IC-NRLF BOABD PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION AN ANALYSIS OF THE SCOPE OF PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION FOR PRIMARY GRADES OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. AN OUTLINE OF A COURSE WITH DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING THE PROBLEMS. INFORMATION REGARD- ING COURSES, EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, AND METHODS OF HAND- LING THE WORK. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SUBJECT. BOOK PROBLEMS BOX PROBLEMS CARD PROBLEMS ENVELOPE PROBLEMS GEORGE FRED BUXTON Director of the Manual Training Department of the Stout Institute, Menomonie, Wisconsin. AND FRED L. CURRAN Supervisor of Elementary Manual Training at the Stout Institute. THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS PEORIA, ILLINOIS 1916 COPYRIGHT, 1911 G. F. BUXTON and F. L. CURRAN REVISED 1913 FOURTH EDITION, 1916 FOREWORD REALIZING that teachers of primary handwork need defi- nite directions for handling paper and cardboard construc- tion in public school classes, with such supplementary information regarding the selecting, ordering, and care of equip- ment and supplies as shall be of immediate help in starting the work, the authors have prepared the following outlines and notes in the form of a hand book especially for their use. It is also planned to be of service to supervisors of primary handwork as a suggestion for the organization of a course of study and as a collection of supplementary problems suitable for the lower grades. The notes at the back of the book may be of considerable value in saving time looking up minor details. Art supervisors who handle paper and cardboard construction may find the book problems suggestive as a basis for decorative and illustrative treatment. Problems have been selected which are suited to the grades indicated and have been carefully tested by grade teachers in the Menomonie public schools for several years. The point of view thruout the course has been that of an emphasis upon the simple processes involved in typical uses of paper and cardboard in the industries, making such modifications as are required to meet the abilities of young children, and to eliminate all ap- paratus used in duplicate work in such industries. The attempt is made to involve a rational sequence of difficulty in each kind of work undertaken and to encourage careful work from the start. Altho the production of good pieces of work is made prominent in the course, teachers may choose to use certain of the problems for illustrative purposes in connection with other subjects. In any case, the primary handwork should be so handled that the entire school program will become unified for the benefit of the pupil and not stereotyped for the benefit of a logical course. 43747G PREFACE TO REVISED EDITION THE authors of Paper and Cardboard Construction have been pleased with the comments and extended use the book has been given in its first edition, and have carefully gone over the text and made an effort to have the second edition still more usable and attractive. Many half-tone illustrations have been provided for the present volume with the thought that the directions may be more easily interpreted and the pages be made more attractive. The publication has been turned over to The Manual Arts Press and at their suggestion the book has been largely remade. The pages have been increased in size, the style of type changed, a different paper used, and larger line cuts made, all of which, the authors believe, will make the book more valuable to the class of teachers and school officers who will use it. Errors in the previous edition have been corrected and every effort made to have all details and explanations adequate in the revision. Drawings have been remade and the text changed wherever these changes would make the meaning clearer. While planned especially for teachers of handwork in pri- mary grades, the book has found a use with several classes of pupils in the upper grades. It has been given an unlooked-for reception in normal schools, and has been used by many special lecturers and teachers doing teachers' institute work. Its general circulation in libraries has been gratifying along with its adop- tion by boards of education as a standard text or reference book. A considerable proportion of the demand for the first edition has been from supervisors of drawing and manual training who are usually responsible for the primary handwork. February, 1913. ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS I. Introduction page 1 1 The purpose of the book is to arrange typical paper con- structions in sequence for class use, there is an evident need for this handy form, simple paper cutting should accompany the construction here outlined, illustrative constructions not appropriate to paper are omitted, unusual shapes are not recom- mended, four kinds of work in paper are given for each of the first four grades and classified by numbers, extra work is sug- gested for schools having time for it, a standard size of stock is to be used, it is shown that the teacher must make careful preparation before presenting a new problem. II. Book problems page 15 Sequences are suggested but detailed directions may be omitted, books may be made as an aid to other studies, art teachers find many uses for small books, problems here are limited to 9"x 12" stock, an arrangement by grades is suggested, a definite arrangement of information is made for each problem. The following groups are given to show the scope covered: Folders : Two, three, and four fold ; booklet folder. Portfolios : Single paper, paper with lap, cloth covered, with cloth corners, note-book covers. Paper Files : Pocket and desk files. Pamphlets : For notes, drawings, and mountings ; glued, tied, sewed, and with reinforced back. Bound Books : Cloth covered, with cloth corners, bound magazines, rebinding. III. Box problems page 65 Box making as an industry is important, many uses of boxes in schools suggest themselves, devices for repeating processes are omitted here, box problems are arranged by grades. The following groups are given to show the scope covered : Open Boxes : Tag board, bristol board ; covers lapped, reinforced corners, trays. Folding Boxes : Tag board, bristol board ; with laps, with fitted fastenings. PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION Covered Boxes : Strawboard, box board ; reinforced cor- ners, lining, covering. Sliding Box : Box board, fitting of box and case. IV. Card problems page 91 Card mounts furnish a good opportunity for a study of color and design, various illustrative materials may be mounted for use, card problems give good drill in measuring and cutting to line, a sequence of difficulty is shown for all card problems. The following groups are given to show the scope covered : Card Mounts : For drawings, and photos ; folder picture mounts. Book Marks : Simple outline, punched and cut with tab. Tag Board Work: Glass cover, post cards, shipping tag. V. Envelope problems page 1 10 Envelopes are thoroly suited to paper work, a variety of envelope problems may be introduced with profit into the lower grades, many uses are obvious, an arrangement is shown for each grade. The following groups are given to show the scope covered : Mailing Envelopes : Square, medium, long. Filing Envelopes : Paper envelope holder, pocket for clip- pings, tag board filing envelopes. Envelope Files : Flat envelope file, book envelope file. Paper Bags : Flat and with folds. VI. Planning of courses P a ge 131 The book is planned to be suggestive for a variety of systems and requirements, fundamentals in planning include the adjust- ment of problems to fulfill stated aims and the suggestion of method, the numbering system is explained. Courses in primary handwork may be planned with an em- phasis upon sequence of processes, upon grouping of types of construction, or upon the thought side of the subject, the work may be considered from the standpoint of the technical and art value of the subject itself or from that of the whole elementary school course, the analysis of the course may center around the handling of the work in classes or it may concern itself first with a study of children's interests. Different arrangements by grades are suggested and others may seem desirable in certain localities, the first arrangement provides for all of the book problems in a given grade to be 8 ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS followed by all of the box problems, then the card problems and envelope problems, the second provides for a succession of one of each kind of problem, followed by a succession of another of each kind, and then another, for the sake of the interest which comes from variety, the third provides for a selection from each of the groups arranged in order of difficulty for the entire scheme, the fourth provides for a study of one group more carefully in either the third or fourth grade. VII. Equipment and supplies page 149 Simple equipment is needed in the class room but it should be properly cared for, a good stock room equipment for the supervisor makes for efficiency, several kinds of paper and card- board are desirable, a table for ordering paper, gives materials, kinds, sizes, costs, and quantities, other supplies are easily ob- tained, kinds of supply houses are indicated for reference, a second table arranged by grades gives the kind and amount of stock required for each problem. VIII. Hints to teachers and supervisors page 165 Careful preparation requires that a teacher shall analyze a pioblem thoroly before teaching it, the proper care of equip- ment and supplies requires that things shall be instantly available, properly counted, and in usable condition, good teaching re- quires that materials shall be distributed quickly and without confusion, that directions and other information shall be given in a clear, pointed, and interesting way, good management requires that pupils shall be kept constantly busy at understood problems, that work shall be collected and cared for systematically, and that all details shall be made to fit into a complete scheme in the mind of the teacher. A supervisor must find suitable occasion for getting neces- sary directions before teachers, he must see that supplies are ordered, prepared, and deliverd to schools on time, he must visit classes and in other ways test the character of the work of teachers, he must find some way to train such teachers as are not handling the subject successfully, he may arrange for ex- hibitions of school work, he will constantly study the various aspects of his specialty and make it of more value to his com- munity. PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION IX. Bibliography page 170 A list of books and magazine references is given for the benefit of students and public school officers and teachers. X. Index page 175 A complete index is given to make it possible to refer in- stantly to each particular problem, and each topic discussed. 10 INTRODUCTION BOOKS on paper and cardboard work for public schools have appeared from time to time and are in many cases serving a good purpose. There still remains, however, one field which does not seem to be adequately handled and to which this book attempts to make contribution. That is: a course in cutting, measuring, folding, pasting, gluing, sewing, punching, tying, and decorating a variety of paper materials, with a definitely organized series of problems in the making of books, boxes, card mounts, and envelopes. The problems selected are only of these four kinds, because these seem to be the most thoroly suited to the materials from the worker's stand- point and because they furnish so rich an opportunity for varied manipulations, and such an attractive basis for applied design in the lower grades. It is believed that in presenting this arrangement of material in handy form, many teachers and supervisors will find some of the help they have been looking for, and it has already become evident that those who have attended The Stout Institute desire such a grouping as is here given. In fact, the principal reason for the preparation of this printed course is the constant demand for the less adequate blue-prints which have been issued at The Stout Institute. Problems in simple paper cutting have been omitted from the outlines for the reason that no construction is involved and no measurements required. It is not to be inferred, however, that this work is not recommended, but it is not made a subject by itself. Paper cutting from pose and from memory, and the cut- ting of designs are recommended as supplementary work and provision may be made for mounting them upon the card mounts or in some of the book problems. They are especially to be recommended at the beginning of the first grade. 11 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION Paper furniture and houses and other problems used in an illustrative manner in connection with other subjects are not considered a part of the present subject and not a part of the primary handwork which leads to forms of manual training in the upper grades. It is believed that most schools will find the problems which are more typical of the material, to be of more value as pieces of construction. Unusual shapes, saw toothed edges, highly colored floral decorations, inappropriate types of construction, over-complex forms and other eccentricities should be avoided everywhere, but especially with young children. These have been carefully excluded from this outline. While the problems are listed on the following pages as book problems, box problems, card problems, and envelope problems, it is not to be understood that they should be taken in this order and all the book problems finished before taking up the box problems. Each class of problems is planned for all four grades and distinguished by three numbers representing: The grade; the class of work; and the relative place in the grade for that class of work. (321 covered small box, is thus in the 3d grade ; it belongs to the box problem group, "2"; and it is the ist box problem in the third grade.) This is more fully explained in chapter VI under ''Planning of Courses", page 132. Rather more problems have been suggested than most schools can complete within the time usually allotted to the subject. This provides for considerable choice on the part of the teachers. Many options are also recommended in the foot notes. As explained in chapter VII under "Equipment and Sup- plies," the exercises are planned to use 9" x 12" stock. This is frequently to be cut into two pieces 6"x9", and occasionally cut to other sizes. In case there is no provision for cutting a quantity of stock, the pupil may be given 9"xi2" stock for everything and be required to save the unused pieces for later work. This use of uniform sizes will be found of considerable convenience in the class room. 12 INTRODUCTION Before presenting the work to the classes, the teacher should : first, make the problem ; second, consider carefully the various steps in the processes of construction ; and third, be very definite and clear with directions. The pupil's best effort should be required at all times and his standard of good work constantly raised. A number of hints for the teacher are given in chapter VIII, but most important of all is the necessity that the teacher shall know the subject thoroly. The directions given for each problem are no substitute for careful preparation, if success is to be assured. Six kinds of lines are given below to illustrate their use in connection with the directions for each problem suggested. lNVt3IBL. C > a C fjf rr/v.5 /0/v co/v^r/rvc T/ON DRAFTING CONVENTIONS USED THRUOUT THE BOOK. The above drawing is given to explain the meaning of the different lines used on the following pages. Lines representing visible outlines of the finished problem or of the successive steps involved are drawn heavy and continuous. Fold lines are made light and continuous. Edges hidden by other material are repre- sented by long, light dashes. Construction lines are used as a help in laying out a piece of work, but they form no necessary part of the finished work; they are composed of short dashes with longer spaces. Extensions and dimensions are used in in- dicating sizes. Where used, these read from the bottom and right side. For the outlines for each problem the arrangement of in- formation is indicated below : (I) Number and name of problem. This is fully explained in chapter VI. 13 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION (II) Material and equipment needed by each pupil. In some cases the equipment is passed from pupil to pupil, thus requiring fewer tools. (III) Working drawing. See drafting conventions illus- trated on page 13. (IV) Directions for making the problem. Arranged for presentation to classes. (V) Notes. Supplementary suggestions and explanations. 14 II BOOK PROBLEMS PROBLEMS in the making of folders, small pamphlets, portfolios and bound books are described on the following pages and arranged in a sequence representing work of increasing difficulty for each of the first four grades of public schools. The first figure of each problem number indicates the grade in school recommended as suggested on page 12 of the introduction. The sequence is more noticeable in some places than in others, but in general it will be found that the work meets well the abilities of the children. It is within the range of successful handling and yet requires a real concentration of effort thruout the course. While sequences and definite steps are given emphasis, it will be found possible to vary consider- ably from the outline, and many supervisors will want to do this. It may seem best in teaching, not to give such detailed information to the children, but to assign a problem and allow the children to find out for themselves how to make it. Even here, however, the teacher must have in mind a definite line of processes in order to properly describe each problem and to be of help to each child, and the steps suggested will be found at least typical. While the idea back of the choice of book problems has been the manipulation of material for the training of hand and eye and for an acquaintance with basic processes in the making of books by hand, there is no limit to the use which may be made of the articles made in correlation with other school subjects. Many uses of booklets for gathering notes and illustrative material will occur to the teacher. Where the making of books is incidental to the using of them, the outlines will only be used as hints. It is believed that the book problems will furnish to many teachers the directions they have been wanting in handy form for the natural correlations between construction and other school subjects. 15 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION An especially valuable feature of the book problem is the opportunity it furnishes for the mounting of illustrations cut from old magazines, and of free cuttings ; and much may be made of the use of books for drawings and designs, either made directly in the book or cut and mounted. Cover designs offer another attractive field for crayon and water color as well as for pencil and pen and ink work. In some cases it is possible to have the children make fairly attractive lettering upon the covers. In all cases the choice of proportions in the making of booklets is important and may be an attractive field for the art teacher. In the books suggested, the limitations due to size of stock should be obvious, as a standard size of 9"xi2" for all problems has been selected. Books of larger size can be made only if extra paper cut from the full stock sheet be supplied. A list of some of the full sizes of paper is given in chapter VII, which will be found convenient for reference. If larger sheets than the 9"xi2" be used, the binder's typical methods of folding may be employed and one sheet folded so as to make eight or sixteen pages of fair size. It will be noted also that if funds permit, some of the higher grades of paper may be used and better products obtained. If a printing press be available, very pleasing announcement folders and booklets for special occasions may be made and the use of type in page design be illustrated. Printing is especially desirable in upper grades and in high school classes but it does not come within the scope of this book. The arrangement of book problems by grades is given below to enable the teacher to determine at a glance the place of a particular piece of work in the series of book problems. FIRST GRADE 111 Mounting folders (Rough cover paper). 112 Booklet folder (Rough cover paper, book paper). 113 Pocket note-books (Rough cover paper, print paper). 114 Book of color schemes (Colored and gray rough cover paper). 115 Drawing-book (Cover paper, book paper). 116 Laundry list (Manila paper). 16 BOOK PROBLEMS SECOND GRADE 211 Paper portfolio (Cover paper or press board, stay tape). 212 Paper portfolio with laps (Heavy cover paper, stay tape). 213 Book of designs (Cover paper and book paper). 214 Weather record (Book paper). 215 Receipt book (Cover paper, bond paper, binders' cloth). 216 Note-book (Cover paper, manila paper). 217 Paged blank book (Cover paper, book paper). THIRD GRADE 311 Scrap-book (Colored and gray cover paper). 312 Sewed pamphlet (Cover paper, book paper). 313 Pamphlet with reinforced back (Cover paper, book paper, binders' cloth). 314 Cloth covered portfolio (Strawboard, binders' cloth, marble paper). 315 Glued booklet (Cover paper, book paper). 316 Cloth bound book (Cloth board, binders' cloth, cover paper). FOURTH GRADE 411 Pocket paper file (Manila tag board). 412 Desk paper file (Heavy tag board). 413 Note-book, covers (Strawboard, binders' cloth, cover paper, marble paper). 414 Portfolio with cloth corners (Cloth board, binders' cloth, cover paper, marble paper). 415 Bound scrap-book (Strawboard, binders' cloth, colored and gray cover papers). 416 Bound drawings (Heavy cover paper). 417 Rebound book or bound magazines (Material depends upon prob- lem). It is to be understood from this list that other problems such as boxes, envelopes, and card mounts, are given in each grade following the book problems. 17 BOOK PROBLEMS 111. Mounting Folders Rough gray cover paper, 3 pieces, 6"xQ' White book paper, 3 pieces, 6"x 9" Paste Scissors COVER STOCK 6"x 9" FOLDED 4%"x 6" DIRECTIONS FOR TWO-FOLD: a. Fold upper left corner to upper right corner and crease. b. Cut from white paper several representations of common objects, of flowers, leaves, trees, tools, workmen at typical occupations, or children at play. These may be cut from memory or direct observation. c. Select the best group of cuttings and paste in folder. COVER STOCK 6"x 9" FOLDED 3"x 6" DIRECTIONS FOR THREE-FOLD: a. Fold upper right corner two-thirds distance across top, judging distance with the eye. b. Fold upper left corner to crease. c. Cut and paste representations as in first folder. 19 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION COVER STOCK 6" X 9" FOLDED 2%"x 6" DIRECTIONS FOR FOUR- FOLD: a. Fold upper right corner to upper left corner. b. Fold these two corners to center crease. c. Cut and paste as before. NOTE: In each of these folders, it may seem desirable to paste magazine illustrations or other clippings in place of the cuttings indicated, or other uses may suggest themselves to the teacher. Careful folding and clean pasting should be expected. 112. Booklet Folder Rough gray cover paper, i piece, 6"x 9" White book paper, i piece, 6"x9" Paste or glue Soft or medium pencil BOOK OPEN SHOWING TORN EDGES BOOK CLOSED 4%"x 6" DIRECTIONS : a. Tear from \" to " from two adjacent edges of the white paper, without measuring. b. Fold upper left corner of white paper to upper right corner. 20 BOOK PROBLEMS c. Fold upper left corner of cover paper to upper right corner. d. Run a little paste or glue along back of crease of white paper and press it inside of cover paper. e. Allow booklet to dry and use for sketching plants or animals or children, or for copying photographs. 113. Pocket Note-Books Rough cover paper, 3 pieces, 6" x 9" Print paper, 6 pieces, Q"X 12" Coarse linen thread, I yard Large needle, letter opener or kitchen knife SECOND STEP IN SEWING PRINT PAPER 9"x 12" SHOWING FOLDS FOR 4TO BOOK THIRD STEP IN SEWING FIRST STEP IN SEWING FINISHED NOTE-BOOK 4Va"x 6" 21 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION DIRECTIONS FOR QUARTO BOOK: a. Fold one piece print paper lower left corner to upper left corner. b. Fold upper left corner to upper right corner. c. Fold second piece of print paper in the same way and insert into first piece. d. Fold cover paper left to right and insert folded print paper. e. Sew down thru center of book, up near one end, down thru center again, up near opposite end, and tie square knot near the center. f. Tear leaves apart with letter opener, kitchen knife, or back of scissors. INSIDE OF 12 PAGE BOOK FOLDED AND SEWED PRINT PAPER FOLDED FOR 12 PAGES FINISHED BOOK ABOUT 3"x4" DIRECTIONS FOR 12-PAGE BOOK: a. Fold lower left corner of one piece print paper about two-thirds distance to upper left corner. b. Fold upper left corner to this crease and open paper flat. c. Fold upper right corner about two-thirds distance to upper left corner, make sharp crease, open, and tear off smaller piece. 22 BOOK PROBLEMS d. Refold larger piece and then fold left to right. e. Make a second piece like this and insert. f. Cut cover paper a little larger than open book, fold left to right, and sew print paper inside same as in 4to book. g. Tear leaves apart as before. \ INSIDE OF OUTSIDE OF 8vo BOOK BOOK 2%"x6' PRINT PAPER 9"X 12" SHOWING FOLDS FOR 8VO BOOK DIRECTIONS FOR OCTAVO BOOK 16 PAGES: a. Fold print paper right to left. b. Fold bottom to top. c. Fold left to right. d. Place one or two of these pieces in cover previously cut a little larger than open book. e. Sew and tie as before. f. Tear leaves apart. NOTE: These note-books may be used for writing practice, or for sketching, or for such purposes as seem desirable to the teacher in connection with any other subject. 23 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION 114. Book of Color Schemes Colored rough cover paper, I piece, 6"x 9' Gray cover paper, 2 pieces, 6"x9" Coarse linen thread or binders' thread, 14' Large needle BOOK OPEN 6"x9" BOOK CLOSED READY TO SEW OPTIONAL METHOD ' CD TYPICAL PAGES OF MOUNTED COLORS DIRECTIONS: a. Fold gray paper inside of colored paper. b. Sew and tie as in number 113. If more space is wanted between pages, extra pieces of gray cover paper i"x 6" 24 BOOK PROBLEMS may be folded and sewed into the book, as shown at A. c. Mount rectangles of colored papers upon each inside page, so as to show good color schemes, keeping in mind both quality and quantity of each color. NOTE: Samples of fabrics or of different kinds of papers may be mounted in place of color schemes. The arrangements on the following page are suggested for mounting paper samples. 115. Drawing-Book Gray cover paper, i piece, 4j"x 12" White book paper, 2 pieces, 9"x 12" Coarse linen thread, 15" Large needle, pencil BOOK PAPER 9"x 12' BOOK OPEN 4%"x 12" BOOK CLOSED DIRECTIONS : a. Fold book paper bottom to top, having length of paper horizontal. b. Fold left to right. 25 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION 26 BOOK PROBLEMS c. Fold cover paper left to right. d. Place book paper inside of cover paper. e. Sew and tie as in number 113. NOTE: Use for drawings: flowers, grasses, fruits, vege- tables or small objects. 9"x 12" 116. Laundry List Manila paper, 2 pieces, Silk cord, 8" Eyelet Eyelet punch, letter opener, pencil MANILA PAPER 9"x 12' FINISHED LIST DIRECTIONS : a. Fold two pieces manila paper with right edge two-thirds distance to left edge. b. Fold left edge to crease. c. Fold top to bottom. d. Fasten eyelet near center of top. e. Tie loop of cord thru eyelet for hanging. f. Tear leaves apart with letter opener. g. Write "Laundry List" upon outside. 27 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION NOTE: Use to record articles sent to the laundry so as to check up proper return. Other uses than as Laundry List may be suggested and the name changed accordingly. LAUNDRY LISTS 28 BOOK PROBLEMS 211. Paper Portfolio Cover paper or press board, I piece, 6"x 9" Stay tape, i piece, 9" long Scissors, pencil, rule TAPE ON BACK OF PORTFOLIO FRONT COVER 3"x8" COVER PAPER 6"x8" CUT FROM 6"x 9" DIRECTIONS : a. Lay out cover paper 6"x 8", and cut to size. Measure from lower corner and mark each edge of paper, con- nect marks, cut to line. b. Fold left to right. c. Stick stay tape over fold and cut ends even with top and bottom of portfolio. NOTE: This may be used for carrying folded letter paper, or clippings, or school work. It is a convenient size for the pocket. By making the folder from 9" square stock, it will be 4-|" x 9", suitable for carrying a large variety of folded papers. It may seem desirable to make both sizes. It is best to begin measuring from a clear mark a little distance from edge of rule, if such rules be available, as indicated in the sketch. It is best also to make all measurements in one 29 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION direction without moving the rule, so as to avoid multiplying errors. In the sketch measurements are i", 7", and i", begin- ning at left edge. Pupils must be kept on their guard in adding the smaller measurements. 212. Paper Portfolio with Laps. Heavy cover paper, i piece, 9"x 12". Stay tape, i piece, 19" long. Rule, pencil, scissors. INSIDE OF PORTFOLIO TAPE SHOWN ON BACK DIRECTIONS : a. Lay out three 4 inch measurements across top and bottom of 9"x 12" cover paper, and connect these with straight lines. b. Set off i inch measurements from each corner, and con- nect across corners as shown in drawing. c. Cut off corners. d. Fold right edge nearly to first line. e. Fold left edge nearly to this crease. f. Unfold and stick pieces of stay tape over, creases along the back of portfolio. NOTE: This is to be used for the same purpose as number 211 but has the advantage that it holds papers more securely. 213. Book of Designs. Gray cover paper, 3 pieces, 6"x 9". White book paper, i piece, 9"x 12". Coarse linen thread, 18". Paste. Scissors, rule, pencil, needle. 30 BOOK PROBLEMS DESIGN COVER PAPER 6"x9" LAID OUT 6"x 8" INSIDE OF BOOK READY TO TIE COVER OF BOOK 3"X 8'' DIRECTIONS : a. Lay out each piece of cover paper 8 inches up from bottom edge and cut to 6"x 8". b. Fold left to right and place two pieces inside of third, which will serve as cover. c. Sew down a little distance below center, up a little dis- tance above center, down near top, up thru second hole, down thru first hole, up near bottom. d. Tie square knot at first hole. NOTE: Cut units of design suitable for borders or "all over" repeat patterns from white paper and paste in the book when complete. Front cover of book may have a small unit of design mounted just above the center, or pupil may print DESIGN on the cover, or a printed label may be fastened on with paste. 214. Weather Record. India tint book paper, 2. pieces, 6"x 9". Black plain cover paper, i piece, 3"x6". Dark blue cover paper, I piece, 3"x 6". White book paper, i piece, 3"x6". Paste. Scissors, needle. 31 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION BOOK PAPER 6"x 9" BOOK OPEN INSIDE PAGE DIRECTIONS : a. Fold bottom to top. b. Fold left to right. c. Sew as in number 113. d. Cut standard weather flags from blue and black plain cover paper, and from white book paper. e. Paste one of each kind of flag upon front cover of book. NOTE: Save the extra flags for inside of book to indicate the weather for any given week or more. The proper flag for a day may be pasted in its proper square in the afternoon. Government flags are displayed from 10:00 a. m. until sunset, to indicate the weather for the following day. The weather signals are as follows : White flag clear and fair weather. Blue flag rain or snow. Black triangular flag temperature .signal, in- dicating rising temperature when placed above another flag, and falling temperature when placed below. White and blue striped flag local showers. HP COVER 32 33 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION 215. Receipt-Book. Cover paper, i piece, 6"x 9". Bond paper, 2. pieces, 9"x 12". Binders' cloth, i piece, i"x9". Silk floss, 15". Scissors, needle, pencil. COVER PAPER PAPER IN COVER BOND PAPER 9"x 12" DIRECTIONS : a. Fold bond paper right to left, bottom to top, left to right. b. Lay out and cut cover 5"x 6J". c. Fold cover left to right. BACK OF COVER d. Sew bond paper into cover, one section inside of the other. e. Cut strip of binders' cloth i"x6J" and glue on back of book to cover sewing. f. Letter the front cover COOKING RECEIPTS. NOTE: Stay tape may be used in place of the binders' cloth but it is a bit more clumsy. A more useful book may be made if three or four sheets of paper are used, making 48 or 64 pages. 34 BOOK PROBLEMS 216. Note-Book. Cover paper, i piece, 6"x9". Manila paper, 2 pieces, 9"x 12" '. Linen thread, 24". Glue. Scissors, needle, pencil. MANILA PAPER 9"x 12" COVER PAPER 5 // .. /: 1 / " STEPS IN SEWING TWO SECTIONS 35 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION DIRECTIONS : a. Fold manila paper right to left, bottom to top, left to right. b. Lay out and cut cover 5"x 6J", and fold as shown. c. Sew the two sections of the book together starting above the center of one section, and following steps shown in cut, fastening ends with square knot. d. Spread glue along inside crease of cover, one-half inch wide. e. Press book into cover. f. Write or print NOTES upon front cover. NOTE: This is the first problem involving the sewing of sections together in bookbinding. The process has been sim- plified to the easiest steps possible. Problems following this have also been modified to suit conditions of the usual class room without extensive equipment. 217. Paged Blank Books. OCTAVO SIZE White book paper, i piece, Q"X 12". Heavy cover paper, I piece, 6"x 9". Thread, 15". Needle, scissors, pencil. DIRECTIONS : a. Letter sheet, A, B, C, D, as indicated in drawing. b. Place sheet in position so that A B will be at top of paper and C D at the bottom. c. Fold right to left. d. Fold bottom to top. e. Fold left to right. f. Open sheet and place in original position, A B at the top. g. Place numbers for pages on front of sheet as indicated in the drawing, h. Turn sheet over so that D is under upper left hand 36 BOOK PROBLEMS corner and write numbers as indicated in second drawing, i. Fold sheet again in the same way that it was first folded. D, UMOCK FRONT OF SHEET BACK OF SHEET j. Cut cover 5"x6i" and fold. k. Insert folded sheet in cover, sew, and tie. 1. Tear leaves with paper knife or back of scissors. NOTE: Sheet must be folded the same in "i" as it was folded in "c," "d," "e," or the paging will not be correct. DUODECIMO SIZE BLANK BOOK Heavy cover paper, i piece, 6"x 9". White book paper, i piece, 9"x 12". Thread, 15". Needle, scissors, pencil. 37 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION B, FRONT OF SHEET BACK OF SHEET c. d. DIRECTIONS : a. Place paper on desk with A B at bottom. b. Fold bottom edge up two-thirds distance to top. Fold top edge down to fold. Fold right edge to left edge. e. Fold bottom to top. f. Unfold sheet and place in such a position that A is in the upper left hand corner, and B in the lower left hand corner. g. Number pages as indicated in drawing. h. Reverse sheet so that B will be under the upper left hand corner and A under the lower left hand corner. i. Number pages on back of sheet as indicated in drawing. Refold sheet in same manner as it was first folded. - k. I. Cut cover 5" and fold. Insert folded sheet in cover and sew as before. NOTE: These problems furnish opportunity for the teacher to explain to the pupils how a book is printed, folded, sewed, trimmed, and bound. Booklets with 16, 18, 32, 36, or 48 pages may be worked out as supplementary problems. The printer usually prefers to fold into 8, 16, or 32 pages in order that the 38 BOOK PROBLEMS folding may be done from edge to edge. Some of the other foldings and pagings are given below. The stock for each book is 9"x 12" and a cover is planned to allow J" projection. L r H ] il <0 i o/ u 9 if * cv tf "c "9 ^ s 1 tiSfc! ,t _r ar/ /a SECTION OF 16 PAGES A section of 16 pages may be made by folding R to L, T to B, M to C. The illustration shows the paging on both sides of the sheet. In the two lower drawings are shown a single page and the open book in its cover. 39 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION r 1 i * * A section of 24 pages may- be made by folding R to L, M to T, B to C, L to T. This is a difficult fold and not often L T C JR M e> 9 s- 0? /o 'S B 1 V 1 M op 2 H B 9 " SECTION OF 24 PAGES employed. A printer would more commonly use two j sheets, one of 16 pages and one of 8 pages. a *-f 4^ t 6 t>* it 9s /JS / /J ff 0? 6? ^ SECTION OF 32 PAGES A section of 32 pages may be made by folding B to T, R to L, M to K, J to K. This is as many pages as usually fold well together in a single section, altho thin book paper may sometimes be folded into 64 pages or more in pamphlet work. 40 BOOK PROBLEMS A section of 36 pages may be made by folding M to T, B to C, K to L, T to N, L to N. In place of this sized sec- tion it is more practical to fold pages and one of ce here in careful worth the attempt 1. A section of 48 pages may be made -by folding B to T, M to L, R to J, J to K, N to K. Three sec- tions of 1 6 pages each, or one of 32 pages ire more generally f. \ L * yf /-* "r c J V; V o ^f r Of / 9/ 9? rr t' 6 JO 7 /a >3 B V *a /? ... , two sections nf if\ I J > J i 4 pages. The pract ^ folding, however, is 1 at 36 pages in schoo ii w/* 5 J j & X* to 39 40 d d */ .>" CALENbAR DESK SLOTTED 252 PHOTO MOUNT GLASSCWIR POST CARD 332 332 PA 6 E HOLD ER5 SHIPPING TAG DE5K PAb CARD PROBLEMS ARRANGED BY GRADES 109 V ENVELOPE PROBLEMS ENVELOPES and paper bags are typical problems for paper construction and are varied enough in shape to suit the abilities of pupils of different ages. The making of envelopes is of importance industrially, altho, of course, auto- matic machinery takes the place of most of the hand processes. Yet there is enough similarity between the hand and the machine process to make the type of construction evident. Careful "lay- ing out", cutting, folding, and gluing are necessary for successful work and must be insisted upon at all times. To keep up the interest in the making of envelopes, several forms are introduced, and the uses of the finished envelopes are different. Mailing envelopes are made in many shapes and sizes and from different materials. Filing envelopes are made in different proportions to fit particular uses, and increasing in difficulty as different school grades are reached. Paper bags are included with the envelope problems as they are of the same general character. Many uses for the envelopes and bags will suggest them- selves, and different constructions may be made as other needs appear. It is hoped that teachers will find in these outlines constant hints for new ways to attack the problems in paper and cardboard work, but it is also expected that a reasonable number will always have a definite line of problems to present to pupils, and will not hesitate to give such directions as will make the work clear to the pupil. More freedom may well be allowed in the uses of the envelopes as made, than in the methods of making them. As suggested for the card problems, there is a good deal of illustrative material which should be saved for future refer- ence, and which if mounted or saved in envelope files would be convenient of access as needed. Certain of the envelope files will be found convenient for newspaper clippings, and others for magazine illustrations. The arrangement of envelope problems by grades is as follows : 110 ENVELOPE PROBLEMS FIRST GRADE 141 Envelope folder (Thin tag board or heavy cover paper). 142 Square envelope (Book paper or cover paper). 143 Pocket for clippings (Thin tag board). SECOND GRADE 241 Paper bag (Thin cover paper or manila wrapping-paper). 242 Mailing envelope (Bond paper or flat writing-paper). 243 Long mailing envelope (Bond paper). THIRD GRADE 341 Photo filing envelope (Light or medium tag board). 342 Long filing envelope (Medium tag board). 343 Large filing envelope (Medium or heavy tag board). FOURTH GRADE 441 Paper bag with folds (Thin cover paper). 442 Flat envelope file (Medium tag board, binders' cloth, cloth board, marble paper). 443 Book envelope file (Medium tag board, cloth board, binders' cloth, marble paper). 141. Envelope Folder. Thin tag board or heavy cover paper, i piece, 6"x9". Paste. Rule, pencil, scissors. FOLDER CUT TO SIZE PARTLY FOLDED FINISHED DIRECTIONS : a. Place the sheet of paper with the long edges in a hori- zontal position. 111 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION b. Fold left edge nearly to center of sheet and crease. c. Fold right edge nearly to center of sheet and crease. d. Open to original position. e. Fold bottom edge up nearly two-thirds of the distance to the top edge and crease. f. Fold top edge down nearly to folded edge at bottom, crease and open. g. Cut away corners as indicated in drawing at A, B, C, D. These cuts may be made at an angle as shown in drawing, or they may be made on folded lines, h. Refold all parts. NOTE: Different shaped folders should be made if time per- mits. It may be well to apply paste for a space about one-half inch in width along the inside edge of bottom lap and press firmly in place to make a regular envelope in place of the en- velope folder. 142. Square Envelope. Book paper or cover paper, I piece, 9"x 12". Paste. Rule, pencil, scissors. DIRECTIONS : a. Fold one short edge to one long edge and crease on diagonal fold. b. With paper in this position cut away the three-inch strip. This leaves the paper 9" square. c. Fold the other diagonal. d. Fold A to B, and C to D, as shown in first drawing. e. Fold bottom up, E to F, as shown in second drawing. f. Fold top down, I to J, as shown in third drawing. g. Open top part back to original position, and with rule draw pencil line from K to L, and M to L. h. Open all folds and cut away portions G and H. i- Fold in sides and paste at D. 112 ENVELOPE PROBLEMS j. Apply paste at edges of bottom fold and press into place. NOTE: Step "h" may be omitted to simplify the work and the paper left square but the folds will be more clumsy. STEPS IN MAKING SQUARE ENVELOPE 143. Pocket for Clippings. Thin tag board, i piece, 9"x 12". Paste. Scissors. DIRECTIONS: a. Cut sheet to 9"x 9" as directed in 142, "a" and "b". b. Fold other diagonal. c. Fold in the four corners about one-half inch past the center of the sheet, and in the following order, A, B, C, D, as shown in drawing. 113 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION POCKET CUT TO S1ZK 1'OCKKT FOLDED d. Unfold top part, D. e. Cut on fold E F. f. Paste as in 142. 241. Paper Bag. Thin cover paper or manila wrapping-paper, i piece, 9"x 12". Paste. Rule, pencil, scissors. DIRECTIONS : a. Place the sheet of cover paper with the long edges in a horizontal position. PAPER BAG CUT TO SIZE 114 ENVELOPE PROBLEMS b. Fold the left edge to within about one inch of the right edge and crease. c. Fold the remaining one inch to the left and crease. d. Fold the bottom up about one inch and crease. e. Open the whole sheet and cut away the parts as shown in the drawing. f. Refold in the same order and paste the laps on the out- side. NOTE: If desired, small notches may be cut in the top edge after it is pasted to give a closer resemblance to the usual form. PAPER BAGS 115 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION 242. Mailing Envelope. Bond paper or flat writing-paper, i piece, 9"x 12". Paste. Rule, pencil, scissors. ENVELOPE CUT TO SIZE ENVELOPE FOLDED DIRECTIONS : a. With the sheet on desk and long edges in horizontal position, lay out as indicated in drawing. The follow- ing order is suggested : (1) Locate and draw horizontal lines, making measurements from the bottom of the sheet. (2) Locate and draw vertical lines, making measure- ments from left edge of sheet. (3) Locate and draw slanting lines. b. Call attention to all cutting lines and consider shape. c. Cut to lines. d. Fold on light lines. e. Consider final shape. f. Paste end laps. g. Paste bottom lap. 243. Long Mailing Envelope. Bond paper, i piece, 9"x 12". Paste. Rule, pencil, scissors. 116 ENVELOPE PROBLEMS ENVELOPE CUT TO SIZE ENVELOPE FOLDED DIRECTIONS : a. Lay out in same manner as 242. Do not consider rounded corners until whole problem is laid out in straight lines. b. Lay out rounded corners with pencil without measure- ments. The teacher should show on the blackboard how much the corners are to be rounded. c. Cut to shape. d. Fold and paste as in 242. 341. Photo Filing Envelope. Light or medium tag board, i piece, 6"x g' Glue. Rule, pencil, scissors. * 1 PHOTO FILING ENVELOPE DIRECTIONS : a. Locate and draw lines for folds as indicated in the draw- ing, the first y and the second 4$" from the left edge. Locate and draw a line f" from the bottom edge and parallel to it. Draw the short slant lines as indicated. b. c. 117 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION 118 ENVELOPE PROBLEMS d. Consider the shape to which the material is to be cut. e. Cut on lines indicated. f. Fold on light lines and consider final appearance. g. Spread glue on laps and press firmly in place. NOTE: The bottom should be folded up on the outside, while the lap on the side may be folded either on the inside or on the outside. This envelope is suitable for filing 4"x 5" dry plates or films or unmounted photographs. Mounted photographs not over 4^"x 5^" can be filed comfortably in an envelope of this size. 342. Long Filing Envelope. Medium weight tag board, I piece, 6"x 9". Glue. Rule, pencil, compass, scissors. N LONG FILING ENVELOPE DIRECTIONS : a. Lay out lines for folds and cuts according to dimensions on the drawing. The order of procedure is suggested by directions in number 341. Draw center line as shown in drawing. With compass set at ij" radius describe an arc as shown at A. The center for this arc will be outside the sheet of tag board and any piece of waste paper may be used on which to extend the center line. The location of this center may be determined by the pupil, d. Cut, fold, and glue in same manner as in number 341. b. c. 119 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION 343. Large Filing Envelope. Medium or heavy tag board, i piece, Q"X 12". Glue. Rule, pencil, scissors. / \ '{ i / \ I ' I ^ V \ ^ " ;;; ^ A ] f~2 ^ I \ J t V ? x h-^f~ ^m &" -2'- LARGE FILING ENVELOPE DIRECTIONS : a. Place the sheet of tag board on the desk with the short edges in a horizontal position. b. Begin at left edge and make measurements on both top and bottom as follows, 2^" from left edge, 4J" from last point located, then 2^" from last point. c. Draw vertical lines thru these points. d. In the same manner locate and draw the horizontal lines. e. Locate points and draw lines for the slanting cuts. f. Consider final shape before cutting. g. Cut to shape indicated by heavy lines, h. Fold on light lines. i. Consider the construction of the finished envelope as shown in the second drawing, j. Apply a thin coat of glue to the laps and press firmly in place. The top lap is left without gluing. 120 ENVELOPE PROBLEMS ENVELOPES 441. Paper Bag with Folds. Thin cover paper, i piece, 9"x 12". Paste. Rule, pencil, scissors. DIRECTIONS : a. Place the sheet on the desk with the long edges in a horizontal position. b. Measure from lower left corner to right 4^" and fold left edge to this point. c. Measure from lower right corner to left 8J" and fold 121 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION right edge to this point, x represents the end view when folded, d. Paste the lap from end to end. STEPS IN MAKING PAPER BAG WITH FOLDS e. When the paste is sufficiently dry move the lap joint to the right ij" and crease edges in this position. This is shown in B, and in end view "y". f. Note now that the opening is in rectangular form as at C which is an end view. g. Fold in sides as shown at D and press flat, h. Fold up bottom about i" as at E. i. Cut away the unnecessary material in this fold and paste as shown in F. Only one thickness of paper should be left to paste. 122 ENVELOPE PROBLEMS 442. Flat Envelope File. Medium tag board, 4 pieces, 9"x 12". Cloth board, i piece, Q"X 12". These may be cut to sizes required. Binders' cloth, i piece, 6"x 18". Marble paper, i piece, 9"x 12". Paste, glue. Rule, pencil, scissors. DIRECTIONS : a. Lay out four envelopes from tag board according to dimensions in drawing. b. Fold on light lines with part A folded first. This brings the visible edge of the joint in the center of the en- velope as shown in drawing at B. c. Fold up bottom lap. d. Glue each joint carefully and place under a weight until dry. e. Lay out curve at top end of envelope and cut to line as shown at B. f. Cut binders' cloth to size for the folded hinge at bottom ends of envelopes. At F and G are shown two methods of hinging. At F the file is used without the cover boards, while at G the folded hinge is fastened into a cloth covered case. Another form of this case is shown at H with a lap around one end, this being the form for which material is included in foregoing list. If hinge is to be made as at F, cut the binders' cloth as shown at C, 5"x 7" and make folds \" apart alternating up and down ; if as at G, cut as shown at E, 5"x 9" and fold in same manner. g. Apply glue to envelopes and set into folds of binders' cloth. See illustrations at F and G. NOTE: If a cover is desired it may be made as shown at G by fastening two pieces of cloth board or marble board together with a piece of binders' cloth 4"x 5" D, and gluing the hinges on 123 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION J L2 r $**'-* (f^ 1 \H \ . 1 ' 1 X J /-- -* -J / .. - h*y THREE STEPS IN MAKING FLAT ENVELOPE FILE the inside of the board covers. Another form of cover is shown at H. Here binders' cloth may be used for the hinges only or the whole cover may be covered with it. Corners may also be made as an additional problem. Covers should be lined with marble paper. 124 ENVELOPE PROBLEMS If much filing is to be done a filing case as shown in the drawing below will be found convenient. This case is made as follows : a. Cut soft wood base J"x 5i"x i \\" . b. Cut two soft wood ends J"x 5^"x 8|". c. Cut two cloth board sides each 8f"x 12". Use No. 15, 20 or 25 stock, cl. Fasten the ends of the base with ij" brads. e. Fasten the sides to ends and base with J" flat heads, thin. f. Cover corners with stay tape or ij" strips of binders' cloth. g. Cover sides and ends with marble paper or cover paper. It may seem desirable to line the case with marble paper or cover paper to make a better inside appearance. In this case, either the outer or inner paper should be carried over the top edge. -A?' 1 1 1 v ; 1 "7^ 1 1 I \ IS) i- 1 Q ! i l r L__. "^ \j f -^- -1 - DESK FILING CASE FOR 5"x 7^" ENVELOPES 125 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION BOOK ENVELOPE FILE 443. Book Envelope File. Medium weight tag board, 4 pieces, g"x 12". Cloth board, 2 pieces, 3f"x 8" (cut from Q"x 12") Binders' cloth, I piece, 9"x 12". Marble paper, i piece, Q"X 12". Paste, glue, eyelets, string. Rule, pencil, scissors, eyelet punch. 126 ENVELOPE PROBLEMS ENVELOPE AND CASE FOR BOOK ENVELOPE FILE DIRECTIONS : a. Lay out four envelopes from tag board according to dimensions given in drawing. For order of operations in laying out envelopes see number 242, on page 102. b. Fold and glue. Fasten bottom lap over end laps as il- lustrated above. c. Punch holes and set eyelets in envelopes. Locate holes near bottom corners. d. Cut binders' cloth to 9"x 10^". Save remaining strip for on page 129. 127 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION e. Place the two pieces of cloth board on the binders' cloth and make pencil lines around them. Make sure that the distance between the boards is the same (ij") at both top and bottom. BOOK ENVELOPE FILE f. Cut the corners away as shown. Enough cloth should be left at the corners so that when it is folded it will completely cover the cloth board. g. Apply glue to the cloth board and press into place. Glue must be spread thinly and evenly. 128 ENVELOPE PROBLEMS h. Fold the cloth over edges of boards, and glue. i. From remaining strip of binders' cloth, cut a piece i J"x 7j". This is to be glued down the center of the back, inside, to make the hinge stronger and more durable. j. Cut two pieces of marble paper 3^"x 7}". k. Paste marble paper inside of covers -J" from edges. 1. Punch holes in cover in such positions as will coincide with the holes in the envelopes, and set eyelets. There should be a margin between the outer edges of the envelopes and the edges of the cover of about -J". in. A shoe lace or piece of strong black cord may be used to hold envelopes in place in the cover. NOTE: The envelope problems suggested on the preceding pages represent some variety in an important line of paper con- struction. Other styles and shapes will suggest themselves. On the next page the full sequence of envelope problems is arranged for comparative study. 129 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION \4\ ENVELOPE FOLbER \42 SQUARE MFiOff 24\ 243 MAILING FWELOPE 343 LONG F/LIM6 EWELOPF FLAT EWCLOK FILE SACK WITH FOLDS BOW EWfLOff fILE ENVELOPE PROBLEMS ARRANGED BY GRADES 130 VI PLANNING OF COURSES WHILE the preceding chapters describe what may seem to be desirable sequences for use in schools, the authors do not wish to recommend that all teachers who use the book shall follow such an arrangement, but prefer to have the book suggestive to any one who may have the work of planning courses in paper and cardboard construction. Such courses will vary as the point of view varies. The educational ideals of a community, the requirements of a superintendent, or the particu- lar interests of the supervisor may affect the whole scheme of organization. After an analysis of the fundamentals in planning a course and a brief statement of some of the recognized points of view, four schemes are given as typical outlines of courses of study. FUNDAMENTALS IN PLANNING In planning a course of study in any subject, the first matter demanding attention is the formulation of definite aims which may be accomplished by means of the course. The more definite and specific these become the better can a course be adjusted to meet them. The ideals of the local school system may form the background for this determination, the point of view of its officers, and the training and experience of the special supervisor must all be considered ; the details of the regular course of study and of the school administration and the wishes of teachers in the lower grades all affect the purpose and scope of the course, but these are only a starting point for a systematic statement of such particular aims as can reasonably be expected to have a place in a rational course of study. The supervisor's first duty then is to determine the purpose of the course as a whole and the purposes of the different parts of such a course, either by grades or by principal divisions of the subject. Some of the purposes for the course as a whole are named on pages 134 to 137 as "The Point of View". The purpose 131 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION back of this book is indicated in the introduction. Purposes for the principal divisions of paper and cardboard work as described here are given at the beginning of chapters II, III, IV and V. The next matter requiring attention is the determination of the things which shall be made and what information shall be acquired in the progress of instruction. On pages 137 to 148 different arrangements of the course are indicated, and steps in the making of each problem are given on pages 19 to 130. This detailed analysis includes the number and name of each problem, the material and equipment needed by the pupil, a working draw- ing, directions for making the problem, and supplementary notes. The planning of a course should at least be suggested by the supervisor altho many details may be left to the individual teacher. When it comes to methods of handling the work in the class room, they should be left largely or entirely to the teacher in charge of the room. The relations of the supervisor to the teacher are indicated in chapter VIII. It is important to re- member here that as far as the planning of a primary handwork course is concerned, the supervisor must : (a) determine the purposes of the course, (b) outline the content of the course in its best arrangement of detail, (c) see that such methods are used as will bring proper results. THE NUMBERING SYSTEM In order that the supervisor may be able to indicate briefly the various problems in a course, it is desirable that some simple symbol be used, and a numbering system has been selected for use here. The numbering system thruout the book is as follows : There are three numbers employed for each problem and they read from the left as follows : 121 (one-two-one) square box. 433 (four-three-three) desk pad. The first number, at the left, represents the grade in school : 1 (one) referring to the first grade. 2 (two) referring to the second grade. 3 (three) referring to the third grade. 4 (four) referring to the fourth grade. 132 PLANNING OF COURSES The second number, in the middle, represents the group from which the problem is selected : 1 (one) referring to the group of book problems. 2 (two) referring to the group of box problems. 3 (three) referring to the group of card problems. 4 (four) referring to the group of envelope problems. The third number, at the right, represents the intended se- quence of the group in each grade : i or 2 or 3 referring to the first or second or third problem of the selected group and in the particular grade. The following table represents the arrangement by grades and by groups. Book Problems Box Problems FIRST SK COND THIRD FOURTH GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE I I i 2 I i 3 i i 4 i I I I 2 2 I 2 3 i 2 4 i 2 I I 3 2 I 3 3 i 3 4 i 3 I I 4 2 I 4 3 i 4 4 i 4 I I I 5 6 2 2 I I 5 6 3 3 i i 5 6 4 4 i i 5 6 2 I 7 4 i 7 I 2 i 2 2 i 3 2 i 4 2 i I 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 I 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 2 3 3 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 5 I 3 i 2 3 i 3 3 i 4 3 i I 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 4 3 2 I 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 I 4 i 2 4 I 3 4 i 4 4 i I 4 2 2 4 2 3 4 2 4 4 2 I 4 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 Card Problems Envelope Problems \ ariations from this order are suggested on pages 142 to 148 but the numbers may still be used for purposes of classifi- cation. 133 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION THE POINT OF VIEW In the determination of purposes for the handwork course, the following points of view are significant : The point of view in planning a course in primary handwork may be that of a logical arrangement of processes of handling materials so as to bring in a progress from easy to difficult, and to have each exercise prepare for the next. The use of the pro- jects may take a secondary place or may correlate by running in a parallel direction, the work being modified so as to give the desired sequence and at the same time meet the uses which appear from time to time. Information regarding industrial phases of the work may be given in connection with the sequenced problems. The point of view may be the grouping of types of construc- tion with the emphasis placed upon a logical arrangement of processes as before or upon the meaning of the subject matter. The general arrangement of the problems in this book is of four groups distributed over the first four grades. Within each group there are sequences arranged in order of difficulty. There seems to be an advantage in this arrangement in the printed book as it enables the teacher to follow each group of problems from begin- ning to end. In a course of study, such an arrangement gives the child enough of each kind of problem to keep up the interest and to give an adequate view of the type of work. The point of view may be that of the thought side involved and the projects be so planned that they will become a part of an organized study of details of selected industries. Handwork becomes in this case of secondary importance, and the informa- tional values predominate. The making of things is then for illustrative purposes, to make ideas more definite, to give a more adequate notion of processes of manufacture, or to teach the nature of materials thru their manipulation. This informational value should always be present in some degree, but the emphasis may not always be placed upon the ideas involved. 134 PLANNING OF COURSES The point of view may be the technical value of the skill in- volved in the making of the different projects. This skill may be the beginning of a general dexterity and control of the hand and eye or it may be the beginning of a special skill related to the particular type of work. This skill comes largely thru con- tinued drill upon a few operations with a concentration of atten- tion and effort. For a general dexterity and fundamental training of the hand as a foundation for special skill in later work, two or three repeats should generally be enough. These must require the best interest and diligence of which the pupil is -capable, for real growth. For special skill in the particular operations it is necessary to repeat a process many times, or until it becomes nearly automatic, and this usually has no place in the public schools, or at least not in the lower grades. Where this special skill is desired, many of the problems suggested in this book will be found of value in repeat work. It must be recognized however that commercial processes include devices and kinks which save time and labor, and where many repeats are looked for, these should be employed. References covering this subject are in- dicated in the bibliography. The point of view may be as an aid to art teaching, the pro- viding of small objects suitable for decoration, or furnishing an outlet for the design of paper and cardboard work. Too often does the art teacher find it difficult to give adequate directions for making boxes, booklets, envelopes, and card problems, and the outlines here given will aid in such work and enable the art teacher to plan parallel courses in drawing and construction. The paper and cardboard construction in this case assumes a position supplementary to the drawing course, and may have its arrangement determined by the organization of the work in drawing. The point of view may be that of an aid to teaching any or all of the regular elementary studies, and such problems may be selected as will meet needs of the class room as they appear from time to time. As an example, a scrap-book may be made when 135 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION collections of illustrative material need a permanent mounting. It is important here to realize that only such work should be given as will meet the range of the pupil's ability. Such work in any case loses all of its definiteness and becomes unsystematic, but may be of service to other subjects so as to warrant its be- coming a small part of a public school course. The point of view may be that of method in teaching, and the planning of the primary courses in handwork may have as its first consideration the handling of the work in class, including the method of presentation, a study of the cost and care of equip- ment and supplies, and the apportionment of time to the different branches. Handwork may be a method only and have no special content of its own. Of the things which seem desirable to teach in the elementary school, it is found that some can best be taught in the handwork class. Of the habits which seem desirable to train, it is found that some can be well emphasized in the hand- work class. Thus handwork in some places has no identity as a subject, but is a way of handling certain other school subjects. The point of view may be the building around centers of interest. Such features of social activity as occupations, civic life, the home, and holidays may become central thoughts in a part of the elementary curriculum, and stories, number work, descriptions, drawing, and the making of things all serve to add meaning to the ideas involved. This studying of the interests of children with the endeavor to meet them has become the most significant feature in many schools, and details of the course have been modified as needed to meet these interests. In such places the suggestion of such problems as are described in this book does not need to concern itself with any logical arrangement of processes. Whatever the point of view, the planning of a course is one of the important functions of the supervisor of primary handwork and should be given its due consideration. The determination of the purpose or point of view, the outlining of such details of the course as will carry out the purpose, and the making of sug- 136 PLANNING OF COURSES gestions of methods for handling these details belong to the supervisor. ARRANGEMENT OF PROBLEMS There are different ways of grouping the problems in each grade, so as to bring in a sequence of manipulations of increasing difficulty. It is also possible to arrange several sequences, each more or less independent of the others but enabling the pupil to profit constantly from his previous efforts. Four arrangements are suggested : A. First grade : book problems, box problems, card problems, en- velope problems. Second grade, third grade, and fourth grade : same grouping as for first grade but with added difficulty in each grade. This grouping is the most systematic and logical. B. Each grade : a problem or two from each group above, and then a repeat from each group. These changes may seem desirable for the sake of variety and interest. C. Each grade : a selection of problems from each group arranged in the order of difficulty for the entire scheme regardless of the classification of problems. This arrangement may seem a little disjointed in content, but furnishes a very definite line of training for the child and may prove more interesting than "A" or "B". D. First and second grades : arranged as in "A", "B", or "C". Third and fourth grades : a concentration upon one or two groups of problems for most of the work of an entire year. This arrangement furnishes a training in technical skill not possible with the other arrangements. A PROBLEMS GROUPED FOR EACH GRADE Groups of problems for each grade are outlined below as sug- gested at "A". The full arrangement of problems with a state- ment of the new processes or those especially emphasized in each problem, by grades, is given below. It is understood that nearly every problem involves some repeat of former processes, besides the new processes. Many of the problems may be omitted if 137 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION there is not enough time, but some problems should be taken from each group. ^IRST GRADE BOOK PROBLEMS I. in. Mounting folders page 19 Folding, creasing, cutting picture, pasting picture. II. 112. Booklet folder page 20 Tearing edge, gluing or pasting narrow edge. III. 113. Pocket note-books page 21 Folding for 8, 12 and 16 pages, sewing single section thru three holes, tearing leaves apart IV. 114. Book of color schemes page 24 Study of color samples, selection of colors, mounting colors. V. 115. Drawing-book page 25 Folding wide opening book, making drawings in book. VI. 1 16. Laundry list page 27 Fastening eyelet, tying cord, writing title on outside. BOX PROBLEMS VII. 121. Square box page 67 Folding stiff material, gluing square corners. VIII. 122. Square tray . .page 68 Folding and gluing narrow folds. IX. 123. Rectangular tray page 69 Folding, cutting, and gluing heavy material. CARD PROBLEMS X. 131. Mounted drawings page 92 Studying proportions and mounting with paste. XL 132. Book-marks page 93 Determining outline and planning border, making line with pencil or crayon. XII. 133. Calendar page 94 Mounting of picture and calendar together. ENVELOPE PROBLEMS XIII. 141. Envelope folder page in Folding and cutting to folded line, and cutting off slant edge. XIV. 142. Square envelope page T 12 Folding accurately to line and pasting neatly. XV. 143. Pocket for clippings page 113 Careful cutting to folded lines. 138 PLANNING OF COURSES SECOND GRADE BOOK PROBLEMS I. 211. Paper portfolio page 29 Measuring for length, connecting points with pencil, and using stay tape over crease. II. 212. Paper portfolio with laps page 30 Measuring for length, three dimensions, laying out corners. III. 213. Book of designs page 30 Sewing thru four holes, lettering cover. IV. 214. Weather record page 31 Observation of weather and careful pasting of weather flags. V. 215. Receipt-book page 34 Sewing several thicknesses of paper, gluing binders' cloth over outside fold. VI. 216. Note-book page 35 Sewing two sections together, gluing book into cover. VII. 217. Paged blank books page 36 Numbering of pages, study of arrangement of pages. BOX PROBLEMS VIII. 221. Small square box page 71 Laying out box to dimensions, cutting and folding to measured lines. IX. 222. Rectangular open box page 71 Laying out larger measurements, making two measurements with one setting of rule. X. 223. Box with reinforced corners page 72 Scoring heavy material, use of stay tape on box corners. CARD PROBLEMS XL 231. Desk blotters page 96 Cutting blotters to uniform size, punching and tying. XII. 232. Photo mount page 98 Study of proportion and color in mounting, mounting upon double mounts. XIII. 233. Glass cover page 100 Laying out of octagons, making simple octagonal designs. ENVELOPE PROBLEMS XIV. 241. Paper bag page 114 Folding, and cutting long fold. 139 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION XV. 242. Mailing envelope page 1 16 Laying out several small measurements, careful pasting and folding. XVI. 243. Long mailing envelope page 116 Laying out and cutting rounded corners. THIRD GRADE BOOK PROBLEMS I. 311. Scrap-book page 42 Folding double center for book, gluing cover over leaves so as to make two sharp edges. II. 312. Small sewed pamphlet page 44 Sewing two, three, four and five sections. III. 313. Sewed pamphlet, reinforced back page 46 Gluing binders' cloth around square corner fold. IV. 314. Cloth covered portfolio page 47 Making of case for bookbinding: pasting binders' cloth to cloth board, gluing laps down, pasting lining paper inside. V. 315. Glued booklet page 48 Gluing several sections one into another. VI. 316. Cloth bound book page 49 Fastening sewed sections into case: backing sections, gluing against covers, and lining. BOX PROBLEMS VII. 321. Covered small box page 74 Fitting cover to box, pasting colored paper over box and cover. VIII. 322. Pencil box with fitted cover page 76 Fastening corners with double paper. IX. 323. Candy box page 77 Making end folds, fitting laps at ends. X. 324. Folding box page 80 Very accurate laying out and cutting, fitting of folded tabs. CARD PROBLEMS XL 331. Post cards page 101 Neat cutting of heavy material, making banded decoration. XII. 332. Page holder page 102 Punching and cutting between holes, cutting corners. 140 PLANNING OF COURSES XIII. 333. Shipping tags page 102 Laying out from center line, punching three thicknesses, tying loop ENVELOPE PROBLEMS XIV. 341. Photo filing envelope page 117 Laying out with care to exact size, gluing neatly. XV. 342. Long filing envelope page 1 19 Use of compasses, cutting of curved line. XVI. 343. Large filing envelope page 120 Cutting and gluing large pieces of heavy material. FOURTH GRADE BOOK PROBLEMS I. 411. Pocket paper file page 52 Cutting of marking tabs, gluing of hinge. II. 412. Desk paper file page 54 Cutting tabs from heavy material, gluing large pieces of stock. III. 413. Note-book covers page 54 Making hinge of binders' cloth, punching holes and setting eyelets. IV. 414. Portfolio with cloth corners page 58 Fitting of corners and back, gluing up carefully. V. 415. Bound scrap-book page 61 Combination of problems number 311 and 316. VI. 416. Bound drawings page 61 Sewing thru cover and drawings. VII. 417. Rebound book or bound magazines . . . .page 62 Removing old covers and attaching canvas backing. BOX PROBLEMS VIII. 421. Pin box with cover page 81 Pasting cover paper over sides and cover of box. IX. 422. Post card box page 83 Laying several measurements from center line, very careful folding, and neat gluing. X. 423. Original box page 84 Designing box and -making working drawing, cutting of straw- board, lining of box and cover. 141 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION XI. 424. Pen box page 86 Making of very accurate joints with strawboard and box board. XII. 425. Sliding box page 88 Fitting of case to box. CARD PROBLEMS XIII. 431. Postal scale page 103 Gluing broad surfaces, marking with standard weights. XIV. 432. Folder picture mount page 105 Studying good proportion for double mount. XV. 433. Desk pad page 107 Cutting and fastening of corners of heavy cover paper, fitting of blotters. ENVELOPE PROBLEMS XVI. 441. Paper bag with folds page 121 Double folding for typical paper bag. XVII. 442. Flat envelope file page 123 Making of flexible hinge, fitting of case to envelopes. XVIII. 443. Book envelope file page 126 Punching and tying envelopes within case. B PROBLEMS SELECTED FROM GROUPS The selection of problems from the book group, the box group, the card group, and the envelope group in regular rota- tion has at least the advantage of adding the interest which comes from variety. The following arrangement is suggestive for this feature. (See B on page 137.) FIRST GRADE I. in. Mounting folders 19 II. 121. Square box 67 III. 131. Mounted drawings 92 IV. 141. Envelope folder in V. 112. Booklet folder 20 VI. 122. Square tray 68 VII. 132. Book-marks 93 VIII. 142. Square envelope .- 112 142 PLANNING OF COURSES IX. 113. Pocket note-books 21 X. 123. Rectangular tray 69 . 4 XI. 133. Calendar , 94 XII. 143. Pocket for clippings 113 XIII. 1 14. Book of color schemes 24 XIV. 115. Drawing-book 25 XV. 1 1 6. Laundry list 27 SECOND GRADE I. 211. Paper portfolio 29 II. 221. Small square box / 1 III. 231. Desk blotters 96 IV. 241. Paper bag 1 14 V. 212. Paper portfolio with laps 30 VI. 222. Rectangular open box 71 VII. 232. Photo mount 98 VIII. 242. Mailing envelope 116 IX. 213. Book of designs 30 X. 223. Box with reinforced corners 7 2 XI. 233. Glass cover 100 XII. 243. Long mailing envelope 116 XIII. 214. Weather record 31 XIV. 215. Receipt-book 34 XV. 216. Note-book 35 XVI. 217. Paged blank books 36 THIRD GRADE I. 311. Scrap-book 42 II. 321. Covered small box 74 III. 331. Postcards 101 IV. 341. Photo filing envelope 117 V. 312. Small sewed pamphlet 44 VI. 322. Pencil box with fitted cover 76 VII. 332. Page holder 102 VIII. 342. Long filing envelope 119 IX. 313. Sewed pamphlet with reinforced back 46 143 10 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION X. 323. Candy box 77 XL 333. Shipping tags 102 XII. 343. Large filing envelopes 120 XIII. 314. Cloth covered portfolio 47 XIV. 324. Folding box 80 XV. 315. Glued booklet 48 XVI. 3 [6. Cloth bound book 49 FOURTH GRADE I. 41 1. Pocket paper file 52 II. 421. Pin box with cover 81 III. 431. Postal scale . 103 IV. 441. Paper bag with folds , 121 V. 412. Desk paper file 54 VI. 422. Post card box 83 VII. 432. Folder picture mount 105 VIII. 442. Flat envelope file 123 IX. 413. Note-book covers 54 X. 423. Original box 84 XL 433. Desk pad 107 XII. 443. Book envelope file 126 XIII. 414. Portfolio with cloth corners 58 XIV. 424. Pen box 86 XV. 415. Bound scrap-book 61 XVI. 425. Sliding box 88 XVII. 4 16. Bound drawings 61 XVIII. 417. Rebound book or bound magazine 62 C PROBLEMS ARRANGED ACCORDING TO DIFFICULTY In the following, the problems are arranged in a sequence according to the difficulty of handling, regardless of groups of kinds of problems, as indicated at C on page 137. FIRST GRADE I. in. Mounting folders 19 II. 112. Booklet folder 20 144 PLANNING OF COURSES III. US- Drawing-book 25 IV. Hi. Envelope folder in V. TI 3- Pocket note-books 21 VI. 116. Laundry list 27 VII. 121. Square box 6 7 VIII. 122. Square tray 68 IX. 133- Calendar 94 X. 142. Square envelope 112 XI. 143- Pocket for clippings H3 XII. I3I- Mounted drawings 92 XIII. 132. Book-marks V 93 XIV. I2 3 . Rectangular tray 69 XV. 114. Book of color schemes 24 SECOND GRADE I. 211. Paper portfolio 29 11. 212. Paper portfolio with laps 30 III. 215- Receipt-book 34 IV. 2 3 I. Desk blotters 96 V. 241. Paper bag 114 VI. 2 3 2. Photo mount 98 VII. 223. Box with reinforced corners 72 VIII. 221. Small square box 7i IX. 2I 3 . Book of designs 30 X. 222. Rectangular open box 7i XL 214. Weather record 3i XII. 216. Note-book 35 XIII. 242. Mailing envelope 116 XIV. 233- Glass cover TOO XV. 243- Long mailing envelope 116 XVI. 217. Paged blank books 36 THIRD GRADE I. 333- Shipping tags IO2 II. 332. Page holder 102 III. 34i. Photo riling envelopes H7 145 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION IV. 331. Post card 101 V. 311. Scrap-book 42 VI. 315. Glued booklet 48 VII. 342. Long filing envelope 119 VIII. 321. Covered small box 74 IX. 314. Cloth covered portfolio 47 X. 322. Pencil box with cover 76 XL 343. Large filing envelope 120 XII. 316. Cloth bound book 49 XIII. 323. Candy box 77 XIV. 324. Folding box 80 XV. 312. Small sewed pamphlet 44 XVI. 313. Sewed pamphlet with reinforced back 46 FOURTH GRADE I. 421. Pin box with cover 81 II. 431. Postal scale 103 III. 432. Folder picture mount 105 IV. 411. Pocket paper file 52 V. 433. Desk pad 107 VI. 412. Desk paper file 54 VII. 415. Bound scrap-book 61 VIII. 416. Bound drawings 61 IX. 422. Post card box 83 X. 413. Note-book covers : 54 XL 423. Original box 84 XII. 424. Pen box 86 XIII. 441. Paper bag with folds 121 XIV. 425. Sliding box 88 XV. 414. Portfolio with cloth corners 58 XVI. 442. Flat envelope file 123 XVII. 443. Book envelope file 126 XVIII. 417. Rebound book or bound magazine 62 146 PLANNING OF COURSES D PROBLEMS SELECTED FROM ONE GROUP Another way to arrange paper and cardboard problems having peculiar advantages is by concentration of attention and effort upon a more limited field of work, taking for instance the third grade for one group of problems such as book problems, and the fourth grade for another group, such as box problems. This concentration gives more ability in the lines undertaken, but does not open up so large a field. This work may follow either of the arrangements suggested for the first and second grades. FIRST GRADE See any one of the three arrangements suggested on pages 137, 142, and 144. SECOND GRADE See arrangements on pages 139, 143, and 145. THIRD GRADE Selections of book problems I. 311. Scrap-book 42 II. 312. Small sewed pamphlet 44 III. 313. Sewed pamphlet with reinforced back 46 IV. 314. Cloth covered portfolio 47 V. 315. Glued booklet 48 VI. 316. Cloth bound book 49 VII. 41 1. Pocket paper file 52 VIII. 412. Desk paper file 54 IX. 413. Note-book covers 54 X. 414. Portfolio with cloth corners 58 XI. 415. Bound scrap-book 61 XII. 416. Bound drawings 61 XIII. 417. Rebound book 62 XIV. 417. Bound magazines 62 147 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION FOURTH GRADE Selections of box problems I. 321. Covered small box 74 II. 322. Pencil box with fitted cover 76 III. 323. Candy box 77 IV. 324. Folding box 80 V. 421. Pin box with cover 81 VI. 422. Post card box 83 VII. 423. Original box 84 VIII. 424. Pen box 86 IX. 425. Sliding box 88 If there are not enough problems for the time available in either the third or fourth grades, the problems suggested should indicate types of book and box making which may help in original work planned by the student. There are enough pos- sible problems in either book or box making to occupy all the handwork periods for both grades. It may seem better to re- verse the arrangement and put the box problems in the third grade and the book problems in the fourth grade. It should be remembered that a half year is about all that can well be allowed for paper and cardboard work in each grade, if clay work and basketry and weaving are also undertaken. 14X VII EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT FOR THE CLASS ROOM AS noted in the lists of materials required for the making of each problem, very few different pieces of equipment are required by any individual. The rule and scissors are required constantly, and should be ready for use at all times in good condition and with full count. If more than one kind of scissors be ordered for the different grades, small blunt pointed scissors are more suitable for the first and second grades, and larger sharp pointed scissors may be recommended for the third and fourth grades. Rules suitable for primary handwork should have a little extra distance before the zero mark, and a little beyond the 12" mark as indicated in the draw- ing at the bottom of page 29. If separate rules be obtained for each grade, the following are recommended: First grade straight edge without marks ; Second grade rule marked with inches and half inches ; Third grade rule marked with quarter inches ; Fourth grade rule marked with eighth and sixteenth inches. These articles may be collected each day or allowed to remain with the pupil. If collected, special boxes should be provided so that everything can have its own place. A medium pencil should be kept and handled by the same pupil at all times if possible, for sanitary reasons. A pencil eraser for each pupil will also be found a convenience. A good supply of needles should be on hand in each class room, a few punches including one or two with eyelet set combinations, at least one good glue brush, and several sticks of wood sharpened to a chisel edge for spreading glue. Where a very little glue is needed, a wood toothpick is satisfactory. A kitchen knife, especially if the edge be dulled over an oil stone, makes a good magazine opener, and one or two will be found a convenience in each room for booklet work. A few compasses 149 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION are also desirable, and a chip carving knife is useful for heavy card work if the heavy stock is not cut to size before being passed. For this heavy cutting, a piece of Q"X 12" cloth board makes a good protection for the desk. An eighteen inch steel straightedge is also an advantage in heavy cutting. For deco- rative work, such materials as are used in the drawing class will be found useful. These materials include : crayons, water colors with brushes, ink with pens and brushes. The following list may be taken as representing an adequate equipment for twenty-five pupils in paper and cardboard construction in one room, including demonstration equipment for the teacher, but not including freehand drawing equipment: 26 Scissors at I5c to 25c $3 .90 to $6.50 26 Rules 2c to I5c .52 to 3.90 26 Pencils 3c to 5c .78 to 1.30 26 Erasers ic to c .26 to 1.30 3 Packages needles, No. 4, .12 to .15 5 Eyelet punches 25c to 9oc 1.25 to 4.50 5 Kitchen knives 5c to I5c .25 to .75 5 Compasses ice to 25c .50 to 1.25 5 Carvers' knives 2$c to 5oc 1.25 to 2.50 5 Glue brushes ice to 25c .50 to 1.25 5 Paste brushes ice to 2$c .50 to 1.25 i Steel straightedge, 18" i.oo to 2.00 Total $10.83 to $26.65 All of this equipment should be provided with neat racks or boxes, or at least should be kept at all times when not in use in a particular place in the teacher's storage closet. Nothing looks much worse in school than slovenly care of school ap- paratus. The supervisor should watch this carefully, and make suggestions as needed. STOCK ROOM EQUIPMENT If the school system be large enough to warrant it, a supply room for the supervisor should be provided with the following: 150 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES i Case containing sliding shelves for full sized sheets of paper and boards, one shelf for each kind of stock, and long doors extending from top to bottom- over shelves. i Case containing pigeon holes for 9"x 12" cut stock, shelves to be \2\" deep, and openings to be 9i"x 9^". A curved notch in each shelf for the hand assists in removing the paper. i Case containing shelves and drawers for small cut stock, thread, stay tape, eyelets, binders' cloth and backing, paste and glue, and miscellaneous small articles. i Case containing extra pieces of equipment and for storage of equipment during the vacation season. i Card cutter with blade at least 15" in length. It is desirable to have such a cutter in each fourth grade room except for expense. A good card cutter may be obtained for from $7.00 to $25.00. i Paper cutter to handle stock at least 20" wide. Cost varies from $50.00 to $150.00 according to size and strength, and whether for table or floor use. Such a stock room if sufficiently large may be used for all of the primary handwork. Stock of all kinds, yarns, raffia, reed, clay, and other supplies, should be kept in special cases. KINDS OF PAPER AND CARDBOARD Many kinds of paper are suitable for primary handwork, and a few of them are used almost constantly, especially cover papers, book papers, and tag boards. Other papers are used but little, but are desirable in order that a wider acquaintance with paper qualities may be obtained. A collection of finished papers, and one showing stages in the manufacture of paper has an educational value well worth the effort necessary for making the collection. The following classification may be of value in the study of papers. 151 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION The more important papers are : Print paper, Unfinished surface, for newspapers and cheap poster work, made from fibres of straw, wood, grasses, and paper waste. Book paper, Machine finished surface, cheaper varieties made from wood fibres. Writing-paper, Made with a surface suitable for ink, and with a firmness which will stand erasures, usually made from cotton and linen rags. Drawing-paper, Frequently made by hand, very firm, stands much erasing, made in surfaces from smooth to very rough. Wrapping-paper, A coarse paper of a yellowish brown color made from manila and other rope fibres, stands hard usage. Cover paper, Paper with a fancy color, an interesting texture, and a tough quality suitable for covering pamphlets. Other papers and boards of more or less importance or given peculiar treatment in the process of manufacturing are: Binders' board Blotting-paper Blue-print paper Bond paper Bristol board Calendered paper Carbon-paper Cardboard Chinese paper Cloth board Coated paper Cold pressed paper Copying-tissue Cotton paper Corrugated board Cross section paper Cylinder paper Deckeled-edge paper Detail paper Drawing-board Dry proofing paper Embossed paper Enameled paper Ferro prussiate paper Fibre wrapping-paper Fibre-faced paper Filter-paper Flat writing-paper Folded paper Friction boards Glazed paper Gummed paper Hand-made paper Hard plate paper 152 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Hot pressed paper India paper Interleaving paper Japanese paper Jute board Label paper Laid paper Ledger paper Letter-paper Linen paper Lining paper Lithographic paper Litmus paper Loft-dried paper Luminous paper Machine-sized paper Manifold paper Manila paper Marble board Marble paper Matrix backing Metallic paper Mimeograph paper Mounted paper Mounting board Mounting paper Music paper News-paper Note-paper Oil board Oiled paper Parchment paper Pattern paper Photographic paper Pitched paper Plate paper Plated paper Polygraphic paper Poster board Poster paper Post-office paper Press board Printing paper Proofing paper Pulp board Rag paper Rice paper Roofing paper Ruled paper Safety paper Sandpaper Sensitized paper Silk paper Silver paper Sized paper Soft plate paper Surface paper Stencil board Stereotype paper Strawboard Tag board Tar board Tarred paper Tissue-paper Tracing paper Transfer-paper Trunk board Tub sized paper Tympan board Typewriter paper Vellum paper Waxed paper 153 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION \ SIZES OF PAPER The following table is given for convenient reference to stock sizes of some of the more common writing-, drawing-, and print- ing papers : WRITING * DRAWING PRINTING Flat cap I4"x 17" Cap i4" x 17" Demy i6"x 21" I5"x2o" Folio I7"x22" Medium i8"x 23" I7"x22" 19^x24" Royal 4 I9"x24" I9"x24" 2o"x 25" Super royal 2o"x 28" I9"x 27" 22"x 28" Double cap I7"x28" Imperial 23"x3i" 22"x 30" 22"x 32" Small double medium 24"x 36" Double medium 23"x 36" 24"x 38" Double Royal 24"x 38" 26"x 40" Double elephant 26"x 40" 27"x 40" Antiquarian 3i"x 53" 3i"x 53'" 3 o"x 40" Large sizes for newspapers 32"x 44" 36"x 48" TABLE OF PAPER COUNTS A matter easily forgotten is the table of counts for paper. It is inserted here as a reminder : 24 sheets equal I quire 24 sheets 20 quires equal I ream 480 sheets (or 500 sheets) 2 reams equal I bundle 960 sheets (or 1000 sheets) 5 bundles equal I bale 4800 sheets (or 5000 sheets) Drawing-papers and other high grade papers are sold with 480 sheets to the ream. Ordinary papers come 500 sheets to the rfeam. PAPER MANUFACTURE It is believed that a word or two regarding the manufacture of paper may be of value to teachers of primary handwork, so 154 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES the following brief description of the process is inserted at this point along with the kinds, sizes, and counts of paper just given. Until recent years paper was made principally from cloth scraps, and at present all high grade papers are still "rag" papers. Most of the printing paper at present however is made from such vegetable fibres as those from wood, straw, and grasses. The fibres are ground and bleached and then boiled to a soft pulp. In the hand-made papers this pulp is dipped into a large pan from which the water gradually drains away leaving a wet sheet, which is then pressed and dried. Some high grade papers are still made in this way by hand, but mechanical processes have almost entirely displaced the hand process. The machine process is as follows : (1) The fluid pulp is floated over a continuous wire cloth which has a constant motion, and which allows the water to drain away. (2) The wet pulp is pressed under wire gauze rollers and more of the moisture taken up. (3) The pulp can now hang alone and support itself for a short distance and is carried to a felt band and led to felt rollers. (4) More water is pressed out between these felt rollers and the paper leaves them able to go unsupported to the metal rollers. (5) The paper is now passed to the heavy smooth calender rolls, and under great pressure is given a smooth finish and added drying. These calenders are sometimes heated and used to give a glaze to the paper. (6) It next is carried to the drying room and a current of heated air serves to drive away most of the remaining moisture. (7) From here it may be taken to the roller cutters and cross cutters, and be cut and tied into bundles for shipment. This description while not including the chemical treatment, nor other details of the preparation of the pulp may be taken as fairly representative of the usual mechanical part of the process. For newspapers, the paper is usually delivered upon large rolls 155 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION as they come from the machine. Colored papers are given the color before the fluid pulp reaches the machine. TABLE FOR ORDERING PAPER SUITABLE FOR PRIMARY HANDWORK CLASSES KINDS DESIRABLE SIZES COSTS MATERIALS Cover paper Plain, laid, smooth, rough, gray, or colors , w( Book paper English finish, egg shell finish, antique, laid, enameled, deckled- edge, white and tinted Print paper Light weight or heavy weight, white or colored Wrapping-paper Manila, white, fibre Flat writing White wove or laid Ledger paper White wove Bond paper White or tinted wove Drawing-paper White or tinted QUANTITIES 20x2525 5 to 15c 25 Ibs. thin to 20x2570 ;35 to 60 Ibs. ights desirable) per pound to 70 Ibs. thick per ream (500 sheets) 24x3650 4 to 8c 50 to 70 Ibs. to 25x3870 per pound per ream (500 sheets) 24x3630 3 to 5c 30 to 50 Ibs. to 25x3350 per pound per ream (500 sheets) 12x18 7V 2 to 20x40100 (24x3640 desirable) 4 to 5c per pound 7V-2 Ibs. light to 100 Ibs. heavy, per ream (500 sheets) 17x2216 6 to 12c 16 to 24 Ibs. to 19x2424 per pound per ream (500 sheets) 16x2128 15 to 40c 28 to 80 Ibs. to 23x36-^80 per pound per ream (480 sheets) 17x2212 8 to 20c 12 to 44 Ibs. to 19x24 44 per pound per ream (500 sheets) 19x24 20 to 60c 24 sheets per quire per quire 156 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES MATERIALS KINDS DESIRABLE SIZES COSTS QUANTITIES Blotting-paper White or colored, 19x2460 7 to 15c 60 to 100 Ibs. plain or to per pound per ream enameled 19x24100 (500 sheets) Plated paper White or 20x24 $2.00 to $3.00 480 sheets colored per ream per ream Marble paper Spot, wave or 20x30 30c 24 sheets agate per quire per quire Tissue-paper White or 20x30 60c to $1.50 500 sheets colored per ream per ream Gummed paper White or 17x22 45c to $1.00 24 sheets colored to 20x24 per quire per quire Strawboard BOARDS Binders' 26x33 $1.00 35 thick to Nos. per 100 thin sheets 35 to 100 bundle per bundle Cloth board Binders' gray 22x28 $1.00 12 thick to Nos. per 50 thin sheets 12 to 50 bundle per bundle Pulp board White 26x38 $1.15 40 thick to Nos. per 120 thin sheets 40 to 120 bundle per bundle Box board White coated 28x44 $2.50 100 sheets No. 016 per bundle per bundle Marble board Green or 26x3860 $2.00 60 sheets brown per bundle per bundle Tag- board Buff color 22%x28%-80 3 to 5c 80 Ibs. light to per to 140 Ibs. 22V 2 x28 1 / 2 140 pound heavy per ream (500 sheets) 157 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS KINDS Mounting board Gray, black, or colors Press board Red or gray Bristol board Plain, folding, writing, embossed, White or colored DESIRABLE SIZES COSTS 22x28 $4.50 to $6.00 5 ply or 10 ply per bundle 28x3470 22V2X28V2 from 2 to 10 ply 6c per sheet $1.00 to $5.00 per 100 sheets QUANTITIES 100 sheets per bundle 70 Ibs. per 144 sheets 100 sheets per bundle If in doubt about weights and unable to see samples, order medium weights or numbers. Boards should be ordered in full bundles if possible. Note the varied classifications of quantities in bundles, and specify very carefully. CALCULATIONS FOR STOCK In order to determine what amounts of paper stock to order for a school system, the following method will be found satis- factory : (1) Find the enrolment per grade for the first four grades of the entire system. The enrolment for a given year may be taken roughly for that of the following year if orders are to be placed before the enrolment is known. (2) Find the amount of 9"x 12" stock of each kind per pupil per grade. This may be taken from the bottom of tables on pages 161, 162, 163, and 164, or may be worked out from the listed amounts accompanying the directions in chapters II, III, IV, and V. (3) Multiply the amounts of stock per pupil for each grade by the number of pupils in each grade, and add from ten per cent to twenty-five per cent extra for new pupils who may enter later, for spoiled work, for extra problems, and for other exigencies. 158 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES (4) Find how many 9"x 12" pieces can be cut from the large sheets and divide the totals in (3), above, by this amount to get the number of full sheets. (5) Add enough to make up full ream lots of each style and weight if possible. If not, add enough to make up quarter or half reams. If this be impossible, any number of sheets may be ordered, but at an advance in price. The extra stock will help in starting the next year and should be deducted from the next year's order. School money should not be tied up unnecessarily in extra stock. (6) Check calculations for gross errors. An example of the calculation for the first grade is as follows : Medium tag board i piece (from list at bottom of page 161) times 150 (pupils) equals 150 (pieces) ; divide by 5 (the number of pieces per sheet) and get 30 (full sheets in first grade) Suppose we get also oo (full sheets in second grade) 60 (full sheets in third grade) 325 (full sheets in fourth grade) 415 sheets in all Add to make ream 85 sheets extra Total medium tag board 500 sheets (or i ream, no pounds) OTHER SUPPLIES NEEDED In the same manner we may add each item and make up a full order for paper for the entire school year. Miscellaneous small supplies such as stay tape, eyelets, thread, silk cord, paste, and glue are easily figured out. A pint of paste and a pint of glue should make up an average requirement for each class room, altho the work in the fourth grade demands more than the first, and more will be wasted in some rooms than in others. An extra supply should be kept in the supervisor's store room. 159 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION SOURCES OF SUPPLY As far as possible it is desirable to purchase from local dealers but much of the material needed is special in character and must be gotten from special dealers. Certain dealers make a specialty of supplies for primary schools and the largest of these can supply most of the equipment and supplies listed here. These larger supply houses are located in such cities as Boston, New York, and Chicago, with branches in other cities. Most city superintendents have their catalogs. Other special houses carry papers, book binders' material, or printers' supplies. The following list of kinds of supply houses may be of service to those in doubt as to where orders may be sent. LOCAL HARDWARE DEALERS Scissors, rules, knives, straightedges, eyelet punches, glue, and brushes. LOCAL STATIONERS Rules, pencils, erasers, compasses, paste, brushes, water colors, pens, ink. LOCAL PRINTERS OR PAPER SUPPLY HOUSES Papers, cardboards and certain kinds of binders' cloth. LOCAL DEPARTMENT STORES Needles, thread, string, silk cord, embroidery cotton, scissors, pencils. LARGE PAPER HOUSES Papers and boards of all kinds, usually in unbroken reams or bundles only. BOOK BINDERS' SUPPLY HOUSES Binders' cloth, leathers, and miscellaneous supplies and equipment. PRINTERS' SUPPLY HOUSES Card cutters, paper cutters, paper cabinets, (It is usually best to have cabinets built locally.) DRAFTING SUPPLY HOUSES Rules, pencils, compasses, straightedges, triangles. 160 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES SPECIAL DEALERS IN PRIMARY SUPPLIES OR MANUAL TRAINING SUPPLIES Papers of many kinds, binders' material, scissors, eyelet punches, stay tape, brushes, card cutters. (They will usually get whatever is needed.) STOCK REQUIRED PER GRADE On this and three following pages are listed the number of pieces of paper stock 9"x 12", with the totals per pupil added at the bottom of each page. FIRST GRADE 111 Mounting folders 112 Booklet folder H 113 Pocket note-books \ l / 2 114 Book of colors 115 Drawing-book 1 16 Laundry list 121 Square box 122 Square tray 123 Rectangular tray % 131 Mounted drawings 1 1 132 Book-marks 133 Calendar % 141 Envelope folder 142 Square envelope 143 Pocket for clippings Total pieces 9"xl2" per pupil 2% 1 % 4> S 1 3 O O 2 ' o rr l# 4 \ \Q 161 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION SECOND GRADE It will be noticed that heavier stock, box board and press board, and writing-papers, blotting-paper, and binders' cloth are added to first grade list of stock. "O bo 1 ; ll uT V o JS bo V s si 11 PH O ii V c S I ^ Li u o. CO a 11 M-S s, a bo .S c 1 1 a '5 C3 Hlotting-paper I PQ 211 Paper portfolio X 212 Portfolio with laps 1 213 Book of designs IK l 214 Weather record K K 1 215 Receipt-book X 2 K 216 Note-book K 2 217 Paged blank books !| X 1 221 Small square box X 222 Rectangular box X 223 Box, reinforced X 231 Desk blotters .... K 1 232 Photo mount K 233 Glass cover X 241 Paper bag 1 242 Mailing envelope 1 243 Long envelope 1 Total pieces 9"x 12" per pupil. IK X IK 4 IK 2K 1 1 9 1 K 162 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES THIRD GRADE Strawboard, cloth board, print paper, and marble paper are added to the stock of the second grade for bookbinding problems, and bristol board is added for folding box problems. ] u | | d fi .2 J5 8? bo rt u i I 1 k o. | 1 I o 3 o .Q 8 4J u o 3 8, a. a "fn 1 "o & c is is _3 3 M .^ 3 C C -~" I 11 O c 'c 1 IB c5 1 c/J S fe s pq ^ ra3 - s S 311 Scrap-book 312 Sewed pamphlet. 7^ 3 313 Pamphlet, rein- forced 1 Ik 72 314 Cloth portfolio . 1 / & 1 /^ 1 315 Glued booklet . . k 2 316 Cloth bound book 1 2 20 1 321 Small box l /2 k 322 Pencil box with cover 1 1 j/ 323 Candy box i 324 Folding box i 331 Post card 1 332 Page holder .... k 333 Shipping tags . . l/ 2 341 Photo filing en- velope i/ 72 342 Long filing en- velope -^ 343 Large filing en- velope 1 1 Total pieces per pupil, 9"xl2" ... 1 1 ik 2 IX 2 3 sk Ik 3K 3 20 k 1 2k 163 PAPER AND CARDBOARD CONSTRUCTION FOURTH GRADE Strawboard 1 o .0 1 G & 8 PQ 1 V 1 5 "H "o en n & g 3 3 y > o o f >, o Pi be ii o _T) as 1! > e 'S P-. s, s, u rt Blotting-paper 1 3 "c