o m 'I IT ROBERT P, KEEP. ^,@, A HOMERIC DICTIONARY JFnr Scljools anb Colleger BASED UPON THE GERMAN OF DR. GEOKG AUTENKIETH TRANSLATED BY ROBERT P. KEEP REVISED BY ISAAC FLAGG NEW YORK HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE 1895 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Copyright, 1891, by HARPER & BROTHERS. All rights reserved. PREFACE. THIS dictionary was first issued in 1876. In fifteen years, fifteen thousand copies have been sold- and the book has been found well adapted to promote the object which the editor had at heart viz., the rapid reading of large portions of the Iliad and Odyssey. The present revision has been performed by Professor Isaac Flagg, of the University of California, whose name is a guaran- tee for the quality of his work. It has seemed proper freely to depart from the German original whenever change was likely to result in better adaptation to the needs of American and English students. An attempt has been made to distinguish more clearly between the real and the implied meanings of words by printing the latter, for the most part, with inverted commas and not in italics. A more concise and simple treat- ment of the prepositions, particles, and conjunctions has also been aimed at. Long d, I, v are printed with the mark of their quantity throughout the book. One of the changes, the strictly alphabetical arrangement of the words defined, has the warrant of Dr. Autenrieth's own example in the later editions of the Ger- man work. The editor cannot forbear referring to the expressions of interest which the dictionary has called out from teachers and students of Greek in all parts of our country. There are few American Greek scholars of reputation to whom acknowledg- ment is not due for some correction or helpful addition, now incorporated in the dictionary. A continuance of this interest is earnestly desired in the future. ROBERT PORTER KEEP. NOUWICH FREE ACADEMY, Norwich, Conn., May, 1891. 2004923 EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES. References are made to the several books of the Iliad and the Odyssey re- spectivelv, according to the usage of the ancient commentators, by the large and small letters of the Greek alphabet. Thus A 10 signifies Iliad, Bk. I., line 10; and i 8 signifies Odyssey, Bk. XXIV., line 8 ; or, in detail : A Iliad. B ' . ::Ii. :::: odj in s?ey... A ' . E ' . ..IV V VI ! H .... ' . K '.'.". " . A " . M.... " . ..VII ..VIII.... ..IX ..X ..XI ..XII N 11 H.... O n p s T. nd....XIII Odyssey. ... ....XIV. .... ....? . . XV " ~ .XVI .xvn. .... .XVIII ' .XIX . .TT f . .tr .... X .... .'.' .XX ' .XXI ' .XXII. ... ..<}, Y n. .XXIII ' .XXIV ...* The character t designates Homeric u- Two references connected by the word and designate cic \ty6fitva. II. or Od. affixed to a definition denotes that the word defined occurs only in the Iliad or only in the Odyssey. The references in general are to be understood as explanatory, and not as exhaustive: thev are uniform! v made to the small Teubner edition of the Iliad and Odyssey, "edited by Dindorf. To aid the eye^ the first word of each article, or, if that chance not to occur in Homer, the first Homeric form, is printed in full-faced type. The characters f and j represent the semi-vowel spirants v (IP) and y. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. ace. eignlfie 3 accusative. mid. sm ifles middle. act. active. noaa. nominative. adj. adjective. n cut., n tr. ' neuter. adv. adverb. opp. opposed to. aor. aorist. opt. optative. cf. c o n f e r, compare. orig. originally. cogn. cognate. part. participle. coll. collective. pass. passive. coll. forms " collateral forms. pf., perf. ' perfect. coram. " ! commonly ; common gender. pers. pltipf. person, personal, pluperfect. comp. " comparative. pi. plural. compd. " conj. compound, conjunction. pr.,pres. ' prob. " present, probably. constr. " construction. q. v. " quod vide, see. rtat. dative. red. reduplicated. dej). " d., du. deponent, dual. reg. sc. " regular, scilicet, supply. epith. " esp. " epithet, especially. signif. sing., s., $g. " signification, singular. eiiphem. euphemistically. (sequent, s e q n e n- exc. " except. sq., sqq. j t i a. fern. follg. " foreg. " freq. fut. feminine, following, foregoing, frequent, future. subj. subst. " sup. " sync. " trans. " subject, subjunctive, substantive, superlative, syncopated, transitive. gen. imp. indie. genitive, imperative, indicative. verb. " v. " vid. sub voc." verbal adjective, vide, eee. see under. iuf. instr. " infinitive, instrumental. V. 1. (variu lectio, differ- intraiis. " intransitive. w. 4t wltb. ipf. in-eg. iter. imperfect, irregular, iterative. in tmesi) tm. }- " tmesis 1 I separation of preposi- < tiou from verb in a ( compound. . r. \. " lit. " Kai ra \OITT,',, etc. literally. j '" arsi (in the arsis (the nnac- ( cented syl. of [he ft.). masc., msc. " met. masculine, metaphorical. 1, 2, 3 (adjectives of one, two, ( or three terminations. INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 1. 'Afwiov, page 20. 2. ajUTTug, 20. 48. la> vn , 129. 49, 50. iiXaKii-rr,, 131. 3. &niywos, 22. 5. d/xj,35. 57. to-Ttoj/, 148. 12. crop, 35. 58. tO-TOTTt'St;, 148. 13. airwi, 38. 59. itr-ros, 148. 14. dp<, 44. 60. K\OS, 152. 15. daK-os, 49. 61. KdXTrts, 152. 16, 17. dean's (two cuts), 50. Sec also 62. (v-aXuTT-rpi), 152. ai/Tu, Hop. 63. (cafa'ii/, 153. See also aop, di/os, 59. 65. K.ip, 161. 21. Bpi, 162. 22. /Jtu^dv, 64. 67. laeapio-T-ws, 162. 23. yovvoofiai, 68. 68. K\I,/S, 164. 24. ytopirro's, 68. 69. K\Lim',p, 164. 25. Sals, 70. 70. K\urft6t, 164. 26. (San-pa?, 70. 71. KpriotfjLvov, 168. 27. <5os, 71. Kpi]-n'ip. See dju), 84. 78. Xtvadvov, 176. 34. tj/Tai/uw, 100. 35. 7r^X)j5, 107. 79. Xu>otftt>ptj, 178. See also op, figure of Ajax. 36. iTrivos (two cuts), 179. 38. *TMoV,115. 82. itx<"pa, 182. 39. 'Epiwus, 116. 83. u.i r yapov 18? 40, 41. k'pyua (two cuts), 117. 84. /UEO-O<$M>;, in ship, 188. 42. iWfti/o, 119. /xfo-o'o/xtj, in house. See /utyapov. 43. so-vdpt), 119. fnilpuca. See a/4tl>u\it'/3poTos. 86. Etyo*,201. 45, 46. tuyoV (two cuts), 128. 47. , 129. 87, 88. oh}tov (two cuts), 204. 89, 90. aXos, 209. viii INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 'Opt 0-T7J9. See fdpt]. 113 irfhfufi ' n ' 1 93. opp.oci\i)pos. See auXcoTTts. 96. TrtVXos, 227. 116. TtTpaqftaXos, 267. 97. wi/oowi, 230. 117. Tpiflw, 272. 98. iiwd\na, 274. See also auXw. 104. TO/ia, 248. Ti/Trxo). See i. 105, 106. piTyos, 249, 250. 123. vaivu>, 281. 107. OUMOS, 251. 124. (l>apt-rpii, 282. 108. Zpii, 252. 125. (p6p,uiy, 286. 109. aK1}TTTpOV, 255. 126. C/> O/ OT/, 286. 110. 2/uiK0u, 255. 127. 4>puy/.), 287. 111. ffTt'/u/ia, 257. 128. Xt>atpa, 292. 112. U). See ap.viov. 180.^ccuOT,296. PLATES, AT END OF THE VOLUME. I. Chariot at Rest. (From ancient vase.) II. Chariot in Motion. (From relief of frieze of the Parthenon.)* III. Ground-plan of House of Odysseus, as drawn by L. Gerlach. IV. The Ship of the Homeric Age. (Inserted, by permission of Mr. Merry, from Merry's "Odyssey." Macmillan, 1873.)* V. Map of the Trojan Plain, with designation of the chief natural features, and of the various sites where it has been sought to locate the city Troja. (From Kiepert's Atlas of Hellas and the Hellenic Colonies. Berlin, 1872.)* * Plates II., IV., and V. have been added by the translator. INDEX OF OBJECTS ILLUSTRATED BY EACH CUT. (The number of the cut conies first, then the page, then the words that the cut illustrates.) 1, 20. 0, flLTfll}. X9, u/)optus, Kpi]-n]p. ' 8, 26. Q Q < '' 10, 31. (iu-ru 1/( 11, 35. ^ 12, 35. UOpj - 13, 38. dT 14, 44. 15, 49. 16, 17, 60. doTT/s, auXcoTTi 18, 51. 19, 58. d 20, 59. /3aeu$tt)vos, /36i 21, 63. Bpto-jjis, Xtipta. 22, 64. /Sato's. 23, 68. yf j/toi/, yovvovft 24, 68. yw/JUTOs, TO^OV. 25, 70. 3ais. 26, 70. oaiTjOos. KpttTiip. 27, 71. fiaos. 28, 73. atVas. 29, 77. ^j^Xi's, f7ri/3X)/s, , X)|fs, 30, 78. 5/o-icos, Kartojua^tos. 31, 81. 5(01/0X05, TpuTTll a, OTlipr] 6. 32, 84. apfj.ovia, t'^a^os, iir^-vKivii c, jyo'i/, iKpiov, /cXijis, j/iji/s, oxaX/ios e. 33, 84. 3/>tji dwjoij^, KXuTat/ui/jio-T/oi), X6(f)OS, /XlTjOtJ, O-T/OSTTTOS. 34, 100. tirravvw, ipuu> y ravvarvs, TG- 35, 107. sT 36, 112. iT 37, 112. t-T tis, Satpo's, /cXjjis. upioi>, KV>ifJ.lf. i/os, ivXjjis, viripa. 38, 115. da\oy a. 46, 128. Jwy w. 47, 129. fw/ia. 48, 129. fa'w,. 49, 131. vXa/cara, j/XaK-arrj, Xi'j/oi/. 50, 131. ^XaK-rj], Xii/ov. 51, 133. rjvioxos, o/i(/>aXos, o/x(/)rtXois 52, 135. Oatpo's, t7TJ/3X)is. 53, 141. euatfXa. 54, 141. 6ua.. 55, 141. 0tt>pj/, /cpaTatyvaXo?. 56, 145. 7rt/3X^s, i/ids, ^Xijis, K\t]iaivio. 60, 152. io-ros,K:Xos, h-Xijis, oiijto^. 61, 152. /0), KUVIOV, Kl/lUt;, Xatcrijtoi', Xifo0tt>|0)j, TTTe.po- 108, 252. TT/ooToi/09, t(/ani;. 109, 255. (TK^TTTpOV, TfXajUtOJ/. 110,255. I>ti/e t u9. 19 tTTtftytivn- Ill, 257. o-Wuua. 80, 179. XlW', >yXaicaT>j. 112,258. a-T>iX,). 81, 179. Xo'(/)09, CTTf/)J/l/. 113,261. <7)j/o9. 119,273.^/^0?. 120 273 0TUOI/ T/007T09 88, 204. oiifiov,' KOjoa.j/19. 12li274!i At a9,T P 'u7ra 1 ; 01 /. ' 89, 206. y\v(f>i&ii, OIO-TIIIW, 7rtjxf9, TO- 122, 274. Xoo9, TpvaXos. PoK, 123, 281. yui-ros, uaivo>. 90, 206. y\vid>l, oio-rf uui, TrtTx^s, TC- 124, 282. TOOJ/, (t>api-rpn. Ifoy. 125, 286. (jyopfjLiy^. 91, 206. J/y / UOl9, OA,-Tai,-|/)/i09. 126, 286. <^>O/JTIS. 92, 209. o y u(^aXo9. 127, 287. irt7xu9, -rjf ov, ^u^. 93,212. ifre/xtoj/, (v>/xo9. 128, 292. Xifjiuipa. 94, 222. n-a / o;opo9. 129, 292. x'Tciv. 95, 227. K-joaTsuT-a/, Xti'/Ja), o)9Xos, 7r f/ u- 130, 295. TTTU, 'QKai;o9. -TTttl/JoXoj/. Plate I. apna,Trapiiopia,Trapriop6s,pv- 96, 227. 7ri-n-Xo9. T;;/O. 97, 230. KXJJ19, TTJ/OOJ/l), irJ/OTTf). l ' II. lipfj.a. 98, 231. TTfo-a-^-. " III. a'/0oucra, 'Ep/ctTo? ^r, 0riXa/uo9, 99, 231. in^aXioi/. (JoXos i, Qvpt-rpa o, Kiaii; _/^ 100, 232. TTTjSaXio.;. 7Tpo6ouO9 /^Z) TTpoftvpOU t 101, 235. TTO.K-lX^a. (IptToOupll k. 102, 246. 7ruy/ixo9. '" IV. Vf|U, 7TOUS. 103, 248. -n-vpi'i. " V. 2 tM Jtts. THE CHIEF PECULIARITIES HOMERIC DIALECT. IN GENERAL. A. VOWELS. 1. rj is regularly found when, in Attic, d only would be admissible, e. g. a o/xoa;, TTtipffffOfiai. 2. Similarly, ci is sometimes found for , ov for o, e. g. &ij>oe, xpvatios, irovXve, fiovvoi;. 3. More rarely 01 is found for o, cu for a, r\ for e, e. g. irvoir), altrui;, TiQi^fuvoc. 4. By what is called metathesis quantitatis, do becomes cu (for aw). Similarly, we have ewe and doc, dmpuffioc and airiipf aiof K. r. X. B. CONTRACTION OF VOWELS. 1. Contraction, when it occurs, follows the ordinary rules, except that co and eov form v, e. g. Odpfftvt;, fidXXtv. 2. But the contraction often does not take place, e. g. akwv; and a few unusual contractions occur, e. g. ipog (ifpof)> /3wi, oortoipi 0/, avv 'iirirotaii' KCII oxeaQi- 2. The three local suffixes 9i, Qtv, Si answer the questions where ? whence ? whither ? e. g. ofcodi, ovpavodtv, ovce. donovSt. H. FIRST DECLENSION. 1. For d we find always TJ, e. g. Ovpij, vtyviqc, except Qta. 2. The nom. sing, of some masculines in -rjs is shortened to -a, e. g. 'urirura, vt^\t)jtpiTa. .*?. The gen. sing, of masculines ends in -do or -e, c. g. 'Arpdcao and 'A-pticfM. 4. The gen. pi. of masculines ends in -owv or -v (rarely contracted, as in Attic, into -wv), e. g. 9idji. But proper names may retain the e, e. g. TvSia. HOMERIC DIALECT. xiii L. ADJECTIVES. 1. The feminine of adjs. of the 1st and 2d declensions is always formed in tj, e.g. 2. The Attic rule, that compel, adjs. have only two terminations, is not strictly observed, and, vice versa, some adjs. which in Attic have three termina- tions have only two in Homer. 3. Adjs. in -vs are often of only two terminations, and often change the fern. -ia to -ea or -ij. For the various declensional forms of TTO\VC, vid. sub voc. in Lex. 4. The coinp. and super!, endings -iwv and -wrros are much more extensively used in the Homeric than in the Attic dialect. M. PRONOUN'S. 1. For special forms of pers. prons., vid. sub vocc. eyti>,vwi,iifittf. au,ff(j>u>i, I'/mf. ov, rr^oif, aQeijtv. 2. 6, T|, TO, in Homer, is dem. pron. In nom. pi. the forms TOI and TCU occur by the side of oi and at. The forms beginning with T have often relative signif., vid. sub voc. in Lex. ToiaCiaai and roiaCtat are forms of oe. Ktli'OQ is another form for fKelvog. 3. For peculiar forms of rel. pron., as well as for demonstr. meaning of some of these forms, vid. sub voc. o. 4. For peculiar forms of interrog., indef., and indef. rel. prons., vid, sub vocc. T'IQ, TIQ, and OITTIQ. CONJUGATION. REDUPLICATION. 1. The augment may be omitted ; in this case the accent is thrown back as far as possible toward the beginning of the word. Monosyllabic forms witli a long vowel take the circumflex, e. g. \VOE (tXvui), fiij (t/3>j). 2. The 2d aor. act. and midd. is often formed in Homer by a reduplication. The only examples of a similar formation in Attic are iiyayov, iiveyKov (ilv-tvtK-o-v}, and il-ov (tftftirov). Among the examples of reduplicated aorists may be mentioned : d^e^paSov (0pow), eKiicXtro and KK\TO (ici- \ofjiai), TriQidiiyQai (tieo/jai), TrnriOofitv (miOu), TctiriiQoiTO (TtvvOavonui), dfnrnraXwv (aj/a7rri/\Aw). Examples of a very peculiar reduplication arc iviTr-air-ov (eviirTw) and tpvK-ctK-ov (ipvKui). Here the last consonant of the stem is repeated after a connecting a. 3. There are a few examples of a reduplicated fut. of similar formation with the reduplicated aor., e. g. TrKjtidiiao/iai, TcrxiQi]rna. O. ENDINGS. 1. The older endings of the sing, number pi, aQa, ai, are common in Homer : idiXwfu (subj.). iQiXijffi (also written tOeXyot). 2. The ending of the 3d pcrs. dual in the historical tenses is -rov as well as -rtjv in the act.,-rflov as well as - and -ew, e. g. opi)vat ( 0op{iV). 6. The endings -OTCOV and -O-KOJXTJV express repetition of the action, and arc called iterative endings. They have the inflection of the ipf. of verbs in -o>, and arc rarely augmented. They are attached to the ipf. and 2d aor. of verbs in -w by the variable vowel c, rarely a, e. g. t\-i-aicov , piVr-a- OKOV, tai for ivfyai ( = "{/). This shortening is especially common in 1st aor. subj., which might, in that case, easily be confounded with fut. indie. Q. CONTRACT - VERBS. 1. Verbs in -aw appear in open, contracted, and expanded (assimilated) forms. The expansion consists in prefixing to the long contracted vowel a like- sounding. short, accented vowel, e.g.bp6M,!ipi'f.t\<'>wffi.l\d(ti'. Remark. Sometimes, for the sake of the requirements of metre, a long vowel is prefixed ; or the short vowel is affixed, instead of prefixed, to the long, contracted vowel, e. g. iifiiawffa, )'ij3wovTt^. 2. Verbs in -ew are generally uncontracted, but sometimes form ci from and tu, T) from , ev from to or tov. In uncontracted forms e, the final vowel of the theme, is sometimes lengthened to ci. 3. Verbs in -dw are generally contracted ; in open forms o, the final vowel of the theme, is generally lengthened into ta. Resolved forms are: dpowm for apouai, Ci}iwj>iv for Stiiotev. R. PECULIAR FORMATION OF PRESENT (EXPANDED) THEME. 1. Many presents in -fw are formed from themes ending in y, e. g. TroX^ti^u; (fut. 7ro\i(iiofitv), fiaaTiZot (aor. /idtm&i'). The stem of 7rXow ends in "YY> e - 8- aor - P ;ISS - TrAdyxfliji'. 2. Several presents in -oxrw are formed from lingual stems, e. g. ttopvaau (perf. pass. ptc. KiKopvOfiii'og), Xi'dffo/iai (aor. tXXtaapriv). 3. 7'i'^a) shows a theme vip, e. g. vi\l/a and icXai'w, form the present stem by the addition of t, e. g. /tmo/icu (perf. fiefiafjiiv). 8. FORMATION OF FUTURE AND FIRST AND SECOND AORIST ACTIVE AND MIDDLE. 1. Such pure verbs as do not lengthen the final theme-vowel, in the formation of their tenses, before a single consonant, often double ), Ktvaai (KtVTilll), (L|0)ai (icaiui). 4. o and c sometimes take the place of a as variable vowels of the 1st aor., e. g. t?ov, I&e (iKvsofiai), dvatTO (Sva>). Similarly, the imvs. pnoto (ftaivu>\ opaio and opatv (up-vvfii), a&re (dyw\ olai (0>w), and the infins. dt'/- vai, oawat/itv, KtXeuffs/LUJ'ai, occur; and a single example of an aor. ptc. with variable vowel o is seen in Svoo/ievoG (a 24). 5. A 2d aor. act. and midd. is often formed, similarly to the aor. of verbs in -|ti, without a variable vowel. Of this formation there are many instances, e.g. I KTCt, tKTCLV, tKT&TO (stCOl KTCLKTlv), ffVTO (fftVO>), t\VrO (\IO>), XllTO (\ww), opts. 9(firiv, &iToinf. 9iff9aiptc. ^9i/j.tvog (00t-v-w), if&qro, j3X^ff0ai (/3a\\w), aX-o (aXXojuai), SeKro (Si%oftai), iftucro and P'IKTO (fii- yvn/ii). The imvs. KtK\v9i and KtK\vre are similarly formed from a redu- plicated stem. T. FORMATION OF PERFECT AND PLUPERFECT. 1. In the forms tjujuopa (ptipopai) and taavpai (ptvoi) we see the same doubling of the initial consonant of the stem after the augment (reduplication), as if the stem began with p. The reduplication has been lost in tx aTai ( $*- Sty/iifoi tla'i), and is irregular in Siiciyfiai (ot'xo/it) and SiiSoiica or dfidia. 2. The 1st perf. is formed from vowel-themes alone. The 2d perf. is very com- mon, but always without aspiration, e. g. KticoTra (KOTTTW). There occur frequently forms from vowel-themes which have lost the tense-sign K, e?p. perf. ptcs", e. g. Triipvaai ( =Tri(f>vKaai), f3f/3apr)OTts (flapewi), KK/;wTa (ica/i- j/u>), Tt9i>i]iSJTO(; and Ti9i>i)oTos (QvriaKw). 3. In the plupf. the older endings -ea, -eas, -et(v) contracted i(v) or TJ appear, e.g. irt9i)TTia, yofa K. T. X. (cf. ydtaydiaap, with Lat. videram ; jfcfnj; =:yo-a(,-, with Lat. videras ; yStaav=ycsaavT, with Lat, viderant> U. AORIST PASSIVE. 1. The 3d pi. indie, often ends in -cv instead of -tjcrav, e. g. tp.i-)(Qtv, (pu(3i]9ti>, Tpatytv. 2. The subj. remains uncontracted, the c of the pass, sign is often lengthened to ei or TJ, and the follg. mood sign shortened to c or o, e. g. Oiaeito (stem ^o), Cafitiyg or ca/j.tiyg {Sdfivrjfii'). Remark. A very peculiar form is rpairtiofiiv, by metathesis, for rap- TTHO/uei/ (=rp7rdi(i', 2d aor. pa^s. from rspirw) (3 314). V. VERBS IN -|H. 1. Foi-ms of the pres. indie, of verbs in -pi occur as if from verbs in -ew and -oa>. 2. As the ending of the 3d pi. of the ipf. and 2d aor. act., v often takes the place of o-av, e. g. 'itv (itaav), tarav and ardv (tarrjoav), tfiav and fidr (tfii](jav), t(pav and tpdv (t^(Tv), tvffav). 3. In the 2d aor. subj. act., to meet the requirements of the verse, the mood sign is sometimes shortened and the stem-vowel lengthened. Thus arise such forms as 9tiw, 9dyc, and Oqyi; ; arljyc, yvuta, Siorjat, and cwy. Some- times the a of the stem is weakened to , and this again protracted to cu Thus arise the forms aridi^tv and GTtio\it.v (=oraijuj'), ftiiofitv (/3wfiti>~). 4. For peculiar Homeric forms from the verbs V), aor. aaptva(; aaatv oii>y, 297; p:iss., T 13fi, 301; /ifyo, n 685; TroXXov. T 113. II. mid., com- mit folly, be infatuated, deceive oneself, T 95; causative, l beguile," 1 (-Anj ),' i} navraz oarat, T 91, 129. a{3aicc, aor. a.^uKr]uav : word of 1 doubtful meaning, be unaware, suspect nothing, S 249.t *ApavTs : a tribe in Euboea, B 536. 'ApapfJape't] : u Trojan fountain- nympli, 'L 22. "Apds: son of the dream -reader Eurydamas, slain by Diomed, E 148. "Apioi : a fabulous tribe of the North, (SiKaioraToi avQptinrtav, N 6. "Ap\t)pos : a Trojan, Z 32. d-pXifc, J/TOC (fidXXw) : unspcd, i. e. 1 new.' ' fresh,' of an arrow, A 1 17.f o-pXriTos (/3aXXw): not hit, A 540.f d-pX-qxpos ( protlietic. fiaXaicog) : soft, feeble, gentle, \iip, rtixta, Quvaroi;, E337, 178, X 135. a-ppopos (flpffu*): loud - roarina, clamorous, N 41.f appord^co ( dfipOTtiv, dufiporeiv, dfjiaprtiv): aor. subj. dftporu^ofifv, miss, w. gen., K 65.t diJi3poToe): divine, vi>$ , 3 78.f : Abydtw, a town on the southern shore of the Hellespont, B 83(5. 'ApuSdeev : from Abydus, A 500. 'Apv8d(fi: in Abydus, P 584. d-ya- : an old adv., later ayav, em- ployed only as a prefix, greatly, strong- ly, h iff hi i/. d-ydacr6ai, dyadic : see ayap.ai. ayayelv, &ya.yov : see ayw. d-yd^ofiai : see dyap.cn . d-ya06s : good, Hence (1) of persons, ' valiant,' ' brave,' ; ica/cot,- r) ciyaOoc., P 632; 'skilful,' inrj'jp dyaOw, B 732, freq. w. ace. of specification or an adv., (3or)i>, iri>'. Often 'noble' (cf. optimates), opp. x.<"?*C, o 324. (2) of things, 'excellent,' 'useful,' etc. ; dyaOov re KUKUV re, ' blessing and curse,' S 237; dya9olm yioaipeiv, 'honor with choice portions,' ? 441; dya9d Qpovtlv, ' wish one well,' a 43 ; 'be pure-minded,' Z 162; tiq dyaOuv or dyaQd tiirtiv, 'speak with friendly intent ;' e/f ay. iruQtaQai, ' follow good counsel.' 'Ava9wv : son of Priam, Q 249. a-yaio|,ai = (aya/iat): 'view with in- dignaiion,' dyaiopevov KCIKU tpya, v 16f; ctj867. a-ya-KXeifc, gen. ayaicXJjof (K\OC): highly renowned. ''A^aicX^Tjs : a Myrmidon, II 571. a-yo.-KXei.T6s : highly renowned, fa- niow#,%pith. of men, of a Nereid, 2 45, and of hecatombs. d-yd\Xo}iai : take delight or pride in (nvi); dyaXXofitva irrtpvyiaoiv, 'on , exultant wings,' B 462 ; met. of ships, 'revelling in the fair breeze' ( Aidf ovp'f)). i 176. oryaX|j.a (yaXXo/mi) : anything in which one takes delight or pride, a 'treasure,' A 144; applied to votive offerings, y 274 ; a sacrificial victim, y 438; horses, S 602; personal adorn- ments, a 300. ayajiai (dytj), fut. dydaaiaQai, aor. rfyaadf.ir]v, r)yaaai'ip.r]V (;ilso unaug- mentfd), and from parallel form dyd- o|iai, dydaa9e, dydaoQai, ipf. riydaaOt. The form dyap.at only in signif. 1 : (1) admire, wonder at, be amazed, 9av- pdZtiv OVT dydao9ai, v 203. (2) in bad sense, be indignant at, w. ace. ft 67, w. dat. 9 565 ; be ve*.ed, V 639 ; with Kortf>, S 111; hence envy, be- grudge, with inf. t 129, esp. of envy of the gods, S 181. : fern. poss. adj. from ^, y 264. : son of Agamem- non, Orestes, a 30. 'A-ya|Afi.v(i)v : Agamemnon, son of Atreus and grandson of Tantalus ; his wife, Clytaemnestra, A 113 f. ; his chil- dren, Orestes, Chrysothemis, Laodice, and Iphianassa, cf. B 104, 1 287. King of Mvcenae, likewise ruler over 'many islands and all Argos,' B 108. His wealth in ships, B 576. 610-614. Epi- thets, Sioc, Kpfiuiv, tvpvKptiiav, ava avftptav. irmitf)v Xdwv. His stature, T 166, 178, B 477-483 ; apumia, ' ex- ! ploits," A 91-661 ; honor accorded to him, ^ 887; sceptre, B 104; his re- turn from Troy, y 143 ff., 150, 193 ff., 234 f. ; his death at the hands of Ae- gisthus and Clytaemnestra, his wife, y 248 ff., S 91, 512-537, 584, X 387-463, w 20-97. 'A-ya|Mi8Ti (cf. M/;<5fia) : Agamedc, daughter of Augeas, granddaughter of the Sun-god, A 740. a--ya[j.os : inimnrried, T 40f . dyd-vvL^os ([poos : a Trojan, A 338. "AYCIVTJ : a Nereid, 2 42. ayavos (dya/iai) : wondrous ; hence, illustrious, high-born, epith. of honor applied to rulers and nations ; freq. to the suitors ; to the noble irofnrrjit;, v 71 ; to Tithonus, i 1 ; and thrice to Persephone. aYY*^ 1 ! : tidings, message, re-port ; dyy. irarpoc;, 'news of my father,' a 408, cf: ft 30; 'command,' t 150, 7; 263; dyy. IXQovra, 'on a mission,' A 140 ; in T 206 gen. of cause or pur- pose, according to some authorities, but see dyyeXi'/jf. dyYt\it]s : messenger; assumed as nom. masc. by Aristarchus in T 206, N 252, O 640,' A 384, A 140. ayyc'XXw, fut. ayytXew, aor. 7/yyeiXa, inf. O 159: report, announce (ri, also nvd) ; w. inf. ' bid,' v 350, G 517. ayyeXos: messenger; common phrase, ?}X0i TIVI, A 715 ; "Offtra Atoc. dyytXoc, D 94 ; also of birds, o 526. \vine, etc., and for provisions, /3 289. aye, a-yere, imp. of dyw, used as in- terjection-: quick ! come ! Freq. dXX' ayt , aye di'j, and foil, by subj. or imp. ayt often \v. pi., e. g. irdiSec. t/ioi, dy /X., T 475. See also ' 5' ays. aYipa>, aor. ?)yftp, pass. pf. dy/;y{p- /irn, aor. riyepOijv, 3 pi. dytpQev, mid. 2 aor. dyfpo/ijjy, inf. dyepff0ai (accented dylpeir&u by ancient grammarians), part. dypo/.iivo : collect, call together, assemble; pass, and aor. mid. gather together; if, psva 9vjjib<; dyep9n, ' con- sciousness ' ('presence of mind,' A 152), 'was restored." dYXaios (dyeX*;) : of tJie herd, herd- ing, /3ouf, POEC. 'AYcXaos (ayw, Xaoc) : (1) a Tro- jan, son of Phradmon, 257. (2) a Greek, A 302. (3) a suitor, son of Damastor, 'AyfXtwc, x 131 i 24 ?- ayEXeii] (dyw,X/rt): booty-bringing, ' the forayer,' epith. of Athena ; cf. X/jinc. dyeXTj (ayw): herd of cattle, but drove of horses, T 281 ; ri) impetuous, mighty in combat ; anciently interpret- ed as if from yt'pac, 'gifted.' 071] : astonishment ; dyr} //' i-^i = aya/tai, 221. oYT)Ypa9' (aro) ; see ayfi'pw. aY-tjvopir) : virtus, manliness, valor; said in reproach, X 457, and still more so, I 7"0, ' pride.' dY-rjvwp (aya, drt'ip) : very manly, valorous; hence, 'bold,' 'proud,' in both good and bad sense ; freq. w. 6i>fi6g. : son of the Trojan Antenor and Theano, A 59. d-YVJpaos, d-Yiipws (y/paf) : ageless, unfading, always with dOdvarog. dYHTO^ (aya/iai) : wondrous, magnif- icent ; with tlcoc, as ace. of specifica- tion, but in agreement w. eitfoc, X 370. aylveta (ayw), inf. -tfitvai, ipf. i/yi- vtov and rjjcrtuv, 2 493 ; iter. dyivt- OKOV, lead, conduct, bring ; of a bride, 2492; 'haul' wood, Q 784. dYKa^o jiai (dyedg) : take in the arms; veicpuv diro yQovbc, dyKa^ovro, ' lifted from the ground,' P 722f . 'AYKO.IOS : (1) son of Lycurgus, chief of the Arcadians, B 609. (2) a wrest- ler from Pleuron, vanquished bv Nes- tor, ^ 635. dYKaXi's, only iv dyKoXidtaoi : in the arms. aYKas, adv. : into or in the arms, with txe, tXd&ro, etc. : Jih-hook. (Od.) s : see di/arXfva>. : bent arm ; iv dynoivnfftv iaviiv, ' to rest in one's embrace.' SYKOS, only pi. dyicta : winding vales, gorges. ay-Kpt\ia.cra.(Ta. : see avaKpfp-dvvvfii. dYicvXo-|iiiTT)s, ew (pijrif) : crooked in coxnxel, epith. of Kpovoc. aYKvXos : bending, curved, epith. of bow and of chariot. aYK-uXo-To|os (roov): armed with the bent bow. dYKt)Xo-xiXr)s (%i IXoe) : with crook- ed beak. aYKiv : elbow ; re('xoe, ' corner ' of the wall, n 702. d.YXatofiai (dyXaog) : glory in, fut. inf. nyXrtVafffla/, K 33 If. aYXatt] : splendor, brilliancy ; of Penelope's 'dazzling beauty,' a 180; 'display,' 'fine show,' p 244, 310. 'AYXaii] : wife of Charops, and mother of Nireus, oc KU\\KJTOQ dvrjp virb"l\iovrj\eiv,E 672. aYXao-Kapiro^: with shining fruit ; of orchard trees, j/ 115. aYXaos (root yaX-) : splendid, shin- ing, bright; epith. of pellucid water, golden gifts, etc.; met. 'illustrious,' ' famous,' wioc., S 188 ; ' stately,' T 385 ; in reproach Ktpai dyXot, ' brilliant with the bow,' A C85. , sync. aor. iter. dyvuaaaKf. (for ayvoijaaaKt), $ 95 ; from ayvoi't w, only aor. ind. riyvoirjaiv, subj. dyvoij/m, u> 218, part. dyvoriiadaa, v 15: fail to recognize. ayvos: holy, pure. aYvvp.i ( fdyvvfti ), flit. aw, nor. tan, 7Ja, inf. aai, pass. pr. part. d>w/v&n',aor. tdynv (iayr}v, A 559), fay i], fdytv ( = fdyjjcrav) : break, shiv- er, shatter; rather of crushing and destroying than of rending asunder (pijyvvm) ; of the ships pelted and smashed by the Laestrygons, K 123. d-Yviis : unknown, e 79f. dyvwcraoTKC : see dyvoi to. a-yvwaros : unrecognized, wirecog- nizable. (Od. avyovos : unborn, P 40f. , d'yopdop.ai (dyop//), pres. dyopdatrOt, B 337, ipf. rfyopdaffOe, r'iyop6wvTo, aor. only 3 sing, ayopjjaaro : AoW assembly, A 1, harangue. d-yoptvw ( yop// ), f lit. dyoptvaw, aor. ind. only dyopaxrfv, 29, inf. and imp. more common : harangue, strictly with reference to form and manner of speaking; then general!}', speak, say, declare; freq. with ace. iiria TrrepoivTa, dyoodg dyiiptvov, ' were engaged in haranguing,' B 788, i}v dyoptvat, 'of which I speak,' /3 318; often in con- nection with words denoting the man- ner of speaking, ir(tpap\r)8riv, 'insinu- atingly,' A 6, bvt&iZuv dyoptvots, ' talk insultingly of,' a 380. d-yopi] (dye/pw): (1) assembly of the people or army, distinguished from the SouA/ or council of the chiefs, dyoprjv Kci\tiv (through the heralds), tf o' dyo- prjv dytpovro,etc. (X) public speech.dis- cuxsioii. (3) place of meeting, market, pi. 9 16.- As designation of time, i TTI 86p-oi> dvfip dyopi}9tvdviffTT],fJi<139. : from the assembly, : to the assembly. : haranguer, speaker. : gift of sptah'ing, elo- quence^ 168f. dyos (ayw): leader, chief '. a^oo-ros : hand bent for seizing; iv Kovlyai Trivial' 'i\e yalav dyoortjj, 'clutched the ground,' said of the warrior's dying agony, A 425; cf. Koi'iof StSpayfj,ii>o (dpdffoofiaC). aypavXos (dypoc;, av\r t ] : lying in the field (passing the night out-doors), /3l7f , 7T(5ptf, TTOlfiiviQ. aypei, and dypcire, D 149, imp. from dypiu (=aipiu), used as interjection likeayt: quick ! up ! forward ! Used alone or with fidv, Slj, vvv, followed by imp., or inf. used as imp. ctYpT) : hunt, chase. (Od.) a-ypios, 2 or 3 (dypof) : wild, as opp. to tame ; met., ferocious, savage. "Aypios: son of Portheus in Caly- don, 3 117. dypio - i TroXi/oc, TT 383; t dypolo TT o X / v S f , p 182. dYporepos ( poet, parallel form to dypto ) : wild; of Arte-mis as huntress, 'ranging the wild,' 4> 471. rustic, ir 218. (uypa) : catch, intensive ; of the sea-gull 'ever catching' fish, 53f. aYpwoTis : field-grass, grass ; identi- fied by some with ' dog's tooth,' by others with ' panic.' o-yvia. (ayo>) : road, way, street; amo- tiivro oi Trdffai dyvtai, ' shadowy grew all the ways,' of the approach of night. ayvpis (dytlpw) : chance gathering, company, host, dvdpuv, rr.Kvwv, vniav (when drawn up on shore), Q 141. ayvpTaX,a> (ayvprnq, uytipw) : collect as beggar, T 284f. dYxe'-fxa X os (ay x t, ndxouat): fight- ing hand to hand (c o in i n u s). OYX I near, hard by, TII'I'C. The dat., if used, generally modifies the verb of the sentence, but probably with dxyi in T 283. Of time, dy\i fj,a\', ' in the near future,' T 301. dYxi* a ^s ("^t") ' near the sea. 'AYXi a ^ s : (O a Greek, slain by Hector, E 609. (2) father of Mcntes, and ruler of the Taphians, a 180. (3) a noble Phaeacian, 9 112. YX t -P a & l fe (fid9o) : deep near the shore, e 413t. a.y\i-G(os : near to the gods (i. e. by relationship, descent), of the Fhaea- ci;n.s E 35 ; seejjoGff. i u.o\o$ (uo\in>): coining near, mostly adv. ace. with i\9tiv, tpxioQai. foil, by diit. ; tg yx, a^E/uvat ), mid. jj^a/uijv (a$E(T0, aovro), more common 2 aor. act. Tyyayov, subj. oyaywjui, mid. ?ya- yo^rjv (also unaugmented ) : I. act., lead, conduct, bring, p 218 ('brings like to like,' we is prep.), 219 ; (3ovv, 'iinrov<; w/ro vyov, v(f>' upfiara, ' put to harness ' ; bring or carry with one, esp. of booty and prisoners, lead cap- tive, carry off", thus joined w. <}>ipu>, E 484; hence 'transport,' 'convey,' with persons or things as subj., vav- ri, vi\t f ; ' remove,' vticpov, Koirpov ; 'guide,' 'control,' A 721, * 262; esp. an army, ships, etc., B 580, 631, 557. Met. ' bring to pass,' ' occasion,' Q 647, 'spread abroad,' icXt'oc, 311. The part, aywi/ is often added to a verb by way of amplification, a 130, B 558. II. "Mid., take with or to one what one regards as his own, T 72, Z, 58, prizes, captives, etc.; esp. yu- valica, ' lead home,' ' take to wife,' said of the bridegroom, and also of those who give in marriage, or who accom- pany the bride, Z, 28. cryuv ( ayo ) : (1) assembly, esp. to witness games, Z%aviv ('A^iXXevf), 258, Xrro, Q 1, then context, game*, 9 259. (2) assemblage or place of assem- blage, of the ships, vav iv aywvi (the Greek camp), II 500; &?<>, 'of the gods,' 2 376, but H 298 of the ' tem- ple-hall,' containing the statues of the gods. (3) place or scene of combat, arena, including the space occupied by the spectators, 531. d-SaTHiovii) : want of knowledge, a> 244f a-Sai]|xc0v : nnacqnainte d w ith, TIVOC,. d-8aKpvTOS : tearless. "ASapas : a Trojan, son of Asius, N 759,771. a-8d(iacrTOS (da/jia^ijt) : not to be pre- vailed over, i. e. ' inexorable,' 'Air), I 158t. : see aHiifa. c : sec a'na. d-SciTJs (Siof) : fearless; KVOV dcSef'c., 'shameless hussy.' a8X46s, tfcX+ttft : brother. d.8evKi]s : odious, unpleasant ; 9ava- TOQ, TTOTflOC., tirjfllC.. d-8x|r]Tos (ci ^w) : untanned. oi8ea>, only aor. opt. dc^ijffiit, perf. p_art. aWjjfcdrec, also written din- and adi)-: be satiated, feel loathing at; Ka- fidr(fj, virvtft, ' be overwhelmed with.' aSV, oSijv, aSSYjv : to satiety, to ex- cess; uci}v i\aav KctKoTnToc,, iroXiuoio, ' until he gets enough ' of trouble, etc. a-SrjpiTOS ( Srjpig ) : tin contested, P 42f. dSivds : probably thick, esp. of things densely crowded and in motion. Hence 'throbbing' (icijp), 'swarming' (utXiffaai), ' buzzing ' (jtviai), ' flurried ' ( fiijXa ), ' sobbing ' ( yoot ), ' voiceful ' (Ziiprjvtc). Adv. with corresponding signification acivov, aSit'd, aSiv&Ttpov, 'more dolefully,' aSivui; dvtveiKaro, 'fetched a deep sigh,' T 314. dSivws : see adiv. aSos, aSos (see dew) : satiety, disgust. 'ASpTjo-Teia : a town on the Propon- tis, in what was afterward Mysia, B 8'28. *A8pi] 4, 62, 117. SeOXov, dOXov (dft9.): (1) prize. (2) prize-contest. atOXos, fiBXos : (I) prize-contest, dis- tinguished from war, ff iv diQXy \ rji (cat i i> iroXi/jii{j, II 590. (2) combat (in war), T 126; then 'toil,' 'hardship,' esp. of the 'labors' of Heracles, im- posed by Eurystheus (EvpvoQrjoc de- 0Xoi, 363). a0Xo-4>6pos, d6\o4>6pos : prize-win- ning ; only of horses. act, aui, ale'v: always, ever; joined with daKiXiuie, dff^aXtf, dtauirtpic., tHUfv'tQ, fidXa, vwXt/iff , avvf\kc.. Also alfl 7/^ara vdvra. dciSw (dftidtn)), fat. dtioofjiai, aor. ind. dfiffe, imp. dtiaov, inf. dtlaai: sing I. trans., irairiova, K\ia dvSpwv, ' lays of heroes ;' also w. ace. of the theme of minstrelsy, iiijvtv, A 1 ; 'A\ai- uv voorov, a 326; with d>c, 514; ace. and inf., 9 516. II. intrans., /udV dtlaai, ' merrily ', Xi'ya, Ka\6v ( adv. ) ; met. of the bow-string, ^ 411. a eiKeit] (dftiKrie) : disfigurement, Q 19 ; dtiKfiac ipaivtiv, 'exhibit unseem- ly behavior,' u 308. a-eiKt'Xios, 2 and 3, = ditKfc : ' ill- favored, 242; adv., AtiKfXlwe: dis- gracefully. d-iKi]s (dfeiK., F'tfoiKa): unseemly, disgraceful; vooc. ovtiiv dtiKr]c., 'a like- ly understanding,' ov TOI deucei;, etc. ; fuoQuc. dtiKrjg, ' wretched ' pay ; iriipr), ' sorry ' wallet, diiKta taaai, ' tliou art vilely clad.' a-ciKi (afeiKiis), ipf. atiKi&v, aor. subj. deiKiaawai, mid. dtiKivaai/jt9a, dfiiciffaaffOai, pass. dtiKipopwv (cf. V> 301 f.) : light-head- ed, thoughtless, silly. ddXcos (d^t)) : dry, withered, sere. 'Ai8T)s : son of Azeus, "Aicrwp, B 513. a^Tj, dat, from ii^a ( u^ofjtai ) : dry dirt, 'rust.' ^ 184f. d- T !X 1 i' 5 H' ' unceasing, incessant; adverbial a^ff. d5o|jiai (act. aw, Hesiod) : dry, grow dry, ' season,' A 487f. a^ofxai, only pres. and ipf. : dread, stand in awe "of ; w. inf. Z 267, i 478 ; w. nil, 'lest,' *&, 261. dr)8cov ( dfii&ttt, the ' songstress,' KO.T il-,o\i]v) : nightingale. In the Ho- meric legend the daughter of Panda- reus, wife of Zethus of Thebes, mother of Ityliiri, whom she slew by mistake, r518fff. See'IruXoc- d-T]o-vpoio, dvifioiv, blast, ' reeze, aTjTO : see arj/zi. OTJTOS : word of doubtful meaning, stormy, impetuous (if from drjfjii); dt}Tov Gdpaot;, 4> 395f. d-6dva.Tos (the a is a necessity of the dactylic rhythm): deathless, immortal ; also as subst., opp. fiporoi, GVTJTOI, dv- Sptc.; said of 'imperishable' posses- sions of the gods, S 79, B 447 ; dOdva- TOV KOKOV (Chary bdis), /i 1 18. d-Pair-ros (BUTTTW) : unburied. d-(?i (Otoc), adv. : without god; OVK dOtti o' dvt}p . . . ijKti (i. e. 'he is a godsend to us '), said in mockery, , ipf. d9ipiov : disregard, despise ; always w. neg. ; opp. /teyaXt- o/iai, ^/ 174. d-ecr<|>aTo (0oe, 0/j/x/, ' not to be said even by a god ') : unspeakable, indescribable, immense, prodigious (of quality or quantity); yala, QciXaaoa, o/i/3poc, vv%, and even olvot;, triroc. 'ABTJvai, 'A6iH (, 80) : Athens, B 546, 549, y 278, 307. ' A8T) vairj, ' Aetjvrj : the goddess A the- na, dyeXti'?/, 'A\a\Ko^vtiif, yXavKwiriG, , XntTic, iro\vj3ov\OQ ; cf. 'Arpv- rwvij, Tpiroyii'Eirt, esp. HaXXae. Fos- ters the arts, 232, ty 160, esp. domestic and feminine accomplishments, I 390, ft 116; as a goddess of war, she pro- tects cities ('AXaXKOfiivrjiQ), and is the especial patron of Odvsseus. 'AGTjvaios : Athenian, B 551, etc. 'Afri^vT) : see 'AOrjvai, 'A9rivairi. deTjpTj-Xoi-yos (d9ijp, Xoiydc) : chaff"- destroyer, designation of a winnowing- shovel in Teiresins' prophecy to Odys- seus, X 128, ^ 275. de\i5 (= a6>Xw): see deOXtvw. dBXeo) (u9\og\ only aor. part. a0Xq- OO.Q : wrestle, toil, labor. : fighter, I64f, cf. S 159 f. a6Xos : see dtflX : see : yltftos, S 229f, the mt. atyXr, Ai-yai (cf. aiytaXoc): a town in Achaea, seat of worship of Poseidon, 6203. terminating the promontory of Acte in Alyaitov (cf. o/y/c) : epithet of Bria- Chalcidice, now Monte Santo. ' reus, A 404f. dOpf'u, only aor. dOpqant, dQpijaai : alyavrr): a \\&\\l hunting-spear, jave- aaze, look, in the effort to see some- thing, then df.tcrtf ; abs. and w. tic, K 11 ; also w. acc.M 391. a6poos, aGpoos, only pi. : (all) togeth- er, in croicds ; freq. d9poa iravra. a - Bvjios : spiritless, despondent, K 463|. lin, i 156; thrown for amusement, B 774. (' 626 ; also used in war, H 589 ff. AlyciSris: son of Aegeus, Theseus, A 26Sf. aiycios, atyeo? (a't%): of a goat; 'of goat's milk, acncoc, ' goatski dOvpfia ( d6i>jOa> ) : plaything, toy, \ atyeipos : black poplar ; as tree in trinktt. j the lower world, K 510. dOvipw : play, sport; dQiiptav, O S64f. j atycos =. a"iynoc, acrKoc, t 196f. "A0cos: see 'A0<>(i>c. i AlyidXcia: daughter of Adrastus, al, at: if, if only, whether ; con June- wife of Diomed, E 412f. tion, used in conditional clauses, and alyiaXos : beach, strand. in the expression of a wish; always AlyiaXos ('Coast-land '): (1) a dis- with KI, Ktv (never dv), or yap, and trict in X. Peloponnesus, afterward never separated from these particles bv Achaea, B 575-f-. (2) a town in Paph : another particle (tl t Kf, never al ce lagonia. B SSSf. ce). I. conditional, regularly foil, by I alyi POTOS ( /3t> ) : fed tipon by subj., rarely by opt. (H 387, v 389). goatx ; as subst., goat-pasture, v 246. Here belongs the so-called ' interroga- alyiXu|/: predjritoux; Trirp>), I 15, tive' use. as ireipqaofiai al KI ri'^o>^t, E 279. U. optative, to express a wish, ' would that,' m yap, or al yap It) w. 114. AlyiXi\J/ : a district, or island, under the rule of Odysseus, B 633f. opt, generally referring to fut. time, Aiyiva: an island in the Saronic but sometimes of an unfulfilled wish j gulf, still bearing its ancient name, B in pres. time (H 132); foil, by inf., ij j 562f. 311, u 376. ala : earth, land ; iruffav tir alav, ' the world over." AtaTos, only fem. Ai'ai'i; : Aeaean. (1) vijaor, the home of Circe (see /t 3 f., 9), a fabulous isle, located by the Romans at Circeii, near Terracina. (2) the goddess Circe herself, sister of Aeetes(sce K 137). : descendant ofAeacus; (1 ) his son, Peleus, IT 15. (2) his grand- son, Achilles, B 860. AlaKos: eon of Zeus and Aegina, grandfather of Achilles, * 189. Aids : Ajax. ( 1 ) TtXafuanoc, Tt\a- pujvta&iiG, fiiyac. 'the greater,' son of Telamon from Salamis, half-brother ( cf. Ai'yiaXof ) : a town in Achaea, afterward the capital of the Achaean league, B 574f. aiyi-oxos (x w ) : aegix-holding, epith. of Zeus. aiyis (originally emblematic of the 'storm-cloud,' cf. i7riyio>) : the aegis, a terrific shield borne by Zeus, or at his command by Apollo or by Athena, to excite tempests and spread dismay among men; the handiwork of He- phaestus ; adorned with a hundred golden tassels, and surmounted by the Gorgon's head and other figures of horror, E 738, B 448. AtyKrCos : son of Th ycstes, and cous- in of Agamemnon. As paramour of of Teucer; second only to Achilles in Clytaemnestra, he murders Agamem- prowess, X 550 f. (2) 'OlXtdftjc., 'O7- I non, and after ruling seven years over Xfjof rajfvg Aiuf, utitav, 'the lesser,' ] Mycenne, is himself killed by Orestes, Oileus' son, leader of Locrians, his j y 196, S 512 ff., X 409. death, $ 499. The two heroes are oft- 1 atyXrj : radiance, gleam ; of daylight, en coupled in dual or pi., e. g. A'tavrt '. Z 45; of sun and moon; of weapons, Svw, Gtpa-zovTic, 'Ap^oc, ' the Ajaxes.' j B 458. ai0ov), pr. imp. aiStlo, ipf. acfo-o, fut. a('<$ 220. 'AiSrjs, AiSwvevs (root fid, god of the unseen world), gen. 'AiSdo, 'AiSw, "Aido, dat. "Aic?(, 'AlSy, 'Atdwvijt, ace. 'Aidt]V. Hades; tvipoimvdvdffowv, Zti> KaraxOovioc, Kpanpbg TruXdprnc, iri- Xwpioc, K\VToirui\oQ, 1(pffiuog, urvjfpoQ. Freq. "AiSog Couov tia(>),iv SouMf, etc. ; ofcen on\y"AiBuaSe, ds or iv'Aidoc, (sc. olSoios (aidttf) : (1) modest, bashful, p 578. (2) honored, respected, of those who by their relationship, position, or circumstances have a claim to defer- ence or merciful treatment, as the gods, kings, suppliant?, mendicants, and the 'housekeeper' (Tapir)). As subst. neiit. pi. alSola, 'the parts of shame,' ' privy parts,' N 568f. Adv., alcoiuiQ aTTSTTfyuTroi', 'with due honor,' 'fitting escort,' T 243. atSouai : see alceofiat. Ai8os,"Ai86o-8e: see 'Ai?/jc. diSpeiT] : ifjuorancc ; diSptiyai vuoio, i. e. ; unwittingly,' X 262. a-iSpis (ficpn;): ignorant, unac- quainted with (nvus), witless, T 219. aiSws, ov : shame ( restraint ), re- yard, respect, mercy ( see alcf'opai ) ; 'scruple,' aiSta Kai vtuiaiv, N 122 (cf. O 561), aiSwf | Kai dioy, O 657; 1 diffidence,' y 14 ; in reproach, aicwc, ! 'for shame,' II 422, E 787; w. ace. and inf., ' it's over bold,' y 22 ; equiv. to aiSolov, 'that hide thy nakedness,' B262. alci, aU'v : sec dii. aUi-Y9 : vigorous ; with dvfjp, and as subst. (u 440); esp. pi., OaXipoi, dpniOoot aityoi, ' lusty,' ' doughty youths.' AU}T|: son of Helius and Perse, brother of Circe, holder of the golden fleece won by the Argonauts, p 70. aii]TOS : epith. of Hephaestus, iri\a>p alnrov, 'terrible;' 'puffing' (if from anpi), 2 410f. By some thought to be the same word as dnroc. aidaXoeis, taaa, tv ( aiOu ) : smoky, sooty; ptXaQpov, ptyapov, B 415, x 239; icoi/if, 'grimy' dust (opp. TTO- Xtoc), ia 316,2 23. atOe : particle of wishing, 'Would that,' ' Oh, that,' more common in Ho- mer than ttOe. Foil, by opt., or by (pt\ov and inf. Aifiij : name of a mare, 'Sorrel' ('Fire-bug'), * 295. alGrjp : the upper air, or sky, aether; aldepi vaiow, of Zeus, dweller in the heavens ; more exactly conceived as having ovpavos beyond it, B 458; separated from the lower dljp by the clouds, as Hera in O 20 swings iv alOlpt Kai vttyiKyaiv. AifiiKes : a tribe dwelling near Mt. Pimlus, B 744t. AiOioircs (fliflw, the ' swarthy '), ace. 7/at;: Afthiopians, a pious folk, loved and visited by the gods, dwelling on the borders of Oceanus, in two divis- ions, east and west, a 22 ff. al96fj.vos : burning, blazing. cu9ovu>/iarof), leading from the court into the house ; this one served as a sleeping-place for guests (y 399, S 297), and was roofed. atOoxj/ (aWw): gleaming, sparkling; %a\Ko(;, OIVOQ ; 'red,' of smoke ming- led with flame, K 152. aiOpt) (cLaiQi'ip): clear sky, serenity. Ai6pi] : mother of Theseus, follows Helen as captive to Troy, r 144. al9ptj-YveTijs, al8pr]YvT]S : aether- born, Boreas. alOpos: cold, frost. aidma: water-hen. atdwv : shining, tawny; of metal (A 485), and of horses, cattle, eagle, and lion. At6wv : ( 1 ) a name assumed by Odysseus, r 183. (2) name of a horse, 6 1 85 ; see AWn. O.IK' : see at (5 (= dfiKwc): ignominiously, X 836f otfia: blood, bloodshed, carnage; of relationship, race (yevtfj Kai alua), Z 211, T 105. alpacrii] : thorn-bush ; aifiaaiaQ \i- ytiv, ' uather hedge-brusli,' a 359 and o> 224.' aip-aroeis, itrffa, EV : bloody, bleeding; met. fifiant, iroXtfjiog. AluoviSris : son of Aemon, Laerces, P 467f. AlfioviSris : son of Haemon, Maeon, from Thebes, A 394f. aljAo-4>dpvKTOS ( Qopvffou ) : reeking with blood ; KpM, v 348f. aifjLvXios : wheedling, winning, ov aiva TtKovva (since I bore thee 'to sorrow'), A 414, cf. 418, alt-iat, KCIKU (juara ('shocking' bad clothes), p24. aivvjiai, only pres., and ipf. aivvro : take; met. TtoQoQ alvvrai, ' I am seized with ' longing, 144. alvws : see alvoc. ai|, aiyt'tc, dut. pi. a'lytaiv : goat. at|ao-Kov : see diffow. AioXiSt]s : aon. of Aeolus, see Kpjj- 9ti>c, 2('iv^of. AloXit], vfjaoe: the Aeolian isle, residence of Aeolus, lord of winds, K Iff. al6X\ci> (ai(iXof) : turn quickly; tvQa Kai n'Oa, v 27f- alo\o-GcipT] -.'with glancing cuirass. alo\o-[jLiTpT]s duTpi]) : with glancing belt of mail, E 707. aloXo-ircoXos : with glancing (stcift) steed*.!* 185f,cf. T 404. aloXos : quick - moving, lively; of wasps (peffov, ' at the waist '), gad - fly (' darting'), serpent ('squirming'), worms ('wriggling'); then glancing, shimmering, of lively ( changeable ) colors, esp. metallic, E 295, H 222. AtoXos, gen. AioXoo, K 36, 60: (1) son of Hippotas, and lord of winds, K 2. (2) father of Sisyphus, Z 154. Ai-ireia 11 Aiireia: a town on the Messenian gulf, I 152, 294. aiiTEivos, almjeis (eaaa), aliros : see aiirvf. aliroXiov: herd of goats, herd. aliroXos (ai', TrJXo^ai) : goat - herd, herder. Altrv : a town subject to Nestor, B 592f. alirvs, aa, v : steep, towering ; of mountain's, towns (here esp. the form aiVai'oe), streams with steep, banks (aiird psi9pa, 9 369, $ 9, cf. 10), a noose ' hung high,' A. 278 ; met. irovoe, ' arduous ;' oXtSpof, ' utter,' etc. ; alirv oi iaatircn, he will find it ' steep,' N 317. AlirvTios : of Aepytus, progenitor of a royal line in Arcadia, B 604f . alp to, fut. -i), aor. ttXov, 'iXov (fe\ov), iter. iXeaicov, mid. alptvfievoi, alpijaoftai, tiXo/ijjv, i\6/j,r]v : I. act., take, ' grasp,' * seize ' ( f req. w. part. gen. ), ' capture,' ' overtake ' in run- ning ; of receiving prizes ( ^ 779 ), embracing (X 205), putting on (' don- ning') garments (p 58), 'taking up' a story at some point (9 500) ; yatav ndd eXeTV, 'bite the dust;' freq. of hitting in combat, and esp. euphemis- tic, e'Xti/, he 'slew'; met. of feelings, XoXog aiptl fj.f, 'tfitpog, Seog, etc., so virvoQ. II. mid., take as one's own, to or for oneself, choose; of taking food, robbing or stripping another, taking an oath from one (TIVOQ, $ 746, ru/i,X 119); also met, d\Kipov 7/rop, ^iXorj/ra IXtaOai, U 282. "A-ipos (ftpoe) : T Ipoe "ATpoe, ' Irus wn-Irused,' a 73f, cf. 6 f. a'l'poj : see ddpai. "Ais : see 'Ai&jc. alaa : allotted share, or portion, lot, term of life, destiny; prov. iv Kapog aiay (cf. Att. iv ovSevof fiipti); KO.T' alffav, ' as much as was my due,' ouS' inrtp alaav, Z 333 ; virip Aiog alffav, P 321 ; ofiy -KiirpoiukvoQ a'iay, O 209. AIOTTJITOS : (1 ) son of Abarbarea and Bucolion, Z 21 f. (2) name of a river emptying into the Propontis, near aierifios (alaa) : destined, due, suit- able, right; alatfiov rjtv, aiatfiov fip-ap, day 'of destiny,' aiaifj,a ttSe.vai, ' right- eous thoughts ;' pers., piva<; aiaiuri induct, y 14. aicrios (alaa) : auspicious, opportune, Q 376f. dfo-o-w (a except virai^tt, $ 126), mid. aor. dc^aaOai, pass. rii\Qr]v, ai\- Orjrrjv : speed, dart, spring; of persons, animals, birds flying, and of inanimate things (arrows, a beam of light, ' flut- tering ' mane of horses ) ; of the shades of the dead 'flitting' to and fro ; freq. the part. w. another verb of motion, J3rj di^daa, di^avrt irtreaQnv, O 150, and conversely, ifi^t irtrtaGai, ' darted away ' in flight, $ 247 ; often of hostile movements, dvriog didc, (t>affyi, ' with his sword,' etc. ; met., of the mind, voog avtpoi;, O 80 ( cf. -rrrkpov r]t vorjua, r] 36). a-Krros (fiKiv): unseen; oixtr dt- orof, aTrvarog, a 242 ; (cat Kt p' diarov i/j.(3a\e TrwTtp, ' to be seen no more.' aierrdw (aFiaToq) : put out of sight, annihilate ; diGTio9r]aav, vanished, K 259. al(rOTjTi]p : see atavuvrjTrip. A'wrviiTTis : (1) father of Antenor, B 793. (2) father of Alcathous, N 427. : evil-doing, v. I. for , E 403|. aiavXos : evil, neut. pi. with peZtiv, AurOp-TjOev :from Aesyme, in Thrace, 304f. al(rv|xvTjTiis : princely, dat. Q 347f, v. 1. aiavijrrjpi. al (Z 524), aiT^ea jroXX' | opowv (a 229). alcrxpos, comp. neut. ataxiov, sup. i alaxiaroc : (1) ugly, B 216. (2) dis- graceful, insulting, outrageom. Adv. (dfioi, 2), only pres. and ipf. diffOt : breathe out; Ov/j,6i>, of giving up the ghost, n 468 and Y 403. (alff^oe), aor - y a \vi>, perf. pass, yoxvuuirot; : I. act., disfigure, then disgrace, insult; apmji', ' tarnish ' the fame of my prowess, 571. II. Ato-wv 12 mid., be ashamed of, or to do or sny anything disgraceful. Ato-wv: son of Cretlieus and Tyro, fa- ther of Jason, and king in lolcus, X 259. alrcw, fat. -/, aor. part, -ijaaaa: ask, demand, beg, sue for; abs., of a mendicant, a 49 ; freq. Tivd TI, w. inf. Z 176, :icc. and inf. (yrtofiiv fit 9tui> i}vai rpc)> y 173. aiTida : wield (he lance ; ai'xjuat; ffi, A 324-)-. point of lance, lance, spear, i'xpira (E 197): spear- man, warrior; freq. implying bravery, with dvSpiav, r 49. atx|/a : forthicith, at once, directly ; aifya ' tTrara, al^a juaXa, atipa cai orjoaXewe. al-^d T, speedily, in gen- eral statements, r 221. a!\|/T]pos (ali/'a) : quick(ly}, used with the sense of the adv.; \vatv S' ayop/v atyripi}v, T 276, /3 257 ; atyrjpoQ df KO- poe, ' soon ' comes, d 103. 1. diw ( aFiw ), only pres. and ipf. aiov : (1) hear; abs., and w. gen. or ace. (2) mark, perceive, never inconsis- tently with the sense of hearing, ir\rj- yrJQ diovres, the horses hear the lash as well as feel the stroke, A 532. OVK ditig (=aKovic ;) ; or, sometimes, ' markest thou not ?' ' remarkest,' O 248, a 298. 2. aicd (cf. afrjfit): breathe out; 0/Xov aiov rJTop, ' was (near) breathing my last,' O 252f. alciv, wi/of (cf. a e v u m), m., fern. X 58 : lifetime, life. aicaKT|Ta : deliverer; epith. of Her- mes, IT 185 and w 10. aKaXa - ppcin)? ( dicaXoc. ) : gently- flowing ; epith. of Oceanus, H 422 and r 434. d-Kaitas, av~o (K/ti^a) : rtntirinff. 'AKauas : (1) son of Antenor and Tlieano, a leader of Dardanians, 3 478. (2) son of Eussorus, a leader of Tlii-iicians, Z 8. a-KoLfiaros = dicajuac,-, epith. of fire. aKav8a (root UK): thistle, pi. e 328f. "AKaorros : king of Dulichinm, ^ 336f. : see a.Ka\i^u. &> (root a^), aor. i'jKaxf, dica- Xtiv, and aKaxnoe, mid. aKaxi&uai, pf. aKdxnfiai, 3 pi. dicrixidaTai, part, also aKrix^tft), ai, inf. aKaxfjaUai, plnp. 3 pi. dca^fi'aro, aor. diccxovTo, -oiro : distress, grieve, TT 432, ^ 223 ; mid., be distressed, grieve ; with causal gen. or dat., OavovTi, ' were he dead," 236 ; aKaytmt voi j/rop, ' with aching hearts ' ; Ot'jU<^, Z 486. Cf. d\OQ, dxew, d\tin>), dx''vuat. a.Ka.\\i.fvo$ ( root OK ) : sharpened, pointed ; 'iyx ctKaxpivor O^H ^aXic^J 'tipped with sharp point of bronze,' iri^tKVQ d)u0orfpw0v UK., ' double- edged' axe, e 235. O.KO.XOLTO : see dKa\ib). a.Ke'o)j.aL, otKeio^iai, iaCflOfttVOf, aor. riKtadfJiriv (imp. dictaaai) : heal; vi\aQ, ' repair, ' 383 ; met. of thirst ('slake'), troubles ('make good '), N 115, K 69. d-Kpo!/3oe, T 39f. aK(rp.a (nKto/iai) : means of healing, 'alleviating,' 6wdwv, O 394f. 'AKo-crd(ivos : a king of Thrace, father of Periboea, * 142f. aK(rros(aKfojuat): curable; dictoTai rot 0ptVff iff9Xi>, 'can be mended,' N 115f. aKewv (cf. dic//j'), mostly as adv. and indecl., but aKtovffa, dictovra, aKiovre : in silence, still, quiet (I y). d-Ki]8rTOS ((c>;^j(i>): uncared-for, i. e. of the dead, ' unburied,' Z 60 ; adv. dicridi frrwt,', pitilessly. a-KT)Scu> (do/C/yt) ; nor. aKtidefftv. be neglectful, neglect. a-KT|Si]s, ft; ( (o;c?of ) : uncaring, un- feeling, * 1 23, p 319; free from care, 12526; pass neglected, csp. ' unburied.' d-Ki]Xt)TOS (Ki;Xfa>) : not to be charm- ed, ' proof against enchantment,' vooc, K 329f. OLKTJV 1 O.KTJV : adv. silent, with Itrav, iaar, akfjv iyivovTo aiwirtj, ' were hushed ' in silence, TT 393. a-K-npacrios = dictiparoQ, i 205f. d-KT]paTos : untouched, pure. 1. a. (topics (KTJP) ' unharmed. 2. i-K^pios (alp): (1) Aorf. (2) spir/t/rxx, cowardly ; Stoc., E 812 ' , only com p. atttWirepoc : in- sigiiificant ; ouiv dftSvonpov yaia rpetyei di>9putiroio, nothing ' more frail,' a 130. (U.I.) a-KtKvs (KIKVI-) : streugthless, feeble. (Od.) a-KixTros (KIXUVOJ) : unattainable; a.Ki\i}Tu ciwKdtv, P 75f. a-K\T]<;, i- f. aKX-qris, aicXciTJs (ic\Of), ncc. sing. a/cXea or a(cXt'd, noin. pi. aieXrjfii; : inglorious, adv. a.K\ti<; KVTIOCJ, 'all so ingloriously,' H 100. Adv. ajcXfioic- a-K\T]po9 (K\fjpot;): portionless, X 490f. aK(Atj (root as): tffltye, in the prov. iiri %vpov Vararai O.KHTJQ, K 173f. A KM v(5s (ie/uq) : full-grown, V 1 9 1 f. aKaiqvos : without taste (of food or drink) only in T. a-Kxijs, i)TOQ ( Kunvti) ) : unwearied, only pi. (II.) aKU.6-0Tov (UKUIJJV, Ti9i)ui) : anvil- block. : anvil. : backbone. K 161 f. (Koirn) : husband, consort, fspoitxf. a KOITIS, ace. pi. aKoirig: wife, con- aKoXo9 : morsel, pi. p 222f. a-KO|ii (KWI > ), aor. a.KdvTia(a)a : hurl the jni'din, Jturl ; dovpa, dovpi. d.KovTto'Tijs : javelin - thrower, jave- n,i-liiirliiiiiTVQ, ' well fed at the grain-crib,' Z 506 and O 263. aKoi>do}i(n : listen with delight, aoi- &w, ' to the bard ;' Sairiic; dicovd^f- aQov tjuEio, 'hear from me the glad call to the feast,' A 343. OLKOVT) : hearing; jumt TrarpoQ O.KOV- rjv, ' to hear tidings ' of father ; 'iKciQiv e TB yiyvtr aKovfi, 'can be heard' afar, n 634. a-Kovpos (/cotJpoc) : without male heir, j64t. auovw, ipf. ifKovov, mostly UKOVOV, (mid. dicoviTO, A 331), fut. aKoiiaofiai, aor. f/Kovaa, mostly a/couffa : /tear / lience ' listen,' '' give ear to,' ' obey ' ; abs., or w. ace. of thing, gen. of person, (dat. of advantage, n 516), sometimes gen. of thing; foil, by participle, gen., Q 490, a 289, rarely ace. H 129 ; inf., Z 386 ; 'ArpiiSi]v dKovere, o> i]\0t (i. e. we 'Arpfidt]i; n\9t), 7 193. d Kpiavros (Kpaiaii'ta): unfulfilled, unaccomplished. aKp-ai^s, EOC (uicpoc, dft/ui) : sharp- blowiiig, of favorable winds. (Od.) atcpT) (rticpof) : summit, promontory, cape; KUT uicpric,, ' from on high ' ; fitya Kvua, e 313(ingens a vert ice p o n t u s) ; then ' from top to bottom,' ' utterly ' (wXtro, t\i(ii>, O 5.">7). aKpT|0v : see Karjcp/0ii>. a - KprjTos ( Kiparvvfji ) : unmixed, pure. . aKpis, i^oc : locust, pi., * 1 2f . aKpis, f!\\ov) : dense with leaves jor fo/iar/e, B 868f. oiKpo - KcXaividu ( KtXaivoc. ) : only part., with darkling surface, * 249f. d.Kpo-KO(j.os (KOUH) : with hair done up at the crown of the head, A 533f. aKpov, subst. : point, promontory, summit. Adv., see UKpoq. 14 'Aicpovecos (vavc,) : name of a Phaea- cian, 111. dicpo-iroXis : citadel, only in Od. In II., separated, itKpt] iroXic.. aKpo-iroXos (TTI \ouai), only dat. pi. : lofty. aKpo-ircpos (Trei'pw): with piercing point, ace. pi., y 463-)-. apos (root K), sup. dfcpornroc : titter- most, topmost, highest, at the top, end, edge, or surface of (s u in in u s) ; TTO\I uKui), uKpi] TroXtc, ' upper city ' (=aKpo- TroXic) ; KCIT dicprft;, see dicpq. Adv. UKpov, ' along the top,' Y 229. 'AKTairj: a Nereid, 241 f. 1. dic-nij : meal, corn ; always with 2. O.KTT) : shore, esp. rocky and jut- ting parts, dTTopjOwyff, jrpp/JXiJref. d-KTqjittv ( KT>ina ) : without posses- sion, \vhli gen. aKTTs, ij-oc, only dat. pi., aKrlffiv, durivtaat : /, &?am of the sun. 'AicTopiStjs : descendant of Actor, Echecles, II 189f. 'Aicropis: an attendant of Penelope, ^ 228f. 'AicTopiwv : son of A dor; there were twins, '.\KTopiwve, called also MoXiove after their mother Molione, A 750. "AicTcop : (1) son of Azeus, B 513. (2) father of Menoetius, A 785, n 14. (3) son of Phorbas, brother of Au- geas, and father of the 'AKro/xWc. (4) fiiilier of Echeclcs. aKvXos : edible acorn, sweet acorn, K 242f. oiKwicq (root OK) : point of a weapon. aKbiv, oiTOf (root OK): javelin, dart. axuv : see a'auav. aXa-Sc: seaward, into the sea ; with tic,K 351. aXdXi]|xai : see dXaouai. a.XaXir)T6s (cf. d\aXrj2a>, and for the reduplication also 6XoXvw, i\i\tv, etc. ) : loud, resounding yell, yelling, war-cry, of a tumultuous throng; usu- ally a triumphant outcry, but raised by the panic-stricken victims of Achilles, t 10; in the assembly, by a majority opposed to fighting, w 463. aXaXicc, -iiv, -(av : see d\i'^w. 'AXaXKOfmrjis (d\a\Ktiv) : the De- fault r, an epithet of Athena, wiih which is connected the name of 'AXoX- KOfiivai, a city in Boeotia, A 8, E 908. dXaXvKTTjfJUu (cf. dXvn), dXtWw): ' : perf. w. ]>res. signification, am bewil- \dered, K 94 f. 1 aXdoficu, imp. dXuw, ipf. iiXwuijv, dXiofit]v, aor. dX/;0i;j.', pf. dX(tXi]fj.ai, dXaXiifitvof : wander, rove, roin, of adventurers, freebooters, mendicants, and homeless or lost persons. The ' perf. is only more intensive in mean- ing than the present, /3 370, etc. dXads : blind. dXao - he kept no blind (i. e. heedless) watch. dXaoco : make blind, w. gen. 6$9aX- uov. (Od.) aXairaSvds, comp. voTipoc: eani.li/ ex- hausted, unwarlikc ; aBti'oc; OVK dXa- Tradvov, exhanstless strength, and freq. w. nog. dXaird^w, ipf. dXaTraZe, fut. -$w. aor. dX7ra|a : empty, drain, esp. with TroXiv, sack ; then of ships, men, etc., 'destroy,' 'slay.' dXacrre'w (dXooroc), only ipf. ?;Xdpo/*ui, dXaa~e, ' eternal foe,'X 261. 'AXdorwp: (1) a Lycian, E 677. (2) a leader of the Pylians, A 295. (3) father of Tros. dXacurfe (dXooc) : blinding, i 503f . dXye'io (dXyof), aor. subj. dXy/jirere, part. dXy/jirac : feel pain, suffer; met., ] : see dXryvo. aX-yos : pain; frcq. met., and esp. /tip, troubles, woe; of hunters, o re K0 iiX>;' dXy 121; often of Odysseus, Trdflti/ dXyta OVUM, etc. ; TroXX* dXyt LVGu.trktGGiv, 'vexation,' 184. dXSaivci) (root aX, a 1 o) : make to grow; only aor. [itXt ijXSavt Troi^evi Xauv, ' filled out' his limbs. (Od.) aXSi]03f. dXYii> (dXsyw), only pr. and ipf. without augment : care for, heed, TIVOQ. Always with neg. ; ubs. oi>c dXeyi | oi^' o&rai, O 106. dXcyOvw (X;yw) : care for, attend to, only w. dctira, emrof. Said com- prehensively, for 'partaking of,' 'en- joying ' the meal. (Od). dXe'-yw, only pres. : cure, care for, be concerned, Tivog (ace. IT 388); aX'tyovai Kiovaai, 'are troubled' as they go, I 504; usually w. neg., abs. Kvvtg OVK dXeyovaai, careless (good-for-nothing) hussies, r 154. In 268 equiv. to dXeyiVtt*. dXeeivfa) : parallel form of dXto/iat, only pres. and ipf. 1. aXcT] (dXf o(tru) : shunning, escap- ing, escape, X 301 f. 2. dXe'T] : warm, sunshine, p 23f . dXeias, arof (dXtw) : /owr, wheaten flour, v ] 08f . aXets : see t(Xw. 'AXeio-iov: a town 1n Elis, B 617, A 757. aXeurov : tankard, usually costly ; Xpttvtov, d[iwTov, x 9. aXeiTns : sinner, evil-doer, F 28. v 12L aXei4>ap, aros ( dXf/^w ) : ointment, fat or oil; for anointing the dead be- fore cremation, and in y 408 for pol- ishing marble, 'glistening with oil.' dXei4>aj (XiTrn), aor. ?}Xet^a and dX., mid. aXu^afitjv : anoint, usually XiV tXahij, l)iit of smenring with wax, fi 200. 'AXeicrpvoiv: father of Leitus, P 602. "AXtKTWp : father-in-law of Mega- pcnthes. c lOf. oLXev, dX'v : see tiXut. aXtla.jj.evos, -aa9ai : see dXtw. 'AXt'l - avSpos : Alexander, Greek name of Paris, and perhaps a trans- lation of that word. See Ilapig. dXe^-dvsnos : protecting against the of : averter ; 'stemmer of battle,' Y 396f. 15 uX8o;u dXe^i-KdKog : ntf. dXe|a> (root oXic), inf. dXt&uti' (at), fut. dXeZljota, red. aor. uXaXnt, Mibj. dXdX/cyffi, inf. dXa\Ktlv, -futvai, -futv, aor. opt. dX{//(T<, and subj. mid. dXt- aijue. dXi][iuv, OVOQ ( dXdouai ) : roving, wandering, leanderer. aXijrai : see u'XXo/uat. dXT]TCva> (dX/jrqe): roam about. (Od.) dXiiTTjs (dXdouai) : vagabond, beggar. (Od.) 'AXOaia: wife of Oeneus in Calydon, mother of Meleager, I 555f. oLXCojiai : be healed; dX9e.ro %f a, epith. of rivers. 1. aXios ( a'Xf ) : of the sea ; yipuv, Kerens (A 556), Proteus (S 365), 6tai, and as subst. u\nn, the Nereids, ta 47. 2. aXios : fruitless, ineffectual, vain, in vain ; adv. a'Xtov. " AXios: (1) a Lycian, E 678. (2) a son of Alcinous, 0'll9, 370. aXio-rpecjnis, eC ( rp-'0w) : sea-nurt- ii,'i'/. fpith. of seals, S 442f. aXiou (I'tXioc. 2), only aor. aX'uaai, -want: render fruitless, baffle, with /3- Xoc, ' hurl in vain,' II 737. oXi-irXoos (7r\fo>): sailin'g in the sea, ' submerged,' ace. pi., M 26f. aXi-ir6p4>vpos : sea-purple, purple as the xea. (Od.) aXis (Fd\i, cf. ifd\nv,t\<>j): crowd- ed together; of persons, ' in throngs ' ; bees, ' in swarms ' ; corpses, ' in heaps.' Then in plenty, abundajttli/, enough; liXif Si oi, he has carried it ' far enough ' already, I 876 ; rj ov% a'Xt on (wf)i ' s '' no ' ; fnough (and more than enough), etc. ? aXio-Kojiat (fctX.), pres. not in Ho- mer, aor. ijXh), subj. aXtaia, opt. aXtpqv, uXoir]i', inf. aXwvai, part. uXovf (aXov- Tf, E 487) : be taken, captured, of men, towns; met. Oavartfi aXwvai, and with- out Qavarif of being ' killed,' ' slain ' (cf. aipftu). aXiraivw, aor. rfXirov (I 375), aXiTt'i- lir}v, pf. part. dXir/;/if i'Of : .sz'w against, rivit, or ri (Q 5S6) ; 0to7c a\/r///t)'oe, a transgressor in the eyes of the gods, 5807. dXm]|iwv, ovo (uXiraii'bj) : sinning agnimt, o/tndiny. dXirpos (dXiTah'w) : Kitntcr, offend- er; dai'fiooiv, 'in the c-yi.'s of heaven;' colloquially, 'rogue,' e 18:1. 'AXica-Ooos : son-in-law of Anchises. 'AXic - dvSpr) : wife of Polybus, iu Egyptian Thebes, c 126f. "AXK-av8pos ( cf. 'AXiavSpo(; ) : a Lycian, E 678. aXicap (root aXc) : protection, defence, E 644 and A 823. dXici], }/<, (root aXfc), dat, dXni, d\K/j: defence, defensive ttrength, valor, tn////it; common phrases, QoupiCoc. dX(c;]c, dXxi irtiroiOwcj, itfitifif >'OQ dXicl]v. Joined with /3i;, fih'oc,, oQtvoQ, i)vopen. Per- sonified, E 740. "AXicTj Cleopa- tra, daughter of Idas and Marpessa, and wife of Meleager, I 562. dXicvciv, uvoq : /ialci/on, a sea - bird with plaintive note, 1 563f. dXXd dXXd (dXXoe, cf. c etc rum): but, nay but, but yet, yet; combined dXX' dpa, dXXd yap, dXX' rj (rot), dXXd re, dXXd teal we, dXX' oi>S' we., etc. ; very freq. after a negation (when dXXoe or mpoe precedes, like 'than,' * 275), but also used like Si correl. to fiev, and after concessive statements, yet, A 281 ; often in appeal, nay, A 32, and w. imp. or hortative subj., dXX' io[itv, esp. dXX' dy?, dytre. aXXtyev, aXXe'^ai : see dvaXi ya>. aXXr) : elsewhere, another way ; of place (dXXov dXXy, 9 516), direction (dXXuCit; dXXy), or manner (j3ovXta9ai, O 51); o IJLOI ylpae fp^frat dXXy, goes 'into other hands '_(tlum mine), A 120. aXXTjKTOS : see aXjjKroc- dXX-iiXwv (dXXoe, dXXoe), gen. du. aXX>]Xoiii>, K 65 : each other, one anoth- er, mutually. dXXo-Yvwros : known to others, \. e. foreign. /3 366f . dXXoSairos : strange, foreign ; also subst., stranger. dXXo-ei8r]s, or dXXo-i'^ije, only neut. pi. dXXoffuSt' or aX\ofidta : different- looking, strange-looking, v 194f (cf. TT 181). oXXo - 6v : from elsewhere ; ' from abroad,' y 318; dXXo9tv dXXof, 'one from one side, another from another.' dXXo-6i : elsewhere, 'abroad ;' yai'j/c., part, gen., 'in the world,' /3 131, but with Ttdrpnz, gen. of separation, 'far from.'p 318. dXXo - Bpoos : speaking a strange tongue. (Od.) dXXoiSrjs : see dXXoei&/f . dXXoios : of another sort, different ; implying inferiority, r 265. aXXofjLai, a or. 2 and 8 pers. sing. d'Xffo, dXro, subj. uXnrai, uXtrai, part. u'X/ifj'Of : leap, spring ; met. of an ar- row ' leaping ' from the string, A 125. dXXo-irpoo--aXXos : changing from one to another, epith. of Ares, 'fickle god.' E 831 and 889. dXXos : other, another, (oi) dXXoi, the. rest ; freq. in antithetical and recipro- cal clauses, dXXoe ftiv . . dXXoc Si, dX- Xo9tv dXXoc, etc. ; very often idiomatic and untranslatable, tKroSev dXXwv \ [jii>riffT>ipos : see dXo^oc- dXXo-4>povcw : be abstracted, uncon- scious ( 698), only pres. part. dXXvSis : to another place, always with dXXoe, or with dXXp, ' now in one way, now in another,' ' now this way, now that.' dX-Xvco-Kcv, dXXuovTJ (dXiiQw) : ointment, grease, fat; rubbed into a bow of horn to render it pliant, 179. 'AXoirt) : a town in the domain of Achilles, B 682f. "AXos : a town in the domain of Achilles, B 682f. dXo-o-vBvTi : child of 'the sea ; Thetis, Y 207 ; Amphitrite, S 404. is a-\o(j)os, aXXcxfjos (Xo0ot,'), a before X : without plume ; Kvvkn, K 258f. (See cut under Xd^ot,-.) a-Xoxos ( Xi^of ) : wife ; epitliets, p.vr]we (1 u c u s), usually with an altar, and sacred to a divinitv, B 506, 321. "AXrrjs : king of the Leleges, father of Laothoe, $ 85. dXro : see u'XXo/jnrj. 'AXtjpcLs, ttvroc; : feigned name of a place, with a play upon dXdopcit (' Wanderley '), u> 304f. 'AXvjjT] : a country near Troy, pro- ductive of silver, B 857f. aXv0-Kaw (stronger than dXvaKu), only prcs. and ipf. : skulk, seek to es- cape ; abs., and with ace, of thing avoided. dXv, ipf., ^ 330f . dXvcrKa> (dXtvopai), fat. dXvw, aor. i)Xva and dXv%a: shun, avoid, escape; abs., and with ri, less f req. rivd, f/Xv^a traipovg, 'evaded their observation,' /t 335. aXvcro-w (aXtrw) : be frenzied, of dogs after tasting blood, X 70f. a-XvTOS : not to be loosed, indissolu- ble. j aXvco (cf. aXctofiai): wander in mind, be beside oneself, distratyht, with pain, grief (Q 12), or sometimes with joy ( a 333 ) ; dXewv, ' frantic with pain,' i 398. aX<|>dyci>, only nor. rjXQoi', opt. aX^oi, 3 pi. iiXtyoiv, v 383 : yield, bring ; pv- plov uvov, ' an immense price,' o 453, cf. 4> 79. 'AX<|>ios : (1) a river in Arcadia and Elis (flowing past Olympia), B 592. (2) the rivor-god Alpheus, y 489. aXTjcmis (dXavn>) : wage-earning, toiling ; a aX4>iTov: barlty, in sing, only gen. ^i'rov aKTrj, barley-meal; pi. aXtpira, barley-groats or meal. 'AXtoevs, i]OQ (dXwif) : father of Otus and Ephialtes, husband of Iplumedia, E386. aXwi]: threshing -floor (area), Y 496 ; also orchard or vineyard, 2 561. See yot/j'or. XuT], dXttt], dXu|ievos : see uXiffKO- fUU, dX<6|xcvos : see dXdop.ai. dXwco : see dXiaKopm. up., dp.: see uvd. ajxa: (1) adv., at once, nt the same time; apa irdvrtg, /i' a^oi, H 255; freq. with -ri . . Kai (B 281), or with following It, lipa (ivOog f tji>, TtTtXfffTO t tpyov, 'no sooner said than done,' T 242. (2) prep. w. dat,, at the same time with, along tcjth, Sfi i)tXii{i KaTa- duvn, tip.' eirtaOai, 'atiend,' 'accom- pany,' upa Trvoiyi; dvtpoio, ' swift as the winds,' a 98, II 149. 'A|ia6vs : the Amazons, a warlike community of women, dwelling on the river Thermodon in Pontus. They in- vaded Lycia, also Priam's realm in Plirygia, T 189,2 186. 'Aiiotem : a Xereid, 2 48f . afm6os (^dpa9of) : sand, E 5S7f. d|xa0^va> (dpaOoz): reduce to dust; iroXiv f re. Trvp dfj.a9i>vti, I 593f . djiai|i,dKCTOS : doubtful word, uncon- querable, monstrous ; epith. of the Clii- maera, Z 179 and II 329 ; of a floating mast, 'huge,' 311. d(j.aXSovb>, aor. inf. (tpaXSvi'ctt, part, -ih'ac, pass. pr. sulij. d^aX^Oj'j/rat : crush, efface, Tti\oc_. (II.) duaXXo-SeTTip, ijpoc (dfiaXXa, iw) : binder of sheaves. Only in 2. dp.aX6s : lender, epith. of young ani- mals. auaa, a(xa|a ( apa, auv ) : four- wheeled draught wagon, distinguished from the war - chariot (up/ta), which had two wheels, t 251 ; also the con- stellation of the Great Bear (the Warn), 2487,t273. d|Aa|iTos ( dpaa ) : wagon - road, strictly adj., sc. odoc, X 146f. djiapT) : canal, ditch for irrigation, $ 259f. ^ djiapTavw, fut. dfiapriiaonat, aor. ijpapTov and ifpflporov: (1) miss, fail 19 to hit, rivijt;, and abs., ?////3porEC, ovc' tTv\tQ, E 287 ; met., ' mistake,' ' fail of,' 'lose' (just as rv-^nv 'get'), ij 292, i 612, 155; ot" TI j//*p- ravt fiiiipwv, ' failed not to bring," O 68. (2) en; do wrong., ore K'IV nc virtpfifpj Kai apc'ipTf/, 1 501 ; wro ty;o Tut ?////3jOoroi/, ' was guilty of this oversight,' ^ ]54. dp.apTEo> : see b/japriu). dimpTTJ, ajiaprf] (/ta, loot ap) : at once, together. afjLapTo-TTT]s, C (fsTroc.) : erring in word, rash-speaking, N 824f. Cf. da- HaprotTrfc. 'Afj.apvyKiSi]s : son of Amarynceus, Diores, B 022, A 517. 'A|iapvYKcvs, toe : ruler of the Epe- iuns at Kuprasion in Messenia, * 630f. : see rpo\aw. ^W): running togeth- er, collision of chariots, pi., ^ 422f. djiavpos : shadowy, darkling ; tidtit- Xoi' duavpov, 5 824 and 835. a-|iaxTrv: without contest, * 437f. fljiaw (of. ' mow,' which orig. means to lay in heaps), ipf. f/fii^v, aor. part. ufiijaavrtQ, mid. a(jiriffcifj.tvo(; : mow, reap, 2 551 ; air (adv.) ovara. a.i*.i)]ffd- fitvof, 'collecting,' 'scooping up' his curds, i 247. ajifSaivw, a/Apd\Xto : see di>afS-. a(j.-paros (avaflaivu] : to be ascend- ed, waled. d)i-pXTj8t]v (a.vafta\\u!) : adv., with deep -fetched breath ( = dfiftoXddrji^), deeply, joowaa, X 476f. According to others, as prelude ( at first. apt-poXdiSnv (di>a/3aXXw): adv., bub- bling tip, 364f. d^ippoo-iT] (d/t/3jOo 285. In the sense of answer, very freq. the part, dfitifiofifvoc,, ' in reply,' dfJLuf}6(if.vo Trpoaitintv, rjfiti- fitro fj.i)9(fi. d-p-eiXiKTos (^EX<(Tv, ov, ii;reg. comp. of better. For implied meanings, see pass., fj.i\f6fj,tvcu ydXa Xtvicov, 'yielding,' A 434. d-|ieXc'a>, (/isXai), only aor. dfit\T)va : neglect, forget ; TIVUQ, alwavs with ne- gation. . ap.vai : see HOJ. d-(ivi]v6s (/iwc): powerless, feeble, E 887; of the shades of the dead, vf.Kvt*)v diieirji'd Kapnva, of dreams, ' unsubstantial,' r 562. a-fivt|v6w (dpftTivue): make power- less, ineffective, only aor., N 562f . 1. d-|UpSo> (fiipo~), aor. jjfiipaa, a/i|0 //Xc) ' 0) act -> helpless, despairing, T 868. (2) pass., of that with which one can do nothing, impossible, & 262 ; ovfipoi, ' inscrut- able', T 560 ; djjir]\ava *py, ' irrepara- ble mischief,' 130 ; of persons, 'im- practicable,' 'unmanageable,' K 167; a/ti)x a> "H>' * om ""t^s^ai, ' it is hopeless to expect you to comply,' N 726. 'AfxurciSapos : a king in Caria, fa- ther of Atymnius and Maris, H 328f. d-(UTpo-xiTttvs (/m-pij, \ITWV): without belt beneath their coat of mail (XITUV), epith. of the Lycians, II 41 9f. ajJuxflaXdcis, jx, djip.es, d|i|u : see i]\idq. d|i-}ii$d? : see dvcifiiyvvui. pi'jjv TE, all that is .' fated and un- fated,' v 76f. Of. d^opo^ (2). d- jJifJiopos (uupoe, uolpa) : ( 1 ) without share or portion, with gen., \oerpwv 'Qtcedvoio, said of the constellation of the Great Bear, which in Greek lati- tudes never sinks below the horizon, t 275, 2 489. (2) luckless, unhappy, Z 408, Q 773. djjtviov: basin for receiving the blood of sacrificial victims, y 444f. (See cut.) ! : the port of CnSsus in Crete, r 188f. d-jioyqri (/toyf w) : U'ithout trouble, A 637f. d(xd0tv (a/ioc, obsolete word for rt'e): /ro?n somewhere; a/<6 0sa, iVs, ' beginning at any point whatever,' relate, a lOf . afjioipas, oc of (/if i'/3a>) : adj., _/"( a change, xXaivrj, K 521f. ap.oi.pTi (afitiftta) : recompense, requi- tal, gift in return. (Od.) djioiptiSis : by turns, 2 506 and a 310. djj.oip6s (a/tf ij3o>) : one 7to changes place with another, /j\0ov a/ioi/3ot (as substitutes], N 793f. dfioX-yds: doubtful word, always (lv) VVKTUQ duo\y(jj, in the darkness of night, 'at dead of night,' as an indica- tion of time. 'Ajioirdwv : a Trojan, son of Poly- paemon, slain by Teucer, 9 276f. djios, djios = i/utTtpot;. dp.oTOv : eagerly, vehemently ; esp. with fiinan, K\aiti>, KtxoXw^tei'Of, ra- VVOVTO. djiir- : see ai'OTT-. dpireXdcis, ttraa, / (duTTfXoc,) : full of vines, vine -clad; of districts and towns. (II.) dairXos, fern.: grape-vine, vine. (Od.) dji-TreiraXtov : see dvaTrdXXw. dfi-Trepe's : always Cid 5' duTrepic,, see - d|xir-ex(>> (d/iifti, tX M } : surround, cop- , ciXfir] du7Tt\EV W/.IOVG, L 225f. a}A-iri]8Tjvfff9aL Trtpi 7rdTpr]c, 'to fight in defence of our country.' M 243. d(iv,-ipf. d/ivaatv, fut. dpi/Stic, : scratch, tear, oTi'tfia \tpaiv, T 284; met., 9vp.i>v duv%iic,, 'slialt rend' thy soul, A 243 &pt-vyom{M, ipf. d^aycnraZov, mid. -Hfttvog : unbrace lovingly, greet warmly, of entertaining guests, II 192, 381. d^-a-ycipofiat. : gather around, only aor. 2, 9sai ce uiv dutyayipovTO, 2 37f . I aji- j publicly. dfi-d8ios (di ) : adv., openly, ii) : open, public, ' regular,' y/uoc, 288. dfJt-4>a8ov and dp a8d (dvcKpaivta) : adv., openly, publicly; opp. icpv - apafJt'co : only aor., Ttv\id r d/j.(papdfinae, clattered about him, O 408f. dp.-aaiT] (drai) : speechlessness, w. obj. gen. iirkwv, P 695, i 704. d}uf>-a<{>d, part. AftAafowv, -owffa, mid. inf. -daa9ai, ipf. -UIOVTO : feel about, handle, esp. to test or examine something; rpip Si TTtpiffTtt^cig KO~L\OV X6%ov dfj.<[>a(j>6wffa (Helen walks around the Trojan horse and ' feels over ' it, while the Greeks are concealed with- in), 277; of examining a necklace, | \(pait> T duQaitiowvro, o 462. djx<^-iroTaTO : see dp.nroTiwfi.ai. dp.-irci> : see d/i0tt7rw. d)i(j>-cpxo|ioci : come about, ' sound ' or ' rise about,' of sound or savor 'stealing over' one, 'meeting the senses,' only aor. n//0;Xt>&, 122, // 369. (Od.) ajiixiv<. djJt^-e'xvT' : see dfJ.ixew. d;jL<|>-i]KT)s, d/ij]Kt<; (root O.K): two- | eJged, of a sword, TT 80. o.[a.c|)-TJXv6e : see d^/^fp^o/iai. du-T)pe<}>T];, kq (tpi) : covered at both endx, cloxe-covered, closed, A 45|. d}JL(|>-ijpicrTOS (tpiai): contested on both tides, doubtful, victory (or victor), ' 382f. d|i4>t ( cf. duQiq, d/i0w ) : on both sides; the distinction between dfii and nipi ('around') is of course not always observed ; the two words are used ^together, o^flai ' dp. 10, but on the other hand are sometimes in- terchangeable, apty'i Si icvavki]v KaiTf.- TOV, irepi ' f'pxrof tXaaaiv \ KaaaiTipov, 2 564; cf. * 561 f. I. adv., on both sides ( or ends, or above and below, Z 115), about, around; here belongs the so-called use ' in tmesi,' and in many instances where the word seems to govern a subst., it is really adverbial, and the case of the subst. must be explained independently, dui TIVOQ na\taQcn (n 825), deicuv (9 2i>7). (2) \v. dat., (a) local, B 388, P 328 ; i,piire V du' avnfi, 'over,' A 493; TT\V KTEIVI dfi

ilXa tXaai 'A%atovQ, A 409 ; aft^i darv tpcftv ~tpd, ' around in,' A 706 ; oi dui Tlpla/ior, ' Priam and his followers.' 'Afi4>i-a\os : a Phaeacian, 114. djx4>i-aXos : sea-girt. (Od.) 'A|j.c()L-d.pa.os : a seer and warrior of Argos, son of Oecles, great grandson of the seer Melampus. Through the treachery of his wife Eriphyle, who was bribed by Polynices with the gift of a golden necklace, he was forced to meet his death by joining the expe- dition of the Seven against Thebes, o 244. o.[jL(J>-i.dxo> : only part, with termina- tion of perl'., dnta'xvlav, as she flew screaming about, B 31 6f. i>, perf. dp:tfie[3r)Ka(;, -Kt, subj. dn<}>ii3ip>iKy, plup. go (perf. stand) about or over, sur- ronncl, wilii ace. or dat. ; ^eXeof piaov oiipavuv dn$ifitp{]Kf;i ( ' had reached mid-heaven in its round,' i. e. stood at the zenith), 68 ; Tpwwv vifyoQ d^i- | vrjvaiv, II 66 ; a^of typivaq ' has overwhelmed,' 9 541; met., protect (the figure from an animal standing over its young), A 37, i 198. ojjwj>i - aor. 2 part. Xdiv, mid. fut. dp(iii^aXivfiat, aor. inf. dn(j>tfia\iff9at : 1. act., throw about, embrace ; rip $' tyw d^Kpi^aXwv 9dXa- pov Sepoy (i. e. the chamber was built around the tree), i// 192 ; dfi^tftaXovre d\Xi'iXov, * 97 ; Kpiac, we oi xil3aXui'Ti (ns much as his hands could hold ' in their clasp '), p 344; met., updnpov n'ivo<; d^0t/3a- Xoirtf (cf. iTriivvviii ), P 742-. II. mid., throw about oneself, Ctc ci pd- KOQ dnifiaXEff9ai, 178, ^ 103. a;ji4>i-pao-is : protection, sc. vifpov, E C,->:^. a(j.i-ppoTos -. man-protecting (react 1 . ing from head to foot, cf. 'L 117), . (II.) (See cut.) 'Afi4>i - ye'veta : a town subject to Nestor, B 593f. ap.i--yvi]ci,s (yvtov) : strong in both arms (a m b i d e x t e r), epith. of He- phaestus, usually as subst, A 607, 9 300. afij>i-yuos (yvior) : with limb at both ends, double-pointed, tyx- ^- ovpia- \OQ. (See cuts below.) dfxcjjt-Saico : kindle about, only perf. intr. (and fig.), iroXtpoG CLGTV dni6trit, blazes round, Z 329t. 'A|x4>i-8d|jLas, avroQ : (1) from Cy- them, K 268. (2) from Opus, * 87. a|i<{>i-8ao-us, fftia (Faavi;) : shaggy all around, thick- fringed, epith. of the Aegis, O 309f.' -00= o}i<|>i-8lvW : twirl about ; only perf. pass., x^H- a KaaoiTipoio dftdiSeSivTiTai, ;i casting of tin ' is run around,' ^ 562 ; of the scabbard ' enclosing ' a sword, 9 405. d}J.(J>i,-8pv4>T]s ( cpvTTTiii ) : with both cheeks torn (from grief), B 700f. ajjLos (fywTrrw): torn OH bolh sides, ' both torn ' ( from grief ), ira- puai, A 393f. dfx4>i-8vjxos : double, only pi., Xip.i- i>fc (on both sides of the island), <5 847 f. ajJujn-eXio-o-a (AXtVffui) : curved at both ends, curving, epith. of ships. (See cut.) : 33=3^S3cS t),fut. . aor. du(pita(a)a, mid. aor. dpfyuaavro, imp. dfiQuaaaOf, pres. and ipf. not in Homer: put on clothing; act., on an- other, t 167; with two accusatives, p 369 ; mid., on oneself, don, -fy 131. d|A(})i-ira), dji-irw (Vw), only part. dfubtt TTwi' and ipf. : move round, envel- 348 ; of persons, be busy about, in pre- paring meat, attending to sacrifices, etc., wg 01 y dp.(f>itTrov rdtyov "Eicro- poe, i2 804 ; f req. the part, in connec- tion with another verb, dp.-tSdvw : settle upon, only ipf., 2 25f. a(ic}>i-0aXtj<5, ft,' (9dXXw) : flourishing on both sides, epith. of a child whose father and mother are still living, X 496f. 'A(Jti|)i-0Tj : wife of Autolycus, grand- mother of Odysseus, T 41 6f. op.i-0eTos '(rtOnfii) : to be placed both ways, reversible, (piaXi], probably with double base and bowl, V 270, 616. dpxfn - 6e'eKd\v\j;a, subj. cover round, hide ; often nvi n, the ace. of the thing used to cover with, Kcti ol aciicot; d(i<}>tKd\v\l/cv, 9 331, Q 569 ; met, of sleep, death, feelings, tpuQ Qptvaq dfiptKaXv^e, ' engrossed my heart,' T 442. d^i-Kap^s, f c (ifapa) : double-head- ed ; aju^ivap// ai\a (for the feet of two persons ), v. 1. for dpi-xea^to : split or hew around; TO uiXav dpuot; d/KpiKtdffGdc;, 12f. "A}Jii - K\o9 : a Tiojan, slain by Achilles, IT 313f. d;ai.-io5irXXov, Siirac, : double-cup- ped goblet, whose base is bowl-shaped, and adapted to drink from. Cf. dfii- QtTOQ. (The above is the explanation of Aristotle, Hist. An. xix., 40 ; but no specimens of the form described have been found amongst antique remains or representations.) diufu-XaYatvo) : dig about; (j>vTi>v,(t> 242V. 'Afi^H - Xoxos : a seer of Argos, son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle, o 248f. dfjt^i, - Xvictj (root XVK, lux): with doubtful liglit ; vv, i.e., neither day nor night, t w Might of dawn, H 433f. du4>L-|j.aLop.ai, only aor. imp. i'i/ioi- fidaaaOt : seek about with the hands, hence wijie off all over, avoyyoiai, v dp.i-p.dxop.a.i : fight around or for ; iroXiv, 1412; ?'f /CDOC, rtixtoG (as for a prize), O 391. (II.) 'A|Ai-nax<>s : (1) son of Cteatus, a leader of the Eleans, N 203. (2) son of Nomion, a leader of the Carians, B 870. fJ^u-fUSwv : a suitor of Penelope, son of Melaneus, slain bv Telemachus, X 242. d;xL-vop.T] : a Nereid, 2 44. 'Ap,i-vop.os : a suitor of Penelope, son of \isus, from Duliehium, slain by Telemaclius, x 89. dp.4>i - |ea> : hew around about, onlv aor., -fy 196f. "Ap.<|>ios : (1) a Trojan chief, son of Merops, B 830. (2) son of Selagus, from Paesus, an ally of the Trojans, E612. dp.cfa-TreXop.ai: be about one, CLKOVOV- rtaai vtwTUTii d^t0(7rX>/rai, the newest song to ' meet their ears,' a 352f. Cf. d|xi-irvop.ai, only pres. and ipf. : work about, attend (to), tend ; of per- sons, esp. the sick or wounded, some- times of tilings, T 278 ; ironically, rov I^Ovft; d/KJttTrtvoi'TO, ' were at work around him,' $ 203, 184. dp,iircpi : see dui-irepi-arTpa>4>du> : see TTfptarpd)- t)>au>. dp.4a - irtTTTW : fall about, only aor. part., yvi'fj iruaiv dnQnrtffovaa, 'fall- ing upon ( and embracing ) the body ' of her lifeless husband, 9 528f. dp^i-iroXeuco (dju^/TroXoc) : wait on, take care of, op^arov, w 244 ; /3(W, a 254 ; ironically, v 78. d|i4>i-iroXos (TTfXouai): female at- tendant, handmaid; d/t^t'WXoc Tiffin, dju0i7roXot yvvctiKtc, but regularly subst. ; the noble dame of the heroic period is constantly attended by one or more of her maids when she ap- pears in public, a 331 ; distinguished from duual, x 483 f. aucJH-Trove'ojiai, f ut. dfi^>nrovf]ffouai : labor about, attend to, ri, TIVU, 159, 681, v 307. Cf. afinrevofiat. dp.({>i-7roT(xo)Jiai : /utter about, only ipf., auQeTroTUTo r'iKva, B 315f. afi4>i-pvTOS (pi is (cf. dju^i, dptiia) : I. adv., on both sides, apart, in two ways ; ' with both hands ' at once ( 162), ynlav Kai ovpai'bv d/<^pd^ia9at, 'be at variance,' B 13. II. prep., mostly fol- lowing its case, (1) w. gen., all round, apart from, au*ay from, B 384 ; a/^/'f ioov,^r 393. (2) w. ace., about, around, d/i0if tKaarov (aufyl ftKaarov), A 634, I 266, 3 274. dji-ii-TptTTi (cf. TpcTuv) : Amphi- trlte, goddess of the sea, personifying the element, KvavwmQ, dydarovoQ, /i 60, 97; [lira ictipafiv 'AutpiTpirijG, y 91. dp.i.-Tpopa> : tremble for, w. gen., o 820f. 'Ap.i-Tpviu)v : king of Tiryns, hus- band of Alcir.ena and reputed father of Heracles, E 392, y 266. dp.4>i-aXos (^Xof ) : double-ridged, double- crested, of a helmet with divi- ded crest. (II.) dp.i-<{>of3ci4opvs, noQ (Qspw) ; for d/i^o- pevQ : two-handled vase or jar for wine ; also used as urn for ashes of the dead, w 74. (See cuts 6 and 7.) a(A<|)i-xaiva) : yawn about, only aor. 2, iut K>)p &p1*xavt, has ' engulfed ' me, * 79f. Ap^i-Xc'ojjLai ( X su\ ipf. dj0ex;>/MJv, aor. 2 dut\f>[JiTiv, dfisx VTO > P ass - aor - dui\vQr]v : pour or ic diffused or sAerf around, embrace; irdpoc. KOVIV au^i\v- Oqi'at, before the dust (stirred by the feet of Ajax immediately in advance) could ' pour (rise) round ' him (Odys- seus), 763 ; dutpixydfiQ TraTtpa, TT 214, dut\iovTO ('thronged around') icai r)i-x vTO (x w ) : poured (spread) around, demolished, of an earthen wall, T 145f. 'A(JioTpos (dfi.ia): both; sing, only iieut. as adv., foil, by TS . . (cat, etc., duc T dyafloc Kpart- poij T' alxutfTijc, 'at once both,' etc., F 179, N 166, o 78; as snbst., du(j>o- ripyai (se. \fpvi), E 416, K 264. 'Aji^JTtpos : a Lycian, slain by Pa- troclns, n 415f. d;i4>oTpw - Cev : from or on both aides, nt iiotli ejiilx. d;i4)OTp(o-th directions. d^-oiiSis : adv. with the sense of dp(t>' iivSu, <>n the ground (specifying du.-pderaatTO : see < OJJK^O): both, whether of individuals or of parties, A 363, B 124; 'the two dvd pieces' (defined by what follows), ft 424. 1. av : modal adv., indicating a con- dition ; essentially equivalent to Ktv, and of less frequent occurrence. TJie use of av is less exactly defined in Homer than in Attic Greek ; besides the regular usages in Attic ( viz. in conclusions expressed by the secon- dary tenses of the ind., and by the opt., or by the inf. representing these, and joined to ' or relative words, idv, orav, etc., in conditional clauses that take the subjunctive), Homer employs av with the subj. in independent sen- tences, and KS (rarely av) with the fut. indicative. In final clauses the use of av or KE prevails, and is not uncom- on even with the opt. in conditions. On the other hand the potential opt. occurs without av (KB) oftener than in Attic. The following examples will illustrate the most important of these peculiarities of usage : (1) av w. subj. in independent sentence, OVK av rot Xpaiauy KiGciptt;, ' perchance the harp may avail thee not,' T 54, cf. A 205. (2) av w. fut. ind., avrbv ' av irvua- TOV pi Kvvtc, . . ipvovai, tnti KB TIQ KT\., 'me like enough last of all will dogs drag about, after I am slain," etc., X 66. (3) av w. opt. in final clause, av Se fit irpoitit; . . u 334. (4) dv w. opt. in condition, OTvro yap sti^o/uti'oc. v~iKi]utiifv , tiTTep av ai'Tai | Movaai dtidotiv, B 597. 2. dv- : negative prefix, the original form of the so-called a ' privative,' a still fuller form being dva-, preserved in dvaftdt'oc. Cf. Lat. i n-, Eng. ' un-.' 3. ay, dv : by apocope for dvd, be- fore v (K 298), "before T (E 167), before (jToua (e 456) ; and in av Si (sc. oJp- iwo), F 268, * 709, 755, 812, 9 110, 115,118. dvd, by apocope av (dv), before la- bials du (dp.) : up, opp. Kara. I. adv., dva (with anastrophe), hortative, up f quick! 2 178, a 13 ; up there, thereon, ueXaveg ' dvd fiorpvet; rjactr, 2 562 ; back, dvd T tSpap,' oTriacrtiJ, E 599, dvd o' tff^Eo, 'hold up,' 'refrain,' H 110. The use with verbs ' in tmesi ' is of course adverbial ; likewise when a subst. occurs in a case that defines the adv. (thus showing the transition to a 1. ava avaSuofiai true preposition), av d' dpa Ti]\fuax"S I dva- i yi.'Y v " o ' K ' l> > n lj nor. 2 dvtyviav : vrjoQ [Salve. (VIJOG local or part, gen.), ' know for certain, know again, recognize, ft 416. II. prep.,(l) w. gen., only dva a 216, S 250, T 250, TO34; vni>c tpnv, i 177, see the remark on /3 ue dvayvoirj rbv IOVTCI, 'how can she 416 above. (2) w. dat., up on, upon, A know me for that one ?' (i. e. for her 15, O 152, ava T d\\>i\ymv t x ovrai, son), X 144. hold on (close up) 'to' one another, o> dvaYicaiTj(r=ai'yr>j) : necessity, con- 8. (3) w. ace., up to, up through, K 466, x I 32 , X 45 2 ; of motion, dvd generally denotes vague direction (up and down, 'up through,' 'through- out'), tvvTiuap fiiv dvd orparbv iL\iro K?)\a dtoio, A 53, whereas Kara rather indicates motion toward a definite point or end (A 483, 484) ; with the idea of motion less prominent, N 117, 270 ; of time, dvd vwra, 3 80 ; fiaffi- X?ae dvd orou' i\tav, ' bandying their names up and down,' B 250 ; dvd Ovubv typoviiv, bpuaivtiv, Gaufitlv, oiiffQai, B 36, /3 156, S 638; dv idiiv, ' straight forward,' * 303 ; following the governed word, veibv dr(d), ' up and down ' the field, v 32. 1. ava: see dva, I. 2. ava : see dva. dva-paivco, du|3aivco, aor. dvtpnv, mid. aor. dvtfii}atTo, aor. 1 part, dva- fiijaduevoi : go up, ascend (to), oitpavov, inrtpwiov, etc. ; (jtdrtg dvOpti>T?ov dva- fiaivtt, 'goes abroad among' men, % 29 ; esp. go on board ship, embark, A 312 and often, t Tpoitjv dvafiriuivai, * embark for Troy,' a 210; trans., aor. 1 mid., vo> dvafinadufvoi, ' taking us on board their ship.' o 475. dva-(Ba\\io, dfxpdXXw : throw up. I. act., postpone, dtOXov, T 584. II. mid., (1) 'strike up ' a prelude, w. inf., 155, cf. p 262. (2) postpone for one- self, tpyov. B 436. dva-pe'ppuxtv : defective perf., bub- bles lift, 1" 5 if (v. 1. dvaptflpoxtv). 'Ava - PTJO-I-VC s : a Pliaeacian, 9 113f. dvd-f3XT] 48. y aor. opt. dvafipo- nd aor. 2 pass. part. dvafipo\kv : gulp back (affiin), of Charvbd'u whirlpool, n 240, X 586. her straint; dat., perforce, A 300 ; avay- Kait] 499. avdyxf] : necessity, constraint ; f rcq. dvdyict] (iariv, r)v) foil, by inf.. E 633, 12 667, Kparkpr] S' tTriKtlffir' dvaynrj, ' stern necessity,' Z 458 ; often dvdy- Ky, KOI dvdyKy, 'even against his will,' vir dvuyKriQ, ' by compulsion.' dva - yvdfiirrw, only aor. act. dviy- i'au\^av and pass. dv(yvdu9r] : bend back; of undoing a prisoner's fasten- ings, 5 348. r?vfr dv-d-yco, fut. dva^dj, nor. 3 dvrjya- yov : lead or bring up or back (O 29) ; from the coast to the interior, S 534, etc. ; of ' carrying away ' in general, esp. over the sea, yvval/c' evstSf' dyr)- yeg \ t diririQ yainc, T 48, or of 'car- rying home,' y 272; mid., put to sea (opp. KctTdyiaOai), A 478, T 202. dva-Se'Spo|iE : see dvarpfx^- dva-ScpKop.ai : look up, only nor., dvtSpaictv otpdaXualaiv, ' opened his eyes,' S 436f. dva - Se'o-fiTj ( dvaSfut ) : head- band, IKTI',, X 469f. k (See cut.) ava-Se'xop.ai, aor. 1 dvtctd[ir)v, sync. aor. 2 di'tSiyurjv: receive, E 619; met- &\~>\\., undergo, oi&v, p 5(53. dva - Svofiai, dv- i>), aor. 2 dv'tSvv, opt. d>>a- ( vulg., -St'iy ), inf. dvaSvvat, mid. aor. dvfCfxrtTO : ( 1 ) emerge ; aXoc, ' from the sea,' A 359, \ifivnq, 337 ; with ace., Kvua 9a\du(rns, 'arose to the wave,' surface, A 4 1)6. (2) draw back ; abs., t 377, *e oui\ov, H 2 1 7 ; trans., -jroXtuov, 'back out of,' N 225. dvdcSvos dvd-eSvos (Ficva, see dv-, 2): with- out bridal gifts. Gf. 'icva. (11.) dv-aeipw ( = dvaipw), aor. 1 dvdiipi, inf. dvatlpai : lift up, 9 298 ; said of wrestlers who try to 'pick each other up,' * 724, 725, 729 ; of ' carrying off ' a prize received,* 614,778. dva-8T)Xew (&rXXa>) : bloom again, fut., A 236f. dvd-eT])Aa (di'ari'0ij/u): only dva9r{- juara cairoc, delights, glories of the feast (song and dance). (Od.) ava-0pa>o-Ko : bound up, of a stone rolling down hill, only part., N 140f. dv-aiSciT] (di'aio/jc) : shamelessness, impudence. dv-aiSrjs, ft' (alSuic) : shameless, piti- less ; applied to inanimate things (per- sonified ), KvSoifiog, 'ruthless,' E 593; Trirpri, N 139 ; Xdac., X 598. dv-aijAwv, ovoc (aifia) : bloodless, E 342t. dv-aijAwrt(rjua) : without bloodshed. dvaivojiai, ipf. dvaivtro, aor. dvf]- varo, rivi}va.TO, subj. dvijvnrai, inf. dvl]vaaQai: deny, refuse; in both senses w. inf., 2 500, 450; governs both persons and things, at S' dvaivi- TCII rice ad Swpct, I 679 ; opp. vtroSs- X^dat, H 93. dv-aipcu, aor. 2 part. dviXwv, mid. fnt. dvaipiiffofiat, aor. 2 dvtiXo/irjv, dveXufinv : take up; mid., for one- self, 01- what is one's own, N 296; 'into one's service,' rj up K iQkXois Onrtvefisv, i a dveXoi^tr}, a 357 ; in bud sense, Kovpdg dv'iXovro 6vi\\ai, ' snatched away,' v 66. dv - dfcrato, aor. dvffi^a : dart up, spring up; ;r;jya4, X 148; w. ace. of end of motion, tippa, Q 440. Cf. dv-airios ((ilrid) : guiltless, innocent. dva-Kaiu) : kitul/e, only ipf. (Od.) dva - KTJKIU : gtish up or forth, of blood and sweat. (II.) dva-KXfvw, aor. di'l/cXIvn, part, dva- KXii'dQ and dyK\iva.Q, pass. aor. part. dvaKXivOtic,, -Qiiaa, -9ffTt: make to lean back or upon ; nvd irpoQ TI (a 103), TO%OV Trori yaiy, ' bracing against the ground,' A 113; of doors, open (opp. itriQCivai), 9 395, % 156, X 525 ; pass., lean or Kink back, dvaK\iv9etQ TTBat-v VTTTIOQ, i 37 1 j tvStv dvaic\iv9tl- aa, S 794 ; in rowing, v 78. 27 dvavcvco dv-aicovTiw : shoot up or forth, of blood, E I18f. dva - KOITTO) : strike back, ' shoot back,' of door-bolts, 47f. dva-Kpdci>, aor. dv'tKpayov : screech out (said purposely with exa ((c/'/(/3Xov, ' cym- bal ') : fell rattling over, ipf., n 319*. dva-Xryw, ipf. aXXtyoi', aor. inf. dX- Xf'oi' gather up, offTta. (II.) dv-aXiceiT] ( dXK/j ) : want of valor; only dvaXudyin Sanevrif, overcome by their cowardice. (11.) dv-a\Kis> tcof, ace. -iSa (-v, y 375): invalorous, cowardly. av-aXros (root aX, ale r e) : insati- able. (Od.) dva-X6w, dXXoco, part. d\X6ovcra, ipf. iter. dXXOecFKtv, aor. driXvaav, mid. fut. dvrtXoffErai : untie, unravel. (Od.) dva - (JLai^ida) ( cf. ptfjiaa ) : rage through. Trvp, Y 490f . dva-(j.d(rcrco : wipe off", p'tya tpyov, o ay KifydXy j'a/i^if (rig. from the custom of murderers wiping off the bloody weapon upon the head of the slain, as if to divert their guilt upon the victim himself; hence, here = ' shalt atone for with thine own life' (cf. X 218),r92+. dva-u,vo>, aor. dviuura : await, r 842f. dva-iucrpeo), aor. opt. dva^rpiiaai- ut: remeasnre (the way to), Xdpvfidiv, H 428f. dva - (xtyviJiAi, dva}j.f, aor. di'tfj.vi](ra<; : re- mind, rivd TI, y "2 1 1 f . dva - fj.ifj.va) ( = dvafievo) ) : await ; abs., standfast, II 363. (II.) dva - fj.opfj.Cpoi, ipf. itcr. di'afiopfiti- ptffKt : seethe up, of Charybdis, \i 238f. dva - veojj.ai, dvvg'ouai : route up again, rise, drvtirai j/fXiof, K 192f. dva-vevci>, aor. dvirtvaa: nod back- wards (a backward inclination of the head was a sign of negation, cf. i 468, hence), dent/, refuse; tcapfjan, X 205 ; with inf., II 252. 28 dv-avra (dvrd) : up-hill, 116. ava| (Fdva), aKrof, voc. dva (only in addressing a god, otherwise), dva, dat. pi. dvaKTtai : lord (icing), master; of gods, Zfv dva (F 351), virvi dva%, irdvTdtv rt 9eu> irdvrw T dvOpwirw (3 233), Qtujv dtKnri dvditTUV (p. 290) ; of men (esp. Agamemnon), dva dv- cpiov, and in general of any man as lord and master of his possessions, iywv OIKOIO dwi taofi rifitrfpoio \ Kai SftMuiv, a 397; TI av y' dvaKTOQ \ 6da\- fiov TroQkuc, ' miss your master's eye,' said bv the blinded Polyphemus to his ram, t'452. dva - |t]paiva>, aor. subj. dyZrjpdi'y : dry up, $ 347f. dv-ofyeoricov : see dvoiyvvui. dva-TrciXXco, aor. 2 part. dinrnraXiav, aor mid. dviiraXro I. act., brandish (drawing) back ; dfjiTrnraXuiv (' having poised and drawn back') irpoi.ii SoXi- %dffKtov lyxoc, F 355, etc. II. mid. and pass., be filing up, leap up, V 692, 694, 6 85, Y 424. dva-Truvoj, aor. dviiravat. : cause to leave off, rivd TIVOC,, P 550f dva-ireipw, aor. part, d pierce with spit*, spit, B 426f . dva-ireirTa}JLc'vds . see d dva-ireTavvvju, only perf. part, dva- Kt.ifra\iivd^ : spread back, open, of doors (opp. imKEKXifievd};), M 122. dva - irTjSdw, aor. dp.TrriCnfft : jump up, A 379f. dva-irijiirXiiju, fut. dvairXrjou, aor. dv'i.ir\naa : fill up; only met., TTUTUO ftwToio, ' fulfil,' A 170, KaKov olrov, 6 34; KIIKU. TroXXa, 'endure to the end, O 132, 207, 302. dva-irXe'co, fut. inf. dva.Tr\evota9ai sail up; oTiivunrov, fi 234; tf Tpoinv (over the higli seas), A 22. dvd-irvevuv9ri, mid. aor. 2 dfnrvvro : breathe again, take breath, revive; abs., A 327, 800, 3 436; w. gen., 'have a respite from,' KOKOTHTOQ, A 382 ; iro- voto, O 235. dv-diroivos (diroiva): without ran- som, A 99f. dva-Trpij9(o : let stream up, only Kpv dvanptjffdc, ' with bursting tear,' I 433, /3 81. Uf.'irp>)9u. dv-dirroj, aor. dvii^a, pass. perf. imp. dvT)G(i) : fasten up, attach, freq. of cables, /j, 162; tK S' avTov irtipaT' dvi)$Qu, 'let the rope-ends be tied to the mast itself,' ft 51 ; met., /iw/xov, ft 86. dvd-TTvo-ros (di'amvOofiai): notori- ous, X 274+. ^ dva-poipStw : see dvctppoifitiiit. dv - apird^u, aor. di'i]pTra%a and dvrjpTrctaa, part. dvapTrd^d^ : snatch up, snatch away, esp. of sudden gusts of wind, S 515. -Ktt-ppTj^Kv^ (Fpnyin'ni), only aor. dvtppT),a : rend or burst open, 2 58Z, Y 63; of demolishing a wall, H 461. dva-ppiirTc'w (fpiiTTw). dva-ppi-n-Ta), ipf. di'ippiiTTovv, aor. dv'tppi^a: fiing up, ii\a 7rr]S<{i, of vigorous rowing ; without TrjjcV, K 130. (Od.) dva - ppoi^Scctf, aor. dveppoifidiiat: swallow up (again), of Charybdis. (Od.) f dv-dpcrios ( dpapiaKw ) : wifitting, hence unfriendly, hostile; Sva/Atviii; KOI dvi'ipaioi, U 365. dv-apyos : without leader. dva-(reuci> : only aor. 2 mid. dviaav- TO, rushed up, A 458f- dva-o-rdu), aor. mid. dviaTrd.aa.TO : pull back, ty%og *K \pooc, N 574f. dvao-o-a, jjf (fdi'aK) : queen, but only of goddesses, for Odvsseus when he addresses Xatisicaa as dvaaaa, doubts whether she is divine or mortal, 149. dva (.f v), i pf. dvaaat , iivafffft, fut. dvdu>, nor. opt. uvarp'^tiav : overturn, 436 ; mid., wander through (v e r s a r i), yalav, v 326. ova - da) ( frequentative of dvctOTpecjHa ) : (urn over and over, 394f. dvo.(rxe|j.V, dvdaxo, dva ' liea P upon,' X lOOf . dva-TXfjvai, inf. of aor. 2 dvkrXnv, part. ararXac: bear up, endure; dp- paKor, ' withstand^' K 327. (01.) dva-Tpirw : only aor. 2 mid. dvtrpd- itiro,fM over backward. (II.) dva -Tpe'xw, only aor. 2 dvidpctfiov and pert'. dvadiSpope : run up, run back; fffiwSiyytc, 'start up,' 717. av-avSos (nvci]) : speechless. (Od.) dva-4>aivw, aor. inf. dvaQrivai : I. act., make to shine or appear, show, exhibit ; dftoifiqSic, S' dvityaivov, i. e. tliey made the torch-wood blaze up to give light, a 310; 'Odvana /icra Tpw- tad dvatpijvat, ' reveal his presence," 6 254. II. mid., appear. dva-(j>av8d and dva4>avS6v : openly, publicity ' regularly.' dva-pu>, only aor. act. dvtvtiica, mid. di'ti'tinctTO : briny up; m\d., fetch a deep sigh, T 314. dva-<{)pd5ojiai, aor. opt. dnpc'iaaai- ro : remark again, recognize, r 391f. dva - xdo}iai, aor. part, dva^naad- Htvoc,: draw back, withdraw; esp. in battle, 'fall back,' E 600; with d^, OTriffit), rvrOiiv, iro\\6v. dva - xajpe'co, imp. dva%(ijpfir, fut., aor. : go back, retreat, A 305 ; with d\j/, F 35, etc. dva-\|/6x<"> (^VXOQ), aor. pass, dvtyv- \Qiv (for -jjcrai') : cool o/, refresh, S f)OS, K 575. dvSdvw (favSdvw, (fr)fT]Sug), ipf. Ofviavt, tjvdai't, perf. pai't. tdSura, aor. evade (tfaSt) and ucf : be accept- able, please, nvi, often \v. Ovfiif added ; impers., or with a thing as subj., Si\a Sk afyiaiv i'jvSavf. (3ov\ri, y 150, rolai Ce -irumt' tticoTa pvOov tttTrsv, 6vTi]S (root^tv): man-slay- ing, 'EvJidAtof. (II.) dvSpccrcri : see dvfjp. dv8po-KfiT]Tos (ica/ivw): wrought by nun's hands, A 371f. dvSpo - KTOwrii] ( KTiiviit ) : slaughter of men in battle ; manslaughter, ^f 86. "AvSpo-fidxtl : Andromache, wife of Hector, daughter of Eetion, king in Cilician Thebes, Z 371, 395, X 460. dv8p6|jLcos, ov (dvfip) : of a man or men, human; al/i, xP^C, also ii/zIXof, A 538; 4 /w / /ol '> morsels 'of human flesli,' i 374. dvSpoT^s, f;roc : manliness, manly beauty; \iirova dvSpornra icai i'lfitjv, H 857, X 363 ; dvSporrjrd re eat pt- vog r]v, Q 6, where the first syllable is shortened. See a<5por/;c- dvSpo-(|>d-yos (Qayiiv): man-eating, of the Cyclops, K 200f. dv8po-cf)6vos (root , only pres. and ipf. : draw up or back; rdXetvra, scales, M 434; mid., tyxoc, his spear out of the body, %9V. dv\(ov : see Avmpitt, avtjjos: wind; often in gen. w. synon- ymous words, dveuoio 9ut\\a, d>iTT]Q, dvriii}, TTJ'oiai, and tg dvifioio, O 383; Eopiy di'tfjufi, 253. The other winds named by Homer are Eurus, Notus, and Zephyrus. dveiAO-erKeirijs, EC (oKinag): shelter- ing from the zvind, II 224f. dve(AO-Tpe<)>i]s, fg (rpt(f>t>, X 39. d-ve'Xos (vtQtXn), a before v: c-lo>:d/fxs, Z, 45f. dv-x/iEvoQ, of 'drawing up' to strike, T 362, 425 ; of a wounded man, oule a' oiia | Erjpbv tr dvff\l]ffiaQai, E 285 ; met., endure, bear, tolerate ; abs., TtT\adi KOI dvdaxeo, A 586 ; w. ace., ri or nvd, and w. part, belonging to either subj. or obj., i'f ivinvruv ijw napd ffoi y dvt- \oifj.iit> | //ivoc, 8 595. dvc\|rids, gen. dvei^ioo (sic), O 554 : I sitter's son, nephew, O 422 ; sometimes of other relations, 'cousin,' K 519. avco>, noin. pi. : speechless, silent, iy't- VOVTO, rjaav, etc. ; adv., avttii, i) $' dt cijv tfaTo, ^/ 93. see dvdjd). : see dviijfii. dvi^iov : see dvnui. dv-iJKeorros ( aKtoficti ) : incurable; , unappeasable, O 217. dv-T)KovnvvaT t/ri tpyy, ' do - nothing ' business as it is, TT 11 If. dv-n]vtop, opog (di't'ip) : unmanly, K 301 and 341. dvi)p, gen dvSpuQ and dvipoc, dat. dvdpi and av'tpi, ace. dvfipa, voc. dvip, pi. nom. dvSpts, av'tan;, dat. dvCpc'ifft, dvfptffcn, ace. aspect, 'avipa^, dual, uv- SpE,uvtpt: man(vii'); as distinguished from jvvrj, o 163 ; as husband, \ 327 ; emphatically, avtpi(; tore KCLI U\KI/J.OV rjrop 'iXtaQe, E 529; frequently joined with a more specific noun, 'irjrpo^ drfjp, 2(W): unplouahed. (Od.) dvij^Ow : sec avaTrrai. av9' = aVra, e 233. "AvOeia: a town in Messene, 1 151, 293. 'AvOefAiSTjs : son of Anthemion, Si- mocisius, A 488f. 'Av8e|uv X"H<*i ipxf*ei>uji> T dvBpwTrwv, E 442 ; mankind, irdvTctQ iir' dvQpiairovQ, ' the world over,' Q 535 ; joined wiih a more specific word, avQpuxot; oSir^, n 263, v 123. dvTdw (dvir}}, ipf. dvlat^ov : toiinent, annoy, weary, >F 721, T 323 ; usually intran?., be tormented, wearied; Gvfi(p dvidZ,(i)v, agonized at heart, of the mor- tally wounded Eurymachus, ^ 87 ; sim- ilarly * 270, 8 460 ; often weakened colloquially, ijdt'i poi dvldZ,ov(!iv irai- poi, ' are worrying ' by this time, d 598 ; ironically, 2 300. dvi'o-n-i dvidco (dvir]), fut. (ifii](T', 'impels,' 'prompts,' followed by inf., X 252, and often. II. mid., KoX- TTOV dvltiikvrj, letting up, i. e. ' laying bare her' bosom, X 80; similarly alyae dvlefiBvovg, rippiiig up, 'flaying' for themselves, ft 300. dviT)pds (dvir]): vexatious, wearisome, p 220, 377 ; comp., ovr( ( J dvirjpeartpov larat, the sorer will it be for him, ft 190; cf. dXytov. dvlTTTO-TTOSj TTodofJ (dl'lTTTOQ, VOVCj) : with umoashed feet, pi., n 235f. a-vnrros (nVrw): unwashed, Z 266f. dv-iarrj(xi, ipf. dviarr], fut. dvaarr\- aovai, dvorf]ff-, aor. 1 dvgorj/o-f, opt. dvaarfjfftie, imp. dvarrjffov, part, dva- ffrrjffdQ, di'ffrrjrrdffa, aor. 2 dvkvrt], dual dvoTr]Ti]v, 3 pi. dvtGTav, inf. di'crny/fs- vai, part, dvardg, mid. pres. dviora/tat, dviaTdfjitvoQ, ipf. dviarnro, fut. dfa- , j/ 163, 170; yspoi'ra ^t X l P"ff aviarr], took him by the hand and 'made him arise,' Q 515, 319; violently, A 191 ; so of 'rousing,' K dvTidu 32 ; raising the dead, Q 756 ; institut- ing a migration, 7, etc. II. intrans. (aor. 2 and perf. act., and mid. forms), stand up, get up ; t eSewv, i% tivfjc, etc. ; especially of rising to speak in the assembly, rolai o' dvtari], ' to ad- dress them,' Tolffi 8' dviarauivoc, p,ir'i- dv-oi7)- Xov Troi/ia, ' raise,' II 221. dv-oXeGpos : untouched by destruc- tion, pi., N 761f.. avojiai : see dvui. a-voos: silly, foolish ; KpaSirj, 3> 441. dvoiraia : doubtful word (and read- ing), perhaps name of a species of bird, a 320f. See oTrata. dv-opovco, only aor. dvopovvtv, -aav, part, -aac : spring up; in Opovw, VTT- vov, t ipov, P 130; jJgAiof, 'climbed swiftly up the sky,' y 1. d-voorifxos (voorot 1 ) : not returning; dvoffrtuov tdrjxav, ' cut off his return,' S 182f. a-voaTOS : without return (cf. dvo- ffTiuoc,), w 528f. a-vovo"os (vowffof) : without sickness, t 255f. av - ovraros : unwounded, A 540f . See oi/raai. av - ovTi^Tf : without inflicting a wound, X 371 f. See ovrdta. dvo-rds, dvo-rdo-a, dvarrio-ov, dv- o-niTTiv, dvo-ri]0-o-eai : see dritrrr)ui. dvo-rpi|;iav : see d f dv- N 184 ; avra fid\taOai, ' with the enemy;' err/; d' dvra er^ojuerj;, halted and 'faced' him, 141 ; Qioiaiv dvra I^IKH, 'in visage,' Q 630 (cf. dvrj]v); as prep., w. gen., "HXidoc dvra, ov<.r against, B 626 ; avra iraptidwv d^ojuevi; XiTrapd KpijSf^tva, ' before ' her cheeks, a 334 ; avra aeOtv, d 160; and freq. in hostile sense, Oioi dvra OtHjv "iaav, T 75 ; Ait<; dvra iTToXeui^nv, Q 428, etc. dvT-d|ios, ov : equivalent in value, worth; w. gen., i'/jrpof yap dv>}p TTO\- ~>v dvrdlioQ d\\wr, A 5 14. (II. ) dvToiw (cf. dvri, dvra), ipf. i]vrtov, fut. dvTriaai, aor. 7/vrij(; fiVTijaag oTrwTrijc, 'got sight of him face to face,' S 327. Avrtia: wife of Proetus, Sthenc- boea in the tragic poets, Z 160-J-. .VT-C'XW : only aor. 2 mid. imp. dv- ria\taQf., hold before, yourselves, inter- pose; Tparc'tZ,dQ iii>v, tables against the arrows, x V4f. avTT|v (dvra) : opposite, in front, in or (o the face; dvrrjv 'iaraaQe (opp. 0fwyii'), A 590; dvnjv jSaXXouivw, M 152; 'in view,' 221; with iva- \ijKioQ, I!KS\)], the effect of dvrr\v is largely that of emphasis, ft 5, x 240 ; so with ufionaQijutvai, A 187; 'open- ly,' dyava&utv dvrnv, Q 464. "AvTTjvopi8T]s : son of Antenor, He- licaon, Y 123 ; pi., sons of Antenor, A 59. 'AvT-Yjvwp : Antenor, son of Aesye- tes, husband of Tlieano, Y 262, E 69 f. avrio-Tis (dvrdw): meeting; only 431, a 147 ; w. ace. (limit of motion) only in ifibv XxC dvnouaav, ' visit- ing,' euphemistic of the captive who shares the couch of her lord, A 31. avTi-pios (/3i'j): hostile, only dvn- fiioit; iiritoat, A 304, a 415 ; adv., avrt- PIOV, with verbs of combating, T 20, 435, A 386 ; also avTipirjv, A 278, E 22D. (Both adverbs only in II.) avTi.-poX.'co (/SdXXw), i'uf. d ata, aor. d)T/3oX?jl, TC'HJIOV, etc. ; subject ii thing, yd/iof dvrij3o\fjffii ifisdtv, a 272; \v. dat., of persons, TJ 19, K 277, n 847 ; seldom of things, Qovy, X 416 ; TCKptf), U) 87. avTi-Oeos, 3 : godlike, epith. of dis- tinction as regards rank, might, stat- ure, beauty; applied to kings, E 663; to the companions of Odysseus, S 571 ; to the suitors, 18, and (by Zeus) even to PolyphSmus, a 30 ; rarely of wom- en, avriQinv aXo^ov (Penelope), X 117. avTi-0vpos (9vpn) : over against the door, only KO.T dvriOvpov (cXicmjc, in a position opposite the entrance of the hut, TT 159f. 'AvTi-icXeia : Antic-lea, daughter of Autolycus, wife of Laertes and mother of Odysseus, X 85, o 358. "AvTi-icXos : name of a Greek war- rior in the^ wooden horse, S 286. avTi-Kpu,avTiicpvs : opposite,straight- forward, straigld through ; dvriicpv pdxfoOat, E 130, 819; w. gen., diarbv i'aXXfi/ |"Eiaopoc dvriKpO, 9 301 ; airo- (juti'di, 'outriglit,' H 362; dvriicpv c' dTrdpa.%1, 'completely' off, II 116, * 866 ; often joined w. foil, prep., irapai, did, Kara, avd. "AVTI - Xoxos : Antilocltus, son of Xestor, A 457, N 554, H 320, N 93, O 569, E 565, y 452, S 187. 'Avri-fiaxos : a Trojan, A 123, 132, 138, M 188. 'AvTi-voos : Anlinous, son of Eu- peitlies, a 383; prominent among the suitors of Penelope, and the most in- solent of them, j3 84, ir 418, x 22, w 424. 3 33 avTO|xat avriov : see dvrioQ. "AvTi - oTrtj : daughter of AsSpus, mother of Amphlou, and Zethus, X 260. avTios, 3 (dvri): opposite; freq. w. verbs of motion, and usually followed by gen., sometimes bv dat., in both friendly and unfriendly sense ; OVK d9pijff(ti Suvar' di'Ti'r), ' over towards ' him, r 478 ; dvn'oc ;X0 9ituv, came running to 'meet' him, Z 54, A 535, B 185 ; dat., H 20 ; against, ^ TIQ bavaOiv vvv "E/cropoe dvriog e.ioiv, H 28 ; so 'iaraaBaij diaativ, iy\i dtipai, etc., dat., O 584, Y 422. Adv., dvriov, avrta, in .^aine senses, and reg. w. gen.; offrif akdtv avriov t'nry, against, A 230; iV dvriov twrot; ii'iaTry, 'in my presence,' p 529 ; Sifypov cirri' 'AXt- Zdvcpoio Qta KaTe9r)Kt, F 425. avTiou) : see avridia. avn-irepaios (iripriv}: only. neut. pi. us subst., places oppoxite, B 635f. avTi 357, 488. (II.) OLVTI - 4>t'pop.cu : oppose oneself to, measure oneself with, rivi (r/,. ace. of specification), * 482. (II.) 'AvTi - 4>ovo9 : a son of Priam, Q 250t. *AvTi-<|>os : (1) a son of Priam, A 489. (2) son of Aegyptius, ft 19. (3) a friend of Odysseus, p 68. (4) son of Talaemenes, an ally of the Tro- jans, B 864. (5) a Heraclid, son of T hessalus, a leader of Greek islanders, B 678. avT\os, ov : bilge - water, hold of a ship. (Od.) avToXi^ (dvaTt\\ta) : rising, only pi., djroXai r/\/oio, ft 4J-. avro^iai (parallel form of drda), only pres. and ipf. : meet, encounter; TIVI, O 698, X 203 ; Wi Si7r\6oc. fjvrtTO avrpov 34 ' met double,' 5. e. where the cuirass formed a double layer by meeting with the 'Cwfia and overlap- ping it, A 133, T 415. avrpov : cave, grot. (Od.) 'Avrpciv: a town in Thessaly, B 697f. avTv$, vyoc, : rim. ( 1 ) the metal rim of a shield, Z 118; serving to bind together the layers of leather or metal, of which the shield was com- posed (see the cut). (2) the rim of a 9 chariot, surrounding (-n-fpiSpofiog) the body (SiQpog) of the car, sometimes double, E 728; it served also as a place of attachment for the reins. (See the cut.) avvp.i : see avvat. aweris ( avvcj ) : accomplishment ; avvaiQ c' OVK taatTai avrwr, ' success ' shnll not be theirs, B 347, S 544. avua>, avvp.1 ('a>), aor. f/vvai, opt. avvfffii, pass. ipf. {/WTO, mid. fut. inf. dvvfffftvpij VTJVC I fjvvaiv, 357, o294. avw, ipf. jjvoi'j complete; bcv, y 496; pass. vt' avtrai, 'draws to a close,' K 251 ; UTTITIIIQ tpyov avoiro (note the quantity), 2 473. avw (ava): upwards, X 596 ; Ag(T/3oc dvm (i. e. towards Troy, 'north '?).-. rori $>pvyiri Ka9i'ir(p6t, Q 544. avw-ya, perf. w. pres. meuninfr, imp. av(i>\9i, -w^Oii) and -tuytiVo;, -ta^Ge and -it>Xert, inf. -utys^ttv, plup. rji/iayta, rjvw- yii and -ttv, dvwyti (also forms that may be referred to avtiiyo) as pres. and ipf. ), avwyfi, -fTOV, sulij. uvwyy, opt. dvwyoi/u, ipf. fp'ivyov, avioyov, fut. av(jj^a : bid, command; foil, by ace. and inf., ai>ia\6i e fiiv yafiiiaQatf (3 113; very seldom w. dat. of person, Sefim dvtaytv inroaropfaai Sfuwyaiv, v 139; freq. joined with tiro- dv^ev rptivti), KiXopai, and esp. w. (two accusatives) rd /xe Qvfibf; dviayu, T 102. dvurycv : see di'oi'yu*. dvioyw : see dv, 287, O 588. (11.) , aop, aopoc (det'pw), neut., but ace. pi. aopat;, p 222 : sword, ' hanger,' sus- pended bv the doprrip, the same as &>oc, 403, 406, c 294, 321. (See cut.) a|ios, 3 (dyw): o/ cywa/ weight^ value, worth, with gen. ; oW tvos dioi tifuv "EicropoG, O 234 ; XsjStfC /3o6f dStoc,-, ty 885 ; d|ia djroiva, ' suitable,' i. e. precious, Z 46 : d%iov, a ' good ' price, v 383. 'Aids : a river in Macedonia, 4> 141, B 849. o-lvXos (S^Xov) : cfeiue, i>\rj, A 155f. "A^vXos : son of Teuthras, from Arisbe, in Thrace, Z 12f. ogav, oi'oc: aide, E 838, H 378. (HO doiSrj, r/c (EI^W) : sonff, minstrelsy ; T, -dee, part, -aovaa : sing, K 227 and 61. doiSip-os: subject of song, pi. (with bad sense from the context), Z 358f . doiSos, ou ( dtidui ) : singer, bard ; enumerated among Jie Snuiospfoi, p 383 ft ; avTodidaKTOQ (implying inspi- ration), x 347 ; in II. only Q 720. For doprrip, rjpos (dsi'pw): baldric, belt, usually for the dop, and the same as TtXaptav (see cut), X 609 ; ' strap ' for a wallet, v 438; what the 'suspend- ers' were iu A 31 is not perfectly clear. dtf : only aor. part., dwdiZag, springing from; Kprffivov, 4> 234'j-. dir-airitw : reclaim, ft 78f. dirdXaXKC, diraXaXicoi: see anra- cnrdXav.vos 36 a-irdXap.vo8 (TraXoyu?;) : without de- vice, E 597f. dir-aXei>, fut. inf. -^auv, aor. I opt. -$ij0aifjii, aor. 2 djrdXaX/c, opt. a7raXaX(coi : ward off, avert, keep from; fivrjarfjpai; o' a7rdXaXK, prayer of Pe- nelope to Athena, $ 766 ; nvd TIVOQ, O 371, X 348 ; with gen. of the thing, nva KaKorijTOQ, she was not going to keep (save) one of thein from destruc- tion, p 364. dir-aXOofiai : only fut. 3 du., i'X, aor. dirn\oinatv : crush utterly ; oarta, A 522f . a-n-oXos, 3 : tender ; Stiph, av\r]v, irapiiai, of women, 123; ^ttpsf, joined w. drpnrrot, 151; Trofof, of Ate, T 93 (of. 94) ; r\rop, ' life,' A 115 ; adv., diraXuv yeXdffai, the effect of wine, ' snicker,' 465. aira\o-Tpt<|>tjs, If : tender- fed, ' fat- tened ;' (TiaXof, * 363f . only aor. opt. d7rd>/vtff9at, TT 72. aTr-ava.ivop.ai, only aor. aTrifvrjvaiTO, inf. drrav^i/a(T0ai : rfev, disown, de- cline, H 1 85 and K 297. air - dv>0(j/) : away, o/>ar< /rom (rivof) ; a7rdi/ii0 urtwv, A 35 ; s'&r' tffeir' a7rai'i;0 veaJi', A 48 ; /SaertX^a /idx?C aJravew&E ipovTt(;, A 283 ; ' forth from," T 374. oirdvTjj, airdvTif| : o;z every side. oir-avvw : only aor. airi]vvaav o'iKao' oiriaaw, accomplished the journey home again, i\ 326f . aira| : once ; ' once for all,' p 350. (Od.) iir-apo, aor. aTrrircfirjfft : treat with indignity, offend deeply, N 113f. dir - avpd(t>, ipf. (usually w. aor. meaning) dirrivpwv, -de,, -d, fut. aTrov- prioovoi ( v. 1. dfrovpiffaovat ), X 489, aor. part, airovpdq : wrest from, rob, deprive ; rtvd TI, dfKpdt Qvpbv dirtjvpd, Z 17 ; i\e.vQtpoi> tj/iap d-rrovpag, n 831 ; sometimes w. dat. of disadvantage, "EKTopi Gvpuv dirovpdc,, 296. KU, aor. 2 iJTrafa, mid. opt. : delude, beguile, X 217 and tj>216. dircciirt : see dirtiTrov. dirtepY* : see diroipyii). dirciXew, fut. -^(TUJ, ipf. du. aTraXrj- Tnv: threaten, menace; nvi, regularly foil, by fut. inf.; yt/oac aiiros d^atpjj- aiaQai d7riXeIc, A 161 ; freq. w. cog- nate ace., direiXds, II 201 ; f*v9ov, A 388; less specifically, ' boast,' 6 150 (foil, by tlj/oi), 9 383 ; ' vow,' ' prom- ise,' * 863, 872. diruXi], J7, only pi. : threats, boast- ing. Cf. aTmXsw. direuXtiTiip, ijpoc, : bolster, pi., H 96f. 1. air-ci|xi, fut. diciaatirai, dir'iavi- rai, pres. subj. diriyat, ipf. dir'tqv, diri- ffav : be (distant) from (TIVOQ), be ab- sent, wanting ; r6ffffoi> diri]v oaav re yiytiiVf. floijodp,, t 400 ; s, 3 (-!- pap, ireipciTa ) : unlimited, boundless, infinite, of quantity or numbers ; yaiav d-irtiptair]V, Y 58 ; avQptaTroi woXXot, i, T 174; diriptiai diroiva, A beyond ken,' y 88 (cf. 86, 87); act., wit/tout ascertaining, ' uninformed,' y 184. aor. 1 subj. d hate utterly; nvd, F 415; causative, TI fioi virvov ', makes hateful to me when 1 think of his loss, d 105. dir-exfittvopa"-, aor. 2 dirr)\9^TO, inf. d7rty9ta9ai: make oneself, be, or be- come hated, /3 202, T 454; 'mutual' enmity is implied in TT 114. dir-e'x, fut. d0t^ai, diroa\iiigouai, aor. 2 dTreffxo/w/v, inf. oTroff^sffyai : AoW from, keep from; act., rij'of rt or rivd, ticdc vlfatav cnri-^uv tvtpyta vija, o 33 ; ' ' d-ireipiTos =^ dirupsoios, K 195f. d-iripwv, ovot; (vipa^) : bo undies*, endless; d/jjuof, 'countless,' O 776; virvoq, /; 280 ; ceipii>. dircirXu : see diroirXwfii. a-rrf pticrios : see d^ttps S,v : hold off, keep off or away, i 1 1 9. dir-cpxopai, aor. dn-^Xfe, perf. diri- \ri\v9u : come (or ffo) away, depart ; ru'oe, ft 136, D 766. air - epwcvs ( dirtpaiiiiJ ) : thwarter ; /utvlwi/, 9 36 If. air cpwcco, aor. opt. direpw^atia^ : slink away; TroXt'fjiov, from fighting, n 723f. a-ireo-av : see aTrtifit. aire&crvro : see diroatvta. d-irvOi]s, (Trei>9ofjLai) : pass., un- ascertained ; KOI o\t9pov aTrevOea 9ijKt Kpoviuv, 'put even his destruction that 'shall part' me from Odysseus' house, r 572 ; also w. dat. of interest, Q 19, w 263; mid., TIVOQ, 'hold aloof from,' M 248 ; ' abstain,' t 211 ; j 'spare,' fi 321,r 489. d-rr TjXe-yews (d\eyw) : without scru- ple; fiijQov diroinriii', a 373 and 1 309. d-iri^jxavTOs ('/rj/xaivw) : unharmed, T 282f. a.Tr-rjp.ppoTov : see d^o/iaprdj/w. a - inj(iwv, ovoc ( 7T/J|ta ) : without harm; pass., dni^wv n\9i, a.-xr\\i.ava ifk^iriiv Tivd, 'safe and sound,' ^ 487, v 39 ; act., of anything that tends to safety, VUOTOG dnijuwv, ' happy ' re- turn,"^ 519; Tro/trroi, 'kindly,' 9 566; ovpog, virvos, etc. The distinction of act. and pass, is rather apparent than real. d-mjvtj, r;c : wagon, for freight, and four - wheeled, O 3-24 ; with tent -like cover, 70 ; usually drawn by mules. (See cut on following page.) dir-T)vi]vavTO : see aTravaivo^ai. d-rr-T)viis, sc (opp. tv-qr/f) : unfeeling, harsh, A 340, r 329; 9vuo, O 94; vooc, II 35 ; fivQoQ, O 202. airnpagcv : see dtrapdaou. diTTjvpwv : see aTravpdm. dir-TJajpos (deipin) : hanainy (high) away; Koi, fi 435f, cf. 436. d--7ri6U), only fut., and aor. diri9i)ffe: disobey; nvi, always with negative. dirivvo-o-u ( TTii'wroe ) : /a<-A under- standing, 342 ; be unconscious ; icijp, ace. of specification, O 10. airios (djro): distant; Ti)\69tv i% diri>iG yairjG, A 270, TT 18. 'Airurdwv 13 'Airio-dwv : ( 1 ) a Greek, son of Hippasus, P 348. (2) a Trojan, son of Phausius, A 582. o-morcw (dTTtorof) : disbelieve, only ipf., ov TTOT ('urianov, 'I never de- spaired,' v 339f. a-irurros ( Jri 270. a - irvevoros (TTV'IU): breathless, e 456f. airo: /Vo (ab). I. adv. (here be- long all examples of the so-called use ' in tmesi '), off, away; rifuv dirb \oiybv dfivvai, A 67 ; cnro Si ^Xaivav /3aXs, B 183, etc. ; a subst. in the gen. (of separation) is often added to render more specific the relation of the adv., air ixQa\fi^tv ; adverb- ial phrase, airb a-jrovCi]^, ' in earnest,' M 237. The 'temporal' meaning commonly ascribed to airb in 54 is only implied, not expressed by the preposition. diroaivv jiai : see aTraivvftat. a.TToaipe'o)j.ai : see d^atp60|tai. diro-paivu), fut. a7ro/3//(ro/ini, aor. curifitjv, dirifiijfftro: go away; i 'ITT- TTUV (VTrjrtuv, P 480), 'dismount'; VTJOC, ' disembark,' v 281. aTTo-pXrjTOS : to be spurned, despised, w. neg., B 361 and T 65. airo-pXvci> : spirt out; o'tvuv, I 491 1- , only aor. part, dirofipi- : sleep soundly, t 151 and /t 7. ( yv'iov ), aor. subj. cnro- ; : unnerve, 'L 265J-. a-iro - yvfivow ( yvfivoq ), aor. pass, part. cnroyv^vdiQivra : denude, strip, K 301 f. d-iro - Saiofiai ( (~ ). fut. inf. diro- odaaiaQai, aor. dirofdffaaaOai : give a share of, share with ; rivi ri, and nvi 7-voc,P231,X 118,0 595. airo-SeipoTopiCM (cftpi'i, rf/ii/w), fut. -faiti, aor. aTTfCtiporo/iijffa : cut the throat of, slaughter ; tQ (369pov, i. e. over the trench, so that the blood might run into it, X 35. O.TTO - 8xo|J.ai, aor. diciaro: ac- cept, A 95f. diro-SiSpci(rKffi, aor. pass. 3 pi. dvifpv- $9tv: tear off, strip off; vpui; irsrpyau- dirb \upwv pivot aTr'iSpvtyQtv, t 435 ; 'iva /ii) [iiv dirocpv, 'tear him,' i. e. abrade the skin, 187,021. diroSSvw 39 diro-86v = diroCvofuu,put off, ipf., airo-Svw, fut. diroCtiau), aor. 1 , only pres. part. : leap from ; vnoc,, B 702, II 748 ; Kairi/df, ' up,' a 58. awo - 96|uo5 ( Ov/xoc ) : displeasing, neiit. pi., S 261f. d-ir-oLKi^u, aor. dir, only aor. part. du. erVo- KijSifaavTf. : proving remiss, ' through your negligence,' * 413f. airo-Kivew, aor. subj. diroidiftiowoi, iter. dironlviiaaaict : move from, A 636 ; rivd Ovpdiav. ' dislodge,' ^ 107. diro-KXtvw, only aor. part. diroicXi- vavra: turn off, 'giving a different turn ' to the interpretation, T 556f . iiro - K6irr, fut. inf. aor. dirtKo^a: chop off, cut off; TTCI- piiopov, 'cut loose' the out -running horse (cf. e 87), II 474. diro - Koo-fiew ((cdff/iof), ipf. dirtKoo- fieov : clear off something that has been set on in order; ivrta. SaiTu,i) 232f. d-iro - Kp|xdwv|it, aor. aTrtKpifiaat : lei droop ; avykva, ^f 879f. diro-Kpivw, only aor. pass, dironpiv GkvTt: separated, 'separating'yVomthe ranks of their comrades, E 12f. diro - KpviTTw, aor. d~'e.Kpv^/a, inf. difoicpv^ai : hide away, conceal, A 718, 2 465, p 286. diroKTajj-ef, diroKTa|xevai : see diro- KTttVttt. diro-KTcivu, aor. 1 difiKTtive, usually aor. 2 a'a-Jicrai/E, -ticra[J.(v, -EKTUVOV, subj. diroKTavq, inf. dirotcrdfitv, -rd- ptvai, aor. 2 mid. (with pass, signif.) dvtKTaTo, diroKTantvoQ : kil/,slay; of slaughtering animals, fi 301 ; dirkKTa- TO, was slain, O 437, P 472 ; diroKTa- fiwog, slain, A 494, N 660, 775. diro-Xdpirw, ipf. act. and mid. : give forth a gleam, be resplendent ; rpvtya.- \fta, T 381 ; TrtTrXoc, Z 295 ; impcrs., a/*; aixftijc. dirk\afiirt r 'such was the gleam from the spear,' X 319; fig., ^apif aVtAajuTTEro, a 298. d/Tro-XcifJw : only pres. mid. aVoXti- jStrat, trickles off', n 107f. diro-Xeiirai : leave remaining ; oi>S' dviXuirev, i. e. ovdiv diroXdiriav, 1 292 ; leave, quit, S6p.ov- M 169; intrans., be lacking, fail, Kapirag, q 117. diro-Xeirw, fut. inf. diroXtil/futv : peel off, ' lop off,' ovara, 4> 455f (v. L UTTO- diroXc fut. a7 subj. diro(\}\r)y , -wfft, opt. a;ro(X)Xjj- tiav : cease from, desist , TIVUQ, H 263, v 151, p 224; with part., P 565, r 166 ; abs., WQ dvSputv yeve^ r) fiiv vti i) ' aVoX/jyn, ' passes away,' Z 146, N 230. onro-Xixudw, fut. mid. aTroXi^/i^ffov- rat: lick off ; al/ia, * 123f. diroXXi]i;is : see etTroXr/yw. aTr-6XXi5|u, fut. diro\i;pae), A 268. II. mid., be lost, perish ; freq. as imprecation, aTro- Xoiro, 2 107, n 47. of Zeus and Leto, and brother of Arte- mis, like her bringing sudden, painless death (see ayavoe); god of the sun and of light, 4>ol/3of , XvKrjytvfa , of prophecy (his oracle in Pytlio, 9 79), A 72, 9 488 ; but not in Homer spe- cifically. god of music and leader of the Muses, though he delights the divine assembly with the strains of his lyre, A 603 ; defender of the Trojans and their capital, and of other towns in the Trojan domain, Cilia, Chryse, A 37, A 607 ; epithets, avepij.i9a, aor. part. aTroXvffdiAivoc : I. act., foo.se/Vow, release for ransom (II.): 'iunvra 0owf airk\vcri Kopwvrjc, 46 ; ovS' ctTreXvffi Ovyarpa Kai oinc a.Trt$ia.T afroiva, A 95. II. mid., loose from oneself, get re- leased for oneself, ransom; d.7ro\vaa- IIIVOQ (tcpfiSf/jvoi'), e 349 ; (TraT^ac) ^aXKoi; rt \pvaov r diroXiiaontQa, X 50. a.-7ro-fiT)vico, fut. dirop.r)vcati,&or. part. dvo^viaaQ'. be wrathful apart, ' snllc in anger,' B 772, H 230, T 62, TT 378. airo - fii.ia.vTio-Kop.ai, aor. dir^vi]aav- ro : remember something in return (cf. diroSovvni), Q 428f. air-6(Jivi;jJii and airofxvvw, ipf. diria- fivv and dirh)fi.yv(v, aor. dnwfiova : swear not to do ; according to others, swear formally (solemnly), K 345, /j, 303, ay, mid., from oneself; (TTriJyyy d' dfi. A 60, w 471. oir-o-voi(v), algo Avritten as two words, dvb or &TTO voaQt : apart, aside; /Sqi'ot, iivai, KttTioxfoQat, B 233 ; rpa- Treiv, A 541 ; tpiXtav dirovbatyiv irai- puv, p 33. dTr-o|6vco (o&e), aor. 1 inf. dtro^v- vai : sharpen off\ make taper ; iptrfjtd, 269, i 326 (v. 1. d-o&aai). aTTo-^tu (=a-o^w), aor. inf. diro- diroira-TTTaivw A Zuoai (v. 1. oTrogyyai), i 326, part. Vo- Zfiaag : scrape off', smooth off; fig., y//- paf, I 446f. diro-irairraivw, fut. dTroiraTTTavkov- 01 : peer away for .a chance to flee, 'look to flight,' S lOl.f ^ diro-iravw, fut. diroTravafi, aor. aVI- TravvaQ, mid. pres. diroiravtat, imp. etjro7rui>(o), fut. aTroTravaouai : act., cause to cease from, check, hinder from ; mid., cease from, desist; (rot'f) STT TroXeuov aTriTravrrav, A 323 ; TOVTOV a\^TUiv dTTSTravtiaCj, 1 14 ; [ttjt'i 'Axaiolaiv, TroXsuov ' dirotravta irdfi- irav, A 422. diro-irejAirw, inf. -f#>, fut. diroiriu- iLw, aor. dTTZTrtuiLa, subj. dTroTrtutydi, imp. d-n-uTreu^ov : send away or o/ df- wm, scnc? away with escort ; (tig rot fiiop' fZ7ro7T5U^/tt>, p 76 ; aTTttXrydcEc o aTTOTTfUTreutv >}ci Ci%ea9ai, r 316. diroiro-j)o-i :. see diroiriirrd). diro-ireTOfiai, only aor. part, diro- irrd/jitvoc, -ii>ij: fly away, B 71, X 222. diro irtiTTw, only ipf. and aor. subj. diroTreayai: fall (down) from, S 351, w 7. diro-irXdw, only aor. pass. aTTETrXay- X0J/J', part. diroTrXayxjOtis : pass., be driven, from one's course, drift (away from) ; Tpo/>j0', t 259 ; icaraXt?oi/'l oTnry d7rtTrXdyx9i], 9 573 ; rfjXe 6' dTrtTT\dy\9ri om-soc Sopv, ' rebounded,' X 291, N 592; cf. 578. diro-irXeioi (TrXeu) : sail away. diro-irXtio-o-u, aor. part. aTroTrXigas : strike off, K 440. diro-irXcvo), i[)f. iter. diroirXvvtffics : wash off, 'wash up;' Xaiyytff TTOTI ^p- diro-irXilw ( TT\SUJ ), aor. 2 dirs7T\u> : sail away from ; yoi>/c, ? 339f. diro - irveiw ( irv'n ) : breathe forth, exhale. diro-irpd : aicay from, far from; TIVOQ. diro - irpo - aipe'c", aor. 2 part, diro- irpoe\wv : take away from- ; TIVOG, p 467f. see aVoTrpoiijii. dirdirpo-Gev : from afar, far away, aloof, f , 408. dir6irpo-8i : far away, afar. diro-irpo-iTjpi, aor. dfroTrpoirjKt : let airoEi> go forth from, let fly, send away ; ni'd rroXivSt, 26 ; ii>v, x 82 ; giriof vauu^f, ' let fall,' x 327. diro-irpo-Tefivw, nor. 2 part. aVoTrpo- rauwv : t-< of from ; TIVOC. 9 475f . diroirrdiuvos : see dTroir'tTOfiai, diro-irrvw : spit out, * 781 ; of a bil- low, oLTTOTTTitti 6' d\oQ d\vr]v, ' belches forth,' A 426. d-irop0T)TOS (Trop9tw) : unsacked, wi- dest royed ; TroXic, M Hf. dir-dpwjiai (opvvut): set out from; kvKinQtv, E 105f. air - opovco, aor. diropovot : spring away (from), ' down ' from, E 20. diro-ppauo (pa/w), fut. aTroppaiau, aor. inf. dTroppditrai : wrest away from; Tivd rt. (Od.) airo-pp < qYvu|u (ffjqyrvfti), aor. part. diroppriZat; : break off, burst off. diro-ppi-ye'w (F pi-yew), perf. with pres. signif. direppiyaoi : shrink from with shuddering, be afraid, j3 52f. diro-pptirTw (fpiTTTO)), aor. inf. aVop- pT^ai, part. amppi\ffavra : fling away; fig., p/vtv, I 517, II 282. airo-pfx&l, wyof (Fpfiyvvftt): adj., abrupt, steep; d/crqi, v 98 ; as siibst., fragment ; Srwyoc VOCLTOQ, ' branch,' B 755, K 514; said of wine, d/i/?|00(ni) Kai vsKrapcc scrrtf diroppwZ, ' morsel,' 'drop,' 'sample,' t 359. d-rro-o-evofiai (crcvw), only aor. dflrfff- ruro, -fffavfifOa, part. d?rf aavnivog : rush away, hurry away, i 396 ; Swfta- TOC, Z 390. diro - : be utterly indig- nant at; rivi, imp., Q 65*. diro-OTre'vSo), only part. : pour out a libation. (Od.) diro-oraSdv and cnro-craSd (Vorjj- fii) : adv., standing at a distance, O 556 and ? 143, 146. diro - oTtix> aor. 2 aTrfOTtxf, imp- an-o(jrt^ : go away, depart, A 522, X 132, p. 148. diro - Xico, onlv aor. airiarv- 0Xi, -av: smite back, knock back (from); riv<>G,2 158. (II.) diro - a\Xu, on ty aor - SU ^J- a7r - ai]\taai, and opt. diroa) : cutaway, 6 87 ; mid., KII'KI, cut off for oneself (to eat), X 347. diro-riXot) : far away, i 117. airo-ri6T]|u,, aor. 1 aireQt)KE, mid. aor. 2 dire9euiiv, subj. airoBiio^ai, inf. airo- Q'taQai: put away, mid., from oneself, lay off; SiTraQ dirtQnK ivi \II\P, II 254; Tf(i\ta KaX' a.TTo9iff9ai, T 89, 2 409 ; met., Kparipi]v diroOivOai iviirijv, E492. cTro-Ttw|A9iu(iiv irdptuv, ' for ' them, w 312. diro-TfxiJYW (= diroTf fivtit), aor. opt. aTror/n/^Hf, part. a.T^oT\ii)^,a,q: cut off, sever; K\ITV<; aTror/i/'/yoiKri \apc\opai, 'score,' II 390; fig., cut off, intercept, K 364, A 468. a-iroTfios ( iroT/jws ) : luckless, ill- starred, 12 388 ; sup. aTror/iorarof, a 219. diro - Tpe'irw, ftit. an or pity tic, -ovai, aor. 2 a7Tfrjoa7T, mid. aor. 2 aTrerpo- TTf ro : V, 2 585. dirovpols, dirovpi^aouai : see dirav- pdu. air-ovpi^to (ovpof) : only fut., dirov- piaaovoiv dpovpac, Khali remove the boundary stones of (i. e, appropriate) his fields, X 4S9f . diro-(|>cp(i>, fut. diroiatTov, inf. d-rroi- ativ, aor. 1 aTrivtiKa^: bear away, bring away or back, carry home ; fjtii- dov, K 337 ; Kotiivri(j.L : say out; dvriKpi, H 362; dyytXiriv d-xoyaaQt, I 422. dTrc'<})ei0v : see aTroipOivw. diro-<(>6k.vv0w : wante away, perish, E 643 ; trans., let perish, ' sacrifice,' Gv- l*6v, n 540. diro - 4>0fvo>, aor. mid. a dirotyQiftijv, ciiri9iTo, opt. dT imp. diroijtQiaQu, part. 7ro0W/itvoc, aor. pass, dirf^idrjv, 3 pi. ('nri(}>9i6fv : mid. and pass.,7>v\s7t, <&e, 2 499 ; Xtw- yaXt(f> Qavdr(f, o 358 ; Xvypov vXt9pov, o 268. diro 4>oSXio9 : ffood-for-nothinff, emp- ty; OVK diroQwXioc, }a | oiiSi QvyoTTTo- X(fj.os,K 212; vow c" a:ro0wXtof tarn, 9 177; otiic aTrotyiiiXia t/caif, 'no fool,' E 182; aTTo^aJXiot tiivai, 'unfruitful,' X 249. diro-xd(o|juu : withdraw from ; flo- Bpov, X 95f. diro - \j/0x> nor - PSI^^- part, ditotyv- X9tic- leave off breathing; dr:/ off, cool off'; tiXiv dirotyirxovTa, ' fainting ' (opp. tTTii dfiirviiTo ), ii> 348; iBptJj direct- ainrc|M|rei 43 apapio-KW ffrvre s., idpia d Trvoi]V, \OVTO yiTiji A 621, X 2 ; 561. aTrirejuj/ei : see diro Trkfi TTW. a - irp-rjKTos ( Trpriffffta ) : without achieving, 3 221 ; unachieved, fruit- less, endless, B 121, 376 ; and, in gener- al, of that with which nothing can be successfully done, hopeless, incurable ( cf. dfirix avo ) odvvcu, B 79 ; of Scylla, dirpnicTov dvinv, \L 223. a-irpia-rrjv (Trpi'ajuai) : adv., without purchase (ransom), A 99 ; for nothing, k 317. d-irpoTi-p.a9o<;, wingless to her was what he said, i. e. it did not escape her, she caught the idea, p 57, r 29, f d-im]v, f\voQ (Trtrofitti) : un I 323f. d-irTo-eirTJs, EC (Trrda, Trrotsa*) : fear- less (audacious) of speech, 209f. a-iTToXefios : unwarlike. (II.) airrw, aor. part. ai//a(, - , mid. ipf. IJTT- TITO, fut. liberal, aor. jj^/nro (u^/etro), itif. ii^aaOai, part. d^a/UEi/oc, aor. pass. (according to some), ea^ftj (q. v.) : I. act., attach, fasten, 408, of putting a string to a lyre. II. mid., fasten for oneself, cling to, take hold of ( ' fitXaOpov, in order to hang herself, \ 278 ; WQ o' ors n't; rt KVMV avbg dypiov JJE XiovTot; | li^ir]Tai KaTi>TTta9e, ' fas- tens on ' to him from the rear, 6 339 ; yovvw, KtQaXfJQ, vnwv, etc. ; ' u% uTTTtai ovfii 'touch,' K 379. d - irvpYUTos ( Trvpyoc, ) : unwalled, unfortified, X 264f. a-irvpos (~vp) : untouched by fire, kettle or tripod, I 122 and * 267 (XfVKov tr at"ro;(,', 268). a - irvpwTos = airvpoc, ( i. e. brand new), (t,ut\ n , y 270. a-irtxTTOS (TTvvddrofiat) : pass., un- heard of; 6e'(i>, fut. OTTWCTW, inf. dirhjaififv, aor. aTTfoicrf, dojtrt, subj. airo'tvo/iev, mid. fnt. aTrwcrfrot, aor. airMoaro, -aa9ai, -duet'ov, 01, ovc : push or thrust away (nvd nvog, or in TIVOQ), mid., from oneself; dirwaev o^r/ae;, ' pushed back,' Q 446 ; Bopt//e diriuae, ' forced back,' i 81 (cf. mid., v 276); Qvpauv diriucrarrOai Xi9ov, in order to get out, i 305 ; fjivrjariipa^ in utyupoio, a 270. | apa, dp (before consonants), pa, p' ! (enclitic), always post-positive: parti- i cle denoting inference or a natural sequence of ideas, then, KO then, so, naturally, as it appears, but for the most part untranslatable by word or phrase ; freq. in neg. sentences, ovo" dpa, ovr apa, and joined to rel. and causal words, oe T dpa, oc pd re, ovvtK dpa, OTI pa, also following tlra, yap, dXXd, avrdp, etc. ; further, in ques- tions, and in the apodosis of sentences after fiiv and other particles. The following examples will illustrate some of the chief usages : ovo" dpa TTWC, r\v | iv irdvTtaa tpyoiai cai}fjLova ffxHra yeveaOai, 'as it seems,' 670; tic d' tOope Kv\?;po Kvv'ii]g, ov dp' fjQtXov avrol, 'just the one' they wished, H 182 ; KtjSeTO yap Aavawv, on pa Gvff- riKovTai; opdro, 'even because' she saw, A 56 ; r/e T dp ff([>(ne Qiwv tpioi %vvir)Ke fjid-^aBai, * who then ' ? A 8 ; avrdp dpa 'LtvQ CwKe. liacrwqt 'Apye'i- ovry, 'and then next,' B 103; avrdp iTTti iruaioQ Kai tSnrvot; t tpov tvro, \ TO!Q dpa [if)9ti)v ;px Ftpnvios 'nrirora Nsffrwp, ' then,' not temporal, B 433 ; &Q dpa (j>tiJvr]aa.Q KOT dp' f'ero (twice in one sentence, apa in the phrase KOT dp' f&TO marks the sitting down as the regular sequel of making a speech), JT 213. ijpaptv (aor. 2 here intr.), S 777. apapov : see dpapiWa*. dpdcrcrb), fut. dpa, ;ior. dpaa, aor. pass. dpdxdijv : pound, batter, break ; yoiKpoKnv a\jicii]v, 'hammered fast'; freq. with adverbs, diro, N 577 ; tic, p 422 ; avv, ' smash,' M 384. dpdxviov ( dpd\vr] ) : spider's web, pi., Q 280 and TT 35. dpdto (apt)), act. only pres. inf. apr//i- vai, X 322 ! mid - f ut - apijffojuot, aor. j/pjjda- fit)v : pray to the de- ity, and in the sense of wish; Ait, daifioai, xdvTtaai Oeoiffi (see cut for attitude ) ; TroXXa, ' fervently ' ; f.v\o^.ivi] S' riparo, ' lifted up her voice in prayer,' Z 304 ; with inf., x 322, etc. ; ffrvytpaQ dpr]ovTrjs : Argiiphontes, freq. epith. of Hermes, of uncertain signifi- cation ; the traditional interpretation, ' slayer of Argus ' (root iv) is more poetical than the modern one, ' shiner,' 'shining one' (dpyta-), because it re- fers to a definite legend, instead of a vague mythical idea. dpYvv6s (root dpy) : white shining; oif, oQovai, T 198,141. dpYo~njs, ao ( root dpy ) : rapid ; epith. of the south wind, A 306 and X 334. dpyifc, fjroG (root dpy), dat. dpyfjrt and dpym, ace. dpyiJTa and dpytra : dazzling white, glistening; epith. of lightning, linen, fat, 9 133, T 419, A 818. dpYi-Ke'pavvos : god of the dazzling bolt, epith. of Zeus. (II.') dp yivoeis, ace. -ti-ra : white-gleam- ing, epith. of towns in Crete, because of chalk cliffs in the vicinity, B C47, 656. dpYi-oSovs, OJTOC. : white - toothed ; epith. of dogs and swine. dpYi-Tros, TroCof: swift -fooled, U 211f. "ApYio-o-a: a town in Thessalv, B 738f. apY(J.a (apxrQ(ii) ' only pi., apy/.ia- ra, consecrated pieces of flesh, burned at the beginning of the sacrifice, 446f. 1. "ApYos : Argus, the dog of Odys- seus, p 22f. 2. "ApYos, IOQ : Arc/as, a name with some variety of application. (1) the city of Argos in Argolis, the domain of 'Diomed, B 559, Z 224, S 119, y 180, o 224, 108; epithets, 'A X nitK 92.) ap-yvpos (root dpy) : silver. dpYvpo - TO|OS ( Tos = dpyvQtog, epith. of sheep, i2 621,r 85. 'ApYi : tlie Argo, ship of the Argo- nauts, p 70f. dpSuos (ap^w) : watering, watering- place for animals, v 247. 'Ape'flovaa : name of a fount in the island of Ithaca, v 408f. dpciij ( dpf] ) : cursing, threatening. (II) apeios : see apmoc,. dpeiouv, apeiov (root dp, cf. dpiaros, dpf.Tt]) : conip. (answering to dya0of), better, superior, etc. ; TrXtoi'tf rai apa- OVQ, ' mightier,' i 48 ; Trponpoc; Kal dptiojv, ty 588 ; Kpiiaaov KOI dpiiov, Z, 182; (TrdiSfc) ol ir\covf KaiclovQ, iravpoi tie re. irarpoi; dpeiovc, |3 277; adv., Tt'ixa e ippdatrai Kal dpiiov, iL 114. 'Apeiwv : Anon, name of the horse of Adrastus at the siege of Thebes, * 346. a-pcKTos (p'l^ai) : undone, unaccom- plished, T 1 50f. dpco-ai, dpecrao-Sai : see apl, part. dptaffd/Atvoc : act., make amends, I 120, T 138; mid, make good (ri) tor oneself or for each other, ap- pease, reconcile (rivd) ; ravra ' oiri- ffdfv dptaaofitff , si n KIIKOV vvv \ tiprj- rai, A 363 ; i Trtird ae. Sairl ivi K\wiy dpiadaQai, with a feast of reconcilia- tion, T 179. dpeVSai: see dpvvuai. dpTaa> ( dperf} ) : come to good, thrive, 9 329 and r 114. 'Aperdwv : a Trojan, slain by Teu- cer,Z 3 If. dpcnj (root dp, cf. dpEi'wv, dp subst. (answering to the adj. excellence (of whatever sort), merit; tic irarpoQ TTO\V xtipovos vlbc dfifivuv \ TravToiuQ dptrdc, rjn'tv iroSac. rjdi ftd- XtaOat, all kinds of ' prowess,' O 642, cf. X 268; intellectual, tuy dptry (ftov\y re votfi rt) \ tK(f>vyop,tv, fi 212; of a woman, tu^v dpin)v (tlcos re de- /ti; Tt) | u>\iaav addvaToi, my ' attrac- tions ' (said by Penelope), a 251; ri/c dptrrje (ft 206) includes more. The signif. well-being, prosperity (T 242, v 45) answers to tv rather than to dya- dpenjs, f]Tog: dpirtjra, a conjectural reading, see aWporrje. dpij, j/c : prayer; and in bad sense, curse, imprecation, hence calamity, de- struction; in good sense, c 767, O 378, etc. ; bad, I 566, p 496 ; aprjv Kal Xot- ybv dfjivvai, Q 489 ; dpf/v ctVo OIKOV dfi.vvai, ft 59. apT]ai : see dpvvfiai. a,pr\yaTOS 46 apicrros ap6ev : see dpapiffKw. dp0(j.a> (cipfytof, root dp), aor. part, du. dp9uiiaavT : form a bond, be bound ogethcr in friendship, H 3U2f. ap9}iios (apfyioe, i'ir, N 309. dpioTEvs, i]OQ (apiaTOQ): best man, chief, T 44 ; di'Spos op" T "7C> 489 ; usually pi., dpiorijff;, B 404,. etc. dpKrrcvtd (dpiffTevi;), ipf. iter. dpi- artviaKov : be the best or bravest ; usu- ally w. inf. (/jta^iffdai) ; also *.v. gen., Z 460. apiorov : breakfast; in Homer tak- en not long after sunrise; only ivrv- VOVTO apidTov, Q 124, TT 2. apiOTOS (root dp, cf, dpeitav, dpiri]), atpiaroe ~ o dpiffTot; : best, most excel- lent (see the various implied meanings under dya96g) ; Zeiic., Otwv viraTog KCU apiaroQ, T 258 ; freq. w. adv. prefixed, uiy(a), ox(a), tox(a), A 69. M 103; c.pT]t-aTOS (root (j>tv): slain by A res or i n battle. dpT|i-i.Xos : dear to Ares ; epith. of Menelaus, Achilles, the Greeks, etc. (II.) apTj(ivai : see dpdu). dpi]|xevos : overcome, overwhelmed, burdened; vwirtf) KUI Kaudry, t, 2 ; yq- pdi Xvypip, 2 435 ; Siiy dprjffevov, 400 ff. ; a brother of "Epee, father of Aet/iog and $o/3og ; his favorite abode is among rude, warring peoples, N 301 ff., 9 361 ; his mien and stature im- posing and magnificent, E 860, cf. 385, 9 267 ff. ; lights now for the Trojans and now for the Greeks (a'XXo7rpdovoc, (csot;, etc. The name of Ares is used by personification (though not written with a capital letter in some edd.) foi his element, battle, combat ; Zvvdyin "Apija, KpivtaQai "Apm, iyt'iptiv 6%vi "Apna,B 381, 385,440. apt]or0e : see dpvvftai. -Api^Trj (apdofiaL, cf. r] 54, 64 f.) Arete, wife of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians, and mother of Nausicaa. apT)T]p, 7pC ( apdofjiai ) : one wh prays, priest. 'Apt]Tid8T]9 : son of Ar'etus, Nisus TT 395. api)Tos : doubtful word, wished-fo (if from cipdouai), dpr/TOV C TOKtvff yoov Kai TrkvQoQ tQr}K(t, ' hast awak ened the desire of lamentation ' (cf i'juepoc yoov), P 37, Q 741 ; according to others, for dppnroQ (pn9rjvai), ' un speakable.' -Apiiros : (1)' a son of Sestor, -5 414. (2) a son of Priam, P 535. 47 apo'co often foil, by explanatory inf., dat., or ace. (fid\ia9ai, povXy, tlBoc,); f/ eroi dpiffTa jrnronjTcn, 'finely indeed liast tliou been treated,' Z 50. dpi - cnfxxXrjs (o-^dXXw): slippery; ovSoc, p 190f. dpi - cf>pa8ijs, sc ( (ppdZofiai ) ; very plain, easy to note or recognize ; fffj/jia, offTia, 240 ; adv., dpuppaSkuQ. v. 1. in ^ 225. 'ApKaSirj : Arcadia, a district in the Peloponnesus, B 603. 'ApKois, dcuc: Arcadian, inhabitant of Arcadia, B 611. 'ApKcio-uxSrjs : son of Arceisiux, La- ertes, 5 75o,o< 270, 517. 'Apiceurios : - c on of Zeus, and father of Laertes, TT 118. 'Apicecri - Xaos : son of Lyeus, and leader of the Boeotians, B 495, o 329. dpKcco (root dpK, dXs), flit. dpKeow, aor. fipKwa : keep off (TIV'I n), hence protect, help (riv'i) ; dXX 01 ov TIC TWV ye TOT' 7/pK, ivrpoxov, 9o6v, Kafi- iru\oi>, SaiSdXta, KoXXnTa, TroiKtXa ^aX/c(^J. For the separate parts of the I chariot, see avrvK, d^ujv, pvpoQ, rrwp, I ITVC, tTriacHitTpa, Tr\fjfivai, KvfifiT], Si) : only pi., bands, slabs, one side flat, the other curved, serving (E 248, 361) to bind together the raft of Odysseus ; fig., bond, com- pact, X 255. 'Apvcuos : the original name of Irus, a 5f. apveids : ram; with oif, K 527, 572. dpve'o(jiai,aor.inf.apv/j(Taff0ai : deny, refune, sat/ no, decline ; Bofitvai re Kal dpvrjvaaQai, 345. apvevTrjp, ?]poc : diver, M 385, II 742, H 413. "Apvri : a town in Boeotia, B 507, H9. apvds, gen. (root apv.), no nom. sing., ace. dpvtt, dual, dpve, pi. apvtq, dpvwv, upvag : lamb, sheep. aor. 1 ripdfinv, 2 sing. r;pao, aor. 2 dp6fit]v, subj. dpwpai, 2 sing. dpnai, opt. dpoifinv (dpiadat and dpa- ffOai are sometimes referred to diipu>, a"ipo>, q. v.) : carry off (usually for one- self), earn, win; freq. the pres. and ipf. of attempted action, ov\ iepr)iov ovdt f3oelt)v | dpvi>ff9nv, were not ' try- ing to win,' X 160; dpvvfitvoc, ijv Tt \f/v\r}v Kai voarov tTaipwv, ' striving to achieve,' ' save,' a 5, cf. Z 446 ; aor. common w. /cXsof , Kvdoc;, iv^of, VIKTJV, deQXia, etc. ; also of burdens and trou- bles, oaa' 'OSvffti'g tfioynae Kai fiparo, took upon himself,' B 107, 3 130, Y 247. : see pvvfjiai. apoais ( dpow ) : ploughing, arable land. aportjp, ?;pof : ploughman. aporos : ploughing, cultivation, pi., t 122. f aporpov: plough. apovpo (dpow): cultivated land(p\., fields), ground, the earth; r/ii Bs re TtXuov dpovpnQ (sc. dporpov), N 707 ; ore (jipiaffovrnv dpovpai, *P 599 ; TrXt]- aiov dXXr/Xwi', bXiyi) B' J)v dfn^if dpov- pa, r 115; ZiiSwpoQ dpovpa, B 229, r 593 (personified, B 548). dpow, perf. pass. part, dpnpofiivr] : plough, i 108, 2 548. apirdu CLpirdco, fat. p7ri;w, nor. r/pjro^a, rjpaaa: seize, snatch ; esp. of robbery, abduction, and attacks of wild animals, ore fff TrpiaTOv AaKtSal/jiovoc, t iparei- vrfg | tir\tov dpTrdZac, the 'rape' of Helen, T 444 ; we W (i\T), Y 150; pf.alv dfiTia ijty, was a 'conge- nial spirit," E 326, T 248. dpTi-iros : sound-footed, nimble-fool- ed, I 505, 0310. apTi-<}>pwv (tf>pi)v) : accommodating, a> 26 If. apros : bread. (Od.) dprOvw, dprvw ( root dp ), ipf. f]p- rvov, fut. dprvviiti, aor. part, dprvvac, mid. aor. r)pTvvap.r]v, pass. aor. dprvv- Orjt': put in place, make ready, prepare ; irvpynSov ffQtac, avrovc, dpTDvavrtc, ('forming close ranks,' cf. O 618), M 43; dpTvvOr}, 'was made ready,' 'be- gan,' A 216 ; esp. of craft, du\ov, \jstvSta, u\i9pi'iv Tin dprvtiv ; mid., fiprvvavro S' ipfrfid rpairolc, tv ^e/ojua- rivowiv, 'their' oars, S 782; TrvKit>r}v riprvviro (3ov\riv, ' was framing,' B 55. 'ApvfJds : a Phoenician of Sidon, o 426f. dpx<-KaKo; : beginning mischief, E 63f. "Apx^-Xoxos : a Trojan, son of An- tenor, S 464. 'Apx - irTo\(ios : gon of Iphitus, charioteer of Hector, 9 1 28. dpxevo) : be commander, command, w. dative. (II.) apxT (apxu) -.beginning^ t'ivfK tuijs tpidoc, Kcil 'A\tS.dvSpov ei'tK dp\fjc, and ' its beginning by Alexander, 1 said by Menelaus, making Paris the aggressor, F 100; tk dpxijs, ' of old.' dpxos : leader, commander. opx<>>> reg. in act. and mid., but with- out perf., and without pass. : I. act., lead off, begin (for others to follow), lead, command ; ro?c dpa uvOtov ijp\f, ' was the first ' to speak ; ijpx' djoptv- (iv, fox* & ocoto, ' lead the way,' i 237; 7roT8c iifia, Zft-c S' /p^, ' headed by Zeus,' A 495: in the sense of 'com- manding,' foil, by dat., iyp%e S' dpa 360. dpuryos ( dp/yw ) : helper, advocate, a 23-2, 2 502. io-ai: see (1) daw, (2) aw. aa-aifii : see aw. 'Aaaios : a Greek, slain by Hector, A }|Q If. d]uaivui ) : witliout a guide (shepherd); /]Xa, K 485f (cf. O 325). acrfifxa, aroc, : hard breathing, pant- ing. (II.) do-flfiatvio : />aw<, gasp. (II.) J Aorid8T)s : sow of Asius. 'Ao-tmrj : a town in Argolis, B 560 \. d-os : a son of Ares, one of the Argonauts, B 512. 'Atncavii) : (1) a district in Phrygia, B 863. (2) iu Bithynia or Mvsia, N 793. 'Aoxavios: (1) leader of the Phry- gian?, B 862. (2) son of Hippotioii, N792. a - (nceXif s, t'f ( <7KE\Xw ) : withered, wasted, K 463 ; adv., denctXst;, olmtinatc- /y, persistently, a 68, S 543 T unceasingly, with alu, T 68. ao-Kco), ipf. 3 sing. 7/ daftsvy tin, 'twould 'please me' well, S 108. dct- \<>Q or boss, and was usu- ally fashioned into the form of a head. Instead of the plate above men- tioned, concentric metal rings (ti'a>r/;c,fw>K-Xoc) were sometimes substi- tuted. The rim was called avTv$, and the convex surface of the shield bore some device cunriSiurqs : alii eld-bear ing, B 554 analogous to an heraldic coat of arms, and IT 16 ownris, t'foc : x?tirlcTJs, sf : firm, unyielding, B 344; as adv., still, T 219. "Aorepiov: a town in Thessaly, B 788*. 'Acrrtpis (Star Island) : a (probably fabulous) islet S. of Ithaca, S 846f. dorcpoas (doTYip) : starry; ovpnvuQ, A 44, etc. ; "then, ' spangled,' ' star-like,' Qwpr},, II 134 ; c6pog, 2 370. 'Aarepoiraios : son of Pelagon, leader of the Paeonians, M 102, * 179. dorepoinj : lightning. (II.) doTepo-mjTijs : god of the lightning, epith. of Zeus. (11.) cwmjp, f'poc, dat. pi. darpdai : star; darfip oirwplvuf, the dog-star, ISirius, E 5 ; of a ' shooting-star,' A 75. do-ros ( darv ) : citizen, pi., A 242 and v 192. dcrrpa-yaXos : neck-vertebra, K 560 ; \)\.,ga>ne of dice (cf. our ' jack-stones'), * 88. (See cut, after an ancient painting in Resina.) do-rpdiTTw, aor. part. lighten, hurl lightning. (II.) L drciXXw ocrrpov (dffTt]p): constellation, only pi., ' stars.' o, toe ( fdarv ) : city (esp. as a fortified dwelling-place); tig o KIV darv Kixtioptv "iX/ou tpj/c, * 128; TTO\\WV o' dvOptiiiruiv "tf.v darta, a 3 ; ovTritig Kt iroXiv Kai doTv ffaoKTftc, i. e. his country and its capital, P 144, cf. 177 f. da-vet, to the city. 'AorvaXos : a Trojan, Z 29f . 'A 209f. do-u4>tjXos : doubtful word, rude, I 647 (as ad*) and Q 767. d - crt>aXccs ( .ao^aXijc ) : icithout swerving, steadily; dyopevuv, ' without faltering,' 9 171. d-aX7]5 (): only nent. as adv. (= dafyaXibjf; ), daa\i(; alei, ' for- ever without end,'. 42. 'AaXiwv : a servant of Menelaus, S 216f. do8X<>s: Xu^wv, the asphodel meadow, in the nether world, X 539. (The asphodel is a liliaceous plant, with pale bluish flowers; it was plant- ed about graves in Greece by the ancients as now.) (Od.) doxaXdw, dcrxdXXw : be impatient, vexed, fret; with causal gen. (r 159, 534), also with part, a 304, ft 193; yipovra fiaytg t\ov da\a\(>ti>v7o, ' be- side himself with grief, X 412. a-pcov (draXuc,, pi)v) : merry- hearletl, Z 400f. drdXXcu : skip, fimbol; Ki',Tta, N 27t (cf. Psalm 104, 26). "ArXas draXos (drdXXw) : frisking, merry; draXd ippoviovreg, ' light - hearted,' 2 567, cf. X 39. drdp (drop, 108, r 273) : but yet, but, however; freq. corresponding to fitv in the previous clause, A 166, Z 86, 125; to r\ fir)v, I 58; but often without preceding particle, and some- times with no greater adversative force than c, e. g. judi//, drdp ov (card KOUUOV, i. e. oiiSi Kara K.,B 214, y 138 ; in apod., like dt, M 144. drnp is al- ways the first word in the clause, but a voc. is not counted, "E/crop, drdp ffv fioi iaai Trarijp Krai TTOTVIO. uririjp, ' but thou, Hector.' With this arrangement there is nothing peculiar in the force of the particle; it refers here, as al- ways, to what precedes (expressed or implied) even when the voc. introduces the whole passage, "Eicrop, drdp TTOV tfync,, ' doubtless thou didst think,' etc., X 331, cf. S 236. (Weakened form of ayrdp). d-T): undaunted, r 63f. drapiriTos (drapTrof) : path, 2 565 and p 234. drapiros : by-path, path, P 743 and drapTTjpos : doubtful word, harsh, abusive, mischtevoux, A 223, /3 243. dracrSaXiTi (drdaGaXog) : pi., crimi- naiyb//v, infatuation, wickedness, a 7. aTotrddXXco ; act wickedly, wantonly, a 57 and r 88. drderSaXos (cf. drrf) : wicked, wan- ton, X 418-, mostly of actions, * 314 ; esp. in pi., drdaOaXa peuv, ^r}\a ffOai, y 207. are, a re : never as adv. in Homer, see of TE. d-reipi]s, tq (r/pw) : not to be worn out, unwearied, unyielding ; \a\K and of persons, n'tvoc., Kpaoin, Y 60. d-TXerros (rtXiui) : intended, unac- complished, fruitless; adv., without end, 71-111. d-TeXvTT|Tos (n\tvTdw): unfinish- ed, unaccomplished, unfulfilled. d-reXi]S, eg (reXoc) : unaccomplished, unco>isummated, p 546f. oT)xpw : stint, disappoint, v 294, 312; Qvuuv, /3 90; pass., be deprived, disappointed of, go without ; nvof, A 705, 445. drep : without, apart from, w. gen. d-Tc'pa|ivos (rgi'pw): hard, inexora- ')le,^ 167f. d-repirijs, gf (rfp-rrtu) : joyless. a-Ttpiros = drepTr/yt 1 , Z 285f. a.Ta>: only part., arioi'Ta, foolhardy, r 332f. ari (daw): ruinous mischief, ruin, usually in consequence of blind and criminal folfy, infatuation; ;/ /e uaX' tig arrjv Kotfiliaare vnXtt VTTV

C; Kai 'AXt^dvSpov urns (said by Helen), Z 356 ; pi., t/utf was mmXfSac, I 115, K 391, T 270. The notions of folly and the consequences of folly are naturally confused in this word, cf.p 480, and some of the passages cited above. Personified, -Arr), Ale, the goddess of infatuation, 7rps (rial)), ipf. iter. drTjud^s- fficov, aor. rjTiuaaa : treat ivith disre- spect, dishonor, maltreat; "Arpei'^js f^rifiaaiv apnrfjpa (the best reading, vulg. i)r//ir/ff'), A 11 ; d-Tijj.o.0) = d-'ifud^ii). d - TtjiTjTOS : unhonored, slighted, I 648 and 11 59. d-rlfxiT] : contumely, only pi., driuiy- aiv (the quantity a necessity of the rhythm), v 142f. d-Ttpos, comp. -oTtpog, sup. -orarog =dr//(?;roc, also without compensation; as adv., TT 431, see T7///J. driraXXw, aor. drirrjXo : rear, cher- ish; of children, Q 60, etc.; of ani- mals, ' feed,' ' keep,' Z 271, o 174. d-Tiros (ri'w) : unpaid, unavenged. "A-rXds (rXfjvai) : Atlas, the father of Calypso, .1 god who knows the depths of the sea and holds the pillars that keep heaven and earth asunder, a 52, ; 245. (rXfivai) : unendurable, I 3 and T 367. dros ( lor d-droQ, dw) : insatiable. drpaiTLTos = arapmrog, path, v 195f. 'ArpciSTjs, do or t 15 If. a-Tpou.os (rpfjuw) : intrepid, fearless. (II.) drpvYTos : barren ; epith. of the sea, and once of the sky, P 425. This is the ancient and traditional interpre- tation of the word, but according to some moderns it means restless. 'ArpiJTcirtj : Atryione, a name of Athena, perhaps meaning the 'un- wearied,' 'invincible;' always Aioc rt- Koe 'A-pvTtavT], B 157. arra : a term of endearment used in addressing elders, 'father,' 'uncle.' o.Tvo(xai, only part. pres. and aor. arvxdf if : bewildered, dazed, distraught, the effect of fear, grief, etc. ; i'mtff arv- Zofitvai, 'shocked,' while the suitors were being killed, ^ 42 ; dTv^o^vnv airo\'ta9ai,\n a 'dead fit*' Andromache, X 474 ; w. ace., jrarpbg fyiv drv\Qu(;, * terrified at,' Z 468 ; arvo^iEJ'oi o(3i- ovro, Z 41 ; hence with motion implied in the word itself, (ITTTI-W) dTv^ofiivw irtSioio, ' scouring wildly ' o'er the plain, TT. gen. of place, Z 38, etc. 'ATvfivtaSrjs : son of Atymnius, My- don, E 581f. 'Arv^ios : (I) father of Myden, a Paphlagonian, E 581. (2) son of Ami sodarus, of Caria, H 317, 328. a5 : again, on the contrary, on t/n other hand; temporal, A 540, v 88, etc. ; of tener denoting sequence or contrast, ' av, devripov av, vvv av, etc. ; some- ffc ;imes correl. to /tv, A 109, 211, and scarcely stronger than tit, B 493, A 367. avaivw (avijj) : only aor. pass. part. vavOiv, when it was dry, t 321f. av>-ydj;opai (df)i>, Plie- mius, the minstrel, a 371 ; said of a bird, i; S' (the bowstring) v-rrb icdXbv dtiae, x l XlSovi i'ce'X) avCrjv, 0411. avStieis, iaaa : possessed of voice, voiceful ; esp. with regard to the power of song, Circe, K 136, Calypso, p 449, Ino, 334 ; \tvKoQit], ij irpiv fiiv tr\v flporbg avct'iiaaa, i. e. a ' tuneful ' mor- tal, not a 'mortal speaking with human voice;' of Xanthus, the horse of Achil- les, avdqevTo. 8' tOqice Qta, 'endowed him with voice ' (i. e. human as con- trasted with equine utterance). avcpvw (ava, ftpvttj), aor. avepi'aa : draw up or back^ of drawing a bow, 6 325 ; loosening props, M 261 ; and esp. of bending back the heads of vic- tims, for the knife, A 459. aW : (I) =avTe, before an aspirated vowel. (2) =av9i before a vowel. av6t : (right) there, (right) here, A 492, H 100 ; often foil, by a prep, with subst., specifying the place, avQi Trap' a/i/j,i, I 427 ; avBi [itvto fitrd roiai, K 62 ; av& ini ra^py, A 48 ; iv Aaictdai- 54 [tovi avBi, r 244 ; of time, on the spot, i.e. 'at once,' a 339, E 296. aviaxos (Art%/;) : shouting loudly to- gether, pi., N 41f. avXcios : belonging to the auXjj, of the court. (Od.) avXi], ijc : court - enclosure, court, court-yard, farm-yard; the av\i) of a mansion had gate-way, portico, stables, slave-quarters, altar, and rotunda (96- Xoe); see table III. An av\rj is at- tributed to the cabin of Eumaeus, the swine-herd, 5, to the tent of Achilles, Q 452, and even to the cave of Poly- phemus, e 239. ovXtj (auXof ) : music of flutes; av\y a conjectural reading for av\y, K 10. avXiiJojioa (auXij) : only part., av\i- Zopevdiiiv, being penned in, of cattle and swine. (Od.) cuSXis, icog : place of rest; 'encamp- ment,' I 232; ' roosti'ng-place,' x 470. AvXis: Aulis, a town in Boeotia, on the Eui-ipus, the rendezvous of the Greeks before sailing for Troy, B 303. avXos: ftute r & wind-instrument more like the clarinet than the modern trans- verse flute, 2 495, K. 13 ; then any tube, channel, as the ' socket ' in which the point of a lance was fitted, P 297 ; ' holes ' or ' eyes,' receiving the tongue of a buckle, r 227 ; of a ' jet ' of blood, X 18. avXwiris, ( re fit Kovpdwv afi(j>r]\v9f 9rj\vc, dvn') (the outcry of the maidens, when the ball with which they were playing fell into the river, had a wakened Odysseus), 122 ; esp. the battle-cry, and so, sug- gestively, for battle itself, Stivijs "*v- prjroi dwr7jc,N 621 ; ffffiavT iptdoc, Kai ctvrrjc;, E 732 ; o^aioirec dvTtJQ Kai TTO- \tfioio, S, 37. axiT-TJuap : on the same day. avriKa (avTuc.) : forthwith, straight- way. avris (av), Attic avOtg: again, back again, anew; often TroXtr O.VTIC., a\]/ auric, ctiiripov avng, and standing alone, avrig Iwv, going 'back,' 6 271, etc. ; Tavra fieTa([>pao6fiea9a Kai avTit;, by and by, A 140 ; also merely transi- tional, T0t S' ttVTlQ fitTtUTTf, O 439, ff 60. avTfii] : breath, blast, fumes ; of breathing, I 609, K 89 ; wind, X 400, 407 (from the bellows, S 471); fire, * 366, i 389 (smoky, TT 290) ; savors, fra- grances, M 369, S 174, p. 369. dvTjMijv, ivoz: breath, blast; of men and winds, * 765, y 289. avro - StSaKTOs ( FtddaKio ) : self- taught, epith. of the inspired bard, ^ 347f. aviro - 8u>v (oircig): on the spot, straightway, 9 449f . avro-eres (Ptroc.) : in the same year, y 322f. > aviT69'=aiTo0t. a{iTo0v : from (right) there or here, from where he or she was; (fitrtiiirfv) avr69tv i% tSpnc, ovd' iv ftwooiffiv dva- ordc, T 77, 420. CLVTOvl 55 i. : (right) there, (right) here, on the spot; often with more definite lim- itation following, avTo9i /ii'/ufEt | dyp'f, X 187, so iv w. dat., i 29, 1 617. aviro - Kao-u-yvTiTT) : own sz'sfe*-, K 137t. aviTo-Ka0vyvT|TOS : own brother. (II.) AVTO -VuKos: Autolycus, father of Anticlea, and grandfather of Odys- seus ; he dwelt on Parnassus and was gifted with the sly arts that were in- herited by his grandson, T 394-466, K 267. avTO-fxaros (root pa, /ul/ma) : scJf- moviny, moving of oneself. (II.) AiiTo-jieSiDv : son of Diores, chari- oteer of Achilles, P 536, II 145. AVTO - VOTJ : a handmaid of Penel- ope, ff 182f. AVT<-VOOS: (1) a Greek, A 301f. (2) a Trojan, II 694f. atiTo-wxf : 'Ais ver y night, 9 197. avros, 17, o : same, self. ( 1 ) pro- noun of identity, i}p\i Si r< avrr}v uSbv ijv irtp ol aXXoi (the same way, like rr}v ai>T))v in Attic), 9 107, M 225. (The article when joined to avrog in Homer is demonstrative, e. g. ru 5' ai/rw (i('iprvpoi tartar, ' these ' two men themselves, not 'the same' two, A 338, IT 334 ; once occurs crasis, wwr6f avfjp, 'that' same man, E 396). (2) pronoun of emphasis and antithesis, as one person is contrasted with an- other, or with some possession or part of himself, the extent to which this antithetic idea is carried forming a highly characteristic feature_ of the Homeric style ; iroXXAc d' ityOipovs tl/v\a(; "AiSi Trpoiaij/ev \ rjpiawv, a v- r oil g Si iXatpta rttr^e Kvvtfffftv, hurled their souls to Hades, but made them, '}. e. their Godies, a prey to dogs, A 4 ; tlfffvoriaa fiu}v 'Hpa.K\r)tir)V \ eicJotXov ' avToc Si fji(.r aOavdroun 9toiaiv \ ripirtrai, KT\., Heracles himself in heaven, his ghost in hell, X 602 ; STJ- ffdvTwv ere 6p9uv iv lUTOiriSy, IK S" a v- T ov irdpar dvr)9uj, let them tie you standing up on the mast-block, with the rope ends fastened to (the mast) itself, n 51 ; Ilpta/ioto SOJJ.QV ^eorj/c at9ovffyai TtTitynivov, aurdp iv a v r^J, i. e. in the house itself, as distinguished from its corridor, Z 243, and so con- tinually. (The occurrence of UVTOQ in the oblique cases as simple unemphat- ic personal pronoun is denied alto- gether to Homer by some scholars, and in most of the seeming instances an emphasis or contrast may be de- tected, as clearly e. g. T 365 ; still the approach to the later use is sometimes uncomfortably close, e. g. B 347). Here belong such expressions as VTTO X6ov avrov, 'directly' under the plume, N 615, i\ifi, loves his own, I 342, ft 125 ; similarly, avrOtv yap otTepyTodi. Usually with fol- lowing specification, avrov ivi Tpoiy, B 237 ; aXXci irov avrov \ aypaiv, somewhere there 'in the country,' i. e in the island of Ithaca, though not in town, S 639 ; with temporal effect, O 349, * 425, S 703, a 212. aviTOj>i(v) = avrtp, T 255 ; = avrwv, A 44 ; = avroiQ, N 42 ; always with a preposition. AtiTovos : father of Polyphontes, of Thebes, A 395f . avro-xowvos (\oavog, melting-pit): [ just as it was cast, of a massive quoit in its rough state, * 826f. avTWS (UVTOQ) : in tlie same way, just as it is, merely, in vain; a word ad- mitting great variety of paraphrase, but in signification always answering to some force of avro^. yvfivov iov- TO. \ avrtaQ wg Tt -yvvalKa, all unarmed, 'exactly' like a woman, X 125; dirv- pov Xj3jra, XEVKOV ir avriaf, still ' quite ' bright, 268 ; OKve/w S' 'iir- irtav 'impaivtpiv, dXXd 6 provocation, A 520; d\X" crtJrwe dxQoc. dpovpns, a 'mere' burden to the ground, v 379 ; avTwg yap p tirktaa ipiSalvofitv, 'just as we do,' i. e. to no purpose, B 342. avxvios (ai>x>]v) : of the neck,' ri- VOVTEC;, y 450f. avxiiv, tvos : neck, of men and ani- mals. ax>xfAo (avxp<'>e) ' be dry, unanoint- ed, squalid, w 260f. 1. avco, avw : kindle; 'iva fir] iroOiv a\\o9tv avoi, that he might not have to 'get a light' elsewhere, t 490f. 2. avw, ipf. avov, aor. i)vti\ov, mid. pres. imp. d7roai'po,fiit. inf. dQcu- pffataOat, aor., 2 sing., dti\eo, pi. a 'ifi atyaipurai XpvaqiSa 4>oT/3o(; "ATroXXwv, A 182; avrttp o roimv a^ei'Xero voarip.ov fft^ap, a 9. a - 4>a\os : ivithout crest ; KVVITJ, K 258f. a-ap.apTava>, only aor. 2 atftafiapTt and a7Ti7/i/3por : mixt (fail to hit), lose; ical fidXtv, ovd' dQdpapre, A 350 ; ifioi tie Kt Kepftiov tir] \ fftv dpafiap- rovay \96va f>uei>at, ' bereft ' of thee, Z411. a^>-a|iopTo-iTTj5 : nttsxmy the point in speech, 'rambling speaker,' P 215f. i&jAease ; ;uw0of dav- 387f. (0otVw) : unseen, ' leaving no truce,' (II.) aap: instantly, at once, /3 169, P 417; ap, K. 537; afyap avriica, V 598. 'Aaptvs : a Greek, son of Caletor, N 541. a4>-apira(o> : seize away from, aor. inf., N 189f. a<|>apTcpos (com p. of dt/>ap) : swifter, aavp6s, -ortpof , -orarof : insignifi- cant, weakly, H 235, v 110. a<|>d(i> (uTrrai) : only part., d6ujvra, busy with handling; rua, 7. 322f. 'A(f)t8as : an assumed, fictitious name, w 305f . a<}>iT) : see d$ii)fu. a4>evos, neut. : large possessions, riches. a'|>, a<(>c|o)iai, : see dxixu. a4>-T|fiai : only part., doc, sit- ting apart, O lo'tjf. a<|>i]Tci>p, Ojooc (d^ijj;/ii) : the archer, v\x. Apollo, I 404f. a-9n-os (9l-iT]fj,i, imp. 2 pi. di(T', part. fern. dfiiiaai, ipf. 3 sing. diii, nit. d^f/ffw, aor. dpintca, aiJKct, 3 du. d$irr)v, subj. dey, opt. dtytir), part. d0fif> mid. ipf. dtyiiTo: let go from. I. act., of send- ing away persons, A 25, B 263; hurl- ing missiles, lightning, 9 133; lower- ing a mast, \arov irporuvoiai, A 434 : grapes shedding the flower, civQoc, dl- eiaai, ij 126; met., of 'dismissing' thirst, A 642 ; ' relaxing' force, N 444. II. mid., Seipfjc, o' ov irw Trd^Trav d - iKavco : be come to, arrived at ( from somewhere ) ; Stvpo, irpuq TI, always with perf. signif., exc. i 450, and in Od. always w. ace. of end of motion. a<|>-iKVO|j,ai, fut. di%ofjiai, aor. dl- Ki'ifini', pert', inf. dipixtiai : come to, ar- rive at, reach (one point from another); usually w. ace., sometimes w. preposi- tions ; TOVTOV (Sianov) vvv dtiiKiodf, 'come up to' that now, 6 255; met., ore ju' oXyoe dfy'iKtro, 2 395. a4> - io-TT)fJii, aor. 2 dirfarrjv, perf. dipkoraTt, d^tOTuai, opt. dtyiarain, pai't. dilttffTdaic., plup. dkffTaam>, mid. aor. 1 subj. dTroaTi^dovrai : of act. only intrans. forms occur, stand off or away (nvog) ; iraXivopazQ, P 33 ; v6a\oo~rov : a p 1 u s t r e, an orna- mental knob on the stern of a ship, O 7l7f. o4>Xoio-(io9 : foam, froth, O 607-f-. dvEU>s ( dfftfvof ), -oTtpoi, -oTUTog : wealthy, rich in (rifof). a4>-oirXi^cj : only mid. ipf. d0w7rX(- 57 ZOVTO, divested themselves of their ar- mor; tvTta.^r 20f. d^j - oppidojj.ai, only aor. pass. opt. and part. dop[M)9eif.v, -OivTtt; : start from, dipart, B 794, fi 375. a6wvTa : sec u^ata. 4-j>pa8ew : be foolish. d-^paSijs, f (0pdo/iai) : inconsider- ate, foolish, senseless, /J 282, X 476. Adv., d4>pa8a>s. a - 4>paSiT) ( (ppdZofiai ) : ignorance, folly; dat. sing., B 368, elsewhere only dat. plural. d-paiva> (pi]v): be senseless, mad, foolish. dpew ( ajpoQ ) : foam ; only ipf. uQptov Si pT]Top (ippi'irpn) : without clan or clansmen ; dtypi'irwp, dOifiiffTog, dvt- po8jTT] : Aphrodite (Venus), goddess of love, daughter of Zeus and Dione, E 370, and in the Odyssey wife of Hephaestus, 9 267 ff. ; her magic girdle described, & 214 ff . ; attended by the Graces, a 192. She favors the Trojans in the war of which she was herself the cause, and in protecting her son Aeneas receives a wound from Diomed, E 331. The name of Aphro- dite is used once by personification for her works, love, % 444. Cf. *Ap?;c- a-pove'w : be foolish, part., O 1044. d<|>p6s : foam. (II.) d - <{>popa>v (ipprjv) : thoughtless, foolish. a-4>vAXos (0;AAoi>): leafless', B 425f. d(f>v|iv : see dtyitaaw . d(j>vv, fut. dpvfa, aor. -f^vaa, part, dfyvoffag, mid. aor. ri^vadfjnjv, dv%uv, ' draw off,' i. e. accumulate riches for another man, A 171. 'AxdKxt : Achaean women. (Od.) 'Ax379. 'AxiX^vs, 'Ax\\\ev woes; dXXd /joi alvov dx<><; aiQtv taatrai, ta MfveXdt, \ 01 Ke Odryc, A 169; so dxoc. y'f.Vf.ro Tin, d[ji// livai, dirikvat, dirovoariiv, arpt apt- ffai, I 120 ; di// TrdXiv, di// aJ0ie, 2 280, e 335. 'A\|/v8ris : a Xereid, 2 46f. dv|as, if oc : ies/t, pi., E 487f. dx}/6-ppoo9 (pew): back-Jlowing ; of tlie stream of Oceanus that returns into itself, 2 399f. d\|/-6ppoos (opvvfii) : returning, back again, back; with verbs of motion, d^oppoi kfo/ii/, * 456 ; mostly neut. | sing, as adv., d^oppov pijvai, KaTaflrj- vai, irpoa'ttyi]v, t 501. axjros, Of (liirrta) : joint, limb; Xv0v ck ot iiilta irdvra, her ' members ' were relaxed in sleep, o 794 and a 189. ninf. aj.it} ai, fut. inf. uativ, aor. - r ^aaifii, subj. day, inf. daai, mid. fut. aataOt, aor. inf. aaaadai : trans., satiate; nvd TIVOC, E 289 ; rii/i, A 817; intrans., and mid., sate oneself, * 157, Q 717 ; met., (dovpa) XiXaid/if va xpoof daai, eager to 'glut' themselves with flesh, A 574, * 70. acopos ( at ip soundly, w. i'Tr ro v, ' sunk in slumber,' K 159 and K 548. QWTOS or eUorov (d^Jj/u) : floss, fleece; of wool, n 443, t 434 ; and of the 'nap' of linen, I 661. 5'J B. (jiaivw): stepbystep,^ 516f. {3aa>, perf. pass. (3ej3aKrai : talk, speak, mostly with reference to one's way of thinking, and consequently of expressing himself ; apria, iriirv^ntva, tv fidZtiv, and often in bad sense, avt- /JwXirt, nirafiwvia, aJrarqXia /3at', irais > W/Trirt /3af ig, protest, 3 32 ; oi'Tf TTor' EiV dyopy Cix t/3o/iv ovr ivi /3ov\g, 'expressed divided senti- ments,' y 127; tVoe 6' f'nrfp n /3j/3a- crai | cen'ov, ' if a harsh word has been spoken,' 408. P]u!n', or, as others interpret, 'deep-bayed,' B 92; naturally w. Tap- rapoi;, \ijiov, v\n, a/y/o, XaTXa^, etc. ; 1 met., TOV d' U\OQ 6%i> KOTO. piva TV^ 1 fiaOtlav, ' in the depths ' of his heart, I a 1 1 a m e n t e, T 1 25. p a 0v - axoivos : deep (grown) with ' reeds, A 383f . Paivw, fut. fitiaoncu, aor. 1 tftrjua, aor. 2 i /3rii> or firjv, j3rj, du. ifiriTnv, \ /3/jrjjv, f3a.TT)v, pi. /3?/ffav, flfjuav, tfiav, fldv, subj. jSw, jSsito, fifiys, (3>iy, inf. pi)fjifvai, perf. /3l/37;ra, 3 pi. fafiddm, inf. /3/3a/iv, part. /3e/3aoJf, -cira, fern. j8/3ai(Trt, plup. 3 sing. /3f^?;ictv, 3 pi. /Sf/Saffai/, mid. aor. (l)/3//(rro : walk, step, go, perf., tread, stand (have a foot- ing); strictly of moving the legs apart, hence to denote the attitude of stand- ing over to protect one, d(i$i 5' dp' avT({t ftalvt XEWV wg, E 299; hence, too, the phrase (3rj d' ikvai, firj Si 9ttiv, 'started for to go,' a graphic peri- phrasis for yti, etc. ; often in the sense of departing, / d' OvXvpirovSt /3i;j3;;rt, 'was gone," A 221; ivv'ia fiefidamv tviavroi, 'have passed,' B 134; Try Sri avi'Otffiai rf Kai opicia fiiiotrai rifuv, ' what is to become of ?' B 339 ; so, Zfiav tb'fpovoai, (3fj Qtiiywv, etc. ; /3//- CITO ciypov, 'mounted,' apparently trans., really w. ace. of limit of motion, T 262 ; causative, aor. 1 act., d 'iiririttv, made to go, ' brought ' down from their cars, II I 180 ; fiijaat 'iirirove twl Bouirpafflov, | ' bring ' horses to B., A 756. pdXavos, 17 : acorn. BaXios : name of one of the horses I of Achilles, T 400. pdXXw, fut. /3aXw, /JaXsw, aor. ?j3a- ! Xov, /3aXov, subj. /3uXfjff0a, opt. /3dXot- o9a, plup. 3 sing. /3f/3X^Kftv, pa=s. pcrf. 8 pi. /3s/3X;artti,plup. /3e/3X>jro (also, but only w. inctapli. signif., fitfioXriTO, |3t/3oXian>, p(/3oXnutvoc), mid. aor. with pass, signif., /3Xjro, subj. /3X)t- Ti, opt. 2 sing. /SXtZo, part. (3Xrj[iti>o(; : throw, cast, mid., something pertaining to oneself; hence often in the sense of shoot, hit; Kai fidXtv ovo dQduaprt, N 160; 'i\KO, TO [iiv /3dXg llavCapog iip (fiiv is the primary obj.), E 795; nietaph., 0iXu-jjra fit-' dfKporipoiai (3d- Xtaptv, 'strike,' 'conclude,' A 16; oil o' ivi ptai fiaXXto ffjjffiv, ' bear in mind ' (note the mid.), A 297, etc. The va- rious applications, literal and meta- phorical, are numerous but perfectly intelligible. Intrans., Trora/uof i'c Xa pdXXtav, A 722 ; WTTOI vipl rtpfia fia- \ovaai, * 462; mid. aor., with pass, signif., jSXrj/uEi/oc J) itji r] tyxti, 6514; pass., of the mind only, x fitydXy fapoXnuivoc, rjTop, 'stricken,' 1 9, 3, c347. Panpatvw : totter with fear, or, as oth- ers interpret, stammer, part., K 375f. see fiaivia. dip, i 392f. - c|>a>vos : rude (outlandish) of * perch, B 867. : see : see flaptvw. v0co : be heavy, by reason of a wound ; ufioQ, U 51 9f. Papcvu, ipf. or aor. 1 ()/3dpvve, pass. aor. part. fiapvvQiie, perf. 2 /3- fiaptjuc, : weigh down, oppress by weight; tifiara yap p tfidpvvi, while swim- ming, e 321; icapr) Tri)Xr)Ki fiapvvdiv, 6 388 ; mid., oivy /3i/3apj/6rC, 'drunk- en,' y 139,7122. Papvs, tia, v : heavy, oftener figura- tive than literal; tr^gfe XP fiapiiav, stayed his 'heavy hand,' suggesting power, A 219 ; jSa/otiac \tlpaQ twoiati, ' violent ' hands, A 89 ; of ' grievous ' pains, E 417; 'dread' fates,* 548; ' low,' ' gruff ' voice, t 257, etc. ; adv., ftapv and fBapea ortva\tiv t sigh ' deep- ly.' Papvo-Tevdxv : see papvg, fin. pao-iXeia : queen; tlie queen's daugh- ter, the princess, is termed flaaiXna in ^ 115; (3aaiXtia yvvaiKuv, 'queen among women' (cf. <57a waiKuv), X fa, T)O : king, exercising the functions of commander - in - chief, priest, and judge ; pi., fiaatXiitc, kings, nobles, chiefs, termed (TKIJTTTOV^OI, Sio- ytviic, dioTptQeli;. Used adjectively w. dvijp, T 170; ava.%,, w 194; hence comp. fiaaiXtuTtpoc, sup. (iaaiXtvraTOf, more, most kingly, princely. pacriXevci) : be king or queen, Z 425. pao-iXijios: royal; yevoe, n 401 f. powriXms, '^oc : royal ; riaii, Z l8f. pdaKco (/3aiVw): only imp., in the phrase pdoK Wi, haste and Jty f ad- dressed to the Dream-god, to Iris, and to Hermes, B 8, Q 144, 336. Pa: raise (move by lifting), X 594, (weigh in the hands), 405. aTicia (/3drof, ' Thorn-hill '): name of a height on the plain of Troy, be- fore the city, B 813f. POLTOS, y'i ' pi., thorn - bushes, thorns, Pcpop-ev, p paois : see <5vTTis : Bellerophon, a Co- rinthian and Lycian hero, son of Glau- cus and grandson of Sisyphus ; his story, Z 153-197. pe'Xos, eoc (/3aXXw): missile, shot; anything thrown, whether a shaft (ar- row or dart), a stone, or the footstool hurled at Odysseus in p 464 ; of the effects of a shot, 9 513; fti\o 6%v, sharp ' pang,' A 269 ; IK (3tXstnv, out of ' range.' pc'Xrcpos : better, only neut. sing., fitXrtpov (tori'), foil, by inf., fiiXrepov tl, 282. Pe'v9os, eoe (fiaQvi;): depth, also pi., depths; QaXdaayQ Tr&anc, (3iv9ta oldev, a 53; pivOta vXng, p 316; Xoc /3ev- 9oaSf, ' into deep water,' $ 780. , Peiopai, 2 sing, fit y, pres. w. Pt'pe0pov ( fut. signif. : shall (will) live, 194, n 852.X 22, 431, Q 131. Pe'ptfpov : abyss, chasm, 6 14, /i 94. PTJ : see ftaivw. pt,X(5s(/3rtiVu,): threshold. (II.) Pfjfiev, Prjfiewai: see /3aiVw. Pi](ra.]iev, Prjert, PTJO-TO : see ftaivw. Brjero-a: a town in Locris, B 532f. Prjo-aa (ftaOi't;) : glen, ravine; ovpeog iv fti'iffffac, r 34, etc. PTJT- 451 ; tyivfitaai ftir)adftsvos, 'overreaching,' 576. PICUOS : violent ; tpya, ' deeds of violence,' ft 236. Adv., PMXIWS. (Od.) Bids: (1) father of L;iogonus and Dardanus, T 460. (2) a leader of the Athenians, N 691. (3) a Pylian, A 296. . pipdu, p t p dat. ftiijipi : force, violence, in the latter sense usually pi., sing, -fy 31 ; ftiti icai eaprof, ^415^; owe ?c ovSi ftii], a 4 ; apt ry re ftiy re, ^ 578 ; rarely of the mind, owe tan ftirj (ppioi, r 45 ; often in periphrases w. gen. of proper name, or w. adj., ftirj 'Hpd- K\T)eir], Alveiao /3it], the might of He- racles, i. e. the mighty Heracles, etc. ; ftiy, by force, in spite of, ftiy diKOvro^, S 646, A 430. Bi-i]vwp: a Trojan, A 92f. pios: life. (Od.) PIOS, olo : bow. PIOTOS (ftioc.): life, livelihood, sub- stance, goods ; Tror^of ftn'iToio, A 170; ftioTov Kal voffTov, a 287 ; d\\6rptov ftiorov vijiroivov tfiovoiv, a 160; ftio- c cni KTTifiaTa,ft 123. PIOCO, aor. 2 inf. fttwvai, imp. 3 sing. /3twrw, mid. aor. iftiuffdpriv : live ; mid., causative, av ydp p,' tftiaioao, ' didst save my life,' 9 468. PKJKITO, Ptowvrai, PIOWVTO : see p, aor. ZftXa^a, ft\d- 4>a, [>ass. pres. ftXdftEfai, perf. part. fttftXannevoc,, aor. 1, 3 pi., iftXdQOri- aav, part. ftXaOtic,, aor. 2 tftXaftqv, 3 pi. tftXaftiv, fiXrtfttv: impede, arrest ; TOV yg 06oi /3\a7rroi'IXa -yovva- ra, H 2V1 ; so pass., ftXdfttrai jovva- ra, ' totter,' v 34 ; fttftXafifiivov rJTop, 'arrested in life's flow,' i. e. ' wounded in the heart,' n 660 ; rnetaph., harm the mind, infatuate; rov Si rig &9a- vnTMv ftXd-^t <>>ptvac, 178 ; nnd with- out typivaq, ( f Ar/) ftXdirrovff' dvOpu- irovc, I 607 ; pass., ftXapQfic, 1 512. P\io : see ftdXXu. P\|jLcaiv : exult haughtily in, rave with; regularly with oQivt'i, also (9v- /ioc) TTfpi o9ivd ftXip.tah>n, the heart 'beats high' in its strength, P 22. P\c(f>apov: eyrlid, only dual and pi. P\ilTai, pXnjfivos : see ftdXXui. P\T|Tpov: rivet (or ring, band), O 618}. pXrixT : bleating, p 266f. pXoo-vpos: doiiiitl'ul \\ on], ferocious, H 212 ; perh. 'bushy,' O 608. pXocrup-wms (aty): with ferocious /oo/'.s, epitli. of the Gorgon, A 36f . pXwGpos : tall, of trees. pXuo-Kw (for iiXiumcw, root /*oX), nor. 2 tpoXov, subj. fioXy, part. fioXwv, -ovaa ; perf. /j,ififtXti)Ka : go, come. Po-dypiov : shield of ox-hide, pi., M 22 and TT 296. Bod-ypios : a river in Locris, B 533. Podw (/Jo/j), ftoc',a, ftooujan', inf. ftodv, part, ftoi'w, aor. (t)ft('jaa, part. ftorjaac., fitanav-i: shout; pkya, paicpd. ('afar'), aptpdvot', ff(iep$a\tov, 6^v, etc. ; of things, Kvpa, riiovic,, ' resound,' ' roar,' S 394, P 265. pdtios, POOS ( /3ov ) : f an ox or of oxen ; cippa, vtvpa, and ( ' of ox- hide,' 'leather') IUCIVTCC, KVIHJUCEC, w 228. As subst., poeu|, POCT), ox-hide, hide. POCVS, f;oe (ftovc) : thong of ox-hide, on sails, /3 426, o 291. POI], r/c : shout, shouting, outcry ; j freq. of the battle-cry, ftotjv dyaQot;, i i. e. good at fighting ; also of a call to | the rescue, alarm, K 118, 226, \ 77 ; I and of a cry of pain, Z 465, w 48, t 401 ; @OT)V i\ov ( 6p(iiyye<; ), ' kept sounding.' 2 495. BoTj9ot8irjs : son of Boethoiis, Eteo- neus. (Od.) poT)-06os (/3oij, 0Jw) : running to the shout, battle-swift; appa, P 481, and of men. (II.) lifting, A 672f . POTITCS, i''oc (jSoaw) : clamor, a 369f . pdOpos : /to/c in the ground ; for planting trees, for sacrificial blood, X 25 ; of a natural trough for washing clothes, 92. Boiprj : a town in Thessaly, B 7l2f. Hence Boip^is X<>I>TJ, B 71 If. BOIUTIOS : Boeotian ; subst. Boiio- TOI, Boeotians. poXrj (/3aXXw): throiv, throwing, pelting, only pi. ; 69aXfiuiv fioXai, 'glances,' ' 150. (Od.) p6Xop.ai : see /3oi'Xo/zat. PO^PCU : of sounds that ring in the ears, hum; of a quoit whizzing through the air, 9 190; of oars dragging and ' rustling' in the water, fi 204. POOCOV : see /3oao. popT]s, do. fiopidi : north wind; epi- thets, a!9pt]yiver})c, al9pi]ytvi]Q, aKpdi^c, Kpanrvoc,. Personified, Boreas ; Bo- ( ) rat ZeQvpoc,, 15,*- 195. |: food; I x 9vmv, T V "N- POO-KW, fut. /3o(Tidj 49. POTXVTJ ( ftoaKta ) : fodder, grass, N 493 and*: 411. POTTJP, fipot; : shepherd, pi., o 504f . POTOV : only pi., fiord, flocks, 2 521f. porpvScv (j36rpvQ): in clusters; of swarming bees, B 89f. P<>Tpvs, voc : cluster of grapes, pi., 2 562f POV-POTOS : kine-pasture, v 246-)-. POV - ppbxrris ( fiovc. /3(/3pwff(cw ) : run nous hunger, H 532-j-. Povpuv, WVOQ: groin, A 492f. Pov-Yfl.'ios : braggart, bully; a term of reproach, N 824, a 79. BovSeiov : a town in Phthia, II 572f. povKoXew (fiovKoXof], ipf. iter. /3ou- KoXitffKi Q : act-., pasture, tend cattle ; mid., graze, 'ITTTTOI t'Xog Kara /SofKoXt- oi/ro, T 221. BovKoXiS-qs : sow of Bucolus, Spli- lus, O 338f. BovKoXiuv : a son of Laomedon, Z 22f. pov-KoXos (flovc, root KfX) : cattle- driver, herdsman ; with oVopee, N 571 ; aypoioirrtj, X 293. povXtvrqs : counsellor ; yspovrtg, elders of the council (/3ouX/j), Z 114f. povXcvw (/3owX/;), t'ut. int'. fiovXtvae- fiii', nor. (i)[3ov\evya : hold counsel, deliberate, advise, devise ; abs., B 347 ; flovXfiv, fiovXdg fiovXeveiv, 1 75, K 147 ; fiovXevftv TIVI, I 99 ; ucov Qptrri /3ov\(iniv, a 444 ; KUKOV nvi, 1 79 ; foil, by inf.. I thought to, i 299 ; bv oTrojf, t 420; mid., device, determine upon, d-drnv, B 114, I 21. povXi^ : ( 1 ) counsel, plan, decree ; /3oi'X/) cf KaKr) vtKTjatv iraipwi', K 46 ; Atoc S' trtXiiero ftovXij, the 'will' of Zeus, A o ; ov TOI avtv 9tov ijci yt f3ov- Xrj, ft 372, also in plural. ( 2 ) the council of nobles or elders, ytpovrwv, B 53, 194, 202, y 127, distinguished from the dyopd, or assembly. povXT)-<{>6pos : counsel-bearing, coun- selling ; dyopai, t 112; ai^p, A 144; aVa, M 414; also subst., counsellor, E 180, H 126. povXoficu, pdXop.ai (fioXerai, /3oXt- a9e, ffioXovTO ) : will, wish, prefer ; TpaJf) : ox-goad, Z 135f. Bovirpd (/3wv), pi. dat. fiovffi and fiotaai, ace. /3oac and ftovQ : cow or ox, pi., ww, cattle; povg aponv, H 713, T- 420; ravpoe jSoyf, P 389; usual epithets, dytXain, dypav\oc, ei'Xi- irofoc, f'Xtiae, tpifiVKoi, opOoicpaipai. Also ;is fein. subst., ox-hide, shield of ox-hide, ace. fiuv, H 238, 474, M 137. Pov-<(>ove&> : daughter cattle, H 466f. PO-GJTTI.S, iSoQ (/3ouc, wi/>) : ox-eyed; epith. of women (cf. ' eyes of a gazelle,' 'ox-eyed daisy'), H 10, S 40; often /3oo>7ros : unborn young (of a mule foal), 266f . p P ex|A<5s : forehead, E 586f. .Bpidpctos : Briareus, a hundred- armed water-giant, A 403. f PpiapcSs (root (3pi) : heavy. (II.) Ppio> : be drowsy, nod; part, fig., 'napping,' A 223f. Ppi-iiirvos (ijTrvio) : loud-shoulina, N 52 If. Ppl8oorjVTj (/3pt r 0w): wej<7/t<, E 839 and M 460. ppi9vs, tla, v : heavy, ponderous. Ppvflw (root jSpi), ipt'. (BplQov, aor. f/3p7<<) : /oi (Od.) : eating, food. . : food. QSwpXof): made of papy- rus; virXov )'(')C, <}> 391t. PVKTTJS (/St^w) : whistling, howliny, of winds, K 20f. pv, pedestal, r) ! 100, stand, platform, rack, 6 441, and I esp. altar. (See cut.) Ewpos : (1) a Maeonian, father of Phacstus, E 44f. (2) son of Perie- res, husband of Polydora, the daugh- ter of Peleus, n 177. PWV : see ftovc. 3*io-avTi : see ftoaw. call loudly upon, fi 1 24|. a : noitrixhiiK/ /tiroes, A 155J. POJTCOP, opoc ( j3<'iffK(jj ) : shepherd; pi., and w. di'Spts, M 302, p 200. r. yaia, yi : earth, land; distinguished from the heavens, (iciovtc;) al yaidv rt icai ovparov d/.it<; t\ovaiv, a 54 ; geo- graphically, 'AxaiiSa yalav, esp. native land, iraTpida yalav, pi., o6& rtf aXXjj | Qaiviro yaiiuav d\\' oitpavoc ydi Od- Xaaaa, % 302 ; as substance, \vrr) yala, for a grave, Z 464 ; Kwp) ydla, ' silent dust,' Q 54 ; prov., iifti'ii; TrdvTtg vdwp Kai yaia ytvoioQf, H 99. The form yrj is of less common occurrence, v 233, ^ 233, * 63. Personified, Tata, O 36 ; rij, r 104, T 259. Tangos, wiof : son o/ ^arrraTo, r'i ci yaX/;- v^ | tirXfTO I'ljreftii], Koifirjat Si Kv/^ara Saiftutv,^ 168. yaXo'ws, dnt. sing, anil nom. pi. ya- \6tft : hunl>and's sixtcr. II. ya^Ppo's (ya/itw, 'relative by mar- riage): soH-hi.J(i: z 249; brother-in- law, N 464 and E 474. yafUw, fut, ya/uw, aor. ty///if, y^(6, mid. yapeiffOat, fut. jan'taaiTin, aor. opt. yiifiaiTO, inf. yiipaerU(ai): marry; act. of the man, mid. of the woman (u u b e r e) ; once mid. of the parents, ' get a wife for their son,' I 394. yap-os : marriage, wedding, mar- riage-feast. yap.4>T]Xt], ;e: only pi. and of ani- ma I $,jaws. (11.) yajx\|/-u>vt)|, v\ot; (ovvg) : with crook- ed claws, talons, alyvirtoi. yavauj ; shine, be bright. yavvfiai (ydvog), fut. yavvaaopai : be glad. rawing? : Ganymede, son of Tros, and cup-bearer of Zeus, E 266, Y 232. yap (yt, dpa): for, namely; but often not to be translated, as in strong asseverations (e?p. TJ yap), A 293, 342, 855, and in questions, oJ Kiptcrj, ITWQ yap fie iceXeai aol i/mov elvat, ' how canst thou bid me T K 337 ; similarly after interjections, and in wishes, at yap, u or 0e yap. The causal (for) and explanatory (namely) uses need no illustration. a\\d . . . yap, but yet, but really, H 242, K 202 ; freq. in com- bination (yap) Si), ovv, pa, re, roi. PapY ycvcuua where it may sometimes be translated by an interjected no, as in affirmative sentences occasionally by yes. For repetition of yi, cf. E 287 f. yyoa, ytyaatri, ^yaws : see ytyi/o- fiat. yeVlBa : see yr)Qku. yeytrtvo, -yeyMveX -yryoivw : the perf. w. pres. signif., inf. yeywveuev, part. yeywvwc,, plup. (or ipf.) iyeydjvei, pres. inf. ytytoveiv, ipf. eyeywi/e, (tyyeywvevv : make oneself heard by a call ; ov TTWC, ol it]v fiioaavn yeywvtlv, M 337 ; oa- aov rt ytyuive (ioijadi; (sc. n'c), e 400 ; call, cry out to, yiywi'k re TTUV Kara darv, i2 703 ; KiKoveg KiKoveaai yeyui- vevi>, t 47. yeivojj.o.1 (root ya), aor. tyeivd(j.r)v : pres. arid ipf., be born; aor. causative, bear, beget, of both father and mother; iiff)v Sfi yiiveai OVTOC,, after thou hast thyself created them, w 202. yeirwv, oi-oc : neighbor. (Od.) yeXewrros (yt\dw): ridiculous; lipya, doings that bring ridicule upon the speaker, 9 307f. yeXdco, veXo'w, part. yeXowi/rtc, yt- \wovreg, ipf. 3 pi. ye\wwi>, aor. (i)ye- \a(a)aev, 3 pb ye\a(a)ffitv, part, ye- \d(cr)adc, : laugh, rtfv, ' heartily ;' dira- \6v, d\pe.iov, fiaicpvuei', %ei\emv, only ' with the lips,' i. e. not from the heart, O 101 ; fig., yt\affffe tie. iruaa trfpi \dwv | \a\Kov VTTO arfpoTrrjs, T 362 ; ifiov &' iykXanat tyi\ov Krjp, 'laughed within me,' t 413. yeXoidw : yeXoiwv, yeXoi'wj/Ttc, re- stored readings yeXww, yeXwovres, see yeXdbt. yeXouo (y\we) : laughable,^ 215f. ye'Xos : see ytXwc- Y, YXdwvTs, -yeXwovrcs : see ye\ iy\tiyaiv, T 258; fists,' v 181. only pi. : dams, dikes; rev ' OVT' ftp rt y'ityvpai itpyfiirai iff\a- VOOKTI, E 88 ; met., 7rroXi/-ioio ytQvpat, 'bridges of war,' the lanes between files and columns on the battle-field. ye<|>vpo(i>, aor. yevpwniv(fj TU yivoi-o, I may hope, but this will not ' happen,' y 228 ; Trdvra yiyvo^(.vof t Proteus, ' turning into' every shape, S 417; iirl vnvai ytviaOai, 'get' upon the ships, and thus often implying motion, e. g. irpb oSov ykvovTo, ' progressed,' A 382 ; never of course the same as ilvai, but the perf. is sometimes a strong equiv- alent of the verb of existence, roTf o'i vvv ytydtiffi, who ' live ' now, w 84, v 160, etc. yiyvuMTKCi), fut. yvwffouai, yi'wffeai, aor. tyviav, subj. yvtuui, -optv, -wot, inf. : come to know, (learn to) know, the verb of insight; o T ava\Ki tijv &6e, ' perceiving,' E 331 ; d/i0i t yiyvwffKwv irdpov, ' rec- ognizing,' O 241 ; o/inXiKijjv tictKaaro \ opvWas yi'utvai, in 'understanding' birds, j8 159. yX.d-yos, ro (ydXa) : mitt, B 471 and II 43. YXaKTo-4>dY<>s (vpai, : a town in Thessaly, B 7l2f. Y\avpds : hollow; often of ships; of the niy, 9 257 ; a grotto, 2402, J3 20 ; a harbor, fj, 305. YXTjvrj: pupil of the eye, i 390; as term of reproach, Kaicr) yXfivn, ' doll,' 'girl,'ncarrf,e 164. yXTJvos, tog : pi., jewelry, Q 192f . rXttrds, avrog : a town in Boeotia, B 504 f. yXovrds : rump, buttock, E 66, 9 340. (II.) yXvictpcs ( comp. yXvKtpwrtpog ) fXVKU- : sweet-tempered, T 467f. gla, v, comp. J\VKIWV : sweet; vtKrap, A 598 ; metaph., VTTVOQ, idog (y\v<}>crcra, ng : tongue, language, B 804, A 438. yXto^fs, Tj/oc (yX, y y u'H- evai > yvuo^ev : see ytyvw- ffKW. yvaipifios : known to one, an ' ac- quaintance,' v 9f. YVCJTOS : known ; also, related by blood, T 174; brother, P 35, etc. yodw (yooc), inf. yot'ifitvai, part. yoowv, yooiuvrtc (yowvrtc.), ipf. yoov, yowv, iter. yoda, f lit. yoi'iatrcu : wail, esp. in lamentation for the dead ; w. ace., bewail, rivd, 'L 500, etc. ; Tror- fiov, n 857. Youd>os : wooden nail, peg, pi e 248f. ] : offspring, Q 539 and S 755. a town in Achaea, near Pellene, B 573f. YOVOS, 6 : birth, origin ; then off- spring (son), young, d 12, Z 191, n 130.^ yow, gen. yovvaroQ and yovvoc,, pi. yovvara and yoiiva, gen. yovt'aiv, dat. yoi>va(Tt and yovviam : knee ; yovv Kc'ifiifTeiv, phrase for sitting down to rest, iiri yovvtaai KaQittaaQ, taking upon the ' lap,' I 488, E 370 ; freq. as typical of physical strength, (.lattice poi ai, E 122 ; IK ^fof t'iXiTO yviwv, I 140. YDIO&J, fut. yviujvw : lame, B 402 and 416. YVJIVO'S : naked; TOOV, taken from its case, X 607 ; oiorof, from the quiver, as we say 'naked sword, ' ^ 417; then, usually, unarmed, $ 50, X 124. yvpvow, mid. pres. yvfivovaQai, pass, aor. (t)yv[iv 54f. (See cuts, No. 24, from Greek and Assyrian representations. ) A. 8a- : an inseparable prefix, with in- tensive meaning, cf. cd-ffKioc,. AA (the root of dicdaKw), aor. 2 act, cidae, aor. 2 pass, i^drjv, subj. dado), dawuzv, inf. Saffvai, dafjuevai, f ut. a//- ffouat, perf. dfdaijKa, part. StSawg, df- vai]KuTtQ, mid. aor. inf. eaaI\T (^a/w 2), f ut. Haifa, pass. perf. : cleave, cut asunder; of carving, | 434, but usually of wounding, hence cut down, slay, $ 147 ; pass. StSdiyfikvov 6&i x a ^- K< i>> ^ 236, etc. ; metaph., two expressions are to be distinguished, idai&ro 6v- l*6<;, ' rent ' with cares, sorrows, I 9, v 320, and wpuaivs ^a't^o/uevof Kara 9v- pov | (SixOdSta, a ' divided ' mind, % 20. 8ai-KTauvos : kitted in battle, $ 146 and 301. 8ai(jLcvios, in Horn, only voc., daiuo- vie, Saifiovirj, Saifiovioi : under the in- fluence of a Saifiwv, possessed ; used in both good and bad sense, and to be translated according to the situation described in the several passages where it occurs, A 561, B 190, 200, T 399, A 81, Z 407, i2 194, 3 774, K 472, (r 15. i|/ 174. Saifjuov, OVOQ'. divinity, divine power; sometimes equivalent to Otog, but esp. of the gods in their dealings with men, T 420 ; avv Saifiovt, ' with the help of God,' KCIKOIJ Saiutiiv, ^aiftovoq dlaa Kaicr), etc. ; hence freq. ' fate,' ' destiny,' irdpoc, rot Saifiova Ctiffw, thy ' death,' 9 166. 8aivv(o) : see SaivvfJU. 8aivG)jit (^ot'w 2), imp. 2 sing. aii>v, part. Saivvvra, ipf. Saivv, fut. inf. Sai- ffiiv, mid. pres. opt. Satin/To, -Oaro, aor. part, daiffd/itvog : I. act., divide, dis- tribute food, to each his portion, said of the host ; Saivv Saira yspovaiv, I 70 ; hence, ' give a feast, rdtyov, yd- fiov, funeral, marriage-feast, y 309, T 299. II. mid., partake of or celebrate a feast, feast ( upon ) ; abs., O 99, Q 63 ; w. ace., dalra, tlXaTrivnv, Kfika Kai ptOv, t 162. 8afs 70 8av<5s 1. Bats, i'ooe (SaioJ 1 ) : torch, only pi. (The torch consist- ed of a number of pine splin- ters bound together. See cut.) 2. Safs : combat, only dat., ti/ ai \vypy, \evya\ey, N 286, & 387. Sais, Sairog ( Baivvpi ) : feast, banquet, meal ; once (in a simile) of a wild ani- mal, Q 43. Sain] = Zaic, : Sairt]9ev, from the feast, K 216. SaiTpeuco ( Sairpoc. ) : dis- tribute ; e#p. of carving meat ; of booty, A 688. Sturpov : portion, A 262f . Sairpos: carver. (See cut.) SaKpv, pi. ddicpva, dat. tear. Saicpvoeis, toaa, ev : weeping, tear- ful; faicpvtiev yt\doaaa, ' through her tears,' Z 484 ; applied to SaiTpocrvvrj : art of carving and dis- tributing, it 253J-. Sairufiuv, OVOQ (Sairvc;): banqueter, pi. (Od.) SamJs, VOQ = 2a/c, X 496.f AaiTiop : a Trojan, 9 275f . Sat - 4>p>v, ovog: (if from <5ai'w 1) jiery-hearted ; in II., of warriors; in Od., in other relations, 9 373, o 356. 1. 8aiw, perf. SiSrja, plup. deSijeiv, mid. aor. subj. Sdrirai : I. trans, (act. exc. perf.), kindle, set in a blaze; Sals 01 tK Kopv96f TI ical daTriSoc. aKauarov Trvp, the goddess ' made fire blaze ' from his helmet, etc., E 5, 7, so pass., * 376. II. intrans. (mid. and perf.), blaze, $ 375, 2 227, etc. ; met. 5, aor. iddicpvaa, pass. perf. licaKpiifiat : weep, aor. burst into tears ; perf. pass., be in tears, II 7. 8dX6s (Saitij 1): fire-brand. Sap.d, ipf. (t)Sdfiva, fut. SapQ, Sa[jid(f, dajuowffi, aor. idd- un( iauaofftv, E 106, 391 ; met.,lpoc Qvfituv, E 316, etc. ; pass. freq. in all the above relations. Adfiao-os : a Trojan, M 183. Aap,aVT) : laurel, bay, i 183f. 8a-(j>oi.vds ami 8a-oi.veo's : (blood) red, 2 538 ; of serpent, jackal, lion, B 808, K 23, A 474. 8^: but, and; strictly neither ad- versative nor copulative, but used to offset statements or parts of state- ments; such offsetting or coordination (' parataxis ') by means of Be, when it appears in place of the to us more familiar subordination of ideas (' hy- potaxis '), gives rise to the translation 'while,' 'though,' 'for,' etc. Hence Se appears even in the apodosis of condi- tional or temporal sentences, ot 5' emi ovv ijytpOev . . rolat B' aviffrafitvoG ptTkfyn, when they were all assembled, ' then ' arose Achilles, A 57, 1 37. The other extreme, of an apparently adver- sative force, is best seen in negative sentences where Be is (rarely) used for iai. Se'Saa, ScScujKa : see AA. SeScuarai, SeSaarai : see caTtofiat. SeSaiY^e'vos : see <~n'ilm. Se'S^c, ScSi]ci : see Baiiii 1. StSiaai: see BiiSut. 8e8io-Ko|iat and SciSio-KO|Acu (detKvv- fu) : bid welcome or farewell (l>y ges- ture), pledge ; Beirai, Bf^tTfpy X(pi. (Od.) 88fi-r]aTo, 8e8(j.T|jj.evos: see Baf 8e8oKY](j.e'vos : see Sc'SopKE : see SipK 8e8paYfJ.Vos : see St'eXos = 6n\oc. K 466f. 8ei ( dew ): ri Be Bel Tpwtaaiv | 'Apydovq ; ' Why should the Greeks be warring with the Tro- jans ?' I 337. Elsewhere %pr) in Homer. SciScK-ro, SeiSe'xarai : see Selicvvfii. 8ciSi)|X(v, oi'oc (StiSta) : timid, pusil- lanimous, P 56-{-. SeiSia, SEiSiOL : see BtiBu. 8ei8icrKo'(j.vos : see BtBivicofiat. SciSi, 7T 306 J often in the ordinary sense of fearing, tic t(/>rtr', iSFiiatv 8' 6 yipuv, A 33. ScicXiaco (c?t\oe): only aor. part., iii\u'iera, having made an evening meal, p 599f. SeUXo? (SiiXrj) : pertaining to the late afternoon ; StieXov iipctp (=3eiXn), p 606 : subst., SeieXoc 232 7'2 SeOVTWV SeiKayao|ia iaai, O 86, w 410. mid. perf. StiStypai, plup. diidticro, 3 pi. Stidix aro ' show, point out, act. and mid. ; arjfia, ripag, ' give ' a sign, y 174 ; mid. also=&icji'(TKo/iai, q. v. ; KV- irt\\oic, Heiraeaffi, nvQoiQ, I 671, J] 72. Set ATJ : late afternoon or early even- ing ; iffffirai ?} )af j} ^t'X^ fj piaov ^ap,*lllf. SciXofiat : trr^e towards setting; only ipf., &t'Xm> T j;/\ioc, ' was westering,' H 289f. SeiXos (root SFi): (1) cowardly, A 293, N 278. (2) wretched (wretch), miserable ; esp. in phrase Sti\oiai /3po- ro7(T(j', and a SetXe, fi\w, StiXoi. Seifia (StiSw) : fear, E 682f. SctjxaTo, Seifiofjiev : see cf/n. Acip.os (^ei'Ja>) : Terror, a personifi- cation, A 440. (II.) Stivos (root ^A): dreadful, terrible; often adv., ^ttvov auaat, Suva Iddtv, etc. ; in good sense, dtivog r aloolog rt, i. e. commanding reverence, 9 22 ; cf. T 172, where the scansion is to be noted, tKvpi SPeivog rt. 8eiov5, gen. : see Seof. Sciirvcb) (dtlirvov), plup. StSenrvt]- Kti(v) : take a meal. Seiirv - T]TTOS ( $tnrr'n>> ) : meal-time (afternoon), p 170f. Seiirvici>, aor. part. Sinrviaffag : en- tertain at table, S 435 and X 411. 8eiirvov (cf. tti-rrw) : the principal meal of the day (usually early in the afternoon, cf. apurrov, dop-rov), meal- time, repast ; of food for horses, B 383. Seipds : see &jow. Sciprj, fig : neck, throat. Scipo-To^EW (re/ij/w) : cut the throat, behead. Aeixr-rjvup : a Lycian, P 2l7f. ScKa: ten. SCKOIKI.S : ten times. Sc'icas, aOoQ : a company of ten, de- cade. Scicaros : tenth; tc; fifKarovc; iviav- TOVQ, for StKd iviav-oiii; or CIKCITOV imavTov, 6 404. ScKa-xiXoi : ten thousand. 8eVnf)s (cevouat) : beggar, mendicant, i 248f. SC'KTO : 8X4>is, Tvoc, : dolphin, 4> 22 and 96. Scfxas (dffjuo) : frame, build of bod}*; joined with ii&>c, ,o- ica: look, see, strictly of the darting glance of the eye; irup SeSopicwt;, T 446 ; Suvbv ' with dreadful glance,' of the Gorgon, A 87 ; typically of life, iutv WJTOC KO.I iiri xQovi fepKonivoio, while I live and ' see the light of day,' A 88, TT 439 ; with obj. accusative, N 86, S 141. Sc'pfia, aroe (Sipwi) : skin, hide, leath- er; seldom of the living man, II 341, j/431. SepjjLciTivos : leathern. Sepoy : see Septo. Se'prpov : membrane enclosing the bowels ; diprpov ?ffu> Sf>i>ovTf, ' pene- trating the vitals,' X 579f. St'pai, ipf. tStpov, Sepov, aor. tStipa: aroe (csa> 2) : only pi., bonds; of a woman's head-band, X 468. (See cut No. 8). Seo-jAos (Seo> 2): any (means of) binding, fastening, fetter, imprison- ment, pi., bonds; dvev Sicr/ioto fi'tvov- aiv | VJJEC, i. e. without mooring, v 100 ; of a latch-string, 241, etc. ScVrroivct (fern, of CKTTTOTI]^) : mis- tress; with yvvf] and aXo^oc, ' lady,' y 403, >j 347. Bertj (diw 2): pi., faggots ; Kaiofif- vcu, A 554 and P 663. Sevrjcrf cr3ai : see Sf.v TroXt- povSe, 3 128. Cf. foupo, fin. Scvrcpos : second, next ; ra Bevrepa, 'the second prize,' 538. Adv., Sev- repov, secondly, again. 1. Seuw, ipf. fceve, Stvt, iter. Siveaicov, pass. pr. Stverai, ipf. Sfvtro, -OVTO : wet, moisten; as mid., (Xapof) irrfpa Stve- rai iiXfiy, 53. 2. Sevw (cftfto), of act. only aor. 1 idtvnae, mid. Sevoftai, opt. 3 pi. fouo/a- ro, ipf. iSfvofinv, fut. dfviiffofjiai : act. (aor. 1), lack; ictvnatv o' olljiov dicpov iKeffQai, 'came short' of reaching the end of the rudder, t 540 ; mid., be lack- ing or wanting in, be without or away from, inferior to (TIVI'I^) ; ovs n 9v- fibt; iSfutro SaiTog iiar]S, A 408, etc. ; also abs., Cfvofievog, A. 134 ; [id^ric dpa iroXXbv ideveo, P 142, N 310; irdvTa. Stviai 'Apytuuv, V 484. Se'xarai, Se'xOai : see cexonat. Se'xo|xai, 3 pi. ^t^arac, fut. St^ofiai, aor. (i)cidfi.t]v, perf. SeStyfiai, imp. Ss- Seo, t'ut. perf. StSe^o/jiai, aor. 2 idiy- p.r)v, tdtKTO, SIKTO, imp. di ?o, inf. Sexual, part, fiiyfievoi; : receive, accept, await ; of taking anything from a person's hands ( TIVOQ n or nvi n ), di^aro ol ffKrjiTTpov, B 186 ; so of accepting sacrifices, receiving guests hospitably, ' entertain,' ^elvovg aldoiovg diroTrep.- Trefitv JjSi ^i\tuQai, v 316; in hostile sense, of receiving a charge of the enemy (here esp. 5l^arat, df'foy/iai, iSeyfirjv, Seyp.evof, StSi^ofjiat), rovSe dt- Si^ofiai Sovpi, E 238 ; in the sense of 'awaiting' (here esp. aor. 2) freq. foil, by tlffoKt, OTTOTS, etc. ; Seyfifvocj Ataici- STIV, oTrdrf \fi%fiiv dtiSwv, ' waiting till Achilles should leave off singing,' I 191. Intrans., w (tot Sexual KCIKOV tK KCIKOV alti, ' succeeds,' T 290. Se\|/, aor. part, dtil/rjadc, : knead (to soften), (i 48f. 1. Se'w (dtfw): only aor., Srjtrtv, stood in need of, 2 lOOf. (Set, see separate- ly.) 2. Se'w, imp. 3 pi. BtovTuav (better reading didevruv), ipf. Sioi', fut. inf. Srjfftiv, aor. tdnaa, cfjaa, mid. ipf. Seov- TO, aor. tSfjaaro, iter. SijadffKtTO, plup. StSfTO, SeSft'To: bind, fasten; mid., for oneself, oTrXa dvd vrja, 'making fast their ' tackle, /3 430 ; metaph., j)/i- 74 pov Si /xgvof icai ^Etpac WijfffV, SI 73 ; Of n'c /-t" d9avdrwv mody icai idnaf K- XtiiOot; ( gen. of separation ), 5 380, 9 352. Si] : wow, just, indeed, really, etc. ; a particle marking degree of time, qual- ity, or emphasis, mostly untranslatable by a single word ; postpositive except in the initial phrases cy TOTS, St) yap, Sri irdf^nrav, T 342 ; nai &j not yipac, avTOQ dfyaiprfaiaQai dirtiXuc,, and ' here now,' A 161 ; OKT-W Si) irpoinica oiarovq, 'full eight already,' 6 297 (so often w. numerals); appended to adverbs of time, OTI Sfi, 6\l/t Srj, to adjectives (esp. superlatives, Kapriaroi Sfj, 'the very mightiest '), to relative and interroga- tive pronouns, and to other particles, we cl), ii-onical ; ei Slj, if ' really ' ; dXXa &7, (yap) Si) (scilicet enim); esp. in wishes or commands, fif) Sfj, ' only ' ; I0i 17, ay ^17, etc. Sfj often coalesces with a following long vowel or diph- thong ('synizesis'), of)VTt, d/)_ourwe (not to be written S'). 8r|9a, 8176* : long, a Jong time. 8t)9vci> (S>j9d) : linger, tarry. ATJI-KOWV : a Trojan, E 533 ff. Srjios (Saiu) 1): burning, blazing; n-vp, B 415; met., destroying, hostile, pi., enemies, B 544 ; d/jiov dvSpa, Z 481. To be read with synizesis in several forms, crjioio, Sn,i<{i, etc. ArnoirtTTis : a son of Priam, A 420-f- STJIOTTIS, r/roe (^/;ioc) : conflict, com- bat. ATJI-OXOS: a Greek, O 341 f. SIJIOCD, 8^)ow (cfiioc,), opt. 3 pi. ^to- iptv, pass. ipf. 3 pi. SnioujvTo : slay, en down, destroy; with ace., and often also dat. instr., lyxfV, x n ^ K V' etc tyxti r)it'ni)v irtpi liarpdicXoio 9av6; rot, 'battling,' 2 195. Arji-iruXos : companion at arms ol Sthenelus, E 325f. Arji-irvpos : a Greek, N 576. At]i-<|>of3os : Delphobm, son of Pri am and Hecuba, a prominent warrior of the Trojans, M 94, S 276. Sr|Xcou.ai, fut. SnXriaop,ai, aor. (t)5ij- XrjaavTo : harm, slay, lay waste ; TIVC XaXictii, % 368 ; Kapirov, A 1 56 ; abs. S 102; met., pr) rtc viri.pftaai'g AIOJ opKia Sr]Xf](fT]Tai, F 107. 8i)XT||xa: destruction; of winds, Srj Xrifiara vnuv, ' destroyers,' /i 286. ST]\T]}JUOV, OVOQ: harming, destruc- ive; subst., destroyer, a 85. A-fjXo? : Delos, the island sacred as he birthplace of Apollo and Artemis, 162f. BfjXos : clear, evident; SijXov, v 333t. Atj)MJTT|p, AnfjiliTtpoi; and AtjfujTpog: Demeter (Ceres), 3 326, E 125, B 696. Sruuo-ep-yos (ftpyov): worker for 'he community, craftsman; of the seer, physician, joiner, bard, p 383 ff. STOICS, 2 (Sqpos) : pertaining to the community, of the people, public ; irpfj- ' idit), oil Si]fiioi;, y 82 ; t/;/zta Trivovmv, 'the public wine' (cf. ytpov- ioc ou'oe, A 259), P 250. STjfio - pdpos ( /3(/3pw ) : people- favouring, epitliet of reproach, A 231 f. : elder of the people ; of Trojan worthies, T 149 and A 372. : Demodocus, the blind bard of the Phaeaciaiis, B 44. (Od.) 8r](i66v : from among the people, r 197f. AT)P.O-KOIOV : a son of Priam, A 499f. AT]|AO-XV : a son of Antenor, Y 395f. AT)fj.o--n-ToX|Aos : a suitor of Penel- ope, x 266. 8-f)(jios : land, then community, peo- ple ; AvKing iv TTCOVI o/'/^ty, II 437 ; 4>ai/j/cov dvSpwv Sfjfiov TI TTO\IV rt, ^ 3; fig. Of]juoi/ ovtipuv, w 12; /3ncri\j/a I Trdi'Ta TE cfjuov,9 157; Slj^iov av- dpa, B 198 (opp. /3atrtX^nf icai to%ov r iv$pa, v. 188) ; cijuov iovra (= drjuov avopa). M 213. STIIXO'S : fat; of men, 9 380, A 818. Ar]}i-oi)xos : a Trojan, son of Phile- tor, Y 457. 8i]v (ofrjv, cf. din): long, a long time; OVTI ud\a fi]v, | N 573; ovd 1 dp' ITI Sfrjv, | /3 36. Note the scan- sion. Stjvaios (Pi]v) : long-lioed, E 407f. STJVOS : only pi., drjvea, counsels, arts. STJOOI : see Srfwa). 8tipiaop.ai, Si]pio)xai (Sfjptg), inf. EnpidaaOai, imp. npiadff9iav, ipf. Sn- PIOWVTO, aor. SnpiaavTo, aor. pass. dep. 8npivOr]Tni> : contend ; mostly with arms, T irtpi Ktfipiuvuo \eov9' we, Sn- piv9i]Tnv,U 756 ; less often with words, Tritaoiv, Q 76, 78, M 421. (Sfiiv): long; ypovov, 3 206, 305 ; usually adv., Srjpo'v, iirl Sfnpov, I 415. 8t]o-d 328 ; Sid S' CIVTOV iriipiv oSovrwv, II 405 ; with another adv., Sid S' dfnrtpig, ' through and through,' A 377, etc. II. prep.,.(l) w. gen., (alyXn) Si atOi- poc. ovpavbv IK(.V, B 458 ; Sid vi}aov iwv, ' along through,' fi 335 ; o S' tirpt.- ITE icat Sid irdvruv, ' among,' ' amid,' M 104. (2) w. ace., local (temporal) and causal ; cut Swfiara Tronrvdovra, A. 600 ; fig., /.ivdoi', ov of' Ktv dvfip yt ^id arofia Traf-iirav dyoiro, S 91 ; fii] Trwf leal Sid I'vuTO. Kapr]KO/j.6wi>Ti<; 'A%aioi \ Qtvytiv up/ii'iawvrat, 'during' the night, 6 511 ; Si dra) ; iv Siafias, ' planting himself firmly,' M 458 ; go through, cross, rd^pov, M 50 ; I'IQ "HXt5cD, aor. part. SiayXatydaa: scoop out, S 438|. St-d-yw, aor. 2 Sirjyayov: carry across or over, v 187f. 8ia - ScpKOfxai, aor. opt. SiaSpdicoi : look through at, S 344f . 810 - S-qXeopai, aor. SieSnXrjaavro : tear in pieces, % 37f . Si-dei : see Sian^i. Sia-ciSo|iai (Siaf.\ fut. SiativiTai : appear through, be discernaltle, N 277 ; causative, t}v dpfrtjv Siatiatrat, ' will give his prowess to be seen,' 535. 8iaiire'fiv : see Sit itrov. 81 - aT]|xi, ipf. Sidti ( vidr} ) : blow through, t 478 and T 440. 8ia - 0idw (9etiov) : fumigate with sulphur, x 494f. 8ia-0pTJirrw, aor. pass. part. Siarpv- tv : break in pieces, shiver, T 363f. Siaivoj, aor. iSinve: wet, moisten. (II.) 8ia-K6ipci>, aor. inf. SiaKtpaai : cut short, frustrate, 6 8f . 8ia - K\d(u, aor. part. SiaicXdffffdf : break in twain, E 216f. 8ia-Kocr[ico, aor. mid. Sif.KOfffii]aavTO, aor. pass. opt. Siaicoafin9t7tv : dispose, marshal, put in order, mid., neyapov, X 457. Sia-KpiSov (icpivia) : decidedfi/ ; dpi- (7Toc, M. 103 and O 108. Sia-Kptvco, fut. Siaicpivifi, aor. SiiKpl- ve, opt. Siaicpivtit, pass. aor. "SiticpiOnv, 3 pi. SifKpi9fi', opt. SiaKpivOelre, inf. Siaicpiv9fifiei>ai, part. -9svTe, -9ivra<;, pert', part. SiaKticpifitvoc., mid. fut. inf. SiaicpivetffQai : part, separate, distin- guish; (aiiroXia) iirti K vou, aor. Sidfinae : cut through, T 359 and H 253. 8iafi\i(rr( : see fjuXtiori. 8ia-p.cTpe&> : measure off, F 3 1 5f. 8ta - p.TpTjr6s : measured off, laid off, T 344f.^ 8ia-u.oi.pdou.ai (uolpa): portion out, 434|. 81 - ap. - rape's ( 7Ti'|oa) ) : piercing through, through and through ; ' in un- broken succession,' H 171, x 190, 11 ; of time, forever, constantly, with aiii, rjfjiara irdvra, O 70, 209. (Some- times oid d' dpirtpec,, A 377, P 309, 422.) Si-av-Six a (&'x a ) : between two ways, in two ways ; fitpurjpi^tiv, ' between two resolves,' foil, by /, jj, N 455 ; ffoi Si didvci%a CuJKt, 'a divided gift' (i. e. only one of two gifts), I 37. Si-avvw, aor. dirjvvaEv: finish, 517f. 8ia-TTp9w, aor. 1 SitTrtpffa, aor. 2 Su- vpaQov: utterly sack or destroy; aor. mid. cinrpdQeTo, w. puss, signif., O 384. 8ia - TreTOjiai, aor. SIBTTTUTO : fly through, Jlii away out, a 320. 8ia - ir\T]o-i : cleave asunder, sever, 1 71 and n 316. 8ia-T(iii-ya>, aor. inf. iarfi.rjai, aor. 2 Surfiayov, aor. 2 pass. SuTfidyriv, 3 pi. di rate; v : cut apart, cleave, sepa. ^df, sc. T/uwac, * 3 ; tig., n'tya Xair/ia cisr^ayoi/, r\ 276, 409 ; freq. pass, as dep., rw y' we, fiovXtvaavTe. diirnayiv, ' parted,' A 531. Sia - rpt'xw, aor. 2 SitSpafiov : run through or over, y 177 and t 100. Sia-rpcu), aor. Siirpiaav : flee in dif- ferent directions, scatter in flight, (II.) 8ia-Tptps (rpvyn): bearing (strict- ly, 'to be gathered') in succession, w 342f. 8iaTpvcv : see ciaOpinrrw. Sia - 4>aivo|iai : be visible through, Ttvoc, 491, K 199; glow throughout, t 379. 8ia-0eipw, fut. dia^eepan, perf. Sil- 9opac;: utterly destroy ; perf., intrans., 'thou art doomed,' (M28. 8ia-4>pau>, only aor. 2 SitTreQpaai: indicate distinctly, tell fully, give direc- tions, 47. 8i-a4>vo-o-, aor. Sif)^vfft: draw off entirely, consume; tear away (bv rip- ping), TroXAoi' dt Cii](j>vfff aapKug bcovri (ffvc.), T 450. Cf. d(j>i>ff(T<*>. 8ia-x'w: only aor. 3 pi. cisxtvav, quartered (cut in large piece?, opp. fii- oru\\ov). SiSao-Kw (root da), aor. (t)iaKa, pass. perf. inf. tiddx9ai : teach, pass., learn ; fiSaaKoutvoQ TtoXifjioio, ' a be- ginner, tiro in righting,' n 811. 8t&r]|u (parallel form of ciu 2), ipf. 3 sing, cici), imp. Sictvruv (v. 1. Sevv- rwi-) : bind, A 105 and ^ 54. 8i8v|ifi.wv, ovog: only dual and pi., twin - brothers, twins ; with Traldt, IT 672. SiSufjLos (cvo): twofold; pi. subst, twins, ^641. SiSwjii, 8i86, besides reg. forms also didolc, fiol, only aor. ir/Xapa8 : 8iirpa9ov : see SicirraTO : see Siairerouai. Si-eirw, ipf. Sitire, ditiirouev : follow up, move through, attend to ; Koipaviw Sitirt yrparov, B 207 ; OKi]irav'uf Sinr' dvipas, i. e. in order to disperse them, i2247. Si-pya>, only ipf. SikEtpfov : hold apart, M 424f.' 8i-peV : only aor. Sirjptaa, pad- dled hard, \tpai, \i 444 and g 861. Siepos : doubtful word, living, 201, quick, i 43. Si-cpxofiai, fut. inf. SieXivotaQat, aor. Stf)\0ov: pass through, with ace. and with gen. 8u-0-iXos : dear to Zeus ; epith. of heroes, once of heralds, 9 517, and once of Apollo, A 86. 8iKau> (&RJJ), aor. citcaaav, imp. ^t- Kaaaart : act., of the judge, pronounce judgment, decide; mid., of the parties, seek justice, contend, X 545, /j, 440. SIKCUOS ( CiKt] ), -oTipoc., -oraroQ : right, righteous, just. Adv., Sucaiws. SIKOUT - ir6Xnirr9ct, aor. SlvndrjTtjv, -Orjvai, -Otic, : turn Sfvr, 7 round and round, whirl ; of a quoit, i]Kf Si Slvi^aaQ, sent it ' whirling,' i. e. making it whirl, "* 840; of 'twirling' the heated stake thrust into the eye of the Cyclops, iv 6. Sivijeis, BVTOS : eddying. SIVWTOS (6nj): turned, rounded; freely applied to ornamental work, N 407, V 56. 8io- - yvijs, gof : descended from Zeus, Zeus-born, epith. of kings. AioCev : from Zeus, by command of Zeus. Bi-oierrevw, fut. inf. Sio'iffTivaf.iv, aor. hoiartvaa : shoot an arrow through, Tivvf, T 578, etc. ; of shooting across an interval, i. e. from one cliff to an- other, n 102. AIO-K\TJS : son of Orsilochus of Phe- rae, y 488. Si-rfXXii|u : only perf. 2, ovd' tri K&- XuJC | oTxrof tubs dto\u\f, 'it is no longer fair the way my house has gone to ruin, /3 64. Aio-pi&r) : a slave of Achilles, daughter of Pliorbas of Lesbos, I 665f. Aio-pjSijs : Diomed, the son of Ty- deus, and one of the most brilliant of the Homeric heroes. Book E receives its title from his exploits (Aioju/dove dptffTtia), but they are prominent else- where also. Diomed and Glaucus, Z 119-236. He returned in safety to Argos, y 180 ff. Aiov : a town in Euboea, B 538f. Aiovutros : see Aiiiivvaoc,. 8i-oirTvw: only fnt. part., Sioirrtv- ffitiv, to spy about, K 451f. 8l-OTm]p, t~lf>0 : SCOllt, K 562f . BIOS, 8ia, 8w>v (Slfoi;, Atof) : divine, an epitliet applied with great freedom and with consequent weakening of force ; only fem. as applied to gods, Sia 9(&, K 290; ST 'ApoSirrj, so ^Ia Otdwv, also dla yvvaiKwv, ' divine of women ' ; applied to Charybdis, /i 104 ; to the swineherd Eumaeus ('noble'), TT 56 ; to one of Hector's horses, 185 ; also to inanimate things, the sea, earth, lands, rivers. MM Atos : a son of Priam, Q 251. 8io-Tpe 223 ; and of the Phae- acians as related to the gods, 378. 8i-ir\a|, OKOC (irXiicw) : doubled, laid double, ct/fiuc, 243 ; as subst., sc. X\al va, double mantle, T 1 26. 8i-irXdos : double. 81 - ir-ruf, n^of ( Trrvaau ) : folded double (in two layers), Kviai), A 461, etc. 8{-irrvx<>s dixrvZ, Xwirr], see &- o): twice, t491f. 8ur-0avT]s, i of : twice-dying, ju 22f. Siaicea) : hurl the discus, 9 188f. SICTKOS ( SiKtiv ) : discus, quoit, of metal or stone. Hence Sicricovpa (ov- pov), n. pi., a quoit's cast, V 431, 523. (For the attitude in throwing the quoit, see cut, after Myron's famous statue of the Discobolus.) 8!4>d: dive after; ri}Qta, II 747f. Sipos : ( 1 ) chariot - box, chariot ; usually war-chariot, but for travelling, y 324.' (See cut No. 10). (2) stool, low seat without back or arms. SIX, ipf. Sis, Siov, mid. subj. SirjTai, SiwvTai, opt. Sioiro : act., intrans. )t /fe, Biaflew X 251 ; fear, be afraid; mid., causa- tive, scare or drive away; of the hound, ov TI (jtvyeaKe KvaiCaXov OTTI Sioiro, that he 'started,' 'chased,' p 317; iirti K' OTTO vavtyi \iuyr\v tvoTrrjv Tt Sinrai, ' repel,' II 246. 8i-w0u>: only aor. oiwat, forced away, tore away, 244f. 8i(tfK(o: trans., pursue, chase, drive, intr., speed, gal/op; iipfia Kai iTTTrovt,- | OvXv/HroWf diwice, 6 439 ; pass., vnvq pifiipa SuoKouivi), 'sped,' v 162; mid. trans., $ 602, ff 8 ; act. intr. often. AIOJVT) : the mother of Aphrodite, E 37o. Aiwvvo-os : Dionysus ( Bacchus), the god of wine, Z 132 ff., & 325, X 325, to 74. Audptjs : (1) son of Amarynceus, a leader of the Epeians, B 622. (2) father of Automedon, P 429. 8(ATj6eis, 8(vr](h]T : see ddfivijfu. SjAYJcris (dduvtjui) : taming, P 476-J-. 8jii]T6ipa (c*dfivi]fu) : subduer; vv, 3 259f Ap.iJTup (' Tamer') : a name feigned by Odysseus, P 443. Sp.wij (cduvr)fii): female slave; often by capture in war, 307 ; freq. dfiwai SJJLUS, otof (dd/ivr]ui): slave; often by capture in war, S 644, TT 140; SuOttG dvdpi, fj, 230. SvoiraXt^o) : doubtful word, dvfjp S' dvfip' iSi'oirdXi&v, hustled, A 472 ; i)}(in>oc,: observe sharply, roatch; rivd, 325, f 274 ; abs., ttrriy- ti ctSoKijuivoc,, ' on the watch,' O 730. SOKE'U, aor. CoKTjtre : think, fancy, usually seem; 3oK*w vtKi]at[jfi>"EKropa Ciov, H 192; coKfti ci uoi taSt Kai auTfp | \WLOV irTrrtvOfti, Z 338. SOKOS, / (6t\ouai) : beam, esp. of a roof, 176. SoXios (doXoc, ) : deceitful, deceiving. A6Xio9 : a slave of Penelope. 8oXix - ov\os ( aii\oQ ) : with long socket ; aiyavtr], i 156|. SoXtx - e-yx 1 !?. f S ( '7Xe ) : armed with long spears, 4> 155f. 8oXix-iipcT|xos (tpeTp.6g): long-oared, making use of long oars ; epith. of ships, and of the Phaeacian men. (Od.) SoXixos : long, both of space and time, dopv, uS6<;, VOVGOQ, viil-,, ^/ 243; adv., doXixov, K 52. 8oXixo-o"Kios (a6i>, a 296 ; j8i'jj0t, t 406 ; pi., wiles, i 19, 422, T 202 ; SuXov (S6\ov S ) vai- veiv, Ttv-xtiv, dprvHv, ToXoirivtiv. 80X0 - 4>povo)v, -Kirrjii : devising a trick, artful-minded. 8oXo-(bpoo-vKn : wile'f 97 (pi.) and 112. A6Xo\|r, OTTOC : (1) pi., the Dolopians, 1 484. (2) a. A Trojan, the son of Lampus, O 525. b. A Greek, the son of Clvtius, A 302. AoXuv (SuXof) : Dolon, the spy, son of Eumedes, K 314 ff., hence the name of the book, AoXwvtia. (See cut, No. 23). So;j.ovSe : adv., into the home. % 479 ; homeward, home, Q 7 1 7 ; ovde SofiovSe, to his house, to his home. Sofios (Setiw) : house, home, denoting a dwelling as a whole ; usually sing, of temples, and when applied to the abodes of animals, but often pi. of dwellings of men; (' Mnvairi^) iepoio Souoio, Z 89, H 81 ; "AiSoc, Souof, also 'AiSao S6/j.oi, (fifjXuiv) TTVKIVOV Sofiov, M 301 ; ovS' diro\f.'nrovaiv KolXov So- fiov (ffi]Kff), M 169. 8ovaKvs (dovaZ) : thicket of reeds, 2 576f. So'va^, awe.: reed; shaft of an ar- row, A 584. 80VW { Sove'co, aor. i$6vr)aa : move to and fro, agitate, shake; of the wind driving the clouds before it, vtyea aKiutvra Sovfyr&c, M 157. So|a (SoKsto) : expectation, view; ovS' dvo SobiQ, K 324 and X 344. See diro, ad tin. 8opos ( Sipta ) : leather bag, ft 354 and 880. Sopirew, fut. -rjaopiv, ipf. 3 du. Sop- Trtirin' : sup. Bopirov : evening meal or meal-time, supper; pi., Sopira, 503. Sdpv, gen. Sovparot; and Sovpug, dat. Sovpan and Sovpi, du. Sovpf, pi. Sov- para and Sovpa, dat. Sovpaai and $01;- ptffffi: (1) wood, beam, and of a living j Tf. Kol "Hp^, thundered, A 45 (cf. tpiySov- TTOC) ; often Sovirriaiv Ct irtadiv, fell with a thud, and without Trffrwi', dov- Tfrjaai, N 426 ; fodovTroroe OldiiroSdo \ if raov, 679. See dowTrot;. Soviros (cf. KTVTTOC;) : any dull, heavy sound, as the thunder at the gates of a besieged town, dft^l Trv\a<; ofiaSog (eat SovTrot; 6pwpt | irupytav fiaXXofii- vuv, 1 573 ; of the din of battle, com- i 8p6|ios pared to the echo of woodmen's axes, n 635 ; the roar of the sea, t 401 ; or of a mountain torrent, A 455. Cf. SoVTTtUi. Sovpdreos (Sopv) : wooden; I'TTTOC, 9 493, 512. Sovp - T]vtKi]s ( f 6pv, fjvtyKov ) : a spear's throw, neut. as adv., K 357f. Sovpi - KXeiros and Sovpi - icXvTOS : renowned in the use of the spear. Sovpi-KTTjTOS ( KTCLOf^at ) : acquired by the spear, captured in battle, I 343f. Sovpa, Sovparos : see Supv. Sovpo-SoKi] (cf^o/irti) : spear-receiv- er, case or stand for spdr) : lacer- ate, tear; mid., reciprocal, irapuac, 'each other's cheeks,' /3 153. 8pvs, VOQ ( Sopv ) : tree, oak; prov., ov 7rot,' vvv tffrtv dirb Spvbt; ovd' CLTTO irirprjQ bapi'^nv, X 126 ; OVK dirb Spvbt; ovd' dirb irirprjc; iaai, r 163. From tree or rock, in both proverbs. 8pv - rojaos ( Tt\s.v(ji ) : woodcutter, woodman; with ctvnp, A 86. 8puioi(ju, Spuucri : see c/idw. 80 : see dixit, 8uda> (Suti): pinnae in misery, v 195*. SUIT) : mixtry, misfortune. (OJ.) AvjAoLs: (1) a Phrygian, the father of Hecuba, IT 718. (2) a Phaeacian, ? 22f. 8up.evai : see Suta. Cvfdp.(fda, fut. S aor. (i)()vi>T]ffaTO, pass. cvvaaQr) : be able, have power, avail; Oeoi Si TE irdvTO. Cuvavrai, K 306 ; dvdpbg p.kya Svvaiiivoio, 'very powerful,' X 414, a 276. Avvaixe'vtj : a Xereid, S 43f. Suvajxis : power, strength. 8ovb> and 8uw, fut. ^Oerta, ipf. Svi't, iter. SvcFKe, aor. 1 tcvya, aor. 2 tdvv, v, subj. ^sw, opt. coi], inf. cvvai, c part. OVVTU, pert'. SeSvice, mid. fut. Siiffofiai, aor. iBr/ffaro, Siiatro, opt. cvaaiaro : go into or among, enter, and (apparently trans.) JOM< on, Sow, ^troiva, rtv^a, Ouiptjica, and with prepositions ; with reference to place the verb is either abs. (ijiXioc; 5" up' t^u, dixrero B' fiiXtoQ, set), or foil, by ace. of limit of motion, or by prepositions (ei'c, a. inseparable prefix, opp. iv, 8v>): ill -sounding (h o r r i s o n u s), epith. of war and of death in war. (II.) 8vo--6aXir^s, iog (QdXiros): ill-warm- ing, chilly, P 549. Svcr - KcXaSos : ill-sounding; Qufiof, attended bv the cries of pursuers and pursued, n' 357f. 8vo--KT)8TJs, (.OQ (KTJSoc;): troublous; vu', e 46t. Svcr-KXeTjs (cXsot,'), ace. SvaicXea : in- glorious, B 115 and I 22. SUO-KOV : see ddvw. 8-2 law Svcr-wtveW (pivoc) : bearing ill-will. (Od.) : hostile, subst.,enemy. : only voc., my motlier, yet no mother, \jj 97f. Sve\os : word of doubtful meaning, boisterous, angry sea, II 748f. 8vi>u. Sucu : two, see &>o. 8v*i8cic(a) = SvoicaiSfKa, K 488, B 637 ; BvcoStKaros = iWe/caroe, A 493., worth twelve oxen, 8va> - Kai - fiKocri - fierpos : holding twenty-tico measures, * 264f. Sv(d-Kai-EiKo\., givers, 9 325f. 8T] : defective aor. pass., a doubt- ful word, used twice, tv\ $' dairir; id9ri Kai KopvQ, N 543 (similarly 3 419), followed. cdu, claw, iw, tw, iayc, etc., ipf. titav, e'idc, a, td, iter. (arroj', taaicfc, fut. HUTU, aor. tidoa, tdacti,, etc. : let, permit, let alone, let be, OVK iuv, pre- vent, forbid; inrtp yap tpOoviw re Kai OVK tlut SiaTrtpaai (note OVK tlw in the condition), A 55, B 132, 832 ; TraiV, la Si X^ov, 'give up' thy wrath, I 260; 'iirirovG tdae, 'left standing," A 226; TOV fiiv tirur' tidaf, him he ' let lie,' O 317 : with inf. of the omitted act., K\t- \f/ai fitv idffofiti', ' we will dismiss ' the plan of stealth, Q 71. Some forms] are often to be read with synizesis, ty, tU, tdllllV, kilQOVGlV, ~~ t&iav: see ivc,. E(35o,iaTos and ?f)Sopo? : seventh ; fflcufidrg, on the seventh day, K 81, 252. aatri : see iyyiyvopai. fy-ytivopai : engender, T 26f. -y-'Yi'Y vo l JLai> : only perf. syyeyaafm/, are in, live in or there. ^y-yvaXiu> (yuaXoj'), fut. -w, aor. tyy?;A(f : />!<< into 'or/i wear, near ; of time, T 409 ; of relationship, i\ 205. ijs : near, of time or space, with gen. or without. Y8ovirTjoq KOV\E<^\ 98f. Y-iaTa-Tt6Tj(ii, aor. feyKar0ro, imp. iyKurOto : deposit in, jplace in, 'ifiavra KO\TT(,J, 3T 219; met., an/v 0w/ty, 'con- ceive ' infatuation, ty 223; rtXa^wva ty iyKarQ(.TO re^vy, 'conceived in (uv) his art,' or perhaps better 'included in (among the specimens of) his art,' X 614. ey-Ki|j.ai, fut. iyiceiatat : lie in, t'i- fiaaXos (Ke(pa\fi) : brain. rY-Kipvt](ii, aor. part, iyntpdadaa : mix in, olvov, 9 189f. cYKXdo) : see it'iK\dm. iy-tn\ivia: only perf. pass, (met.), irovog vuui iyKiicXirai, rests upon you, Z78f. ey-Koveu : be busy, only pres. part., ffropeaav \e\o^ iyKoviovaai, 'in haste,' Q G48, TJ 340, $ 291. cy-KO(r|j.E(o : put in order within, v?;< Ttv\ta, o 218|. iy-Kpvirra, aor. eveicpv^t : hide in, bury in, SdXbv oiroSiy, t 488f . ty-Kvpta, aor. tv'tKvpaf. : meet, fall in with, N 145f. lpco, -era, - vixpip.WTO), aor. part. ty^pi'ju^af, mid. ipf.ty^p/^Trroi'ro, pass. aor. imp. tyxpi/^/jrw, part, iyxpipty- Oflf, imxpiu(j>()ivra : press close to, draw near; of running close to the turning- post in a race, * 334, 338 ; grazing the boar by a lance - point, E 662 ; crowding close in combat, P 413 ; ap- proaching very near, N 146. e-yii, cywv, besides the usual forms, IBdTjv 84 also gen. t/mo, ifiiv, ipko, I, me. >: see AA. 'ds ( ftSavog, fiSvt 172-f. eSdo-aTO, -ertraro : see SaTtofiat. ?Saos : floor, of a ship, E 249f. 32 (See cut 32.) b, beams running parallel to c, viStQ, gunwale; d, K\rfiStQ, row-lock, thole-pin; e, tncaX/io/, part of the gun- wale on which the oar rests, bed of the oar; f, %vya, thwarts (should cross the vessel) ; g, Oprjvvg, braces for the feet ; h, ticpia, ribs ; i, Tpoirig, keel; k, appoviai, slabs, sustain- ing the floor ; I, tdcupof. floor ; m, keelson, was probably not distinguished from i, keel. (See also plate No. IV., at end of vol.) cSSeio-c, eSei8i.fj.fv : see Seicoj. : see t'<-jn>>. see ct%o[iai. vs, vog (tdw) : food. t : see t8w. ?8vov (ficvov), only pi. fSva, 8va : ( 1 ) bridal gifts, present- ed by the suitor to the father of the bride, as if to purchase her. (2) dowry of the bride, given to her by her father, a 277. cSvoirdXi^cv : soo $voira\i%ti). eSvoto, ccSvdw (tSvov): aor. mid. opt. ttvv, inf. tSfjitvai, ipf. tov, iter. idiffKE, tut. H"O/(( ? perf. part. idt]dwg, pass. perf. icijSo- rai: eat; of both men and ani- metaph., 'consume,' 'devour,' ' gnaw ;' olKov , KTtj^ara, a 375 ; a\\o S' -iffJi'tTtpov KafiaTov VI'ITTOIVOV tSovaiv, 'the fruits of our toil,' 417; Ovfibv tdwv, /3|0w/i;c S' ov% aVrfrtt, K 379, i 75. 33 tV mals : (tdw) : food, meat, fodder. ic : see ov. ecSva, eeSvdw, ceSvwrijs : see tSvov, icvou, iSwTiie. 85 yap i.Koo-a-|3cHos (iftiK.) : worth twenty cattle, a 431 and x 57 - etiKoori(v) : see t'iKOffiv. eeiKoa-opog (tfiiK.): ttcenty-oared, t 322f. eetKocrros = etKoaros. eeiXeov : see i ?Xw. euo-d^evos, eeurao, -aro : see (1) tiow, (2) a/u. io-ao-6r|v : see tipi. 'X8o(j.ai, ee'XSup : see tXSoftat, tX- eXy.e9a, e\|Jievo<;, ceXaai : see EiXw. cXirofiai : see tXiroftat. pYQ.6cj see ipyaQtii. ctp-ye, eepYJAevos : see tpyia. lepYvujit. see KaTepyvvfii. eepfxe'vos : see Eipw. cc'po-r), eeparjcis : see Eporj, ipai'itic. eepro : see tipw. etpXiTO : see tpyw. cca-o-aro, fco-ro : see tvvvfii. eearo-aTO : see Eija. l^ofxai (root *$), 2 sing, s^tat, imp. t&o, e&w, ipf. t'6fii]v: sit down, take a seat; in dodging a spear, X 275 ; fig., of the sinking of the scale, Krjpte iiri xOovi f&oOriv, 6 74. t) : see te/zf. TJK : see 'itjf.ii. TJV : see il/ii. cijvSave : see av^avw. Itjos : see euf. T]S : see oc. etjs : see tog. erio-Oe, Irjo'i : see tlui. 6' = fn. c'Ocipa, only pi. tOtipai: horse-hair, of the mane and tail of horses, and of the plume of a helmet. 0ipo> : till, a\wr}v, 4 347f . eSeXovTTjp, f;poc : volunteer, ft 292f. cOeXw, subj. t0e\w/, ipf. t0Xov, ?y06- Xfrov, iter. i0Xff/cg, fut. WtXyau, aor. idiXrjffa : will, wish, choose, with neg., be timvilling, refuse; ovS' tOi\f irpope- uv (vdup), * 366, A 112; so OVK iQt- \(uv, woXXd fjia\' OVK iQiXovroQ, ' sorely against his will ;' in prohibitions w. ft?/ (noli), ni]TE ffi>, nri\tinJ9t\' ipi- ZepEvai fiafftXfii, A 277 ; foil, by otipa, A 133. efiev = ov. e9T)v|A0a : see dqcopai. eOvos (PiQvog) : company, band, host; of men, erdpwv, Xawv, viicpwv, also of ' swarms,' ' flock?,' of bees, flies, birds, etc. eflopov : see 9pwffK r)m<>\tf> flwOoTi, 'their accustomed driver, E 231. el: if,ifonly,whetfier; conjunction used in the expression of a wisli or a condition, and in indirect questions. I. As particle of wishing, ' or tl yap, would that, O tliat, is foil, by the opta- tive. II. Interrogatively, whether, foil, by such construction as the meaning requires, e. g., tcardXgov \ tl cat Aaip- ry avrffv bdbv ayyfXoc tX9w, ' am to go,' TT 138. III. In conditional clauses el (el fj.it), and with the subj. often (sometimes w. the opt.) tl KSV, rarely w. av, (.1 S' av ifioi T7/i?)v Ylpiafiog Ilpia- ftoto TE iraifttQ | rivuv OVK i9i\it>aiv, T 288. Conditions of which the con- clusion is vague are sometimes regard- ed as interrogative, e. g. avmrtvTank- vdf t\ov dvtpi, ti TIV tTaipuiv \ in noXefiov tvyovra aaMOiiav, they held the gates open, in case they might be able to save some fugitive, M 122; thus often irov or et Trwf, ' in the hope that,' 'on the chance that,' etc. With other particles, el Kai, if also (or denoting concession, though), xal tl (ovS' EI", /;?' EI), even if, denoting op- position ; EI rt . . tl TS (sive . . sive), w tl, tic tl TE, tl Sri, EI irtp, EI y (q. v.) ; in ft d' aye (q. v.), tl is probably an in- terjection. ciap.cvT) (cf . ^/iat) : low-lying pasture or water-meadow; tv tia^'tvy tXtoq //E- 70X010, A 483 and O 631, once men- tioned as the home of a poplar-tree, and once as a pasture for kine. elavds : see cavo?. elapivos (feap) : of Spring, vernal, wpr], dv9ea, voriai. eiacra, ciaaKov : see eaoi. ciarai, ciaro : see i'niai. eia.ro : see t ifii. tipo) (cf. XWj3X ip f - "^o fall, always with cdicpvov. cl yap : see ', I. 1 ei ye : y, since (s i q u i d e m) ; usu- ally separated as ti ireov y, but ti ye. (lev, f 206 ; and tl y' owr . . ye, E 258. cl 8' aye (aysre): , I. cISos, ( oe ( fiS ), dat. diti : appear- ance, looks, esp. of the human counte- nance, and mostly with & suggestion of beauty ; f req. as ace. of specifica- tion with adjectives, and often coupled w. /tgy0oe, vrj, Se/^ag. Of a dog, ra- j(i>g Oieiv iiri eldei T(j>Se, a fast runner with all that good looks,' p 308. eiSw (root fid): an assumed pros., answering to the tenses enumerated below, meaning (I) see, seem, and (II) know.~1. (1) see, look, aor. 2 eiSov, idov, subj. T(5w, iflw/, opt. iSoifit, imp. idf, inf. IStiv, ISeiiv, part. lSi!>v, mid. aor. 2 icJ6/i?jv, i'doiro, tWoiro, subj. i<5w/iat, opt. icfoiro, imp. idtaOe, inf. i&- , ilSsta, tido/Jiev, ilStrt, t!Sw, inf. tldi'ioeiv, tldtioepev: The meaning know comes as the re- sult of /taw .sem (cf. nosco, novi); with ace. oida may mean ' be skilled in,' and w. inf. ' know how,' see esp. H 237-241 ; special phrase, \apiv ilSs- vai, ' be grateful,' ' thankful ' ; another special signif., peculiar to Homer, is when the word denotes disposition or character, turn of mind ; v o rk uoi ftit whoever ' was inferior ' to me in run- ning, 221 ; aor. 1 trans., ini ijvia , 'give him free rein,' 337. (etXcnrivt)) : feast, be at the banquet. lXairivaiat, the .goddesses of child-birth. EtXe'o-iov: a town in Boeotia, B 499f. elXe'w : see tiXw. clXijXovOa, elXtjXov0p.v: see fpx- tlXi-iros , TTOVQ), only pi. ace. ciXioxrco 87 clvoSios Ei'XtTToCttc, dat. etXnroSeaffi : close-footed or (railing-footed; epith. of kiue, with reference to their peculiar rolling guit. elXicraw : see tXtucrw. elXov, elX6|AT)v : see aipiw. elXvarai : see gi'Xew. etXvfia (AiXow): wrapper, 179f. ya, Y 492f. elXv(j>d(o = EtXi;aw, A 156f. elXcw ( feiXSw ), f ut. elXvam, pass. perf. iiXv^iat, 3 pi. liXvarai, part. EtXv- H'IVOQ, plup. tcXi/ro: wrap, envelop, cover. eiXw, tlXe'w ( AiXew ), subj. ilXktaat, part, t iXtvvTa, ipf. EiXa, tiXeov, tEiXEOP, nor. 3 pi. tXaav, inf. tXaai, ieXaai, part. t'Xdac, pass. pres. part. e!X6(i.ivoi t ipf. E/XEVITO, aor. taXij, 3 pi. aXtv, inf. aXJj- j/i, dXijfiivai, part. dXt/e, perf. iiX/j.e- Oa, part. itXpevoc,: I. act. and pass., crowd together, hem in, shut up or o^V (Oiion the hunter) OrjpaQ U/MOV tlXtvv- rcr, X 573 ; (jiitttdg) siXtov tj/ aTtivci, odtv ov TTU) )/> rp, ' ac- cumulated,' ^ 420; ry (dffiridi) VTTO TTUQ taXi], 'crouched,' N 408 ; ivi di- p(ft yffro dXiit;, ' cowering close,' II 403 ; 'A%(X;a dXtie HBV(.V, i. e. all ready to charge upon him, $ 571, w 538. elfio ( Fivvvpi ) : garment, of any sort; pi., t'l^ara, clothing; freq. as pred. noun, irap' S' dpa ol fyapoi; Tt XiTaJvd TS fslfiaT 1 tOrjicav, ' as cloth- ing.' i. e. ' to wear,' 214. ctp.0,1 : see evvvfu. ei;iaprai, eifxapro : see fidpofiai, eip-c'v : see tlp,i. tljjievos : see 'ivvvfii. (i (] : if not, nnleus, except, ft 326. ijjii, 2 sing, tffffi, e"iQ (never il), I pi. lifitv, 3 pi. tdai, subj. tw, tiw, 3 tgai, yffi, 3 pi. twfft, wai, opt. 2 totf 3 tot, inf. t(n){iev(at), part, ton', tovaa, ioi>, ipf. ta, ]a, tov (tr\v), 2 triada, ija9a, 3 tjji>, )?*', jltv, du. ?y, A 211; and it is the usual verb to denote possession, daiv fioi irdiceg, K 170 ; o "/tf, rje, "if, yo/^ev, fjiaav, 'iaav, 7/iov, fut. e'iao* /icu, aor. mid, (fytiactTO : go, the pres. w. fut. signif., but sometimes w. pres. signif., esp. in comparisons, e. p. B 87. The mid. form peculiar to Homer has no peculiar meaning, "EicTiap avr Alavroc itiaaro, went to meet Ajax, O 415. elv iv. elvd-cTcs (ivvia, FITOQ): adv., nine years. clvaKis : vine times, ' 230f . elv-a.Xi.os ( aXf ) : in or of the sea, sea-. (Od.) elva-vvxes (ivvka, vv%) : adv., nine nights long, I 470f . clvdrEpcs (feiv. ): brothers' wives. (II.) etvaros (tvvid) : ninth. eivcKa = Vt/ca. lv( = iv. elv-oSios (6uc,) : in the way, II 260f. clvoo > i*yaiO9 = vv oaiyaiog. elvoo-i - v\\os ( tvoatg, tpuXXov ) : leaf- slinking , with quivering foliage, epitli. of wooded mountains. eijjaoxe : see CIKUI. etc : see ov. cloLKuiai : see toiica. elos = iwc- elira, iir|iev(ai) : see eiirov. etn-ep, i irep : if really, if; mostly in a concessive sense. elirov (root ATT, cf. voco), ttiirov, iter. t"nrs.aKe.v, subj. tlirwfii, tiTryoOa, aor. 1 tlTra, 2 pL tiirare : speak, say ; strictly of an utterance with regard to its tenor and ethical expression rather than to the subject-matter (cf. tiros); hence the word may signify 'com- mand' with foil, inf., tiiriiv rt yvvai- %iv | K\i)iaai fitydpoio Ovpds, 235 ; with nearer indication of the feeling, ev^bfjitvoQ o' dpa dirtv, t] 330 ; offloads d" dpa dire, S 5 ; tint ' dpa icXaiovoa, T 286 ; freq. w. obj., tiros, pvGov, ay- yiXinv, etc. ; so w. ace. of person named, oii<5' j]v 'Ayaftipvova zliryt;, ' pronounce the name of,' ' name,' A 90 ; iaToi [idv or dv avre tyiXrjv yXavKtainda eiiry, i. e. when I shall hear him call me by this name, 9 373, T 334. el irou, et irws ; see ' eipdcov : see tipj). ctpY< : see tpytu. efpepos ( root atp, cf. servus): bondage, 9 529. clpco-iT) (iptffffw) : rowing. (Od.) Eiperpia : Eretria, in Euboea, B 637J-. etprj r meeting-place (equiv. to dyo- pd), P'- 2 681f: eiprjau : see ttpoftai. elpi^vrj (eiptjrai) : peace; iir tlpf]vrj, ' in time of peace.' etpTjrai: see (1) f?/oo> 1. (2) elpo/jiai. eipiov : see tpiov. elpo-K6p,os (ico/6(ag tp'tovrra, B 49 ; ('Ewff^OjOOc) (j>6u>^ ipidtv tTti ya'iav, V 226. 2. eipw (root aep, cf. soro), only pass. perf. part. teppevoG, l;rjji>, 6 115, ft 152. II. prep. w. ace., into, to, for; is dX- Xt'iXovs t UOVTO, ' towards ' each oth- er, into each other's faces, Q 484; of purpose, tlTTfiv tls dyaOov, 'for' a good end, I 102; f/f artjv, 'to' my ruin, p 372 ; of time, tls iviavTov, i. e. up to the end of a year, 595 ; so ei'e o Kt, until; distributively, alei u's w/oa^, ' season after season ' (cf. in d i e s), t 135. Apparently w. gen., by an el- lipsis, ils 'Aicdo (sc. Sopor), is Tlpid- //oto, (i and by analogy, els AlyvTrroio (sc. vdup), els f/fUTspov, ft 55, etc. ts : see tipi. els, /iTrjp, ' one and the same ' moth- er as my own, T 293 ; adv. phrase, is ftlav ftovXfvtiv, be ' at one ' again in counsel, B 379. eiV< 'settled' them in Scheria, 8 ; tirl povaiv das fit, 'established' me in charge of), w 210; mid., tVi vnuz tiffffaru fie, 'took me on board ' of his ship, 295. cicr - a-YCipopai, ipf. iaaytiptro, aor. -aro : gather together in or for ; of a crew, 248 ; met., vkov d' iaaytiptTo Qvfjioi', 'was collecting' his powers, coming to life, O 240. ti-iKiva> = iiaa^iKvkofnai. ela - a(|) - iKveojiai, aor. opt. -iicoiTO, snbj. -iKijcti, -tKt]Tai, inf. -K(70at : arrive at, reach. ela-paivw, eo-paivw, aor. 2 opt. ttr- /3ait], part. itrfidvrtG : enter, esp. ^o 071 board ship, embark. eler - SepKOjxai, aor. eaeSpaKov : look at, discern. eicr-8'joj.iou, fut. tffSiirrfai: enter into, to take part in, aKovTiarOv, ^ 622f. eicrctSov : see eiffopdoj. t > part, -diiiv, aor. 3 pi. ft'crsXaaai', part. fiVfXarrairec : drive in; of a ship, rwn or row in. cur-epvti), aor. part. elTf<; : draff into, rfja airkog, fi 317f. clo--cpxop.ai, fut. taeXtvvouai, aor. 2 .iaij\Qov, iai]\vBov : come or go into, enter ; metaph., fiivoc, avopag ilafp\e- rai, viivr) dijuov, o 407. lt, part. tv ffioiKv. ' made himself look like' another man, S 247; i/it aol fi- ffKovrts, i. e. taking me for thee, II 41 ; TO fiiv dfififg iiaKOp.iv offffov 9' iarbv vnof, ' we judged it to be as large,' t 321 ; iiffKofitv aiov elvai \ roils tvo ai'Ti TTfQdaOai, 'deem it a fair equiv- alent,' N 446, * 332. cUr - (xaiofxai : only aor. (metaph.), Oavuv fidXa. fie itrfidooaTO O'vpov, ' searched into,' i. e. carried grief to my heart, P 564 and Y 425. eio--voo, aor. tiffevonoa : perceive. 10-080? : entrance, K 90f. elr - oixvew ( o'i\op.ai ), 3 pi. -evm, part, -tvaav : enter. (Od.) lpci> Oil CKaros clcr - o)>cp, ipf. tatytpov; carry in, mid., ( Trorrt/iot,' ) irti'Kds iaQtptTai, 'sweeps into its current,' A 495. eto- - 4>opu>, ipf. ifftyopeov: parallel form of i(70f'jOu>. : only aor. mid. (metaph.), Kara. TrvXdc;, they poured in at the gates, M 470 and $ 610. curw and r (ei'e): towards within, into; often following an ace. of end of motion, -iXiov tiata, ovpavbv tiaw, etc. ; w. gen., r) 135, 9 290. cl, etwv : see taw. ctws = ?w ff . K, before vowels t'f : o?<<. I. adv. (here belong the examples of 'tmesis' so-called), IK S' tvvus tpaXov, A 436 ; tK d' taffvTo Xuof, 58 ; a gen. in the same clause may specify the relation of the adverb, thus forming a transi- tion to the true prepositional use, tie ' ayayt (cXian/c (gen. of place whence) Bplar]tca, A 346. II. prep. w. gen., out of, (forth) from; of distance or separation, k fitXiwv, 'out of range,'. A 163; tK Kairvov, 'out of,' 'away from ' the smoke, TT 288; often where motion is rather implied than ex- pressed, as with verbs of beginning, attaching or hanging, tK Si row px" pivot;, 'beginning with that,' -fy 199; tK 7Tuvoc, 4 in con- sequence of,' I 566; sometimes nearly equiv. to VTTU, i. e. source for agency, Traa\uv n IK TIVOQ, e(j>iXi)9tv tK Awe,, B 669 ; phrases, t/e 9i>(iov iXtiv, i% iog fiaxtvai, etc. tic is accented ('anastrophe') when it follows its case, t%, E 865, 3 472, p 518. : Hecuba, the wife of Priam, daughter of Dymas, a Phrygian king, Z 293, 071 8. (II.) ac, fcpyov): far- iL'orkwg, far-worker, epith. of Apollo, the ' far-darter.' Some moderns are disposed to set aside the traditional interpretation in favor of new ones, in regard to which, however, they do not agree among themselves. IKCUJV : see icaiw. cKaOev ( FtKOQ ) : from far away, afar, far. 'EicajMiST) : daughter of Arsinous, and slave of Nestor, A 624. IKOIS (FtKas) : adv., far, remote; freq. w. gen., far from. Comp., CKa, sup. eKaa-TOLTco. eKourrodi : in each place, ' in each division,' y 8f. CKCUTTOS (fe.K.)'. each, each one; in sing, regularly w. pi. vb., and in iipp. to pi. subjects, o'i fiiv KaKKiiovTeQ tj3av oiKoi'St P'tKaoTOQ, 'each to his home,' A 606 ; pi., less common and strictly referring to each of several parties or sets of persons, T 1 ; sometimes, how- ever, equiv. to the sing., 486. tKaTcp0e(v) (ffK.) : from or on both sides. iicarrj-BcXe'Ttis, do = tKarnfloKog, A 75f. eKa.TT]-|36Xos (fEKarog, /BnXXw): far- darting, epithet of Apollo; subst., the 'far-darter,' O 231. eKaroY-X 61 ? 05 hundred- handed, A 402f. eKaTO-^vyos: with a hundred benches, vr)vc, an hyperbole, Y 247f. tKaTofi-p-ri (/3owc) : hecatomb; prop- erly, 'sacrifice of a hundred oxen,' but the number is a round one, as the heca- tombs mentioned always contain less than 100 head ; hence for 'sacrifice' generally, B 321, etc. tKaTop. - POLOS : worth a hundred oxen; ' the value of a hundred oxen, 1 , 4> 79. (II.) a hundred feet each way, ty 164J-. KaTO|i - iroXis : hundred - citied, in round numbers (cf. r 174), epith. of Crete, B 649f. iKaTojx-irvXos : hundred-gated, epith. of Egyptian Thebes, I 383f. cKdTov : hundred; freq. as a round number, alone and in compounds. OCO.TOS (ftKag) : far-working, subst., I the /ar-worker ; epith. of Apollo; cf. ' (II.) 91 eK-(3aivoj, aor. 1 part. k/S/jaairee, aor. 2 imp. ttcflnrt : ^o ow, esp. go ashore, disembark ; aor. 1 trans., 'put- ting you ashore,' w 301. K-p, aor. 2 part. iicSiafiav- TfQ: pass quite over, K 198f. CK - SiScojii, aor. 2 imp. ticSore : de- liver over, T 459f. K-86vu), EKSu(l>, ipf. tK&Vl't, HOT. Opt. ticSvutv, part, iicdos, mid. ipf. t&cuov- TO : get out from, put off, doff; iicSvs fUYapOtof x 3^4 ! tK^vve \irGjva, a 437; Ttv-xia r itcvovro, F 114; metaph., oXtOpov, ' escape,' II 99. licetec: there, p 10f. IKCIVOS, //, o, and KCIVOS : that one (i 1 1 e), /te, s/te; Kfivoc fikv TOI '6S' av- TO iyia, irartp, ov ait (itraXXqc;, ' I myself here am /w,' w 321 ; frcq. deic- tic, KE'voe o ye, yonder he is, T 391, E 604. Adv., Keivrj, there, v 111. eKCKacrro : see Kaivvpcu. cKCKXcro : see KtXo/j,ai. cKCKXiro : see KXivoi. eKT]a : see /cai'w. KT)-poXiTi (fticdc, fidXXw) : shooting far, pi., attribute of a hunter, E 54f. tKarrjjSoXog, epithet of Apollo. eKijXos (ftK.) and cvtcijXos : of good cheer, free from care, at ease ; often negatively, ' undisturbed,' ' unmolest- ed,' Z 70,'p 340; iron., 'iictjXoQ i^pkru', ' let him go to perdition at his leisure,' I 376. ?KT)TI (ftKtjTi) : by the will or grace (of a god). (Od.) eic-0vij : only aor. titQavov y&Xtfi, died a-laughing, a lOOf. iK-Opoio-KW, aor. l&9opt, Mope: spring or leap forth. eK-Ka9aipw : clean out, B 153f . IK - KCU - SCKO. - 8, aor. 2 iicXtXaOov, mid. aor. iicXddtTO, t&Xd9ovTo, subj. kXeXa- Ouvrai, opt. -oiro, inf. -ioQai: act., causative, make to forget utterly; Tivd TI, B 600; mid., forget utterly; TIVUQ, also w. inf., K 557. EKXe'eo : see icXeiia 1. ?K - XTJCTIS ( Xr;0w ) : forgetting and forgiving, w 485f. iK-Xtlco, mid. fut. ticXdero/iori, pass. aor. IfrXidt,, E 293 (v. 1. i^avQrj): loose from, mid., set free from, w. gen., K 286. cK-|iipo|j.ai : only perf., QiOiv i&p.- juope rl/ij/c, has won a high share in the honor of the gods, e 335f (v. 1. . part. tKuvfyaac, : suck out, A 218f. IK - vocrrcw, aor. part, i Kvotrrrfaaf : return from, (J.d.x>1C (v. 1. /*XJC tie). eK-irayXos, sup. tKirayXoraroQ : ter- rible, both of persons and of things ; adv., CKira-yXov, CKira-yXa, liciraKfxicro-w 92 terribly, but often colloquially weak- ened, ' exceedingly,' tK7ray\a QiXtiv, F 415 (cf. alvct, aiVwc). K - iraido-CIOQ ) : only inf. (metaph.), shine forth, of brilliant per- formance, or perhaps of lightning swiftness, E 803f. iK-irdXXw : only aor. mid., ticTraXro, spirted out, Y 483f. eK-TraTao-trw : strike out ; only pass, perf. part, (metaph.), typtvac, iKwtira- ray/ifVog, 'bereft of sense,' a 327f (cf. tKK\i'iaaw). IK - ire'nirw, aor. tKtren^a : send out or away, mid., from oneself ; conduct forth, 12 681. eKireirorai : see tKTrivw. K-7TEpdu>, tKTT(pdti, having called him forth to herself, /3 400f . cK-irpo-Xciiro> : only aor. 2 part. K- TrpoXnrovTfs, going forth and leaving, the wooden horse, 9 51 5f. IK-ITTVW: only aor. i&irrvat, spat forth, salt water, E 322f. *K - irvv0dvonai : only aor. 2 inf., search out. K. 308 and 320. Kpe'|j.cij : see Kptfiaficu. IK - pTJYvvfii, aor. i%fppij%a '. break or burst away, foil, by part, gen., * 421; of 'snapping' a bowstring, O 469. K-o-aow, aor. iZtaduoiv : save (from), Tivd (TIVOQ). IK-CTCVW, aor. mid. t^iffavTo, pass. i ZtavOr) : mid., rush or hasten forth; w. gen., H 1, i 373 ; fig., p\tw : ;or<# owf, mid., some- thing tliut is one's own, H 255. K-o-rp(j)w, aor. i&aTprfyt : twist or wrench out of ; tpvoi; /3o9pov, P 58f. eKxa, KTa9ev : see tcrtivw. cKraSios, 3 (rtiVw): broad; 'with ample folds,' ^XatVa, K 134f. tic - rajAvu, subj. turdfivyai, aor. ts- rafiov, tKTafit : cut out, hew out, fell trees, t 320; of the havoc wrought by wild boars, M 149. eKTav : see KTI'IVII). fK.--ra.vvta, aor. i^irdwaaa, pass. tt- Tai'vTO, perf. i/crerfXt- arai : bring to an end, finish, fulfil, consummate, achieve; b (ioi ov TI 9tol yovov itTt\fiov \ t? ifiov, ' granted me no offspring of my own,' I 493. lK-Ti0nju, aor. 2 part, t K&I'C : put or set out, ^ I79f. eKToOev : outside, w. gen., ' separate from,' a 133; in t 239 the MSS. have ivroQiv. (Od.) tKToOi : outside, ' far from,' vr}aivci>, fuf. iKQavii, pass. aor. tft- (padvOtj, 3 pi. -(jtdavQtv, nor. 2 ie$dvr): 98 eXSwp act., bring to light, T 104 ; raid, and pass., shine out, sparkle, T 17 ; appear, come to light, fi 441. K-pw, ipf. i&pipov, tKQtpe, fut. 3 pi. i^oiaovat : bear or carry out or o^V of bearing away a prize, 785 ; stolen property, o 470; bringing payment to maturity, 450; and esp. of carrying forth tlie dead for burial, Q 786 ; in- trans., take the lead, in racing, 376, 759. lic-4>cv-y(o, aor. 2 k&Qvyov, tKQvjt: flee or flu from, escape from, escape ; w. gen., a\<5f, tf&v, i|/ 236, ^ 212, or transitively w. ace., bp(ir)v, Krjpag, yd- fiov, I 355, S 512, r 157; freq. of the weapon flying from the hand of him who hurls it, E 18, etc. K-4>T)|ju, only pres. inf. mid. ticipa- aBai : speak out, utter ( tirot; ), v 308 and K '240. K-4>9YYO(Aai : only aor. tK^Qkylaro, called out from, 9tvw : only pass. plup. ie9iro, had been consumed out of the ships, i 163 and u 329. K-opw (|Ow): carry forth from; veKuag OIKWV, % 451 ; mid., move forth from, vr)tav, T 360. tK-4>v: only perf. part, (intrans.) tK-TrttpwIai, growing out of, KtaXai avxivoc, A 40f . tK-xc'w, niid. aor. 1 tK^varo, aor. 2 ti\vro and tK-^vro, part. tK-^vfjuvog, pass. plup. t^f/c^wro : JDOZO- ow^/ mid., something that is one's own, OKJTOVQ, % 3 ; or intrans., stream or joowr forth, vdaTOQ tKxy/isvoio, $ 300 ; met., of meshes ' hanging down,' Q 279 ; men or animals 'pouring forth' in num- bers, 0515. IKWV, CKOUOXL ( PIK. ) : willingly, in- tentionaf/y, of one's own will; EKWV dfKovri ye Ovfiip, i. e. not by compul- sion, and yet reluctantly, A 43 ; IKMV S' OVK dv TIQ 'iXoiro (cutpa 0a>v), i. e. they cannot be got otherwise than from the gift of the gods, F 66. t'Xaav : see iXavvw. tXaiT) : olive - tree ; iepf], sacred to Athena, v 372. t'Xdtveos, s'Xd'ivos : of olive-wood. e'Xaiov: olive -oil; tviZSfQ, (3 339; ooSotv, * 186. See \tira. eXa(): drive; Z,ii>yia, 2 543f. iXdnj : pine or fir ; pi., ' oars of pine,' H 5,/t 172. t'Xanjp, ijpoQ (tXdw) : driver, chari- oteer. (II.) 'EXaros: (1) an ally of the Tro- jans, Z 33. (2) a suitor of Penelope, X 26/7 - "EXarpevs ('Rower'): a Phaeacian, 9 111, 129. e'Xavvto, t'Xdco, inf. iXddv, ipf. tXtav, fut. iXowm, aor. -fjXaacft, iXaaae, iter. tXapov, H 450, I 349, 2 564 ; ffravpovc., 11; %aXKEOi TOI%OI iXnXiSaro, ' were extended,' rj 86 ; oy/joi>, A 68 ; met- aph., of 'persecuting,' t 290; being 'racked' with pain, II 518; 'raising' a din, A 575. cXa<|>T]-poXos : (avf/p) deer-hunter, 2 S19f. cXaos, o and if. stag or hind, F 24 ; a symbol of cowardice, A 225. t'Xacjjpos, -oTspoe, -OTUTOQ : light (moving), nimble ; of the swift wind, T 416; light (of weight), M 450; met., iroXtfioQ, X 287. Adv., t'Xa- 4>pais, Ugldly, easily, t 240. cXa\ : see \ay\dv(u. t'Xaxvs, Xdxia (of. tXdaatav ) : small, i 116, ic 509, v. 1. Xax- e'Xdu) : see tXavvu. eXSojuxi ( AX. ), iX8o(iai : desire, long for; TIVOQ, S 276, E 210, etc. ; also Vi, a 409, and w. inf., N 638, 35 ; in pass, signif., n 494. eXSwp, te'XSwp (iftXS.): desire, wish. tXt IX : see nipeto. (tXeof), ipf. tXeaiptv, iter. : pity, feel compassion; OVK tXeaiptic, dvSpag . . yuicryf/ttvai (ccucor?/- r/, ' tliou dost unpityingly involve men ih trouble,' v 202. tXeyxeiTj = t\7xC- 'Devote to shame,' ' cover with shame,' X 100, 38. tXeYX 1 ! 5 ' *C : despicable ; tXe'-yxi- m ' s ~ creants, cowards, B 236, Q 260. t'Xeyx 6 * : dishonor, briny disgrace upon, q> 424 ; rdav fif) av y fivdov iXeyfys \ finSe iroSag, ' put not to shame their words and mission,' i. e. by making them vain, I 522. cXecif : see aipiio. tXecivos, -urepoc, -OTUTOQ : pitiable, piteous; neut., and esp. pi., as adv., pitifully, 9 531, X 37, B 314. t'Xccw, fut. iXtffffii, aor. iXtrjfff : pity, have compassion or pity upon ; nvd, also TI, 'L 94 ; w. part., O 44, P 346, e 336. : compassionate, t 191 f. vs, vot; = t\(OQ, % 82 and p I 451. eXeKTO : see Xsyio. c'XcXici>, aor. iXtXie, mid. aor. part. fi'Oi-, pass, pi up. iXsXiKTO, aor. , 3 pi. tXeXtxOtv : set quivering or quaking, whirl round and round, mid. intrans. ; n'tyav S' tXt\i^iv"O\vp.- irov, 'made Olympus tremble,' A 530, 6 199; iXiXixQil yi/ta, 'quaked,' X 448; of a spear brandished in the hand, ouoptvov sXlXucro, N 558 ; of a serpent ' coiled,' A 39 ; Odysseus' ship is made to ' spin ' by the lightning, his raft by a great wave, fi 416, 314; esp. of facing about and ' rallying ' in the fray, o't S' tX(Xi\9t)ffat' Kai tvavrioi tarav 'Aytuuv, Z 106, P 278. 'EXeVr) : Helen, the wife of Mene- laus, daughter of Zeus and Leda, r 199, 426, and sister of Castor and Pollux, F 238. Often w. the epithet 'Apytin, B 161, S 184; T 91, 121, Q 761, 8 12,219,279. Helen returned to her home in Sparta after the war, and in the Odyssey is seen living hap- pily with Menelaus, S, o. "EXevos: Hflemis.-(l) a son of Priam, the best seer of the Trojans, Z 76, N 576, Q 249. (2) a Greek, son of Oenopion, E 707. tXco-OpeiTTos : growing in marshes, B 776f. cXeos : pity, compassion, Q 44-J-. t'Xeos : meat - board, dresser, I 215 and 432. IXeaKOv : see aipiio. eXeros (fXaV) : to be caught ; dvSpot; 4^'X'I 7r Xti' iXOtlv ovrt Xtian} oi'9' tXiTt), 'the breath of life comes not back by plundering or capture,' I 409f. IXtv = tXoJJ, see a'iptw. t'XevOepos : free; IXfvQipov //ip, ' the day of freedom ' (= iXevdtpia), Z 455, cf. SovXiov rj^iap ', Kptjrrip, ' bowl of freedom,' celebrating its recovery, Z 528. tXe^aipoficu : delude, deceive, 388; with a play upon tA0ae, T 565. tXe'<|>as, avroe : ivory, A 141, E 583, S 73, 404 ; a symbol of whiteness, a 196, i// 200. 'EXe<}>T]Vttp : sou of Chalcodon, lead- er of the Abantes, B 540, A 4f,7. 'EXeuv: a town in Boeotin, B 500. tXt]Xd.8aTo, tX^Xarai, t'Xir)XaTo, Ckt\- Xe'aro, tXTjXe'SaTO : see tXaiivw. tXT]Xov6b>;, t'X0e'pev(ai) : see ipx<>- fiai. 'EXiKacov : a sou of Anterior, hus- band of Laodice, r 123. 'EXiio] : a town in Achaca, contiiii)- ing a shrine of Poseidon, B 575, 9 203. 'EXiKt&vios : Heliconian ; dva, i. e. Poseidon, Y 404. tXiK-ti-ms, tSo^, and IXiK-cux];, IOTTOC, (FiXi%, a>\l/) : quick-eyed, or, according to others, with arched eye-broies, A 98, 389. IXi| ( fi\iaao) ) : bent around, as epith. of kiue, crum pie-horned ; joined with tiXiTTodac,, 1 466, a 92, and with tvpvperwTTOi, X 289, fi 355. Subst., cXtKes y}'afnrrai, armlets bent into a spiral. (See cut No. 2.) IXioxroj (ftX.), inf. iXurmfiEV, aor. part. iXidc, mid. ipf. tiXitratTO, (Xitr- atro, aor. part. fXiZdfiivoc., pass. i\tx- OevTtov: curl, wind, turn, mid. intrans., causative, ' making it roll,' N 204 ; of a serpent 'coiling' himself, tXtffaune- VOQ irtpi %ug, X 95 ; savor of a sacri- 95 fice curling upwards, fXiaaofikvi] Trtpi Kairvy, A 317 ; of turning tlie goal in a race, ^ 309; then of persons going around, turning to and fro, facing about and ' rallying,' 4> 1 1, * 320, M 74. \K (f'XKiu), ipf. 'iXKEOV, flit. t\K>]- aovm, aor. r')\Kt]ae, aor. pass. part. tXicjj- Qtifftic,: draff, draff away (as captive), X 62; of dogs pulling and tearing, P 558, X 336 ; of maltreating or outrag- ing. X 580. cXiv : see iXavvw. eXwp ( feXelv ) : prey, spoil, of wild beasts, birds, enemies ; pi., IlarpoicXoto 'iXiapa airoTivuv, pay the penalty ' for taking and slaying' (iXelv) Patroclus, 2 93. IXwpiov = fXwp, pi., A 4f. t'uf3aS6v: on foot (over the sea), O 6081 |A-paiva>, ipf. fyfiaivov, aor. 2 f///3jj, -t}Tov, subj. ififlfig, perf. part. t/if3c- fiauJTa, -via, plup. tppifiaaav : set foot in, step into or upon, mount, go on board; t/t/fy vni UvXorCe, 'embarked for Pylos,' 8 656 ; /irj TIQ Oewv iufifiy, 'come in thy way,' II 94; Antilochus to his horses, t/i/3t]Tov Kai atpwi, ' go in!' * 403; perf., statid upon (see (5alv), 'iiriroiffiv Kal lipfiaaiv t/.i/3f- fiauJTa, E 199; of the leaden sinker ' mounted ' upon the horn guard of a fish-hook, Q 81. o-paXXw, ipf. trsfiaXXe, aor. 2 I ft- 96 (3a\ov, inf. t/.tpa\tuv: throw or eaxtl in; Trvp vrji, O 598; nvd TT, 3 j 258; rt xtpaiv, 'put' or 'give into' the hands, & 218, /3 37, etc. ; flporov \ avkpog tfifiaXov tvvy, ' brought thee to the couch of a mortal,' 2 85 ; met- aph., vtiKot; Tiai, A 444 ; ifitpov Ovfuji, 'infuse,' 'inspire with,' T 139; in- trans.'/cwTryc, ' lay to ' the oars, t 489 ; mid., prJTiv tfiftdX\eo Ov^tf, ' lay to heart,' * 313; Qufrv, 'take thought of,' K 447. tfi-paeriXevo) : be king in, rule there- in, B 57'2 and o 413. >|3pao-av, e >ppas, ^fl, ^P*l = see infiaivd). E|A-f3pE|j.o;iai : only pres. 3 sing., the wind roars in the sail, O 627f. cjif3pvov : new-born lamb. (t). tpe'Sev, t (ieio, tfjico, t'jxev : see tyw. c)xev(ai): see t//u. e|iv(ai) : see Yij/. t'|iew : *pew or sp?7 out, O 1 1 f . }JLIKTO : see piyvvfH. tfjLjxafle : see pavQavta. tfi-|*airca>s : instantly, E 836 and 485. t'(A - |iep.ao>s, v~ia, du. -wrt, pi. -tares (fj.Bp.aa) : eager, vehement. ^.|Xv(at) : see ei/ii. tji - (itvt's ( ^f vw ) : always tfifitviQ alfi, continually ever. e ( j.fxop : see fifinn/uit. eji - |iopos ( utipopai ) : sharing in, ripK.pl., 0480f. tjios, /;, 6v, no voc. : raj/, mine; rare- ly with art., A 608, 71 ; ov/xof (= 6 t/tof), 9 360 ; strengthened by gen. of O.VTOQ, ip.bv avTov ^ptioQ, 'rny own,' ft 45; equiv. to obj. gen., tfitj dyytXin, ' about me,' T 336. (i-irdo|iat, ipf. t/jnrd&ro : care for, w. gen. (ace., TT 422); usually with negative. e|A-ir7Tje, & 98, I 518, etc. icai t>- TTJJC, e 205 ; aXX' f/JTrjjf, 33 ; S' t>- TT^C correl. to fiev, A 562. t (x - iriirXTj|xi, imp. ip.TrlTr\i]9i, fut. inf. tp.Tr\r)aifitv, aor. ii'inXnat, imp. f/i7r\j/(7Oj', subj. ti'i/rX/jffj/c, part. tfi~ Tr\i]auQ, mid. aor. t/tTrX/jiraro, inf. ti't- 7rXi';v, T 117; inof tvi- Tr\i]a9f]vai 6ivaiv, IT 113; tv iiXy, A 155; freq. in hostile sense, tfnrtff' iiriKpaTtwg, ' charge,' II 81 ; metapli., ^iJXoc, Hog t^nrtat Qvfitp, I 436, S 207; STTOC /tot tu-iat Ovp<{>, 'came to my mind,' /* 266. fx-ir \cios and evi - irXeios : filled with, full. (Od.) ' TfXaf) : hard bt/, w. gen., TO, (j.irXTjTo, -VTO : see tfi- t/nri'ivat : breathe upon, P 5<2 ; met., inspire, fit-roc,, QdpaoQ, etc. ; of an in- spiring 'suggestion,' r 138 (tfnrvvro, kUTTVvvOt], v. 1. dfnr., see ava7rj4oi.) |xirouo> ( fj,-iroiw : only ipf. iviiroitov, fitted into, H 438. tji-TToXdco : only mid. ipf., tfnroXu- tavro, gained for themselves by trading, o 456f. cjA-iropo9 : passenger, on board an- other's ship, ft 319 and , tviirpt]8, ipf. iviirpnOov, ivnrp>'iope : only mid. ipf., iuQoptov- TO, were borne about in the waves, p. 419 and 309. }A-4>uXos : of the same tribe, o 27Sf. s'fi-^uco, aor. ivifyvaf, perf. 3 pi. t/i- irKpvum, part. fern, ifnrttyvvia: trans, (aor. 1 act.), implant, metaph., BIOS fioi iv (pptaiv oi/tacX 348; intrans., grow in or upon, rpi\tQ Kpuviip, 9 84 ; fig., ifMTErpvina, 'clinging closely,' A 513. tv, vi, elf, ivi : ^?^. I. adv., in, therein, among them, E 740, etc. ; esp. the form tvi, for tvtan, tveiai, TroXitc, ' tvi fiuBoi, T 248. Here belong all examples of 'tmesis' so-called, iv S' iiriae, 'fell on' the throng, O 624. The adv. may be defined in its relation by a dative in the same clause, thus showing an approach to the true prep- ositional use, iv 5e TI Gvfii>g arrjOtffiv dTpofioQ iffriv, in, them, viz., in their breasts, II 102. II. prep. w. dat., in, on, among; not only of place and per- sons, iv Aaj'aotoi, ii' aBavdroiai, ivi arpaT({t,iv TTUUIV, f3 194 ; but also of conditions, physical and mental, iv i- XOTIJTI, iv ir'ii'Qu, iv doty, I 230. Of time, u>py iv tiapivy, II 643, a 367 ; instead of a causal or an instrumental expression, iv 600aXjiou; bpav, A 587, r 306, K 385 ; KaTctKT.ivto9ai dvSpwv iv iraXdpyaiv, E 558, Q 738, etc. ; often with verbs of motion, the state of rest after motion taking the place of movement into, iv yovvaai TT'CTTTW, E 370; iv \tpoi nOivai, etc.; ellipti- cal, ivi Ki'pio/c. se. 6iKt{t, K 282, esp. tlv 'AiSdo. When ivi follows its case, it is written tvi (' anastrophe'), I 53. c'vaipw (tvapa), inf. ivaipifitv, mid. 7 aor. ivijparo : act. and mid., slay in bat- tle ; once of killing game, tear' ovpta Oilpat; ivaipuv, (ivapa), ipf. ivdpi&, aor. ivdpi%a: strip of 'armor, despoil ; nvd TI, P 187, X 323, M 195, O 343 ; then, usually, slay in battle, kill, E 155, II 731, A 191. (II.) (.V-api0(uos : filling itp the number, p 65 ; of account (iv'dpi9fi([t), B 202. evaro?, eivaros : ninth. efv-avXos (avXog) : channel, river-bed (of the streams in the Trojan plain, j drv in summer), water-course, II 71, 4> 283.312. Jv-StiKviJfH : only fut. mid., ivdtio- fiai, J will declare it, T 83. ev-Sexa : eleven, round number in * 45. evBeKa-irqxvs, v : eleven cubits long, Z 319 and O 494. IvScKaros : eleventh ; tvdeKary, on the eleventh day, often as round num- ber after mentioning ten days, Q 666, j9 374, 8 588. : on the right, favorable, 1 236; adv. tvSe'gio, from left to right, regarded as the lucky direction in pouring wine, drawing lots, etc., A 597, H 184, p 365; cf. imS^ta. tv-8eo>, aor. iviSnae : bind or tie in or on, O 469, e 260; fig., 'involve,' ' entangle,' B 111, I 18. t'v-8iT)|u: only ipf., atirwf ivtiitoav KVVOC;, merely tried to set on the dors, 2 584f. tk-Slva, pi. : entrails, V 806f. ey-Sios (cf. Aioe) : at midday, 8 450 and A 726. cvSoOcv: from within, within; w. gen.. Z 247. IvSoOi : within, Z 498 ; w. gen., 2 287; opp. GvptjQiv, x 220; often =iv Qpiai, with 9vfi(>, fir\Tit-, vuog. cfvSov : within, esp. in the house, tent, etc., 2 394 ; at home, ir 355, 462, ^ 207, ^/ 2 ; Aioc tvdov, in the house of 'Zeus, T 13, * 200. ev - 8ovirfidio9ai, & 158 ; 6/j.ap- rtn; 12 438; oftener in Oil., with 0i- Xeiv, ire/jTTdv, Xoviir, KOfttir, elc. ; iv- dvKiwf xpka T f/aOit -mv'i. TI olvov, 'with a relish,' 109. t'v-Scvw and t!v8vw, ipf. ivkSvve, aor. 2 part. it'Svaa : put on, don, B 42, E 736, B 387. tvT|Ka : see tt'irifti. cvciKai : see <;>'rn<,>. tv-etjii (ei'/ii), tveari, tvctptv, tvttm, opt. tvei'jj, ipf. ivfitv, ivknv, ivtaav : be in or on; w. dat., K 45, or adv., i2 240 ; iv TIVI, Z 244 ; oXi'yoe 5' f rt OvpitQ ivijfv, ' there was little life remaining in me,' A 593 ; ei ^a\*:fov /ioi TITOO ivein, ' had I a heart of bronze within me,' B 490. eveica, CVCKCV, clvcica : on account of, for the sake of, became of, w. gen. ; placed before or after its case. vEKvp fein. -ovaa, ipf. tV>- Tre, aor. iviavov, ivKnric, tviOTre, opi. -otf, -o, subj. -o, -p, imp. tviam and ivioTTis, inf. -ttv, fut. ivit^w and v<- ffTrfiaw : relate, reg. w. ace. cf the thing which forms the theme of tj)e narra- i tion, fiv9ov, ovupoi', avUpa, a 1 ; ftiiQoi- j aiv T'tpirovro irpuQ aXXijXovQ IVITTOVTIQ (so. p49m>f\ A 643, V 301. tv-epciSo), nor. ii'kptiaav: thrust into; nvi TI, t 383f . tvep6e(v), v P e(v) : from below, Y 57 (opp. i^/o#fv); below, S3 274; w. gen., O 16; after its case, A 234, 252. tvcpot : those below the earth (i n f e- ri), both gods and the shades of the dead, O 188.Y 61. Ive'prcpos, comp. of tvipoi : deeper down, lower, E 898 ; Iviprfpoi 9toi ( = oi tVfpGf 9toi), the nether gods, O 225. ivrav: see tvtt/j.i. tv-eni (iviriijn): claxp, a species of jrtpitvn, & 180f. 'Evtroi : a tribe of the Paphlago- nians, B 852f . tv-ev8w : sleep in or on. (Od.) tv-evvaiov: sleepiity-place, bed, % 51; pi., bedclothes, TT 35. tv-^eiT) (iVT/r/c-): gentleness, amiabil- ity, P 67of. (.'V-TJIJS, lot;: gentle, amiable ty 252 9 200. iv-tjjiai, ipf. Li>iipi9a : sit within 8 272f. iviipaTo: see tvaipu. iv-i^vo0e (cf. dvQoc), defective perf. w. pres. signif. : swells there, steams there, rises there, p 270f . tv0a : I. demonstr., there, thillur, then; of place, usually denoting rest, A 536, y 365 ; less often direction, tvff i\9wv, N 23 ; t vQa KOI h>9a, ' here and there,' 'to and fro,' 'in length and breadth,' B 476, 462, /3 213, H 156, K 517; T) tv9' ?"; tvQa KIOVTO., 'go- ing or coming,' K 574 ; often temporal, thereupon, tv9a tiretra, K 297 ; ivQ' av, E 1 ; introducing apodosis, B 308. II. relative, where, A 610; fvff apa, \ 335 ; tv9a nep, v 284 ; iv9a TI, v 107, B 594. tv8d8e: hither, thither, A 179, TT 8; here, there, B 296, /3 51 ; fi>9dS' av9t, here on the spot, 674, 208. ev3ev : I. demonstr., thence, then, thereupon, both local and temporal, K 179, N 741 ; tvQtv . . trtpwQi Si, 'on tliis side . . on the other,' p 235, 59, 211 ; tvQtv sjuoi ytvog, '69tv aoi, A 58. II. relative, whence. Q 597 ; (olvav) ivQtv tirlvov, ' whereof,' 5 220, T 62 ; correl. to tvQn, t 195. ev8ev8e : from here, from tJiere, thence. ev-Opuo-Kw, aor. tvBopt : spring in or upon, w. dat., O 623, Q 79 ; Ad fv9o- PEV ('<7x'V> ' with a kick at his hip,' p 233. cv-60fuos: taken to heart, 'subject of anxiety,' v 42 If. evt, evt : see iv. eVia.vcn.os : yearling, IT 454f. tviavTOS : year. Perhaps originally a less specific terra than Irof, eroc rj\0 Trtpnr\o[j:vwv iviavrwv, ' as time and seasons rolled round,' a 16; Ait>e iviavni, B 134 (cf. 93). tv-iavw: only ipf., iviavz, used to sleep there or among, i 187 and o 557. iv-iT]|u, ivtijtri, imp. tviere, fut. ivr]- o, inf. iviK\uv : break with- in, frustrate, O 408 and 422. 'Eviirevs : river-god, river in Phthi- otis, \ 238f. evliri] (tviTTTii)) : rebuke, reprimand. eyiirXeios : see tfiirXuog. see i- ^vi - irXt]o-o-w, aor. subj. ei/tTrX^oi : intrans., dash into, rush into; rd(j>p(f>, tpicti, M 72, x 469. eviirpijOo) : see sfnrpljQdi. CVITTTW, Opt. fVlTTTOl, imp. tVlVTf., aor. 2 ivtmTTE and rfvciratrt : chide, re- buke, upbraid; Odysseus chides hiin- Ivvvfii self, to repress his wrath, icpacinv rjvi- ircnrt fisdtf) ' | ' TtT\u9t ci], KpaSirj,' v 17; usually w. specifying terms in dat., -)(a\(Ttolaiv ovtiStaiv, ovtidtioig ixkeffaiv, X^KV or KaK V ^Q^t, B 245, T 438, P 141, a 326. evi-9t) : lean on, hold close to, P 437 ; pass., stick in, P 528, n 612. 'Evi(rirr) : a town in Arcadia, B 606. vurjr]. evioxrcii, inf. iviaaijjLtv, ipf. kviaao^tv, pass. part. iviaaop,tvo^ : parallel form Of ivilTTtol. : see evixj/o) : see ivtTriii. ivvea : nine. fvvea - POLOS : worth nine cattle, Z 23tif. twea-Kai-SsKa : nineteen, Q 496f. v : nine cubits long. : nine thousand. : see vtw. ewe oovvios : nine fathoms long, \ : dat. pi, at the command; nvae, E 894. evve-copos : nine years old, the num- ber being a round one, S 351, K 19; in T 179 perhaps meaning 'in periods of nine years.' ewifnovTa: ninety, r I74f. evv-TJfxap : nine days long. "Evrofios : (1) a soothsayer, chief of the Mysians, slain by Achilles, B 858, P 218. (2) a Trojan, slain by Odys- seus, A 422. Ivvoori-yoios (tVotric, yata): earth- fthaker, epithet of Poseidon, god of the sea, as causer of earthquakes ; joined with ya^o^oc, I 183. Ivvvju, (Fivvv/ii), fut. 'iaaw, aor. 'iaaa, im. iWo)', inf. fWat, part. tWat 1 , mid. and pass., pres. inf. svvvadai, ipf. tvvv- 7, aor. 'i(a)naTo, ifffaaro, inf. taaaOai, pail, iaaduevog, perf. et/.iut. 'iffffiu, si- rat, part, f'tfifvo^, pi up. 2 sing, 'iaao, 3 'iaro, tiffro, du. sff9nv, 3 pi. tiaro: clothe, put on clothing, mid., on oneself, pass. (esp. perf. and plup.), be clothed in, wear; act., of clothing another, 'iffffds /IE ^XnZVav n \iTiavd TI, % 396 ; thus regularly w. two accusatives, E 905, o 338, TT 79 ; mid. w. ace., or ace. 100 t'vrtvw and dat., ^pot %a\K6v, T 233 ; also irfpi Xpot, H 207; a/*0' wpoiaiv, K 177; pass. w. ace. of thing retained, Ttvxea ' shockingly clothed,' A 432, T 327, tt 199 ; fig., fi Tf KE \aifov taoo \iriuva, ' hadst been clad in a coat of stone ' (stoned to death), r 57; piffiv tiui- VOQ a\Kriv, Y^381. tv-vvxios, evwxos (A 716f): in the night time. ev-oivo-xoc'w : pour (wine) in, part., y 472f. ev-om] (Si//): voice, K 147, outcry; attributed to musical instruments, av- Xwv avpiyyuv T ivovfjv, K 13; esp. of the cry of battle, T 2, and figura- tively for battle itself, M 35 ; of grief, ivomjv Tt yoov Tt, O 160. 'EvoiTTj : a town in Messenia, sub- ject to Agamemnon, I 150, 292. v-6pvtijii, aor. iviapaa, part, i vdpads, mid. aor. 2 ivupro : rouse or excite in ; TIVI yoov, vav, Z 499, O 62 ; mid., arise in or among ; ivtapro ylXa> ua- Kciptffai 9f.olmv, A 599, 9 326. 4v - opovco, aor. t vopovaa : spring upon, rush or charge upon, w. dat. ; of warriors, of a lion, II 783, K 486. ev-opx<>s: uncastrated,^ 147f. ., : see iviOKtuirru. iK-uTdi> : drop in, only perf. pass., iv'taraKTai, has been infused in thy veins, /3 27 If. ev-o~r]piu> : only plup. pass., tvttrrri- PIKTO, remained sticking fast, 168. 4v-rrp<^w: only mid., ivaTpetytrai l(T)(i 368 ; of table-furniture, tvTta q232. Iv-reivw, only pass. perf. and plup. : stretch within; citypoq tpumv ivT'tra- rai, ' is plaited ' with gold and silver straps, E 728; icvvtrj ifiaaiv tvTtTdTo, 'was lined with tightly - stretched straps,' K 263, cf. * 335, 436. Krepov: gut, olog, used for harp- string, ^ 408 ; pi., bowels. VT 124 ; metaph., pr) /lot iraripat; iroff 6/Joi'y t v9to rlpy, ' hold in esteem,' A 410; iXaov tv9fo 9vuov, 'take on,' I 639; x<'>Xov 9vfiip, 'conceive,' I 326, w 248; fnvBov (jvptji, 'take to heart,' a 361. TO : see 'inut. Ivros: wit/tin; w. gen., roc, A 432, etc. r/cjj), /t 18, cf. S 162. tv-TV-irds (T-UTTT-W): adv., wrapped in his mantle, Q 163f . 'EvvcLXios (Evvui) : Jfnyalius, epith. of Ares as god of b.-ittle, usually snbst. ; adj., P 211; 'EvvaXitp dvSpti- Qovry, ' synizesis,' B 651, etc. """' 'Evvcvs: king of Seyros, slain by Achilles, I 668f. tv-vimos: t deep, only neut. as adv., B 56. 'Eviiw: Eityo (Bellona), battle personified, a companion of Ares, E 333, 592. v-ira8is : face to face, clearly, ^ 94 f. (.V-WTTTJ (u>4/) : in view, openly, E 374 and $ 510. tV-wTua (aty, cf. ' fa?ade ') : the side- walls of the vestibule, epith. irauipa- vduvra, perhaps because painted white. See plate III. A and B. f|: six. cg-aYyc'XAco, aor. 1 ^//yyeiXtv : bring ncwx out report a fact, E 390f. evw: relate, \ 234f. ipf. taye, imp. tays, aor. 2 t//yaye, -ayays : lead or bring out, Tii>d (TIVOC,), also tic nvoe; of 'extend- ing' a mound (cf. sXatW), H 336; of birth ( bringing to light, into the world) n 188. 'EdSios : one of the Lapithae, A 264 f. l|a-CTc$ (PSTOQ) : adv., six years, y 115f. i'l-atvvfuti: take out or away, w. two accusatives, E 155 ; 'took out (of the chariot and placed) in the vessel,' o 206. tg-atperos : chosen, choice, S 643, B 227. e'$-aipb>, aor. 2 tel\oj/ and t^tXoi', mid. ipf. iaipivfi>iv, aor. t^ftXd/iiji', -t\t>fii)v : take out or away, select, choose from, mid., for oneself ; tvQiv teXe 7Ts;rXoue, Q 229 ; j/i/ dpa /ioi y- pag t^tXoi/ vlic, 'Axaiuiv, II 56 ; mid., aptTO>]Q t$ti\tTO TTMCpOf OICTOV, 323 ; (Bpicnji'dn) tK \vpiniaaov t^fi'Xt- ro, here not of choosing but of taking away, B 690; cf. A 704; so of taking away one's life, Ovpov, O 460, T 137, X 201; #psi'rtc, 'wits,' Z 234; of 'choosing,' I 130, 272, 232. eaipu : see i^ e'l-aia-ios (<>pp. tvaiaioc,} : undue, un- just, unrighteous, S 670, O 577 ; in p 577 iZaiaiov is sometimes interpreted as an adv., 'unduly,' 'excessively.' ' aiptrof. ta7rn'7;e, P 738 and * aor. opt. iaKtaaio : heal completely; 'seek to remedy,' I 507; %6\ov, 'appease,' A 36, y 145. c| - aXaow ( dXaoc ), aor. ioXaw, aor. 2 part. -We, fern. pi. -fivffat: emerge from ; aXoQ, S 405, 438. t'l-ava-Xtfw, aor. inf. -\vaai : release from; 9avaroio, H 442 and X 180. t'g-ava-4>avSov : quite openly, v 48f. c^-av-tTjixi, part, i^avitloai: let go forth, send forth, 2 471f. e|-avv(i>, aor. ti)vvffa : accomplish, Q 370; euphem., Jinish, despatch, kill, A 365, Y 452. e'l-airaraci), fut. inf. -ijaetv, aor. t^a- wdrnaa : deceive utterly. e'i-airacjHO-KG), aor. 2 i^f}TTa^t, subj. iZairaipu, mid. aor. 2 opt. iZairdQoiTo : deceive utterly, cheat, act. and mid., S 160, 1 376. c'lj-airivris : suddenly, on a sudden. t| - airo - PCUVOJ : only aor. 2, disem- barked from; VTIOC., fi 306f. e|-airo-8io)JLat : uxni; chase out of the battle, E 763. (The a a necessity of the rhythm.) 1 1 - airo - 8uvu> : put off; t'iuara, f 372f. '|-atr-ii\Xv|u, aor. mid. opt. 3 pi. -Xoi'aro, perf. -(JXwXt : perish utterly from, \\. gen., -IXi'ow, Softutv, ovpavov, Z 60, 2 290, v 357. t|-aTTo-vO(Aai : fid^nc, i^airovitaQai, return out of the battle. (II.) (a a necessity of the rhythm.) t'l-airo-vijw : only ipf., row (more natural than rtf) iroSac, i i, out of which she used to wash feet, r 387f. ", satisfy in full, . t|-dirTw, ipf. tfjirrov, aor. part. t?a i^/ae: aacA to, nvoc r, mfd.,. Aa?* AoW o/", swing from, O 20. tg - dpvujjLai, aor. i^iparo : earn carry off as booty from, K 84, t 39, 137. tg - apTT-dco, aor. ^a : snatch away (from), p 100; in II. of rescuing men from danger, r 380, T 443, * 597. cg-apxos : pi., leaders of the dirge, O 721. ig-dpxw, ipf. &]p\e, mid. ->'/pxro : begin, lead off; fioXirijsi yoota, S 606, 316; w. ace., j9ouXfle,''be the first to propose, 1 ' author of,' B 273 ; mid., /t 339 (see dpx<"). c'l-avSdw : speak out. (II.) g-avTis : again, anew. I'g-CKj) aipeoj, mid. aor. 2 stibj. t06- X;vw (d0i>w=a0iWw): draw en- tirely out ; olvov, % 95f. ' tg - eiSov : 69cc\po~ifftv, looked forth with wondering eyes, T 342f. cgeii]s (t : in order, one after another, O 137, X 240. 1. cg-ei|u (ei'/ii) : be from or o/ (son or descendant of), v 130. 2. |-i|iii (efyu), 2 sing. tttff9a, inf. $t'aj, ii/Aivat, ipf. t'^y'ti : ^c o?f. '-liroV, SUbj. t^EITTW, opt. -WOl, fut. i'^ipkti) : speak out. t|-cipo|iai, ipf. i&iptro : inquire of, ask for. (|cicvXi(r0T] : see itcicvXiw. t|-cXaV5vw, t'leXdco, ipf. t&]\avve, fut. inf. ti\dav, aor. sZijXaffi, -t\aat, 3 pi. -ijXaaaav: drive out or away /) - o/?, usually w. gen. ; knock mil, OCOVTOQ 29; seemingly intrans., (see t\av- 'drive/ sc. WTTOVC, vta). C|-C\K, aor. opt. - disyorge, fjt 237 and 437. , fut. -('41, aor. i^tvdpi^a : strip of armor, despoil ; TIVO. and TEU- X, E 151, 155, H 146 ; then kill, slay, A 488, X 273, x 264. cg-epeeivw: ia/-e inquiry, abs., and w. ace. of pers., or of thing, tKaa-a, 'ask all about it,' K 14; mid., K 81 ; fig. ing,' ' exploring dXt> k%{pttiv(x>v, 'quest- 259. g, exporng, p, 259. c'-Epciira>, aor. 2 subj. t%tpiiry, part. -fpnrovffa : aor. 2 intrans. ,_/'/ down or owe?-. (11.) 1. tgepe'w : sec i%,t~nrov. 2. e'l-epew, e|cp^o(tai, inf. t^pitffOai, only pres. forms of both act. and dep. (act. only in Od.) : inquire of, question, ask, w. ace. of person, or of thing; 'explore,' d 337, p 128, cf. /z 259; 'in- vestigate,' a 416. t'-cpva>, aor. f(ipvfft, i^kpvfft, 3 pi. ieipvtraav : draw out or away, a 86, X 476 ; /3IXoc wnov, Sopv finpov, E 112, 666 ; but Sitypov pvuov, ' bv the pole,' K505. aor. iijX9ov: come or go out, march forth, I 476, 576 ; TTO- X>;oc, ' out of the city,' raveos, 6i 20. c|-er>]9, 105: six years old, * 266 and 655. t| - en : ever since, w. gen. ; i&n Trarpuv, 'since the times of our fa- thers,' 9 245. t| - cupuTKco, aor. opt. t&vpoi : find out, discover, 2 322f. s'-i]Y'o|iai, imp. -yf/(T0oj : lead out, w. gen., B 8()6f. !|^KOVTa: sixty. t|i]\a(ra : see g^Xovi'w. t|-T]XaTOs ( iXavvw ) : beaten out, hammered, M 295f. or six days. (Od.) s (dueifiw): neut.pl., /or chaiiffe, changes of raiment, 249-J-. e'ii]irae : see tZairatyiaKta. c$ijpdv0T) : see gqpafrt*. e|r]paTo : see iZdprvuai. ifiijs = iftcijC. (Od.) |-ITJHI, aor. 2 inf. teuev(ai) : let go out, send out, A 141, X 531. : st)-aiahten, 410f. 103 eiraiTios t|-iKVop,ai, aor. (I, augment): reach, arrive at, gain (from somewhere), w. ace. of place or person, I 479, p, 166, v 206. c|ip.cvai : see t^tifit. 2. -i : see t/c$>,oui. tg-oixve'w, 3 pi. -vtvai: go forth, I 3S4f. cg-oix<>}xai : only 3 sing. i^oi\trai, is gone away, Z 379, 384. t|-6XXii}u, aor. 1 opt. -oXIatit : utter- ly destroy, T 597. ^| - ovojmivw, aor. subj. -ju/jj'pe, i"f- -fir^vai: call by name, name, mention, Z, 66. l - ovop.a - K\iij8Tiv : calling out the name, by name, X 415. e|-oiri0e(v) : in the rear, behind; \v. gen., P 521. (II.) el-oirio-w : backwards, back (from), w. gen., P 357. (II.) Of time, here- after, in future. (The Greeks stood with their backs to the future.) e-op}iaw: only aor. part, intran?., iZopfifjaacra, starting away (from the direction intended),/* 221f. e-ocj>e'A.X.a> : greatly augment, o 18f. -<>xos ( t\ta ) : prominent, preemi- nent above or among, w. gen., 3 118, or \v. dat. (in local sense). B 483, 266. Adv., e|o\ov and e|oxa, pre- eminently, chiefly, most; 'by prefer- ence,' t 551; io\ dpiffToi, 'far' the best, I 638, S 629'. l| -vjr-av- i : outside, without, P 205, K 95 ; often of motion, forth, o'l o' iaav iw, 12 247 ; f req. w. gen. e|u> : see t^w. eo, lot : see ov. eoi : see tipi. eoiKa (EkfoiKa), 3 du. HKTOV, part, toiicwf , tiKti>Q, fern. tiKina, siicvta, iKvia, pi. tloiKvtai, plup. iyicuv, du. i(KTi]v, 3 pi. ioliceffav, also HKTO, ryiicro (an ipf. !:, 2 520, is by some referred here, by others to i IKW) : (1) 6e like, resem- ble,^ Tivi (TI), avTa, ei'f a;ra, a 208, 12 630, F 158; 'I seem to be singing hi the presence of a god when I sing by thee ' (touca = v i d eo r in i h i), x 348. ( 2 ) impers., ie fitting, suitable, be- seem; abs., ovSi fefoiKiv, A 119, and w. dat. of person, I 70, also w. ace. and inf., B 190; freq. the part, as adj., HvQoi toiicoTtg, y 124; ioiKora ftvOf)- ffctff'Jat, KaraXiZai, y 125, S 239. eolo : see tog. ^ or sprng at or upon; usually in hostile sense, abs., and w. gen. or dat. of the person or thing attacked; of the wind, gTrdi- ac, 'darting down upon' the sea, 6 146 ; iTraiaaovra fwv, N 687, E 263 ; Ki'p/cy iTraiai, K 295, 322; w.^acc. of end of motion, tiroi'tai faoOov ^iinriav, H 240 ; mid., subjective, xPC. ' P' a y ' lightlv, ^ 628 ; ' dart in ' for the prize, * 773. ir-aiT&o, aor. opt. -njaiiat; : ask be- sides, 593f. : to blame; ov ri yuoi vfipts 104 lirci tirainot, ' I have no fault to find with you,' A 335f. cir - axovw, aor. irrdicovoa : hearken to, hear, with the same constructions as iiKoixa, T 98, B 143. ir - O.KT^P, fjpoQ : hunter, i. e. o KU- va<; iirdyutv, r 435 ; dvpi iiraKTijpiQ, P 135. CTr-a.Xaop.tu, aor. pass. subj. iiraXn- 9y : wander to, w. ace. of end of mo- tion, Kinrpov, S 83 ; TroXX' iiraXnQeic,, 'after long wanderings,' B 81. Tr-aXa0Ta>, part. -r\oHaa : he indig- nant (nt). a 252f. Tr-aXe'u, f ut. -fiirn) : give aid to, de- fwl, li'-lf), Ttvi,S 365 and A 428. iraXi)9ci5 : see ijra\dop.ai. eir aXXao- : only aor. part., iiraX- XdZavrtg, entwining in each other, con- necting (the ends of the cord of war), i. c. prolonging the contest; others in- terpret, 'drawing the cord of war now this way, now that,' N 359f. ^TrdXjxtvos ' see i<[>d\\ofiai. ir-o.X|i$, tog ( aXsw ) : breastwork, battlement. (11.) 'ETraX-rrjs: n Lycian, slain by Pa- trod us, n 4 lot. ^TraXro : see i(pti\\ouat. e7r-ap.aofj.ai : only uor. iira/^aaro, heaped up f/r himself a. bed of leaves, e 482f. See a/idw. eTr-afmpw, aor. subj. tTraueryopi'v : give in exchange to, exchange with ; aXXrjXote, Z 230; mid., viicr) c' tTtauti- jStrai av&pag, ' passes from one man to another,' Z 339. (II.) lir - auoifJaSis ( i-jrafiiiftu) ) : inter- chaiigiiigly, ' intertwined with each other,' e 481f. lir-ajJivvTwp, opt>Q : defender, TT 263f. cir - ap.Cva>, aor. imp. iTrdfivvov : bring aid to, come to the defence, abs., and w.dat., 685,9414. (II.) Tr-ava-Ti0T))ii, aor. 2 inf. iiravQefit- vai: f:hut again; aavidac,, 535t. eir-av-iirrnjii : only aor. 2 intrans., t7ravfffTt]ffav, thereupon arose, i. e. after him, B 8af. eir- aoiSi] ( tTratiSut ) : incantation, spell, r 457-f. cir-airtiXe'co, aor. tTrnirtiXnaa : direct threats againxt, threaten, rivi (TI). CTT - apapitrKu), aor. 1 iirripai, plup. iiraprjpu: trans, (aor. !),/< to(nvi n), S 167, 339 ; intr. (plup.). fit in, M 456. eir-apii: imprecation, curse, pi., I 456f. cTr-apTJ-yuj : bring help to, succor. cirapijpci : see iTrapctpiffKia. cir - apKcw : bring defence to, ward off; rivi n, p 568. eir-dpovpos (dpovpa) : bound to the noil (us a serf), X 489f. eir - opnjs, is ( root do ) : equipped, ready. (Od.) eir-aprvw : Jit on, 9 447. tir - apxojiai, aor. imp. iirap%dff9a>, part, -^d/itvof : ritualistic word, al- ways w. Ciirdtaaiv, make a beginning ( thereto ), ' perform the dedicatory rites' with the cups, by liiling them to pour the libation, A 471, y 340. iir-aporyos (ao/yyw) : helper, X 498f . e-ir-ao-ice'ci) : only perf. pass., iTri](!Kn- Tai Si o't ait\i) \ roixv Kai 9f>tjKo'im, 'it (the house, ot) has a court skilfully adjoined with wall and coping,' p 266f. lir-av, aor. t-iipvffe: draw or dip (water) upon, r 388f. eir-'yCpWj aor. mid. tTriyptro, part. iiriypofifvoc, : awaken (at some junc- ture), x 431; mi d-, wa ke up ( at), K 124, v 57. c-rre'Spapov : see liriTpkx^- TTT)v: see tTrtiui 1. lirci: temporal and causal conjunc- tion. I. temporal, w/ien, after; of definite time, foil, by ind., freq. aor. (where we use plup.), A 57; but also by other tenses, A 235 ; of indefinite time (conditional), with the usual con- structions that belong to relative 105 iircpeiSw words (sec av, Kfv). II. causal, since, /o?-, foil, by ind. With other words f iirti irpHiTov, vputra, 'after once,' 'as soon as,' iirti aft, iirti EIJ (iirtiSij), iirti f) (iirtiri), iirti ovv, iirti irip, iirti rut, see the several words. iiri(_ou is to be read with ' synizesis,' except in 364, 9 585. iirti stands at the begin- ning of some verses, as if iirirti. 'Eirei-yevs : a Myrmidon, the son of Agacles, slain by Hector, II 571. lirtiyia, ipf. tirtiyov, pass. iirtiytro : I. act. and pass., press hard, oppress, impel, urge on ; of weight, oXi'yov i p.tv drfos iirtiyti, M 452 ; old age, \a\iirbv Kara yfipac, iirtiytt, 623 ; wind driving a ship before it, tirnyt yap oJpoc dm'ifiwv, / 167; hurrying on a trade, o 445; pass, iirttytTo -yap fitXttaffiv, ' hard pressed,' E 622 ; \i- /3jc iirtiyofitvoQ irvpi iro\\, iiryaar, mid. fut. iiritiffoficti, aor. part, iirif.iaafif.vii : go or come upon or at; abs., or w. ace. of place or person, aypov, // 359 ; met., irpiv fiiv KOI yf]paQ tirnaiv, 'shall come upon ' her, A 29 ; also w. dat., rolf opvpaySut; iirijiev, 'came to their cars,' p 741 ; esp. in hostile sense, at- tack, \\. ace. or dat., A 367, N 482. 'Eireioi: the Epeians, a tribe in North Elis, A 732, N 686, A 537. 'Eircios : Epeius, son of Panopeus, the builder of the wooden horse, 665, 838, \ 523. iirctirep : see iirti and Trip. (irtira. (iiri, tlra): thereupon, then, in that case; of time or of sequence, often correl. to Trpairov, Z 260 ; and joined with ewri/ca, ali/'a, WKU, also ivQa S' iirtira, 2 450 ; referring back to what has been stated (or implied), ' so then,' ' accordingly,' ' after all,' o 65, 106, y 62 1 ; after a part., S 223, A 730; freq. introducing an apodosis emphatically, 'in that case,' a 84, and after temporal clauses, esp. Si) tirtira, 9 378 ; TOT tirtira. iireK(.K\eTO : see iirtKiXo/iai. t'lre'tcepac : see iirtKtipu). eir - cXavvci), pass. plup. iiri\i]\aTO : forffe or wdd on, N 804, P 493. See : see iiri\av9dvtn. TT-fi-8aivaj : only pert', part, iirtfi- /3rt(6f, standing upon; ovBov, I 582f. See j3au'o>. eiTEvciKai : see tmQipw. eWveific: see iTrivf/^w. lirevriveov : see iirivnvii*). Iir-ev-ijvo6e (cf. av9og): defective perf. w. signif. of ipf. or pres., grew upon, B 219, K 134; of a perfume, rises upon, ' floats around,' QtovQ, 9 365 (cf. ivfivoOt). ir-v-Tavvw : only aor. part., iirtv- Tavvaacj stretching high over (a rope over the rotunda), ^ 467f. tir-ortivw, Iwevruw : harness (to), 374 ; mid., equip oneself io win, dtQXa, w 89. c'lr-e'oiica, plup., iireyicti: be seemly, becoming; nvi, A 341; also w. ace. and inf., A 126 ; regularly impers., but once w. pers. subject. ' befits,' I 392. : see irti9u. : see iF\f)aff<>). : see imirXwii). cVtiroidci : see Trti9a>. tirtirovOei : see irc' 159f. tireo- - PO\OS ( t TTOC, /3aXXu>, ' word- slinging'): wordy, scurrilous, B 275f. TTiffri]fit. (irta\ov : see t7r%u>. tir-e-njaios (f erof) : throughout all the year, jj 118f. lirv : see 'irru. *ir - v4>T]fjiew : only aor. tTrwQiiun- oav, added their favoring voices, to what the priest himself had said, in favor of granting his petition, A 22, 376. tir - f\i\o\i.ai, fut. 2 sing. tTTiv&ai, aor. iirtv$aro : (1) pray (at some junc- ture), add a prayer, K 533, % 436. (2) boast over, exult (at), A 431, E 119. In both senses abs., or \v. dat., and w. foil. inf. ire4>vov : see (jxv-. t'irc'4>paSov : see Qpafa. tir-i\ta y ipf. tiruxov, tTTf\fv, aor. 2 iireaxf, opt. 7ri5' sTre^'C. ' why so hard on me?' T 71 ; then of occupy- ing, reaching in space, 407, * 190, 238 ; hold in the sense of ' check,' intr. ' refrain,' * 244, 186 ; met., Qv- (jiov, v 266. Mid., aor., take aim, % 15. possessed of, /3 319f. t'ir-T]YKevi8es: upper moat ttr&ua or planks of a ship, forming tlie gitmcale, 253f. (See cut No. 32, letter c). t'irfjev : see tTm/xt 1 . tir-Tjeravos ( alti ) : lasting forever, perennial; dpd/j.oi, irXwoi, v 247, 86; hence 'plentiful,' 'abundant,' al- TOC, yoXa, (co/i^//, a 360, S 89, 9 233. Neut. as adv., e'Trrjeravov, always, ' abundantly,' rj 128, 99, K 427. tinjuv : see t TTH/U 2. tirt]Xv6ov : see iirip\o^iai. t'ir-T])ioipds (ijtfieifiu) : serving for a change; %crZivft', ^ 513; O^J/EJ, cross- bars, shutting over one another in op- posite directions. (See cut No. 29). irpv: when, after. See iirti, also dl>, KiV. tirT]veov: see iiraiviu. eirm|a : see iri'jyvvfii. tir-tjiruw : applaud, 2 502f. cir-^paros (tpdw) : lovely, charming, only of things and places, 9 366, 8 606. 2 512. ir-i]peTjxos (t/oerjuoe) : at the oar, j3 403 ; furnished with oars; vijft;, 589, e 16. tir-Tjpe<|)i]s, toe. ( ipt. | tirTJ0 yalav, darkness came 'on' over the earth, Q 351. Kpi' tdiav teat iir axpi]Tov ydXa irii'wv, 'on top ' of the meat, ' besides,' i 297 ; vpo fiiv T' oAX', avrdp iir a\Xa, some be- fore, some ' after,' N 799 ; tTrt ' 'Lirirdtv, ifri yi\^v ; iir' aypov, 'in the country,' 'at the farm,' a 190; ITT oyfioii, 'at the swath,' 2 557 ; t)<;, kTri Trporepoiv di>9pti>irwv, ' in the time of,' B 797, E 637. (2) w. dat., of place, time, purpose, condition ; vfpt- a9ni iiri Kpi^vy, ' at ' the spring, v 408 ; nja f ' jjTTEt'poio ipvaaav \ vi^ov iiri ^ap.a9oig, high 'upon the sand,' A 486; iiri nrp~ vov, ' for a time ;' iiri SPTfpuv, ' for long.' tir-idXXw: send upon; only aor. 1, k7ro/\/ TaSe tpya, ' brought to pass,' X 49f. : see iti\\0fini. see i, subj. du. iirifin- TOV, 1 pi. iirifitiofitv, mid. fut. iirifii]- ffoftai, aor. iirefifyaero : set foot on, mount, go on board ; w. gen. yairjc, 'iirirw, VTJUIV, tvvJiq, K 334 ; irvp?i, A 99 ; fig., dvat^i'jjc im/3rjvai, ' tread the path of insolence,' ^ 424, ^/ 52 ; w. ace. nitpirjv, B 226, 50. Aor. 1 and fut. act., causative, nvd 'inirwv, make one mount the car, 129; irvpije, of bringing men to their death, I 546 ; irdrpriQ, bringing one home, i) 223 ; and fig., tuJcXfi'ijc, aaopoavi'i], 285, , >, ipf. iTrifiaXXf, mid. pres. part. iirtfiaXXofiivos : throw or cast on ; of plying the whip, 'laying it on' the horses, 320 ; intrans., ( vi\vc, ) *eac tn-i/3aXXf, 'touched at,' o 297; mid., ' lay hand on,' ' aim for,' ivcipwv, Z 68. sm-pdcncco : equivalent to the caus- ative tenses of iirifiaivdi, bring into ; KctKui', B 234f. Trip^|jLvai : see iirifiaivti). tirt-p^Twp, opoj: mounter, ' mounted warrior,' 'iirirmv, a 263 ; designating a boar, ffvwv iirifli]TMp,\ 131, $ 278. tiri-pXi]s, rjro(; (iiri/3d\\uj) : bar, of gate or door, Q 453|. (See cut No. 56, and the adjacent representation of Egyptian doors ; see also No. 29.) 35 , mid. fut. tTTt/Suiffo/zai : call upon, for help, as witnesses, QIOVQ, a 378, K 463 (v. 1. i7rtp iri - PptOw, aor. tTrifipiaa : weigh down upon, make heavy (with fruit), w 344 ; fall heavily (upon), H 91, M 286, fig., Tr.iXejtoe, H 348. TripaJcrdjj.8a : see im(3odw. iin,-|3iiTu>p, Ojoof : n>j\div, shepherd, v 2-22. Cf. i-KifiovKoXoc. tVi - -yi-yvojjiai : draw on, approach, Z 148f. tin - -yiYvwo-KW, aor. subj. tiriyi'uiy, -yvwbiai : mark, recognize, a 30, u> 217. tiri-'yvdp.TrTw, aor. iiriyva^a : bend over; dopv,<$ 178; met., bend/ change,' 1 bow ' the will, B 14, 1 514, A 569. JiriYvwi) : sec tTriy/yvaKTKw. tiri--yovvis, iSoc, (yovv, 'above the knee'): thigh; [iiydXijv tTriyovvida 0tT- TO, ' grow a stout thigh,' p 225. (Od.) *'m - YpdpSrjv ( tTriypafta ) : adv., fidXt, struck scratching, i. e. ' grazed,' * 166f. eiri-ypcufHO, aor. iirkypa-^a : scratch on ; ' graze,' \p6a, N 533 ; ' mark,' KXijpov, H 187. 'JEiriSavpos : Epidaurus, iu'Argolis, B 561f. tiriSe'Spopc : see kirirpiy^i). tin, - Sextos : only neut. pi. as adv., tm8cia, toward the right (the lucky direction), 141 ; on the right (auspi- ciously), B 353. tiri-Sevijs, EC; (imfa vofiai) : in need of, lacking, inferior to; Sairoc, I 225 ; w. two genitives (and illustrating both meaning? at once), /3h]c, iiriSevksg ti^ir 'Odvffijoc., (j> 253. Adv., iiridtvtc, i^tiv iKt)G, 'fail of,'T 180. t-iri-Sevojiai (Siofiat), ipf. iirtStui-o: lack, need, be inferior to, w. gen. of thing or of person, B 229, 2 77 ; both together, ov ptv yap TI nafflQ tirtctver' 'A\aiiav (cf. ( oijuoc, ) : stay at home (in town, and not in the country), IT 28*. tin Sijfuo? : at home, a 194, Q 262 ; TToXtuoc. 'civil strife,' I 64. tTri-SiSufjLi, aor. tTrtChiKt, inf. iiridov- vai, mid. fut. t;ripios (Stypot;) : in the chariot, neut. pi., predicatively, o 51 and 75. , Tri8pafj.TT)v : see tiri- tiri-8pop.os (iiriSpa^fiv) : to be scaled; rtlxot; Z 434f . t'mSujjLcPa : see iiriciSuifii. t'iri-iK\os(ffiK"Xo( > -): like to; Biolc, aQavdroimv, A 265, I 485. tiri-eiKTis, e (fifoiKa): suitable, be- coming, i 382 ; (rvfJ.(3ov) imtiKia TOIOV, 'only just of suitable size,'* 246; often w tTrtttKtQ (sc. IOTIV), ciri-ciKTos, 3 ( ftiicti) ) : yielding, al- ways w. neg., pivoi; OVK liritiKTov, ' un- yielding,' 'steadfast,' T 493, E 892; ff0'oe, ' invincible,' II 549 ; tpya, ' un- endurable,' i. e. to which one must not yield, 9 307. tiri6ip.c'vos : sec tmkvvvfm. eirijcrojJ.ai : see tTrti/tt 2. tiri-eXirojiai (/tXTrw) : have hope of, A 545,0 126. tiri-'vvv|ii (fivvvpi), aor. 1 pi. iiri- cffffojufv, pass. pert', part. tTritiftivot; : put on over; y\aTi'av, v 143 ; pass., metaph., iiritinkvoQ d\ici]v, dvaicthji', clothed in might, etc., H 164, A 149. tiri-txXos : raging, furious ; ^o- \o C , I 525. Adv., ima'Xs, rc/u- mently. tirfT)\: see tTTiftXXw. tiriT]vSavc : sec tyavidvu. tiriT)pa : see iipa. tiri-i^pavos (fipa): agreeable; Qvfiiji, T 343f. (.Vi-0ap, fut. -aw, aor. subj. iiriicev- ay(; : conceal, always w. neg., 467, C 744, E 816. tiri - KiSvajxai : only pres. 3 sing., di/nxes itself over, B 850, H 451, 458. iri - Kipvr)|u, aor. inf. imicpijffai; mix, in, add wine to water, q 164f . tiri - K\cia> ( K\SOQ ) : bestow praise upon, applaud, a 35 If. "EmicXiis : a Lycian, slain by -Ajax, M 379f. tiri - K\T]cris ( KnXlw ) : given name (' surname ') ; only ace., adverbially or predieatively, mostly with KaXeiv,"ApK- rov 0', t}v Kai ciua^av tTriKXijffiv KaXe- ovffiv, 'which they call also by the name of the Wain,' e 273, H 138, X 506 ; "S,TTfp\fi(f>, avrdp iiriK\i]aiv Bwp, aor. tTrticXoxra, mid. iiri.- K\n>aan>jv: npin to, of the Fates spin- ning the threads of destiny; hence allot to, grant, w. ace., or foil, by inf. (Od. and Q 525.) tiri - KOTTTW : only fut. part., ITTIKO- tyw, to fell by a blow, y 443f. eiri-Kovpcci) : only fut. part., iiriKov- nijffoi'Ta, to give aid, E 614J-. t'iri-Kovpos : helper in battle, E 478, fern., $ 431 ; pi., allies of the Tro- jans. tVi - Kpcuvoj, tiriKpaiaivo), aor. opt. imicprivtif, imp. iiriKpqnvov: bring t* fulfilment, fulfil, accomplish. (II.) t'iri-KpaT6u> : have power over, rule over; ' have the upper hand,' & 98. TTL Kparecjs (KOO.TOC) : mightily, vic- toriously. (II.) 1TllCpT]T]VOV, TTlKp>]Vl : S6C ^JTt- tViKpTJorai : see eirucipvtipt. tir-iKpiov : yard of a ship, t 254 and 318. Eiri-Xd|iir, eiriXiiOw, aor. iiriXrjfff, mid. ipf. i.irt\i)9eTo, fut. tTriXijffofiai: act., make to forget, w. gen., v 85 ; : pour wine owcr, as a li- bation, y 341. eiri-Xevoxrw : see ahead, T 1 2f . iri-XTj6os : causing oblivion; KUKWV, 6 22 If. : see iviXavQavu). ea< : only aor. part., tiriuit- $Tfaai;, smiling at or upon, A 356 ; in bad sense, K 400. liri - ^U|i4>op.ai : find fault with, blame for, \v. dat. of person, ir 97 ; gen. (causal) of the thing, A 65, 93, B 225. ciri - p.evw, aor. imp. iiri^tivov, inf. iirifitlvai : stay, wait, tarry. eiri - |M]5o|iai : devise against ; nvi T-I, d 437f. eiri - IITJVIS : wrath thereat, E I78f. The reading of Aristarchus. e-rri - (iTjviw : only ipf., was at feud with, N 460f. eiri - }ii|AVT]o-KO|iai, aor. mid. opt., iirtuvnrratutOa, pass. part, iirifivrjafaig : call to mind, remember. Tri-|j.i|jLvco : wait upon, superintend ; tpyy, i 06 and o 372. ciri-p.il : indiscriminately. liri - fiuryopai : mingle with, hence come in contact with, have to do with, engage in battle ( with the enemy ), E 505. ciri|xvT) (fiv^io, 'say fiv '), aor. tire- (ivZav : mutter, murmur at. (II.) Trt-v(iio, aor. iirivtiut: distribute (to). iri-veva>, aor. iirkvtvaa. : nod with the helmet (of the plume), X 314 ; nod assent (ppp. di'ai/ciw), Kapnri, O 75. liri - vpi8ios (j/0p6t-): over the kidneys, 4> 204f. IITI - vew, aor. s7rv//(T: s/ww 6s = KOIVOC, ) : com- mon, i. e. where several persons have rights, M 422 f. Eiri-opKeu, fat, -i)0d> : swear falsely ; TrpcQ SaiuovoQ, in the name of a di- vinity, T 188f. tiri - opKos : falsely sworn, false, T 264; as stibst., iiriopicov, false oath, T 279; vain oath, K 332. tiri - otro-opiai : look after, look out for (to hinder, if possible), w. ace., P ciriovpa : see ovpov. eirt - ovpos ( ovpot; ) : guardian or watch over; Kpjjry, ' ruler over ' Crete, N 450; vdtv, 'chief swine- herd,' v 405, o 39. ciri6\)/o)iai : see tipopaw. rn-i - ireiOofxat, ipf. iiriirtiQiTO, fut. iTrnriiaouat: allow oneself to be pre- vailed upon, j3 103, K 406 ; hence, obey, : only syncopated part., fsroc, on-coming, on-roll- ing year, jj 261 and 287. ^iri-irTO(j.oi, aor. tTrenraro, inf. t~i- TTTiffOai: fly toward or in, N 821 ; of an arrow, A 126. 7ri-7ri\va[iai. : come nigh, Z, 44-)-. e-m-TrXd^ofiai, aor. pass. part. -irXay- X@ti'- drift over; rjvTov,9 14-)-. liri - irXcco, eiuirXctw : sail over, w. ace. liu-irX^oxrw, fut. inf. -ri'Ctiv. lay on blows, K 500; metaph., take to task, rebuke, M 211, * 580. . eiriirXopevov : see iirnri\ou(ti. eiriirXuw, aor. 2 2 sing. tTrtTrXuic, aor. 1 part. t7n7rXoiffa<-: = t i \ia>, y 15, Z 291, T47. eiri - irve'io, eTriirveiw, nor. ?nbj. STTI- KVtvadxsi : breathe or 6/ow VJMI. K 698 ; n;i, ^ 357. eiri - iroi^v, ei'o^ : pi., fern., shep- herdesses over, fi 131f. Cf. iTrtflovKi)- Xof , t7r(/3ttra>|0. eiri - irptirw : oulv 3 sing., is to be seen, manifest in, w 252f. eiriirpofiv : sec iiriirpohjfii. liri-irpo-idXXw : only aor. tTrmpoii)- \t, set before them ( ( fpi Z,a> ) : only ipf. her., 111 tiriTclppoOos ^irippi^iffKot', were wont to do sacrifice, p211f. eiri-ppeirw (fptTrw) : sink, toward, o! the balance ; vXttipog I'HJUV, ' settles down upon us,' 3 99. Im-ppe'to (, aor. 1 iiriaatvt, part. tTriaati'iiQ, mid. ipf. iirtaatuovTo, perl. w. pres. signif. iiriaavfiai, parr. #a: I. act., set upon, incite or send against; ic/jroc. rtvi, 421, 399 ; met., KCHca, oveipara, a 256, r 129, u 87. II. mid., rush on or at, hasten on, speed to, w. dat. of person, esp. in hostile sense; w. gen. of thing aimed at, r- Xoc. M 388, n 511, cf. x 310; ace., deuvia,Z 20; also foil, by inf.; met., Ov/jos iiriaavTai, ' is so moved,' A 173. . cirt - o-Koiros ( tjKoiritit ) : look-out, watch, apy against, in hostile sense w. dat., Tpwfffffi, I'fitaai, K 38, 342 ; other- wise w. gen., 9 163; guardian, X 255 0729. eiri-o-icvopiai, aor. opt. tTrifficvaaai- TO : be indignant or wroth at ; nvi, I 370, jj 306. em - O-KVVIOV : skin over the brows (superci lium ), knitted in frown- ing, P 136f. Im - a-pvyepios : miserably, sadly, y 195, 672. (Od.) iiri criracrTos (tTTraw): drawn on himself, a 73. (Od.) lirio-ireiv : see ieTT. liri - o-Tre'pxw : urge on, x 451, * 430 ; intr.. drii, ciriacrcvo) : see tiriatiui, dirio-o-wrpov : tire of a wheel. (II.) eiri-c-raSov (iaT>)[ii): adv., stepping up to ; standing, i. e. on the spot, ir 453. TrioTa|xai, ipf. iiriararo, fut. t^-t- arti 406, abs., 2 599 ; w. dat., O 282 ; of ' know- ing ' a fact, S 730. cirurrapic'vws (iiriffranat): skilfully. Iiri - (TTaTT]s : one who stands by or over; au<; 7rrrari;e, ' thy petitioner,' meaning a beggar, p 455f. eiri - oTvaYO|iai : groan besides, A 154f. Tri-o(Aai ( art (j>w ), aor. iTrtare- fyavTo : Jill to the brim for oneself. ciricrn^fiwv : knowing, sagacious, it 374f. ITTIOTIOV : dock-yard or boat-house, a place for keeping ships, 365f. em-orovaxe'w : only aor., iiriaTova- Xr>fff, the billows roared as they closed upon her, Q 79f. eiri - a-rpt^ta, aor. part, in turn towards, sc. /tiV, T 370f. eirt - dST)v : turning in every direction, on every side. ir - (rrpc>4>os (iTriffrpBos : (1) son of Iphitus, leader of the Phocians, B 517. (2) leader of the Ilalizonians, B 856. (3) son of Evenus, slain by Achilles at the sack of Lyrnessus, B 692. ciri-(rrpci><{>dvpov): anything at 'he ankle, pi., ankle- clasps fastening the greaves, or perhaps, ankle-guards, T 331. (II.) (See cut on next page.) tiri-(rxpw (ff^fpof ) : adv., in a row, close togct/icr, * 125. (II.) t'iri - 9ov iroifi- craa9ai iTrio-xkatnr,g\\'Q a direction to one's statements, 71f. tiri-trxe, A 840 ; atQXovq, X 622 ; iLS' iTrtTfXXe, /uj) Trpii' Trnfiavktiv, 'thus charged me,' ' pave me this assurance,' Q 781. iirtTtXXw, ^ 361. e pleasure in, eiriTCTpairrai, eiriTTpd<|>aTai : see STTirpfTTW. tiri-Tt]8e's : sufficiently, as are needed, A 142, o 28. tm-Ti6T)[xi, fut. kirt9ri/ to or upon, add, H 364 ; of putting food on the table, a 140 ; a veil on the head, 314 ; the cover on a quiver, i 314 ; a stone against a door- way, t 243 ; and regularly of ' closing' doors (cf. 'pull the door to'), & 169, %157, cf. E 751,6395, X 525; metaph., 0wijv, 'impose' a penalty, /3 192 ; fi6- 9i[i rsXof, 'give fulfilment,' T 107. (Tti - Ti|riTp : avenger, protector, i 270f. ttri - T\TJvai, imp. t7rirX/;rw: lie pa- tient (at), * 591 ; /iDOoiuiv, ' hearken patiently to,' T 220. t'm-ToXjidw, imp. i7riro\fian>>, aor. tTrtToX/inat : hold out, endure, abs., p 238, w. inf., 353. tVi-rovos (rnvta): back-stay of a mast, /.i 4'^'If. (Sec cut, representing a Phoenician war-ship.) -n-i-To|do(iaL : bend the low -upon shoot at; nvi, T 79f. -rpairew: commit, intrust to, K 421f. iiri - rpc'iru, aor. 1 t^f'rpt^/a, aor. 2 tTrirpairoi', imp. 2 pi. iiriTpdfytO' , mid. aor. 2 iirtTpcrirounv, pass. perf. tn-irg- Tpafjtfiai, 3 pi. iiriTtTpdtyaTai : act., torn or ^ri'w over io, commit, intrust, pass., B 25, E 750; of 'leaving' the victory to another, 473 ; intr., ' give up,' 'give in to,' yjjpctV, K 79; mid. (met.), be inclined, %t<;, t 12. tiri-Tpe'xw, aor. 1 part, i; aor. 2 iireSpafiov, perf. rtm ?^>, r*m upon, often in hostile sense, 30 ; of horses putting forth their speed, ' ran OH,' 418, 447 ; the chariot rolling close on (behind) the horses, 504; a spear impinging upon a shield, N 409 ; XniKi) S' iiriSt- fpoucv oiyXjj, runs over all, t, 45 ; d\- Xv<;, v 357. iiri - TpoxdSTjv : qlibly, Jfnentfy, r 213, ff 26. ciri - <|>cp(i>, fut. tiroiati, aor. 1 inf. tTrsviiKat : bear upon, only in unfavor- able sense, \tipa, ^apae, lay hands upon, A 89, TT 438 ; ' touch,' T 261. tiri - 4>^oveo> : begrudge, refuse, deny, X 149f. iiri - (j>Xc-y : 6wr, consume; vXrjr, rtk-puv, B 455, * 52. (II.) iiri-pdibO(iai, aor. 1 2 fing. iirtpd- ffU, 3 t7Tf^pa(TCtrO, SUbj. k7Tt1. -ni'-o, ]iass. aor. tTTttypdaBiit; : consider, mark, de- vise, o 444 ; joined w. j>o?' (Odysseus i weeps), 'AXicivooc, Si p.iv oioc, iirttypd- \ oar r]o' kvonvtv, ' remarked ' and noted the fact, 9 94, 533, E 665 ; olov ci) riv | fivOov tTTKjipdaOiit; dyoptvaai, ' didst | take it intd thy head ' to say, t 183. Jirt-j>povovora : part., sagaciously, T 385f. ciri-pwv : thoughtful, sagacious, discreet; fiovXi'j, juijric, y 128, r 326. (Od.) TTi-xipe'w (x'p) : />< hand to, ap- plt/ oneself fo ; ciiirvtf), 0iru>, w 386 and 395. : see > aor. 1 iwi\ivi, inf. iiri\tvcn, mid. aor. 1 iirt\f.vaTO, aor. 2 IvIgviTo: JBOW /xw, /tcop ip, mid. (aor. 1), for oneself; not of liquids only, but of earth, leaves, etc. ; 7roXXr)j> o' tTrtx^a.- TO vXrjv, for wattling, t 257 ; x* mv i>\\/Jtvoi> ari\ai; avSpiav, \. e. to marshall them, O 279, II 155; oy^F/rtc; ft-iv Trpwrov tjr^tro, ' attack- ed,' A 50; i^'^fro KrjXa Otoio, ' sped' to their mark, A 383 ; iTToi^o^ivi] TTO- oiv tvptv, liad 'gone abroad ' to find a husband, 282; tp-yov i^oij(taQai, tiop-TTOv, a 358, v 34 ; larov tTroi\ouivn, ' plying ' the loom, i. e. going up and , down before it, A 31. : see fVw. vo), ipf. tTrwuvvov, aor. tTTa>nocj) : /3dXfi> od- , on the boss, H 267f. (.V-oiri5o|iai ( OTTIQ ) : stand in awe of, reverence, e 146f . TT - oirrdctf : broil over a fire, u 363f. tir - oiTTevw, ipf. iter. tiroirTtvtanf.: oversee, superintend, IT 140f . t'ir-opryw : only mid. aor. part., ITTO- pt^nutvot;, reaching out after, lunging at, E 335f. tir - opvvjii, eiropvvct), ipf. iirwpvve, aor. 1 tTrwfirja, mid. aor. 2 tTrwpro : act., rouse against, arouse, send upon, mid., v.s-e againat ; dypti udv oi tTrop- (Toi/ 'AQrjvainv, E 765 ; ( Ztile ) !if /uo tTriiipai US.VOQ, T 93 ; ry rig & 6c UTTVOI/ irrwpatv, x 429 ; mid. (the river Sca- mander), iirwpr' 'A^tXiji KvKwfievog, 4 324. ir-opovw, aor. tnopovca : rush upon, hasten to; nvi, usually in hostile sense, but not always, E 793 ; w. ace., llpua, P 481; met., virvoc, 'came swiftly upon,' 4/ 343. eiros (root ft ir., cf. v o x). pi. iirt u : word, words, rather with reference to the feeling and ethical intent of the speaker than to form or subject-mat- ter (pi'ifia, uvOoc;) ; icaicov , ta9X6v, fiti- Xixov, u\toi>, virfptyiaXov iirot;, Q 767, A 108, o 374, 2 324, S 503 ; pi., tiriau> eat x f p aiv dpii%eiv, A 77; cwpoioiv T' dyavolaiv iirtaai rt utiXixioiatv, 1113; so of the bard, tire' iuEpoevra, p 519, 091; phrases, -x-diov crs fkirog <*>vytv tpicoQ oSuvrwv, tTrof T t fiytW, f; d' 'iairiTO, followed, a 125; also w. adverbs, fifrd, nl>v, iiri, 133, K 436, A 63 (met.); often of things, liffffa toiKe 0iA?7e tTTi iraidbg fTrtaOai, 'go along with,' i. e. be given as dowry, a 278 ; o'/i) s/i) Siiva^is Kai \Hpeg tirovrat, 'answer to' my strength, v 237 ; yovvara, A 314 ; in" hostile sense only in II., A 154, 165, etc. t'ir-uwpos (ovofia): by a name given for some reason (' s u r name,' cf. tiri/c\jj(Ttc), I 562 ; ofoua tirdii'Vfiov, of a significant name, ; 54, r 400. tiroipTo : see tTropvvpi. t'ir - tixaro, plup. pass. 3 pi. from tirix^ were shut, M 340f. epa-^c : upon the ground, with TTITTT^ and \iio,x 20, M 156. epaficu, pao|iai, ipf. 2 pi. ipdaaOe, aor. ripaadpiv, ipd(tj)actro : be ( aor. become) enamoured of , in love with; fig., n-o^suov, ^v\o7riSoc, 1 64, n 208. tpavvos (tpa/jni): lovely, charming, epitli. of places, I 531, r) 18. cpavos : picnic, a 226. (Od.) tpaoxrai-0 : see 'ipafiai. i'pareivos ( iparog ) : lovely, charm- ing; epitli. ot places and of things ; twice of persons, S 13 and (in a litotes, much like TroQiiviiq) i 230. tpaTib> (Zpauat): only part., crav- ing; Kptiuv,\ 551, P 660. epards (taauai) : lovely, neut. pi., F 64f. i pycxEofiai ( Pepyov ), ipf. flpydZiTO, Ipjd^ovro: work, do, perform; Kt\evffB Se Fipyd&aQai, bade his bellows be at work, 2 469 ; tpya ipya&aQai, v 72 ; ivaiaifia, 'do what is right,' p 321; Xpvffbv Ei'jOya^ero, wrought, y 435. epvaOev, tcp-yaOev ( ftpyw ), ipf. or aor. : sundered, cut off; rl diro TIVOC, E 147. (II.) ep^yov ( fkpjov ) : ivorlc, deed, act, thing; /ifyn tpyov, usually in bad sense (f acinus), y 261, but not always, K 282 ; collectively, and pi., tpyov iiroi- XtaOai. t?ri tpya rpiirtaQai, vvv tVAtro fepyov uiraaiv, 'something for all to do,' M 271 ; with specifying adj., TTO- Xf/jijt, Qa\daoia tpja, tpya ya^toio, B 614, E 429 ; esp. of husbandry, OVTI /3oataroio, S 617 ; (TreTrXot) ipya -yvvatKwv, Z 289; also in the sense of ' accomplishments,' Q 245, etc. ; OTTWQ tarai rdc~e ftpya, these 'matters,' 'affairs.' ipf. tfpye,ii[>yi'v, aor. 3 pi. tp^av, pass. perf. ttpyfiat, 3 pi. itp\a.Tai, pi up. 3 pi. tpxa-o, ikpxaro, aor. part. ace. tp\9'tv- Ta : shut off bv barrier or enclosure, tjrof tipyiii', shut in, B 61 7, etc. ; of simply 'enclosing,' SiaKfKpiun'ai Si tKaarai \ epxaTo, the young animals were severally 'penned,' i 221, % 73; ip\QkvT iv Trorauy, ' shut up,' 4> 282 ; also of ' crowding,' ' pressing closely,' II 395; mostly w. specifying adv. (as 'Epe\i8a\iwv IVTOQ above), Z,uybv o/t^if iepyii (/3de), ' holds apart,' N 706 ; so krof, fi 219 ; icarci, K 238 ; the gen. may follow even the simple verb, wj; or /ii/T-j/p j jraidof ikpyy pvlav, ' keeps a fly away from her child,' A 131; if-pyfiivai, E 89; better reading itpn'tvai. epSco (I'oot /-spy.), fpf. iter. tpciaiceQ, fut. tpo>, aor. fps) perf. topya, pi up. twpyiiv : do, esp. do sacrifice, sacrifice; eKaTopfias, A 315, j 202 ; rpd &oTf, A '20? ; w. two accusatives, or w. dat., o jug trporipog KUK topytv, T 351 ; TroXXd KC'IK ai'OpioTTOHTiv ewpytt, 289, S 261 ; ip%ov OTTWC iOs\ts, 'do as thou wilt,' f 145; defiantly, tpd'' drdp ov TOI iravrtQ tTrati'lo/ugi', 'go on and doT A 29. eppevvos ("Ep/3oe): 6/ (cf. tpiq) : irritate, provoke, A 519, F 414; odvvai, yugXeOtJvai, ' dis- quiet,' 'worry,' S 813, r 517. epeiSu), pass. perf. ipijptiafiai, 3 pi. iptjptSarai, plup. 3 sing, ^p^pftaro, 3 pi. ip^p'iSaro, aor. epeiaOt], mid. aor. epeiffaTO, part. tptiaafJitvoQ : I. act., Zm one thing against an- other, usually with some notion of weight or violence, support, press or force down ; Sopv Trpof m^of tptl- X 112; Qpovov Trpot; iccova, 9 66 ; dffTrit; damS' tptiSe, ' bore hard on,' N 131 ; tjocidoircc,- fii\i, -ovaa, pass, plup. tpgpiTrro : act. (exc. aor. 2), throw down, overthrow; rft^of, 7rdX$ac, M 258, O 356, 361; pass., J 15; intr., aor. 2, /a/ rfow?i, tumble, E 47, 75, ^ 296; tor?; yvii? ipnraiv, held himself up, 'sinking on his knee,' E 309. 'EpefiJSoi : a fabulous people, 5 84f . Ep}iv6s = iptfitvvoQ. ipffivrj ydla ept^a. : see ps^w. cpeojiai : see tpeat. epeTTTOfiai, only part, tpeirropevot : bite off', crop, usually of animals, B 776, 204, T 553 ; of men ' plucking ' and eating of the lotus, t 97. epe'pnrro : see f'pa'jrcu. epeWio : row, I 361, t 490. tpT]s : pi., rowertt, oarsmen, A 142. 'EptTjievs ('Oarman'): a Phaea- cian, 6> 112. lpeT(Ji6v: oar. (Od. and A 435.) (The cut, from an antique vase, repre- sents a different way of working the oars from that of the Homeric age; see cut No 120.) epevyoH-ai, aor. 2 ?/pi>ye : belch, belch forth, intr., t 374 ; trans., n 162 ; of the sea, partly with reference to sound, bellow, P 265, E 403, 438; and aor. 2 of animals, T 403, 404, 406. 'EpcvOaXiwv: a noble Arcadian, slain bv Nestor i:i a war of the Pyli- ans with the Arcadians, H 1 36. 116 cpevOco, aor. inf. ipivaai : redden, dye with blood, A 394, 2 829. (II.) cpcvvaw: track, trace, scent out or seek, x 180. !pe'4>a>, aor. tpi//a : roof over, Q 450, ^/ 193 ; specific for generic, ' built,' A 39. , ' Epx0vs : Erechtheus, a national hero of the Athenians, B 547, j 81. epe'xOw (cf. epiiicia) : rack; metaph., Ovfiuv, 83 ; pass., of a ship, be bnffet- ted about, dvefJioiai, ^ 317. epc'co = ipw, see tipui 1. Ipe'w, part, ipsw*', subj. tpctoutv, opt. fptoiuiv, mid. tpiouai, ipf. spfWro, subj. tptui/jfli, inf. iptiadai : ask, nvd, and abs.; tic (adv.) r' tpiovro, 'made inquiry,' I 671. ep-fjp.05 (Alt. tpriuos) : deserted, deso- late, E 140. : see fotif w. (ipint>), aor. iter. ipnriiaaaKf, opt. *p/yrfict- Xnyyae, Xaov, A 567, 2 503 ; pass. B 99, 211 ; met., 9vuov, A 192, pass., I 635; mid. as dep., O 723, elsewhere subjective and not easily distinguished from the pass., I 462. tpi-: intensive prefix, like apt-. tpi-avxT'> vo : with high-arching neck, epith. of steeds, A 159, K 305. (II.) tpi - pp[iTTis, 6w ( /3|0/iw ) : loud- thn,trhi(j, N 0'24t. pi-pu\a|, tit;or. and tpiffaXos : with large clods, i. e. with rich soil, fertile, epith. of lands. (II. and v 235, 34.) epi - yBoviros and tpiSoviros (yov- irof ) : land - thundering, resounding ; epith. of Zeus, also of the seashore, the feet of horses, and the portico of a palace, E 672, Y 50, A 152, Q 323. epiSaivo) (iptc.), mid. aor. 1 inf. ipl- oliaaffdcn : contend, dispute, strive, vie with; rivi, avria. TIVUQ, a 79; evtKa, irtpi -it'oq, /3 206, a 403 ; abs., irooaiv, ' in running,' 792 ; fig., of winds, II 765. tpiS^aivw (epic) : irritate, stir up, II 260f. cpiSoviros : see tpiySovTroc,. tpi^o), ipf. iter. ipttfaicov, aor. subj. tpiownv, opt. tpiant, -av, mid. aor. subj. tpiaafrai : tpidaivu, 9 225, E 172. epi - r]pos ( root dp ), pi. piT)pes : trttxty, faithful; epith. of iralpoi (sing., A 266). T 47, ( 100; of doi&Se, a 34(5, 62, 471. tpi - 0T)Xifc, g ( 0aXXw ) : blooming, luxuriant, E 90. (II.) epI0os : pi., reapers, 2 550, 560. cpi-KvSrjs, is (icvcof): fflorious, fa- mous; epith. of gods, also of things, Siapa &twi>, ijfit], Sait;, F 65, A 225, -y 66. cpi-p.vKOS ( p,vicdouai ) : loud-bellow- ing, epith. of cattle, o 235. epiveos: wild jig-tree, p 103; in the Iliad a particular tree near the sources of the Scamander, Z 433. Jpivov = iplviuz, the reading of Aristarchus in 281f . 'Eplvvs, vof, ace. pi., 'Eplvwc, -vac, : the JErinnys, pi., the Erinnyes (Fu- r iae), goddesses who fulfil curses and avenge crimes, I 571. (See cut.) eptov, etpiov: wool, S 124, M 434, pi., T 388, etc. epL-o\jvr|s and e'piovvio? (ovii'ijui) : helpful, the Helper, epith. of Hermes ; subst., Q 440. pis, acc. tpiSa and tpiv : strife, con- tention, rivalry, A 8, H 210; tpiSa TTpoQspovffai, 'putting forth rivalry,' 'vying with one another' in speed, 92; tptcd TIVI -n-poQepcffBai df9\) : matter or cause of strife, A 38f. Ipi - o-rd4>vXos ( aTav\ii ) : large- clustered, olvoc., i 111, 358. plTl|A09 111 fps (rlp,ri): highly - prized, precious, B 447. (II.) Ipi<|>o9 : kid, pi, i 220. Epij>u\Tj: Eripliyle, the wife of Ainphiaraus, X 326f. ' EpixBovios : sou of Dardanug, and father of Tros, T 219, 230. 'Epiwiris: wife of Olleus, N 697. epxctos (f jOicof) : of tJie enclosure, of the court ( av\f) ), epiil). of Zeus as household god, having his altar in the court, \ 355f. (See plate III., at end of volume.) epKiov (f'pcoc) : wall or hedge of the court-yard ; avXijs, I 476, a 102. cpKos, foQ (fipjbi) : hedge, wall, then the enclosure itself, i. e. the court, Q S06, pi., 57, etc. ; bulwark, defence against, ateovrtav, (3t\eiav, A 137, E 316; said of persons, UpKos iroXeuoio, 'ipieof 'Axaiwv, A 284, T 229 (cf. irvp- yof) ; f'pxrof odovrwv (the ' fence of the teeth '), used in connections where we should always say 'lips.' 1. cpp-a (upw 2, root aep) : only pi., 'ipfiara, pendants, ear-rings, probably strings of beads. (See cuts, the one on the left an Athenian tetradrachm, that on the right a Sicilian deca- drachm.) 2. eppa, arof : prop; pi., of the sup- ports placed under ships when drawn up on shore, A 486 ; met., of persons, tpfj.0. woXjjoc, ' prop and stay,' ' pillar ' of the state, n 549 ; of an arrow, fit- \aiviutv ep/i bSvvawv, ' bearer of black pains,' by some referred to fpua 1, A 117. "Epjiaios : of Hermes, \60oe, a hill in the island of Ithaca, a spur of Mt. Neion, 7r471f. 'Eppjs, 'Ep}J.eias, gen. 'Ep/Wao and '' dat. 'Epfiy and 'Ep/ia, ace. and 'Epfuidy, voc. 'Ep/jf i'u : Hermes (M e r c u r i u s), son of Zeus and Maia, 435; messenger of the gods, guide of mortals ( of Priam, Q 457), and conductor of the shades of the dead ; his winged sandals and magic wand, t 44 ff. Epithets, ra, iptovvioc;, SWTKOTTOC, trwKO, paTTtf, SiaKTOpog, 'Apyti0oi/rflC- 'Ep|u6vT| : Hennione. ( 1 ) th" daughter of Menelaus and Helen, <5 14. (2) name of a city in Argolis, U 560. tpjxfs, Tvoc (epua 2) : pi, bed-posts, 9 278 and i// 198. "Epjios : a river in Phrygia and Mysia, Y 392. cpvos, EOC : shoot, scion, young tree, P 53; tpvt'i float;, of young persons, S 56, g 175, cf. J 163. p|jw : see tpSw. cpopai, assumed pres. for aor. subj. tpw/0a, opt. tpoiTO, imp. kptio, inf. tptaOai: ask, a 135, y 243. epos : see tpwc- epirtTov ( p7ra> ) : creeping thing ; oad iiri yalav fpirtra yijvovrai, i. e. all the 'creatures that move' upon the earth, S 418f. Cf. the 2d example under f'pTrw. !pirv!>: parallel form 1 of t'pTrw. tpirvZwv, 'dragging himself,' the effect of grief or of old age, V 225, v 220, a 192. fpirtt (cf. s e r p o), ipf. ilpirov, spire : creep, crawl; pivot, a prodi- gy, p 395 ; specific for generic, offffa rt yalav tin irvdu TE icai f'pTTfe, ' breathes and crawls,' i. e. lives and moves, P 448, a 131 ; 7/i>o TJ toTTuv, an alliterative Haying, 'sitting or stirring,' in- tended to suit any possible atti- tude or condition, p 158. ippdSarai : see p'ou'j/w. eppiYa : see p'tyw. cppci> (fippitt): go with pain or diffi- culty, d 367 ; of the lame Hephaestus, 2 421 ; esp. imp. as imprecation, tpp, fopT, begone! 9 164, K 72, 75, Q 239; tppETu, 'off with him!' t 139; 'let him go to Perdition !' I 377 ; similar- ly the part., ivOddt Fkpptav, 'coming hither, to my ruin,' 239, 1 364. IpOTfj, ee'pcrr) ( tfepar] ) : pi., dew- drops, A 53 (in a prodigy); of new- born lambs, t 222. 118 e cpv)xai, 3 pi. (lpva.TO.1, inf. tpvaOat, flpvaOai, ipf. 2 sing, tpvao, 3 sing, tpvro, etpvro. 3 pi. fT/ODiro, vpvaro: shield, protect, pre- serve; offaov T r)E duii> r)i rpfif dvdpas tpvffOai, enough leaves to 'cover' two or three men, s 484; (/3ou\/;) / n'f Ktv ipvaaerai r)t aawffti \ 'Apytlovg Kai VT/flC, K 44 ; tTrog tipvaaauOai, ' observe ' the command, A 22 ; ov , -v(ff)ffaro, perf. 3 pi. ilpvarai, part, flpvftevtu, plup. tipuro, 3 pi. ("ipvvro and tlpvaro : draw, dray, mid., t/raw for oneself or to oneself, rescue, esp. the fallen in battle. V'ZKVV, vtxpov ; act., of drawing an arrow from the wound, E 110 ; a mantle down over the head, 85 ; drawing the bow, O 464 ; ships into the sea, A 141 ; pulling flesh off the bones, ? 134 ; battlements from a wall, M 258 ; pass., A 248, & 75, 265 ; mid., of drawing one's sword or dagger, r 271 ; one's ships into the sea, 3 79 ; drawing off meat from the spits (to eat it yourself), A 466, and other subjective actions; draw to oneself, rescue, E 456, P 161, 422, 2 152. epxarai, epxaro : see tpyw. spxarda) (f'tpyw}: only ipf. pass., ipxaTowvro, were penned up, 15f. tpX0ts : see i'pyw. cpxo|iai, fut. iXtvffofiai, aor. ijXOov and ifXvQov, perf. t!\>t\ov9a, tl\i)\ov- QfJLtv, part. 6i\>jXow0wt; and i\r)\vQ(i>i;, plup. tl\r)\ovOti '. come, go ; the word needs no special illustration, as there is nothing peculiar in its numerous applications. The part. i\Qwv is often employed for amplification, ov Svva- pai . . /ia^f-? xweep, force in motion, F 62; oaov T kiri Sovpot; spot/} \ yiyvtrai, a spear's 'throw,' O 358, * 529. (2) cessation; TToXe/ion, II 302, P 761. epios, epos, dat. tpifj, ace. tpov : love; Oiug, ywctiKuQ) ' lor ' a goddess, a woman, & 315 ; fig., of things, yoov, O 227 ; often KOGIOQ itai idnrvoc,, ' appe- tite,' see ii}/u. tpcordo) : see slpwrdttj. a- ytir, for fut. and perf., see t^w: ea<, said of both men and animals; fig., ' consume,' ' devour,' ft 75 ; irup, 182; pass., olKOf, 5 318. to-eXos : a poetic synonym of aya- 0of, q. v. ; examples are numerous in every application of the meaning good, Opp. KdKOQ, d\\OT H&V T KUKlft O y KDptrai, aXXore c' !(T0Xy, Q 530. o-3os, sof (f i. % tViSeiv : see eiaiiSov. co'ijj.vat : see t!ai>ip.i. critov : see t/^c. o-64fop.ai : see f itropaw. tcTTTe'pios (fiaTTtpog) : in the evening, * 560, i 336 ; o/ iv : hearth, fire - place ; irvp6<;, of watch- fires, K 418. (According to some, ' portable ' hearths are to be under- stood in certain passages, e. g., .59, 305, v 123. Portable fire-basins were doubtless common in the time of Ho- mer as now in the Orient. See cut No. 83; cf. also the Pompeian warm- ing-pan and water-warmer represented in the adjoining cut.) v, -owora, defective part. : at the border, at the end ; i]iiov ia\a- TOUV, 'a straggler," K 206; of 'fron- tier' towns, B 508, 616. rx9ov, TXOV, torero : see i \w. eo-w : see ttma. eraipr], crdpT) : companion, attend- ant, A 441 ; usually fig., I 2, p 271. Taipi. erepwOev : from or on >. , defective aor., 3 sing, frt- r^e, rtrftf, subj. 2 sing. Ttrpyc, : find, reach, Z 374, o 15 ; fig., bv y/7pC t- Tfttv, a 218. *TTVKTo : see rsw^dj. 'Ertwveus : son of Boethon?, a com- panion -at- arms of Menclaus, S 22. (Od.) 'Erewvo's : a town in Boeotia, B 497f. errjs ( firne ), pi. erai : friends, re- tainers, distinguished from near rela- tives, S 3, Z 239, I 464. tVJTV|Aos (cf. trvficQ, trfut): true, truthful, real ; dyytXoe, vuaroc, pv9o<;, X 438, y 241, ^ 62; freq. neut. as adv., e'-nJTVjtov, actually, really, A 558, 2 128. ?TI: still, yet. I. temporal, iraXai T)& ITI Kal vvv, still to this day, I 105 ; often w. neg., oi>5' dp' in SJtyv \ t}v, he lived ' not much longer,' ' not long thereafter,' Z 139; and idiomatically, ov yap iri Tpoinv aipqaouiv, we shall not take Troy ' any more,' i. e. we can no longer hope to take the city, B 141. II. denoting addition, d\\oc, tVepog in, yet another, H 364, 5 3~25 ; in fiu\\ov, fjiu\\ov tri, a 322. erXTjv : see rXf/rai. Toi(J.a^to, aor. imp. tToifiaanrtit, -aaart, mid. aor. iToiudffnrTO : make ready, prepare, A 118, v 184. c-rotpos : ready, at hand ; UIJTIQ, 'feasible,' I 425; 'actual,' 'actuallv,' S 53, 384 ; Tror/xoe, ' certain,' 2 96. Topov : see Topsta. TOS, tog (firoc,, cf. v e t u s) : year. See kviavrog. erpairov : see rpiTrw. tTpa4>t]v, Tpa(j>ov : see rp!0w. erufios, pi. i-rvuu, and e-rufiov = irr]- TVUOQ, irfiTVuov, r 203, 567, ^ 26. era-o-ios ( fer.) : fruitless, vain; iy- Xoc, j3s\(a, Cwpa, d^oc, T 368, 12 283, 2 104. e3, v (neut. of ivc.) : well, answering in meaning as adv. to the adjectives dyaQoQ and icdXoc ; hence ' rightly,' 'finely,' 'carefully,' etc., esp. 'happi- ly,' ' prosperously,' tv Ztoetv, iv o'tKad' \KtaQai, p 423, A 19, 7 188, 190; tv ipdttv rivet, i. e. dyaOa ipSeiv, E 650^ used to strengthen other words, tv 121 eiXij pa\a, (v TrdvTtQ, 'quite all,' K 452, a v-tjYvi]s, f'c ( = fvytvi]Q ) : wf// or 260. nobli/ born, A 427. (II.) tv : see ow. ev-rjYecriY] ( '/yf o/zat ) : good govern- ev - aY-ye'Xiov : reward for good tid- ment, r 114-f (v. 1. tvip-ytonjg). ings, 4' 152, 166. CVO.SE : see avavti). Evai|iovi8T]s : son of Euaemon, Eurypylus, E 76, H 167. (II.) Eviaiueov: son of Ormenus, and fa- ther of Em-ypylus, B 736, E 79. v - avSijs, f e ( dvQoQ ) : luxuriant, abundant, \ 320f. : the father of Maron, 1 197t. : Kiiboea, the island sepa- rated from Boeotia by the Emipus, Abantes/B 536, y 174, ; 321. VP 406f. named by Homer as the home of the 536, y 174, ; 321. (/3Jpai, ' wt'll hung,' p 267 (v. 1. tvipytec,). cv-^vyos, fi^. (uyov): well -yoked, of a ship, i. c. ' well - beamed,' or ac- cording to others, ' well - benched,' v 116, p 288. t'v-(ovos, oio, one : beautiful- ly girdled, the girdle giving a graceful appearance to the garment, Z 467, A 429. (II.) (See cut No. 44.) ev - TJICIJS, t f ( axr/j ) : we// - pointed, sharp, K 319f. EviTjvfvT) : daughter of Evenus, Mar- pessa, I 557f . EvT)vopi8r]s : son of Evenor, Leio- critus, /3 242. (Od.) EvT)v<5s : (1) son of Selepius, B 693. (2) father of Marpessa, ev-TJvwp, opof (dvfjp) : manly or ' in- spiring manliness,' ^aXicac,, olvoc, j' 19, 5 622. (Od.) t> - ijpT]s, te ( root ap ) : ce handy, of oars, X 121. (Od.) cv-Opif, rpt^oc: well-maned, 'with flowing mane,' 13. ev-0povos: well-throned, 'with beau- tiful throne,' Hif, 565. (Od.) eiOvs : see f0i}c. ew - 6v(j.os : we// - disposed, kindly, esf. EVITTTOS : a Lycian, slain by Patro- clu?, n 417f. cv-Kajiirqs> c (*ca//7rro>) : well-bent, curved, sickle, Icey, 6. (Od.) u - Kearos ( KtaZbi ) : easily cleft or split, fissile, i 60f. ' 554, y 263. (f'tKt]\oi;, tFK.) = c, A Xeot,-, ace. pi. tvK\iiac: glorious, renowned, K 281, $ 331. Adv., evKXedis, cviKXciws, glo- riously, X 110. v-KXtit) : good reputation, fame, 285, | 402. sVicXijis, Ttfoe ( K\n'm> ) : close - sfwt- ting, Q 318f. tv-Kvijuis, 7^oe: well-greaved, epith. of 'A^atoi, and in the Od. also of mpoi. (See cut tinder a/i0//3poroc.) tit - Ko 481. Evjmtos : Emiuieus, the faithful swine-herd of Odysseus, 17-190, ; V 267 ; son of Ctesius, king of the island of Syria,- the story of his life, o 400 ff. ei - (wve'rris = i v/itvjijc, % 185 (opp. Q, 184). father of Dolon, a Tro- jan herald, K 314,412. ev - |nr|Xos : abounding in sheep, o 408f. Evu.T]Xo9 : Etimelus, son of Adme- tus and Alcestis, 288. (II.) tVfifieXiTjs, gen. iw (jUfXijj) : good at the ashen lance, good at the spear, epith. of Priam and others. (II. and y 400.) cvvdco and eivaw (ei'vli), f ut. tvra- au, aor. fvvnvs, mid. pros. inf. tvva^s- a9ai, pass. aor. inf. evvt)9ijvai : put in a place to lie, place in ambush, 408, 440; mid. and pass., lie down to sleep or rest, T 441, v 1 ; fig., of winds, e 384. evvaitrowv, -dwaa : see va.itra.iit. see vaiu>. gen. tiivrjijii : ( 1 ) place to lie, bed, couch ; said of an army, K 40-8 ; of the 'lair' of wild animals, A 115; esp. typical of love and marriage, 0X<5- rr)ri Kcti tiivy, OIIK cnroi>r). : reft, bereft, X 44, i 524. eu-vojuT) (vouoc] : good order, obedi- ence to (ait's, p 487f . W.-eoTos and c'voos (&tu), gen. iv- %ov : well-scraped,well-planed, polished ; in act. sense, aickirapvov ivoov, t 237. v-opp.os : affording good moorage ovanchorage, 23. (Od.) ev - irareptia : daughter of a noble father, epitli. of Helen anil Tvro, Z 292. X 235. Eviri8T|s : father of the suitor An- tinou-s, slain by Laertes, j0w): well or strong- ly burning or blowing, "S, 47 If. - irpvfxvos (irpvuv!)): of ships, with well-built or decorated sterns, A 248J-. ev-irvp-yos : well towered or walled, H71f. v-iro)Xos (TT^XOC): abounding in horses, with fine horses, epith. of Ilium, E 551, j3 18. vpd (tvpoQ) : on one side, sidavise, A 251, O 541. tv-ppai]s, KQ (pc'nrTdi) : well-sewed, (3 354, 380. cv-ppcifs, gen. ivppuoc,, tw-ppiTT)s, do : fair-flowing, epith. of rivers. evpuTKw, aor. 2 tvpov, mid. pres. imp. tvpio, aor. ind. tvpiro : find, find tuppoos ouf, discover, mid., for oneself; of ' thinking up ' a name for a child, r 403 ; ' bringing (trouble) on oneself,' 304. cv-ppoos = ivppefis, ivpptirijq. Evipos : Enrus, the south-east wind, stormy, B 145, II 765; but warm enough to melt the snow, r 206. eupos, tog (t'vpvs) : breadth, width, \ 312f. cupu-aYuia : wide - strected, epith. of cities. EvpvdSrjs : a suitor of Penelope, slain by Telemachus, x 267f. Evpu'aXos: Euryaltix. ( 1 ) an Ar- give, son of Meciateua, Z 20, 677. (2) a Phaeacian, 9 115, 396. Evpvpdrns: Eurybates.(\) a her- ald of Agamemnon, A 320. (2) a her- ald of Odysseus, B 184, T 247. Evpx>8dua.9 : Eurydamas. ( 1 ) a Trojan, the father of Abas and Polyl- dus, E 149. (2) a suitor of Penelope, slain by Odysseus, x 283. Evpv8iT| : Eurydice, the wife of Nestor, y 452. EvpuK\eia : Euryclea, the nurse of Odysseus, and faithful housekeeper in his palace, r 357, ft 361. cupv-Kpeitov : wide-ruling, epith. of Poseidon and of Agamemnon, A 751, A 102. EvpvXoxos: a cousin and compan- ion of Odysseus, K 232, X 23, /* 195. 339. COd.) Evpufxaxos : son of Poly, bus, a suit- or of Penelope, slain by Odysseus, a 399, x 82. (Od.) Evpvpe'Sovcra : an attendant of queen Arete, t) 8f. Evpv|A'8wv : Eurymedon. ( 1 ) son of Ptolemaeus, and charioteer of Aga- memnon, A 228. (2) a servant of Nestor, 9 1 14, A 620. (3) king of the Giants, father of Periboea, i\ 58. evpv-fiTiros : broad-browed. Evpufj.i8-r]s : son of Eurymus, Tele- mus, a seer among the Cyclopes, t 509f. EripvvojM] : Eurynome. ( 1 ) an Oceaniil, 2 398f. (2) stewardess of Penelope, p 495. T 97. EvpwVojj.os : an Ithacan, the son of Aegyptius, ft 22. (Od.) cvpvvu (ifipvo), aor. 1 ivpvva : widen, enlarge, 9 260f. cvpu-6Seia (ocof): wide-wayed, i. e. ' wide-wandered,' epith. of the earth as field of human travel alwas Qovb(^ evpv-oira, nom., ace., and voc. : (if from oi//) wide (far) thundering ; (if from wip) wide (far ) seeing, E 265, II 241, A 498. cvpv-iropos (TTO/OOC): wide-traversed, epith. of the sea (cf. tvpvodtia), always 0XrtlT(T?JC,' fVpVTTOpOlO. (Od.) cvipv-irvXrjs, eg (TTV\))) : wide -gated, " EtipvirvXos : Eurypylus. ( 1 ) son of Euaemon, from Thessaly. B 736, E 76, Z 36, A 580, 809. (2) son of Po- seidon and Astypalaea, from the island of Cos, B 677.(3) son of Telephus, slain by Neoptolemus, X 520. i>pu-p9pos and evpvpecov; broad- flowing, * 141f, B 849. (II.) cvpus, tia, v, gen. -eof, -f.irjq, ace. evpia and tvpvv: broad, wide; comp., evipvrepos, Y 194, * 427 ; adv., evpi> piui', E 545. evipw - crScnjs, e (aflfi'oc): widely powerful, with far - reaching might, epith. of Poseidon, v 140. (11.) EvpvaOevs : Eurysthtux, son of Sthenelus, and king of Mycenae; by a trick of Hera upon Zeus, Eurystheus was born to power over Heracles, and imposed upon him the celebrated la- bors, T 103 ff., 123 ff., 9 363, X 620. EvpvTiSr)? : son of Eurytus, Iphi- tus, guest - friend of Odysseus, 14, 37. (Od.) Evipvriwv : a Centaur, 295f. Evpvros (tv, ipv(i>, ' Drawer of the Bow ') : Eurytus. ( 1 ) son of Actor (or of Poseidon) and Molione, brother of Cteatus ( see 'AicrojOiwv ), with his brother an ally of Augeas against Nestor and the Py Hans, B 621, A 709 ff. (2) son of Melaneus and Strato- nice, king of Oechalia, father of lole and Iphitus. A celebrated archer, he challenged Apollo to a contest, and was slain by the god, B 204 ff. Odys- seus received the bow of Eurytus from his son Iphitus, 32 ff. vpv-<|>viis, f c (vw) : wide-growing, . e. with its rows of kernels far apart, epith. of barley, S 604f . cvpv-xopos : (if from %opw ) with road dancing-places or lawns; (if from 124 X&POC) spacious; epith. of lands and cities. tupwas, fvaa (tiipdig) : mouldy, dank, epith. of Hades. vs, v, and ^jvs, J\v, gen. t;]oe, ace. ivv, TJUV, pi. gen. tdwv : synonym of ayadi'it; and KaXoj,', the neut. forms of j the sing, mostly adverbial, see tv. ivg TTfltf, V'WQ, Otpcnrwv, Bi'af , iraiSos iijo, esp. in II. ; also pivot; t)v, ' noble ardor,' /3 271, etc. ; j/i'-c rt /tsyac re, B 653. gen. pi. tdwf, of good things, blessings, Q 528 ; & 01 dwrjjpec t'awv, 325. euo-o : see 6<5w. ev - avos (ffTttj>dvn) : with beauti- ful head-band, epith. of goddesses and women, * 511, a 193, /3 120; fig., of Thebes, with noble wall, T 99. S, vr is al ways employed ' asyndetical- ly,' i. e. without a connecting particle, and is freq. followed by a~ demonstra- tive temporal word in the apodosis, tvQa, Trjpot; cf], Kal TOTt SI], tirura, etc. ; ivr' dffTi)p inrepiaxe tyaavraroQ . . Trjpog Si) vrjatj} Trpoanri\varo TTOV- TOTropoQ VI]VQ, v 93 ; the clause intro- duced by evTf may, however, follow its apodosis, r\fj 5' 'AiSrjs . . WKVV biaruv . . tvTt piv aivrbg dviijp . . bovvyaiv towKev, E 396. (2) as, even as, intro- ducing a simile, T 10, T 386 (where some write nvre, for r/iiTe). ev-Tixos, metapl. ace. sing, tvni- vea: well-walled, well-fortified, A 129, H57. v-T(xi]Tos (repvia): well -cut, of straps, * 684. (11.) ^v-Tpe'i]S, ft; ( Toitjxjj ) : well- nour- ished, fat, 1 425. (Od.) Evrp-rjo-i? : a village in Boeotia, B 502. tv-rptiTos (riTpaai) : well-pierced, & 182f. of ) : well-wheeled, 9 438. eu-TUKTos (rftn^w): well-wrought, F 33,^ 123. cvi-<{>ir]fxco> (iviprjpoQ) ; observe a holy silence, i. e. avoid ill-omened words by not speaking at all, I 171-J-. E{T)|ios : son of Troezenus, and leader of the Ciconians, B 846f. EvtJTTjs : ruler over Ephyra in Elis, O 532f. Evoppos: EitpJwrbus, a Trojan, the son of Panthous ; after wounding Patroclus, he is slain by Menelaus, II 806, P 59. 4v - <(>paSe(i>s ( tj>pd%opai ) : thought- full '//, wisely, r 352f . v - 4>paivw ( <}>p{]v ), fut. ei'tfipavfu), aor. f.vtj>pr]va : cheer, gladden, mid., take one's pleasure, /3 311. cv-povccov : well meaning and well judging, ivith good and icise intent, al- ways ivtjtpovibtv dyoprjauTO Kal ptreti- iriv. v-pocrVTj : mirth, gladness. V-vi)s, ec (^^w): well -grown, shapely, * 243, A ]47._ (II.) ev - X^XKOS : of fine bronze, well mounted with bronze, T 322. evxTxop.ai (iv\ouai), opt. iv\troi^- PTJV : pray or ojfer obeisance, rtvi, boast; iv-^trott)VTo Qtwv Ait NfHt]v, aor. tvdpijv : (1) pray, vow ; then solemnly declare and wish ; ev^f-o TTUVT dvocovvai, ' asseverated,' 2 499 ; tvZdpivitc, TI tTTOQ ipktjj . . t'iO' we Jj/3op- oipi, 463, 468, S 484 ; usually, how- ever, of praying to the gods. ( 2 ) avow, avouch oneself, boast; jjjuelc rot irarepujv pey' dptivoviQ tvx"Htff tlrai, 125 A 405 ; usually of just pride, but not always, N 447. uxos ( ivxopai, boast ) : glory, esp. of war and victory, freq. SiSovai (v\o<; TIVI, tvxos dpeaOai, E 286, i 317, H 203. : bright-colored, (tvxouai): (I) prayer, vow, 357, A 65. ( 2 ) boast, exultation, shout of triumph, A 450, 6 229, B 160 ; ' my pi-ide,' X 433. evw, nor. ivaa : singe, bristles of swine, I 468, /3 300; the eyelids of Polyphemus, t 379. evi - uST]9, is ( ou>, oduSa ) : sweet- SYiielling, fragrant. ti> - wiris, toot; ( wi// ) : fair -faced. (Od.) Ecjxx-yov : see ayiiv. l - dXX.op.ai, aor. 2 s;ruXro, part. ETrdX/ufoe and tTTuiXjusvof : leap or spring upon or a< ; 'iinrwv, H 1 5 ; and freq. in hostile sense, nW, N 643 ; in friendly sense, abs., w 320. -aXos (w'Xc) : situated on the sea, epith. of maritime cities, B 538, 584. (11) ?4>av : see ^n^t. c-avSdv(i>, cmavSdvo) ( FavSavia ) : be pleasing or acceptable to. please. e<|>dyTj : see fyaivoi. e(j>-diTTW, pass. perf. 0ij;mu, plnp. 0r/7rro, mid. aor. subj. tyd^eai : act., attach to, pass, (metapli.), Ae /tw?*^ ewer, /taw? ower, impend ; nvi, B 15, Z 241 ; mid., touch, e 348. 4 - apjx6(i>, aor. opt. iapuuaatii : \nti:,f.t, ftitit, T 385f. e4>-6op.ai, ipf. i(pi^iro : sit upon or by, * 50(5, p 334. eeVeiT)v : see tyinui. <{>-icra, defective aor., inf. etyeeraai, mid. aor. imp. tfaaaai, part. ttyiaaduE- vos, fut. inf. ityiaotffQai : cause to sit upon or by, set, mid., for oneself; of putting on board ship, v 274 ; mid., w. gen. (vnug), o 277 ; 7ivi n, I 455, sr 443. -c'\Kci>, draff to or after, pass., 696 ; mid. (met.), draw to oneseff, at- tract, TT 294. ^.evvvjii : see iiriivvv^Li. i<^-e7r, ipf. f^ETre, iter. i(f>EirtffKov, fut. i(j>t\l/us, aor. iwtairov, opt. iiriffTroi, inf. t7rio--6tv, mid. aor. inf. t7ri(T7r!tTTi Kpartpwvvxaf 'ITTITOVC;, ' urge on against,' II 724 ; o>e ro^c 'Arpiidris tfairt, ' followed up,' ' pursued,' A 177 ; (KwriytTcn) Kopvfyaq bpk&v isTTOVTt<;, 'pushing to,' t 121; vauivrit; oro/ta, ' move over,' T 359, A 496 ; freq. met., Qa.va.Tov tcai irorpov iiriairtiv, ' meet ' one's fate ; so drov. o\k9piov or aim.. uof riuap, y 134, T 294, * 10(1 II. mid., follow close; nvi, N 495; Trotriv, 'in running,' S! 521; met., i-^iairo^if.- voi [livii ffQiji, Otov outpy, '(. 262, y 215. e4>co-crai, c(r(rc(r6ai, c4>ccr - e'a-Tios ( taria ) : at or to the hearth, at one's own hearth or home, y 234, f/ 55 ; ikarioi oaaoi tamv, i. e. all the native Trojans, B 125; (e/tA tyianov ?/yay Saifuav, ' to her hearth, /248. (j>-eT(ii] (t(f>li]ui) : command, behest, mostly in pi. (II. and 5 353). !<{> - cvpio-Kw, aor. tyftipouiv, opt. tfavpoi : come upon and find, surprise, freq. w. part, e c}>-e v!/i-Tj)jiai : .sit upon or at. (Od.) ecf>-T]|xcpios: the day through, S 223 ; tyrjufpta Qpovtiv, thoughts 'but for the day,' i. e. no thought for the mor- row, 5. : .see 0T]v : see QOdvtij. 0ia9' : see 00ta>. 'E-idya>: sit upon or at ; StiTriXft, K 578 ; met., V-TTVOQ iiri fi\e-i> ipf. iter. ityi&oKt: sit upon. (0,1.) c-iT))xi, part, fytci'c, ipf. ffiti, fut. ttprjaiic,, aor. irJKa, tunica, subj. tyeiw, opt. t0/j/v, imp. ttjttc, mid. pres. part. IffUkfitvoQ : let go at or upon. I. act., of 'sending' one person to another, Q 117 ; ' letting fly ' missiles at anything, j&Xea TIVI, A 51, * 170; 'laying (vio- lent hands) upon' one, A 567, a 254; met., of 'inciting' a person to some action, \v. inf., \a\eirijvat, dtlaai, 2 126 108, 464 ; also of ' bringing ' or ' im- posing ' troubles, etc., upon one, TTOT- fiov, i9\ov, KriSid TIVI, A 396, T 576, A 445. II. mid., enjoin upon, com- mand; nvi (ri), * 82, Q 300, v 7. c<|> - iKvco|iai : only aor. ity'iKovro ( a\\ri\wi> ), fell upon each other, N 613f. t^iXTjOev : see 0iXt'u>. t-itffTdffi, inf. tiaTdfiBv(ai), part. gen. fyftrraoroc, plup. ivfTijKU, 3 pi. itpiaraaav, aor. 2 tTrioTn, mid. ipf. tylararo: perf. and mid., sfawc? ? to, draw near, w. dat., or a prep, and its case, Z 373, 201, K 124, A 644; in hostile sense, 'set upon,' O 703 ; fig., KijjOEC ifaaTuffiv Oararoio, M 326. tj>.d\Kaiov (tXicw): rudder, 350f. i-o|JLapTe : follow close upon. (11.) t<^ - oirXia>, f ut. -OTrXioaovat, aor. i(f>6ir\t(ff)aa , mid. aor. subj. t^oTrXitro- fitaOa : equip, (jet ready, mid., for one- self, vija, afiafyiv, Saira, Sopva, /3 295, 37, B 503, I 66. t - Opdci), flit. tTTMpo/lrtl, tTTl6\l/OUai, aor. tireiSov : /oo& upon, behold, watch over; (Ztv^) dvBpdnrove tyopq. Kai ri- VVTCU of Kev dficpTy, v 214; also 'go to see' (vise re), TJ 324, // 19, and 'look up' (in order to choose), here the form tirtoi^o/zai, I 167, /3 294 ; fig., 'live to see,' Ka/ca, X 61. ' - opp.da), aor. t^wp/zjjffn, pass. ta>pp.riVi]v : act., srf a-going against, arouxe against ; 7r6X(/iov rtn, ai^ove, P 165, j 272 ; mid. and pass., rs/t upon, be impelled, be eager; tvi ditppifi \ fJX H top(j.aa9ai, P 465 ; w. ace., epvi- t, O 691, Y 461 ; ol 9vfiog iopfiuTat yrt/i-op|M] : way to speed to (from the interior to the bdbt; tf \avpnv), x 130f. 4)-vppia) : only part., insultingly, I 368f. c(|>-vSpos (vctiip) '. ivet, rainy, ^458|. e<()-v'irp0e(v) : above. 'E$vpi\: phi/ra.(l) the ancient name of Corinth, Z 152, 210. (2) a Pelasgic city in Northern Elis, the res- idence of Augeas, B 659, O 531, A 739, a 259, /3 328. "E4>vpoi : the inhabitants of Cran- 10:1 in Thessaly, which formerly bore the name of Epliyra, N 301. ex Ex K ^'*i5 : a Myrmidon, the son of Actor, H 189. : ( 1 ) a son of Agenor, slain by Achilles, Y 474f. (2) a Tro- jan, slain by Patroclus, II 694f. 'Exf*.H iWV : a son f Pi'iam, slain by Diomed, E 160f. 'Extvrio? : an aged Phacacian, X 342. Ixe-ireuKiis, f'e (cf- KiKpoc,') : having a sharp point, xharp, otarof. (II.) 'ExtirwXos : ( 1 ) a descendant of Anchises, dwelling in Sicyon, * 296. (2) a Trojan, the son of Tlialysius, slain by Antilochus, A 458. : see t<>>. : a barbarous king in Epi- rus, (t, 308. (Od.) . thoughtful, prudent. (Od.) ; a son of Nestor, y 4.13. : see s ^w. x6aipw (fyfloe), aor. iix9npa : hate, op|x v,Z 410, M 260; of the earth under a mass of rock, TrfT-jOTjc, N 139 ; also of the mud or rubbish from a canal, holding back the flow of water, 4> 259. exfj.r]i', imp. o^to, par- 127 allel forms of aor. act. ta^fdor, &%(- Qkuv. hold, have. I. act. (and pass.) (1) trans., hold, in the hands, A 14 ; or in any way or direction, hence 'wear,' N 163, * 136, II 763, r 225; 'hold up,' 'support,' a 53; ' hold back,' ' stop,' A 302, M 456 ; and simi- larly of holding something to u course, 'guide,' 'steer,' a ship, horses, i 279, N J 326 ; met., of holding watch, hold- ing under one's protection, I 1, 12 730; also have, keep, esp. 'have to wife,' 8 569 ; as one's abode, ' inhabit,' E 890 ; under one's authority, /3 22 ; and \v. inf., 'be able,' II 110, ft 433. Pass., H 102. (2) intrans., hold still, or in some position, 'u>, w \i9og, r 494 ; also of motion, direction, ty\oQ iffx f i w/iov, simply giving verbal force to the prep, cid, N 520; freq. w. an adv., pi%ai iicus flx ov > were 'f ar reaching,' H 435 ; tv txft, ' it is well,' w 245 ; answering to the trans, use w. vtja, tTTTrov?, but without object, ' steer,' 'drive,' y 182. 401 ; and similarly where no object can be thought of, iiri d' avT(f> vavrtQ t\(afitv, ' have at him,' 75. II. mid., hold something for oneself, or of one's own, holdfast, hold still, cease from, hold on to some- thing (TIVUQ ) ; avra Trapitiut>v aj(op.e.v)] \iirapd Kpirftpva, ' before her cheeks,' a 334, Y 262 ; t\to Kpanpwc, U 501 ; rni]v wf t'VKTfpi^, \JL 433 ; ia\tTo tpatvi'i, ' stuck,' ' stopped,' P 696, $ 345; w. gen., B 98; metaph., 'de- pend on,' aio t^trai, I 102, 197, X 346. et|riaofxai: make merry, p 530; po\- TTy t icai (t>6pmYYi,

vo\6ei : see oiVo^olw. tiapyti : see tpSw. ews, id>s, elos : (1) as long as, until; foil, by the usual constructions with rcl. words (see dv, Ktv). A clause in- troduced by f(og often denotes pur- pose, 2 800, t 376. (2) like riug,for a while, usually with /tli/, /3 148, etc. fo>C, to be read with * synizesis,' ex- cept (3 78. euxri : see tlfii. wcri : see if'uo. 'Ewcr-(j>opos : morning star (Luci- fer), *226f. z. 5a- (Sid) : intensive prefix, like Sti-. aiJ5, (; (drifii), ace. Z,ai\v : strongly blowhif/, tempestuous. a - 6eos, 8 : most divine, sacred, of localities favored by the gods. (II.) O,-KOTOS ( KOTOI; ) : surly, morose, F 220 K Z\i y w ) : strongly bumiiKj, met., full of fire, 4> 465f. ga-xpt)iis ( xpaw) : raging, impetu- ous. (11.) dw : see 1V><.>. 'Cfia.i : a coarse kind of barley, spelt, 541,604. Ze'Xeia : a town at the foot of Mt. Ida. A short syllable is not necessarily lengthened by position before tlie initial Z of this word, B 824 ; cf. ZaKvvQoe. (II.) rcrev : see sw. v-ytal : yoke-cushion, between neck and yoke. (II.) (See cut No. 72, also 45, letter d.) 128 ev-yvv|ii, ttvyvvw, inf. (Ztvyvvniv, II 145), aor. t pass. pcrf. part, iltvy^'tvai : yoke, yoke up, yoke together, mid., for oneself ; 'iirirovQ, /3oae, also w. vir' uxwfav, vir dirhvg, etc., T 495, 130, 73, o 46, y 492 ; abs., Q 281. euY<>s, tog: pi., jtwzr, yoke of draught animals, 2 543f. Zevs (Atei/c, root ci), gen. Atoc, dat. Au, ace. Ata, voc. Zei>, also pen. Zj/vot', dat. ZijW, ace. Ziji/(a): Zeus (Diespiter, Juppiter; of. Ztv irdrtp, r 320), the son of Cronos and the lather of gods and men, god of the lightning, the clouds and weather, of time itself, hence vtyZuyoe, aiQtpi vaiwv, Aiof u/ifipof, Aiti iviavroi, tv- pvoira, ipiyCoviroe ir6ai"tipn, eti'y/o- dartpoTrtjriie, dpyucepavvog, iptj3pifii- rtic. Zeus is the sender of portents, and the shaper of destiny, Travo[idioc, Ai/>c TaXavra, etc. ; he is the protector of kings, of suppliants, of house and court, and he presides over the fulfil- ment of oaths, SiorpiQiiQ, Stoytviic; paoiXijes, Za>f ^ei'i/coe, ir^(rtoc, ip- KtloQ. The original meaning of the root of the word is the brightness of the sky, afterwards personified ; cf. dice, Lat. sub d i v o. ec{>vpiT] ; the western breeze, j 119f. (The first syllable long in the verse.) e'vpos '(frtyoc) : the west wind, rough and violent, s 295, ft 289, 408 ; and the swiftest of the winds, T 41"> ; bringing snow and rain, T 202, 458 ; only in fable-land soft and balmy, ; 119, 567; personi- fied, IT 150.^200. io, ipf. , aor. '{.toot : boil, seetlie; Afjfyc ?, the kettle boils, 4> 362. Z-r|6os : Zethus, son of Zeus and Antiope, brother of Amphlon, with whom he founded Thebes, X 262 ; the husband of Aedon, and father of Itylus, r 523. TI \TJHCUV (i']Xoc) : jealous, grudging, ( llSf. Zi]v, ZTIVOS : see 'Ltvq. l-yriu : seek. S 258f. toos (cf. Kvipag, yvofyoQ, Sv6(t>oe): (1) gloom, darkness, esp. of the nether world, and for the realm of shadows itself, O 191. (2) evening, the Occi- dent, the West, i 26, p 81. g'u'Yo-Seo'n.ov : yoke-band, a cord or strap for fastening the yoke to the pole, Q 270. (See cut under Zvyov, b ; and cut No. 42.) w Y 6v (&uyi/v/u), gen. ZiryoQiv: (1) yoke or cross-bar by means of which beasts of draught were attached to whatever was to be drawn. (See ad- jacent cut, combined from several an- tique representations. ) b, vy6Stffnov ; c, jcp/Koc ; d, e, straps to fasten the twyXt ; /, Xt- jracva ; g and h, oujicac, points of at- tachment for the collars, and rings through which the reins pass; i, &- yi'iv ; k, projections to hold, e. g., the reins of the iraprjopOQ 'iinroQ. ( Cf. also the Assyrian yoke en the chariot on board a ship, represented in the adjoining cut.) (2) cross-bar of a lyre (see 0/uy), to which the strings were attached, I 187. (3) pi., tvya, rowers' benches, thwarts of a ship (see cut No. 32, under tdaQoc;). j^cD-dypia, pi. (a)/)f, aypew): reward for saxhiff life, S 407, 9 46'2. 1. -ypc (^wof , dypt'w) : take alive, i. c. grant quarter and not slay, K 378f. 129 9vfJi6v,E 698f. pos, com p. poTcpos : lively, fiery, of wine; Zioporepov rlpau, i. e. mix it stronger, pour in less water, I 203f. gwot> : live; freq. joined with bpav 0of fcXt'oio, S 833 ; with tanv, w 263 ; pa Z,wov- rec, of the gods and their untroubled existence. H. 4j, V: or, , n re, fi rot (q. v.), and esp. fi \ii\v (fiiv), which may be retained even in indirect quotation, Kai fioi ofioffffov fici . . dpr)%fii> (representing in the [lev 001 ciprjZw, 'I sol- 130 emnly declare that I will defend thee'), I rjytiaQai, Q 696 ; bSov, K 263 ; w. ace. A 77, S 275. (2) the same particle of the place led to, aorta, o 82 ; met., may introduce a direct question, esp. w. gen., 6p%n9uolo, ^ 134 ; w. gen. of a specific question following a general i persons commanded, B 567, 620, 851. one, always, however, with the expres- sion of some feeling; riirr a eiXiiXov9ag ; r) "iva vfipiv fdg '. fjivovoc;, ' is it that thou may'st behold, etc. ?' A 203, T 400, Y 17 ; Ztv -naTtp, TJ pa. Tit; tan flporwv, KrX., 'pray, lives there a man, etc. ?' H 446. tj : see OQ. f\ : regarded by some as an adv. in the phrase ij 9kaig iariv, as is right. See oe. : where (whither), as ; dat. fern, of the rel. pron., used as adv., AI 389, O 46, 1 310. see ilpi. , : see 7/i. ( Att. fiaioQ ) : little, slight, usually w. neg., ovd' 01 ivi Qpivic,, ovd' riflatai, 'not the least,' 3 141, $ 288, o 355. Adv., -rjpcuov, a little, 'i 462, elsewhere w. neg. T|pda>, opt. //3woi/zi, r//3f,J/ii, part, jj^atf, Tjpwovra, etc., aor. ijfinoa : be (aor. arrive) at one's prime, liave youth- ful vigor; fig., of a vine., ' luxuriant,' 69. tjpTj : youth ; rjj3n fi'trpov, ' youth- ful prime,' A 225, X 317; youthful Btrengt.li or vigor, II 857, 9 181. "Hprj : Hebe, daughter of Zeus and Hera, spouse of Heracles, X 603. In the Iliad she always appears as a god- dess performing some manual service for other divinities, A 2, E 722, 905. . : see //3dto. . : see dyafiai. yayofXTjv : see ayw. YJYaOeos : highly divine, sacred, of localities, Z 133, S 702. Cf. a&oe. TJYupa: see(l) dyeipta. (2) tyupw. see aya^tai. (nytuwv). fut. -tvatit : be T)Yp0o[j.ai. (dytipia) : assemble. TJYpOv : see dyetpw. i : parallel form w. ace., p 217; fiopov, X 618. (Od.) Tryii TW p> opoj ( >)yso/i ) : leader, chief; freq. r)y//rop rjSt ntdovrtc;, w. dyo- KOI . . (II.). Tj8) : already, now (ia in) ; ?/5i; TTOTS fj\v9i, ' once before,' F 205 ; iirl vr\a KartXtvaouai ?y^7j, 'at once,' a 303; freq. ?;c>?j vvt>, A 456, O 110, II 844. TJ5op,cu (ffivf): only aor. jjaaTO, was delighted, i 353f. rjSos, toe, : joy, enjoyment; Sairog, A 576, (II.) T|'Xios : the SHU; of rising, aviivai, dvopoi'tiv, y 1; dvavtlaQai, K 192; ffrii\ttv Trpoc oiipavoi', X 17; noon, piffov oiipavov dfjtyifiaivfiv, 68 ; afternoon, ^iraviaonv fiovXvruvfit, IT i 779; aty iiri yaiav irpoTptirwOai, X leader, lead the way (w. dat.), command \ 18 ; setting, vtn>, iiriSveiv, an army (w. gen.), (II.); bSov riytpovtvtv, to 225 ; vcan poov, 4> 258; trtpTjf (irrt^of), II 179 (dat. B 816). flYp-^ v > VVOQ : guide, leader, com- mander. (II. and K 505, o 310.) T)Y 'H- al ( ayij) ), fut. -rjaofiai, aor. -qadunv : go before, lead the way, guide, lead; opp. tirouai, a 125; irpuaQtv o9ai 'llKEciixp, 485 ; of shining, p, aKTiai fiaXXtiv, tTriCfpici- vtaaiv, also 0doc ijfXioJo, often as typical of life, X 93, 2 11, 61, S 540; avyl], a'ly\n, 190, K 160; epithets, dica/jae, Xa^nrpoi;, Xiv- Kot;, Trct[jiav6wv, <^a(., sees 'into the dim dis- tance,' ' through the haze,' E 770. TJEpoEis, eaaa, ev ( dt)p ) : cloudy, gloomy, mostly with reference to the nether world, 13, O 191, u 64. VjE'pos : see afjp. TJpo-4>oms ( (poirau ) : walking in darkness; 'EfJivvg, I 571. (II.) TJEp6-wvo9 : loud-voiced; (if from oti'pw ) ' raising the voice,' ( if from a/jjo) ' sending the voice abroad.' ( Hcriw; Eelion.(\) king of Thebe in the Troad, the father of Androm- ache, Z 396, A 366. (2) an Imbrian, a guest-friend of Priam, * 43. (3) a Trojan, P 590. TJTJV : see tipi. tjBEios (tOoc., ijdog) : familiar, be- loved, dear; usually the voc., r/9tie, also t'lOtif) Kta\i], ' dear heart ' we should say, ^ 94 ; a\\a fiiv r)Qtiov KaXiaa, ' dear master,' 147. TJ0os ( PJjOoe ), pi. Tjflea : accus- tomed places, liaunts, 'L 511 ; of 'pens,' |411. rjia, ^a: (1) provisions, food, N 103. (Od.) (2) gen. jjiW %ioI/3, O 365, V 152; per- haps ' far-darting ' (irjfii). fjurav: see 7/. Tjtx^'H : see aiffcrw. tjiwv, ovoe: sea-bank, shore, M 31,^ 138. ^ K a (frjica.) : gently, softly, slightly, T 440, S 596, v 301. ^ica : see 'oj^it. TjKa^e : see aicai'^w. : see aicsojuai. (Ktvrtta) : uiigoaded, hence untamed, Z 94. (II.) TJKIOTOS (frJKa) : slowest, most sliiff- y its/I, V 53 if TJKW : am come, E 478, v 325. TjXdKara, pi.: wool, or woollen thread on the distaff; aTpaifyuaa, arao(t>a\i- -, 'ply the distaff,' a 315. (Od.) (See the first of the cuts below.) TJXaKaTT), nv ( apd\vri ) : spindle, Z 491. (Od.) (See the cuts, representing distaff and spindles.) i rjXao-a, TjXapsvas, O 128, ft 243 ; in active sense, OIVOQ, 464. TJXtjXaTo : see i\avvta. TjXifJaTos : towering, lofty, i 243, O 273. ijXi.0a (Xte): sufficiently, always f/Xi9a 7roXXri(v), ' very much ' (satis m u 1 1 u m), A 677, e 483. TjXucirj (??Xi): . fjXos : pi., nails, studs, only used for ornamentation, A 246, A 29, 633. (II.) fjXvOov : see tp\o^,ai. 'HXvaiov ireSiov : the Elysian fields, the abode of the blest, S 563 ff. rjX4>ov : see aXfyavu. rjXw : see 111, jj 288 ; i]fiap \tifjiepiov, also aiaifiov, fiopainov rjfunf), vnXttQ rjfiap, voan/iov fj/np, fiovXiov and iXtv- Otpov fjpap, mostly poetic periphrases for the noun implied in the adj. ; ij(j.a- ra Truvra, tir ?//nart (see ttri), irav,Trp6- civ ijpap, freq. formula i/fiaTi rip ore. : by day, /3 104 ; daily, I 72. v: see auaprdvta. and auuti;, gen. r}/i>W and rfueiwv, dat. r/fuv and encl. jy/iiv, also dfifii(v), ace. dfifie, ;/t|af (encl. rjfiag, IT 372) : we, us. ^Hv: always in correlation, usually with ri$k, both . . (and), as well . . (as), B 789, 193 ; also correl. to Si, Kai, or re, M 428, O 664, 9 575. rjfxcpT], pi. riuepai : day; other forms than the nom. are supplied bv fjf-iap. TjfJLepis (ijpipog): cultivated (not wild) vine, e 69f. TJfiepos : tame, domesticated, o 1 62-J-. T|fxe'Tpos (tJl-tete) ' our, ours, i5 : of mules; uuaa,kvy6v, m?,-<,>. T|Vjj.6is, tfftra, tv (aw/xof) : windy, breezy, airy, of towns, trees, and moun- tain-tops. f|via, pi. : reins; often adorned with gold 01- ivory, : be charioteer, hold the reins, drive. qvi-oxos ( rjvia, t^u* ) : holding the reins, Qepdirwv, E 580 ; charioteer. The charioteer usually stood at the left of the irpoftaxoc- (Among the Assyrians, as shown by the cut, the warrior, armed with a bow, had also a second attend- ( ant as shield-bearer with himself on ' the chariot. The Egyptian monuments represent only one warrior or triumph- ing king upon the war-chariot.) qvfiraire : see iviirru). TJVIS, io, ace. pi. 7/fTf : a year old, yearling; thus the word was under- stood by the ancients. TJVOV : see ui>//iai. TJVVTO : see dvvta. YJva>Ya, TJvwyei : see avtaya. TJ| : see ayvvfju. TJOIOS (^wf): fern, join, as Bubst., morning, dawn, S 447 ; adj., eastern (opp. taTTEpiot), Oriental, avQpuitoi, 9 29. ijos : see twg. rjirap, arof : liver-. : feeble, weakly. TJircipos : land (terra f i r m a), as opp. to the sea, A 485, e 56 ; mainland, as opp. to the islands, B 635, ia 378 ; 134 designating inland as opp. to coast, i 49. TJireipovSe : landwards, toward the land, inland. rjirep, Vje'irep : see ?/, i)k. ffiffp : see offirtp. qirepoirevs, ijog, and TjirepoiretiTiis, deceiver, seducer, X 364f, r 39 and N 769. TJTrepoirevw : talk with intent to de- ceive, cajole, seduce. Tjirio-Swpos : kindly giving, bounti- ful, Z 251f. tjirios : mild ; of persons, remedies, A 218, counsels, A 361. tjiriiTa ( for i}iri>Ti]t;, rfirvdt ) : loud- calling, loud-voiced, H 384f. a Trojan, P 324f. : call afar, hail, nva, i 399, ic 83 ; ' resound,' ' pipe,' of the lyre, and wind, p 271, S 399. rjpa (fijpa) : only with eptir, favor, gratify, humor, pulse,' 132 ; also w. iiri, funrpi 0t'Xy tirl ,,pa >v, A 572, 578. 'HpaKXeiSrjs : son of Heracles. (\) Tlepolemus, B 653. (2) Thessalus, B 679. f HpaxXeT]s, gen. 'UpaKXrjoe : Hera- cles, son of Zeus and Alcmena, T 98 ; his celebrated labors, 362, X 623, 26; he destroys the Troy of Laome- don, and conquers Pylos, Y 145, E 642, A 689 ff., cf. E 392, 397 ; his death, and his shade, 2 117, X 601. Heracles was celebrated in song as a national hero before the time of Homer, X 602, 267. Epithets, 0uoc, Opaovuiuvwv, 'HpaicXi]et.os : of Heracles, only in iij 'HpaieXntit} (see 'HpaicXi]et.os : of the periphrasis /3iij papf: apaploKU. tjparo : see dpvufieu. "tlpa-TO : see apdw. "Hptj : Hera, daughter of Cronus rvta, rrpeofia 6td, Atoj Kvdpr) TIQ, rivKopog, XivKu\tvo, \pva69povoc,, XpvaoirkdlXos, besides many uncom- plimentary titles applied to her by Zeus. rjpi : at early morn. rjpi - -ycvcia : early born, epith. of u. As subst.= Eos, child of dawn, : see tpaicw. fjpiov : sepulchral mound, M' 126-J-. see ieiTroi. : see Tjpd) : see apau>. TjpS, gen. ijpwog and %>woe, dat. ijpM and ijp<[>, ace. i)pw(a) : hero, war- rior; a title of honor for the free and brave; alone as snbst., A 4, K 179; in address, Y 104, K 416; w. Aavaoi, 'A^aioi, likewise with single names, A 200, /3 15, * 163 ; joined w. BtpairovTic. "Apnof, B 110; y/owv, r\ 155. Never =demigod. ^ 598-J-. : see aiayitvw. r, T 148; than, IT 216; usu. iii correlation, ?)rf . . i"irf, whether . . or, either . . or (s i v e . . s i v e). TJT, r\ re : see ?J. nrida- rap, q. v., often correlates to fitv, so ?/roi may be followed by $!, A 68, and often. Freq. aXX' 7/rot, also ijroi n'tv, A 140,211, n 451. 135 TJrop, opoc : heart, B 490, K 93 ; al- ways tig., as typical of life, or thought, or feeling; iv 3s re oi icpaciy arit'it d\Kifiov ijTop, Y 169. TJv-Yvios (ygvtiov): strong-bearded; epith. of the lion, O 275, S 456. T)v8cL : see audcua. TnJ-Kofios (Ko/in) : fair-haired, epith. of goddesses and women. (II. and ^t 389). TJV'S : see eve,. fjixre : see avia. TJVT : as, like, as when, A 277, A 359, B 87. "H|>aioTOS : Hejjhatstus (V u 1 c a- n u s), the son of Zeus and Hera, the god of fire and of arts which need the aid of fire : in the Iliad married to Charis, 2 382 ff., but in the Odyssey to Aphrodite, B 266 ff. His works are the nouses of the gods on Olympus, the armor of Achilles, the sceptre and aegis of Zeus, etc. Epithets, afii- \a\Ktv^, K\VTO- Xvrofinrig, iroXv- O\VlT)Tl(;. TllC name "H0am>e is used by personifica- tion for the element which he repre- sents, B 426, cf. I 468. r)j>i (fffij<}>i)=y, see of, of. fix 11 ! ( ft ixn)~ resounding, echoing noise, roar; of voices (compared to the waves), wind, B 209, II 769 ; freq. 'IXV Qtoi>'tffiy, y 1 50. tjxT]is, tffoa, tv (frixri) : sounding, echoing, roaring, S 72, A 157. tjxOTo: see (I) dxOoftat. (2) [ X 9o- I fat: where. T]w9cv () : rfauw, morning, * 111; for <%, 12 31; east, i 26. 'Htos, ^bs (Aurora), consort of Ti- tlionus, cf., however, e 121, o 250. Mother of Memnon, S 188; her abode, ft 3, A 1, T 1, x I 9 ?- Epithets, ^/oty- 'tn, podo^wiervXoc, ^Ia, ivOpovoc, KOO- inf. -i^v, ipf. Qaaaat : sit. (II. and y 336.) 6aipos: hinge, pi., M 459f. (See cuts from Egyptian originals; also under t;ri/3/\qc, No. 35.) 6a\auTi : bed, hole, of an animal, e 432f. 6aXa[rn-ir6\os (TrtXo/iai) : chamber- maid. (Od.) OdXajjios : the rear portion of the house, hence any room, chamber there- in ; e.. g. women's chamber, S 121; room for weapons, r 1 7 ; store-room, j8 337 ; bedchamber, r 423. eiXa- (idvSe, to the chamber. (See table III., at end of volume.) GaXacrcra : the sea. 0aXaaxrios: of the sea; OaXdaaia Fipya, ' business on the sea,' naviga- tion, fishing, B 614, t 67. OdXea, pi. : good cheer, X 504f. OaXe'fltt : parallel form of QaX\u>, ty 191; fig., 63; d\oiy, ' teeming,' ' loaded ' with fat, I 467, 32. OdXcia : fern, adj., Saif, bounteous, plentiful repast. dXeia ('Bloomer') : a Nereid, 2 39f. OaXcpos ( 9aX\a> ) : swelling, bloom- ing; with reference to growth, finpw, Xairn, 'lusty,' 'thick,' O 113, P 439; the freshness of youth, Trapaicotrtf, , T 53, 66 ; rich ' fat, Q 476 ; 136 'big,' 'bursting,' tear, sobs, B 266, K 457; the 'full,' 'swelling' voice, S 705. ev\\oiai, fi 103; dXoi- $y, I 208; freq. the part, as adj. w. aXw//. bTTiopn, iipat], etc. Cf. SaXtpof. edXos : sow, only metaph., X 87, 157. CaXiridco (OaXrrot;) : be warm, part., r 319+. GdXiuos : son of Eurytus, a leader of the Epeians, B 620f. ' GaXiru) : warm, warm up. (Od.) f aXirwpT) : warming, met., comfort. eaX6 ) : offering of first fruit*, harvest offering, I 534 f. GaXiJo-idS^s : son of Thalysius, Echepolus, A 458f. 0d|xa : frequently, often. ( root Qair ), aor. 9duf3nffa : be astonished or wonder at, gaze upon with wonder, ft 155, Q 483. 0d)j.pos, tv : wonder, astonishment. (9dua), dat. Oaueat, , ace. Oafiiag : frequent, thick ; aravpol TTUKVOI KM Oafitig, 'thick set and numerous,' 12. Capita : come or go or do frequent- ly, resort to; w. part, ov rt (co^i6/)'of yt 9d[itti> = ov Qdjia tKOfii&To. 6d|xvos: thicket, bnsh; of the leaves and branches of an olive-tree, ^ 190. 0dp.Dpis: Thamyris, a Th racian bard vanquished and blinded bv the Muses, B 595f. 6dvaros : death; Qavarovftf, to death, n 693. Personified, Death, twin- brother of Sleep, & 231. 8aviv : see 9v!iffKti>. 1. edojiot, aor. opt. 3 pi. OnaataTO : admire, a 191J-. 2. Odofiat., inf. 0i]ff9ai, aor. Qiiaaro : suck, Q f>8 ; milk, S 89. Cair- or ra-, perf. w. pres. signif. TiQnTra, part, -irwc,, OTIC, croc, plup. tTi9r)7rta, aor. 2 part. Tawv : wonder, be amazed at, be dazed, A 243. edirrw, aor. Qa^av, pass. plup. iTt- 6airro : inter, bury. eopo-aXe'os (Qapaoc), comp. -turtaov: courar/eoux, daring, bold; in bad sense, p 449'. Adv., Gapo-aXe'tos. 6apvicrKe, aor. Odpirvi'a : encourage. Gdo-crcc v : see T-OX^C. a wonder, marvel; Gavua , E 725, 306 ; wonder, amaze- ment, Qavfia [i X t > K '^- t '- Oav|xd^, ipf. iter. 9av^ia"faKov, fut. 9avfidffatrai, aor. subj. OavfiaawtH : wonder, admire. Cavjiaivw, fut. part. OavnaviovTiQ 9av/jid^M,9 108f. OavpLCLKiY] : a town in Magnesia, under the rule of Philoctetes, B 7l6f. 6ed, 0f , dat. pi. 0ta7f, 0f{/e, Qtyaiv: goddesa. 6taiva gfa, only pi. eavti: Thcdno, daughter of Cis- seus, and wife of Antenor, a priestess of Athena in Troy, 7. 302. 0eiov and Pijiov ( Att. Qiiov} : sul- phur, used for fumigation and purifi- cation, hence called naicwv aKog, ^ 481 ; ' sulphurous fumes,' fi 417. eeeidw (Att. &iou>): fumigate with sulphur, mid., // 50. Oeiev : see Ti9nui. OeiXdircSov : drying -place, a sunny spot in the vineyard where grapes were dried, T\ 123f. feipttv, 0ivai : see n'@i;/, inf. Qw'i\iiv(ai), subj. 9tivy, aor. t9itve, 9tit't, part. Qiivuc,, pas^. pres. part. 9fiv6[itt'oi; : strike. Ctiofitv : see TiBr^n. Peios ( 0toc ) : o/' ^Ae //o<&, ,70 J- ///r, sacred; of anything belonging or re- lated to, given or sent by, the gods, yfVof (the Chimaera), Z 180; ovftpoi;, B 22 ; also of things consecrated to them or under their protection, \opoc, 9 264; KripvZ, A 192; floifop, a 336; then of persons, 9tioi /3aai\>~](c, c 691 ; and even of things excellent in a high degree, irorov, ft 341 ; <%oe, 3 43. Ctiw: see (1) 9eu. (2) ri%u. pf. eXyf, iter. efXyaff;;*;, fut 0eX.K-nipi.ov aor. t9i\'a, pass. pros. opt. 6e\- , aor. 3 pi. t9e\\9ev : charm, en- chant; Hermes with his magic wand, avSpwv o/i/xara 9e\yti, 'charms ' their eyes, ' entrances,' puts them to sleep, Q 343, e 47 ; so Poseidon casts a blind- ness upon Alcathous, 9i\^dg oaai tyativd, N 435 ; usually in a bad sense, of ' bewitching,' ' beguiling,' voov, 9v- fiov, M 255, O 322 ; iTreiavtv, \l/ivSiam, S6\if>, y 264, 4> 276, 604; of love, pass., 9a\fiolo, P 47, & 493. 0e'(iav(ai) : see ri9i]fii. 0t'(iis, 91/uffTog (Ti9nfii) : old (estab- lished) law, right by custom or usage ; /} 0e/i(e tffrlv, ' as is right ' ; fj QkpiQ dvQpuinav ire\u, ' the old way ' of mankind, I 134. PI., 0>ierres," ordi- nances, decrees, prerogatives; Aioc, if 403, cf. A 238 ; icpiveiv, H 387 ; rtXtlv, as 'dues,' 'tribute,' I 156, 298. Per- sonified, Themis, 68, Y 4, O 87, 93. 0fu, dvtv 9iov, etc. Forms of the pi. are often to be read with synizesis, e. g. 9ioimv, K 251. 0eov8i]s (6we, Sftoc): god-fearing, pious. (Od.) Ocpairtvco (Qipdirwv) : be servant to, serve, defer to, ipf., v 265f. Oepa-rrcjv, ovrog : attendant, comrade at arms ( esquire, not servant ), cf. X 255, B 110, d 23. , aor. subj. 9ep[if]vy : warm, Jicat ; puss., yet hot, i 376. Ocpjxos : warm, hot. 0pp.w, imp. 9epptTE: = 9epnaivt,i, pass., ^ 381. Oepos, tve : warm season, summer (opp! 6-TTMpn, late summer], /t 76. 0paiXoxos: (1) a Trojan, P 216. (2) a Paconian, slain by Achilles, * 209. 0po-lTT|s : Therslles, the ugliest Greek before Troy, and a brawler (as his name indicates), B 212 ff. 0'pw, pass. pres. inf. 9ipto9ai, aor. t9ipr]v, subj. 9eptu, mid. fut. part. 9ep- ffo/ievoc : warm, be warm, warm one- self; Trvpoc., ' by the fire,' p 23 ; ' burn,' irvpoc,, ' with fire,' Z 331, A 667. Ocs : see ri0f/jiu. O&riccXos (0eot') : supernatural, fig., wondrous; fpya, X 374, 610. Adv., Oeo-KcXov, wonderfully, * 107. Ceo-jxos (n0;/jut) : site, place, $ 296f . 0nria: a town in Boeotia, B 498f. 0cs, O 637. 138 0ea.Tos (9euc, arov, decree of heaven, fate, oracle. ens : Thetis, a Nereid, married to Peleus, and the moth'er of Achilles, 2 431 ff., O 62, cf. A 502 ff., 397 ff. Epi- thets, uXoavuvri, apyvpoirtZa, jyyico/zoe, icaXXiTrXikrt^of, TavinreirXog. dew, 0eiw, inf. 9tleiv, ipf. t9ee, 9te, t9n, her. 9it, etc. ; said of ships, the potter's wheel, 2 601 ; a vein, N 547 ; and otherwise figuratively. OewTEpos : divine, for the gods, i. e. rather than for men, of the two en- trances (cf. 9i)\vTtpog), irv\ai, v 11 If. 0tjP, and ty/ifa : Thebes or Thebe. (1) the city in Boeotia, founded by Cadmus and fortified by Amphion and Zethus, epithets tirra-jniXoc, ivark- avoQ, TroXvijparog. ( 2 ) Egyptian Thebes, on the Nile, called KarojU7rv- Xai, I 381, 5 126. (3) a city in the Troad, at the foot of Mt. Placus, the residence of king Eetion, A 366, Z 397. Oijpao-Se : to Thebes, V 679. 0T)paios: (1) a Theban.{^) name of the father of Eniopeus, 9 120. Oifyw. mid. aor. imp. 9ri%aa9a> : whet, sharpen, mid., something of one's own, B 382. 6r)co|Jiai (Att. Qtaofiai), opt. 2 sing. 9r)olo, ipf. Aftlro, i9t]ti>nt9a, 9i]tvi>ro, aor. 2 sing. 9>]>iaao, opt. 0^j/ 397f. 6ijiov : see 9euov. 6T]Xco> = 0aXXw, w. gen. of fulness, 73f. frfjXvs, 9ii\tia, 9i)\v (also w. two end- ings): female; avri], i. e. of women's voices, Z, 122; iepai], with the thought of 'nourishing,' t 467 ; comp., 9ij\vTe- poQ, weaker (of the two sexes), weak, 9 520, 9 324. 0T|(j.a)v, (tirof : heap, e 368f. 0i]v : doubtless, surely nou\ enclitic particle, much like Si] or CI/TTOU in prose; combined, f; 9nv, ov 9i]v (Si]), oil fikv 9r)i>, tTrti 9r)v, KCII -yap 9r)v, y 352, TT 91, $ 568. OTJOIO : see Qt]ko}iai. OTJP, 9npog : wild beast, e 473. 0T)pVT]s ( 9t]ptvti> ) : hnnts(man), hnnting-dog, only with avCpaaiv and Kvi'ttraiv. (II.) frrjpvw (9rip) : hunt, part., r 465f . 6i]pT] (0/)p) : hunting, chase, game. Tip, 7/pof, and eTjpTJTwp, opoc : hunter; also as adj., M 170, 4> 252 ; in 397 the better reading is 9t]1]TI)p. Orjpiov : ?oz7rf animal, beast; fiiya 9npioi>,ot a -stag, K 171. 6ijs 0/rof : hired laborer, day labor- er, pi., 644f. Otjo-aiaro: see 9do/iai 1. 6i], p, 45 ; then of the sandy shore, strand. I'O-PTJ : a town in Boeotia, B 502f. OXdo), aor. t9\(iof, QXaaae. : crush, bruise. ress, squeeze; only mid. fut., , ' will rub his shoul- ders,' p 221f. 139 Opovos ipf. OvijffKov, fut. inf. Qavkt- aQai, aor. tOavov, 9dvov, inf. Qavittv, perf. TtdvrjKa, 3 pi. rtQvuai, opt. rt- 9vair]v, imp. reOvadi, -CLTW, inf. rtSva- fitv(ai), part. Ti9vt)): swift, quick; of night, ' swift - descending,' because night in the countries of the Mediterranean follows the setting of the sun more speedily than with us (cf. /3 388); 8oai vrjaoi, islands ' swiftly flitting by ' and sinking in the horizon, o 299. Adv., 6ows. Ooow, aor. idonjaa : make pointed, bring to a point, i 327f. 66pc : see 9pwaKo>. Oovpog anil Oovpis, i 210. 0p euros = QapaoQ, S, 416f . 0pao-v8r)uio9 : see QpaavfinXo^. Opacrv-KapSios : stout-hearted. (II.) Opacrv-p.e'ij.v'cov, oi^og : bravely stead- fast (if from fiifivo)), epith. o'f Hera- cles, E 639 and \ 267. 0pa): re- turn/or rearing; ovci roKtvtnv 9piir- rpa 0<\oie airi.SatKti', ' nor did he rec- ompense his parents for their tender care' (since his life was cut short), A 478 and P 302. 0pe'4/a : see rnS-i;,,,. OprjiKios : Tltracian ; TTOVTOQ, the northern part of the Aegean, * 230 ; 2a/ioe, Samothrace, N 13. 0pr)i|, JKOC, PTJS : inhabitant of Thrave, Thracian; allies of the Tro- jans. p^ier): Thrace, a region of north- ern Greece, beyond the Peneus, trav- ersed by the river Axius, and inhab- ited bv the Ciconians and Paeonians, B 845," Y 485, A 22'2. 0pTJKT]9ev,//-om Thrace. 0pTJKT]v8e : to Thrace. OpT)vc'b> : chant or sing a dirge, w 61 ; doiSrjv, ' were raising the funeral song,' Q722. Oprjvos: dirge, Q 721. Oprjws, vog : footstool, either as in cut No. 105, from an Assyrian origi- nal, attached to the chair, or as usual standing free; also for the feet of rowers, or of the helmsman, in a ship, O 729. 0pfj| : see 9/ppif . 6piyKO9 : coping, cornice, pi., battle- ments, p 267. (Od.) OpiyKou : only aor. t9piyKu>fftv, crowned the top of the wall, to make it impassable, with bramble - bushes, 5 10J-. 0plvaKiT| : a fabulous island, the pasture of the kine of Helius, ft 135 ; identified by the ancients with Sicily. Op'if, rpixoe, dat, pi. Gpt%i: fiair, hairs, of animals as well as men ; hence of wool, T 273 ; and bristles, T 254. Opovov, pi. Opova : flowers, in woven work, X 441 f. pdviov : a town of the Locrians, B 533f. Opdvos : arm-chair, with high back and foot -stool; cushions were laid upon the seat, and over both seat and Gpoos 140 back rugs were spread. (See cut, under dpTrvZ. Cf. also Xos. 105, 106, where two chairs, from Assyrian and Greek originals, are represented.) 6p6os : speech, tongue, A 437f. 6pv\io-(rw, aor. pass. 9pvXix9t] : crush. V 396f. 9pvov : rush, collectively, rushes, 351f. pvov and pvoeacra ('Rushton'): a town in Elis, on the Alpheus, B 592, A 711. Opwoxco, ipf. BpuffKov, aor. tOopov, Qopov, part. Qopiav. spring, leap up, freq. in hostile sense with kirl or iv, 9 252, E 161 ; also tig., of arrows, plants, lots, etc. 6pojcrp.6s (QpwffKui) : TTE&'OIO, rise or elevation of the plain of the Scaman- der, K 160. (II.) 9wya.-n\p, gen. Ovyarepog and 9vya- rpdc : daughter. OWeo-criv : see QVOQ. ee\\a (ftjw): blast, gust^ squall ; TTWjOoc oXoolo, from volcanic islands, [i 68,202, 219; figuratively assumed as the agency causing the sudden disap- pearance of lost persons (cf. upirvia), v 63,0 515. WO-TTJS: Thyestes, the brother of Atreus, and father of Aegisthus, o 517, B 107. ueorTioSr]? : son of Thyestes, Aegis- thus, 5518. Owjeis (9voc,) : smoking with incense, fragrant. 6\n\\r\ (9vu): tlie part of the vic- tim to be burned, sacrificial offering, pi., I 220f. 6v|A-a\Yiis, (aXyoc) : heart-griev- ing, distressing. 0{jp.-apTJs, tt' : pleasing to the heart, dear, welcome. vfiBpatos : a Trojan, slain by Dio- med, A 320f. Ovp-SpTj : a region or a plain bor- dering on the Thymbrius, a branch of the Scamander, K 430f. 6v^T]-yepea> (uytipot) : collect or rally the life in one, recover, TJ 283f. 6ii(A-T)8iis, fc ('/toe) : delighting the heart, agreeable, IT 389t- Ovji-Tipi]?, t'c = Qvpapric,, ' to suit the feelings,' K 362f. 6v|jio - Popos ( pifipwoKu) ) : heart- gnawing, (pig. (II.) 0vfJ.o-8a.KTis, tc, (SaKvii)) : heart-sting- ing, cutting, 185f. l 0v|ioiTr,s: a Trojan chief, T 146f. 6vp.o - \uv, OVTOQ : lion-hearted, E 639. 6i5|i.o - paionis, e ( patw ) : /e/e - de- stroying. (11.) OCfios (^Oa>): heart, soul, life, the seat of emotion, reason, and of the vital principle itself; an extremely common and highly characteristic word in Homer, often employed where no equivalent is called for in modern speech. Of life, Qvpbv at\iaQai, bXkaai, Qvfibv airoirviiuv, iydpnv, 9v- fjLov awo fji(Xiiat> cvvai Su/iov -Aio tlffw, H 131; emotion, x^oc, t/u7Tmi>, 9vfibv opivuv, IK 9vfj.ov i\ieiv, Qv^ xaipuv, airb 9vfiov \ ua\\ov ifioi taiai, 'furtlier from my heart,' A 562; desire, appetite, ir\r]aaaQa.i, Ttpiriiv Qvnov, Qvfjibf avtaytt, KiXirat, Kara Qv^iov, 'to one's wish,' A 136; thoughts, disposition, 9vubv Trti9tiv, pdZiff9cn Ovnpiva Kai Kara 9v/i6v, 'in mind and soul.' 0vfio-9opo? (0&i'pw): life-destrotj- 'ng, deadly; aq^aTa, ' of fatal import,' Z 169; (jtap/jaKa, (3 329 ; ' inhuman,' r 323 ; ' heart - wasting,' a^of, Ka/jtaroc, &716, K 363. 6vvw (Oiiiij), ipf. Qvvov : rush along, charge. (II. and w 449.) 0vois, ev (9uos) : odorous, O 153f. 6vov: a tree with fragrant wood, arbor-vitae, 60f . 6vos, tog : pi., burnt-offerings. 0vo-crKoos : prophet, drawing omens from the smoke of burnt-offerings, Q 221,0 145. 6v6- P>K'. X 13^ (see plate III., o). pTj : door, gate, folding - doors, en- trance, v 370 ; i-n-i Qli = 9i'pn9i. Ovcravceis, eacra (Qvaavoc,) : tasselled, mani/-(asx(l/eil, of the aegis. (II.) Oucravos : pi., tufts, tassels, fringe. (II.) Ouo-SXa (Quio), pi. : the thyrsi, wands and other sacred implements used in the worship of Dionysus, Z 134f. (See cuts.) 66w: ra#e; of men, and of winds, waves, torrents, ' surging,' 234 ; Sd- irtdov $' uirav a'ifiari Qvtv, ' reeked,' 'swam' with blood, X 420. 0w'io, part. Qvov- ra, but ipf. Ove, nor. t9vaa : offer as burnt offering, 446, o 260. (See cut.) fragrant. (Od.) Cuij ( n'yjjjui ) : penally, (3 192, N <>69. OWKOS anil 06o>- KOS ( A tt. 00.KOQ ) ' seat, /3 14; asxem- """"" i/y, /3 26. GuKovSe, ^o ^/te assembly. 0wv : T/ton, a noble Egyptian, ^ 228f. 6a>pr]KTTJs (Quipi'iaau)'. cuirassed,well- cnirassed. (11.) 0tupT)|, jjfoc : breast -plate^ cuirass, corsetet, A 19 ff. It was usually of bronze, consisting of two plates, yva- \a. (See adjacent cut, also cut No. 33.) The cuirass fitted closely to the body, and was cut square, off at the waist ; the shoulder - pieces (see cut) were drawn down by small chains and fastened to buttons in front; the metal plates were united by clasps (see cut No. 19); the upper part of the thighs was protected by the piTpn, worn over the apron, w/*a, of leather or felt, and by its metal flaps, irrepvyie ( Xos. 12, 33, 79), or plates (Nos. 3 and 33); over the 9(i>pn%, nirprj, and ^djfia was bound the w, n HEV, mid. fut. $oipjojuai, pass. ipf. 3 du. 9djpi)0a{a9ov, aor. Qwptj-^Qriaav : arm with cuirass, mid., arm oneself i'oi' battle. 6*is, 0u>oe : jackal. (II.) 142 I. fa, Ifjs : see IOQ. la. : see io v iaivto, aor. ujva, pass. uiv0?? (I when with augment) : warm, soften by warm- ing, fi 175 ; met., warm, melt, move the heart to compassion, cheer, etc., o 379 ; often thus in pass., Ovpog, (cf/p, * 598, X 59 ; [itTUTrov iavdi), ' brightened,' O 103; also w. ace. of specification, 9vfiov, 0|0'af, ^ 47, w 382 ; w. dat., T 537. "laipa : a Nereid, 2 42f. IdXXu), aor. 7/Xa, inf. if/Xai : st (fiajfu), ipf. ~ia\ov (I when with augment): cry loud and sharply, shriek, .scream; of applause, the cry of battle, of wounded men, V 766, A 506, E 343, etc. ; of Circe, threatened with Odysseus's sword, K 323 ; of a child, Z 468; transferred to inanimate objects, the 'twanging' of the bow-string, A 125; the 'blare' of the trumpet, 2 219; 'hissing' of hot iron in water, t39'2; 'crackling' of fire, 216; but the Eng. words do not involve a per- sonification like the Greek. 'lacoXicos : lolcus, a town in Thessaly on the Pagasaean gulf, X 256, B 712/ lyvvtj (yuvv) : hollow of the knee, N 2-1 2-K 'ISatos: of Mt. Ida, Idaean, epith. of the mountains belonging to the range, 9 170, T 189; also of Zeus, whose grove and altar were upon Gar- garon, II 605, O 291. -ISaios : Idaem. ( 1 ) a herald of the Trojans, charioteer to Priam. (2) a Trojan, the son of Dares, Ell. IW = i,de, and. i8e, ISc'eiv, iSeo-Kt : see eidw (I.). iSe'w : see tiSto (II.). -iStj : Ida, a mountain range, rich in springs, ravines, forest, and game, extending from Phrygia, through My- sia, toward the Hellespont, and sub- siding into the plain near Troy, B 821, A 183; its summit, rapyapov. -I^i\- 0v, from Ida. iSriai : see flow (I.). -I8i]9 : a famous archer, the father of Cleopatra, I 558f . tSios : private, opp. ctjuiog, y 82 and J314. ISiw = iSpow, only ipf., v 204f. f8(jiev(ai): see Mw (II.). I8v6w 143 I8v6u>, pass. aor. icvu9t], part. -0t'e : bend backward, double up, pass, as mid., B 266, 9 375. ISoiaro : see ticaj (I.). -I8o(xvvs : Idomeneiis, son of Deu- calion, gi-andson of Minos, king in Crete, A 265, M 117, B 645; his son Arsilochus, v 259 ; comrade-at-arms, Aleriones, Vr 113. ISpeiT] (ficp.): knowledge, skill. (II.) iSpis (fiSp.) : knowing, skilled, skil- ful, w. inf., r} 108. (Od.) ISpow (idpwc,), part, idpwovra, etc., fern. pi. idpwaai, tat. iBpiaaei, aor. 'iSpat- aa: sweat. I8pvu> (root id), aor. 'iSpvaa, pass. idpuvQriv : cause or 6W 'o 6 seated, B 191 ; pass., rat, 'itff9e, see V^juc. iepevs, tpeus, f/og : priest, in charge of the sacrifices to some special god, also soothsayer, A 23. Upcvw, Ipeu'co, ipf. iter. iptveaKov, fut. inf. iiptvae.iv, aor. Hper/trw, pass, plup. ifpturo, mid. aor. inf. ipevaaaQai: sacrifice, esp. by killing the victim, of- fer, 'then, in general, slaughter, Z 174 ; teo/y, 'in honor of the guest,' 414; mid., subjective, r 198. Upijiov: victim, animal for sacrifice or slaughter, 5 94. I'tpov, Ipov, neut. of iepoc as subst. : sacrifice, victim, a (51, A 147. Tepos, ipos : (1) strong, powerful; ";, /if vof, if>v\ttK(iJV rs/Xofi Tri.'XawjOoi, arpa- rt'x:, ft 4()1), ; 167, K 56, 12 681, w 81 ; i'x9e, ' lively,' n 407. (2) .sacm/, hal- luiffil. igavw (V^w) : sit.; trans., cazi.se or bid to be xcated, V? 258. i> (root id), ipf. I^ov, iter. "i^tGKi : take a seat, x/t down, sit still, rest; ftov- \>li>, 'hold a council,' 'session,' B 53; mid., like act., of an ambuscade, 2 522. iTjXa, !ij\ai : see ('a\Xw. '!TI\VO-OS : a town in Rhodes, B 656f. IT);AI, V/; pi. r/Kav and i'ffov, subj. |/(Tiv, opt. ti'jji^, inf. tiyai, mid. pres. Vert, imp. 'ir9f, part, u/isvoc, ipf. '((TO, 'itvro, aor. 3 pi. (VTO : l(t go, i. e. set in motion of any sort. I. act., send, dyytXuv TIVI, 2 182"; put to anything, as harness, fl 152; throw, let fly, /ijrd (adv.) o luv 'ir)Ktv t ' in among them,' A 48 ; so ' let fall ' anything, as tears, a sword from the hand, 'let down' the hair, 'let on' water, M 25, and of the river itself 'rolling' its waters (thus, intrans., X 239, T) 130); metaph., of 'dismissing,' i. e. by satisfying, a desire, tpov, N 638; 'inspiring' one with force, E 125; ' laying ' misfortune on one, K 71. The applications of the word are very nu- merous, but always distinct if the fun- damental signification be held in rnind. The ground-meaning, as may be seen from the examples, usually gets a spe- cific turn from the context, esp. by means of adverbs (tv, i%, Kara, fj.ird, etc.). II. mid., set oneself in motion at something (TIVOQ), ii.fie.voq Trora/uoio poduiv, 'giving thyself a direction' toward Oceanus, K 529 ; so ' press on,' ' hasten,' N 707, M 274 ; met., with and without 9vfi(^, 'strive after' (n- >6c), ' be eager,' * 371 ; 9vp>e, 9 301 ; freq. phrase, tTrei vomoQ KUI iSijrvog i tpov fvro, had dismissed ' from them- selves,' A 469, n 150. livaTe : see iaivia. : see idofiai. see tlit. on of leson (Jason), Euneus, H 4b8, 471, ^ 747. 'Iijo-wv : leson (Jason), the leader of the Argonauts, /z 72 tir]Tijp, f/poe, = inrpt'ig. trjTpos (laouin): healer,surgcon,phy- siciau; with dvifp, A 514. ieai-Y-Tis (!tii>(;)-- horn in lawful wedlock, It'f/i/imate, 203f. : a Lycian, n 5SOf . Ithaca. (I) the native isl- and of Odysseus, with Mts. Neritus, Neius, and Corax, and the harbor Rei- thrum. Epithets, dfitpiaXoe, tvStit\o t ivKTij'fvi], xpavai], Tranra\i)(.aaa, rptj- Xtia. (2) the city, at the foot of Mt. Neius, y 81, cf. TT 322. 'led^vSe, to Ithaca. "IGaKiicrios : inhabitant of Ithaca, Ithacan. -IXvos "I0aKos : the eponymous hero of the island of Ithaca, p 207f. i9i, imp. of tl/tt : come! go! em- ployed as an interjection, freq. with ays. i9(ia, CITOQ : step, gait, pi., E 778f. lOiivTaTa : see IQuc. l0Cvw (IQvg), aor. iBvva, subj. lO&vo- }itv : make straight, straighten, iiri ffra9ur)v, ' to the line,' 245 ; pass., 'ivirta d' iOuvOiiTijv, ' placed themselves in line' with -the pole of the chariot, IT 475 ; guide a ship, chariot, etc., and, of missiles, aim, direct, E 290, P 632, mid., ' his arrow,' ^ 8. lOv-TTTtwy, on-oe (Trirofiai): straight- filling, utXti], 3> 169f. t0vs, tia, v : straight; TfTpcurro Trpbg I9u 01, ' straight opposite him,' 3 403 ; usually metaph., straight, right, just, * 580 ; sup., levvTora, most fairly, 2 508. As adv., I0v's, I0v, straight at, straight for, TIVOQ, E 849 ; also with prepositions, and abs., Y 99, y 10 ; IQvc, tytpin', ua\ta9ai, typovtlv, 'turn the mind straight on,' 'be bent on battle,' N 135, cf. A 95. t0us, VOQ : straight course, av iOi'v, ' straight up,' ' straight on,' * 303, 9 377; hence 'attack,' 'tendency,' 'dis- position,' Z 69, 434, TT 304. I0u(i>, aor. IQvffa : go straight for- ward, advance, attack, of warriors, a lion, M 48 ; w. gen., t/ede, O 693 ; w. inf., 'strive,' X 591. 'I0w|AY] : a town in Thessaly, B 729f . iicavtt (fc'ieaj), mid. 'ucavouai : come to, arrive at, reach, w. ace. of person or thing attained to, less often with prep., A 431; freq. of supplication, yovraff iKdvtu, e 449 ; met., ' come upon,' 'come home to,' VTTVOC, Qtafyara, K 96, i 507, etc. Often with perf. signif., ' am come to,' I 197, 119. -Iicdpios : Icarvts, the brother of Tyndareus, and father of Penelope, a 276, 329, S 797. -Iicapios TTOVTOQ : the Icarian Sea, S.W. of Asia Minor, B 145f. tKeXos (F IK.), like, resembling. 'lKTaovi8rjs : son of Hicetaon, Mela- : (1) a son of Laomedon, nippus, O 54l5f . "iKerawv : (1) a and brother of Priam, T 147, T 238. (2) the father of Melanippus, O 576. iKTua> (IK&-IJI;), aor. iKtTtvaa : ap- proach as suppliant, supplicate, nva, also \v. praep. (Od. and IJ 574). Ucnus (ww) : suppliant, for protec- tion of any sort, but esp. one in search of purification from homicide (cf. Tle- polemus, Lycophron, Patroclus), t 269, $ 75. licTT]iv, pi. : deck-beams, deck, which in the Homeric ship was partial, only fore and al't (see plate IV., at end of volume) ; also ribs of a ship. (See cut No. 32.) tico), subj. IK tap i, ipf. IKB, aor. lov: come (to), reach ; I'/cw is the stem-form answering to IK&VU) and iKfioftai, and has the same applications and con- structions as those verbs ; TTIVIT)) pt- vaq IKEI, 'informs,' v 228. \Xa86v (fi\ii): adv., in troops, B 9Sf. "iXaos: appeased, hence propitious, gracious, kind. (II.) -iXdo-(co|JLai and iX-iofxai (B 550), ipf. iXdffKovro, aor. subj. (or fut.) iXdaffo- fjiai, iKaaafitnQa, part. l\aaaufitvoi : reconcile to oneself, appease, propitiate. ~IXi]ios ( fi\. ): of llus, TrtSiov, so named, according to the scholiast, from the tomb of Una, I> 558f. iXfjfii, imp. 'iXt)9i, perf. subj. !Xi]Knai, opt. i\i)Koi ; be -propitious, gracious, y 380. (Od.) -IXi60v (/7X.) : from Ilium. J IXid9i (f~i\.): always with irpo, be- fore Ilium. -IXios (f/'Xtoc) and "IXiov (O 71): Ilium, a name for Troy derived from iviov that of its founder Ilus; epithets, aiTTfivij, atTTV, ipareit't}, tirti'^eof, rfvt- (ioeffaa, itprj, otypvuioaa. In wider signification, for the region about Troy, A 71, r 182. In O 66, f> 104, X C, the true form of the gen. is 'JXi'oo, as the scansion shows (cf. AtoXog). -IXutyv -IXiov, * 295. IXXds, dSo (eeXw): pi., twisted cords, N 572f. T IXos: Ilus. (1) son of Tros, and father of Laomedon, A 166, Y 232; iiis tomb, K 415, A 372. (2) son of Mermeros of Ephyra, a 259. iXcs, VOQ : mud, slime, 3 1 8f . "i>ds, avroc, : leather strap or thong. (1) in connection with the chariot, (a) straps in which the chariot - box was hung, or perhaps more likely the network of plaited straps enclosing the bodv of the chariot, E 727 ; (b) the reins, 324, 363 ; ( c ) the halter, 544. (2) the chin-strap of a helmet, T 371. (3) the cestus of boxers, see irvypdxoi. ( 4 ) the leash or latch- string by which doors were fastened. See adjacent cut, in four divisions: 4 Closr 1 Open. above, the closed, below the unfasten- ed door; on the left, as seen from the inner side, on the right as seen from the outside. To close the door from the outside, the string, hanging loose- ly in fig. 1, was pulled until it drew the bolt from the position of fig. 2 to 10 that of fig. 3, when it was made fast by a knot to the ring, icopwvri, e, fig. 4. To open from the outside, the string was first untied, and then the icXj/if, not unlike a hook ( fig. 4, f), was in- troduced through the key-hole, c, and by means of a crook (g, fig. 3) at the end of it the bolt was pushed back from the position of fig. 3 to that of fig. 2, and the door opened, a 442. (5) for a bed -cord, $ 201. (6) the magic girdle of Aphrodite, 3 214, 219. (7) a thong to make a drill revolve, .385. (See cut No. 121.) l;ido-8Xt) : lash, whip. tfidcrcra), nor. 'Ifiaffe, subj. iftdaaco : lash, scourge, beat, E 589, B 782, O 17. 'I|AJ3pao-iST)s : son of Imbrasus, Pi- roiis, A 520f. "Ifi(3pios : (1) inhabitant of Lnbros, Imbriun, * 43. (2) the son of Men- tor, son-in-law of Priam, slain by Teu- cer, N 171, 197. "I^Ppos : Jmbros, an island on the coast of Thrace, with capital city of the same name, 281, N 33. ip-eipco (i'^epof), mid. tfttiptrai, 'ifiu- pofitvos, aor. opt. ipeipaiTo, subj. ifui- pirai : long for, yearn for, TIVOQ, and w. inf., K 431, 3 163. iu.v(cu I : see tlui. taaa, iv (cfi(po^) : passion- ate, fond, lovely ; yooc, P7 ydftoio, doiS'n, K 398, E 429, a 421. Adv., ip*- pdev Ki9dpi&, charmingly, 2 570. Ijiepos : longing, passion, love ; f req. w. obj. gen. ; w. two genitives, irar/ooc '(ftepof yooio, ' }'earning after tears, to weep for his father,' ii 507, S 113. ipcpTos (Ipiipoi): lovely, B 751 f. LiifjLevai : see n in. tva: (1) adv., where; this meaning being the primary one, is to be assumed in preference to signif. (2), when the sense admits, e. g. Q 382. Apparent- ly demonstrative, there, in K 127. (2) conj., in order that, that ; rarely with ,/! 156. iv8dX\o(iai (root fi) : be seen, ap- pear, w. part., P 213 ; wg /), r 224. xvi]s, EC (AW, Sv o0of) : wz'o/rf- daryfc, dark-hued, ttpof. (Od.) to - SOKOS ( iof, ^x/* al ) arrow- receiving, quiver. to - eiSrj?, f f ( AW, f ildos ) : violet- colored, deep blue, epith. of the sea. Ideis, )V *iav, 'one portion.' (II. and 435.) IOTTJS, Jjroc : will, mostly Qeuv IOTTJTI, t) 214, etc.; pvrjarfipmv IOTIJTI, 'ac- cording to their wish,' a 234. tovXos ( ouXoe ) : first growth of beard, doion,\ 319f. io-xe'capa ( %w ) : pouring arrows, archeresx, epith. of Artemis, both as adj. and subst. iirira^ojiai : drive one's horses, ^ 426f. 'Iirirao-iSijs : son of Hippamis. (1) Apisaon, P 348. ('2 ) Hypsenor, N 411. (3) Cliarops, A 426. -(4) Socus, A 431. iinreios : of horses, horse- ; XoQog, horse-hair pluine. lirirevs, fjog, pi. ivirfjtg : chariot- man, whether as warrior fighting from the chariot, or as competitor in a char- iot-race, A 297, 262. lirTr-T)X.a WTTWI dirofiijvai, T 265, E 13; of chariot men as opposed to infantry, 267, B 554, II 107, 2 153. lirircxrwvt) : horsemanship, i. e. char iot-nghting. (II. and u> 40.) liriroTa, for-orjje- horseman, knight esp. as epith. of Nestor, B 336, 628. 'IiriroTaS-qs : son of Hippotes, Aeo lua, K 36f. 'IiriroTiwv : an Ascanian, slain by Meriones, N 792,3 514. iTTir-ovpis, papta> (fiaoQ, ] fjvrt Trirpr], p463. 'Lrriaia: a city in Euboea, B 537f. Urrft] (Att. ,and in general, web^n'oven. stuff. IOTW : see lidw (II.). lorcup, Ojoog ( root fiS ) : one who know, judge, 2 501, * 486. lerxaXe'os (iayvos) '. dry, withered, r 233f. laxnvaaffKov : hold, restrain, detain, P 747, o 346 ; intrans., w. gen., or inf., hold to, crave, desire, P 572, * 300, 9 288 ; mid., restrain oneself, delay, M 38, T 234, rj 161. Urxiov (cf. 'S{,-): hip-joint, E 306; then the parts about the hips, loins, fanks. urx w ( (Ttof^w, root aex< t\(>> ), inf. : ta\intvai, mid. ipf. laytro : hold in the ' simplest sense, then hold back, check, restrain, rtvoc, 'from' something, E ; 90 ; mid., restrain oneself, stop, desist i from (TIVUC;), % 367, w 54. ITC'T, (Firin} : willow, 149 350 and K 510 ITTJV : sec tlfii. "IrvXos : Itylus (in the tragic poets Itus), son o f Aedon, slain by her through mistake, and lamented in her plaintive notes, of which the name is an imita- tion, r 522f. -IrvjAovevs : son of Hypirochus in Elis, slain by Nestor, A 672f. t-rvs (fin*): felloe of n wheel. (II.) trw : see el/ii. "Ir'y u t, scream with intent to scare something away, o 162 and P 66. -Lj>evs ( F i9i(M] : daughter of Icarius, the sister of Penelope and wife of Eume- lus, 8 797f. i4>6l(jios : doubtful word, mighty, strong, goodly, the latter interpretation to suit the epith. as applied to women, Sko\oQ, Qvycmip, Tlnfjdi, E 415, o 364, X 287. Ii (Fie;) : with might, avaaativ, etc. ; by violence, KTautvot;, T 375. -I(|)iavao-o-a : Iphianassa, daughter of Agamemnou, I 145 and 287. -I<^iSd|xds : son of Antenor and Theano, A 21 ff. -I4>LK\T]Los : of Iphiclus, fiir] -I0t- (cXjjei'jj, i. e. the mighty Iphiclus him- self (.see f3i> } ), X 290, 296. -!<{>iKXos: son of Phylacus, father of Podarces and Protesilaiis, B 705, N 698, * 636, X 289 ff. -I^tjAe'Seta : wife of Aloeus, and mother of Otus and Ephialtes, X 305. 'Iivoos : son of Dexius, slain by Glaucus, H 14f. Tia /j.rj\a. 7 Iis : from Scyros, a slave of Pa- troclu?, I 667f. -IiTi8ris : son of Iphitns, Archep- tolemus, 9 128f. -IiTiwv : son of Otrynteu?, slain by Achilles, Y 382. -L|>iTos (A0.) : Iphitus.(\} son of Eurytus, an Argonaut, guost-friend of Odysseus, slain by Heracles. 14-37. (2) son of Nautolus, an Argonaut, from Phocis, father of Schedius and Epistrophus, B 518, P 306. (3) father of Archeptolemus. Ix8vao>, ipf. iter. iyOvaaaKov : catch fish, fish, n 95 and S 368. Ix6vdeis, only -OIVTI, -6tvra: abound- ing in fish, fishy. iX^Cs, VOQ, ace. pi. lyQuaQ, ix^vs- fish. i X viov = "I^VOQ. txvos, EOS : foot-step, track, trace, p 317f. tx 395. uj/ao, t\|/CTai : see inro/iai. l 349f. Ka6 - dirTop.at, -diTTEa9at, -ufitvoc, ipf. Ka9dvTtTo : only fig., accost, ad- dress, and in unfavorable sense, up- braid, chide, reprove, a 415, O 127, /3 240, 7 345. KaBapos : clean, fair, clear ; of an open space, 9 491 ; fig., of an honor- able death, \ 462. Ka9-ei;op.ai, subj. Ka9t%wfit(r9a, part. -ofittvog, ipf. Ka9sttTO : sit down; of a public session, a 372 ; -npoxw Ka9f%o- H'tvT], 'kneeling down,' 1 570; of a bird, 'perched,' T 520; 'staying,' 295. KaOcTjKa : see Ka9inui. KaOciary : see ira0J)/wti. KaO-ttaa ( : bid to sit down, v 257f. Ka6 - ijava) : take seat; OiUKovSf, f If. KaO-ifa), ipf. KO&I^OV, aor. 3 pi. nd9i- ffav, imp. Ka9taoi', part. KaQiaaaz, Ka- Kaivvp,ai 9iffaaa: intrans., sit; trans., cause to sit, pi ace, convoke. /3 69. Ka9-iTju.i, imp. Ka9le.rf, aor. Ka9inKa, 1 pi. Ku.Qfi.itv, 3 pi. KuQtaav: let go down, let down; of lowering sails, t 72 ; pouring wine down the throat, Q 642. KaO-iKvcofiai, aor. Ka9tKofii]v : reach, touch, a 342, S 104. Ka9-i(rnj|U, imp. KaBiffrd, aor. 1 imp. KardaTi)aov, inf. -arijaai: set down; vija, 'bring to anchor,' p. 185; so of bringing one to his destination, v 274. Ka0-opdw, mid. part. Ka9opwuivog : look down upon, A 337, N 4. Ko.6 - virep6e(v) : from above, above, over; whether the word expressly de- notes 'northward' is doubtful, Q 545, 7 170, o 404. KdC: and, also, too, even; the purely copulative use needs no illustration, but the word is idiomatically employed in many ways that call for insight and feeling rather than translation ; (Nt- ortup) dvopovae, \iyvf. HvXitiiv dyopn- rfig, \ TOV teal dirb yXiaaa^f fiiXirog yXvieiiiiv pfti' avdij, 'even from whose tongue, etc.' (comparing yXviclwv with Xiyvc. ), A 249; this comparing Kai may appear in both members of the statement, Sort S>} Kai rovct ytv'iaQai \ TralS' i/iov, we, K ai tyw Trtp, dpnrpt- Tria Tpwfcro-i, Z 476 ; Kai introducing an apodosis institutes a comparison between dependent clause and main clause, A 478. icnt appears in Greek often where we employ a disjunctive word, tva Kai ?vo, 'one or two,' B 346. Combined w. other particles, *cat tl, il Kai (see '), Kai de (e the connective), Kai Sf], Kai juijv, /cat pa, Kai re, Kai . . nip (see Trip), etc. Kai sometimes suf- fers elision, K in, * 526 ; freq. in crasis, ^jj/uie (Kai }/iftc), Kayia, etc. Kaivi8r)s: son of Caeneus, Cor5- nus, B 746f . Kaivevs : a king of the Lapithae, A 264f. Kaivvpai, ipf. tKatvvro, perf. 2 sing. KtKaoaai, 3 KfKaarat, inf. KwdaQai, plup. (i^KcKaffro : excel, w. ace., tKaivvro (f>vX' dv9pbnrwv \ rfja Kvfiepvfjaai, 7 282 ; tyxeiy o' tKiKaaro TIaviXXi]i>ai; Kai 'Axaiovc., B 530; mostly w. dat. of the thing and prep, governing the per- so:i, tv bavadlai, utrd Suwyai, iracav KOLtplOS 151 alav, S 725, r 82, w 509 ; gen. of | KCIICO - <{>pa&fc, EC person, Q 546 ; iiri with dat. of tiling, I judging, perverse, 483f. v 5?i ' ) : ill- Y35. Ko.ipi.os (icaipoe) : in the right place, a fatal place for a wound, 84, A 185. (II.) Kaipocre'ujv or Kaipooxrewv : gen. pi. fern, from an adj. icaipotts, with many loops (Kaipot) or thrums to which the threads of the warp were attached ; K. bOoviwv, from the fine-woven linen, rj 107f. Kaiw, inf. Kaitftfv, ipf. Ka'tov, aor. tKtja, opt. 3 sing. Ki}ai, 3 pi. Krjaitv, subj. 1 pi. Ki'iofitv, inf. tcfjai, imp. ic//oi', part. K/aiTt,', pass. pres. Kaitrai, ipf. 2 sing. Kaito, aor. (t)eajj, inf. Kaf/fitvai, mid. aor. Kfjavro, part. Kr\('tfi.vo : burn, consume, mid., for oneself, I 88, 234, JT 2 ; pass., burn, burn up. KCUC : see /cara. KaKiou.ai : />/a^ ^Ae coward, Q 214f. 41. KttKO- S74f. ovof (ftlfia) : ill-dad, a i-q (fipyov) : ill - doing, x : ey<7 - doing, rascally, a 54f. KCLKO - tXios ( flXioc; ) : sad Ilium, Ilium of evil name, T 260, 597, \J> 19. Ka.Ko-u.i'ixavcx; (ni]\avri) : contriving evil, malicious, TT 418. KaKo-|civos: having sorry guests, comp., v 376f. KaKo - ppa.<})iT) (paTTTat): evil device, maliciousness, p 26. C ft Kax6$, comp. KaKwrepor, KCIKIWV, sup. KUKioroi; : bad, opp. dyadug, iaOXot;. The variety of applications is as great as that of the opp. words, hence ' cowardly,' ' ugly,' ' poor,' ' vile,' 'sorry,' 'useless,' 'destructive,' 'mis- erable,' 'unlucky,' 'ill-boding,' etc. Not often of persons morally bad, X 384. As subst., KUKOV, Kaiea, evil, pest, ills of all sorts, E 831, /* 118, X 482. Adv., K(XKW$. icaieo-Texvos ('"X W )) deviwd in evil ; o6Xo , O 14f. KaKOTTjs, nros : evil, wickedness, cowardue; also 'hardship,' 'misery,' p 318, and esp. the ills suffered in war or battle, e. g. A 382. KaKou, imp. KCIKOV, aor. irmrjr 380. KaXijvpos (a'= KaXXnre, see KarnXsrVtu. KaXXi-xopos : with beautiful danc- iny-lawns, X 581-J-. KaXXos, t of : beauty; KC'I\\OQ auj3pa- ffiov, apparently conceived as an un- guent, a 192. Ko.Xo9, conip. KaXXliitv, Ka\\iov,nom. pi. KaXX('oi/c, sup. icaXXtffroc : beauti- fnl,'fair; sometimes figuratively, Xi- fifjv, ai/t/iof, 2 263, ? 253; met.^'ne, well, proper, only neut. in Homer, KU- \vv tiirtiv, Ku\a dyoptviiv, ica\t'>v iari Tim. Adv.,. KaXov, KaXa, KaXis, O 400, |3 63. KaXo9 (Alt. KaXwe) : pi., ropes, hal- yards; passing through a hole at the top of the mast, then made fast at the bottom, and serving to hoist and lower the yard. (See cut.) 60 KaXvSvcu vfjffoi : the Calydnian islands, near Cos, B 677f. KaXvSwv : Cali/don, a titv in Acto- lia, I 530, N 217, B 640. KoX.v|X|jux (KaXvTrru): veil, Q 93f. (See cuts Nos. 2, 44, 62, 70.) KaXv|, VKOZ : pi., women's orna- ments, perhaps cup-shaped ear-rinffs, S401f. (See cut No. 8.) KaXvirrpTj : veil. (Cf. cut, and Nos. 2, 44, 70.) KaXiris : water -jar, urn, i\ 20f . (See cut, from a picture on an ancient vase.) KaXvirrw, fut. -i//w, nor. pass. perf. part. KiKa\v[ifiti'oc, plup. KtKa\vn-TO, aor. part. KaXv ) : fatigue, weari- ness, toil; ' fruit of our labor,' 417. KdypaXe : see KaraftaXXui. Kdjie : see icajuvio. a town on the west coast of Rhodes, B 656f. KCLJUVU, ovi; : ypj/t Kafilvoi float;, like an old own-woman, hake-woman (of a clattering tongue, as in Eng. 'fish-woman'), a 27f. Ka|i|il|as : see icara/jryvv/it. KajJt - poviTj ( Karautvw ) : steadfast- ness, endurance (meaning the victory won thereby), X 257, * 661. iccLji-iiopos (icara/iopof) : ' given over to fate,' hence, i/l-starred, hapless. Ka.y.vo>, fut. Ka^itlrai, aor. 2 tKctfjtov, Kauf, subj. Kanyai, perf. KIKUIJKU, part. w~fl -i]oTC(c, mid. aor. tjca- o, Kauuuiada : I. mir., grow weary, frequently w. ace. of specification, yvla, wuov, \tifta, also w. tiling as subj., iroBtc, o a/'5pf, A 187; also with TIV^V, aor. mid., ' won by toil,' 2 341 ; ' worked up for oneself,"' 'tilled,' i 130. KajMTTw, fut. inf. -ifytiv, aor. tKafii^n : bend, A 486 ; ' into a lyre,' Q 274 ; freq. yovv, with weariness. Ka;iiruXos (Ka/^TTTtti) : bent, curved. icavaxcw ' only aor., rang, r 469|. KavaxT ringing of bronze, rattling of a mule-wagon, 82 ; 'gnashing ' of teeth, T 365. Kavaxij> : only ipf., rattled, M 36 ; re-echoed, K 399. KCLVEOV, Kavciov : tray, basket, for bread and meat, and for sacrificial barley, a 147, p 343. Kavveucras : see Karavfina. Kavuv, oi'og: (I) shuttle or spool, by which the thread of the woof was drawn through the thread of the warp, * 761. (2) handle on the interior of a shield, grasped bv the left hand, e 193, N 407. (II.) "(See cuts Nos. 12, 16, 79 ; rudely represented in the ad- jacent cut.) Kair : see Kara. Kairavevs : Capaneus, one of the Seven against Thebes, the father of Sthenclus, E 319. son of Capaneus, Sthenelus, E 109, 108. KaireTOS : ditch, grave, 2 564, O 797. (II.) Kdiri], pi. dat. Kairyffi : crib, manger, 5 40, 9 434. 8cairvi (KOTrvoe) : only aor., lighted fires, B 399f. Kairvos : smoke; in ju 202 of a cloud of spray from violently agitated water. KairirO'ov : see KaTaTTiTrrw. Kairpios (KaTrpof) : wild boar, with and without OVQ, M 42, P 282. KoLirpos : wild boar, boar, T 197. KoLirus : Capys, son of Assaracus, and father of Anchises, Y 239f. Ka-n-vo): only aor., cnrb (adv.) Si fyv- \i}v tKairvoatv, breathed forth (in a swoon), X 467f. icdp : see Kara. Kvyttiv Kapnorov air avrrjc; (sc. tori), best, i. e. ' the better part of valor,' /t 120. KaprGvw : only aor. mid., tKapTtvav- TO dxiXayyaf , strengthened their ranks. (II.) Kdpvoros : a town at the southern extremity of Euboea, B 539-f. Kap<|>aXcos: dry; of sound(cf.aJoj'), N 409. (11. and i 369.) Kdpu>, fut. Kapij/uj, aor. Kcip^e : parch, shrivel up, v 398 and 430. KapxaXtos : rough with thirst of the throat, , B 676f. Kacro-avSpv, : Cassandra, daughter of Priam, the prophetess, carried to I Greece as captive by Agamemnon, and I slain by Clytaemnestra, N 366, Q 699, X 422. Kaoxrirepos : tin; used to ornament weapons and chariots. KaoTidvcipa : the mother of Gor- gythion, B 305f. KaoTopvvtra : see KaTcurropevvvpi. Kdo-riop: Castor. (\ ) son of Zeus and Leda, brother of Polydeuces and Helen, famed for horsemanship (iiriro- cafjLoc), as participant in the hunt of the Calydonian boar, and in the Argo- nautic expedition, T 237, X 299 ff. (2) son of Hylacus, ^ 204. KourxcOc : see car^w. Kara, before y sometimes Kay, be- fore S lead, before TT and KO.TT, before p Kc'ip (and by some written in combi- nation with its case, e. g. Kayyovv, icad- Svvafiiv) : down. I. adv., down, utterly (here belong all examples of 'tme.-is'' so-called); Kara cdicpv \kovaa, lig., Kara S' opxia irt'irnaav, ' under foot,' A 157; Kara c' up^iara Ufa, break ' to pieces ;' Kara ravpov tt]C~(o, having devoured, stronger than 'eaten,' through the force of Kara, P 542; n//X^a y oiofiai ; Kara irc'tfnrav | rt9vauev, to be dead and gone, cf. KaraQi'iiffKto, T 334 ; the appropriate case of a subst. may specify the relation of the adv., card ft vortoc; pttv ic*pioQ | w/iwv (cot Kf0aXje (local gen.), A 811. II. prep., (a) w. gen.,c, K 696 ; dufipo- aii]v Kal vtKrap ipvBpov \ ard%e Kara piftav, ' down through,' ' in through,' T 39 ; Kar dicprjc, ' from top to bottom,' 'utterly.' (b) w. ace., down, down through, down into, Kara rii\oQ t/Sjj- aav, N 737 ; of motion not so vaguely as di'd, 'up and down,' but usually rather with reference to some definite end or purpose, Sow Si Kvf3iarr]rijp( Kar' avroitc, . . tfivivov Kara. n'toaovQ, ' among them . . down the centre,' 18; valfiv Kara TTO\IV, in particular places throughout the city, B 130; so, Kara ydlav, Kara iruvrov, and simply local, Kara c, nom. pi. fern, sync. KaSfvaai, mid. fut. KaracvirofitOa, aor. icarCO(7ro : 170 down into, enter; tig 'Ai'cao oo/iovc, K 174; rara, T 25, and often w. ace., dofiov, iro\iv, o/xT etc. ; of the sun, set; apparently trans., Ttvxea, put on, Z 504, fi 228. KaTc.eip.evos, Karaeiwaav : see ica- rakvvvju. Karaeio-aro : see icarei/u. Kara-tyvviii (Pivvvm), ipf. Karati- waav, pass. perf. part. Karaufisvoc, : clothe, cover, V 135 ; fig., vXn, v 351, r 431. Kar-agaivw, aor. iter. KaTa^vaffKt : make dry, dry up, X 587f. Kara - Odirro), aor. inf. KaTaOdi^ai : inter, bury. (II.) KaTa6eiop.ai, -Ociop.ev : see carari- ftj/it. KaTa-6e\Y w > aor> Kar0X?E : subdue by charmiff, charm, enchant, K 213f. Kara-Ovrjo-Kw, aor. 2 sync. KarQavt, perf. KaraTt9vl]Ka, subj. Karaiceiofiei', part. sync. KaKKtiovTfc. : lie down ; as desid- erative, part. w. Hftav, went ^o lie down, to sleep, A 606, a 424. , -tcqoficv : see Kara - KXdco, ipf. KarkicXdJv: break down, break off ; pass., fig., KarticXaffdr) dn'Xov rjrop, m v heart 6roie, ' gave wav ' 5481. 156 Kardpaopai KOTa-KXfva>, aor. part. -K\ivdc, : lean or lay down; dupv iiri yaiy, K 165f. Kara - Koijidu, only aor. pass. Kart- K0ifi!i9nr : puss., lie down to sleep, sleep, lie. (II.) icaTaicoipave'w : see Koipaviia. Kara - Kocr(ia), mid. aor. subj. Kctra- Koapiaijatit : put in order, % 440 ; ' tit- led,' A 118. Kara - KpT)0ev ( Kapij ) : from top to bottom, utterly. KaTaKpT]S = KCtTUKpljOtV, SCG UKfJIj. Kara - KpvirTW, fut. inf. -vij/tiv, aor. part. KciTaKpv^ac; : hide, conceal; av- TOV, ' himself,' <5 427 ; ' make no con- cealment,' TH 205. Kara - KTEIVW, fut. KaraKTivii, 3 pi. -KTaviovm, aor. 1 opt. KaraKTtivtie, aor. 2 KdTiKravov, imp: Kardicravt, KU- KTCIVI, also Ka-tKTav, inf. -Krdfitv(ai), part. -KTUQ, puss. aor. 3 pi. Kar'tKraQtv, mid. fut. KaraKTavktaOe, aor. part. Kara- KTt'tfif VOQ : kill, slay ; mid. \v. pass. signif., S 481, TT 106. Kara - KV-JTTW, aor. KctTtKvfo : bend down the head, bow down. (11.) 1. Kara-Xe'-yw, fut. -Xsw, aor. KctTt- Xta . enumerate, recount, T 497, TT 235 ; then narrate, relate, with tu, drptKtdtc., iv fioipy, I 115, T 186. 2. Kara-Xe'-yw (root Xfx), mid. fut, KaTa\ii-ai, aor. jcariXe^nro, imp. Ka- ra\t$ai, aor. 2 KarsXticro, inf. Kara\i\- 9ai, part. (caraXey^efoc : niid., lay one- self down, lie down to sleep or rest, lie. KciTa-Xetpu) : only pass. part, trick- ling down, 2 109-f-. Kara-Xeiirw, KaXXeiirw, aor. 2 icoXXi TTOV (icaXX/0', Z 223, K 338), inf. -iuv : leave behind, leave in the lurch, aban- don, * 414, X 383, Q 383 ; ' give over,' tfXwp yo>jspuv, carrying the animal crosswise over his back (the feet being tied together and held under the chin of the bearer), K 169f. Kara-Xvb), aor. KareXvee, subj. -Xotro- fttv : loose (unharness), S 28 ; fig., undo, 1 destroy,' B 117,124. KaTa-(j.dpTTTa>, aor. subj. KUTapap-^g : overtake. Kar-aado). only aor. mid. (cara/oj- aaro, had heaped upon himself, Q 165f. Kar-ajivo-o-w : only aor. mid., KUTU- puZctTo x tl P a > uas scratched her hand, E 425f. Kara-vcvo), part. Karavtviav (i 490), fut. -vevffofuii, aor. Karivtvaa, part. sync. Kavvtvadz: nod down (forward), nod to, to give a sign, regularly of as- sent (opp. dvavtinti) ; KKjiaXy or Kpari, A 527 ; joined with virioxtro, vTriarnv, B 112, v 133, A 267; (jrunt (nvi n), v'lKiiv, KvCog, also w. inf., K 393, S 6. Kar-dvojiai (a'a>) : pass., be used up, wasted. (Od.) KoLr-avTa ( KaravTTjq ) : adv., down- hill, V 116f. : see avTnaric,. KaravTiKpv : see dvTiicpv. Kara - iravpa ( TTUVIO ) : rest from, alleviation; TIVOC, P 38f. Kara - iravw, fut. -ffoi, aor. nare Trav- poavv&uv ), X 457, o 457 ; ironically of killing, II 618. Kara - ireWw, aor. subj. KaTcnri^y : digest, fig., \o\ov (as we say ' swallow ' one's anger), A 8 If. KaTaTre'4>v< away, mid., for oneself; of setting one ashore or at any other place of destination, TT 230, II 683 ; spreading a bed, r 317; proposing as a prize in a contest, 267 ; laying the dead on the bier, w 190,44; depositing things for safe keeping, etc. Kara-rp^xw: wear or waste away, exhaust, consume. KaravOi, KaravroOi : see av9i and ai>r69i. Kara - epw : only fut., Karoifftrai, will bring me down to the grave, X 425-f-. icara - {>eiw, fat. -Qiau, mid. aor. Kari(j>9iTo, inf. Kara9{(r9ai, part. -00i'- [td'oc; : destroy, mid., perixh, pass away, die; viKvtaai Kara^Oi/isvoiffiv (Kara because they have passed down to Hade.*, cf. Kfira9vi)ffKia), X 491. Ka.Ta-X.e'YvXaSov ((j>v\ov ) : ?n tribes, in clans, B 668 f. Kara-xew, aor. Karixfvu, inf. Kara- Xfi'at, mid. aor. 3 pi. Karkxuv-o : pour down, shower doivtt, shed over (rivi ri) ; not of fluids only, but variously, of let- ting fall a garment, E 734 ; throwing down \vands, Z 134; levelling a wall, H 461 ; and often metaph., \apiv, ir\ovrov, cvtidia, ft 1 2, B 670, 38 ; mid., oirXa ti'f arrXor, ' fell in a heap,' fi 411. Kara-xOovios : subterranean, nether, Zii> (= Hades), I 457f. Karca|a : see KarcSei : see K Kar-cSco, fut. KariSovrni : eat up, de- vour; fig., OIKOV, 9vn 567f. Kar - evojira : in the face of, turned toward, O 3-Jof. KaTiraX|xevos : ?ce K . KaT-ir f"'- Kart\tuaop.ai, aor. Karfi\v9ov, inf. Kart\9fp.iv : come or go down, come in some definite direc- tion, as from country to town, home, from high sea to harbor, etc. ; Trirpt], descending,' t 484. KaTr mid. aor. KareaxtTO, part. u tvi)i aor. 2, parallel forms, ica- TtaxeOov, sync. K-ai]s, c (tpe^aj): covered over, vaulted, overhanging. KaTTJptire : see KaTiptiirw. icon ricj>U] ((cary0/;c) : humiliation, shame. (II.) Kar - T)(j>'w, aor. KaT//0;jffav, part. -tf>r}fia.Q : be humiliated, confounded, TT 342, X 293. KaT-TjKJyijS} : humiliated, disgraced, w 432f. KaT-t]4)ciJv, ('n'oe =r KaTtj(j>f.ii], abstract for concrete, disgrace*, Q 253-J-. KarGave : see KciTciOvtjOKto. KarOavj/aL : see (cara^oTrrw. Ka.T6'}iev, KarOejiev, KdrOeTe, Karfle- fiof) : (down) from (over) the shoulder, of the discus so hurled, 43 If. (See cut No. 30.) KOT-wjxa8dv (w/zof) : (down) from over) the shoulder, of the whip as used by the driver, or 'down on the shoul- ders ' of the horses. (II.) (tar - h>pv|, v%o (opvavu)) : dug in, buried ov Jirmlt/ set in the earth. (Od.) avKcoves : the Caucomans. (1) in Paphlagonia, K 429. (2) in Elis, y 366. avXos : spear-shaft, part next the point, n 115 ; also sword-hilt, U 338. avjia, arof (KCIIW) : burning heat, E 865f. aTJcrreipa ( Krti'to ), fern. adj. : hot, raging. na\r). (II.) Kai5oTpios : the Cayster, a river in Ionia, emptying into the sea near Ephe- sus, B 461. Kaviros = Kal avToc.. Ka<|>-: only perf. part., KcKa^ora, gasping out, Ovpuv, E 698 and 468. K, Kev : enclitic modal adv. indicat- ing a condition ; essentially equivalent to dv, but of more frequent occurrence, esp. in affirmative sentences, and some- times found in combination with dv, A 187, N 127, Q 437, 361, 1 259, i 334. Homer uses KEJ>, like dv, with the fut. indie, and w. the subj. in independent sentences, icai Kt nc wo' ipeei, 'thus many a one will be like to say,' A 176; tyw Si K dyw Bp'tatjiSa, 'just as cer- tainly will 1,' etc., A 184. With inf., X 110. See at'. KedSTjs : son of Ccas, Troezenius, B 847. Kcdo>, aor. (i)Ksacat, Ksaat, opt. Kid- oaifii, inf. Ktdaacn, |);iss. perf. part. Kf- Ktaofiiva, aor. Ktc'taOj) : split, cleave; of lightning, shiver, 132, n 250. Ke'aTai : see Ktluai. Kcppidvt)s : a son of Priam, chari- oteer of Hector, slain by Patroclus, 9 318, n 738. KSdvvv|u (parallel form of aKtc~dv- vvfii, employed for metrical conven- ience), aor. iKedaerae, puss. aor. 3 pi. tKtSaaGiv, KtSciffOtiQ : disperse, scatter ; ypi>(>ac, 'burst the dikes,' E 88. xeSvds (root Ka, Kt')Su), sup. KtSvo- TO.TOQ : careful, true, good, excellent ; a poetic synonym of dya9t> , tV0Aoc, used mostly of persons; KtSvd Fidvla, ' care- ful-minded,' a 428. KcSpivds: of cedar, Q 192f. Kc'Spos : cedar, of the tree and of the wood, 60f. 159 KCXX KEid}ivos, tceiavres : sec KO.IU. K6iarai, Kciaro : see Ktifiai. Ktttev (Ktlvoo) : thence, then, O 234. Kei9i: there. Keijiai, Kiiaui, KIITM, 3 pi. Ktivrai, Ktarai, Ktiarai, subj. Krjrai, imp. Ktlao, Ktiff9ai, inf. Kua9ai, part. Kuptvoc., ipf. (i)Ktipni>, 3 pi. Ktaro, Ktiaro, iter. 3 sing. KiffKf.ro, fut. Ktiaopai : lie, be placed or situated, of both persons and things, and often virtually a pass, to n'6%u, as Kami a0Xa, prizes 'are offered,' 273; freq. where we say 'stand,' C/0poe, 9pfjvvQ, p 331, 410 ; fig., TTSV^OC ITTI 0j06;, Ktivo : see tKtivoQ. Ktivos : see rci/uc. Kipco, fut. inf. Ktpknv, aor. 1 ticepcra, Kipat, mid. part. KHpo/ttvoc,, ipf. Ktipov- TO, aor. inf. KiipaaQai : shear, shear off, cut down ; Kounv, Suvpa, rtvovre, 146, Q 450, K 546; then 'consume,' 'waste,' KTrjfiaTa, fiiorov, ft 312, 143; fig., /irt^flC s 71 "' (adv.) fitjSta Ktipu, ' cuts short,' O 467 ; mid., cut off one's own hair (as an offering to the dead), * 46, S 198. KEio-e (ictivof) : thither, there ; 'thus 1. KCIW, K, inf. Ktdfifv, part. KftW, Ktwi/, a future with desiderative force : win/I to steep; freq. the part. w. verb of motion, j3uv Kti'ovref, opao tckaiv, r\ 34-2. 2. K6iw, stem form of /cta^w : split, part,, 5 4'25f. KCKaSi^aei, -8r]crou.9a : see ici'iSio. KCKtiSovTO, KKa8wv : see xa^"/it. KEKaafxai : see Katvvfiai. KCKac|>T]w9 : see icafy-. KCK\CTO : see KiXo^iai. KtKXrjya : see KX(aXos : ?rf to confine the hair, X 469-)-. (See cut No. 41.) KCKu'Ooxri : see Ktvdui. KeXaSeivos : sounding, ringing, clang- ing, echoing ; Ztyvpos, ^ 208 ; else- where, KiXaSeivlj, epitliet of Artemis as huntress (leader of the pack), as subst., * 511. KtXaSeoj : sound applause, shout in applause, aor. (II.) KeXaSos : clang, echo, clamor, of the hunt or the combat, and otherwise, a 402. KcXaSwv, ovrot; : part., sounding, 4> 10*. KeXaSwv : a stream in Elis, H 133f. KeXai-v(|>i)S, is (KtXaivuc, vto<;) : as epith. of Zeus, god of the dark clouds, subst., v 147 ; of blood, dark. KeXaivos : dark, black; of the skin, blood, night, wave, storm, the earth, H 384. KcXapv : gurgle, of flowing water; of blood, A 813. Ke'XevOos, pi. KeXtvQoi, oftener (ceXeu- 9a : path, way; dvefiwv \anfyr)pa /ctXtw- 9a, Ki\si>Qavc t t 383 ; vypa, I\9v6tvra Kt\tv9a, of the paths of air and of the sea; of a journey, K 539; KfXmQov irptiffattv, TiQtvtu, QtaQai, ytfyvpovv, of making a way over a ditch, O 357 ; VVKTOQ Tt Kat i/fiaroe Kf\ev9oi, ' outgo- ings of night and day,' K 86 ; met., 9eiiiv airotiKE Kt\tv9ov, ' cease from walking heavenly ways,' T 406. KeXtvTiaw (frequentative of KiXtvu), part. -Tivtiiv: urge or cheer on, 'ani- mate,' M 265. (II.) KcXcvu (root KfX), ipf. (fyiXevov, fut. inf. KtXtvaffifvni: iirgc,nd(TTiyi, ty 642 ; then command, bid, rojttest, nvi n, or w. inf., TT 136, B 50; freq. w. ace. and inf. ; w. two accusatives in the formula o(j>p' t'nrd) TO. /IE 9vp.f 295. In Homer the Centaurs were a wild Thessalian tribe, A 268. KCVTCW, aor. inf. Kivaai : goaded on ; 'iirirov,* 33 7f. KEVTp-rjvEiojs, C : goaded on. (II.) KE'vrpov (KtvTtw) : goad, (II.) KEVTwp, opoQ : ffoader; icei/Topic, 'iir- TTUIV, epith. of Cadmaeans and Trojans. (II.) Kcovrai : sec Kttfiai. KEpaacr6c : see Ktpavvvfii. Kcpat^u (cf. Ktipw), inf. Kipai^i-fifv: lay waste, destroy; also kill, B 861. Kepaico, Kcpacit : see Kipavvvfii. Kcpa}icv$, T;oe: potter, 2 601f. Kcpajios : anything of earthen ware, /x> or jar, such as are sometimes found half buried in the earth (see cut), F 469 ; in E 387, xX (cf. :il.-o and Klpvtjpi), aor. Kipaaae, part, fein. Ktpaaaaa, mid. pros, sub.j. Ktpwv- rai, imp. KipdaaOf, KfpuoQe, ipf. Ktpouv- TO, Kfpwvro, aor. Ktpdoaaro, pass. perf. KEKpaavrai, plup. -avro : mix, prepare by mixing, mid., for oneself, have mixed; esp. of tempering wine with water, also of preparing water for a bath, K 362 ; of alloy, or similar work in metal, xpv- ai}> ' iiri %tiXta KiKpiiavTai, 'plated' with gold, o 132. Kcpao-goos ((clpac,?w): horn-polinh- ing, worker in horn, riKrwv, A 110-J-. KEpacs : horned. xe'pas, Kipaoc,, dat. tcepai (tcepa), pi. Kipd (but shortened before a vowel), Kfpdun-, dat. Ktpaffi, Ktpdtam : horn ; bows were made of horn, A 109 ff., 395; hence said for 'bow,' A 385; a sheath of horn was used to encase a fishing-line, to prevent the hook from being bitten off, Q 81 ; with a pl;iy upon the word icpaivw, r 566. KEpavvos : thunderbolt, lightning. KEpdw : see Kipdiwui. Kp8aXeos (KIOOC,): profitable, ad- vantageous; hence cunning, si y, 148, 9 548, v 291. Kp8aXo-4>poJv : irith mind bent on gain, greedy - minded, A 149; crafty- minded, A 339. KEpSiwv, Ke'pSiov : more profitable, more advantageous, ' Vjetter,' u 166. Sup. KE'pSurros, the slyest, 'L 153f. Ke'pSos, eof : gain, profit ; shrewd counsel, esp. pi., 515; Ktpcia i~i- araoQai, ittifvai, to be ' versed in cun- ning arts,' * 322 ; vw/ui/ ivi typtai, 'devise clever counsels,' a 210; in bad sense, /3 88, ^ 217. KEpSoovvt) : craft; only dat. as adv., cunningly, craftily. KEpicis, iBoc, : rod (in later times ' comb '), by a blow from which the threads of the woof were driven home into the warp, and the web made firm and close, t. 62. (See cut No. 59.) KE'po-ds : see KHUIO. KEp-TO)i.Ew ( cf(oro//oc), ipf. (i)Kipr6- piov. taunt, tease, II 201. KEprofiiT] : taunt, only pi. KEpTOjiios (cf. Ktiput): taunting, cut- ting, tTrra, A 6 ; also as subst., Ktpro- liia (=Ktprof*i(tt), A 539, t 474. KEpWVTOLl, KEpOUVTO : S6 KtpdvVVfll. KE'v, uvog: hiding-place, a-anny v 367 ; of the sties of swine, K 283. KCV0OS, oe, = (ceufytof, Kiv9(i.iiiv, onl) pi., into KtvQtai yaiJjC, ' in the depths of the earth beneath,' of Hades, X 482, w204. Kv0(i>, fut. -a(t>, aor. 2 Ku9e, subj. re- dupl. KtKvQia, perf. KtKtvQa : hold con- cealed, hide, cover ; esp. of death, Ku9t ycua, y 16 ; pass., 'AiSi KfiiQiafiai, ^ 244 ; met., voy, ivi Qptoiv, etc. ; with two accusatives, y 187, ^ 273. Ko,Xt], Kta\fii\n, r}9eir) K^aXrj (c a r u m c a p u t) terms of endearment ; as the source of voice, A 462, II 76. KctjxiXXTJvEs: the Cephallenians,co\ lective designation of the subjects of Odysseus on islands and mainland, B 63l, 100, u 187, w 355, 378, 429. Xa^lo->v, pT)cos, Kxapoia,To, Kx. KCOI : see KH'UI. K-rjai, Kijai,, K-qdaevos : see Kaiia. Ki]Seio9, KtjSeos (KIJ^OC) : of any ob- ject of solicitude, dear; esp. of those who claim burial service, T 294 and * 160. KT]Sepiuv, ovop : one solicitous, near friend, mourner, only pi. (II.) KiiSurros, a sup. to KtjSeiog : dear- est. KTjSos, toe: care, trouble, esp. for deceased friends, mourning, A 270 ; pi. KijSta, sorrows. Ki^Sw, ipf. iter. nrjStaKov, fut. part. KnSi}vovTQ, mid. ipf. iter. KrjSiffKtro, fut. KeKaSri(!6fif.9a : trouble, distress, E 404, * 369, Q 240, 542, t 402 ; pass, and mid., be concerned, care for, rti/of, H 204, A 196, 146. KTJCV : see icatuj. KIJKICO (ic(oj): gush forth, e 455f. Kt]Xcos, Ki^Xtios ( Acni'w ) : blazing ; irvp, O 744. Kt)\T]6|jios (Kn\iu): charm; 11 c' iffxovro, they were spell -bound, \ 334 and v 2. KTJXov : pi., shafts, missiles of the gods; of snow, M '280. (II.) KIJ : (seagull, t 479f. Kijopcv : see 6pT)To<;). When the time of death for the special favorites of Zeus approaches, he weighs the fortunes of combatants, e. g. Patroclus and Sarpedon, Achilles and Hector. (See cut, representing Hermes dis- charging this function.) Freq. joined w. QavciTOQ, j3 283; $6vog, S 273, (3 165; hence w. adj. fj,i\atva, * 66; like Oavaroc., II 687 ; often = death, A 360, 362, E 652, I 411 ; symbol of hate, A 228. tjp, KtjpoQ : heart, H 481 ; then in wider signification, as the seat of un- derstanding, will, and emotion, thus an- swering approximately to Eng. 'heart'; icnce (iv)paiv, fvl 0ri)Biffaiv, iv 9v- <, Z 523, ' within me ' ; (irtpi) Krjpi, at heart exceedingly,' 'most heartilv,' f 36 ; KnpuOi itaXXov, ' still more in heart,' p 458 ; also used periphrasti- cally like fi'tvoQ, pin, etc., B 851, cf. A 395. KT)po'e dyytXoi, Ati (j>iXoi. KrjpvKi^tlirvTidy, P 324. KT]pCr ( KuXiw ) : call by name, call, summon, mid., to oneself, I 569. K 300. KIKOVCS: the Ciconians, a Thracian tribe, B 846, i 39 ff. KIKVS : force, \ 393f. KiXiKEs: the Cilicians, a tribe of Greater Phrygia, dwelling under two leaders, in Hypoplacian Thebe and in Lyrnessus, Z 397, 415. KiXXa: Cilia, a town in the Troad, A 38,452. Ki|i[j.pioi : the Cimmerians, a fab- ulous people dwelling at the entrance of Hades, X 14f. Kive'uj (, aor. tV/\aya, perf. part., w. pres. signif., KK\>;ywc, pi. K( KXi'iyovrfg : scream, properly of birds, IT 429 ; then of animals, 30; applied also to war- riors and to men under other circum- stances, E 591, n 256, B 222 ; to things, as arrows, the wind, etc., A 46, P 88, u 408. The verb may be trans- lated according to the context in the several passages, but its original and proper application shows its force. Cf. itXayy//. K\cua>, ipf. K\alov, iter. jcXa/eoro, fut. K\avff0fuu, aor. K\avfft : weep, cry; freq. of lamenting the dead (either as natural or as formal ceremonial utter- ance), hence used transitively, T 300, a 263. xXavorc : see K\a!w. K\aw, aor. K\dffe, pass. iicXaaBt] : break, break off", pass, intrans., A 584. K\eT)Sb>v, oi'oQ, and KXf]i)S ), pass. /cXfo/iot, ipf. 2 sing. (t)(cXjo : cele- brate, make famous; pass., i2 202, v 299. 2. icXcico : see icXi^'io. KXeo'povXos : a Trojan, slain by the lesser Ajax, II 330f. KXeoireiTpTi : the wife of Meleager, identical w. 'AAieiwi/jj, I 556f. icXeos ( root icXw, icXvu ), pi. (cXta ( shortened before a vowel ) : rumor, tidings, glory; (Att. icXftw), aor. ()K\/IoQ, plup. tceicXiro, mid. aor. part. K\lva/jitvot; : I. act., make to slope or incline, lean one thing against an- other, rivi TI, or Trpoe ri, A 593, x 121 ; of turning away the eyes, r 427 ; turn- ing the tide of battle (/*xjv, i n c 1 i- n a r e p u g n a m), 3 510, and e*p. put to flight, E 37, i 59. II. pass., bend oneself, sink or lie down; iicXivdri Kai aXtvaro Ktjpa, iripwa' tK\iv9r) Kapt], K\iv0ri (ctK/irjaif, T 360, N 543, 232 ; be supported, lean against, nvi, A 371, ? 307, mid., p 340. KXicrii) ( K\ivia ), dat. K\iottjt : hut or lodge of shepherds, 2 589, 45, o 301, IT 1 ; barrack (not exactly ' tent ') of warriors, A 448 ff; often in pi.; also couch or easy-chair ^ 123, T 55. (See cut No. 73.) icXias (cf. yv6og) : dark- ness, dusk, of the first part of the night. KVIJ : see icvdoi. icvijp.T) : the part of the leg between knee and ankle, shin. KVTjfifs, tSoc. (Kvrjfit)) : greave. The greaves were metal plates, lined with some soft material, bent around the shin-bone under the knee, and fastened by clasps at the ankle (see cut No. 36), thus only in the Iliad. In the Odyssey, w 229, the word signifies leather leggins. Kvt](ji6s : only pi., mountain - valleys (sal t us). KvtjoTis, dat. Kvfjffrl (KVO.W) : grater, or knife for grating, A 640f. Kvfw< to 6poc, aavides, T 395, 1 593, \|/ 194. KoXXoxJ/, on-oe : peg of a lyre, round which the string was fastened, 407f . icoXoios : jack-daw. (II.) KoXos: docked, pointless, II 117f. KoXoo-vpTos : noisy rout, of the hunt, M 147 and N 472. KoXovco (ic(')Xoc) : cut short, curtail, only fig., Y 370, 0211,*: 340. icoXiros : bosom, also of the fold of the garment about neck and breast, I 570 ; fig. of the sea, QaXaaanQ. aXo<;. KoXaxxco (coX^>6f), ipf. t(coX< 4 u'a : baivl, B212f. KoXivri: hill. (II.) KoXuog: noisy wrangling, racket, A 575f. Kop.dco (Kofin) : only part., wearing long hair; icapr) jco/towj/rtt; 'A^atot, ' long-haired Achaeans ;' 'AfiavTic. OTTI- Qtv ico/iowirfC) ' e - shorn in front, B 542; iOtipyai, ' with long manes,' 42. KO|XU, KOfl'fOVIJl, ipf. tKOflfl, KO/4eiri]V, iter. KofiitaKe : take care of, tend, by af- 6 Kope'vvvfJLi fording food, bed, clothing, bath, X 250 ; of animals, p 310, 319. KO|JLT] : hair of the head, with refer- ence to cornelines.*, pi., locks, Z, 231 ; then foliage, ip 195. KO|xiSi] : care, attendance, bestowed on persons, horses, garden, w 245, 247. KO|Aio> (/co/m-A int. KO/IIW, aor. KO- uiaaa, (i)Ko^iiat, mid. aor. (i)Ko^ii(raaTo, KOfiiaavro: I. act. (1) u-ait upon, at- tend, care for, esp. entertain as guest, K 73, p 113, cf. Ill ; of feeling (riva nvi), v 69 ; pass., 6> 451. (2) take or bring away to be cared for, fetch, con- vey, E 183, T 378, A 738, N 196, V 699, v 68. II. mid., take to one's care, en- tertain hospitably, take or convey home or to oneself, E 359, 6 284, 316, A 594, 268 ; of carrying off a spear in one's body, X 286. KOH-FTC'W: clash, M 151f. Kofrrros : clashing ; ' stamping ' of feet, 9 380; 'gnashing' of the tusks of a wild boar, A 417, M 149. Kovapeu, aor. Kov/3r/(7 : resound, ring, of echoing and of metallic objects, 7T/jX;?, ffjts, Cwfia. (II. and p 542.) Kovapigw = Kovafiiu. (II.) KOVO.POS: din, K 122f. KovTrj : dust, sand, ashes, X 600, * 502, i] 153. KOVIS, tog, dat. Kovi=Kovir). Kovfo-aXos : dust -cloud, dust -whirl. (11.) Kovtto, fut. Koviaovai, aor. koi/Ttra, pass. perf. part. KfKom/jitvog, plup. - /coi'Tro : make dust or make dusty, cover with dust; pass., X 405, * 54l'; intr., Koviovrec. irtSioio, ' scampering ' over the plain in a cloud of dust. KOVTOS : punting-pole, pole, i 487f. Ko-irpevs : the father of Periphetes, herald of Eurystheus, O 639f. Koirpcw : only fut. part. KOTrpijaovr^, for manuring the fields, p 299f. Koirpos: dung, manure, Q 164; then 'farm-yard,' 'cow-yard,' 2 575. icoVrw, aor. \aara, I 241f. (See cut No. 38.) Kopwn: battle - mace, club of iron. (II.) KopuvTJTTjs : clubbrandisher. (II.) Kopvs ( cf. icdpi) ), ace. KupvQa and Kopvv: helmet; epithets, fipiapi), <5ai- CaXtn, iinroSdaEia, 'nriroKouor;, Xa/tTro- fiivn, Xa/tTTjO/;, iravaiQi], rtrpdipaXoc., 'iptoc, \a\KOTrdpyos. (See cuts under these adjectives.) Kopvao-w, mid. aor. part. Kopvaadut- rof, pass. perf. part. KtKopvOfitvot;: arm the head with the helmet; then, in gen- eral, arm, equip, mid., arm oneself; of weapons, KtKopvQfieva xaAicf.J, with Aeac? of bronze, bronze-shod, T 18, II 802; met., iroXtfiov, KVfjia (cf. KopOiiofiai), * 306, A 424, Kopvcmjs, du. Kopvard : helmeted, lience armed, equipped for battle. (II.) Kopv4>V) (cf. icopi'C, Kapn) : crest, sum- mil. (11. and i 121.) Kopvoci>, mid. KopvovTai : mid., r/se MM'/ towering crest; Kvpa (cf. Kop- Ovofiai), A 426f. Kopojveia : Coronea, a. city in Boe- otia, south of lake Copais, B 503f. KopcSvi] : anything crooked or curved. (1) the ring on a door, 441. (See cuts Nos. 68 and 56.) (2) the curved end of the bow .over which the loop of the bow-string was brought. (See cut No. 34.) (3) sea-wow cormorant, 66. Kopwvis, idoQ ( icopwj'Tj ) : curved, epitli. of ships; always vnvffi (or viltaffi) Kopuviffiv. (See cuts Nos. 38, 87, 88.) Koptovos : son of Caeneus, father of Leonteus, king of the Lapithae, B 746f. Ko ( Kofffiog ), aor. tKoafirjaa, pass. aor. 3 pi. KoafirfOev, mid. aor. part. Koaun : only part., when a young man, x 185f. Koupi| : adv., by the hair, % 188f. Kovpos : youth, boy, esp. of noble rank, so when applied to the attend- ant? at sacrifices and banquets, as KOVpOTCpOS 168 these were regularly the sons of princely houses, A 470, a 148 ; also implying vigorous youth, ability to bear arras, P 726 ; son, r 523. Kovporepos : younger; as subst., A 316. Kovpo-Tpoos : nourisher of youths, i27f. covers: light, agile; adv., KovcJ>a, quickly, N 158 ; Kov6rcpov, with lighter heart, 9 201. K6v: son of Antenor, slain by Agamemnon, A 248-260, T 53. KocovSe : see KtDf. Kpdara, Kpdan, tcpdaros : see Kapij. KpaSaivw = KpaSdia, only mid. part., quivering. (II.) KpaSdtu, part. Kpaddwv : brandish. Kpaiva>, Kpaiaivco, Kpaivovai, ipf. tKpaiaivt, "aor. imp. Kprwvov, Kprivov, inf. KpT)TJvai, Kpijvui, mid. fut. inf. (cpa- vieaOai (for KtKpdavrai, -VTO, see - pdvvvui ) : accomplish, fulfil, bring to pass; fut. mid. as pass., I 626 ; ' bear sway,' 391. icpanrvos, comp. KpanrvorepoQ : rap- id, quick; fig., hasty, vooe, * 590. Adv., KpaiirvwS) also Kpanrvd, E 223. Kpavdt) : name of an island, T 445. Kpavaos : rocky, epith. of Ithaca. Kpavo-0aL : see rpat'va>. Kpdvcia : cornel-tree, II 767, ic 242. Kpdviov (icpavov) : upper part of the skull, 84f. KpdiraOos (later KdpTraOof): an island near Rhodes, B 676. Kpra, Kpari : Kparai--yvaXos : u'ith strong breast- plates, T 3t>lf. (See cut No. 55.) KpaTcuT; : overpowering force, * weight ' we should say, i. e. the force of gravitation, in the stone of Sisy- phus, X 597. Personified, Kparcuts, Crataeis, the mother of Scylln, p 124. Kpa.Tcu.os : powerful, mighty; Mo7pa, Qf,p (\ion\A 119. KpaTai-ireSos (iriSov) : with strong (hard) footing or surface, \fs 46f . Kparcpos, KapTCpos, Kpartpi/tfii : strong, powerful, mighty, of persons and things, and sometimes in bad sense, pvQoc,, ' stern,' A 25. Adv., Kparcpo-<{>pwv : stout-hearted, daunt- less. KpaTcp-u>w (uvv) : strong-hoofed, strong-clawed. KpdTo-<|>i : see Kapr]. KparevTcu : explained by Aristar- chus as head-stones, on which the spits were rested in roasting meat ; cf. our 'fire-dogs,' 'andirons.' Possibly the shape was like the horns (icepac.) on the altar in cut No. 95. I 214f. Kpareo) ( Kpdro ) : be superior in might, have power, rule over, nvoc, sometimes naiv (among), A 485, -a 265 ; Kpariotv, ' with might.' tcpdros, KapTOS, toe : superior strength, might, power, then master*/, victory, a 359, 280. Kparc's : see icaptj. Kparvs =. KpartpoQ , epith. of Hermes. Kpc'as, arof, pi. icpia and Kpkctra, gen. Kptwv and Kptiutv, dat. tcpiaatv : jftesh, meat, pi., pieces of dressed meat; Kpsa, i 347. icpetov (icpcac,'): meat-tray, dresser, I 206f. Kpeio-awv, ov: stronger, superior in Strength or might, better; w. inf.,

, aor. Kpffiaae, mid. ipf. (i)Kpi/.na: hang, hang up, mid. intrans., O 18. Kpcuv : see Kpsac,. KprJYvos : good, useful, helpful, A 106f. icpi]8cp,vov (icdpij, Seat) : head-band ; in women's attire, a short veil, as seen in the cut, a 334 ; also of the ' battlements ' of cities, v 388; 'lid' of a wine-jar, v 392. (See cut No. 64.) KPT)TJV(U : see Kpat- Vit). KpTJflev : see KaTa.Kpr]Qtv. KpT]8vs : Cretheus, of lolcus, the husband of Tyro, X 237, 258. 169 KpOVVOS KpijOwv: son of Diocles, slain by Aeneas, E 542, 549. KpT)|iv6s ( Kpkuafiai ) : steep, over- hanging bank, often of the gullied banks of the Scamander, * 26, 175. KpTjvatos ( Kpnvri ) : of the fount, vvuai, fountain-nymphs, p 240f . xpijVT] : fount, spring ; KpfivrjvSe, to the />ri,,cf, v 154. (Of. cut No. 61.) Kpi]S, pi. Kp^res : the Cretans, in- habitants of Crete. KpijTT], also pi. KprJTai: Crete ; epi- thets, tKUT6uiro\i,ivpe~ia,T 172, 175. KpiirnvSe, to Crete, r 186 ; KpTiTnOev, from Crete, T 233. KPTJTTIP, ijpoc. (icepdvvvu t ) : mixing. bowl, wassail-bowl, in which wine and water were mingled, to be distributed in cups ; two parts of wine to three of water was a common mixture ; Kprjrrj- pa piayiff9ai, ari]ffaaQai, ' set up,' place at hand. The wassail-bowl was usu- ally placed near the hearth, and often on a tripod (esp. when several icpnrrj- peg were in use at the banquet) ; the contents were poured into the cups (Senaa) by means of a filler (irpoxooQ, pitcher), 7 339. Cut No. 8 shows (1) the auiopfv, from which the wine was poured into the upper, smaller mix- ing-bowl, on which the irpo%oog stands. The second mixing-bowl served to con- tain the water, and then the contents of both bowls may be imagined as mixed in the largest bowl, which stands upon the tripod, and from which the diluted wine was distributed. (Of. cut No. 26.) Kpl = KplOlj. Kpio>, aor. 2 Kpiice : creak, said of the yoke under a strain, II 470. Kpi&i], only pi. KpiOai : barley, barley- KPIKOS (rfyweoc): yoke-ring, Q 272f. (See adjoining cut, from the antique ; still clearer are cuts Nos. 42, 45.) Kpfvw, imp. Kpivf, pass. perf. part. Kticpiuivog, aor. KptvOtvTec,, mid. aor. ticpiva.ro, subj. Kpcvwvrai, inf. Kpcva- ff9ai, part. Kplvafitvoc,: I. act., sepa- rate, Kapirov Tf. Kai d\va., E 501 ; hence of arranging troops, B 446 ; then select, Z 188 ; freq. the pass., N 129, v 182 ; decide (c e r n e r e), VHKOQ, ,, a 264, II 387 ; ovpog KtKpi- a 'decided' wind, & 19. II. mid., select or choose for onexelf; 5408, 9 36 ; get a contest decided, ' measure Oneself ' in battle, tcpivtaOai "Apni (d e- cernere proelio), B 385 ; abs. w 507, cf. IT 269; of 'interpreting' dreams, E 150. icpuk: ram. (Od.) Kptcra : a town in Phocis, near Delphi, termed ZaQkn, B 520. Kpiros (Kpivu): chosen, H 434 and 0258. Kpoaivw (icpovw): gallop. (II.) KpoLcrp.os : a Trojan, slain by Me- ges, O 523f. KpOKo-ireirXos : with saffron-colored mantle, saffron - robed; epith. of Eos. KptK09 : saffron, & 348f. KpoKvXcia : an island or a village belonging to Ithaca, B 633f. icpofivov: onion. KpoviSrjs : son of Cronus, Zeus, of- ten used alone without Zevc, A 5. Kpovtcov = KpoviSriQ. Kpovos : Cronus (S a t u r n u s), the father of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia ; overthrown with the Titans, 415, 479, 383, E 721. Kp, ' harbor secret coun- sels,' A Ml'. Kpinrros : concealed, secret, 3 1 68f. KpviTTW, ipf. iter. KpinrracrKf, fut. Kpufyw, aor. tKpvJ/a, pass. aor. Kpv(f>9>), perf. part. KtKpufifitvoi; : hide, conceal, sometimes implying protection, nvd aa.Kti, KftyaXat: KOpvOtam, cf. icaXuTrrw; pass., Kpi>(j>9i] vrr aoirici, 'hid himself,' N 405; met., 'keep secret,' i-iroc rivi, X443. KpvoraXXos : clear ice, ice, 477 and X 152. KpvT]86v : secretly, 380 and r 299. Kptijiva : a locality in Paphlagonia, B 855f. KToLfxev(ai) : see KTUVW. KTa.op.ai, aor. 2 sing, itcrfiffut, perf. inf. tKTqaOai : acquire, perf. possess, I 402 ; of acquiring for another than oneself, v 265. KTc'ap, dat. pi. KTtartaai : \>\., posses- sions, property. KT6aTi, aor. KT('tTiffaa=KTdouai. KTa, KTUve, aor. 2 turavov, KTOVOV, also two, iKTauti', tVcrav, subj. KTf^ifiev, inf. KTcifitvai, pass. pres. inf. KrvviaOai, aor. 3 pi. tKTaOtv, aor. 2 mid., w. pass. signif., KTaaQai, KTa.fif.voQ : kill, slay, esp. in battle ; rarely of animals, O 587, n 379, r 543 ; pass., E 465 ; aor. mid. as pass., O 558. KTt'pas = KTiap, K 216 and Q 235. Kre'pea, pi. : possessions burned in honor of the dead upon the funeral- pyre, hence funeral honors, obsequies (e x t r e m i h o n o r e s), always with KTpi^b>, KTCpet^W, illf. fut. KTtpiSi, aor. opt. KTe.piffitt, inf. pf(tti : bury with solemn honors; ai- OXoic,, 'celebrate one's funeral with games,' 646; iirl (adv.) KTtpta KTS- ptiZai, ' bestow funeral honors upon ' one, a 291, Q 38. KTTJjAa (KTaofiai): possession, p>-oper- ty, sing., o 19; elsewhere pi., in the Iliad mostly of treasures, H 350, 1 382. : the father of Eumaeus, o 414f. Kri], aor. tKTicra, KTtaat. : settle, found, a city or land. KTiXo>s: ram, Y 196 and N 492. KTip.tvrj : daughter of Laertes, sis- ter of Odvsseus, settled in marriage in Same, o 363. KTuirew, aor. tK-vtre. : crash, thunder; of falling trees, the bolts of Zeus. KTVTTOS : any loud noise such as a crash, thunder; of the stamping of the feet of men, or the hoofs of horses, the tumult of battle, and the bolts of Zeus, TT 6, K 532, M 338. icvajxos : bean, pi., N 589f. Kvdveos ( KvavoQ ) : of steel, 2 564, then steel-blue, dark blue, dark; of the brows of Zeus, A 528 ; the hair of Hec- tor, X 402 : a serpent, A 26 ; earth or sand, fi 243 ; and esp. vtyiXri, vipoc, even in metaphor, O 66, A 282. Kvavo-irefca : with steel-blue feet, rpa- iriZa, A 629f. Kvavo-irpupos and Kvavo-irpupeio? (irpijjpa) : dark - proiccd, dark -Lowed, epith. of ships. Kvavos : probably blue steel, A 24, 35, and ; 87. Kvavo-xpepvaw,aor. inf. Kvfitpvijaar. steer, vfja, y 283f. Kvpepvtjrrjs, fto, and Kvptpvrinjp, ijpoc, : helmsman, pilot. (Od.) Kupicrrdco (K('/3/7, head, found only in glossaries), ipf. Kvflitjrtav : turn somersaults, tumble, II 745, 749 ; of fishes, 354. Kvpio"i tjTtjp, 7;poc : tumbler; diver, 750. KvSaivo) (icvdot;}, aor. KtSnvt, inf. KV- Sfjvai : glorify, ennoble; Qvuov, rejoice, trans., i 438. KvSaXifio? (icvdog) : glorious, noble, 171 epitli. of persons, and of Krjp, as typical of the person. KvSdvw: glorify, exalt; intrans., ex- ult, Y 42. KvSi-dveipa : man-ennobling, dyopi], /"'*! I 11 -) KvSidaj, part. KVCIOWV: triumph, be proud. (II.) KSSwrros : most glorious. Kv8oi.[J.e'u>, aor. KvSoifinaav : rush tu- mnltuonsli/, spread conf union ; trans., throw into confusion, 6 136. Kv5oi.fa.6s : uproar, confusion, din or me/ee of battle; personified, E 593, S , oe : glory, majesty^nic/ht ; of persons, in address, [tiya Kvdoc, 'A%ai- iav, 'pride of the Greeks,' Nestor and Odysseus, K 87, t 673. icvSpds : glorious, illustrious, always KvSpfj TrapuKoirtg. Kv8wve9 : the Cydonians, a tribe in the northwest of Crete, y 292, T 176. Kiie'to : conceive, carry in the womb ; of a mare with mule foal, * 266. KU? : see Kcv9ii>. KvBc'pcia : Cytherca, epithet of Aph- rodite, from the island of Cythera. KvOrjpo, pi. : Cythera, an island off the coast of Laconia, S. W. of the prom- ontory of Malea, wlicre the worship of Aphrodite had been introduced by an early Phoenician colony, t 81, O 432. Kv8r]pdev, from Cythera, O 538. Adj. KD0T1PIOS, of Cythl-ra, K 268, O431. KUKcico, part. KVKOWVTI, ipf. tKVKa, aor. KvKijaf, pass. KVRij9i]i' : stir up, stir in, mix tip ; met., only pass., be stirred up, ' panic-stricken,' Y 489 ; of waves and the sea. foam up, be in com- motion, 235, n 238. KVKCUV, ace. icvKtw : a mixed drink, compounded of barley meal, grated cheese, and wine, A 624; Circe adds also honey, K 290, 234. KVK\c'(o : wheel away, carry forth, of corpses, H 332f. KvtcXos, pi. KUK\ot and KVK\CI : ring, circle; SoXioc,, employed by hunters for capturing game, S 792 ; if/ooc, the solemn circle of a tribunal, etc., 2 504 ; wheel, y 340, pi., ra KVK\U, E 722, 2 375 ; of the rings on the outside of a shield, or the layers which, lying one above the other and gradually dimin- ishing in size toward the boss, made up the whole disc, A 33, Y 280. m>K\o : only part., irovrov Kv/jiai- VOVTCI, billowy deep. (Od.) KUfiffaxos : head foremost, E 586 ; as subst., crown or top of a helmet, the part in which the plume is fixed, O 536. (See cuts Nos. 16 and 17.) Kv'|uv8is: night-haiek, called in the older language x^'Ainc, S 291. Kvu.o-8oKt) and Kvuo0o'ti : Nereids, S 39, 41f. Kuvd-fivux: dog-fy, an abusive epi- thet applied by Ares to Athena, * 394. KvvtT) : properly 'dog- skin,' a sol- dier's cap, general Iv of leather, ravpfiij, K 257 ; KriSi-n, K '335 ; also mounted with metal, xaXrr/ptH', xaX^oTflioyoc, and Trdy^aXicoc, helmet, a 378 ; the KV- vir\ aiftir) was a goat -skin cap for country wear (like that of the oarsmen in cut No. 38), w 231 ; "AiSoe, the cap of Hades, rendered the wearer invis- ible, E 845. 172 Kvveos : dog - like, i. e. shameless, I 373f. Kvveco, ipf. Kvvtov, KVVH, aor. iKvaa, Kv(a)ai, inf. Kvoaai: kiss; Kvaat Si fiiv Ki, ipf, wpi, aor. int. Kvpfj- O'S (KVTTTUJ): bowed, bent, (3 16f- Kvos : a town in Perrhaebia in Thessaly, B 748f. KVW : see Kvtw and Kvvtai. KVCOV, Kwo, ace. KVIHI, voc. KVOV, pi. dat. Kvvtffffi: dog, bitch; KVV( 6r]ptv- rai, rpctTreZijtc,, 'hunting' and 'lap- dogs,' 'Alddo, i. e. Cerberus, 6 368, X 623; 'sea-dog,' perhaps seal, /i 96; dog of Orion, Sinus, X 29 ; as symbol of shamelessness, applied to women and olhers, N 623 ; Xvffanrrip, ' raging hound,' O 299. Ku>a5, pi. Kwea, dat. Kwiaiv: fleece, serving for seat or bedding, TT 47, I 661, y 38. KuSeia : poppy-head, S 499f . KWKVTOS ( KUKVW ) : wailing. As proper name KWKVTOS, Cocytus, river of the nether world, K 514. Kcdicvw, aor. KWKV(T((), part. Kwiciiffa- aa : wail, always of women's voices ; sometimes trans., ' bewail,' nvd, o> 295. K(iXr]x|/, tjTTog : bend or hollow of (he knee, * 726f. Kuifia (KOIJJLO.W) : deep sleep. Kuirai : a town on lake Copais in Boeotia, B 502f. Kwirr) : handle of sword or oar, hilt, oar; of a key, 7. (See cut Xo. 68.) Kormjcis : hilled. KwpvKOS : leather knapsack or wal- let. (Od.) Kws : the island of Cos, B 677. KrfwvBt, to Cos, O 28. KW<|>OS (KOTTTW): blunted, A 390; ' dull- sounding,' of a wave before it breaks, S 16 ; Kwfyri ya7a, dull, ' sense- less ' dust, of a dead body, i2 54. 173 A. Xaa.5, Xuof, dat. Xui, ace. Xuav, du. \{ , pi. gen. Xdwv, dat. \dtffai : stone. Adas : a town in Laconia, B 585f . Xapp - a-yoprjs (Xd/3poe): reckless talker, 479f. Xappeuop.ai : tatt rashly, * 474 and 478. Xd(3pos, sup. XafiporaTOG : ra/wrf, nuking. XaYxdvw.aor. tXa^ov, Xdxfv, redupl. subj. XtXdxtiri, perf. XXoyx l ' : obtain 6^/ lot or by destiny, obtain, receive; abs., H 171 ; reversing tlie usual rela- tion, K/)p Xdx* yfivt>i4vov, ' won me to her power at my birth,' 79 ; w. part, gen., Q 76, 311; causative, 'put in possession of,' ' honor with," Oavuvra Trvpoc, only with redupl. aor., H. 80, etc. ; intrans., ' fall by lot,' 160. Xcrywo? (Alt. Xaywe) : hare. AaepKTjs : (1) son of Aemon, father of Alcimedon, a Myrmidon, El. 197. (2) a goldsmith in Pylos, y 425. Aae'prqs : Laertes, son of Arcisius, and father of Odysseus, king in Itha- ca, a 430, w 206, 270, S 111, 555, x 185, tu 219 ff. . AaepTiaSns : son of Laertes, Odys- Xdgopiai ( = \anfiavw }, opt. 3 pi. Xao<'aro, ipf. (i)\d&ro : take; yciiav 6Ba, 'bite the dust,' B 418; fj,v9ov TraXiv, ' caught back again ' the words ( of joy which were on his lips ), v 254. ' Xa0L-KY)5iis, ee ( KrttioQ ) : earning to forfffl care, ' banishing care,' X 83f. XdOpr) : secretly, unbeknown, TIVOQ, ' to one ' ; ' imperceptibly,' T 165. Xai V , iyyoc : pebble. (Od.) XaiXaxj/, (iTrot; : tempest of wind and rain, hurricane. Xaipios: throat, gullet. (II.) Xaiveos and Xd'tvos (Xaac) : of stone, stony ; reixot'. in the interpolated pas- sage, M 177. XaKrijiov : light shield or target ; Xatff/jta TTTtpoiVTa, perhaps so called on account of the 'fluttering' apron of untanned leather (Xdtrtoe) hanging from the shield. (See adjoining cut and esp. No. 79.) Aaios, tog: shabby, tattered gar- ment, v 399 and v 206. Xau|/T)pd$ : nimble, swift ; .adv., Xai- ^rjpd tvwpa, ' plied nimbly,' O 269. Xd : see XdffKut. AaKe8aip.a>v: Laeedaemon, the dis- trict whose capital was Sparta; epi- thets, dia, y 326 ; iparetvrj, T 239 ; tv- pvxopog, v 414 ; KoiXr), Krirwtaaa, S 1. XaKTi^w : kick with the heel, of the mortally wounded, struggling convul- sively, ' : shine, gleam, be radiant or brilliant. XavOdvco, Xvj0<<>, ipf. (i)\m>9avov, t\r)9oi', XijGfv, iter. \T]9eaKt, fut. X^ffw, aor. 2 t\a9ov, \dOov, subj. redupl. X- \d9y, mid. Xjj0o/zai, ipf. \avQ avop.riv, aor. 2 X0ro, redupl. XeXaOovro, opt. 3 pi. Xa0ot'aro, imp. redupl. \i\a6iffOw, perf. XfXatrrai, part. XeXaoyisvog : I. act., escape the notice of, riva, the obj. of the Greek verb usually appearing as the subj. in Eng., oiice. w) : driving the peo- ple on (to combat), rousing the people; epith. of Ares, Eris, Athene ( Apollo, Amphiaraus), N 128, x 210. Xao - <}>opos : "coy, public way, O 682f. XairdpT] : the soft part of the body between hips and ribs, flank, loins. (II.) AairiOcu: the Lapithae, a warlike tribe dwelling by Mts. Olympus and Pelion in Thessaly, M 128, 181, 297. Xairrw, fut. part. XafyovrtQ : lap up with the tongue, H IGlf. Afipicra : a town in Asia Minor, near Cyme, B 841, P 301. Xdpvaf, aicoc : chcxt, 2 413; vase or nrn, Q 795. Xdpos: a sea bird, cormorant, with opvlc,, 5 If. Xdpos, sup. Xapwraroc : rich, fine, well-relished, P 572. Xdo-ios : hairy, shaggy, epith. of orq- 9os, also slip, asVign of manly strength and spirit; of sheep, woolly, i 433. Xdo-Kw, aor. 2 XK, perf. part. w. pres. signif. XtXrjKwg, XeXaievla : give voice, of animals, Seylla (as dog), a fal- con, X 141 ; of things, sound, ^nXicoe, dffTrig, offrta. (II. and ft 85.) XavKavtTj: ihront, gullet. (II.) XavpTj: lane, side - passage between the house (of Odysseus) and the outer wall of the court, x 128, 137. (See plate III., o, n.) Xavaxru> : gufp down, swallow. (II.) Xa X : see Xayxarw. Xdxeia : with good soil for digging, fertile, vtjaoc,, i 116 and K 509. Xdxvt) : woolly hah; down, K 134; sparse hair or beard, B 219, X 320. Xaxvifcis: hairy, shoggy. (II.) Xdxvos == \a\vi), fool, i 445f . Xdw, part, \diav, ipf. XOE : doubtful word, ' bury the teeth in,' of a dog strangling a fawn, r 229 f. Xe'prjs, j]-o(^ : kettle, caldron, for warming wafer or for boiling food over fire, 4> 362 ; in the Odyssey usu- ally, bantu, wash-bashi, held under the hands or feet while water was poured from a pitcher over them, r 386; 5 Xeiirw called a.vQt\nuuq, from the decoration, y 440. Xryio, ipf. tXsy', Xtyi, Xiyofiiv, fut. part. XeSovrif, aor. tXf&i', imp. Xtov, mid. pres. subj. Xtywpt9a, ipf. Xi-yovro, fut. XiZofiai, aor. Xe^aro, aor. 2 sXt- "Yfitjv, tXtKTo, XIKTO, imp. Xfo, Xt&o, pass. aor. iXx&1 v - The above forms are common to two distinct roots Xt-y, gather, and Xf^, /ay- I. root Xey, #avoQtv,from the meadow, Q 451. Xeios (levis): smooth, even, level; ireTpduv, ' free from rocks,' s 443. Xeiirw, ipf. XUTT(I), fut. X'^/o>, aor. 2 tXiirov, Xiirov, perf. XeXotirtv, mfd. ipf. XtiirtT(o), aor. 2 Xiirufinv, pass. perf. XiXturrat, plup. XtXtifiutjv, fut. perf. XtXuif/tTat, aor. 3 pi. XITTIV : leave, for- sake; tXnrov ioi dvaKTa, arrows ' failed' him, x H9 cf. % 213; pass, and aor. mid., be left, remain, survive, M 14 ; w. gen., be left behind one, as in running, Xcipioci? 176 XcvKaivw 523, 529 ; XiXn^ivog oluv, ' re- maining behind ' the other sheep, i 448 ; \iirtv iipfiar dvaKTiav, ' had been forsaken by ' their masters, II 507. \6ipi6eis, tffffa (Xtipiov) : lily - like, lily-white, N 830 ; . ACKTOV : a promontory on the Trojan coast, oppo- site Lesbos, S 284. Xcierpov (root \f%) : bed, freq. the pi. ; XtKrpovce, 9 292. XeXaicvia : see \daKio. XeXacrjiai : see XavOdviii. XeXdxtjTe, XeXax^ai : see \ayxavu. AcXcyc; : a piratical tribe on the south and west coast of Asia Minor, K 429, * 86. XeXT|K(is : see Xuaicw. XeXtT)|j.ai: only part., \t\ii) pivo^, as adj., eager, desirous ; w. 44, \l/ 165 ; Xxoff^e, (o the bed, T 447. Xetov, ovroc, dat. pi. \tiovai and Xiov- ai: lion; fig., where we should expect ' lioness,' 483. XIIY", if- Aqye/isvai, ipf. X^y', fat. X;Sw, aor. 3 pi. Xij'^av : leave ojf', cease, . gen. or w. part., Z 107,* 224*; trans., 'tvoQ, N 424 ; -^elpag 6voio, my hands from slaughter, x : Leda, the wife of Tyndarens, mother by Zeus of Helen, Castor, and Polydeuces, and of Clytaemnestra by Tyiidareus, X 298, 300. abate, ' stay ' 63. 221f. cause to forget, rtvoc, i) : foryetfiilness, oblivion, B 33f . s: son of Teutamus,and father of Hippothous, B 843, P 288. XijBw : see XavQdvw. Xtiids, dcog : captive, T 193f. XTJI - (Boreipa (\t]iov, fioaKtu) : irop- eatinrf, crop-destroying, a 29f. XT]iou.ai, ftit. XjfiOcropMU, aor. \ijiy- ffdTO : carry off as booty. 12 ^tro, aor. pass. (i)\idffOnv : turn aside, withdraw; KVUU, 'parted,' Q 96; tiSta- Xov, ' vanished,' S 838 ; also sink down, droop; irpori yaiy TTTtpd, Y 420, * 879. Xiapos : warm, lukewarm ; aljua, vd, icXaiuv, F 214, 218, *: 201. 178 Xiatros : loud-voiced, clear- voiced. Xiyv-ifxovos : w ith I ud, clear note, of a falcon, T 350f . Xfrjv : too, excessively, greatly, very; firi TI Xinv irpoKaXi&o, provoke me not 'too far,' o 20; oiile rt Xit)i> o'vTHt viivf/ioc iffTi, not so very w\~ renowned, v 238, cf. o 405 ; often KCII Xinv at the beginning of a state- ment, 'most certainly,' 'ay, by all means,' etc. Xi0a|, aKoc. : stony, hard, t 41 5f. XiOds, ados, dat. pi. XiQdStaoi = X.'00f. (Od.) Xi2os: of stone. Xi6os, usually m. : stone, rock; fig. as symbol of firmness, or of harsh- ness, T 494, A 510. ( XiKfiog ), part. gen. plur. : winnow, ~E 500f. of : winnower, who threw the grain with his winnowing- shovel against the wind, thus separat- ing it from the chaff, N 590f. XiKpufHS : adv., sideways, to one side, S463 and r 451. AIKUJXVIOS : brother of Alcmena, slain by Tlepolemus, B 663f. AiXaia: a town in Phocis, at the source of the Cephissus, B 52,3f. XiXcuojiai, ipf. XiXaitro: dcszre, be desirous of or eager for, TIVOQ, v 31 ; freq. w. inf.; with the inf. omitted, X 223 ; metaph., of the lance, XiXaiofievrj Xpobf; dffcu. Cf. XeXinfiat. Xip.i]v, ivoQ (cf. \tiJ3pcia ( ' Harbor Ward ' ) : a Nereid, 2 41f. Xifxos : hunger, famine. AivSos : a town in Rhodes, B 656f. Xivo - 6wpT) : with linen cuirass, B 529. (As represented in adjoining cut, No. 79 ; cf. also No. 1 2.) Xivov : fax, then anything made of it, thread, yarn, esp. fahing - line, n 408; of a fisher's net, E 487; linen cloth, linen, I 681 ; fig., of the thread of destiny, T 128, Q 210, t} 198. (See cuts under ri\aKurn.) Xivos : lay of Linus, the Linns-song, an ancient popular melodv, 2 570|. Xiira : adv., always XiV iXa'up, rich- Ill with olive oil; but if the word is really an old dat., then with olive oil, i\al(f> being ad.j. Xiirapo - KpT]Se[ivos : with shining head-band, 2 882f. Xiirapo - irXoKOjio? : u-ith shining locks or braids, T 126f. Xiirapos (XiVa) : sleek, shining with ointment, o 332; shining (nit id us), B 44 ; then fig., rich, comfortable, 9k- IIKJTIQ, yfjpac,, I 156, X 136. Adv., Xiirapws, fig., S 210. Xnniw : be sleek, v. ]., r 72f. 1. Xis, ace. \~iv : lion, A 239, 480. 2. Xis (Xtaaut;) : smooth, sheer, Trirpn, H 64 and 79. 3. Xts, dat. X7n' ; ace. Xtra : linen cloth, used sis cover for a seat, K 353 ; or for a chariot when not in use, 441 ; also as shroud for the dead, 2 352 ; and to cover a cinerary urn, 254. Xurcro|i, inf. \irea9ai : pray, beseech with prayer ; abs., X 91, [3 68, and nvu tv\ytti, iv\ui\yni Xirnffi re, Znv<>, ' in the name of Zens ' ; vpog, vTTtp TtvoQ, yovi'tav (Xafiwv, u^a/jitvos), etc. ; foil, by inf., sometimes OTTWQ or 'iva, y 19, 237, 9 344 ; with two accusa- tives, ft 210, cf. o 347. Xio-o-os : smooth, sheer, Trirpi]. (Od.) Xio-rpevw 179 AVKLT, Xiorpevw (Xiarpov): dig about, w 227f. Xurrpov: hoe or scraper, used in cleaning the floor of a hall, x 455f. Xlra : ?ee Xig 3. Xirave'jw (Xiriy), ipf. eXXiTavewt, Xt- THyeue, fut. XiTavEvffofiit', aor. tXXtrn- vixra : /way, implore, abs., and w. ace., j 145, I 581. XITI : see Xrc 3. X6' : see Xovw. Xopds : lobe of the ear, pi. & 182f. Xoyos (Xeyw) : tale, story, as enter- taining recital, with enumeration of details, pi., O 393 and a 56. Xo', XoeVo-ai, Xoc ( X w ) : pouring (con- taining) water for tine bath, Tpiiroc, tri- pod with water - kettle, 2 346, 435 ; subst,., bath-maid, v 297. Xo : see Xovu. Xoip] (Xc'/3w) : libation. Xoiyios (\otyof): destructive, ruin- ous, deadly; as subst., * 533, * 310. (II.) Xoi/yos : destruction, ruin, death, by sickness (pestilence) or war. (II.) - Xoip.6s : pestilence, A 61 and 97. XoioOijios ( XoloOos ) : for the last in the race, only of prizes, de9\ov; and as subst. XoiaOfiia (cf. Trpwma, Stvreptia), prize for tJte last, 751. (II.) Xour9os (XoiTrJc): liij (Xo^og) : the bristly ridge or fomb of a wild boar's back, r 446f . Xos : (1) crest or plume of a hel- met, usually of horse -hair, E 743. (See adjoining cuts, and Nos. 3, 11, 12, 16, 17, 35, 73, 116, 122.) (2) back of the neck of animals or of men, * 508, K 573. (3) hill, ridge. (Od.) 80 mid. fut (ifvoc.: act. and mid., lie in ambush, lie in wait for, waylay, riva, v 425. Xoxpi (root Xt%): lair of a wild beast, thicket, jungle, r 439f. X6\os (i'00t Xtx) ' place of ambush, net of lying in wait; said of the Tro- jan horse, 2 513, S 277; also of the party formjng the ambuscade, 9 522 ; and of any armed company, v 49; XXC yepovTOG, 'means of entrap- ping' the old man of the sea, o 395. XoxovSe : upon an ambuscade, into the am/>ush, A 227, ~217. Xvyos ; willow-twiff, osier, icithe. Xvypis (cf. XivyaX'toQ ) : sad, mourn- ful, miserable; in apparently active sense, tpdpfiaica, orjfiara, etc., S 230, Z 168 ; also fig., and in derogatory sense, ' sorry,' ei'/iara, TT 457 ; so of persons, N 119. Adv., Xwypws. XvOcv : see Xvw. XvOpov : properly pollution, then gore (or blood mixed with dust), with and without al/ua. XVKOI - Pas, O.VTOS ( root XVK, 1 u x, /3ai'i' 144 ff. XvxtT) : wolf-skin, K 459f XVKTJ - y^vrjs, (Of ( root XVK, lux): light-born, epith. of Apollo as sun-god, A 101, 119. AvKit): Lycia. (1) a division of Asia Minor, B 877. (2) a district on the river Aesepus, its chief town Ze- leia, B 824, E 173. AvKiijOcv, from AvKlOl 180 Lycia, E 105. AvKitjvSe, to Lycia, Z 168. AVKIOI : the Lycians, inhabitants of Lycia (1). Led by Glaucus and bv Sarpedon, H 13, E '647, S 426, II 490". AvKO(ii]8t]s : son of Creon in Boeo- tia, P 346, T 240. AtiKoop-yos (\vKof.) : Lycurgus. (1) son of Dryas, king of the Edonians in Thrace, banishes from his land the worship of Dionysus (Bacchus), Z 134. (2) an Arcadian, slays Arithous, H 142-148. XVKOS ( f\vKO ) : wolf; symbol of bloodthirstiness, A 471, A 72. AvKopv : son of Master, from Cythera, a companion of Ajax, O 430. AV'KTOS: a city in Crete, east of Cnosus, B 647, P 611. AVKWV : a Trojan, slain by Peneleiis, n 335, 337. Xvfxo, pi. \6fiara : anything washed away, defilement, 3 171 ; in symboli- cal and ritualistic sense, offerings of purification, A 314. Xvrrpos: sorry, poor, v 243f. Aupvtj(o-)r<5s : Lyrnessm, a town in Mysia, under the sway of Hypoplacian Thebes, B 690, T 60, Y 92, 191. Avo-avSpos : ' a Trojan, slain by Ajax, A 491f. Xvo-i-fteXtis, f c (\vw, (ikXoc,) : relax- in ff the limbs, VITVOQ, v 57 (with a play upon the word in v. 56). Xi3C ( \vt ) : loosing, ransom- ing, Q 655; Qavdrov, 'deliverance' from death, (421. Xvo-o-a: martial rage. (II.) XvST)S (7i\ov fiTop, ' gave way,' ' sank,' ' quaked ' (sometimes the act., v 118); of sleep 'relaxing' the limbs, or 'dissolving' cares, S 794, 62 ; of ' undoing' (de- stroying) cities, B 118. III. mid., loose or undo oneself, t 463, or some- thing of one's own, get loosed or re- leased, ransom ; \vffofitvog Ovyarpa, said of the father, A 13 ; cf. the act., v. 20. Xwp/3/j(Taio : maltreat, out- rage; w. cognate ace. and obj. TIVU. Xw/3ijj', do despite, N 623. XO>PV : mock, 4> 15 and 26. Xu^T) : outrage, insult ; aol \wf3r), 'shame upon thee,' if, etc., 2 180; of a person, ' object of ignominy,' r 42. Xu>pT)Tt]p, j/poc : one who outrages or insults, slanderer, scoundrel, B 275, A 385. (II.) XwprjTos : maltreated, outraged, i2 53 If. Xw'iov, Xwtrcpov : better, preferable; 'more liberally,' p 417. Xdw, fut. Xw0r;ff(, aor. opt. Xw0r;- ', ov pav, pi} p.dv, E 765, B 370, A 512, 512. (iav6dvw, only aor. udOov, tpuaOtQ : learn, come to know, TI, and w. inf.,Z 444. ftavT6vop.ai (udvTig~), ipf. pavrevtro, fut. p.avTf.vaofjiai : declare oracles, di- vine, prophesy, (3 170. JtOVT^lOV 182 uavTmov: oracle, prophecy, pi., u 272f. Mavriv^n : a city in Arcadia, B 607*. MdvTios : son of Melampus, and brother of Antiphates, o 242, 249. jJidvTis, toe (HUVTTIOC, K 493): seer, prop/let, expounder of omens, which were drawn from the flight of birds, from dreams, and from sacrifices. Seers celebrated by Homer are Tire- sias, Calchas, Melampus, Theoclyme- nus. |iavT (/ia/oyof) : rage madly or v'Mlif, E 882*. (Aapyos : mad, raving, raging. (Od.) Map is : a Lycian, son of Amisoda- rus, II 319. (iap|iaipu>: sparkle, flash, glitter. Hapjidpeos : flashing, glittering. (II.) (idpjiapos : doubtful word, crush- ing; Trirpof, II 735 ; as subst., block of stone, m 380, i 499. liapnapvyi] (uapuapvaaw = napftai- pia) : the quick twinkling of dancers' feet, pi., 9 265*. (idpvajiei, opt. napvoifitQa, inf. ftdp- vaaQai, i|)f. iftapvaaftyv : jight ; also contend, wrangle, A 257. Mdpirrjo-o-a : daughter of Euenus, and wife of Idas, who recovered her after she had been carried off by Apollo, I 557 ff. pdplTTCO, ipf. tUapTTTf, ftdpTTTf, flit. ftap\jjw, aor. tfjiap^a : seize, lay hold of, overtake; of reaching or touching with the feet, 3 228; inflicting a stroke (ictpavvog), O 405, 419; fig., of sleep, age, t; 56, w 390. ptaprvpiT) : testimony, pi., X 325f. udprupos : witness. Mdpwv: son of Euanthes, priest of Apollo in Ismarus, t 197f. Maoris: a town in Argolis, near Hermione, B 562f . p-ciao-erai : p,aa : use the ndarl, lash, whip. jid>, iytipitv, orpivfiv, dprivnv, oi'nQtpt- a9ai: of single combat, H 263 and A 255 ; for the field of battle, E 355. : warlike, M 247f. : fighter, warrior. : that mai/ be vanquished, : lust, indul- gence, Q 30f. p-axofiai, p-axeofiai, opt. fiaxioiro, -oiaro (A 272, 344), part. fia\tt6fttvO(, fia^fovutvo^, ipf. (i)fifi^o^Tiv, iter. fta- 183 fut. , fiax^ovTai, ;ior. inf. /fa^jyera- xiffiifftiai : Jiffht, contend, usu- ally in war, including single combat, but sometimes of friendly contest, * 621; and of wrangling, quarrelling with words, etc., A 304, E 875, I 32. (ia\|/, fiavjnSiws : rashly (t e in e r e), in vain, B 120; wantonly, E 759, y 138, cf. P 120, N 627, B 214. MfydSTjs : son of Megan, Perimus, n 695f. fj-Y- 6v(ios : great - hearted, high- hearted, high-xpirittd, epith. of nations, Athena, a bull. form prostrate upon the earth, II 776, 2 26, o> 40. Me-yaTre'vBrjs ('Mournful,' from the deserted father) : MeqapentJies, son of Menelaus by a slave, o 100, 103, 11. Meydpt] : Megara, daughter of Creon in Thebes, wife of Heracles, X 269f. pryapov (/iiyac): properly large room. (I) the men's dining- hall, the chief room of the Homeric house. The roof was supported by columns, the light entered through the doors, the smoke escaped by an opening overhead and through loop - holes (bvdla) just under the roof. The cut, (/yac), aor. nkfnpt, subj. c: properly, to regard some- thing as too great, grudge, begrudge, hence, refuse, object; with ace. ; also part, gen., N 563; and foil, by inf., y 55. tg (iciJTog): with great fjnlf or hollow; e\ : vtiie, ' wide-bellied,' 222 ; TTOI- TOQ, ' wide-yawning,' y 158. p.Yo.X-TJTwp (]ro(o): great - hearted, proud. |A-ya\i{;opai : exalt oneself, be proud. (II. and ^ 174.) i : peyac /utyaXwirr/, ' great in his ( thy ) greatness,' of a stately combined from different ancient rep- resentations, is designed to show the back part of the fiiyapov in the house of Odysseus, cf. plate Ilf. for ground- plan. (2) the women's apartment, be- hind the one just described, see plate III. G. PI., T 16. (3) the housekeep- er's apartment in the upper story (viri- piaiov ), /? 94. (4) a sleeping-apart- ment, X 374. (5) in wider signif., in pi., house, A 396. jwyas, H^Y*^ V*y*, comp. (jieijwv, sup. H'YIOTOS : great, large, of person.-, tall (leSkof re niyag re, KaXij re fit ynXij re,* 108, o 418); of things with ref- erence to any kind of dimension, and also to power, loudness, etc., ai^/xoc, ia%!), opvfiaySoQ ; in unfavorable sense, /a? ya tpyov (f a c i n u s), so /ya tTroc, //sya fypovdv, tlirtiv, ' be proud,' ' boast,' y 261, x 288. Adv.. pe-yaXus, also n'tya, /itydXa, greatly, exceedingly, aloud, etc. , f of : stature, height; see third definition. : son of Pliyleus and of the sister of Odysseus, chief of the inhabi- tants of Dulichium and the Echinades, E 09, N 692, O 520, 535, B 627, T 239. (j-e'-yiaros : see fit-yac. (itSe'wv: ruling, bearing sway, onlv of /AMIS. (II.) MeSeciv: a town in Boeotia, B 501f. fie'8op.ai, fut. /Jtdi'jffouai : be mindful of, bethink oneself of; Sopirou>, Koirov, d\Ki~), 2 245, A 418 ; also devise, KOKU TIVI,& 21, 9 458. (ie'Soiv, OVTOQ (fiiSoftai) : aXof , ruler of the sea, a 72 ; pi., }y;}ropf c. r/t /u- COVTIC, counsellors. Me'Swv : ( 1 ) son of Oileus, step- brother of Ajax, from Phylace, chief of the warriors from Methone in Phthia, N 693, 695 ff., B 727 ; slain by Aeneas, O 332. (2) a Lycian, P 216. (3) a herald in Ithaca, S 677, p 172, x 357, 861, w 439. p.0-oupea> : only aor. iter. ju0t\(TJC, would reach offer and catch, i. e. ' on the fly,' 9 376. }ie0-aXXo}j.ai. : only aor. part., jusraX- HtvoQ, springing after or upon a per- son or thing, overtaking. (II.) [ie0ci(o : see /ufft'/j/a. |M0cXc, give over, T 414, S 364, and w. inf., P 418; metaph., in the above senses, fjieOefitv j(t>\ov, ' dis- miss,' O 138; 11 ftt utOdr] plyoi;, e 471. (2) intrans., relax effort, be remiss, abs., Z 523, 5 372 ; w. gen., desist from, neglect, cease, 377, A 841 ; w. part, or inf., w 48, N 284. (jL9-ianf|Hi, fut. /wraffr/jffw, mid. ipf. utOiararo : .mbslitute, i. e. exchange, S 012; mid., stand over among, ' retire' among, E 514. H9 - o|ilXea> : associate with, have dealings with, ipf., A 269f . opfjido)j.aL aor. part., , starting after, 'making a dash after.' fie'Ov, voc, (cf. 'mead ') : strong drink, wine. H0ij (nt9v): be drunken, fig., soaked, p 390. w (root ff/^u), fj.ci.Sidc>>, part, /jiu- , -6d>ffa, aor. ptidnaa : smile. |Aii;pov, things to appease the appetite, tid-bits, K 2l7f- peiXivos : see ftt\ivo(;. p.eiXio-0-to, inf. fieiXiaatntv, mid. imp. fitiXiffaio : appease the dead with fire ( Trupof, cf. constr. w. Xay^ai/ftv), H 410; mid., 'extenuate,' y 96 ('try to make it pleasant ' for me). (leiXixttl : mildness, i. e. 'feebleness,' TroXf/ioio, O 74 1 j-. pciXixios and jieiXixos : mild, pleas- ant, gentle, u-insome, 9 17'J. (root pip, /iop), ipf. 2 Fing. fitipto, perf. tfifiopt, pass, pi up. TO : cause to be divided, receive as a portion, ipf.. w. ace., I 616; perf. w. ren., share, A 278, O 189, i 335 ; pass., e'luapTo, it was ordained, dccretd by fate, 281, 312, w 34. fiets, fjniv, nn.voc : month, T 1 17. |xcici>v : see /.nicpof. (jteXay - xp ol1 fc> C : <''"'^' - skinned, swarthy, 'bronzed,' TT 175-J-. fie'Xo.9pov 185 p'XXco v, u(Xa9p6(pi : beam, cross- beam of a house, supporting rafters and roof; these beams passed through the wall and projected externally, hence iiri TTOOV-^OVTI fieXdOpif), r 644 ; then roof ( tectum ), and in wider sense dwelling, mansion, 1 640. (ieXcuvto (/wXae): only mid., become dark, grow dark, of blood-stains, and of the glebe under the plough, E 354 and Z 548. MeXdfx irons : Melampns, son of Amythaon, a famous seer in Pylus. Undertaking to fetch from Phylace in Thessaly the cattle of Iphiclus, and thus to win the hand of Pero for his brother Bias, he was taken captive, as he had himself predicted, and held prisoner for one year, when in conse- quence of good counsel given by him he was set free by Iphiclus, gained his end, and settled in Argos, X 287 ff., o 225 ff (ieXdv-SeTos (^EUI) : black -bound or mounted, i. e. with dark hilt or scab- bard, O 713f. MeXaveus: father of Amphimedon in Ithaca, M 103. MtXavSevs or MeXdvSios : Afelan- thius, son of Colitis, goat-herd on the estate of Odysseus, of insolent disposi- tion, (t 212, v 173, 181, x 135 ff., 182. MeXdv9u>s : ( 1 ) see MtXav0E/'e. (2) a Trojan, slain by Eurypylus, Z 36. MeXav9ti: Melantho, sister of Me- lanthius (1), and of the same stripe, a 321, r 65. MeXdviiriros : (1) an Achaean chief, T 240. (2) a Trojan, son of Hicetaon, slain by Antiochus, O 547-582. (3) a Trojan, slum by Teucer, 9 276. (4) a Trojan, slain by Patroclns, II 695. |iXav6-xpoos ami ficXavo'-xpcos, ooe: dark-tlcinned, /Jack, T 246 and N 589. |iXdv-v8pos : of dark water, Kprjvn. fwXdvw : yrow black, darken, H 64f (v. 1. /wXawI). fu'Xas, jieXaiva, (xe'Xav, dat. peiXan, coinp. fjLeXcifTtpoQ : dark, black, in the general and extensive meaning of these words, opp. XtvKoQ, T 103; said of dust, steel, blood, wine, water, grapes, ships, clouds, evening, night, death. As subst., fitXav Spvog, i. e. tlie ' heart-wood,' which is always the darkest, 12. : son of Portheus, S Il7f. p X5o;j.cu (root outXS) : melt ; Xifinc, Kvianv ntXdi'i/jitvoi;, 'tilled with melt- ing fat,' * 363f. MeXe'a-ypos (< t J fisXit ay/oo) : Melea- ger, son of Oenetis and AJtliaea, hus- band of Cleopatra, the slayer of the Calydonian boar. A quarrel arose between the Curetes of Pleuron and the Aetolians for the head and skin of the boar. The Aetolians had the upper hand until Meleiiger withdrew from the struggle in consequence of the curses of his mother. But he was afterwards induced by his wife to enter the conflict again, and he drove the Curetes vanquished into Acarna- nia, I 543 ff., B 642. fj.cXcSi]}xa, arot,- (/uXw) : care, anxi- ety, only pi. (AcXeSuv, favor (fjieXw) = /jitXiSnfia, r 517f (v. 1. peXtduvai). fie'Xei : sec pXut. jxeXeiort (fieXos) : adv., limb meal, limb by limb, i2 409, i 291, a 339. |ie'Xeo9 : fruitless, idle, unrewarded, neut. as adv., in vain, n 336. ^t'Xi, iroc : honey ; used even as a drink, mixed with wine; burned upon the funeral-pyre, 170, w 68; mixed with milk in drink-offerings, neXiicpn- TOV. Figuratively, A 249, 2 109. MeXiSoia : a town in Magnesia, B 717f. (xXi - yrjpvs : honey - toned, sweet- voiced, u l7f. (icXiT) : the aw/i-tree, N 178,11 757; then of the shaft of the lance, lance, freq. w. TlnXidi;, 'from Mt. Pelion'; other epithets, tv\aXKOQ, ^oXjCffyXwyT*'. peXi-r]8ij?, e : honey-sweet; tig., vir- VOQ, vt'iarot;, 0f'/toc. fitXi - KpTjrov ( Kepdvvv/u ) : honey- mixture, honey - drink, a potion com- pounded of milk and honey for liba- tion to the shades of the nether world, ic 519, X 27. ue'Xivos, uciXivos ( utXlij ) : ashen. (II.) tuXicro-a (uiXi) : bee. MeXiTTi : a Nereid, 2 42f. |xeXi - po>v : honey - minded, honey- like, mrect. jxe'XXco, ipf. tfitXXov, fit XXt : be going or about to do something, foil, bv fut. inf., sometimes pres., rarely aor., ^ 186 773 ; fjieXXta never means to intend, although intention is of course some- times implied, ry yup i[itX\e SieZiptvai iridiovSf, ' for by that gate he was go- ing to pass out,' Z 393 ; by destiny as it were, of something that was or was not meant to happen, Ky/cXwi^, OVK dp' tfntXXtg dvdXKiSoc, dvCpbg iraipovc, | tSfifvai, ' you were not going to eat the comrades of a man unable to defend himself after all,' i. e. he was no cow- ard whose companions you undertook to eat, and therefore it was not meant that you should eat them with impu- nity, i 475, and often similarly. Virtu- ally the same is the usage that calls for must in paraphrasing, ourw TTOV A( /itXXti vTrtpfitv'ii tpiXov elvai, such metliinks ' must ' be the will of Zeus ; ru Si p.k\\tr' aKov'cfitv, ye ' must ' have heard, B 116, 3 125," S 94, a 232; fiiXXti fiiv irov Tig teal QiXrepov dXXov oXioffcn, ' may well ' have lost, 12 46. peXos, 0f : limb, member, only pi. (itX-irrjipov : plaything, pi. sport; KVVUV, Kvaii', N 233, P 255. (II.) [ieX-rrw: act., celebrate with dance and Kong, A 474 ; mid., play (and sing), QopniZoJV, on the lyre, $ 17, v 27; dance and sing, tv \spijJ, II 182; fig., fii\7Tfff9ai"Api)i,H 241. |x*Xu>, fiiXti, piXovai, imp. jX-w, fJuXovrtiir, inf. /.ttXi/jiiv, ipf. 6/ttXc, piXf, I'ut. jUfX>j(7f,iiif. fitXt]affitv, perf. jujuj- Xev, sul)j. /u/i//Xy, pai't. fifftnXt'jg, plup. , mid. pres. imp. peXtaOta, fut. T(ti, perf. nffifiXirai, plnp. /il/t- /3Xfro : fo a?t ofy':/l of care or interest; irdai SoXoim \ dvQounroiai /tsXw, i. e. my wiles give me a world -wide 're- nown,' i 20 ; cf. 'Ajoyw vdai n'tXovaa, i. e. the Argo 'all - renowned,' ft 70; mostly only tlie 3d pers., fj,iX(i fioi TIQ or-rf, 'I care for,' 'am concerned with ' or ' in ' somebody or something, he, she, or it ' interests me,' ' rests ' or ' weighs upon my mind ' ; /.it\>'jaovai fioi VTTTTOI, 'I will take care of the horses,' E 228 ; dv>}p < n'xfcra [izfir]- Xtv, who has so many ' responsibili- ties,' B 25 ; perf. part. fiffinXuf, ' in- terested ' or 'engaged in.' 'intent on,' TIVOC, E 708, N 297 ; mid., A 523, T 343,"* 516, x 12. [xeuaa, perf. w. pres. signif., du. p,e- ftaTov, pi. fii-nafiev, /ulyua I imp. /it/iarw, part, fiefiawc;, [leuavia, fiaaav : ie eagerly desirous, press on I hotly, go impetnoKnh/ at ; ixi nvt, 327, X 326, abs. * 174; foil, by inf., even the fut., B 544, cu 395 ; f req. the part., as adj. (or adv.), hotly desirous : see tew. see fJ u6|ivcb>To, jieiivtijAeea : see fJu/j.vr)0Kw. M'|AVttv: JUemnon, son of Eos and Tithonus, came to the aid of Priam after the death of Hector, and slew Antilochus, X 522, cf. S 188. (jiEfjiova, nsfiovac, ftt^ovtv, perf. w. pres. signif. : have in mind, be minded, be impelled or prompted, w. inf., some- times the fut., H 36, o 521 ; pe/ioviv S' o ye lera fcotdi ( cf. tppov'ttiv laa ), 'vies with the gods,' 4> 315; S^Oa KpaSirj /.if/iove. 'yearns with a twofold wish,' in hesitation, Fl 4:;5. |ifjivKa: see fivKi'topai. (xc'v (fiiiv): (1) the same as pr\v, in truth, indeed, certainly, H 8!>, A 267, y 351 ; sometimes might be written fiijv, as the scansion shows, H 389, X 482 ; freq. to emphasize a pronoun or an- other particle, and of course not al- ways translatable, TOV p,i)>, ?; ptv, Kai fitv, oil fiiv, ovSt fiiv ovdf, L, 13, B 703. (2) in correlation, p'tv without los- ing the force above described calls at- tention to what follows, the following statement being introduced by Se, aiirdp, or some other adversative word. /jtsv in correlation may sometimes be translated to be sure (q u i d e m), al- though, but oftener does not admit of translation. It- should be remembered that fjisi> is never a connective, that it always looks forward, never back ward. Its combinations with other particles are various. [xevcatvw, inf. /itvtaivsfiev, ipf. ptvf- aivofitv, aor. ^rti]va^tv : eagerly de- sire, w. inf., sometimes fut., 176 and 125 ; also be angered, strive, contend, H 491, a 20, T 68. jjLtv-8r]ios (jusVw) : withstanding the enemy, steadfast, brave, M 247 and N 228. Mcvc'X&os 187 Mevs'Xdos : Menelaus, son of Atreus and brother of Agamemnon, the suc- cessful suitor of Helen. King in Lace- daemon, a brave and spirited warrior, but not of the warlike temperament that distinguishes others of the Greek before Troy above him, P 18 ff. After the war lie wanders eight years before reaching home, 5 82 ff. Epithets, api]ioQ, apn.ii\OG, Siorpiipr^, cot>piK\u- ruc, Kvcd\, fievoive'to, jievoivuio, Subj. futvoiv&a, ftfvoivi)yai,M>\: 1 ifitvoivrjaa: have iii mind, ponder (M 59), intend, de- vise; Qpeai, fitru (pptni, ivi 9vp 235; 'imagine,' TT 256, 261. WOQ cord, K 23f- OTTOJ,-: probably mortal, /jif- dv9pw!roi, fttpo-rrtoai fiporoiaiv, 2 288, B 285. Me'po\j/: a seer and ruler in Pcrcote on the Hellespont, father of Adrastus and Amphlus, B 831, A 329. fj.epofj.ai.: fee fifipofiat. fxeo-at-TrdXios (/USTOC, TroXiog) : half- gray, grizzled, N 36 If. Mc 18. (Jico-o-o - irayijs, ec (iriiyvvfii): fxed 'tip to (he middle; tdijKtv ty\oc, drove tlic spear half its length jinn into the bank, * 172 (v. 1. fitaaowaXis, 'vibrat- ing to the middle'). |xe'a (=Att. //sxP') : till > until , w - gen., 9 508f. fie-rd : amid, among, after. I. adv. (here belong all instances of 'tmesis *), [jitTa d' lov ti}Kiv, let fly an arrovv among them (the ships), A 48, a 2; TTjuwrof tyw, /.IETO. d' vftfiec, afterward, 231, and so of time, o 400: denoting change of position, /ierd ' darpa /3e- (3>']Kii, ' had passed over the meridian ' ; fitrd S' irpdirtr, 'turned around'; jumi viijTa j3a\Mt>, p 312, A 199, 94. The relation of the adv. may be specified by a case of a subst., thus showing the transition to the true prepositional use, juerd Kal TuFt rolai ytvta9w, ' let this be added to those and be among them,' e 224. II. prep., (1) w. gen., along with; [itr' aXXwv XEO iraipwv, /ua^f- ffOai nira TIVOC, ' in league with,' K 320, N 700. (2) w. d;it., amid, among, between, in; fitrd \ipa\v 'i\tiv, 'in the hands,' A 184, y 281 ; /rd yivvaai, iroaai, 'between,' A 416, T 110; /lerd TD'oiyc ai'e/joio TrenaOai, i. e. as last as the winds, )8 148; QVTIV iyu Tri/uarov idouai [itrd olt; irapoiaiv, tlie last 'among' his mates, the position of honor in being eaten, i 369. (3) w. ace., denoting motion, among, towards, to, after, utr AiOiofjat; t/3ij, fifrd fiw- Xov "Apjjof, aalpav tppii^it utr' d/^^i- TroXov, fifivat fitra nva, A 423, H 147, 115, E 152, and sometimes of course in a hostile sense; so fig., flaXXtiv TIVU p.tr ipidae, 'plunge in,' 'involve in,' B 376 ; sometimes only position, with- out motion, is denoted, B 143 ; of suc- cession, after, next to, whether locally or of rank nnd worth, fiird KriXov taiTETO fnfi^a, N 492 ; KaXXiffToc, ai't}p fii-d n/\eiWa, B 674; then of time, purpose, conformity, or adupta(ion./r HdrpoK\<'>v ye Qavorra, 'after the death of P.' ; 7r\f 7 v ptrd x"Xicov, ' after,' i. e. to get bronze ; /KTII oi>v icfjp, ' after,' i. e. to suit thy heart, 12 575, a 184, O 189 52, 2 552, |8 406, A 227. //ra = fit- ' (lera-viero-ofiai : pass over (the me- TS.GTI, (j> 93. ridian), of the sun, onlv w. flovXvrovCt. ptera-paivw, aor. imp. /jtra/3;0i : ; (icra|v : between, A 156f. ;>a.vs om- ID u new subject, 492f. (icTa-iravofxai : cease or rest between fiera - {JovXevw : only aor. ptTtfiov- j whiles, P 373. XtiTv, have changed their purpose (cf. j jiTo-iravorwXij : joawc btttceen, rest, ^fiatl e 28fif. (leT-dyyeXos : messenger between two parties (into rnuntius, intern u n- t i ;i). Al^o written as two words, O 144 and * 199. fiTa-8atvvp.ai, fut./itrada(, only ipf. utrtidaOov. go after, pursue, pass over to, traverse, A 714. |icTa - K\cua>, fut. inf. utTaKXavae- aOat : n'eep afterward, lament hereafter, A 764f. p.era - K\fvu : only pass. aor. part. TToXt^toio fttTaK\tv9evroQ, should the tide of battle turn the other way, pera - X^y"* aor - part. -\\i)avTi : cease from. (II.) p.TaXXdw, utToXXw, -^t') -?> imp. ^traXXrt, aor. fi(.rii\\r)ffai', inf. -rjaai: search after, investigate, inquire about, question ; ri or riva, also nvd n or aupi TIVI, p 554 ; coupled w. verbs of similar meaning, A 550, y 69, ;// 99, j 243. jiTaXXi]Yi0 : see (AtTaXriyw. (XCTaX^cvos : see ntBaXXo/jtai. )ieTa-;j.dios : between the paps, fia^oi, E 19|. HeTa-fUyvufu and (xeTa-|Jii(rY(i>, fut. /utra^t(^o/uf : mix among, intersperse, place in the midst, a 310; 'we will merge thy possessions with those of Odysseus' (for subsequent division among us), ^ 221. neut. Tatibvios : vain, fruitless, onlv . pi. (v. 1. /Lira/iwXia). (iTa-va, fut. fjUTaaTptyeic., aor. subj. -*l/y, opt. -i^tie, pass. aor. part, fit- TaffTpe9iit; : turn about or away, change, fig., rjrop t %uXov, voov, K 107, O 52; 'cause a reverse of fortune,' /3 67 ; intr., O 203 ; so the aor. pass., A 447, 595. |Ta-Ti6T)}u, aor. fttriOrjKiv : cause among, a 402f. (ira - Tpt'irojiai : turn oneself tow- ards, met., regard, consider, rtvot;, al- ways w. neg. |iTa - TpoiraXio}j.ai (rpf TTW) : turn about to look behind (in flight), Y 190f. ipf. speak among, tirta nai. See nvCata. fiTa.-4>T]fjii, ipf. utTftyn. : speak among or to, -iffi, also w. ace., B 795. See (xera - <{>pdo}xai, fut. a9a : consider afterward or bu and by, A 140t. jieTd-pevov (0p>c) : the part be- hind the diaphragm, upper part of the back; also pi., M 428. (iCTa-<(>wvc(i> (0uwj): speak among, make one's voice heard among, K 67 (sc. -olffi). (Aere'dcri : see fiinifji 1. 1. |iT-ifu (tlfii), subj. f inf. fitrttvai, fifTffiftfi'ai, fut. fitTtffffo- ftai : be among (naiv), intervene, B 386. 2. |ACT-CI|JII (tifjii), fiirtiaiv, mid. aor. part, fitrtiffafjiti'oi; : yv among, go after, go or mardi forth ; iruXefiovie, N 298. jitT-etirov, jicTeeiirov : spoke among or to, Ttai. See t'nrov . fiTei(rap.evos : see fttrtifii 2. (Jierciw, (ieT(i(*,evai : see fiirfifii 1. (jLT-iriTa : afterward. |jiT-'pxop.ai, part. fitTepx6fiivoc,,fnt. fjLtTi\tuaofiai, aor. 2 opt. /.itTtXQoi, imp. fHiriXdf, part. fitrt\9wv : come or go among (rivi), to, or after (nva.or ri); of seeking or pursuing, Z 280, * 422 ; Trarpof K\iog, -y 83 ; of ' attending to ' or ' caring for ' something, tpya, tpya yafioio,TT 314, e 429. |XT0- : see //fra/n 1. |xcT-tjopos (aiipoj, the later fitriw- poc) : raited aloft, into the air, 26, * 369. fjLCT-oi\o}JLai, imp. fitroixto, part. /<- TW)(ofuvof t vft1.fier^ytTO'. go away with or after, in friendlv or hostile sense, T 24,047, E 148. fiCT-oKXa^o) : keep changing the posi- tion (from one knee to the other), N 281f. [WT - 6irier6e(v) : behind, in the rear, toward the west, v 241 ; afterwards, \ 382 ; w. gen., i 539. HT-OX^I W > aor. opt. fit To\\iaaf.ie : pry or push hack or away. fxerpeoj, aor. part. fiirpt'iffavTig : measure, fig. TTfXayoe, of traversing its extent, y 179f. jieVpov: measure, measuring-rod, M 422 ; then of any vessel and its con- tent*, H 471; opfiov fisrpov, of the * proper point for mooring, v 101 ; fiBrpa KtXti'Qov, periphrasis for iciXtv- 9oc,, KiXtvOa ; fig., ijfinc, ' full measure,' ' prime.' (iT - uiriov : on the forehead, A 95 and IT 739. |iT-wirov (ity) : forehead, also front of a helmet, n 70. |iew : see tyw. (jiXpi(s) : as far as, TIVOC,. rio fit- X/oif; how long? Q 128. JAIJ : io, lest. ( 1 ) adv., not, differ- ing from OVK in expressing a negation subjectively, fit) is the regular neg. particle with the inf., in conditions M^Ouivr, and cond. rel. clauses, in prohibitions and exhortations, in wishes, and in final clauses introduced by iV, wf, etc. [ti'i ae vapa vnvai Kt\ti(i>, ' let me not catch thee near the ships !' A 26 ; iar(i> vvv 'LtvQ . . fi>) utv role, 'iTnroimv avf)p iiroxhairai aXXoc (fir), and not oil, because the statement is in sense dependent on IITTW, though grammati- cally the ind. is allowed to stand in- stead of being changed to the inf.), K 330, cf. O 41. (2) conj., that not, lest (n e), introducing final clauses and ob- ject clauses after verbs of fearing, cnroffrixt, fti] TI voriay \ "Hpn, ' in order that Hera may not take note of any- thing,' A 522 ; StiSw ftrj of) iravTa Gt& vnuepTea Fiiiriv, ' lest all the goddess said was true,' t 300. ffi) is combined variously with other particles, firj cf), [It] flav, fit) TTOV, (J.I) TTOTf, fir) 7TOJC, 6tC. It is joined to interrogative words only when the question expects a negative answer, ?} /zjj ( n u m ), i 405, 406, 200. |jLY)8c : but not. and not, nor, not even, not at all; finSe always introduces an additional negation, after some nega- tive idea has already been expressed or implied. It is never a correlative word; if more than one finde occurs at the beginning of successive clauses, the first /inSe refers to some" previous negative idea just as much as the second one or the third one does; fttjde ric . . olog /tt/iaroj ^.a\taQai, find' dvaxwpii, A 303 ; here the first ^jj<5s means and not, nor, the direct quota- tion being regarded as a continuation of what precedes in the indirect form. Usually finSe at the beginning of a sentence means not even or not at all. For the difference between f*t]di and ovs, see fir). See also ovci,Jin. (j.T)8tv : nothing, "Z 500f . MTi8 and fikv (2). /u^v regularly stands in combination with another particle (KUI uijr, ft fjLijv, ou [iffv ), or with an imperative like ays, A 3()2. (jii]VTj : moon, * 455 and T 374. fiTjviSfj.os (^tiji/iw) : wrath, (n) (j.T]vi|ia, orof : cause of wrath. ^vis, io<; : wrath, i. e. enduring anger, usually of gods, A 75, y 135 ; but also of the wrath of Achilles. (AT)viu, aor. part. )iT}viaa.$ : be wroth, ab.s., and w. dat. of pers., also causal gen. of thing, fitjvliv, B 769. Mrjoves : the Maeonians, i. e. the Lydians, B 864, K 431. Mflovit] : Maeonia, ancient name of Lydia, T 401. MTIOVIS, i'(?oe : Maeonian woman, A 142. (Mill-ore, pirov, ^ww, jii]-irws : see ftr] ami irore, irov, TTW, TTwt;. fXTJpa : see p.r]piov. p,t]piv9os (firjpvui) : cord. () >: only pi., jui}|0ta and pfipa, pieces of meat from the thighs of victims, thigh - pieces, which were burned upon the altar, wrapped in a double layer of fat, A 40, y 456. Mt)pi6vT)s : jUcri.on.es or Merlon, the son of Molus, a Cretan, charioteer of Idomeneus, N 246, 249, 528, 566, 650, K 270, H 166, S 514, n 342, 603. P)pos : ham, upper part of the thigh; fiijpio Tr\iiaata9at, to 'smite the thighs,' a gesture indicative of surprise or other excitement, M 162, n 125; of victims, /uqpot'c t&Tapov, i. e. cut out the fitjpia from the i*rjpoi, A 460, /i360. fjLT|pxiopai, aor. [iqpdaavTo : draw up, furl by brailing up; \aria, \i 170|. (See cut No. 5, an Egyptian represen- tation of a Phoenician ship.) [jLTJo-Tcup, oipoc (/i/jCo/iat) : counsellor, deviser; VTTUTOI; ^/jv, of regions abounding in sheep, game, etc., B 696, o 226. jtiTi : see (XTirl : see firj-ic,. |XT]Tidw (JUT/TIC), 3 pi. /ij/nowtrt, part. /i^rtdwffff, firiTibtitvTtQ, mid. pres. (nr]Ti- daaGe, ipf. ^TIOUIVTO : deliberate, con-' elude, devise, abs., and w. ace., (3ov\d, voffrov, Kaicd rtvi, Y 153, 14; mid., debate with oneself, consider, X 174, M 17. (iTjTUTa (/ojr/o/mt), nom., for -rqq : counsel/ing, ' all-wise,' epith. of Zeus. |tT)Ti5eis, pi. -evra (^tijrif): full of device, helpful, (pdpuaica, S 227f. (jtY)Tio|.iai ( ptJTic ), fut. fttiTcaofiai, aor. subj. fir)TtffOfiai, opt. fitjriaai^Tjv, inf. pT)riffaa9ai : devise, perpetrate upon, rivi n, and rivd n, a 27. |XT)Tido:cra, |iT]Tid(i>(ri : sec fiijTidta. P.TJTIS, iof, dat. /'/rt : counsel, ivis- 192 Mtvws dom, B 169, ^ 125; concretely, plan, device, nijnv vtyaivuv, TtKraivtaQai, H 324, 3 678. jxi]Tis, pJTi (pi) Ti, pr) n) : no one, not anything, adv., fii/Ti, not at all, by no means; for the difference between (JiilTiQ and ovrif, see /;. In t 410, il fj.iv >} /u/jrif ae fiiaZtrai, fiiiriQ shows that the other Cyclopes understood Polyphemus to say ovng in v. 408 in- stead of Ojme (he said ' Xoman,' but they thought he said no man). |AT|Tpo-irXTwp : mothers father, ma- ternal grandfather, A 224 j-. (xijTpvii] : step-mother. (11.) |xt]Tp(oios : of a mother, maternal, $(afJia, T 41 Of. og : maternal uncle. (II.) part, fiijxavottnrrac, ind. 3 pi. fj.i]\avo- tavrai, opt. fin\av6(f>TO, ipf. n>)\av6wv- TO : contrive, set at work, perpetrate, freq. in unfavorable sense. FiX S> C : hdpi remedy. MTJW : see Mp'oi/ee- fua. : see t if . (Jtiaivci), nor. subj. ftifjvy, pas?, pres. inf. niaivtaQai, ipf. ifjuaiviro, aor. 3 pi. ifiiavOtv: dye, stain, soil. (II.) |uai-cf>ovos : blood-stained, epith. of Ares. (II.) fuapos : stained ( with blood ), Q 420f. ('7'i>/iffi,part., 27 If. . : promiscuously, together, 437, a> 77. (liYvvjJii and fu 314, E 143, and esp. of sexual union, in various phrases ; r]v tfjiyrj^, ' that you had' (cognate ace.), O l!^. MiSeto : a town in Boeotia on Lake Copfiis, B 507f. fjiiKpos, comp. fxeicov : small, little; of stature, Stuac, E 801, y 29(5 ; comp. (II.) uiKTO : see piyvvfu. Mi\T)Tos : Miletus. ( 1 ) an Ionian city in Curia, B 868. (2) in Crete, mother-city of the foregoing, B 647. p.iXTo-irdpT)os (ni\Toc, ' vermilion '): red-cheeked, ^>\\\\. of ships painted red B 637, 125. Mijids : a promontory in Asia Mi- nor, opposite Chios, y 172f. H4i.vatt (fiipvw): remain, B 392 and K 549. ptijivrjo-KW and (ivdofjai, act. pres. imp. fiifivnuK, fut. /iv/y^w, aor. Iftvij- (Toi,-, subj. \ivr\mj, part, nvi'iauaa, mid. /iifjirijaKOnai, part, /ivtao/jiivw, ipf. /IVUIOVTO, fut. fjivl]jnt9a, opt. ^eufyfinv, fue^ivt^ro, fut. perf. liffivi](jo}iai, inf. -e~ivai : act., remind, TIVCL (woe), ju 38, A 407; mid., ca# j 192 ; ^i;- ya^s, 'think on flight,' II 697; the perf. has pres. signif., 'remember,' im- plying solicitude, mindfulness, a 267. |U|xv, ipf. pivvpiZov : whimper, whine, moan, E 889 and S 719. Mtvws : Minos, son of Zeus and Europa, father of Deucalion and Ari- adne, ruler of Crete, and after his I death a ruler in the nether world, A 822, 668 ff. fiuryoryiccia (U 125 ; abs., TT 77, r 529. aroc (/zi/tv/joW) : memorial. wv) : remembrance, , a periphr. for a pass, of (j.vT]p.u>v ( fitfivijvKd) ) : mindful, re- membering, ' bent on,' rtj/of, 163. p.vTJcrai, p.w] 388. p.6yTs : with toil, scarcely. (jLo-yos : toil, A 27f. (wyco- - TOKOS (ri'icrw) : travail -pro- ducing, epith. of the Eilithyiae. (11.) p.60os : tumult of battle, of war- chariots (iTTTTlOl'). (II.) (jLoipo. ( piipouat ) : part, portion, share, in booty, of the feast, etc., K 252, O 195, d 97 ; ovB' alSovg fioipav, 'not a particle,' v 171 ; significant of a proper shai-e, hence Iv poipri, Kara ( irapd ) polpav, ' properly,' ' duly,' 4 rightly,' etc. ; then of one's lot, for- tune, fate, doom; fioipa jStoroio, Oavd- TOV, A 170, j3 100; w. ace. and inf., ft fiolpa (sc. iari) Sauf)vat Travraq o/iorf, P 421. Personified, MoIpa,Fate; pi., Q 49, cf. TI 197. fioipij-Yev^s, voc. -t : child of des- tiny, Fortune's child, T 182f. p-oix-oLYpia (fioix<->i dypr]) : the fine imposed upon one taken in adultery, 9 332f. fioXeiv : see flXiooKio. u-oXipos : lead, A 237f. MoXtojv : ( 1 ) son of Molione, the wife of Actor, dual Mo\fov, see 'AKTopiwvc. (2) a Trojan, companion of Tiiymbraeus, slain by Odysseus, A 322. fj.o\oppo5 : glutton, gormandizer, p 219 and a 26. MoXos : father of Meriones, K 269, N249. (xoXovera, (loXoiv : see /3Xwffica>. fM>X-m] ( uiXiroi ) : play, entertain- ment with music and dancing, 101, A 472 ; music, singing and dancing, S 572. (ioXxip8aiva : lead attached to a fish- ing-line, sinker, Q 80f. fiovob), (j-ovvou), aor. fiovvuae, pass, part. fiovtiiQiig, novvtaQivTo. : make lone or single, so propagate a race that there shall always be but one solitary heir, TT 117 ; pass, part., left alone. .opifios (fi6pOQ) = pupaifioc;, Y 302f. .opjiOpoj : only part., of water, mur- muring, dashing; dp : doubtful word, mulberry-colored, dark-hued. popes ( nflpofiat, cf. m o r s ) : lot, fate, doom; virip fiopov, 3> 517, a 34 ; esp. in bad sense, KO.KOQ, alvog 2 465 ; hence death ( abstract noun answering to the adj. fiporue). |idpori[ios ( jiopoe ) : fated, ordained by late, w. inf., T 417, E 674; of per- sons, destined to death, doomed, X 13 ; to marriage, ir 392 ; popaipov Vftap, 'day of death.' O 613. Mopvs : a Mysian, the son of Hip- potion, slain by Meriones, N 792, 5 514. (iopWtro) : only pass. perf. part, \fieva), stained, v 435f. |iop4>T] : form, fig., grace; tiriuv, X 367, y 1 70.' (Od.) p.op4>vos : a species of eagle, swamp- eagle,il 316f. |*Ol- at.iv : toil, Differ, ' be worn with suffer- ing,' K 106f. (lox^w = /iox0lw, B 723f. fioxXew : pry or heave up (with lev- ers, pox\oi), M 259f. (Aox^os : lever, crow, hand-spike (not roller), 261 ; in t, of a stake. : a king of Phrygia, r 186f. : icet, dripping (w\\\\ blood), A54f. MvSwv: (1) son of Atymnins, char- ioteer of Pylaemenes, slain by Anti- lochus, E 580. (2) a Paeoniaii, slain by Achilles, * 209. fjLTJeXotis, Effffcr, tv (fivtXos) : full of marrow, marrowy, i 293-)-. jiveXc's : marrow; fig., of nourishing food, fivtXbQ avfyuv, j8 290. p.\i0op.ai (/ivOos), 2 sing. fivQeat and /iv&Iat, ipf. iter. (ivOevKovTO, fut. p~- Gijirofiai, aor. fivQrjaafinv : speak or talk of, describe, explain, relate, strictly with reference to the subject-matter of dis- course (seo fiv3o), tKaara, -KUVTCI /caret Ovfiov, vi]ftepria, \ii\viv 'ATroXXcovof, v 191, I 645, Z 382, A 74; w. pred. adj., TroXii/ iroXvxpvffov , ' spoke of it as rich in gold,' 2 289. ftv9o-X.Yvo) : relate. (Od.) (iv0os : speech with reference to the subject-matter, like the later Xoyof, hence to be paraphrased in Eng. by various more specific words, ' conver- sation,' 'recital,' 'subject,' 'request,' 'counsel,' 'command,' etc., o 214, 597, o 196, A 545. fvuta: fiii, house-fly or horse-flv; as symbol of audacity, P 570. (II.) MvicaXt) : Myeale, a piwiimntory in Asia Minor, opposite Sainos, B 869f. MvicaXTjo- 237 ; then of things, as of gates 'groaning,' a shield 'resound- ing,' M 460, Y 260. (XTJKT]6p.os : lowing, bellowing, 2 575 and ft 205. MVKIJVTJ: Mycvnt, daughter of Ina- chus, /3 120; eponymous heroine of the city Mvmjvrj or MVKTJVCU, Myce- nae, the residence of Agamemnon. MvKT]vr]0ev, from Mycenae. MVKTJ- valos, of Mycenae. (IVKOV : see ^vKaofiat. |xvXa|, oicof : mill-stone, then of any large round stone, pi., M 161f. p.vXTj: mill, hand-mill. (Od.) (Prob- ably similar to the Roman hand-mills found in Switzerland, and represented in the cut.) p.uXTJ-aTos (ivta): crushed in a mil/, ff round, /3 355f. p.vXo-i8i]<;, EC (floof ) : like a mill- stone, H 270f. (xflvij : excuse, pi., 11 If. MVVTJS : soa of Evenus, slain by Achilles, B 692 and T 296. p.xip7iei] : tamarisk. (II.) p-vpiKivos : of tamarisk, ooe, ' tam- arisk-shoot,' Z '39f. Mwptvtj : an Amazon, whose funeral- mound was called ' Thorn - hill,' Ba- Titia, B 814f. fivpios : countless, ' myriad,' often in pi., ud\a [ivpioi, ' infinite in number,' o 556, etc.; uvpiov, w. gen., 'a vast quantity,' * 320. Mvpp-iSoves : the Myrmidons, a Thracian tribe in Phthiotis, the fol- lowers of Achilles ; their chief centres were Phthia and Hellas, H 269, B 684, A 180, X 495. fiCpoficu, ipf. fivpovff : flow, dissolve in tear?, weep, lament. Mvpaivos : a village in Elis, later TO Mvprovvnov, B 616f. Mvo-oi: (1) a tribe on the Danube, N 5. (2) kindred with the foregoing, the Mysians of Asia Minor, occupying territory from the river Aesepus to Mt. Olympus, B 858, K 430, 3 512, Q 278. ji.vxp.6s (fivw) : moaning, to 416 f. (t^XoiTaros, sup. formed from the locative of (JLV^OC : inmost (in the men's \\A\\), fartJiest away (from the rest and from the entrance), 146f . p.vxovSe : to the inmost part, x 270f. |AVXS : inmost or farthest part, cor- ner, of house, hall, harbor, cave, etc. Freq. /i^XV w - g en -i ' ' n the lurihe.-<< corner,' Z 152, 7 263. (ivw, aor. 3 pi. pvaav, perf. pifivKiv: close, said of the eyes, wounds, U 637, 420. (II.) (jivuv, UVOQ: mass of muscle, mus- cles, IT 315, 324. (II.) |xoiXo9 : toil and moil of battle, f req. , H 147, P 397. : moly, an herb given by Her- mes to Odysseus to afford protection against the spells of Circe, K 305f, de- scribed v. 304. p.co(Avv|, v\os : according to the an- cients, single-hoofed, solid-hoofed (fJ.6- voc,, ovv,\ epith. of horses (as opp. to the cloven-footed cattle). (II. and o 46.) v: vv ifaXicvoTiKov, or nu euphonic, affixed to the pi. case -ending -ai, to ' ("ncoffi, -Qi, j/6<70i, KB, and to forms of the verb ending in -e and -i of the 3d person. vai (cf. nae): yea, verily, always affirmative; w. fid, A 234. vaitrdio ( vaioj ), part, vtmraojv, -dwaa, ipf. iter. vattTaaaicov : dwell, inhabit, r 387; and of localities, be situated, be inhabited, often w. n;, so of houses, etc., ' comfortable,' B 648, /3 400 ; significant of the very existence of a place, a 404 ; trans., B 539, P 172, c 21. vaiw, inf. vaiifi^v, ipf. iter. aor. vdaaa, pass. aor. vda9n, mid. pres. part. (EU) vaio^ttvoe : dwell, inhabit, be situated, B 626 ; the aor. is causative, cat KS oi "Apysi vdaffa voKiv, ' Would have assigned him a town to dwell in,' 5 174 ; pass., vdaQn, settled in, S 1 19. vaKtj : hairy skin; alyog, % 530f . vairr| : forest glen, woody dell, 6 558 and n 300. vapKaa) : only aor., vdpicnve, was pal- sied, O 328-. vawOtj, vdaxra : see va'ua. vacrtrio : only aor. tva&, stamped down; -yaiav, $ 122f. 196 Naorrjs : son of Xomion, leader of the Carians, slain by Achilles, B 867 ff. Navpo\i8r|s : son of Naubolus. (1) Iphitus, B 518. (2) a Phaeacian, 116. vav-Xoxos (root \ix)' for ships to lie in, 'safe for ships,' of harbors, d 846 and K 141. vav - (xaxos : for naval combat; Zvard, O 389 and 677. vavs : see VIJVQ. KavaiOoos : a son of Poseidon, the father of Alcinous, colonizes the Phae- acians in Scheria, rj 56 ff. Navo-ucda: Nausicaa, the Phaea- cian princess, daughter of Alcinous and Arete, 17 ff., rj 12, 9 457, 464, : renowned for skips, VaVCTl - ItXvTOS rr vavi.(v) : see VTJVC.. vdw, vauo (ffvdFw), ipf. valov (v. 1, vaov ) : flow ; 6p(f, ' ran over ' with whey, i 222. Ne'aipa : a nymph, the mother of Lampetie and Phaeth-usa by Helius, fi 133f. veapos (V'IOQ) : youthful, B 289f. vearos, vtiaros ( v0f ) : newest, but always of position, extremest, last, low- est, Z 295, o 108; apparently, 'top- most,' & 466. vcfJpos : fawn ; as symbol of timo~ rousness, A 243. ve'es, veWo-i : see vnvq. vT)ai : see veo/jiai. VT)-'yvrjs, SQ : new-bom, S 336 and P 127. v-T)Ki]s, f (aK>j) '. freshly ichetted, N 391 and n 484. ve-t)\vs (ii\v9ov): newly come, K 434 and 558. vT)viT]s ( Att. vi ai/i'ac) : young (man), youth, always w. dvfip. (Od.) VTJVIS, ido : maiden. vciai : see vtofiai. vciaipa ( v'tof, cf. VIO.TOQ ) : lower; yatrTijp, the lower part of the bellv, abdomen, E 539. (II.) veiaros : see vearoQ. VCIKEO), VeiKClb) ( viiKO ). VtlKWGl, subj. viiKi'uj(ai), inf. viiKtiuv, part. vttKtiwv, ipf. vtiKiiov, iter. vuKiiiant, fut. vtiKsffw, aor. (i)i'eiKt(a)aa : strive, quarrel; ipidat; Kai vetKea. d\\)/\oic, ' contend in railing and strife,' T 252 ; upbraid, reprove, opp. aiviiv, K 249, Q 29; /taXa, 'angrily'; dvrrjv, 'out- right,' p 239. veiKos, tog : contention, strife, quar- rel, esp. in words ; dispute, dissension, often pi.; at law, S 497, p 440; also of war and battle, TroXfjuoio, \oTri- Soc, tpidog, N 271, P 384, T 140; re- proof, taunt, I 448, H 95. vetfxa : see vl/xai. vei66cv (vioe): from below; IK Kpa- Sitjs, ' from the depths of his heart,' K 10f. vci60i (vkoQ): below; \lfjtvrjg, 'down in the depths of the sea,' $ 317f. veics (viog): sc.yfj,new laud, fal- low land, newly ploughed after having lain fallow ; 'thrice ploughed, after such rest, in 2 541, e 137. vcirai : see vtofiai. vtuf>u : see v'itynt. vcKas, ados (v'ucvi;) : heap of slain, E 886f. vcxpos : dead body, corpse ; with ri9vi]ioTa,fi 10; also vucpwv Kararf9- vi)T(i)v, see KaraQviiaKb). Said of the inhabitants of the nether world, the dead, V 51, X 34. vcKrap, a/oof.' nectar, the drink of the gods, as ambrosia is their food, A 598, A 3, applied as a preservative against decay, T 38. Why the lexi- cons say that vtKTap means wine when the Cyclops speak of a 'sample of nectar and ambrosia,' we do not know, t359. vcKTapeos : nectar-like, fragrant as nectar. (II.) vKi;7, VOQ = I'fKpoc,. vep.e'0o)J.ai = ve^ofiai,feed, A 635f. vc|Ac, vc|ic ( vtp.iai(; ), fut. i>cfii io oe dreaded, A 649. VHeo-{o|Aat (vjuffie), ipf. VjUffte- TO: be angry with one (for something), TLvL (TI), E 757; be ashamed, foil, by ace. and inf., P 254; dread, fear, Otovs, a 263. vejjiecris, dat. vf/w'ff Kai vkjJLtaiv, self-respect and a 'regard for men's indignant blame,' N 122, Z 351. V6p.eo-o-a.tu, ve(*.o-TT]T6s : see viue.- ffuiu, j'juiuio9ai, cf. n e m u s ) : wood-pasture, glade, A 480f . vp.u), aor. tveifia, vtiutv, imp. j'it- /^oj': I. act., dispense, divide, assign, fioipui;, Kpia, etc. ; nvi TI, P 274, 188; then pasture or tend flocks, i 233 ; pass., 6e consumed (cf. the mid.), Trvpi, B 780. II. mid., have to oneself, possess, enjoy, irarpwia, re^evoe, v 336, M 313; inhabit, ft 167; then feed (upon), esp. of flocks and herds, graze, E 777, v 407, i 449. ve'vnrrai : see viZ,u>. veo-apSris, H- ( dpdu ) : freshly wa- tered, * 346f. veo - 71X09 : new - born, young; OKV- XaK, /t 86f. vo-8apros (ip): newly -flayed. (Od.) vo-6Tj\r]s, f (0aXXw) : fresh-sprout- ing, 3 347f. VCOIT] : youthfulncss, youthful thoughtlessness, ^ 604f. vcofjKu, vv|J.ai, vetai, i/clrai, subj. 2 sing, vtnai, inf. vtiaOai, ipf. vtofinv, vkovTO' pres., usually w. fut. signif., ^o or come somewhere (as specified), esp. return, abs., j3 238, \ 114, fi 188. veov see vioQ. veo-irevfrqs, s'e : e?o to sorrow, \ 39f. veo-irXvTos (TrXoi/w) : Mezi>/M washed, O/O)) : fresh - sawn, 9 404f NeoirToXejios : Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, reared in Scyros, conducts the Myrmidons home from Troy, and weds llermione, the daughter of Mene- laus, T 327, y 189, 8 5, X 520. ve'os, comp. vcuTCpos : ntw, fresh, young; opp. TraXaio^, o 720, 9 58 ; as subst., T 433, I 36, 9 202 ; adv., vt'ov, just now, lately, TT 181, 199. vtos : see vnvc,. V66-r(xi]KTos (ff/iaw): freshly pol- ished, N 34 2f. veoo-o-o? (a/oc): ^oww^r (bird), fledg- ling. (II.) vo-OTpo<{>09 (orpf^w): JICJD^ ) : newly wrought, * 592f. veo^revx^Sj f (rtv^w) : newly made, E 194f. veoTT)s, >yroc (voe) : yo?(puai, of giving a sign, p 194. VEVO> (cf. n u o), fut. viixjo), aor. viv- aa : nod, often of giving assent or a promise, 246 ; freq. said of the hel- met and its plume, T 337, x 124; KE- 'XTj : cloud; fig., of death, grief, T 417, P 591, u 315. 198 v4>\ - Yj-ycpera (ayt/pto), nom. for -Trjf : cloud -gathering, the cloud-com- peller, Zeus. vc'4>os, IOQ : cloud, often in pi., O 688 ; fig., vktyoc, Oavdrow, II 350, 8 180; also of dense numbers, Tpwwv, Ti-oXgjuoio, II 60, P 243. 1.- Ww ((Tve/a)), ipf. tvvtov : swim. 2. ve'w (cf. n e o), mid. aor. viiaavro : spin,r) 198f. vtj- : inseparable neg. prefix. VTJO, vqaSe : see VI\VQ. Kr)YIEOV, v!]ii, aor. vfjrjffa, mid. aor. inf. vrjrjaaadai, imp. -a(T0w: /tea/) or /7e ?/>; also load, Jill with cargo; vnac., I 359 ; mid., one's own ship, I 137, 279. Nt)ids, aof : Naiad, water-nymph, pi. (Od.) Ntjiov : Mt. Neium, in Ithaca, a 186f. vijtos (i'jvc) : /oi* ships; fiopv vyiov, ship-timber, also without dupu, N 391, n 484. tcof ( v>/-, root A5 ) : unknow- ing, unpractised in; nvof, 9 79; abs., inexperienced, H 198. vt) - KepSrfc, ig ( Ktpdoc, ) : profitless, useless. VTjKovare'w ( UKOVW ), aor. vrjuovaTti- oa : fail to hearken, disobey, w. gen., Y 14f. VTi\crjs, vrjXifc (j'^-, tXfoe): pitiless, ruthless, relentless; of person?, and often fig., Ofijuof, f/rop, Stfffii'iQ, *>jjX; fj/*ap, ' day of death ' ; VTTI'OC, of a sleep productive of disastrous conse- quences, /t 372. NrjXtiStis = fin\r}iaCn^, * 652. vi^XtiTis, i2o<; (v>j-, aXirai'vw) : guilt- less, innocent. V. 1. fjjXZmc- (Od.) NijXcws : Neleus, son of Poseidon and Tyro, husband of Chloris, and fa- ther of Pero and Nestor, X 254, 281, o 233 ; driven from lolcus in Thessaly by his brother Pelias, he wanders to Messenia and founds Pylos, y 4 ; all of his sons except Nestor were slain in a war with Heracles, A 692. N-qXTjiaSTjs : son of Ncleus, Nestor. Nr)XT]ios : of Neleus, Neleian. vTjXijs : see v?jXrjc- vriXiTT]s, vrjXiTeis : see WjXttrtc. vrj^a, arof ( vku 2): that which is spun, yarn. (Od.) VT|picpn]s> e (anaoTavu>) : unerring, infallible; freq., vnniprtc, vtj^iipri , truthfully, truly, 7 19, 314. Adv., VT)p.cpTC(os, t 98, r 296. " Nereid, 2 46f. : windless calm, E 523 ; as adj. (or appositive), w. yaXjjw/, 392, n 169. v^v|ios ( VT)-, artfioQ ) : windless, breathless; aldljp, Q 556f. VTJOS ( vaiw ) : dwelling of a god, temple, fane. (For an idea of the in- terior of the eel la of a temple, cf. cut under /So^or, with statue of Aph- rodite and altar.) VTJOS : see rnvc. vT)-irv8i]s, 6 ( 7rv0of ) : ' without sorrow,' soothing sorrow ; tyappaKov, an Egyptian magic drug,' S 221-)-. VTjmdas : see vriTrieij. vTjiriaxv&) : play like a child, part., X 502 f. vqiriaxos vi'iTTtog. (II.) vqirurj ( j'jJTriog ), ace. pi. vr\iriaa.q-. infancy, childhood, helplessness of child- hood, I 491 ; pi., childish thoughts. vrjmos : epith. of little children or young animals, 'infant,' 'helpless,' Wpia T'IKVU, I 440, B 311, A 113; often fig., indicating the blind uncon- sciousness on the part of men that suggests an analogy between the rela- tion of men to higher powers and that of infants to adults, 'helpless,' 'un- witting,' and sometimes disparagingly, 'simple," childish,' A 561, X 445. yil-iroivos (Trotj'j;) : without compen- sation, unavenged ; adv., vijiroii'ov, with impunity, a 160. vrprvrios = vi}irioQ. (II.) Nrjpijis, iSoQ : Nereid, i. e. daughter of Nereus, who is himself not named by Homer, but is only called a'Xioe yipw, A 538 ; pi., 2 38, 49, 52. : originally a promontory on the coast of Acarnania, later con- verted into the island of Leucas ; sub- jugated bv Laertes, w 377f. NrjpiTov : Mt. Neritum, in Ithaca, v 351, B 63-2,i 22. NfaiTos : an Ithacan, p 207f. VT]piTos : see tiKooiviipiroQ. NT), vtwv, vavfyiv, dat. j'jjw- ffi, vi]iaai, vitaoiv, vav, ace. ffjaf, veat' : *'"/>, fsse/. The parts of a ship, as named in Homer (see cut under toe), are as follows: of the hull, rpoiriq, Trpvpn, irpvuvn, ImffftvtftC, irnCaXiov, oiVjia, ( inf. ri]\tnti>cii, part, vij^ofj.ti'og, ipf. VTJ%OV, i tit. vifafiai : swim. (Od.) vi{>, imp. y/(s), ipf. i/i^ov, fut. ve't^w, aor. vi\l/a, mid. ipf. viiro, aor. vi\l/d- /ijji/,' pass. perf. v'tviitrai : wash, wash off, mid., oneself or a part of oneself ; w. two accusatives, vi-fyai nvu irofiaQ, T 376 ; mid., \poa u\pt)v, ' the brine from his person,' ^ 224 ; aXof, ' with water from the sea,' /3 261 ; pass., G 419. viKaw, ipf. (t)viKti)v, iter. viKaffKOfiiv, fut. j'7jcj(Tw, aor. (tJi/Kc/jda, pass. aor. part. vlicr]9tis : be victorious or victor, and trans., conquer, vanquish, in games, battle, or legal dispute ( w. cognate ace., A. 545), of ' surpassing ' or ' excel ling' in anything (rivi), and of things ' prevail,' A 576, K 46. vficq : victory, in battle or before the tribunal, \ 544. Niof3T] : Niobe, daughter of Tan- talus and wife of Amphion, king of Thebes. Her six sons were slain by the voT))j.a arrows of Apollo, and her six daugh- ters by the arrows of Artemis, because she had presumed to compare her children with those of Leto. Niobe in grief was changed into stone, a legend that connects itself with a natural conformation in the rock of Mt. Sipylus, which resembles a woman in a sitting posture, Q 602, 606. VIITTW : see vi%w. Nlpcvs: Nireus, son of Charopus and Aglai'a, of Syme, the handsomest of the Greeks before Troy, next to Achilles, B 671 ff. Nioxx : a village on Mt. Helicon in Boeotia, B 508f. NIC-OS : son of Aretus, father of Amphinomus of Dulichium, TT 395, a 127,413. vicrcrofjLai, fut. viao/iai, ipf. viaaovro vto/jiai. Nfri5pos : a small island, one of the Sponidcd, B 676f. vii|)ds, adoc (av.): snow-flake, mow, mostly pi. ; w. x.ovoc, M 278. (II.) viT69 (av.) : snow-storm, snows, K 7 and S 566. vi4>oeis> w ( eiv. ), inf. v~Hps.fi.tv : snow, M 280f. (V. 1. vtitipev.) vi\J/a, vu|/d}icvos : see viZot. voe'w ( voof), imp. voti, fut. fo>j6nffa, mid. voiioaro : think, be thoughtful or sensible, have in mind, intend, be (aor. become) aware, perceive; oVTUt vvv Kcti gyo* voiio, ' I think so too,' S 148 ; TOVTO y' tvaiai/iov OVK tvonaiv, ' that was not a right thought of hers,' tj 299 ; vorjacu a/z irpoaou Kcil oiriaau), ' to direct his mind for- ward and backward,' 'take thought at once of the present and the future,' A 343 ; /i/jrpt *yii Trapdtynfii, /cat avry mp roeovay, 'though she lias a good mind of her own,' A 577 ; KOI /xuAAov voiti) 0pe(Tt rlfirtaaaQni, ' I mean to prize thee still more,' X 235 ; f req. oi> vofjffai, of 'keenly noting' an occur- rence, often w. part., B 391, T 21, 30; common transitional phrase, \A(o) ivonatr, ' had another idea,' ' thought ngain,' ' passed to a new plan.' Mid., ' thought to,' w. inf., only K 501. Cf. vooc- voT](xa, aroc ( J'ot'w ) : thought, idea, VOT]|JUOV 2 1 plan, mind (more concrete than vooc), v 82 ; as symbol of swiftness, veeg wiceiai we ti iTTepbv r)f vojj/za, t\ 36. voi7|X(ov, ovof : thoughtful, discreet. >: (1) a Lycian, slain by Odysseus, E 678. (2) son of Phronius in Ithaca, S 630, /3 386. (3) a Pylian, 612. vdBos : illegitimate or natural son, opp. yi'jjffioe, A 102, 490 ; daughter (v69n), N 173. vopieiJS, j/oc; ( j'iyuoj ) : shepherd; w. dvSpeg, P 65. vo(ATjw, ipf. sj/o'^D6 : pasture, /zi/Xa. No|xiv father of Nastes and Am- phimacus of Caria, B 871 f- vofxds (vlfjit>) : pasture ; fig., tirswv, ' range,' Y 249. voos : mind, understanding, thought; ov yap TIQ vuov oXXov afiiivova rovct voriffci, | olov tycii voiia, a better ' view ' than mine,' I 104. The word is some- what flexible in its application, but needs no special illustration. Cf. vokw. voo-os : see vovooc,. votrre'w (iWrog), fut. voaTrjaw, aor. voanjaa : return, often with the impli- cation of a happy escape, K 247, P 239 , Ktlai fjit voffTtiaavra, ' when I came there on my way home,' B 619, o 119. v5rtiJJKwv, a reach- ing the land of the Phaeacians (yaiijt,-, obj. gen.), without the notion of 're- turning,' except in so far as a man who had been swimming as long as Odysseus had to swim would feel as if he had got back somewhere when he touched dry land, 344. vo(iv) : apart, away, aloof from, except, w. gen., A 349, B 346. voio|iai, aor. voatyiaduriv, pass, aor. part. voatpiaQtiQ : depart from (n- vdf), hold aloof from, ' disregard,' B 81, Q 222 ; w. ace., abandon. (Od.) VOTITJ: moisture, pi., rain, showers, 6 307f. vinos : moist, wet : neut. as subst., water of a harbor, S 785. NOTOS : south (west) icind, bringing rain, B 145, y 295 ; dpyeoTiic,, A 306, I> 334 ; Trpog Norov, from the South, > 111. vovs : see VOOQ. voWos : sickness, illness, disease. vv(v) : now, enclitic particle, per- laps sometimes temporal, but as a ule differing from the temporal vvv as the logical and temporal uses of ..o\y ' differ in Eng. The context in each case must decide whether the word admits of paraphrasing or not. Often rt i'u; and ov vv. vvKTepis, (Cot; (vv%) : bat, u 433 and 6. vv(j.T], voc. vvfKpa (cf. n u b o) : bride, lady; after as well as at the time of marriage, I 560, X 447, F 130, S 743. NiJ(iTi : nymph, goddess of secon- dary rank, as the Naiad?, mountain nymphs, etc., Z 420, Z, 123 ; offerings were made to them, p 211, fi 318; Calypso and Circe are termed nymphs, 153, K 543. vu|i4>ios (vi'fj.T)) : newly-married, ij 65 and 223. vvv : now, f req. vvv c>], vvv ov, and esp. vvv Se, 'as it is,' 'as it was,' con- trasting the real state of the ease with a supposed one, A 417. In the uses that are not strictly temporal vvv differs from vvv only in form (quan- tity), not in meaning, K 175. vv|, VVKTOC, ace. VVKTU, vi>\9' : night, fig., of death, E 310. Personified, Nvi Night, "& 259. vuos : davyhter-in-law or sister-in- law, Y 49. Nvorjiov : Nysaeum, the region about Nysa, where the god Dionysus was reared, Z 133f . vv(rra : turning-post (in e t a), in the hippodrome, 332; elsewhere, start- ing-point or line. vvoxrw, part, vvaawv, -ovrec,, puss. pres. part. vvaao\itvwv : prick, pierce. (II. and | 485.-) sc : lazy, sluggish, A 559f . wi (cf. n os), nom. dual, gen. and dat. vwiv, ace. run and vw : we two, both of us. vcoiTCpos : of us two, of us both, O 39 and fi 185. v(o\E(j.C9 : continually, unceasingly, & 58 ; usually with ait'i. VW\C|iCW9 201 vXcjis : unceasingly, firmly, A 428. vwjiao) ( viuw ), aor. vwurjaa : deal out, distribute, A 471, y 340; handle, wield, control ; ty^og, aK^trrpov, TroSa vnog, E 594, r 218, K 32; j/y the limbs, Trocac, icni yovvara, K 358; met., ' revolve ' (v c r s a r e), voov, Ktp- eca.v 255, (of. ^a>): comb or care? wool, X 4231. |av96s : reddish - yellow, blond or auburn (flavus); of horses, son-e/ or cream-colored, A 680. gdv9os : Xanthus. ( 1 ) son of Phaenops. a Trojan, slain by Diomed, E 152. (2) name of one of the horses of Achilles (see ZavMs), II 149. (3) name of one of Hector's horses, 9 185. (4) another name of the river Sca- mander, and, personified, the river- god, V 40, 74, * 146. (5) a river in Lycia, flowing from Mt. Taurus into the Mediterranean, B 877. |civijiov : token of guest-friendship, or hospitality, a present given in honor of this relation, K 269, Z 218, or entertainment, 2 408 ; ironically, t 370 ; as adj., W.A^w,m 273. ICLVIOS and gc'vios : per- taining to hospitality or guest - friendship, Ztvg, protector of guests (stran- gers), N 625, t 271; rpa- iriZa, hospitable board, 158; neut. as subst. =r %tiv>liov, pi., sc. SHipa. eivo - SOKOS ( Ss\op.ai) ; guest-receiving, hospitable; as subst., host, a 64. civos : strange, foreign, Q 302, r] 32 ; ^Civt iruTfp, ' sir stranger ' ; stranger, guest, guest -friend; the relation of guest -friend existed from the time when Zuvrjia were ex- changed as tokens and pledges ; hence irarpviot; f7i'oc, 'hereditary friend,' Z 215. ICIVOOTJVT) : hospitality, 202 jjeviTj : hotpitalitw, entertainment as guest, guest-friendship. (Od.) levies : see %timot;. pos : dry ; tpbv rjirtipoio, ' dry land,' t 402f. gcos, : sword. The Zitpog had a two-edged blade, joined to the hilt (KWITTI) by bands of dark metal (jte- \avctTov). It was worn in v) that passed over the shoulder. (See cut on preceding page.) vXov (w): mostly pi., wood, not standing, but cut; sing., trunk of a tree, * 327. : thicket, jungle. - and |vv- : the former is used in compounds of /3a\Xo> and TTUQ , the latter in coin p. w. ajtlpw, a-yrr/ji, ayai, diw, t\ai>vtii, totoQat, t%ui, itvai, tivai, and in '{.iiviaiQ and ^vvoi]. See under |tiv-eiKocri : twenty together, % 98f. |vv6T]KE, IVVSTIX' : see awirifii. |vvT]ios ( ih'(,<; ) : common, as com- mon property. vvici, |vviov : see avi'irifu. IVVIOVTOS, |vvi) : the polished shaft of a spear, spear; vavua^ov, 'ship-pike,' O 388, 677. |u (cf. Cew), ipf. 5o', aor. tvae: shave, scrape smooth, smooth, S 179. O. o : ' prothetic,' as in oj3piuo, 6fii- ^X/j, ovo/ua; 'copulative,' as in OTTO- rpoc, oi'er^c. 6, T), TO, epic forms, gen. rolo, du. rolu', pi. roi, rat, gen. rdwv, dat. roiai, ryt;(i): (1) as demonstrative pronoun, v iuvTa, X 67. ri is often appended to the word when used rela- tively, rai Tt, o rt, fi 40. For o yt, see oyf. o : neuter, see 05. cap, apof, dat. pi. (Zptamv: icife. (II.) oapi^to, inf. oapi&fitiai, ij)f. oa/oi^t: converse familiar///, chat. (II.) 6apiern]s (capi'^w) : bosom friend, T 179f. 6apicrn5s, voc ( oapl^ti) ) : familiar converse ; Trapaatg, ' fond beguile- ment,' , 216; iron., 7roAi//ot;, irpofJid- X a>v, P 228, N 291. ofBeXos : spit. (See cuts under 7T/i- 203 6(3pi.|j.o-ep-yo9 ( fspyov ) : worker of grave or monstrous deeds, E 403 and X418. oppijio-TrdrpTj : daughter of a mighty father, Athena. of3pip.o9 (fipiQio): heavy, ponderous ; ax#of, Ovpiov, i 233, 241 ; then of per- sons, stout, mighty, O 112, T 408. 6-ySda.Tos and 6-ySoos : eighth. 6-ySuKOVTa : eighty. oye, TJY, Toye (o yi, etc.): the de- monstr. o, ?;, TO intensified, and yet often employed where we should not only expect no emphasis, but not even any pronoun at all, as in the second of two alternatives, T 409, M 240, ft 327. o ye serves, however, to keep before the mind a person once mentioned (and perhaps returned to after an in- terruption), thus usually the very opp. of o Si, which introduces a new per- son in antithesis. Syiciov (oyicoc): basket or box to hold arrow - heads or other things of iron, (p 6 If. OYKOS : barb of an arrow, pi. (II.) o-yp-09 ( dyiit ) : furrow, also swath made by the mower or reaper, S 552, 557. > OYX T l trT( > : Onchestus, a town on Lake Copais in Boeotia, with a grove of Poseidon, B 506. OYX*^: pear-tree, pear. (Od.) oSaios (odof) : belonging to a jour- ney, pi. oSaia, 'freight, cargo, 9 163 and o 445. 68d| (Sdicvta): adv., with the teeth, biting ; Xd^caOai, i\elv, yalav, ovSa(;, 'bite the dust,' X 17; oSaZ, iv ^ti\tai iivro, 'bit their lips,' in vexation, a 381. 88, fj8, ToSc, pi. dat. rolaSe and TolaSta(a)i : demonstr. pron., this here, ' he, she, it here,' pointing out a person or thing that is either actually (local- ly) present, or is a subject of present consideration or interest; hence the word is often ' deictic,' i. e. appropri- ately accompanied by a gesture, KCII irori Tig t'nryaiv . . "EKTODOQ ije yvvi], see, 'this' is the wife of Hector, Z 460 ; vn,v fioi i)S' tffnjKEV ITT dypov, is stationed 'here,' just outside the town, a 185; jjjum; o'iSe, 'we here,' a 76 ; f req. referring to what follows, A 41. o 211 ; and sometimes anticipating a relative. B 346. 68evw (6oe) : travel, go, A 569f. 'OSios: (1) leader of the Halizoni- an, slain by Agamemnon, B 856, E 39.^ (2) a herald of the Greeks, I 170. oSfiTjs (oS6f) : traveller, wayfarer; w. dvQpm-n-os, II 263, v 123. 68(11] (root 6^): tsmell, fragrance. oSoi-irdpiov : reward for the jour- ney, o 506f . 68oi-iropos: travelling, as subst., wayfarer, il 375 f. 6809, oiSos : way, path, road, jour- ney, p 196; even by sea, fi 273; vpo bdov ytvioOai, ' progress on one's way,' A 382. 68ot3s, 6S6vTo(; : tooth. A8vvT] : pain, sometimes of the mind ; sing., 'HpaicXfjoc, ' for Heracles,' O 25 ; elsewhere pi. 68vvi]-4>aTOS ( (j>ivw ) pain-killing, relieving pain. (II.) oSopojiai, aor. part. odvpdfitvoQ : grieve, lament; abs., or w. causal gen., or trnns., nva or ri, a 243, 153. 'OSveniios : of Odysseus, a 353. 'OSvo-o-evs, 'OSuo-evs, gen. 'OSva- (ri/oQ, 'OUvcrfjog, 'OSvaivg, u> 398 ; dat. 'Odvaiji, 'OSvati, ace. 'OSvaaija, 'Ocvff- aia,'Ocvarj,r 136: Odysseus (Ulys- ses, Ulixes), son of Laertes and Ctimene, resident in the island of Ithaca and king of the Cephallenians, who inhabited Ithaca, Same, Zacyn- thus, Aegilops, Crocyleia, and a strip of the opposite mainland. Odysseus is the hero of the Odyssey, but figures very prominently in the Iliad also. He inherited his craft from his maternal grandfather Autolycus, see T 394 if. Homer indicates the origin of Odys- seus' name in T 406 ff., and plays upon the name also in a 62. 68vcrcro[j.ai, aor. wSvaao, -aro, 6Sv- ffavro, part, odvffad/ntvoc, perf. oCwSv- arai : be incensed with, hate, rivi, most- ly of gods ; w. reciprocal meaning, T 407 ; pass., f 423. iSuSucrrai : see oSv oeo-cri : see oi. oos : shoot, twig; fig.,*Apjo, 'scion of Ares,' B 540, 745. 5Jw (root bo), plup. bftwcu: be frag- rant or redolent; 6fy) oSwdu, 'was exhaled,' 6 60 and t 210. o0cv (oc): whence; with pers. ante- sew 204 O-KTpOS cedent when place or source is meant, y 319. 88^1) (of): where, there where; oQt 7T|0, ' even where,' 532. 66ofj.ai, oOtrai, ipf. o0tr(o) : always w. neg., not to heed, trouble oneself or care about, rij/df, also abs., and w. inf. or part., E 403. o0ovT] : only jpl., fine linen, linen gar- ments, 2 595."' 'OOpvovtvs : an ally of the Trojans from Cubesus, N 363/370, 374, 772. ot : see ov. ola : see olog. OIYVVJU, aor. yife <, ioiav, part. ot^dffa, pass. ipf. wiyvuvTo : open doors or gates, broach wine, y 392. olSa, oIBas, oISc : see ctcu, II. olSdvw (oiSfia) : cause to swell, met., voov ( with rage ), I 554 ; pass., also met., swell, I 646. olSeu, ipf. UICIE: swell, be swollen, t 455f. l8iiro8T)s : Oedipus, king of Thebes, son of Laius and Epicaste, and father of Eteocles, Polvmces, and Antigone, 679,X 271. olSjxa, arog : swell of the sea, billow, 234 and V 230. olcTTjs (ofirriQ, P'tToq) : of equal age, pi., B 765f . 6ivpos, comp. -wrtpoQ, sup. -wrarof : full of woe, wretched, P 446, e 105. 6ifis, i)oe (ot, ' ula.s !') : woe, misery. 6iub>, ipf. oi^t/8, bi^vofniv, aor. part. ci&ffdi; : suffer woe, be miserable, suf- fer; Kaicd, 3 89. oiijiov : tiller, then helm, rudder, i 483 ; usually pi., because a Homeric ship had two rudders or steering-oars, p 218. (See foil, cuts and No. 60.) oiT)(j, r]Kog: pi., yoke-rings, through which the reins passed, Q 269f. (Of. cuts Xos.45 /(, 10, 78/.) oiKo.Sc (old ace. FoiiKa) : adv., home- ward, home. oiKevs, fjoQ ( FoiKog ) : inmate of a house, then servant, mostly pi., 6 245, oUeco (/OIKOC), ipf. 354. OIKOS (foiicoc;, cf. v i c ti s) : house as home, including the family, and other inmates and belongings,' /3 45, 48 ; said of the tent of Achilles, the cave of Polyphemus, Q 471, 572 ; the worn- ens apartment, a 356, cf. 360. oiKTeipu (olicroc;), aor. tjjKTtipe : pity. (U.), OIKTWTTOS : see oncrpoQ. OIKTOS ( 01, 'alas I 1 ): exclamation of pity, pity, compassion. o'lKTpOS (OIKTOC), COinp. -OTtpOf, Slip. -oraroc and OIKTUJTO^ : pitiable, piti- ful, miserable; adv., oltcrpd, OIKTI- ptt>V, T}vQ, JfCvlTOTOQ, S.VI]V(i)p. and olvoxocvco, ipf. ipvo- X<>tt (o'ivo\oti), t<> >r^ f f i oljiwyi] (oiu(i}t,w) : cry oj griej, lam- entation. oljiu^w (oluot, ' woe me !'), aor. yuw- a, part, oi/tw^at; : cry out in grief (or pain), lament, iXttivd, ff[iipda\tov, tya. Olv lvi8r|s : son of Oeiuws, Tydeus, E 813, K 497. Olvevs (foir.) : Oeneus, son of Por- theus, king of Calydon in Aetolia, the husband of Althaea, and father of Ty- deus and Meleager, a guest-friend of Bellerophon. The Calydonian boar Avas sent upon his territory through the anger of Artemis, B 641, Z 216, I 535, SI 17. oivi^ofxai ( f o~tvo(; ), ipf. otvi supply oneself icith wine. (II.) olvo-fJapeiuv ( fiapvc, ), part. : with wine. (Od.) olvo - ^aprjs, voc. -ff = foregoing, ' wine-bibber,' A 225f. Oivojiaos : (1) an AetoHan, slain by Hector, E 706. (2) a Trojan, M 140, N 506. olvo-ircSos ( le'iSov ) : consisting of wine-land, wine-yielding; subst., olvo- ireSov, vineyard, I 579. OlvoiriSris : son of Ocnops, Helenus, E 707f. olvo-irXrjfriis : abounding in wine, o 406f. olvo-iroTaJw : quaff wine. olvo iror]p, fipoc : wine - drinker, 9 456f. otvos ( PdivoQ, cf. v i n u m ) : wine. It was regularly mixed with water be- fore drinking, see Kpnrijp, d affKoe, iriQoc, irp6\oo(;, vtftfiv. thets, aiOoil/, ipvQpoq, Epi- i,i\i- OIvoxj/: an Ithacan, the father of Liodes, 144f. olvoco : only pass. aor. part., oivuj- QevTf., overcome by wine, drunken, IT 292 and T 11. : see oiyvvui. olo : see S C 2. ol60ev: adv., used for an emphatic doubling, owQtv oloq, all alone (cf. aivi>6ev aiVwe). (II.) : lonely. olos : alone; fii' o'tn, Si>' oTa>, Svo olovc, y 424 ; oloc di'ivdt or diro rivog, X 39, t 192; 'alone of its kind,' i.e. best, Q 499. olos, otrj, olov : relative word, (such) as, of what sort (q u a 1 i s), with ante- cedent TOIOQ expressed or implied. It may be causal in effect, also exclama- tory, aifiaroQ tic dyaOoio, i\ov rifcof , ol' dyoptvtic, ' such words you speak," = on Tola, S 611 ; olov SI) w Otoi't; pporoi a/nowvrat, 'how mortals do, etc. !' a 32 ; foil, by inf., as implying capability, oloc tKtvoQ tn 'such a man was he to plan,' 491 ; freq. the neut. otov, ola, as adv., as, how, what (sort), etc. ola rt in com- parisons, olov Srj exclamatory and causal, t 128, X 429. olos and oios : see otc- olo-xirwv, wj'oe : with tunic only, 489f. olow ( oloc ), pass. aor. olwdt] : leave alone, abandon. (II.) 5is (of is, cf. o v i s), gen. OIOQ, oiog, ace. mv, pi. oie (oitfc, 1 425), gen. oiwv, olbtv, dat. otim, biiaat, otaai, ace. 57^: sheep; with dpvuoQ, dpar\v, OfjXua. dfo-aro : see 6iid(f}, or with projection?, enabling the fingers to take a firm hold on the arrow in drawing. Poi- soned arrows are mentioned only ex- ceptionally, a 261, A 218. ciorpos : gadfly, x 3 0t- olcrvivos : of willow, willow, i 256f . oitrco : see ep, oiu, 6to(iai, oio|iai, opt. oioiro, ipf. wiero, aor. oiaaro, pass. aor. witr^i/j', part, oio-fclfit, 1 : verb of subjective view or opinion, think, believe, fancy, regu- larly foil, by inf. ; often iron, or in litotes, ot'u), methinks, 180, N 263; likewise parenthetically (o p i n o r), w 309; sometimes to be paraphrased, ' suspect,' or when the reference is to the future, 'expect'; implying appre- hension, T 390. yuov ' lait-o QvpoQ, was 'bent on,' or 'engrossed with' lamentation, K 248 ; once impers., like SoKt'i,T 312. olvuTTi]s : (bird) seer; as adj., N 70. olwvo-iroXos (TTO\{W): versed in omens drawn from birds, seer, pi., A 69 and Z 76. olciivos ( cf. avis): bird of prey, bird of omen; EIC oi'oii'oc dpiaroc, afj.i>vtaQai irtpi irar/o^r, N 243. (Said by Hector. A fine example of an early protest for free-thought.) 6KV6W, OKVCIW, ipf. wKVfov : shrink from doing something, hesitate through some sort of dread, E 255 and T 155. OKVOS : nhrinkinff, hesitancy through dread. (II.) OKpiaco (uKpic, aJcpoQ ) : only pass, ipf. oKptdwvTo, met., were becoming in- censed, furious, a 33f. oKpiotis, iaaa, tv (uKpiQ, wicpof ) : having sharp points, jagged, rugged. oKptioeis, loffa, tv (K-JOVOC;) : ijiillinff, horrible, I 64 and Z 344. 6KTol-KVT)|io9 (Kpiinn): eigJit-spokcd, of wheels, E 723f. (See cut, from a 207 painting on a Panathenaic amphora found at Volsci.) oKToS : eight. dKTw-Kai-SeKaros : eighteenth. : blessed by the deity, . oXj3ios (oXjSoc) : happy, blessed, esp with riches, , pass. 6Xs- KOJTO : = oXXi"/Ji. oXccrai, dXccrds, 6Xc : only part., able to do little, feeble. (II.) oXi-yos, sup. oXiyiaroQ : little, small ; of a ' short ' time ( oXiyoc \QOVOC, ), a ' thin ' voice ( oXijy oiri ), a ' feebly- flowing' spring (iriSaKOQ oXt'y^c), 'lit- tle' fishes (oXiyot l^duec;). Neut. as adv., oXi-yov, a liit'e, also oXiyov, al- most, % 37. Sup., T 223, ' scanty shall be the reaping.' 6Xiovs : see vTroXi'^ovtQ. 'OXu^oiv: a town in Magnesia in Thessaly, B 717f. dXic, -vvra, pi. fern. oXXvffai, ipf. iter. oXieane, fut. oXsffw, oXiffatiQ, aor. wXsera, oXeo(cr)e, inf. 6Xl(a)(rat, part. 6Xe(ff), aor. 6X6Xv^a : cry out aloud, only of women, either with jubilant voice or m lamentation, ^ 408,411,5 767. 6X6jiT|v : see oXXv/u. 6Xoot-Tpox<>s ( /-oX., cf. volvo): rolling stone, round rock, N 137f. 6X065 ( tiXXv/it ), com p. -owrfpoc, sup. -owraroe: destroying, destructive, deadly. 'OXooo-o-civ : a town on the river Eurotas in Thessalv, situated on white cliffs, B 739f. 6Xo6-4>poiv : destructive-minded, bale- ful. 6Xov8vos : doleful, pitiful 6Xoij>Dpojiai, aor. oXotyvaafJinv : la- ment, mourn, bewail, commiserate freq. abs., esp. in part., also w. gen. of the person mourned for, 9 33 ; and trans., rivd, Q 328, K 157, T 522 ; w. inf., 'bewail that thou must be brave before the suitors,' ^ 232. 6Xo4>oJLOs : pernicious, baleful ; 6X0- 0wia VOWQ = bXootypuv, S 460. (Od.) 'OXv|iiri,ds, pi. 'OXwjJiiridBes : Olym- pian, epith. of the Muses, B 491f. 'OXij(j.Trios : Olympian, dwelling on Olympus, epith. of the gods and their homes, and as subst. = Zeus, the Olympian. "OXv|i.iros, OvXuniros: Olympus, a mountain in Thessaly, not less than nine thousand feet in height, penetrat- ing with snow-capped peaks through the clouds to the sky, and conceived by Homer as the abode of the gods. Epithets, ajavvifyoQ, oXvpcu, pi. : a kind of grain similar to barley, E 196 and 9 564. oXcoXa : see oXXvfii. ojxaSccd (ofiaSos) : only aor. ofia.cn- ffav, they raised a din. (Od.) ijiaSos ( fyioc ) : din, properly of many voices together. (II. and K 556.) ofJLaXds (bfioe) : even, smooth, i 327f. 6|i-apT60) (onos , root dp), part, buap- fjffds : accompany or attend, keep pace with, meet, encounter, Q 438, v 87, M 400. o^-PpiuoiraTpT] ;: os : see 208 ( cf. i m b e r ) : rain, rain- storm; also of a heavy fall of snow, M 286. ouciTai : see ouvvui. ofx-Tj-yepifc, e<; ( dytipu) : assem- bled together. 6fi-T)Yvpi^o(j.ai, aor. inf. bunyvpiaa- o9at : assemble, convoke, TT 376f . o|i-ij-yvpi$ : assembly, Y 142f . ojx - T)XiKiTj : equal age, Y 465 ; for the concrete, person of like age, mate, companion. 6|A-TJXi|, (root dp), aor. u>p.f)pr,a : meet, TT 468f . ojuXaSov: adv., in crowd*. (II.) ojilXcu), ipf. w/irXEVv, 6juf\ov, o/*r- Xfi, aor. w/ifXr/tra : te w a throng, throng about, associate or f/o with, Tivi, SO /ra, ty, irapd TKTI, wipi Tiva, II 641, 644 ; of meeting in battle, engag- ing, A 523, 265. ojiiXos : throng, crowd ; in the Iliad freq. of the crowd and tumult of bat- tle, E 553, K 499. dfiixXij : mist, cloud; fig., of dust, N 336. (II.) oji(ia, aroQ (root oir, cf. o c u 1 u s) : eye, only pi. o|ivu|H, 6|xvuco, imp. ufivvQt, b^vv't- T(o, ipf. wuvve, fut. o/iov/iai, -tlrai, aor. w/ioera, o/uo(pove'u> : be like-minded, of one mind. (Od.) ojJLo - poi\6rr)Ti, S 209f. 6(JiaX6eis, toau, tv : furnished with an 6/i^nXoc or ouQaXoi, bossy, studded, epitli. of shield, yoke. (II.) op.aX6s (cf. umbilicus): navel, A 525, 4> 180; fig., 0aXai] : divine or prophetic voice, conveyed by a dream or through omens of birds, etc. See ^avo^aloq. 6jj.-tuwp.o5 (ovo/ia) : having the same name, P 720f. o^ws (ojuof) : together, alike, likewise, equally as, just as. g^ws (bfioc) : yet, M 393f. ovap : dream, vision; opp. virap, ' reality,' T 547, v 90. ovciap, arof ( ovivjjfjii ) : anything that is helpful, help, relief, refresh- oveiStios 209 rnent; of a person, X 433; pi., bvtia- -(t, viands, food, and once of goods, treasures, Q 367. oveiSeios ( ovudof ) : reproachful; fivOog, tTTfa, and without tirog, X 497. 6vei8ia> ( -jvfiSog ), aor. ovtidurag, imp. cvEidiffov : reproach, ' cast in one's teeth,' run ri, I 34, 402f . 'Ovr]Topi8if)s : sow o/" Onetor, Phron- tis, y 282. "OviiTwp : a Trojan, father of Lao- gonus, n 604f. ' Sv9os : dnny. (*) 6vivT)^ii, fut. oj/fjffw, aor. Otvriaa, ut>t}- ( cf. tirtt) ), f tit. cnraaatit, aor. ijtiTrarra, uTra(a)ffa, mid. pres. part, bira- iijusi'o<;, fut. oTraaaeai, aor. OTrdaaaro, part. OTraaacifitvoQ : I. act., ^'om as companion ( guide, escort ), rva run (/ia, //Era), cause to follow or accom- pany, N 416, o 310, Q 153, 461, K 204 ; then of tilings, bestow, lend, con- fer; KvSog rivi, \fpiv Km KvSot; fpyoif , v 57, o 320, w. inf., 151 ; n\so follow hard upon, press upon, rivd, 6 341; fig., yjjpac , A 321 ; pass., A 493. II. raid., take with one ( as companion, guide, escort), nvd, K 238, T 238, K 59. 6-rraiog ( 6:717 ) : M '*'A a " opening ; neut. pi. as sr.'ost., av birdia (v. 1. avo- Traia, q. v.), through the loop-holes, \. e. between tiic rafters under the eaves, | a 320f. These spaces were in later times closed, and termed specifically fitroirai. (See cut No. 83.) o-irarpos : of the same father, A 257 and M 371. oirduv, ovog ( cf. Vw, 6irdiii ) : at- tendant, ' armor-bearer,' ' esquire.' (II.) oirtp : see offirtp. OTTj), oirirT) : :ulv. of place or man- ner, where (whither), as, K 190, M 48, 045. accompany, attend, follow, rn>i (ufia rivi) ; said of things as well as per- sons, ro, dptrf), Tlprj, E 216, 9 237, P 251. 6mo|i7rtc), ipf. OTTI'&O, w^i'^Ero : iiave regard to with awe, reverence, dread ; Awg fifjt'iv, finrpus i^irftliv, rivd, I 283, 2 216, X 332. omOcv : see omaQtv. diriTrrevw and 6iriirew (root OTT), aor. part, -ivadc, : peer after, watch (timorously, or in lurking for one), A 371, H 243; yvvdiicag, ogle, T 67 (cf. oiris, ace. o-n-iSa and oiriv (root on-) : jealous and vcngrful regard, divine vengeance, always w. Otwv exc. 82, 88. (Od. and II 388.) 8m (o7r\ov), aor. wTrXiaae, imp. wir\iff(Tor, inf. oTrXiVeu, mid. aor. oTT\i(a)aaro : equip, make ready, as a chariot, a ship for sailing, prepare a meal ; mid., equip or arm oneself, pre- pare for oneself, 526, TT 453 ; aor. pass., o7rAttr0v yvvaiKfc, ' arrayed themselves ' for the dance, ^ 143. oirXov : mostly pi., 07r\a, imple- ments, arms ( armor ), rigging of a ship, 2 409, y 433, K 284, J3 390; sing., rope, cable, <}> 390, 346. oirXo|icu : prepare, inf. (11.) oirXorepos comp., sup. oirXoraTT) : younger, youngest; -yEviy, fivtiiiv, B 707, I 58 ; sup., y 465, T) 58, X 283, o 364. 'Oiroeis : Opus, a city in Locris, the home of Menoetins, father of Patro- clus, 85,2 326, B 531. OTTOLOS, oiriroios : indirect interrog., of what sort, a 1 71 ; OTTOI' dffaa (birold -u'n), 'about what sort' of garments, T 218; also rel., like olor, correl. to roIoc,T250, | o421. 6iros : sap of the wild fig-tree, used for curdling milk, E 902f. &JTOS : see o\l/. 6iro. STTOV: where. (Od.) oiriroeev: whence. (Od.) oiriroC(i) : where. oiriroo-c: whithersoever, 139-f-. oiriroTf pos : whichever (of two). 6iriroTpa>0v : from or on which side (of two), S 59>. i-irraXtos (OTTT-OC) : roasted. 6irra (oirroc,), ipf. oJrrcuv (w-rwv). nor. wTrnjcra, uTTTijaa, pass. aor. inf. HTTTiiQiivai : roast on the spit; w. part, gen., Kptwv, o 98. dirTTJp, fjpog ( root OTT ) : scout, spy, pi., ^ 201 and p430. OTTTOS ( root !T7r, TTEffffw ) : roasted, broiled. (Od.) oirviw, inf. 6irviifitv(ai), ipf. anrvte, oTfvif, puss. part. OTrviofitvi) : wed, take to wife; part., married, act. of man, pass, of woman, 63, 6 304. oTrunra : see !ti>ii>. 6-n-io-m] ( oTTojira ) : ,s7;r/]e, ' hast met the view,' ' thine eyes have seen,' y 97. 6irupT] (woq) : fate summer (or early autumn), harvest-tide; the season ex- tended from the rising of Sirius (end of July) to the setting of the Pleiades, thus corresponding nearly to our ' dog- days,' Tt9a\ma, 'luxuriant,' 'exuber- ant,' fruit-time, \ 192. frirtoplvo's : of late summer; affrfo, Sirius, E 5. OITS, oinrws : how, in order that, as. (1) indirect inteirog., ol>Ce ri TTW at'ufca fie/lei' o-rcdiQ iarai rdBt f'taya, 'how these things will be,' B 250; then implying purpose, pu&o vvv OTTTTIOG KE JToX.lV KOI faTfa ftiiry, ' that he speak the triiin,' y 19. (2) rel., a*; ipov OTTUIC i9i\ti(;, A 37 ; 9av[iaZ,t.v 5' 6 ye- patot,', iwwt; toiv o9a\noi, opow (root fop), ipf. opd, opw- HEV, mid. UUM/.ICU, 2 sing, optjai, ipf. bpuro, bpiJi>i>r(> ( from root OTT, perf. o^wTra, plup. OTrdinrti, mid. fut. o\j/eai, fyu, 2 pi. [or aor. imp.] tytaQt; from root Ao, see iu> I.): act. and mid., see, behold, look on; freq. phrases, (ti/) b9a\nol(jiv upav, updaQai, bpuv iio(; t/t\ioio (=^ ^/v)- opyuia (optyw): distance spanned by tiie outstretched arms,/a//toi. ipcyvv^i, ipcya), part, bpiyuv, bpt- yviiQ, fut. 6pk^u>, aor. wpe%a, mid. pres. inf. dpjyetrdai, aor. Wjoe^ar^o), 6(0Sar(o), perf. 3 pi. opwios^arat, plup. 3 pi. 6|0a>- pexaro : reach, extend, mid., stretch out oneself, or one's own hands, etc., reach for, ro/cic, sometimes ri, IT 3 1 4, 322,* 805; of 'reaching and giving' something, Q 102; and metaph., OTTTTO- ripoiffi irariip "LivQ KvSog 6pi'y, ' may bestow,' E 33 ; mid., of trying to hit, 'lunging 1 at one with the spear, A 307; of horses 'laying themselves out, 1 to exert their speed ( pert'. ;uid plup.), II 834; so SpaKovru;, 'out- stretched, 1 A 26. opeKTos ( bpiyijj ) : extended, thrust out, B 543f. opeofiai = opvvnai, only ipf., bp'tov- TO, rushed forth, B 398 and * 212. 'Opeo-Pios: a Boeotian from Hyle, slain by Hector, E 707f. 6pecrt-Tpo4>os : monntain-bred. 6pi. : see opoc- 6pcx.6eiyu), aor. OpKlOV 212 aiplvfi, upiva, pass. ipf. wpivtro, aor. ! wpi'v#jjv, 6piv9ij : stir, rouse, arouse, ! move, wind, waves, etc. ; inetaph., of anger and oilier passions, QV/MV nvi, 12 467, pass, a 75 , yoov, KTJP, fjrop ; opivOevTiQ Kara Swua, ' stirred with dismay,' x 23. opiciov (bptroc): ( 1 ) oaf/i, A 158, elsewhere pi. (2) pledges of the cov- enant, hence victims, T 245, 269. (3) the covenant or treaty itself; opaia KIOTO, rapiiv (f o e d u s f e r i r e), be- cause victims were slaughtered as a part of the ceremony, B 124, T 73, to 483. opKos : ( 1 ) that by which one swear?, witness of an oath, for .the gods the Styx; for men Zeus, Earth, the Ennnyes, etc., B 755, O 38, T 276 ff., T 258 ff., 394 ; Achilles swears by his sceptre, A 234. (2) oath; Ae- o9ai TIVUQ or TIM', ' take an oath from one,' X 119, i 746; oproc 9twv, 'by the gods,' cf. Y 313; yipovatoc opeof, X 119; oputp TriaraiSijj'ai, o 436. 6pp.a96s ( vpfioQ ) : chain, cluster of bats hanging together, (<'ip;uao), ipf. iwo/ioivf, aor. wppnvi : turn over in the mind, debate, pui]ffaro, subj. op/i^ffuiv- Tai, pass. aor. itpni]9i]v, t/>ju)j0i/7ijv : I. act., se< ?'n motion, impel, move ; ir6\i- pov, Tiva t'c TroXtpor, ff 376, Z 338 ; p;iss. (met.), bppriQtic Otov, ' inspired of heaven,' 9 499 ; intrans., start, rush ; TIVOC, 'at one,' A 335; w. inf., * 265 (cf. X 194) T N 64. II. mid., be moved, set out, start, rush, esp. in hostile sense, charge upon ; ty\t'i, Zupitavt, E 855, P 53iM Tn'uQ, 'at one,' S 488; freq. w. inf., and met., firop Mp^uro TroXf/^i'^fiv, * 572. 'OpfxeviSYis : son of Ormenus. (1) Amyntor, 1 448. (2) Ctesius, o414. 'OpjJieviov: a town in Magnesia, B 734f. "Opfievos: (l)a Trojan slain by Teucer, O 274. ('!) a Trojan slain by Polypoetes, M 187. (3) and (4), see : see opvvut. 6pp.Y] : start, ii/tjtctus, rvsh, attack, effort; of things as well as persons, Kf'fiaToc, Ttvpdz, tc uppiiv ty^tof i\9t ~tv, within the 'cast' of a spear, E 118; 'departure,' /3 403; ^ir/v opui]v, 'prompting from me,' K 123. opp]|xa, aroc (op^aaj): pi., met., struggles, \. e. agonies and sorrows, li 356f. 6piuco, aor. wpfiiaap.iv, subj. bpuiff- co\iiv : bring to anchor, moor, vi\a.. 1. oppos : anchorage, mooring-place. 2. opp.os (root ffip, t'ipw) : necklace. (See cut, also Nos. 40, 41.) 'OpveiaC : Orneae, a town in Anro- lis, B 571f. opvcov: bird, N 64 f. opvis, Wof, pi. dat. cpvi9ttfJ.ov, Kvp-ara, etc. II. intraus. ( mid., and perf. ), rouse oneself, arise, spring up, w. inf., ft 397, part., 9 342 ; in hostile sense, xaXcy, r 349; freq. of 'beginning' to do something, M j 279, 9 539 ; tlaoKS /uot ^>, aor. imp.. 6p69vi>ov = upvv- fii, ivavXovc., 'cause all the river-beds to swell,'* 312.- opojxai (root Fop, bpcua), upovTat, ipf. vpovro, pi up. opwpt: keep ivatch or ward, ivi (adv., 'over') S' avf)p ii : mountain. opos : ichey, i 222 and p 225. opovw (opvvui), aor. opovaa : rush, spring; of persons and things atx^y, dvywi o' tK (' forth ') wavrsc opovaav, tK cX;;poc opovmv, T 325. 6poaviic6s : bereft, orphaned, father- less; ?ipap, ' day of orphanhood,' the day that makes one an orphan, X 490. 6pcf>av6s : bereft, orphaned; 6p$a- vai, as 'orphans,' v 68f. 6p|>vaios ( optyvri, ep/3oc ) : dark, gloomy, murky, vv. (11. and t 143.) opxajjujs (apx w ) ' ^' ie first of a row, leader, chief; always w. dvSpuv or \uwv, said of heroes, and of Enmaeus and Philoetius, 5 22, v 185. opxaTos (op^of): trees planted in rows, orchard. (Tlie resemblance be- tween the Eng. and Greek words is accidental.) opxeo|xat, ipf. du. wpxtiaOtiv, 3 pi. u)p\tvvro, aor. inf. 6px>i 341. opwpe, 6pwpcTai : see upvvfui. opupei : see(l) opt'vut. (2) upo/icu. optupe'xarai, opcopcxaro : see opk- jfVVfll. 1. Ss, rj, 5, gen. oav ( oo ), B 325, a 70, f V/c, pi. dat. ya(iv) : demonstrative and relative pronoun. ( 1 ) dem., lie, this, that ; uc, (as antecedent to ovnva), Z 59; o, M 344; and so both forms elsewhere. ( 2 ) rel., who, that, which. The rel. pron. in Homer is either defi- nite or conditional (see dv, KBV), and exhibits in the main the same peculi- arities as regards position, agreement (attraction, assimilation), and syntacti- cal construction as in prose. To ex- press purpose it is not foil, by the fut. ind. as in Att., but by the subj., with or without Kt, or by a potential opta- tive, T 287, o 311, A 64. 8, conj, like quod (on), that, 2 197, S 209, etc. 2. 8s, fj, 8v ( fff oc, cf. s u u s ), gen. oto (Ano), dat. r;0i, X 107, see eof: poss. pron. of the third person, own, (A) own, (her) own; placed before or after the subst., with or without arti- cle, Qvyar'tpa nf'iv, TO. fa Kii\a, M 214 280 ; the word is not always directly "reflexive, a 218, i 369, etc. 'Some pas- sages in which oc appears to be of the 1st or 2d pers. are doubtful as regards the text. 6/io(so)ev6r, which(so)ever, what(so)ever, both relative and indirect interroga- tive; &tvof be", oii.v oI5' !i(Te, 'un- known to me,' 9 28. See on. or' : = (1) ore. (2) o r, i. e. on rf. Never = ort, which does not suffer elision. Srav : or av, see ore and ay. 8 re : see oVrs. ore: when, since. (1) temporal, w. the same constructions as other rela- tive words, see dv, KC.V. Freq. in simi- les, w S' oTt, (; 5' OT dv, and without verb, we on, just like; there is noth- ing peculiar in such a usage. (2) less often causal, A 244. ore: regularly found in correlation, orf fiiv . . OTt Si, now . . now; aXXorf (n'tv or Si) may replace one of the terms, now (at one time) . . at another, T 49, A 566. oTeoHTi, oTi>, oreo) : see oanq. on, OTTI (neut. of oortc): (1) conj., that because (quod). (2) adv., strengthening superlatives, OTTI TU- X'crra, as quickly as possible, A 193. 8 TI, o TTI : see oorie. orpaXe'tos (cf. orpj/pof ) : busily, nim- bly, quickly. 'Orpevs : son of Dymas, king of Phrygia, T 186f. 6rpT|p6s (cf. orjOaXewf) : busy, nim- ble, ready. o-Tpixes (Qp<), pi. : with like hair, like-colored, B 7 Trdfnrav, ov irdyxv, eta " mav b e doubled for emphasis, y 27 f. o5 (fff., cf. s u i), dat. ol, ace. e, other forms, gen. tv, no, to, 'iQtv, dat. tot, ace. : (1) simple personal pron. of 3d pers., (of, to) him, her, rarely it, A 236 ; in this sense enclitic, except t. (2) reflexive pron., not enclitic, (of, to) himself, herself (itself ), q 217 ; usu- ally with aiiTiji, aiinj, avrov, CIVTIJV, S 38, S 162. ovaj/uovoc. [For ovpot; 3, in K 84.] (II.) ovpi] : tail. ovpiaxos : bntt end of a spear. (II.) (See cut under auiyvo.) ovpov ( cf . opvvfii ) : range, stretch ; of the extent of a discus - throw (cf. citJKOvpa), 431, and of a furrow's length, as ploughed by mules, K 351, 0124. 1. ovpos : fair wind (secundus v e i) t u s), "iKpivoc;, Kv avaXrov, ci\b>, 6<)>XX(X- \ov, oQiXXov, aor. 2 u(j>i\oi>, ux/ttXtQ, pass. 6(j>ii\T(ti, ipf. ortfiXtro : owe, ought; xptioQ v(ptt\ov, 'they were ow- ing' a debt; pass. xP ^e cQtiXtrai poi, Ms due' me, A 688, 686, y 367; then of obligation ( ipf. and aor. 2 ), Tlfii'iv Trip f*oi uXe'e\- Xtro, in riches, o 21, 233; fivOov, 'multiply words,' IT 631. 64>eXos, IOQ; advantage, profit; w. neg., 'no good,' X 513. (II.) 'O^'Xrios : ( 1 ) a Greek, slain by Hector, A 302. (2) a Trojan, slain by Euryalus, Z 20. 64>9aXp.6s ( root oir, cf. o c u \ u s ) : eye; f req., ( iv ) 69a\uov<; t\9iiv, ' into one's sight,' Q 204. ois, ioc : snake, serpent, M 208f. 6pa : whife, until, in order that. ( 1 ) temporal ; once as adv., for a while, some time; 6(ppa n'tv, O 547; elsewhere conj., as long as, while, freq. w. correl. rotypa, A 220; then until, with ref. to the past or the fut., and with the appropriate constructions, E 557, A 82. ( 2 ) final conj., in order that, that, A 147, a 85, w 334. 6(j>p-uois, taffa, tv ( cpO ) : with beetling brows, beetling, X 41 If. 64>pOs, vof, pi. ace. oQpvc;: brow, I G20; fig., of a hill, T 151. oxa (cf. fo,\) : by far, always 5^' iipiaroQ. o\t(T$i : see o^oc- 6xT-T)-yos (yw) : layoff out a ditch, * 257f. 6xvs, ijo (tx w ) ' holder; the chin- strap of a helmet, T 372 ; clasps on a belt, A 132; bolt of a door, M 121. (See cut No. 29.) 6\to> (root fe%, cf- veho), ipf. Her. OXSCOKOV, pass. pr. inf. fyiiaOai, ipf. o^ttro, mid. fut. o\i]aovrai, aor. 6\i]- oaro: bear, endure, p.upov, artiv; tig., vrjiriaac o\itiv, ' put up with,' ' be will- ing to exhibit,' a 297 ; pass, and mid., be borne, ride, nail, P 77, 54. 'OxTlx9t]aav : be moved with indignation, grief, anger, be vexed, A 570, O 101 ; usually the part., oxOi'i- 232, e 272. otj/ciu (fyouai) : only part., 6-^tiov- rf, desiring to see, 3 37. O\|H - Y ov 5 : t a t e ~ born, born after- ward, posterity. ox|/i(jios : late, B 325f. 6\j/is, i of (root OTT) : power of sight ; o^ Icni', ' with one's eyes,' Y 205, ^ 94 ; appearance, looks, Z~468, Q 632. 6v|/i - rc'XeoTos : late - fulfilled, B 325f. 6\j/o}iat : see boaa*. o\)/ov (>-4/a>) : properly that which is cooked (boiled), said of anything that is eaten with bread, relish, sauce, of an onion as a relish with wine, A 630 ; of meat, y 480. n. iryj ird-yos (iriiyvvni): pi., cft^s, e 405 and 411. -ira-y-xaXKCos and irdyxaXxos : W of bronze ; fig., of a man, V 102. vay-xpfaiat : a// of gold, B 448f. 7rd.YX v : altogether, entirely; \\. fid\a, \iiiv, 5 143, 367, 5 825. irdb, iraOeeiv : see Traff^ai. iraiSvos (fl-atf) : / childish aye, a lad,

6vos : slayer c>f one's chil- dren, O 506f. irai 282. Ilaicrds : a town on the Propontis (see 'Airaiffoe), E 612. iraid(r(r(i> : only part., iraiaTf.poQ : ancient, old, aged. iraXaiaTos ( iftn/jti ) : uttered long ago; Qkaipara^i 5(>7, v 172 ; cpvog, 'of ancient fable,' r 163. -iraXaico (TraXr;), int. iraXaifftig, aor. tTrciXaiffiv : wrestle. TraXajAT) : pahn of the hand, hand. iraXdo-ero) (cf. TraXXw), fat, inf. TCO.- \a&fjiiv, pass. perf. part. TTtTraXayfik- VOQ, plup. irtTTaXaKTo, also mid., perf. imp. irsirdXaxOt, inf. TcexaXii-xQai ( or -affBf, -dffOai ) : sprinkle, hence stain, defile; a'iftari, lopy, v 395, ^ 402, 184 ; mid. (perf. w. pres. signif. ), 'select among themselves by lot,' the lots be- ing shaken in a helmet, H 171 and i 331. : wrestling, V 635 and 20C. ( TraXii', Xf yw ) : gath- ered together again, A 126-)-. iraXi(x-ireTis, C (TrtVrw): neut. as adv., (falling) back again, back, n 395, t 27. TraXi.fA-TrXa.op.(u (irXa^w), aor. part. vaXifiTrXayxBtii; : be driven vainly (drifting) back, v 5, A 59. irdXiv: back again, back, again; ird- Xiv Troika* ygjooira, made him an old man ' again ' (as he had been before), TT 456 ; also of contradiction, TrdXiv f|0i, I 56; of taking back a word, speech, A 357, v 254 ; joined w. avnc, ai|/, OTTlffffO). iraXiv-aivym, ipf. Trd/jtyatvov : shine or gleam brightly; ariiQtai, ' with white shining breasts ' (bare), A 100. irau.4>av6tov, taaa : variant form of present partiu. from Trauipaivui, q. v. irdv - a-ypos ( aypsw = alfitia ) : all- taking, all -catching, E 487f . irdv-aiOos (al9u>) : all-glowing, bur- nished, S S72f. irav-aioXo9 : all-gleaming, glancing. (II.) irav - diraXos : all-tender, delicate, v 223. irav-x-iroTfios : all - hapless, Q 255 and 493. irav-dpYvpos : all of silver, solid sil- ver, i 203 and w 275. irav-a^-ijXig, IKOC : deprived of all playmates, X 490f . Ilav-axttioi : all the Achaeans, ' the Pan-achaean host.' irav-a-uipios ( fapr] ) : all -untimely, ' to die an untimely death,' Q 540f . irav - Sajidrtop : all -subduing, il 5 and t 373. ITavSdpeos : Pandareiis, a friend of Tantalus, father of Aedon and other daughters, T 518, v 66. TJdvSapos : Pandarus, the Lycian archer, who by an arrow-shot violates the truce between Trojans and Greeks, and is afterwards slain by Diomed, B 827, A 88, E 168, 171, 294, 795. irav - Sepias : belonging to all the people (the town), public, common, a If. HavSfwv : a Greek, M 372f. IldvSoKos : a Trojan, wounded by Ajax, A 490f. ILxv-e'XXtives : the Panhellenes, the united Greeks, B 530. irav-TJ(Jiap : adv., all day long, v 3 If. irav - T)|xcpios : all day long, from morn till eve. riav8oi8T]s : son of Panthoiis. ( 1 ) Euphorbus, P 70. (2) Polvdamas, 3 454. IldvBoos : Panthous, son of Othrys, father of Euphorbus and Polvdamas, a priest of Apollo at Delphi, afterward a priest and an elder at Troy, T 146, P 9, 23, 40, 59, O 522. irav-6ii|ia86v : all in wrath, in full wrath, a 33f . irav-vvxios and irdvwx5 : a # night long, the night through. irav-o|x<{>aios (6[.i(pi)) : author of all omens, all-disclosing, 9 250f . Ilavoirevs: (1) a Greek, the father Epeius, 665. (2) a city in Phocis, on the Cephissus, B 520, P 307, X 581. riavoin] : a Nereid, 2 45f . 7rdv-op|j.os : offering moorage at all points, 'convenient for landing,' v 195f. irav-oxjuos (o^tc) : before the eyes of all, 397f. irav-o-vSiTj (ITEIIW) : with all haste. irovrj) or irdvn) : on all sides, in all directions. irdvroOev : from every side. iravTotos : of all sorts, of every kind; 'in various guise,' p 486. irdvToo-e : on every side, in every di- rection; TrdvToa icatjv, denoting a cir- cular form. irdvrws : by all means, and w. neg. ' by no means.' rav - vTrepraros : quite the highest, iravvo-raTOS ^ i. c. above or farther off than the rest, t 25f. jrav-voroTOS : the very List. irairirdw : say papa, call one father, E 408f. irdiriras, voc. irdmra : papa, father, S7f. irairraiva), dn. TraTrraiviTov, aor. TTtnrTtjve, part. TraiTTjji'ui; : peer around, look about cautiously, look in quest of something, N 551, p 830, A 546, A 200 ; dtivov, ' glancing terribly about him; X COS. irap : ( 1 ) an abbreviated form of Trapd before certain consonants. (2) for TrdpiffTi or irdpuai, I 48, A 174, y 325. irapd, irapai, irdp : beside, by. I. adv. (here belong all. instances of the so-called 'tmesis'), written irapa ('anastrophe') when placed after the verb it modifies, or when the verb is not expressed; iriQti irdpa irdaav idwciii', placed food 'beside' (we should say 'before') him, e 196; Trap p' a.Kv\oi' fldXti', threw 'down,' we should say, K 242 ; Trapd p iinafyi Saifiuv, deceived and led me 'astray' (cf. our ' beside oneself), $ 488. The relation of the adv. may be made more specific by the addition of an appro- priate case of a subst. in the same sentence, thus showing the transition to the true prepositional usage, Trap I' iffav '&KWVOV pone (;>cc. of extent of space), lit 11. II. prep. ( 1 ) w. gen., from beside, from; (t>dv Trapd firipov tpiHTffaffQat, Trapd ricof tpx^ffOai, often ' from one's house,' 444 ; then to denote the giver, author, 290, A 795. (2) \v. diit, of rest or position beside, but also where a certain amount of motion is meant, as with verbs of placing, sitting, falling, 9tl- vai, inativ Trapd nvi, N 617, o 285; then of possession, keeping, Trap KU- valaiv ifjibv ylpat,-, *in their hands,' A. 175. (3) w. ace., to the side of, unto, along by, beyond, implying motion, though sometimes very faintly, A 463 ; Tv\l/e KUTU K\r}^da Trap' ai'%fva, motion implied in the mere act of striking, !> 117; (3ijvai irapd Olva, ' along the shore ' ; ariji'ai irapd nra, ' come and stand by one ' ; then the thought of over-passing, over-stepping, trangres- sing, -dp cwi-cr/cu', Trap-.i palpat', 'con- trary to right,' 509. As a prep, also Trapa is written with anastrophe when standing after its case, unless there is elision, a 315. In composition Trapd has the meanings above given, but that of winning over (persuading from one side to the other), leading' astray,' 'amiss' (also in good sense) bywords, etc., is particularly to be noted". irapa - f3aivw : only perf. part. Trap- /3f/3wf, -HiTf, standing by one in the chariot. (II.) irapa - f3aXXo|iai : only part. ( fig. ) riskiny, staking, I 322f . irapa-pdoTKU), ipf. Trap'tficiaK$: aland beside one in the chariot (as 7rapni/3a- mt,q.v.). A^104f. irapa - pX^Stjv : u-ilh comparison*, mrinnatinffly, A 6. Trapa-pXiuo-Kco, perf. Trnp^.^j3\wKe : r/o (with help) to the side of, A 1 1 and b 73. irapa - pXoivJ;, WTTOC ( 7raf)a/j\-;j ) : looking askance, I 503f . irapa-'Yi'Y v ot'*ii' : be present at, ipf., p 17t. irapa - SapOavai, aor. 2 7rcipicpa9ov, inf. TrapaSpnOinv : sleep beside, lie with. irapa-Se'xopiai, aor. irctptSiZaTo : re- ceive from, or 'at the hands of,' Z 178f.' irapaSpaGt'eiv : see TrapaSapOdvm. irapa8pap.Tjv : see TrapaTpe\u. irapa-Spaa>, 3 pi. Trapaepwuxri : per- form in the service of; riv't, o 3'24-f-. irapa -Svw, aor. inf. Trapacttftti'ai : slip past, steal past, V 41 6f. irap - aciSd) : sing beside or before; rivi, x 348f. irap-aeipo) : only aor. pass., Trapjjf'p- Qn, hung down, H 341f. irapai - P : dart by, spring by. (II.) irapai<|>ap.evo$ : see Trapdt]fii. irapai-<|>a(ris : persuasion, encourage- ment, A 7H3 and O 404. TapaKo.pf)aXc : see the foil, word rapaKarapaXXw o, aor. 2 irapaicufi- /3Xov: throw down beside one, 'lay in one's reach,' * 167 and 683. i, aor. 2 TrapKn- : lie down beside ; nvi, I 565f. irapd - Kcijiai, ipf. iraptKii.ro, iter. iraptKtaKtTo : lie by or near, be placed or stand by or before, 416, 521 ; met., vplv TTctpaKfirai, ' ye have the choice," x 65. irapa - K\i86v ( K\iv, irapptcvo), inf. frapuevi- fttv, aor. 1 Trapeutivi : remain with, slay ft i/, hold out. (II.) irapa-[J.i}j.v : = irapaue'vu. (Od.) irapa - p.v0co|i.at ( pv9o ), aor. opt. frapafivOnffalnnv : exhort, encourage ; nvi, and \v. inf. (II.) 7rapa-VT)U), intens. ipf. Trapevriveev : heap np, a 147 and TT 51. Trapa-vrjxop.a.1., ftit. Trapni>ri^,o^ai: nwim along near the shore, t 417f. Trap - avra ( avra ) : sideways, * 116t. irap-airaUTKW, aoi'. 2 Traf>r]ira, irapaiireiGw, aor. 1 ira- pB-n-tiae, aor. 2 redup. suhj. Trapanrtiri- Oyai, part. -Qovaa, svnc. TrapirtTnQwv: win over by persuasion, gain over, coax, wheedle, H 120; w. inf., x 213. irapa-ire[iir, aor. 7rapiireu\^i : send y<.s7, y^/V/e ;ws#, fi 72f. irapa-irXdgu, aor. n-apfTrXay^, part. fern. Trapair\ciydaa, pass. aor. Trape- TrXa-yx^t} ' cause to drift paxt, drive by or away from, i 81. r 187; pas.-C, swerve away from the mark, O 464 ; met., confuse, perplex, v 340. irapa-irXijI, 7/yoc (TT\//(T(TW) : foaten on the side by waves, In-nee shelving, sloping; ino >'ts, e 418, 4 l<>. irapa - irXuw, aor. 2 TraptTrXat : sail by, p 69f. irapa-irvew, aor. subj. irapaTrvtvay : blow out bif the side, breathe off", escape, K 24f. irapa-pprjTos (pnOiji'ai) : to be pre- vailed upon, placable ; neut. pi. as subst., worda of persuasion, N 726. irapa - oraSov : adv-^standinff by, going up to. (Od.) irapa - dXX(t), aor. 1 TrapiffipnXfv : cause to glance away; cirrrvf, Q 31 If. Trapa-(rxV V : see Trapl^w. Trapa - TCKTaivo[xai, aor. opt. irapa- TiKTtjvaluriv: alter in building, make over, J 54 ; tjrof, invent, * fix up a. story,' 131. irapa-TiOrjjii, TrapTi9ii, hit. irapciSij- ffouev, aor. irapiOjjica, 3 pi. -jraptitaav, subj. vapaQt'ni), opt. vapaOeiti', imp. TTrtpfi&e, mid. aor. 2 opt. TrapaOfiurjVj part. TrapQtfJitvoi : place or < 6;y or be- fore one, esp. food and drink: then in general, afford, give; cvi'auiv,iivid TIVI, A 779; mid., set before oneself, have set before one; fig., put up as a. stake, wager, ri*k, stake; KtpaXdc., ^n>- Xdf, /3 237, 7 74. irapa-Tpeirco, aor. part. Trnpa-pl^af ya>, aor. inf. iraptyvyttiv: flee paxt, xlip by, \i 99f . rapd-/ij'oc. 7r9dvw, aor. 2 opt. 7Tpa- slip by, K 573 ; tig., elude, K 104, 138. 9ainffi, part. TrapafyQdc, mid. irapa- irapcirXco : see TrnpaTrXww. 00dM'oc : overtake, pass by. (II.) irap-cpx<>|iai, fut. irapt\tuatai, aor. ;: see Trapafiuivw. \ irapri\9i, inf. iraptKOkfitv. come or ^70 fy/, />.% />_;/, outstrip, 9 230 ; tig., evade, overreach, A 132. Trdptcrav : see irdpti/jii 1. irap-cuvdo|iai : //e beside, \ 37f. irap-e'xco, tut. Trape^d), aor. 2 irapi- a\oi', (tpia%tQoi', subj. Trapda\y, inf. Trapaa%tiv, TTapaa\ip.iv : hold or hand to, hold ready, 2 556 ; supply, furnish, provide, cwpa, alrov, uptr/yr ; also with a thing as subject, #d\a<7(ra ct w. inf., 89. irapTjepSi] : see irapaiipia. irap-qiov (Trapftii) : cheek, jaw; cheek- piece of a bridle, A 142. irapijXcurc : see xapfXavvw. Trdp-Tjjiat, part. Trap/yyuti/oc : s?7 down at or ?V'YW, aor. subj. -(pvyy- aiv : tig., elude the grasp, 314f. irap - eXavva), fut. TrapfXdamic;, aor. apiXaffue, -j'/XaTov : drive by, sail, by; rivd 'ifnroiffiv, vni, * 638, /u 186, 197. irap-t'Xicw, imp. irapi\KtTt, mid. ipf. irapi\KtTo : draw along, fig., prolong, put off", 111 ; mid., draw aside to oneself, get hold of, a 282. vat : see irdptifu 1 . irapi}ira<|> : see irapevTjveev : see ^opavjjlw. irapOc'ixcvos : see irape| : see Traplic. irapOeviKt] = irap - | -eXavvw, -Xdw, inf. Trapt^s- -rrapGtvios : adj.. virgin, ZMVT], X Xdav, aor. sulij. 7rapt(Xd(T{/ff0a : drive 245 ; as Mibst., virgin's child, born out or row past (v>in~), and intrans., /. 109. of wedlock, II 180. irapSaXeT] : leopard - skin, F 17 and K 29. irdpSaXi.? : see 7rrwi>, *of her store,' 140. 2. irdp-ip.i. (eT/xi), part, irapuav, ira- piovai : yo or /m ii/. irap-eiirov, def. aor. 2, subj. iraptiiry, part, irdptnrtor, -ouoa : persuade, win over. horse, harnessed by the side of the pair drawing the chariot, but not at- tached to the yoke, and serving to take the place of either of the others in case of need, II 471, 474. (Plate I. represents the irapi)i>poQ in the back- ground as he is led to his place. See also the adj. cut, the first horse.) IIap6evios : a river in Paplilagonia, B 854f. irap9v - oiriTnrjs, voc. -lira (bmir- TIVW): oyler of girls, A 385f. irapBe'vos : virgin, maiden. irdp0(rav see 7rapar<0r/ft<. irap-iauw : sleep bit, I 336f. irap-ia>, ipf. irap~i'tv : sit down by, S 31 If. Trap-1-np.i : let ffo by the side, only aor. pass., Trapei9ri, hung down, 868f . llapis : Paris, son of Priam, who by the help of Aphrodite carried off Helen from Sparta and thus brought on the war with Troy, Q 28 ff. The name Paris is supposed to mean 'Fighter' (rendered in the Greek 'AXtai'fy>oe), and he is represented by Homer as not without warlike prow- ess, though naturally uxorious and averse to fighting, T 39 ff, Z 350. irap-io-rrjfu, aor. 2 Trapkarnv, subj. du. Trapffr/jeroi', opt. Traparau], part. Troptmie, perf. 7raptffTi]Ke, inf. jrapeard- fjitvai, plup. 3 pi. Trapiaraaav, mid. pres. Trapiffraj-iai, imp. Trapiaraao, ipf. TrctpiaraTO, fut. inf. Tntpa(rrr)ffea9ai : only intrans. forms in Homer (aor, 2 and mid.), come and stand by or near (esp. the part. TrapaaTuQ), come up to, draw near, (perf.) stand by or near; the approach may be with either friendly or hostile intent, and the subj. may be a thing (lit-, or fig.), vrjei;, 9dva- roc, fio'ipa, H 4G7, IT 853, w 28. irap - i(rxj.eVu> . see Trapan'tvii). IlapvTjeros : Parnassus, the double- peakeil mountain in Pliocis, north of the ravine in which lies Delphi, r 394, 220, w 332. jrapoi0(ev) : in front, Y 437 ; here- tofore, beforehand', W 20; TO TrapoiQtv, a 322 ; w. sen., ' in the presence of,' 'before,' A 360, O 154. jrapoirepos : one in front, pi., 459. 4SO. irap-oixojAai, ipf. Trap^gro, perf. Trapf/j'^ijw : pans by, A 272, K 252. Trapes : before, formerly ; Tvdtidao -TTopoQ, ' in advance of,' 6 254 ; correl., irdTayos ov TrcipoQ . . Ttpiv yi, E 218; freq. w. 7-0, and foil, by irtp, yg. irapTreiriOcov : see Trapmrt'tQb). Ilappao-iT]: a town in Arcadia, B 608f. irapo~raiTjv, iraparas, iraptrTTJeTOV : see irapia-i][u. irapriOti : see Trapan'ftyjui. irap({>dp.vos, irap(t>davy6iv : see 7ropa0yyw. Trapux^Ka: see 7rapoixofi.cn. iras, iraaa, irav, pi. gen. fern. Tra- areiiii', Traadwv, dat. iravrtaGi : sing., every (one), II 265, v 313; pi., all, Ivvka TrcivTie, nine 'in all,' H 161, 9 258 ; whole, entire, B 809, p 549 ; all sorts, all kindx, in pi., A 5, etc. Neut. pi. as adv., iravra, in all respects, in the Iliad mostly in comparisons, but in the Odyssey only so in w 446 ; all over, if 21,"p 480. Ilao-iOeT] : the name of one of the Graces, 3 276. iraiv wood- en nail or pin, peg, used to hang things upon, as the harp, Q 268, a 440, 67, 105. irdwraao'Sai. : see TTUTI opai. irao-o-o), jpf. tKaaae, Tranai : strew, sprinkle; fig., of weaving, iv (adv.) Si Qpuva TTOJK/X' tiraaatv, ' worked in,' X 441. irdo-ortov : see TTCI-^VQ. iracro-uSitj : see iravovShi. Trdax", fut. TTticrofiat, aor. 2 trraBov, iraBov, inf. TraOittv, perf. irsirovOa, 2 pi. 7TE7roj/uara, aAyfa 9v/j. o TTI TtaQoi, 'how he came by it,' r 464; rt 7r0w; 'what am I to do?' A 404, e 465 ; the same in participle, A 313; cf. 10 106. iraTcryos : any loud sound of things irardoxrw >24 striking together, crash of falling trees, chattering of teeth, dashing of waves, din of combat, II 769, N 288, * 9, 387. Trardacrw : beat ; KpaCit], Ovuuc,, N 282, H 2 1 6, cf. V? 370. aor. (i)xa((r)adi.tT)V, plup. : taste, eat, partake of, enjoy, usually TIVOQ, ace. onXdy^va, O.KTT]V, A 464, $ 76. 7raTw : tread; fig., Kara ( adv. ) S' opicia Trnnjffai', ' trampled under foot,' A 157f. iroTijp, gen. irarpoQ and vartpof, pi. gen. Trarkpwv and Trarpiitv: father; pi. KaTlpte, forefathers, A 405, 245. ITOITOS: treading, step, i 1 1 9 ; mean- ing ' the spciety ' of men, Z 602 ; f>W- rfen wai/, path, Y 137. irdrpT) (Trarfip) : native country, na- tive laud, home, N 354. irarpis, iflog : o/ one's fathers, na- tive; yain, apovpa, a 407; as subst. = irarpij. iraTpo-Kaai-yvTjTos : father's broth- er, wide. (Od. and 4> 469.) TIdTpoK\os, also gen. narpoic\fjos, acc. -K\rja, voc. IIorpoicAfjff : Patroclus, son of Menoetius of Opus, the bosom friend of Achilles. He had fled as a youth to Peleus on account of an in- voluntary homicide, A 765 ff. Wear- ing Achilles' armor at the head of the Myrmidons, he repulsed the Trojans from the ships, but was slain by Hec- tor, and his death was the means of bringing Achilles again into the battle- field, II. The funeral games in honor of Patroclus, . iroTpo - <{>ovvs, TJOQ: murderer of a father. (Od.) irarpo-^ovos : murderer of a father, parricide, I 46 If. irarptSios : from one's father, pater- nal, hereditary; neut. pi. as subst., patrimony, TT 388, \, inf. Traviuwai, ipf. iter. iravt- fficov, fut. part, iravffovffa, aor. tiravaa, jravae, mid. iravofiai, ipf. iter. irav'&- aKf.ro, aor. i-jrauaaTo, peri'. Jriiravficu, plup. iirtiravTO : came to cease or leave off. slop (riva rii'Of), mid., cease, stop, leave off, rent from ( TIVOQ ), also w. part., A 506 ; inf., A 442. v, pi. Ila^Xayovtf : Paph- laaonian, inhabitant of the district south of the Euxine, and bounded by the rivers Halvs and Parthenius, and by Phrygia, B 851, E 577, N 656, 661. ira<|>Xd5w : only part., bubbling, foaming, N 798f. ITacjjos : Paphos, u city in Cvprus, 9 363f. xf'c- (Od.) : see Tra^f'^'- ( Trinvvfii ) : hoar frost, 476f Traxvow : congeal, only pass, (fig.) ira\vovTai, 'is chilled with dread,' P 112. , toe : thirhirss, i 324f. vs, eta, v (irfiyvvjjii), comp. ira "403, (S. n-tSdo) (irtdti), irtdaa, ipf. iter. irtoa- aaKov, aor. (t)TreCi)ire, inf. Trtdijaai: fet- ter, bind fast, ty 17, v 168; often fig., constrain, detain, entangle; Qtov Kara (adv.) juotpa irtCijffiv, X 292 ; airb ira- rpiSot; aijje, ^ 353 ; w. inf., X 5, y 269, a 155. ire'ST) (irove) : fetter, pi., N 36f . irt'SlXov: sandal, only pi. ; the gods wear golden sandals that bear them over land and sea, S2 340. ireSiov (Tricoj'): plain; the freq. gen. TTicioio with verbs of motion is local, on, over, or through the plain. ircSiovSe : (o the plain, earthward (opp. ovpavuQtv], 621. ireSofltv : from the ground; fig., ' to thy very heart,' v 295f. ireSovSc : to the ground, earthward. irtt,OL (TTOI'C): a metallic cnd-/>'uce or cap (shoe) at the end of a chariot-pole, Q 272f. (See cut No. 42.) Trends: on foot, pl./oo<-forces, opp. iiririjft; or ITTTTOI, 6 59, p 436 ; on land, opp. iv vni, 12 438, X 58. ireiOw, ipf. ivtiQov, irtiQi, fut. inf. TTfifff/uei', aor. inf. Trtlaai, aor. 2 ivii. TrtTTiQov, fut. Trijri9iifrd), luid. opt. 3 pi. TTiiQoiaro, ipf. (j)jrfidero, fut. -^ilao/iai, aor. 2 (i)m9<>ui)i>, red. opt. irtrriOoiro, perf. TTiiroiOa, subj. irtiroiQu), j)lup. jrtTToiQfi, 1 pi. tTrsTrifyjf v : I. act., maXrc (ireipddj) : make trial of, test, sound; TIVUQ, o 304 ; ' measure one's strength ' in contest, H 235 ; w. ace., M 47. Ilupidoos : Pirithous, son of Ixlon (or Zeus) and Dia, king of the Lapithae, a friend of Theseus ; at his wedding with HippodamTa arose the quarrel be- tween the Centaurs and the Lapithae, M 129, 182,

) : obedience, ' subjec- tion,' v 23f. IlcuravSpos : Pisander. (1) a Tro- jan, son of Antimachus, slain by Aga- memnon, A 122, 143. ( 2 ) a Trojan, slain by Menelaus, N 601-619. (3) a Greek, son of Maemalus, a chief of the Myrmidons, II 193. ( 4 ) a suitor of Penelope, son of Polvctor, slain by Philoetius, a 299, x 268. neioTrjvopiSi]? : son of Pisenor, Ops, a 429, /3 347, u 148. IIi, Too/, 125 ; pass., quake, quiver, 9 443; esp. and often in aor., be forced back, A 535. ireXlfyKeo, ire'Xev : see 7rlXo>. nXir]s : Ptlias, son of Poseidon and Tyro, king of lolcus, drove his brother Xeleus into exile, and forced Jason, the son of his other brother Aeson, into the Argonantic expedition, X 254. Pelins was the father of Alcestis, B 715. WXXa : milk - pail, milk - bowl, U 642f. ITeXXi^vTi : a town in Achaea, B 574f. IIeXo\|/: Pelops, son of Tantalus, father of Atreus and Tliyestes, gained with his wife Hippodamla, the daugh- ter of Oenomau?, the throne of Elis B 104 ff. irtXw, TrJXfi, ipf. TriXiv, aor. tTrXe, and ircXofxai, imp. TreXtv, ipf. -niXovro, iter. 2 sing. iriX't OKIO, aor. tvXto, tTrXtv, : a poetic synonym of avai, perhaps originally contain- ing some idea of motion (versari), but in Homer simply to be, F 3, M 271, v 60, E 729; the aor. has pres. signif. (like t$v in Attic), ' Si) p i9e- XEIQ Kai rot $i\ov iirXiro 6vf.i(ji, ' and it pleases thee,' J 337, v 145, etc. ire'Xccp : monster; tlie Cvelops, t 428 ; Scylla, p 87 ; Hephaestus, 2 410. ireXiupios : monstrous, huge ; Ares, Polyphemus, Hector, etc. ; also of things, ty^oc, Xdcii;, Oavfia, i 190. n-e'Xwpov = TriXwp, also pi. ire'Xcopos = irfXwpioc. irc|nr/ upon (iripi rt), prepare (ri), & 624, f 281. irVTa-TT)pos (ftTO^) : five yearn old. irevTa-eTtjs (fiToc,): only neut. as adv., TTEVTaETtc., jive years long, y 1 15-J-. irevraxa: in Jive divisions, M 87f. 227 ircvre : five. irevrqitovTa : fifty. irevnjKovTo - YVOS : of fifty acres, 579 \. irVTi]Kdo'ioi : five hundred, y 7f. TciraSvia : see 7ra. TrirdXa.o-8, irciraXdaOai : see it \daata. ir7rapjjLvos : see tinm. TTTrd ( Trtpijv, TritrpafiKii) ), inf. irtpddv, aor. iirepaaoa, Tr'ipaaar, pass, pert'. irtTTipquivoi; : export for sale, sell ; it; Ar/fjivov, nar' d\\.o9poovf dv- , * 40, o 453. Per gamut, ihe citadel j of Ilium, 4 508, E> 446, Z 5 1 2, H 2 1 . \ IIcpYaXoiov, i. e. the leaves and bark that encircled it, A 236 ; so of throwing a cloak about one, standing around in crowds, being enveloped by the shades of night, T 384, K 201. (2) over and above others, in an extraordinary de- gree, very; TTfpi TOI fiivoQ, ' thou hast exceeding strength,' ^ 279 ; Trepi uev ', 9(inv TCI\VV, II 186; TUV iripi Muvaa 0('Xj(T, 'above others,' 'extraordinari- ly,' 63. A subst. iu the appropriate case may specify the relation of the adv., 7Tpi Hi Zwvtjv (3dXf.T' l^vl (dat. of place), t 231 ; fi e dv9pw- -Kiv fix9rjpe (partitive gen.), T 3.63, in the phrase mpi Kripi, Tripi Qv^tp, Trepi is adv., and the dat. local. II. prep., (1) w. gen., rare of place, irf.pi rpoirioQ /3f/3aw e , i. e. bestriding it, 130, 68; usually met., about, for, in behalf of, of the obj. of contention or the thing de- fended, )id\ia9ai irtpi vi}dg, duf>i>ia9ai Trepi vrjwv, II 1, M 142 ; then with verbs of saying, inquiring, about, con- cerning, of (d e), fivrfaaffQai Tripi TTO/J.- TTIJC, t) 191; rarely causal, irtpi tpicof fidpvaffOai, H 301 ; denoting superior- ity, above, mpt TTUVTWV tfintvni d\\wv, A 287; so with adjectives, Tirtpi itav- Taiv Kpartp6<;, diZ.vpoQ. (2) w. dat., local, around, on, as of something transfixed on a spit or a weapon, vipi fovpl TTtTrapfJiivn, * 577 ; so of cloth- ing on the person, TTfpi \pol tifiara t'xfiv, \a\Kuf Trepi ffri]9iaai, Kvioi] i\tff- ao[iii'ij Trfpl Kairvy, curling 'around in ' the smoke, A 317 ; then sometimes w. verbs of contending, like the gen., about,for, [3 245, p 471, n 568, and w. a verb of fearing, K 240. Often the dat. is to be explained independently, vepi being adverbial, see above (I). (3) w. ace., local implying motion, crrnaai (ri) Trepi fiwuov, (pvXaaoiiv irtpi /irjXa, and esp. of sounds, fumes float- ing around, coming over the senses, stealing over one, Trepi ct aicit; ?/Xu6' I'wi), ~K.vK\ttnra irtpi (pp'tvac; ij\vQev OLVOQ, ' went to his head,' we should say, p 261, i 362; met., of that in which one is interested, irovtiv Trtpi n, 'about,' 'over,' ' with,' Q 444, 624. ire'pu: (I) = Trtpitari, K 244, /i 279. ( 2 ) thus written by ' anastrophe ' for TTfjOt, when the' prep, follows its case. irepi-oyviJiu (Fayvv^i) : only pass., and fig., ( oi// ) Tripidyvvrai, break* around, spreads around, n 78f. irtpi - PCUVIO, aor. 2 irepifit), -Tjoaj', inf. Titpififivai, part, -^ag : go around (as to bestride) or in front of n fallen man, to protect the body, as animals stand over and protect their young, TIVOQ, E 21, also nvi, P 80, 313. irepi - paXXco, aor. 2 Trtpii-fiaXov : th)\>w about or around ; xtiap,d nvog, X 466 ; met., excel, surpass, V 276, o 17: mid., of putting on armor, ^ 148. IIepif3oia: J'eriboea. (1) daughter of Acessamenus, mother of Pelagon, 4> 142. (2) daughter of Eurymedon, mother of Nausithous by Poseidon, ?; 57. irpi-Yi-yvo|JLai : be superior, surpass; Tit>ue,y 318, 9 K)2. jrepi.-yXa-yiis, ic. (yXayoc) : filled with milk, n 642f. ircpi - Yvafiirrw : double a cape, in nautical sense, part, i 80f. irpi - 8eiSu>, aor. Trepicftiaa, part. TTtpidfEiocic;, perf. TrepifitiSia: fear for, be afraid for; TIVUQ, also nvi, and \\. /j,P240, 242, O 123. Trepi-Se|ios : ambidextrous, skilful in both hands, or very skilful, expert, 4> 163f. irpi-8i8T)9i]Tr]v, ran round and round, X 165f. f irepiSpajJiov : see irtpirpi^- -rrtpL-Bpofios : r uniting round, round, circular; KO\OIH/, avXf], that can be run around, hence 'detached,' 'alone,' B812,7. irepi8pvirrw irepi-Spvirrw : only pass, aor., TTE/OI- cpixpUi), had the skin all torn off from his elbows, 395f. irepi - 8vw : only aor. 1 Trtplcvat, stripped off, A lOOf. ircpi.Swp.e6ov : see iripiSiSuui. irepi-eijjLi ( ei'/tt ) : be superior, excel one in something; TIVOC. n, a 248, r 326. irepi - e'x, mid. aor. 2 ircpiffx<'>unv, imp. iTfpiaxto: mid., surround to pro- tect, w. gen., A 393 ; ace., i 199. irepiTJSii : see irtpioioa. IIepiiipT]s : the father of Borus, n irepi - TJX*" : on V v aor -> rang all over, H 267f. irepiiSjxevai : see TrepiotSa. irepi-urrrip.1, aor. 2 TTffjiarijffav, subj. 7rEp((T-/;w : only part, mifn ftwwaa, fetling or groping about for, \v. ace-., /t 95f . jrcpi-p.dipva|iai, ipf. 2 sing. vao : Jight for; TIVOC,, II 497f. irepi - pcrpos : beyond measure, ex ceedingly large. (Od.) IIcpip.i]ST)s : ( 1 ) a companion of Odysseus, X 23, fi 195. (2) father of Scbedius,O 515. neut. TrtpiunKfQ : very long, very tall or high. irepi - (AT)xavoofiai, 3 pi. -vinavrai, pf. -v OUIVTO : cunningly devise; nvi, 'against one,' 340 and i; 2<>n. Ilepijios : a Trojan, son of Meges, slain by Patroclus, n 695-f. irepi-vaierdw, 3 pi. - aovai : of per- sons, dwell about, /3 66 ; of places, be inhabited, lie round about, 5 177. irepi-vaie'nrjs : neighbor, pi., ii 488f . irepi-eoros : polished on every side, p 79f. irepi-oiSa (foia), irepioiSt, inf. TTE- piififitvai, plup. iripiySi] : know or be skilled above others, .understand or know better; TIVOQ nvi or ri, and with inf., N 728, y 244, K 247. irepi-ire'Xo|xai (TrfXw), aor. part. TTf.pt- TT\ii^tvo^ : be or go around, surround, 2 220 ; revolve (Ivtavroi). irepi - irevKi]s, ic, : very sJiarp, A 845f. irepi-irXe'Kw, pass. aor. wtpnr\ix&nv : pass., embrace; nvi, % 313 and // 33. irepi - irXT)6ijs, f : very full, popu- lous, o 405f . irepiirX6|icvos : see irf.piireXouat. irepi-irp : wag the tail about one, fawn upon ; nvd(ovpy- ) covered, shut in on all sides. (Od.) irepiao'aivw, irepioxreiti) : see Trept- ffaivw, iriptfftiti). irepi - o-raSov : standing around, drawing near from every side, N 55 If. jrepi.o-Td0T] ireo-o-os : see aor. ireiarti^aQ : walk around, c 277f. ircpi-ore'XXw, aor. part. irfpurreiXag : enwrap, as iu funeral clothes, w 293f. 7rpt-w : set closely around, sur- round, 303 ; pass., fig., his words are not 'crowned' with grace, Q 175. irepioTTjaav : see iriptiffrriui. irpi-OTpci>,aor. part. TTI piarpk^aq '. whirl around. 7Tpi): cut off for oneself, intercept, of driving away cattle as booty. (Od.) irtpixrc'XXop.ai : roll around, revolve, recur. iTtpi - Ti0rjp.i, aor. opt. TrtpiQtliv : place around; fig., ^vva^iiv nvi, ' be- stow,' 'invest with,' y 205f. ircpi - Tpf'4>w : make thick around; pass., of milk, curdle, E 903 ; of ice, congeal, 'form around,' 477. ircpi - Tpe'xw, aor. TrtpiSpafiov : run up from every side, A 676-)-. irtpi - Tpop.eop.ai : . quiver ( around ) with fear, a 77f. irepi - Tpoire"a> : only part., intrans., revolving, B 295 ; turning often about, i 465. jrcpC-rpoxos : round, 455f. irtpi - 4>aivo(iai : only part., visible from every side, N 179; as subst., a conspicuous (place), 476. IIpi4>as: (1) an Aetolian, son of Ochesius, slain by Ares, E 842, 847. (2) a Trojan herald, the son of Epy- tus, P 323. nepujnf-nis : (1) a Mysian, slain by Teucer, 3 515. (2) a Greek from Mycenae, the son of Copreus, slain by Hector, O 638. ircpi - 4>pa8e'u>s : circumspectly, care- fully. irtpi-4>pd.^ofiai : consider on all sides or carefully, a 7 irepi - 4>puv, cv: very thoughtful or prudent. irpi-6vcia : Persephone ( P r o- s e r p i n a), daughter of Zeus and De- meter, wife of Hades and queen of the nether world, often termed iiraivi) in Homer, I 457, K 494, 509, X 213, 217. nepo-rj: daughter of Oceanus, wife of Ilelius, mother of Aeetes and Circe, K 139f. IIcp(nf]idST]s : descendant of Perseus, Sthenelus, T 116f. -irco-e'eiv, ireaeo-flai : see TT/TTTW. JTCO-O-OS : only pi., draughts, checkers, the game played with them, the nature of which is unknown. (The following cut represents an Egyptian game of this character.) ircWo, mri8a\iov ire'o'O'w, inf. iriffaiuev : make mellow, ripen, i\ 119; fig., digest, then met, XXoi', 'brood over,' 'coddle,' A 513, I 565; Kiicta, 'swallow,' Q 617, 639; yspu, ' enjoy,' B 237 ; jSiXoc, ' chew on,' 'nurse' the wound, 6 513. ireo-cov : see TT'CTTTU. irc'raXov: leaf, mostly pi. irTavvii|xi, aor. 7r;ra(iv. iredcr8aL : see a(r|JLevos : see tpaivta. ir(j>r](ro|j.ai, : see (1) Qaivu. (2) irci.S6o-9ai, Coftat. ire'vov : see fi>-. irepa8ov, irtpa8eiv : W^piKa : see typivata. vd!>>>. <|)voTs : see 0tvyw. see QvXaaow. : see uui. ircvpfxai : see v 1 ""'- irg or ITT) : interrogative adv., whith- er ? in what way ? how ? WTJ or mj : enclitic adv., anywhere, somewhere, in any way. mjYeo-i-HaXXos ( 7rjjyit~/u ) : thick- fleeced, r i97f. irTjyi] : only pi., source*. mivvvfu (cf. pango, pax), fut. TrfeiiQ, aor. tirtiZa, irrjS,f, perf. 7T7Tjye, plup. (t);r^/;y6t, pass. aor. t7ray/jv, vayi], 3 pi. Trdyt v, aor. 1 3 pi. irii^tv : Jix, both in the sense make stiff or compact, and plant firmly; of fixing or sticking a spear iv TIVI, an oar upon a mound (tiri Tvufiv), impaling a head (ava ffKoXoirtaffi), A 460, X 77, 2 177 ; hence build, I'rjai;, B 664 ; mid., for oneself, i 163 ; fig., ' fix ' the eyes upon the ground, T 217; pass., and perf. act, sti/en, stick fast, slick in, X 453, N 442. injYOS (jr/jyvii/u) : stout, thick, tough, I 124 ; Kv/j.a, biff wave, B 388. irrjYvXis, (Joe (nrfyvvfii) : frosty, ice- cold, 47 6f. IliiSaiov: a place in Troy, N 172f. IlijSaios: son of Antenor and The- ano, slain by lieges, E 69f. irqSdXiov (TTTJOI'IV) : steering-oar or rudder, y 281, 255. (Strictly, the word probably denotes the handle or bar connecting the two rudders, and serving to move them. See cuts Nos. 87, 88, and cf. Nos. 37, 38, 60. The adjoining cuts represent the rudders of Egyptian ships; in the first cut both rudders are depicted as on one side of the vessel.) 100 IlT]8a 141, 152. 159. IIi}Xi8T]s and IItj\iiia87]s : *on of Pdeus, Achilles. to PdeuJ son, Q 338 f. n-T)Xevs : Peleus, son of Aeacus, fled from his native island Aeglna to Phtlua, and married Antigone, daugh- ter of Eurytion, king of the Myrmi- dons. His daughter by this marriage, Polydora is mentioned, FT 175 ff. He afterwards married the Nereid Thetis, wlio became the mother of Achilles, 1 14J,-252, 289, 2 87, Q 61, * 188. IlT)\7Jios : of Ptleus, 2 60. ITr] XTjidSrjs : see II;\f(tiyc;. in]X,T], jjd-of : ht'lnu-t. (II.) IlTjXia.s, df os~. Pelian, i. e. from Mt. Pelion, epithet of the ashen spear (/- AI'JJ), a gift of the Centaur t'l.iion to Peleus, Y 277, n 143. (II.) IIijXiov : Pelion, a mountain in Tlicssaly, B 757, n 144.X3H5. iTTJfia, arog (irdox^) ' g1 '.lf ( ' r '>'ff, u 'oe, harm; common periphrasis, irij/ja ica- Koto, also dvr)<; iriifj.ci, , 338; of per- sons, bane, nuisance, fj 446. irr)}i.aivw, fut. irrjuavkei, inf. -etiv, aor. 1 opt. irT]/ATjVEia.i>, pas. aor. TTJ- fiavQri, inf. -rjvai: harm, liurt ; virip opKia, 'work mischief by violating the oaths, T 299 ; pass., 503. IIijvios : Peneus, a river in Thes- saly, flowing through the vale of Tempe into the Thermaic gulf, B 752, 757. ITirjve'Xetts : a leader of the Boeo- tians, B 494, S 496, 487, 489, H 340, P 597. IltjveXoireia : Penelope, the daugh- ter of Icarius, and wife of Odysseu?, a 329, etc. irr)viov : thread of the icoof, passed from one side to the other, in and out through the upright threads of the warp, before which the weaver stood, * 762f. irrjos : brother-in-lav). Ur|pcu] : a region in Thessaly, B 766f. ir^pt] : knapsack, beggar's wallet. (Od.) TTjpos : lame, mutilated ; blind in B 599f. n-qpui : Pero, daughter of Neleus and Chloris, sister of Nestor, and wife of Bias, A 287f. TTTJXVS, toe: elbow, then fore -arm, arm, 166, p 38. Also centre-piece of a bow, joining the arms (horns) of the weapon, being the part grasped by the left hand in shooting, A 375, 419. (For the manner of holding, see cuts Nos. 104, Heracles; 127, Paris; 63, 89, 90, Assyrians.) map (Tr'ifap, iriujv): fat, A 550; fig., fatness, of land, t 135. iriSa, a/cof : spring, fount, II 825f . iri8r]ci9, taaa, tv : rick in springs, A 183f. 233 IIi8i3TT]s: a Trojan from Percote, slain by Odysseus, Z 30f. irie, irieeiv : see Trivia. im'to), ipf. eirigov, iri&e, pass. aor. part, iruff&fc: squeeze, press, pinch; fig., z/ feffuolc, ' load with fetters,' /* 164; pass., 336. irfcipa : see Triiav. niepiTj : Pieria, a region in Mace- donia, on the borders of Thessaly, by the sea, near Mt. Olympus, B 226, 250. iri0 see TTEI'^W) : obey, $ 369 ; rely on, part. iriOos : large earthen jar, for wine or oil, ^ 305, /3 340. (Sometimes half buried in the earth, as seen in cut No. 64.) iriKpo-YdjAos : having a bitter mar- riage ; pi., of the suitors of Penelope, ironically meaning that they would not live to be married at all. (Od.) irixpos : sharp; owrof, [3s\fnva, X 206; then of taste and smell, bitter, pungent, A 846, S 406 ; and met., of feelings, ' bitter,' ' hateful,' p 448. iriXvanai (parallel form to TreXd^co), Tn'Xi'arai, ipf. iriKvaro : draw near, near, approach, T 93, 368. irtXos : felt, K 265f. irifiirXavw = 7n'/i7rXj/*t, only mid., Tri/.nr\di'tTai, is filled, with wrath, I 07 ( .tf. irtpirXT]}u, 3 pi. irtpirXuai, nor. TrXjj- avflrK, m4>av, ^>doc) : make to shine, make mani- fest, make known; in the physical sense, f\6y, KrjXa, * 333, M " 280 ; then met., tVof, tvea, 0iura, K 202, o 518. irtwv, oj'oc, fern, irfeipa, sup. Trlorci- roc : fat, fertile, rich, I 577, E 512. nXayicTai ( ir\d%tx> ) : Trirpat, the Planctae, or Clashing Rocks, against which everything that approached was dashed to pieces, p, 61, ip 327. 234 ( 7rXaw ) : crazy, or, ac- cording to others, vagabond, 363f . irXaYKTO ( cf. TrXiiffffta ), aor. 7rXriy, mid. fut. 7rXayo/itti, pass. aor. ?rXay- X9n, part. TrXayxfe'e: I- net., sj9o, e^p. of the masses, the commons, as opp. to the chiefs, B 143, 278. irXijOw, ipf. TrXiiQi : be or become full, w. gen. ; said of rivers ' swelling,' the , n 889, 2 484. . gen. ; ull moo IIXir]idScs: the Pleiads, the 'Seven Sisters ' in the constellation Taurus, e 272. fi 62. TrXv)KTi5o(xai ( TrXi)aaw ) : contend with, inf., * 499 f. irXi]p.vT] (irXi'iOw) : hub or nave of a wheel. (II.) jrXTj(ivpis, idoe : rise of the sea, swell, flood, i 486f. it\r\v : except, w. gen., 9 207f. : see (1) viu.TrXt][.u. (2) irt- : see irXt'iaaw. ! irXtil-iinros : lusher of horses. (II.) irXtjerios (TreXag ) : near, neighboring to, rtvoc, sometimes nvi, ft 149; as subst., neighbor, B 271, K 35. Adv.. jrXt] Trooiv, in dancing, 264; of the bolt struck (shot) by the key, 50; freq. of wounding, A 240, H 332 ; metaph., tK yap (if. TrXiiaaovoi, ' dis- tract,' a 231, N 394. irX'fJTO : see (1) TTI'^TTX/JJUI. (2) TTI- rrXia-o-ofiai : only ipf., strode out, 818*. irX6ica|ios (TrXt'/cw) : lock of hair, pi., irXdos (TrXtw): voyage, y 169f. irXovros ( TfX'toQ, 7rXr)9w): wealth, riches. irX6Kauoe, pi., P 52f. ( irXCvia ) : washing - pit, pi., tanks or basins in the earth, lined with stone. irXvvw, part. irXvvovan, ipf. iter. TrXi)- vtaKov, fut. part. rrXvvtovaa, aor. 3 pi. TrXuvav, part, -aira : wash, clean, cleanse. irXwros 2 irXwrds : floating, K 8-J-. n-Xoiw ( irXwfu, parallel form to TrXew), ipf. TrXwov : swim, float. irvevjiwv, ovog : lung. (II.) irve'w, irveiw ( Trvtfia ), Trvtti, irviiu, aor. subj. irvivay, mid. perf. 2 sing. TTtTrvvcrai, inf. TrtirvvaQai, part. TTSTT- vvuivoi;, plup. 2 sing. TTfTTi'i'ffo: ( 1 ) breathe, sometimes synonymous with foe, P 447, a 131; of the wind and air, odors, d 446 ; fig., [iivea TrvtiovTts, 'breathing might'; iv (adv.) Sk 9tbg Ttvtvay fjikvog afj.ortpoin', 'inspire,' T 159. (2) the perf. mid. comes to mean, be prudent, discreet, Q 877, K 495 ; esp. freq. the part, irnrvvutvog, sensible. irvoii] ( irv'i w ) : breathing, breath ; freq. of the air, winds, esp. the pi., irvoiai Xiyvpai, blasts, E 526 ; of fire, f> 355. UoSaXcipios : Podalirius, son of Asclepius, and brother of Machiion, B. 732, A 833. iroSd - viirrpov ( viirrio ) : water for waxhing the feet, T 343 and 504. IIoSdpYn : name of a Harpy, the dam of Achilles' horses, n 150, T 400. ndSapyos : name of a horse of Hector, and of one of Mene.laus, 9 185,* 295. iroS-dpKT)s (apKiu)) : strong of foot, swift-footed. (II.) iloSdpKTjs : son of Iphiclus, brother of Protesilaus, chief of the contingent from Phylace and Pyrasus, B 704, N 693. 1To8-T)VeKTJS, ( J/J/EKr tending to the feel. (II.) iro8 - ijvejios (avfuog): wind -swift, epith. of Iris. (II.) IIoSTjs : son of Eetion, slain by Menelaus, P 575, 590. -rroS-ujKcia : swiftness of foot, pi., B 792f. iroS-wKT]s, ft' (MKVQ) : swift of foot, fleet- fooled. iroOe'eaKe : see iroQ'ui). irdOev : interrog. adv., whence? Of origin and parentage, rig Tr69fv tig avdpwv; * 150, a 170. iro9e'v: enclitic indef. adv., from somewhere, w 149 ; freq. w. il. iroOe'w, inf. Tro9riuivat, part. iro9twv, -ovaa, ipf. TroQiov, tfoBu, iter. iro9itvyiv (picoc, odovrur ;, ' what a speech !' ironrvUw (redup. from irv'n>> ), part. TTonrvi>, irroXefxi^Wj f ut. -i'o/jV : fight, war; TroXfpov, B 121; 'to fight with,' 2 258. (II. and w 499.) iroXejios, irToXejAOS : fighting, war, battle. ir(T)6Xe|ji6v8, into the fight, to the war. iroXevw : move or live in, inf., ^ 223f. iroXewv : see TroXiit'. iroXTjos, iroXTjes : see TroXic- TToXi^w ( TroXif ), aor. iro\ia(rafi.tv, pass. plup. TTfTToXioro : found a city, build. H 453 and Y 217.' iroXiiiTTis = Ti-oXfrjjc, pi., B 806f. iroXivSe : to the city. iroXio - KpoTaos : with hoary tem- ples, gray with age, 518f. TfoXios : grai/, hoary; of hair, iron, the sea, I 366, A 350. TToXlS, TTToXlS, IOC, TToX/JOf, dat. 7TO- Xji, pi. TToXntc., TToXtEf, gen. TroXiwv, dat. iroXiiffffi, ace. TroXiae, 7rdX?;ac : city, the whole district and commu- nity ; hence with the name in apposi- tion (not gen.) ; or as a part, dicpi) *6- Xi, 'acropolis,' 'citadel;' see darv. iroXtTqs : citizen, only pi. IloXtrrjs : ( 1 ) a son of Priam, B 791, N 533,0 339, Q 250. (2) a com- panion of Odysseus, K 224. n-oXXaKi(s) : many times, often. jroXXos, iroXXov : see TroXuc- IToXuai|j.ovi8Tjs : son of Polyaemon, Amopaon, 9 276f. iroXv-aivos (alr'tia): much -praised, illustrious, epith. of Odj'sseus. iroXv-di|, 7/coc (afoffui) : much-dart- ing or rushing, impetuous; icdfiaroc, weariness 'caused by impetuosity in fighting,' E 811. iroXv - avOiis, is (dvQoi;): much or luxuriantli/ blooming, 353f. iroXv - upt]Tos ( dpuofiai ) : much- prayed-to, much-desired, 280 and T 404. iroXij-apvi, dat., cf. TroXvppnv: rich in lambs m flocks, B 106f. iroX\)-pveiis, st, 1 (/3ei/0oc) : very deep; \ifniiv, A 432. Elsewhere of the sea, and in Od. IIoXvpos : Poll/bus. ( 1 ) a son of Anterior, A 59. ( 2 ) an Egyptian, S 126. (3) an Ithacan, the father of Eurymachus, o 519. (4) a suitor of Penelope, x 243 , 284. ( 5 ) a Phaea- cian, 9 373. iroXv - Poreipa, irovX^porcipa ( /3<5- ) : much- or all -nourishing, epith. of the earth, 'A\mic, A 770. iroXv-povXos (fioi<\>)): full of coun- sel, exceeding wise, epith. of Athena. iroX-u-povTi]s (fiovc.): rich in cattle, I 154 ami 296. iroXv-YnCiis, t'c ( yrj&w ) : much-re- joicing, 'ever gay,' epith. of the Ho- rae, conceived as never ceasing from the choral dance, * 450f. iroXv-SaCSaXos : highly or cunning- It/ wrought, of works of art ; of men, artistic, skilful, 743. iroXv-Satcpvs and iroXvSdicpvos : of iroXvSaicp-uTos 237 many tears, tearful, deplorable, epith. of war, battle, etc., P 192. iroXv - SdicpvTOS : much wept or la- mented, tearful, yooQ, Q 620, 7-213. IloXvSaava: wile of the Egyptian Thon, 8 228f. iroXu - Scipds, oof (Stipf]): many- ridged, enith. of Mt. Olympus. (II.) 7T-oXu-8c'v8peos (civcpov): with many trees, full of trees. (Od.) iroX.Tj-8 2.V>f. iroXv - KtoTos (ictvTttit): much or richly embroidered, F 371f. 7roXv-KT)8t)s, f<,- (icijdoG): full of sor- rows, woful, t 37 and \// 351. iroXv-KXTjis, (Co*,- (icX;jif) : with many thole-ping, many-oared. iroXv - KXrjpos : of large estate, wealthy, 21 If. iroXv - KXtjTos ( Ka\f,ii) ) : called to- gether in large numbers, i. e. from many a land, A 438 and K 420. iroXv - KXvoros ( jc\v(>j ) : much or loudly surging. (Od.) iroXv - K[j.T]Tos ( Kauvu ) : wrought with much labor, well wrought, Jirmly built. iroXv-KVT]px>s ( Kv>]/j.t] ) : with many glens or ravines, B 497f. iroXv-Koipavii] ( KoipavoQ ) : rule or sovereignty of many, B 204f . iro\v - KTTJUWV : with much posses- 637. IloXveiSos : see IIoXuTJof . iroXv - vyos ( Z,vyav ) : with many rowers benches, B 293f. : numer- in A 5(J4f. iro or des , reading of Aristarchus iroXv-rjpaTOS t ired, lovely. (tpauai) : greatly loved (Od.) e : many -toned, night- ingale, T 521; echoing, resounding, A 422. iroXv-9apoT]s, H' (Qupaof) : bold, in- trepid. IToXuSepcre iSrjs : son of Polytherses, Cteippu-, x 287f. IIoXviSos: (1) son of Eurydamas, slain by Diomed, E 148. (2) a seer in Corinth, father of Euchenor, N 663, 666. iroXv - 'iSpciT) : much knowledge, shrewdness, /3 346 and ^ 77. TroXv-iSpis ( fiSpiQ ) : very knowing, shrewd, subtle, o 459 and ^ 82. TroXv-nriros : rich in horses, N 17 If. TroXv-Kaytciis, c ( fey, parching, A 642f. IIoXvKTopiSif)? : son of Polyctor, Pisander, a 299}. IIoXvicTwp: Pohjc(or.-^(\) a fabled name, Q 397. ('2) name of an ancient hero in Ithaca, p 207. (3) the father of Pisander. iroXv - Xifios ( \i]iov ) : rich in har- vests, E 613f. iroXij-XXioTos (\itraouai) : object of many prayers, 445f . lioXw(jitjXTj : (laughter of Phylas, mother of Emlorns. II 180f. iroXv-p/nXos : rich in sheep or flocks. (II.) IIoXvfj.T]Xos : a Lycian, son of Argeas, slain by Patroclus, II 417f. iroXv-(iT|Tis : of many devices, crafty, shrewd, epith. of Odysseus ; of Hepliae- stus, 355. iroXv - fjLT]xaviTi : manifold cunning, iroXv - pix avo : mnch contriving, full of device; ever ready, epith. of Odysseus. iroXv - [tvi]OTT) ( fivdouai ) : much voe): very \wooed. (Od.) iroXv-jAvOos : of many words, fluent, iroXv-Kapiros (Kapirof): fruitful, ,j T 214 and ft 200. 122 and w 221. ; IloXvveiiojs : Polynires, son of Oedi- noXvKtxomi : the youngest daugh- I pus, king of Thebes, and brother of ter of Nestor, y 464f." | Eteocle?, mover of the expedition of iroXv-KcpSeiT] : great craft, w 167f. the Seven against Thebes, A 377f. IIoXvVY]OS 238 TTovcop.ai IIoXvvt]os : a Phaeacian, the father of Ampliialus, 9 114f. IIoXveivo9 : son of Agasthenes, a chief of the Epeians, B 623f. iroXv - iraiiraXos ( TratiraXij, ' fine meal ') : very artful, sly, o 419f. iroXv-ircinwv, oj'Of (irtTrafiai) : much possissina, exceeding wealthy, A 433f. iroXv - ireveiis, f : much mourning, deeply mournful, I 563, // 15. IIoXvin)|Aovi8T)s : son of Polypcmon ('Great Possessor' or ' JSufFeret' ' ), a feigned name, u> 305t. TToXv-iriSal, CIKOC, : rich in springs. (II.) iroXv-iriKpos : neut. pi. as adv., very bitterly, TT 255f. iroXv - irXa-yKTos ( 7rXaw ) : much- wandering, far- roving; dvEpog, driving far front, the course, baffling, A 308. rioXviroiTTjs : : Lapith, the son of Pirithous, B 740, 'L 29, M 129, 182, 836, 844. iroXv TTTVXOS (TtTvaaw) : with many folds, runny-furrowed. (II.) iroXv-iriipos : abounding in wheat. iroXv ppi]v and iroXvppTjvos (fpnv, fc'ipv(i)-- rich in sheep, I 154 and 296. iroXvs, iroXXi^, iroXv, peculiar forms, iroXXos, iroXXov, irovXvs ( also fem. ), irovXv, gen. 7roAof (v 25), ace. TTOV\VI>, pi. nom. TroAsfc, TroXfir, gen. iroXiwv (fl 655), TroX/Viwi', 7ro\A|wv, dat. TTO- \kffi, TToXiiffffi, ace. TToAenrf, for comp. and sup. see ir\elv, irXf loTog : much, many, with numerous applications that call for more specific words in Eng., as ' long,' of time, ' wide,' ' broad,' of space, ' loud,' ' heavy,' of a noise or of rain, etc. TroXXoi (Alt oi TroXXot), the many, the most, the greater part, B 483, and w. part, gen., TroXXoi Tpwwv, etc. Freq. as subst., TroXXoi, TroXXd, ' many men,' 'many things,' but predicative in /3 58, jo 637; often with other ad- jectives, TToXHf,' ~f KU\ t irpiv, woXXii/ fTrjXewv, T 180. iroXv-iAos ( araQvXi'i ) : with many clusters, rich in grapes, B 507 and 537. iroXv-orovos : much-sighing, mourn- ful, T 1 1 8 ; grievous, O 45 1 . TroXv-rXas (rXijvai) : much-suffering or enduring, epith. of Odysseus. iroXv-TXii|iv rr TroXwXac. iroXv - TX-qTOS : having endured or suffered much, X 38f . iroXv-Tpi^pwv, tavoQ : abounding in doves, B 502 and 582. iroXv - TprjTOS : pit reed with many holes, porous. (Od. ) iroXv - Tpoiros ( rpfTrw ) : of many shifts, versatile, epith. of Odysseus, a 1 and K 330. iroXv - eiSi)s : son of Mantius, grand- son of Mclampus, o 249 and 252. iroXi>T)|i.os (T]|Aos : Polyphemus. (1) son of Poseidon and the nymph Thoosa, one of the Cyclopes, a man-eater, n 7'*, i 371 ff. (2) one of the Lapithae, A 264. iroXv - 4>Xoio-pos ( <[>\olo/3oQ ) : loud- roaring, always iroXvijiXoiafioio da\aa- ffnc. noXv^Ttis : chief of the Trojan allies from Ascani:., N 791f. IIoXv<|>6vTTis : son of Autophonus, slain liy Tydeus before Thebes, A 395f. -n-oXu 4>oppos (fi>i): much nour- ishing, bountiful. (II.) iroXv pcoy, oi'oc : very sagacious. iroXv \ a Xico9 : rich in bronze; ovpa- VOQ, all-brazen, fig. epithet, E 504, y 2. iroXu-xpvo'os : rich in gold. iroXv-toiros (OTT/;) : with many holes, meshy, ^ 386f. iro|xirvs, ijog : = Tro/iTrof, only pi. ; irofiTrrjec; vr\uv, S 362. 7ro(xirvw (TTouirtixj) i be escort, con- duct, escort, v 422f. irojATn] (7rf/<7rt>j) : sending away, dis- missal, wort. TTOIATTOS (iriuirw) : conductor, escort; fem., S 826. irovcofxai (TTOVOC,), part. Tr 239 Ipf. (f)TTOt'HTO, TTOJ'loiTO, flit. TTOVJJffO- (ttda, uor. Troj'/jffaro, plup. irf Trovnro : be engaged in toil, toil, IG\iivr\v, and abs., p 258 ; trans., work upon, make with care, 2 380, i 310. Troves : labor, toil, esp. of the toil of battle, Z 77 ; frequently implying suffering, grievousness, 'a grievous tiling,' B 291 ; hence joined with oi^o, KqSia, avin, W 2,vpcos : pnrpfe; 326 ; also of the rain- bow, a cloud, P 547, 551. Met., Gara- TOC, probably with reference to the optical sensations of dissolution, E 83. irop<{>tJpci> (0i)pw): boil or surge up, of waves, 3 16; met., of mental dis- quiet, be troubled, brood, 8 427, etc. iroae : interrog. adv., whether? HocrciSilwv : Poseidon ( N e p t u- n u s), son of Cronus and Rhea, broth- er of Zeus, Hades, etc., and husband of Amphitilte. As god of the sea, the element assigned to him by lot (O 189), he sends winds and storms, moves the waters with his trident, and causes earthquakes, ivoai\9u>v, ivvoffiynioc, yai/joxoc- To him, as to Hades, black bulls were sacrificed, y 6; cf. the epi- thet KvavoxaiTT)<;. Poseidon is the enemy of the Trojans in consequence of the faithlessness of Laomedon, 470 ; freq. as honorable title or epith. of goddesses and women, TTorva Qtti, 'mighty' goddess (cf. 'our Lady '), irorvta [JLIJTTJP, ' revered,' ' hon- ored,' 247 and ij 127. irpe'irw, ipf. tTrpeTre : be conspicuous or distinguished, M 104, Q 172, a 2. (Trpiaflve) : gift of hon- or, e 289f. Yevris : first-born, A 249f. , in Horn, only feui. irpe- o-po, conip. irptnfivTtpos, sup. Trptafiv- rarof : aged, venerable, honored, coinp. older, sup. oldest; "Hptj irpLafia Otd, not with reference to age (although of course it never made any difference how old a goddess was), E 721 ; cf. d 59. irprjOco, aor. tirpriaa., irpiiae, inf. Trpij- ffat: a verb combining the notions, blow, stream, burn ; tTTpi]niv d' avftioQ H'taov tariov, 'swelled,' ' filled,' /3 427 ; with if, A 481 ; (nt/zo) ava crro/ia Kai Kara pivas \ irpi\nt \avwv, ' spiited,' IT 350; wpi and irvpvc., H 429, 432, B 415. TrpTjKT]p, TJOOC ( Trpi'iaau ) : doer; tpywv, I 433 ; pi., traders, 162. irpT|viis, If (irpo, cf. p r o n u s) : for- ward, on the face, head-foremost, 'L 43, n 310; opp.'vTrrtoc, O'll. irptjlis, ice ( -piiaaw ) : accomplish- ment, result; ov rir; irpfi%t iji-yvtro fivpofiivoiaiv, ' they gained nothing' by weeping, K 202, 568 ; business, enterprise, y 82; Kara irpijZti', 'on business,' 7 72. rrpT], aor. t-rrprj^a : fare, pass over, li\a, i 491 ; complete a jour- ney, KiXtvQov, ocoio ( part. gen. ), & 282, Q 264,7 476 i tllen '" general, do, accomplish, tpyov, ov n, T 324, Q 550, A 562. irpiaro, defective aor.: bought, pur- chased. (Od.) IIpiapii8T)s: son of Priam. (II.) IIpia)xos : Priam, son of Laome- don, and king of Troy. He was al- ready an aged man at the time of the war, and took no part in the fighting, i2 487. Homer says that Priam was the father of fifty sons, of whom his wife Hecuba bore him nineteen. Be- sides Hector, Paris, Helenus, and Gas- rptv 241 irpoijiojs sandra, the following children are named: Echemmon,Chromius, Lyciion, Polite?, Gorgythion, Democoon, Dei- phobus, Isus, Antiphus, Laodice. irpfv (irpo) : (1) adv., before, former- ly, first; irpiv fiiv icai yi\pa t-uaiv, ' sooner' s-hall old age come upon her, A 29, Q 551, y 117; freq. TO irpiv, TroXv Trpiv, ft 167. ( 2 ) conj., before, with some peculiarities of construction which may be learned from the gram- mars ; the inf. is used more freely with xp'iv in Homer than in other authors. Freq. doubled in correlation, Trpiv . . Trpiv, 9 452, A 97 ; so ledpog . . irpiv, irpoaOiv . . irpiv, Trpiv y' on, irpiv y 11 (priusquam), E 288. Without verb, Trpiv iopT), ' before it is time,' o 394. irpioros (rrpiiji): sawn, ivory, er 196 and r 564. irpo : before, forward, forth. I. adv., (KOuara) irpo /ikt' T d\\', avrup in d\Xa, some 'before,' others after, N 799, cf. 800; irpo yap >, sent 'forth,' A 195; -IXwQi irpo, ovpavoQi Trpo, 'before Ilium,' 'athwart the sky' (at Ilium, in the sky, 'in front'), T 3 ; of time, jjujQi ?rpo, in the morning 'early'; irpo r tovra, 'things past'; Tt-po ol eiiroiuv, ' beforehand,' A 70, 37; a subst. in the gen. may specify the relation of the adv., irpb S' dp' ovpfjtc, K'IOV avrwv (gen. of compari- son), 115. II. prep. w. gen., (1) of space, irpb TTvXawv, irpo dvuKrog, be- fore the gates, in the presence of the master, Q 734; Trpo 6cou,well forward on the way, A 382. (2) of time, o 524, K 224. ( 3 ) fig., in behalf of, for; p.a\f.aQa{, 6Xea9ai irpb iroXijog (pro patriamori), X 110; causal, irpo 6j3oio,for, P 667. 7rpo-a\i]s, c ( uXXouat ) : springing forward, sloping, 4> 2b2f . n-po-{Jaivw, part, irpofiifide, irpofii- (3wvTi, -a, perf. 7rpo/3/3^/ca, pi up. irpo- fiefii'iKti : go forward, advance, and fig., surpass, nvog, Z 125; darpa irpofii- f3i]Kf, are 'verging low,' 'forward' toward their setting, K 252. irpo-poLXXu, aor. 2 iter. irpofiaXfaKf, part. irpoj3aX6vT^, mid. aor. 2 irpofld- XOVTO, opt. TrpoflaXoi/jTiv: act., throw forth, 'tossed it over,' of the winds playing ball with Odysseus's raft, e 33 1 ; met., tpida,. ' begin ' strife, A 529 ; 16 mid., cast down before, subjectively, A 458 ; met., excel, rtvdf, T 218. irpo-paais ( irpoSaivw ) : live - stock, as opp. to Ktiui]Xia ( Ktiuai ), 3 75f . Cf. the foil. irpo - PO.TOV ( irpofiairu ) : only pi., cattle, droves or flocks, g 124 and * 550. irpo-pe'povXa ( BovXouai ), def. pf. : prefer before; nvd nvog, A 113f. irpopipds, irpopipiv : see irpodai- , rjroc; ( irpofidXXw ) : pro- jecting. irpo - (3Xuj, inf. irpo/BXwoictiiiv, aor. 2 Trpo/ioXov, imp. TrpopoXt, part. -MV, -ovffa : come or go forward or forth. Irpo-Podw, part, irpofiowvrs : shout loudly (above the rest), M 277f. irpo - PO\O; ( irpojBaXXu) ) : jutting rock, (i 25 If. irpo- yeveo-Ttpos : born before, older, comp. of irpoyivi}Q. irpo - ytV vo ( Aal > aor - 2 irpoyivovTo : get on, advance, 2 525f. irpo-Yovos : pi., earlier-born lambs, 'spring lambs,' 'firstlings,' i 221f. irpo - 8ais ( root &z ) : aor. part., learning beforehand, 5 396f. irpo-SoKij (irpodixofiai): lurking- place, ambush, pi., A 107f. irp6-8o(Aos : vestibule, a portico be- fore the house, supported by pillars (see plate III. D D, at end of volume), I 473, S 302, cf. 9 57. irpo - ee'p'yw ( Ptpym ) : hinder ( by standing before), w. inf., ipf., A 569f . irpocT)Ka : see irpotqfu. irpo - eiSov, subj. irpoiSwaiv, part. irpo'idwv, mid. subj. irpotduivrai : look forward, catch sight of in front, mid., v 155. irpocjicv : see Trpoitjfti. irpo - epeVo-w, aor. vpoipiaaa : row forward. irpo - epvw, aor. irpoepvffffev, subj. irpotpiiaait) : draw forward, launch. irpc'es : see irpotriut. irpo-e'xw, irpoSx w > ifpovxovatv, part. Trpov\iov, ipf. irpi'xxt ; mid. ipf. irpov- XOVTO : be ahead, * 325, 453 ; jut for- ward, fi II, T 544; mid., hold or have before oneself, y 8. i irpo-T]KT|s, t c (<**{]) ' sharp in front, ! with sharp blades, fi 205f. irpoOe'Xvfivos 2 irpo-0\v)ivos (QiXvpvov): with the root, roots and all, K 15, I 541; over- lapping, of the layers of ox-hide form- ing a shield, N 130. irpo9e'ovo-i : see irporidnui. irpo - 0e, ipf. iter. TrpoOetaKE, subj. Trpotiiyffi: run before, outstrip. npoOoijvwp : son of Are'ilycus, a chief of the Boeotians, B 495, SJ 450, 471. ITpo3oos : son of Tenthredon, a leader of the Magnesians, B 756, 758. irpoOopwv : see irpoOpwaKw. Ilpo96xv : a Trojan, slain by Teu- cer, & 5 1 5f. irpo - OpuerKO), aor. part. TrpoQopwv : spring forward. (II.) irpo-0iifJitT] (irp66i>noG): zeal, courage, pi., B 588-J-. The t is due to the neces- sities of the rhythm. irpo-0vpov (y/'/o?;) : front gateway, a 103, y 493; front doorway (see plate III. t), Q 304, a 10 ; porch at the en- trance of the court, with pillars (see plate III. A). irpo - 'iaXXw, ipf. irpoiaXktv : send forth. irpo-vdirrti), f ut. irpo'icnfyu, aor. irpo- iatytv: hurl (forth)," A'iHi, 'AlBiavrji, A 3, E 190. The irpo- is merely for em- phasis. (II.) irpo-iT)|u, irpoirjffi, 3 pi. irpo'iiioi, imp. jrpota, part. Trpo'iiiaa, ipf. Trpoif.iv, -tig, -ei ( -uv, -;<;, -*l ), aol- - irpotnKa, irporJKt, 3 pi. irpoiaav, imp. irputQ, -trot, inf. irpoeuev : let go forth, send forth, Tiva, w. inf. of purpose, K 125, K 25 ; so of missiles, water, 'pour,' etc., 9 297, B 752 ; ' let drop,' ' let fall,' e 316, T 468 ; fig., i]iir]v, tirog, v 105, 466 ; KvSog TIVI, ' bestow,' II 241. irpo - iK-nis : beggar, mendicant. (Od.) irpotj, vpoucof. gift, present; Tcpoi- KO, ' for nothing,' i. e. without com- pensation, v 15. irpo-to-rrjfj.1 : only aor. 1 part., irpo- ari}(jag, having put forward ( in the front), w. inf., A 156f. IIpoiTOS : Proetus, king of Tiryns, son of Abas, and husband of Anteia, Z 157 ff. irpo-Ka0-i^a> : alight after flying for- ward, nettle (/own, part, B 463f . irpo - KaXeofiai, aor. TrpoKa\kaaaro, imp. irpoKaXtaaai, subj. irpoKaXtaatTai : irpoiroSitw challenge; \ap^ij, na.\iaaa9ai, H 218, T432. irp6-Ki|iai: lie before, only part. irpo - K\VTOS ( K\VH> ) : heard of old, ancient and celebrated; tirta, Y 204f . IIpoKpi? : daughter of Erechtheus, king of Athens, X 32 If. irpo-Kpoao-os (xpocrcrai) : in rows, in tiers, pi., & 35f. irpo - KvXtvSoixai : roll forward, & ISf. irpo-Xe'-yw: only pass. perf. part., Trpo\fXtYn't.voi, chosen, picktd, N 689-|-. irpo-Xciirw, aor. part. Trpi'\nrwv, inf. irpoXnrtlv, perf. Trpo\i\onrev : leave be- hind, met., forsake, f3 279. irpo-p.a)(ijw (Trp6fta\o(;) : be a cham- pion, fight in the front rank, Tpwai (among the Trojans), nvi (with some one), T 16 and V 376. irpo - p.axo(Acu : fffht before one, A 217 and P 358. irpo - (J.axog : champion, foremost fighter. Ilpc'jiaxos : son of Alegenor, a Boeotian chief, & 476, 482, 503. irpo-|xtYvw|Jii : only pass. aor. 2 inf., TTpopiyijvai, to have intercourse with (TIVI) before one, I 452f. irpo - (ivrjorrivoi : one before (after) another, successively, opp. liua TrdvTtc,, 230 and X 233. irpop,oXwv : see TrpofiXdiaKw. irpo^xos (TI"Pa, P 98, 104. Of time, TTOTI eavtpa, ' towards evening,' p 191. irpoa-tt-yw, aor. 2 irpoajjyayf : S/'/'n^ WJDOW, p 44iif. irpooj : anoint, apply as oint- ment; (papnaKuv TIVI, K 392f. irpoo- - ajxovw, aor. inf. irpoffafivvai: ward off from one (TIVI), bring help or aid to.' (II.) irpo, iroTiKXtvo), ipf. irpoai- /cXIi'E, pass. perf. Trornct'icXirai : lean against, nvi TI ; perf. pass., is placed or stands near. (Od.) irpo9, ' apply oneself ' in entreaty, ' en- treat,' |8 77. 7rp6tvn ) ; according to others, that may be addressed (T}p,i), j. e. with natural, lifelike countenance, C 757f. Trpotr - Y)|ii, ipf. (aor.) irpoatyrjv, mid. inf. irpoaipdaQai : apeak to, ad- dress. irpocr - 4>vt]s, c : grown upon, i. e. fastened to, T 58f. (See cut No'. 105.) Trpcxr - (j>vo>, aor. 2 part. 7rpo(T0t>f, -i/fja: aor. 2 intrans., #row> to, cling, p 433 and G 213. irpocr - itfv'w, ipf. Ttpoaifyuvtov : speak to, address, accost ; in ^ 69, fifTf- wviiis, iroTu|>a>vl]i.s, tvaa, ev : capable of addressing, endued with speech, i 456f. 7rp6(r) P ass - perf. inf. TrporeTv- xOai : perf. pass., be past and done, let ' by-gones be by-gones.' (II.) irpori: see vpog. For compounds with irpon-, see under irpOQ-. IIpoTidwv: a Trojan, the father of Astynous, O 455f . irpoTipd\\eai, irpoTwiXeiv : see 7rpo(T/3aX/\w, T7poati\ea>. irpoTieiiroi : see TTpoailirov. 7rpo-Ti&t)[i.i, 3 pi., irpo9iovaiv, ipf. 3 pi. TrpoTiOfv, aor. irpovdijKtv : place be- fore, ' throw before ' dogs, Q 409 ; fig., 'permit,' A 291. irpoTifiv0i]xovatvco, ipf. TrpovQaivov, mid. ipf. TrpovtyaivtTO, pass. perf. 3 sing. TrpoTr'tfyavTai, aor. part. irpotyavtiQ : show forth, reveal, and intrans., shine forth, i 145 ; mid., shine forth, be visi- ble, appear; ovSe TrpovQalvtr ISiaGai, 'it was not light enough to see,' 1 143. irpd-acn.s (0?/) : pretext; ace. as adv., ostensibly, T 262 and 302. irpo - pi]S, , comp. irpotpc' 134; w. inf., 'better in drawing,' K 352. Trpo-4>epw, subj. irpotyepyai, opt. -oif, imp. -e, part, -wv, mid. pres. irpofytpov- Tat, subj. -jjrat : 6ear forth or away, proffer, fig., oj/ti'fca rtvt, B 251 ; 'dis- irpov-y w 245 ev-yco, aor. 2 subj. Trpovyy, opt. 2 sing. 7rpovyoiff9a, inf. Trpov- ytiv, part, -wv : /ee awa#, escape, abs., and w. aec. irpo - 4>pacrpwv, ovoc (pf]v) : adj., regu- larly used not as attributive but as adverb, cheerful(ly), gracious(ly), kind- ly), zealously), earnestly) ; ironical, Trpixppwv Ktv o>) intira Aia \iToipi)v, ' in good earnest,' i. e. I could not do it, 406 ; as adj., 9vu({t irpopovews (II). irpo-x'<>> pass. ipf. irpo%EovTO : pour forth; met., B 465, etc. (II.) irpo-xw (yovv): (forward) on the knee, 'on lier knees,' I 570; fig., O.TTO- XtaOai, laid ' low,' ' utterly ' destroyed, * 460. irpo-xoT] (x''-") 1 on ly P'-> out-pour- ings, mouth of a river, stream, v 65. irpo-xoos (x w ) : vessel for pouring, pitcher, vase ( for the form see cut No. 26). Used for wine, a 397, and for water in ablutions ( see cut No. 76). irpvXces, dat. irpv\se, see TrpvfjivoQ. irpujiVT]9v : at the stern; \apf3dvuv, 'by the stern-post,' O 716f. irpvixvijoaa : neut. adj. as subst., sc. irilsfiaTa, stern - cables, by means of which the ship was made fast to the shore; Trpv^vi^nia KracJ;{ 532 ; yXaJtr- era, ' root ' of the tongue, E 292 ; so Kipac,, N 705 ; vrjvt; irpvfivt), at the stern, 'aft,' 'after part,' cf. irpufivT], /3 417 ; Ci'ipv, here apparently the upper end, ' by the point,' P 618 ; of a stone, vpvpvvt; Traxi'C, thick ' at the base,' M 446 ; v\riv Trpvfivfiv, wood ' at the | root,' M 149. Neut. as subst., j>bv 9ivapo(;, ' end of the palm,' just below the fingers, E 339. 7rpv|xv-(i>pciT] (opoc) : foot of a moun- tain, 3 07f. npvravis : a Lycian, slain by Odys- seus, E 678f. irpwtjv (Trpo): lately, recently. (II.) : in the ( rrpwroc, //3i} ) : prime or ' bloom ' of youth. irpuii, (TTpu): early, in the morning; ' untimely,' v. 1. for TrpiHra, m 28. irpi(a), irpaiiZd : day before yester- day, B 303f. irpwiov, neut. adj. as adv., early in the morning, O 470f. irpwv, irpwvog, pi. Trpwoveg : foiv- land, headland. (II.) Ilpwpev's: a Phaeacian, 9 113f. irpuprj (TT^O): fern. adj. as subst., prow, u 230f. npcoT): sailing or going to sea for the first time, 9 35f. irpwro? (sup. from irpo): first, of position, rank, or time, opp. wraroe, B 281 ; tv irpatTg dyopy, 'front' of the assembly, T 50 ; e j/i irpwryai Qiipyai (cf. Trp69vpa), 'at the first entrance,' a 255 ; Trpwroi for irpofiaxoi, E 536, rf 379 ; ra Trpwra (sc. a9\a), * 275. Adv., irpwrov, irpwra, TO irpwrov, rd irpuTa, A 267, A 6 ; w. tjrao/j (cum p r i tn u m), ' as soon as.' irpwro-TOKos (risTo) : about to bear ('come in') for the first time, of a heifer, P 5f. Ilpami : a Nereid, S 43f. irpuove; : see irptav. irraipo), aor. 2 tirrapsv : sneeze, p 54 If. see irro/ia. er): elm. (II.) ILreXeos irvicivos n/reXeos : ( 1 ) a harbor - town in Thessaly, B 697. (2) in Elis, a colony of the Thessalian Pteieus, B 594. irrepvT) : heel, X 397f. nrtpotis, laau, iv : winged, epith. of the feathered arrow ; also of targes (Xaialjia), because of the fluttering apron attached to them, E 453 (see cuts Nos. 73 and 79) ; met., tirea Trrt- poEvra, ' winged words.' irrepov ( TreTOfiai ) : feather, wing ; irnpa j3d\\tiv, ' ply,' TivaaataQcu, A 454, (3 151; symbol of lightness, swiftness, T 386, j 36; fig., of oars, trrtpd vi]vaiv,\ 125. -irrepvl, vyoQ, pi. dat. Trrtpvytamv : wing, pinion. WTYJCTO-W, aor. TrrijZe, per.f. part, ve- Trrijwt,-: cower, crouch, perf. ; aor. trans. in an interpolated verse, ' make to cower, ' terrify,' & 40. TTToiew : only pass. aor. 3 pi., tirroiij- Oiv, were dismayed, ^ 298f . n-roXefiatos : son of Piraeus, father of Eurymedon, A 228f. 102 see 7ro\/zi'oj, etc. irroXieOpov : town, city, but often in a more restricted sense than TroXif, hence w. gen., Tpoing iipbv TtroKitQpov, Jli>Xow oiV'i ir-o\it9pov, a 2, -y 485. irroXi - iropOios, irroXiiropOos (Trtp- 0i>> ) : sacker of cities, epith. of gods and heroes (in the Od. only of Odys- seus). irroXis : see TroXif. irropeos : sapling, 128f. irrvYjia (irTVffou): fold, E 315f. ITTVKTOS (irrvaffta): folded, Z 169f. 7m3|, TTTV\O (irTvaffui) : fold, layer, of the layers of a shield, S 481 (see cut No. 130); fig., of mountains, cleft, vale, ravine, A 77, T 22, r 432. irrvov, gen. trrvvfyiv : winnowirtg shovel or fan, used to throw up grain and chaff against the wind, N 588f . TTTuxv<<> ( Tto^of ), jpf. iter. Trrw- XtutaKe, fut. part. TtTw\f.v(Hi)v : be a beggar, beg; trans., dalra, p 11, 19. irrwx ( TTTwaffw ) ; beffffar-(i\\\\u), avi]p,

(TTVKO), opt. trvKaZ,oitv, aor. TruKava, pass. perf. part. TrnrvKaafi't- voc, : cover closely or thickly, wrap up ; TIVO. vt(j>i\y, P 551; of a helmet, irv- Kaffs KapT), K 271 ; at/iiac, avrovi;, 'crowd' themselves,^ 225; pass., of chariots 'overlaid' with gold, etc., ^ 503 ; met., of grief, nvd Qpivac,, ' over- shadow ' the soul, 6 124. rrvia-n,T)8ijs, c (fiijdoc,) : deep-coun- selled, a 438f. irvKivos, ITVKVOS (TTVKO) : close, thick, compact; 9t>ip))K, dffTrlc, ^Xa7j', $ 521 ; with reference to the particles or parts 247 of anything. vi$o, ^nXayysc, aTi\ir; IlvXtov : a Trojan, slain by Poly- of a bed witli several coverings, ! poetes, M 187f. 'closely spread,' I 621 ; Trtmi/ct Trrepa, Trufxaros : last, of time or place; perhaps to be taken adverbially, of avrv$ aairidog, 'outermost,' Z 118, cf. the movements in close succession (see below), ft 151, etc. ; of thick foli- ge, ooe, Ottfivos, v\ti ; ' closely shut,' 'packed,' 6i>pt], f, & 167, y 68; . ^' of the nose, N 616. Adv., mJfiaTov, irvpara., joined with vcT-arov, varara, X 203, 8 685. irwSdvouai,, -rrcvBofiaL, opt. 3 pi. irevBoiaro, ipf. irvvBavofinv, (i)irivQt- - *"* netapli., ' strong,' ' sore,' a^of, arn, II 599, 12 480 ; wise, prudent, sagacious, j TO, fut. irtvaofjiai, aor. 2 pivi g, /Loyfez, tifoq, etc. Adv., ITUK(I)- j opt. redup. TreTruOoiTo, perf. vov, jrt)K(t)vd, irvKivws, close, fast, rap- | li-kirvaaai, plup. (tj-jreirvaro, du. TrETrj') idli/, often ; also deeply, wisely. ilvXai|j.evT]s : king of the Papilla go iai|i.evT]s : ng o te apa- ians, an ally of the Trojans, father of Harpalion/B 851, N 643. He is slain by Menelaus, E 576, but appears later as still living, N 658. IlvXaios : son of Lethus, a chief of ffdnv : learn by inquiry, ascertain, hear tell of; w. gen. (or k) of the person giving the information, also gen. of the person or thing learned about, v 256, 321 ; poijs, ' hear,' Z 465 ; freq. w. part., ' hear of all this wrangling on your part,' A 257. the Pelasgians, B 842f. ! irv| (cf. Ttiiica, TTVKVOQ, nvyfit]) : adv., iruX- dpTTjs, do : gate-clostr, door- , icith the fist, at boxing. keeper of the nether world, w. Kpare- \ iruivos (irv^og): of box-wood, 269f. pdf, epith. of Hades, 6 367, X 277. j irvp, irvpi>Q: fire; pi. irupd, watch- rivXdpi-iis : the name of two Tro- I fires, 509, 554. jans, one overcome by Ajax, A 491 ; j irvp-d-ypT) ( dypew ~ atpew ) : fire- the other by Patroclus, IT 696. irvXa-wpos ( root Fop, bpdui ) : gate- keeper, pi. (II.) iruXrj : gate, gates, always pi., with reference to the two wings. Poetical- ly 'AiSdo (periphrasis for death), oi'pa- vov, 'QXvfnrov, 'HfXioio, cvtiptiai, 6w puiv, S 809, T 562, E 646, 156. IIvXTi-yeviis : see nvXoiywfa . IIvXi]vt| : a town in Aetolia, B 639f. IIvXios : of Pylm; Uv\ioi, the Pgliouu, H 134, A 753, * 633, o tongs, y 434 and 2 477. ITupaixpis : a chief of the Paeo- nians, an ally of the Trojans, slain by Patroclus, B 848, II 287. brought to a glow, t 328|. nopewros : ( 1 ) a Trojan, slain by Ajax, A 491. (2) name of a town in Thessaly, B 695. vrvpyrfiov : adv., like a tower, ' in solid masses.' (II.) irup-yos : tower, turreted wall ; fig., of Ajax, Kvpyog 'Axaiuv, A 556 ; his shield also is compared to a tower, H f : born in Pylos, bred j 219, A 485 ; of a ' column,' ' compact in Pi/lux, Nestor, tWoi, B 54, * 303 riiiXdeev : from Pylon, ir 323f. IlvXovSe : 'to Pylos. IIvXos: Pylos. (1) a city in Mes- senian Elis, on the coast opposite the southern extremity of the island of Sphacteria ; the home of Neleus and Nestor. Under the epith. ' sandy ' Pylos the entire region is designated, B 77, y 4. (2) a city in Triphylia of Elis, south of the Alphgiis, A 671 ff. (3) see 7r;Xoc. iruXos : iv nvXtft, E 397f , explained by those who prefer not to read iv gates of Hades in. the gateway, i. e. at the body ' of troops, A 334. irvpyow, aor. irvpywaav : surround with towers, fortify, X 264f. ' : fever,X 3 If. ( irvp ) : pyre, funeral -pile, 110-177, 192-258, Q '786-799. ( Cf. cut No. 103, on following page.) irvpT)4>6po? : see irirpo6pog. irupi-iJKTjs, f c ( aif n ) : fi re -pointed, with blazing point, i 387f. irvpi - KavoTOS ( (ccu'w ) : charred, N 564f. n.vpi9 : a Lycian, slain by Patro- clus, II 416f. IIvpi<(>XeY^0v : Pyriphlegethon, a river of the nether world, K 513f. 248 pau irup-Ka'it] (Kaiw) : place where fire is kindled, funeral-pile. (II.) irupvov : wheaten loaf. (Od.) iriipds : wheat, often pi. ; mentioned only once as food for men, v 109, but cf. Ttvpvov. irvpo-cfidpos and Trvp-q^dpos : wheat- bearing^ y 495. irup-iroXw : tend fires (watch-fires), part., K 30f . iruporos (irvp): torch, beacon, signal- light,^., 2 21 If. irw : enclitic adv., always w. neg., ou TTOJ, not ye/, (\\}ever, ov yap TroVA") $// TTW, etc. ; also like 7ro>t', ou (^/) TTW, 'in no wise,' ' by no means.' irw\EO)xat ( frequentative of TTf'Xo- fiai), 7ru\t(ai), part. TruXivptvoi, ipf. irwXtvunv, -tiro, her. : frequent a place, ^o a?io owic to or among, consort with. rroiXos : foal. Trtijjj.a, arof : lid, cover, of a chest, a vase, a quiver, II 221, ft 3i>3, A 116. (See the quiver of Heracles in cut.) 104 irw-irore: .'> yet, always after ov, referring to past time. irws: interrog. adv., how? in what way? Also with merely exclamatory effect. K 337. Combined, ITWQ yap, TTWC ^/}, Troie T apa, etc. JTIJS : enclitic indef. adv., somehow, in some way; if in any way, perchance, perhaps,- w. neg., by no means. Tr(dTcLo|iai (Trerofiai), ipf. TTMTWITO : fly, M 287f. nrwv, toe, pi. dat. irwftrr : flock, oinjv, P. P. Many words beginning with p originally began with two consonants, esp. fp or ap (fp^yvv^i, apiat), and the quantitative (metrical) effect of the two letters has been preserved in the frequent doubling of p (tppeov). What the initial consonant was cannot al- ways be determined. p= <,': see apa. pdf3So9 : rod, wand, esp. the magic wand of Hermes, Circe, Athena, Q 343, ic 238, v 429 ; of a fishing-rod, p 251 ; pins, M 297. paSaXos : see poSavoc.. : Rhadamanthys, son of Zeus and brother of Minos, a ruler in Elvsium, M 322, n 323, 8 564. paSivos (fp-): slender, pliant, oe : pi., drops; fig., KO- v'inQ, ' particles ' of dust, 502. (II.) paivw, aor. imp. paaaaTt, pass. ipf. pah'ovro, perf. 3 pi. ippd&arai, plup. ipnacaro : sprinkle, besprinkle. pai 228 and 229. pairrw, ipf. paTTTOfiiv, aor. pd^/e, inf. pd^at : sew, stitch, or r>e< together, M 296; met., ' devise,' ' contrive,' 2 367, y 118, TT 379,422. pdo-craTe : see paivw. pa$r\ (paTTTai) : seam, pi., x 186f. pdx L ?. toe : (7u'f, buck - piece, cut lengthwise along the spine, I 208f. Tea, Teitj : Rhea, daughter of Ura- nus, sister and consort of Cronus, mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Hestia. pea, peia: easily; foot pEta %wovTr., i. e. without the effort entailed by care and trouble, 122. pe'e9pov (pau) : pi., streams, stream, current; Trorafiolo pitOpa, periphrasis for 7rorajuoc. pe'l> (Pp., Pepyov), ipf. iter. pt&oicov, fut. pfw, aor. tpfa, tppeZf, pi%, subj. pi&ntv, pass. aor. inf. ptx&qvat, part. fpyov, tv or KctK(u(^ TLVCI, T^ 56 ; ov Kara fiolpav tp^ag, i 352 ; pass., p^- Qkv e TB vrjirioQ tyvuj, 'a thing once done,' P 32 ; esp., ' do ' sacrifice, ' per- form,' 'offer,' 'sacrifice,' tKaru^rjv, 0(i\i!tna, abs. 6ty, I 535. 9 250. peia : see pea. Peirj : see 'Pea. Ti9pov : name of a harbor in Ith:ica, a 186f. pe-mo (Pp.) : sink in the scale, used figuratively of the balances of fate, p7T 5' atm/Mov fifiap 'A\aiStv (mean- ing that their fate was scaled, an ex- pression the converse in form, but the counterpart in sense, of our ' kick the beam'), O 72, X 212. (Fl.) pew ( rrptPtii ), ipf. tpptov, pie, aor. ippvtjv, pvr] : Jioio, stream; met., of speech, missiles, hair, A 249, M 159, ic 393. 'IVOQ ( Ppi'iyvvpi ) : surf, pijyvvfu (Pp., cf. frango), 3 pi. priyvvai, ipf. iter. pfiyvvvKf, fut. pi],w, aor. (fjprj^a, priZt, mid. pres. imp. p/jy- vvaQe, aor. (ip)ptiavTo : break, burst, rend in twain, different from dyvvpt. Freq. of breaking the ranks of the enemy in battle, 0dXnyyaf, ii/iiXov, trn'xac, Z 6, A 538, O 615. Mid., break for oneself, A 90, M 90 ; break intrans., as waves, and tig., ' let break out,' ' let loose,' tpiSa, V 55. pTJyos, toe (fp-)- rug, blanket, prob- ably of wool, opp. \ivov, v 73 ; often pi., mentioned as covers, cushions, for bed or chairs. (Od. and I 661, Q 664.) (Cf. the Assyrian and Greek Opovog with Opfjvvs attached.) 10r, : see tlpta 1. (Att. ppSios), comp. pijiT- pos, sup. pTjtTttTos and pijiaros : easy; w. dat., also foil, by inf. ; pers. for irn- pers., prjirtpoi iroXifii^eiv fiaar 'A^aioi, 2 258. Adv., prjtSiws, sup. pT)iTara, A 390, T 577. pijKTos (fphyvvfii): breakable, pene- trable, vulnerable, N 323f. 'Prfvr\ : concubine of Olleus, mother of Medon, B 728f. pT]5-T)vopirj : might to break hostile ranks of men, % 21 7f. prji-ijvwp, opoc (Ppf]yvv/.(i,di'fip): 250 bursting ranks of men, epitb. of Achil- les. 'PijlTJvwp : son of Xausithous, and brother of Alcinous, ij 63 and 146. prjo-LS, toe (root ftp, tlpo) 1 ) : speak- ing, speech, $ 29 If. 'Pfjcros : Rhesus, king of tlie Tlira- cians, slain by Odysseus and Diomed, K 474, 519. pr\tT 1 ) : speaker. I 44 3 f . PTJTOS : spoken, stipulated, 445f. prJTprj : stipulation, bargain, 393f . pt-ycSavos ( fplyew ) : horrible, T 325f. pZyEco (.PpTyoc), fut. inf. plyi]otiv, aor. (i(o)pfy/ja (fpinTw) : nciftly. ^fv : see pit;. plv(5v and plvds (f p.) : skin of men, or hide of animals, then shield of ox- hide (with and without (3owv), A 447, M 263; reading and sense doubtful in e 281 (v. 1. ip~n>ov,' cloud ' V). plvo-Topos (Toptdj): shicUI-pierchiff, * 392f. piov : jwa&, cj-fl<7, headland, y 295. piir>i (fpi-n-Tw) : impulse, jtigltt. rush, of a stone thrown, a spear, wind and fire, 192, H 589,* 12. c Piirr] : a town in Arcadia, B 600f. piTTTato (frequentative of Fpi-^na]: hurl about, part., S 257f. ptirrw (/p.), ipf. iter. plitTaGKov, fut. p/i|/w, nor. tppl-^tv, piij/a: jtiiiff, hurl; TI uerd nva, 'toss into the hands of,' r 378. pis, pli/oc (^p.) : nose, pi. nostrils. poSavos : waving, swaying, 2 576f (v. 1. paSaXov). T68ios : see 'PaSof. 'PoSios : a river in the Troad, rising in Mr, Ida, M 20f. po8o-8aKTvXos : roni/-ji)igcred, epith. of Eos, goddess of the dawn. poSdeis, itrffo, f v ( fpi'Fov ) : rosy, 'fragrant with roses,' * 186f. T68os: Rhodes, ihe celebrated island southwest of Asia Minor, B 654 ff., 667. ToSios, of Rhodes, pi. 'PoSioi, the Rhodians, B - 654. poT] (apiw) : pi., flood, stream, streams. pdOios : plashing, dashing, surging, t 412f. w (polj3^oc, pol^of), aor. opt. iev '. gulp, suck in, p I06f. poieco, aor. poi^ijat : whistle, K 5()2f. pottos (cf. pol/3cc, poifiSew) : whist- ling, whizzing, of arrows, II 3G1 ; of the shepherd's call, t 315. pout] : pomegranate, tree and fruit, pl.,, 1 15 and X 589. poos (apittt) : flon\ stream, current. poiraXov (/pfTTw): club, cudgel, po\9e 69, * 367. jWmjiov (p<>'r>l/) : pi., undergrowth. pu>xp-6<5 ( pti>% ) : place gullied out, hollow, V 420f . puv|/, puiiTUQ : pi., twigs, brushwood. 122, cf. ^w/C 5e /, K 19. (3) ad, a 356. Say-yapics : Sangarius, a river flow- ing through Bithynia and Phrygia, and emptying into the Euxine, T 187, n 719. aaivco, ipf. aaivov, aor. tarivt : waff the tail, fawn upon, w. dat. of the tail wagged, p 302. craKos, f of : the great s/Wrf. (See cutsNos. 9, 16, 17.) 2aXo.jj.is : Safamix, the island near Athens, home of Telamonian Ajax, B 557, H 199. SaXfjuovcv's : son of Aeolus and father of Tyro, X 236f. o-aXmySj yyoc : trumpet, 2 21 9f. o-aX-irigw: only iior.. adXmy&v, fig., resounded, quaked. * 388f . 2d[iTj : &we. un island near Ithaca, perhaps Cephallenia or a part of Ceph- allenia, t 24, JT 249. Sajio?: ( 1 ) = 2a/x?/, B 634. ( 2 ) QpniKirj, Samothrace, an island off the coast of Thrace, N 12. 252 51. iraos : only comp., traun-spos, mo?-c w/ey), A 32't. porvvtj : sound sense, discre- tion; 'bring into ways of reason,' i|/ 13. puv ( Att. aw^ipwv ) : sound- minded, discreet, 1 58 and 4> 462. (jaoco (aaog). (rub), , subj. , part, aiu^oiv, awovric,, ipf. irdw (<7- ffo>, inf. . trapSaviov : neut. adj. as adv., sar- donicalli/, of a bitter, sarcastic smile, i; 302f aap|, ffapKog : flesh, T 450 ; else- where pi. 2ap-n-T)8(iv Sarpedon, son of Zeus, leader of the Lyeians, an ally of the Trojans, slain by Patroclus, B 876, E 633, 658, M 392, II 464, 480 ff., * 800. 2aTvidis : a forest stream in My- sia, Z 34, S, 445, * 87. Sarvios son of Enops, wounded by Ajax, S 443f. o-avpwnip, fipot; : a spike at the butt -end of a spear, by means of which it could be stuck in the ground, K 163f. (See cut No. 4.) o-aa (o-a^^t') : dearly, plainly, for certain. aaco, aaaxrai : see craoa). traujrepos : see aaoQ. 0-pe'vwp.t, aor. 1 taftiatv, afiioav, inf. , ipf. fftiov, aor. oilae, part, fftt- fftiffa, pass. pres. part. OWOJUH'OC, ipf. fffi'tro, iaatiovTO, mid. aor. ffdaa-o: shake, brandish; aaviSai;, of no gentle knocking, I 583 ; vyoi;, of horses as they run, y 486 ; pass, often, of spears, a forest, S 285 ; mid., ' moved her- self,' 9 199. Ze'Xa-yos: the father of Amphlus, from Paesus, E 612f. cre'Xas, aoc : brightness, light, gleam, radiance, of fire, lightning, the eyes in anger, P 739, e 76, T 17. a-\i]VT] (cf. trtXac): moon. SeXTjiridSris : son of Selepius, Eve- nus, B 693f. trf'Xivov : parsley, B 776 and t 72. 2eXXtjei<; : (1) a river in Eiis near Ephyra, B 659, O 531. (2) a river in the Troad near Arisbe, B 839, M 97. SeXXoi : the Selli, priests of Zeus at Dodoim. n 234f. Semele, daughter of Cad- 253 mus and mother of Dionysus by Zeus, 3 323 and 325. trio : see av. ; making a stone fly, a head roll, 3 413, A 147; starting or drawing blood, E 208. II. pass, and mid., sometimes even aor. 1, set oneself a going rapidly, rush, hasten, speed; w. inf., fftvaro diwicuv, 'made haste' to pursue, P 463, 198; met., Ovfing fioi tcrffvrai, K 484 ; esp. the part. iaavutvoc., striving, eager, desirous, w. gen., 8 733, w. inf. 416. o-r)K:l{> (ffijucoc;), pass. aor. 3 pi. ffij- KaaQev : pen up, 9 13 If. OTjKo-Kopos (icopfdj): cleaner of pens or/oW.s-, P 224t- 413, N 244, X 30; a sepulchre, B 814, H 80; characters as a sort of pictorial writing, Z 168. ')vaTo : give the sign, hence, com- mand, dictate, A 289 ; w. gen., & 85 ; tiri TIVI, x 427 ; trans., mark, point out, ripua-a, * 358 ; mid., mark for one- self, something of one's own, H 175. o-rjjjidvTCtfp, opoQ ( ffrjuaivtti ) : one who gives the sign, commander, leader, then driver, herder, of horses, cattle, 127,0325. os (redup. from do^oe.) : Sisy- phus, son of Aeolus, father of Glaucu?, and founder of Ephyra (Corinth), re- nowned for craft and wiles, Z 153 ff. He was punished in Hades by rolling the 'resulting' stone up-hill, X 593. ovre'w, mid. ipf. iter. airtaKovTo : feed, mid., eat, u 209f. O-ITOS : grain, wheat, wheaten bread, i 9, a 139; then in general, food, Q 602, T 306. ovro - 4>dyo9 : grain - eating, bread- eating, i 191 f. o-iXcxo, a or. opt. mtjtXwTeitv: de- form, ruin, & 142f . criojirdo), inf. anauv, aor. opt. aiitt- irr]Gfiav, inf. ffiwxriaai: keep silence, p 513 and V 568. Tnj : silence, only dat. as adv., silently, secretly, S, 310. See adjv. <7Kaoj, part. du. enca^ovrt, mid. inf. aicci^fuOcti: limp. (II.) SKO.ICU: irvXai, and without TniXeti, F 263 ; the Scaean Gate of Troy, the only gate of the city which Homer mentions by name. It appears to have faced the Greek camp, affording a view over the Trojan plain, P 145, 149, 263, Z 237, 307, 393, I 354, A 170, n 712, 2453, X 6, 360. o-icaios (cf. scaevus): left (hand), A 501 ; western, 7 295. o-Kaipci): xkip, K 412; Trod, 'with tripping feet,' 2 572. Sica|idv8pios : ( 1 ) of the Seaman- der; irtdiov, Xti/wii/, B 465, 467. (2) Scamandriits, the real name of Hec- tor's son Astyanax, Z 402. (3) a Tro- jan, the sou of Strophius, slain by Menelaus, E 49. 2icd}JLavSpo5 : Scamander, a river rising in Mt. Ida, called by the gods (ancient name) Xanthus, SJ 434, Y 74, X 147 ff. SicavSeia: name of a harbor in the island of Cythera, K 268f. 2KoLpis, j't'oc (rjKa^TOi) : bowl, pi i 223f. , mid. inf. -irr9at, part. -ofitvoQ: (fan upon, ' pii^h against,' X 595. o-Kida> ( aicif) ), aor. subj. aKiaaij : overshadow, * 232f. o-Kidu ( ffKilj ) : only pass. ipf. To, were darkened. (Od.) iTKiSvaucu ( = OKtSdmrvnai ), imp. (TKivaa9t, inf. -aaOai, inf. oKicvaro, tfficiSi'avTo : intrans., disperse, scatter, be diffused, of persons, dust, foam of the sea, a streamlet, II 375, A 308, TJ 130. oxiepos : shady, A 480 and v 278. o-Ki-q : shadow, shade ; also of the nether shades, ghosts of the departed, K 495, X 207. o-Kiocis, erraa, ev: affording shade, xhady; [tfyapa, shadowy halls, an epi- thet appropriate to a large apartment illuminated by flickering fire-lights. CTKipran) ( cf. aicatpui ), opt. 3 pi. aKionptv : skip, gambol, bound along, T 226 and 228. oxoXios: crooked; met., 'perverse,' ' unrighteous ' (opp. iQlivrara), II 387t. .'/ out, K 40. o-Koirni (fficoTroc) : look-out place on a rock or mountain ; watch, t\uv, 9 30-2. ericoiros ( ffKeirrouai ) : watchman, watch, look-out, scout, spy ; also of an overseer or person in charge, 359, X 396 ; mark to shoot at, target, x 6 ; airJ ffKmfov, see a?r6. oxrmos : in the dark, in secret, Z 24f . o-KOTO-|Aijvios (VKI'I-OQ, fifir): dark from riie absence of moonlight, moon- less, ,.,', ^ 457f. O-KOTOS: darkness, gloom ; often in relation to death, A 461, E 47. o-Kv8|xa(v&), inf. -i[iti> = ffitvZonai, Q 692f. os : rude cup, for drinking, 112f. oxuX.t]|, TJKOC, : earth-worm, N 654f. o-K(I)\os : pointed stake, N 564f . a place in Boeotia, B 497t. , OKtttifog : horned owl, E 66f. aor. subj. ff/^apayj^ffy : roar, thunder, re-echo, of the sea, storm, meadow full of cranes. (II.) 8i|, iyyoe : bloody wale, weal, B 267 and * 716. o-6fl : sec aaou. o-oio : see iT] ( ffotyoQ ) : skill, accomplish- ment^ 412f. o-6o>9 : see oaoia. SirdpTTj : Sparta, the principal city of Laconia, residence of Menelaus and Helen. Epith., tvpila, Ka\\t-/vvai$, \ 460, v 412, B 582, A 52, a 93, ft 214, 359. 2iropTT)8v,/roi Sparta, ft 327, B 10. ZirdpTT]v8, to Sparta, a 285. onrdprov (of. ffirtipov) : pi., ropes, B 135f. orrdco, aor. tairaaa, Giraffe, mid. aor. (t)aira(a)adfinv, pass. aor. part, aira- aQivToc, : pull up or out, draw forth or away ; mid., for oneself, something of one's own, ft 321, K 166, 439. OTreio : see eVu. tnreios : see OTTIOQ. OTreipov (cf. airupTov, oTTtipia) : any wrap, garment, shroud, sail, 318, % ' 69 ' - OTreio-ai, D-ircta-are : see o-n-ti'Caj. 2imw : a Nereid, 2 40f. o-irevSw, subj. 2 sing. amvcyaOa, ipf. iter. i iter. ffjriiffaaKt, imp. a-rrfiaov : pour a drink-offering, olvoi', fi?an, ' with wa- ter,' make a libation, An', fltolf. Un- mixed wine was poured upon the ground or on the altar (/* 363) before drinking. Siirai, ' with ( from ) the goblet,' * 196, T) 137. . Then a treaty, ratified by libations, pi., B 341 and A 159. 0~jrov8ij (a7Tivo>): earnest effort; airb airovSiic,, 'in earnest,' H 359; drep (TTTOvcijc, ' without difficulty,'

, aor. arde, imp. ardov : drop, instil, T 39, 348, 354. oTa6(jiT) ( VoTjjjui ) : chalk line; iirl araQ^nv iOiiviiv, straighten or make true ' to the line,' phrase used of va- rious mechanical operations, 245, 121. o-ra0|jios ( 'iffrrj/^i ) : any standing- place or thing that stands, hence stall, pen, or fold for animals, also the shep- herd's 'lodge, B 470, T 377, p 20; so post, door-post, & 167, $ 838; weight for the balance, M 434.- to the stall, homeward, i 451. ordficvai : see VajTj/ii. CTTO|XIVS vXi7 : bunch of grapes. 178 and 183. crrcipco, ipf. aTilfiov: tread, stamp, trample upon, A 534 ; of washing clothes by foot-power, 92. oreiXa : see crrsXXw. ) : chaplet or ,/?Wrf of a priest. Cliryses takes the j fillet from his head and places it upon his sceptre, because he comes as a sup- pliant, A 14. (The cut shows the band in two positions as extended at full length, and as wrapped around the head. In the second representation the ends should hang down by the sides of the head below the ears, A 28.) ^yiri, ipf. tffTti\f., GTil'xpv, aor. 2 tort- XGI/ : march up or forward, go, move ; of the sun, climb, X 1 7. o-re'XXw, opt. ffTf\\oi[ii, fut. ) gatherer of lightning, lighlning-compel- ler, H 298f. errevfiai, arfvrat, ipf. arfVTa ' de- notes the expression of a wish by a gesture, have the appearance, make as if, foil, by inf., regularly the fut, once OT(j)dvT) 258 OTpttTOS aor., ' pretends to have heard,' p 525 ; Sul/auv, 'stood as if thirsty,' X 584; in general, engage, threaten, promise, nvi, E 832. avTj (avos ( ariyu ) : crown, ring, N See aTf>di>i]. (o-rtyavot;), pass. perf. plup. -TO : put around as a crown ; the pass, is to be understood literally, but it may be paraphrased 'encircles,' 'encompasses,' etc., K 195, A 36, E 739, O 153; rn T ovpavuQ Effrtpdyuirai, ' with which the heaven is crowned,' 2 485. w (cf. stipo): properly to stuff or set close around, fntt on as a crown, crown with ( cf. OTityavou ), 2 205; fig.,0 170. o~r0)(iv, orrfj, or^T) : see 'iormu. o~ri)9os, EOC, ari)0ea(pt : breast; as source of voice and breath, A 430, I 610; pi., often fig., as seat of the heart, 3 140, I 256, K 95, A 189; hence of passions, emotions, reason. 242 ; KUKOV KctK16. SriXios : an Athenian lender, slain by Hector, N 195, O 329, 331. ) : sighing, groan- ing, often pi. crrovaxi : see oTiva%ib). o-rovois, tffaa, tv: full of, or caus- ing sighs and groans, mournful, griev- ous, dotdt], fieXia, Q 721, 9 159. TTOVOS (oTM'w) : Kighinff, groaning. o-ropcvvvjii, pivt<;, Qtoi, to be turned, placable, O 203, I 497. crrpcvYOjiat ( ffrpayyw, cf. s t r i n- g o) : be exhausted drop by drop, be wearied out. inf., O 512, /* 341. orpe<|>e-8iv'u> (ffrpiipat, Siv'mi): only puss. aor. 3 pi., arpie.d(v>)9tv de 01 vaat, his eyes whirled round and round, everything was in a whirl be- fore his eyes, H 792-f. cTTpecJw, aor. arptya, iter. arptya- GKOV, mid. ipf. larpifytTO, fut. inf. arpi- fytaQai, pass. aor. iarpidnv : turn ;iround the other way (more than rp'a- 7T(t), twist; of a chariot in battle or the race, 323; intrans,of ploughing, 2 544, 546; mid. and pass., turn one- self about ( to and fro ), twist, Q 5, M 42; 'twisting myself into his wool, t 435. o-Tpf \j/ao-Kov : see : top, 3 413f. os (arpEffxa) ; cord, rope. (Od.) orpiivvvjii : see aTopkvvvp.i. (TTpwda> (tjTpf(Tt, mid. inf. arpt'xpaffOin, ipf. arptatyuTO : turn constantly; r)XKara, 63, p 97 ; mid., intrans., keep turning, tarry, dwell ( v e r s a r i ), KO.T' avrovt;, fighting among them, N 557. ) : abominable, hateful, hated. orvyew, aor. 2 tarvyov, aor. 1 opt. aiui : abominate, loathe, hate; Kara ( adv. ) S' iaTvyov aiirr)v, ' were dis- gusted' at the sight of her, K 113; aor. 1 is causative, make hateful or horrible, X 502. SrviKb-nXos : a town in Arcadia, B 608f. STV|, Srvyoe ('River of Hate'): the Styx, a river of the nether world, by which the gods swore their most solemn oaths, B 755, ic 514, 6 369, S 271, O 37. 2rvpa, pi. : a town in Euboea, B 539f. o~rv<|>tXiw, aor. (t)rrrveXiZa, pass. pres. part. drv^cXi^o/jti'ovc,* : smite, knock about, thrust rudeh/ from, A 581, X 496, p 234; in general, buffet, altreat, a 416; pass., IT 108; ' s'cat- ter ' the clouds, A 305. , cove,, Ki'tfiaTOV, opicia, I 612, O 366, 473; dvdpa, ' break down,' 9 139. avKerj, OTJKTJ : fig-tree. (Od.) aixov: fig, r\ 12 If. trvXdo), ipf. (t)(TCAa, fut. avXriatTt, aor. subj. (rwA^dw: s<>-?p off the armor from a fallen foe, despoil, -iva (TI), '& 71 ; in general, take off or from, A 105, 116. : despoil, rob, take advantage of, E 48, Q 436. oiA-Xryw, aor. part. ffvXXiae, mid. aor. ffvXXtaro, fut. AXto/wai : collect, gather up, mid., for oneself. jrat, part, -rjuevog, fut. avfi(3Xf}(a)tai : I. act., 578, 15. II. mid., intrans., meet, encounter, abs.'and with dat, aor. 2 very freq., & 39, 27, 231, 54, K 105. 2t'(j.Tj : an island between Rhodes and Cnidus in Caria. Adv., from Syme, B 671. 0-vjx-p.dpTrTto, aor. part, seize or grasp together, in order to break off, K 467f. cpTos : combined, united, N 287f. erupt - 4>po), mid. ipf. avfujtipofitada, f ut. ffvvoiaofjitOa : mid., 6e borne or come together, meet in battle, 9 400, A 736. (II.) pdS|X(ov (0(0aw) : counselling together, p\., joint counsellors, B 372-J-. crujj. - pd.op.cu, fut. ffv/i 387; of mingling, confusing, breaking up, ffvv C ijn'iv Snlra rapu^y, A 579 (cf. 86) ; avv o' opKi i^tvav, A 269 ; avv dt yepovTi vooc \vro, Q 358. II. prep. w. dat., with, in company with, by the aid of; avv 6t., aor. %vvd- yttpa, mid. pr. part. , fut. -d^ovm : lead or bring together, collect ; fig., tptda, "Aprja, join battle, ' bring about,' ' stir up,' E 861, n 764. , mid. aor. subj. avvatipt- rai: mid., couple together for oneself, 680. 502 f. rvv-aipe'w, aor. 2 auvi\(, part, ovve- Xwv : take together, lay hold of at once, v 95; 'tore away,' n 740. , aor. -tStjaa : bind together, bind f ant, bind up. crvve'Spafxov : see avvTpi-ta. trvv - ee'p-y, inf. %vve- \avvefitv, aor. avvkXaaaa, subj. %vvt- Xdaaofttv, inf. ZweXdvaai : drive or bring together, booty, men in battle, A 677, a 39, Y 134 ; intrans., tptSi, X 129. trvveXov : see avvaipiw. , |vvx w > ipf- Gvv(.-)(pv : hold together, intrans., meet, A 133, Y 415; an old perf. part. cvvo\iaKaTt means 'tent together over, B 218. ) : pi., meeting, oSov, of the forward and the home- stretch, 330f. o-vvoxwKore : see avvi\dt. . and w. ace., A 76, o 27. o-vv-rpcis : three together, by threes, t 429f. o-uv-Tp'x, aor. 2 ffwiSpauov : run or ruxh together, II 335 and 337. crvvu}ic0a : see OWIIJ/H. o-vpivl, lyyog: any tube, hence (1) shepherd's pipe, Pan's -pipe, K 13,2 526. (2) spear-case, T 387. 2vpiT) : a mythical island, fur in the West, foevond rtygia, o 403f . i6s, o-u4>os : sty; t6vt, to the sty. (Od.) oppds (fp/3u): swineherd; Traic, tending swine. (Od. and * 282.) tr<|>alX aor. taaa, d^(, pass, pres. part. oa6fievot, perf. part. iffQayiiEva: cut the throat, slanglder, always of animals, esp. victims for sacrifice, A 459, y 449, 454, a 92. The blood was caught in a vessel made for the purpose. (See cut under apviov.) cr4>aipa : ball; aQaipy irai^tiv, ' play at ball,' 100. (Od.) o-<|>aipTj8ov : like a ball, N 204f. o-d.XXo> (cf. f allo), aor. 1 u^rjXe, inf. trjj\at : make to totter or fall, p 464, * 719. apaYiop.ai, ipf. aQapaytvvro : hiss, be full to bursting, t 390, 440. (Tds, or4> : see H. Savdv ( cf. fftyoSpog ) : neut. adj. as adv., eagerly, impatiently. (II.) creels (root afe, cf. s u i), gen. afyiuv, atytittiv, ffa>v ( auTwv ), dat. ffiai(v), ff(f>(iv), acc. ff^se, ff(j>d^, (i) : person- al and reflexive prou. of 3d pers., themselves). i is probably never reflexive. Rarely of things, i 70, K 355. o-(j>e'Xas, ao^, pi. ff^f'Xa : footstool, foot-block, a 394 and p 231. o-cj>v8ovr) : sling; serves in case of need as a bandage for a wound, N 600f. (See cut, representing an As- syrian sliuger.) tia Tcpo (<70e7f) : s. pron. of 3d pers., their; strengthened by avTo<;, a 7; as subst., iiri afykrtpa, a 274. oxjniKow ( ffprtf ), pass. plup. &<]')- KtavTo : compress in a wasp-like shape, bind together, P 52f. 24>TJXos : son of Bucolus, of Athens, O 338. cr4>f)Xe : see ff^aXXw. orTJ|, aiv : see afyiiQ. tro8pd>s ( cf. fffSavov ) : strongly, earnestly, eagerly, fi. 124-)-. ovSuXios : vertebra of the spine, pi., back-bone, Y 483f. cr6s (o-^elf): their; always refer- ring to a pi. subst., /3 237, S 231. vpa: hammer, y 434f . vp6v: ankle. aa>(e), gen. and dat. wiv : dual of ff^eic, they two, both of them, A 8, 338. Both forms are enclitic, and in- stead of them the pi. forms are freq. employed. o-ak, o-ti, gen. and dat. o^wiv, er(j>tt>v : dual of av, ye two, you two, you both, A 336, 574, A 776, 862. er^uh and are never enclitic. o-wiTtpos : of you two, of you both, A216f. crx8itj : raft, light boat, * 234 ff. (An attempt has been made to repre- sent the construction and parts of Odysseus's ffxtdiij under apuovii) : a, the beams forming the tda^of, h. b, vrafjuvts- c, yofjupoi. d, apfioviai. f, f, licpia. ff, iarot,'.) near at hand, in hand to hand fiqht, E 880f. 2xe8ios : (1) a Phocian, the son of Iphitus, slain by Hector, B 517, P 306. TaXaifxe'vr,? (2) a Phocian, the son of PerimG- des, slain by Hector, O 515. ffio^w ) : saviour, epith. of Hermes, Y 72f. SWKOS : a Trojan, the son of Ilippa- sus, slain by Odysseus, A 427 f., 440 If. crcufia, aroc : dead body, corpse, car- case. o-us ( ffaoc, aooc ) : safe, sound, un- harmed; certain, N 773, c 305. ppt')v) : stont- hearted; epith. esp. of Odysseus. TaXdxrtrai : see r\rjv at. raXavpivos (root ra\, Ppivoq) : lit., enduring the ox -hide shield, tough, doughty, brave; epith. of Ares, with TroXe/uim'/c. Xeut. as adv., bravely, H 239. (11.) TaXd-()>p(ov = rnXad/^jOWf, N 300f. TaX6vptos : Talthybius, a herald of Agamemnon, A 320,' Y 118, A 192, H 276, T 196, 250, 267, 897. (Repre- sented in the foil, cut, from a very ancient Greek relief.) roLXXa, raXXa : see Tajic, TOjiceiv : see rdfivitt. cutting (lie skin, sharp-cutting. (II.) TOfxitj (fein. of rafiii]v): house-keep- er, stewardess; with and without yvvi), a 139, 'L 390; d/^nroXof, TT 152. TajiiTjs (ro/ivw) : steward, dispenser, T44 ; tig., 7roX/*oio, dW/icoj/, A 84, 21. Tofivw, rejivw, TC|X(i>, aor. ra/ne, inf. rafiitiv, mid. aor. inf. Ta[iio6ai, pas. perf. part. TtTfinnivov : cut, cut up, off, out, etc., mid. subjectively ; of ' felling' or 'lopping' trees, 'hewing' beams, ' marking off ' an enclosure, ' furrow- ing ' the earth with the plough, ' cutting off ' (intercepting, driving away) cattle, 'cutting' the waves in sailing,'] 580, N 707, S 528, * 38, 7 175 ; opicia, 'con- elude ' a treaty, see opiciov. Tava-i^KTjs, tc: with long edge or point, sword or spear, axe, 118. TaveuJs : long, n 589f. Tavaij-irovs, TTOOC : long-legged, i. e. slender-legged, i 464f. TavTjXY>jS gen. ioc : doubtful word, epith. of OcivaroQ, anciently interpreted prostrating, laying stretched out at length ( of a corpse ) ; ace. to some moderns, from Xyoe , long-lamented. TdVraXos : Tantalus, son of Zeus, and father of Pelops, a king of Sipy- lus, who revealed the secrets of the gods, and was punished in Hades, X 582 ff. raw- (rdviii) : stem of an adj., used as a prefix, meaning stretched out long or thin. TO.VV - yXcocro-os : slender - tongued, long-tongnad, i 66|. raw - yXfc>X' v ~ lv ' with slender (sharp) point, 297f. raw - TJKT)S, f f : with thin edge or point, keen, tapering, II 768. Tavv - irirXos : with trailing robes, long-robed. Taw-irTp\)|, vyog : with wide-stretch- ing wings, M 237 and T 350. Tctwai-irrcpos : broad-winged, 65 and x 468. Taworrvs, voc (ravvia')\ stretching or stringing of a bow, 112f. (Illus- trated in cut No. 34.) rawrai : see Tavvw. Tavv - 4>Xoios : with thin (smooth, tender) bark, II 767f. TavvvXXos 264 TCLVU - 4>viXXos : with long or slender I leaves. (Od.) ravvw, Tavvjii ( Att. rfivttt ), aor. I (e)Taw(ecs (rpt^aj) : thick, close togeth- er, frtqiiml. Neut. as adv., Tap4>e'a, often, thickly, M 47f. Tdp4>T) : a town in Locris, B 533f . Tap<}>05, oc (rpiV>a>): thicket, only dat. pi., iv Tapfytaiv vAijc, E 555 and O 606 Tapx<5*>> fut. Tap\v(Tovat, aor. subj. Tap\(''aiaoi : solemnly bury. (II.) ravpeios : of a bull of bull- or ox- hide. (II.) ravpos : bitll, with and witliout /love. radios (ra0oc): for burial; 0upof, wiitding-sheet, shroud. (Od.) Taioi.: the Taphians, inhabitants of Taphos, notorious for their piracy, a 105. 181, 419, $ 452, o 427, TT 426. ' Taos : Taphos, an island between Leiicadia and Acarnania, near Mega- nisi, a 417. 1. radios (9a.TTTu>) : buried ; funeral- feast, y 309. 2. ratios (root 9mr, ra^wv) : aston- i&hment. (Od.) Tapos (Qairrta) : ditch, trench. racjxov : see Oair-. rax* : quickly, soon. Tax'ws: quickly, speedily, ty 365f. rdxos, toe : speed. (II.) raxv-irwXos : with swift steeds. rax^S, tia, v, com p. fldcrcrcov, sup. TXXI// 25 1,323. Teipos, eoe .( f - repae, dorrip): pi., constellations, 2 485f. reipw (cf. tero), ipf. tretpe, reipt, pass. ipf. (i)nlpfTo: wear out or away, only met., wear//, exhaust, distress, of age, hunger, troubles, A 315, O 61, a 342 ; freq. the pass., be worn, hard pressed, afflicted, Z 387. rti\tt' ) : OH 'y niid. aor., iTii\iGaavTO, built for themselves, H 449>. Tixtois, E'iffa, tv : walled, well watt- ed, well fortified, B 559 and 646. reixCov (diinin. from TEI^OC): wall belonging to a building, not a city or town, TT 165 and 343. Ti\os, : icall of a city or town, then in general -Any fortification, ram- part; Tfi^oc iXal'vw, Ctlftai, Troiijaa- ffOai. M 4, H 436. TCIWS : see ro>c- TK, TKIV : SCC TlKTIit. TK[j.aipop.ai (rKyjfcip), aor. TtK/iripa- TO, -vro : set :m end, hence decree, appoint, ordain, Z 349, r\ 317 ; portend, predict, H 70, X 112,/i 139. TCK|xwp ( Att. TiKfiap}: goal, end; -IXiov, ' overthrow,' H 30, I 48 ; then token, pledge, A 526. TC'KVOV (rtKTw): child; freq. in en- dearing or conciliatory address, X 84, ft 363. Of animals, young. TS'KOV : see T'IKTW. {Of = TtKVOV. (TBKTUIV), aor. TtKrfjva- TO, -airo : build, E 62 ; met., contrive. devise, K 19. (II.) TKTovi8Y|s : son of Tecton ('Build- er '), Polynaus, 9 114f. TKToap Ktpaoi Te\t'9oi>aiv, 'become horned,' 'get horns' straightway, S 85; irav- TC'XCIOS Tolai TtXkBovTtQ, 'assuming all sorts of shapes,' p 486. reXeios (rXof): perfect; said of victims that are without spot or blem- ish, A 66 ; the eagle is riXtioraTot; irt- Ttrivaiv, because lie brings the surest omen from Zeus, O 247, Q 315. TtXeiw : see rtXiw. TtXeo- - <{>6pos ( = $ipuv rfXoe ) : bringing to perfection or maturity, hence ivLavro^, a full year. (Od. and T 32.) TtXevrdw, ipf. TfXtvra, fut. rtXtvrii- aat, aor. TtXeurtjaa, mid. fut. TiXivrfj- oeaBai, pass. aor. inf. TtXivTr)9nvai : complete, bring to pass, fulfil ; votjfia- ra, itXSwp, S 328, 200; opKov, in due and solemn form, & 280 ; pass. and fut. mid., be fulfilled, come to pass, 074,/3 171,0 510. Tf\evrr\ : end, accomplishment, pur- pose, I 625, a 249. TcXew, TcXciu, ipf. riXiov, iriXtiov, fut. TfXsta, TtXii, aor. (i)Te\e(9ov, 'sum and sub- stance,' II 83; perfect 'state' of af- fairs, i 5; 7-iXoc Oavdroio, periphrasis for Bavaroq (the idea concretely ex- pressed) ; concrete and technical, a division of the army, company (II.) TC'XOO-SC = l'f Tl\OQ. (II.) TXTrtt>i', ' for men,' A 28 ; of a monster, the Gorgon, E 742. Ttperpov ( Tirpuivd) ) : auger, t 246 and $ 198. Tpt]v, tiva, tv ( cf. rtipta ) : tender, soft, delicate. Tc'pfia, arof (cf. TtXo<;, terminus): limit, goal; the turning- post in the race, 307; a 'mark to show how far a quoit was thrown. 193. TCpfUOClS, trrna, tv (rippic. = 7roi>c) : reaching to the fut; according to others, fringed, tussc/ltd; \irtl)v, do-Tri'c, 7- 242, h 803. TepiridLSris : son <>f 7'erpis, Phemius, X 33 t- / Tepiri-Kcpavt'os : d> fighting in thun- der, epith. of Zeus. Tepira), ipf. tTtoirov, TtpTTf, mid. fut. Tf'p\^op.ai, aor. 1 |i .1 1. -tp\l/d/itvo(;, aor. 2 red. TtrapTrouijr. .-ubj. rapTrioutOa, red. TtrapTrwutrrOu. part. TtTiiprroyLtvoQ, pass. aor. tTeptpUiii', trdpfyOijv, aor. 2 irdpTrnv, 3 pi. frtn^>()ei>, n'tpfydtv, rdp- irrjaav, subj. rpa-tioptv : I. act., rfe- lifffit, cheer; ni'u X(iy.op- /ttyyi, d<^w^, O :;'.:!. I 189, a 107, p 385; dfcaxJJMf" ''' T 312. II. mid. and pass., enjoii oneself, take pleasure in, rejoice; ni'i. Also rwJf, enjoy; fig., ydoio, 'have one's fill" of lamen- tation, 10, X 212. The form rpa- Trtlouev = TtptyOwniv occurs F 441, 3 314, 9 292. TcpirwXij ( rtp^-w ) : delight, rare sport, a 37f- Ttpcraivo), aor. r'tnnnrt : drif, dry up, n 529f. Tepcrofiai, ipf. iriprrtTO, Tfpfforro, aor. 2 inf. rtpoijvat, -rip-evai : be or be- come dry; \v. gen., a.Kpvoiv, g 152. Tp\|/i-|ippoTOS (/Sjooroc): delighting mortals, p. 269 and 274. Tca-or//t /o?- cattle, * 705f. reo-o-apaKOVTO : forty. (cf. tango), defective nor. part. : laying hold of, A 591 and O 23. rerarai : see mi'a*. TtTapirero, TTapirci|iio. TTjxov, TT(i.i)s : see irtTy.ov. rerpd - yuos ( yvi} ) '. containing 4 yvai, four-acre lot ; ai subst., a piece of laud us large as a%an can plough in a day, a 374. TTpa-9\v}xvos (9i\vfivov) : of four layers (of hide), O 479 and x 122. TeTpaivw ( cf. reiptu ), aor. rirpr]i>t : pierce with holes, perforate, bore. TErpdici.? : four times, e 306f . TerpoL - KVK\OS : four-wheeled; (a) i 242. Ttrpdopos ( diipw ) : yoked four abreast, pi., v 8 If. TTpa-ir\t] : four-fold, A 128f TerpaiTTO : see rpiiTdt. TtVpaTO? : see riraproQ. rerpa - cj>d\T|pos : with four -fold crest, Kvvtt]. (II.) (See cut under ot'Xw^-iC.) Terpd - 4>a\os : with four - banded crest, Kvveii. (II.) (See cut No. 116.) TTpd4>aTO : see rptirti). Trpax9d: in four parts. TTpT)v : see rtrpaivui. TT P 1 lX el Terptjxvia : see rapaaau. 110 TcrptYCi., Terpiyoia : see see Te<>u). voc. : a form of familiar ad- dress, as of a younger friend to an elder, Father; Dioined to Sthenelus, A 412f. TTTI|, Tyoc : tettix or cicada, an in- sect whose note was greatly liked by the ancients, r 151f. Tv|ai, TTvx9ai : see TTuxTa : see Tv~f\avii>. Tv, TEV: see T'IQ, rif. Tev9pavi8T)9 : von of Teuthras, Axy- lus, Z 13f. Tv9pas: (1) the father of Axylus. (2) a Greek from Magnesia, slain by Hector, E 705. " Tfvicpos : Teurer, son of Telamon and Hesione, half-brother of Ajax, the best archer before Troy, M 350, 371 f., X 170, Z 31, 6 273, 322, O 484. TeuTaiAiSrjs : son of Teutamias, Le- thus, B 843f. T\JXOS, eog : implement of any kind, regularly pi., arms, armor, also tack- Una of a ship, o 218. aor. 2 inf. red. TITVKBIV, perf. part. Tf- TIV\II>, mid. fut. inf. rtv^iaQat, aor. 2 red. TITUKOVTO, opt. -oifntQa, inf. -faQai, pass. perf. 2 sing. T(rvai, TtrvKrai, 3 pi. Ttrtvxarai, inf. rfri'^flai, imp. rt- Tv\9u, rtruy/iJjv, (t)ri;|o, -ro, 3 pi. (i)TtTivx aTo i aor> trvx^nj f 11 '- perf. r- rtv^erai: I. act., maXre, cause, of all kinds of handiwork, and metaph., aXyta, K{)8id nvi, A 1 10, a 244 ; so prepare, Stlirvov, etc. ; with two ac- cusatives, make, render, A 4. Mid., prepare or /tai'e prepared for oneself, A 467, T 208. 1 1. pass. (fut. mid. w. pass, signif., E 653), be made, lorottaht, furnisJied, or ready, very often the 268 perf. and plup. ; also the perf. act. in this sense, fi 423 ; TtTvyuevoc,, ' well wrought,' n 225, etc. ; metuph., VUOQ Ttrvyuivot;, 'sound,' v 366. Esp. as synonym of tlvai, ytvEaQai, be, become, take place, happen; olov irv^Or), TroQi) Aai'ttoZiri rervKrai, Savfji ir'trvKTO (for iytvtTO, ygyoyE, iariv, f\v ), B 320, P 690, i 190, and often. Tpn] : aslies. (II.) Tcxvaaj, Ttxva.ojj.ai,, aor. inf. r f \vfj- aai ( v. 1. rtxinjaaai), fut. rexvljaofiai, aor. Ttyy^aaTo, opt. -aero, part. -djUE- voc,: construct with art, contrive, devise. (Od. and 415.) T\VT) ( cf . rifcrw, reictiv ) : art, skill, device, craft, cunuing, S 455, 529. (Od. and r 61.) Te\vT]ts, from 7-\;v, T&OV : see ri'e. TC'WS, reitos : so long, Q 658 ; mean- while, o 127, IT 190 ; .some time, o 231 ; correl. to ewe, o>P, T 42, T 189. T] (cf. rtivia) : an old imp. used in offering something, here (extend your hand and take)! there! 3 219, t 346. Trj, T) : demonstr., here; rel., where, as, M 118,5565,0 510. TjjBe : see o^. rfjOos, oe : oyster, pi., IT 747f. TtjOvs: Tethya, da lighter of Uranus and Gaea, wife of Oceanus, and mother of the river-gods, S 302. Mother of all the irods according to SJ 201. TTjKeS&iv, OJ/DC : melting, wasting awa;i, decline, X 20 If. TTJKO), ipf. rrJKf, mid. ipf. rljKtro, perf., w. pres. signif., rirrjica: act, melt; fig., Ovpov, 'consume' with grief, T 264. Mid. and perf., intrans., melt, thaw, T 207; fig., waste away, pine away, Y 176. TtjXe : adv., far, far away; w. gen., far from, p 250, X 445; also with 454 ; strange, foreign, X 45. TT]Xe0acov (6a\\w), -Qouaa, defective part. : luxuriant, blooming, of plants, forest, hair; TralStg, X 423. nrjXe-icXeiTos: far-famed, wide-re- nowned. = Tn\fK\UTOC. : Telemachus, the son of Odysseus and Penelope. The name ( ' Afar - fighting ' ) was given to the child because he was born as his fa- ther was about to depart for the war of Troy. Telemachus is the principal figure in the first four books of the Odyssey, and his journey in quest of tidings of his father to Pylos and Sparta, under the guidance of Athena in the form of Mentor, has made the name of his 'mentor' proverbial. After the return of Odysseus, Telem- achus assists him in taking revenge upon the suitors. He is mentioned in the Iliad only in B 260, A 354. TrjXejxos : son of Eurymus, a seer among the Cyclopes, i 509. TTjXrrruXos : a town of the Laestry- gons, K 82, i// 318. TT]Xe-<|>aviis, f (aivo/j.ai) : conspic- uous far and wide, a> 83f. TrjXe<|>t8T]s : son of Tdephus, Eury- pylus, X 519. njXiKOS : of such an age, so old or so young, of the right age. TTjXo8ev: from far away. TTjXdOi : far away; w. gen., far from, A 30. TTjXdae : to a distance, far away. Tt]XoTs : doubtful word, dearly beloved. Neither the ancient nor the modern guesses as to the etymology of this word are worth recording. Trj|ios : then, thereupon, correl. to fl/JOf-. rfjirep y Trip. Tijptirj : a mountain in Mysia, B 829f. Tr]vyeTov : Taygetus, a mountain range in Laconia, extending to Cape Taenarum, 103f. TT)i3l, 9tltv, imp. Set,'? inf. 9tlvai, 9ifiivai, mid. pres. part. Ti9f]fKvo, f ut. 9>)oo[Jiai, aor. y/jicaro, t&ro, 0ro, i9ta9s, 9ia9i, opt. 0tio, 0Yo, imp. 9ea),9ea9t : I. act., /w, place, properly local, w. dat. of place or w. prep. ; metapli., />M< into one's mind, inspire, suggest, pivot; rtvi iv $i/tf'7, 9v(ioi> TIVI, fiov\r)i> tv arrfita- mv, a 321, U 49, ^ P 470, X 146 ; simi- larly of 'proposing,' 'offering' prizes at games, 'depositing,' 'setting up' offerings in a temple, ' determining ' the limit, end, or outcome of anything, 263, p 347, Vr 333, 9 465 ; make, cause (poetic for iroitiv ), opvfiaydov tOijKiv, i 235; Ke\iv96v TIVI, M 399; and forming a periphrasis, aKtoaaiv Qilvai ( = ffKtcdacu ), a 116; 'A\;aioic aXyt t9r)Kv, ' caused,' ' gave rise to ' miseries for the Greeks, A 2; so \v. double ace., nva. aXoypv 9ilvai, T 298, v 163. II. mid., the above meanings subjectively applied, put or place for oneself, something of one's own, KO\ dop, d[J. 72, I 629. Ttftqvrj (9i~/0' : see TITTTE. ,Ti, inf. rltfifv, ipf. riov, trie, iter. ritoKov, fut. riffd), aor. trivet, mid. ipf. iter. TtiffKtro, pass. perf. part. Ttrifit- VOQ : value, estimate, then esteem, prize, honor. T\t]}xwv, oj'of ( rXfjvai ) : enduring, patient, E 670; then bold, impudent, * 430. Cf. ff X ^Xio C . T\TJvai ( root ra\ ), aor. 2 inf., ind. trXrjv, r\rj, TXijuiv, tT\av, opt. rXainv, imp. T\rj9i, rX^rw, rXrJTf, aor. 1 ird- Xaacra, stibj. raXaaays, fut. r perf., w. pres. signif., rtrXnica, 1 pi. tTXafj.iv, imp. rirXaOi, -aroi, opt. rt- rXait], inf. TtrXfifitv(ai), part. rtr\t)wg, via : endure, suffer, bear up wider, submit to, T'I, 2 433 ; so the part, as adj., TtTXnon Bi>fu^, with steadfast soul; and with part., e 362, v 311; with inf., bring oneself to do something (by overcoming any kind of a scruple), dare, venture, have the heart or the hardihood to do it, P 166. TXrjiroXejios : (1) a son of Hercules and Astyoehe, who as a fugitive found safety in Rhodes, and became king there", B 653, 657, 661, E 628, 631, 632, 648, 656, 660, 668. (2) a Lycian, son of Damastor, slain by Patroclus, II 416. T\T)TOS (rXijvai) : enduring, Q 49f . TH.TJYW (Ttfivw): cut; only pass., aor. 3 pi. -yudyfv, tig., ' they separated,' ' dispersed,' A 146, II 374. TfJtijStjv (r'tfivui) : adv., so as to cut or graze, H 262 f. TjiuXos : Tmolus, a mountain in Lydia, near Surdis, B 866, T 385. To6i : there, o 239f . TOI: pronoun. See (1) o. (2) av. TOI: enclitic particle of assevera- tion, certainly, you may be sure, I as- sure you, let me tell you; TOI has been called the 'gnomic' particle from the frequency of its occurrence in the statement of general truths or maxim?, Ki\dvti TOI fipaSvc, WKVV, 'the race is not always to the swift,' Q 329, (3 276, B 298, etc. Sometimes it is impossi- ble to decide whether this particle or the ethical dat. (rot = e, TT 208; with inf., capable, able; with adjs., so really, so very, just, a 209, cf. X 135, /3 286. Adr., rotor, so, so very. Toioit)i, -OI>E : such, like roioc, but properly deictic, i. e. said with ref- erence to something present or near, that can be pointed out, 'such as that there,' 509, o 330. Sometimes imply- ing ' so good,' ' so fine,' ' so bad,' etc., B 120, T 157, v 206; w. inf., Z 463. 271 TOIOVTOS, Toiavrq, TOIOVTO(V) : of such a kind, such, like rolog, but a stronger demonstrative ; ' so excel- lent,' B 372. II 847; 'so heinous' things, * 494, x 315. Toij 261 ; oe 6o/rf, dart, E 670, 424. ToXpieis, ff7n- as a b;ill (ToXvirn), hence contrive, S6\ovg, r 137, cf. ixftaiviu. Also achieve, finish, w 95, Q 7. Tojxi] (T|/*I/O>): end left after cut- ting, stump, stock, A 235f. ToicLo(iai ( r6po; : bow-bearing, 483-J-. roirpiv : see TrpiV. ToirpoaSev : see irpuaQtv. Toirp&jrov : see Trpwrov. Tope'w ( cf. Tfipta, Tirpaivw ), aor. 2 trope : bore, pierce, A 236f. Topvow, mid. aor. Topvuaavro, subj. ropviaffirai : round off, mid., for one- self. T6(pa: so long, answering to fypa, also to t(i>Q, art, irpiv, tvrt. With 5s, A 221. Up to the time (when), A 509. Meanwhile, N 83, p. 166. rpeiYOS : he-goat, pi., ( 239f. Tpairea (TtTpairtSya, 'four -foot,' cf. r/oiVoc): table; Ktvii], 'hospitable board,' t, 158. Guests as a rule, though not always, had each his own table, a 111. rpairejews, j;oc : belonging to the table; icvvec., ' table-dogs,' i. e. fed from the* table, cf. 'lap-dog.' Tpairciopev : see Tsp-rra). rpairtw ( Tpiiria ) : tread, press, i\ 125f. Tpa(iv, Tpdcfiev : see Tpkfyiit. rpapos ( Tpew ) : solid, firm ; as subst., tTTt Tpaq>tpt]v Tt KU'I vypi'iv, cf. 'terra f i r in a,' 3 308 and v 98. Tpcis : three. rpe'fj.0) (cf. t r e m o) : tremble. rpeirw, fut. rpl>//a>, aor. t-pt^/a, rpk- i//a, aor. 2 trpairov, rpcnrov, mid. aor. 1 part. Tpt4>dufi'og, aor. 2 (k)-pairofjLriv, pass. perf. T&Tpauuai, imp. Ttrpa6u, part. TtTpa(ifikvo^, pi up. 3 pi. rerpa- Qaff, aor. inf. Tpa9t~]i>ai : turn, so as to alter the direction more or less. I. act., turn, direct; TI tf rt, irpoc., irapa, Kara, ava TI, etc., pass., & 403 ; of 272 rphros Optyaio, pass. aor. 2, 3 pi., Tpdu dypia, I. Intrai (pa with aor. 2 and perf. act. ), thicken, congeal, grow big, wax, grow up; irepi Xpoi TtTpov u.\fit), 'encrusted,' i// 237 ; rpdfptv r)d' iyivovro, were born and bred, A 251. , aor. 1 iter. QpQaaKov, aor. 2 Spa fit : run; fig., of the auger, t 386. rpew, rpel, inf. rpiiv, ipf. rpee, aor. tTpt(a)aa: turn to flee,yfee in terror, be afraid, fear. (II.) rpi]p(ov, ta of the dove. timid, epith. TpTjros (Tirpdw): bored, pierced with holes, perforated. Mooring stones had a hole through them to receive the cable, bedsteads were perforated for the bed-cord. Tprjxts, u'oc : Trachis, a town in Thessaly near Thermopylae, B 682f. Tprixo5 : an Aetolian. slain by Hec- tor, E 706f.. TptixiJSj M n t v : rough, rugged; Xt- 9os, UK?}), drapiroc, ^ 1 ; also of places, esp. Ithaca, t 27. rpiaiva (rptlf) : the trident (three- forked harpoon), weapon oL Poseidon, ( cf. rn'pw ), inf. rplfiEptvai, aor. frpl\l/a, inf. Tpl^at: rub, hence thresh corn (by treading out with oxen, see cut), T 496 ; [j.o\\uv iv 6(p9a\[JU{i, 117 guiding or leading one to a place, I the symbol of his power, M 27, 6 294, i 315; turning missiles aside, I 506. horses to flight, E 187, 6 157, and without 'imrovg, II 657 ; esp., of turn- ing, ' routing ' an enemy, O 261 ; metaph., voov, Ov/iov, E 676. With TraXii', turn about or around, oaae, ' avert ' the eyes, N 3 ; 'iinrovc., O 432 ; met., QpivaG rivof, Z 61. II. mid., intrans., turn oneself, with direction specified by preposition or adv., as above; metaph., rpaTriaOai tTri ipya, r 422, a 422 ; of motion to and fro (v e r s a r i), TpafyOijvai dv 'EXXa^a, 'wander up and down' through Hel- las, o 80; met., change, rpkiriTai xp^f, N 279; rpaT6-o VOOQ, &>, aor. 1 t9pt\j/a, aor. 2 trpaipov, tTpati' (rpd, perf. TiTpofyt, mid. aor. 1 opt. 'plunge' we should say (cf. 'rubbed in'), t 333; pass, and fig., wear one- self out, 735. ' (Od.) (ffroc): three years long. (cf. strideo, strix), part. . part., w. pres. signif., plup. of birds, twitter, B 314; of bats, ghosts, squeak, gibber, w 5, 7, 9 ; of wrestlers' backs, crack, 714. rpii]KovTa : thirty. TpiT)Koo-ioi: three hundred. TPI(K)KT) : a city in Thessaly, on the Peneius, B 729, A 202. rpi - XXioros ( \laaouai ) : thrice- earnestlij prayed for, 9 488f . Tpt-irXa|, a:oc : threefold, 2 480f. Tpt-irX-g : threefold, thrice over, A 128$. rpi-iroXos (TroXsai) : thrice turned, i. e. thrice ploughed. Tpi-iros, oSog: tripod. In Homer usually a three-footed kettle for warm- ing water, 702. Also used to mix wine in, as an ornament, and aa a 273 prize in games, 2 373, 264. (The j cut is from an ancient relief, repre- senting a Delphic tripod, which was a favorite subject of representation.) rpi - ITTVXOS ( irrvaaw ) : triple, of three layers, rpv<[>a.\ua, A 353f. Tpis : thrice. Tpi with waving or flowing plume (OpiK, a/(Te'ovTO : see Tpois, rpd^t (rpityu): big, huge; Kuua, A 307f. Tpo4>ois, f ff6fvra ( v. 1. 4 were swelling '), y 290f. rpoos: nurse. (Oil.) rpoxaw : only part., tfyja rpo^o running about after me, o 45 If. Tpo\os ( Tp'f\ti> ) : wheel ; potter's wheel, 2 600 ; a round cuke of wax ov tallow, /i 173,0 178. rpvydw, 3 pi. rpvyuwaiv, opt. rpv~ yot^tv : yalher harvest or vintage. Tpvco ( cf. T/ovywiv' turtle-dove ' ) : coo, tig., goxsip, 'din into one's ears,' I 31 If. rpCiravov: auger, drill, of the car- penter, turned by a bow and string, t 385f. (The cut is from an ancieiu Egyptian representation.) Tpvirdw, opt. 3 sing, rpvirtf ' bore, t 384f. rpv(f>d\ia : helmet. (See the cut.) 122 Tpv<|>os, 508f. Tpvx w (TPUIO), fut. part. rpvovra : wear out, exhaust, consume, impoverish ; OIKOV, a 248 ; pass., a 288, K 177. Tpwai, Tpwds : sec Tp^'jf. TPs : the Trojans, inhabitants of the Troad. Tpuidg : see Tpwiog. TpcoiKos : Trojan ; Tpwitcov ireSiov, 'the Trojan plain,' between Ilium and the sea. TpcSiXos: Troiltts, son of Priam and Hecuba, O 2:>7f. Tpwios: (1) <>f Tros, belonging to Tros, the son of Erichthonius, E 222, * 378. (2) Trojan, belonging to the Trojans, N 262. Fein., Tpuids, adoc, Xiji't, yvva'iKti; v 263, I 139; and a"s subst., without yvi>alKt, 2 122. -rpciKTT]s : dectiver, knave, 289 and o 415. Tp ^ llt; - Tti>t,o^iai, aor. 2 frv- ^ov, ri;^or, subj. ri'^w/u, aor. 1 (t)rv- Xnaa, perf. part. rerv^Kwe : ( 1 ) /"'< the mark, w. gen., II 609, etc. ; freq. the part. TV-^V, rvxijaai; and fid\\w, OVTO.W, vvaaia (where the ace. is to be construed not w. the part, but w. the verb), A 106, E 682 ; so fig. w. part. of another verb, be successful in doing something, succeed; OVK trvyrjaiv t\i- ac, * 466; abs. (without part.), () 430; then, come upon, chance upon, hence get, gain, obtain, 13, E 587, o 158. (2) happen to be there, be by chance, happen; often nearly equiv. to flvat, P 748, K 88; often w. part. which in Eng. becomes the principal verb, Ti'xnat yap ip^nfiivr] vnv, ' was by chance about to sail," 5 334 ; im- per... fall to one's share, A 684. TvSeiSrjs : son of Tydem, Diomedes, E 1. 281, 3 380. TvSevs: Tydem, son of Oeneus, king of Calydon in Aetolia, and father of Diomed, E 813, 163, Z 96. While a fugitive at Argos he married the 275 daughter of Adrastus, and joined Polynlces in the expedition of the Seven against Thebes, A 376 ff. TWTOS (Tti>xu): well made, well wrought ; TVKTOV KO.KOV, ' a born plague,' E 831. TVfi(3os : funeral mound, tomb, grave. The mound was raised over the urn containing the ashes of the deceased. Tv|j.po-x.ow (xw), aor. inf. rv/t/3o- Xor)cr(at) : heap up a funeral mound, * 323. The elision is exceptional, hence the v. 1. rujuj3oxK', 'of a mound.' Tt>}ipox6'iyyt- aOai, ' low,' 12 170 ; temporal, T 335. Tv<|>Xos : blind, 'L 139f. Tvo>6v9, eoc : Typhoeus, a monster, originally symbolical of the volcanic agencies of nature, B 782 f. n>x''i0'tts : see ri>yxi'u>. Tvxios : a Boeotian from Hyle, the maker ( n v%, TW : dat. of ro, then, t/ierefore. Tiis = we, oi'rwt,-, thus. "YaBcs (i5w) : the Hyades, seven stars in the head of the Bull, whose rising marks the beginning of the rainy sea- son, 2 486f. vaKiv0ivos : hyacinthiite ; df0oe, ^ 231 and ^ 158. vaKivOos : hyacinth, 3 348f . An entirely different flower from our hya- cinth, perhaps the larkspur. 'Yd)XTroXis: a town in Phocis, on the Cepliissus, B 521 f. vppdXXtiv : see uTo^aXXw. v^pi^cu: be insolent or arrogant; trans., insult, outrage ; w. cognate ace., Xwfiijv, ' perpetrate wantonly,' v 170. vfipis, tof (cf. virip) : insolence, arro- gance, wanton violence. (Od. and A 203. 214.) vppumfs : overbearing, insolent, wantonly violent person. (Od. and N 633) (ryiijs, : healthful, sound, salutary, wholesome, 6 524f. vypos : liquid, wet, moist ; vctap, tXaiov, yd\a, Kt\ev9a ' watery ways,' i. e. the sea, y 71 ; dvtuot vypbv aev- rfc, blowing ' rainy,' 478. As subst., vypij, ' the waters,' opp. Tpaifxpi'i, & 308. vSaro -Tpt^s, ec : water- fed, grow- ing by the water, p 208 f. "Y8r|: a town on Mt. Tmolus in Lydia, perhaps the later Sardis, T 385f. vSpaivu, mid. aor. part, vcprjvauivrj : m i < 1 . , wash oneself, bathe. (Od . ) v8pvo>: draw water, mid., for one- self. (Od.) viSprjXos : watery, well - watered, i 133f vSpos : water-snake, B 723f . aro : water; pi., v 109; 276 prov., vStap Kai jala yivoiff9e, as we say 'become dust and ashes,' H 99. 'VCTOS (uo>) : shower, M 133f. vios, gen. viov, VIOQ, v'tioc,, dat. v'i({i, vii, vi'ti, ace. v\6v, via, v'ua, du. vlt, pi. wi, uisee, dat. uiotffi, vtdoi, ace. victf, vleaQ, vieii; : son; freq. vitg 'Aycuwv for 'A^aioi. The diphthong is some- times shortened in viuc., viov, vie, X 270, 478, A 473. vluvos : grandson. vXayjios : barking, howling, & 575f. -YXaKiStjs: sow of Hylacus or //y- /az, a name assumed by Odysseus, 204. v\aKo(j.wpos : loud -barking, 29 and TT 4. vXaKTe'w, ipf. vXdKTtov, vXaicrti : bark, bay ; cpadit], ' growled with wrath,' v 13, 16. vXdci>, vXdojxai : 6a-A', 6ay, bark at, IT R. (Od.) uXr] (ef. silva): wood, forest; also of cut wood, firewood, 50, 234. In general of brush, stuff, raw material, 257. 2 YXtj : ffyle, a town in Boeotia, E 708, H 221, B 500. vXijcis, taffa, tv: woody, wooded; also as two endings, a 246, IT 123. "YXXos : i branch of the river Her- mus in Lydin, Y 392f. vXo-r6(xos ( rt'nvoi ) : wood-tutting, axe, ^114; as subst., pi., wood-cutters, woodmen, V 123^ u vp.i?, vfifiov, ?~/iW, dat. Hfiiv, encl. vp.lv, or vfiiv, also vjijies, dat. i>np.(iv), ace. f'/i/te : ye, you, pi. of <. v|xevaios : wedding-tony, bridal-song, S 493f. i)(ieTpos : ?/o?r, yo?'s ; w. gen. in apposition, avTwv, ticdarov, /3 138, P 226. v|X(xe, vjJLjxes, v(i(tiv : see vfitlf. VJAVOS : Ktrain, melody, 9 4'29f . vfJios^iVe^jOoc- Forms: v/i^, ttytifc, f'/z/jj', ;/', N 815, E 489, i 284, a 375. vnr-d.Yo, ipf. VTrayov : lead wider; 'iirirove &yoi>, \. e. yoke, and without Zvytiv, Z, 63 ; lead out from under, withdraw, TIVU tic fif\fwv, A 163. virai : see VTTO. viraida : out from under, sidewise, O 520 ; TIVOQ, sidewise away, at one's side, 2421. vir - atoxrw, fut. virdi,ii, aor. part. vTrdi%a : dart or spring up under or out from under, <& 126, B 310. vTT--aKovu>, aor. w7raKo^// 287. vir - aXvcrKU, aor. vnaXv^a : avoid, evade, escape from. (nr-avTidw, aor. part. inrcivTidaac. : come to meet, i. e. to meet the enemy and defend the man, Z I7f. Strap : reality, real appearance as opp. to a dream, r 547 and v 90. V7r-apxo>> aor. subj. vTrap&j : begin, make, a beginning, w 286. vir - atpci>, ipf. vTrei(f>epov and ov : bear out from wider, carry /; apparently intrans., ' bear for- ward,' T 496 - vir-cK-4cvY, aor - 2 virtZ,i: escape or co we mf el y forth from, w. ace. vir;i.vijjivi : see virnuuu>. vir-evep9c(v) : beneath, below, under- neath; ppp. KaQuTripQtv, K 353 ; \v. gen., B 150, y 172; 'in the nether world,' T 278. iire'l : see iiTrac. vir-e-aY, aor. 2 opt. w;r{rtyyoi : briny safely forth, rescue, bring safe home, a 147f. vir - e| aXeojiai, aor. inf. vTrit,a\ka- aBai: avoid, shun, O ISOf. -Svw : only aor. 2 part., t;, emerging from under the sen, N 362f. vircp, inreip ( cf. super): ozw, prep. w. gen. and ace., accented virep when it follows its case. (1) w. gen., local, over, above, beyond, across; virip ouSov /3/;vcw, p 575 ; virtp Kt, nor. 2 vireipfj3a\ov, vTripfiaXt: cast beyond; ffi'maTa, ' beyond the marks,' * 843 ; oKjOOf , ' over the crest of the hill,' X 597; rarely w. gen., 847. Fig., excel, TIVU ovpi, in throwing the spear, 637. : see virtpfiaivw. ii] : transgression, violence. yrj : see VTrepj3aivm. pios (fiin): violent, lawless, in- solent, wanton ; not. in bad sense, 9up.o<;, 'abrupt,' o 212. Adv., \nrepf3iov, in- solfiitl;/. virep - Sei]s t tf, ace. vTrepSia ( for -Stea ) : having very scanty forces, P 330f. 'Yire'peia : Hyperla. ( 1 ) a spring in Pelasgian Argos, Z 457, B 734. ( 2 ) the former abode of the Phae- ucians, near the island of the Cyclo- pes, before thev removed to Scheria, 4 c . vir - cpciiro) : only aor. 2 vTrrjpfTTf, sank under him, 69 If. vir-eperrTO) : eat away; ' \v;is wash- ing away' the sand 'under' his feet, * 27 If. (nrep-e'xw, xnrtip'x, aor. 2 v7Tfpiax f ' virtp'toxiQt, subj. inripaxy ' trans., hold over or above; rivo<; n, B 426; for protection, ^tipac TIVI or rivug, A 249, I 420; intrans., overtop, T 210; of the sun and stars, rise. A 735, v 93. viirc'pij (virep): pi., braces, attached to the yards of a ship, by means of which the sails were shifted, t 260f . (See cut No. 37.) vnrp-Y)vope'a>v, OJTOC. ( avtip ) : part, as adjective, overbearing, overweening, haughty ; epith. esp. of the suitors of Penelope. (Od. and A 176, N 258.) 'Yirepijvwp : son of Panthoiis, slain by Menelaus, S 516, P 24. 'YTreprjo-iTj : a town in Achaea, B 573, o 254. {nrpT]ave'a>v, OITOC: part, as adj., exulting over, arrogant, A 694f. virp8(v) : from above, above. virep - OpworKW, fut. inrepOopiovTai, aor. 2 virepQopov, inf. -ittv. spring over. (II.) vn-e'p - Gvpos : high - spirited, high- hearted. vTrep-Ovpiov (Biipn) : lintel of a door, opp. oixWc, i\ 90f. inrep T|(U, fut. vTTiptjati : throw be- yond (this mark), 9 198f- virep - iKraivofxai : doubtful word, only ipf., TTO&C S' virtpiKTaivovro, stumbled from haste, \l/ 3f . 'YireploviSrjs and 'Yirepfwv : son of Hyperion and Hyperion, epithets of virepKaTaf)aiva> 278 inro Helios, with and without 'HsXwg, fi 133, 176, a 24, T 398. VTrep-KO.Ta-pa.iva>, aor. 2 3 pi. v-jrep- KaTtj3j]aav : go down over, surmount. (II.) Jiirep-KiSSavTas, ace. pi. : of high re- nown, & 66, 71. virep-jAtvewv, OVTOC; (/zsvoc): part, as adj., liauyhty, r 62-)-. vircp-|XviJ9, ef (psvoc.) : high-spirit- ed, exalted. virt'p - fiopov : beyond, i. e. against fate, adj. as adv., usually written sep- arately v~tp p.6pov. PL, virepfiopa, with the same adverbial force, B 155. vircp - oirXtq : presumption, arro- gance, pi., A 205f. The I is a neces- sity of the rhythm. vircp - oirXio|iai, aor. opt. -aaairo : vanquish by force of arms ; according to others, presumptuously blame, p 268f. VTre'p - oirXo9 : arrogant; neut. as adv., arrogantly, O 185 and P 170. vire'p - ovos, viireipovos : eminent. (II.) VTrep - ireTO(jiai, aor. virtpirTaro : fly over, fly past (the marks), 192. vircppay) : see viroppfyvviii. virepcrxTl : see virepexw. VTrtpraros (sup. from vir'tp) : high- est, on the top, aloft, M 381 and 451. vTrepTcpiT] : upper part, awning, wagon-cover, Z, 70f. xnrepTtpos (comp. from vir'ip) : high- er; then superior, better, more excellent; outer (flesh), y 65. virep-4>io.Xo9 (root v, Qvw) : strictly overgrown, tlien mighty, E 881 ; in bad sense, overbearing, arrogant, insolent. Adv., vircp4>iaX9, excessively, inso- lently, N 293, S 663. vir-e'pxofuu. aor. 2 inr!i\v9e, vtrrjX- 9tT(, subj. inriX9y : (fo under, enter, \\. ace. ; fig., Tpwnc rpi'ifioQ virl)\v9f. ywta, 'seized,' H 215. \nr-epweto: only aor., virepwijaav, started back. (II.) virep-uti : palate, X 495f. V7rcpwi60cv : from the upper cham- ber. viircp-coiov, vircpwov : upper chamber, upper apartments, often pi. in both forms. The virtptiiiov was over the women's apartment, and was occupied by women of the family, not by ser- vants, B 514, p 101. uireorrjv : see v^icrrij/u. vir - cx), ipf. viriaxto, aor. 2 virta-xto, -fro, subj. viroa\tafiai, imp. V7r6a%i o, inf. -a^Ba9ai, part. -a\6[iti>oc. : take upon oneself, undertake, promise, rtvi ri, and w. inf., regularly the fut. (exc., pros. inf. explanatory of subst., K 40) ; also ' betroth,' ' vow,' N 376, d 6, Z 93, 209. virvos : sleep; epithets, r'ldiiQ, vfiSv- Hog, \vaifjii\fis, Travdafidriiip, %a\Kto(;, fig. of death, A 241. Personified, "Yirvos, Sleep, the brother of Death, 3 231 ff. inrvow : only part., vTrvwovTag, sleep- ing, slumbering. viro, viraC ( cf. sub): under. I. adv., underneath, below, beneath, of mo- tion or rest, VTTO Si Qpi^vvv iroalv (' for the feet ') ijoti, S 240 ; viro Si OprjvvQ Ttofflv fitv, a 131 ; \tviv viro pwTras, IT 47; often to indicate the position of parts of the body (in ' plas- tic ' style as if one were looking at a picture up and down), VTTO jovvar tXvaev (the knees ' beneath him '), vno c' tTptpe fvla, K 390 ; sometimes causal, thereunder, thereby, 9 380, 4 ; tlius to denote accompaniment in mu- sic, \ivov c' virb KdXbv dtiSev (to it, the harp), 2 570, 411. II. prep., ( 1 ) w. gen., of position or motion ; under, out or forth from under; VTT' dv9(pt TIVOC. ('at the hands of), fytvyttv VTTO ni'Of (' before '), 2 149 ; vir dvtiyKT)c 279 ('from necessity,' 'perforce'), viro Sd- ovg (' for '), viro plKug Bopew, V? 692. (2) w. dat., of position, under, and w. verbs of motion when the resulting position of rest is chiefly in mind, TT'LTTTUV, TtOkvai TI viro rivi, % 449, II 378 ; instrumental or causal, under (not ' by ' as w. the pen., but rather denoting subjection ), virb Xfoai fivof Qavmv, bXkaai fyv\i}v, "Y'lpai viro apn- t*ivoe,\ 136; of power, mastery, E- SUIJTO Xabc vir avTip, y 305, Q 636 ; and of accompanying circumstance?, virb iropiry ('under the guidance'), irvoiy viro (' with the breeze '), o 402. (3) w. ace., of motion (or extension), under, but often where the idea of motion is quite faint, wuv vir auyac, J)E\(' : only aor. pass., viro- OipudvOt], was warmed, II 333 and T 476. 'YiroSrjpat : a town in Boeotia, B 505f. viiro-eT)(xo : only mid., inroK\ovtf- ffOai, to crowd themselves together in flight before Achilles, * 556f. viro - icXoirco|iai. : conceal oneself under something, opt., x 382f . viro - Kptvopai, aor. opt. -Kpivcuro, imp. viroKo'ivai, inf. -KpivaaQai : an- swer (ru't) ; interpret, Zvtipov, and abs., r 535, 555, M 228, cf. E 150. vTro-KpvirTO) : only pass, aor., virt- KpvQt), was hidden, 6 626f. viro - KUKXos : with wheels beneath, wheeled, S 13 If. \nro-Kvofiai, aor. part. viroKvaapivn: become pregnant, conceive. VTTO - Xciiro), mid. fut. ti7ro\u//o/jai : leave over, mid., remain. \nro-XcvKaivop.cu : grow white below, whiten, E 502f. vir-oXiwv, ovoc, (comp. from oXi'yoc) : somewhat smaller, on a smaller scale, 2 519f. Also written as two words. viro-Xvw, aor. vitiXvoa, mid. aor. 1 inreXSaao, aor. 2 virtXvvTo: act., loose from under, undo, i 463^; fig., yvla, fitvog, make to sink or fail, paralyze (slay), O 581, Z 27; aor. 2 mid., as pass., II 341 ; mid., aor. 1, secretly set free, A 401. viro-p.eVco, aor. vTrefieiva, inf. vTTOfiti- vai : remain, wait, sustain, withstand. VTTO - |upvi]o-Ka>, fut. part, v virojivaojiai 280 aovoa, aor. vTrifivnat : remind, put in mind of. (Od.) v>ro-fj.v(io(iai, ipf. vire/jivciaadi : woo or court unlawfully, x 38f. : lying under Mt. Neium, v-iro-ireirrr)ci)TS : see viroTTTriaffu. viro - ircpKa^w ( irepicvoi; ) : begin to grow dark or turn, of grapes, jj 126-J-. viro - irXaKios : situated under Mt. Pl'icus, Hupoplacian Tliebe, Z 397f. V7ro-irnio-o-w : only perf. part, VTTO- irtirrnwrec, having crouched down tim- idly under and hidden themselves amid the leaves, TrerdXoie, B 312f. vrr-opvv[Ai : only aor. '2, rolov vreta- pope Mow, in so moving strains did the Muse bey in, u> 62 f. viro-ppi]Yvv^i (fpliyvvui), pass. aor. VTrtppayr] : pass., burst forth (under the clouds), al9f}p, II 300 and 558. VTTO- pprivos (fpfjv): having a lamb under /ie>-,X 216 t- viro - hold) 6e/ow, i 385 f. virooraiTj : see v whirl around (laving (ara\vi;) : fig., wax gradually like ears of corn, increase, v 212f. xnro-0revaxiw : #nxm under; rtvi, B 781f. viro-o-ropeVvvfu, aor. inf. virooTope.- aai : spread out under; dfut'ia TIVI, v 139f. t)iro-rTpe' raid. fut. inf. -ifytaQai, pass. aor. part. V7ro'i- &IC, p 409f. viro - pw : only aor., bxqvifKav, bore me away, E 88 5 f. viro - v-yw : flee before, escape by flight, X 200f. \nro-T]TTjs ( 0'//0avu), aor. 2 part. virotyQuc, mid. aor. 2 part. viro aor - 1 WJTJ^fWi: pour, spread, or strew underneath. viro - x w P' w > 'P^ virt-xio9 (o\//ic): despised; aXXwr, 'by the rest,' T 42f. viTTtos (VTTO, cf. s up in us): 6ae, backward, on his back; opp. Trpj]vi}, A 179. v-ir - ciirtov ( w^/) : pi., /ace, counte- nance, M 463t. v-ir-wpeia (0,00^), fern. adj. as subst. : foot of a mountain, s/.irts of a moun- tain range, pi., Y 218f. xnrupopc : see vTropvvfii. vir-wp6ios (opo(j)ii) : wider the same roof, i. e. table-t'ompanions, pi., I 640f. 'ypirj : Hyria, a town in Boeotia on the Eiin[ius, B 496f. 'Ypfitvrj : a port in northern Elis, B 616f. 'YpTaKiSTjs : son of Ht/rtacus, Asius, B 837 tf., M 96, 110,' 163. "YpraKOs: a Trojan, the husband of Arisbe, N 759 and 771. "Yprios: son of Gyrtius, a Hysian, slain by Ajax, S 5 lit. vs, vde (ovc.), ace. vi', ]il. dat. vtaoi : swine, pig, sow or boar. vc. or avQ ac- VOTfllVTJ 281 cording to metrical convenience, but the latter is more common than the former. v) vopivti, vffuivtj CmoTi]Toi;, B 40, y 245. tio-jiivTivSe, into the battle. VOTO.TI.OS, adv. vaTaTiov =r the fol- lowing. vara-ros : last, hindmost. Adv., VOTOTOV. vcrrepos : after, later ; yi', i. e. younger, r 215. Adv., varepov, {Jore- pa, later, afterward, hereafter, TT 319; tf varepov, fi 126. v<|>aiv&>, v4>da>, ixpi'xaaiv, ipf. iter. ixpaivtoKov, aor. 1 vavTos : woven, v 136 and T 231. 5<{>acrjAa : something woven, web, pi., y 274f. u4>da> : see vtpaivw. rcj>-\Ka> : only ipf., VI\KI, nought to drag away by laving hold below at the feet, iroooliv, S 477f. (K|> - TJVIOXOS : charioteer as subject (UTTO) or subordinate to the warrior in the chariot, Z 19f. v4>-u]4>- lorrjiii, aor. 2 vTrearnv, 3 pi. virkarnv, imp. ijroorqrw, part, aor. 2, in trans., ^aA'e ? 273, I 445; place oneself lower, submit, rivi, I 1 60. v-op|36s ( we, ^>f |0/3a> ) : swineherd; ith dvcpfc, ( 410. (Od.) v4>6uo-i : see v0aiVa>. tn)/-a < ydpr]s : htgh-talkiny, biff talker, boaxter. (Od.) with hi f/h- roofed. ' 'Yxjnjvwp: (1) a Trojan, the son of Dolopion, slain by Eurypylus, E 76. ( 2 ) a Greek, tlie sou of Ilippasus, slain by Deiphobus, N 411. vx|nipos (6poii) : with lofty cov- ering, high-roofed. v\|/o, ' eent rain ; ' pass., ' beaten by rain," ' drenched with rain,' ? 181. 4>dav9ev 282 aav0v : see 0ai'vw. 4>advTaTOS, sup. (root brilliant, v 93f. ae.- see Qaivat. dea : see 0aoc. 4>ae9ovo-a : daughter of Helius and Neaera, /x 132f. ae'9tov, ojrof (root <}>af ), part, as j pear, show, rtpaf, iiBov TIVI, B 324, adj., beaming, radiant. \ 334 ; met., show, reveal, exhibit, (palve, aor. tynva, mid. ipf. iter. GKtTO, fut. 7T0/;av>i- vai, -rjuevai, aor. 1 (may be referred to afivii)) (f)adv9r)v, 3 pi. dav9tv, perf. 3 sing. v'tipavTai, part. irtaankvo I. act., trans., bring to light, make to ap- ae'0wv : name of a steed of Eos, 246. 4>aiv6g (root ^af), comp. Qauvu pos : briffht, brilliant, radiant. 4>aivu>, parallel form of , tlie aor. pass, (paavdrj, 3 pi. QaavQiv being referable to either pre?. : shine, give light. aaiSi,}xos : shining ; only ' ly,' yina, w^of, X 128; of persons, AafriotM. 4>ai8i^.os : king of the Sidonians, S 617,o 117. ai8pY) : Phaedra, wife of Theseus, /X321f. 4>ait]Ks: the Phaeacians, a fabu- lous people related to the gods, dwell- ing in Scheria, where they lived a life press, voiinaTa, doi6l]v, dtiKtiac, 2 295, v 309 ; intrans., shine, give light, rj 102, r 25. II. mid. and pass., come to light, be visible, appear, shine, 561 ; w. part. (yet not purely supplementary), 6 361, o> 448 ; w. inf., X 336, 355, o 25. : son of Borus, from Tame in Maeonia, slain by Idomeneus E 43jk ^aicrros : a city in Crete, near Gor- tyna, B 648, y 296. 4>aXoYYn86v : by phalanxes, in com- panies, in columns. (t>dXay|, ayyof : phalanx, line of battle, column. (t>dXap(a) : burnished plates of metal, rising above the helmet, n 106f. 4>aXT|piaa> : only part., 0a\;/pioavrfl, briffhtli/ shining, gleaming, N 799f . 4>dXKTjs : a Trojan, slain by Anti- loelius, N 791, S 513. dXos: (1) the metal rulge or crest of the helmet, extending from back to front, with a socket to hold the plume of ease, averse to war and devoted to ' ( see cut No. 122 ). ( 2 ) in narrower sea-faring. The ships in which they ; signification, the rounded boss, project- escort guests to their homes, however ing forepiece, in which the 0aXot; ter- distant, are themselves possessed of minuted, Z 9, N 132. intelligence to find the way. Tl names of nearly all the Fhaeacians mentioned are significant of the love of ship?, not excepting that of Nausi- caa (i'av<;\ the most charming of them all, f 34, 4,# 244 ff. see aivaivu, d'j) ( root af ), ipf. dt, \ see dvev, <{>dv(rKe, avi]jic- vai : see tpaiixa. |>dos ( (pdf of ), <|>6apTpT| ( ty'tpti) ) : quiver. (Cf. the cut, and Nos. 89, 90, 104.) : a town in Laconia, south of Amycliie, B 582f. 4>d^u.a.Kov : herb, drug; as medicinal remedy; or esp. as magic drug, poison- ous drug, draught, or potion, ic 392, X 94, n 261, j3 329. 4>ap|idcro-a) : apply a apfiaKov, of metal, temper ; part., i 893-J-. 4>dpos, so? : large pie'ce of cloth, a shroud, 2 353 ; mantle, cloak, for both men and women, 230. 4>dpos : Pharus, a small island at the mouth of the Nile, S 355f. <|>apvyf, gen. ^apvyoc : throat. (Od.) (jxitryavov : sword. dcr0ai : see o '//"' dcrKu (<}>j]ui), ipf. tfrtaKovt declare, promise, think, cf. 0j/u, 4>ao-6vo<; (0a(T;, ' pigeon - hawk,' O 288f. <{>dTis> toe ( 07/zi ) : report, reputa- tion; \v. obj. gen., 'tidings' (of the slaughter) of the suitors, ^ 362. aTvrj (irariofiai) : crib, manger. fcavo-idS-ns : son of Phausius, Api- saon, A 578. i, ipf. /rom. (II.) 4>iu, i'eai : a town in northern Elis, on the river Jardamis, H 135, o 297. 3>ei8ds (' Sparer ') : a leader of the Athenians, N 691f. 4>ei8nriros : son of Thessalus, B 678f. <{>i8o|JLCu, aor. ^Ei'rraro, aor. 2 red. opt. irttyiCoifjtijv, inf. TriQidtrrQat, fut. 7T0<5/jciSu: sparing, thrift; 'one must not fail ' in the case of the dead, etc. 4>eiSwXij : sparing, grudging use, X 244 f. ei8uv : Phidon, king of the Thes- protian-, ^ 316, r 287. j>ev- and <{>a- (cf. tyuvoq), <|>vw, roots and assumed pres. for the foil, forms, red. aor. 2 tTrttyvov, Trityvt, subj. ir'tfyvg, inf. irEQventv, part. TTI^VOVTU, pass. perf. 7re0ar(at), inf. irepdoOai, fut. TTE- 0ijcpai : Pherae, a city in Thessaly, on Lake Boebeis, the residence of Ad- metus and Alcestis, and of Eumelus, 8711,^798. 4>cpcK\os : son of Harmonidcs, builder of the ship in which Paris car- ried away Helen, slain by Meriones, E 59f. 'pT)s: son of Cretheus and Tyro, father of Admetus, X 259f. 4>piepov'pTo.TOs: one of the superlatives to uyaQoc, best, bravest, etc. <|>epTcpos : one of the comparatives to ayaQoQ, better, braver, etc. <|>pT : see Qepw. prpov (epw~) : litter, bier for the dead, 2 236f. <}>>&>, subj. fopyai, imp. 0gpre, inf. tepiftev, ipf. iter. iptffKov, fut. olaw, inf. olfffftev, aor. 2 imp. olae, -&TW, -tre, inf. oi'eptiv (Qtptffdai), cf. 'to keep,' a 127, * 513. II. pass., be borne (f e r- ri), either intentionally, rush, charge, O 743, v 172; or involuntarily, be swept, hurried along, A 592. III. mid., carry off for oneself, bear away, esp. of prizes, victory, ra TrpHira, Kpd- rog, V 275, N 486. evY a> > inf. ivff/itv(ai), ipf. iter. QtvyeaKfv, fut. evop.at, aor. 2 tfyvyov, vyov, subj. vyy(ai), inf. Qvyeiiv, perf. opt. Trifavyoi, part, irepvyoric., TTI^V^O- r(<;, mid. perf. part. irtQvyiitvog : flee, flee from, escape; esp. flee one's coun- try, go into exile, IKITO (ptvywv, came as fugitive, IT 424 ; often trans., 9d- \aaaav, Qdvarov, A 362 ; ficr . with a thing as subj., 137, A 350; mid., 284 TTftpvynivos, usually w. ace. ; di9\wv, 'escaped' from toils, a 18. ij il YLVOS : of oak - wood, oaken, E 838f. 4>Tyo9 (cf. fag us): a sort of oak with edible acorns. An ancient tree of this species was one of the land- marks on the Trojan plain, H 22\ I 354. (II.) i]p.T] : ominous or prophetic utter- ance, voice, omen, v 100, /3 35. T|JJ.I (cf. f ari), 2 sing. fyijQ not en- clitic like the other forms of the pros. ind., ), (fifty, o|)t. air]v, 0aiyui>, part. ds, ipf. inv, $nv* t>;;c, i(/>a^fv, (jxtfitv, itiav, dv, fut. 0)'/dff9ut, inf. daTo ( for irEQaa/ievoc; see 0ai'vu> ) : say, declare, mostly of subjective statement, to ex- press opinion, hence reg. const, w. ace. and inf. The ipf. and the pres. inf. have aoristic signification. No dis- tinction between act. and mid. is to be sought. Often simply think, believe, B 37, a 391 ; o 7" di'r/p tiv 0ij/ii, whom '1 mean,' El 84; ov r)m (nego), o 213. ^>T]|J.LOS : Phemius, son of Terpis, a bard in Ithaca, a 154, 337, p 263, x 331. Jvfjfus, tog: rumor, common talk; <%tov, 'public opinion,' 239, cf. TT 75 ; also to designate the place of dis- cussion, assembly, o 468. 4>ii vai : see aivii). J>IJVTJ: sea - eagle, osprey, y 372 and n-217. ijp, 0/;p ( >c (= %>), pi. dat. (t>r)pmv: wild beast, then monster, as the Cen- taur?, A 268, B 743. 4tjpai, "^-qpii : a town in Messenia, in Homer's time belonging to the La- conian territory, E 543, I 151, 293, y 488, o 186. ^TjpTjTiaSr)? : son (grandson) of Pheres, Eiimelus, B 763 and 376. TJ5, 9dv: see 4>9dvw, fur, ^Qliaovrai, aor. 2 i9i]v, 9ij, 3 pi. (j>9di', subj. 0yj), (j>9y(aiv), 9fufttv, foxtail', opt. QBait], mid. aor. 2 part. oi; : be or #e< before, an- ticipate, 262 ; w. part, the verb ap- pears as an adv. in Eng., 6^yyo;iai, fut. ^Ofy^o^at, nor. i(pBtj^, subj. 9iy%c>ncti : utter a sound, speak out, cf. ^floyy/;, ^0oyyof. Since the verb merely designates the effect upon the ear, it mny be joined with a more specific word, ttyQiyyovTo KaXivvTiQ, called aloud, K 229, 4> 192, 341 ; ^>#yyo/i)'ou . . icdpi] KOI iyaii' ip.i\Qi], while the voice still sounded, K 457, x 329- 9ip, 9tipovai, pass. 9tipto9t : destroy, ruin; pass., 'ruin seize ye,' * 128. 4>eipwv, 4>0pwv: opoc, name of a mountiiin in Caria, B 868. : see (j>9dvw. : see QQcaHa. , dat. t : P/ilhia. (1) the chief city of the Myrmidons in Thes- saly, on the Spercheius, residence of Peieus and Achilles, B 683. (2) the region about the city, with Hellas forming the realm of Achilles, I 395, \ 496. ^eftjvSc, to Phthia. 0i(ievo5 : see (p9ii><). 4>etvveo>, ipf. <}>9n'v9oi>, iter. QGivvQt- aKt : waste away, perish, die; as a sort of imprecation, ' to go to perdition," B 346 ; trans., waste, consume, OIKOV, olvov, Ktjp, ' whose grief breaks my heart,' K 485. <|>etvw, 4>6tco, fut. (f>9iata, aor. 3 pi. Qlffctv, inf. (f>9iaai, mid. fut. (pQiaofiai, aor. 2 t(pQiro, subj. Q'IT(O), inf. (pBiaQcn, part. Bi^tvoQ, pass. perf. (9irai, plup. i9i- pnv, 3 pi. i9iaff, aor. 3 pi. tfyQiQtv: trans., fut. and nor. act., consume, de- stroy, kill, n461,v 67, TT 428; intrans. and mid., waste or dwindle away, wane, perish, die; pnviiiv 9ivui'rw)' (as the months ' waned'), ipQifiti'OQ, ' deceased,' A. 558. $6105: Phthian, inhabitant of Phtliin.pl., N686, 693, 699. 9i6l(ri-(xppoTOS (/3poroe) : consuming mortals, ' life-destroying.' >oYYs (pyyopa) : voice, merely as audible sound ; vai, ' with talking,' making themselves heard, a 198. <|>9ovu> ( 00ovoe ) : grudge, deny, re- fuse, Tifi TIVOQ, 68 ; w. inf., X 381, r 348 ; ace. and inf., 346, a 16. -i(v) : a vestige of several old case- endings, appended to the stem-vowel of the various declensions, (1st decl.) -nid\T) : wide, flaring bowl, saucer, or urn, ty 243. i\ai, iXa.To : see , 0t\, 0iXf?, inf. part. tpiXtvvrae, ipf. (g)0t\t, iter. 0i\e- urKi, fut. inf. QiXnfffutv, aor. (t)0i\ji\r]9fi> : love, hold dear, mid., Y 304 ; also entertain, welcome as guest, 135. <|>iX-ilpT[j.os (tpi Tfioc.) : fond of the oar, oar-loving. (Od.) iXt)Topi8ri : son of Philelor, De- muchus, I 1 457f. <$iXoiTios : PJdloetius, the faithful herdsman of Odysseus, v 185, 254, 240, 888, x 268, 286. 4>i\o-Ke'pTOfj.os : fond of jeering or mocking, contemptuous, x 287f. TaTOS (Kriavov), sup. : moat tf reedy of other man's possessions, A 122f- 4>i\OKTTinr]s : Philocteles, son of Poeas, from Meliboea in Thessaly. A famous archer, he possessed the bow and arrows of Heracles, without which Troy could not be taken. On the way to Troy he was bitten by a serpent in the island of Chryse, near Lemnos, and the Greeks left him behind sick in Lemnos, B 718, 725, y 190, 219. iX.op.TiXei8Tis : a king in Lesbos, who challenged all strangers to wrestle with him, o 343 and p 134. 4>iX6-gcivos : loving guests or guest- friends, hospitable. (Od.) 4>iXo-TraiYHv, ovoc, ( 7ra/uj ) : fond of play, merry, $ 134f. 4>tXo-irToXe(ios : fond of war, war- loving. (II.) 4>iXos, coin p. 4>iXiuv and (juXrcpos, su[). 4>iXTo.Tos, voc. at the beginning of the verse 0?Xe: own, dear, but it must not be supposed that the first meaning has not begun everywhere in Homer to pass into the stage of the latter, hence neither Eng. word repre- sents its force in many instances, 0i'Xa {'i/uaro, 0iXof aluv, and of parts of the body, 0iX(H xsTpt (,', etc. PI. 0t'Xo, dear ones, friends, one's own, S 475. Neut., 0/Xoi', 0/Xa, pleasing, acceptable; 0/Xoi> tTT\lTO .6vfl, alii TOl TO. KO.K iOTt 0(Xa 0ppoviiv, tiSivai nvi, be kindly disposed, A 219, y 277. <|>iX6n]s, >;rof : love, friendship; 0- X6r;ra nQivai, Tafivtif, fj.tr' dftori- POKTI pciXXeiv, A 83, r 73, A 16; also for a pledge of friendship, hospitable entertainment, o 537, 55 ; of sexual love, in various oft-recurring phrases. iXonipocruvT) ( 0p/'/ > ) : kindliness, friendly temper, I 256f. i T pXcYc0>> pass. opt. 3 pi. $\sye9oiaro : parallel form of 0\ya>, blaze, glow; trans., burn up, consume, P 738, 197. (II.) <{>Xe'Yp.a, aroc (0Xyw) : /amc, 6/a2, * 337f. ^Xe'Yvat and "^Xryves : a robber tribe in Thessaly, N 3t)2f. 4>XcY&> : bvvn, singe, consume; pass., blaze, * 365. 4>Xe'4/, 0X/3o'e : veiw, the main artery n, N 546f. Xiii : door-post, pi., p 221f . ^Xoyeos (0Xo2): flaming, gleaming, E 745 and 9 389. XolOp\JVU) 4>X6, 0Xoyo (0Xsyw) : flame, blaze. \ (Il.nml w 71.) Xvo) : foam or boil up, $ 361f. of3<(u>, aor. (tyofltjaa^ mid. pres. pare, (pofai'nti'oc, t'ut. 0o/3/)o|3os : flight in consequence of fear, and once /ear, A 544 ; 6(3ov8e, to flight. Personified, 6|3os, son and attendant of Ares, A 440, A 87, N 299, O 119. <&oip<>s : Phoebus, epithet of Apollo, probably as god of light, with or with- out 'ATroXXwi'. oivT]i9, tffaa, ev (<}>6voe): blood- red, SpaKwv, M 202 and 220. <>OIVIKCS : the Phoenicians, inhabi- tants of Phoenicia, their chief city Sidon. They appear in Homer as traders, skilful in navigation, famous alike for artistic skill and for piracy, * 744, v 272, 288, o 415, 419, 473. oiviKoei.<;, laaa, tv (-mvffai, pro- nounce -ovoaai) : purple, red. 4>omKo-irdpflos (-n-apfta) : purple or red-cheeked, epith. of painted ships (cf. fjuXroirapyoQ), X 124 and $ 271." t>oivi|: Phoenix. (1) the father of Europa, A 321. (2) son of Amyntor, aged friend and adviser of Achilles. He tells the story of his life, I 434 ff. oivi|, i/coc : I. subst., ( 1 ) purple, the invention of which was ascribed to the Phoenicians. (2) date-palm, % 163f. II. adj.,/wrpfo, red. ): (blood) red, 2 97f. jvi'i], Phoenician woman. 159f. 4>oLTo.a), 0oir^, part. Qoirwvrc, ipf. (t)i/)oira, du. ^oir/'/rr/i', aor. part. oXic6s: bow-legged, B 217f. ovu9, rjot; : slayer, murderer, homi- cide. <|>ovi] : massacre, murder, pi., ' rend- ing,' O 633. 4>6vos ( Q'svu ) : bloodshed, murder, also for blood, Q 610; and poetically for the instrument of death, the lance, 24 ; 6voc, cujuaroc, ' reeking blood," of mangled beasts, 11 1(52. ogds : sharp-pointed, of a head low in front, sharp behind, a sugar-loaf head, B 219f. $dpf3ds : (1) king of Lesbos, father of Diomedes, I 665. (2) a wealthy Trojan, father of Ilioneus, g 490. 4>o P py} (, cf. h e r b a) : forage, fodder, E 202 and A 562. cjjopevs, Jjog : carrier, of grapes in the wine-harvest, vintager, 2 566f. 4>ope'ui (0fpo)), opiti, subj. tpopigyi, opt. 6peov, iter. QopitaKov, aor. (jtupijaiv, mid. ipf. QopeovTO : bear or carry habitually or repeatedly, vwp, fii9v, K 358, i 10; hence wear, A 137, etc. ; fig., ayXmdc, 'display,' p 245. <|>opiinevai, opTJvai : see ^opsw. ^opKvvos : Xi/t/yi', harbor or inlet of Phorcys, in Ithaca, j/ 96f. ^6pKvs, iJvog and vof : Phorcys. ( 1 ) old man of the sea, father of Thoosa, a 72, v 96, 345. (2) a Phry- gian, the ?on of Phaenops, slain by Ajax, B 862, P 218, 312, 318. j>6pfiiYi, tyyof : plionniux, a kind of lute or lyre. The cross- piece (bridge) was 12 ' called uyiij/, the pegs KoXXoTTft;- Played not only by the profes- sional bard, and by Apollo, Q 63, but ex- ceptionally also by he- roes, I 186. In form substantially like tiie KtOapiQ represented in the cut. 4>opp.(co : touch or play the phor- minx (lyre, lute), 2 605 ; said also of one playing the KiOaptc,, a 155. <|>opTis, I'&H- (Qoproc.) : vnvc., ship of burden, t 250 and i 323. (See cut.) <|>(JpTOS (i>ipo>): freight, cargo, 9 163 and 296. 4>opvvo> (tpftpui) : only pass. ipf. opvcrcra) 287 4>opv (parallel form of opi>txa), aor. part. Qopv'ZaQ : defile, a 336f. 4>6o)s, 6wo-8e : see pa8iis, f (pd8fj.uv, oi/oe (0paw): observing, II 538f. 4>pda>, aor. 0paff, aor. 2 red. (t)frs- (ppaSov, imp. irtQpaBi, opt. Trtfypd&oi, inf. -Seeiv,-de(tev, tnid [ires. imp. pdZ,io, j (fipd&v, inf. 0paEpd(ff)ffo- fiai, aor. (i), OTTWC, /zi;, A 411; devise, plan, decree (of Zeus), /Jew- \r)v,n?)Tiv, Katcd nvi, /3 367 : perceive, note, w. ace. ; w. part., K 339 ; inf., X 624; 'look to,' x 129. 4>pd ( cf. f a r c i o ), aor. 0pae, part. (ppdZavrtq, mid. aor. 0/oa^avro, pass. aor. part, (ppa^divrfg : fence or hedge around; iiru\^fi<; pivolat fiowv, the wall with shields, M 263; a\^inv pCTTiirai, 'caulked' it (in the cracks between the planks ), c 256 ; mid., vijag tpKti, ' their ' ships, O 566. piap, arog: well, pi., 4> 197-f-. ^priv, 0pv<>c, pl. 0psvc : ( 1 ) pi., midriff, diaphragm, K 10, n 481, t 301. Since the word physically desig- nates the parts enclosing the heart, pi]v, typiviQ comes to mean secondari- ly: (2) mind, thoughts, etc. Qpeoi votlv, Kara <[>pfva fiSkvnt, [iiTa Qpftri fiu\\tv9ai, ivi (j>ptal yvuvai, etc. 0pe- j'ff iaOXai, a good understanding; fypi- VQ fiKuTTTiiv rivi, O 724; of the will, Aioc trpaTrtro pi]TpT] (tpparnp, cf. f rater), dat. <}>pi)Tp>]iv : clan. (II.) pi|, fyi'iKoQ (^.p/ffffw): ruffling of water caused by wind, ripple. <{>picrcra>, aor. %xv, part. povc'o> (p6vis, toe (pi]v) : knowledge, coun- sel ; much 'information,' S 258. povTis, tSoe : wife of Panthous, mother of Euphorbus and Polydamas, P40f. 4>povris, tog: son of Onetor, pilot of Menelaus, 7 282f . 4>pv-yS : the Phrygians, inhabitants of Phrygia, B 862, T 185, K 431.' ^pvyiTj : Phrygia, a district in Asia Minor, lying partly on the Hellespont, partly on the river Sangarius, Q 545, T 401, n 719, S 291. (Greek art is indebted to the Phrygian costume for the pointed cap, which is an attribute of skilled artisans like Hephaestus, and of shrewd wanderers like Odys- seus. The cut, from a Greek relief, represents a Phrygian archer.) 127 +S: see &*. 4>v Y a8(e): *>./%/*<. (II.) VY>1 : /'.'/A/, x 306 and K 117. J>vyo-Trr6X(xos : battle-fleeing, cow- ardly, S 213f. 4>v^a ( root 0fy, vyr) ) : panic (flight). 4>veuciv] (<4yu>): growth, form, physique; 288 joined with Stfjiag, n'tytQoQ, tldog, A 115, B 58, 16. iiictdis, xiKos, 0: sea -weed, sea -grass, 1 VKTOS ($uyu>) -. to be escaped; neut. pi. impers., OVKKTI tyvKTO, ireXovTai, 'there is 110 escape more,' n 128, 9 299. 4>vXaKi] (0uXdv\aKac, t\ttv, 'keep guard,' II;' out- posts,' K 416. 4>\)Xaii : a town in Phthiotis, on the northern slope of Mt. Othrys, in tlie domain of Protesihuis, \ 290, o 236, B 695, 700, N 696, O 335. 4>xiXaKi8i]s : son of Phylacus, Iphi- clus, B 705, N 698. <|>vXaKOS = u\aK, pi., Q 566f. 4>vXaK09 : (1) the father of Iphiclus, o 231. (2) a Trojan, slain by Leitus, Z 35f. vXoXds : the lather of Polymele, king of Thesprotian Ephvra, II 181 and 191. vXdcrv\a$tv, pass, and mid. perf. part. 7TiiXews: son of Augeas of Elis, banished by his father, because when appointed arbiter in the dispute be- tween Augeas and Heracles he decided in favor of the latter, B 628, K 110, 175,O 530,*- 637. vXXov: leaf; d>v\\wv yivtti, Z 146. ^vXoue'Sovo-o. : wife of Arithoiis, H 10f. 4>OXov ( ino ) : race, people, in the widest sense, Oiuv, E 441 ; usually pi., tribes, host, etc., yvi'aucujr, aoiCwv, y 282, 9 481 ; of animals, dypia <[iv\a, T 30. In narrow sense, tribe, class, clan, family, B 362. <|>cXoiri9, ioop, ace. -iv, -tSa, X 314 ; combat, din of battle; usual epith., aivli, also dpyaXsj;, Kpaript], IT 268 ; jroXfjuoto, N 635. 4>vX(i: name of a maid of Helen, 125 and 133. 4>vTjXi.s : cowardly, P 143f. <{>v|i)Aos : neut., (p^pov, chance of escape, t 359f. jpw, aor. fyvpaa, subj. oc 1 : wet, moisten. vvaraVGWVTIS, ipf. i6aiav : 6/o?o,2 470 and * 218. ^TJcriaco : only part., ^utrtowi/rec, panting, A 227 sind n 506. <(>vri- EOOS ( vd>, wri ) : producing life, life-giving, ala. (II. and X 301.) vvoi) : natural character- istic, qualify, property, K 303-)-. vraXiT] () : plantation; vine- yard or orchard, 'L 195. (II.) (j>vT6va), ipf. (f>uTtvtv, aor. ipunvtrav, subj. (pVTtuau, inf. -ivaai: plant; fig., devise, plan, ft 165, S 668, O 134. VTOV (via) : plant, tree; collective, 'plants,' w 227, 242. vw, ipf. tjiittv, fut. (jtvou, aor. 1 t0W, aor. 2 fyvv, v, part. Qvvrti;, perf. TrkfyvKa, 3 pi. -uai (not -dm), wt- uam, subj. Trupfny, part, irrfvla, Trt- (pvtaTae, TT(.Ta/^, plup. -i0(Ci, mid. Qvovrai, ipf. QvovTO : I. trans., pres. (exc. once), fut,, and aor. 1 act., make to grow, produce; (j>v\\a, rpi'^ac, A 235, K 393. II. intnins., mid., perf., and aor. 2 act., grow; phrases, 6da% iv XtiXiai fyvvrii:. ' l)iting their lips'; iv $' dpa 01 ioKetg: the Phocians, inhabitants of Phocis, B 517. 525, O 516, P 307. |>iKT): seal. (Oil.) 4>wve'w ( (j>w>) ), aor. (s)w)>nae, part, ^xiivi'iffdf : ruixc the voice, speak alouJ, speak, see wvr] : voice, proper'y with refer- ence to its quality, whereby one indi- vidual may be distinguished from an- other. Trar.dferred to animals, ffvwv, OUV,K 239, i o9C, r 521. <{>a>pia|ids 289 4>ajpia;x6s : cfiesl, coffer, box, pi., Q 228 and o 104. 4>us, : man, wight; like dvijp, but not so much a mark of distinc- tion ; freq. in apposition to a name, A 194. dXXorptog ^w, 'somebody else.' X. : see \avSaroi. iib. xavTTO, A 497; $pa.L,f.o ical ^a&o, 'be- think and shrink," E 440; then with gen., give over, rest from, (iu\i], dov- pof , 6 426, A 539. Here belongs the causative KiKaduv, depriving. A 334, 153, 170, unless this form should be referred to Ki'iSw. Xuvw or xci&Kia ( root ^a, cf. h i- 8 c o ), aor. 2 opt. %dvoi, part. -^avMV, perf. part. Ki%r)v6ra : gape, yawn; 'may the earth engulf me,' A 182, etc. ; perf. part., ' with open mouth,' aor., irpog icvfia \a.vwv, ' opening my mouth ' to the wave, i. e. swallowing the water, ft 350. X ( cf. g r a t u s ), ipf. %atpov, t\aipe, \cupf., iter. ^alptaKtv, int. inf. ^aipfjativ, aor. i^('ipj], -ijntv, -rjaav, Xupr], opt. xaptiri, part. \apivTfc, perf. part. Kf^ap>i<.>ra, also red. fut. inf. Kixa- pi](rt'fj.ii', mid. fut. Kt\apiiaiTai, aor. 2 Kt\apovro, opt. -oiro, 3 pi. -o/aro, aor. 1 \iiparo: be glad, be joyful, rejoice; (iv) Ovfty, roy, peva, also Xai'ptt /.tot firop, KTJP, * 647, S 260 ; w. dat. of the thing rejoiced at, v'ciey, upv'idi, /. (II.) XaXivos : ii< (of a bridle), T 393f. XaXt-poveo) (xa\ipti>v) : only part, as adj., thouffhtlexs, indiscreet, if/ 13f. v aXi - d>porvvTi : thougldlexmess, IT 31 Of. XaXi-4>puv, ov (xa\dia) : slack-mind- ed, thoughtless, S 371 and r 530. XaXicco - 6wvos : with brazen voice, epith. of Stentor, E 785f. XaXvs, rioq: coppersmith, worker in bronze; with dvijp, i 391, A 187 ; of a worker in metals, goldsmith, t 391, y 432. XaXiccvu : only ipf., ^aXm/ov, 7 wrought, 2 400f. XaXxcwv, aivof : forge, 9 273f . XaXicirjios : of a smith; Softof, smithy. (Od.) 290 f (apapiaKui): fitted with bronze, bronze mounted, brazen- nkod. XaXicis, itoc = (Ctf/itvCic, & 29 If. XaXicis: Chains. (1) a town in Euboea on the Euilpus, B 537. (2) in Aetolia, at the mouth of the Eve- nus, o 295. XaXico-fiapijs, ig : heavy with bronze, of ponderous bronze. Fern., X "'Off : with bronze point, X 225f. XaXito-Kvniils, ico : with greaves of bronze, H 41f- XaXico - Kopvcrr]s ( Kopvaaw ) : in bronze armor, brazen-clad. (II.) XaXico - irdpTjos : with cheeks (side- pieces) of bronze, helmet. (II. and o> 523.) XaXKo-iros, -jrowvjgen. -TTO^OJ,-: wzV/t hoofs of bronze, brazen - hoofed, 841 and N 23. X^Xicos : copper or bronze (an alloy of copper and tin; brass, which is made of copper and zinc, was unknown to the ancients), a 184. The word stands often for things made of bronze, knife, axe, weapons and armor in gen- eral. Epithets, cuOofy, viUpo^, aretptjc, and others appropriate to the things severally designated. XaXKo-Tviros (TVTTTIO): inflicted with btazen weapons, T 25|. XO.XKO-XITWV, un/of : brazen-clad. Xa\KW&ovTia&T]s : son of Chalco- don, king of the Abantes in Euboea, Elephenor, B 54 If. XaXiruv : a Mvrmidon, the father of Batliycles, U 595f. XajAa\r] %aoe 0airog, :is loud as a man's 'head hold*, 1 as loud as human voice is capable of shout- ing, A 462 ; fig., also A 24, 9 461. XavSov (xaivw): lit., ' with open mouthj greedily, $ 294f. Xivoi : see \aivu. XapaSpT) (\apciaoti)) : gtil/y, mrinc, mountain torrent, A 454 andll 3'JO. Xapefrj, X apT) : see X aipo>. Xapieis, taaa, tv (xapie), comp. xa- pieo-repos, sup. X apiOTaTOS : fit I of grace, graceful, charming, winxome ; neut. pi. as subst., ' winning gifts, 1 167. Xapi(o|j.ai (xapts), aor. opt. ^opiVat- TO, inf. -affBai, puss. perf. part. Kt\api- : aufvoQ, plup. Kt^aptaro : show favor, gratify, nvi, very often the part., A 71, (c 43 ; nvi 4/evdifft, 'court favor by lies,' ^ 387 ; w. ace., ' bestow gracious- ly ' or ' abundantly,' A 134; also with partitive gen., esp. 7rafjtin>7wv, ' giving freely of her store,' 140; perf. and plup. as pass., be dear or pleasing; ne- Xaptafiivoc; Ji\9ev, was welcome, j3 64 ; Kfxapiffuiva. Otlvat, like x a P' acta ^ai, 12 661. Xapis, ITOS (xaiaw, cf. gratia): quality of pleating, grace, charm, charms, pi., 237 ; then favor, iliankx, gratitude; tyipiiv nvi, 'conlVr,' E 211; apeaBai, ' earn ' ; cuvvai,'idutvai, 'thank,' 'be grateful,' & 235. Ace. as adv., xu>) : joy of battle, de- si re for the fray, eagerness for com- bat. ' Xap-oTos ; with glaring eyes, X 611'j-. Xdpoiros : king of Syme, father of Nireus, B 672f. Xdpoxj/: son of Hippasus, brother of Soeus, A 426-K XcipvpSis : Charybdis, the whirl- pool opposite Seylla, jt 104, 113, 235, ^327. 291 X1PT \a. ) : /taue nec? of, desire, bey, deinaitd. ari-u = xaru>. fficw): /io/e, X 93 and 93. toe: tojo ; for phrases, see i' u, y\au>, prov., X 495 ; in general, ,\tpC> besides the usual forms also dat. x e P*> pi. dat. \tipf.rtai and x- ptffi (T 468) : hand, as flat hand or fist, ^ 174; including the arm, Z 81, a 238 ; often the pi., esp. fig. as typical of strength, violence, etc., joined with /ufvoc, /3/Tj, fiuvafjut;, Z 502, M 135, v 237 ; \fpaiv r iroaiv re 'cptiv nvi, \^t1paQ id- vai, !d\\eiv, xepaiv ap/jytiv, \ttpa vxt- ptx^iv Tiv ^t '" defence, A 249; (ei'c) \tifiai; iKiadat, 'fall into the power,' K448. Xipts, t^oc : pi., probably loose or false aleeues, bound over the hands in- stead of gloves, (o 230f. Xtiporepos = x'>wv, T 436 and O 513. X p 319|. : see xtpiitav. Xptvi>v, ov (Xfpqs) : inferior, worse; TO. ^fps/ora, ' the worse ' part, A 576 ; ov TI xfptiov, ' 't is not ill,' p 176. X^'p 1 !? (x 'P i- e - under one's hand), dat. xkpt]i, ace. ^p^a, pi. \kpT]Q, iieut. \tp(ia : low, humble, weak, mean, poor, the positive to x l / owv - X^ptiiav, \fipo- Ts/oof, ^piorpoc- Witli gen. it has tlie force of a comp., A 400, 176. XeppaSiov : stone, of a size suitable to be thrown by hand. XpvrJTis : living by hand labor, a woman who spins for daily hire, M 433f. XP" VI> P OV (x^'Pt vivria) : wash-bashi, Q 304f. Xp-viirTo(xai : only aor., ^tpvi-^av-i TO, was/ted their hands, A 449f. X'p-vi\|/, t/3o(,-: water for washing the liands. (Od.) Xtpo-tSdjids : a son of Priam, A 423f. \lpa-ovSe : to or on the dry land, * 238f. Xpo"os : dry land, shore. \fvai, xvav, xv : see x^- Xevjia, nrot,- ( ^sa> ) : that which is poured, casting, 561f. Xw (xi f u, root X"). 'P f - X*"> X*( v ), aor. 1 ( Att. ) ixttv, txtav, also fxiva, Xfva, subj. ^tuu;, x t ^ f lfv i I "' < J- P r ^s. inf. ^etff&n, ipf. ^ed/ij/f, aor. 1 (t)xsi;a- ro, aor. 2 t^vro, part, ^w/tevj/, pass, perf. 3 pi. Kexwvrai, plup- ix 1 ' 7 " ' aor - opt. xyQtii] ' ! act., pour, shed, not of liquids only, but freq. of dry things, leaves strewn, let fall, earth heaped up, etc., x vT> l v *""' yrtiav txtvav, so rvuflov, anfi.a, a 291, M^ 256 ; still more naturally said of mist, cloud, darkness, P 270, T 321 ; then fig., vnvov, KaX- Xoe, fyuviiv, T) 286, fy 156, T 521. II. p;iss. ami aor. 2 mid., be poured, shed, or strewn, pour, flow, with the same freedom of application as act., aijp, XUtiv, Koirpof, i 330 : of persons pour- ing forth in numbers, pressing around one, II 267, e 415 ; dfify' ai)7i vwv txivaro irtjx^t ' threw her' anus about him, E 314. XT)X6s (xaiW) : chest, coffer. X'np^iS = KM >)/'? B 238. X 1 !". X1 V '- ff ooxe - XTipap.6s (xaivw): hole or crevice in a rock, * 495f. TpaTo : see x^P^- XTjpcvu (x'IPn) ' be deprived of, with- out; dv!)pwi>,i P24f. XTPT : bereaved, widowed; w. gen., Z 408. 292 X oXo , bereave, make desolate. (II.) XHp&xrnis: pi., surviving relatives, heir* of one who dies childless, E 158f. e (xartoj) : lack. II. ( X a /* a ' ) comp sup. -wrarof : low-lying, low. X9i?os (x&e) of yesterday, yester- day, usually as adv., A 424. Xeiit. as ad icat ., , . ta, phrase meaning ' but a day or two since,' B 303. x6wv, xOovos : earth, ground; land, region, v 3 5 '2. xtXioi, \i\ia : a thousand.. (II.) Xipupa: she-goaf, Z 181f. Xifiaipa: the Chimaera, a monster sent as a plague upon Lydia, but slain by Bellerophon, described Z 179-182. (the cut is from an Etruscan bronze ligure of large size in the museum at Florence.) 128 Xios : Chios, island on the Ionian coast of Asia Minor, y 170, 172. XITWV, MVOQ : tunic. The XITWV was like a shirt, but without sleeves, wool- len, and white. It was worn by both men and women, next the body, and confined by a girdle, | 72. (See the cut, representing Achilles clothed in the xi'rwv taking leave of Peleus. Cf. also No. 55). There were also long tunics, see t'Xxi'rwj>. Of soldiers, coat-of-mail, cuirass, B 416, A 100 (of. cuts Nos. 12, 17, 79, 86). Xfiivoc, ' tu- nic of stone,' fig., of death by stoning, r 57. Xiwv, UVOQ : snow. xXatva : doak, mantle, consisting of a piece of coarse, shaggy woollen cloth, worn double or single, nr\ri, Si-rrXaZ, oTrXoic, and freq. of a purple color, X 493, 1 460, 478, 480, 488, 500, 504, 516, 520, 529. It also served as a blanket in sleeping, v 4, 95, y 349, S 50. X\OVVTJS : doubtful word, epith. of the wild -boar, according to the an- cients, making its bed in the grass (iv X^oy tvvijv i\tv), I 539f. xXcopTjts (^Xwpof) : pale green, olive green, epnth. of the nightingale as dwelling in the fresh foliage, T 518f. XXdipis : Chloris, daughter of Am- phlon, king in Orchomenus, the wife of Neleus, and mother of Nestor, Chromius, Periclymenus, and Pero, X 281f. xXcopos (xXoij): greenish yellow or yellowish green, as honev ; <5eoc, pale fear, H 479, X 43, O 4 ; then fresh, ver- dant, i 379, 320. Xvoos (KVUM, jcovic;) : foam; . Xoi] (x* w ) : libation, drink-offering, p. in sacrifices for the dead, K 518 and X 26. XOivig, jicoe: measure (for grain) =r soldier's daily ration, about ono quart ; uirrtaQai \O\VIKOQ TIVOC, ' to eat of one's bread,' T 28f. of a pig, of swine; icpia, pork'. I 8 If. Xolpos: young pig, porker, 73f. XoXdls, aSoy : pi., bowels, intestines, 526 and* 181. X oXos (cf. f el): gall, II 203 ; then, rath, of animals, rage, X 94. XoXoco, fut. inf. xoXttxrs/uv, aor. lx(TO, -u7o, 3 pi. -wetro, aor. : act., enrage, anger; mid. p;iri3., be wroth, angry, incensed, dvuifi, ivl ptai, Kijp69i, ' mid. fut. part, xp/ytrojuevof act., deliver an oracle, 9 79 ; mid., /tave 2. : see xptta. : v. 1. for xpu>e, see xpoe. w: neigh, whinny, 1A 5 If. PS (V") : (1) waw<, neec/, then ///>', business, a 409, /3 45 ; Ttiptffido Kara xpao^, for wa>*< of T., i. e. to consult him, X 479. (2) what one must pay, debt, 6 nvi, 6$i\- \trai pot, A 688, 686. X pw, xPCSI, A 606, xpi (XPV)- want, need, necessity; xpt iot avafKaiy, 6 57 ; iorl, ytyvErai ( cf. o p u s e s t ), w. gen. of thing and acc. of person, also freq. IKU, IKOVK, IKUVITM, 136; Xpidt without iffri or iKiivti, like \pfi, T'I-KTI Ce. as XP& > 225. XPT (act. of xpaouai) : impers., tltere is need, w. acc. of person and gen. of thing, a 124; then, one must, ought, should, w. acc. and inf. (either or both), ovdf ri at xjP'h ' it behooves thee not,' T 500, etc. Xpf]ij> (xpaofiat) : need, rivuc,. Xptj(Mt, roc (xpaoficu): what one has use or need of, pi., possessions, property. (Od.) XpijAirrw : only pass. aor. part., \piHQf.fa, iriXac, approaching very near, K 516 f. Xptw, ipf. xptov, aor. t\p~iaa, xpi, mid. fut. \piaofiai: smear with oil, anoint; mid., oneself, or something of one's own, IOVQ 0a/o/ta/*es, Chrysei*, A 111, 143, 182, 310, 369, 439. Her proper name was Ast; no- me. Xpv), imp. \wto, ipf. xaiero, aor. (t)x part. -cifttvoi; : be agitated, troubled, angered ; Krjp, (*rara) Ovuov, Qptaii', and w. dat. of the person, A 80, I 555 ; causal gen. of thing or person, A 429. Xwpe'w (X&POG), fut. \(api]aovai, aor. (i)xpis : separately, apart, by oneself. Xupos : a space, place; more con- crete than x^PI- Spot, region, 2. *. \j/ciu.a0os : sane?, saitds ; to designate the strand, or the sand-hills of the shore, 8 426 ; as simile for a countless multitude, B 800. \|/afxjxo5 : sand, p 243f . v|;dp, t|/i)p, pi. gen. ^apuv, ace. ij/jj- pa? : starling, or meadow lark, P 755 and FT 583. \|/auti> (//af w), ipf. tyavov, aor. tyav- aa: touch lightly, graze; -ivo^, ^f 519, 806. t|/c5vos ) : rubbed off, thin, sparse, B 219-f. tj/euS-a-yyeXos : reporting lies, false messenger, O 159f. il/EvSifc) tf : false; us subst., liar, A 235f. \|/v8os, toe: falsehood, lie; of fic- tion, r 203. xJ/evSofKH, imp. fytvfao, fut. \^tvaofiai, aor. part, ^/tvud/jiivog : speak falsely, lie, deceive; \^Kv, fut. 'deceive oneself,' T 107f. : be a liar, 26 If. liar, deceiver, pi., Q \|ni\aej>a.w, part. -] KOI iidw\ov,y? 104, cf. w 14; opp. to the body or the man himself, A 3. For the supposed condition of the I souls in Hade?, see X 153, 232 ff., 476. \|nxos, f 555f. 'v) : cold, coolness, K WKVTTTtpOS cold. , aor. 1 \l, wQii, ipf. <*>du, iter. iaOtaici, nor. (Lffrt, ta*(T ( II 410), iter. waaatci, mid. nor. wffa/ziji/: thrust, pmh, shove ; mid., thrust oneself, i. e. 'press for- ward,' n 592 ; force, drive, from or for oneself, E 691,' 9 295 ; w. gen., r('xeoc, 4 from ' the wall, M 420. wfero, iurOrjv : see 6/w. wK(a) (adv. from WKI;C) : quickly. 'ilKaXe'n: a village in Boeotia near Haliartns, B 501f. 'Osctavos : Oceanus, distinguished from the sea, (QaXaaaa, irovToc, a\<;) as a mighty stream (worafios, 2 607, T 7; KV-popos, sup. -ptararoc: quickly- dying, doomed to a speedy death, swift- fated, 2 95, A 417; lot, swift-slaying, X ^ 5 - wKV-ire'Tt]s (TTtrofJiai): swift-fi/lny, N 24 and 9 42. J>Ku-iropos : swift-sailing fast-going. (Lioj-Tros, TTooot,- : swift-footed, horses. wKv-irTpo9 (7r-tp6v): swift-winged, N 62f. UKVpOOS uKv-poos : swift-flowing, E 598 and H 133. toicus, uKtia and t'aKia, OJKV (cf. o c i o r ), sup. wKio-Tog, WKVTO.TOS ( 331): swift, fleet, often Trocac WKVC, 'swift-footed.' Of things, /3sXoc, oiarof, o\i9poc., X 325. Predicatively us adv., H 374, 880. Sup. neut. pi. as adv., wmara, x V7, 133. 'ilXevirj irtrpri : Olenian rock, a peak of Mt. Scollis, on the borders of Elis, B 617, A 757. "flXevos : a town in Aetolia, on Mt. Aracynthus, B 639f. uXecri-Kapiros : losing their fruit, of the willow which drops its fruit before ripening, K 510f. (wX), .-ice. U>XKO. (feXnu) : furrow, N 707 and a 375. ( tofiug , tStt> ) : eating raw 't, of animals ; hence, cruel, savage, of men, 12 207. wfio--ye'pwv ( w/nuc, cf. c r u d a s e- n e c t u s ) : fresh, vigorous old man, * 791f. i(ju> - OCTC'CO, aor. wfioOirriffav, mid. ipf. w/io#trf 7o : place (as offering to the gods) raw p'ece* of flesh upon the /iijpia wrapped in the caul, consecrate flesh, A 461 ; mid., Aaue /es/i co/we- ci-fl/erf, 5 427. wpos: shoulder. wjids : raw, uncooked, opp. oTrraXsoc, /* 396; prov., w/tov fitj$pw9uv nvd, ' eat alive,' of intense hate, A 35 ; wfici, adverbial, devour 'raw,' * 21; tig., 'premature' old age, o 357. ;: eating raw flesh. (II.) i : see oi'^/w^w. wvaro : see uvouai. a>vVjjjiT}v, wvrrjcra : see orivn^t. WVTJTOS ( lav'topa* ) : bought, ' slave- mother,' ^ 202f. ivos (^oivoc, cf. ven urn): pur- chase-money; tTreiytrf iavov oCaiw, 'hurry forward the delivery of the goods given in exchange for your freight,' i. e. the return freight, o 445. ' : see uvofiai. see ||':" see ojp(T 394; then the fitting, right time(\\kc Kaipuc,), dop- TTOIO, VTTVOV, ydpov, o 126; with inf., t'i'Sttv, X 373 ; irp'tv dip/j (' before 't is time"), iv &py, a/f wpac, i 135. Per- son i tied, ^flpai, the Hours (Horae), door-keepers of Olympus und god- desses of the seasons', E 749 ff., 6 393, 433. 'ftpeiOvia: a Xereid, 2 48f. upios (ujpn): wpta iravrn, all things in their season, i 13 If. "fipiwv: Orion, the mightv hunter, beloved of Eos, t 121. Slain" by Arte- mis, he continues to follow- the chase in the nether world, X 572, 310, 2 486. He appears even in Homer as a con- stellation, 2 488, 274. wpopt : see o/ovv/u. 'iipos: a Greek, tlain by Hector, A 303f. ups (ywf): I. adv., as, how; an- swering to Twf, > (Jit 1 ), o'vTtit, ruaaov, 44; 'so surely as,' 8 541 ; often wg ore, we ', ad used with single words as well as with clauses. Exclamatory, how! TT 364, w 194. II. conj., (1) temporal, as, when, always of a fact, with ind., V 871. (2) explanatory (like i>Ti),tha(,y 346; and causal, be- cause (= on ob-wc), A 157, /3 233, p 243. (3) final, that, in order that. (4) idiomatically used in the expres- sion of a wish, like u tin am, 2 107, T428. 1. 5s : by anastrophe for w<; 2, when it follows its subst. In such cases the preceding short syllable is usu- ally lengthened, vpviOes y^f (end of Terse). 2. 5s (J after o/<TciXi] : wound. T }TOS : Olits. ( 1 ) a giant, son of Poseidon and Iphimedla, X 308, E 385. (2) of Cyllene, a chief of the Epei- ans, O 5 18! wToicis, Effffa, fv (owj, 1 ) : with ears or handles,* 264 and 513. WVTOS : = o awnic, E 396f. (!>Xpah> : only aor. part., w having become pale, X . r )2'.>. 190. X 137. PLATE IV. I fl.-fl S W EnO . S f^OS e ? =' M .1? < a Q b a PLATE V. PRESENT ASPECT OF THE TROJAN PLAIN. ^ O Modern Sites. ~ xi Ruins of Ancient Sites. o Artificial Hills (Funeral UoundiJ. The prevalent opinion of antiquity located Homer's Troy on the hill Iliitxarlik, about three miles south of the Hellespont. The only important dissent from this view, among the ancients, was on the part of Demetrios of Skepsis, who was followed by Strabo, and who located Ilios at 'IXitwv Ku>utj, some three miles east of Hissarlik, in the valley of the Simocis. Toward the close of the last ccnturv, the French traveller Le Chevalier visited the Troad, and boldly declared that he had identified the site of the ancient city on the height Rtllyk, behind the village Bmiarbaxchl. Lc Chevalier's vie\v was announced with great positivcness, and has been geu- i rally received by modern scholars, c. g., Welckcr, E. Curtius, Stark, Tozer, and the geographers Spratt, Kiepcrt, and Field-Marshal Von M"'.tke. In 1864 the AusU-ian Consul in Syra, Von Hahn, an casrer partisan of Le Cheva- lier's theory, undertook excavations at Ballyk, which were prosecuted for several months, but without success. The results of Schliemann's recent excavations at Hi$mrlik are familiar to all, and his discoveries go far to establish the fact that upon the hill Hissiirlik the metropolis of the Trojan Plain, in prehistoric as well as in more recent times, must have stood. Among those who have advocated the claims of this site may be mentioned Gladstone, Grot e, Eckenbrecker, Keller, Christ, Steitz, Biichncr, and the writer of the article Ilium in Smith's Dictionary of Ancient Geography. A 000018535 5