SPANISH Commercial Correspondence WITH EXERCISES, NOTES, AND VOCABULARY HERBERT ALDEN KENYON * " University oi Michigan OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ANT* ART3OR, XtlCH. GKORGK \VAHR, I'UH^IS 1007 as Copyright, 1907 By GKORCIK WAHR . The Ann Arbor Press. OF THE \ f UNIVERSITY } OF 7 ^X PREFACE In this small manual of Spanish Commercial Correspondence the author has endeavored to produce a book useful in two ways : first, as a text-book for schools and colleges, and secondly, as a reference book and dictionary for the com- mercial correspondent who has a more or less limited knowledge of Spanish forms and business usages. On the latter account a much larger and more complete vocabulary than is usually found in such handbooks has been added and idiomatic phrases have been placed in the vocabulary rather than in the notes. As a text-book for class room work, however, the book is principally designed. Many of the letters are copies of actual correspondence be- tween Spanish and American firms, changed only in unimportant details, while others have been written solely to illustrate technical points, in- crease the vocabulary, or to repeat words and phrases which it is imperative that the Spanish correspondent should know thoroly. Now and then a letter will be found which may seem some- what long in sentence structure or peculiar from the American business poijit of view. This has been done purposely, however, to give the stu- dent an insight into the more redundant and in- tricate Spanish style. 1(16911 4 PREFACE To secure the best results as a text-book the model letters should be written out and corrected in class. At the next meeting of the class these letters should be read in Spanish from the English text, thereby fixing the more important phrases The exercises may be done outside of the class room to be corrected by the instructor or used as tests in the class room when a sufficiently large vocabulary has been acquired. The author wishes to express his thanks to Mr. Charles P. Wagner and Miss B. W. Stevens for valuable suggestions and assistance in the preparation of the manual. CONTENTS Page I. Preface 3 II. Introduction. 1. List of Abbreviations 9 2. Currency, Weights, and Measures 16 3. Headings and Conclusions of Letters 19 4. Spanish Advertisements 22 5. Examples of Spanish Letters 24 III. Letters and Exercises. 1. Applications for Situations and Replies. . 31 2. Letters of Introduction and Recom- mendation 35 3. Circulars 40 4. Letters of Inquiry 44 5. Offers of Goods 49 6. Orders 54 7. Execution of Orders and Replies 58 8. Reception and Refusal of Goods 63 9. Sales on Commission 67 10. Shipping 72 1 1. Complaints and Claims 76 12. Banking and Credit Si 13. Bankruptcy 85 14. Marine Insurance 90 15. Advertisements 94 IV. Notes 99 V. Vocabulary 115 Introduction I. A LIST OF THE ABBREVIATIONS MOST COMMONLY USED IN SPANISH. a. area. a square decame- ter about 143 sq. varas. (a). alias. alias, otherwise. @, @@. arroba, arrobas. arroba, about 25 pounds. ab 1 . abril. April. admon. administracion. administration, management. adm. or administrador. administrator, manager. af. mo afectisimo. very affectionate. af. to afecto. affectionate. ag. to agosto. August. ap. aparte. apart, aside. art., art. articulo. article. at. atento. See Introduction, section III, 3. B. L. M. or b. 1. m. besa la mano. See Introduction, Section III, 3. B. L. P. or b. 1. p. besa los pies. See Introduction, Section III, 3. c., c. I!l or comp. compania. company. c. or cap. capitulo. chapter. cap. n capitan. captain. cents. centimes. centimes, cen- times. eg. centigramo. centigram. cl. centilitre. centiliter. 10 SPANISH cllo. cuartillo. cm. centimetro. C. M. B. or c. m. b. cuyas manos beso. conv. te conveniente. C. P. B. or c. p. b. cuyos pies beso. cps. compafieros. cs. cuartos ; centimes. c. ta cuenta. D. Don. D. a Dona. dg. decagramo. dicha. dicho, di- dha., dho., dhas., dhos. chas, dichos. die. , io e , io bre diciembre. Dl. decalitre. dl. decilitro. Dm. decametro. dm. decimetro, deci- dom. gramo. domingo. derecha, derecho, derechos, dere- dra., dro., dras., dros. chos. dup. do duplicado. E. este, oriente. en. enero. E. P. M. etc., & en propia mano. etcetera. fcb. febrero. fha., fho. fecha, fecho. f., fol. folio. cuartillo, see measures. centimeter. See Introduction, Section III, 3. conformable, suit- able. See Introduction, Section III, 3. companion, part- ner. quarter, centimes. account. Don. Dona. decagram. said (used as an adjective). December. decaliter. deciliter. decameter. deciliter, decigram. Sunday. right, just, perfect. duplicate, in du- plicate. East. January. in one's own hand, etc. February, date, action, fact, folio. COMMERCIAL, CORRESPONDENCE I I G. gracias. thanks. g. gramo. gram. gob. gobierno. government. gral. general. general, ordinary. hect hectaria. hectare, see table of measures. Hg. hectogramo. hectogram. HI. hectolitro. hectoliter. Hm. hectometro. hectometer. hoi. holandes. Dutch. ib. ibidem. in the same place, ib. id. idem. likewise, same. i. e. id est. that is. it. item. item, also. izq. a , izq., izq. da , izquierda, izquier- left, lefthand. izq. do do. j uev. jueves. Thursday. Kg. kilogramo. kilogram. Kl. kilolitre. kiloliter. Km. kilometro. kilometer. 1. ley, libro, litre. law, book, liter. Ibs. libras. pounds. lin. linea. line. L. S. lugar del sello. place for stamp, stamp here. lun. limes. Monday. m. minuto, metro, ma- minute, meter, to- fiana. morrow. mart. martes. Tuesday. nig. miligramo. miligram. mierc. miercoles. Wednesday. miles. 8 milesimas. thousandths. min. ministro. minister. Mm. miriametro. miriameter. mm. milimetro milimeter. 12 SPANISH mrd., Vra. mrd. merced., vuestra wages, your rev- m . erence. M. S. manuscrito. manuscript. m. s a. s muchos anos. many years. N. norte. North. n. noche. night. N. B. Nota bene. N. B. n. numero. number nov. e , Q e , g bre noviembre. November. nra. nro. nras. nuestra, nuestro, our. nros. ; ntra. ntro. nuestras, nues- ntras. ntros. tros. num. num. nums. numero. number. num. O. oct. e S c , 8 brc onz. orn. P. P. A. pag. pags. Part. P. D. p. ej. perg., pno. Pf. P. O. P. P. p. p. oeste. octubre. onza. orden. padre, pregunta. por ausencia, por autorizacion. para. pagina, paginas. partida. posdata. por ejemplo. pergamino. peso fuerte. por orden. pero. por ciento. porte pagado, por poder. proximo pasado. West. October. ounce. order. father, question. in the absence (of), by authority. see uses of prep, para. page, pages. item in an account, entry. P. S. for example. parchment, diplo- ma. dollar. by order. but. per cent, %. freight paid, by power (of). last, ult. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE p. r por. pral. principal. priv. privilegio. prol. prologo. pror. procurador. prov. a provincia. prov. or provisor. P. S. post scriptum. P. S. M. por su mandato. ps. pesos. pta. pasta. ptas. pesetas. p. te parte. Q.B.S.M., q.b.s.m. que basa su mano. Q.B.S.P., q.b.s.p. que besa sus pies. Q.D.G. que Dios gnarde. q. que. q. e. g. e. que en gloria cste. R. reverendo, res- puesta. Rbi. recebi. R. e recipe. R. I. P. requiescat in pace. see uses of prep, por. principal, fi r s t floor. grant, patent, fran- chise, copyright. prolog, introduc- tion. solicitor, attorney at law. province. purveyor, contrac- tor. P. S. by (your) order. dollars. bullion, (of books) bound in leather. pesetas. Value about 20 cts. part, party, side. See Introduction, Section III, 3. See Introduction, Section III, 3. See Introduction, Section III, 3. which, etc. may he, be in Heaven. reverend, reply. I received, receiv- ed. prescription. may he rest in peace. SPANISH real. R. 1 real. rs. or r. s reales. rust. rustica. S. santo, sur. S. a senora. sab. sabado. S. C. or s. c. su casa. S. D. se despide, despe- dirse. secret. 3 secretaria. s. e. u. o. salvo error u onii- sion. sept. c , 7 e , 7 bre septimebre. serv. servicio. serv. or servidor. sig. te siguiente. s. n san. S. N. Servicio Nacional. Sor. senor. Sores. sefiores. spre. siempre. S. r or Sr. senor. Sra., Sras. senoras. Sres. or S. res senores. Sria. secretaria. srio. or s. rl secretario. Srta. or Srta. senorita. ss. no escribano. S. S. S. su seguro servidor. real, coin worth about 5 cts. royal. reals. rustic, (books) in paper covers. saint, south. senora, Mrs. Saturday. your, his, her, their, house. to take leave of, be discharged. secretary's office, secretaryship. errors or omis- sions excepted. September. service. servant. following, sequent. saint. National Service. senor, Mr. Messrs. ever, always. Mr. Mrs. (plu.) Messrs. secretary's office. secretary. senorita, Miss. clerk, notary pub- lic. (your) devoted servant. See Introduction, Section III, 3. COMMERCIAL, CORRESPONDENCE Sta. Sto. santa, santo. sup. suplica. supert. te superintendente. t. tarde. ten. te teniente. test. 1 " 10 testamento. test. testigo. tit. or tit. v titulo. tpo. tiempo. trib. 1 tribunal. t. or torn. tomo. U., Ud., Uds. ; V., usted, ustedes. Vd., Yds. Y. vease. V. da viuda. vg., v. g., v. gr. verbigracia. vier. viernes. vn. vellon. vol. visto bueno. volumen, voluntad. vra. vro. vras. vros. vuestra, vuestro, vuestras, vues- tros. v. ta , v. to vuelta, vuelto. x. mo diezmo. saint. petition, request. superintendent. afternoon, late. deputy, lieutenant. will, testament. witness, evidence. title. time. tribunal, court. volume. yon. see, refer to. widow. for example. Friday. wool ; copper coin worth i real, approved, O. K. volume, bulk, good will, your. turn, return, re- compense, etc. tenth. II. SPANISH CURRENCY, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. CURRENCY MONEDAS. Standard coin : peseta = 100 centimes. Gold : coins of 5, 10, 25, 100 pesetas ; onza = 80 pesetas ; doblon de oro = 20 pesetas. Silver: real = 25 centimos (gradually going out of circulation); 2 reales; 4 reales = i peseta ; duro or peso = 5 pesetas ; escudo = 2 1/2 pesetas; peseta columnaria (little used) = i% pesetas. Copper: coins of i, 5, 10 centimos. Paper money : Bank of Spain notes for 25, 50, 100, 500, and 1,000 pesetas. WEIGHTS PESOS. Gramo. Decagramo = 10 gramos. Hectogramo = TOO gramos. Kilogramo= 1000 gramos. Quintal metrico = 100 kilogramos. Adarme = y 2 English dram. Onza=i6 adarmes = 2.87 decigramos. Cuarteron == 4 onzas =115 gramos. L,i!:ra = 4 cuarterones= 16 onzas = 46o gramos. Tomin = 6 decigramos. Arroba = 4 cuartillas = 25 libras = 11.502 kilo- gramos. Cuartilla = y\. arroba = 6^/4 libras. Quintal = 4 arrobas = 46 kilogramos. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 17 LINEAR MEASURE MEDIDAS LONGlTUDINALES. Metro = meter = 39.368 inches = 10 decimetros = 100 centimetros = 1000 milimetros. Pie =1/3 vara=i2 pulgadas = 278 milime- tros. Pulgada = i -12 pie (i inch) == 12 lineas 25.399 niilimetros. Linea = 1/12 pulgada= 12 puntos = 2.116 mili- metros. Vara = 4 palmos = 3 pies = 8. 36 decimetros. Braza =1.672 metres. Milla = 1298 metros = English mile. Legua de posta = 3 millas = 3894 metros. DRY MEASURE MEDIDAS PARA ARIDOS. Litro = liter = I decimetro cubico. Cuartillo = l /4 celemin = 1.156 litres. Celemin = 4.625 litros. Fanega= 12 celemines = 55.5 litros. Cahiz =12 fanegas = 666 litros. LIQUID MEASURE MEDIDAS PARA IJQUIDOS. Litro = liter = i decimetro cubico. Cuartillo = 5.04 decilitros. Azumbre = 4 cuartillos = 2.016 litros. Cuartilla = 2 azumbres = 4.033 litros. Cantara = 4 cuartillas = 16.133 litros. Moyo = 16 cantaras = 258 litros. SQUARE MEASURE MEDIDAS x\GRARIAS. Centiaria = I metro cuadrado. Estadal = 1.12 deciareas. Area = 100 metros cuadrados. Aranzada = 400 estadales = 44.8 areas. Fanega de tierra = 576 estadales = 64 6 areas. Hectarea = 100 areas. Caballeria = 60 fanegas = 3.8758 hec^areas. 1 8 SPANISH CUBIC MEASURE MEDIDAS CUBICAS. i metro cubico = 1000 decimetres cubicos, etc. i litro cubico = 1000 decilitres cubicos, etc Estereo = i metro cubico. N. B. In 1871 Spain adopted the metric sys- tem but in many of the different provinces of the kingdom the old systems are still commonly used. These vary more or less and many meas- ures have special colloquial names. It is un- necessary to give more here, however. The rate of exchange in Spain is so variable that it is impossible to give exact money equiv- alents. French, English, and United States money is generally at about 30% premium. III. HEADINGS AND CONCLUSIONS OF SPANISH LETTERS. i. The date. *Madrid, i de Abril de 19... Toledo, 4 de Agosto de 19. .. Sevilla, Enero 5 de 19... Toledo, martes 13 de Marzo de 19... 2. The Salutation. May Senor mio :f Muy Senor nuestro :J Muy Senores mios : Muy Senores nuestros : J Muy estimada (s) Seiiora (s) : Muy estimada (s) Senorita (s) : Muy Senor mio y amigo : Muy Sr. mio y de mi mayor res- peto : Muy Sr. mio y de toda mi con- sideracion : Muy Senor mio y apreciable ami- go : Muy Sr. mio y de todo mi apre- cio : Muy distinguido amigo mio : Mi distinguido amigo : Estimado amigo mio : Dear Sir: ) Dear Sirs : f Gentlemen : "] (married) [ Dear Madam : { (unmarried) J Mesdames : 1 My Dear Sir: My esteemed Friend : * The cardinal numbers are used in Spanish for dates with the exception of el primero which is usually abbreviated i. f Spanish salutations are followed by a colon. I Used when the letter is written by a firm of two or more members. 20 SPANISH Mi qucrido amigo : Mi mas querido amigo : Qnerido amigo mio : Mi querido Senor Garcia : Senor : (Senores:) Senora : Senorita : 3. The Conclusion.* Se repite a sus ordenes este su muy at. (atento) y S.S. Tengo el honor de ofrecerle a Vd. mis respetos y quedo su mas at. y S.S.Q.B.S.M.t Sirvase Vd. aceptar, Senora, la expresion de mi mas alta consideracion, con la que sosumas at. y S.S.Q.B.S.P. Suplico a Vd. reciba la se- guridad de me mas perfec- ta consideracion, con la que quedo de Vd. af. mo y S.S. Q.B.S.M. Asegurandole la manifesta- cion de mi particular estima, me repito su mas af." 10 y S.S.Q.B.S.M. Ouedamos ^ de Vd. (s) We remain, (we are), Nos repetimos | at. os y S. Yours very truly, etc. Somos f S. Q. B. S. Nos ofrecemos J M. My dear Friend : Dear Mr Garcia : Sir : Mr. : (Messrs.) Madam : (married). Madam : (unmarried). Yours truly, Yours very truly. I beg to remain, Your obedient servant. Consider me, Your humble servant. Yours most respectfully. Your most obelient ser- vant. Yours very respectfully. Salnda a Vd. S.S.S.J Yours truly, Yours sin- cerely, etc. * Conclusions are much more elaborate in Spanish than in English. It is frequently impossible to give anything like a good literal translation of them but the meaning is clear. f It is always customary in Spain to add Q.B.S.M. in letters to men and Q.B.S.P. when writing to women. In Spanish-American correspondence, however, this is usually omitted. I S.S.S.= su seguroservidor, the most common of all conclu- sions in Spanish-American correspondence. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE: 21 4. The Address. Sr. D. Alfonso Vidal, Carrera cle San Geronimo, 76, Madrid, Espana. Sefiores Compaire y Cia., Calle Mayor 13, Barcelona. Srs. V.' la e Hijos de A. Martinez, Puerta del Sol n, Madrid. Besides the address certain other marks are often placed on the envelope as in English. The most important of these are : En casa de (-(-article). In care of. A reexpedir. Please forward. Particular. Personal. -.-A ,. A ( General Delivery. En hsta. Poste restante. ] TQ be called y for _ Impresos. Printed matter. Papeles de negocio. Gommercial papers. Muestras sin valor. Samples of no value. Certificado. Registered. Precisa. Urgent: hurry. Valor. Value. AVISOS. 1. SE ALQUILA el gran local de la Pen- sion de caballeros. 2a. Industria, 16: terreno para talleres, habitaciones, accessoria vista a la calle, abundante agua, luz electrica, contrato largo. 2. PARA despachos, se alquilan en el ler, callejon de Santa Clara, num. 6, 5 piezas grandes empapeladas de nuevo y con instalacion de luz electrica, enteramente independientes. En la misma casa informan. 3. SOLJCITASE taquigrafo 6 taquigrafa, que sepa escritura en maquina, con buenas refer- encias. San Agustin num. 2. De 6 a 7 p. m. 4. VIAJERO a la comision desea colocarse y tomar articulos para su venta. M.D. Apartado 1030. 5. NECESITA la Compania de Tranvias Electricos de Espana hombres fuertes y habiles, con buenas referencias, para empleos de Con- ductores y Motoristas. Dirigirse a la Oficina del Jefe de Despachadores. 6. SE OFRECE para administrador 6 secre- tario un caballero joven y distinguido en la car- rera administrativa. Escribir a S. J. E. Lista. Correos. 7. SOLICITO buen relojero 6 mecanico para componer fonografos. Buen sueldo fijo. J. V. Herrera. Puente San Francisco, 12. 8. NUEVA BELLA JARDINERA necesi- ta : 50 sastres para trajes de hombre, 50 id. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE: 23 para vestidos de senora. 50 costureras para ropa blanca, y una modista. Buenos sueldos. Tra- bajo constante. 9. DESEO cuarto amueblado y asistencia para mi esposa e hi jo de 7 anos, en familia hon- orable espafiola, y donde no haya mas huespedes. Conteste dando informes completes a E. Suarez, Aguas-Calientes, 25. 10. SE DARA gratification a persona que entregue en la 4a. de Bucareli, 1808, un hilo que se perdio el domingo 4, 6 en el Bosque de Chapultepec, 6 en la Capilla de Guadelupe, calle Porfirio Diaz. 11. UN TENEDOR de libros, hombre serio, que ayudaria a todo en el clespacho busca colo- caci6n. 12. VENDO varies lotes por ausentarme de la capital. Uno de mas de 4,000 metros con dos frentes, tres en esquina, y otro con 20 me- tros de frente por 40 fondo. G. Rivera. Calle Sta. Clara, 12. 13. SE NECESITA un joven oficinista, con buena letra, para dedicarlo a trabajos sencillos. Solicitudes por escrita acompanadas de referen- cias, a esta Redaccion. J. Herrera y Cia. 14. SE VENDE un molino de vapor para cafia, de 14, por 16, con transmision y caldera de 15 caballos de fuerza, en muy bien estado. 15. SE NECESITA que cada persona que desee comprar un reloj, tenga antes nuestro cata- logo de reloj es, dijes, relicarios, y anillos. Lo mandamos gratis a solicitud y debe Vd. pedirlo desde luego. SPANISH LETTERS. Caracas, 18 de Febrero de 1905. Senores C. M. N., New York. Estimados Senores y amigos : Oportunamente recibimos su apreciada carta del 1 6 de Enero p.p. do que tenemos el gusto de contestar. Hemos hallado conforme el extracto de la cuenta corriente que hemos llevado con Uds. durante el ultimo semestre, la cual presenta en 31 de Diciembre tilt un saldo de $573.09 a nues- tro favor. Suplicamos a Uds. que se sirvan comprar por nuestra cuenta y nos remitan en primera opor- tunidad, consignados a nosotros en La Guaira : 40 cuarenta barriles pez rubia I. 6 u buen N i." 80 ochenta id. id. H, 6 "N i." 8 ocho id. clavos cortados N 6. i una maquina de coser, de pie, D. N 9, de Wheeler y Wilson, con 5 gavetas y todos sus accesorios. 6 seis docenas de agujas para la misma ma- quina, 3 N i y 3 N 4. De Uds. afmos. amigos y S. S. Q. B. S. M. (sig.) M y Cia. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE: 25 Caracas, 20 de Marzo de 1906. Senores C. M. N., New York. Estimados Senores y amigos : Tenemos el gusto de contestar su grata carta del 6 d/c. recibida el 17. Esta conforme su factura fecha 6 del presente, por el vapor portador y hemos abonado a Uds. en cuenta de $899.78 por importe de ella. Vemos que los precios de la pez rubia ban tenido de improviso una alza de consideration. La maquina de coser ha llegado a n/. poder en buen estado. La pez rubia y los clavos estan todavia en La Guaira. Enviamos a Uds. para que se sirvan abonarnos su valor en cuenta, aqui inclusos : un .cheque N 22118 del State Savings Bank, de Detroit, a cargo del Bank of Scotland, London, por 8 : 12 17 Sterling, endosado a n/. orden por los Senores Y. I. y Cia. y la primera de cambio N 12496 de estos Senores H. L. y Cia. a 3 d/v., a cargo de Uds. por $1000, girada a la orden del Senor I. A. Z. que este nos ha endosado por valor recibido. Suplicamos a Uds. que nos hagan el favor de pagar a la Compania de Seguros de Vidas "La Equitativa," con cargo a n/. cuenta $374.60 oro americano por el premio anual vencible el 6 Abril proximo, sobre la poliza N 95505 de n/. Juan L. M Anticipamos a Uds. las gracias por este ser- vicio y quedamos a sus ordenes Sus afmos. amigos y S. S. Q. B. S. M. (sig.) M y Cia. 26 SPANISH Caracas, 31 de Agosto de 1906. Senores C. M. & N., New York. Muy Senores mios : Referiendome a mi ultima carta de 22 del cor- riente que tengo a honra corfirmarles, participoles que, como se ha establecido ahora un servicio de vapores entre La Guaira y Ciudad Bolivar, es casi seguro que todo mi cargamiento lo haga embarcar para La Guaira ; sin embargo, yo cable- grafiare a ustedes posteriormente dandoles mis ultimas instrucciones. Les agradeceria que trataran remitirme, cuanto antes, por lo menos un vapor antes, una nota 6 factura dandome, con la marca, los mimeros, la cantidad de bultos y peso correspondiente (este ultimo puede ser aproximativo) de cada una de las diferentes clasificaciones bajo las cuales deben ser manifestadas 6 declaradas en la factura Consular, las diversas mercancias de que se com- ponen los pedidos que les remiti en mi carta pre- citada. Esta nota 6 pro-forma de factura Consular la necesito para tener listas las diligencias minis- teriales al llegar el cargamento y evitarme asi perdida de tiempo en el despacho para Ciudad Bolivar en el vapor. Les incluyo una nota de instrucciones N 2 para el caso de eventualidades que pudieran pre- sentarse. Sin mas, me repito de Uds. Att. y S. S. (sig.) J. F. M. C...... COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 27 Caracas, 14 de Noviembre de 1905. Senores C. M. & N., New York. Muy Senores mios : Tengo el agrado confirmar a Uds. mi carta de 5 del corriente y de dos paquetes conteniendos pianos etc. Acuso a Uds. recibo de su muy atenta de 30 del pasado incluyendo varias aplicaciones para el puesto de ingeniero ; lo cual tendra la atencion del Seiior M a su regreso del interior, en curso de la semana entrante. Con fecha 10 del corriente he recibido con- firmacion de la ultima palabra del cable de Uds. recibido aca el 4 del corriente ; dicha ultima pala- bra que era "Respigne" ha quedado rectificada en "Respigneva." Sin mas soy de Uds. S. S. S. Q. B. S. M. (sig.)'J. N. M Letters and Exercises I. CARTAS DE COLOCACION Y RES- PUESTAS. i Detroit, Mich., May 10, 1906. Gentlemen: Having learned thru your ad- vertisement in "El Imparcial" that you "are in need of a clerk for French and Spanish corre- spondence, I beg to offer my services to you in that capacity. I am 32 years of age, have lived a year in Paris and another in Seville, and have had three years' experience with M. G. and Co. with whom I am now located. I had hoped to remain with this firm for several years and have^ every reason to believe that I have given satisfaction. Mr. G , however, the senior member of the firm, is obliged to retire on account of ill health and it has been decided to discontinue the busi- ness. On that account I am forced to seek new employment. Should you entertain my application, I would request you to notify me as soon as possible, for I have another situation under consideration. Awaiting an early, and, I hope, a favorable reply, I remain, Yours sincerely, JAMES BOWEN. 2 February 24, 1905. Dear Mr. Knowles : Your application for the position of stenographer and type- writer now vacant in our office has been received and con- tents noted. 32 SPANISH In reply we beg to say that the excellent refer- ences you forwarded to us and the experience that you have had in our line of work have in- duced us to give you a trial should our conditions prove satisfactory to you. The salary will be fifteen dollars per week for the first year with a probable increase the second year in the event of efficiency in the work. We. ask you to call, if possible, at our office to-morrow at nine o'clock, or, if that is not con- venient for you, at your earliest opportunity. Sincerely yours. Per J. L. HOWELL AND COMPANY. 3 Chicago, 111., July 17, 1906. Mr. Henry Hughes, 763 Duane Street, Louisville, Ky. Dear Mr. Hughes : I have just been informed by Mr. King of your city that you are in search of a book-keeper and he has advised me to apply for the position. I am 23 years old, a graduate of the Yeats Business College, and have had a year's experi- ence with James and Co. where I have been employed since I left school a little over a year ago. Since the business in which you are en- gaged is the same as that of James and Co., I have no doubt about being able to give you satis- faction. I can furnish you references from J. E. Lee and Co., I. B. Willis, and James and Co., my present employers. If you should desire others of a more general character I shall be glad to send them to you. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE: 33 Awaiting what I hope will be a favorable an- swer to my application, Your obedient servant, WALTER POND. 4 New Haven, Conn., September 18, 1889. My dear Sir : Your letter containing applica- tion for a position with us as travelling salesman to hand. I regret exceedingly that we cannot add you to our force at present, especially since you pre- sent such excellent references and are so warmly recommended by my esteemed friend, Mr. L ; nor do I know of a similar position vacant in any other firm at the present time. If I should hear of any or be able to use your services here, I shall be glad to know where I can find the right man. Very respectfully yours, . JOHN MERRY. 5 Springfield, Mass., August 6, 1905. Dear Sir: I noticed in last night's edition of the "Evening Transcript" that you desire a clerk in your pharmacy who speaks Spanish, and I venture to offer myself for the vacancy. In regard to my qualifications allow me to say that I hold a first grade diploma from the School of Pharmacy of this state and have been in the employ of B. J. Manning and Co. for the past six years. During my course in college I spent considerable time in the study of Spanish and since then in my spare time I have acted as Span- ish correspondent for Crane and Young, whole- sale druggists, of this city. If I should be so fortunate as to have my appli- cation entertained, I beg you to inform me of 34 SPANISH the hours you require, salary, etc., or to appoint a time at which I may meet you and talk the matter over. Yours respectfully, H. LOWEU.. EXERCISES. 6 Answer advertisement No. 3 giving age, ex- perience, salary you expect, and any other details that would influence your prospective employer. 7 Write a letter in reply to an application for a position as correspondent informing the appli- cant that the position is already filled. Return to him the references that he has sent you and tell him that he might have had the situation if he had answered the advertisement more promptly. 8 Answer advertisement No. 4 as fully as possi- ble. Inform the prospective salesman what you require of your men, the nature of your goods, the commission you are willing to give, the terri- tory he would be expected to cover, and any other necessary details of your business. 9 Reply to a young man who has answered No. 1 1 stating that you have favorably entertained his application, your action being due largely to his excellent references. Fix a time for him to call at your office in order that you may give him vour final decision in the matter. II. CARTAS DE INTRODUCCION Y RE- COMENDACION. 10 Boston, Mass., November i, 1905. My dear Mr. Vidal : The bearer of this letter, Mr. E , is going to Toledo to seek employ- ment and desires me to give him some recom- mendation to facilitate the steps he will have to take. I beg you to do what you consider necessary that he may not remain too long without a posi- tion. He merits in all respects the interest which I feel sure you will take in him. He is active, intelligent, and industrious ; three qualities which will make him a useful man. I am convinced that the house which may em- ploy him will be well satisfied with his services. If you, yourself, should need a clerk, you would do me a great favor by giving him the preference over his competitors. This would be of great advantage to him, and I should be pleased that my influence had procured him the opportunity of beginning with a man whom I have always highly respected. Thanking you in advance for whatever steps you may take in behalf of my friend, I remain, your obedient servant, HENRY KING. ii Philadelphia, Pa., January 4, 1906 Dear Sir : Allow me to introduce to you Mr. W. R. Evans, who is coming to your city for the purpose of promoting interest and investment in 36 SPANISH a railroad soon to be put in operation between Barcelona and Madrid. I have great faith in Mr. Evans' ability to bring such an undertaking to a successful out- come, and I assure you that any attention you may be able to show him in the way of introduc- tions to such influential men in your city as might be interested, would be greatly appreciated, Very sincerely yours, H. K. DEAN. 12 Denver, Colorado, October 12, 1905. My dear PViend : Mr. G , one of my most intimate friends, intends to visit Madrid on his way to Paris where he is to open a branch office. As Madrid is for him as unknown a city as that to which he is going, he has requested me to introduce him to some one who might assist him during his stay in your town. I believe it would be impossible to comply with his request in a more satisfactory manner than by referring him to you. The support and ad- vice you gave me when I was a stranger in your city removed all my difficulties and spared me all the inconveniences to which a foreigner is exposed in a strange city. I hesitate to ask this service of you again but I trust I may count sufficiently upon your friend- ship to beg you to do for Mr. G- what for- merly you were good enough to do for me. Thanking you in advance, and assuring you of my gratitude, I am, Yours very truly, WIUJAM REYNOLDS. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 37 13 Brooklyn, New York, March 5, 1903. Williams Bros., Jacksonville, Florida. Dear Sirs : Mr. Harry White, our correspond- ent in French and Spanish, has requested me to write you in regard to his ability and qualifica- tions in this line of work. I take great pleasure in saying that Mr. White is an exceptional man in his branch and I have no hesitation whatever in recommending him to any one who has need of his services. He is a bright young man, 28 years of age, and well equipped for his work. He has spent some time in both France and Spain and has a good com- mand of both languages. In the past three years, during which he has been employed in our office, we have had no cause for complaint in any of his work. He has been at all times faithful in his duties and quick in execution of them ; qualities which would rec- ommend him in your line especially. To show you in what high esteem we hold Mr. White I may add that we have offered to increase his salary in order to keep him with us. He feels it necessary, however, on account of his health to remove to a milder climate and to that end has sought employment with you. I shall be glad to give any further informa- tion in regard to Mr. White that you may desire, or to do anything in my power to assist him to secure the position now vacant in your office. Sincerely yours, E. R. WUXIAMS. 38 SPANISH H Utica, New York, April 23, 1904. Cisneros and Company, Seville, Spain. Gentlemen : This letter will be delivered to you by our representative, Mr. Jones, agent for your city. In recommending him to your kind reception, we beg you to grant him your assistance in any circumstances in which he may require the same. You will do us a great favor in contributing as much as possible in furthering the object of his sojourn in your city, and we shall be delighted, in our turn, to be of use to you in any way. Yours respectfully, BARTON AND COMPANY. EXERCISES. 15 Write a letter introducing a friend of yours who wishes to turn a six months' trip in Spain to account by acting as correspondent for a news- paper. Ask your correspondent to place your friend as far as possible in the way of seeing things that are characteristically Spanish, espe- cially such as are not seen or understood by the average traveller. Give a short description of your friend's agreeable disposition and adapta- bility to new surroundings and request your cor- respondent to entertain him if possible at his own house during his stay in Granada. 16 Recommend a young man who has been in your employ for a position as correspondent in French and German in a concern dealing in woolen goods at wholesale. State his qualifica- tions, whether he has given satisfaction or not, COMMERCIAL, CORRESPONDENCE 30 his reasons for leaving your employ, and any other facts that your correspondent would desire to know. Introduce to your customers a salesman yon are just sending out from your firm, dealers in chemicals and chemists' supplies. Give your rea- sons for recalling the salesman formerly assigned to that district and solicit for your new repre- sentative the favors shown the previous one. Add anything that may seem expedient to you. III. CARTAS CIRCULARES. 18 Washington, D. C., April 6, 1906. Gentlemen: We beg to inform you that we have just opened a branch of our firm in your city for the transaction of general commission business. We shall devote our attention largely, tho not entirely, to the importation of Spanish and Spanish-American produce and the exporta- tion of American manufactures to those coun- tries. Mr. L -- , who will have charge of our new branch, has had considerable exper- ience in our main office and also knows the for- eign market thoroly, having acted for the past five years as our representative in Spain. We sincerely hope that, whenever you have any business in which we may be able to assist you, you will call upon our agent for estimates or any services in our line you may desire. We feel sure that it will be to your advantage. Sincerely yours, AND COMPANY. San Francisco, Cal., October 2, 1906. Dear Sir: In our circular letter of the I5th ult., we had the honor of informing you that, in consequence of the sudden death of Mr. Dean, senior partner of this firm, it had become neces- sary to reconstruct the business of our house on an entirelv new basis. This has been done and COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 41 we beg to inform you of the continuation of our business under the name of "The Williams Harvey Company." We have just taken over the business of James A. Harvey and, with out increased facilities, we trust that we shall be able to serve you even bet- ter than before. Our manufactures will include, as previously, all kinds of leathers and tanned skins, especially leathers for the shoe trade, car- nages, etc. We sincerely hope that this arrangement will meet with your approval, and, while thanking you for the confidence with which you honored the old firm for so many years, we beg you will favor alike the new one which will do its utmost to deserve it. Yours very truly, THE WILLIAMS HARVEY COMPANY. 20 Providence, R. L, August I, 1906. Gentlemen : We take great pleasure in inform- ing you that we have greatly increased the capa- city of our plant by the erection of another build- ing thoroly equipped with the latest and most improved machinery. On this account we shall be able in the future to execute orders on much shorter notice than hitherto we have been able to do. We have also secured the services as manager of Mr. James E. Lewis, for many years the super- intendent of the Globe Jewelry Co., a gentleman thoroly acquainted with all that pertains to the manufacture of all classes of rings. In consequence of our improved facilities we are able to offer goods at a much lower figure 42 SPANISH than other concerns and to guarantee superior workmanship. Complete catalogs and samples will be sent on application. FORD RING COMPANY. 21 Baltimore, Maryland, May 23, 1904. Dear Sir : We have the honor of informing you that we have just established a firm under the name of "Russell and Company/' for the transaction of banking and exchange and beg to assure you that we shall give the greatest attention to the execution of any orders with which you may honor us. As we have not the advantage of being known to you, we beg to refer you, as regards the con- fidence we merit, to Lane and Co., who have long been personally acquainted with us. We enclose particulars of our current rate and conditions. Please take note of our signatures below. Your obedient servants, RUSSEU, AND COMPANY. Mr. Russell will sign Mr. Holmes will sign 22 Richmond, Va., March 5, 1906. The Enterprise Shoe Company beg to inform their customers that, in consequence of the death of the senior member of the firm, Mr. W. H. Manning, the business of the firm will cease at the end of the present month. The Company desires to thank its many friends and customers for their attention and support in the past and asks that they continue their kind- COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 43 ness in assisting the Company's agent, Mr. Jones, to complete the liquidation as soon as possible. EXERCISES. 23 Inform your customers that you have opened a branch house in Porto Rico in charge of which you have placed Mr. Fenton. State that you are now in consequence prepared to serve them with the best American labor-saving machines in agricultural lines and solicit their trade for your branch house instead of dealing direct with the factory. 24 Write a circular letter announcing the liquida- tion of your firm dealers in druggists' supplies on account of the ill health of one of the mem- bers of the firm. Ask your customers to settle all accounts as soon as possible in order to assist you in doing up the business at an early date. 25 Give notice of the establishment of a new con- cern in the lumber business. State that you have had a long term of experience with some other firm and previous to that time were employed in an examination of the condition of the pine for- ests in southwestern Canada. Offer to send a monthly bulletin of prices. 26 Give notice of removal of a woolen broker's business into larger and more central quarters. State improvements that you have made in or- der to 'facilitate the handling of a more exten- sive business and request your customer's trade as heretofore. IV. CARTAS DE INFORMES. 27 Brockton, Mass., July 2, 1905. Mr. C. V. Barry, Dear Sir : Relying on your friendship and discretion we take the liberty to ask you to give us such information as you may be able in re- gard to F. A. and Co. This firm has made us a proposition the nature of which would oblige us to open to its account a credit of about 500. Knowing how numerous your business con- nections are in that town we thought that no one could better inform us than you in regard to the amount of credit that can safely be given to the said house. You may rely upon absolute discretion on our part. Yours very truly, N. B. MARTIN. 28 New Haven, Conn., March 27, 1906. Dear Mr. Stevenson : Today we received a visit from Mr. J. K. Lin wood who presented him- self at our house as an applicant for the post of chief correspondent, vacant at the present time. He told us that he had been occupied for two years in a similar position with your firm. Notwithstanding that he showed us very fav- orable references as regards his capacity and probity, we should like to know from you the reason for his leaving you. We therefore take the liberty of begging you to send us confidentially this information. Should COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 45 the occasion present itself, you may rely upon us for a like service. Your obedient servant, BARNES. 29 Worcester, Mass., February 2, 1906. Cabana and Company, Madrid, Spain. Gentlemen : I see in your latest catalog that you are soon to publish a new edition of the works of Cervantes and Calderon in your series of the Classic Spanish Authors. Will you kind- ly inform me whether this edition has yet ap- peared and, if so, the price in paper, cloth, and leather ? I have been much pleased with the edition of Lope de Vega you sent me six months ago and have shown it to several of my friends. One of them wishes me to ask you whether the edition is yet exhausted. If it is not, kindly send a set to his address, which I enclose. You may send the bill to me. In addition to the above commissions I should greatly appreciate it if you would send me your catalogs as they appear and any information you think would interest me in regard to new books. Sincerecly yours, HENRY WILSON. 30 Cambridge, Mass., September 23. Antonio Fano and Co. Dear Sirs : Mr. Menendez of your town has just sent me an order for straw hats, to the amount of $200, the whole to be delivered in six weeks. As I have not yet done business with him, I should like to know your opinion upon the 46 SPANISH subject before binding myself to deliver him the goods. You would do me a great service if you would be so kind as to inform me by return mail just what his standing is in your city. While thanking you for what you may confide to me, I beg you to believe that I shall make the most discreet use of it. Yours truly, H. G. DAVIS. 3i Allegheny, Pa., July 6, 1906. My dear Mr. Bradford : You have desired me to give you exact information in regard to the person to whom you have the intention of con- fiding the management of your business at Gran- ada. This is the result of my inquiries : The gentleman in question enjoys the reputa- tion of being a very honest man, but, unfortun- ately, he possesses few of those essential qualities which make a good business man. In 1893 he possest considerable fortune but lost nearly all of it in the cotton brokerage business on account of rash speculation. A short time afterwards he engaged in the wool trade and, for want of pre- caution, was not more successful than in the previous venture. As you see, both these failures are the result of an inability to look ahead. Although Mr. B - is one of my best friends I do not plead his cause, for I do not think he would be of advantage to you. I regret that I have been forced to give you such a disappoint- ment but I am obliged to inform you conscien- tiously of the truth. Yours very truly, LEONARD CRANE. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE; 47 EXERCISES. 32 Write a letter inquiring about the credit of the firm G. H. and Co. who have just ordered $300 worth of lumber. Ask if it would be safe to send them the shipment taking in payment a note due in three months. 33 Inquire of a former employer in regard to the work done by an applicant for the position of book-keeper in your firm. State that he has pre- sented excellent references but that you wish to know more thoroly his qualifications and the rea- son he left his former position. 34 Answer the preceding letter giving the appli- cant a good character, stating that he left your employ in order to get a position where advance- ment would be more rapid and the salary larger than you could afford to give him. The former employer hopes that the clerk will succeed in getting the desired position. 35 Answer the letter from H. G. Davis to Antonio Fano and Co. stating that there are two men in the same business in that town. Only the initials are different. Distinguish them so that your correspondent w r ill be able to find which one is his customer on consulting his files. Show that one is perfectly trustworthy and could safely be given credit to the amount of $2000 but that the other would be in every way unsafe. 36 Write a letter of inquiry on any subject of your 4$ SPANISH own choosing. Give all necessary details for a perfect understanding of the matter on the part of your correspondent. Take especial pains to make the letter seem real and important. 37 Reply either affirmatively or negatively to the preceding letter. V. CARTAS DE OFERTAS DE MERCA- DERIAS Y RESPUESTAS. 38 Albany, New York, February 2, 1906. G. T. Tirio and Company, Montezuma, Mexico. Gentlemen : We take the liberty of writing to you that you may remember us when ordering your summer stock, and, at the same time, to inform you that we now have in stock all the new patterns for the summer trade. We have a large line of fabrics in muslins, silks, cottons, cambrics, etc., which we feel sure are adapted to the taste of your customers. We have also a novelty in summer dress goods which is sure to have a large sale. We are sending you in another package a book of samples and trust to be favored with your orders as in the past. Sincerely yours, Per K. O. N. B. F. C. MUMFORD. 39 Atlanta, Ga., August 31, 1906. Victoriano Co., Gentlemen : Owing to the fact that we are overstocked at the present time and the new crop is already coming in, we offer you last year's cotton at 3^, 100 bale lots. W^e have nearly a thousand bales on hand and desire to move it as quickly as possible. The grade is the same as we have previously sold you. We also have about 50 SPANISH three hundred bales of a somewhat inferior qual- ity which we offer at 2^ in the same quantity. Hoping to hear from you in the near future, we remain, Yours very trulv, B. T. POWERS AND Co. 40 September 13, 1906, Herrera Brothers, Saragossa. Dear Sirs : Our buyer, Mr. L. E. Fernandez, is about to take his annual trip to the Orient for the purpose of purchasing spices and coffee. If you have any commissions that you would like to have him execute or any investigations that you would like to have him make, we shall be glad to add them to our own instructions. We make this offer in view of the friendly rela- tions we have always had with your house and wish to assure you that anything that you may see fit to trust to Mr. Fernandez \vill be done promptly and well. He is a man of remarkably good judgment and excellent business ability on whose discretion you may safely rely. If you desire to take advantage of our offer, kindly let us know as soon as possible and, in case of your acceptance of it, please send your final instructions not later than the 25th inst. Very respectfully yours, B. M. 'MORRIS. 4i New York, N. Y., December 3, 1906. Garcia and Company, Seville, Spain. Gentlemen : In talking with your representa- tive a few days ago I learned that you are con- COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 51 sidering making an exhibition of corks and cork- woods at the approaching exposition. I beg to inform you that I am acting as agent for the managers of the exposition and, should you so desire, am in a position to locate your exhibit very advantageously. I would advise you, however, to decide as soon as possible, as the best locations are growing fewer every day. If you will kindly notify me by return mail whether you wish me to reserve space or not, and if so, the amount, I will see that your com- missions are executed promptly and satisfactorily. Sincerely yours, HARRY K. JOHNSON. 42 Manchester, N. H., May 23, 1906. Compaire and Company, Dear Sirs : We have been looking for some time for an agent in your city to handle our line of linen draperies. After careful consideration we have decided to offer you the agency on the following conditions : You must make an agreement not to represent any other house doing business in the same articles as ourselves. The conditions we shall make for your tran- sactions are: discount 3%, at thirty days from date of invoice, or 90 days without discount. We shall allow you on all business, obtained direct or by correspondence, a uniform commis- sion of 3% and l% upon all cash received. It is understood that the postage of letters and the carriage of samples shall fall to our charge. Your account, as well as your commission shall be settled each year on December 3ist, the time of our inventory. We shall allow vou as territory the whole of 52 SPANISH the districts of Old and New Castile, Aragon, Valencia, and Catalonia. We would advise you to be very prudent as regards credit, and to deal only with good firms. On this point we must warn you that we do not bind ourselves to fill your orders unless we re- ceive good references respecting the solvability of your customers. We are sending you under another wrapper our sample book. Should you find these conditions agreeable or wish to make any modifications with which we can comply, kindly advise us at once. Sincerely yours. Per S. LEONARD AND Co. EXERCISES. 43 Write a letter to Fernandez and Company offering them the agency for your make of leather goods. Name the territory you will as- sign and the commission you will give and any regulations you think necessary that there may be no later misunderstanding. 44 Offer to sell at a greatly reduced price your stock of summer dress goods, giving as a reason for the low price the fact that you are unwilling to carry them over the winter, since you need the room for spring stock. Give a description of the stock and the price at which you offer it. 45 Inform a business friend of yours that you are about to make a trip as buyer for Haverson and Company. Tell him that you are going to Cuba COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 53 to buy tobacco and offer to get him a few thou- sand cigars for his best trade. Say that your position will enable you to get goods of superior quality at a lower price than he could buy from dealers. 46 Answer your letter written for exercise 43 stating that you will become the agent on con- dition of certain changes in the conditions im- posed in the first letter. VI. ORDENES Y ENCARGOS. 47 Syracuse, New York, October 30, 1905. Pedro Gonzales, Dear Sir : We are in receipt of your favor of the 1 5th inst. and have the pleasure of again sending you a small order which we beg you this time to forward by fast train by the 6th of November at the latest. If you cannot fill the whole order at least send us a good part of it. ist. 100 assorted silver watch chains, with lockets, the whplesale price not to ex- ceed 9 pesetas. 2nd. 50 assorted gold short neck chains, with lockets, the wholesale price not to exceed 80 pesetas. 3rd. 25 gold lockets, set with small pearls, the wholesale price not to exceed 100 pesetas. Begging you to conform exactly to our order, we are, Yours obediently, HENRY T. FREEMAN & Co. 48 Scranton, Pa., January 12, 1906. Gentlemen : I have received through the me- dium of Mr. Longwood a sample of your sugar and will place a trial order. The quality appears excellent and the price moderate : therefore, please send me as soon as possible two tons in barrels. I shall esteem it a favor if you will ship immediately, for I am entirely out at the present time. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 55 On receipt of the merchandise I will remit you a note at three months. Trusting that this first order will induce me to send you others and awaiting invoice with advice of shipment, I remain, Yours respectfully, F. B. GROSVENOR. 49 Cincinnati, Ohio, August 19, 1906. Mariana and Company, Gentlemen : Kindly purchase for me imme- diately 250 shares Judson Copper, 100 Williams Steel, and 50 L. and M. R. R. If for any reason you cannot buy either of these three, please wire me at once, following telegram with a letter informing me of two or three of the best investments at the time of writ- ing. I have on hand 25 shares F. and C. R. R. and 105 shares Barnes Iron Mining Co. which a cus- tomer desires to sell as soon as possible. If you can get rid of either or both of these I am sure you could make a good deal since he offers them at 97. Sincerely yours, RICHARDS AND COMPANY. Per N. B. M. C. 50 Newark, N. J., April 4, 1906. H. J. Marston and Company, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : Please ship us by slow freight the following : 200 bbls. Bridal Veil. 300 " Golden Sheaf. 500 " White Heather. 56 SPANISH On receipt of goods we will remit you one half the bill by draft on a New York bank and the remainder in 30 days. As this has always been our custom since we have been doing business with you, we trust that it will meet with your approval. Should you be unable for any reason to ship the goods at once we beg you to inform us by wire. We also w r ould like to inquire the price on your Golden Grain in 200 bbl. lots. We have had some demand for it from several of our cus- tomers who find that it is taking very well for a new, little advertised brand. Yours truly, Per M. LEONARD HURD AND COMPANY. San Francisco, CaL, May 23, 1906. Toma Nunez and Company, Dear Sirs : I regret to inform you that your last shipment of wool was not up to standard. Of course, this may have been due to a mistake in mixing orders or may have been caused by the misplacing of grades in your ware-house. At any rate the lot is entirely unsuitable for my trade and I beg you to rectify the error at once. I have returned by the Green Line the whole 25 bales. In addition to the 25 bales of your No. 3 grade which you will send in exchange for those I have returned, please send me 30 bales, merino No. 2, and 10 bales, lamb No. 5. Kindly ship imme- diately for one of my customers is in great need of part of the order. Relying on a prompt filling of the order and COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 57 a satisfactory rectification of the error, I remain, Yours truly, I. N. CORY. EXERCISES. 5 2 Send an order to Manning and Company for 300 Ibs. of putty and 500 Ibs. of white lead. State that the last you had was inferior in qual- ity to that you had before. Your customers were dissatisfied and in some cases returned what they had bought. Ask your correspondent to allow you some rebate on account of losses sustained. 53 Ask a wholesale drug firm of your own city to send you by bearer of your note fifteen pounds of powdered sodium bicarbonate and to deliver at your store as soon as possible a barrel of tilcohol. 54 Order twenty-five cases of matches of the Camden Match Company and request the firm to send them by fast freight not later than ten days after receiving the order. State that you will remit by check on receipt of the merchandise. 55 Write an order for any kind of goods with which you are familiar w r hich will amount to not less than $220 and state the terms on which you will remit. Add all details essential to make your order perfectly clear. VII. CARTAS DE EXPEDICION Y EN- TREGA DE MERCADERIAS 56 St. Louis, Mo., December 16, 1906. Mr. Lope Castilla, Burgos, Spain. Dear Mr. Castilla : Your order of the 25th ult. to hand and contents noted. In reply allow us to thank you for the order for the 10 Singer Sewing Machines which will be shipped imme- diately. We enclose bill and invoice. If you can find it convenient to remit on arrival of the goods we would consider it a great favor and in return would be willing to allow you a discount of an* extra 2% above our regular cash concessions. In order to be allowed, however, your draft must reach us not later than the first of February, 1907. Thanking you again for. your order and hoping to be favored with further business, We remain, Your obedient servants, Per D. H. MARCIX AND COMPANY. 57 Jersey City, N. J., July 6, 1906. Dear Sirs: We are in receipt of your favor of the 1 8th inst. and thank you for the order and information you have given us concerning the situation of your market. By the present we advise you that, conformable to your instructions, we have shipped to your address 15 bales raw silk, by the Benton, Capt. King. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 59 Enclosed you will find invoice indicating the contents of each case and the price the goods stand at in this market. For reimbursement of the amount I shall take the liberty of drawing on you the 3Oth of October next if I have not received a check by that time. Trusting this shipment will give you entire satisfaction and procure us fresh orders from you, We are, Your humble servants, BROOMFIEXD AND COMPANY. 58 Madrid, Spain, February 23, 1906. Dear Sir: We have just received your order for the editions of the Poema del Cid and the Xovelas of Cervantes which we published last year. Please accept our thanks for the order and also for the assurance that you would become a purchaser if we should decide to publish the works of Quevedo. We shall send you the books as soon as possi- ble but we are under the obligation of asking you to wait a few days until we receive a new supply from the bindery. The sale of these- authors has been much larger than we had antici- pated and we have been forced to print a new edition. Hoping that the short necessary delay will not seriously incommode you and thanking you again for your favor, we remain, Yours very respectfully, GOMEZ AND COMPANY. 59 Pittsburg, Pa., June 15, 1907. Mr. Juan Martinez, Madrid. Dear Sir : Your favor of the 24th ult. has been 60 SPANISH - received and contents noted. We were disposed to send you the goods you ordered until we made some inquiry in regard to your financial condition from the firms you gave as reference. As a result of their report we are forced to decline so large an order unless accompanied by the amount of bill. We would say, however, that we are perfectly willing to send you a smaller order on credit to the value of 100 or to ship the present order on receipt of the balance. Awaiting your further commands, we remain. Yours truly, H. K. CRANK. 60 Columbus, Ohio, May 18, 1906. Gentlemen : We are in receipt of your favor of the 2nd inst. and, in reply, we regret to be unable to make any difference in the prices we have quoted. We should be very sorry to lose this order for we have long sought to do busi- ness with your firm, but these prices are so little in accordance with the current rate that we should prefer to lose it rather than to meet the prices you quoted us. Perhaps a few months ago we might have been able to allow you this concession, but for the past five weeks the market has kept so high that we ought to raise rather than lower the price. We would advise you to avail yourself of the price we have given you and send us at once a good order. We are sure it would be to your advan- tage, for next week we shall revise our price- lists and then we shall not be able to do even as well as at the present time. We trust that you will make careful inquiries in regard to the present market prices, and that COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 6 I afterwards you will decide to give us the prefer- ence over our competitors. Yours truly, ANTONIO MANRIQUE. EXERCISES. 61 Acknowledge the receipt of an order from F. S. for three barrels of olive oil. Inform your customer that you will ship by the next steamer and will advise him at that time of the quan- tities in the barrels and the time it may be ex- pected to arrive. 62 Write your customer that you have received his order for 5000 feet of Georgia pine but that you are unable to fill it just at present. Tell him that you expect a shipment in a few days, at any rate not more than a week hence, and that you will ship immediately upon its arrival unless you receive orders to the contrary. 6 3 Refuse the order of a customer for 100 tons of pig iron on the ground that you have inquired into his financial standing and find that the re- ports that have been given you do not warrant giving him such a large amount of credit. Take care to state your decision in such a way as not to antagonize your customer. 6 4 Your . firm has received the order for twenty harnesses from a firm in a distant city. Write the latter that there has been some error in re- gard to their understanding of the price, for you cannot afford to make them for so low a price. 62 SPANISH State that the single harnesses will cost $10 and the double harnesses $15 more than the price stated in their letter. Advise the firm that you will not begin to make the harnesses until you receive further instruction. VIII. RECIBO DE MERCADERIAS Y REMESAS. 65 Denver, Col., December 4, 1906. Henry G. Russell and Company, Philadelphia, Penn. Dear Sirs : The seven barrels of twine you shipped me last Thursday have arrived but I re- gret to say that there has been some mistake either in your understanding of my order or on the part of your shipper. If you will look up my order you will find that I required three barrels of blue No. 5, two barrels red No. I, and two barrels white No. 2. Instead you have sent me two barrels red and five barrels blue. In this town the blue is rather a poor seller and the three barrels that I ordered will be sufficient for some time. I have considerable need, however, of the white. I will hold the whole shipment until you can inform me what you wish me to do with the extra blue. In the meantime please ship me at once the white. Sincerely yours, YOUNG BROS. 66 St. Joseph, Mo., October 2, 1906. Gentlemen : The F. and C. R. R. have deliv- ered me this morning the ten cases of raw silk which I ordered in my letter of the 23rd inst. My receiving clerk has examined the goods and 64 SPANISH informs me that he has found them all in good condition. You can draw on me for the end of November to the amount of the bill and I assure that I will honor the draft. Please send me by return mail your samples of sewing silk with current prices. In the meantime, I have the honor to be, Yours very truly, O. P. WINCHESTER. 6 7 Baltimore, Md., August 3, 1906. Dear Sir : Although I received more than three weeks ago your letter informing me that you had shipped the two tons of rock salt I or- dered of you I beg to say that the shipment has not yet appeared. This has greatly discommoded me for I had promised one of my customers a considerable portion of the shipment and had agreed to deliver it to him in less than three weeks. Of course, ordinarily, that would have been ample time for it to reach here. As you can readily see, the loss may be serious to me. If you will kindly start a tracer in search of the car in which you have made the shipment it may do some good. Please wire immediately the the number of the car and the line and I will start another from this end. Sincerely yours, 'M. N. LANE. 68 Columbus, Ohio, July 29, 1906. Manuel Garcia and Company, Madrid, Spain. Gentlemen : The box containing the books I ordered last May from your firm arrived today. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 65 All were found to be in good condition with the exception of one of the volumes Vol. 3 of the set of Galdos. That was so injured by a nail that it will be of absolutely no use to me. The front cover was entirely ruined and the first fifty pages so torn that they were almost unreadable. Kindly send me as soon as possible this volume by mail. You will doubtless remember that it was your edition of 1902 bound in blue cloth with gilt top. On receipt of a perfect volume in place of the damaged one I will remit by money- order the price of the whole. Yours truly, C. V. JAMES. 69 Portsmouth, Ohio, April 5, 1907. Dear Sir : Your sample case of shoes for the. summer trade arrived yesterday by express. We have carefully examined them and in reply beg to say that we find that the majority are not suited to our trade. The samples in boxes marked 5, 7, 23, and 19 are, however, perfectly satisfactory and, we feel sure, will prove good sellers. The others would be only dead stock on our hands and naturally we do not wish to invest any money in them. In a few days you will hear from us in regard to the number of pairs of the satisfactory samples that we desire. If you are willing to send any of the others on consignment kindly notify us at once to that effect. Yours respectfully, NELSON AND CRAWFORD. EXERCISES. 70 Notify a firm from whom you have received 66 SPANISH the day before five carloads of iron ore that it has arrived at the freight yards of your local rail- road and that you are unloading it at the present time. State that you will send a check as soon as you have found whether the weight is correct or not. Inform a firm from whom you have received a shipment of 23 barrels of St. Julien wine that one of the barrels was found to be entirely empty upon its arrival. Ask them to send you a cor- rected bill with the price of this barrel deducted and ask them to let you know if they w r ill allow any discount if you remit immediately on receipt of bill. .72 Write a firm of the arrival of any goods of your own choice. State that there has been a mistake somewhere either in filling the order or in shipping for you have not received the quan- tities of the goods you ordered. State your case clearly so that there will be no mistake this time. Ask what you shall do with the goods you have. IX. CARTAS DE COMISION, 73 Quincy, Mass., June 30, 1905. Gentlemen : For some time past we have been seeking an agent in your town to sell teas and coffees on commission. After considerable care- ful inquiry we have decided to offer your firm the opportunity of becoming our agents. The conditions are as follows : We will ship you on consignment such amounts as you may indicate in your orders. These you will proceed to sell as advantageously as possible under existing conditions of the tea and coffee market at the time of the receipt of the goods. We will allow you 2% on all sales for which you return us the cash in 90 days and an additional i% on all 60 day credit or cash sales. You will be required to give bond for $5000 for the first two years. At the expiration of that time if everything is satisfactory we will renew the con- tract without bond. We shall allow you such territory as you can cover to the best advantage of all interests concerned, but before stating any definite boundaries we should prefer to talk the matter over with you personally. Our manager will be in your town the latter part of next week and will then conclude the affair if you decide to take the matter up. Kindly let us know as soon as possible your decision. Very truly yours, H. L. HUNT AND Co. 68 SPANISH 74 Albany. New York, July 2, 1905. H. L. Hunt and Company, Quincy, Mass. Dear Sirs: In reply to your esteemed favor of the 30th ult. allow us to say that we have con- sidered the proposition that you made us and have decided to accept your offer of the agency for your teas and coffees in Albany and vicinity on the following conditions : ist. That you give us exclusive right to repre- sent you in this entire county. 2nd. That you require no collections to be made by us. 3rd. That you place the amount of bond at $3000 instead of at $5000. If these conditions meet your approval we shall be glad to talk with your manager. Kindly ad- vise us the date on which he will be in Albany. Sincerely yours, LONES AND Co. 75 Portsmouth, N. H., February 15, 1907. Dear Sir : We have sent you to-day by steamer "Galapagos/' Capt. Ferria, 200 cases of tin-ware. Just at the present time we are rather overstocked and are willing to sell even at con- siderable sacrifice. Of course we realize that this is an unfavorable time of year for the sale of such articles but in view of an extremely low price you will probably have little difficulty in disposing of them. We would recommend that you attempt first to sell them to the managers of the department stores in your city, offering them at about 5% below the general market price. If that is not COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 69 sufficient inducement you may go as far as a 10% reduction below the lowest price so far this year. As a last resort put them up at auction. We feel sure, however, that the latter will not be necessary. If you can arrange for cash or a thirty day payment we would be very much gratified. Yours truly, HENSON AND Co. 76 San Francisco, CaL, September 10, 1907. Dear Sir : On receiving your letter of the 2Qth ult. we were greatly surprised to learn that you had sold our last consignment of iron ore at so low a price. The market at that time was fairly high and we can see no reason for selling as you did at 10% below the market price. In consideration of the fact that you were away at the time of the arrival of the shipment we conclude that your manager must be responsi- ble and that no blame can be attached directly to you. However, we would venture to suggest that it is to your interest as well as to ours that you leave a competent man in charge when you find it necessary to leave town. It is hardly necessary to state to you that iron ore is sold on very small margin. The result of such conditions is that in the present case we lost in the neighborhood of $400. We ask you to explain, if possible, the occur- rence and to be careful that such an unfortunate thing does not happen again. Yours truly, HINES AND VERNON. 70 SPANISH 77 Norfolk, Va., August 23, 1908. Channing Fruit Co., Gentlemen : Your letter of the 2nd inst. to hand and contents duly noted. In reply allow me to say that your charges of incompetency or neg- lect on the part of my manager during my recent absence are entirely unfounded. In selling your cargo of bananas shipped by steamer "Habana" he acted exactly as I would have done myself under the conditions and as I am very sure will have your approval when you know fully the circumstances. When the "Habana" arrived in port it was discovered that she had shipped a large amount of water during a storm off Cape Hatteras. This had almost entirely ruined the whole cargo altho it had not been noticed at first. The bananas of course were worth only about a tenth of their original value and we think that our manager did well to get as much as he did. We regret, however, that he was remiss in not sending you an account of the affair. Had he clone so, we are sure that this misunderstanding would not have occurred. Trusting that this explanation is sufficient to assure you that we are acting in your interest as well as our own, We remain, Your obedient servants, LEWIS AND GREENE. EXERCISES. 78 Write a letter soliciting an agency for a firm who deal in imported woolens. State your pre- vious experience as an agent and mention the COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE: 71 commission and territory you require. Offer to give bond to the sum of $5000. 79 Inform your consignee that you have just sent him 100 bbls. of rice and ask him to dispose of it at once and as advantageously as possible. You think that he ought to get a good price, for the market is high at the present time. Tell him not to sell at less than a certain price. 80 Write a letter accusing your consigne of sell- ing goods of your own choosing, which you have sent him, at too low a price. Ask him to explain his action and show how it has been detrimental to your interest. 81 Reply twice to the last exercise ; once showing that your action was the best thing under the circumstances, and again, acknowledging that you have acted unwisely and offering to submit the matter to the arbitration of two disinterested individuals, one to be chosen by each side. X. CARTAS DE TRANS PORTE DE MER- CADERIAS. 82 Bordeaux, France, October 26, 1907. Air. H. I. Owen, Dear Sir : I duly received your letter of the 1 9th inst. announcing the despatch to Bordeaux of 50 barrels of wine. I hoped at that time to be able to ship them by the Compaire Company's vessel, which, as they wrote me, ought to have left this port between the 29th of October and the 6th of November. Her departure was potsponed, however, since she was only laden with 500 tons out of the 900 she is able to carry. Several exporters have been unable to despatch goods on account of the con- tinued bad weather and so the vessel is not yet laden. The Compaire Company expect that she will be able to leave on or about the 27th of next month; she will therefore be a month behind hand. This, I know, is very annoying, but I have been entirely unable to prevent it and I inform you of the facts in order that you may see that I am in no way to blame. Sincerely yours, MANETTE AND Co. 83 Charletown, S. C., March 23, 1906. Dear Sirs : I regret to inform you that the steamer "Governor," owned by your firm, went on the rocks off this port yesterday about three o'clock in the afternoon. At present she is rest- ing easily, but if a storm should come up it is COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE: 73 feared that she would pound to pieces, since her position is rather exposed. Owing to the mild weather prevailing at the time she struck, the greater part of the cargo was saved by lighters. All of the crew reached land safely. The perishable part of the freight has been placed in a store-house and the remainder piled on the beach. Kindly send me orders imme- diately as to what steps I shall take in regard to it. Yours respectfully, H. L. NASEBY. 84 Hampton Roads, Va., July 3, 1906. Gentlemen : I am informed by my correspond- ent that the "Eretria" has just entered your port. While off the cape the steamer encountered a fierce storm which broke open her hatches and let considerable water into the hold. The cargo was so badly damaged that it was necessary to unload it in your town. The object of my letter is to ask you to claim the goods and to store them at my expense until I can forward you further instructions. Please let me know at what rate you can obtain such storage and what commission you would require to undertake the reshipment to New York by another vessel. Awaiting an early reply, I am, Your obedient servant, J. K. LARRY. 85 Syracuse, New York, April 26, 1907. Dear Sir : At the present time I have on hand about 900 tons of goods to be shipped to Brazil and, since you are located in such a large 74 SPANISH shipping center, I take the liberty of asking you to act as agent for me in this matter. I should prefer to join some other merchant shipping to some South American port, Rio de Janeiro would be best for me, but if it is neces- sary I am willing to charter a vessel myself. I should not care to pay more than $1000 but if you cannot do any better I will go as high as $1200. I hardly need add that the ship must be sound and sea-worthy in every way and must have a good character with her insurance com- panies. Please be careful to get me a ship that can sail at once for my correpondents are desir- ous of getting the goods as soon as possible. Sincereiy yours, WILSON AND COMPANY. 86 New York, N. Y., May i, 1907. My dear Sir : In reply to your letter of the 26th ult. I take pleasure in saying that I have been able to execute your commission in a way that I feel sure will be entirely satisfactory to you. After considerable inquiry I have been able to find a vessel that I think will be just what you require. It is the "Valparaiso," 1500 tons bur- den, bound for Rio de Janeiro. The K. and L. Company of New York are shipping in her about 400 tons of farming machinery and have been very glad to consent to your putting in your freight if you will assume the charter. This amounts to $1880 but they agree to pay you $900 if you will take entire charge of the shipping. I have agreed to this in your name as it will be greatly to your interest and will involve prac- tically no labor or outlay on your part. The ship will be ready to sail about the 2oth COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE: 75 inst., certainly not later than the 24th. This I think will satisfy your requirements. If this is satisfactory or if you wish to make any other stipulations, please notify me at once, in order that I may close the contract and the ship be put into condition as soon as possible. Yours truly, H. Q. ADAMS. EXERCISES. 87 As the captain of a vesel, write the owners that your ship struck a submerged reef off the coast of Florida. A passing steamer took off the crew but the cargo was a total loss. State that when abandoned the ship was resting easily and could probably be saved if undertaken at once. Ask them to wire instructions and if they decide to attempt to save the vessel to send you sufficient funds to defray the expenses. 88 Ask a correspondent in a sea-port town where .there is a large amount of shipping to charter a suitable vessel for the coastwise trade. You have 400 tons of merchandise to ship and want to get it off as soon as you can. Add any details that you think necessary. 8 9 Reply to the above giving full information, 90 Announce to the shippers of a large cargo of fruit in your ship that the ship sprung a leak during a heavy storm off the coast of Virginia and that you were obliged to put into Newport News for repairs. These will take so long that the cargo will be worthless by the time you can again set sail. Ask for instructions. XL CARTAS DE QUEJAS Y RECLAMA- CIONES. 9i Erie, Pa., May 4, 1906. Gentlemen : We take the liberty of informing you that your note for 200, which you gave in part payment for the merchandise you bought of us on December 7th of last year, has not been paid, altho it is already more than a month over- due. We have allowed it to run in the belief that perhaps at the time it fell due you were a little embarrassed and would soon either pay or at least notify us that you would like an extension. We have heard nothing from you, however, and have begun to feel rather uneasy about it. More- over, we are greatly in need of funds ourselves just at present and would appreciate a settle- ment or, at least, a payment of half the amount. Kindly give this your earliest attention. Very truly yours, MEASE AND COMPANY. 92 Kansas City, Kans., Sept. 24, 1906. Messrs. Field, Clinton and Co., Dear Sirs : On account of a serious loss by a recent fire in my establishment I beg you to extend the time on my note for $400 which falls due on the 3Oth inst. If you will be so kind as to rene\v it for three months I should consider it a great personal favor. Altho my losses are entirely covered by insur- ance, as you know there are many things, small in themselves, which require a large capital at such a time. If I could have the money which COMMERCIAL, CORRESPONDENCE 77 I owe you at my disposal I should feel that my position would be much more secure and the time it w r ill take me to get on my feet again will be much shortened. Thanking you for your attention to my request and hoping that you will be able to grant it, I remain, Your humble servant, L. .G. FARNUM. 93 Kalamazoo, Mich., February 24, 1906. Dear Sirs : We desire by the present to bring to your notice that you are behind hand with our order which we sent you on the 2nd inst. At that time we specified that the goods were to be de- livered before February 2Oth. We have neither seen the goods nor have we even received notice from you that they have been shipped. While we are not disposed to hold rigidly to the terms of the contract, we must insist on hav- ing them in our ware-house not later than the ist of March. If they are not there by that time, we shall not accept them, for they would be only so much worthless stock on our hands. Kindly give this matter your personal atten- tion in order that neither of us may. suffer a. serious loss. Yours respectfully, GARDINER AND BARNES. 94 Evansville, Ind., June 15, 1907. Dear Sirs : The S. and R. R. R. has just de- livered me a case of ribbon which I ordered from your house in my letter of the 2nd ult. This time I must complain of the little care you have taken in serving me. The ribbons you have sent me are not salable for the comingf sea- 78 SPANISH son. This is all the more to be regretted since I shall hardly have the time to receive another shipment of the style which my customers re- quire. The result will be that, as far as the rib- bon trade is concerned, I shall lose the entire season. I can only suppose that you have not looked the goods over yourself or that you are indiffer- ent to the negligence of your clerks. The goods are of absolutely no use to me. I shall there- fore be obliged to return them to you and assure you that for next season I shall supply myself elsewhere. Sincerely yours, B. M. CHRISTY. 95 Des Moines, Iowa, March 4, 1906. Dear Sir : I am in receipt of the letter you sent me on the 3Oth of last month. As it appears from a careful reading of this letter that you have not well understood those which I pre- viously sent you, and since I am not walling that your imperfect understanding of the English lan- guage should be a pretext, true or false, for an act that would certainly draw upon you serious consequences, I take the trouble to confirm in Spanish what I have already written in English. In your letter of December 27th you ordered certain goods of me. This order was faithfully exe- cuted in every particular. The goods arrived in good condition, conformable to order, on time and at the place named. This you acknowledged in your letter of January 1st. You owe me there- fore the total amount of the invoice. I shall give you one week more to pay. If at the end of that time I have not received a check from you I shall issue a draft at sight which I advise COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 79 you to honor. If you pay it all will be well ; if you do not pay it, however, I assure you that I will employ all the means that the law places at my disposal to oblige you to do so. Yours truly, KARL HERMANN. EXERCISES. 9 6 Write a letter to a wholesale dealer in chemi- cals complaining that your order has not been filled as promptly as it ought to have been. Ask him to be sure and have it ready ten days from date ; otherwise you will be unable to keep your contract with another firm. 97 Ask for an extension of three months on the payment of a note you owe a merchant for goods delivered on your order two months before. Give good, valid reasons for asking this concession and offer to pay i% more interest than you have been paying on the note. Make the letter sound plausible. Complain that the goods sent you by a leather dealer in filling your order are of so poor a quality that you cannot possibly use them in your trade. State that this has meant a considerable loss to you and that you think he ought not only to allow you to return the goods at his expense, but that he ought not only to al- low you to return the goods at his expense, but that he ought to allow some rebate on the orig- inal bill. 80 SPANISH 99 Write a good strong letter of complaint that a merchant to whom you have sold merchandise to the value of 100 has made no payments altho the goods were satisfactory. State that the bill is long overdue and that unless he makes a payment or gives a valid explanation of his con- duct you will take steps to collect the amount thru your lawyer. XII. CARTAS DE COMERCIO DE LA BANCA. TOO New York, October 2, 1906. To Jose Herrera, Madrid ; Alphonso Garcia, Se- ville ; Juan Nunez, Burgos : It gives me much pleasure to introduce to you Mr. F. H. Jones, who intends travelling in Spain during the summer of 1907. You will do me a great personal favor if you can aid Mr. Jones in any way during his sojourn in your cities. In the event of Mr. Jones requiring any funds, I beg you to remit him such sums as he may need to the amount of 300 (three hundred pounds). You will please take his receipts in duplicate with deduction of your costs and send me the duplicates of the vouchers. I am personally responsible for the amount you may remit him and for the interest on the same. I will reimburse you on receiving notice of any payment you may make to Mr. Jones, whose signature I give below. Yours very truly, H. S. ANDREWS. Signature of Mr. Jones. 101 Scranton, Pa., May 10, 1907. Manning and Field, Bankers, Philadelphia, Pa. Gentlemen : Some six months ago I had the honor of sending you my circular letter rela- tive to the establishment of my firm for the im- portation of wines. 82 SPANISH My business, having since that time taken a certain extension, requires a considerable circu- lation of money and a larger capital than I have at my disposal. The consequence is that I de- sire to find a banking firm disposed to give me an open credit for $5,000 (five thousand dollars). If you should see fit to take the matter up I could give you a $3,000 life insurance policy, fully paid and non-assessable, and $2,500 of stock in the P. M. R. R. as collateral security. If my proposal should be acceptable to you please let me know your conditions. Messrs. Merriman and Granger of your town will give you all necessary information in regard to me. Sincerely yours, W. T. WATERS. 102 Philadelphia, Pa., May 12, 1907. Mr. W. T. Waters, Scranton, Pa. Dear Mr. Waters : We are in receipt of your esteemed favor of the loth inst., and are happy to inform you that we have no hesitation in opening an account with you. According to your desire we have placed an open credit of $5,000 (five thousand dollars) at your disposal on the condition that you reim- burse us at such dates as we shall fix in subse- quent letters and on receipt of the securities. These are our conditions : ist. Our advances shall be reimbursed with- in the nine months which follow our loans. 2nd. The compound interest shall be 6% per annum, calculated semi-annually. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 83 3rd. For payments on this city 1/3% ; for bills payable elsewhere 1/2%. 4th. The accounts shall be balanced every four months. Awaiting your reply, we remain, Very truly yours, MANNING AND FIELD. 103 Seattle, Wash., June 12, 1906. Dear Sir : Referring to our preceding circu- lar we enclose you the quotation of exchanges for bills on the towns therein mentioned in the hopes that you will remit us some bills on our town. Our terms are 1/3% commission for collection of your account and 3% interest. We have no doubt that you will accede to the desire which we have manifested at various times of establishing business relations between us of a .reciprocal usefulness. Trusting that the moderate conditions of our tariff will lead you to give us the preference over our competitors, we are, Your obedient servants, WILLIS AND COMPANY. 104 Wilmington, Del., March 5, 1906. ' Dear Sir : I greatly regret to inform you that your check dated March i has been re- turned by the Old State Bank with the letters N. S. noted in the corner. I have never had a check which you had sent me returned without payment and you may well believe that it sur- prised me this time. I am very sure that there has been a mistake somewhere. On that account $4 SPANISH I have taken the trouble to call the matter to your attention before taking any steps for its collection thru my lawyer. Please give the mat- ter your earliest attention. Yours truly, NORRIS AND COMPANY. EXERCISES. 105 Write an answer to the last letter in this sec- tion showing Norris and Company that the un- fortunate affair was the result of the carelessness of one of your clerks in not making his deposit at the proper time. Send another check and apologize for the inconvenience that his negli- gence has caused. 1 06 Request of some local bank of your town a loan to tide you over a crisis in your business affairs. State in what occupation you are en- gaged and note what you will give as security for the loan. Give good references. 107 Reply to the above stating that you will allow the loan on certain conditions. Name these conditions which must be fair for both sides. 1 08 Refuse a loan to the above on the ground that you have other business at present which de- mands all your ready capital so that you do not feel like taking any new responsibilities. XIII. CARTAS DE BANCAROTA. 109 Boston, Mass., July 18, 1906. Dear Sir : Without doubt you have heard that Norris and Jones of your city have gotten into difficulties. They have offered to pay 40 cents on the dollar down with a promise of two later payments of 10 cents each if proceedings are not started against them in the Bankruptcy Court. We have done considerable business with this firm in the past few years and have always con- sidered them perfectly safe. All their dealings with us have been perfectly satisfactory. At the present time, however, there are many things in the case which seem to us rather questionable. Do you think we would gain more if we should press the bankruptcy suit or would it be better to let matters take their course and permit the firm to pay what it can ? If you will advise us in the matter you will confer a great favor. Sincerely yours, SNOW AND HENDERSON. no Salem, Mass., July 20, 1906. Snow and Henderson Co., Gentlemen : We are very sorry to learn that you are creditors of the Norris and Jones Com- pany of this city. In reply to your request for advice as to which would be the better course for you to pursue, we feel that you will get more by allowing the firm to settle as best it can than by trying to force matters. The firm is an old one and has always been noted for its honesty. While the failure is a bad one vou 86 SPANISH may be sure that they will do all in their power to satisfy their creditors and, altho they promise a rather small amount, it would not be at all sur- prising if they should be able to settle in full after matters are a little more straightened out. In short, if we were among the number of cred- itors, we should be very reluctant to vote against a lenient policy even if we considered only our own interest. In the hope that such information as we have been able to furnish you will be of service, We remain, Yours very truly, YENNING AND Co. in Springfield, Mass., April 30, 1906. Gentlemen : We regret exceedingly to inform you that, after a careful examination of our as- sets and liabilities, we find that we shall be un- able after the end of next month to meet our debts. In such a situation we have thought it the wis- est plan to call a meeting of our creditors on the fifteenth of next month, at 3 o'clock in the after- noon, at the office of our lawyers, Messrs. Car- penter and Fairchild, 230 Williams Street. At this meeting we shall endeavor to lay clearly before our creditors the reasons for our present embarrassment. We shall petition them to allow us to continue business as at the present time, but at the same time to grant us certain terms of payment which we will lay before them. We shall show that the present difficulty is only temporary since our assets can be shown to far exceed our liabilities. At present, however, on account of the failure of G. K. and Co., we have been brought into this difficult position. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 87 Trusting that you will attend the meeting and do all in your power to aid us in the present crisis, we remain, Yours obediently, CHARLES BROWN AND COMPANY. 112 May 16, 1906. Dear Sirs: At a meeting of the creditors of Charles Brown and Company held at our office yesterday at three o'clock the financial condition of this firm was thoroly investigated. In explanation of their situation the members of the firm stated that they had suffered large losses through the failure of G. K. and Co. This they succeeded in proving satisfactorily to all the creditors present, but it was developed later thru questions that there had been considerable speculations on the part of the firm of an ex- tremely risky nature. Moreover, it was shown that Mr. Brown, the senior partner, is by no means a new hand in such affairs. In view of these developments it does not appear that the offer of full settlement if sufficient time is al- lowed is at all likely. The creditors decided, however, to take no definite steps at yesterday's meeting, more time being required for delibera- tion. The meeting was therefore adjourned un- til May 25th at 12 o'clock at the same place. Sincerely yours, CARPENTER AND FAIRCIIIUX H3 Tacoma, Wash., June 29, 1907. Dear Sir : In reply to your letter of the 25th inst. I am able to give you the following facts in regard to the annulment of the bankruptcy of Mr. J. S. of Seattle: SPANISH On June i, 1905, Mr. J. S. was adjudged a bankrupt. He was then in partnership with Mr. T. L. of the same town. In less than six days after the unfortunate affair Mr. J. S. raised sufficient funds to pay off the debt entirely. There were no other claims against him on record, al- tho there were several against his partner. As a result of this payment he had no difficulty what- ever in getting the decision of the court set aside. This entirely releases Mr. J. S. from all obligations and he can in no way be considered a bankrupt. I trust that this information will be all that you require on the subject. Respectfully yours, H. C. BOWEN. EXERCISES. 114 Ask a firm who are your creditors for six months extra time in which to meet their bills. State that you have had severe losses from the sinking of a ship on which there was very little insurance and from several bad bills. If they do not allow the delay you will be forced to make an assignment. Agree to pay 6% compound in- terest on the bills for the six months extra time. Call a meeting of the creditors of a firm whose business you may select yourself. State briefly the condition of the firm's affairs and request each creditor to be present. 116 Report the meeting of the creditors called to- gether in the preceding letter in a circular let- COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 89 ter that may be sent to such creditors as were not present. 117 Answer the inquiry of a firm in regard to a certain man. They know that at one time he was a bankrupt and wish to know whether the decision of the court has ever been annulled. Make your answer clear. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF XIV. CARTAS DE SEGUROS. 118 Baltimore, Md., May 2, 1906. Dear Sir: Enclosed please find money order for amount of premium of insurance on the cases shipped two months ago on board the vessel Mary Palmer, Capt. King. Please acknowledge receipt and inform me at the same time what premium you would require to insure twenty cases sent on the 2Qth of April by the same vessel from Havre, France, on its return to this port. The value of the cases is $1,600. The said vessel is at present at Southampton where she is delaying to complete her cargo, and should arrive at Baltimore the latter part of May. Awaiting your reply, Very truly yours, H. L. LONGWOOD. 119 New York, N. Y., July 6, 1906. Seymour and Company, Boston, Mass. Dear Sirs : We beg to insure on receipt of the present 300 sacks of corn amounting to $400, shipped from your town for us, on board the "General Grant/ 7 Capt. Merry, bound for Balti- more. You will charge us the amount of expenses. Trusting entirely to you for insuring on the best possible conditions and relying upon your punctuality in the execution of this order, we are, Yours obediently, WHITMAN AND Co. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 9 1 1 2O Boston, Mass., July 9, 1906. Messrs. Whitman and Co., Dear Sirs : We are in receipt of your esteem- ed favor of the 6th of July and have effected the insurance on your account on 300 sacks of corn, amounting to $400, shipped on board the "Gen- eral Grant/' Capt. Merry, bound for Baltimore. We have charged you $6.00, amount of in- surance, including cost of policy, commission, etc. We trust that you will be satisfied with the result obtained on this occasion, for the condition of the vessel is in no wise favorable. Begging that you will believe that it will al- ways be our endeavor to serve your interests, we remain, Your obedient servants, SEYMORE AND COMPANY. Per G. 121 Charleston, S. C., August 4, 1906. Barton and Greene, Portland, Maine. Gentlemen: I regret to inform you that the "Drake," Capt. Thurber, has just entered our port with her cargo entirely damaged. I have seen the captain who has given me a copy of the official report. It appears that while off the coast of Georgia the "Drake" encountered a fierce storm which nearly wrecked the vessel. Two of the sailors were washed overboard and a large hole was made in the hull which began to fill rapidly. Fortunately soon after this occurrence the storm abated and the crew were able to re- pair the damage sufficiently to get into this port. The cargo was of course entirely ruined. 92 SPANISH Please send me your instructions which will guide me in the report that I shall submit to the underwriters. Awaiting your prompt reply, Yours sincerely, C. D. JOHNSON. 122 New York, N. Y., September 30, 1906. Gentlemen : In reply to your letter asking us to effect insurance on your cargo of sugar to be shipped from Havana by vessel "Charlotte/' Capt. Nevers, on October sth for this port, al- low us to say that we can do as you desire only at a very high premium. Weather forecasts for the period that your vessel will be at sea show that there is considerable clanger from storms In the Southern Atlantic at that time. Under- writers are therefore unwilling to take ordinary risks. We find that we can insure for a premium of about 8%. This is, of course, a very high rate, but we think that it will be impossible to secure anything better. We are unwilling, how- ever, to complete the insurance without consult- ing you. Kindly inform us as soon as possible what you desire. Yours truly, BARNEY AND Co. EXERCISES. 123 Ask your agents to effect the insurance of a cargo of lumber that you are about to ship. Give the ports of shipping and of destination, the name of the vessel, captain, etc. Tell your agents to secure as reasonable insurance as possible and COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 93 charge them not to go beyond a certain limit without consulting you. 124 Give an account of a shipwreck on the rocks off the coast of Delaware. State all the circum- stances .you know about it and draw up your claims in a form suitable to be presented to the underwriters. 125 Write a letter of your own choosing on any phase of marine insurance. XV. AVISOS. 126 WANTED Girl for general housework ; three in family; good wages; no washing, no house-cleaning; references required. Call morn- ings, 23 Harris St. 127 A GOOD reliable engineer ; steady and sober ; with first-class papers and best of references, wishes position. Inquire 2 Norris St. 128 TO RENT: Newly furnished suite of five rooms ; electric light ; bath ; fine location ; private family; no children; reasonable. 129 WANTED : Position by window-trimmer and sign painter ; young, original, and up-to-date ; 4 years' experience as salesman in general store ; first-class references. 130 FOR SALE : Country home ; 9 rooms, fine well water, barn, hennery, ice house filled, ex- cellent view over lake from front. For particu- lars address H. G. Andrews, 23 King St., 2nd floor. AGENTS w r anted everywhere to sell our pop- ular policies covering all accidents, diseases and occupations; something entirely new and issued by this company only ; easily understood and easily sold ; costs but $6 per annum each, payable monthly if desired ; large commission paid im- mediately and exclusive territory allowed. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 95 132 GENTLEMAN and wife wish modern, steam- heated five or six-room appartments, with jani- tor ; good location near car line. Owners of badly kept appartments need not apply ; refer- ences required. 133 WANTED: Competent head clerk and cor- respondent in office of a harness factory ; must be well educated and a good penman, and thoro- ly familiar with the saddlery business ; state age, experience, and salary expected. 134 SHIPPING Clerk wanted for wholesale house ; must be quick, reliable, experienced and unmar- ried. References required. EXERCISES. J 35 Write -an advertisement for a correspondent in German and Spanish. State all the requirements that you demand. Advertise a house that is to rent. Describe the house very briefly but so as to make a good impression on one reading the notice. !37 Consider yourself out of employment and ad- vertise for a situation such as you are fitted to hold. 138 Advertise a grocery that is for sale. 139 Write any advertisement of your own choosing. Notes NOTES. thru in that capacity I am 32 years of age is obliged to retire on that account as soon as possible I have another situation under consideration por medio de. en este estado. tengo treinta y dos afios tiene que retirarse. por consiguiente. lo mas pronto posible. considero otra colocacion. now vacant contents noted give you a trial in the event of efficiency if possible at your earliest opportunity dcsocupada en este mo- mento. hemos notado su contenido. acordarle una prueba. en caso de eficiencia. si sea posible. tan pronto como pueda. I have just etc. have been employed I have no doubt about be- ing able say: Mr. King has just in- formed me. use present tense, no dudo que pueda. to hand I regret exceedingly add you to our force find the right man esta a mano. siento mucho. juntarle a nuestros em- pleados. hallar al viajante que con- forme. speaks allow me to say spare time use subjunctive, permita Ud. que le diga. tiempo desocupado. 100 SPANISH acted as correspondent. inform, appoint talk the matter over Mr. E give do in all respects in behalf of trabajado de corrcspondi- ente. use subjunctive, discutir el asunto. 10 11 soon to be put in the way of introductions would be greatly appreciated is to branch office as unknown a city comply with his request count upon I take pleasure in saying- has need in what high esteem we hold anything grant as much as possible furthering in our turn to be of use to you we have just opened main to know thoroly that it will be to your ad- vantage el Seiior E use subjunctive, use subjunctive. de todo modo. a favor de. que va a ponerse. presentandole. say : I would greatly appre- ciate. 12 ha de. sucursal. f. una ciudad tan desconocida. llenar su peticion. contar con. 13 me gusta mucho decir. use subjunctive, como estimamos. todo. 14 den. lo mas posible. adelantar. cuando toque a nosotros. servirles. 18 acabamos de abrir. principal, conocer a fondo. que Uds. ganaran. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 101 19 this has been done include for the shoe trade will meet with your proval will do its utmost ap- esto se ha hecho. comprendra. para el comercio de calzada. tendra su aprobacion. hara lo que pueda. 20 the latest and most im- proved machinery in the future on much shorter notice as manager at a much lower figure - will be sent on application 21 establish a firm for the transaction of bank- ing and exchange as regards long current rce take note of below maquinaria de la ultima perfeccion. por lo porvenir. en mas corto plazo. en cualidad de director, a un precio mucho mas barato. se envia a peticion. fundar una casa. para operaciones de banca y de cambio. en cuanto a. hace mucho tiempo. precio corriente. notar. aba jo. 22 cease present month many continue to take the liberty to on our part acabara. mes corriente. varies. use subjunctive. 27 tomar el privilegio de. por nuestra parte. 28 chief correspondent the reason for his leaving you primer correspondiente. el motive a causa del cual le dejo. SPANISH IO2 29 you are to publish yet six months ago kindly send above commissions as they appear the whole to be delivered in six weeks before binding myself by return mail van Uds. a publicar. ya. hace seis meses. tengan Uds. la bondad de enviar. encargos ya citados. al publicar. 30 31 This is the result of being a very honest man he possest considerable for- tune the cotton brokerage busi- ness the wool trade I do not plead his cause to be of advantage such a disappointment el todo de los cuales deben ser entregado. dentro de seis semanas. antes de obligarme. a vuelta de correo. aqui tiene Ud. el resultado. de ser muy honesto. era maestro de una fortuna considerable, el corretaje de algodones. el comercio de lanas. no aguyo en su favor, ayudar. tal chasco. 38 summer stock we have in stock summer trade a large line in summer dress goods is sure owing overstocked 100 bale lots on hand is about to to take advantage of provision para el verano. tenemos en almacen. comercio del verano. un gran surtido. de. tejidos para ropa de verano. no faltara. 39 por causa de estar atestado. por partijas de 100 balas. en almacen. 40 esta para, aprovecharse de. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 103 kindly let us know not later than a few days ago corks and cork-woods to grow fewer and if so I will see 41 tengan Uds. la bondad de avisarnos. antes de. pocos dias ha. corchos y alcornoques. disminuir. y con tal que sea. tendre . cuidado. 42 to handle draperies make an agreement doing business in the same articles as ourselves fall to our charge que comercie en nuestros lienzos. hacer~ contrato. comerciando en nuestro ramo. toquen a nosotros. 47 of again sending you by fast train 100 assorted watch chain -the wholesale price etc. neck chain set with I am entirely out get rid of make a good deal by slow freight - on a New York bank it approval by wire price on de volver a enviarles. por gran velocidad. un surtido de 100. cadena para reloj. el precio al por mayor de las cuales no debe exce- der 9 pesetas, cadena para cuello. engastados de. 48 ya se ha acabado mi pro- vision. 49 50 telegrafiarme. desembarazarme. ganar mucho. por pequena velocidad. a cargo de un banco de N. Y. les convendra. por telegrama. precio de. 104 SPANISH we customers it is taking very well 51 up to standard may have been due to, may have been caused by mistake in mixing orders is entirely unsuitable in exchange for say: several of our cus- tomers have asked for it. tiene buen exito. hasta el marco. puede deberse a. al confundir de ordenes. no conviene de ningun modo. en lugar de. 56 which will be shipped on arrival in return a discount concessions in order to be allowed say : which we will ship. al llegar. en cambio. un descuento de 2% mas de nuestros descuentos ordi- naries por un pagamento al contado. para recibirlo. 57 we are in receipt of the price the goods stand at fresh orders would become a purchaser a new supply seriously hemos recibido. el precio a que se cotizan las mercancias. nuevos pedidos. 58 to make some inquiries firms you gave as reference unless . we are perfectly willing to on credit comprana. otra provision, de veras. 59 pedir algunos informes. las casas a las cuales nos referio Ud. sino (with subjunctive), consentiremos en. al fiado. 60 to make any difference in are so little in accordance at once mudar. acuerdan tan poco. de seguida. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 105 65 instead the blue seller receiving clerk -honor the draft sewing silk al lugar de estos. el azul no se vende bien. 66 recibidor. pagare la letra. seda para coser. 67 more than three weeks ago rock salt ample start a tracer in search of the car it may do some good from this end hace mas de tres semanas. sal gema. bastante. poner en camino tin investi- gador que busqne el carro. puede ayudarnos. de esta. 68 order from with the exception of it 'will me. the front cover by mail bound in blue cloth with gilt top pedir a. a excepcion de. no me servira para nada. la cubierta de frente. por correo. encuadernado de tela azul, dorado. 69 carefully -will prove good sellers a dead stock for some time past, .to sell under market casii sales talk the matter over take the matter up exclusive right if these conditions etc. con cuidado. se vendran facilmente. un surtido inutil. 73 desde mucho tiempo. que venda. segun las condiciones en que se halle el mercado de etc. ventas al contado. descutir el asunto. darle buena acogida. 74 privilegio exclusive, invert the clause. SPANISH tin- ware first as a last resort put them up to auction if payment hojalateria. al principle, como ultimo recurso. pongalos en subasta. si Ud. puede pagar al con- tado 6 en 30 dias. 76 at so low a price we can see no reason to attach blame in charge is sold on a very small mar- gin a un precio tan bajo. no podemos ver motive, echar la culpa. como director. se vende a muy poca ganan- cia. 77 unfounded know off the cape it had not been noticed to get as much as he did sin fundamento. use future, sobre el cabo. no se percibio. cobrar tanto. 82 was postponed out of so on or about the 27th she will be a month behind- hand I am in no way to blame se diferia. de las. por eso. cerca del 27. se atrasara un mes. no tengo ninguna culpa. 83 owned by your firm went on the rocks off this port she is resting easily it is to be feared to pound to pieces struck safely let considerable water into the hold at my expense de su casa. escollo sobre este puerto. apoya tranquilmente. hay que temer. romperse en pedazos. escollo. sin lesion. 84 dejo entrar bastante agua en la bodega, a mi costa. COM MICRCIAI, CORRESPONDENCE 107 85 I have on hand to .ask you to act as agent if you cannot do any better I will go as high as I hardly need add sea-worthy sail tengo en almacen. pedirle que trabaje de mi agente. si Ud. no puede efectuarlo por menos. pagare hasta. acaso tengo que anadir. a proposito para navegar. darse a la vela. 86 will be just what you re- quire 1500 tons burden bound for to put in your freight this amounts to to take charge of certainly 91 in part payment of us it is already a month over- due run that you would like an ex- tension to feel rather uneasy a settlement, a payment le convendra a Ud. exacta- mente. de carga de 1500 toneladas. destinado a. anadir sti flete. esta sube a. dirigir. en todo caso. en pago de una parte. a nosotros. ya hace un mes desde el vencimiento. continuar. que querian que les demos prorroga. estar inquieto. use definite article. 92 I beg you to extend the time on my note entirely covered small in themselves to get on my feet again pido que Ud. me de pror- roga de mi pagare. indemnizadas. aunque scan pequenas. para volver a ponerme en pie. 93 to hold rigidly to we must on having them insistir en. tenemos que. say: that they should be (esten). io8 SPANISH by that ' time worthless stock a ese tiempo. mercaderias sin valor. 94 I must complain of the lit- tle care this is all the more to be regretted as far as the ribbon trade is concerned I can only are of no use to me elsewhere tengo que quejarme del poco esmero. lo siento tanto mas que. en lo concerniente al com- ercio de las cintas. no puedo mas que. me sirven de nada. en otra parte. 95 should be I take the trouble to what at sight all will be well in the event of in duplicate below sea. tomo la pena de. lo que. a la vista. todo andara bien. 100 en caso que tive). por duplicata. abajo. sub June- 101 some six months ago certain an open credit if you should see fit to take .the matter up $2500 of stock collateral security unos seis meses ha. considerable, un credito descubierto. si les parece a Uds. dar buena acogida al asunto. acciones al importe de $2500. garantia subsidiaria. 102 we have no hesitation in according to on receipt of the securities calculated semi-annually on this city payable elsewhere no tardamos a. conforme a. al recibo de la garantia. contado cada seis meses. en nuestra. qne vencen en otras partes. 103 - referring to referiendonos. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE log for bills de letras. therein mentioned notadas. accede to acceder en. 104 has been returned, etc. make the "Old State Bank" the subject. there has been a mistake hay un error. for its collection para cobrarlo. thru . por medio de. 109 have gotten in to difficulties se han enredado. 40 cents on the dollar 40 por ciento. each cada uno. if proceedings Court si no se instituyen contra ellos procesos en el tri- bunal de bancarrota. the bankruptcy suit el pleito de bancarrota. or would it be better 6 valdria mas. let matters take their course dejar que el asunto sea lo que sea. no as to which pursue tocante al mejor modo de obrar. force matters cobrarlo a la fuerza. satisfy their creditors para pagar a sus acreedores. in short en suma. we would be very Jreluc- votariamos de mala gana. tant to vote a lenient policy un curso clemente. Ill we regret exceedingly sentimos mucho assets and liabilities activo y pasivo. meet hacer frente a. we have thought plan lo hemos considerado mejor. _ call a meeting convocar un concurso. at this meeting en esta junta, we have been brought nos hemos hallado. attend this meeting asistiran Uds. a la junta. 112 meeting of the creditors concurso de acreedores held que sc verifico. I 10 SPANISH - was thoroly investigated it was developed a new hand to take no definite steps was adjourned in less than pay off in getting aside se examine) a fondo. se descubrio. nn novicio. que no tomarian accion di- cisiva. se separo. 113 dentro menos de. liquidar. para hacer anular la deci- sion del tribunal. 18 to acknowledge the receipt, on its return acusar del recibo. a su regreso. 119 for us you will charge us amount of insurance cost is in no wise favorable a nuestro cargo, pondran a nuestra cuenta. 120 el precio del seguro. los gastos. no es de las mas favorables. 121 official report off which nearly wrecked the vessel to wash overboard was made underwriters proceso verbal. sobre. que faltaba causar naufra- gio. echar a la mar. se abrio. los aseguradores de navios. 122 at sea to secure anything better en la mar. obtener mejor. 126 girl for general housework no washing criada de casa. no hay blanqueadura. 127 steady and sober newly furnished hombre serio. amuebladas de nuevo. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 128 1 1 1 window-trimmer np to date country home well water covering - payable monthly badly kept head clerk thoroly familiar with the saddlery business salary expected experienced adornista de escaparates. al dia. 130 casa de campo. agua de pozo. 131 132 indemnizando. se paga al mes. mal tenidas. 133 primer dependiente. conocer a fondo. el comercio de guarnicero. salario qtie se pide. 134 habil. Vocabulary VOCABULARY. a, an, un, una. abandon, abandonar, entregar. abate, rebajar, deducir, irse dis- minuyendo ; -ment, rebaja, f. ability, habilidad, f., taleiito, m. able (to be), poder. about, (approximately) cerca de; (of) de; (with regard to) respecto de ; to be to, estar para. above, adv. arriba ; prep, sobre. abroad, al extranjero. absence, ausencia, f. absent, ausente. absolute, absolute, a, complete, a ; -ly, absolutamente. abstract, (of account), estracto de cuenta. accede, acceder. accept, aceptar ; to a bill of exchange, una letra de cam- bio ; to for honor of the drawer, por honrar la firma ; -able, admisible; -ance, acep- tacion; non , falta de . accident, accidente, m. accommodation, conveiiio, m ; ajuste, m; bill, billette de deferencia. accompany, acompanar. accordance, to be in with, acordar con. according, ( to), segun, con- forme a. account, cuenta, f. ; current, corriente; for , por ; joint , ,a mitad ; to settle an , arreglar una ; statement of , alzada de ; on; of, a causa de ; on your , a cargo de Vd. accurate, acertado, a. acknowledge, admitir, recono- cer ; the receipt of, acusar el recibo de. acquainted, to be with, conocer. across, prep, a traves de. act, ejecer; as, trabajar de ; n. 'hecho, m. ; ion, accion, f. ; -ive, activo, a. adapt, adaptar ; -ability, adapta- bilidad, f. add, juntar, afiadir. addition, in , ademas ; al, adicional. address, dirigjr (se) ; n. senas, f. pi. adjourn, separarse. adjudge, adjudicar. adjust, ajustar, arreglar; -ment, ajuste, m. ; convenio, m. admit, admitir. adulteration, adulteracion, f., falsificacion, f. advance, adelantar ; n. aumento, m. ; s, adelantos, anticipios, m. ; s in blank, al descu- bierto ; s on warrants, sobre titulos ; in , anticipa- damente ; ment, promocion, advantage, ventaja, f. ; to take of, aprovecharse de ; ous- ly, veiitajosamente. advertise, avisar, noticiar, anun- ciar ; ment, anuncio, aviso, m. advice, aviso, consejo, m. , without , falta de ; with- out further , sin otro ; a^ per , segun . advise, aconsejar, notificar, in- formar. affair, asunto, negocio, m. affirmatively, afirmatiyamente. afford, tener los medios de. after (time) despues de ; (posi- tion), detras de ; conj. des- pues que ; -noon, tarde, f. ; -wards, despues. again, otra vez ; (with verb), volver a. against, contra. age, edad, f. ; to be 20 yrs. of , tener 20 afios. agency, agencia, comision, f. agent, ageiite, representante, comisionista, m. ago, a year , hace un aiio. n6 SPANISH agree, convenir, prometer ; -able, agradable, conveiiiente ; -merit, acuerdo, m. agriculture, agricultura, f. aid, ayudar ; n. ayttda, f. aim, objeto, m. alcohol, alcohol, m. alike, igual, adv. igualmeiite. all, todo, a ; not at , de nin- guii modo. allow, permitir, coiiceder ; -ance, galardoii, m. ; rebaja, f. alloy, mezcla, f. almond, almendra, f. almost, casi. aloes, acibar, m. alone, solo, a ; adv. solo. alpaca, alpaca, f. already, ya. also, tambien. altho, aunque. alum, alumbre, m. aluminum, aluminio, m. always, siempre. amends, indemnizacion, f. American, americano, a. amicable, amistoso, a. ammoniac, amoniaco, m. among, entre. amount, moiitar, subir ; n. im- porte, montante, m. ; canti- dad, f. ; full , total ; to the of, hasta concurrencia de. ample, bastante. analogous, analogo, a. anchor, ancla, f. and, y ; (e before i- and hi-). annexed, adjunto, a. announce, aiiunciar. annoying, incomodo, a. annual, anual. annuity, anualidad, f. annul, anular ; -ment, anulacion, f. annum, ano, m ; per , al or por . anonymous, aiioiiimo, a. another, otro, a. answer, responder, replicar ; n. respuesta, contestacion, f. anticipate, esperar, anticipar. any ( one), alguno, a; not any ( one), no ... ningu- no, a ; 110 ... alguiio, a ; (after noun) ; thing, algo, alguna cosa ; where, en al- guna parte. apparatus, aparato, m. apartment (s), habitacioii, f. appear, parecer. applicant, suplicaiite, m. application, aplicacion, de-.r.anda, f. ; on , a peticioii, f. apply (for), pedir, solicitar ; - at, dirigirse a. appoint, senalar. appraise, apreciar ; er, perito, m ; -er at auction, perito tasa- dpr; ing, relacioii de pe- rites. appreciate, apreciar, estimar. approach, acercarse ; the -ing month, el mes que viene. approval, aprobacion, f. approve of, aprobar. April, abril, m. Aragon, Aragon, m. arbiter, arbitro, m. arbitration, arbitraje, m. around, alrededor de ; here, por aqui. arrange, arreglar ; -ment, arreg- lo, m. arrears, atrasos, m. pi. arrival, llegada, f. arrive, llegar. art, arte, f. article, objeto, articulo, m. as, como ; as . . .as, tan . como ; soon , luego que, tan pronto como. ask, pedir, preguntar. assets, activo, m. assign, assignar ; -ee, siiidico de la quiebra ; -ment, quiebra cesion, f. ass : st,' ayudar, -ance, ayuda, f. assortment, surtido, m. assume, tomar. assurance, garaiitia, f. assure, asegurar. at, a, en ; last, al fin ; - once, al instante. attempt, y., tratar de. attend, asistir a. attention, cuidado, m. ; atencion, attorney, procurador, m. a.uction, subasta, f. ; -eer, subas- tador, m. August, agosto,, m. author, autor, m. automobile, automovil, m. autumn, otofio, m. avail, aprovechar ; it -s nothing, nada importa ; -able, disponi- ble. average, 11. mediana, f. ; adj. or- dinario, a, medio ; price, precio medio ; on an , por termino medio. avoid, evitar. COM M KRCI AT, CORRESPONDENCE: 1 1 7 await, csperar. belong, pertenecer. aware, (to be), saber. below, adv. abajo, prep, debajo away, (to be), estar auseiite. de ; par, a descuento. beside, al lado de ; -s, ademas. best, mejor. B better, mejor ; to be (worth more), valer mas. bad, malo, a. between, entre. bag, saco, m.; travelling , beyond, adv. mas alia, prep, mas maleta f a " a de. baggage ' bagaje m bicarbonate, bicarbonate, m. bail, garantia, fianza, f. bid, ofrecimiento, m ; -der, pos- balance, v., saldar ; n. balance, tor > "}. ; to the highest -der, saldo, m. ; to an account, . al me J r Y ultimo Poster. cerrar una cuenta ; against }> & rall de. or in favor, de entrar 6 de bill, letra, factura f. ; pagare, salida; to draw a , hacer un : > book, libro de venci- balance nueiito ; dishonored , m bale, bulto, m., bala, f. quebranto ; of exchange, ball (of string), ovillo, m. letra de cambio ; to order, banana, banana, f. - a la orden ; returned , bank, banco, m; clerk, mozo - devuelto ; to renew a , del ; to place in the , renovar un ; of lading, poner en el ; savings , wav ~ conocimiento de em- de ahorros; -er, banquero, m; barque pohza del cargo. ..-ing, comercio de la banca ; bind, obligar ; (books) eiicua- to do -ing business, hacer la ?E rn E'i ' mg ' , obligatory ; banca; note, billete (m.) (books) encuadernacion, f. ; de banco; -rupt, quebrado ; to -ery, taller (m.) de encuader- become a -rupt, hacer quie- . na cion. bra ; -ruptcy, bancarrota. black, negro, a. bargain, ajuste, trato, m. ; over " culpar ; 11. culpa, f. the , gaje de mercado. Monte, b usa, f. barley, cebada, f. ue ' azu j: . barn, graiiero, m. u lun ^ er ; d ^ satmo ' m ' barometer, barometro, m. board, bordo, m. ; on , a - barratry, barateria, f. P ut on "T J f -.- >^ P"fsto barrel, barril, m. a ~ 5 ~ of Trade Tribunal de basis, fuiidamento, m. Comercio ; of Directors, bay, bahia, f. la J unta directiva. be, ser, estar. boat, bote, buque, m. ; life , beach, 'playa,' f. bote salvavidas ; steam , bear, llevar ; in mind, tener vapor, m. ; -swain, coiitra- presente ; -er, portador, m. ; maestre, m. (stock term), bajista, m. body, cuerpo, m. > because, porque ; of, a causa bond, obligacion, f. ; (certifi- f l e . cate), bono, m. ; in , en become, hacerse ; due, caer, deposito. veneer. book, libro, m. ; cash , de before, (position), ante, delante caja ; check , talonario ; de; (time) antes de ; -hand, day , diario, m. ; keep- ames; conj., antes que. ing, teneduria de s; double beg, pedir; (wish), querer. entry keeping, teneduria begin, empezar ; to corres- de s en partida doble; pondence, entablar relaciones. keeper, tenedor de s ; behalf, in of, a favor de. seller, hbrero, m. behind, adv. atras ; prep, detras boot, bota, f. ; double-soled , de; to be hand, time, de dos suelas. atrasarse. boss, patron, amo, m. belief, creencia, f. both, ambos ;*... and, y . . . believe, creer. y. Il8 SPANISH bottle, botella, f. cerrar un ; to take care of bottom, fondo, m. one's , ctiidar sus s; to bottomry, gruesa, f. buy a , comprar un fondo boundary, limite, m. de comercio ; retire from bound for, destinado a. , retirarse de los s ; to box, caja, f . ; cash , -- de do with, tratar con ; adj. hierro ; office, oficina de comercial. locacion. busy (with), ocupado (en), bracelet, bracelete, m. but, pero, (after neg. clause), braid, franja, f. sino. branch, ramo, m. ; house, su- button, boton, m. ; hook, cor- cursal, f. chete de . brand, marca (f.)de (fabrica); buy, comprar; to in lump, cigars of the best , cigar- _ por j unto ; _ on credit, ros de la primera fabrica. a credito ; second-hand, - brandy, aguardiente, m. de Ocasi6n . _ up> acop iar ; BrSl/Kl^rTsil. ' er > comprador, rn. ; -ing, n. bread, pan, m. ; stuffs, cereal- compra, 1. es, m. pi. break, romper ; -age, rotura, f. ; p free of -age, franco de ro- ^ tura. breakfast, almorzar ; n. almuer- cabin, choza, t. zo, m. calculate, contar. brewery, cerveceria, f. calico, calico, m. ; printed , brick, ladrillo, m. indiana, f. bright, luciente; (coll.), ingen- call, llamar, visitar ; a meet- ioso, a. ing, convocar una junta ; brilliant, brilliante. upon for, pedir a. brimstone, azufre, m. cambric, batista, f. bring, llevar traer; to suit, camp hor, alcanfor, m. entablar pleito ; to to light, can> poder ; ( knO w how) saber. sacar a lUZ. Tanarla T?l Panarla &5r3*i~. a. SSft Jt?S. ; ** an- broad, ancho, a; brimmed, ulacion, L de ala ancha. candle, candela, bujia, i. ; wax broker, corredor (m.) de co- ~^e cera - mercio ; bill , corredor de cane, baston, m. cambio ; stock , agente de caoutchouc, goma elastica, f. cambio ; -age, corretaje, m. cap, gorra, f. bronze, b'ronce, m. capacity, capacidad, f. brooch, broche, m. ; alfiler de capable, capaz. pecho. cape, cabo, m. brother, hermaiio, ,m. ; in capital, capital, caudal, m ; law, cufiado, m. floating , fluctuaiite ; roll- brush, cepillo, m. j ng > circulaiite ; stock , buckle, hebilla, f. fondos ; to put a on inter- budget, presupuesto, m. . est co i ocar un __. build, construir; -mg, edificio, captain> C apitan, m. bun,' toro; (stock term), jg.- ^^^''^^T } dor a la alza. _ j , j d carro bu fon n> b a ,?r U a nC1 f' ^ card ' carta ' tar J eta ' f ' ' ~ b afd ' burden carea f carton, m. ; playing -s, nai- busines's, comercio, negocio, n, ; Pes, m, pi. ; baraja, f. ; pat- is very active, los s estan tern , mostruario, m. ; visit- muy activos; to delay a , ing , tarjeta, f. ; post , retrasar un ; to finish a , tarjeta postal. COM MERCIAN CORRESPONDENCE 119 care, cuidado, m. ; esmero, m. , -ful, cuidadoso, diligente ; to be , tener cuidado ; -less- ness, negligencia, f. cargo, carga, f. ; return , de vuelta. carpet, tapiz, m. ; (rug), alfom- bra, f. carriage, coche, m., carroza, f. ; (transportation), porte, m. carrier, carretero, m. carry, llevar, traer ; on cor- respondence, hacer la corres- pondencia ; amt. carried for- ward, el traslado. case, caja, bolsa, f. ; estuche, m. ; cigar , petaca, f. to pack in , encajenar ; in , en caso que. cash, dinero, m. ; dinero con- tante ; -ier, cajero, m. cask, barrica, f., barril, m. Castile, Castilla, f. ; New , la Neuva; Old , la Vieja. catalog, catalogo, m. Catalonia, Cataluna, f. catch, cojer. cattle, ganado, m. cause, causar, obligar (a) ; n. causa, f. ; motive, m. cease, acabar. cellar, sotano, m. ; wine , can- tina, f. cement (together), enlazar, n. cemento. cent, centavo, m. ; per , pot ciento ; the percentage, el tan- to por ciento. center, centre, punto, m. central, central. century, siglo, m. certain, cierto, particular ; -ly, en todo caso, por cierto. certificate, certificado, m. chain, cadena, f. Chamber of Commerce, L,a Jun- ta de Comercio. change, mudar ; (money), cam- biar ; n. mudanza, modifica- cioii, f. ; cambio, m. chapter, capitulo, m. character, character, m. ; genio, m. ; -istically, caracteristica- meiite. charcoal, carbon (m.) de lefia. charge, notar, llevar al debito, poner en cuenta, cargar ; n. cargo, m. ; acusacion, f. ; to have of, dirigir ; in of, encargado de ; s, gastos, m. pi. ; shipping s, gastos de puesta a bordo. charter, fletar ; n. contrata (f.) de fletamento ; party, carta partida. check, cheque, m. chemical, quimico, m. ; adj. qui- mico, a. chemist, quimico, m. chief, jefe, m. child, nino, a ; muchacho, a, m. and f. choose, elegir, escojer. cider, sidra, f. cigar, puro, m. ; -et, cigarillo, m. circuit, circuito, m. ; to make the of, circundar. circular, circular ; letter, car- ta . circulation, circulacion, f. circumference, circunferencia, f. circumstance, circunstancia, f. city, ciudad, f. ; government, ayuiitamiento, m. claim, reclamar ; n. pedido, m. ; reclamacion, f. ; -ant, el hab- iente derecho. clasp, broche, ^n. class, classify, clasificar; n. clase, f. ; -ic, clasico, a. clean, limpio, a. clear, claro, a ; -ly, claramente ; to from the custom house, desaduanar. clerk, dependiente, empleado, m. ; collecting , de co- branzas. climate, clima, m. close, cerrar. closing, cierre, m. cloth, pano, m. ; tela, f. ; tejido de algodon, de lana ; trade, paneria, f. ; table , manteles (m. pi.) de mesa; twilled , pano cruzado. clothes, traje, m. ; ropa, f . -, ready made , traje hecho. coal, carbon, m. coast, costa, f. ; -ing trade, ca- botaje, m. ; -wise, a lo largo de la costa. coffee, cafe, m. ; ground , en polvo. coin, moneda, r. cold, frio, a. collateral, subsidiario, a; se- curity, garantia . collect, cosrar ; -tion, cobran- za, f. college, colegio, m. color, color, m. ; dark ed, os euro, a ; this color comes off, este - - destine ; less, in- coloro, a. 120 SPANISH comb, peiiie, m ; large toothed consent, consentir ; n. acuerdo, , escarpidor, m. m. ; by mutual , de comun come, venir ; back, volver ; . in, eiitrar ; out, salir ; consequence, consecuertcia, f; up, subir. in , por resulta, (f). comfits, chochos, m. pi. consequently, por consiguiente, command, mandar ; n. mandaii- por lo tanto. iento, m. consider, considerar ; -able, bas- commence, empezar (a). tante ; -tion, consideracioii, f. commercial, comercial ; trav- consign, coiisignar ; -ee, consig- eller, agente viajero. iiatario, m. ; -er, consignador, commission, comision, f. ; encar- m. ; -ment, consignacion, f. go, corretaje, m; agency, consist, (of), consistir, (en). casa de comision ; agent, constitute, constituir. comisionista, m. consul, consul, m. common, comun. consult, coiisultar. company, compania, sociedad, consume, consumir. f. ; stock (limited), - en consumption, consume, m. comandita. contain, contener. compel, obligar. contented (with), contento, a, competent, competeiite. (de). competition, coiicurrencia, f. contents, contenido, m. competitor, competidor, m. continually, de continue, complain (of), quejarse (de). continuation, contiiiuacioii, f. complaint, queja, f. continue, continuar, seguir ; -d, complete, completar ; adj. com- continue, a. pleto, a. contract, conveiiio, contrato, m. ; comply with, llenar. adjudication, f. ; by , por compose, componer. adjudicacion ; by private , compositor, cajista, m. de buenas 4 buenas . to work CO - P ?m n e d rest? d fete C res n ^m eS ) t0 -. a '' by -, trabajar a destajo ; -or, compress, comprimir. adjudicatario, m. comprize, comprender. contrary, contrano, m. ; on the compromise, n. arreglo, conve- > al n i 0) m> contribute, contribuir. concern, n. casa, f. ; -ing, re- convenience, comodidad, f. specto de. convenient, (to be for), con- concession, coiicesion, f. ; cash venir a. , descuento, m. convince, conveiicer. conclude, concluir. co-partnership, sociedad.. f. conclusion, termino, m. copper, cobre, m. ; money, condition, condicion, f. ; in good moneda de ; ware, cal- or bad , bieii 6 mal aeon- dereria, f. dicioiiado. copy, copia, f. ; (of a publica- conduct, coiiducir; n. conducta, tion), ejemplar, m. f. cork, corcho, m. ; wood, al- confection, confeccion, f. cornoque, m. confide, coiifiar en ; to, en- corn, maiz, m. tregar a. corner (reentant angle), rmcon, confidence, confianza, f. m. ; (salient), esquina, f. confidently, confidencialmente. correct, corregir ; adj. correcto, confirm, confirmar. a ; exacto, a. conform, conformar ; -able, con- correspondence, correspondeiicia, forme. f- confront, tropezar con. correspondent, correspoiidiente, connections, relaciones, f. pi. ; correspoiisal, m. to form , procurarse . cost, costar ; n. precio, coste, conscientiously, escrupulosa- m. ; net , neto, price, mente. precio de coste. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 121 cotton, algodon, m. ; cloth, date, fechar ; n. fecha, f. ; un- pano de ; picked , - der of, en de ; up to , mondado ; quilting, pi- al dia, moderno, a. cado ; raw , bruto ; day, dia, m. ; of grace, de tissue, tejido de ; yarn, favor 6 respiro ; at 6 s sight, hilo de ; goods, cotonia, a 6 vista ; before yes- f. terday, anteayer ; after to- count, contar ; upon, con. morrow, pasado manana. counterfeit, falsificar ; n. falsifi- dead, mtierto, a. cacion, f. deal (in), comerciar en; with, countermand, contramandar. tratar con ; a preat , mu- counting house, mostrador, m. ; cho ; -er, vendedor ; -ing, co- onciiia, f. mercio, m. country, pais, m. ; campo, m. ; death, muerte, f. home, casa de campo. debit, debe, cargo, m. ; to place county, condado, m. , J the . of, llevar al de. ^r^^Sra^-el^^ * floating ^ flotage ; "to C Tu S e e ' ' f eT srtie^r 5 ' 01 ^ dtut^or^deTdorrT 1 - *" court Tribunal? "(royal), ?**> |ciemb m. corte, f.; bankruptcy , tri- Decide, d f dir - bunal de bancarrota decipher, descifrar cover (with), cubrir (de) ; decision, decision, f territory, atravesar ; dis- decline, perderse, detenorarse ; tance, recorrer ; to be covered (refuse) rehusar. by insurance, ser indemnizado decrease, desperdicio, m. por seguros ; n. cubierta, f. decree, decretar. cravat, corbata, f. deduct, sacar, dedttcir ; -ion, re- credit, acreditar ; n. credito, m. ; duccion, remesa, deduccioii, letter of , carta de ; f- ; all ions made, todas s blank , en bianco; on hechas. , a ; al fiado ; to place to deed, accion, f. the of, llevar a de ; -or, deep, profundo, a. acreedor, m. deficiency, deficit, deficit, m. crew, tripulacion, f. definite, exacto, decisivo, ter- crisis, crisis, f. minante ; news, noticias crop, cosecha, f. ciertas. cultivation, explotacion, f. defray, pagar. curator, curador, m. degree, grado, m. current, corriente. delay, pararse ; n. tardaiiza, pro- customer, cliente, parrdquiano, roga, espera, f. ; with the m. shortest , en la mas breve customs, aduana, f. ; house, . aduana, f. ; house officer, delegate, delegado, m. aduanero, m. deliberation, coiisulta, f. ; with cut, cortar ; glass, vidrio (m.) , con premeditacion. tallado. delight, deleitar ; to be ed, cuttlefish, jibia, f. se. deliver, entregar, expedir ; (of a letter) poner entre las D manos de ; -ery, libranza, eii- trega, f. daily, diariamente ; paper, demand, pedir, exigir ; n. de- diario, m. manda, suplica, f. ; pedido, m. damage, dafiar, deteriorar ; -ed, denounce, declarar, hacer uiia averiado ; -s, danos, m. pi. declaracioii. to pay -s, pagar danos y per- depart, partir ; -ure, partida, f. ; juicios. -ment, rayo, m. ; seccioii, f. danger, peligro, m. deposit, deposito, m. 122 SPANISH describe, describir. description, descripcion, f. desert, abandonar. deserve, merecer. desire, querer, desear; n. deseo, m. despatch, despachar, expedir ; n. expedicion, f. ; telegrama, m. destination, destine, m. detail, detalle, m. ; in , al me- nudo, con pormenores. detrimental, perjudicial. develop, descubrir (se) ; n. de- sarrollo, m. ; -ment, revelaci- 6n, f. ; desarrollo, m. devote, consagrar. die, morir. different, diferente, distinto, a. difficult, dificil; -ty, dificultad, f. ; to get into -ty, enredarse. diploma, diploma, m. direct, dirigir ; adj. directo, a ; -ly, directamente. dirty, sucio, a. disadvantage, desventaja, f. disappointment, chasco, m. disaster, siniesto, m. disbursement, desembolso, m. disclose, divulgar. discommode, incompdar. discontinue, discontinuar ; to . .business, liquidar. discount, descontar ; n. des- cuento, m. ; rate of , precio de . discover, descubrir. discretion, discrecion, f. disease, enfermedad, f. dishonor : a bill, rehusar de pa- gar. disinterested, imparcial. disposal, disposicion, f. dispose (of), desembarazarse de ; to be -ed to, ser inclinado a. disposition, indole, f. dissatisfy, desagradar. dissolution, disolucion, f. distinguish, distinguir. distribution, reparto, m. district, distrito, m. ditto, idem. dividend, dividend, m. division, particion, f. ; reparto, m. do, hacer ; without, pasarse sin. document, titulo, m. dollar, duro, peso, m. door, puerta, f. ; keeper, por- tero, m. double, doble. doubt, dudar ; n. duda, f. ; -less, sin duda. dozen, docena, f. ; by the , a la . down: ($50 ), $50 al contado. draft, pico, apunte, m. ; to bal- ance a , hacer el ; re- mittance in full of , remesa por apunte; by on, a cargo de. drapery, colgadura, f. draw, (a draft), girar; to in blank, a descubierto ; to up, redactar; -ee, tirade, m. ; -er, girador, m. dress, vestirse ; n. vestido, traje, m. ; maker, costurera, f. drought, sequia, f. druggist, droguero, m. dry, secar ; adj. seco, a. due, debido, a ; atribuido, a. duly, debidamente. duplicate, duplicata, f. ; done in , por duplicata. during, durante. dust, polvo, m. duty (moral), deber, m. ; (cus- toms), derecho, m. ; ad va- lorem , ad valorem; ex- port , los s de salida ; import , los s de entrada ; paid, pagado. dye, teiiir, n. tinte, m. each, cada ; one, uno, a ; other, el uno (al) otro % ear, oreja, f. ; (hearing), oido, m. ; ring, pendiente, m. early, temprano, a; earliest (first), proximo, a; at your convenience, tan pronto como pueda. earn, gaiiar. earnest money, prenda, f. earth, tierra, f. ; -en ware, va- jilla (f.) de barro. ease, facilidad, f. easily, facilmente. East, Oriente, m. : -ern, oriental, easy, facil. edition, edicion, f. numero, m. editor, redactor, m. educate, educar, instruir. effect, efectuar; n, efecto, m. egg, huevo, m. eight, ocho. eighteen, diez y ocho. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE eighty, ochenta. either, imp u otro ; conj., or, 6 ... 6 ; neg. ni ... ni. elect, elegir. electric, electrico, a. eleven, onze. else, something, otra cosa ; noth- ing , no ... otra cosa ; where, en otra parte. embargo, embargo, comiso, m. embark, embarcar. embarrass, embarazar ; -ment, embarazo, m. embezzle, hurtar; -ment, hurto, m. ; distraccion de fondos. embroider, bordar ; -y, borda- dura, f. emergency, fuerza (f.) mayor; in case of , en caso de . emperor, emperador, m. employ, emplear ; -er, patron, dueno, m. ; -ee, empleado, m. ; -ment, empleo, m. empty, vacio, a. enable, permitir. enamel, esmaltar ; n. esmalte, m. enclose, incluir, juntar ; -ed, in- cluso, a. encounter, encontrar. end, acabar ; n. fin, m. ; to that , con este objeto. endeavor, tratar (de), procurar. endorse, endosar ; -ment, endo- so, m. ; -er, dador, librador de vale. endow (with), dotar (de). engage in, ocuparse en; -ed, ocupado ; -ment, contrato, compromise, empefio, m. ; to honor one's , hacer honor a sus s ; written , por escrito ; to make an , hacer contrato. engine, maquina, f. ; steam , de vapor ; -eer, ingeniero, maquinista, m. ; -eering, inge. nieria, f. England, Inglaterra, f. English, ingles, a. enjoy, gozar de. enough, bastante. enter, entrar en; (in a book), llevar ; upon, emprender. enterprise, empresa, f. entertain, admitir, hospedar. entire, entero, a; -ly, entera- mente, por complete, envelope, sobre, m. equal, igualar (a) ; adj. igual. equip, equipar ; -ment, equipo, erase, borrar, tachar lo escrito. erection, ereccion, coiistruccion, f. cepted, salvo error, escape (from), escaparse, ' (de). especially, especialmente, sobre todo. essay, prueba, f. ; ensayo, m. essential, esencial. establish, establecer, fundar ; -ment, establecimiento, m. ; fundacion, creacion, f. ; ex- penses of , gastos de . estate, (property), bienes, m. pi. ; country , hacienda rus- tica, casa de campo. esteem, estimar. estimate, estimar, valuar, tasar ; n., cuenta detallada por me- nor ; calculo, m. Europe, Europa, f. ; European, europeo, a. .even, aun, hasta. event, evento, m. ; in the of, en caso de. ever, (always), siempre ; (in a question) jamas, alguna vez ; not , no ... nuiica ; (no), jamas. every, (one), todo, a; cada, uno, a) ; body, todo el mundo; time, cada vez. exact, exacto, a ; -ly, exacta- mente. examination, investigacion, f. ; examen, m. examine, verificar, examinar ; -er, verificador, comprobador, m. exceed, exceder, pasar (de). excellent, excelente. exception, excepcion, f. ; with. the of, a de; -al, ex- cepcional. excess, exceso, m. exchange, cambio, m. ; (stock ), bolsa, lonja, f. ; closing; of the , cierre de la ; at the rate of , al curso de la bolsa ; bill of , cam- bial, m. ; in for, en. lugar de. exclusive, exclusive, a. execute, ejecutar. execution, ejecucion, f. exhaust, gastar. exhibit, demostrar ; n. exhibi- cion, f. expect, esperar, contar con. 124 SPANISH expedient, oportuno, a ; expe- fall, caer ; due, veneer ; to diente. one's charge, tocar a. expenditure, gastos, costes, m. false, falso, a. pi. familiar (to be with), coiio-, -s, gastos, costes, m. cer a fondo. pi. ; small, incidental , gas- family, familia, f. tos imprevistos ; free of , fan, abanico, m. franco, a; all deducted, far, lejos ; as as, hasta ; how deducidos los - ; not in- , hasta donde. eluded, no comprendidos los farm, hacienda, f. ; -ing, agri- ; postage , de correo ; cultura, labranza, f. installation , - de instala- fashion, moda, f. ; latest , ulti- cion. ma . expensive, cosloso, a. fault, culpa, f. experience, experiencia, f. ; -ed, favor, favorecer ; 11. favor, m. ; habil. do a , hacer de ; -able, expert, perito, a. favorable ; -ably, favorable- expiration, vencimiento, m. meiite. explain, explicar. fear, temer ; n. temor, m. explanation, explicacion, f. feasible, practicable, export, exportar, expedir ; n. feather, pluma, f. ; ostrich , salida, exportacioii, f. ; -ation, de avestruz. exportacion, f. ; -er, exporta- February, febrero, m. dor, m. fee, fees, estipendo, salario, m. exposition, exposicion, f. feel, sentir, considerar. expose, exponer, descubrir. felt, fieltro, m. express, expresar ; n. expreso, few, pocos, as ; algunos, as ; m. unos, as. expropriation, expropriacion, f. ; fierce, feroz, violeiito, a. forced , forzosa. fifteen, quince, extension, extension, f. ; on fifty, cincuenta. a note, prorroga, f. figure, figuro, m ; (price), pre- -extensive, extensive, a. cio, m. extent, extension, f. ; to the file, lista, f. of, hasta la concurrencia fill, lleriar, ocupar ; with, de. llenar de. extra, extra, ademas, extraordi- financial, monitario, a. nario. final, final, decisive, a ; ultimo, extract, extrato, resumen, m. ; a ; -ly, al fin. of an account, alzado de find, hallar ; out, averiguar. una cuenta fine, 11. multa ; adj. fino, a ; extreme, extreme, a; -ly, ex- bueno, a; extra , extra ; tremamente super , superfino, a. ey rrrr- .i*t, vista, i. i**^.^^, ... fir, abeto, m. p fire, fuego, m. ; lumbre, f. ; to set to, incendiar. firm, casa, f. ; casa de comercio. fabric, tejido, m. first, primero, a; at , a prin- facilitate, facilitar. cipio ; class, de primera facilities, facilidades, f. pi. _ clase. fact, hecho, m. ; in , en efecto. fish, pez, m. ; (food), pezcado, factor, factor, m. m. factory, fabrica, manufacture, fit out, armar (un buque). f. five, cinco. fail, quebrar ; to, dejar de ; fix, fijar, decidir, senalar. -ure, quiebra, f. flag, bandera, f. fair. adj. justo, a ; -ly, bastante. flavor, sabor, m. faith, creeiicia, fe, f. ; to have flax, lino, m. : raw , bruto. in, fiar en ; -ful, fiel. fleet, escuadra, f. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 125 flock, (sheep), rebario, m. ; fulfil, ejecutar, cumplir. (birds), baiidada, f. full, lleno, a; cargado, a; -y, floor, suelo, m. completamente. flour, harina, f. fund, fondo, m. ; public s, foii- flower, flpr, f. dos publicos. fluid, fluido, m. fur, forro, m. pie! f. ; mer- follow, seguir ; -ing, siguieiite. chant, peletero, m. food, alimento, m. furnish, proporcionar, dar ; (a foot, pie, m. : to get on one's house) amueblar. feet, ponerse en pie. furniture, muebles, m. pi. for, prep., por, para; conj. pues, further, v .adelantar; adj. t puesto que. (other), otro, a; nuevo, a. force, forzar ; to be -ed to, tener future, future, m. ; in the , la necesidad de. por lo porvenir. forecast, pronosticacion, f. foreign, extranjero, a; goods, mercancias as ; -er, extran- Q jero, a. foreman contramaestre, m. gage, aforo, m. ; -er, aforador, forest, selva, f. ; (small ), bos- m . que, m. gain, gaiiancia, f. ; beneficio, m. forgery, falsmcacion, f. ; to com- gather, recoger. mit a , hacer una . gauze,' gasa, f. ' forget, olvidar. "gem, p i e dra (f.) preciosa. former, anterior, precedente, an- general, general m tiguo, a ; the . . the latter, gentleman, seiior, m. aquel . . . este ; -ly, antigua German, alemaii, ana. mente, en tiempos pasados. Germany, Alemania, f. forthwith, mmediatamente. get, obtener ; (go after) ir a fortnight, qumcena, f. ; in a , buscar. en quince dias. gilt 'gilded, dorado, fortunate, afortunado, a ; -ly, fe- gj n ginebra f fnrtJm^fArti f ginger, gengibre, jingibre, m. forwTd, v. rt despachar, enviar. >. muchach., f. ; servant -, f^Tl^a,.; -ation, fun- ^ ^r { - a patent, privile- dacion f S iar ; U P. abandonar; four, cuatro. in trust > en prenda. fourteen, catorce. glad, contento, a ; alegre ; be fragile, fragil, quebradizo, a. . ser fragrance, perfume, m. glass, vidrio, m ; vaso, m. ; bin- France, Francia, f. ocular , biiioculo, m. ; eye free, libre, franco, a. , leiite, m. ; opera , geme- freight, fletar ; 11. flete, m. ; los, m. pi. ; making, fab- yard, deposito de ; -ing, ricacioii de vidrio ; ware, rletamiento, m. articulos de vidrio. French, frances, a. glove, guante, m. ; thread 3, frequently, con frecuencia. _ s de hilo . Sllk _, ? _ s de fresh fresco, a ; nuevo, a; geda kid _ s de cabri . water, agua dulce. ' Friday, viernes, m. 1 1 f Wend ,amigo a ; -ly amigable ; | \ C ^' ; _ back , { , _ fringe, farfala, f. ; rapacejo, m. down ' ba J ar; ~ out ' sahr '' ~ from, de, desde. o vei > repasar ; up, subir ; front, delante; in of, delante ~ in en , trar (W'5 ~ sho P' de: (facing), enfrente de ; in PS, ir a las tiendas ; going f de f rente. and returning, (round trip), fruit! fruto. in. ida y vuelta. fuel, combustible, m. goatsUn, piel (f.) de cabra. 126 SPANISH gold, oro, m. ; in bar, en hand, mano, f. ; in , on , barra ; smith, platero, m. en poder, en deposito, en la good, bueno, a ; be for noth- caja ; second , de ocasion ; ing, no valer nada. to , come to , estar a goods, mercancias, mercaderias, mano (s), venir a mano; f. pi. ; generos, m. pi. ; fancy to be behind , atrasarse : , articulos de fantasia ; a new , novicio, m. ; waste , de desecho, re- writing, letra, f. mainder of , remnants, sal- handkerchief, panuelo, m. ; open- do de mercaderias ; house- work , calado. hold , muebles, m. pi. handle, comerciar en. government, gobierno, m. ; city handling, manejo, m. , ayuntamiento, m. happen, suceder, pasar. governor, gobernador, m. harbor, puerto, m. ; rada, f. grade, grado, m. . hard, duro, a ; times, malos graduate, graduado, m. tiempos. grant, dar, conceder, otorgar. hardly, apenas. grass, yerba, f. hard ware, quincalleria, f. gratitude, recpnocimiento, m. harness, atelaje, m. ; guarni- gratuity, gratificacion, f. ciones, f. pi. ; maker, gray, gris. guarnicionero, m. great, grande ; a great deal, hasten, apresurar (se). mucho, a ; -ly, mucho. hat, sombrero, m. ; broad brim- green, verde ; house, inver- med , de alas anchas ; nadero, m. narrow brimmed , - - de grind, triturar. alas estrechas ; felt , de grocer, especiero, m. ; -y, tien- fieltro ; straw , de paja. da (f.) de comestibles; aba- hatch, cuartel, m. ceria, f. have, (aux.), haber ; (possess), gross, n. gruesa, f. ; in the , teiier ; to, tener que, haber a destajo ; adj. bruto, a ; * de. weight, peso bruto. havoc, estrago, m. ground, suelo, m. ; to fall to hawker, buhonero, m. the , caer a tierra ; plan, hay, heno, m. ; loft, henil, m. cuadro, m. hazardous, arriesgado, a. grow, crecer ; fewer, dis- he, el, who, el que, quien. minuir. head, cabeza, f. ; clerk, pri- guarantee, garantir ; n. garaiitia, mer empleado. fianza, f. health, salud, f. ; -ful, saludable ; guest, huesped, m. -y, sano, a. guidance, gobierno, m. heap, amontonar ; 11. monton, guide, gobernar. m. guilty, culpable. hear, entender, oir ; from, gum, goma, f. tener noticias de. gun, fusil, m. heat > calentar ; by steam, - gutta-percha, guta pcrcha, f. h ^ V ^o\ ' " help, ayudar ; n. ayuda, f. ; I IT cannot doing it, no puedo menos de hacerlo. hem, repulgo, dobladillo, m. haberdasher mercero, m. ; -y, hemp> c namo , m . mercena, f. hence, de aqui ; por esto ; habit, costumbre, f. forth, en lo sucesivo. hail, granizo, m. hen, gallina, f. ; -nery, galli- hair, cabello, pelo, m. ; of nero, m. the head, cabellos, m. pi. ; her, la, le, ella, su, sus. horse , crin, m. here, aqui ; around , por ; half, mitad, f. ; adj. medio, a. ^ tofore, hasta , antes. ham, jamon, m. hesitate, tardar, vacilar. hammer, martillo, m. hide, n. piel, f. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE; 127 high, alto, a ; priced, a precio I elevado. him, el, le, lo. ice, hielo, m. ; house, neve- hire, alquilar. ria, f. his, su, sus; el (la, lo, las, los), if, si. suyo (a, o, as, os). ignorant, igiiorante ; to be hitherto, hasta ahora, hasta aqui. Of, ignorar. u..*i T ill. enfermo, a ; malo, a ; i* detener; edad> hoM, n. bodega, * ' " ifi " hole, hueco, m. immediate, inmediato, a; -ly. honest, lionesto, a; lioiirado, a; inmediatamente. -ty, honradez, f. immense, iiimenso, a; -ly, sobre honor, honor, m. ; hoiira, f. ; manera. the signature, hoiirar la impassable, iiitransitable. firma, hacer honra a la firma. impel, impulsar. hook, gancho, m. ; fish , an- impenetrable, inscrutable. zuelo, m. ; button , corche- imperfect, imperfecto, a. te de boton. import, importar ; importation, hope, esperar ; n. espera, esper- importacion f. ; -s, importa- inza f clones, f. pi. hoos luDulo m importance, importancia, f. feWUte, m . ^ponant, it is - that, .nporta =0, m m . ; on - back, {^^^1, a 5 hair, crin, m. improve, mejorar; -ment, me- hosiery, medias, f. pi. ; calceti- j ora> f . ca mbio, m. nes, m. pi. in, en; (within), dentro de ; hot, caliente; house, inver- (after a comparative), de ; nadero, m. ; to be (per- front, eiifrente (de) ; or- son), tener calor ; (thing), der to, para, a fin de. estar caliente ; it is , hace inability, incapacidad, f. ca l or incapable, incapaz. hour, hora, f. inch, pulgada, f. house, casa, f. ; business , - inclined (to), dispuesto (a). de comercio; cleaning, lim- include, comprender piadura de ; hold arti- income, renta, f. ; life , - cles, articulos de menaje. inc 7mmode, ' incomodar. house, v. almacenar. incompetency, incompetencia, f. how, como; (mterrog.), como-, inconvenience, inconveiiiencia, f. much, many, cuanto, a; increase, aumentar ; n. aumcnto, far, i hasta donde? ever, m sin embargo, como quiera que i ncr edible, increible. sea; ever much, por mas indeed, en efecto, de veras ; que (w. subj.) . ya 1 creo ! huckaback, tela (f.) labrada. indemnify, indemnizar, disinte- hull, casco, m. resar. hundred, cien (to). indemnity, indemnacion, f. hurricane, huracan, m. India rubber, goma elastica ; hurriedly, a toda prisa, de Indian, indio, a ; ink, tinta prisa ( . f<) de C ^ ma - hurry, apresu rarse ; n. prisa, f. ; %&*&**. m a de . individual, persona, f. ; indi- husband, marido, m. viduo, m. hydrofluoric, fluorhidrico. induce, inducir. 128 SPANISH industrious, diligente, laborioso, invite, convidar. a. invoice, facturar ; n. factura, f. inferior, inferior. involve, envolver. influence, influir ; n. influencia, iron, hierro, m. ; bar , en f- barra ; old , viejo ; sheet inform, avisar, tnformar ; -ation, , palastro, m. ; cast , informes, datos, m. pi. ; in- colado ; ware, articulos de formacioii, f. ; pig , - en ligotes ; ingenious, ingenuo, a. ore, ganga de ; monger, inhabitant, habitante, m. qumquiiiero, m. initial, letra inicial island, isla, f. injure, mjuriar. issue, publicar, poiier en circu- mk, tinta, f. lacion ; a draft, girar uii inlaid, (with), incrustado (de) ; libramiento work, embutido, m. u> 61 ^ e j lo Jo inquire, 1 p'eguntar, dirigirse, a. Italv ' Italia ' f ' ' Italian > italiano > inquiry, pregunta, investigacion, f. ; informes, m. pi. lvor y, marfil m. insist (on), insistir (en). insolvency, insolvencia, f. insolvent, iiisolvente. J instance: for , por ejemplo. instant, corrieiite ; the loth janitor, portero, m. inst., el diez del . January, enero. m. instead of, en lugar de, en vez Japan ware, articulos de laca. de. j e t f azabache, m. instruct, instruir, encargar ; -ion, jewel, alhaja, joya, f . ; box, instruccion, f. ; mando, m. cofrecito, m. ; joyero, m. ; -ry, insurance seguro, m. (usually j oy eria, plateria, f. Inceffi; ^comparTy, TcS Bobber, bolsista, n, dad de , policy, poliza J. om ' J unta ?- . de ; premium; premio Journey, viaje, m. de ;' life , de vida. judge, juez, m. ; -ment, discer- insure, asegurar. iiimieiito, m. intelligence, iiiteligencia, f. J ul y Jlio, m. intelligent, inteligente. June, junio, m. intend, tener intencioii de ; pen-. junior, mas joven. sar (w. infin.) jury, jurado, m. intention, intencioii, f. just, justo, a; adv. justamente, intercept, interceptar. exactamente ; to have , aca- interest, interesar ; 11. interes, bar de (w. infin.) redito, m. ; compound , - compuesto ; to give an in, interesar en ; take in, to- K mar parte en, interesarse en. interpreter, interprete, m. keg, cunete, m. intervention, intervencion, f. ; keep, guardar, conservar, reteii- by , por . er ; up, manteiier (se) ; intimate, adj. intimo, a. on, continuar. into, en. keel, quilla, f. introduce, presentar. kerosene, petroleo, m. intrust, encargar. key, Have, f. inventory, inventario, m. ; to Key West, Cayo Hueso. make an , liacer uii . kid, cabrito, m. ; (for gloves), investigate, investigar, exami- cabretilla, f. nar. kill, matar. investigation, investigacion, f. kilogram, kilogramo, m. investment, inversion, f. kilometer, kilometre, m. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE; 129 kind, n. clase, f. adj., bonda- least, meiios ; at , a lo me- doso, a ; favorable ; apreci- nos. able (carta) ; nothing of the leather, cuero, m. ; patent , , nada de la suerte ; be - charolado ; Russian , enough to, tener la bondad de Rusia ; binding, pasta, de ; -ness, bondad, f. f. ; dealer, pellejero, m. king, rey, m. ; -dom, reino, m. leave, dejar, quitar ; take of, kitchen, cocina, f. despedirse de. knife, cuchillo, m. left, izquierdo, a ; to the , knock, down (at auction), ad- a la . judicar. legalize, legalizar ; -ing, legala- knot, nudo, m. cioii, f. know, (be acquainted with), lend, prestar. conocer ; (be aware of, know length, largura, longitud, f. ; how, be able), saber; know in , de largo; -en, alargar. of, tener noticias de, estar lenient, clemente. mformado de. less, nienos ; none the , no knowledge, coiiocimiento, m. obstante. let, dejar; (rent), alquilar. letter, carta, f. ; prepaid , L franqueada ; of advice, - de aviso ; of exchange, let- label, rotulo, m. ; etiqueta, f. ra de cambio ; registered , labor, trabajar; n. trabajo, m. ; certificada ; of credit, labor, f.; saving, que de credito ; -s patent, pri- ahorra trabajo ; er, peon, m. vilegio de mvencion ; of lace, eiicaje, m. ; making, attorney, procuracioii, f. ; mi- pasamaneria, f. r P^. d .~ ~~ franqueada. lack, faltar ; n. falta, f. ; to be Abilities, pasivo m. _ ; np - fpltar liable, responsable. lade cargar libertv Kbertad, f . ; privilegio, lading, cargamiento, m. vu m * u-i i- A r lady, senora, f. > brarv ' bibliqteca, f. lake lago m license, licencia, f. ; permiso, m. lamb, cordero, m. lie mentir ; n. mentira, f. lamp, lampara, f. heutenant, teniente, m. land, tierra, f. ; -ing, descargo, !'? , a '. f< m.; v. desembarcar. hft levantar language, lengua, f. h * ht ' luz ' f ; > T" house ' faro ' large, grande ; -ly, largamente, P' ; v " alumbrnr; -en, re- principalmente. .. lampaguear last durar lighter, (naut.), lanchon, m. last', adj. 'ultimo, a ; at , al lik ^ b f| mejante ' igual ; ' lv ' P ro ' fin; night, anoche ; Hk ; t ( . h invers}on year, el ano pasado. of sub f ect) . late, tarde. limitf limite> m> latter, este, a, os, as. line, Hnea, f. ; of business, law, ley, f. ; suit, pleito, ramo de negocias ; of m. ; -yer, abogado, m. goods, surtido, m. ; with, lay, poner ; before, mostrar. v . forrar de. lead, conducir, inducir, (a). linen, tela, ropa blanca, cre- lead, plomo, m. ; white , al- tona, f. ; damask , tela ad- bayalde, m. amascada ; drapery, lien- league, legua, f. zo, m. leak, coladura, f. ; free from linseed, liiiaza, f. , franco de averia. liquid, licmido, m. learn, aprender (a). liquidation, liquidacion, lease, arrendar ; n. arriendo, liquidator, liquidador, m. m. ; to cancel the , anular, liquidate, liquidar. rescindir el . liquorice, regaliz, oruzuz, m. f. 130 SPANISH list, lista, f. ; price , de malign, difamar. precios. malt, malta, f. listen, escuchar. man, hombre, m. ; business , litigation, litigio, pleito, m. de negocios. little, poco, a; (small), peque- manage, administrar : -ment, ad- n 0? a ; by , poco a poco ; ministracion, f. ; -r, adminis- adv. poco. trader, regente, m. ; -ing live, vivir. clerk, primer empleado. iver, higado, m. manifest, maiiifestar. oad, cargar ; n. carga, f. manner, manera, f. ; modo, m. oan, emprestito, m. ; to raise manufacture, fabricar ; n. fabri- a , tomar dinero a pres- ca, manufacture, f. ; manu- tado. factory, fabrica, f. obby, zaguan, m. manuscript, manuscrito, m. ocal, local. many, muchos, as ; varies, as. ocate, colocar (se). map, mapa, m. ocation, colocacion, f. ; (place), marble, marmol, m. localidad, f. March, marzo, m. locket, guardapelo, m. margin, margen, m. ; on small logwood, campeche, m. , con poca ganancia. London, Londres, in. mark, senalar, marcar ; n. sello, long, largo, a ; a time, m. ; trade , de fabrica. mucho tiempo ; as as, market, mercado, m. ; full , mientras, mientras que ; no abundante. -er, ya no . . marry, casar, casarse con. look, mirar ; for, btiscar ; match, fosforo, m. ahead, prever ; up, over, matter, proposicion, f. ; -s, cos- examinar; like, parecer. a s, asuntos. lose, perder. matting, esterado, m. loss, perdida. f. ; at a , con maturity, (notes, etc.), venci- ; to guarantee from , miento, m. garantizar de una . May, mayo, m. lot, parte, partija, f. ; m -s, en mayor, alcalde, m. lotes, por partijas. mean, querer decir ; this -s, es low, bajo, a; priced, barato, decir; -ing, significacion, f. a. means, medios, m. pi. ; by no lower, v. bajar. . . f de ningun modo. luggage, bagaje, m. meantime, while, entre tanto. lumber, madera, f . ; maderaje, measure, medir ; n. medida, f. m. ; business, comercio de mea t, carne f maderias; merchant, veil- medium> medio> m . thru the dedor de . o f por . de lump, masa, f, : junto m. ; by mee ^ ont conformar a, the por junto, m the , igualar . Cassem ble) reunirse a debt, hacer frente a una deuda ; -ing, junta, f. ; -ing **r of creditors, coiicurso de ^* acreedores. . . melt, fundir. machine, maquma, f. ; sewing member m i em bro, m. ; of , de coser; -ery, maqui- a fin ^ asociado ; m . naria, f. memorandum, memoria, nota, madam, senora, f. factura, f. magnet, iman m. mention, mencionar, notar. maiirr/reo "n" ' by return -, merchandise, mercaderias, f pi. a vuelta de merchant, mercante, mercader, main, adj. principal. m; retail , por menc majority, rnayoria, f. wholesale por mayor, make, hacer; money, ganai ship, buque mercante. (cliiiero). merino, merino, m. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE I3 1 merit, merecer. must, tener que, haber de ; Messrs, senores. (moral obligation), deber. meter, metro, m. my, mi, mis; mio (a, os, as). Mexico, Mejico, m. ; Mexican, mejicano, a. middle, mitad, f. ; centre, m. N midst, medio, m. ; in the of, en de. nail, clavo, m. mild, suave, bueno, a. name, designar ; n. iiombre, m. ; mile, milla, f. (surname), apellido, m. ; my mill, molino, m. is, me llamo ; -ly, a saber, mind, . entendiniieiito, m. ; to narrow, estrecho, a. bear in , tener presente. naturally, iiaturalmente. mine, n. mina, f. ; -r, minero, nature, naturaleza, f. ; genero, m. m. ; clase, f. minute, minuto, m. near, cerca de, junto a. misplace, poner fuera de su lu- nearly, casi. gar. necessary, necesario, a ; precise, miss, echar de menos. a '> be ser ser menes- mistake, n. falta, f. ; error, m. ; ten in writing, de escritura. neck, cuello, m. mistress, ama. duena, f. necktie, corbata , f. misunderstanding, e,gano, er- need, n^esitar^hacer faltajw. ro , m. idad, f. ; menester, m. ; in case of _, en caso necesario; -ful, mixture, mezcla, f. necesario; do the -ful, cuidar mode, medio, m. ; moda. f. e j moderate, moderado, a ; nee dle, aguja, f. ; embroidery , priced, modico, a. __ de bordar ; knitting , - modern, moderno, a. de h acer media; sewing , modification, modincacion, f. de CO ser. molasses, melaza, f. negatively, negativamente. Monday, hmes, m. negligence, neglect, negligencia, money, dinero, m. ; ready , f - al contado; changer, neighbor, vecino, a; -hood, ve- cambista, m. ; agent, ban- cindad, f. ; in the -hood of, quero, m. ; lender, provee- cerca de.. dor de fondos; order, li- neither, ni'; nor, ni ... iii. branza contra correos ; even nep hew, sobrino, m. , cuenta redonda. nct net a ci a . _ weight) monopoly, monopoho, m. neto _ proce eds, pro- month, mes, m. ; -ly, mensual. ducto neto> more^ mas; over, ademas. never, nunca, jamas; theless, morning, manana, f. ; in the , sin embargo. --; to-morrow , - new> nueyo> a; (other)> otro? a . mortgage, hipoteca f. ; -e, hipo- ^SSS& ?' " "Sf&* ? ;r - ::r;sr'A,i.,. - mount montar month, el, mes que viene ; - move, mover. to, junto a. much, mucho, a. niece > sobrma f. mule, miila, f. night, noche, f. ; last , anoche ; muslin, muselina, f. .at , de , por la . mutton, carnero, m. nine, nueve. mutual, comun, mutuo, a; by nineteen, diez y nueve. consent, de comun. acuer- ninety, noventa. do. no, no. 1 32 SPANISH no, no one, none, iiiiigim (o), of, do; (w. pensar), en; (w. a; nobody, nadie ; nowhere, verb of separation), a. en niiiguna parte. off, 10% for cash, descuento nonassessable, sin amillarara- de 10% por pagp al contado. mieiito. offer, ofrecer, ofrir, proponer ; none the less, 110 obstante. n. oferta, f. nonpayment, falta de pago. office, despacho, m. ; oficina, f. ; nonsense, toiiteria, f. post , posta, f. ; correo, m. nor, ni ; tampoco. official, oficial ; report, pro- North, norte, m. ; America, ceso verbal, m. la America del ; Ameri- often, muchas veces, a menu- can, norte americano. do. not, no ; ... either, ni ... oil, aceite, m. ; cod liver , tampoco; at all, de iiingun de higado de bacalao, (m.) ; modo. castor , de riiiciiio ; olive note, iiotar ; down, registrar ; , de olivas ; broker, take s, apuntar ; 11. nota, corredor para los aceites ; factura, memoria, f. ; billete, cloth, tela de hule. m. ; of hand, a la or- ointment, ungueiito, m. den ; promisory , pagare, m. old, viejo, a ; antiguo, a. noted, afamado, a. olive, oliva, f. ; (fruit), aceituna, nothing, nada ; else, 110 . . . f. ; oil, aceite de olivas. otra cosa. on, en, sobre, encima de ; notice, notar, observar ; 11. aviso, time, a tiempo. m. ; noticia, f. ; on short , once, una vez ; at , en segui- en corto plazo. da. notify, notificar. one, uii, una. notwithstanding, 110 obstante, only, solamente. sin embargo. onyx, onice, m. novelty, novedad, f. open, abrir ; an account, November, noviembre, m. abrir (establecer) una cuenta ; now, ahora, ya, actualmente, en - : work, a calado. este momento ; and then, opening, (com.), venta, salida de vez en cuando. de geiieros, f. number, iiumerar, marcar ; n. opera glass, anteojo (m.) de mimero, m. teatro. numerous, iiumeroso, a. operate, operar. operation, operacion, f. opinion, opinion, f. O opportunity, ocasion, f. opposite, contrario, a ; in the oak, roble, m. direction, en dereccion oakum, estopa, f. opuesta ; (prep.), enf rente de. oats, avena, f. optician, optico, m. object, objeto, m. or, 6, u (before o- or ho-), objection, objecion, f. orange, naranja, f. obligation obligacion, f. orchard, huerta, f. oblige, obhgar. order, pedir, encargar, hacer obtain, obtener. provision de ; n. pedido, eii- occasion ocasion, f. ; on this ^ rgQ orden> m . cancel an occupation, ^cupacion, f. -' ^ ular un ~' P st office SST ESSS; ,ence, ,e, ^ -^ ^^, deiite, suceso, m. P or orden ^ P 01 ', c " &nt A a de ; ocean, oceano, m. m to, para, a fin de ; o'clock, (expressed by a -f fern. book, libro de eiicomienda. def. art. + numeral) ; at six ordinarily, ordmariamente. , a las seis. ordinary, ordinario, a. October, octubre, m. ore, inina, f. ; mineral, m. odor, olor, m. ; -less, inodoro. Orient, Oriente, m. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE; 133 origin, origin, f. ; certificate ofpamphlet, folleto, m. ; libro en , certificado de ; without rustica. distinction of , de cualqui- pane of glass, cristal, m. era ; -inal original. panic, panico, m. ornament, guariiicion, f. ; -s, paper, papel, m. ; blotting , adornos, m. pi. secante ; stamped , ostrich, avestruz, m. ; feath- sellado ; sand , de Hja; er, pluma ae . news , periodico, m. other, another, otro, a ; (the par, par, f. ; the exchange is at rest), (lo) demas ; on the , el cambio esta a la ; side, al otro lado ; wise, above , sobre la ; under de otra manera. below, bajo la . ought, deber. parasol, parasol, m. our. nuestro, a. parcel, paquete, m. out, fuera ; ( side), afuera ; part, parte, partida, f. ; on our go , salir ; and , hecho , por nuestra parte. y derecho ; to be of, aca- participation, participacion, f. barse (w. change of subject) ; particular, n. detalle, m. ; adj. bid, pujar; come, sa- particular. lida, f. ; exito, resultado, m. ; partner, socio, asociado, m. ; door, fuera de casa ; -er, silent , proveedor de fon- exterior ; lay, gasto, m. ; , dos . _ s hip, compariia, socie- line, n. perfil, m. ; port, ^ad, asociacion, f. ; active and puerto lejos ; side, n. ex- silent -ship, sociedad en com- terior, m. ; standing, en andita ; deed of -ship, acto de suspension. sociedad. over, sobre, encima de ; ss p asar ; n . permiso, m. ; there, por alia; to be , book, libro de banco. pasar; charge, subir el pas sive, pasivo, a. precio; charge, ( laden), pasture, pastar. sobrecargar ; coat, sobre- J, atcntt patente, f. ; right, de- todo abrigo, m ; flow, n. * recho de _. to give a , crecida, f. ; plus, stock, dar una __. _ office> oficina demasia, f. ; stock, v ates- de pr ivilegios ; -ee, privile- tar, embarazar ; weight, de- giado, m. ; -ed, privilegiado, masia, f. a owe, deber; owing to the fact pattern> mu estra, f. ; card, that, por causa de. v mostruario, m. own, poseer; adj. propio, a; pagar ; in cash, al -er, proprietario, due no, po- contado ; attention, pres- seedor, m. tar atencion, (a), out, ox, buey, m. desembolsar ; -able, pagadero, oyster, ostra, f. a ; bill -able in March, letra que vence en marzo ; -ment, pago, m. ; to suspend -ment, P suspender pago ; take up -ment, renovar pago ; after pack, encajonar, empaquetar ; -ment, contra reembolso ; part -age, paquete, bulto, fardo, -ment, pago de uiia parte. m. ; -er, embalador, m. ; -ing, pear, pera, f. embalaje, enfardo, m. pearl, perla, f. pact, pacto, conveiiio, m. peasant, paisano, a ; lugareno, a. page, pagina, f. peculiar, particular, pain, doler ; n. dolor, m. ; to pedlar, buhoiiero, m. take -s, afanarse en, empe- pen, pluma, f. ; holder, por- iiarse en. taplumas, m. paint, pintar ; n. pintura, f ; -s, pencil, lapiz, m. color, m. penman, caligrafo, m. pair, par, m. pension, retirada, f. palm, palmera, f. people, gente, personas, f. 134 SPANISH pepper, pimienta, f. per, por ; as , conforme a, encuanto a. perceive, percibir. percentage, por ciento ; corre- taje, m. perfect, perfecto, a ; -ly, per- fectamente, cabalmente. perhaps, puede ser, quizas, por- ventura. period, periodo, m. perishable, perecedero, a. permission, permiso, m. permit, permitir ; n. permiso, m. persistency, tenacidad, f. person, persona, f. ; -al, perso- nal ; -ally, persoiialmente. pertain, pertenecer. petition, suplicar ; n. peticion, petroleum, petroleo, m. pharmacy, farmacia, f. ; (store), botica, f. photograph, fotografia, f. ; take a , sacar una . physician, medico, m. physics, fisica, f. piece, pieza, f. ; pedazo, m. ; of cloth, - de pano ; break or pound to -s, romper en pedazos. pigment, color, m. pile, apilar. pine, pino, m. pipe, pipa, f. pitch, n. brea, f. place, poiier ; 11. plaza, f. ; sitio, lugar, m. ; (situation), colo- cacion, f. ; in of, en vez de, en lugar de. plainly, francamente. plaintiff, demandante, m. plan, plan, metodo, projecto, m. plant, planta, f. plaster, yeso, m. ; paris, - mate. plate glass, vidrio celindrado, m. plausible, plausible, plead, arguir. please, gustar, agradar, delei- tar, dar gusto ; (be kind enough to), hagame Vd. el favor de, teiiga Vd. la bon- clad de. pleasure, gusto, deleite, m. ; take in, alegrarse de. plight, condicion, f. pocket, bolsillo, m. point, puiito, m. (matter), asun- to, m. * poisonous, venenoso, a. police, policia, f. policy, curso, m. ; (insurance), poliza de seguros. politics, politica, f. poor, pobre. popular, popular. port, puerto, m. portion, parte, porcion, f. Porto Rico, Puerto Rico, m. position, posicion, situacioii, f. ; (employment), colocacion, f. ; to be in a to, poder. possess, poseer. possible, posible. post, posta, f. ; correo, m. ; man, cartero, m. ; office, oficina de ; free, franco de ; -age, stamp, sello, (S. A., estampilla, f. ) ; -age, gas- tos 6 porte de correo ; of- fice order, libranza contra cor- reos ; by next , a vuelta de correo ; -e restant, posta re- stante. post (position), puesto, m. postpone, diferir. potato, patata, f. pottery, loza, vajilla, f. pound, libra, f. pour, echar. poverty, pobreza, f. powder, polvo, m. ; gun , pol- vora, f. power, poder, m. ; of attor- ney, procuracion, f. ; -ful, po- deroso, a ; -less, imponente. practical, efectivo, a ; -ally, pra- ticamente. practice, pratica, f. praise, alabar ; n. alabanza, f. precaution, precaucion, f. precede, preceder. prefer, preferir ; -able, preferi- ble ; -ence, preferencia, f. prejudice, perjucio, detrimento, agrayio, dafio, m. preliminary, preliminar. premium, premio, m. preparation, preparative, m. prepare, preparar. prepay, franquear ; -ment, fran- queo, m. present, presentar. present, adj. presente, actual, corriente. press, urgir ; n. prensa, f. pretext, pretexto, m. prevail, predomiiiar, persuadir. prevent, evitar, impedir. previous, previo, a ; anterior ; -ly, anteriormente. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 135 price, precio, premio, in. ; cur- purchase, comprar ; in a rent , el corriente ; at lump, a bulto, por jun- the quoted , al de plaza ; to ; on credit, a credito ; at any , a todo ; cost , n. compra, f. ; -er, comprador, de coste ; average , m. medio ; buying , de com- pure, puro, a. pra; closing , ultimo . purport, sentido, m. principal, principal, m. purpose: for the of, para, print, imprimir ; n. impresioii, pursue, perseguir, adoptar. f. ; -er, prensista, imprensor, purveyor, proveedor, m. m. ; -ing, impresion, f. put, poiier, cellar ; out, (fire private, particular. or light), apagar ; up to probable, probable. auction, poner en subasta ; probably, probablemente. into, arribar en, meter en ; probity, probidad, f. off, aplazar ; up with, proceed, proceder, proseguir ; aguantar. -ing (legal), proceso, m. ; -s, putty, masilla, f. producto, valor, m. ; net -s, valor, producto neto, liquido, m. , Q process, procedimiento, m. procure, procurar. qualification, calificacioii, f. produce, producir ; n. producto, quality, calidad, f. m. quantity, cantidad, f. profession, profesion, f. quarantine, cuarantena, f. profit, ganancia, f. ; beneficio, quarter, cuarto ; -s, vecindad, m. ; gross , por junto. f. ; -ly, cada tres meses. profit by, beneficiar de. question, pregunta, cuestion, f. ; progress, progreso, m. -able, sospechoso, a. promise, prometer ; n. promesa, quick, pronto, rapido, a ; dili- f. gente ; -ly, rapidamente. promote, promover, establecer. quiet, sileiicioso, a. promptly, prontamente, al mo- quinine, quinina, f. mento, de pronto. quite, bastaiite, eiiterameiite. proper, propio, a ; -ly, debida- quotation, cotizacion, cuota, f. ; mente. precio, m. property, bienes, m. pi. ; pro- quote, cotizar. piedad, f. proposal, proposicioii, f. proportion, proporcioii, f. ; in R to, prorata. proposition, proposito, m. rabbit, conejo, m. ; skin, piel prosecute, persequir un pleito. Hover; n. lluvia, f . ; prosperous, prospero, a. bow, arco iris, m. protect, guardar. raise, alzar, levantar ; (money), protest, protesta, f. ; charges, recoger. gastos de . range (of prices), movimiento, protract, enternizarse. (pi.) de los precios. prove, probar. rapid, rapido ; -ity, rapidez, f. ; provided that, con tal de que. _i y> rapidamente. provision, provision, f. ; depo- rare, raro, a ; -ly, raras veces. sito, m. ; -s, (eatables), comes- rash, temerario, a. tibles, m. pi. ; dealer, mer- rate> precio, m. ; tasa, f. ; at the cader de comestibles. of, a razon de, al precio prudent, prudente. de ; at any , en todo caso. public, publico, a. rather, uii poco, algo, bastaiite ; publish, publican than, que, mas que, mas punctuality, punctualidad, f. bieii . . . que, antes que. 136 SPANISH raw, cruclo, a ; silk, seda reestablishment, rehabilitacion, cruda. f. reach, llegar a. refer, referir, dirigirse. read, leer ; -er, lector, m. ; -ing, references, informes, indicios, lectura, f. m. pi.; refeiencias, f. pi. readily, prontamente. refinery, fabrica de refmacion, ready, preparado, a; listo, a; (f. ) made, hecho, a. reflect, reflexionar. real, verdadero ; -ly, efectiva- refund, reembolsar. mente. refusal, denegacion, f. ; rehuso, realization, realizacion, f. rechazo, m. realize, realizar, apreciar. refuse, rehuzar ; to accept, realm, imperio, m. - la aceptacion, f. ream, resma (f.) (de papel). regain, volver a ganar. reason, razon, f. ; causa, f. ; mo- regard; in to, en cuanto a; tivo, m. ; -able, razoiiable ; tocante a. (cheap), barato, a. register, registrar; -ing, regis- rebate, rebaja, f. ;" descuento, m. tro, m. recall, revocar, hacer volver ; regret, sentir. quitar el empleo de. regular, ordinario, a ; -ity, reg- receipt, recibo, m. ; cedula, f. ; tilaridad, f. acknowledge a , acusar re- regulations, regulacion, f. ; reg- cibo ; on of, al recibo de. la, f. receive, recibir, cobrar ; to reimburse, reembolsar ; -ment, goods, recoger la libraiiza ; reembolso, m. your letter -ed, su carta ha reject, rechazar. llegado a nuestro poder. relative, relative, a ; pertinente. receiving clerk, recibidor, m. release, eximir. recent, reciente ; in years, en reliable, confiable, habil, seguro, los ultimos afios ; -ly, reciente- a. mente; (-ly + p. part.) re- reluctance, repugnancia, f. ; cien ... (p. part.) ; poco an- with , de mala gana. tes. reluctant, repugnante. reception, recepcion, f. rely (upon), coiifiar en, contar recipe, receta, f. con. reciprocal, reciproco, a; mutuo, remain, quedar ; the -s, los res- a. tos. recognize, reconocer. remainder, restante, resto, m. ; recommend, recomeiidar ; alcance, m. ; lo demas. (praise), eiicomendar. remark, n. observacion, f. ; recommendation, recomeiidacion, -able, notable. f. remember, acordarse de, recor- reconctruct, reorganizar. dar. record, n. registro, m. ; on , remiss, negligente. registrado, a. remit, remesar ; n. remesa, f. : recourse, recurso, m. ; to have entrega, f. against, haber sobre. removal, traslado, rcmovimiento, recover, recojer ; -able recuper- m . able, resarcible. remove, alejar. rectification, enmendacioii, f. renew (a bill), renovar tin efec- rectify, rectificar. to. red, eiicariiado, a; rojo, a. rent, alqtiilar ; 11. alqtiiler, m. redeem, rescatar, reembolsar ; renunciation, renuncia, cesion, f. an annuity, ridimir tina renta. repairs, repairing, reparacion, f. redemption, retire, m. ; of repay, reembolsar. title deeds, de titulos. reply, coiitestar ; n. respuesta, redraft, recambio, m. contestacion, f. reduce, reduch. report, informe, anuncio, m. ; reduction, rebaja, f. the official , el proceso ver- reef, arrecifre, m. bal ; -er, corresponsal. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 137 represent, r'epreseiitar ; -ative, river, rio, m. representante, agente, m. road, camino, m. ; (highway), reputation, reputacion, f. carretera, f. ; -side, la ribera request, pedir, suplicar ; n. pe- del camino. ticioii pedida, f. ; to be in robber, ladron, bandolero,, m. great , estar muy buscado, rock, roca, f. ; arrecifre, m. |. roll, rollo, lio, m. require, exigir, necesitar ; -ment, room, (of a house), cuarto, m. ; demanda, f. P.ieza, f. ; (space), lugar, si- requisite, requisite, a. tio, m. resemble, parecer. root, raiz, 1. reserve, reservar, guardar. rough, aspero, a; draft, bor- reshipment, reembarque, m. rador, m. resolute, resuelto, a. round, redondo, a; sum, resort, recurrir ; n. recurso, m. cuenta redonda. resource, recurso, m. ; -ful, lleiio row, hilera, f. de -s. royal, real, respect, venerar, estimar ; n. ruby, rubi, m. modo, m. ; in any , de rude, rudo, a. algim ; in no , de nin- rug, tapete, m. gun ; in all -s, de todo rugged, escabroso, a. modo ; -ing, en lo concern- ruin, arruiiiar ; 11. ruina, f. iente a. run, correr, coiitinuar ; into, responsible, responsable. tropezar ; - over, atropellar ; responsibility, obligacion, f. -ning, corneiite. rest, apoyar; n. (remainder), rush, arrojarse, tener prisa. lo, los. 'las, demas. Russia, Rusia, f. result, resultado, m. Russian, ruso, a. retail, al menudo, al por menor. retire, retirarse. retrench, acortar, disminuir. S return, volver, remitir, devol- yer ; 11. vuelta, f. ; by post, sack, saco, m. a. de correo ; -s, producto, sacrifice, sacrificio, m. m. ; resaca, f. ; cobros, m. pi. ; sad, triste. cobranzas, f. pi. ; on your , saddle, silla, (f.) (de montar) ; a su regreso. v. eiisillar. reversible, reversible. safe, 11. cofre, (m.), cofre de revise, revisar. hierro ; adj. digno de con- reward, recompensar ; n. recom- fianza ; en salvo ; -ly, segura- pensa, f. mente ; sin lesion, ribbon, cinta, f. ; listen, galoii, sail, navegar, darse a la vela, m. n. vela, f. ; cloth, tela de rice, arroz, m. ; -or, marinero, m. rich, rico, a. salable, vendible, rid, get of, desembarazar de. salary, sueldo, m. right, privilegio, derecho, m. ; sale, venta, f. ; by auction, to have a to, tener de ; a la puja ; auction , sub- to be , tener razoii (en) ; asta, f. ; on :, de . away, inmediatameiite. salesman, veiidedor, m. ; travel- rigidly, con rigidez, inflexible- ling , viajero, m. mente. salt, sal, f. ; rock , sal gema. rigorous, riguroso, a. salvage, salvamento, m. ; ring, anillo, m. ; (stone or seal), rights, derechos de . sortija, f. same, mismo, a, os, as. rise, alzar, levantarse ; n. (of sample, cotejar; n. muestra, prices), alza, f. ; on the , prueba, f. en alza. sand, arena, f. ; stone, la risk, riesgo, m. ; at one's , a piedra arenisca. todo ; against all , con- satin, raso, m. tra todo ; -y, temerario, a. satisfaction, satisfaction, f. 133 SPANISH satisfactorily, satisfactoriamente. sequestration, secuestro, m. satisfactory, satisfactorio, a. serious, serio, a ; grave ; -ly, de satisfied, satisfecho (con) ; con- veras, gravemente. tento, a, (de). serve, servir. satisfy, satisfacer, pagar. service, servicio, in. ; table , Saturday, sabado, m. vajilla, f. ; tender of , oferta save, guardar, salvar. de ; to be of , servir. say, decir. set, colocar, poner ; off, par- scale (s), peso, m. ; on a large tir; aside, anular ; a , en grande. pearl, eiigastar una perla ; scarce, raro, a ; -ly, apenas. sail, darse (hacerse) a la scatter, desparramar. vela ; fire to, incendiar ; school, escuela, f. n. coleccion, f. science, ciencia, f. settle, arreglar ; ajustar. screw, tornillo, m. ; cork , settlement, ajuste, arreglo, m. sacacorchos, m. ; driver, seven, siete. desarmador, m. seventeen, diez y siete. sea, mar, m. f. ; worthy, en seventy, setenta. estado de iiavigar ; risks, several, varies, as ; unos, as. dafios y riesgos del mar. sew, coser ; -ing machine, ma- seal, sellar ; n. sello, m. ; to af- quiiia de coser. fix the , echar el ; take shade, shadow, sombra, f. ; (col- off the , alzar^ el ; under or distinction), matiz, m. , bajo ; (animal), foca, f. share, accion, obligacion, parti- seamstress, costurera, f. da, parte, f. ; transferable , sea-port, puerto (m.) de mar; titulo al portador ; holder, adj. maritimo, a. accionista, m. search, buscar ; n. busca, f. sheep, carnero, m. season, estacion, f. ; dull , sheet-iron, palastro, m. muerta. shell, concha, f. second, segundo, a; -ary, se- shelter, abrigo, m. ; under condario, a. of, from, al de. secret, secreto, m. sheriff, algnacil, m. secure, obtener, procurar. shine, brillar. security, prenda, caucion, nan- ship> despacnar, enviar, nian- za, f. ; securities, vales, m. pi. ; dar> C argar un buque ; to collateral securities, garantia water, encargar un golpe de subsidiaria. mar . n> buque, bote, m. ; see, ver; to it, tener cuidado merchant , - - mere-ante; l ue - wright, constructor de ; seek, buscar. -ment, cargamento, m. ; reme- seem, parecer. sa> f, . _ owner, armador, m. ; seize, embargar, secuestrar. shipper, cargador, m. ; -ing, seizure, embargo, comiso, m. cargamento, m. ; -ing charges, select, escoger; adj., escojido, a; gas tos de bordo ; -ing clerk, a collection, una coleccion despachador, m. ; -ing, adj., ; goods, mercaderias -as. maritimo, a ; wreck, nau- self, mismo, a. fragio, m. sell, vender; at retail, shirt) C amisa, f. al por menor; at whole- sh calzado, m. ; trade, sale al por mayor; -er, C omercio de . vendedor m. h j d f work t j. . sense, sentido, m. tendero, m. sentence, juicio, m. ; sentencia, short, corto, a; breve; -ly, den- f. tro de poco. separate, separar ; adj. separado, shorten, acortar, abreviar (se). a. shoulder, hombro, m. September, se(p)tiembre, m. shout, gritar. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE; 139 show, mostrar ; on , en mues- snow, nevar ; n. nieve, f. tra; -y, vistoso, a. so, tan; much (many), tan- shrink, encogerse. to, a, os, as ; so ... as, tan sick, enfermo, a ; malo, a. ... como ; he said , lo side, lado, m. dijo ; adv. asi ; that, sight, vista, f. ; at , a la vista. much that, tanto que ; that sign, firmar ; n. muestra, f. ; (result), de modo que; painter, pintor de muestras. long, tanto tiempo ; on, signal, serial, m. asi sucesivamente ; and on, signature, firma, f. etcetera^ signer, firmante, m. soap, jabon, m. ; soft , silent, silencioso, a ; to be , negro. callar. sober, arreglado, a ; serio, a. silk, seda, f. ; embroidery , society, sociedad, f. de bordar; waste , despojos sodium, sodio, m. m. pi.) de ; raw , en soft, suave. , rama, cruda ; goods, te- soiled, sucio, a. jidos de ; sewing , sojourn, morada, f. para coser. soldier, soldado, m. silly, necio, a. sole, solo, a. silver, plata, f . ; plate, (v.), solicit, solicitar ; -or, procura- platear; plate, (n.), vajilla dor, m. de plata. solvability, solvency, solvencia, similar, semejante. f. since, desde, pues, despues, des- solvent, solvente. de que. some, alguno, a; pi., alguiios, sincerely, sinceramente ; Yours as ; unos, as ; unps, (as) , see Introduction III, 3. cuantos, (as) ; (considerable),, single, simple, solo, a. bastante ; body, one, al- sink, hundirse. guien, alguno, a ; thing, sir, sefior, m. ; Dear , see algo, alguna cosa ; thing Introduction III, 2. else, otra cosa ; times, a sister, hermana, f. ; in-law, veces ; what, un poco, al- cunada, f. go ; where, en alguna sit, sentarse. parte. situation, colocacion, plaza, f. ; son, hijo, m. sitio, empleo, m. soon, pronto, presto, temprano ; six, seis. as as, luego que, tan pron- sixteen, diez y seis. to como, en cuanto. sixty, sesenta. sorry, afligido, a; triste ; be , size, tarnano, m. sentir (lo). skates, patines, m. pi. sort, genero, m. ; especie, f. skein, made j a, f. soul, alma, f. skill, habilidad, f. sound, sonar; (naut.), sondar ; skin, piel, f. ; tanned , cur- adj. seguro, a ; sano, a ; n. tida; -ner, pellejero, m. son, sonido, m. skipper, patron, m. sour, agrio, a. skirt, saya, f. South, sur, sud, m. ; east, sleep, dormir ; n. suefio, m. sudeste, m. ; west, sudoes- sleeve, manga, f. te, m. ; -ern, meridional, slight, ligero, a. space, espacio, m. slip, resbalar. Spain, Espafia, f. slow, lento, a ; detenido, a ; Spaniard, Espanol, ola, m. and atrasado, a ; be , (as a f. watch, train, etc.), atrasar, es- Spanish, espanol, ola; (the tar atrasado, a; -ly, despa- language), el castellano, el cio. espanol; American, hispa- small, pequefio, a ; chico, a. noamericano, a. smell, oler ; of, oler a. spare, dispensar de, concedir, smoke, humear ; tobacco, fu- disponer de ; to have to , mar ; n. humo, m. tener de sobra. 140 SPANISH speak, hablar. specify, especificar. specimen, muestra, f. spectacles, leiites, m. f. pi. speculate, especular ; in stocks, jugar a la bolsa. speculation, especulacion, f. spend, gastar ; time, pasar (tiempo). spices, especias, f. pi. ; condi- mentos, m. pi. splendid, magriifico, a. split, partir. spoon, cucharra, f. spot, tacha, f. ; (place), lugar, m. spring, primavera, f. spring aleak, hacer agua (el bnque). squander, derrochar. square, (math.), cuadrado, m. ; two feet , dos pies en cua- dro. stamp, sello, m. ; duty, de- recho de ; postage , sello, m. ; (S. A., estampilla, f.) ; - de correo. standard, marco, m. ; norma, f. standing, n. posicion, f. star, estrella, f. starch, almidon, m. start, salir (para) ; instituir ; poner (se) en camino. state, declarar, exponer ; n. es- tado, m. station, estacion, f. ; v. apos- tar. stay, quedarse ; 11. parada, f. steady, arreglado, a. steam, vapor, m. ; engine, una maquina de ; -er, va- por, m. steel, acero, m. ; cast , - fundido. stenographer, taquigrafo, m. steal, robar. step, paso, m. ; to take -s to, tomar medidas para, stick, (cane), baston, in. still, todavia, aun (or aim), more, avin mas. stipulation, estipulacion, f. stock; fondos, m. pi.; pro- vision, f. ; mercaderias, f. pi. ; on hand, mercaderias en deposito ; -s, acciones, f. pi. ; broker, agente de cambio. agiotista, m. ; holder, ac- cionista, m. ; jobbing, agio taje, m. stockings, medias, f. pi. stone, piedra, f. storage, almacenaje, m. store, almacenar ; n. almacen, m. ; tienda, f. ; house, al- macen, m. storm, borrasca, f. story, cuento, m. ; (of a build- ing).' piso, m. straight, recto, a ; directo, a. straighten (out), arreglar. strait, estrecho, m. strange, extrano, a ; particular, stranger, extranjero, a ; foras- tero, a; (unknown), descoiio- cido, a. stratum, capa, f. straw, paja, f. street, calle, f. strike, pegar ; be on a , es- tar en huelga ; on rocks, escollar. strong, fuerte. student, estudiente, m. and f. study, estudiar ; n. estudio, m. style, moda, f. ; genero, m. subdivide, subdividir. subject, materia, f. ; sujeto, m. ; asunto, m. submerge, sumergir. submit, someter. subscribe, abonarse ; -er, aboii- ado, m. subscription, subscripcioii, subsequent, siguiente, substance, materia, f. succeed, suceder, acertar, rar, tener buen exito, bien. success, suceso, m. ; salida, for- tuiia, f. ; -ful, dichoso, a. such, such a, tal ; semejante. sudden, subito, a ; imprevisto, a ; -ly, de repente. suffer, sufrir. suffice, bastar. sufficient, to be, suficientemente. sugar, azucar, m. ; de piloii ; brown brado, moreno. suggest, sugerir; -ion, sugestion, suit, convenir ; 11. (clothes), traje, m. ; law , pleito, m. ; -able, propio, a. suite, vivienda, f. sulfur, azufre, m. sum, importe, montante, m. summer, verano, m. summons, citacion, asignacion, f. log- salir bastar ; -ly, COMMERCIAL CORRF y SPONDE;NC]<; 141 sun, sol, m. tear, desgarrar. Sunday, donringp, m. teeth, dientes, m. pi. superfine, superior, superfino, a. telegram, telegrama, m. superintendent, superintendente, telegraph, telegrafiar ; n. tele- m. ; amo, m. grafo, m. ; operator, tele- superior, superior. grafista, m. ; -y, telegrafia, supply, abastecer ; proveer ; n. f. ; -ic, telegrafico, a. provision, f. telephone, telefoiiear ; n. tele- support, mantener, apoyar ; n. fono, m. ; -y, telefonia, f. ; -12, apoyo, m. telefonico, a. suppose, suponer. tell, decir, contar. sure, seguro, a ; -ly, de ; I temporary, temporario, a. ; tem- am that, estoy de que. porarily, momentaneamente. surgeon, cirujaiio, m. ten, diez. surgery, cirujia, f. tenant, iiiquilino, a, m. and f. surplus, sobrante, excedente, m. tend, tender (a) ; to, tener surprise, sorprender. cuidado de. surprising, maravilloso, a. tender, tierno, a ; -ly, tierna- surround (with), rodear (de) ; mente. -ings, alrededores, m. pi. tenth, decimo, a. suspension, (of payments), sus- term, termino, m. ; condicion, f. pension (f. ) de pagos. territory, territorio, distrito, m. suspicion, sospecha, f. than, que; (before numerals), sustain, sostener ; a loss, su- de '> (before dependent claus- frir una perdida. es), del que, de la que, etc. sweep, barren thank, dar (las) gracias (a) ; sweet, dulce. agradecer ; -s, gracias, f. pi. swim, nadar. that, (rel.), que. Swiss, suizo, a. that, (dem.), ese, a, o; aquel, Switzerland, Suiza, f. aquella, aquello ; one, aquel, swear, jurar. aquella. sworn, juramentado, a. that, (conj.), que; (in order system, sistema, m. ) para que. thaw, deshelar. the, el, la, los, las, lo. HP their, su, sus; el (la, los, las) ... de ellos (ellas). table, mesa, f them, los, les, las; ellos, ellas. tailor, sastre, m. then, entonces, luego. take, ' tomar ;' up, dar buena there ' alli ' alla ; (near P erson acogida; steps to, med- addressed), ahi ; over , por idas para ; well, tener buen alh ' ls are ' hav - exito; place, tener lugar therefore, por esto, por consi- verificarse; (carry), llevar guiente, por tanto. care of, cuidar (de) ; off the y' ellos ' ellas - quitar ; out, sacar ; thick, espeso, a ; denso, a. pleasure in, tener gusto en. thief, ladron, ona, m. and f. talk, hablar. thin, delgado, a. tall, alto, a. thing, cosa, f. ; some , algo. tallow, sebo. m. think, pensar ; of, en ; tare, tara, t. about, de ; (believe), creer. tarif, tarifa, f. ; arancel, m. third, tercero, a ; (in compound tartar, tartaro, m. ; cream of , ordinals), tercio, a. cremor (m.) tartaro. thirst, sed, f. ; be y, tener . task, tarea, f. thirteen, trece. taste, gustar ; n. gusto, m. thirty, treinta. tax, impuesto, m. this, (dem.), este, a, os, as, o; tea, te, m. ; spoon, cucharita, one (pro.), este, esta, etc. f. thoroly, a fondo. teach, ensenar ; -er, maestro, m. those who, les que, etc. 142 SPANISH tho, aunque. thought, pensamiento, m. thousand, mil. thread, hilo, m. three, tres. thrive, prosperar. throat, garganta, f. throw, echar, arrojar; away, arrojar, botar. thru, por, por medio de ; a traves de. thrust, meter. Thursday, jueves, m. ticket, billete, m. tide, n. marea, f. tide over, superar. tight, firme. timber, madera, f. time, tiempo, m. ; hora, f. ; vez, f. ; on , puntual. a tiempo ; what is it? ique hora es?; the first , la primera vez; from to , de vez en cuando. tin, estafio, m. ; ware, hoja- lateria, f. tint, n. matiz, m. tired, cansado, a. tissue, tejido, m. ; tela, f. ; paper, papel de seda. to, a; (as far as), hasta ; (in order ), para, tobacco, tobaco, m. ; smoking , para fumar ; snuff , rape ; pouch, bolsa para today, hoy. 'together, junto, a; with, junto con. tomorrow, mafiana ; day after , pasado ; morning, - por la . ton, tonelada, f. tongue, lengua, f. tonight, esta noche. tonnage, tonelada, f. 109, tambien; much, demas- iado, a ; it's bad, \ es las- tima! tooth, diente, m. tortoise-shell, concha, f. ; carey, m. total, 11. importe, montante, m. ; adj. total, touch, tocar. toward (s), hacia. town, pueblo, m. ; ciudad, f. tracer, investigador. m. trade, comercio, m. ; allow- ance, reduccion, f. ; coasting , cabotaje, m. ; free , cam- bio libre ; retail , comercio al por meiior ; wholesale , comercio al por mayor ; trad- er, mercader, traficante, m. train, tren, m. ; express,/ , directo ; by fast , por gran velocidad. transact, hacer, ejecutar iiego- cios ; -ion, transaccion, f. ; negocio, m. transfer, trasportar, ceder. transit, transito, m. ; free , - libre ; instrument, el telescopic de meridiano. translate, traducir. translation, traduccion, f. transmit, transmitir. transportation, trasporte, m. trap, trampa, f. travel, viajar; -ler, viajeio, m. ; commercial , viajero (m) de comercio, viajante, m. ; -ing bag, maleta, f. treasure, tesoro, m. treatise, tratado, m. treaty, coiivenio, m. tree, arbol, m. tremble (with), temblar (de). trial, prueba, f. ; to take on , tomar a ; (legal), juicio, m. ; adj. tentative, a. trim, preparar. trimming, guarnicion, pasama- neria, f. trip, viaje, m. trouble, molestar ; 11. pesar, m. ; to take to, tomar la pena de. trousers, pantalones, m. pi. truce, tregua, f. ; flag of , la bandera de parlamento. truck, carruaje, m. true, verdadero, a; (faithful), fiel ; it is , es verdad, (cier- to). trunk, baul, m. ; (tree), tronco, m. trust, creer ; in, confiar en. trustee, curador, m. trustworthy, digno (a) de con- fianza ; seguro, a. truth, verdad, f. try, (test), probar ; (attempt), tratar (de). tub, cuba, f. Tuesday, martes, m. Turk, Turkish, turco, a. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 143 Turkey, Turquia, f. unlimited, sin limites. turn, volver ; around, volver- unload, descargar. se ; (become), hacerse, po- unmarried, soltero, a. nense ; to account, sacar unpack, desembalar, desliar ; provecho de ; back, retro- -ing, desembalaje, m. ceder. unreadable, que no puede ser tusk, comillo, m. leido. twelve, doce. unsafe, no ... seguro, a. twenty, veinte. unsuccessfully, sin exito. twice, dos veces. until, hasta ; conj. hasta que. twine, bramante, m. : guita, i. unsuitable, to be, no convenir a. two, dos ; hundred, doscien- unwilling, to be, no querer, ser tos, as ; fold, doble. desinclinado, a. typewriter, maquina (f.) de es- unwisely, imprudentemente. cribir. unwrought, crudo, a ; no labra- do, a. upholster, forrar ; -y, tapiceria, f. \J upon, sobre, m. upside down, al reves. ugly, feo, a. us, nos, nosotros, as. ult., ' del mes proximo pasado ; usance, usanza, f. ; at two del ultimo. month's , a dos meses de umbrella, paraguas, m. . unable (to be), no poder. use, usar, emplear, servirse de ; unaccounted for, no llevado en he used to, imperfect tense ; cuenta. 11. uso, m. ; costumbre, f. ; to unaware, to be of, ignorar. be of , servir a ; -ful, util ; uncertainty, incertidumbre, m. -fulness, utilidad, f. ; -less, in- uncle, tio, m. util. unconscious, sin sentido. usual, de costumbre ; as , uncovered, descubierto, a ; en como de costumbre ; more descubierto. than . mas que ; -ly, por under, adv. bajo, debajo; prep. lo comun. debajo de. utensil, utensilio, m. ; household undergo, sufrir. _ s articles de menaje. underscore, subrayar. undersigned, el abajo firmado, el que suscribe. "^ understand, entender ; -ing, en- tendimiento, m. vacancy, vacante, i. ; puesto, m. undertake, emprender. vacant, vacio, a; desocupado, a. SiS^gSf de C S|Sr * -r i0n ' vT Ci0neS f " PL underwrite asegurar ; -r, asegur- Valencia Valencia, f. ador, inscribiente, m. va ld > vall 1 do ' a '> legfitimo a. undoubted, indudable. value ' valor, m. ; m cash , uneasy, inquieto, a. en metahco ; received, unfavorable, to be, no ser fa- ~ recibido ; -less, sin ; val- vorable. uable, precioso, a. unfortunate, desdichado, a; des- value, v. estimar, valuar, tasar. graciado, a ; -ly, por desgracia. varnish, barniz, m. unfounded, sin fundamento. various, vario, a. unhappy, infeliz. vary, variar. uniform, adj. invariable. vegetable, legumbre, f. ; adj. United States, Estados Unidos, vegetal. m. pi. velours, velludo, m.- unknown, desconocido, a ; igiio- velvet, terciopelo, m. to, a. venture, atreverse, venturar ; 11. unlade, desembarcar. ventura, f. unless, a menos que. very, muy, mucho. J 44 SPANISH vessel, buque, m. ; expected , wedding, boda, f - esperado. Wednesday, miercoles, m. vest, waistcoat chaleco, m. week, semana, f. ; in a en vicinity, vecmidad, f. ocho dias; in two -s ' en victim, victima, m. quince dias '. %%A*; f. "t^lTY' ~ MChor ' lcw vS v^SSSn ^r^o^ne?^-^^ - - visit, visitar; n. visita, f. welfare, bienestar, m. viz., es decir. well n . po _ voice, voz, f. agua de pozo. volume, volumen, m. ; (book), well, adj. bueiio, a; bieii de tomo, m. salud; adv. bien ; as as, lo vote votar. mismo que. voucher, recibo, m. west, oeste, m. ; -ern, occiden- voyage, viaje, m. tal. wet, mojado, a. what, (rel.), lo que; (interrog.), >v que; (which), cual. wheat, trigo, m. wadding, algodon, (m.) en rama. when, cuando; (interrog.), wage:;, sueldo, salario, m. cuando ; ever, cuando qui- wagon, vagon, m. ; carreta, f. era que ; siempre que ; (as waistcoat, chaleco, m. soon as), en cuanto. wait, (for), esperar, aguardar. where, donde ; (interrog.), don- waiter, mozo, m. de ; to, a ; from, de walk, andar, pasear ; n. paseo, ; in, en ; as, mien- m. tras que ; fore, por lo cual. wall, muro, m. ; pared, f. whether, si. walrus, morsa, f. which, (rel.), que, el (la) que, want ,(wish), querer, desear ; el (la) cual; (interrog.), cual. (lack), carecer de ; n. falta, while, conj. mientras, inientras f. ; for of, por falta de. que. war, guerra, f. white, bianco, a ; lead, alba- ward, pupilo, a, m. and f. yalde, m. warehouse, almacen, deposito, who, (rel.), que, el (la) que, el m. ; ahondiga, f. (la) cual; quien; (interrog.), warm, calido, a ; caliente ; ar- quien. diente ; I am warm, tengo whole, todo, a ; n. todo, m. ; to- calor ; it is , hace calor ; talidad, f. ; at sale, al por water, agua caliente. menor : wholly, enteramente. warn, advertir, caucionar. whom, (rel.), que, quien, el que, wash, lavar; overboard, etc.; el cual; (interrog.), echar a la mar ; -ing, lavadura, quien. f. whose, cuyo, a; (interrog.), de watch, n. reloj, m. quien, cuyo, a. water, agua, f. ; fresh , - why, por que ; the and the dulce ; color, acuarela, f. ; wherefore, el como y el por proof, impermeable. que. way, camino, m. ; direccion, f. ; wide, ancho, a. (manner), modo, m. ; manera, wife, mujer, seiiora, esposa, f. f. ; in no , de ningun modo ; wild, salvaje, silvestre. on the to, en camino de. will, voluntad, f. ; last , tes- we, nosotros, as. tamento, m. ; to be -ing, wealth, caudal, m. ; -y, rico, a. querer, consentir en ; -ingly, weapon, arma, f. de buena voluntad. wear, llevar, usar ; out, gas- win, ganar. tar. wind, viento, m. ; permitting, weather, tiempo, m. ; be good si el lo permite ; it is -y, , hacer buen . ha COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 145 wind (up), liquidar un comer- cio. windovP, veiitaiia, f. ; show , escaparate, m. ; trimmer, adornista (m.) de escaparates. wine, vino, m. ; in casks, en tonel ; broker, corredor de . winter, invierno, m. wire, alambre, m. wire, (telegraph), telegrafiar. wise, sabio, a. wish, querer, desear. with, con. within, adv. deiitro ; prep, den- tro de. without, prep, sin; adv., (out doors), afuera. witness, presenciar ; 11. testigo, , mS; t] carved -, - esculpida; log , palo cam- peche, m. ; (fuel), lena, f. ; -s, bosque, m. ; work, ma- deraje, m. wool, laiia, f. ; -en, de ; -en foods, pano (s) de ; -en ealer, panero, m. ; -en broker, corredor del comercio de . word, palabra, f. work, trabajo, m. ; obra, f. ; open , a calado ; box, would be, supuesto, a. wound, herir ; n. herida, f. woven, tejido, a. wrap (up), envolver ; -per, cu- bierta, f. ; under another -per, en otro paquete. wreck, naufragar ; 11. naufragio, m. write, escribir. wrong, to be, no tener razon. wrought, labrado, a. yard, (measure), vara, f. yarn> hilo> m> year> afio m> - i eap a n O ^. siesto yellow, amarillo, a. ^ ~ **** *' * ' yesterday, ayer ; day before , aiiteayer. yet, todavia, aun ; (neverthe- less), sin embargo. yield, ceder ; (produce), produ- cir, dar. you, tu, te, le, la, les, usted, es ; vosotros, as ; os. young, joven. your> tu> vuestro, a; su, el, la j las de Vd el tu o etc . . workmanship, hechura, f. workshop, taller, m. world, mundo, m. worn out, raido, a. worry, molestar ; be worried, tener cuidado, atormentarse. worth, to be, valer ; -less, de ningun valor. zmc > zmc ' m - > m bars ~ en barra ; ore, mineral de . zone, zona, f. 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