OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ENJO!, ri A p T 1 v CATALOGUE HYMENOPTEROUS INSECTS THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. PART I. ANDRENID^E AND AP LONDOI PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1853. ENTOMOLOGY PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. 37 PREFACE. HE principal object of the present Catalogue has heen to give a complete list of all the known species of ANDRE- NID^E and APID.E, at the same time indicating those at present contained in the Collection of the British Museum. This part of the Catalogue has been prepared by Mr. FREDERICK SMITH, who has taken every care in the determination of the species, the references to the syn- onyma, and in the descriptions of such species as hitherto are apparently undescribed. The remaining Parts will follow as soon as they can be completed. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. 24th May, 1853. M591667 CATALOGUE OF HYMENOPTERA. Order HYMENOPTERA. Tribe 4. ANTHOPHILA. Anthophila, Latr. Reg. Anim. iii. 511, 1817. Fam. 1. ANDRENDLE. Andrenetae, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 355, 1805. Andrenides, Leach, Edinb. Enc. 1812. Andrenidae, Leach, Sam. Comp. 1819. Andrenites, Newm. Ent. Mag. 1834. Melitta, Kirby, Mon. Ap. Angl. i. 127, 1802. Brachyglossa, Prosopidae et Andrenidse, Kirby, Faun. Bor. Amer. p. 266, 267, 1837. Subfam. 1. OBTUSILINGUES. Obtusilingues, Westw. Int. Class. Ins. Gen. Syn. p. 84. Genus 1. COLLETES. Apis, pt., Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 953, 1766. Andrena, pt., Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 307, 1793. Megilla, pt., Fab. Syst. Piez. p. 328. Melitta, pt., Kirby, Mon. Ap. Angl. i. 130, * a, 1802. Colletes, Latr. Hist. Nat. Ins. xiii. 359, 1805. Evodia, Panz. Krit. Revis. p. 208, 1806. (Plate I. Details.) B 2 HYMENOPTERA. 1. COLLETES SUCCINCTA. B.M. Apis succincta, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 955. 18, fy Cab. Mus. Linn. Soc. ?. Christ. Hym. p. 185. t. 15. f. 7? Andrena succincta, Fab. Syst. Ent. p. 378. 14, ? . Rossi, Faun. Etrus. ii. 98. 899. Apicis invictus, Harris, Expos, p. 134. 12. t. 39. f. 12, . Apis calendarum, Panz. Faun. Germ. Ixxxiii. 19, gins having a fuscous cloud, the tegulae testaceous. The basal segment of the abdomen has a thin fringe of pale fulvous pubes- cence, that on the other segments above and beneath is black ; the abdomen is very black and shining, and delicately punctured. Hab. Chili. 15. COLLETES OCCIDENTALS. Colletes occidentals, Halid. Linn. Trans. (1837) xvii. 322. Hab. Chili. (Coll. W. Wilson Saunders, Esq.) 16. COLLETES CYANESCENS. Andrena cyanescens, Halid. Linn. Trans. (1837) xvii. 321. Hab. Chili. (Coll. W. Wilson Saunders, Esq.) 17. COLLETES URSINA, n, s. B.M. Female. Length 5 lines. Black, entirely clothed with sooty black pubescence ; on the face and cheeks it is silvery, as well as on the tarsi beneath ; the latter has in certain lights a golden tinge ; the wings subhyaline and beautifully iridescent, their ner- vures black ; the legs very dark rufo-piceous, the claws ferrugi- nous. Hab. Columbia. 18. COLLETES MANDIBULARIS, n. s. B.M. Male. Length 3 lines. Black ; the face, thorax and legs clothed with bright lemon-yellow-coloured pubescence ; the an- tennae beneath, except the two basal segments, fulvous ; the mandibles bright ferruginous ; the wings hyaline, iridescent, and having their tegulae and nervures ferruginous; all the tarsi and the calcarise pale ferruginous ; the basal segment of the ab- domen fringed with long pubescence, and all the apical margins of the segments banded with pubescence of a lemon-yellow colour. Hab. Georgia. 19. COLLETES THORACICA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the clypeus coarsely punc- tured, the face thinly clothed with pale pubescence, that on the disk more dense and fulvous; the thorax above clothed with bright fulvous pubescence, beneath it is nearly white; on the posterior femora and tibiae beneath, the pubescence is of changing golden yellow, the floccus palest, on the legs above it is fus- cous ; the claws ferruginous; the tegulae ferruginous, as well as the neuration of the wings, the wings being hyaline, and having O HYMENOPTERA. a slight cloud on their apical margins. The abdomen very shining, and delicately punctured; the base has a thin long pale pu- bescence -, on the apical margins of the first and two following segments laterally is a narrow fringe of white pubescence ; on the margin of the fourth segment it is usually continuous be- neath ; the margins have a fringe of white pubescence. Male. Length 5 lines. Closely resembles the female, but has the face densely clothed with long bright fulvous pubescence ; the apical margins of the segments of the, abdomen have con- tinuous white bands, usually more or less interrupted on the first and second. Hob. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. (Coll. E. Doubleday, Esq.) Genus 2. PARACOLLETES. Paracolletes, F. Smith's MSS. Head not so wide as the thorax, eyes lateral, elongate-ovate ; the stemmata placed in a curve on the front of the vertex ; an- tennae subclavate, the third joint longer than the second or fourth ; labrum concealed, rounded in front ; mentum elongate, gradually narrowing towards its base, which is conical, in front produced into a sharp angle, from the point of which descends an abbrevi- ated channel ; anteriorly rounded ; the paraglossae obtuse, short, and placed laterally ; labial palpi four-jointed, the basal joint as long as the two following united ; third and fourth joints of equal length. Maxillary palpi six-jointed, the basal joint a little the longest, the rest of about equal length, each joint much narrower than the preceding, all being conical. Thorax, superior wings having one oblong marginal cell, truncate at the apex, from which emanates an abbreviated nervure ; three submarginal cells, the first as long as the two following united ; the second a little longer than broad, the transverse nervures parallel, oblique -, the third narrowed nearly one-half towards the marginal ; the first recurrent nervure received by the second submarginal cell about the middle, the second received by the third submarginal near its apex. Legs short, stout, posterior tibiae slightly curved, and the basal joint of the tarsi as broad as the tibia, and three-fourths of its length. Abdomen elongate-ovate, furnished with an anal fimbria. (Plate I. Details.) 1. PARACOLLETES CRASSIPES, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 7 lines. Black, the head clothed with ochraceous pubescence, palest on the face and cheeks ; the basal joint of the antennae black, the following joints ferruginous be- neath ; the clypeus coarsely punctured ; the labrum and apex of HYMENOPTERA. / the mandibles rufo-piceous. Thorax above clothed with ochra- ceous pubescence, beneath and on the femora it is of a paler hue ; on the metathorax and on the basal segment of the abdomen it is nearly white ; the legs rufo-piceous, above clothed with fus- cous pubescence ; the posterior tibiae and basal joint of the tarsi dilated, the former bent inwardly ; the anterior tibiae bright fer- ruginous in front ; on the metathorax below the post-scutellum is a smooth shining enclosed space ; the wings hyaline, their ner- vures and tegulae rufo-testaceous. Abdomen dark rufo-testa- ceous, having a green metallic tinge, finely punctured, the basal segment slightly sinuated at its anterior margin ; the fifth and sixth segments clothed with black pubescence, the latter has a central longitudinal smooth space. The margins of the segments beneath are fringed with pale ochraceous pubescence. The pubescence on the thorax viewed under a moderate magnifying power is beautifully plumose. Hob. Swan River. Genus 3. PTILOGLOSSA. Ptiloglossa, F. Smith's MSS. Head transverse, much narrower than the thorax ; eyes slightly approximating at their vertex, ocelli placed in a triangle. The third joint of the antennae clavate, about the same length as the scape, the fourth very short, the rest of about equal length. The mentum elongate, narrowed towards the base, which is rounded ; the apex blunted ; the labium very short, densely pubescent ; the paraglossae elongate, very pubescent ; the labial palpi four- jointed, short and stout; the basal joint cylindric, as long as the two following ; maxillary palpi six-jointed, gradually attenuating to the apex ; the second to the fourth joints slightly narrowed at their base ; the labrum rounded. Thorax rounded ; the an- terior wings having one elongate marginal cell pointed at the base, the extreme apex truncate, the first submarginal cell rather longer than the two following, the second very narrow, attenuated towards the marginal ; the first recurrent nervure uniting with the first, and the second uniting with the third transverse ner- vure. Abdomen nearly conical, emarginate at the base. (Plate I. Details.) 1. PTILOGLOSSA DUCALIS. Female. Length 8 lines. Head and thorax black, the clypeus very convex, naked ; the face otherwise clothed with short gri- seous pubescence intermixed with long black hairs ; the cheeks clothed with white pubescence. Thorax densely clothed above HYMENOPTERA. with sooty black pubescence, palest on the sides and beneath ; the legs dark fusco-ferruginous, above clothed with dark fuscous pubescence ; the floccus on the posterior femora long, thick and of a pale yellow ; the fringe on the tibiae pale ; the tibiae much dilated, slightly bent inwardly ; the basal joint of the tarsi broadly dilated, the second heart-shaped, the third narrower, but of the same length and shape, the fourth very small ; claws short, stout and somewhat blunt ; anterior wings having one marginal cell, the radial nervure of which curyes inwardly to the point of union with the transverse nervure of the second submarginal cell, from whence it is straight to the transverse nervure of the third sub- marginal, whence it passes obliquely upwards to the apex of the costal nervure ; the second submarginal cell not more than one- fifth as wide as the first submarginal, the third slightly narrowed towards the marginal. Abdomen delicately punctured, green, the base of the first segment and its sides densely covered with pale, nearly white pubescence, the apex clothed with sooty black hairs ; beneath the abdomen is fulvous, except towards the apex, the margins of the segments depressed and fringed with fulvous pubescence, the fourth and fifth with black. Hob. Not known. (Coll. W. Wilson Saunders, Esq.) Genus 4. LEIOPROCTUS. Leioproctus, F. Smith's MSS. Head transverse, nearly orbicular, of about the width of the thorax ; antennae placed in a slight curve on the vertex ; mentum of moderate length, about three-fourths longer than the labium ; the latter emarginate at the apex, and having at about half its length a transverse process notched in the middle and sinuated on each side ; at the lateral extremities of this process are placed the paraglossae, dilated and pubescent at their apex; the la- bial palpi four-jointed, the basal joint about equal in length to the two following ; the maxillary palpi six-jointed, the three basal ones of equal length, the following gradually a little shorter, the apical one very slender. Thorax ovate, the supe- rior wings having one elongate marginal cell, rounded at its apex, and three submarginal cells ; the first about equal in length to the two following, the second narrowed towards the marginal, receiving the first recurrent nervure in the middle, the third also much narrowed towards the marginal, receiving the second re- current nervure near its apex ; spurs of the posterior tibiae sim- ple. Abdomen elongate-ovate, having an anal fimbria on the fifth segment ; the sixth pubescent at the sides, naked down the centre. (Plate I. Details.) HYMEXOPTERA. 1. LEIOPROCTUS IMITATUS, n. s. B.AI. Female. Length 4^ lines. Black, at the base of the an- tennae a little pale yellow pubescence; the clypeus bright, smooth, and having deep punctures; the antennae testaceous beneath. Thorax very smooth and shining above, having a few scattered punctures ; the metathorax has an enclosed smooth shining space below the post-scutellum ; the disk is thinly clothed with pale yellow pubescence, that on the sides, beneath, and on the fe- mora trochanters and coxae is nearly white ; the legs dark rutb- testaceous, their claws ferruginous ; the scopa of the posterior tibiae fulvous ; the nervures of the wings ferruginous ; the wings hyaline, and beautifully iridescent. Abdomen nigro-aeneous, the margins of the segments piceous ; the fourth and fifth seg- ments have a thin fringe of pale fulvous pubescence, the sixtli clothed with the same, but having a smooth longitudinal space in the centre, widest at the base. Hob. New Zealand. 2. LEIOPROCTUS ELEGANS, n. s. Female. Length 4 lines. Blue-green, the face and cheeks thinly covered with cinereous pubescence ; head strongly punc- tured, the flagellum beneath testaceous towards the apex. Thorax above strongly and not very closely punctured, thinly covered with cinereous pubescence, intermixed with black on the disk and slightly ochraceous at the sides, the enclosed space at the base of the metathorax immediately beneath the post-scutellum impunctate and highly polished ; the wings subhyaline, slightly clouded at their apex, the nervures dark brown ; legs dark rufo- testaceous; all the femora beneath fringed with silvery white hairs, floccus and the scopa beneath of the same colour, the latter fuscous above towards the base of the tibiae, the tarsi beneatli fulvous, the claw-joints ferruginous. Abdomen rather strongly punctured, sparingly at the base; margins of the segments slightly depressed, the apical nmbria bright fulvous. Hab. Adelaide. (Coll. F. Smith.) 3. LEIOPROCTUS FRONTALIS, n. s. Female. Length 4 lines. Black, head shining, the punctures deep and not very close, those on the clypeus large and deeply impressed ; the clypeus rounded in front and strongly marginate"; at the base of the clypeus is a triangular elevation, from which a sharp elevated carina passes upwards, terminating a little before the anterior ocellus, at the termination commences a deep chan- nel which runs up to and encircles the ocellus ; the antennae tes- B 5 10 HYMENOPTERA. taceous beneath ; the pubescence thin on the face, and griseous ; that on the vertex fuscous, as well as that on the disk of the thorax, which is very sparing ; on the sides it is more dense, also on the femora, where it is nearly white, a tuft of pure white on the tubercles ; the legs fusco-ferruginous, their tarsi palest ; the scopa is white, having a beautiful golden reflection above ; the wings hyaline. Abdomen closely punctured, and having a tinge of metallic green, the margins broadly depressed, the depressions rufo-piceous as well as the sixth segment above, which is longi- tudinally striate : the sides of the abdomen have a little scattered white pubescence, the fifth segment covered with long black pu- bescence as well as the sides of the sixth ; beneath, the abdomen is rufo-piceous, the apical segment smooth and shining at its base, having on each side an impressed line running its entire length. Male closely resembling the female, its mandibles bright fer- ruginous, its face densely covered with silvery white hair ; the general colouring darker, or more matured than in the female ; the abdomen beneath has a thick fringe of suberect hair on the margins of the third and fourth segments. Hab. New Holland. (Coll. F. Smith.) Genus 5. LAMPROCOLLETES. Lamprocolletes, F. Smith's MSS. Head transverse, nearly rounded in front; ocelli placed in a slight curve. Mentum rather more than twice the length of the labium, which is sinuated on each of its anterior margins, thickly fringed with pubescence; the paraglossse longer than the tongue, dilated and pubescent at the apex ; labial palpi four-jointed, the basal one bent, about the length of the two following, the apical joint very slender ; maxillary palpi six-jointed, the three basal joints of about equal length, the following gradually a little shorter, the apical one very slender. Thorax nearly ovate, the wings having one elongate marginal cell, twice the length of the second and third submarginal cells, the first submarginal being of equal length to the two following; the second submarginal cell narrowed towards the marginal, receiving the first recurrent nervure in the middle, the second recurrent nervure uniting with the apical nervure of the third submarginal cell ; one of the spines at the apex of the posterior having on one side a row of bent teeth or hooks resembling a comb ; the pubescence of the scopa beauti- fully pectinate or feathery. Abdomen ovate, furnished with an anal fimbria, and the sixth segment with a naked space margined laterally. (Plate I. Details.) HYMENOPTERA. 11 1. LAMPROCOLLETES CHALYBEATUS. B.M. Andrena chalybeata, Erichs. Wiegm. Arch. (1842) p. 268. 24,'l Hab. Van Diemen's Land. 2. LAMPROCOLLETES OBSCURUS, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 5 lines. Black, head strongly punctured, particularly on the clypeus ; apex of the mandibles ferruginous ; a few scattered griseous hairs on the face below the insertion of the antennae, above it is fuscous. Thorax, the disk shining, sparingly punctured, and clothed with fuscous pubescence, at the sides and beneath ; on the coxae, fringe of the femora and the floccus, it is of a dirty white j the scopa above fuscous, beneath of a pale golden yellow -, all the tarsi beneath fulvous, the claws ferruginous, as well as the calcariae ; the wings subhyaline, having a prismatic reflection, tneir nervures and stigma fusco- ferruginous. Abdomen smooth and shining, the fifth segment clothed with sooty-black pubescence; beneath, the margins fringed with pale hairs, which have a golden tinge. Male. Length 3% lines. Closely resembles the other sex, the abdomen having an obscure aeneous tinge, and being of a short ovate form ; the margins of the segments narrowly rufo-piceous. The pubescence in this species slightly magnified is beautifully plumose, particularly on the disk of the thorax, the floccus and scopa of the female. Hab. Van Diemen's Land. 3. LAMPROCOLLETES CRISTATUS, n. s. Female. Length 4 lines. Black, the face covered with griseous pubescence, the clypeus covered with large punctures. Thorax shining, sparingly punctured ; the collar has a fringe of fulvous pubescence, the tubercles, scutellum and post-scutellum have dense tufts of the same colour ; wings subhyaline, slightly clouded at the apical margins, the nervures fuscous, the scopa on the posterior tibiae fuscous intermixed with silvery white hairs ; the abdomen very shining, the second and following segments finely punctured at their base, the anal fimbria black ; beneath, the segments have a pale marginal fringe. Hab. N. Holland. (Coll. W. Wilson Saunders, Esq.) 4. LAMPROCOLLETES CARINATUS, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 5 lines. Head and thorax bright green, with shades of purple on the clypeus and disk of the thorax ; strongly punctured, particularly on the clypeus and scutellum ; the face thinly covered with short white pubescence ; the thorax 12 HYMENOPTERA. above thinly clothed with fuscous pubescence, beneath it is nearly white, as well as that on the coxae and trochanters ; on the legs it is black, except that on the tarsi beneath, which is fus- cous ; the claws ferruginous. Wings hyaline ; below the post- scutellum is a transverse elevated carina, beneath which the meta- thorax is coarsely punctured. Abdomen blue, with a greenish tinge ; sparingly punctured above, more closely so at the sides and beneath ; the pubescence at the apex black ; the second and third segments beneath are fringed with pale pubescence, on the following it is fuscous. Hob. New Holland. 5. LAMPROCOLLETES PLUMOSUS, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 5 lines. Head and thorax of a metallic green, covered, but not closely, with deep punctures ; the apical joints of the antenna beneath fulvous ; the pubescence on the face is short and silvery, on the vertex it is fuscous. The thorax beneath is opake, above bright and shining ; the pubescence is fuscous or dirty white, rather palest beneath ; each hair under a low magnifying power is beautifully plumose, as well as that on other parts of the insect ; the legs rufo-piceous ; the scopa on the posterior tibia is dark fuscous above, beneath it is silvery white ; the wings clear hyaline, their tegulse rufo-piceous. Ab- domen blue, with scattered punctures, the margins of the seg- ments smooth and shining ; the pubescence on the apical seg- ment black ; beneath, the basal half of abdomen is rufo-piceous, the margins of the segments fringed with long pale hair. Hab. Swan River. 6. LAMPROCOLLETES IRRORATUS, n. s. Female. Length 4 lines. Black, the face above finely stri- gose, the clypeus having scattered deep punctures ; the thorax above very delicately punctured; the shoulders have a broad epaulet of scale-like pubescence ; the floccus silvery grey ; the scopa beneath of the same colour, above fuscous. Abdomen black with an olive reflection, the anal fimbria black ; beneath, the margins of the segments are fringed with silvery grey pu- bescence. Hab. Port Philip. (Coll. W. Wilson Saunders, Esq.) 7. LAMPROCOLLETES CINERETJS, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 5 lines. Black, the pubescence on the face cinereous, the clypeus coarsely punctured, apex of the mandibles ferruginous. Thorax closely and moderately punctured, the pu- HYMENOPTERA. 13 bescence cinereous, most dense at the sides of the metathorax, the enclosed space at the base of the latter smooth, shining and transversely striate at the base ; wings hyaline, slightly clouded at the apex ; nervures black, the pubescence on the femora and posterior tibiae beneath silvery white, fulvous on the tarsi be- neath and fuscous on the tibiae above, the claws ferruginous. Abdomen ovate, shining, the segments at and towards their base closely punctured, their apex smooth and impunctate ; the apical margins depressed and having laterally a short fringe of white pubescence, the anal fimbria black. Hob. South Australia. 8. LAMPROCOLLETES AURIFRONS. Male. Length 4 lines. Black, head a little wider than the thorax, the face thickly covered with bright golden-coloured pu- bescence ; the antennae testaceous beneath, the scape black. Thorax, the pubescence on the disk fulvous, that on the sides, beneath and on the legs is pale golden yellow ; the tibiae and tarsi pale ferruginous; the tegulae testaceous; wings hyaline, splendidly prismatic, their nervures ferruginous. Abdomen co- nical, nigro-aeneous, and having the margins of all the segments testaceous ; beneath, the fourth and fifth segments have a short, thick fringe of bright golden yellow-coloured pubescence. Hab. Adelaide. (Coll. F. Smith.) 9. LAMPROCOLLETES CUPREUS, n. s. Female. Length 5 lines. Head and thorax bright green, the abdomen coppery ; the pubescence on the face and cheeks white, slightly fuscous on the vertex; the clypeus coarsely punctured; the antennae ferruginous beneath except the three basal joints, which are black. Thorax, above the pubescence is sparing and slightly fuscous, beneath and on the coxae and femora it is dense, long and white, above strongly punctured ; the tegulae rufo-testaceous as well as the stigma, the nervures of a little darker red ; the wings clear hyaline, beautifully prismatic ; the anterior and in- termediate tarsi and the posterior tibiae and tarsi ferruginous, their pubescence pale fulvous ; at the base of the abdomen is a little white pubescence, the rest of the upper surface is thinly covered with short pale fulvous pubescence, the fifth segment is clothed with long pubescence of the same colour, the margins of the segments beneath are fringed with similar long hair ; above the abdomen is very delicately and beneath strongly punctured. Hab. Adelaide. (Coll. F. Smith.) 14 HYMENOPTERA. 10. LAMPROCOLLETES PUNCTATUS. Female. Length 4 lines. Black, the face clothed with hoary pubescence, the vertex with dirty white, the clypeus deeply punc- tured, rounded in front, antennae beneath testaceous. Thorax above smooth, shining and distantly punctured, clothed thinly with pale ochraceous pubescence, palest and most dense on the sides, particularly of the metathorax, which is rounded and very delicately punctured ; wings hyaline, nervures pale testaceous ; legs rufo-piceous fringed with pale bright yellow pubescence, that on the tarsi within is fulvous, the floccus nearly white ; the scopa has a pale golden lustre beneath, above it is fuscous, the claws ferruginous. Abdomen depressed, shining, closely and rather finely punctured, margins of the segments depressed and thinly fringed with pale fulvous pubescence ; the fifth segment has a pale fulvous fimbria intermingled with fuscous hairs which clothe the sides of the sixth, its centre being occupied by a naked longitudinal space. Hab< -Adelaide. (Coll. F. Smith.) 11. LAMPROCOLLETES VERSICOLOR. Female. Length 4 lines. Black, the head closely punctured, deeply and distantly so on the clypeus, which is smooth, shining and rounded in front ; on the face a little griseous pubescence, that on the vertex fuscous. Thorax very smooth and shining, with distant fine punctures; metathorax rounded ; tegulse shining nigro-piceous ; the wings subhyaline, iridescent ; beneath is a thin pale pubescence, as well as on the sides of the metathorax ; legs dark rufo-piceous, apical joints of the tarsi ferruginous, the floccus on the posterior legs white, the scopa silvery white be- neath, fuscous above, the tarsi within fulvous. Abdomen de- pressed, oval, of a blue-green with a silken gloss; the apical segment clothed with fuscous pubescence ; beneath, the margins of the segments have a long fringe of pale yellow pubescence. Hab. Adelaide. (Coll. F. Smith.) Genus 6. DASYCOLLETES. Dasycolletes, F. Smith's MSS. Head transverse, rounded in front ; antennae, the basal joint elongate arcuate, about one- third of the entire length ; the stemmata placed in a slight curve ; the mentum short and broad, anteriorly pointed in the middle, recurved on each side ; the labium deeply emarginate at the extremity ; the paraglossse HYMENOPTERA. 15 scarcely longer than the labium, broad and rounded at their apex ; the labial palpi four-jointed, each joint slightly narrower. Maxillary palpi six-jointed, the two basal ones of equal length ; the third, two-thirds of the length of the second, the three apical ones being of about equal length, each gradually nar- rower than the preceding joint, apical joint filiform. Thorax ovate, the superior wings having one elongate marginal cell rounded at its extremity and emitting a short appendicular ner- vure ; submarginal cells three, the first equal to the two follow- ing in length, the second equally narrowed on each side towards the marginal, receiving the first recurrent nervure in the middle ; the third submarginal cell narrowed about one-third towards the marginal, the apical transverse nervure curved outwardly. (Plate I. Details.) 1. DASYCOLLETES METALLICUS, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 5 lines. Black, the face thickly clothed with ochraceous pubescence, that on the vertex is fuscous ; the an- tennae testaceous beneath, the disk of the thorax shining, spa- ringly punctured, and thinly clothed with ochraceous pubescence, which is more dense on the sides, metathorax, and beneath ; the pubescence beautifully plumose viewed under a moderate mag- nifying power ; the legs very pubescent ; the scopa on the pos- terior tibiae pale fulvous ; the wings hyaline. Abdomen metallic green, the margins of the segments testaceous, covered with a thin, short, ochraceous pubescence, most dense on the sides and at the apex ; beneath, the segments have a marginal fringe of long, pale, fulvous pubescence. The male closely resembles the female, but is rather smaller. Hab. New Zealand, 2. DASYCOLLETES PURPUREUS, n. s. B.M. Male. Length 3 lines. Dark purple, the face clothed with griseous pubescence, the vertex with fuscous; on the thorax above it is also fuscous, but at the sides and on the legs it is griseous ; the legs dark fusco-ferruginous, the apical joints of the tarsi ferruginous ; on the metathorax, beneath the post-scutellum is an enclosed smooth shining space ; the wings hyaline, beau- tifully iridescent, their nervures and tegulae fusco-ferruginous. Abdomen shining, and having a little fuscous pubescence at the apex ; beneath slightly piceous. Hab. New Zealand. HYMENOPTERA. Genus ?. ANTHOGLOSSA. Anthoglossa, F. Smith's MSS. Head transverse, ocelli placed in a triangle on the vertex ; an- tennae geniculated, the flagellum subclavate, truncate at the apex, in the male the apical joint dilated at the apex and hollowed out ; the clypeus rounded anteriorly ; labrum concealed, rounded an- teriorly ; mandibles compressed or flattened, slightly curved in- wardly, dilated at their apex into an oblique obtuse tooth, fur- nished with a minute one within ; the mentum elongate, the labium being about one-fourth of its length ; the labium slightly rounded at its apex, which is ciliated with short hairs ; the paraglossae nearly as long as the labium, dilated and rounded at their apex ; the labial palpi four-jointed, the basal joint being nearly as long as the three following united ; the maxillary palpi six-jointed, each joint gradually decreasing in length, the apical one cylindric. Thorax rotundate, the superior wings having one marginal and three submarginal cells, the former truncate at the apex ; the first submarginal not quite so long as the two following, the second longer than broad, its transverse nervures oblique, nearly parallel, the third narrowed by one-half towards the marginal cell. Abdomen elongate-ovate, the fifth segment furnished with an anal fimbria. (Plate IV. Details.) 1. ANTHOGLOSSA PLUMATA. B.M. Female. Length 6| lines. Black, the face on each side clothed with hoary pubescence, gradually becoming darker to- wards the vertex, on which the hairs are pale at their base and black at their apex ; the clypeus closely and strongly punctured, above which is a smooth and shining triangular prominence ; the labrum and mandibles ferruginous. Thorax clothed with pu- bescence of dark hue, being pale at the base and black at the apex of the hairs ; beneath it is fulvous ; the legs dark ferru- ginous, the anterior and intermediate trochanters compressed ; the apex of the anterior coxa? armed with long obtuse spines, or processes rounded at their apex ; all the legs covered with ful- vous pubescence, the posterior pair densely ; tegulac nigro-pice- ous, very smooth and shining ; the wings fusco-hyaline, slightly clouded at their apex. Abdomen oblong-ovate, the basal segment thinly clothed with pubescence similar to that on the thorax ; the second, third and fourth segments have a narrow white fascia on their apical margins, the fifth densely fringed with fulvous pu- bescence ; the apical segment ferruginous, having a central naked space, the margins of which are raised, smooth and shining, the centre closely covered with deep elongate punctures. HYMENOPTERA. 17 Male. Resembling the female, the face densely clothed with long fulvous pubescence, the basal segment of the antennae bright ferruginous, the flagellum moniliform, the apical segment dilated, truncate, the truncation hollowed out. Thorax, the pubescence pale fulvous at the base, becoming darker at its apex ; on the metathorax it is of a pale fuscous ; beneath, anteriorly pale ful- vous, posteriorly white ; all the tibiae and tarsi bright ferruginous. Abdomen elongate-ovate, having a silky gloss, the margins of the segments white ; the two basal segments have a thin pale fulvous pubescence, on the three following it is black ; the apical segment ferruginous, rugose ; beneath rufo-piceous, the segments fringed with white pubescence. The pubescence in both sexes of this species is beautifully plumose ; each individual hair, parti- cularly on the thorax and posterior tibia, is feathered, which is observable under a moderate magnifying power. Hab. W. Australia. Genus 8. EURYGLOSSA. Euryglossa, F. Smith's MSS. Head transverse, in front orbicular, antennae inserted about the middle of the face, flagellum subclavate, eyes lateral elon- gate-ovate ; ocelli placed forwards on the vertex in a triangle ; mentum moderate in length, broad, rounded at the base; the labium broad, slightly emarginate in front, its sides rounded ; paraglossae short and rounded ; the labial palpi four-jointed, the two basal joints much stouter than the two following, the third and fourth joints longer than the second, the third clavate, the fourth subcylindric ; the basal portion of the maxillae twice as long as the lobe, the lobe rounded and broad at its apex, its apical margin ciliated ; the maxillary palpi six-jointed, the basal joint stout, gradually tapering to the apical joint, which is cylindric, the labrum angulated, its margin ciliated. The superior wings have one marginal and two submarginal cells, the former not quite so long as the two latter united ; the first recurrent ner- vure received just within the second submarginal, the second recurrent nervure uniting with the second transverse nervure. Abdomen depressed, subovate. (Plate II. Details.) 1. EURYGLOSSA CUPREO-CHALYBEA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 4 lines. Head and thorax nigro-aeneous, deeply but not closely punctured, clypeus subconvex. Thorax, the disk shining; the enclosed space on the metathorax very smooth and shining ; wings fuscous, the apical margins palest ; beneath closely punctured, the legs nigro-piceous, having a scat- 18 HYMENOPTERA. tered hoary pubescence, most dense above, on the tarsi beneath pale fulvous, apical joints of the tarsi ferruginous. Abdomen chalybeous, very closely punctured, margins of the segments smooth and shining, beneath they are rufo-piceous. Hab. N. Holland. 2. EURYGLOSSA TERMINATA. Female. Length 4 lines. Black, head strongly punctured, the face rather convex ; the clypeus shining, the punctures scat- tered ; the antennae nigro-piceous, the apex of the joints of the flagellum beneath testaceous. Thorax, the disk shining, the punctures large but scattered, interspersed with finer ones ; the metathorax above smooth and shining ; the legs dark ferruginous, their pubescence very thinly scattered, except that on the tarsi and posterior tibia, which is silvery white. Abdomen impunctate, having a silken gloss, the margins of the segments narrowly tes- taceous, the fifth segment bright fulvous, its pubescence being of the same colour. Hab. New Holland. (Coll. W. Wilson Saunders, Esq.) 3. EURYGLOSSA DEPRESSA, n. s. Female. Length 4i lines. Head and thorax black, the for- mer closely punctured ; the clypeus convex, shining, having large deep punctures not so dense as on the rest of the head ; on each side of the face close to the margin of the eyes a broad depression commencing in a line with the insertion of the antennae and ter- minating opposite the posterior stemmata ; margin of the vertex fringed with pale yellow hairs. Thorax, above shining, the punc- tures fine and distant; the enclosed space on the metathorax very smooth and shining, sides of the metathorax fringed with white pubescence ; the tarsi rufo-piceous, clothed beneath with pale fulvous pubescence. Abdomen dark green, having a satiny gloss, the margins of the segments black and shining ; the base of the abdomen deeply sinuated ; beneath, the basal margin of the segments highly polished and shining. Hab. New Holland. (Coll. F. Smith.) Genus 9. PROSOPIS. Apis, pt., Linn. Syst. Nat. p. 953, 1766. Hylseus, pt., Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 302, 1793. Sphex, pt., Panz. Faun. Germ. Melitta, pt., Kirby, Mon. Ap. Angl. i. 134, * b, 1802. Prosopis, pt., Fab. Syst. Piez. p. 293, 1804. HYMENOPTERA. 19 A. The first recurrent nervure not entering the second submar- ginal cell. (Plate I. Wing.) 1. PROSOPIS ANNULATA. Apis annulata, Linn. Faun. Suec. p. 413, 1706 ; Syst. Nat. i. 958, Sf Cab. Mus. Linn. Soc. Hylseus borealis, Nyland. Ap. Boreal. Supp. Soc. Sc. Fenn. p. 94. Hob. Sweden ; Finland. 2. PROSOPIS COMMUNIS. B.M. Hylseus annulatus, Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 305. 12, ? . Panz. Faun. Germ. 55. 3. Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 360. 1. Zett. Ins. Lap. p. 463. 1. Smith, Trans. Ent. Soc. iv. 29. 1 ; Zool. vi. 2202. 2, th rather more than one-third the length of the basal joint of the tarsi ; the tarsi densely ciliated; the intermediate and posterior legs have a silvery-white pubescence, most dense on the tarsi and on the posterior femora and tibiae within. Abdomen, the apical margin of the basal segment has a broad yellow band, dilated laterally ; a similar band, continued beneath, occupies the third segment a little before its apical margin ; beneath, the second segment is produced at its base into a conical tubercle. Hab. New Holland (Hunter River). Genus 11. MEROGLOSSA. F. Smith's MSS. (Details, Plate II.) Head transverse, face elongate ; ocelli placed in a slight curve on the vertex. Antennae filiform in the male, 13- jointed, the seventh joint more slender than the others. Mentum elon- gate-conic, about thrice the length of the labium ; the labium lanceolate, of about the same length as the paraglossae, which are broad, and as well as the labium very pubescent. Maxillary palpi six-jointed. Thorax ovate, superior wings having one marginal cell acuminate at its apex ; submarginal cells two, the first twice the length of the second, the second receiving both the recurrent nervures. Abdomen elongate-ovate. 1. MEROGLOSSA CANALICULATA, n. s. B.M. Male. Length 4^ lines. Black, ocelli large and prominent, the face deeply canaliculate, smooth and shining ; the canalicu- lation occupying the whole of the face above the insertion of the antennae and extending on each side of the clypeus nearly to its anterior margin ; a raised yellow line traverses the inner orbits of the eyes ; the clypeus yellow, angular above ; the labrum, mandibles and antennae ferruginous, the scape broadly dilated, yellow in front. Thorax, the prothorax slightly elongated, the collar narrowly yellow, the disk strongly punctured ; the meta- thorax rounded and covered with griseous pubescence ; the te- gulae have a minute white dot in front, and are, as well as the nervures of the wings, rufo-piceous ; the legs rufo-piceous ; the anterior tibia piceous in front. Abdomen cylindrical, closely c 5 34 HYMENOPTERA. punctured, covered sparingly with hoary pubescence, particularly at the sides. Hab. Port Essington. Subfam. 2. ACUTILINGUES. Acutilingues, Westw. Int. Class. Ins. Gen. Syn. p. 84. Genus 12. SPHECODES. (Details, Plate III.) Sphex, pt., Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 941, 1766. Apis, pt., Christ. Hym. p. 153, 1791. Nomada, pt., Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 345, 1793. Melitta, pt., Kirby, Mon. Ap. Angl. i. 137, ** a, 1802. Sphecodes, Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 368, 1805. 1. SPHECODES GIBBUS. B.M. Sphex gibba, Linn. Syst. Nat. I. 946. 33, fy Cab. Mus. Linn. Soc. ?. Rossi, Faun. Etrus. ii. 63. 816. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 212. 59. Apis rufa, Christ. Hym. p. 201. t. 17. f. 12, J . Melitta sphecoides, Kirby, Mon. Ap. Angl. ii. 46. 9, J . Melitta monilicornis, Kirby, Mon. Ap. Anal. ii. 47. 10 . Halictus quadrinotatus, Brulle, Exp. de Moree, iii. 350. 773. Swiffc, Zool. vi. 2173. 24. Nyland. Revis. Apum Boreal, p. 240. 6. Hob. Britain; France; Belgium; Denmark. 9. HALICTUS MACULATUS. B.M. Halictus maculatus, Smith, Zool. vi. 2172. 23, ? . Nyland. Revis. Apum Boreal, p. 241. 11. Hob. Britain; France. 10. HALICTUS INTERRUPTUS. B.M. Hylaeus interruptus, Panz. Faun. Germ. 55. 4. Halictus interruptus, St. Farg. Hym. ii. 288. 32. Smith, Zool. vi. 2167. 16. Hob. Britain ; France ; Germany ; Italy ; Portugal. 11. HALICTUS ELEGANS. B.M. Halictus elegans, St. Farg. Hym. ii. 286. 29. Hab. South of France ; Italy. 12. HALICTUS PRASINUS. Halictus prasinus, Smith, Zool. vi. 2169. 18. Nyland. Revis. Apum Boreal, p. 242. 12. Hab. Britain; France. 13. HALICTUS ABDOMINALIS. B.M. Hylseus abdominalis, Panz. Faun. Germ. 53. 18, %, Mow. Ap. Angl. ii. 85, var. , , $ , and the 3 described. Andrena rubricata, Smith, Zool. v. 1666. 3* Hab. Britain; France. 5. ANDRENA FEROX. Andrena ferox, Smith, Zool. v. 1670. 8. Hab. Britain. (Coll. F. Smith.) 6. ANDRENA CETII. B.M. Apis Cetii, Schrank, Ins. Aust. p. 405. 818, ? . Andrena marginata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 309. 10, J . Andrena marginata, Panz. Faun. Germ. 72. 15, $ . Melitta Schrankella, Kirby, Mon.Ap. Angl. ii. 90. 42, ? . Andrena marginata, St. Farg. Hym. ii. 255. 26, J . Nyland. Ap. Boreal. Act. Soc. Sc. Fenn. i. 209. 2; Revis. p. 251.4. Andrena Cetii, Smith, Zool. v. 1668. 6, ? not var. 3, $ $ . Hab. Britain. 10. ANDRENA CINERARIA. B.M. Apis cineraria, Linn. Faun. Suec. p. 420. 1688, fy Cab. Mus. Linn. Soc. Fair. Ent. Syst. ii. 329. 67. Apis atra, Christ. Hym. p. 174. t. 14. f. 1. Panz. Faun. Germ. 56. 14. Apis cinerea, Fourc. Ins. Paris, ii. 444. 8. Melitta cineraria, Kirby, Mon. Ap. Angl. ii. 98. 47- Andrena cineraria, Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 362, 1. Spin. Ins. Lig. fasc. 1. p. 117. 51. St. Farg. Hym. ii. 238. 6. Nyland. Apis Boreal. Act. Soc. Sc. Fenn. i. 211. 6. Smith, Zool. v. 1735. 14. Lucas, Explo. Sc. Alger. iii. 169. 58. Hab. Britain; France; Italy; Germany; Finland; Sweden; Algeria. 11. ANDRENA FLESS^E. B.M. Andrena Flessae, Panz. Faun. Germ. 85. 15. St. Farg. Hym. ii. 249. 19. Lucas, Explo. Sc. Alger. iii. 172. 65. Nyland. Revis. Ap. Boreal, p. 256. 6. Hab. France ; Germany ; Portugal. 12. ANDRENA BARBARE^E. Andrena Barbareae, Panz. Faun. Germ. 94. 10. Hab. Barbary. 13. ANDRENA PILIPES. B.M. Apis atra, Schrank, Ins. Aust. p. 403. 814? Andrena pilipes, Fabr. Mant. p. 298. 13. Rossi, Faun. Etrus. ii. 98. 898. Spin. Ins. Lig. fasc. 3. p. 191. 17. St. Farg. Hym, ii. 236. 3. Nyland. Apis Boreal. Act. Soc. Sc. Fenn. i. 210. 4. 94 HYMENOPTERA. Apis carbonaria, Christ. Hym. p. 201. t. 17- f. 13. Andrena carbonaria, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 312. 22. Andrena aterrima, Panz. Faun. Germ. 64. 19. Latr. Hist. Nat. xiii. 363. 3. Melitta pilipes, Kirby, Mon. Ap. Angl. ii. 96. 46, $ . Melitta pratensis, Kirby, Mon. Ap. Angl. ii. 100. 48, $ . Andrena pratensis, Nyland. Act. Soc. Sc. Fenn. p. 211. 5, . Andrena nigroaenea, Smith, Zool. v. 1739. 21, 3 J . Hab. Britain; France. 33. ANDRENA VARIANS. B.M. Apis varians, Rossi, Mant. p. 31 7- Panz. Faun. Germ. 56. 12. Melitta varians, Kirby, Mon. Ap. Angl. ii. 117. 58. Andrena Lapponica, Zett. Ins. Lapp. p. 460. 4 ? Andrena varians, Nyland. Ap. Boreal. Act. Soc. Sc. Fenn. i. 213. 9; Revis. Ap. Boreal, p. 253. 13. Smith, Zool. v. 1741. 25. Hab. Britain; France; Germany; Lapland; Denmark; Sweden; Nova Scotia. 34. ANDRENA HELVOLA. B.M. Apis helvola, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. 955. 16, fy Cab. Mus. Linn. Soc. Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 310. 11 ; Syst. Piez. p. 326. 21. Spin. Ins. Lig. fasc. 1. p. 122. 9. Melitta helvola, Kirby, Mon. Ap. Angl. ii. 1 19. 59. t. 15. f. 9, ? . Andrena helvola, Rossi, Faun. Etrus. ii. 97. 895. Smith, Zool. v. 1742. 26, /?. t. 43. f. 2. Nyland. Ap. Boreal. Act. Soc. Sc. Fenn. Supp. p. 270. 5. Hab. Britain; France; Lapland; Sweden; Finland. 8. OSMIA >ENEA. B.M. Apis aenea, Linn. Faun. Suec. 1695, 3,fySyst. Nat. i. 995. 20. Scop. Ent. Cam. p. 809, . fitf. Far#. Hym. ii. 318. 7, lines. Black, the face densely covered with pale shining hair, having a golden lustre in certain lights ; the mandibles broad, stout and tridentate at their apex, roughly sculptured and ferruginous in the middle ; the pubescence on the disk of the thorax is somewhat ochraceous, and cinereous at the sides ; the legs rufo-piceous, the tarsi testaceous, the basal joint of the posterior pair flattened and broadly dilated, the pu- bescence on the legs is pale fulvous, and bright deep fulvous on the tarsi beneath ; wings subhyaline, faintly clouded at their apex. Abdomen subconical, clothed with fulvous pubescence ; the pollen-brush of a golden yellow, palest towards the base of the abdomen. Obs. This species closely resembles M. dorsata, but in that insect the basal joint of the posterior tarsi is simple. Hab. Cape of Good Hope. (Coll. F. Smith.) 164 HYMENOPTERA. 62. MEGACHILE DORSATA, n. s. Female. Length 7 lines. Black, the puhescence on each side of the face is white, between and above the antennae it is ochraceous, and on the margin of the clypeus ferruginous, the mandibles and labrum are ciliated with hairs of the same colour. Thorax clothed above with pale fulvous pubescence, beneath it is nearly white ; on the tarsi and posterior tibiae it is fulvous, and much paler on the other parts of the legs, all the tarsi ferru- ginous ; wings subhyaline, the tegulae testaceous, the nervures ferruginous ; the apical margins have a slight cloud. Abdomen covered with fulvous pubescence, which is bright towards the base, becoming much paler towards the apex ; the apical seg- ment has a scattered black pubescence ; the pollen-brush is fulvous. Hab. Cape of Good Hope. (Coll. F. Smith.) 63. MEGACHILE PENNATA, n. s. Male. Length 5i lines. Black, the face, the thorax poste- riorly and the basal segment of the abdomen covered with white pubescence ; that on the thorax anteriorly is black ; the basal half of the wings hyaline, the apical half dark fuscous ; the apical margins of the segments depressed, the fifth and sixth segments thinly covered with stiff black hairs, the margin of the latter notched in the middle. Obs. This insect exactly corresponds with the M. maxillosa, Guer., in colouring, which is from Senegal ; the difference in size and of locality appear to indicate a distinct species. Hab. Cape of Good Hope. (Coll. F. Smith.) 64. MEGACHILE IANTHOPTERA, n. s. Female. Length 7 lines. Black, the face covered with sil- very-white pubescence, leaving the clypeus which is coarsely punctured, naked ; mandibles very stout, armed with four blunt teeth, covered towards their base with white pubescence, the cheeks covered with white pubescence. Thorax closely punc- tured, at the sides of the metathorax and beneath the wings a patch of long white pubescence, on the disk it is short and sparing, and posteriorly and on the scutellum it is black ; ante- rior wings deep violet, the posterior pair subhyaline ; legs clothed with short black pubescence, the anterior femora covered with long white pubescence, on the posterior tarsi within it is fuscous. Abdomen nigro-seneous, elongate and somewhat pointed at the apex ; on each side are six patches of white pubescence, those on the second, third and fourth segments are pointed within ; HYMENOPTERA. 165 the segments have a transverse depression and are covered with deep but scattered punctures ; the pollen-brush on the abdomen beneath is entirely black. Male. Length 6 lines. Closely resembles the female, the pubescence is longer and the tarsi beneath are covered with fulvous pubescence, the claws ferruginous ; the basal joint of the anterior tarsi simple ; the apical segment of the abdomen vertical, down the centre of which is an elevated carina; the margin deeply notched in the middle, and on each side two smaller notches. Obs. This species resembles M. angularis, but is very distinct ; the wings are entirely purple, and the pollen-brush is entirely black ; it is altogether a larger and more conspicuous insect. Hab. Cape of Good Hope. (Coll. F. Smith.) 65. MEGACHILE COGNATA. Female. Length 7i lines. Head, thorax and legs black, and clothed with black pubescence ; abdomen entirely clothed with rufo-fulvous pubescence; wings dark fuscous, darkest towards their apical margins. Head, the clypeus convex, and having at the sides some long, rigid, dark brown pubescence, its margin rounded ; mandibles very stout, coarsely sculptured longitu- dinally, having a short groove towards their apex, which is armed with two obtuse teeth. Thorax, the calcaria, as well as the fe- mora beneath, ferruginous. Obs. This species closely resembles M. mystacea and rufiven- tris, but is quite distinct from both ; the difference in the form of the face distinguishes it from rufiventris, whilst its size, colo- ration of the wings and calcaria will separate it from M. mystacea, in addition to which the pubescence of the abdomen is much longer. Hab. Cape of Good Hope. (Coll. F. Smith.) 66. MEGACHILE FULVA, n. s. Female. Length 7 lines. Black, the pubescence of this species is entirely bright fulvous, the margin of the clypeus rounded, the mandibles longitudinally sculptured, and having a single tooth at their apex; the wings fulvo-hyaline, becoming fuscous towards their apex ; the tegula? and nervures fulvo- testaceous towards the base of the wings, towards their apex they are fuscous ; legs rufo-fulvous ; the pubescence of the abdomen entirely fulvous, having a marginal fascia of the same colour. Hab. Africa. (Coll. F. Smith.) 166 HYMENOPTERA. 67. MEGACHILE FLAVIPENNIS. B.M. Female. Length 7 lines. Black, head and thorax very closely punctured, the puncturing strongest on the thorax and running into each other, forming on the anterior portion irre- gular transverse rugose striation ; the faee above the clypeus as high as the anterior stemma clothed with a short black pubes- cence ; the clypeus rugose, mandibles very stout, covered with elongate punctures, quadridentate. Thorax, the disk thinly covered with short fulvous pubescence, on the sides of the m eta- thorax it is longer, more dense, and of a paler colour ; wings yellow, their apical margins fuscous, the nervures and outer margin of the tegulae rufo- testaceous ; legs ferruginous. Ab- domen thinly clothed with rufo-fulvous pubescence, that on the basal segment being pale fulvous, particularly at the sides ; the margins of the segments have a fascia of rufo-fulvous pubes- cence, beneath at the base clothed with fulvous and at the apex with ferruginous pubescence. Male. This sex only differs from the female in having some pale pubescence, the anterior margin of the clypeus being bearded with pale yellow pubescence; the antennae are attenuated to- wards their apex, the apical joint compressed. Hob. Africa. 68. MEGACHILE ^ETHIC-PS, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 7 lines. Black, the head and thorax closely and strongly punctured, the clypeus produced, its anterior mar- gin waved, the mandibles very stout at their base and acute at their apex, not toothed ; on the cheeks at the base of the man- dibles is a short obtuse spine. Thorax nearly naked, a little sooty-black pubescence at the sides of the metathorax ; wings very dark fuscous, palest at their apical margins, and having a violet iridescence ; legs black, the anterior and intermediate tibiae have a short, acute, stout spine at their apex, above which as well as the claws are ferruginous. Abdomen short, very con- vex above, the pubescence black, very sparing above; closely punctured, and towards the apex having some larger punctures intermixed ; the apical segment beneath smooth and shining, the sides broadly grooved, the groove roughened and pubescent. Hob. Africa. 69. MEGACHILE MYSTACEA. B.M. Apis mystacea, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 385. 41 ; Ent. Syst. ii. 336. 97, ? (Cab. Banks Mus. Linn. Soc.). Anthophora mystacea, Fabr- Syst. Piez. p. 377. 24. Obs. Four species are contained in the collection of the British HYMENOPTERA. 16? Museum, to all of which the brief description of Fabricius would equally apply ; in order to distinguish the differences, the fol- lowing additional particulars will be necessary. M. mystacea. Head, thorax, legs and basal segment of the abdomen black, the latter having on its apical margin a band of fulvous pubescence, with which the rest of the abdomen is co- vered ; above the insertion of the antennae, as high as the an- terior stemma, the face is covered with griseous pubescence ; below the antennae on each side is a little black pubescence ; the clypeus is rounded in front and has a slight notch in the centre ; the mandibles are flat exteriorly and longitudinally grooved to- wards their apex, and covered with elongate punctures, armed at the apex with two teeth ; the spines at the apex of the poste- rior tibiae black. The male is coloured as in the other sex, but the face has a tuft of white pubescence between the antennae, the anterior margin of the clypeus has a long beard of the same colour ; the legs are clothed above with black pubescence. Hab. New Holland; Cape Upstart; Port Essington. 70. MEGACHILE ERYTHROPYGA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 4* lines. Black, the face clothed with ful- vous pubescence; the thorax covered with a griseous pubes- cence, very sparing on the disk, where it is somewhat fuscous on and towards the scutellum ; wings fusco-hyaline, nervures black ; the tarsi fulvous beneath, the claws rufo-testaceous. Abdomen very convex above, the three basal segments have on each side a short white marginal fringe ; the fifth and sixth segments red, except the extreme base and sides of the former, and clothed with bright fulvous pubescence ; the pollen-brush very pale yellow, the extreme apex fuscous. Male. Length 4-4^ lines. Resembling the female in general appearance, the pubescence similar; the abdomen has only a short fringe on the second segment, the fifth segment is covered with bright fulvous-red pubescence, except a narrow portion at the sides^ the sixth segment black, depressed and notched at the apex ; the anterior tarsi are simple, the coxae unarmed. Obs. The sexes are united from the circumstance of their having been sent together, and the great general resemblance of the insects. Hab. Western Australia. (The female in the Coll. of W. W. Saunders, .Esq.) 168 HYMENOPTERA. 71. MEGACHILE PUNCTATA, n. s. Male. Length 4 lines. Black, the face covered with pale yellow pubescence, brightest on the clypeus ; the cheeks, thorax and femora beneath covered with long cinereous pubescence; on the disk of the thorax it is very sparing and slightly ochra- ceous ; the wings fuscous, hyaline towards their base. Abdo- men naked, strongly punctured, and having on each side of the basal segment a spot of snow-white pubescence ; the apical seg- ment notched in the middle. Hab. New Holland. (Coll. J. S. Baly, Esq.) 72. MEGACHILE AURIFRONS, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 5 lines. Black, the face thickly covered with bright fulvous pubescence, leaving the anterior part of the clypeus naked, on each side of which touching the eyes is a patch of white pubescence ; the clypeus in the centre, produced into a somewhat quadrate lobe, which is widest at the base, and its an- terior margin slightly emarginate ; the lobe has several depres- sions above, and at its sides is deeply concave ; antennae bright ferruginous at their base, becoming gradually darker to their apex ; the cheeks and sides of the thorax have a hoary pubes- cence ; the wings hyaline at their base, and slightly clouded towards their apical margins ; the legs covered with short hoary pubescence, that on the tarsi beneath reddish brown ; claws fer- ruginous, their tips black. The abdomen covered at its base with hoary pubescence ; beneath densely clothed with pale pubescence, which in certain lights has a silvery brightness. Hab. New Holland. 73. MEGACHILE LUCIDIVENTRIS, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, on each side of the face and at the insertion of the antennae a little white pubescence, on the clypeus it is fuscous ; the margin of the clypeus ciliated with ferruginous hairs ; the cheeks coarsely punctured, and having as well as the thorax beneath and the legs a griseous pubescence ; the metathorax covered with pale ochraceous pubescence, as well as the basal segment of the abdomen and basal margin of the second; wings subfuscous, palest at their base; the posterior femora and tibiae within covered with very short silvery-white pubescence, the tarsi beneath reddish-brown, the calcarise and claws ferruginous. Abdomen, excepting at the base, covered above with short black pubescence ; beneath, the pollen-brush is of a glittering whiteness. Hab. New Holland, HYMENOPTERA. 169 74. MEGACHILE IGNITA, n. s. B.M. Male. Length 5 lines. Black, the head a little wider than the thorax, subquadrate, the face covered with fulvous pubescence, the cheeks have a thick fringe of the same colour, but much paler ; on the thorax beneath and on the sides, also on the legs, the pubescence is pale bright yellow ; wings pale fuscous ; the anterior coxae unarmed, the tarsi simple, the apical joints pale testaceous ; the anterior and intermediate tarsi behind and the posterior pair in front are fringed with long white pubescence. Abdomen, the base thinly covered with white pubescence, the two apical segments bright red, the apical segment having a deep depression in the middle, its margin deeply notched, angles of the notch rounded. Hab. New Holland. 75. MEGACHILE ABDOMINALIS, n. s. B.M. Male. Length 3 lines. Black, head wider than the thorax, the antennae as long as the head and thorax, the face covered with white pubescence ; the cheeks, thorax beneath and legs thinly covered with white pubescence, the tarsi rufo -testaceous ; the wings hyaline and iridescent, the anterior tarsi and coxae simple ; the abdomen red, closely punctured, the apical segment entire. Hab. New Holland. 76. MEGACHILE SIMPLEX, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 4 lines, Black, the face has a little snow- white pubescence on each side ; between and above the antennae it is of a dirty white ; the clypeus closely and deeply punctured ; the cheeks roughly punctured and having a thin griseous pubes- cence. Thorax, the sides thinly covered with griseous pubescence, on the disk it is somewhat fuscous ; wings subhy aline, faintly clouded at their apical margins ; legs beneath dark rufo-testa- ceous, the tarsi have a reddish -brown pubescence beneath ; the claws rufo-testaceous, their tips black. Abdomen pointed at the apex, the segments above have a narrow white marginal fringe ; beneath, the pollen-brush is of a glittering whiteness. Hab. New Holland. (From Hunter's Coll.) 77- MEGACHILE LATIPES, n. s. Male. Length 5 lines. Black, the face covered with golden- yellow pubescence, the antennae ferruginous beneath ; the cheeks, legs and thorax beneath thinly covered with long white pubes- cence ; the anterior coxae armed with two long obtuse spines ; i 170 HYMENOPTERA. the anterior tarsi very pale testaceous, the three basal joints broadly dilated, and having behind a pale thick fringe, which is fulvous beneath ; the intermediate tarsi are also covered above with long white pubescence ; the joints of the posterior tarsi are very pale testaceous, and fuscous at their apex ; the claws ferru- ginous, their tips black ; wings subfuscous, palest towards their base ; the metathorax and first segment of the abdomen covered with white pubescence, on the other segments it is short and black ; the apex obtuse ; the apical margin of the sixth segment emarginate. Hab. New Holland. (Coll. J. S. Baly, Esq.) 78. MEGACHILE OBTUSA, n. s. Male. Length 3J lines. Black, the head large, wider than the thorax ; the face covered with bright yellow pubescence ; the antennae rufo-testaceous beneath ; the cheeks, legs and thorax beneath covered with long white pubescence ; on the disk and on the sides of the metathorax it is pale yellow ; wings hyaline and iridescent, faintly clouded at their apical margins, the ner- vures black ; the anterior tarsi pale yellow testaceous, the basal joint slightly dilated, and of the same width throughout; the posterior margin thinly fringed with white pubescence, as are also the intermediate tarsi behind ; all the tarsi beneath have a bright yellow pubescence, the calcaria pale testaceous; claws rufo-testaceous, black at their tips. Abdomen short, all the seg- ments have a pale marginal fringe ; the apical segment covered with bright yellow pubescence, its apex bidentate ; the lateral angles acute. Hab. Western Australia. (Coll. W. W. Saunders, Esq.) 79. MEGACHILE CLYPEATA, n. s. Female. Length 3 lines. Black, closely and strongly punc- tured, head subquadrate, on each side of the face a little griseous pubescence, the anterior margin of the clypeus has on each side a broad flattened tooth. Thorax, a little griseous pubescence on the sides ; the wings hyaline and iridescent, the claws rufo-tes- taceous. Abdomen, the basal margins of the segments depressed, the apical margins on each side have a narrow white fringe, the apical segment ferruginous ; beneath, the pollen-brush white. Hab. Western Australia. (Coll. W. W. Saunders, Esq.) 80. MEGACHILE MACULATA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 5 lines. Black, the face thickly covered with very pale ochraceous pubescence, nearly white at the mar- HYMENOPTERA. 171 gins of the eyes ; the flagellum rufo-testaceous beneath ; the cheeks, thorax beneath and the legs covered with glittering white pubescence ; the vertex and disk of the thorax thinly covered with ochraceous pubescence, intermixed with a few black hairs ; a small tuft of white pubescence beneath the tegulae, an ochra- ceous one above it, and two others touching the anterior margin of the scutellum; a line of pale pubescence along its inferior margin ; the metathorax thinly covered with long white hairs ; the wings hyaline, very faintly clouded at their apical margins. Abdomen broad at the base and acute at the apex ; the margins of the segments having a narrow band of ochraceous pubescence ; beneath, the pollen-brush is of a pale glittering brightness. Male. Length 4 lines. This sex resembles the female in having the thorax similarly spotted with tufts of pale pubescence ; that on the face is golden-yellow ; the anterior femora and tibiae in front and beneath and the intermediate tibia3 in front rufo- testaceous ; the anterior tarsi very pale testaceous, nearly white, and having on their anterior margin a narrow fringe of ferrugi- nous pubescence and a white fringe on the posterior one, the outer edge being narrowly fulvous ; the intermediate tarsi have a long fringe of white hair ; all the claws ferruginous, their tips black. The two apical segments of the abdomen covered with a short bright yellow pubescence intermixed w ith long black hairs ; the apical segment bidentate ; beneath, the segments have nar- row white marginal fasciae. Hab. Western Australia. 81. MEGACHILE CANIFRONS, n. s. B.M. Male. Length 3 lines. Black, the face clothed with long white pubescence, that on the clypeus silvery ; the cheeks, sides of the thorax, the basal segment of the abdomen and sides of the second covered with white pubescence ; the femora have a long fringe, and the tibiae and tarsi a thin clothing of the same colour ; the tarsi beneath pale fulvous ; the claws testaceous, their tips black ; the wings hyaline, iridescent, and faintly clouded at their apical margins, nervures black. Abdomen short, rather narrowed at the base, the apical margins of the first and second segments have laterally a short fringe of snow-white pubescence ; the three apical segments curving downwards ; the fifth segment has a large patch of bright fulvous pubescence; the margin of the sixth segment entire. Hab. Western Australia. 1/2 HYMENOPTERA. 82. MEGACHILE APICATA, n. s. Female. Length 3 lines. Black and strongly punctured, on each side of the face a little white pubescence, on the anterior margin of the clypeus are three short teeth, mandibles coarsely sculptured and longitudinally grooved. Thorax, on the sides, beneath, and also on the legs a thinly scattered griseous pubes- cence; the claws ferruginous; wings hyaline and iridescent, the nervures dark brown ; the basal margins of the segments de- pressed and having a band of white pubescence ; the sides of the sixth segment broadly ferruginous ; beneath it is entirely so, the pollen-brush griseous. Hab. Adelaide. (Coll. F. Smith.) 83. MEGACHILE HERIADIFORMIS, n. s. Female. Length 5 lines. Black, elongate and closely punc- tured ; the face has a little white pubescence on each side ; on the anterior margin of the clypeus are two minute tubercles ; the labrum elongate, concave towards the apex, which is rounded and is produced into a sharp angle or tooth on each side ; the mandibles obliquely truncate at their apex. Thorax, on the sides and beneath a thinly scattered white pubescence ; the tarsi pale fulvous beneath, the apical joints of the tarsi and the calcaria ferruginous; wings subhyaline, faintly clouded at their apical margins, the nervures dark ferruginous. Abdomen slightly nar- rowed at the base, on each side of the three basal segments is a short fascia of white pubescence, those on the two latter are tinged with yellow at their inner extremities, on the margin of the fourth is a narrow fascia, a broad one on the fifth, and the sixth is covered, except at its extreme base, with pubescence of a golden-yellow colour ; the pollen-brush is white. Hab. Adelaide. (Coll. F. Smith.) 84. MEGACHILE SEMI-LUCTUOSA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 7 lines. Black, on each side of the face a patch of white pubescence, the clypeus slightly produced in the middle of its anterior margin, which, near the base of the man- dibles, has a short tooth. Thorax above thinly clothed anteriorly with black pubescence, posteriorly on the sides and beneath with white ; the legs have a similar pubescence, except that on the tarsi beneath, which is of a reddish-brown ; the wings subhyaline, and having a fuscous cloud on their apical margins. Abdomen elongate, the two basal segments covered with white pubescence, a minute spot of the same colour on the apical margin of the HYMENOPTERA. 1/3 third segment on each side ; the pollen-brush is of a very pale yellow. Male. In general appearance closely resembling the female ; the clypeus is bearded with brilliant silvery-white pubescence, the antennae capitate, the apical joint being compressed, the an- terior femora in front, all the tibiae in front, and the anterior tarsi rufo-testaceous, the latter being very pale, broadly dilated, and fringed with long pubescence, which is fulvous at its exterior margin ; in the hollow of the dilated tarsus are two black dots ; the anterior coxae are armed with two long obtuse spines, which, at their base in front, have another short acute spine which curves backwards ; the intermediate and posterior tarsi fringed beneath with long pale hairs. Abdomen obtuse at the apex, the apical segment having a broad depression or concavity, its margin being simply emarginate and without teeth ; beneath, the margins of the segments testaceous. Hab. South Australia ; Adelaide. (The male in the Coll. of W. W. Saunders, Esq.) 85. MEGACHILE LEUCOPYGA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 4^-5 lines. Black, the face thinly covered with griseous pubescence ; on the vertex and disk of the thorax it is fuscous ; the mandibles stout, obliquely truncate and biden- tate at their apex ; the cheeks, thorax on the sides and beneath, as well as the legs, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence ; the wings fusco-hyaline, their nervures black ; the claws and calcaria rufo-testaceous, the tarsi fulvous beneath. Abdomen elongate, at the sides of the basal segment a little white pubescence, on each side of the second and third segments a short fringe of snow-white pubescence ; at the apex is an ovate patch of pale pubescence, slightly tinged with yellow, which extends to about the middle of the fifth segment ; the pollen-brush very pale yel- low, or nearly white. Hab. Van Diemen's Land. 86. MEGACHILE CHRYSOPYGA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 5-6 lines. Black, the face as high as the anterior stemma clothed with fulvous pubescence ; on the cheeks, sides of the thorax and beneath is a thin clothing of white pu- bescence ; the tarsi are fulvous beneath, the anterior and inter- mediate pairs have a pale yellow pubescence above, the basal joint of the posterior tarsi flattened and broadly dilated; the en- tire legs are roughly punctured, and covered otherwise with a griseous pubescence; wings subhyaline, the nervures dark fer- ruginous. Abdomen short and broad, the segments having each 1/4 HYMENOPTERA. a deep transverse impressed line, the base covered with a thin griseous pubescence ; the lateral margins have a short fringe of the same colour, more or less continuous, rarely entire, excepting on the fourth or fifth segments ; on the sixth segment, and some- times extending over a portion of the fifth, is a patch of fulvous pubescence ; the pollen-brush is very pale yellow. Male. Length 4-4^ lines. In general aspect resembling the female, the mandibles very broad at their base, tridentate at their apex ; the anterior legs have their femora concave beneath, are of a pale rufo-testaceous colour, and obliquely striped at their base with black lines ; the tibiae and tarsi pale rufo-testaceous, having a dark stain behind and at their base; the two basal joints of the tarsi dilated, the second is produced at its apex above into a rounded lobe, the inferior margin has a thick fringe of white pubescence, which is stained with yellow at the edge ; the dilated joints beneath have two black dots ; the coxae armed with obtuse spines. The apical segment of the abdomen tridentate, the centre tooth very short. Hob. Van Diemen's Land; Western Australia. 87. MEGACHILE ORDINARIA. Female. Length 4 lines. Black, the face on each side has a little white pubescence, the margin of the clypeus slightly emar- ginate, the mandibles covered with coarse longitudinal punctures; the cheeks fringed with long white pubescence. The thorax on the sides and beneath as well as the legs have a thin long white pubescence ; the tarsi beneath fulvous ; the claw-joint ferrugi- nous ; the wings hyaline and iridescent, the riervures ferruginous. The apical margins of the segments of the abdomen have a nar- row white fascia, more or less obliterated on the basal segments, the basal margins depressed, the apical segment covered with a short griseous pubescence ; the pollen-brush beneath the abdo- men is of the same colour. Hab. Van Diemen's Land. (Coll. F. Smith.) 88. MEGACHILE DIMIDIATA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the head densely clothed with bright fulvous pubescence, the clypeus and the space be- tween the stemmata naked, antennae ferruginous. Thorax en- tirely clothed, as well as the legs and basal segment of the abdo- men, with bright fulvous pubescence ; wings fulvo-hyaline, the tegulae and nervures rufo-testaceous. Abdomen, excepting the basal segment, covered above with very short and beneath with long black pubescence. Hab. India. HYMENOPTERA. 89. MEGACHILE ANTHRACINA, n, s. B.M. Female. Length 7-8| lines. Black, the face above the cly- peus as high as the anterior stemraa thickly clothed with short black pubescence, the anterior margin slightly produced in the middle; the mandibles stout, having above some longitudinal punctures, and two grooves towards their apex, which is armed with two sharp teeth. Thorax above naked, shining and strongly punctured; each side of the metathorax thickly covered with sooty-black pubescence ; wings dark fuscous, having a brilliant violaceous iridescence. Abdomen shining above, and having more or less of a changeable blue tinge ; beneath, the pollen- brush is blackish-brown. Hab. India. 90. MEGACHILE CONJUNCTA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 5 lines. Black, the face clothed with black pubescence, at the lateral margins of the clypeus and on the mandibles a little cinereous pubescence ; the metathorax and basal segment of the abdomen clothed above with yellowish white pubescence, on the disk of the thorax anteriorly it is sooty-black ; wings broadly fuscous towards their apex, the base hyaline ; all the tarsi beneath are fulvous, on the intermediate pair above the pubescence is fulvous ; the posterior legs have a cinereous pubescence, and the basal joint of the posterior tarsi is dilated; the calcaria pale testaceous. The abdomen above has a metallic hue, and has a little black pubescence along its lateral margins ; beneath, the pollen-brush is bright fulvous. Male. This sex bears a strong resemblance to the female, but is rather smaller ; the face covered with white pubescence, the middle of the clypeus being naked, the anterior tarsi simple and the coxae unarmed ; the claws ferruginous, the calcaria black ; the apical segment of the abdomen entire, having a deep depres- sion in the centre. Hab. India ; Bengal. (The male in the Coll. of W. W. Saun- ders, Esq.) 91. MEGACHILE UMBRIPENNIS, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 5 lines. Black, the face has a thin clothing of black pubescence, between the insertion of the antennae and the anterior stemma it is slightly fulvous; mandibles porrect, deeply grooved and sculptured longitudinally, and armed with four stout teeth, the two apical ones acute ; the cheeks and tho- rax beneath have a thin short cinereous pubescence ; the thorax DTJ LXBORXTOIRE 176 HYMENOPTERA. above and basal segment of the abdomen densely covered with a short rich fulvous pubescence ; the wings reddish brown with a purple or coppery iridescence, the externo- and interno-medial cells hyaline, the posterior wings also hyaline at their base, ner- vures ferruginous,, the second and third segments of the abdo- men having a narrow fulvous marginal fringe, usually much ob- literated, particularly on the third segment ; the fourth and fifth segments on each side have a short white marginal fringe ; be- neath, the pollen-brush is yellowish white, but black on the two apical segments. Hab. Nepaul. (Coll. Major Hardwick.) 92. MEGACHILE FULVO-VESTITA, n. s. Female. Length 6 1 lines. Black, densely clothed above with fulvous pubescence, that on the face is the longest ; wings subhyaline, faintly clouded at their apical margins; the legs above have a pale fulvous pubescence; the tarsi beneath ful- vous, the basal joint of the posterior tarsi broadly dilated ; the calcaria and claws testaceous, the pollen-brush white. Male. Like the female ; its pubescence above entirely ful- vous, the anterior legs pale rufo-testaceous, their tarsi being palest ; the basal joint at its apex anteriorly produced into an elongate process, which is rounded at the end ; the second joint is of a similar form but much smaller, the whole fringed behind with white pubescence; the intermediate and posterior tarsi have a long loose fringe of pale pubescence ; the basal joint of the posterior tarsi is broad and flattened, nearly square, and clothed beneath with fulvous pubescence ; the calcaria and claws testaceous, the latter black at their tips ; the apical segment naked, its margin crenulated. Hab. Bombay. (Coll. F. Smith.) .93. MEGACHILE VESTITA, n. s. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the face densely covered with bright yellow pubescence ; the mandibles short, stout, lon- gitudinally grooved, and armed with three blunt teeth, pubes- cent at their base and ciliated with bright yellow hairs ; the cheeks thickly covered with pale ochraceous pubescence. Thorax, the disk thinly clothed with bright yellow pubescence, densely so on the sides, and beneath it is cinereous; the legs densely covered with pale yellow r pubescence, on the tarsi beneath it is fulvous; the calcaria testaceous, claws ferruginous, their tips black ; wings subhyaline. Abdomen short, broad and pointed at the apex ; the base, sides and margins of the segments have HYMENOPTERA. 177 a pale yellow pubescence ; beneath, the pollen-brush is pale yellow in the middle and bright fulvous at the sides. Hab. India. (Coll. J. S. Baly, Esq.) 94. MEGACHILE RUFIPES, n. s. Male. Length 5 lines. Black, the face covered with a yel- lowish white pubescence, becoming fulvous at the insertion of the antennae; mandibles ferruginous at their apex. Thorax very thinly clothed above with fulvous pubescence, on the sides and beneath it is cinereous ; the legs red, the anterior pair have a tooth on their coxa?, and their tarsi dilated, the basal joint becoming gra- dually broader from the base to the apex ; the second and fol- lowing joints very slightly dilated ; the wings fulvo-hyaline, their apical margins slightly fuscous, the nervures pale ferruginous ; towards the apex of the wing they become black. Abdomen, the apical margins of the segments ferruginous, narrowly fringed with fulvous pubescence, the apical segment ferruginous and deeply depressed at the apex, the two apical segments covered with short fulvous pubescence ; beneath, the margins of the seg- ments pale ferruginous, the apical segments have a short, thin, white pubescence. Hab. East Indies. (Coll. F. Smith.) 95. MEGACHILE IMITATRIX, n. s. Female. Length 8 lines. The face, vertex and metathorax clothed w r ith fulvous pubescence, a fringe of the same colour on the anterior femora beneath, that on the cheeks is paler ; the thorax beneath, its sides, and also the metathorax and legs, black ; the abdomen entirely black, pubescent above, very densrh so beneath. Hab. India ? (Coll. W. H. L. Walcott, Esq.) 96. MEGACHILE GRANDIS. B.M. Megachile grandis, St. Farg. Hym. ii. 333. 6. Hab. ? 9/. MEGACHILE LANATA. B.M. Apis lanata, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 335. 90. Anthophora lanata, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 372. 1. Megachile lanata, St. Farg. Hym. ii. 342. 15. Hab. India. Obs. Fabricius has given for the habitat of this species South America ; one of the most common species from India in every i 5 178 HYMENOPTERA. particular agrees with his description, which is not the case with any species yet received from South America ; it is most probable that the locality indicated is erroneous. 98. MEGACHILE DISJUNCTA. B.M. Apis disjuncta, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 328. 62. Anthophora disjuncta, Fabr. Syst. Piez, p. 374. 10. Megachile disjuncta, St. Farg. Hym. ii. 331. 3. Hab. India ; Isle of France. .99. MEGACHILE RUFIVENTRIS. B.M. Megachile rufiventris, Guer. Voy. Ind. Orient. (Eelang.) p. 502. t. 4. f. 5? Obs. This species very closely resembles the M. mystacea ; in the Museum Collection are examples from India and the Isle of France : in all probability this is the insect described by M. Guerin : the following differences distinguish it from M. my- stacea. The abdomen entirely fulvous-red, the basal segment having no black pubescence on its superior surface ; the pubescence of the head is entirely black ; the face a little before the insertion of the antennae is obliquely truncated and roughened by irregular sculpture ; the anterior margin of the clypeus is transverse, and on each side is slightly produced before reaching the base of the mandibles ; the mandibles are rounded exteriorly and have no grooves towards the base, but have two short ones at their apex ; the spines at the apex of the posterior tibiae red. Male. In colour agreeing with the female; the clypeus is convex in this sex and has a thick fringe of white pubescence on its anterior margin, a tuft of the same colour between the an- tennae, and a line on each side along the margin of the eyes ; between these it is black ; the calcaria as in the female are red. Hab, India ; Isle of France. TOO. MEGACHILE FRATERNA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 7i lines. Black, the face as high as the insertion of the antennae covered with black pubescence, leaving the basal portion of the clypeus naked ; mandibles broad at their apex and armed with three teeth. The pubescence on the thorax and legs black ; on the posterior tarsi it is fulvous, as also on the femora and tibiae within, but on the latter it is paler ; the wings subhyaline, their apical margins having a fuscous cloud. Abdo- HYMENOPTERA. men densely clothed above with short deep fulvous pubescence ; beneath, the pollen-brush is of a golden-yellow. Obs. This species bears a close resemblance to the M. rufi- ventris of Guerin, but independent of its larger size is distin- guished by the colour of its wings and posterior legs. Hab. India. 101. MEGACHILE MONTICOLA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 9 lines. Black, the face thickly covered with short black pubescence, the base of the clypeus produced in the middle, and on each side having also a small shining tu- bercle ; below, the produced portion of the clypeus is deeply concave, its anterior margin transverse ; mandibles porrect, tri- dentate at their apex. Thorax, the disk, metathorax and basal segment of the abdomen above densely covered with rich ful- vous pubescence ; wings subhyaline, their apical margins having a fuscous cloud, yellowish towards the base, the nervures ferru- ginous ; the legs and apical segments of the abdomen covered with black pubescence, on the latter it is very short and sparing : the pollen-brush black. Hab. Silhet ; Northern China. (Coll. R. Fortune.) 102. MEGACHILE CARBONARIA, n. s. Male. Length 5? lines. Black and shining, the abdomen having in some lights a purple metallic iridescence; the face below the insertion of the antennae densely covered with bright golden pubescence ; wings purple-black, sides of the meta- thorax covered with black pubescence ; disk of the thorax and the abdomen above naked, the apical segment has its margin notched in the middle. Hab. Northern India. (Coll. W. W. Saunders, Esq.) 103. MEGACHILE CEPHALOTES, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 4^-5 lines. Black, head subquadrate, ru- gose ; the vertex as well as the disk of the thorax is roughly sculptured transversely ; on each side of the face a little white pubescence ; the sides of the metathorax covered with white pu- bescence; wings subfuscous, hyaline towards their base; the legs above have a short white pubescence. Abdomen slightly metallic, the basal margins of the segments much depressed and having bands of white pubescence more or less interrupted, those on the apical segments usually obliterated; the sides of the basal segment have a square white patch; beneath, the pollen-brush is white. 180 HYMENOPTERA. Male. Closely resembling the female, the coxae armed with short teeth, the anterior tarsi simple, rufo-testaceous ; the mar- gin of the apical segment of the abdomen notched in the middle. Hab. Northern India. 104. MEGACHILE ALBIFRONS, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the face densely covered with white pubescence, the cheeks thinly covered with the same. Thorax, the sides covered with white pubescence, the apical half of the wings dark fuscous, the basal half subhyaline ; the ante- rior legs have a fuscous pubescence intermixed with a few white hairs ; the intermediate and posterior legs have a thin white pu- bescence, the tarsi beneath fuscous, the claws ferruginous, their tips black. Abdomen slightly metallic, on each side of the basal segment is a square patch of white pubescence, and the follow- ing segments have on each side an oblong patch pointed within ; sometimes the bands are continuous on the fourth and fifth segments ; the pollen-brush is snow-white. Male. Closely resembling the female ; the anterior tarsi simple, rufo-testaceous ; the coxae armed with short obtuse teeth ; all the tarsi have a loose fringe of pale pubescence, the claws ferruginous, their tips black ; the tarsi pale fulvous beneath. Abdomen elongate and slightly metallic, the segments banded with w r hite pubescence, on the third, fourth and fifth continued beneath the abdomen; the apical segment vertical, having an elevated carina in the middle, its margin rounded and furnished with six or eight obtuse teeth. Hab. Northern India. 105. MEGACHILE VELUTINA, n. s. Female. Length 8 lines. Black, the face, thorax, legs and two basal segments of the abdomen densely clothed with short bright fulvous-red pubescence ; the base of the clypeus marginate and having a raised carina down the centre ; the wings sub- hyaline, yellowish, and faintly clouded at their apical margins ; the tegulse and nervures pale rufo-testaceous; the four apical segments of the abdomen black ; on the abdomen beneath, the pollen-brush is fulvous in the middle and black at the sides. Hab. Northern India. (Coll. J. S. Baly, Esq.) 106. MEGACHILE FASCICULATA, n. s. Male. Length 6J lines. Black, the face densely covered with a golden-yellow pubescence ; on the cheeks and mandibles HYMENOPTERA. 181 it is very dense and ochraceous. Thorax, the anterior femora and tibiae pale rufo-testaceous, the femora behind and tibiae above fuscous, the coxae armed with short sharp spines; the tarsi slightly dilated, fringed behind with short fuscous pubes- cence ; the intermediate tarsi have a long dense floccus of black pubescence behind ; on the tarsi above it is slightly fulvous ; the posterior tarsi have a pale fringe beneath ; the disk of the thorax is thinly covered with pale yellow pubescence, on the metathorax it is black ; wings subhyaline, their apical margins fuscous. Ab- domen above naked, the apical segment notched, its margin cre- nulated ; beneath, the pubescence is pale yellow. Hab. Northern India. (Coll. W. W. Saunders, Esq.) 107. MEGACHILE BICOLOR. B.M. Apis bicolor, Fabr. Mantis, i. 304. (>(>. Apis albiventris, Christ. Hym. p. 1/1. t. 13. f. V. Apis bicolor, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 335. JM. Anthophora bicolor, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 373. 3. Megachile bicolor, St. Fary. Hym. ii. 342. 15. Hab. India; China. 10S. MEGACHILE SCULPTURALIS, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 9 lines. Black, the face above the clypeus as high as the stemmata covered with black pubescence ; the clypeus ruggedly sculptured, truncate in front ; its anterior margin transverse, the mandibles stout and armed with two teeth, the apical one long and acute. The thorax, legs and basal segment of the abdomen covered with fulvous pubescence ; wings fusco-hyaline, much clearer and yellowish towards the base, nervures ferruginous. Abdomen black, with a blue tinge, each segment having a transverse arched depression, the second and third segments covered with large deep punctures; beneath, the pollen-brush is fulvous towards the base, and red-brown towards the apex. Hah. North China. (Coll. R, Fortune.) 10.9. MEGACHILE FERVIDA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 7i lines. Black, the pubescence on the clypeus fuscous, at the sides and above which as high as the an- terior stemma it is pale fulvous ; mandibles broad at their apex and armed with four stout teeth. Thorax, the sides covered with pale fulvous pubescence ; wings fuscous, subhyaline at their base, nervures ferruginous ; the pubescence on the ante- rior and intermediate legs is black, that on the intermediate tarsi 182 HYMENOPTERA. is fulvous ; all the tarsi fulvous beneath, the posterior legs clothed with bright fulvous pubescence, as well as the abdomen above ; the latter has a little of a much lighter colour on each side of the basal segment; beneath, the pollen-brush is of a golden-yellow. Hob. Hong Kong. 110. MEGACHILE THORACICA, n. s. Female. Length 5 lines. Black, the pubescence on the face black, the cheeks coarsely punctured. Thorax coarsely rugose, the metathorax covered with snow-white pubescence, a tuft of the same colour on each side of the basal segment ; wings dark fuscous, having a purple tinge, the extreme base hyaline ; the abdomen above has a blue metallic tinge ; beneath, the pollen- brush is of a yellowish white, on the two apical segments it is black. Obs. The pubescence on the thorax beneath as well as that of the abdomen, under a moderate magnifying power, will be found to have each individual hair thickest at its apex. Hab. Java. (Coll. F. Smith.) 111. MEGACHILE OPPOSITA. Female. Length 6| lines. Black, the face, cheeks, and disk of the thorax covered with short bright fulvous pubescence ; the anterior legs beneath have also a fulvous pubescence, above it is black ; on the metathorax, thorax beneath, legs and abdomen it is black ; the claws ferruginous, their tips black ; wings dark fuscous, their apical margins palest. Hab. Java. (Coll. W. W. Saunders, Esq.) 112. MEGACHILE ATRATA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 7-8 lines. Entirely of a deep black, the mandibles porrect, very broad at their apex and armed with four teeth, when closed the teeth of each mandible fit into the spaces between the opposite ones ; exteriorly the mandibles are some- what rounded and project in a line with the face of the clypeus ; the wings fusco -hyaline, and having a purple reflection, the ner- vures black ; the pollen-brush beneath the abdomen has a slight reddish tinge in the middle. Obs. The wings are sometimes yellow with a fuscous margin. Hab. Philippine Islands. HYMENOPTERA. 183 113. MEGACHILE LATICEPS, n.s. B.M. Male. Length 4 lines. Black, the head wider than the tho- rax,, the face, sides of the thorax and the basal segment of the abdomen covered with a golden-yellow pubescence, the cheeks covered with long pale yellow pubescence ; the wings subhyaline, faintly clouded at their apex ; the anterior tarsi simple, the coxae unarmed, the anterior and intermediate tarsi behind, and the posterior pair before, fringed with long pale pubescence ; all the tarsi pale fulvous beneath. The apical margins of the segments of the abdomen have laterally a little pale pubescence, the apical segment notched in the middle. Hab. Philippine Islands. 114. MEGACHILE ORNATA, n. s. Female. Length 8 lines. Black, on each side of the face is a little black pubescence, and in front of the insertion of the an- tennae an elevation extending to the base of the clypeus, which from thence descends obliquely to its anterior margin, which is transverse. Thorax, the sides have a little cinereous pubescence, the legs rugose above, and having a thinly scattered stiff black pubescence, the tarsi fulvous beneath ; wings subhyaline, and having a fuscous eloud at their apical margins. The four basal segments of the abdomen have a black pubescence, the apical margin of the fourth has a narrow fulvous fascia, and the fifth segment is covered with pale yellow pubescence, the sixth having a few scattered pale hairs ; on each side of the second segment is a small spot of fulvous pubescence ; the pollen-brush bright fulvous-red. Hab. ? (Coll. J. S. Baly, Esq.) 115. MEGACHILE FLAVITARSATA, n. s. Male. Length 5-6 lines. Black, the face densely covered with pubescence of a bright golden -yellow colour; the flagellum fulvo-testaceous beneath ; the anterior legs pale rufo-testaceous, the extreme apex of the femora and base of the tibiae above fus- cous, the tarsi pale yellow, broadly dilated, gradually decreasing in width from the base to the claw-joint ; the tarsi have a thick fringe behind, which is bright yellow on the basal segment, and white on the following ones, its margin being yellow ; the coxae armed with stout teeth; the intermediate and posterior legs rufo-testaceous, their tarsi flavo-testaceous, fringed with long pale hairs and covered with bright golden-yellow pubescence. Abdomen, the two basal segments have a thin pale fulvous pu- bescence, on the following it is short and black ; the apical mar- gins of the segments have a narrow pale fascia ; the apical mar- 184 HYMENOPTERA. gin shagreen ed and notched in the middle, and having in the centre a deep depression. Hab. St. Vincent's. (Coll. F. Smith.) 116. MEGACHILE LUCTIFERA. Megachile luctifera, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. xi. 142. 92. Hab. Cayenne. 117. MEGACHILE NIGRIPENNIS. Megachile nigripennis, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. xi. 143. 93. Hab. Cayenne. 118. MEGACHILE CONICA. Megachile conica, Spin. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. xi. 144. 94. Hab. Cayenne. 119. MEGACHILE POEYI. Megachile Poeyi, Guer. Icon. R. Anim. p. 450. Hab. Cuba. 120. MEGACHILE SAULCYI. Megachile Saulcyi, Guer. Icon. R. Anim. p. 450. Hab. Chili. 121. MEGACHILE BINOTATA. Megachile binotata, Guer. Icon. R. Anim. p. 450. Hab. Isle of St. Thomas. (Coll. F. Smith.) 122. MEGACHILE HYPOCRITA, n. s. H.M. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the face closely punctured, the vertex smooth and shining, at the sides of the clypeus and at the insertion of the antennae a little griseous pubescence ; the mandibles broad at the apex, which is armed with two or three very short blunt teeth ; on the sides of the thorax and on the legs the pubescence is fuscous ; before and behind the tegula? and on each side of the metathorax a little white pubescence ; all the tarsi have dark rufo-fuscous pubescence beneath, above it is dense and dark fuscous, the basal joint of the posterior tarsi broadly dilated and subconcave above; the wings dark fuscous, the apical margins palest. Abdomen subtriangular, acute at the apex, and having a slight metallic hue ; on each side HYMENOPTERA. 185 of the basal segment a tuft of white pubescence ; beneath, the pollen-brush is yellowish white. Obs. The unique specimen described is probably worn by exposure, the upper surface being nearly without pubescence, and the wings are worn at the edges ; in general aspect it ap- pears to belong to another genus, but is a true Megachile. Hab. Para. (Coll. H. W. Bates, Esq.) 123. MEGACHILE XANTHURA. Megachile xanthura, Spin. Mem. Accad. Torino, xiii. no. (>7. Hab. Para. 124. MEGACHILE SIMILLIMA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 3^-4 lines. Black, on each side of the face a line of snow-white pubescence, the cheeks and sides of the thorax have a thin hoary pubescence ; a line of short white pu- bescence in front of the tegulse, sometimes traversing their mar- gin and passing along the base of the scutellum, usually more or less interrupted ; the wings subhyaline, their nervures black ; legs sometimes dark rufo-testaceous, covered with a short cine- reous pubescence. Abdomen short and nearly triangular, the apical margins having a narrow white marginal fascia ; beneath, the pollen-brush is yellowish white. Obs. This species very closely resembles the European species M. argent at a. Hab. Para. (Coll. H. W. Bates, Esq.) 125. MEGACHILE DENTICULATA. B.M. Male. Length 4 lines. Black, the face covered with white pubescence, the clypeus naked, the cheeks have a long beard of white pubescence ; the sides of the thorax are clothed and the legs fringed with pubescence of the same colour ; the tarsi elon- gate, the apical joints ferruginous, the calcaria testaceous ; the wings fulvo-hyaline, the tegula? and nervures rufo-testaceous. Abdomen Hat, the segments banded with white pubescence ; the apical segment clothed with similar pubescence, its margin irre- gularly denticulate ; beneath, the marginal bands are continued on the second, third and fourth segments. Hab. Brazil; Rio Tapajoz. (Coll. H. W. Bates, Esq.) 126. MEGACHILE EXALTATA. B.M. Male. Length 3| lines. Black, head large, wider than the thorax, the face densely covered with bright pale yellow pubes- 186 HYMENOPTERA. cence, that on the cheeks is long, dense and white. Thorax strongly punctured ; wings hyaline, a fuscous cloud occupies the marginal cell and traverses the apical margins ; the tegulse testa- ceous, the nervures ferruginous ; legs red, the intermediate and posterior tarsi black, the claws red. Abdomen short and obtuse at the apex ; on each side the margins have a short fringe of white pubescence, very narrow, but entire on the fifth ; the apical margin entire, the third, fourth and fifth bands continued beneath. Hab. Brazil ; Rio Tapajoz. (Coll. H. W. Bates, Esq.) 127. MEGACHILE L^ETA. B.M. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the face and the mandibles exteriorly covered with short pale ochraceous pubescence, that on the cheeks and thorax beneath is of the same colour ; in front of the anterior stemma a tuft of black pubescence. Thorax, the disk delicately punctured, shining ; the scutellum highly polished and somewhat elevated, the sides of the metathorax covered with golden-yellow pubescence ; wings subhyaline ; the legs red, the basal joint of the posterior tarsi broad and flat, equal in size to the posterior tibiae. Abdomen short and broad; the basal seg- ment covered with golden-yellow pubescence, and the margins of the segment having bands of the same colour; beneath, densely covered with bright fulvous pubescence. Hab. Brazil ; Rio Tapajoz. (Coll. H. W. Bates, Esq.) 128. MEGACHILE NUDIVENTRIS. Female. Length 6-6i lines. Black, the face has a sparing short black pubescence, and a mixture of griseous hairs at the sides of the clypeus, in the middle of the anterior margin of the clypeus is a small notch, the antennae beneath fulvous ; the pu- bescence on the disk of the thorax anteriorly is black, posteriorly and at the sides of the metathorax it is griseous ; the tarsi be- neath covered with bright fulvous pubescence, the legs other- wise have a short scattered griseous pubescence, slightly fuscous on the anterior legs in front, the calcaria pale testaceous ; the basal segment of the abdomen covered with griseous pubescence, beyond which it is naked and has an obscure metallic tinge ; be- neath, the pollen-brush is nearly white. Hab. Brazil. (Coll. W. W. Saunders, Esq.) 129. MEGACHILE SUSURRANS. Megachile susurrans, Halid. Trans. Linn. Soc. xvii. 320. 13. Hab. St. Paul's, Brazil. (Coll. W. W. Saunders, Esq.) HYMENOPTERA. 187 130. MEGACHILE VILLOSA. B.M. Apis villosa, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 336. 94. Hab. India? 131. MEGACHILE CURVIPES, n. s. B.M. Male. Length 5 lines. Black, the face densely clothed with bright golden-yellow pubescence, at the base of the clypeus intermixed with black hairs ; the flagellum fulvous beneath ; the cheeks beneath have a marginal line of white pubescence. Thorax, the disk sparingly covered with short fulvous pubes- cence, at the sides of the metathorax it is cinereous ; wings fulvo- hyaline, the tegulae and nervures ferruginous ; the anterior and intermediate legs rufo-testaceous, the anterior tarsi broadly di- lated, the basal joint produced at the apex, forming a rounded lobe at the extremity ; the whole tarsus having a thick fringe of white pubescence, fulvous at its margin, the coxae armed with stout spines ; the intermediate tarsi behind and posterior pair in front have a loose fringe of long white pubescence, the posterior femora have a short tooth about the middle beneath, the tibia being arcuate ; the basal segment of the abdomen covered with fulvous pubescence, and the three following segments fringed with the same ; the apical segment has a deep depression in the middle, its margin being notched. Hab. Brazil. (Coll. W. W. Saunders, Esq.) 132. MEGACHILE RUBRICATA, n. s. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the sides of the face below the insertion of the antennae covered with griseous pubescence, above the antennae as high as the anterior stemma it is fulvous, as well as on the margin of the vertex ; the scape of the an- tennae black, the flagellum red, dusky above. Thorax, the pu- bescence on the disk fulvous, palest on the sides and beneath ; wings flavo-hyaline, tegulae and nervures pale rufo-testaceous ; the legs of the same colour ; the coxae, trochanters and base of the femora black, thinly covered with pale fulvous pubescence, the anterior and intermediate tarsi thickly covered above ; the basal joint of the posterior tarsi broadly dilated. Abdomen, the sides of the basal segment and the margins of the segments fringed with pale fulvous pubescence ; the pollen-brush nearly white, its apex black. Hab. Brazil. (Coll. F. Smith.) 188 HYMENOPTERA. 133. MEGACHILE RUFICORNIS, n. s. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the antennae and mandibles red, the latter dusky at their tips ; the head and disk of the thorax covered with fulvous pubescence, at the sides and beneath it is cinereous ; the legs rufo-testaceous ; wings hyaline, yellowish at their anterior margins, tegulae and nervures pale rufo-testac'eous ; all the apical margins jof the abdominal segments have a narrow white fascia ; beneath, the brush is very pale yellow, at its sides and at the apex intermixed' with black hairs. Hob. Brazil. (Coll. F. Smith.) i 134. MEGACHILE SQUALENS. Megachile squalens, Halid. Trans. Linn. Soc. xvii. 320. 15. Hab. St. Paul's, Brazil. (Coll. W. W. Saunders, Esq.) 135. MEGACHILE RUFIPENNIS. Apis rufipennis, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. 335. 89? Anthophora rufipennis, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 373. 2? Megachile rufipennis, St. Faro. Hym. ii. 334. 7- Hab. St. Croix ; South America. 136. MEGACHILE BREVIS. B.M. Megachile brevis, Say, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. i. 407 (1837). Hab. North America ; Mount Pleasant, Ohio. 137. MEGACHILE FEMORATA, n. s. B.M. Male. Length 6 lines. Black, the face covered with long bright yellow pubescence, on the vertex it is ochraceous ; an- tennae subcapitate, the apical joint compressed ; mandibles short, armed with three teeth at their apex, and with a stout tooth at their base beneath. Thorax, the disk covered with yellow pu- bescence, which in recent specimens is bright, but in most ex- amples dull ochraceous ; on the sides the pubescence is paler ; wings hyaline, their apical margins faintly clouded ; the anterior legs pale rufo-testaceous, their tarsi white, densely fringed with long white pubescence, the femora have a similar fringe at their base behind ; the intermediate and posterior femora incrassate ; the basal joint of the intermediate tarsi very much thickened, rounded, and polished behind ; the intermediate and posterior tibiae arcuate, the apical segment of the abdomen having a ragged notch in the middle, on each side of which the margin has several small incisions. Hab. United States. HYMENOPTERA. 189 138. MEGACHILE MORIO, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the pubescence entirely black, very dense on the face, sides of the metathorax, and basal segment of the abdomen ; the following segments have a mar- ginal fringe of the same colour ; the wings fusco-hyaline, the an- terior tibiae punctured, not rugose. Obs. This species very closely resembles M. xylocopoides, but appears on comparison to be distinct ; from the latter it differs in having the vertex more deeply emarginate, the thorax more closely punctured, the scutellum nearly covered with pubescence and rounded behind, the anterior legs not rugose, and the abdo- men much more pubescent. Hab. United States. (Coll. E. Doubleday, Esq.) 139. MEGACHILE XYLOCOPOIDES, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the pubescence entirely black, the clypeus, vertex, disk of the thorax, and abdomen above naked, except a little at the sides of the basal segment ; the scutellum slightly produced and somewhat pointed in the middle of its posterior margin, and being, as well as the disk, covered with large punctures, which are distant ; the anterior tibiae rugose above ; wings very dark fuscous, having a brilliant violet iridescence ; the abdomen above has a metallic reflection ; beneath, the pollen-brush black. Male. Length 5 lines. Black, the face covered with pale pu- bescence, towards the anterior margin of the clypeus it is white, the cheeks fringed with long white hair ; the antennae capitate, nigro-piceous beneath. Thorax, the metathorax at the sides has some cinereous pubescence ; wings dark fuscous, and having a violet reflection, towards their base subhyaline ; the anterior legs testaceous, the apex of the femora and the tibiae above rufo- fuscous, their tarsi dilated and having beneath a thick fringe of white pubescence, its border narrowly black; the first joint of the tarsi has a fringe of brown pubescence in front ; the coxae armed with stout teeth; the intermediate and posterior tarsi beneath covered with reddish-brown pubescence ; the interme- diate tarsi elongate, the posterior pair stout, particularly the basal joint, the tibiae slightly curved. Hab. United States. (Coll. E. Doubleday, Esq.) 140. MEGACHILE POLLICARIS. Megachile pollicaris, Say, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. i. 406(1837). Hab. North America. 1.90 HYMENOPTERA. 141. MEGACHILE PUGNATA. B.M. Megachile pugnatus, Say, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. i. 408 (1837). Hab. North America. 142. MEGACHILE PRUINA, n. s. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the face on each side covered with snow-white pubescence ; the three basal joints of the an- tennae black, the rest of the joints testaceous beneath ; the sides of the thorax covered with snow-white pubescence, a small tuft of the same colour behind the tegulae ; wings subhyaline, their apical margins fuscous, nervures black; the legs have a thin snow-white pubescence, that on the tarsi beneath dark brown ; the claws ferruginous, their tips black ; the calcaria pale testa- ceous. Abdomen obconic, the four basal segments have a deep transverse depression; the sides of the basal segment and the mar- gins of all the segments laterally fringed with white pubescence ; the apical segment covered with short hoary pile ; the whole ab- domen has a scattered short black pubescence; beneath, the pollen-brush white. Hab. United States. (Coll. F. Smith.) 143. MEGACHILE LANUGINOSA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 4^ lines. Black, on each side of the face is a little snow-white pubescence, on the upper part of the head it is very sparing and black, as it is also on the disk of the thorax ; on the cheeks, sides of the metathorax, prothorax and basal seg- ment of the abdomen it is white, and has a downy appearance ; the rest of the abdominal segments have a lateral short white marginal fringe ; wings subhyaline, their apical margins faintly clouded ; the brush on the abdomen beneath pale yellowish white. Male. Length 4 lines. Head wider than the thorax, anterior legs simple, the claw-joints ferruginous, the margin of the apical segment jagged irregularly. The specimen in bad condition. Hab. St. John's Bluff, East Florida. (Coll. E. Doubleday.) 144. MEGACHILE BIDENTATA, n. s. B.M. Male. Length 5 lines. Black, the face thickly covered with a bright pale ochraceous pubescence, that on the thorax is of a similar colour ; the wings subhyaline, slightly clouded at their apical margins, the nervures ferruginous ; the anterior legs have their coxse unarmed and their tarsi simple ; the femora beneath fringed with long pale pubescence, that on the tarsi beneath is pale fulvous. Abdomen, the apical margins of the segments have a fascia of pale pubescence, and the fifth and sixth densely HYMENOPTERA. 191 covered with a short pubescence of the same colour ; the margin of the sixth segment armed with two stout teeth. Obs. This species was received in company with M. acuta, of which it is probably the male. Hab. Mexico. 145. MEGACHILE SCROBICULATA, n. s. Male. Length 4^ lines. Black, the clypeus covered with white pubescence, above which it is griseous and very sparing on the vertex ; the mandibles have a short white fringe beneath, at their base is a stout spine, the cheeks fringed with white ; the pubescence on the thorax griseous, very sparing on the disk ; the anterior legs have their tibiae pale testaceous in front, their femora slightly so, then* tarsi dilated, the first joint at its apex produced into a projecting lobe, rounded at its apex ; this lobe is grooved or hollowed out in front ; the tarsi beneath clothed with pale yellow hairs, the coxae armed with long spines ; the intermediate and posterior tarsi rufo-testaceous ; the wings sub- hyaline, their nervures ferruginous ; the apical margins of the segments have narrow white marginal fasciae, the apical segment slightly notched in the middle and subserrate on each side. Hab. North America ; Mount Pleasant, Ohio. 146. MEGACHILE PARALLELA, n. s. Male. Length 5^ lines. Black, the clypeus and cheeks densely covered with white pubescence, on the upper part of the face and on the disk of the thorax it is slightly ochraceous ; on the sides, beneath, and on the legs it is white, the anterior femora are thickly fringed ; wings fusco-hyaline, their nervures black ; the margins of all the segments and the sides of the basal one fringed with white pubescence ; the base deeply emarginate ; the margin of the apical segment has a central rounded incision, form- ing two incurving teeth ; beneath, the margin of the venter has on each side two short teeth, directed inwards, between the inner ones a raised prominence. Obs. This species is distinguished by its broad parallel form, the abdomen, head and thorax being of the same width. Hab. Georgia. (Coll. F. Smith.) 14/. MEGACHILE MELANOPH^EA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the face, thorax above and on the sides, and the two basal segments of the abdomen co- vered with ashy-grey pubescence; in recent specimens it has 192 HYMENOPTERA. an ochraceous hue ; the legs and apical segments of the ab- domen have a covering of black pubescence ; the tarsi beneath fulvous ; the wings hyaline, faintly clouded at their apical mar- gins. The brush on the abdomen beneath is of a blackish brown. Male. Has the general appearance of the female, its pubes- cence is longer, that on the face being very dense and of a pale yellow colour ; the apical joint of the antenna dilated and com- pressed : the anterior legs pale testaceous ; the apex of the femora and the tibia? above black, the tarsi dilated and fringed beneath with pale hairs ; the intermediate tarsi have a yellow pubescence above, and are, as well as the posterior pair, fulvous beneath, their claws ferruginous ; the apical segment deeply notched, and on each side denticulate ; beneath the abdomen on the ventral segment are two obtuse spines, and a little before them a central acute one. Hab. Nova Scotia (Lieut. Redman). Hudson's Bay (G. Barn- ston, Esq.). North America (E. Doubleday, Esq.) 148. MEGACHILE ACUTA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the entire pubescence above of a pale yellow, in some specimens fading to grey ; the legs have a short pubescence of the same colour, beneath the tarsi it is fulvous ; wings hyaline, faintly clouded at their apical margins. Abdomen gradually tapering from the base to the apex ; the base deeply emarginate, the second, third and fourth segments have a transverse arched depression ; beneath, the pollen-brush bright fulvous. Hab. North America ; Trenton Falls ; New York (E. Doubleday, Esq.) ; Mexico. 149. MEGACHILE VIDUA, n. s. B.M. Megachile maritima, Kirby, Faun. Boreal. Amer. p. 270. 1, ex- clus. synon. ? Female. Length 6 lines. Black, the face covered with pale ochraceous pubescence, brightest towards the margin of the cly- peus, on the vertex and disk of the thorax it is dark fuscous, on the sides of the thorax, beneath, on the legs above and at the sides of the basal segment of the abdomen it is of a very pale yellow, being nearly white at the sides of the metathorax, and short and sparing on the legs ; wings subhy aline, ihe apical mar- gins faintly clouded ; the tarsi fulvous beneath, on the anterior and intermediate pairs it is of a bright golden -yellow above, the HYMENOPTERA. 193 claws ferruginous. Abdomen short, broad and slightly convex above, the segments have narrow pale marginal fasciae, usually much interrupted on the three basal segments ; beneath, the pollen-brush is of a golden-yellow. Obs. This insect is probably the female of M. frigida, having been captured in various and the same localities as that species. Hab. North America (E. Doubleday, Esq.) ; Nova Scotia (Coll. Lieut. Redman). 150. MEGACHILE FRIGIDA, n. s. B.M. Male. Length 5-6 lines. Black, the face densely clothed with bright yellow pubescence, the apical joint dilated and com- pressed ; the disk of the thorax thinly clothed with ochraceous pubescence, that on the sides and also on the sides of the basal segments of the abdomen is pale ochraceous ; the anterior legs pale testaceous, the apex of the femora and the tibiae above, ex- cept its apex, rufo-fuscous ; the tarsi broadly dilated, and having beneath a dense fringe of yellowish-white pubescence ; the first joint of the tarsi has above a narrow fuscous fringe ; the femora beneath have a long loose fringe of nearly white pubescence ; the intermediate tarsi covered with pale yellow pubescence, and having a long loose fringe behind of the same colour ; the pos- terior tibiae curved. The apical segments of the abdomen curved beneath, the margin of the apical segment serrated and deeply notched in the middle. Obs. This species very closely resembles the European one, M. maritima, from which it differs in wanting the black spot on the second joint of the anterior tarsi beneath, and in not having the mandibles yellow on their inferior margins; the posterior femora are also much less thickened and the posterior tarsi con- siderably longer. Hab. United States (Coll. E. Doubleday) ; Nova Scotia (Coll. Lieut. Redman) ; Arctic America (Coll. Sir John Richardson) ; Canada (G. Barnston, Esq.). 151. MEGACHILE BUCEPHALA, n. s. B.M. Female. Length 6 lines. Black and elongate, head qua- drate, the face having on each side a little griseous pubescence ; the anterior margin of the clypeus produced in the middle, and having on each side a short blunt tooth ; the mandibles very stout, roughly sculptured above, and deeply channeled towards their apex, which is armed with two teeth, the apical one long K 11)4 HYMENOPTERA. and acute. Thorax, the disk thinly sprinkled with fuscous pu- bescence, that on its sides is griseous ; the wings fuscous towards their anterior margins, the nervures dark fuscous ; the legs have a thin cinereous pubescence, that on the tarsi is bright fulvous-yel- low. Abdomen, the sides of the basal segment and apical margins of all the segments fringed with white pubescence, usually more or less interrupted, particularly those on the basal segments ; beneath, the pollen-brush pale yellow. Hab. United States. (Coll. E. Doubleday.) 195 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE I. The letters indicate the same parts m all the figures ; they are as follows : a. the mentum ; b. the labium ; c. the labial palpi ; d. the paraglossae ; e. the maxilla ; /. the lobe of the maxilla ; g. the maxillary palpi. Fig. 1. Tongue of Colletes. 2. Maxilla of Colletes. 3. Wing of Colletes. 4. Tongue of Paracolletes. 5. Maxilla of Paracolletes. 6. Wing of Paracolletes. 7. Tongue of Ptiloglossa. 8. Maxilla of Ptiloglossa. 9. Wing of Ptiloglossa. 10. Labrum of Ptiloglossa. 1 1 . Tongue of Lamprocolletes. 12. Posterior tibia of Lampro- colletes. 13. Maxilla of Lamprocolletes. Fig. 14. Apical segment of abdo- men of Lamprocolletes. 15. Spines -or calcariae of tibia- of Lamprocolletes. 16. Tongue of Leioproctus. 17. Maxilla of Leioproctus. 18. Wing of Leioproctus. 19. Tongue of Dasycolletes. 20. Maxilla of Dasycolletes. 21 . Wing of Prosopis. Divi- sion 1. 22. WingofProsopw. Div.2. 23. PLATE II. 1. Tongue of Euryglossa. 11. 2. Maxilla of Euryglossa. 12. 3. Labrum of Euryglossa. 13. 4. Wing of Euryglossa, 14. 5. Tongue of Hyleoides. 15. 6. Maxilla of Hyleoides. 16. 7. Anterior leg of Hy leoides. 17. 8. Wing of Hyleoides. 18. 9. Tongue of Meroglossa. 19. 10. Maxilla of Meroglossa. 20. Antenna of Meroglossa. Wing of Meroglossa. Maxilla of Halictus. Tongue of Halictus. Wing of Halictus. Labrum of $ of Halictus. Labrum of ? of Halictus. Tongue of Temnosoma. Maxilla of Temnosoma. Wing of Temnosoma , K2 196 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE III. Fig. 1 . Tongue of Parasphecodes. 2. Maxilla of Parasphecodes. 3. Wing of Parasphecodes. 4. Labrum of Parasphecodes. 5. Tongue of Sphecodes. 6. Maxilla of Sphecodes. 7. Wing of Sphecodes. 8. Tongue of Oxystoglossa. Fig. 9. Maxilla of Oxystoglossa. 10. Wing of Augochlora. 11. Maxilla of Megalopt a. 12. Tongue of Megalopt a. 13. Labrum of Megalopta. 14. Antenna of Megalopta. 15. Wing of Megalopta. PLATE IV. 1. Tongue of Agapostemon. 11. 2. Maxilla of Agapostemon. 12. 3. Labrum of $ of Agaposte- 13. mon. 14. 4. Labrum of $ of Agaposte- 15. mew. 16. 5. Tongue of Nomia. 17- 6. Wing of Nomia. 18. 7. Tongue of Anthoglossa. 19. 8. Maxilla of Anthoglossa. 20. 9. Wing of Anthoglossa. 21. 10. Wing of Cilissa. Mandible of Callomelitta. Tongue of Callomelitta. Wing of Callomelitta. Maxilla of Callomelitta. Antenna of Callomelitta. Tongue of Scrapter. Maxilla of Scrapter. Wing of Scrapter. Tongue of Megacilissa. Maxilla of Megacilissa. Wing of Megacilissa. PLATE V. 1. Tongue of Andrena la- bialis. 2. Maxilla of Andrena la- bialis. 3. Wing of Andrena labialis. 4. Tongue of Macropis. 5. Maxilla of Macropis. 6. Wing of Macropis. 7. Tongue of P anurous. 8. Maxilla of Panurgus. 9. Wing of Panurgus. 10. Tongue of Perdita. 11. Maxilla of Perdita. 12. Labrum of Perdita. 13. Mandible of Perdita. 14. Wing of Perdita. 15. Tongue of Calliopsis. 16. Maxilla of Calliopsis. 17. Antenna of Calliopsis. 18. Labrum of Calliopsis. 19. Wing of Calliopsis. 20. Tongue of Macrotera. 21. Maxillary palpus of Ma- crotera. 22. Wing of Macrotera. EXPLANATION OP THE PLATES. 197 PLATE VI. Fig. 1. Tongue of Rophites 5-spi- nosus. 2. Maxilla of Rophites 5-spi- nosus. 3. Wing of Rophites 5-spino- sus. 4. Tongue of Anthocopa pa- paveris. 5. Maxilla of Anthocopa pa- paveris. 6. Wing of Anthocopa papa- veris. 1 . Tongue of Systropha spi- ralis. 8. Maxilla of Systropha spi- ralis. 9. Antennae of male of Sy- stropha spiralis. 10. Vimgof Systropha spiralis. Fig. 11. Tongue of Ptilothrix plu- mosus. 12. Maxilla of Ptilothrix plu- mosus. 13. Labrum of Ptilothrix plu- mosus. 14. Wing of Ptilothrix plu- mosus. 15. Maxillary palpus of Li- thurgus cornutus. 16. Labial palpus of Lithurgus cornutus. 17. Tongue of Megachile ma- ritima. 18. Maxilla of Megachile ma- ritima. 19. Wing of Megachile mari- tima. OPTEBA. ZLH. HYMEITOPTEHA. HYME1TOPTERA. P1.IV. HYME1STOPTERA. Pl.V. -mo 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED - This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. NOV 6 1967 NOV 7 1967 C g AilH 1 9 1QQ1 C s ::- rwti * H rffi E " I C a. ^ 1 1 > &Z * Cr. O"> z5? S~T^T~i 2S ^ I CC ^L ^- 3 LD 21-40m-5,'65 TT . General L ibrary (F4308slO)476 University of California Berkeley -