. *The Awakening. " Baker. 1903. 2S. 6d. CHAPMAN, JOHN JAY (American) 4 A Sausage from Bologna. Moffat, Yard. 1909. $.75 "st. 8 The Treason and Death of Benedict Arnold. Moffat, Yard. 191 1. $1.00 net. CHURCHILL, WINSTON (American) The Title Mart. Macmillan. 1905. $.75 net. CLIFFORD, MRS. W. K. (English) 4 Pl.ays . ■^Hamilton's Second Marriage J Thomas and the Princess > Kennerley. 1910. $1.50 net. The Modern Way 1 These books may be obtained from THE DR AM ATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. i6 CLIFFORD, MRS. W. K. (English) [Continued] 2 A Long Duel. John Lane. 1902. $1.25 net. *The Likeness of the Night. Macmillan. 1900. $1.25 CORBIN, JOHN (American) *HUSBAND. ) ,, , ,,,-rn- <^ _ „ ^ } Houghton, Mimin. loio. $i.2C net. The forbidden Guests ) 7 »- j CRAM, RALPH ADAMS (American) ExcALiBUR. Badger. 1900. $2.00 net. CRAWFORD, J. R. (American) LovELV Peggy. Yale U. Press. 1911. $1.25. DARGAN, OLIVE TILFORD (American) Semiramis and Other Plays | Carlotta V Brentano. 1904. Si. 00 net. The Poet J Lords and Lovers "| The Shepherd >• Scribner. 1906. ^1.50 net. The Siege I DAVIES, HUBERT HENRY (English) 2 *Cousin Kate (Paper) Baker. 1910. $.50. I *Mrs. Gorringe's Necklace. (Paper) Baker. 1910. S.50. DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING (American) Farces. *The Galloper "| 4 *The Dictator >• Scribner. 1910. ^1.50 net. 5 *Miss Civilization J (" Miss Civilization" also separately. Scribner. S.50.) DRACHM ANN, HOLGER (Norwegian) Renaissance. ( Poet Lore.) 1908. $1.50 net. DU MAURIER, major guy (English) *An Englishman's Home. Harper. 1909. $1.25. ECHEGARAY, JOSE (Spanish) Mariana. Unwin. 1895. 3s. 6d. I, 6 *The Son of Don Juan " " " 4 The Great Galeoto See Nirdlinger, C. F., "The v r u . o ^ \TT ij J ri- -iiT-r .. y [ohn Lane. logc. Sz.oonet. World and His Wife ( -' ■'■' Folly or Saintliness These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 17 EHRMANN, MAX The Wife ok Marobius. Kennerley. 191 1. $1.00 FAGAN, J. B. (English) I *The Earth. Duffield. 1910. ;?i.oonet. FERRIER, F'AUL (French) The Codicil. ( Poet Lore.) July, 1908. $1.50 net. FITCH, CLYDE (American) *Nathan Hale. (Baker. $.5°) Russell. 1899. $1.25. 4 -Barbara Frietchie. (French. $-So) Life Pub. Co. 1900. *Beau Brummel. (French. $.50) John Lane. 1908. $1.50 net- 4 *Captain Jinks OF THE Horse Marines. Doubleday. 1902. 51.25 net. z *The Climbers. (French. $.50) Macmillan. 1906. 5-75 net. 4 *Her Own Way. " " " 1907. " I *The Truth. " " " " " 1 *The Girl with the Green Eyes. (French. $.50) Macmillan. 1905. $.75 net. *The Stubborness of Geraldine. '* " '* 1906. $.75 net. GALDOS, BENITO PEREZ (Spanish) Electra. Dramatic Pub. Co. 191 1. $1.25. GALSWORTHY, JOHN. (English) 2 Justice. Scribner. 1910. $.60 net. *The Silver Box 1 4 Jov > G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1909. ?i-35 net. I, 6 Strife J *Joy (separately printed). Scribner. 191 1. $.60 net. *The Little Dream. " " $.50 net. GIACOSA, GIUSEPPE (Italian) As The Leaves. Dramatic Pub. Co. 191 1. Si-25. GILBERT, SIR WILLIAM S. (English) Origin.al Plavs. Series I. Chatto & Windus. 1894. 2?. 6d. Scribner. $.80 net. The Wicked World. 5 *Pygmalion Sc Galatea. Charity. *The Princess. 4 *The Palace of Truth. 5 *Trial by Jury. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 541 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. i8 GILBERT, SIR WILLIAM S. (English) [continued] Series II Chatto&Windus. 1894. 3s. 6d. Scribner ^.80 net. *Broken Hearts. 4 *Engaged. 5 *SwEET Hearts. Gretchen. *Dan'l Bruce. *ToM Cobb. 5 *H. M. S. Pinafore. *The Sorcerer. 1, 5 *The Pirates of Penzance. Series III " " " •' " *Comedy and Tragedy 5 *Foggerty's Fairy *R0SENCRANTZ AND GuiLDENSTERN 2, 4 *Patience *Princess Ida I, 4 *The Mik.^do *Ruddigore *The Yeoman of the Guard *The Gondoliers *The Mountebanks *Utopia, Limited Eight Original Comic Operas Series I " " " " '< *The Sorcerer *H. M. S. Pinafore *The Pirates of Penzance 4 *IoLANTHE *Patience *Princess Ida *The Mikado 4 *Trial by Jury Series II " " " " <« 4 *The Gondoliers *The Grand Duke *The Yxoman of the Guard *His Excellency *Utopia, Limited These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 19 GILBERT, SIR WILLIAM S. [continued] *Rui)DIGOKE *The Mountebanks ♦Haste to the Wedding GOGOL, NIKOLAS (Russian) 4 *Revizor. Yale University Dramatic Association. 1908. $1.00. The Inspektor General. Simmons. 1905- ^•4°- GOLDONI, CARLO (Italian) 4 *The Fan. Yale University Dramatic Association. 1911. 5i.oo. 4 Comedies. (David Stott. 1892) McClurg. 1901. $1.00. A Curious Mishap. The Beneficent Bear. *The Fan. The Spendthrift Miser. GORKI, MAXIM (Russian) The Smug Citizen. (Poet Lore) Summer Folk. " A Night's Lodging. " The Children of the Sun. " GREGORY, LADY (Irish) (See also pamphlet "The New Irish Drama." ) Seven Short Plays. John W. Luce. 1911. Si -75 net. 7 *Spre.'\ding the News. ■2, 3 *HyAciNTH Halvey. 4 *The Rising of the Moon. 5, 7 *The Jack-Davv. 2, 3 *The Workhouse Ward. *The Traveling M.'vn. 1, 2 *The Gaol Gate. Folk History Plays. Maunsel. Dublin. 1910. 3s. 6d. KiNcoRA ; Dervorgilla ; The Canavans ; The White Cockade. I *The Image. Maunsel. Dublin. 1910. is. 6d. GREGORY, LADY and WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS. (Irish) *The Unicorn from the Stars. Macmillan. 1908. Si. 50 net. HAGEDORN, HERMANN (American) 4 *The Horse Thieves. Harvard Cooperative Society. 1 910. S- 60 net. Five in the Morning. (In "The Troop of the Guard.") Houghton, Mifflin. 1909. Si. 10 net. idger. 1906. Si. 50 net. (( 1905. << c< (( $10. 00 net. (( (( ii These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 541 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 20 HARDY, THOMAS (English) The Dynasts. Parts I and II, III. Macmillan. 1904. $1.50 each. HARTLEBEN, OTTO ERICH (German) *Love's Carnival ( Rosenmontag. ) Heinemann. 1904. 2s. 6d HAUPTMANN, GERHART (German) I *The Weavers. Russell. 1900. $1.00. *LoNELY Lives. " " " And Pippa Dances. (Poet Lore) Badger. 1907. $1.50 net. The Coming of Peace. Dramatic Pub. Co. 1900. $1.25 net. Elga. (Po-.'tLore) Badger. 1906. $10.00 net. I *The Sunken Bell. Doubleday, Page. 1901. $1.00 net. FuHRM.'VNN HEMiCHEL. Dramitic Pub. Co. 1900. $1.25. I *Hanvele. D3ublediy. 1908. $1.00. HEBBEL, FREDERICK (German) Agnes Bernau.^. (Po;tLore) Badger. 1909. $1.50 net. HERVIEU, PAUL (French) I In Ch.^mms (Les Tenailles.) (Poet Lore) Badger. 1909. $1.50 net. HEIJERMANS, H. (Dutch) *The Ghetto. Heinemann. 1910. 2S. 6d. HEYSE, PAUL (German) *Mary OF Magdala. Macmillan 1903. $1.25. HEWLETT, MAURICE H. (English) The Agonists. Scribner. 191 1. $1.50 net. MiNos, King of Crete ; Ariadne in Naxos ; De.'^th of Hippolytus. HOBBES, JOHN OLIVER (MRS. CRAIGIE) (English) I, 2 *The Ambassador. Stokes. 1898. $1.00 net. I *The Wisdom of the Wise. Unwin. 1901. 33. 6d. Osbern AND Ursyne. Lane. 1889. $1.25. HOFFMANSTHAL, HUGO von (German) Electra. Brentano. 1908. $1.25 net. HOOKER, BRIAN (American) *MoNA. Dodd, Mead & Co. 1911. j5l.25net. HOPE, ANTHONY (English) I, 4 *Pilkerton's Peerage. (French, $.50.) 4 ^Fhe Adventure of the Lady Ursula. Russell. 1898. $1.25. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 54.2 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 21 HOVEY, RICHARD (American) 8 Launcelot AND GuENEVERE. 4 vols. Small. 1898-1900. $6.75. (^UEST OF Merlin. $1.2^. Marriage OF GuENEVERE. Si. 50. Birth of Galahad. $1.50. TALIEblN. $1.00. HOWARD, BRONSON (American) 4 Kate. Harper. 1906. $1.15. HYDE, DOUGLAS (Irish) 4 The Marriage. (Poet Lore) Badger. 1909. 51.50 net. 4 *The Twisting OF THE Rope. (Poet Lore) Badger. 1905. $i.5onet. IBSEN, HENRIK (Norwegian) The several editions of this writer's works are so well known that they are not again listed here. JAMES, HENRY (English) Theatricals, ist Series. Harper. 4 Tenants. 4 Disengaged. 2nd Series. Harper. 3 The Album. 4 The Reprob.'vte. 1894. 31.75- 1895. $1.75. JEROME, JEROME K. (English) The Master of Mrs. Chilvers. Unwin. 191 1. 2s. 6d. JOHNSTON, MARY (American) *The Goddess of Reason. Houghton, Mifflin. JONES, HENRY ARTHUR (English) *Saints and Sinners Macmillan. *The Crusaders *JuDA *Michael AND His Lost Angel *The Tempter *The Rogue's Comedy *Carnac Sahib *The Masqueraders (Frencli. S.^O.) *The Triumph of the Philistines 2 *The Casf. OF Rebellious Suf AN. (French. S.50. ) Macmillan. 1899. 2S. 6d. 907. $2.00 net I89I. $.75 net 1893. ii 1894. 2S. 6d. 1896. S.75 net 1898. ( I IS. 6d. 1S99. These books may be obtaiiieil from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING CO.MPANY, 54Z South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 2Z JONES, HENRY ARTHUR (^English) [continued] *The Physician Macmillan. 1899. as. 6d. 4 *The Liars. (French. $.50.) " 1901. " I *Mrs. Dane's Defence. (French. $.50.) Macmillan. 1905. ^.75 n<-t- 4 The Manceuvers OF J.'^NE. " " ** $.75 net. *The Whitewashing OF Julia. Macmillan. 1905. $.75 net. 4 Joseph Entangled. 1906. (French. $.50.) *The Middleman. 1907. " *The Dancing Girl. " " *The Hypocrites. 1908. " JORDAN, ELIZABETH (American) I *The Lady from Oklahom.'^. Harper. 1911. Si-^S net. KENNEDY, CHARLES RANN (English) 3 "The Servant IN THE House. Harper 1908. $1.25. *The Winter Feast. " " " The Piercing Sword. " 191 1. $1.00. Le GALLIENNE, RICHARD Orestes. Kennerley. 1901. $1.00 net. LITCHFIELD, GRACE DENIO 3 The Nun of Kent. G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1911. Si.oo. LODGE, GEORGE CABOT (American) Cain. Houghton, Mifflin. 1904. $1.00 net. LONDON, JACK (American) Theft. Macmillan. Scorn of Women '* MACKAYE, PERCY (American) 7 Fenris the Wolf. Macmillan *Jeanne D'Arc " *Sappho and Phaon " a, 6 *The Scarecrow " 4, 3 *M.'iTER " *Canterbury Pilgrims " A Garland to Sylvia " 4 *Anti-Matrimony Stokes I9I0. gl •iS net. 1906. (( 1. 1905. $1. ,25 net. 1906. 1907. (( 1908. 1909. 1 910. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 23 , Mead. 1902. 51.25 net. a 1903. (( 1910. i( I9II. (1 MACK AYE, MRS. STEELE (American) 4 Pride and Prejudice. Duffield. 1906. $1.25. MAETERLINCK, MAURICE (Belgian) The Intruder. Dodd, Mead. 1894. $1.25 net. *The Blind; The Seven Princesses. 2 The Death of Tintagiles. 6 *Pelleas AND Melisande. Dodd, Mead. 1896. $1.25 net. Alladine and Palomides ; Home. 7 *SlSTER Be.^TRICE. Ariane and Barbe Bleue. Joyzelle. 6 *MoNNA Vanna. 3 *The Blue Bird. ■"Mary Magdalene. Princesse Maleine. Aglavaine .AND Selysette. MARSHALL, CAPT. ROBERT (English) I, 4 *His Excellency THE Governor. ("Baker. S-50-) Heinemann. 1901. 2s. 6d. The Royal Family. 191 i. (French, 5-50.) MASEFIELD, JOHN (English) I *The Tragedy of Nan. Kennerley. 1909. $1.25 net. The C.ampden Wonder; Mrs. Harrison. Pompey the Great. Sidgvvick and Jackson. 191 1. 3s. 6d. MAUGHAM, \V. SOMERSET (English) *A Single Man. Heinemann. 191 1. 2S. 6d. *Jack Straw. «' " " MERINGTON, MARGUERITE (American) 4 *Captain Letterbl-^vir. Bobbs, Merrill. 1906. $1.50. 3, 5 Cranford. Duffield. 1905- ^i-^S- 4 Picture Plays. Duffield. 1911. $1.25. MEYER, ANNIE N. The Dominant Sex. Brandu. 1911. Si. 00 net. MIDDLETON, GEORGE (American) 4 Embers. Holt. 191 i. Si. 35. The Failures; The Gargoyle; In His House; Madonna; The Man Masterful. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, J4i South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 24 MUSSET, ALFRED de (French) Comedies. (Trans, by S. L. Gvvynn,- Camelot Series. W. Scott.) 1890. IS- Barberine, Fantasio ; No Trifling With Love ; A Door Must be Open or Shut.' Barberine AND Other Comedies. Dramatic Pub. Co. 1892. $1.25. NIRDLINGER, CHARLES FREDERICK (American) The World and His Wife. (An adaptation of Jose Echegaray's The Great Ga/eoto.) Kennerley. 1908. Si. 00. NOYES, ALFRED (English) Sherwood. Stokes. 1911. $i.75- OSTROVSKY, ALEXANDER (Russian) The Storm. John W. Luce. 191 1. $1.00 net. PARKER, LOUIS N. (English) *DiSR-'VELi. John Lane. 1911. $1.00. PEABODY, JOSEPHINE PRESTON (Mrs. Lionels. Marks) (American) Marlowe. Houghton, Mifflin. 1901. Si. 10 net. 7 *The Pipek. " 1910. " Fortune and Men's Eyes. Houghton, Mifflin. 1900. $1.25. PHILLIPS, STEPHEN (English) 7 *Paola and Francesca, John Lane. 1900. $1.25 net. 6 *Herod " 1901. " 7 *Ulysses Macmillan. 190Z. " *The Sin OF David " 1904. '' Nero " 1906. " Pietro of Siena '* 1910. ^i-oo net. PHILLIPS, STEPHEN and J. COMYNS CARR. (English) *Faust. Macmillan. 1908. $1.25 net. PINERO, SIR ARTHUR WING (English) *The Times. (Baker. S.50.) Heinemann. 1891. 2s. 6d. *The Profligate " 4 *The Cabinet Minister " *The Hobbie Horse *Ladv Bountiful *The Magistrate *Dandy Dick 1892. a <( i( 1893. These books may be obtained from TKK DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 25 PINERO, SIR ARTHUR WING (English) [continued] 3 *SwEET Lavender '' " 1891. " *The Schoolmistress " " '894. " *The Weaker Sex " <» " '< 4 *The Amazons " " 1895. " 1 *The Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith (Baker. $.50.) Heinennann. 1895. 2S. 6d. 2 *The Benefit of THE Doubt. (Dramatic Pub. Co.) (Baker. $.50.) Heinemann. 1895. 2s. 6d. *The Princess AND THE Butterfly. (French. $.50.) Heinemann. 1897. 2S. 6d. 3 *Trelavvney of THE " Wells." (Dramatic Pub. Co. $.50.) 1899. 2s. 6d. 6 *The Second Mrs. Tanisuer.-w. (Baker. ,$.50.) Heinemann. 1895. 2s. 6d. 1 The Gay Lord ^UEX. (Baker. S.50.) Heinemann. 1900. 2S. 6d. 6, I *Iris. " " 1902. *Lettv. " " 1904- *A Wife Without A Smile " " ^9^S- 2 *His House in Order. " " 1906. I *The Thunderbolt. " " ^9°9- I *MiD Channel. " " 1910. *Preserving Mr. Panmure. " " 191 1. RICE, CALE young (American) 8 Charles di Tocca. McClure. 1903. ^1.25 net. David. " 1904- $3.00 net. A Night in Avignon. " I907- $.50 net. ROSENFELD, SYDNEY (American) *Children of Destiny. Dillingham. 1910. $1.00. ROSTAND, EDMOND (French) 7 La Princesse Lointaine. Stokes. 1899. $.50. 4 *The Romancers (Fantasticks). Doubleday, Page. 1899. ^.50 I, 2, 7*Cyr.'\no de Bergerac. (trans. Gertrude Hall. ) Doubleday, Page. 1898. $.50. *L'AiGLON. (trans. Louis N. Parker.) Harper. 1900. $1.50. I, 6 *Chantecler. (trans. Gertrude Hall.) Duffield. 1910. ^1.25 net. SCHNITZLER, ARTHUR (Austrian) *Anatol. (Short plays about one character. Paraphrased by Granville Barker.) Kennerley. 191 1. $1.00. These books may be obtained from THE DR.-^MATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 54Z South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 26 SCHNITZLER, ARTHUR (Austrian) [continued] TheLady WITH THE Dagger. (Poet Lore.) Badger. 1904. S2.50net. Living Hours. *' " 1906. Sio. 00 net. SCHUTZE, MARTIN (American) Hero and Leander. Holt. 1910. $1.25 net. Judith. " 1908. " SH.4W, G. BERNARD (Irish) Plays, Pleasant AND Unple-^vsant. 2vo1;. Brentano. 1898. S2.50net. *WiDowERs' Houses. *The Philanderer. 6 *Mrs. Warren's Profession. 1 *Arms and the Man. 2 *Candida. 4 *The M.-iN OF Destiny. 4 *You Never Can Tell. Three Plays for Puritans. Brentano. 1900. $1.25 net. I, 4 *The Devil's Disciple. 1 *C^sAR AND Cleopatra. 3, 4 *Captain Brassbound'e Conversion. The Admirable Bashville. Stone & Co. 1901. S. 50 net. 6 *Man and Superman. Brentano. 1905- Si. 2 5 net. *John Bull's Other Island. ^ *Major Barbara > " 1907. Si. 50 net. 4 *How He Lied to Her Husband ) *The Doctor's Dilemma I *Getting Married V Brentano. 191 1 . 5i. 50 net. 2 *The Shewing-Upof Blanco Posnet J SHELDON, EDWARD (American) I, 2 *The Nigger. Macmillan. 1901. Si. 25 net. STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS & WILLIAM ERNEST HENLEY (English) Three Plays. Scribner. 1892. $2.50. Deacon Brodie. 4 Beau Austin. Admiral Guinea. (Separately printed. Heinemann. 1892. 2s. 6d.) 4 *Macaire. Scribner. Si. 00 net. STRINDBERG, AUGUST (Swedish) The Creditor. Brown. 1910. Si. 00 net. Mother Love. " " S .25 " Tkese books may be obtained trom THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 27 STRINDBERG, AUGUST (Swedish) [continued] SwANWHiTE. " '909. Si. 00 " The Stronger. (Poet Lore) 1906. $10.00 net. The Father. J. VV. Luce. 1908. Si. 00 net. Simoom "| Debit and Credit V 1 vol. Badger. 1906. Sio.oo. The Outcast J SUDERMANN, HERMANN (German) 2 *The Joy of Living, (trans. Edith Wharton. ) Scribner. 1902. $1.25 net. *JoHN THE Baptist. John Lane. 1904. $1.50 net. *The Fires of St. John, John W. Luce. 1904. $1.25 net. 4 Roses. Scribner. 1909. $1.25 net. Streaks of Light ; Margot ; The Last Visit; The Far Avvav Princess. Morituri. Scribner. 1910. Si.-5 "^^• Teja 5 Fritzchen ; The Eternal Masculine. I, 6 *Magda. (FrenchS.50.) Lamson, Wolffe. 1896. Si.oonet. SUTHERLAND, HOWARD V. (American) The Woman Who Could. Desmond Fitzgerald. 1911. 31.00 net. SUTRO, ALFRED (English) *The Fascinating Mrs. Vanderfelt. French. $.50. *JoHN Glaydes' Honor. " " I *Mollentrave on Women. " " *The Price of Money. French. S.50. *The Walls of Jericho. " " SYNGE, J. M. (Irish) (See also the pamphlet, " New Irish Drama.") I, 6 *The Playboy of the Western World. John W. Luce. 191 1. $1.00 net. 1 *In THE Shadow of the Glen. [ohn W. Luce. 191 1. $.60 net. I, 2 *Riders to the Sea. *' " " *The Tinker's Wedding. '* " -IS- *Deirdre of the Sorrows. " " " *The Well of the Saints. " " $1.00. TARK.INGTON, BOOTH & HARRY LEON WILSON (American) 2 *The Man from Home. Harper. 1910. $1.25. TASSIN, ALGERNON (American) Rust. Broadway Pub. Co. 1911. Si. 00. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY , 541 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 28 TENNYSON, ALFRED (English) *The Foresters \ *Becket / *QuEEN Mary \ ^'^° ^^ ^°""'* '" '^oT'Plete works. Globe ^^ / edition. Macmillan. 1898) ^1.75. *The Cup, The FalconI *Harold J THOMAS, AUGUSTUS (American) *Arizona. Russell. 1899. ^1.2.5 net. ■*In Mizzoura " 1893. " ♦Alabama. " 1900. " I, 2 *As a Man Thinks. Duffield. 191 1. " TOLSTOI, COUNT LYOF N. (Russian) 3, 4 *The Fruits of Enlightenment. John W. Luce. 191 1. ^i. 00 net. *The Power of Darkness. Dramatic Pub. Co., Chicago. $1.25 net. TORRENCE, RIDGELY (American) 8 Abelard and Heloise. Scribner. 1907. $1.25 net. Eldorado. John Lane. 1903. ^1.25 net. VAN DYKE, HENRY (American) 8 The House of Rimmon. Scribner. 1908. ^i. 00 net. VERH^REN, EMILE The Dawn. (Sergei) Dramatic Pub. Co. 1898. ^1.25 net. WARD, MRS. E. S. P. (American) Within the Gates. Houghton. 1901. $1.25. WEDEKIND, FRANK (German) The Awakening of Spring. Brown Bros. 1909- ^i-^S net. WENDELL, BARRETT (American) 8 Raleigh in Guiana. Scribner. 1902. ^1.50 net. Rosamond ; A Christm.'is Masque. WIEGAND, J. & WILHELM SCHARRELMANN (German) The Wages OF War. (Poet Lore.) Badger. 1908. ^i.5onet. WILDE, OSCAR (English) *Salome. Jol^" W. Luce. 1906. ;^i.oo net. A Florentine Tragedy. " 1908. ^1.25 " The Plavs of Oscar Wilde. 4 vols. John W. Luce. 1906. $4.50 net. (Sold separately, each $i.i^ net.) 1 Vol. I *Lady Windermere's Fan. 2 *A Woman of No Importance. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. 29 WILDE, OSCAR (English) [continued] 4 Vol. II *An Ideal Husband. I, 3 *The Importance of Being Earnest. Vol. Ill *S.AL0ME. The Duchess of Padua. ♦Vera, or The Nihilists. Vol. IV A Florentine Tragedy. WILEY, SARA KING (American) 8 The Coming of Philibert. Macmillan. 1907. $1.25 net Alcestis. Macmillan. 1905. $-7S "'^l^- WILKINSON, FLORENCE (American) 8 Two Plays of Israel. McClure. 1904. $1.50 net. David of Bethlehem ; Mary Magdalen. WILSTACH, PAUL *Thais. Bobbs, Merrill. 1911. $1.00. WOOD, MARGARET LOUISE (American) Princess of Hanover. Holt. 1903. $1.50 net. YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER (Irish) (See also the pamphlet, " New Irish Drama." ) Plays. (Vol. II of Poetical Works.) Macmillan. 1911. $i.75net. *The Countess Cathleen ; *The Land of Heart's Desire ; The Shadowy Waters ; On Baile's Strand; The King's Threshold ; *Deirdre. Plays for an Irish Theatre. *Vol. I Where There is Nothing. Macmillan. 1903. $1.75 net. »Vol. II The Hour Glass. " 1904. $1.25 net. *Cathleen ni Houlihan ; *A Pot of Broth. The Unicorn from the Stars. Macmillan. 1908. $1.50 net. ♦Kathleen Ni Houlihan ; *The Hour Glass. The Green Helmet. Kennerley. 1911. $3.50 net. Red Hanrahan. " " " ZAMACOIS, MIGUEL *The Jesters. Brentano. 1907. $1.00. ZANGWELL, ISRAEL (English) *The Melting Pot. Macmillan. 1910. 3' .25 net. These books may be obtained from THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. THE DRAMATIC INDEX {ANNUAL) Edited by Frederick W. Faxon. ^3. 50 net, in cloth. Special rate to members of Drama League, $2.80, delivered free on receipt of price. This discount ap- plies to vol. 3, 191 1 ; also to vol. 4, 191 2, which will be published in February, 191 3. (Continued quarterly in the Bulletin of Bibliography. $1.00 a year. 30c. a number. Specimen copies sent free on request. 1909, 1910, 191 I Now Ready Long desired, noiu available. An index to dramatic articles and illustrations in the periodical press ot America and England. It covers Texts, Synopses, Criticisms, and Re- views of plays produced, with cross references from the playwright. An index to Portraits, and to articles by or about players. Books of the year are included. MODERN DRAMA AND OPERA Reading lists, annotated, on thirteen authors. $1.00 net, in cloth. This covers : — D'Annunzio, Hauptmann, Ibsen, Jones, Maeter- linck, Phillips, Pinero, Rostand, Shaw, Sudermann, Debussy, Puccini, R. Strauss. (Vol. 2, to include about fifteen others, in preparation.) POET LORE Back numbers. PLAYS PUBLISHED IN POET LORE. In cloth bindings. We have a large stock of back numbers of Poet Lore. Prices ac- cording to scarcity. Send list of plays from Poet Lore and we will quote. D'Annunzio, Dream of a Spring Morning, $3.00; Dithyramb (poem), $3.00. Maeterlinck, Aglavaine and Selysette, ^2.00 ; Monna Vanna, 75c. Schnitz- ler, Lady with the Dagger, 75c. Sudermann, The Three Herons' Feathers, S2.00 ; St. John's Fires, 75c. THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY Francis St., Fenway, Boston. nr^HE largest stock of books of interest to members of the Drama League is to be ioiind in our store. We make a point of carry- ing all the latest published plays, A, C. McClurg &^ Co, 218-224 S. Wabash Abe. CHIC A GO A ^ARTERLY REVIEW OF DRAMATI C LIT ERATURE . . . EDITOR . . . CHARLES HUBBARD SERGEL ADVISORY AND CONTRIBUTING EDITORS BRANDER MATTHEWS GEORGE P. BAKER Columbia University Harvard University THOMAS H. DICKINSON RICHARD BURTON University of Wisconsin University of Minnesota ROBERT HERRICK STARK YOUNG University of Chicago University of Texas BENEDICT PAPOT Chautauqua Institution THE DRAMA is alone in its field. It presents •'—=—'•'— —^—^ a plea for the drama as literature. Each number contains a complete play, carefully chosen from ancient and modern classics, and a number of articles upon the significant features of current drama, contributed by prominent scholars and critics at home and abroad. To the lover and student of dramatic literature THE DRAMA renders a unique and indis- pensable service. Two ot America's foremost playwrights write to the editor, as follows: "I am astonished at the dignity, the excellence and the thoroughness. . . I wish you every success in the venture, and I am sure that such success will come to you if the high standard of the publication is maintained," Augustus Thomas "You are doing a very vital, commendable and important thing in publishing 'The Drama.'" Percy Mackaye Send SeOenty-fiOe Cents for a sample copy or Three Dollars for a Year's Subscription Published by THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING CO. 542 South Dearborn Street CHICAGO THE TUFTS COLLEGE PRE! ,Rrr,lONALUBRARy.FAClL!j:(, 7a 000 484148 2