UC-NRLF SB Sflfl 313 UNJVSHSIfYOFCALiroWil NORTH CAROLINA Xxi BLUE BOOK 1918 IF EXCHANGE NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK COMPILED AND EDITED BY W. S. WILSON ~) i LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN RALEIGH EDWARDS & BROUGHTON PRINTING Co. STATE PRINTERS 1918 3 / ' - ; McunrrNrs NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION J. BRYAN GRIMES, Chairman Raleigh W. J. PEELE Raleigh M. C. S. NOBLE Chapel Hill THOMAS M. PITTMAN Henderson D. H. HILL .... Raleigh R. D. W. CONNOR, Secretary, Raleigh W. S. WILSON, Legislative Reference Librarian , Raleigh AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLICATION OF A ROSTER OR BLUE BOOK SHOWING THE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, AND THEIR COMPENSATION, IN EACH DEPARTMENT OF THE STATE GOV- ERNMENT. The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: SECTION 1. That it is hereby made the duty of the Legislative Reference Li- brarian, heretofore appointed under and by virtue of chapter 202 of the Public Laws of North Carolina, session of 1915, to immediately prepare a roster or "Blue Book" which shall show in detail the number of officers and employees in each department of the State Government, including the National Guard, Department of Agriculture, educational, penal, charitable institutions, and any other depart- ment controlled or supported wholly or in part by the State, together with the compensation paid to each of said officers or employees. And if any person shall be an employee of more than one department of the State Government, or any institution controlled or supported wholly or in part by it, the salary or compen- sation received by such person shall be set out in each department where he is em- ployed, and reference made in that department to the other department from which he shall receive a salary or other compensation. SECTION 2. That the said roster or "Blue Book" shall be completed on or before the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, and printed within two (2) months thereafter. SECTION 3. That one copy of said roster or "Blue Book" shall be furnished to the clerk of the Superior Court of each county in the State; one copy furnished to each member of the General Assembly of 1917; one copy furnished to each mem- ber of the General Assembly of 1919 as soon after the election of 1918 as the result thereof shall be ascertained; and one copy furnished to each member of the Con- stitutional Convention as soon as the result of the election for that purpose shall have been ascertained. That other copies of said roster or "Blue Book" shall be sold to the public a-t such price as shall be fixed by the said Legislative Reference Librarian, and as near the cost of publishing the same as can be reasonably ascer- tainedi SECTION 4. That it shall be the duty of the said Legislative Reference Li- brarian to collate and print under appropriate headings, and with appropriate arrangement, the annual amount and purpose of every appropriation payable out of the State Treasury, whether by special or general law. SECTION 5. That the said Legislative Reference Librarian, being a salaried officer, shall receive no further or extra compensation for his services in preparing and publishing said roster or "Blue Book." SECTION 6. That this act shall not be construed to require the publication of the names of pensioners, nor of school teachers or officers not employed directly by the State Department of Education or the Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion; but .the amount of such money paid out of the State Treasury to the various counties of the State for pensions or educational purposes shall be set forth in said roster or "Blue Book" by counties; nor shall this act apply to the officers or em- ployees of the North Carolina Agricultural Society, nor local agricultural or fair societies, nor to the orphan societies to the support of which the State contributes; but all institutions or departments of the State Government shall be considered 4 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK to be embraced in this aot which receive any appropriation from the State Treasury, general or special, except those above excepted. rio\ 7. That in giving the names of the officers and employees of the various asylums, educational, charitable, and other institutions, and their com- pensation, wherever there are a number of employees receiving the same compen- sation, the names of such employees may be grouped, with a statement that they receive the same compensation. SECTION 8. That in compiling the said roster or "Blue Book" the said Legis- lative Reference Librarian shall make groups of each <!, f the State Government, Department ..f Agriculture-, National Guard, institutions, and all bureaus thereunder, and all other departments by whatsoc are maintained or ai<l<><l l>y the State, and shall set the warm- forth under appro- priate headings, so that the details of each department will be of easy access to any person consulting said book. io.v 8a. That the said roster or " Blue Book" shall contain in separate groups, sections, or divisions a statement showing the bonded indebtedness of each and every of the counties, cities and towns of the State, the date of mir an. I rate of maturity and rate of interest of such bonds, and for what purposes issued. OM 0. That the cost of printing said roster or "Blue Book" shall be paid by the State Treasurer upon the order of the Governor, who shall issue a re- quisition to the State Auditor for the cost of publishing the same, \\ sition shall be approved by the State Auditor and paid by the State Treasurer out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated. SECTION 10. It is hereby made the duty of every person who shall be the official head of any department of the State Government and of every person who shall be the official head of any State institution of any character (for which the State makes an appropriation) to furnish to the Librarian of the Legislative Reference Library a complete list of all officers and employees of each department or insti- tution, with a succinct statement of their duties and compensation. The Auditor and Treasurer are directed to furnish, on request of the Librarian, all such informa- t ion from t heir offices and records as he may request. SECTION 11. Five thousand copies of the said "Blue Book" shall be printed; and if the Governor shall be of the opinion that more should be printed, he is au- thorized to direct, the publication of such additional number as he may think proper. SECTION 12. The said Librarian shall also prepare and publish in said "Blue Book" the sources of the State's revenue and the am,ount thereof, the State's in- debtedness and the amount thereof, and the State's investment in stocks, bonds, etc., the value of same and the approximate annual income thereon. SECTION 13. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Ratified this the 5th day of March, A. D. 1917. Public Laws 1917, c. 145. To His Excellency, THOMAS W. BICKETT, Governor of North Carolina. SIR: In compliance with Chapter 145 of the Public Laws of 1917, entitled "An act to provide for the publication of a Roster or Blue Book showing the officers and employees, and their com- pensation, in each department of the State Government," I am transmitting herewith the NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK for pub- lication. Acting upon the advice of the Attorney-General, the data herein contained has been collected for the fiscal year ending during the calendar year 1917 for the several departments and institutions. The need for a uniform fiscal year for all departments of the State Government is emphasized in this publication. Fiscal years herein given vary from April 1 to November 30, 1917. Work was begun on getting together this material on December 1, 1917, when a letter setting out the character of the information wanted and a copy of the law above referred to were sent to each department of the State Government, all State institutions, the registers of deeds of the one hundred counties, and the mayors of more than four hundred cities and towns. About 40 per cent of the officials to whom these letters were sent supplied the required information within a reasonable time. Additional requests were sent from time to time to delinquent officials. In many instances the information supplied was incomplete and inaccurate, which necessitated a tremendous volume of cor- respondence and consequent delay. In some instances an audit was necessary before the facts could be ascertained. Heretofore no publication of this character has been authorized or directed, and since there is no penalty in the act to enforce its requirements of the officials whose duty it is made to supply the data herein given, it has been a most difficult task to induce many of them to comply with the law. In most instances, however, they have shown a desire to give the information required and in the form requested. By reason of the fact that it has been necessary to secure this data from some six hundred different sources it cannot reasonably be hoped that some inaccuracies and errors have not crept in, but they have been checked and eliminated as far as it has been possible to do so. There is a lack of uniformity in the data supplied which is to be regretted. Should the General Assembly provide for similar future publications many improvements in this respect will sug- gest themselves to the compiler. It is hoped that this volume will supply information which will be of value to the members of the General Assembly and the public. Respectfully submitted, W. S. WILSON, Legislative Reference Librarian. RALEIGH, N. C. May 14, 1918. CONTENTS LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT PAGE Senators _ 3 Senate Employees - 4 Members of House of Representatives 6 House Employees 8 Enrolling Department 11 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Department of the Governor 17 Department of the Secretary of State _ 18 Department of the State Auditor 22 Department of the State Treasurer 23 Department of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction 25 Department of the Attorney-General 29 JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT The Supreme Court 33 Judges of the Superior Court 34 Solicitors 35 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Department of Agriculture 39 Department of Corporation Commission 53 Department of State Tax Commission 55 Department of Labor and Printing 56 Department of Insurance 57 North Carolina Historical Comniission 59 Legislative Reference Library . 61 Department of the State Library 61 Library Commission of North Carolina 62 The North Carolina State Board of Health 63 State Laboratory of Hygiene 72 State Board of Charities and Public Welfare 74 North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey _ 75 State Highway Commission 77 Board of Internal Improvements 79 Department of the Adjutant-General 80 State's Prison 84 State Board of Elections 88 Revisal Commission 89 Fisheries Commission Board 90 Audubon Society of North Carolina 94 Department of Public Buildings and Grounds 95 Firemen's Relief Fund 97 State Standard Keeper 97 8 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK STATE EDUCA rONS ~ity of North Car t nte College of Agriculture and Engineering. . . ..107 The State Normal and Imlu ..133 vvhee Normal find Industrial School .. 129 Appalachian Training School for Teachers East Carolina Teachers' Training School .. IIS State School for the Blind and !)< . . 136 ij Carolina School for the De;r Stonewall . I -trial School ..146 Slater Normal 8< ) . . 152 kee Indian Normal School .156 \ egro Agricultural and Technical Collcg. . . 157 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS State I r the Insane at Raleigh . . 163 State I r the Insane at Morganton .. 173 I nsane at Goldsboro.. . . . . 183 lina Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis . . 189 ..192 North Carolina Orthopedic Hospit .. 194 n NESS OF COl* N I I! - ..199 DNESSOF CITIES A ', !. M Nl> ..155 1) APPROPRIATION LAWS 257 \I. II M) ... 284 DISK .. 284 ..* I. POND . 290 .. 295 .. 298 PUBLIC SCHO< V CX3UNTI1 i; \n.i;< . \i> \\i> nuxriKi: ST < IB ... 307 VALUES 308 LOANS FOR SCHOOI .. 309 STATE BONDED Dl 310 LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT (FOB YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917.) SENATE E. L. Daughtridge, Lieutenant-Governor.. O. Max Gardner, Lieutenant-Governor Per diem. Mileage .$ 72.00 $ 13.00 306.00 45.40 SENATORS Allen, M. H _ $ 240.00 $ 9.80 Earnhardt, John A _ 240.00 29.00 Bennett, Kelly E _ 248.00 68.00 Blue, L. M 240.00 22.00 Braswell, J. D..._ 240.00 77.40 Brenizer, Chase _ 240.00 34.80 Brock, F 240.00 20.00 Bunn, J. W 240.00 Burgwyn, W. H. S.._. 240.00 30.00 Burnett, J. H 240.00 22.00 Cameron, Bennehan _. ._ 240.00 7.00 Cranmer, E. H 240.00 31.40 Davenport, W. S 240.00 30.20 Deweese, A. G 240.00 79.20 Everett, W. N 240.00 20.40 Gough, Frank 240.00 26.00 Gray, J. A., Jr _ _ 240.00 22.00 Gregg, Dr. J. D._ 240.00 21.40 Hall, J. W 240.00 24.80 Harding, F. C 240.00 17.40 Harrell, G. S 240.00 48.60 Holderness, George A 240.00 17.20 Johnson, E. R 240.00 38.80 Jonas, C. A 240.00 44.00 Jones, Thomas A 240.00 54.60 Joyce, J. R. 240.00 21.00 Justice, J. Foy_ 240.00 59.80 Kelly, A. M 240.00 31.40 Little, R. E 240.00 24.60 Long, J. Elmer 240.00 11.60 Long, W. L _. 240.00 19.20 Lynn, Stable 1 240.00 26.00 McCoin, R. S 240.00 8.80 McLeod, J. A 240.00 7.00 McNider, J. S 240.00 35.00 1 See Revisal Commission. 1 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK SENATORS CONTINUED Per diem Mileage Matheson, C. P $ 240.00 $ 35.60 Nelson, J. L 240.00 42.60 Gates, John A..._ 240.00 12.80 Parker, Ezra 240.00 9.40 Person, W. M 240.00 7.60 Pollock, W. D. 240.00 15.00 Ray, Robert R 240.00 34.40 Ross, T. T _ 240.00 15.40 Scales, A. M 240.00 16.20 Thompson, C. M 240.00 23.00 Transou, Eugene 240.00 39.20 Tucker, E. J 240.00 11.60 Turner, W. D 240.00 32.00 Warren, Lindsay C. 240.00 21.60 \\illiams, S. C 240.00 32.00 $12,386.00 $1,447.20 SENATE EMPLOYEES Alexander, J. W ..$ 288.00 $ 82.60 Arrington, J. C 190.50 7.00 Bailey, C. K 308.00 Bates, Ed 198.00 Bland, Douglas 122.00 Bradshaw, Mike 129.50 Broughton, C. C 316.00 20 20 Brown, R. L 216.00 Bryson, J. A 189.00 29 60 Buie, John R 189.00 5.30 Busbee, Miss Sophie 1 324.00 Capps, Marion 135.50 14.40 Cardwell, Charles 211.50 Church, T. M 189.00 22.20 Davis, C. W 252.00 Dowell, W. L 312.00 Parish, J. T., Jr. 20.00 11.00 Fentress, R. C 189.00 10.00 Fetter, Fred A 129.50 Caster, W. D 292.50 13.00 Gay, John F 189.00 12.60 Green, A. H. 189.00 Guishard, Miss Marguerite 32.00 Hampton, Park 224.00 12.50 Harris, Charles V 20.00 iSee Revisar.Commission. *See Enrolling Department. LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT SENATE EMPLOYEES CONTINUED Per diem Mileage] Herring, Miss Gene _._ $ 12.00 $ High, C. W. 2 340.00 7.40 Hinsdale, Miss Nell 1 - 3 352.00 Hughes, I. W 344.00 21.60 Hunter, H. B _. 189.00 7.00 Jenkins, W. H 167.50 3.50 Johnson, Irwin 129.50 4.75 Kerr, Henry 161.50 21.00 Lewis, Claude. 190.50 3.20 Lewis, J. J _ _ _ _ _ . . 189 00 Mackey, J. J . 356.00 Massenburg, James _ 296.50 Mebane, Banks H.__ _ _ _ 308.00 Meejuns, Percy 213.50 12.75 Mordecai, W. G 340.00 Mott, Mrs. F. S 164.00 Russ, Miss Bettie 1 344.00 Sanders, W. H 336.00 19.40 Self, R. O 1,052.00 65.00 Sears, L. J _ 308.00 Smith, Miss Irene ._ 344.00 Thompson, Loyd . _ _ 122.00 12.50 Thompson, Oscar 129.50 Traynor, M. P 308 00 Wade.R. T 356.00 28.80 Watts, John ._.. 328.00 39.00 White, Miss Josephine 1 168 00 Williams, John S 190.50 11.60 Williamson, George L . 296.00 $12,890.00 $497.90 1 See Enrolling Department. 2 See Department of the Adjutant General. 3 See Department of Secretary of State. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBERS Per diem Mileage Bailey, John L $ 240.00 $ 12.00 Baldwin, Alfred 240.00 41.60 Barnes, J. W 240.00 4.60 Beasley, R. F.i 240.00 30.20 Bowman, W. A 240.00 22.00 Breece, A. B 240.00 12.80 Brock, B. C .... 240.00 28.20 Brothers, H. W .. 240.00 12.60 Brummitt, D. G 240.00 11.80 Butt, W. M 240.00 27.60 Clark, Ambrose 240.00 76.80 Clark, D. M 240.00 17.30 Clayton, J. M 240.00 60.20 Coffey, Bland 240.00 70.00 Coggins, J. C _>40.00 28.00 Collins, B. B .. 240.00 26.00 Cox, R. M 240.00 23.60 Cox, W. D 240.00 42.00 Council, A. McA 240.00 20.00 Covington, W. T 240.00 20.00 Crowell, R. C.... 240.00 56.80 Crowson, Dr. S. T 240.00 35.20 Dail, George D 240.00 21.40 Dalton, Carter 2 240.00 19.20 Daniel, J. C 240.00 13.00 Daniels, S. G 240.00 15.40 Davis, I. P 240.00 53.80 Darden, J. H 240.00 24.60 Dees, Archie 240.00 9.60 Doughton, R. A 240.00 39.60 Parish, J. Turner 240.00 22.00 Ferebee, M. W 240.00 40.00 Ferguson, G. P 240.00 68.60 Flack, Miles P... 240.00 48.40 Forrest, T. R 240.00 33.60 Galloway, J. C 240.00 19.00 Gardner, G. Ellis 240.00 59.20 Grant, Horace V 240.00 33.80 Grant, L. Clayton 240.00 26.60 Grantham,G. K 240.00 10.80 Grier, H. P.* 240.00 31.60 Griffin, E. J.... 240.00 3340 See Board of Public Welfare. 'See Revisal Commissi LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT 7 MEMBERS CONTINUED Per diem Mileage Haymore, R. L _ $ 240.00 $ 31.80 Hewitt, Dr. D. L 240.00 33.70 Hicks, T. C - - 240.00 73.80 Hinton, C. R 240.00 31.20 Holding, T. E 240.00 3.60 Hooker, F. B 240.00 29.00 Home, J. D 240.00 24.40 Hoyle, S. R - 240.00 8.40 Hurley, Boliver S . 240.00 19.60 Jackson, B - 240.00 59.60 Johnson, K. B 240.00 3.60 Joyner, W. H 240.00 20.00 Kernodle, R. T..._ 240.00 13.60 Killian, J. Y 240.00 36.00 King, Gray R - - 240.00 15.20 Riser, E. W 240.00 26.00 Kittrell, R. G 240.00 8.80 Lloyd, Lueco 240.00 9.60 Love, Edgar 240.00 42.20 McBee, J. C - --- 240.00 58.40 McCall, J. H 240.00 79.40 McCrary, J. R 240.00 23.00 McLendon, L. P.i 240.00 5.20 MacRackan, Donald 240.00 35.80 Mathews, J. H 240.00 30.00 Mathews, W. R._. --- 240.00 36.00 Mathewson, W. L 240.00 33.00 Mauney, W. A - 240.00 41.40 Moore, R. M 240.00 16.00 Morgan, W. F 240.00 35.80 Murphy, Walter 360.00 26.00 Newell, S. A 240.00 7.60 Noland, D. R 240.00 64.20 Oliver, J. S 240.00 32.40 Page, H. A - 240.00 14.40 Pass, J. C 240.00 12.00 Pearson, J. H 240.00 41.80 Pegram, J. Ed _ 240.00 5.60 Pharr, E. W 240.00 36.00 Phillips, Oscar.... 240.00 28.20 Pickett, James F 240.00 21.20 Prevette, James M 240.00 36.80 Price, James M 240.00 33.20 Price, John N 240.00 32.00 Pritchard, George M 240.00 59.60 Puett, J. F.... 240.00 41.60 Department of the Adjutant General. I :i<> < S " Kay, A < .,, Krunk . MO 00 ' - tO Robert- . 14000 SS 60 Robert^ il .14000 00 :i - MM) I . 24000 It 40 ; T * . l 7 - Kuten* 8. . 140.00 .*" J4" .". 4" MM Hhaw. A I .4 < . Homem, P. M . 140 00 14 80 h . i 31 00 14000 14 tO 1 < . . i ; . 14 00 II 1 . > 14.10 1 .... 14000 M M M.I :r II tO i M .4 ... 90 tO Ml J4" <' 21 JO Ward, C,org |{ 140 .tO . .! 1310 I M .4 It 80 -i t3ft> .'<" II .80 J4" ' I' I> . MOO \Nr.ght. C (i 14000 It .10 HOUSE EMPLOYEES ^e, Mi Inn . $ 118.00 $ 18.00 : l^^ -'(' 1 .80 hhunl. J:inu - !.' '" \ 344.00 1500 300.00 80.00 1 .' .' 130.00 !1 h . 31600 BjM I!. \ ; i! i ' . :, LEGISLATIVE DEPABTMENT 9 HOUSE EMPLOYEES-CONTINUED Per diem Mileage Chambers, Ben $ 188.50 $ 6.05 Christian, Lee 193.50 Clendenin, W. S. 320.00 29.60 Cobb, Miss Lucile 352.00 43.20 Coggins, C. L 308.00 Cook, Thomas 188.50 Cooper, William.. ._ 134.50 14.90 Cothran, W. D.... 182.50 2.20 Curri,-, .1. II 194.50 Daniels, O. C 120.00 3.84 Daniel, W. L 352.00 29.20 Davis, C. W 64.00 29.60 Ddlinger, D. P _. . 316.00 43.20 Durham, Miss Nellie 316.00 Eason, George 120.00 Eckard, H. E 340.00 40.60 Edwards, Alex . 182.50 2.25 Finrh, <>ti> . . 180.00 1.60 Fox, David 63.00 3.95 Goodwin, A. M.... 182.50 Grant, ClariM... 120.00 9.45 CriMin. Mrs. T. A 352.00 3.00 Criflii.,.1. 1) 182.50 2.10 Criflitli, Jnmes ._ 127.50 Crimes, Miss Sophi. 300.00 od, Dun. -.-Hi _ 188.50 2.50 HanliMK, William 129.50 H:irriMKt<M,. I. W 316.00 11.00 H.alon, Pink 190.70 Heflin, Hugh 188.50 2.95 Higgins, C. M. 182.50 7.60 Hill, Tip 188.50 1.90 Horton, Walter 360.00 Hooker, Marvin 122.70 Hooker, W. H. 236.00 Horton, W. B 188.50 .90 Howell, Y. B 312.00 19.60 Huffman, R. C 156.00 41.00 Jenkins, E. J 286.00 7.00 Johnson, F. M 188.50 3.75 Jones, Miss May F.' 280.00 27.80 Jones, Mrs. A. B 300.00 32.60 Joyner, Jack 129.50 5.00 Kelly, Miss Lassie' 316.00 85.00 King, R. R 320.00 17.80 Lassiter, Alex .... 1,080.00 36.80 l See Enrolling Department. 10 NORTH CABOLINA BLUE BOOK HOUSE EMPLOYEES-CONTINUED Per diem Lassiter, Vernon $ 348.00 Lewis, John G .. 272.00 Lewis, Will 213.50 Marks, Miss Susie 300.00 Matthews, Jim_ 182.50 Matthews, Pink 127.50 McLean, D. V 188.50 Moore, Tom 372.00 Moring, J. H _ 286.00 Mund, Miss Rosa* 316.00 Neal, James 182.50 Nowell, Baxter 125.00 Oliver, Hal A 123.00 Parsons, L. Z 268.00 Pickell, Miss Julia.... ' 300.00 Redman, Tom 108.00 Richardson , Royster 125 .00 Robbins, W. Mack 224.00 Roberts, M. F 228.00 Sharpe, Avon 129.50 Scroggs , Roy 123 .00 Sloan, R. S 292.00 Shell, H. O 316.00 Shell, O. P..... 324.00 Silverthorn, S. L 304.00 Smith, Miss Jessica 300.00 Souther, Lonnie R 189.20 Smith, Mrs. Weldon T 300.00 Stanford, William.. 188.50 Strong, Miss Frances 1 316.00 Turner, Tom 125.00 Warters, Miss Eva^- 1 316.00 White, Miss Earle 316.00 White, William 125.00 Williams, Ellis 272.00 Willis, W. W 188.50 Wyatt, T. B.___ 182.50 Young, R. G 121.0 $21,648.10 $1,059.09 1 See Enrolling Department. 'See Treasury Department ENROLLING DEPARTMENT Per diem Mileage Adams, Miss Meta 1 _ $ 2.00 $ Adicks, Mrs. Tom 11.52 Bagwell, Miss Addie 2 37.68 Bagwell, Miss Minnie 2 - 10.76 Batchelor, W. P. 2 .. 88.00 Belts, Miss Vivian.... _ 5.86 Betts, Mrs. M. P 60.00 Bland, James _ 15.50 Bledsoe, Miss Ayla 2 89.19 Brady, Miss M . 11.18 Busbee, Miss Sophie 3 2.80 Campbell, Miss Lillian.. 104.56 Collins, Mrs. J. H . 42.35 Fleming, A. L. 2 33.62 Gay, Mrs. Hattie 4 4.86 Griffin, J. S. - 12.00 Grimes, Miss Sophie 2 - 6 8.84 Hall, Miss Mildred? 2.60 ..... Harris, Miss E 7.79 Haynes, Mrs. C. L. 2 _. 25.67 Hinsdale, Miss Nell 3 2.30 Howell, Miss Mabels 14.48 Jenkins, W. J 48.00 Johnston, J. T _ 256.00 8.20 Jones, Mrs. T. W 4.00 Jones, Miss Sadie 9.80 ' Jones, Miss May* 7.60 Judd, Mrs. L _ 35.77 Kelly, Miss Lassies 13.09 Kimball, Van Wyck 2 40.00 King, Miss Myrtle 10 . 1.50 Leinster, Mrs. R. L.? 2.00 McKimmon, Miss M. H. 11.28 Merritt, Miss Rebecca 2 . 8.00 Mund, Miss Rosa 6 _ 15.61 Norwood, Miss Rebecca 2 8.00 Norwood, Miss Ruth 2 ... 8.72 !See Corporation Commission 2 See Department of Secretary of State. 3 See Senate Employees. 4 See Department of the Governor. 5 See State Tax Commission. 8 See State College of Agriculture and Engineering. 9 See Department of Agriculture and State College of Agriculture and Engi- neering. 1 See State Library. NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK I \ l;< M.LING DEPARTMENT CONTINUED Per diem Mileage II. E. B $ 315.00 $ 94.20 tfowell, Mr*. Henry 14.66 Kiddirk, Miss Eliza 1.00 Russ, Miss Bettie* 3.59 Skinn. . 106.44 Stanley, Mi Ifamie' Stroi, ;il 2.03 M. B. 1 .. ........ . 274.79 Taylor, M i Buafo 1 inia :> - .68 II, M!>.S Marjory , 3.87 Thompson, Mi Daisy 11 4.00 Thompson, Miss Lillian 1 M Thompson, O. S. 4.00 Travis, Miss Annir 7 4.40 Turm-r, Miss Man.i. . 16.32 Quell, Miss Kduina 1 Uzzell, Miss 11. -1. .' 28.00 Wartere, Miss Eva . 5.63 West, Mrs. W. 8. \\hite, Miss Josephinr .50 Wilton, Miss Frances*... 8.00 \\ii-.n, Robert r. 32.00 26.20 \\inhvr, ifn. J.M.< . 335.00 $2.30366 $128.60 GENi:i: \i kSSEMBLV OON1 1 \ i: NT ACCOUNT J. W. Hinadale, Jr. Eh -n Investigation ..$ 100.00 Miss Frances De.nent Services, Prison Investigation 22.00 W. J. Bridgers 10 Night Watchman, extra pay 60.00 C. R. King 10 Engineer, extra pay 30.00 W. C. Horton 10 Assistant Engineer, extra pay 30.00 W. D. Terry 10 Janitor Capitol Building, extra pay 64.00 David Wright 10 Janitor Administration Bldg., extra pay 30.00 William Jeffreys 10 Janitor Administration Bldg., extra pay 30.00 Sim Lee 10 Labor 90.00 Andrew Burnett 10 Labor... 84.00 l See Department of Secretary of St:iir. nut ' Kmpl Bee 1 vpart nirnt o'f the Governor. : I.UIM- l-'.mpl. 1 Vpart tin-lit .M Auricult 1 listorical Commiion. iiu-nt of Public Instruction. 1 IOUM- 1 '.nipl.'x ccs and Treasury Dt-part n Mate Tax CoinmisMon. l See Depart n H-m of Public Buildings and Grounds. State College of Agriculture and Kn^in. vriug. $ 540.00 it . LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT 13 TOTAL FOR SALARIES AND MILEAGE, LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Per diem Mileage Senators .$12,386.00 $ 1,447.20 Senate employees 12,890.00 497.90 Members House of Representatives 28 , 920 . 00 3 , 790 . 60 House employees 21,648.10 1,059.09 Enrolling Department __. _ 2,303.66 128.60 Contingent account.. _ Total $13,833.20 13,387.90 32,710.60 22,707.19 2,432.26 540.00 $78,147.76 $ 6,923.39 $85,611.15 Salaries authorized by the following laws: The members of the General Assembly for the term for which they have been elected shall receive as compensation for their services the sum of four dollars per day for each day of their session, for a period not exceeding sixty days; and should they remain longer in session, they shall serve without compensation. They shall also be entitled to receive ten cents per mile, both while coming to the seat of government and while returning home, the said distance to be computed by the nearest line or route of public travel. The compensation of the presiding officers of the two houses shall be six dollars per day and mileage. Should an extra session of the General Assembly be called, the members and presiding officers shall receive a like rate of compensation for a period not exceeding twenty days. Constitution, Art. II, s. 28. The principal and his assistant clerks, the engrossing clerks and doorkeepers and assistant doorkeepers of the General Assembly, and the chief clerk and assist- ants, appointed by the Secretary of State to supervise the enrollment of bills and resolutions, shall each receive four dollars per day, during the session of the General Assembly, and the same mileage as members of the General Assembly. Revisal of 1905, s. 2730. Copyists employed in copying engrossed or enrolled bills and resolutions of the General Assembly shall receive ten cents per copy sheet, which shall include the making of one carbon copy. Revisal of 1905, s. 2731. The principal clerks of the General Assembly shall be allowed two hundred dollars as a compensation for indexing the journals of their respective houses, and three hundred dollars each for extra work and for services required to be per- formed by them after the adjournment of each session of the General Assembly, including the transcribing of a copy of their respective journals, which shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Revisal of 1905, s. 2732; 1911, c. 116. The principal clerks of each branch of the General Assembly be and they are hereby allowed, in addition to their present salary, the sum of one hundred dollars each for the transcribing of their respective journals, and the sum of one hundred dollars each for indexing the said journals after they are printed by the State printers. 1917, r. 35. The persons appointed to place the two halls of the General Assembly in order, and to wait upon the members until doorkeepers can be regularly appointed, shall be allowed as a compensation the sum of four dollars each for their daily attendance and services. Revival of 1905, s. 2734. 14 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK The Auditor is authorized to audit the account of any employee of the Senate or of the House of Representatives, upon the certificate of the President of the Senate and of the Speaker of the House of Representatives that such services have been rendered for which the account is presented, and that the amount as stated in said account is reasonable, Just, and proper. Revisal of 1905, s. 2735. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF THE GOVERNOR (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917.) Name Designation Rate Total for year Thomas W. Bickett. Governor $ 6,500.00 $ 6, 347.231 Santford Martin Private Secretary 2,500.00 2,368.10 Mrs. HattieS. Gay 2 Executive Secretary 1,200.00 1,200.00 Miss Mamie C. Turner 2 Executive Clerk 1,200.00 1,120.83 Roach Farrar.... ...Janitor.... 10.50 wk. 546.00 $11,582.16 Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of the Governor shall be $6,500 per annum. He shall be allowed annually the sum of $600 as traveling expenses. Revisal of 1905, s. 2736; 1907, c. 100; 1917, cc. 11, 235. The Private Secretary to the Governor shall be allowed an annual salary of $2,500. The Executive Secretary shall receive a salary of $1,200 annually, and for additional clerical assistance the Executive Department shall be allowed a sum not exceeding $1,200 per annum. Revisal of 1905, s. 2737; 1907, c. 830; 1917, c. 214. The Governor's office . . . shall each be allowed one servant. Such servants shall each receive as compensation the sum of $10.50 per w r eek, to be paid by the State Treasurer. 1907, c. 830. x When an office or position has been held by two or more persons during the fiscal year the name ot the incumbent only is given. The amount paid includes all payments made for the year on account of salary for the office or position. 2 See Enrolling Department. DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE (Fon YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917.) Name Denignation Rate Total for year J. Bryan Grimes Secretary of State $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 J. E. Sawyer Corporation Clerk 2,000.00 2,000.00 F. W. Brown Grant Clerk 1,800.00 1,800.00 (a) Stenographer 900.00 900.00 (6) Extra clerical assistance 600.00 600.00 W. P. Batchelor 1 Sidenoting and indexing session laws 500.00 500.00 J. J. Weaver Janitor 10.50 wk. 546.00 $ 9,846.00 (a) For UK- months I Jcrrmbrr t<> IVl.ruary, inclusive, Miss Addie Bagwell rr, -rived $75 pp r month from the appropriation for Stenographer, $15 per month < >f which amount was paid to Miss Susie Taylor. In addition to the $15 per month received from Miss Addie Bagwell, Miss Susie Taylor was paid $45 per month from the appropriation for Extra Clerical Assistance, making the monthly salary of each $60 for the months December to February, inclusive. For the remainder of the fiscal year Miss Addie Bagwell was paid $75 per month from the appropri- ation for Stenographer. For the month of March Miss Susie Taylor was paid $40 from the appropriation for Extra Clerical Assistance, and $35 from the Auto- mobile Fund (ch. 107, sec. 7, Public Laws 1913); for the remainder of the fiscal year $35 per month from the appropriation for Extra Clerical Assistance and $40 per month from the Automobile Fund (ch. 107, sec. 7, Public Laws 1913, and ch. 140, sec. 7, Public Laws 1917), making $75 per month for the months March to Novem- ber, inclusive. (6) Mrs. J. H. Collins was paid from the Extra Clerical Assistance Fund for work during the month of January, $26; February, $40. (6) Miss Edwina Uzzell was paid from the Extra Clerical Assistance Fund for work during the month of January, $30; February, $40. EXPENDITURES FOR CLERICAL ASSISTANCE IN THE REARRANGING AND INDEXING OF GRANTS (1909, c. 505; 1911, c. 100; 1913, c. 160; 1915, c. 89) Miss Sophie Grimes 1 ........................................................ $ 233.00 Miss A. C. Bledsoe 1 ........................................................ 50.00 Mrs. M. B. Syme 1 .......................................................... 55.00 Miss Mary Gregory Fort .................................................... 28.00 Miss Mamie Stanley 1 ....................................................... 7.50 $373.50 iSee Enrolling Department. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT 19 The foregoing expenditures charged against unexpended balance of former appropriation carried over by the State Treasurer at the request of the Secretary of State for the completion of this work. Salaries $60 per month. AUTOMOBILE REGISTRATION Expenditures for clerical assistance in connection with the registration of automobiles for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1917. All of the following expenditures have been approved by the Governor and Council of State as re- quired by law: (a) Miss Minnie Bagwell 1 r $ 1,425.00 (6) A. L. Fleming 1 ... 1,065.00 (c) Mrs. C. L. Haynes 1 _ 855.00 Miss I. E. Skinner 1 520.00 Miss Susie Taylor 1 355.00 Miss Mamie Avent _ 59.85 Miss Leonita Denmark 15.00 Miss Gladys Dewar 21 .25 Miss Lucy Dortch 28.75 R. H. Field 37.05 Miss Mary Gregory Fort 10.00 Miss Margaret Habel 62.70 Miss Nell Hinsdale 2 54.15 Van Wyck Kimball 1 _ 55.00 Miss Frances Lacy 79.80 Miss Lizzie Lee _ _. 28.50 Bryce Little 150.00 Miss Rebecca Merritt 1 i 15.00 Miss Ella Moore 27.50 Mrs. E. T. Mott : 34.20 Miss Rebecca Norwood 1 37.50 Miss Ruth Norwood 1 _ 30.00 Mrs. Mary O'Keefe 59.85 Robin Phillips 129.15 Carver Smith _ ._ 27.50 Mrs. A. B. Spicer 66.00 Miss Mamie Stanley 1 27.50 Miss Frances Strongs 62.70 Mrs. M. B. Syme 1 419.95 W. D. Terry< 20.00 Miss Jennie G. Trapier _ _ ._ 42.75 Miss Gertrude Upchurch 49.00 Miss Bertie Uzzell 1 68.40 Miss Edwina Uzzell 1 224.20 Miss Sophie Wilder 17.50 !See Enrolling Department. 2 See Senate Employees. 3 See House Employees. 4 See Department of Public Buildings and Grounds. 20 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Miss Frances WilsoD 1 $ 34.20 Mrs. W. T. Woodley 65.55 Miss Ethel Wynne 295.00 Miss Norma Wynne 44.00 Andrew Burnett' 10.00 $ 6,629.50 The following are regularly employed in connection with the automobile work: Miss Minnie Bagwell $1,500.00 per year A. L. Fleming.. 1,200.00 per year Mrs. C. L. Haynes 900.00 per year Miss I. E. Skinner 900.00 per year (d) Miss Susie Taylor. 480.00 per year (a) Miss Minnie Bagwell was paid $100 per month for the months Deem,!,, r to February, inclusive; for the remainder of the fiM-.-tl year $125 per month. (6) Mr. A. L. Fleming was paid $75 prr month for tho month.- De.-r-mber to l-'ebruary, inclusive; $80 por month for the mnntli.s M;urh to May, inclusive; $100 por month for the remainder of the fiscal (c) Mrs. C. L. Haynes was paid $60 per month for the months December to February, inclusive; $75 per month for the remainder of the fiscal (d) For the month of March Miss Susie Taylor was paid $35 from the Auto- mobile Fund and $40 from the Extra Clerical Assistance Fund; for the remainder of the fiscal year $40 per month from the Automobile Fund and $35 per month from the Extra Clerical Assistance Fund, making a monthly salary of $75 for the months March to November, inclusive. The automobile registration year begins on July 1st. About the 1st of June application cards are mailed to all registrants during the year, for which purpose it is necessary to secure additional help. Between the first of June and the 15th of August, 1917, more than forty-five thousand (45,000) applications were rec and licenses and display numbers mailed to applicants. This necessitated a large force to handle the work with dispatch during that period. Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of the Secretary of State shall be $3,500 per annum. 1907, c. 994. The Corporation Clerk shall receive a salary of $2,000 per annum. The Grant Clerk shall receive a salary of $1,800 per annum. A stenographer shall receive a salary of $900 per annum. The Secretary of State shall be allowed for extra clerical assistance the sum of $600 per annum. 1907, c. 830. The assistant to the Secretary of State, who shall index the laws and prepare the laws and captions for publication, shall receive a compensation of $500. Revisal of 1905, s. 2733. All necessary expense, including clerical assistance . . . shall be paid for monthly from the revenue derived from this act (Automobile Law) by warrant 'See Historical Commission and House Empl\ I )epartment of Public Buildings and Grounds. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT 21 of the Auditor on the State Treasurer: Provided, that said account shall be ap- proved by the Governor and Council of State, and shall not in an aggregate exceed twelve and one-half per cent of the total amount collected by the Secretary of State from the provisions of this act. 1917, c. 140. The Secretary of State's office . . . shall each be allowed one servant. Such servants shall receive as compensation the sum of $10.50 per week, to be paid by the State Treasurer. 1907, c. 830. TOTAL FOR DEPARTMENT OF SECRETARY OF STATE Salaries fixed by statute $ 9,846.00 Indexing Grants 373.50 Automobile account _ 6,629.50 $16,849.00 DEPARTMENT OF THE STATE AUDITOR (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917.) fi^Name Designation Rale W. P. Wood State Auditor $ 3,000.00 E. H. Baker* Chief Clerk 2,000.00 Baxter Durham* Tax Clerk 1,500.00 Mrs. F. W. Smith Pension Clerk 1,200.00 Miss Mildred Hall 3 Clerical services Mrs. R. L. Leinster 1 Clerical services E. B. Haynes Clerical services H. E. Glenn Clerical services Miss Myrtle Gates 4 Clerical services Stephen Hawkins Janitor 10.50 i Total for year $ 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 1,027.00 288.00 18.00 21.00 5.00 546.00 k. $ 9,605.00 Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of the State Auditor shall be $3,000 per annum. 1907, c. 994. The Chief Clerk shall receive a salary of $2,000 per annum. 1907, c. 830; 1911, c. 108. The Tax Clerk shall receive a salary of $1,500 per annum. 1907, c. 830; 1911, o. 136. A stenographer shall receive a salary of $900 per annum. 1907, c. 830. The State Auditor be and he is hereby authorized to expend annually, out of the funds not otherwise appropriated, an amount not exceeding $300 to pay a Pension Clerk, who may be a member of his office force, for the purpose of carrying into effect the pension laws of this State. 1913, c. 172. Two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), or so much thereof aa may be necessary, is hereby annually appropriated to be used by the Auditor of the State for the proper enforcement of the Machinery Act. 1917, c. 231, s. 96. The Auditor's office . . . shall each be allowed one servant. Such servant shall receive as compensation the sum of $10.50 per week, to be paid by the State Treasurer. 1907, c. 830. iSee Department of the Adjutant General. a See Soldiers' Home and Department of the Adjutant General. 8 See Enrolling Department. 4 See State Tax Commission. DEPARTMENT OF THE STATE TREASURER (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917.) Namt, Designation Rate Total for year B. R. Lacy State Treasurer.. _ $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 W. F. Moody. Chief Clerk 2,500.00 2,333.36 Homer Peele 1 Teller 1,800.00 1.666.72 H R Williamson Institution Clerk 1,500.00 1,400.00 475.81 800.00 1,100.00 12.50 50.00 82.50 58.33 10.00 39.00 79.50 17.05 546.00 Hubert B. Cooley Bond Clerk _ 1,500.00 Miss Eva Warters 2 Corporation Tax Clerk 1,200.00 Mrs. W. D. Martin Stenographer _ 1,200.00 L C. Warren Collecting taxes . . H. R. Williamson Clerical services - W. B. Swindell Clerical services Homer Peele Clerical services . Mozelle Bailey Clerical services _ _. W B Swindell Clerical services Miss Eva Warters 2 Clerical services R. B. Hyatt Services _ Charles E. Richardson Janitor _ lO.SOwk. $12,170.77 DUTIES: B. R. Lacy, State Treasurer and Treasurer ex omcio of institutions. W. F. Moody, Chief Clerk, same as Treasurer except signing checks. Homer Peele, Teller, same duty as a teller in bank, receiving and disbursing funds. H. R. Williamson, Institution Clerk, handling accounts of institutions, pen- sions, and insurance companies' securities. Hubert M. Cooley, Bond Clerk, handling bonds and coupon accounts. Miss Eva Warters, Corporation Tax Clerk, handling collections of all corpora- tion taxes. Mrs. W. D. Martin, Stenographer, handling correspondence. Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of the State Treasurer shall be $3,500 per annum. 1907, c. 994. The Chief Clerk shall receive a salary of $2,000 per annum. The Teller a salary of $1,400 per annum; the Institutional Clerk $1,200 per annum, and the Stenographer $900 per annum. 1907, c. 830.. The Governor and Council of State are empowered to investigate the con- ditions in the Treasurer's office, and are hereby authorized, if they find the force is not sufficient to do the work with dispatch, to employ additional clerk or clerks, not exceeding two, and fix and adjust salaries therein. 1917, c. 161. ^ee State's Prison. 2 See House Employees and Enrolling Department. 24 N'oKI II ( ' \Kol.l N \ I'.l I I A sum not exceeding $2, 500 is hereby annual! MI! cut of any moneys IK. i Miherui>e appropriated to be expended by the Treasurer of the State as he may d-ern t>e>t and necessary to secure the prompt and proper collection of taxes and tin- protection of the treasury. 1917, c. 231, s. 96. The Treasurer's office . . . shall each be allowed one servant. Such serv- ants shall receive as compensation the sum of $10.50 per week, to be paid 1 State Treasurer. 1907, c. 830. DEPARTMENT OF THE STATE SUPERINTEND- ENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917.) Name Designation Rate Total for year James Y. Joyner. Superintendent of Public Instruction. .$ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 W. H. Pittman Chief Clerk 2,000.00 2,000.00 Miss Annie Travis 1 Stenographer 1,200.00 1,120.83 A. S. Brower_ Clerk for Loan Fund and Statistical Secretary 1,800.00 1,800.00 E. E. Sams Supervisor of Teacher Train- ing, Supervisor of State Colored Normal Schools, and Secretary to State Board of Examiners and Institute Conductors 2,500.00 2,500.00 Miss Elizabeth Kelly Director of Schools for Adult Illiterates 1,800.00 750.00 Miss Eliza Coyne Stenographer for Director of Schools for Adult Illiterates 900.00 300.00 Julius Riddick... ...Janitor 12.00wk. 624.00 $12,094.83 STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS AND INSTITUTE CONDUCTORS Name Designation Rate Total for year A. T. Allen Member of Board... .$ 2,500.00 $ 1,250.00 D. F. Giles Member of Board 2,500.00 1,250.00 J. H. Highsmith Member of Board 2,500.00 1,250.00 Miss Susan Fulghum Member of Board 2,000.00 1,000.00 Mrs. T. E. Johnston Member of Board.. 2,000.00 1,000.00 Miss Hattie Parrott Member of Board 2,000.00 1,000.00 Miss Marybelle Delamar... Stenographer 1,200.00 684.27 C. W. E. Pittman Grading papers 70.42 M. S. Giles .Grading papers 48.75 C. L. Hornaday Grading papers - 20.83 R. E. Sentelle Grading papers 56.67 R. E. Ranson Grading papers 99.00 Mrs. Wingate Underbill Grading papers - 58.83 L. A. Williams Grading papers.. 17.55 Catherine Vernon Grading papers 101.33 M. B. Dry Grading papers 107.67 1 See Enrolling Department. 26 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Name Designation Total for year E. H. Moser Grading papers $ 23.00 Eliza Parker Grading papers 105.33 Nan Lacy Grading papers 39.33 !'. 11 Andrews Grading papers 96.17 Alice Day Pratt Grading papers 19.20 Frances Lacy Grading papers 115.67 H. L. Koontz Grading papers 10.00 120,518.85 James W. Hendren Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes..! 30.00 Joseph A. White Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 30.00 Rev. C. Dillard Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 65.00 \Y. A. Blair, Treas Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. M30.00 Thos. J. Markham , Treas. . .Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. *150 .00 II. \V. Lilly, Treas Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. '150.00 A. B. Fennell Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 20.00 .1. \. Rollins Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 32.50 Mildred J. Wellman Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 32.50 C. W. Foushee Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 32.50 M. A. Charlton Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 32.50 J. L. Levister Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 65.00 Mrs. M. C. J. McCrorrey.. .Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 35.00 Mrs. S. B. Pride Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 25.00 T. L. Faulk Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 65.00 P. W. Moore Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 195.00 C. L. W. Smith Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 65.00 A. W. Foster Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 32.50 Mrs. J. H. Walker Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 32.00 C. F. Pope Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes. . 65 .00 D. C. Virgo Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 63.00 Mrs. Annie W. Holland Conducting Colored Teachers' Institutes.. 65.00 S 1,414.50 *For joint institutes for colored teachers held at the State Normal Schools for Colored Teachers at Winston-Salem, Elizabeth City, and Fayetteville, respec- tively. Two or more counties were assigned to each of these summer schools for institute work. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT 27 STATE BUREAU OF COMMUNITY SERVICEt Name Designation Rate Total for year W. C. Crosby ....Executive Secretary $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 Miss Wesley Jordan Stenographer 600.00 600.00 $ 2,400.00 fThe State Bureau of Community Service embraces the following State de partments, each of which contributes to its support as indicated: The Department of Agriculture % 800.00 The State Board of Health 1,000.00 A. and E. College 800.00 The State Normal and Industrial College 500.00 The Farmers' Union.... 200 .00 $3,300.00 The State Department of Public Instruction supplied the office of the Bureau and paid the postage, express, printing, telephone, and similar office expenses. STATE AGENTS FOR ELEMENTARY AND HIGH SCHOOLS Name Designation Rate Total for year N. C. Newbold State Agent Rural Elementary . Schools _ $ 2,750.00 $*2, 750.00 L. C. Brogden. ...State Agent Elementary Schools. 2,500.00 *2, 500.00 N. W. Walker State Inspector of High Schools. 2,750.00 *2, 750.00 Miss Mary Bradley. Stenographer 900.00 900.00 $ 8,900.00 TOTALS FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE STATE SUPERIN- TENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Salaries fixed by statute. $12,094.83 Board of Examiners and Institute Conductors 20,518.85 Conducting colored Teachers' Institutes 1,414.50 State Bureau of Community Service 2,400.00 State Agents for Elementary and High Schools... 8,900.00 $45,328.18 *Salaries paid by the General Education Board. 28 NORTH CAROUNX I'.i i i I:<M>K Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be $3,000 per annum and actual traveling expenses. 1907, c. 994. The Chief Clerk shall receive a salary of $2,000 per annum, the same to be paid out of the State Loan Fund for building public school houses. 1907, c. 830; 1915, c. 247; 1917, c. 285. The Loan Fund Clerk shall receive a salary of $1,800 per annum, the same to be paid out of the State Loan Fund fur building public school houses. 1907, c. 830; 1915, c. 247. The stenographer shall receive a salary of $1,200 per annum. 1907, c. 830; 1917, c. 167. The State Board of Education may elect a superintendent of these colored normal schools and of the Croatan Normal School, and shall fix his salary; his duties shall be outlined by the State Board of Education, and he shall perform such other duties in the educational department of the State as the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction may direct. His salary and expenses shall be paid out of the annual appropriations for the State Normal Schools for the colored race, upon the requisition of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 1907, c. 856. The State Board of Education is authorized to use annually not to exceed $5,000 of said appropriation for the organization and direction of said work of teaching illiterates under the direction of the State Superintendent of Public In- struction. 1917, c. 224. The salary of each institute conductor shall be fixed by the State Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly, at a sum not to exceed $2,500 per year exclusive of expenses. . . . Said Board of Examiners and Institute Conductors may, with the approval of the State Board of Education when adjudged by it to be absolutely neces- sary, employ competent persons to assist in the reading and grading of exami- nation papers, and shall fix the compensation of such persons not to exceed $5 per day for the time employed, to be paid upon the requisition of the chairman of the board out of the funds provided under this act. Said board is authorized to employ a stenographer at such compensation as it may fix, and to have done as public printing by the State Printer all printing necessary for its work. 1917, c. 276. The office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction . . . shall be allowed one servant. Such servant shall receive as compensation $12 per week, to be paid by the State Treasurer. 1907, c. 830; 1915, c. 247. DEPARTMENT OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917.) Name Designation Rate Total for year James S. Manning 1 Attorney-General $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Robert H. Sykes___ Assistant Attorney-General 1,500.00 1,500.00 MissL. E. Turner .Stenographer 900.00 900.00 Newton Dunston... ...Janitor 2io.50wk. 472.50 $ 5,872.50 Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of the Attorney-General shall be $3,000 per annum. 1907, c. 994. The Attorney-General shall be allowed an assistant, to be appointed by him, at a salary of $1,500 per annum. 1907, c. 830; 1909, c. 804; 1911, c. 94. One stenographer, whose salary shall be $900 per annum. 1907, c. 830. The office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Attorney- General shall together be allowed one servant. Such servant shall receive as com- pensation the sum of $10.50 per week, to be paid by the State Treasurer. 1907, c. 830. The custodian of the new State Building is empowered to employ such laborers and assistance as is needed to keep the said building clean and in order to run the elevators: Provided, that the number of laborers and the wages paid shall be approved by the Board of Public Buildings and Grounds and to be paid by the Keeper of the Capitol as other laborers are paid. Ex. 1913, c. 67. TOTAL SALARIES EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT Department of the Governor ._ $ 11,582.16 Department of the Secretary of State _ 16,849.00 Department of the State Auditor. 9,605.00 Department of the State Treasurer 12,170.77 Department of the Supt. of Public Instruction 45,328.18 Department of the Attorney-General 5,872.50 $ 101,407.61 iSee Department of Corporation Commission. Increased from $7 April 21, 1917. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT THE SUPREME COURT (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Rate Total for year Walter Clark, Chief Justice .$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 In lieu of and in commutation for traveling expenses . 250.00 250.00 Allowance for stenographer or clerk 900.00 900.00 .PlattD. Walker, Associate Justice... 4,000.00 4,000.00 In lieu of and in commutation for traveling expenses.. 250 .00 250 .00 Allowance for stenographer or clerk 900.00 900.00 George H. Brown, Associate Justice 4,000.00 4,000.00 In lieu of and in commutation for traveling expenses.. 250.00 250.00 Allowance for stenographer or clerk 900.00 900.00 William A. Hoke, Associate Justice 4,000.00 4,000.00 In lieu of and in commutation for traveling expenses.. 250 .00 250 .00 Allowance for stenographer or clerk 900.00 900.00 William R. Allen, Associate Justice 4,000.00 4,000.00 In lieu of and in commutation for traveling expenses . 250.00 250.00 Allowance for stenographer or clerk 900.00 900.00 Joseph L. Seawell, Clerk 300.00 300.00 Joseph L. Seawell, preparing dockets 193.00 193.00 E. C. Seawell, Deputy Clerk 4.66wk. 242.32 Robert H. Bradley, Marshal and Librarian ._ 1,500.00 1,500.00 Marshall DeLancey Haywodd, Assistant Librarian. 1,140.00 1,140.00 Robert C. Strong, Reporter 1,500.00 1,500.00 Frances L. Strong, Stenographer _ 600.00 546.14 George Alston, Janitor 10.50 wk. 546.00 William Jeffreys, Janitor 10.50 wk. 546.00 David Wright, Janitor 10.50 wk. 546.00 $32,809.46 Salaries authorized by the following laws: Each Justice of the Supreme Court shall be paid an annual salary of $4,000, and $250 per annum in lieu of and in commutation for traveling expenses. They shall each be allowed $900 per annum for stenographer or clerk. Revisal of 1905, s. 2764; 1907, cc. 481, 988; 1909, c. 486; 1911, c. 82; 1915, c. 44. The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall receive an annual salary of $300, to be paid semiannually, on a certificate of the justices. Revisal of 1905, s. 2769. The salary of the Marshal of the Supreme Court shall be $1,500 per annum, and he shall perform the duties of Librarian without additional compensation. Revisal of 1905, s. 2770; 1907, c. 732; 1909, c. 687. The Janitor of the Supreme Court shall be appointed by said court. He shall .act also as assistant librarian to the Supreme Court. As janitor he shall receive 3 34 Nom ii CAROLINA Hi.ri-: HOOK $15 per week, and for acting as assistant librarian ho shall receive $30 per month. 1907, c. 732; 1909, c. 721. The compensation of the Supreme Court Reporter shall not exceed $1,500 per annum, to be fixed by the court. Kevisal of 1905, s. 2771; 1911, c. 107. The Supreme ( 'ourt Reporter is authorized and empowered to employ a clerk at a yearly salary not exceeding $600, payable monthly directly to the person so employed by the Reporter, by voucher drawn by the State Auditor on the B ,H i. I'M:;, o .">'>: MM7. c. 272. The Keeper of t he ( 'apitol is hereby aut hoi i/ed and empowered to keep upon his pay-roll t hree >er\ ant s or employees of the Supreme Court, two of whom shall receive $10.50 each per w< -ek for t heir services and the other $4.66 per week for his es. 1909, C. llli. The Justices of the Supreme Court are authorized to employ one additional servant for service in the Supreme Court, to be carried on the pay rolls at $10.50 per week, and paid as other servants n.\v in the employ of the State are paid: I'nu-iili il, however, that not hinn in t his act shall be construed to abolish any of the positions and places of any of the present employees and assistants now con- nected with the Supreme Court in the present building. 1913, C. 108. JUDGES OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Residence Rate Total for year W. M. Bond ...Edenton $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 George W. Connor Wilson 4,000.00 4,000.00 John H. Kerr Warrenton 4,000.00 4,000.00 I \. Daniels Goldsboro 4,000.00 4,000.00 11. W. Whedbee Greenville 4,000.00 4,000.00 Oliver H. Allen Kinston 4,000.00 4,000.00 Thomas H. Calvert* Raleigh 4,000.00 3,935.48 W. P. Stacy Wilmington 4,000.00 4,000.00 C. C. Lyon ..Elizabethtown 4,000.00 4,000.00 W. A. Devin... Oxford 4,000.00 4,000.00 H. P. Lane ..Reidsville 4,000.00 4,000.00 Thomas J. Shaw.... Greensboro 4,000.00 4,000.00 W. J. Adams Carthage 4,000.00 4,000.00 W. F. Harding Charlotte 4,000.00 4,000.00 B. F. Long Statesville 4,000.00 4,000.00 J. L. Webb Shelby 4,000.00 4,000.00 I li. Cline Hickory 4,000.00 4,000.00 M. II. Justice Rutherfordton 4,000.00 4,000.00 Frank Carter Asheville.._. 4,000.00 4,000.00 G. S. Ferguson.. Waynesville.... 4,000.00 4,000.00 $80,000.00 $79,935.48 'Salary *'.\.'2^) and -S7:u per annum to furnish traveling and the other nece-- \penses incident to rotation. 2 See Historical Commission and Revisal Commission. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT 35 Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of each of the Judges of the Superior Court shall be $3,250 per annum, and $750 per annum to furnish traveling and other necessary expenses incident to rotation, payable monthly. Revisal of 1905, s. 2765; 1907, c. 988; 1911, c. 82. SOLICITORS J. C. B. Ehringhaus $ 480.00 Richard G. Allsbrook - 360.00 Garland E. Midyette - 340.00 Walter D. Siler.. - 320.00 Charles L. Abernethy 380.00 H. E. Shaw 280.00 Herbert E. Norris - 300.00 H. L. Lyon 320.00 S. B. McLean - 280.00 S. M. Gattis - 420.00 S. P. Graves - 600.00 John C. Bower - - 200.00 Walter E. Brock ._ 460.00 G. W. Wilson.... 300.00 Hayden Clement 380.00 R. L. Huffman 320.00 Johnson J. Hayes 340.00 Michael Schenck 280.00 J. E. Swain 200.00 G. L. Jones.... 380.00 $ 6,940.00 The Solicitors of the several judicial districts shall receive $20 for each term of the Superior Court they shall attend, warrant by the Auditor to issue therefor upon a certificate of such attendance from the clerk of the court. Revisal of 1905, s. 2767. TOTAL FOR JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT Supreme Court ..._ -$ 32,809.46 Superior Court Judges 79,935.48 Solicitors... 6,940.00 $ 119,684.94 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (FOB YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The General Assembly shall establish a Department of Agriculture, Immi- gration, and Statistics, under such regulations as may best promote the agricul- tural interests of the State, and shall enact laws for the adequate protection and encouragement of sheep husbandry. Const., Art. Ill, s. 17. The Department of Agriculture, Immigration, and Statistics is created and established and shall be under the control of the Commissioner of Agriculture, with the consent and advice of a board to be styled "The Board of Agriculture." The Board of Agriculture shall consist of the Commissioner of Agriculture, who shall be ex officio a member and chairman thereof and shall preside at all meet- ings, and of ten other members, one of whom shall be chosen from each con- gressional district. The members of such board shall be appointed by the Governor by and with the consent of the Senate, when the terms of the present incumbents respectively expire. The term of office of such members shall be six years and until their successors are duly appointed and qualified. Vacancies in such board shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term. The Commissioner of Agriculture and the members of the Board of Agriculture shall be practical farmers engaged in their profession. Revisal of 1905, s. 3931. Each member of the Board of Agriculture shall receive $4 for each day he at- tends a session of the board and for each day necessarily spent in traveling from and to his place of residence, and he shall receive also 5 cents a mile for the dis- tance to and from Raleigh, by the usual direct route, for each meeting of the board which he attends. When attending any committee meeting each member of the committee, other than the chairman, shall receive the same per diem and mileage as is fixed for attending meetings of the board. Revisal of 1905, s. 3932. The Board shall be empowered to hold in trust and exercise control over dona- tions or bequests made to it for promoting the interests or purposes of the Depart- ment; and shall have general supervision and control of the finances of the Department; and shall regulate the salaries of all officers and employees other than those whose salaries are fixed by law. Revisal of 1905, s. 3933. THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE W. A. Graham, Chairman ex officio Iron Station. F. P. Latham _ Belhaven. C. W.Mitchell Aulander. R. L. Woodard _ ...Pamlico. Clarence Poe _ ...Raleigh. R. W. Scott _ ..Haw River. A. T. McCallum _ Red Springs. C. C. Wright .Hunting Creek. William Bledsoe Gale. H. Q. Alexander Matthews. A. Cannon Horse Shoe. 40 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Total Amount Name and Designation Salary Paid \\ A. Graham, Commissioner $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 K. W. Barnes, Secretary of Board 2,000.00 1,899.98 D. G. Conn, Bulletin Clerk 900.00 900.00 S. D. Jones, Bookkeeper 1 1,500.00 1,425.00 ($150 increase June, 1917) Miss M. H. McKinmion, Stenographer 1 1,200.00 1,075.00 ($300 increase June, 1917) C. H. W. Creighton, Night Watchman' 720.00 720.00 James Higgs, Janitor 600.00 600.00 Charles Higgs, Messenger 480.00 465.00 ($30 increase June, 1917) W. R. Camp, Chief, Markets and Rural Organization 1,500.00 fl, 500.00 I I Cull.nth, Rural Credits 1,600.00 323.80 (2} mos. Resigned) John A. LivingstM n, Rural Credits 1,600.00 . 423.39 (In Mr. Culbreth's place) Miss L. R. Smith, Stenographer 840.00 840.00 T. B. Parker, Director Farmers' Institutes 2,000.00 2,000.00 H. H. Brimley, Curator Museum 2,300.00 2,300.00 T. W. Adickes, Assistant Curator 1,400.00 1,400.00 Miss Annie Lewis, Usher 600.00 600.00 Janitor, Museum 450.00 434.83 F. R. Baker, Drainage Engineer 1,300.00 895.52 (Resigned) W. M. Allen, Food and Oil Chemist, Chief of Division 2,700.00 2,612.50 ($150 increase July, 1917) George Little, Oil Clerk 1,800.00 1,800.00 E. W. Thornton, Chemist 1,500.00 1,383.33 ($200 increase July, 1917) C. E. Bell, Chemist 1,500.00 1,325.00 ($300 increase July, 1917) L. B. Rhodes, Assistant Chemist 1,300.00 1,183.33 ($200 increase July, 1917) Miss S. G. Allen, Assistant Oil Clerk 1,000.00 906.66 ($160 increase July, 1917) J. F. Stauback, Assistant Chemist 900.00 75.00 (Resigned) H. M. Fowlkes, Assistant Chemist 900.00 288.88 Miss Margaret McKimmon, Stenographer 840.00 165.20 (Resigned) Miss Roberta Thaxton, Stenographic Work 4.20 Miss Alma E. Trader, Stenographer 840.00 180.60 Sidney Manly, Janitor 480.00 480.00 A. T. Taylor, Inspector (1 mo.) 91.66 J. L. Burgess, Botanist 2,200.00 2,200.00 nrolling Department. 'See Department of Public Buildings and Grounds. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 41 Total Amount Name and Designation Salary Paid Miss S. D. Allen, Seed Analyst $1,400.00 $1,400.00 Miss Mary Knight, Seed Work. 960.00 880.00 ($120 increase August, 1917) Miss L. Rademacher, Legume Laboratory 1,100.00 1,050.00 ($100 increase June, 1917) Franklin Sherman, Entomologist 2,400.00 2,400.00 S. C. Clapp, Field Work 1,100.00 216.66 (Resigned after 2 mos.) Ira M. Hawley, Field Work 349.49 (In Mr. Clapp's place. Resigned) J. E. Eckert, Assistant, Field Work 1,400.00 233.32 (2 mos.) R. W. Leeby , Assistant Entomologist 1 , 600 .00 1 , 550 . 00 ($100 increase June, 1917) Joseph Hunter, Multigraph Work. 360.00 360.00 W. N. Hutt, Horticulturist 2,750.00 2,750.00 R. G. Hill, Assistant Horticulturist 1,800.00 750.00 (5 mos. Resigned) C. D. Matthews, Experimental Horticulturist 1,600.00 1,516.61 (In Mr. Hill's place) J. P. Griffith, Assistant Horticulturist 1,100.00 663.98 (Resigned) Miss Elizabeth Griffin, Stenographer, Ent. and Hort. Div.. 840 .00 840 .00 B. B. Flowe, State Veterinarian 2,200.00 1,438.23 ($200 increase June, 1917. Resigned) O. H. Graham, State Veterinarian 2,200.00 . 1,674.94 (Promoted from Asst. Vet. to St. Vet., upon resignation of Dr. Flowe) H. P. Flowe, Assistant Veterinarian 1,800.00 929.92 (Resigned) William Moore, Assistant Veterinarian 1,800.00 599.96 (In Dr. H. P. Flowe's place*) C. C. Watts, Assistant Veterinarian 1,600.00 244.44 Miss M. Newsom, Stenographer for Veterinary and Botany Divisions 840.00 840.00 Clifford Cox, Asst. Vet. at Hog Serum Plant 1,400.00 1,060.72 (Resigned) Ralph Brooks, Assistant, Serum Plant 900.00 623.75 Frank Hall, Janitor, 3d Floor 360.00 360.00 B. F. Keith, Supt. Marl Plant 1,300.00 1,283.30 ($100 increase February, 1917) Louise Wright, Stenographer for Demonstration Work in State 600.00 565.00 ($60 increase in July, 1917) B. W. Kilgore, State Chemist 3,500.00 3,500.00 J. M. Pickel, Feed Chemist 2,000.00 1,949.98 ($100 increase June, 1917) 42 NOIII ii ( I'.I.TE BOOK Total Amount Name and Designation /ary Paid W. G. Haywood, Fertilizer Chemist $1,800.00 $1,750.00 ($100 increase June, 1017) J. Q. Jackson, Assistant Chemist 1,250.00 1,225.00 ($50 increase June, 1917) E. 8. Dewar, Assistant Chemist l.i:.i00 1.125.00 ($50 increase June, 1917) I ; \\. Collett, Assistant Test Farm Direct 2,200.00 2,100.00 ($200 increase June, 1917) Miss M. 8. Birdsong, Secretary 1,350.00 tl,350.00 I I Hatch, ( '!< -rk 1,200.00 1,150.00 ($100 increase June 1, 1917) B. T. Horsfield, Assistant Chemist 950.00 849.98 (Resigned) B. B. Brandt, Assistant Chemist 800.00 631.96 John Mangum, Assistant in Laboratory 480.00 480.00 Moses Lord 460.00 460.00* ivt, I > I., Beating Fertilizer Samples.. 450.00 450.00 C. B. Williams, Agronomist 200.00 fl, 166.65 W. I. Pate, Agronomist in Soils ,700.00 fl, 700.00 E. C. Blair, Soil Chemist ,000.00 945.80 I.. I.. Hrinkl.-y, Soil Survey ,400.00 tl,400.00 F. N. McDowell, Soil Survey ,100.00 504.19 (Resigned) .1 K. Plummer, Soil Chemist 2,500.00 2,500.00 8. O. Perkins, Soil Survey 1,200.00 1,200.00 S. F. Davidson, Soil Survey 900.00 825.00 (11 mos.) II. 1). Lambert, Soil Sm .<;. 50.00 (Resigned H mo.) J. O. Ware, Agronomy Work 900.00 262.50 (Resigned) G. M. Garren, Assistant Agronomist in Field Crops 50.00 (Hmo.) Dan T. Gray, Chief, Animal InduM 1,500.00 tl,500.00 Hurl ll.trtl-r, Assistant, Beef Cattle, Sheep, and S\ Work 1,400.00 tl,400.00 \\. II. Eaton, Dairy Experimentalist 1,600.00 1,600.00 I). T. McCarty, Animal Nutrition 1,000.00 fl.OOO.OO A. I . Jordan, Assistant, Beef Cattle Work 300.00 '213.28 (Resigned) L. I. Case, Assistant, Beef Cattle Work 300.00 *265.32 (Resigned) A. J. Reed, Dairy Field Work 300.00 *300.00 A. J. Arey, Assistant, Dairy Field Work 300.00 *300.00 Mrs. A. D. Mullis, Secretary 840.00 840.00 'Additional salary, U. S. Department of Agriculture. |See report of A. F. Bowen, Bursar, A. and E. College. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 43 Total Amount Name and Designation Salary Paid Miss Emma Young, Stenographer $ 600.00 $ 565.00 ($60 increase July) Mrs. Jane S. McK,immon, State Home Demonstration Agent _ - 1,100.00 "J524.97 (5 mos. and 17 days) Miss M. I. Jamison, Asst., Home Demonstration Work .. "J333.30 (For 5 mos.) Miss Grace Schaffer, Asst., Home Demonstration Work 150.00 (For \Yz mos. Resigned) Riley Mangum, Office Boy, Chemical Division 245.00 (For 5 mos.) Moses Mitchell, Janitor, 2d Floor _ ' 182.00 (For 8^ mos.) N. H. Smith, Assistant, Marketing Work 229.14 (3 mos. Special work.) W. M. Orr, Assistant, Marketing Work 350.00 (4 mos. Special work) Henry Rogers, Office Boy, in place of Riley Mangum, Chemical Division 75.00 (3 mos.) T. E. Browne, Boys' Club Work *J1, 050.00 (7 mos.) S. G. Rubinow, Assistant Director Extension Work J750.00 (5 mos.) O. J. McConnell, Cotton Grading Work "J400.00 (5 mos.) Boiling Hall, Assistant, Marketing Work 447.58 (3 mos. and 18 days. Special work) James Terry, Janitor, in place of Janitor discharged- 65 .00 (2 mos.) J. L. Steeskey, Superintendent Lime Plant 250.00 (2 mos.) $99,240.85 BRANCH EXPERIMENT STATIONS Salary Total Per Amount Name and Designation Month Paid IREDELL FABM F. T. Meacham, Assistant Director $ 110.00 $ 1,220.00 Farm laborers 1,783.15 $ 3,003.15 *Additional salary, U. S. Department of Agriculture. tAdded to pay roll July 1, 1917, beginning of Federal year. 44 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Salary Total Per Amount Name and Designation .Month Paid FENDER FARM J. H. Jeffries, Assistant Director $ 100.00 $ 100.00 (Resigned) R. G. Hill, Assistant Director.. 150.00 650.00 (Resigned) Farm laborers 2,366.91 $ 3,116.91 BUNCOMBE FARM S. C. Clapp, Assistant Director I 125.00 $ 1,500.00 Farm laborers 1,265.26 I 2,765.26 GRANVILLE FARM- ED. MOBS, Assistant Director .$ 25.00 I 300.00 Farm laborers 2,094.10 S 2,394.10 EDOECOMBE FARM C. E. Clark, Assistant Director $ 110.00 $ 1,230.00 (Raised $10 July, 1917) Farm laborers 2,2- $ 3,452.24 WASHINGTON FARM H. Booker, Assistant Director $ 100.00 $ 1,080.00 (Raised from $80 per month in June) Farm laborers 1,346.07 $ 2,426.07 Total... ...$17,157.73 COUNTY DEMONSTRATION AGENTS Paid by Department of Agriculture, A. and E. College, Washington, D. C., and counties in cooperation Total Amount Paid Salary Per by Dept. Name Month of Agri. Remarks Bruce Anderson $ 140.00 E. H. Anderson 140.00 L. E. Blanchard 150.00 of Agri. $ 40.00 40.00 (Resigned) 40.00 (Resigned) *In cooperation with Federal Government, Washington, D. C. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 45 Total Amount Paid Salary Per by Dept. Name Month of Agri. Remarks G. D. Burroughs $ 140.00 $ 90.00 J. W. Cameron... 120.00 160.00 W. H. Chamblee 90.00 105.00 C. W. Clark.. 125.00 180.00 T. A. Cole 35.00 (Resigned after 1 mo.) R. K. Craven 130.00 120.00 J. E. Dull 130.00 160.00 R. L. Edwards 80.00 120.00 G. W. Falls 115.50 140.00 I. H. Faust 35.00 (Resigned after 1 mo.) B. T. Ferguson 150.00 190.00 W. H. Ferguson.. 120.00 140.00 R. M. Gidney 110.00 100.00 L. C. Gilstrap 25.00 (Resigned after 1 mo.) R. D. Goodman 115.00 80.00 R. W. Graeber 150.00 270.00 (Resigned) J. M. Gray 150.00 270.00 G. M. Goforth 95.00 100.00 A. G. Hendren 100.00 210.00 J. J. Hendren 20.00 (Resigned after 1 mo.) G. W. Herring 70.00 195.00 J. P. Herring 135.00 175.00 J. B. Hicks 100.00 175.00 (Resigned) W. P. Holt 110.00 175.00 (Resigned) J. C. Hunter... 100.00 175.00 J. W. Johnson 100.00 175.00 (Resigned) J. F. Seahorn 100.00 175.00 (Resigned) S. J. Lentz. __ 120.00 280.00 R. N. Looper. 100.00 140.00 H. H. B. Mask 150.00 285 .00 W. R. McGirt 132.50 210.00 R. R. Mclver 110.00 190.00 W. A. McMurray. 20.00 (Resigned after 1 mo.) R. T. Melvin 150.00 35.00 D. J. Middleton 135.00 140.00 J. A. Morris 150.00 210.00 O. F. McCrary. 150.00 210.00 F. B. Newell 80.00 140.00 J. A. Patterson . 25.00 (Resigned after 1 mo.) F. E. Patton 110.00 200.00 E. L. Perkins 110.00 235 .00 J. R. Sams 90.00 140.00 J. W. Sears 120.00 210.00 (Resigned) W. L. Smarr __, 105.00 140.00 N. B. Stevens 150.00 220.00 46 NOKTII CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Name S. S. Stabler Salary Per Month $ 150 00 Total Amount Paid by Dept. of Affri. Remarks $ 280 00 F. S. Walker 120 00 280 00 E. D. Weaver 130.00 315 00 W. G. Yeager.. 135 00 245 00 W. C. Warren 100 00 180 00 W. J. Brockington 150 00 120 00 (Resigned) George A. Cole 125 00 117 49 (Resigned) Donald McCluer 125 00 150 00 J. A. Goodwin _. 130 00 117 00 Frank Fleming 120 00 70 00 .1. II. Hampton 100 00 102 33 J. S. Thurman. 90 00 87 50 \\ i; I'iiiKlo. 125 00 95 00 (Resigned) C. L. Vaughan 100 00 132 50 (Resigned) R. V. Bowman 100 00 55 00 (Resigned) H. L. Boyd 150 00 83 33 E. R. Raney 150.00 85.00 E. D. Bowditch 100.00 42 00 (Resigned) T. J. W. Broom 100.00 35.00 $ 9,537.15 COUNTY HOME DEMONSTRATION AGENTS (Paid by Department of Agriculture, A. and E. College, U. S. Department of Agriculture, and Counties) Safari/ Per Name Mrs. J. H. Henly $ 1,200.00 Mrs. Rosalind Redf ern_ 1 , 100 .00 Miss Emily Guilford 900.00 Miss Allie M. Rymer 900.00 M iss Elizabeth Earley 200 .00 Miss Circe Coble 1,000.00 Miss Susie O. Elliott 620.00 Miss Esther Gray 800.00 Miss Eunice E. Penny. 1,400.00 Miss Helen K. Simmons _ 840.00 Miss Effie L. Vines 900.00 Mrs. Stella Shetley 600.00 Miss Rosa L. Hooten 150.00 Miss Ola Stephenson 900.00 Total Amount Paid by Dept. of Agri. Remarks 140.00 88.64 124.00 (Resigned) 140.00 60.70 (For 4 months) 142.00 110.00 (10} mos.) 103.10 61.10 119.00 140.00 (Resigned) 90.00 (Resigned) 12.50 (For 3 moa.) 140.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 47 Total Amount Paid Salary Per by Dept. Name Year of Agri. Remarks Mrs. Cornelia C. Morris $ 1,000.00 $ 154.00 Miss Nell Pickens 900.00 140.00 Miss Gertrude V. Little 900.00 103.40 Miss M. Adna Edwards... 900.00 89.10 Mrs. Florence R. Winn 900.00 140.00 Miss Annie Lee Rankin 1,100.00 103.10 Mrs. Christine F. Brown.. 300.00 60.70 (For 6 mos.) Miss Mary E. Spurgeon 800.00 124.00 (Resigned) Miss Lida M. Olive 900.00 94.00 Miss Margaret McLucas.. 1,200.00 116.40 Mrs. Chloe P. Blalock 900.00 122.20 Miss Blanche Miller 400.00 90.00 (For 8 mos.) Miss Willie L. White... 900.00 140.00 Miss Mary Connell 375.00 13 .35 (For 5 mos.) $ 2,961.29 INSPECTION OF IMPORTED PLANTS Ernest J. Bush... _ .$ 3.00 F. M. Crayton. _ _ _ 12.00 SPECIAL INSPECTION WORK J. F. Hatch ._ 9.00 $ 24.00 ATTORNEY FEES Hooker & Greer, abstract of title. _ $ 25.00 W. H. S. Burgwyn, tick eradication work 80.00 A. D. Ward, tick eradication work 100.00 D. E. Henderson, tick eradication work (prosecutions) 150.00 J. D. Grimes, drainage work _ 10.00 $ 365.00 MEDICAL ATTENTION TO ABE MATTOCKS HURT AT LIME PLANT Dr. J. C. Bell $ 15.00 SURVEY LIMESTONE PROPERTY JohnE. Smith $ 46.02 TRACKING WITH BLOODHOUNDS PARTIES DYNAMITING VATS J. A. Harman... $ 65.00 48 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK TICK ERADICATION WORK (Paid for actual time worked chiefly by month) W. M. Joyner., $ 350.00 C. DeLoatch 350.00 W. L. Stephenson 289.97 J. W. Whitehead 30.00 W. M. Cooper 68.00 I. L. Hines 121.67 T. R. Quinn 137.66 Oscar Harrelson 325.00 B. F. Gray 70.00 Louis Lucas 82.00 David Roberson 68.00 T. L. Piver 94.00 J.T.Reid 169.00 W. F. Meadows 64.00 C. W. Carter, Jr 36.67 S. S. Sawyer 225.00 C. C. Hones 10.00 J. R. Lupton 97.50 M. G. Swinson... 60.00 $ 2,648.47 INVESTIGATION WORK FOR VETERINARY DIVISION Dr. R. R. Reinhardt, investigation at Forest City $ 10.00 Dr. S. H. Stephens, investigation at Whittier 15.00 Dr. T. H. Wood, investigation at Clayton and Reidsville 25.00 Dr. C. Cox, special work after resignation, demonstrating use of hog cholera serum 40.00 Dr. L. J. Herring, investigation near Tarboro. 20.00 Dr. Watt Ashcraf t, investigation in Richmond County 15 .00 $ 125.00 TYPEWRITING AND CLERICAL WORK Mary Sherwood, stenographic work S 13.94 Virginia Bonner, stenographic work 12.50 Lula M. Lee, dairy work 12.40 Carroll Advertising and Letter-writing Co., stenographic and multigraph work 54.05 E. B. Nichols, work on bulletins 19.50 R. I. Poole, drawings of silos, cheese factories, etc 17.00 Lois Perkinson, stenographic work 23.33 Mrs. R. W. Leiby, stenographic work _ 5.15 Miss Loretta Corcoran, copying reports 11 .88 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 49 Mrs. J. F. Hatch, copying budgets, and clerical work _ $ 26.00 Miss Margaret Habel, work, legume laboratory 9.00 Miss Myrtle King, typewriting.. __ 1.50 Miss Emmie Haywood, copying fertilizer registrations 14.00 J. L. Grayson, drawings for bulletins _ 10.00 Miss Maud Reid, stenographic work _ .75 Miss Louise Wynne, clerical work _ 3.75 Miss Norma Wynne _ .80 Miss Virginia Norwell, work, seed laboratory __ 10.50 Miss Ethel Young, work on dairy and mule records __ 115.99 Mrs. L. S. Newman, stenographic work _ __ 39.25 Miss Annie Young, work in seed laboratory _ 40.50 R. M. Brown, clerical work. _ 13,25 Heywood Duke, clerical work _ 8.00 Miss Virginia Taylor, stenographic work 3.90 Miss Kate Wood, stenographic work. 12.00 Mrs. T. W. Adickes, stenographic work _ 23.85 Miss Ratha Mimms, stenographic work 9.25 Miss Lorena Willis, stenographic work _ _ 17.'35 Mrs. H. M. Lynde, stenographic work 8.00 Miss Foy Hester, stenographic work _ 4.50 $ 541.89 LABOR AT SERUM PLANT (Paid by month) William Leach .$ 540.00 (12 mos.) Rhonnie Roberson 180.00 (6 mos.) Weldon Sorrell ._ 440.00 (12 mos.) Jack Russell 440.00 (12 mos.) Will Evans. 53.66 (\Y 2 mos.) William Rogers 35.00 (1 mo.) E. M. McPhaul 142.50 (1% mos.) R. V. Knight 113.33 (1M mos.) W. H. Weatherspoon, plowing and teams 61.40 City of Raleigh, butchering hogs 108.00 L. T. Owen 42.00 Henry Smith, painting and plastering 27.20 $ 2,183.09 LABOR, STATE MARL PLANT, NEW BERN, N. C. Pay rolls for year, December 1, 1916, to November 30, 1917 $ 6,433.63 STATE LIME PLANT, BRIDGEPORT, TENN. Payrolls ,.,....._,., $ 867.92 50 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK LABOR ON ANIMAL INDUSTRY FARM, WEST RALEIGH Pay rolls, December 1, 1916, to November 30, 1917 $ 1,815.18 O. S. Taylor, farm work at Tarboro, N. C 80.00 F. G. Porter, night watchman at Animal Industry Farm 33.75 W. T. Clay, constructing cement wall at Poultry Farm 50.00 $ 1,978.93 LABOR ON REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS IN LABORATORIES C. A. Bridgers $ 171.05 Peter J. Krayer & Sons 20.00 J. 8. Williams 11.00 E. D. Bangert 1.50 Labor in MUM um 61.50 265.05 FARMERS' INSTHTTES CONIH CTORfl \\l> ASSISTANTS Mrs. J. II. Hrnly. $ 64.00 Mrs. W. N. Hutt 10.00 J. R. Rives 215.00 Mrs. I. S. Eubanks, food conservation work 48.00 M. J. Hendricks 100.00 Dr. C. L. Newman 80.00 $ 517.00 LABOR, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE A. Dunham, agronomy work, West Raleigh $ 52.35 Pinina L. Pope, work at State Fair exhibit 6.00 Mattie K. Hill, work at State Fair exhibit 6.00 L. C. Gurkin, work at State Fair exhibit 1.00 V. A. Johnston, work at State Fair exhibit 3.45 E. T. Bender, special night watchman 30.00 $ 98.80 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 51 SALARIES OF INSPECTORS Total Salary Amount Name Designation Per Day Paid A. T. Barnes. Fertilizer Inspector ..$ 3.00 $ 30.00 R. A. Hoyle Seed Inspector. 3.00 297.00 R. C. Lineback Food and Feed Inspector.. 3.00 933.00 J. W. Ballance Fertilizer Inspector 3.00 228.00 T. L. Gibson Fertilizer Inspector 3.00 591 .00 W. E. Younts Fertilizer Inspector 3.00 318.00 J. E. Reinhardt Seed Inspector 3.00 81.00 J. E. Swayngim Fertilizer Inspector 3.00 159.00 F. P. Mundy ...Fertilizer Inspector... 3.00 351.00 M. J. Reitzel Seed Inspector 3.00 379.00 E. M. Burkhead... .Fertilizer Inspector.. 3.00 201 .00 W. Jeff Echerd Fertilizer Inspector 3.00 300.00 H. J. Burke Fertilizer Inspector. 3.00 222.00 Salary Per Month W. W. Hockaday Quarantine Inspector $ 75.00 532.26 C. D. Ferrell. Quarantine Inspector 75.00 167.31 $ 4,789.57 OIL AND GASOLINE INSPECTORS (One from each congressional district) Salary Amount Name and District Per Day Paid F. T. Baynor, First District $ 4.00 $ 1,240.00 W. F. Harper, Second District.. _. 4.00 1,036.00 Leroy Harper, Third District __ 4.00 524.00 Jacob Thompson, Fourth District. 4.00 508.00 D. M. Ireland, Fifth District 4.00 524.00 R. F. Devane, Sixth District* 4.00 364.00 T. C. McEachin, Sixth District! - 4.00 808.00 Ray Hemphill, Seventh District 4.00 1,188.00 W. P. Hamilton, Eighth District... _. 4.00 500.00 C. R. Warlick, Ninth District 4.00 1,240.00 C. S. Corpening, Tenth District 4.00 504.00 $ 8,436.00 *Resigned. fin place of R. F. DeVane, resigned. 62 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK PER DIEM AND EXPENSES-BOARD OF AGRICULTURE Per diem and mileage of the Board of Agriculture for attending regular and called meetings of the board, committee meetings, and visiting the various test farms, marl and lime grinding plants. Per Diem Mileage Total F.P.Latham $ 128.00 $ 90.75 $ 218.75 C.W.Mitchell 84.00 65.50 149.50 R. L. Woodard 116.00 102.90 218.90 Clarence Poe 48.00 48.00 R.W.Scott 76.00 54.40 130.40 A. T. McCallum 88.00 92.35 180.35 C.C.Wright 132.00 146.45 278.45 \\illiamBledsoe 144.00 183.60 327.60 W. J. Shuford 32.00 45.00 77.00 H. ( v >. Alexander 60.00 79.80 119.80 A. Cannon.... 176.00 175.40 351.40 $ 1,084.00 $ 1,036.15 $ 2.120.15 SUMMARY I >r|i:irt mental >alaries and wages $ 99.240.85 Branch experiment stations 17,157.73 County Demonstration Agents 9,537.15 County Home Demonstration Agents 2,961.29 Inspection work 24.00 Attorneys' fees 365.00 Medical services.. 15.00 Survey. 46.02 Bloodhounds 65.00 Tick eradication work 2,648.47 Investigation work Veterinary Division 125.00 Typewriting and clerical work 541.89 Labor at serum plant 2,183.09 Labor, State marl plant 6,433.63 Labor, State lime plant 867.92 Labor, animal industry farm _ 1,978.93 Labor in laboratories 265.05 Farmers' Institutes 517.00 Miscellaneous labor 98.80 Food, feed, seed, and fertilizer inspectors 4,789.57 Oil and gasoline inspectors 8,436.00 Per diem and mileage, Board of Agriculture 2,120.15 Total $ 160,417.54 DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATION COMMISSION (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Total Name Designation Rate for Year E. L. Travis .Chairman $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 W. T. Lee Commissioner 3,000.00 3,000.00 George P. Pell Commissioner _ 3,000.00 3,000.00 A. J. Maxwell Clerk 2,700.00 2,700.00 Miss E. G. Riddick First Assistant Clerk 1,500.00 1,500.00 Miss Meta Adams 1 Second Assistant Clerk 1,200.00 . 1,200.00 W. G. Womble Rate Clerk 33,000.00 2,975.00 W. G. Barnes Stenographer q, 800. 00 1,525.00 S. A. Hubbard.. State Bank Examiner. 53,000.00 2,675.00 John G. Nichols. Assistant State Bank Examiner 6 2,100.00 1,966.66 H. L. Newbold Assistant State Bank Examiner.... 6 2,100.00 1,966.66 Emanuel Jones Janitor _ 10.50 wk. 546.00 J. S. Manning 2 ... Fee in coal rate investigation be- fore Interstate Commerce Com- mission _ 500.00 W. E. Daniel... Fee in coal rate investigation be- fore Interstate Commerce Com- mission.... 500.00 $27,054.32 Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of each of the Corporation Commissioners shall be $3,000 per annum. 1907, c. 994. The salary of the Clerk shall be $2,400 per annum, and the Commissioners may, out of the expense fund of the Corporation Commission, allow such clerk an extra allowance above his regular salary in such manner as in their judgment may be expedient, not exceeding $300. Revisal of 1905, s. 2754; 1907, cc. 830, 989, 999; 1911, c. 147. First Assistant Clerk to the Corporation Commission shall receive a salary of $1,500 per annum. 1907, cc. 830, 989; 1911, c. 147. Second Assistant Clerk to the Corporation Commission shall receive a salary of $1,200 per annum. 1907, cc. 830, 989; 1911, c. 147. The Corporation Commission, by and with the approval of the Governor, is hereby authorized to appoint an additional clerk, who shall be an expert ac- countant, well versed and experienced in railroad and transportation rates, and also such other clerical help as in the opinion of the Commission and Governor !See Enrolling Department. 2 See Department of Attorney-General. Increased from $2,700 January 1, 1917. increased from $1,500 November 1, 1917. Increased from $2,400 to $2,700 March 1, 1917; to $3,000 October 1, 1917. increased from $1,800 to $2,000 March 1, 1917; to $2,100 October 1, 1917. 54 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK shall be necessary for a proper discharge of the duties of said Commission in dealing with public service corporations operating in this State: Provided, that not more than $6,000 annually shall be expended for this purpose. The Governor is hereby authorized and empowered to employ from time to time, at the expense of the State, such special counsel as he and the Corporation Commission shall deem wise, to assist the Attorney-General in enforcing and making effective the jurisdiction and promulgations of said Commission with reference to freight and other transportation rates, at a cost not exceeding $1,000 in any one year. Ex. 1913, c. 58. The Corporation Commission shall fix the compensation to be paid to tho bank examiner, the assistant bank examiners, clerks and stenographers employed in tho bunking department: Provided, the total compensation of the examiner, assistant examiners, clerks, and stenographers, and their expenses, shall not ex- ceed in any one year the total fees collected for the examination of banks and the expenses of examiners. 1917, c. 165. The Corporation Commission . . . shall each be allowed one servant. Such servants shall receive as compensation the sum of $10.50 per week, to be paid by the State Treasurer. 1907, c. 830. DEPARTMENT OF STATE TAX COMMISSION (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Total Name Designation Rate for Year E. L. Travis ...Chairman.... _. ..$ 500.00 $ 500.00 W. T. Lee Commissioner 500.00 500.00 George P. Pell Commissioner 500.00 500.00 A. J. Maxwell Clerk 300.00 300.00 J. S. Griffin 1 Tax Clerk 2,400.00 2,400.00 O. S. Thompson 1 Assistant Tax Clerk s^goo.OO 1,750.00 Miss Myrtle Gates 1 Assistant Tax Clerk 1,200.00 " 1,200.00 Miss Ila Barnes Stenographer 4 900.00 825.00 T. W. Fenner Traveling Auditor (9 mos.) 150.00 1,350.00 A. J. Hauser. Traveling Auditor (9 mos., 18 days) 150.00 1,440.00 C. H. Ray Traveling Auditor (7 mos.) 150.00 1,050.00 L. G. Travis Assistant Clerk 3.00 d. 213.00 Raymond Maxwell Assistant Clerk 3.00 d. 267.00 Miss Marie McCullers-.Assistant Clerk 3.00d. 141.00 George W. Wilson Attorney, Inheritance Tax 100.00 Willis Smith Attorney, Inheritance Tax 262.00 Lindsay C. Warren 2 Attorney, services in re Baum estate 100.00 W. H. Weatherspoon... Attorney, Inheritance Tax 180.00 $13,078.00 Salaries authorized by the following laws: The members of said board shall receive an annual salary each of $500 in addition to their salary as Corporation Commissioners and shall devote their whole time to the discharge of the duties of their office. 1917, c. 234. The Clerk of said Commission shall receive $300 in addition to his other salary. 1917, c. 234. The Corporation Commission may employ such additional clerks, agents, or other help as in their judgment they may deem necessary to put into proper execution the provisions of this act (in relation to the assessment of property and the collection of taxes). The sum of $15,000 per annum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the payment for the services of said clerks, agents, or other help. 1917, c. 234. Enrolling Department. 2 See Senate. "Increased from $1,500 February 1, 1917. increased from $720 May 1, 1917. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND PRINTING (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Name Designation Rate M. L. Shipman Commissioner of Labor and Printing $ 3,000.00 George B. Justice Assistant Commissioner of Labor and Printing 2,000.00 Miss Gladys Smith Clerk and Stenographer 900.00 Frank Smith .Janitor ($10.50 per week) 546.00 Frank Smith Handling paper ., Total fur Year $3,000.00 2,000.00 900.00 546.00 IM; '() $ 6,612.90 Salaries ant Imri/cd l>y tlio following laws: The salary of the Commissioner of Labor and Printing shall be $3,000 per an- num. Revisal of 1905, s. 2753; 1909, c. 42; 1911, c. 157; 1915, c. 177. The salary of the Assistant Commissioner shall be $2,000 per annum, i of 1905, s. 2753; 1907, c. 830; 1911, c. 190; 1915, c. 157. The stenographer (shall receive) a salary of $900 per annum. 1907, cc. 830, 989. The Commissioner of Labor and Printing may employ a janitor, whose salary shall be $5 per week. 1907, c. 989. The Council of State authorized the payment of an additional $5.50 per week to the janitor for handling paper for State printing. DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE (FOR YEAR ENDING APRIL 1, 1917) Name Designation Rate James R. Young .Insurance Commissioner... $ 3,500.00 Stacy W. Wade ....Chief Deputy.. 2,000.00 F. B. Gerhard Deputy and Actuary 2,200.00 S. F. Campbell .Chief Clt rk 2,000.00 Miss Ida Montgomery Cashier and Stenographer _ 1,200.00 Miss Eva Powell License Clerk and Stenographer. 1,100.00 Mrs. M. W. Carlyle Bookkeeper and Stenographer... 900.00 Totql for Year $ 3,500.00 2,000.00 2,200.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 1,100.00 900.00 $12,900.00 FIRE MARSHAL DEPARTMENT Salaries herein named are not paid by the State but from a special fund col- lected from fire insurance companies for this purpose. Name Designation Rate James R. Young ...Fire Marshal No salary W. A. Scott ._ .Deputy and Investigating Officer $2,000.00 F. M. Jordan Deputy and Investigating Officer 2,000.00 Eugene E. Gray, Jr Deputy (office) and Fire Insur- ance Expert 2,000.00 Sherwood Brockwell Deputy and Fire Insurance Ex- pert 2,000.00 N. E. Cannady Deputy and State Electrical In- spector... 1,500.00 Miss Pattie Jordan Clerk and Stenographer 1,200.00 Mrs. W. R. Hollowell Educational Representative, paid for actual work and time _ _ Mrs. J. S. Cunningham.. Educational Representative, paid for actual work and time _ Park Summerell Janitor lO.SOwk Total for Year None $ 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 418.00 363.00 546.00 $11,977.00 Total for Department of Insurance $24,877.00 L Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of the Insurance Commissioner shall be $3,500 per annum. 1907, c. 994. The Deputy Insurance Commissioner shall receive a salary of $2,000 per annum. 1907, c. 830; 1911, c. 108; 1913, c. 194. Increased from $1,200, July, 1916. 58 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK The person employed in the Insurance Department as Actuary and Deputy shall receive a salary of $2,200. 1913, c. 194. The Chief < 'lerk shall receive a salary of $2,000 per annum. 1907, c. 830; 1911, c. 208; 1913, <;. l'.l; l'.i:,. < Tin- bookk< -ep. T shall reeeive a salary of $900 per annum. 1907, c. 830; 1915, c. !:>;. Tin- License Clerk shall receive a salary of $1,200 per annum. 1907, c. 830; 1911, c. 210; 1915, c. 171. The stenographer shall receive a salary of $1,100 per annum. 1907, cc. 830, 995; 1913; c. 194. This department .shall be upon the same basfs as the other departments of the State, and shall he furnished \\ith stationery, messenger, stamps, and such Other supplies as are provided by law for them. There shall l>e allowed to said department a sum of not exceeding $500 as a contingent fund, of which so much may be used by the Commissioner as may be necessary to pay the actual expenses of the Commissioner or his deputies when engaged in depart mental duties or work for the good of the department or State. Said accounts to he itemi/ed and paid on the approval of the Insurance Com- iiiis.siimer and only for such expenses as are not otherwise provided for. Revisal of 1905, s. 4685; 1911, c. 196; 1913, c. 135. The tax on insurance, b3nd and invest *nent companies, associations or orders, shall In- c illecJe 1 by the I n -M r.me.- (' >mmisM .ner. For each license issued to a lire insurance c >mpa!r. i >n, or to any company or association of com- panies opei mtC or di-tinet plant or agencies. $100. This license tax shall le p.ii.l to t he 1 n-uram ' .ner and by him shall be used for the pur- It M bi InvastigAf inn all fires ,,ccurrin in the State, and those re piired by sections II I'.i, \12 ), and 11'Jl of the EUris*] 01 I 1 ' >~>. and for the employment of a man t.o nive instruct i m> t o tire e ( :i i panics and for the expense of a better inspect inn of buildings in cii ies and tou us. The ( '.tmiiis>ioiier shall in his annual report make a statement of t ho fires invest limited, the value of t he property destroyed, t he amount of insurance, if any, i he origin of the tire when a^.-er; aine 1. and t he 1 .>c.it ion of the property damaged or destroyed, whether in town, city, or c mntry, and shall also file annually an itemized statement under oath of all moneys received by him and disbursed here- under. Any expenses, including counsel fees, expense of deputy, detectives and officers, incurred by the Insurance ( 'om nissioner in the performance of the duties imposed upon him by the provisions of the insurance law shall be defrayed by the fire insur- ance companies doing business in this State from the funds received under the foregoing Uff. Kevisal of 11)05, s. 4823; 1913, c. 201; 1915, c. 109. NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION (FoR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The Historical Commission shall consist of not more than five persons, of which three shall constitute a quorum. They shall be appointed by the Governor, and shall serve for a term of six years and until their successors are appointed and qualified: Provided, that in case of a vacancy in any of the above terms the persons appointed to fill such vacancies shall be appointed only for the unexpired term. They shall serve without salary, but shall be allowed their actual expenses when attending to their official duties, to be paid out of any funds hereinafter appropriated for the maintenance of said Commission: Provided, such expenses shall not be allowed for more than four meetings annually or for more than four days at each meeting. Revisal of 1905, s. 4539. Appropriation for printing shall not exceed $5,000 annually. Said Commis- sion shall have power to employ a secretary and control the expenditures of such funds as may be appropriated for its maintenance. Annual appropriation, $7,000. 1903, c. 767; 1907, c. 714; 1917, c. 261. For the enforcement of an act whereby historical places of interest in the State of North Carolina may be commemorated by appropriate markers the sum of $2,500 is appropriated annually for the years 1917 and 1918. 1917, c. 277. MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION J. Bryan Grimes, Chairman Raleigh W. J. Peele Raleigh M. C. S. Noble _ Chapel Hill Thomas M. Pittman .Henderson D. H. Hill ...Raleigh Name Designation Rate Mrs. J. M. Winfree. ..Restorer of Mss $ 1,000.00 NOTE. From December 1, 1916, to May 1, 1917, this salary was $900 annually. From January 3 to March 12 Mrs. Winfree was employed by the Secretary of State in the Enrolling Clerk's office. The total amount paid her by the Historical Com- mission was Miss Marjory Terrell 1 Stenographer.. ._ 840.00 Miss Frances Wilson 2 Stenographer 780.00 NOTE. Miss Wilson was employed for extra work in the office of the Secretary of State from June 1 to July 7; she received no salary from the Historical Commission between those dates. Total paid her by the Historical Commission Mrs.'w. S. West Clerk 720.00 F. A. Olds Collector for Hall of History ... _ 300.00 Total for Year 704.98 840.00 752.33 720.00 300.00 1 See Enrolling Department. 2 See State Board of Elections. 60 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Total Name Designation Rate for Year W. S. Wilson* Legislative Reference Librarian. .$ 2,750.00 NOTE. This salary was at the rate of $2,500 per annum from December 1, 1916, to May 1, 1917. Total salary from tin- Historical Commission $ 2,641.77 R. D. W. Connor Secretary 2,750.00 NOTE. This salary was at the rate of $2,500 per annum from December 1, 1916, to May 1, 1917. (He also receives $100 per year from the University of North Carolina as Secretary of the Board of Trustees.) Total paid him by the Historical Commission from December 1, 1916, to November 30, 1917 2,641 .77 William Birdsall Messenger NOTE. This salary is paid $8.75 per week. He also receives $1.85 per week from the North Carolina Library Commission. From the Historical Com- mission since December 1, 1916, he has received 455.00 Total paid out for regular salaries $ 9,055.62 SPECIAL EMPLOYEES Peter McWilliams, work in Hall of History $ 35.00 Mrs. W. S. Wilson, stenographic work 57.67 E. R. Blanton, indexing for Legislative H<-f< -rnu Librarian 100.00 James A. Robinson, translating Spanish document 27.00 Miss Frances Strong, 1 typewriting _ 20.00 Mrs. A. P. Webber, typewriting 139.50 T. H. Calvert, * assistance to Legislative Reference Librarian during ses- sion of General Assembly 331.00 Special services $ 710.17 Expense of members for attendance on meetings December 1, 1916, to Novem- ber 30, 1917. M. C. S. Noble $ 3.00 T. M. Pittman 2.85 $ 5.85 Regular salaries $ 9,055.62 Special employees 710.17 Expenses board meetings 5.85 $ 9,771.64 l See State Board of Elections. ; Siv House Employees. 3 See Judges Superior Court and Revisal Commission. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY The Historical Commission is hereby authorized and required to appoint a properly qualified person to be known as a Legislative Reference Librarian. Annual appropriation, $6,000. 1915, c. 202; 1917, c. 261. DEPARTMENT OF THE STATE LIBRARY (FOB YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Total Name Designation Rate for Year Alex. J. Feild ..State Librarian ___$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Alex. J. Feild Document Librarian.. 250.00 250.00 Miss Carrie L. Broughton..Assistant Librarian 900.00 900.00 Miss Myrtle King* Assistant Librarian 500.00 500.00 E. F. Lewis.... ...Janitor.... 720.00 720.00 $ 3,870.00 Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of the State Librarian shall be $1,500 per annum. He shall be allowed the sum of $250 per annum for services as custodian of the document library, and the sum of $1 per day during the sessions of the General Assembly for keeping the document library open. Revisal of 1905, s. 2748; 1907, c. 647. The State Librarian shall be allowed one assistant at a salary of $900 per annum. Revisal of 1905, s. 2748; 1907, c. 647; 1909, c. 246. The trustees of the State Library are hereby authorized to employ additional clerical help in the management of the State Library when, in their judgment, it becomes necessary, and for this purpose the sum of $500 is hereby allowed annually out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Ex. 1913, c. 33; 1915, c. 74. The State Librarian is authorized to employ a janitor for the State Library at a salary of $60 per month, to be paid out of the fund that other State officers are paid. 1907, c. 647; 1909, c. 887. !See Library Commission. LIBRARY COMMISSION OF NORTH CAROLINA (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The Library Commission of North Carolina shall consist of the Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, the State Librarian, two other persons who shall be ,il (pointed by the North Carolina Library Association, and one other person who shall be appointed by the Governor, all of whom shall serve without compen- sat ion. The Com mi i<n shall employ a secretary, not a member of the Commission, who shall receive such compensation as the Commission may decide, who shall perform the usual duties of a secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the Commission, and who shall serve at the will of the Commission. No mem- ber of the CommiHHion shall receive any compensation for services, but actual traveling expenses of members attending meetings or in visiting and establishing libraries and other incidental and necessary expenses may be paid. Annual appi -..pi iat ion, $8,000. 1909, c. 873; 1917, c. 221. MEMBERS <>i Tin: COMMISSION C. C. Wright Hunting Creek ( 'larence Poe I Raleigh Dr. .!. v. Joyner.. Raleigh ( 'ha ties Lee Smith. Raleigh A. .1. I-Yil.l Raleigh Total Name /'"/ Paid Mrs. Minnie I.. BUntoi J $ 1,550.00 $1 424.98 Mi>.- Mary Selden Yates Catalogs, Assistant Librarian of Traveling Libraries, and general assistant to Sen. - lary, May-November.. 780.00 442.00 Miss Alice Rodgers \~i~iant 186.64 Miss Etta D. Perry Stenographer '600.00 525.00 Mi Myrtle King' Extra work - 18.00 William Birdsall" . Janitor.... - *90.00 77.50 Salaries and wages $ 2,674.12 Expense board meetings C. C. Wright - 7.70 $ 2,681.82 'In. reascd from $1,300 May 15, 1917. -I in reused from $420 May 1, 1917. :; See State Library. 'See Historical Commission. Paid NS.,-,II pn- week by Historical Commission. film-reused from $65 September 8, 1917. THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) 1. The Medical Society of the State of North Carolina shall choose from its members by ballot four members and the Governor of the State shall appoint five other persons (one of whom shall be a sanitary engineer), and they shall con- stitute the North Carolina Board of Health. 2. The members of the Board of Health elected by the State Medical Society shall be chosen to serve for six years. Their term of office shall begin immediately upon the expiration of the meeting at which they were elected. Those appointed by the Governor shall serve for six years, their term of office beginning with the first regular meeting of the board after their appointment. In case of death or resignation, the board shall elect new members to fill the unexpired terms: Pro- vided, the Governor shall fill such vacancies as may occur where he has made appointments. * * * 6. The State Board of Health shall have a president, a secretary who shall also be treasurer, and an executive committee, said executive committee to have such powers and duties as may be assigned it by the Board of Health. The presi- dent shall be elected from the members of the board and shall serve six years; the secretary-treasurer shall be elected from the registered physicians of the State and shall serve six years. The executive committee shall be composed of the president, the engineer member of the board, ex officio, and one other member of the board to be elected from those composing it. The executive office of the board shall be in the City of Raleigh, and the secretary shall reside there. The secretary shall be the executive officer of the board and shall, under its direction, devote his entire time to public health work, and shall be known as the "State Health Officer." He shall receive for his services such yearly compensation as shall be fixed by the board, not to exceed $3,000 and his actual traveling and hotel expenses when engaged in the work of the board. The board may in its dis- cretion elect as a special assistant to the State Health Officer for the anti-tubercu- losis work, the Secretary of the State Association for the Prevention of Tubercu- losis at an annual salary not to exceed $600. The members of the board shall re- ceive no pay, except that each member shall receive $4 and necessary traveling and hotel expenses when on actual duty in attending the meetings of the board or of the executive committee or in pursuing special investigations in the State: ex- cepted further, that the board, in its discretion, may employ the engineer member of the board as a consulting engineer for such compensation as may be agreed upon; but when attending important meetings beyond the limits of the State, the number of delegates thereto being limited to one in addition to the secretary, only actual traveling and hotel expenses shall be allowed. These surras shall be paid by the treasurer on authenticated requisition, approved and signed by the president. 1911, c. 62. 64 NORTH CABOLINA BLUE BOOK MEMBERS J. Howell Way, M.D., President Waynesville Richard H. Lewis, M.D., LL.D Raleigh J. L. Ludlow, C.E Winston-Salem Thomas E. Anderson, M.D. Statesville Charles O'H. Laughinghouse, M.D Greenville Edward J. Wood, M.D Wilmington F. R. Harris, M.D Henderson Cyrus Thompson, M.D._ Jacksonville E. C. Register, M.D Charlotte APPROPRIATIONS The sum of $37,500 is annually appropriated for the support and maim of the State Board of Health. 1917, c. 193. For the enforcement <>f the net (.. prevent l.limlness in infancy the sum of $3,000 is annually appropriated for the use od l'.ard of Health. I'M:, c. 257. For the enforcement of the act to prevent and control the oeeu; tain infectious diseases, the MUM of $4,000 is appropriated for the year 1!U7, and $6,000 annually thereafter is appropriated to . : dth. 1917, c. 263. For the enforcement of the act for the cooperative and effective development of rural sanitation the sum of $15,000 is annually appropriated to the State Board of Health. 1917, c. 276. For the purpose of aiding in the treatment of children found to be d< under the provisions of the act to provide for the physical examination of the school children of the State at regular intervals, a special appropriation of $10,000 per annum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is made to the State Board of Health. No part of this appropriation shall be used for any purpose other than aiding in the treatment of school children under the provisions of this act. J917, c. 244. For the purpose of the execution of the act to provide for the registration of all births and deaths in the State of North Carolina the sum of $10,000, or as much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, to be paid by the State Auditor on requisition signed by the president and secretary of the State Board of Health. 1913, c. 109. For the purpose of providing printing for the State Board of Health, the State Laboratory of Hygiene, and the State Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, the sum of $8,000 is hereby annually appropriated for the years 1918 and 1919. For the purpose of providing printing for the Bureau of Vital Statistics, the sum of $2,000 is hereby annually appropriated for the years 1917 and 1918. All printing provided for in sections 1 and 2 of this act is to be paid out of the general fund as other State printing. 1917, c. 220. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 65 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT DR. W. S. RANKIN, Secretary of the North Carolina State Board of Health, Executive Officer of the State Board of Health, and State Health Officer. Salary: rate, $3,000; total paid, $3,000. Duties: (1) Coordinates work of the different bureaus or divisions of the State Board of Health, including ten county departments of health and two special field agents. (2) Considers plans and initiates most of the important public health policies adopted by the State Board of Health. The details of the work are indicated in the following table: Letters received _ 3,360 Letters written: Individual 3,793 Multigraph 6,527 10,320 Vouchers issued. _ _ 2,431 Receipts issued 277 Reports prepared _ _ 16 Articles written: Bulletin 1; Words. 1,100 Official publications 23; Words. 35,750 Other publications 9; Words. 33,825 Forms and placards prepared.. __ 11 Addresses delivered : Number delivered 17 Total audience 1,380 Inspections: State institutions _ 2 County institutions 16 Hotels i 4 Epidemics: Conferences with local authorities. 14 Supervision of_ 1 Days out of office... __ 80 Percentage of work not embraced in above statement 40% Important items not included in above statement: Conferences, Legislation, Medical Defense Work. DR. T. M. JORDAN, Special Field Agent. Salary, $1,534. Duties: Held 148 public health meetings in schoolhouses; Made 175 public health addresses to 8,000 people; Made a medical inspection of 6,000 school children; Brought 11 indictments for infringements of the quarantine law; Brought 6 indictments for violations of law regulating sanitary con- duct of hotels; Inspected 11 jails and 2 State institutions; Arranged for and supervised the vaccination of 30,000 people against typhoid fever. DR. A. J. ELLINGTON, Special Field Agent. Salary, $750. Duties: (1) Prepared necessary literature and forms for conducting county educational campaign directed to pointing out to white adult population the value of thorough physical examinations at regular intervals, and (2) inaugurated this work in four counties, making full physical examinations of 4,000 citizens. Miss MAE REYNOLDS, Bookkeeper and Stenographer, $960. WILLIAM HIGH, Janitor, $420. Total paid for salaries in this department, $6,664. NnKI II ( ' \K<I.I N A lil. I I. BUREAU OF ENGINEERING AND EDUCATION \V\iun.N II. HIMIKI.H, <'hicf of Bureau of Kimineering and Education. Salary: .1 paid, $2,500. Duties: -ill-, liim work for the State Board of Health. p:u t inihi l> -M-ti m.-ittprs as relate to municipal water purification and sewage (2) Con. lu. i) health work for State Board of Health by litiiiK :in<l issuing a Monthly Health Bulletin, preparing daily and weekly health article- fo r new.spap- :ig and COn- dm-tinj; hc:ihh c.\hil>ii>, illu-t r.ited lectures, motion pictures, nx, special bulletins, etc. Tin- < work an- indfatrd in I In- following: Newspapers and mag i . d and n \ i< \\d 6,292 < rs and POM 8,461 Lett Indi\idu:i! .'i,851 Multi K r:ij.h -... 2,871 6,722 Am. I,- ui it i. n: Newspaper, words. ... .. 124,400 HulU'tiii. uordx 57.200 ;:il p:ilii|il.l.-t. POfdl 31,101 Other p>il)li< at ions, words. 3,000 Moii-.n pi. 236 ,1 audirnr.-. ... 42,623 Addressea 1 li\* nd: Number... 4 Total audi. 1,075 Stock lectures given: Number 28 150 Traveling public h-ai Appr exhibits 50,500 :.il r\hibit> ^'l\c|j _ 58 1 Mans and specifications modified rks Sewer systems 1 rians and specifications disapproved: Waterworks Sewer systems. . 5 IMan> and us approved: Waterworks Sewer sy>t " \\aii T-ln 'd in.-|" ta rxainincd. 11.' Krport> "t \\atn ana !>><> .-\ainined and copied 1,349 Monthly Ib-alth Bulletins mailed :?.V.i.:.Ni ,ph!.M>. leatlet>. and placar,l> distributed 364,047 Artieles prepare.l for neu>paper plate material . K,500 Number plan- -papers _ 128 Nunibrr days spent out of office on official business 31 HlMKATl M. Hunnsc,, Assistant Kdit or. Salary, $1,200. Duties: Prrpan-s. health articles for daily and \\eekly newspapers; assists in editing Health Hdlletin. ICtMFAKHI] Hi \r u. Stenographer. Salary, $845.98. \ \ \ 1 1 K KUSE, Assistant Stenographer and Clerk. Salary, $747.50. Miss LUCY Ih UN. Mailing Clerk. Salary, $580. and Engineering, $5,873.48. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 67 BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS Name Designation Dr. J. R. Gordon Deputy State Registrar $ Miss Grace Reynolds Stenographer Miss Ruth Robinson Stenographer Miss Blanche Stockard Stenographer Miss Estelle Wiggs Bookkeeper _ Miss Merle Ellington Clerk Mrs. W. H. Gilbert Clerk Miss Sallie Hulin Clerk Miss Ellie Nowell... .Clerk Miss Margaret Young Clerk Miss Helen Batchelor Tabulating Clerk. _ Miss Eunice Blair. Transcribing Clerk (paid by Bureau of Census). Total Rate for Year 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 720.00 720/00 540.00 540.00 540.00 540.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 420.00 420.00 660.00 660.00 420.00 420.00 $ 9,220.00 The duties of the above force are the enforcement of Chapter 109, Laws of 1913, and amendments thereto, in the execution of which the following is a de- tailed report: Letters received- 18,273 Postals received _ _ 2,558 Undertakers' reports received.. 6,083 Local and Deputy Acceptance Blanks received 5,655 Provisional Death Certificates received _ 12 Violation Blanks received 235 Burial and Transit Permits received 693 Cards sent out 5,286 Supplemental Reports received 2,642 Letters written: Individual.. _. 26,025 Multigraph _ 24,862 50,887 Acceptance papers sent out to Registrars 1,755 Birth and Death Certificates received 118,802 Tables completed for Annual Report __ 13 Jail inspections made _ 12 Townships visited ._ 75 Days out of office on official business 65 Certificates indexed _ _ 101,726 Index cards filed 101,726 Miscellaneous tables made up _ 29 Index cards made up giving names of decedents from tuberculosis 3,261 Prosecutions made _ 13 68 Xm:iii r \unu\.\ BLUE BOOK BUREAU OF MEDICAL INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS In:. <i. M. COOPKK. !> in of Medical Inspection of Schools. S.< - , *J..'f>n; total paid, $2,500. Dutir.-: (I; diK-rnl Direct the operation of the law pr\ iding for a physical i.-it ion of every child in the public schools of North Caro- lina at least every three years. (2) Specific (a) Secure the appointment of a medical inspector in each county, and also the agreement of the county authorities to assist in this work; (b) Instruct the teachers in the performance of their duties under this law; (c) Coordinate the work of all the medirnl inspectors; (d) Secure a written report for each child nl, and also to aid in securing treatment for d : <hil.lr.-n when necessary. Thr <1< t.iils of the work are indicated in the following table: 1,751 Letters writ ten: Individual 2,183 Multigraph ... 4,850 7,033 Reports prepared 12 Total money received from counties $ 1,800 Articles written: Bulletins M 4,525 Official publications 10; Words 9,375 Other publications.. I \\ : Pamphlets prepared 4 Days out of office 94 Pieces of literature distributed 406,834 Addresses delivered: Number delivered Illustrated with slides :M Total audience 26,887 Number of school children examined 14,360 N umber of school children found defect rft 9,849 Number of school children card indexed 3,827 Number of school children reported treated.. . 343 Inspections: Hotels County institutions 11 Schools (medical) 214 Miss ALMA SORRELL, Stenographer and Clerk. Salary, $655. Total salaries Bureau of Medical Inspection of Schools, $3,155. BUREAU OF EPIDEMIOLOGY (APRIL 10 TO NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Name Designation Rate for } DR. A. McR. CROUCH State Epidemiologist $ 2,100.00 $ 1,343.54 .Mili.A.Ms nographer and Clerk $ 1. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 69 This Bureau enforces chapters 257 and 263, Public Laws of 1917, which pro- vide: 1. A system of reports of all epidemic diseases. 2. A system of epidemic records. 3. State control and supervision, through local agencies, of contagion occur- ring within the State. 4. For the distribution and obligatory use of silver nitrate solution for the prevention of blindness in the new-born. In the execution of these duties the following is a detailed statement: Letters received 581 Letters written: Individual 581 Multigraph, 16 forms 15,000 20,581 Letters prepared for quarantine officers, 12 forms _ 28,225 Letters prepared for publication by quarantine office, 3 forms 285 Forms prepared for reports and records _ _ 21 General requests received and filled.. 1,064 Requests for silver nitrate received 1,035 Silver nitrate sent out (packages) 8,233 Addresses delivered: Number. _ 3 Total audience '.... 275 Trips made 18 Quarantine officers visited 33 Counties investigated 3 Reports published Epidemics investigated 4 Inspections: County institutions 12 Hotels 6 Indictments made from this office 2 Convictions _ 1 QUARANTINE OFFICERS' REPORTS Number counties reporting (monthly average) _ _ 43 Number cases contagious diseases reported _. 5,325 Homes visited 854 Public notices posted 275 School disease census received 1,469 Schools notified _ 764 Number of indictments _. _ __ _ 6 Number of publications 314 Per cent of work not embraced in above statement 20% REMARKS. About three months (April 10th to June 30th) were given almost entirely to the study and preparation of rules and regulations governing con- tagious diseases. 70 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK BUREAU OF COUNTY HEALTH WORK (JULY 1 TO NOVEMBER 30, 1917) DR. B. E. WASHBURN, Director of Bureau of County Health Work, State Director International Health Board. The Director is loaned to the State on request by the International Health Board, and salary is paid entirely by the Inter- national Health Board, and not by State or counties. Salary: Rate, $4,000; total paid, $4,000. Miss JULIA PICKELL, Stenographer. Salary (6 mos.), $276.22. Total salaries Bureau of County Health Work, $4,278.22. Duties: (1) Organize and conduct whole-time county health departments in counties cooperating with the State Board of Health. (2) Demonstrate the most practical methods of conduct in^ county health work and rural sanitation. The details of the work are indicated in the following table: Letters received 1,141 Letters written: Individual 872 Multigraph 1,127 1,181 Reports prepared 27 Articles written: Bulletin 1; Words 2,300 Newspaper 6; Words 3,700 Forms and placards prepared 37 Addresses delivered: Number 22 Total audience 9,500 Days out of office 17 Percentage of work not embraced in above 40% Important items not included in above statement: Securing county appro- priations, selecting county health officers, conferences on rural sanitation and county health work. Amount spent by all bureaus for extra clerical service, $944.81. EXPENSE ACCOUNT OF MEMBERS OF STATE BOARD OF HEALTH J. Howell Way, M.D., President $ 207.25 Richard H. Lewis, M.D 11.50 J. L. Ludlow, C.E 109.35 Thomas E. Anderson, M.D 67.40 Charles O'H. Laughinghouse, M.D 61 .40 Edward J. Wood, M.D 68.85 F. R. Harris, M.D 66.95 Cyrus Thompson, M.D 107.35 E. C. Register, M.D 34.75 W. O. Spencer, M.D. (retired) 38.20 $ 773.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 71 TOTAL FOR STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Executive Department $ 6,664.00 Bureau of Engineering and Education 5,873.48 Bureau of Vital Statistics _. 9,220.00 Bureau of Medical Inspection of Schools 3,155.00 Bureau of Epidemiology 1,619.21 Bureau of County Health Work *4,276.22 Extra clerical service 944.81 Expense account State Board of Health 773.00 $32,525.72 *Salary of Director, $4,000, paid by International Board of Health. STATE LABORATORY OF HYGIENE Y i \u ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) For the better protection of the public health :m<l to prevent the spread of communicable diseases there shall be established a State Laboratory of Hygiene, the same to be under the control and management of the State Board of Health. Revisal of 1905, s. 3057. Annual appropriat i.,n, $12,500. 1917,0. 193. Tntnl Name Designation Rate for Year ' \ SI. ..re, M.D ..Director $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 J. W. Kellogg ..Bacteriologist 1,800.00 1,800.00 Mr I I hrinklny Chemist 1,500.00 1,500.00 !'. \\ . Tempi. li.M.kk.-rpcr ami Si i-n..Kr:iphcr iy to June 20th, $85 PIT month) 1,200.00 1,100.00 W. C. Hid.lir.k, .lr _Asni riologist (Salary to June 1st, $90 per month).... 1,200.00 1,140.00 II. .1. Siorkai.l Assistant h a< teriologist (Sal:iry to November 1, 1917, $75 per month) 1,080.00 915.00 A. \\. Ciieenwood, M.D. ..Assistant Director Antitoxin De- partment (Preliminary work, .July-November $100 per mo.)__ 1,800.00 500.00 Herbert Slocum Janitor (January-June, $20 per month) 300.00 265.00 Andrew Myatt Laborer (Began November 1st).. 300.00 25.00 W. S. McKimmon... Assistant (December-April, $66.67 per month; May-Octo- ber 15, $70 per month) 718.35 Kenneth Smith Assistant (January 13-May 10, $25 per month; May 10-Sep- tember 10, $50 per month) 348.33 Roy Smith Temporary Assistant, (June- July 24, $50 per month) 90.00 R. S. Siddall Temporary Assistant Bacteriol- ogist (June-August, $60 per month) 180.00 Benbury Hay wood Temporary Assistant (July 16- August, $40 per month). 60.00 Alfred Barber Temporary Assistant (July- August, $30 per month) 60.00 Miss Louise Lanneau Temporary Assistant Chemist, (August-September 10, $90 per month) _ 120.00 J. B. Cheshire, Jr Commission on collections 9.00 C. N. Goodno Audits 25.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 73 Total Name Designation Rate for Year Dr. L. F. Koonce Professional veterinary services.. $ $ 5.00 Mrs. Eleanor Mason Special clerical assistance.. _ 28.80 Miss Lucy B. Dortch Special clerical assistance. 7.80 Miss Foy Hester Special clerical assistance 7.75 $11,905.03 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES AND PUBLIC WELFARE (Fon Y.\n KMUNO NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Then- shall ho el. Tied hy t ho General Assembly, upon the recommendation of the -even persons who shall be styled "The State Board of Charities .mil I'uhlie. Welfare," :unl :it iea.-t one of such persons shall be a woman, which ri.s shall serve without pay: Provided, however, that they shall receive their necessary expenses. At this session of the General Assembly all seven of said memhers shall he elected, tl . :m of two years, two for a term of four years, and two for a term of six years, and ti n -rm shall be six years for nil. That such elect ions >hall he hy r nuMm-nt vote of the General Assern hi y Mini t h:it appoint n,.-nt> to fill vaeaiieie.- in the hoard :ui>in|? from any cause soever, except expiration of term, >h:ill he m:i<le for the residue of such term hy t he Covernor. 1 ( .M7, e. 17i). MI:MIU:I;S <>i' THI-: maun W. A hliiir. Ch Winston-Sulem Care> .1. Hunter, Viee ( 'hair man ...Raleigh \. \\. \le\lli ,ie.- '...Greensh Thomasville \\oo.iar.l Wilson Chapel Hill J. A. McAuluy Mount Gilead Total Name Desiv Rate for Year Holan.l !'. llr:isley Cornmiioner , ,f I'ublir Welfare. $ 3,000.00 $ 750.00 Miss Daisy Denson Secretary 1,200.00 1,200.00 W. D. Terry* .1 ,.,,., 100.00 100.00 $ 2,050.00 The present board was 01 > ;-nl -, l'.M7. 'I'ra \eliiiK expenses $ 118.60 1'ormer hoard, t ravel ing expenses 15.36 133.96 Total ... $ 2,183.96 'See HIMIM- of Ke|.|e>entat i 'See Department of I'uhlie Buildings and Ctound.-, ami C.etnTal AflKOlbly contingent account. NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The Governor shall appoint a suitable person as State Geologist to conduct, under the supervision of a board of managers to be known as the Geological Board, a Geological and Economic Survey of the State. The Geological Board shall consist of the Governor (as chairman) and four citizens of the State to be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for terms of four years each. In case of the death or resignation of either of said citizens his successor shall be appointed by the Governor. The State Geologist shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Geological Board, such experts and assistants as may be found necessary to enable him to carry out successfully and speedily the work of the Survey. Annual appropriation, $15,000. Revisal of 1905, ss. 4429, 4434; Laws 1911, c. 211. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Governor T. W. Bickett, ex officio Chairman. Raleigh Frank Hewitt... Asheville R. G. Lassiter Oxford John Sprunt Hill _ ___ __ Durham C. C. Smoot, III North Wilkesboro Amount Name Designation Rate Joseph Hyde Pratt State Geologist __$ 4,200.00 J. S. Holmes. State Forester 2,400.00 H. M. Berry Secretary _ 1,800.00 Myrtice Greenwood. Stenographer 900.00 Elizabeth Bain Stenographer.. 660.00 Mrs. E. S. McGehee Stenographer _ David Rose Office Assistant .12^ hr. Bryan W. Sipe Office Assistant Mrs. M. E. Berry _________ Clipping Margaret Berry.. ...... ...Stenographer ___________________ Carrie D. Moses __________ Stenographer... ..... _____ ...... Agnes Hyde Barton ______ Clerical work ____________ ....... Gilbert Craig _____________ Clerical work ....... . ........... Mildred Moses ____________ Clerical work ____ .20 hr. 2.25 dy. 2.00 d. .15 hr. 1.50 d. Paid $3,200.00 22,100.00 31,650.00 900.00 4 591 .50 5 390.34 70.07 215.00 256.60 67.20 6.00 1.50 6.67 78.38 1 From December to July, inclusive, $350 per month; from August to Novem- ber, inclusive, $100 per month. 2 From December to May, inclusive, $150 per month; from June to November, inclusive, $200 per month. 3 From December to May, inclusive, $125 per month; from June to November, inclusive, $150 per month. 4 Paid per diem until May; May to July, inclusive, $50.00 per month; August to November, inclusive, $55 per month. & Paid $2 per day. 70 NORTH OAKOU \ \ fin Amount Name Designation Rate Paid Elizabeth Craig Clerical work $ 1.50d. $ 31.20 Mrs. Jas. F. Moffatt Clerical work .20 hr. 4.40 H. S. Chapin Clerical work .20 hr. 6.03 C. W. Higgins Drawing.... .25 hr. 4.60 W. F. Morrison Drawing. .25 hr. 8.50 John E. Smith Geological work 100.00 mo. 75.00 Clarence S. Rose Geological work 100.00 mo. 100.00 Frank P. Drane Chemical work 25.00 J. M. Bell Chemical work 6.00 Merrimon, Adams & Johnston Legal services 170.00 Macy & Lawler Painting charts 22.85 John L. Foister .PlumliiiiK. 1-20 II K.Fritz Repairing typewriter i:< ">" .1 1; IVmple ..Carpenter 40.25 $10,041.79 EXPENSE ACCOUNT OF BOARD MEETINGS January Meeting F. R. Hewitt Expenses $ 21.86 Per diem, 3 days at $4 per day 12.00 $ 33.86 June Meeting C. C. Smoot, III Expenses $ 23.20 Per diem, 2 days at $4 per day 8.00 $ 31.20 These are the only expenses which were submitted by members of the board during the year, the other members not charging anything against the State for attending the board. TOTAL FOR GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURM Y Salaries $10,041.79 Expenses board meetings - 65.06 $10,106.85 STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The State Highway Commission shall consist of the Governor, three citizens of the State of North Carolina to be appointed by the Governor, one from the eastern, one from the central, and one from the western portion of the State, one of which shall be a member of the minority political party, the State Geologist, a professor of civil engineering of the University of North Carolina, and a pro- fessor of the North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering, said professors to be designated by the Governor. The members of the Commission shall be appointed and serve for four years and until their successors are ap- pointed; the members' of the Commission shall, when employed in any manner required of them under this act, receive their actual expenses. The Commission shall appoint a civil engineer well versed in the science of road building and maintenance, who shall be the State Highway Engineer, whose compensation shall be fixed by the State Highway Commission. The term of office of the State Highway Engineer shall be six years from the date of his appointment unless removed from office for due cause by the Highway Commis- sion. Annual appropriation, $10,000. 1915, c. 113. For the enforcement of the act to provide for assisting rural communities in the utilization of small water-powers and the installation of telephone lines the sum of $5,000 annually is appropriated to the State Highway Commission. 1917, c. 267. MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION Governor T. W. Bickett, Chairman Raleigh Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Hyde Pratt, Secretary Chapel Hill E. C. Duncan, Acting Secretary Raleigh Bennehan Cameron _ Stagville T. F. Hickerson Chapel Hill W. C. Riddick _ West Raleigh Guy V. Roberts .., Marshall Total Name Designation Rate for Year W. S. Fallis State Highway Engineer $ 3,600.00 $ 3,233.32 I. B. Mullis Office and Testing Engineer ... ,500,00 1,186.68 R. E. Snowden Division Engineer ,800.00 659.57 R. P. Coble Division Engineer ,800.00 1,213.84 W.M.Peyton Division Engineer ,800.00 898.40 John D. Waldrop Resident Engineer ,500.00 25.00 George F. Syme Bridge Engineer 360.00 351.93 W. L. Craven Bridge Engineer 1,800.00 1,702.60 R. W. McGeachy Resident Engineer 1,020,00 300.16 John C. Hicks Resident Engineer 1,200.00 308.00 W. F. Morson Resident Engineer.. r 1,500.00 28.75 'D. H. Winslow Maintenance Engineer... 1,800.00 544.44 A. F. Brown Maintenance Supervisor 1,800.00 550.44 XuKIII ('\KOI.I.NA i'l. I I. Name for } U.D.Wilson Maintenance -S i; itfj $ 250.00 M. E. Miller .M.-iintcri.-irir.- Bopervfoor. I..')"" in 135.00 J. C. Carpenter Maintc -nan' <- SIIJM -r -\ -i.-r 1,200.00 300.00 V. von ciiiiiiM-iit'.-i. Maintenance 8apa 1,500.00 370.83 J. B. ('lineman .. . Mainti-naiMM- SUJH -i \ i~- u 1,500.00 108.33 MiM Mftdfle Johnson st-n'nr:i]lnT 900.00 '.KMMIO \1 ('has. A. Gurganus.. Temporal plu-r 2.50 d. 185.08 Miss Ella R. M<M .-in-Kraphcr 600.00 55.77 $13,308.14 EXPENSE ACCOUNT OF BOAHD Mill T. F. Hickerson $ 19.87 Guy V. Roberta ... 66.75 $ 86.62 Salaries of officers and cniployn > $13,308.14 Expense account, board meetings 86.62 $13,394.76 BOARD OF INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The president and directors of the Board of Internal Improvements shall consist of the Governor of the State, who shall, ex officio, be president thereof, and of two commissioners to be appointed biennially by the Governor, with the advice of the Senate, any two of whom shall constitute a board for the transac- tion of business, and in case of vacancies occurring in the board, the same shall be filled by the other members. The Governor and said members shall be a cor- porate body under the name and style of "The President and Directors of the i; >ard of Internal Improvements," and shall have all the rights, powers, and privileges of a corporation which may be necessary to enable it to discharge the duties imposed on it, and no more. The board may hold their sessions whenever and wherever the Governor may direct. The private secretary to the Governor shall be ex officio secretary of the board, and shall be allowed five dollars per day for each day the board is in session. The members of the Board of Internal Improvements shall receive, each, five dollars per day, and their traveling expenses, for the time they may be em- ployed in the public service. Revisal of 1905, ss. 2735, 2758, 4835, 4836. For the purpose of performing the additional duties prescribed by law said board is authorized and empowered to employ expert accountants, who shall be paid such sum as may be agreed on, which shall be approved by the Governor. The Governor is authorized and empowered, whenever he may think the public service requires it, to have the affairs of any railroad, turnpike, canal or other public improvement, State hospital or other public institution in which the State has an interest, and the official conduct of any official thereof, investi- gated by a member of the Board of Internal Improvements, and to take such action concerning any matters reported upon as the said board may deem to the intei^t of the State; and the Governor may remove or suspend from office any of said officials if in his opinion the interest of the State demands it. The members of the board appointed for such investigation shall have power to administer oaths, send for persons and papers, and all powers granted to a com- mittee of investigation appointed by the General Assembly, and shall receive as compensation therefor such sum as the Governor, by and with the advice of the Council of State, shall deem just. The said board may appoint a clerk of the board whenever in its opinion the public service shall require it. 1909, cc. 733, 881; 1913, c. 176. (Members of board have not been appointed.) Alexander Webb $ 90.00 Mrs. N. W. Price . 1,200.00 $ 1,290.00 DEPARTMENT OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The personnel of the military departments and the amount of compn paid each person employed on November 30, 1917, are as follows: Amount Name and Department Designation Tin VDJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT: Laurence W. Young The Adjutant General $ Ethel Wynne Chief Clerk Lelia M. Dye Stenographer Clayton High Stenographer Dan Polk ...Janitor per Month 250.00 100.00 90.00 75.00 45.50 560.50 STATE ARSENAL: Sergt. J. M. Pike ...Guard $ 50.00 CAMP GLENN: T. M. Young Caretaker 75 00 D. S. Dixon U. S. P. AND D. O. N. J. J. Bernard U. S. P. AND D. O. N. E. H. Baker . . ...Laborer G.: ...Major, Q. M. Corps M.: Lieutenant ._ 60.00 50.00 25.00 STATE P. AND D. O.: Francis A. Macon . . . Major General (retired) . . . 83.33 Louise Nelson . . . Stenographer _ 30.00 373 33 $ 933.83 Name and Dc^nrtnicnt It <ink or Rate Designation of Pay Period of Service Amount Paid ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMK M B. S. Royster. Acting A. G $250.00 mo. 9 mos. $ 2,250.00 Laurence W. Young Adjutant General 250.00 mo. 3 mos. 750.00 George L. Peterson Acting A. A. G 166.66 mo. 9 mos. 1,499.94 George L. Peterson State P. and D. O 83.33 mo. 9 mos. 71'.' '.<4 Ethel Wynne Chief Clerk 100.00 mo. 6 mos. 600.00 Clayton High Stenographer. __ 60.00 mo. 3H mos. 210.00 Clayton High 1 Stenographer 75.00 mo. 5H mos. 400.00 Mrs. R. L. Leinsteri File Clerk 75.00 mo. 3 4-5 mos. 282.50 Charles Barden Stenographer 60.00 nn * 164.00 Lelia M. Dye Stenographer 75.00 mo. 5 mos. 375.00 iSee Senate Empl< 1 vpartmuit of StaU- Auditor. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. ' 81 Rank or Rate Period of Amount Name and Department Designation of Pay Service Paid ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT Con.: G. Smith.. _ ..... __. ...... Stenographer ____ ..... $75. 00 mo. 2 mos. $ 150.00 Walter Waddell ........... Clerk ..... . ........... 75.00 mo. 1 mo. 75.00 MissAldrich ............. .Stenographer ..... ____ 2.50d. Id. 2.50 Raleigh Letter Writers ...Stenographer.. ....... 5.00d. 7M d. 37.50 Dan Polk ........ _ ........ Janitor ............... lO.SOwk. 12 mos. 546.00 $ 8,092.38 STATE P. AND D. O.: Francis A. Macon. ....... State P. and D. O.._. 83. 33 mo. 3 mos. $ 249.96 M. G. Milne. ..... . ....... Stenographer (letters) __________________ ...... 5.20 Louise Nelson ____ ....... .Stenographer _________ 30.00 mo. 1 mo. 30.00 $ 285.16 P. AND D. O. NAVAL MILITIA: E. H. Baker 1 ............. Lt. Comdr ___________ _ 25.00 mo. 12 mos. $ 300.00 CAMP GLENN: T. M. Young ............. Caretaker, ___________ 75.00 mo. 12 mos. $ 900.00 D. S. Dixon. ............. Laborer ____ . ......... 55.00 mo. 12 mos. 660.00 $ 1,560.00 STATE ARSENAL: E. R. Blanton ...... . ..... Clerk ................. 125. 00 mo. 8 mos. $1,000.00 Edwin B. Haynes ........ Caretaker ............ 75. 00 mo. 105-6 mos. 812.50 BrascoeBell. ............. Clerk ................. 125. 00 mo. 1^ mos. 186.66 Walter Waddell _____ ...... Clerk.... ............. 60.00 m,o. 3^ mos. 200.00 J. W. Pike ......... _______ Guard ........... _____ 50.00 mo. 12 mos. 600.00 Ed. Smith ................ Laborer.. ............ l.SOd. 87 d. 130.66 Andy Barnes... .......... Laborer .............. l.SOd. Id. 1.80 R. E. Lee ................. Laborer .............. 1.75d. Id. 1.75 $ 2,933.37 REMOBILIZATION OF PROPERTY, N. G.: A. B. Waddell ......... ...Clerk ................. 45. 00 mo. 1 mo. $' 45.00 William Bickett ........... Clerk ............. ____ 45. 00 mo, 1 mo. 45.00 J. B. Thackston ........ ..Laborer ........... ... 19.04 J. R. Smith .......... _____ Laborer ........ ______ 13.60 Will X. Coley ............. Laborer.... ...... .... 19.04 Will Bowen ............... Laborer .............. 11.75 J. N. Bell ............ .....Laborer ............. . 17.64 E.H.Alexander ......... ..Laborer.. ............ 16.45 F. P. Hicks ............... Laborer ..... . ........ 16.45 J. M. Barbrey ........ ____ Laborer.. ............ 16.45 F. T. Dortch.._ ..... _____ Laborer .............. 19.04 William Graves ........ ...Laborer ____ ..... _____ 14.75 George B. Wynn .......... Laborer .............. 15.12 J. H. Britt ............... .Laborer .............. 20.65 !See Department of State Auditor. 6 82 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Rank or Rate Period of Amount Name and Department Designation of Pay Service Paid III MOBLIZATION OF PROPERTY, N. G. Con..' Little Laborer $ .16.45 E. V. Denton Laborer 16.45 W. S. Moseley Laborer I 2.00d. 6 d. 12.00 $ 334.88 1! i MOHILIZATION OF PROPERTY N M Mud Scott Laborer 2.00d. $ 12.38 A. F. Marcom Laborer.. 4.55 Alex. Gray Laborer 2.70 T. M. Wood Laborer 5.12 W. B. Smith C 2.50d. 2 d. 5.00 $ 29.75 I NfPl . TO! < ii.M.ic M.: Thomaa Strinnti.-l.l M:ij.r 1111.1. 77 d. $ 811.03 INSPECTORS-INSTRUCT* > llthd \\ym.r Stenograph !>., vires Dec. 1916-Mar. 1917 $ 74.55 Sri. i \L BOARD TO REVISE Mii.n i \ I \\\ : E. D. Kuykendall Major 4.00d. 20 d. $ 80.00 Thomas StringfH 1.1 \1 <j. i _ 4.00d. 20 d. 80.00 F. L. Page 1 4 00 d. 9 d. 36.00 J.K.Wilson Lieut... 4.00 d. 12 d. 48.00 Ge. --I. Major 4.00d. 10 d. 40.00 M. H. McKirnmon Stenographer 25.60 $ 309.60 EFFICIENCY BOARD: E. D. Kuykendall Major 4 00 d. 5 d. $ 20.00 Thomas Stringfield Major 4.00d. 5 d. 20.00 S. C. Chambers Major .00 d. 6 d. 24.00 L. P. McLendoni 1st Lieut .00 d. 5 d. 20.00 Baxtef Durham* Major .00 d. 2 d. 8.00 I I ; Carroll Stenographer 113.80 Hiram Stanley Captain .00 d. 6 d. 24.00 R.T.Daniel Major .00 d. 5 d. 20.00 W. G. Craven Captain 4.00d. 6 d. 24.00 PUBLIC UTILITY GUARD: W. R. Cox Captain J. W. Harrelson Captain EXAMINATION RECRUITS: W. C. Horton, M.D I 273.80 Pay-roll, 5th Co.,C.A.C.$ 2,413.56 Pay-roll, 1st Co., C.A.C. 2,637.86 $5,051.42 $ 171.00 .I neral Assembly House of Represent ;t; ''partment of State Auditor and Soldier- ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 83 Rank or Rate Period of Amount Name and Department Designation of Pay Service Paid SPECIAL DUTY OFFICERS: Baxter Durham 1 Major.. $ 8.33 d. 16 d. $ 133.30 William Audrey 1st Sergt 1.50d. 8d. 12.00 J. T. Gardner.. Colonel. 11.11 d. 38 d. 421.98 H. I. Clark Major 8.33 d. 15 d. 125.00 H. A. Newell Captain 6.67d. 2d. 13.33 L. P. McLendon 2 1st Lieut _ 5.56d. 16 d. 88.96 S. C. Chambers Major 8.33 d. 8d. 66.64 A. W. Freeman Captain 6.66d. 5d. 33.30 Francis M. Davis Captain 6.66d. 5d. 33.30 C. J. Hinson Captain 8.67d. 4d. 34.67 Wade H. Phillips Major 8.33 d. 8d. 66.66 Laurence W. Young Brig. Gen 16.67d. 43 d. 716.49 H. A. Whitsett Sergeant 1.67d. 10 d. 16.70 S. W. Minor Colonel 11.11 d. 14 d. 155.54 J. J. Bernard .Major... 8.33^d. 32 d. 350.00 H. A. Newell. Major 8.33 d. 4d. 33.33 J. A. Leonard.-. .Captain 6.67d. Id. 6.67 E. D. Kuykendall i. -Major 8.33 d. 16 d. 199.18 J. H. Howell .Major 8.33 d. 14 d. 118.62 E. B. Parish 1st Lieut 5.55 d. 2d. 11.10 E. D. Kuykendall Major.. 4.00d. 5 d. 20.00 R. O. Little. 2d Lieut 4.72d. Id. 4.72 C. H. Newby _ Captain 6.67d. 1 d. 6.67 A. L. Bulwinkle. .Captain 6.67d. 5d. 33.34 C. F. Lumsden 1st Lieut _ 5.56d. 16 d. 88.96 R. L. Flanigan r .Major _. 8.33 d. 10 d. 83.30 J. H. Koon _2d Lieut.... 4.72d. 4d. 18.88 D. E. Penland 1st Lieut 5.56 d. 4d. 22.24 C. J. Hinson .Captain 6.66d. 4d. 26.67 E. B. Parish ..1st Lieut _ 5.60d. 10 d. 56.00 C. L. Pridgen Major 8.33d. 2d. 16.66 Francis A. Macon.. Maj. Gen. (retired) .. 4.00d. 4d. 16.00 J. J. Bernard :.. .Captain 6.66 d. 7d. 46.66 B. F. Dixon Captain 6.67 d. Id. 6.67 $ 3,083.54 Total expenditures for all purposes $23,310.48 Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of the Adjutant General shall be $3,000 per annum. Revisal of 1905, s. 2750; 1907, c. 803; 1911, c. 110; 1915, c. 118. The Adjutant General may employ a janitor, whose salary shall be $10.50 per week. 1907, c. 989. Annual appropriation for National Guard, $65,000. 1917, c. 200. ^ee Department of State Auditor and Soldiers' Home. 2 See General Assembly House of Representatives. STATE'S PRISON (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Th<- State's Prison of North Carolina shall be governed and controlled by a board of directors which shall consist of a chairman and four other members, to be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Said board shall be so appointed during the session of the General Assem- bly of 1905, and every four years thereafter, and their term of office shall be four years, beginning on the 15th day of March next after their appointment. Revisal of 1905, s. 5384. The board of directors are authorized to employ such managers, wardens, physicians, supervisors, overseers, and other servants, or agents, as they may deem necessary for the management of the affairs of the State's Prison and the safe- keeping and employment of the convicts therein confined. They shall fr compensation of such servants or agents, prescribe their duties by proper rules and regulations, and may discharge them at will. Revisal of 1905, s. 5388. The members of the board of directors shall receive as compensation for their services $4 per day each, and "> cents per mile each way of travel, while in the dis- charge of their official duties; but the board may allow it.- chairman a salary in lieu of per diem and mileage, and confer such authority and impose such duties upon him in reference to the management of the institution as it may think proper. No member of the board of directors shall be eligible to any other office or em- ployment in connection with the State's Prison. Hcvisal of 1!" MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECT* fflfl II. H. Varner, Chairman ................................. Lexington A. E. Smith ......................................... Mount Airy \\. M. Sanders ..................................... _____ Smithfield B. F. Shelton ..................... . .................. _________ Sp, Frank Gough ................................. . ......... Lumberton Total Name Desiynntmn Rate for Year .1 K. Collie ................. Superintendent ...... _ ..... _____ $ 3,000.00 $ 3,308.33 K. 1 . McCulloch ............ Chief Clerk, C. P. and D. I.... 2,000.00 2,000.00 S. H. Strong ................ Assistant Clerk ............ _____ 900.00 900.00 Homer Peele 1 ............... Institutional Clerk, C. P. and D. 1 .......................... 100.00 100.00 J. R. Rogers Physicians to C. P. and D. I... 1,200.00 \^>. w. neii __-- A. W. Knox S. J. Busbee ................ Warden ......................... 1,890.00 G. C. Hayes ................ Deputy Warden.. ............. . . W. W. Dowtin .............. Steward.. ..................... . . _______ Miss Bertie Moore .......... Matron ............ ... .......... ". _______ Miss Ida Moore ......... ____ Assistant Matron ......... ______ . ....... Miss May Farlow ........... Assistant Matron ........ . .............. 'See Department of the State Treasurer. 1,200.00 1,800.00 458.23 4^4 M 352.00 160.00 236.90 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 85 Total Name Designation for Year Miss Ethel Farlow Assistant Matron $ 88.00 Overseers and Guards 5,984.56 $17,072.65 DANGEROUS INSANE I. H. Rogers _.. Attendant. $ 411.50 Mrs. I. H. Rogers..., Attendant. 340.12 Guards... 677.43 $ 1,429.05 CALEDONIA FARM, No. 1 C. N. Christian Supervisor _ $ 1,200.00 F. M. Register ___.] H. I. Clark [ Physicians 737.50 J. H. Norman _ j Rev. N. C. Hughes. ..Chaplain _. 275.00 D. R. Ball Steward 446.80 Overseers and Guards 9,97 .36 $12,638.66 CALEDONIA FARM, No. 2 C. J. Rhem ...Supervisor _$ 1,200.00 F. M. Register _ 1 H. I. Clark... \ Physicians... 737.50 J. H. Norman J Rev. N. C. Hughes .Chaplain _ 275.00 W. D. Brooks Steward 422.30 Overseers and Guards 9,802.12 $12,436.92 WHITNEY CAMP K. B. Ewing Supervisor ..1 .$ 1,190.00 J. R. Overton Steward. _ 260.29 Guards... .. 10,435.51 $11,885.80 HICKORY NUT GAP HIGHWAY H. T. Peoples ...Supervisor $ 900.00 A. E. Cole ..Steward 232.84 Guards 2,958.59 $ 4,091.43 86 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK RIDGECREST HIGHWAY Total Name Designation for Year D. B. Watson Supervisor $ 900.00 Troy Brooks. Steward 245 00 Guards.. . 2,733.21 $3,878.21 WATAUGA AND YADKIN RIVER RAILROAD I I Hitfht. Supervisor .$ 725.00 B. F. Huntley Steward , 222.65 Guards '. 2,070.97 $ 3,018.62 KI.KIN AND ALLI 'ill LN1 I: ULROAD W. L. Chaffin Supervisor $ 525.00 .). .1. Langston St. u.,nl Guardfl . 1,808.26 $ 2,555 76 ST\TI.S\ n.i.i; \n; I.IM i; ULROAD J. O. Gaither Supervisor $ 5 C. E. Baum Steward Guards... $ 2,044.87 Overseers are paid $35 per month. Guards are paid $27.50 p-r month. All guards who serve satisfactorily and continuously for twelve months are given a premium of $50 in :ullition to their salaries. BOARD OF DIRECTORS-EXPENSE ACCOVM MKMBERS OF BOARD PRIOR TO APRIL, 1917 H. B. Varner, Chairman ....$ 190.20 R. M. Chatham ] T. Gillam 170.00 N. E. Edgerton 43.32 K. M. Buckingham 67.00 $ 613.02 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 87 MEMBERS OF BOARD FROM APRIL TO NOVEMBER 30, 1917. H. B. Varner, Chairman $ t 327.60 A. E. Smith ' 318.80 W. M. Sanders _ I 230.50 B. F. Shelton _ 193.95 Frank Gough __ _ _ $ 1,070.85. Members of board receive $4 per day and 5 cents per mile traveled. TOTAL FOR STATE'S PRISON Administrative Department ..$17,072.65 Dangerous insane... _ 1,429.05 Caledonia Farm, No. 1 _ 12,638.66 Caledonia Farm, No. 2 12,436.92 Whitney Camp. 11,885.80 Hickory Nut Gap Highway _. 4,091.43 Ridgecrest Highway.... _ 3,878.21 Watauga and Yadkin River Railroad 3,018.62 Elkin and Alleghany Railroad 2,555.76 Statesville Air Line Railroad..... 2,044.87 Expense account board meetings. _ 1,070.85 $72,122.82 STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS (FOR VK\|{ l'.M)I\(i .\o\K\IBKR30, 1917) There shall be a State Board of Kl< < i-tinc of five electors, who shall In- appointed by the (lovrnii.r fr :i term of two years, an<l until t heir successors are :(]p)iiitc(l Mini qualify, :iml not mere t han three of them shall be of the same political party. Any vacancy occurring in tin- said hoard shall be filled b (!o\ernor, and t lie person SO appointed shall fill the unexpired term. The member.- of i he State IV. ard of elections shall receive in full compensa- tion for their services 4 per day for the tirre they are actually engaged in the ,\\^- char^e of their duiie>, together uith their actual traveling expenses, and such other BXpeiMM M MTC ' 'd incident to the discharge of the diiti< po>ed l,y the law relating t ., elect i, ,.,>. lleM-d <f l!d."), *s. 27(10,4300. Ml \!l',l KS OF I'.\1U) Wilson C. I. anil), Chairman \N illi:iri:ston I,' I'. Clayuell. -- \1 i.-M.loii .1. W. Pass Va.lkinville A. It. l''reeman. Henderson villo Clarence Call Wilkesboro Wilson G. Lamb, 88 days at $4..... $ 352.00 H. T. ( Maxwell. 7 days at $4 28.00 J. W. Pass, 15 days at $4 60.00 A. B. Freeman, 18 days at $4 72.00 W. S. Wilson, 1 services to board 68.00 M. DeLancey Haywood, 2 services to board 32.00 Miss Frances \\iUon, 1 >teno^i apher.. 27.50 $ 639.50 l See Historical Commission. 2 See Supreme Court Library. REVISAL COMMISSION (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) There is hereby created a joint legislative committee, consisting of two members of the Senate and three members of the House of Representatives, to be appointed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, whose duty it shall be, within sixty days after the ratification of this act, to meet in the city of Raleigh and provide for the compiling, collating, and revising of the public statutes of the State of North Carolina. Such Commission is author- ized and empowered to make such arrangements as it may deem necessary for the actual preparation of this work in order that it may be printed for considera- tion at the next session of the General Assembly. Said Commission is authorized, in its discretion, to select one or more persons, who shall be known as the Revision Commissioner, or the Revision Commissioners, whcse duty it shall be to compile, collate, and revise all of the public statute laws of this State now in force, in- cluding those which may be enacted during the present session of the General Assembly. For the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Legislative Revision Com- mission herein provided for, and for paying for compiling, collating, and revising the public statutes of North Carolina, and for such clerical assistance as may be necessary, there is hereby appropriated the sum of $10,000. 1917, c. 252. MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION Harry W. Stubbs, Chairman SENATE Lindsay C. Warren Washington Stable Linn _ Salisbury HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Harry W. Stubbs ..Williamston H. P. Grier _ Statesville Carter Dalton _ High Point Lindsay C. Warren, expenses and per diem _ .'._$ 140.45 Stable Linn, expenses and per diem _ _ 58.10 Harry W. Stubbs, expenses and per diem 84.00 H. P. Grier, expenses and per diem _ 51.20 Carter Dalton, expenses and per diem_ 1 _ 127.92 T. H. Calvert, 1 salary and expenses. _ 361.50 L. P. McGehee, salary and expenses... _ _ 535.00 Chloe Beckwith, services to Commission _ _ 150.00 Elizabeth Calvert, services to Commission _ 52.00 H. J. Campbell, services to Commission 20.00 Moses Shapiro, services to Commission _ 50.00 $ 1,630.17 *See Judges Superior Court and Historical Commission. FISHERIES COMMISSION BOARD (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) That for the purpose of enforcing the laws relating to all fish, there is hereby created a Fisheries Commission, which shall consist of five members appointed by the Governor, at least three of whom shall be from the several fishing districts of the State and shall have a practical knowledge or be familiar with the fishing industry, who shall be denominated the "Fisheries Commission Board." The members shall be appointed as follows: two, whose terms of office shall expire on the first day of June, 1917; and three, one of whom shall be a member of the minority party, whose term of office shall expire on the first day of June, 1919; ami their successors -hall be appointed by the Governor for a term of four years each thereafter. Tin- five members shall receive $4 per day each and traveling expenses \\hileattendintf meetings of the board: Provided, that the per diem and expenses shall not exceed $250 each per annum. That said board shall appoint a Fisheries Commissioner uithin thirty days after the passage of this act, and the -aid Commissi..nei shall be responsible to the Fisheries Commission Board for carrying out the dut ies of his office, and -hall make semiannual reports to them at Mich time as they may require. The term of office of said ( 'oinrnissioner and his successor in ollice shall be four years or until his successor is appointed and qualified, and in c.ise .,f vacancy in t he office, the app< int n:ent shall be to fill the vacancy. The said Commissioner may appoint two assistants by and with the consent of the Fisheries Comn.i.-sii n Board, who shall hold said offices at the pleasure of the Fisheries ( 'ommissioner and the board, whose duties shall be pre- scribed by the Fisheries Coinn.i-sioner. The aforesaid Commissioner and Assist- ant Commissioners shall receive such pay as the Fisheries Commission Board shall determine. During the absence of the Commissioner or his inability to act, i In Fisheries Commission Board shall appoint one of the Assistant Commissioners to have and exercise all the powers of the Commissioner. 1917, c. 290. The Fisheries Commissioner may appoint, with the approval of the Fisheries Commission Board, inspectors in each county having fisheries under his juris- diction, who will assist him at such times as he may require. The said inspector shall serve under the direction of the Commissioner, receiving compensation not to exceed $3 per day and necessary expenses while in actual service. 1915, c. 84. MEMBERS OF FISHERIES COMMISSION BOARD Ed. Chambers Smith, Chairman Raleigh A. V. Cobb Windsor S. P. Hancock Beaufort , E. H. Freeman Wilmington T. F. Winslow Hertford H. L. Gibbs, Fish Commissioner Oriental First: "The Fisheries Commission Board," consisting of five mem- bers, per diem $4 and traveling expenses not to exceed $250.00 for each $ 1,250.00 Second: One Fisheries Commissioner, salary per annum, traveling ex- penses in addition _ 1,800.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 91 Third: Two Assistant Commissioners, salary $1,500 each per annum (traveling expenses in addition) $ 3,000.00 Fourth: Twenty-two fish and oyster inspectors, whose time and employ- ment vary: Four whose salaries are $75 per month, three of whom are employed the entire year, salary for the three.. _$ 2,700.00 Two of these have been and are now being paid, since August 24, 1917, by the U. S. Government- 480 .00 Amount paid by the board _._ 2,220.00 One employed for eight months _ -.. 600.00 One whose salary is $70 per month, employed for eight months.... - -. .- 560.00 Four whose salary is $60; two employed the entire year - -- ---$ 1,440.00 ' One of these is now being paid and has been paid by the U. S. Government since September 10, 1917, amount 160.00 This one employee was never employed until September 10th. The board so far has paid nothing. The other one of these two began work April 3, 1917. Amount paid by the board - 474.00 One employed for five months.. 300.00 One employed for three months _ 180.00 Three whose salaries are $50 per month: One of these seven months at $50 $ 350.00 Four months at $25.... 100.00 His salary increased November 1st to $60 10.00 460.00 One eight months.. -.. 400.00 One entire year __ __ _ 600.00 Five whose salaries are $40. per month; one for five months. 200.00 Three employed for four months. 480.00 One employed for three months.. _ T _ T ..- 120.00 One whose salary is $35 per month, 12 months 420.00 Two whose salaries are $30 per month; one employed six months 180.00 One employed five months, salary raised November 20th to $70 ----- 196.00 Fifth: Three engineers whose salaries are $50 per month. Two of these are employed the entire year and have been paid by the U. S. Government since August 10, 1917; amount paid by the board _ - 834.33 One began work August 24th, and has been paid by the U. S. Government. Nothing by board so far. Four seamen and cooks whose salaries are $40 per month. One has been paid by the U. S. Government since August 4th. Amount paid by the board - 325.33 92 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK One has been paid by the U. S. Government since August 10th. Amount paid by the board $ 333.33 The other two have been paid by the U. S. Government MM their employment. One clerk in office whose salary is $40 per month, increased November 1st to $55. This salary has been paid by t fie U.S. ( lover nment , with the exception of the raise of $15, since .July I, 1917. Amount paid by b<i:inl - 295.00 rapher \vl... <\:> per month, raided to $50 October I.-l. Ann. nut paid by board 500.00 $15,727.99 Dl'TH.> 01 OF! [CERfi \\D BMPLO1 I First. The duties of the Fi -hei ie> ( ',,11111:1 .. r e >et f. rt h in tetfl of ' bly of North Carolina, Session of 191.'). chaj.ter M, as an ended ly chapter 290, Acts of 1'.I17. It is given jurisiliet i< -n over and < >ntr. 1 of all U "f the which is construed by -aid act, section J4. to include p rp..i-e> and other marine mammal.-, fishes. ni"llusea, ami . and all op-ration.- involved in usinn. setting or operating apparatus employed in killing < r taking the said animals or in transporting and preparing them f< r m The Fisheries Commie-ion Hoard also has authority and power to regulate, prohibit, or restrict, in time, place, character, and dimensions, the use of nets, appliances, apparatus, or means employed in taking U killing fish; to regulate the seasons at which the various specie- of fi.-h' may be taken in the several waters of the State and to prescribe the minimum si/.e of fish which may be taken in the several waters of the State. The board also has general supervision of the acts of the officers appointed by it and their substitute.- employed in the fishing industry of the State. The Fisheries Commission appoints a Fi.-heries Commi.-.-ioner \\ho is responsible to the board for the carrying out of the duties of his office as prescribed by the Acts of I'M.'), chapter 84. Second. COMMIS-K>\KH'S DUTIES. The Commissioner has authority to name and appoint two assistants to be approved by the board. He is responsible to the board for his acts in a lawful manner to carry out and enforce all the laws, rules, and regulations of the board pertaining to the fishing industry of the State; to -ee that all license and other lie collected and paid to the Treasurer. Third. The assistants' duties are to help the Commissioner in his duties. They are appointed by the Commissioner and commissioned by the board. The assistants' duties are preset ibed by the Com mis.-ioner, and they may be removed by him IIM, and may be relieved by the Commissioner and the board at any time when in their opinion their retention i.- not nece-.-ary in the intere-t of the in- dustry. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. 93 Fourth. INSPECTORS' DUTIES. It is the duty of the inspectors to observe and carry out all laws of the fishing industry, and the rules and regulations of the board relative thereto under the direction of the Commissioner. In many places there is little to do; in others there is much. Some have to give all their time; in other places there is but little to do. These inspectors are paid in accordance with the services necessary to perform the duties, the time, work, etc., considered. The State owns four boats, and in July, 1917, the Fisheries Board, through its Commissioner, made contract with the Navy Department to use said boats, the Navy Department agreeing to enlist and pay the crews of said boats and certain other expenses. These boats and crews were to do certain work for the United States Government, and at the same time do required work for the State in the fishing industry, and except in case of extreme emergency they are to operate under the orders and direction of the Fisheries Commissioner. This was an opportunity for the State to perform a patriotic duty to the Government and at the same time carry out the work of the fishing industry practically without any interruption. The engineers' and seamen's duties are to operate the boats under the direc- tion of the commander of the boats, who receives his orders from the commissioner. These enlisted men were selected and tendered for enlistment by the Commissioner from time to time as suitable men for various positions could be found. Hence the reason all were not enrolled at the same time. Appropriation, $10,000 annually. 1917, c. 193. AUDUBON SOCIETY OF NORTH CAROLINA (FoR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The Audubon Society is a corporation created by chapter 337 of the I Laws of 1903. Its officers shall be a president, vice president, secretary, and treas- urer, :ui(l such other officers as may be fixed by the by-laws. It shall prescribe the form of license for nonresident hunters to be issued by the clerks of the Superior Court upon the payment of the fees presn act. These fees are paid by the clerks of the court to the Treasurer of the for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of the law. The Governor, upon recommendation of the Audubon Society, shall, from time to time, appoint bird and K.IIIIO wardens and a treasurer of the s<>< Revisal of 1905, c. 40. OFFICERS Di. I!. II. Lewis President II. II. Hriml.-v.. Vice President I'. II. Vmieruood 8 I; \. I'.ioun .' Treasurer IAI;I> OF mm < TORS Melton \\. Clark Greensboro Brook ( i. Mm pic Wilmiim It. F. Shelton SP< W. H. Swift Greensboro Franklin Sherman, Jr _ Raleigh Amount Name Position Rate Paid R.E.Parker Secretary $ 100.00 mo. $ 800.00 G.A.Martin Secretary 83.33 mo. 363.87 Miss Placide Underwood.. .Stenograph!* :in.l <\t i a \\.rk 182.50 II. H.Walton 15.00 \\. .F. \\eatherly 200.00 J. S. Gaither 52.50 T. R. Parker C. D. Storey B. F. Clegg G. R. Chatfield 37.50 J. W. Ward 5.00 W. N. Canada 5.00 J. A. Dark ..-. N. D. Harris 45.00 David Knight 280.00 C. W. Hanks 27.50 E. H. Webb 10.00 Ernest Raines 10.00 $2,169.07 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Total for Year $ 1,200.00 1,080.00 962.00 910.00 910.00 1,300.00 910.00 936.00 210.00 390.00 758.00 472.00 514.50 514.50 179.92 728.00 728.00 754.00 814.35 559.92 $14,831.19 Salaries authorized by the following laws: The salary of the Keeper of the Capitol, or Superintendent of the Public Buildings and Grounds, shall be $1,200 per annum. Revisal of 1905, s. 2806; 1907, c. 989; 1915, c. 150. The custodian of the Administration Building shall receive as compensation for his services the sum of $90 per month. 1913, c. 96. The night watchman, janitor of the Capitol building, and gardener of the Capitol Square shall receive $2.50 per day. 1907, c. 830; 1909, c. 797; 1915, c. 232. The janitor of the Capitol shall receive $1 per week for attending to and keep- ing clean the water-closets in the Capitol building. 1909, c. 826. !See Legislative Department Contingent Account, and State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. 2 See Legislative Department Contingent Account. 3 Added to pay roll and salary fixed by Board of Public Buildings and Grounds July 12, 1917. increased from $7, April 1, 1917. Increased from |9, April 1, 1917. Name Designation T. R. Robertson Superintendent _ _$ George F. Kennedy Custodian Administration Bldg W. D. Terry 1 Janitor Capitol Building __. W. J. Bridgers 2 Night Watchman Capitol Bldg W. D. Lambert Gardener, Capitol grounds C. R. King 2 Engineer, Central Heating Plant__ W. C. Horton 2 ..Assistant Engineer, Central Heat- ing Plant _ E. E. Barrow Custodian, State Departments Building _ _ Wesley Moseley ...Janitor, State Departments Bldg._ Edward Barrow .Elevator Operator __ G. G. Kennedy Watchman, Administration Bldg. .. R. P. Upchurch .Elevator Operator. _ Alpheus Branch Laborer.Administration Bldg Handy Lee Laborer, Administration Bldg C. W. H. Creighton Watchman, State Departments Building _. J. F. Medlin Gardener at mansion E. H. Aycock Watchman at mansion Servant hire for mansion _ Miscellaneous labor, mansion, Capitol grounds, etc._ Commutation for employees Rate 100. 00 mo. 90.00 mo. 18.50wk. 17.50wk. 17.50wk. 25 .00 wk. 17.50wk. l-8.00wk. siO.SOwk. 7.50wk. 14.00wk. *10.50wk. 610.50wk. 510.50wk. 3.46wk. H.OOwk. 14.00'wk. 14.50wk. 96 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK The Board of Public Buildings and Grounds is authorized to employ a cus- todian for the State Departments Building at a salary not to exceed $18.00 per week, and a janitor at a salary not to exceed $17 per week, and an elevator opera i a salary not to exceed $7.50 per week. 1915, c. 187. The duties and salaries of the engineer and fireman for the central heat inn plant shall be fixed by the Board of 1'uhlic Buildings and Grounds. Ex. 1913, c. 59. The night watchman at the Supreme Court room shall receive a salary of $14 per week. 1907, c. 830. The night watchman at the Department of Agriculture shall receive a salary of $60 per month, to be paid out of funds belonging to said department. 1907, o. 830. The night watchman at the Governor's Mansion shall receive $14 per week, to be paid by the State Treasurer. 1907, c. 820. The Keeper of the Capitol shall have the right to appoint and control all law- ful subordinates, such as watchmen of (lie Capitol, workmen on the grounds, and domestic servants for the Executive Mansion: Provided, that the. comj t.inn of said domestic servants shall not exceed $750 per annum. Revisal of 1905, s. 5006; 1909, c. 860. The custodian of the Administration Building is empowered to employ such laborers and Militant! as may be needed to keep the said building clean and to run the elevator^: Protidtd, that tl.t nuinliT i.f laborers and the wages paid >hall 1-c approved }>\ the Hoard o! Public HuiluinKs and Grounds, to be paid by the Keeper of the Capitol as other laborer.- an- paid. Ex. 1913, c. 67. FIREMEN'S RELIEF FUND (Fern YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The sum of $2,500 is hereby appropriated annually and shall constitute a "Firemen's Relief Fund." Revisal of 1905, s. 4391. The Treasurer of the State shall pay the amount constituting the Firemen's Relief Fund on the warrant of the Auditor, one-fourth to the treasurer of the North Carolina State Volunteer Firemen's Association properly chartered by law, and three-fourths to the treasurer of the North Carolina State Firemen's Associa- tion. The said treasurer of the North Carolina State Volunteer Firemen's Asso- ciation shall give bond, and the said association shall disburse the fund in the same manner and under the same rules as the North Carolina State Firemen's Association. Revisal of 1905, s. 4392. NORTH CAROLINA STATE VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION J. S. Plummer, President _ $ 75.00 J. G. Latta, Treasurer _ _. 94.50 C. S. L. A. Taylor, Secretary 156.64 Peter Collins, Assistant Secretary 40.00 $ 366.14 NORTH CAROLINA STATE FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION Charles Schnibben, Treasurer.. ..... .. 200.00 Total salaries paid from Firemen's Relief Fund $ 566.14 STATE STANDARD KEEPER (FoR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) T. F. Brockwell $ 100.00 The State Standard Keeper shall be allowed such compensation for his services as the Governor shall deem adequate, not exceeding $100 a year. Revisal of 1905, s. 2759. i. i; TOTAL FOR ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTS. BOARDS. AND COMMISSIONS Department of Agriculture $ 160,417.54 I )epart ment of ( Corporation Commission 27,054.32 Depart ment of St;it<- Tax ( 'on i mission 13,078.00 Department of I .:ihor :i nd I'rinl ing__ 6,612.90 Department of I nsura n<:e 24,877.00 North Carolina Historical Commission.. 9,771.64 State Library 3,870.00 Library ('ommission of North Carolina.. 2,681.82 North Carolina State Board of Health 32,525.72 State Laboratory of Hygiene. 11,905.03 State Board of Charities and Public \\Vlfnre 2,183.96 North Carolina Geological and Kronom 10.106.85 S.tate Highway Commission 13,394.76 Board of Internal Improvements 1,290.00 Department of the Adjutant General 23,310.48 State's Prison 72,122.82 State Board of Flections 639.50 Revisal Connniion 1,630.17 Fisheries Commission Board... 15,727.99 Audubon Society of North Carolina 2,169.07 Department of Public Buildings and Grounds 14,831.19 Firemen's Relief Fund _ 566.14 State Standard Keeper 100.00 Total $ 450,866.90 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA (FOR YEAR ENDING AUGUST 14, 1917) The General Assembly shall have power to provide for the election of trustees of the University of North Carolina, in whom, when chosen, shall be vested all the privileges, rights, franchises, and endowments thereof, in anywise granted to or conferred upon the trustees of such University; and the General Assembly may make such provisions, laws and regulations, from time to time, as may be necessary and expedient for the maintenance and management of such University. The General Assembly shall provide that the benefits of the University, as far as practicable, be extended to the youth of the State free of expense for tuition; also that all the property which has heretofore accrued to th6 State, or shall hereafter accrue, from escheats, unclaimed dividends, or distributive shares of the estates of deceased persons, shall be appropriated to the use of the University; and the General Assembly shall establish and maintain, in connection with the University, a department of agriculture, of mechanics, of mining, and of normal instruction. Revisal of 1905, s. 4259. The Governor shall preside at all the meetings of the board at which he may be present; and if, by indisposition or other cause, the Governor shall be absent from any meeting of the board, he may appoint, in writing, some pther person, being a trustee, to act in his stead for the time being, which appointee shall preside accordingly; and if at any time the Governor shall be absent from the meeting of the board and shall not have appointed some trustee to act in his stead, it shall be lawful for the board to appoint some one of their number to preside for the time being. Revisal of 1905, s. 4263. The trustees shall have the power of appointing a president of the University of North Carolina and such professors, tutors, and other officers as to them shall appear necessary and proper, whom they may remove for misbehavior, inability, or neglect of duty; and they shall have the power to make all such laws and regu- lations for the government of the University and preservation of order and good morals therein as are usually made in such seminaries, and as to them may appear necessary, provided the same are not contrary to the inalienable liberty of a citi- zen or to the laws of the State. And the faculty of the University, that is to say, the president and professors, by and with consent of the trustees, shall have the power of conferring all such degrees or marks of literary distinction as are usually conferred by colleges or universities. Revisal of 1905, s. 4264. The trustees shall have power to appoint from their own number an executive committee which shall be clothed with such powers as the trustees may confer Revisal of 1905, s. 4267. There shall be one hundred trustees of the University of North Carolina whose term of office shall be eight years, and who shall be elected by joint ballot of both houses of the General Assembly as and when the terms of the present incumbents respectively expire. Sixteen of such trustees shall be selected from points con- veniently accessible to the seat of government and the University. In such one 102 H (' VKOLIIS \ J'.i.ri I{<M.K hundred trustee- shall he voted all the rights, privileges, franchi-e-. :.nd endow- ments in anywise grunted tu or conferred upon the tru.-tees of the t'niver.-it y of North Carolina. Hevisal of 1905, s. 4268; 1917, c. 47. Whenever a tru.-tee shall fail to he present for two .-.iicceive years at t he regular meeting- of the hoard, his plaee as .-uch trustee shall he deen ed vacant. and tin- Ceneral . V-sernhly, upon being notified thereof hy the M-eret ary , .-hall proceed to fill the same as \& now provided in rase of other vaeaneies. I;. of 1905, s. 4271; 1907, c. 828. Whenever any vacancy shall happen in the board of trustees it shall he the duty of t he secret ary of t he hoard of t r us tees to communicate to the C ieneral Assem- bly tiie existence of such vacancy, and thereupon there shall lie elected hy joint hallot of hot h houses a suitable person to fill t he same. Revival of 1905, 8. J- The trustees shall have power to make such rules and regulations for the management of the I 'niversity as they may deem ncce->;n\ :md expedient, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the.-' d of I'Mi'i. .- Annual appropriation, $165,000. 1917, c. 193. I'.oAKD OF ri: i STEE8 < T ill I. i NIVERSITi OF \< n: m CAROLINA T \\. Mickett. Raleigh. .1 Y . Joyner, Raleigh. ' I rlix Harvey, l\ Miston. Dr. Kemp P. Kattle. Chapel Hill. Hennehan Cameron. Stajrville. A. H. Mller. Winston-Salem. John \\ . I-'ries, \\inston-Salem. Stanly \\inhorne. M urfreeshoro. W. L. Hill. Warsaw. George A. Holderness, Tarhoro. ( Iraharn Kenan, \\ ilminuton. John Lamb. \\ illiamston. Dr. H. H. I.euis. Kah-iuh. ( 'hase Hicni/er, ( 'harlot te. K. I). W. Conn..r, Raleigh. A. ( !. Manmun, ( Jastoiiia. James S. Manning, HaleiKh. John A. I'arker. ( 'harlot te. ( Jeor^re M. I'ritchard. Marshall. Thomas D. Warren, New Hern. W. 1 rank Taylor, Goldsboro. John K. Wilson. Kli/abrth City. David C. Barnes, Mui ticesboro. John H. Williams. Clayton. Dr. E. A. Abernathy, Chapel Hill. Julian S. ( 'arc, Durham. Josephus Daniels. Washington, D. ('. A. W. ( Jraham. < >\ford. J. Mryan (liimes. Maleijrh. .John S. Cunningham, Durham. i Oscar Atkin^.n. Kl.-n Bryant, Durham. \\ r My num. ( ,: W H. S liuriruyn. \\eld.m. Leonard Tutt-. Pine!,.. i: r. i;-d\\ ii,e. M J. W. (iraham, Ilillsh Marmaduke Hawkin.-. R idireway. .i I Bi tin ( it '.i'\-iiie. Walter Murphy. Salisbury. I! 8 Hutchison, Chai . Dr. Char!.- Lee Smith. Haleinh. John N. \\il-on. (Ireensboro. Z. \'. Wal.-er. Lexington. Charles Whe.lhee. Hertford. Dr. \\. T. \\hitsett. Whi I-'rancis D. \\inston. \\ind.-or. Charles W. Worth. Wilmington. (Iraham Woodard. \\ilson. Leslie Weil. Coldshoro. Thomas H. Mattle, Rocky Mount. James M. Carson, Hutherfordton. J. L. Patterson. Roanoke Rapids. Fred J. Coxe. \Vade>h \\. R. Dalton, Reidsville. Claudius Dockery, Troy. i; A Doughton, Sparta. Dr. Robert C. Kllis. Shelby. \\illiam N. i kingham. James A. dray. Jr.. U inston-Salem. STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 103 Luther T. Hartsell, Concord. Perrin Busbee, Raleigh. John W. Hinsdale, Jr., Raleigh. Franklin P. Hobgood, Oxford. William Stamps Howard, Tarboro. Paul J. Long, Jackson. George M. Rose, Fayetteville. George C. Green, Weldon. James Sprunt, Wilmington. A. W. McLean, Lumberton. George Stephens, Charlotte. R. D. W. Connor, Secretary C. G. Wright, Greensboro. Thomas J. Gold, High Point. A. M. Scales, Greensboro. John Sprunt Hill, Durham. James D. Proctor, Lumberton. Charles C. Loughlin, Wilmington. A. H. Price, Salisbury. George B. McLeod, Lumberton. C. A. Jonas, Lincolnton. Haywood Parker, Asheville. D. F. Ray, Fayetteville. Salary per year, $100. l OFFICERS, FACULTY, AND EMPLOYEES Annual Name Position Salary Andrews, T. M Assistant _$ 65.00 Armstrong, R Assistant 75.00 Auld, B. L Instructor 500.00 Baity, H. G Assistant. 400.00 Ballew, R. D Assistant 75.00 Barbee, C .Janitor 180.00 Beard, J. G Assistant Professor 1,350.00 Bell, J. M Professor 2,000.00 Bernard, W. S Professor. 1,750.00 Bobbitt, L. M Assistant _ 80.00 Booker, J. M.. Professor 800.00 Branson, E. C Professor 2,500.00 Brown, K. J Associate Professor 1,750.00 Bullitt, J. B ..Professor.. 2,400.00 Burgess, W. G ..Stenographer 225.00 Broughton, N. B ..Music 150.00 Bynum, J. C Assistant.. 50.00 Cain, William Professor 2,500.00 Caldwell, W Janitor 180.00 Campion, J. L Instructor 1,200.00 Cannon, D. L Infirmary .. 50.00 Campbell, H. J Stenographer 180.00 Carter, D. V... Assistant. 50.00 Chase, H. W ....Professor 2,250.00 Cobb, Collier ...Professor. 2,500.00 Coker, W. C Professor 2,250.00 Coulter, V. A Instructor 700.00 Crooke, H. L ....Assistant 50.00 Currie, C Secretary to President 315.00 Daggett, P. H Professor 2,250.00 Dargan, H. M Instructor.... 1,200.00 Devereux, R. E .Assistant 150.00 Dey, W. W Professor. : 2,250.00 Dobbins, C. N.... ...Assistant.... 100.00 Historical Commission. \m:i ii ( ' \i:m.i \ \ I'.i.i i: ROOK Annual Name Position Salary Durham, R Janitor $ 180.00 Eagle, W. W Assistant 100.00 Eagle, D. E Assistant 50.00 Eaton, P Assistant 180.00 Forester, N. P Associate 1,750.00 Forney, A. C Assistant 100.00 Graham, M. K President 4,000.00 Greenlaw, E. A Professor 2,500.00 Qwyn, R Janitor 90.00 Hamilton, J. G. deR Professor 2,250.00 Hanfonl, J. II Associate Professor 2,000.00 Harding, W. R Assistant 250.00 Harper, \\ . T Assistant 220.00 Hanrr, <!. A... Instructor 1,000.00 Han-is, J. E Assistant 72.00 llappcl, A. P Instructor 1,200.00 Henderson, Archibald Professor 2,250.00 Hrnry, (J. K. C Assistant 1,250.00 Hickerson, T. E. Associate Prof essor. ... . _ 1,600.00 Ilildcbrand, P Assistant 225.00 Hobbs, S. H., Jr.. Instructor 400.00 Holland, C. A Assistant 150.00 llokc, C. B Instructor 900.00 Howe, George Professor 2,400.00 Howell, E. V Professor 2,500.00 Hurt, I. H Assistant 120.00 James, R. L Assistant Professor 1,350.00 Johnston, J. H Assistant Professor 1,250.00 Johnson, A Janitor 225.00 Jones, Miss A Nurse, Infirmary 755.00 Jones, M Janitor 180.00 Jones, S .Janitor 180.00 Jones, Z. B Assistant 150.00 Jordan, S. C 1 Assistant 72.00 Kcmlrick, F. E Assistant 50.00 Keyes, C. W Instructor 1,000.00 Kirk, W. W Instructor 600.00 Lasley, J. W .Instructor 1,000.00 Lasley, R. L Assistant 100.00 Lawson, R. B Associate Professor 1,750.00 Ledbetter, E. D Assistant 80.00 Mac-kie, E. L Assistant 50.00 MacNider, W. B Physician and Professor 2,850.00 Mallet, Miss M Stenographer 360.00 Mangum, C. S Professor and Physician 2,950.00 Manning, I. H Dean and Physician 2,950.00 Markham, B Assistant 100.00 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 105 Annual Name Position Salary Matthews, R Assistant $ 120.00 Merritt, W Janitor 180.00 Merritt, R Janitor 360.00 Merritt, C .Janitor 180.00 Miller, C. C Assistant 50.00 Mock, H. B Assistant _ 75.00 Moffat, J. S. ..Assistant. 300.00 Morgan, P. B..__ Janitor 90.00 McCaulay, G Janitor 180.00 McGehee, L. P .Professor... 2,500.00 McKie, G. M _. .Associate Professor 1,600.00 Mclntosh, A. C Professor 2,400.00 McKnight, R. B... ....Assistant 120.00 Neely, W. S _ .Assistant 247.50 Noble, M. C. S.... Professor 2,500.00 Patterson, A. H .Professor 2,500.00 Pickard, Miss B.. Assistant..... 225.00 Pickard, Miss M Assistant 300.00 Pickard, G. C ...Campus Foreman 720.00 Pierson, W. W., Jr.... Instructor 1,200.00 Pratt, J. H Professor 250.00 Price, H Janitor 180.00 Price, J. V., Jr Assistant 120.00 Rankin, E. R Assistant - 1,500.00 Rankin, W. W. ...Instructor.... 1,000.00 Raper, C. L Professor 2,500.00 Roberson, Miss N Stenographer 405.00 Rymer, W. C Assistant. ...I 400.00 Scott, J. W Assistant 300.00 Siddall, R Assistant 120.00 Smith, J. E Instructor 900.00 Stacy, M. H Dean and Professor.... 2,750.00 Staples, E. I... .Instructor 1,000.00 Spann, L. L .Janitor 225.00 Stedman, J. M., Jr .-. Instructor. 1,100.00 Stewart, Ed. S Janitor.... 270.00 Stone, A. I Assistant 400.00 Strudwick, N. S Assistant 800.00 Terry, J. S.. Assistant 150.00 Thornton, R. H Instructor 1,000.00 Totten, H. R ..Instructor . 750.00 Towels, O ..Associate Professor 1,750.00 Toy, W. D ....Professor 2,500.00 Turlington, E. W Instructor _ 800.00 Venable, F. P Professor 2,500.00 Wagstaff, H. M ..Professor 2,250.00 Walker, N. W Professor 2,500.00 KM; Xninn ('AKOI.INA BLUE BOOK Annual Name Position Salary Warren, J. A Treasurer $ 2,000.00 \Vli.-clrr, A. S Professor 2,000.00 \\illi.-u, ,>. I. A Professor 2,000.00 \Villi:m..s. H. H.___ Professor. 2,500.00 Wilson, H. V Professor 2,500.00 \\il.-.m, T. J. RegiHtrar 2,100.00 Wilson, L. R A Librarian and Director of Extension... 2.. Winston, P. H Professor 2,250.00 Woolen, C. T Business M:m:iu-r 2,500.00 \Voot cn, I 1 ...Assistant.... 25.00 T..t:il $ 142,656 50 NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING (FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1917) The management and control of the college shall be vested in a board of trustees to consist of sixteen members, representing the agricultural and other industries of the State, who shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Governor shall be ex officio president of the board. The new members shall be appointed by the Governor with the advice and con- sent of the Senate. Four of the said trustees shall be appointed for a term of eight years; four for a term of six years; four for a term of four years, and four for a term of two years. The length of the term of each member shall be designated by the Governor. As the terms of these members first appointed under this act expire, their successors and all trustees appointed thereafter shall be appointed for a term of eight years. The board may elect a president pro tern., who shall preside in the absence of the Governor, and this board shall exercise all the powers and be subject to all the duties imposed by this subchapter. If any trustee shall fail to attend the sessions of the board for one year, without furnishing good ex- cuse for his absence, his place shall be deemed vacant. All vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Governor, as provided by law as to vacancies in the Board of Agriculture. The board of trustees shall annually make a report to the Governor concerning the work and requirements of the institution and of the receipts and expenditures of all funds, which he shall transmit biennially to the Legislature. Revisal of 1905, s. 4210. The board shall meet annually in the city of Raleigh, or at the college, at such time as it may fix, and at such other times as it may deem expedient for the good of the college, but not oftener than three times a year. It shall elect from its members an executive committee of five persons, one of whom shall be president pro tern., which committee shall meet at the call of the president and perform such duties as may be assigned them. The Governor or president of the board shall call the first meeting of the board at such time as he deems fit. The members of the board shall receive the same mileage and per diem as is allowed members of the Board of Agriculture. Revisal of 1905, s. 4211. The board shall have power to appoint the president, professors, in- structors, and other officers and servants, as they deem necessary and proper, whom they may remove for misbehavior, inability, neglect of duty, or other good reason, and to make such laws and regulations for the government of the insti- tution as may appear to them necessary for the preservation of order and good morals therein, and as are usually made in such institutions and are not con- trary to the Constitution and laws of this State. The president and instructors, under the direction and supervision of the trustees, shall' have power to confer such degrees or certificates of proficiency or marks of merit as may be deemed proper, and to arrange curriculum of the college into courses of study necessary to be pursued in order to obtain the re- spective degrees provided for by the board. Revisal of 1905, s. 4215; 1907, c. 406; 1917, c. 111. Annual appropriation, $122,500. 1917, c. 193. HiX NOIM ii (' \i:m IN \ Hi. r i I ',no K BOARD OF TRUSTEES W. H. Ragan, Chairman High Point O. L. Clark Clarkton R. H. Ricks Rocky Mount C. W. Gold Greensboro C. E. Thompson Elizabeth City W. B. Cooper Wilmington A. M. Dixon Gastonia W. E. Daniel Weldon T. T. Thorne Rocky Mount T. E. Vann Como P. S. Boyd Mooresvill. 1>. I' N'.land Crabtree M Ii. Stickley Concord T. T, I'.allenger Tryon \\. II. Uilli:iM,,,,n _ H-.Iritfh \V. H. Bonsall Hamlet STATEMENT OF SALARY AND LABOR DISBURSEMENTS SUMMARY I )i.-,l)in>(Miu Mils for Salaries and Labor by the Educational Division, Schedule "A" $ 126,392.64 Investigation and Research I)ivi>i.n, the N. C. Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Schedule "B" " 24,476.14 Agricultural Extension and Demonstration Division, Schedule "C" 46,514 .54 Total Salaries and Labor Disbursed by the College for UK- y<-:ir $ 197,383 .32 EDUCATIONAL DIVISION SCHEDULE "A" (Supported by State and Federal Funds) For Administration (Abstract "1") $ 14,561.77 Operation and Maintenance (Abstract "2") 23,921.32 Instruction in (Abstract "3") Agriculture $ 24,450.95 Mechanic Arts 30,091.15 English Language 1 6,827.50 Mathematical Science 6,500.00 Natural and Physical Sciences 16,889.9.5 Economic Sciences 600.00 Military Science and Tactics 1,050.00 Modern Languages 1,500.00 87,909.55 Total for Educational Division I 126,392.64 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 109 THE NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DIVISION RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATION DIVISION SCHEDULE "B" (Entirely supported by Federal funds) For Administration (Abstract "4") $ 1,440.01 Investigational Work by (Abstract "5") Animal Industry Department _ $ 3,859.71 Agronomy _ 6,728.47 Biology _.._. 3,612.37 Chemistry 4,065.13 Entomology 1,050.00 Horticulture .' 2,033.20 Poultry 1,435.50 Veterinary 251.75 23,036.13 Total for Research and Investigation Division _ $ 24,476.14 THE AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION DIVISION EXTENSION AND DEMONSTRATION DIVISION SCHEDULE "C" (Supported by State and Federal funds) For Administration (Abstract "6") $ 4,243.65 Printing and Distribution Publications (Abstract "7") 725.50 Demonstration Work by (Abstract "8") Agronomy Department $ 4,275.98 Animal Diseases Department 267.75 Bee-keeping Department _ 145.88 Beef Cattle and Sheep Department 1,650.00 Boys' Club Department _ 3,579.20 Cotton Grading and Marketing 3,388.85 County Agents Department _ _ 6,427.75 Dairy Extension Department 2,120.84 Drainage Extension Department 200.00 Fruit and Truck Department. 1,500.00 Home Economics Department _ 15,854.14 Negro Boys' Club Department 1,335.00 Rural Communities Department 800.00 41,545.39 Total for Extension and Demonstration Division $ 46,514.54 110 \m;i II (' \\iu\.\ \ \ Hi. i i I;,M, K ADMINISTRATION i KACT "1" \" h'nt, /'/,/ Ottar Sources \\ ' Uiddi.-k President $ 4,500.00 $ 4,5(Ki no Isabel Hii.^ln , i.l.-nt . 7:.< m. Hiixton \\hitc._ ... Alumni Srcy. to President . 1.200. oo 819.45 \ I K .\\i-n Hm>:ir ami Pur- ehuiBcArml 1,7*0.00 1,750.00 tatl n * A. Thompson Cl.i.-fCl.-rkir. Bur- Office .. L $255 En.ily IV BftyWOOd M.M, :ui(l ClcTk, Bunar'tOffiffl . 100.00 100.00 * UtIon |1800 Owen KoKiHtrar 1,700.00 1.700.00 * H. I-. Hayrs. CN-rk. I nili. 116.66 J. G. Carroll Clk., Hcu < )llin- Adelaid StephenBOD elk.. !<:. oui.-.- 'r.-inp. r.-ti\ 140.00 \Nilla .Ii.IH'S (Mk.. Kru. Oflii-r i I I r, ID \\. I). . lo IMIM..M . ( Mk.. K.-U. ( >lficc Tnii|H,i :u y A. I., lluinpl.n-y Clk.. I! Kllrn Kiiiu Clk.. IJrtr ( Mlin- . 840.00 .!(>< StrphriiM.M - Xiirht \\:itchin:ui .'i(K).00 $75.00 F. M. li.M.kcr NJKht Waicluiiaii Lion $25.00 S i i in \ i I . \ nnu: luspcci . i > lixteen 915.50 OHirrr i.f i he Day -SI p-r day) J50.00 Mi.-crllaiicou.s .l>y lioiir and day) l,m HOAHDOI 'l'i<t>iii> pn (linn and expanses): \\. II. EUfan _ 296.99 0, L.Clark. 233.20 K. H. Kick.- 71.80 C. W. Cold (Salary a> S.-nctury, $100).. J13.00 C. E. Thoiiipson 66.00 \v. H. Cooper 20.00 \ M. l)i\..ii 27.60 W. E. Daniel :: T. T. Thome I E, Vaiin 85.00 IV 8, Hoyd 27.70 D. H. Xoland 48.10 M. M. Btickley M. i i:.-id .... a I I. Hallrimi-r \\. 11. Williamson 12. nn CoMMI.N. I. Ml \ I I Sprakro and Ent <-rt aintncnt Total for Adinini.-tration Jl ; STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 111 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ABSTRACT "2" BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Name Designation Rate Paid Other Sources F. Stanger Supt. Buildings $ 900.00 $ 900.00 Allen Haywood Head Janitor 540.00 540.00 Sixteen other janitors 4,000.00 3,717.63 Labor by day and hour on campus 1,204.35 Labor by day and hour, repairs to bldgs 1,414.19 CENTRAL HEAT, POWER, AN LIGHTING PLANT: Raymond Marshall.. Chief Engineer 840.00 840.00 J. B. Montford. Asst. Engineer 600.00 450.00 Three stokers by day and hour 1,600.00 1,478.75 Extra labor handling coal _ 50.75 Labor in Electric Lights department 141.28 LIBRARY DEPARTMENT: Mrs. C. M. Williamson, Librarian _ 750.00 750.00 Y. M. C. A. DEPARTMENT: J.J.King Secretary. 1,000.00 1,000.00 Y. M. C. A. membership. LYCEUM AND LECTURES DEPARTMENT (Supported by Student fees): Lyceum entertainments 420.00 INFIRMARY (Supported by Student Hospital fees): Mrs. Ella Harris Matron.. 750.00 750.00 Dr. H. B. Haywood-.Physician 1,200.00 1,200.00 Two hospital servants 315.00 315.00 Board for Matron and servants 131.90 BOARDING DEPARTMENT (Supported by Student payments for board): A. B. Hurley Steward 1,000.00 1,000.00 House rent for Steward 225.00 Mrs. H. A. Hayes Housekeeper 500.00 500.00 Labor for actual time by day and hour . 4,817.75 ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT (Supported by Student fees and gate receipts): Coach 1,800.00 Labor... 274.72 Total for Operation and Maintenance $23,921.32 INSTRUCTION IN AGRICULTURE ABSTRACT "3" AGRONOMY DEPARTMENT: Name Designation Rate Paid Other Sources C. L. Newman Professor $ 2,375.00 $ 2,375.00 E. A. Hodson Instructor Temporary 85.00 J. O. Ware Instructor 850.00 785.00 Labor by day and hour 279.97 112 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK lIoKTICDLTORAli DEPARTMENT: Name Designation Rale Paid Other Sources C. J. Hayden ......... Instructor .......... 1,300.00 1,083.33 T-:tl)or in Vineyard, Garden, and Orchard ________ 1,162.07 DAIRY AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY DEPARTMENT: T. C. Reed ........... Professor ........... 2,100.00 2,158.33 D. G. Sullins ......... Instructor .......... 1,200.00 1,200.00 Nellie Fort ........... Clerk ............... 420.00 420.00 Station $420.00 Labor in Dairy, Barns, and Farm ............... 5,416.60 VETERINARY SCIENCE AND MEDICINE DEP.MM , . G. A. Roberts.. ...... Professor ........... 1,850.00 1,850.00 \^ &t \Exten. 100.00 J. J. Handley ........ Instructor .......... 1,500.00 675.00 Exten. $125.00 S.A.Alexander ...... Instructor .......... 700.00 420.00 L. F. Koonce ......... Instructor .......... Temporary 61.00 R. B. Stotesbury ..... Instructor .......... Temporary 43.75 Labor by day and hour ......................... . 28.85 SOILS DEPARTMENT: M. E. Sherwin ........ Professor ........... 1,950.00 1,950.00 T.H.Stafford ........ Instructor .......... 1,000.00 1,000.00 C.W.Stanford ....... Student Assistant.. 90.00 90.00 N. W. Weldon ........ Student Assistant.. 90.00 90.00 Labor by day and hour ____ ...................... 12.05 POULTRY INDUSTRY AWD SCIENCE DEPARTMENT: B. F. Kaupp ......... Professor ........... 1,000.00 1,000.00 Station $1,300.00 J. E. Ivey ............ Student Assistant.. 150.00 150.00 P. S. White ........... Student Assistant.. 250.00 250.00 George Evans, labor ...................... 90.00 90.00 Total for Instruction in Agriculture. $24,450.95 INSTRUCTION IN MECHANIC ARTS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: ABSTRACT "3" Name Designation Rate Paid H. E. Satterfield Professor $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 W. T. Ellis Associate Professor 1,800.00 1,800.00 L. L. Vaughan Assistant Professor 1,600.00 1,600.00 C. B. Park Instr. Machine Shop and Asst. in Power Plant. 1,800.00 1,800.00 F. B. Wheeler.-. Instr. Wood Shop and Pattern Making 1,35000 1,350.00 H. B. Briggs Instr. Mech. Drawing 1,000.00 1,000.00 W. D. Martin Instr. Wood Shop. 700.00 700.00 M. L. Thornburg Instr. Forge Shop, Foundry, and Tat tern Making 1,000.00 1,000.00 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 113 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Con.: Name Designation Rate Paid W. G. Richardson ........ Instr. Mech. Drawing .......... $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 M. C. S. Bledsoe .......... Stenographer ........... _ ..... ._ ________ 295.00 Labor by day and hour in Mech. Eng. Dept ....... .. ........ ____ 122.20 CIVIL AND RAILROAD ENGINEERING: C. L. Mann ............. ..Professor ......... ______ ........ 2,250.00 2,250.00 R. I. Poole .............. .Assistant Professor ..... ________ 1,400.00 1,400.00 H. St.G. Tucker ....... ...Assistant Professor ....... ______ 1,350.00 1,350.00 M. C. S. Bledsoe ........ ..Stenographer .......... ______ ......... _. 235.00 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Wm. Hand Browne, Jr... Professor _____ ........ .. ........ 2,500.00 2,500.00 H. K. Mclntyre .......... Associate Professor ............. 1,700.00 1,700.00 P. E. Snead .............. Instructor _________ ............. 700.00 560.00 M. C. S. Bledsoe. ......... Stenographer _______ .................... 178.50 TEXTILE SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY: Thomas Nelson .......... Professor __________ ......... ____ 2,250.00 2,250.00 J. E. Halstead ............ Assistant Professor _____________ 1,400.00 1,400.00 H. N. Steed .............. Instructor ____________ .......... '1,300.00 1,300.00 H. K. Dick ............... Instructor ....... _______ ..... ... 1,400.00 1,400.00 Labor in Textile Department ............................. _______ 400.45 Total for Instruction in Mechanic Arts._ ....... _ ...... _ ........ _$30,091 .15 INSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE ABSTRACT "3" Name Designation Rate Paid Thomas P. Harrison _______ Professor and Dean of College.! 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 George Summey ____________ A ssociate Prof essor. .......... .. 1,700.00 1,700.00 Kf T. Webber .......... _____ Instructor... ...... _____________ 1,100.00 1,100.00 A. C. Dick. ............... .Instructor ....... _______________ 900.00 900.00 J. M. Rumple .............. Student Assistant .............. 67.50 60.00 J. F. Yates ................. Student Assistant .......... ____ 67.50 67.50 Total for Instruction in English Language. ...... . ....... ________ $ 6,827.50 INSTRUCTION IN THE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Name Designation Rate Paid R. E. L. Yates.... Professor $ 2,250.00 $ 2,250.00 J. W. Harrelson Assistant Professor.... 1,400.00 1,400.00 J. B. Scarborough Instructor 1,100.00 1,100.00 F. F. Jeter _ Instructor 950.00 950.00 H. Z. Smith... ..Instructor 800.00 800.00 Total for Instruction in the Mathematical Sciences .$ 6,500.00 114 XOKTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK INSTRUCTION IN NATURAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES ABSTRACT "3" CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT: Name Designation Rate Paid Other Sources \\ \ Withers .Professor $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 Station $1,200.00 I I Williams Associate Prof 1,700.00 1,700.00 C. F. Miller Instructor 1,300.00 1,300.00 E.L.Frederick Instructor 1,300.00 1,300.00 J. R. Mullen Instructor 900.00 900.00 Eugenia Herring Stenographer 195.00 I 'in sirs DEPARTM C. M. Heck Associate Prof 1,700.00 1,700.00 V. C. Pritchett. Assistant I', ;iK).00 .1. H. Dcricux . ...Instructor i.i;>ooo 1,150.00 I',T\N1 \\D l'l.\\ I |'\ I HIM OO1 I >i I \ W-.lfe. Professor 1,250.00 1,250.00 Station $1,250.00 K. M h, .MI, V r 1,10000 1,100.00 Instructor 900.00 900.00 Labor h\ day and hour in Botany Drpt. 34.95 XiHiLOOY AND ENTOMOI.<>..1 Di r \KT\U M: /. P. Mctcalf Prof^nr 1,050.00 1,050.00 Station $1,050.00 Hcrl.crt Sprnrrr .... ln-.tnict.-r .._ 800.00 800.00 C. \\. Vn.lcrhill In>tructor.. 500.00 500.00 Labor in Entomology Dept 11000 Total for Natural ami Physical Sciences .$16,889.95 INSTRUCTION IN ECONOMIC SCIENCES ABSTRACT "3" .V</;/(r it inn W. K. Camp. Prof. Agricultural Rate Economics $ 500.00 $ 500.00 rid Other Sources (Exten. $200.00 T. E. Browne Prof. Agricultural Extension 100.00 100.00 N. C. Dept. Agr. Exten. $533.34 and other sources. Total for Economic Sciences $ 600.00 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 115 INSTRUCTION IN MILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS Name Designation Rate Paid Other Sources H. H. Broadhurst Commandant de- tailed by U. S. War Dept $ 750.00 $ 750.00 C. B. Hart... ...Instr. Band... 300.00 300.00 Total for Military Science and Tactics $ 1,050.00 INSTRUCTION IN MODERN LANGUAGES Name Designation Rate Paid Other Sources L. E. Hinkle Professor $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 THE N. C. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATIONAL DIVISION ABSTRACT "4" (Entirely supported by Federal funds) ADMINISTRATION : Name Designation Rate Paid Other Sources A. F. Bowen .Bursar .$ 225.00 $ 225.00 E. B. Haywood Clerk 180.00 180.00 Daisy Thompson ....Clerk 300.00 255.00 J. H. Stephenson Night Watchman.. 100.00 75. OQ F. M. Booker .Night Watchman.. 100.00 25.00 Jim Smith Janitor 300.00 300.00 Miscellaneous labor by ctey and hour ._ 380.01 Total for Administration $ 1,440.01 INVESTIGATION AND RESEARCH WORK ABSTRACT "5" ANIMAL INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT: Name Designation Rate Paid Other Sources D. T. Gray Animal Husband- (Exten. $650.00 man ._.$ 500.00 $ 500.00 <j and other [ sources. R. S. Curtis Animal Husband- man 1,600.00 1,600.00 Exten. $1,000.00 Nellie Fort Clerk 420.00 420.00 Mrs. H. M. Lynde . Clerk 420.00 420.00 Other sources. Labor by day and week ._ _ 919.71 116 NOKTII CAROLINA BLUE BOOK AGRONOMY DEPARTMENT: Name Designation Rate Paid Other Sources fExten. $800.00 C.B.Williams Agronomist $ 700.00 $ 700.00 j and other ( sources. A. R. Russell Supt. Farm 840.00 840.00 R. Y. Winters Asst. Agronomist.. 1,900.00 1,900.00 W. F. Pate Asst. Agronomist.. 200.00 200.00 Other sources. Mrs. C. L. Newman. .Clerk 840.00 630.00 K.ithorine Crews Clerk 600.00 150.00 Exten. $320.00 Labor on farm, etc _ 2,308.47 BIOLOGY DEPARTMI \i F.A.Wolfe Hiolouist _. 1,250.00 1,250.00 R. (>. Croniwrll. Asst. Biolojri.M 1 ,JQQ no 1, 200.00 I i: Stanford I.IOO.OO 864 Labor by bour, day, ami-week 297.65 ( 1 MI-.MI>Tin I )l .I'XHTMI W. A. \\ithrrs Chemist l.L'OIMMI l.JOO.OO I . i: Carruth Asst. ('hrmi>t 1,600 00 I.. It. .Johnson \sst.Chrmist 720.00 540.00 I I . I'Yrdrrirk \sst.Chemist .1. T. Dobbins Asst. Chemist T -IHJM -rury 36.67 C. F. Miller Asst. ('h<--ni>t ... T-ti,|H,r.-ir\ L. l\ Williams Asst. Chemist .Tr-npurary Eugenia Herring Clerk pj 80.00 n.-ttie Russ Clerk 120.00 Labor by hour, day, and \\ (MA K\ K.M()|.(M^ I)|:i-.M<!-\! /. I*. Metcalf Entomologist l .ii;,o 1111 l.n HOKIK II.TURAL DEPARTMENT: J. P. Pillsbury Horticulturist. iL'.'i no I.. 1{. Detjen Asst. Hort I.:;HIMIII I.:;UIMM) Labor by hour, day, ainl \\ k ins Jl POULTRY DEPARTM H. F. Kaupp Poultryman 1,300.00 Labor by hour, day, and week 135.50 \ i IKHINARY DEPARTMI G. A. Roberts Veterinarian 250.00 L'.VI < Labor 1 7.~> Total for Investigation and Koenreh... $23,036.13 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 117 THE AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION DIVISION ADMINISTRATION ABSTRACT "6" Name Designation Rate Paid A. F. Bowen ...Bursar... ___$ 425.00 $ 425^00 E. B. Haywood Clerk 200.00 200.00 Daisy Thompson. Clerk 500.00 416.67 F.H.Jeter .Editor.. 1,600.00 1,599.98 M. S. Birdsong Clerk _. 150.00 150.00 S.D.Jones Clerk 150.00 150.00 Mrs. H. M. Lynde. Clerk Temporary 10.00 Mrs. L. B. Judd Clerk 840.00 560.00 Jim Smith Janitor _ 60.00 30.00 Mrs. T. W. Adickes Clerk Temporary 175.92 J.P.Lucas Food Conserv 2,400.00 486.58 Labor, miscellaneous 39.50 Total for Administration.... ___$ 4,243.65 Other Sources Other sources. PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION OF PUBLICATIONS ABSTRACT "7" Name Designation Paid Other Sources A. C. Alford .Mailing Clerk $ 600.00 Other sources. Joseph Hunter___ Labor 82.00 Miscellaneous labor. _ 43.50 Total for Printing and Distribution Publica- tions $ 725.50 EXTENSION AND DEMONSTRATION WORK ABSTRACT "8" AGRONOMY EXTENSION PROJECT: Paid Other Sources C. B. Williams _ ___$ 800.00 Station $700.00 and other sources. P. H. Kime 720.00 Other sources. V. R. Herman. 135.00 Buxton White__. 23.34 " " Katherine Crews. 320.00 Station $150.00 and other sources. Eliza Riddick 120.00 Other sources. C. C. Logan __. 2,000.00 J. H. Hall, Jr 80.66 " Miscellaneous labor.... 76.98 Total for Agronomy Extension.. .$ 4,275.! 118 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK ANIMAL DISEASES PROJECT: Paid Other Soureet G. A. Roberts $ 100.00 J. I. Handley 125.00 Miscellaneous labor 42.75 Total for Animal Diseases Project. $ 267.75 HKK-KKKIMM; I'i<> George H. Rea $ 46.67 Other sources. C. L. Sams ibor 95.88 Total f or Bee-keeping I 'i ..j.-.-i $ 145.88 D. T. Gray __ $ 650.00 Station $500.00 and other sources. R. S. Curtis 1,000.00 Station $1600.00 and other sources. Total for Beef Cattle and Sheep Project.. $ 1,650.00 BOYS' CLUBS, CORN, Pio, AND POULTRY, PROJECTS: T. K. Bn.unr $ 533::: urces. Uul>i,now 1 i:ii/:ibeth Knox 840. 00 A. G. Oliver IIM A. K. Robertson 7^ Mi-rrlhtiieous labor.... -J.')i sri Total for Boys' Club Projects $ 3,579 20 COTTON GRADING AND MARKETING PROJI W. R. Camp ___$ 200.00 Other sources. W. A. Blount 7l_> :,n T. W. Trogden 633.33 I! K. McCracken 502. 5S \. H Smith 509. 6-s L M. Johnston .'"7 50 S. W. Holman 50666 \V. H. Dixon. 5.00 Miscellaneous labor.... Total for Cotton Grading t* $3,388.85 FARM DEMONSTRATION AM> Cm \ i C. R. Hml.son $ 1.250.00 Other si". I - Millsaps ! T. D. \1( I .. -:n. 900.0(1 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 119 FARM DEMONSTRATION AND COUNTY AGENTS Con.; Paid Other Sources R. W. Freeman _.. $ 1,000.00 Other sources. Bruce Anderson _ _._ 360.00 E.H.Anderson.. 360.00 W. R. Bailey 220.50 M. A. Bennett.. 122.50 S. R. Bivens 21.25 L. E. Blanchard 330.00 T. L. Blue _ 10.50 J. A. Boone.... 120.00 E. D. Bowditch . 378.00 T. J. W. Broom 315.00 J. A. Goodwin... 140.00 Total for Farm Demonstration and County Agents _ $ 6,427.75 DAIRY EXTENSION PROJECT: Stanley Combes. $ 1,400.00 Other sources. J. A. Simms.. 272.70 P. McK. Williams 300.00 Miscellaneous labor 148.14 Total for Dairy Extension. $ 2,120.! DRAINAGE EXTENSION PROJECT: F. R. Baker... .__$ 200.00 Other sources. FRUIT AND TRUCK WORK PROJECT: B. Szymbniak $1,500.00 Other sources. HOME ECONOMICS PROJECT: Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon $ 1,137.50 Other sources. Miss M. L. Jamison 823.24 " Miss Mabel Howell _ 840.00 Miss Grace Schaeffer 482.43 Miss Carrie Moses _ _. 540.00 " Miss M. P. Albertson 117.00 Miss Gretchen Bayne 293.35 MissC. C. Bell 75.00 Mrs. Chloe P. Blalock 122.20 Miss Grace Bradford. 329.24 Mrs. Christine F. Brown 225.70 Mrs. Lillian W. Capehart 179.60 Miss Margaret Capehart 35.00 Miss Lulu Cassidy... 466.67 " Miss Lucile Clark.... 35.00 Miss Lucy Cobb 30.00 *' 120 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK BOMB ECONOMICS PROJECT -Con.: Paid Other Sources < 'in. c..llo $ 125.33 Other sources. .I.nell 30.00 M. \. ( '.i\ iimton 11"). 00 Mrs. Kli/al.-il. Karly 13,5.88 Hi M. LEdwardi 400.96 Miss Susan o. Klliott 220.38 Mi Myrtle i;/ello 286.lt) Ui/al.eth Cainey. 159.80 II. \V. (laither 23.10 Cray _ H7.47 tfn M. < '. < Iriffin .. IRO.OO r.inily (luilfnrd 405.00 Mi . I Mna L. Margrave 19.00 Mrs. Otelia llarri> 36.00 i.ennie Hat. _ LM ^ Miss 11. ('. Hh.kle 380.87 .1. II. Hrnly 82.50 M Mrs. M. M. Henly 45.00 M. A. 1 1., It r>2 00 Miss Rosa Hoot en 18.75 Miss L. M. Jones 90.00 " Mrs. VV. B. Lamb 320.9:, Mi>. Syl\ i:i l.:il>li:i\\ 63.00 idfl Litth 139.75 K:UI 25.00 < 'athrniM- Mather.. 150.00 Mi Nancy Mcl.aulmrn 121.67 Miss Margaret Mcl.uc:is._. 364.03 \licr M. McQueen 38.67 Mrs. Blanche Miller 24.50 Mrs. Cornelia Morris 652.74 \nnic I'. Nixon... 60. IH' B. Iv IVnny 337.5.-. Ma R. Peterson 46.04) \dl I'i.'kens 147.00 Mrs. Hattic |-\ IMummer 126.00 Miss Sii^u- I-:. Pope.... 141.84 Mrs. A. 1'. I'rctlow 36.37 " Mi.-s A. L. Hankin 283.10 K..xiliiul Hedfi-arn.. 543.40 Miss Mamie Rhodes 197.30 L. ,1. Riddick 186.71' Miss M. ,1. Roue. 221.67 \ M. Rynior 391.10 MissV. M.Shelton 84.00 " Mi>. Stella Shetley 183.00 Mi>> II. M. Simmons 210.00 Mr.. I-:>|, -llr T. Smith... 390.50 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 121 HOME ECONOMICS PROJECT Con.: Paid Other Sources Miss Pauline Smith $ 156.50 Other sources. Miss M. E. Spurgeon... 188.00 Miss Irma Sykes.. 11.40 Miss Ola Stephenson. 441.84 Miss Effie Vines 517.15 Miss Willie White 117.00 Mrs. J. T. Williams. 20.00 Miss L. M. Wingfield.... 31.67 Mrs. F. P. Wrenn 186.00 Miscellaneous labor 12.36 Total for Home Economics $15,854.14 NEGRO BOYS' CLUB PROJECT: J. D. Wray ._ $ 1,080.00 Other sources. Mrs. M. L. Lew _.. 195.00 Lizzie Daniel.... 60.00 Total for Negro Boys' Clubs $ 1,335.00 RURAL COMMUNITIES PROJECT: W. C. Crosby _ $ 800.00 Other sources. Grant total for Extension and Demonstra- tion Work... $41,545.3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES EXPENSE ACCOUNT W. H. Ragan $ 296.99 O. L. Clark 233.20 R. H. Ricks 71.80 C. W. Gold (salary as secretary, $100)... _ 213.00 C. E. Thompson _ _ 66.00 W. B. Cooper 20.00 A. M. Dixon _ __ 27.60 W. E. Daniel 35.40 T. T. Thome 56.00 T. E. Vann 85.00 P. S. Boyd 27.70 D. R. Noland _ 48.10 M. B. Stickley 23.10 M. L. Reid___ 39.50 T. T. Ballenger 80.00 W. H. Williamson... 12.00 $ 1,335.39 NOTE. "Other Sources" indicates that payments, in addition to the ones given in these schedules and abstracts, may come from other sources, as the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the N. C. Department of Agriculture, or other State Departments, counties, communities, or individuals. Information of which may be secured, by request, from the office of B. W. Kilgore, Director, Raleigh, N. C. 122 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK STATEMENT OF SALARY AND LABOR DISBURSE- MENTSSUMMARY Disbursements for salaries and labor by the Educational Division, Schedule "A" $ 126,392 64 Investigation and HcM-im-h Division, The Agricultural Experiment on, Schedule "H" 24,476 14 ilt.ur.-il KxtciiMon :md I )rm)n>t rnt i..n 1 )i < <lule "C"_- 46,514.54 l',<>:tnl of Tni>t<-<- I-\|.-MM- nrr.Mint 1,335.39 $ 198,718 71 THE STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE (FOR YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 15, 1917) The corporation shall be managed by a board of ten directors, no two of whom shall be chosen from the same congressional district. The term of office of each director shall be six years. The State Board of Education, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint directors to fill vacancies, as they may respectively occur by the expiration of the terms of office of the present incumbents. Vacancies that may occur by death or resignation shall be filled for the unexpired term by the State Board of Education. All directors shall take an oath faithfully to perform their duties as required by law, and shall hold office until their successors shall be elected and qualified. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be an additional member of the board of directors and shall be its president. The board of directors shall report biennially, before the meeting of each General Assembly, to the Governor the operations of the corporation. Revisal of 1905, ss. 4251, 4252. Annual appropriation, 1125,000. 1917, c. 193. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Name Address A. J. Connor. _ Rich Square G. W. Hinshaw. Winston-Salem Edward E. Britton Raleigh J. Y. Joyner . ..Raleigh C. H. Mebane Newton J. D. Murphy ..Asheville J. L. Nelson... Lenoir Joe Rosenthal... Goldsboro Junius D. Grimes. ._ Washington Mrs. J. A. Brown Chadbourn A. A. F. Seawell. Sanford OFFICERS AND FACULTY Compen- Name Position Department sation Albright, Myra _ Teacher Music $ 900.00 Balcomb, E. E Teacher ..Agriculture. _ 2,500.00 Barrow, Elva _ ..Teacher __. Science.. 900.00 Bell, Bessie Asst. Dietitian Dormitory 400.00 Boddie, Viola Teacher .Latin 1,500.00 Bollinger, Ethel. _ .Postmistress 650.00 Boyd, Estelle Housekeeper . 800.00 Brockmann, Charles J Teacher Music.:.. 1,250.00 Brooks, Daisy Dietitian Dormitory .' 1,000.00 Brown, Wade R Teacher. Music. 2,500.00 124 a CAROLINA BLUE I',MOK Compen- Name sation Mr-van, liul>y __.Te English $ *300.00 Mynl, Clara M. . Teacher and Asst. to Treasurer Commercial son oo Munn, Maud . I .Science *250.00 Carrack, Stephens Teacher !MI ft i Coit, I.:nir:i II. Secretary 1,300.00 Darneron, Julia I. ,.-:.. Latin 1,000.00 I):i\enport, M. Lay Teacher Ph\>ical Training ( .<"i on I'Mdin^field, Ina Tea- : r !i: 900.00 Elliott, Eleanoi tauter.. Mulish 1,000.00 Klliott, Harriet Teacher Kconomics. 1,200.00 Fitch. Lvelyn Teacher Music.... 100.00 Forney, M..I Teacher and Treaa... Coin 2,100.00 Fort, Melville Teacher.. Drawn / . 1,050.00 I. >UM,. I I I 3,600.00 \iina M Physician 1,600.00 GudgW.E. W, Teacher .Soier 2,000.00 HaiKht, l-:lith Teacher Phy>i-:il Tr. lining.... 650.00 Hall, Al.-nzo C I MOhw. English 1,500.00 Hewlett, C. W Teaohei 2,250.00 Hill, Himla Teacher 1,300.00 Hill, Vivian. Teacher French 850.00 Ja.-kson, W.C Teacher ....Hilt 2,500.00 KiiiK, Kniina l> DOWQ 1,000.00 \lrna I ..Teacher 1,300.00 l.uls.h.rtT, I...ra Teacher MUM' fSOO.OO Mc( 'lellan, ( 'era Teacher (iern.an '.MI mi MrC.iun, Nellie ..Nurse. MoGavock, Mary iVarh.-r i:i,L'ii>h . . 1500.00 M< Lean, Je>sie. Nurse 700.00 Men.lenhall, Certru.le \\ Lni-er. Mathematics 1. 500 .00 Miner. Alh-ine Teacher .Music 700.00 Moore, Mary T. . i;. 1,000.00 Morton, Con - iphrr 900.00 Mullen, MaryT Asst. I.il.rarian 700.00 Parker Teaclier Mathematics.. 800.00 Petty, Annie F Librarian 900.00 Petty. Mary M Teacher - 1,500.00 Ka^.lale. Virginia. Teacher Mathematics... 1,400.00 I {a i nes, Julia ._. ...Teacher . Manual Training 1,100.00 Keincken, Christine. . . .Teacher.. German... 1,100.00 Kiddle, Crace. Teacher French... 900.00 Kohinson, Mary Teacher Science 800.00 Knliinson, l).ra M. Teacher English 1,000.00 S, .it, Hunter C,.. Teacher Music 1,600.00 Severx.n, Kathryn Teacher Music 1,000.00 Tour months. fFivr months. STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 125 Compen- Name Position Department sation Sharpe, Mrs. B. C Teacher Expression $ 1,200.00 Seymour, Mary F _.Teacher._ Science 900.00 Smith, W. C Teacher. English 2,500.00 South, Christine- Teacher. _ Domestic Science 1,300.00 Sousley, Gertrude.. Teacher. ..Music. 1,000.00 Strong, Cora Teacher.. Mathematics . 950.00 Tennent, Mary... .Asst. Registrar __ 650.00 Winfield, Martha Teacher. English 1,100.00 Womble, Frances Teacher... English 850.00 Woollard, Mrs. E. E ...Asst. Nurse.. _ 150.00 Koehler, Alice... _ Teacher German *580.00 $ 74,430.00 TRAINING SCHOOL FACULTY Lesh, John A Teacher .Pedagogy $ 2,100.00 Highsmith, J. A Teacher.. Pedagogy. 1,800.00 Brown, Ethel .Teacher.. 750.00 Coble, Maggie Teacher. 600.00 Crawford, R. T Teacher.. *400.00 Dunn, lone ...Teacher.. 800.00 Exum, Tola. Te'acher.. 750.00 Fitzgerald, Ruth Teacher.. 750.00 Fields, R. H .Teacher.. 1500.00 Freas, Elizabeth. Teacher.. 800.00 Harris, Ethel... Teacher. 850.00 Lawrence, Grace Teacher.. 700.00 Nash, Sue.... _ .Teacher 800.00 Queen, Minnie Stenographer _ 600.00 Summerell, Jane. Teacher 750.00 Ward, Laura .Teacher.. 800.00 Weatherspoon, Lizzie Mel. .Teacher.. 800.00 Williams, Mattie. ...Teacher 700.00 $ 15,250.00 SUMMER SESSION Under the authority of the Board of Directors, the institution spent $5,000 a year for the purpose of conducting a Summer Session. LABORERS AND SERVANTS Name Position J. G. Hanner _. Superintendent of Plant $ W. J. Osborne Fireman F. M. Fields.... ...Fireman.... Compen- sation 1,200.00 962.00 540.00 *Seven months. 126 XOKTII CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Com pen- Name Position sation William Slatton Fireman $ 520.00 Ben IfeLftUghlin... Fireman 288.00 S I I Ja i ledge Carpenter 832.00 Albert Criflin Carpenter 330.00 A I.. Dobson Watchman 728.00 Bridges Plumber 754.00 Zeke H(biris.in Janitor 754.00 Eugene Rhodes Janitor 396.00 Junius Ellis _ Janitor 396.00 William Johnson. Janitor 396.00 James Beville Janitor ( ilrnn McLean _ Janitor William Ellis. . - 288.00 Charles Robinson .Janitor 48.75 Ain:iii(l:i Rhodes 1440(1 M:ir.\ Sapp... ... bead.. " IK:, on I. aura Hawkins. li.j 00 Julia Ciln .or I i/x.ir Barnes ' .la nil- Stewart Maid Mim i Smith.. ' 165.00 Jennie Carter 135.00 Ani.ir Miller... .Mai.l 135.00 Alin> Covington M.-".i . Jennie Ho It on Maid 126.00 % 10,883.75 mi > < M-IH.K in ki Printing and postage $ 3. Expenses of board meet in^s. etc 1,500.05 Advertising 1,564.03 Library hooks 1,275.30 Permanent equipment 5,330.98 Supplies for departments, training school, and d*rmit< ry 4,347.14 Repairs 9,236.07 Kent of outside dormitories.. ' 750.00 Mdver l,,t land 500.00 Community service 250.00 Interest 1,000.41 Miscellaneous 3,628.12 Land Coble .- 400.00 Water... 404.68 Gas and electricity rtOl 77 Coal... 13,518.58 Total... $ 47,830.64 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 127 RECEIPTS State appropriation (annual) $ 125,000.00 Fees - - - 17,798.75 Tuition - - -- 12,720.62 Cash collected in advance for board and tuition, afterwards returned. 622.11 Training school books, etc _. 2,763.26 City of Greensboro, for schools ._ 4,756.64 Miscellaneous items 2,801 .25 Entertainment fee 2,103,75 Departments- Medicine $ 1,182.58 Stationery 7,318.94 Farm operations _ 9,144.17 17,645.69 Fire prevention _ _ 6,559.57 Dormitory 77,643.66 Laundry 15,427.98 Total $ 285,843.28 Cash from notes given. 85,000.00 Total receipts $ 370,843.28 EXPENDITURES Overdraft, September 15, 1916 _ $ 5,494.95 Salaries. _ .$ 96,588.51 General expenses Servants' hire... _ _ 10,192.80 Printing and postage 3,573.51 Expenses of board meetings, etc _ __ 1,500.05 Advertising ~_ 1,564.03 Text books 5,202.93 Library books _ 1,275.30 Permanent equipment. _____ 5,330.98 Supplies for departments, training school, and dormi- tory 4,347.14 Grounds 2,341.53 Repairs _ 9.236.07 Rent outside dormitories _ _ _ 750.00 Mclver lot land 500.00 Community service.. _ 250.00 Interest 1,000.41 Miscellaneous ._ 3,628.12 Refund 622.11 Entertainments. _ _ r 2,221.36 Land Coble. 400.00 Water, $404.68; gas, $601.77; coal, $13,518.58 14,525.03 128 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Departments Medicine $ 1,222.24 tionery 6,370.37 Farm operations 10,739.03 $ 18,331.64 Dormitory boarding department 77,643.66 Laundry 13,824.23 Total. $ 275,349.41 Bills payable notes 90,000.00 Total $ 365,349.41 Total for the year $ 370,844.36 Iraft, $1.08. I 'ii.li-r tin- charter, the different memhers <>f the hoard "f directors il a per iliem of $1, ami are allo\\e<l .'> cents a mile for traveling expenses. In addi- tion to this amount, the hoard it>elf, l>\ resolution, pay.- Mr. A. .1. Connor, tary, $25 a year. < '-h-nel < ;. \\ . Hin>haw i> also employed by the board to make a monthly examination ,,f the treasurer's books, and to examine voucher sinned hy the president ..f the college to see that the purchase is ! mate. Colonel 11 ins haw is allowed $10 a day for his services. A. J. Connor $ 85.50 (I. \\. llinshaw 247.29 !:. !:. Hrition. .!. S*. -loyner 7.74 (Dr. Joyner is ex officio chairman of the board of directors, and is simply paid his traveling expenses.) C. H. Mebane 21.70 .1. 1). Murphy 97.20 .1. R. Nelson 24.80 Joe Rosent hal Junius I). Crimes 30.30 Mrs. J. A. Brown 34.90 A. A. F. Seawell 20.00 $ 569.43 J. D. Murphy G. W. llinshaw.. [ Executive Committee. J. Y. Joyner STATEMENT OF SALARY AND LABOR DISBURSEMENTS SUMMARY Officers and faculty $ 74,430.00 Training School faculty 15.250.00 Summer session 5,000.00 Laborers and servants 10,883.75 Expenses board meetings, etc . 569.43 $ 106,133.18 CULLOWHEE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The incorporators named in chapter 170 of the Private Laws of 1891, and their successors elected as hereinafter provided, shall constitute the board of directors. They shall elect one of their members president and such teachers as they may think proper. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be ex officio a member and chairman of said board. Successors of the board members shall be elected by the General Assembly as their respective terms expire, but vacancies occurring by death, resignation, or otherwise may be filled by the board. The term of membership is two years. Revisal of 1905, ss. 4243-4250; 1915, c. 27. Annual appropriation, $11,200. 1917, c. 193. BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. Y. Joyner, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chairman ex officio of the Board of Directors. TERM TO EXPIRE 1919 D. D. Davies _ _ Cullowhee W. D. Wike Cullowhee Walter E. Moore _ Webster J. C. Martin Asheville D. R. Noland Crabtree TERM TO EXPIRE 1921 C. C. Cowan. _ _ Sylva J. Robert Long, Bryson City A. L. Martin _ __Murphy J. P. Patton. _ Flat Rock M. D. Billings Franklin TERM TO EXPIRE 1923 Thomas A. Cox Cullowhee Felix E. Alley ._ Waynesville T. C. Henderson.... _ _ Brevard J. D. Coward _ _ Cullowhee Total Name Designation Rate for Year A. C. Reynolds. President $ 2,000.00 $2,000.00 O. S. Dean ..Teacher of English 1,500.00 1,500.00 H. B. Jones Teacher of Latin 1,500.00 1,500.00 Irene Abernethy Teacher of Mathematics ._ 1,162.50 1,162.50 F. H. Brown- Teacher of Science. 1,200.00 1,200.00 E. H. Stillwell Teacher of History 800.00 800.00 L30 ( ' AKOU N A Hi. I I. BOOK A >i UK J. N. Wilson Mi>. \V. N. Coward Lula Tisdalo. Kufh I'niflitt .1. I-]. Crrrnc I'olir Long_ 'itinn T- ........................ .$ Supervisor c.f I'raetiee Srhonl.. Teneher nf Mn>ir ............... St.-iM^r.'iphrr .......... . ..... ... Fireman . .................... .lanitnr ........ 400.00 700.00 680.00 320.00 300.00 Total for Year $ 400.00 700.00 680.00 320.00 100.00 332.50 $10,895.00 The folio \\irm are employee.- of the hitardiiij! lrp:irt n cut :iiid th<-.-c who are p:iid out nt I lir trr- c'.ll.'ctcd li\ t he in. -I it in n n; Mi Mary KliniMii. H..ii.-.-ki-ppor_ $ 617.50 $ 617.50 Mrs. A. C. Reynolds Matron 315.00 Rosa Love Head Cook 206.00 206.00 Hattic Knurr.-. Cook 150.00 150.00 Martrarrt Hint <>m DiiiiiiK-roum Help 100.00 100.00 K"\ir Krrro DiniiiK-riMitii Help 100.00 100.00 Willie KrrvCB \idill Krrpiim I!<Mi>e 100.00 100.00 Margaret Duekett Aid in Keeping House. 100.00 100 00 $ 1,688.50 Expenses of board meetings: .J. Kobcrt Long $ 1.40 A. L. Martin 3.45 J. P. Patton 3.75 T. C. Henderson 3 50 I 12.10 Total. inrludiiiK hoard meetings $12,595.60 APPALACHIAN TRAINING SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The board of trustees is named in the act creating the school, and authority is granted to the board to fill all vacancies which may occur, for any cause, by election. Vacancies shall be filled from residents of the county in which any vacancy shall occur. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be ex officio a member of the board of trustees. The board of trustees shall elect all the teachers, and fix their salaries and the length of the school term. 1903, c. 798; 1907, c. 526. Annual appropriation, $20,000. BOARD OF TRUSTEES J. Y. Joyner, State Superintendent, ex officio. A. S. Carson Sparta, Alleghany County J. D. Thomas. __ _ Creston, Ashe County T. C. Bowie Jefferson, Ashe County Adolphus Taylor Maple Springs, Wilkes County W. P. Horton . Wilkesboro, Wilkes County F. P. Moore Globe, Caldwell County J. M. Bernmardt . Lenoir, Cajdwell County E. F. Lovill _._Boone, Watauga County P. M. Brown . .Crossnore, Avery County T. A. Love Saginaw, Mitchell County J. B. Ray Burnsville, Yancey County E. F. Watson Burnsville, Yancey County T. P. Adams Silverstone, Watauga County <D. D. Taylor Valle Crucis, Watauga County Thomas L. Day Blowing Rock, Watauga County M. B. Blackburn Boone, Watauga County B. J. Council Boone, Watauga County E. S. Coffey Boone, Watauga County G. P. Hagaman Boone, Watauga County W. C. Newland Lenoir, Caldwell County EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE M. B. Blackburn, Chairman; G. P. Hagaman, B. J. Council, F. A. Linney, J. F. Hardin. Added by the Legislature in 1917: F. A. Linney, Boone, N. C.; J. F. Hardin, Boone, N. C.; R. C. Rivers, Boone, N. C. Total Name Designation Rate for Year B. B. Dougherty Superintendent $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 D. D. Dougherty ...Science...... . 1,200.00 1,200.00 132 Xni;l II ( ' AIIOI.I N A Hi, I I. Hook \ninr Designation Rate fur Ymr II. M. Hrown. English (9 mos.) $ 700.00 $ 700^00 I. G. Greer History; Manager Newland Hall (9 rnos.) 1700.00 700.00 J. M. Downum (9 mos.) 700.00 700.00 W. W. Stedman Mathematics; Manager Light Plant (9 mos.) 700.00 7<>u no Miss Mary Parsons Lady Principal (9 mos.) 360.00 360.00 Miss Florence Reed Assistant, Mathematics (9 mos.) "315.00 315.00 Miss Annie Matney Art; Drawing 180.00 ISM on Miss Loney Moretz Matron 360.00 360.00 Miss Elizabeth Bridge Domestic Science 405.00 405.00 Miss Esther Stanburg Music 540.00 540.00 Avery Minton Fireman 225.00 225.00 Ed. Culler Gardener 312.00 312.00 C. J. Cottrell Farmer 313.00 313.00 $ 8,510.00 No expense account for board meetings. l And board. 'House and j/ardi u. 'Hoard and room. 4 And house. EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS' TRAINING SCHOOL (FOR YEAR ENDING AUGUST 31, 1917) The board of trustees shall be composed of nine persons, together with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction as chairman ex officio, said trustees to be appointed by the State Board of Education: Provided, that two members of said board shall be from the First Congressional District, two from the Second, two from the Third, two from the Fourth, and one from the Sixth, whose term of office shall be six years. The State Board of Education, upon the expiration of the term of office of any member of the board of trustees, shall appoint his successor for the full term of six years. Vacancies shall be filled by the appoint- ment of the State Board of Education for the unexpired term. Said board of trustees shall be a body corporate and politic, with all the powers usually conferred upon such bodies and necessary to enable them to ac- quire and hold property, manage and conduct the said school. 1907, c. 820; 1911, c. 159. Annual appropriation, $60,000. 1917, c. 193. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Name Address F. C. Harding _ ..Greenville J. B. Leigh Elizabeth City A. McDowell Scotland Neck Y. T. Ormond, Chairman Executive Committee__ T Kinston S. M. Brinson _ New Bern J. R. Bannerman Burgaw J. W. Hines_.._ Rocky Mount R. B. White _ Franklinton J. Y. Joyner, Chairman Raleigh Monthly Total Name Designation Compensation for Year Robert H. Wright.. .President S 1 $ 3,150.00 C. W. Wilson Teacher of Pedagogy 190.00 2,280.00 H. E. Austin .Teacher of Science.. _ 190.00 2,280.00 L. R. Meadows Teacher of English 150.00 1,800.00 S. B. Underwood Teacher of School Manage- ment... 2 _ 566.67 May R. B. Muffly Teacher of Public School Music 125.00 1,500.00 Maria D. Graham Teacher of Mathematics 90.00 1,080.00 Sallie Joyner Davis Teacher of History 90.00 1,080.00 Annie Ray Teacher of Primary Methods. 88.33M 1,000.00 x Paid $250 September to May 31st; $300 June to August 31st; also home in school building. 2 Paid $41.66H September to December 31st; $50 January to August 31st. He works part time with East Carolina Teachers' Training School and part time as county superintendent. 134 \OI:TH (' \i:nu\ \ Hi.ri: BOOK 'hi,, ',,,, f,,r Ymr \ <i mi Nellie Manpin . ......... Teacher .i lli-t.iy and IVdat'ouy . ...... . ......... $ 88 M\i $ 1,000.00 Mabel M. Comfort '!': -'her of Mat !n-m:it !<- ... 80.00 '".n no M:iri"i;. I. ll> ; IIIMII ...... Teacher of Science ........... 80.00 MO. 00 Lida Hill ................ _..T< inn.ental lie ....... ______ .......... si- MO mi Miri.-mi M.-ir-Fadyen ..... . < 'rii i<- 'I ,- ..-h, -r ............... 80.00 MO. 00 Kate \\. Lewis .............. Teacher .: . _ 75.00 nn MU Martha At r of Don. 75.00 900.00 Mylitta M \I in icher ...... . ......... 75.00 900.00 Annie \i \L - nren MO "" Hannah II. l-'ahiiestock ____ TC:I-!KT of In-t ruri.riitnl 7.1.00 900.00 M:imi- I-! . .l.-nkiiiH .......... T. :,i:li>h ........... 66.66^ 800.00 Daisy M:iil-y \\.-iiit I 66.68^ 80000 teR. Beokwith . ....... '8000 96000 Chas.O'U. LauKliiiiKlmu.M- S-h.l IMiy.-i-i:ui ......... 720.00 Mittic I{. Hc:irii:in . .<l-iit nf 1 ntinnary. '35.00 540.00 KMIMIM \\ . JoDM 900.00 OU8. ROBS... .............. Custculiin of Rrr.inls ........ 6500 780.00 I I'. 9pil ........ Treasurer ......... . .......... . 1: '0.00 \I 840.00 0. C Holmes ........ ... . ............. _______ 1,365.00 \ <' i imea.. .............. Assist un i ....... l ....... B25.00 II II: IH-S ......... ____ Carprn- Q on Grouii.Uaii.lniit.M.lrWnrk. * ...... . '15.00 Mrs. F. A. Haskins ..... . Bupt. of Laundry^ . ....... 3750 450.00 Arley Moore ............. ...Dot _ ...... '3500 S 435.00 Lula M. Slicrmari ....... ___ Teacher of IiiMniiiu-ntal ___________ 6000 720.00 Total... 136,71667 FOR si \i\n.i: TERM, i"i: (This t ei in i> ciuht weeks) Amount Name Desigtnition Paid C. W. Wilson Director $ 400.00 II I \ustin ...Teacher o! - L. R. Meadows... Teacher of English 300.00 \\ i; Mills Teacher of Pedagogy... Kd^a. \\. Knight - Tea. -her of HIM. r\ 175.00 'Living expenses in the school included. J Paid ?110 September l>t to December 1st; $115 December 1st to .\unust31st. On duty 12 hours daily. ;; Paid Stio September 1st to Deoembei 1st; $70 December 1st to AUKU-- On duty 12 hours daily. 4 I'aid sso Sej.tember l>t to December 1st; $85 December 1st to August Salary for months. STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 135 Amount Name Designation Paid P. J. Long __________________ Teacher of History (4 weeks) _________________ $ 175.00 H. R. Hunter _______________ Teacher of History ___________________________ 350.00 Hoy Taylor ________________ Teacher of Mathematics ______________________ 300.00 Mamie E. Jenkins __________ Teacher of English ________ ___________________ 200.00 Mabel M. Comfort __________ Teacher of Mathematics ______________________ 200.00 Margery L. Herman ________ Teacher of Science ___________________________ 200.00 Nellie Maupin ______________ Teacher of History and Pedagogy ___________ 200.00 Martha Armstrong _________ Teacher of Domestic Science _________________ 200.00 Fannie McPhail ____________ Teacher of Primary Methods _________________ 200.00 Kate W. Lewis ______________ Teacher of Drawing __________________________ 200.00 Eva Minor... ..... __________ Teacher of Public School Music ______________ 200.00 Lula M. Sherman ___________ Teacher of Instrumental Music _______________ 150.00 Miriam MacFadyen ________ Critic-Teacher _________ . ________ _ _____________ 150.00 Mylitta M. Morris __________ Critic-Teacher ________________________________ 150.00 Maude F. Rogers.. ...... ...Critic-Teacher _____ ...... _________ ....... _____ 150.00 Nannie Lacy _______ ...... ..Critic-Teacher ________________________________ 150.00 Kate R. Beckwith. ....... ..Lady Principal ___________________ ....... _____ 225.00 Mittie R. Beaman ____ ...... Superintendent of Infirmary _________________ 105.00 Arley Moore ..... ___________ Dormitory Matron _______________ ....... _____ 95.00 Total $ 5,200.00 In addition to the above there is a weekly pay roll of about $290 when the school is in operation and about $25 at other times. The total of this pay roll of 1916-1917 is $12,900.83. This is for day labor employed in the power plant, on the grounds, in the laundry, kitchen, and dining-room, infirmary, dormitories, and administration building, and necessarily varies. The most of this expense is met by money received from the students in fees and for board. Expense account for board meetings: F. C. Harding .$ 12.00 A. McDowell... _ _ 6.25 Y. T. Ormond 78.82 S. M. Bririson.. .'.._ 17.54 J. R. Bannerman 24.90 J. W. Hines _ 5.90 R. B. White _ 11.50 J. Y. Joyner 23.38 $ 180.29 SUMMARY Salaries of officers and employees ___$ 36,716.67 Summer school 5,200.00 Labor pay roll.... 12,900.83 Expense account board meetings. _ 180.29 $ 54,997.79 STATE SCHOOL FOR BLIND AND DEAF (lou YI.MC KM. ING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Tin (lovetnor shall, by and with the consent of the Senate, appoint eleven director! for said institution. I he directors shall be divided into three classes. The fii>t t\s(. obuMM .-hall consist of four each and the other class shall consist of three. Tin- i crm of office shall be six years. The Governor shall fill all vacancies occurring by death, resignation, or otherwise. In case of vacancies occurring when the Senate i- no1 'he appoi nt ees to fill such vacancies shall hold office until confirmed or rejected by tin- Senate. Tin- hoard of director! .-hall ir:uii/.r by eh-ciing one of its members president :md three members as :in executive commit t ee. The terms of office in each case shall I.e for t \\ o ye ur. The l^oard shall elect a superintendent, who shall be ex njtfirin secretary of the ho.-ml, and whose term of office shall he for three years; :il- 1 a -ie\\ ard and physician u h<>se term of office shall be for two years, and such other officer.-, agents, and teachers :( s shall he necessary. The compensation for officers, agents, and teachers shall lie fixed liy t he hoard, and shall not be increased nor reduced during their term of -er\ ice. The board shall have power to erect any huildn j , make improvements, or in general to do all matters and tiling which may he beneficial to the good government of the institution, and to this end may make hy-laws for the government of the same. The board shall meet at stated times and also at such other times aa it may deem necessary. The memhers of the hoard shall serve \\ithout reward, save their traveling e \pen.-e.-, inclined in the discharge of their official duties. Revisal of l!H>.->, M, tlss ll'.Mi. Annual appropriat i, , n , $72,500. 1917, C. 193. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Name Address Joseph E. Pogue Raleigh J. T. Rowland Raleigh C. H. i:d\\ards Raleigh Miss Mary O. Graham Raleigh J. T. Alderman Henderson R. B. Boyd VVarrenton J. T. Finley '. North Wilkesboro G. E. Lineberry Murfreesboro II. H. McLendon _ Wadesboro C. M. Wilson Wilson's Mills M. L. Kesler Thomasville Name Nature of Service Amount Board John E. Ray Superintendent $ 2,500.00 Without Julia Cox Housekeeper. 500.00 With EdnaR. Harris Lady Principal 650.00 With Annie E. Bilyeu Boys' Matron 375.00 With Hubert Haywood Physician 400.00 Without I e\\ is, Battle & Wright Ophthalmologists 500.00 Without STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 137 Name Nature of Service Amount Board Evelyn Gray Nurse and Assistant _$ 1270.00 With F. M. Mitchell... Teacher and Boys' Phys. Cult.. 21,137.50 Without I. C. Blair. Teacher 1,050.00 Without Loula Riddle ..Teacher 600.00 Without Bessie King _ __Teacher__ __ _ 550.00 Without Cora L. Britt Teacher 600.00 Without Laura F. Cosby Teacher 500.00 Without Mary Schenk Teacher 300.00 With John A. Simpson. Musical Director and Higher Mathematics.. 1,100.00 Without CaderG. Cox... ..Bandmaster 900.00 Without Mary S. Thompson .Music Teacher. 400.00 With Gertrude Fisher Music Teacher. 450.00 With Annie W. Reaves Music Teacher ____*_ 475.00 Meals Belle Poole.._ Music Teacher 600.00 Without Ida Mae Lyons Voice and Violin Teacher 800.00 With Nina C. Parker. ..Primary Teacher.... 450.00 With Emma Tucker Kindergartner 600.00 Without Mary H. Webb __ .Sub-primary and Girls' Physi- cal Culture 600.00 Without May Hill Davis Teacher Fancy Work 500.00 With Madge L. Ball _ Sloyd Teacher 500.00 With Mary L. Vaughan Sewing Teacher 450.00 1 meal Leon Harris Librarian 100.00 With J. T. Smith Carpenter... __ 650.00 Without Maude Fuller.. Small Boys' Supervisor 200.00 With Lee L. Sandy Broom and Mattress Maker 600.00 Without R. M. Gray ... Night Watchman 660.00 Without J. Robert Brown... .Teacher and Boys' Supervisor. 800.00 With Beuna Keen. Girls' Supervisor .__ 200.00 With Mary P. Waller .Stenographer and Teacher of Typewriting _ 600.00 With Inthia Nolen ...'.Printer... 50.00 With Katie Perdue Visitors' Attendant 100.00 With Nora Norris Kindergarten Assistant 25.00 With $21,742.50 COLORED DEPARTMENT A. W. Pegues .Principal $ 720.00 With J. O. Plummer .Physician _ 350.00 Without Ada Smith Assistant Matron _ 200.00 With Martha McCauley Blind Girls' Matron .... 225.00 With Evelyn Gray, nurse and assistant, was paid $250 with board until September, 1917, when her salary was made $350 with board. 2 F. M. Mitchell, teacher and Boys' Physical Culture, was paid $1,050 without board until September 1917, when he was elected teacher and steward at a salary of $1,400 without board. 138 Xoirni ('\i:oi,i\\ Hi.ri: HOOK Name Nature of Service Amount H<ir<l M:iry liruee P.oy.-' Supervisor $ 175.00 -With MairelleMa William* M laical 1 )irect or. 50000 Witho ut Sarah lirown Teacher of Dea f 4(K).()<) Without Mal.d Hoove. Teacher of 1), ..-if 400.00 Without Florence Eaton Teacher of Deaf 400.00 without Thomafl Flowen... Teacher .,i I ),. : ,f 450.00 \\nh I-Hlie Pointer Teacher of Deaf 375.00 Without |{osalel Manly.. Oral Teacher 450.00 Without Sallie J. Martin. Oral Teacher 275.00 With Walter T. Reaves Teacher of HI in. i 650.00 Meals Nannie W. Fuller Teacher of Blind 400.00 Without Alice Mallet ...Teacher of Blind 400.00 Without Daniel Marrow. Broom and Mattress Maker 425.00 Without Ernestine Pegues... Teacher Domestic Science 275.00 With Blanche W. Williams Teacher Fancy Work 300.00 Without Walker Williams Teacher Woodwork 590.00 Without J. D. Johnson Teacher Gardening and Dairying 540.00 Without P. B. Price Night Watchman 39000 1 meal Nannie ( '..\ ii^ton Teacher 300.00 Without I'M. \\alker Krinineer 600.00 Without $ 9,790.00 SERVANTS' PAY-ROLL Amount Name Nature of Service J{nt, ",e . Paid George Jeffries Cook $27.50 9 mos. $ .247.50 Mason Privet te Cook 16.00 12 mos. 192.00 Nannie Hill Dining Servant. 14.00 12 mos. 168.00 Laura Milikin Dining Servant IL> on 1_> mos. 144.00 Lucile Yarboro Dining Servant 12.00 7 mos. s4 oo Mamie Wicker Dining Servant. 12.00 lino. 12.00 Bettie Richards. ...Dining Servant 12.00 lino. 12.00 Mattie Yarboro Dining Servant 12.00 lino. 12.00 Hannie Perry Dining Servant ... IL> 00 1 mo. 12.00 Sarah Yarboro .Dining Servant , 12.00 5 mos. 60.00 Henrietta Long. Dininir Servant 12.00 21 days 8.40 Mary Alexander... Dining Servant 12.00 2 mos. 24.00 Carrie I.evister Dining Servant. 12.00 4 mos. 48.00 Josephine Williams Dining Servant 12.00 2 mos. 24.00 Mary Watson Dining Servant 12.00 10 days 4.00 Fannie Dunn Dining Servant 12.00 2 mos. 7 days 26.80 i:ii/al).th Hayes Dining Servant 12.00 2 mos. 7 days 26.80 Annie Kearney Dining Servant 12.00 1 mo. 12.00 Bertha Kellog Dining Servant 12.00 1 mo. 12.00 Jane Jackson Dining Servant 12.00 1 mo. 12.00 Martha Carr Dining Servant... . 12.00 5 days 2.00 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 139 Amount Name Nature of Service Rate Time Paid Helen Williams Dining Servant $ 15.00 10 days $ 5.00 Green Rochelle Yard Man 20.00 2 mos. 40.00 Sam Jones Yard Man 25.00 26K ds. 22.08 William Pearsall... Yard Man 25.00 9 mos. 225.00 Marcus Williams.. Hostler 18.00 12 mos. 216.00 William Partin Hostler 20.00 2 mos. 40.00 James Freeman. Fireman 25.00 6 mos. 150.00 James Autry Fireman 22.50 3 mos. 67.50 Ada Sentell Chambermaid 12.00 9 .mos. 108.00 Victoria Williams Chambermaid ._. 17.50 6 mos. 105.00 Victoria Williams Chambermaid 20.00 3 mos. 60.00 Minnie Hodge Chambermaid 12.00 9 mos. 108.00 Mary Blount ..Chambermaid 12.00 9 mos. 108.00 Mary Howard Chambermaid 12.00 9 mos. 108.00 Kate Taylor .Chambermaid 12.00 3 mos. 36.00 SallieLink Chambermaid 12.00 2 mos. 24.00 Bertha Kellog . Chambermaid 12.00 1 mo. 12.00 Elizabeth Williams 3 Chambermaid 12.00 1 mo. 12.00 Mary Green _ _ ..Chambermaid 12.00 1 mo. 12.00 James Hill Janitor 25.00 6 mos. 150.00 Grace Hawkins Chambermaid- 12.00 6 mos. 72.00 Mattie Williams... Chambermaid 12.00 6 mos. 72.00 Patty Nunn .. Chambermaid. 12.00 5 mos. 60.00 Estelle Williams... Chambermaid 12.00 1 mo. 12.00 Mary Williams Laundry 20.00 6 mos. 120.00 Mary Williams Laundry 16.00 3 mos. 48.00 Mary Williams Laundry 22.50 3 mos. 67.50 Sarah Holmes Laundry 20.00 3 mos. 60.00 Frances Taylor ..Laundry 20.00 2 mos. 40.00 Effie Pointer Laundry 20.00 2 mos. 40.00 Rebecca Taylor... Laundry .. _ __ 20.00 1 mo. 20.00 Effie Davis-.: Laundry 20.00 16 days 10.67 Lucy Jeffries Laundry 20.00 2 mos. 40.00 Elenoir Pointer Laundry 20.00 1 mo. 20.00 Clara Mason Laundry ___ .. 20.00 1 mo. 20.00 Mary White.... Laundry.. . 20.00 1 mo. 20.00 Florence BirdsalL. Laundry 20.00 5 mos. 100.00 Roxie Macklin Laundry 20.00 3 mos. 60.00 Leila Jones Laundry 20.00 4 mos. 80.00 Rosa Young.. .. . Laundry 20.00 4 mos. 80.00 Margaret Poole Laundry 20.00 1 mo. 20.00 Bridge rs Price. . .. Laborer. . 28.00 1 mo. 28.00 Turner Scott Laborer __ 28.00 1 mo. 28.00 Ira Jones Laborer 28.00 2 mos. 56.00 Nathaniel Payne_ Laborer 25.00 2 mos. 50.00 John Green Laborer 30.00 1 mo. 30.00 David Spivey Laborer.. 25.00 1 mo. 25.00 140 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Amount Name Nature of Service Time Paid Lee Jenkins _. ..Laborer $ 30.00 4 mos. $ 120.00 Davi.l Price 1. .horer 25.00 4 mos. 100.00 Oscar Hull.... ..Monitor 20.00 12 mos. 240.00 Rachel Arrington ..Cook 15.00 12 mos. 180.00 Dora Reavis ..Cook 11.00 9 mos. 99.00 Jane Young __ ..Chambermaid 11.00 9 mos. 99.00 Ira Mitchell < 'tianibrrmaid 11.00 77.00 1 .1-11:1 .Icukins ..Chambermaid 11 <n (I MM..-. 66.00 l.ui-y Brown _ ..Chambermaid 11 on 99.00 Rosa Young _ ..Chambermaid M 11.00 33 .00 MM:I House ( 'ha?nl>crmaiil 11.00 3 mos. 33.00 AIIKUMJI I'rice <ll\ _. 20 00 240.00 Fr:irn-i-> Williams - I.auiiilrv 19 00 Ill Ilin.-.. 190.00 l.i/./ir St .-tilings I.auiiilrv. 19.00 9 mos. 171 on I'!mm:i Williams iilrv 19.00 76.00 1 Icurirt t :i St<-\\ ;n '.<lrv. !! no 4 mos. 76.00 Mary Edwards . I.aumlrv. 19.00 38.00 I.t-n.-i Jeffries ..Laundry 19.00 _' lll.l.v. 38.00 Paul Stafford . I.alii-rt-r JS (III 4 11108. 112.00 ThiMHlnn- Hodges ..Laborer.. 15.50 1 mo. 15.50 Martha Bullock ..Laundry 19.00 3 mos. 57.00 Carrie Jones .. Laundry 19.00 57.00 George Cofield Shoe Shop 12.44 1 HIM. I. 1 H In <1 Torrence ..Shoe Shop 10.00 3 mos. 30.00 Frank Ramsey . . Laborer.. 32.00 3 mos. 96.00 J. \\. Hodge ..Farmer 40.00 12 mos. 480.00 Total ...$ 6,866.19 The Board of Directors of the State School for the Blind and Deaf, Raleigh, N. C., their names, addresses, and their expen- ngs for fiscal year November 30, 1916, to November 30, l'.17: ix-nses Name Address Paid Joseph E. Pogue Raleigh, N. C. $ J. T. Rowland Raleigh, N. C.. C. B. Edwards Raleigh, N. C... Miss Mary O. Graham Raleigh, N. C.* W. B. Cole Rockingham, N. C.' J. T. Alderman Henderson, N. C Boyd Warrenton, N. C.._. J. T. Finley North Wilkesboro, N. C G. E. Lineberry.. Murfreesboro, N. C H. H. McLendon Wadesboro, N. C 3.10 4.50 3.00 22.00 65.00 31.80 *W. B. Cole's term expired March 1, UU7, at \\hirh time Miss Mary O. Graham was appointed. STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 141 Paid Name Address ^Expenses C. M. Wilson.... Wilson's Mills, N. C ."$ 26.00 M. L. Kesler Thomasville, N. C 22.40 Total $ 301.03 SUMMARY White department $21,742.50 Colored department 9,790.00 Servants' pay roll 6,866.19 Expenses board meetings 301.03 $38,699.72 , NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF YEAR ENDING NOVKMHI.K :j'i, I'.tl7) Such school shall be under t he control and management of a boanl of directors ron>i.-iiim of .-even member.-, who shall be appointed by the Governor and hold t heir office- fur t lie term <.f -ix years. The board of directors shall oruani/e by appointing <>n*' of its members president and three an executive commit Ire. who shall hold office for two -. they shall elect a .superintendent, who shall be < s i ry of the board atid uhose term of office shall he three years, and .-uch other officer.-, teachers, and an<'iit.- as shall In- deen ed necessary. 'I' he Compensation for ollicei>. teacher.-, and a ire n I- -hall he fixed by the boanl and shall not be increased or reduced during their term ~al of 1905, ss. 4202-4206. Appropriation for 1917, $68,000, and $70,500 annually thereafter. 1917, c. 193. BOARD 01 I Hi; I : TORS Name Address \\. \\. N.-al Marion A. C. Miller >.., Iby Dr. .1. ( >. Atkinson Klon College W. \{ Whit so,,. Asheville .1. I.. Scott. .Ir _ Graham Archibald Johnson _ i Thomasville Mrs. I. P. ,Irtrr._ Morganton AMOUNTS PAID TEACHERS, OFFICERS, AND ASSISTAN I B Amount Name /';// I-]. McK. Co.Mluin _ Superintendent ...$ 2,750.00 I-'ayetta I'eck I'll uripal... 1 ,ll_>_> (Ml \\ i t h board Knlield .Foincr .Principal 405 .00 \\ith board I-]. T. Welsh Bupenririllf T.-aclier l.Ol.'i.lH) \\ith board .1. C, Millrr.. Teacher l.n.Vl .'ill \\itlimn boanl \{. C, Milh-r. Teacher 1. nr7.su Without board Lucile Pearson... Teacher 259.40 Without boanl Annie Cobb Teacher 565.65 Without board M. Kay Sallee .Teacher.. 490.00 With board Josephine Clodfelter Teacher... 472.50 W it hout board Fannie Thompson Teacher._ 664.60 \Vith board Olivia Grimes ...Teacher 615 .0!) With board M I Morris ...Teacher 385. on Wit h board M.II\ Mauzy Teacher 563 00 With board Blanche \ 'anDeveer Teacher. 539.00 With board Ethel McGill. .Teacher 608.65 With board Sarah Lewis _ Tcarher 385 .00 Wit h boanl Htaice Spark.- Teacher With board Lillian Mueller, her ._ 410.00 With board STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 143 Amount Name Designation Paid Irene Bowman Teacher $ 515.00 With board Josphine Washington Teacher 497.50 With board Marguerite Osborne Teacher... 365.00 With board Addie Kerr Teacher 337.00 With board Edith Lutz Teacher.. _ 297.00 With board Catherine Taylor Teacher 447.50 With board Sara Wakefield Teacher 446.48 With board Edith Prevost Teacher 245.00 With board Marion Atwood Teacher 372.00 With board Grace Landon Teacher 367.00 With board Lillian Wakefield Teacher 372.50 With board Penelope Brothers Teacher 371 .65 With board Allie Arnold ....Teacher . 144.76 With board Martha McClary Teacher 165.00 With board Ann Gibson Teacher 147.50 With board Mabel Davis ...Teacher 105.00 With board Ella Renard .Teacher 105.00 With board Mary New ...Teacher 144.13 With board Marion Peterson.-. Teacher 105.00 With board Ruth Birck Teacher 120.00 With board Bell Gibson Teacher.. 58.75 With board Hazel Burley Teacher 370.00 With board Cora Byrd .Sewing Teacher.. 332.50 With board J. R. Clodfelter Clerk and Steward 750.00 Without board W. M. Shuford Clerk and Steward 458.30 Without board Kate M. Walton Matron 500.00 With board W. G. Lux Supervisor 315.00 With board Mary Yount r Supervisor and Nurse 390.00 With board Helen Greene.. Supervisor 157.00 With board Winifred Greene Supervisor 67.50 With board Verna Newberry Supervisor 126.00 With board Emmie Chandler Supervisor 126.00 With board Kate Abernathy Housekeeper 357.50 With board Julia Potts Housekeeper 500.00 With board W. A. Townsend Shoemaker.. 715.00 Without board W. M. Shuford ..Printer... 357.00 Without board C. L. Smith... ...Carpenter 917.50 Without board Lillian Roberts Librarian 25.00 Without board J. R. Anderson Physician 600.00 Without board J. L. Sparks Farmer 900.00 Without board Vernon S. Birck Supervisor and Mil. Instr 285 .00 With board Martha Sherrill Supervisor 37.34 With board Bessie Shuping Supervisor 54.00 With board Ina Penland Supervisor 18.00 With board Arthur Merrilla Tailor 50.00 With board Juliet Rhorer Stenographer 50.00 With board $ 27,818.26 144 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK AMOUNTS PAID EMPLOYEES DECEMBER 1, 1916-NOVEMBEH 30, 1917 Amount Name Designation Paid J. W. Laney Farm Laborer $ 304.00 Without J,.,.-,rd G. I>. Blanton -- Farm Laborer 392.00 Without board G. C. Blanton Farm Laborer 50.00 With board J. C. Carpenter Farm Laborer 12.50 With board Dewey Sizemore Farm Laborer 26.00 With board ( 'harles McLean Farm Laborer 62.00 With board Robert Lee Floyd Farm Laborer 22.60 With board W.A.Jackson _. Xi^ht Watchman.. 28.80 Without board .1 A Rhodes Night Watchman 169.45 With board William Sherman Night Watchman 84.40 With board D. W. Arney Night Watchman 39.98 With board \ Anderson Inside Night Watchman 150 :tr d Ina Penland Inside Night Watchman 150.00 With board M. E. Williams Inside Night Watchman. 18.65 With board Nora Coffey Chief Laundress 195.26 With board May Rust Laundress 68.25 With board Fannie Henson Laundress 63.90 With board Polly Huffman Laundress 94.80 With board Susie Blanton Laundress 106.43 With board Minnie Murphy Laundress 85.96 With board Lizzie Saunders Laundress 33.55 With board Lois Snipes Laundress 33.84 With board Emma Williams Laundress 48.55 With board Addie Franklin Laundress 35.57 With board Effie Huffman Maid 10.25 With board Claudia Green Maid 112.40 With board Clara Baird Maid 69.74 With board Annie Pless. Maid 69.19 With board Grace Hurst Supervisor.... 77.00 With board Donnie Hawkins Maid 35.25 With board LillieMcCall Maid 31.17 With board Bell \\hisnant Maid 28.35 With board I.u.-y Holt Cook 187.68 With board Julia Wilson Cook 82.80 With board John Blye Cook 39.75 With board Rufus Austin Cook 42.00 With board Bessie Bristol Cook.. | 82.70 With board William Cherry Cook 13.60 With board Laurie Rhinchardt Cook 50.75 With board I'annio Cowan ...Cook 53.95 With board Komo Shonill Cook 74.00 With board Marvin Hoyle Cook 65.83 With board Mary Kincaid Cook 42.76 With board Minnie Honherson. Cook 37.30 With board Martha Milligan Maid 8.43 With board ('allir Pless Maid 34.60 With hoard Callir Keaton .Maid... 101 .oMN it h board STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 145 Name Designation Annie Williams Cook _ $ Herndon Williams Fireman _ E. A. Hildebrand .Fireman R. H. Arney Fireman J. W. Sparks. Carpenter... _ Bessie Shuping, Maid J. W. Whitener. Carpenter. A. J. Lowdermilk Carpenter Durant Williams. Gardener J. C. Burnett. Dairyman Robert Templeton. .Dairy Helper... W. A. Townsend. .Painter. -. J. P. Gibbs Painter... Rufus Hardy Scrubber. __ Frank Holloway .Porter _ Gordon Bristol .Porter and Chauffer. _.. J. R. Smith Baker Miscellaneous labor Amount Paid 18.60 With board 368.30 With board 22.50 With board 60 .00 With board 533 .00 With board 81 .00 With board 117.00 Without board 131 .00 Without board 355.00 Without board 345 .00 Without board 14.27 With board 61 .00 With board 204.37 Without board 166.14 With board 239.27 With board 302.00 With board 369.05 With board 1,429.82 Total $ 8,445.08 Miscellaneous labor includes day labor on farm and special help employed only for brief periods at a time. BOARD OF DIRECTORS' EXPENSE ACCOUNT W. W. Neal. $ 39.20 A. C. Miller 70.20 Dr. J. O. Atkinson 37.60 W. R. Whitson _ 51.30 J. L. Scott, Jr._ 117.75 Archibald Johnson... 51.25 Mrs. I. P. Jeter.... 16.00 $ 383.30 Mrs. I. P. Jeter succeeded Dr. I. P. Jeter in March, 1917. Board members received $4 per day. Messrs A. C. Miller, W. R. Whitson, and J. L. Scott, Jr., are on the executive committee, meeting every sixty days; hence the difference. In addition to the $4 per day, they receive their actual traveling expenses. Dr. Jeter and Mrs. Jeter live in Morganton, hence no traveling ex- penses. Mr. Neal is secretary to the board and gets $5 for each regular meeting for keeping and making records. SUMMARY Teachers, officers, and assistants $ 27,818.26 Employees' pay roll 8,445.08 Board of directors' expense account 383.30 $ 36,646.64 10 STONEWALL JACKSON MANUAL TRAINING AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL (FOR VKAK KM>I\<; NOVKMMKU :-!M, 1917) The trusted -lull be divided into three classes, serving for two, four, and Ban from date of appoint rnrnt . At the expiration of tin- term of office of each class of trustee- tin- Governor .-hall have the rinlit to fill by appointment two of the ' occiirritm, and the hoard shall fill tlie other three 1 eleet ion of such persons as they may sec fit , and all vacancies in said board shall continue to he filled in the above manner. The b-iard of t rust ees shall have the management and control of said school, and shall have authority to employ a superintendent and ,-uch other a-.-:- as they may defii BeOMMiyi to fix their -alarie-, to define their duties, to dis- charge any e-npl yee.-, and to make any and all rules and reuulat ion.* as they may ilee-n r.auement and conducting said reformatory. 1907, c. 509. Appropriation for 1 ( .M7, $23,000, and $22,500 annually thereafter. l'M7, c. 193. TRUSTEES .lames 1'. ('ook. Chairman Concord Mr-. I. \\. Fata .. Charl I). B. Coltrane, Treasurer Concord II. A. Royrter, M l>. .Haloiph .lohn .1. Blair .Wilmington R. () i;\. i. tt Durham Mr>. \\. H. S. Bunwyn.... .Kalei^h M-- LL. Cobl _ EN -'--.ille Mrs. D. Y. Cooper ..Henderson Mrs. \V. X. Reynolds Winston-Sulcrn Mrs. G. P. Erwin Morganton M iss Easdale Shaw ,. Rockingham No per diem or traveling expenses have been paid any of the above for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1917. Total Name ution Rate for Yir Charles E. Boger Superintendent $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 J. C. Fisher Printing Director and Assistant Cottage Keeper.. 900.00 850.00 A. R. Johnson Wood-shop Foreman 600.00 600.00 T. V. Talbirt Farm Foreman and Cottage r 600.00 600.00 W. W. Johnson.. _ Principal School Department and Cottage Keeper 720.00 630.00 H. F. Pace Assistant School Teacher and Cottage Keeper 600.00 600.00 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 147 Total Name Designation Rate for Year J. Lee White Laundry Foreman, Farm Assist- ant and Asst. Cottage Keeper.. $ 480.00 $ 480.00 A. F. Trantham .Gardener, Brick Mason, and General Worker 600.00 600.00 H. E. Isenhour.. Bookkeeper and Assistant Cot- tage Keeper 720.00 720.00 J. H. Hobby ..General Assistant in Outdoor Work 240.00 240.00 Mrs. Emma Eagle. Matron, Administration Bldg 240.00 240.00 Miss Naomi Sherrill Matron, 1st Cottage.. : 300.00 300.00 Miss Lula Templeton ....Matron, 2d Cottage. _.. 330.00 330.00 Miss Susan Lytten Matron, 3d Cottage. .. 300.00 300.00 Mrs. Katie Peterson Sewing Matron and Relief Ma- tron for Cottages,. 300.00 300.00 J. W. Sides.... Jim Coble (col.) WEEKLY PAY-ROLL OF EMPLOYEES ...Night Watchman __ .Dairyman 12.00wk. 616.00 7.00wk. 364.00 $ 9,270.00 W. W. Johnson's salary was $50 previous to September, 1917. He was ad- vanced from assistant teacher to principal of school department. Mrs. Katie Peterson began work February 1, 1917; is not now in employ, J. C. Fisher's salary was $65 previous to May, 1917. J. W. Sides' weekly wages was $10 previous to January, 1917. THE CASWELL TRAINING SCHOOL (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) III. ( lovorrior shall, with th- advice .f the Senate, appoint nine persons, all <>f whom shall be inhabitants of this State, to be trustees of such school. trustees shall have the general management and supervision of said school, ami one or more of said trustees shall \i>it said x-hool as often as once each month. 1911, c. 87. Annual appropriation, $45,000. 1917,0. For permanent improvements in 1917, $75,000 is appropriated. r.17, BOARD OF 1>IIM.< K >Rfi . 1 'I'lresa .!. V. .loyner, President ... Raleigh J. R. Baggett Lillin- \V. A. Thompson _ Aurora A. h. Juctioc Charl U. C. Xewland .Lenoir Mark Majette. _ Columbia Miss Elizabeth Kelly.. Ral. Dr. L. B. McBrayer Sanatorium 1). N. Caviness .\\arrenton I ) I . \\ooten, Chairman Executive Committee Kinston C. Dewey Goldsboro .1 I). Boushall Raleigh Name Designation Mo*. Days Rate for Year Dr. C. Banks McNairy Superintendent _ I) $250.00 $ 3,000.00 Miss Ruth Coble Stenographer 5 4 7 55.001 tin on 529.00 Miss Helen Barrus. Stenographer 9 30.00 9.00 ( g o 100 00 1 W. T. Beach Steward < 5 17 11250/ Miss Lucy Abernethy Principal. 8 15 55.00 467.50 Miss Lillie Fowler.. Assistant Teacher 11 9 423.75 Miss Jean Hickerson Assistant Teacher 8 30 00 263 .OQ Miss Mabel Swanson Assistant Teacher 4 25 30.00 145.00 Miss Agnes Puette Musio 8 40.00 320.00 Miss Minnie Culver Nurse.. 6 u 45.00 Mrs. L. A. Perkins Nurse... .. 21 30.00 21.00 Mrs. Emma Hickerson Dietetian 7 35.00 238.33 Mrs. S. E. Yarborough Dietetian _ 31 30.00 31.00 Mrs. C. F. MacArtan Seamstress 11 M 25.00 Mrs. Florence Leonard Head Matron 11 13 40.00 Mrs. Anna Combs Assistant Matron 4 M 30.00 Mrs. Annie Nunn Assistant Matron II 25.00 300.00 Mrs. Ida Minis Assistant Matron 4 25.00 100.00 Mrs. M. J. McFarland Assistant Matron 1 23 30.00 53.00 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 149 Total Name Designation Mos Days Rate for Year Mrs. Mary Pigott Assistant Matron 3 24 $ 25.00 $ 95 .00 Miss Stella Wells Assistant Matron 11 25 25.00 295.83 Miss Rosa Heath Assistant Matron 11 26 26.00 308.60 Miss Pricie Heath Assistant Matron 11 15 25.00 287.50 Miss Ethel Killian Assistant Matron 4 15 25.00 112.50 Miss Annie Pack Assistant Matron 3 10 25.00 83.33 Miss Lucy Gray Assistant Matron 2 25.00 50.00 Flossie Jenkins.. Assistant Matron __ 21 25.00 17.50 Carrie Dixon Assistant Matron 3 10 25.00 83.33 Mamie Bronson Assistant Matron 11 2 25.00 276.67 Nannie Chestnut Assistant Matron 4 22 25.00 118.33 Mary Gaston Assistant Matron 7 25.00 175.00 Eliza Bizzell ... Assistant Matron 2 14 25.00 61.27 Miss Bonnie Younce. Laundress. _ 11 5 30.00 335.00 W. M. Barringer Laundryman 6 11 35.00 222.83 C. H. Barringer Laundryman _. 7 5 35.00 250.83 S. H. Bost Carpenter 7 2 35.00 247.33 D. E. Edwards Dairyman 8 12 50.00 420.00 J. T. Rluttz .Dairyman 1 10 30.00 40.00 Ben. Baker Dairyman _. 20 45.00 30.00 C. C. Williams Dairyman 2 35.00 70.00 Jesse Graham Cook 10 20 45.00 480.00 Alonzo Mitchell Cook 2 2 30.00 62.00 Whitfield Bronson... Cook 8 9 30.00 249.00 H. L. Fisher Farmer _ _ 9 35.00 315.00 N. W. Williams Farmer 5 12 32.50 175.50 L. A. Perkins Governor of Boys __ 21 30.00 21.00 S. J. Bame Governor of Boys 6 5 30.00 185.00 I. C. Nussman Watchman 8 13 30.00 253.00 W. M. Bouterse Watchman 87 1.75 152.25 W. D. Williams Fireman 364 2.00 728.00 R. B. Godwin., Teamster __ 15 1.00 15.00 Henry Williams Teamster _. 364 1.00 364.00 J. Riley Shoffner Feeder of Stock 364 1.15 418.20 Phylis Isler Washerwoman 58.60 Ann Jenkins .... Washerwoman _, 37.35 Jim Dawson _ Farm Laborer 4K .00 4.50 William Biggs Farm Laborer 23H .00 23.50 Caswell Moore ..Farm Laborer 14 .50 21.00 Harry Moore. Farm Laborer 18 .25 22.50 Claud Davis... Farm Laborer 13 .00 13.00 George Riddick. Farm Laborer 8 .00 8.00 James Alexander .Farm Laborer 6 .00 6.00 John Austin Farm Laborer 166 .00 166.00 E. H. Hill Farm Laborer 246 .00 246.00 William Brooks Farm Laborer 171 .00 171 .00 Peter Wind Farm Laborer 52 .00 52.00 150 NOIM II C M:I l\ \ Ml i I liunK Name Designation Mn*. Days Rate for Year \airy Farm Laborer 69 $ 1 .00 $ 69.00 Ray MeNairy I'arm LabotW 41 1.00 41.00 ( 'liarle- MeViiry I 'a rm I .a I . >r . T _ 38 1.00 38.00 82 1.00 82.00 -mith .Farm Laborer \ 1.00 23.50 Children of institution, re\\:i.; .. 20.02 Total -aim : nd rewards $10,448.19 All tirnelo>t on an . ,unt of sickness or otherwise is dedmted from >alar yees \\ho H-end :i whole yi-nr in com inuoii.^ M-rvicc are graiUed two weeks ral ion on pay. lAI'HNSESOF BOARD IfEBTl .1. K. H:i^-tt .......................... . ..... . ........... $ 1 \ I', i Marl ........... . ............ __________ ........ 23.30 H. ):. /instill .................. EUisabeth K.-iiy _____ ....... _____ ______ 8.30 i.. iv KcBrayer ........................ . .................. 38.90 i). \. CmvineM __________________________ ..... n \-> C. Dowry ........ ... ................... _______ .!. 1). B,.n,t,all .................. 65.70 $ 233.91 Expense committees before Legislature ...... _ ......... ... 88.41 $ 322.32 Officers and empl $ 16,448.19 Hoard meetings and le^l>lat i\ e e\l>en>e> $ 1' NORMAL SCHOOLS It shall be lawful for the State Board of Education to establish a normal school at any place it may deem most suitable, either in connection with one of the colored schools of high grade in the State, or otherwise, for teaching and training young men and women of the colored race, from the age of fifteen to twenty-five years, for teachers in the common schools of the State for the colored race. A pre- paratory department may be established in connection with the colored normal schools. And such board shall have the power to remove or close any of the existing State normal schools for the colored race. The State Board of Education shall have power to appoint a board of six directors, not more than three of whom shall reside in the county in which the school is located, for each of the colored normal schools, and such board shall have the general management of such schools and shall have power to elect the teachers of the same and such other powers for the management of such schools as are not vested in the State Board of Education. Such directors shall receive no compen- sation for their services other than actual expenses while attending meetings of the board. Two members of these boards of directors shall serve two years, and two six years; and they shall be appointed in May, 1907, and thereafter as vacancies occur by the expiration of the term of office of each, his successor shall be ap- pointed by the State Board of Education for a term of six years, and vacancies occurring by resignation or death, or otherwise, of any member of said board of directors before the expiration of his term of office, shall be filled by the State Board of Education for the unexpired term. The Board of directors of each school shall elect one of their number chairman, one secretary, and one treasurer. All accounts or billfe must be approved by the chairman and secretary before being paid by the treasurer. The State Board of Education may elect a superintendent of these colored normal schools and of the Croatan Normal School, and shall fix his salary; his duties shall be outlined by the State Board of Education, and he shall perform such other duties in the Educational Department of the State as the State Superintendent of Public Instruction may direct; his salary and ex- penses shall be paid out of the annual appropriations for the State normal schools for the colored race upon the requisition of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Revisal of 1905, ss. 4180, 4182. Annual appropriation for colored normal schools, $20,000 for maintenance and $5,000 annually for permanent improvements. 1917, c. 193. LIST OF TEACHERS AND WORKERS OF THE SLATER NORMAL SCHOOL \\I.\STON-SALEM (FOR SCHOOL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1917) BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 1 . 1 !. l-Vica, Chairman Winston-Salem A. II. Kllur, Secretary Winston-Salem W. A. Blair, Treasurer Winston-Sah-m 1 > Nfutt Thompson Statesville I. C. Griffin Shelby T. I-]. WhitakiT. Oak Ridge Total Name Designation Rate for Year S. G. Atkins Principal and Teacher... $1,000. 00 $1,000.00 Mrs. O. P. Atkins Teacher 500.00 500.00 C. II. Harper. .Teacher 520.00 520.00 (8 mos.) Hardy Listen Teacher 440.00 440.00 (8 mos.) Noble F. Bond Teacher 520.00 520.00 (8 moa.) Thomas J. Brown Registrar and Teacher... 360.00 360.00 (8 mos.) .John W- Carter Teacher 520.00 520.00 (8 moe.) Mrs. M. E. Kennedy Matron 360.00 360.00 (9 mos.) Mrs. N. E. Carter Teacher 280.00 280.00 (8 mos.) Miss Sadie C. Coffer ..Teacher 400.00 400.00 (8 moe.) F. D. Wharton _ Farm Manager and Teacher 540.00 540.00 D. Lee Brown Engineer and Manager of Broom Shop 540.00 540.00 William T. Hughes Stenographer and Book- keeper 540.00 540.00 Miss Virginia I.. Calloway.. Teacher 280.00 280.00 (8 mos.) Mrs. Dora L. Brown Cook 175.00 175.00 (7 mos.) Miss Mamie Hairston Cook 25.00 25.00 (1 mo.) $7,000.00 Board of directors expense account. 5.90 Total $7,005.90 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL OF NORTH CAROLINA ELIZABETH CITY A Teacher Training School for Colored Young Men and Women (Fern YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1917) BOARD OF DIRECTORS W. G. Gaither, Chairman _ Hertford W. L. Cohoon, Secretary .Elizabeth City T. J. Markham, Treasurer. _ Elizabeth City H. W. Early Windsor T. B. Attmore. __Bayboro Amount Name Designation Rate Paid W. L. Cohoon. Secretary of the Board of Managers. $ 25.00 $ 25.00 T. J. Markham ..Treasurer 50.00 50.00 P. W. Moore Principal, Supervisor of Teacher-Training 1,000.00 1,000.00 G. U. Dickens Instructor in History, Physi- ology, and Civics 400.00 400.00 James C. McCoy Instructor in Mathematics, Geog., and Freehand Draw... 400 .00 400 .00 Miss E. J. Lewis Head of the English Dept 400.00 400.00 Miss Sadie A. Thorne Instructor in Latin, English, and Mathematics : 360.00 360.00 Mrs. Emily L. Johnson Instructor in Preparatory and Normal Departments 360.00 360.00 Miss M. Louise Walton Instructor in Domestic Science and Domestic Art 360.00 360.00 Miss H. E. Lee _ Instructor in the Practice School Department- 360.00 360.00 Miss Sarah E. Parker Secretary and Assistant Book- keeper. 280.00 280.00 Miss Carolyn V. Turner Spelling, Instrumental and Vocal Music _ 360.00 360.00 Miss Willie B. Hollomon Instructor in the Practice and Observation School 280.00 280.00 Mrs. F. O. Butler Matron 240.00 240.00 Mrs. S. T. Moore Manager of Storeroom and Asst. in Boarding Dept 200.00 200.00 154 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK EMPLOYEES Amount Name Designation Rats Paid Miss Lena Nicholson Cook $ $ 75.00 Mrs. A. P. Robinson Cook 25.96 C. B. Hollomon 1 William Lewis \ Janitors 200.00 Charlie Boomer... $ 5,375.96 Board of directors expense account 58.34 TctaL... $ 5,434.30 STATE COLORED NORMAL SCHOOL FAYETTEVILLE (FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1917) BOARD OF DIRECTORS H. L. Cook, Chairman .Fayetteville Q. K. Nimocks, Secretary . Fayetteville Dr. H. W. Lilly, Treasurer Fayetteville L. C. Brogden Raleigh N. A. Smith Kipling L. L. Matthews _ Clinton Amount Name Designation Rate Paid E. E. Smith Principal and Instructor in Science and Pedagogy $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Lillie E. Burke Instructor in English and Latin__ 360.00 360.00 Nannie L. Smith... .Instructor in English and Book- keeper 360.00 360.00 Mattie J. Chavis_ Instructor in Sanitation, Do- mestic Art, Domestic Science.. 360.00 360.00 John F. Burwell Instructor in History and Agri- culture _ 500.00 500.00 Dazzarine R. Fortson Instructorin Practice School and Writing 360.00 360.00 Harry S. Crawford Instructor in Mathematics and Science ' 400.00 400.00 Hattie E. Hamer Instructor in English and Arith- metic 360.00 360.00 Corinna Williams Instructor in Music and Geog.... 360.00 360.00 Clarence Hardy Janitor. 240.00 240.00 $ 4,300.00 Board of directors expense account.. 56.30 Total $ 4,356.30 Principal, eight assistant instructors, and a janitor comprise the employees at the Fayetteville State Colored Normal School for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917, with salaries and duties as indicated in the foregoing. CHEROKEE INDIAN NORMAL SCHOOL (FOR Vi-.ut ENDIHG \OVKMHKH :), 1917) The incorporators named in chapter 400 of the Public Laws of 1887, an<l \vln Irivr been <.i may I"- Ml >ci ite 1 \\ it h t hem, and their successors, shall have charge ;iiid < ml r\ of the >ch-.ol ;tu<l it.- pr |-i t y. and shall have full power to fill .-ill vac -m.-ii-.- ruined by death, n-m ,v.-il, or ot her>vise, upon a majority \ I heir ntitn I They shall elect one of their own number president <>f thecorpo; duties sluill be such as dev.lv,- upon such officers in similar cases, or such a shall be by I hem defined. The corporators shall have full pawer and authority to employ tea< such normal school under such rules and regualtions as they ma , but such o nph.yineiit shall be under the supervision of the board of education of Robeson County, and no contract with any such teacher shall be of any binding force or elTect until the same shall have been >ub:nitti-d t> and ratified by such b,.ard of e LuoatioiL Etariaa] ol i-.- Annual appropriation, $2,750. 1917, c. 193. BOARD OF TRUST! -I- O. R. Sampson, Chairman Raynham, H. 1 \\. i). Oxendim Buie. K. i K. 11. I...\\ery \Itxton, R. 5 .lanies K. Dial - Lumbcrtoii. I Cast.. 11 I.ucklear Pembi l-idinund Low cry Pembroke AI.LMIS A. Locklear ..Buie, H. 1 II. A. Xe.tl, Principal, salary for li> months -...$ 1,080.00 Mis> Helle Ar:nstroim, Teacher, salary for s m..mhs 540.00 Miss L.'ila MeCulh.ch, Teacher, salary for 7 months 472.50 Miss Oma M. Cheek, Teacher, salary for 7 months 385.00 Miss Flora K. Fain, Teacher, salary for 13 days... 11. A. Xeal, Principal, for Mipplie.- and incidental expenses 33.07 To, :l l . $ 2,546.32 THE NEGRO AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNI- CAL COLLEGE OF NORTH CAROLINA (FOB YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The management and control of the college and the care and preservation of all of its property shall be vested in a board of trustees, who shall be elected by the General Assembly. The board of trustees shall consist of fifteen members, five of whom shall be elected at each regular session of the General Assembly and shall hold office for six years. Any vacancy which for any cause may occur shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term. The board shall elect one of their number to be president of the board of trustees. The number and times of meeting of the board of trustees shall be fixed by the board, and_ the trustees shall not receive any pay or per diem, but only their traveling expenses and hotel fare, and that only for four times in each year. The board of trustees shall have power to elect an executive board of three of their own number, who shall have the immediate management of the institution when the full board is not in session. The board of trustees shall have power to appoint its president, instructors, and as many other officers and servants as to them shall appear necessary and proper, and shall fix their salaries, and shall have charge of the disbursement of the funds, and have general and entire supervision of the establishment and main- tenance of the college; and the president and instructors in the college, by and with the consent of the board of trustees, shall have the power of conferring such certificates of proficiency or mark;s of merit and diplomas as are usually conferred by such colleges. Revisal of 1905, ss. 4223-4225. Annual appropriation, $15,000. 1917, c. 193. BOARD OF TRUSTEES M. C. S. Noble, Chairman Chapel Hill J. I. Foust Greensboro W. L. Kluttz. _ Salisbury M. W. Bell. Murphy J. B. Minor... _ Greensboro R. W. Morphis _. ...Reidsville C. M. Vanstory. Greensboro W. E. Brooks , .Pittsboro M. H. Allen ...Goldsboro J. E. Swain.. _ Asheboro W. L. Vaughan Washington A. J. Mitchell- Wilmington F. W. Dunlap Wadesboro Amount Name Designation Rate Paid J. B. Dudley ..President $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 A. T. Whitsett Secretary-Treasurer 1,500.00 1,500.00 M. C. S. Noble Chairman of Board of Trustees..., 420.00 420.00 158 NoKTU (' AKOI.I.NA I'.l.l I. P.tniK Name Dr. S. IV Jonei - .Director of Academic Dept. and Co $ 1,500.00 I). .1. .Ionian . . Superintendent of Night School .. 900.00 1 . I ). I'.lutord . .Teai-hiT in Acrid- FJO "" !).('. Fleming ..Teacher in Academ i< I' 1). K. < JheiTJ Instructor in ttathematiei W.E.Lew - ...Director of M 600.00 ( !, \\in.-l..\v lohn>on . _ ! ' ' ' in'-:,! I )cpt . and InMructorin Iliuher M:it hematics :iinl DrauiiiL' - !.'"" 'lit VV. X. N tor in < ':irp<-nl I J . I .. ( '.l!ll|)lcll . . Ill-t I '. I K-c.-uid inr-h:iru-of hc:it.>y>t<-m. 900.00 C I 1 ter. ...In>iriirtiir iii Hhirk.-mithiiiK and \Mi-rlwriKlitir.-' 660.00 A. 1). \\atkin.s Tnst nu-t <>r in Hi ickla\ ing and IMastrrmt > I.. 1'. liyarm In>t ru-t.. r i and 300.00* \\. II. \1ai-khani A-iMant in M.-.-h.-mi,- . 300.00 \V. I-!. U....IMT Instructor in Bn>oni-m:ikinn 420.00 .1. II. BlulMid .. I)ii-.-i-ti.r Of WM Dept and In- itl 1.200.00 R. C. Chatham .... I n.-i rurt . >r in \ ft -r in.-n \ M.-.licine. 900.00 A. I.. Mrl>:in- l-'arm Supt . and I : Dairyiim an<l Animal Hushandry 800.00 IV \\ . IVuii. - In charge of College Dairy and In-iructc.r in Dairying C. B. Reid ln.-t: inilt ur-.... 000.00 Th-n- u:i.- paid for audit.- during year, $60. PENBB \ '<* HINT n AUD Mi:i:ri N \\. 1 Kluttz --$ 5.50 i; W. Morphia - 3.70 \\. I-!. Mrooks A. .1. Mitchell 7.00 1 . \\. Dunlap. i:\pm-r finance committee 78.45 Total... $21,354.15 STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 159 TOTAL FOR STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS University of North Carolina.. _ .' _$ 142,656.50 North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering 198,718.71 State Normal and Industrial College.. _ 106,133.18 Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School 12,595.60 Appalachian Training School for Teachers. 8,510.00 East Carolina Teachers Training School... _ 54,997.79 State School for Blind and Deaf 38,699.72 North Carolina School for the Deaf 36,646.64 Stonewall Jackson Manual Training and Industrial School 9,270.00 Caswell Training School 16,770.51 Slater Normal School 7,005.90 State Normal School Elizabeth City. _ 5,434.30 State Normal School Fayetteville 4,356.30 Cherokee Indian Normal School 2,546.32 Negro Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina 21,354.15 $ 665,695.52 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 11 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE AT RALEIGH (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Board of directors, how elected; term of office. Such corporations shall be under the management of a board of nine directors, no two of whom shall be resident of the same county, nominated by the Governor and, by and with the advice and consent of a majority of the Senators-elect, appointed by him, of whom five shall be a quorum, except when three of their number are in this chapter empowered to act for special purposes. Such board of directors shall be in classes of three, and the term of such classes shall expire as follows: Those of the first class, on the 1st day of April, 1919; of the second class, on the 1st day of April, 1921; and of the third class, on the 1st day of April, 1923. At the expiration of their respective terms of office all appointments shall be for a term of six years, except such as are made to fill unexpired terms. That three members of said board shall be appointed from that portion of the State now served by the State Hospital for the Insane at Morganton, and they shall constitute the executive committee for said hospital. Three members of said board shall be appointed from that portion of the State served by the State Hospital for the Insane at Raleigh, and they shall constitute the executive committee for said hospital. The remaining three members of said board may be appointed from any part of the State , and they shall constitute the executive committee for the State Hospital for the Insane at Goldsboro. That each of the executive committees herein named is hereby authorized and empowered to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary with respect to the receipts from pay patients and other cash sales of each institution, which sums shall belong to and be expended by the institutions collecting the same. The board of directors herein provided for shall direct and manage the affairs of the three institutions named in section 4542 of the Revisal of 1905, and shall have power to receive, hold, manage, convey, or otherwise dispose of in the name of either institution all such property or estate as may hereafter be given or otherwise conveyed to either corporation. The members of such board shall be paid for their services the sum of $4 per day and actual expenses while engaged in the discharge of their official duties. The board of directors shall convene at each of the several hospitals herein named during the month of April in each year, at a time to be fixed by such board and at such other times as they shall appoint, and investigate the adminis- tration of its affairs, and repoit on the same to the General Assembly, with such remarks and recommendations as to them shall seem expedient. The board of directors shall make all such by-laws and regulations for the government of these institutions as shall be necessary; among which regulations shall be such as shall make the institutions as nearly self-supporting as is con- sistent with the purposes of their creation. 1917, c. 150. Annual appropriation, $207,500.^ 1917, c. 193. 164 N (MM II (' Ai:ni.lV\ Hi. I I HnnK BOAUD OF DIRECTORS C. P. M:i tin-Mill. T:iyl-.i>\ ille H. H. Clark - , - . .lie \ 10. Tate Hiuh Point Joseph (1. Brown Raleigh Dr. 0, A. Woodard .Durham B. H A. lams _. Four Oaks \\ II. Williams .Washington .1 \\ . Thompson Goldsboro I . B. McKinnc ..Louisbuns ,< r An Name Desiy Mont ft Dr. Albert Amler->n SuperiMten.lent _ $ 300.00 $3,600.00 Dr. C. I.. .l-nkin> ln-t \~t . Supei intemient , | v; :>,:>> 2,200.00 Dr. R. K. Adams Second As.-t .Superintendent 1 50. 00 1,800.00 Di I. I RobiotOB \i>tant Ph\ 133.33 698.00 Dr. A. S. IVndleton . Pathologist 166.67 1,394.44 Dr. W. L. McRac... I)nti>t 50.00 33.00 Dr. W. G. Jenkins Interne 50.00 Dr. K: A. Carroll . Interne :>().00 Dr. T. H. Chrstnut Int.rn. 50.00 180.00 Dr. S. P. McDaniel Intorno 50.00 200.00 Dr. L. W. Clay!....! .. .Inn-rm- 50.00 180.00 Lclia Dye Scry, to Siiprrinn-mlriit . 50.00 I'*") <m Mnla Maithi-ws Secy, to Suporint <-n<lcnt :?6.67 440 on l.ydia Seymour St.-noirraphcr 30.00 360.00 Minnir Cosncy .. ... Bnokkr.-p,-: M 420.00 Annir Kanh- Druggist 50.00 600.00 Mrs. A. S. Pendloton A.-si>t:int in Laboratory 50.00 183.33 .1. H.Gosney - 100.00 400.00 Jesse Milliard.... Steward 100.00 300.00 \\ <>. Putter Engineer 77 77 7<>" <>< W. E. Hare Steam-fitter. 60.00 .1 D Pipkin ' Tinner 48.30 Tom Pool Assistant Kn^incrr 50.00 Zrph Marshall Assistant Engineer 47.00 Heal Hue... Helper 37.50 W. F. Prince Operator.. 22.50 Claude Pool Operator 30.00 192.00 George Burgess Helper 16.00 11 :?" E. J. Pipkin ..Night Watehman M 410.00 11. L. Grant ....Night Operator 23.38 Shermon Hay\\..o,i Fireman 30.00 131.00 Bill Hall Oiler 31.33 E. Bobbitt Fireman 30.00 L. J..Carter ....Helper 18.00 < <>" \\. C. Katman Fireman 43.63 4sniiO Guy Aman Plumber 27.50 W. V. Poole Helper 14.80 37.00 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 165 Rate per Amount Name Designation Month Paid Henry Tucker Fireman $ 33.50 $ 151.00 W. E. Montford Helper 20.00 126.67 John Montford Engineer 16.67 150.00 R. Suggs Operator 25.00 41.67 Roy Richardson Helper 25.00 83.33 N. J. Jones Fireman 27.50 95.00 Will McNeal... Fireman. 35.00 17.50 W. R. Briley Fireman 40.00 38.67 T. J. Martin, Jr Assistant Engineer 45.00 45.00 Robert Gieen Carpenter 69.16 830.00 W. D.Richardson Assistant Carpenter 40.00 480.00 George Spivey Assistant Carpenter 36.24 125.67 LeRoy Richardson Helper. 20.00 90.00 C. W. Perry Mason _' 45.00 60.00 0. W. Howard Carpenter. _. ._ 32.50 241.95 H. McGinnis Helper. ... 15.00 14.00 Will Champion .Mason. 50.00 21.33 W. A. Watkins Carpenter 30.00 86.00 C. H. Perry. ...Carpenter 35.00 30.16 James Adams .Supervisor 80.55 966.67 C. A. Hill Assistant Supervisor..... 36.67 440.00 John Nowell . Dairyman.. 40.00 480.00 R. E. Shuffler Foreman... _ 37.50 450.00 F. Johnson Dairyman 25.00 225.00 1. Cooper.. _ Poultryman 20.00 240.00 W. F. Christenberry Dairyman. _ 30.00 60.00 A. E. Smith ..Poultryman _ 25.00 150.00 J. F. Cooper Poultryman _. 25.00 20.83 A. C. Cooper ...Helper 25.00 89.16 Charles Terry. Helper. _ 19.33 232.00 Mack Roach. Helper 19.33 232.00 John Jones Helper.. 18.00 33.00 William Allen. Helper... 19.33 232.00 Porter Evans Helper. 19 : 33 232.00 Sidney Stoney... ...Helper 18.75 224.00 John Morgan Helper 19.33 227.20 Ed. Hall Helper _ 18.33 204.93 Tom Satterwhite Helper... 18.33 220.00 Alfred Tucker Helper. 18.33 220.00 J.A.Johnson Helper __ 17.00 33.44 Elijah Allen Helper _ 17.00 23.80 William Banks.. Helper 16.00 1.60 Lonnie Ruffin ....Helper 17.00 4.81 Connie Cook Helper 18.45 166.30 Bud Taylor Helper 17.00 61.62 Julius Utley. Helper... 18.00 51.00 Willie Palmer. ..Helper. 17.00 14.74 L66 \(l:l II (' \i;l .1 N \ Hi. I I. HIH.K per Amount Name Desii/' Paid Felix M.-lii-idr .. . II,!,.: $ 25.00 $ 42.50 Frank Harris i, H-lp-r 17.00 9.92 James Moss .. .Helper 17.00 104.08 Philip . \dan is Hdprr.. 20.00 68.01 Laurenee Hall Helper 19.00 II .I.M.es .Helper 25.00 56.83 Oil... T:iyl.r If- '; I 18.00 1.80 60.41 725.00 K.-itln -fine White . ..Assistant Mat run 35.00 I: I <t,,,..t (i 45.00 540.00 .1 I>. lloneyentt Storekeeper 40.00 400.00 ret Dicks 40.00 MI on M. A. Milt.. ; , __ 55.00 660.00 John Watkin- Wi.-i a nt t ., Baker 14.50 54.40 AiiKiistn.- Sii-vei,.- M.-'it ('.".I- 20.83 250.00 .MS Cook 15.00 180.00 Dave Ihll II, !p, : 17.58 211.00 Ben Martin 18.66 224.00 William HlaU-k Helpei 15.00 10.00 Delia Evans Cook 15.00 180.00 Daltoa Raad.... , H.IP-T 19.12 153.00 .John Allen ll.lp.r 15.63 59.86 Kirh.-ml M,,.si,. y Waiter. 20.00 39.33 Charles PoWftlL U , i. . r 17.35 A, Mir IN.wdl Maid 13.20 108.27 Charh-s Travcll,,!- . .. . \\ .-, i : , r 17.00 1"71" riMv.l II. .It VI r 17.00 36.78 .Jamr> Phillips \\ I? Maria Stoi.cy Diet Kitchen Cook 13.77 57.81 Sam Johns H.-lp.-r. 18.18 200.00 Lonnie Palmer ..Helper 15.00 8.50 I.clry Wood H.-lprr 15.00 22.00 Annie Murray D Cook 15.00 48.50 Mango Horton.. .H.-lp.-r -- 15.00 50.50 Ilu.lic Travrllor Helper 16.54 57.90 Fanny Brooka ....Cannery 35.00 127.17 Kl.nioVVay Waiter 16.00 22.93 Marion Hunt .. \\ . . , r 18.00 33.00 Madge Jeffress Maid. 15.00 54.50 Utah Rand.... Helper 16.00 6.93 ,-r Jones Dirt Kin -hen Cook 15.00 36.00 ^xiurn Jones ....Helper 15.00 Chris Sturdivant ...Helper 15.00 16.75 James Bullard ....Helper 15.00 Vanccy Holt Waiter 20.00 : Wood Helper 15.00 Willie Lee Waiter. 15.00 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 167 Name Designation Rate per Month Jim Cone. Diet Kitchen Cook $ 25.00 YorkGibbs Cook 20.00 Mango Horton Helper. 17.00 Myrtle Reams Head Nurse, Male Dept 25.00 Hattie Andrews Charge of 7th Ward 30.00 EllaKincaid. ..Nurse.... 22.50 Zilphia Fisher Nurse... 25.00 Bertha Deas... ., Nurse 14.66 Penta Swann Nurse... 15.00 R. B. Hall Head Attendant 38.25 E. T. Register Attendant 28.50 C. C. Stokes.. Attendant..... 25.00 R. B. Upchurch Attendant....... 26.25 E. W. Rhyne.. Attendant .._ 25.42 J. M. McDonald Attendant 25.00 R. S. Hunt ..Attendant 25.83 Thomas Alpine Attendant 22.50 G. V. Puett Attendant 22.50 R. M. Suddreth Attendant _ 22.67 Charles Wall ..Attendant. 20.00 D. H. Willis Attendant 23.11 G. W. Rivenbark. .Attendant 23.11 E. F. Williams... Attendant 20.00 C. H. Baugh Attendant _. 20.00 W. V. Poole... Attendant . 20.00 C. H. Pearson ..Attendant 20.00 C. L. Denton.. ...Attendant 20.00 E. G. Penny _ Attendant _. 22.50 R. A. Deas Attendant 21 .25 S. D. Pearsall... Attendant _ 22.38 J. C. Atkinson.. Attendant _ 22.50 R. J. Roberts Attendant 20.00 J. B. Royal Attendant 25.00 W. Stephenson Servant 20.00 M. A. Suddreth Attendant.... 20.00 S. A. Horton Attendant 22.50 R. B. Pearce _ ..Attendant 20.00 J. B. Richardson... Attendant 22.50 W. S. Fry... Attendant... 20.00 E. G. Ray Attendant 22.50 T. J. Stephenson Attendant 20.00 R. C. Moffitt Attendant 22.50 N. J. Stephenson... ..Attendant 20.00 W. R. Pool Attendant _ 20.00 W. B. Randolph... Attendant 22.50 C. H. Wise Attendant _ 20.61 G. D. Cook... ...Attendant.... 20.00 Amount Paid $ 25.00 3.33 13.60 150.00 164.00 247.00 7.75 88.00 81.47 413.00 94.08 120.00 315.00 241.50 153.33 310.00 41.25 1.50 73.33 1.33 215.00 208.33 60.00 15.33 25.00 92.25 27.67 203 .33 127.50 261.17 18.67 32.04 241.50 240.00 44.67 12.04 55.60 141.00 8.00 66.33 37.33 100.00 9.67 4.67 169.50 109.25 72.00 1G8 Xnlll II (' Mini I \ \ Hi. II HOOK Rate per Amount Name Deswnnt,<,n Month l',nd W. D. Chandler.. Attendant.. $ 23.11 $ 173.80 I. K.Oone Attendant ._ 22.50 77.85 \\. .1. Cone... Attendant & M. I.uther. Attendant 20.00 18.67 I T. Howard Attendant 20.00 65.34 .1 P. Thompson Attendant 20.00 89.25 I B. Thompson. Attendant 20.00 22.71 M. I) Attendant 20.00 W. It. lliil.liard .Attendant . 20.00 C, <>. \\ells Attendant 20.00 I \\ III/H, Attendant 20.00 2200 I I ftfajrton Attendant 20.00 G. M. Cooptt Attendant... 89.33 I I- Kinn Attendant... 25.00 93.00 I K. Pearce Attendant 25.00 C. A. Pane. Attendant 20.00 2.00 S. (i. \Vatkin> Attendant 20.00 10.67 I-. II. Sli..tl,er Attendant . _ 25.00 O.L. Chandler Attendant 25.00 r,2 <2 W. J. Arlington .. Attendant 2.5.00 15.82 <> . ('. Penny Attendant . 25.00 44.58 B.E.YOUU Attendant 25.00 &L. Glorer Attendant . 25.00 14 :,s li.'K. Cranford Attendant _ 25.00 43.74 T. N. Hamilton.. Atten.iant 2.5.00 16.67 I IV Pullen. Attendant 25.00 8.33 W.C.Haley Atten.iant 25.00 49.16 ,laine> Crc.wder Attendant 25.00 48.75 Alex. Malone Attendant 2.5.00 8.33 I C Hall... Attendant 25.00 41.67 K.I). 1'artin Attendant 25.00 M <> \\ilder .Attendant 25.00 4.58 W. N. \orris _ Attendant 2.5.00 .1. K. Warren \ttendant 25.00 18.71 Corrie Hall Nurse 25.00 50.00 i: B. Stell. Attendant 25.00 H A. Schronce. Attendant 25.00 16.26 S.D.Carroll Attendant 25.00 13.33 C.M.Ellis.... Attendant 25.00 .83 .lames Thames Chief Attendant, Male Epilep.. 30.00 2<i> <M> Mrs. James Thames. Housekeeper 20.00 106.04 M M. Denning Attendant 25.00 244 41 Hugh Schronce Attendant 25.00 :>(>() 00 E. H. Boone _. Attendant 25.00 200.00 W. P. Spovey Attendant 25.00 258.25 L. B. Sehnmee Attendant 25.00 L. E. Pearce.... \ttendant 22.50 Mark Pope. ...Cook 17.00 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 169 Name Designation Rate per Month Hugh Slef Attendant _ $ 25.00 $ W. H. Cornwell Attendant 25.00 Lemis Case Cook. 1. 17.00 Marvin Pulley Cook 17.00 E. I. Celey ..Attendant 25.00 L. C. Mann Attendant 25.00 W. W. Stell-__ ....Attendant 25.00 Joe Honeycutt Supervisor _ 30.00 Mrs. Joe Honeycutt Housekeeper 20.00 J. D. Honeycutt Supervisor Oaks Col 30.00 Mrs. J. D. Honeycutt Housekeeper 20.00 W. G. Dixon Attendant 25.00 W. H. Denning.... ..Attendant 25.00 E. B. Sherron Attendant... _ 25.00 L. L. Shuffler Attendant 20.00 J. H. Ross. ..Attendant ._ _ 20.00 J. R. Dixon Attendant. 25.00 A. D. Johnson Attendant _ 20.88 J. W. Hodge Attendant , 20.50 F. B. Pullen Attendant 20.00 W. C. Haley ..Attendant 20.18 . W. B. Adams Attendant 20.00 T. E. Jones ..Attendant _ 20.00 W. S. Mills Attendant 20.00 A. B. Cooper Attendant 20.00 L. E. Pearce Attendant _ 25.00 T. S. Pearce ...Attendant 20.00 J. H. McGee Attendant _ 20.00 W. B. Collins ...Attendant. 20.00 H. C. Peterson.. I Attendant 20.00 J. B. Vanblaracum Attendant 24.50 F. L. Johnson.... ..Attendant 30.00 J. J. Pleasant Attendant 25.00 L. P. Corbitt Attendant 25.00 C. S. Corbitt. Attendant 25.00 Marvin Pulley .Cook 17.00 William Pope Cook.... 17.00 Wesley Pope Cook.... 17.00 Mai Sturdivant Cook 17.00 Louise Richardson Head Nurse 25.00 Lillie Provow. __Nurse.__ 20.00 Naomi Williams Nurse 20.00 Mattie Ray. Nurse._ ___ 19.58 Lola Williams Nurse 18.33 Elvira Long Nurse _ 16.16 Florence Robinson Nurse _ 20.00 Mary Thames Nurse _ 15.63 Mittie Williams.... ...Nurse... 14.25 Amount Paid 101.67 35.33 5.10 69.42 42.33 41.67 39.17 60.00 40.00 365.00 242.50 127.92 165.83 130.00 28.00 22.00 17.50 116.92 24.67 17.34 74.67 2.67 37.84 23.00 95.08 68.75 45.90 62.67 37.00 60.00 81.00 90.00 41.25 38.33 29.72 67.72 11.05 1.07 115.03 300.00 240.00 155.34 235 .00 220.00 194.00 180.67 165.74 57.00 170 \.I:TH ('AIMU.INA BLUE BOOK J late per Amount Name Designation Month Paid Hilda Collins Nurse $ 14.00 $ 2.34 Andrew High _ Cook 17.00 117.58 Mark Strickland Cook 17.00 18.84 ric.- Whitney Cook 17.00 59.51 William PasrhalL Fireman _ 25.00 300.00 Mr-. B. L. Chessnut Superintendent of Clothing 35.00 420.00 Laura ( 'he.ssnut Seamstress 20.00 240.00 Velia Pan i>h _ Assistant Seamstress 17.22 74.43 .1. W. Stanley _ Laundryman 40.00 480.00 Lark ins Knowles... Helper 14.00 74.67 Com Pool Helper 14.00 Pearl Sellers Helper 14.00 Janie Emory Helper l.i mi 6.94 Mrs. M. Register _ Helper 13.00 69.34 Winnie Register Helper 12 00 63.60 Mrs. Stanley Helper 13.00 13.00 Holland Kim.rs _ Helper 13.62 Mrs. M. Seagrove Helper 13.67 21.90 Mrs. Jane Emory Helper 16.60 11. W. Stanley ... Helper 22.50 209.25 Mrs. Chri>ienl>eny. Helper 14.00 Mrs. Annie Pipkin Helper 14 IMI 18.20 Kmily Willis ...Helper 10.00 5.67 Ruth Wilson Helper 10.00 3.33 Rosa Montford Helper 13.00 88.00 Maggie Potter Helper 10.00 9.33 Kthel Hamilton Helper 10.00 11.17 l.ilia Phillips Helper 13.00 50.60 May Black Helper 12.00 13.00 I let tie Varnes Helper 12.00 10.00 Mrs. Ida Strickland.. Helper 10.00 6.80 Mrs. H. Barefoot Helper 14.00 78.60 Mrs. Lucy Harris Helper 13.00 54.03 Kleaimr Harris Helper 12.00 28.93 Mrs. Lucy Perry .Helper 12.00 30.60 Klizuheth Eaton. Helper 12.00 41.54 Pinkie Halstead Helper 12.00 5.93 I.illie Milliken.. . ..Helper 12.00 25.00 I, aura Blalock Nurse 12.00 26.60 1 1 fulfil Sm it her man Nurse.. 13.23 75.00 Clyde Cook Nurse 13.09 72.00 Mabel Manning Nurse.. --- 25.00 Grace Lowe _ Nurse - 9.50 57.00 Myrtle Reams Head Nurse 40.00 240.00 Annie Callahan Nurse - 25.00 125.00 Kflif Griffin.. Nurse 12.39 58.20 EllaMcNew.. Nurse 6.67 11.20 Klla Nail Nurse -- 10.50 13.60 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 171 Name Designation Rate per Month Penta Swann Nurse .$ 17.25 $ Ethel Dunklee.. Nurse 7.02 Rena Allen Nurse 11.60 Vertie Kincaid Nurse 12.00 Blanche Cockman Nurse 12.00 Maud Kimball Nurse 12.00 Carrie Griffin Nurse 12.00 Beulah Somers Nurse 25.00 Delia Beck... Nurse 12.00 Floy Chessnut Nurse 12.00 AlphPartin Servant 20.00 Delam Lewis Servant... 16.33 Clyde Regan Nurse 15.00 Agatha Britt Nurse 11.44 Billie Snelson Nurse 7.20 Elizabeth Hofflin Nurse 11.19 Emma Henry.. Nurse 15.92 Lara Huss _ ..Nurse 4.00 Jessie Harris Nurse 15.00 Sadie Husk Nurse 18.00 Connie Wise Nurse _ 18.00 Kathleen West Head Nurse.... 60.00 Annie Beam Nurse 19.00 Bessie Seymour Nurse._ 9.50 Lottie Haigwood Nurse 8.64 Susan Duncan Nurse._ _. 14.60 Mary^Register Nurse... ._ 13.33 Bell Johnson Nurse i. 11.64 Effie Mitchell Nurse 11.64 Mabel Chandler Nurse 25.00 Ivie Rogers... Nurse 18.85 Ada Wilcox Nurse 14.67 Bertha Wilkie Nurse 5.84 Lucy Frazier _ Nurse 15.84 Cora Hardwick .Nurse 15.67 Rosa Frazier Nurse 15.28 Elizabeth Brown .Nurse. ._ _ 10.00 Mary Humphry Nurse 13.65 Larkin Khowles Nurse 16.00 Lamera Kincaid. ..Nurse 13.36 Maggie Keys Nurse._. 14.14 Anita' Miller Nurse._ ._ 15.00 Katherine Price Nurse._ 15.00 Emily Templeton Nurse.. 18.00 Grace Hunt _ Nurse 15.00 Nellie Alderman. Nurse 16.00 Henrietta Smith Nurse 16.50 Gertrude Gowan... ...Nurse... 25.00 Amount Paid 84.73 25.27 39.60 33.60 28.80 28.00 19.60 38.33 20.00 21.60 240.00 196.00 180.60 103.00 21.60 14.55 8.79 5.73 45.00 192.00 192.26 312.00 73.10 57.00 41.46 106.60 44.00 12.80 137.46 167.13 181.07 73.53 28.90 145.03 83.00 145.20 20.00 102.40 52.97 92.20 99.00 10.00 104.00 36.00 13.60 103.50 33.00 11.74 172 XOI:IH CAIJOI.INA P>u I Name Desiu nation per .M<mtf, Bessie Woody ............... Nurse ________ .................. $ ]~> 7" Lela Owen .................. Nurse .......... . ........ _______ \r, on Smith _____ ...... ______ Nurse .......................... 16.00 Clara ThoroiiKhnood .. . Xurse ____ ...................... 15.50 Betsy Wilkie ................ Nurse ..................... _____ 16.00 . \rmir PdtetftOn.. ........... Nurse ................. . ........ 18.00 Theresa Ruclical ............ Nurse .......................... 20.00 Bertha Lowman ............ Nurse ............. . L'IMIII Ila Alderman ______________ Nurse ......... . ...... . ......... 20.00 Leola William- ____ ....... ..Nurse ........ . ................. 25.00 Doniiic Hall NUT* Conic Hall .......... . ..... .Nurse _______________ ........... BHva Hudi.-:,l ............ Nurse ........... .. Sallie Dale .......... ............. _____ 25.00 Lestie .li>hiiM>n ............ Nurse.. ........................ CHoka - Supt,of ArtsandCrafUDept.. 35.00 Julia Iv Krller. II. id \ :.n '' Amount l>nl $ 110.00 42.00 32.00 42.00 32.00 72.00 If .SI .'{I Ml III) 35.00 $53,972.88 The Statr II(pit:il only pa\ rises and per diem of its Board, which i> :i> lOll Joseph G. Brown ...$ Dr. C. A. Woodard 43.66 B. B. Adams 108.55 $ 209.46 Mniii-y paid for the t rav<-lin L ' eXpeDMi of th- old l"ard was as folio, I I' Aydlott ._ $ 14.75 1! II. Stancel, M.D 13.00 \\. H. Williams 28.05 D. A. McDonald : I). M. LDIIK, M.I) 6.10 C. A. Woodard, M.D 13.00 A. B. Groom, Jr.... 7.10 B. B. Adams 21.00 $ 118.20 Salaries of officers and employees.. $53." Expenses board meetings :- $54,300.54 STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE AT MORGANTON Board of directors, how elected; term of office. Such corporations shall be under the management of a board of nine directors, no two of whom shall be resident of -the same county, nominated by the Governor and, by and with the advice and consent of a majority of the Seniors-elect, appointed by him, of whom five shall be a quorum, except when three of their number are in this chapter empowered to act for special purposes. Such board of directors shall be in classes of three, and the term of office of such classes shall expire as follows: Those of the first class, on the 1st day of April, 1919; of the second class, on the 1st ' day of April, 1921; and of the third class, on the 1st day of April, 1923. At the expiration of their respective terms of office all appointments shall be for a term of six years, except such as are made to fill unexpired terms. That three members of said board shall be appointed from that portion of the State now served by the State Hospital for the Insane at Morganton, and they shall constitute the executive committee for said hospital. Three members of said board shall be appointed from that portion of the State served by the State Hospital for the Insane at Raleigh, and they shall constitute the executive committee for said hospital. The remaining three members of said board may be appointed from any part of the State, and they shall constitute the executive committee for the State Hospital for the Insane at Goldsboro. That each of the executive committees herein named is hereby authorized and empowered to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary with respect to the receipts from pay patients and other cash sales of each institution, which sums shall belong to and be expended by the institutions collecting the same. The board of directors herein provided for shall direct and manage the affairs of the three institutions named in section 4542 of the Revisal of 1905, and shall have power to receive, hold, manage, convey, or otherwise dispose of in the name of either institution all such property or estate as may hereafter be given or other- wise conveyed to either corporation. The members of such board shall be paid for their services the sum of $4 per day and actual expenses while engaged in the discharge of their official duties. The board of directors shall convene at each of the several hospitals herein named during the month of April in each year, at a time to be fixed by such board and at such other times as they shall appoint, and investigate the administration of its affairs, and report on the same to the General Assembly, with such remarks and recommendations as to them shall seem expedient. The board of directors shall make all such by-laws and regulations for the government of these institutions as shall be necessary, among which regulations shall be such as shall make the institutions as nearly self-supporting as is con- sistent with the purpose of their creation. 1917, c. 150. Annual appropriation, $237,500. 1917, c. 193. 174 Ni: I II ( ' \KMI.I \ \ Rue ) OF DIRECTORS .I-i.-epli (1. h rmv ii Raleigh W. II. Williams Washington J. W. Thompson.. .Goldsboro I I'. VTcKinne Louisburg H. Ii. AdamH ...Four Oaks Dr. C. A. Woodard Durham C. P. Matheson Taylorsville \ I Tatc Hi K h Point H. R.Clark ... States vi lie \tiifn- i (ion Month* 12 12 12 12 John MoC&mpbell .. . Superintendent. _ !'. Ii. \\atkinn ..Assistant Phy.-ieian W. R. Griffin Assistant Physiei ,n Albert Honk .. .. As>i>t:mt Physician M. A. Griffin. Assistant Physician.. 6 T. M. Serous Steward IJ Albert Honk.. Dru-ririM lj M ; :n \ M oses Stenographer 9 ( '.erirude Hall Stenographer 7 Nell M ic.haux _ ...Stenographer _ 2 A. K. Farriiigton Stenographer 1 H. A. Howard Bookkeeper 12 Bettie Rusmisell Telephone Operator 11 Jennie Linfield Housemaid _ 11 Cleet Moore.. ..Housemaid _ 9 Jennie Christenburg Housemaid _ 2 Minnie Boone Stoi 11 W. C. Sinuleton . Ninht Watchman 1 _' J. B. Wacasten.. Baker and Housekeeper _ 11 N. A. McGhinnis Assistant Baker 11 .John Hipps Assistant Baker 7 W. G. Bailey_. Assistant Baker 11 M. C. Williams Assistant Housekeeper 11 Gilbert Caldwell Chief Cook 10 Taus Caldwell Cook 11 Morris Scott Cook. 10 Henry Springs Cook 11 Robert Caldwell Servant.. 5 Joe Caldwell Servant 11 Will Dula Servant 1 Aaron Hamilton.. Servant 11 N. A. Avery.. ...Servant., 9 Clifton Murphy Servant 3 Dock Berry Servant 11 Sadie Williams.. Cook 9 L. A. Rink Servant 11 Nicola Scott.... ...Porter.... 12 /'"'/> Paid .. - __ 1,999.98 __ 1,800.00 .. 1,500.00 2 515.83 1,800.00 360.00 2 M 454.26 22 p,4 (MI 15 89.03 _. 28 134.83 11 178.66 5 120.33 1 26.00 16 345.50 449.32 16 692.00 22 258.41 8 213.65 L'l 20 259.22 29 396.63 28 294.06 26 265.36 27 304 .35 .. 90.00 23 L>:> 24 .. 173.00 28 70.54 21 223.86 3 179.98 226.36 232.00 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 175 Name Designation Months Days WillGaston ........ _________ Servant ____ ............... ... 12 .. A. M. Scott... ..... _________ Shoemaker _____ ....... .. ..... 8 .. J. F. Woodward ____________ Carpenter _________ ........... 12 ._ W. K. Houk __________ ...... Carpenter.. ....... ___________ 12 .. R. E. Lane ...... . ..... _____ Tinner ........... ____ ......... 11 16 W. A. Mooney ______________ Mattress Maker .......... _____ 12 .. Mary Clark ________ ..... ____ Seamstress.. ..... _ ...... _____ 12 .. Clara Clark. ............... Seamstress. ............ _____ . 12 __ Nannie Clark... .......... ..Seamstress. .................. 11 16 J. H. O. Carter ............. Engineer ...... _____ ....... ... 12 .. T. J. Sparks. ............... Assistant Engineer ____ ....... 12 ._ B. C. Snipes ..... ____ ....... Fireman ...... _ ......... ______ 12 .. H. H, Holder ........... ____ Fireman .......... __________ .. 12 .. Belo Smith.... ..... ________ Fireman ....... . .............. 12 _. W. V. Coleman ........... ..Fireman ...... ___________ ..... 11 25 M. T. Hennessee _____ ....... Fireman .......... . ........... 12 _. Henry Williams ........ _____ Fireman ______________________ 10 18 James Shuping.. ____ ........ Water-line Man ______ ......... 12 .. O. L. Shuping.... .......... Laundryman _________________ 10 15 E. M. Gray ......... ________ Laundryman ........ . ..... ... 5 17 Dan Abee __________ ..... ...Laundryman ___________ ..... _ 11 26 Mark Duckworth ___________ Laundryman.-. ........... ... 11 10 Addie Brittain ______________ Laundress ..... _______________ 11 4 Victoria Walls ______ ....... .Laundress ________ ..... _______ 11 7 Sallie Giles _______ ..... _____ Laundress ____________________ 6 16 Mary Shuffler _______________ Laundress. ..... ______________ 11 17 Mary Christenberry ________ Laundress ________ ..... _______ 11 14 E. J. Hoyle. ...... __________ Laundress ................ .... 11 25 R. R. Bailey ________________ Laundress.. ......... _________ 6 23 MaryRudicil ........ _______ Laundress ....... ... .......... 11 29 Maud Causby ______________ Laundress __________ ........ ._ 9 15 Ada'Moore _________________ Laundress. ...... _____________ 10 ._ N.E. McNeely ..... . ...... .Laundress ____________________ 9 11 Gallic Fox __________ ...... ..Laundress... ......... ________ 8 .. Grace Mull ____ .......... ...Laundress ____________________ 5 18 Eliza Shuping._. _ ....... ...Laundress ............... _____ 9 12 Gallic Brittain ______________ Laundress ........ ____________ 11 24 Eliza Mitchell ____ ......... .Laundress ................ ____ 11 10 Claudia Cope _______________ Laundress _______ ..... _ ....... 11 _. Donnie Lowery ........ _____ Laundress ____________________ 2 17 T. S. Smith. ....... _ ..... ...Florist _____________ ...... _____ 12 _. L. A. Brittain. ..... . ...... .Assistant Florist ...... ________ 12 .. O. R. Awlran .............. .Assistant Florist ......... _____ 11 16 J. S. Parsons _______ ..... ...Dairyman ...... _ ............ . 11 26 B. C. Cox. ...... ______ ..... Butcher ........ ______________ 12 _. B.C.Williams ...... ________ Hostler ............ . ...... .... 11 25 Durant Woodard . ...Coachman... 4 16 Amount Paid $ 232.00 240.00 900.00 780.00 618.92 360.00 290.00 290.00 221.69 1,200.00 512.00 403.20 403.20 339.20 353.78 339.20 354.00 96.00 525.00 111.29 225.55 196.89 206.38 172.53 108.90 147.18 145.12 138.16 84.76 152.95 120.47 126.75 117.51 101.82 68.86 120.18 150.96 144.67 138.44 27.60 520.00 306.00 249.11 591.93 537.00 413.23 136.00 176 XniH II C.\i:n|.|.\ \ Ml, I I. BOOK Name -///"// R. B. Moore Farmer 12 Edgar Dickson ..Gardener.. 12 Me. Lafeevers _ Driver _ 12 Andrew Lafeevers ...Driver 12 A. B. Clark. Driver 12 Dave Williams Driver 12 L. C. Navy Driver 12 M. I, Walls Driver 11 .1. W. Christ rnburg Driver _ 12 i.reci !ir k Drivei n Will Kinn Driver 11 .1 \\Crawley Driver 1_> .1 D Winters. Driver . ! .1 M. Khmiey. Driv r _ 10 J. C. Chapman l.ai .......... lo . Laborer 1 _' 12 11 1 9 W. A. Hipp- James Tolbert Laborer .liilm Mnnland I.aln.rer . John Hudieil. I.al>-rer Nannie Kersey _ Head Nurse Elizabeth Arney Nurse. Annie Ha Hew Nurse.. Aline Bonus ..Nurse Willie Row man Nurse ........................ 11 Ronnie Rowman ............ Nur- _________ 11 Lula Bonham._ ............ Nurse ........................ 11 Mtta How. -in _____ ........... Nurse ........................ 9 Ina Beck .............. _____ Nurse ..................... ... 11 Kli/.al>eth Rainl ..... . ..... Nurse ........................ 11 Bessie Brocket .............. Nurse ......... ... ............ 1 Bessie Cope ______ ........... Nurse ........................ 11 Fannie Chester ... ........ Nurse ....... . ....... . ........ 10 Ellie Clark ........ . ........ Nurse ........................ 5 Ruth Clark ....... ____ ..... .Nurse ........... . ............ 5 Church .............. Nurse.. ...................... 11 Mima Christy. ............. .Nurse ____ ............... _____ 10 Hattie Cowan ............. .Nurse ........................ 4 Leola Denton ______ ....... .Nurse.. .......... _<. .......... 4 Josie Dillinnham ___________ Nurse.. ................. ----- 11 Annie Davis. ..... __________ Nurse ................. . ...... 11 Maud 1'Vrrer _____ ........... Nurse ......... . ....... ------- 11 Mary Farthering.. ......... Nurse.. ...................... 9 Kllen (Jrady __________ ...... Nurse ......... . ............. - 11 Mamie Griggs ............ ..Nurse ........................ 11 Elizabeth Grindstaff ________ Nurse ______ ......... . .......... Lula Hoyle ................. Nurse ______ ................. . 3 M .!. Harris... . Nurse . ..... 11 29 26 28 27 6 1) 14 15 11 n 17 20 28 16 16 23 28 3 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 177 Amount Name Designation Months Days Paid Claudia Harris Nurse 11 18 $ 144.96 Candace Heddon Nurse._ 9 23 352.24 Blanche Houser Nurse. 11 16 136.40 Hattie Haigwood Nurse 11 9 135.57 Katherine Jenkins Nurse 11 16 211.90 O. M. Keever Nurse 11 18 216.51 Lucy Kincaid Nurse 11 13 137.12 Mary Long,... Nurse.. 8 26 106.25 Susan Lytton Nurse. 2 .. 20.00 MaryMcNeely Nurse. 11 17 255.95 Agnes Powell Nurse 11 15 218.46 Mabel Powell Nurse . 11 15 136.46 Lillie Queen Nurse. 10 29 163.96 Sarah Rusmisell Nurse 11 17 257.88 EttaRudicil Nurse 10 17 158.22 Venda Sudderth Nurse 11 15 264.87 Claudia Sudderth Nurse 8 22 199.44 Leola Sudderth Nurse. 10 22 197.33 Pearl Setzer Nurse 7 8 111.45 Etta Shives. Nurse 6 28 108.66 Beulah Stroup Nurse.... 10 12 215.79 Carrie Shuf oid Nurse 3 19 43.78 Mamie Sharpe Nurse 12 .. 230.00 Mamie Smith Nurse 11 14 161.00 Fannie Fritt Nurse 10 24 149.62 Bedie Williams Nurse 8 17 137.81 Fannie Walker .Nurse 2 8 22.48 Zora Wright Nurse. , 8 27 151.61 Bertha Wilkie Nurse 2 7 27.00 Mamie Youngblood... Nurse... 10 29 150.86 Mona Pruitt 'Nurse 7 25 89.15 Carrie Freeman. Nurse. 7 6 79.34 Elsie Piercy _ !Nurse._ 10 23 121.88 N. F. Rusmisell.. Supervisor 11 25 594.64 R. V. Alexander Attendant 11 25 376.76 H.L.Burns Attendant _ 11 22 356.44 J. P. Beach Attendant 10 10 322.62 M. S. Boyles _ Attendant 3 13 78.38 W. D. Clark Attendant 12 .. ' 384.00 E.R.Clark _ Attendant 10 10 263.25 S.T.Clark ...Attendant 11 16 289.40 J. J. Clark Attendant 5 17 127.71 M. L. Cline ..Attendant .8 7 205.91 J. K;. Duckworth ..Night Watchman 11 .. 351.00 D. C. Grady Attendant 12 .. 384.00 J. B. Grady.. .Attendant 10 22 282.36 R. C. Fortenberry Attendant 11 11 331.03 12 178 NOKTII CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Name Designation Months Days W. C. Heffner Attendant _ 10 7 S. W. Hoyle Attendant 11 7 C, Houser Attendant 11 24 A. L. Keever Attendant 9 I I!. Mull. Attendant 11 17 G. C. Moose Attendant 11 13 C. L. Newton Attendant 11 8 I M. Newton Attendant 3 5 I) I!. I'i.-rcy.'. Attendant 11 21 F. C. Phillips Attendant 3 14 R.B.Ross Attendant 10 24 A. I.. Ramsey Attendant 3 15 M. \V S.iundere Attendant 2 21 II. (I. Sriine Att.-mlarit _. 8 It .1. P. Williams Atfrml.-irit 9 !_' J. M. Williams Attrinlaiit 11 8 \\. II. \Vlii.Miant._ Attendant 1 S. P. White Attendant 7 13 B \\.Klarn Attendant 1 1 O. W. Brandle Attendant 6 28 C. S. Poteet Attendant 3 12 I (J. Digh Attendant ' 11 \Y. II. Williams Colony 11 27 J. B. McGimsey Colony 4 I K. Hudson Colony 11 17 II Lackey Colony 11 15 J. D. Hipps Colony 3 II Frank Tolbert Colony 11 27 W.P.Parker Colony 12 N.L.Parker Colony 12 B.A.Hudson Colony 11 26 K. L. Khoney Colony 11 7 J<M Williams Laborer 3 I.ula McGhinnis Laundress 15 S. Bracket Nurse _. 15 R.P.Pearson Servant 17 Mamie Richardson Nurse 29 J. P. Brindle Colony 11 17 H. E. Hrittain Colony 11 27 \\.K.Dobson Colony 12 J. R. Tallent Colony 10 R.C.Walker .Colony 11 28 J. C. Digh Colony 11 4 K.A.Pearson Colony 11 \\.L.Huss Colony 3 15 T. L. Lafeevers Colony 12 Mamie Mull. Laundress 10 16 C. E. Turner Laborer 10 28 Amount Paid I 299.70 310.59 278.57 218.25 347.64 366.28 270.04 71 U 374.10 78.00 366.96 78.39 il M 228.95 253.09 309.66 37.81 174.08 22.85 161.96 76.68 290.17 381.38 119.67 354.57 332.12 77.65 373.42 480.00 180.00 322.88 357.52 2.33 6.00 5.00 10.16 11.60 369.21 369.76 315.35 263.00 356.71 355.17 344.10 79.55 383.03 130.45 240.26 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 179 Amount Name Designation Months Days Paid Lloyd Causby Laborer.. 2 $ 1.16 Tate Pearson Laborer 10 28 202.62 MayPropst Nurse 11 17 147.58 Jane Freeman _ Nurse.. 6 5 65.99 M. S. Nantz. Nurse 5 18 56.37 BettieMauny Nurse 2 11 23.54 Maggie Morrison. Nurse.. __ 25 8.72 Laura Nelson Nurse. 3 13 34.30 T. E. Propst... , .Attendant 10 2 235.64 J. H. Bowman Attendant 3 27 90,69 J. B. Cannon Attendant 6 19 154.16 C. Brown _ _. .Laundress ._ _. 3 .83 Floyd Caldwell _ Servant. 6 3.48 Jennie Christenberry Laundress 3 12 46.39 Emily Woodard Cook _- 1 ._ 19.66 Beard Pearson _ .Servant. 2 1.60 Hattie Morgan _ Nurse 12 4.00 F. D. Stroup... Attendant _ _ 5 17 170.28 J. M. Denton Water-line Man 12 36.00 A. H. Brittain Water-line Man 12 18.00 Lula McGhinnis Laundress 3 3 39.69 Bonnie Brittain... Laundress 24 8.33 Louise Snipes Laundress .. 12 6.62 R. C. Beard Laborer. __. 9 17 197.65 Henry Avery Servant .. 3 1.80 H. C. Hevener ...Laborer 5 6 101.19 NellHouk Nurse 10 1 125.41 MayeKale Nurse._ 10 16 94.36 Lula Chap m,an ..Nurse 2 21 26.45 Paralee Setzer ...Nurse 2 7 22.04 Carrie Carter Nurse 5 10 55.86 Elizabeth Foy Nurse -... 2 3 20.64 H. T. Keever ..Attendant 3 25 95.46 L. E. Puett. Attendant 8 10 205.00 W. C. Tallent ..Attendant 4^ 20 112.94 H. M. Harris- ...Attendant 4 4 110.53 H. L. Smi u h Attendant 3 15 79.04 J.T.Connelly.. .Attendant 8 5 192.73 J. H. Pons Laborer .. 8 14.00 A.A.Hamilton .Servant 3 8 85.16 G. F. Randall. Laborer 7 15 150.00 Rosa Hudson Nurse... 3 10 34.03 M. F. Leatherman Attendant 4 8 97.24 D. J. Stine Attendant 5 .. 115.98 W. H. Derry Servant 14 8.40 W. H.Bly Servant * - 4 2.40 W.Walton _ Servant 6 25 135.17 C. B, Yarley-, T -^-, ...Laborer -u. 3 4 61.06 180 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Name Designation Months Days Mary Vomit Nurse 1 7 $ Annie Hoyle.. Nurse 6 19 Lula I'rr.-i \\ nod. Nurse.. 20 Donnie King Nurse 1 2 Fannie Church Nurse 5 16 Fannie Drewry Nurse 6 5 Nashie Ross Nurse.. 6 Janie Beck Nurse 5 27 Mamie Fnrtcnbrrry Nurse 2 23 !'. i: WhiMiani Attendant 6 5 \. i: I.ntlr Nurse 2 Lillir Williams Nurse 15 Lula M.-rk Nurse 5 19 HattieTaylor Nurse 2 7 F. D. HulYiiian Attendant 6 5 C.W.England Attendant 5 19 Meta Clark Nurse 19 Bettie Dickson Laundress 4 Ktl.i-l Mull Laundress 4 20 Manda Anderson Nurse 4 27 Fannie Hinson Nurse 4 15 Bessie Ross Nurse 3 23 Mamie Murphy Nurse 20 MlliMi Beam Nurse 15 J. P. Digh Attendant 2 5 W. Happoldt Servant 3 21 J. M. Avery Servant 3 17 Wiley Poteet Laundryman 3 17 G. C. Blanton Laborer 3 14 Gaddy Williams Laborer 3 15 Junie Boyles Nurse 3 29 Annie Brindle Nurse 1 14 G. V. Puett Attendant 3 18 C. E. Whisnant Attendant 3 22 \\.M.Hudson Attendant 1 1 F. O. Childere Attendant 16 M. B. Hoard Attendant 3 12 Leroy Avery Servant 3 R. C. Grenton Servant .. 4 Will Perkins ..Servant 2 15 Lewis Clark Driver 2 7 Addie Townsend. Nurse 2 28 Annie Howard Nurse 2 27 IV:irl Abernathy Nurse 1 29 Dana Clark Nurse 2 27 .'Smith Nurse 2 20 ( Ulir \\atrrs Nurse 2 20 G. M. Whisnant... ...Attendant 2 1-' STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 181 Amount Name Designation Months Days Paid A.M.Allen Attendant 1 14 $ 30.71 R. S. Wehunt Attendant _ 1 28 41.76 F.E.King Attendant 2 18 59.57 N. P. Fox Attendant 1 25 40.34 J. M. Fisher Attendant 11 8.78 N. C. Avery Servant ._ 15 . 10.00 Thomas Williams Laborer 1 1 23.32 Nora Clark Nurse 2. _. 25.00 Gallic Awlran. Laundress 1 24 23.41 Dora Hensley Nurse 1 1 10.33 Annie Webb ...Nurse _. 1 29 19.67 Mary Lowman... Nurse. 1 28 19.03 Viola Kirkland Nurse 1 14 14.42 Mabel Posten .Nurse 1 21 16.77 Nannie Yelton Nurse 1 20 16.45 Rosa Lee Hipps Nurse 1 17 15.48 Mamie Stevens Nurse 1 5 14.64 Nellie English Nurse 1 9 12.90 Grace Miller.... Nurse 1 8 12.58 D. F. Buff Attendant ^ 1 26 41.20 B.A.Walker Attendant * 2 .. 44.00 C. A. Hunt Attendant 1 13 29.48 G. M. Stevens Attendant 1 10 27.14 Henry Hennesee Fireman 19 15.83 Herbert Rodell Laborer .. 5 3.13 .Sain _ Attendant _ _ 3 1.88 A. M. Awlran Attendant 1 .. 24.75 Mack Swink i.Attendant 4 2.34 D.A.Duckworth Attendant 2 1.44 C. M. Denton Attendant 2 1.28 H. T. Morrow. Attendant 8 6.60 T. C. Nichols. _ Attendant 7 4.48 Mamie Walker.... ...Nurse... .._> 8 15 127.25 $70,489.65 The above does not include a small amount of transient labor which is not carried on monthly pay-rolls. The hospital pays the expenses and per diem of its executive board, which is as follows: C. P. Matheson $ 104.50 R. R. Clark.. _. 177.70 A. E. Tate 159.65 $ 441 .85 182 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Expenses of old board of directors: F. P. Allspaugh $ 10.50 H. Clarkson 6.05 Dr. L. N. Glenn 5 75 J. P. Sawyer 3.90 26.20 Salaries of officers and employees $70.489 65 Expenses board meetings 468.05 $70,957 70 STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE AT GOLDSBORO (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Board of directors, how elected; term of office. Such corporations shall be under the management of a board of nine directors, no two of whom shall be resident of the same county, nominated by the Governor and, by and with the advice and consent of a majority of the Senators-elect, appointed by him, of whom five shall be a quorum, except when three of their number are in this chapter empowered to act for special purposes. Such board of directors shall be in classes of three, and the term of office of such classes shall expire as follows: Those of the first class, on the 1st day of April, 1919; of the second class, on the 1st day of April, 1921; and of the third class, on the 1st day of April, 1923. At the expiration of their respective terms of office all appointments shall be for a term of six years, except such as are made to fill unexpired terms. That three members of said board shall be appointed from that portion of the State now served by the State Hospital for the Insane at Morganton, and they shall constitute the executive committee for said hospital. Three members of said board shall be appointed from that portion of the State served by the State Hospital for the Insane at Raleigh, and they shall constitute the executive com- mittee for said hospital. The remaining three members of saiol board may be appointed from any part of the State, and they shall constitute the executive committee for the State Hospital for the Insane at Goldsboro. That each of the executive committees herein named is hereby authorized and empowered to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary with respect to the receipts from pay patients and other cash sales of each institution, which sums shall belong to and be expended by the institutions collecting the same. The board of directors herein provided for shall direct and manage the affairs of the three institutions named in section 4542 of the Revisal of 1905, and shall have power to receive, hold, manage, convey, or otherwise dispose of in the name of either institution all such property or estate as may hereafter be given or otherwise conveyed to either corporation. The members of such board shall be paid for their services the sum of $4 per day and actual expenses while engaged in the discharge of their official duties. The board of directors shall convene at each of the several hospitals herein named during the month of April in each year, at a time to be fixed by such board, and at such other times as they shall appoint, and investigate the ad- ministration of its affairs, and report on the same to the General Assembly, with such remarks and recommendations as to them shall seem expedient. The board of directors shall make all such by-laws and regulations for the government of these institutions as shall be necessary, among which regulations shall be such as shall make the institutions as nearly self-supporting as is con- sistent with the purpose of their creation. 1917, c. 150. Appropriation for 1917, $120,000; annually thereafter, $125,000. 1917, c. 193. 184 NORTH CAROLINA BLI BOARD OF DIRECTORS RAM-.I'.II I )]>'i id- i Joseph G. Brown Raleigh B. B. Adams Four Oaks Dr. C. A. Woodard Durham MORf; LMTOM I )I^TKH T A. I-!. Tftti High Point I,'. IJ. CUrk.... Statesville C, I'. Mailn-M.il Taylor.-ville GOLDSBORO DISTRICT J. W. Thompson Goldsboro F. B. MeKinne _L<misl>uru \\ II \\Mli, Washington Name W. W. Pfctam, M.I). W. C. Linvil Jones, P. C. Carle. s. v. Fatal .1. W. Mryan M.-Ia Mryan Rate per Total Xntn Month Paid Superintendent $208.33 $2,500.00 WiMant 91.67 1,100.00 Sreund Assistant 91.67 1,100.00 Clinical Director 83.33 552.75 Clinieal Director 83.33 180.55 Secretary 12.50 150.00 Steward 83.33 1,000.00 Clerk. 25.00 300.00 II. M. Smith... Housekeeper 25.00 275.00 Mamie Herring H<>u>i-keej>er_ 30.00 30.00 I.. I'. Mriduers ..Assistant... 25.00-30.00 305.00 J. W. Wiggins : Storekeeper 45.00 495.00 II. S Toler Storekeeper 45.00 45.00. Martha Newell .Seamstress. 15.00 180.00 Sallie Toler Assistant 15.00 87.50 V. A. Hh..des Helper 12.50 ' 89.37 Nancy King Helper 12.50 24.79 Tena Davis Helper 15.00 30.00 Flossie Smith Assistant 15.00 17.75 Anna Benson Helper 12.50 12.50 G. R. Hardesty Engineer 83.33 677.73 Walter Evans Fireman 35.00-40.00 446.58 Dock Best Fireman 35.00-40.00 455.00 John Brewington Helper 40.00-45.00 515.00 .1. H. I'arrott ....Watchman 30.00 360.00 H. S. Toler Farmer 40.00 440.00 I). H. Newell Farmer 50.00 50.00 I). 11. Newell Gardener 40.00 467.75 S. M. Newell Dairyman 40.00 Herbert Williams Helper 17.00 73.66 .lames Williams Helper 17.00-20.00 133.33 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 185 Rate per Total Name Nature of Service Month Paid Spencer Best.. .Carpenter $35.00 $ 420.00 A. J. Sykes... Blacksmith 45.00 489.25 Walter Whitley... Janitor 18.00 18.00 Joshua HowelL Janitor 16.50-18.00 189.60 Frank Moore _ Baker 32.50 400.25 William Hill. Wagoner 17.50-18.50-22.50 221.00 A. G. Howell Night Watchman 16.00-19.50 211.73 Lizzie Hines Night Watchman 18.00 214.80 A. B. Howell Male Supervisor 25.00-27.50 316.16 Priscilla HowelL.. Female Supervisor. 20.00 240.00 Annie Wilson.... Night Attendant 15.00 180.00 Arnold Vaile Attendant 20.50-22.50 260.00 Alex. Whitfield Attendant 24.00-26.00 302.00 J. R. Short Attendant 20.00-22.00 253.00 H. L. Stevens Attendant 18.00-20.00 227.00 O. Highsmith Attendant _. 20.00-22.00 251.33 Will Odom Attendant 18.00-20.00 229.33 Henry Spencer.. Attendant .. 18.00-20.00 223.87 William Hawkins Attendant 20.00-22.00 254.00 J. D. Best Attendant 18.00-20.00 230.00 L. C. Hollingsworth.. Attendant 18.00-20.00 228.00 Tom Lane Attendant 18.00-20.00 232.00 James W. Lane Attendant 20.00-22.00 254.00 Noah Quinerly .Attendant 20.00-22.00 254.00 Jerre Sloan Attendant _ 18.00 18.00 Oscar Hines._ _ Attendant 20.00 177.66 Richard Moore Attendant _ 20.00-22.00 210.00 * Anna Moore Attendant 20.00-22.00 232.00 James Hines ._ Attendant 20.00-22.00 205.34 E. F. Wade Attendant 17.50-21.00 200.58 Ransom Highsmith. .Attendant 16.00-19.50 212.33 William C. Green. .Attendant 15.50-17.00 168.17 Charles Hi&hsmith.._. Attendant. ._ 17.00-20.00 207.00 Wash Ball Attendant _. 15.00-18.50 184.91 George Thompson Attendant 15.00-15.50 57.65 Alonza Mitchell ...Attendant _ 18.00 48.00 Luby Thompson Attendant. 18.00 23.50 Albert Malloy Attendant _. 18.00 23.25 James Hadley Attendant _ 15.00 9.50 Roy Moser Attendant 15.00 6.00 Lila Fulton Attendant 18.00 216.00 Mary Sutton Attendant 15.00-16.00 184.75 Mary Elliott Attendant 15.00-16.00 187.00 Martha Whitfield Attendant 15.00 179.25 Nancy Hawkins _. Attendant ._ 17.50-18.00 210.64 Kizzie Raynor Attendant _ 15.00 179.00 Abbie Flowers Attendant '. 10.50 59.50 186 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Rate per Total Name Nature of Service Month Paid la Morgan Attendant $ 15.00 I 178.50 II.it tic Racford Attendant 18.00 210.00 Phillips Attendant 15.00 177 |Q Cora Mitchell Attendant 15.00 178.25 Maria Spencer Attendant _ 15.00 114 ~:> Susie Odom Attendant... 15.00 179.50 IdaRagland Attendant 13.50-14.50 88.39 Ueheera Spell Attendant 13.50-15.00 131.03 I.illie LIT. ....Attendant _. 13.50-16.00 178.95 Daisy Hi^h. smith ..Attendant 13.00-15.00 166.12 M. B. Gaston Attendant... 13.00-13.50 50.81 Cleo Quinn Attendant 15.00-16.00 104.87 Maggie Morgan Attendant 13.50-15.00 KI//H IliKhsmith Attendant 12.50-14.50 I .i//i<! Brown Attendant . _ 12.50-14.00 138.90 .) 'nine Hill Attendant 12.50-14.50 162.83 Sarah Lane Attendant 15.00 11_> :>u Sarah Austin Attendant 15.00 122.50 Bessie Lane Attendant 15.00 17'.' .">" H M Lewis ...Attendant 12.50-14.00 156.06 Maggie Hayes Attendant 12.00 22.80 Tena Davis Attendant 14.00-15.00 108.25 Hill .- Attendant 12.00-13.50 I I. Allen Attendant 12.00-13.50 138.87 KHIMKI Atkinson \ttendaM ... 12.00-13.50 136.05 . ra Hest Attendant 12.00 I. aura Best Attendant 12.00-13.00 54.34 Nancy King Attendant 12.00-13.00 44.60 Martha Mines Attendant 12.00-12.50 .l; 5s Bessie Thompson \tiendanf . , 12.00-12.50 57.99 Lena Potenon Attendant 12.00 18.40 Kllie Stevens Attendant 12.00-12.50 46.90 Tessie Sand.-o Attendant 12.00 26.00 Marietta Phillips Attendant r __ 12.00 12.40 Nancy Murphy Attendant 12.00 10.00 S. C. Hadley Attendant 12.00 4.80 Henrietta Hadley Attendant 12.00 7.60 ire Muinford- Attendant 18.00 15.00 I.ula Latham Cook 12.00-13.00 148.57 -e King Cook 22.00-24.50 276.50 liattie Blount Cook 10.00~11.00 ll'l -'" n:i Nobles Servant 6.00 64.60 Will Illler Laundry Helper... 15.00-18.00 Tanny Hn-\\ in^t mi Washwoman 12.50 Hettie Hart \\ash\\oman 12.50 Oft Little. \\a>hu..man 11.00 l{o\i. Tynrr \\ : , >|,u ,nian 11.00 32.90 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 187 Rate per Name Nature of Service Month Alice Ball ....Washwoman $ 11.00 William Broadhurst Hostler 18.00-19.00 Bryan Edgerton Lot Wagoner 15.00-16.00 Jasper Reavis .Farm Hand 14.00-15.00 James Washington. Farm Hand 14.00 John Groom ..Farm Hand 14.00-15.00 John King Farm Hand 14.00-15.00 Henry Howell Farm Hand 10.00 King Ashford Farm Hand 14.00-15.00 G. C. Lane .Special Attendant 19.00-21.00 Flora Hollingsworth .Special Attendant 15.00-16.00 Total Paid $ 97.90 223.00 187.00 134.00 11.67 145.73 175.00 58.83 106.73 242.00 175.84 $28,629.98 NOTE. In addition to the payments above, the officers and employees re- ceived the following: The superintendent received a furnished house, lights, fuel, laundry, and food products from the farm, garden, and orchard. Assistant physicians and clinical director received board, furnished rooms, lights, fuel, and laundry. The steward has board, house, lights, fuel, and laundry. The storekeeper, farmer, gardener, dairyman, and carpenter had house, lights, fuel, laundry, and vegetables and fruits from the garden and orchard. All other employees received board, lodging, laundry, medicine, and free medical attention. Those employees having families on the premises received vegetables, lights, a,nd fuel. BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXPENSE ACCOUNT Prior to the consolidation of the boards of directors of the three State Hos- pitals, this hospital was managed by a board of nine directors, who received no compensation for their services but were paid their actual expenses of attendance upon the meetings of the board. This board consisted of the following members, who each received the amount indicated from December 1, 1916, to April 1, 1917: F. W. Habel ..Raleigh.. $ 13.60 J. G. Anderson. Snow Hill 5.00 J. A. Beaman Clinton 4.35 J. C. Cromartie Garland 15.00 Dr. Ben Royall Morehead City 2.00 J. W. Thompson Goldsboro W. L. Hill Warsaw _ F. B. McKinne . Louisburg -_ Dr. J. T. Hoggard. ..Atkinson Total paid the members of the old board $ 39.95 188 Noinii C 1 \i:ouNA BLUE BOOK Those members not receiving anything did not attend any meetings during the year except Mr. J. W. Thompson, a member of the Executive Committee, who resided in Goldsboro, and did not incur any expense. The consolidated board since April 1, 1917, is composed of: K M.I.K.H DISTRICT Joseph G. Brown. ..!_ Raleigh B. B. Adams Four Oaks Dr. C. A. Woodard Durham MOIU5VN BOM I > I STRICT A. K. Tate High Point R.R.Clark Statesville C. P. Matheson Taylorsvillc GOLDSBORO DISTHK T J. W. Thompson Goldsboro F. B. MrKjnne Louisburg W. H. Williams Washington Each hospital pays all per diem and expenses of its special direetoi hospital has paid .! . W. Thompl 'i. >'ii jii : \\ . H. Williams, $206.01; F. B. MeKinne. $142.69; total, $415.80. Total paid all directors, $4;,:, Salaries of ollir-i-rs and employees $ 28,620.08 M \penses Imard meetings 455.75 $ 20,085.73 NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR THE TREATMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS (FOR YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The control of said Sanatorium shall be vested in a board of directors, com- posed of twelve members, to be appointed by the Governor, except that the Secretary of the State Board of Health shall be ex officio a member of said board. The board of directors shall be divided into four classes of three me'mbers each: the first class to serve for a term of two years; the second class for a period of four years; the third class for a period of six years; and the fourth class for a period of eight years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The board of directors shall prescribe the duties of the superintendent, who shall be a skilled physician of good moral character and good business habits, and otherwise qualified to discharge the duties of the office. He shall hold office for a period of two years from and after the date of his election. Said superin- tendent shall employ such subordinate officers and employees as may be necessary, and fix their compensation, subject to the approval of said board; and said super- intendent shall have the power to discharge the same for incompetence or mis- canduct in office, and the proceedings in regard thereto shall be reported to the said board of directors. 1907, c. 964; 1911, c. 154. Appropriation for 1917, $30,000, and $40,000 annually thereafter. 1917, c. 193. DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE STAFF W. S. Rankin, M.D... .Secretary and Treasurer Raleigh C. A. Shore, M.D Director State Laboratory of Hygiene Raleigh Warren H. Booker, C.E. Chief, Bureau Engineering and Education.. .Raleigh J. R. Gordon, M.D Chief, Bureau Vital Statistics Raleigh L. B. McBrayer, M.D Superintendent State Sanatorium Sanatorium George M. Cooper, M.D Director Medical Inspection of Schools Raleigh B. E. Washburn, M.D Director County Health Work Raleigh A. McR. Crouch, M.D State Epidemiologist Raleigh Miss Mae Reynolds Clerk and Bookkeeper Raleigh MEMBERS J. Howell Way, M.D., President. - Waynesville Richard H. Lewis, M.D., LL.D Raleigh J. L. Ludlow, C.E .L Winston-Salem Thomas E. Anderson, M.D Statesville Charles O'H. Laughinghouse, M.D.. Greenville Edward J. Wood, M.D .-.- Wilmington F. R. Harris, M.D - Henderson Cyrus Thompson, M.D. --- Jacksonville E. C. Register, M.D Charlotte Expenses of meetings paid by State board of Health. 190 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK \i;li:s, MEDICAL AND EXECU'i l\ B, I'l.R ANNUM Name Designation for Year Dr. I,. I'.. MeBraver Supi-rint endent $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Dr. 1'. I'. Mcf'ain _ A~-i>lant Superint endent 100.00 2,100.00 Dr. \\ . II. SlMM-rill . , Vssistant IMi\ 1, !'((). 00 1,200.00 Mr. .1. M.rlark Business Manager and Pur- elia-iim Aj.'ent 1,200.00 1,200.00 Mr \ . 1 . Hill Cashier 600.00 600.00 Mr. I. K. Mr.Anult v._ Engineer 1,200.00 1,200.00 \i urara MM i : Miss Mamie <>' Kelly Head Nurse 720.00 720.00 MissMattic Dunlap 'rained \urse 480.00 480.00 Miss Maude Mann ' 'rai iM-d Nur.-c . 300.00 :;MII (III M i>s ( 'arrie ( 'raiu 'iipil \ur>e 12000 120.00 Miss Mamie Eraser 'upil Xurse 120.00 120.00 MI i fen Qree 'upil Nursf .. 120.00 120.00 Miss Mary Ingram 'upil Niirnc,. !_'< (Ml 120.00 Miss Maida Eaton 'upil \ur.M> 120.00 120.00 MisH Lot t if llarkev 'upil \urx- 120.00 120.00 Miss Annie Bagley . Pupil Xuree 120.00 120.00 Mrs. Mollie Flannagan... Attendant 120.00 !'(. (Ml Miss Sallie Teague .Attendant 60.00 60.00 Mr. !;. I.. NMiite Attendant 36.00 36.00 $11,856.00 COOKS AND SERVANTS Monroe Rowland $ 600.00 $ 600.00 Hrnrv Hucknrr 360.00 360.00 Claudius Reeves 240.00 240.00 Frank Harri>on_ 300.00 300.00 ('arv Harrix-n 300.00 300.00 John Graham 300.00 300.00 George Murohiaon 240.00 240.00 Will Mc.lnlvn- 240.00 240.00 Will Mrl.auKhlin... 240.00 240.00 Gus Miller... 240.00 240.00 John Brown 240.00 240.00 W. B. Morrison 300.00 300.00 George Seagraves, fireman. 588.00 588.00 Attorneys' fees 428.57 $ 4,616.57 STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS 191 FARM Total Name Rate for Year C. H.Jenkins.. 1 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Wesley Seagraves 240.00 240.00 Argatha Seagraves 240.00 240.00 Harlee Seagraves 240.00 240.00 Eugene Seagraves 240.00 240.00 $ 2,160.00 DAIRY W. A. Grover and family ; $ 960.00 $ 960.00 EXTENSION DEPARTMENT Dr. L. B. McBrayer Chief of Bureau of Tuberculosis__$_ $ Dr. P. P. McCain Assistant Chief of Bureau of Tuberculosis...,. _ Miss Ruth Withers Private Secretary to Chief of Bureau.... 900.00 900.00 Miss Lillian Lindley Stenographer _ 480.00 480.00 Miss Lily Rogers Stenographer 480.00 480.00 Mr. A. W. Snow... Clerk 480.00 480.00 $ 2,340.00 Salaries of officers and nurses _. $11,856.00 Cooks and servants _ _ 4,616.57 Farm _ 2,160.0*0 Dairy _ 960.00 Extension Department _ _ 2,340.00 Total ...$21,932.57 SOLDIERS' HOME (Knit Vi \K ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Tin- S .Idier.-/ ll. mi- .-h-ill !. x .verm-d by a board of direetor- e m.-i.-t inu nf 1 1 ic ii i hers, <f w lion i t hree shall he elected by the S .Idier.-' Home Association, p .raiii.n coated by chapter 60 of tin- Private Laws of 1891, ami four .-hall be appointed by the Governor of the State annually, ami in case of failure to el. .1 or appoint, the members of the board shall hold their offices until their sue- ts shall be elected or appointed. The board of directors shall elect from their number a president, and a secretary who shall not he from their number, and the Treasurer of North Carolina shall be the treasurer of the association The hoard of directors shall appoint such officers, agents, or employees as it shall see fit, and shall prescribe the duties of such officers and employees. It shall e>tahlish rules and regulations for the maintenance ami government of the home, and shall have entire r ml ml and management of it. Hevisalof 1905, 88. 5300-5310. Annual appropriation, $42,500. 1917, C. 193. BOARD OF DIRECTORS A II. Koyden, I'n-ident Salisbury \\. I'. Wood, Vice President Raleigh 3, Carr Durham J. N. Kelly Clarkton J. M. Fleming Raleigh P. H. Hanes Winston-Sale m Total Name Designation Rate for Year D. H. Milton Superintendent $ 1,200.00 $>1, 125.00 Mrs. W. T. Mixon Matron 1,080.00 '1,035.00 Miss Maude B. Setzer.... Nurse 900.00 '862.50 Miss Ella McKay Nurse 420.00 420.00 Miss Catharine Henry ...Nurse 420.00 420.00 Dr. R. H. Freeman Physician 600.00 600.00 Baxter Durham* Clerk 60.00 60.00 Laborers' pay-roll 97.50wk. 5,070.00 $ 9,592.50 ! \ PENSE ACCOUNT BOARD MEETINGS A. H. Boyden, President 30.00 Total $ 9,622.50 Salary increased from $75 to $100 per month, March 1, 1917. 2 Salary increased from $75 to $90 per month, March 1, Hi 17. 'Salary increased from $62.50 to $75 per month, March 1, 1917. 4 See Departments of State Auditor and Adjutant-General. CONFEDERATE WOMEN'S HOME (FoB YEAR ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917) The directors of the Confederate Women's Home shall consist of seven mem- bers, to be appointed by the Governor of the State for terms of two years each. The board of directors shall elect a president and a secretary, and the State Treasurer shall be treasurer of the Home. Annual appropriation for maintenance is $5,000. 1913, c. 62. For permanent improvements in 1917 an appropriation of $2,000 was made. 1917, c. 205. BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. A. Bryan, Chairman New Bern J. A. Turner, Secretary Louisburg J. S. Carr . ..Durham W. H. White Oxford A. D. McGill Fayetteville T. T. Thome Rocky Mount George M. Rose Fayetteville Total Name Designation Rate for Year Miss Fannie C. Waters.. -Superintendent $ 50. 00 mo. $ 600.00 Servant 5.00 wk. 260.00 Cook... S.OOwk. 260.00 $ 1,120.00 EXPENSE ACCOUNT BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. A. Bryan $ 21.25 J. S. Carr ._ 10.75 W. H. Mhite 17.00 T. T. Thome 4.00 J. A. Turner, Secretary 108.50 161.50 Total $ 1,281.50 13 NORTH CAROLINA ORTHOP/EDIC HOSPITAL V I. \l( \ .\ DI N<; \OVI.M ill app .int a b >ard of trustees, e msistinn of nine members, The board of trustees -hall or^ani/e by electing on. >ne of its members secretary, and one of its member- members as an exeeut ive e^mmit tee. The board shall have I any building.- necessary, make Lmpi or in general to do ;H that may be beneficial to the good government of the institution, and to this end they may make by-laws for the government oi same. For buildings and furnishings $20,000 is appropriated, provided that U shall not be available until N_>II,I)(IO shall have been subscribed in nood faith, for the same purpose, f, .m lOUTON oil, IT than the State of North Carolina. > thousand live hundred d .llars appropriated annually for 1917 and 1918 for main- tenance. l'.!7, c. I'.t'.i. OFFICERS \\D TIM STKES K. H. Itabbinmon. President (la.Monia M. B. Spier, SecretaiN Chari .1. I.ee |{ obinson, Treasui er . Gastonia F. C. Harding, Chairman ... Greenville K. I: M.-Adenville Ilev. A. I). Wileox, Chaplain _ Goldsboro TO Hlanton Bhelby W. ( liivens ; Wadesboro I. H Cihs Glen Alpine T. W. Bicket t , t .r njfii-,0 ( 'ha inn a: Raleigh No expenditures for salaries or \\ : : ending \o\e:nber 30, 1917. TOTAL FOR STATE CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS State Hospital for (lie Insane at Raleigh.. .$ 54,300.54 State Hospital for tin- Insane at Moriranton. 70,957.70 Hospital for the Insane at Goldsbor.. 29,085.73 North Carolina Sanatorium for the Tre ibereulosis 21,932.57 Soldiers' Home 9.' Confederate W,, men's Home. 1.281.50 North Carolina Orthona-die Hospital... $ 187,180.54 SUMMARY OF SALARIES AND WAGES FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS, OFFICES AND INSTITUTIONS Legislative Department _ $ 85,611 .15 Executive Department... _ 101,407.61 Judicial Department 119,684.94 Administrative Departments, Boards, and Commissions 450,866.90 State Educational Institutions 665,695.52 State Charitable Institutions 187,180.54 Total .$1,610,446.66 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTIES Bonded In- Rate of Date of debtedness Interest Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected ALAMANCE $19 ,000 5H% Mar. 1, 1911 Mar. 1, 1936 a K 10 ,000 5K% , Mar. 1, 1912 Mar. 1, 1927 b J; 16 ,000 5 1 A% April 15, 1915 April 15, 1933 c F 19 ,000 5 1 A% July 1, 1914 July 1, 1937 d F 19 ,000 5H% Mar. 1, 1916 Mar. 1, 1936 e F 9 ,000 6% April 1, 1914 April 1, 1937 / J BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTIES (NOVEMBER 30, 1917) Purpose of Issue Roads. Jail. Funding. Funding. Funding. Jail. $92,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $25,000, payable $1,000 annually. 6Serial bonds, original issue $15,000, payable $1,000 annually. cSerial bonds, original issue $20,000, payable $1,000 annually. dSerial bonds, original issue $20,000, payable $1,000 July 1, 1918; $1,000 July 1, 1920-1937. eSerial bonds, original issue $20,000, payable $1,000 annually. /Serial bonds, original issue $10,000, payable $1,000 every two years. ALEXANDER $150,000 5% Jan. 1,1917 Jan. 1, 1952 a$3, 090 Roads. aSerial bonds, payable as follows: $15,000 January 1, 1927; $15,000 January 1, 1932; $25,000 January 1, 1937; $25,000 January 1, 1942; $40,000 January 1, 1947; $30,000 January 1, 1952. ALLEGHANY $15,000 6% Mar. 1, 1914 Mar. 1, 1932 a Courthouse. aSerial bonds, original issue $19,000, payable $1,000 annually. ANSON $86,000 5% July 1,1912 July 1,1937 a Courthouse and jail. 98,000 5% Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. 1, 1940 6 Roads. $184,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $95,000. foSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually. ASHE $20,000 5% Aug. 21, 1916 Aug. 21, 1936 None Roads and bridges. AVERY $25,000 5% Feb. 1,1912 Feb. 1,1932 None Courthouse and jail. 150,000 5 1 A% May 1, 1915 May 1, 1955 None Roads. 25,000 6% Dec. 1, 1917 Dec. 1, 1957 None Funding. $200,000 200 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK In- Rate of debtedness Indn.^t I', I. \ I FORT - $12,500 .v ; 50,00" 25,000 50,00' Date of Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue .I:in. 1'IOS 5% Feb. 1, 1909 Nov. 1, 1913 i. UB0 Jan. 1, 1938 Feb. 1, 1939 Nov. 1, 1943 (Refunding. Bridges. ... , Bridges and roads. lues. $137,500 I'.i it UK $15,000 6 r ; July 1,1'Ml hl.ADKV None. $12,000 5% June 1, I'.m:: 8,000 :.' i. r.M:, July 1, I 1 '-''', Xono I! Juno 1, I !i_:t $10,000 County homo, . Index. Funding. $20,000 $10,000 ./Serial h >nd-, original issue $10,000, payable $1,000 annually. BUNCOMBE $50,000 5% Jan. 1, Jan. , 1932 None Courthouse. 20,000 4H% June 1, 1905 Juno None County home. 38,000 w;. Feb. 1, 1906 Pbb, , 1936 a Funding. 6% .Ian. 1, 1908 Jan. i Jail. 111,000 '/; Mar. 1, 1909 Mar. , 1939 \<>ne Funding. 50,000 Mar. 1, 1910 , 1930 None Bridges. 50,000 5% Dec. 1, 1911 Dec. ,1931 None Funding. 25,000 6% .Ian. 1, 1912 J.i n. , I-..J1 c Funding. 50,000 5% May 1, 1913 May , 1963 d Fun. ling. 50,000 May 1, i '.'i.; d Roads and bridges. 73,000 5% Dec. 1, I'.IU Juno , 1946 e Funding. 97,000 5% July 1, i'.ii:> July , 1950 f Hoa.ls and bridges. 98,000 5% .luly 1, 1916 July , 1935 None Refunding. 297, OUO 1, 1916 , 1956 Q l!*.:tU alnl bridges. $1,046,000 a$60,000; serial bonds, original issue, payable $2,000 annually. b$40,000; aerial bonds, original issue, payable >l,nnu annually. / Sorial bonds, original issue, $50,000, payable $."),((() annually. , /Serial bonds, payable $.'.,000 annually May 1, l'.'l\ llj:j, 1928, 1933, 19> 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963. eSerial bonds payable $2,000 annually until 1931; from 1932 to June 1, 1946, $3,000 annually. ial bonds payable $3,000 annually until 1949; $4,000 July 1, 1950. ! I),, nd> payable f?.ni)i) annually until l!>'2); $6,000 December 1, 1927-1'.W.; >12,000 December 1. 1947 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTIES 20*1 5% 5% 5% 5% Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest BURKE $14,000 16,000 5,000 100,000 $135,000 CABARRUS $105,000 34,000 56,000 75,000 50,000 Date of Issue June , 1912 June .., 1912 Dec. .., 1915 Dec. ... 1916 Date of Maturity Sinking Fund Collected Purpose of Issue June .., 1932 None Jail. June .., 1932 None Funding. Dec. 15, 1930 None Funding. Dec. .., 1946 None Bridges. 5% 5% 5% 5% $320,000 aSerial bonds, ^Serial bonds, cSerial bonds, dSerial bonds July 1, 1911 July 1, 1941 None Roads. April 1, 1914 April 1, 1951 a Courthouse and jail. April 1, 1914 April 1, 1945 b Roads and bridges. 1, 19^6 Oct. 1, 1946 c Roads. Oct. Apri 5, 1917 April 5, 1943 d County home. original issue, $36,000; payable $1,000 annually, original issue, $60,000, payable $2,000 annually, payable $3,000 annually, beginning October 1, 1922. payable $2,000 annually, beginning April 5, 1919. Courthouse. Roads, bridges, county home. 1923 None County home. Jail and courthouse. CALDWELL $12,000 6% Jan. 1, 1904 Jan. 1, 1929 50,000 6% Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. 1, 1946 $62,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $25,000, payable $1,000 annually. fcSerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually, 1922-1946. C AMDEN None . CARTERET $5,000 6% 1913 C A SWELL $8,000 5% Dec. 1, J916 Dec. 1, 1926 aSerial bonds, payable $800 annually. 'CATAWBA $69,000 5% July 1, 1917 1938 a Bridges. aSerial bonds, payable $3,000 annually, 1923-1926; $4,000 annually, 1927-1930; $5,000 annually, 1931-1934; $6,000 annually, 1935-1938. CHATHAM $14,000 5*A% Mar. 19, 1905 April 1, 1924 a Funding. 25,000 4M% April 1, 1909 Nov. 1, 1930 b Funding. 5,000 5% April 1, 1910 April 1, 1932 c Funding. . $44,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $20,000, payable $2,000 annually April 1st. bSerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually from April 1, 1919, to November 1, 1930 cSerial bonds, payable $1,000 April 1, 1930, and $2,000 annually 1931-1932. 202 XnlM II (' \l:..| IN \ P.l.l I IJ....K limt ill it I ii- i ,/,/,/,, ///r>x ! Date of .M'ltu r itn Collected Purpose of Issue < 'HI ftl $2,000 6% IV] 1911 " Courthouse. 6% I'.tll 1941 N"ne Fund $12,000 ninal LMU6 30,000, payable $500 annually. CHOWAN None. CLAY $75,000 6% Jan. 1, 1914 1. >ad. 6% Jan. 1. 1912 Jan. 1. 1919 10,000 6% 1. 1915 1. ouse. 10,000 6% Jan. I, 1916 J:iM 1. 1938 a P. 998,500 id liond-. payable $500 annually. CLEVKI.\M> $5,000 19,000 7. I 9905,000 6% 5% 6% Oet May Oct. 1. 1 1918 .. !',:. 1 '.'.{ 1 rthouso. ges. cling. ea, iea ges. 1. 1 1948 .. Hri. M 1 1923 1 COLUMBUS $50,000 1, I'.ill li 1944 $15,858 Courthoue. CRAVI $15,000 5% May 1, 1907 May 1, 1920 Jail and bridge. 10,000 1, May 1. 1927 Jail and bridge. 5,000 July 1, July 1, 1937 Bridges. 10,000 July 1. 1908 July 1, 1938 .-,.000 July |, 1908 July 1, 1939 Bridges. 16,000 Oet 1, 1911 Oct. 1. 1942 Farm-life school. 10,000 Aim. 1. 1911 Auir. 1, 1943 Farm-life school. 10.000 1. 1915 Mar. 1, 1932 Refunding. 25,000 Mar. 1. I'M:, Mar. 1. 1947 $39,945.60 Refunding. 15,000 Mar. 1, 1M7 M:,r. 1, 1927 Roads. 26,000 Mar. 1, 1917 Mar. 1, 1932 Roads. .-,0.000 5% Mar. 1. L917, Mar. 1. 1937 Roads. . 75,000 Mar. 1, 1917 Mar. 1. 1942 Roads. 100,000 Mar. 1 1917 Mar. 1. 1947 Roads. 150,000 5M Jan. 1, 1918 Jan. 1. 1928 Roads and bridges. 600 Past due, not presented for pay- ment; nonintereM hearine... BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTIES 203 Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest CUMBERLAND Date of Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue $87,300 5% June 1, 1897 25,000 5% April 1, 1909 25,000 5% April 1, 1913 29,000 5% Mar. 1, 1915 1, 1927] ' I $39,340.50 1 Mar. 1, 1945J June April 1, 1929 April 1, 1933 Railroad. Funding. [Funding. $166,300 CURRITUCK $5,000 6% . Sept. 3, 1917 Sept. 3, 1937 None Floating debt. DARE $20,300 6% Nov. 2, 1907 Nov. 2, 1951 None Courthouse and jail. DAVIDSON $300,000 5% May 1, 1915 May 1, 1955 $8,310.00 Roads. DAVIE $14,000 5% 90,000 5% 34,000 5% 35,000 5% Sept. 1, 1909 Sept. 1, 1924 Dec. 1, 1913 Dec. 1, 1940 Oct. 1, 1914 Oct. 1, 1934 Jan. 1, 1915 Jan. 1, 1944 8,500 5% Oct. 1, 1914 Oct. 1, 1934 Courthouse and jail. Roads. Roads. Roads. Roads. 17,000 6% Nov. 1, 1914 Nov. 1, 1934 / Bridges. 21,000 4H% April 1, 1916 April 1, 1924 10,000 5% Oct. 1,1916 Oct. 1,1929 Courthouse. Courthouse. $229,500 aSerial bonds, original issue $30,000, payable $2,000 annually September 1st. bSerial bonds, payable $5,000 annually December 1, 1923-1940. cSerial bonds, original issue $40,000, payable $2,000 annually October 1st. ^Serial bonds, payable $1,000 annually January 1, 1920-1939, and $3,000 an- nually JanuaTy 1, 1940-1944. eSerial bonds, original issue $10,000, payable $500 annually October 1st. /Serial bonds, original issue $23,000, payable $1,000 annually November 1st. ^Serial bonds payable $3,000 annually, April 1, 1918-1924. ASerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually, October 1, 1925-1929. DUPLIN $27,000 5% May 1, 1911 May 1, 1931 Courthouse. 204 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Bonded In- Rate of Date of '/< l>t> ilness Interest Issue DURHAM $141,000 4H% May 1, 1909 225,000 4%% Dec. 15, 1915 Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue May 1, 1921a$125, 195.48 Funding. Dec. 15, 1940 6 Courthouse. 75,000 4^% Oct. 1,1916 Oct. 1, 125,000 5% June 1, 1917 June 1, 1936 Courthouse. Courthouse. $566,000 aOriginal issue $150,000, $9,000 pai.l. 1 1 bondf, payable Deoembei 1.1, 1017, $2,000, 1918, 1919; $3,000 annually, 1920-1927, $5,000 annually; 1923-1932, $10,000 annually, an , $15,- 000 annually. cSerial bonds payable $. r >,ooo annually, 1919-1933. '/Serial boml.s payable $6,000 annually , June 1, I'.M'.-I922; $7,000 annually , Juno 1, 192'Mim, and $S,(M)0 annually, .June I KIM. i.< MMHK $14,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% July Jan. Jan. July .Ian. Jan. Jan. ,1911 1914 , 1915 , 1915 , 1916 ,1914 Jan. 1, l''Jt iVone Courthouse. Jan. 1, 1968 6 None Bridges. Jan. 1, l'.i:;s rN'one Roads. $154,000 //Si-rial bonds, original issue $20,000, payable $2,000 annually January 1st. /-Serial bonds, payable $2,000 annually 1919-1968. rSrrial bonds, payable $2,000 annually 1911 FORSYTH $50,000 5% July , ion .Ian. , 1923 None Roads. 50,000 5% July .Ian. , 1933 None 5% July , i"i ; Jan. None Jail, county home, re form 18,000 5% May , 1906 . I'.'iM None Courthouse. 18,000 5% Jan. , 1!U4 Jan. , I'.'.'l None ( 'oiirt house. 10,000 5% July , 1917 July , 1918 None Roads. 10,000 5% July , 1917 July , 1919 None Roads. 10,000 5% July , 1917 July None Roads. 10,000 5% July , I'.M: July , 1 '.'_'! None Roads. 10,000 5% July , 1917 July None Roads. $221,000 FRANKIIN $10,000 20,000 4% July June 1, 1901 1, I'.Uii July June 1, 19211 $11,449.93 /Brl idges. Bridges. $30,000 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTIES 205 Bonded In- Rate of Date of debtedness Interest Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue GASTON $100,000 4% Oct. 1, 1905 ] Roads. 200,000 4% Oct. 1, 1908 _ Roads. 30,000 5% Fe"b. 1,1911 .(-$54,752 23 Courthouse. 140,000 5% July 1, 1915 Roads. 100,000 Feb. 1, 1917 Bridgers. $570,000 GATES None GRAHAM None. GRANVILLE $20,000 4H% July 1, 1903 July 1, 1923 None Roads. 100,000 5% May 1, 1909 May 1, 1939 None Roads. 40,000 5% Nov. .., 1912 Nov. ... 1942 None Roads. $160,000 GREENE 124,000 6% Dec. 1, 1910 Dec. 1, 1938 a Roads and bridges. $50,000 5% Feb. 1, 1916 Feb. 1, 1946 b Roads and bridges. $74,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $30,000. bSerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually, February, 1, 1922-1946. GUILFORD $300,000 5% Dec. .., 1903 Dec. .., 1933 $40,340.99 Roads. 250,000 5% Nov. 1, 1.917 Nov. 1, 1951 None Courthouse. $550,000 HALIFAX $36,000 33,000 6% 6% July 1, 1909 July 1, 1929 Jan. 1, 1915 Jan. 1, 1948 Courthouse. Jail and bridges. $69,000 aSerial bDnds, original issue $10,000, payable $2,000, 1921; $2,000, 1925; $32,000, 1929. bSerial bDnds, original issue $35,000, payable $1,000 annually. /Funding. [Bridges. HARNETT $30,000 5% 38,000 5% 1907 1909 1937 *1939 $10,000 $68,000 H AYWOOD None . ""Option to make serial bonds due from 1921 to 1939. 206 Xnill II (' A IK M.I \ \ Ml. IT. McioK linnilnlln- R<it<f l)nti of <l,ht,<!//'.".-< I/ilf n-xt Dufi ,,f F n ml Mat nnf;/ dillirtnl /'////;/..-. M' , BOOK $97, 000 6% July l. IftU July 1, $35,000 Railroad. 25, 000 6% May J. I'.MJ 2, 1942 a Courthouse. 25, 000 6% Jan. 1, i-.ii:; Jan. 1, 1938 6 Roads. 16, 000 6% July 1, I'M:; July 1, 1929 c liridges and funding, 24, 000 6% July 1, 1916 July 1, 1930 d Bridges and funding $187,000 oSerial bonds, original issue $38,000, payable $1,000 annually. /-Serial bomls. pavnble SI.OIM) annually. No payments made. cSerial bonds, original i-Mie $20,000, payable $1,000 annually. f/Sorial bonds, original issue $25,000, payable $1,000 annually. Hi) None. IIOKK $ 50,000 5% -June 1. mil .June 1, 1941 $4,618.64 Roa .">0,000 .V ; .June 1, 1JI11 Jutic 1, 1942 a Courthouse and jail 7,000 5% Aug. 1, 1913 Aug. 1, 1943 6,868.43 Courthouse. $107,000 $11,487.07 oSerial bonds, payable .>I.oui) .June 1, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1919, and $2,000 June 1st t hereafter unt il paid. HYDE $1,500 6% Aug. 2, 1909 Aug. 2, 1920 a Courthouse. 12,000 6% June 2, 1913 June 1. I'.'Sl ,>:,:>!} 72 Funding. $13,500 aSerial bonds, payable $500 annually. 6Serial bonds, payable $1,000 annually IREDELL $30,000 5H% I'Vb. 1. ll'l < County home. 80,000 5% May 1. mi:, May , 1945 None Bridges. Ua.ooo ,V, July 1, mil July L92Q None Roads. 125,000 .V , July 1, mil July . l'.)41 None Roads. 150,000 .V, July 1, 11U1 July ,1951 None Roads. 60,000 5% Oct. 1, l'.U7 Oct. . mi4 a Funding. $570,000 ^Serial bonds, payable $1,000 annually I'L'M-llLM, and $2,000 annually 1 .1 \( KS.I\ None. JOHNSTON -None. Jos u $10,011" .July 1,1907 July 1, ll22 $1,831.90 Bi i BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTIES 207 Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest LEE $40,000 100,000 25,000 5% 5% 5% Date of Issue July 1, 1908 April 1, 1912 Aug. 1, 1913 Date of Maturity Sinking Fund Collected Aug. April Aug. 1, 1943 1, 1952 1, 1952 100,000 "$2657)00 5% July , 1915 July , 1955 Purpose of Issue Courthouse. Roads. County Home and refunding. Roads. LENOIR $30,000 6% May 1, 1916 May 1, 1923 a Roads. ' aSerial bonds, payable $5,000 annually May 1, 1918-1923. LINCOLN $50 ,000 5% July 1, 1913 July 1, 1943 None Roads. 50 ,000 5% July 1, 1913 July 1, 1948 None Roads. 100 ,000 5% July 1, 1913 July 1, 1954 None Roads. 40 ,000 5K% Jan. 1, 1915 Jan. 1, 1945 a Bridges. 65 ,000 5% Feb. 1, 1917 Feb. 1, 1951 b Bridges. $305,000 aSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually January 1, 1926-1935; $3,000 annually January 1, 1936-1945. ^Serial bonds, payable $2,000 annually February 1, 1937-1945; $5,000 February 1, 1946; $6,000 annually 1947-1950; and $18,000 February 1, 1951. MACON None. MADISON $21,000.00 6% 1907 1938 a Courthouse. 50,000.00 5% July 1, 1913 July 1, 1943 None Roads. 100,000.00 5% Jan. 1, 1914 Jan. 1, 1944 None Roads. 150,000.00 5% Jan. 1, 1915 Jan. 1, 1945 None Roads. 85,000.00 5% July 1, 1905 July 1, 1935 None Jail and funding. 125,000.00 6% Oct. 1, 1917 Oct. 1, 1927 6 Bridges and roads. 5,000.00 6% July 1, 1916 July 1 , 1921 None Bridges. 5,000.00 6% July 1, 1916 July 1, 1922 None Bridges. 5,000.00 6% July 1, 1916 July 1, 1923 None Bridges. 3,500.00 6% July 1, 1916 July 1, 1924 None Bridges. 2,000.00 6% July 1, 1916 July 1, 1928 None Bridges. 3,000.00 6% Mar. 1, 1916 Mar. 1, 1919 None Bridges. 3,000.00 6% April 1, 1916 April 1, 1920 None Bridges. 3,000.00 6% July 1, 1916 July 1, 1921 None Bridges. 1,929.54 6% July 1, 1916 July , 1922 None Bridges. 4,000.00 6% July 1, 1916 July , 1925 None Bridges. 3,625.05 6% July 1, 1916 July , 1926 None Bridges, 999.08 6% Sept. 1, 1916 Sept. , 1927 None Bridges. 2,561.25 6% Oct. 1, 1916 Oct. 1927 None Bridges. $573,614.92 aSerial bonds, original i 3sue $30,000, payable $1 ,000 annually 1909-1938. ^Serial bonds, payable $12,500 annually. 208 Xni; ill (' \|;n| I N \ Hi. I h linmlt <l In- Ifuli iij <ll litlil/ll .-.<> / I),,; Issue 1>;1, Maturity Collected i M \KT1 N None. Ml I)o\\ $15,000 20,00(1 April 1, I'.MI!) July 1, l'.M7 April July $8,000 Funding a Funding. $35,000 fftbifl $1,000 July I, Ml M l.i K I.KN IH'HO $300,000 6% May 110,000 4H% 1. I'M! 195,000 5% 1. I'M:, 1, HI, inn, July i, r.iir July 1,1925 ! tn-l bridcas, a In,; 6 Bridges. $705,000 | ..I.I.' ?|().(Hi :iriiiu:illy frc.ru 1918 to 1935 and $15,00(1 i $10,000 annually 1918-1921, and $15,000 annual! Mm B1 $4,000 6% Nov. 1,1907 Nov. 1,1919 a Courthouse. oScrial lMnd>. "i "miiuil issue $24,000, payable $3,000 annually. MON 1GOMERY N M< ><>KK $16,000 5% 10,000 5,'iV July 1, 1909 June 1,1915 June 1, 1933 1. 1'<_M I and funding. County home. $26,000 oSerial bunds, original i.-sne $20,000, payable $1,000 annually. 6Serial bonds, payable $2,000 annually June 1 NASH None. \ 1 \\ 11 \\nYKR $50,000 i'-j' i Jan. Jan. . \'>2~ 50,000 4% July July , 1930 50,000 4 >._,'; July ,1908 July , 1933 50,000 4 !._.''; July , 1911 July , 1936 100,000 5% July , 1913 July , 1938 175,000 5% July ,1913 July , 1938 35,000 July , 1915 Jan. , 1935 17,000 July , 1917 July , 1937 Roads Roads. Roads. Roads. Roads. Schools. Workhouse. County home and workhouse. $527,000 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTIES 209 Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest Sinking Date of Date of Fund Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue NORTHAMPTON $4,000 6% July 1, 1891 July 1, 1921 aSerial bonds, original issue $8,500, $4,500 retired. Jail. ONSLOW $40 ,000 5% Jan. 1, 1910 Jan. 1, 1940 None Railroad. 5 ,000 6% Oct. 1, 1909 Oct. 1, 1919 None Railroad. 8 ,000 6% Oct. 1, 1915 Oct. 1, 1925 None Jail. 1953 $12,000 Roads. 1932 None Railroad. $53,000 ORANGE $250,000 5% 1913 PAMLICO $20,000 6% 1902 PASQUOTANK None. PENDER None. PERQDIMANS $3,000 6% May 1, 1915 May 1, 1920 a Funding. aSerial bonds, original issue $5,000, payable $1,000 annually May 1, 1918-1920. 1922 a$2,000 Courthouse. PERSON $1,000 5% 1892 aOriginal issue, $20,000; $19,000 paid. PITT- $50,000 5% July 1, 1907 July 1, 1937 None School. 50,000 5% July 1, 1908 July 1, 1938 None Bridges. 75,000 5% .Feb. 1,1911 Feb. 1,1941 None Courthouse and jail. 50,000 5% Mar. 1, 1917 Mar. 1, 1947 None Bridges. Funding. Roads. County bonds and courthouse. Bridges. $225,000 POLK $6,500 100,000 8,000 6% Nov. 5 1 -5% June .... Mar. 1, 1911 1, 1913 1, 1914 June Mar. 1, 1943 1, 1927 13,000 6% Aug. 1, 1916 Aug. 1, 1946 $127,500 aSerial bonds, payable $500 annually. bSerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually, March 1, 1919, 1921, and 1923, and $1,000 annually March 1, 1925 and 1927. 14 210 II (' \UOI.I.N A Hl.TK BOOK n- Rate of ill lifi'ilness Interest RANDOLPH $50,000 5% 28,000 5% 50,000 5% Sinking Dntr of Fund Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue Oct. 1, 1915 Oct. 1, 1945 a Roads. April 1,1916 April 1,1931 h Courthouse and jail. Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. 1, 1947 None Refunding. $128,000 aSerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually 1921-1945. 6Serial bonds, payable $2,000 annually. RICHMOND $25,000 5% July ,1905 July , 1935 None Refunding. 20,000 5% Jan. , 1909 Jan. , 1939 None Refunding. 13,000 5H% Jan. , 1911 Jan. , 1930 a County jail. 15,000 5% Jan. . I'.Ml Jan. , 1941 N'onr Funding. 5,000 8% Mar. , 1914 Mar. , 1927 6 Roads. 23,000 5% Nov. , 1915 Nov. . 1940 c Roads. 25,000 4^% Mar. , 1917 Mar. , 1947 d Roads. 15,000 4^% Mar. , 1917 Mar. , 1947 e County home. $141,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $15,000, payable $1,000 annually. bSerial bonds, original issue $6,000, payable $500 annually. cSerial bonds, original issue $25,000, payable $1,000 annually. (/Serial bonds, payable $500 annually 1918-1927, and $1,000 annually 1928-1937. ;il bonds, payable $500 annually. ROBESON $50,000 25,000 :> 1907 1909 1939 $75,000 ROCKINQHAM $24,000 5H% Jan. 1, 1911 Jan. 1, 1933 45,000 6% Sept. 1, 1913 Sept. 1, 1922 29,000 5H% Dec. 1, 1914 Dec. 1, 1943 Courthouse and jail. Roads and funding. Bridges, county home and funding. Funding. $98,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $34,000, payable $2,000 annually. bSerial bonds, original issue $60,000, payable $5,000 annually. cSerial bonds, original issue $30,000, payable $1,000 annually. Bonded In- Rate of Date of debtedness Interest Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected ROWAN $107,000 5% 1912 1942 a 23,000 5% 1914 1945 b 15,000 5% 903 1923 c 39,000 5H% April 1, 1915 April 1, 1960 d 19,000 6% 1914 1945 e BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTIES 211 Purpose of Issue Courthouse. Courthouse. Smallpox epidemic. Funding. Workhouse and com- munity building. $203,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $115,000; $2,000 paid annually 1914-1917; balance payable $3,000 annually 1918-1924; $4,000 annually 1925-1929; $5,000 annu- ally 1930-1941; $6,000 1942. 6Serial bonds, original issue $25,000; $1,000 paid 1916; $1,000 paid 1918; balance payable $1,000 each year 1920, 1922, 1924, 1926; $2,000 each year 1928, 1930, 1932, 1934 1936; and $3,000 each year 1939, 1942, 1945. cSerial bonds, original issue $25,000. $10,000 has been paid. dSerial bonds, original issue $40,000, payable $1,000 annually 1918, 1921, 1924, 1927, 1930, 1933, 1936, 1938, 1940, 1942, 1944, 1946, and $2,000 annually 1947- 1958; $3,000, 1959; $1,000, 1960. eSerial bonds, original issue $20,000, payable $1,000 1919,1921, 1923,1925,1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935-1945. RUTHERFORD $66,500 4^% 1905 a Railroad. 27,000 5% 1908 Jan. 1, 1918 $15,975.17 Railroad. 46,000 5^% 1908 Jan. 1, 1945 b Courthouse. 250,000 5% 1913 July 1, 1952 c Roads. 75,000 5% 1916 Jan. 1, 1942 d Roads. $464,500 aSerial bonds, original issue $100,000, payable $4,000 annually. ^Serial bonds, payable $2,000 annually, January 1, 1923-1945. cSerial bonds, payable $5,000 July 1, 1923-1932; $10,000 July 1, 1933-1952. dSerial bonds, payable $3,000 annually January 1, 1918-1942. JAMPSON $25 ,000 5% Jan. 1, 1914 Jan. , 1934 __ Roads. 25 ,000 5% Jan. 1, 1915 Jan. , 1935 .. Roads. 25 ,000 5% Jan. 1, 1916 Jan. , 1936 __ Roads. 25 ,000 5% Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. , 1937 __ Roads. 75 ,000 5% July 1, 1917 July , 1937 $8 ,000 Roads. $175,000 212 N MI: i ii (' \IJMI.I .N \ I', i i i. I '>MM K /{(iiiflnl In- /[',!/< nf debtedneaa ////</<>/ SCOTLAND $16,000 6% !),,!, ,,f Issue l>,,i. ,,' i MuhinlH I eof Issue Oct. 1, liiui 0,-t. i, Courthouse, jail, and 1 1 bonds, "i iuinal issue $30,000, payable $1,000 annually. STANLY $100,000 5% July 1,1907 July 1,1937 a Railn.a.i n-fur..Iin K aSerial bonds, $5,000 payable July 1, 1917 and $5,000 annually thereafter until paid. Si <>KI $20,000 6% July 1,1915 July 1,1923 None County home. Si UUY $7,900 5% 5,000 5% 15,000 5% 80,000 5% 20,000 5% 50,000 5% $177,900 SWAIN $15,000 30,000 1902 1908 1911 1916 1916 1916 July 1, 1SW July April 1, 1908 April 1922 None Courthouse. 1928 None County home. 1941 None Floating debt. 1945 None Courthouse and jail. 1945 None Courthouse and jail. 1945 None Bridges. , 1919 N"n K< funding. , 1928 a $45,000 oSerial bonds, original issue $35,000, payable $1,000 annually. TRANSYLVANIA $60,000 6% 25,000 5.4% 1,600 6% IS!):, 1900 1917 1925 None Railroad. 1930 None Schools. 1937 None Schools. 180,000 TYRRELL $2,000 6,500 6% Aug. 13, 1903 Aug. 13, 1919 a Courthouse. Feb. 1, 1909 Feb. 1, 1931 None Jail. 1,000 6% Feb. 14,1914 Feb. 14,1918 6 Floating debt. $9,500 rial bonds, original issue $15,000, payable $1,000 annually. /'Serial bonds, original issue $1,000, payable $1,000 annually. I UNION None. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF COUNTIES Sinking 213 Bonded In- Rate of Date of Date of debtedness Interest Issue Maturity Fund Collected Purpose of Issue VANCE $13,000 5% July 1, 1905 July 1, 1925 $2,000 Roads. 200,000 5% July 1, 1913 July 1, 1953 9,000 Roads. 50,000 5% July 1, 1915 July 1, 1955 1,000 Roads. $263,000 $12,000 WAKE $20,000.00 5/^% 1893 1923 None Courthouse. 8,000.00 6% 1899 1929 None Bridges. 14,000.00 5% 1901 1931 None Funding. 20,000.00 5% 1903 1933 None Road funding. 15,000.00 5% 1905 1935 None Road funding. 18,000.00 5% 1905 1935 None Road funding. 20,000.00 5% 1909 1939 None Road funding. 75,000.00 5% 1914 1944 None County hospital. 225,000.00 5% 1914 1944 None Courthouse. 41,000.00 5% 1915 1945 None Funding. 50,000.00 5% 1915 1945 None Road funding. 7,651.43 5% Dec. 13, 1915 1920 a Roads. 20,000.00 4M% July 1, 1916 July 1, 1926 b Roads. $533,651.43 aSerial bonds, payable one-fourth annually, December 13, 1917-1920. ^Serial bonds, payable $2,000 annually 1918->925 and $4,000 1926. WARREN None . WASHINGTON $29,000 6% June 1915 June, 1945 a Roads. 10,000 6% Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. 1, 1936 b Courthouse. 10,000 6% Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. .1, 1940 c Courthouse. 30,000 6% Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. 1, 1950 d Courthouse. $79,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $30,000, payable $1,000 annually. bSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually, 1927-1936. cSerial bonds, payable $2,000 anuually, 1936-1940. dSerial bonds, payable $3,000 annually 1941-1950. WATAUGA None. WAYNE $108,000 5% Dec. 1, 1913 Dec. 1, 1957 a Courthouse. aSerial bonds, original issue $110,000, payable $1,000 December 1, 1916-1925; $2,000 December 1, 1926- X 1935; $3,000 December 1, 1936-1945; $4,000 Decem- ber 1, 1946^955; $5,000 December 1, 1956-1957. r \K<H.INA BLUE BOOK Bonded In- di hii.dness \\ II.KE8 $12,000 23,000 20,000 250,000 h'nt, // ///. /'./ Dote o/ Issue Date of Maturity Sinking Fund Collected 6% 5% 5% Mar. 1889 1, 1915 Mar. 1911 1, 1935 July 1, 1916 Nov. 1, 1916 July 1, 1936 Nov. 1, 1951 None c Purpose of Issue Railroad. County home and jail. Bridges. Roads. $305,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $100,000, payable $5,000 annual!;. bSerial bonds, original issue $25,000, payable $1,000 annually, ial bonds, payable $10,000 annually 1927-1951. WILSON $12,000 4^% July 1,1916 July 1,1926 a Courthouse. aSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually to 1923, and $2,000 annually 1924-1926. Y \DKIN $60,000 &M% June 1, 1915 June 1, 1 '.T, None Road* 12,000 5% Nov. 1, 1916 June 1, 1945 a BridfM, 140,000 5% Mar. 1, 1917 Mar. 1, 1957 $1,000 Roads. $212,000 aSerial bonds. YANCEY $30,000 6% Jan. 125,000 5H Oct. 25,000 5H% Jan. 1, 1908 Jan. 1, 1913 Oct. 1, 1915 Jan. 1, 1938 1,1943 1, 1945 Courthouse. Roads. Roads. $180,000 aSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually. Total bonded indebtedness of counties $14,102,466.35 Total sinking fund collected 547,962 07 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF CITIES AND TOWNS BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF CITIES AND TOWNS (NOVEMBER 30, 1917.) Sinking Bonded In- Rate of Date of Date of Fund debtedness Interest Issue Maturity Collected Purpose oj ABBOTTSBURG None. ABERDEEN None. ACME None. AHOSKIE None. ALBEMARLE $3,000 6% Jan. 1, 1899 Jan. 1, 1919 Schools. 3,000 6% Sept. 1, 1901 Sept. 1, 1931 Schools. 7,000 5M% Jan. 1, 1912 Jan. 1, 1942 Schools. 3,000 5% Jan. 1, 1913 Jan. 1, 1943 Schools. 3,000 6% April 25, 1917 April 25, 1918 Schools. 8,000 5^% July 1, 1910 July 1, 1940 Sewerage. 30,000 5H% 10,000 5H% April 1, 1916 Jan. 1, 1910 April 1, 1946 Jan. 1, 1940 $5,229.62 Sewerage. Lights. 14,000 5 l / 2 % July 1, 1910 July 1, 1940 Water. 10,000 5% April 1, 1913 April 1, 1943 Water. 30,000 5% May 1, 1912 May 1, 1942 Water. 10,000 5H% Jan. 1, 1910 Jan. 1, 1940 Streets. 5,000 5H% July 1, 1910 July 1, 1940 Streets. 10,000 5M% July 1, 1912 Jan. 1, 1942, Streets. $146,000 ANDREWS $60,000 6% Dec., 1911 Dec., 1941 None Water, lights, streets, sidewalks. 6,000 6% Feb. 1,1916 Feb. 1,1936 None Streets (and lights. $66,000 ANGIER None. APEX $12,000 6% Jan. 1, 1912 Jan. 1, 1932 None Municipal building and streets. 12,000 6% July 1, 1916 July 1, 1941 None Lights. $24,000 ARCHDALE None. ARTHUR N one. 218 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Huniled In- It-It*- <>f />'// y/ l)<it,' of Fund debtedness Interest Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue \MIKUORO $10,000 '>" Oct. 15, 1906 Oct. 15, 1926 None Schools. 5,000 5% April 1, 1909 April 1, 1929 None Schools. 50,000 5% Oct. 1, 1910 Oct. 1, 1940 None Water and sewerage. 15,000 5% July 1, 1911 July 1, 1931 None Lights. 20,000 % April 1, 1914 April 1, 1934 None Water. $100,000 ABBEVILLE $200,000 4% April , 1902 April , 1922 20,000 Jan. , 1904 Jan. 1934 Water, refunding. 49,000 5% July , 1915 July 1939 a Water, streets. 69,000 5% July , 1916 July 1940 6 Water, refunding. 30,000 5% April , 1914 April , 1944 . . Water. 100,000 6% July , 1888 July , 1918 Sewerage. 100,000 5% July , 1911 July , 1941 Sewerage. 20,000 5% April , 1914 April , 1944 Sewerage. 20,000 Jan. , 1904 Jan. , 1934 . Streets. 240,000 5% July , 1911 July , 1941 Streets. 35,000 5% Mar. , 1917 Mar. , 1936 c Streets. 170,000 SMft April , 1917 April , 1936 d Streets. 55,000 5% May , 1917 May , 1927 Streets. 24,500 5% July , 1891 July , 1921 Schools. 90,000 6% April , 1894 April , 1924 Schools. 10,000 5% April , 1902 April , 1932 Schools. 30,000 5% April , 1907 April , 1937 Schools. 50,000 5% Jan. , 1913 Jan. , 1943 . . Schools. 200,000 5% Dec. , 1915 Dec. , 1945 Schools. 25,000 5% Oct. , 1916 Oct. , 1946 Schools. 15,000 5% Jan. , 1891 Jan. , 1921 Markets. 20,000 5% July , 1911 July , 1941 Markets. 10,700 5% Jan. , 1914 Jan. , 1944 Incinerator. 200,000 5% Mar. ,1913 Mar. , 1943 Funding. 47,000 5% April , 1915 April , 1945 Funding. 196,000 5% Sept. , 1917 Sept. , 1927 / Funding. $2,026,200 aSerial bonds, original issue $50,000, payable July 1, $1,000 annually 1917-1922; $2,000 annually 1923-1929; $3,000 annually 1930-1939. ftSerial bonds, original issue $70,000, payable $3,000 annually 1917-1940. cSerial bonds, payable $1,000 March 1, 1919; $2,000 annually March 1, 1920-1936. dSerial bonds, payable $12,000 April 1, 1922; $13,000 April 1, 1923-1924; $14,000 April 1, 1925-1926; $15,000 April 1, 1927; $16,000 April 1, 1928; $17,000 April 1, 1929; $18,000 April 1, 1930; $19,000 April 1, 1931-1932. eSerial bonds, payable $5,000 May 1, 1918-1922; $6,000 May 1, 1923-1927. /Serial bonds, payable $20,000 September 1, 1919-1922; $23,000 September 1, 1923-1926; $24,000 September 1, 1927. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 219 Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest ATKINSON None. AULANDER None. AURORA None. A UTRYVILLE None. AYDEN $12,000 5% 50,000 5% 10,000 6% 15,000 6% Date of Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue 1912 1914 1916 1917 1942 Schools. 1944 a Water and lights. 1936 Funding. 1936 6 Funding. $87,000 aSerial bonds. ^Serial bonds. BAILEY None. BANNER ELK None. BATH None. BATTLEBORO None. BAYBORO None. BEAUFORT $20,000 5% April 15, 1909 10,000 5% Feb. 1, 1912 10,000 5% May 1, 1914 100,000 5% Oct. 1, 1916 April 15, 19391 Feb. 1,1932) May 1, 1944 f Oct. 1, 1946J (Electric lights. I Refunding. 1 Taylor Creek. [Water, sewers, and streets. $140,000 BELHAVEN $13,000 5% 60,000 5% $73,000 BELMONT None. BENNETT None. BENSON None. BESSEMER CITY $30,000 5 1 A% Jan. 25,000 6% f City hall and public $1,906.69 j improvements. [Water, lights, and sewerage. 1, 1914 April 1, 1913 Jan. April 1, 1944 1, 1943 ; j $750.00 I Improvement. Water and sewerage. $55,000 220 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Bonded In- Rate of Date of debtedness Interest Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue BETHEL $5,000 6% 1914 1944 None Light plant. BEULAVILLE None. BIG LICK None. BILTMORE None. BISCOE None. BLACK CREEK None. BLACK MOUNTAIN $15,000 6% Jan. 1, 1912 5,000 6% Mar. 1 , 1913 10,000 6% Mar. 1, 1915 Jan. 1,1942 None Water and sewerage. Mar. 1', 1943 None Water and sewerage. M:ir. 1,1945 None Streets. $30,000 BLADENBORO None. BLOWING ROCK None. BOARDMAN None. BOLIVIA None. BOLTON None. BONLEE None. BOONE None. BOONVILLE None. BREVARD $25,000 5% June 1, 1905 June 1,1935 Sewers and streets 15,000 6% Mar. 1, 1910 Mar. 1, 1940 Water 10,000 6% April 1, 1913 April 1,1943 Water and sewers 25,000 6% July 1, 1913 July 1, 1943 $442,53 Streets. $75,000 BRIDGETON $12,000 6% Oct. 15, 1917 Oct. 15, 1937 None Streets. BROADWAY None. BROOKFORD None. BRYSON CITY $20,000 6% 1911 20,000 6% 1909 1931 None Lights. 1929 Non, \\ $40,000 BUIE'S CREEK None. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 221 Bonded In- Rate of Date of debtedness Interest Issue BUNN None. BURG AW None. Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue BURLINGTON $18,000 10,000 5% 5% Mar. July 1, 1903 1, 1905 Mar. July 1, 1933\ 1, 1935 f $28,000.00 (Lights. iLights. 100,000 20,000 5% 5% June April 1, 1908 1, 1909 June April 1, 1938 \ . 1, 1939/ 14,489.37 (Water and : \Water. sewers. 60,000 5% July 1, 1910 July 1, 1940 5,931.15 Streets. 40,000 5% July 1, 1915 July 1, 1945 699.47 Schools. 30,000 5% Nov. 1, 1915 Nov. 1, 1945 516.00 City hall. 46,000 5% Jan. 20, 1917 Jan. 20, 1918 a Street assessment. $324,000 $49,635.99 aSerial bonds, payable $4,000 annually January 20, 1918-1921; $5,000 annually January 20, 1922-1927. CAMERON None. CANDOR None. CANTON $65,000 5% Sept. 1,1909 Sept. 1,1939 None Water and sewerage. 65,000 6% Feb. 1,1910 Feb. 1,1940 None Schools and streets. $130,000 CARTHAGE $10,000 30,000 , Jan. 1, 1908 Jan. 1, 1937 a Schools. % July 1,1912 July 1,1942 None Water and sewers. 6,000 6% Dec. 1, 1913 Dec. 1, 1943 None Water and sewers. $46,000 aSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually January 1, 1928-1937. GARY $12,000 6% Oct. 1, 1916 Oct. 1, 1936 $600.00 Lights. CASTALIA None. CATAWBA None. CERRO GORDO None. CHADBOURN None. CHAPEL HILL $35,000 6% 1915 19451 /Schools. 15,000 6% 1911 1941J \Sewers. $50,000 222 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest ( 'l! AIU.OTTE $50,000 5% 75,000 5% 10,000 5% 40,000 5% 50,000 5% 141,000 5% 109,000 5% 40,000 4% 100,000 4^% 210,000 4H% 140,000 4H% 35,000 4H 140,000 4H% 100,000 5% 100,000 4H% 300,000 4^% 100,000 4H% 65,000 4^% 50,000 4H% 150,000 4^% 150,000 4H% 12,000 4H% Dafe o/ Issue A Feb., 1888 May, 1890 May, 1890 Dec., 1891 April, 1899 July, 1899 July, 1899 Mar., 1901 Jan., 1903 Mar., 1905 Mar., 1905 Mar., 1907 Mar., 1907 April, 1908 April, 1909 Aug., 1911 Aug., 1911 Aug., 1911 July, 1912 July, 1912 July, 1912 Mar., 1915 Sinking Date of Fund Collectei 1918 . 1 i Purpose of Issue improvement. Street improvement. Street improvement. City hall 1920 .. .. 1920 1922 1929 ... . Water. 1929 . Water. 1929 Sewers. 1931 Schools. 1933 Floating debt. . Waterworks. 1933 1935 Floating debt. 1937 Waterworks. 1937 .. Floating debt. Street improvement Street improvement. Waterworks. Schools. 1938 1939 1941 1941 . 1941 . .... Auditorium. Waterworks. . Sewers. . Street improvement. Incinerator. 1942 1942 1942 1942 a $2,167,000 aSerial bonds, $1,000 each, payable $4,000 annually; 1918, 1919, and 1920. CHERRYVILLE $25,000 6% July 1, 1913 July 1, 1943 Water. 6,000 6% July 1, 1913 July 1,1943 Funding. 8,500 6% Mar. 1, 1915 Mar. 1, 1945 Funding. 20,000 6% July 1, 1915 July 1, 1945 Schools. $59,500 CHINA GROVE None. CLAREMONT None. CLARKTON None. CLAYTON $58,000 5M% Dec. 1, 1912 Dec. 1, 1942 $2,000 Water, sewerage, and lights. 15,000 5H% April 1, 1915 April 1, 1945 Water, sewerage, and lights. $73,000 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 223 Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest CLEVELAND None. Sinking Date of Date of Fund Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue CLINTON $10,000 6% Jan. 1, 1914 Jan. 1, 1934 a$628 Funding. Jan. 1, 1914 Jan. 1, 1944 320 Water. 27,000 6% Jan. 1,1915 Jan. 1,1945 690 Water and sewers. 29,000 6% Sept. 1, 1917 Sept. 1, 1937 Streets. 30,000 5% $1,638 $2,000 January 1, 1924; $2,000 $96,000 aSerial bonds, payable $2,000 Januray 1, 1919; January 1, 1929, and $2,000 January 1, 1934. CLYDE None. COATS $10,000 5% Oct. 16, 1917 Oct. 16, 1947 None Railroad. COLERAIN None. COLLETTSVILLE None. COLUMBIA None. COLUMBUS None. CONCORD $24,500 6% 1901 1931' 'Schools. 25,000 5% 1901 1941 Schools. 125,000 5% 1901 1941 Water. 100,000 5% 1907 1937 Lights. 50,000 5% 1911 1931 Water and lights. 20,000 5% 1914 1934 Schools. 20,000 20,000 5% 6% Jan. Jan. , 1916 , 1916 1936 a > $18,500 < Streets. Streets. 28,000 5% July , 1917 July 1, 1937 Streets. 40,000 6% July , 1917 a Streets. 32,000 5% Dec. , 1917 Dec. 1, 1937 Streets. 38,000 6% Dec. , 1917 a Streets. 28,000 5% Mar. , 1917 Mar. 1, 1937 Streets. 30,000 6% Mar. , 1917 a Streets. $580,500 aPayable in ten equal annual installments. CONETOE None. CONOVE $10,000 5% CONWAY None. June 1, 1917 June 1, 1937 $350 Graded School. 224 Noel II ( ' Mini | \ \ lii.ri; BOOK In- If ah "f debtedness Interest COUNCIL None. COVE CITY None. CREBDMOOR None. CRESWELL None. DALLAS $10,000 6% I: ing D.llr nf l),il, uf A',,,,,/ Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue Jan. 1, 1915 Jan. 1, 1945 $250 Town hall, light plant. DAVIDSON $4,000 6% 1900 1930 a Not given aSerial bonds, original issue $6,000, payable $2,000 1920, and $2,000 1930. DENTON None. DENVER None. DILLBBORO None. DOBSON None. DOVER None. DUBLIN None. DUDLEY None. DUNN $35,000 6% Jan. , 1902 Jan. , 1932' Lights and v 8,000 6% Jan, , 1903 Jan. , 1933 Lights and water. 10,000 6% Jan. , 1905 Jan. , 1935 I.'.'.-'JIMI Funding. 50,000 6% Jan. , 1913 Jan. ,1943 Sewerage. 15,000 5M% June , 1916 June ,1946 Funding. 70,000 6% Aug. , 1917 Aug. ,1928 a Streets. 90,000 6% Aug. , 1917 Aug. , 1937 6 Streets. 20,000 6% Aug. , 1917 Aug. ,1924 c Sidewalks. $298,000 aSerial bonds, payable $3,000 annually August 1, 1919-1921; $7,000 annually August 1, 1922-1925; $8,000 annually August 1, 1926-1928. bSerial bonds, payable $4,000 annually August 1, 1919-1923; $5,000 annually August 1, 1924-1937. cSerial bonds, payable $3,000 annually August 1, 1919-1922; $4,000 annually August 1, 1923-1924. DURHAM $87,000 50,000 24,000 .Jan. 2, 1888 Aug. 28, 1888 Sept. 1, 1891 Jan. 1'. I'.'jx Jan. 1, 1919 Sept. 1, 1921 Railroad Railroad. . Schools. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 225 Bonded In- Rate of Date of debtedness Interest Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue DURHAM Con. $ 50,000 4^% 50,000 4H% 100,000 4H% 100,000 4^% 50,000 4^% 140,000 4H% 25,000 5% 25,000 4H 60,000 4H% 250,000 5% 250,000 5% 40,000 5% July ] July 1 July July July Jan. Jan. Jan. July July July Nov. , 1901 , 1901 , 1901 , 1901 , 1905 , 1911 , 1912 , 1912 , 1914 , 1915 , 1915 , 1915 July July July July July Jan. Jan. Jan. July July July Nov. 1, 1926 Market. Schools. Streets and sidewalks. Sewers. Schools. Funding. Schools. Schools. Sewer. Water. Water. Sewer. 1, 1926 1, 1941 1, 1941 1, 1935 1, 1941 1, 1922 1, 1927 1, 1929 1, 1945 1, 1945 1, 1930 a 72,000 5% Jan. , 1916 Jan. 1, 1941 b Schools. 70,000 4K<% July , 1916 July 1, 1940 c Funding. 250,000 5% Jan. , 1917 Jan. 1, 1945 d Water. 80,000 5% Aug. , 1917 Aug. 1, 1927 e Funding. 50,000 5% Aug. 1, 1917 Aug. 1, 1939 / Sewer. $1,823,000 Non-serial bonds have a sinking fund amounting to $334,184.91 to pay off same when due. aSerial bonds, payable $2,000 November 1, 1918-1919; $2,500 November 1, 1920- 1921; $3,000 November 1, 1922-1924; $3,500 November 1, 1925-1928; $4,000 November 1, 1929-1930. feSerial bonds, original issue $75,000, payable $3,000 annually January 1, 1917- 1941. cSerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually July 1, 1921-J1925; $3,000 July 1, 1926- 1930; $4,000 July 1, 1931-1935; $5,000 July 1, 1936-1940. dSerial bonds, payable $3,000 annually January 1, 1920-1921; $5,000 January 1, 1922-1924; $6,000 January 1, 1925-1926; $7,000 January 1, 1927-1928; $8,000 January 1, 1929-1931; $9,000 January 1, 1932-1933; $10,000 January 1, 1934; $11,000 January 1, 1935-1937; $13,000 January 1, 1938-1940; $15,000 January 1, 1941-1942; $16,000 January 1, 1943-1944; $17,000 January 1, 1945. eSerial bonds, payable $8,000 annually August 1, 1918-1927. /Serial bonds, payable $2,000 annually August 1, 1920-1929; $3,000 August 1, 1930-1939. EAST BEND None. EDENTON $20,000 5% 1912 1942 $3,821.30 Sewer. 30,000 5% Dec. 1,1903 July 1,1933 None Lights and water. 25,000 5% Mar. 1, 1916 Mar, 1, 1941 None Schools. $75,000 EDWARDS None. 15 $3,821.30 226 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Bonded In- Rate of Date of debtedness Interest Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purposi ELIZABETH CITY $ 3,000 5% Aug. 1, IS'l!) 1920 all, 593.42 10,000 120,000 12,980 5% 5% 6% May Sept. Dec. 1, moo 1 191 6 1941 . Streets. $5,000 Dec. 1, 1916 5,000 Dec. 1, 1917c 5,000 Dec. 1, 1918 Hal., Dec. 1, 1919 28,000 5% Jan. 1, 1915 1934 d Market h $173,980 I bonds, payable $1,000 annually until 1020; original issue $30,000. ^Serial bonds, payable $1,000 annually from 1921 to 1930. d'aid Dccrtnl.cr 1, 1017. ^Serial bonds, payable $1,000 annually from 1015 to 1919; $2,000 annually from 1920 to 1929 $3,000 annually from 1930 to 1934; original issue $30,000. ELIZABKTHTOWN $500 6% Mar 15, I'.MI Jan. 1, 1921 None Streets. Kl.KIN $40,000 13,000 6% 6% July 1, 1914 Jan. July 10, 1954 Water and sewerage Streets. $53,000 ELK PARK None. I i i I:\BORO None. ELM CITY $10,000 7,000 3,000 6% Oct. 18, Sept. 15, April 30, 1913 1915 1917 Oct. June June 18, 1933 1, 1935 1, 1937 None Water and sewerage. None Funding. None Funding. $20,000 ELON COLLEGE None. ENPIELD $7,500 15,000 6% 5% Jan. 1, 1912 Jan. 1, 1932 July 15, 1916 July 15, 1947 Lights. Schools. $22,500 aSerial bonds, original issue $10,000, payable $500 annually January 1, 1913- 1932. bSerial bonds, payable $1,000 every two years, beginning July 15, 1918. EUBE None. EUREKA None. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 227 Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest Sinking Date of Date of Fund Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue E VERETTS None . FAIR BLUFF None. FAIRMONT $30,000 5% Mar. 1, 1917 Mar. J I, 1947 None Lights and water. FAISON None . FAITH None. FALKLAND None . . FARMVILLE $5,000 5% 10,000 5% 25,000 6% 40,000 5% 23,000 6% Aug. 1, 1907 Aug. Aprl 1,1911 April Dec. 1, 1913 Dec. April 1, 1917 April Oct. 1, 1917 Oct. , 1937 None Railroad. , 1941 None Lights and streets. , 1943 None Water and fire protec- tion. , 1945 None Sewers and lights. , 1927 a Funding. $103,000 aSerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually October 1, 1919-1922; $3,000 annually October 1, 1923-1927. FAYETTEVILLE $44,000 5% May 1, 1910 May 1, 1920 Paving. 20,000 5% May 1, 1912 May 1, 1922 Paving. 34,500 5% Jan. 1, 1896 Jan. 1, 1926 Railroad. 13,500 5% Feb. 1, 1902 Feb. 1, 1932 Railroad. 15,000 5% Jan. 1, 1902 Jan. 1, 1932 Lights. 100,000 5% Dec. 1, 1905 Dec. 1, 1935 Water and sewers. 30,000 5% Dec. 1, 1905 Dec. 1, 1935 Lights and funding. 100,000 5% May 1, 1911 May 1, 1941 Streets. 20,000 5% May 1, 1911 May 1, 1941 ...... Water and filter. 15,500 5M% Feb. 1, 1914 Feb. 1, 1924 a Improvements. $392,500 aSerial bonds, original issue $35,000, payable $3,500 annually. FOREST CITY $25,000 5% Jan. 1,1910 Jan. 1, 1940 $6,666.66 Water and lights. FOUNTAIN None. FOUR OAKS None. FRANKLIN $24,000 6% Oct. 1, 1910 Oct. 1, 1940 None Water. 10,000 6% Jan. 1, 1916 Jan. 1, 1946 None Sidewalks. $34,000 228 (' AKUI.I.N A ]5l.l I Itnmlrtl In- Ifnttof <l>htedness Interest Dnteof Issue king Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue FBANKLINTON $12,000 SH% Junr l.llil.i Junr 1 , 1933 $1 ,500 Streets. a$6,000 payable .Junr 1, IML'3; $6,000 payahlr .lur.i- 1. FUQUAY SPRINGS N<>: \VD None. GARNER None. QABI 181 K. \""nr. G ASTON I A $15,000 10,000 5% .lunr 1, I'K'l Junr .Inn. Lights. , 1943 None Lights. Junr 1. I'.HI Junr , 1944 \..t,r Light* 1. IV.'I , 1929 None Water and sewerage. Junr 1. I'llll Jun. X'.Iir Water and sewerage. Oct. , 1937 Water and sewerage. Mav 1. I'Ml Max . 1944 \..r,r I. in 11 Max , 1944 Sr\\rrau'r. [|;000 Junr 1. l'"'l Jun. \'nr Schools. 15,000 5% i. i 1 '..: Schools. in. IK in Mar. i. 1911 Mar. , 1943 MOM >ls. 100,000 I. I'M,, , 1946 None "I*. 30,000 I, I '.HI; Strrrt>. i. i'.n Strrrt>. 75,000 I. I'.Ml , 1944 150,000 Jan. i. I'.M: Jan , 1947 Btnato 12,<00 , 1943 Sr\\ r r>. Ki.nnii , 1943 :,.(ii)(i 1,1907 None I uniling. $599,000 G BSON Nonr. GIBSON \ ii i i None. GLEN ALPINE N" GOLD HILL None. GOLD POINT Non GOLDSBORO $30,000 July , 1898 July , I'.'.'s .Vi. 4H% Feb. . 1941 Water. 15.000 *M% Feb. I-Vl>. . I". 1 .' Loghta. 4H% , 1902 Feb. Streets and side \\ alk>. 15,000 4'j', , 1902 Feb. , l":;: -,-.-. City hall and market. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 229 Bonded In- Rate of Date of debtedness Interest Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue GOLDSBORO Con. $ 18,000 4H% 150,000 5% 23,000 5% 36,000 5% 9,000 5% 15,000 5% 20,000 5% 9,000 5K% 6,000 5 l / 2 % 5,000 5H% July Jan. May May May May Jan. May May May 1, 1905 1, 1910 1, 1913 1, 1913 1, 1913 1, 1913 1, 1914 1, 1915 1, 1915 1, 1915 July Jan. May May May May Jan. May May May , 1935 .. Funding. Streets and sidewalks. Streets and sidewalks. Water. Fire department. Funding. Water. Street railway. Incinerator. Streets. , 1950 , 1953 , 1951 , 1946 , 1950 , 1952 , 1940 , 1940 , 1940 $431,000 GRAHAM 10,000 5% July 1, 1905 July 1, 1937 $3, 119.27 Schools. 50,000 5% Jan. 1, 1914 Jan. 1, 1964 378.00 Streets. $60,000 GRANITE FALLS None. $3,497.27 GRANITE QUARRY None. GREENSBORO $75,000 5% Jan. 1, 1901 Jan. 1, 1931' Streets. 65,000 5% Jan. 1, 1901 Jan. 1, 1931 Sewers. 75,000 4% Jan. 1, 1905 Jan. 1, 1955 Sewerage. 75,000 4% Jan. 1, 1905 Jan. 1, 1955 Streets. 100,000 5% Jan. 1, 1901 Jan. 1, 1931 Water. 100,000 4% Jan. 1, 1905 Jan. 1, 1955 Water. 25,000 5% Jan. 1, 1901 Jan. 1, 1931 Lights. 35,000 5% July 1, 1910 July 1, 1940 Schools. 30,000 5% July 1, 1911 July 1, 1941 Schools. 30,000 6% Jan. 1, 1892 Jan. 1, 1922 [ $16,000 < Normal school. 35,000 5% April 1, 1900 April 1, 1930 City hall. 125,000 5% Jan. 1, 1908 Jan. 1, 1938 Funding. 75,000 5% Aug. 1, 1912 Aug. 1, 1942 Streets. 20,000 5% Aug. 1, 1912 Aug. 1, 1942 Markets. 15,000 5% Aug. 1, 1912 Aug. 1, 1942 Municipal building. 20,000 5% Aug. 1, 1912 Aug. 1, 1942 Water and sewers. 100,000 5% Dec. 31, 1914 Dec. 31, 1944 Streets. 50,000 5% Jan. 1, 1916 Jan. 1, 1946 Streets. 25,000 5% Jan. 1, 1916 Jan. 1, 1946 ; Sewers. 56,000 5% July 1, 1915 July 1, 1945 " a Schools. 75,000 5% July 1, 1917 July 1,. 1937 b Refunding. $1,206,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $60,000, payable $2,000 annually. bSerial bonds, payable $3,000 July 1, 1919, and $4,000 annually 1920-1937. 230 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Sinking Hun'led In- Rate of Date of Date of f debtedness Interest Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue . VIM.E $65,000 5% July , 1902 July , 1932 1 and lights. 10,01)0 5% July , 1902 July , 1932 Schools. 50,000 5% July , 1907 July Training school. 25,000 5% July , 1907 July , 1937 $-J,Mv'J7 Streets. 12,000 5% July , 1909 July , 1923 a Funding. 25,000 % July , 1914 July , 1944 . lights, fire alarm. 30,000 5% July 1, 1915 July 1, I 1 '}:. Schools. $217,000 aSerialbond-, m -in al issue $20,000, payable $2,000 annually 1918-1923. ION $10,000 6% July 1, l'.H7 July 1,1937 oSerial bonds, pa\ able $.">t>0 annually. GRIMESLAND None. Lights and GROVER None. II \MII.TON HAMLET $5,000 6% July 1, 1903 July ,1918 Schools. 5,000 6% July , t909 July , 1939 None Schools. 5,000 July , 1909 July , 1939 None Streets. 5,000 5% Jan. , 1912 ,1940 None Street*. 5,000 6% July July ,1943 None Streets. 10,000 6% July July ,1943 None Schools. 15.000 6% July , 1913 July , 1943 None Sewers. 50,000 Nov. , 1-.I4H None Streets. $100,000 1I.\UKKM,SY1I I.I H \\KS\M. IK N..IM-. II \/.K I/WOOD $15,000 HASSELL None. III NDERSON $10,000 5% 25,000 5% 10,000 5% 10,000 5% 13,000 5% 20,000 6% July, 1914 July, 1944 None Water, lights, and sewerage. 1004 Hint 1915 1915 1915 1888 April Aprd July July July Jan. , 1919) , 1934J ,1940 , 1945 , 1930 $614.51 fSewe \Sewe erage. erage. Sewerage. Fire equipment. Funding. , 1928 11,934.06 D. and N. K. R. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 231 Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest Sinking Date of Date of Fund Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue HENDERSON Con. $100,000 5% 25,000 5% 10,000 6% 1913 June 2, 1953 Streets. 1915 July 1, 1955 6 Streets. 1913 Nov. 1, 1918 Refunding. $223,000 $12,548.57 aSerial bonds, payable $5,000 July 1, 1930; $5,000 July 1, 1940. 6Serial bonds, payable $5,000 in 1925; $5,000 in 1935; $5,000 in 1945; $5,000 in 1950; $5,000 in 1955. HENDERSONVILLE $35,000 5% 6,000 6% 18,000 6% 20,000 6% 5,000 6% 15,000 6% 12,000 6% 5,000 6% 16,000 6% 10,000 6% 50,000 6% 20,000 6% July 1, 1902 Sept. 1, 1903 Dec. 30, 1908 Jan. 1, 1910 June 15, 1910 Oct. 1, 1910 May 1, 1911 June 1, 1911 Feb. 1, 1912 April 2, 1913 July 1, 1937 Sept. 1, 1933 Dec. 30, 1926 Jan. 1, 1930 June 15, 1920 Oct. 1, 1940 Mar. Dec. 1, 1914 1, 1914 May June Feb. April 2 Mar. Dec. 1, 1941 1, 1922 1, 1935 1938 1, 1934 1, 1934 Improvements. Schools. Streets. Streets. Water. Water. Funding. Schools. Streets. Water. Streets. Funding. $212,000 aSerial bonds, 6Serial bonds, cSerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually, December 30, 1918-1926. original issue $10,000, payable $1,000 annually. payable $1,000 annually, February 1, 1916-1935. HERTFORD $50,000 5% June 1,1915 June 1,1965 aSerial bonds, HICKORY $50,000 5% 50,000 35,000 15,000 33,000 70,000 35,000 Water, sewerage, lights, and streets, payable $10,000, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 years from date of issue. 5% 5% 6% 6% 6% 6% ( Water and sewers. \ $5,040 { Water and sewers. 1904 1924 1904 1934 1911 1941J [Streets. 1917 1947 a Water. 1917 1927 b Funding. 1917 1929 c Streets. 1917 1937 d Streets. $288,000 aSerial bonds, payable annually 1917-1947. bSerial bonds, payable annually 1918-1927. cSerial bonds, payable annually 1918-jl929. dSerial bonds, payable annually 1918-1937. \<UM II (' M'.nl.l \ \ I', I I I ollected Purpose of Issue Railroad. * Water and sewers. * Water and sewers. Schools. Schools. * Water and sewers. * Lights. * Streets. Funding. ' Water and sewers. ' Water and sewers. Water and sewers. * Streets. Schools. * Funding. Schools. * Water and sewers. Funding. * Street*. - ' reet*. 6 Funding. c Improvenn d Streets. $975,000 1 bonds, payable $12,000 January 1, 1919-1923; $15,000 January 1930; $17.000 Jam; $18,000 Jan.: /-Serial bonds, payable $i. 000 ( >rt ,,ber 1. I'.M^ rS rial bonds, payable $2,000 October 1, 1918-1936; $1,000 October 1, 1937. ,/S. rial bond>. P ay able $5,000 October 1, 1918; $3,000 October 1, 1919-1924; $2,000 October 1. l!'L'.-)-1928. Sinking fund is $35,000 exclusive of accumulated profits on building and loan stock, which amount to approximately $2,000. The sinking fund is in- -rd monthly by the addition of $350 and is for purpose of paying off bonds as they mature with" ular issue. HII.I>KHI{\\ None. HlLLSBORO $10,000 6% June 1, lo.x June 1, I'.iJS Xone Streets. HOBGOOD None. Hnn,l,,l //,- If. if,- ,,f /;,, 1 tale of <l,l,t,dnes8 7ue 'i rity Hii.iHMii None, 1 1 H.MI. \ M)S None. II n.n 1 ' $10,000 5% Ian 1,1889 Jan. 1. I'.M'.i 50,000 5% 10, 1901 May 30, 1931 50,000 5% . l'"i_> lf.000 5% Mar. , 1902 Ma. , 1932 10,000 5% Jan. , 1897 , 1927 10,000 5% Oct. , 1903 , 1933 10,000 5% Oct. ,1903 Oct. 1 !!:;:: 70,000 5% Oct. . I -..:< Oct. , 1933 60,000 5% April , 1908 April , 1938 10,000 5% Jan. , 1910 Jan. . l'|M 20,000 5% . I'.Ml , 1941 30,000 5% . I'.Ml Oct. , 1941 40,000 5% Oct. . 1<M1 , 1941 10,000 . I'.Ml , 1941 20,000 5% April , 1911 April , 1941 10,000 5% July July , 1943 50,000 5% July , 1913 July , 1943 1)0.000 5% July , 1915 July , 1945 80,000 5% Oct. ,1916 Oct. . I'M-., 100,000 >' ,,' , Oct. . 1117 Jan. 60,000 &M% Oct. Oct. , 1927 39,000 *H% Oct. , 1917 31,000 5H3 . I'.M: , 1928 HOFFMAN None. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 233 Date of Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest HOLLY SPRINGS None. HOPE MILLS None. HOT SPRINGS $30,000 6% Nov., 1911 Nov., 1941 None Water and streets. 1936 Lights. 1941 None Water. HUNTERSVILLE $3,500 6% 1916 JACKSON None. JACKSONVILLE None. JAMESVILLE None. JEFFERSON None. JONESBORO $21,000 6% 1911 JONESVILLE None. KANNAPOLIS None. KELFORD None. KENANSVILLE None. KENLY None. KERNERSVILLE $4,000 6% Jan., 1906 Jan., 1926 None Schools. 16,000 5% May, 1916 May, 1946 None Lights. $20,000 KEYSER None. KINGS MOUNTAIN $50,000 6% June, 1908 June, 1938 $7,000 Water and lights. 10,000 6% Sept., 1913 Sept., 30,000 5*A% June, 1915 June, 1943 1939 1,000 Schools. a Water and sewerage. $90,000 $8,000 aSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually, beginning 1919. 234 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Bonded In- Rate of Date of debtedneas Interest Issue Sinking Dote of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue KINSTON $25,000.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 17,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 40,000.00 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% S.-pt. Aug. April Jan. July .Ian. July Oct. 1, 1900 1, 1904 1, 1905 1, 1913 1, 1914 1, 1914 1, 1915 July June 3( April Jan. July Jan. July Oct. , 1930 Lights and refunding. Schools. Water and improve- ment. Lights and improve- ments. Feeble-m i nded School Schools. Public improvements I.iKhtS. ), 1931 . .. I, 1934 I, 1935 , 1933 , 1944 , 1944 , 1925 a 181,881.48 6% Julv 1, 1917 July , 1935 6 Street funding. 208,000.00 6% May i, I'.u: May , 1927 c Streets. 100,000.00 6% Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. d Sidewalks, funding. $891,881.48 aSerial bonds, original issue $50,000, payable $5,000 annually 1916-1925. il 1.. .n. Is, original issue $196,933.32, payable annually 1917-1935. cSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually 1918-1927. f/Srri:i! Imn.ls, payal.lr $10, IM(l :im,u:illy 1918-1927. K ITTRELL None. LAG RANGE $50,000 5H% Nov., LABKER Kent . LATTIMORE None. 1916 N None Street*, lights, water. LAURINBURQ $48,000 10,000 30,000 37,000 7,500 50,000 5% 5% 5% 8% 5H% None. $182,500 LAWNDALE 1907 1908 1908 1911 1913 1915 1941 None Water and sewerage. 1927 None Water and sewerage. 1939 None Schools. 1931 None Refunding. 1923 None Funding. 1935 None Paving. LEAKSVILLE $10,000 5% Jan. 1, 1906 Jan. 1, 1046 Streets. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS Sinking 235 Bonded In- Rate of Date of Date of Fund debtedness Interest Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue LENOIR $80,000 6% 20,000 6% Jan., Jan., 1908 Jan., 1908 Jan., 1938 \ $2 000 1938/ $2 ' 0(1 f Water and sewerage. \Streets. 90,000 6% Aug., 1917 Aug., 1933 a Streets. $190,000 aSerial bonds, payable $6,000 annually 1919-1933. LEWISTON None LEXINGTON $4,000 5% Jan. , 1901 Jan. 1, 1931 Schools. 60,000 5% Jan. 1, 1904 Jan. 1, 1944 Water. 40,000 5% Oct. , 1905 Oct. 1, 1945 Lights. 34,000 5% May , 1907 May 1, 1947 .. Streets. 10,000 5% Aug. , 1907 Aug. 1, 1947 Sewerage. 20,000 5% July , 1908 Jan. 1, 1948 . Sewerage. $168,000 LIBERTY None. LILESVILLE None. LlLLINGTON $10,000 6% Aug. 1, 1914 Aug. 1, 1934 Sewerage. 15,000 6% Aug. 1, 1914 Aug. 1,1934 Water. 15,000 6% Sept. 1, 1915 Sept. 1, 1945 Lights. $40,000 LlNCOLNTON $10,000 6% June 1, 1908 June 1, 1918] (Schools. 30,000 5% 35,000 5% July June 1, 1904 July 7, 1907 June 1, 1934}> $21,614.98-1 Water. 7, 1937 j [Sewers and lights. 20,000 5% Nov. 1, 1915 Nov. 1, 1935 a Streets. 20,000 6% Jan. 1, 1916 Jan. 1, 1926 6 Streets. $115,000 aSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually. fcSerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually. LITTLETON $10,000 6? LOCUST None. Mar. 1, 1912 Mar. 1, 1932 Lights. 286 \ni:i II C \i:n| |\ \ 80iuif />'!/ O/ Date of (toftdiMM 7-ue M'H "xe of Issue LOI ISHURG- 112,000 v; .1:!.,. 1, I'.MM, J;in. $5,057 Lights. 65,000 5% Jumr 1, HIM! June 26,000 Water and sewers. 15,000 6% July 1, l'.H7 July 1. IW7 None 1 uncling. 116,000 6% ]-,, 1917 1.), 1932 Streets. $227,000 $31,057 LUCAMA None. LUMBER BRIDGE None. I.i MMMKTON $11,000 6% Jan. . 1V.IS Jan. , l'.Js Water and H 4,000 8% April , 1899 April , 1929 Water and drainage. 10,000 6% June , 1903 , 1933 I.il^ht.- 20,000 *H% April , 1907 April , 1937 Water and drainage. (,004 H% Apri 1 , 1907 April , 1937 Lights. 25,000 5H% July , 1907 July , 1937 Schools. 30,000 H% June , 1908 June , 1938 Floating <i<-ht. 35,000 6% , 1915 Streets. to.ooo 5H% Ajit il , 1915 April , 1935 a :. bt. 80,000 5H% . L9U , 1935 /> Schools. 51,000 5H% |f . i-'i; c Lights and \\ $230,000 $57,530.39 aSerial h.nl>. (.ri^inal IfiniC $20,000, payable $500 annually IMK.-l'i.M); $1,000 anniially l'.LM-lt:{H; $!.:in annually I'.MI lal l...i,,l>. p:iyall.- S'J.d'.Mi annually 1926-1935. cSerial l...n,l>. payable $3,000 annually 1927-1943. LYNN None. McADENVILLE N MCDONALD None. McFARLAND None . MACCLESFIELD N>m>. MACON None. MADISON $6,50ii 1904 1934 None Railroad. 1! 17 :<>ets. 12,000 8,000 6% 6% $26,500 MAGNOLIA- SI UDEN 18.500 Nov. 1,1915 N BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 237 Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest Date of Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue MANTEO None. MARBLE None. MARGARETTSVILLE None. MARION $5,000 6% 1889 1919 None Streets 3,000 6% 1901 1931 None Schools. 30,000 5% June 1, 1905 June 1, 1935 None Water and i sewerage. 20,000 5% June 1, 1908 June 1, 1938 None Water and i sewerage. 15,000 5% April 1, 1909 April 1, 1929 None Funding. 12,000 5% May 1, 1913 May 1, 1943 None Schools. 25,000 5% Mar. 1, 1917 Mar. 1, 1947 None Water. 20,000 5% Mar. 1, 1917 Mar. 1, 1947 None Streets. $130,000 MARSHALL $20,000 6% May 1, 1909 May 1, 1929 None Water and sidewalks. 15,000 6% May 1, 1916 May 1, 1926 None Streets. $35,000 MARS HILL -None. MARSHVILLE None. MATTHEWS None. MAXTON $50,000 20,000 6% 6% 1907 1912 19371 1942J $3,200 fWater. ^Improvements. $70,000 MAYODAN None. MAYSVILLE None. MEBANE $15,000 6% June 1, 1910 June 1, 1940 $1,620 Streets. MICRO None. MIDDLEBURG None. MILTON None. MILWAUKEE None. MINERAL SPRINGS None. MINT HILL None. MOCKSVILLE $1,537.50. (No report. Data taken from report of State Tax Com- mission.) MONCURE None. 238 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Bonded In- Rate of debtednesa Interest Dat Is o/ ue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue MONROE $30,000 5% July , 1899 July 1, 1929 $1, 500 Water and 1 ghts. 9,000 5% Oct. , 1900 Oct. 1, 1919 450 Schoola. 6,000 5% Oct. ,1901 Oct. 1, 1921 300 Funding. 28,000 6% Jan. ,1908 Jan. 1, 1921 1, 680 Funding. 25,000 8% Aug. , 1909 Aug. 1, 1934 1, 500 Water and lights. 30,000 5% July , 1912 July 1, 1942 1, 500 Sewerage. 25,000 6% Dec. ,1913 Dec. 1, 1933 1, 500 Funding. $153,000 $8,430 MONTEZUMA None. MOORESBORO None. MOORESVILLF $10,000 5% 1906 1936 Lights. 15,000 5% 1909 1939 Water. 10,000 5% Streets. 13,000 5% I'.MI!) 1925 a 20,000 5% ton 1935 6 Water. 80,000 1913 1943 c 15,000 5% .... 1945 Funding. $113,000 $600 .iSrrial bonds, payable $1,000 annually 1918-1920, and $2,000 annually 1921-1925. i:il bonds, payable $2,000 annually 1926-1935. ,1 bonds, payable $2,000 in 1936; $3,000 annually 1937-1942; $10,000 in 1943. MOKKHKAD CITY $15,000 5% July , 1905 July , 1930 $4,842.98 Lights. 20,000 5'."; Mar. , 1911 Mar. , 1941 1,811.57 Water. 15,000 5H% April , 1912 April , 1942 1,118.47 Consolidated. 24,000 5H% Mar. , 1915 Mar. , 1945 707.94 Sewers and water. 16,000 5H% Jan. , 1916 Jan. ,1946 235.94 Funding. 19,500 5% July ,1916 July ,1941 a Lights. $109,500 aSerial bonds, payable $500 annually. $8,716.90 MORQANTON $35,000 6% 1912 1942 None Water. 4,300 6% 1899 1919 None Funding. 5,000 6% 1913 1928 None Refunding. 4,000 6% 1895 1925 None Floating debt. 10,000 6% 1905 1945 None Sewerage. 5,000 6% 1911 1931 None Lights. $63,300 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS Sinking 239 Bonded In- Rate of Date of debtedness Interest Issue MORRISVILLE None. MORVEN None. Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue MOUNT AIRY $50 ,000 5% April 1, 1903 April 1, 1933 Water, lights, streets. 15 ,000 5% April 1, 1904 April 1, 1933 Water, lights, streets. 25 ,000 5% April J- 1905 April 1, 1933 . Water, lights, streets. 15 ,000 5% April , 1913 April 1, 1943 Water, lights, streets. 9 ,000 '5% July , 1911 July 1, 1941 a Funding. 25 ,000 6% Feb. , 1916 Feb. 1, 1927 b Funding. 15 ,000 5% Feb. , 1908 Feb. 1, 1938 Schools. 25 ,000 5% Aug. , 1915 Aug. 1, 1945 Schools. $179,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $10,000, payable $500 annually 1919, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1928-1941. fcSerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually 1918-1922; $3,000 1923-1927. MOUNT GILEAD None. MOUNT HOLLY $10,000 6% Jan.' 1, 1917 Jan. 1, 1928 a Sidewalks. aSerial bonds, payable $500 semi-annually. MOUNT OLIVE $6,000 6% Aug. 1, 1908 Aug. 1, 1918 City hall. 12,000 6% Oct. 1, 1911 Oct. 1, 1931 Water. 5,000 6% Nov. 1, 1912 Nov. 1, 1932 Water. 10,000 6% July 1, 1915 July 1, 1935 Water. 25,000 5 1 A% Jan. 1, 1916 Jan. 1, 1945 a Sewers. $58,000 oSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually 1921-1945. MOUNT PLEASANT None. MURFREESBORO $750 6% July 2, 1917 July 2, 1920 None Streets. MURPHY $90,000 6% NASHVILLE $45,000 5 1 A% April 1,1916 April 1,1946 None Lights, water, sewers. NEBO None. 240 XOIMJI CAKOI.INA BLUE BOOK Itnn.li-.l ///- Rate of th-litfthii xx I Dm Issue Dale of Mat NEW BERN |80 t OOO 5% July 2, 1900 July 2, l :,,(( in 5% . I'.'OI If, 48,000 4% M:ty , Mn:j May 1, 1933 30,000 5% Aug. , 1907 Aug. 1, 1937 50,000 5% Mar. , 1908 Mar. 1, 1938 5% , linn, Feb. 1, 1939 25,000 5% May . 1!<I'.. 1, 1919 10,000 5% April , 1910 April 1. 1940 $0,000 Jan. . I'.'ll Jan. 1, 1941 60,000 5% May . 1"!.' I, 1932 July , 1913 July 1. IMI $468,11110 Ni. \\i.\\i. N \ i \\ I .ONDON None. \ i u i .RT None. NEWTON $3,000 April 1, 1897 April 1. 1927 July 1, 1907 July 1. 1937 Sinking b'nn.l Collected Purpose of Issue Water. Investment. .... Water and lights. Street*. "et paving. Refunding. r^et paving. Street paving. Funding. School building None Lights. None Water, lights, sewer- age. .Inly I. I'M I .Inly 1, l!'-'u ,i\.m- Streets. I.-). IHIII .V, .lul\ 1,1907 -Ink 1,1937 $1,500 Schools. $101,000 $1.500 I bonds, payable $1,000 July 1, 1918; $1,000 July 1, 1919; $1,000 July 1, 1920. Ntl(M\\ \ \\II.KI.sKORO $1,000 6% 48,000 6% 6% 6% 6% 50,000 10,000 8,000 9,000 1900 1909 1909 1912 1913 1914 1929 1932 1933 1934 14,912.21 Lights. Streets and - ;ind lights. Schools. Schools. Schools. $126,000 NORWO OD None. OAKBORO None. OAK CITY None. ovKi.K'v Xone. OLD FORT $15,000 GVu Sept. 1,1914 Sept. 1,1934 None Water and sewerage. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 241 Sinking Bonded In- Rate of Date of Date of Fund debtedness Interest Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue OLD SPARTA None. ORIENTAL None. ORRUM None. OXFORD $45,000 5% Dec. 1, 1914 Dec. 1, 1934] [Refunding. 35,000 5% May 15, 1907 May 15, 19371 I Sewers. 10,000 5% April 1,1914 April 1, 1944[ *') Sidewalks. 94,000 5% Nov. 1, 1916 Nov. 1, 1946J [Streets. 78,000 5% Nov. 1, 1916 Nov. 1, 1926 a Streets. $262,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $86,000, payable 10% annually. PACTOLUS None. PALMYRA None. P ANTEGO None . PARKERSBURG None. PARMELE None. I PEACHLAND None. PEMBROKE None. PIKEVILLE None. PILOT MOUNTAIN None. PINE BLUFF $2,900 6% Nov. 1, 1912 Nov. 1, 1937 None Water. PINE LEVEL None. PINETOPS None. PINEVILLE None. PINK HILL None. PINNACLE None. PITTSBORO $5,000 6% 1911 1951 None Streets. PLYMOUTH $30,000 6% Sept. 1,1915 Sept. 1,1945 Water and streets. 10,000 6% Jan. 1, 1917 Jan. 1, 1947 Sewerage. $40,000 POLKTON None. PRINCETON None. PRINCEVILLE None. 16 242 NOBTB (' \Koi.lN A BLUE BOOK Jinnilnl In- I debtedness Interest RAEFORD $5,000 6% 45,000 6% Issue 1915 1016 Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue 1945 None Indebtedness and streets. 1946 None Water and sewerage. $50,000 K M.i.irm- $42,500.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 50,000.00 25,000.00 .-,(1,000.00 95,000.00 125,000.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 350,000.00 50,000.00 57,000.00 18,000.00 100,000.00 75,000.00 55,000.00 57,000.00 49,921.98 16,149.92 298,000.00 50,000.00 5% July 5% Jan. 5% July 5% July 5% Jan. 5% Oct. 4% July 5% July 5% July 5% M:.r. 5% June 5% Dec. 5% Dec. 5% Dec. 5% June 5% July 6% Jan. 5% April Dec. 5% Dec. 5% June 5% Sept. , 1889 July 1 , 1897 July 1 , 1889 July , 1889 July , 1890 Jan. , 1897 Oct. , 1899 July , 1909 July , 1909 July , 1913 Mar. , 1913 June , 1913 , 1913 Dec. , 1913 Dec. , 1914 , I 1 ' 11 July , 1915 Jan. , 1915 April , 1915 Dec. , 1915 , 1917 June , 1917 Sept. , 1919 Consolidated debt. Consolidated debt. Stro.-ts. B*w*ra0fc Btvmoft, Struts. Streets and public improvements. Auditorium. Funding. Funding. Waterworks. Waterworks. Floating debt. City lot. Public improvements Waterworks. Etattte 11' Kiting debt and improvements. Paving. (6Paving. 33 XcFunding. (^Streets. . 1919 1919 1929 , 1930 1927 1929 1939 $6,366.72 , 1939 , 1923 , 1943 , 1943 ,1943 .... , 1943 , 1944 , 1944 , 1920 a , 1945 , 1935 , 1920) , 1934 \ $78,865. , 1932 J $1,738,571.90 $85,232.05 aScrial bonds, original issue $70,000, payable $20,000 January 1, 1919; $35,000 January 1, 1920. bSerial bonds, payable $5,383.32 December 1, 1918; $5,383.30 December 1, 1919; $5,383.30 December 1, 1920. cScrial bonds, payable $15,000 annually June 1, 1918-1922; $16,000 annually June 1, 1923-1926; $18,000 annually June 1, 1927-1929; $20,000 annually June 1, 1930-1931; $21,000 June 1, 1932; $22,000 annually June 1, 1933-1934. bonds, payable $4,000 annually September 1, 1918-1922; $3,000 annu- ally September 1, 1923-1932. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 243 Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest RAMSEUR None. RANDLEMAN $7,500 6% 42,500 6% Sinking] Date of Date of Fund Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue 1905 1935 None Schools. 1907 1937 None Streets. $50,000 RED SPRINGS $35,000 6% REIDSVILLE Mar., 1911 Mar., 1941 None Water and sewerage. $50,000 6% July 1, 1891 July 1, 1921 None Streets. 25,000 5% July 100,000 5% Jan. 50,000 5M% May 5,000 5% May 10,000 5% April 1899 July 1, 1929 None Water. 1910 Jan. 1, 1941 None Sewerage. 1913 May 1,1929 None Water and sewerage. 1915 May 1, 1929 None Judgment. 1916 April 1, 1941 None Sewerage. $240,000 RENNERT None. RHODHISS None. RICHFIELD None. RICHLANDS None. RICH SQUARE None. RINGWOOD None. ROANOKE RAPIDS $20,000 6% July 1, 1915 July 1, 1935 None Improvements. ROBERSONVILLE None. ROCKINGHAM $25,000 6% 10,000 5% 30,000 6% 20,000 6% 40,000 5% 36,000 6% 1901 1931 1909 1939 1911 1941 1913 1943 1908 1938 Mar. 1, 1914 Mar. 1, 1924 $2,556.17 Schools and lights. Water and sewerage. Water and sewerage. Schools. Water and sewerage . Streets. $161,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $60,000, payable $6,000 annually. II \i:i II (' M:MI i \ \ I'.i.i i lintuhil In- l{,ih > <l< lit ,,ln .*.-< hit'fi i i.i. None >f It, l)nl, a Mntn Purpose of Issue I;<M KY MOUNT $40,000 4^ i) June 2, 1899 Jinn- 1, 1919 Water. o 5% May , 1901 May 1. I'Ml Water. l :::>.'" June , 1908 June Water, lights, paving. 65,000 5% July , 1913 July Gas. 135,000 5% July , I'M:; July 1, 1953 Water, sewerage, and paving. 35,000 5% Oct. , 1915 - 1, 1924 a Funding. 50,000 5% April ,1917 April 1, 1934 b Improvements and $500,000 funding. l.'ll lnMil>, payable $7,000 Octoln-r 1924. n! bond* payable $5 ,000 April 1, 1925-1934. KOPKK None. ROSEBORO ROSE HILL None ROSMAN None. ROWLAND $12,500 6% 1907 1937 $2,498.73 Schools. 30,00 I'M! 1944 1,749.17 Lights and \\ $42,500 $4,247.90 ROXBORO $10,000 5% 1900 1930 None 20,01" 1908 1938 None Schools. 25,0!" 1910 1940 None Streets and water. 15,000 5% 1915 None Improvements. $70,000 ROXOBEL None. RUTH None. RUTHERFORD COLLEGE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 245 Sinking Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest Date of Issue Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue RUTHERFORDTON $10,000 5*A% Mar. 1, 1910 Mar. 1, 1940 None Schools. 5,000 6% Mar. 15, 1911 Mar. 15, 1941 None Refunding. 35,000 6% June 1, 1913 June 1, 1941 None Water and lights. 10,000 6% Mar. 1, 1913 Mar. 1, 1943 None Water and lights. 10,000 6% May 1, 1914 May 1, 1924 None Refunding. $70,000 ST. PAULS None. SALISBURY $20,000 5% 1891 1921' 'Streets. 25,000 5% 1900 1930 Sewers. 70,000 5% 1901 1931 Water. 5,000 5% 1901 1931 Sewers. .90,000 5% 1904 1934 Streets. 50,000 5% 1908 1942 Refunding. 50,000 5% 1908 1942 $34,475.60 \ Streets. 50,000 5% 1910 1960 Streets. 50,000 5% 1911 1951 Streets. 10,000 5% 1915 1955 Streets. 15,000 5% 1915 1955 Streets. 55,000 5% 1915 1955 Schools. 120,000 5% 1915 1955, Water. $610,000 ALUDA $10,000 6% 10,000 6% Jan. 2, 1912 July 9, 1913 Jan. 2, 19321 July 9, 1933J > $525.00 r Water, sewerage, ^ streets, and lights. $20,000 SANFORD $10,000 6% 1899 1929 None Water. 15,000 5% 1902 1932 None Water. 12,000 4H% Feb. 27, 1909 Feb. 27, 1949 None Water. 50,000 6% Mar. 1, 1910 Mar. 1, 1950 None Sewers. 15,000 6% Jan. 10, 1910 Jan. 10, 1950 None Water and streets. 10,000 6% Dec. 1, 1913 Dec. 1, 1943 None Water and streets. $112,000 246 CABOUNA BLUE BOOK Sinking Bonded In- Rate of Date of Date of Fund debtedness Interest Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue SCOTLAND NECK $5,000 6% July 1, 1903 July 1, 1927 a Lights. 10,000 6% April 1, 1914 April 1, 1937 6 Lights. 80,000 5% Dec. 15, 1916 Dec. 15, 1948 c Water and sewerage. $95,000 a S, rial bonds, original issue $10,000, payable $500 annually 1908-1927. ^Serial bonds, payable $1,000 annually 1928-1937. cSerial bonds, payable $30,000 December 15, 1926; $25,000 December 15, 1936; $25,000 December 15, 1946. SEABOARD None. ELMA $14,500 25,000 10,000 3,000 1% $52,500 SHALLOTTE None. Sill I. BY $35,000 5% IIMI.OOO 5% 15,000 5% 40,000 5% 15,000 5% 4,000 5% $229,000 SILER CITY $7,000 6% 4.000 5% 5H% Jan. 1, 1913 Jan. 1, 1943 6% Feb. 1,1912 Feb. 1,1942 Improvements. 6% July 1, 1913 July 1, 1943 Improvements! May 1,1913 May 1,1923 Water and lights. 1907 1937 Schools. l'.">s 1932 Water. 1911 1931 Lights. 1916 1945 Streets. 1917 1934 Streets. 1917 Schools. Sept. 1, 1908 Sept. 1, 1938 Streets. May 1, 1909 May 1, 1939 Schools. $11,000 SMITHFIELD $5,000 6% 67,000 5% 70,000 6% Oct. 1,1906 Oct. 1,1926 None Market house. Oot. 1,1912 Oct. 1,1932 None Water, lights, and sewerage. Oct. 1, 1917 Oct. 1, 1932 None Streets. $142,000 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 247 Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest SNOW HILL $3,385 5% 10.000 6% Date of Issue Sinking Date of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue Dec. 21, 1909 Dec. 21, 1939 None Lights. Nov. 13, 1913 Nov. 13, 1943 None Lights and streets. $13,385 SOUTH BILTMOBE $600 6% 1909 1919 a Sewers and water. aSerial bonds, original issue $2,000, payable $300 1918-1919. SOUTHERN PINES $8,000 6% 20,000 6% 6,000 6% 20,000 6% Sept. 1, 1905 Sept. 1, 1935 $1,605.70 Sewerage and water. Jan. 1, 1910 Jan. 1, 1930 Refunding. Jan. 1, 1910 Jan. 1, 1930 Schools. June 1, 1915 June 1, 1945 _ Streets and sidewalks. $54,000 SOUTH CHEEK None. SOUTH MILLS None. SOUTHPORT $40,000 5 1 A% Mar. 1, 1915 Mar. 1, 1945 6,000 6% Aug. 1, 1915 Aug. 1, 1935 15,000 5% July 1, 1911 July 1, 1941 12,000 5H% Oct. 1, 1917 Oct. 1, 1942 {Water and sewerage. Water and sewerage. Railroad. Water. $73,000 oSerial bonds, payable $500 annually, beginning October 1, 1918. SOUTH WADESBORO None. SPARTA None. SPENCER $70,000 5% 50,000 6% 10,000 6% $130,000 SPRING HOPE $10,000 6% ti ' i STANLY None. STAR None. April 2, 1906 April 2, 1936 Sewers, streets, and schools. Oct. 1, 1913 Oct. 1, 1943 $7,451.70 Lights and water. Oct. 1, 1913 Oct. 1, 1943 Schools. July 1, 1906 July 1. 1926 None Lights. IMS NORTH r \i;m.i\ \ BOOK 5% 5% linn. I,, I 111- It'll, '..f <l> l>ilness Interest STATES VII.I.K - $52,000 10.000 5% 4,000 5% 6,000 25.000 10,000 8,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 20,000 26,000 25,000 6,000 10,000 30,000 30,000 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Sinking hnt, nf I),, I, <,/ /'/,/,,/ /.-> Maturity ( 'ullicti;! I'urjMse of Issue Water. Schools. Schools. Schools. Schools. Railroad. Lights. Funding. Water and sewers. Funding. Funding. Funding. Funding. Streets. Funding. Funding. Funding. Oct. 15, 1891 Oct. 15, 1927 Feb. 15, 1912 Feb. 15, 1932 May 1, 1906 May 1, 1936 May 1, 1907 May 1, 1937 July 1, 1914 July 1, 1944 Oct. 9, 1891 Oct. 9, 1921 Oct. 1, 1913 Oct. 1, 1938 July , 1905 July 1, 1935 May , 1906 May 1, 1936 Mar. , 1908 Mar. 1, 1938 June , 1912 June 1, 1942 June , 1912 Sept. , 1912 Sept. 1, 1942 Bepi, , 1912 Sept. , 1913 Nov. 1,1938 April , 1914 April 1, 1944 Jan. , 1916 Jan. 1, 1946 $327,000 STOKES None. STOKESDALE None. STONEVILLE None. STONEWALL None. SWANSBORO None. SWAN QUARTER None. SYLVA None. TABOR None. TARBORO $20,000 5% July 1, 1899 July 1, 1919 Water and sewerage. 20,000 5% July 1, 1899 July 1, 1929 Water and sewerage. 10,000 5% May 1, 1910 May 1, 1930 Water, sewerage, and lights. 20,000 5% July 1,1909 July 1, 1939 Water, sewerage, and lights. 2,000 5% April 1, 1909 April 1, 1919 a Funding. 25,000 5% July 1, 1911 July 1, 1946 Water. 25,000 5% July 1, 1911 July 1, 1951 Streets. 20,000 5% April 1, 1916 April 1, 1946 Lights. 10,000 5% April 1, 1916 April 1, 1946 Water. 25,000 5% Oct. 1, 1916 Oct. 1, 1946 Water and sewerage. $177,000 aSerial bonds, original issue $10,000, payable $1,000 annually 1918-1919. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 249 Sinking Bonded In- Rate of Date of Date of Fund debtedness Interest Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue TAYLORSVILLE None. TEACHEYS None. THOMASVILLE $125,000 5% Dec. 1,1912 Dec. 1,1942 None Water and sewerage. TILLERY None. TODD None. TOWNSVILLE None. TRENTON None. TRINITY None. TROUTMAN None. TROY None. TRYON $8,000 6% May 1, 1907 May 1, 1927 None Streets. 30,000 6% April 1,1915 April 1,19451 /Water. 3,000 6% Aug. 1,1917 Aug. 1, 1927J * \Water. $41,000 TURKEY None. UNION None. VANCEBORO None. VANDEMERE None. VASS None. VAUGHAN None. WACO $5,000 6% 1913 1943 $400 Schools. WADESBORO $25,000 5% July 1, 1900 July 1, 1925 None Water and lights. 10,000 5% Feb. 1, 1911 Feb. 1, 1926 None Streets. $35,000 WAGRAM None. WAKE FOREST $12,000 5% 1910 1940 $4,000 Lights. WALLACE None. 250 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Bonded In- Rate of Date of debtedness Interest Issue WALNUT COVE None. Sinking Dote of Fund Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue WARRENTON $3,000 5% 17,000 5% . 46,000 5% July, July, 1909 1917 1915 July, Mar., July, 1925 all, 143.65 Municipal building. 1923 Street*. 1940 62,716.72 Water and sewerage. $66,000 $3,860.37 aSerial bonds, original issue $8,000, payable $500 annually. dSerial bonds, original issue $50,000, payable $2,000 annually. WARSAW $20,000 5% Nov. 1,1917 a aSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually. None Lights. WASHINGTON $2,000 5% May , 1903 May , 1923 Funding. 2,000 6% May , 1903 May , 1924 Funding. 2,000 5% May , 1903 May , 1925 Funding. 2,000 5% M ay , 1903 May , 1926 Funding. 2,000 5% May , 1903 M ay , 1927 Funding. 2,000 5% May , 1903 May , 1928 Funding. 2,000 5% May , 1903 May , 1929 ... Funding. 2,000 5% May , 1903 May , 1930 Funding. 2,000 5% May ,1903 ,1931 Funding. 2,000 5% May , 1903 , 1932 Funding. 2,000 5% , 1903 May , 1933 Funding. 2,000 5% May , 1903 May , 1934 Funding. 2,000 5% May , 1903 May ,1935 Funding. 2,000 5% May , 1903 Mav , 1936 Funding. 2,000 6% May , 1903 May , 1W7 Funding. 2,000 5% May , 1903 May ,1938 Funding. 25,000 5% May , 1904 May , 1934 Lights and streets. 25,000 5% May , 1904 May , 1934 Schools. 15.000 5% May , 1905 May , 1935 Lights. 7,000 5% May , 1905 May , 1935 Schools. 25,000 5% J:in. , 1910 Jan. . 1960 Streets. 15,000 5% Jan. , 1911 Jan. , 1941 Funding. 55,000 5% July , 1913 July ,1963 Water. 150,000 5% J:in. , 1914 Jan. , 1963 _ Lights, water, and sewerage. 25,000 5% May ,1914 May ,1944 Wharf. 35,000 5% Jan. , 1915 Jan. , 1963 Sewerage and fire alarm. 5,000 5% Jan. 1, 1915 Jan. 1, 1963 Sewerage. $414,000 $33,136.77 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 251 Sinking Bonded In- Rate of Date of Date of Fund debtedness Interest Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue WAXHAW None. WAYNESVILLE $10,000 5% July , 1899 July , 1929' Schools. 5 000 5% July , 1899 July , 1929 Lights. 15,000 5% July , 1901 July , 1931 Water and sewers. 6,000 5% July , 1904 July , 1934 Schools and lights 25,000 5% Sept. , 1908 Sept. , 1938 > $1,749.85 < Water. 32,000 5% Oct. , 1911 Oct. , 1941 Refunding. 20,000 5% Jan. , 1912J Jan. , 1942 Schools. 6,000 5% Jan. , 1913] Jan. , 1943 Schools. 6,000 5% July , 1915] July 1, 1945 Water. $125,000 WEAVERVILLE $41,000 / 6% I 6% 1913 1915 1945 None Water. 1945 None Streets and sew< jrs. WELDON $43,000 6% Jan. 1,1913 Jan. 1,1940 35,000 6% July 3, 1916 July 3, 1946 Water. Streets. 50,000 6% June 1, 1917 June 1, 1927 None Streets. $128,000 aSerial bonds, payable $2,000 annually, 1921-1940. feSerial bonds, payable $1,000 annually, 1922-1945, and $11,000 July 3, 1946. WENDELL $15,000 5% Feb. 16, 1914 Feb. 16, 1944 Lights. 5,000 6% Sept. 15, 1916 Sept. 15, 1946 Municipal building. $20,000 WEST BLADENBORO None. WEST HICKORY None. WEST JEFFERSON None. WHITAKERS $6,000 6% May 1, 1912 May 1, 1932 aSerial bonds, original issue $10,000. WHITEVILLE $10,000 6% June 1, 1910 June 1, 19301 10,000 6% April 1, 1911 April 1, 1931J $1,200 Lights. Streets. Streets. $20.000 WHITTIER None. 252 N'niM H (' \i:oi.i \ \ Mi. i i MM..K Sinking ' lt<,ml,-il In- Rate of D hnh debtedness Interest Issue Maturity '/ Purpose of Issue WILBANKS None. WILKESBOHO None. \VlI,UAM8TON $10,000 6% July 3,500 6% July 1, 1907 July 1, 1937] 1, 1908 July 1, 1 ( .:{7 ; i ^ /Town hall and mar- ' 1>00 \ ket. $13.500 WILMINGTON $96,000 6% Jan. , 1888 Jan. , 1918 Railroad. !_';, 000 5% Jan. , 1889 Jan. , 1919 Railroad. 314,400 5% .la.,. , 1892 Jan. , 1922 Refunding. UN, 000 4% Jan. , 1899 Jan. , 1929 Refunding. 400,000 4H% Oct. , 1908 Oct. , 1948 Water and sewer- age. 100,000 4^% Jan. , 1910 Jan. , 1950 $91, 229.04 -j Streets. 100,000 4^% Jan. , 1912 Jan. , 1952 Water, sewerage. 300,000 4H% -I.'"!. , 1912 Jan. , 1952 Streets. 85,000 5% Oct. . i '.mi Oet . i '<.'-' Sewerage. 100,000 6% Oct. , 1913 Oct. , 1918 Sewerage. 100,000 5% April , 1915 April , 1 '.:.:, Refunding and streets $1,869,400 WILSON $25,000 5% 1902 1932 Streets. 40,000 5% 1904 1934 Streets. 17,000 5% 1909 1923 Lights. 14,500 5% 1912 1 '.<:;-> Lights. 39,500 5% 1912 1932 Water. 80,000 5% 1915 1936 a Lights. 80,000 5% 1916 1932 6 Streets. 250,000 5% 1916 1926 c Streets. 75,000 5% 1916 1936 d Gas. 95,000 5% 1916 1946 Watrr. 50,000 5H 1918 1946 e Water. 32,000 5H% 1918 1921 / Sidewalks. $798,000 $10,000 aSerial bonds, payable $5,000 annually, 1921-1926. 6Serial bonds, payable $4,000 annually 1917-1920; $6,000 annually 1921-1928; $8,000 annually 1929-1930. cSerial bonds, payable $30,000, December 1, 1917; $25,000 December 1, 1918; $20,000 annually 1919-1924; $75,000 in 1925. dSerial bonds, payable 1921-1936. eSerial bonds, payable $1,500 annually 1920-1935; $2,000 annually 1936-1948. /Serial bonds, payable $10,000, 1919; $12,000, 1920; $10,000, 1921. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, CITIES AND TOWNS 253 Bonded In- Rate of debtedness Interest WINDSOR None. WINFALL None. WINSTON-SALEM Sinking Date of Date of Fund Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue $160,000 5% Oct. 1, 1894 Oct. 1, 1924 Water. 100,000 5% Jan. 1, 1904 Jan. 1 1934 Water. 35,000 5% Nov. 1, 1907 Nov. 1, 1937 Water. 50,000 July 1, 1912 July 1, 1952 Water. 125,000 5% July 1, 1906 July 1, 1936 Water. 50,000 July 1, 1914 July 1, 1952 Water. 125,000 5% April 1, 1917 April 1, 1947 Water. 85,000 5% Nov. 1, 1907 Nov. 1, 1937 Streets. 100,000 July 1, 1912 July 1, 1952 Streets. 50,000 5% Jan. 1, 1891 Jan. 1, 1931 Streets. 50,000 July 1, 1912 July 1, 1952 Streets. 30,000 5% Nov. 1, 1907 Sewerage. 85,000 July 1, 1912 July 1, 1952 Sewerage. 50,000 5% July 1, 1914 July 1, 1944 Sewerage. 175,000 Sept. 1, 1917 Sept. 1, 1947 Sewerage. 40,000 4M% Nov. 15, 1909 Nov. 15, 1934 _ Refunding. 100,000 4H% Aug. 15, 1910 Aug. 15, 1946 _ Refunding. 55,000 4M% May 1, 1911 May 1, 1941 Refunding. 45,000 5% May 1, 1911 May 1, 1941 _ Refunding. 250,000 4>i% July 1, 1912 July 1, 1952 Refunding. 80,000 4J^% Mar. 1, 1917 Mar. 1, 1933 Refunding. 50,000 1 A% July 1, 1912 July 1, 1952 _ Schools. 60,000 5% July 1, 1914 July 1, 1944 Schools. 50,000 5% April 1, 1917 April 1, 1947 Schools. 90,000 4^% July 1, 1912 July 1, 1952 Hospital. 15,000 4K% July 1, 1912 July 1, 1952 Park. $2,105,000 WlNTEBVILLE $10,000 6% Nov. 1,1915 Nov. 1,1935 $1,000 Lights and streets. WlNTON $1,700 6% Nov. 5, 1914 Nov. 5, 1929 None Lights. WOOD None. WOODLAND None. WOODVILLE None. WORTHVILLE $500 6% Nov. 1, 1915 May 1, 1918 Sidewalks. 254 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Sinking Bonrlci In- I{<it>' f Date of Date of Fund debtedness Interest Issue Maturity Collected Purpose of Issue YADKINVILLE None. YOUNOBVILLB None. ZEBULON $10,000 6% Jan. 1, 1916 Jan. 1, 1936 $1,200 Lights. 6,000 6% July 1, 1917 July 1, 1958 o Lights. $16,000 aSf-rial bonds, payable $300 annually, July 1, 1919-1938. Total bonded indebtedness of cities and towns, $29,217,205.88. Total sinking fund collected, $639,718.50. RECEIPTS GENERAL FUND SHOWING THE SEVERAL SOURCES FROM WHICH THE RECEIPTS OF THE GENERAL FUND WERE DERIVED DURING THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917. (From Report of the State Auditor. ) Additional State taxes $ 6,484.98 Agricultural Department 334,007.29 Appropriation for rural libraries, refund. 10.00 Atlantic and North Carolina dividends _ 37,998.00 Audubon Society Fund 3,095.80 Automobile licenses State Department 96,114.62 Automobile licenses Treasury Department _ __ 35,770.00 Bank stock tax general _ 49,912.57 Bank stock tax pensions 8,435.84 Bonds, State improvements... 601,487.20 Building and loan stock tax general.. 7,788.66 Building and loan stock tax pensions 1,316.38 Contingencies _ 329.63 Corporation ad valorem tax general 283,027.46 Corporation ad valorem tax pensions 47,836.32 Corporation franchise tax 113,298.02 Corporation franchise penalties.. 412.91 Corporation tax State Department 35,571.46 Corporation tax Treasury Department... 310.00 Disabled soldiers appropriation, refund 420.00 Express companies, property tax general _ 1,538.33 Express companies, property tax pensions 260.00 Fees, bank examinations _ 1,245.00 Fees, Executive Department 3,757.50 Fees, Insurance Department _ 12,560.96 Fees, State Department 1,516.50 Fees, Treasury Department _ 172.00 Fisheries Commission Board _ 19,216.23 Forest reserve income.. _ 1,195.53 Fuel, lights, and water 1,200.00 Gasoline Inspection Fund _ 43,218.98 Gasoline Inspection Fund, transfer 28,000.00 Inheritance tax 296,951.90 Insurance Department licenses _ 45,144.88 Insurance Department taxes 337,480.71 Interest on bank balances 21,318.73 Judiciary, refund _ _ . 66.67 Land titles, assurance of 35.48 Laws and Journals, sale of _ 615.46 Loan to State.... 300,000.00 Mercantile agencies 500.00 Negro Agricultural and Technical College 16,500.00 256 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK deafen <>n lr:i iris, 1 it-disc tax $ 200.00 Ni.rili Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering 95,380.96 North Carolina Experiment Station. 30,000.00 North ('Mr-Mima Railroad dividends ttf.OU <"i <>illrispc'.tiin Fund 50.:, Oil Inspection Fund, transfer 25,000.00 Paper account, refund 61.46 Pension refund 32.00 Piano and organ dealers' licenses 3,736.18 Postage and stationery 13.20 Privilege tax on railroads 38,640.20 Mansion and grounds, refund 10.00 Railroad property tax general 299,086.48 Railroad property tax pensions 50,553.07 Refrigerator car property tax general 152.74 Refrigerator car property tax pensions 25.82 Seals, Executive Department 3,577.75 Seals, State Department 646.00 Sc\\ing machine licenses 3,834.86 Sketches North Carolina Confederate Regiments, sale of 9.00 Sleeping-car property tax general 1 ,153.10 Sleeping-car property tax pensions 194.89 State and Colonial Records, sale of 100.15 State Guard, special, refund 355.00 State Highway Commission, Automobile Fund 222,106.11 Hospital, Raleigh, fire loss 510.00 State's Prison, earnings 294,842.49 State's Prison, fire loss 3,329.95 State storage warehouse _ 14, 500 .00 Steamboat and canal property tax general > 502.65 Steamboat and oanal property tax pensions 84.96 Street railway, light, and water property tax general 27,482.06 Street railway, light, and water property tax pensions 4,644.80 Supreme Court Library Fund 9,000.00 Supreme Court Reports, sale of 6,391.70 Tax from business colleges 60.00 Telegraph privilege tax 11,308.84 Telegraph property tax general... 2,131.18 Telegraph property tax pensions 360.20 Telephone property tax general 6,485.48 Telephone property tax pensions _ 1,096.22 Telephone tax on receipts 30,501.27 Trade marks 99.10 State taxes from sheriffs general 1,603,724.58 State taxes from sheriffs income 64,152.36 State taxes from sheriff pensions 278,' Received from sheriffs indigent pupils 8,464.76 Total receipts $ 6,214,610.71 DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND SHOWING THE DIFFERENT PURPOSES FOR WHICH DISBURSEMENTS OF THE PUBLIC FUND WERE MADE DURING THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDING NOVEMBER 30, 1917. (The disbursements herein given are taken from the Report of the State Auditor.) ADJUTANT-GENERAL $3,000 The salary of the Adjutant-General shall be $3,000 per annum. Revisal of 1905, s. 2750; 1907, c. 803; 1911, c. 110; 1915, c. 118. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT $334,007.29 All moneys arising from tonnage charges on fertilizers and fertilizing materials, inspection taxes on cotton-seed meal and concentrated commercial feeding stuff, and from the sale of any property seized and condemned under the provisions of this chapter, and all other moneys which may come into the hands of the Com- missioner of Agriculture or other officer, member or employee of the Department of Agriculture by virtue of this chapter shall be paid into the State Treasury by the Commissioner of Agriculture, and shall be kept on a separate account by the Treasurer as a fund for the exclusive use and benefit of the Department of Agri- culture. Revisal of 1905, s. 3937. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES $3,500 When suoh society shall be fully organized, the organization thereof shall be certified by the president and signed by the secretary to the board of county com- missioners, and thereupon the board .shall order the same to be filed in the office of their clerk and there kept, and the clerk, under the seal of the board, shall certify a copy of the same, together with the order of the board, to the Auditor of the State, who, if by the certificate it shall appear to him that such society has been duly organized, according to this title, and it shall likewise be made to appear to him by the cartificate of the treasurer of such society, signed by the president and certi- fied by the clerk of the board under the seal thereof, that the sum of $100 has been actually paid to the society by the members thereof, within one year preceding, for the sole benefit of such society, shall draw his warrant and the Treasurer shall pay to the treasurer of the society $100 out of the public treasury for the like sole use and benefit; and such payment shall be annually made by the Treasurer of the State on the terms and conditions set out in this chapter; but only one society for each county shall be entitled to the benefits of this chapter. The board of county commissioners, in case of a conflict between two claimants, shall determine which shall be the corporate body for the county. Revisal of 1905, s. 3870; 1905, c. 512. It shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to pay to the treasurer of the North Carolina Agricultural Society on the first Monday of October, during each and every year, out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $1,500, to be disposed of in the payment of premiums, as hereinafter directed; Provided, the 17 258 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK treasurer of the society shall first produce a certificate from the president thereof, showing that during the past twelve months the like sum has been raised by the society for the same purposes, and actually paid out for premiums, as provided in this section. Revisal of 1905 s. 3867. An annual appropriation of $500 is made to be paid by the State Treasurer upon the warrant of the Auditor to the Treasurer of the North Carolina Industrial Asso- ciation on the first day of the annual fair of said association as herein provided. Said sum shall be expended solely and exclusively in the payment of premiums by said industrial association upon farm products and works of use and art, the production of inhabitants of this S' 1891, c. 426. APPALACHIAN TRAINING SCHOOL $20,000 The sum of $20,000 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Appalachian Training School. 1917, c. 193. APPROPRIATION FOR DISABLED SOLDIERS $13,440 The clerk of the Superior Court under his seal of office shall certify to the Gov- ernor, giving the name and number of the blind and maimed soldiers, and soldiers who have become paralyzed and are totally disabled by reason thereof, examined in his county, upon which the Auditor, with the approval of the Governor, is au- thorized to issue his warrant to the Treasurer to pay the sum of $120 annually for each blind and maimed person, and each person paralyzed and disabled by reason thereof, named in the certificate, and the said olerk shall pay out such money monthly to the persons entitled to the same. Revisal of 1905, s. 4992; 1917, c. 266. APPROPRIATION FOR PUBLIC HIGtf SCHOOLS $75,075 The sum of $100,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby annually appropriated for the purpose of high school instruction and teacher training pro- vided for in this act. The State Board of Education shall have the power to fix such rules and regulations in accordance with the provisions of this act as may be necessary for the proper distribution of this fund. 1907, c. 820; 1911, c. 135; 1917, c. 227. APPROPRIATION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS $241,000 That $250,000 be and the same is hereby appropriated annually out of the State Treasury for the benefit of the public schools, to be apportioned by the State Board of Education to the respective counties of the State per capita as to school popu- lation on the first Monday in January in each year, using the school census of the preceding scholastic year as the basis of apportionment: Provided, that the State Board of Education shall annually deduct from said appropriation, before the apportionment thereof, the sum of $1,500 to be used in part payment of the salary and expenses of the superintendent of the State Colored Normal Schools and inspector and director of the County Teachers' Institutes and of the teacher-training work of the State, arid shall also deduct therefrom biennially in advance $7,500 DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 259 to be used for the establishment of rural libraries as provided in section 4179 of the Revisal of 1905 of North Carolina. Upon requisition of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Auditor shall issue his warrant upon the State Treasurer for the amount due each county, payable to the county treasurer, to be credited to the general public school fund of said county. 1913, c. 33; 1915, c. 236. APPROPRIATION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, EQUALIZING FUND $428,161.34 There shall be set aside annually 5 cents of the annual ad valorem tax levied and collected for State purposes on every $100 value of real and personal property in this State, and the funds annually arising from said tax shall be held by the State Treasurer as a fund separate and apart from all other funds for State pur- poses, and shall be known as "The State Equalizing School Fund," and shall be used, as hereinafter directed, to provide a six months school term in every school district in the State, or as nearly a six months term as said funds will provide. 1913, c. 33. APPROPRIATIONS FOR RURAL LIBRARIES $3,475 Whenever the patrons and friends of any free public school in which a library has not already been established by aid of the State shall raise by private subscrip- tion and tender to the treasurer of the county school fund for the establishment of a library to be connected with such school the sum of $10, the county board of education shall appropriate, from the general county school fund the sum of $10 for this purpose, and shall appoint one intelligent person in the school district the manager of such library. The county board shall also appoint one competent person well versed in books to select books for such libraries as may be established under these provisions from lists of books approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction: Provided, that after any school district shall have had a library for ten years or longer under the provisions of this section, said school district shall be entitled to receive a second library in accordance with the fore- going provisions of this section. Revisal of 1905, s. 4172; 1915, c. 236. As soon as such board shall have made an appropriation for a library in the manner prescribed, the county superintendent shall inform the secretary of the State Board of Education of the fact, whereupon the State board shall remit to the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of $10 for the purchase of books. Revisal of 1905, s. 4173. Whenever the patrons and friends of any free public school in which a library has been established under the provisions of this subchapter shall raise by private subscription and tender to the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of $5 for the enlargement of the library, the county board of education shall appropriate from the general school fund the sum of $5 and the State Board of Education shall remit to the treasurer of the county school fund the sum of $5. The money thus collected and appropriated shall be used for the enlargement of libraries already established under the same rules and restrictions as govern the establishment of new libraries. 1907, c. 835. 260 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK rn >f N7,")')') of tli' ;ion fur tho |)iil)lic schools of the State is hereby biennially appropriate 1 an 1 ->-i :tp:irt, to be expended by the State Board ;icit inn under tin pi ibchapter: Provided, that of each biennial appr >priat ion a >UIM n .t exceeding $5,000 may be expended by the State : of K IIK: n ion in t IK- e~t ablishment of m-w libraries, and asurn not exceeding $2,500 may be expended by the State Board of I-Mucat ion in the enlargement of libr.iries according to the provisions of section 4177: Provided further, that any balance ,,f i h.- biennial appropriation of $2,500 for the enlargement of libraries remaining in the hand.- of t he St at e Treasurer at the en<l of e;t<-.!, biennial period shall be u>i-l t'r I he e-t aUi-h'iient of new libr wit h the provisions of section 4172 of t he Revisal of 1905. al of 1905, s. 4179; 1909, c. 525. AUDITOR'S Di:i'\i; IMIIXT $7,700 See Department of State Auditor, p. 22. AIDI T >R'S DEPARTMENT, CONTINGENCIES $1,457.25 < Au.litor, A I DUBON IV XD $2,000 The funds received by the Treasurer of the State from the license tax ' reside ni hunter.- shall const it ute a funl known as t he Bird ami ( Jam e Fund, which fund shall be paid out b on the order of 1 1 of I. he Audubon S '!! make an annual report to t he ( !o\ -e rn ni- of t h< ! expend it i.: : r the year. 1871. Al JOMOBILE II M) $198,782.28 All funds collected by the Secretary of Stale under the provisions of this act or amendment- t , t hi- act , -hall be paid tot .isurer monthly, to be kept as a -cparate fund t:> be known as the Highway Maintenance Fund, which shall be drawn upon an.l expeade 1 a- directed by the State Highway Commission for the nr.iintcnanre of roads and bridges constituting the State system of high- ways as authoi i/ed by section 8 of chapter 113 of Public Laws i.f l!Uo, creating the Stale Highway ( 'o:irnissi on, or as hereinafter pro\-ided: /'/-, / <i>d, that an amount e |iial to at least 70 per cent of the fees collected in any county by the Secretary of State under the provisi >ns of this act shall be expended by the State Highway nission \\ithin one year after its payment by | ;<> the Slate Treasurer, within Mich county fr >'n which the fees were c illected; and Pro- rid<-<l furtfur, that all nec.-ssary expenses, including clerical assistance, the cost of purchasing number plit.> an 1 muling >a aft, and for such blanks, books, and other supplies as can not be furaishe 1 by the State Printer, shall be paid for monthly from the revenue derive. 1 frni this act by warrant of the Auditor on the State i I ace unit shall be approved bv the Governor and Council of Stale, and s!ri!l n >t in 'e exceed 12 1 -.- per cent of the total amount collected by the Secretary of State from the provisions of thisact. Nothing in this act shall prevent the State Highway Commission and the local road authori- ties to make agreements as to the method or the amount re juireJ for the mainte- nance of roads and bridges to be maintained under the provisions of this act. 1917, cc. 140, 141. DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 261 BOARD OF INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS $1,863.75 See Board of Internal Improvements, p. 79. BOARD OF PUBLIC CHARITIES $394.54 The members of the Board of Public Charities shall receive no compensation for their services except their actual traveling expenses while attending the sessions of the board, not oftener than four times a year, and not to exceed four days at each session. The printing of all necessary blanks for use of the board shall be paid for as other State printing: Provided, that the actual expenses of the members of said board or the secretary or such other official as hereafter may be appointed by said board, incurred while making such inspections of the charitable and penal insti- tutions as the board may deem necessary, shall be paid. Revisal of 1905, s. 2807; 1909, c. 899. This law was repealed by chapter 170 of the Public Laws of 1917, which creates a State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. No appropriation was made by the General Assembly for this board. BONDS, STATE IMPROVEMENTS $2,103.67 For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter in relation to the furnishing of proper blank bonds and coupons, and for the purpose of adver- tising through the public journals, or otherwise, the details of exchange for the information of the holders of the bonds, the State Treasurer is authorized, with the approval of the Governor, to use any funds not otherwise appropriated in the Treasury, not exceeding the sum of $5,000, and the Public Treasurer is authorized to use so much of such sum as may be necessary for the purpose of advertising through the public journals, or otherwise, the details of exchange for the informa- tion of holders of said bonds. Revisal of 1905, s. 5044. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT $205.35 For conveying prisoners to the penitentiary, the sheriff shall receive $2 per day and actual necessary expenses; and also $1 per day and actual necessary expenses for at least one deputy, as the sheriff upon affidavit before the clerk of the Supe- rior Court of his county shall swear to be necessary for the safe conveyance of such convicts, to be paid by the State Treasurer upon the warrant of the Auditor, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise apprgpriated. The sheriff shall file with the Auditor the affidavit above mentioned, together with a fully itemized account, to be sworn to before the Auditor, showing the number of days requisite for coming and returning and the actual expense for conveying said convicts and the guard necessary for their safe keeping ; and if the Auditor approves said account, he shall issue his warrant on the Treasurer for the amount thereof. Revisal of 1905, s. 2777; 1909, c. 443. CAPITOL SQUARE $369.55 A sum not exceeding $600 shall be set apart annually, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, which may be used in caring for the Capitol Square and public grounds in the city of Raleigh. Revisal of 1905, s.5016. 262 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK CASWELL TRAINING SCHOOL $75.000 The sum of $45,000 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Caswell Training School. That no patient be admitted to or retained in the said institution whose parents, guardi:in, or < Mate is financially able to pay, in .v'.i >leorin p irt, the current expenses for his or her maintenance in said id and this class of patients shall not exceed one-third of the entire number admitted to or retained in the said institution. Payment as hercinabove provided for shall be made monthly, for which the said institution .-hall give its receipt. The board of directors shall make thorough investigation of the financial condition < estate of the patients or their parents no\\ ution, and of thon may hereafter apply for admission, with a view of ascertaining the ability of each patient, his or her parents or guardian, to pay, in whole or in part, for his . maintenance. 1917, o. 193. Fur the purpose of making permanent improvements to the Caswell Training School, the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to issue bonds of the State of North Carolina, payable ten years after the first day of July 1917, to an amount not to exceed $75,000. 1917, c. 269. (II 1 iKOKEE NORMAL SCHOOL OF ROBESON COUNTY $2,546.32 The sum of $2,750 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Cherokee Indian School. 1917, c. 193. CODE COMMISSION $1,637.05 For the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Legislative Revision Com- ii i i ion hen -in pi and for paying for compiling, collating, and n the public statutes of North Carolina, and for such clerical assistance as may be necessary, there is hereby appropriated the sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as may be required, which shall be expended under the direction of said Legi.- Commission in carrying out the purpose of this act. The compensation of the Revision Commissioners or Commissioner shall be fixed by the said Commission: J'rorided, that such compensation and expenses for clerical assistance and other- wise shall not exceed the amount herein appropriated. 1917, c. 252. COLORED NORMAL SCHOOLS $22,259.72 The sum of $20,000 is hereby annually appropriated for the support and main- tenance of the State Normal Schools for Negroes, and that the further sum of $5,000 is hereby annually aporopriated for the permanent improvement of said schools. 1917, c. 193. COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE $12,67f See Department of Insurance, p. 58. DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 263 COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE, CONTINGENCIES $841.23 There shall be allowed to said department a sum of not exceeding $500 as a con- tingent fund, of which so much may be used by the Commissioner as may be neces- sary to pay the actual expenses of the Commissioner or his deputies when engaged in departmental duties or work for the good of the department or State. Said account to be itemized and paid on the approval of the Insurance Commissioner and only for such expenses as are not otherwise provided for. 1911, c. 196; 1913, c. 135. For expenses in seeking out, detecting, and punishing violations of the insurance law, the Insurance Commissioner may use a sum not exceeding $500 per annum. Any amounts so expended shall be approved by the Governor and paid by the Treasurer out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Revisal of 1905, s. 4686. COMMISSIONER OF LABOR AND PRINTING $5,900 See Department of Labor and Printing, p. 56. COMMISSIONER OF LABOR AND PRINTING, CONTINGENCIES $115.94 The Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner shall receive their actual traveling expenses while traveling for the purpose of collecting the information and statistics provided by law. Revisal of 1905, s. 2753. CONFEDERATE WOMEN'S HOME $7,000 The sum of $5,000 is annually appropriated to aid in the maintenance of the Confederate Women's Home and the support of its inmates. 1913, c. 62. The sum of $2,000 is appropriated from the State Treasury for permanent im- provements of the Confederate Women's Home in Fayetteville. 1917, c. 205. CONSOLIDATED DEBT BONDS PAID $300 The State Treasurer is authorized to pay cash instead of issuing bonds to take up the outstanding compromise bonds, according to the provisions of chapter 98, Laws of 1879, at 15, 25, and 40 cents on the principal only. 1913, c. 131. CONTINGENCIES $3,513.78 The Board of Public Buildings and Grounds shall take charge of and keep in repair the publft buildings of the State in the city of Raleigh; shall, from time to time, as the same may be needed, procure, furnish, and keep in repair for the halls of the Senate and House of Representatives and the public offices of the Capitol all necessary furniture, and the keeper shall take care of the furniture, sweep and cleanse off cobwebs and dust from all the unoccupied parts of the buildings; keep the keys of the several doors not occupied as offices, and conduct visitors through the Capitol, whenever requested to do so; shall, under the direction of the board, trim or remove trees standing in the public square; and remove the leaves and other rubbish as often as may be necessary; and shall perform any other jluty 264 NOIMII r.\i:ou.\\ I'.i.ri required |>y this chapter, <>f which IK- is capable, whenever especially ordered by the board t ) do so. The, board at all t inn-.-, i.-, required to use such means as may secure the Capitol from fire, llevisal of 1905, s. 5008. CONVICTS $2,228.65 For conveying prisoners to the penitentiary, sheriffs shall receive $2 per day :md act ual wn-.s-.ary expenses; also $1 per day and actual necessary expenses for each K'lard, not t o exceed one guard for every t hree prisoners, as the sheriff upon alii davit I x- fore t he clerk of t he Superior Court of hi.- county shall swear to be neces- sary for the safe conveyance of the convict.-, to be paid by the State Treasurer upon warrant of the Auditor, out of any money in the Treasury not oth appropriated. The sheriff .-hall file \\ it h the Auditor the affidavit above mentioned, together with a fully itemi/ed ace-unit , to be -worn to before the Auditor, showing the number of days requi.-ite for coming and returning and the actual expense of conveying said convicts and the guard necessary for their safe-keeping; and if the Auditor approves said account, he shall issue his warrant on the Treasurer for the amount thereof. Revisal of 1905, s. 2777. CO-OPERATIVE PURCHASING COMMITTEE $713.58 For the purpose of meeting the necessary expenses herein provided for and required, each of the institutions herein named shall pay its pro rata part, which shall be determined by the amount of the purchases made for and on behalf of each institution each \ 1917, c. 150. CULLOYVFIEE N<>|;\! \l. AM) I\D1 S'l Mil AL SCHOOL $17,949.72 The sum of $11,200 is annually appn.pi i at. d for the support and maintenance of the Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School I'M 7, c. 193. From bond issue for enlargement and improvement of the State's educational and charitable in.-t itut ions, $i,71' 1917, c. 154. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC [N8TR1 < TION $6,120.83 See Depart ment of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, p. 28. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, CONTINGENCIES $495.44 The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall receive actual . . . traveling expenses. Kevisalof 1905,8. 2745. DEPARTMENT OF PI HI. 1C 1 \s T1MCTK >X. WHAT, ENTERTAINM1 $2,767.15 In order to carry out the provisions of the act to improve the social and educa- tional conditions in rural communities the Mini of $25,000 is hereby appropriated out of the general funds of the State not otherwise appropriated, to be expended by the State Board of Education under the direction and supervision of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. 1917, c. 186. DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 265 EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS' TRAINING SCHOOL $84,635.45 The sum of $60,000 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the East Carolina Teachers Training School. 1917, c. 193. From bond issue for enlargement and improvement of the State's educational and charitable institutions $24,635.45. 1917, c. 154. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT $11,486.16 See Department of the Governor, p. 17. FARM-LIFE SCHOOLS $32,300 That upon its being made to appear to the State Board of Education that Guilford County has complied with all the provisions of this act for establishment, maintenance, and equipment of an Agricultural Department and a Domestic Science Department in connection with one or more of the public high schools of the said county, it shall appropriate and pay to the county board of education of Guilford County for such purpose an amount equal to that appropriated and fur- nished by the county of Guilford for said work: Provided, however, that said appro- priation by the State Board of Education shall not exceed the sum of $2,500 annually for the maintenance of said work in said county, to be paid by the State Treasurer out of funds appropriated for the maintenance of county farm-life schools by chap- ter 84 of the Public Laws of 1911. That any money that is now or may hereafter be appropriated by the General Assembly of North Carolina, the State Board of Education, or other State authority for agricultural or domestic science education, a part of which appropriation would, except for this act, be appropriated to Guil- ford County absolutely, or upon a contingency or contingencies then and in that event such appropriation which would go to Guilford County shall be turned over to the county board of education of Guilford County to aid in the carrying out of the provisions of this act. That compliance with the provisions of this act by the authorities of Guilford County shall be sufficient to entitle the county of Guilfcrd to its proportion of any appropriation of money already mgde or which may here- after be made for training in the science of agriculture or domestic science. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall issue a requisition on the State Auditor for the amount so apportioned to Guilford County and he shall issue his warrant to the county treasurer of said county, and the money shall be placed by the said treasurer to the credit of the school or schools of Guilford County in which said agricultural and domestic science work is being conducted: Provided, how- ever, that all money thus placed to their credit shall be used exclusively for the purpose of instruction in agriculture and domestic science. This act shall apply to Guilford County , and to any other county of the State of North Carolina complying with the conditions herein required of Guilford County: Provided, that the amount annually set aside out of the public school fund by any county for maintenance of said farm-life departments shall not operate to increase the amount to which said county would have been entitled from the State equal- izing fund if said apportionments for farm-life departments had not been set aside; and said apportionments shall be included in the necessary expenses for a four months school term for which a special tax, if necessary, must be levied under, chapter 33 of the Public Laws of 1913. The board of county commissioners of any 266 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK county is hereby authorized to provide out of the funds for necessary county ex- penses the funds required under section 4 of chapter 449 of the Publir-Local Laws of 1911. 1911 (P. L.), c. 449; 1913, c. 105; 1915, c. 236. FISHERIES COMMISSION BOARD $23,216.23 The sum of $10,000 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Fisheries Com mi 1917, c. 193. The Fisheries ('"in i! 1 1< f. i il << 11 ctii n ( f ;ill !i. , taxes, fees, rental and other imposts on the fisheries, and shall pay the samf int., the State Treasury to the credit of the Fisheries CommiMlon fund. 1915,0.84; 1917, c. 290. FOUR PER CENT BOND ISSUE, JULY, 1910 $50 See Consolidated Debt Bonds paid, p. 263. FREIGHT, EXPRESS, DRAY AGE $1,648 The Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, Attorney-General, Insurance Commissioner, and Adjutant General may have printed and prepared for their several offices such blank books, blank forms, and other necessary printing as may be suitable and proper to enable them to discharge their official duties. They shall also be allowed all necessary postage and express charges. Revisal of 1905,8.5103. FUEL, LIGHTS, WATER $9,233.11 The Secretary of State shall c-mtract with the lowest bidder, under sealed pro- posals for the necessary lights and fuel for the General Assembly, the public offices and the Governor's dwelling. Revisal of 1905, s. 5346. FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE $1,945.34 In all casea where the Governor of the State has made a requisition on the Governor of another State for any fugitive from justice and has sent an agent to receive said fugitive, it shall be lawful for the Governor to issue a warrant on the State Treasurer for the amount of money necessary to pay the expenses of said agent and other costs in the arresting of said fugitives from justice, to be paid by the Treasurer of the State. Revisal of 1905, s. 3189. GASOLINE INSPECTION FUND $43,218.98 All moneys received under the provisions of the gasoline inspection act shall be paid into the State Treasury and kept as a distinct fund, to be styled "The Gasoline Fund." All checks or orders in payment for tags or stamps shall be made payable to the State Treasurer. The Commissioner of Agriculture is authorized to draw out of said fund, upon his warrants, such sums as may be necessary to pay all expenses incurred in connection with this act. 1917, c. 166. DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 267 GENERAL ASSEMBLY, CONTINGENCIES $4,853.32 The Auditor is authorized to audit the account of any employee of the Senate or of the House of Representatives, upon the certificate of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives that such services have been rendered for which the account is presented, and that the amount as stated in said account is reasonable, just, and proper. Revisal of 1905, s. 2735. The committee appointed to investigate the charges against the management of the State's Prison shall employ such clerical assistance as it shall see fit and proper, and all necessary expenses incurred by the said committee in pursuance of the purposes of this resolution shall be paid by the Treasurer of the State upon voucher of the chairman of said committee. 1917, R. 18. In this item are also included the expense accounts of the committees of the General Assembly incurred in visiting State institutions. Payments are author- ized by resolutions covering each committee's expense account. See the following: Caswell Training School $ 66.35 1917, R. 25. Cullowhee Normal and Industrial School 219.94 1917, R. 26. East Carolina Teachers Training School and Negro Normal School at Elizabeth City 118.00 1917, R. 27. Appalachian Training School. 25.00 1917, R. 28. Hospitals at Morganton and Goldsboro ._ _ 95 .00 1917, R. 30. University of North Carolina 16.10 1917, R. 34. School for Deaf and Dumb 135.45 1917, R. 37. A. and T. College and Slater Normal School 36.25 1917, R. 38 State Rock Quarry . 36.55 1917, R. 39 Convict Camps in Western North Carolina.. 111.45 1917, R. 43. State Hospital at Morganton 16.00 1917, R. 51. $876.09 GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Senators $13,396.80 Senate employees 13,124.30 Representatives.. _ 32,710.60 House employees 22,007.19 Enrolling Department 2,432.26 268 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK See Legislative Department, p. 3, and also the- following re.-olui The principal i-li-rk of the Senate, the principal clerk of the House of sentatives, and t h-ir MMUtMltS, t h- reading clerks i.-f both l>ranches of the General Assembly, the engrossing clerk of tin- Senate and his assistants, the engrossing clerk of i. In- House and his assistants, and the clerks tn t lie different commit T, both House and Senate be and thev are allowed the sum of $1 per day for days, in addit ion to t heir salary as now allowed by lau . 1917, H. :U. Tin- chief d'-rk of t lie Knnillirm I )rpartment and his assistants, not ex< four, be and t hey are allowed t he sum of $1 extra per day in addition to t !; diem allowed by law, and only from the date of their employment. 11)17. I The pages and messengers of the House and of the Senate be and they are allowed $1 per day extra to the amount allowed and t heir act ual railroad fare from t heir respect i\ e homes to the city of Raleigh and return. 1917, I The principal clerks of each branch of the General Assembly be and they are allowed, in addition to their present salary, t he sum of $100 each for the transcribing of their respective journals, and tin- sum of $100 each fcr indexing the said journals after t hey are printed by t he State priir 1<17, H. :{.->. \\ . I ) Terry is all med t he >um of >| per day during '!"' legislative session for at tending t he mechanical vent dal ii n of the halls ..t i' d House of I ; seniatives. 1H7, K. 4-J. The eimineer and fire-nan of t he central heating plant be and they are allowed the sum of $:JOeuch as extra compensat ion for their service- in keeping the various St He buil.lings heated during the M-s>ion of the Legi.-lat 1917, It 15, That an additional fifty cents per day and railroad fare be allowed the laborers of the Senate and tin- House of Reproent 111 17, K. 47. That all employers of the Senate and House of Ht-pn-M-ntat ives \\h< at t he beginning of t he session during a time for which no provision was made for c. impriisui.m be paid out ot the State Treasury on warrant of the State Auditor for the t ime act ually served. 1917, H. lit. That the night watchman of the Capitol be and he is allowed the sum of $1 per day extra tor the sixty days during the General Assembly, to be paid by the Si ate Treasurer upon t he warrant of the Stale Auditor. 1!U7, K. :>:\. That David Wright, and William Jeffreys be allowed fifty cents per diem for services rendered tluring the session, to be paid by the St ate Treasurer upon warrant of the State Auditor. 1917, 11. 54. DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 269 The pay of the sergeant-at-arms and the assistant sergeant-at-arms of the House of Representatives and the sergeant-at-arms and the assistant sergeant-at- arms of the Senate be and the same is increased fifty cents per day for the time they have served in their respective capacities. 1917, R. 56. GOVERNOR'S INAUGURAL CEREMONIES $964.11 The sum of $500, or so much thereof as may be necessary to cover the expenses incident to such inauguration, is appropriated, and the Auditor is authorized and directed to issue warrants upon the Treasurer, payable to the chairman of said joint committee, for such inauguration expenses as he may approve, not to exceed in the aggregate the amount herein appropriated. 1917, R. 2. The joint committee from the House and Senate for the inauguration of the Governor-elect shall be allowed the sum of $600, or so much as may be necessary to cover the expenses incident to such inauguration, and the Auditor is hereby author- ized and directed to issue warrants upon the Treasurer, payable to the chairman of said joint committee for such inauguration expenses as he may approve, not to exceed in the aggregate the amount appropriated by the General Assembly for this purpose. 1917, R. 6. GOVERNOR'S TRAVELING EXPENSES $109.50 The Governor shall be allowed annually the sum of $600 as traveling expenses in attending to business for the State and for expenses out of the State and in the State in representing the interests of the State and people, incident to the duties of his office. 1907, c. 1009. This expense allowance is now paid monthly in compliance with the Public Laws of 1917, cc. 11, 235. GUILFORD BATTLE-GROUND COMPANY $500 The sum of $500 annually is appropriated, to be paid by the Treasurer to the president of the Guilford Battle-Ground Company, for the purpose of preserving, improving, and protecting the battlefield of Guilford Court House. Revisal of 1905, s. 5322. The sum of $200 is appropriated to the Guilford Battle-Ground Company to pay off the indebtedness. 1917, c. 193. HOG-CHOLERA SERUM $4,996.33 If it is necessary in order to maintain the price of anti-hcg-cholera serum, i^he Commissioner of Agriculture, upon application of the State Veterinarian, is au- thorized to draw upon the State Treasurer for such amounts as may be necessary, not exceeding $5,000 in any one year. The Treasurer shall keep a separate account of all moneys so paid under the title of "Hog Cholera." 1915, c. 152. 270 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK INDIGENT PUPILS $8,479.66 Where it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Governor, upon the affi<! of two respectable citizens, that the parents of any deaf-mute < r Mii.cl child are unable to provide said child with clothing and for expenses to and from the in.-t i- tution, or where the child has no living parents or any estate of its own, tl.< Governor shall draw upon the Auditor for an amount sufficient to clothe him and pay said expenses, and the Auditor, upon tho State Treasurer, who shall p; same: Provided, the Auditor shall charge said amount to the county from which said child came and add it to the tax list of tho sheriff of said county and coll< same as other amounts due the state: Provided further, the amount charged shall in no case exceed $25 per year for any pupil in addition to suoh amount as may be required to defray all necessary traveling expenses of said pupil. Revisal of 1905, s. 4199; 1908, c. 69; 1911, c. 212. INHERITANCE TAX, REFUND $854.59 If a sheriff or tax collector shall, in consequence of an error In the abstract of taxes sent to the A uditor, or otherwise, be charged with more than the true amount with which he should be chargeable, and pay the amount so charged in excess to the Treasurer of the State, the Auditor shall, upon the certificate of the board of commissioners, setting forth the nature of such error, give his warrant upon the Treasurer of t he State for the amount so paid in excess, and the Treasurer shall pay the same. Revisal of 1905,8. 5261. INTEREST ACCOUNT, 4 PER CENT $238,684 I nt crest due on State debt authorized by acts under which bonds were issued. INTEREST ACCOUNT, 6 PER CENT $163,630 Interest due on State debt, authorized by acts under which bonds were issued. INTEREST ACCOUNT, SPECIAL $9,453 05 In order to pay certain obligations recited in the act, the State Treasurer is authorized to cither renew said notes or borrow a sufficient amount to pay off the obligation , and to execute t heref t >r his note payable at the earliest practical moment , and to renew said obligations from time to time as necessary, the said note or notes to bear interest at a rate to be agreed upon between the State Treasurer and the party or parties from whom the money may be borrowed. 1913, c. 34. Subject to the approval of the Governor and Council of State, the State Treas- urer shall be authorized to make short-term notes for temporary emergencies, but they must be made only to provide for appropriations already made by the General Assembly. 1915, c. 168. The appropriation made in the act authorizing a bond issue for the Blind Insti- tution shall not interfere with other appropriations made by this General Assembly: Provided, that if the income of the State be insufficient to meet all appropriations, the Treasurer of the State is hereby authorized and directed to borrow sufficient funds to meet the appropriation provided for in this act. 1917, c. 185, DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 271 INSURANCE ON STATE PROPERTY $9,996.20 When the Insurance Commissioner shall have placed such insurance as pro- vided in this subchapter and approved the bill for the same, the Auditor shall issue his warrant on the State Treasurer for such bill, and it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to pay the same out of the funds not otherwise appropriated to an amount not exceeding $10,000 annually: Provided, that the State Treasurer shall not pay out of the State Treasury for insurance on the property of, or in charge of, the Agricultural Department and State's Prison, but insurance on said department and institution shall be for such amount as may be agreed upon by the Insurance Commissioner and officer or officers having such property in charge and paid out of tlte special funds of said Agricultural Department and State's Prison, as pro- vided in this subchapter. Revisal of 1905, s. 4827. JUDICIARY $122,424.62 See Judicial Department, p. 33. LABORERS' PAY-ROLL $17,090.73 See Department of Public Buildings and Grounds, p. 95, and authority cited under head of different departments for janitors' wages. LEGAL SERVICES AND EXPENSES $6,875.04 Whenever any suit or legal proceeding is pending against the State, or which may result in any claim against the State, or affect the title of this State to any property, the Governor may direct the Attorney-General to appear on behalf of the State, and may employ such additional counsel as he may judge expedient. In case the Attorney-General shall state to the Governor that it is impracticable for him to render legal services to acy State institution, including the State's Prison, the Governor may, if he deem it necessary, employ such counsel as in his judgment should be employed; and no institution supported in whole or in part by the State shall employ any counsel except by the consent and approval of the Governor. In every case, civil or criminal, in any court in the State, or in any other State or Territory, or in any United States court, in which the State of North Carolina is interested, the Governor may employ such counsel as he may deem proper or neces- sary to represent the interests of the State. In all cases in which the Governor is authorized to employ counsel ho may direct the Auditor to draw his warrant upon the Treasurer to compensate such counsel. Revisal of 1905, s. 5332. LEGISLATIVE EXAMINING COMMITTEE $533.25 The committee appointed by the General Assembly to examine the books of the Treasurer and Auditor and Insurance Commissioner shall receive the same per diem for the number of days engaged at the offices in Raleigh, and mileage to and from the city of Raleigh, as is received by members of the General Assembly. Revisal of 1905, s. 2740. LOAN TO STATE $100,000 See Interest Account, Special, p. 270. 272 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK MANSION AND GROUNDS $6,853.03 See Depart ment of Public Buildings and C.round-. \ Tin- Governor shall reside in the rity of Ualeigh during his continuance in office. A convenient and commodious furnished dwelling-house, supplied with necessary lights, fuel, and water, .-hall he provided for his accommodation. d of 1\>05,8.5327. MANSION, SERVANT HIRE $754 Department of Public Building a ndC rounds, p. 95. M1TCIIFLI. Pi:\K PA UK COMMISSION $845.20 The total amount to be expended under t his act shall not exceed $20,000, and said sum is designated M the maximum amount to be expended in the acquisition of the said properties, and the < nmmi-sion is specially charged with the duty of acquiring as much of i he land.- a- i- p'.^ible for t he purpose intended, not exceeding the maximum amount hereinbefore designated. 1 !l. r ), c. 76. NEGRO \c,i;i< i 1.1 i u \i \NI> i I.CMNICAI. c.,i I i $31,500 The ->um of $ I. "),()( Ml is annually appropriated tr t he support and mail,' of (he .liege tor !. r.i7, . Federal appropriat ion, $16,500. NnUTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE Ol \<;uici I/ITKE AND KN<,I- NEERING $255,984.96 The >um <>f $122.500 is annually appropi i ; -upport and rnaii: 1 of the North ( 'arolina State ('..liege ,.| Agriculture and Engineering. 1917, . The sum of .?:M),tif)4 is appropriated for agricultural extension for the year I'.'l", and the further MI m of $49,731 for the year 1 1) IS, in order to get t : are in the Smith-Lever Congressional Act. 1917, c. 193. The following additional amounts were also paid to said college: Fire Ion -. $ 237.50 Land script fund... _ 7,500.00 Smith-Lever fund.... 61,643.46 Federal appropriat ion.. 33,500.00 $102,880.96 NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF H FA1.TH $67,000 See The North Carolina State Board of Health, p. 63. .NORTH CAROLINA BOARD OF HEALTH R I UAL SANITATION $6,:: See The North Carolina State Board of Health, p. 63. DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 273 NORTH CAROLINA CONFEDERATE MUSEUM, RICHMOND, VA., FOR 1916-1917 $400 The sum of $200 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Confederate Museum at Richmond, Va. 1917, c. 193. NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION COMMISSION $23,225 All the expenses of the Commission, except as otherwise provided by law, in- cluding all necessary expenses for transportation incurred by the Commissioners or by their employees under their orders in making any investigation, or upon official business, or for any other purposes necessary for carrying out the provisions of this chapter, and necessary furniture, stationery, postage, lights, and heat, shall be allowed, and the Auditor shall issue his warrant upon presentation of itemized vouchers therefor approved by the chairman of the Commission: Provided, that the expenses allowed under this section shall not exceed $3,600 annually. Revisal of 1905, s. 1118. See, also, Department of Corporation Commission, p. 53, and Department of State Tax Commission, p. 55. NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION COMMISSION CONTINGENCIES $15,627.09 See Department of North Carolina Corporation Commission, p. 53, and also Department of the State Tax Commission, p. 55. NORTH CAROLINA EXPERIMENT STATION $30,000 (FROM FEDERAL APPROPRIATION) All grants of money which may be made to this State by an act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An act to establish Experiment Stations," are hereby accepted on behalf of this State, and the same shall be devoted, under the direction of the Board of Agriculture, to the maintenance of the aforesaid Agricultural Ex- periment Station, under the laws of the United States and this State. 1887, c. 409. NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION $15,039.35 For carrying out the purposes and objects of this cKapter the sum of $7,000, or so much thereof as shall be needed over and above all the funds derived from the sale of the publications of the Commission and all of the fees collected under subsection (6), is annually appropriated out of funds in the hands of the State Treasurer not otherwise appropriated, and upon order of the Commission the State Auditor is hereby empowered and directed to draw his warrant for this sum upon the State Treasurer. 1907, c. 714; 1911, c. 211; 1913, c. 146; 1917, c. 261. For the enforcement of the act whereby historic places of interest in the State of North Carolina may be commemorated by appropriate markers, the sum of $2,500 is appropriated annually for the years 1917 and 1918. 1917, c. 277. 18 274 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK For carrying out the purposes of the act to establish a Legislative Reference Library the sum of $6,000, or so' much thereof as may be necessary, is annually appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Historical Commission. 1915, o. 202; 1917, c. 261. NORTH CAROLINA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF, DUMB, AND BLIND $80,500 The sum of $72,500 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the School for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, Raleigh. 1917, c. 193. Appropriation from sale of bonds $8,000. 1917, c.- 185. NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY COMMISSION $8,000 There is annually appropriated, out of any moneys in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $8,000, to be paid to the treasurer of the Com- mission for the use of the Commission in carrying into effect the provisions of this act, and any balance not expended in any year may be used by the Commission in any subsequent year. 1909, c. 873; 1913, c. 175; 1915, c. 161; 1917, c. 221. NORTH CAROLINA SANATORIUM FOR TUBERCULOSIS $65,000 The sum of $30,000 is appropriated for the year 1917, and the further sum of $40,000 for the year 1918, and annually thereafter, for the support and maintenance of the State Sanatorium for Tuberculosis. 1917, c. 193. From sale of State bonds, $25,000. 1917, c. 154. There is appropriated for the benefit of said institution the further sum of $10,000 annually for extension work. 1915, c. 98. NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF $68,000 The sum of $68,000 is appropriated for the year 1917, and the further sum of $70,500 for the year 1918, and annually thereafter, for the support and maintenance of the School for the Deaf, at Morganton. 1917, c. 193. NORTH CAROLINA FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION FOR 1916 AND 1917 $3,750 See Firemen's Relief Fund, p. 97. NORTH CAROLINA VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION $625 See Firemen's Relief Fund, p. 97. OIL INSPECTION FUND $50,314.97 All moneys received under the provisions of the act to provide for the inspection of illuminating oils and fluids shall be paid into the State Treasury and kept as a distinct fund, to be styled "The Oil Inspection Fund." All checks or orders in DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 275 payment for tags or stamps shall be made payable to the State Treasurer. The Commissioner of Agriculture is authorized to draw out of said fund, upon his war- rants, such sums as may be necessary to pay all expenses incurred in connection with the act, including salary of oil chemist or chemists, costs of inspection, tags, blanks, etc. 1909, c. 554. OXFORD ORPHAN ASYLUM, COLORED $13,000 The sum of $8,000 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Oxford Orphanage, colored, and the further sum of $5,000 for the year 1917 is appropriated to help pay the indebtedness on said institution. 1917, c. 193. OXFORD ORPHAN ASYLUM, WHITE $20,000 The sum of $20,000 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Oxford Orphan Asylum, white. 1917, c. 193. PAPER ACCOUNT $27,078.26 The Commissioner of Labor and Printing, aided by the Assistant Commis- sioner, shall carefully examine all printing and binding done for the State, or any department thereof, by the Public Printer, and shall certify that the workmanship of the printing and binding is properly executed and the accounts rendered by the Public Printer for the same are accurate and just before the Auditor shall issue any warrant for the payment thereof. Such accounts shall not be approved by the Commissioner nor audited by the State Auditor oftener than forty-eight times in a year. He shall also purchase for the use of the State the paper and stationery used for public printing. Revisal of 1905, s. 5095. PENSIONS $433,168 Pensions shall be paid to soldiers, sailors, and widows as follows: First grade $85.00 Second grade _ 75.00 Third grade. 55.00 Fourth grade 45.00 In no year shall the amount paid for pensions exceed the sum of $575,000. The State Auditor is authorized, empowered, and directed to so apportion, distribute, and divide the money provided by this act, and to issue warrants to the several pensioners, pro rata in their respective grades, that the entire annual appropriation of $575,000 shall be paid each year to the pensioners, notwithstanding the amounts so paid be in excess of the amounts fixed in this act for the several grades: Provided, that the total appropriation under this or any other act shall not exceed the sum of $575,000 annually. 1917, c. 204. 276 NORTH CAROLINA I'.i.rK BOOK DIERS 1 HOME INMA'l I - $1,MS A pension of $12 JUT annum, j>ayable in quarterly installments of $3 each, on tin- first days of January. April, July, ami October in each year, be paid to all in- I '>nu- at Kaleigh. 1909, c. 684; 1913, c. 126. i [ONERS $17,818.31 The ( i >vem >r. Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendent of I'ub- lic Instruction, At torne\ --General. Insurance Commissioner, and Adjutant era] . . . shall be all >\ved all necessary postage and express charges. Revisal of 1905, s. 5103. I'IMISIDENTIAL ELECT* > $502.85 ['resident ial elect.. rs shall he allowed. f.,r their traveling expenses to and from t he c.ity of Raleigh and t heir at tendance, the same compensation as may be all members of the General Assembly, and shall be entitled to the same privileges. Revisal of 1905, s. 2761. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS $9,963.33 The it > tr I of Public Buildings and Grounds shall take charge of and keep in repair the public building* of the State in the city of Raleigh; shall, from time to t ime, as the same may be needed, pr<.< -ure, furnish, and keep in repair for the halls of the Senate and House of Representatives and the public offices of the Capitol all necessary furniture, and the keeper shall take care of the furniture, sweep and cleanse off cobwebs and dust from all the unoccupied parts of the buildings; keep the keys of the several doors not occupied as offices, and conduct visitors through the Capitol, whei -ted to do so; shall, under the direction of the board, trim or remove trees standing in the public square; and remove the leaves and other rubbish as often as may be necessary; and shall perform any other duty required by this chapter, of which he is capable, whenever especially ordered by the board to do so. The board at all times is required to use such means as may secure the Capitol from fire d of 1905,8. 5008. No account for work or labor done on the Capitol Square or public grounds in the city of Raleigh, or in the Senate Chamber or House of Representatives, or in any room or office in the Capitol, or in any building connected with the square or grounds, shall be audited or paid until the same is sworn to before the Secretary of State to be just and true, and so certified by that officer. Nor shall the Sec- retary of State certify the account of any laborer for work done or servie. dered in any of such buildings or on any of such grounds, unless it be made to ap- pear that such laborer or employee has been employed by the Keeper of the Capitol. Revisal of 1905, s. 5017. PUBLIC PRINTING $55,554.13 The Governor and the Council of State, Commissioner of Labor and Printing, and the Attorney-General shall contract for having all the printing and binding done for the State upon the best possible terms for the State; and the Com mi- of Labor and Printing shall superintend the same. In any contract which they may make they may fix and determine the times for the delivery of the public and DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 27? private laws, and the journals and documents of the General Assembly, or any part thereof, according to their judgment and discretion. The person with whom such contract is made is designated in this chapter as the Public Printer. 1917, c. 126. The Commissioner of Labor and Printing, aided by the Assistant Commissioner, shall carefully examine all printing and binding done for the State, or any depart- ment thereof, by the Public Printer, and shall certify that the workmanship of the printing and binding is properly executed and the accounts rendered by the Public Printer for the same are accurate and just, before the Auditor shall issue any warrant for the payment thereof. Such accounts shall not be approved by the Commissioner nor audited by the State Auditor oftener than forty-eight tiires in a year. He shall also purchase for the use of the State the paper and stationery used for public printing. Revisal of 1905, s. 5095. REPRINT SUPREME COURT REPORTS $17,094.64 The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to have such of the Reports of the Supreme Court of the State of North Carolina as he has not on hand for sale republished and numbered consecutively, retaining the present numbers and names of the reporters, and by means of star pages in the margin retaining the original number of pages. The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to have such reports reprinted and annotated. Such reports shall be printed as other State printing. The editions shall not be less than five hundred copies of each volume. The Secretary of State is authorized and directed to contract for the printing and binding of such Supreme Court Reports on such terms as he may deem satisfactory and reasonable, and the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay over to the Secretary of State, annually, all moneys arising from the sales of the Supreme Court Reports, or so much thereof as is neces- sary to be expended in carrying out the provisions of this section. Such republica- tion shall thus continue until the State shall have for sale all of such reports, and thereafter when the editions of any number or volume of the Supreme Court Re- ports shall be exhausted, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to have the same reprinted under the provisions of this section. Revisal of 1905, s. 5361; 1907, c. 503; 1917, cc. 201, 292. REVISION OF COURT PROCEDURE $26.13 Not more than $500 is appropriated for carrying out the resolution providing for a Commission on Court Procedure. 1915, R. 43. SETTLING STATE TAXES $483 For his settlement with the State Treasurer the sheriff or tax collector shall be allowed by said board of commissioners, and deducted from the amount due the State, $3 for each day he may be actually necessarily engaged therein with the commissioners at the county-seat. 1917, c. 234. SOLDIERS' HOME $43,750 The sum of $42,500 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the Soldiers' Home. 1917, o. 193. 278 NOBTH CABOLINA BLUE BOOK The sum of $1,000 annually, or so muoh thereof as may be necessary, is appro- priated for the purchase of Confederate gray uniforms for the use and wear of each old soldier at the Soldiers' Home, to be paid out of any funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. 1909, Resolution. The sum of $250 is annually appropriated for the maintenance of the Con- federate Cemetery at Raleigh. 1917, c. 193. STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS $1,097.05 The members of the State Board of Elections shall receive in full compensation for their services four dollars per day for the time they are actually engaged in the discharge of their duties, together with their actual traveling expenses, and such other expenses as are necessary and incident to the discharge of the duties imposed by the law relating to elections. Revisal of 1905, s. 2760. .STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS $10,028.59 For the payment of the salaries and all other expenses authorized under this act, and for carrying out all of the provisions thereof, the State Board of Education is hereby authorized and directed to deduct and set aside annually on and after January 1, 1918, the sum of $12,500 out of the appropriation to the public schools provided under section 1 of chapter 33 of the Public Laws of 1913, and the further sum of $12,500 annually out of the appropriation to the public schools known as the State Equalizing School Fund provided under section 3 of chapter 33 of the Public Laws of 1913, making a total of $25,000 annually. These respective amounts shall be annually deducted from each of these appropriations before the annual apportionment of said appropriations is made under chapter 33 of the Public Laws of 1913. A ny unused balance thereof remaining in the hands of the State Treasurer on the first Monday of January of each year following its apportionment for these purposes shall be returned to the State Equalizing School Fund: Provided, hov>- ever, that the State Board of Education is hereby authorized and directed to deduct from the State Equalizing School Fund, to be apportioned by it under section 4 of chapter 33 of the Public Laws of 1913 for the school year ending June 30, 1917. the sum of $15,000, to be used in payment of the salaries and other expenses under this act from the ratification of this act until the first Monday in January, 1918. 1917, c. 146. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION $83,333.33 For the State Board of Education, for the purpose of aiding in building public school houses $500,000. (From the State Bond Act. One-sixth of appropriation). 1917, o. 154. STATE BOUNDARIES $250 For services in furnishing field- notes in North Carolina-Tennessee boundary case the State Auditor is authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the State Treasurer for $250 in favor of Mrs. W. D. Jones, and the Treasurer is authorized to pay the same upon presentation. 1917, R. 35. DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 279 STATE BUILDING COMMISSION $14,500 For the erection of a State storage warehouse in the city of Raleigh, and the purchase of land therefor, $50,000 is appropriated. 1917, c. 154. STATE DEPARTMENT $8,200 See Department of the Secretary of State, p. 20. STATE DEPARTMENT EXTRA CLERK $ 591 See Department of the Secretary of State, p. 20. STATE DEPARTMENT LAND GRANTS $373.50 See Department of the Secretary of State, p. 20. STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY $15,000 The sum of $10,000 annually, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is ap- propriated out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of carrying, out the provisions of the chapter relating to the Geological and Economic Survey. Bevisal of 1905,8.4434. The sum of $5,000 annually is appropriated, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of enabling the North Carolina Geo- logical Board to advise with the township and the county authorities in the build- ing and improvement of public roads, to be drawn upon as directed by the Geo- logical Board. 1909, c. 915. STATE GUARD $55,000 The sum of $65,000 is appropriated annually, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, available until expended, to enable the Governor to carry out the purposes provided for in the act to revise the military laws of the State. 1917, c. 200. STATE GUARD, SPECIAL $30,851.85 The Treasurer of the State is authorized and directed to pay, upon warrant of the Auditor of the State, $15,000 in payment of the notes executed by the Adjutant General and Paymaster General, due and payable February 1, 1917. 1917, c. 21. The militia of the State, both officers and enlisted men, when called into the service of the State, shall be rationed and receive the same pay as when called into the service of the United States: Provided, however, that when called in aid of the civil authorities enlisted men shall receive in addition to said pay the sum of sixty cents per day. The Governor may, whenever the public service requires it, order upon special or regular duty any officer or enlisted man of the National Guard or Naval Militia, and the expenses and compensation therefor of such officer and enlisted man shall 280 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK be paid upon the approval of the dovcrnor and warrant of the Auditor. Such ollit-er and enlisted man shall receive the same pay as officers and enlisted men of the same grade- :m <l like service <,f the Kejrular Army or Navy: Provided, that oflicei> \\hen on duly in connection \\ith examining boards, efficiency boards, ;ulvis>ry boards, gener ;rt.s of inquiry, shall be allowed actual expenses and four dollars per diem for such duty: Provided further, t hat. no staff officer who receives a salary from the State as such shall be entitled 4 o any additional compensation other than actual and necessary expenses im while traveling upon orders issued by the proper auth When the militia or any portion thereof shall be called into service to execute the law, suppress riots or insurrections, and to repel invasions, the pay, subsi.- 1 transportation, and other necessary expenses incident thereto shall be paid by the State Treasurer, upon the approval oil -nt of the Auditor. I'.ur, o STATH HICIIWAV COMMISSION $9,437.53 The sum of $10,000 annually, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is ap- propriated out of any moneys in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of carrying >"t the pn>\ i>ions of the act creating a State Highway Commission. 1915, c. 113. STATi; HhiiiUAV COMMISSION RUB \I. ENGINEERING $461.75 I " >r t he purpose of carrying out the provisions of the act to provide for assisting rural oommunit ies in t hi- ut ili/at i n of small water-powers and the installation of telephone lines there is appropriated out of any moneys in the State Treasur otherwise appropriated the sum of $5,000 annually, the sum to be drawn upon as dim-ted by the State Iliy;h\\ay Commission. 1917, c. 267. STATK HICIIWAV COMMISSION M AINTENANCE FUND $10.989.02 See Automobile Fund, p. 260. STATE HOSPITAL, GOLDSBORO $136,708 The sum of $120,000 is appropriated for the year 1917, and the further sum of $125, 000 for the year 1918, and annually thereafter, for the support and maintenance of the State Hospital at Goldsboro. 1917, o. 193. From State bond issue law, $16,708. 1917, c. 154. STATE HOSPITAL, MORGANTON $237,500 The sum of $237, 500 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the State Hospital located at Morgan ton. 1917, c. 193. DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 281 STATE HOSPITAL, RALEIGH $208,010 The sum of $207,500 is annually appropriated for the State Hospital located at Raleigh, including the Epileptic Department. 1917, c. 193. Fire loss paid, $510. STATE LIBRARY $3,935 See Department of the State Library, p. 61. STATE LIBRARY, CONTINGENCIES $500 The sum of $500 is annually appropriated for the increase of the State Library. Revisal of 1905, s. 5081. STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE $131,559.57 The sum of $125,000 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the State Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro. 1917, c. 193. Allowance from bond issue act, $6,559.57. 1917, c. 154. STATE PRISON, EARNINGS $298,172.44 The Treasurer of the State shall keep the funds of the State's Prison separate from the other public funds, and shall disburse the same on account of the State's Prison upon vouchers consisting of itemized accounts of the claim, and an order of payment signed by such officer or agent as the board of directors shall authorize to sign the same, approved by the chairman of the board. Duplicates of such vouchers shall be kept and Sled in the office of the chairman of the board of directors and the originals thereof shall be kept and filed when paid in the office of the State Treasurer. Revisal of 1905, s. 5396. STATE PRISON SUNDAY SCHOOL APPROPRIATION $50 The sum of $50 per annum is appropriated for the use of the State's Prison Sunday School, to be paid to the warden of the State's Prison by the State Treas- urer on the warrant of the Auditor. Revisal of 1905, s. 5405. STATE STORAGE WAREHOUSE $15,351.25 For the erection of a State Storage Warehouse in the city of Raleigh, and the purchase of land therefor, $50,000 is appropriated. 1917, c. 154. STATE TAXES REFUNDED $10,993.60 If a sheriff or tax collector shall, in consequence of an error in the abstract of taxes sent to the Auditor, or otherwise, be charged with more than the true'amount with which he should be chargeable, and pay the amount so charged in excess to the Treasurer of the State, the Auditor shall, upon the certificate of the board of 282 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK commissioners, setting forth the nature of such error, give his warrant upon the Treasurer of the State for the amount so paid in excess, and the Treasurer shall pay the same. Revisal of 1905,8.5261. STONEWALL JACKSON THAI N < >OL $30,000 The sum of $23,000 is appropriated for the year 1917, and the further em $22,500 for the year 1918, and annually thereafter for the support and maintenance of the Stonewall Jackson Training School. 1917, c. 193. Allowance from bond issue act, $7,000. 1917, c. 154. SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS $1,200 The salary of t IK- Keeper of the Capitol, or the S Public Build- ings and ( in minis, shall be $1,200 per annum. :il of 1905, s. 2806; 1907, c. 989; 1915, c. 150. SUPREME COURT, CONTINGENCIES $13.25 The clerk of tin- Supreme Court, under the direction of the justices of that court, is authorized and dip < -tc ! to expend annually the amount paid in by appli- cants for license to practice law, who are examined by the court, in the purchase of such books as may be necessary to keep the law library well appointed, and no other appropriation shall le allowed f< r that purpose. He is also allowed the sum of $200 per annum for binding old books and for other contingent expenses. Revisal of 1905, s. 5086. SUPREME COURT REPORTS, PRINTING OF $3,877.94 The Supreme Court is authorized to contract from time to time for the printing of its reports, to select the printer f< r t he same, and to prescribe such terms of the contract as will insure, under the supervision of the court, the prompt issue reports as soon as practicable after a sufficient number of opinions are filed: Pro- vided, no contract shall he made for a longer period than two years, nor at a price higher than that paid the State Printer for the same period: Provided further, that in letting said contract preference shall be given to printers of this State. Revisal of 1905, s. 5093. TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE ACCOI $5,338.38 The Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, Attorney-General, Insurance Commissioner, and Adjutant General may have printed and prepared for their several offices such blank books, blank forms, and other necessary printing as may be suitable and proper to enable them to discharge their official duties. They shall also be allowed all necessary postage and express charges. Revisal of 1905, s. 5103. TREASURY DEPARTMENT $11,275.89 See Department of the State Treasurer, p. 23. DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 283 TREASURY DEPARTMENT CONTINGENCIES $497.68 See Department of the State Treasurer, p. 23. TRUST INVESTIGATION AND PROSECUTION $171.40 All necessary expenses incident to the carrying out of the provisions of the "Act to declare illegal trusts and combinations in restraint of trade" shall, when approved by the Governor and audited, be paid out of any money in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated. 1913, c. 41. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA $216,947.89 The sum of $165,000 is annually appropriated for the support and maintenance of the University of North Carolina. 1917, c. 193. Allowance from bond issue, $51,947.89. 1917, c. 154. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES $100 . The State Standard-Keeper shall be allowed such compensation for his ser- vices as the Governor shall deem adequate, not exceeding $100 a year. Revisal of 1905, s. 2759. TOTAL $5,401,741.57 EDUCATIONAL FUND SHOWING SOURCES FROM Winm KKO;II'TH WKKK I> EPOSES FOR WHICH DISBURSEMENTS WERE MADE FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS I NOVEMBER 30, 1917. (From Report of the State Auditor.) Kntries on vacant lands Loans for building schoolhouses repaid. Sale of . swamp lands.. December 1, l'.l; . Total^. DISBURSEMENTS. I '.nt rics on vaoant lands, refund.. Loans for building ehoolhoOMt. Survey of swamp lands Balance December 1, 11)17.. Total $ 4,179.42 198,982.35 6,495 43 $ 209,657 20 2,694.86 $ 40.88 180,854.35 1,116.09 212.352.06 $ 182,011.32 30,340.74 $ 212,352.06 The State Board of Education, under such rules and regulations as it may deem advisable, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, may make loans from the State Literary Fund to the county board of education of any county for the building and improving of public schoolhouses or dormitories for rural high schools and county farm-life schools in such county; but no warrant for the expenditure of any money for such purposes shall be issued by the Auditor except upon the order of the State Superintendent of Public Inst nut ion, with the approval of the State Board of Education. 1903, c. 567; 1913, c. 149. The State Board of Education shall be vested with full power to adopt all necessary ways and means for causing so much of the swamp lands to be surveyed as it may deem capable of being reclaimed, and it shall cause to be constructed such canals, ditches, roads, and other necessary works of improvement as it may deem proper and necesssary. Revisal of 1905, s. 4036. CONSOLIDATED GENERAL, SPECIAL, AND EDUCATIONAL RECK I (The data in this and the following tables was Balance December 1, 1916: General and special funds $ 220,922.00 Board of Education 3,701.08 $ 224,623.08 General Purposes. Ad valorem taxes S 2,083,793.12 Books, sale of 7,116.31 Fees 19,561.96 Interest on bank balances 21,318.73 Licensesaud privileges 857,089.29 Loan to State 314.500.00 Railroad dividends 263,013.00 RefiTnds 2,517.46 Seal tax 4,223.75 Miscellaneous 372,511.45 3,945,645.07 Special Purposes. Agricultural Department $ 334,007.29 Gasoline inspection 43,218.98 Oil inspection 50,314.97 Audubon Society 3,095.80 Automobile funds 318,220.73 Bond sales 601,487.20 Fire loss 747.50 Fisheries Commission 19,216.23 Forest reserve income 1,195.53 Inoometax forinterest 64,152.36 Land titles, assurance of. 35.48 Pension taxes 393.457.67 State's Prison earnings 298,172.44 2,127,322.18 Federal funds 141,643.46 Board of Education 209,657.40 S 6,648.891.19 STATEMENT AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1917 supplied by Hon. B. R. Lacy, State Treasurer.) Agricultural Department _ $ 334,007.29 Gasoline inspection 43,218.98 Oil inspection _ 50,314.97 Audubon Society 2,000.00 Automobile funds _ 208,279.52 Board of Education (from bond sale) 83,333.33 Bond sale expense 2,103.67 Department 491,198.75 Hospitals and homes 697,458.00 Interest 411,767.05 Legislature. 100,876.47 National Guard 91,785.96 Notes payable 114,500.00 Pensions 447,466.00 Public buildings and grounds 77,318.72 Schools and colleges 1,736,276.04 Fire loss 747.50 Fisheries Commission _. 19,216.23 State's Prison ^ 298,172.44 Miscellaneous 37,705.14 $ 5,247,746.06 Federal funds 141,643.46 Board of Education 182,586.32 Balance November 30, 1917 General and special funds $ 1,046,143.19 Board of Education 30,772.16 1,076,915.35 $ 6,648,891.19 GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS i OB FISCAL ^ i:.\H HM? Ad valorem taxes: li.mks $ 49,912.57 Building and loan associations 7,788.66 Domestic corpora i inns 283,027.46 I ; x ] irc.ss companies 1 ,538 .33 Property tax from counties 1,404,532.41 Railroad companies 299,086.48 Refrigerator cars 152.74 Sleeping cars... 1,153.10 Steamboat and canal companies 502.65 Street railway, light, and water companies 25,707.07 Telephone companies 8,260.47 Telegraph companies 1 .18 $ 2,083,793.12 Books, Sale of: I.a\vs :md journals $ 615.46 Sketches Confcd.Talo Rc-giim-nis.. 9.00 State and Colonial Records 100.15 Supreme Court Reports 6,391.70 7,116.31 Bank examinations... $ 1,245.00 Executive Department 3,757.50 Insurance Department 12,560.96 State Department 1,516.50 Treasury Department 482.00 19,561.96 Interest on Bank Balances: General fund ...$ 4,925.72 Departments: Insurance Department $ 2,320.11 Gasoline Inspection Fund 200.42 Oil Inspection Fund 339.58 2,860.11 Institutions: Caswell Training School $ 35.05 Confederate Womens Home 34.39 N. C. School for Deaf and Blind 143.61 N. C. School for Deaf , 240.66 N. C. Tuberculosis Sanatorium 264.34 Soldiers Home 78.98 State Hospital, Goldsboro 516.73 State Hospital, Morganton 583.78 State Hospital, Ralrigh 253.40 States' Prison 1,213.66 3,364.60 RECEIPTS GENERAL FUND 289 Special accounts: Audubon Society.. $ 34.98 Automobile Fund.. 2,418.38 Board of Education 683.66 Bond sale account.. 6,983.45 Fisheries Commission _. 47.83 $ 10,168.30 $ 21,318.73 License and Privileges: Automobile dealers.... _$ 35,770.00 Corporations, franchise 113,298.02 Corporations, State Department.. 35,571.46 Counties, Schedule "B" 177,276.49 Counties, marriage licenses 23,314.37 Insurance, companies _ 45,144.88 Insurance companies, tax on receipts 337,480.71 Mercantile agencies _ 500.00 Newsdealers on trains ._ 200.00 Penalties 412.91 Piano and organ dealers 3,736.18 Railroad privilege 38,640.20 Sewing machine dealers 3,834.86 Telephone companies, tax on receipts 30,501.27 Telegraph companies, privilege 11,308.84 Trade mark registration 99.10 857,089.29 Loan to State: National Park Bank, New York.... $ 300,000.00 Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company 14,500.00 314,500.00 Railroad Dividends: Atlantic and North Carolina R. R._ _..$ 37,998.00 North Carolina Railroad : 225,015.00 263 , 013 .00 Refunds: Contingencies $ 316.08 Disabled soldiers 290.00 Miscellaneous 1,484.88 National Guard 355.00 Paper and printing 10.00 Postage and stationery 1 .50 Public schools 60.00 2,517.46 Seal Tax. Executive Department $ 3,577.75 State Department 646.00 4,223.75 19 290 NOBTII CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Miscellaneous. Additional taxes $ 5,086.29 Gasoline fund transfer 28,000.00 Indigent pupils _ 8,464.76 Inheritance tax 296,951.90 Oil fund transfer _ 25,000.00 Postage from State Department 8.50 Supreme Court, Library Fund 9,000.00 $ 372,511.45 I 3,945,645 07 Balance December 1, 1916 74,125.04 ' $ 4,019,770.11 DISBURSEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1917 Departments. Auditor's Drp.-trtMM-nt $ 7,700.00 < '"iitingencies 1,414.75 Miscellaneous 37.03 Postage and >t .-itii.in TV 284.10 r.-ipc-r :in<l printing 4,158.73 $ 13,594.61 Bureau Labor and Printing $ 5,976.30 ( '"ntingencies 42.64 Miscellaneous _ 7.75 Postage and stationery 406.00 Paper and printing 2,091.88 8,524.57 Department Public Instruction $ 6,593.27 Miscellaneous 97.00 Postage and stationery 2,787.15 Paper and printing 12,292.13 21,769.55 Executive Department $ 11,244.49 Contingencies 67.00 Miscellaneous 63.09 Postage and stationery 931.45 Paper and printing 1,331.83 Governor's traveling expenses 109.50 13,747.36 Fisheries Commission I 4,000.00 Paper and printing 322.45 4,322.45 Historical Commission $ 14,438.38 Paper and printing 1,454.64 15,893.02 DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 291 Insurance Department _ $ 12,575.00 Contingencies 1,134.75 Miscellaneous '_._ 9.86 Postage and stationery _ 1,724.60 Paper and printing 7,500.49 $ 22,944.70 Judiciary $ 122,347.95 Supreme Court, contingencies _ 13 .25 Miscellaneous 58.03 Postage and stationery 290.85 Paper and printing _ 1,265.90 Reports, reprint 17,394.65 Reports, printing of 3,577.93 144,948.56 North Carolina Board of Health $ 73,292.75 Paper and printing _ 11,586.24 84,878.99 North Carolina Corporation Commission. $ 20,097.58 Contingencies. 1 20,910.66 Miscellaneous _ _ 49.30 Postage and stationery... 2,760.56 Paper and printing 12,967.28 56,785.38 North Carolina Library Commission 8,000.00 State Department $ 9,387.50 Miscellaneous _._ 288.25 Postage and stationery 2,528.78 Paper and printing _ 3,140.70 15,345.23 State Geological Survey $ 15,000.00 Printing maps 1 334.00 Paper and printing _ 3,336.28 18,670.28 State Highway Commission $ 10,869.14 Contingencies 3,097.35 Paper and printing 584.99 14,551.48 State Library... _ $ 3,936.63 Contingencies 570.94 Postage and stationery. _. 60.00 Paper and printing 383.42 4,950.99 Treasury Department $ 10,925.88 Contingencies 515.68 Miscellaneous 189.10 Postage and stationery 758.28 Paper and printing 333.12 12,722.06 Weights and measures - 100.00 292 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK Miscellaneous: Board Public Charities ................... $ 548.20 Board Internal Improvements ______ 693.10 Contingencies, unallotted ................ 2,085.53 Freight and express ...................... 1,515.59 Legal services and expenses .............. 6,879.04 Paper and printing, unallotted ........... 5 , 803 .44 Postage and stationery, unallotted ....... 6,865.48 Telegraph and telephone expense ......... 5,059.14 $ 29,449.52 - $ 491,198.75 Hospitals and Homes: Confederate Soldiers Home ............ , _.$ 43,750.00 Confederate Women's Home _____ 7,000.00 North Carolina Tuberculosis Sanatorium ___ ..... 40,000.00 State Hospital, Goldsboro ............. 120,000.00 State Hospital, Morganton ............ 237,500.00 State Hospital, Raleigh ......... 207,500.00 - 655,750.00 Interest: 6% Construction bonds .................. . ........ . ..... $ 163,630.00 4% State bonds ...... .... 174,531.64 Miscellaneous, note* i ____ 9,453.05 - 347,614.69 Legislature: Code Commission ...................................... $ 1,627.05 Examining Commission ..................... 533.25 General Assembly ............... 89,451.63 Paper and printing ..................................... 9,244.16 Revision court procedure .......................... 20.38 - 100,876.47 National Guard: Adjutant General ............ . ..... .................... $ 3,000.00 Miscellaneous ..................................... ______ 86,574.76 Postage and stationery ................................. 1,213.25 Paper and printing ..................................... W7 '.' ."> - 91,785.96 Notes payable: National Park Bank, New York .......... ........... I 100,000.00 Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company ............ 14,500.00 - 114,500.00 Sen? Ion ;: Soldiers and widows, supplement tax .................. $ 38,780.33 Inmates Soldiers' Home .......................... ______ 1,848.00 Totally disabled soldiers .......................... _____ 13,380.00 54,008.33 DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND 293 Public Buildings and Grounds: Capitol Square $ 380.55 Fuel, lights, and water 9,573.96 Furniture and fixtures 978.41 Governor's Mansion and Grounds _ 7,710.78 Insuring property 10,030.00 Laborers pay- roll 18,774.01 Mount Mitchell Park 10,829.63 State warehouse 1.25 Superintendent 1,200.00 Miscellaneous 2,490.13 $ 61,968.72 Schools and Colleges: Public Schools Equalizing fund $ 425,582.84 Farm-life 32,300.00 High Schools 74,025.00 Moving-picture show 2,767.15 Per capita appropriation 244,628.50 Rural libraries _ 3,460.00 Teachers Examining Board 9,963.59 $ 792,727.08 Colleges Appalachian Training School $ 15,000.00 Caswell Training School 45,000.00 Cullowhee Norm/al School _ 11,200.00 East Carolina Teachers Training School 60,000.00 Indian Normal School 2,633.07 Indigent pupils _.. 8,479.66 Jackson Training School 23,000.00 Negro A gricultural and Technical College 15 , 000 .00 Normal Schools, colored _ 25,513.24 N. C. State College, A. andE..._ 160,604.00 N. C. School for Deaf and Blind 80,500.00 N. C. School for Deaf 68,000.00 Oxford Orphanage, colored 13,000.00 Oxford Orphan Asylum 20,000.00 State Normal and Industrial College 85,000.00 University 184,166.67 817,096.64 1,609,823.72 Miscellaneous: Agricultural societies $ 3,500.00 Board of Elections 1,158.30 Bonded debt 350.00 Bond sale, expense of _ . 616.47 Capital punishment 218.10 Convicts, conveying to prison _ ... . 2,319.90 Firemens Associations 4,375.00 294 NORTH CAROLINA BLUB BOOK Fugitives from justice $ 2,057.44 Guilford Battle Ground 500.00 Hog-cholera serum 4,996.33 Inheritance tax, special agents 467.62 N.C. Agricultural Experiment Station, paper andptg.. 2,844.90 N. C. Room, Confederate Museum 400.00 Presidential electors 502.85 Settling State taxes 483.00 State boundary line 250.00 State institution inspector 1,180.05 State Institutions, Purchasing Commission 713 .58 States' Prison Sunday School 50.00 Taxes refunded .... 11,338.07 $ 38,321.61 I 3,565,848.25 Balance November 30, 1917 453,921.86 I 4,019,770.11 SPECIAL FUND RECEIPTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1917 Ad valorem Pension Tax: Banks $ 8,435.84 Building and loan associations. 1,316.38 Domestic corporations 47,836.32 Express companies 260.00 Property, from counties _ 238,590.73 Railroad companies 50,553.07 Refrigerator cars 25.82 Refunds 32.00 Sleeping cars 194.89 Steamboat and canal companies 84.96 Street railway, light, and water companies _ 4,644.80 Telegraph companies * 360.20 Telephone companies _ __ 1,096.22 353,431.23 Poll tax from counties 40,026.44 $ 393,457.67 Agricultural Department: Miscellaneous... ' $ 334,007.29 Gasoline Inspection Fund 43,218.98 Oil Inspection Fund 50,314.97 427,541.24 Automobile Funds, State Department: Collected under 1913 Act $ 30,449.40 Highway Commission, expense _ 50,359.97 Highway Commission, road maintenance. 201,439.93 State Department, expense 35,971.43 318,220.73 Bond Sales: Institution and educational $ 500,000.00 Caswell Training School _ 75,000.00 Training School for Girls and Women ,. 25,000.00 Premium _ 1,487.20 601,487.20 Fire Loss: N. C. State Agricultural and Engineering College 237.50 State Hospital, Raleigh 510.00 747.50 Miscellaneous: Audubon Society 3,095.80 Fisheries Commission 19,216.23 Forest reserve income ^,195.53 Income tax for interest.... 64,152.36 Land titles, assurance of.. 35.48 State's Prison earnings 298,172.44 385,867.84 296 (J \uni.iNA BLUE BOOK Federal funds: Agricultural and Technical College $ 16,500.00 N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station 30,000.00 N. C. State Agricultural and Engineering College 95,143.46 1 141,643.46 $ 2,268,965.64 Balance December 1, 1916 146,796.96 $ 2,415,762.60 DISI'.IUSEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1917 Agricultural Departnin Miscellaneous >_ $ 334,007.29 Gasoline Inspection Fund 43,218.98 Oil Inspection Fund 50,314 .97 $ 427,541 .24 Audubon Society 2,000.00 Automobile Funds, State Department: Expended under 1913 Act $ 176,178.87 Highway Commission, expense 0,443.35 Highway Commission, road maintenance 233.89 State Department, expense 22,423.41 208,279.52 Bond Fund: Board of Education $ 83,333.33 Caswell Training School 30,000.00 Cullowhee Normal School 6,309.41 East Carolina Teachers Training School 24,635.45 Expense of sale 1,487.20 Jackson Training School 7,000.00 State Hospital, Goldsboro 16,708.00 State Normal and Industrial College 6,559.57 State storage warehouse 15,350.00 Tuberculosis Sanatorium 25,000.00 University 51,947.89 268,330.85 Fire Loss: N. C. State A. and E. College $ 237.50 State Hospital, Raleigh 510.00 747.50 Fisheries Commission . 19,216.23 Four per cent interest (income tax) 64,152.36 Pension taxes ^ 393,457.67 State's Prison... .._ 298,172.44 DISBURSEMENTS SPECIAL FUND 297 Federal Funds: Agricultural and Technical College _$ 16,500.00 N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station 30,000.00 N. C. State A. and E. College 95,143.46 $ 141,643.46 $ 1,823,541.27 Balance November 30, 1917 592,221.33 $ 2,415,762.60 PENSIONS FISCAL YEAR 1917, AND TO JULY 15, 1918 Counties Sol<l; and Widows, 1917 Disabled Soldiers, and \\idows, 1918 Disabled Soldiers, 1918 A la i7i a nee $ 4,976 $ $ 6,405 $ 120 Alexander.. 4,604 6,175 Alleghany 2,680 3,495 Anson 3,744 240 4,420 480 Ashe . . . 6,516 120 8,777 240 Avery 1,920 2.385 Beaufort _ 2,780 240 3,580 Bertie . ,264 240 1,415 480 Bladen .. ,364 120 5,235 Brunswick _ ,964 360 6,725 360 Buncombe 360 15,795 360 Burke ,528 480 12,510 240 ,840 4,910 Cal.lwell ,900 120 6,315 Camden 512 765 1,340 1,715 Gas well . 2,468 3,015 120 Catawba.. 9,520 120 12,970 120 Chatham 6,136 120 Cherokee 4,388 240 5,480 240 Chowan 876 1,255 Clay 2,016 2,700 Cleveland 7,992 360 10,195 Columbus 5,200 240 6,840 120 Craven 2,644 120 3,335 120 6,348 360 8,245 360 Currituck 1,452 1,750 Dare 352 120 540 120 Davidson _ 8,188 480 10,810 480 Davie . .. . .. 3,540 4.605 120 Duplin 6,324 120 8,405 120 Durham 5,172 240 6,875 120 Edgeconibe . 1,824 120 2,385 120 Forsyth _ 6,648 420 8,790 240 Franklin .. 4,556 120 6,180 120 Gaston 8,996 240 360 Gates 1,600 2,135 Graham 768 855 4,076 5,270 Greene.... 1,200 1,585 DISBURSEMENTS PENSIONS PENSIONS CONTINUED 299 Counties Soldiers and Widows, 1917 Disabled Soldiers, 1917 Soldiers and Widows, 1918 Disabled Soldiers, 1918 Guilford ,. $ 11,564 $ 600 $ 15,937 $ 600 Halifax 3,640 4,905 Harriett 6,592 120 8,725 120 Haywood _ 9,248 12,385 Henderson 4,672 120 5,880 Hertford .. 1,212 120 1,515 120 Hoke 1,408 2,205 Hyde 1,328 120 1 810 120 Iredell 8,140 360 10,755 360 Jackson 6,528 240 7,895 480 Johnston 9,048 480 11,410 840 Jones... . 860 1,150 Lee 2,768 3,912 Lenoir . 4,204 120 5,275 120 Lincoln _ 6,688 240 8,235 240 Macon 4,512 120 6 095 120 Madison.., 6,452 1,080 8,080 1,440 Martin 2,176 2,855 McDowell 4,828 120 5,945 120 Mecklenburg 8,648 11,640 120 Mitchell 2,680 3,590 120 Montgomery 4,124 120 4,920 120 Moore 2,564 3,290 120 Nash 3,000 3,875 New Hanover 3,644 120 4,865 240 Northampton _ 1,312 1,755 Onslow . 3,408 4,622 Orange 2,844 3,540 120 Pamlico 576 120 810 120 Pasquotank . 832 1,125 Pender 3,344 4,067 Perquimans 636 750 Person _ 2,064 2,575 Pitt... 3,472 4,240 Polk 2,568 3,015 Randolph 6,504 240 8,645 240 Richmond... 3,066 4,099 Robeson 7,152 360 9,370 480 Rockingham. 7,092 9,225 120 Rowan. _ 8,372 240 11,040 360 Rutherford _ 6,028 480 7,885 360 Sampson 8,452 240 10,680 240 300 \ OKI ii C\I;MI.INA BLUE BOOK PENSIONS CONTINUED Counties Soldiers and Widows, 1017 Soldiers, Soldiers and Widows, 1918 Disabled Soldiers, 1918 Scotland $ 1,088 $ $ 1,305 $ Stanly 3,084 120 4,180 120 Stokes 5,088 120 6 845 120 Surry... 7,996 360 10 310 840 Swain 3,192 210 3,965 240 Transylvania . ... 2,292 240 2,690 720 Tyrrell 544 675 Union 6,496 120 8,570 120 Vance 2,020 2,545 Wake... 8,712 120 480 Warren 1,724 120 2,120 Washington.. 1,084 1,335 Watauga 3,836 120 4,875 120 Wayne. 4,668 120 5,735 120 Wilkes.. 7,688 10,112 Wilson . . 3,240 240 4,160 240 Yadkin 5,044 120 7,195 240 Yancey 4,276 5,735 120 432,238 562,856 Soldiers' Home pension 1,848 1,338 Totals.. 434,086 13,380 BM.IM Ift.ttt PUBLIC SCHOOLS APPROPRIATIONS FISCAL YEAR 1917 Counties Per Capita Equalizing Fund Rural Libraries High Schools Farm- Life Total Alamance $2,844 40 $4,809 03 $ 70 .00 $ 700.00 $ $8,423 43 Alexander 1,273.53 8,032.50 20.00 950.00 10,276.03 Alleghany 870 25 4,356 25 55 00 650 00 5 931 50 Anson 2,815.60 3,593.25 20.00 900.00 7,328 85 Ashe 2,107.40 8,241.75 300.00 10,649.15 Avery 1 185 65 4,384 25 55.00 450 00 6,074 90 Beaufort . 3,079.80 6,113.i;5 130.00 800.00 10,123.05 Bertie 2,521.75 4,560.75 125.00 800.00 1,500.00 9,506.50 Bladen 2,106 55 4,445.10 35 00 750 00 7,336 65 Brunswick 1,482.15 2,992.50 15.00 450.00 4,939.65 Buncombe 5 675 45 7,223 64 50 00 1,400 00 14,349 09 Burke 2,131 85 3,312 00 500.00 5,943.85 Cabarrus 2,790.30 5,044.50 30.00 600.00 8,464.80 Caldwell 2,18fl 67 3,786 75 20 00 500 00 6,492 42 Camden 637 20 2,054 25 500.00 3,191.45 Carteret 1,299.71 3,064.50 500.00 4,864.21 Caswell Catwaba 4,142.70 3,555.62 5,946.75 20.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 4,642.70 11,522.37 Chatham 2 309 05 4 478 85 60 00 1,000 00 7,847 90 Cherokee Chowan 1,605.80 1,015.74 2,893.50 1,914.75 1,000.00 5,499.30 2,930.49 Clay 482 13 992 25 700 00 2,174 38 Cleveland 3,178.15 6,939.90 50.00 900.00 11,068.05 Columbus _ 2,886.30 7,164.00 90.00 1,000.00 11,140.30 Craven 2,555 20 2,423 75 10 00 800 00 2,500.00 9,288.95 Cumberland 3,546.20 5,633.32 600.00 9,779.52 Currituck 876.08 3,110.36 450.00 4,436.44 Dare _ 521.70 3,748.50 10.00 500.00 3,780.20 Davidson 3,286.10 6,285.15 20.00 750.00 10,341.25 Davie 1,363 43 2,655.00 450.00 4,468.43 Duplin _ 2,764.12 5,660.32 40.00 1,000.00 9,464.44 Durham 3,977.11 5,329 74 20.00 1,000 00 2,500.00 12,826.85 Edgecombe i 3 323 05 4 742 62 10 00 1,050 00 9,125 67 Forsyth 5,678 37 45.00 1,150.00 1,800.00 8,673.37 Franklin 2 496 70 4 386 50 55 00 600 00 7,539 20 Gaaton 4,301 26 8,025.75 60.00 1,575.00 13,962.01 Gates 1 115 24 2 342 25 20 00 900 00 2,500 00 6,877 49 Graham 464 08 877.50 200.00 1,541.58 Granville 2,633.45 4,851.00 45.00 950.00 8,479.45 Greene.. ! 1,472.25 2,497.05 40.00 475 .00 4,484.30 Guilford... 6.144.75 11.325.00 40.00 1,650.00 2.500.00 21.659.75 302 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK PUBLIC SCHOOLS APPROPRIATIONS, 1917 CONTINUED Counties Per Capita Equalizing Fund Rural Libraries High Farm- Schools Life Total Halifax $4,089.15 * $ 55.00 $ 500.00 $. $4,644.15 1 1 urnett 2,818.80 5,207 40 170 00 875 00 1,500 00 10,571 20 Haywood 2,425.15 995 .00 10.00 650.00 4,080.15 Henderson 1,694 55 7,060 50 35 00 700 00 9 490 05 Hertford. Hoke 1,663.40 1,253.74 2,619.00 1,794.15 10.00 650.00 700.00 4,932.40 3,757 89 Hyde 914.48 4,481.87 10.00 450.00 . 5,856.35 Iredell 3,372 20 7,127 10 10 00 90000 1,50000 12,909 30 Jackson 1,531.90 3,280.00 40.00 800.00 5,651.90 Johnston 4,733.33 7,124.70 80.00 1,350.00 . .. 13,288.03 Jones 989 25 2,103 75 575 00 3,668 00 Lee 1,247 90 2,650.50 25 00 500.00 4,423.40 Lenoir 2,654.40 4,417 87 60.00 700.00 7,832.27 Lincoln 1,905.20 3,842.10 30.00 700.00 6,477.30 Macon 6,368 67 2,542 50 65 00 1,500 00 10 476.17 Madison 2,315.15 3,258 00 40.00 5,613.15 Martin 1,897.35 1,825.95 700.00 4,423.30 McDowell 1,794.05 3,044.25 25.00 1,000.00 5,863.30 Mecklenburg 7,056 00 110 00 1,400 00 15,811.17 Mitchell . 1,125 14 4,273.75 10.00 400.00 5,808.89 Montgomery.. 1,596.49 2,974.95 10.00 1,000.00 5,581.44 Moore 2 222 35 4,734 00 55 00 700 00 2,500 00 10,211.35 Nash 4,016 70 1,650.00 75.00 950.00 2,500.00 9.191.70 New Hanover 2,486.82 2,486.82 Northampton 3 228 12 4 927 50 50 00 1,750 00 9,955.62 Onslow 1,602 60 4 135 50 15 00 800 00 6,553.10 Orange 1,666 90 3,730.50 55.00 950.00 6,402.40 Pamlico 1,116 12 6,324.00 20.00 475.00 7,935.12 Pasquotank Ponder 1,618.02 1 641 30 2,447.04 3,154 05 60 00 1,000 00 4,065.06 5,855.35 Perquimans 1,331 43 2,003.40 10.00 3,344.83 Person 1,745.17 3,231.18 20.00 500.00 5,496.35 Pitt 3,935.50 7,985.25 60.00 1,000.00 12,980.75 Polk 930 36 1,566 00 10.00 500.00 3,006.36 Randolph 3,265 72 5,180.40 55.00 1,150.00 9,651.12 Richmond 2 522 04 35 00 650.00 3,207.04 Robeson 4,883 45 8,842.50 45.00 1,550.00 1,500.00 16,820.95 Rockingham 3 864 22 11,362 95 65 00 900.00 16,192.17 Rowan... 3,989.34 6,828.00 20.00 950.00 2,500.00 14,287.34 Rutherford 3 079 80 6 046 20 95 00 900 00 10,121.00 Sampson 3 146 72 5,652 45 80 00 950.00 9,829.17 Scotland Stanly Stokes.... 1,754.77 2,394.30 2,201.69 2,722.50 4,473.00 4,443.75 15.00 750.00 350.00 750.00 .. 7,217.30 7,410.44 DISBURSEMENTS PUBLIC SCHOOLS 303 PUBLIC SCHOOLS APPROPRIATIONS, 1917-CoNTiNUED Counties Per Capita Equalizing Fund Rural Libraries High Schools Farm- Life Total Surry $3,322.75 $6,448.50 $ 25.00 $ 950.00 $ $10,746.25 Swain _ ' 1,126.30 2,488.50 20.00 850.00 4,484.80 Transylvania 849 89 1,917.00 600.00 3,366.89 Tyrrell _ 447.20 1,160.10 500.00 2,107.30 Union 3,688 49 7,175 25 125.00 1,150 00 12,138 74 Vance . 2,062 32 700.00 2,762.32 Wake 6,867.50 12,065.40 20.00 1,700.00 2,500.00 23,152.90 Warren 2,106 55 3,645.00 550.00 6,301.55 Washington 1,655.85 1,939.50 700.00 4,295.35 Watauga 1,241 52 2,400 97 40 00 3,682.49 Wayne 3,773 75 4,534.37 50.00 1,300.00 9,658.12 Wilkes 3,340.50 9,504.00 260.00 700.00 13,804.50 Wilson Yadkin 3.290.15 1,547.03 2,934.25 3,605.91 900.00 575.00 1,250.00 8,374.40 5,727.94 Yancey 1,526 95 5,405 50 25 00 500 00 7,457.45 Totals 249,827.50 424,581.84 3,460.00 73,950.00 32,300.00 784,119.34 304 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK PUBLIC SCHOOLS APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1918 PAID TO JULY 15, 1918 Counties Per Capita Equalizing Rural Libraries Schools Farm- Life Total Alamance Alexander Alloghany $2,630.10 1,213.98 835.56 2,570.50 2,091.71 1.059.91 3,125.76 2,492.06 2,054.60 1,421.74 5,468.81 1.924.71 3,117.60 585.64 1,801 U 1,503.00 3,230.34 2,322.81 1,755.46 987.67 465.03 3,212.35 2,818.75 2,483.63 $4,752.28 7,743.70 4,878.45 3,448.50 11,457.90 6,413.55 5,424.50 4,351.00 5,512.12 $ 30.00 " "io.oo 10.00 20.00 10.00 5.00 20.00 30.00 10.00 25.00 $1,100.00 1,000.00 900.00 1,050.00 1,025.00 625.00 1,300.00 800.00 850.00 450.00 1,800.00 500.00 800.00 1,325.00 800.00 1,000.00 900.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 - $8.512.38 9,957.68 6.614 01 7,069.00 14,584.61 8,098.46 9,860.26 9,163.06 8,426.72 1,876.74 7,288.81 2,424.71 8,484.80 7,650.35 3,196.56 2,309.85 3,638.60 11,102.64 7,953.79 2,755.46 2,684.94 10,739.59 9,771.95 5.783.63 4,395.78 5,801.27 4,504.23 9.465.62 4,089.62 9,212.50 14,121.55 8,652.94 16,654.28 7,243.00 16,271.90 4,736.74 1,585.23 3,946.32 2,016.97 22,344.83 4.489.33 9,796.62 Anaon Aahe Avery Beaufort Bertie 1,500.00 Bladen Brunswick Buncombe Burke Cabarrus 4,153.80 1,800.92 2,135.60 5,447.30 4,130.98 1,697.27 562.40 6,117.24 5,943.20 Caldwell Camden . Carteret Caswell Catawba 1,500.00 Chatham .. _ Cherokee Chowan Clay 10.00 10.00 750.00 1,400.00 1,000.00 800.00 850.00 750.00 500.00 800.00 600.00 1,600.00 1,100.00 1,150.00 1,625.00 800.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 1,400.00 600.00 1,950.00 800.00 875.00 Cleveland... Columbus _ Craven 2,500.00 Cumberland Currituok 3,545.78 865.65 463.63 3,220.22 1,213.42 2,670.86 4,319.50 3,225.28 5,572.84 2.685.49 4,370.10 1,032.92 439.73 2,546.32 1,416.97 6,035.03 3,679.33 2,647.82 4,185.62 3,520.60 5,445.40 2,276.20 4,931.64 6,177.05 4,277.66 8,241.44 3,733.50 7,356.80 2,703.82 845.50 11,859.80 4,753.80 20.00 10.00 25.00 15.00 25.00 45.00 10.00 20.00 Dare . Davidson _ Davie Duplin Durham Edgecombe 2,500.00 1,200.00 Forsyth Franklin Gaston Gates Graham 2,500.00 2,500.00 Granville Greene Guilford Halifax Harnett... 1,500.00 DISBURSEMENTS PUBLIC SCHOOLS PUBLIC SCHOOLS APPROPRIATIONS, 1918 CONTINUED 305 Counties Per Capita Equalizing Fund Rural Libraries High Schools Farm- Life Total Haywood $2,330.40 $2,933.60 $ 10.00 $ 900.00 $ $ 6,174.00 Henderson. 1,708.23 800.00 2,508.23 Hertford 1,592 12 10 00 750 00 2,352 12 Hoke 1,231.97 1,503.66 800.00 3,535.63 Hyde 852 15 4,382 40 20 00 900 00 6 154 55 Iredell Jackson 3,339.15 1,492.87 3,210.70 20.00 1,050.00 850.00 1,500.00 5,889.15 5,573.57 Johnston 4,521 64 6,472 54 10 00 1,350 00 12,354 18 Jones 967.43 967.43 Lee 1,241.25 5.00 900.00 2,146.25 Lenoir 2,048 70 4,411 80 800 00 7,260 50 Lincoln . 2,036 90 3,504.36 45.00 850.00 6,436 26 Macon....... 1,369.45 2,093.80 15.00 1,250.00 4,728.25 Madison Martin McDowell 2,432.74 ,970.82 ,833.06 3,062.80 3,178.70 20.00 600.00 850.00 1,400.00 3,032.74 5,883.62 6,431.76 Mecklenburg ,203 75 25 00 1,850 00 9,078 75 Mitchell Montgomery ,096.18 476 85 4,005.30 10 00 400.00 1 400 00 5,501.48 2 886 85 Moore Nash New Hanover . ,909.25 3,755.52 2,432.74 3,957.70 30.00 10.00 1,350.00 1,100.00 600.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 9,716.95 7,385.52 3,042.74 Northampton Onslow 2,494.03 ,621.92 4,081.20 3,678.40 20.00 1,450.00 800.00 1,750.00 9,775.23 6,120.32 Orange Pamlico Pasquotank ,612.36 ,075.10 ,604.77 3,325.00 6,210.62 2,342.70 10.00 1,150.00 700.00 300.00 6,087.36 7,985.72 4,257.47 Pender Perquimans ._ ,585.93 ,158.03 1,979 80 10.00 1,000.00 2,595.93 3,137.83 Person 884 23 2 648 60 10 00 600 00 5,142 83 Pitt.. 3,899 47 7,144 00 30 00 1,500 00 12,573 47 Polk 851.60 2,744.45 20.00 500.00 4,116.05 Randolph 2,977 32 4 507 56 10 00 ,300 00 8,794 88 Richmond ... 2,409.70 50 00 ,000 00 3,459.70 Robeson 4 785 35 7 660 80 50 00 ,700 00 1,500 00 15,696 15 Rockingham Rowan 3,727.70 3,882.88 60.00 35.00 ,350.00 ,100.00 2,500.00 5,137.70 7,517.88 Rutherford 3,191 55 5,318 10 20.00 950.00 9,479.65 Sampson 3,113.67 5,236.40 15.00 ,250.00 9,615.07 Scotland 1,715 82 2,371 20 15 00 ,250 00 5,352 02 Stanly 2,588.50 4,039.40 50.00 ,800.00 8,477.90 Stokes 2,173 53 7,467 90 20 00 9,661.43 Surry 3 241 87 5 521 78 30 00 1 100 00 9 893 65 Swain... 1.100.40 2.310.40 15.00 850.00 4.275.80 20 306 NORTH CAROLINA BLUE BOOK PUBLIC SCHOOLS APPROPRIATIONS, 1918-CoNrmuED Counties Per Capita Equalizing Rural Libraries High Schools Farm- Life Total Transylvania ... I 895.17 $2,045.30 $ 15 00 1 600.00 $ $3,555 47 Tyrrell 443.65 1,010.80 500.00 1,954.45 Union 3,490 40 6,184 50 10 00 1,550 00 11 234 90 Vance Wake Warren .2,103.80 8,617.00 1,803.26 3,235.70 10,347.50 3,222.40 1,000.00 1,950.00 1,225.00 1,800.00 2,500.00 8,139.50 21,414.50 6,250.66 Washington 1,582.56 1,679.60 800.00 4,062.16 Watauga 1,220 16 3,387.97 10.00 4,618 13 Wayne 3,676.52 5,823.50 10.00 1,250.00 10,760 02 Wilkes 3,220.22 11,784.75 35.00 800.00 15,839.97 Wilson 3,478.31 4,797.50 15.00 800.00 1,250.00 10,340.81 Yadkin 1,596 34 5,163 15 750 00 7,509 49 Yancey 1,529.70 6.418.35 15 00 500.00 8,463.05 Totals 236,000.00 347,223.43 1,170.00 95,500.00 33,500.00 713,393.43 RAILROAD AND TURNPIKE STOCK STATE'S INVESTMENTS JULY 15, 1918 30,002 shares stock North Carolina Railroad Co... _ $ 3,000,200.00 12,666 shares stock Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Co 1,266,600.00 1,013 shares stock Mattamuskeet Railroad Co 101,327.00 3,030 shares stock Elkin and Alleghany Railroad Co 303,000.00 2,650 shares stock Statesville Air Line Railway Co 132,400.00 172 shares stock Transcontinental Railroad Co. 17,200.00 552 shares stock Watauga and Yadkin River Railroad Co 55,200.00 6,381 shares stock Wilkesboro and Jefferson Turnpike Co 63,810.00 71 shares stock Junaluska Turnpike Co -. 710.00 $ 4,940,447.00 NOTE. The annual income from North Carolina Railroad stock is $210,014, and from Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad stock $37,998. Turnpike stock is $10 per share, Statesville Air Line Railway $50, and all others $100. The other railway and turnpike stock is of little or no value. STATE PROPERTY VALUES AS OF JULY 1, 1918 Real Estate Furniture Miscel- and laneous Fixtures ' Property Total $ 439,145 324,000 1,195,000 160,400 199,000 150,000 200,000 35,000 43,832 45,000 50,000 75,000 115.000 8,000 46,250 18.500 25,000 777,000 161,500 190,500 110,949 290,855 8,950 42,000 36,000 65,400 8.505 1,330,000 552,900 835,559 141,110 1,415,947 1,017,000 5,000 30,000 Agricultural Department * 241,830 245,000 1,110,000 115,000 190,000 150,000 $ 9,750 79,000 45,000 30,000 1,000 $187,565 Administration Raleigh: New Supreme Court property _ Capitol.. Old Supreme Court property 15,400 Governor's Mansion Moore Square... Nash Square 200,000 35,000 43,832 Lot, Salisbury and Morgan > State's storage warehouse Central Heating Plant... 45,000 Books, Law Library 50,000 Books, Stale l.il.i irv 75,000 Books, State Depart n> Paper stock 115,000 8,000 Hospitals ami II- Soldiers' Hume 40,000 12,500 20,000 102,500 299,708 705,000 725,000 130,000 173,000 V-,.!'l'l 242.610 8,250 4d. nun 34.000 60,000 8,505 115,000 1,105,000 262,500 535,000 718,559 112,000 939,947 955,000 5 000 3,000 5,000 5,000 17.500 10,000 22,500 25,000 30,000 10,000 5,000 42,010 700 2,000 2,000 5,400 1,000 Women's Home Home for Girls and Women Tuberculosis Hospital 2,500 7,500 25.000 27,000 1.500 7,500 2n. HIM. 6,235 Hospital, Goldsboro Hospital, Morganton Hospital, Raleigh Schools and Colleges: Appalachian Training School Caswell Training School Cullowhee Normal School . . . East Car. Teachers Training School. Indian Normal School Normal School (col.), Elizabeth City Normal School (col.), Fayetto\ ill, Normal School (ool ), Winston Normal schools (ool.), miscellaneous Negro A. and T. College 150,000 10,000 5,000 110,000 10,500 250,000 12,000 4,295 75,000 3,000 12,900 7,000 19,650 226,000 50,000 N. C. State A. and E. Collet N. C. School for Deaf and Blind N. C. School for Deaf State Normal College Stonewall Jackson Training School _ University of North Carolina State's Prison Mount Mitchell Park .. National Guard, Camp Glenn I Totals . _ 30,000 10,128,693 927,110 702,295 11,758,098 BUILDING SCHOOLHOUSES OUTSTANDING NOTES JULY 1, 1918 Alamance.. .. Alexander $ 4,645.00 4,548 00 Jones... _ Lee $ 580.00 1,230 00 Alleghany 335.00 Lenoir ... 700 00 Anson 3,813.00 Lincoln. 1,600.00 Ashe 3,612.50 Macon 1,960 00 Avery 3,242.50 Madison 4,595.00 Beaufort _ _. 4,450.00 Martin 1,770.00 Bertie 4,450 00 McDowell 4,730 00 Bladen 1,312.50 Mecklenburg _ _ 9,450.00 Brunswick 1,875.00 Mitchell..- 155.00 Buncombe 11,570 00 Montgomery 1,081 00 Burke 60.00 Moore 885 .00 Cabarrus , - 2,050.00 Nash 5,840.00 Caldwell 5,545.00 New Hanover 1,500 00 Camden .. 4,290.00 Northampton 6,020.00 Carteret . 1,007 50 Onslow 5 635 00 Caswell 250.00 Orange 3,002.50 Catawba.. 7,510.00 Pamlico . 2,530.00 Chatham _ 1,087.00 Pasquotank... 1,600.00 Cherokee 4,702.00 Fender 3,280 00 Chowan _. 1,250.00 Perquimans 3,113.00 Clay 1,437 50 Pitt 10,627 00 Cleveland 2,430.00 Polk :._.. 1,047.50 Columbus _ _ 2,800.00 Randolph. 2,265.00 Craven 850 00 Richmond 5 340 00 Cumberland 4,612.00 Robeson 5,755.00 Currituck 1,755.00 Rockingham _ 12,055.00 Dare .... 2,660 00 Rowan 9,250 00 Davidson 2,610.00 Rutherford . 1,294.00 Duplin , Durham. 7,670.00 9,800 00 Sampson Scotland 2,533.00 1,400.00 Edgecombe 8,212.50 Stanly... 2,920.00 Franklin 2,200.00 Stokes 3,237 00 Gaston 7,210.00 Surry . 4,250.00 Gates 3,257 00 Swain 2,993 50 GranvillS ... 1,990.75 Transylvania 3,110 00 Greene 1,340 00 Tyrrell 600 00 Guilford... 5,500 00 Union 255 00 Halifax _ 4,780.00 Vance _ 5,450.00 Harnett 8,625 00 Wake 15,247 50 Hay wood. 370.00 Warren 1,885.00 Henderson 2,750 00 Washington 2,395 00 Hertford 1,365.00 Watauga 50.00 Hoke 4,850 00 Wayne 4,040 00 Hyde 1 100 00 Wilkes 9 940 00 Iredell 5,240.00 Wilson 6,940.00 Jackson 2 060 00 Yadkin 562 00 Johnston 8,585.00 Yancey 2,470.00 Total $ 356,782.75 BONDED DEBT JULY 15, 1918 Four percent State Hospital, due July 1, 1949 $ 500,000.00 Four per oent refunding, due July 1, 1950 3,430.000.00 Four per cent State Building, due July 1, 1951 250,000.00 Four percent School for Feeble-minded, due July 1, 1951 60,000.00 Four per cent refunding, due January 1, 1953 550,000.00 Four percent improvement, due July 1, 1953.. 1,142,500.00 Four per cent educational and charitable institutions improvement: Due July 1, 1923 $ 100,000.00 Due July 1, 1924 100,000.00 Due July 1, 1925 100,000.00 Due July 1, 1926 100,000.00 Due July 1, 1927 100,000.00 Due July 1, 1928 50,000.00 Due July 1,1931 22,000.00 572,000.00 Four percent Caswell Training School, due July 1, 1927 75,000.00 Four per cent Training School for Girls and Women, due July 1, 1927. 25,000.00 Total four per cent interest-bearing $ 6,604,500.00 Six per cent construction 2,720,000.00 Total interest-bearing $ 9,324,500.00 Four per cent consolidated, due 1910, not presented for payment 1,650.00 Six per cent construction, due 1879, not presented for payment 19,000.00 $ 9,345,150.00 VB 24580