^m|s\paw^pj^^ .'^*Af^ ^^ ; B K E L E Y 5RARY vERsiyjf' OF ^be IRoU of tbc Jfrccntcii OF THE Cit^ of Canterbury From A.D. 1392 to 1800. By JOSEPH MEADOWS COWPER, F.S.A. Honorary Librarian to tlie Cori^oration. THE GLORY OF CHILDREN ARE THEIR FATHERS — Prov. Xvii., 6. Only Fi/ty-six Copies Privately Printed. CantcrbiuT : Printed by Cross & Jackiian. 1903. in AN STACK Note. — From the lists of names in this Volume I have generally omitted the words " of Canterbury" or "of this City"; but where a place outside Canterbury occurs in the original documents it is always gi\en. The reader will therefore bear in mind that, where no place is given, Canterbury is to be understood, except in the few cases where neither city nor place appears in the original Roll. Books relating to Cantkrkury, by J. I\I. Cowper Forewords ., Freemen by Birth Freemen by Marriage . . Freemen by Apprenticeship Freemen by Redemption Freemen by Gift Addenda Index vu. I 97 167 245 313 3Z7 329 15B Only FiJ. Catitcrbiu'v : Printed by Cross & Jackman. 1903. in AN STACK CONTENTS. List of Subscribers Abbreviations Books relating to Canthrhury, jiy J. M. Coavper Forewords . . Freemen by Birth Freemen by Marriage . . FREEiiEX BY Apprenticeship Freemen by Redemption Freemen by Gift Addenda Index 97 ib-j 313 3^7 329 1 5^» LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Aldunham, The Rt. Hon. Lord. Ahliiiham House, Ehlrec. Amherst of Hackney, The Rt. Hon. Lord. Didlitigion Hall, Biandon, Norfolk. Bennett-Goldney, F., Esq., F.S.A. Abbot's Baiion, Canterbury. British Museum, The. London. Brown, James Roberts, Esqr. 44 Trcguntcr Road, S. Kensington, S.W. Browning, A. Giraud, Esqr., F.S.A. ib Victoria Street. S.W. Canterbury Museum, The. Canterbury. Cowper, B. Harris, Esqr. 2^0 Evering Road, N.E. Cowper, Wilh'am, ALA. Kingston, Jamaica. Dawes, Sir Edwyn Sandys, K.C.;\LG. Mount Pleasant, Faversham. Duncan, Leland Lewis, RLV.O.. F.S.A. Rosslair, Lingard's Road, Lnvisham. Griflin, Herbert John, Esqr. no Cannon Street, E.C. Guildhall Library, The. London, per C. Welch, Esqr., F.S.A. Heaton, J. Henniker, Esqr., M.P. London. Hope, W. H. St. John, Esqr., ALA. Burlington House, W. Hovenden, Robert, Esqr., F.S.A. Heathcote, Park Hill Road, Croydon. Hussey, Arthur, Esqr. Tankcrton, Whitstable. ALirsham-Townshend, The Hon. Robert, F.S.A., F.G.S. Frognal, Fools Ciay, Kent. Mercer, Wm. John, Esqr. 12 Marine Terrace, Margate. Mowll, A. K., Esqr. 68 Castle Street, Canterbury. Mowll, Worsfold, Esqr. Whitfield, Dover, Kent. New England Historic Genealogical Society. 18 Somerset Street, Boston, Mass., U.S A . New York Historical Societ}-. Per Messrs. B. F. Stevens &■ Broivn, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C. New York Public Library. Per Ditto. Penn.sylvania Historical Society. Philadelphia. Per Ditto. Quisenbcrry, Anderson Chenault, Esqr. War Department, Inspector GencraPs Office, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Smith, Charles, Esqr. Warren House, Faversham. Stevens & Brown, Messrs. B. F. 4 'Trafalgar Square, W.C. Syracuse Public Library. Syracuse, N. 1'., U.S.A. Wcllby, Ahijor E. V. / Sussex Place, Regent's Park, A'. W. ABBREVIATIONS App. = Apprenticed. Cant. = Canterbury. d. = daughter, s. = son. = = married. Moihs IRelatino to Canterbuv\> BY J. IM. COWPER. 1. Our Parish Books and Wliat They Tell Us. 2 Vols. Cross & Jackman, Canterbury, 1884-5. 2. Accounts of the Churchwardens of St. Dunstan's. 1484-1580. Reprinted from Arch.t.ologia Cantiana. 1886. 3. Si.x Canterbury Parish Registers. 6 vols. 1887-1893. Privately printed. 4. Memorial Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard of Holy Cross. 1888. Privately printed. 5. Canterbury Marriage Licences. 1568-1700. 4 vols. Privately printed. 6. Memorial Inscriptions of Canterbury Cathedral. 1897. Privately printed. 7. Lives of the Deans of Canterbury. Cross & Jackman. igoo. 8. Diary of Thomas Cocks, Auditor to the Dean and Chapter. 1 607-1 610. Privately printed. 1901. 9. Roll of the Freemen of Canterbury. 1392-1800. Privately printed. 1903. FOREWORDS. These Admissions of Freemen are found in the Chamberlains' Accounts of the City, and are entered there because most of the admissions involved a payment for which it was necessary the Chamberlain should render an account. These accounts are fairly perfect, but those from 1453 to 1457 and for the year 1552-3 are missing, while those for 1392 are incomplete. The financial year ran from Lady Day to Lady Day, until the style was altered, and from that time the year began on January ist and ended on December 31st. I have endeavoured to give all dates according to the modern style. Thus, an admission dated February-, 1669, I have given as 1670. In the earlier years the admissions are written in Latin, but while I have been careful to give the surname of each Freeman as it stands in the original, the Christian name has been modernised, and Joh'es appears in my transcript as John, and so on of the rest. In the occupations I have also frequently given the English equivalent and in modern form, as I could see no advantage in giving taillour when tailor was meant, or in writing barber under the form of harbour. My object has been to make the book useful to the genealogist, and to present the list in a more readable form. At first the entries are grouped under their different classes : Freemen by birth. Freemen by marriage, and so on ; but this soon gave way to mixed entries, where they follow one another irrespective of the class to which they belong. In August, 1753, the Town Clerk suddenly found that he could abbreviate his entries very much, and so he made his record, omitting all details, and simply giving the name, occupation and date, winding up with "by birth," "by marriage," "by purchase," &:c. Consequently we lose the names of fathers and wives, and the masters to whom apprentices had been bound. via. FOREWORDS. Specimens of the admission forms ot the loth century are given below. Itm the last day of January in the yere a boueseid [33. H. 8.] of Cant'bury Tailloiir was admyttcd & sworne to tlic Hb'ties &c nf the said Citic for the whiche the same payd nothyng bycause he was the sonne of plom' freman of llie seid Citie by fore the birthe of the seid Itm the vj''' day of July in the yere last aboueseid [34. H. 8.] of Caunt'bury m'cer was admytted & sworne to the Hb'ties &:c of the seid Citie for the which he payd but xjd ob because he hath maryed Agnes the Doughter of freman of the seid Citie byfore the birth of the same Agnes. Itm the same xx"' of December in the yere a foreseid [12. H. 8.] of Cant'bury Grocer was admytted & sworne to the lib'ties &c of the seid Citie for the which he paied but iiijs. jd. bycause he was app'ntice w-' M Will'm Rutlond and enrolled in the Chamber in the tyme of the same Will'm Rutlond Chamb'leyn &c accordyng to the custume &c. Md that the xj''' day of October in the xxxiij* yere of the reigne of our sou'eigne lord Kyng henry the viij''' of Caunt'bury Coryo'' was admytted & sworne to the lib'ties & of the Citie of Cant'bury for the whiche he paid xiijs iiijd wherof the seid Chamb'leyn yeldyth accompt's. Itm the xiiij''' day of September in the seid xxxiiij''^ yere of our sou'eigne lord the Kyng a bouewreten [H. 8.] of Caunt'bury Clothmaker was admytted and sworne to the lib'ties of the seid Citie for the which he payd nothyng but gevyn hym for certen kyndnesses & benyvolence by hym shewed toward the Comen Welthe of the seid Citie. Itm the viij"i day of July in the xxxj'^ a boueseid [1539] John Courthop of Westgatstrete next Caunterbury Gent was admytted & sworne to the lib'ties of the seid Citie for the which he paied but viijs vjd for the rest was gevyn hym by the Bourmott. All Freemen on their admission had to take an oath, a copy of which I have found on a loose leaf bearing date 1426. The oath runs as follows : — ye schal swere that ye schal be guod and trewe to our lord the Kyng Herry, Kynge of Ingelond. and to his herys Kynges. And yc schal be obey.saunt to the baylefs [mayre] tht gouerneth the c^te. And the ffranchyses customes and Vsages of the cite made and to be made mayntene & susteyne. to yowr power. And the same cite as moche as in yow ys. (from) grevance & damage schal kepe. Also ye schal be partener of all charges tochand [touchyng] the cite as in somonses contribuc'ones wacchys tallagys and oth' charge as oth'e fremcn of the cyte ye schal enplete no freman. of the cite with owte the cite yf ye mowe haue rygt [right] afore FOREWORDS. XI. the baylyf [mayre] of the cite. And yf ye knowe eny congregc'on, assemble or affynite ymad ageins the pees ye schal warne the baylyf [mayre] th' beth [ys] forthetyme. Also ye schal take non App'ntys but yf he be freman born. Alle the pr'm'eys aforesayd ye schal kepe wel & trewly so helpe yow god and alle hys seyntys [the holy doom] and vpon payne of lesyng of yowre liberte. And that money that thow hast to paye for thy vretham thow shalte trewly pay to the s'iaunt of this chambyr p' s'ca eu'ngelia at such daye as the chambr and ye be acord In 1448 the Bailiffs, as the Chief Magistrates were called, gave place to the Mayor, and thus it became necessary to substitute Mayor for Bailiffs in the oath. This was done by drawing a pen through Bailiffs and writing Mayor above. In my copy of the oath I have placed these and other substituted words within brackets. I also give the form of oath as administered in the year 1902, from which it will be seen how little the modern form varies from the older one : — You shall Swear that you will be true and faitliful to our Sovereign Lord King Edward VII. by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Defender of the Faith, His Heirs and Successors ; Also you shall be obedient to the Mayor of this City for the time being ; and the Franchises, Usages, and Customs of the said City made and to be made maintain and sustain to your Power. Also you shall be partner of all things touching the said City as in Summonses, Contributions, Watches, Tallages, and all other charges, as other Freemen of the said City are ; and if you shall know of any Congregation, Affinity or Assembly made against the King's Majesty's Peace, you shall give timely notice thereof to the Mayor of the City for the time being. All these points aforesaid you shall well and truly keep. So help you God ; and upon Pain of losing your Liberties. The sons of Freemen were admitted at all times without any payment ; those who married the daughter of a Freeman usually paid ii?,d. ; and those who had served an apprenticeship paid 4s. id. In 167 1 these two last payments were raised to 7s. 6d. each, but in 1676 they were reduced to their former level. The fine payable by those who pur- chased their freedom varied considerably. Thus, in the fifteenth century, such sums as 6s. 8d., 8s., 13s. and 13s. 4d. were paid; in 1671 the sum rose in one case to over twenty-five pounds. In the eighteenth century the fine varied froin ten to twenty pounds. The difference between the amounts paid in earlier times may possibly have arisen in this way : — while a man could purchase his freedom by the payment of a lump sum down, there were numbers of men (and some women) whose means were X. FOREWOKDS. not sufficient to pay the required amount in one sum. These came and dwelt in the City under the title of Litrantcs and made a small payment yearly for the privilege of living and trading within the citj^ liberties. After a time some of these Intrantes appear in the lists with " lib " after their names, and thus were finally admitted to full freedom. I give this merely as a suggestion, hoping that at a future time those lists of Intrantes from 1393 to 1592 may be printed. There is a good deal in this book that is unsatisfactory^. !Men appear and claim their freedom as being the sons of Freemen whose names should appear earlier. Thus John Rumfeild claims, and gains, his freedom as the son of John Rumfeild, but John Rumfeild the father does not appear as a Freeman. So also William Rumfield claims as the son of Jeremy Rumfield, but we have no Jerem}^ Rumfield of an earlier date. Again John Burges marries Alice, daughter of Laurence Soper, presumably a Freeman, but we have no Laurence .Soper. Again, it is generally assumed that an apprentice claiming his freedom must have served with a Freeman, but James Milward, who claimed as having been apprenticed to John Wilward, claims as having served under a master who is not in this list of Freemen. vSome of these may have been due to carelessness on the part of the Town Clerk, while others may be due to the assurance of the parties who asserted that such and such a man was free when he was not free. Occasionally we find that when a man was admitted the name and age of his youngest child is given. This was to prevent such child claiming his freedom when he came of age as the son of a father who was free, the one qualification being that the child should have been born after his father became free. This rule also applied to daughters. The Honorary Freedom was often conferred for peculiar reasons. Thus, Valentine Austen received his freedom because his father had been a loyal subject to King Charles ; William Blunden, because his father was Mayor ; Stephen Browne because he cured the leg of Nicholas Johnson ; Samuel Charlecome on his undertaking " to serve as cook at every Mayor's IMichaelmas feast"; another because he had taken a poor orphan as an apprentice ; another because he had married a widow with many children ; one because he agreed to have a selected soldier's coat made at his own expense; another on condition "that he is to paint yearly during his life the new IMayor's postes of his doore at 5s. the paire." The teaching of poor children, the repair of the calivers, certain pleasures done for jMr. Mayor and the City, the gift of a large picture FOREWORDS. xi. of the King's Arms, being careful and industrious in looking after the Conduit and the Trouts in the same, teaching the art of weaving, declining to take a fee, or Parliament wages, the gift of copies of the City Charters, and the gift of a buck and wine to the value of 6s. 8d., and for many other reasons. Freedom was bestowed as a gift. The ]\Iayor, too, had the right of nominating one honorary Freeman, but this right was surrendered in 1673, the INIayor receiving in lieu of a free nomination the sum of six pounds. It was generally the custom to add a proviso to these free admissions, and that proviso was that the freedom should not descend to sons or daughters. Besides the Freemen and Intrantes above referred to, in later years certain persons were "tolerated." By which I understand they were allowed to trade for a limited time. Thus in 1577-8 John Cole, butcher, paid 3s. 4d. for occupying till Shrovetide; and in 1787 we have the entry "Received for the toleration of Hannah Couchman, spinster, ;£io." In the eighteenth century politics seem to have played a prom- inent part in Canterbury. The Freedom was frequently bestowed upon the Members of Parliament, which calls for no remark ; but the way in which men were brought from different parts of the country to claim or receive their freedom, especially when an election was pending, almost surpasses belief. The clerical element in these admissions is conspicuous by its ab- sence. We have no Archbishop of Canterbury, nor have we a Dean of Canterbury ; but we have Nicholas Sympson, who claimed his freedom as the son of John Sympson, shearman, and this Nicholas afterwards became a Prebendary of Christ Church. Of well-known names we have but few : two Earls of Winchilsea, James Hales, Baron of the Exchequer, William Pitt, William Somner and Admiral Sir George Rooke. Hasted (xii. 661.) and Bunce (MS. Notes) inform us that H.R.H. George, Prince of Wales, was admitted to the P'reedom of the City in 1798, as a mark of the great respect and veneration entertained for his Royal Highness by the Mayor and Corporation. The order for the admission of H.R.H. was, says Hasted, presented in a gold box, while Bunce asserts that it was "inclosed in a silver gilt box, in the order described as a gold box." But the Prince never took the oath required of a Freeman, and his name does not appear in my list as I have not found it. There were a few Caxtons living in Canterbury in the 15th century. William Caxton, mercer, purchased his freedom in 1431 ; John Xll. FOREWORDS. Caxton, also a mercer, obtained his freedom by marriage in 148 1. Of these John Caxton died in 1485, and was buried in the church of St. Alphage in this city. In his will he mentions a brother named Thomas, a monk. In mj- Introduction to the Registers of St. Alphage I have said this John Caxton was a brother of William Caxton the printer, but I cannot now say on whose authority I made this statement. William Caxton, of Canterbury, mercer, bears a curious resemblance to Williani Caxton, the printer of later years, but I must leave those who are better acquainted with the subject than I am to decide. I have only to add that I have taken Hasted as my authority for the dates given with the names of the various Members of Parlia- ment on whom the Freedom of Canterbury was bestowed. J. M. COWPER. St. Mildred's, Canterbury, Janua?-)' 15/, 1Q03. PART I. jfieeinen b^ Birtb. Abbot, Leonard, cooper, s. of Thomas Abbot, late Serjeant of the Chamber of this city. 1686. Abbott, Thomas, of Chatham, mariner, s. of Leonard Abbott, of Cant., cooper. 1713. Abbott, Charles, of Sellinge, blacksmith, s. of Thomas Abbott, of Cant., victualler. 1747. Abbott, Thomas, of Chislet, carpenter. •754- A Courte, Thomas, taller, s. of Thomas A Corte. 1506. Adams, John, of Deal, butcher, s. of John Adams, of Cant., butcher. 1708. Adams, William, leatherseller, s. of Wil- liam Adams, joiner. 1750. Adams, Henry, of London, gent. 1760. Adams, William, the younger, corduainer. 1767^ Adams, Charles, of Tunbridge, surgeon. 176.. Adams, William, the younger, gent. 1773. Adams, Thomas, silkweaver. 1780. Adis, George, s. of Stephen Adis, brick- layer. 1655. Adice, George, husbandman, s. of George Adice, bricklayer. 1693. Adman, John James, cordwainer, s. of Solomon Adman, cordwainer. 1733. Admans, James, labourer. 1760. Admans, Solomon, cordwainer. 1760. Admans, James, basketmaker. 1789. Agar, Thomas, labourer. 1754. Agar, Edward, vintner. 1755. Agar, Benjamin, of Nackington, labourer. 1768. Alcock (.Mcok), John, goldsmith, s. of John Alcok, goldsmith. 1522. Alcocke, William, gent., s. of Robert Alcocke, Esquire, isgg. Alcoke, Thomas, gent.,s. of Robert Alcoke, Esquire. 1601. Alcocke, Thomas, the younger, gent., s. of Robert Alcocke, gent. 1614. Aldridge, Stephen, hop-planter, s. of Ralph Aldridge, tailor. 1708. Aldridge, John, of London, silkweaver, s. of Joseph Aldridge, of Cant., silkweaver. 17 14. Aldridge, Thomas, of London, silkweaver, s. of Joseph Aldridge, of Cant., silkweaver. 17 14. Aldridge, Thomas, of Longport, husband- man, s. of Thomas Aldridge. of Cant., cooper. 1722. Aldridge, John, of London, perukemaker, 1761. Aldridge, Richard, of Holy Cross, Cant., coUarmaker. 1761. Aldridge, Thomas, of London, watch- maker. 1 76 1. Alfrey, John, tailor, s. of RLirtin Alfrey, tailor. 1669. Aleyn, Robert, chandler, s. of a freeman. '477- Allen (Allyn), Richard, shoemaker, s. of William Allyn, clothworker. 1570. Allen, William, butcher, s. of William Allen, butcher. 1654. Allen, William, silkweaver, s. of William Allen. 1693. Allen, William, butcher, s. of William Allen, butcher. 1699. FREEMEN Anderson, James, of the Royal Artillery. 1799. Andrews, John, barber, s. of Thomas Andrews, barber. 1676. Andrews, Henry, labourer. 1789. Ansell, Thomas, millener, s. of William Ansell, grocer. 1638. Aplegate, Laurence, tailor, s. of Thomas Aplegate, tailor. 1562. Archley, Robert, cordwainer, s. of John Archley. '647. Archley, Thomas, butcher, s. of John Archley. 1654. Arden, John, the younger, silkweaver. 1754- Arnold, Stephen, husbandman, s. of Tho- mas Arnold, baker. 1741. Arnold, Henry, gent. 1774. Asshenden, Michael, pointmaker, s. of Richard Asshenden. 1572- Asshenden, Leonard, saddler, s. of Rich- ard Asshenden. 1573. Asshendon, George, s. of Richard Assh- enden, fletcher. 1578. Ashenden, John, saddler, s. of Leonard Ashenden, saddler. 1602. Ashenden, John, yeoman, s. of George Ashenden, weaver. 1611. Ashenden, Richard, sailor, s. of Leonard Ashenden, saddler. 161 2. Ashenden, George, saddler, s. of Leonard Ashenden. 161 3. Asshenden, Jacob, saddler, s. of Leonard Asshenden. 161 8. Ashenden, Leonard, saddler, s. of John Ashenden, saddler. 1631. Ashenden, Christopher, millener, s. of John Ashenden, saddler. 1637. Ashenden. William, cordwainer, s. of John Ashenden, saddler. 1637- Atkinson, William, pavior, s. of John Atkinson. 1614. Atkinson, Richard, tailor, s. of Richard Atkinson, tailor. 1741. Atwell, Thomas, yeoman, s. of William Atwell. 1550. Atwell, lohn. linnenweaver, s. of John Atwell, linnenweaver. 1719. Atwell, Edward, bricklayer, s. of John Atwell, linnenweaver. 1741. Atwell, John, carpenter, s. of John Atwell, linnenweaver. 1747- Atte Wode, Thomas, fuller, s. of William Atte Wode. 1449. A Wode, William, gent., s. of Thomas Atwode, armiger. 1489. Atwode, Thomas, s. of Thomas Atwode, armiger. 1490. Atwood, William, of Heme, baker, s. of William Atwood, of Cant., bricklayer. '733- Attwood, Augustine, of St. Dunstan's m Kent, baker. 1767. Austen, Robert, s. of Thomas Austen, brewer. 1599. Austen, Richard, baker, s. of Richard Austen, baker. 1716. Austin, Robert, baker, s. of Richard Aus- tin, baker. 1727. Austin, David, labourer, s. of David Austin, labourer. 1741. Austen, William, of Wye, carpenter. 1761. Austin, David, the younger, cordwainer. 1767. Austrey, Daniel, of Holy Cross, Cant., gardener, s. of Daniel Austrey, grocer. 1705- Awcher, Edward, grocer, s. of Richard Awcher 1614. Awger, Francis, shoemaker, s. of John Awger. 1572. Back, Ambrose Gibbs, of Dover, scrive- ner. 1784 Back, Samuel, of St. Dunstan, Kent, tailor. 1795. Badcock, William, carpenter. 1754. Badcock, William, the younger, carpen- ter. 1778. Badcock, lohn, of Ramsgate, smith. 1789. Badcock, Thomas, gardener. 1789. Badcock, Thomas, of London, barber. 1790. Badcock, Peter, bricklayer. 1792. Bailey (IBayly), Michael, labourer, s. of Stephen Bayly, baker. 1733. Bailey, George, of London, smith. 1795. Bailey, Thomas, carpenter. 1795. Bailey. William, bricklayer. 1797. Bailey, John, carpenter. 1800. Baker, John, sfc Ham, John. 1494. Baker, George, cooper, s. of George Baker, cooper. 1741. Baker, William, cordwainer, s of Henry Baker, victualler. 1751. Baker, John Luck, of London, carver. '777- Barbour, John, capell's, s. of Stephen Barbor. 1400. Barbour, John, s. of Nicholas Barbour. I++7- Barber, Thomas, of Thanington, labour- er. 1789. Barham, Giles, tailor, s. of William Bar- ham, an ancient freeman of this city. 1614. OF CANTERBURY. 6 Barham, John, barber, s. of Giles Barham, tailor. 1645. Barham, Thomas, tailor, s. of Thomas Barham, victualler. 1673- Barham, John, barber-surgeon, s. of Thomas Barham, tailor. 1679. Barham, Thomas, joiner, s. of Giles Barham, joiner. i6qo. Barham, Thomas, of Cheshunt, Herts., Doctor in Physic, s. of John Barham, of Cant., barber. 1726. Barham, John, hop-planter, s. of John Barham, barber. 1727. Barham, Richard, gent., s. of John Bar- ham, barber. ^T^l- Barham, Richard Harris, gent. 1769. Barham, James, the younger, tailor. 1773. Barham, Charles, tailor. 1789. Barles, Alexander, joiner, s. of Alexander Barles, joiner. 1704. Barr, Anthony, victualler, s. of John Barr, butcher. 1733. Barret (Baret), Robert, s. of Stephen Baret. 1496. Baret, John, s. of Stephen Baret. 1496. Baret, Stephen, junior, s. of Stephen Baret. 1496. Baret, Thomas, s. of Stephen Baret. 1496. Barret, John, smith, s. of Edward Barret. smith. 1649. Barrett, Thomas, clockmaker, s. of Ed- ward Barrett, smith. 1656. Barret, Edward, gunsmith, s. of Edward Barret, gunsmith. 1664. Barrett, John, clocksmith, s. of Thomas Barrett, clocksiiiith. 1705. Barrett, William, tailor, s. of Thomas Bare fsicj, victualler. 1722. Barrett, Thoma'i, clocksmith, s. of Thomas Barrett, clocksmith. 1726. Barrett, Edward, linnenweaver, s. of Thomas Barrett, victualler. 1727. Barret, George, tailor, s. of Thomas Barret, victualler. 1727. Barret, Thomas, of London, victualler, s. of Thomas Barret, of Cant., victual- ler. 1727. Barret, Edward, tailor, s. of John Barret, clocksmith. 1733- Barrett, John, of Godmersham, tailor, s. of John Barret, of Cant., clocksmith. 173+- Barrett, William, of Bishopsbourne, geni., s. of Paul Barrett, of Cant., apothecary. 1747. Barret, lohn, of Margate, tailor. 1761. Barton, John, cooper, s. of John Barton, cooper. 1664. Barton, John, cooper, s. of John Barton, cooper. 1700. Barton, John, cordwainer, s. of John Barton, cordwainer. 1725. Barton, Thomas, of Northfleet, smith. 1796. Barwick, John, the younger, gent. 1790. Barwick, William, grocer, 1795. Baskerville, William, of London, men's mercer. 1780. Basset, Thomas, of London, gent., s. of Thomas Basset, of Cant., baker. 1715. Bates, John, of London, gent. 1790. Baulden, Christopher, vintner, s. of Christopher Baulden. 1632. Bawdwyn, John, yeoman, s. of Giles Bawdwyn. 1619. Beacham (Becham), Thomas, smith, s. of Thomas Becham. 1550. Beecham, Joseph, heelmaker, s. of Tho- mas Beecham. 1690. Beacham, Edward, blacksmith, s. of Joseph Beacham, heelmaker. 1722. Beecham, Valentine, of St. Mary Cray, leatherseller, s. of Benjamin Bee- cham of Cant., pattenmaker. 1733. Beale (Bele), John, s. of Hamon Bele. 1469. Beale, Hugh, clothworker, s. of Nicholas Beale, clothworker. 1580. Beane, William, linnendraper, s. of Thomas Beane, linnendraper. 1619. Beane, Thomas, linnendraper, s. of Will- iam Beane, linnendraper. 1661. Beane, Samuel, gent., s. of William Beane, Alderman. 1681. Bean, Thomas, linnendraper, s. of Tho- mas Bean, linnendraper. 1690. Beane, Thomas, millener, s. of John Beane, Esqr., now Mayor. 1692. Beane, William, linnendraper, s. of Tho- mas Beane, linnendraper. 1694. Beane, Samuel, gent., s. of John Beane, gent. 1702. Beane, Henry, gent., s. of Thomas Beane, linnendraper. 1708. Bean, John, gent., s. of Thomas Bean, millener. 1741. Beane, Thomas, butcher, s. of William Beane, tailor. 1752. Bean, William, tailor. 1753. Bean, Henry, tailor. 176;. Bean, John,' junior, of Chatham, tinplate worker. 1761. Bean, John, woolcomber. 1761. Bear, Joseph, of Chislet, husbandman, s. of Thomas Bear, of Cant., joiner. 1727. FREEMEN 8 Bear, William, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Bear, joiner. 1727- Bear, John, of Margate, glazier, s. of Thomas Bear, of Cant., joiner. 1734. Beard, Richard, the younger, of London, cordwainer. 17Q6. Beard, John, tailor. 1800. Beaumont, Matthew, junior, of Sandwich, mariner. 1760. ■ Bedel, John, smith, s. of Richard Bedel, cutler. J 402. Bedford, Thomas, painter. 1758. Bedford, William, barber. 1773. Bedford, Richard Hughes, cordwainer. ■774- Beerton, John, draper, s. of John Beer- ton, tailor. 1477. Bell, John, of Tunford, in Kent, labourer, s. of William Bell, of Cant., cord- wainer. 1747. Belsey, William, shearman, s. of Thomas Belsey, smith. 1584. Belsey, Samuel, silkweaver. 1757. Bennett (Beneyt), William, s. of Robert Beneyt, 1406. Benett, James, fuller, s. of William Benett, pattenmaker. '492. Benet, John, glover, s. of William Benet, pattenmaker. 1498. Bennett, Israel, currier, s. of Obedience Bennett, cordwainer. 1733. Bennett, George, cordwainer, s. of Obe- dience Bennett, cordwainer. 1741. Bennett, William, cordwainer, s. of Obedience Bennett, cordwainer. 1 74 1 . Bennett, Thomas, tailor. 1763. Bennett, William, tailor. 1767. Bennett, William, leathercutter. 1774- Bennett, William Thomas, leathercutter. 1799. Bentley, Robert, labourer. 1768. Berry, Mark, maltman, s. of William Berr)', Alderman. 1583. Berry, Edward, woollendraper, s. of Mark Berry, Alderman. 161 8. Berry, John, vintner, s. of Thomas Berry, glover. 1640. Berry, Edward, silkweaver, s. of John Berry, innholder. 1680. Berry, Joseph, innholder, s. of John Berry, innholder. 1681. Berry, Edward, grocer, s. of John Berry, carpenter. 1700. Berry, John, of London, silversmith, by virtue of the copy of his father, of this city, victualler. 17 10. Berry, Joseph, baker, s. of Joseph Berry, victualler. 1718. Berry, Peter, surgeon, s. of John Berry, goldsmith. 1749. Berry, John, of London, upholster. 1761. Berry, John, gent. 1761. Berry, Edward, cordwainer. 1767. Best, Moses, cooper, s. of Nicholas Best, cooper. 1639. Best, Thomas, cooper, s. of Nicholas Best, cooper. 1646. Best, John, cooper, s. of Nicholas Best, cooper. 1663. Best, Charles, brewer, s. of Thomas Best, brewer. 1671. Best, Thomas, victualler, s. of Moses Best, cooper. 1676. Best, James, labourer, s. of Moses Best. 1679. Best, Nicholas, goldsmith, s. of Thomas Best, brewer. 1679. Best, Charles, of Dover, saddler, s. of Thomas Best of Cant., victualler. i7'5- Best, Thomas, labourer. 1790. Best, Joseph, cordwainer. 1793. Betts, John, barber. 1789. Beverton, Simon, clothworker, s. of Simon Beverton, shearman. 1634. Beverton, Thomas, clothworkt-r, s. of Simon Beverton, clothworker. 1643. Beverton, Squier, s. of Squier Beverton, now Mayor. 1660. Beverton, Joseph, s. of Squier Beverton. 1671 . Beverton, John, tinman, s. of Squier Beverton, Alderman. 1678. Beverton, Squier, gent., s. of Squier Beverton, Alderman. 1695. Beverton, John, brewer, s. of Squier Beverton, Alderman. 1700. Beverton, Simon, gent., s. of Squier Beverton. 1702. Beverton, Thomas, brewer, s. of Squier Beverton. 1703. Beverton, William, silkweaver, s. of John Beverton. 1 740 Beverton, Squire, bricklayer, s. of Tho- mas Beverton, maltster. 1741- Beverton, William, of Chatham, husband- man, s. of Thomas Beverton, of Cant., maltster. 1741- Birch, William, of London, labourer, i 790. Blackman, George, carpenter, s. of John Blackman, maltster. 171 9. blackman, John, tobaccopipemaker, s. of John Blackman, innholder. 1722. Blackman, William, cordwainer, s. of John Blackman. innholder. 1722. 9 OF CANTERBURY. 10 Blackman, John, cordwainer, s. of George Blackman, carpenter. 1747- Blackman, William, of Hackington, oil leather dresser, s. of George Black- man, of Cant., carpenter. 1747. Blackman, George, butcher, s. of George Blackman, carpenter. 1752. Blackman, Israel, gardener. 1754- Blackman, Charles, perukemaker. 1768. Blackman, William, butcher. 1774- Bland, Michael, s. of Gilbert Bland. 1578. Blanket, William, s. of William Blanket. 1702. Blaxland (Blacksland), Stephen, husband- man, s. of Stephen Blacksland, hus- bandman. 1744. Bla.xland, Robert, labourer. 1753. Bligh, John, bricklayer, s. of John Bligh, butcher. 1630. Bligh, John, labourer, s. of John Bligh, victualler. 1722. Bligh, Edward, cordwainer, s. of Edward Bligh. 1752. Bligh, Samuel, labourer. 1753. Bly, William, silkweaver. 1753. Blygh, Henry, of Whitstable, carpenter. '754- Blygh, William, of Milton n. Sitting- bourne, papermaker. 1754. Bligh, John, cordwainer. 1759. Bligh, James Edward, silkweaver. 1780. Bligh, Wdliam. the younger, silkweaver. 1780. Bligh, Thomas, baker. 1786. Bligh, James, labourer. 1780- Bligh, George, of London, cordwainer. 1796. Blight, Henr)', labourer, s. ot Thomas Blight. 1678. Blight, Edward, cordwainer, s. of Henry Blight, cordwainer. 1712. Blight, George, labourer, s. of George Blight, labourer. 1733. Blogg, William, glazier, s. of William Blogg, vintner. 1643. Blogg, Edward, silkweaver, s. of William Blogg, glazier. 1682. Blog, William, glazier, s. of William Blog, grazier. 1708. Blogg, Edward, of London, silkweaver, s. of Edward Blogg, of Cant., silk- weaver. 1715. Blog, Charles, cordwainer, s. of Charles Blog, glazier. 1722. Blogg, Benjamin, of London, silkweaver, s. of Edward Blogg, of Cant, silk- weaver. 1727. Blogg, Joseph, of London, silkweaver, s. of Edward Blogg, of Cant., silk- weaver. 1727. Blog, Charles, tailor, s. of William Blog. glazier. 1733. Blog, William, of London, silkweaver, s. of Charles Blog, of Cant., glazier. ■734- Blogg, John, of London, silkweaver, s. of Charles Blogg, of Cant., glazier. '"+V. Blogg, W'illiam, of London, perukemaker, s. of William Blogg, of Cant., glazier. 1741. Blogg, Charles, silkweaver. 1754. Blogg, Charles, the younger, of Deal, schoolmaster. 1759. Blogg, William, labourer. 1765. Blogg, Philip, silkweaver. 1779. Blogg, Charles Lepar, barber. 1789. Blogg, John, tailor. 1789. Blogg, Charles, of London, hairdresser. 1790. Blogg, Edward, plumber and glazier. 1792. Blogg, Nicholas, of Hawkhurst, plumber and glazier. 1796. Blunden, John, pajjcrmaker. 1761. Blyth, George, husbandman, s. of John Blyth, cordwainer. 1704. Blyth, Henry, cordwainer, s. of Henry Blyth, sawyer, i 722. Blyth, William, cordwainer, s. of John Blyth, victualler. 1722. Bodle, John, cabinetmaker, s. of lohn Bodle, carpenter. 1747. Bolaine, Noah, apothecary, s. of Noah Bolaine, apothecary. '/3' Bolle, John, s. of Thomas Bolle, cooper. 1400. Bond, Isaac, barber, s. of Isaac Bond, cordwainer. 16+2. Bond, Samuel, cordwainer, s. of Robert Bond, cordwainer. 1643. Bonger, John, tailor, s. of Rowland Bonger, tailor. 161 7. Bonner, Leonard, s. of Thomas Bonner, collarmaker. 1582. Bonyngton, John, s. of John Bonyngton. 1410. Bonyngton, Richard, s. of a freeman. 1427. Bonyngton, William, s. of William Bon- yngton. 1 45 1. Booth, William, glazier, s. of Joseph Booth, maltster. 1 7 1 1 . Booth, George, pipemaker, s. of William Booth, tobaccopipemaker. 1744. 11 FREEMEN 12 Boraine, Peter, gardener. 1771- Borrain, Peter, the younger, wheelwright. 1796. Boraine, William, plasterer. 1800. Borne, Thomas, singingman, s. ot Rey- nold Borne, carpenter. 161 2. Bosworth, Thomas, of Whitstable, apoth- ecary, s. of Edward Bosworth, of Cant , brewer. 1714. Bolting, Jonas, of INIaidstone, gent., s. of William Botting, of Cant., carpenter. '734- Bounds, John, Inbourer. s. of Abraham Bounds, maltster. 17++- Boyes, Robert, s. of Robert Boyes, smith. >573- Bradford, Thomas, the younger, carpen- ter. 1796. Brames, John, joiner, s. of John Brames, joiner. 1745. Brames, Daniel, of Chatham, shipwright, s. of John Brames, of Cant., joiner. '753- Brames, William, turner. 1759. Bramt'S, Peter, gardener. 1760. Brames, Abraham, of Chatham, ship- wright. 1768. Brames, John, of Wye, gardener. 1789. Brancker, Richard, millener, s. of Thomas Brancker, linnendraper. 1634. Branker, Sanford, linnendraper, s. of Thomas BranKer, linnendraper. 1 642. Branker, Richard, woolcomber, s. of Richard Branker, millener. 1668. Branker, Richard, joiner, s. of Richard Branker. cheesemonger. 1705. Branker, Robert, of Dover, merchant, s. of Richard Branker, of Cant., cheese- monger. 1705. Brattle, John, blacksmith, s. of John Brattle, blacksmith. 1734. Bray, John, clothier, s. of a freeman. 1426. Breeche, William, cook, s. of Philip Breche. 1422. Brempe, Richard, goldsmith, s. of John Brempe, goldsmith. 1463. Brewere, Stephen, s. of Cleve Brewere. 1414. Bridge, Thomas, s. of Christopher Bridge, grocer. 1579. Bridge, Richard, grocer, s. of Christopher Bridge, grocer. 1580. Bridge, Thomas, baker, s. of Robert Bridge, 1586. Bridge, John. s. of Christopher Bridge, grocer. 1588. Bridge, Paul, grocer, s. of Christopher Bridge, grocer. 1591. Brydge, Henry, mercer, s. of Christopher Brydge, grocer. 1598. Brydge, William, grocer, s. of Robert Brydge. 1598. Bridge, Christopher, innholder, s. of Robert Bridge. 1607. Bridge, Matthew, tailor, s. of Thomas Bridge. 1614. Bridge, John, grocer, s. of William Bridge, grocer. 1630. Bridge, Thomas, grocer, s. of William Bridge, Alderman and grocer.- 1639. Bridge, John, ironmonger, s. of Abel Bridge, victualler. 1747. Bridges, Henry, hackneyman, s. of Henry Bridges, tailor. 1592. Bridges, Robert, hackneyman, s. of Henry Bridges, hackneyman. 1 594. Bridges, Edward, barber, s. of Henry Bridges. 1599- Bridges, Edward, yeoman, s. of Robert Bridges, hackneyman. 1628. Bridf;es, Edward, gent, s. of John Bridges, grocer. 1708. Bridges, John, gent., s. of John Bridges, grocer. 1710. Bridges, Edward, gent., s. of John Bridges, Esq. 1734. Bridges. John, gent., s. of John Bridges, Esq. 1734. Bright, Robert, clothworker, s. of Thomas Bright, tiler. 1571. Bright, John, yeoman, s. of Clement Bright, tailor. 161 1. Bright, Edward, tailor, s. of Clement Bright. 1614. Brine, Henry, weaver, s. of John Brice ^sicj, clothworker. 1674. Bristow, Richard, of Rochester, tailor and draper. 1775. Brokeman, William, s. of Robert Broke - man. 141 6. Broker, Henry, gent., s. of John Broker, late Alderman. 1527. Brome, Thomas, s. of Simon Brome, Alderman. 1601. Broome, Thomas, apothecary, s. of Thomas Broome, apothecary. 1628. Browne, Thomas, gent., s. of Robert Browne, gent. 1483. Brown, Simon, grocer, s. of Robert Brown. 1559. Brown, Bartholemew, apothecary s. of Robert Brown. 1563. Browne, Nicholas, s. of Sewall Browne, vintner. 1580. 13 OF CANTERBURY. 14 Browne, Thomas, glazier, s. of Sewall Browne, vintner, ijgc. Browne, Andrew, tailor, s. of Sewall Browne, vintner. 1591. Browne, John, barber, s. of Nicholas Browne, haberdasher, ibig. Browne, John, cordwainer, s. of Peter Browne, cordwainer. 1627. Browne, Kegnald, joiner, s. of Anthony Browne, joiner. 1628. Browne, Stephen, shoemaker, s. of An- thony Browne, joiner. 1 630. Browne, Thomas, glazier, s. of Thomas Browne, glazier. 163b. Browne, lames, carpenter, s. of Anthony Browne, joiner. 1637. Browne, Leonard, gent., s. of Nicholas Browne, haberdasher. 164.0. Browne, Christopher, butcher, s. of Christopher Browne. 1671. Browne, John, mariner, s of Stephen Browne, grocer. 1700. Browne, Matthew, maltster, s. of ?ilatthew Browne, carpenter. 1705. Browne, Stephen, hop-merchant, s. of Stephen Browne. 1709. Brown, Thomas, of \Vesti;ate, turner, s. of James Brown, of Cant., cordwain- er. 1718. Brown, Thomas, hop-planier, s. of Siephen Brown, grocer. 1722. Brown, James, of Chislet, yeoman, s. of Anthony Brown, of Cant., labourer. 1733- Brown, William, of Chislet, yeoman, s. of Anthony Brown, of Cant., labourer. '733- Brown, John, labourer, s. of .Anthony Brown, labourer. 1744- Brown, Thomas, husbandman, s. of John Brown, labourer. 1 744. Brown, Thomas, labourer, s. of Anthony Brown, baker. 1751. Brown, Jesse, linnenweaver. 1753. Brown, James, of St. Paul, Kent, labourer. '758- Brown, Thomas, perukemaker. 1760. Brown, Thomas Darby, labourer. 1772. Brown, Anthony, labourer. 1780. Brown, Thomas, breechesmaker. 1780. Browne, Thomas, the younger, of London, jeweller, 1789. Brown. James Sladden.co'achmaker. 1792. Brown, lames, of Hernehill, Kent, labourer. 1795. Brown, James, labourer. 1795. Brown.John.ofChartham, labourer. 1795. Brown. Henry Sladden, linnendraper. I 796. Brown, John, linnendraper. 1799. Browninge, Thomas, millwright, s. of Thomas Browninge. 1695. Browning, John, gent., s. of John Brown- ing, grocer. 1702. Browning, William, apothecary, s. of John Browning, tallowchandler. 1709. Browning, Benjamin, of Sevenoaks, car- penter, s. of Thomas Browning, of Cant., millwright. 1734- Browning, Edward, apothecary, .>;. of William Browning, apothecary. 1738. Browning, William, of Chatham, gent., s. of William Browning, of Cant., apothecary and Alderman. 1 740. Browning, John, of London, forgebellows maker. 1795. Brunker, Thomas, carrier, s. of Richard Brunker. carrier. 1700. Brunker, John, of London, silkweaver, s. of Richard Brunker, of Cant., silk- weaver. 1 70S. Buckhurst, James, s. of U'illiam Buck- hurst, tailor. 1585. Buckhurst, William, tailor, s. of William Buckhurst. 1604. Buckhurst, William, tailor, s. of William Buckhurst, tailor. 1629. Buckhurst, William, tailor, s. of Willi;im Buckhurst, tailor. 1669. Buckhurst, Stephen, barber and periwig- maker, s. of Stephen Buckhurst, grocer. 1705. Buckhurst, Richard, cordwainer, s. of Stephen Buckhurst, grocer. 1709. Buckhurst, John, cordwainer, s. of Rich- ard Buckhurst, cordwainer. 1750. Buckhurst, Stephen, turner. 1753. Buckhurst, John, basketmaker. 1796. Buckhurst, Stephen, coachmaker. 1799. Buckley, Thomas, tador, s. of William Buckley, bookseller. 1681. Buckley, Thomas, haberdasher of small wares, s. of Thomas Buckley, tailor. 1721. Buckley, Thomas, haberdasher. 1765. Buckley, John, watchmaker. 1782. Budds, John, silkweaver. 1754. Budds, Robert, of Greenwich, gardener. 1761. Budds, William, labourer. 1789. Bulkley, William, mercer, s. of Joseph Bulkley, mercer. 1625. Bulckley, George, bookbinder, s. of Joseph Bulckley, bookbinder. 1 632. Bull, William, currier. 1790. 15 FREEMEN 16 Bullock, Edward, cordwainer, s. of John Bullock, cordwainer. 1653. Bullock, Thomas, the younger, carpenter, s. of Edward Bullock, carpenter. 1687. Bullocke, Edward, carpenter, s. of William Bullocke, carpenter. 1693. Bullocke, Peter, basketmaker, s. of John Bullocke, cordwainer. 1701. Bullock, Thomas, of Whitstable, mariner, s. of John Bullock, of Cant., cheese- monger. 1 7 14. Bullock. William, carpenter, s. of William Bullock, carpenter. 1722. Bullock, Edward, baker, s. of P^dward Bullock, cordwainer. 1727. Bullock, Edward, of London, cutler. 1753. Bumbey, William, staymaker, s. of John Bumbey, .staymaker. 1722. Bunker, Thomas, silkweaver, s of Thomas Bunker. 1681. Bunyer, Jeremiah, of London, carpenter. 1789. Bunyer, Thomas, of London, carpenter. 1789. Burden, Michael, grocer, s. of Thomas Burden, grocer. 1679. Burden, John, maltster, s. of John Burden, blacksmith. 1706. Burden, John, currier, s. of Michael Burden, grocer. 1721. Burden, John, of Branfield in Kent, husbandman, s. of John Burden, of Cant., maltster. 1733. Burden, Edmund, husbandman, .s. of John Burden, maltster. 17+1- Burden, Charles, of Greenwich, carpenter. 1761. Burden, John, Junior, currier. 1763. Burges, Thomas, mercer, s. of John Burges. 1536. Burges, Leonard, silkweaver, s. of Edward Burges, smith. 1694. Burges, William, blacksmith, s. of John Burges, blacksmith. 1721. Burges, James, of Queenborough, collier, s. of William Burges, of Cant., col- larmaker. 1727. Burges, Peter, currier, s. of Peter Burges, cordwainer. 1733- Burgess, Edward, cordwainer, s. of Ed- ward Burgess, labourer. 1 74 1. Burgess, John, husbandman, s of John Burgess, husbandman. 1741- Burges, Edward, silkweaver, s. of Edward Burges, silkweaver. 1752. Burges, John, silkweaver, s. of Edward Burges, silkweaver. 1752. Burges, Peter, silkweaver. 1753. Burgess, John, the younger, silkweaver. 1780. Burgess, Peter, stationer. 1780. Burgess, James, painter. 1784. Burgess, Edward, the younger, coach- harness maker. 1787. Burgess, George, coachmaker. 1794. Burnby, John, gent. 1768. Burnby, William, the younger, linnen- draper. 1772. Burnby, William, of London, gent. 1795. Burney, Thomas, gent., s. of Jolm Burney, gent. 1722. Burnley, Thomas, upholster, s.of Matthew Burnley, upholster. 1655. Burnley, Thomas, upholster, s. of Thomas Burnley, upholster. 1679. Burton, John, tailor, s. of John Burton. 1438. Burton, Christopher, hackneyman, s. of John Burton, innholder. i477- Burton, Abraham, victualler, s. of Abraham Burton, victualler. 1722. Burton, Jacob, butcher, s. of Abraham Burton, tailor. 1722. Butcher, Osmond, carpenter, s. of Osmond Butcher, cordwainer. 1643. Bygge, John, mercer, s. of William Bygge, miller. 1453. Bynd, Robert, draper, s.of Robert Bynd, miller. 1454. Byng, Thomas, shoemaker, s. of Thomas Byng, baker. 1539. Byng, William, tallowchandler. 1760. Byng, John, the younger, baker. 1761. Byng, Thomas, baker. 1761. Byng, John, of St. Mary-le-Bone, Mid- dlesex, surgeon. 1789. Cad bury (Catbery), Robert, chandler, .s. of Thomas Catbery. 1446. Cadbury, William, mason, s. of Robert Cadbury, carver. i473- Cadbury, James, hosier, s. of John Cadbury. H??- Cadman, John, of Sheldwich, labourer, s. of Charles Cadman, of Cant., cord- wainer. 1741. Caister, John, plumber and glazier, s. of Thomas Caister, plumber and glazier, 1727. Cannon, John, haberdasher, s. of Richard Cannon, haberdasher. 1625. Cantis, Thomas, of Faversham, joiner, s. of Thomas Cantis, of Cant., joiner. 1722. Cantis, Valentine, baker, s. of Valentine Cantis, baker. 1747. 17 OF CANTERBURY. 18 Cantis, John, of the Precincts, Cant., linnendraper, s. of Valentine Cantis, of Cant., baker. 17+9. Cantis, William, yeoman. 17S9. Caree, James, cordwainer. s. of Thomas Carcc, shoemaker. 1628. Caree, Henry, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Caree, cordwainer. 1641. Carlton, (jcorge, cordwainer, s. of Chris- topher Carlton, carpenter. 1642. Carpenter, Edward, mercer, s. of John Carpenter. 1520. Carpenter, Jidward, butcb.er, s. of John Carpenter, butcher. 1632. Carr, Richard, silkweaver, s. of Henry Carr, skinner. 1612. Carter, 'Charles, of Faversham, basket- maker, s. of Simon Carter, late of Cant., basketmaker. 1705. Cartewright, John, tailor, s. of Hugh Cartewright, tailor. 1579. Casey, Henry, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Casey. i7,5<). Casey, Henry, of VVhitstable, dredger, s. of Henry Casey, of Cant., joiner. 1741. Casey, Thomas, turner, s. of Thomas Casey, baker. 1741. Casey, Henry, labourer. 1773. Castle, Cleeve, gent., s. of John Castle. 1683. Castle, John, bricklayer, s. of John Castle, bricklayer. i6g8. Castle, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of John Castle, bricklayer. 1703. Cabtle, William, bricklayer, s. of John Castle, bricklayer. 1 7 1 1 . Castle, William, labourer, s. of James Castle, cordwainer. 1722. Chambers, Nathaniel, shoemaker, s. of Robert Chambers, tailor, deceased, known by some then present of the Company of Drapers to be a freeman. 159j- Chambers, luKvard, watchmaker, s. of Edmund Chambers. 1678. Chambers, I'hilpot, baker, s. of Thomas Chambers, baker. 1737. Chambers, Thomas, carpenter, s. of Thomas Chambers, baker. 1741. Chambers, George, of London, tobacco- nist, s. of William Chambers, of Cant., carpcnicr. 1753. Chambers, William, carpenter, s. of William Chambers, carpenter. 1753. Chambers, Joseph, of Woolwich, turner. 1761. " Chambers, Richard, perukemaker. 1761. Chandler, Thomas, butcher, s. of Samuel Chandler, butcher. 1627. Chandler, William, butcher, s. of Samuel Chandler, butcher. 1631. Chandler, Richard, cordwainer, s. of Samuel Chandler. 1632. Chandler, John, butcher, s. of Thomas Chandler, butcher. 1657. Chandler, John, butcher, s. of William Chandler, butcher. 1671. Chandler, Samuel, butcher, s. of William Chandler, butcher. 1674. Chandler, Thomas, butcher, s. of Thomas Chandler, butcher. 1688. Chandler, Hunt, butcher, s. of Thomas Chandler, butcher. 1695. Chandler, John, barber, s. of Thomas Chandler, butcher. 1697. Chandler, Matthew, butcher, s.of Thomas Chandler, butcher. 1698. Chandler, Thomas, butcher, s. of John Chandler, butcher. 1698. Chandler, Joseph, butcher, s. of John Chandler, butcher. 17 14. Chandler, Thomas, butcher, s. of Thomas Chandler, butcher. 1722. Chandler, Hunt, butcher, s. of Thomas Chandler, butcher. 1727. Cliandler, Charles, butcher, s. of John Chandler, butcher. 1734. Chandler, John, of Chartham, yeoman, s. of John Chandler, of Cant., barber, '734- Chandler, Richard, of London, barber, s. of Thomas Chandler, of Cant., butcher. 1734. Chandler, Thomas, butcher, s. of Thomas Chandler, butcher. 1734- Chandler, James, butcher, s. of James Chandler, butcher. 1741. Chandler, Nathaniel, barber, s. of John Chandler, barber. 1741- Chandler, Thomas, butcher, s. of James Chandler, butcher. 1741- Chandler, John, butcher, s. of James Chandler, butcher. 1747. Chandler, Joseph, the younger, butcher. '753- Chandler, Thomas, the younger, butcher. '75+- Chandler, John, joiner. 1760. Chandler, "Laurence, of London, butcher, 1760. Chandler, John, Junior, cordwainer. 1765. Chandler, Benjamin, Jun'or, surgeon. 1766. Chandler, Hunt, labourer. 1768. Chandler, Edward, butcher. 1779- 19 FREEMEN 20 Chanillcr, William, surgeon. 1782. Chandler, William, of Ramsgate, plum- ber. 1790. Chandler, John, carpenter. 1795. Chantrey (Chaunlrey), Griflith, tailor, s. of John Chaimtrey, tailor. 16S6. Chantry, Grifl'm, tailor, s. of Griffin Chantry, tailor. 1708. Chantrey. William, tailor, s. of Griflin Chantrey, tailor. 1713. Channtry, James, of Dover, ropemaker, s. of Griffni Chauntry, of Cant., tailor. 1 74 1. Chantry, Griflen, of London, silkweaver. 1754- Chapman, Edward, of Great Chart, gar- dener. 1761. Chapman, John, of Ashford, gardener. 1761. Chapman, William, of Lambeth, gardener. 1768. Chapman, William, of Westwell, labourer. 1796. Cheesman, (Chesman), Robert, barber, s. of John Chesman, fuller, 1400. Cheesman, Thomas, smith, s. of Richard Cheesman, smith. 1708. Cheesman, Philip, cordwainer, s. of Stephen Cheesman, carpenter. 1724. Cheesman, Philip, the younger, cord- wainer. 1753. Cheeseman, Stephen, of liythe, labourer. 1790. Cheever, James, glover, s. of Richard Checver, glover. 1638. Cheever, Peter, glover, s. of Richard Cheever, glover. 1638. Cheever, John, glover, s. of Richard Cheever, glover. 1650. Cheever, James, millener, s. of James Cheever, millener. 1676. Cheever, Jeremiah, scrivener, s. of John Cheever, millener. •695. Chever, John, tallowchandlcr,s. of George Cheever. 1710. Cheever, George, saddler, s. of George Cheever, tallowchandler. 1722. Cheever, Joseph, of St. Lawrence in Kent, cordwainer, s. of John Cheever of Cant., grocer. 1734. Cheever, Evans, pipemaker, s. of John Cheever, grocer and tallowcliandler. 1741. Cheever, John, labourer. 1760. Chevenyng, James, tailor, s. of Jolin Chevenyng, mercer. 1500. Chittenden, James, saddler, s. of James Chittenden, butcher. 1681. Chittenden, John, butcher, s. of James Chittenden, butcher. 1685. Chittenden, Thomas, labourer, s. of John Chittenden, butcher. 1727. Chittenden, James, of Minster in Thanet, labourer. 1761. Chopping, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Chopping, cordwainer. 1 747. Christian, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of Edward Christian. 1703. Church, (Cherche), Thomas, son of John Cherche, fuller. 1407. Chirche, Richard, brewer, s. of Richard Chirche. 1491. Cluirch, John, labourer, s. of Thomas Church, husbandman. 1734. Church, Thomas, of Folkestone, hemp- dresser, s. of Richard Church, of Cant., husbandman. 1734. Churcher, Stephen, currier, s. of Robert Churcher, currier. 1676. Claget, Robert, haberdasher, s. of Will- iam Claget, liaberdashcr. 1628. Claringbole, Thomas, tailor, s. of Thomas Claringbole, cordwainer. 1639. Claringbold, James, weaver, s. of Tliomas Claringbold, cordwainer. 1646. Claringbold, Thomas, tailor, s. of Thomas Claringbold, tailor. 1680. Claringbold, IMichael, labourer, s. of Thomas Claringbold, tailor. 17 15. Claringbold, Thomas, barber, s. of Tho- mas Claringbold, victualler. 1722. ClaringbuU, John, perukemaker. 1761. Clarke, John, s. of Roger Clarke. 1506. Clarke, Jolin, s. of Mr. William Clarke, Alderman. 1601. Clark, Jacob, labourer, s. of Edward Clark, tailor. 1733. Clark, John, joiner, s. of P^lijah Clark, woolcomber. 1741. Clark, John, of Faversham, collarmaker, s. of John Clark, of Cant., silkweaver. 1741. Clark, Thomas, framework-knitter, s. of William Clark, millener. 1741. Clarke, Thomas, labourer, s. of Elisha Clarke, woolcomber. 1747. Clarke, William of Sturry, perukemaker. >753- Clark, William, of Deal, cordwainer. 1754. Clark, Thomas, cordwainer. 1796. Clements, William, silkweaver. 1767. Clements, Newberry Richanl, silkweaver. 1771. Clements, Abraham, .silkweaver. 1773. CIcthcro, William, whitesmith. 1793. 21 OF CANTERBURY. 22 Clethero, Daniel, the younger, of London smith. 1795. Clifford. Thomas, joiner, s. of Thomas Clifford, joiner. 17 14. Clifford, John, surgeon and apothecary-, s. of Thomas Clifford, joiner. 1724. Clinton, Thomas, s. of Roger Clinton. 1615. Coates, William, of Chatham, cordwainer, s. of George Coates, of Cant., cord- wainer. 1 7 14. Cocke, John, shoemaker, s. of Thomas Cocke, weaver. 1617. Cock. Henry, weaver, s. of Thomas Cock, weaver. 1621. Cock, Henry, weaver, s. of Henry Cock. 1668. Cock, John, v.eavcr, s. of Henry Cock. 1668. Cock, William, of Chislet, husbandman, s. of iMatthew Cock, of Cant., cord- wainer. 1747. Cock, iMatthew, of Sittingbourne, hus- bandman. 1753. Cockes, Daniel, glazier, s. of Edward Cockes, hackneyman. 1638. .feCox. Cockett, Robert, silkweaver, s. of Rich- ard Cockett, butcher. 1722. Cocket, Richard, gardener, s. of Robert Cocket, silkweaver. 1753. Cocket, William, of Ickham, husbandman. '754- Cockett, William, of London, potter. 17S0. Cockett, William, cordwainer. 1789. Colbrand, Nicholas, tailor, s. of Nicholas Colbrand. 1574. Colbrand, Fowler, tailor, s. of Richard Colbrand. 1574- Colcbrand, Nicholas, s. of Roger Cole- brand, tailor. 1578. Colcbrand, Peter, s. of Roger Colebrand, tailor. 1584. Colbrand, John, tailor, s. of Fowler Colbrand. 1603. Colbrand, Clement, tailor, s. of Nicholas Colbrand. 1604. Colbrand, Nicholas, tailor, s. of Nicholas Colbrand. 1604. Colbrand, Peter, s. of Nicholas Colbrand, sometime Sheriff of this City. 1614. Colbrand, Nathaniel, joiner, s. of Nich- olas Colbrand, tailor. 1620. Cole, Thomas, s. of [blank] Cole, baker. '591- Cole, George, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Cole, carpenter. 1733. ' Cole, John, of London, carpenter, s. of Thomas Cole, of Cant., carpenter. i '734- Cole, James, labourer, s. of William Cole, cordwainer. 1741. Cole, Joseph, of Heme, cordwainer, s. of William Cole, of Cant., cordwainer. '747- Cole, Richard, of Monkton, miller, s. of William Cole, of Cant., cordwainer. '747- Cole, James, of London, feltmaker. 1754. i Cole, William, of London, feltmaker. 1700. Cole, Thomas, tailor. 1773. Cole, George, cordwainer. 1789. Cole, Thomas, hatter. 1795. Cole, Thomas, junior, tailor. 1800. Coleman, Daniel, of Minster in Sheppy, s. of Thomas Coleman, of Cant., grocer. 1708. Coleman, Thomas, of Minster in Sheppy, s. of Thomas Coleman, of Cant., grocer. 1708. Colffe, Joseph, grocer, s. of Joseph Colffe, Alderman. 161 8. Colffe, Charles, apothecary, s. of Joseph Colffe. 1620. Colffe, Thomas, brewer, s. of Joseph Colffe. 1620. Colfe, Joseph, clothworker, s. of Charles Colfe, grocer. 1647. Colfe, Abraham, tailor, s. of Charles Colfe, apothecary. 1649. Colfe, Thomas, barber, s. of Joseph Colfe, grocer. 1685. Collier, John, of London, silkweaver, s. of Peter Collier, of Cant., papermaker. 1741. Collins, Isaac, of St. Paul's, Cant., tailor, s. of Isaac Collins, of Cant., linncn- weaver. 1727. Collins, John, glover, s. of Isaac Collins, linnen weaver. 1741. Collens, Joseph, cordwainer. 1767. Collens, William, bricklayer. 1773. Collins, William, cordwainer. 1795. Compton, Thomas, hosier, s. of Thomas Compton, vintner. 1477- Conditt, David, shoemaker, s. of Thomas Conditt, tailor. 1595. Conoway, James, s. of Christopher Con- oway, barber. 1576. Cook, Robert, s. of John Cook. 1448. Cook, John, couper, s. of Robert Cook. 1469. Cooke, Richard, of Whitstable, butcher, s. of John Cooke, smith. 1477- FREEMEN 24 Cooke, Thomas, tailor, s. of Peter Cooke, ironmonger. 1604. Cooke, Robert, shoemaker, s. of Peter Cooke, ironmonger. 1608. Cooke, Roger, shoemaker, s. of Robert Cooke, cordwainer. 1642. Cooke, Wilhani, cordwainer, s. of Robert Cooke. 1642. Cooke, John, cordwainer, s. of Robert Cooke, cordwainer. 1671. Cooke, John, silkweaver, s. of Roger Cooke, cordwainer. 1671. Cooke, John, of London, silkweaver, .s. of John Cooke, of Cant., silkweaver. 1708. Cooke, Robert, of London, silkweaver, s. of John Cooke, of Cant., silkweaver. 1708. Cooke, James, papermaker, s. of William Cooke, carpenter. 17 14. Cooke, Joseph, mariner, s. of William Cooke, carpenter. 1722. Cook, Thomas, carpenter, s. of John Cook, husbandman. J 744. Cook, Benjamin, carpenter. 1754. Cook, Thomas, the younger, silkweaver. 1780. Cook, Benjamin, of Brenchley, cord- wainer. 1 7 89. Cooper, John, cordwainer, s. of John Cooper, cordwainer. 1733. Cooper, Jeremiah, pastrycook, s. of John Cooper, pastrycook. 1744. Cooper, John, the younger, pastrycook. '753- Cooper, Thomas, of River, husbandman. '754- Cooper, Thomas, the younger, silk dyer. 1767. Cooper, William, saddler. 1779. Cooper, Thomas, the younger, labourer. 1780. Cooper, Thomas, the younger, carpenter, .787. Cooper, John, carpenter. 1789. Cooper, James, of London, stationer. 1796. Copper, John, of Bctteshanger, gardener, s. of ]ulward Copper, nf Cant., gar- dener. 1714. Copper, Edward, of London, gent., s. of Edward Copper of Cant., gardener. 1733- Coppin (Copyn), Edmond, yeoman, s. of John Copyn. 1548. Coppen, John, of Faversham, cooper, s. of John Coppen, of Cant., cord- wainer. 1 708. Cornelius, William, carpenter, s. of John Cornelius, labourer. 1725. Cornelius, William, of Dover, shipwright. 1768. Cornewell. Robert, s. of John Cornewell, clothier. i5oo. Coteby, John, s. of Stephen Coteby. 1440. Cotlett, John, organmaker, s. of Edward Cotlett. 1544. 6'(v Cutlet. Cotteu, John, of Sandwich, labourer, s. of John Cotteu of Cant., cordwainer. 1727. Court, Richard, fuller, s. of William Court, weaver. 14O7. Court, John, baker, s. of John Court, farrier. J 747. Court, Matthew, farrier, s. of John Court, farrier. 1747. Court, John, baker. 1774. Courteman, John, smith, s. of John Courteman, mercer. 15 13. Courtman, Richard, shoemaker, s. of John Courtman. 15 17. Courthop, William, j-eoman, s. of William Courthop. 1548. Courtop, John, tailor, s. of Robert Court- op, tailor. 1 57 1. Cowell, George, currier, s. of Joseph Cowell, currier. 1623. Cowell, John, cordwainer, s. of Joseph Cowell, currier. 1634. Cowell, Christopher, victualler, s. of George Cowell, currier. 1G70. Cowpere, John, alias Gy, s. of Guy Cowper, 1425. Cowpere, William, s. of John Cowpere, alias Gy. 1444. Cowper, Thomas, shoemaker, s. of Nich- olas Cowper. 1590. Co-\, John, bricklayer, s. of Samuel Co.x, bricklayer. 1710. Cox, Lambert, joiner, s. of Lambert Cox, joiner. 1717. Cox, Samuel, barber, s. of Samuel Co.x, bricklayer. 1725. Cox, John, labourer, s. of Joshua Cox, labourer. 1727. Cox, John, Junior, bricklayer. 1766. Cox, Charles, cordwainer. 1793. Cox, John, the younger, bricklayer, i 795. SiY Cocks. Cranford, Robert Flatman, brewer, s. of John Cranford, brewer. 1729. Crayford, William, Esquire, Recorder of Cant., s. of William Crayford, Es- quire. /■^i- 25 OF CANTERBURY. 2G Crayford, Edward, of New Romney, sent., s. of William Crayford, of Cant., Esquire. 1734- Crayford, Edward, of Sitting-bourne, sur- geon. 7768. Crentche, John, shoemaker, s. of John Crentche. 1561. Crippea, George, papermaker, s. of John Crippen, labourer. 17+1. Crippin, John, bricklayer, s. of [blank] Crippin, bricklayer. 1704.. Crippen, Thomas, of INIilton, dredger, s. of John Crippen, of Cant., bricklayer. 1727. Crippen, William, of Holy Cross, Cant., barber. 1753. Crippen, William, butcher. 175+. Crispe, John, of Margate, blacksmith. 1768. Cross, James, cordwainer. 175+. Cross, John, of Portsmouth, cordwainer. 1789. Crothole, Henry, s. of John Crothole, tanner. 14 1+. Crothall, Thomas, of Ramsgate, carpen- ter, s. of Thomas Crothall of Cant., butcher. 1733. Crow, Richard, cordwainer. 1794- Cuckow, Thomas, jeweller, s. of Daniel Cuckow, jeweller. 17 10. Cullen, William, scrivener. 1780. Culverhouse, William, coupar, s. of Edward Culverhouse. 1482. Curteis, John, innholder, s. of John Cur- teis, butcher. 1725. Cussen, John, barber surgeon, s. of Christopher Cussen, tailor. 1642. Cutlet, Edward, tailor, s. of John Cutlet, tailor. 15 13. 3'fi' Cotlett. Daines, John, bricklayer, s. of Simon Daines, bricklayer. 1727. Daines, John, labourer, s. of John Daines, bricklayer. 1741. Dale, John, grocer, s. of Thomas Dale. 1555- Dale, George, s. of Thomas Dale, chan- dler. 1579. Dale, John, shoemaker, s. of Francis Dale. 1612. Dale, William, a blind man, s. of William Dale, victualler. 1671. Darby, :\Iatthew,of St.Margaret-at-ClifTe, cordwainer. 1790. Daves, Robert, blacksmith, s. of John Daves, blacksmith. 161 6. Davis, Thomas, joiner, s. of Richard Davis, joiner. 1708. Dawn, William, of Sheerness, labourer. 1790. Dawne, liobert, the younger, of \\'ingham, labourer. 1795. Dawes, Thomas, the younger, of Wool- wich, wheelwright. 17S2. Daws, James, of ^Margate, labourer. 1 789. Daws, Richard, of Dover, labourer. 1789. Dawson, William, joiner, s. of William Dawson. 1619. Day, Abraham, cordwainer. 1754. Day, Andrew-, of Portsmouth, baker. 176S. Deering, Daniel, of Ht-rne, mariner, s. of James Deering, of Cant., silkweavcr. 1727. Deering. Jacob, of London, silkweaver, s. of James Deering, of Cant.,- silk- weaver. 1727. Delmar, John, baker. 1768. Delmar, Joseph, carpenter. 1774. Delmar, Charles, the younger, perfumer. 1785- Delmar, James, perukemaker. 1789. Delo, Peter, the younger, silkweaver. 1774. Delo, Thomas, silkweaver. 1780. Delo, William, silkweaver. 1780. Dello, John, hairdresser. 1789. Denne, John, turner, s. of Thomas Denne, grocer. 1656. Denne, Christopher, carpenter, s. of Christopher Denne, carpenter. 1691. Denne, Thomas, carpenter, s. of Thomas Denne, carpenter. 1747. Denne, Basil, of London, goldsmith. 1761. Denne, William, plumber. 1761. Design, William, gent. 1760. Desine, Robert, sawyer. 1767. Despaigne, Henry, carpenter, s. of Henry Despaigne, carpenter. 1741. Dcspain, John, cordwainer, s. of Henry Despain, carpenter. 1745. Dickenson, John, tailor, s. of Robert Dickenson, tailor. 1634. Dilnutt, Samuel, of London, perukemaker. 1768. Dilnutt, Richard, labourer. '773. Dilnott, William, of Dover, pipemaker. '774- Dilnutt, Lsaac, of London, carpenter. 1790. Dilnutt, James, of Sheerness, staymaker. 1790. Dilnutt, John, cordwainer. 1795. Dilnott, Samuel, woolcomber. 1797. Dobbes, Thomas, gent., s. of Thomas Dobbes, Alderman. 1603. 27 FREEMEN 28 Dod, Samuel, apothecary, s. of Sampson Dod, mercer. 1592. Dodson, Stephen, of London, tallow chandler. 1760. Dodson, George, of Colchester, joiner. 1761. Dogrell, Leonard, currier, s. of William Dogrell. 1565. Doggerel!, Henry, shoemaker, s. of Leonard Doggerell, currier. 1602. DoUman, ]ohn, cutler, s. of William DoUman, cutler. 1687. Doleman, Peter, of Eythorne, bricklayer, s. of John Doleman, of Cant., cutler. 171 1. Dolman, William, of Bishopsbourne, shovelmaker, s. of John Dolman, of Cant., cutler. 1 71+. Dombrain (Dumbrain), John, of Great Chart, gardener, s. of Isaac Dum- brain, of Cant , silkweaver. 1741. Dumbrain, John, the younger, of Monk- ton, gardener. 177+. Dombrain, Abraham, the younger, of Old Castle vard in Kent, victualler. 1784. Dombrain, Daniel, silkweaver. 1786. Dombrain, George, labourer. 1789. Dray, John, of Chatham, carpenter, s. of William Dray, of Cant., carpenter. 1705- Drayton, Christopher, tailor, s. of John Drayton, mercer. 1690. Drayton, Horton, apothecary, s. of Chris- topher Drayton, tailor. 1722. Drayton, William, silkweaver, s. of John Drayton, silkweaver. 1727- Dubbin, John, silkweaver. 1753. Dudlow, John, of West Mailing, gent. 1795. Dudlow, Noble, of Brighton, Sussex, ironmonger. 179b. Duly, Philip, of Faversham, scrivener. 1780. Dunck, William, gardener, s. of Robert Dunck, gardener. 1734. Dunkin, lonathan, yeoman, s. of James Dunkin, Alderman. 1654. Dunney, Sampson, grocer, s. of Thomas Dunney. 1599. Durant, Stephen, gent., s. of Stephen Durant, apothecary. 1741. Durant, Thomas, apothecary, s. of Stephen Durant, apothecary. 1741. Duryer, James, the younger, turner. 1 780. Duryer, John, of London, upholsterer. '795- Duriez, Charles, butcher. 1753- Duryez, David, the younger, turner. 1764. Dyrreck, Thomas, tallowchandler, s. of Michael Dyrreck, chandler. 1563. Eastes, John, of Chatham, shipwright, s. of William Eastes, of Cant., baker. 1722. Eastes, William, baker, s. of William Eastes, baker. 1722. Eastes, Richard, of Dover, labourer. 1761. Eastes, Samuel, of Northbourne, labourer. 1767. Eastes, Thomas, of Stourmouth, labourer. 1767. Eastland, Michael, baker. 1778. Eastland, Stephen, of Borden, yeoman. 1790. Eastman, John, collarmaker, s. of Richard Eastman, collarmaker. 1607. Eastman, Edward, collarmaker, s. of John Eastman, collarmaker. 1636. Eastman, John, collarmaker, s. of John Eastman, collarmaker. 1642. Eastman, Edward, ribbonweaver, s. of Edward Eastman, collarmaker. 1671. Eastman, Henry, tailor, s. of John East- man, collarmaker. 1672. Eastman, Edward, collarmaker, s. of John Eastman, collarmaker. 1677. Eastman, Henry, tailor, s. of Henry Eastman, tailor. 1700. Eastman, Thomas, tailor, s. of Henry Eastman, tailor. 1700. Eastman, Edward, tailor, s. of Edward Eastman, ribbonweaver. 1705. Eastman, John, silkweaver, s. of Edward Eastman, collarmaker. 1703. Eastman, Robert, carpenter, s. of Henry Eastman, tailor. 1705. Eastman, Edward, collarmaker, s. of Edward Eastman, collarmaker. 1714. Eastman, John, chapman, s. of Henry Eastman, tailor. 1715. Eastman, Gilman, tailor, s. of Henry Eastman, Junior, tailor. 1722. Eastman, Henry, labourer, s. of Thomas Eastman, tailor. 1733. Eastman, lulward, husbandman, s. of Edward Eastman, collarmaker. i 747. Eastman, John, bricklayer. 1753- Eastman, John, labourer. 1754. Eastman, Ezekiel, basketmaker. 1760. Eastman, George, labourer. 1760. Eastman, 'I'lmmas, husbandman. 17O0. Eastman, William, of Lontlon, hairdresser. 1768. Eastman, Thomas, gardener. 1779- Eastman, Henry, of Deal, tailor. 1784. 29 OF CANTERIIUKV. ;]0 Edborough, Richard, of Tilmanstonc, clerk, s. of Richard Edborough, of Cant., pastr}-cook. 173+. Edlow, Wilham, of Deal, blacksmith, s. of Samuel Edlow, of Cant., black- smith. 1741. Edmund, John, s. of John Edmunil. 1507. Edmunds, William, of Dover, blacksmith. '774- Edmonds, 1 homas, of ^Margate, carpenter. 1789. Edynden, Thomas, saddler, s. of \\'alter Edynden. 15 18. Elger, William, tailor, s. of William Elger, tailor. 1632. Elliott, John, mason, s. of Matthew Elliott, mason. 1747. Elliott, 'i'homas, mason, s. of Matthew Elliott, mason. 1747- Elliot, .Stephen, of Birchington, labourer. 1761. Ellis, Ingram, innkeeper, whose father was a freeman. 1603. Ellis, Daniel, cordwainer, s. of Daniel Ellis. 1647. Ellis, fames, cordwainer, s. of Daniel Ellis, cordwainer. 1696. Ellis, Richard, of Sittingbourne, turner, s. of Richard Ellis, of Cant., turner. 1727. Ellis, John, of Ramsgate, labourer. 1760. Ellis, John, of London, cordwainer. 1768. Ellis, John, labourer. 1789. Ellis, John, the younger, cordwainer. 1 794. Ellis, William, of Stratford, Essex, cord- wainer. 1795. Ellis, Charles, of London, cordwainer. 1797- Ellsey, Thomas, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Ellsey, cordwainer. 1690. Elsee, Nicholas, of Heme, cordwainer, s. of George Elsee, of Cant., cord- wainer. 1705. Elsey, William, of Eastwell, s. of George Elscy, of Cant., cordwamer. 1708. Elsey, George, gardener, s. of Thomas Elsey, gardener. 17 14. Elsey, Thomas, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, labourer. 1761. Listed, John, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Listed, cordwainer. 1705. Listed, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of Tho- mas Listed, cordwainer. 1705. Elvye, John, shoemaker, s. of John Llvye, shoemaker, 1572. Llvey, John, currier, s. of John LIvey, grocer. 1708. Llvey, Samuel, hempdresser, s. of John Llvey, silkweaver. 1708. Llvey, William, of the Precincts, gold- smith, s. of John Llvey, grocer. 1710. Elvy, Samuel, of Bridge, husbandman, s. of Samuel Llvy, of Cant., hemp- dresser. 1747. Elvvn, George, s. of John ]'".Iv\-n, saddler. ' 1584- Liven, Mark, shoemaker, s. ol William Liven, shoemaker. 161 1. Llvyn, Isaac, gent., s. of George Elvyn, Alderman. 1620. Liven, Samuel, millencr, s. of Samuel Elven. I 63 I. Elvin, William, ribbonweaver, s. of Samuel Elvin, ribbonweaver. 1664. Elvin Joseph, of Sturry, gardener. 1761. Llye. Samuel, silkweaver, s. of Samuel Elye. shoemaker. 1608. Emm, William, of Sheerness, blacksmith. 1774- Enfield, Thomas, gent., s. of Thomas Lnfield, Esq., Alderman. 1687. Engeham, John, of Swalecliffe, yeoman, s. of Edward Engeham, of Cant., joiner. 1715. Engeham, Thomas, of Hackington, gar- dener, s. of Edward Engeham, of Cant., joiner. 1722. Engeham, Edward, of Rochester, mariner, s. of Edward Engeham, of Cant., joiner. 1722. Engeham, Edward, pattenmaker, s. of John Engeham, labourer. 1741. Engeham, John, cordwainer, s. of John Engeham, husbandman. 1747. Engeham, Richard, of London, cord- wainer. 1753. Engeham, Thomas, the younger, of Chartham, gardener. 1760. Lngehnm, Edward, cordwainer. '773. Engeham, John, of Yalding, watclmiaker. 1789. Engeham, Edward, cordwainer. J 795. Engeham, Thomas, cordwainer. 1 800. Esshindenne, Silvester, s. of Geoffrev Lsshindenne. 1410. 6V1 Ashenden. Lvernden, Simon, potter, s. of Simon Lvernden, basketmaker. 1741. Lvernden, Thomas, of London, carpenter. 176.. Fagg, Robert, clothier, s. ot John Fagg, clothier. 1654. Fagge, Thomas, husbandman, s. of Thomas Fagge, cordwainer. 17 14. ' F^agg, John, turner, s. of Thomas Fagg, I cordwainer. 1722. 31 FREEMEN 32 Fag, William, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Fag, cordwainer. 1727- Fagg, 'I'homas, of Adisham, labourer, s. of Thomas Fagg, of Cant., labourer. '747- I'airman, l*rancis, of Rochester, u]ihol- sterer. 1795. Fairman, Richard, of Deal, grocer. 1 796. Farrar, Anthoii}', mercer, s. of Thomas Farrar, mercer. 1 640. Farrence, Robert, of Maidstone, farrier, s. of Robert Farrence, of Cant., farrier. 1715. Faunt, William, draper, s. of Nicholas Faunt, beerbrewer. 1470. Fedarb, Horatio, brazier. 1788. Fedarb, Thomas, of Westgate in Kent, mariner. 1794. Fedarb, Daniel, of Westgate in Kent, cordwainer. 1799. Fcndall, Edward, gent., s. of Edward Fendall, Alderman. 1722. Fcnn, Charles, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Fenn, cordwainer. i6qi. Fenn, John, gardener, s. of John Fenn, cordwainer. 1700. Fenner, Rest, linnendraper, s. of Rest Fenner. 1709. Fenner, Thomas, of London, potter, s. of Rest Fenner, of Cant., hop-planter. '7i.5-_ Fenner, William, linnendraper, s. of Rest Fenner, theelder, hop-planter, i 72 i. Fenner, Rest, bookseller, s. of Enoch Fenner, bookseller. 1733. Fenner, Benjamin, of London, gent., s. of Rest Fenner, of Cant., stationer. 1741. Fenner, Rest, brewer, s. of Rest I'enncr, brewer. 1741. Fenner, John, of Barham, gent. 1760. Fenner, Zachariah Kingsford, of London, gent. 1 76 1. Fenner, Rest, the younger, of Chartham, yeoman. 1768. Fenner, John Ludd, mariner. 1770. Fenner, Thomas, brewer. 1774. Fenner, William, tallowchandler. 1779. Fenner, Benjamin, gent. 1780. Fenner, Joseph Howlett, of Shorne, tanner. 1790. Ferry, Samuel, the younger, cooper. 1753. Ferry, John, cooper. 1760. Ferry, John, cooper. 1789. Ferthyng, Robert, s. of Robert Fcrthyng. i3<53- Fcrville, Josiah, silkweaver. 1773. Field, Thomas, of Sittingb(3urne, labourer, s. of William Field, of Cant., la- bourer. 1 741. Filmar, William, bricklayer, s. of John Filmar, bricklayer. 1734. Filmore, Thomas, bricklayer, s. of John Filmore, bricklayer. 1741. Filmer, Enoch, of London, whitesmith. 1761. Filmer, Thomas, of Dover, linnenweaver. 1768. Filmer, William, gardener. 1796. Filmer, Thomas, junior, cordwainer. 1 800. Finch, John, of Lambeth, waterman, s. of Thomas Finch, of Cant., cord- wainer. 1732. Fisenden, Thomas, of Ashford, carpenter, I 760. Fisenden, John, of Wye, pcrukeniakcr. 1761. Fish (Fysshe), John, the younger, grocer, s. of John Fysslie. 1515. Fisshe, Nicholas, draper, s. of John Fisshe. -1539. Fysshe, John, s. of Nicholas Fysshe, late Alderman. 1580. Fishe, John, gent., s. of John Fishe. 1 614. Fisher, John, tinplate worker. 1777. Fisher, James, tinplate worker. 1788. Fislier, "Edward, labourer. 1789. Fisher, Thomas, cordwainer. 1789. Fisher, William, of London, cabinet- maker. 1789. Fisher, Robert, of London, confectioner. 1790. Fisher, George, baker, i 800. Fist, Thomas, gardener, s. of John Fist, tailor. 1722. Fist, John, cordwainer, s. of John Fist. 1727. Fist, Henry, of Faversham, dredger, s. of John Fist, of Cant., tailor. 1734. Fist, Thomas, mariner. 1783. Fist, Thomas, of London, hairdresser. 1790. Fist, John, cordwainer. 1792. Flackton, William, bookseller, s. of John Flackton, bricklayer. 1730. Flacton, John, bookseller, s. of John Flacton, bricklayer. 1738. Flatman, Henry, brewer, s. of Robert Flatman, brew-er. 1698. Flatman, William, hu.sbandman, s. of John Flatman, bricklayer. i6g8. Fleet, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Fleet. 1727. 33 OF CANTERBURY. 34 Fleet, John, turner, s. of Thomas Fleet, cordwainer. 173+- Fleet, Edward, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Fleet, cordwainer. 1739. Flint, Onesiphorus, basketmaker, s. of Samuel Flint, basketmaker. 1714- Flint, Peter, basketmaker, s. of Onesiph- orus Flint, basketmaker. 17+1. Flint, Samuel, of Dover, basketmaker, s. of Onesiphorcms Flint, of Cant., bas- ketmaker. 17^7. Flint, Michael, of Dover, basketmaker. 1760. P'lint, John, of Dover, cordwainer. 1796. Flint, Thomas, whitesmith. 1797. Flint, Samuel, labourer. 1800. Floyd, John, silkweaver, s. of John Floyd, silkweaver. 1700. Fogg, William, of London, silkweaver, s. of Whitingham Fogg, of Cant., silk- weaver. 1715. Fokys, Thomas, the younger, mercer, s. of Thomas Fokys. 15 18. Fookys, Thomas, s. of Thomas Fookys. '5+5- Fordc, Jolm, butcher, s. of Bartholomew Forde. 1+23. Fordo, John, butcher, s. of Bartholomew Forde. •454- Forstall, William, grocer, s. of Richard Forstall, grocer. 1681. Foster, William, tailor, s. of ]\Iaximillian Foster, tailor. 1670. Foster, Henry, silkweaver, s. of I\Iaxi- millian Foster, tailor. 1705. Fouger, George, barber and perukemaker. '770- Fowle, Nicholas, baker, by virtue of his father's copie. 16O2. Foul, Thomas, baker, s. of John Foul, baker. 1677- Fowle, Thomas, baker, s. of Adam Fowle, baker. 1699. Fowle, John, baker, s. of Adam Fowle, baker. 705- Fowle, Adam, of Tenterden, s. of Jolm Fowle, of Cant., baker. 170S. Fowle, John, of Dymchurch, sent., s. of John Fowle, of Cant., baker. 1708. Fowle, Edmund, of Sandwich, barber, s. of John Fowle, of Cant., baker. 1710. Fowle, Adam, carpenter, s. of Adam Fowle, carpenter. 1727. Fowle, John, of London, carpenter, s. of Adam Fowle, of Cant., carpenter. 1734- , , , Fowle, George, carpenter, s. of Adam Fowle, carpenter. 1741. Fowle, Adam, butcher. 1768. Fowle, Thomas, perukemaker. 1774. Fowler, Henry, cordwainer, s. of James Fowler. 1621. Fowler, Bartholomew, whitebakcr, s. of James Fowler, maltster. 1625. Fowler, James, barber surgeon, s. of Henry Fowler, cordwainer. 1643. Fowler, James, baker, s. of Bartholomew Fowler, baker. 1669. Fowler, Thomas, barber surgeon, s. of James Fowler, barbersurgeon. 1 bSi. Fowler, Robert, barber, s. of Thomas Fowler, barber surgeon. 1710. Fowler, Mercer, s. of Thomas Fowler, barber. 17 19. Fowler, Thomas, of London, tailor, s. of Thomas Fowler, of Cant., barber. 1722. Fow'Ier, John, of Whitstable, carpenter, s. of John Fowler, of Cant., carpen- ter. 1734. Fowtrell, James, gent. 1754. Fowtrell, John, surgeon. 1754. Fox, Hugh, s. of John Fox. 1405. Fox, Stephen, cordwainer, s. of Israel Fox, victualler. 1709. Fox, Israel, victualler, s. of Israel I""ox, victualler. 1714- Fox, Siephen, silkweaver, s. of Isaac Fox, silkweaver. 1727. Fox, Israel, barber, s. of Stephen Fox, cordwainer. 1736. Fox, Stephen, baker, s. of Stephen Fox, cordwainer. 1741. Fox, James, of London, silkweaver. 1760. Fox, John, of Fordwich, labourer. 1760. Fox, William, of Folkestone, cordwainer. 1760. Fox, James, the younger, cordwainer. 1789. Fox, William, currier. 1792. Fox, John, cordwainer. 179s. Foxhunte, John, s. of John Foxhunte. '437- Francis, Thomas, maltster, s. of Edward Francis, cordwainer. 1704. Francis, Edward, wheelwright, s, of Edward Francis, cordwainer. 171 1. Frances, John, of Wrotham, clerk, s. of William Frances, of Cant., baker. '73+- Francis, Francis, of Monkton, husband- man, s. of Thomas Francis, of Cant., silkweaver. 1741. Francis, Thomas, butcher, s. of Thomas Francis, silkweaver. 1741. 35 FREEMEN 36 Franke, Edward, bricklayer, s. of Edward Franke, bricklayer. 1705. Frank, William, of Rochester, bricklayer, s. of Edward Frank, of Cant., brick- layer. 1705. Frank, Thomas, labourer, s. of Edward Frank, bricklayer. 1708. Frank, Nicholas, of Whitstable, dredger, s. of Edward Frank, of Cant., brick- layer. 1 7 1 0. Frank, John, husbandman, s. of John Frank, cordwainer. 1749. Franks, Jolm, gardener. 1789. Frenche, John, s. of Thomas Frcnchc, Alderman. 1543- Frenche, Valentine, s. of John Frenche. 1584- Frencham, James, merchant, s. of Dun- stan Frencham, tailor. 1585. Frend, George, the younger, merchant. 1773- Frend, John, of Bridge, tailor. 1780. Frend, William, gent. 1780. Frend, Richard, woollendraper and silk mercer. 1784. Frend, Charles, saddler. 1789. Frend, Stephen, tailor. 1790. .SVc Friend. Freville, Peter, the younger, silkweaver. 1760. Freville, George, silkweaver. 1780. Friend, (Freind), William, tailor, s. of John Freind, woollendraper. 1722. Friend, John, peruUemaker. 1753. Friend, Daniel, the younger, cordwainer. '755- Friend, Thomas, of London, felhnonger. '757- Friend, William, of London, staymaker. 1761. Friend, James, pcrukemaker. 1762. Friend, Charles, of London, tailor. 1 766. Friend, Valentine, tallowchandler. 1 768. Friend, John, of Durham, musician. 1 796. Su Frend. Frogenale, Richard, vintner, s. of William Frogenale. 1424- Fuller, John, silkweaver, s. of John Fuller, silkweaver. 1695. Fuller, Samuel, saddler. 1759. h'urncr, Richard, yeoman, s. of William I'urner. 1538. l''urser, Jolui, cliandler, s. of Richard Furser, capper. 1591. Furser, Richard, mercer, s. of Richard Furser, capper. 1591. Furser, John, gunmakcr, s. of John Fur- ser, clolhworker. 1603. Furser, William, hackneyman, s. of John Furser, clothworker. 1608. Furser, Isaac, cook, s. of John Furser, clothworker. 161 8. Fynkyll, Leonard, gent., s. of Edward Fynkyll, gent. 1500. Gallant, Bilclife, hatter, s. of Richard Gallant, hatter. 1734. Gallant, William, of Margate, mariner. 1790. Gambler, George, bricklayer. 1795. Gardiner, William, of Deal, hairdresser. 1800. Garret, Robert, clerk, s. of John Garret, cordwainer. 1667. Gascoyn, Clement, capper, s. of James Gascoyn. 1574. Gaunt, Gilbert, woollendraper, s. of Richard Gaunt. 1606. Genvey, Richard, s. of James Genvey, yeoman. 1631. Genvey, William, embroiderer, s. of James Genvey, parator (.'' apparitor). 1638. George, John, smith, s. of John George. 1660. George, John, silkweaver, s. of John George, silkweaver. 1700. George, William, gent., s. of John George, smith. 1705. Gere, Henry, tailor, s. of William Gere, mercer. 15 14. Gere, Thomas, tailor, s. of William Gere. 1520. Gere, Thomas, tailor, s. of Henry Geere, tailor. 1571. Gilbert, George, s. of Stephen Gilbert, wheeler. 1575. Gilbert, James, wheelwright, s. of Step- hen Gilbert, wheelwright. 1586. Gylbert, Richard, son of John Gylbert. 1588. iS'iv John Gylbert under this same year, in Part IV. Gilbert, John, baker, s. of Mr. Thomas Gilbert, baker. 1649. Gilbert, William, baker, s. of Thomas Gilbert, baker. 1635. Gilbert, John, Serjeant-at-Mace, s. of Thomas Gilbert, baker and Alder- man. 1 67 1. Gilbert, Thomas, baker, s. of William Gilbert, baker. 1679. Gilbert, Thomas, cutler, s. of Giles Gil- bert, millener. 1703. Gilbert, Thomas, apothecary, s. of Thomas Gilbert, baker. 1715. Giles (Gilles), Roger, cordwainer, s. of Stephen Gilles, cordwainer. 1627. 37 OF CANTERBURY. 38 Giles, Daniel, cordwainer, s. of Stephen Giles, cordwainer. 1639. Giles, John, grocer, s. of Stephen Giles, cordwainer. 1646. Giles, Horn, butcher. 1794. Gill (Gjlle), William, admitted because he was a fremannys sonne. 1504. Gill, William, the younger, carpenter, s. and app. of William Gill, the elder. 1667. Gill, Thomas, silkweaver, s. of John Gill. 1685. Gill, William, carpenter, s. of William Gill, carpenter. 1690. Gill, Thomas, butcher, s. of Thomas Gill, butcher. 1705. Gill, William, carpenter, s. of Thomas Gill. 1709. Gill, Peter, butcher, s. of Thomas Gill, butcher. 1727. Gill, John, baker. 1761. (jillam (Gyllam), Paul, tailor, s. of Tho- mas Gyllam. 1558. Gillam, John, miller, s. of William Gillam, miller. 1657. Gillman, John, wheelwright. 1784. Gillman, Henry, wheelwright. 1789. Gillman, Matthew, of Wye, wheelwright. 1790. Gilman, Isaac, labourer. 1796. Gillman, David, of Dover, labourer. 1 Soo. Gillmore, Paul, carpenter, s. of Paul Gillmore, grocer. 1670. Gilmore, Jacob, of London, corkcutter. s. of James Gilmore, of Cant., silk- weaver. 1 7 10. Gilmore, John, of London, silkweaver, s. of John Gilmore, of Cant , tallow- chandler. I 7 14. Gilmore, John, silkweaver, s. of James Gilmore, silkweaver. 17 14. Gilmore, James, silkweaver, s. of John Gilmore, silkweaver. 1747. Gillmore, John, Junior, of London, silk- weaver. Ijb]. Gilpin, Robert, cordwainer, s. of Robert Gilpin, tailor. 1698. Gilpin, Thomas, miller, s. of Robert Gilpin, tailor. 1714- Gilpin, William, yeoman, s. of Robert Gilpin, tailor. 1719. Gilpin, Thomas, butcher, s. of Thomas Gilpin, miller, i 745. Gilpin, Barnard, butcher, s. of Thomas Gilpin, miller. 1746. Gimber, Thomas, of London, baker, s. of Francis Gimber, of Cant., baker. 1741. Ginder, John, smith, s. of Richard Gin- der, smith. 1700. Ginder, John, schoolmaster, s. of William Ginder, linnendraper. 1704. Ginder, Stephen, cordwainer, s. of Will- iam Ginder, linnendraper. 1704. Ginder, Stephen, of Barham, carpenter, s. of Richard Ginder, of Cant., smith. 1704. Ginder, Thomas, carpenter, s. of William Ginder, linnendraper. 1705. Ginder, Richard, bricklayer, s. of Richard Ginder, smith. 1708. Ginder, William, butcher, s. of John Ginder, carpenter. 1712. Ginder, Charles, of Ashford, butcher, s. of William Ginder, of Cant., linnen- draper. 1 7 14. Ginder, John, butcher, s. of William Gin- der, butcher. 1736. Ginder, Richard, butcher, s. of William Ginder, butcher. 1747- Ginder, John, labourer. 1760. Ginder, William, husbandman. 1761. Ginder, Thomas, yeoman. 1768. Ginder, William, of St. Gregory's, Kent, grazier. 1795. Goatley (Goteley), John, brewer, s. of William Goteley. 1506. Goatley, William, smith, s. of Ambrose Goatley, smith. 1699. Godden, James, staymaker, s. of James Godden, of Maidstone, farrier and freeman of Cant. 1747. Gold, Thomas, cordwainer. 1753. Gold, William, the younger, silkweaver. •773- Gold, Thomas, the younger, cordwainer. 1789. Gold, William, cordwainer. 1789. Golden, Richard, cordwainer, s. of John Golden, bricklayer. 1741. Golden, Jacob, the younger, silkweaver. 1760. Goulden, Thomas, silkweaver. 1789. Goldedge, John, labourer, s. of Thomas Goldedge, smith. 1705. Goldhatch, William, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Goldhatch, wheeler. 1695. Golding, John, of Sittingbourne, labourer, s. of John Golding, of Cant., brick- layer. 1747. Goodwin, James, of Denstrood, husband- man, s. of Thomas Goodwin, of Cant., husbandman. 1734. Goodwin, Thomas, of Goodnestone, yeoman, s. of Thomas Goodwin, of Cant., yeoman. 1734. 39 FREEMEN 40 Goodwin, Samuel, silkweaver. 17S0. Goarly, William, hatter, s. of William Goarly, hatter. 1739. Gorely, George, of London, bricklayer, s. of William Gorely, of Cant., haberdasher of hats. 17+r. Gourly, Richard, feltmaker, s. of William Gourly, feltmaker. 1747. Gorely, James, gent. 1761. Gorely, James, hatter. 1773. Gorely, Thomas, hatter. 1773- Gorely, George, hatter. 1774. Gorely, George, cooper. 1781. Gorely, Edward, wheelwright. 1789. Gorelv, Richard, the younger, cord wainer. Gorham, Thomas, clothier, s. of Thomas Gorham. 1658. Gosby, William, tailor. 1774. Gosby, John, printer. 1800. Gradwell, John, yeoman, s. of Thomas Gradwell, innholder. 1624. Grant, Richard, the younger, labourer. 1767. Graves, William, embroiderer, s. of Christopher Graves. 1607. Graye, Richard, blacksmith, s. of Henry Graye, blacksmith. 1634. Gray, Matthias, dyer, s. of Richard Gray. 1657- Gray, Thomas, dyer, s. of Matthias Gray, dyer. 1681. Gray, John, carpenter, s. of Matthias Gray, dyer. 1691. Gray, Stephen, dyer, s. of Matthias Gray, dyer. 1692. Gray, John, gent., s. of Matthias Gray, late Alderman. 17 10. Gray, William, of Faversham, grocer, s. of Thomas Gray, of Cant., glover. 1717. Gray, William, of London, goldsmith, s. of William Gray, of Cant., grocer. 1746. Gray, James, of Sandwich, tallowchandler, s. of William Gray, of Cant., tallow- chandler. 1747. Gray, Daniel, baker, s. of Thomas Gray, late Alderman. 1750. Gray, Thomas, baker. 1774. (iray, Samuel, yeoman. 178 i. CJray, George Godfrey, of London, vic- tualler. 1790. Grebell, Allen, the )'Ounger, gent. 1795. Greedhurst, Philip, of St. Peter's in Thanet, bricklayer, s. of Philip Greedhurst, of Cant., bricklayer. 1733. Greethurst, Thom.as, silkweaver, s. of Philip Greethurst, bricklayer. 1741. Greenland, Joseph, hop-planter, s. of John Greenland, Alderman. 1727- Greneleffe, Nicholas, s. of Thomas Grene- leffe. 1599. Grew, John, of London, silkweaver. 1795. Gridle, Thomas, barber, s. of Thomas Gridle, currier. 1400. Gybon, John, s. of John Gybon. 1409. Hadman, Richard, musicianer, s. of William Hadman, tailor. 1692. Hadman, Richard, labourer, s. of Richard Hadman, labourer. 1722. Hadman, Thomas, labourer, s. of Richard Hadman, labourer. 1727. Hadman, Cliristopher, musician, s. of Richard Hadman, musician. 1747. Hadman, Charles, labourer. 1760. Hadmans, Thomas, of Dover, cordwainer. '753- Hadmans, William Mayne, hairdresser. 1795- Hales, John, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Hales, butcher. 1733. Hales, Thomas, stocking-weaver, s. of Thomas Hales, butcher. 1733. Halford, Richard, Junior, gent. 1797. Halke, Michael, s. of Thomas Halke. 16 10. Hall, Thomas, plumber, s. of Thomas Hall. 1543. Hall, William, turner, s. of Thomas Hall, turner. 1683. Hall, John, turner, s. of Thomas Hall. J 684. Hall, John, turner, s. of John Hall, turner. 1705. Hall, William, turner, s. of William Hall, turner. 1708. Hall, James, labourer, s. of William Hall, turner. 17 14. Hall, Joseph, turner, s. of Joseph ILill, turner. 17 14. Hall, John, of Sandwich, turner, s. of Thomas Hall, of Cant., turner. 1722. Hall, John, turner, s. of John Hall, turner. 1727. Hall, Samuel, of Westminster, apothecary, s. of George Hall, of Cant., apothe- cary. 1727. Hall, William, of Boughton Aluiih, turner, s. of John Hall, of Cant., turner. 1 733. Hall, Joseph, cordwainer, s. of Samuel Hall, cordwainer. 1734. Hall, I\Lark, of London, carpenter, s. of John Hall, of Cant., chairmaker. 1734. 41 OF CANTERBURY. 42 Hall, Richard, bricklayer, s. of Samuel Hall, cordwainer. 1734. Hall, Thomas, of Sandwich, turner, s. of Thomas Hall, of Cant., turner. 173+. Hall, William, of London, cordwainer, s. of Simon Hall, of Cant., cordwainer. 17+1. Hall, Edward, of Dover, husbandman, s. of Samuel Hall, of Cant., cordwainer. '747- Hall, William, of Folkestone, fisherman. '754- Hall, Richard, the younger, silkweaver. 1760. Hall, John, gent. 1761. Hall, Edward, silkweaver. 1768. Hall, Robert, whitesmith. 1800. Hallytt, Richard, tailor, s. of Alexander Hallet. 1570. Halsnod. James, joiner, s. of John Hals- nod, tailor. 1639. Halsnode, Richard, tailor, s. of John Halsnode, tailor. 16+7. Halsnode, Thomas, turner, s. of Thomas Halsnode, weaver. 1672. HamJige, John, of Sturr/, carpenter, s. of John Hamage, of Cant., maltster. 1722. Hambrooke, Edward, the younger, cur- rier. 1780. Hambrook, Richard, blacksmith. 1781. Hammon-d (Hamon), Christopher, tailor, s. of Clement Hamond, barber. 1 500. Hamon, John, junior, s. of Clement Hamond. 1508. Hammond, Richard, barber-surgeon, s. of James Hammond. 1704. Hammond, Thomas, gent. 1756. Hammond, George, the younger, of Fav- ersham, surgeon. 1774- Hammond, Thomas, the younger, gent. 17S6. Hammond, George, upholsterer. 1789. Hammond, Charles, of East Bridge Hos- phal, writingmaster. 1790. Hammond, William, of East Bridge Hospital, scrivener. 1790. Hanbrook, Elisha, of London, black- smith. I 75+. Hane, John, of Chislet, husbandman, s. of James Hane, of Cant., labourer. '734- Hannel, James, currier, s. of Francis Hannel, currier. 1726. Hanree, Stephen, cordwainer. 1762. Hanree, Casey, cordwainer. 1773. Hanree, John, baker. 1773. Harbert, Abiether, clerk, s. of Edmond Harbert, blacksmith. 16 19. Harden, Thomas, cordwainer. 1760. Harden, Thomas, of St. Peter in 'I'hanet, cordwainer. 1789. Harden, William, of Kingsgate in Thanet, labourer. 1790. Harding, John, of Faversham, linnen- weaver. 1754. Hardres, Nicholas, s. of Thomas Hardres. '394- Hardes, Richard, clothworker, s. of Rob- ert Hardes, barber. 1636. FLirdres, James, Esq., second s. of Thomas Hardres, Serjeant at Law, and Recorder of this city. 1674. Hardres, Edmund, gent., s. of Sir Thomas Hardres, Serjeant at Law, and Recorder of this city. 1679. Harnett, Edward, baker. 1768. Harris, (Harrice), Vespatian, mercer, s. of John Harrice, Alderman. 1630. Harris, Thomas, of Thanington, groce.', s. of [blank] Harris, of Cant., baker. 1664. Harris, Vespatian, woolcomber, s. of Vespatian Harris, mercer. 1673. Harris, Titus, cordwainer, s. of Vespatian Harris, Alderman. 1676. Harris, Richard, joiner, s. of Thomas Harris, grocer. 1695. Harris, William, smith, s. of James Har- ris, smith. 1698. Harris, Titus, basketmaker, s. of Titus Harris, cordwainer. 1705. Harris, Nicholas, cordwainer, s. of Nich- olas Harris, cordwainer. 17 10. Harris, John, labourer, s. of Titus Harris, cordwainer. 1722. Harris, Stephen, silkweaver, s. of John Harris, porter. 1734. Harris, Joseph, silkweaver, s. of John Harris, labourer. 1741. Harris, Titus, labourer, s. of John Harris, labourer. 1745. Harris, John, cordwainer, s. of John Harris, husbandman. 1747. Harris, John, tailor. 1759. Harris, John, tailor. 1784. Harris, Thomas, of Elham, gardener. 1790. Harrison, William, pewterer, s. of I\Ir. Richard Harrison, pewterer. 1654. Harrison, Henry, barber, s. of William Harrison, pewterer. 1693. Harrison, Robert, of London, mercer, s. of Henry Harrison, late of Cant., tailor. 1700. 43 FREEMEN 44 Harrison, Henry, Junior, linnendraper, s. of Henry Harrison, linnendraper. 1706. Harrison, Robert, linnendraper, s. of Henry Harrison. 1715. J Harrison, Basil, of Hythe, surgeon. 1768. Hart, William, shoemaker, s. of Thorn is Hart. 1543. Hart, John, cutler, s. of William Hart, clothier. 1571. Hart, lohn, carpenter. 1767. Hart, Ale.xander, baker. 1772. Hart, Thomas, baker. 1782. Hart, Holland, cordwainer. 1792. Hart, Henry, carpenter. 1795- Hart, Ricliard Hewitt, of Longport, cordwainer. 1800. Hartcup, Venner. of London, surgeon. 1761. Hartcup, Thomas, of Thanington, gent. '77+- Haslast, John, beer brewer, s. of George Haslast. 1552. Hasnoth, Thomas, weaver, s. of Samuel Hasnoth, cordwainer. 1647. Hatch, Thomas, goldsmith, s. of Mr. John Hatch, goldsmith. 1709. Hatch, John, of Harbledown, gent. 1761. Hawke, John, miller, s. of Richard Hawke, victualler. 1658. Hawker, Jonathan, cordwainer, s. of Jonathan Hawker, cordwainer. 1 704. Hawker, Enoch, pattenwoodmaker, s. of Jonathan Hawker, cordwainer. 1708. Hawker, Alexander, cordwainer, s. of Jonatlian Hawker, cordwainer. 1710. Hawker, Joseph, silk weaver, s. of John Hawker, cordwainer. 1741. Hawker, John, tailor. 1773. Hawker, Joseph, cordwainer. 1774. Hawkes, John, hackneyman, s.of Edmond Hawkes, hackneyman. 1607. Hawkes, Thomas, saddler, s. of Thomas Hawkes, apothecary. 1625. Hawkes, John, yeoman, s. of Robert Hawkes, grocer. 1627. Hawks, Isaac, silkweaver, s. of John Hawks, victualler. 1693. Hawkes, John, barber, s. of Isaac Hawkes, victualler. 1718. Hawkins, George, cordwainer. 1789. Hawte, Richard, Esquire, s. of William Hawte, late of Bishopsbourne, Es- quire. 1475. Hayffidd, Stephen, carpenter, s.of Henry Hayfl'old, carpenter. 1576. Haynian, Robert, labourer, s. of Robert Hayman, watchmaker. 1722. Hayne, John, haberdasher, s. of Francis Hayne, needlemaker. 1631. Hayward, Isaac, butcher, s. of Thomas Hayward, shoemaker. 1642. Hayward, John, victualler, s of Richard Hayward, victualler. 1745- Hayward, Edward, surgeon, s. of Edward Hayward, apothecary. 1752. Hayward, John, of Ash n. Sandwich, surgeon. 1761. Hayward, James, perukemaker. 1767. Hayward, George, of Elham, baker. 1784. Hayward, Richard, of Whitstable, rope- maker. 1784. Hayward, John, of Dover, butcher. 1789. Hay ward, ThomasFrancis, gardener. 1795. Hayward, John, gardener. 1796. See Heyward. Hearne, Thomas, victualler, s. of John Hearne, smith. 1695. Hearne, Henry, .silkweaver, s. of John Hearne. blacksmith. 1703. Hearne, Abraham, blacksmith, s. of John Hearne, cordwainer. 1722. Hearne, Henry, of Ickham, carpenter, s. of Henry Hearne, of Cant., silk weaver. 1727. Hearne, John, dyer, s. of [blank] Hearne, bricklayer. 1727. Hearne, John, husbandman, s. of John Hearne. 1727. Hearn, Abraham, the younger, labourer. '753- Hearne, Henty, silkweaver. 1760. Hegyn, Matthew, waxchandler, s. of Thomas Hegyn. 1431. Hegyn, William, grocer, s. of Matthew Hegyn, waxchandler. 1475. Henden, Nicholas, s. of Edward Henden, currier. 1576. Herde, Walter, baker, s. of John Herde, baker. 1590. Hewett, John, mercer, s. of John Hewys, (sic). 1479. Hewet, William, taverner, s. of William Hewys, (sic) currier. 1480. Huet, John,mercer, s.of John Huet. 1517. Heyward, John, s. of John Heyward, webbe. 1400. See Hayward. Hills, John, apothecar}', s. of Avery Hills, now Mayor. 1O65. Hills, Hercules, baker, s. of Hercules Hills, baker. 1724. Hills, John, baker, s. of Hercules Hills, baker. 1733. Hills, Richard, baker, s. of Hercules Hills, baker. 1740. 45 OF CANTERBURY. 46 Hills. William, baker, s. of Hercules Hills, baker. 1750. Hills, William, the younger, of Lomlon, gent. 1778. Hobbs, John, linnendraper, s. of John Hobbs, linnendraper. 1733- Hobbs, James, tailor, s. of John Hobbs, liiinendraper. 1739- Hobbs, Samuel, watchmaker, s. of John Hobbs, linnendraper. 17+3. Hobbs, Edward, schoolmaster. 1760. Hobday, John, merchant, s. of John Hobday, woollendraper. 1700. Hobday, Hills, woollendraper, s. of John Hobday, woollendraper. 1708. Hobday, Stephen, clerk, s. of John Hob- day, woollendraper. 1710. Hobday, William, carpenter. 1795. Hobday, Benjamin, the younger, of Whitstable, yeoman. 1796. Hobday, Ellis, of Whitstable, carpenter. 1796. Hobday, William, plumber and glazier. 1796. Hogman, Matthew, of Chislet, liusband- man, s. of James Hogman, of Cant., thatcher. 1741. I lolland, Matthew, cordwainer, s. of John Holland, cordwainer. 1639. Hollingberry, |ohn, tallowchandlcr, s. of Thomas Hollingberry. gent. 1748. Hollingbery, Henry, of Wingham, sur- geon. 1 76 1. Hollingbery, Thomas, Junior, of Ash n. Sandwich, yeoman. 1761. Holmes, Bartholomew, gent., s. of John Holmes, maltster. 1741. Holmes. John, cooper, s. of John Holmes, maltster. 1741. Holmes, Thomas, barber and peruke- maker, s. of John Holmes, victualler. '744- , , Holmes, William, of Thanington, lilack- smith, s. of John Holmes, of Cant., victualler. 1747- Holmes, Joseph, of London, cordwainer. 1761. Holmes, Bartholomew, labourer. 1789. Holness, John, carpenter, s. of Peter Holness, of Harbledown, carpenter. 1722. Holness, Robert, tailor, s. of Andrew Holness, carpenter. 1722. Holness, Robert, theyounger, tailor. 1753. Homersham, John, of Holy Cross, Cant., husbandman, s. of John Homersham, of Cant., carpenter. 1722. Homersham, William, of Harbledown, carpenter, s. of John Homersham, of Cant., carpenter. 172;. Homersham, Edward, of Faversham, tailor, s. of John Homersham, of Harbledown, carpenter. 1727. Homersham, Thomas, of London, tallow- chandler. 1760. Homersham, Charles, Junior, carpenter. 1761. Homersham, James, carpenter. 1767. Homersham, Charles, of Dover, plumber. 1790. Homersham, Henry, p.iinter. 1790. tlomersham, Strangewidge, plumber and glazier. 1795. Homersham, William, tanner. 1800. Hommee, Samuel, labourer, s. of Samuel Hommee, silkweaver. 1741. Hook, George, of Dover, tailor. 1790. Hooker, John, woolcomber. 1792. Horn, George, tailor. 1800. Horneby, Thomas, saddler, s. of Jolin Horneby. 161 3. Hornebey, Robert, glazier, s. of Jnjm Hornebey, saddler. 1629. Hornsby, Richard, cordwainer, s. of Richard Hornsby, glazier. 1681. Hornsby, Robert, s. of Robert Hornsby. 1700. Horsely, John, of Nonington, cordwainer. s. of John Horsely, of Cant., tanner. 1722. Horscl)', John, labourer, s. of John Horsely, late of Nonington, cord- wainer, and freeman of Cant. 1747. Horsely, John, of London, labourer. 1754. Horton, Sampson, of Sandwich, husband- man, s. of John Horton, of Stelling, yeoman. >734. Hoskins, James, currier, s. of Daniel Hoskins, currier. 1705. Hoskins, Daniel, of Lyminge, labourer, s. of William Hoskins, of Cant., currier. 1722. Ilothe, William, s. of ThomasIIothe. 1416. Howell, Samuel, s. of John Howell. 1 6 1 6. Howell, Henry, weaver, s. of John Howell, weaver. 1622. Howell, Zaccheus, weaver, s. of John Howell, weaver. 1622. Howell, Thomas, weaver, s. of John Howell, weaver. 1626. Howell, John, weaver, s. of Henry How- ell. 1676. Howtyg, James, carpenter, s. of Stephen Howtyg, Este clothemaker. 1489- 47 FREEMEN 48 Hubberd, John, carpenter, s. of Abel Hijbberd, clothworker. 1707. Hudson, Robert, cordwainer, s. of Robert Huilson, carpenter. 1720. Hudson, James, labourer. -1767. ?ludson, Richard, of Dover, baker. 1 767. Hudson, Thomas, carpenter. 1767. Hudson, Thomas Hougham, labourer. 1767. Hudson. Hougham, of St. Peter in Thanet, labourer. 1790. Hudson, Jesse, of Margate, cordwainer. 1790. Hudson, Robert, of Chatham, mariner. 1790. Hudson, Thomas Henry, baker. 1795. Hudson, James, of London, bricklayer. 1796. Hudson, John, carpenter. 1796. Hues, Robert, cordwainer, s. of William Hues, cordwainer. 1631. Hunt, Nicholas, fletcher, s. of John Hunt. 1501. Hunt, Paul, grocer, s. of William Hunt. 1563- Huntt, Nicholas, grocer, s. of \\ illiam Huntt. 1570. Hunt, John, gent., s. of William Hunt, musician. 1612. Hunt, Richard, tailor, s. of John Hunt, Alderman. 1640. Hunt, Ralph, vintner, s. of John Hunt, Alderman. 1644. Hunt, Stephen, gent., s. of Nicholas Hunt, gunsmith. 1700. Hunt, William, apothecary, s. of William Hunt, victualler. 1714. Hunt, George, barber, s. of William Hunt, victualler. 1727. Hunt, Newton, of London, upholster, s. ofjohii Hunt, of Cant, mercer. 1741. Hutt, James, vintner, s. of James Hutt, 17 ID. Hutt, James, the younger, carpenter. 1774. Hutt, Henry, sawyer. 1784. Hybon, William, potter. 1790. Hyder, Henry, hempdresser, s. of John Hyder, hempdresser. 1700. Irons, James, butcher. 1797. Iverson, James, baker. 1761. Ives, John, servant. 1789. Jacob, Kdward, vintner, s. of Edward Jacob, vintner. 1702. Jacob, Edward, barber, s. of I^dward Jacob, innholder. 1728. Jagger, William, the younger, of London, gent. 1760. Jagger, John, plumber. 1761. Jagger, Henry, carpenter. 1768. Jager, John, silversmith. 1777. Jamys, Stephen, mercer, s. of John Jamys. 1548. Jancocke, John, Junior, cordwainer, s. of John jancocke, the elder, cordwainer. 1694. Jancock, Richard, labourer, s. of Barthol- omew Jancock, woolcomber. 17+7. Jarman, Tiiomas, of Sandwich, maltsier, s. of John Jarman, of Cant., tailor. 1 710. Jarman, John, of Sittingbourne, hatter, s. of Philip Jarman, of Cant., tanner. 1733- Jarman, Philip, the younger, gardener. 1767. Jarman, William, brazier. 1767. Jarman, Thomas, the younger, of Sand- wich, staymaker. 1768. Jarman, Thomas, of Chartham, labourer. >77+- Jarman, Stephen, blacksmith. 1780. Jeddery, Solomon, of London, ironmon- ger. 1 761. Jeffrey, George, s. of George Jefi'rey, tailor. 1584. Jenkin, John, of Shoerness, gent., s. of Richard Jenkin, of Cant., grocer and tallowchandler. 1741. Jenkins, 'I'homas, tallowchandler, s. of Richard Jenkins, tallowchandler. 1749- Jennings, George, silkweaver,s. of George Jennings, grocer. j688. Jennins, Thomas, joiner, s. of Tiiomas Jennins, joiner. 171 j. Jenings, George, silkweaver, s. of George Jenings, silkweaver. 1722. Jennings, George, bricklayer, s. of George Jennings, victualler. 1747. Jennings, John, silkweaver, s. of George Jennings, silkweaver. 1748. Jennings, George, the younger, of Dover, plumber. 1774. Jennings, Thomr.s, of Dover, mariner. '77')- Johncocke, John, cordwainer, s. of Bar- tholomew Joiincocke, tailor. 1646. Johncock, ]5artholomew, woolcomber, s. of John Johncock, cordwainer. 1704. Johncock, William, labourer, s. of John Johncock, silkweaver. 1727. Johncock, John, woolcomber, s. of Bar- tholomew Johncock, woolcomber. 1733- Johncock, \\"illiam. Junior, of London, gardener. 1761. 49 OF CANTERBURY. 50 Johncock, John, labourer. 1767. Johncock, Richard, mariner. 1768. Johncock, Charles, gardener. 1774. Johncock, Charles, the younger. East Kent Militia. 1796. Johnson, John, painter, s. of William Johnson. 1552. Johnson, John, s. of John Johnson, painter. 1583. Johnson, William, s. of John [ohnson, paniter. 1583. Johnson, Peter, tailor, s. of Esdras fohn- son, stationer. 1618. Johnson, Edwartl, joiner, s. of William Johnson, joiner. 1623. Johnson, Peter, cordwainer, s. of Nicho- las Johnson, bookseller. 1653. Johnson, George, merchant, s. of Edward Johnson, joiner. 1655. Johnson, Nicholas, cordwainer, s. of Nicholas Johnson, bookseller. 1672. Johnson, Edward, of Maidstone, cutler, s. of Nicholas Johnson, of Cant., bookseller. 1715. Johnson, Thomas, baker, s. of Andrew Johnson, baker. lyig. Johnson, John, grocer, s. of Andrew Johnson, baker. 1720. Johnson, David, baker, s. of Andrew Johnson, baker. 1727. Johnson, Samuel, baker, s. of Andrew Johnson, baker. 1727. Johnson, Thomas, millener, s. of Samuel Johnson, millener. 1740. Johnson, Samuel, gent., s. of Samuel Johnson, gent. 1741. Johnson, Andrew, gent. 1760. Johnson, John, tallowchandler. 1760. Johnson, Samuel, baker. 1768. Johnson, Samuel, of the Precincts, Cant., linnendraper. 1768. Jolly, Edward, mariner, s. of Thomas Jolly, innholder. 1708. Jolley, William, of Folkestone, maltster, s. of Thomas Jolley, of Cant., vic- tualler. 1708. Jolley, Benjamin, of Sandwich, joiner, s. of Thomas Jolley, of Cant., maltster. 1714. Jolley, Francis, victualler, s. of Thomas Jolley, victualler. 17 14. Jolley, John, labourer, s. of Thomas Jolley, labourer. 1727. Jolley, Joseph, maltster, s. of Thomas Jolley, maltster. 1727. Jolly, John, carpenter, s. of Thomas / Jolly, maltster. 1734. Jolly, Thomas, labourer, s. of Thomas Jolly, maltster. 1734. Jolly, Francis, baker, s. of Francis Jolly, baker. 1746. jolley, Benjamin, baker. 1753. Jolley, John, silkweaver. 1761. Jolley, Thomas, husbandman. 1764. Jolley. Benjamin, tanner. 1767. Jolley, Stephen, labourer. 1779. Jolly, John, clothier. 17 So. Jolley, Thomas, labourer. 1789. Jones, Thomas, s. of Lewis Jones, baker. 1584. Jones, John, cordwainer, s. of Ralph Jones, joiner. '633. Jones, William, cordwainer, s. of Ralph Jones, joiner. 1640. Jones, William, cordwainer, s. of William Jones, cordwainer. 1681. Jorden, William, weaver, s. of John Jorden, tailor. 1624. Jorden, John, cordwainer, s. of Henry Jorden, tailor. 1630. Joyce, John, butcher, s. of Edmund Joyce, 1650. Jull, Richard, of Bishopsbourne, yeoman, s. of John Jull, of Cant., labourer. 1734. Jull, Thomas, husbandman, s. of John Jull, husbandman. 1741. Justice, William, glover, s. of Edward Justice, plumber. 1714. Justice, Charles, cordwainer, s. of Edward Justice, plumber. 1722. Justice, John, tailor, s. of Edward Justice, plumber. 1722. Karby, James, of Thanet, cordwainer. 1754- Karby, William, of River, papermaker. 1754. Sue Kerby. Kelly, Benjamin, gent. 1790. Kendall, William, tailor. 1789. Kendall, John, labourer. 1795. Kene, RIelchisedeck, glazier, s. of Tho- mas Kene, glazier. 1584. Kennard, Edw-ard, tailor, s. of Hamon Keunard, shoemaker. 1571. Kennard, Hamon, shoemaker, s. of Hamon Kennard. 1576. Kennard, Sampson, joiner, s. of Hamon Kennard, shoemaker. 1583. Kennard, Sampson, clerk, s. of Sampson Kennard. 1614. Kennard, John, joiner, s. of Sampson Kennard, joiner. 1628. Kennet, Thomas, turner, s. of John Ken- net, grocer. 1634. Kennet, Bartholomew, cordwainer, s. ol John Kennet, grocer. 1654. 51 FREEMEN 52 Kennet, Robert, tailor, s. of John Ken- net, grocer. 1655. Kenton, William, shoemaker, s. of Rich- ard Kenton, weaver. 1521. Kerb)', James, silkweaver, s. of John Kerijy, cordwainer. 1687. Kerby, fohn, silkweaver, s. of James Kerby. 171+. Kerby, Samuel, of London, silkweaver, s. of James Kerby. of Cant,, silkweaver. 1715. Set Karby. Kevell, John, musician, s. of John Kevell, tailor. 1567. Kidder, George, barber, s. of Thomas Kidder. 1702. Kidder, Edward, barber, s. of George Kidder, barber. 1723. Kidder, George, cook, s. of George Kidder, barber. 1734- Kidder, John, of London, clothier. 1 753. Kidder, Thomas, cabinetmaker. 1765. Kidder, John, cook. 1768. Kidder. Edward Francis, writing master. '774- King (Kyng), Thomas, butcher, s. of Thomas King, butcher. 1597. Kinge, William, glazier, s. of Melchisedeck Kinge, glazier. 1606. Kinge, William, silkweaver, s. of William Kinge, smith. 1695. King, William, of London, silkweaver, s. of William King, of Cant., silkweaver. 1727. Kingsford, John, millener, s. of Thomas Kingsford. 1658. Kingsford, John, millener, s. of John Kingsford, millener. 1681. Kingsford, Samuel, gent., s. of John Kingsford, millener. 1695. Kingsford, William, gent., s. of John Kingsford, millener. 1695. Kingsnode, John, victualler, s. of John Kingsnode, locksmith. 1671. Kirke, John, silkweaver. s. of John Kirke, grocer. 1722. Kitham, William, gardener, s. of William Kitham, tailor. 1708. Knell, James, cordwainer, s. of John Knell, cordwainer. 1705. Knell, John, silkweaver, s. of James Knell, silkweaver. 1741. Knell, James, cordwainer, s. of James Knell, silkweaver. 1753. Knell, Thomas, silkweaver. 1768. Knell, John, the younger, woolcomber. »774- Knell, James, silkweaver. 1776- Knell, William, silkweaver. 1785. Knell, Charles, of London, silkweaver. '789- Knewstubb, John, blacksmith. 17O0. Knight, lohn, yeoman, s. of William Knight, maltster. 1634. Knock, Thomas, s. of Thomas Knock, glover. 1 61 2. Knocke, Daniel, glover, s. of Thomas Knocke, glover. 1641. Knock, John, glover, s. of Thomas Knock, glover. 1653. Knock, Robert, glover, s. of Thomas Knock, glover. 1653. Knowler, Gregory, gent., s. of Thomas Knowler, Alderman. 1700. Laas, Robert, chaloner, s. of John Laas, tailor. 1452. Ladd, John, grocer, s. of John Ladd, grocer. 1681. Lade, Nathaniel, woollendraper, s. of Mr. John Lade, Alderman. 1648. Lake, John, maltster, s. of James Lake, baker. 1704. Lambart, John, cordwainer, s. of Giles Lambart, joiner. 1636. Lambert, Jacob, staymaker. 1754- Lambirdenne, John, s. of William Lam- byrdenne. 1425. Lambsyn, Thomas, chandler, s. of John Lambsyn. H^J- Lamsyn, William, grocer, s. of Thomas Lamsyn, grocer. 147^- Laming, Thomas, the younger, silkweaver. 1754- Laming, Roger, husbandman. 17^5. Laming, Thomas, of Ringwoukl, labourer. 1789. Laming, William, silkweaver. 1789. Laming, Thomas, the younger, butcher. 1790. Lampard, John, glover, s. of !\Litthew Lampard, cordwainer. 1727 Lampard, Matthew, cordwainer, s. of Matthew Lampard, cordwainer. 1727. Lampard, William, cordwainer, s. of Matthew Lampard, cordwainer. 1727. Lampard, Thomas, of Hoath, cordwainer. s. of Matthew Lampard, of Cant., cordwainer. 1733- Lampard, Joseph, of London, cordwainer, s. of "Matthew Lampard. of Cant., cordwainer. 1741- Lampard, William, of HoUingbourne, breeches-maker, s. of John Lampard, of Cant., glover. 1753- Lampard, John, of Woolwich, vintner. 1761. 53 OP CANTERBURY. 54 Lampard, Thomas, of Shorne, yeoman. 1761. Landman, John, feltmaker, s. of Henry Landman. i68o. Landman, William, of Sheerness, carpen- ter, s. of Thomas Landman, of Cant., carpenter. 1722. Landman, Thomas, carpenter, s. of Edward Landman, carpenter. 1734. Lane, Thomas, thread twister, s. of Tho- mas Lane. 1704. Lane, John, gent., s. cif Thomas Lane, threadtwister. 1706. Lane, John, labourer, s. of fohn Lane, labourer. 1734. Lane, John, of London, gent., s. of Thomas Lan(-, of Cant., gent. 1741. Lane, Richard, of London, tallowchandler. s. of Richard Lane, of Cant., barber. 1 74 1. Lane, Thomas, of London, gent., s. of Thomas Lane, of Cant., gent. 1741. Lane, Thomas, of London, baker, s. of John Lane, of Cant., maltster. 1741. Lane, William, of Dover, baker, s. of John Lane, of Cant., hop-planter. 1741. Lane, William, perukemaker, s. of Richard Lane, perukemaker. 1751 Lane, John, the younger, cordwainer. 17.H- Lane, George, gent. 1760. Langfeild, Nicholas, carpenter, s. of George Langfeild, hempdresser. 1644. Langfield, George, hempdresser, s. of George Langfield. 1646. Lankefield, George, hempdresser, s. of Nicholas Lankefield, oatmealmaker. 1608. Latter, George, of London, cordwainer. '7.54- Latter, John, tailor. 1754. Latter, William, of Deal, perukemaker. 1761. Laurence, John, baker, s. of William Laurence, bricklayer. 1690. Lawrence, Robert, of Rochester, plumber, s. of Robert Lawrence of Cant.. limeburner. 17 10. Laybourne, Thomas, gent., s. of Roger Laybourne. 1484. Lea, Stephen, woolcomber, s. of Henry Lea. 1688. Sef Lee. Le Cerf, James, of London, cabinet maker. 'T^?- Le Cerf, John, of London, cabinet maker. 1767. Le Cerf, Charles, joiner. 1768. Le Cerf, otherwise Hart, Henry, of Chat- ham, joiner. 1784. Ledger, Stephen, blacksmith, s. of Step- hen Ledger, tailor. 1741. Ledger, John, smith, s. of Stephen Led- ger, tailor. 1745. Ledger, John, cordwainer, s. of John Ledger, cordwainer. 1751. Ledger, Henry, labourer. 1753. Ledger, John, Junior, of Sandwich, blacksmith. 1768. Ledger, Charles, labourer. 1774. Lee, Thomas, fellmonger, s. of John Lee, fellmonger. 1638. Lee, Zacharia, haberdasher, s. of John Lee. 1 640. St-e Lea. Leedes, Noah, s. of Christopher Leedes, Alderman. 1578. Leedes, Stephen, tailor, s. of William Leedes, baker. 1640. Leeds, John, glazier, s. of Noah Leeds, tailor. 1647. Lefroy, Samuel, dyer, s. of James Lefroy, dyer. 1695. Leggat, Josia, upholster, s. of James Leggat, upholster. 1734. Leggett, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of James Leggett, upholster. 1741. Le Grand, Peter, Junior, gent. 1761. Le Grand, George Wren, of Hampstead, .Aliddlese.x, brewer. 1790. Le Grand, Edwin, surgeon. 1794. Le Grand, John, of St. Augustine's Mon- astery, surgeon. 1794. Le Grand, William, gent. 1794. Lellesden, Edward, baker, s. of John Lellesden, baker. 1741. Lellesden, Thomas, baker, s. of John Lellesden, baker. 1741. Lellesden, Samuel, cordwainer. 1789. Leman, James, of Sandwich, grocer. 1784. Lepine, Daniel, the younger, of London, silkweaver. 1760. Lepine, James, silkweaver. i 760. Lepine, William, silkweaver. 1760. Lepine, John, of London, frame work knitter. t76i. Lepine, Charles, silkweaver. 1765. Lepine, Benjamin, silkweaver. 1774. Lepine, William, tailor and draper. 1787. Lepine, Daniel, cordwainer. 1789. Lepine, Thomas Finch, of Maidstone, cordwainer. 1789. Lepine, Charles, the younger, cabinet- maker. 1792. Lepine, Samuel, of Bishopsbourne, yeo- man. 1795. 55 FREEMEN 56 Lepine, George, of Bishopsbourne, yeo- man. 1796. Levitte, Edward, s. of Peter Levitte, brazier. 1610. Leuitt, William, brazier, s. of Peter Leuitt, 1622. Levyns, William, gent., s. of Thomas Levyns. i486. Levyns, Christopher, gent., s. of Chris- topher Levyns, gent. 1555. Lewin, Thomas, of Waldershare, gardener. 1780. Lewin, John, gardener. 1789. Lewin, Philip, gardener. 1789. Lewis (Lewes), Robert, grocer, s. of John Lewes. 1507. Lewys, George, grocer, s. of Robert Lewys, Alderman. 1536. Lewys, Philip, s. of Robert Lewys, Alder- man. 1540. Lewys, Christopher, tailor, s. of Robert LewTS, Alderman. 1555- Lewes, William, tailor, s. of Philip Lewes, haberdasher. 1593. Lewes, Christopher, s. of Thomas Lewes, hackneyman. 1602. Lewis, William, silkweaver, s. of Henry Lewis, silkweaver. 17 14. Lewis, lohn, of London, silkweaver, s. of Henry Lewis, of Cant., silkweaver. .'7IS-' Lewis, William, silkweaver, s. ol Henry Lewis, silkweaver. 1722. Lewis, George, of London, .silkweaver, s. of Henry William Lewis, of Cant., silkweaver. 1741. Lewis, William, of Fordwich, cordwainer, s. of William Lewis, of Cant., silk- weaver. 1 74 1. Lewis, William, the younger, cordwainer. 1789. Lewkenor, John, haberdasher, s. of James Lewkenor, haberda.sher. 1 645 . Lineall, Thomas, joiner, s. of Francis Lineall, musician. 1671. Lineal, William, barber and periwigniak- er, s. of Thomas Lineal, Alderman. _i7^S- Loftie, Thomas, apothecary, s. of Tho- mas Loftie, gent. 1738. Loftie, John Skeer, of New Romney, grazier. 1784. Longe, Thomas, draper, s. of Richard Longe. 1569. Longe, Thomas, tailor, s. of Abraham Longe, tailor. 1617. Long, William Nethersole, Esquire, gent. >79S- Longbridge, Thomas, smith. 17S9. Longley, Thomas, butcher, s. of Thomas Longley, butcher. 1740. Longley, the Rev. Benjamin, of Bishops- bourne, clerk, s. of Thomas Longley, of Cant., butcher. 1747- Longley, John, of London, apothecary. 1753- Longley, Edward, of London, linnendra- per. 1760. Looke, Thomas, joiner, s. of William Looke, joiner. 1704. Look, William, framework knitter, s. of Thomas Look, joiner. 1741. Lovelace, William, Knight, s. of William Lovelace, Serjeant at Law. 161 2. Lovelace, Goldwell, gent., s. of Francis Lovelace, Esquire, Recorder of Cant. 1661. ' -^ Lowes, James, hackneyman, s. of Thomas Lowes, hackneyman. i6oi. Loy, William, s. of J ohn Loy, mason. 1425 . Lucas, lohn, cordwainer, s. of John Lucas, cordwainer. 1705. Lucas, William, of Hackington, husband- man, s. of John Lucas, cordwainer. 1708. Lucas, Henr}', cordwainer, s. of John Lucas, carpenter. 1744. Lucas, William, cordwainer, s. of Samuel Lucas, cordwainer. 1753. Lucas, William, breechesmaker. 1774- Lucas, William, of Chislet, labourer. 1789. Lucas, John, of Dartford, cordwainer. 1791. Luck, Samuel, upholder, s. ot John Luck, mercer. 1740. Ludd, Robert, glazier, s. of Randolph Ludd, glazier. 1617. Ludd, Thomas, glazier, s. of Randolph Ludd, glazier. 161 7. Ludd, Randolph, glazier, s.of Mr.ThOmas Ludd, glazier. 1649. Ludd, John, cutler, s. of Randolph Ludd, glazier. 1685. Ludd, John, of London, gent., s. of John Ludd, of Cant., ironmonger. 1715. Lukyn, John, w.i.xcliandler, s. of Richard Lukyn. 1508. Lunn, Thomas, surgeon, s. of John Lunii, surgeon. 1661. Lyghtfote, Thomas, s. of Thomas Lyght- fote, victualler. 1613. Lyndsey, Thomas, corvesir, s. of Thomas Lyndsey. 1491. Lynsted, Francis, mason, s. of Robert Lynsted. 1 544. 57 OF CANTERBURY. 58 Lyon, Andrew, baker, s. of William Lyon, of Elham, baker. 1407. Lyon, Thomas, s. of John Lvon. 1416. Lyon, John, s. n{ Thomas Lyon. 144-9- Lyon, Thomas, blacksmith, s. of William Lyon, smith. 1601. Malpus, John, butcher, s. of John Malpus, victualler. 1722. Maney, Thomas, grocer, s. of Thomas Maney, grocer. 1679. Maplisden, Edmund, cordwainer, s. of Francis Maplisden, Alderman. 1670. Maplesden, George, tailor, s. of Edmund Maplisden, cordwainer. 1701. Marable, Thomas, silkweaver, s. of 1 homas Marable, silkweaver. 1704. Marable, John, bricklayer, s. of Valentine Marable, bricklayer. 1722. Marable, Thomas, bricklayer, s. of Valen- tine Maraljle, bricklayer. 1726. Marable, V, dentine, bricklayer, s. of Valentine Marable, bricklayer. 1727. Marable, George, carpenter, s. of Valen- tine Marable, bricklayer. 1734. Marrable, Valentine, of London, silk- weaver. 1760. Marrable, John, of London, labourer. 1789. Marrable, Valentine, the younger, of Faversham, dredger. J 790. Marley, Richard, of VVestgatestreet, Cant., tanner, s. of John Marley. tanner. 1514- Marlier, William, silkweaver. 17(10. Marlier, Enoch, of Sittingbonrne, brick- layer. 1761. Marseille, Edward, pattenmaker, s. of James Marseille, pattenmaker. 1741. Marseille, Thomas, gardener. 1782. Marseille, John, of London, boDkbinder. 1796. Marsh, Henry, surgeon. 1789. Marchal, Robert, s. of Robert RLarchal. 1400. Marshall, William, pewterer, s. of Thomas Marshall, pewterer. 1628. Marten, William, s. of Robert Marten, wa.xchandler. 1509 Martyn, Thom:is, waxchandler, s. of William Martyn. 1550. Martin, George, the younger, of Whit- stable, labourer. 1767. Martin, John, silkweaver. 1767- Martin, Stephen, of Elmestone, black- smith. 1780. Martin, Daniel, labourer. 1789. Martin, William, cordwainer. 1789. Martin, John, the younger, woolcomber. 179Z. Martin, George, the younger, of Long- port, gardener. 1796. Martin, John, of St. Dunstan's, Kent, gardener. 1800. Mason, William, spicer, s. of a freeman. 1417. Masterson, Jeremy, grocer, s. of Daniel Masterson, Alderman and grocer. 1640. Masterson, John, s. of Jeremiah Master- son. 1683. Matson, Obadiah, labourer, s. of Thomas Matson, cordwainer. 1733. Matson, Thomas, of Ashford, baker, s. of Thomas Matson, of Cant., hop- planter. 1747. Matson, William, of London, upholster, s. of Thomas Matson, of Cant., hop- planter. 1747. Matson. Charles, upholder. 1780. Matson, William, the younger, of Deal, baker. 1780. Matson, John, tailor. 1789. Mathewe, Stephen, pavior, s. of Robert Mathewe. 1569. Matthews, Edward, glover, s. of Stephen Matthews, pavior. 1714. Mathews, Hawker Giles, of Faversham, dredger. 1789. Mathews, Silver, of Margate, mariner. 1790. Mathews, John, the younger, of Dover, surveyor. 1796. Mawhen, Thomas, grocer, s. of Clement Mawhen, grocer. 1634. iVIay, James, yeoman, s. of Thomas May. 1595- May, Richard, ihe younger, gent., s. of Richard May, Alderman. 1670. May, George, tailor, s. of George May, tailor. 1679. May, John, tailor, s. of George May. 1681. May, George, tailor, s. of John May, tailor. 1704. INfay, John, tobaccopipemaker, s. of John May, tailor. 1704. Mayhew, Thomas, shoemaker, s. of Roger Mayhew. 1565. Mayne, John, s. of Thomas Mayne, member of the Court, by virtue of his fathers copie. 1660. Merryam, John, haberdasher of small wares, s. of John Merryam, Esquire. 1632. Miell, William, of Lcindon, bricklayer, s. of William ]\Iiell, of Cant., brick- layer. 1727- 59 FREEMEN 60 Miles, William, bricklayer, s. of John Miles, bricklayer. 17 lo. Miles, Robert, bricklayer, s. of Henry Miles, bricklayer. 17.39. Milles, (Mylys), John, glover, s. of a freeman. i4+9- Milys, William, .scrivener, s. of Miles Denne (sic), barber. 1469- Myllys, James, yeoman, s. of Simon .Mylles. 1529. Milles, John, shearman, s. of John Mylles. '54+- Milles, Matthew, shearman, s. of John Mylles. 1544. Mylls, George, linnendraper, s. of George Mills, maltman. 1626. Milles, John, grocer, s. of Henry Milles, weaver. 1632. Milles, Thomas, weaver, s. of Henry Milles, weaver. 1641. Milles, John, weaver, s. of Henry IMilles, weaver. 1645. Milles, George, linnendraper, s. of George Milles, linnendraper. 1650. Milles, William, linnendraper, s. of George Milles, linnendraper. 1656. Milles, Joseph, gent., s. of William Milles, linnendraper. 1688. Milles, William, clerk, s. of William Milles, linnendraper. 1688. Millisent, Thomas, of London, painter, s. of Thomas Millisent, of Cant., glazier. 1726. Millisent, John, glazier, s. of Thomas Millisent, glazier. 1732. Millicent. Thomas, glazier. 1761. Millner, John, cordvvainer, s. of John Millner, shoemaker. 1632. Minter, James, whitesmith. 1792. Mitchelbourn, William, of Sheeriiess, victualler. 1760. Moate, John, cooper, s. of John Moate, cooper. 1705. Moate, Thomas, cooper, s. of John Moate, cooper. 1705. Moate, John, of Borden, carpenter, s. of Thomas Moate, of Cant., cooper. •7+7- Moate, William, cooper. 1754. Mockett, Valentine, of London, silk- weaver, s. of Richard Mockett of Cant., joiner. 1714- Mond, Walter, vvoolcomber, s. of Walter Mond, clothier. 1672. Mond, Walter, vintner, s. of Joseph Mond, woolcombcr. 1701. Mond, Joseph, of Sturry, carpenter, s. of Joseph Mond of Cant., woolcomber. ">705- Monds, Isaac, gardener, s. of Isaac Monds, hop-planter. 1747. Monds, Thomas, victualler, s. of Isaac Monds, labourer. 1751. Moone, Israel, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Moone. 1659. Moone, John, cordwainer, s. of John Moone. 1727. Moore, George, gent., s. of George Moore, joiner. 1618. Moore, John, gent., s. of George Moore, Alderman. 1647. Moor, William, of Heme, cordwainer, s. of John Moor, of Cant., whitesmith. 1741. Morgan, John, cordwainer, s. of John Morgan, cordwainer. 1642. Morgan, Edward, wooUendraper, s. of Edward Morgan, wooUendraper. 1749- Morton, Isaac, wooUendraper, s. of John Morton. 1616. Moss, Robert, tailor. 1773. Moss, James, tailor. 1780. Mount, William, of Hackington, yeoman, s. of William Mount, of Cant., baker. 1708. Mount, Richard, yeoman, s. of Peter Mount, carpenter. 1714. Mullington, John, tailor, s. of John Mullington, saddler. 1710. Mummery, James, bricklayer. 1796. Mummery, William, cordwainer. 1796. iMunday, William, siikweaver, s. of Thomas Munday, flaxdresser. 1733. Myhills, Henry, bricklayer, s. of Henry Myhills, bricklayer. 1734. Nassh, Hugh, waxchandler, s. of John Nassh. 1449. Nayer, Thomas, goldsmith, s. of William Nayer, goldsmith. 1714. Nayer, William, of London, linnendraper, s. of Wdliam Nayer, of Cant., gold- smith. 1722. Nayler, Robert, goldsmith, s. of John Nayler, Alderman. 1528. Neat, Richard, cordwainer, s. of William Neat, cnrdwainer. 1744. Neave, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of Nich- olas Neave. 1650. Nelson, Henry, clothworker, s. of Richard Nelson, shearman. 1597. Nelson, Richard, fellmonger, s. of Henry Nelson, kerseymaker. 1634. Nethersolle, Edward, gent., s. of James Nethersolle, Alderman. 1583. Newman, Ralph, blacksmith, s. of John Newman, blacksmitli. 1705. 61 OF CANTERBURY. 62 Newman, Ralph, labourer, s. of Ralph Newman, labourer. 1733- Newman, William, whitesmith. lyb/- Newton, Th(3mas, s. of William Newton, weaver. 1573. Nicholls (Nycolles), Adrian, girdler, s. of George Nycolles. 1570. Nycholls, Adrian, mercer, s. of Adridn Nycholls, Alderman. 1598. Nicholls. George, grocer, s. of Adrian Nicholls, mercer. 1632. Nicolls, Mark, of London, brirklayer, s. of Mark Nicolls, of Cant., bricklayer. 1727. Nickals, Thomas, of London, upholster, s. of Daniel Nickals, of Cant., lin- nendraper. 1739. Nicholson (Nycolson), James, mercer, s. of John Nycolson, shoemaker. 1598. Nicholson, John, clothier, s. of James Nicholson, mercer. 1627. Nicholson, Peter, mercer, s. of James Nicholson, mercer. 1632. Nicolson, Stephen, mercer, s. of James Nicolson, Alderman. 1640. Nicholson, John, ribbon weaver, s of Stephen Nicholson, mercer. 1676. Nicholson, Henry, of Margate, tailor, s. of Thomas Nicholson, of Cant., hempdresser. 1727. Niewchurch, Arthur, mariner, s. of Edward Nievvchurch, yeoman. 161 1. Noble, Charles, culler, s. of Thomas Noble, cordwainer. 1733. Noble, Thomas, of Folkestone, mariner, s. of Thomas Noble, of Cant., cord- wainer. 1733. Noble, Thomas, cutler. 1767. Norman, John, draper, s. of Thomas Norman, brazier. 14+5. Norrington, Michael, baker, s. of Michael Norrington, baker. 1720. Norrington, Charles, cordwainer, s. of John Norrington, cordwainer. 1722. Norwood, Paul, joiner, s.of Paul Norwood, joiner. 1700. Norwood, Thomas, labourer, s. of Paul Norwood, joiner. 1710. Norwood, John, blacksmith, s. of Paul Norwood, joiner. 1727. Norwood, John, of Greenwich, mariner. 1761. Nye, Robert, of Bekesbourne, husband- man, s. of Robert Nye, of Cant., gardener. 1727. Nye, Robert, the younger, joiner. 1760. Nye, Carter, of Maidstone, cabinetmaker. 1796. Oakley, John, bricklayer, s. of John Oakley, bricklayer. 1691. Oakshott, Edward, tailor, s. of Edward Oakshott, cordwainer. 1714. Oakshott, Henry, labourer, s. of Edward Oakshott, cordwainer. 1714. Oakshott, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of Edward Oakshott, cordwainer. 1714. Oakshot, John, of Wandsworth, Surrey, labourer, s. of Edward Oakshot, of Cant , cordwainer. 1734. Oakshot, Edward, s. of Edward Oakshot. 1740. Oakshott, Thomas, of Dover, cordwainer, s. of Henry Oakshott, of Cant., vic- tualler. I 741. Oakshot, John, of Dover, mariner, s. of Henry Oakshot, of Dover, victualler. ' 74+-' Oakshott, William, of London, labourer. 175+- Oakshott, James, of Chatham, surgeon. '7S+- Oat, Thomas, s. of Thomas Oat, carnifex. 1426. Obree, Charles, of Dover, barber, s. of CharlesObree, of Cant. .barber. 1747. Obree, Robert, of Holy Cross, Cant., perukemaker. 1754. Obree, Henry, of Dover, barber. 1761. Obree, Phineas, of London, silkweaver. 1789. Ockman (Okeman), Richard, waxchandler, s. of Harry Okeman, waxchandler. '5'3- Ockman, Thomas, the younger, grocer, s. of Mr. ThomasOckman, grocer. 1668. Ockman, John, grocer, s. of Thomas Ockman, Alderman. 1671. Ockman, Simon, grocer, s. of Thomas Ockman, grocer. 1704. Ockman, Smion, baker, s. of John Ock- man. I 704. Okay, William, of London, printer. 1761. Olive, James, the younger, cordwainer. 1760. Olive, William, of Dover, perukemaker. 1768. Olive, Thomas, labourer. 1770. Olive, John, of Whitstable, baker. 177^. Olive, Abraham, of London, cordwainer. 1789. Olive, James, of St. Dunstan's, Kent, cordwainer. 1795. Oliver, Thomas, s. of a freeman. 1428. Ore, John, s. of Richard Ore. 1397. Osbarn, William, s. of William Osbarn, Webber. i437- 63 FREEMEN 64 Osbarn, Thomas, tailor, s. of Thomas Osbarn. 14+7- Osburston, Isaac, s. of John Osburston, shoemaker. 1592. Osspringe, John, vintner, s. of Thomas Osspringe. 161 7. Oteley. Matthew, s. of John Oteley, woollendraper. 1583- Ovenden, Joseph, of St. Gregory's in Kent. 1792- Oxenbridge, Henry, tailor, s. of John O.xenbridge, tailor. ib46. Oxenbridge, Nicholas, tailor, s. of John Oxenbridge, tailor. 1650. Oxenbridge, Thomas, tailor, s. of Thomas Oxenbridge, tailor. 1664. Oxinbridge, John, silkweaver, s. of Henry Oxinbridge. 1681. Oxinbridge, Joseph, victualler, s. of Nicholas Oxinbridge, victualler. 1681. Oxinbridge, Benjamin, cordwainer, s. of Nicholas Oxinbridge, tailor. 1687. Pack, William, baker. 1780. Pack, Hercules, butcher. 1783. Page, John, tailor, s. of John Page, tailor. 1400. Page, Stephen, smith, s. of William Page, smith. 1646. Page, William, smith, s. of Stephen Page, smith. 1676. Page, William, farrier, s. of William Page, farrier. 1702. Page, Stephen, cordwainer, s. of William Page, cordwainer. 1708. Page, Stephen, blacksmith, s. of Charles Page, blacksmith. 1722. Page, William, of London, barber, s of Charles Page, of Cant., blacksmith. '7^7- Page, Richard, cordwainer, s of Stephen Page, cordwainer. 1733. Page, William, cutler, s. of William Page, blacksmith. 1734. Page, William, of London, mariner, s. of Charles Page, of Cant., farrier. 1741. Page,James,theyounger,bricklaycr. 1784. Page, Matthew, baker. 1784. Page. Thomas, bricklayer. 1789. Page, John, labourer. 1792. Paine, Thomas, lath-cleaver, s. of Jere- miah Paine, lath-cleaver. 17 14. Pain, Edward, of Chatham, fisherman, s. of John Pain, of Cant., innholder. I734- Paine, Thomas, gardener, s. of John Paine, victualler. 1746. Paine, Thomas, of Dover. 1774. Palmer, Richard, cooper, s. of Richard Palmer, cooper. 1705. Palmer, William, silkweaver, s. of Richard Palmer, cooper. 1722. Palmer, Samuel, of Greenwich, whitesmith, s. of Richard Palmer, of Cant., cooper. 1727. Pargate, Edward, gent., s. of Richard Pargate. 1480. Park, John, grocer, s. of John Park. 1488. Parker, Edmund, draper, s. of Henry Parker. i+8b. Parker, John, draper, s. uf Henry Parker. i486. Parker, John, hackneyman, s. of William Parker. 1559. Parker. Thomas, yeoman, s. of Esay Par- ker, maltster. 1628. Parker, John, strong water distiller, s. of Thomas Parker, strong water distiller. 1664. Parker, Isaiah, distiller, s. of Thomas Parker, distiller. 1668. Parker, James, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Parker, cordwainer. 1699. Parker, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of Tho- mas Parker, cordwainer. 1700. Parker, William, gardener, s. of William Parker, cooper. 1710. Parker, Edward, grocer, s. of John Par- ker, grocer. 1722. Parker, Paul, pipemaker, s. of Paul Par- ker, tobaccopipemaker. 1722. Parker, George, pipemaker, s. of Paul Parker. 1727. Parker, Henry, silkweaver, s. of William Parker, cooper. 1727. Parker, John, carpenter, s. of William Parker, victualler. 1727. Parker. William, barber, s. of William Parker, victualler. '727. Parker, Caleb, tobaccopipemaker, s. of Paul Parker. 1733. Parker, John, baker, s. of John Parker, carpenter. 1741. Parker, John, barber, s. of Thomas Par- ker, barber. 1747. Parker, Robert, of Faversham, farrier, s. of William Parker, of Cant., labourer. >747- Parker, Thomas, baker, s. ot Thomas Parker, barber. 1749. Parker, John, of London, haberdasher of hats, s. of Henry Parker, of Cant., up- holder. 1750. Parker, Henry, the younger, labourer. 1753- Parker, John, labourer. 1753. 66 OF CANTERBURY. 66 Parker, William, of Folkestone, pipe- maker. 1754. Parker, James, collarmaker. 1756. Parker, Caleb, tobaccopipemaker. 1760. Parker, Francis, silkweaver. 1774- Parker, Dean John, gent. 1788. Parker, Caleb, the yoiuiger, printer. 1789. Parker, Thomas, linnendraper. 1789. Parker, Henrv, of London, gent. 1790. Parker, John, of London, cordwainer. 1790. Parker, Edward, the \(aniger, labourer. J79S- Parker, John, pipemaker. 1795. Parker, Thomas, pipemaker. 1795. Parkinson, John, painter, by virtue of his father's copie. 1662. Parkinson, Robert, victualler, s. of Nich- olas Parkinson, painter. 1749. Parnell, James, gingerbread baker. 1776. Parnell, John, upholsterer. 1785. Parnell, Thomas, of Westgate in Kent, watchmaker. 1789. Parnell, William, of London, orange- merchant. 1789. Parr, Charlton, gent. 1774. Parsons, Enoch, labourer, s. of Edward Parsons, butcher. 1715. Parsons, Benjamin, of Deal, vintner, s. of Edward Parsons, of Cant., butcher. 1727. Parsons, George, labourer, s. of Enoch Parsons, labourer. 1741. Parsons, George, the younger, cordwainer. 1780. Parsons, Benjamin, labourer. 1789. Parsons, Edward, labourer. 1792. Patey, John, cordwainer, s. of John Patey, cordwainer. 1644. Paty, John, silkweaver, s. of John Paty. 1679. Paul, John, carpenter, s. of John Paul, baker. 1714. Pawlyn, Walter, of London, barber. 1761. Pawson, Thomas, of Faversham, brazier. '774- Pawson, William, tinplate worker. 1774. Pawson, Benjamin, of Folkestone, cord- wainer. 1789. Pawson, Samuel, of Cranbrook, tinplate worker. 17 89. Payabill, Edmund, tailor, s. of John Payabyll. 1448. Peen, Robert, hardware-seller, s. of Henry Peen, cordwainer. 1720. Peene, William, butcher, s. of Henry Peene, cordwainer. 1730. Peen, Henry, carrier, s. of Robert Peen, carrier. 1745. Peen, William, labourer. 1754. Peene, Robert, the younger, of Sheerness, blacksmith. 1761. Peere, George, joiner, s. of John Peere. 1620. Pegan, William, of Chatham, surgeon. 1795- Pegan, Thomas, the younger, of Whit- stable, surgeon. 1796. Peirce, John, carpenter, s. of Henry Peirce, carpenter. 1694. Peirce, John Boys, breechesmaker. 1780. Peirce, William, cordwainer. 1789. Pelinge, John, smith, s. of Robert Pelinge, smith. 1602. Peling, Thomas, smith, s. of Robert Felling, smith. 1602. Pembrook, Richard, tallowchandler, s. of Richard Pembrook, grocer. 17 18. Pembrook, William, barber, s. of Richard Pembrook, grocer. 1720. Pembrook, Charles, baker, s. of Richard Pembrook, grocer. 1724. Pembrooke, Edmund, of London, leather- seller, s. of William Pembrooke, of Cant., barber. 1745. Pembrooke, Richard, of the Precincts, Cant., tallowchandler, s. of Richard Pembrooke, turner. 1747. Pembrook, Richard, of Ware, Herts., tallowchandler, s. of William Pem- brook, of Cant., grocer. 1753. Pembrooke, Gilbert, of Chislet, yeoman. 1761. Penn, James, innholder, s. of John Penn. lb 10. Penn, William, cordwainer. 1789. Penn, George, carpenter. 1796. Pennell, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of John Pennell. 17 14. Pennington, Thomas, of Deal, clerk, s. of Daniel Pennington, of Cant, meal- man. 1751. Pennington, John, of London, baker. 1760. Penny, William, s. of Gilbert Penny, Alderman. 1599. Penny, James, gent., s. of Gilbert Penny, Alderman. 16 14. Penny, Simon, merchant, s. of Gilbert Penny, Alderman. 1618. Perkins, Thomas, staymaker, s. of Will- iam Perkins, tailor. ■■734. Perkins, William, staymaker, s. of Will- iam Perkins, staymaker. 1747. Perkins, Francis, carpenter. 1753. 67 FREEMEN 68 Perkins, John, baker. 1753. Perkins, Joseph, plumber. 1761. Perkins, Robert, baker. 1789. Perkins, Austen, baker. 1790. Perpoint, Ingram, of St. John in Thanet, labourer. 1789. Pesmede, Richard, butcher, s. of William Pesmede, butcher. 1470. Peters, John, of Chislet, bricklayer, s. of John Peters, of Cant., butcher. 17+1. Peters, Richard, labourer. 1795. Petham, Thomas, s. of a freeman. 1+Z7. Petman, Thomas, labourer. 1754. Pett, Thomas, of London, bellfounder. 1795- Pettey, Thomas, tailor, s. ot Alan Pettey, capper. 1525. Petytt, Richard, grocer, s. of Thomas ' Petytt. 1482. Phene, Joseph, of Brenchley, breeches- maker. 1789. Phene, William, of London, confectioner. 1796. Philips, John, hop-planter, s. of John Philips, hop-planter. 17 14. Phillips, Thomas, of Faversham, baker, s. of John Phillips, of Cant., hop- planter. 1727. Phillips, Benjamin, barber, s. of John Phillips, hop-planter. 1731. Philips, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of John Philips, hop-planter. 1746- Phillips, Thomas, of Faversham, tailor. 1761. Phillips, William, of London, labourer. 1761. Phillips, William, of Haversham in Essex, carpenter. 1768. Philips, Benjamin Peirce, of Tunbridge, cordwainer. 1796. Philpott, Edward, of London, carpenter, s. of Edward Philpott, of Cant., grocer and tallowchandler. 1741. Philpot, John, of London, perukemaker. '754- Pickering, George, of Chislet, husband- man, s. of George Pickering, of Cant., bricklayer. 1705. , Pickering, John, tailor, s. of George Pick- ering, barber-surgeon. 1706. Pickring, Jeremiah, of Wye, tailor, s. of George Pickering, of Cant., cord- wainer. 1 7 14. Pickering, George, tailor, s. of John Pickering, victualler. 1741. Pike, Henry, tailor, s. of Henry Pike, cutler. 1618. Pike, John, labourer, s. of Henry Pike, cutler. 1635. Pikenee, John, s. of Henry Pikenee. 1 409. Pilcher, John, weaver, s. of John Pilcher. 1685. Pilcher, John, silkweaver, s. of John Pil- cher, barber. 1708. Pilcher, Charles, labourer, s. of John Pilcher, weaver. 1722. Pilcher, John,- of Barham, baker, s. of Stephen Pilcher, of Cant., baker. '73+- Pilcher, Jeremiah, of London, oilman. 1790. Pilcher, John, bricklayer. 1795. Pilkington, John, brazier, s. of Thomas Pilkington, brazier. 1646. Pilkington, John, s. of John Pilkington, plumber. 1672. Pilon, Nicholas, barber, s. of William Pilon, silkweaver. 1748. Pilon, William, baker. 1758. Plater, Charles Eaton, gent. 1789. Player, John, clerk, s. of Thomas Plaior, linnendraper. 161 9. Plomer, Francis, yeoman, s. of William Plomer, fletcher. 1630. Plomer, John, of London, tailor, s. of William Plomer, late of this city, fletcher. 1631. Plomer, William, grocer, s. of Francis Plomer, brewer. 1659. Plomer, Thomas, gent., s. of Francis Plomer, brewer. 1675. Plomer, John, apothecary, s. of Francis Plomer, brewer. i677. Plummer, William, grocer, s. of William Plummer, grocer. 1698. Plummer, Thomas, wheelwright, s of Thomas Plummer, grocer. 1700. Plomer, Francis, mariner, s. of William Plomer, grocer. 1703. Plomer, Peter, cabinet maker, s. of Thomas Plomer, victualler. 1731. Plomer, Thomas, victualler, s. of Thomas Plomer. 1734. Plummer, George, gent., s. of Thomas Plummer, victualler. 1736. Plomer, George, of London, gent. 1789. Plumley, William, baker. 1796. Poitevin, George, of Hythe, butcher. 1 790. Pollyne, John, beer brewer, s. of John PoUyne, brewer. 1625. Poole, William, cordwainer. 1789. Pope, John, labourer, s. of Isaac Pope, bricklayer. 1733. Pope, Thomas, of Ramsgate, butcher, s. of Isaac Pope, of Cant., brick- layer. 1733. 69 OF CANTERBURY. 70 Pope, Samuel, printer, s. of Isaac Pope, bricklayer. 1741- Porter, |ohn, of the Borough of South- vvark, joiner, s. of William Porter, of Cant., maltster. 1727. Porter, Richard, cordwainer, .s. of Thomas Porter, husbandman. 1739. Porter, Thomas, of SS. Cosmus and Damian, Blean, labourer, s. of Tho- mas Porter, of Cant., labourer. 1741. Porter, Richard, of London, carpenter and joiner. 1767. Porter, Thomas, of London, carpenter and joiner. 1767. Porter, James, cordwainer. 177+- Porter, William, cordwainer. 1780. Porter, Thomas, the younger, bricklayer. 1784. Porter, Morris, carpenter. 1788. Portwine, John Charles, of London, butcher. 1796. Poutt, John, joiner, s. of James Poutt, draper. 1704. Poutt, William, husbandman, s. of James Poutt, draper. 1704. Pout, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of James Pout, woollendraper. 1714. Pout, James, collarmaker, s. of William Pout, victualler. '733- Pout, William, pipemaker, s. of William Pout, victualler. 1734. Pout, Thomas, pipemaker, s. of William Pout, pipemaker. 1747- Pout, James, cabinet maker. 1768. Pout, John, surgeon. 1784. Pout, Charles, upholder. 1789. Pret, Richard, gardener, s. of Thomas Pret, collarmaker. '704. Prett, Walter, gardener, s. of Thomas Prett, collarmaker. 1704. Prctt, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Prett, collarmaker. i 704. Prett, John, gardener, s. of Thomas Prett, gardener. 170S. Prett, Walter, labourer, s. of Walter Prett, labourer. 1739. Prett, John, of Gravesend, labourer, s. of Walter Prett, of Cant., cornfactor. 1741. Prett, Thomas, of St. Dunstans in Kent, tilemaker, s. of Walter Prett, of Cant., cornporter. 1747. Prett, Walter, upholder. 1774. Prett, James, of Sittingbourne, black- smith. 1789. Prett, William, of ^Margate, cordwainer. 1789. Prickett, Charles, of Wingham, labourer. '774- Pringle, John, of Sandwich, baker, s. of John Pringle, of Cant., baker. 17 14. Pringuer, Isaac, woolcomber. 1792. Pringuer, John, breechesmaker. 1794. Propchant, Alen, the younger, s. of Thomas Propchant. 1504. Proppard, John, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Proppard. 1733. Prowde, William, yeoman, s. of Thomas Prowde, waxchandler. 1473. Prowde, Robert, s. of Sampson Prowde, late Serjeant of this City. 1588. Prowde, William, the elder, s. of Henry Prowde, gent. 1605. Pullee, John, [blank], s. of [blank]. 1737. Pulle, Matthew, of Newington n. Sitting- bourne, labourer. 1754. Pyard, Peter, gent., s. of Peter Pyard, gent. 1654. Pyers, John, capper, s. Henry Piers, " capper. 1581. Pykerell, William, s. of Richard Pykerell. 1502 or 1503. Pym, William, the younger, victualler. 178.. Pym, John Gregory, of London, silver- smith. 1790. Pysing, John, cordwainer, s. of Jonas Pysing, cordwainer. 1657. Rising, Richard, Esq., goldsmith, s. of Richard Rising, carpenter. 1658. Qwestynbery, Marks, shoemaker, s. of Harry Qwestynberry, who was free- man before Marks was born. 1565. Radford, John, butcher, s. of Thomas Radford, butcher. 1727. Radford, Thomas, butcher, s. ol Thomas Radford, butcher. 1737. Radford, William, labourer, s. of Thoinas Radford, butcher. 1738. Radford, Thomas, the younger, butcher. 1767. Radford, William, butcher. 1767. Ralfe, John, cordwainer, s. of Edward Ralfe, cordwainer. 1704. Ramsey, John, of East Greenwich, silk- weaver. 1754. Rand, Gregory, brewer, s. of John Rand. i5'9- Raylton, Robert, s. of Richard Raylton, Alderman. 1578. Raylton, Richard, linnendraper, s. of Richard Raylton, Alderman. 1581. Raylton, Simon, s. of Robert Symon, (sic), gent. 1609. 71 FREEMEN 72 Rayleton, John, glazier, s. of Simon Rayleton, gent. 1652. Raylton. Robert, saddler, s. of John Raylton, glazier, ibyg. Raylton, Thomas, glazier, s. of John Raylton. 1681. Railton, Thomas, glazier, s of Thomas Railton, glazier. 1700. Railton, George, glazier, s. of John Rail- ton, glazier. 1700. Railton, Robert, tailor, s. of Robert Railton, saddler 1707. Raylston (Railston), William, glazier, s. of Thomas Railston. 1710. Raylston, John, Junior, currier, s. of William Raylston, currier. 17 19. Raylston, John, of London, periwig- maker, s. of John Raylston, of Cant., cordwainer. 1727- Railston, Peter, barber, s. of William Railston, currier. 1733. Read, Thomas, currier, s. of William Read, cook. 1628. Reade, John, of Chatham, shipwright, s. of Richard Reade, of Cant., cord- wainer. 1705. Read, Richard, whitesmith. 1760. Read, Thomas, of Whitstable, gent. 1 760. Read, Bernard, breechesmaker. 1789. Read, Francis, of Folkestone, baker. 1789. Reader, John, mercer, s. of Thomas Reader, Alderman and mercer. 1642. Redwood, Thomas, cordwainer. 1754- - Reeve, John, butcher, s. of William Reeve, of Fordwich, yeoman, a free- man of this city. 1630. Reeve, John, gent, s. of William Reeve, Alderman. 1681. Remysshe, Jerome, baker, s. of John Remysshe. 1549. Renshaw, William, victualler, s. of Mat- thew Renshaw, cordwainer. 17 19. Reynolds, William, baker, s. of William Reynolds, baker. 1738. Reynolds, John, of Bridge, cordwainer, s. of William Reynolds, of Cant., car- penter. 1741. Reynolds, William, cordwainer. 1768. Reynolds, Richard, cornchandler. 1785. Richardsson, Christopher, tailor, s. of John Richardsson, tailor. 1570. Richardson, Thomas, Public Notar}-, s. of Thomas Richardson, tailor. 1620. Richardson, John, tailor, s. of Thomas Richardson, tailor. 1624. Richardson, William, tailor, s. of Thomas Richardson, tailor. 1633. Richardson, Charles, feltmaker, s. of John Richardson, innholder. i6g6. Richardson, John, tailor, s. of John Richardson, threadtwister. 1720. Richardson, William, cordwainer, s. of John Richardson. 1722. Richardson, John, the younger, tailor. 1760. Rickson, John, of Holy Cross, Cant., baker. 1753. Riddle, John, basketmaker. 1778. Rider, Richard, vintner, s. of Robert Rider, yeoman. 1640. Rigbe, Ralph, carpenter, s. of Hugh Rigbe, carpenter. 1638. Rigden, Richard, of Patrixbourne, hus- bandman, s. of William Rigden, of Cant., collarmaker. 1705. Rigden, William, carpenter, s. of William Rigden, collarmaker. 1705. Rigden, Thomas, husbandman, s. of William Rigden. 1708. Rigden, William, baker, s. of Joseph Rigden, baker. 1734. Rigden, David, of Heme, grocer and tallowchandler, s. of Jeremiah Rig- den, of Cant., carpenter. 1741. Rigden, William, of London, carpenter, s. of Jeremiah Rigden, of Cant., carpenter. 1741- Rigden, Thomas, of London, cordwainer. '75+- Rigden, William, of London, tailor. 1761. Rigden, John, of Littlebourne, baker. 1768.' Rigden, fohn, g^nt. '774- Rigsby, John, carpenter, s. of John Rigs- by, carpenter. 1668. Riggesby, Thomas, carpenter, s. of John Riggesby, carpenter. 1680. Roberts, John, Esqr., s. of Sir John Roberts, Knight and " sometimes Maior." 1664. Roberts, Joseph, the younger, gent., s. of Joseph Roberts, Esqr., Alderman. "1688. Roberts, William, of Harbledown, gent., s. of Joseph Roberts, of Cant., gent. 1710. Robynson, James, s. of Robert Robynson, tailor. 1579- Robynson, William, s. of Robert Robyn- son, tailor. 1539. Robynson, Simon, woollendraper, s. of James Robynson, woollendraper. 1607. Robynson, Thomas, woollendraper, s. of James Robynson. 1612. 73 OF CANTERBURY. 74 Robynson, James, mercer, freeborn. 1 6 1 6. Robinson, Richard, wooUcndraper, s. of James Robinson, woollendraper. 1620. Roflfway, John Throgood, of London, cabinetmaker. 1784. Rogers, Thomas, wheelwriglit, s. and app. of Henry Rogers, a freeman. 1685. Rogers, Henry, cordwainer, s. of Henry Rogers, cordwainer. 1704. Rogers, John, of Faversham, brickmaker, s. of John Rogers, of Cant., wheel- wright. 1705. Rogers, Wilham, of Faversham, brick- maker, s. of John Rogers, of Cant., wheelwright. 1705. Rogers, Henry, wheelwright, s. of Henry Rogers, wheelwright. 1722. Rogers, Lewis, of Ramsgate, bricklayer, s. of John Rogers, of Cant., wheel- wright. 1727. Rogers, Isaac, of London, carpenter. 1761. Rolft", John, s. of John Rolff, lockyer. 141 6. Rolfe, Thomas, collarmaker, s. of Thomas Rofe (sic), collarmaker. 1738. Rolfe, Edward, collarmaker, s. of Thomas Rolfe, collarmaker. 1471. Roalf, Thomas, collarmaker. 1766. Roalfe, William, collarmaker. 1773- Roalfe, Richard, labourer. '774. Roalfe, Benjamin, stationer and book- binder. 1780. Roalfe, Edward, silkweavcr. 1781. Rolfe, John, gardener. 1790. Rollyng, John, of Westgate, Cant., s. of a freeman. i43^' Rooke, Martin, cooper, s. of [blank] Rooke. 1562. Rooke, John, butcher. 1784. Rookes, Charles, butcher, s. of William Rookes, butcher. 1741. Rooks, William, butcher. 1767- Rooks, Henry, butcher. 1774. Rouse, John, barber, s. of John Rouse, baker. 17 14. Rouse, William, tailor,vs. of John Rouse, baker. 1722. Rouse, John, tailor, s. of Thomas Rouse, salesman. 1727. Rouse, Thomas, carpenter, s. of Thomas Rouse, salesman. 1727. Rouse, Nicholas, barber, s. of Thomas Rouse, salesman. 1733- Rouse, Edward, of Ramsgate, butcher, s. of Thomas Rouse, of Cant., salesman •73+- Rouse, Thomas, salesman, s. ol Thomas Rouse, salesman. 1744. Rouse, William, of the Precincts, Cant., tallowchandler, s. of Thomas Rouse, salesman. 1753. Rouse, Robert, silkweaver. 1760. Rouse, Thomas, silkweaver. 1761. Rouse, William, leatherseller. 1761. Rouse, Edward, of London, cordwainer. 1768. Rouse, Thomas, silkweaver. 1768. Rouse, William, silkweaver. 1773- Rouse, Edward, labourer. 1789. Rouse, Charles Petman, stationer. 1790. Rouse, Thomas, silkweaver. 1795. Royce, James, the younger, cordwainer. 1795- Rucke, George. 1686. Rue,Elias,the3'ounger,basketmaker. 1753. Rufford, James, of Shepherdswell, la- bourer, s. of John Rufford, of Cant., labourer. 1747. Rufford, Jacob, of Hackington, labourer. '753- Rufford, James, of Westgate in Kent, labourer. 1789. Rumfeild, John, tailor, s. of John Rum- feild, tailor. 1644. Rumfield, Francis, tailor, s. of John Rumfield, tailor. 1650. Rumfield, William, of Leeds in Kent, grocer, s. of Jeremy Rumfield, tailor. I&7J- Rumfield, Jeremiah, grocer, s. of Jeremiah Rumfield, grocer. 1681. Russ, Henry, of London, silkweaver. 1761. Russell, George, tailor, s. of William Russell. '572. Russell, George, s. of Richard Russell, barber. 1576. Russell, William, s. of Richard Russell. '579- Russell, Thomas, carpenter, s. of William Russell, carpenter. 1610. Rust, William, linnenweaver, s. of Will- iam Rust, brewer. 1704. Rust, John, mariner, s. of Henry Rust, silkweaver. i7i4' Rye, W^iUiam, baker. 1761. Rye, Thomas, Junior, of Dover, baker. 1766. Rye, Joseph, yeoman. 1774. Rye, Abraham, of London, labourer. 1796. Sabine, Alfred, hosier. 1774. Sack, John, silkweaver, s. of John Sack, silkweaver. 1731. Sack, William, whitesmiih. 1760. Saere. John, tailor, s. of John Saere. 1569. See Sare. 75 FREEMEN 76 Saffery, Gabriel, cordwainer, s. of Gabriel Safifery, cordwainer. 1 7 1 4. Saffrey, Henry, surgeon, s. of Gabriel Saffrey, cordwainer. 1 7 1 7. Saffrey, John, cordwainer, s. of Gabriel Saffrey, cordwainer. 1722. Saffory, John, baker, s. of Gabriel Saffory, cordwainer. 1738. Saffery, John, barber, s. of John Saffery, barber. 1741. Saffery, Henry, victualler, s. of Gabriel Saffery, victualler. 1746. Saffory, Henry, of London, surgeon. 1761. Saffory, John Temperman, butcher. 1766. Saffery, Thomas Norwood, barber. 1768. Saffery, John, perukemaker. 1784. Saffery, Osmond, music master. 1 790. Saffery, Thomas, carpenter. 1792. Salmon (Samon), Bartholomrw, s. of John Samon. 1579- Salmon, Erasmus, saddler, s. of Barthol- omew Salmon, saddler. 1602. Salmon, John, glazier, s. of Thomas Sal- mon, carpenter. 1734- Salmon, Joseph, carpenter, s. of Thomas Salmon, carpenter. 1751. Salmon, Thomas Edward, glazier and plumber. 1774 Salmon, William, baker. 1781. ] Sampson, William, mason, s. of Thomas Sampson, mason. 1468. Sanders (Sawnders), Lewis, brewer, s. of George Sawnders. 1558. Sanders, Edward, fellmonger, s. of Rich- ard S.inders, fellmonger. 1708. Saunders, Edward, gardener, s. of Edward Saunders, cordwainer. 1733. Saunders, Charles, labourer. 1760. Sanders, Richard Robert, butcher. 1768. Saunders, William, of Rochester, victual- ler. 1773. Sanders, James, Private, East Kent Militia. 1796. Sankey, Matthew, tallowchandler and grocer. 1789. Sare, Stephen, mercer, s. of Robert Sare. '544- Sare, William, tailor, s. ot Stephen Sare, Alderman. 1584. 6Vf Sayer. Savage, Henry, cordwainer. 1753. Savage, Daniel, perukemaker. 1760. Savage, Henry, the younger, peruke- maker. 1760. Savage, John, whitesmith. 1760. Sawkins, John, gent., s of John Sawkins, gent. 1708. Sawkins, Joseph, gent., s. of John Saw- kins, gent. 1724. Sawkins, William, gent., s. of John Saw- kins, Senior, gent. 1727- Sawkins, John, gent., s. of John Sawkins, gent. 1734. Sawkins, Jacob, gent., s. of John Sawkins, gent. 1741. Sawkins, Joseph, gent. 1753- Sawkins, James, of Lyminge, tailor. 1754. Sawkins, William, of London, corn factor. 1760. Sawkins, Charles Feme, of Doddington, gent. 1 76 1. Sayer, Stephen, tailor, s. of Stephen Sayer, Alderman. 1587. Sayer, Simon, baker, s. of John Sayer, tailor. 1606. Sayer, John, gardener, s. of John Sayer. 1619. Si'c Sare. Scot, William, couper, s. of Bricir (.'') Scot. 1449. Scott, Richard, s. of Christopher Scott, late Alderman. 1590. Scrimshaw (Schrimshavve), Thomas, dyer, s. of Thomas Schrimshawe, dyer. 1619. Scrimshawe, Thomas, clothworker, s. of Thomas Scrimshawe, clothworker. 1646. Scrinipshawc, John, carpenter, s. of Tho- mas Scrimpshawe, 1652. Scrimshaw, George, tailor, s. of Thomas Scrimshaw. 1653. Scrimshaw, John, glazier, s. of Thomas Scrimshaw, glazier. 1670. Scrimshaw, Richard, weaver, s. of Rich- ard Scrimshaw, weaver. it)74. Scrimshaw, I\ichard, gent., s. of Mr. John Scrimshaw, Alderman. 168S. Scrimshaw, William, carpenter, s. of John Scrimshaw, glazier. 1705. Scrimshaw, Israel, of London, carpenter, s. of John Scrimshaw, of Cant., car- penter. 1 70S. Scrimshaw, Richard, tailor, s. of John Scrimshaw, glazier. 1708. Scrimshaw, Thomas, glazier, s. of John Scrimshaw, glazier. 1708. Scrimshaw, James, cordwainer, s. of John Scrimshaw, glazier. 1709. Schrimshaw, John, currier, s. of William Schrimshaw, carpenter. 1734. Schrimshaw, James, of Marf^ate, labourer, s. of William Schrimshaw, of Cant., carpenter. 1741. Scudamore, Thomas, barber, s. of Robert Scudamore, cordwainer. 1707. Scudamore, Edward, apothecary, s. of Thomas Scudamore, barber. 1736- 77 or CANTERBURY. 78 Scudamore, Edward, apothecary. 1768. 1 Scudamore, William, of Wye, apothecary. '774- Seath, William, of Faversham, cabinet- maker. 1789. Seath, John, the younger, of IMargate, mariner. 1789. Segger, John, silkweaver, s. of William Segger, grocer. 1628. Selling, Richard, Private in East Kent Militia. 1796. Semer, William, grocer, s. of John Semer, chandler. 1+76. Seward, Joseph, grocer, s. of Giles Se- ward, tailor. 1639. Sharp, Jacob, tinman, s. of William Sharp, butcher. 17 13. Sharp, Samuel, butcher, s. of William Sharp, butcher. 1714. Sharpe, Thomas, of Chatham, grocer, s. of William Sharpe, of Cant., butcher. 1714. Sharp, Samuel, butcher, s. of Samuel Sharp, butcher. 1745. Sharp, Jacob, Junior, of London, linnen- draper. 1761. Sharp, John, of Cambridge, clerk. 1761. Sharp, John, of Dover, perukemaker. 1 76 1 . Sharp, William, of O.xford, D.D. 1761. Shat water, William, brewer, s. of John Shatwater. 1702. Shatwater, Thomas, brewer, s. of John Shatwater, brewer. 1705. Shawe, Michael, basketmaker, s. of Robert Shawe, basketmaker. 1577. Sheafe, Richard, silkweaver, s. of John Sheafe, barber. 1741- Sheaf, William, woolcomber, s. of John Sheaf, barber. 1741. Sheldwych, Nicholas, s. of John Sheld- wych. 14^9- Sherreue, William, s. of John Sherreue, 1403. Sherwood, Thomas, silkweaver, s. of Joseph Sherwood. 1678. Shindler, Thomas, yeoman, s. of John Shindler, gardener. 1635. Shindler, Thomas, watchmaker, s. of Thomas Shindler. 1676. Shindler, John, of Westgate, gardener, s. of William Chandler {sic), butcher. 1704. Shindler, Thomas, watchmaker, s. of Thomas Shindler, watchmaker. 1707. Shindler, Thomas, watchmaker, s. of Thomas Shindler, watchmaker and Alderman. 1747. Shindler, Thomas, the younger, baker. 1790. Shrubsole, Henry, s. of Christopher Shrubsole, wooUendraper. 1679. Shrubsole, Kenn, of Ashford, Kent, mer- cer, s. of Christopher Shrubsole, late of Cant., mercer. 1700. Shrubsole, Thomas, the younger, smith. 1774- Shrubsole, James, saddler. 1776. Simmons, James, of London, stationer. '767- Simpson, Edward, silkweaver, s. of George Simpson, tailor. 1665. Simpson, Valentine, bricklayer, s. of John Simpson, bricklayer. 1739. Simpson, Christopher, silkweaver, s. of John Simpson, bricklayer. 1741. Simpson, John, silkweaver, s. of John Simpson, bricklayer. 1741. Sfe Sympson. Skilton, Thomas, bricklayer, s. of John Skilton, bricklayer. 1741. Skelton, John, glazier, s. of lohnSkelton, bricklayer. 1747. Skilton, Thomas, of Rochester, black- smith. 1753. Skilton, Hills, of London, bricklayer. 1 768. Skilton,John,theyounger, labourer. 1780. Skreen, William, pattenmaker, s. of Will- iam Skreen, pattenmaker. 1747. Skreen, John, brazier, s. of William Skreen, pattenmaker. 1749. Skynner, John, s. of Gerard Skynner. 1 46 1 . Sladden, Henry, of Littlebourne, s. of William Sladden, of Littlebourne, barber and freeman of Cant. '741. Slegh, William, s. of Thomas Slegh. 1401. Smith (Smyth), Thomas, of the parish of St. Sepulchre, Cant., s. of Nicholas Smyth. 1400. Smyth, John, bricklayer, s. of Patrick Smyth. 1594. .Smyth, Stephen, painter, s. of John Smyth, pewterer. 1621. Smith, John, millener, s. of Henry Smith, butcher. 1639. Smith, Jeremy, glover, s. of Jeremy Smith. 1660. Smith, Abraham, turner, s. of Abraham Smith, turner. 1668. Smith, Edward, butcher, s. of John Smith, millener. 1672. Smith, Joseph, barber-surgeon, s. of Joseph Smith, glover, ibjj. Smith, John, clerk, s, of John Smith, scrivener. 1679. 79 FREEMEN 80 Smith, Philip, butcher, s. of Edward Smith, butcher. 1698. Smith, Edward, butcher, s. of Edward Smith, butcher. 1702. Smith, William, apothecary, s of Thomas Smith, apothecary. 1702. Smith, Henry, of Chatham, joiner, s. of John Smith, of Cant., millener. 1705. Smith, Edward, butcher, s. of John Smith, butcher. 1722. Smith, John, carpenter, s. of John Smith, victualler. 1734. Smith, Robert, barber, s. of John Smith, victualler. 1734. Smith, John, of London, feltmaker, s. of John Smith, of Cant., feltmaker. 1741. Smith, Thomas, of London, silkeweaver, s. of Francis Smith of Cant., silk- weaver. I74I- Smith, William, husbandman, s. of John Smith, grocer. 1747. Smith, John, of London, butcher. 1761. Smith, John, of Hearne, labourer. 1761. Smith, Thomas, Junior, bookseller. 1 766. Smith, John, of Whitstable, labourer. 178b. Smith, Benjamin, the younger, of London. watchmaker. 1796- Smithson, Miller, silkweaver. 1780. Smithson, Howitt Edward, of Chatham, labourer. 1790. Sneller, John, of Hollingbourne, carpen- ter, s. of Abraham Sneller, of Cant., victualler. 174:- Sneller, Jacob, of Dover, baker, s. of Abraham Sneller, of Cant., husband- man. 1747- Snoad, Joseph, tailor, s. of Alexander Snoad. 1676. Soames, Richard, whitesmith, s. of John Soames. whitesmith. 1733. Soames, William, barber, s. of Thomas Soames, blacksmith. 1733. Soames, John, of London, smith, s. of Thomas Soames, of Cant., smith. 1741. Somes, James, blacksmith, s. of Christ- opher Somes, whitesmith. 1752. Somes, Benjamin, of Dover, labourer. 1760. Somes, Thomas, Junior, of Stockbury, labourer. 1761. Somes, William, the younger, labourer. 1767. Somes, John, of Chatham, shipwright. 1784. Southee, John, breechesmaker. 1767. Southee, Thomas, the younger, baker. •774- Southee, John, Junior, of London, skin- ner. 1800. Spencer, Israel, millener, s. of Hudson Spencer, millener. 1721. Spencer, Samuel, plumber. 1784. Spicer (Spycer), Edward, basketmaker, s. of Richard Spycer, basketmaker. ■587. Spyser, John, basketmaker, s. of Edward Spyser, basketmaker. 1613. Spicer, Abraham, basketmaker, s. of John Spicer, basketmaker. 1640. Spicer, Edward, basketmaker, s. of Ed- ward Spicer, basketmaker. i6+i. Spicer, Isaac, basketmaker, by virtue of his father's copie. 1660. Spicer, John, basketmaker, s. of Abraham Spicer, basketmaker. 1673. Spicer, John, husbandman, s. of John Spicer, basketmaker. 1 70^.. Spillet, Robert, basketmaker, s. of John Spillet, silkweaver. 1705. Spratt, Samuel, breechesmaker, s. of William Spratt, cooper. 1727. Spratt, William, cooper, s. of William Spratt, cooper. 1727. Spratt, Thomas, of Frindsbury, black- .smith. 1766. Spratt, Adam, cooper. 1771- Spratt, Alexander Hanna, carpenter. 1796. Staines, Richard, upholster. 1766. Staines, Thomas, the younger, of St. Lawrence in Thanet, yeoman. 1768. Staines, William, gent. 1786. Staines, William Tolbutt, of Faversham, clerk. 1800. Stanly, William, brewer, s. of John Stanly, Alderman. 1627. Stanly, Thomas, gent., s. of John Stanly, gent. 1637. Stanley, George, gent., s. of William Stanley, now Mayor Elect. 1663. Stanley, Paul, gent., s. of William Stanley, gent, and Alderman. 1668. Stanley, John, gent., s. of George Stanley, Esq., late Mayor. 1692. Stanley, William, gent., s. of George Stanley, Esquire, late Mayor. 1695. Staples, Christopher, bricklayer, s. of Samuel Staples. 1622. Staples, Samuel, haberdasher, s. of Sam- uel Staples, mercer. 1626. Staples, George, barber, s. of Samuel Staples, mercer. 1641. Starke, John, hosier, son of William Starke, innholder. 1478. 81 OF CANTERBURY. 82 Starke, William, carpenter, s. of Daniel Starke. 1681. Stark, William, bricklayer, of Daniel Stark, bricklayer. 1734- Starks, Matthew, bricklayer, s. of Daniel Starks, carpenter. 1714. Steddy, Charles, butcher. 1782. Steddy, George, baker. 1789. Steddy, Stephen, of River, papermakcr. 1789. Steddy, Thomas, of Kennington, Kent, tallowchandler. 1796. Stephens, William, cordwainer, s. of William Stephens, cordwainer. 1733. Stephens, William, the younger, of Faversham, dredger. 1768. Stevens, Thomas, ol Boughton Blean, labourer. 1760. Stokebcry, Nicholas, s. of William Stoke- bery. 1401. Stokbery, Thomas, of Sandwich, s. of Nicholas Stokbery, late of Cant. '459- Stokes, Thomas, hempdresser, s. of Thomas Stokes, tailor. 1704. Stokes, Daniel, of Adisham, tailor, s. of Thomas Stokes, of Cant., tailor. 1722. Stokes, Thomas, of Westbere, labourer, s. of Thomas Stokes, of Cant., hempdresser. 1741. Stoakes, Paul, husbandman, s. of Thomas Stoakes, hempdresser. 1747. Stokes, John, labourer. 1753. Stokes, John, the younger, cordwainer. 1784. Stokes, Henry, cordwainer. 1789. Stokes, Thomas, cordwainer. 1792. Stonbregge, John, s. of Thomas Ston- bregge. 141 2. Stonbregge, John, goldsmith, s. of Thomas Stonbregge, fletcher. 1464. Stoughton, John, glover, s. of John Stoughton, glover. 1603. Stoughton, Richard, [s. of John Stoughton, glover.] 1603. Stowe, Thomas, blacksmith, s. of Zachary Stowe, clothier. 1637. Stranguish, Thomas, barber, s. of Thomas Stranguish, cooper. 1728. Streater, William, tailor, s. of John Streater, baker. 1582. Strettar, Thomas, tailor, s. of William Strettar. 161 6. Stredwicke, Avery, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Stredwicke, wheeler. 1634. Stredwiek, Nicholas, maltster, s. of Nicholas Stredwiek, wheeler. 1657. Stredwicke, Thomas, collarmaker, s. of Avery Stredwicke. 1658. Stredwicke, Avery, weaver, s. of Avery Stredwicke. 1663. Stredwiek, Nicholas, weaver, s. of Nich- olas Stredwiek, maltster. 1685. Stredwiek, Nicholas, labourer, s. of Nicholas Stredwiek, silkweaver. 1722. Stredwiek, Thomas, hop-planter, s. of Nicholas Stredwiek, weaver. 1726. Stredwicke, Nicholas, of Sandwich, baker. 1774- Stredwiek, Thomas, the younger, hop- planter. 1774. Streeting, Robert, of Harbledown, la- bourer. 1789. Stringer,Thomas,of Dover,labourer. 1 754. Stringer, William, of Fordwich, labourer. 1760. Stringer, John HoUingbery, silkmercer and woollendraper. 1782. Strivens, John, carpenter, s. of Roger Strivens, cordwainer. 1722. Strevens, Robert, of Ramsgate, husband- man, s. of Roger Strevens, of Cant., wheelwright. 1734. Studham, Richard, feltmaker, s. of William Studham, cooper. 1700. Studham, John, feltmaker, s. of William Studham, cooper. 171 1. Studham, George, cooper, s. of John Studham. 17 17. Studham, William, of London, silkweaver, s. of William Studham, of Cant., feltmaker. 1741. Stybbyng, John, tailor, s. of John Styb- byng, shoemaker. 1592. Swetyng, William, plumber, s. of [blank] Swetyng. 1559. Sweeting, Davye, s, of William Sweeting, plumber. 1599. Symond, John, grocer, s.of HenrySymond, vintner. 1480. Sympson, Nicholas, clerk, s. of John Sympson, shearman. 1575. Sympson, Roger, ironmonger, s. of Nich- olas Sympson, Prebendary of Cant, 1621. Sympson, Thomas, gent., s. of John Sympson, Esquire, now Mayor. 1668. Sympson, Edward, joiner, s. of Edward Sympson, silkweaver. 1688. Sympson, Edward, carpenter, s.of Edward Sympson, joiner. 1727. Symson, George, of London, apothecary, s. of Edward Symson, of Cant., joiner. '734- 83 FREEMEN 84 Sympson, Valentine, the younger, of Sittingbourne, victualler. 1773- Sff Simpson. Talput, Richard,baker, s. of JohnTalput, baker. 1739- Tangett, Simon, barber surgeon, s. of Thomas Tangett, tailor. 1599. Tangett, Joseph, s. of Thomas Tanget. 1613. Tangett, Polycarp, gent., s. ot Thomas Tangett. 16 14. Tangett, John, ironmonger, s. of Joseph Tangett, ironmonger. 1654-. Tarry, William, tailor, by virtue of his father's copie. 1660. Tayler, John, carpenter, s. of William Tayler, carpenter. 1680. Taylor, John, silkweaver, s. of William Taylor, carpenter. 1705. Taylor, William, husbandman, s. of William Taylor, carpenter. 1705. Tayler, John, cordwainer, s. of John Tayler, cordwainer. 1 7 1 1 . Tayler, William, of Patri.xbourne, hus- bandman, s. of John Tayler of Cant., carpenter. 1727. Taylor, Elias, of London, tailor, s. of Elias Taylor, of Cant., cordwainer. 1733. Taylor, Thomas, barber, s. of Elias Taylor, cordwainer. 17+1- Taylor, William, silkweaver. 1773- Taylor, John, perukemaker. 1774. Terry, Augustine, carpenter, s. of Mr. John Terry, Alderman. 1647. Terry, Michael, s. of Michael Terry, gent. 1 66 1. Terry, Thomas, gent., s. of Isaac Terry, woollendraper. 1700. Terry, Michael, tailor, s. of Michael Terry, gent. 1708. Terry, Thomas, haberdasher of small ware, [s. of Michael Terry.] 17 10. Terry, the Rev. Isaac, s. of Isaac Terry, wooUendraper. 1722. Terry, Henry, wooUendraper, s. of Isaac Terry, wooUendraper. 1722. Terry, Edward, of Sandwich, joiner. 1760. Terry, Thomas, carpenter. 1760. Terry, William, cordwainer. 1760. Terry, John, cordwainer. 1786. Tevelein, Charles, perukemaker. 1 760. Tevelein, James, woolcomber. 1760. Tivclein, Edward, tailor. 1768. Tevelein, Joseph, painter. 1774. Tevelein, James, perukemaker. 178S. Tevelein, Joseph, printer. 1797. Thatcher, John, wa.xchandler, s. of John Thatcher. 1540. Thattchar, Stephen, shoemaker, s. of John Thattchar, wa.xchandler. 1569. Thomas, Edward, carpenter, s. of Edward Thomas, blacksmith. 1727. Thomas, George, blacksmith, s. of Edward Thomas, blacksmith. 1734- Thomas, William, the younger, farrier. 1753- Thomas, John, of St. Dunstan's, Kent, millwright. 1754. Thomas, William, the younger, silk- weaver. 1760. Thomas, William, gent. 1769. Thomas, William, the younger, ginger- bread baker. 1783. Thomas, Mark, linnendraper. 1788. Thomas, Nathaniel, cordwainer. 1789. Thomson, Dedyer, goldsmith, s. of John Thomson, shoemaker. 1522. Thomson, James, draper, s. of William Thomson, draper. 1526. Thornehurst, Stephen, Knight, s. of Stephen Thornehurst, gent. 1598. Thornton, Joseph, the younger, silk- weaver. 1777. Thornton, John, silkweaver. 1779. Thornton, Abraham, of London, silk- weaver. 1789. Thornton, William Lcpar, apothecary. 1790. Thornton, George Alezander, labourer. 1795- Thornton, William Simmons, baker. 1795. Thornton, John, of Barham, surgeon and apothecary. 1796. Thornton, Charles, of Whitstable, miller. 1800. Thornton, Samuel, of Ashford, druggist. 1800. Thread, John, husbandman, s. of Paul Thread, baker. 1 7 1 1 . Tiddeman, John, smith, s. of William Tiddeman, cordwainer. 1733. Tiddeman, Edward, of London, porter, s. of William Tiddeman, of Cant., cordwainer. 1734- Tiddeman, Richard, bricklaj-er, s. of WilliamTiddeman, cordwainer. 1734. Tilby, William, of Faversham, labourer, s. of Daniel Tilby, of Cant., black- smith. 1 741. Toddey, John, cordwainer, s. of Thomas Toddey, cordwainer. 1647. Toker, John, yeoman, s. of John Toker, yeoman. 1727. 85 OF CAXTEKRURY. 86 Toker, William, yeoman, s. of John Toker, yeoman. 1727. Toker, Edward, yeoman, s. of John Toker, baker. 1733. Toker, Richard, of Wye, yeoman, s. of John Toker, of Cant., baker. 1733. Tolken, Daniel, skinner, s. of Thomas Tolken. 1610. Tomlin, John, tailor, s. of John Tomlin, tailor. 1714- Tompson, John, pinmaker, s. of John Tompson, late of S. Andrew, Cant., chapman. 160Q. Tompson, Robert, haberdasher, s. of John Tompson, chapman. 1628. Ton?, Thomas, tailor, s. of Christopher Tong, becrbrewer. '577. Tong, John, grocer, s. of Christopher Tong, brewer. 1582. Tonge, John, yeoman, s. of Thomas Tonge. 1607. Tostes, George, scrivener, s. of John Testes. 1536. Toumbs, Thomas, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Toumbs, silkweaver. 17 10. Tuch, Abraham, bricklayer, s. of William Tuch, bricklayer. 1655. Tuck, John, tobaccopipe maker, s. of Thiimas Tuck, same trade. 1675. Tuck, John, tobaccopipe maker, s. of Edward Tuck, tobaccopipe maker. 1712. Tuck, Edward, labourer, s. of Thomas Tuck, whitesmith. 1722. Tuck, James, labourer, s. of Thomas Tuck, whitesmith. 1722. Tuck. Lawrance, brazier, s. of John Tuck, tobaccopipe maker. 17++. Tuck, John, of the Precincts, Cant., apothecar)', s. of John Tuck, pipe- maker. 1747. Tuck, Edward, labourer. 1753. Tuck, John, labourer. 1753. Tuck, John, labourer. 1754. Tucker, Thomas, pipemaker, s. of Thomas Tucker, saddler. 16+2 Tucker, John, joiner, s. of John Tucker, joiner. 1655. Tucker, Robert, silkweaver, s. of William Tucker, turner. 1722. Tuckwell, John, of St. Peter's in Thanet, shipwright. 1768. Tuckwell, William, the younger, car- penter. 1774. Tumber, William, labourer, s. of John Tumber, clothworker. 1722. Tumber Joel, of London, silkweaver. «754- Turner, Robert, Junior, woollendraper, s. of Robert Turner. 1629. Turner, Thomas, of London, gent., s. of Thomas Turner, late of this city, gent. 1687. Turner, Thomas, labourer, s. of [blank]. '738- Turner, George, of Faversham, weaver. 1790. Twyman (Twiman), Henry, woollen- draper, s. of Henry Twyman, Alder- man. 1660. Twyman, Hammond, of Westbere, gent., s. of Henry Twyman, gent. 1695. Twyman, Thomas, of Whitstable, black- smith, s. of John Twyman, of Cant., clothworker. 1705. Umberfyld, Harman, tailor, s. of |ohn Umberfyld, smith. 1597. Underdown, Jennings Anthony, of Ash- ford, surgeon. 1774. Underdown, John, the younger, baker. 1774- Underdown, Richard, of Margate, plas- terer. 1784. Upton, John, hempdresser, s. of John Upton, cordwainer. 1704. Upton, John, hempdresser, s. of John Upton, hempdresser. 1727. Upton, Thomas, hempdresser, s. of Tho- mas Upton, hempdresser. 1734. Upton, John, cordwainer, s. of his father, flaxdresser. '74i- Upton, John, the younger, hempdresser. •753- Upton, John, the younger, cordwainer. '773- Upton, William, of Chatham, labourer. 1790. Usbarn, William, wheeler, s. of Thomas Usbarn, carpenter. 1435. Vandepere, John, joiner, s. of Lancelot Vandepere, joiner. 1583. Vandepeere, William, smith, s. of Lance- lot Vandepeere, joiner. 1583. Vandepeeir, Edmund, tailor, s. of Jolm Vandepeeir, joiner. 1625. Vandome, Edward, silkweaver. 1759. Vann, Matthew, cooper, s. of Edward Vann, cooper. 1653. Vanse, Leonard, yeoman, s. of James Vanse, attorney. 1597. Vincent, Thomas, turner. 1760. Vincent, William, labourer. 1760. Vincent, • John, the younger, of Dover, mariner. 1768. Vincent, Frank, silkweaver. 1772. 87 FREEMEN 88 Vincent, Walter, the younger, silkweaver. 1780. Vincent, Pilcher, plumber. 1784. Vincent, William, of Camberwell, Surrey, tailor. 1 789. Vincent, Jeremiah Kent, of London, stickmaker. 1790. Vincent, Charles, of Mitcham, Surrey, labourer. 1796. Virgoe, Edward, of London, tailor. 1 795. Virgoe, William, of London, cordwainer. 1795- Vittal, William, bricklayer, s. of William Vittal, bricklayer. 17 14. Vitell, Edward, bricklayer, s. of William Vitell, bricklayer. 1722. Vittall, William, of Tunbridge, cordwain- er. 1754. Vyrle, Thomas, chandler, s. of Robert Vyrle, skinner. 1443. Vyrle, Richard, chandler, s. of Robert Vyrle, pelterer. 1445. Vyrle, Henry, tallowchandler, s. of Rich- ard Vyrle, chandler. 1476. Wachers, John, of St. Lawrence in Thanet, s. of Robert Wachers of Cant., cordwainer. 1727. Waddel, Henry, gent., s. of William Waddel, brewer. 1734. Wagstaf, Christopher, grocer, s. of Henry Wagstaf, grocer. 161 2. Waite (Wayte), Peter, tanner, s. of Peter Wayte, tanner. 1708. Waite, George, silkweaver, s. of George VVaite, carpenter. 17 14. Waite, William, silkweaver, s. of George Waite, carpenter. 1722. Waite, John, tallowchandler, s. of Peter VVaite, tanner. J 724. Waite, Thomas, silkweaver, s. of George Waite, carpenter. 1724. Wait, Richard, cordwainer, s. of George Wait, carpenter. 1737. Waite, John, of Twickenham, gardener, s. of George Waite, of Cant., car- penter. 1 741. Waite, Matthew, of Hampton in Middle- se,\, gardener, s. of George Waite, of Cant., carpenter. 1741. Wait, George, the younger, labourer. 1754. Wakefeild, John, leatherseller, s. of Simon Wakefeild, leatherseller. 1705. Waler, John, vintner, s. of Edward Waller, goldsmith. 1607. Walker, William, s. of Alexander Walker, tailor. 1583. Walker, Nathaniel, s. of Mr. John Walker, a toleration of oneyear granted to, in payment by him of ^5, Jan. 30th, 1702-3. Walker, John, of London, baker, s. of Nathaniel Walker, of Cant., grocer and tallowchandler. 1741. Walker, Rest, Joiner, s. of Nathaniel Walker, grocer. 1747. Walker, William, of Ashford, yeoman. 1754- Wall, Abraham, silkweaver, s. of Edward Wall, hempdresser. 1692, Wall, Abraham, labourer, s. of Tiiomas Wall, cordwainer. 1722. Wall, Edward, of London, tailor, s. of Thomas Wall, of Cant., cordwainer. >734- Waller, Edmond, linnendraper, s. of Richard Waller. 1577- Wanderton, George, vintner, s. of George Wanderton, tailor. 1625. Wanderton, Isaac, s. of George Wander- ton, tailor. 1629. Warham, George, cooper, s. of George Warham, cooper. 1666. Warley, Lee, gent., s. of John VVarley, gent. 1736. Warleigh, James, butcher, s. of James Warleigh, woolcomber. 1741. Warlee, John, labourer, s. of James Var- lee /^.y/fy, woolcomber. 1741. Warlee, James, the younger, husbandman. 1753- Warren, John, the younger, of London, bookseller. 1774 Warren, Joseph, linnenweaver. 1778. Warren, James, Junior, watchmaker. 1800. Warrener, Matthew, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Warrener, clerk. 1608. Warwell, Thomas, bricklayer, s. of Tho- mas Warwell. 1651. Warwell, John, bricklayer, s. of Thomas Warwell, bricklayer. 1675. Warwell, George, bricklayer, s. of Tho- mas Warwell, bricklayer. 1681. Warwell, Joseph, bricklayer, s. of Thomas Warwell, bricklayer. 1681. Warwell, Robert, bricklayer, s. of John Warwell, bricklayer. 1708. Warwell, Thomas, blacksmith, s. of John Warwell, bricklayer. 1708. Warwell, John, of Deal, baker, s. of John Warwell, of Cant., bricklayer. 1727, Washengton, James, tailor, s. of Robert Washengton, tailor. 1639. Wastilman, Edmund, weaver, s. of William Wastilman. 1478. 89 OF CANTERBURY. 90 Water, William, chaplain, s. of Robert Water. 1430. Waters, Jonas, s. of Jonas Waters, beer- brewer and now of Dover. 1615. Waters, Thomas, maltster, s. of Jonas Waters, brewer. 1630. Waters, Nicholas, brewer, s. of Jonas Waters, brewer. 1661. Waters, William, of Ashford, husbandman, s. of William Waters, of Cant., hus- bandman. J 741. Wattson, John, apothecary, freeborn. 161 6. Watson, William, gent., s. of John Wat- son, gent. 1 688. Watson, Robert Flatman, of Heme, mariner, s. of John Watson, of Cant., gent. 1735. Watson, Henry, linnenweaver, s. of John Watson, gent. 1741. Waynflete, Thomas, s. of William Wayn- flete, jeweller. 144S- Waynflete, Thomas, taverner, s. of Thomas Waynflete. 1484. Waynflete, Robert, yeoman, s. of Thomas Waynflete. 1548. Wear, John, of London, grocer and tallowchandler, s. of John Wear, of Cant., hop-planter. 1741. Wear, William, of London, tailor, s. of John Wear, of Cant., hop-planter. '745- Wear, Richard, of London, upholder, s. of John Wear, of Cant., hop-planter. '747- Wear, John, labourer, s. of John Wear, cordwainer. 1748. Wear, Thomas, glover, s. of John Wear, hop-planter. 1752. Wear, Thomas, the younger, fellmonger. 1784. Wear, William, baker. 1784. Wear, Southee, baker. 1794. Webbe, Anthony, mercer, s. of George Webbe, Alderman. 1552. Webbe, George, mercer, s. of George Webbe, Alderman. 1566. Webb, Thomas, of Christ Church, Cant., labourer, s. of Thomas Webb, tailor. 1741. Webb, John, of Cambridge, gent., s. of Thomas Webb, of Cant., tailor. 1753. Weeden, James, cordwainer, s. of Nathan- iel Weeden, cordwainer. 1741. Weeden, William, of Rodmersham, black- smith. 1773. Welbey, Simon, silkweaver, s. of Simon Welbey, silkweaver. 1727. Welby, John, silkweaver, s. of Simon Welby, silkweaver. 1730. Welby, Simon, silkweaver, s. of John Welby, silkweaver. 1753. Welby, John, silkweaver. 1755. Welby, William, perukemaker. 17S6. Welby. John Stringer, silkweaver. 1789. Welby, Thomas, of London, silkweaver. '795- Welch, William, woolcomber. 1774. Welch, Jones, silkweaver. 1789. Wellard, Richard, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Wellard, cordwainer. 1733. Wellard, Read, bricklayer, s. of John Wellard, bricklayer. 1741. Wellard, Michael, bricklayer, s. of John Wellard, bricklayer. 1744. Wellard, William George, of London, gent. 1760. Wellard, Richard, gardener. 1784. Wellard, WilliamGeorge, fellmonger. 1 7S4. Wellard, John, of Petham, cordwainer. 17S9. Wellard, William, labourer. 1795. Welle, Stephen, tailor, s. of George Welle, Alderman. 1582. Welles, John, tailor, s. of Roger Welles, ■558. Welles, Anthony, s. of John Welles, woollen draper. 1579. Wells, John, of Chatham, cooper, s. of William Wells, of Cant., bricklayer. 1710. Wells, James, silkweaver, s. of Jacob Wells, cordwainer. 1727. West, Thomas, carpenter, s. of ALitthew West, butcher. 1639. West, Matthew, butcher, s. of Thomas West, butcher. 1655. Whete, John, of Calais, s. of John Whete, late of Cant , dyer. 1463. Whete, William, luller, s. of John Whete. 1469. ^ Whicker, William, of Chatham, baker. 1790. White, John, ironmonger, s. of Stephen White, ironmonger. 1593. White, Simon, ironmonger, s. of Stephen White, ironmonger. 1594. White, Thomas, mercer, s. of Stephen White, ironmonger. 1606. White, Stephen, ironmonger, s. of Step- hen White. 1607. Whytt, Henry, woollendraper, s. of Stephen Whytt. 161 1. White, Ralph, apothecary, s. of Stephen White, ironmonger. 1628. White, Christopher, mercer, s. of Thomas White, mercer. 1632. 91 FREEMEN 92 White, John, gent., s. of Thomas White, mercer. 1640. White, Thomas, bricklayer, s. of Thomas White, bricklayer. 1714- W'hite, William, bricklayer, s. of Tliomas White, bricklayer. 1722. White, Thomas, bricklayer, s. of Thomas White, bricklayer. 1 746. White, Matthew, bricklayer, s. of William White, bricklayer. 1747. White, Thomas, papermaker. 1761. White, John, cordwainer. 1766. White, Thomas, the younger, bricklayer. 1767. White, Charles, labourer. 1773. White, Jesse, carpenter. 1780. White, John, brickmaker. 1789. White, Daniel, grocer. 1791. White, Edward, of Westgate, Kent, labourer. 1796. White, Thomas, cordwainer. 1800. Whitfeild, Henry, gent., s. of John Whit- feild. 1633. Whitfield, John, s. of Henry Whitfield, gent. 1661. Whitfield, John, gent., s. of John Whit- field, gent. 1698. WHiitfield, Robert, gent., s. of John Whitfield, gent. 1700. Whitfield, John, gent., s. of John Whitfield, gent. 1720. Whitfeild, Wase, of Preston n. Wingham, gent. 1 76 1. Whitfield, Henry.ofTenterden, gent. 1761. Whitfield, John, Esquire. 1761. Whitfield, John, of London, gent. 1795. Whitfield, Henry Wase, gent.. Lieutenant S. Hants Militia. 1796. Whiting, William, the younger, woollen- draper, s. of William W'hiting, Alderman.' 1636. Whiting, James, baker, s. of Robert Whiting, baker. i74>- Whiting, Matthew, baker. 1753. Whiting, Robert, labourer. 1773. WMiiting, Matthew, the younger, servant. 1795- Whitwey, John, Junior, corvesir, s. of John Whitwey, corvesir. 1471. Whitwey, Edward, yeoman, s. of John Whitwey. 1479- Wickham, William, coachman, s. of Thomas Wickham, cooper. 1671. Wickham, Thomas, carpenter, s. of Thomas Wickham. carpenter. 1700. W'ickham, William, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Wickham, carpenter. 1724. Wickham, Thomas, of Faversham, glover, s. of Thomas Wickham, of Cant., carpenter. 1734. Wickham, Abraham, papermaker. 1754. Wickham, James, of Dover, papermaker. 1789. Wiggens, William, bricklayer, s. of Paul Wiggens, bricklayer. 1650. Wiggins, Paul, bricklayer, s. of Paul Wiggins, bricklayer. 1707. Wiggins, William, bricklayer, s. of Paul Wiggins, bricklayer. 1707. Wigmore, John, hempdresser, s. of Henry Wigmore. 1679. Wignall, William Munday, of Faversham, labourer. 1789. Wilkes, James, joiner, s. of Richard Wilkes, joiner. 1639. Wilks, Thomas, the younger, silkweaver. •754- Wilkes, John, silkweaver. 1760. Wilkins, Thomas, of Deal, blacksmith, s. of Thomas Wilkins, of Cant., black- smith. 1722. Wilkinson (Wylkynsson), Daniel, gold- smith, s. of William Wylkynsson, glazier. 1571. Wilkenson, Thomas, goldsmith, s. of Daniel Wilkenson. 1613. Williams (Wyllyams), John, capper, s. of John Wyllyams, hackneyman. 1570. Wyllyams, Edward, carpenter, s. of Tho- mas Wyllyams, clothworker. 1574. Wyllyams, John, s. of Nicholas Wyllyams, pewterer. 1579. Williams, Edward, tailor, s. of Humphrey Williams, tailor. i6oz. Williams, William, shoemaker, s. of John Williams, capper. 1603. Williams, John, cordwainer, s. of John Williams, bricklayer. 1624. Williams, Nicholas, butcher, s. of Nich- olas Williams, butcher. 1643. Williams, Samuel, butcher, s. of Nicholas Williams, butcher. 1650. Williams, Thomas, butcher, s. of Nicholas Williams, butcher. 1654. Williams, Jonathan, butcher, s. of Nicholas Williams, butcher. r668. Williams, Nicholas, butcher, s. of Nicholas Williams, butcher. 1679. Williams, Thomas, the younger, butcher, s. of [blank] Williams, butcher. 1681. Williams, William, baker, s. of Thoma.s Williams, butcher. 1687. Williams, John, butcher, s. of Samuel Williams, butcher. 1692. 93 OF CANTERBURY. 94 Williams, Nicholas, butcher, s. of Thomas Williams, butcher. 1698. Williams, John, turner, s. of John Will- iams, turner. 1704. Williams, Thomas, turner, s of John Williams, turner. 1714. Williams, William, labourer, s. of John Williams, turner. 1714- Williams, Nicholas, labourer, s. of Nich- olas Williams, butcher. 1722. Williams, Thomas, butcher, s. of Thomas Williams, butcher. 1722. Williams, William, butcher, s. of Thomas Williams, butcher. 1724. Williams, William, of Ash, yeoman, s. of John Williams, of Cant., turner. 1733. Williams, John, of Sandwich, tailor, s. of John Williams, of Cant., turner. 1 741 . Williams, John, labourer, s. of John Williams, carpenter. 1747. Williams, Walter, of Upper Hardres, yeoman. 1753. Williams, William, labourer. 1753. Williams, John, the younger, labourer. 1760. Willmott, Thomas, cordwainer, s. of Jar- vice Willmott, hackneyman. 1672. Willoughby, John, tobaccopipe maker, s. of Robert Willoughby, cordwainer. 1698. Willsdeu, Thomas, tallowchandler, s. of Abraham Willsden, tallowchandler. '743- Wilsden, Thomas, the younger, cord- wainer. 1774. Wilsden, Abraham, of Folkestone, baker. 1789. Wilsden, John, cordwainer. 1800. Wilsden, Thomas Crispen, of Chatham, cordwainer. 1800. Wilson, Edward, of Sandwich, timber broker, s. of Edward Wilson, of Cant., timber broker. i734- Winbolt, Thomas, of Southgate, Middle- sex, clerk. 1796. Winford, William, silkweaver, s. of William Winford, silkweaver. 1722. Winford, Benjamin, cordwainer, s. of Jacob Winford, woolcomber. 1727. Winford, John, of London, silkweaver, s. of William Winford, of Cant., silk- weaver. 1727. Winford, William, silkweaver. 1753. Winford, Robert, of London, silkweaver. •754- Winslow, Zachariah Kingsford, of Than- ington, yeoman. 1767. Winter (Wyntcr), George, s. of John Wynter. 1533. Winter, James, woolcomber, s. of Henry Wmter, woolcomber. 1733. Wood (Wode), John, mercer, s. of Thomas Atwode (sic), now INIayor of Cant. 14S0. Wood, Thomas, tailor, s. of Thomas Wood, musicianer. 1582. Wood, John, baker, s. of Richard Wood, 1631. Wood, Thomas, bricklayer, s. of Thomas Wood, bricklayer. 1722. Wood, Robert, of Ashford, grocer, s. of Robert Wood, of Cant., grocer. 1727. Wood, Michael, of Maidstone, butcher, s. of IMichael Wood, of Cant., tallow- chandler. 1734. Wood, Richard, of Chatham, bricklayer, s. of Thomas Wood, of Cant., brick- layer. 1734. Wood, Daniel, of Sedlescombe in Susse.x, butcher, s. of iNIichael Wood, of Cant., grocer and tallow-chandler. 1741. Wood, William, oi Last Greenwich, carpenter. 1754- Wood, Charles, of Woolwich, labourer. 1768. Wood, James, gardener. 1789. Wood, Francis, labourer. 1789. Woodcock, James, the younger, black- smith. 1774. Woodcock, William, of Oxford, music master. 1790. ' Worsley, Robert, the younger, of Wing- ham, glazier and plumber. 1774. Worsley, Thomas, of fthirgate, saddler. '774- Wotteghe,William, s.of WilliamWotteghe, tailor. 1415. Wotton, William, chalunwcaver, s. of Richard Wotton. 1439. Wraighte, George, clothworker, s. of John Wraighte, clothworker. 1639. Wraith, Stephen, collarmaker, s. of Nich- olas Wraith, innkeeper. 1642. Wreight, Thomas, maltster, s. of Thomas Wreight, brewer. 1671. Wreight, John, victualler, s. of Steplien Wreight, collarmaker. 1674. Wray, William, carpenter, s. of William Wray, carpenter. 1694. Wright, William, furbysshour, s. of John Wright, furbishor. 1469. Wryght, Philip, capper, s. of Thomas Wryght, capper. 1579- 95 FREEMEN 96 v/ Wright, John, capper, s. of Thomas Wright, capper. 1582. Wybrovv, Thomas, silkweaver. 1758. Wybrow, WiUiam, of London, cordwainer. 1790. Wibrow, Thomas, hairdresser. 1793. Wyeldboore, William, apothecary, s. of Jerome Wyeldboore. 1560. Wyner, John, s. of Laurence Wyner, clothier. 1426. \y Wyn, Thomas, s. of Robert Wyn, Alder- man. 1612. ^ Wynn, Peter, gent., s. of Robert Wynn, Alderman. 1626. VVyse, Robert, gent., s. of Henry Wyse, gent. 1470. V Young (Yunge), Nicholas, tailor, s. of John Yunge. 1569. ^ Yonge, John, grocer, s. of Nicholas Yonge, woollendraper. 1607. ^ Young, John, baker, s. of William Young, baker. 1632. ^ Young, Thomas, husbandman, s. of Thomas Young, innkeeper. 1634 Young, George, apothecary, s. of Mr. George Young, now sheriff of this city. 1 644. Young, William, miller, s. of Henry Young, tailor. 1647. Young, Benjamin, s. of George Young, apothecary. 1661. Young, William, tailor, s. of John Young, baker. 1673. Young, Thomas, gardener, s. of Richard Young, baker. 1675. Young, Thomas, silkweaver, s. of Thomas Young. 1685. Younge, Richard, grocer, s. of Thomas Younge, gardener. i697. Younge, William, tailor, s. of William Younge, tailor. 1698. Younge, Nicholas, tailor, s. of John Younge, tailor. 1704. Younge, John, tailor, s. of John Younge, tailor. 1705. Young, William, of Chislet, clerk, s. of Thomas Young, gardener. 1708. Young, John, of Chatham, shipwright, s. of Thomas Young, of Cant., gardener. 1710. Young, Thomas, victualler, s. of Nicholas Y'oung, tailor. 1734. Young, John, silkweaver. 1767. Young, Edward, Junior, of London, silkweaver. 1768. PART II. jfreetnen b^ /Iftaidage. Abbot, Christopher, clothier=Katherine, d. of John Mercer, innkeeper. 1646. Abbott, John, of the Precincts, Cant., cabinetmaker. 1786. Abdele, William=Alice, d. of Thomas Atwode. 1477. Acock, William, labourer. i794-_ Adams, William, cordwainer=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Gold, cordwainer. 1744. Adams, Thomas, labourer. 1789. Adkinson, Richard, tailor=Ehzabeth, d. of John Heyman, watchmaker. 17 14. Agar, Moses, gent., Alderman=Elizabeth, d. of Edward Fendall, Alderman. 1710. Agar, Edward, gent.=Ann, d. of Edward Wilson, lathcleaver. 1734. Ao-ar, John, of Elham, husbandman = Elizabeth, d. of John Upton, of Cant., hempdresser. 1734. Aggar, John, of Minster in Sheppy, victualler. 1761. Aishworth, Edmond, tailor=Alice, d. of George JeftVy. 1 5 7 1 . Akehurst, Jonas, clothworker=Ursula, d. of Henry Doggerell, currier. 1643. Albery, James, cobbler=I\Iargery, d. of Robert Lee, capper. 1607. Alcester, Thomas, corvcsir= Isabella, d. of John Chesman. 1403- Ale.xander, Richard, clothworker=Eliz- abeth, d. of Timothy Wentford, clothworker. 1629. Alexander, Edmund, of Rotherhithe, rope- maker=Mary, d. of Thomas Cole, of Cant., carpenter. 1741- Allanson, William, of London, watchcase maker. 1795- Allen(Aleyn;, Richard, goldsmith=Alice, d. of Thomas Mounte, tailor. 1408. Aleyn, Hugh, draper=Joan, d. of John Coke, smith. 1448. Allen, Thomas, gardener=Sibell, d. of John .Shingler, gardener. 1635. Allen, Michael, yeoman=Mildred, d. of John Simpson, Alderman. 1662. Allen, Francis, of Maidstone, watchmaker. 1768. Allen, William, of Christ Church, Cant., perukemaker. 1794. Allen, William, of London, weaver. 1795. Ally, Samuel, husbandman=Sarah d. of Thomas Tuck. 1734. Alson, William, smith=Mary, d. of Will- iam Cooke, carpenter. 1709. Amos, Manasses, yeoman^Anne, d. of Gilbert Powell, tailor. 1637. ' Anchor, Isaac, silkweaver. 1760. Dis- franchised a month later, as his wife died long before he took up his freedom. Anderson, Joseph, butcher. 1786. Andrewes, Mr. Samuel, clerk, =Deborah, d. of Thomas Harte, woollendraper. 1645- Andrews, John, of London, lighterman = Elizabeth, d. of Andrew Monrowe, of Cant., cordwainer. 1749. Andrews, Henry, labourer. 1766. Anslow, George, grocer=Dorothy, d. of William Dale. 1694. Anslow, Joseph, butcher=Jane, d. of John Johncock, cordwainer. 1722. Anste, Stephen, Private in Somerset Militia. 1796. 99 FREEMEN 100 Appleby, Thomas, of London, gent. 1761. Aras, John, mercer=Anne, d. of Thomas Goore. J 547. Armand, Phihp, of London, weaver^ Anne, d. of John Chick, of Cant., weaver. 1750. Arnold, Henry, of Chatham, shipwright= Wary, d. of James Cheever, glover. 1693. Ashbee, Richard, of Heme, yeoman. 1796. Ashley, William, labourer. 1773- Ashton, Thomas, tailor^ Anne, d. of John Gilbert, baker. 1740. Atkynsson, John, pavior^Elenor, d. of Jerham Wyelbore, linnen draper. 1569. Atte Welle, Thomas, webb=Sara, d. of Richard Martyn. 1409-10. Atwood, Thomas, pattenmaker. 1780. Aiicher, Nicholas, bricklayer= Sarah, d. of Richard Boycot, bricklayer. 1685. Auncell, Stephen, of Northlane, fuller^ Alice, d. of William Bele. 1483- Austen, Richard, yeoman=Sarah, d. of Richard Mockett, joiner. 1708. Austen, Richard, bre\ver=Katharine, d. of John Burgis, blacksmith. 17 15. Austin, John, victualler=Elizabeth, d. of John Horsey, tanner. 1726. Austin, Thomas, labourer=Susanna, d. of John Upton, hempdresser. 1733- Austen, lohn, wheelwright^ Mary, d. of John Brattle, blacksmith. 1736. Austin, William, carpenter:=Elizabeth, d. of Henry Casey, joiner. 1737. Austen, John, gent. =Mary,d. of Nathaniel * Huise, ironmonger. 1741. Austrey, Jederiah, of London, silkweaver ==Anne, d. of Thomas Sherewood, silkweaver. 1705. Aylett, William, printer=Anne, d. of Richard Lane, barber. 1727. Back, Henry, carpenter. 1759. Badcock, William, of Heme, cordwainer =Anne, d. of William Waddell, of Cant., cordwainer. 1705. Badcock, William, carpenter=Anne, d. of John Galer, victualler. 1732. Bailey (Bayly), Stephen, baker= Sarah, d. of John Matthews, pavior. 170S. Baily, William, of London, woolcomber = Margaret d. of Thomas Fleete, of Cant., cordwainer. 1741. Bailey, John, silkweaver. 1767. Bailey, Henry, silkweaver. 1773. Baker, Nicholas, = Agnes, d. of John Shcldwich, Senior. 14 10. Baker, Nicholas, draper=Joan, d. of John Wynter. 1454. Baker, Edward=Ann, d. of Stephen Saer. 1621. Baker, Walter, gent. " Pd. only £z in respect he married Mary, d. of William Clegatt one of y"" com. couiisell of this citty." 1635. Baker, John, labourer==Margaret, d. of Thomas Williams, butcher. 1714- Baker, John, of Dover, baker=Anne, d. of John I^uck, of Cant., mercer. 1749. Baker, Thomas, ot Deal, gent.=EliEa- beth, d. of Charles Knowler, of Cant., apothecary. 1751. Baker, Henry, late of Deal, but now of Cant., coachmaster. 1785. Baker, William, of Sittingbourne, yeo- man. 1788. Baker, Robert, plumber. 1789. Baker, Thomas, of Seasalter, mariner. 1790. Baker, John, of Holy Cross, Cant., painter and glazier. 1792. Bakerleg, Richard, cordwainer=Eve, d. of Roger Strevens, wheelwright. '73+- Baldwin (Bawden), Giles, yeoman=Joan, d. of Thomas Belsey, smith. 158;. Balden, William, grocer=Mary, d. of Richard Wood, baker. 1617. Baldwin, Robert, woollendraper=Martha, d. of Thomas Chandler, butcher. 1661. Balgay, William. glover^Margaret, d. of Andrew Russell, Notary. 1472. Balsar, William, of North lane, tanner= Joan, d. of Andrew Goff. 1481. Bame, Peter, silkweaver= Hester, d. of Thomas Goldhatch, wheelwright. 1699. Band, Richard, clothworker^Martha, d. of Simon Beverton. 1624. Banfield, Thomas, tailor=Mildred, d. of John Smith, scrivener. 1658. Banfeild, George, grocer=Mary, d. of William Hunt, innholder. 1729. Banks, John, glazier and plumber^Fran- ces, d. of Thomas Caister, glazier and plumber. 1735. Banks, Robert, of Dover, butcher. i7bs. Barbor, Nicholas, butcher=Joan, d. of John Picare. 1398. Barber, John, of Thanington, labourer. 1760. ini OF CANTERBURY. 102 Barber, Samuel, of Dover, mariner. 1765. Barclay, George, of London, cordwainer. 1796. Barham, James, tailor=!\Iartha, d. of Thomas Webb, tailor. 1749. Barcker, Thomas, shoemaker=Agnes, d. of Cornelius Gosson, joiner. 1577- Barker, John, of Sandwich, feltmaker^ Wary, d. of William Kittham, tailor. '705- Barley, William, fletcher=Katherine, d.of Jerome Oxynbridge. 1568. Barloe, John, of London, silkweaver= Susan, d. of Thomas Gill, of Cant., butcher. 1715. Barnes, George, silkweaver. 1769. Barnett, Henry, victualler. 1762. Barr, John, butcher=i^lizabeth, d. of Anthony Rookes, butcher. 1707. Barr, John, soldier, 7th Light Dragoons 1800. Barrett, Paul, apothecary^iMary, d. of Thomas Noble, cordwainer 17 19. Barrett, William, of Westminster, gent= Ann, d. of Robert Wood, of Cant., maltster. 173+. Barrowe, Arnold=Elizabeth, d.of George Webb, Alderman. 1578. Barrs, Edward, of Buckland n. Dover, husbandman. 175+. Bartlett, John, labourer. 1774- Barton, John. cordwainer^Ellen, d. of AbrahamGouldsbrough, joiner. 1 693. Barton, John, of London, luinendraper. 1772. Barwick, John, grocer. 1767. [Admitted previously by purchase.] Bassuck, Edward, cloth\vorker=Dorothy, ,d. of William Burton, baker. 1625. Batchelor, John, of Sittingbourne, gent. =Elizabeth, d. of John Kirk, of Cant., grocer. 1734. Bateman, John, carpenter. iSoo. Bates, William, bricklayer. 1757. Batt, Thomas, tallow-chandler. 1763. Batt, William, of Hampstead, Middlcse.K, cordwainer. 1768. Ba.xley, John, labourer=;\Iary, d. of John Taylor, carpenter. 1727. Baxster, Symon=Joan, d. of VN'illiam Gere. 1505. Bazely, Henry, Esquire, Captain in His Majesty's Navy. 1796. Beale, Anthony, currier^Elizabeth, d. of Robert Churcher, currier. 1672. Beames. Robert, cordwainer=Mary, d. 'of Robert Thompson, haberdasher. 1648. Bean, John, brickla3-er=Elizabeth, d. of John Chittenden, butcher. 1722. Bean, William, tailor^Sarah, d. of Tho- mas Church. 1727. Beanfith, John=Alice, d. of John Bram- lyng, corvesir. 1445. Beard, Richard, victualler. 1771. Beauchampe, Daniel, Jun.,, heelmaker= Mercy, d. of John Hickes, cord- wainer. 1694. Beauchamp, John, of Margate, labourer. 1768. Beaumont, Matthew, victualler=;\Iary, d. of Robert Railton, saddler. 1719. Beket, Robert=Sara, d. of John Bosyng- ton, pewterer. 1405. Beckett, William, carpenter. 1795. Bedel, John, s. of Thomas Bedel, gold- smith^Isabell, d. of George Molash, goldsmith. 1405. Bedford, John, labourer= Margaret, d. of Thomas White, bricklayer. 1737- Bedo, John, of Hythe, grazier^Anne, d. of Gabriel SafTory, of Cant., cord- wainer. 1 74 1. Beecham, James, sawyer. 1794. Beechen, Richard, labourer. 1796. Beere, John, gent.^Elizabeth, d. of Robert Alcocke, Esquire. 1599. Belke, Thomas, gent.=Elizabcth, d. of John Flackton, brewer. 1630. Bellowes, William, shoemaker=Bennet, d. of Thomas May. 1614. Belsey, Charles, silkweaver=Jane, d. of John Cox, silkweaver. 1731. Bennet (Benet), William, pattenmaker,= Joan, d. of William Hogge, mason. 1466. Bennet, James, shoemaker=Agnes, d. of Roger May, sometime clothworker. 1570- Bennett, Edward, yeoman=Joan, d. of Michael Bland. 1620. Bennet, Benjamin, tail()r=:EIizabeth, d. ofWilliam Parker, husbandman. 1739. Bennetot, John, labourer. 1780. Benshin, Anthony, labourer=Elizabeth, d. of John Matthews, pavior. 1708. Benskin, William, of Dover, victualler. 1800. Bentley, Thomas, of Whitstable, dredger. 1768. Bernes, Richard, brazier=Joan, d. of Jiihn Peny, mason, & Joan his wife, d. of Richard Pctham. i43'- Berry, Thomas, glover=Sybil, d. of Thomas Lyon, smith. 1602. 103 FREEMEN 104 Berry, John, husbandman=Mary, d. of John Bucke, tailor. 1640. Berry, John, linnendraper. 1778. Best, Nicholas, cooper=Joan, d. of Bell White. 1606. Best, John, labourer. 1769. Bettison, Samuel, of London, perfumer. .787. Beverstock, William, weaver=Mabella, d. of John Smith, millener. 1678. Biles, John, of Margate, victualler. 1768. Billing (Byllyng), Walter, canmaker= Juan, d. of Thomas Grenhelle of Throwley. 14' 5- Billing, Nathaniel, cordwainer=Mary d. of Samuel Ferryer. 1624. Binge, John, smith=Hester, d. of Abra- ham Davies, smith. 1612. Bing, Le Grand, silkweaver. 1774- Birch, John, of Minster in Thanet, linnen weaver. 1760. Bird, Thomas, of Milton, Buckingham- shire. 1796. Bishop, Thomas, of Lynstead, labourer. 1767. Bishop, John, victualler. 1768. Bishop, William, of Dover, tailor. 1795. Bissaker, John, of Wingham, innholder= ElizaJDeth, d. of Thomas Nash, of Cant., joiner. 1705. Bissenden, George, labourer. 1767. Blackenbury, John, of Deal, gent.=Mary, d. of Charles Knowler, of Cant., apothecary. 1740. Blackman, John, maltster= Frances, d. of John Johncock, cordwainer. i6gi. Blagden, Christopher, of London, distiller =Elizabeth, d. of John Burden of Cant., maltster. 1734. Blanchar, Isaac, of the Precincts, Cant., tailor. 1754. Blanchet, Noah,silkweaver^Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Booth, grazier. 1741. Bla.\land, Richard, hop planter=Sarah, d. of Robert Gilpin, tailor. 1721. Blight, Thomas, labourer=]\Iary, d. of John Eastman. 1655. Blinstone, Joseph, victualler=Margaret, d. of Henry Blyth, sawyer. 1724. Blossom, John, yeoman=Agnes, d. of Hugh Alleyn. 1475. Blunden, Thomas, shoemaker^Emlyn, d. of Hugh Bocay, hackneyman. 1594. Blunden. Ralph, apothecary = Mary, d. of William Cook, miller. 1734. Blunden, Thomas, of Nackington, liair- dresser. 1785. Body, Adam=Cristina, d. of Walter Frogenale. 1431. Bogg, John, taverner=Katherine, d. of John Hardris, shearman. 1403. Boghurst, Richard,ofFrindsbury, yeoman. 1790. Bolde, Henry, clerk=Isabella, d. of John Lynde. 1400. Bonde, Thomas, saddler=Joan, d. of John Spycer. 1427. Bond, Henry, of Chatham, labourer. 1 768. Bone, Richard, shoemaker=Tabitha, d. of Thomas Newton, weaver. 1607. Bonnick, William, of Chatham, dredger. 1754- Bonyngton, William=Christina,d.ofJohn Cherche. 1424. Booth, Hugh, mercer^oan, d. of Thomas Lymyter. 1576. Booth, Joseph, maltster^Elisheba, d. of Jeremy Rumfield, tailor. 1684. Borain, John, victualler=Elizabeth, d. of Robert Nye, gardener. 1730. Boree, James, silkweaver. 1765. Borell, William, grocer=Joan, d. of Nicholas Baker. 1484. Borringham, William, of London, cord- wainer. 17^7. Bottom, Thomas, silkweaver. 1767. Bourne, (Borne), Raynold, carpenter^ Anne, d. of James Gaskyn, mercer. 1572- Bourne, William, of Sheerness, gunner. 1766. Bover, Charles, of London, silkweaver= Elizabeth, d. of [blank] Aucher, of Cant., cordwainer. 1727. Bowles, John, smith^Elizabeth, d. of Anthony Brown, baker. 1747- Bowles, Laurence, of Birchington, gent. 1760. Bowran, Thomas, of London, glass- grinder. 1768. Bo.x, William, a soldier in the 4th Regt. of Dragoons. 1771. Bo.x, Thomas, of London, silkweaver. '795- Boyden, William=Margery, d. of Thomas Pulford. 141 2. Boyle, Joseph, of Sheerness, gunner. '754- Boyle, William, cordwainer. J7S9. Boys, William, carpenter=Elizabeth, d. of Paul Skilton, linnenweaver. 1712. Brabson, John, tailor=Anne, d. of Anthony Knyght, Alderman. 1543- Braddin, Thomas, Sergeant in the Marines. '795- 105 OF CANTERBURY. 106 Bradley, John, baker. iSoo. Bradshaw, James, tailor=Aiin, d. of William Lewes, tailor. 1624. Bragge, Nicholas, gent.=Elizabeth, d. of Matthew Goodhewe, gent. 1611. Bramston, John, tailor^Ursula, d. of John Bradley. 15+3. Branch, John, of Chartham, fuller^ Anne, d. of Thomas Jolley, of Cant., malt- ster. 1722. Bray, John=Joan, d. of John Gate. i+og. Bredkyrk, Thomas, yeoman =[a] d. of William Atwell. 15+3. Bremer, Nicholas, goldsmith=Anne, d. of Thomas Calowe. 1547. Brent, Roger^a d. of Edward Dorant. '459- Brerton, John=Agnes, d. of William Lad. 1397. Brett, Thomas, husbandman=Margarct, d. of John Rogers, wheelwright. 1 705. Brett, John, labourer. 1789. Brett, Thomas, of Deal, mariner. 1790. Brickell, John Henry, of Dover, ginger- bread baker. 1789. Bridge, George, tailor^=Anne, d. of John Penne, innholder. 1609. Bridge, Samuel, tailor^Frances, d. of Thomas Coleman, grocer. 1696. Bridgis, Henry, joiner^Bennet, d. of John Abbott. 1568. Bridges, John, writing master= Martha, d. of John Lane, maltster. i747- Briese, John=Lora, d. of Thomas Bun- tyng. 1406. Brigges, Anthony, blacksmith=Margery, d. of William Battersby, hackney- man. 1614. Bright (Bryght), John, tailor=Agnes, d. of Stephen Guston. 1567. Brinkley, William, of London, watch- maker. 1768. Brissenden, Samuel, of Hollingbourne, labourer. 1796. Bristow, Richard, of Rochester, gent. 175+- Broadbridge, George, of Favcrsham, gin- gerbread baker. 1795. Broderip, William, of the Precincts, Cant., clerk. 1761. Bromley, Simon, of Sheerness, blacksmith =Elizabeth, d. of William Rook, of Cant., butcher. 1744. Brooks, Thomas, cutler=£lizabeth, d. of Paul Crippen, bricklayer. 1727. Brough, William, of tlie Royal Artillery. 1800. Brown (Broun), Robert, gent.=Joan, d. ofJohnLynde. 1454. Browne, James, tailor=.-\nne, d. of Her- man Verson. 1583. Browne, Michael, carpenter=Katherine, d. of Stephen Giles, cordwainer. 1636. Brown, John, wine cooper=Anne, d. of Thomas Tressar, Alderman. 1665. Brown, Stephen, grocer=Katherine, d. of John PUkington, plumber. 1677. Browne. John, labourer=Elizabeth, d. of Henry Rust, silkweaver. 1718. Brown, Bowman, of London, coal dealer =Susan, d. of Peter CoUyan, of Cant., papermaker. 1747. Brown, William, basketmaker. 1771. Brownyng, Roger, draper=Margery, d. of Walter Frogenale. 1420. Bryant, John, tailor=Elizabeth, d. of Richard Pettet. 1618. Bryant, John, woolcomber. 1770. Brydon, Robert., of Dover, bookseller. '773- Buckmaster, Joseph, gent.=Elizabeth, d. of John Penny, husbandman. 1680. Buddie, John, husbandman. 1768. Budds, Richard, carpenter=Elizabeth, d. of John Miles, bricklayer. 1721. Buffery, Samuel, whitesmith=Mar)-, d. of John George, labourer. 1738. Bull, John, tailor. 1769. Bullock, Henry, silkweaver=Ann, d. of John Chantrey. 16S1. Bullyng, Thomas=iMargaret, d. of William Robyn, pistor. 1407. Bunce, Henry, of Eastchurch in Sheppy, husbandman=EIizabeth, d. of John Gaier, of Cant., victualler. 1727. Bunce, James, baker. 1765. Bunce, Cyprian Rondeau, gent. 1777. Bunyear, John, carpenter. 1756. Burchard, Richard, tailor=Agnes, d. of John Nayler. 1530. Burcke, Henry, labourer=Mary, d. of Nicholas Williams, butcher. 1695. Burden, Daniel, of London, silkweaver. '754- Burges, John, )'eoman=Alice, d. of Laurence Soper, butcher. 1489. Burges, John, labourer=Elizabeth, d. of William Hoskins, currier. 1708. Burnby, John, tailor=Katherine, d. of Matthew West, butcher. 1695. Burnett, John, gent.=Sarah, d. of Maxi- millian Foster. 1681. Burton, Thomas, of .Maidstone, limber- merchant. I 7b I. 107 FREEMEX 108 Busbrida;e, John, of London, cordvvainer. lySq. Busby. William, shopkeeper. 1799. Biishell, lohn, of Wliitstable, dredger= Anne, d. of Thomas Radford of Cant., butcher. '7+7- Busher, lohn, tanner=Ann, d. of Peter Johnson, cordwainer. 1689. Butcher, Osmund, collarmaker=Margaret, i!. of Richard Arundell, collarmaker. 1606. Butch er, John, of Wye, yeoman=Margaret, d. of Stephen Buckhirst, of Cant., grocer. 1715- Butcher, George, of London, corduainer. 1760. Butler, Richard, of London, shipvvright= Hester, d. of Walter Jones, of Cant., cordwainer. 1727. Butter, John, cordwainer. 1789. Butteris. Francis, currier=Mary, d. of William Warre, shoemaker. 1 640. Butterice, Thomas, of Deal, thatcher. '753- Byers, James, of London, tallow chandler. 1761. Bygge, Henry=Isabell, d. of Alexander Atte Ford. 1393- Bygge, John, yeoman=a d. of Henry Bygges, butcher. 14+0. Byker, Laurence, brewer=.\lice, d. of Richard Locas. 1477. Caddell, John, dredger. 1765. Cadman, Charles, cordwainer^ Elizabeth, d. of Philip Jarman, tanner. 1708. Calvert, William, victualler=Elizabeth, d. of John Upton, cordwainer. 1722. Cannon, Richard, haberdasher=Joan, d. of Daniel Wilkynsonne, goldsmith. 1595- Canteys, Williani=Agnes, d. of Robert Pot. 1403. Cantis, Samuel, of London, silkweaver. 1789. Cantwell, Garet, of St. Dunstan's Cant., cordwainer=Martha, d. of Richard Cockett, of Cant., butcher. 1727. Cantwell, John, cordwainer. 1789. Carder, Thomas, yeoman=Elizabeth, d. of Nicholas Wraith, victualler. 1635. Carey, John, of Sheerness, shipwright. '77+- Carpynter, John, alias Ingram=Eleanor, d. of William Cheeld. 1489. Carre, Thomas, shoemaker= Rebecca, d. of Stephen Thatcher. 1600. Carr, Samuel, bricklayer=Mary, d. of Henry Rogers, cordwainer. 1705. Carter, Simon, basketmaker=Elizabeth, d. of John Spicer. basketmaker. 1653. Carter, James, victualler. 1775. Carter, John, of Sandwich, draper. 1800. Casev, Thomas, baker=Anne, d. of Isaiah Parker, innholder. 1697. Castel, John, butcher=Joan, d. of Tho- mas Cell (?). 1406. Castle, Philip, of London, confectioner. i75<5- Castleman, Nicholas, butcher=Mary, d. of Thomas Williams, butcher. 1 687. Caibery, John, brewer=Isabel, d. of John Loy, Sen. 145 i. Catchmead, John, upholster=;Mary, d. of John Castle, tailor. 1674. Caxton, John, mercer=Isabella, d. of Hamon Belc. 1481. Caysier, Thomas, pluii)ber=Anna, d. of John Parker, grocer. 1702 Ceego, William, butcher=Dorothy, d. of George Russell, tailor. 1612. Chalk, William, linnendraper. 1797. Chamberleyn, John, vintner=Agnes, d. of Henry Byggs. 1418. Chamberleyn, Richard, glover=Agnes, d. of William Gere. 15 14. Chambers, Edmond, millener=Anne, d. of ( jeorge Young, apothecary. 1641. Chambers, William, of Selling, gent.= Susanna, d. of Robert Gibbs of Cant., haberdasher of hats. ' 1720. Champenez, Roger, of London, girdler= Joan, d. of Hugh Flyccher. 1448. Chandler, John, silkweavei=Elizabeth, d. of Arthur Russell, labourer. 1741. Chant, Tobias, labourer=Elizabeth, d. of John Cooper, papermaker. 1747. Chapman, John, draper=Alice, d. of Timmas Hogg. 141 o. Chappman, Thomas, grocer=Anne, d. of Christopher Bridges. 1599. Chapman, John, of Faversham, dredger=-- Ann, (i. of Jacob Winlord, of Cant., labourer. 1734. Chapman, John, of Hackini;ton, labourer. ■'785. Chapman, Daniel, drummer, 13th Regt. of F'oot. 1796. Charles, James, tailor=Elizabeth, d. of John Johncock, cordwainer. 1732. Charles, Samuel, of London, brushmaker. '795- Charlton, Edward, gent. = Elizabeth, d. of John Barham, barber. 1710. Charossin, Peter, silkweaver. 1760. Charosin. John, silkweaver. 17S0. 109 OF CANTEKBURV. 110 Cheeseman, John, butcher=Jane, d. of John Stokes, joiner. 1671. Cheeseman, Stephen, carpenter=!\Iary, d. of John Wickham, carpenter. 1681. Chester, John, of Rochester, coachman. 1794. Cheston, Richard, taiIor=Elizabeth, d. of Robert Hardes, barber. 1630. Chevenyng, John, mercer=Joan, d. of Roger Muhvode, of Cant., mercer. 1469. Chever, Richard=Katharine, d. of John Willyams, capper. 161 2. ^ Chilman, Jolin, grocer=Elizabeth, d. of ! Francis Maplisden, grocer. 1650. I Church, John, clothier=Sarah, d. of John Fagge, cluthijir. 1^54. i Church, Thomas, husbandman=Sarah, d. of John Twyman, clothworker. 1704. j Church, Richard. victualler=Elizabeth, ! d. of Stephen Blashland, clothworker. 1706. Churcher, John, currier=Mary, d. of Thomas Claringbould, shoemaker. 1642. Churchman (Chyrcheman), Nicholas, haberdasher=.-\gnes, d. of Wilham Poynaunt. HS''- Churchward, John, of Chatham, Esqr. 1761. Clare, John, carpenter=Mary, d. of Tho- mas Allen, gardener. 1668. Claringbole, Thomas, silkweaver=;\Iar- garet, d. of Ralph Aldredge, tailor. 1695- Claringbull, Thomas, of Wingham, la- bourer. 1789. Claringbold, Abraham, of Patrixbourne, labourer. 1794. Claris, Isaiah, silkweaver. 1761. Claris, John, of London, pattern drawer. 1770. Clarck, .Abraham, tailor=01yve, d. of lohn Awger, shoemaker. 1576. Clarke, John, brewer=Margaret, d. of Nicholas Best, cooper. 1637. Clarke, John, Doctor of Physic=Sibilla. d. of William .Alill.s, linnendraper. 1702. Clarke, John, of London, silkweaver= Katherine, d. of James Bearing, of Cant., silkweaver. 1710. Clarck, Elisha, lastmaker=Katherine,d.of George Cheever, grocer. 1715. Clark, William, millener=]\Iargaret, d. of Richard Davis, joiner. 1716. Clark, Edward, victualler=Elizabeth, d. of Edward Thomas, farrier. 1743- Clark, Samuel, of London, shipwright. 1761. Clarke, John, of Chatham, cordwainer. 1762. Clarke, John, of London, tailor. 1790. Clarksonn, William, ropemaker=Sara, d. of John Sheopard, cordwainer. ;630. Cleere, Guy, butcher=Anne, d. of George Pargate, cordwainer. 1642. Cleere. James, butcher=Elizabeth, d. of William Allen, butcher. 1656. Clements, Richard, husbandman=Eliza- beth, d. of Thomas Upton, hemp- dresser. 1741- Clements, Samuel, of Faversham, black- smith. 1768. Clenche, Thomas, tailor=Elizabeth, d. of John Potman. 1565. Clethero, Daniel, gardener. 1761. Clinch, Samuel, gardener=Sarah, d. of William Pout, victualler. 1753. Cloke, John, barber=Margaret, d. of Richard Courtman. 1539. Cloake, Charles, vintner=Elizabeth, d. of John Drayton. 1684. Cloak, William, of Petham, yeoman= Anne, d. of John Gray, of Cant., carpenter. 1727. Coates, George, cordwainer=^Lartha, d. ofWilliamHayne,needlemaker. 1679. Cobbe, John=Chrisiina, d. of Philip Spi- cer. 1410. Coblev, James, of London, silkweaver. 1761. Cock (Cok), John, corvesir=Elena, d. of John Scheereue. 141 8. Coke, Thomas, tailor=Alice, d. of William Kendall, barber. i499- Cock, Henry, silkweaver= .Margaret, d. of William Hoskins, currier. 1722. Cockerton, George, cordwainer=Mary, d. of John Drayton. 1673. Cockes, Thomas, weaver=Margery, d. of lohn Butcher, weaver. 1592. Coe, Richard, of London, glover=EIiza- beth, d. of Edward Oakshott, of Cant., cordwainer. 1741. Coe, William, clogmakt-r=Susanna, d. of John jNIalpass, cordwainer. 1747- Colbrand, Richard=Christina, d. of John Se.xtayn. 1409. Colebran, Matthew, of Dover, mariner. 1768. Cole, John, tailor=Agnes, d. of William 'I'ygo. 1528. Cole, John, hatter. 1765. Coleman, Humphry, of London, oilman ^Elizabeth, d. of Charles Blogg, of Cant., glazier. 1741. Ill FREEMEN 112 Colffe, Isaac, clerk=Mary, d. of George Elvin, Alderman. 1624. Collard, John, hop-planter. 1795. Collard, Adam, of Deal, cordwainer. 1800. Colley, William, of Bromley, Kent, labourer. 1795. Collington, Richard, victualler. 1789. Collins, Isaac, weaver=Mary, d. of Thomas Atwell, weaver. 1692. Collins, Charles, silkweaver. 1754. Collyar, Thomas, miller=Margaret, d. of Henry Pender, victualler. 1696. Comber, Richard, bricklayer=Anne, d. of Samuel Bright, grocer. 1703. Comerford, John, victualler=Elizabeth, d. of Eldward Courthop, cordwainer. 1698. Compton, Thomas, vintner=Joan, d. of John Cobbe. 1447. Conwey, Richard, smith=Thomasine, d. of Robert Hardyng, fuller. t5oo. Cook, John, smith, =Joan, d. of Thomas Buntyng. 141 6. Cooke, Peter, ironmonger=Annc, d. of Thomas Lobley, shearman. 1576. Cooke, John, tailor=Elizabeth, d. of Richard Champneys. 1620. Cooke, Thomas, gardener=Mary, d. of Thomas Cooke, collarmaker. 1640. Cooke, John, labourer=Mary, d. of John Homersham, carpenter. 17 14. Cook, John, of Bersted, labourer. 1754. Cooke, Jeremiah, victualler. 1772. Cook, James, of Ostend, vintner. 1790. Cook, William, of St. Dunstan's, Kent, servant. 1795. Cooley, Anthony, vintner= Rebecca, d. of William Tarry, vintner. 1650. Cooley, Michael, labourer. 1766. Cooper, Robert, carpenter=Elizabeth, d. of John Osborne, tailor. 1648. Cooper, Lawrence, butcher= Margaret, d. of Stephen South, cloth worker. 1712. Cooper, Jeremiah, bricklayer=Mary, d. of Edward Eastman, collarmaker. 1 7 1 6. Cooper, John, paslrvcook= Fhomasine, d. of Jacob Coxen, tailor. 1716. Cooper, John, of Stodmarsh, husband- man=Sarah, d. of Jeremiah Paine, of Cant., timber-broker. 1722. Cooper, Thomas, carpenter. 1764. Cooper, Thomas, of Dover, labourer. 1789. Cooper, George, South Hants Militia. 1796. Cooper, William, of the Somerset Militia. 1796. Coopyng, Thomas, plumber=Bennet, d. of John Danyell, bricklayer. 1566- Copper, Edward=Elizabeth, d. of John Muns, Alderman. 1690. Cordell, John, of London, weaver. 1796. Cordwell, John, tailor=Mary, d. of Es- dras Johnson, scrivener. 1627. Cornar, Phineas, silkweaver=Elizabeth, d. of Jacob Wells, gardener. 1727. Cornellis, John, husbandman=Christian, d. of Thomas Goldhatch, wheel- wright. 1696. Cornes, John, of Rochester, pipemaker. 1795- Cornewell, Christopher, dyer=Joan, d. of John Wylcok. 1522. Cosens, Thomas, carpenter. 1795. Cosyn, John, haberdasher=Alice, d. of John Lyon. 1420. .SVt Cussen. Coteby, Stephen, =Anabelia, d. of John Rolf, lockyer. 1409. Cotton, James, tailor=Mary, d. of Wyl- fred Marshall, shoemaker. 1597. Coupere, Robert, grocer=a d. of John Coupere. 1398. Couper, John, taverner=Agnes, d. of John Forde, butcher. 1477. Court, Searles=a d. of Ade Guosole (.'') 1423- Court, Henry, husbandman=Anne, d. of John Adams, butcher. 1708. Court, Thomas, of Harbledown, husband- man=Elizabeth, d. of John Homer- sham, of Cant., carpenter. 1722. Court, Henry, farrier= Susanna, d. of John B urges, farrier. 1723. Court, Thomas, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, husbandman =Ann, d. of William Scrimshaw, of Cant., carpenter. 1 747. Court, Thomas, of Harbledown, yeoman. 1761. Court, Thomas, labourer. 1766. Covell, William, of St. Nicholas in Thanet, blacksmith. 1761. Cowlard, James, of Giilingham, blacksmith =Ann, d. of Abraham Burton, of Cant., tailor. 1733. Co.x, John, of London, silkweaver. 1768. Coxen, Jacob, tailor= Mary, d. of Ambrose Sturges, carpenter. 1680. Cozens, James, of Chilham, schoolmaster. 1789. Cozens, John, of Chilham, baker. 1789. Crafts, John, of Petham. smith. 1761. Crampton, Edward, of Kennington Cross Surrey, watchmaker. 1796. Crauforde, John, shoemaker=Ann, d. of John Marlowe, shoemaker. 1594. 113 OF CANTERBURY. 114 Crauford, John, brewer=Elizabeth, d. of Robert Flatman, bricklayer. 1706. Cra\v>haw, Thomas, of London, labourer. 1768. Creed, Samuel, of Sittingbourne, yeoman. 1768. Creed, Thomas, carpenter. 1792. Crepea, John, labourer=Elizabeth, d. of John Gray, cordwainer. 1704. Cresswick, James, tailor. 1766. Crethall, Thomas, of Bridge, butcher= Amy, d. of Joseph Mond, of Cant., woolcomber. 1705. Crippen, Paul, brickIayer=Rebecca, d. of John Payn, maltster. 1679. Crippen, James, gardener. 1789. Critchell, Samuel, of London, coachman. 1768. Croft, John, tailor=Mary, d. of William Sedger. 1626. Crook, John, of London, painter. 1790. Crooks, David, of London, cordwainer. 1790. Crosby, Nicholas, tapser=Alice, d. of Thomas Buntyng. 1403. Cross (Cros), William, tailor=Joan, d. of William Fonteyn. 1418. Cross, James, cordwainer^Mary, d. of Joan Burton, cordwainer. 1722. Cross, Charles, staymaker. 1753. Crossley, Wilham, labourer. 1773. Crouche. John, carnife.x=Sarah, d. of William Munde. 1404. Crow, Richard, silk weaver. 177^ Crowter, John, cordwainer. 1795. Crump, Isaac, papermaker. 1768. Crupee, James, silkweaver=!\Iary, d. of John Ware, cordwainer. 1749. Cullen, John, silkweaver=Ann, d. of Edward Morgan, woollendraper. '739- Cullen, William, of Elham, husbandman. '757- Cullen, Anthony Hubert, silkweaver. '765- Cundytt, Thomas=Mary, d. of George Underdo wne, innholder. 1564. Currall, William, yeoman^Elizabeth, d. of John Hamond. 1530. Curteis, John, butcher=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Williams, butcher. 1683. Cussen, Christopher, tailor^EUen, d. of Richard Fusser, haberdasher of small wares. 161 9. 3'6Y Cosyn. Dabbes, Thomas, yeoman^ye d. of Thomas Frentch. 1559. Daine, Daniel, of Faversham, dredgers- Ann, d. of Vespatian Harris, of Cant , silkweaver. 1734. Daines, Simon, brickIayer=Anne, d. of Christopher Henley. 1704. Daines, John, of Dover, gent.=Sarah, d. of John Hatch, of Cant., goldsmith. 1711. Dale (Dael), Thomas, vintner=^Iargaret, d. of John Cockson, deceased. 1566. Dale, Francis, shoemaker=Rachel, d. of Christopher Leedes, Alderman. 1581. Daniel, Edward, of London, sailmaker= Anne, d. of Thomas Casey, of Cant., baker. 1741. Darknall, Robert, gent.=Alice, d. of Henry Gosebourne. 1522. Davis, Thomas, tailor= Margaret, d. of John Fenn, cordwainer. 1712. Davies, Thomas, of London, millener= Lydia, d. of James Newton, of Cant., tailor. 1720. Davis, Michal, victualler. 1787. Davison, John, tailor. 1800. Davy, William, baker=Katherine, d. of Richard Hart, hosier. 1523. Dawes, Hugh, gent.=Ann, d. of John Barham, barber. 1734. Dawes, Thomas, labourer. 1759. Dawne, Robert, tailor^Susanna, d. of William Mitchelborne, tailor. 1750. Dawson, John, of Margate, pastrycook. 1790- Day, James, labourer=Mary, d. of George Bly, labourer. 1744. Day, William, of Deptford, bricklayer. .76.. Dean, Robert, millwright=Jane, d. of Stephen Adis, bricklayer. 1676. Dean, John, grocer. 1798. Dear, William, of Deal, labourer. 1795. De Beauvais, Charles, cordwainer. 1798. De Dane, Thomas, barber^Joan, d. of Robert Vyrle, "parmenottr semoris." '43°- De La Croy, John, cordwainer=Mary, d. of John Malpas, cordwainer. 1715. De le Hay, Henry, taverner=Margaret, d. of Roger Layborne. 1484. De Lemar, Peter, silkweaver. 1784. Delo, Peter, silkweaver=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Wood, bricklayer. ' /i' Delo, John, silkweaver. 1758. Dence, John, smith=Joan, d. of Thomas Raynold, smith. 1500. Dein, Thomas, husbandman. 1768. Dene, John, fuller^Isabella, d. of John Tapton, weaver. 1441- H 115 FREEMEN 116 Dene, Charles, of London, silkweaver= Martha, d. of John Elliott, of Cant., carpenter. 1741. Denew, John, of Hackington, Esqr.= Elizabeth, d. of William Ranee, gent. 1727- Denne, Vincent, Esquire=Mary, d. of Thomas Denne, Esquire, late Re- corder of Cant. 1656. Denne, John, linnendraper. 1771- Dennett, Robert, of London, labourer. 1754- Derelove, John, locksmith=Agnes, d. of John Elvee, shoemaker. 1571. Dierlove, Nicholas, shoemaker^Kather- ine, d. of Alexander Hawlett, linnen- draper. 1575. Dering, James, silkweaver=Katherine, d. of George Simpson, tailor. i66z. Dervell, Daniel, of London, silkweaver. ■754- Dessign, William, silkweaver=Ann, d. of John Cox, linnenweaver. 1734- Dessign, Samuel, silkweaver==I\Iary, d. of Robert Nye, gardener. 1739- Devcll, John, \vaxchandler=Alice, d. of Richard Lurkyn, waxchandler. 149 1. Devine, John, of Holy Cross, Cant., vvoolcomber. 1754. Devine, William, cordwainer. 1778. Diaper, Edward, of Boughton Blean, labourer. 1789. Dickinson, Roger, shoemaker=Em, d. of Thomas Pleasington. 1604. Dickson, John, of Bermondsey, cooper^ Mary, d. of Henry Peen, of Cant., cordwainer. 1741. 6'tr Dixon. Dillnott, Nicholas, cordwainer=Mary, d. of William Bullock, cordwainer. 1657. Dilnot, Thomas, barber and perukemaker ^Mary, d. of James Rawling, barber and perukemaker. 1744. Dixon, Rowland, tailor^Katherine, d. of Henry Combe {?), skinner. 1596. Dixon, Charles, carpenter=Sarah, d. of Edward Engham, joiner. 1 7 2 1 . Dixon, Richard, baker. 1771. — ^'cf Dick- son. Dodde, William, barber=Margery, d. of Thomas Pykynden. i486. Dodd, John, of Kennington in Kent, yeoman=Margaret, d. of John Bur- den, of Cant., currier. 1747. Dodd, John, of Faversham, blacksmith. 1786. Dodson, George, of Rochester, gent.= Mary, d. of John Shatwater, of Cant., brewer. 17 14. Doe, Henderson, of London, gent.=Eliza- beth, d. of Robert Wood, of Cant., maltster. 1741. Does, Christopher, currier=Deborah, d. of Joseph Cowell. 1616. Dolliman, William=Anne, d. of Isaac Bond. 1651. Doolan, John, of London, upholder. 1767. Dombrain (Dambrain), Isaac, silkweaver ^Katherine, d. of John Denn, tur- ner. 1704. Dombrain, John, silkweaver. 1761. Doorne (Dome), Nicholas, labourer= Elizabeth, d. of Nicholas Wyllyams, pewterer. 1579. Doorne, Francis, labourer=Hannah, d. of Peter Sturges, cordwainer. 1727. Dournall, John, silkweaver=Mary, d. of William Studham, feltmaker. 1724. Dowdell, Bartholomew, of Wandsworth, Surrey, cordwainer. 1768. Downer, Henry, of London, ironmonger. •794- Downs, James, victualler. 1780. Dray, William, carpenter=Elizabeth, d. of Paul Hubbert, carpenter. 1670. Drayson, William, of the Borough of Longport, husbandman^Mary, d. of George Bean, silkweaver. 1721. Drayton, Horton, of Christchurch, Cant., gent.:=Mary, d. of Valentine French, gent. 1640. Driver, Philip, of Sandwich, carpenter= Sarah, d. of John Oackley of this city, bricklayer. 1705. Drury, Richard, of St. Dunstan, Kent, labourer. 1760. Duckett, Bird, of Chatham, stonemason. 1768. Dudston, Thomas, grocer=Agnes, d. of George Heslast, baker. 1541. Duffan, John=Elizabeth, d. of William Collynes, shearman. 1585. Duffeld, Robert, skinner=Joan, d. of John Peek, saddler. 1408. Dugmore, Edward, labourer=Sarah, d. of John Crippen, bricklayer. 1727. Dulmar, Charles, woolcomber=Anne, d. of Andrew Holness, carpenter. 1731. Dulmar, Peter, silkweaver. 1773. Dumez, Samuel, silkweaver. 1753. Dunke, Robert, gardener^the d. of Paul Wiggins, bricklayer. 1704. Dunk, Robert, of Ramsgate, gardener. >754- Dunkyn, Richard, of Godmersham, yeo- man=Joan, d. of Thomas Catbery. '452. 117 OF CANTERBURY. 118 Dunkin, Thomas, maltster=Sarah, d. of AveryHills.apothecary and Alderman. 1663. Dunning, May, thread maker=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Whineats, barber. 1638. Dunning, William, woolcomber^Mary, d. of Griffin Chantrey. 171 3- Dunnings, James, silkweaver^Susan, d. of Vespatian Harris, silkweaver= 1733- Durant, Thoma<;, gardener=Ann, d. of Richard Ginder, blacksmith. 1716. Durant, Nicholas, brewer=Elizabeth, d. of John Crauford, brewer. 1730. Dury, David, turner=Sarah, d. of John Pilcher, silkweaver. 1724. Dyson, John, pewterer==Joan, d. of George Pownces. 15+4- Earle, Joseph, labourer. 1768. Easterling, Robert, butcher=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Chandler, butcher. 1648. Eastes, Thomas, bricklayer=Mary, d. of John Wellard, bricklayer. 1735. Eastland, Thomas, husbandman=i\Iercy, d. of Charles Page, farrier. 1 744. Eastman, Richard, collarmaker=Agnes, d. of Jeffrey Newton, hackneyman. 1577- Eastwood, William, of London, hot- presser=Hester, d. of Charles Blogg, of Cant., glazier. 1741. Eaton, Gilbert, canmaker^Elizabeth, d. of William Dawson, joiner. 1637. Eaton, Benjamin, of Dunkirk, sawyer. 1789. Edbrough, Richard, cook=Johanna, d. of Thomas Fowler, carpt-nter. 1693. Ede, John, cordwainer=Frances, d. of Samuel Elvy, hempdresser. 1747. Edenden, William, of Whitstable. 1796. Edes, William, gent. 1757. Edisforth, William, upholster=Elizabeth, d. of Zachary Lee, haberbasher of hats and Alderman. 1663. Edlow, Samuel, blacksmith=Anne, d. of William Vittall, bricklayer. 1717. Edridge, William, upholster^the d. of Joseph Berry, victualler. 1706. Edward, Laurence, butcher=Millicent, d. of Bartholomew Forde. 1451. Edwards, John, Notary Public=Mary, d. of James Nethersole, Alderman. 1597. Edwards, Richard=Mary, d. of Paul Skilton, weaver. 1708. Edwards, Thomas, of Holy Cross with- out, Cant., tobacconist=Elizabeth, d. of John Attwell, of Cant., weaver. '730-" Edwards, Richard, of Cobham, labourer. 1767. Effyld, John, brewer=Rachel, d. of Ralph Bawden, Alderman. 1591. Eleham, John, fer'=Joan, d. of John Sand'r, fuller. 1399. Elgar, William, tailor=Ann, d. of Will- iam Wilbore. 1606. Elkinton, John, of Bridge, husbandman =Mary, d. of Edward Hayward, of Cant., baker. 1741. Elliot, John, of Heme. carpenter=Cath- erine, d. of William Waddell, of Cant., cordwainer. 171 1. Elliott, Matthew, stonecutter=Mary, d. of Paul Norwood, joiner. 1721. Ellis (Elys), Stephen, saddler^Joan, d. of John Roger, vintner. 1434. Ellis, Thomas, clothier^Mary, d. of Nicholas Colbrand. 1604. Ellis, John, of Sandwich, tailor=Eliza- beth, d. of Thomas Hall, of Cant., turner. 1727. Ellis,Thomas,glover=Mary,d. of Edward Belts, bricklayer. 1727. Ellis. James, of Sandwich, tailor=Ann, d. of Thomas Hall, of Cant., turner. '734- Ellis, John, sawyer=Katherine, d. of Thomas JoUey, maltster. 1738. Ellis, William, sawyer=Catherine, d. of Thomas Jolly, maltster. 1741. Else, John, labourer. 1795. Elsted, Edward, of Chilham, surgeon. 1800. Elvy, Thomas, of Faversham, grocer= Mary, d. of John Toker, of Cant., yeoman. 1727. Elvey, Thomas, silkweaver=Thomasine, d. of Joseph Blinston, victualler. 1750- Elvey, Robert, blacksmith. 1760. Elwyn, Richard, hoyman. 1772. Emm, William, sievemaker=Mary, d. of Edmund White, maltster. 1744. Emmerson, Daniel, of Chatham, basket- maker=Ann, d. of Thomas Rogers, of Cant, wheelwright. 1734. Epps, William, of Ticehurst in Susse.x, thatcher. 1754. Epps, William, labourer. 1774- Esse.x, alias Simon, John=Joan, d. of Ralph Figge. 141 2. Evands, David, currier=Mary, d. of Robert Cooke, shoemaker. 1639. Evans, John, tailor=Agnes, d. of Edward Carpynter, Alderman. 1580. 119 FREEMKN 120 Evans, Zacharias, clerk=Jane, d. of Edward Nethersoll, Alderman. 1601. Evans, Robert, bricklayer=Mildred, d. of Nicholas Henden. 1617. Evenden, Simon, basketmaker=Elizabeth, d. of William Kitham, tailor. 1714. Everden, Abraham, labourer^the d. of John Hamidge, maltster. 1726. Everet, Henry, vintner^Deborah, d. of Simon Beverton, clothworker. 1642. Everett, John, of St. Catharine's near the Tower of London, waterman=Alice, d. of Thomas Blake, of Cant., barber. 174S- Ewell, Thomas, of Heme, victualler= Thomasine, d. of James Deering, silkweaver. 1722. Facon, Arnold, silkweaver=Elizabeth, d. of VVilUamStudham, feltmaker. 1725. Fairbrass, Edward, of Faversham,hoyman. '773- Fairman, Francis, schoolmaster. 1768. Fairman, John, gardener. 1796. Farree, John, silkweaver=Anne, d. of Thomas Gill, butcher. 1735. Farris, Robert, bricklayer=Frances, d. of Brattle /'.r/fy, blacksmith. 1753- Faryngbras. Robert, tegheler=Isabella, d. of John Lynde. 1416. Fasham, Thomas. labourer^Anne, d. of William Richardson, tailor. 1710. Fassam, Thomas, labourer. 1789. Faulkner, John, of the Borough of Staple- gate, silkweaver. 1770. Fearne, Charles, gent.^Elizabeth, d. of Israel Jacob, apothecary. 1688. Fedarb, Jacob, of Holy Cross, Cant., cordwainer. 1765. Fedarb, Jacob Augustine, cordwainer. 1790. Feekings, John, labourer. 1767. Felton, Thomas=Dionisia, d. of Richard Dane. 141 2. F"enkyll, Edward=Johanna, d. of John Bonyngton. 1461. Ferrand, Jeremiah, woolcomber. 1763. Ferrand, James, of Holy Cross, Cant., woolcomber. 1764. Ferrier, Samuel, of Sandwich, victualler= Jane, d. of John Lillesden, of Cant., baker. 1749. Feild, William, husbandman=Mary, d. of Thomas Warwell, bricklayer. 1705. Field, John, labourer. 1796. Finch, James, dealer in wines and corn. "77S- Finn, Richard, cordwainer=Susan, d. of Christopher Carlton, carpenter. 1640. Finne, Thomas, cordwainer^Elizabeth, d. of John Kennett, grocer. 1656. Finn, Thomas, victualler. 1778. Finnis, William, of Dover, maiiner. 1761. Fisher, John, oatmealmaker=Elizabeth, d. of Edward Bullock, cordwainer. 1677. Fisher, Benjamin, of Faversham, marmer =Sarah, d. of Thomas Jeoflfery, of Cant., cutler. 1705. Fisher, John, of Chatham, gardener= Martha, d. of Paul Wiggins, of Cant., bricklayer. 1727. Fist, John, tailor=Susanna, d. of Walter Maplisden, grocer. 1694. Fist, Joseph, cordwainer. 1759. Fitzer, Anthony, of St. Paul's in Middle- six, cordwainer. 1754. Fitz Gerald, Thomas, of Milton n. Sitting- bourne, surgeon. 1772. Flacton, Henry, bricklayer=Katherine, d. of Mark Elven, shoemaker. 1639. Flecton, Warham, baker=Elizabeth, thier=Katherine. d. of Nicholas Wreight, coUarmaker. 1671. Philpot, Michael, of Wye, carpenter= Jane, d. of Peter Waite, of Cant., tanner. 1708. Philpot, Robert, of Harbledown, husband- man^Anne, d. of John Homersham, of Cant., carpenter. 1722. Philpot, Ralph, baker=Sarah, d. of John Greenland, Alderman. 1723. Philpot, John, mariner=Susanna, d. of William Lampard, butcher. 1746. Philpot, Stephen, of the Borough of Longport, miller=Sarah, d. of John Dains, of Cant., bricklayer. 1749. Philpot, William, of Sandwich, gent. 1761. Piccard, Daniel, gardener=Maiy, d. of ValentineBroadna.x, cordwainer. 1695. Piccard, Richard, grocer=Jane, d. of Richard [enkinson. grocer. 1706. Pickering i\Iichael, of Dover, tailor, was admitted by [blank]. "Not sworn." 1790. Picket, Charles, labourer=Elizabeth, d. of William Miles, bricklayer. 1744 Picore, Anthony, silkweaver=Mary, d. of John Wilmott, cordwainer. 1726. Piddock, i\Larsh, joiner. 1779. See Pittock. Pilcher, John, cordwainer=Mary, d. of John Burgis, blacksmith. 171 8. Pilcher, John, of North lane, Kent, tan- ner=Dorothy, d. of Thomas Lineal, Junior, hop-planter. 1720. Pilcher, Stephen, maltster=Elizabeth, d. of Joseph Rigden, baker. 1734- Pilcher, Stephen, plasterer. 1800. Pittard, Robert, labourer. 1768. Pittock, William, tailor. 1796. See Piddock. Plank, Andrew, of Staplegate, woolstapler. '795- Plata, Charles, labourer. 1768. Player, Thomas, shoemaker^Frances, d. of John Nicholson, shoemaker. 1588. Playfoot, James, labourer. 1789. Plesyngton, Thomas, baker=Mary, d. of John Elvyn, saddler. 1575. Plumb, Samuel, labourer. 1787. Poitevine, John, silkweaver=:Grace, d. of Jolin Cheever, grocer and tallow- chandler. 1741. Poitevin, Samuel, silkweaver. 1759. Poitvine, Francis, of Whitstable, dredger. 1768. Pollard, Thomas, brewer=Mary, d. of Bartholomew White, victualler. 1639. Pooke, William, butcher= Martha, d. of Peter Wylkenson, hackneyman. 1577. Poole, John, cordwainer. 1763. Poole, William, of London, japanner. 1768. J I4T FREEMEN 148 Pope, John, mercer=Isabella, d. of Thomas Coksone. 1423. Port, William, of Tenterden, tallow- chandler:=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Blake, of Cant., barber. 1747. Porter, William, maltster=Rachel, d. of Peter Nicholson, tailor. 1679. Porter, Thomas, labourer=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Prett, collarmaker. 17 14. Posshe, John=Joan, d. of Cleve, s. of William Ismonger {?) 1418. Pote, John, brewer=lsabella, d. of Nicholas Gill. 1487. Powell, William, of Greenwich, labourer 1761. Powell, George, silkweaver. 177S. Powney, John, yeoman=Elizabeth, d. of John Johnson, joiner. 1736. Proppard, Thomas, mariner=Mar)', d. of William Franke, bricklayer. 1 704. Puller, Joshua, of London. 1795. Pygyll, Thomas, tailor^Alice, d. of John Cook. 1459. Pykerell, Richard, saddler=Agnes, d. of Thomas Snell, goldsmith. 1466. Pysing, John, goldsmith=Bennet, d. of John Beverton. 1703. Pysing, John, of Faversham, dredger= Mary, d. of John Anslow, of Cant., grocer. 1727. Quaile, John, silkweaver=Philadelphia, d. of Charles Pilcher. labourer. 1 747. Quested, Edward, carpenter. 1799. Quick, Thomas, of Dover, mariner. 1761. Quince, William, of Boughton Blean, victualler. 1760. Rablesse, Peter, ripper=Elizabeth, d. of John Stredwicke, cordwainer. 1703. Raddell, John, linnenweaver=Elizabeth, d. of John Harding, dyer. 1747- Rafford, George, of Dover, carpenter. 1800. Raifes, William, silkweaver=Mary, d. of Henry Rust, brewer. 1694. Raines, James, bricklayer=Sarah, d. of Samuel Hall, cordwainer. 1747. Raines, George, husbandman^Elizabeth, d. of John Raylstun, currier. 1749. Ramell, John, of Sandwich, carpenter^ Susanna, d. of William Roberts, cordwainer. 1705. Ramsey, Philip, silkweaver=Elizabeth, d. of John Rouse, baker. 1727. Ranee, William, gent.=Anne, d. of Joseph Roberts, gent. 1698. Randall, Edmund, smith=Mary, d. of Arnold Fecon, silkweaver. 1753. Ratcliffe, John, blacksmith. 1795. Raulyn, Richard, shearman = Christina, d. of John Spicer. 1409. Raulyn. John, tailor=Dionisia. d. of John Bray, corvesir. 1424. Raunce, William, bricklayer=Mary, d. of George Co well, currier. 1652. Rawling, John, cooper=Anne, d. of Henry Woodman. 1626. Rawlinson, John, painter^Phoibe, d. of Simon ColflFe. 1600. Rayner, Hugh, tailor=Julian, d. of Nicholas Gyll. 1489. Reyner, Isaac, husbandman=Sarah, d. of Thomas Young, silkweaver. 1714. Raysell, Daniel, nialtster=EIizabeth, d. of Richard Wiggens. 1703. Read, John, cooper=Sarah, d. of John Studham, cooper. 17 13. Read, Abraham, victualler=Sarah, d. of John Smith, butcher. 1718. Read, John, labourer=Jane, d. of Andrew Holness, carpenter. 1726. Read. John, miller. 1756. Read, Thomas, gent. 1759. Read, Francis, breechesmaker. 17&4. Read, Joseph, of Chilham, yeoman. 1 784. Read, Thcimas, of Dover, carpenter. 1790. Reely, Richard, husbandman=Sarah, d. of Stephen Blaxland, husbandman. 1748. Reeve, William, miller=Sara, d. of Abra- ham Grove, basketmaker. 1636. Reue, Thomas, cook=Joan, d. of William Mansy. 1404- Revel, John, of Ash n. Sandwich, la- bourer. 1761. Reynolds, John, cordwainer=Sarah, d. of Peter Goodhew. 1660. Reynolds, Joseph, of Ospringe, yeoman= Ann, tl. of Francis Hieron, of Cant., barber. 1734. Reynolds, Juhn, butcher. 1762. Reynolds, Thomas, carpenter. 1762. Rice, James, of Deal, mariner=Anna, d. ol John Warweil.of Cant., bricklayer. 1708. Richards, William, gent.=Joan, d. of Thomas Tresser, Alderman. 1668. Richards, Josepli, of Rotherhithe, car- penter. 1 761. Richards, William Talbutt, of Richmond. Surrey, gent. 1790. Ricquebourg, Nathaniel, silkweaver= Lydia, d. of Squier Beverton, Alder- man. 1694. Ricqueborough, Nathaniel, silkweaver= Sarah, d. of Edward Berry, grocer. 1730. 149 OF CANTERBURY. 150 Ridden, Edward, of London, shipwright. 1761. Ridley, James, of London, peiukcmaker. 1761. Rigden, William, husbandman=Mary, d. of Christopher Henley, smith. 1695. Rigden, Thomas, of Slurry, yeoman= Mary, d. of Joseph Rigden, of Cant., baker. 1736. Rigden, Thomas, cordwainer. 1787. Rix, WiUiam, of Longport, tailor. 1800. Road, Ralph, tailor= Frances, d. of Thomas Gibson, footpost. 1636. Roalf, Clement, of the Borough of Long- port, labourer. i75<5. Roalfe, James, of Westgate in Kent, carpenter. 1797. Roberts, Joseph, gent.=Elizabeth, d. of John Lee, late Alderman. 1664. Roberts, Drayton, gent.=Johanna, d. of Joseph Roberts, gent. i6g8. Robertson, John, of Faversham, mariner. 1800. Robynson, Thomas, waxchandler= Agnes, d. of Thomas Henhorne, miller. 1526. Robinson, John, of London, silkweaver. '75+- Robinson, William, of London, watch- maker. 1761. Roger, John, taverner=Katharine, d. of [ohn Hardris, shearman. 1402. Rogers, Thomas, of Faversham, baker= Mary, d. of Thomas Waluup, of Cant., victualler. 1708. Rogers, Henry, of Faversham, dredger= Elizabeth, d. of Robert Trent, of Cant., mariner. 1727. Rogers, John, of Hollingbourne, husband- man=Mary, d. of William .Alston, of Cant., smith. 1734. Rogers, Gregory, of Norwich, wool- comber. 1 76 1. Rogers, John, of Brabourne, labourer. 1790. Rogerson, John, cutler=Alice, d. of Bartholomew Samon. 1613. Roo, Peter, silUweaver=Martha, d. of John Wickham, carpenter. 1695. Roper, Arthur, sniith=Anne, d. of Thomas Boyes, shoemaker. 157+. Rosser, Thomas, of London, cordwainer. 1796. Rotiiwell, William, gent.=Ingle, d. of William Whiting, Alderman. 1640. Rotyng, William=Alice, d. of Robert Castelake. 1460. Rounde, Richard, gent.=Ann, d. of Mr. Mark Berry, Alderman. 1614. Rouse, Thomas, tailor=Mary, d. of Edward Bullocke, carpenter. 1698. Row, John, sale3man=Ann, d. of Thomas Atwell, weaver. 1693. Row, Daniel, labourer=Anne, d. of William Skelton, gardener. 1722. Row, Joseph, of London, woolcomber. 1754- Row, William, of Gravesend, victualler. 1790. Royden, Edward, tailor=Mary, d. of Matthew Mylles. 1573. Rudham, Thomas=Joan, d. of William atte Wode. 1401. Ruffoot, William, bricklayer=Dorothy, d. of Hugh Rigesby, carpenter. 1635. Rufford, James, Notary Public=Mary, d. of Richard Stone, maltster. 1637. Rufford, John, labourer=Anne, d. of Richard Young, clothworker. 1722. Ruffway, William, papermaker. 1760. Rumney, John, carpenter. 1775- Russell, William, grocer=Agnes, d. of Robert Lewes, Alderman. 1543- Russell, Henry, tailor=Mary, d. of Tho- mas Knock, the elder, glover. i6ig. Russell, Francis, butcher=Martha, d. of Robert Easterlinge, butcher. 1695. Russell, Arthur, labourer=Sarah, d. of Thomas Bar , blacksmith. 1713. Russell, Thomas, mariner=Sarah, d. of James Sanders, blacksmith. 1727. Russell, John, of Borden, shopkeeper. I77+- Russell, Edward, of St. Dunstan's, Kent, labourer. 1797. Rust, William, brewer=Elizabeth, d. of George White, tailor. 1670. Rutton, Matthias, of Selling, clerk. 1785. Rye, William, carpenter=.Anne, d. of Henry Gray, bricklayer. 17 12. Rye, Stephen, labourer=Barbara, d. of Thomas Kilham, joiner. 1722. Rye, Thomas, of Nonnington, black- smith. 1766. Rye, Thomas, of Westgate in Kent, labourer. 1780. Ryve, John, cowper=Margaret, d. of William Selsy, cook. 14S0. Sack, John, husbandman=Mary, d. of Edward Tumber, clothworker. 1708. Saffrey, John, hempdresser=Elizabeth, d. of Paul Norwood, joiner. 1714. Saghier, Robert=Joan, d. of John Molesshe. 1400. 151 FREEMEN 152 Sale, William Michel, of London, gent. 1761. Sales. Thomas=Joan, d. of Thomas Petfelde. 141 5. Salmon, Thomas, carpenter=Isabella, d. of William Blogg, glazier. 171 1. Salmon, Solomon, of London, tallow- chandler=Anne, d. of William Pem- brooke, of Cant., barber. 1745. Salter, Thomas, tailor=Anne, d. of James Lowe, hackneyman. 1633. Sampson, Robert, tailor=Sarah, d. of Nicholas Wraight. i 704. Sampson, Stephen, of Heme, surgeon= Sarah, d. of Daniel Wraith, of Cant., weaver. 1727. Sanders, James, blacksmith ==Elizabeth, d. of Matthew Stiles, cordwainer. 1705. Sanders, Peter, shopkeeper=Judith, d. of Peter Tomlin, woolcomber. 1737. Sanders, Robert, of the Borough of Longport, tailor=Ann, d. of Thomas Blake, of Cant., barber. 1739. Saunders, Thomas, of Hoath, husband- man. 1 76 1. Saunders, Ale.xander. of Chislet, labourer. 1796. Sandregge, William, on his marriage with [a] d. of Thomas Curtays. 1396. Sandum, Thomas, of Eastry, fla-\dresser =Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Fowler, of Cant., barber. 1741- Sanndy, John, waxchandler=Alice, d. of William Atte Wode, waxchandler. 1410. Sandy, John, of Harbledown, yeoman^ Hannah, d. of William Hall', of Cant., turner. 1722. Sankey, John, of Hastingleigh, yeoman = Frances, d. of Stephen Buckhurst, of Cant., grocer. 1741. Savage, Henry, husbandman=Mary, d. of Vespatian Harris. 1721. Savin, John, of Boughton Blean, labourer. 1792. Sawkins, John, victualler=Thomasine, d. of Richard Marrable, brazier. 1647. Sawkins, John, gent. = Elizdbeth, d. of Joseph Roberts, Esquire, Alderman. 1686. Sawyer, Peter, of London, oilman. 1761. Saxby, Thomas, breechesmaker. 1799. Schakeway, John=Julian, d. of Henry Gowerleker. 1394. Scott (Skot), Richard, turner=Agnes, d. of Thomas Cokman. 1439. Scott, Jeremiah, husbandman. 1755. Scott, William, silkweaver. 1767. Scott, John, of Ashford, shopkeeper. 1768. Selling, John, woolcomber. 1774- Sellow, William, mercer=Dionisa, d. of John Tapton. i437- Selmes, John, of St. Marv Crav, victualler. 176,. Seth, Robert, brrwer=Margery, d. of John Gybbes. 1546. Sharp, William, of Faversham, carpenter. 1789. Shawe, Erasmus, collarmaker=Anne, d. of Stephen Thatcher, shoemaker. 1603. Sheafe, John, of Holy Cross, Cant., gent. =Elizabeth, d. of Squire Beverton, brewer. 17 10. Sheffeild, William, of London, turner= Anne, d. of George Coates, of Cant., cordwainer. 1714. Sherwood, Joseph, clothier=Anne, d. of Thomas Gorham, clothier. 1655. Sherwood, James, of London, distiller. 1761. Shilling, John, of Faversham, dredger= Katherine, d. of Thomas Kitham, of Cant., joiner. 1734. Shingler, John, butcher=Mary, d. of Thomas Swetland. victualler. 1607. Shorte, Robert=Joan, d. of William Boole. 1483. Shorry, John. Sa Heath, John. 1604. Shotwater, John, brewer=iMary, d. of John Stokes. 1670. Shove, Henry, clerk=Mary, d. of John Sawkins, the elder, gent. 1733. Shoveler, George, carpenter=Anne, d. of Thomas Salmon, carpenter. 1747. Shrubsoll, Christopher, tailor=Mary, d. of William King, glazier. 1648. Shrubsole, Thomas, sniith=.Mar)', d. of James Goddin, farrier. 1745. Sibert, William, carpenter. 1767. Sickleman, Simon, labourer=[blank], d. of Henry Morris, collier. 1662. Silk, William, silkweaver. 1780. Silvester, Edward, of St. Dunstan, Kent, millwright. 1795. Simmons, Henry, of Bridge, linnen- weaver. 1761. Simpson, Thomas, tailor^Martha, d. of John Tucker, joiner. 1639. Simpson, Richard, clerk:=Jane, d. of John Barret, gunsmith. 1683. Simpson, Christopher, bricklayer=Han- nah, d. of Richard Chandler, Serjeant- at-Mace. 1694. Simpson, John, grocer^Elizabeth, d. of Jeremy Smith, glover. 1699. 153 OF CANTERBURY. 154 Simpson, Robert, carpenter=Aphra, d. of Sandford Branker, millener. 1708. Sims, Stephen, victuaner=Amy, d. of Thomas Crothall, butcher. 1733. Sinclair, Anthony, of London, cord- wainer=Mary, d. of John Soames, of Cant., smith. 1734. Sinnot, Iohn=Barbara, d. of Christopher White, mercer. 1677. Sisley, William, of Dover, mariner. 1759. Six, Stephen, silkweaver=Anne, d. of Thomas Colfe, barber. 1730. Skene, Robert, clerk=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Ockman, Alderman. 1667. Skillett, John, labourer=Catherine, d. of Thomas Wilmote, cordwainer. 17 10. Skinner, Thomas, of Elham, yeoman^ Margaret, d. of John Friend, late of Cant., woollendraper and Alderman. '738. Skinner, Samuel, of London, whipmaker. 1795- Smartly, John, cordwainer=Anne, d. of Isaac Rayner, labourer. 1741- Smith (Smythe), Jeremy, tailor=Kath- erine, d. of Daniel Wylkenson, gold- smith. 1606. Smith, Henry, brevver=Mary, d of Samuel Staples, mercer. 1630. Smith, Jonathan, tailor=Abigail. d. of Richard Miles, carpenter. 163 t. Smith, John, grocer=Elizabeth,d.of John Sheapard, yeoman. 1649. Smith, John, porter=Mary, d. of Tho- mas Prett, porter. 1704. Smith, William, of Rochester, wheel- wright=Katherine, d. of Edward Eastman, ribbonweaver. 1705. Smith, Francis, labourer=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Wall, porter. I7i4- Smith, Jeremiah, barber=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Jelfrey, barber. 1721. Smith, John, mercer=Anne, d. of John Williams, turner. 1724. Smith, Andrew, of Wye, butcher=Eliz- abeth, d. of Thomas Gill, of Cant., butcher. 17 27. Smith, William, husbandman=Mary Ann, d. of Thomas Bear, joiner. 1734. Smith, Thomas, gent. = Margaret, d. of Enoch Fenner, bookseller. 1738. Smith, Stephen, cordwainer=Catherine, d. of John Barret, clockmaker. 1 744. Smith, John, of Thaiiington, husband- man. 1753. Smith, Daniel, basketmaker. 1754. Smith, James, of Whitstable, mariner. 1761. Smith, Thomas, of London, gent. 1761. Smith, William, of Chatham, labourer. 1761. Smith, Thomas, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, butcher. 1772- Smith, Samuel, woolconiber. 1774- Smith, William, cordwainer. 1778. Smith, William, cordwainer. 1779. Smith, Richard, labourer. 1789. Smith, William, whitesmith. 1795. Smith, Samuel, fishmonger. 1800. Smitheyt, Thomas, of Holv Cross, Cant., tanner=Mary, d. of Joseph Ewell, grocer. 1690. Smithet, Luke, of Dover, carpenter. 1758. Smithicke, Thomas, maltster=Elizabeth, d. of John Crauford, shoemaker. Smithson, John, of Ashford, cordwainer =Susanna, d. of Charles Page, of Cant., blacksmith. 1747- Smyght, John, gent.=.^quild, d. of Rich- ard Rayllton, gent. 1570. Sneller, Abraham, husbandman=Eliza- beth d. of |ohn Page, cordwainer. 1713. Sneller, James, cowkeeper. jSoo. Soane, Dudley, viciualler= Hannah, d. of Thomas Wallcupp, victualler. 1723. Somer, Nicholas, broiderer=!oan, d. of John Heyward. 1449. Somerton, Walter, cordwainer^Susanna, d. of Daniel Ellis, cordwainer. 1646. Somner, John, capper=.Mary, d. of Ber- nard Bonard. 15^4- Sothers, William, of Faversham, black- smith. 1708. Southey, Robert, cordwainer^ Elizabeth, d. of Richard Aucher. 161 8. Southwell, Edward, of Greenwich, mariner. 1796. Spence, Thomas, tai!or=Alice, d. of Robert Vyrle. 1461. Spencer, Thomas, bricklayer=Dorothy, d. of John Rawlinge, victualler. 1690. Spencer, Robert, sawyer. 1789. Spicer, Joseph, of Folkestone, mariner. 1798. Spickett, Edward, of Westgate in Kent, labourer. 1789. Spillet, John, silkweaver=Elizabeth, d. of William Wiggens, bricklayer. 1680. Spratt, John. husbandman=Mary, d. of Thomas Goldhatch, blacksmith, i 704. Sprat, Thomas, of Minster in Shep|)y, ship- wright:= Margaret, d. of John Adams, of Cant., butcher. 1733. 155 FREEMEN 1S6 Sprat, Robert, carpenter=Rachel, d. of John Eurdeii, maltster. 1738. Spratt, Thomas, husbandman. 1760. Squeeden, Peter, tailor=Elizabeth, d. of Charles Beeson, victualler. 1727- Squ)'ar, alias Gohlsmyth, John, mercer= Alice, d. of Richard A Bere. 1482. Squier, Thomas, of Folkestone, fisherman ^Hester, d. of John Hamilton, of Cant., barber. 1739. Stacey, William, of Romney, grazier= Mary, d. of Adam Fowle, of Cant., carpenter. 1741- Staines, Richard, of VVestgate, glazier= Sarah, d. of Thomas Baker, of Cant., cheesemonger. 1717. Stark, Edward, cabinetmaker. 1778. Starky, Richard, barber— Kynborowe, d. of Robert Hunt, shearman. 1539. Stebyng, John, shoemaker=Elyn, d. of Stephen Bryce. iS54- Steddy, William, labourer. 1780. Steed, Richard, maltster=Sylvester, d. of Charles Colfe, apothecary. 1654. Stephens, William, tankardmaker=Rose, d. of John Howell, weaver. 1603. Stephanes, Laurance, yeoman^Joan, d. of Thomas Hobday, shearman. 1628. Stephens, Samuel, of London, merchant. 1790. Stephenson, James, of London, tallow- chandler. I 76 1. Steven, Roger, wheeier=Mary, d. of John Hearne, smith. 1692. Stevenson, James, victualler. 1784. Stiff, John, cordwainer. 1782. Stiles, Jonathan, cordwainer= Frances, d. of James Master, Alderman. 1658. Stiles, John, labourer. 1795. Stipends, Adani, grocer=Mercy, d. of John Brattle, farrier. i74'i. Stoddard, John, of Stourmouth, yeoman =Elizabeth, d. of William Dray, of Cant., carpenter. 17 15. Stoe, Richard, of St. Dunstan's, Cant., victualler=Catherine, d. of Edward Tumber, victualler. 1721. Stokes (Stoakes), Edward, joiner=Anne, d. of Jolm Stockden, glover. 1639. Stokes, Henry, cordwainer=Sarah, d. of William Warren, cordwainer. 1653. Stoakes, Michael, of London, labourer. 179b. Stone, |ohn, currier=Mary, d. of John Oakley, theyounger, bricklayer. 1698. Stranack, James, oilMargate, mariner. 1789. Straunge, Thomas, plumber=a d. of William Goteley. 1508. Stredwicke, Henry, embroiderer=Cath- erine, d. of Thomas West. 161 1. Stredwick, John, cordwainer=Katherine, d. of Robert Southey, cordwainer. i653- Stronge, Stephen, weaver=Joan, d. of Henry Woodman, weaver. 1635. Stroud, Thomas, husbandman=Elizabeth, d. of Philip Greethurst, bricklayer. '747- Strouts, Robert, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, schoolmaster. 1796. Stubbins, Richard, of London, millmaker= Mary, d. of William Francis, of Cant., baker. 1741. Stubbs, John, of London, goldsmith and hardwareman. 1795. Studham, William, silk'veaver^Mary,d.of Avery Stredwicke. 1681. Sudell, Nicholas, barber-sur}>eon=Anne, d. of Richard White, barber-surgeon. '655- Sundrey, John, sniith=Joan, d. of Richard Hodell, smith. i4S4- Sutton, William, of Hythe, cordwainer. 1761. Sutton, Jesse, of London, cordwainer. 1781. Swan, John, of London, line spinner= Margaret, d. of Thomas Fowler, of Cant., carpenter. 171 7. Sweet, Thomas, victualler=Mary, d. of John Frend, husbandman. 1752. Swetland, Thomas, shoemaker=IMargaret, d. of Thorn as Kelse, blacksmith. 1577. Swinford, Henry, of St. Dunstan's, Stepney, silkweaver=Mary, d. of John Pilcher, of Cant., silkweaver. 1741. Swinyard, Thomas, carpenter. 1783. Swyft, Hugh, degher=Isabella, d. of Robert Noon. 142 i. Syborne, Thomas, of Faversham, dredger= Hester, d. of Thomas Choppen, cord- wainer. 1715. Symon, Robert^a d. of Thomas Granons. 1399- Symonds, William, shopkeeper. 1793. Synter, Laurence=Ann, d. of Robert Croucher. 1403- Taddy, Nicholas, cooper^Anne, d. of John Studham, cooper. 1694. Tadman, Richard, of Higham, Kent, yeoman. 1790. Tanton, Robert, glover=Mary, d. of Thomas Nvton, weaver. 1600. Tapeton, John, on his marriage with Joan, d. of John Watvill. 1396. 157 OF CANTERBURY. 158 Tapley, John, of Chilham, yeoman= Mary, d. of John Fenn, cordwainer. 171+. Tart, Matthew, of the Precinct of Christ- church, conseccioner=Sibyl, d. of William Foxe, barber-surgeon. 1647. Taylor (Taillour), William, corvesir= Elena, d. of Henry Crotehole, tan- ner. 1438. Taillour, William, tailor=Alice, d. of Thomas Sare. 1492. Taller, Samuel, bricklayer=Mary, d. of Abraham Spicer, basketmaker. 1664. Tayler, Thomas. conarmaker=l\Iary, d. of James Deeringe, victualler. 1694. Taylor, Thomas, silkweaver=Sarah, d. of William Terry, cordwainer. 1705. Taylor, Henry, husbandman=Elizabeth, d. of William Schrimshaw, sawyer. •738- Taylor, Edmund, of London, tailor^ Mary, d. Richard Hornsby, of Cant., cordwainer. 1741. Taylor, William, of the Borough of Longport, gardener^Anne, d. of Richard Austin, of Cant., hop- planter. 1747. Taylor, Thomson George, of Petham, yeoman. 1780. Taylor, Francis, of London, leather- seller. 1789. Taylor Daniel, labourer. 1790. Teape, Charles, Private, Somerset Mil- itia. 1796. Tench, Ralph, of London, cordwainer. 1790. Terrier, Elias, tailor= Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Ockman, grocer. 1720. Terrey, William, cordwainer=EIizabeth, d. of Stephen Giles, cordwaint-r '6.^3- Terry, Edward, carpenter=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Buncher, victualler. 1727. Terry, John, labourer. 1760. Tevelein, Isaac, woolcomber= Ann, d. of Richard Picard, hop-merchant and Alderman. 1737. Tivelain, Abraham, labourer. 1767. Tivlaine, John, victualler. 1785. Tevelein, Matthew Thomas, silkweaver. 1795- Tewsnothe, Robert, of Thanington, ferror =a d. of John Dylnot. 1429. Thatcher, Thomas, gent. 1781. Thomas, Mark, Esquire, present .Mayor of Cant.=Mary, d. of John Parker, carpenter. 1744. Thomas, William, silkweaver. 1760. Thompson, John, of Northfleet, miller. 1796. .SVt' Tompson. Thornton, Henry, of London, wheel- wright=EIizabeth, d. of Thomas Salmon, of Cant., carpenter. 1741. Thornton, Joseph, tailor=Ann, d. of George Bligh, porter. 1752. Thorowgood, John, miller^Mary, d. of Edward Sanders, victualler. 1734. Thorpe, John, woolcomber=Grace, d. of Robert Beames, cordwainer. 1683. Thwaits, Edward, stonemason. 1783. Tiddeman, Thomas, gent.=Mary, d. of Joseph Roberts, gent. 1703. Tilbey, Daniel, smith=Anne. d. of John Rogers, wheelwright. 1708. Tilbee, Thomas, of St. Dunstan's, Cant., brewer=jMary, d. of Hudson Spenser, of Cant., millener. 1727- Tilbe, Thomas, of Westgate in Kent, tallow- chandler. 1789. Tilden, William, gent.^Elizabeth, d. of George Stanley, gent. 1688. Tod, William, barber=Margaret, d. of John Cook, smith. 1449. Tolkyn, Thomas, skinner^Elizabeth.d. of John Elvye, shoemaker. 1572. ToUson, Thomas, Esqr.=Elizabeth, d. of Sir John Roberts, Knight. 1681. Tomkins, Nicholas, of London, joiner= Sarah, d. of John Luck, of Cant., mercer. 1752. Tompson, William, tailor=Joan, d. of Thomas Cokkowe. 1494. Tompson, John, chapnian=Joan, d. of Henry Hayfold. 1574. ^V^Thompson. Tonge, Arthur, hackneyman=Joan, d. of Thomas Walker, woollendraper. 1572. Tooms, Thomas, labourer=Jane, d. of Peter Nicholson, mercer. 1679. Topping, Charles, of London, seedsman. 1760. Trant, Robert, victualler=the d. of Ste- phen South, cloth worker. 1701. Tresse, Walter, gent.=.Mary, d.of Richard Faunt, Alderman. 1584. Trewinnick, William, tailor. 1789. Trivet, Henry, tailor=Mary, d. of Chris- topher Drayton, tailor. 1723. Trump, John, tanner= .Mary, d.of Thomas Wen, feltmaker. 1747. Tucke, Thomas, saddler=romson, d. of Thomas Plesington. 1599. Tuck, John, tobaccopipe maker=Sarah, d.of John Anderson, victualler. 1681. Tuck, Stephen, breechesmaker. 1770. Tuck, Stephen, breechesmaker. 1774. Tucker, Stephen, of Tunstall, clerk. 1790. 159 FREEMEN 160 Tuckwell, John, husbandman=EIizabeth, d. of Thomas Wickham, cooper. 1656. Turland, William, labnurer=Sarah, d. of Valentine Sympson, brickla\er. 1729. Turmain, Daniel, woolcomber. 1789. Turnball, Robert, cordwainer=Bennet, d. of Richard Forstall, apothecary. 1 69 1 . Turner, Christopher, yeoman=ye d. of Thomas Gyllam. 1559. Turner, William, butcher=Anne, d. of William Potter, butcher. 1586. Turner, Edward, butcher=Rebecca, d. of James Chittenden, butcher. 1689. Turner, Thomas, husbandman^Mary, d. of Thomas Greene, butcher. 1708. Turner, John, of Harbledown, husband- man=Susan, d. of George Fidge, of Cant., bricklayer. 1714. Turner, John, labourer=Elizabeth, d. of Benjamin Beacham.heelmaker. 1722. Turner, Francis, of Heme, hoyman^ Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Gill, of Cant., hopmerchant. 1736. Turner, James, of Blackefields, in Surry, baker. 1761. Turner, William, of Bapchild, smith. 1761. Turner, William, of London, silkweaver. '795- Tutch, William, mason^Joan, d. of Nicholas Langfeld, oatmealmaker. 1613. Twigden, Stephen, the younger, husband- man=jMary, d. of Samuel George, carpenter. 1745. Twyne, John, gent. = Alice, d. of William Pepper. 1538. Tyfins, Thomas, gardener. 1760. Tyler, Richard, brazier. 1776. Tyler, John, victualler. 1787. Tyreman, George=Thomasine, d. of Richard Underdowne, shoemaker. 1613. Umberfyeld, John, smith=the d. of William Watson, draper. 1562. Underdown, William, of London, car- penter. 1790. Underbill, Thomas, of London, wax- chandler. 1 76 1. Upton, Thomas, hempdresser=Siisanna, d. of John Upton, cordwainer. 1701. Usbarn, William, webbe=Alice, d. of Thomas Mot, webbe. 1404.. Valenduke, Nathaniel, of Westgate in Kent, tanner. 1789. Vandome, James, silkweaver=l\Iargaret, d. of Edward Tuck, tobaccopipe- maker. 1727. Vanger, Bartholomew, of London, velvet- weaver. 1 76 1. Van Mounteney, Jacob, button-maker= Mary, d. of Timothy Hart, victualler. i7'5- Varlee, James, silkweaver=Elizabeth, d. of Henry Gray, bricklayer. 1710. Varlee, James. wooIcomber=Mary, d. of Anthony Rookes, butcher. 171 2. Vaughan, Thomas, tailor^Thomasine, d. of John Bryght, blacksmith. 1587. Vaul, Nathaniel, tailor=Mary, d. of John Beverton, brewer. 1744. Venden, John, gardener=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Baker, cheesemonger. 1733. Verrier, Richard, of Deal, labourer. 1789. Vicars, Charles, surgeon=Henrietta, d. of John Whitfield, gent. 17 10. Videon, James, labourer. 1789. Vincent. John, cordwainer= Isabella, d. of Thomas Frank, turner. 1737. Vincent, Walter, silkweaver. 1754. Vincent, William, of London, silkweaver. 1760. Virgoe, William, labourer. 1767. Vittall, William, bricklayer=Sarah, d. of Edward Bullock, carpenter. ib87. Vycory, William, tailor=Joan, d. of Nicholas Barbour, butcher. 1437. Vyrly, Robert, skinner^Margaret. d. of Robert Gridle, barber. 141 1. Wacher, Edward, of Whitstable, ship- wright. 1774. Wager, John, locksmith=Katherine, d. of Henry Gylvyn, tiler. 1592. Waklen, Daniel, currier=Anne, d. of Samuel Staples, mercer. 1634. Walker, Alexander, tailor=Mary, d. of George Saunder. 1550. Walker, Nath, grocer= Margaret, d. of Rest Fenner, hop-planter. 17 10. Walker, Solomon, of Deal, mariner. 1761. Waller, Richard, grocer=. Margaret, d. of William Rygdon, tailor. 1533. Walmsly, Joseph, of the iith Light Dragoons. 1796. Walware, Nicholas, railler=A]ice, d. of Richard Hangrel. 1414. Wanstall, John, of Molash, yeoman= Elizabeth, d. of John Lane, of Cant., hop-planter. '727. Warbutton, Edward, labourer=Jane, d. of John Johiicock, silkweaver. 1719. Warde, John, carpenter=Anne, d. of Simon Kingesnode, cowper. 1603. Ward, Abraham, labourer=Elizabeth, d. of Henry Blyth, labourer, 17 14. 161 OF CANTERBURY. 162 Warden, Robert, mason=Agnes, d. of Richard Hodell. 1+49. Ware, John, hop-planter=Elizabeth, d. of Richard Austen, baker. 1717- Warener, Thomas, clerk=Anne, d. of John Rooke. 1575. Warkiip, Thomas, innholder=Hannah, d. of Leonard Ashenden, saddler. 1677. Warner, James, tiIemaker=Susan, d. of Paul Hubbert, carpenter. 1681. Warnerr, Cornelius, cordu'ainer=Eliza- beth, d. of Richard Howland, cord- wainer. 1685. Warren, [ohn, linnen\veaver=Sarah, d. of John Powel, barber. 174+. Warren, James, linnenweaver. 1756. Warwick, Abraham, woolcomber=i\Iary, d. of LeonardAshenden, saddler. 1 68 1 . Wastall, James, of Sandwich, labourer= Mary, d. of IMatthew Cook, of Cant., cordwainer. 1747. Waters, William, labourer=Anne, d. of William Studham, cooper. 17 14. Watson, John, gent.=Margarct, d. of Robert Flatmaii, hop-planter. 17 10. Watson, Lewis, labourer. 1795. Watts, John, of Wye, perukemaker. 1 782. ^^'ebbe, William, hosier=the daughter of Thomas Nicoll. 1502. Webb, Joseph, gent.=Elizabeth, d. of John Greenland, Alderman. 1727. Webb, James, hop-planter. 1761. Weeden, Nathaniel, cordwainer=l\Iary, d. ol Edward Landman, carpenter. 1705- Welby, Simon, silkweaver=Anne, d. of Vespatian Harris, woolcomber. 1 704. Wellard, John, bricklayer=Mary, d. of Thomas Parker. 1709. Wellard, John, labourer. 1767. See Willard. Wells, Jacob, gardener=Sardh, d. of John Railton. 1703. Wells, Thomas, of London, cordwainer. 1790. Wertyng, Walter=a d. of Richard Teg- heler. 14' 7- West, John, carpenter=!\Iartha, d. of Thomas Abbot. 1686. West, Daniel, silkweaver=Frances, d. of William EUwin, ribbonweaver. 1 688. Westland, John, fuller=Joan, d.of Roger Sete. 1423. Wether, William, carpenter=Isabella, d. of Robert Pollard. 1431. Whiddeet, John, of London, hopfactor. 1761. White (Whyte), Bell, joiner=Judith, d. of Thomas Lobbey. 1574. White, George, tailor=Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Richardson, tailor. 1637. White Edmund, maltster=Anne, d. of Edward Francis, cordwainer. 1704. White, Thomas, of Sturry, labourer= Susanna, d. of William Rust, of Cant., linnenweaver. '747- White, Henry, silkweaver. 1753. White, John, of St. Peter's in Thanet, shipwright. 1761. White, John, baker. 1763. White, Henry, silkweaver. 1783. Whitehrds, James, clerk^Joan, d. of William'Beall. 1498. Whitehed, John. annourer^.\gnes, d. of Thomas Sampson. 1513. Whitehead, Gabriel, of Deal, blacksmith =Susanna, d. of William Jeoffery, of Cant., cooper. 1705. Whitfield, John, scrivener=Catherine, d. of Robert Railton, Town Clerk. 1603. \Miitfield, John, gent. 1780. Whitlok, Richard=Joan, d. of Henry Lyncoll. 1400. Whitney, Joseph, of Portsmouth, ship- wright. 1796. Wickenden, John, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, labourer. 1789. Wickham, John, carpenter=Mary, d. of William Knight, Serjeant at Mace. •635- U ignal, Gregory, silkweaver:=Elizabeth, d. of Tliomas Munday, fla.xdresser. 1741. Wegnall, John, silkweaver. 1760. Wilco.K, William, linnendraper. 1800. Wildish, John, carpenter=Mary, d. of Nathaniel Walker, tallow-chandler. '743- Wildish, Peter, silkweaver. 1753. Wilds, William, of St. Dunstans in Kent, victualler. 1787. Wiles, John, of Dover,mariner,=Deborah, d. of William Smith, of Cant., goldsmith. i7>4- Wiles, Edward, of Hollingbourne, tailor. I7S3- Wilkes (Wylkes), William, tailor=Cris- tian, d. of William Fonteyn. 1441. Wilkes, Richard, joiner=Mary, d. o Raynold Borne. 1602. Wilkins, James, upholster=Mary, d. o IMr. Merriain, Alderman. 1647. Wilkinson, Ralph, of the Liberties o Westminster, victualler. 1754. K 163 FREEMEN 164 Willard, John, of Whitstable, dredger^ Mary, d. of Richard Ellis, of Cant., turner. 1734- .Str Wei lard. Williams (Wyllyams), Nicholas, butcher = Mary. d. of Samuel Chandler, i b 1 8. Williams, Henrv, lay-clerk=Sibbell, d. of John Tucker, instrument maker. 1638. Williams, John, carpenter=Elizabeth, d. of William Blogg, glazier. 1721. Williams, John, of Maidstone, victualler =Sarah, d. of John Cock, of Cant., weaver. 1741. Williams, Edward, of Boughton Blean, 1 labourer. 1789. Williams, John, of London, butcher. 1796. Williamson, Richard, weaver^Mary, d. of William Hall, turner. 17 14. Williamson, William, cordwainer. 1800. Willis, Richard, bricklayer^Elizabeth, d. of Thomas Rogers, wheelwright. 1714. Willmot, Jarvis, currier=Eleanor, d. of William Small, baker. 1646. Wilmount, William, currier= Anne, d. of Thomas Pike, currier. 1630. Wilson, Richard, shoemaker=iMary, d. of John Davyes, smith. 1614. Wilson, Edward, timber-broker^Eliza- beth, d. of John Hambiook, white- smith. 1707. Wilson, John, of Dover, tavernkeeper= Sarah, d. of Richard Austen, of Cant., hop-planter. 1746. Wilson, Henr}', of Woolwich, shipbuilder. '795- Wingate, John, victualler=Elizabeth, d. of John Biggs, baker. 1688. Winsley, Comb., gent.=Bridget, d. of Rest Fenner, brewer. 1737. Winslow, Richard, labourer. 1789. Witherden, Stephen, gent.=Sarah, d. of John Hatch, goldsmith. 1698. Wood, Richard, baker=Prudence, d. of Thomas Plesington, baker. 1598. Wood, William, clothier= Martha, d. of Abraham Clarke. 161 5. Wood, Michael, cordwainer=Elizabeth, d. of Isaac Osbastone, cordwainer. 1624. Wood, William, cordwainer^Frances, d. of Edward Violet, apothecary. 1660. Wood, Robert, maltster=.'\nne,d. of Tho- mas Browning, miller. 1707. Wood, John, of Deal cordwainer=Mar- garet, d. of William Skelton, of Cant., linnenweaver. 1727. Wood, William, grocer=Elizabeth, d. of John Moate, cooper. 1730. Wood, Robert, silkweaver. 1765. Wood, Thomas, silkweaver. i7t>7. Wood, Edward, sawyer. 1770. Wood, John, gardener. 1786. Woodfall, Matthew, silkweaver=Dorothy, d. of Thomas Kingsford, woollen- draper. 1 67 1. Woodroffe, John, labourer=Elizabeth, d. of John Cartewright, tailor. 1607. Woolley, Josiah, of London, vintner= Frances, d. of Edward Rook, of Cant., saddler. 1734. Worall, Nicholas, draper=Agnes, d. of John Bargrove. 1522. Word, James, silk\veaver=Jane, d. of Ralph Aldredge, victualler. 1699. Worgar, Anthony, hempdresser=Anne, d. of Bell White, joiner. 1638. Worley, Edward, blacksmith=Marv, d. of Christopher Baulden, ironmonger. 1632. Worley, John, surgeon=Esther, d. of John Brickenden, saddler. 1708. Worthinton, Robert, on his marriage with Mildred, d.of John Wormeselle. 1396. Worthington, Edward, of Dover, cooper =Susanna, d. of Edward Beard, of Cant., cordwainer. 1705. Wootton, William, cordwainer=Mildred, d. of Thomas Heyward, cordwainer. 1646. Wotton, Richard, chaloner=Agnes, d. of Robert Aleyn. 1403- Wraight, Robert, tailor=Mary. d. of William Buckhurst, tailor. i6b6. Wraight, Daniel, woolcomber=Sarah, d. of Thomas Kennett, turner. ifa8Q. Wraight, James, horse-cutter=Margaret, d. of John Smith, victualler. 1727. Wraith, Samuel, tailor. 1784. Wrake, Jasper=Agnes, d. of Thomas Lymyter, Alderman. 1576. Wratton, Jacob, of Lympne, labourer, 1 790. Wray, Cuthbert, painter=the d.of William Johnson, painter. 1562. Wren, Robert, organist=Ann, d. of John Munn, Esquire, late Mayor. 1678. Wrenshier, George, painter=Sarah, d. of Edward Wilson, lathcleaver. 1737. Wright, John, clothworker=Sara, d. of John Elvyn, shoemaker. 1607. Wright, John, cordwainer=Anne, d. of Isaac Clarke, bricklayer. 1642. Wright, John, of Folkestone, Officer in the E.xcise. 1755. Wright, Thomas, labourer. 1787. 165 OF CANTERBURY. 166 Wright, Thomas, of St. Nicholas Atwade, labourer. 1790. Wrothall, William, cordwainer. 1769. Wybrow, William, silk\veaver=I\Iary, d. of Thomas Young, silkweaver. 17 3+. Wycombe, Robert, smith=Isabella, d. of Reginald Hamer. H+9- Wynn, Thomas, of London, cordwainer= Elizabeth, d. of John Philpot, of Cant., cordwainer. 1727. Wynter, Henry, \vcbbe.=Anneia, d. ot Robert Groues {?) 1403. Young, Thomas, currier=Jane, d. of Nicholas Williams, butcher. 1663. Young, John, tailor= Mary. d. of Thomas Kingsford, woollendraper. 1672. Young, Thomas, of Heme, glazier= Susanna, d. of Richard Prett, of Cant, gardener. 1727- Young, [ohn, yeoman=Mary, d. of Elias Terrier, woolcomber. 1744. Young, Edward, of Margate, smith. 1797- •" PART III. jfreemen b^ Hpprenticesbip, Abbot, William, cordwainer, app. to Gabriel Saffery, Junior. 1726. Abbott, James, baker. 1756. Abbott, James, carpenter. 1761. Abbott, Charles, baker. 1766. Abbott, Richard, butcher. 1768. Acors, John, cordwainer. 1774- Addanis, Richard, tailor, app. to Tliomas Hallet. 1602. Adams, Andrew, grocer, app. to John Elficke. 1604. Adames, Nicholas, cordwainer, app. to John Bullocke. 1634. Adams, John, butcher, a]ip. to liis father, Raljih Adams. 1672. Adams, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Fleet. 17 1 1. Adams, William, joiner, app. to Thomas Clifford. I 7 14. Adams, Josiah Lane, of Deal, surgeon and apothecar}'. 1772. Adis, Stephen, biicklayer, app. to Isaac Clarke, 1632. Adman, Henry, vintner, app. to Peter Johnson, cordw.iiner. 1681. Addmans (Addams in the margin), Will- iam, pcwterer, app. to Thomas Mar- shall. 1622. Admans, Solomon, cordwainer, app. to William Tiddeman. 1706. Alcocke, Roger, tailor, app. lo Rowland Di.xson. 1 62 1. Aldridge, Ralph, tailor, app. to William Gibbon. 1669. Aldriilge, Thomas, carpenter, ajip. to Robert Hueson. 1681. Aldridge, Joseph, silkweaver, aj)p. to Edward Berry. 1688. Aldridye, Ralph, carpenter, app. to William Barbet. 1703. Ale.xander, Michael, grocer, app. to George Dale. 1587. Allen, Simon, shoemaker, app. to Thomas Dunney, shearman, but not enrolled. 1581. Allyn,( jeorge, shoemaker, app. to Edmond Nicholson. 1585. Allen, William, butcher, app. to William Reeve. 1628. Allen, John, grocer, app. to Daniel Mast- erson 1646. Allen, William, cordwainer, app. to John iMillner. 1663. Allen, Edward, upholster, app. to James Wdliams, ib88. Allen, Peter, of Whitstable, cordwainer, app. to Peter lohnson, of Cant. 17 14. Allen, William, baker, app. to William Reynolds. 1720. Ambrose, John, the elder, grocer, app. to Hugh Bradbery. 1524. He pd. bs. 8d. Ansell (Aunsell), William, grocer, app. to George Master. 1614. Ancell, John, of St. Paul's in Kent, car- penter. 1776. Anderson, John, vintner, app. to Chris- topher Baldwine. 1644. Anderson, James, silkweaver. 1768. Andrewes, Thomas, barber, app. to 'I'homas Violet, ib^j. Andrews, Richard, tailor. 1754. Andrews, Edward, Junior, of London, tailor. 1761. Andrews, Edward, of Hythe, grocer and tallow-chandler. 1794. 169 OF CANTERBURY. no Anker, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to John Sancroft. 1700. Annott, Charles, watchmaker, app. to James Ellis and Robert Heynian. 16S0. Applebee, Christopher, mercer, app. to Edward Nordcn. 1643. Ap Robertes, John, app. to John Estye, clothworker. 1588. Apsley, Leonard, of Ashford, carpenter, app. to Alderman Betting. 1725. Archer, John, bricklayer, app. to William Wells. 1689. Archer, Ezra, carpenter. 1781. Arnold, Thomas, baker, app. to Thomas Gilbert. 1714- Arnold, John, cordwainer, app. to John Wells and Philip Cheesman. 1744. Arthur, Thomas, barber, app. to John Barham. 17 13. Ashenden, Nicholas, grocer, app. to Joseph Colfe, Alderman. 1610. Ashenden, Thomas, painter, app. to one ■ Rawlenson. 161 1. Ashenden, Stephen, tailor, app. to Will- iam Hadnam. 1634. Ashman, John, of London, carpenter, app. to Thomas Denne, of Cant. 1 741 . Ashton, Edward, joiner, app. to Thomas Davis. 1734. Atkins, Jonas, papermaker, app. to Ric- hard Wellard. 1714. Atterton. John, ironmonger, app. to John Love. 1720. Atwell, Thomas, dyer. app. to John BlankettandThomas Beverton. 1652. Atwell, John, weaver s. and app. of Tho- mas Atwell. 16S5. Atwood, William, bricklayer, app. to Thomas Flalman. i68q. .■\ltwood, John, bricklayer, app. to Will- iam Attwood. 1705. Atwood, John, baker. 1753. Atwood, I'hnmas, barber. 1756. Austen, Richard, baker, app. to Robert Paine. 1687. Austen, John, saddler, app. to Robert Railton. 1696. Austen, John, woollendraper, app. to Thomas Jenkin. 1700. Austen, Henry, vintner, app. to Mr. John Wilson. 1705. Austin, John, of Milton, carpenter, app. to Thomas Denn, of Cant. 1727. Austry, James, grocer, app. to Daniel INIasterson. 1633. Awcher, Edward, app. to Edward Clarrk- son, tailor. 1580. Awcher, Edward, tailor, app. to Edward Awchere. 1591. Backet, John, woolcomber, app. to Thomas Home. 1690. Badcock, James, cordwainer. 1774. Bailey (Bavly), William, victualler, app. to his father, Thomas Bayly. 1703. Bayley, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to John Wells. 1740. Bailey, Samuel, of London, silkweaver. 1760. Bayley, William, silkweaver. 1768. Baker, Thomas, vintner, app. to Charles Wetenhall, Alderman. 1603. Baker, Nicholas, baker, app. to William Barton. 1623. Baker, Thomas, cheesemonger, app. to his father, Thomas Baker. 1674. Baker, John, of Faversham, tobaccopipe maker, app. to Nathaniel Herring, 1708. Baker, William, freemason, app. to John Broxup. 171 1. Baker, Robert, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Parker. 1713- Baker, Richard, baker, app. to Joseph Rigden. 1724. Baker, Thomas, collarmaker, app. to Thomas Kolfe. 1724. Baker, Henry, pipemaker, app. to John Tuck. 1726. Baker, Joseph, of London, carpenter, app. to Robertjagger, of Cant. 1727. Baker, William, of Sandwich, brazier, app. to Jacob Sharp, of Cant. 1740. Baker, John, upholder. 1760. Baker, John, perukemaker. 1763. Balden, Christopher, ironmonger, app. to Nicholas IVIichell. 1603. BaldocUe, William, smith, app. to John W'ager. 1621. Baldocke, Robert, grocer, app. to Walter Southwell. 1628. Ball, Richard, clothworker, app. to Israel Weevelles. 1620. Ball, John, saddler, app. to Christopher Franck. 1657. Bame. John, tobaccopipe maker, app. to Nathaniel Herring. 1722. Banfeild, William, cordwainer, app. to Philip Busher. 1704. Banfield, Thomas, tailor, app. to his father, John Banfield. 1727. Bannister, Thomas, of River, papermaker, app. to Richard Wellard, of Cant. 1714. Barbett, William, carpenter, app. to Matthew Browne. 1686. 171 FREEMEN I7i Barbor, Robert, shoemaker, app. to Robert Player. 1614. Barber, George, cabinet maker. 1780. Barham, Edward, haberdasher, app. to John Lapham. 1615. Barham, John, cordwainer, app. to Tho- mas Freetes and in his absence, by consent of the Master of the Com- pany, putt over to Peter Browne. 1619. Barham, Thomas, tailor, app. to John Downes. 1638. Barham, VVilham, joiner, app. to John Bix. 1669. Barham, Charles, barber-surgeon, app. to Thomas Fowler. 1700. Barham, John, carpenter, app. to Philip Fishenden. 1740. Barham, Harris, goldsmith, app. to Mich- ael Lade. 1747. Barham, John, cordwainer, app. to Rob- ert Baker. 1747. Barham, John, baker, app. to Joseph Rigden. 1747. Barker, John, barber, app. to John Browne. 1628. Barker, John, woollendraper and tailor. 1772. Barles, Alexander, joiner, app. to William Look. 1675. Barles, Joseph, saddler, app. to his father, Joseph Barles. 1690. Barnard, Joseph, perukemaker. 179^- Barnes, Thomas, of Bromley in Kent, gardener, app. to Thomas Parker, of Cant. 1712. Barnsdale, William, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Harrison. 1646. Barnsdale, William, cordwainer, app. to his father, Thomas Barnsdale. 1681. Barrett, Thomas, clockmaker, app. to John Barrett, gunsmith. 1675. Barrett, Edward, smith, app. to his father, Edward Barrett. 1691. Barret, Thomas, victualler, app. to Thomas Franke. 1697. Barratt, Nathaniel, silkweaver, app. to Henry Cook. 1733. Barston, Redman, butcher, app. to Nicholas Williams. 1643, Bartlam, Henry, shoemaker, app. to John Holland. 1614. Barton, Christopher, of London, cord- wainer, app. to his father, John Barton, of Cant. 1727. Barton, John, carpenter. 1761. Barton, James, silkweaver. 1772- Barwick, Edward, silkweaver. 1780. Basketfield, John, perukemaker. 1758. Bdssett, Thomas, baker, app. to Stephen Strong. 1681. Bassett, John, baker, app. to Thomas Bassett. 1688. Batcheller, John, mercer, app. to Samuel Staples, mercer. 1602. Batcheller, Joseph, tailor, app. to Robert Dickenson. 1627. Bate, Francis, cordwainer, app. to Samuel Collar. 168S. Baxter, John, blacksmith, app. to Norton Jarman. 1734. Baxter, John, of London, glover. 1761. Beadle, William, woollendraper, app. to Thomas Hawlett. 1606. Beaks, William, of Sheerness, baker. 1765. Beane, William, woollendraper, app. to Simon Robinson. 1620. Beane, John, grocer, app. to Daniel Masterton. 1627. Beane, John, millener, app. to John Kingsforth. 1670. Bean, John, joiner, app. to Thomas Clifford. 1721. Bean, John, baker, app. to John Iverson. »733- Bean, Matthew, bricklayer, app. to John Bean. 1741. Beard, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Carey. 1646. Beard, William, clockmaker, app. to James Ellis, watchmaker. 1674. Beare, Thomas, joiner, app. to 'William Looke. 1 70 1. See Beere. Becon, Basil, joiner, app. to Thomas Lineal. 1682. Bedingfeild, Thomas, haberdasher, app. to John Lee. 1627. Beecham, Thomas, heelmaker, app. to his father, Richard Beecham. 1651. Beecham, George, heelmaker, s. and app. of Richard Beecham. 1665. Beecham, Thomas, heelmaker, app. to his father, Thomas Beecham. 1679. Beecham, Benjamin, cordwainer, app. to John Bullocke. 1695. Beeching, John, blacksmith, app. to Richard Gardner. 1705. Beere, John, tailor, app. to John Pashly. 1602. See Beare. Bell, Richard, painter, app. to Thomas Ashenden. 1628. Bell, Thomas, barber, app. to his father, Thomas Bell. 1705. Bell, William, cordwainer, app. to John Ledger. 1722. 173 OF CANTERBURY. 174 Bell, Robert, of Dover, vintner, app. to John Garret, of Cant. 1727. Bellenger, John, tailor, app. to John Rumfeild. 1639. Belly, Thomas, tailor, app. to John Oliver. i7'4- Benbrigg, Samutl, barber-surgeon, app. to lames Fowler. 1671. Benford, Thomas, of Longport, printer. '795- Bennett, Thomas, tailor, app. to John Alcock. 161 1. Bennet, Obedience, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Coale. 1703. Bennet, Benjamin, the younger, tailor. 1760. Bensted, Richard, barber-surgeon, app. to John Lunn. 1637. Bently, James, barber, app. to Thomas Stowe. 1635. Bentley, Robert, turner, app. to John Pembrooke. 1733- Berger, Cosman Ertz, of Lodon, apothe- cary, app. to Garlin Hatch, of Cant. '734- Berlyng, William, tailor, app. to Thomas Tangate. 1595. Berry, John, carpenter, app. to Paul Hubbard. 1667. Best, John, saddler, app. to John Ashen- den. 1615. Best, Stephen, pewterer, app. to Thomas IMarshall. 1617. Best, John, the younger, cordwainer. 1789. Bettes, Edward, painter, app. to Richard Bell. 1639. Bettes, Henry, barber, app. to Thomas Violett. 1643. Betts, Edward, bricklayer, s. and app. of Edward Betts. 1672. Betts, John, barber. 1757. Beverley, Nicholas, app. to George Aunsell, grocer. 1578. Beverton, Thomas, fellmonger, app. to Thomas Dixon. 1668. Beverton, William, grocer, app. to Matthias Gray, Alderman. 1698. Bigg, Edmond, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Newman. 1643. Bigges, John, baker, app. to Thomas Gilbert. 1634. Bing, Thomas, tailor, app. to John Oliver and Thomas Davies. 1722. Bing, John, baker, app. to William Rey- nolds. 1727. Birch, Henry, baker, app. to John Talputt. 1744. Birch, \Villiam, carpenter. i77o. Bird, Matthew, whitebaker, app. to John Hawkins, dec, and served out his time with John Pising who married Hawkins' wido. 1625. Bisaker, John, cooper, app. to Nicholas Tadcly. 17 14. Bishop (Bysshopp), William, late servant to John Eastday, shearman. 1574. Bvshopp, Robert, tailor, app. to Gilbert Ewell. 1 62 1. Bishop, Thomas, timber breaker, app. to Edward Wilson. 1741. Bissett, John, shoemaker, app. to Thomas Harrison. 1630. Bix, John, joiner, s. and app. of John Bix. 1685. Blake, Thomas, barber, app. to William Read. 1694. Blankett, William, dyer, app. to Squier Beverton, Alderman, and Richard Hards. 1669. Blaxland, Stephen, clothworker, app. to John Hubberd. 1681. Blaxland, Richard, grocer, app. to Basil Denne. 1702. Blight, John, bricklayer, app. to John Blight. 1654. Blight, George, cordwainer, app. to John lohncock. 1679- Blight, John, victualler, app. to William Harte. 1695. Blogg, William, glazier, app. to his father, William Blogg. 1678. Blogg. Charles, glazier, app. to William Blogg. 1687. Blogg, Charles, glazier, app. to his father, William Blogg. 1700. Blye, John, late s'vantto Joseph Pelham, butcher. 1573. Bodkin, John, cordwainer. 1792. Bodle, John, carpenter, app. to Adam Fowle. 1722. Bodle, Thomas, baker, app. to Thomas Luck. 1722. Bolaine, Noah, of London, surgeon, app. to Edward Jacob, of Cant. 1715. Bolden, James, whitesmith. 1795. Bond, Henry, shoemaker, app. to Robert Bond. 1612. Bonde, Isaac, shoemaker, app. to his father, Robert Bonde. 1616. Bond, William, of London, grocer, app. to John Johnson, of Cant. 1 734. Bond, Stephen, of Dover, baker, app. to Thomas Johnson, of Cant. 1741. Bonger, Rowland, app. to Edmond Clarckson. 1584. 175 FREEMEN 176 Bonham, Thomas, glazier, app. to Thomas Browne. 1606. Bonner, Thomas, of Ashford, tailor, app. to Thomas Pearch, of Cant. 17+1. Booth, William, tobaccopipe maker, app. to Edward Tuck. 17 10. Booth, John, pipemaker, app. to his father, William Booth. 1733- Booth, John, of London, tobaccopipa maker. 1760. Boree, James, the younger, silkweaver. 1774- Boree, John, silkweaver. 1782. Borneleye, Adrian, s. of Robert Borne- leye, app. to Clement Brighte, tailor. 1600. Bosworth, Edward, brewer, app. to George Stanley, Alderman, and Susan his wife. 1683. Botting, William, carpenter, app. to Alderman Botting. 1708. Botting, Thomas, barber, ajip. to Richard Lane. 173+. Boulanger,James, of Sittingbourne, white- smith, app. to John Soames, of Cam. 1722. Bound, Abraham, maltster, app. to John Hollingberry. 17 10. Bounds, William, baker. 1774. Bourne, Louder, goldsmith, app. to Michael Lade. 1738. Boxer, Michael, of Folkestone, watch- maker. 1783. Boycoate, Richard, bricklayer, app. to ]ohn Ward. 1669. Boys, Alexander, grocer, app. to William Bridge. 1615. Boys. Stephen, clothworker, app. to Simon Beverton. 161 7. Boys, Edward, woollendraper, app. to Clive Carter. 1632. Brnbyn, Robert, clothier, app. to Noah Leedes. 1596. Bradbridge, John, upholster, app. to Robert Cradock. 173+. iVf Broad- bridge. Bradford, Thomas, carpenter. 1756. Bradford, Henry, turner. 1796. Brames, John, joiner, app. to Thomas Clifford. 1722. Brattle, John, blacksmith, app. to his father, John Brattle. 1705. Brattel, James, of Chatham, blacksmith. 1761. Brazier, John, barber and periwigmaker, app. to Thomas Scudamore. 171+- Breach, I'eter, butcher, app. to Nicholas Williams. 1O58, Bregg, George, vintner, app. to Richard Lockley, Aldermnn. 1619. Brett, Carter, of Folkestone, baker. 1760. Brice, Solomon, barber, app. to John Fowle. 1676. Brickenden. John, saddler, app. to Isaac Hawkes. 1667. Bridge, John, grocer, app. to his father, Robert Bridge, a freeman and one who contributed to the ta.xes and tallage of the City. 1590. Brydge, William, app. to Thomas Chap- man, grocer and chandler. 1605. Bridge, Thomas, apothecary, a])p. to Robert Pemell, "departing the same unti> Crambrooke." 16+3. Bridge, Abel, hop-planter, app. to William Parker. 1722. Bridges, John, grocer, app. to Thomas Ockman. 1658. Bridges, John, grocer, app. to John Bridges. 1681. Bridgman, Richard, shoemaker, app. to Isaac Osbestone. 1626. Bright, Clement, s. of John Bright, smith, app. to Edmond Asshefourlh, tailor, Bright, Samuel, grocer, app. to Francis iMaplesden. 1656. Bright, Cephas, weaver, app. to Thomas Atwell. 1693. Bright, Christopher, blacksmith. 1765. Bristow, William, printer and stationer. ■783- Broadbridge, George, of Faversham, ginger-bread baker. 1789. .SVc- Brad- bridge. Brockwell, Charles, carpenter. 1800. Brodna.x-, Valentine, cordwainer, app, to Robert Hewes. 1667. Brooke, Walter, woollendraper, a[)p. to Nicholas Yong, tailor. 1587. Brook, William, barber, app. to Richard Love. 1 73+. Brooker, Thomas, cooper, app. to Simon Kuigsnode. 1608. Brown,Robert, apothecary, app. to W'illiam Rutlond, Alderman. 1529. Browne, Peter, shoemaker, app. to John Nicholson: 1580. Browne, Anthony, joiner, app. to George Moore. 1589. Browne, Wdliam, carpenter, app. to John Riggsby. i6t)i. pjrowne, Matthew, carpenter, app. to William Browne. 1671. Brown, George, plumber, app. to Edward Justice. 1676. 177 OF CANTERBURY. 178 Browne, Henry, glazier, app. to William Beale. 1682. Brown, James, cordwainer, app. to Alex- ander Mockett. 1693. Browne, Anthony, baker, app. to his father, Thomas Browne. 1700. Browne, Daniel, brazier, app. to his father, Thomas Browne. 1739. Brown, Edward, miller, app. to his father, Edward Brown. 1747- Brown, Thomas, brazier, app. to his father, Thomas Brown. 1747. Brown, Edward Morecock, draper and tailor. 1777. Brown, John, bricklayer. 1790. Browning, John, grocer, app. to Walter Maplisden. 1665. Browning, Thomas, miller, app. to his father, William Browning. 1665. Browning, Matthew, carpenter, app. to William Browning. 1744. Bryne, John, clothworker, app. to Nich- olas Neave. 1632. Buck, Richard, app. to Thomas Grene- leafe, shoemaker. 1576. Bucke, John, tailor, app. to Stace Free- man. 1604. Bucke, William, cutler, app. to Roger Nowre. 1604. Bucke, John, carpenter, app. to John Marsh. 1651. Buckhurst, Stephen, grocer, app. to Tho- mas I\Ianey. 1673. Buckhurst, Thomas, of Maidstone, thread- twister, app. to Thomas Lane, of Cant. 1708. Buckley, William, barber, app. to Tho- mas Scudamore. 1720. Buckwell, John, of the Precincts, Cant., carpenter, app. to Peter Holness and Samuel George. 1722. Budds, John, bricklayer, app. to Mark NichoUs. 1676. Bull, Thomas, grocer, app. to John Browning. 1702. Bullinger, William, baker, app. to Tho- mas Johnson. 1 747. Bullinger, James, silkweaver. 1760. BuUocke, William, shoemaker, app. to Thomas Player, Sherift'of Cant. 1614. Bullocke, William, shoemaker, app. to Robert Player. 1618. Bullocke, John, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Carew. 1620. Bullocke, Richard, cordwainer, app. to William Bullocke. 1629. Bullock, Edward, carpenter, app. to Richard Pysing. 1654. to John to John api . to to John Bullock, [blank], tailor, app. to William Gibbon. 1675. Bullock, John, cordwainer, app. to his father, Edward Bullock. 1677. Bullock, Edward, cordwainer, app. to his father, Edward Bullock. i68g. Bunker, Thomas, tailor, app. to John Dickenson. 1650. Burching, John, cordwainer, app. to John Co.x. 1704. Burd, John, tailor, app. to Thomas Long. 1638. 6>^Bird. Burden, Thomas, grocer, app. Sympson. 1644. Burden, John, blacksmith, app. Goldedge. 1671. Burges, Nicholas, vintner, Edward Denne. 1646. Burges, Edward, smith, app. Drouts. 1658. Burges, John, smith, app. to his father, Edward Burges. 1677. Burges, Matthew, gunsmith, app. to Nicholas Hunt. 1681. Burges, William, coUarmaker, app. to William Rigden. 1689. Burges, Edward, bricklayer, app. to. Paul Crippin. 1697. Burges, Edward, smith, app. to his father, John Burges. 1700. Burgess, Thomas, blacksmith, app. to John Burges. 1705. Burges, Edward, bricklayer, app. to his father, Edward Burges. 1722. Burgess, Thomas, potter. 1790. Burneer, John, app. to Jacoby Pottekyn. 1508. Burney, Richard, of Chatham, joiner, app. to Thomas Clifford, of Cant. 1705. Burton, John, cooper, app. to Richard Titherton. 1630. Burton, Abraham, tailor, app. to Jacob Coxon. 1695. Burwash, Thomas, saddler, app. to Thomas Hawkes. 165 1. Burwash, Edmund, of London, silk dyer. ■754- Burwash, William, of Folkestone, brazier. 1796. Bushell, Henry, baker. 1784. Bushell, John, of Bronipton, Kent, baker. 1796. Busher, Philip, cordwainer, app. to Rich- ard Hornesby. 1604. Busher, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Stephen Terry. 1709. Busher, John, carpenter. 1791. 179 FREEMEN 180 Butcher, Francis, woollendraper, app. to John Lade, Alderman. 1639. Butler, Nathaniel, carpenter, app. to Matthew Browne. i68q. Butler, Daniel, framework knitter. 1771. Butterwick, Robert, saddler, app. to William Tolputt. 1731. Cacheteur, Peter, barber, app. to Charles Obree. 173+- Caddell, Samuel, printer. 1780. Cadman, Charles, silkweaver, app. to Jacob Golden. 1741. Caloway, Charles, app. to Adrian Nic- olls, Alderman. 1585. Callaway, John, the younger, silkweaver. 1785-. Calver, Richard, cordwainer, app. to John Bullock. 1692. Canburn,\Villiam, of London, tailor. 1763. Cantis, Valentine, baker, app. to Thomas White. 1687. Cantis, Thomas, joiner, app. to Paul Norwood. 1707. Cantis, Valentine, baker, app. to his father, Valentine, Cantis. i 72 1 . Capett, John, clothworker, app. to John Wright. 1 63 1. Carden, John, perukemaker. 1780. Garden, Robert, cordwainer. 1781. Carder, Simon, tailor, app. to William Laurence. 1521. Carder, John, cordwainer, app. to Henry Lucas. 1734. Carter, Clyve, woollendraper, app. to William Whilinge. 1621. Carter, John, clothworker, app. to Stephen South. 1665. Carter, George, joiner, app. to Paul Norwood. 1690. Carter, John, of Hythe, saddler, app. to Richard Hall, of Cant. 1710. Carter, William, grocer, app. to Robert Carter. 1715. Served only 6 years, when Robert Carter left Cant. Carter, John, carpenter, app. to William Browning. 1733. Carter, Gregory, bricklayer, app. to Simon Daines. 1735. Carter, Nicholas, tailor. 1763. Cartewright, Vincent, tailor, app. to his father, John Cartewright. 1609. Cartwright, John, shoemaker, app. to Thomas Blondon. 1616. Casey, Henry, joiner, app. to Lambert Co.x. 1709. Cassell, James, bricklayer, app. to John Oakeley. 1676. Castell, "John, tailor, app. to Thomas Richardson. 1623. Castle, William, linnenweaver, app. to Thomas Atwell. 1681. Castle, James, cordwainer, app. to Tho- mas Willmot. 1690. Castle, James, of Elham, apothecary. '754- Castle, John, of St. Dunstan, Kent, silk- weaver. 1 76 1. Castle, Thomas, cabinetmaker. '767. Catlett, Nicholas, joiner, app. to Thomas Clifford. 1708. Cavell, John, cordwainer, app. to Ed- mund Maplisden. 1690. Chalklen, Henry, saddler. 1785. Chalklen, William, printer. 1787. Chambers, George, app. to his father, Edmond Chambers, millener. 1664. Chambers, Thomas, baker, app. to Joseph Rigden. 17 14. Chambers, William, carpenter, app. to William Browning. 1722. Chambers, Edward, of Deal, surgeon. 1784. Champney, Henr}-, gunsmith, app. to John Jusley. 1618. Chandlor, Richard, grocer, app. to Christopher W^agstaffe. 161 8. Chandler, Daniel, butcher, app. to his father, Samuel Chandler. 1692. Chandler, John, butcher, app. to his father, John Chandler. 1704. Chandler, .Samuel, joiner, app. to his father, Samuel Chandler. 1706. Chandler, James, butcher, app. to his father, John Chandler. 1707. Chandler, Thomas, butcher, app. to his father, John Chandler. 1714. Chandler, Benjamin, apothecary, app. to Charles Knowler. 1734- Chandler, Joseph, perukemaker. 1771. Chandler, James, silkweaver. 1774- Chantrey (Chauntrey), John, tailor, app. to Robert Bishopp. 1650. Chapman, Henry, grocer, app. to Richard Chandler, grocer and chandler. 1643. Chapman, Thomas, silkweaver, app. to James Deeringe. 1700. Chapman, John, gardener, app. to John Fenn. 1721. Chapman, John, gardener. 1777. Chapman, John, cabinetmaker. 1779- Chapman, Copper, draperand tailor. 1784. Chapman, Philip, the younger, of Smar- den, draper and tailor. 1789. Charret, Samuel, cordwainer. 1774. 181 OF CANTERBURY. 182 Cheal, William, bricklayer, app. to John Skilton. 1733- Cheavele, John, carpenter. 1785. Cheesman, Richard, whitesmith, app. to his father, Richard Cheesman. 1 7 1 8. Cheesman, Stephen, cordwainer, app. to his father, Philip Cheesman. 1744. Cheever, Georsfe, chandler, app. to John Browneing. 1686. Chese, William, tailor, app. to John Peerse. 1607. Chick, John, silkvveaver, app. to his father, Peter Chick. 17 16. Chick, Peter, silkweaver, app. to his father, Peter Chick. 1727. Child, William, of Bromley, Kent, surgeon. 1796. Chippenden, Michael, silkweaver. 1789. Chittenden, James, butcher, app. to Aaron Woodland. 1647. Choppen, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Henry Rogers. 1681. Christian, Edward, cordwainer, app. to Edward Bullock. 1668. Christie, William, cordwainer. 1790. Church, George, joiner, app. to George Vandepeere. 1652. Church, Anthony, of Dover, linnen- weaver, app. to Avery Stredvvick, of Cant. 1705. Ciaryngbolle, Henry, shoemaker, app. to John Awger. 1583. Claringbull, Thomas, grocer. 1761. Claris, James, stationer. 1784. Clarke, Augustyn, tailor, app. to John Jemet. 1597. Clarke, John, saddler, app. to John Strand, but served not his time, and so was fined 40s. 1632. Clarke, Edward, tailor, app. to Edward Walle. 1705. Clark, William, cordwainer. 177 '• Clerkson, John, joiner, app. to George Vandepere. 1646. Clements, \Villiam, barber, app. to Richard Love. 1734. Clifford, Thomas, joiner, app. to Paul Norwood. ibSj. Clynton, Thomas, saddler, app. to Leonard Asshenden. 161 8. Clynton, John, clothworker, app. to Timothy Winfons {?). 1630. Coates, Robert, baker, app. to Stephen Pilcher. 1722. Coates, William, barber, app. to George Hunt. 1743. Cobb, Edmond, haberdasher, app. to Thomas Pordag. 161 6. Cobb, James, tailor, app. to Jeremy Smith. 1627. Cobb, Henry, baker, app. to William Rigden. 1689. Cock, alias Cox, John, linnen-weaver, app. to his father, John Cock, alias Cox. 1693. Cock, Matthew, cordwainer, app. to John Sayer. 17 14. Cock, Thomas, silkweaver. 17S3. Cockett, Richard, butcher, app. to his father, Robert Cockett. 1694. Cockman, Daniel, butcher, app. to William Fittell, weaver. 1674. Coffee, William, blacksmith and farrier. 1792. Cole, John, mercer, app. to Thomas Pawlyn. 1582. Cole, Seth, shoemaker, app. to Thomas Donner. 1589. Cole, William, shoemaker, app. to Chris- topher Ashenden. 1601. Cole, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to John Bissett. 1663 Coale, Thomas, carpenter, app. to Matt- hew Browne. 1702. Cole, William, cordwainer, app. to his father, Thomas Cole. 1704. Cole, John, cutler. 1780. Colegate, William, baker. 1777- Collar, Thomas, baker, app. to James Pettitt. 1716. Collett, Henry, cutler, app. to his father, Henry Collett, the younger. 1640. Collet, Daniel, cutler, app. to Henry Collet, of Angel Lane, Cant. 1646. Collins, Joseph, bricklayer, app. to William Collins. 1733. Collins, William, tallowchandler. 1753. Collins, Charles, barber and perukemaker. ■773- Collyore, Peter, papermaker, app. to Richard Wellard. 1708. Conod, James, of Sheerness, silkweaver. 1790. Cooke, William, carpenter, app. to Will- iam Gill. 1 68 1. Coock, William, miller, app. to Thomas Hills. 1704. Cook, Witingham, of London, carpenter, app. to Nicholas Goldfinch, of Cant. 1708. Cook, Thomas, papermaker, app. to William Cook. 1741. Cook, Richard, papermaker. 1753. Cooley, William, haberdasher of hats, app. to Thomas Smith. 1708. 183 FREEMEN 184 Cooley, William, of Dover, fellmonger and glover. '775- Cooper, John, papermaker, app. to Richard Wellard. 1704. Cooper, John, grocer, app. to his father, Charles Cooper. 1705. Cooper, John, of London, papermaker, app. to William Cook, of Cant. 173^. Cooper, Thomas, of London, silkdyer, app. to Mark Duree, of Cant. 1741. Corkham, Joshua, upholster, app. to James Williams. 1700. Cornwell, [ames, victualler, app. to Edward Whetstone, innholder. 1682. Cosby, John, app. to Richard Gould- fynche. 1609. Costeker, James, of Ashford, woollen- draper and tailor. 1759- Costen, Robert, tailor, app. to Philip Pen. 1744- Cotton, Bar', tailor, app. to Thomas Richardson. 1606. Cotton, John, cordwainer, app. to Jona- than Hawkes. 1696. Couchman, Robert, grosser, app. to George Masters. 1605. Court, Austen, cordwainer, app. to Roger Giles. 1635. Court, James, cordwainer, app. to Nich- olas Dillnott. 1687. Court, Clement, carpenter, app. to Henry Jagger. 1747. Courtopp, Luke, app. to Christopher Bridge, grocer. 1592. Courtup, Paul, saddler, app. to John Strand. 1641. Courthopp. Edward, cordwainer, app. to Richard Chandler. 1653. Cowley, Edward, tallowchandler. 1786. Coxe, Thomas, blacksmith, app. to Thomas Peeling. 1620. Cox, Samuel, bricklayer, app. to John Flatman. 1680. Cox, Henry, linnenweaver, app. to Henry Cox. 1685. Cox, Nicholas, blacksmith, app. to James Harris, 1688. Cox, John. .S«' Cock, John. 1693. Cox, Lambert, joiner, app. to Thomas Lineal the elder. 1695. Cox, Joshua, linenweaver, app. to his father, John Cox. 1700. Coxen, Buckhurst, carpenter, app. to Robert Jagger. 1734. Cragg, William, brazier, app. to his father, I-lobert Cragg. 1688. Cramp, Richard, watchmaker. 1766. Cramp, William, pattenmaker. 1789. Cramp, Richard, of London, peruke- maker. 1795. Crawley, James, tailor, app. to John Tanlin. 1701. Crawley, Thomas, tailor, app. to his father, James Crawley. '727. Crayford, Edward, grocer, app. to Joseph Colfe. 1658. ' Creed, James, baker, app. to Nicholas Fowle. 171 1. Creed, Thomas, ironmonger, app. to his father, Christopher Creed. 1734. Creed, Henry, of Ashford, silk mercer. ■774- Creek, James, of London, tailor, app. to Thomas Pearch, Sen., of Cant. 17 14. Cresswell, John, tailor and draper. 1795. Cresy, Richard, victualler, app. to William Hart, innholder. 1679. Cricket, Joseph, blackmith, app. to Ben- jamin Edmunds. 1743. Crippin, John, bricklayer, app. to Paul Crippin. 16SS. Crippin, Thomas, bricklayer, app. to his father, Paul Crippin. 1703. Crippen, John, bricklayer, app. to his father, John Crippen. 17 14. Crippen, William, butcher, app. to Thomas Hull. 1729. Crippen, John, of Chatham, papermaker. '759- Crispe, Thomas, tailor, app. to Edward Awcher. 1592. Crispe, John, blacksmith, app. to William Alson and James Godden. 1721. Crispe, Samuel, barber, app. to Mercer Fowler and William Lineal. 1732. Crosoer, William, of Bridge, tailor. 1761. Crothal, William, tailor, app. to Thomas Davis. 1733. Crow, John, of Faversham, brazier. 17S0. Crowcherst, William, carpenter, app. to Thomas Bullock. 171 1. Cuckowe, Abraham, joiner, app. to William Marrable. 1650. Cuckoe, Daniel, jeweller, app. to his father, Daniel Cuckoe. 1703. Cuckow, John, printer, app. to his father, Daniel Cuckow. 1708. CuUen, Michael, Attorney at Law, app. to Mr. Edward Hirst, one of the Attorneys of the Court of Pleas of this city. 1670. Cullen. William, carpenter, app. to Philip Fisenden. 1732. Culling, Thomas, glover. 1760. Cullen, Thomas, upholsterer. 1782. 185 OF CANTERBURY. 186 Cumberland, William, glover, app. to Jeremiah Smith. 1677. Curling, Thomas, surgeonand apothecary, app.toAlderman Edward Jacob. 1725. Curling, Bridger, of Ramsgate, grocer, app. to Richard Jenkins, of Cant. 1727. Curling, Bunce, of Sandwich, surgeon and apothecary. 1788. Ciirteis, James, of Clapham in Surry, apothecary. 1761. Daines, John, bricklayer, app. to Thomas Flackton. 1707. Dale, John, of Staple, baker, app. to William Lane, of Cant. 1727- Darby, John, cordwainer, app. to John Ledger. 1736. Darby, Charles, cordwainer, app. to John i)arby. 17+7- Darley, Thomas, cooper, app. to John Barton. 1652. Davey, Thomas, woolcomber. 1780. Davis, Richard, joiner, app. to William Hooka. 1679. Davis, Thomas, pattenmaker. 1767. Davis, John, tailor and staymaker. 1768. Davis, Nathaniel, saddler. 1768. Davison, John, glazier and painter, app. to Charles Blogg. 1721. Dawson, William, app. to Joyse Harrys, joiner. 1576- Dean, Hiday, victualler, app. to Richard Creasey. 1690. Dedlannoy, Peter, white-smith, app. to Thomas Hearne. 1742. De Lasaux, James, silkweaver. 1768. De Lasaux, Thomas, silkweaver. 1778. Dell, John, of Dover, tailor, app. to Daniel Nicols, of Cant. 17 10. Delo, William, silkweaver. 1767. Dis- franchised February 1768, because he had not served a regular appren- ticeship. Dennce, Michael, woollendraper, app. to Alvery Sabyn, Alderman. 1618. Dendy, John, of Rochester, clockmaker. 1760. Denn, Thomas, grocer, app. to James Glover, grocer and chandler. 1633. Denn, Edward, vintner, app. to William Tarry. 1635. Denne, Christopher, carpenter, app. to Paul Hubberd. 1663. Denne, John, turner, app. to his father, John Denne. 1679. Denne, Basil, grocer, app. to Henry Chapman. 1690. Denn, Thomas, carpenter, app. to Tho- mas Landman. 1708. Denn, James, carpenter, app. to Nathan- iel Butler. 17 1+. Densted, John, grocer, app. to John Dale. ;8o. Dent, Robert, cordwainer, app. toThomas Newman. i&37- Dernocour, John, of Faversham, cord- wainer. 1797. Despaigne, Henry, carpenter, app. to Edward Landman. 17 19. Devine, John, baker, app. to Samuel Johnson. 17+7- Devison, Richard, apothecary, app. to Charles Knowler. 1727. Devison, Richard, bricklayer, app. to his father, Alexander Devison. 1727. Dilnut, John, blacksmith and farrier, app. to James Godden. 1744. Dixon, Edward, tailor, app. to Edward Elphick. 1740. Dodd, Abraham, of Sturry, carpenter, app. to Robert Hudson. 1675. Dodd, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Peter Johnson. 1681. Dodd, Thomas, barber, app. to his father, John Dodd. 1688. Dodd, William, tailor, app. to Thomas Paine. 1698. Dodd, Charles, barber, app. to his father, John Dodd. 1705. Dolly, William, brazier, app. to Jacob Sharpe. 1728. Doorne, Stephen, stationer and book- binder. 1790. Dove, Edward, victualler, app. to Thomas Kelling. 1705. Down, Joseph, barber and periwig maker, app. to Charles Obree. 1737. Dowsett, Thomas, grocerand gingerbread baker. 1796. Dray, William, barber, app. to John Barham. 1699. Dray, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Richard Buckhurst. 1727. Drayton, Peter, haberdasher, app. to George Claggett. 1610. Drayton, John, mercer, app. to Paul Petit, Esquire, iNIayor. 1647. Drew, John, of Holy Cross, Cant., sur- geon. 1774. Drury, John, of Wye, glazier and plum- ber. 1768. Drury, George, whitesmith. 1800. Dubbin, George, bricklayer, app. to John Filmer. 1721. Dubles, Charles, of London, saddler. 1790. 187 FREEMEN 188 Dudlow, John, the younger, plumber. 1760. Dulmar, Jacob, baker, app. to John Goldfinch. J732. Dulmer, Charles, perukemaker. 1758. Duly, Philip, glover, app. to James Avery. 17+1. Dumee, Micah James, silkweaver, app. to his father, James Dumee. 1733. Dumez, George, silkweaver, app. to his father, James Dumez. ■741. Dumez, Peter, silkweaver, app. to his father, James Dumez. 17+4-. Dunkyn, John, lail.or, app. to Edward Clarckson. 1591. Durant, Thomas, apothecary, app. to William Freebody. 1695. Durant, Stephen, apothecary, app. to William Freebody. 1703. Duree, James, dyer, app. to his father, Mark Duree. 1738. Duryez, James, turner, app. to his father, David Duryez. 1747. Duthoit, James, cabinetmaker. 1782. Duthoit, Peter, butcher. 1789. Duthoit, Edward, brazier. 1796. Dutton, William, blacksmith, app. to Richard Ginder. 1681. Dyason, Joseph, surgeon. 1761. Dyason, Joseph, of London, brazier and tinman. 1777. Dyason, James, cordwainer. '792. Dyce, James, tailor. 1793. Eager, John, collarmaker. 1765. East, Iddenden, tailor, app. to Philip Reason. 1697. East, Parker, of Deptford, cordwainer. 1768. Eastdye, Jeffrey, shearman, app. to John Eastdye, clothworker. 1581. Eaton, John, of Hythe, gent. 1780. Eborne, Chayney, mercer, app. to Henry Bridge. 161 7. Edmondes, Nicholas, app. to William Wyldebore, grocer. 1579. Edmondes, Stephen, joiner, app. to Henry Hame. 1634. Edmunds, Benjamin, blacksmith, app. to his father, William Edmunds. 1734. Edmunds, William, blacksmith, app. to his father, William Edmunds. 1741- Edmonds, Charles, perukemaker. 1775. Edwards, Thomas, of Ramsgate, tallow- chandler. 1760. Edwards, William, printer. 1780. Effeild, Robert, clothworker, app. to Simon Beverton. 1614. Effeld, Ralph, tailor, app. to Rowland Di.xson. 1617 Elbury, William, fellmonger, app. to Richard Stockden. 1654. Elden, Paul, of Charing, barber, app. to George Kidder, of Cant. '727- Elfyck, John, grocer, app. to Simon Brome, Alderman. 1582. Ellis, Daniel, shoemaker, app. to Stephen Giles. 1615. Ellis, John, carpenter, app. to William Bottinge. 1701. Ellis, Richard, turner, app. to John Pem- brooke. 1701. Ellis, Ale.xander, victualler, app. to his father, Ale.xander Ellis. 17 10. Ellis, Edward, turner, app. to his father, Richard Ellis. 1722. Elles, John, of St. Mary-in-the Marsh. printer. 1794. Elmes, William, app. to John Perce, haberdasher. 1598. Elsey. George, cordwainer, app. to Robert Southy. 1662. Elsted, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Barnsdale. 1675. Elvye, Samuel, app. to George Sherock, shoemaker. 1583. Elvy, John, grocer, app. to Thomas Enfield. 1681. Elvey, John, baker, app. to William Mount. 1714. Elvey, John, blacksmith, app. to William Thomas. 1741. Elvyn, William, shoemaker, app. to Richard Rychardes. 1584. Elvyn, John, silkweaver, app. to his father, William Elvyn. 1678. Elvysshe, Christopher, app. to Anthony Bowyer, barber. 1585. Elwyn, Thomas, tallowchandler. 1765. Enfield, Thomas, grocer, app. to Thomas Mainey. 1661. Engeham, Edward, joiner, app. to Thomas Lineale. 1687. Epps, Thomas, printer. 1786. Ertzberger, William, of London, baker. 1761. See Berger, Ertz, col. 173. Essenhigh, Henry, of Rochester, cooper. '77+- Esse.x, Nicholas, shearman, app. to William Reade, clothworker. 1584. Estis, William, baker, app. to Thomas Carley. 1687. Evands, Matthew, plumber, app. to Nicholas Justice. 1630. Eve, Charles, butcher. 1755. 189 OF CANTERBURY. 190 Evernden, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Robert Southey. 1660. Evernden, Nathaniel, cordwainer, app. to his father, Thomas Evernden. 1681. Evernden, George, grocer and tallow- chandler, app. to Matthias Gray, Alderman. 1694. Evernden, George, of Favershem, baker, app. to John Bing, of Cant. 1747- Evernden, James, butcher, app. to John Denne. 1751. Ewell, Joseph, grocer, app. to Walter Southwell and Francis JMaplisden. 1645- F]well, Joseph, grocer, app. to his father, loseph Ewell. 1681. Fagg, Anthony, grocer, app. to Daniel Giles. 1654. Fagg, Thomas, cordwainer. app. to Christopher Stonehouse. 1681. Fagg, John, breechesmaker. 1780. Fayrman, Thomas, cordyner, app. to Stephen Giles. 1622. Farrance, Robert, farrier, app. to his father, John Farrance. it>79- Farstall, Richard, app. to Walter South- well, Alderman and grocer. 1638. Feltus, Joseph, of Wickhambreu.\, cord- wainer, app. to Jonathan Hawker, of Cant. 1722. Fendall, Edward, carpenter, app. to Edward Bullock. 1677. Fenn, John, cordwainer, app. to his father, Richard Fenn. 1667. Fenner, Seth, apothecary, app. to Israel Jacob. 1675. Fenner, Rest, staiioner, app. to his father. Rest Fenner. 1681. Fenner, Enoch, bookseller, app. to his father, Rest Fenner. 1700. Fereyer, Samuel, tailor, app. to Arnold Terry. iS97- Ferree, Samuel, cooper, app. to INIoses Knewstub. 1732. Ferrer, Thomas, tailor, app. to Thomas Weldon. 1599. Fidge (Fydge), Thomas, mercer, app. to John RIerryam. 161 3. Fidge, Thomas, haberdasher, app. to Mr. Thomas Fidge. 1647. Fidge, Robert, baker, app. to John Biggs. 1656. Fidge, George, bricklayer, app. to Robert Laurence. 1692. File, Joseph, bricklayer, app. to William Atwood. 1722. Filmore, John, bricklayer, app. to John Warwell. 1695. Filmar, Thomas, of Chilham, bricklayer, app. to John Filmar, of Cant. 1708. Filpott, John, grocer, app. to Walter Southwell. 1619. 6'« Phiipott. Finch, John, grocer, app. to John Furser. 1622. Finch, James, cutler, app. to his father, Richard Finch. 1661. Finch, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to John Bix. 1701. Fishenden, Philip, carpenter, app. to Thomas Cole. 17 14. Fisher, Edward, tallowchandler, app. to Thomas Wilsden. 1753. Fitch, William, surgeon. 1789. Fitch, Daniel, of Pluckley, woollendraper. 1796. Flacton, Adrian, cordwinder, app. to Henry Bond. 1628. Flackton, Thomas, bricklayer, app. to Valentine Sawyer. 1673. Fhickton, John, bricklayer, app. to Henry Flackton. 1695. Flackton, John, bricklayer, app. to his father, John Flackton. 1703. Flaltman, John, bricklayer, app. to John Barrett. 1657. Fleete, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Daniel Ellis. 1698. Flint, Thomas, of Dover, tailor, app. to Samuel Flint, of Cant. 1708. Flynt, Ebenezer, of Faversham, tailor, app. to his father, Samuel Flynt, of Cant. 1 7 2 1 . Flynt, James, tailor, app. to his father, Samuel Flynt. 1722. Flood, Joshua, tinplateworker, app. to his father, Thomas Flood, i 700. Floyd, Richard, potter, app. to John Nicholls. 1677. Fogge, Whittingham, silk weaver, app. to John Darrell. 1661. Foord, Richard, the elder, innholder, app. to William Mathews. 1679. Foord, Richard, the younger, victualler, app. to Thomas Mathew, tailor, and Mr. Alderman Elwyn. 1679. Foord, William, butcher, app. to Peter Gill. 1741. Forde, Peter, baker, app. to William Amye, Alderman. 1601. Foreman, Benjamin, saddler. 1788. Forrest, Roger, butcher, app. to Edmond Louell(.?) 1634. Foster, Edward, tailor, app. to Clement Bright. 1607. Fougere, George, barber, app. to John Railston. 1741. 191 FREEMEN 192 Fowie, Nicholas, barber, app. to Thomas Hunt. 1607. FowIe, John, white baker, app. to John Harris. 1616. Fowle, WiUiam, farrier, app. to Christopher Henley. 1656. Fowle, Adam, baker, app. to Nicholas Fowle. 1672. Fowl, Alexander, baker, app. to his father, John Fowl. 1690. Fowl, Thomas, baker, app. to his father, Thomas Fowl. 1690. Fowle, Nicholas, baker, app. to his father, John Fowle. 1694. Fowle, Edward, baker, app. to his father, Nicholas Fowle. 1698. Fowle, Thomas, tailor, app. to Thomas Paine. i6g8. Fowle, Adam, the younger, carpenter, app. to William Barbet. 1699. Fowle, George, carpenter, app. to Paul Gilmer. 1703. Fowle, Benjamin, baker, app. to his father, John Fowle. 1705. Fowle, William, cooper, app. to Nicholas Taddy. 1708. Fowle, Jeremiah, carpenter, app. to Thomas Bullock. 171+. Fowle, William, basketmaker, app. to John Pembrook. 1722. Fowle, John, baker, app. to Samuel Simmonds and Alderman Fowle. 1727. Fowler, Thomas, carpenter, app. to Robert Hudson. 1663. Fowler, John, carpenter, app. to George Long. 1704. Fowler, Thomas, of London, brickla3'er. 1761. Fowtrell, Thomas, tailor, app. to John Burnby. 17 14. Fowtrell, Michael, baker, app. to Joseph Rigden. 1720. Foxe, Thomas, glazier, app. to Mr. Thomas Ludd. 1645. Fox, John, cordwainer, app. to Henry Bartlam. 1661. Fox, Israel, weaver, app. to [blank]. 1686. Fox, Thomas, maltster, app. to William Fox. 1753. Fox, Benjamin, carpenter. 1761. Fox, John, ironmonger. 1761. Fox, Paul, of Chatham, tailor. 1761. Fox, Samuel, woollendraper and silk- mercer. 1774. Fox, William Hinde, surgeon. 179°- Francis, Edward, cordwainer, app. to Mr. Daniel Ellis, the younger. 1674. Francis, William, baker, app. to Thomas Gilbert. 1692. Francis, Thomas, the younger, limeburner and brickmaker. 1757. Francis, William, tallowchandler and grocer. 1789. Francis, John Farley, grocer and tallow- chandler. 1796. Francke, Christopher, saddler, app. to John Stronn. 1634. Franke, William, bricklayer, app. to Tho- mas Marn. . . . 1668. Francke, Edward, bricklayer, app. to Edward Betts. 1672. Franke, Daniel, turner, app. to John Pembrook. 1704. Frank, Edward, turner, app. to John Pembrook. 17 10. Frank, John, turner, app. to his father, Thomas Frank. 1733. Frankleyn, Robert, shoemaker, app. to James Vydean. 1534. Francklyn, Edward, turner, app. to Richard Pembrooke. 1681. Fray, Thomas, victualler, app. to Richard Gilman, vintner. 1695. Freebody, William, apothecary, app. to Avery Hills, gent. 1682. French, William, plumber and glazier, app. to Thomas Keister. 1712. French, John, cabinetmaker, app. to Thomas Cliflbrd and John Tustian. 1741. Frend, George, woollendraper and silk mercer, app. to George Frend. 1749. Friend, John, mason, app. to John Broxup. 1704. Friend, Thomas, upholster, app. to George Hunt. 1704. Friend, Daniel, grocer, app. to William Beverton. 1727. Friend, John, tailor, app. to his father, Charles Friend. 1741. Fuller, William, brazier. 1796. Fuller, Benjamin, brazier. 1800. Fuss, George, of Wye, upholsterer, app. to Robert Cradock, of Cant. 1728. Gadesby, Richard, carpenter, app. to his father, John Gadesby. 1747. Gadesby, William, carpenter. 1767. Gale, Richard, tailor, app. to his father, Nicholas Gale. 1633. Gallant, Richard, feltmaker, app. to Wil- liam Hunt, the younger. 1700. Gambier, Charles, cordwainer. 1789. Gambler, James, of Strood, cordwainer. '795- 193 OF CANTERBURY. 194 Gammon, Robert, grocer, app. to Tho- mas Ockman. i68g. Gammon, John, papermakcr. 1773- Gardner, David, glazier, app. to Charles Bloir. 1708. Gardener, Samuel, of Faversham, peruke- maker. 178-1.. Gardiner, Robert, hairdresser. 1789. Garling, John, cordwainer, app. to Henry Bartlam. 1652. Garrett, John, cordwainer, app. to Edward Hall. 1641. Garrett, James, of [blank], baker, app. to Thomas Coller, of Cant. 17+0. Gaunte, John, app. to John Rose, Alder- man. 1579. George, John, blacksmith, app. to Reg- inald Henly, blacksmith, &c. 1637. George, Samuel, caipenter, app. to John Homersham. 1700. George, Thomas Rooke, tailor. 1800. Gibbon, Thomas, joiner, app. to Thomas Clifibrd. i6go. Gibbons, Edward, collarmaker. 1790. Gibbs, Robert, haberdasher of hats, app. to Thomas Kingsford. 1689. Gibbs, Thomas, apothecary, app. to Stephen Durant. 1720. Gibbson, Thomas, chandler, app. to William Bridge, Alderman and gro- cer. 1642. Gilbert (Gylbert), Richard, app. to Chris- topher Bridge, grocer. 1570. Gilbert, Thomas, baker, app. to William Younjr. 1624. Gilbert, Thomas, baker, app. to Thomas Gilbert. 1643. Gilbert, Robert, millener, app. to John IMeriam, Alderman. 1658. Gilbert, Robert, millener, s. and app. of Robert Gilbert. 1672. [The father was not a freeman.] Gilbert, Thomas, butcher, app. to William Allen. 1672. Gilbert, John, apothecary, app. to Roger Newman. 1689. Gilbert, Edward, joiner, app. to Thomas Kitham. 1695. Gilbert, John, baker, app. to Hercules Hills. 1709. Gilbert. Abel, of London, cordwainer, app. to Walter Rlond, of Cant., vintner. 1727. Gilbert, John, of the Precincts, grocer, app. to William Carter. 1727- Giles, Michael, haberdasher, app. to Gabriel Richardes. 1626. Giles, Thomas, grocer, app. to John Giles. 1677. Giles, John, barber and periwigmaker, app. to Richard Love, periwigmaker. 1741. Giles, Hercules, butcher. 1765. Giles, William, butcher. 1789. Gill, Henry, maltster, app. to Jonas Waters. 1636. Gill, John, carpenter, app. to his father, John Gill. 1649. Gill, Thomas, butcher, app. to James Hunt. 1663. Gill, Samuel, of Deal, cordwainer, app. to his father, Joshua Gill, of Cant., tripeman. 1708. Gill, Jolin, cordwainer, app. to John Sayer. 1714. Gill, Thomas, carpenter, app. to John Chapman. 1714- Gill, Michael, woolcomber, app. to his father, Thomas Gill. 1722. Gilham (Gyllam), Thomas, yeoman, "be- cause he was a prentyse to the scyence of goldsmiths and enrolled according to the custume of this Citie." 1534. Gilham, William, miller, app. to Robert Gilpin. 1 70 1. Gilham, John, miller, app. to Robert Gilpin. 1708. Gillman, John, wheelwright. 1760. Gillman, Webster, bookseller and sta- tioner. 1776. Gillman, James, of Faversham, cabinet- maker. 1789. Gillman, David, of Deal, cabinetmaker. 1795- Gillmore, John, baker, app. to Mr. William Gilham, Alderman. 1674. Gilmore, John, tallowchandler, s. and app. of his father, Paul Gilmore, who was not free. 1675. Gilpin, Robert, tailor, app. to John Bird. 1663. Ginder, Richard, smith, app. to Thomas Fowle. 1 66 1. Ginder, John, carpenter, app. to William Gill. 1684. Ginder, William, barber, app. to John Andrews. 1700. Gipps, Henry, of Hythe, apothecary, app. to Charles Knowler, of Cant. 1741. Gipps, George, apothecary, app. to Charles Knowler. 1751. Gipps, Henry, woollendraper. 17S2. Glover, Stephen, shoemaker, app. to Thomas Greneleafe. 1586. M 195 FREEMEN 196 Glover, James, grosser, app. to George Masters. 1613. Glover, Thomas, tailor, app. to Abraham Clarke. 161 3. Glover, William, grocer, app. to his father, James Glover. 1637. Glover, John, silkweaver, app. to Isaac Glover. 1708. Glover, Isaac, silkweaver, app. to his father, John Glover. 1727. Goatly, Henry, barber-surgeon, app. to William Fox. 1634. Goately, Ambrose, smith, app. to Edward Barret. 1636. Goatly, Thomas, cooper, app. to Edward Vann. 1637. Goately, Thomas, smith, app. to Am- brose Goately. 1684.. Goddard, Thomas, weaver, app. to William Burges. 1533. Godden, James, of Maidstone, farrier, app. to George Whiteing, of Cant. Godden,Thomas, of Folkestone, breeches- maker. 1753. Godier. William, tailor. 1785. Gold, Thomas, cordivainer, app. to John Raylston. 17 19. Gouldege, John, blacksmith, app. to John Davis. 1630. Goldedge, Thomas, blacksmith, app. to his father, John Goldedge. 1677. Golden, Jacob, mercer, app. to his father, Richard Golden. 1722. Golding, John, bricklayer, app. to Christ- opher Symson. 171 1. Goulden, Thomas, upholder. 1794. Goulden, William, of Staplegate, turner. Goldefynche, Richard, app. to Thomas Hawlett, tailor. 1595. Goldfinch, William, of Sturry, baker, app. to his father, John Goldfinch, of Cant. 1747. Goldfinch, William, saddler. 1781. Goldfinch, Edward, chemist and druggist. 1794. Goldring, William, cooper, app. to Moses Newstub and George Baker. 1750. Goldesborough, Abraham, joiner, app. to his father, Richard Goldesborough. 1652. Goldsbury, John, cordwainer, app. to Edward Bullocke. 16S6. Gouldsmith, John, cooper, app. to Richard Titterton. 1636. Gouldsoun, Walter, joiner, app. to Joyce Gervice. 161 1. Goodban, Thomas, barber and peruke- maker. 1773. Goodcn, William,theyounger, of London, silk d)'er. 1760. Goodhue, Peter, tailor, app. to Edward Williams. 1&15. Goodlad, Richard, clockmaker, app. to Richard Greenhill. 1705. Goodwin, John, of Ash, glover, app. to William Holness, of Cant. 1733- Gore, John .Augustine, whitesmith. 1786. Gorely, William, feltmaker. 1789. Gorham, Thomas, clothworker, app. to Israel Wcevells. 1631. Gorham, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Daniel Ellis. 1679. Gosbey, John, maltster. 1760. Gowland, Stephen, cooper. 1796. Grant, John, carpenter, app. to Henry Roberts. 1666. Grant, Richard, cordwainer, app. to John Prettiman. 1741. Grant, William, of London, upholster. 1761. Gray, William, carpenter, app. to Ray- nold Bourne. 1585. Grave, Edward, carpenter, app. to Au- gustine Terry. 1627. Gray, Thomas, glover, app. to Jeremy Smith. 1692. Greene, Leonard, carpenter, app. to Am- brose Sturges. 1672. Greene, Thomas, butcher, app. to his father, Thomas Greene. 1700. Greenhill, Samuel, watchmaker, app. to his father, Richard Greenhill. 1707. Greneleafe, John, grocer, app. to Joseph Colfe. 1603. Greenough, Peter, tailor, app. to Thomas Bates. 1747. Greenestreet, Robert, haberdasher of smallwares, app. to John Merriam. 1620. Greenstreet, James, of Northlane, Kent, baker, app. to John Lellesden, of Cant. 1722. Greenstreet, Jolui, baker. 1756. Greenstreet, Richard, of London, wheel- wright. 1795. Grecthurst, Philip, baker, app. to Stephen Strong. 1668. Grecthurst, Philip, bricklayer, app. to Robert Lawrence. 1703. Griggs, John, carpenter, app. to Thomas Bullocke. 1734. Griffen, Isaac, tailor, app. to Henry Robertes. 1636. 197 OF CANTERBURY. 198 Griffen, John, baker, app. to Thomas Besonn. 1639. Griffin, William, coverlet weaver, app. to Thomas Atwell. 1663. Griffen, John, brazier, app. to his father, John Griffen. 1705. Gressam, Samuel, cordwainer, app. to Daniel Ellis. 1657. Grovnes, Sampson, app. to Christopher .'\sshenden, shoemaker. 1585. Grureberry, Samuel, baker, app. to Adam Fowle. 1679. Guenin, John, barber, app. to George Kidder. 171 8. Guenin, Benjamin, tallowchandler, app. to William Beverton. 1723. Gutter, Thomas, weaver, app. to John Butcher. i6og. Hadman, William, tailor, app. to Will- iam Buckhurst. itiSj- Haffenden, Richard, cutler, app. to his father, Richard Haffenden, and Will- iam Harris. 1713. Hagell, Joseph, of Deal, gingerbread baker. 1800. Halden, Peter, tailor, app. to Robert Dickinson. 1621. Hales, John, cordwainer, app. to his father, Henry Hales. 1674. Hales, William, feltmaker, app. to Will- iam Studham. 1722. Hall, Thomas, turner, app. to Abraham Smith. 1652. Hall, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Christ- opher Stonehouse. 1687. Hall, George, apothecary, app. to Thomas Smith. 1692. Hall, Richard, saddler, app. to William Tolputt. 1698. Hall, Thomas, turner, app. to his father, John Hall. 1698. Hall, Symon, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Parker. 1717. Hall, John, saddler, app. to his father, Richard Hall. 1727. Hall, Samuel, maltster, app. to Daniel Hall. 1742. Halsey, Thomas Sackett, cordwainer. 1785- Halsey, John, the younger, cordwainer. 178S. Halsnoad, Charles, tailor, app. to his father, John Halsnoad. 1682. Ilamage, William, tailor, app. to Arnold Terrv. 1613. Haniadge, Nicholas, carpenter, app. to William Tayler. 1659. Hamedge, Thomas, haberdasher, app. to his father, Daniel Hamedge. 1662. Hamadge, Henry, haberdasher, app. to his father, Daniel Hamadge. 1664. Hamage, John, brewer, app. to IMr. Henry Waddell. 1692. Hambleton, John, barber, app. to John Barham. i6go. Hambrook, John, smith, app. to Stephen Hambrook. 1684. Hamme, Henry, joiner, app. to John Vandepere. 1600. Hammond, James, barber, app. to James Fowler. 1665. Hammond, Richard, of Ashford, turner. 1790. Hamond, John, brewer, app. to this Accomptant {? William Watmer, Chamberlain). 161 3. Hampton, John, tailor, app. to John Croft. 1642. Harber, John, barber, app. to John Jennings. 161 6. Harding, Robert, cordwainer, app. to John Moore. 1641. Harding, James, cordwainer, app. to John Cooper. 1722. Harmon, John, basket maker, app. to his father, Thomas Harmon. 1599. Harnet, Edward, grocer, app. to Basil Denne. 1700. Harnett, Henry, baker, app. to Edward Haywardand Richard Dowcar. 1734. Harnett, Henry, maltster. 1767. Harnett, Henry, baker. 1780. Harnett, Daniel, grocer. 1790. Harnett, Joseph, plumber. 1790. Harper, Nicholas, tallowchandler, app. to John Peirce. 1699. Harris (Harrys), John, app. to John Harrys, whitebaker. 1619. Harris, James, smith, app. to John Barret, 1665. Harris, William, goldsmith, app. to Will- iam Nayor. 1665. Harris, James, smith, app. to his father, James Harris. 1690. Harris, John, grocer, app. to his father, Thomas Harris. 1691. Harris, Vespatian, the younger, silk- weaver, app. to his father, Vespatian Harris, the elder. 1695. Harris, Walter, the younger, of Cant., clocksmith, app. to Richard Green- hill. 1700. Harris, John, bricklayer, app. to Robert Laurance. 1701. 199 FREEMEN 200 Harris, Thomas, tailor, app. to his father, Edmund Harris. 1704. Harrison (Harryson), Thomas, shoemaker, app. to David Cundit. 1612. Harison, Thomas, pewterer, app. to his father, Richard Harison. 1632. Harrison, Henry, tailor, app. to John Dickenson. 1664. Harrison, James, grocer, app. to Thomas Enfield, Esquire, Mayor. 1674. Harrison, Henry, tailor, app. to his father, Henry Harrison. 1679. Harrison, Symon, baker, app. to William Lance. 1721. Harrison, William, tailor, app. to William Young. 1 72 1. Harrison, Basil, grocer, app. to William Peel. 1727. Harrison, John, upholder, app. to Robert Cradock. 1737- Harrison, Theophilus, upholder. 1800. Harrod, Thomas, silkweaver. 1780. Hart, Thomas, corduainer, app. to Thomas Barnesdale and Robert Tullenden. 1673. Hart, Richard, carpenter, app. to Edward Terry and Richard Hudson. 1744- Hart, William, collarmaker. 1754. Hart, John, cooper. 1758. Hart, William, cordwainer. 1789. Hartcup, Jeremiah, vintner, app. to his father, Jeremiah Hartcup. 1722. Hartcup, Thomas, vintner, app. to his father, Jeremiah Hartcup. 1725, Hartley, Edward, pipemaker, app. to William Booth. 1741- Hartup, Thomas, of Fordwich, butcher. '75+- Harwood, John, shoemaker, app. to Robert Bond. 1608. Hasellwood, John, joiner, app. to James Ruffoote. 1 62 1. Hassel, Samuel, of Rochester, cord- wainer, app. to Thomas Fleet, of Cant. 1 741. Hassal, William, bricklayer, app. to Thomas Friend. 1742. Hasted, Joseph, of Chatham, app. to his father, Rloses Hasted, of Cant., tailor. 1705- Hatch, John, goldsmith, app. to Richard Rising. 1668. Hatch, John, goldsmith, app. to his father, John Hatch. 1698. Hatch, Garlin, apothecary, app. to Alderman Oughton. 1723. Hatcher, Lawrence, grocer and tallow- chandler, app. to William Hatcher. 1739- Hatcher, William, carpenter. 1773. Hatcher, Edmund, of Dover, wheel- wright. 1800. Hawke, Robert, grocer, app. to Symon Brome, Alderman. 1589. Hawker, Isaac, saddler, app. to his father, Thomas Hawker. 1648. Hawker, Jonathan, cordwainer, app. to I\Ir. John Garlin. 1676. Hawker, William, carpenter, app. to Thomas Cole and Philip Eishenden. 1734- Hawkes, Thomas, apothecary, app. to James Frencham, Alderman. 1600. Hawne, James, maltster, app. to Henry Waddell, brewer and maltster. 1707. Haycocke, John, butcher, app. to James Hunt. 1671. Hayne, William, needlemaker, app. to Francis Haynes. 1630. Hayward, Michael, cordwainer, app. to Edward Woodcocke. 1656. Hayward, Edward, baker, app. to Valen- tine Cantis. 1695. Hayward, Edward, junior, apothecary, app. to Anthony Oughton. 1716. Hayward, Thomas, of London, smith. 1768. Hearne, John, cordwainer, app. to Alex- ander Mockett. 1689. Hearne, George, silkweaver, app. to Henry Lewis. i6g6. Hearne, Thomas, whitesmith, app. to William Harris. 1722. Heath, Robert, vintner, app. to Walter Baker. 1643. Hedgecock, James, of Hyth, baker, app. to John Goldfinch, of Cant. 1732. Heeler, Joseph, carpenter, app> to Henry I\Iay. 1639. Henlye, Richard, apothecary, app. to Anthony Wells and set over to Joseph Colffe. 1 61 2. Henlye, Leonard, blacksmith, app. to Robert Wilkinson and John Fagg. 1624. Henneker, William, cordwainer, app. to John Tayler. 1695- Hewes, William, app. to John Marloe, shoemaker. 1593. Hewson, Robert, shoemaker, app. to John Elvy and, on his death, assign- ed to Adam Waters. 1602. Hewson, John, shoemaker, app. to James Bennett. 1613. 201 OF CANTERBURY. 202 Heyman, Robert, watchmaker, app. to James Ellis. 1678. Heys, Henry, printer. 1792. Hibon, Peter, potter, app. to Simon Evernden. 1752. Hibon, Isaac, potter. 1760. Hicks, John, cordwainer, app. to Daniel Ellis. 1658. Hicks, P'rancis, cordwainer. 1760. Hilles, Avery, apothecary, app. to George Young. 1634. Hills, Francis, brewer, s. and app. of James Hills. 1686. Hills, Hercules, baker, app. to Thomas Fowle. i6g6. Hills, James, bricklayer, app. to William Attwood. 1708. Hills, Thomas, baker, app. to Thomas Fowle. 171 1. Hills, William, barber, app. to Richard Lane. 1720. Hills, Robert, baker, app. to his father, Hercules Hills. 1727. Hills, John, the younger, grocer. 17S0. Hills, John, pattenmaker. 1789. Hills, John, cordwainer. 1790. Hinds, Thomas, cordwainer. 1771. Iliron, Francis, barber-surgeon, app. to Robert Munday. 1686. Hobbs, |ohn,papermaker, app. to Richard Wellard. 1708. Hobbs, Edward, woolcomber and linnen- draper. 1760. Hobday, Thomas, cloth worker, app. to Bartholomew Colepeck, shearman. 1580. Hobdey, John, woollendraper, app. to Thomas Jenkin. 1670. Hobday, Benjamin, glazier and plumber. '773- Hobday, Stephen, of London, carpenter. 1783- Hobday, William, the younger, maltster. 17S9. Hodgekyn, John, app. to Nicholas Yong, woollendraper. 1591. Hogben, John, glover, app. to Richard Chivers. 1631. Hogben, Thomas, tanner, app. to William Russell. 1643. Hogben, Richard, app. to Richard Hornes- by, glazier. 1662. Hogben, Robert, upholster, ajip. to Hum- phrey Nichols. 1705. Hogwood, Joel, of Sittingbourne, cord- wainer. 1789. Holbert, James, cordwainer, a\tp. to Thomas Fleet. 1734. Hollams, John, cordwainer, app. to John Tassell. 1691. Holland, John, app. to Thomas Greene- leafe, shoemaker. 1593. Hollingbery, John, Junior, carpenter, app. to Jolin Hamersham. 1703. Hollingberry, Thomas, malister, app. to his father, John Hollingberry. 1708. Hollingbury, Thomas, of Dover, apothe- cary, app. to Stephen Durant, of Cant. 1734. Hollmes, Andrew, carpenter, app. to William Dray. 1690. Holmes, John, maltster, app. to Barthol- omew Hart. 1718. Holmes, Walter, tailor. 1779. Holness, William, fellmonger, app. to his father, William Holness. 1720. Holness, John, cooper, apii. to George Baker. 1724. Holness, Joseph, fellmonger, app. to his father, William Holness. 1727. Holness, Thomas, of Ashford, pipemaker, app. to Thomas Fowle of Cant., baker. 1727. Holness, Thomas, of VVingham, baker, app. to Thomas Fowle, of Cant. 1727. Hones, John, of Sandwich, cooper. 1 760. Holloway, James, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Dodd. 1696. Homersham, John, carpenter, app. to Christopher Denne. 1690. Homersham, Robert, of Holy Cross, Cant., baker, app. to Valentine Can- tis. 1747. Homersham, William, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, carpenter, app. to Charles Homersham. 1747. Homersham, Edward, carpenter. 1778. Homersham, John, cordwainer. 1778. Hones, John. See Holness. Hook, William, joiner, app. to Nicholas Catlet. 1734. Hooker, Walter, grocer, app. to William Rutland, Alderman. 1534. Hooker, Thomas, butcher, app. to Thomas Hooker and Philip Smith. 1714. Hooker, William, butcher, app. to William Ratcliff. 17)5. Hope, Robert, of London, gingerbread baker, app. to James Petlit, of Cant. 1741. Hope, Jarman, of Lenham, butcher. 1 761 . Hopper, John, grocer, app. to Joseph Seward. 1 649. Home, John, saddler. 1784. Horn, Charles, baker. 1799. 203 FREEMEN 204 Horneby, John, saddler, app. to Thomas Brayne, and, after his death, put over to Bartholomew Samon. 1589. Hornby, Gilbert, glazier, app. to his father, Robert Hornby. it)+3- Horneby, Richard, glazier, app. to his father, Robert Horneby. 1650. Horneby, Robert, glazier, app. to his fatlicr, Robert Horneby. 1652. Hornesby, Robert, tobaccopipe maker, app. to John Tuck. 1674. Horsly, John, tanner, app. to Peter Waite. 1692. Horton, Thomas, app. to John Nutt, Alderman. 1577. Horton, William, of Sandwich, carpenter. 1761. Hoskins, Daniel, currier, app. to Daniel Wakelyn. 1676. Hoskins, William, currier, app. to his father, James Hoskins. 1681. How, William, of Sheerness, victualler, app. to Thomas Pittington, of Cant. '734- Howell, John, weaver, app. to [blank] Boocher, shearman. i583- Howland, Richard, cordwainer, app. to Robert Southey. 1650. Howley, John, joiner, app. to George Moore. 161 1. Hubbard, Paul, carpenter, app. to Edward Gray. 1642. Hubberd, Abel, clothworker, app. to his fdtlier, John Hubberd. J 683. Hudson, Richard, carpenter, app. to his father, Robert Hudson. 1662. Hudson, Robert, carpenter, app. to Robert Hudson the elder. 1678. Hudson, Robert, carpenter, app. to Robert Hudson. 1690. Hudson, Philip, baker, app. to John Bing. '7+'- Hugbon, Thomas, tailor, app. to Jeremy Smyth. 1 62 1. Hughes, Philip, of Heme, carpenter, app. to Philip Fishenden, of Cant. 1733. Hughes, William, of Sittingbourne, turner, app. to Richard Ellis, of Cant. 17+1. Hulsc, Nathaniel, smith, app. to Nicholas Hunt, and after his dec. to Judith Hunt, widow of the .said Nicholas. 1693- Hunt, Nicholas, gunsmith, aiip. to John Barrett. 1672. Hunt, William, feltmaker, app. to his father, William Hunt. i6go. Hunt, Stephen, feltmaker, app. to his father, William Hunt the elder. 1 6g8. Hunt, John, feltmaker, app. to his father, William Hunt. 1 707. Hunt, [ohn, pattenmaker, app. to James IMarseill. 1722. Hunt, Timothy, baker, app. to Joseph Rigden. 1744. Hurst, John, distiller, app. to Thomas iMayne. 1702. Hutt, James, cordwainer, app. to John Upton. 1684. Hutt, James, cooper, app. to William Spratt, the younger. 1741. Hutt, James, papermaker, app. to William Cook. 1741. Hutton, Thomas, of Heme, carpenter, app. to William Brown, of Cant. 1705. Hvet, 'Fhomas, woolcomber, app. to his father, James Hyet. 1734. Iddenden, Richard, baker, app. to John Fowle. 1651. Iddenden, Thomas, joiner, app. to George Church. 1665. Idley, Edward, tailor, app. to John Castle. 1640. Inge, John, bricklayer, app. to John Norton. 1727. Inment, Henry, baker. 1780. Ireland, James, tailor, app. to Abraham Clarke. 1613. Jacob, Israel, apothecary, app. to Avery Hills. 1649. Jacob, James, joiner, app. to Thomas Clifford. 1709. Jacob, Edward, surgeon, app. to his father, Edward Jacob. 1735. Jagger, Henry, carpenter, app. to liis father, Robert Jagger. 1727. Jagger, William, tailor, app. to William Dodd. 1733. Jagger, John, plumber, app. to John Davison. 1734. James, William, of Sandwich, baker, app. to \^'illiam Reynolds, of Cant. 1734. James, William, of Westgate in Kent, cordwainer. 1789. Jancock, Bartholomew, woolcomber, app. to his father, Bartholomew Jancock. 1727. Jancock, Philip, gardener, app. to Thomas Saddleton. 1747- jannan, Philip, tanner, app. to his father, Philip Jarman. 1705- Jarman, John, fellraonger, app^ to William Holness. 1714. Jarman, William, the younger, of Rams- gate, carrier. 1774- Jarvis, Thomas, of Clapham, Surrey, car- penter. 1796. 205 OF CANTERBURY. 206 Jefferson, Jeffery, blacksmith, app. to John Page. 1641. Jeffrey, John, app. to Richard Eastman, collarmaker. 1593. Jeoffory, William, cooper, app. to Moses Best. 1655. Jeoffery, Francis, millener, app. to John Kingsford. 1675. Jeoffery, Thomas, cutler, app. to William Dollman. 1675. Jeoffery, Thomas, barber, app. to John Barham. i6g8. Jell, William, cordwainer, app. to his father, William Jell. t6gi. Temett, John, vintner, app. to William Tarre. 1639. Jenkvn, Henry, Public Notarie, app. to William Watmer, Alderman. 1620. Jenkin, Richard, grocer, app. to John Parker and William Hatcher. 17 16. Jenkins, Richard, woollendraper and mercer. 17*^7. Jenkinson, Robert, tailor, app. to Christ- opher Cosen. 1637. Jenkinson, Richard, grocer, app. to Thomas Mayne. 1670. Jenkinson, William, carpenter, app. to Edward Landman. 17+1. Jenings, Thomas, chandler, app. to James Glover and (after his death) to his son, William Glover. 1644. Jennings, George, of Holy Cross, Cant., grocer, app. to Francis IMaplisden. 1658. Jennings, Thomas, joiner, app. to John Bi.\. 1680. Jennings, James, butcher, app. to James Tong. 1738. Jerman, John, tailor, app. to Thomas Simpson. 1667. Jeudwine, William James, of Holling- bourne, surgeon. 1796. Jode, William, cordwainer, app. to Henry Rogers. 1688. Joad, Stephen, of Ramsgate, surgeon. 1790. Johncocke, Henry, cordwainer, app. to Jonas Pysing. 1656. Johnson, Thomas, grocer, app. to Thomas Ashenden. 1640. Johnson, Nicholas, tailor, app. to Peter Johnson and George Simpson. 1 642. Johnson, Edward, silkweaver, app. to Nicholas Johnson, bookseller. 1659. Johnson, Nicholas, cordwainer, s. and app. of Peter Johnson. 1684. Johnson, Andrew, baker, app. to Thomas White. 1693. Johnson, Samuel, barber-surgeon, app. to William Read the younger. 1695. Johnson, John, joiner, app. to Alexander Barles. 1698. Johnson, John, pumpmaker, app. to John Prittyman. 1734. Johnson, William, hairdresser. 17S9. Jolley, John, maltster, app. to his father, Thomas Jolley. 1698. Jolley, Thomas, maltster, app. to his father, Thomas jolley. 1698. Jolley, William, barber, app. to Samuel Johnson. 17 10. Jolley, Thomas, maltster, app. to Joseph Jolley. 1744. Jolley, Joseph, blacksmith. 1774- tones (Joanes), Stephen, vintner, app. to Charles Wetenhall, Alderman. 1 600. Jones. Ralph, joiner, app. to George IMoore. 1607. Jones, Thomas, joiner, app. to Bell White. 1609. Jones, Thomas, shoemaker, app. to Thomas Newman. 1641. Jones, Walter, w^oolconiber, app. to John Thorpe. 1698. Jones, Nicholas, hempdresser, app. to Thomas Nicholls. 1700. Jones, Thomas, of Stanford, grocer, app. to Peter Tomlin, of Cant. 1727. Jones, John, stationer and bookbinder. 1789. Josslyn, Thomas, silkweaver. 1774. Joyce, Nicholas, carpenter, app. to Richard Rising. 1662. Jurden, Henry, lathcleaver, app. to his father, Henry Jurden. 1725. Jurden, John, lathcleaver, app. to his father, Henry Jurden. 1725. Justice, Edward, plumber, app. to his father, Edward Justice. 1688. Jdstin, Edward, saddler. 1756. Kay, William, perukemaker. 1760. Kebble, John, shoemaker, app. to Thomas Shingleton, s. of Stephen Shingleton. 1608. Keene, George, the younger, salesman and draper. 1792. Kemp, Law, of IMaidstone, fellmonger. 1789. Kendall, George, the vounger, carpenter. 1780. Kennard, John, tailor, app. to Edward Kennard. 16 12. Kennett, Cornelius, app. to Thomas Dyrkyn, shoemaker. 1592. Kennett, Thomas, barber, app. to Robert Hardes. 1602. 207 FREEMEN 208 Kennett, John, grocer, app. to Henry Wao-staff. 1608. Kennet, William, grocer, app. to his fatlier, John Kennet. 1635. Kennett, Richard, wooUendraper and hatter. 1794. Kenniston. John, cordwainer, app. to John Tayler. 1681. Kennon, Samuel, cheesemonger, app. to Thomas Baker. 1698. Kerby, John cordwainer, app. to John Garrett. 1657. Ketcherill, David, linnendraper, app. to his father, David Ketcherill. 1741. Ketcherell, Henry Annerly, of Sandwich, linnendraper, app. to his father, David Ketcherell, of Cant. 1747. Kidder, Thomas, barber-surgeon, app. to Robert Mundy. 1675. Kidder, Stephen, painter, app. to Tho- mas Johnson. 1694. King, William, locksmith, app. to Henry Champney. 1668. Kingsford, Thomas, tailor, app. to Abra- ham Clarcke. 1621.' Kingsford, Thomas, hatter, app. to Zach- ary Lee, now INIavor. 1658. Kingsford, Sampson, baker. 1771. Kingsford, William, of Ash, baker. 1790. Kingesmill, John, haberdasher of small wares, app. to John Merryam. 1619. Kingesnode, John, locksmith, app. to [ohn Wager. 1614. Kyngsnoad, Daniel, baker, app. to Will- iam Younge. 161 8. Kirke, John, grocer and chandler, app. to John Browning. 169,3- Kirkby, George, printer. 1796- Kirkby, Henry Heally, printer. 1800. Kitchen, John, butcher, app. to Robert Cockett. 1709. Kitham, William, tailor, app. to Robert Gilpin. 1674. Kitham, Thomas, joiner, app. to George Church. 1676. Knatchbull, William, of Dover, breeches- maker. 1773. Knell, John, cordwainer, app. to John Hi.\. 1675. Knight, William, cordwinder, app. to Robert Player, shoemaker. 1628. Knyghtsmith, Richard, late app. to his father, John Knyghtsmith. 1583. Knott, James, cordwainer, a])p. to John Garrett. 1679. Knott, Joseph, blacksmith, app. to John Goldedge. 1681. Knott, John, grocer, app. to Peter Tom- lin. 1713. Knott, William, linnendraper. 1761. Knott, Thomas, barber and perukemaker, '772-_ Knowler, Thomas, wooUendraper, app. to Henry Twyman. 1662. Knowler, John, tailor, app. to Henry Harrison. 1674. Knowler, Henry, mercer, app. to and s. of Thomas Knowler, Alderman. 1684. Knowler, John, tailor, app. to his father, John Knowler. 1698. Knowler, Charles, apothecary, app. to William Hawker. 1701. Knowler, George, tallowchandler, app. to John Browning, grocer and tallosv- chandler. 1708. Knowler, William, wooUendraper, app. to John Friend. 1708. Knowler, George, of Elham, surgeon, app. to Edward Jacob, of Cant. 1722. Knowler, John, of New Romney, surgeon, app. to his father, Thomas Knowler, of Cant., surgeon. 1727. Knowler, George, surgeon and apothecary, app. to his father, Thomas Knowler, surgeon and apothecary. 1736. Knowles, William, turner. 1789. Lacerf, James, joiner, app. to Thomas Clifford. 1734. Lacey, James, of Sandwich, victualler, app. to James Lacey, of Cant. 1 74 1 . Ladd, John, wheelwright. 1774. Ladd, Thomas, silversmith. 1794. Lade, John, grocer, app. to George Nicoles. 1 64 1. Lade, John, leatherseller, app. to John Wakefield. 17 19. Lade, John, of Folkestone, goldsmith, app. to IMichael Lade, of Cant. 1741. Lade, Lancelot, of Dover, goldsmith, app. to Michael Lade, of Cant. 1741- Laggett. James, upholster, app. to his father, James Laggett. 1705. Laidlay, John, cordwainer. 1753. Lake, Kendricke, plumber, app. to Nich- olas Justice. 1644. Lake, William, of Aylesford, tailor. 1767. Lamb, John, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, baker. 1761. Lamb, James, of Dover, upholder, i 774. Lambart, John, barber and perukemaker, app. to his father, Peter Lambart. 1741. Lamberton, Peter, cordwainer. 1794. 209 OF CANTERBURY. 210 Lambin, Richnrd, of Shellness in Kent, carpenter, app. to William Bolting, of Cant. 1741- Lampard, Matthew, cordwainer, app. to Henry Lucas. 1700. Lance, William, baker, app. to Edward Haywiird. 1700. Landman, Edward, carpenter, app. to Henry Peerce. 1660. Landman, Richard, cordwainer, app. to Wilhamjull. 1682. Lanman, Thomas, carpenter, app. to his father, Edward Lanman. 1693. Lanman, Edward, carpenter, app. to his father, ?^dward Lanman. i6g6. Lanman, Thomas, silkweaver, app. to Henry Lewis. i6g8. Landman, Thomas, of St. Dunstan's, Cant., carpenter, app. to Edward Landman, of Cant. 1733. Lane(Laen), William, stationer, app. to Joseph Buckley. 1610. Lane, Richard, barber and periwig maker, app. to John Barham. 1705. Lane, William, of Dover, ironmonger, app. to his father, josiah Lane, of Cant. 1708. Lane, Richard, baker, app. lo William Francis. 1727. I^angden, Guy, grocer, app. to John Munn, Alderman. 1678. Langworth, John, millener, app. to John Kingsford. 1681. Lnnsell,John,nfFaversham, plumber. 1780. Latter, Edward, smith, aj)p. to Richard Beda. 16^3. Latter, George, butcher, app. to his father, John Latter. 1723. Latter, William, of Southward, butcher, app. to his father, John Latter, and John Bateman, of Cant. 1734. Lawes, Henry, vintner, app. to George Elvin, Alderman. 1621. Laurance, William, bricklayer, app. to Edward Bettes. 1652. Lawrance, Robert, bricklayer, app. to William Lawrance. 1675. Lawrence, Thomas, dyer and tripe maker. '774- Lawrence, James, stationer and book- seller. 1706. Lawson, Hammond, butcher. 1763. Lawson, John, patten maker. 1774. Lecluse, Peter, wool-comber, app. to Peter Pringuer. 1734. Ledger, John, cordwainer, app. to Matt- hew Lampard. 171 1. Ledger, George, of Dover, printer. 1 788. Lee, John, haberdasher, app. to George Clegat, Alderman. 1608. Lee, John, fellmonger, app. to his father, John Lee. 1633. Leedes, Noah, tailor, app. to Rowland Di.xson. 1622. Lees, Clough, chemist. 1793. Lefever, Thomas, of Dover, brazier, a Quaker, was affirmed. 1789. Le Froy." James, dyer, app. to Squire Beverton, Alderman. 1658. LefTroy, Israel, dyer, app. to his father, James Leffroy. 1677. Lefroy, Thomas, silk dyer, app. to his father, Israel Lefroy. 1704. Lefroy, James, silk dyer, app. to his father, Israel Lefroy. 1713. Leflroy, James, baker, app. to TJiomas Collar. 1740. Le Grand, George, surgeon. 1755. Legsby, John, carpenter, app. to John Terry. 1628. Lellesden, John, baker, app. to William Mount. lOqj. Leman, John, tailor, app. to Christopher Cussen. 1642. Leman, Philip, baker, app. to Eustace Amos and Hercules Hills. 1745. Leman. James, of London, staymaker. 1 754. Lepeine, W'illiam, miller, app. to Thomas Browning and Jane Goldfinch. 1722. Lepine, Samuel, silkweaver, app. to John Taylor. 1728. Lepine, Daniel, silkweaver, app. to his father, Daniel Lepine. 1734. Lepine, Francis Pierce, fellmonger and glover. 1773. Lepine, William, cordwainer. 1791. Le]iine, James, silkweaver. 1796. Le Plank, Charles, of Hythe, hairdresser. 1800. Lightfoot (Lyghtfoote), Henry, woollen - draper, app. to John Pierce, draper. 161 1 . Lilley, George, the younger, of London, wooUendraper. 1786. Linaker, Edward, of London, baker. 1761. Lindridge, James, bricklayer, app. to John Beane. 1734. Linton, Richard, turner. i8oo. Loftie,William,theyounger, surgeon. 1 758. London, John, grosser, app. to Christo- pher Brydge. 1604. London, Charles, carpenter, app. to Henry Perc:e. 1656. Long, George, carpenter, app. to John Grant. 1683. N 211 FREEMEN 212 Longbridge, John, basketmaker, app. to John Penibrooke. 173+. Longly, John, saddler, app. to Thomas Harnby, and turned over to Jacob Asshenden. 1623. Longley, Thomas, butcher, app. to his father, Benjamin Longley. 1708. Looke, William, joiner, app. to John Tucker. 1663. Looke, William, the younger, joiner, app. to William Looke, the elder. i68q. Lott, William, maltster, app. to John Lott. 1692. Lott, William, butcher. 1795. Love, John, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Everden. 1705. Lovelace, Leonard, wooUendraper, app. to William Whiting, Alderman. 1632. Lovell, Thomas, tailor, app. to Thomas Richardson. 161 5. Lovell, Richard, bricklayer, app. to Edward Betts. 1657. Lovell, Francis, bricklayer, app. to Paul Crippen. 1694. Lowdell, Sanders, of Faversham, hatter. 1761. Lowe, Richard, mercer, app. to Adrian Nicolls, Alderman. 1585. Lowen, George, vintner. 1796. Lucas, John, cordwainer, app. to Christ- opher Stonehouse. 1674. Lucas, Henry, cordwainer, app. to Christ- opher Stonehouse. 16S7. Lucas, Daniel, smith, app. to James Harris. 1704. Lucas, Henry, cordwainer, app. to his father, Henry Lucas. 1704. Lucas, John, linnenweaver, app. to Isaac Collins. 1704. Lucas, John, carpenter, app. to Nathaniel Butler. 1709. Lucas, Samuel, linenweaver, app. to John Lucas. 1727. Lucas, William, of London, upholster, app. to Thomas Leggett, of Cant. 1741. Luck, Thomas, baker, app. to Thomas Fowle. 1706. Luck, John, haberdasher of hats, app. to Thomas Kingsford. 1708. Luckett, Thomas, carpenter, app. to Matthew Browning. 1732. Lucklmrst, Thomas, draper and tailor. 1798. Ludd, Randol, app. to William Wylken- son, glazier. 1577. Ludd, Randolph, ironmonger, app. to his father, John Ludd. 1709. Luddington, William, barber and peruke- maker, app. to Richard Love. 1744. Luddington, Joseph, the younger, baker, app. to Richard Lane. 1746. Lukine, John, barber-surgeon, app. to John Lun. 1663. Lunn, John, barber-surgeon, app. to Simon Tangett. 1623. Lyham, John, joiner, app. to Nicholas Catlet. 1734. Lyniall, Francis, musician, app. to William Inwood, late one of the waits of this city. 1635. Lineal, Thomas, app. to his father, Thomas Lineal. 1695. Lyon, Josiah, glazier and plumber. 1768. Maddox, William, of London, carpenter- 1761. I\Iajor, William, of Folkestone, grocer and tallowchandler. 1795. INIallyson, Thomas, tailor, app. to John Rawly n. 1575. Man, Edmund, jomer, app. to Richard iMitchener. 1662. Man, Peter, turner, app. to Abraham .Smith. 1693. Mantle, John, mercer, app. to Gabriel Richardes. 1630. I\Iaple, Thomas, tailor, app. to John Busk. 1655. ]\Iaplisden, Francis, chandler, app. to James Glover, grocer. 1624. IMaplisden, Walter, grocer, app. to his father, Francis IMaplisden. 1651. IMarlyn, John, shoemaker, was admitted & sworne to y= libties of y^ citte, ffor y'' whitche he pd but iiijs jd becaws he was inrowlj'd w'thyn y^ citte acordyng to y<= cvstomes off y'' saeme. 1564. .Marrable, John, baker, app. to Peter Ford. 162 1. Marrable, Thomas, bricklayer, app. to his father, Richard Alarrable. 1677. Marrable, John, gardener, app. to Richard Barham. 1705. Marrable, John, bookbinder and stationer. '77+- Marsh, John, joiner, app. to John Mitchener. 1663. Marsh, Vincent, grocer, app. to George Jennings. 1667. Marsh, Thomas, plumber, app. to John Jagger. 1753- Marsh, Thomas, of Sandwich, patten- maker. 1768. Marsh, Thomas, of Chatham, glover. '774- 213 OF CANTERBURY. 214 Marsh, John, of Slurry, joiner. 1784. !\Iarshall, Richard, felhnonger, app. to Thomas Dixon. 1652. Marsham, WilHam, collarmaker, app. to his father, Peter IMarsham. 1688. Martyn, Elnas {?), shoemaker, app. to John iMarloe. 1583. Martin, Richard, carpenter, app. to Paul Hubberd. 1674. I\Iartin, Edward, butcher, app. to John Chandler. 1687. Martin, William, cordwainer. 1758. Martin, George, of Hackney, Middlesex, cordwainer. 1768. Martin, John, cordwainer. 1795. Martin, John, of Shoreham, draper and tailor. 1796. Mascall, Robert, of Ashford, grocer, app. to Matthias Gray, late Alderman of Cant. 1 7 10. Masdaie, Christopher, woollendraper, app. to John Peers, Alderman. 1622. Master, James, woollendraper, app. to Henry Francklyn. ibob. Masters, George, grocer, app. to Simon Brome, Alderman. 1588. i\Iather, Thomas, tailor, app, to William Gibbon. 1667. Mather, John, cordwainer. 1758. Mathers, William, cordwainer. 1785. Matson, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to his father, Thomas Matson. 171b. Mathewe, Thomas, joiner, app. to Joyce Harrys, i 61 1. Malhewes, John, vintner, app. to Christ- opher Baldwyn and Robert Turner. 164b. Maithewes, Stephen, i)avior, app. to his father, John Matthewes. ib8i. Matthews, Thomas, perukemaker. 1759. INIattingley, William, joiner, app. to John Bi.x. 1680. Maxted, John, mason, app. to iMatthew Elliot. 1742. May, Richard, app. to Tliomas Lambe, glover. 1577. Maye, Paul, vintner, app. to Charles Wheatnall, Alderman. 16 15. May, George, tailor, app. to John Oxen- bridge. 1639. May, Thomas, linendraper, a[>p. to his father, Thomas May. 1 704. Mayo, )ohn, app. to John Ditle, grocer. 1586. Mayse, John, app. to George Cotton, silkweaver. 1583. Meade, George, app. toThotnasGonerley, mercer. 1593. Mead, John, butcher, app. to William Sanders. t&73. Mead, James, butcher. 1774- Mead, John, of Faversham, baker. 1780. Mead, Smith, butcher. 1784. Mercer, John Smith, of London, tallow- chandler and grocer. 1782. Meryam, John, app. to Edward Robertes, mercer. 1594. Michel], Nicholas, app. to Stephen Whyte, ironmonger. 1583. Middleton, Isaac, of Wickham, cord- wainer, app. to John Raylston, of Cant. 1 7 14. Mildmay, John, app. in art of grocer. 1509. Miles (IMyles), Richard, app. to Robert Swanton, shoemaker. 1578. Myles, William, grocer, app. to Robert Bridge. 158b. Miles, Robert, cordyner, app. to Robert Bond. 1622. Miels (Miles in margin), John, bricklayer. app. to Robert Flatman. i68g. Milleman, Aaron, tailor, app. to John Young. 1702. Miller, John, saddler, app. to George Cheever. 1744. Millisent, Raymond, glazier, app. to John Smyth. 1683. Millesent, Thomas, glazier, ap]i. to Thomas Railton. 1700. Milles, John, millener, app. to Thomas Fidge. 1633. Mills, William, of Margate, butcher, app. to his father, Thomas Mills, of Cant. 1741. Milles, William, cordwainer. 1800. INIdton, Joseph, of Folkestone, tailor. .783. Mihvard, James, app. to John Milward, late Keeper of Westgate Gaol. 1 683. Minot, Andrew, cordwainer. 1788. Minter, John, glover and breechesmaker. 1767. Minter, Jolin, smith. 17O8. Minter, Charles, smith. 1774. Minter, Henry, of Edmonton, Middlesex, baker. 1774- Minter, Edward, the younger, smith. 1777. Minter, George, wheelwright and coach- maker. 1782. Minter, Henry, of Faversham, cabinet maker. 1783. Minter, Benjamin, smith. 1789. ]\Iitchelboorne, William, cooper, app. to John Barton. 1695. 215 FREEMEN 216 Rlitchelbourne, William, tailor, app. to Edu-ard Morgan and Robert Railton. 1721. to to 16+5. app. to 1674. app. to to Mr. app. to his his John Moate (Mote), James, tailor, app, James Parker. 1660. Moate, John, cooper, app. to John Bar ton. 1682. Mocket, Richard, joiner, app. John Bix, Alderman. 1674, Mocket, Alexander, cordwainer, Maithew Stiles. 1677. Mond, Walter, clothier, app. father, Walter Mond. Mond, Joseph, clothier. father, Walter Mond. Mond, William, grocer, Browning. 1674. Mond, John, cordwainer, app. to Daniel Ellis. 1680. Mond, Edward, cordwainer, app. to Edward Christian. 1681. Mond, Walter, of Sturry, sadtller. 1796. Monday, Robert, barber-surgeon, app. to John Lunne. 1654. Monrow, Major, cordwainer. 1761. Moone, Thomas, cloth worker,app.toSimon Beverton. 1631. Moone, John, turner, app. to John Williams. 1704. Moone, Charles, basketmaker, app. to John Pembroke. 1719. Moore, John, cordwainer, app. to Corne- lius Kennett. 1621. Moor, John, of Sittingbourne, cooper, app. to John Holness, of Cant. 1747. Moore, Joseph, smith. 1789. Morgan, Edward, tailor, a])p. to Thomas Buckley. 1710. Morris, John, cordwainer. 1800. Moss, Isaac, the younger, of London, tailor. 1 76 1. Moss, William, of Dover, perukemaker. 1789. Mount, Peter, carpenter, app. to Edward Bullock. 1 68 1. Mount, W'illiam, baker, app. to Paul Frid. 1681. Mount, Richard, barber and peruke- maker, app. to Thomas Parker. J 741 . Mount, John, collarmaker. 1759. Mount, William, butcher. 1779. Moys, Henry, of Sturry, cordwainer, app. to Edmund Maplesden, late of this city. 1704. Moyses, Walter, vintner, app. to George Elven, Alderman. 161 1. Mummery, Steplien, cordwainer. 1767. Mummery, William, cordwainer. 1767. Mummery, John Mockett, of Margate, gent. 1789. Muddleton, Thomas, app. to Thomas Wod, musicianer. 1573. Munn, John, barber-surgeon, app. to John Andrews. 1687. Munns, John, tailor, app. to Thomas Simpson. 1661. Munns. John, tanner, app. to Peter Waite. 1704. Murrey, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Henry Bond. 1657. Murton, John, tailor, app. to John Rose, Alderman. 1584. Mussered, John, brewer, app. to Thomas Best. 1682. Myhill(Mihill), Richard, cordwainer, apj). to Henry Hales. 1664. Myliill, William, bricklayer, app. to John Flatman. 1702. Myhill, Henry, bricklayer, app. to Robert Flatman. 1704. Nashe, Timothy, joiner, app. to Simon Cooper. 1620. Nash, Thomas, joiner, app. to George Vandepeere. 1651. Nayer, William, goldsmith, app. to his father, William Nayer. 1679. Neame, John, baker, app. to Joseph Rigden. 1739. Neans, William, cordwainer, app. to Edward Bullock. 1673. Neate, William, cordwainer, app. to Henry Rogers and Thomas Parker. '7'4- Nethersole, John, millener, app. to Sand- ford Branker and Thomas Fidge. 1 66 1 . Nethersole, Henry, of Dover, baker, app. to Batchelder Stringer, of Cant. 1733. Nethersole, William, of London, tallow- chandler. 1761. Newman, John, grocer, app. to John Simpson. 1657. Newman, Roger, apothecary, app. to Israel Jacob. 1662. Newman, John, blacksmith, app. to John Goldhatch. 1672. Newton, David, app. to Robert Pender, cutler. 1579. Newton, James, baker, app. to William Amyas. 1582. Newton, James, of Lydd, tailor. 1790. Newyngton, Robert, app. to Sampson Dodd, linen draper. 1578. NichoUs (Nicolles), Henry, tailor, app. to William Brockhurst. 1642. Nicolls, Josias, grocer, app. to James Glover, grocer and chandler. 1643. 217 OF CANTERBURY. 218 Nicholls, Samuel, carpenter, app. to ' Daniel Riggesby. 1657. Nicholls, Mark, bricklayer, app. to John Barrett. 1662. Nickalls, Daniel, tailor, app. to James Newton. 1697. Nickolls, Thomas, pipemaker, app. to Robert Hornsby. 17 14. Nickalls, Daniel, of St. John, in Thanet, breechesmaker. 1761. Nicholson, Edward, tailor, app. to his father. 1581. Nicholson, Thomas, herapdresser, app. to his father,Thomas Nicholson. 1691. Nicholson, Nicholas, barber, app. to Richard Love. 17.39. Noble, Robert, cordwainer, app. to Jona- than Stiles. 1670. Noble, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Robert Noble. 1691. Noble, Charles, butcher. 1790. Nolloth, John, hatter. 1759. Norrington, Michael, baker, app. to William Estes. 1697. Norrington, John, cordwainer, app. to Peter Johnson. 1700. Norton, John, bricklayer, app. to Christ- opher Simpson. 1705. Norwood, Paul, joiner, app. to John Bi.x and Giles Barham. 1675. Norwood, John, baker, app. to Stephen Pilcher. 1753. Norwood, Thomas, baker. 1757. Nosseter, Timothy, brazier, app. to Sam- uel Fly. 1699. Nower, Thomas, app. to John Wylson, saddler. 1575. Nower, James, app. to Edmond Nichol- son, tailor. 1583. Nower, Roger, cutler, app. to Peter Browne. 1585. Nunn, Robert, of London, grocer. 1761. Nutbrowne, William, gunsmith, app. to Edward Barret. 1655. Nutt, John, girdler, app. to Thomas Staples. 1662. Nutt, John, pattenmaker, app. to Edward Marsaile. 1753. Oakenfull, Thomas, of London, cooper. 1774- Oakenfull, William, of Margate, cord- wainer. 1789. Oakley (Okeley), Thomas, bricklayer, app. to Adrian Flecton. 1607. Oakley, John, the younger, bricklayer, s. and app. of John Oakley, the elder. 1667. Oakeshott, Edward, cordwainer, app. to Edmund Maplisden. 1681. Ockman, Thomas, grocer, app. to John Simpson. 1635. Oldfield, John, maltster, s. and app. to John Oldfield. 1698. Oldfield, Thomas, of Faversham, brazier. 1767. Oliver. William, of S. Dunstan's, Cant., tailor, app. to Robert Jenkinson. 165.V Oliver, George, of St. Dunstan's Cant., tailor, app. to [blank]. 1665. Oliver, John, tailor, s. and app. of George Oliver. 1687. Oliver, Richard, of Sandwich, grocer, app. to Edward Philpot, of Cant. 1727. Oseborne, John, tailor, app. to Clement Bright. 1591. Osborne, John, tailor, app. to Thomas Farrar. 1622. Ottaway, John, bather, app. to Richard Love. 1726. Oughton, Anthony, apothecary, app. to Israel Jacob. 1687. O-Kcenbridge, John, tailor, app. to John Cartrwritt. 161 6. O.xynbregge, Jerome, grocer, app. to William Rutlond. 1520. Packe, Richard, app. to John Osborne, tailor. 161 1. Pack, John, baker, app. to Valentine Cantis. 1752. Packman, Charles, tallowchandler and grocer. 1782. Packman, William, carpenter. iSoo. Pacye, Henry, barber, app. to Christopher Elvshe. i6og. Page, William, smith, app. to his father, William Page. 1646. Page, John, cordwainer, app. to John Hi.x. 1684. Page, Charles, blacksmith, app. to his father, Steplien Page. 1688. Page, Charles, Junior, cordwainer, app. to Stephen Page. 1722. Page, Paul, bricklayer. 1775. Page, William, bricklaj-er. 1779. Paine, Robert, baker, ajip. to Stephen .Strong. 1673. Paine, Jeremiah, lathcleaver, ajip. to Jeremiah Paine. 1708. Pain, William, of Sandwich, breeches- maker. 1762. Palmer, John, upholsterer. 1796. Paren, Isaac, victualler, app. to his father, Abraham Paren. 1722. 219 FREEMEN 220 Paren, Abraham, tailor, app. to John Pickring. 1727- Paren, Benjamin, glazier, app. to Richard Staines. 1728. Paren, Josepli, wheelwright. 1790. Paris, John, victualler, app. to James Hutt, Thomas Pittington and Rich- ard Gibbs. 1726. Parke, Stephen, cordwainer, app. to Stephen Giles, and after his death to Roger Giles, s. of Stephen Giles. 1630. Parker, James, woollendraper, app. to John Keyes. 1606. Parker, John, tailor, app. to Jeremy Smyth. 162 1. Parker, James, tailor, app. to Richard Packe. 1639. Parker, John, blacksmith, app. to John Coveny. 1663. Parker, John, tallow chandler, app. to Thomas Jennings. 1672. Parker, William, cooper, app. to William Jeofforie. 1674. Parker, William, woolcomber, app. to his father, John Parker. 1685. Parker, Paul, tobacco pipe maker, app. to Nathaniel Herringe. 1698. Parker, George, of Northfleet, gardener, app. to John Phillips, of Cant. 1710. Parker, John, carpenter, app. to Alderman Dotting. 171 1. Parker, William, tailor, app. to Thomas Paine and [blank] Watson. 171+. Parker, Thomas, barber, app. to George Kidder. 171 7. Parker, Henry, upholster, app. to James Leggett. 1720. Parker, Adam, of .Sheerness, carpenter, app. to Edward Landman, of Cant. 1722. Parker, William, barber, app. to his father, Thomas Parker. 1744.. Parker, James, of Sandwich, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Parker, of Cant. 1747. Parker, Thomas, goldsmith, app. to Michael Lade. 1751. Parker, Paul, pipemaker. 1754. Parker, John, barber. 1760. Parker,Edward,ofSturry, cordwainer. 1768. Parker, Jolin, of Deal, cabinetmaker. 1800. Parkinson, Richard, painter stainer, app. to his father, John Parkinson. 1681. Parks, John, brazier, app. to Timothy Rosseter. 1713. Parsons, Edward, butcher, app. toThomas Chandler. i68s. Pashly, Thomas, haberdasher, app. to Thomas Pordage. 161 2. Pashley, John, tailor, app. to William Cheese. 1620. Patridge, John, currier, app. to Thomas Young, 1702. Patteson, William, the younger, glover. '753- Pattson, Gilbert, woollendraper, app. to John Murton. 1599. Paul, John, baker, app. to Thomas Fowl. 1691. Pawson, John, barber, app. to George Kidder. 1734. Pawson, Luke, carpenter, app. to Mat- thew Browning. 1741. Pearch, Thomas, the younger, tailor, app. to Thomas Pearch. 1697. Pearch, George, tailor, app. to his father, Thomas Pearch. 1702. Pearson, John, of Chatham, tailor, app. to Richard Kippen, of Cant. 1742. Peene, Henry, cordwainer, app. to Henry Rogers. 1680. Peers, Norton, woollendraper, app. to John Peers. 1622. Pemble, Richard, of Wingham, barber, app. to Thomas Claringbold, of Cant. 1741. Pembrooke, John, turner, app. to his father, Richard Pembrooke. 1687. Pembrooke, Richard, the younger, turner, app. to Richard Pembrooke, the elder. 1687. Pembrook, Richard, turner, app. to his father, John Pembrook. 17 10. Penn, Philip, tailor, app. to Edward Hoare. 1724. Penn, John, baker. 1754. Penn, William, carpenter. 1760. Penn, George, barber. 1770, Penn, Benjamin, of Dover, pattenmaker. 1791. Penny, Edward, vintner, app. to Henry Becraft. 1641. Pepper, Peter, tanner, app. to Peter Waite. 1705. Perkins, Thomas, bricklayer, app. to John Castle. 1696. Perkins, Francis, carpenter, app. to Alderman Botting. 1726. Perry, Stephen, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Chapman. 1649. Perry, Daniel, currier, app. to Stephen Perry, cordwainer. 1657. Pett, John, of Blean, bricklayer, app. to Paul Wiggans, of Cant. 1708. 221 OF CANTERBURY. 222 Pet, Henry, of Wye, baker, app. to Edward Hayward, of Cant. 173+. Peters, John, butcher, app. to Hunt Chandler. 17 14. Petley, Thomas, of Ash-next-Sandwich, cordwainer, app. to John Hales, late of this city. 1704. Petley, William, tallowchandler. 1770. Petman, Robert, of Westgate, tanner, app. to his father, John Petman. 1 708. Petman, George, carpenter, app. to Ald- erman William Botting. 1717. Petman, Charles, of London, gent, app. to his father, Charles Petman, and Elizabeth Cole, of Cant., victuallers. 1727. Petman, William, of Whitstable, brick- layer, app. to Philip Greedhurst and Edward Vittal, of Cant. 1734. Petman, John, bricklayer, app. to Robert Miles. 1749. Petman, Richard, bricklayer. 17S0. Pettit, Paul, mercer, app. to Cheyney Eborne. 1627. Pettit, James, baker, app. to Robert Paine. 1705. Pettitt, Thomas, the younger, silkweaver. 1784. Phene, Samuel, glover, app. to Joseph Holness. 1746. Phene, William, butcher. 1754. Philco.x, John, heelmaker, app. to his father, John Philco.x. 1637. Philkyns, Philip, saddler, app. to Christ- opher Lowes and served out his time with Leonard Asshenden. 161 8. Phillypps, John, cowper, app. to Nicholas Best. 1613. Phillips, John, collarmaker, app. to John Tucker. 1675. Phillips, John, smith, app. to John Ham- brooke. 1692. Phillips, Thomas, victualler, app. to his father, Thomas Phillips. 1697. Phillips, John, carpenter, app. to Samuel George and Thomas Samen. 1722. Phillips, William, of Deal, carpenter, app. to Robert Jagger, of Cant. 1727. Phillips, Thomas, of Rochester, carpen- ter, app. to John Buckwell, of Cant. 1741. Phillpott, Richard, app. to William Avery (or Overy). 161 8. Philpot, John, cordwainer, app. to John Page. 1697. Philpot, Edward, grocer, app. to William Beverton. 1716. Philpot, Stephen, of Dover, baker. 1774. Philpott, John, the younger, cordwainer. 1789. Philpot, Edward, saddler. 1795. Philpott, Stephen, upholsterer. 1797. See Filpot, Picard, Valentine, painter and peruke- maker, app. to his father John Picard. '747- Picard, Benjamin, bricklayer. 1774. Pickering, Richard, barber-surgeon, app. to his father, Richard Pickering. 1 67 1 . Pickering, George, barber-surgeon, app. to his father, Richard Pickering. 1677. Picket, William, cordwainer, app. to John Sayers. 1734. Pickly, Daniel, cooper, app. to John .Studham. i6go. Piddock, Richard, of Nackington, tinman and brazier. 1 774. Piddock, Henry, joiner. 1781. Pierce, John, grocer, app. to Thomas Jennings. 1676. Peirce, William, barber, app. to Thomas Colfe. 1693. Peirce, Thomas, barber, app. to Francis Hearne. 1707. Pearse, George, of St. Dunstan's, Cant., cordwainer, app. to Richard Horns- bey. 1722. Peirce, John, surgeon. 1770. Pierce, John, glover. 1773. 1789. Andrew to his John Peirce, Thomas, tinplate worker. Peirce, John, tailor. 1791. Pearce, William, of Deal, bricklayer. 1795. Pilcher, John, barber-surgeon, app. to John Lunn. 1661. Pilcher. Stephen, baker, app. to Johnson. 1708. Pilcher, Jesse, cordwainer, app. father, John Pilcher. 1735. Pilcher, John, baker, app. to Underdown. 1752. Pilcher, Henry, of Littlebourne, cord- wainer. 1 76 1. Pilcher, William, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, bricklayer. 1761. Pilon, William silkweaver, app. to his father, Nicholas Pilon. 1726. Pillow, James, saddler. 1773. Pillow, Edward, tailor. 1781. Plank, Richard, turner. 1793. Piatt, Robert, innholder, ajip. to Edward Wheatstone. 1687. Plumley, William, baker. 1762. Plummer, William, fletcher, app. to Will- iam Barlowe. 1591 . Plomer, Francis, apothecary, app. to Avery Hills. 1658. 223 FREEMEN 224 Plummer, Samuel, barber, app. to Jere- miah Smith. 1733. Plommer, Daniel, of Faversham, tallow- chandler. '780. Pollett, Wade Reynolds, of St. Mary in the Marsh, printer. 1788. Pollock, George, grocer, app. to Richard Pembrooke. 1730. Pope, John, vintner, app. to John Wilk- inson and Richard Iddenden, inn- ^ holders. 1670. Pope, Isaac, bricklayer, app. to William Vittall. 1700. Pope, Adam, tailor, app. to Edward 1 Elphick. 17+7. j Pope, Isaac, tailor. 1760. | Porte, Thomas, tailor, app. to John Bro.xbey. 1631. Porter, Thomas, wheelwright. 1763. Potvine, John, the younger, cordwainer. 1778". Poullee, Matthew, pipemaker, app. to Nathaniel Herring. 171+- Pound, George, tailor. 1783. Pout, James, woollendraper, app. to Thomas Jenkin. 1676. Pout, William, upholder. 1760. Powell, John, collarmaker, app. to Will- iam Hocker. 1638. Powell, Thomas, butcher, son and app. of Thomas Powell. 1687. Powell, John, barber, app. to Stephen Buckhirst. 1717. Powell, George, of Sandwich, carpenter. 1784. Preble, Robert, turner, app. to John Denn. 1710. Preston, Thomas, grocer, app. to Thomas Jennings. 1657. Prett, Thomas, collarmaker, app. to William Rustall. 1679. Prett, Thomas, joiner, app. to Abraham Goldsbury. ibSi. Prett, Abraham, tailor, app. to Richard Simpson. 1683. Prett, Walter, cordwainer. 1753. Prettyman, John, of Ashford, cordwainer, app. to his father, John Prettyman, of Cant. 1722. Pringle, John, baker, app. to Adam Fowl. 1690. Pringuer, Isaac, the younger, woolcomb- er. 1755- Pritcher, William, cooper, app. to Edward Fan. 1642. Prowde, Richard, saddler, app. to Bar- tholomew Samson. 158S. Purdey, William, of London, saddler. 1754. Pyke, Henry, cutler, app. to Roger New- er.^ 1596. Pym. William, brewer. 1757. Pysing (Pisinge), Henry, needlemaker, app. to Francis Hayne. 1620. Rising, Jonas, cordwainer, app. to Roger Dickenson. 1630. Rising, William, woollendraper, app. to William Turner. 1663. Pysing, William, the younger, woollen- draper, app. to William Pysing. 1 687. Pysing, William, collarmaker, app. to Edward Eastman. 1089. Pysing, John, cordwainer, app. to John Sayer. 1750. Quaif,John,theyounger, apothecary. 1773. Quested, Joseph, butcher, app. to William Ginder. 1734. Quested, Joseph, of Hythe, cooper. 1 768. Quested, Ralph, of Hythe, cooper. 1796. Quested, Richard,of Dover, cooper. 1796. Rade, William, vintner, app. to William Jorden, gent. 1753. Radford, Thomas, butcher, app. to John .Smith. i6g8. Railston, John, cordwainer, app. to Henry Hales. 1671. Raisell, William, bodicemaker, app. to John Burnby. 17 19. Ralph, Stephen, of Sandwich, tinplate- worker. 1796. Rammell, John, baker. 1760. Ramsden, Webb, grocer, app. to John Parker. ,1713. Randall, William, printer, app. to James Abree. 1741. Randall, John, of Southwark, baker. 1761. Randall, Henry, cordwainer. 1769. Ransher, Matthew, cordwainer, app. to Michael Heyward. 1687. RatclifF, William, butcher, app. to his father, William RatclifT. 1683. Ratcliff, John, tailor. 1789. Rattrey, John, of Sheerness, baker. 1796. Rawlinge, James, barber, app. to Thomas Colfe. 1722. Rawlings, John, victualler, app. to Tho- mas Foster. 1664. Rawlings, Joseph, tailor, app. to William Buckhurst. 1665. Raworth, Henry, apothecary, app. to Joseph Colfe. 1627. Ray, William, carpenter, app. to Edward Bullocke. 1664. Raylton, John, cordwainer, app. to his father, John Raylton. 1691. 225 OF CANTERBURY. 226 Rayner, Nicholas, butcher, app. to Will- iam Ratcliff. 1734. Rayner, William, saddler, app. to William Kay. 1 744.. Rayner, Thomas, of London, joiner. / 784. Rayston, William, currier, app. to Tho- mas Younge. 1695. .S'(v Railston. Read, Francis, cordvvainer, app. to Tho- mas Barnsdale. 1665. Read, Richard, carpenter, app. to Edward Dale. 1676. Read, Augustine, bricklayer, app. to Mark Nicholls. 1677. Read, Thomas, silkweaver, app. to his father, Laurance Read, maltster. 1 700. Read, Richard, of Dover, mariner, app. to his father, Thomas Read, of Cant., victualler. 17 14. Read, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to [blank] Sayer. 17 15. Read, John, cooper, app. to his father, John Read. 1733. Read, Edward, of Dover, barber, app. to John Powell, of Cant. 1741. Reader, Hewyah, tailor, app. to Samuel Ferryer. 1605. Reader, Thomas, mercer, app. to Adrian Nycols and John Stransham. 1650. Reason, Thomas, of Chatham, upholder. 1784. Redwood, Christopher, tailor, app. to Abraham Clarck. 1590. Redwood, William, cordwainer, app. to John Teny and Philip Bisher. 1712. Redwood, Richard, baker, app. to Valen- tine Cantis. 1727. Reeve (Reave), Thomas, timberman, app. to Robert Berry. 161 7. Reeve, William, the younger, butcher, app. tohisfather, William Reeve. 1630. Rew, James, of Ashford, whitesmith. 1768. Reynolds (Raynoldes), William, woollen- draper, app. to John Ladd, Alderman. 1631. Reynolds, William, grocer, app. to Henry Chapman. 1680. Reynolds, William, baker, app. to Richard Austen. 1709. Reynolds, William, carpenter, app. to [blank] Starke. 171 1. Reynolds, Maxted, carpenter, app. to Thomas Salmon. 1741. Reynolds, William, of Dover, woollen- draper. 1774. Reynolds, Thomas, of Faversham, bree- chesmaker. 1783. Richardes, Gabriel, stationer, app. to Joseph Buckley, stationer and haber- dasher. 1617. Richardes, David, gunsmith, app. to Edward Barrett. 1634. Richards, Stephen, woollendraper. 1764. Richardson, Charles, millener, app. to iMr. Thomas Fidge. ifa77. Richardson, John, linenweaver, app. to Thomas Atwell. 1 68 i . Richardson, John, threadtwister, app. to Thomas Lane. 1691. Richings, William, wheelwright. 1760. Riikson, Michael, grocer, app. to .\bra- ham Willesden. 1727. Ridout, James, grocer and lallowchandler. 1787. Ridout, Thomas, the younger, of Heme, surgeon. 1790. Rigden, William, collarmaker, app. to Peter Marshman. 1680. Rigden, William, baker, app. to John Fowl and Thomas Fowl. 1680. Rigden, William, joiner, app. to Thomas Cliflbrd. 1696. Rigden, Joseph, baker, app. to William Rigden. 1698. Rigden, Jeremiah, carpenter, app. to John Gray. 1703. Rigden, Robert, maltster, app. to John Rigden. 1708. Rigden, William, carpenter, app. to Edward Landman, Junior. 1708. Rigden, William, brewer, app. to his father, John Rigden. 1723. Rigden, Thomas, malister, app. to his father, John Rigden. 1727. Rigden, Edward, of Faversham, maltster, app. to his father, John Rigden, of Cant. 1 74 1. Rigden, Edward, of Wingham, baker. app. to Stephen Pilcher, of Cant. 1741. Rigden, Brnjamin, maltster, app. to his father, John Rigden. 1747. Rigesby, Daniel, carpenter, app. to his father, Hugh Rigesby. 1631. Riggesby, John, carpenter, app. to Daniel RiKgcsbv.^ 16+4. Riquebourg, Edward, of Ospringe, car- penter. 1795. Robbins, Edward, vintner, app. to Richard Lockley, Alderman. 1626. Roberts, Edward, late servant to Randoll Tatnall, grocer. 1573. Robertes, William, mercer, app. to Mar- garet Webbe. 1575. Robertes, Henry, tailor, app. to Gilbert Patteson. i5n. 227 FREEMEN 228 Robertes, John, woollendraper, app. to Robert Wyn. 1612. Robertes, Thomas, baker, app. to Thomas Beeson. 1652. Roberts, William, cordwainer, app. to Daniel Ellis, the younger. 1668. Robinson, George, heelmakcr, app. to John Philcox. 1644.. Robinson, John, vintner, app. to John Robinson, the elder, Alderman. 1 748. Rop-ers, Edward, app. to Clement Bryght, tailor. 1 610. Rogers, Henry, cordwainer, app. to John Millener. 1649. Rogers, Henry, cordwainer, app. to Peter Johnson. 1668. Rogers, Henry, tailor, app. to Wiliam Gibbon. 1671. Rogers, John, wheelwright, app. to his father, Henry Rogers. 1681. Rogers, Henry, wheelwright, app. to his father, Henry Rogers. 1688. Rogers, Thomas, of Gravesend, plumber. 1761. Rolph, John, bricklayer, app. to his father, Edward Rolph. 1672. Rolfe, Edward, bricklayer, app. to his father, Edward Rolfe. 1679- Rolfe, Edward, bricklayer, app. to his father, Edward Rolfe. 1700. Rolfe, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to John Prettiman. 1700. Rolfe, Thomas, collarmaker, app. to Thomas Taylor. 1705. Rooftbett, James, joiner, app. to George Moore. 1610. Rooke, Edward, saddlet, app. to John MuUington. 1698. Rooke, Stephen, carpenter, app. to William Cooke. 1700. Rook, Charles, butcher. 1794. Rookes, Anthony, butcher, app. to Samuel Williams. 1683. Rose, Ambrose, woollendraper, app. to Vincent Cartwrith and John Cosmer, widower. 1628. Rose, Ambrose, turner, apj). to John Denn. 16187. Rose, Stephen, of Aylesford, tailor. 1796. Rouse, John, baker, app. to Mr. [blank] Gilbert. 1692. Rouse, Nicholas, tailor, app. to Edward Wall. 1695. Rouse, Thomas, Junior, salesman, app. to Thomas Rouse, Senior. 1720. Rouse, Richard, of Ulcombe, basket- maker. 1 76 1. Row, Elias, turner and basketmaker, app. to John Pcmbrooke. 1715. Row, John, of Margate, tailor and draper. 1768. Rowell, Gilbert, tailor, app. to Nicholas Colbrand. 1606. Rowland, Emuell, bricklayer, app. to Paul Wiggen. 1638. Royce, John, of Christ Church, Cant., silkweaver. 1774. Royle, Joseph, the younger, distiller. 178.. Ruck, Richard, grocer, app. to Edward Harnett. 17 14. Ruck, WilHani, tallowchandler, app. to John Johnson. 1744. Ruffin, William Lovel, of Chatham, surgeon. 1790. Rufford, Nicholas, bricklayer, app. to Nicholas Rufford. 1695. Rushing, Sachaverell, of London, cooper. 1761. Russ, Robert, cooper, app. to John Moate. 1699. Russell, Edward, tailor, app. to Jeremy Smyth. 1 61 6. Russell, John, baker. 1775. Rust, Henry, victualler, app. to Robert Mascali, brewer. 1 664. Rust, Henry, silkweaver, app. to James Gillmore. 1690. Rye, Abraham, victualler, app. to his father, John Rye. 1741. Rye, Thomas, baker, app. to John Undcrdowne. 1741. Sabyn, Avery, woollen draper, app. to John Rosse, Alderman. 1597. Sabine, Alfred, perukemaker, app. to Thomas Claringbull. 1753. Sack, Theodore, dyer. 1754. Saddleton, Thomas, apothecary, app. to Charles Knowler. 1736. Saere, Thomas, grocer, who served with William Russell. 1569. Safifory, Gabriel, cordwainer, app. to Daniel Ellis. 1689. Saffery, Gabriel, of London, cordwainer, app. to Gabriel Saflfery, of Cant. 1727. Safifory, John, bricklayer. 1779. Saffery, Henry, of Christ Church, Kent, baker. 1796. Safiery, James, of Christ Church, Cant., bookseller and stationer. 1800. Samon, John, shoemaker, app. to Tho- mas Dyrkyn. 1584. Samson, Thomas, of Ashford, upholder. ' 774- 229 OF CAXTERBURY. 230 Sancraft, John, cordwainer, app. to Henry Rogers. 1679. Sanders, William, butcher, app. to Matthew Chandler. 1657. Sanders, Richard, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Pleete. 1722. Saunders, William, carpenter, app. to Matthew Browning. 1743. Sanders, John, of Maidstone, baker. 1 760. Sanders, Thomas, tailor. 1762. Sanders, Charles, the younger, cord- wainer. 1789. Sandford, Robert, carpenter, app. to William Bottinge. 1701. Sandford, John, of London, tailor, app. to Thomas Fowle and Edward Elphick. 1727. Sankey, Thomas, tallosvchandler and grocer. 1759. Sankey, William Webster, maltster and brewer. 1788. Savage, John, bricklayer, app. to Christ- opher Sympson. 1721. Savage, Henry, barber, app. to Thomas Parker. 1727. Savage, William, tailor, app. to Aaron Milleman. 1727. Savage, Edward, of Deal, wheelwright. 1789. Sawkins, John, cordwainer, app. to Jonathan Stiles. 1672. Sayer, James, of London, hairdresser. 1790. Scrimshaw (Scry'mshey), Thomas, app. to John Estey, clothworker. 1593. Scrimshaw, Thomas, carpenter, app. to his father, John Scrimshaw. 1677. Scrimshaw, John, linenweaver, app. to his father, Richard Scrimshaw. 1679. Seager, George, of Watford, Herts., cab- inetmaker. 1793. Seath, George, grocer, app. to Walter Southwell. 1 63 1. Seath, Samuel, cordwainer, app. to Robert Dent. 1664. Seath, John, joiner, app. to John Tustian. >7+7- Seath, Richard, of London, carpenter. 1768. Seaward, John, carpenter, app. to John Saunders. 1663. Sedgar, William, app. to John Nutt, Alderman. 1587. Sedger, William, cooper, app. to Nicholas Best. 1626. Sedgewick, William Gransden, of Maid- stone, stationer and bookseller. 1789. Sharp, Richard, shoemaker, app. to James Vydyan. 1529. Sharpe, John, app. to Joseph Colfe, apothecary. i6o8. Sharpe, Thomas, mercer, app. to Thomas Whitt. 1 61 6. Sharpe, William, butcher, app. to William Sanders. 1671. Sharp, William, carpenter, app. to Tho- mas Luckett. 1 74 1. Sharp, William, cabinetmaker. 1800. Shatwater, John, brewer, app. to his father, John Shatwater, deceased, and his mother, !Mary Shatwater. 1679. Shaw, Erasmus, cordiner, app. to Thomas Carey. 1621. Shaw, William, cooper, app. to John Rawlinge. 165+. Sheaffe, John, barber and periwigmaker, app. to Thomas Colfe. 1709. Shererde, George, grocer, app. to John Dale. 1582. Shilling, William, of Boughton Blean, glover and breechesmaker. 17S9. Shindler, William, butcher, app. to William Allen. 1663. Shipton, John, apothecary, app. to Avery Hills, Alderman. 1664. Shipwash, John, of Chartham, linen- weaver, app. to Avery Stredwick of this city. 1705. Shoare, James, glazier and painter, app. to William Blogg. 1721. Shove, Edward, of Queenborough, sur- geon. 1772. Shoveler, John, cordwainer. 1789. Shoveler, Daniel, the younger, baker. 1792. Shrubsole, James, blacksmith, app. to James Godden, 1739. Silk, William, carpenter, app. to William Ray. 1 68 1. Silke, John, carpenter, app. to William Barbet and Jeremiah Rigden. 1 7 1 1 . Silk, John, printer, app. to James Abree. 1750- Sills, George, hatmaker, app. to Richard Symons. 1753. Silver, Nicholas, of London, barber, app. to John Powel, of Cant. 1734. Simmons, Thomas, baker, app. to Adam Fowle. 1692. Symmonds, Samuel, baker, app. to Alder- man Nicholas Fowle. 1 71 8. Simmonds, William, barber and peruke- maker, app. to Thomas Scudamore. 1723 (for 1722). Simons, Thomas, woollendraper, app. to Henry Twyman, Esquire, now Mayor of Cant. 1656. 231 FREEMEN 232 Sims, Robert Courthope, Doctor in Phy- sic, app. to Charles Knowler, apothe- cary. 1745. Sims, Henry, watchmaker. 1758. Sims, Georg-e, the younger, of Rochester, clockmaker. 1760. Sinnot, George, app. to his father, John Sinnot, grocer. 1704. Skidmore, Robert, cordwainer, app. to William Roberts. 1681. Skillett, John, maltster, app. to Thomas Wraight. 1655. Skilton, William, linenweaver, app. to Avery Stredwicke. '677. Skilton, Paul, linenweaver, app. to Avery Stredwick. ibSi. Skilton, John, bricklayer, app. to Isaac Pope. 1 7 14. Skinner, Robert Charles Gray, hatter 1792. Skreen, William, pattenmaker, app. to John Love. 1719. Sladden, William, barber, app. to Thomas Colfe. 171 5. Smarte, Richard, app. to Richard Russell, husbandman. 1586. Smartley, James, cordwainer. 1760. Smith, Abraham, turner, app. to Thomas Wicke and Thomas Kennet. 1642. Smith, Joseph, glover, app. to James Cheever. 1651. Smith, Thomas, apothecary, app. to Israel Jacobb. 1668. Smith, John, blacksmith, app. to his father, John Smith. 1679. Smith, William, goldsmith, app. to Will- iam Harris. 1679. Smith, Thomas, joiner, app. to George Church. 1 68 1. Smith, Samuel, glover, app. to Jeremy Smith. 1685. Smith, William, maltster, s. and app. of WiUiam Smith. 1685. Smith, John, butcher, app. to Edward Smith. 1687. Smith, George, maltster, app. to his father, William Smith. 1700. Smith, John, fcltmaker, app. to his father, Thomas Smith. 171 1. Smith, William, barber-surgeon, app. to Peter Mackfarlen. 1723. Smith, Timothy, apothecary, app. to Edward Hayward. 1736. Smith, John, grocer, app. to Thomas Smith. 1 74 1. Smith, Benjamin, clock and watchmaker. 1769. Smith, Daniel, whitesmith. 1774- Smith, Thomas, carpenter. 1789. Smithson, Thomas, carpenter, app. to John Gadesby. 1746. Sneller, John, gingerbread baker. 1792. Snode, Alexander, grocer, app. to Francis Maplizden. 1641. Sole, Edward, of Deal, baker, app. to William Gilbert. 1705. Sole, Edward, woollendraper and tailor. 1776. Somes, John, smith, app. to his father John Somes. 1700. Soames, Christopher, smith, app. to his father, John Soames. 1708. Soames, Tiiomas, smith, app. to his father, John Soames. 1708. Sone, Thomas, watchmaker, app. to Thomas Barrett, clockmaker. 1663. South, Stephen, clothworker, app. to his father, Stephen South. 1658. Southee, Thomas, baker, app. to Stephen Pilcher. 1743. Southee, John, cabinetmaker. 1778. Southwoorth, Walter, grosser, app. to Christopher Brydge. 1601. Spencer, John, app. to William Collyns, clothworker. 1588. Spencer, John, fellmonger, app. to Robert Fuller. 1 66 1. Spencer, Israel, jeweller, app. to Daniel Cuckow. 1690. Spencer, Hudson, glover, app. to Samuel Smith. 1697. Spencer, Robert, baker, app. to Valentine Cantis. 1710. Spradbrow, William, fellmonger and breechesmaker, app. to James Hoery. 1747- Sprakeling, John, of the Isle of Sheppy, yeoman. 1761. Spratt, John, haberdasher of hats, app. to John Lee. 161 9. Spratt, William, cooper, app. to John Studham. 1702. Sprat, Thomas, blacksmith, app. to John Court. 1733. Spratt, Robert, cooper, app. to Moses Newstub. 1740. Spratt, John, of Dover, blacksmith, app. to Thomas Sprate, of Cant. 1741. Squier, Thomas, bricklayer, app. to Robert Flatman. 1700. Stace, Robert, tailor, app. to Edmond Nicholson. 1591. Stace, Joseph, grocer, app. to Matthias Gray, grocerand tallowchandler. 1 692. Stace, Freeguift, upholster, app. to Will- iam Etheridge. 171 1. 233 OF CANTERBURY. 234 Stace, John, of Ashford, barber, app. to Thomas Blake, of Cant. 1727. Staines, Thomas, upholster, app. to Rob- ert Hogben. 1741. Stains, Robert, ironmonger. 1760. Stains, William, ironmonger and white- smith. 1774. Stanley, William, cordvvainer. 1795. Stanton, Thomas, of Dover, baker, app. to Nicholas Fowle, of Cant. 1708. Staples, William, ironmonger, app. to his father, Thomas Staples. 1646. • Starke, Daniel, carpenter, app. to Richard ■ Rising. 1656. 1 Steddy, Joseph, blacksmith, app. to John Brattell. 1747- Steddy, Charles, butcher. 1757. Steddy, John, of VVingham, plumber. 1760. Steddy, Benjamin, of Frindsbury, black- smith. 1 76 1. Steddy, Alexander, gingerbread baker. 1776. Steddy, Thomas, smith. 1780. Steed, John, distiller. 1754. Steed, Richard, ofElham, apothecary, i 760. | Stephens, William, grosser, app. to 1 Thomas Chapman. 161 2. He paid a further fine of los. for opening shop before his freedom was granted. Stephens, William, cordvvainer, app. to Robert Gilpin. 1709. Stevens, Edward, clothworker, app. to Thomas Scrimshawe. 1624. Stiles, Jacob, cordwainer, app. to Peter Johnson. 1698. Stocke, John, app. to Robert Scott. iS7&- Stock, William, of Ramsgate, grocer and tallowchandler. 1796. Stokes, John, glover, app. to Richard Cheevers. 1628. Stokes, Thomas, tailcr, app. to Thomas Simpson. 1678. Stone, John, gardener, app. to John Jeddery and John Fenn. 1727. Stone, VVilliam, silkweaver. 1780. Stone, Robert, silkweaver. 1789. Stone, James, fia.\drcsser and linen- weaver. 1794. Stone, ThoniHS, of Faversham, clock and watchmaker. 1794. Stonehouse, Christopher, cordwainer, app. to Robert Hughes. 1664. Stonehouse, George, baker. 1772. Stowe, Thomas, app. to Robert Heard, barber. 1610. Stowe, Zachary, clothworker, app. to Thomas Skrimshaw. ibio. Strand, John, saddler, app. to John Asshenden. 1623. Stranswidge, Thomas, cooper, app. to John Barton. 169 i. Stransham. John, app. to Adrian Nycholes, mercer. 1594. Stredwicke, Thomas, silkweaver, app. to John Dorrell. 1642. Streeting, Robert, blacksmith. 175V Stringer, Batchelor, baker, app. to Tho- mas Fowle. 1 72 1. Stringer, George, silkmercerand woollen- draper. 1759. Stringer, Thomas, of Dover, tallow- chandler. 1760. Stringer, Stephen, of Dover, woollen- draper. 1768. Stronge, Stephen, baker, app. to Tho- mas Bee. 1642. Strong, Stephen, coachmaker, app. to Richard Marcham and William Carey. 1668. Stroud, Edward, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Evernden. 1708. Stiidham, John, cooper, app. to Moses Best. 1657. Studham, William, cooper, app. to John Studham. 1671. Studham, John, the younger, cooper, app. to his father, John Studham. 1690. Studham, William, hatter, app. to John Landman. 1692. Sturges, Ambrose, carpenter, app. to William Tailer. 1661. Sturges, William, carpenter, app. to John Rigsby. 1697. Sturgis, Peter, cordwainer, app. to John Barton. 1703. Swaffer, Thomas, ironmonger, app. to Richard Barrow. 1654. Swain, Thomas, brazier. 1767. Swanton, Richard, grosser, app. to Joseph Brydge. 1600. Swift, Edward, of St. Dunstan's, Cant., baker, app. to John Goldfinch and Thomas Collar, of Cant. 1727. Sympson, Richard, instrumentmaker, app. to John Tucker. 1619. Sympson, John, grocer, app. to Thomas Wynn. 1622. Simpson, William, ironmonger, app. to Roger Simpson. 1637. Simpson, Peter, barber, app. to Edmond Joyce. 1639. Simpson, Richard, tailor, app. to George Simpson. 1661. 235 FREEMEN 236 Simpson, Thomas, of Sittingbourne, saddler, app. to George Cheever, of Cant. 1741. Sympson, Valentine, bricklayer, app. to his father, Christopher Sympson. 1703. Simpson, George, tailor, app. to Robert Dickenson. 1630. Talputt (Tolputt), Edward, surgeon, app. to Thomas Fowler, barber- surgeon. 1697. Talputt, John, barber, app. to John Foull. 1713. Talputt, William, saddler, app. to his father, William Talputt. 171+. Tolputt, Joshua, upholsterer. 1784. Tames, William, joiner, app. to Ale.xander Barles. 1698. Tanner, Nicholas, glazier, app. to Tho- mas Browne. 1622. Tapley, Henry, of Petham, weaver, app. to Alfred Stredwick, of Cant. 1714- Tappenden, Robert, cordwainer, app. to Robert Dent. 1656. Tassell, James, cordwainer, app. to Sam- uel Collard. 1675. Taylour, John, pewterer, app. to John Lolham, John Taylour's youngest child, Joan, was then z years old. 1528. Tailor, William, vintner, app. to William Tarre. 1639. Taylor, John, cordwainer, app. to Mat- thew Stiles. 1672. Taylor, William, carpenter, app. to his father, William Taylor, not free. 1675. Tayler, William, coachmaker, app. to his father, William Tayler. 1695. Taylor, Elias, cordwainer, app. to John Taylor. 1700. Taylor, Giles, cordwainer. 1753. Taylor, William, pattenmaker. 1789. Taylor, Thomas, of Littlebourne, wheel- wright. 1795. Taylor, John, plumber and glazier. 1800. Tench, Edward, cordwainer. 1 790. Terry, Arnold, tailor, app. to Ralph Bawden, Alderman. 1586. Terry, Augustine, \voollendraper, app. to James Master. 1615. Terry, John, grocer, app. to Daniel Austrey. 1649. Terry, Thomas, barber-surgeon, app. to John Lunn. 1668. Terry. Stephen, cordwainer, app. to Nicholas Dillnott. 1670. Terry, Isaac, draper, app. to Christopher Shrubsole, mercer. 1678. Terry, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Edward Bullock. 1681. Terry, John, cordwainer, app. to Nicholas Dilnut. 1700. Terry, John, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Matson. i74i. Terr}', John, Junior, cooper. 1800. Thomas, Edward, farrier, app. to John George. 1689. Thomas, William, blacksmith, app. to his father, Edward Thomas. 1722. Thomas, William, breeches-maker, app. to William Pattison. 1734. Thomas, Joseph, carpenter. 1769. Thornton, William Lepars, apothecary, app. to Benjamin Chandler. 1753. Thornton, Henry, baker. 1757. Thorpe, Robert, of Heme, baker, app. to Samuel Johnson, of Cant. 1741. Thread, Paul, baker, app. to John Fowle. 1670. Tiddiman, William, cordwainer, app. to Peter Johnson. i68g. Tiddeman, Henrj', grocer, app. to William Beverton. 1708. Tiddeman, Edward, watchmaker. 1787. Tiddeman, Mark, of Dover, bricklayer. 1789. Tilby (Tylby), James, miller, app. to Henry Binge. 1622. Tilby, Thomas, of Cranbrook, feltmaker, app. toThomas Smith, of Cant. 1705. Tilbe, Richard, fellmonger, app. to his father, Henry Tilbe. 1707. Tipper, Aaron, of St. Dunstan's, Cant., gardener,app. toThomas Elsey. 1708. Tisdell, Thomas, grocer, app. to William Hatcher. 1722. Tivelein, Richard, perukemaker. 1758. Toddye, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Isaac Osbeston. 1620. Tonge, James, butcher, app. to his father, James Tonge. 1746- Toker, John, grocer, app. to John Brown- ing. 1690. Toker, John, baker, app. to William Mount. 1694. Toker, Hougham, cutler, app. to Richard Haftenden. 1698. Toker, Richard, of Faversham, feltmaker, app. to Thomas Smith, of Cant. 1 705. Tomlyn, John, tailor, app. to Edmund Harris. 1681. Tomlin, Peter, grocer, app. to John Parker. 1705. Tomling, Daniel Hardingham, printer. 1789. 237 OF CANTERBURY. 238 Tompson, John, late servant to Gregory Roos, capper. 1570. Tookye, Smyth, wooUendraper, app. to James Masters. 1621. Trahar, VVilHam, hatter. 1773. Travilleon, William, carpenter, app. to Thomas Landman andThomas Coale. 1717. Tredcraft, Andrew, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Fox. 1632. Tresser, Thomas, wooUendraper, app. to Henry Whitt. 1624. Tresser, John, draper, app. to Thomas Tresser, Alderman. 1659. Tresser, Thomas, baker, app. to Thomas Fowle. 1714- Tritton, William, butcher, app. to John Kite and Peter Gill. 1752. Trusser, Matthew, grocer, app. to Mr. John Purser. 1629. Tuck, Thomas, gunsmith, app. to Edward Barrett. 1680. Tuck, Edward, tobaccopipemaker, app. to his father, John Tuck. i6go. Tucker, Roger, saddler, app. to Thomas Tucke. 1609. Tucker, John, instrument maker, app. to his father, John Tucker. 1663. Tucker, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Nicholas Dillnutt. 1681. Tucker, William, turner, app. to John Pembrooke. 1698. Tucker, William, of Deal, gingerbread baker, app. to James Pettit and Thomas Collar, of Cant. 1727- Tuckwcl, William, linenweaver, app. to John Atwell. 1733. Tumber, Edward, clothworker, app. to William Tumber. 1685. Tumber, John, clothworker, app. to William Tumber. 1695. Tumber, William, of Whitstable, linen- weaver, app. to Thomas Attwell, late of this city. 1705. Tumber, Edward, cordwainer, app. to John Sayer. 1727. Tunbridge, Thomas, baker. 1800. Turner, Richard, app. to George Moore, joiner. 1584. Turner, Richard, tailor, app. to John Osborne. 1602. Turner, William, wooUendraper, app. to William Whiting, Alderman. 1638. Turner, Richard, cordwainer, app. to Richard Turner. 1722. Tustian, John, the younger, joiner. 1760. Tustian, William, of London, joiner. 1760. Twyman, Henry, tailor, app. to Thomas Richardson, ibzg. Twyman, John, mercer, app. to Anthony Farrar. 1656. Twyman, John, clothworker, app. to John Hubberd. 1661. Tylden, Joseph, mercer, app. to John Stransham. 1609. Tyler, John, tailor, app. to John Rum- fild. 1625. Tylman, Daniel, app. to George Aunsell, grocer. 1586. Underdown, John, baker, app. to Val- entine Cantis. 1734. Upton, John, cordwainer, app. to Tho- mas Everden. 1672. Upton, William, flaxdresser, app. to his father, John Upton. 1747- Upton, Thomas, hempdresser. 1760. Upton, Thomas, of Bath, cordwainer. 1785- Vane, Humphrey, patten wood maker. '754- Vanhare, Richard, barber and peruke- maker. 1773. Vann, Edward, cooper, app. to Richard Tatterton. 1623. Vawter, Thomas, grocer, app. to John Nutt, Alderman. 1592. Verall, Christopher, haberdasher of small wares, app. to Thomas Fidge. 1626. Vile, Henry, ironmonger, app. to John Ludd. 1714- Vincent, Francis, gent., app. to John Vincent, sakpetreman. 1639. Violett, Edward, grocer, app. to John Philpott. 1630. Violet, Thomas, barber-surgeon, app. to John Browne. 1636. Wacher, Edward, carpenter, app. to Ambrose Sturges. 1683. Wachers, Robert, cordwainer, app. to Henry Hales. 1681. Waddell, William, cordwainer, app. to John Hickes. 1681 . Waddell, William, brewer, app. to Henry Waddell, late Alderman. 1 7 1 1 . Wade, Giles, tobaccopipemaker, app. to John Tuck. 1730. Wade, James, basketmaker, app. to Elias Rew. 1733. Wagstaff, Henry, grocer, app. to Nich- olas Beverly. 1587. Waite, Nathaniel, tanner, app. to his father, Peter Waite. i68i. Waite, George, carpenter, app. to Matthew Browne. 1687. 239 FREEMEN 240 Waite, Robert, cordwainer, app. to Henry Lucas. 1722. Waker, Christopher, tailor, app. to Jeremy Smyth. 1 62 1. Walker, Thomas, barber and peruque maker, app. to John Chandler. 1 704. Wall, Edward, hempdresser, app. to Richard Morris. i66t. Wall, John, hempdresser, app. to his father, Edward Wall. 1678. Wall, Edward, tailor, app. to Godfrey Wilcock. 1 68 1. Walter, Jacob, butcher. 1774. Walton, Thomas, feltmaker. 1760. Wanderton, George, tailor, app. to John Digges. 1583. Wanstall, Thomas, cooper. 1789. Wanstall, John, glover and breeches- maker. 1790. Ward, John, joiner, app. to George More. 1607. Ware, John, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Parker. 1722. Warham, George, cooper, app. to Nicho- las Best. 1 62 1. Warren, Henry, tailor, app. to William Tayler, linendraper. 1629. Warren, William, cordwainer, app. to Henry Rogers. 1680. Warren, James, the younger, clock and watchmaker. 1767. Warwick, Abraham, woolcomber, app. to his father, Abraham Warwick. 1680. Warwell, Thomas, bricklayer, app. to his father, Thomas Warwell. 1681. Warwell, John, of Deal, butcher, app. to John Ginder, of Cant. 1747. Watkins, Joseph, silkweaver. 1764. Watson, John, app. to EdmondClarckson, tailor. 1580. Watson, Nicholas, of Holy Cross, Cant., baker, app. to Thomas Read. 1662. Watson, John, tailor, app. to Thomas Pain. 1705. Watson, Alexander, linenweaver, app. to John Attwell. 1707. Watson, Thomas, pattenmaker. 1785. Watson, Richard, cabinetmaker. 1797. Watts, John, watchmaker, app. to his father, John Watts. 1744. Wayland, Christopher, app. to Lawrence Applegate. 1585. Webb, Andrew, linenweaver, app. to Thomas Halsnode. 1671. Webb, Thomas, tailor, app. to John Oliver. 17 16. Webb, John, of London, cordwainer, app. to Robert Gilpin, of Cant. 1727. Webb, Richard, cordwainer. 1799. Wellard, Richard, papermaker, app. to Richard Wellard. 1704. Wellard, George, of Dover, tailor, app. to Samuel Flint, of Cant. 1708. Wellard, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Gabriel Saffrey. 1708. Wellard, Robert, of London, cordwainer. I7S3- Wellard, William, tailor. 1773. Wells, William, bricklayer, app. to Will- iam Lawrance. 1675. Wells, John, cordwainer, app. to John Raylston. 1727. Welsh, Edward, papermaker, app. to William Cooke. 1747. Wenn, Thomas, feltmaker, app. to Will- iam Studham. 1722. Wevyll, John, app. to John Furser, shear- man. ^1574. Whickar, William, baker, app. to William Reynolds. 1741. Whineu.x. Thomas, barber, app. to Thomas Hunt. 161 1. Whitt, Simon, ironmonger, app. to Mr. John Whitt. 1616. White, Richard, barber, app. to Thomas Wyniattes. 1621. White, John, millener, app. to John Merriam. 1625. White, Thomas, mercer, app. to Thomas Oughton. 1659. White, Thomas, bricklayer, app. to Jere- miah Cooper. 1693. White, William, carpenter, app. to Andrew Holmes. 1705. White, James, cordwainer, app. to Henry Lucas. 1727. White, George, barber, app. to William Symmons. 1734. White, Richard, barber, app. to Thomas Botting. 1746. White, Robert, of Holy Cross, Cant., blacksmith. 1769. White, John Gurney, of Hollingbourne, apothecar)'. 1789. White, James, the younger, cabinetmaker and upholdster. 179b. White, Thomas, cabinetmaker and up- holsterer. 1800. Whitehead, Edward, of Deal, joiner, app. to William Looke. 17 14. Whiteinge, William, app. to John Murton, woollendraper. 1599. Whiteing, Robert, baker, app. to William Frances. 17 18. Whitfield, James, carpenter, app. to Richard Pysing. 1676. 241 OF CANTERBURY 242 Whitfield, Francis, Junior, linendraper and haberdaslier. 1760. Whitlock, Peter, labourer, app. to Richard Turner and his wife, victualler. 1722. Whitwood, John, cordwainer, app. to Thomas Gary. 1640. Wiborne, Robert, wooUendraper, app. to Mr. Henry Tvvyman. 1668. Wickes, Thomas, turner, app. to John Drowtes. 1628. Wickham, Thomas, cooper, app. to Richard Titherton. 1630. Wickham, John, carpenter, app. to his father, John Wickham. 1665. Wiggens, Paul, cooper, app. to John Burton. 1641. Wiggens, Richard, bricklayer, app. to his father, Paul Wiggens. 1 647. Wiggens, Paul, bricklayer, app. to James Marrable. 1674. Wigmore, Henry, hempdresser, app. to Anthony Worger. 1651. Wike, Hougham, of London, cabinet- maker. 1768. Wilcocke, Godfrey, tailor, app. to John Wilcocke. 1663. Wildboar, Edward, butcher, app. to Samuel Sharp. 1727- Wilkins, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Edward IJullock. 1692. Wilkynson, Robert, smith, ai^p. to Tho- mas Pelyng. 161 1. Wilks, Tliomas, papermaker, app. to William Cook. 1722. Wilkshiere, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to John Pysing. 1675. Williams, John, brewer, app. to Jeremiah Masterson. 1672. Williams, John, turner, app. to Richard Pembrook. 1680. Williams, Henry, maltster, s. and app. of John Williams. 16S5. Williams, Thomas, silkweaver, app. to Thomas Younge. 1695. Williams, John, brewer, app. to his fatht- r, John Williams. 1717. Williams, John, of Folkestone, saddler, app. to William Kay, of Cant. 1752. Williamson. Robert, shoemaker, app. to James Vydean. 1522. Williamson, Richard, of Sandwich, currier, app.toWilliamRaylston.ofCant. 1741. Willmott, Henry, cordwainer, app. to Edward Bullock. 1678. Wilmot. John, cordwainer, app. .to his father, Thomas Wilmot. 1698. Willoby, Robert, cordwainer, app. to William JuU. 1673. Willes, John, barber, app. to Richard Whit. 1637. Wills, James, innkeeper, app. to Walter Baker. 1653. Wilsden, Abraham, grocer, app. to John Simpson and William Hatcher. 1716. Willesden, James, grocer, app. to William Gray. 1727- Willesden, Robert, carpenter, app. to Alderman Bullock. 1727. Wilsden, Abraham, tallowchandler. 1 760. Wilson, Thomas, grocer, app. to John Browning. 1679. Willson, John, vintner, app. to Isaac Willson. 1691. Wilson, Richard, tailor. 1754. Winford (Wynford), Tmiothy, clothier, app. to Thomas Scrimshaw. 1606. Winford, William, bricklayer, app. to Richard Marrable. 1685. Winford, James, labourer, app. to his father, William Winford. 1700. Winford, William, silkweaver, app. to his father, William Winford, labourer. 1700. Winter, John, glazier, app. to William Blogg. 1728. Wiseman, Thomas, of Bridge, tailor, app. to John Young, of Cant. 1722. Wisse, Edward, haberdasher of small wares, app. to Joseph Buckly. 1623. West, John, baker, app. to John King- smyth. 1588. West, [ohn, victualler, app. to his father, Edward West. 1746. Westbeech, John, grocer, app. to John Fusser. 1623. Wood, Christopher, mercer, app. to Paul Petit, Alderman. 1645. Wood, Thomas, bricklayer, app. to John Oakley. 1689. Wood, Robert, tallowchandler, app. to Thomas Luke. 1696. Wood, Richard, blacksmith, app. to John Brattle. 1705. Wood, Michael, grocer, app. to [blank] Walter. 17 10. Wood, Isaac, of London, cordwainer. 1754. Wood, Thomas, cordwainer. 1782. Woodcock, James, of Chatham, black- smith, app. to John Baxter, of Cant. 1741. Woolcot, George, Junior, cordwainer. 1 764. Woollett, William, butcher. 1795. Wootton, Benjamin, bricklayer, app. to Jeremiah Cooper. 1696. Wootton, George, cordwainer. 1789. '243 FREEMEN 244 Worsley, Robert, of Deal, cordwainer, app. to John Terry, of Cant. 1727. Worsley, James, cordwainer, app. to his father, Thomas Worsley. 1 7++. Worthington, Robert, of Folkestone, pipemaker, app. to Paul Parker, of Cant. 174.1. Wraight, Matthew, tailor, app to Abra- ham Clarke. 1620. Wraight, Nicholas, collarmaker, app. to Thomas Cooke. 1629. Wrenn, John, surgeon, app. to his father, John Wrenn. 1664. Wybrow, Thomas, barber-surgeon, app. to Thomas Bell. 1 7 1 9. Wyles, John, bricklayer, app. to William Atwood. 1720. Wynne, Robert, wooUendraper, app. to John Rose, Alderman. 1590. Wyssenden, Stephen, grocer, app. to Philip Lewes, haberdasher. 1580. Yarley, Richard, app. to Randoll Tat- nall, grocer. 1586. Yong, Henry, tailor, app. to James Robynson. 1590. Young, John, tailor, app. to James Robenson. 1602. Younge. William, baker, app. to Thomas Plessington. 1606. Yong, George, apothecary, app. to Tho- mas Rrome. 1612. Young, Richard, whitebaker, app. to William Leedes, baker. 1626. Young, Thomas, bricklayer, app. to John Ward. 1663. Young, Richard, clothier, app. to John Fagge. 1673. Young, Thomas, cordwainer, app. to Edmund Maplisden. 1680. Young, Robert, silkweaver, app. to Joseph Nelson. 1683. Younge, Nicholas, tailor, app. to John Young. 1686. Young, John, cordwainer, app. to Samuel Collar. 1688. Young, Thomas, gardener, app. to his father, Thomas Young. 1691. Young, Thomas, currier, app. to his father, Thomas Young. 1695. Young, Thomas, silkweaver, app. to his father, Thomas Young. 17 14. Young, Peter, of Sandwich, gingerbread baker, app. to Thomas Collar, of Cant. 1733. Young, Peter, apothecary, app. to Stephen Durant. 1735. Young, John, tailor, app. to his father, Nicholas Young. 1741. Young, Nicholas, tailor, app. to his father, Nicholas Young. 1741. Young, Edward, cordwainer, app. to John Ledger. 1743. Young, Thomas, butcher. 1784. Young, Thomas, cordwainer. 1784. Young, Daniel, of Challock, carpenter. PART IV. 3Freenien b\> IRebcmption, Abbot, John, shoemaker. 1533. Abbott, George, labourer. 1659- Abbot, WilUam, victualler. 1693. Abbot, Thomas, [blank]. 1704. Abbott, George, carpenter. 1738. Abbott, John, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, brewer. 1789. Abbey, Nicholas, lockyer. 1548. A Ber, Thomas, pewterer. 1500. Abrahams, Isaac, of the Borough of Staplegate, plumber and glazier. 1759. Abree, James, stationer. 1722. Absolon, Robert, barber. Accon, William. 1399. A Court, Thomas, fuller. A Courte, John, brewer. Adam, Stephen, hosier. Addams, Hoyday, gent. Adams, Ralph, butcher. Adams, George, innholder. Adams, Richard, bricklayer. Addyson, William, shearman. A Deane, John, baker. 1496. A Deane, Thomas, innholder. Adkinson, John, haberdasher. Admans, Thomas, bricklayer. Adryan, Henry, capper. 1477. Agar, Benjamin, of the Precincts of the Archbishop's Palace, gent. 1671. Agar, Moses, grocer. 1698. Agar, Edward, grocer. 1732. A Gregge, John, tailor. 1500. Akers, Thomas, carpenter. 1 644. Ackers, Thomas, butcher. 1744. Alcock (Alcoc), Richard, fletcher Alcok, John, goldsmith. 1502. Alcock, John, tailor. 1590. Alday, Henry, mercer. 1540. 1546. 1476. 1500. •4*^5- 1652. ■645- 1799. 1500. '525- 1671. 1798. >45'- Alder, William, shearman. 1548. Alder, Bryan, cabinetmaker. 1783. Alderson, Robert, minstrel. 1555. .\ldretham, Richard. 1408. A Lee, Thomas, fishmonger. 14S0. A Lee, John, grocer, i486. A Lee, John, tailor. 1501. Ale.xander, Edward, woolcomber. 1616. Alfrey, Nicholas, clothworker. 1604. Alfry, Martyn. 1612. .•\lger, John, shoemaker. 1547. Allen (Aleyn), James. 13Q4. Aleyn, William, barber. 1437. Aleyn, Nicholas, brewer. 1469. Alleyn, William, of Bridge, tanner. 1475. Aleyn, Richard, baker. 1489. Aleyn, William, of Bridge, tanner. 1489. Alen, William, shearman. 1528. AUyn, John, miller. 1558. Allen, Richard, innkeeper. 1578. AUyn, Richard, mercer. 1604. Allen, William, butcher. 1646. Allen, John, victualler. 1720. Allen, Thomas, victualler. 1720. Allen, William, victualler. 1730. Allen, William, of St. Dunstan's, Cant., brewer. 1761. Allen, Thomas, victualler. 1779- Alley, Peter, victualler. 1782. Allsworth, Henry, victualler. 1751. Alounday, Robert, staynour. 1426. Ambrose, John, innholder. 1515. Amnell, John, of Westgate, baker. 1462. A Wore, John, brewer. 1546. A More, John, basketmaker. 1546. .\mos, Eustace, baker. 1736. Amy, William, cooper, i486. Amyas, William, baker. 1573. 247 FREEMEN 248 Amyas, John, hackneyman. 1585. Aniierson, John, tobacconist. 1739. Andreurs, John, skinner, i+og. Andrew, Geoffrey, waxchandler. 1+91. Andrew, Thomas, carpenter. 1500. Andrew, William, grocer. 15 3+. Andrewe, Thomas, barber. 1549- Andrewe, Henry, yeoman. 1595. Andrewe, Roger, butcher. 1603. Andrews, Henry, grocer. 161 2. Andrews, Edward, gent. 1658. Andrews, Jacob, porter. 1708. Andrews, Edward, tailor. 17+5. Angell, Thomas, shoemaker. 1553. Annett, Charles, surgeon. 1599. Annis, Isaac, stapler. 1674. A Norclyff, John, hackneyman. 1554. Ansell, George, grocer. 1569. Anselme, Richard, fellmonger. 1644. Anslow, John, weaver. 1658. Anslow, Robert, of the Borough of Long- port, cordwaincr. 1710. Anton, Francis, butcher. 1622. A Porte, yohn, tailor. 1478. Appilby, William, cissor. 1410. Appulgarthe, Thomas, tailor. 1534- Appleyard, John Searle, saddler. 1800. Apsley, Stephen, wheeler. 1519. Archer, William, bricklayer. 1631. Archer, William, turner. 1651. Archer, John, victualler. 1760. Archley, John, butcher. 1615. Arndell, Simon, currier. 1776. Arnold, Richard, of Petham, carpenter. 17 1 6. Armstrong, John, victualler. 1761. Aimynare, flamo, tailor. i437- Arundell, Richard, collarmaker. 1581. Ash, George, victualler. 1786. Ash, Luke, victualler. 1789. Ash, Bt-njamin, bricklayer. 1798. A Shawe, John, corviser. i479- Asshebery, Robert, baker. 1540. Asshenton, Richard, shearman. 1543. Ashman, John, victualler. 1783. Ashton (Ascheton), Richard. 1458. Asshton, Richard, mercer. 1470. Asheton, one, shearman. 1568. Asp, Richard, hosier. 148 1. Asshet, John, shoemaker. 1522. Astyn, David, brewer. 1598. Athys, John, silkweaver. 1769. Atkin, Thomas, linendraper. 1743. Atkins, John, bookseller. i8oo. Atte Gate, William, corvesir. 1415. Atte Meed, Stephen. 1394. Atte Meed, John, carpenter. 1395. Atte Melle, Thomas. 1398. Atte Nesshe, John, cissor. 1405. Atte Tynes, William, feror. 1400. Atte Ware, John, corvesir. 1400. \ Atte Welle, Henry, barber. 1435. At Well, Henry, haberdasher. 1500. Atwell, William, broiderer. 15 15. Atwell, Ingram, bricklayer. 1632. ' At West, John Hans, barber. 1453. Attwick, Daniel, brazier. 1705. Atte Wode, Henry, brazier. 1402. Atte Wode, William, fuller. 1409. Atte Wode, Richard, cato' al'lardener. 1425. Atte Wode, William, of Bridge, smith. 1452- Atte Wode, James, yeoman. 1469. Atte Wode, Michael, wheeler. 1471. Atte Wode, Stephen, tailor. 1472. Atwode, James, corviser. 1480. A Wode, John, late of Yaldynge, gent. 1488. A Wode, John, yeoman. 1530. Atwood, William, victualler. 1665. Attwood, John, coachman. 1768. Audesly, Richard, tailor. 1455. Austyn, Thomas, chandler. 1426. Austen, Thomas, brewer. 1576. Austen, Valentine, shopkeeper. 1722. Nole. — He was the son of Robert Austen, of Adisham. Austin, John, victualler. 1752. Austen, John, of Sheerness, victualler. 1761. Avery, James, fellmonger and glover. 1726. Awcher, Richard, linendraper. 1589. Awdus, Robert, saddler. 1748. Ayiand, James, smith. 1468. Aylard, William, smith. 1464. Ayne (.''), Roger, mercer. 1425. A York, John, butcher. 1478. Bachelor, George, beerbrewer. 1589. Batcheter, Richard, tailor. 1675. Back (Bak), John, coverlidweaver. 1466. Badcok, V\'alter. cutler. 1547. Badcok, Richard, butcher. 1548. Badcok, Richard, cutler. iS49- Badcocke. fames, victualler. 1625. Badcock, William, victualler. 1736. Baddy, William, barber. 1543. Eager, William, smith, has a daughter named Elizabeth, aged 6 months or more. 1530. Bagley, Robert, baker. 1773. Bailey (Bayly), John, bellfounder. 1501. Bayly, John, the younger, bellfounder."^ 1505- Baylie, Henry, butcher. 1586. 249 OF CANTERBURY. 250 Baile, Thomas, husbandman. 1685. Bailey, John, tallowchandler. 1779. Bailey, Moses, victualler. 1795. Baker, Richard, chandler, i+oo. Baker, Stephen, webbe. 141 o. Baker, William. 1412. Baker, Peter, pistor. 1427. Baker, Richard, cook. 1438. Bakere, Thomas, of Westgate, baker. 1442. Bakere, John, pistor. 1445. Baker, John, draper. 1473. Bakar, William, yeoman. 1500. Baker, John, tailor. 1515. Baker, John, innholder. 1527. Baker, John, tailor. 1550. Baker, William, yeoman. 1616. Baker, William, vintner. 1631. Baker, Henry, haberdasher. 1640. Baker, Thomas, of Westgate, hackney- man. 1652. Baker, [blank], of Northgate, Cant., car- penter. 1658. Baker, Thomas, cheesemonger. 1658. Baker, Aaron, victualler. 1706. Baker, William, grocer. 171 1. Baker, John, victualler. 1719- Baker, Peter, victualler. 1719- Baker, Samuel, victualler. 1745. Baker, Thomas, victualler, 1746. Note. — In the margin " Qy Richard." Baker, George, surgeon. 174S. Baker. John, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, Esquire. 1789. Balden, William, yeoman. 1598. Balderston, Samuel, linendraper. 1777. Baldock, William, bricklayer. 1774. Bnlfyr, John, taverner. 1464. Ball, Thomas, hackneyman. 1543. Banastr, Henry, shearman. 1423. Banfield, John, tailor. 1700. Banham, Roger, smith. 1405. Banks, John, plumber and glazier. 1735. Bannok, Nicholas, weaver, whose youn- gest child, Elyn^was then ij years old. 1528. Barbour, John, mason. 1393. Barber, George, victualler. 1754- Barber, William, victualler. 1787. Barbett, Jeoffery. 1657. Bargrove (Burgrove), John, tailor. 1496. Bargrove, William, tiler. 1544. Bariiam, William, tailor. 1554. Barham, Isaac, yeoman. 16 14. Barham, Charles, yeoman. 1630. ^ Barham, Robert, vintner. 1683. Barham, Richard, gardener. 1688. Barham, Joseph, innholder. 1716. Barine, Isaac, victualler. 1709. Barker, James, fuller. 1494. Barker, John, innholder. 1514. Barker, John, butcher. 1534. Barker, Richard, tailor. 1534- Barker, Thomas, chandler. 1616. Barker, Hugh, victualler. 1748. Barles, Joseph, saddler. 1665. Barlow, John, tailor. 1615. Barnard, Walter. 1394. Barnes (Barnys), William, shearman, whose youngest child, I\Iargaret, was f of a year old. 1527. Barnes, George, victualler. 1793. Barnesdale, Thomas, cordwainer. 1661. Baron, Stephen, tallowchandler. 1531. Baron, John, bowyer. 1540. Barones, John, innholder. 1558. Barett, Stephen, gent. 1478. Barrett, Thomas, yeoman. 1543. Barrett, Edward, locksmith. 1616. Barrett, John, bricklayer. 1645. Barrey, Nicholas, capper. 1507. Bartelot, John. 1461. Bartiloo, Robert, wodo'. 1404. Bartlett, Samuel, apothecary. 1687. Bartlett, William, carpenter. 1782. Barton, John, fletcher. 1547. Barton, William, baker. 1605. Bartrop, Thomas, tailor. 1559. Barwyk, Robert, barber. 1524. Barwick, John, grocer. 1764. Baseden, John, clerk and physician. 1 549. Baseden, John, capper. 1551. Baseley, Richard, corvesir. 1450. Basketfield, William, victualler. 1742. Basse, John, butcher. 1539. Basshe, John, barber. 1544. Bate, John, barber. 1410. Bateman, John, butcher. 1726. Bateman, Henry, grocer. 1762. Bates, Thomas, tailor. 1734. Bates, Robert, bricklayer. 1769. Bates, William, chemist and druggist. 1781. Batt, ]\Iark, leather cutter. 1777. Battersbv, William, hackneyman. 1566. Bavok, Thomas, armourer. i45S- Bawdwyn, Ralph, tailor. 1564- Bawgy, Hugh, hackneyman. 1554. Bax, Thomas, smith. 1687. Baynton, John, butcher. 1550. Baynyng, William, shearman. 1560. Baytly, Richard, wheeler. 1455. Beach, Theophilus, linendraper. 171 7. Beacham, Richard, heelmaker. 1638. Becham, Thomas, smith. 1505. Becheman, William, yeoman. H/^- 251 FREEMEN 252 Beakber, Thomas, smith. 142 1. Beal (Bele), WilUam, shearman. 1+50. Bele, VViUiam, draper. HS'- Bele, Hamon, of Elham. 1+58. Bele, Nicholas, shearman. 1548. Beale, William, glazier. 1672. Beal, William, baker. 1800. Bean (Been), Robert, glasswright. 1430. Beane, John, victualler. 1652. Bean, John, blacksmith. 1788. Beardford, William, mason. 1430. Beasakye, John, smith. 1480. Beaumont, John, innholder. 1678. Beaumont, JMatthew, victualler. 1713- Beber, Joseph, chapman. 1682. Becke, John, glover. 1550. Beda, Thomas, smith. 1605. Beda, Richard, smith. 161 1. Bedell, Thomas, taverner. 1438. Beechin, Christopher, smith. 1659. Beecrafte, Harry, innholder. 161 1. Begynden, Adam. 1446. Beggynden, James. 1448. Belle, William, of Bekesbourne. 1427. Bell, Thomas, victualler. 1683. Bell, William, plumber. 1751. Bellenger, Robert, husbandman. 1616. Belsey, Michael, blacksmith. 171 1. Belsey, Isaac, victualler. 1758. Benchare, Thomas, weaver. 1447. Benchare, John, weaver. 1448. Benge, Martin, weber. 1442. Benge, Thomas, tailor. 1728. Benge, Philip, baker. 1747. Bengeamyn, Thomas, tailor. 1438. Bening, John, cordwainer. i68g. Bennenisshe, Thomas. 1405. Bennett (Benet), John, clerk. 1425. Benet, Richard, draper. 1468. Benett, Thomas, chandler. 1507. Benet, William, beerbrewer. 1558. Bennett, John, mercer. 1559. Bennytt, William, shoemaker. 1567. Bennett, William, labourer. 1659. Bennet, John, butcher. 17 18. Benskyn, John, yeoman. 1592. Benson, John, upholster. 1534. Bentle, Henry, cissor. 1407. Beer (Bere), Richard. 1452. Bere, Richard, fuller. 1453. Beer, Isaac, victualler. 1783. Beeson, Charles, victualler. 1687. Berles, Miller, innkeeper. 1637. See Barles. Bereaway, Walter, grocer. 1542. Bermyngeham, William, grocer. 1502. Berne, John, chandler. 1431. Berrye, Robert, of Staplehurst, yeoman. 1608. Berry, Thomas, glover. 16 14. Berstede, Robert, tailor. 1438. Bertyn, Constancia, wife of Robert Ber- tyn. 1455. Bertyn, Thomas, gent. 1461. Besoun, Thomas, whitebaker. 1626. Best, John, clothmaker. 1526. Betchyng, Richard, clothworker. 1558. Bete, Robert, farrier. 1445. Betterly. James, grocer. 1708. Beverton, .Simon, shearman. 1589.,' Beyenden, William, draper. 141 3. Bigadok, John, carpenter. 1499. Bigge (Bygg), Henry. 1393. Bigge, Thomas, taimer. 1402. Bygge, William, pistor. 1434. Bygg, Walter, yeoman, has a son, Roger, 2 years old. 1527. Bygg, John, tailor. 1555. Bilby, fohn, husbandman. 1654. Bing (Byng), Thomas, baker. 1514. Byng, John, tallow chandler. 1551. Bing. Henry, miller. 1614. Bing, Stephen, beerbrewer. 1614. Bing, Thomas, miller. 1630. Birch, Edward, victualler. 1760. Birchalias, John, potag'. 1409. Byrcholte, Richard. 1436. Bird (Byrde), Henry, fletcher. 1537. Birkeley, Richard, baker. i497- Bishopp (Bysshop), John, cook. 1438. Bisshop, Henry, corvesir. 1465. Bysshop, Sebastian, baker. 1543. Busshope, William, mercer. 1562. Bishop, Henry, tailor. 1689. Bishop, Edward, victualler. 1776. Bissaker, John, shopkeeper. 1799. Bixe, Richard, fellmonger. 161 8. Bix, John, joiner. 1654. Blackbech (Blakbech), Robert, cowper. IS55- Blackbourne(Blakeborne), Robert, brewer. 1412. Blackbourne, John, tailor. 1591. Bldckley, fames, cordwainer. 1792. Blades, William, victualler. 17 15. Blake, John, smith. 1478. Bland, Gilbert, butcher. 1550. Blanket, John, of this city, late of Dover, coverlid maker. 1640. Blawboyn, William, baker. 1414. Blieght, John, shearman. 1560. Blight, Henry, bricklayer. 165O. Blisse, Ambrose, watchmaker. 1647. Blogg, William, vintner. 161 9. 253 OF CANTERBURY. 254 Blomer, Anthony, of Maidstone, Esquire. '773- , . ,, Blossom, George, bricklayer. 1544. Blunden, Thomas, maltster. 1696. Blmiden, John, victualler. 1784. Bodkyn, Richard, pointmaker. 1573. Bodle, Thomas, victualler. 1691. Bokyngham, Thomas, apothecary. 1491. Bolde, William, webbe. 1410. Bolde, Henry, yeoman. 1440. Bolding, Robert, farrier. 1743. Bolland, John, of Thames St., London, hop-merchant. 1789. Bolver, John, coachman. i7>4- Bonage, Henry. 1395- Bonde, Robert, late of Ch-Ch., Cant., shoemaker. 1592. Bond, Henry, shoemaker. 1599- Bond, Thomas, clothworker. i6z6. Bone, alias Haule, Thomas, mercer. 1423. Bone, William, cardmaker. i4^7- Bonar, Bernard, baker. 1540. Bonnar, Thomas, collarmaker. 1548. Bonnar, James, yeoman. 1558. Bonnett, Gregory, locksmith. 1629. Bonnick, Francis, baker. 1652. Boone, Robert, barber. 1472. Boone, William, baker. 1489. Boor, Nicholas, webbe. 1400. Borel, Richard, couper. 1404. Borevere, John, apothecary. 1446. Borowe, Thomas, tailor. 1546. Bosendyne, Walter, cissor. 14' 4- Boteler, Richard, tailor. 15 18. Botting, John, carpenter. 1692. Botting, John, baker. 1728. Botting, Richard, surgeon. 1737. Boulderson, William, brewer. 1668. Bounde, Thomas, wheeler. 1430. Bourne (Bowrne), William, skinner. 1473- Boorne, Thomas, gent. 1689. Bowles, Anthony, victualler. i749- Bowrgh, Richard, shearman. i55 5- Bowyer, Arthur, tailor. 1573- Boxby, Peter, corvesir. 1438. Bo.xstede, John, corvesir. 1403. Boyce, Thomas. 1505. Boyden, John, yeoman. 1533. Boye, Nicholas, taverner. 141 4. Boyket, Isaac, carpenter. 1639. Boys, Robert, smith. 1559. Boys, Richard, clothier. 1568. Boyes, John, Esquire. 1592. Bracy, Richard. 1507. Braddon, Henry, wooUendrapcr. 178S. Bradbourn, John, cordwainer. 1772. Bradbury, Hugh, apothecary. 1496. Bradford (Bradfer), Walter, degher. 1 4 1 8 Bradfer, Marcellus, taverner. 1464. Bradford, John, barber. 1488. Bradock, John, barber. 1729. Bramblyng, Robert, corvesir. 14' 4- Bramfelde, John, broiderer. 1458. Brampton, John, hosteler. 141 1. Brand, Robert, barber. 1416. Brandforth, Thomas, smith. 16S9. Branston, Thomas, mercer. 1541. Brattle, John, smith. 1668. Bray, Thomas. 1393- Bray, Simon, tailor. 1622. Bray, John, carpenter. 1651. Brayn, Thomas, saddler. 1569. Breche, Christopher, .yeoman. 1500. Breetch, Robert, tailor. 1559- Breach, Silvester, butcher. 1630. Bredkyrke, John, alebrewer. 1502. Bredshawe, William, yeoman. i473- Bregge, William, waxchandler. 1446. Bregger, Thomas, hosteler. 1446. Bremar, U'illiam, organ player. 1524. Brems, William, baker. 1392. Brenis, William, baker. 1393. Brett, Roger, minstrel. 1412. Brett, Robert, tailor. 1608. Brewer, George, hempdresser. 1747. BrewS: Thomas, butcher. 1477. Brewys, Robert, butcher. 1480. Brice, William, glover, re-admitteJ. 1496. Bryce, John, shoemaker. 1538. Brice, Edward, innholder. 17 16. Bricknell, Abel, farrier. 1630. Bride, Robert, coper 1492. Bridge (Brydge),Christoper, grocer. 1554. Brydge, Robert, grocer. 1559. Bridgeman (Bryggeman), Robert, minstrel. '544- Bridges (Brydges), Henry, tailor. 1555. Bridges, William, maltman. 1596. Briges, Robert, beerbrewer. 1629. Bridges, Edward, innholder. 1636. Briggs, John, linendraper. 17S9. Bright, John, tiler. 1533. Brite, Edward, tailor. 1628. Bright, John, victualler. 1723. Bristed, Joseph, butcher. 1718. Brokar, John, brewer. 1497. Broke, John, chandler. 1446. Broke, Laurence, fuller. 1454. Broke, Nicholas, cowper. 1505. Broke, John, grocer. 15 10. Broke, Richard, grocer. 1531. iV;- Brook. Brokebanke, John, haberdasher. 1490. Brokman, Robert, of Ashford. 1416. Brokman, William, of Holy Cross Without, Cant., tanner. 1467. Broksole, Simon, webbcr. 1461. 255 FREEMEN 256 Rnimly, George, tailor. 163.^. ISrook, William, yeoman. 1568. Brooke, ]ohn, tailor. 1638. &i^ Broke. Brown (Broun), Robert. 139S. Broun, William, cissor. 1399. Broun, John, wheeler. 1402. Broun, John, barber. 1 + 14- Broun, William, fisher. 1+31. Browne, George, of Tunford, Esquire. 1 47°- Browne, Ralph, tailor. H77. Browne, Richard, corvesir. 1489. Browne, Sewalde, vintner. 1548. Brown, William, innholder. 1559. Browne, Peter, cutler. 1563. Browne, John, broker. 1600. Browne, Edward, brewer. 1617. Browne, John, victualler. 1644. Browne, Henry, labourer. 1652. Browne, George, butcher. 1703. Browne, John, grocer. 17 10. Browne, Edward, baker. 171 1. Brown, Thomas, brazier, i?!?- Brown, William, innholder. 1725. Brown, John, mealman. 1761. Brown, John, victualler. 1780. Brownynge, lohn, draper. 143b. Brouninge, Roger. i44S- Brownyng, Richard, shearman. 1470- Brownvng, Harry, tailor. 1563. Brownwyn, Robert, linendraper. 1574. Browning, William, carpenter. 1711. Browning, IMatthew, of Littlebourne, carpenter. 1719. Bro.xup, John, freemason. 1691. Bruffe, Richard, linenweaver. 1646. Bru.xby, John, tailor. 1615. Bryan, William, chandler. 1413. Bryan, George, butcher. 1575. Brytell's, Randoll, baker. 1543. Bucher, Edward, haberdasher. 1655. Buck, John, barber. 1567. Bukherst, Stephen, shearman. 141 1. Buckerst, William, tailor. 1561. Buklond, John, fletcher. 1485. Buklond, William, tailor. 1485. Buklond, William, butcher, i486. Buckley, Joseph, stationer. 1590. Buds, Robert, miller. 1639. ]5ull, Richard, barber. 1553. Bull, Peter, tailor. 1597. Bullynge, John, chandler. 1427. Bullyng, John, mercer. 1468. Bunce, James, grocer. 1689. Bundock, Jonathan, staymaker. 1)98. Binityng, Thomas, smith. 1394. liurcher, John, miller. 1640. liurcholtc, John, cissor. HH- Burden, John, vintner. 1547. Burden, Barnaby, kerseymaker. 1643. Burdeux, John, fuller. 1409. Burgeaunt, John, smith. 1495. Burgeant, Robert, smith. 15 15. Burgeys, William, draper. 1446. Burgeys, William, weaver. 1493- Surges, Harry, potter. 1776. Burlett, John, pattenmaker. 1476. Burley, lAIatthew, upholster. 1622. Burneley, Robert, grocer. 1576. Burnell, Michael, goldsmith. 1475. Burrett, John, vintner. 1543. Burrowes, St. John, victualler. 1683. Burton, John, hackneyman. 1453. Burton, Roger, yeoman. 1466. Burton, John, butcher. 1+76. Burton, John, butcher. 1479. Burton, Stephen, butcher. 1494. Burton, Thomas, yeoman. 1621. Burton, Vincent, carpenter. 1645. Burwash, Thomas, clothier. 16 14. Bushell, Richard, dealer in spirituous liquors. 1762. Bushell, Christopher Ernest, baker. 1767. Bushell, Edward, baker. 1770. Busher, John, butcher. 1767. Bustome, William, glover. 1505. Butcher, John, wheelwright. 1764. Butler (Bwttler), John, butcher. 1558. Butler, Nathan, cheesemonger. 1653. Butler, James, stocking-weaver. 1752. Buxtede, John, corvesier. 1402 {?) Byker, Richard. 1469. Byker, John, yeoman. 1541. Byle, William, haberdasher. 1424. Byllyng, John, hackneyman. 1501. Byllynton, William, mercer. 1415. Byne, Robert, baker. 141 6. Byssyent, Peter, weaver. 1546. Cadbury, Thomas, literal'. 1420. Cadde, Abraham, weaver. 1603. Caketon, John. 1407. Caldam, Thomas, yeoman. 1609. Caldynge, Richard, barber. 1410. Callaway, John, silkweaver. 177S. Calver, Francis, merchant. 1655. Caluerley, John, tailor. 1514. Camber, John, victualler. 1657. Canea)'s, William, fuller. 1402. Canone, William, hackneyman. 1521. Cantwell, Thomas, yeoman. 1477. Carey, William, coachmaker. 1664. Carkeredge, Gervase, clothmaker. 1525. Carloy, [blank], baker. 1666. Carlton, Christopher, carpenter. i6ji. Carlton, John, victualler. 1780. Carlyll, John, grocer. 1463. Carpenter, Thomas, brewer. 141 5. 257 OF CANTERBURY. 258 Carpenter, Thomas, barber. 1435. Carpenter, Richard, 1++5. Carpyntor, John, gent. 1455- Carpenter, John, smith. 1472. Carpenter, John, butcher. 1500. Carpynter, John, tailor. 1S5S. Carpynter, Robert, shoemaker. 1574- Carpenter, John, butcher. 1609. Carpenter, Henry, husbandman. 1658. Carre, Thomas, tailor. 1464. Carr', Robert shearman. 1540. Carre, Harry, skinner. 1563. Carslake, John, yeomin. 1472. Carter, Edmund, labourer. 1668. Carter, Robert, grocer. 1704. Cartvvright, Richard, pewterer. 1532. Cartwrith, John, tailor. 1629. Castell, Alicia. 1395. Castel, Simon, pistor. 141 1. Castell, John, tailor. 1455. Castle, John, mercer. 1729. Castle, Daniel, upholsterer. 1757. Castelake, Robert, scrivener. 1431. Castelyn, Stephen, horse-collar maker. 1446. Catcherell, William, waxchandler. 1500. Cacherell, Edward, waxchandler. 1524. Cater, William, glazier. 1660. Caxton, William, of Cant., mercer. 143 1 . Ceyf, Richard, faber'. 1409. Chadbourne, Thomas, tailor. 1489. Chalk, George, linendraper. 1786. Chalk, William, linendraper. 1793. Chalk, Stephen, surgeon and apothecary. 1795- Chalklen, John, watchmaker. 1757. Chalklen, William, watchmaker. 1768. Chamberleyn, John, of Newington. 1436. Chamberleyn, Robert, butcher. 1468. Chambers, Thomas, brewer. i66i. Chancer, John, shoemaker. 1575. Champe, John, couper. 1526. Champneys, John, pewterer. 15 19. Champnes, Nicholas, tailor 1594. Champnes, Richard, brewer. 1594. Chandelar, Samuel, butcher. 1597. Chandler, Thomas, butcher. 1599. Chandler, John, butcher. 1617. Chandler, lAIatthew, butcher. 1636. Chanon, Richard, pewterer. 1528. Chaplen, John, victualler. 1774- Chaplen, Charles, grocer. 1779. Chapman, William, cissor. 1401. Chapman, William, butcher. 1502. Chapman, John, butcher. 1520. Chapman, William, tiler. 1544. Chapman, Thomas, cordwainer. 1636. Chapman, William, mariner. 1698. Chapman, John, carpenter. 1705. Chapman, Israel, victualler. 1720. Chapman, Israel, victualler. 1742. Chapman, Philip, woollendraper. 1756. Chapman, William, of Holy Cross, Cant., baker. 1773. Chapman, John, baker. 1787. Chappell, Solomon, victualler. 1799. Chard, Nicholas, victualler. 161 1. Charlys, William, hosier. i477- Charlys, John, fuller. 1482. Charlton, Thomas, grocer. 1758. Cheavele, Walter, carpenter. 1767. Cheeke, William, fuller. 1467. Chefe, John, corvesir. 1410. Cheesbrought, William, locksmith. 1620. Cheesman (Chesman), Robert, couper. 1410. Chesman, Henry, mercer. 1439- Cheseman, John, weaver, :47s. Chesman, Thomas, apothecary. 1564. Cheesman, Richard, smith. 1693. Cherryte, John, shoemaker. 1557- Chese, Edmund, textor. 1414. Chester, William, cook. 1432. Chester, Abraham, yeoman. 1633. Childes, James, victualler. 1686. Cheyney, Christopher, tailor. 1542. Chilton, William, spicer. 1399. Chilton, Nicholas, clerk. 1445. Chittenden, Daniel, clothier. 1637. Christchurch (Cristcherche), Walter. 1 399. Christian (Crystian), Garlesus, corvesir. 1+86. Christian, Edward, tailor. 1636. Church (Cherche), John, chandler, r 394. Chirche, Richard, of St. Martin, in Cant., brewer. 1465. Chyrche, Margaret, relict of William Chyrche, goldsmith. 1483. Churtch, William, tailor. 1566. Church, James, tailor. 1661. Church, Daniel, victualler. 1750. Churcher, Isaac, victualler. 1656. Chygo, Charles, cook. 16 19. Clagget, William, hatter. 1602. Claringbold, Ralph, baker. 171 7. Claris, Thomas, baker. 1800. Clark (Clerk), John, haberdasher. 1400. Clerke, Robert, mercer. 1438. Clerke, John, corvesir. 1439. Clerke, John, innholder. 1477. Clerke, Roger, vintner. 1480. Clark, Hugh, butcher. 1500. Clarke, Robert, weaver. 1500. Clark, Andrew, sawyer. 15 18. Clarke, William, butcher. 1548. Clark, William, innholder. 1568. Q 259 FREEMEN 260 Clarke, Thomas, tailor. 1599. Clarke, Robert, innholder. 1609. Clarke, Edward, tailor. 161 1. Clarke, Isaac, bricklayer. 1615. Clark, larvis, victualler. 1690. Clark, William, victualler. 1691. Clark, John, hoyman. 171^4. Clark, John, tallowchandler. 1796. Clarkson, John, yeoman. 1533. Claye, Jolin, brewer. 1599. Clays, John, corvesir. 1492. Clegg, Joseph, baker. 1770. Clements, John, victualler. 1797. Clenche, Thomas, tailor. 1465. Clere, John, smith. 1477- Clerk. See Clark. Cletherall, Robert, victualler. i66g. Clifford (Clyflforde), Thomas, gent. 15 15. Cliftbrd, Thomas, victualler. 1666. Cloak, Christopher, tailor. 1467. Cloke, Nicholas, victualler. 1790. Clowes, Thomas, surgeon and apothe- cary. 1792. Clyffe, Dunstane, painter. 1531. Clyfton, Gervase, of Co. Kent, gent. 1440. Clynton, Roger, innholder. 1609. Clypsham, Richard, hosier. 1438. Coates, Nicholas, framework knitter. 1771. Cobbe, John, butcher. 15 15. Cobb, Edward. Rec'd of Edward Cobb for his admission as a freeman of the said city, £1 os. od. 1706. Cobb, William, woollen'and linen draper. 1799. Cock (Cok), William, weaver. 1437. Cok, Richard, shoemaker. 1500. Cocke, John, shoemaker. 1507. Cock, Robert, shoemaker. 1549. Cockerton, John, victualler. 1679. Cockett, Robert, butcher. 1664. Cokson, John, joiner. 1534. SeeCoxou. Codd, Thomas, haberdasher. 1606. Codham, William, husbandman. 1736. Codyngton, John, mercer. 1524. Coffam, Michael, shearman. 1550. Cogheler, John. 1437. Coke, Augustine, butcher. 1543. Coke, John. 1544. Coker, Ralph, glover. 1523. Cokernutt, William, grocer. 17 14. Cokyn, John, webbe. 1394. Cokyn, Thomas, pevvterer. 1514. Colbrand, Richard, wheeler. 15 19. Colbrond, Nicholas, yeoman. 1543- Colbrond, Roger, tailor. 1545. Cole, John, pewterer. 1539. Cole, Anthony, tailor. 1633. Coles, Elisha, victualler. 1708. Colffe, Joseph, apothecary. 1589. ColfoU, Robert, skinner. 1446. Colgate, Daniel, brazier. 1754. CoUard, John, beerbrewer. 1574. CoUard, John, brewer. 1598. Collard, Christopher, maltster. 1599. CoUett (Colett), Robert, wa.xchandler. Collett, Henry, cutler. 16 14. CoUett, Henry, the younger, cutler. 1631. CoUey. Robert, lynwebbe. 1400. Collier (Colyer), Ale.xandt-r, tailor. 1465. Collyer, Amos, butcher. 1594. Colyer, Silyer, victualler. 1784. Colyer, John, victualler. 1786. Collins (Collyns), Edward, tailor. 1562. Collins, Francis, innholder. 1663. Collins, William, bricklayer. 1723. CoUens. Charles, grocer. 1765. Colman, Henry, glovt-r. 1414. Colmer, Robert. 1399. Colney, Edward, gent. 1488. Colsonsack, Robert, hackneyman. 1548. Colven, Edward, victualler. 1742. Coly, Diryke, pattenmaker. 1507. Colyn, Richard, draper. 1395. Colyn, John, hosier. i479- Colyn, Walter, plumber. 1545. Compton, Idonea, wife of Richard Comp- ton. 1394. Conway, Christopher, barber. 1533. Cook, Nicholas, mercer. 1399. Cook, Robert, grocer. i454- Cooke, Richard, tailor. 1489. Cooke, William, tailor. 1571. Cooke, Thomas, collarmaker. i6og. Cook, Edward, hackneyman. 1613. Cooke, Charles, belUuunder. 1690. Coole, Lewys, baker. 1558. Cooper, Nicholas, tailor. 1559. Cooper, John, chandler. 1560. Cooper, George, cook. 1645. Cooper, Charles, grocer. 1676. Cooper, Jeremiah, bricklayer. 1683. See Cowper. Coppin (Copyn), William, brewer. 1531. Coppin, James, hempdresser. 1615. Coppin, Richard, cordwainer. 1699. Corbett, John, capper. 153 1. Corbin, John, victualler. 1733. Corkyn, William, tailor. 1589. Cornwell, Thomas, hairdresser and per- fumer. 1 78 1. Cory, Thomas, baker. 1533. Cote, Roger. i39ti. Cotlett, John. 1484. Cottell, John, tailor 1481. 261 OF CANTERBURY. 262 Cotton, Leonard, pewterer. 1559. Cotton, Humphry, tailor. 1576. Couchman, Edward, butcher. 1758. Couchman, Stephen, butcher. 1774. Coumbe, John. 139+. Countrye, Jeremy, innholder. 1597. Countrye, John. 1608. Court, John, wyner. 1431. Courteler, Richard, draper. 1409. Courthop, Robert, tailor. 1537. Courthop, John, of Westgatestreet next Cant., gent. 1539. Courthop, Christopher, of Westgate Without, gent. 1541. Cortope, Thomas, husbandman. i6io. Courtman, John, webbe. 141 5. Courtman, |ohn, girthweaver. 1476. Covell, William, shoemaker. 161 1. Coveney, Thomas, hackneyman. 161 3. Coveney, John, blacksmith. 1629. Cowell, Joseph, currier. 1593. Cowper (Couper), Thomas, barber. 1401. Coupere, William, plumber. 1443. Cowper, Christopher, tailor. 1544. Cowper, Raynold, joiner. 1583. Cowper, Stephen, shoemaker. 1603. Sir Cooper. Coxson, fohn, tailor. 1547. 6'ci? Cokson. Cradock, Robert, upholster. 1691. Craft, Daniel, buttonmaker. 1607. Cragges, Robert, brazier. 1672. Craib, William, victualler. 1779. Cram, Richard, waxchandler. 1466. Crane, William. 1400. Craine, Thomas, barber. 1477. Crane, John, gent. 1637. Cranebourne, Mr. John, cleric. 1400. Cranmer (Cranmyer), Stephen, weaver. 1500. Cranmer, Christopher, clothworker. 1569. Crawford (Crauford), John, the younger, maltster. 1700. Crawford, Michael, soap boiler. 1701. Creed, Christopher, carpenter. 1707. Crenche, John, shoemaker. 153 1. Cressie, John. 1671. Cressie, John, victualler. 1671. Creswell, George, farrier. 1637. Crippen, William, bricklayer. 1618. Crippen, Francis, bricklayer. 1632. Crispe (Crysp), John, yeoman. 1483- Crysp, William, beerbrewer. 1515. Croft, William, of Westgate street, but- cher. 1483. Croftman, Nicholas, butcher. 144'- Croke, James, shearman. 1552. Crokys, Thomas, fletcher. 1494. Cranwell, John, of Westgate in Kent, plumber and glazier. 1782. Crosby, John, tapisser. 1400. Crosby, Richard, wod'. 1422. Crosby, John, smith. 1517. Crosdill, Henry, linendraper. 1790. Crosse, William, skinner. 1445. Crosse, John, grocer. 1518. Crothall, Thomas, breechesmaker. 1761. Crouche, John, cook. '504. Crouch, Humphrey, tailor. 1783. Croyden, Edmund, vintner. 1534. Crump, William, hosier. 1490. Crux, John, mercer. 1635. Crux, John, victualler. 1798. Cryer, George, tailor, 1519. Cuckow (Cockow), John, taverner. 141 1. Cuckowe, Thomas, skinner. 1470. Cuckow, Daniel, goldsmith. 1673. Cudmore, John, hackneyman. 1606. Cuft", William, glover. 1406. Cullyng, Richard, weaver. i437- Culling, Arthur, linendraper. 1736. Cullen, Anthony, yeoman. 1702. Culmer, William, victualler. 1756. Culmer, George, of St. Paul in Kent, carpenter. 1777. CuUpacke, Bartholomew, shearman. 1563. Culver, John, victualler. 1783. Culverhous, Robert. 1398. Culvyrhouse, Robert, couper. 1472. Curie, Richard, fuller. 1448. Conrle, Thomas, victualler. 161 3. Cuppildyke, John, smith. 1472. Curling, Nicholas, innholder. 1725. Curteman, Richard, wanare. 1452. Curteys, John, carpenter. 1484. Curteys, Nicholas, grocer, i486. Curtis, John, butcher. 1643. Dade, William, tiler. 1544. Dakein, Robert, gent. 17 19. Dalamer, Richard, skinner. 1470. Dale, Thomas, tallowchandler. 1536. Dale, Robert, tailor. 1589. Dale, William, t.iilor. 1613. Dale, Stephen, tailor. 1634. Dale, Edward, carpenter. 1663. Dale, Robert, victualler. 1663. Dalok, John, shearman. 1502. Dalton, GcLirge, butcher. 1551. Dance, John, victualler. 1738. Dancy, Richard, brewer. 1701. Danyell, John, tailor. 1439. Danyell, Robert, yeoman. 1538. Danyell, John, tiler. 1544. Daniels, Richard, victualler. 1767. Darcelot, John, dyhere. 1414. Darell, John, sompnour. 1495. 263 FREEMEN 264 Darkyn, Thomas, shoemaker. 1559. Davies (Davyes), John, locksmith. 15(50. Davies, Abraham, smith. 1594. Davies, William, tailor. 1668. Davis, Peter, tobacconist. 1692. Davis, Thorhas, butcher. 1706. Davis, Robert, victualler. 1717. Davis, Richard, victualler. 1731. Davis, Robert, mason. 1763. Davison, Alexander, bricklayer or mason. 1 70+. Davy, John, tailor. 1524. Davye, James, musicianer. 1576- Dawkyn, John, mason. 1502. Dawson, Daniel, linenweaver. 1734- Daye, John, cooper. 1599. Day, Philip, of Hackington, mason. 1769. Daynold, Thomas. 1449. Dean (Dene), James, chandler. i473- Deane, Robert, of Holy Cross, Cant, mill- wri.fjht. 1701. Dean, William, butcher. 1778. De Caleys, John. 1429. &^ Watkyn John. De Dene, John, alias Dominus John Gybbe, butcher. 1436. De Denne, Miles, barber. 1440. Deedes, William, of Hackington, Esquire. '774- Deeprose, Thomas, victualler. 1750. Deest, John, chandler. 1477. Delasaux, Peter, silkweaver. 1761. Dele, Cliristopher, mercer. 1521. De le Heme, [ohn, linenweaver. 1481. De le Ven, Gerard, goldsmith. 1406. De Monte, William, of Acquitania. 1411. Denham, Richard, now of Cant., late citizen and Salter of London. 1623. Denne, Richard, draper. 1420. Denne, [blank], victualler. 1665. Denn, John, gent. 1730. Denne, lohn, butcher. 1740. Denne, William, draper and tailor. 1788. Denwood, Stephen, beerbrewer. 1605. Denys, John, mason. 1407- Derby, John, mason. 1410. Derby, William, tailor. 1497. Deryng, William, butcher. At the same tyme he had a son named John of the age of one yere. 1526. Devine, J"hn, silkweaver. 1747. De Vyse, John, butcher. 1393. Dewis, Edward, victualler. 1779- Dines, William, victualler. 1774. Dixon (Dyxon), John, yeoman. 1455. Dyxson, Thomas, capper. 1550. Dyxson, John, lockyer. 1555. Dixon, Simon, fellmonger. 1609. Dixon, Charles, of the Borough of Long- port, carpenter. 171 8. Doble, Edward, innholder. 1656. Dobo', Robert, draper. 141 7. Dod, Simon, scrivener. 1423. Dodde, Sampson, linendraper. 1570. Dodd, John, barber. 1653. Dodd, Isaac, tailor. 17 19. Dod, Thomas, woollendraper. 1737- Dodson, Thomas, miller. 1561. Dodyn, Thomas, hackneyman. 1530. Doggett, John, tailor. 1657. Dokerell, William, currier. Had at same time a daughter named Anne, aged 10 weeks. 1526. Dolton, Charles, victualler. 1788. Doraunt, Edward, mason. 1425. Dorant, Benjamin, pewterer 1544- Dorrell, John, silkweaver. 1630. Dournall, John, silkweaver. 1753. Dove, Benjamin, victualler. 1757. Dowce, William, capper. 1533. Dowle, lohn, beerbrewer. 1620. Downe, James, taverner. 1445. Downer, Trustram, hempdresser. 1651. Downer, John, victualler. 1681. Downes, John, tailor. 1627. Downyng. Roger, baker. 1474. Draicott, James, vintner. 1630. Drayton, James, yeoman. 15&7. Dreel, John, cook. 1444. Driver, Philip, victualler. 1727. Drought, John, turner. 1614. Drought. John, smith. 1642. Duche, Thomas, tailor. 1523. Dudlow, John, plumber. 1743. Dudston, William, fletcher. 1540. Du Gardin, Peter, cooper. 1723. Duin, William, victualler. 1689. Dumee, James, silkweaver. 1725. Dundye, John, tailor. 1491. Dunkyn, Umfrcy, tailor. 1534. Dunkyn, James, maltman. 1598. Dunkin, Henry, woolcomber. 1658. Dunn, Edward (or Edmund), tailor. 1 640. Duree, Mark, dyer. 1720. Dutnal, W'illiam, victualler. 1746. Dyar, John, glover. 1484. Dyason, Jonathan, victualler. '773- Dyce, William, brazier. 1761. Dyce, John, brazier. 1795. Dyce, William, baker. 1796. Dygons, William, shoemaker. 1524. Dykk, Robert, tailor. 1548. Dykynson, Robert, tailor. 161 1. Dylnote, John. 1394. Dilnot, John. 1395. Dylyngton, William, smith. 1480. _i 265 OF CANTERBURY. 266 Dyne, Thomas, barber. 1500. Dyryk, Michael, tallowchandler. 1535. Dyvis, William, yeoman. 1608. East, William, currier. 1488. East, Richard, victualler. 1736. Eastes, Robert, maltster. 1681. Eastes, Dilnot, plumber and glazier. 1789. Eastes, John, baker. 1799- Eaton, John, gent., Attorney at Law. 1676. Eche, Richard, hostler. 1437. Edgcumbe, Gabriel, saddler. 1771- Edlee, John, taverner. 1419- Edlin, John, victualler. 1741. Edmund, John, chamller. 141 1. Edmunde. John, butcher. 1478. Edmonds, William, blacksmith. 17 14. Edridge, William, upholster. 1699. Edward, Thomas, smith. 1521. Edward, John, vintner, whose youngest child was then 2 years old. 1527- Edward, Thomas, shearman. 1547- Edwardes, Anthony, innkeeper. 1638. Edwards, John, labourer. 1652. Edwards, Joseph, perukeraaker. 1783. Effyll, Christopher, brewer. 1598. Egger, John, skinner. 1535- Eginder, Robert, yeoman. 1630. Egleson, Barnard, victualler. 1751. Ellden, John, victualler. 1744. Eldergate, John, cook. 1504. Eldridge, John, victualler. 1779. Elgar, John, tailor. 1576. Elgar, William, yeoman. 1621. Elgar, William, leather cutter. 1787. Elgar, John, leathercutter. 1799. Ellis (Elys), Walter, gent. 1471. Elys, David, hackneyman. 1473. Ellys, John, hackneyman. 1482. Elys, John, grocer. 1517- Ellys, Ingram, tailor. 1573. Ellis, James, watchmaker. 1666. Ellis, Ale.xander, victualler. 1688. Ellis, Thomas, victualler. 1764. Elmes, Thomas, victualler. 1778. Elpheck, George, grocer. 17 14. Elphick, Edward, tailor. 1726. Elsy, Thomas, cook. 1430. Elsey, John, tailor. 15 10. Elstene, Thomas, fletcher. 1398. Elve, John, shoemaker. iS+3' Elwyn, James, maltster. 1782. Emptage, Edward, carpenter. 1703. Englysh, William, barber. 1492. Ennis, Richard, victualler. 1694. Epps, Thomas, grocer. 1763. Epps, William, woollendraper. 1773. Epps, Moses, butcher. 1779. Epps, John, grocer. 1794. Ertzbarger, John, baker. 1743. Esscheby, John, spicer. 1393. Essex, Cjeorge, tailor. 1668. Estay, John, shearman. 1562. Estweli, William, yeoman. 1543. Eton, Paul, tailor. 1559. Euden, Richard, mercer. 1468. Euden, Walter, mercer. HS9. Evans, Peter, gent. 1644. Evans, William, butcher. 1724. Everden, Thomas, labourer. 1654. E.xherst, John, brewer. 1478. Eylewyn, Henry, surgeon. 1515. Eylwyn, William, surgeon. 1537. Eylewyn, Henry, tiler. 1544- Eyres, John, victualler. 1762. Fader, John, baker. 1462. Fag, Richard, capper. 1540. Fagg, John, clothier. 1623. Fagge, Charles, of Mystole, Esquire. 1733. Fairman, Richard, victualler. 1754. Fairman, William, of Lvnstead, gent. 1789. Falley, William, tailor. 1500. Fantynge, Thoma«, couper. 1448. Fantyn, Richard, corvesir. 1470. Farley, John, }'eoman. 1449. Farley, John, vintner. 1760. Farley, Henry, breechesmaker. 1765. Farley, William, breechesmaker. 1776. Farnham, Thomas, chandler. 1414. Farre, Edmund, cordwainer. 1646. Farr, Michael, coachman. 1768. Farrance, John, blacksmith. 1^34. Farri<, Charles, tailor. 1789. Farris, James, bricklayer. 1789. Faulkner, John, victualler. 1772. Faunt, Nicholas, chandler. 1438. Fea, Robert, victualler. 1783. Feild, Christopher, victualler. 1628. Fells, John, tailor. 1609. Felpes, Richard, butcher. 1580. Felton, John. 1662. Fenn, James, millwright. 1773. Fenner, Rest, bookbinder. 1651. Fenton, .Abraham, warehouseman. 1748. Ferfludde, John, hatter. 1506. Ferry, Samuel, innholder. 1709. Ferthyng, Robert. 1393. Fetherston, Thomas, merchant. 1597. Fidole, Henry, plstor. 1406. Finch (Fynchee), John. 1393- Fynche, Thomas, currier. 1496. Fynche, Richard, gent. 1610. Finch, Richard, cutler. 1653. Finch, John, of the Borough of St. Martin, Cant., labourer. 1656. 267 FREEMEN 268 Finch, Peter, shopkeeper. 1763. Finch, Peter, dealer in wine. t766. Find), James, of Bishopsbourne, yeoman. .778. Finch, Wilham, breeches maker. 1800. Fish (Fyssh), Simon, butcher. 1422. Fyssh, Henry, butcher. 1+32. Fyssh, William, yeoman. 1440. Fyssh, John, grocer, i486. F)-sshe, William, grocer. 1497. Fyssh, John, carpenter. 1514. Fisher (Fyssher), William, glazier. 1473. F'yssher, Simon, tailor. 1563. Fisher, John, carpenter. 1718. Fittle, William, weaver. 1647. Fitzwater, John, yeoman. 1519. Flackden, Andrew, bricklayer. 1591. Flatman, Henry, labourer. 1631. Flecher, Hugh, fletcher. 1423. F'leccher, John, tailor. i497- Flelchar, Thomas, innhokier. 1504. Fletcher, Stephen, currier. 1548. Fletcher. Bernard, barber-surgeon. 1725. Flint, Samuel, tailor. 1699. Flisher, John, whitesmith. 1733- Flisher, William, ironmonger. 1745. Flood, Thomas, tinplate worker. 1685. Flower, Luke, glazier. 1531. Flower, George, tailor. 1615. Fly (Flie), Samuel, brazier. 1688. Flv, Joseph, brazier. i6q6. Fly, James, brazier. 171 8. Foade, John, musician. 1652. Foarce, Robert, fcUmonger. 1605. Fobelyn, Paul, webbe. 1395. Fogge, John, miles. 1467- Fookys, Stephen, beerbrewer. 1502. Foord, Thomas, draper. 1561- Forde, Thomas, butcher. 1446. Forde, John, butcher. 1446. Forrest, John, butcher. 1602. Forreter, Richard, tiler. 1544. Foster, John, tailor. 1475. Foster, James, tailor. 1523. Foster, Richard, shoemaker, whose youngest child, Agnes, was then one year old. 1528. Foster, Edward, woollendraper. 1581. Foster, Thomas, gardener. 1640. Foster, George, joiner. 1695. Founteyn, William, corvesir. 1414. Fowle, FIdmund, tailor. 1552. Fowle, Thom;is, clockmaker. 1609. F"owle, Alexander, apothecary. 1637. F'owle, Richard, smith. 1054. Fowle, Thomas, smith. 1658. Fowle, Nicholas, baker. 1670. Fowle, George, of Boxley, yeoman. 1 800. Fowle, John, of Rainham, yeoman. 1800. Fowle, Thomas, of Maidstone, yeoman. 1800. Fowler, Henry, baker. 1523. Fowler, Roger, tailor. 1538. Fowler, James, maltman. iboi. Fowler, William, miller. 1645. Fowler, John, baker. 1665. Foxe, William, weaver. 1472. Fox, Thomas, limeburner. i477- Fox, John, armourer. 1521. Fox, Henry, shoemaker. 1538. Fox, Richard, miller. 1541. Fox, Thomas, cordwainer. 1621. Foxe, Stephen, husbandman. 1629. Fox, John, victualler. 1693. Fox, William, victualler. 1732. Fox, Robert, carpenter. 1738. Fox, Hopkins, of Lynstead, clerk. 1789. Foyns, Thomas, joiner. 1547. Francis (Franceys), John. 1402. Fraunces, Nicholas, saddler, whose voung- est child, Walter, was then f of a year old. 1527. Frances, Thomas, limeburner. 1731. Francis, William, surgeon and apothecary. ■758. Francis, Hopkins, tallowchandler. 1760. Francis, Hopkins, leathercutter. 1799. Frandonendi, Oliver, joiner. 1492. Frank, William, joiner. 1461. Franck, Thomas, victualler. 1685. Franck, Nathaniel, barber. 1723. Franckelen, Henry, draper. 1597. Fray, Thomas. 1667. Fray, Thomas. 1678. Free, Peter, blacksmith. 1603. Freed, Robert, miller. 1671. Freeland, John, glover. 1577. Freman, John, smith. 1424. Freeman, John, yeoman. 1527. Freeman, William, currier. 1696. Freeman, Samuel, of London, merchant. 1761. Fremolt, Samuel, brewer. 17 18. Fremoult, Joel, gent. 1749. French, Thomas, mercer. 1524. Frengeham, Henry, tailor. 1534. Frenyngham, John, butcher. 1442. Frere, Thomas, grocer. 1466. Frere, Joseph, baker. 1471. Fresshyncourt, Thomas, corvesir. 1490. Friend, Barnaby, tailor. 1708. Friend, Thomas, bricklayer. 1727. Frend, Charles, tailor. 1728. Frode, Thomas, butcher. 1455. Fry, Robert. 1394. Fry, John, gent. 1645. 269 OF CANTERBURY. 270 Fryer, Robert, plumber. 1537- Fryerson, Edward, maltster. 1623. Fryston, William, at Gravelpit. 141 5. Fulke, Richard, grocer. 15+6. Fuller, William, barber. 1477. Fuller, John, mercer. 1535. Fuller, John, woollendraper. 1720. Fuller, Edward, of Hackington, carver. 1761. Fuller, William, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, carpenter. 1777. Fuller, Thomas, baker. 1792. Furfiode, John, hatmaker. 1482. Furley, Robert, victualler. 1800. Furner, William, innholder. 1504. Furs, Thomas, cutler. 1599. Fursdon, Robert, taverner. 1469. Furser, Richard, capper. 1563. Furser, John, clothworker. 1566. Fyche, John, weaver. 1473. Fylkes, William, smith. 1507. Fyll, Thomas, surgeon. 1519. Fill, Edward, grocer. 1800. Fynne. Thomas, yeoman. 1463. F)nwood, William, shoemaker. 1578. Gadsbey, John, carpenter, 1723. Gale, Nicholas, tailor. 1621. Galley, George, victualler. 1780. Gam, John, butcher. 1495. Gambeer, Job, potter. 1757- Gann, Thomas, victualler. 1777- Ganton, James, scrivener. 1470. Gardiner, Thomas, brewer. 1411. Gardener, Roger, shoemaker. 1550. Gardner, Richard, blacksmith. 1675. Gardner, Finnis, grocer. 1710. Gardner, Thomas, victualler. 1727- Garlinge, Nicholas, innholder. 1722. Garnar, James, currier. 1544- Gararde, William, corvesir. 14S4. Garrard, Henry, currier. 1489. Garret, John, victualler. 1698. Garrett, George, tallowchandler. 1769. Gatth, William, tailor. 1653. Gascoin, George, butcher. 1675. Gaskyn, James, mercer. 1544. Gaskyn, Humphrt-y, capper. 1558. Gaskyn, Richard, capper. 1558. Gate, Thomas, webbe. 1393. Gate, John, linenweaver. 1437. Gate, John, capper. 1496. Gate, Raynold, pewterer. 1534. Gates, William, vintner. 1661. Gattes, Edward, grocer. 1602. Gaze, Henry, victualler. 1795. Gee, Henry, cutler. 1796. Genes, Thomas, currier. 1405. Genet, Walter, saddler. 1529. George, Thomas, waxchandler. 1483. George, John, vintner. 161 1. George, |ohn, yeoman. 1622. Germeyn, John, corvesir. 1404. Getter, Thomas, beerbrewer. 1569. Gibbon, William, gent. 1635. Gibbon, William, of St. Paul's, Cant., tailor. 1652. Gibbon, Jeremiah, victualler. 1670. Gibbs (Gybbys), John, scrivener. 1519. Gibbs, Richard, vintner. 17 19. Gibson, Thomas, woolcomber. 161 6. Gibson, William, butcher. 1707. Giffard, Peter, pistor. 1397. Gilbert (Gylbert), Thomas, scrivener. 1487. Gilberd, Thomas, tder. 1500. Gylbert, John, mercer. 1528. Gylbert, John, yeoman, and, on condition that his son Richard is made free, he agrees to give 7 loads of lime. 1588. Gylbart, John, yeoman. 1601. Gilbert, Robert, brewer. 1616. Gilbert, Nicholas, fellmonger. 1625. Gilbert, Humphry, chandler. 1628. Gilbert, Thomas, taimer. 1632. Giles, Peter, hackneyman. 1663. Giles, Samuel, butcher. 1756. Gilham, Thomas, miller. 1674. Gilham, Stephen, victualler. 1787. Gill (Gylle), Nicholas, upholder. 1419. Gyle, William, baker. 1453. Gylle, Nicholas, brewer. 1466. Gill, Jolm, carpenter. 1633. Gill, Joshua, of St. Martin's, Cant., cord- wainer. 1654. Gill, Thomas, victualler. 1691. Gill, William, victualler. 1786. Gillett, Daniel, victualler. 1784. Gilman, John, hempdresser. 1638. Gilman, Richard, vintner. 16S2. Gillman, John, wheelwright. 1748. Gilmore, Paul, grocer. 1639. Gillmore, James, papermaker. 1665. Gilmyn (Gylmyn), Robert, hackneyman. 1534- Gilpin, Anthony, victualler. 1718. Ginder, Richard, gent. 1656. Giraud, Richard Harvey, tallowchandler. 1790. Glaes, William, pewterer. 1568. Glocestr, John, waxchandler. 1491. Glover, Thomas, grocer. 1527. Glover, John, shoemaker. 1560. Glyed, Jeflery, tailor. 1566. Gobye, John, butcher. 1598. Godard, Hugh, fletcher. i433- Goddard, John, pewterer. 1497. Godfrey, John, joiner. 1478. 271 FREEMEN 272 Godfrey, Edward, mercer. 1548. Godfrey, Thomas, mercer. 1549. Godyn, Henry. H'T- GofFe, John, brewer. 1399. Goffe, Andrew, fuller. 14+9. Goffe, Thomas, fishmonger. 1482. Goffeson, CorneHus, joiner. 1544. Gogh, Richard, corvesir. 1489. Golde, John. i4°5- Golde, Walter, tailor. 1518. Golde, William, innholder. 1524. Gould, John, butcher. 1644. Goldfinch, John, miller. 1704. Goldfinch, John, baker [s. of Jane Gold- finch, miller]. 17 14. Goldfinch, Joseph, grocer. 1792. Goldin, Richard, of Westgate, silkweaver. 1710. Goldesboroe, Richard, joiner. 1638. Goldsborough, Richard, barber. 1650. Goldsmyth, Hugh, spicer. 1395. Goldsmyth, William, grocer. i459- Goldsmyth, John, clothmaker. i477- Goodban, John, victualler. 1790. Goodlad, Edmund, innholder. 1524. Goodwyne(Guodwyne), John,cissor. 1423. Goodwin, John, of Staplegate, labourer. 1709. Good)n, Nicholas, silkweaver. 16 14. Gootle, Wdliam, bowyer. 1470. (jopel, John, galochemaker. 1407. Gore (Goore), Gilbert, weaver. 1599. Gore, Augustine, whitesmith. 1732. Gorely, James, victualler. 1793. Gorram, Richard, couper. 1527. Gosebourne, Henry, gent. 1489- Gosling, John, shoemaker. 1641. Gosmer, John, joiner. 1613. Gosse, John, maltster. 1630. Gote, Richard. 1396. Gourde, Richard, corvesir. 1424- Grafton, John, innholder. i486. Grant (Graunte), Nicholas, hatter. 1507. Graunt, William, barber. 1509. Graunt, Walter, blacksmith. 1625. Graunt, John, innkeeper. 1641. Grant, Walter, vintner. 1649. Grant, Richard, carpenter. 1710. Graeve, Adrian, baker. 1564. Gravener, Robert, chapman. 1577- Graye, Henry, blacksmith. 1599. Gray, Thomas, cordwainer. 1664. See Grey. Gregory, Peter, fletcher. 1555. Green (Grene), John, chapman. 1425. Grene, William, tallowchandler. 1517. Grene, John, mercer. 1548. Greene, John. 1G68. Green, Thomas, victualler. 1798. Green, James, toyman. 1800. Grener, John, weaver. 161 1. Grenehaugh, Francis, linendraper. 1603. Grenhell, Thomas, of Throwley. 1405. Greenhill, Richard, of Ashford, Kent, clockmaker. 1676. Greenland, Augustin, victualler. 1763. Greenland, John, grocer. 1768. Greneleff', Thomas, shoemaker. 1565. Grevys, Thomas, tiler. 1544- Grey, Robert, butcher. 15 10. Grey, Thomas, butcher. 1510. See Gray. Griffen, John, brazier, he being of the perswasion of a Quaker, but now better informed. 1683. Griffin, Daniel, haberdasher of small wares. 1717. Grisbrook, William, plumber and glazier. i7<5S- Groome, Ralph, victualler. 1672. Grove, Ralph, gent. 1592. Grove, Abraham, basketmaker. i6og. Gryder, William, tailor. is^&- Gryme, Margaret. 1483. Gryme, William, grocer. 1489. Guillam, William, tailor. 16 16. Gummer, Thomas, bricklayer. 1766. Gunn, Samuel, harnessinaker. 17 14. Gurney, Edward, chandler. 1775. Guston, John, innholder. 1470. Guston, John, butcher. 1504. Guston, Edward, butcher. 15 13. Guston, Henry, butcher. 15 17. Guston, Stephen, butcher. 1522. Gydler, John, skinner. 1548. Gye, John, stationer. 1560. Gyldar, Richard, saddler. 1544. Gyse, Lambert, corviser. 1438. Habblnge, John, skinner. 1414. Hacker, James, carpenter. 1782. Hadle, Robert, gent. i477- Hadnam, William, tailor. 1623. Hadrill, Richard, plasterer. 1771. Haffendeii, Richard, cutler. 1689. Hagell, William, baker. 1776. Halbet, John, silk weaver and mercer. 1757. Hale, Richard, cook. 1490. Hale, John, innholder. 1491. Hale, William, capper. i494- Hales, Edward, barber. 1678. Halhede, Nicholas, shearman. 1480. Halke, Salomon, chandler. 1433. Halk, Robert, fuller. 1496. Hall (Haule), Thomas. See Bone, Tho- mas. 1423- Halle, John, minstrel. h^S- Halle, Thomas, tailor. 1470. 273 OF CANTERBURY. 274 Hall, Thomas, tailor. 1492. Halle, Edward, butcher. 14-97. Hall, Thomas, tailor. 1539. Hawll, John, brewer. 1563. Hall, Richard, butcher, for which he should have paid 13s. 4d. "but he paid but vjs viijd for he ran away." '55°- Haule, William, shoemaker. 1603. Hall, William, tailor. 1626. Hall, Richard, butcher. 1630. Hall, Daniel, maltster. 1693. Hall, James, grocer. 1776. Hallibred, Daniel, victualler. 1800. Halow, Henry, taverner. 1481. Halsey, John, cordwainer. 1767. Halsnode, John, tailor. 1609. Halsnode, John, tailor, 1633. Hambrooke, Stephen, blacksmith. 1651. Hainage, Daniel, embroiderer. 1613. Hamer, Reginald, cissor. 1420. Hamestrevt, Roger, medicus. 1403. Hamme, Richard, ferrour. 1438. Ham, alias Baker, John, beer brewer. 1494. Hamne, Richard, saddler. 1502. Hamon, Alan, corvesir. 1449. Hamond, Clement, barber. 1462. Hamon, John, yeoman. 1472. Hamond, Edward, tailor, 1474. Hamonnde, John, junior, brewer. 1485. Hamond, Gerva-se, butcher. 1520. Hamond, Thomas, tallowchandler. 1551. Hammon, Robert, brewer. 1679. Hampton, George, tailor. 1548. Hangerell, Richard, of Ash. 1393. Hanson, John, glazier. 1507. Hanson, John, brewer, hath a son called John, I A years. 1528. Hanys, John, yeoman. 1597. Harberson, John, hackneyman. 1519. Hardynge, Robert, fuller. 1455. Hardyng, William, currier. 1544. Harding, Richard, victualler. 1674. Hardy, John. 1402. (.?) Hareford, Robert. 1404. ^Ve- Hereford. Harenden, Nicholas, butcher. 1539. Harey, John, couper. 1402. Hargrove, Thomas, victualler. 1748. Harleseye, John, parchment maker. 1438. Harleston, Samuel, hnendraper. 1634. Harman, Robert, hardwareman. 1484. Harman, Thomas, baskctmaker. 1591. Harnett, William, grocer. 1602. Harnett, James, maltster. 1739. Harnett, William, soapmaker. 1758. Harnett, William, currier. 1786. Harnhell, John, degher. 1409. Harnhell, John, tailor. 1430. Harnell, William, of Westgate, tanner. 1450. Harry, Thomas, rotarius. 1420. Harrys, John, smith. 147&. Harrys, John, beerbrewer. 1489. Harryes, Christopher, shearman. 1534. Harryes, Joyce, joiner. 1544. Harrys, John, millman. 1621. Harris, Edmund, tailor, 1664. Harris, Joseph, victualler. 1799. Harris, William, victualler. 1800. Harrvson, Richard, currier, i486. Harryson, Joicius, corvesir. 1489. Haryson, John, tailor. 1521. Haryson, John, shoemaker. 1523 Haryson, Henr}', glazier. 1525. Harrvson, Arnold, currier. 1545. Harryson, Arnold, surgeon. 1546. Harryson, James, currier. 1547. Harrison, Henry, maltster. 1599. Harrison, Richard, plumber. 1602. Harrison, Richard, pewterer. 1622. Harrison, Thomas, staymaker. 1752. Harrison, John, carpenter. 1757. Harrison, William, of Holy Cross, Cant., carpenter. 1761. Harrison, Stephen, victualler. 1800. Harrod, Thomas, victualler. 1754. Harrold, Andrew, brazier. 1710. Harsell. Thomas, alehousekeeper. 1654. Harte, Thomas, mason. 1455. Hart, Richard, smith. 1487. Hart, William, smith. 1537. Harte, Thomas, tailor. 1621. Hart, William, tapster. 1669. Hart, Bartholomew, maltster. 1707. Hart, Alexander, victualler. 1764. Hart, William, pattenmaker. 1781. .SVcHert. Hartcup, Jeremiah, innholder. 17 10. Hartcup, John, leatherseller. 1721. Hartcup, Jeremiah, tavern keeper. 1753. Harvey (Harwe), John, surgie'. 1400. Hervy, John, brazier. 1446. Harvye, John, blacksmith. 161 9. Harvey, John, victualler. 1755. Harvey, Squire, cornchandler. 1799. Hasard, Thomas, corvesir. 1410. Haselwode, Thomas, barber. 1529. Haslak, George, baker. 15 13. Hasted, Moses, tailor. 1671 Hatt, Simon, hatdresser. 1625. Hatter, Lawrence, baker. 1463. Haute, William, miles. 1467. Hawkes, Richard, tailor. 1621. Hawkes, John, maltster. 1662. Hawkins, John, baker. 1615. Hawkins, Matthew, beer brewer. 1621. R 215 FREEMEN 276 Hay John, tailor. 1493. Hayn', John, tailor. 1393. Haywerd, Thomas, broiderer. 1404. Hayward, Walter, skinner. 1439. Hayward, Robert, tailor. 1487. Hayward, Humphry, shoemaker. iSS9- Hayward, John, linendraper. 1698. Hayward, Edward, linen draper. 1716. Hayward, George, blacksmith. 174'. Set Heyward. Heahe, Thomas, carnifex. 1403. Heard, Francis, medal maker. 1601. Heard, Edward, innholder. 1782. Heath (Hethe), John, taverner. 1414. Heth, John, shearman. 1544. Heath, George, staymaker. 1793. Heaton, Thomas, scrivener. 1560. Hedland, Robert, shoemaker. 1582. Heler, William, of Holy Cross Without, Cant., tanner. i4-i>j. Heley, Humphry, draper. 1447. Hempstede, William, weaver, 1466. Hempstede, Henry, weaver. 1497. Henden, John, husbandman. 1447. Henden, Edward, currier. 1541. Henderson, William, victualler. 1697. Hendrj'ch, Thomas, chapman. 1449. Hened, William, skinner. 1405. Henhorne, Richard, miller. 1502. Henhorne, William, bell-ringer. 1505. Henhorns. Thomas, miller. 1489. Henwood, James, innholder. 1796. Herbaldoun, John, cissor. 1414. Herbert, Edward, smith. 1596. Herbert, George, currier. 1719. Herde, John, baker. 1537. Herdes, Robert, barber. 1588. Here, William, brewer. 1406. Hereford, William, corvesir. 1440. Hereford, John, ferror. 1446. Set- Hare- ford. Heryngton, Martin, yeoman. 1540. Herman, Geoffrey, ostler. 1426. Herman, Thomas, glazier. 1428. Hern, John, butcher, had then one son, John, of the age of 7 years. 1526. Herring, Nathaniel, tobacco-pipe maker. 1683. Herry, Alexander, fuller. 1414. Hert, Thomas, mason. HS'- Hert, Richard, draper. 1472. Hert, John, tailor. 1477. See Hart. Herward, Philip, tailor. i47^- Hewet, Thomas, furbisher. 1480. Heyfold, Henry, carpenter. 1544. Heyme, Edward. 1394. Heyne, John, tailor. 1393. Heyward, Walter, pelterer. 1419. Heyward, John, brewer. 1443. Heyward, Thomas, shoemaker. 1607. See Hayward. Hickman, Matthew, gunmaker. 1644. Hickman, HenryVVilliam, staymaker. 1782 Hicks (Hyckes), Richard, grocer. 1550. Hicks, William, grocer. 1757. Hiewes (Hewet in the margin) William, currier. 141 1. Higgens, Dunston, blacksmith. 1627. Highmore (Hyghmore), Richard, inn- holder. 1505. Hill (Hyll), Robert, chandler. 1478. Hyll, Henry, tailor. 15 19. Hill, Francis, yeoman. 1638. Hill, William, 'victualler. 1783. Hill, John, victualler. 1787. Hills (Hylls), Thomas, smith. 1524. Hills, John, yeoman. 1530. Hylles, John, tailor. 1561. Hylles, Thomas, clothworker. 1570. Hilles, Lancelot, blacksmith. 1587. Hills, James, victualler. 1666. Hills, Thomas, miller. 1687. Hills, John, victualler. 1690. Hills, John, grocer. 1750. Hills, James, victualler. 1794. Hills, John, butcher. 1798. Hilton, Cudbert, carpenter. 1632. Hilton, Thomas Gibbs, of Selling, Esquire. 1800. Hinde, John, of Milton near Sitting- bourne, gent. 1789. Hinton, James, victualler. 1794. Hirst, Edward, gent. 1651 Hoare (Hore), Edward, victualler. 1692. Hoare, Edward, tailor. 1715. Hobbes, John, butcher. 15 14. Hobbs, Edward, woolcomber. 1734. Hobble, William, scrivener, 1546. Hobday, Hercules, victualler. 1736. Hobday, Stephen, grocer. 175 i. Hobday, William, maltster. 1765. Hoby, Arthur, skinner. 1438. Hocche, Thomas, carnifex. 1403. Hocker, John, collarmaker. 1597. Hockar, William, collarmaker. 1622. Hodes, William, shearman. 1593. Hodges, Basil, carpenter. 1797. Hodghen, Thomas, vintner. 1713. Hodson, Thomas, miller. 1597. Hogbeane, John, linendraper. 1584. Hogben, Thomas, beer brewer. 1617. Hogg, Robert, skinner. 1393. Hogge, William, mason. 1438. Hoge, Symon, clerk. 1506. Holbak, John, barber-surgeon. 1398. Holbeche, John, of Sarre, cissor. 1420. 277 OF CANTERBURY. 278 Hole, William, butcher. 1522. Holladay (Hollyday), Robert, linen- draper. 1728. Holladay, Stephen, cabinet maker. 1786. Holladay, John, victualler. 1795. Holland (Holand), William, shoemaker. Holland, Edward, tipler. 1574- Hollands, Charles, corn factor. 1786. Hollenden, Andrew, braizer. ib37. Hollingbery (Holyngbery), William, vintner. 1515. Hollingberry, John, maltster. 1699. Hollingberry, Richard, maltster. 1710. Hollingberry, William, cabinet maker. 1791. Holmes (Hollmes), Thomas, beer brewer. •558. Holmes, Thomas, butcher. 1625. Holnest, Thomas, carpenter. 1473. Honnis, William, brewer. 1616. Holness, William, glover. 1692. Holnes, Edward, millener. 1695. Holness, Richard, cooper. 1773. Holte, William, yeoman. 1550. Howlet, Richard, carpenter. 1563. Holwey, John, mason. 1490. Honor, Stephen, draper. 1424. Honoree, James, grocer. 1795. Hooker, Thomas, butcher. 1678. Hoope, Robert, innholder. 1558. Hope, William, gent. 1476. Hope, Frederick, stocking-yarn maker. 1666. Hopkyn, Ralph, shearman. 1504. Hopkyns, John, innholder. 1568. Hopkins, Thomas, gardener. 1708. Hopper, Daniel, butcher. 1643. Hopper, William, victualler. 1753. Hormanson, Albert, corvesir. 1457. Home, Nathaniel, silkweaver. 1693. Horn, John, butcher. 1738. Horn, Carr, butcher. 1747. Horn, John, Junior, victualler. 1766. Horsley, John, baker. 1476. Hosmer, Joseph, baker. 1796. Hovenden, John, cooper. iS99- Howe. Anthony, hackneyman. 1568. How, William, victualler. 1708. Howard, John, grocer. 1767. Howell, Simon, brewer. 1642. Howland, Adrian, bricklayer. 1618. Howland, Edward, victualler. 1728. Howlet, Thomas, textwriter, alias scriv- ener. 1463. Howlet, Richard, victualler. 1696. Howloe, Robert, homebaker. 1455. Howman, Richard, shoemaker. 1554. Howtyng, Stephen, ostclothmaker. 1428. Hubbard, Richard, hackneyman. 1606, Hubberd, John, clothworker. 1646. Hubbard, Richard, victualler. 1798. Hubbard, William, victualler. 1798. Hudson, Robert, carpenter. 1645. Huetson, Thomas, bricklayer. 1540. Huggett, Richard, glover. 1753. Hughes, Thomas, silversmith. 1783. Hugyn, Thomas, cissor. 1401. Hulks, Nathaniel, grocer. 1788. Humfrey (Hwmffrey), Richard, miller. ISS9- Homfree, William, pointmaker. 1599. Humphrey, John, victualler. 1751. Hunte, Thomas, barber. 1395. Hunte, Richard, clerk. 1403. Hunte, Robert, tailor. 1465. Hunt, John, tailor. i479- Hunt, Thomas, dyer. 1490. Hunt, William, mason. 1523. Hunte, Richard, saddler. 1527. Hunte, Robert, tallow chandler. 1548. Hwntt, Thomas, tailor. 1559. Hunt, Larrance, barber. J 561. Hunt, Thomas, barber. 1597. Hunt, Nicholas, maltster. 161 1. Hunt, James, butcher. 1638. Hunt, William, feltmaker. 1668. Hunt, Jacob, silk weaver. 1670. Hunt, George, upholster. 1692. Hunt, Thomas, cutler. 1734. Huntelene, Thomas, carpenter. 1405. Hunton, Henry, mercer. 1506 Hutchins, John, grocer. 1788. Hutton, Robert, smith. 1492. Huysson, Michael, skinner. 1544. Hyder, James, cobbler. 1602. Hyett, James, woolcomber. 1723. Idenden, John. 1461. Iggleden, Stephen, victualler. 1795. listen, Richard, glover. 1406. Inge, Thomas, cissor. i4^5- Ingland, Richard, tailor. 1548. Ingram, Abel, victualler. 1708. Inwood, William, musicianer. 1627. Ireland, Henry, vintner. 1728. Ireland, William, surgeon and apothecary. 1743- Isaac, Joseph, victualler. 1765. Ive (lue), Adam. 1400. Ive, John, taverner. 141 5. Iveyson, William, victualler. 1744. Iveyson, Richard, whitesmith. 1748. Iwry, John, tailor. 1440. Jackeson, Thomas, tailor. 1508. Jackson, Robert, innholder. 1607. Jackson, Benjamin, ironmonger. 1627. 279 FREEMEN 280 Jackson, James, clothier. 1630. Jackson, William, victualler. 1763. Jacob, Richard, upholder. 1415. Jacobe, Roger, shoemaker. 1564. Jacob, Edward, apothecary. 1706. Jagger, Robert, carpenter. 1708. Jakys, John, vintner. 1502. James (Jamys\ John, butcher. 15 17. James, John, hackneyman. 1655. James, John, butcher. 1662. Jamyson, Matthew, 1534. "jarman, Richard, cordwainer. 165 i. Jarman, Norton, blacksmith. 1718. Jarman, William, victualler. 1756. Jefferay, William, plumber. 15 15. Jefferay, George, tailor. 1542. Jeffory, Edward, tailor. 1648. Jeken, Valentine, gent. 17 12. Jeken, John, gent. 1737. jemmeit, George, yeoman. 1596. Jemmett, John, clothier. 1613. "jenkin, Thomas, woollendrapcr. 1659. Jenkinson (Jynkynson), William, saddler. 1563- Jenkinson, Ralph, victualler. 1642. Jennyngs, John, barber. 1564. Jennings, Thomas, victualler. 1728. Jennings, Daniel, staymaker. 1758. Jennings, John, butcher. 1774. John, Thomas, tailor. 1479. Johnson, Nicholas, corviser. 1464. lohnson, Peter, corviser. 1474. Johnson, Gerard, corviser. 1476. Johnson, Cornelius, corvesir. 1489. Johnson, Peter, cowper. 1496. Johnson, Anthony, haberdasl)er. 1502. "Johnson, John, mercer. 15 18. Johnson, Robert, shoemaker. 1527. Jonson, Robert, barber. 1544. Johnson, Paul, maltman. 1574. Johnson, Esdras, stationer. 1594. Johnson, Lawrence, hempdresser. 1620. Johnson, Bartholomew, innholder. 1649. Johnson, Thomas, bricklayer. 1782. Jolmson, Thomas, victualler. 1783. Jonah, Joseph, victualler. 1708. Jonas, Richard, physician. 1538. Jones, Lewis, baker. 1543. Jones, John, tailor. 1575. Jones, Hugh, the younger, tailor. 1579. Jones, Henry, innkeeper. 1653. Jones, William, of Harbledown, yeoman. '747- Jones, Joseph, victualler. 1762. Jones, William, draper and tailor. 1795. Jope, William, butcher. 1534. Jordan, Thomas, tiler. 1490. Jurden, Roger, cutler. 1553. Jurden, John, tailor. 1590. Jorden, "Thomas, gent. 1616. Jorden, Henry, senior, lathcleaver. 1705. Jorden, William, vintner. 1736. Jordan, John, victualler. 1781. Joy, Bartholomew, shoemaker. 1539. Joyce, Edmund, barber-surgeon. 1632. Juddery, Andrew, innholder. 1722. Jull, John, weaver. 1499. Justice, Nicholas, plumber. 1622. Justice, Edward, plumber. 1654. Kachoreli, John, draper. 1447. Kavell, Robert, shearman. 1480. See Kevell. Kay, William, saddler. 1734. Kay, John, victualler. 1747. See Key. Kaylway {?), John, mercer. 1591. Kebble, John, mason. 1606. Kedman, Stephen, victualler. i;'67. Keeler, John, coachmaker. 1782. Keeling, Thomas, victualler. ib8i. See Kyllyng. Keen, George, salesman. 1766. Keene, William, chemist and druggist. '779- Keet, John, butcher. 1741. Kele, Thomas, stainer. 1548. Kelsall, William, fishmonger. 1475. Kelsam, John, grocer. 1534. Kelsey, Thomas, smith. 1549. Kember, John, shoemaker. 1514. Kempe, Robert, chandler. 1467. Kemp, Robert, of Heme, butcher. 1528. Kempe, Isaac, brewer. 1610. Kemp, William, victualler. J721. Kendale, John, yeoman. 147^- Kendall, William, barbt-r. 1474. Kenn, George, carpenter. 1655. Kennarii, Hamond, shoemaker. 1543. Kennardy, Richard, tailor. J613. Kennett (Kenet), William, apothecary. 1427. Kynet, Robert, butcher. 1472. Kennett, William, butcher. 1590. Kennett, John, maltster. 1706. Kennett, John, leathercutter. 1795. Kennon, Samuel, of Holy Cross, Cant., plateworker. 1661. Kensham, Nicholas, cook. 1600. Kenton, Richard, weaver. 1472. Keicherel, David, merchant. 1729. Kevell, John, tador. 1544. .Str Kavell. Key, Obadiah, tailor. 1669. See Kay. Keys, Robert, carpenter. 1559. Kidder, Edward, pastry cook. 1689. King (Kyng), William, corvesir. 1404. Kyng, William, smith. 1434. Kyng, Thomas, mercer. 1525. 281 OF CANTERBURY. 282 Kynge, Thomas, butcher. 1559. Kynge, Thomas, cutler. 1561. King, John, victualler. i6b8. King, Edward, victualler. 1689. King, George, baker. 1768. Kyngesdowne, John, butcher. i544- Kingj-ford, William, of Chartham, Esquire. 1761. Kingsmill (Kyngesmell), James, vintner. 1472. Kyngsmyll, Augustine, gent., paid a fine of ;^4 for "vitling without a lycens." 1613. Kingsmill, Daniel, victualler. 1694. Kingsnood (Kyngsnood), John, cloth- worker. 1566. Kyngsnodd, Daniel, turner. 161 1. Kippinge, Thomas. 141 1. Kingstonne, Thomas, hackneyman. 1572. Kirby (Kyrby), Harry, tailor. 1563. Kirby, William, victualler. 1752. Kirke (Kyrke), John, tailor. 1562. Kirkby (Kyrkeby),William, brazier. 1461. Kyrkby, John, yeoman. 1607. Kirkby, George, printer. 1768. Kirkby, Henry, stationer. 1769- Kisser, Samuel, clockmaker. 17 13. Kitchen, John, butcher. 1643. Kitchingman, William, brewer. 1767. Kite, Michael, butcher. 1647. Kite, William, victualler. 1793. Knap, William, butcher. 1737. Knell, John, yeoman. 1656. Knight (Knygth). Richard, webbe. 1414. Knyght, John, goldsmith. 1446. Knyght, Reginald, mason. 1452. Knyght, Reginald, haberdasher. 1487. Kn'}ght, Peter, butcher. 1490. Knyght, Richard, mercer. 1498. Knyght, William. 1589. Knight, Joshua, gent. 1627. Knight, Francis, cooper. 1638. Knight, Henry, gent. 1643. Knight, Francis, cordwainer. 1690. Knightsmith (Knyghtsmyth), John, barber. 1568. Knott.Thomas, tobacco-pipemaker. 1659. Knowler, George, brewer. 1692. Knowler, John. 1703. Knowler, Thomas, surgeon. 17 10. Knowler, Thomas, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, Esquire. 1761. Knowles, Isaac, clothier. 1602. Knowles, Robert, of Staplegate, tailor. 1657-8. Knowles, Daniel, carpenter. 1779. Knype, John, tailor. 1477. Koe, William, weaver. 141 7. Koe, Thomas, cutler. 1419- Krykke, John. 145 1. Kyllyng,' Thomas, capper. 1549. Sfe Keeling. Lacey, James, vintner. 1720. Lacy, George, gent. 1760. Lacy, George, the younger, cutler. 1783. Lad, William, tailor. 1393- Ladd, Stephen, coachman. 1664. Ladd, George, coachman. 1069. Ladd, John, wheelwright. 1761. Lade (Laadd), John, tailor. 1610. Lade, John, grocer. 171 1. Lade, "Michael, goldsmith. 1722. Lade, Thomas, salter, [s. of Thomas Lade of Heme, yeoman.] 1724. Laey, Charles, medicus. 1507. Laggett, Thomas, upholster. 1683. Lake, Edward, victualler. 1730. Lamb, Mark, victualler. 1727. Lambard, James, merchant. 1449. Lambard, Thomas, haberdasher. 1472. Lamberd, John. 1507. Lamberd, William, shoemaker. 1629. Lambard, John, plasterer. 1799- Lambherst, John, haberdasher. 1481. Laiiibeiherst, Thomas, tailor. 1485. Lamberherst, John, grocer. 1500. Lambert, Giles, joiner. 1613. Lambert. William, victualler. 1720. Lambesyn, John. 1393. Lambourne, John, pewterer. 1439- Lame, Thomas, glover. 1567. Landman, Henry, victualler. 1650. Landman, Edward, brewer. 1660. Lands, lohn, victualler. 1798. Lane, Humphry, victualler. 1671. Lane, Josiah, ironmonger. 1694- Langedon. Thomas. 1400. Langfyld, Nicholas, oatmealmaker. i 575. Langle, Robert, saddler. 1427. Langley, John, minstrel. 1455. Langnase, Nicholas. 1398. Larking, John, brazier. 1761. Lasshynden, Thomas, mercer. 1559. Lather, John, hackneyman. 1606. Latter, John, corvesir. 1489. Latter, John, painter. 1515. Latter, John, butcher. 1707. Lawe, Thomas, cordwainer. 1630. Laweyn, Robert, teghelar. 1425. Lawrens, John, baker. 1420. Laurence, William, tailor. 1500. Laurence, Robert, joiner, who has a son, John, i yere old. 1527. Laurence, Thomas, painter. 1652. Lawrence, John, victuallt-r. 1777. Lawrence, William, shopkeeper. 1785. 283 FREEMEN 284 Lawrence, Robert, victualler. 1797. Lawson, John, yeoman. 17 10. Layte, Joseph, feltmaker. 1657. Layton, John, homebaker. 1477. Lea, William, beerbrewer. 1632. Leach, John, of Lincoln's Inn, Esquire. 1790. Leche, John, fuller. 1414-. Leche, John, cook. 1469. Ledger, [blank], husbandman. 1662. Ledger, Stephen, victualler. 1684. Lee, John, fellmonger. 1610. Lee, [blank], grocer, paid £s, part of £10, but he was never admitted, and hath since left the city. 1653. See Lea. Leede, Christopher, clothworker. 1554. Leedes, William, baker. 161 5. Leek's, Gilbert. 1395. Leke, George, saddler. 1544. Leeke, Peter, yeoman. i6ig. Leake, William, innholder. 1707. Legeyt, Robert, gent. 1749- Leggett, Robert Hayes, haberdasher. 1786. Lellysden, William, brewer. 1467. Lyllysden, Richard, draper. 1482. Lemet, John, butcher. 1563. Lemyngton, John. 1394- Lenard, John, butcher. 1482. Leonard, Ralph, whitesmith. 1603. Leonard, John, labourer. 1651. Lepine, Daniel, silkweaver. 1725. Lested, John, mercer. 1542. Letton, Thomas, smith. 17 12. Lewington, Robert, victualler. 1737. Lewknor, James, haberdasher. 1616. Lewty, William, tailor. 1561. Lewys, John, haberdasher. 1467. Lewys, William, haberdasher. 1469. Lewys, Richard, of Monkton, yeoman. '53°- Lewys, Nicholas, skinner. 1534. Lewes, John, silk dyer. 1599. Lewes, Leonard, butcher. 1614. Ley, Thomas, vintner. 1564. Lipyeat, Charles, tailor. i6gi. Lishman, William, of Sittingbourne, innkeeper. 1800. Litchfield, Thomas, victualler. 1690. Little, Jarman, tailor. 1650. Littlewood, John, chemist and druggist. 1771. _ Lockhart, William, cordwainer. 1770. Lockeley, Richard, vintner. 1602. Lockyer, Thomas, victualler. 1744. Lodge, William, victualler. 1748. Lofty, William, surgeon. 1741. Loftie, Arthur Skeere, linendraper. 1769. Lollam, John, brazier. 1496. London, John, chandler. 1445. London, Peter, grocer. 1542. London, Thomas, shoemaker. 1562. London, John, goldsmith. 1564. Long, Richard, tailor. 1540. Long, Abraham, tailor. 1590. Longborn, Rowland, victualler. 1690. Longley, Benjamin, butcher. 1681. Looke, George, victualler. 1661. Lord, John, draper. 1433. Lott, Walter, butcher. 1581. Lott, John, maltster. 1665. Lott, John, maltster. 1684. Lott, Richard, victualler. 1700. Lott, Thomas, gunmaker. 1763. Love, Henry, dyer. 1684. Love, John, victualler. 1685. Lovel, John, brewer. 1427. Loveryk, John, saddler. 1467. Lowe, Thomas, hackneyman. 1554. Lowen, Thomas, innholder. •777. Loy, John, mason. 141 1. Loy, Robert, tailor. 1443. Lucas, John, tailor. 1551. Lucas, John, butcher. 1641. Lukke, Simon, fuller. 1476. Luck, Thomas. 1684. Luddington, John, the younger, victualler. 1707. Luddington, Joseph, victualler. 1717. Ludlow, John, haberdasher of hats. 1 644. Luffe, Thomas, haberdasher. 1406. Lupton, John, hackneyman. 1526. Lushington, John, leatherseller. 1690. Lybard, John, minstrel. 1544. Lyd, Walter, capper. 1530. Lye, John, glover. 1559. Lygham, Thomas, capper. 1528. Lyght, Robert, smith. 1545. Lyham, Andrew, yeoman. 171 1. Lylly, John, glover. 1544. Lymmynge, Henry, ferrier. 1410. Lymyter, Thomas, haberdasher. 1544. Lynch, Richard. 1397. Lynch, John, butcher. 1420. Lynche, Nicholas. 1501. Lyncoln, Richard, baker. 1488. Lynde, Constancia. See Bertyn, Con- stancia. 1455. Lyndregge, Stephen, yeoman. 1453. Lyndsey, Thomas, corvesir. 1467. Lyndesey, Robert, chandler. 1479. Lynsey, Robert, capper. 1561. Lynthewode, Edward, bowyer. 1544. Lyon, John. 1397. Lyon, Christopher, grocer. 1468. 285 OF CANTERBURY. 286 Lyon, Nicholas, shoemaker. 1497. Lyon, Wilham, smith. 1560. Lyon, Robert, smith. 1589. Lyster, Nicholas, tailor. 1555. Lythall, William, weaver. 161 1. Lithall, William, baker. 1630. Lytherland, William, butcher. 1552. Lytylwode, Roger, tailor. 15+4. Mace, William, victualler. 1701. Macmillen, John, linendraper. 1765. Rlackfarlen, Peter, barber-surgeon. 1715. Madox, Hugh, whitebaker. 1626. Maddux, John, baker. 1630. Maddox, Richard, limeburner. 1731. Maddockes, Charles, victualler. 1760. Maine, Richard, gardener. 17 10. Maine, Richard, tailor. 1719. Maior, Reginald, tailor. 1608. Makeblythe, Thomas, barber. 1544. Maknade, Henry. 1402. Malmayn, John, taverner. 1473. Mampas, Henry, victualler. 1737. Man, John, of Westgate street, i486. Man, John, scrivener. 1551. Man, Thomas, brewer. 1636. Manfeld, William, tailor. 1465. Mannfreys, Geoffrey, tailor. i447- Manley, Robert, yeoman. 1628. Mandley, Mr. William, gent. 1651. Mantle, Thomas, grocer. 1734. Mantle, Edward, victualler. '776. IMaple, Nicholas, weaver. 16 16. Marbeck, Richard, vintner. 1582. Marble, Richard, brazier. 1605. March, Robert, surgeon. 14 14. Marchal, John, goldsmith. 1393. Marchal, Thomas, waxchandler. i4'4- Marchall, William, shearman. 1551. Marcham, John, of Sandwich. 1400. Marcham, Richard, coachmaker. 165 i. Marchaunt, Thomas. 1393. Mardyn, Walter, skinner. 1424. Markes, Robert, tailor. 1548. Marie, John, of Holy Cross Without, Cant., tanner. 1467. Marlow, Thomas, roper. 1478. Marre, Thomas, beerbrewer. 15 15. Marrable, James, bricklayer. 1663. Marrable, John, bricklayer. 1676. Marrech, John, plumber. 1401. Marsh, Thomas, maltster. 1604. Marsh, Richard, yeoman. 161 6. Marsh, John, carpenter. 1634. Marsh, Robert, dyer. 1690. Marsh, John, carpenter. 1699. Marsh, William, the younger, victualler. '783- Marsh, Thomas, baker. 1793. Marshall, Thomas, pewterer. 1601. Marshall, Richard, of Holy Cross, Cant, carpenter. 1769. Marshall, William, cordwainer. 1771. Marshman, Peter, collarmaker. 1661. Marsk, John, tailor. 1524. Martyn, Thomas. 141 2. Martyn, Robert, chandler. 141 8. Martyn, Nicholas, bowyer. 1447. Martyn, Thomas, tailor. i453- Martyn, Robert, waxchandler. 1455. Martyn, Geoffrey, yeoman. 1472. Martyn, Robert. H77- Martyn, John, waxchandler. 1487- Martyn, Robert, goldsmith. 1495. Martyn, John, of Fordwich. 1498. Marten, Christopher, smith. 1518. Martyn, Peter, shearman. iSS'- Martin, William, cordwainer. 1699. Martin, Benjamin, draperand tailor. 1777. Mascall, John, draper. 1457. Mascall, John, shearman. 1517. Mascall, Richard, brewer. 1652. Mason, Thomas, barber. 1563. Massyngham, John, carver. 1432. Master (Maister), William, shoemaker. 1503- Maister, Richard, clothmaker. 1518. Masters, William, seedsman. 1798. Masterson, Daniel, grocer. 16 17. Mather, William, musician. 1639. Mathew, John, chandler. 1465. Mathewe, Thomas, mason. 1497. Mathewe, Richard, baker. 1540. Mathews, Henry, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, bricklayer. 1785. Matthews, Stephen, merchant. '753. Mawghyn, alias Mayhn, Clement, haber- dasher of small wares. 1608. Maxhew, John, chandler. 143^- Maxted, Henry, victualler. 1761. May, Roger, clothworker. 1544. May, George, apothecarj'. 1560. Maye, Richard, innholder. 1621. Maye, Paul, carpenter. 1638. May, Thomas, tailor. 1688. May, Robert, victualler. 1708. May, Robert, victualler. 1756. May, John, tailor. 1777. Maydeston, Richard, pistor. 1394. Mayhew, Robert, victualler. 1752. IMayum, Richard, brewer. 1636. Mead, Richard, butcher. 1760. Mears, Thomas, maltster. 1773. Mears, John, china and glass seller. 1784. Medew, George, glover. 1452. Megge, William, smith. 1484. Mercer, Thomas, capper. 1544. 287 FREEMEN 288 Mercer, John, tailor, for 20/-, on con- dition that he take Williams, his wife's son app. for 8 yrs. 161 3. Mercrr, Francis, maltster. 1713- Merefelde, William, butcher. 1394. Merriam, Edward, cordwainer. 1627. Merrin, John, victualler. 1761. Merssch. John. Mq3. Merywery, John, barber. 1420. Mesyng, John. 1443. Metford. William, fuller. 1530. Mett, William, yeoman. 1500. Mewpham, Thomas, butcher. 1478. Meyerman, Martin, goldsmith. 1460. Meyr, Robt-rt, corvesir. 1405- Meyuell, Charles, vintner. 17 12. Michell (Mychell), James, shiregrynder. 1528. Michell, William, cordwainer. 1627. Midleton, Thomas, yeoman. 161 i. Middleton, Arthur, victualler. 1698. Miles (Myles), Stephen, pistor. 1410. Myles, William. 1507. Miles, Henry, weaver. 1609. Myles, Richard, carpenter. 161 1. Miles, Richard, feltmaker. 1656. Miles, John, maltster. 1710. Miles, William, innholder. 1787. Milkrhouse, Henry, of Littlebourne, butcher. 1475- Mill (Mylle), William, taverner. 1469. Myll, Humphry, haberdasher. 15 14. Millams, George, of Sheldwich, butcher. 1761. Millere, Thomas, goldsmith. 1428. Myllar, Hugh, glover. 1566. Miller, Edward, woollendraper. 1752. Milles (Myllis), Simon, weaver. 1501. Mylles, John, tailor. 1548. Mylles, George, yeoman. 1559. Mylles, Nicholas, grocer. 1560. Mylles, Henry, weaver. 1602. Mylles, Robert, yeoman. 161 o. Mills, Thomas, butcher. 1725. Milles, Christopher, of London, Esquire. 1761. Millward, John, yeoman. 1673. Millward, John, keeper of the prison at Westgate. 1 674. Milton, Henry. 1438. Minshawe, Thomas, cook. 1665. M inter, Henry, victualler. 1694. Minter, Edward, smith. 1759. Mitchell, )ohn, miller. 1691. Mocket, Robert, brewer. 1598. Mody, Edmond, rotarius. 1418. Mody, Robert, wheeler. 1434. Mody, John, saddler. 1444. Mokote, William, cook. 1434. Molde, John, butcher. 1548. Molte, John, tailor. 1523. Moly, John, coupe'. 1423. Mond, Walter, clothier. 1637. •S'f^Mund. Mondenne, Nicholas. 1425. Monden, Richard, surgeon. 1442. Monro, William, cordwainer. 1747. Monyn, John. 1409. Moone, Joseph, chandler. 1598. Moone, Thomas, yeoman. 1616. More, Roger, miller. 1460. Moore, George, joiner. 1561. Moore, Richard, smith. 1573. Moore, William, porter dealer. 1800. Morkyn, Thomas, painter. 1 5 1 5. Morle, William, fuller. 1414. Morle, Simon, vintner. '438- Morle, Thomas, fuller. 1459- Morris (Morys), Thomas, yeoman. 1464. Morys, William, fuller. 1468. Morris, Henry, collier. 1616. Morris, James, victualler. 1696. Morris, Robert, of West Langdon, labourer. 1776. Morysson, Richard, tailor. 1466. Morseye, Henry, draper. 143". Morton, John, of S. Paul's, Cant., yeoman. 1440. Morton, Richard, pointmaker. 1551. Mose, John, of Winchepe. 1424. Moss, William, carpenter. 1793. Mote, Robert, beerbrewer. 1477. Mott, Rawlings, painter. 1702. Mounte, John, tailor. 1425. Mount, Richard, collar maker. 1733. Mount, Richard, gent. 1789. Moyne, John, dealer in horses. 1761. Moyse, Elimelech, bricklayer. 1593. Moyse, Henry, bricklayer. 1621. Moyes, Simon, of Sheerness, shipwright. 1761. Mulior, Thomas, pistor. 1406. Mulwode, Roger (?) mercer. 1442. Mund, John, clothier. 1636. Sue Mond. Munne, John, grocer. 1657. Munn, Thomas, innholder. 1729. Murrele, William, skinner. 1405- Musred, John, brewer. 1664. Mydden, Henry, victualler. 1600. Mylduall, Richard, tanner. i49'- Mylner, John, shoemaker. 1605. Myn, Thomas, victualler. 1726. Mynot, Simon, cook. 1398. Mynet, Edward. 1467. Nasshe, John, haberdasher. 1428. Nashe, Richard, whener'. 1428. Nash, James, victualler. 1766. 2S9 OF CANTERBURY. 290 Naylar, John, gent. 1502. Nayor, William, of London, goldsmith. 1656. Neame, Edward, victualler. 1 744. Neame, John, hop-planter. 1767. Nearne, David, tailor. 1709. Nelson, Richard, shearman. 1550. Nethersole, William, of Barham, maltster. 1695. Neudyk, John, tanner. 1552. Neve, Nicholas, clothworker. ibib. Newby, Henry, tailor. 1543. Nfwerk, Thomas, saddler. HH- Newyngton, William, barber. 1550. Nevvington, Benjamin, maltster. 1727. Newland, William, yeoman. 1603. Newland, William, miller. 1664. Newman, John, corvesir. 1401. Newman, Roger, pewterer. 1546. Newport, William, wheelwright. 1779. Newton, Jeffrey, hackneyman. 1546. Newton, William, weaver. 1549. Newton, Daniel, tailor. 1763. Nicholls (Nycols), Peter, wayte. 1547. Nicholls, John, potter. 1669. Nicholls, Humphry, upholster. 1678. Nichols, Thomas, upholster. 171 1. Nicholls, Hammond, watchmaker. 1790. Nicholson (Nycollson), Edmond, tailor. 1562. Nycolson, John, shoemaker. 1567. Nicholas, William. 161 6. Nisbett, William, victualler. 1781. Norgrove, Leonard, shoemaker. 1540. Norman, Thomas, brazier. 1400. Nurman, Thomas, plumber. 1420. Norman, Robert, linenweaver. 1428. Norman, Robert, fellmonger. 1032. Norrington, Henry, smith. 1690. Norrington, John, baker. 1750. Norton, John, butcher. 1610. Norreys, Benedict, cook. 1425. Norys, William, vintner. 1440. Norys, John, corvesir. i479- Norys, John, tailor. i479' Norys, John, barber-surgeon. 1532. Norys, Richard, baker. 1547. Novell, William, currier. I474- Nowel, Roger, degher. 1406. Noyes, Robert, victualler. 1766. Nutte, William, baker. 1498. Nutt, John, grocer. 1547. Nyghtyngale, John, tailor. 1543. Nvnne, lohn, linendraper. 1426. Oakshot, Richard, husbandman. 1643. Oddyngge, Henry. 143 i. Ofi'en, Richard, wheelwright. 1775. Okeley, John, tailor. 1551. Okeley, John, butcher. 1575. Okelev, John, bricklayer. 1632. Okeman, Henry, waxchandler. 1491. Old, Charles, victualler. 1742. Oldfeld, William, bellfounder. 1540. Oldfeild, Simon, cordwainer. 1646. Oldfield, John, maltster. 1682. Oldfield, Thomas, smith. 1751. Oldfield, William, of the Borough of Staplegate, bricklayer. 1773. Olforde, IMarcus, weaver. 1506. Ongley, Samuel, haberdasher. 1694. Oram, John, vintner. 1664. Orum, John, tailor. 1612. Ordymer, John, carpenter. 1524. Ordemer, Ralph, yeoman. 1542. Orlage, Richard, barber. 1550. Osebarn', John, brewer. i43°- Osborne, John, drawer. 1625. Osmoldeston, John, mason. 1499. Osmond, Henry, tder. 1344. Osmond, John, victualler. 1695. Ostede, William, vintner. 1442. Osten, George, coachmaker. 1731. Ou'havyn, Nicholas, grocer. 1468. Oughton, Thomas, mercer. 1651. Ovenden, Thomas, mealman. 1738. Overall, Simon, yeoman. 1639. Overy, Nicholas, tailor. 1549. O.xynbregge, Thomas, grocer. 15 19. O.xynden, John, of Wingham, gent. 1461. Owek, John, fuller. 1428. Owyn, William, tailor. 1566. Paas, John, linendraper. 1572. Pachet, John, of Westgate. 1408. Pack, Thomas, innholder. 1735. Packer, Samuel, maltster. 1599. Packer, Richard, yeoman. 1600. Packes, Thomas, glazier. 1567. Packman, John, of Rainham, Esquire. 1 800. Packover, William, joiner. 1572. Packover, Jeremy, joiner. 1591. Pacton, James, tailor. 1637. Padget, Thomas, tailor. 1654. Padyham, Thomas, lemyndur (.'') 1442. Paue, Thomas, smith. 1602. Page, William, blacksmith. 1&16. Page, Michael, gent. 1625. Page, Robert, victualler. 1662. Palmere, Thomas, gent. 1435. Palmer, Robert, vintner. 1685. Palmer, Richard, victualler. 1697. Palfrey, Charles, victualler. 1753. Paramore, Robert, of the Borough of St. Martin nr. Cant., victualler. 1645. Paren, Abraham, victualler. 1697. Parfytt, John, innkeeper. 1581. Pargrove, William, barber. 1496. 291 FREEMEN 292 Paris (Parys), Thomas, tailor. 15:8. Paris, John, innholder. 1707. Park, John, brewer. 1438. Parke, John, wheeler. 1460. Parke, John, draper. 1462. Parker, Henry, yeoman. No date. From a loose leaf of the 14th century. Parker, John, of Sutton nr. Northbourne. 1403- Parker, John, barber. 1470. Parker, William, smith. 1527. Parker, Esaye, maltman. 1598. Parker, William, coachman. 1 654. Parker, Ezekiel, maltster. 1656. Parker, John, woolcomber. 1672. Parker, Thomas, millener. 1760. Parker, George, victualler. 1764. Parker, Isaac, baker. 1768. Parker, Robert, linendraper. 1791. Parker, Joseph, hat haberdasher. 1799. Parkes, Henry, weaver. 1623. Parkinson, Robert, painter. 1663. Parley, William, sub-custodian of West- gate. 1482. Parson, Ralph, saddler. 15S1. Parson, John, cordvvainer. Paid los., the other 30s. to be worked out in mending of the children's shoes of the hospitall. 1640. Parsons, Luke, of Ashford, joiner. 171 6. Partrich, John, butcher. 1534- Passhley, John, hackneyman. 1547. Paternoster, William, of Rochester, inn- keeper. 1800. Patteson, William, leatherseller. 17 17. Patynson, Thomas, butcher. 1514- Pawkel, Richard, of Petham. 1398. Pawlyn, Thomas, gent. 1561. Payable, John, cissor. 1427. Payehorne, John, capper. 1405. Payn, John, cook. 1403. Payne, John, grocer. And then the youngest child that the same John had was named John Payn also and of the age of ij yeres. 1526. Payne, Sampson, maltster. 1599. Payn, Thomas, tailor. 1683. Payntour, John, mercer. 1431. Paynter, Robert, grocer. 1532. Pearce, George, cordvvainer. 1799. Pearch, Thomas, tailor. 1668. Pearson, William, victualler. 1776. Peirce, William, carpenter. 1638. Peirce, Griffith, joiner. 170S. Peirce, William, victualler. 1708. Peirce, John, grocer. 1788. Peas (Pese), Thomas, grocer. 1485. Peas, John, organ maker. 1675. Peckyngton, Hugh, tailor. 1551. Pedder, Robert, vintner. 1687. Peele, William, plasterer. 1681. Peers, Henry, gent. 1593. Pell, John, butcher. 1615. Pellam, Joseph, butcher. 1560. Pelley, Alan, capper. (492. Pembrooke, Richard, turner. 1658. Pender, Robert, cutler. 1564. Pende, John, carnifex. 1400. Penfold, John, wooUendraper and linen- draper. 1793. Penington, William, vintner. 1678. Peny, Robert, cissor. 1402. Penny, John, perukemaker. 1768. Penny, Richard, victualler. 1775. Pensax, John, yeoman. 1547. Penter, William. 1460. Pepper, John, gent. 1644. Pepper, Thomas, victualler. 1763. Percey, William, hackneyman. 1529. Percy, Thomas, gent. 1555. Percy, Hugh, Serjeant. 1558. Perry (Pery), John, baker. 1523. Perry, Richard, victualler. 1727. Pers, John, butcher. 1531. Pers, Henry, capper. 1551. Perseuall, Walter, skinner. 1444. Person, Thomas, barber. 1531- Pert, John, vintner. 141 4. Peryn, John, weaver. 1520. Peter (Petyr), Bartholomew, surgeon. And the same time he had a daughter aged 2^ years, named Johane Petyr. 1526. Peteman, John, tailor. 1436. Petman, Charles, victualler. 1704. Petman, Edward, of Hackington, tanner. 1761. Petman, John, tanner. 1727. Pett, Thomas, butcher. 1491. Pett, Thomas, grocer. 1771. Petyt, James, vintner. 1440. Pettyt, Richard, gent. 1592. Pettit, William, coffee-house keeper. 1766. Petwode, Richard, waxchandler. 1442. Petyman, Sebastian, capper. 1514. Phene, John, the younger, mercer. 1743. Phene, Peter, silkweaver. 1743- Phene, Peter, mason. 1743. Philcox, John, lastmaker. 1627. Phillipps, Walter, victualler. 1666. Phillips, Thomas, victualler. 1688. Phylpotte, John, hackneyman. 1472. Philpott, Peter, maltman. 1558. Phillpotte, Richard, victualler. 1599. Philpott, Henry, butcher. 1682. 293 OF CANTERBURY. 294 Philpot, Thomas, of St. Martin's [Cant.], wheelwright. 1735. Philpott, John, miller. 17+1. Note. — Son of Stephen Philpott, miller. Philpott, Edward, victualler. 1771- Philpott, Stephen, grocer. 1776. Philpott, William, baker. 179Z. Philpott, Thomas, butcher, i']')']- Picard, John, barber. 1737. Pickerel, John, barber-surgeon. 1398. Pickrell, Thomas, cook. 1438. Pickering, Richard, barber. 1642. Piddock, John, cabinet maker. 1769. Piers, John, tailor. 1593. Pierce, John, vintner. 1678. Pierce, John, tailor. 1733. Pierce, Thomas, brewer. 1773- Pierson, John, hackneyman. 1586. Pierson, Richard, victualler. 1661. Piggott, Arthur, of Lincoln's Inn, Esquire. 1790. Pilcher, Thomas, confectioner. 1677. Pilcher, John, of Holy Cross, Cant., tan- ner. 1 76 1. Pilcher, William, wheelwright. 1778. Pilcher, William, victualler. 1800. Pilon, Nicholas, weaver. 1719- Pillow, John, silkweaver. 1757. Pine, Thomas, basketmaker. 1696. Piper, Alexander. 1399. Pyper, Richard, innholder. 1559. Pittington, Thomas, victualler. 1720. Plane, W'llliam, corvesir. 1487. Plaine, Richard, barber-surgeon. 1694. Player, Robert, shoemaker. 1596. Plomer, John, armourer. 1407. Ploiiket, John, scrivener. 1415. Plukele, John, couper. 1430- Plumer, Edward, of the Borough of Longport, shopkeeper. 1774. Plumly, William, tailor. 1738. Plumpton, John. 1479. Pocok, John, corvesir. i455- Poitevin, Peter, tailor. 1746. Polayn, Robert. 1398. Pollard, Thomas, tailor. 1422. Pollard, William, brewer. 1613. Pollard, James, brazier. 1782. Poly, Roger, gent. 1534. Poock, Richard, pistor. 1430. Pooly, John, victualler. 16 13. Pope, Deryk, currier. 1527. Pope, John, victualler. 1778. Popeioy, Arnold, bricklayer. 1634. Porrage, Thomas, hackneyman. 1602. Porson, John, carver. 1435. Porter, Henry, turner. 1541. Porter, John, brewer. 1636 Possche, John, draper. 1416. Potkyn, James, glazier. 1494. Potman, John, innholder. 1483. Pottere, Thomas, ripper. 1446. Potyer, Daniel, locksmith. 1542. Potter, William, butcher. 1562. Potter, John, bricklayer. 1636. Potter, John, carpenter, i 744. Potter, Joseph, of St. Dunstan's in Kent, plumber. 1745. Potter, Henry, the younger, carpenter. 1790. Potvine, John, of the precincts of East Bridge n. Cant., cordwainer. 1761. Powell, Thomas, butcher. 1664. Powell, Thomas, butcher. i66g. Powell, William, innholder. 1676. Powell, Joseph, grocer. 1686. Powell, John, cordwainer. 1775. Powkel, Richard, of Petham. 1398. Pownes, Richard, skinner. 1540. Pownos, George, skinner. 1524. Prat, Richard, draper. 1408. Prat, William, faber. 1425. Prebble, Abraham, victualler. 1754. Preston, Ralph, cook. 1498. Pretteman, John, cordwainer. 1689. Pricket, Richard, tanner. 1650. Prickelt, Richard, victualler. 1681. Prince, George, victualler. 1791. Pringuer, Isaac, woolcomber. 1721. Priour, W^illiam, mercer. 1495. Pryourman, William, smith. 15 14. Prise, Davye, cutler. 1599. Prise, John, cutler. 1602. Propchant, Thomas, grocer. 1463. Propson, William, tiler. 1544. Prounce, Michael, innholder. 1494. Prowde (Proude), Thomas, dregher. 1412. Proude, Thomas, clothier (?). 1423. Prowde, Christopher, brewer. 1501. Prowd, Harry, gent. 1561. Prowd, Sampson, grocer. 1563. Pullam, Robert, shoemaker. 1533. Pullen, William, tailor. 1686. Purveis, Robert, victualler. 1757. Putston, John, shoemaker. 1558. P)-all, William, wheelwright. 1773. Pye, Thomas, tailor. 1546. Pyeman, Thomas. 1410. Pyers, Henry. 1420. Pyke, Thomas, currier. 1596. Pykenden, Thomas, fletcher. 1452. Pykarel, Thomas, faber. 141 5. Pykerell, Richard, saddler. 1525. Pyket, Robert, taverner. 1415. Pylkington, Thomas, tinker. 1601. Pyllyng, Robert, smith. 1552. 295 FREEMEN 296 Pylson, Hugh, cutler. 1587. Pymme, Robert, sheather. 1+39. Pynchebek, Gilbert. 1407. Pyiifold, Richard, petterer. 141 1. Pyrye, Robert, waxchandler. 1414- Pysing, (Piseing), John, baker. 1623. Pising, Thomas, husbandman. 1672. Pysing, William, victualler. i6gi. Pysing, William, jeweller. 1734. Pysing, John, the younger, goldsmith. '737- Pytham, Thomas, maltster. i6iz. Pyttock, Richard, baker. 1587. Quaif, John, victualler. 1752. Quarton, Christopher, fuller. 1453. Quested, Peter, butcher. 1738. Quested, John, cooper. 1772- Quested, Valentine, basketmaker. 17(59. Questynbery, Henry, shoemaker. 1543. Quoyff, Robert, saddler. 1561. Quve, John, yeoman. 1472. Radcliff, Curtianus, goldsmith. 1465. Rage, John, carpenter. 1646. Ralley, William, of Staplegate, butcher. 1656. Ramsey, Thomas, butcher. 1569. Ramshire, Adam, currier. 1656. Rand, John, brewer. 1477. Randall, Edward, brewer. 1723. Ranson, John, glazier. 1506. RatclifT. Richard, victualler. 1755. Ratclifl", Stephen, victualler. 1777. Rawley, Richard, shearman. 1539. Rawlyn, Thomas, waxchandler. 1402. Rawlyn, John, tailor. 1457. Raybourne, James, physician. 15 16. Rfiyleton, Richard, yeoman. 1543. Raymond, John, painter. 1776. Raynere, Thomas, smith. 1454. Reyner, Jacob, victualler. 1664. Raynsforde, William, barber. 1502. Read (Reed), Henry. 1399. Reade, Nicholas, waxchandler. 1421. Reade, Richard, mercer. 1446. Rede, Robert, tailor, 1543. Reed, William, clothworker. 1569. Reade, Edward, butcher. 1594. Reede, William, cook. 1599. Reade, William, brewer. 161 6. Read, Thomas, baker. 1645. Read, Lawrence, the younger, maltster. 1665. Read, Thomas, baker. 1674. Read, Thomas, victualler. 1680. Read, William, barber. 16.S5. Read, William, of St. Dunstan's, Kent, plumber. 1800. Reader, Reuben, victualler. 1737. Reason, Philip, tailor. 1683. Redbourne, Stephen, plumber. 1543. Redfourth, Richard, glover. 1576. Redhode, Ricbard, painter. 1501. Redehode, Robert, fletcher. 1515. Redshaw, John, skinner. 1529. Redwood, Richard, baker. 1780. Redy, John, carpenter. 1552. Redyng, Arthur, baker. 1543. Remysshe, John, baker. J519. Reve, John, palemaker. 1523. Reve, William, butcher. 1607. Revet, William, miller. 1453. Rews, Edmond, fuller. JS59. Reyley, Edward, glasswright. 141 1. Reynold, Thomas, smith. 1462. Reynold, William, yeoman. 1472. Raynold, Thomas, husbandman. 1479. Raynold, Nicholas, yeoman. 1530. Raynold, Thomas, mason. 1550. Raynold, Stephen, tailor. 1593. Reynolds (Renoldes), James, point-maker. >572- Rennoldes, Arthur, butcher. 1630. Reynoldes, William, petty-chapman. 1 641 . Reynolds, John, victualler. 1749. Reynolds, Thomas, carpenter. 1760. Rhodes (Roades), Richard, barber. 1564. Rhodes, Joseph, butcher. 1716. Ricard (Rycard), Thomas, corvesir. 1472. R5'card, John, corviser. 1473. Rycard, John, tailor. 1481. Ricard, alias Coryer, corvesir. 1489. Richardes, William, tailor. 1609. Richards, Richard, butcher. 1797. Richardson (Rychardson), William, lock- yer. 1481, Richardson, John, tailor. 1534. Richardson, John, shoemaker. 1536. Richardson, George, shoemaker. 1539. Richardson, Garard, shoemaker. 1550. Rychardson, John, fletcher. 1551. Rychardson, Thomas, tailor. 1595. Richardson, Daniel, victualler. 1639. Richardson, Thomas, of Deal, tailor. 1774. Richardson, Thomas, innkeeper. 1779. Richer, John, tailor. 1500. Richmond, (Rychemondj, William, tur- ner. 1393. Richemond, ^liles, fletcher. 1496. Richemond, Paul, grocer. 15 10. Ricketts, Benjamin, grocer. 1797. Rickman, Joshua, salesman. 1784. Rider (Ryder), William, cissor. 1400. Ridar, John, carpenter. 1494. Ridar, Jolm, shoemaker. 1498. Rydar, Thomas, butcher. 1500. Ryder, Edward, schoolmaster. 1607. 297 OF CANTERBURY. 298 Rider, Root, yeoman. 1615. Riilley, Matthew, saddler. 1768. Rigbie, Hugh, carpenter. 1607. Kicrden (Rygddon), Bartholomew, hosier. 1446. Rygdonn, Thomas, yeoman. 1449- Rygdon, Thomas, mason. 1495. Rigdon, William, tailor. 1506. Rygdon, John, smith. 151+- Ryggden, Thomas. 1559- Rigden, John, maltster. i6gi. Rigden, John, grocer. 1748. Rightup, Peter, smith. 1519- Rippon, Richard, tailor. 172 i. Ritche, Thomas, yeoman. 1624. Rixon, John, of London, cooper. 1777. Roach, Thomas, joiner. 1745- Robards, James, stationer. 1570. Robas, John, shearman. 141 1. Robelard, Henry, weaver. 1423. Robert, William, butcher. 1503. Roberts, Richard, tailor. 1571. Robertes, Henry, tailor. 1627. Roberts, John, apothecary. 1733. Roberts, James, victualler. 1781. Robertson, James, linendraper. 1786. Robyn, John, spicer. 1416. Robyn, [ohn, fishmonger. 148 1. Robyns, Anthony, barber. 1555. Robyns, Robert, grocer. 1564. Robins, Arthur, surgeon. 1737. Robynson, John, mercer. 1430. Robynsson, Robert, tailor. 1560. Robinson, John, innholder. 1725. Robson, Geoffrey, yeoman. 1498. kobuck, Henry, grocer. 1606. Rodhouse, Samuel, tailor. 1760. Ro, 130. John, 24, 232. William, 24. Courtliope, Edward, ill. ,, Elizabeth, 1 11, 139. ,, Luke, 139. „ Robert, 24. ,, William, 24. Courtman,Joan, 142. ,, John, 24, 142. ,, Margaret, no. ,, Richard, 110. Courtney, John, 138. Coventry, Christina, 145. John, 145. Coveny, John, 219. Cowell, Deborah, 116. ,, George, 24, 124, 148. ,, Joseph, 24, lib, 123. „ Mary, 123, 124, 148. Cowper, Guy, 24. John, 24. ,, Nicholas, 24. See Coupere. Cox, Anne, 115, 121. ,, Elizabeth, 123, 133. ,, Heni-y, 1S3. ,, Jane, 102. John, 102, 115, 123.135. 178. iS Joshua, 24, 133. ,, Lambert, 24, 179. Mary, 135. ,, Samuel, 24, 121. &v Cockes. Coxon, Jacob, III, 178. ,, Thomasine, in. 5(V Cockson. Cradock, Robert, 171;, 192, 199. Cragg, Robert, 183. Crane, John, 315. Crauford, Ehzabeth, 117, 154. John, 24, 117, 137, 144, 154. ,, ilargaret, 137. „ Rebecca, 144. Crawley, James, 184. Cray ford, .^nne, 127. ,, William, 24, 25, 127. Creasey, Richard, 185. Creed, Christopher, 184. ,, James, 125. ,, Mary, 125. Crentche, John, 25. Crippin, I Elizabeth, 105. Crippen, ) John, 25, 116, 184. ,, Paul. 105, 178, 184, 211. ,, Sarah, 116. Croft, John, 19S. Crothall, Amy, 133, 153. ,, Elena, 157. ,, Henr)', 157. John, 25. Thomas, 25, 133, 153. Croucher, Alice, 129. „ Anne, 156. „ Robert, 129, 156. 2, 183. Cuckow, Daniel, 25, 184, 232. ,, Joan, 158. ,, Thomas, 158. Culverhouse, Edward, 25. Cundit, David, 199. See Conditt. Curtays, Thomas, 151. Curteis, John, 25. Curteys, Julyan, 128. ,, Nicholas, 128. Cussen, Christopher, 25, 210. Cutlet, John, 25. See Cotlett. Cutt, Thomas, 133. „ Ursula, 133. Daines, John, 25, 146. ,, Sarah, 146. ,, Simon, 25, 179. Dale, Dorothy, 98. ,, Edward, 225. ,, Francis, 25. ,, George, Ib8. ,, John, 18b, 230. ,, Thomas, 25. William, 25, 98. Dane, Dionisia, 119. ,, Richard, 119. Danyell, Bennet, 112. „ John, 112. Darby, John, 185. Darrell, John, 190. Daves, John, 25. Davies, ) Abraham, 103, 127. Davis, / Blanch, 127. ,, Hester, 103. John, Ib3, 195. ,, Margaret, 109. ,, Mary, 130, 163. ,, Richard, 25, 109. ,, Thomas, 130, 169, 173, 184. Davison, John, 204. Dawson, Elizabeth, 117. ,, William, 26, 117. Deane, Frances, 138. Robert, 138. Deering, James, 26, 109, iig, 157, i8o. ,, John, 263. ,, Katherine, 109. ,, Mary, 157. ,, Thomasine, 119. DeereIove,Anne, 138. ,, Nicholas, 138. deLeghe, Agnes, 126. ,, Richard, 126. Denn-e, Basil, 174, 198. ,, Christopher, 2fa, 202. ,, Edward, 178. ,, John, 116, 185, 189, 223, 227. ,, Katharine, lib. ,, Miles, 59. Sarah, 129. ,, Thomas. 2b, 129, 169. Dent, Robert, 229, 235. Despaigne, Henry, 26. Devison, Alexander, 186. Dewlotoe, Stephen, 315. Dickenson, John, 178, 199. „ Robert, 26, 172, 197, 235. ,, Roger, 224. Digges, John, 239. Dillnolt, John, 157. „ Nicholas, 183, 235 to 237, 317. Dixon, Thomas, 173, 213. 343 FREEMEN OF CANTERBURY. 344 Dixson, Ralph, i88. „ Rowland, 167, 210. Dobbes, Thomas, 26. Dodd, John, i8b. „ Sampson, 27, 216. ,, Thomas, 202. „ WiUiam, 204. Doggerel!, Henn", 97. ,, Leonard, 27. ,, Ursula. 97. ,, William, 27. Dokerell, Anne, 264. Dolman, John, 27. ,, \Villi.am, 27, 205. Dombrain,Is.a,ac, 27, 122. ,, Mary, 122. Dominus, John, 308. Donner, Thomas, 182. Doromes, Edward, 145. ,, Isabella, 145. Donell, John, 234. ,, Sir John, 315. Dowcar, Richard, 198. Downes, John, 171. Dowme, Nicholas, 143. ,, Sarah, 143. Dray, Ehzabeth, 155. William, 27, 155, 202. Dr.ayton, Christopher, 27, 158. ,, Ehz.abeth, no. ,, John, 27, no. Maiy, no, 158. Drowtes, John, 178, 241. Duffelde, Joan, 143. Dumee, James, 187. Dumez, James, 187. Dunck, Robert, 27. Dunkin, James, 27. Dunney, Thomas, 27, Ib8. Durant, Edward, 105. „ Stephen, 27, 193, 202, 244. Duree, Mark, 183, 187. Duryez, David, 187. Dyrkyn, Thomas, 206, 229. Dyrreck, Michael, 28. EASTDAY,John, 174, 187. Easterlinge, Martha, 150. „ Robert, 150. Eastes, William, 28, 217. Eastman, Anne, 144. ,, Edward, 28, in, 123, 153, 224. ,, Heni-y, 28. John, 28, 103, 131. „ Katharine, 133. „ Mary, 103, ni, 131. ,, Richard, 28, 205. ,, Sus.an, 123. ,, Tliomas, 28. Eborne, Chepey, 221. Edborough, Richard, 29. Edlow, .Samuel, 29. Edmund, John, 29, 130. Edmimds, Benjamin, 184. „ Mary, 1 40. ,, Stephen, 140. „ William, 187. Edynden, Walter, 29. Elger, William, 29. Elliott, John, n5. „ Martlia, n5, „ Matthew, 29, n3. Elvy, Elvee, Elvyn, 1 Elven, / j Ellis, •( Alexander, 188. Elys, j Daniel, 29, 124. 154, igo, 191, igfa, 197, 201, 215, 227, 22S. „ Dorothy, 128. Guy, 144. ,, Ingram, 128. ,, James, 169, 172, 201. ,, Katherine, 144. ,, Mary, 124, Ib2. „ Richard, 29, 163, 188, 203. ,, Susanna, 154. Elphick, ) Edward, 186, 223, 22g. Elhcke, ) John, 167. Elsey, ^ George, 29. Elsee, ) Thomas, 29, 236. Elsted, Thomas, 29. Agnes, 1 15. Elizabeth, 158. Frances, 117. John, 29, 30, 115, 158, 200. Mar)', 139. Samuel, 30, 117, 139. George, 30, in, 209, 215. John, 30, 133, 146, 164. Katharine, 120. Margeiy. 133. Mark, 120. Mary, III, 14b. Samuel, 30. Sarah, 164. WiUiam, 30, 188. Frances, ibi. William, 161. Alderman, 190. Samuel, 30. Christopher, 218. Thomas, 30, 188, igg. Engeham, Edward, 30, 115, 137. ,, John, 30. ,, Mary, 137. Sarah, 115. Anne, 142. John. 142. Esshindenne, Geoffrey, 30. Sue Ashenden. Esterling, Robert, 315. Estes, William, 217. &^ Eastes. Estey, Estye, John, i6g, 229. Ethe'ridge,'WiUi.am, 232. Evanes, John, 131. ,, jNI.argaret, 131. Evernden, MaiT, 125. ,, .Simon, 30, 125, 201. Thomas, iSg, 211, 234, 23S. Gilbert, 174. Joseph, 154, 189. ,, Mary, 154. Fagg-e, Elizabeth, 139. ,, John, 30, 109, 200, 244. ,, Sarah, 109. ,, Thomas, 30, 31, I3g. Fan, Edward, 223. Farr.ance, \ John, i8g. Farrence, | Robert, 31. Farrar, Anthony, 238. ,, Thomas, 31, 21S. Mary, 158. Nicholas, 31. Richard, 158. Arnold, 147. Mary, 147. Edward, 31. 97. El win, >) Elwyn, Elye, Elvshe. Enheld, Esley, Ewell, Faunt, Fecnn, Fendall, 3-15 INDEX OF STRAY NAMES. 346 Fendall, Elizabeth, 97. Fenn, John, 31, 114, 157, 180, 233. ,, Margaret, 114. „ Mary, 157. „ Richard, 189. ,, Thomas, 31. Fenner, Bridget, 163. „ Elizabeth, 123. „ Enoch, 31, 153. ,, Margaret, 153, 160. ,, Rest, 31, 123, 129, 160, 163, 1S9. ,, Thomasine. 129. Ferr\-. Edward, 311. Ferryer, Mary, 103. ,, Samuel, 103, 225. Ferthyng, Robert, 31. Fidge, George. 129, 159. ,, Jane, 129. „ Susan, 159. ,, Thomas, 189, 214. 216, 226, 238. Field, William. 32. ■^^Sg^' Joan. 1 18. Ralph, 118. Filpott, Peregrine, 317. Filmer, John, 32, 186, 190. Finch, Rich.ard, 190. ,, Thomas, 32. Finn, Elizabeth, 136. ,, Thomas, 13b. Fibhenden, Philip. 171, 184, 200, 203, 327. Fisshe, John, 32. ,, Nicholas, 32. Fist, John, 32. Fittell, William, 182. Flacton, Ehzabeth, 102. ,, Henry, 190. „ John, 32, 102, 190. ,, Thomas, 185. Fl.^tman, Elizabeth, 113, 138. John, 32, 138, 183. ,, Margaret, 161. „ Robert, 32, 113, 161, 214, 216, 232. ,, Thomas. 169. Flecton, Adrian, 217. Fleet-e, Elizabeth, 123. „ Margaret, 99. „ Thomas, 32, 33, 99, 123, 167, 199, 201, 229. Flint, One.-.iphorus, 33. ,, Samuel, i}, 190, 240. Flood, Thomas, 190. Floyd, John, 33. Fly, Samuel, 217. Flyccher, Hugh, loS. ,, Joan, 108. Fogg, Wliitingham, ^^. Fokes, Margery, 144. ,, Thomas, 325. Fonteyn, Cristina, 162. „ Joan, 113. ,, William, 113, 162. Fookys, Thomas, 33. Forde, Agnes, 112. ,, Alexander, 123. „ Bartholomew, 33, 117, 145. ,, Isabella, 123. ,, John, 1 12. ,, Mildred, 145. „ Millicent, 117. ,, Peter, 212. Foreflode, Alice, 131. Fowle, Foreflode, John, 131. Forstall, Bennet, 159. Richard, 33, 159. Foster, Agnes, 267. ,, Maximillian, ^3, 106. Sarah, lob. Thom.is. 224. Adam. 33, 34, 155, 174, 197, 223, 230. Alderman, 191. Elizabeth, 123. Joan, 136. John, a, 123, 136, 176, 191, 204, 226, 235. 23b. Mar>-, 155. Nicholas, 184, igr, 230, 233. Thomas, 191, 194, 201, 202, 211 220, 226. 229, 234, 237. B.irtholomew, 34. Elizabeth, 151. Fowler, 198. 195- ,, Henry, 34. James, 34, 1 73 ,, Johanna, 117. John, 34. ,, Margaret, 15O. ,, Thomas, 34, 117 235- Fox-e, Anne, 129. Isaac, 34. Israel, 34, 143. John, 34. ,, .Sarah, 143. ,, Sibyl, 157. ,, Stephen, 34. ,, Thomas, 129, 23; ,, William, 157, 191 Foxhunte, John, 34. Frampton, Sarah, 122. ,, Thomas, 122, 328. Frances, ) Anne, 162. Francis, ) Edward. 34, 162. Elizabeth, 144. John, 144. Mary, 156. Thomas, 34. W.ilter, 268. William, 34, 156, 209, 240. Frank-e, Christopher, 170. Edward, 25, 124, 145. Henry, 213. Isabella, ibo. John, 35. Mary, 124, 145. 147. Thomas, 160, 171, 192. William, 147 FranckljTi, Henrj', 213. P'reebody, William, I §7. Freeman, Anne, 132. „ John, 132, 317. ,, .Stace, 177. Freetes, Thomas, 171. Freuch-e, John, 35. ,, Mary, 1 16. ,, Thomas, 35, 113. ,, Valentine, 1 16. Frencham, Dunstan, 35. ,, James, 200. Frid, Paul, 215. Friend, \ Charles, 192. Frend, ) George, 192. John, 35, 153, 156, 208 „ ilargaret, 153. 151, 156, 171, 184, W 347 FREEMEN OF CANTERBURY. 348 Friend, \ Mary. 1 56. Frend, ) Thomas, 1 99. Frogen(h)ale, Cristina, 104. ,, Alargery, 106. „ Waller,' 104, 106. ,, William, 35. Fuller, John, 35. Robert, 232. Furser, John, 35, 36, 190, 237, 240. ,, Rich,ird, 35. ,, William, 35. Fusser, Ellen, 113. ,, John, 242. ,, Richard, 113. Fynkyll, Edward, 36. GADESBYjJohn, 192, 232. Gale, Nicholas, 192. Galer, Anne, 99. ,, Elizabeth, 106. ,, John, 99, 106. Gallant, Richard, 36. Gardner, Richard, 172. Garlin, John, 200. Garrett, John, 36, 173, 207. Gaskyn, Anne, 104. ,, James, 104. Gascovn, James, 36. Gamit, Anne, 137. ,, Richard, 36, 137. Geere, Henry, 36. See Gere. Genvey, James, ^ib. George, John, 36, 106, 236. ,, Mary, 106, 159. ,, Samuel, 159, 177, 221. Gerard, Joan. 145. ,, Thomas. 145. Gere, Agnes, loS. ,, Joan, 101. ,, William, loi, 108. .S« Geere. Gen'ice, Joyce, 195. Gibbon, John, 40. ,, WiUiam, 167, 178, 213, 227. Gibbs, Frances, 149. „ John, 152. ,, ^Margery, 152. ,, Richard, 219. „ Robert, 108. ,, .Susamia, 108. ,, Thomas, 149. Gilbert, Abel, 123. „ Anne, 99. ,, Edward, 121. „ Elizabeth, 123. ,, Giles, 36. John, 36, 99. Mr., 227. „ Robert, 129, 193. ,, Sar.ah, 121, 129. ,, Stephen, 36. Thomas, 36, 169, 173, 192, 193. „ Wilham, 36, 232. Giles, D.aniel, 131, 1S9. ,, Elizabeth, 157. John, 194. ,, Katharine, 106. „ Martha, 131. Roger, 183, 219. ,, Stephen, 37, 106, 157, 1S8, 189, 219. Gilham, Thomas, 37, 159. William, 37, 194, 325. Gill, Anne, 119. Gill, Elizabeth. 124, 153, 159. ,, Isabella, 147. John, 37, 124, 194. Joshua, 194. „ Julian, 148. ,, Martha, 123. „ Mary, 127, 130. ,, Nicholas, 147, 148. Peter, 237. ,, Sus.an, 101. Thomas, 37, lOI, 119, 123, 130, 153, 159, 194. „ William, 37, 127, 182, 194. Gilman, Ehzabeth, 133. ,, Richard, 192. „ Thomas, 133. Gilmore, Elizabeth, 137. James, 37, 129, 137, 228. ,, Jane, 129. ,. John, 37. „ Paul. 37, 191, 194. Gilpin, Elizabeth, 139. Robert, 37, 103, 194, 207, 233, 239. ,, Sarah, 103. ,, Thomas, 37. „ William, 139. Gimber, Francis, 37. Ginder, Anne, 1 1 7. John, 38, 239. ,, Katharine, 136. ,, Rich.ird, 38, 117, 136, 1S7. „ WiUiam, 38, 224. Glover, Isaac, 195. ,, James, 185, 195, 205, 212, 216. John, 195.' „ William, 205. Godden, James, 38, 152, 184, 186, 230. „ Mary, 152. Goff-e, Andrew, 100, 124. ,, Elizabeth, 124. ,, Joan, 100. Gold, Eliz.abeth, 97. ,, Thomas, 9. Goldedge,Johii, 178, 195, 207. Thomas, 38. Golden, Jacob, 179. „ John, 38. ,, Richard, 195. Goldfinch,Jane, 210, 271. ,, John, 187, 195, 200, 234. „ Margaret, 133. ,, Nicholas, 133, 182. ,, Richard, 183. Goldhatch, Christian, 112. „ Hester, 100. ,, John, 216. ,, Mary, 141, 154. „ Thomas, 38, 100, 112, 141, 154. Golding, John, 38. Goldsborough, Abraham, loi, 223. „ Ellen, lOl. ,, Richard, 195. Goldsmith, Margaret, 135. „ William, 135. Gonerley, Thomas, 213. Gooch, Hamon, 139. ,, Joan, 139. Goodhew, Elizabeth, 105. ,, Matthew, 105. ,, Peter, 148. ,, Sarah, 148. 349 INDEX OF STRAY NAMES. 350 Goodwin, Thomas, 38. Goore, Anne, 99. „ Thomas, 99. Gorely, \ Marv, 123. Goarly, ) William, 39, 123. Gorham, Anne, 14c, 152. ,, Thomas, 39, 140, 152. Goseboume, Alice, 1 14. ,, Henry, 114. Gosson, Agnes, loi. ,, Cornelius, lOI. Gowerleker, Henry, 151. ,, Julian, 151. Gradtlell, Thomas, 327. Gradwell, Thomas, 39. Granons, Thomas, 156. Grant, John, 210. Graves, Christopher. 39. Gray, Anne, no, 150. ,, Ed«'ard, 203. ,, Ehzabeth, 113, 160. „ Henry, 39, 138, Ijo, 160. „ John, 110, 113, 139, 226. „ Marv, 138. Matthias, 39, 173, 189, 213, 232, 327. Richard, 39. ,, Thomas, 39. ,, William, 39, 242. Greene, Ehzabeth, 128. Mar>-, 159. Thomas, 128, 159, 196. Greenhill, Joan, 103. ,, Richard, 196. ,, Thomas, 103. Greenland, Elizabeth, 161. „ John, 146, ifai. Joseph, 40. ,, Sarah, 146. Greenleafe, Thomas, 40, 177, 194, 202. Greethurst, I Elizabeth, 156. Greedliurst, I Philip, 40, 156, 221. Gridle, Margaret, 160. „ Robert, 160. ,, Thomas, 160. Griffen, John, 197. Grove, Abraham, 148. ,, Sarah, 148. Groves, Anneia, 1C15. „ Robert, 165. Guerard, Joan, 145. „ Thomas,- 145. Guosolc, Ade, 112. Guston, Agnes, 105. ,, Stephen, 105. Gybbe, John, 263. Gybon, John, 328. Gyce, James, 327. ,, Lambert, 327. Gylvjn, Henr)-, 160. „ Katharine, 160. Haijjian, Richard, 40. ,, William, 40. Hadnam, William, 109. Haffenden, Richard, I97. 236. Hales, Henry, 197, 216, 224, 23S. ,, John,' 221. ,, Baron John, 318. ,, Thomas, 40. Halke, Thomas, 40. Hall, Anne, II S. Daniel, 197. Hall, Edward, 132, 193. „ Elizabeth, 118. ,, George, 40. „ Hannah, 151. ,, John, 40, 197. ,, Joseph, 40. ,, Mar\-, 163. ,, Richard, 41, 179, 197. ,, Samuel, 40, 41, 147. ,, Sarah, 132, 147. ,, Simon, 41. ,, Thomas, 40, 41, 118. ,, William, 40, 151, 163. Hallett, Alexander, 41. „ Thomas, 167. See Hawlett. Halloway, Barbara, 124. ,, James, 124. Halsnod-e, ( John, 41, 197. Halsnoad, ) Thomas, 41, 239. Hamage, ) Daniel, 198. Hamedge, )' John, 41, 119. Hambleton, John, 121. ,, Mary, 121. Hambrook, Elizabeth, 163. ,, John, 163, 221. „ Stephen, 198. Hame, Hemy, 187. Hamer, Constanam, 122. ,, Isabella, 165. ,, Reginald, 122, 1O5. Hamersham. See Homershara. Hamidge. See Hamage. Hamilton, Elizabeth, 134. ,, Hester, 155. John. 134. 155. Hammok, Dioni--ia, 142. ,, John, 142. Hammond, James, 41. Hamond, Clement, 41. ,, Elizabeth, 1 13. „ John, 113, 141. Hane, John, 41. Hangrel, Alice. 160. ,, Richard, 160. Hannel, Francis, 41. Hanson, John, 273. Harbert, Edmond, 42. Hardes, Elizabeth, 109. ,, Ellise, 133. John. 133. ,, Robert. 42, 109, 206. See Hardres. Harding, Elizabeth, 147. John. 147. Hardres, Sir Thomas, 42. 317. ,, Thomas, 42. 318. Harclris, John, 104, 109. ,, Katharine, 104, 109. Hards, Richard, 174. Hardy, John, 143. ,, Margaret, 143. Hardj-ng, Robert, in. ,, Thomasine, ill. Harmon, Thomas, 198. Harnett, Edward, 228. Harris, Anne, 114, 161. ,, Dorothy, 128. ,, Edmund, 199, 236. ,, Elizabeth, 139. ,, James, 42, 143, 183, 198. 211. ,, John, 42, igi, 198. Joyce, 185, 213. 851 FREEMEN OF CANTERBURY. 352 Harris, Mary, 126, 151. Heyward, Mildred, 164. „ Nicholas, 42. ,, Richard, 44. ,, Sarah, 143. ,, Thomas, 44, 164. ,, Susan, 117. Heard, 1 John, 44. Herde, } Robert, 233. ,, Thomas, 42, 198. Titus, 42, 128. Heame, | Ehzabeth, 132. „ Vespasian, 42, 114 117 126, 139, 151, Hem, ) Francis, 222. 161, 198. George, 132. „ WiUiam, 197, 200, 231- Henry, 44. Harrison, Anne, 135. John, 44, 121, 155, 2-5. „ Henry, 42, 43, 135, 138 199, 208. „ Mary, 121, 155. ,, Richard, 42, 199. „ Thomas. 185. „ Susanna, 138. Hegyn, Matthew, 44. ,, Thomas, 171, 174. „ Thomas, 44. „ WiUiam, 42. Henden, Edward, 44. Harry, Alice, 135. Mildred, 119. „ John, 135. ,, Nicholas. 119. Hart, Bartholomew, 202. Henhorne,Agnes, 149. ,, Deborah, 98. ,, Thomas, 149. „ Katharine, 114. Henley, Anne, 1 14. „ Margaret, 127. ,, Christopher, 114, 149, 191. „ Mary, 160. „ Mary-, 149. „ Richard, 114, 124. „ Reginald, 193. ,, Thomas, 43, 98. Herring, Nathaniel, 170, 219, 2:3. „ Timothy, 160. Heslast, Agnes, 116. „ William, 43, 127, i 74. ' 84. George, 116. .Sf^ Haslast. Hartcup, Jeremiah, 199. Hewes, \ John, 44. Hewys, /Robert, 176. Haslast, George, 43. See Heslast. Hasnoth, Samuel, 43. „ William, 44. Hasted, Moses, 199. Heyman, Elizabeth, 97. Hatch, Garlin, 173. „ John, 97. ,, John, 43, 114, 163, 199. ,, Robert, 169. See Hayman. ,, Sarah, 114, 163. Hejrward. See HayAvard. Hatcher, William, 200, 205, 236, 242. Hickes, John, 102, 238. Hawke, Richard, 43. ,, Mary, 102. See Hix. Hawker, John, 43. Hieron, Anne, 148. „ Jonathan, 43, 189. ,, Francis, 148. ,, Thomas, 200. Hills, Avery, 44, 117, 192, 204, 222, 230. William, 208. ,, Hercules, 44, 45, 126, 193, 201 , 210 Hawkes, Anne, 140. ,, James, 201. ,, Edmond, 43. „ Lancelott, 125, Isaac, 43, 140, 176 ,, Sarah, 117. John, 43. ,, Sylvester, 125. ,, Jonathan, 183. ,, Thomas, 182. ,, Robert, 43. Hirst, Edward, 184. ,, Thomas, 43, 178. Hix, John, 207. See Hickes. Hawkins, John, 174. Hoare, Edward, 220. Hawlett, Alexander, 115. Hobbs, John, 45, 123. ,, Katharine, 115. ,, Lydia, 123. Thomas, 195. See Hallett. Hobday, Joan, 155. Hawte, William, 43. John, 45. Hay, Joan, 136. Thomas, 155. „ John, 136. Hocker, William, 223. Hayfold, Henry, 43, 158. Hodell, Agnes, 161. „ John, 158. ,, Joan, 141, 15O. Hayman, Robert, 43. See Heyman. „ Richard, 141, 156. Hayne, Francis, 44, 224. ,, Robert, ibi. „ Martha, 1 10. Hoery, James, 232. ,, William, no. Hogben, Robert, 233. Haynes, 1 Anne, 130. Haines, ] Francis, 200. Hogg-e, Alice, 108. Joan, 102. ,, Hester, 120. ,, Thomas, 108. ,, Mary, 122. „ William, 102. „ William, 120, 122, 130. Hogman, James, 45. Hayivard, Edward, 44, 118, Hey ward, 231. 144. 198, 209, 221, Hoigges, Simon. 138. Holland, Anne, 127. ,, Elizabeth, 144. ,, John, 45, 127, 171. Joan, 154. Hollingberry, John, 175, 202. John, 44, 154. ,, Thomas, 45. ,, Mary, 118. Holman, Bridget, 132. ,, Michael, 224. „ Richard, 132. 353 INDEX OF STRAY NAMES. 354 Holmes, Andrew, 240. Holness, Andrew, 45, 116, 134, 14S. „ Anne, lib. ,, Jane. 148. John, 45, 213. ,, Joseph, 221. „ Peter, 43, 117. „ Rachael, 134. ,, William, 19b, 202, 204. Homersham, Anne, 146. ,, Charles, 202. „ Elizabeth, 112. John, 43, 4b, in, 112, 134, 193, 202. ,, Mary, HI. ,, Sarah, 134. Hommee, Samuel, 46. Hooke, William, 185. Hooker, Thomas, 202. Hopper, Anne, 140. ,, John, 140. Home, Thomas, 170. Homeby, John, 4b. „ Robert, 203. ,, Thomas, 211. Homsby, Mary, 157. „ Richard, 4b, 140, 137, 178, 201, 222. „ Robert, 4b, 217. ,, Susanna, 140. Horsely, John, 4b. Horsey, Elizabeth, 99. ,, John, 99. Horton, John, 4b. Hoskins, Daniel, 4b. ,, Elizabeth, lob. ,, James, 203. ,, Margaret, no. ,, William, 4b, lob, no. Hothe, Thomas, 4b. Howell, Henry, 4fa. John, 4b, 155. Rose, 135. Howland, Elizabeth, 161. ,, Richard, ibl. Howtyg, Stephen, 4b. Hubberd, \ Abel, 147. Hubbert, ) Elizabeth, 116. John, 174, 203, 238. Paul, nb, Ibl, 173, 185, 213. ,, Susan, ibl. Hudson, Richard, 199. Robert, 47, 186, 191, 203. Hues, See Hughes. Hueson, Robert, ib7. Huet, Joan, 139. ,, John, 139. Hughes, Robert, 233. ,, William, 47. Hull, Thom.as, 184. Hul!-e, Mary, 9<). ,, Nathaniel, 99. Hunt, George, 181, 192. ,, James, 194, 200. ,, John, 47. Judith, 203. ,, Kynborowe, 135. ,, Man-. 100. „ Nicholas, 47, 178, 203. „ Robert, 122, 133. „ Sarah, 129. ,, Thomas, 122, 191, 240. „ Thomasine, 122. Hunt, Willi.am, 47, 100, 192, 203, 204. Hutt, Anne, 120. ,, George, 120. James, 47, 137, 219. ,, Sarah, 137. Hwt, See Hutt. Hyder, John, 47. Hyet, James, 204. Hygj'n, Isabella, 120. ,, Matthew, 120. Iddenden, Richard, 223. Inwood, Wilham, 212. Ireland, James, 323. Ismonger, Cleve, 147. Joan, 147. ,, William, 147. Iverson, Anne, 137. „ John, 137, 172. Iveyson, John, 122. ,, Mary, 122. Jacob, Edward, 47, 174, 185, 204, 208. ,, Elizabeth, 119. ,, Israel, 119, 189, 216, 2l8, 231. Jagger, Henr\-, 183. ,, John, 212. ,, Robert, 170, 183, 204, 221. Jamys, Jolm, 48. Jancock, Bartholomew, 48, 204. ,, John, 48. See Johncock. Jank\-n, Cristina, 125. ,, Thomas, 123. Jarman, Elizabeth, 107. John, 48. ,, Norton, 172. ,, Philip, 48, 107, 204. Jeddery, John, 233. See Jether)-. Jeffrey, ) Alice, 97. Jeofforie, J Elizabeth, 138, 153. George, 48, 97, 144, 327. Joan, 144. „ Sarah, 120, 142. ,, .Susanna, ib2. ,, Thomas, 120, 153. ,, William, 138, 142, lb2, 219, 327. Jell, William, 205. Jemet, John, 181. Jenkin, Thomas, ibg, 201, 223. Jenkins, Richard, 48, 105. Jenkinson,Jane, 14b. ,, Richard, 14b. Robert. 218. Jennings, ) George, 48, 212. Jennins, j John, 1 98. ,, Thomas, 48, 219, 222, 223. Jethery, James, 140. ,, Mar)', 140. See Jeddery. John, Alice, 13b. ,, Thomas, 13b. Johncock, Bartholomew, 148. ,, Elizabeth, 108. ,, Francis, 103. ,, Jane, 98, I bo. „ John, 48, 98, 103, 108, ibo, 174. See Jancock. Johnson, Andrew, 49, 222. ,, Anne, 107, 143. ,, Edward, 49. ,, EHzabeth, 147. ,, Esdras, 49, 112. ,, John, 49, 145, 147, 174, 228. „ Mar)-, 112, 129. 355 FREEMEN OF CANTERBURY. 356 Johnson, Nicholas, 49, 129, 205, 314. ,, Peter, 107, 167, 168, 186, 205, 217, 227 233. 236. „ Samuel, 49, 186, 206, 236. ,, Thomas, 174, 177, 328. „ William, 49, 164. Jolley, 1 Anne, 105. Jolly, j Catherine, 1 18. ,, Francis, 50. ,, Katharine, 118. ,, Joseph, 20O. ,, Thomas, 49, 50, 105, 118, 206. Jones, Alice, 142. „ Kester, 107. ,, Hugh, 142. ,, Lewis, 50. ,, Ralph, 50. ,, Thomas, 207. ,, Waker, 107. ,, William, 50. Jorden, ) Henry, 50, 206. Jurden, j John, 50. ,, William, 224, 319. Joyce, Edmund, 50, 234. Jull, Elizabeth, 142. ,, John, 50. William, 142, 209, 241. Jusley, John, 180. Justice, Edward, 50, 129, 176, 206. Nicholas, 188, 208. ,, Sarah, 129. Juxon, Archbishop, 313. Kay, William, 225, 241. Keister, Thomas, 192. Kelling, Thomas, 186. Kelse-y, Margaret, 144, 156. „ Sybil, 144. ,, Thomas, 144, 156. ,, William, 144. Kendall, Alice, 1 10. ,, William, 1 10. Kene, Thomas, 50. Kennard, Alice, 127. ,, Edward, 127, 206. ,, Hamon, 50. ,, .Sampson, 50. Kennett, Cornelius, 215. ,, Eliz.abeth, 120. ,, John, 50, 51, 120, 207. „ S.arah, 1O4. ,, Thomas, 164, 231. Kenton, Richard, 51. Kerby, James, 51. ,, John, 51. Ketcherill, David, 207. KetjTiton, Nichola, 141. ,, Thomas, 141. Kevell, John, 51. Keyes, John, 219. Kidder, George, 51, 188, 197, 2ig, 220. ,, Thomas, 51. King-e, M.ary, 131, 152. ,, Melchisedek, 51. ,, Thomas, 131. „ William, 51, 152. Kingsford, Dorothy, 164. „ Elizabeth, 126, 131. ,, John, 51, 126, 205, 209. „ Mai7, 166. ,, Thomas, 51, 131, 164, 166, 193, 211. Kingsforth, John, 172. Kingsmyth, John, 242. Kingsnode, Anne, ibo. John, 51. ,, Simon, l5o, 176. Kippen, Richard, 220. Kirk-e, Elizabeth, loi. ,, John, 51, loi. Kite, John, 237. Kitham, Barbara, 150. „ Elizabeth, 119. „ Jane, 137. ,, Katharine, 152. ,, Mary, loi. ,, Thomas, 150, 152, 193. ,, William, 51, loi, 119, 137. Knell, James, 51. „ John, 5'i. Knewstub, Moses, 189. &(? Newstub. Knight, Anne, 104. ,, Anthony, 104. ,, Mary, 162. ,, Richard, 133. ,, William, 52, 162. Knightsmith, John, 207. Knock-e, Mary, 150. ,, Thomas, 52, 150. Knott, Anne, 126. ,, Joan, 125. ,, William, 125, 126. Knowler, Charles, 100, 103, 180, 186, 194, 22S, 231. ,, Elizabeth, 100. Mary, 103. ,, Thomas, 52, 20S. Knowles, Frances, 142. ,, Isaack, 142. Laas, John, 52. Lacey, James, 208. Ladd, Agnes, 105. ,, Hannah, 130. „ John, 52, 225. ,, Nathaniel, 130. ,, William, 105. Lade, Anne, 130. John, 52, 130, 1-9. ,, Michael, 171, 175, 20S, 219. ,, Thomas, 282. Laggett, James, 208. See Leggett. Lake, James, 52. Lambart, Giles, 52. Peter, 238. Lambe, Thomas, 213. Lambsyn, \ John, 52, 328. Lamsyn, ( Thomas, 52, 328. Lambyrdenne, Willi,im, 52. Lamk\n, James, 327. Lampard, John. 52. ,, Matthew, 52, 209. ,, Susanna, 146. ,, William, 14b. Lance, William, igg. Landman, Anne, 123. ,, Edward, 53, 161, 186, 205, 209, 219, 226. ,, Henry, 123. John, 234. ,, Mary, 161. ,, Thomas, 53, 1S5, 237. Lane, Anne, 99. „ Elizabeth, 160. Jolin, 53, 105, 135, 160. ,, Josiah, 209. 357 INDEX OF STRAY NAMES. 358 Lane, JIartha, 105. „ Richard, 53, 99, 175, 201, 212. Sai-ah, 135. ,, Thomas, 53, 177, 226. WiJliam, 185. Langtield, George, 53. „ Joan, 159. ,, Nicholas, 159. Lankelield, Nicholas, 53. Lapham, John, 171. Latter, John, 209. Lawrence, ) John, 282. Laurance, ) Robert, 53, 189, 196, 19S. „ Wilham, 53, 179, 209, 240. Layboume, Margaret, 114. Roger, 53, 114. Leat, Anne, 130. ,, Sampson, 130. Ledger, John, 54, 131, 172, 185, 244. ,, Alary, 131. ,, Stephen, 54. ,, Susan, 131. Lee, Elizabeth, 117, 149. ,, Henry, 325. John,' 54, 149, 172, 210, 232. ,, JLirgery, 97. ,, Robert, 97. ,, Zachaiy, 117, 207. Leedes, ) Christopher, 54, 114, 127. Leeds, ) Jane, 141. ,, Katharine, 127. Noah, 54, 141, 175. ,, Rachael, 1 14. ,, William, 54, 243. Leek, George, 127. ,, Joan, 127. Lefroy, Israel, 210. ,, James, 54, 210. Leggett, James, 54, 219. ,, Thomas, 211. &v Laggett. Lellesden, Jane, 119. John, 54, 119, 19b. Lepine, Daniel, 210. Levitte, Peter, 55. Levyne, William, 324. Levyns, Christopher, 55. ,, Thomas, 55. Lewis, j Agnes, 150. Lewys, [ Anne, 105, 133, 136. Lewes, ) Henry, 55. 133, 200, 209. ,, Henry William, 55. John. 55- ,, Philip, 55, 243. Robert, 55, 136, 150. ,, Thomas, 55. ,, William, 55, 105. Lewkner, Anne. 128. James, 55. „ John, 128. Lightfoot, Thomas, 56, Lineal, Dorothy, 14b. ,, Fr.ancis, 55. ,, Thomas, 55, 14b, 172, 1S3, 188, 212. ,, William, 184. Little, Jerman, 328. Lobbey, Judith, [62. ,, Thomas, ib2. Lobley, Anne, iii. ,, Thomas, in. Locas, Alice, 107. „ Richard, 107. Locldey, Richard, 17b, 22b. Loftie, Thomas, 55. Lolham, John, 235. Long-e, Abraham, 55, 128. Elizabeth, 128. ,, Lreorge, 191. ,, Richard, 55. ,, Thomas, 178. Longley, Benjamin, 21 1. Thomas, 5b. Thomas, 5 b. William, 5b, 171, 1 John, 211. John, ib9, 231. ,, Richard, 176, l8r, 194, 21 Lovelace, Francis, 5b. ,, William, 56. Lovell (Louell), Edmond, 190. Lowe, Anne, 151. Look-e, Lott, Love, 72, 2ir, 240. 217, 218 ,, James, 151. Lowell, Jennytruth, 124. ,, Richard, 124. Lowes, Christopher, 221. ,, Thomas, 5b. Loy, Isabel, loS. John, 5b, 108. ,, ikobert, 133. ,, Thomasine, 133. Lucas, Henry, 179, 209, 21 r, 239, 240. ,, John. 5b, 211. ,, Samuel, sfa. Luck, Anne, lOO. ,, John. 5b, 100, 158. ,, Sarah, 158. ,, Thomas, 174. Luckett, Thomas, 230. Ludd, Elizabeth, 133, 135. ,, John, 5b, 211, 238. ,, Randolph, 5b, 133, 135. ,, Thomas, 5b, 291. Luke, Thomas, 242. Lukyn, Richard, 5b. Lunn, John, 5b, 173, 212, 215, 222, 235. Lurk)Ti, Alice, 115. ,, Richard, 115. Lymyter, Agnes, ib4. ,, Joan, 104. ,, Thomas, 104, ib4. LyncoU, Henry, ib2. ,, Joan, ib2. L)Tide, Agnes, 129. ,, Elizabeth, 129. ,, Isabella, 104, 1 19. ,, Joan, I Ob. 134, 145. ,, John, 104. lOb, 119, 129, 134, 145 LTOdsey, 'I'homas, 5b. L^Tisted, Robert, 5b. Lyon, Agnes, 128. „ Alice, 112. ,, John, 57, 112, 128. ,, Sybil, 102. ,, Thomas, 57, 102. ,, William, 57. Macfarlen, Peter, 231. Malpass, | Elizabeth, 134. JIalpus, j John, 57, no, n4, 134. ,, iM.iry, 114. ,, Susanna, no. JIaney, Thomas, 57, 177, 1S8. Maplisden, Edmund, 57, 180, 215, 218. ,, Edward, 244. 359 FREEMEN OF CANTERBURY. 360 Maplisden, Elizabeth, 109. „ Francis. 57, 109, i;b, 189, 205, 212, 232 „ Joan, 148. ,, Susanna, 120. ,, Walter, 120, 177. „ "William, 148. Marlowe, ) Anne, 112. Marloe, > Dorothy, 327. JIarley, ) Jane, 139. ,, Joan, 139. John, 57, 112, 139, 200, 213, 327. Marn . . . . , Thomas, 192. Marrable, ) Hester, 122, 132. JIarable, j James, 241. ,, Richard, 151, 212, 242. „ Silvester, 132. ,, Thomas. 57, 122. ,, Valentine, 57. ,, William, 184. Marsaile, Edward, 217. Marseill, James, 204. Marseille, John, 57. Marsh, John, 177. Marshall, ) Mary, 112. Marchal, | Robert, 57. ,, Thomas, 57, 167, 173. Wylfred, 112. Marsham, Peter, 213. Marcham. Richard, 234. Marshman, Peter, 226. Marten, Alice, 138. ,, Elias, 140. „ Robert, 57, 138. ,, Sibyl, 140. Martyn, Richard, 99. ,, Sarah, qg. „ William, 57. Mascall, Robert, 228. Master, Sir Edward, 324. Francis, 155. ,, George, 168, 321. James, 155, 235. ,, Jeremy, 131. ,, Mary, 131. Masters, George, 183, 195. ,, James, 237. Maslerson, Daniel, 58, 168, 169. ,, Jeremiah, 58, 241. Masterton, Daniel, 172. Mate, John, 129. ,, Joyce, t29. Mathew, Robert, 58. ,, Thomas, 190. Matson, Thomas, 58, 213, 236. Matthews, Dorcas, 127. ,, Elizabeth, 102. ,, John, 99, 102, 213. ,, Sarah, 99. ,, Stephen, 58. ,, William, igo. Mawhen, Clement, 58. May, A},Ties, 102. ,, Bennett, 102. „ George, 58. ,, Henry, 200. ,, John, 58. „ Mary, 141. ,, Richard, 58. ,, Roger, 102, 141. Thomas, 58, 102, 213. Mayhew, Roger, 58. Mayne, Thomas, 204, 205. Mercer, John, 97. ,, Katharine, 97. Meers, Godfrey, 127. ,, Margaret, 127. Merchant, Agnes, 124. John, 124. Merriam, John, 58, 189, 193, 196, 207, 240. „ Mary, 162. „ Mr., 162. Michell, Nicholas, 170. MieU, William, 58. Miles, Abigail, 153. ,, Anne, 141. ,, Denne, 59. ,, Eden, 121. „ Elizabeth, 106, 146. Hemy, 59. ,, John, 5g, 106. „ Richard, 153. ,, Robert, 121, 221. „ William, 141, 14b. See Mills. Milleman, Aaron, 229. Millener, John, 227. See MiUner. Millington, John, 60, 227. MiUicent, Thomas, 59. Millner, John, 59, 168. See Millener. Mills, I George, 59. Mylles, f Henry, 59. ,, John, 59. ,, Mar)-, 150. ,, Matthew, 150. ,, Sibilla, 109. „ .Simon, 59. ,, Thomas, 214, ,, William, 59, 109. See Miles. Milward, John, 214. Mitchelbome, Susanna, 114. „ WiUiam, 114. Mitchener, John, 212. „ Richard, 212. Moate, Dorothy, 127. ,, Elizabeth, 164. ,, John, 59, 127, 132, 164, 228. Mary, 132. ,, Thomas, 59. Mockett, Alexander, 129, 177, 200. ,, Richard, 59, 99. „ Sarah, 99, 129. Mody, Thomas, 328. Molash, George, 102. „ Isabel, 102. Molesshe, Joan, 150. ,, John, 150. Mond, Amy, 113. „ Elizabeth, 131, 144. Joseph, 59, 113, 131. „ Walter, 59, 144, 193, 215. &v Munde. Monds, Isaac, 60. Monrowe, Andrew, gS. ,, Elizabeth, 98. Moone, John, 60. ,, Thomas, 60. Moor-e, \ George, 60, 176, 203, 206, 227, 237, 239. More, J John, 60, 198. Morgan, Anne, 113, 138. „ Edw.ard, 60, 113, 215. ,, John, 60, 125, 138. Morris, Henry, 152. „ Richard, 239. Morton, John, 60. 361 INDEX OF STRAY NAIIES. 362 Mot, Alice, 159. „ Thomas, 159. Mount-e, Alice, 98. ,, Frances, 121. ,, Maiy, 127. ,, Peter, 60, 127. ,, Thomas, 98. „ William, 60, 121, 188, 210, 236. Muhvode, Joan, 109. „ Roger, 109. Munday, Elizabeth, 162. „ Robert, 201, 207. ,, Thomas, 60, 162. Munde, Sarah, 1 13. ,, William, 113. SeeMond. Munden, Alice, 123. ,, Nicholas, 123. Mundens, Joan. I32. ,, Richard, 122 Munn, Anne, 164. ,, John, 164, 209. Muns, Elizabeth, 112. ,, John, 112. Murton, John, 220, 24O. Myhills, Henry, 60. Nash, Elizabeth, 103. ,, Joan, 141. ,, John, bo, 141. ,, Thomas, 103. Nayer, Mary, 132. ,, Sarah, 132. „ William, 60, 132, 198, 216. Nayler, Agnes, 106. ,, John, 60, 106, 138. ,, Marg.aret, 138. Neat, William, 60. Neave, 1 Katharine, 134. Neeve, / Nicholas, 60, 134, 177. Nelson, Elizabeth, 13b. ,, Henry, 60. ,, Joseph, 136, 244. ,, Richard, bo. Nethersole, Edward, 119. ,, James, 60, 117. Jane, 119. „ Mary, 117. Newman, John, 60, 122. „ Mary, 122. „ Ralph, 161. ,, Roger, 103. „ Thomas, 173, 186, 206. Newstub, Moses, 195, 232. See Knewstub. Newton, \ Agnes, 117. Nuton, ) James, 114, 142, 217. ,, Jeffiey, 117. Lydia, 114. „ Mary, 142, 156. ,, Tabitha, 104. „ Thomas, 104, 156. „ William, 61. Nicholls, Adrian, 61, 179, 211, 225, 234. „ Daniel, 61, 185. ,, George, 61, 208. ,, Humphrey, 201. ,, John, 190. ,, MarU, 61, 177, 225. ,, Thomas, 206. Nicholson, Edmond, 168, 217, 232. ,, Elizabeth, 123. ,, Francis, 146. ,, James, 61. Nicholson, Jane, 158. ,, John, 61, 146, 176. Peter, 147, 158. ,, Rachel, 147. ,, Stephen, 61, 123. ,, Thomas, 61, 217. Nicoll, Thomas, ibi. Niewchurch, Edward, 61. Noble, Mary, loi. ,, Robert, 217. ,, Thomas, bi, loi. Noon, Isabella, 156. „ Robert, 156. Norden, Edward, 169. Norman, Thomas, 61. Norrington, John, 61. ,, Michael, 61. Norton, Jolin, 204. Norwood, EUzabeth, 129 150. „ Mary, 118. „ Paul, 61, 118, 129, 150, 179, iSl. Nower, Roger, 128, 177, 224. ,, Sarah, 128. Niitt, John, 203, 229, 238. Nye, Elizabeth, 104. ,, Maiy, 115. „ Robert, bi, 104, 115. Oaklev, John, 62, 116, 155, 179, 217, 242. Mary, 155. ,, Sarah, 116. Oakshott, Edward, 62, no. ,, Ehzabeth, no. ,, Henry, 62. Oat, Thomas, b2. Obree, Charles, 62, 179, i8b. Ockman, Elizabeth, 153, 157. ,, Henry, b2. ,, John, 62. Thomas, 62, 153, 157, 176, 193. Oldfield, John, 218. Oliver, George, 21 8. John, 173, 239. Ore, Richard, b2. Osbam, Thomas, b^. „ WiUiam, 62. Osbastone, Elizabeth, 163. ,, Isaack, 163. Osbeston, Isaack, 176, 236. Osborne, Ehzabeth, in, 130. John, ni, 130, 218, 237. Osburston, John, b^. Osspringe, Thomas, 63. Oteley, William, 63. Oughton, Alderman, 199. ,, Anne, 136. „ Anthony, 136, 200. ,, Thomas, 200. Overy, William, 221. Oxenbridge, ( Henry, 63, 144. Oxinbridge, (John, 63. loi, 213. „ Katharme, 101. ,, Marys 144- ,, Nicholas, b3. ,, Thomas, 63. ,, Thom.asine, 142. Packe, Rich.ard, 219. Packen, Ehzabeth, 139. „ Richard, 139. Page, Charles, 63, ny, 154. ,, Ehzabeth, 154. John, 63, 154, 205, 221. 363 FREEMEN OF CANTERBURY. 364 Page, Pain-e, \ Payn, / Palmer, Paren, Pargate, Parker, Mercy, 117. Stephen, 63, 218. Susanna, 154. AVilliam, 63, 2 18. Jeremiah, 63, iii, 218. John, 63, 113, 291. Rebecca, 113. Robert, 169. Sarah, iii. Thomas, 186, 191, 219, 239. John, 130. Margaret, 130. Richard, 64, 126. Sarah. 126. Abraham, 218. Anne, no. George, 1 10. Richard, 64. Anna, 108. ,, Anne, 108. ,, Elizabeth, 102, 133. „ Esay, 64. ,, Henry, 64. ,, Isaiah, 108, 123, 138. ,, Jane, 140. ,, Johanna, 123. ,, John, 64. 108, 157, 205, 219, 224, 23b. „ Mary, 157, ibl. ,, Paul, 64, 243. „ Sarah, 138. „ Thomas, 64, 133, 161, 170, 171, 197, 215, 216, 2ig, 229, 239. „ William, 64, 102, I40, 176. Parldnson, John, 219. ,, Nicholas, 65. Parsons, Edward, 65, 124. ,, Enoch, 65. „ Judith, 124. Pashly, John, 172. Patey, John, 65. Patteson, Gilbert, 226. Pattison, William, 236. Paul, John, 65. PawljTi, Thomas, 182. Pa)Ti, See Pain-e. Payabill, John, 65. Pearch, Thomas, 175, 184, 220. Peek, Joan, 116. ,, John, lib, 143. Peel, William, 199. Peen-e, Henry, 65, 115. „ ilary', 115. ,, Robert, 6b. Peere, John, 66. Peers-e, John, 181, 213, 220. 5« Perce. Peirce, 1 Francis, 140. Peerce, j Henry, 66, 209. ., William, 140. See Pierce. Pelham, Joan, 145. Joseph, 174. „ Richard, 145. Pelling, ) Robert, 66. Peeling, ) Thomas, 183, 241. Peniibrook-e, Anne, 134, 151. „ John, 173, 188, 191, 192,211,215, 220, 228, 237. „ Richard, 65, 134, 192, 220, 223, 241. ,, William, 66, 151. Pemell, Robert, 176. Pender, Henry, in. ,, Margaret, in. I'ender, Robert, 216. Pen-ne, Anne, 105. ,, John, 66, 105. Pennell, John, 66. Pennington, Daniel, 66, 143. „ Man.-. 143. Penny, Elizabeth. 106. ,, Gilbert, 66. ,, John. 106. Penwortham, Constance, 136. „ John, 13b. Pepper, Alice, 159. ,, William, 159. Perce, Henry, 210. ,, John. 188. See Peirce, Peerse. Perkins, William, 66. Perry, Joan, 102. ,, John. 102. ,, Stephen. 220. Pert, Alice, 130. John, 130. Pesmede, William, 67. Peters, John, 67, 131. ,, Mary, 131. Petfelde, Joan, 151. ,, Thomas. 151. Petham, Joan, 102. ,, Richard, 102. Petman, Ch.arles, 221. Pettey, Alen. 67. Pettitt, Ehzabeth. 106. ,, James, 182. 202, 237. ,, Paul, 186, 242. ,, Richard, 106, ,, Thomas, 67. Petyi', Joan, 292. Phifcox, John, 221, 227. Phillips, John, 67, 143, 219. Marj-, 143. „ Thomas, 221. Phillpott, Edward, 67, 218. „ Elizabeth, 165. „ John, 165, 238. „ Stephen, 293. Picard, Anne, 157. „ John. 222. ,, Mary-. 144. ,, Richard. 144, 157. Picare, Joan. 100. „ John, 100. Pickering, George. 67. John, 67, 219. ,, Richard. 222. Pierce, ] Ehzabeth, 135. Piers, j George, 135. „ Hemy, 60, 70, 210. ,, John, 140, 19S. ,, Mary, 140. „ Ursula, 128. See Peirce. Pike, Anne. 163. Henr)-. 67, 68. ,, Thomas, 163. Pikence, Henn-. 68. pilcher, Charles. 147. ,, John, 68, 117, 156, 222. ,, jMary. 156. ,, Philadelphia, 147. „ Sarah, 117. ,, Stephen, 68. 181. 217, 226, 232. Pilkington, Anne. 141. ,, John, 68, 106, 141. 365 INDEX OF STRAY NAMES. 366 Pilkington, Katharine, io6. „ Thomas, bS. Pilon, Nicholas, 222. William, 68. Pising. St-e Pysing. Pittington, Thomas, 203, 219. Plaior, Thomas, bS. Player, Robert, 171, 177, 207. ,, WiUiam, 177. Pleasington, Em, 115. „ Thomas, 115. Plesington, Prudence, 158. „ Thomas, 158, 163. „ Tomson, 158. Plessington, Thomas, 243. Plomer, Francis, 68. „ Marj-, 123. William, 68, 123. Plummer, Thomas, 68. William, 68. Pollard, Elizabeth, 132. ,, Isabella, 135, 161. ,, Robert, 135, 161. ,, Thomas, 132. PoUyne, John, 68. Pooley, James, 321. Pope, Isaac, 68, 69, 231. Pordage, Thomas, 181, 220. Porter, Elizabeth, 124. ,, Thomas, 69, 124. ,, William, 69. Pot, Agnes, 107, 138. ,, Robert, 107, 138. Potman, Elizabeth, no. „ John, no, 141. ,, Margaret, 141. Pottekyn, Jacoby, 1 78. Potter, Anne, 159. ,, William, 159. Pout, Elizabeth, 139. „ James, 69, 139. ,, Katharine, 142. ,, Sarah, no. ,, William, 69, no, 142. Pownces, George, n". ,, Joan, n7. Powell, Anne, 98. Gilbert, 98. ,, John, 161, 225. „ .Sarah, ibi. ,, Thomas, l6i. Poynaunt, Agnes, 109. „ William, 109. Preston, Elizabeth, 121. ,, Henry, 135. John, 121. ,, Thomasine, 135. Prett, Elizabeth, 147. ,, Margaret, 128. Mary, 153. ,, Richard, 166. ,, .Susanna, 166. „ Thomas, 69, 128, 147, 153. ,, Walter, 69. Prettyman, John, 196, 206, 223, 227. Pringle, John, 70. Pringuer, Peter, 209. Propchant, Thomas, 70. Proppard, Mary, 128. ,, Thomas, 70, 128. Prowd-e, Anne, 138. Prowd-e, Henrv, 70, i ;8. ,, Sampson, 70. ,, Thomas, 70. Pulford, Margery, 104. ,, Thomas, 104. Pyard, Peter, 70. Pykynden, Margeiy, n5. „ Thomas, 115. Pynenton, John, 141. ,, Margery, 141. Pysing, ) John, 174, 241. Pismg, ) Jonas, 70, 205. Mary, 145. ,, Richard, 70, 177, 199, 206, 233, 240. ,, WiUiam, 145, 224. QWESTYNBF.RRY, Hariy, 70. Radford, Anne, 107. ,, Thomas, 70, 107. Ralfe, Edward, 70. Sc'c Rolfe. Ranee, Elizabeth, n5. ,, William, 1 15. Rand, John, 70. RatcUff, William, 202, 224, 225. Ray, William, 230. Raylton, ) Aquila, 154. Railton, / Catharine, 162. ,, John, 71, 161, 224. ,, Margery, 122. Mary, 102. ,, Richard, 70, 102, 122, 154. ,, Robert, 71, 162, 169, 215. ,, .Sarah, 161. ,, Simon, 70. ,, Thomas, 71, 214. Raylston, ) Elizabeth, 136, 147. Railston, ) John, 71, 139, 141, 147, 190, 195, 214, 240. ,, Sarah, 141. ,, William, 71, 241. Rayner, Anne, 153. ,, Isaac, 153. Raynold, Joan, n4. ,, Thomas, n4. Set Reynolds. R.awling, ^ Dorothy, 154. Rawlyn, j James, n5. John, 154, 212, 230. ,, Mary, nj. Rawlenson, One, 169. Read-e, John, 225. ,, Laurence, 225. ,, Richard, 71. ,, Thomas, 225, 239. „ William, 71, 174, 188, 206. Reader, Thomas, 't. Reason, Philip, 187. Reeve, Elizabeth, 131. ,, WiUiam, 71, 131, 168, 225. Remysshe, John, 71. Renshaw, Matthew, 71. Rew, Elias, 124, 138. ,, Sarah, 138. Reynolds, Katharine, 145. ,, James, 145. ,, William, 71. 168, 173, 204, 240. Richardes, Gabriel, 188, 193, 212. Rich.ardson, Anne, n9. ,, Elizabeth, 162. John, 71, 72, 131, 13S. ,, Margaret, 131. Mary, 138. ,, Thomas, 71, 162, 180, 183, 2n, 238. 367 FREEMEN OF CANTERBURY. 368 Richardson, William, iig. Rider, Robert, 72. Rigbe, Hugh, 72. Rigden, Elizabeth, 146. ,, Jeremiah, 72, 142, 230. ,, John, 226. „ Joseph, 72, 146, 149, 170, 171, 180, 191, 204, 216. ,, Margaret, 160. ,, Mary, 142, 149. ,, William, 72, 160, 178, 182, 226. Riggsby, \ Daniel, 217, 226. Rigsby, I Dorothy, 150. „ Hugh, 150, 22b. John, 72, 176, 234. Roberts, Alice, 132. ,, Anne, 147. ,, Edward, 214. ,, Elizabeth, 151, 158. ,, Henry, iq6. ,, Johanna, 149. ,, .Sir John, 72, 158, 322. Joseph, 72, 132, 147, 149, 151, 158. ,, Mary, 158. ,, Susanna, 147. „ William, 147, 231. Robinson, '( James, 72, 73, 243. Robenson, ) John, 227. ,, Robert, 72. ,, Simon, 172. RobjTi, Margaret, 106. ,, William. 106. Roger, Elizabeth, 163. ,, Joan, 118. „ John, 118. ,, Thomas, 163. Rogers, Anne, 118, 126, 158. „ Elizabeth, 122. „ Henry, 73, 107, 122, 124, 126, 181, 205, 216, 220, 227, 229, 239. ,, John, 73, 105, 158. ,, ilargaret, 105. „ Mary, 107, 124. ,, Thomas, 118. Rolf-e, 1 Anabella, tl2. Rofe, > Edward, 140, 227. Rolph, ) Elizabeth, 128, 140. ,, John, 112, 128. ,, Thomas, 73, 1 70. Roolc-e, Anne, 161. ,, Edward, 105, 164. ,, Frances, 164. ,, John, 137, 161. „ Margaret, 137. „ William, 105. Rookes, Anthony, lOi, 160. ,, Elizabeth, loi. ,, Maiy, 160. ,, WiUiam, 73. Rocs, Gregory, 237. Ro.se, Ambrose, 139. ,, Dorothy, 139. John, 193, 216, 243. Rosse, John, 228. Rosseter, Timothy, 219. Rouse, Anne, 136. ,, Elizabeth, 147. John, 73, 147. Thomas, 73, 74, 136, 227. Row, Margaret, 143. „ John, 143. RufFoote, James, 199. Rufford, John, 74. ,, Nicholas, 228. Rumfield, Elisheba, 104. ,, Jeremy, 74, 104. ,, Jeremiah, 74. John, 74, 173, 23S. Russell, Alice, 126. ,, Andrew, 100. „ Arthur, 108. ,, Dorothy, 108. ,, Elizabeth, 108, 131. ,, Fr,ances, 131. ,, George, 108. ,, John, 126. ,, Margaret, 100. ,, Richard, 74, 231. ,, William, 74, 131, 134, 201, 228. Rust, Eliz.abeth, 106. ,, Henry, 74, 106, 140, 147. ,, Mary, 147. ,, Susanna, 140, 162. ,, William, 140, 162. Rustall, William, 223. Rutland, William, 176, 202, 218. Rutlond, Alice, 298. „ Mary, 298. Rye, John, 228. SaBYN, Avery, 185. Sack, Anne, 142. John, 74, 142. Sacreston, Anne, 298. .Saddler, Agnes, 134, ,, Simon, 134. Saddleton, Thomas, 204. Saer-e, Anne, 100. John, 74. ,, Stephen, 100. See Sare, Sayer. Saffery, \ Anne, 102. SafTory, ) Gabriel, 75, 102, 167, 228, 240. ,, John, 75. Saghier, Alice, 132. ,, Richard, 132. Salmon, | Alice, 149. Samon, ) Anne, 152. ,, Bartholomew, 75, 149, 203. ,, Elizabeth, 158. Jolm, 75. ,, Thomas, 152, 158, 221, 225. Sampson, Agnes, 162. John, 242. ,, Thomas, 162, Samson, Bartholomew, 223. Sancroft, John, 169. Sander, | George, 160. Saunder, J Jo.an, 118, 133. John, 118, 133. ,, Mary, 160. Sanders, ) Edward, 75, 158. .Saunders, ) George, 75. ,, James, 150. „ John, 229. „ Maiy, 1 58. ,, Richard, 75. ,, Sarah, 150. ,, William, 214, 230. .S.are, Alice, 157. ,, Dorothy, 136. „ Robert, 75, 136. „ .S.arah, 142. „ Stephen, 75, 142. 369 INDEX OF STRAY NAMES. 370 Save, Thomas, 15;. Sec^ Saer, Sayer. Sawkiiii, Anne, 13=;. John, 75, 76, 135, 152. ,, Mary, 153. Sawyer, Valentine, 190. Sayer, [blank], 225. ,, John, 76, 182, 194, 234, 337. Sl-c Saer, Sare. Savers, John, 222. Sclieereue, Elena, no. ,, John, no. &<; Sherreue. Scott, Bricir, 76. ,, Christopher, 76. Robert, 233. Scrimshaw, ) Anne, n2. Schrimshawe, ) Elizabeth, 157. ,, John, 76, 229. ,, Richard, 7b, 229. ,, Thomas, 76, 233, 242. ,, William, 76, 112, 157. Scudamore, Robert 76. ,, Thomas, 76, 175, 177, 230. Sculton, Ceciha, 130, ,, Thomas, 130. Sedger, Mary, 133. ,, AVilliam, 133. Segger, William, 77. .Selliirk, Earl of, 31b. .Selsy, Margarat, 150. „ William, 150. Seman, Agnes, 144. ,, William, 144. Semark, Thomas, 299. Semer, John, 77. SengeljTi, Joan, 120. „ John, 120. Sete, Joan, lOi. ,, Roger, ibl. Seward, Giles, 77, 137. ,, Joseph, 202. JSIary, 137. Sextayn, Christina, 1 10. ,, John, 1 10. Sharp-e, Eli/.abeth, 127, I43. ,, Jacob, 170, liSb. ,, Mary, 141. ,, Samuel, 77, 143, 241. ,, William, 77, 127, 141. Shatwatcr, John, 77, n5, 230. M.ary, 1 15, 230. Shaw-e, Erasmus, 138. „ Margaret, 131, 138. ,, Robert, 77, 131. Sheafe, John, 77, 327. .Sheldwich, [blank], 13b. „ Agnes, 100. ,, John, 77, 100. Shepard, 1 Elizabeth, 153. Sheapard, [John, no, 134, 153. Sheopard, ) Mary, 134. ,, Sarah, no. Sherock, George. iSS. Sherreue, John, 77, no. &r .Sclieereue. Sherwood, Anne, 99. Joseph, 77. ,, Thomas, 99. Shindler, John, 77. ,, Thomas, 77, 'S. .Shinglcr, John, 98, 142. ,, Lvdia, 142. Sjbil, 98. .Shingleton, Stephen, 20b. ,, Thomas, 20b. Shrubsole, Christopher, 78. ,, Nicholas, 235. Silk-e, Anne, 121. ,, Susan, 140. ,, WiUiam, 121, 140. .Simmonds, .Samuel, 191. &v Symmonds. Simpson, Christopher, 217. ,, George, 78, 115, 20J, 234. ,, John, 78, 98, 178, 2'lb, 218. ,, Katharine, 115. Mildred, 98. ,, Richard, 223. Roger, 234, 324. ,, Thomas, 205, 216, 233. &-6' Sympson. Sinnot, John, 231. Skillett, Elizabeth, 121. ,, John, 121. Skilton, I Anne, 150. Skelton, ) Elizabeth, 104. John, 78, 181. „ Martha, ib3. „ Mary, n7. „ Paul, 104. 117. ,, Sarah, 125. ,, William, 123, 150, 163. Skreen, William, 78. Skynner, Gerard, 78. Sk\Tnrar, John. 300. Sladden, WiUiam, 78. .Slegh, Thomas, 78. Small, Eleanor, ib3. „ William, ibj. .Smith, ) Abraham, 78, 107, 212. Smyth, ( Cristina, 140. ,, Deborah, Ib2. ,, Edward, 79, 231. ,, EUzabeth, 152. ,, Fr.ancis, 79. Henry, 78. „ Jeremiah, 78, 152, 182, 185, 19b, 203, 219, 223, 22S, 231, 339. „ John, 78, 79, 100, 103, 148, ib4, 214, 224, 231. ,, Joseph, 78. ,, Mabella, 103. 1 ,, Margaret, ib4. ,, Mildred, 100. ,, Nicholas, 78. P.atrick, 78, 145. „ Phili]), 202. ,, Sarah, 148. ,, .Samuel, 232. „ Thomas, 79, 140, 183, 197, 231, 23b. ,, Ursula, 145. ,, WiUiam, 162, 231. Snell, Agnes, 147. ,, Thomas, 147. Sneller, Abraham, 79. Snoad, Alex.ander. 79, 123. Martha, 123. Soames, Anne, 128. John, 79, 128, 153, 175, 232. Mary, 153. ,, Thomas, 79. Somes, Christopher, 79. Somner, John, 324. Soper, Alice, lOb. ., Lawrence, 106. South, Margaret, ni. 371 FREEMEN OF CANTERBURY. 372 Spillelt, Sprate, Spratt, Staines, Stanley, Staples, South, Stephen, in, 179, 15S, 232. Southey, Katharine, 156. Robert, 156, 188, iSg, 203. Southwell, Elizabeth, 137. ,, Walter, 137, 170, l8g, 190, 229. Sparkwcll, Nicholas, 143. Spencer, Hudson, 80, 158. Mar)-, 158. Spicer, ) Abraham, 80, 157. Spyser, j Christmas, no, 14S. ,, Edward, 80. „ Elizabeth, 108. ,, Joan, 104. ,, John, 80, 104, 108, 148. ,, Mary, 157. ,, Phili]i, no. Richard, 80. John, 80. Thomas, 232. William, 80, 204. Richard, 219. Elizabeth, 158. George, 80, 158, 175. John, 80. Susan, 175. William, 80. Anne, 160. ,, Mary, 153. „ Samuel, 80, 153, 160, 172, 217, 233. Starlcc, [blank], 225. Daniel, 81. William, 80. Starts, Daniel, 81. Stephens, William, Si. Stiles, Elizabeth, 151. ,, Jonathan, 217, 229. Matthew, 151, 215, 235. Stockbery, Nicholas, 81. Stockden, Anne, 155. John, 155. Richard, 188. Stocken, Mary, 121. ,, Thomas, 121. ■Stokes, Jane, 109. ,, John, 109. ,, Thomas, Si. Stonbregge, Thomas, 81. Stone, Maiy. 150. „ Richard, 150. Stonehouse, Christopher, 1S9, 197, 211. Stoughton, John, 81. Stowe, Thomas, 173. ,, Zachaiy, 81. Str.and, John, 181, 183. Stranguish, Sarah, 128. Thomas, 81, 128. Stranshani, John, 225, 23S. Streater, John, 81. William, 81. Strcdwick, Avery, 82, 156, 181, 230, 231. ,, Alfred, 235. ,, Elizabeth, 147. ,, John, 147. ,, Mary, 156. Nicholas, 81, 82. ,, Thomas, 81. Strevens, '( Eve, 100. Strivcns, J Roger, 82, 100. Stringer, Batchelder, 216. Strong, Stc])hen, 172, 196, 21S. Stronn, John, 192. SUulham Anne, 127, 156, ibi. )i Elizabeth, 119, 142. John, 82, 142, 148, 156, 222, 232. 234 ») Mary, 116, 125. Richard, 127. ,, Sarah, 148. J William, 82, 116, 119. 125, 161, 197 240. Sturges, Ambrose, 112, 196, 238. ^, Hannah, 116. J, Mary, 112. ,, Pete'r, 116. Stybbyng , John, 82. Swan, John, 324. Swanton, Robert, 214.. Sweeting WiUiam, 82. Swetlanc , Mary, 152. ,, Thomas, ii;2. Symmonds, William, 240. See Simmonds. Symon, Robert, 70. Symond, Henry, 82. Symons, Richard, 230. Sympson Christopher, 195, 229, 235. ,, Edward, 82. „ John, 82. ,, Nicholas, 82. Sarah, 159. ,, Valentine, ijg. T.\DDV, Nicholas, 174, 191. 5tY' Toddey. Talputt, John, 173. J, Richard, 83. William, 179, 197, 235. Tangate, Thomas, 173. Tangett, Joseph, 83. Simon, 212. ,, Thomas, 83. Tanlin, John, 184. Tap ton. Dionisia 152. ,, Isabella, 114. M John, 114, 152. Tane, William, 205, 235. Tarry, Rebecca, iii. William, in, 185. Tassell, John, 202. TatnoU. Randoll, 226, 243. Tatterton , Richard, 23S. Taylor, Anne, 123. ,, Elias, 183. ,, Joan, 235. „ John, 83, loi, 200, 207, 210 2.35. ,, Mary, lOI. ,, Thomas, 227. Wilham, 83, 123, 197, 234, 235, 239, Tent,' John, 328. Tegheler Richard, 161. TeiTier, Elias, 1&6. )j Mary, 166. Terry, Ambrose, 197. ,, Amold, 12&, 189. ,, Augustine, 196. ,, Edward, 199. ,, Isaac, 83. John, 83, 121, 210, 225, 243. ,, Margaret, 126. ,, Martha, 121. _, Michael, 83. ,, .Sarah, 157. ,, Stephen, 178. ,, Thomas, 157. , Tetter, Jane, 130. „ Thomas, 130. 373 INDEX OF STRAY XAIIES. 374 Tewsenoth, Alice, 145. Joan, 144. John, 144, 145. Thatcher, Anne, 152. ,, John, 84. 140. ,, Margaret, 140. ,, Rebecca, 107. ,, Stephen, 10;, 152. Thomas, Edward, 84, log, I2q, 23C). ,, Ehzabeth, 109. ,, Mar)-, I2g. William, 188. Thompson, Mary, lot, 144. ,, Robert, lOi. ,, Thomas, 144. See Tompson. Thomson, John, 84. ,, William, 84. See Tompson. Thornehurst, Stephen, 84. Thorp, John, 206. Thread, Paul, 84. Thykmylk, Joan, 124. „ ' Roger, 124. Tiddeman, William, 84, i6~. Tilbe, Henry, 236. Tilby, Daniel, 84. Titherton, Richard, 178, 241. Titterton, Richard, 195. Toddey, Thomas, 84. See TailJy. Tolcer, John, 84, 85, 118. „ Mary, i iS. Tolken, Thomas, 85. Tolputt. See Talputt. Tomhn, Elizabeth, 125. John, 85. „ Judith, 151. Peter, 125, 151, 206, 208. Tomlins, John, 145. ,, Katharine, 145. Tompson, John, 85. See Thompson. Tong-e, Christopher, 85. ,, James, 205, 236. ,, Thomas, 85. Tostes, John, 85. Toumbs, Thomas, 85. Trent, Elizabeth, 149. ,, Robert, 149. Tresser, ) Anne, 106. Tressar, ) Joan, 148. ,, Thomas, 106, 148, 237. Tayppe, Christina, 137. John, 137. Tuch, William, 85. Tuck, Edward, 85, 159, 175. John, 85, 170, 203, 237, 238. ,, JIargaret, 159. ,, Sarah, 98. ,, Thomas, 85, 98, 237. Tucker, John, 85, 140, 152, 163, 211, 221, 234. ,, Martha, 152. „ Priscilla, 140. „ Sibyl, 163. ,, Thomas, 85. William, 85. Tullenden, Robert, 199. Tumber, Catharine, 155. ,, Edward, 150, 155. John, 85. ,, Mary, 150. Turner, Mary, 130. ,, Richard, 237, 241. ,, Robert, 86, 213. Turner, Thomas, 86, 130. ,, William, 224. Tusnoth. See Tcwsenotli. Tustian, John, 192, 229. Twyman, Ehzabeth, 126. ,, Henry, 86, 126, 208, 230, 241. ,, John, 86, 109. ,, Sarah, 109. Tygo, Agnes, no. ,, William, no. Tylly, William, 306. U-MBERFVI.D, John, 86. Underdo\ni, George, 113. „ John, 222, 228. „ Maiy, 113. Upton, Elizabeth, 97, 107, no. ,, John, 86, 97, 99, 107, 159, 204, 238. ,, Richard, 159. ,, Susanna, 99, 159. ,, Thomas, 86, no. ,, Thomasine, 159. Usbam, Thomas, 86. Usborne, Hamon, 127. ,, Joan, 127. Vance, James, 121. ,, Ursula, 121. .Jc^ Vanse. Vandepere, Anne, 134. „ Elizabeth, 133. „ George, 133. 181, 216. John, 86, 198. ,, Lancelot, 86, 134. Vann, Edward, 86, 134, 195. „ Elizabeth, 134. Vanse, James, 86. See Vance. Varlee, James, 88. VeiTyer, Christopher, 120. ,, Margaret, 120. VersOH, Anne, 106. ,, Herman, 106. Vincent, John, 238. Violet, Edward, 163. ,, EYances, 163. ,, Thomas, 168, 173. Vittall, Anne, n7. „ Edward, 221. ,, William, 87, n7, 223. Vyrle, Alice, 154. Joan, n4. Richard, 87. „ Robert, 87, n4, 154. Vydean, Eleanor, 121. ,, James, 121, 129, 192, 241. ,, Joan, 129. Vydyan, James, 229. Wachers, Mary, 127. Robert, 87, 127. Av Wager. Waddell, Anne, 99. ,, Catharine, n8. „ Henry, 198, 200, 23S. ,, William, 87, 99, 1 18. Wager, John, 170,207. Av Wachers. Wagstaffe, Christopher, 180. Henry, 87, 207. Waite, George, 87. ,, Hannah, 122. Jane, 145. ,, Peter, 87, 145, 216, 220, 238. ,, Thomas, 122. Wakelield, John, 208. ,, Simon, 87. Wakelyn, Daniel, 203. 375 FREEMEN OF CANTERRURY. 376 AValkev, Alexander, 87. „ Joan, 158. John, 88. ,, Katharine, 123. ,, Mary, 162. Nathaniel, 162, 188. ,, Thomas, 158. ,, William, 123. Walkup, ^ Hannah, 154, Wallcup, ) Mar)', 149. ,, Thomas, 149, 154. Wall-e, Edward, 8S, iSi, 227, 239. ,, Elizabeth, 153. Thomas, 88,' 138, 153. Waller, Edward, 87. ,, Mary, 131. Richard, 88, 131. Walter, [blank], 242. Wanderton, George, 88. Ward, John, 175, 244. Ware, John, 1 13. ,, Mary, 113. Warliam, Archbishop, 317. AVarkenson, Robert, 142. ,, Susan, 142. Warleigh, James, 88. Warley, John, 88. Warre, ilary, 107. ., William, 107. Warren, Sarah, 155. ,, William, 155. Warrener, Thomas, 88. Warwell, Anna, 148. ,, Anne, 126. John, 88, 148, 189. „ Joseph, 12 b. ,, Mary, 119. Thomas, 88, 119, 239. Warwick, Abraham, 239. Washengton, Robert, 88. Wastilman, William, 88. Water, Robert, 89. Waters, Adam, 200. ,, Elizabeth, 139, 144. ,, Jonas, 8g, 194. ,, Nicholas, 144. ,, William, 89, 139. Watmer, Willi.im, 198, 205. Watson, [blank], 219. John, 89. William, 159. Watts, John, 239. Watvill, Joan, 156. John, 156. Waynflete, Beatrice, 122. ,, Elianor, 120. ,, Thomas, 89, 120, 122, 325. William, 89. Wear, John, 89, 132. ,, Rebecca, 132. Welib-e, Elizabeth, loi. ,, George, 89, lOl. ,, Margaret, 226. ,, Martha, loi. ,, Thomas, 8g, lOl. Weeden, Nathaniel, 89. Weevells, Israel, 142, 170, 196. „ Jo.in, 142. Welby, John, 90. ,, .Simon, 89 go. Weldon, Thomas, 189. WcUavd, John, 90, 1 1 7. Mary, 117. ,, Richard, 169, 170, 182, 183, 201, 240. ,, Thomas, 90. Welle, George, go. Wells, I Anthony, 200. Welles, ) Elizabeth, 112. ,, Jacob, 90, 112. ., John. 90, 169, 170. ,, Margery, 126. ,, Roger, 90, 12G. ,, William, 90, ibg. Wemesherste, Thomas, 328. Wen, M.ay, 158. Thomas, 158. Wentford, Elizabeth 97. ,, Timothy, 97. Wertyng, Hem-y, 328. Mabel, 328. West, Catharine, 156. ,, Edward, 242. ,, Katharine, 106. ,, Matthew, go, 106. ,, Thomas, 90, 15O. Wetenhall, Charles, 170, 206. Wheatnall, Charles. 213. Wheatstone, Edward, 183, 222. Wlieteley, Harry, 142. AVhetstone, See Wheatstone. Whineats, Elizabeth, T17. ,, Thomas, 1 17. White, Anne, 156, 164. ,, Barbara, 153. ,, Bartliolomew, 146. ,, Bell, 103, 126, 143, 164, 206. ,, Christopher, 153. ,, Edmund, 118. ,, Elizabeth, 1 50. ,, Ennet, 142. ,, George, 142, 150. Henry, 237. ,, Joan, 103. ,, John, go, 240. ,, Margaret, 102, 143. ,, Mary, 118, 126, 143, 146. ,, Richard, 156, 242. ,, Simon, 143. „ Stephen, go 214. „ Thomas, go, gi, 102, 142. I7g. 230. ,, William, 91. Whitticld, Henrietta, 160. „ Henry, gi. ,, John, gi, 160. Whiting, George, igs- Ingle, I4g. ,, John, gi. „ Mary, 140. ,, Robert, 91, 140. William, gi, 149, 179, 211, 237. AVicke, Thomas, 231. Wickham, Elizabeth 159. ,, Frances, 159. ,, John, 109, 149, 241. ,, Martha, 149. ,, Mary, 109. ,, Rose, 125. Thomas, 91, 92, 137, 159. ,, Willi.am, 125. Wiggins, Elizabeth, [48, 154. ,, Martha, 120. ,, Paul, 92, iiO, 120, 220, 22S, 241. 377 INDEX OF STRAY NAMES. 378 Wiggins, Richard, 148. ,, William, 154. Wigmore, Henry, 92. Wilcocl<, Godfrey, 239. ,, Joan, 1 12. John, 112, 241. Wildbore, Agnes, 132. ,, Anne, 118. ,, Eleanor, 99. Jerome, 95, 99, 132. William, 118, 187. Wilkes, Richard, 92. Wilkins, Thomas, 92. Wilkinson, Daniel, 92, 107, 123, 153. ,, Elizabeth, 123. ,, Joan, 107. ,, John, 223. ,, Katharine, 153. ,, Mary, 1 46. ,, I'eter, 146. ,, Robert, 200. ,, William, 9, 21 r. Willesden, Abraham, 93, 226. ,, Thomas, 190. ' Williams, [blank], 287. ,, Anne, 153. ,, Edward, 19b. ,, Elizabeth, 113, 116. ,, Humphrey, 92. „ James, 168, 183. ,, Jane, 166. ,, Joan, 136. John, 92, 93, 109, 121, 153, 215, 241. ,, Katharine, 109. ,, JIargaret, 100. ,, Mary, 106, 108, 121. ,, Mercy, 126. ,, Nicholas, 92, 106, 116, 166, 171, 175. ,, Samuel, 92, 227. ,, Thomas, 92, 93, 100, 113, 126, 136. Willoughby, Robert, 93. Wilmot, Catharine, 153. Jarvis, 93, 145. ,, John, 146. ,, Mary, 145, 146. Thomas, 153, 180, 241. Wilson, Anne, 97. ,, Edward, 93, 97, 164, 174. ,, Isaac, 242. ,, John, 169, 217. ,, Sar.ah, 164. Winchilsea, Earl of, 316, 326. Winfons, Timothy, 181. Winford, Anne, 108. ,, Jacob, 93, 108. ,, William, 93, 242. Winter, Alice, 120. ,, Henry, 94. ,, Joan, 100. ,, John, 94, 100, 120. Wod, Thomas, 94. Wood, Anne, lol. ,, Eliz.ibeth, 114, 116. ,, loan. 123. ,, Wary, 100. ,, Michael, 94. ,, Richard, 94, 100. 123. ,, Robert, 94, 101, I Ib. ,, Thomas, 114. Woodcock, Edward, 133, 200. ,, Martha, 133. Wood full Anne, 127. „ Margaret, 132. „ Matthew, 127, 132. Woodin, Henry, 145. ,, Susan, 145. Woodland, Aaron, 181. Woodman, Anne, 148. ,, Henry, 14, 156. „ Joan, 15O. Worger, Anthony, 241. Wormesell, John, 164. Mildred, 1G4. Worsley, Thomas, 243. Wotteghe, Richard, 94. Wotton, Willi.am, 94. Wraith, Daniel, 151. ,, Elizabeth, 107. ,, Nicholas, 94, 107. ,, Sar.ah, 151. &r Wreight. Wray, William, 94. AVreight, ) John, 94. Wraight, j Katharine, 145. ,, Nicholas, 145, 151. ,, Sarah, 151. ,, Stephen, 94. Thomas, 94, 231. AvWiaith. Wicnn, John, 243. Wright, John, 94, 179. ,, Thomas, 94, 95. Wykys, Edmund, 328. Wyldebore. Stv Wildbore. Wyner, Lawrence, 95. Wynn, Robert, 95, 227. ,, Thomas, 234. Wyse, Henry, 95. YoUNG-E, 1 Anne, 108, 135, 150. Yong-e, J Elizabeth, 120, 134. Yunge, ) George, 95, 96, 108, 138, 201. „ Henrv, 90. John;95, 96, 214, 242, 244. ,, Margery, 312. ,, Mary, 121, 132, I45,'i65. ,, Nicholas, 95, 176, 201, 244. ,, Rachel, 138. ,, Richard, 96, 150. ,, Robert, 132. ,, Sarah, 148. ,, Thomas, 95,96, I2t, 134, 145, 148, 165, 220, 225, 241, 244. ,, William, 95, 96, 120, 193, 199, 207. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TOi*^> 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loons may be renewed by colling 642-3405 6-month loons may be recharged by bringing books fo Circulotion Desk Renewals and recharges may be mode 4 doys prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW KEC.CIR. DEC 2 2 '82 serrroNiLL MAR 9 2000 U.C.BeRKELE> FORM NO. DD6, 60m, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFC 2/80 BERKELEY, CA -7 ^ley