SB ST HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS TESTED IN THE ARBORETUM AND BOTANIC GARDEN CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM OTTAWA, CANADA WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF FLOWERS, AND OTHER NOTES BT W. T. MACOUN Horticulturist, and. Curator of tlie Artooretxun and Botanic Grard.en BULLETIN No. 5, SECOND SERIES Bulletins of the Second Series treat of such subjects as are of interest to a limited class of readers, and will be mailed only to those to whom the information is likely to be useful. Copies may, however, be obtained by any one desiring them on application to the Director of Experimental Farms. Published by direction of the Hon. SYDNEY A. FISHER, Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1908 LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS TESTED IN THE ARBORETUM AND BOTANIC GARDEN tt4 CENTKAL EXPEKIMENTAL FAEM OTTAWA, CANADA WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF FLOWERS, AND OTHER NOTES BV W. T. MACOUN and. Curator of the .A-i/borettiiri and. Botanic G-ai'den BULLETIN No. 5, SECOND SEKIES Bulletins of the Second Series treat of such subjects as are of interest to a limited class of readers, and will be mailed only to those to whom the information is likely to b useful. Copies may, however, be obtained by any one desiring them on application to the Director of Experimental Farms. Published by direction cf the Hon. SYDNEY A. FISHER, Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1908 7301 To the Honourable The Minister of Agriculture. SIR, I have the pleasure herewith of submitting for your approval Bulletin No~ 5 of the Second Series, containing a list of the Herbaceous Plants which have been tested in the Arboretum and Botanic Garden at the Central Experimental Farm, during the past twenty years. This list has been prepared at my request by Mr. W. T. Macoun, Horticulturist of the Central Farm and Curator of the Arboretum and Botanic Garden. In this list the species and varieties have been arranged alphabetically under their scientific names, and in all cases where common names could be found, these have also been given, together with the name of the country from whence the different species and varieties have been obtained. This list of Perennial Plants is the result of much labour and painstaking effort on the part of the author. He has given, in addition to the botanical names of the species, the year when planted, the height to which the plant grows, the time of bloom- ing and the colour of the flowers; also whether the plant is hardy or tender. In the introduction to the bulletin some very useful information is given, including brief notes on the planting and care of Herbaceous Perennial Plants. It is hoped that the information presented in this bulletin will be helpful to all lovers of perennial plants and flowers, and that it will assist in the correct naming of varieties and be the means of bringing such useful and hardy species as are deserving of general cultivation, into greater prominence. I have the honour to be Tour obedient servant, - SAUNDEKS, " Director of- Experimental Farms. INTRODUCTION. There is a rapidly growing interest in flowers in Canada, and the increased demand for information regarding them during recent years is very marked. Children are being taught to care for flowers in the public schools, and many horticultural societies in the cities, towns and villages are awakening a greater interest in horticul- ture. There have also been lecturers sent to different parts of Canada to interest the people, who have spread much useful information. Much horticultural literature has been available in recent years in attractive books, and in the reports and bulletins issued free by the public institutions to whoever asked for them. These have all had their influence, and the result has been a growing desire on the part of Canadians to beautify their home surroundings by the planting of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants. The Central Experimental Farm has, for more than twenty years, been a bureau of information to those who sought for greater knowledge in growing plants, and in order that the information should be of the most practical and reliable character, experiments were begun in 1887 to determine the kinds of plants most desirable to grow. A botanic garden comprising sixty-five acres of land was established in 1887, in which it was planned to test as many species and varieties of trees, shrubs and herba- ceous plants as could be brought together there. In 1899 a list was published of the trees and shrubs which had been tested up to that time, with notes on their hardiness. The rapidly growing interest in herbaceous perennials has made it seem necessary to now publish a list of these plants, and in this bulletin 2,116 species and varieties representing 280 genera tested in the Arboretum and Botanic garden are recorded. This large collection has been obtained from botanic gardens, nurserymen, seedsmen and private individuals in many parts of the world, and while there is a large number of kinds yet to be obtained the collection is a very representative one. . In the list which is here published it is probable that there are a few synonyms or duplicates, but as far as possible these have been eliminated. Some bulbs have been tested in the botanic garden and these are included in this list. These are for the most part; botanical species, not many horticultural varieties having been tested in the perennial border. The herbaceous perennial border in the botanic garden at Ottawa is about half a mile long and twelve feet wide. It has a southern and southeastern exposure, with a fine hedge of American arbor vitae, Thuya occidentalism for a background. The soil varies from a clay loam to sandy loam, with a moist cool subsoil in most places, but the evergreen background reflects the heat in summer, and it is very hot, especially where . the exposure is southern, which makes the plants sometime suffer f rom the heat in a dry time. On the other hand this hedge holds the snow in winter, and makes better protec- tion for the plants than they would have without it. No special conditions are made for plants which might do better with them, all being treated alike. This fact should be borne in mind when consulting this bulletin, as it is probable that some plants would succeed in rockeries for instance that do not do well in the border. The border is laid 333 3 269 . EXPERIMENTAL FARM out in rows $iree feet apart, with the plants three feet apart in the rows, and from one to three plants of each kind are grown. The surface soil is kept loose throughout the summer with the hoe and rake to conserve moisture and destroy weeds, and the plants are staked when necessary to keep them from breaking down. On a few occasions it has been necessary to water part of the border, but generally speaking no artificial watering is done. Late in the autumn the plants, after the dead stalks are cut off, are mulched with about four inches of strawy manure or leaves for protection in winter, part of which is dug in in the spring. The plants in the border have not yet been arranged in botanical sequence, as the collection has been growing so rapidly that it would have been difficult to apportion the space required for each genus. As far as possible, however, the species and varieties of each genus are kept near together. The plants are well labelled with zinc labels/so that any one who is interested may learn the name of a plant. A record has been kept of the hardiness, growth and height of the plants, also the dates when the plants begin to bloom, and when the blooming season is over. Descriptions of the flowers have also been taken. With this informataion available it was felt that as much as possible of it should be included in this bulletin. The nomenclature used in this bulletin is that adopted by the Koyal Gardens, Kew, in the Kew Guide and the Index Kewensis. As far as possible the spelling of the names of horticultural varieties has been obtained from reliable sources, but it has not always been possible to trace up a variety. The common names employed are for the most part those found in the Kew Guide and Encyclopaedia of American Horticulture. It has not been possible to identify all the plants in the border, hence it is probable that there are some errors in taking it for granted that a plant may be true to name when it is not. All available literature has been used to identify as many species and varieties as possible. It is hoped that any errors noticed by readers of this bulletin will be reported to the author BO that they may be known. Plants mentioned in this bulletin are called ' hardy' if they live three seasons and more in the border at the Central Experimental Farm. There are a few exceptions to this rule. For instance a plant may be called hardy if it were only planted in the border in the botanic garden in 1908, should it be known that elsewhere on the Farm under almost similar conditions it has proved hardy. Plants are called ' half hardy ' if they last for two seasons only. Sometimes, however, even if they have lasted longer than two seasons they are called half hardy if it is known that they have had special conditions in the border, such as greater protection from snow, than they would have under less favourable conditions. Plants are called ' tender J if they are killed out the first winter after planting. The height of the plant has, in most cases, been determined by actual measurement in the border, and the figures given- usually represent the average of several years. In a few cases it has been necessary to obtain the height of a plant from some other source. The colours of the flowers are in most cases from descriptions made by the writer from the plants growing in the botanic garden. In recording the colours the ( Repertoire de Couleurs ' and 1 A chart of Correct Colours of Flowers ' have been used for guidance. As the descrip- tions of the species and varieties of flowers in this bulletin are, however, not the original descriptions of them, it has not been thought desirable to adopt, in all cases, the terms used in the ' Repertoire de Couleurs/ which describe fine variations in colour, but, rather, to use more familiar terms that would be easily understood by the general public. The dates of blooming have been taken from several years' records. The first date represents the earliest date when a species or variety began to bloom in INTRODUCTION 5 the border at Ottawa, and the last date represents the close of the blooming season These dates are not necessarily taken from the same year ; in most cases they are not. The object is to give the range of blooming season. Years, when there was an extra- ordinarily early or late spring or a very long drought which affected the blooming season, were not taken into consideration. In order to avoid the use of adjectives to describe the merits of the different plants, asterisks or stars have been used instead. The plants with three asterisks before the name are considered by the author to be the best for cultivation in the perennial border; those with two asterisks, the second best; those with one asterisk, third, and those without an asterisk are either considered not worthy of cultivation or of being of interest to botanists only, or have not been tested long enough to judge of their merits. In addition to these marks of merit, a list of one hundred of the best plants is given at the end of the bulletin, a list of the best fifty, and a list of the best twenty-five. There are also lists of the twelve best varieties of German iris; the twelve best varieties of pseonies, and a list of the twelve best varieties of perennial phlox, Phlox paniculata (decussata). There are so many fine varieties of iris, paeonies and phlox that a list of the best twelve given by one person may not be the same as the list of another, as much depends on individual taste. The author desires to acknowledge, and to express his appreciation of, the assist- ance given by Mr. Frank T. Shutt, Chemist, in illustrating this bulletin. All the photographs were taken by Mr. Shutt, and are of plants growing at the Central Experimental Farm. We wish also to acknowledge the services rendered by Mr. Frank Horn, foreman in the botanic garden, who has charge of the perennial border, and who for several years has kept the records of dates of blooming and height of the plants, and has also assisted in compiling the records used in this bulletin. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM THE PLANTING AND CARE OF HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. As many of the persons who receive this bulletin may not have had much experi- ence in gardening, and as the descriptions and illustrations of the flowers may lead some persons to grow herbaceous perennials who have not done so before, a few words in regard to the planting and care of them should prove useful. No flower garden is complete without perennials. Even though the plot of ground be small, some of the space should be devoted to this useful and varied class of plants. Few flowers require as little care as hardy herbaceous perennials if given the proper conditions to start with. The soil should be a good loam which will not bake, and well drained, for thorough drainage is very essential. When planted, most perennials should be left undisturbed for a long time, hence the soil should be well prepared in the beginning by trenching and digging under a liberal supply of well rotted stable manure. Most perennials thrive best in full sunlight, and, where possible, they should be planted where they will get the most favoured conditions. A southern aspect is the most suitable, and where there is protection from the cold winds the plants do best. Planting may be done either in spring or autumn, but the month of September is the best month to plant most kinds of perennials. In making and plant- ing a border it is most important to plant those kinds which will give a continuity of bloom from early in the spring until late in the autumn, and to arrange them so that they will be most effective. The dates of blooming, heights of the plants and 'colours of the flowers given in this bulletin will be a great aid to those who desire to make the most of the material they have or may get. In large borders the best effects are obtained by massing several plants of one colour or several varieties of one species, and also arranging for a continuity of bloom, but in smaller borders and where the number of plants is limited it is often not thought possible to get this, and sometimes one part of the border will be without bloom. There are a number of good perennials which can be grown readily from seed, such as Iceland and Oriental Poppies; varieties of Columbine, Coreopsis, Gaillardia, Cam- panula, Platycodon, Delphinium, &c., and at a comparatively small outlay, and in two seasons many hundred plants may be grown from seed, which will furnish bloom from early in the spring until late in the autumn. The planting of small clumps of bulbs between the later blooming perennials also furnish bloom in the spring when flowers are most desired. A seed bed four feet wide and as long as desirable of good loamy soil which will not bake, and enclosed with six-inch boards, will be found a very suitable place for raising young plants. Seed should be sown in rows about six inches apart across the bed. Autumn is the best time to sow the seed, as it will be softened by the moisture then in the soil and cracked by frost before spring, and will then germinate readily, whereas if it were sown in the spring it may lie a whole year without germinating. The depth of sowing will depend on the seed. Very small seed merely needs "enough soil to prevent its blowing away, while the larger seed may be sown half an inch deep. If sown much deeper most seed will not germinate. The young plants at the end or in the middle of the first season's growth may be either transplanted direct from the seed bed to the border or be pricked out about six inches apart into another bed and left growing for the remainder of the season or another year, by which time there will be fine strong plants. During the growing season the surface soil should be kept loose and free from weeds, and in the summer the taller growing plants will need staking, as fine specimens are liable to be broken by storms if this is neglected. When the plants have ceased blooming the old stalks should be cut off near to the ground. Just before permanent frost sets in, the border or bed should be given a dressing of about four inches of strawy manure or leaves. This will form a good mulch for the protection of the plants in winter and at the same time enrich the soil. The mulch ought not to be removed too soon in the spring, as often most of the damage done to perennials is at that season of the year when so much thawing and freezing takes place. After raking off the coarse material in the spring the shorter manure may be dug in to enrich the soil LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS TESTED IN THE ARBORETUM AND BOTANIC GARDEN CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM OTTAWA WITH OF inL-crwimiRS AND OTHER APBREVIATIONS USED. PL, planted. Ht., height. Fl., flower. Fol., foliage. In., inch or inches. Ft., foot or feet. Syn., synonym. *, desirable. **, more desirable. ***, most desirable. ACHILLEA, L. MILFOIL, YARROW. A.argentea, teum. . = Tanacetum argen- A. Clavennae, L. Europe. PL, 1898. Tender. A. grandiflora, BIEB. Asia Minor. PL, 1907. A. filipendulina, LAM. Orient. PL, 1897. Tender. A. lanata, SPRENG. HAB ? PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL dull white; July 4 to Oct. 7. A. magna, L. GREAT MILFOIL. Europe. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white; June 21 to Aug. 15. A. micrantha, WILLD. Orient, &c. Syn. A. pubescens, Sibth. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white; June 27 to Sept. 18. *A. Millefolium rnbra. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. crimson; June 17 to Oct. 20. A. mongolica, Fisch. A. sibirica, Ledeb. ACHILLEA Con. A. nobilis, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. Fl. white; June 20 to Oct. 22. *A, Ptarmica, L. SNEEZEWORT. North- ern Hemisphere. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. white; June 20 to Sept. 19. **A. Ptarmica flore pleno. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2 ft. Fl. white, double; June 20 to Oct. 3. ***A. Ptarmica flore pleno The Pearl. PL, 1895. Hardy . Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL white, double; June 24 to Oct. 3. A. pubescens, Sibth. = A. micrantha. **A. serrata plena. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white, double; June 16 to Aug. 21. A. setacea. WALDST & KIT. Europe. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl white; June 30 to Oct. 27. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM ACHULEA Con. A. sibirica, LEDEB. Northern Asia. Syn. A. mongolica, Fisch. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. li to 2 ft. FL white; June 17 to Oct. 7. **A. sibirica Blush. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. pinkish lilac; July 7 to Aug. 18. ACONITUM, L. MONK'S-HOOD, WOLF'S- BANE. (Eanunculaceoe.) *A. Anthora, L. Wholesome Wolf's-bane. Europe, North Asia, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. 9 in. FL creamy white, slightly tinged with rosy purple ; July 13 to Aug. 10. A. autumnale, Lindl. = A. Fischeri, Eeichl>. " A. 'barbatum, Pair. = A. Lycotonum, L. A.californicum, Hort. = A. Fischeri. A. Cammarum, L. Europe. Syns. A. cernuum, Baumg.; A. de- corum, ReicJib. PL, 1895. Tender. A. Cammarnm stcerkiamim. Syn. A. stcerkianum. PL, 1897. Tender. A. cernuum, Baumg. = A. Cammarum, L. A. decorum, Reich'b. = A. Cammarum, L. ***A. Fischeri, EEIOHB. Autumn Aconite. North Asia, North America. Syns. A. autumnale, Lindl.; A. calif ornicum, Hort. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. 8 in. to 4 ft. 3 in. Fl. bluish violet; Aug. 12 to Oct. 14. **A. Fischeri acutum. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL bluish violet flushed with white; Aug. 19 to Sept. 24. **A. heterophyllum, WALL. Himalayas. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 5* to 6 ft. Fl. violet; July 10 to Aug. 18. A. japonicum, DECNE. Japan. PL, 1907. ACONITUM Con. A. Kusnezoffi, KEICHB. North-eastern Asia. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht 2i ft. Fl. bluish purple; Aug. 8 to Sept. 6. *A. Lycoctonum, L. Common Wolf's- bane. Europe, North Asia. Syn. A. barbatum, Pair. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL bluish purple; July 27 to Sept. 2. A. Lycoctonnm orientale. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 6$ to 7 ft. Fl. dull white and pale greenish yellow tinged with purple; June 26 to Aug. 13. . A. Lycoctonum pyrenaicum pubes- cens. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. dull greenish white; June 8 to July 7. A. Lycoctonum Scholeri. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3* to 4* ft. FL pale greenish yellow; July 3 to Sept. 2. A. macrophyllum, HORT. PL, 1908. *A. Napellus, L. Common Monk's- hood. Northern Hemisphere. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. Fl. bluish purple; July. ***A. Napellus bicolor. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3* ft. Fl. white and violet; July 20 to Aug. 16. *A. Napellus laxus. PL ,1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. violet. July 16 to Aug. 10. A. Napellus Mielichoferi. PL, 1895. Hardy. **A. Napellus strictum. PL, 1907. Ht. 4 ft. 9 in. FL violet purple. **A. orientale, MILL. Caucasus. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2* ft. Fl. deep purple; July 30 to Aug. 24. A. pyrenaicum, L. A. Lycoctonum pyrenaicum. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS ACONITUM Con. A. reclinatum, A. GRAY. North Amer. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4* ft. FL pale greenish yellow; June 26 to Aug. 8. A. stoerlcianum, Reichb. = A. Camma- rum stcerkianum. ***A, uncinatum, L. Wild Monk's-hood. North America. Syn. A. volubile, Muhl. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 ft. Fl. violet; July 26 to Sept. 24. A. volubile, Muhl. = A. uncinatum, L. ACORTTS, L. SWEET FLAG. (AraceoB.) A, Calamus, L. Myrtle Grass. North- ern Hemisphere. Syn. A. spurius, Schott. PL, 1897. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. A, Calamus variegatus. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1* to 2 ft. A. gramineus, AIT. . Japan. PL, 1897. Hardy. Acorns spurius f Schott. = A. Calamus. A. gramineus variegatus. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. A.japonicus fol. var. = A. gramineus variegatus. ACT-33A, L. BANE-BERRY, HERB CHRISTO- PHER. (Eanunculacece.) A. alba, MILL. White Bane-berry. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. to 1 ft. 8 in. Fl. white; May 23 to June 9. A. japonica, TTiunb. = Cimicifuga ja- ponica. ACTINOMEBIS, NUTT. (Composite.) A. helianthoides, Nutt. = Verbesima helianthoides. A. squarrosa, NUTT. North-western America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 8 ft. Fl. yellow; Sept. 4 to Oct. 14. ADENOPHORA, FISCH. GLAND BELL- FLOWER. (Campanulacece.) A. denticulata, FISCH. PL, 1908. A. liliif olia, BESS. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Tender. ***A. polymorpha stricta. PL, 1904. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. bluish purple; Aug. 12 to Oct. 7. ***A. Potanini, BATALIN. Turkestan. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3* ft. Fl. pale bluish violet suffused with white; July 20 to Sept. 21. A. verticillata, FISCH. Dahurica, Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4* ft. Fl. pale blue ; July 12 to Aug. 18. ADONIS, DILL. (Ranunculacece.) A. davurica, ReicTib. = A. vernalis. **A. hybrida, HORT. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL yellow; May. A, pyrenaica, DC. Pyrenees. PL ,1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 1* ft. Fl. yellow ; May 9 to May 21. ***A. vernalis, L. Ox-eye. Europe, etc. Syn. A. davurica, ReicJib. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 4 in. FL golden yellow ; May 1 to May 26. A. Walziana, SIMK. Eastern Europe. PL, 1907. A. wolgensis, STEV. Europe ; Northern Asia. PL, 1907. JEGOPODITTM, KNAUT. GOUT-WEED. (Umbelliferce.) 2. Podograria variegatum. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fol. variegated. 10 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM -ETHIONEMA, E.BR. (Cruciferce.) 2E.Buxbaumi, DC.=2E. cappadocium **JE. cordifolium, DC. Lebanon Candy- tuft. Orient. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. rosy pink; May 24 to July 30. .33, graecum, Boiss & SPRUN. Greece. PL, 1907. ***M. grandiflorum, Boiss. & HOHEN. Persia. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL rosy pink; May 28 to June 23. 2Et. iberideum, Boiss. Orient. PL, 1905. *2E. persicum, HORT. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 10 in. Fl. pink; May 26 to July 16. AGBJMONIA, L. AGRIMONY. (Rosacece.) A. Eupatoria, L. Cockle Burr. North- ern Hemisphere. Syn. A. pilosa, Ledeb. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3| ft. Fl. yellow ; June 29 to July 30. A. odorata, MILL. . Sweet-scented Agri- mony. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. dull yellow; June 28 to Aug. 18. A.pilosa, Ledeb A. Eupatoria. AJTJGA, L. BUGLE. (Labiates.) *A. genevensis, L. Europe; Orient. Syn. A. pyramidalis, Bie~b. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL deep blue; May 25 to Aug. 18. A. pyramidalis, Bieb. = A. genevensis, L. A. reptans atropurpurea. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 1 ft. FL deep blue; May 28 to June 27. A. reptans foliis variegatis. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 in. FL deep blue; June 5 to June 16. A. reptans metallica crispa. PL, 1905. Tender. ALCHEMILLA, L. LADY'S MANTLE. (Rosacece.) A. vulgaris, L. Great Sanicle. North- ern Hemisphere. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. greenish yellow; June 4 to June 28. ALETRIS, L. (Hcemodoraceas.) A. japonica, LAMB. . Japan. PL 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL white; Sept. 8 to Sept. 18. ALLIUM, L. ONION, &o. (Liliacoe.) A. acuminatum, HOOK. North Amer. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white shaded with pale lilac; July 4 to Aug. 1. A. angulosum, L. Siberia, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL pale purplish lilac; July 16 to Aug. 8. *A. cseruleum, PALL. Siberia. PL 1896. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL deep blue; June 18 to July 16. A. cernmim, KOTH. North America. PL 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. Fl. purplish lilac ; July 2 to Aug. 11. A. Fetisowi, KEGEL. Turkestan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft 3 in. FL purplish pink; May 26 to July 15. *A. navum, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1J ft. Fl. yellow; July 15 to Aug. 18. A. navum pumilum roseum, PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1J ft. FL rosy purple; Aug. 7 to Aug. 29. A. Geyeri, S. WATS. California. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft 3 in. FL pink; June 20 to July 9. A. hymenorrhizum, LEDEB. Persia, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL rosy purple; June 28 to July 19. A. karataviense, KEGEL. Turkestan. PL, 1897. Tender. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 11 ALLITJM Con. **A. Moly, L. Lily Leek. Europe. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. EL yellow; June 13 to July 2. A. nigrum, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL dull white with black centre; June 18 to July 9. A, odorum, L. Siberia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white with lilac brown lines ; June 17 to July 27. *A. ostrowskianum, EEGEL. Turkestan. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL rosy pink ; June 4 to July 6. A. Schcenoprasum sibiricum. Syn. A. sibiricum, L. PL 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL white; June 8 to July 21. A. Schuberti, Zucc. . Orient. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL reddish purple; May 26 to June 24. A. sibiricum, L. = A. Schoenoprasum sibiricum. A. senescens, L. Europe ; Siberia. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL rosy purple; July 4 to Aug. 15. **A. sphaerocephalum, L. Europe ; Orient. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL reddish purple; July 12 to Aug. 25. A. stellerianum, WILLD. Siberia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white; June 14 to July 10. A. stipitatum, KEGEL. Central Asia. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL purplish pink; May 31 to July 20. A. urceolatum, EEGEL. Turkestan. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL dull white with green stripe; June 23 to July 14. A, urceolatum atrocasruleum. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1| ft. FL blue; June 24 to July 16. ALSINE. See AEENAEIA. A. verna, Fenzl. = Arenaria verna. ALTH2EA, L. HOLLYHOCK. (Malvaceae.) A. armeniaca, TENORE. Orient. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 7 ft. FL pink ; July 20 to Oct. 17. A. cannabina narbonensis. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 7 ft. FL white and purplish pink; July 24 to Oct. 17. A. officinalis, L. Marsh Mallow. Eu- rope. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 ft. FL purplish pink; July 2 to Aug. 29. ***A. rosea, CAV. Common Hollyhock. Orient. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 8 ft. FL white to almost black; July to Sept. A. taurinensis, DC. North Italy, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 7 ft. FL purplish pink; July 24 to Oct. 1. ALYSSUM, L. MADWORT. (Cruciferce.) A. argenteum, VITM. Europe, &c. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL yellow; June 20 to July 23. A. calycinum, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Tender. A. incanum, L. Europe ; Siberia. PL, 1905. Tender. A. minimum, WILLD. Europe ; Hima- layas. PL, 1903. Tender. A, saxatile, L. Eock Madwort, Golden- tuft. Europe. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL yellow ; May. A. saxatile compacta aurea. PL, 1902. Tender. A. saxatile foliis variegatis. PL, 1905. Tender. A. saxatile sulphureum. PL, 1905. Tender. 12 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM ALYSSUM Con. A. sinuatum, L. Europe ; Asia Minor. PL, 1905. Tender. A. Wierzbickii, HEUFFL. Eastern Europe. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. deep yellow; June 24 to Aug. 8. AMSONIA, WALT. ( ApocynacecB.) A.latifolia, Michx. A. Tdberncemon- tana, Walt. *A. Tabernsemontana, WALT. North America. Syn. A. latifolia, Michx. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4} ft. FL slate blue; May 19 to July 9. *A. Tabernsemontana salicifolia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. pale slate blue; May 29 to July 25. ANCHT7SA, L. ALKANET. (Boraginacece.) **A. Barrelieri, VITM. Europe; Asia Minor. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2 ft Fl. deep blue; May 31 to July 18. A. italica, RETZ. Mediterranean region. PL, 1896. Tender. A. italica grandiflora. PL, 1908. A. leptophylla, Koch A. officinalis. A. officinalis, L. Common Alkanet. Europe. Syn. A. lepiophylla, Koch. PL, 1907. A. osmanica. PL, 1907. ANEMONE, L. WINDFLOWER. (Eanunculacece.) A. alpina, L. Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 18 in. Fl. dull yellow inside, purple out- side; April 24 to May 23. *A. apennina, L. Europe. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. Fl. cserulean blue; May. ANEMONE Con. A. coronaria, L. Poppy-flowered Ane- mone. Mediterranean region. PL, 1898. Tender. Anemone cylindrica, GRAY. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2* ft. Fl. greenish white; June 3 to July 4. A. decapetata, L. North America. PL, 1907. A. Halleri, ALL. Europe. PL, 1901. Tender. ***A. Hepatica, L. Common Hepatica. Northern Hemisphere. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 7 in. Fl. in various colours; April 13 to May 10. A. japonica Colerette. PL, 1908. A. japonica Coupe jjT Argent. PL, 1908. A. japonica elegans. PL, 1908. ***A. japonica elegantissima. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2* ft. Fl. rose flushed with white, semi- double; Sept. 23 to frost. ***A. japonica Lady Ardilaun. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. white; Sept. 5 to frost. ***A. japonica Mont Rose. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. Fl. rose flushed with white ; late Sept. to frost. ***A. japonica Queen Charlotte. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL rose flushed with white, semi- double; late Sept. to frost. ***A. japonica Whirlwind. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft. Fl. white, semi-double; Sept. 1 to frost. A. multifida, POIR. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. whitish-yellow and dull red; June 12 to July 5. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 13 ANEMONE Con. A, narcissiflora, L. Northern Hemi- sphere. PL, 1907. ***A. patens nuttalliana. American Pas- que Flower. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL bluish purple, mauve, or whitish; April 25 to May 29. A. pratensis, L. Europe. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL dark purple; April 28 to May 19. A. pratensis montana. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 18 in. FL dark purple; May 5 to June 3. A, Pulsatilla, L. Pasque Flower. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 9 in. FL blue to reddish purple. A. rivularis, BUCH.-HAM. Himalayas. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2i ft. FL white; June 30 to Aug. 21. ***A. sylvestris, L. Snowdrop Wind- flower. Europe, &c. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. FL white; May 19 to June 10. **A. sylvestris flore pleno. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. FL double, white; late May to early June. A. sylvestris baicaliense. PL, 1907. A. vitifolia, BUCH.-HAM. Himalayas. PL, 1907. ANGELICA, L. (Umbelliferce.) A. Curtisii, BUCKL. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3* ft. FL white; July 6 to Aug. 13. ANTHEMIS, L. CHAMOMILE. (Composites.) A.Aizoon, Griseb = Achillea agerati- -folia, Benth. & Hook. f. ANTHEMIS Con. A. carpathica, WILLD. Europe ; Asia Minor. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 1* to 2 ft. FL white; June 23 to Oct. 2. A. nobilis, L. Common Chamomile. Europe. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white with yellow disk; June to Sept. A. tinctoria, L. Ox-eye Chamomile. Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL bright yellow; June 15 to Sept. **A. tinctoria Kelwayi. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1* to 2 ft. FL bright yellow; June 27 to Sept. 24. **A. Triumfetti, DC. Europe. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2 ft FL sulphur yellow; June 21 to Sept. 24. ANTHEKICUM, L. (LiliacecB.) A. graminifolium = A. ramosum. A.Liliago giganteum = L. Liliago major. *A. Liliago, L. St. Bernard's Lily.- Eu- rope; North Africa. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white; June 25 to July 11. A. Liliastrum, L. = Paradisea Lilias- trum* A.plumosurri, Ruiz & Pav. = Bottio- nea thysanthoides. PL, 1907. **A. ramosum, L. Europe. Syn. A. graminifolium. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL white; June 13 to Aug. 10. A. ramosum Renarni. PL 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL white; July 6 to July 30. AQUILEGIA, L. COLUMBINE. (Ranunculacece.) The columbines are lovely, graceful flowers, and being nearly all natives of cold climates thrive well in Canada. Owing to the ease with which they hybridize there 14 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM are many improved varieties. Because they hybridize so readily, however, it is very difficult to get species true to name, seed from botanic gardens, even, being often impure. Some of the best species must be treated as biennials to get good results, A. glandulosa and A. Stuarti especially requiring this treatment, but as columbines grow readily from seed it is easy to propagate them. The long spurred varieties of columbine are very desirable, and may be obtained in many colours by growing seed- lings. These varieties have come for the most part from hybrids between A. coerulea and other species. A. alpina, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1896. Tender. *A. arctica, HORT. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. deep purple ; June 5 to July 3. A. atropurpurea, Miq.=A. buergeriana. A. aurea, Janka. = 0. chrysantha. A. buergeriana, SIEB. & Zucc. Japan. Syn. A. atropurpurea, Miq. PL, 1901. Hardy. Fl. purple and white; June 3 to July 1. ***A. cserulea, JAMES. North-western America. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 1 ft. Fl. violet and white; May 25 to June. A. calif ornica hybrida. PL, 1896. Tender. A. californica hybrida alba, PL, 1896. Tender. **A. canadensis, L. Common Wild Co- lumbine. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. Fl. scarlet and yellow; May to June. A. canadensis nana. PL, 1896. Tender. A. caryophylloides, HORT. PL, 1907. A. caucasia, Ledeb. = A. olympica. ***A. chrysantha, GRAY. New Mexico. Syn. A. aurea, Janka. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2* to 3 ft. FL yellow ; June 18 to July 21. **A. chrysantha flore pleno. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2J to 3 ft, FL yellow, semi-double; June 7 to July 12. A. chrysantha grandiflora alba. PL, 1896. **A, chrysantha nana. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL golden yellow; June 16 to July 16. A. dichroa, FREYN. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. FL dark purple and white; June 2 to July 7. *A. einseliana thalictrifolia. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. Fl. bluish purple ; June 10 to July 11. *A. flabellata, SIEB. & Zucc. Japan. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 15 in. FL white tinged with violet rose; May 18 to June 18. ***A. flabellata nana alba. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 15 in. FL white. with traces of lavender; May 19 to June 21. *A. flavescens rhodosepala. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white and yellow tinged with lilac on outside; June 7 to July 4. *A. f ormosa, FISCH. Western North America. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL red with yellow centre; June 3 to July 17. A. fragrans, BENTH. Himalayan re- gions. PL, 1907. ***A. glandulosa, FISCH. Siberia. Syn. A. jucunda, Fisch. & Lallem. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 15 in. Fl. sepals bluish lavender, petals white; May 15 to June 1. A form of this grows 4 ft. high and has bloomed from May 28 to July 17. A. glandulosa longicalcarata. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. Fl. bluish purple; June 5 to July 9. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 15 AQUILEGIA Con. A. glandulosa intermedia. PL, 1907. A. Helense. PL, 1907. A. hybrida lucida flore pleno. PL, 1896. Hardy. A. Jseschkani, HORT. Garden Hybrid. PL, 1896. Hardy. A.jucunda, Fisch. & Lallem. = A glandulosa. **A. Kitaibelii, SCHOTT. Asia Minor. Syn. A. viscosa, Gouan. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1J ft. FL dark purple; May 23 to June 30. **A. lapponica. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. FL purple; May 28 to July 2. A. nigrescens, Baumg. = A. vulgaris nigrescens. A. nivea, Baumg. = A. vulgaris nivea. **A. olympica, Boiss. Orient. Syn. A. caucasia, Ledeb. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL bluish purple ; May 31 to July 6. A. olympica nana. PL, 1907. *A. Ottonis, ORPH. & Boiss. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. li ft. FL dark purple; June 14 to July 2. ***A. oxysepala, TRAUTV. & MEY. Russian Columbine. Northern Asia. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 15 in. FL deep purplish blue with blue and yellow centre; May 8 to June 17. **A. Skinneri, HOOK. Mexico. PL, 1896. Hardy. A. sibirica, LAM. Siberia. Syn. A. spectabilis, Lem. PL, 1907. ARABIS, L. ROCK CRESS. (Cruciferce.) A. albida, STEV. Mediterranean re- gion, &c. PL, 1897. Tender. A. Allionii, DC. Northern Italy. PL, 1898. Tender. AQIIILEGIA Con. A. Skinneri hybrida flore pleno. PL, 1896. Hardy. A. spectabilis, Lem. = A. sibirica. A. stenopetala, BORBAS. Europe. PL, 1902. Hardy. FL purple; May 21 to June 15. A. stellata carminea plena. PL, 1896. Hardy. ***A. Stuarti, HORT. Garden Hybrid. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL purplish blue with white centre; mid to late May. **A. thalictrifolia, SCHOTT. & KOTSCHY. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL bluish purple ; June 10 to July 11. A. viridiflora, PALL. Siberia. PL, 1896. Hardy. A. viscosa, Gouan = A. Kitaibelii. A. vervsenana atrocserulea. PL, 1896. Hardy. A. vervsenana foliis variegatis. PL, 1896. Hardy. A. vulgaris alba. PL, 1896. Hardy. A. vulgaris alba plena. PL, 1896. Hardy. A. vulgaris atrata. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL dark purple; May 31 to July 12. A. vulgaris atrosanguinea. PL, 1896, Hardy. A. vulgaris kermesiana plena. PL, 1896, Hardy. ***A. vulgaris nivea. Syn. A. nivea, Baumg. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL white, semi-double. June 3 to July 7. AKABIS Con. *A, alpina, L. White Alyssum. Eu- rope; North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL white ; May. A. androsacea, FENZEL. Asia Minor. PL, 1895. Hardy. 16 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAI FARM ARABIS Con. A. muralis, BERTOL. Europe. PL, 1902. Tender. A. pumila, JACQ. Alps, &c. PI., 1896. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. Fl. white; May 19 to June 6. AH ALIA, TOURN. WILD SARSAPARILLA. (Araliacece.) A. nudicaulis, L. Wild Sarsaparilla. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. greenish; May. A. quinquefolia, DECNE. & PLANCH. Ginseng. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 15 in, FL greenish yellow; July. *A. racemosa, L. American Sweet Spikenard. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 6 ft FL greenish white; Aug. ARENARIA, RUPP. SANDWORT. (CaryopTiyllaceoB.) A. ccespitosa, Ehrh. = A. verna ccespi- tosa. A. f oliosa, EOYLE. Himalayas. PL, 1905. Hardy. A. graminif olia, SCHRAD. Eastern Eu- rope; Northern Asia. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. li ft. FL white; June 6 to July 7. A. pinifolia, BIEB. Caucasus. Syn. Alsine pinifolia, Fenzl. A. purpurascens, EAYMOND. Pyrenees. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 in. Fl. light lilac; May 26 to June 18. A. verna, L. Europe ; North America. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3 in. Fl white; May. A. verna csespitosa. Syn. A. ccespitosa, Ehrh. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 in. Fl. white; May. ARMERIA, L. THRIFT, SEA PINK. (PlumbaginaceoB.) A. cephalotes rosea. PL, 1898. Tender. ARMERIA Con. A. elongata, HOFFM. Syn. A. vulgaris, Willd. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL pink; June 6 to Sept. 17. *A. maritima lauclieana. PL, 1896. Hardy. A. plantaginea, WILLD. . Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. A. vulgaris, Willd. = A. elongata. ARNEBIA. See MACKOTOMIA. A. echioides, DC. = Macrotomia echi- oides. ARNICA, RUPP. ( Composites.) A. Chamissonis, LESS. North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL yellow; June 29 to Aug. 27. ARTEMISIA, L. WORMWOOD. (Compositce.) A. Absinthum, L. Common Worm- wood. Europe. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL yellow; Aug. 1 to Aug. 20. A, norvegica, FRIES. Norway. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. F. yellow; Aug. 4 to Aug. 22. A. rupestris, L. Europe ; Siberia. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 10 in. FL greenish yellow; Aug. 8 to Aug. 29. A. selengensis, Turcz. = A. vulgaris. A. stelleriana, BESS. North America. Old Woman. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2* ft. FL yellow; June 30 to July 16. A. vulgaris, L. Mugwort. Northern temperate regions. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 6* to 7 ft. FL yellow ; July 27 to Aug. 13. ARTIM, L. (Aracece.) A. palaestinum, Boiss. Black Calla, Solomon Lily. Orient. PL, 1898. Tender. 1. RUSSIAN COLUMBINE Aquileyia oxysepala. 3. LARKSPUR Delphinium maackianum. 730-16. 2. JAPANESE ANEMONE Anemone japoniva. 4. ERECT CLEMATIS Clematis recta. Photo by F. T. SHUTT. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 17 ASARITM, L. (Aristolochiacece.) A. canadense, L. Wild Ginger, Cana- dian Snake-root. North Amer. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 8 in. Fl brownish purple; April 23 to May 31, A. europaeum, L. Asarabacca. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1898. Tender. ASCLEPIAS, L. SWALLOW WORT, MILK WEED. (Asclepiadacece.) A. Fremontii, TORR. California. - PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 3J ft. FL pinkish purple; July 16 to July 30. *A. incarnata, L. Swamp Milk-weed North America. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. rosy purple ; June 30 to Aug. 18. A. incarnata pulchra. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL rosy purple ; Aug. 10 to Sept. 12. A. phytolaccoides, LYON. North Am. PL, 1895. Hardy. **A. tuberosa, L. Butterfly-weed. North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. bright orange ; July 3 to Aug. 4. A. verticillata, L. North America. PL, 1907. ASPAKAGUS, TOURN. (Liliacece.) A, Broussonettii, JACQ. Northern Afr. PL, 1907. ASPARAGUS Con. A. officinalis, L. Asparagus. Europe, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. ASPERULA, L. (Rubiaceoe.) A. carpathica, Hort. = A. suberosa. A. ciliata, ROCHEL. Eastern Europe. PL, 1907. A, Gusonii, Boiss. Sicily. Syn. A. nitida. PL, 1908. ***A, hexaphylla, ALL. Italy and Hun- gary. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 3 ft. Fl. white; June to Aug. A. nitida, Guss. = A. Gussonii. **A, odorata, L. Woodruff. Europe, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white; May 23 to July 8. A. suberosa, SIBTH. & SM. Greece. Syn. A. carpathica, Hort. PL, 1908. A. taurina, L. Europe. PL, 1908. A. tinctoria, L. Dyer's Woodruff. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to li ft. FL white; June 10 to July 27. ASPHODELINE, REICHB. (Liliacece.) *A. lutea, REICHB. Mediterranean re- gion. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL yellow ; June. ASTER, TOURN. STAR WORT, MICHAELMAS DAISY. (Composites.) There are so many species of asters growing wild in Canada, and they are so common that they have not yet become popular in this country as cultivated plants, but when grown in a mass they are very effective, and on account of their lateness in blooming make a show at a time when there are few perennials in flower. In England the Michaelmas daisy is very popular, and a large number of new varieties have been originated there, some of which are of great merit and are very ornamental. The two European species, A. alpinus and A. Amellus, and their varieties are very distinct. They have larger flowers than the American asters, and are lower growing than most kinds. A. alpinus is not, however, very permanent, and .must be renewed from time to time. Most asters increase very rapidly, and they are usually propagated by division 7302 18 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM or from suckers, although they grow readily from seed as well, but the named varieties do not come true from seed. Unfortunately a large number of the named varieties suffer from mildew in this country, sometimes so badly that they do not bloom well. It has been noticed that this disease is not so troublesome when the plants have plenty of light and air. *A. acris, L. South Europe, &c. Syn. A. punctatus, Waldst. & Kit. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL lilac purple; Aug. 29 to Oct. 27. A. acris dracunculoides = A. dracuncu- loides. A. adscendens, Torr. & Gray = A.Fre- monti. A. adulkerinus, Willd.=A. Novi Belgii. A.cestivus, Ait. = A. longifolius. **A. alpinus, L. Blue Mountain Daisy. Europe; North Asia. PI., 1896. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 9 in. FL bluish purple; June. A. alpinus baldensis. PL, 1907. A, alpinus himalaicus. PL, 1908. A, alpinus speciosus. PL, 1896. Half hardy. ***A. alpinus superbus. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 12 in. FL deep lavender with a lilac tinge; June 16 to July 6. ***A. Amellus amelloides. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. bright purple; Aug. 20 to Oct. 20. ***A. Amellus bessarabicus. PL, 1894. Hardy .Ht. 14 to 2 ft. Fl. violet purple; Sept. 12 to Oct. 24. A. Amellus Distinction. PL, 1908. A. Amellus f astigiatus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft. FL pale lilac changing to white; June 30 to Sept. 11. A. Amellus Little Gem. PL, 1908. ***A. Amellus major. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL bluish purple ; Aug. 22 to Oct. 8. **A. Amellus roseus. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. FL, rosy purple; Aug. 22 to Oct. 2. **A. Amellus Standard. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 34 ft. Fl. violet purple; Sept. 3 to Oct. 20. **A. amethystinus, NUTT.. North Amer. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 44 ft. Fl. lavender; Sept. 26 to Oct. 26. A. Chapmani, TORR. & GRAY. North America. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 54 ft. Fl. lavender; Sept. 25 to Nov. 3. ***A. Coombe Fishacre. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 44 ft. FL pale lilac with dull purplish red centre; Sept. 22 to Oct. 27. A. commutatus, A. GRAY. North-west- ern America. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 34 ft. F. white to pale lilac, yellow centre; Sept. 15 to Oct. 26. *A. cordifolius Albulus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. white with faint lilac tinge ; Sept. 15 to Oct. 10. **A. cordifolius Daisy. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. pale lilac with purplish red cen- tre; Sept. 24 to Oct. 27. A. cordifolius Diana. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 54 ft. Fl. rosy lilac; Sept. 24 to Nov. 3. ***A. cordifolius major. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. Fl. very pale lavender ,almost white ; Sept. 17 to Oct. 20. **A. cordifolius Photograph. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 44 ft. FL pale lavender, purplish cen- tre; Sept. 28 to Oct. 27. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 19 ASTER Con. A. Cornuti, MILL. PL, 1907. A. Curtisii, TORE. & GRAY. North Am. PL, 1896. Hardy. A. decorus, Desf. = A. IOBVIS decorus. A. decorus elegantissima = A. Icevis decorus elegantissima. A. diffusus, AIT. North America. Syn. A. miser , Nutt. PL, 1908. **A. diffusus Darchi. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. Fl. white, purplish red centre ; Sept. 26 to Oct. 17. A. diffusus horizontalis. PL, 1900. Hardy. A. diffusus horizontalis pyramidalis. PL, 1896. Hardy. A. diffusus horizontalis hybridus grandiflorus. PL, 1896. Hardy. H. 4& ft. Fl. pale lilac, almost white ; Aug. 20 to Sept. 24. A. diffusus pendulus. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4 ft. FL white; Oct. 8 to Oct. 19. *A. discolor. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. pale lilac, almost white; Sept. 17 to Oct. 27. **A. dracunculoides, LAM. Eastern Eu- rope; North Asia. Syn. A. acris dracunculoides. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4* to 5 ft. Fl. violet purple ; Sept. 5 to Oct. 8. A. Drummondii, LINDL. North Amer. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL pale lilac, purplish centre; Sept. 22 to Oct. 20. A. dumosus, L. North America. Syn. A. fragilis, Lindl PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL pale lilac, almost white, purplish red centre; Sept. 18 to Oct. 23. *A. ericoides, L. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3} ft. FL white; Sept. 17 to Oct. 14. ASTEE Con. **A. ericoides Clio. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. white; Sept. 8 to Oct. 20. **A. fastigiatus, FISCH. Siberia, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4} ft. FL pale lavender; July 11 to Sept. 24. A. floribundus, NUTT. North Amer. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 8* ft. Fl. pale lilac; Sept. 2 to Oct. 8. *A. foliaceus, LINDL. North-western America. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. Fl. lavender with yellow centre ; June 26 to Aug. 29. A. fragilis, Lindl. = A. dumosus. \. * A. Fremonti, A. GRAY. Kocky Moun- tains. Syn. A. adscendens, Torr. & Gray. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL pale lilac; July 8 to Sept. 5. A. grandiflorus, L. Christmas Daisy. Virginia to Georgia. PL, 1905. Tender. A. hybridus horizontalis grandiflorus. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 4* ft. FL heliotrope; July 26 to Sept. 21. *A. hybridus nouveanus. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL lavender; Sept. 1 to Oct. 3. A. horizontalis pyramidalis = A. diffu- sus horizontalis pyramidalis. A.incisus, Fisch. = Boltonia incisa. A. japonicus, LESS. Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3* ft. FL pinkish lilac changing to neatly white; July 26 to Oct. 8. A. Icevigatus, Hort. = A. longifolius formosus. A. Isevis, L. North America. Syn. A. politus, Nees. PL, 1907. **-*A. Isevis Apollo. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4* ft. Fl. lavender; Sept. 2 to Oct. 1. ***A. laevis Arcturus. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. Fl. deep lavender and rosy purple; Sept. 1 to Oct. 29. 730 2* 20 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM ASTER Con. *A, laevis Calliope. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. Fl. pale lilac; Sept. 22 to Oct. 27, ***A. laevis decorus. Syn. A. decorus, Desf. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 44 ft Fl. lavender blue; Sept. 12 to Oct. 14. A. laevis Harvard!. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL lavender; Sept. 24 to Oct. 19. ***A. laevis polyphyllus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft. Fl white, yellow centre; Sept. 2 to Oct. 14. A. lasvis Virgil. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft. Fl lavender blue; Sept. 17 to Oct 27. A. leucanthemus, RAFIN. North Amer PL, 1896. Hardy. Fl. pale purplish pink , almost white; July 18 to Sept. 19. A. linariif olius, L. North America. PL, 1908. A. lindleyanus, TORE. & GRAY. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl lavender; Aug. 22 to Oct. 11. A. Linosyris, BERNH. Goldilocks. Eu- rope. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 24 ft Fl. yellow; Sept. 5 to Oct. 20. A. longif olius, LAM. Syn. A. cestivus, Ait. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3} to 4 ft Fl. white, sometimes with lilac tinge, yellow centre; Sept. 1 to Oct. 3. "*A. longif olius formosus. Syn. A. loevigatus, Hort. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 2 ft. Fl. deep lilac ; Aug. 27 to Oct. 3. ***A. Maackii, REGEL. Japan. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2} to 3 ft. FL lavender blue; Aug. 13 to Oct. 8 ASTER Con. A. macrophyllus, L. North America. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. pale lilac, almost white; July 21 to Sept. 26. A. Mad, Cacheux. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. Fl. flesh colour ; Sept. 25 to Oct. 27. A. Milleri, FORBES. Hab ? PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL pale lavender ; Aug. 4 to Sept. 15. A. miser, Nutt. = A. diffusus Ait. A, mongolicus, FRANCH. China. PL, 1907. A. multiflorus, AIT. North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft FL white; Sept. 19 to Oct. 27. A.Newry Seeding A. Novi Belgii Newry Seedling. *A. niveus, HORT. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. FL white with faint lilac tinge; Sept. 5 to Oct. 3. *A. Novae-Angliae, L. Starwort. New England; North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 44 ft. Fl. violet purple; Sept. 5 to Oct. 23. ***A. Novae-Angliae Mrs. J. F. Rayner. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 5 ft FL rosy purple; Sept. 8 to Nov. 10. ***A. Novae-Angliae praecox. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 54 ft. FL purple; Sept. 30 to Nov. 12. A. Novae-Angliae pulchellus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Seems identical with proecox. **A. Novae-Angliae roseus. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 44 ft. FL rosy purple; Aug. 25 to Oct. 27. **A. Novae-Angliae roseus. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. Fl rosy purple; Sept. 21 to Oct. 27. **A. Novae-Angliae Wm, Bowman. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 54 to 6 ft. Fl. rosy purple ; Sept. 15 to Nov. 3. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 21 ASTER Con. *A, Novi Belgii Archer Hind. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. PL lavender blue; Sept. 21 to Oct. 25. A. Novi Belgii Aurora. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. mauve; Aug. 11 to Oct. 3. ***A. Novi Belgii Beatrice. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 5 ft. FL white, sometimes tinged with lilac; Sept. 11 to Oct. 3. **A. Novi Belgii Beauty. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 34 ft. FL rosy lilac ; Aug. 27 to Oct. 8. *A. Novi Belgii Berenice. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht, 44 ft. FL pale lavender, yellow centre ; Sept. 28 to Oct. 27. ***A. Novi Belgii Candida. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 44 ft. FL white, sometimes tinged with lilac, yellow centre; Sept. 8 to Oct. 8. *A. Novi Belgii densus. PL 1900. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. FL lavender blue; Sept. 18 to Oct. 27. A. Novi Belgii E. G. Lowe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL rosy lilac; Sept. 24 to Oct. 27. ***A. Novi Belgii Edna Mercia. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. pinkish lilac; Aug. 23 to Oct. 20. *A. Novi Belgii Ella. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 54 ft. FL lilac; Sept. 22 to Oct. 20. *A. Novi Belgii Esnie. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 3 ft. FL white; Sept. 5 to Oct. 10. ***A. Novi Belgii F. W. Burbidge. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 44 ft. FL pale lilac; Sept, 5 to Oct. 1. ***A. Novi Belgii Fanny. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL pale lavender, yellow centre ; Sept. 15 to Oct. 12. *A. Novi Belgii Flora. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL, lilac; Sept. 25 to Nov. 7. ASTEK Con. **A. Novi Belgii Grace. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 44 ft. FL lavender blue; Sept. 12 to Oct. 8. *A. Novi Belgii Harpur Crewe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 3 ft. Fl. almost white ; Sept. 8 to Oct. 21. A. Novi Belgii lanthe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 34 ft. FL lilac; Sept. 13 to Oct. 22. **A. Novi Belgii Janus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 5 ft. Fl white or tinged with lilac, yel- low centre; Sept. 8 to Sept. 26. ***A.Novi Belgii John Wood. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL white, with yellow centre; Sept. 5 to Oct. 8. *A. Novi Belgii Juno. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 44 ft. Fl. lavender blue; Sept. 22 to Oct. 20. *A. Novi Belgii Lady Trevellyn. PL, 1895. Hardy. FL white; Sept. 8 to Oct. 3. *A. Novi Belgii Maia. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 44 ft. Fl. pinkish lilac; Sept. 22 to Oct. 27. ***A. Novi Belgii Madonna. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL white, with yellow centre; Sept. 8 to Oct. 12. A. Novi Belgii Maiden's Blush. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft. FL lilac; Aug. 15 to Sept. 28. ***A, Novi Belgii Margaret. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 44 ft. Fl. lavender blue, yellow centre; Sept. 11 to Oct. 27. **A. Novi Belgii Minerva. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft. FL pale lavender, yellow centre ; Sept. 2 to Oct. 27. *A. Novi Belgii Miss Stafford. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL pinkish lilac; Aug. 29 to Sept. 26. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM ASTER Con. A. Novi Belgii Mrs. Davis Evans. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL bluish lilac; Aug. 27 to Oct. 6. *A. Novi Belgii Mont Blanc. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 5i ft. Fl. white, yellow centre ; Sept. 12 to Oct. 10. ***A. Novi Belgii Newry Seedling. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4i ft. Fl. pale lilac, almost white ; Sept. 11 to Oct. 26. ***A, Novi Belgii Pamela. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4} to 5 ft Fl. lilac; Sept. 15 to Oct. 22. *A. Novi Belgii Perry's Pink. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2 ft FL purplish pink; Sept. 11 to Oct. 12. A. Novi Belgii Profusion. PL, 1908. *A. Novi Belgii Purity. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 6* to 6 ft. FL white, yellow centre; Sept. 5 to Oct. 3. **A. Novi Belgii Robert Parker. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. Fl. pale lavender ; Sept. 17 to Oct. 27. ***A,Novi Belgii Snowflake. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4* ft. FL white, yellow centre ; Sept. 11 to Oct. 15. *A. Novi Belgii St. Brigid. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL white or tinged with lilac; Sept. 5 to Oct. 4. **A. Novi Belgii Theodora. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4J ft. FL pale lavender, yellow centre ; Sept. 22 to Oct. 22. ***A. Novi Belgii Top Sawyer. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 5} to 6 ft. FL, lavender; Sept. 13 to Oct. 20. ***A. Novi Belgii White Spray. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4i to 6i ft. Fl. white, yellow centre ; Sept. 11 to Oct. 3. ASTER Con. **A. Novi Belgii White Queen. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 5i ft. FL white or tinged with lilac ; Sept. 15 to Oct. 14. A. paniculatus, LAM. . North America. 8yn. A. salignus, Willd. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4* ft. FL pale lilac; Sept. 17 to Oct. 22. *A. paniculatus W. J. Grant. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4i ft. Fl. pale mauve; Sept. 21 to Oct. 20. **A. paniculatus W. J. Grant Improved. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4i ft. ' Fl. pinkish lilac, purplish red cen- tre; Sept. 19 to Oct. 19. ***A. Panope. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4} ft. Fl. lavender, yellow centre; Sept. 12 to Oct. 13. A. patulus, LAM. North America. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL pale lavender; Aug. 26 to Sept. 22. A. peregrinus, PURSH. North Ame- rica and Northern Asia. 8yn. A. salsuginosus, HooTc. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL pale lilac; July 26 to Sept. 19. A. patens, AIT. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft, FL lilac purple ; Aug. 29 to Oct. 3. A.politus, Nees. = A. Icevis. A. polyphyllus, WILLD. North Amer. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4J ft. Fl. white; July 30 to Sept. 25. A. Porteri, A. GRAY. Colorado. PL, 1902. Tender. A. prenanthoides, MUHL. North Am. PL, 1907. ** A. ptarmicoides, TORR. & GRAY.. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white; July 2 to Sept. 12. ***A. ptarmicoides lutescens. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl . sulphur yellow turning almost white; July 20 to Aug. 15. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 23 ASTER Con. A. pulcherrimus=A. puniceus pulcher- rimus. A. punctatus, W didst. & Kit. = A, acris. PL, 1908. A. puniceus, L. North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 54 ft. Fl. pale lavender ; Aug. 6 to Sept. 26. *A, puniceus pulcherrimus. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. Fl. pale lavender, yellow centre; Sept. 8 to Oct. 5. A. Radula, AIT. North America. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. pale lilac changing to white ; July 28 to Sept. 21. A. roseus grandiflorus. Pt., 1897. Hardy. Seems identical with A. puniceus pulcherrimus. A. Rosy Morn. PL, 1908. **A. sagittif olius, WEDEM. North Amer. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. Fl. pale lavender ; Sept. 6 to Oct. 22. A.salsuginosus, Hook A. peregrinus. A. salicif olius, AIT/ North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. bluish lilac; July 18 to Aug. 25. A. salicif olia Tresserve. PL, 1908. A.satignus, Willd. = A. paniculatus. PL, 1907. A. Shortii, LINDL. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft. Fl purplish blue; Oct. 8 to Nov. 7. A. sibiricus, L. Siberia ; North Amer. PL, 1895. Hardy. A. spectabilis, AIT. North America. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. lavender; Aug. 1 to Oct. 10. A. spectabilis major. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. rosy purple; Aug .29 to Oct. 23. ASTER Con. A. tenuif olius, L. North America. PL, 1907. A. Thomsoni, CLARKE. Himalayas. PL, 1899. Tender. A. Tradescanti, L. Michaelmas Daisy. North America. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 44 ft. Fl. almost white ; July 30 to Sept. 26. A. trinervis, DESF. Western Europe. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL pale lavender ; Aug. 29 to Oct. 27. ***A. turbinellus, LINDL. North Amer. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl rosy lilac; Oct. 4 to Nov. 12. A. turbinellus albus. PL, 1908. **A. turbinellus elegans. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 44 ft FL pale lilac, shading off whit : Sept. 21 to Oct. 27. A. umbellatus, MILL. North America PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 44 ft. Fl. white; July 11 to Sept. 5. A. undulatus, L. North America. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 5 ft. FL pale lilac, shading to white; Sept. 25 to Nov. 3. A. versicolor, WILLD. Eastern North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. ***A. versicolor alba Improved. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. Fl. white; Sept. 4 to Oct. 3. *A. versicolor nana. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 3 in. Fl. pink turning to white; Sept. 1 to Oct. 24. *A. vimineus, LAM. North America. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. white; Aug. 27 to Oct. 7. *A. vimineus Cassiope. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. white; Aug. 31 to Oct. 3. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM ASTILBE, BUGH-HAM. (Saxifragacece.) The astilbes while nearly all hardy in the ordinary meaning of the term do not thrive well at Ottawa. They need warmth, shade and moisture in order to do well. In the open border they are not a success. Astilbe rivularis, for instance, which is a fine plant, when well grown, does not begin to bloom at Ottawa until near the begin- ning of September, when it should bloom early in the summer. Astilbe Lemoinei Panache has done best in the perennial border. In Canada the astilbes are best used as greenhouse plants, the well known Astilbe japonica (Spiraea japonica} being one of the most satisfactory for this purpose. *A. chinensis, FRANCH & SAV. China and Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white with a purplish pink tinge^ June 18 to July 31. A. Davidii. PL, 1907. *A. japonica compacta multiflora. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white; June 20 to July 13. A. japonica foliis purpureis. PL 1895. Hardy. *A. japonica grandiflora PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white; June 23 to July 10. ASTRAGALUS, TO URN. MILK VETCH. (LeguminoscB.) *A. alopecuroides, L. Siberia, &c. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht, 3 to 4 ft. FL creamy white; June 24 to July 25. *A. danicus albus. Syn. A. liypo glottis albus. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 5 in. Fl. white; May 31 to June 27. A. falcatus, LAM. Caucasus; Siberia. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 3 ft. FL greenish yellow; June 13 to July 5. A. gaiegiformis, L. Caucasus. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 44 ft. FL greenish yellow; June 15 to July 21. A. Glyciphyllos, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. pale greenish yellow ; June 27 to Aug. 4 Fl. A. japonica reticulata aurea. PL, 1895. Half hardy. *A. Lemoinei Gerbe d' Argent. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. white; June 24 to Aug. 4. **A. Lemoinei Panache. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white with pink anthers; July 6 to Aug. 4. A. rivularis, BUCH-HAM. Himalayas. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. . dull pale yellow ; Aug. 29 to Sept. 21. *A. Thunbergii, MIQ. Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 24 ft. FL white tinged with pink; July 27 to Aug. 15. ASTRAGALUS Con. A. Jiypoglottis albus A. danicus albus. **A. monspessulanus, L. South Europe; Caucasus. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht, 8 to 9 in. Fl. rosy purple; May 23 to July 10. A. ponticus, PALL. Asia Minor, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL yellow ; June. A. reflexistipulus, MIQ. Japan. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 34 ft. FL greenish yellow; July 11 to ' Aug. 15. A. sulcatus, L. Siberia, &c. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 24 ft. Fl. pale violet and white tipped with brown; June 30 to Sept. 19. *A. vulpinus, WILLD. Turkestan. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 44 ft. Fl. greenish yellow; June 11 to July 21. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 25 ASTRANTTA, L. (Umbelliferce.) A. Biebersteinii, FISCH. & MEY. Cau- casus. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 24 ft. FL grey; July 2 to Sept. 7. A. major, L. Black Masterwort. Europe. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 14 ft. FL whitish with purplish pink pedicels; June 21 to Aug. 4. A. major carinthiaca. PL, 1898. Hardy. ATROPA, L. DWALE. (Solanacece.) A, Belladonna, L. Deadly Nightshade. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. BALLOTA, L. STINKING HOREHOUND. (Labiaioe.) B. nigra ruderalis. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL purple; July 2 to Aug. 31. B. nigra fol, var. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. Fl. purple; July 7 to Aug. 11. BAPTISIA, VENT. (Leguminosce.) **B. australis, E. BR. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 44 ft. FL deep blue; June 1 to Aug. 4. B. tinctoria, K.BR. Wild Indigo. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 24 ft. FL yellow; July 14 to Aug. 29. BELAMACANDA," MGENCH. (Iridacece.) *B. punctata, MCENCH. China. Syn. Pardanthus sinensis, V. Houtte. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 34 ft FL orange spotted with purplish brown; July 3 to Aug. 29. BELLIS, L. (Composites. **B. perennis, L. English Daisy. Eu- rope. PL, 1908. Half hardy. Ht. 3 to 6 in. FL pink, red, and white ; May and June. B, sylvestris, CYR. Mediterranean region. PL, 1897. Tender. BERKHEYA, EHRH. ( Composites. ) B. purpurea, BENTH. & HOOK. p. South Africa. Syn. Stobcea purpurea. PL, 1901. Tender. BLEPHILIA, RAFIN. (Labiates.) B. hirsuta, BENTH. North America. PL, 1905. Hardy. Jit. 24 ft. FL lavender; July 3 to Aug. 16. BLETIA, RUIZ. & PAY. (Owliidacece.) ***B. hyacinthina, AIT. China; Japan. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL purple; July 7 to July 18. BOCCONIA, PLUM. PLUME POPPY. (Papaveracece.) **B. cordata, WILLD. Plume Poppy. China and Japan. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 9 ft. Fl. creamy white in bud, buff when opened; July 12 to Aug. 15. *B. microcarpa, MAXIM. North China. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 7 ft. FL buff in bud and when open; July 13 to Sept. 2. BOLTONIA, L'HERIT. (Composites.) **B. asteroides, L'HERIT. False Star- wort. North America. Syn. B. glastifolia, L'Herit. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 ft. FL white or purplish, yellow cen- tre; Sept. 19 to Oct 20. 26 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM BOLTONIA Con. ***B. asteroides decurrens. PL, 1907. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. FL pinkish lilac; Oct. B. glastifolia, L'Herit = B. asteroides. B. incisa, BENTH. Siberia, &c. PL, 1907. **B. latisquama, A. GRAY. North Amer. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 4i to 6 ft. FL white, yellow centre; July 29 to Sept. 18. BORAGO, L. BORAGE. (Boraginaceoe.) B. caucasica. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL blue; June 11 to Aug. 18. BOYKINIA, NUTT. (Saxifragacece) B. aconitifolia, NUTT. North Amer. PL, 1907. BRODL33A, 8M. MISSOURI HYACINTH. (Liliacece.) B, coccinea, A. GRAY. California. PL, 1901. Tender. B. grandiflora, SM. North-wester Amer. PL, 1901. Tender. B, Henderson!, S. WATS. Oregon. PL, 1901. Tender. B. laxa, S. WATS. California. PL, 1901. Tender. B. peduncularis, S. WATS. California. PL, 1901. Tender. B. stellaris, S. WATS. California. PL, 1901. Tender. BUPTHALMUM, L. (Compositoe.) B. speeiosum, SCHREB. Europe. Syn. Telekia speciosa. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL golden yellow; June 21 to Aug. 29. BTTPLETTRUM, L. HARE'S EAR. (Utribelliferce.) B. Candollei, WALL. Himalayas. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. golden yellow; Aug. 10. BUTOMUS, L. (AUsmacecB.) B. umbellatus, L. Flowering Kush. Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Tender. (Hardy in wet places.) AC ALIA SUAVEOLENS = SENECIO SUAVE OLENS. CALAMINTHA, LAM. CALAMINT. (Labiates.) C. Acinos, CLAIRV. Basil, Thyme. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL bluish purple with white spots ; June 9 to Oct. 10. C. alpina, LAM. Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 7 in. FL purple; May 31 to Aug. 15. C. grandiflora, MCENCH. Europe. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 15 in. FL rosy purple ; June 13 to Sept. 11. CALLIRHOE, NUTT. POPPY MALLOW. (Malvaceae.) C. involucrata, A. GRAY. North Amer. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL crimson; June 23 to Oct. 14. CALTHA, L. MARSH MARIGOLD. (Ranunculacece.) *C. palustris flore pleno. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL double, yellow; May 9 to June 22. CALYSTEGIA, R.BR. BEAR-BIND. (Convolvulacece.) C. japonica, CHAISY. Japan. PL, 1897. Tender. C. oculata. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 1 ft. FL white; June. C. pubescens plena. PL, 1903. Tender. CAMASSIA, LINDL. (Liliacece.) *C. esculenta, LINDL. Quamash. North western America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. Fl purplish blue ; May 23 to June 20. *C. Leichtlinii, S. WATS. California. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3 ft. FL creamy white; May 26 to June 15. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 27 CAMPANULA, L. BELL-FLOWER. (GampanulacecB.) Among the bellflowers are to be found some of the best summer flowering peren- nials. The flowers are, for the most part, blue, purple or white in colour, and of delicate and pleasing shades. This with the bell-like shape of the flowers makes the campanulas very attractive. The larger growing kinds are easily propagated from seeds or the plants may be divided. One of the finest species, the Chimney Bell-Flower, C. pyramidalis, which is only half hardy at Ottawa, should be treated as a biennial to got best results, as plants more than one year old usually suffer badly in whiter, and even young plants are often killed. The low growing kinds with fleshy roots and crowns near the surface are, on the whole, not so hardy as the taller ones, and old plants cannot be relied upon. *C, alliariaefolia, WILLD. Caucasus, &c. Syn. G. lamiifolia, Bieb. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. white; July 3 to Sept. 8. *C. alliarisefolia macrophylla. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. white; July 6 to Aug. 21. C. alpina, JACQ. Europe. PL, 1907. G. arcuata, Schur. = C. rotundifolia. C. barbata, L. Europe. PL, 1907. C.Baumgartenii = C. rotundifolia Baumgartenii. C, betonicaefolia, SIBTH. Asia Minor. PL, 1907. C, bononiensis, L. Europe. PL, 1905. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL pale purple; July 14 to Oct. 8. C. Burghalti = 0. latifolia Burghalti. **C, caespitosa, SCOP. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. bluish violet; June 6 to Oct. 20. C. crnica, SCHIEDE. Transylvania. PL, 1907. **C. carpatica, JACQ. Eastern Europe. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL blue; June to Sept. **C. carpatica alba. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white; June to Sept. C. carpatica Isabel. PL, 1908. C. carpatica Eiverslea. PL, 1908. ***C. carpatica tnrbinata, PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 15 in. FL bluish violet; June 20 to Sept. 12. C. celtidifolia, Boiss. = C. lactiflora. G. cordata, G. Koch=G. rapunculoides. C. crystalloealyx. PL, 1907. G. eriocarpa, Biel. = G. latifolia erio- carpa. C. elegans, KOEM. & SCHULT. Siberia. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 24 ft. Fl. bluish purple; July 14 to Aug. 16. C. Ferguson!. PL, 1907. **C. glomerata acaulis. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 8 in. FL violet purple ; July 3 to Aug. 7. C. glomerata alba. PL 1901. Half hardy. ***C. glomerata dahurica. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 2 ft. FL violet purple; June 6 to July 14. *C. glomerata lilacina. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. Fl. bluish purple ; May 31 to July 17. C. glomerata speciosa = C. glomerata dahurica. C. Grossekii, HEUFFL. Eastern Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. lilac purple; June 23 to Sept. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM CAMPANULA Con. ***C. lactiflora, BIEB. Caucasus. Syn. C. celtidifolia, Boiss. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. Fl. white tinged with pale bluish violet to bluish violet with white base; June 27 to Aug. 5. C. lamii folia, Bieb. = C. alliance folia. PL, 1907. **C. latifolia, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht, 3 ft. to 3 ft. 8 in. Fl. purple ; June 14 to July 6. **C. latifolia Burghalti, Syn. C. Burghalti. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL white tinged with pale lilac; June 27 to July 21. **C. latifolia eriocarpa. Syn. C. eriocarpa, Bieb. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4J ft. Fl. bluish purple ; June 16 to July 3. ***C. latifolia macrantha. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL purple; June 17 to July 7. C. latifolia macrantha alba. PL, 1901. Half hardy. **C. latifolia Van Houttei. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2| ft. FL bluish violet ; June 28 to July 22. C. linifolia, SCOP. Europe. PL, 1907. C. longistyla, FOM. PL, 1907. C. multiflora, WALDST. & KIT. Hun- gary. PL, 1907. C. nolilis, Lindl = 0. punctata. **C. persicifolia, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 2* to 3} ft. Fl. pale bluish violet; June 18 to Sept. 21. **<7. persicifolia Bacfchousei = C. persici- folia grandiflora alba. ***C. persicifolia caerulea flore pleno. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. blue, semi-double; June to Sept. CAMPANULA Con. C. persicifolia Daisy Hill. PL, 1908. ***C. persicifolia grandiflora alba. Syn. 0. persicifolia BacJchousei. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white; June 14 to Sept. 28. ***C. persicifolia Mcerheimi. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white, semi-double; June to Oct. C. persicifolia Newry Giant. PL, 1908. *C. pilosa, PALL.. Western North Ame- rica ; Siberia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL violet; July 13 to Aug. 16. C. punctata, LAM. China, Japan, &c. Syn. C. noliUs, Lindl.; 0. nobilis alba. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL pale reddish violet spotted inside with purple. *C. punctata alba. Syn. 0. nobilis alba. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white spotted inside with purple; June 28 to Aug. 16. **C. pusilla, HENKE. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl bluish purple; June 1 to Oct. 20. ***C. pyramidalis, L. Chimney Campa- nula. Europe. PL 1901. Half hardy. Ht, 3 to 5 ft. FL blue; July 18 to Sept. 4. C. pyramidalis alba. PL, 1897. Tender. ***C. pyramidalis alba compacta. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL white; July 27 to Oct. 10. *C. Raineri, PERPENT. Italy. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 in. FL bluish purple; June to Sept, *C, rapunculoides, L. Europe, &c. Syn. C. cordata, 0. Koch. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL violet purple; July 4 to Aug. 7. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS CAMPANULA Con. **C. rotundifolia Baumgartenii. Syns. C. Baumgartenii; C. arcuata, Schur. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 20 in. Fl. bluish violet; June 4 to Aug. 1. ***C. rotundifolia flore pleno. PL, 1907. Ht. 1 ft 4 in. Fl. bluish violet; July 25 to Sept. 11. **C. sarmatica, KER-GAWL. Caucasus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. FL pale bluish violet; June 16 to July 16. C. Saxifrag'ia, BIEB. Caucasus. PL, 1907. C. sibirica Hohenackeri. PL, 1907. **C. Steveni dasycarpa. PL, 1907. Hardy. Ht. ii ft. violet; July 16 to Sept. 3. FL **C, subpyrenaica, TIME. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL pale bluish violet. June 18 to Aug. 22. C. tomassiniana. PL, 1907. **C. Trachelium, L. Throatwort. Eu- rope, &c. Syn. C. urticcefolia, Schmidt. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white; July 4 to July 30. C. urticcefolia Schmidt ,= C. Trache- Hum L. C. vernalis. PL, 1907. C. Vesula, ALL. PL, 1907. Piedmont. CARDUUS, L. THISTLE. (Composites.) C. ceriums, STEUD. Siberia. PL, 1896. Hardy. C. stenolepis, BENTH. Central Asia. PL, 1896. Hardy. CABEX, L. SEDGE. (Cyperacece'.) C. brunnea variegata. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to li ft. Foliage variegated. C, leporina, L. Northern Temperate regions. PL X905. Half hardy. C. pilulifera, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. CARLINA, L. CARLINE THISTLE. (Compositce.) C. acaulis, L. Europe. PL, 1898. Half hardy. CATANANCHE, L. (Compositce.) *C. caerulea, L. Blue Cupidone. West- ern Mediterranean region. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. Fl bluish purple; July 6 to Sept. 24. C. caerulea alba. PL, 1908. CENTAUREA, L. KNAPWEED. (Compositce.) C. austriaca, WILLD. Europe; Cauca- sus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4i ft. FL magenta; July 10 to Sept. 8. *C. babylonica, L. Asia Minor. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 6} ft. FL yellow; Aug. 15 to Oct. 14. C. Debeauxii, Godr. & Or en. = C. nigra, L. **C. glastifolia, L. Asia Minor, &c. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht.. 4} ft. Fl. golden yellow; July 4 to Aug. 8. C. Jacea lacera. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL purplish pink; July 10 to Sept. 28. **C. macrocephala, PUSCHK. Great Knapweed. Armenia. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2} to 3} ft. FL golden yellow; July 4 to Aug. 11. 30 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM CENTATTKEA Gon. *C. montana, L. Mountain Bluet. Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. li ft. FL violet; May 28 to Aug. 12. **C. montana alba. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL white; May 26 to Sept. 20. **C. montana caerulea. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL purplish blue; purple in centre; May 28 to July 12. C. montana grandiflora. PL, 1907. **C. montana Lady Florence Hastings. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1J ft. FL white; May 28 to Sept. 17. *C. montana rubra. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL lilac; May 26 to Aug. 12. C, nigra, L. Black Knapweed. Europe. Syn. 0. Debeauxii, Godr. & Gren. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3| to 4 ft. FL magenta; July 6 to Sept. 8. C. nigrescens, WILLD. Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL lilac; June 30 to Aug. 29. C. picta. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2} to 3} ft. FL pinkish purple ; July 2 to Sept. 9. C. ruthenica, LAM. Caucasus and Si- beria. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. FL sulphur yellow ; July 6 to Aug. 1. C. salmantica, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Half hardy. C. Scabiosa, L. Greater Knapweed. Europe. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4* to 5 ft. FL rosy purple; July 3 to Sept. 11. CEPHALARIA, SCHRAD. (Dipsacece.) C. radiata, GRISEB. & SCHENK. Tran- sylvania. PL, 1903. Half hardy; Ht. 2* ft. FL creamy white; Aug. 15 to Sept. 11. **C. tatarica, SCHRAD. Siberia, &c. Syn. Scabiosa gigantea, Ledeb. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 6} to 7 ft. Sulphur yellow ; July 2 to Aug. 4. CERASTIUM, L. MOUSE-EAR CHICKWEED. (Caryophyllacece.) C. arvense compactnm. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5 in. C. purpurascens, ADAMS. Asia Minor, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 in. FL white; June 6 to July 16. C. tomentosum, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL white; June 6 to June 17. CHELIDONIUM, TOURN. CELANDINE. (Papaveracew.) C. majus, L. Celandine. Europe, &c. . PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL yellow; May 20 to Aug. C. majus lacmiatum. PL, 1904. Hardy. Has cut leaves. CHELONE, L. TURTLE HEAD. (Schropulariacece.) 0. "barbata, Cav. = Pentstemon ~barba- tus, Roth. C. glabra alba. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft FL white; Aug. 29 to Sept. 29. *C, Lyoni, PURSH. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3} ft. FL rosy purple ; Aug. 18 to Oct. 8. C. nemorosa, DOUGL. North America. PL, 1907. CHIOGENES, SALISB. (Vacciniacece.) Chiogenes serpyllifolia, SALISB. North America, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 31 CHRYSANTHEMUM, L. (Composites.) The hardy oxeye daisies or marguerites are most useful plants as they are graceful, attractive in appearance, good for cutting, and have a long blooming season. The well known Oxeye Daisy, 0. Leucanthemum, gives some idea of what the cultivated varieties of C. maximum are like, but the flowers of the former are much smaller than those of the latter. They are profuse bloomers, and on account of their great size and white colour are very striking. The varieties vary much in habit of plant and character of flowers, some being much more graceful than others in both respects. The hardy marguerites increase rapidly by division of the plants, and best results will be obtained by dividing the old clumps every two years. Seedlings are easily grown, and while they may not resemble the parent variety a large proportion of them may be almost or quite as good. In unfavourable winters some varieties kill out, but on the whole they may be considered hardy. There are other species and varieties of hardy marguerites than those mentioned, but the varieties of 0. maximum are the most useful. The pyrethrums are, in this bulletin, included with the chrysanthemums, follow- ing the Kew nomenclature. They are not nearly so hardy as the marguerites, and on the whole cannot be considered more than half hardy, although some of the varieties live longer than others. The named varieties of Chrysanthemum coccineum are very numerous, and they are quite showy and attractive, and some of them should be found in every large garden. Pyrethrums grow readily from seed, and in this way new varieties are obtained. The named varieties are propagated by division. C. anserinaefolium, HAUSSKN. & BORN. Orient. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 16 in. Fl. white; June 10 to July 3. *C. carneum, STEUD. Caucasus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL deep pink; June 16 to July 11. C. Clusii = C. corymlosum. PL, 1908. *C. coccineum Achilles. PL, 1901. Half hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL dull crimson, double; June 3 to June 18. ***C. coccineum Beauty. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 2 ft. Fl. bright crimson, double. C. coccineum Capt. Nares. PL, 1896. Half hardy. ***C. coccineum Mont Blanc. . PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL white, double; May 31 to June 27. **C. corymbosum, L. Europe; Caucasus, &c. Syn. C. Clusii. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft. Fl. white with golden yellow centre; June 21 to Aug. 4. *C. lacustre, BROT. Marsh Oxeye Daisy. South-western Europe. Syn. C. laiifolium, DC. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 24 ft. Fl. white; July 29 to Oct. 24. C. lacustre grandiflorum. PL, 1901. Half hardy. C. lacustre Miss Henshaw. PL, 1905. Half hardy. ***C. lacustre Top Sawyer. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL white; July 24 to Oct. 24. C. lacustre Triumph. PL, 1905. Tender. C. laiifolium, DC. = C. lacustre. **C. Leucanthtemum, L. Oxeye Daisy. Europe, &c. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL pure white; June to July. ***C. maximum Duchess of Abercorn. PL, 1907. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. Fl white, cut at ends of petals; July to Oct. ***C. maximum elegans. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft.. Fl. white; July 12 to Oct 17. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM CHRYSANTHEMUM Con. **C. maximum filifera. PL, 1907. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. Fl. white, petals cut at ends; July ' to Sept. **C. maximum G. H. Sage, PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft Fl. white; July 3 to Sept. 5. **C. maximum grandiflorum. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 to .3i ft. Fl. white; July 16 to Oct. 22. **C, maximum J, Cocker. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL white; July 18 to Oct. 14. ***C. maximum King Edward. PL, 1906. Ht. 2i ft. FL white ; July 22 to Oct. 22. **C. maximum magnificum. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2* to 3 ft. FL white; July 7 to Sept. 15. C. maximum Mikado. PL, 1908. CHRYSANTHEMUM Con. C. maximum Mrs. Head. PL, 1908. ***C. maximum splendens. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL pure white; July 12 to Oct. 14. **C. maximum W. H. Gabb. PL, 1907. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white ; July to Oct. C. praealtum, VENT. Caucasus, &c. PL, 1902, Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL white; June 24 to Aug. 12. **C. Shasta Daisy. PL, 1903. Half hardy. Ht. 1J ft. Fl. white; June 23 to Oct. 24. C.Tchihatchcwii, Hort. Kew. = Matri- caria Tchihatchewii, Hort. Kew. **C. uliginosum, PERS. Giant Daisy. Eastern Europe. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3} ft. Fl. white; Sept. 8 to Oct. 24. CICUTA, L. (Umbelliferce.) C. occidentalis, DOUGL. North Amer. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL white; June 30 to Aug. 16. CIMICIFTJGA, L. BUGWORT. (Ranunculaceas.) C. acerina. PL, 1906. ***C. americana, MICHX. North America. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 5} to 6J ft. FL white; July 6 to Aug. 6. ***C. cordifolia, PURSH. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5i ft. FL white; Aug. 10 to Oct. 1. C. davurica, MAXIM. China, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 8 ft. FL white; July 20 to Aug. 15. CIMICIFUGA Con. C. japonica, SPRENG. Japan. Syn. Actcea japonica, Thunb. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft, FL white; Sept. 30 to Oct. 8. C. japonica major. PL, 1908. ***C. racemosa, NUTT. Black Snake Root. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 6J ft. Fl. white; July 9 to Aug. 13. C. simplex, WORMSK. Japan. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2i ft. FL white; Oct. 14 to Oct. 20. CLAYTONIA, GRONOW. SPRING BEAUTY. (PortulacacecB.) C. sibirica, L. North America, North Asia. PL, 1903. Tender. 1. HARDY M.AiiG\]izn.nE-Cfirijsantlumum maximum elegans, 2. AMERICAN BUG BANE- Cimicifuya. amcricana. 3. TALL PLANTAIN-LEAVED LEOPARD'S BANE Doronicum plantayincum excdsum. 4. WHITE PEACH-LEAVED BELL FLOWER Campanula persicifolia alba. "30-32.- Photo by F. T. SHUTT. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 33 CLEMATIS, DILL TRAVELLER'S JOY. (Ranunculacece.) In this bulletin, only the herbaceous clematis are described, those with woody stems not being dealt with. The herbaceous clematis are not, as a rule, tall growing, and some of them are comparatively low, and may be treated as ordinary herbaceous perennials. Most of the herbaceous kinds can be propagated from seeds without difficulty, the most useful species, 0. recta, being one of the easiest to propagate in this way. They may also be increased by dividing the plants. C. connata, DC. Himalayas. Syn. C. montana, Hort. PL, 1907. ***C. eoccinea, ENGELM. Texas. Syn. C. Pitcheri, Carr. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 9 ft. FL scarlet outside; creamy white in- side; July 4 to Oct. 11. C. davidiana purpurea. PL, 1908. C. Fremonti, S. WATSON. Kansas and Missouri. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL greenish yellow, purplish outside ; June 14 to June 25. C. fusca, TURCZ. China, Japan. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. FL dark purplish brown; July 17 to Aug. 11. C. heraelesefolia, DC. China. Syn. C. tubulosa, Turcz. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft. Fl bluish violet ; Aug. 20 to Sept. 25. C. heracleaefolia davidiana. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 44 ft. Fl. bluish violet ; Aug. 10 to Sept. 24. **C. integrif olia, L. South Europe, &c. Syn. C. ovata, Hort. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. violet; June 12 to Aug. 27. **C. integrif olia alba. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 24 ft. FL white; June 21 to Aug. 29. C. integrifolia parvifolia. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 5 ft. Fl. white; June 8 to July 17. C. Lavallei, DECNE. Japan. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 64 to 7 ft. Fl. pale blue, nearly white; Sept. 4 to Oct. 10. C. moniana, Hort. = C. connata, DC. C. ovata, Hort. = C. integrif olia, L. C. PitcJieri, Carr. C. coccinea, En- gelm. ***C. recta, L. South Europe. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL white; mid June to late July. C. recta lathyrifolia. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL white; June 16 to July 19. ***C. recta lathyrifolia glauca. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 44 ft. FL white; June 7 to July 27. **C. Stans, SIEB. & Zucc. Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. Fl. lavender; July 21 to Sept. 19. C. tiibulosa, Turcz. = C. heraclece folia, DC. CODONOPSIS, WALL. (Campanulacece.) C. lanceolata, BENTH. & HOOK., F. Tem- perate Asia. PL, 1897. Tender. *C. ovata, BENTH. Western Himalayas. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. dull white veined with pale blue; purple, white and yellow at base inside. 7303 CODONOPSIS Con. C. rotundifolia, EOYLE. Western Hima- layas. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. . FL purple and white tinged with yellow; July 14 to Aug. 16. COLCHICUM, L. MEADOW SAFFRON. (Liliacece.) **C. autumnale, L. Meadow Saffron ; Autumn Crocus. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 14 ft. FL purple; Sept. 21 to Oct. 27. 34 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM CONVALLARIA, L. LILY OF THE VALLEY. (LiliacecB.) ***C. majalis, L . Lily of the Valley. North temperate regions. PL, 1895. .Hardy. Ht. 8 to 10 in. FL white; May 16 to June 3. ***C. majalis Fortin. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 10 in. Fl. white; May. C. majalis prolificus. PL, 1906. C. majalis variegata. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL white ; May 16 to June 17. G. Polygonatum, L. = Polygonatum of- ficinale. G. Thun'bergii, Steud. = Polygonatum laiifolium. G. verticillata, L. == Polygonatum ver- cillatum. COPTIS, SALI8B. (Ranunculacece.) C. br achy pet ala, SIEB. & Zucc. Japan PL, 1905. Tender. COREOPSIS, L. TICKSEED. (Composite. ) *C. auriculata, L. South United States. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3* ft. Fl. golden yellow ; July 21 to Sept. 18. **C. delphinifolia, LAM. North Amer. PL ,1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2J ft. Fl. golden yellow ; July 7 to Oct. 17. ***C. grandiflora, NUTT. Southern United States. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL rich golden yellow ; June to Oct. ***Coreopsis grandiflora Eldorado. PL, 1904. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. rich golden yellow. June to Oct. ***Coreopsis grandiflora Golden Fleece. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL rich golden yellow; June to Oct. ***C. lanceolata, L.. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1J to 2 ft. Fl. rich golden yellow; June 17 to Oct. 20. COEEOPSIS Con. C. tripteris, L. Golden Crown. United States. PL, 1898. Half hardy. **C. verticillata, L. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. li ft. Fl. golden yellow; June 27 to Sept. 15. CORYDALIS, VENT. (Papaveracece.) **C. bulbosa, DC. Holewort. Europe. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 7 in. Fl. rosy purple ; April 29 to May 13. **C. capnoides, WAHLENB. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. li to 2 ft. FL white and golden yellow ; May 10 to Oct. 20. C. lutea, DC. Yellow Fumitory. Eu- rope. PL, 1905. Tender. *C. nobilis, PERS. Siberia. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. yellow ; May. CRAMBE, TOURN. KALE. (Cruciferce.) C. cordifolia, STEVEN. Caucasus. PL, 1908. CREPIS, L. HAWK'S BEARD. (Oompositce.) C. blattarioides, VILL. Europe. PL, 1905. Tender. C. sibirica, L. Europe; Asia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht, 4 to 5 ft. Fl. golden yellow ; July 9 to Aug. 21. CYCLAMEN, L. (Primulacece.) C. europseum, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1900. Tender. CROCUS, L. (Iridacew.) ***C. Cultivated Varieties Mixed. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 9 in. FL white, yellow, purple, etc. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 35 DELPHINIUM, TOURN. LARKSPUR. (Ranunculacece.) The vivid colour of the flowers of most larkspurs and the great height to which many of them grow make them among the most striking of the summer flowering perennials. The small number of good blue flowering plants available also makes the larkspurs almost a necessity in the hardy border where a good colour scheme is planned. Larkspurs thrive well in almost any good loamy soil, but for best results with the tall ones and the named varieties the soil should be rich and well supplied with moisture in the middle of summer, which is their blooming season. A second bloom may be obtained by cutting the flowering steins off near the ground as soon as the first flowers are over, but this practice, by which much of the foliage is destroyed, may eventually weaken the plants. The tall larkspurs need staking, as they break down easily. The best named sorts are very fine, but they are high priced, and as excellent varieties may be obtained by planting the seed of the named ones it is more economical and more interesting to grow them from seed. If sown in the autumn or early in the spring the seed germinates readily, and fine young plants will be obtained in one season which will bloom the next. Old plants divide readily, and good kinds are propagated in this way. ***D. Bella Donna. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4* ft. FL sky blue; June 18 to July 28. ***D. Blue Butterfly. PL, 1904. Half hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL blue; July 3 to Aug. 8. D. cardinalis, HOOK. California. PL, 1905. Tender. ***D. cashmirianum, EOYLE. Himalayas. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. li to 2 ft. FL blue; July and Aug. **D. cashmirianum album. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1* to 2 ft. FL white; July and Aug. **D. caucasicum, 0. A. MEY. Caucasus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 7i ft. FL deep blue; June 29 to Aug. 4. **D. cheilanthum, FISCH. Siberia. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3} to 4 ft. FL deep blue ; June 27. to Aug. 1. D. Duhmbergi, HUTH. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL purple, whitish at base; July 22 to Aug. 16. ***D. dyctiocarpum, DC. Siberia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 5} ft. FL pale blue; July 6 to Aug. 6. ***D. elatum, L. Europe, &c. Syn. D. cuneatum, Stev. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 8 ft. FL deep blue; July 4 to Aug. 10. D. elatum intermedium. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3* ft. FL purplish blue; July 4 to July 23. **D. elatum saphirnum. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 8 ft. FL deep blue; June 27 to Aug. 4. D.fissum, Waldst. dum. & Kit. = D. liybr- D. chinense, Fisch. = D. chinense. D. corymbosum, KEGEL. PL, 1907. grandiflorum Turkestan. D. crassifolium, sum. Schrad. = D. specio- D. cuneatum, Stev. = D. elatum. D. dictyocarpum, Steud. = D. carpum. 730 3i dyctio ***D. grandiflorum, L. Siberia. Syn. D. chinense. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3} ft. FL blue; July 2 to Aug. 15. D. grandiflorum album. PL, 1908. ***D. grandiflorum chinense album. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL white; July and Aug. ***D. hybridum, STEPH. Europe and Orient. Syn. D. fissum, Waldst. & Kit. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL blue; June 21 to Aug. 1. 36 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM DELPHINIUM Con. **D,laxiflorum, DC. Siberia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. Fl. deep blue; June 30 to Aug. 3. **D. maackianum, REGEL. Amurland. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 8 ft. Fl. deep blue; July 6 to Aug. 29. D. Menziesii, DC. North America. PL, 1908. ***D. occidentale, S. WATS. North-west- ern America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 6 ft. Fl. deep blue; June 29 to July 30. D. speciosum, BIEB. Caucasus. Syn. D. crassifolium, Schrad. PL, 1902. Half hardy. DELPHINIUM Con. D. speciosum glabratum. PL, 1905. Tender. D. speciosum trichocarpum. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. Fl. dull bluish purple; June 27 to July 14. D. tatsienense, FRANCH. China. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. blue; July 14 to Aug. 18. Fl. D. triste. FISCH. Siberia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft. FL dark brown; June 23 to July 20. D. vestitum, WALL. Himalayas. PL, 1908. DIANTHITS, L. PINK, CARNATION. (CaryophyllacecB.) There are few flowers with as delicate and agreeable a fragrance as the pink and carnation, and a garden without at least a few of the hardiest species and varieties would be lacking some of the most useful plants. The number of hardy wild species is very numerous, there being over one hundred, but of these there are a few which are distinctly better than the others. The Garden Pink, Dianthus plumarius, is the parent of many of the best cultivated varieties. Some of these are hardier than others, the double white variety Mrs. Sinkins appearing to be the hardiest of the doubles; in fact it is the only cultivated named variety of the Garden Pink, of those tested at Ottawa, which may be called hardy, the others being either tender or comparatively short lived. The carnation was derived from D. Caryophyllus. It is tenderer than the Garden Pink, though with care it can be carried over at least one winter. The so-called Alpine pinks have, for the most part, comparatively small flowers, but many of them are quite hardy. Some of these are not scented. The pinks and carnations may be propagated from seeds, layers, or cuttings, the seeds usually germinating well and the cuttings and layers striking readily. For best results pinks should be planted in warm, well drained soil, which will dry off quickly in the spring but which will retain moisture during the summer. The early spring is the critical time with pinks. They should be protected with a light, loose covering of straw in the autumn to guard them against the sudden changes of temperature in winter or spring when the ground is bare and they are in a soft condition. **D. anatolicus, Boiss. Asia Minor ; Thibet. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 16 in. FL white with a pink tinge ; June 14 to July 22. D. ambiguus, PANG. Europe. PL, 1905. Half hardy. **Dianthus arenarius, L. Europe. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white; June 13 to July 13. D. atrorubens, ALL. South Europe. PL, 1904. Tender. D. bracliyanthus, Boiss. Spain. PL, 1907. 'D. cgesius, SM. Cheddar Pink. Europe. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. Fl. rosy pink; June 17 to July 13. D. caesius Bickham. PL, 1907. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 37 DIANTHUS Con. D. calocephalus, Boiss. Asia Minor. PI., 1907. D. Carthusianorum, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1904. Tender. ***D. chinensis, L. Central Asia. Syn. D. montanus, Bieb. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 15 to 18 in. Fl. white and pale pink ; July 11 to July 30. **D. ciliatus, Guss. Italy, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 4 in. FL white with traces of pink about centre; June 5 to July 14. *D. contro versus, GANUD. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL pink with spots of crimson about centre; June 11 to July 9. D. crinitus, SM. Asia Minor. PL, 1907. D. cruentus, GRISEB. Greece, &c. PL, 1904. Tender. **D. deltoides, L. Maiden Pink. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 12 in. FL rosy crimson with darker line about centre ; June 13 to Aug. 23. **D. deltoides glaucus. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL much resembling D. deltoides ; June 19 to Aug. 16. **D. furcatus, BALB. Piedmont. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. li to 2 ft. FL white with crimson centre ; June 22 to Aug. 7. D. giganteus, URV. Eastern Europe. PL, 1903. Half hardy. D. glaucus, L. = D. deltoides glaucus. *D. hirtus, VILL. France. PL, 1904. Hardy. Ht. 9 to 12 in FL white tinged with pale pink; June 15 to July 9. D. liburnicus, BARTL. & WENDL. South Europe. PL, 1907. D. marsicus, Tenore = D. monspessu- lanus. *D. monspessulanus, L. South Europe. Syn. D. marsicus, Tenore. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1J ft. FL magenta; July 4 to Sept. 29. DIANTHUS Con. D. montanus, Biel>. = D. ckinensis, L. D. pelviformis, HEUFF. Servia, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. li to 2 ft. FL mauve; June 17 to July 5. *'*D. plumarius, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 16 to 18 in. FL pink, paler at centre; June 11 to Aug. 6." D. pinifolius, SIBTH. & SM. Greece. PL, 1903. Half hardy. D. plumarius flore pleno. PL, 1895. Hardy. ***D. plumarius Mrs. Sinkins. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white; June 14 to July 21. D. Sternbergii, SIBTH. Crimea. PL, 1907. D. rupicolus, Jord. = D. sylvestris. **D. Seguieri, VILL. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 18 to 20 in. Fl. rosy crimson ; June 27 to Sept. 2. D. Seguieri montanus. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. li to 2 ft. FL rosy magenta, paler in cen- tre; July 13 to Oct. 20. D. squarrosus, BIEB. Crimea, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white, faint pink about centre ; June 9 to July 23. **D. sylvestris, WULF. Europe. Syn. D. rupicolus, Jord. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. li to -2 ft. FL lilac pink; July 29 to Sept. 29. **D. symphrestens. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 to li ft. FL white with a pink tinge and with crimson centre; June 19 to Oct. 10. **D. tener, BALE. Piedmont. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 3 in FL white with lilac or crimson about centre; June 7 to July 14. D. Waldsteinii, STERNB. Eastern Alps. PL, 1904. Half hardy. 38 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM DICENTRA, BERNE. (Papaveracece.) **D. eximia, TORB. North America. PI., 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. bright crimson pink shading pnler; June 9 to Aug. 8. **D. forraosa, WALP. North-western Ame- rica. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. Fl. crimson pink shading lighter ; May 3 to Aug. 27. ***D. spectabilis, LEM. Bleeding Heart. Japan and China. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft. Fl. crimson and white; May 12 to July 7. *D. spectabilis, alba. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. FL creamy white tinged with pink. DICTAMNUS, L. GAS PLANT, FRAXINELLA. (Eutacecs.) ***D. albus, L. Fraxinella. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2 ft. FL white; June 2 to June 29. **D. albus purpureus. Burning Bush. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3* ft. FL pale purple and rosy purple; June 1 to June 30. D. albus caucasicus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Resembles D. albus purpureus. D. Fraxinella, Pers. D. albus, L. D. giganteus. PL, 1908. DIGITALIS, L. FOXGLOVE. (SchropulariacecB.) *D. ambigua, MURR. Europe, &c. Syn. D. grandiflora, Lam. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3} ft. FL dull yellow ; June 21 to Aug. 15. D. argyrostigma. PL, 1907. D. eriostachya, BESS. Hah? PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL pale greenish yellow; June 25 to Aug. 6. DIGITALIS Con. D. Fontanesii, STEUD. Origin uncertain. PL, 1907. D. grandiflora, Lam. = D. ambigua. D. laevigata, WALDST. & KIT. Eastern Europe. PL, 1907. D. lutea, L. Europe. D. lindleyana, TAUSCH. PL, 1907. Syn. D. micrantha, Roth. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3i to 4 ft. FL pale greenish yellow; June 24 to Aug. 4. D. mariana, Boiss. Spain. PL, 1907. . D. micrantha, Roth = D. lutea. D. media, ROTH. South Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4i ft. FL pale yellow; June 26 to July 21. D. sibirica, LINDL. Siberia. PL, 1907. *D. Thapsi, L. Spain. PL, 1903. Half hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. rosy purple to paler; June 20 to July 20. D. tomentosa, LINK AND HOFFMGO. Por- tugal. PL, 1903. Tender. DORONICTJM, TOURN. LEOPARD'S BANE. (Composite^.) D. austriacum, JACQ. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. golden yellow; May 13 to June 12. ***D. caucasicum, BIEB. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 18 in. Fl. golden yellow; May 4 to June 12. D. Olusii, Tausch. = D. glaciale, Nym. D. Columnae, TENORE. South Europe, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 18 in. Fl. golden yellow; May 28 to June . 18. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS DORONICTIM Con. ^ D. glaciale, NYM. Europe. Syn. D. Clusii, Tausch. PL, 1898. Half hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. golden yellow ; May 10 to June. D. magnificum, PERRY. Resembles D. plantagineum excel- sum. **:;-j) plantagineum excelsum. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. golden yellow; May 13 to June 13. D. planiagineum Harpur Crewe = D. plantagineum excelsum. DBACOCEPHALTIM, L. DRAGON'S HEAD. (Labiates.) D. argunense, FiscJi. = D. Ruyschiana, L. **D. integrifolium, BUNGE. Siberia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. bluish purple; June 22 to Aug. 16. **D. Ruprechti, KEGEL. Tibet and Tur- kestan. PL, 1907. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. pale bluish purple; July 11 to Aug. 20. ***D. Ruyschiana, L. Europe, &c. Syn. D. argunense, Fisch. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL purplish blue ; June 11 to Aug. 1. D. virglnicum, L. giniana. Physostegia vir- ECHINACEA, MCENGH. PURPLE CONE- FLOWER. (Composite.) *E. angustifolia, DO. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. rosy purple ; July 30 to Oct. 1. ECHINACEA Con. ***E. purpurea, MCENCH. North America. Syn. RudbecJcia purpurea, L. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft. FL lilac rose to reddish purple; July 23 to Oct. 8. ***E. pnrpurea Winchmore Hill. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL bright reddish purple; July IS to Sept. 29. ECHINOPS, L. GLOBE THISTLE. (Composites.) *E. exaltatus, SCHRAD. Hungary. Syn. E. glolifer, Jarika. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 7i ft. FL dull white; Aug. 10 to Sept. 8. E.giganteus, Eort. = E. sphcerocepha- lus. E. glo"bifer, Jarika = E. exaltatus, ScJirad. E. Jiorridus, Link.=E. sphcerocephalus. E. monstrosus. PL, 1908. E. niveus, WALL. Western Himalayas. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. FL in heads, dull white; July 20 to Aug. 27. **E. Ritro, L. Mediterranean region. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3J ft. FL bluish violet; July 27 to Sept. 19. **E. sphaerocephalus, L. Europe, &c. Syns. E. horridus, Link.; E. rutJie- nica, ReicTib.; E. giganteus, Hort. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 7 ft. Fl. in large heads, lavender, changing to white; July 24 to Aug. 22. EPILOBITJM, DILL. WILLOW HERB. (Onagracece.) E. hirsutum, L. Codlins and Cream. Europe, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 5 ft. FL magenta; July 7 to Sept. 12. 40 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM EPIMEDIUM, L. BARRENWORT. (Berberidacece.) A few words regarding this charming genus are desirable, as the barrenworts are comparatively little grown in Canadian gardens. They bloom during the latter part of May when flowers are much appreciated and when there are fewer good herbaceous perennials in bloom than later on. They are graceful little plants with small delicate flowers of attractive colours, and having long stems they are very useful for cutting. The foliage, which has a bronzy tinge, goes well with the flowers when cut. Epime- diums succeed well in average garden soil, and while they will do best in a partially shaded place they give good satisfaction in bright sunlight. They may be increased readily by dividing the clumps. E. musschianum rubrum. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. crimson and dull white ; May 10 to May 31. E. niveum = E. macranthum niveum. **E. alpimim rubrum. PL, 1898. Half hardy. Ht. 7 to 15 in. FL crimson and white ; May 13 to June 2. E. angustifolium. PL, 1895. Half hardy. Ht. 8 to 12 in. Fl. white; May 11 to May 22. **E, grandiflorum. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 12 in. FL white; May 19 to June 8. ***E. Ikariso. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. FL white; May 10 to May 25. E, macranthum, MORR & DECNE. Japan. PL, 1897. Half hardy. Ht, 6 in. Fl. bright red and violet; May. E. macranthum album. PL, 1906. *E. macranthum violaceum. Syn. E. violaceum, Morr & Decne. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 8 in. FL pinkish violet ; May 16 to June 6. E. musschianum, MORR. & DECNE. Ja- pan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 15 in.. Fl. dull white; May 13 to May 31. E. macranthum niveum. Syn. E. niveum. PL, 1900. Half hardy. Ht. 9 to 12 in. FL white ; May 11 to June 6. E. perralderianum, Coss. Algeria. PL, 1908. ***E. pinnatum, FISCH. Persia. Syn. E. sulfureum, Hort. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 18 ,in. FL yellow; May 8 to June 15. *E. pinnatum Colchicum. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 15 in. FL yellow; May 10 to June 3. E. pulchellum. PL, 1908. ***E. rubrum, MORR. Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 18 in. Fl. bright crimson and pale yel- low; May 8 to May 25. E. sulfureum, Hort. = E. pinnatum. E. violaceum, Morr. & Decne. = E. ma- cranthum violaceum. EREMUEUS, BIEB. (Liliacece.) *E. altaicus, STEV. Siberia, c. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 7 ft. FL golden yellow ; June 23 to July 14. E. robustus, HEGEL. Turkestan. PL, 1900. Tender. ERIGERON, L. FLEABANE. (Composites.) E. aurantiacus, EEGEL. Orange Daisy. Turkestan. PL, 1897. Tender. E. Coulteri, PORTER & COULTER. North- western America. PL, 1902. Tender. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS ERIGERON Con. **E. glabellus, NUTT. North America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 18 in. Fl. lilac; June 26 to Aug. 1. *E. grandiflorus albus. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 10 in. FL white; June 13 to July 6. **E. macranthus, NUTT. North-western America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 15 to 18 in. FL lavender blue ; June 16 to July 28. E. salsuginosus, GRAY. North-western America. Syn. Aster salsuginosus, Rich. PL, 1903. Half hardy. Ht, 18 in. Fl. violet purple; June. E. species. ( ?) PL, 1908. **E. speciosus, DO. Fleabane. North western America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 1 ft. Fl. lavender ; July 4 to Aug. 8. E. speciosus major. PL, 1895. Half hardy. E. speciosus splendens. PL, 1908. ***E. speciosus superbus. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. deep lavender ; July 3 to Aug. 16. ERYNGTUM, L. ERYNGO, SEA HOLLY. (Umlelliferce.) V *E. alpinum, L. Alpine Sea Holly. Eur. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL metallic blue; June 20 to July 28. E. aquaticum, L. = E. yucccefolium. E. Bourgati, GOUAN. Spain. PL, 1901. Tender. E, dichotomum, DESF. Mediterranean region. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2* to 3 ft. FL blue; Aug. E. giganteum, BIEB. Armenia. PL, 1898. Tender. E. oliverianum, DELAR. Orient. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL blue; July 23 to Sept. 21. EEYNGIUM Con. E. planum, L. Europe, &c. PL, N 1898. Half hardy. E. yuecsefolium, MICHX. North Amer. Syn. E. aquaticum, L. PL, 1898. Tender. ERYSIMUM, L. PERENNIAL WALL-FLOWER. (Cruciferce.) E. ochroleucum helveticum. PL, 1903. Tender. Erythrochcete palmatifida = Senecio japonicus. EULALIA. See MISCANTHUS. EUPATORIUM, L. HEMP AGRIMONY. (Composite.) *E. ageratoides, L. White Snake-root. North America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. Fl. white; Aug. and Sept. E. occidentale, HOOK. Western North America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. F. dull pink ; July 17 to Aug. 29. E. purpureum, L. Joe-Pyeweed. North America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL purple; Aug. 13 to Sept. 24. EUPHORBIA, L. SPURGE. (Euphorbiacece.) ***E. corollata, L. Flowering^ Spurge. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. white; June 30 to Oct. 10. E. epithymoides, L. Europe. Syn. E. poly chroma, Kern. PL, 1908. E. pilosa major. PL, 1908. E. polychroma, Kern. = E. epithymoi- des. E. species. ( ?) PL, 1908. FESTUCA, L. FESCUE GRASS. (Gramineoe.) *F. glauca, L. Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM FRAGARIA, L. STRAWBERRY. (RosacecB.) F. chiloensis, DUCHESNE. West Coast of America. PL, 1895. Hardy. F. virginiana, DUCHESNE. Scarlet or Virginian Strawberry. North America. PL, 1896. Hardy. FRITILLARIA, L. FRITILLARY. (LiliacecB.) **F. aurea, SCHOTT. Asia Minor. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 8 in. FL yellow; May 1 to May 16. *F. camschatcensis, KER-GAWL. North Asia. Syn. Lilium kamischatlccense, Hoffmgg. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL dark purplish brown; May 18 to June 15. **F. delphinensis Moggridgei. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL bright yellow spotted with red- dish brown; April 27 to May 16. FRITIILLARIA Con. ***F. Imperialis, L. Crown Imperial. Orient. PL, 1897. Half hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL yellow to crimson. Many named varieties ; April 29 to May 25. F. lanceolata, PURSH. North-western America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 1* ft. FL pale purple; May. F. libanotica, BAKER. Syria. PL, 1900. Half hardy. F. lutea, MILL. Caucasus, &c. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. FL greenish yellow; May. **F. persica, L. Asia Minor. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL lilac purple. May. F. plurif olia, TORR. California. PL, 1900. Half hardy. F. pyrenaica, L. Pyrenees. PL, 1900. Half hardy. F. recnrva, BENTH. California. PL, 1901. Half hardy. FUNKIA, SPRENG. PLANTAIN LILY, DAY LILY. (LiliacecB.) The funkias are grown more for their foliage than for their flowers, and they are very desirable plants to have where foliage effects are wanted. The leaves, when the plants are well grown, are large and they vary in colour from attractive shades of green to bluish, and, in some varieties, are variegated with white or yellow. The flowers while helping to make the plants more effective are not particularly attractive, the best in this respect being FunJcia sub cor data, which, taking everything into consideration, is the most desirable species. The soil for funkias should be rich and of good depth as, to be most effective, the plants should remain in one place for a long tune. A good supply of moisture is also essential. Funkias are usually increased by dividing the clumps. F. albo-marginata, Hook.=F. lancifolia albo-marginata. *F. Aoki. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL white tinged with lavender; June 20 to Aug. 15. F. aurea = F. ovata aurea. F. ccerulea, Sweet. = F. ovata. F. cucullata, Siel>old. = F. Fortunei. F. forma fol. albo var. resembles F. lan- cifolia strict a. **F. Fortunei, BAKER. Japan. Syn. F. cucullata, Siebold. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft, FL pale lilac; July 9 to July 30. **F. Fortune! variegata. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white. Fol. glaucous and yellow; June 21 to July 23. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 43 FUNKIA Con. F, glanca, SIEB. Japan. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3 ft. Fl. white; July 12 to Aug. 22. F. grandiflora, Sieb. & Zucc. = F. sub- cordata. F. japonica gigantea alba = F. land- folia gigantea alba. F. japonica fol. aur. var. resembles F. ovata aurea. F. japonica gigantea resembles F. sie- boldiana marmorata. *F. lancifolia, SPRENG. Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. bluish violet suffused with white ; Aug. 4 to Sept. 17. *F. lancifolia argentea stricta. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 to Foliage variegated. ft. *F. lancifolia gigantea alba. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. li to 2 ft. Fl. white; Aug. 7 to Aug. 29. *F, lancifolia nndulata medio var. Syn. F. undulata medio varr. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2* to 4 ft. Fol. with white margin. F.liliiflora, Hort. = F. subcordata. F. maculata resembles F. lancifolia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2} to 3 ft. F. minor alba resembles F. lancifolia gigantea alba. **F. ovata, SPRENG. Japan. Syn. F. cwrulea, Sweet. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2* to 3 ft. FL bluish purple and white; July 20 to Aug. 7. *F. ovata aurea. Syn. F. aurea. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2} to 3 ft. Foliage yellowish. **F. ovata argentea vittata. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3} ft. Foliage variegated green and whitish. FUNKIA Con. *F. ovata aurea striata. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fol. yellowish. *F. ovata fol. aureo var. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fol. yellow and green. **F. ovata Large-leaved. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3i to 4 ft. FL white; July 17 to Aug. 10. *F. ovata univitatta. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2} to 3 ft. Fl. bluish lilac. July 12 to Aug. 11. **F. ovata variegata. Syn. F. spathulata fol. var. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 4 ft. Fl. bluish violet suffused with white; Fol. variegated green and white; July 12 to Sept. 8. **F. sieboldiana, HOOK. Japan. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2} to 3 ft. FL pale lilac and white; July 21 to Aug. 22. ***F. sieboldiana fol. luteis marmorata. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. pale lilac, almost white ; foliage variegated with yellow. F.sinensis, Siebold. = F. sieboldiana. marmorata. F.sinensis marmorata = F. sieboldiana marmorata. F. spathulata fol. var.=F. ovata varie- gata. ***F. subcordata, SPRENG. Corfu Lily. Japan. Syns. F. grandiflora, Sieb. & Zucc.; F. liliiflora, Hort. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL white; Aug. 27 to Oct. 1. F. subcordata liliiflora = F. subcordata. F undulata medio var. = F. lancifolia undulata medio var. F. univittatd = F. ovata univittata. F. viridis resembles F. ovata. 44 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM GAILLARDIA, FOUGER. BLANKET FLOWER. (Composites.) ***G. aristata, PURSH. Blanket Flower. North America. Syn. F. grandiflora, Hort. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. yellow. Many named varieties varying in colour from yellow to crimson; June 11 to Oct. 20. ***G. aristata, PURSH. Blanket Flower. PL, 1904. Hardy. Ht. 1 to li ft. Flowers in many shades. More compact than the species. GALANTHTTS, L. SNOWDROP. (Amaryllidacece.) **G. cilicicus, BAKER. Cilicia. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 6 in. FL white; April to May. ***G. Elwesii, HOOK, F. Asia Minor. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL white; April to May. ***G. nivalis, L. Common Snowdrop. Europe. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 6 in. Fl. white; April to May. GAIEGA, . TO URN. GOAT'S KUE. (Leguminosos.) G. 'bilo'ba splendens = G. officinalis splendens. *G. officinalis, L. Goat's Eue. Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. purplish blue; July and Aug. **G. officinalis alba. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 24 ft. FL white; July 3 to Aug. 25. **G. officinalis compacta alba. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht, 1 to 2 ft. FL white; July 6 to Sept. 1. G. officinalis splendens. Syn. G. ~biloba splendens. PL, 1908. *G. orientalis, LAM. Caucasus. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL mauve; June 7 to July 28. G. patula, STEV. Tauria. PL, 1903. Tender. GALTONIA, DECNE. GIANT SUMMER HYACINTH. (Liliacece.) ***G. candicans, DECNE. South Africa. Syn. Hyacinthus candicans. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL white; Aug. 22 to Oct. 8. GENTIANA, TOURN. GENTIAN. (Gentianacece.) G. alba, MUHL. North America. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL dull white tinged with purple and with greenish spots ; July 17 to Aug. 7. G. asclepiadea, L. Willow Gentian. Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL deep blue; July 1 to Aug. 6. G, cernua, H. B. & K. Ecuador. PL, 1907. **G. excisa, KOCH. Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. li to 2 ft. Fl. bright blue; July 9 to Sept. 1. G. Fetisowi, REGEL & WINKLER. Tur- kestan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. li ft. FL deep blue; June 11 to Aug. 5. G. Kesselringi, REGEL. Turkestan. PL, 1905. Half hardy. G. macrophylla, PALL. Siberia. PL, 1906. *G. Pneumonanthe, L. Calathian Vio- let. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. FL deep blue; July. G. scabra Buergeri, PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht, 8 in. Fl. deep blue. G. septemfida, PALL. Caucasus, &c. PL, 1907. G. tibetica/ KING. Himalayas, &c. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. li to 2 ft. FL blue ; July 4 to July 24. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 45 GERANIUM, L. CRANES-BILL. (Geraniaceos.) G. aconitifoium, L'Herit = G. rivulare, Vill. **G. armenum, Boiss. Orient. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. Fl. rosy purple, black at base ; June 3 to July 9. G. balkanum, Hort. = G. macrorrhizon, L. G. bohemicum, L. Bohemia. PL, 1907. G. cinereum, CAV. Pyrenees. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2 ft. FL pale red with darker stripes. **G. Endressi, J. GRAY. Pyrenees. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1J to 2 ft. FL rosy purple with darker veins ; June 6 to July 27. G. gymnocaulon, DC. = G. ibericum, Cav. **G. ibericum, CAV. Iberian Cranes-bill. Caucasus. Syn. G. gymnocaulon, DC. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1J ft. FL bluish violet and purple; June 2 to July 11. **G. ibericum platypetalum. PL, 1895. Hardy. FL larger than G. ibericum. *G. ibericum platypetalum album. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL white; June 17 to July 21. *G. incisum, NUTT. North America. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 3 in. FL magenta lilac, with paler markings in places; May 28 to July 16. *G. Londesii, FISCH. Siberia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2J to 3i ft. FL purple and violet; June 13 to July 21. *G. macrorrhizon, L. Eastern Europe. Syns. G. "balkanum, Hort.; G. pel- tatum. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL magenta; May 28 to June 27. GERANIUM Con. **G. maculatum, L. Wild or Spotted Cranes -bill. North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. lilac or rosy ; May 21 to June 24. G. nepalense, SWEET. Nepal Cranes- bill. India, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to li ft. Fl. fosy purple; June 3 to July 14. G. peltatum = G. macrorrhizon. *G. pratense album. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. FL white, with traces of bluish purple; June 13 to July 11. *G. pratense flore pleno. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL double, bluish purple. G. rivulare, VILL. Europe. Syn. G. aconitifolium, L'Herit. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 20 in. Fl. white; May 16 to July 4. G. rotundifolium, L. Eound-leaved Cranes-bill. Syn. G. viscidulum, Fries. PL, 1907. **G. sanguineum, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 18 to 20 in. Fl. deep magenta ; May 29 to Aug. 15. **G. sanguineum album. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 15 to 18 in. FL white; June 3 to July 9. **G. sanguineum lancastriense. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 15 in. FL rosy magenta ; June 4 to Aug. 6. G. sylvaticum, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 3 ft. FL purple; May 26 to July 2. G. sylvaticum flore pleno. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2| to 3J ft. Fl. double, rosy purple; July 11 to Aug. 22. G. viscidulum, Fries. = G. rotundifo- lium. G. Wilfordi, MAXIM. Mandshuria. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft, Fl. white; June 30 to Aug. 18. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM GEITM, L. AVENS. (Eosaceoe.) *G. coccineum atrosanguineum flore pleno. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. EL double, scarlet; June 20 to July 19. *G, coccineum plenum. PI., 1901. Half hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. double, scarlet; June 13 to Aug. 4. *G. Eweni, HORT. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL orange; May 26 to June 23. *G, chilcense miniatum. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. li ft. Fl. orange scarlet; May 29 to June 22. *Gr. montanum maximum. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 20 in. Fl. golden yellow; May 16 to June 16. G. radiatum, MICHX. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL yellow ; July. Gr. strictum, AIT. North Temperate regions. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL yellow; July 17 to Sept. 21. G. triflorum, PURSH. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 12 in. FL sepals purplish red, petals white tipped with purplish red ; May 13 to June 21. GILLENIA, MCENCH. (Rosacece.) **G. .stipulacea, NUTT. American Ipecac- uanha. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3 ft. FL white;, pinkish on outside ; June 11 to July 18. **G. trifoliata, MCENCH. Indian Physic. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4 ft. Fl. white, pinkish on outside ; June 3 to July 16. Much like G. stipulacea. GRINDELIA, WILLD. GUM PLANT. California. . (Composites.) G. integrifolia, DO. British Columbia. PL, 1901. Half hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL yellow; July 21 to Sept. 11. GYPSOPHILA, L. CHALK PLANT. (OaryopTiyllaceoe.) G. acutif olia, FISCH. Caucasus. PL, 1897. Half hardy. G. altissima, L. Siberia. PL, 1907. G. collina, Stev. = G. fastigiata. **G. fastigiata, L. Europe. Syn. G. collina, Stev. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 5 ft. FL pink; July 13 to Oct. 12. G. libanotica, Boiss. Asia Minor. PL, 1903. Tender. ***G. paniculata, L. Baby's Breath. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1900. Hardy, Ht. 2* to 3. ft. FL white; July 7 to Aug. 15. ***G. paniculata compacta. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Ee- sembles G. paniculata, except more compact. ***G. paniculata flore pleno. PL, 1908. G. perf oliata, L. Spain. PL, 1905. Tender. **G. repens, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 12 in. FL white and pale pink; June 6 to Nov. 3. G. repens monstrosa. PL, 1908. **G. Rokejeka, DELILE. Egypt, &c. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. Fl. pink; July 20 to Aug. 23. G. Sundermannii. PL, 1908. G. transylvanica, SPRENG. Eastern Europe. PL, 1907. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 47 GYPSOPHILA Con. CK trichotoma, WENDER. Caucasus ; Turkestan. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 5 ft. FL pink; July 18 to Sept. 27. HABEBXEA, FRIVALD. (Gesneracece.) H. rhodopensis, FRIVALD. Greece. PL, 1908. HABLITZIA, BIEB. (Chenopodiacece.) H. tamnoides, BIEB. Caucasus. PL, 1908. HARPALIUM, CAS8 = HELIANTHU8. HEDYSARUM, L. (Leguminosce.) H. esculentum, LEDEB. Siberia. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL greenish yellow; June 7 to July 20. HEIENITTM, L. SNEEZE WEED. (Composite.) H. autumnale, L. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 34 ft, FL yellow; July 15 to Aug. 29. H. autumnale compactuxn tricolor. Syn. H. grandicephalum compac- tum licolor. PL, 1908. **H. autumnale Defiance. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft. FL deep sunflower yellow, disk dull yellow; July 27 to Sept. 22. **H. autumnale grandiflorum. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 64 to 7 ft. FL yellow; Aug. 29 to Oct. 23. HELENIUM Con. ***H. autumnale pumilum. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL yellow; July 11 to Sept. 2. ***H. autumnale pumilum magnificum. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl golden yellow; July 6 to Oct. 14. ***H. autumnale striatum. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. 8 in. to 54 ft. FL reddish brown and yellow; Aug. 13 to Oct. 20. **H. autumnale superbum. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 74 ft. FL yellow; Sept. 1 to Oct. 27. H. Bigelovii. A. GRAY. California. PL, 1900. Tender. **H. Bolanderi, A. GRAY. California. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 2 ft, FL yellow with dark brown centre. ***H. Bolanderi Golden Queen. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL deep golden yellow with dark centre; July 3 to Oct. 12. H. grandicephalum , Hort. = H. autum- nale, L. H. grandicephalum compactum bicolor = H. autumnale compactum "bi- color. H. grandicephalum striatum = H. au- tumnale striatum. ***H. Hoopesii, GRAY. North-western America. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 24 ft. Fl. orange yellow; June. H. pumilum, Willd. = H. autumnale pumilum. HELIANTHUS, L. SUNFLOWER. (Composite.) Among the most useful herbaceous perennials which bloom in the summer and autumn are the perennial sunflowers. They are tall, have large, or very large flowers of attractive shades of yellow, and are very free and continuous bloomers. The flowers also have very long stems, which" help to make them desirable for cutting. With so many points in their favour it is no wonder that the perennial sunflowers are popular. The chief objection to some kinds is that they spread more rapidly than is desirable. When such is the case, the roots may be confined if desired by burying CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM a box full of soil and planting in it. When there is sufficient room sunflowers are very effective when planted in masses and given all the space they seek. Helianthus multiflorus and its varieties do not spread so rapidly as some other sorts. Sunflowers do best in bright sunlight. They are readily propagated by division or from the root stalks. **H. doronicoides, LAM. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 7 ft. Fl. sunflower yellow ; July 29 to Sept. 5. **H. giganteus, L. Indian Potato. North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 9 ft. Fl. lemon yellow; July 12 to Sept. 21. *H. grosse-serratus, MARTENS. North America. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. FL golden yellow; Sept. 14 to Oct. 16. ***H. hybridus H. G. Moon. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4 ft. FL deep rich sunflower yellow ; Aug. 13 to Oct. 5. ***H. hybridus Daniel Dewar. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht, 5 to 54 ft, FL deep rich sunflower yellow ; July 18 to Sept. 12. *H. hybridus perennis, PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 6J to 7 ft. j Fl. chrome yellow ; Aug. 16 to | Sept. 22. ***H. Isetiflorns, PERS. Showy Sunflower, j North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. j FL golden yellow ; Sept. 18 to j Oct. 17. ***H. Isetiflorus Wolley Dodd. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 7 ft. j FL golden yellow ; Sept. 17 to Oct. 17. H.microcepJialus, Torr. & Gray = H. parviflorus. **H, Maximilian!, SCHRAD. North Amer. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 5i to 6 ft. FL lemon yellow; July 6 to Aug. 29. ***H. mollis, LAM. North America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL sunflower yellow; Aug. 6 to Oct. 10. **H. multiflorus, L. North America. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 7 ft. Fl. deep chrome yellow; July 7 to Sept. 29. ***H. multiflorus Boquet d'Or. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5| ft. FL double, sunflower yellow ; Aug. 15 to Oct. 10. **H. multiflorus major. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4* ft. FL deep chrome yellow; July 12 to Oct. 10. **H. multiflorus maximus. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. FL golden yellow ; July 26 to Oct. 14. H. multiflorus maximus flora pleno. PL, 1908. ***H. multiflorus Meteor. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 6 ft. 5 in. FL semi-double, ray florets chrome yellow, disc florets golden yellow; July 25 to Oct. 10. ***H. multiflorus Mrs. Moon. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. Fl. golden yellow ; Aug. 12 to Oct. 2. **H.niultiflorus Soleil d'Or. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL double, golden yellow; July 16 to Oct. 10. ***H. Nuttallii, TORR. & GRAY. North- western America. PL, 1907. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL rich golden yellow; July 16 to Sept. 7. **H. orgyalis, DC. North-western Amer. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 8 ft, F. lemon yellow; Sept. 8 to Oct. 14. H. parviflorus, BERNH. North Amer. Syn. H. micro ceplialus, Torr. & Gray. PL, 1907. H. pumilus, NUTT. North America. PL, 1905. Half hardy 1. GOLD-BANDED LILY Lilium auratum. 3. AMERICAN TURK'S CAP LILY Lilium supcrlum. 730-48. 2. ASA GRAY'S LILY Lilium Grayi. 4. RED BARREN WORT Epimedium rulrum. Photo by F. T. SIIUTT. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 49 HELIANTHUS Con. **H, rigidus, DESF. Prairie Sunflower. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. Fl. deep sunflower yellow; July 18 to Aug. 20. ***H. rigidus Diana. PL, 1907. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. 8 in. Fl. deep rich sunflower yellow ; Aug. 9 to Sept. 14. ***H. rigidus elegans. PL, 1907. Hardy. Ht. 54 to 6 ft. Fl. deep rich sunflower yellow ; Aug. 10 to Sept. 14. H. rigidus Latest of All. PL, 1907. ***H. rigidus Miss Hellish. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. Fl. deep rich sunflower yellow; July and August. ***H. rigidus semi-plenus. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 5 ft. FL rich orange yellow; Aug. 26 to Oct. 5. H. trachelif olius, MILL. North Amer. PL, 1907. H. tuberosus, L. Jerusalem Artichoke. North America. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 7 ft. FL yellow. HELIOPSIS, PERS. ORANGE SUNFLOWER. (Composite.) **H. laevis, PERS. North America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 ft. Fl. deep golden yellow ; July 4 to Oct. 2. t ***H. padula, WENDER. HAB? PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 7 ft. Fl. orange yellow ; July 20 to Oct. 7. H.pitcheriana=H. scabra pitcheriana. **H. scabra major. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 54 ft. Fl. orange yellow ; June 29 to Oct. 15. ***H. scabra P. Ladhams. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. Fl. orange yellow; July 3 to Oct. 8. ***H, scabra pitcheriana. Syn. H. pitcheriana. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 74 ft. Fl. orange yellow ; June 27 to Oct. 14. HELLEBORTTS, L. BEARSFOOT. (Ranunculacece.) *H. niger, L. Christmas Kose. Europe. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white; April 21 to May 18. HEMEROCALLIS, L. DAY LILY. (Liliacece.) This old and popular garden flower is of the easiest culture, which probably accounts for its being found in many gardens. Little need be said about it here except to state that there is much confusion in the nomenclature of it. This confusion seems to have arisen partly from the fact that the day lily grows readily from seeds, and as the seedlings differ somewhat in time of blooming and also slightly in the colour and size of the flower, when obtained from different sources, it may be found after testing them that they vary considerably, suggesting different species, when in reality they may be the same. The species cross readily, also, which has resulted in hybrids, which also may have caused confusion. The day lilies succeed well in the open border, but for best results they need moist soil and partial shade. They may be propagated either from seeds or by division ; the latter is the ordinary method. 7304 50 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM HEMEKOCALLIS Con. H. aurantiaca, BAKER. Japan ( ?) PL, 1908. ***H. aurantiaca major. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. Fl. orange yellow ; July 6 to Aug. 31. **H. citrina. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4* to 5i ft. FL canary yellow ; July 30 to Sept. 21. **H. Dumortierii, MORE. Japan, &c. Syn. H. rutilans, Eort. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. orange yellow, slightly bronzed on outside; June. ***H. flava, L. Lemon Lily. Europe ; Temperate Asia. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3* to 4 ft. FL lemon yellow ; June 5 to June 26. ***H. flava major. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3 ft. Fl. lemon yellow ; June 11 to June 28. //. fulva disticha = H. fulva. **H. fulva, L. Europe ; Temperate Asia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. 8 in. to 5 ft. Fl. bronzy orange; June 24 to Aug. 6. **H. fulva Kwanso. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. 10 in. to 4 ft. 8 in. FL double, bronzy orange; July 31 to Oct. 10. H. fulva variegata. PL, 1895. Hardy. Has variegated foliage. H. graminifolia, Hort. = H. minor. H. hybrida Apricot. PL, 1908. ***H. hybrida Flamid. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3* ft. Fl. orange; June 6 to July 14. ***H. hybrida Gold Dust. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL orange, bronze on outside; June 14 to July 5. HEMERO C ALLIS Con. ***H. hybrida Orange Man. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. Fl. bright orange; June 8 to July 2. ***H. hybrida Sovereign. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. orange yellow, bronze on out- side; June 11 to June 28. ***H. Middendorffii, TRAUTV. & MEY. Amurland. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1* to 2 ft. Fl. rich orange; June. **H. minor, MILL. China, Japan, &c. Syn. H. graminifolia, Hort. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL deep yellow; June. H . rutilans, Hort. = H. Dumortierii. ***H. Thunbergii, BAKER. Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4* ft. FL golden yellow ; June 30 to Aug. 11. HERACLEUM, L. Cow PARSNIP. (Umbelliferce.) H. candicans, WALL. Himalayas. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. Fl. white; July 7 to July 28. H. eminens, Lange = H. platytcenium. H. giganteum, Fisch. = H. villosum. H. mantegazzianum, LEVIER & SOMM. Caucasus. PL, 1908. H. platytsenium, Boiss. Asia Minor. Syn. H. eminens, Lange. PL, 1895. Hardy. ***H. villosum, FISCH. Caucasus. Syn. H. giganteum, Fisch. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. Fl. in very large heads, white; June 8 to July 9. HESPERIS, L. (Cruciferce.) **H. matronalis, L. Kocket, Dame's Vio- let. Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2* to 4 ft. Fl. varying in colour from white to purple; May 28 to Aug. 4. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 51 HESPERIS Con. ***H. matronalis alba. PL, 1904. Hardy. Ht. 2* to 4 ft. Fl. white; June. ***H. matronalis nana alba. PL, "1904. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. white; June. HETJCHERA, L. ALUM KOOT. (Saxifragacece.) H. americana, L. Alum Hoot. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2* to 3i ft. FL greenish; June 18 to Sept. 9. ***H. brizoides, HORT. Garden origin. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. rosy pink, paler at base; June 20 to Sept. 20. H. brizoides Flambeau. PL, 1908. ***H. brizoides gracillima. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL rosy pink, paler at base. Smaller but more graceful than the species; June 8 to Sept. 7. H. erubescens, A. Br. & Bouche = H. micrantha. H. hybrida grandiflora. PL, 1907. H. hispida, PURSH. Satin Leaf. North America. Syn. H. Richardsoni, R.Br. PL, 1908. H. micrantha, DOUGL. North-western America. Syn. H. erubescens, A. Br. & Bouche. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2 ft. Fl. white; June 7 to July 17. H. micrantha rosea. PL, 1908. H. Richardsoni, R. Br. = H . hispida. E. rosea = H. sanguinea rosea. ***H. sanguinea, ENGELM. Coral Bells ; Crimson Bells. New Mexico. PL; 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL bright crimson; June 6 to Aug. 4. HETICHERA Con. *H. sanguinea alba. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2* ft Fl. white; June 9 to Aug. 8. H. sanguinea grandiflora. PL, 1908. *H, sanguinea rosea. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. Fl. rosy pink. ***H. sanguinea splendens. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1* to 2 ft. Fl. bright crimson ; July 4 to Sept. 7. H. sanguinea Walker's variety. PL, 1908. H, villosa, MICHX. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL purplish and white; June 26 to Sept. 15. H. Zabeliana. PL, 1908. HIBISCUS, L. MARSH MALLOW ; ROSE MALLOW. (Malvaceae.) **H. calif ornicus, KELLOGG. California. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. Fl. white; Aug. 21 to Oct. 10. **H. incanus, WENDL. Southern States. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. Fl. creamy white ; Sept. 1 to Oct. 10. H. Manihot, L. Tropics. PL, 1907. H. militaris, CAV. United States. PL, 1907. ***H. Moscheutos, L. Eastern States and Ontario. Syn. H. roseus, Thore. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 ft. Fl. crimson pink suffused with white; Aug. 4 to Sept. 17. **H. Moscheutos albus. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5* ft. Fl. white, crimson at centre; Aug. 21 to Oct. 10. 7304* 52 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM HIBISCUS Con. ***H. Moscheutos Crimson Eye. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5i ft. Fl. white, crimson at centre , Aug. 29 to Oct. 10. ***H. Moscheutos rubrus. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. Fl. mauve rose suffused with white; Aug. 21 to Oct. 10. //. roseus, There. = H. Moscheutos. HIERACIUM, L. HAWKWEED. (Composite.) H. aurantiacum, L. Orange Hawk- weed. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2} ft. FL deep orange ; June 13 to July 26. HTTMITLUS, L. HOP. (UrticaceoB.) H. Lupulus, L. Hop. Europe and North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 11 ft. Fl. greenish yellow; July 7 to Aug. / 22. HYACINTHUS CANDICANS, BAKER. = GALTONIA CANDICANS. HYDROPHYLLUM, L. WATER-LEAF. (HydropTiyllacece.) H. canadense, L. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL greenish white; July 4 to Aug. 14. HYPERICUM, TOURN. ST. JOHN'S WORT. (Hypericacew.) H. Ascyron, L. Great St. John's Wort North America. Syn. H. pyramidatum, Ait. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL deep yellow; July 12 to Aug. 18. H. perf oratum, L. St. John's Wort. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 3 ft. Fl. yellow; June to Sept. H. pyramidatum, Ait. = H. Ascyron. IBERIS, DILL. CANDY-TUFT. (CrucifercB.) I. corifolia, Hort. = I. correcefolia. ***!. correaefolia, HORT. Garden origin. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 7 in. Fl. pure white; May 25 to June .10 I. saxatilis, L. South Europe. PL, 1895. Half hardy. Ht. 6 to 8 in. FL white; May 10 to June 15. **I. sempervirens, L. Evergreen Candy- tuft. South Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 7 in. Fl. white, later tinged with pink ; May 15 to June 12. *I. sempervirens flore pleno. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL double, white ; June 3 to June 20. ***!. sempervirens garrexiana. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. white, later tinged with pink ; May 15 to June 13. *L sempervirens Little Gem. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. Fl. white; May 16 to June 12. **I. sempervirens superba. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 12 in. FL white tinged with pink at first; May 28 to June 13. ***!. sempervirens superba Snowflake. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. pure white; June. I. tenoreana, DC. Italy. PL, 1899. Tender. INCARVILLEA, JUS8. (Bignoniacew.) ***!. Delavayi, BUREAU & FRANCH. China. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2i ft. FL rosy magenta, brown and yel- low in throat; June 9 to July 13, I. grandiflora, BUREAU & FRANCH. China. PL, 1906. Tender. Flowers much like I. Delavayi but darker in colour. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 53 INCARVILLEA Con. I. Olgae, REGEL. Turkestan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3 ft. FL rose; July 18 to Aug. 29. I. sinensis, LAM. PL, 1907. China. INULA, L. (Composites.) *I. ensifolia, L. South Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 12 in. Fl. golden yellow; June 30 to Sept. 8. **I. glandulosa, PUSCHK. Caucasus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. li ft. Fl. deep golden yellow; June 20 to July 9. ***!. grandiflora, WILLD. Himalayas, &c. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL orange yellow; June 23 to July 13. INTILA Con. I. hirta, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1908. I. Hookeri, C. B. CLARKE. Himalayas. PL, 1908. *I. macrocephala, Boiss. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 ft. FL lemon yellow ; . July 10 to Aug. 25. I. montana, L. South Europe. PL, 1907. *I. Helenium, L. Elecampane. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. Fl. golden yellow; June 21 to Aug. 12. I. royleana, DC. Himalayas. PL, 1905. Tender. I. thapsoides, SPRENG. Caucasus. PL, 1903. Tender. IRIS, TOUEN. FLAG. (Iridacea.) There is no group of plants which affords more delight to the lover of garden flowers than the iris, and there are several good reasons why they are so much admired. In the species and varieties of this charming plant may be found more shades of colour than in any other genus of hardy flowers with, perhaps, the exception of the tulip. The light and delicate texture of the flowers combined with their graceful form are points which are much in their favour, and the attractiveness of the flowers is still more enhanced in some varieties by their sweet fragrance. As cut flowers the irises are very useful, the buds on the flower stalks opening readily in the house when the latter are kept in water. The long blooming season made by the different species is also very much in their favour. Beginning almost as soon as the snow is gone with Z. reticulata and other early species and continuing until the end of July there is a constant succession of bloom, which is closed by the Japanese varieties, the rich colours of which are very suggestive of orchids. The advantages of the iris are not confined to the flowers alone. The plants are of very easy culture, most of them succeeding in almost any soil which is not too dry. The bulbous kinds do best on the warmer, drier and best drained soils. The German and some of the species succeed on well drained soils having a good supply of moisture, though not requiring soil which would be called wet; and the Japanese, Siberian and others doing best in wet soils, though succeeding fairly well under average conditions in the open border. The irises are propagated very readily by dividing the plants, which increase rapidly. Planting may be done successfully in autumn or spring. The most important group of iris is the so-called German group. This is composed of varieties of several species and of hybrids between them. Among the parents are 7. germanica, I. squalens, I. sambucina, I. neglecta, I. hybrida (amoena), I, variegata, I, pallida, I. florentina, I. plicala, I. flavescens and /. Swertii. Attempts are made in the trade to classify the varieties of German iris under these species, but often it is difficult to determine to which section a variety belongs, and many of them are simply called ' German Iris. J 54 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM Varieties of the species given above and those known simply as German are taken out of the general alphabetical arrangement in this bulletin and grouped alphabetically under ' German Iris ' so as to bring them together for greater ease in reference. The Japanese iris have been given English names by many of the nurserymen, and as some varieties have been given several different names it has led to considerable confusion, so that in ordering Japanese iris one is much more likely to obtain duplicates than if obtaining German iris. LIST OP TWELVE BEST GERMAN IRIS. 1. Iris florentina. " germanica Amas (macrantha). germanica Black Prince. hybrida (amoena) Mrs. H. Darwin. hybrida (amoena) Victorine. neglecta Sappho. 7. " Iris pallida dalmatica. 8. " pallida Mandraliscse. 9. " plicata Madame Chereau. 10. " squalens Jacquesiana. 11. " variegata Gracchus. 12. " variegata Maori King. I. alba gmndiflora = 7. sibirica alba grandiftora. I. anthomaria, DESF. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. El. (s. & f.) white tinged with pale lilac, golden yellow towards >; late June. (s) = standard ; (f ) = falls. *I. biflora, L. Portugal. Syn. I. nudicaulis, Hook, f. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 3 in. FL bluish purple ; May 19 to June 14. I. aphylla, L. Europe, &c. Syn. I. Schmidtii, Hort. PL, 1907. **I. aphylla hnngarica. Syn. I. hungarica, Waldst. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL deep purple; May 24 to June 15. I. atomaria, Boiss. PL, 1907. ***!. aurea, LINDL. Himalayas. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL (s) golden yellow, (f ) golden yellow; June 30 to July 18. I. aurea flore croceo. PL, 1908. I. balkana, JANKA. Balkans. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 2 in. FL brght lilac purple ; May 26 to June 15. *I. benancensis, KERL. South Tyrol. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL (s) bluish purple, (f ) deep purple with brownish purple veins on dull yellow near base; May 20 to June 9. 7. Bloudovii, Hort.=I. flavissima Blou- dovii. I. bosniaca, G. BECK. Bosnia. PL, 1906. Tender. I. brachycarpa, LEDEB. PL, 1907. I.brachycuspis, Fisch. = I. setosa. **I. Chamseiris, BERTOL. South Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. bright yellow and brown; latter half of May. I. cochnariensis, HOOK. PL, 1907. I. coelestina, SWEET. North America, PL, 1907. I. columnaris. PL, 1907. 7. coreana = I. sibirica coreana. I. crenulata, HORT. PL, 1907. 7. cretica, Herb. = 7. cretensis. I. cretensis, JANKA. Greece, &c. PL, 1907. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 55 IRIS Con. **I, cristata, AIT. South-eastern United States. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. Fl. pale lilac and bluish lilac; May 19 to June 12. 7. cuprea, Pursh. = 7. fulva, Muhl. United States. I. Clarkei, BAKER. Sikkim. PL, 1908. 7. decora , Wall. = 7. nepalensis. I. Delavayi, MICHELI. Yunnan. PL, 1908. I. dichotoma, PALL. Dahuria. PL ,1907. **I. douglasiana pygmaea. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL (s) violet, (f) deep bluish violet; June 11 to June 25. I. ensata, THUNB. Japan, &c. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL lilac; May 24 to June 12. I. ensata biglnmis. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s) pale lilac, (f) pale lilac, yel- low at base; May 31 to June 23. I. ensata oxypetala. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL bluish lilac; May 24 to June 20. 7. erratica, Tod. = I. lutescens. I. falcifolia, BUNGE. Afghanistan ; Turkestan. PL, 1907. I. fischeriana. PL, 1907. *I. flavissima Bloudovii. Syn. I. Bloudovii, Hort. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 3 in. FL yellow; June. 7. flexuosa = 7. sibirica flexuosa. I. foetida fol. var.=I. fcetidissima varie- gata. I. fcetidissima variegata. PL, 1896. Half hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Foliage variegated. IRIS Con. I. fulva, MUHL. United States Syn. I. cuprea, Pursh. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL reddish brown; June 25 to July 5. GEKMAN IBIS. 7. amwna, DO. = I. hybrida. **I. flavescens, DC. Caucasus, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. FL (s. & f.) sulphur yellow; May 28 to June 23. ***!. florentina, L. Orris Koot. Central and Southern Europe. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s. & f.) white faintly suffused with pale greyish lavender; May 23 to June 17. I. florentina alba. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL resembles I. floientina. I. florentina albicans Princess of Wales. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL resembles I. germanica alba and I. florentina. I. florentina purpurea. PL, 1906. Hardy. Fl. resembles I. germanica asiatica and I. germa- nica Astarte. I. florentina cserulea, PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL resembles I. germanica Purple King. **I. germanica, L. German Flag. Eu- rope. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. FL (s.) purple, (f.) deep purple ; May 21 to June 10. I. germanica alba. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL (s. & f.) white faintly suffused with pale greyish lavender. Ee- sembles I florentina; June. ***!. germanica Amas (macrantha). PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. FL (s) mauve, (f.) deep purple; first half of June. 56 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM IBIS Con. **I. germanica asiatica. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl, (s.) purple, (f.) deep purple ; May 27 to June 17. ***!. germanica Black Prince. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) purple, (f.) very dark purple edged with a lighter shade; sec- ond to fourth weeks of June. ***!. germanica Kharput. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. FL (s.) purple, (f.) deep purple; May 26 to June 23. ***!. germanica Purple King. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 4 in. Fl. (s.) dark purple, (f.) dark purple; May 26 to June 20. **I. hybrida Calypso. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) white, (f.) white veined and tipped with violet ; first three weeks of June. **I. hybrida Comte de St Clair. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. FL (s.) white, (f.) violet edged and lined with white. **I. hybrida Crebillon. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL (s.) greyish white, (f.) purple heavily veined with white ; first three weeks of June. **I. hybrida Donna Maria. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. F. (s.) pure white, (f.) white veined with brown near base ; first three weeks of June. ***!. hybrida Due de Nemours. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. FL (s.) pure white, (f.) bright purple veined and edged with white; first three weeks of June. ***!. hybrida Julie Grise. ' PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. FL (s.) white suffused with la- vender, (f.) purple heavily veined with white and edged with laven- der; May 28 to June 23. IRIS Con. *I. hybrida Maria Theresa. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. FL (s.) creamy white, (f.) veined white and violet ; May 28 to June 15. ***!. hybrida Mrs. H. Darwin. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. Fl. (s.) white, (f.) white reticu- lated with violet near base; June 3 to June 23. ***!. hybrida Unique. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. Fl. (s.) pure white tipped with pale lavender, (f.) violet purple, paler towards tip and veined with white near base ; first three weeks of June. **I. hybrida Victor Lemoine. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) dull white with violet blotches, (f.) veined violet and white, tipped with violet ; May 28 to June 23. ***!. hybrida Verschnur. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 8 in. (s.) sulphur changing to white, (f.) pure white veined with purple near base ; May 29 to June 23. ***!. hybrida Victorine. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. FL (s.) pure white blotched and edged with purple, (f.) dark vel- vety purple veined with white near base; first three weeks of June. ***!. neglecta Agathe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2i ft. FL (s.) lavender, paler at centre, (f.) purple veined with white towards base ; first three weeks of June. **I. neglecta Ariadne. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht 2 ft. Fl. (s.) white mottled with purple, (f.) purple veined heavily with white; June 3 to June 25. I. neglecta Arlequin Milanarre. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 3 in. Fl. resembles I. neglecta Du Bois de Milan. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 57 IRIS Con. I. neglecta Cordelia. PL, 1903. Half hardy. *I. neglecta Esther. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2i ft. Fl. (s.) dull sinoky yellow, (f.) white and yellow veined with maroon; May 30 to June 23. **I. neglecta Fairy Queen. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. Fl. (s. & f.) white and lavender veined and tipped with violet ; first three weeks of June. **I. neglecta Du Bois de Milan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. Fl. (s.) lavender, (f.) purple veined with white; first three weeks of June. **I. neglecta Hericartiana. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. Fl. (s.) .deep lavender, (f.) violet and white veined, heavily tipped with violet; first three weeks of June. **I. neglecta Poiteau. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. (s.) white tinged with lavender, (f.) rich deep purple veined with white; first three weeks of June. ***!. neglecta Salvatori. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. Fl. (s.) lavender, (f.) violet purple veined with white and edged with brown near base ; first three weeks of June. ***!. neglecta Sappho. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. FL (s.) deep bluish purple, (f.) rich dark violet purple veined with white near base; May 30 to June 20. **I. neglecta Schotel. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. Fl. (s.) pale lavender, (f.) violet heavily veined with white; June 3 to June 26. **I. neglecta Teresita. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. Fl. resembles I. neglecta Agathe. IRIS Con. ***!. neglecta Walneri. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 8 in. Fl. (s.) lavender, (f.) violet veined with white towards base; first half of June. ***!. pallida, LAM. South Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. Fl. (s.) lavender, (f.) deep laven- der; May 28 to June 22. I. pallida Albert Victor. PL, 1908. ***!. pallida Celeste. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. (s.) pale lavender, (f.) lavender; June 1 to June 23. **I. pallida Chameleon. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) lavender and deep lavender, (f.) violet; June 1 to June 23. ***!. pallida dalmatica. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 10 in. FL (s. & f.) rich bluish lavender; June 14 to June 25. ***!. pallida lilacina. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. (s.) clear bluish violet, (f.) violet veined with white near base ; June 2 to June 25. ***!. pallida Madame Pacquette. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. FL resembles I. germanica Queen of May. ***!. pallida Mandraliscse. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. (s.) violet, (f.) violet; May 26 to June 15. ***!. pallida Queen of May. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 9 in. Fl. (s.) purplish pink, (f.) pink- ish purple veined with white near base ; first three weeks of June. **I. pallida raceniosa. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. Fl. (s.) lavender and deep laven- der, (f.) violet; June 3 to June 19. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM IRIS CW. **I. pallida Plumeri. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 7 in. FL (a.) violet, (f.) pinkish purple; first three weeks of June. **I. pallida speciosa. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) pale smoky purple, (f.) purple veined with white and edged with yellow near base ; June 5 to June 20. *I. plicata, LAM. Origin unknown. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL (s.) pale bronze or smoky, (f.) dull purple veined with white and edged with bronze ; June 2 to June 24. I. plicata Bridesmaid. PL, 1903. Half hardy. I. plicata Clara. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. FL resembles I. plicata Emma. I. plicata Delicatissima. PL, 1908. **I. plicata Emma. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 3 in. FL (s. ) lavender reticulated with white, (f.) white lined with la- vender; May 28 to June 23. ***!. plicata Gazelle. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 9 in. FL (s.) violet reticulated white, (f.) white edged with violet ; May 27 to June 21. ***!. plicata Lord Seymour. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. FL (s.) white and pale lavender, (f.) sulphur yellow or whitish edged with yellow; May 28 to June 26. ***!. plicata Madame Chereau. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL (s.) white deeply edged and re- ticulated with rich bluish laven- der, (f.) white edged with laven- der; June 1 to June 29. **I plicata Penelope. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) white mottled with lilac to- wards base, (f.) veined white and lilac; first three weeks of June. IBIS Con. **I. plicata Prince Frederic. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL (s.) white edged and reticulated with lavender, (f.) sulphur yel- low or whitish edged with laven- der; June 1 to June 26. ***!. plicata Heine des Beiges. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 3 in. FL (s.) violet showing white, (f .) white heavily veined with violet; May 29 to June 23. **I. sambucina Le Vesuve. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 9 in. FL (s.) greyish purple, (f.) vio- let purple veined with white to- wards base ; second and third weeks of June. **I, sambucina Malvine. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. FL (s.) dusky yellow, (f.) purple veined with white ; first three weeks of June. *I. sambucina Phydias . PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. FL (s.) greyish yellow, (f.) purple veined with white; May 25 to June 17. *I. sambucina Virgile. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. FL (s.) pale dull bronze purple, (f.) purple veined with white ; first three weeks of June. ***!. sambucina Solomon. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 8 in. FL (s.) dull yellow, (f.) purple veined with yellow and white with smoky margin; first three weeks of June. **I. squalens, L. Central Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. FL (s.) pale lavender edged with yellow, (f.) lilac purple veined with brown and white near base; May 28 to June 23. **I. squalens Agnes Sorell. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2i ft. FL (a.) pale lavender tinged with yellow, (f.) lavender with yellow and white veining near base ; May 27 to June 20. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS IRIS Con. *I. squalens Albion. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. (s.) dull smoky yellow, (f.) purple veined with white; May 28 to June 23. ***!. squalens Arnols. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. FL (s.) pale purple with faint yellow suffusion, (f.) velvety purple, white veined with brown near base ; second and third weeks of June. I. squalens Bigotini. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL resembles I. squalens Murad Ef- fendi; May 30 to June 26. *I. squalens Bronze Stoffel. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. Fl. (s.) pale bronze or smoky, (f.) dull purple veined with white and edged with bronze ; June 5 to June 23. *I. squalens Cerberus. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 3 in. FL (s.) dull smoky yellow, (f.) white and yellow veined with maroon; June 1 to June 23. *I. squalens Dina. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl, (s.) bronze and purple, (f.) vio- let heavily veined with white and yellow; May 27 to June 23. ***!. squalens Dr. Bernice. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL (s.) dull yellow with a suffusion of pale purple, (f.) rich reddish brown maroon veined with white near base; June 11 to June 25. *I. squalens Dr. Margolin. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL (s.) sulphur yellow, (f.) veined white and purple ; first three weeks of June. I. squalens Haydee. PL, 1895. FL resembles I. squalens Minerva. I, squalens Hector. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. Fl. resembles I. squalens Lord Grey. IRIS Con. *I. squalens Hugh Black. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 3 in. Fl. pale smoky yellow and laven- der ,(f.) purplish lavender and white veined with brown near base; first three weeks of June. *I. squalens Indian Queen. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) fawn and yellow, (f.) violet heavily veined with white and yellow near base ; first three weeks of June. ***!. squalens Jacquesiana. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. 2 in. Fl. (s.) pale purple suffused with yellow near base, (f.) rich ma- roon veined with white near base; second and third weeks of June. *I. squalens La Baronne. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) brownish purple, (f.) dusky purple with yellow tinge ; May 28 to June 25. *I. squalens La Marmosa. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. Fl. (s.) greyish lavender and dull yellow, (f.) purple edged with lavender and veined with white; first three weeks of June. *I. squalens Lady Seymour. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. (s.) dull smoky yellow, (f .) purple heavily veined with white and yel- low; first three weeks of June. **I. squalens La Tristesse. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL (s.) dull smoky yellow, (f.) purple heavily veined with white and yellow; May 29 to June 26. **I. squalens Lady Jane. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. Fl. (s.) light lilac tinged with yellow, (f.) rosy purple heavily veined with white and traces of yellow at edge; first three weeks of June. *I. squalens Lord Grey. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. FL, (s.) buff yellow, (f.) brown and buff yellow with paler veins; first three weeks of June. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM IRIS Con. **I. squalens Lucretia. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft, Fl. (s.) greyish shading to yellow to- wards base, (f.) white and pur- plish lavender veined with brown near base. **I. squalens marginata. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 3 in. FL (s.) dull yellow and brown, (f) white and sulphur yellow veined with brown near edge and towards base; May 28 to June 23. *I. squalens Minerva. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. (s.) dull pale purple tinged with dull yellow near edge, (f.) purple veined with white ; first three weeks of June. **I. squalens Mons. Poiteau. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) dull yellow and lilac, mottled, (f.) white mottled and veined with lilac; first three weeks of June. ***!. squalens Mrs. Shaw. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 8 in. FL (s.) greenish yellow suffused with lilac, (f.) maroon veined with white; first three weeks of June. **I. squalens Murad Effendi. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) dull smoky yellow, (f.) white veined and tipped with maroon ; May 30 to June 26. *I. squalens Queen of Spain. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2J ft. FL (s.) fawn and yellow^ (f.) purple veined with white and yellow near base; May 28 to June 26. *I. squalens Raphael. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. li ft. FL (s.) dull smoky yellow, (f.) white veined and tipped with maroon; first three weeks of June. **I. squalens Reine des Beiges. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 9 in. FL (s.) lavender, (f.) lilac purple edged with lavender and veined with white towards base ; May 27 to June 13. IRIS e'en. I. squalens Spectabilis. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. Fl. resembles I. squalens Agnes Sorell. **I. squalens Tarquin. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. (s.) pale pinkish purple veined with white at base; May 27 to June 23. I. squalens Thalia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2i ft. FL resembles I. squalens Cerberus. I. variegata, L. Eastern Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL (s.) golden yellow, (f.) deep brown veined with yellow; May 28 to June 20. **I. variegata Abou Hassan. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL (s.) golden yellow, (f.) white and yellow veined and mottled with brown ; first three weeks of June. *I. variegata Arguento. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. li ft. FL (s.) golden yellow, (f.) maroon veined with yellow ; first three weeks of June. **L variegata Assuerus. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) pinkish purple, (f.) pinkish purple veined with white. I. variegata aurea. PL, 1903. Tender. ***!. variegata Coquette. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. Fl. (s.) pale pinkish purple, (f.) pale pinkish purple veined with white and brown near base; May 26 to June 18. **I. variegata Cornelie. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. Fl. (s.) golden yellow, (f.) brown heavily veined with white and yellow; first three weeks of June. ***!. variegata Darius. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. Fl. (s.) pure yellow, (f.) sulphur yellow and white veined and flushed with violet purple and brown; first three weeks of June. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 61 IRIS Con. **I. variegata Fulgori. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 3 in. FL (s.) golden yellow blotched with brown, (f.) white and yel- low veined with rich brown; first three weeks of June. ***!. variegata Ganymede. PI., 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. EL (s.) sulphur yellow, (f.) sulphur yellow to whitish reticulated with brown near base ; May 27 to June 26. I. variegata Golden King, PL, 1908. ***I variegata Gracchus . PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) pale yellow, (f.) white veined with purple and edged with yel- low; May 28 to June 20. **I. variegata Henry Havard. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 7 in FL (s.) orange yellow with traces of brown, (f.) yellow and white veined with brown ; May 28 to June 23. ***!, variegata Honourable. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 1 in. FL (s.) golden yellow, (f.) yellow veined with brown. Resembles I. germanica Prince of Orange ; June 1 to June 23. **I. variegata Idion. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL (s.) golden yellow, (f.) rich brown veined with white and edged with yellow ; first three weeks of June. ***!. variegata Innocenza. PL, 1893. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 9 in. FL (s.) pure white, .(f.) pure white veined with violet and brown at base ; June 3 to June 26. **I. variegata Louis Meyer, PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) smoky yellow, (f.) deep vel- vety purple veined with white and edged with yellow ; first three weeks of June. IRIS Con. ***!. variegata Maori King. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 7 in. FL (s.) golden yellow, (f.) deep ma- roon veined with white and edged with yellow; June 3 to 23. **I. variegata Mexicana. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL (s.) pure yellow, (f.) deep purple veined with yellow; first three weeks of June. **I. variegata Mimico. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1J ft. FL (s.) sulphur yellow, (f.) white veined with purple and heavily edged with yellow ; May 29 to June 23. **I. variegata Minos. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL (s.) yellow, (f.) rich brown at tip then white pencilled with brown; June 1 to June 23. **I. variegata Mrs. A. F. Barron. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL (s.) pale and golden yellow, (f.) white veined with rosy vio- let and edged with yellow; first three weeks of June. ***!. variegata Mrs. Neubronner. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 5 in. (s.) golden yellow, (f.) golden yellow with traces of white near base; first three weeks of June. *I. variegata Multicolor. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. FL (s.) golden yellow, (f.) white and yellow veined with maroon and edged with yellow ; first three weeks of June. ***!. variegata Ossian. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. FL (s.) pale yellow, (f.) rosy vio- let veined with white near base; first three weeks of June. I. variegata Pancrace. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL resembles I. variegata Mimico. ***!. variegata Prince of Orange. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. < FL (s.) golden yellow, (f.) yellow veined with brown ; May 30 to June 26. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM IRIS Con. **I. variegata Rigolette. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. FL (s.) golden yellow, (f) white and yellow veined and mottled with brown; first three weeks of June. ***!. variegata Eobt. Burns. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. Fl. (s.) dull golden yellow, (f.) deep maroon veined with white and edged with yellow ; first three weeks of June. **I. variegata Samson. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 7 in. Fl. (s.) golden yellow, (f.) yellow veined with rich brown; May 21 to June 23. I. variegata Sans-souci. PL, 1903. Half hardy. FL (s.) golden yellow, (f.) pencilled brown, yellow and white ; June. **I. variegata Souvenir. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 3 in. Fl. (s.) golden yellow, (f.) white and yellow veined with brown ; May 28 to June 20. I. (German) Exquisite. PL, 1908. I. (German) Isoline. PL, 1908. I. (German) Magnifica. PL, 1908. I. (German) Mercedes. PL, 1908. I. (German) Nuee d'Orange. PL, 1908. GERMAN IRIS Concluded. I. Grant-Duffi, BAKER. Palestine. PL, 1908. 7. gigantea, Carr. = I. orientalis. I.gracilis, Bigelow = I. prismatica. I. graminea, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL rosy purple; June 7 to June 19. IRIS Con. *I. guldenstaedtiana, LEPECH. Europe ; Asia. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3* ft FL (s. & f.) white and pale yel- low, golden yellow at base ; second to fourth weeks of June, I. gulden stsedtiana coerulescens. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL lilac; May 23 to June 14. I.halophylla, Ker-Gawl = I. spuria notha. *I. heterophylla, HORT. Europe. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL (s.) pale lavender, (f.) white veined with pale lavender, orange yellow at base; June. I. hexagon! Lamaneei. PL, 1908. 7. "kungarlca, Waldst. = 7. aphylla hun- garica. I. Kcempferi, Sieb. = I. Icevigata. I. lacustris, NUTT. . North America. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 in. Fl. bluish lilac; May 12 to May 26. ***!. Isevigata, FISCH. Japanese Iris. Japan. Syn. I. Kcempferi, Sieb. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL purple. Many varieties. ***!. Isevigata Kakujakuro. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft, 7 in. Fl. lavender blending with mauve, golden yellow at base; July. **I. Isevigata Gei-sho-ui. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL crimson purple; July. ***!. Isevigata Gekka-no-nami. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. Fl. white; July. ***!. laevigata Hana-aoi. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white veined with blue; July. ***!. Isevigata Iso-no-nami. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. FL lavender heavily veined with deep bluish and golden yellow at first, then mostly lavender; July. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 63 IRIS e'en. **I. laevigata Kimi-no-megumi. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1ft. 8 in. FL white with purple centre ; July. **I. Isevigata Kuma-fungin. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. Fl. pinkish purple, white in mid- dle and golden yellow near base; July. ***!. laevigata Kumoma-no-sora. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. Fl. white mottled with bluish purple ; July. **I. laevigata Meiran. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. Fl. white with rosy purple mark- ings; July. **I. laevigata Oniga-shima. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 6 in. FL dark crimson purple; July. **I. laevigata Osho-kun. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL purplish blue, semi-double ; July. **I. laevigata Oyodo. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 5 in. Fl. rosy purple veined with white. **I. laevigata Sano-watashi. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. FL white with yellow blotches ; July. ***!. laevigata Senjo-no-hora. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. rosy purple spotted with white ; July. **I. laevigata Shiga-no-uranami. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL deep purple veined with lavender and golden yellow near base ; July. **I. laevigata Shishi-ikari. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL rosy purple and white; July. **I. laevigata Shiohiukwa. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. FL rose veined with white; July. **I. laevigata Taiheiraku. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. Fl. crimson purple with yellow blotches tipped with bluish pur- ple; July. IRIS Con. ***!. laevigata Tomoshiraga. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1* to 2 ft. Fl. white; July. **I. laevigata Tsumgi-no-mai. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL rosy purple; July. **I. laevigata Yedo Kagami. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL bluish purple; July. **I. laevigata Yomo-no-nmi. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL bluish purple veined with white ; July. **I. laevigata Wairai-hotri. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. blue with a slight purplish tinge ; July. **I. laevigata Wakamurasaki. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL magenta and white; July. I. longipetala superba. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. Fl. (s.) lavender, (f.) pale blue veined with white ; June 2 to June 18. I. lutescens, LAM. . South Europe. Syn. I. erratica, Tod. PL, 1907. ***!. Madonna. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL (s. & f .) violet blue ; late June. I. Madonna alba. PL, 1905. Tender. I. Milesii, FOSTER. Himalayas. PL, 1905. Tender. I. missouriensis, NUTT. North Amer. PL, 1906. I. mongolica, FISCH. PL, 1907. **I. Monnieri, DC. Crete, &c. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. (s. & f.) lemon yellow; July 4 to July 19. I, monspur (I. Monnieri x spuria) . PL, 1906. I. nepalensis, D. DON. Himalayas. PL, 1908. I. nudicaulis, Hoolc, f. = I. "biftora. 64 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM IBIS Con. I. ochraurea (I. aurea x ochroleuca) . (T. SMITH.) PL, 1908. 7. ocliroleucd, L. = I. orientalis. I. ochroleuca sulphured = 7. orientalis sulphurea. I. orientalis .Hort. = 7. siUrica orien- talis. ***!. orientalis, MILL . Asia Minor. Syn. I. ochroleuca, L.; I. gigantea, Carr. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. Fl. (s.) white and yellow, (f.) white and yellow; June 22 to July 12. I. orientalis sulphurea. Syn. I. ochroleuca sulphurea. PL, 1908. **I. persica, L. Asia Minor, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 in. FL pale lilac with a dark purple blotch ; April. **I. Polakii, STAFF. Persia. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2* to 3 ft. Fl. (s.) white, (f.) lavender and white; first two weeks of June. I, prismatica, PURSH. Northern United States. Syn. I. gracilis, Bigelow. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL lilac and purple; May 26 to June 20. *I. prismatica purpurea. Syn. I. virginica purpurea. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. li to 2 ft. FL (s.) violet purple, (f.) violet purple veined with white towards base; June 12 to June 30. ***!. Pseudacorus, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft ! FL (s.) golden yellow, (f ) golden yellow with orange spot at base; June 19 to June 30. I. Pseudacorus albus. PL, 1908. I. Pseudacorus variegata. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. variegated foliage. Has IRIS Con. **I. pumila, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 10 in. FL bright lilac purple, and other colours. ***!. pumila caerulea. Syn. I. pumila violacea. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 9 in. Fl. almost caerulean blue; May 12 to May 26. **I. (pumila x olbiensis) Beauty. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl (s.) pale yellow, (f.) pale yellow flushed with purple; May 15 to June 20. I. (pumila x olbiensis) Blue Beard. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 3 in. FL dull white and bluish purple; May 16 to June 13. **I. (pumila x olbiensis) Canary Bird. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL resembles I. flavescens; June 11 to June 25. I. (pumila x olbiensis) Golden Ball. PL, 1903. Tender. I. (pumila x olbiensis) Golden Dwarf. PL, 1905. Tender. ***J. (pumila x olbiensis) Innocence. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL (s.) white, (f.) white striped and flushed with purple; June 11 to June 28. I. (pumila x olbiensis) King of the Blues. PL, 1900. Tender. I. (pumila x olbiensis) Leander. PL, 1905. Half hardy. **I. (pumila x olbiensis) Princess Louise. P L, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. (s.) lavender blue, (f.) deep lav- ender blue ; late May to early June. *I. (pumila x olbiensis) Sambo. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL deep purple; late May to early June. I. ruthenica, DRYAND. Northern Asia, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2} to 3* ft Fl. lilac purple; May 16 to June 13. 1. ORIENTAL Porpv Papaver orientalc Novelty. 3. GLOBE FLOWER Trollius europceus Orange Globe. 730-64. 2. GERMAN IRIS Iris germanica. 4. CHINESE BELL FLOWER Platycodongrandiflorum. Photo by F. T. SHUTT. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 65 IRIS Con. I, Sclimidiii, Hort. = I. aphylla. *I. setosa, PALL. Eastern Siberia, &c. Syn. I. Irachycuspis, Fisch. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 'ft. Fl. (s.) violet edged with lilac, (f.) violet; first three weeks of June. *I. sibirica, L. Europe, &c. Syn. I. trigonocarpa, A. Br. & Bouche. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. bright lilac blue with lighter markings; May 29 to June 23. *I. sibirica acuta. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. (s.) bluish violet, (f.) white veined with bluish violet ; first three weeks of June. **I. sibirica alba. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. (s. & f.) white; first three weeks of June. **I. sibirica azurea. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. 10 in. FL (s.) violet, (f.) bluish violet, white in centre and yellow at base; first two weeks of June. *I. sibirica Baxter!. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL (s.) purple, (f.) white veined with violet; early June. I. sibirica constantinopolitana. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. dull white, slightly tinged with rosy purple; June 3 to June 20. I. sibirica coreana. Syn. I. coreana. PL, 1907. *I. sibirica flexuosa. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. Fl. (s.) white, (f.) white, yellow at base. *I. sibirica furcata. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 8 in. Fl. white; May 23 to June 23. *I. sibirica longifolia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. Fl. bluish violet ; May 31 to June 20. 7305 IRIS Con.- *I. sibirica maritima. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl bluish violet ; May 31 to June 21. I. sibirica major. PL, 1908. ***!. sibirica maxima. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL (s.) violet, (f.) bluish violet veined with white in mddle and yellow near base; June. I. sibirica Melpomene. PL, 1907. ***!. sibirica nigrescens. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL very dark purple; June 12 to June 29. ***!. sibirica orientalis. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. (s.) violet, (f .) rich bluish violet ; June 9 to June 29. ***!. sibirica orientalis Snow Queen. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. 4 in Fl. (s.) white, (f.) white, golden yellow at base ; June 10 to July 3. *I. sibirica tenuifolia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. FL (s.) bluish violet, (f.) bluish violet, marked with white and yel- low at base; May 31 to June 17. **I. sibirica violacea. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. Fl. bluish violet and purple ; June 7 to June 26. **I. spuria, L. Mediterranean region. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. 3 in. Fl. (s.) bluish lilac, (f.) bluish lilac veined with white, golden yellow at base ; June 22 to July 3. **I. spuria notha. Syn. L halophylla, Ker. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL (s.) lavender blue edged with yel- low near base, (f.) lavender blue veined with white and edged with yellow near base ; June 27 to July 9. I. tectorum, MAXIM. China and Japan. Syn. I. tomiolopha, Hance. PL, 1895. Tender, 66 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM IRIS Con. I.trigonocarpa, A. Br. & Bouche I. sibirica. PL, 1907. /. tomiolopha, Hance = I. iectorum. I. tridentata, PURSH. North America. PL, 1905. Tender. I. trojana, KERN. TROAD ; Asia Minor. PL, 1905. Tender. **I. verna, L. United States. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 8 in. FL violet purple, yellow at base; May 23 to June 14. IRIS Con. *I.versicolor, L. North America. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL bluish purple and purple ; June 16 to July 5. I. virescens, DC. Switzerland. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL (s. & f.) pale greenish yellow ; May 24 to June 15. I.virginica, A. Gray = I. prismatica, Pursh. I. virginica purpurea = I. prismatica purpurea. ISATIS, TOURN. (CruciferoB.) I. Boissieriana, KEICHB. F. Samarkand. PL, 1907. I. glauea, AUCH. Asia Minor. PL, 1904. Tender. JABOROSA, JUS8. (Solanacece.) J. integrif olia, LAM. Buenos Ayres. PL, 1908. JUNCUS, L. EUSH. (Juncaceai.) J, effusus fol. aureis striatis. PL, 1898. Half hardy. J. effusus spiralis. PL, 1898. Tender. KNEIFFIA, SPACE. = (ENOTHERA. KNIPHOFIA, MCENCH. TORCH LILY. (Lillacece.) K. aloides grandis. PL, 1897. Tender. K. aloides glaucescens. PL, 1903. Tender. K. aloides nobilis. PL, 1898. Half hardy. **K. corallina, HORT. Garden origin. PL, 1903 . Hardy. Ht. 2J to 3i ft. FL coral red; Aug. 18 to Oct. 20. K. hybrida Heroine. PL, 1903, Tender. KNIPHOFIA Con. ***K. hybrida Max Leichtlin. PL, 1898. Half hardy. FL scarlet and golden; Aug. 22 to Oct. 10. ***K. hybrida Otto Mann. PL, 1898. Half hardy. Ht. 5 ft. 4 in. FL golden over scarlet; Aug. 13 to Sept. 19. ***K. hybrida Pfitzeri. PL, 1898. Half hardy. FL bright orange scarlet; Aug. and Sept. K. Leichtlinii distachya. PL, 1903. Tender. K. Macowanii, BAKER. South Africa. PL, 1903. Tender. **K. Tuckii, BAKER. Cape Colony. PL, 1901. Half hardy. Ht. 5 ft. 4 in. FL yellow tinged with red at first; July 7 to July 18. K. Tysoni, BAKER. South Africa. PL, 1905. Tender. K. Uvaria, Hook. = K. aloides. LACTUCA, L. LETTUCE. (Composite.) L. alpinum, BENTH. & HOOK, F. Blue Sowthistle. Europe. 8yn. Mulgedium alpinum. PL, 1908. L. Bourgaei. Syn. Mulgedium Bourgaei, Boiss. PL, 1908. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 67 IACTUCA Con. L. giganteum. Syn. Mulgedium giganteum. PL, 1908. *L. perennis, L. Europe. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 24 ft. Fl. bluish lilac ; June 15 to July 5 LAPORTEA, GAUD. (Urticacece.) L. canadensis, GAUD. Wood-nettle. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 34 ft. Fl. greenish; Aug. LATHYRUS, L. (Leguminosce.) **L. Drummondii, HORT. HAB? PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 ft. FL brick red; June 3 to July 28. L. Gorgoni, PARL. Sicily. PL, 1907. L. grandiflorus, SIBTH. & SM. Ever- lasting Pea, Two-flowered Pea. South Europe. PL, 1905. Half hardy. **L. latifolius, L. Common Everlasting Pea. Europe. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 64 to 7 ft. Fl. rose; June 23 to Aug. 27. L. latifolius albus. PL, 1908. L. latifolius Scarlet. PL, 1907. L. latifolius Splendens. PL, 1907. L. luteus, BAKER. Europe, &c. PL, 1907. L. montanus, BERNH. Heath Pea. Eu- rope. Syn. Orobus luteus > L. PL, 1907. L. niger, BERNH. Black Pea, Black Bit- ter Vetch. Europe, &c. Syn. Orobus niger, L. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 14 ft. FL rosy purple ; June 5 to July 7. 73054 LATHYKUS Con. L. pratensis, L. Meadow Pea. North- ern temperate regions. PL, 1907. L. pyrenaicus, Jord. = L. sylvestris. L. rotundifolius, WILLD. Persian Ever- lasting Pea. Orient. PL, 1905. Tender. L. Sibthorpii, Baker. = L. undulatus. PL, 1907. L. sylvestris, L. Flat Pea. Europe. Syn. L. pyrenaicus, Jord. PL, 1907. L. sylvestris Wagneri. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. Fl rose and purple ; June 18 to Aug. 12. L. undulatus, Boiss. Shores of Darda- nelles. Syn. L. Sibthorpii, Baker. PL, 1907. **'*!. vernus, BERNH. Spring Bitter Vetch. Europe, &c. Syn. Orolus vernus, L. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 14 ft. Fl. bluish violet and purple; May 4 to May 31. *L. vernus albus. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL dull white; May 15 to May 28. L. vernus albus roseus. PL, 1908. L. vernus roseus. PL, 1908. LAVATERA, L. (Malvaceae.) L. thuringiaca, L. South Europe. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. Fl. pink; June 30 to Aug. 21. LEONTOPODIUM, E.BR. (Composites.) L. alpinum, CASS. Edelweiss. Europe, &c. PL, 1905. Half hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL yellow, among white floral leaves; June and July. L. alpinum bimaculatum. PL, 1895. Half hardy. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM LEPACHYS, RAFIN. (Compositce.) L. columnaris, TORR. & GRAY. North- western America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. yellow ; July. *L. pinnata, TORR. & GRAY. United States. Syns. L. pinnatifida ; Rudbeckia pinnata, Vent. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3 ft. FL yellow; July 21 to Oct. 1. LEUCANTHEMUM, TOURN. = CHRY- SANTHEMUM. LEUCOJTJM, L. SNOWFLAKE. (A maryllidacece.) ***L. aestivum, L. Summer Snowflake. Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white tipped with green; May 10 to June 15. L. autumnale, L. Autumn Snowflake. Mediterranean region. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 9 to 10 in. FL white; Aug. 12 to Sept. 15. L. pulchellum, SALISB. Balearic Is- lands. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL white with green spots; May 13 to June 15. *L. vernum, L. Spring Snowflake. Eur. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 12 in. FL white tipped with green ; April 20 to May 9. **L. vernum carpaticum. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 12 in. Fl. white tipped with yellow ; April 20 to May 6. LIATRIS, SCHREB. BUTTON SNAKE- ROOT. (Composite.) **L. elegans, WILLD. Blazing Star. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. bright rosy purple; July 17 to Aug. 20. L. graminif olia dubia. PL, 1908. L. grandiflora. PL, 1908. L. punctata, HOOK. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL rosy purple; Aug. 29 to Oct. 10. *L. pycnostachya, MICHX. Kansas Gay Flower. North America. PL, 1901. Half hardy. Ht. 3 to 5 ft. Fl. pale purple; Aug. 22 to Sept. 26. **L. scariosa, WILLD. North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. lavender purple; August. L. scariosa magnifica. PL, 1901. Half hardy. *L. spicata, WILLD. North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL rosy purple; July 21 to Sept. 6. L. spicata montana. PL, 1901. Half hardy. LIGULARIA, CASS. = SENECIO. LIGUSTICUM, L. LOVAGE. (Umbelliferce.) L. Grayi. Eocky Mountains. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL yellowish; May 11 to June 10. LILIUM, TO URN. LILY. (Liliacece.) Although the lily is one of the best known flowers, there are too few of them in Canadian gardens. The two most often met with are the tiger and orange lilies, but while these are hardy and very free bloomers they are much surpassed in beauty by some others. The Japanese lilies, L. auraium, L. speciosum and L. longiflorum are very desirable sorts, but are short lived in most parts of Canada, and cannot be depended upon for more than two or three years. Most species of lilies are propagated from bulbs or the scales of bulbs. Propagation from seeds is a slow process with most kinds, but Lilium tenuifolium propagates readily from seed and will bloom the second LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 69 or third season. Lilies require well drained soil, and with the exception of a few kinds such as L. superbum and L. tigrinum do not do well in heavy soils. While lilies do best if the soil is comparatively rich the bulbs suffer if manure comes in contact with them, hence if manure is used it should be thoroughly incorporated with the soil or applied as a top dressing. Lily bulbs should be planted comparatively deep as they will not be so subject to frost and they will do better in hot weather than if the bulbs were near the surface. Lilies may be planted either in the fall or spring. ***L. auratum, LINDL. Gold-banded Lily. Japan. PL, 1897. Half hardy. Ht. 2 to 4 ft. Fl. white dotted with purple, yellow bands; mid July to Sept. ***L. Brownii, MIELLE. China and Japan. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL white inside, violet purple outside; mid July to Aug. ***L. cana dense, L. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. orange and orange yellow with brown spots ; June 28 to July 14. ***L. candidum, L. Bourbon Lily, Ma- donna Lily. South Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3* to 4} ft. FL white; July 4 to July 21. **!L. croceum, CHAIX. Orange Lily. South Europe. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 5 ft. FL bright orange spotted with black ; June. **L. dauricum, KER-GAWL. Siberia. Syn. L. davuricum, Hort. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. orange red; June 13 to July 3. **L. elegans alutaceum. PL, 1908. Hardy. FL yellow July. Ht. 8 to 10 in. dotted with purple ; **L. elegans atrosanguinea. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 15 in. ; FL deep but vivid red; July. **L. elegans Van Houttei. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 15 to 18 in. FL rich deep red; July. ***L. elegans Wallace!. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. FL apricot-orange spotted with black; Aug. 19 to Sept. 6. L. excelsum, Hort. = L. testaceum. **L. Grayi, S. WATS. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. Fl. brownish red with purple spots inside; June 21 to July 7. **L. Hansoni, LEICHTL. Japan. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4i ft. FL reddish orange with purple spots; June 24 to July 13. L. Jcamtschatkaense, Hoffmgg. = Fritil- laria cams chat censis. ***L, longiflorum, THUNB. China and Japan. PL, 1908. Half hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. white; late July to early Aug. L. pyrenaicum, GOUAN. Pyrenees. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL yellow; June 3 to June 20. ***L. speciosum albiflorum. PL, 1897. Half hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white; Sept. ***L. speciosum rubrum. PL, 1905. Half hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. white suffused and spot- ted with crimson; Sept. ***L. superbum, L. American Turk's Cap Lily. Eastern United States and Western Ontario. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4* to 7 ft. Fl. bright reddish orange with dark spots; June 29 to Aug. 11. ***. tenuifolium, FISCH. Siberian Coral Lily. Siberia. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL bright scarlet ; June 10 to June 27. ***L. testaceum, LINDL. Nankeen Lily, Garden origin. Syn. L. excelsum, Hort. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 6 ft. FL buff or apricot colour; July. 70 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM LILIUM Con. ***L, tigrinum, KER-GAWL. Tiger Lily. China and Japan. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 4 ft. FL deep orange spotted thickly with purplish black; late July to Sept. L. tigrinnm splendens. PL, 1908. L. Wallacei, Baiter. = L. elegans Wai- lac ei. LINARIA, TOURN. (ScropJiulariacece.) L. anticaria, Boiss. & EEUT. Spain. PL, 1907. ***!. dalmatica, MILL.. Dalmatia, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3* ft. Fl. pure yellow; May 31 to Aug. 18. *L. genistifolia, MILL. Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3* ft. Fl. pure yellow ; June 24 to Aug. 18. ***L. niacedonica, GRISEB. Macedonia. PL, 1907. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL pure yellow ; July. *I, pallida, TENORE. Italy. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 6 in. Fl. violet purple with yellow and white centre; May 23 to Oct. 5. L. pelisseriana, MILL. Jersey Toad Flax. South Europe ; Asia Minor. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL lilac and white; June 16 to Oct. 17. *L. purpurea, MILL. Europe. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3} to 4 ft. FL bluish purple ; June 20 to Oct. 21. L. repens alba. PL, 1901. Tender. L. spectabilis. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL lilac; May 26 to June 27. L. triornithophora, WILLD. Portugal. PL, 1908. L. valenovskya. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2} to 3* ft. Fl .lilac and white; June 25 to Oct. 17. LINDELOFIA, LEH M . (Boraginacece.) L. spectabilis, LEHM. Himalayas. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 18 in. FL pale blue and pink; May 26 to June 27. LINUM, TOURN. FLAX. (LinaceoB.) L. alpinum, L. Europe, &c. Syn. L. Leonii, Schultz. PL, 1907. L. angustif olium, HUDS.. Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Tender. L. austriacum, L. Europe, &c. Syn. L. vrovinciale, Jord. PL, 1902. Tender. **L. flavum, L. South Europe, &c. PL, 1894. Half hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. yellow; June and July. L. Leonii, Schultz = L. alpinum. L. maritimum, L. Mediterranean re- gion. PL, 1907. L. narbonense, L. South Europe. PL, 1907. L. nervosum, WALDST. & KIT. South Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Tender. L. Muelleri, MORIS. Sardinia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. li ft. FL blue; June 15 to Oct. 5. ***L, perenne, L. Perennial Flax. North temperate regions. PL, 1898. Half hardy. Ht. 1 to 1| ft. FL azure blue; June to Sept. L. perenne Lewisii. PL, 1907. L, provinciate, Jord. = L. austriacum. LIRIOPE, LOUR. (Hcemodoracece.) L. spicata f ol. var. Syn. Ophiopogon spicatus fol. var. PL, 1897. Tender. L. spicata fol. aur. var. PL, 1897. Half hardy. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 71 LITHOSPERMUM, L. GROMWELL. (Boraginaceoe.) L. officinale, L. Europe ; North Asia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft, FL yellowish white; June 22 to July 9. L. prostratum, LOISEL. Europe. PL, 1898. Half hardy. LOBELIA, PLUM. (Campanulacece.) ***L. cardinalis, L. Cardinal Flower. North America. PL, 1898. Half hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. scarlet; Aug. L. fulgens Queen Victoria. PL, 1898. Tender. LOPANTHUS, BENTH. (Labiates.) L. anisatus, BENTH. North America. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL ageratum blue ; June 24 to Sept. 2. LUPINUS,L. LUPINE. (Leguminosce.) L. arboreus, SIMS. Tree Lupine. Cali- fornia. PL, 1897. Tender. L. argenteus, PURSH. North-western America. PL, 1897. Tender. L. Dicksoni, HORT. PL, 1907. **L. nootkatensis, DON. North America, &c. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3* ft. FL violet purple, blue and white; May 31 to July 21. ***L, polyphyllus, LINDL. California. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 34 ft. FL violet and blue; June 1 to July 23. ***L. polyphyllus albiflorus. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL white; June 7 to Aug. 1. L. polyphyllus Foxii. PL, 1905. Half hardy. LTJPINUS Con. L. polyphyllus roseus. PL, 1907. L. rivularis latifolius. PL, 1907. LYCHNIS, L. CAMPION. (Caryophyllacece.) L. alba, MILL. White or Evening Cam- pion. Europe. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL white; June 15 to Oct. 19. L. alpina, L. Northern and Arctic regions . PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL rosy purple; July 18 to Aug. 29. ***L. chalcedonica, L. Jerusalem Cross. Kussia. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL scarlet. June 20 to Aug. 16. *L. chalcedonica alba. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. white; June 20 to Aug. 16. L. chalcedonica carnea. PL, 1906. **L. chalcedonica flore pleno. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL double, scarlet; July. *L. chalcedonica flore albo pleno. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. double, white; July. *L. coronaria, DESR.. Crowned Cam- pion. South Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Half hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. Fl. crimson; late June and July. L. coronaria atropurpurea. PL, 1896. Half hardy. L. coronaria bicolor. PL, 1901. Half hardy. L. coronaria grandiflora. PL, 1897. Tender. L. coronaria oculata. PL, 1901. Tender. *L. dioica, L. Ked Campion. Europe, &c. PL, 1903. Half hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL magenta; June 13 to Sept. 17. 72 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM LYCHNIS Con. *L. Flos-jovis, DESR. Eose Campion, Eagged Eobin. Europe. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 14 ft. FL bright rose; June 12 to Aug. 15. **L. fulgens, FISCH. Siberia. Syn. L. Sieboldii, Van Houtte. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL scarlet; June 24 to Aug. 22. L. grandiflora, JACQ. China ; Japan. PL, 1907. ***L. haageana, LEMAIRE. Japan. PL, 1903. Half hardy. Ht. 8 to 12 in. FL orange red, scarlet or crimson; July 4 to Aug. 8. L. Preslii, SEKERA. Bolivia. PL, 1905. Half hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL magenta; July 13 to Oct. 24. **L. Senno variegata. PL, 1905. Half hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL scarlet, striped with white ; July 3 to Aug. 10. L. Sieboldii, Van Houtte. = L. fulgens. L. Viscaria, L. German Catchfly. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1903. Half hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL rose; June 7 to June 27. L. Viscaria alba grandiflora, PL, 1901. Tender. L. Viscaria flore pleno. PL, 1898. Half hardy. L. Viscaria splendens. PL, 1898. Half hardy. LYSIMACHIA, L. LOOSE-STRIFE. (Primulacece.) L. atropurpurea, L. Greece and Asia Minor. PL, 1902. Half hardy. *L. clethroides, DUBY. Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 24 ft. FL white; July 18 to Sept. 13. *L. Nummularia, L. Creeping Jenny. Europe. PL, 1897. Hardy. Creeping. FL yellow; June 18 to Sept. 12. LYSIMACHIA Con. *L. punctata,L. Europe, &c. Syn. L. verticillata, Bieb. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL yellow; June 11 to Aug. 16. L. verticillata, Bieb. = L. punctata. LYTHETJM, L. PURPLE LOOSE-STRIFE. (Lythracece.) L. alatum, PURSH. North America. PL, 1908. **L. Salicaria, L. Common purple Loose- strife. North temperate regions. &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 54 ft. FL purplish rose ; June 16 to Aug. 22. L. Salicaria roseum superbum. PL, 1903. Hardy Ht. 4 to 44 ft. FL deep rose ; June 27 to Sept. 5. MACROTOMIA, DC. (Boraginaceoe.) ***M. echoides, Boiss. Prophet Flower. Orient. Syn. Arnebia echioides, DC. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 15 to 18 in. FL golden yellow with black spots changing to pale yellow ; May 11 to June 3. MALVA, L. MALLOW. (Malvaceae.) *M. Alcea, L. Vervain Mallow. Europe. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL pink; July 3 to Sept. 5. **M. moschata alba. White Musk Mal- low. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 24 ft. FL white; June 14 to Oct. 17. MATEICAKIA, L. (Composites.) *M. Tchihatehewii. HORT. Turfing Daisy. Kew. Syn. Chysanthemum Tchihatchewii. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 in. FL white; May 23 to July 7. MEGASEA, . = SAXIFRAGA. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS MENTHA, L.. MINT. (Labiates.) M. gentilis variegata. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Foli- age variegated. M. piperita, L. Common Peppermint. Europe, &c. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3} ft. Fl. purple; Aug. and Sept. MERTENSIA, ROTH. SMOOTH LUNG- WORT. (Boraginacece.) M. laneeolata, DC. Western North America. PL, 1907. *M. paniculata, G. DON. North Ame- rica, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 18 in. Fl. pink in bud, deep blue when open; May 16 to June 27. ***M. pulmonarioides, KOTH. Virginian Cowslip. North America. Syn. M. Virginica, Link. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. Fl. pale blue, bud pink at base ; May 10 to 31. M. virginica, Link. = M. pulmonarioi- des , Roth. **M. sibirica, G. DON. Siberia, &c. Syn. Pulmonaria sibirica, L. PL, 1903. Half hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL blue; May 13 to May 31. METJM, ADAMS. BALDMONEY, SPIGNEL. (Umbelliferce.) M. athamanticum, JACQ. Europe. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white; May 26 to June 26. MISCANTHUS, ANDERSS. (Graminece.) *M. sinensis graciUimus, Syn. Eulalia gracillima univittata. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5i to 6 ft. Foliage ornamental. MOLINIA, SOHRANK. (Graminece.) *M. cserulea variegata. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2* ft. Foliage variegated. MONARDA, L. HORSEMINT. (Graminecv.) M. bradburniana, BECK. Middle United States. PL, 1907. ***M. didyma, L. Oswego Tea. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. Fl. bright crimson to scarlet ; July 3 to Sept. 15. *M. didyma alba. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. dull white; July 21 to Aug. 26. **M. didyma carminata. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. 2 in. Fl. rosy crimson ; July 9 to Sept. 2. **M. didyma rosea. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3} ft. Fl. rosy crimson ; July 14 to Aug. 23. *M, fistulosa, L. Wild Bergamot. North America. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL heliotrope ; July 24 to Aug. 23. MONTBRETIA, DC. = TRITONIA, KER-GAWL. MULGEDIUM, CASS. = LACTUCA. MYOSOTIS, DILL. FORGET-ME-NOT. SCOR- PION GRASS. (Boraginacece.) ***M. alpestris, F. W. SCHMIDT. Europe, &c. PL, 1904. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL blue; May 22 to Aug. 6. M. sylvatica, HOFFM. Wood Forget- me-not. Northern regions. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. Fl. blue ; May to Aug. NARCISSUS, L. DAFFODIL. (Amaryllidacece.) ***N. incomparabilis Sulphur Phoenix. PL, 1901. Half hardy. Ht. 12 to 18 in. FL creamy white; April 29 to May 28. 74 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM NARCISSUS Con. N. Jonquilla flore pleno. PL, 1900. Tender. N. polyanthus = N. Tazetta. ***N. poeticus, L. Poet's Daffodil, Phea- sant's Eye Narcissus. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 18 in. Fl. white, cup edged with scarlet ; middle of May to early June. **N. Pseudo-narcissus major. PL, 1897. Half hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. deep yellow ; late April to May. **N. Tazetta gloriosus. Syn. N. polyanthus gloriosus. PL, 1901. Half hardy. Fl. white, cup orange; April 25 to May 28. NEPETA, RIV. CAT MINT. (Labiatce.) N. grandiflora, BIEB. Caucasus. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. Fl. purple; July 9 to Aug. 31. *N. macrantha, FISCH. . Siberia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4i ft. Fl. bluish purple and purple ; June 30 to Sept. 26. N. nuda, L. South Europe, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. 8 in. Fl. white tinged with lilac, purple spots; June 28 to Aug. 2. NIEKEMBERGIA, EINZ. & PAY. (Solanacece.) N. frutescens, DUR. Chili. PL, 1908. (ENOTHERA, L. EVENING PRIMROSE. (Onagmcece.) **(E. fruticosa, L. Sundrops. North America. Syn. Kneiffia fruticosa. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. li ft. FL yellow; June 30 to Oct. 10. ***(E. fruticosa Youngii. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL yellow; June 19 to Oct. 10. ***(E. glauca Fraseri. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL yellow; June 21 to Sept. 18. (ENOTHERA Con. (E. Johnsoni, PARRY. Western North America. PL, 1907. (E. macrocarpa, Pursh. = (E. missou- riensis. ***(E. missouriensis, SIMS. North Amer. Syn. (E. macrocarpa, Pursh. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to li ft. Fl. primrose yellow; June 30 to Oct. 17. (E. Pilgrimi. PL, 1907. (E, rubrinervis. PL, 1907. (E. Sellowii, LINK & OTTO. Eastern America. PL, 1907. (E. speciosa, NUTT. North America. PL, 1901. Tender. Ht. li ft, FL white; June 23 to Aug. 25. (E. speciosa rosea. PL, 1905. Tender. OMPHALODES, TOURN. NAVEL-WORT. (Boraginaceoe.) *0. verna alba. PL, 1905. Hardy. Creeping. FL white ; May. OPHIOPOGON SPIOATUS FOL. VAR. = LIRIOPE 8PICATA FOL. VAR. O.spicatus fol.aur. var. = Liriope spi- cata fol. aur. var. ONONIS, L. BEST HARROW. (Leguminosce.) 0. Columnse, ALL. Mediterranean re- gion. PL, 1907. 0. hircina, JACQ. Europe; North Asia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3i ft. FL rose; July 3 to Aug. 7. 0. spinosa, L. Europe. PL, 1907. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 75 STAR OF BETHLE- ORNITHOQALUM, L. HEM. (Liliacece.) 0, arabicum, L. Mediterranean region, j PL, 1901. Tender. *0. narbonense, L. Mediterranean re- gion. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to li ft. Fl. white; May 15 to June 12. **0. umbellatum, L. Common Star of | Bethlehem. Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white and green striped with white; May 18 to June 12. OROBUS, L. = LATHYRUS. 0. aurantius, Stev. = Vicia aurantia. OROBUS FORMOSUS = PISUM FOR- MOSUM. OROBUS LATHYROIDES, L. = VICIA OROBOIDES. O.luieus, L. Lathyrus montanus. OSMORKHIZA, RAFIN. (Umbelliferce.) 0. brevistylis, DC. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL white; May to June. OSTKOWSKIA, REGEL. (Campanulacece.) 0. magnifica, KEGEL. Central Asia. PL, 1897. Tender. PACHYSANDRA, MIOHX. (Eupliorbiacece.) **P. terminalis, SIEB. & Zucc. Japan. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 10 to 12 in. Fol. evergreen. P. terminalis fol. var. PL, 1897 Half hardy. P^IONIA, L. P^ONY. (Ranunculacece.) The paeony is one of the best known hardy herbaceous perennials, and its popu- larity was never greater than it is to-day. During recent years it has been planted much more largely than ever before, and judging by the great interest taken in it at the present time it is likely to remain for a long time one of the most popular flowers. The number of varieties of pseonies now offered for sale is almost unlimited. In ' A Pseony Check List/ by J. E. Coit, published by Cornell University and the American Pseony Society, no less than 2,706 names of pseonies are given, and while many of these are, doubtless, synonyms, it gives some indication of the enormous number of varieties in the trade. The original parents of most cultivated varieties of pseonies may be traced to two species, P. albiflora and P. officinalis, the blending of which by cross-breeding having given the good characteristics of both in the seedlings. The re-crossing of the hybrids gave new forms, until now the raising of seedlings of the named varieties results in a wonderful variety of form and colour. From the thousands of seedlings which are grown the best are selected, named and introduced. While these seedlings are easily grown, it takes at least five years from the sowing of the seed before they bloom suffi- ciently to judge of their true merits. Unfortunately many varieties of pseonies are sold under more than one name, which causes confusion to the purchaser. The varie- ties are propagated by dividing the roots, each division of which should have at least one bud. Division and planting are most successfully done early in autumn, about September 1 being a good time. Planted then they make some rootlets before winter, which is important, as if planted late or in the spring they start growing before there are sufficient rootlets and the growth they make the first season is feeble. Pseonies succeed in a great variety of soils, but should have a deep, rich, fairly moist but well drained soil. They succeed best in full sunlight. Before planting the ground should be trenched at least two feet deep, at the same time mixing with it a liberal quantity of rotted barnyard manure. The plants should be set so that the crown will be about two inches below the surface. As the plants eventually become very large and improve 76 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM with age it is important to give them plenty of room, about three feet apart each way being a suitable distance. The surface soil should be kept loose throughout the summer, and late in the autumn the soil should have a top-dressing of manure about four inches in depth for winter protection and for turning under to enrich the soil in the spring. There is no general collection of the finer cultivated varieties of paeonies in the Arboretum and Botanic garden, the paeonies there being confined to the original wild forms of this genus and a few of the old-fashioned cultivated varieties. There is, however, a large collection of about one hundred and fifty different sorts arranged in large beds on the ornamental grounds. This large collection was imported chiefly from Holland and France about ten or twelve years ago by Dr. Wm. Saunders, who has had personal charge of the lawns and grounds. With such a fine collection it is difficult to make a small list which will include all the very desirable sorts, but twelve varieties are named below which, in the writer's judgment, are among the best. There are many good pseonies, and much diversity of opinion exists as to their rela- tive merits. The second list was prepared by Mr. K. B. Whyte, Ottawa, from his own experience, he having planted the best paeonies from the best lists from various sources. The third list was prepared by Dr. A. P. Saunders, Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y., who has made a specialty of growing the best paeonies. LIST OF TWELVE BEST PAEONIES. C. E. F. COLLECTION. Artemise. Rosy pink, flesh colour in centre, faint perfume; very free bloomer. Berlioz. Rosy red; free bloomer, late. Charlemagne. Pink, shading to white at edge, sweet scented; very free bloorner. Festiva Maxima. White, some centre petals tipped with carmine. Lucrece. Rosy pink, very large; free bloomer. Madame d'Hour. Flesh colour, tipped with carmine; free bloomer. Madame Lemoinier. Pink, with creamy white centre. Marie Lemoine. Flesh colour, changing to white. Monsieur Dupont. White, showing yellow beneath; faint fragrance. Officinalis Old Double Rose. Deep rose; free bloomer, early. Offtcinalis Rubra. Crimson; free bloomer, early. Rubra Superba. Purplish crimson; very free bloomer. LIST OF TWELVE BEST PJEONIES. PREPARED BY MR. R. B. WHYTE, OTTAWA. Asa Gray. Salmon pink, very large; free bloomer. Claire Dubois. Light rose, very large; late bloomer. Floral Treasure (Delicatissima). Blush pink, very large, fragrant; free bloomer. Festiva Maxima. White, some petals tipped with carmine, very handsome. La Rosiere. White, with yellow centre, semi-double, very sweet scented: very free bloomer. Lady Leonora Bramwell. Silvery rose, very fragrant; very free bloomer. Madame d'Hour. Flesh colour, tipped with carmine, very large; very free bloomer. Monsieur Jules Elie. Silvery pink, very large. Marie Lemoine. Flesh colour, changing to white. Queen Victoria. White, yellow centre and red stamens. Rubra Superba. Purplish crimson; very free bloomer. Also the four early blooming varieties : P. officinalis alba plena, P. officinalis rosea plena, P. cfficinalis rubra plena, and P. tenuifolia flore plena. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 77 LIST OF TWELVE BEST PEONIES. PREPARED BY DR. A. P. SAUNDERS, HAMILTON COLLEGE, CLINTON, N.Y. White- Mont Blanc (synonym, Alba Sulfurea), fine, large bloom, early. Festiva Maxima. Midseason, white, with crimson flakes, fine in every way. Marie Lemoine. Creamy white, late, superb variety. La Rosiere. Semi-double ; very fine for garden decoration, and equally lovely for cutting. Flesh coloured and pink Delicatissima (synonym Floral Treasure). Good shade of pale pink, fragrant, and free bloomer. Triomphe de 1'Exposition de Lille. Pale pink, covered with minute spots of a deeper colour. Like Asa Gray but a shade brighter in colour. Richardson's Perfection. Superb, pale pink, late. Richardson's Grandi flora. Superb, pale pink, late. Eugene Verdier. Pale salmon pink, extra fine. Deep red Adolphe Rousseau. Fine, very dark red, quite free from magenta. Tricolour Agnes Mary Kelway. Delightful garden plant. Light rose guard petals, yellow petaloids; tuft of flesh pink in the centre. Jeanne d' Arc. Vigorous, free, dwarf; very good. In the officinalis section Off. rubra plena. The old double red. Off. Sabinii. A fine deep red single. Off. Otto Froebel. Single cherry red. A very desirable plant for the garden Albiflora, The Bride. Single white, very large; the whole plant a mass of bloom. *P. albiflora, PALL. Siberia, &c. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. white or pink; June 10 to June 26. *P anomala, L. Siberia, &c. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1J ft. FL bright crimson; May 25 to May I 31. **P. anomala insignis. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. deep crimson; May 28 to May 31. **P. anomala insignis Peter Ban. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL deep crimson ; May 23 to June 11. *P. anomala intermedia. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. deep crimson; May 25 to June 11. P. arietina, ANDERS. Orient. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 .ft. FL dark red; late May to early June. **P. arietina alba. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 15 in. FL white; May 31 to June 14. *P. arietina Andersonii. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 14 in. FL purplish rose; May 23 to June 5. P. arietina Baxteri. PL, 1899. Half hardy. **P. arietina Crown Prince. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 4 in. Fl. purplish crimson; May 31 to June 19. *P, arietina Diogenes. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. FL crimson; May 28 to June 12. P. arietina Matador. PL, 1899. Half hardy. *P. arietina Northern Glory. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft, 4 in. FL purplish pink ; May 26 to June 9. 78 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM P^EONIA Con. P. arietina Penelope. PL, 1899. Half hardy. *P. arietina Purple Emperor. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL crimson purple; May 28 to June 11. *P, arietina Rosy Gem. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL rose pink ; May 28 to June 12. *P. Bakeri, LYNCH. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL purplish pink; May 23 to June 11. P. Broteri, Boiss. & KEUT. Spain. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. FL magenta ; June 16 to June 30. P. corallina, EETZ. Europe, &c. Syn. P. flavescens, Presl. PL 1899. Half hardy. P. corallina Russii. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. FL rose; May 19 to June 8. P. coriacea, Boiss. Spain. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft FL rose; June 3 to June 19. P. cretica, SABINE. Crete. PL, 1899. Half hardy. P. decora, ANDERS. Thrace ; Asia Minor. PL, 1899. Half hardy. *P. decora elatior. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL purplish rose ; May 26 to June 12. *P. decora Gertrude Jekyll. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. FL crimson; May 31 to June 12. P. decora Monte Glar. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 4 in. FL pink ; May 26 to June 3. P. decora Pallasii. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL rose; May 28 to June 17. P. flavescens, Presl. = P. corallina. P3EONIA Con. P. humilis, EETZ. Europe. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 4 in. FL bright red; May 28 to June 11. *P. microcarpa, Boiss. & KEUT. Spain. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. FL deep purplish pink; May 28 to June 12. *P. microcarpa Jonathan Gibson. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 4 in. FL purplish pink ; May 26 to June 11. P. mollis, ANDERS. Siberia. PL, 1899. Half hardy. **P. officinalis, L. Common Garden Pseony. Europe. Syn. P. pubens, Sims. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 4 in. FL dark crimson; May 26 to May 31.. **P, officinalis anemonaeflora. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL deep crimson, stamens edged with yellow; May 28 to June 16. ***P. officinalis atrorubens plena. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. FL double, deep blood red; June 3 to June 22. *P. officinalis blanda. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. FL deep purplish rose; May 23 to June 6. **P. officinalis Double Flowered Ane- mone Rose. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL double, deep rose; June 7 to June 21. *P. officinalis Excelsior. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft, 6 in. FL deep purplish rose; May 26 to June 9. *P. officinalis Old Double Flesh White. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL double, pale blushed pink; May 31 to June 22. ***P. officinalis Old Double Red. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL double, crimson; May 28 to June 22. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 79 P^ONIA Con. ***P. officinalis Old Double Rose. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. El. deep rose; June 3 to June 22. ***P. officinalis Otto Frcebel. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 3 in. Fl. deep rose; May 28 to June 20. **P. officinalis rosea. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. rose; May 28 to June 19. FL ***P. officinalis Sabinii. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in. Fl. bright crimson; May 23 to June 15. *P. officinalis Sunbeam. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 5 in. Fl. cherry red; May 28 to June 20. P. paradoxa, ANDERS. South Europe. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. FL purplish red ; May 28 to June 19. **P. paradoxa fimbriata. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL deep rose; May 28 to June 19. P. peregrina, MILL. . Orient. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. rosy magenta; May 26 to June 11. *P. peregrina Brilliant. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL rose with a purplish tinge. P. peregrina Blushing Maid. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL reddish pink; May 23 to June 5. P. peregrina byzantina. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL rosy magenta; May 28 to June 11. P-ffiONIA Con. P. peregrina compacta. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 2 in Fl. rosy magenta ; May 28 to June 5. *P. peregrina Exquisite. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in FL purplish pink ; May 26 to June 17. *P. peregrina Ruby Queen. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 5 in Fl. deep purplish pink; May 28 to June 11. P. peregrina Seraph. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. May 28 to June 11. P. pub ens, Sims = P. officinalis. ***P. tenuifolia, L. Europe. PL, 1898. Hardy.. Ht. 1 ft. FL bright crimson ; May 16 to June 2. ***P. tenuifolia flore pleno. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 to U ft FL double, crimson; late May to early June. **P. tenuifolia hybrida. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in Fl. rich crimson ; May 23 to June 5. P. triternata, PALL. Siberia, &c. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 4 in. FL purplish pink ; May 23 to June 8. **P. wittmanniana, HARTWISS. Orient. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 3 in. FL pale yellow; May 9 to May 31. PANCRATIUM, DILL. (Amaryllidacece.) P. maritimum, L. Mediterranean region. PL, 1898. Tender. 80 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM PAPAVER, TOURN. POPPY. (PapaveracecB.) The perennial poppies, like the annual varieties, are very showy, and no herba- ceous border should be without them. The Iceland poppy begins to bloom about the middle of May, just after the early tulips, when there is usually little bloom, and witn the exception of a few weeks in midsummer continues to bloom until late in the autumn. Being a small plant it takes but little room, and it may be used with good effect scattered throughout the border near other larger plants. In this way it brightens up certain parts of the border which might be without bloom. It seeds itself, and though it is classed as a perennial should be really treated as a biennial to get the best results. The oriental poppy and its varieties have gorgeous flowers, most of which are of vivid shades of scarlet and crimson. They are very striking in the, border, both on account of their brilliant colour and the immense size of the flowers, the largest grown at the Experimental Farm measuring 9| inches in diameter. The clumps of oriental poppies improve with age, and while new varieties may readily be obtained from seed, named sorts can be propagated by dividing the plants. ***P. alpinum, L. Alpine Poppy. Alpine and Arctic Europe, &c. PL, 1907. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. Fl. yellow or white; May and June. P. armeniacum, Lam. = P. caucasicum. PI., 1908. P. atlanticum, Haage & Schmidt. = P. rupifragum atlanticum. P. bracteatum = P. orientale 'bractea- tum. P. caucasicum, BIEB. Caucasus. Syn. P. armeniacum. PL, 1907. P. Heldreichii, Boiss. Asia Minor. PL, 1907. ***P. involucratum maximum. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL scarlet with black blotches ; June 13 to June 23. *P. orientale Blush Queen. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1J to 3 ft. Fl. dull pink with black blotches near base; June 7 to June 20. **P. orientale bracteatum. PL, 1893. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2i ft FL scarlet, sometimes with a dark purple spot at base of petal ; bracts beneath petals; June 6 to June 20. P. orientale Darkness. PL, 1908. ***P. orientale bracteatum Duke of Teck. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL fiery scarlet, with black blotches at base; June 6 to June 22. ***P. orientale bracteatum Mogul. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL cardinal with black blotches at base; June 16 to June 21. P. monanthum, Caucasus. PL, 1907. TRAUTV. Region of ***p ***P. nudicaulis, L. Iceland Poppy. Arc- tic and Alpine regions. Syn. P. radicatum, Rottb. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 9 to 15 in. FL yellow or white; May to Oct. **P. orientale, L. Oriental Poppy. Asia Minor. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2* ft. Fl. scarlet, sometimes with a ! dark purplish black spot at base | of petals; May 27 to June 35. orientale bracteatum Nancy. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. FL blood red, with black blotches at base; June 14 to June 25. orientale bracteatum nanum splen- dens. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2J ft. FL scarlet with black blotches; June 3 to June 25. orientale grandiflorum. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL scarlet with black blotches at base; June 13 to June 23. 1 CUT-LEAVED GOAT'S BEARD Spiraea Aruncus Kneiffi. 2, GOAT'S BEARD Spiraea Aruncus. 3. EARLY BLOOMING PERENNIAL PHLOX Phlox glabcrritna mffrutico&a Snowdon. 4. DELAVAY'S INCARVILLEA Incarvillea Ddavayi. 730-80. Photo by F. T. SHUTT. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 81 PAPAVER Con. *P. orientale Little Gem. PL, 1901. Hardy. Fl. dusky pink ; June 3 to June 23. **P. orientale Medusa. PL, 1901. Hardy. purplish pink ; June 10 to July 2. ***P. orientale Mrs. Marsh. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL crimson scarlet showing white with black blotches at base ; June 7 to June 23. ***P. orientale Novelty. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. rosy crimson with black blotches at base; June 10 to 29. P. orientale Parkmanni. PL, 1907. ***P. orientale Royal Scarlet. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. Fl bright scarlet with black blotches at base; June 3 to June 23. **P. orientale semi-plenum. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL semi-double, bright fiery red, with black blotches at base. P. orientale Sintenisii. PL, 1907. ***P. orientale Stewart's Variety. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL rich deep cardinal; mid to late June. *-**P. orientale Tulip. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2| ft. Fl. rich scarlet with black blotches at base; June Y to June 26. P. orientale Vesta. PL, 1908. ***P. pilosum, SIBTH. & SM. Greece. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. Fl. light scarlet, whitish at base ; first two weeks of June. P. pinnatifidum, MORIS. Italy. PL, 1907. P. radicatum, Rolfb. = P. nudicaule. P. rupifragum atlanticum. Syn. P. atlanticum, Haage & Schmidt. PL, 1907. PARADISEA, MAZZUC. ST. BRUNO'S LILY. (LiliacecB.) P. Liliastrum, BERTOL. Europe. Syn. Anthericum Liliastrum, L. PL, 1895. Half hardy. **P. Liliastrum major. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL white; June 9 to June 22. PENTSTEMON, MITCH. BEARD TONGUE. (Schrophulariacece.) P. acuminatus, DOUGL. North Amer. PL, 1907. P. angustifolius, Nutt. = P. cceruleus. ***P. barbatus, KOTH. Western United States. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL bright carmine or nearly scar- let, yellow throat, sometimes pink; July 3 to Aug. 22. ***P. barbatus Torreyi. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL crimson scarlet; June 30 to Aug. 29. P. Bradburnii, Pursh.=P. grandiflorus. P. Bridgesii, A. GRAY. North America. PL, 1907. *P. caeruleus, NUTT. Western United States. Syn. P. angustifolius , Nutt. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. li ft. Fl deep lilac tipped with blue; June 9 to Aug. 20. P. campanulatus, WILLD. Mexico. PL, 1903. Tender. **P. Cobaea, NUTT. Western United States. PL, 1897. Half hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL reddish purple to white ; July 2 to July 21. P. diffusus, DOUGL. Western North America. PL, 1895. Tender. P. Digitalis = P. Icevigatus Digitalis. P. frutescens, LAMB. Unalaska; Kam- schatica ; Japan. PL, 1907. 7306 82 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM PENTSTEMON Con. P. glaber, PURSH. Western United States. Syn. P. speciosa, Dougl. PL, 1902. Tender. F. glaber cyananthus. PL, 1907. Tender. P. glandulosus, DOUGL. Western North America. PL, 1907. P. glaucus, K. GRAH. Kocky Moun- tains. PL, 1907. P. grandiflorus, FRAS. North America, Syn. P. Bradburii. PL, 1907. P. hybrida Newbury Gem. PL, 1908. P. Isevigatus, SOLAND. United States. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft. FL white tinged with lilac; June 21 to Aug. 2. **P. laevigatus Digitalis. Syn. P. Digitalis. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. white faintly tinged with lilac; June 23 to Aug. 6. P. linarioides, A. GRAY. New Mexico. PL, 1905. Tender. P. Menziesii, HOOK. North-western America. PL, 1895. Half hardy. **P. ovatus, DOUGL. North-western Am. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 3 in. FL bluish and lilac purple; June 13 to July 13. **P. pubescens, SOLAND. North America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. Fl. purplish rose and white; June 11 to July 18. P. Richardsonii, DOUGL. Oregon, &c. PL, 1896. Tender. P.speciosus, Dougl. = P. glaber. *P. tubiflorus, NUTT. North-western America. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white tinged with lilac; June 26 to July 17. PETALOSTEMON, MICHX. PRAIRIE CLOVER. (Leguminosce.) **P. violaceus, MICHX. North-western America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to li ft. FL violet; July 3 to Aug. 22. PETASITES, L. BUTTER BURR. (Composite.) *P. japonicus giganteus, F. SCHMIDT. Island of Sachalin. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL greenish; April 20 to May 19. PEUCEDANTTM, L. HOG'S FENNEL. (Umbelliferoe.) P. macrocarpum, NUTT. North-western America. PL, 1897. Hardy. PHALARIS, L. CANARY KEED. (Graminece.) **P. arundinacea variegata. Syn. P. arundinacea picta. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3* ft. Foliage variegated. P. arundinacea picta = P. arundinacea variegata. PHLOMIS, L. JERUSALEM SAGE. (Labiatce.) *P. cashmiriana, KOYLE. Himalayas. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2* to 3 ft. FL rosy lilac. P. chrysophylla, Boiss. Syria. PL, 1907. P. pratensis, KAR & Km. Siberia. PL, 1907. *P. tuberosa, L. South Europe, Asia Minor, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 5 ft. F. purplish lilac ; June 13 to July 26. P. russelliana, Lag. = P. viscosa, Poir. P. viscosa, POIR. Syria. Syn. P. russelliana, Lag. PL, 1905. Tender. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS PHLOX, L. (Polemoniacece.) While the different species and varieties of phlox give a succession of bloom from spring until autumn, in thinking of this flower one usually has in mind the varieties which bloom in the summer and commonly called ' perennial phlox/ as they constitute the largest proportion of the named sorts. These summer blooming phloxes, which are comprised mainly of the varieties of P. paniculata, more commonly known under the name of P. decussata, are of many shades of colour ranging from pure white to deep purple. While they are recognized as varieties of P. paniculata, it is believed that some of them, at least, have blood of P. maculata. An earlier blooming section of the phloxes known as the Suffruticosa section is referred to P. glaberrima suffruti- cosa. This is not yet as important a group as the last, as there is not as good a range of colour and the flowers are smaller, but there are very attractive varieties among them, and they have an advantage in that they bloom from two to three weeks earlier, lengthening the season of the summer blooming phloxes very much. The foliage of the varieties in the Suffruticosa section is more or less glossy, which makes the plants more attractive than the later kinds. Next in importance are the Moss Pinks, of which there are a number of good varieties. They are low growing, creeping phloxes, varieties of P. subulata (P. setacea), and are covered with bright coloured flowers. in May, forming a veritable carpet of bloom. There are several other species of phloxes, descriptions of which will be found in this list, but there are few named varieties in them. The phloxes of the Paniculata and Suffruticosa section require rich soil, with a constant and plentiful supply of moisture. In dry seasons they will suffer very much unless a good supply of moisture is maintained. The spring flowering species delight in warm, well drained soil, the surface of which dries off rapidly. Where water lies Phlox subulata, especially, is liable to rot. While phloxes will succeed undisturbed for many years, if the soil is manured, the best results will be obtained if new clumps are made every three or four years, or before the old ones begin to fail. Phloxes are propagated easily by dividing the old clumps, the outside of the clump furnishing the best young plants. The phloxes produce seed very freely, and new varieties are quickly obtained by raising seedlings. LIST OP TWELVE BEST PHLOX PANICULATA (DECUSSATA). Aurore Boreale, or Frau von Speman. Cameron, or Magicien. Consul H. Trost. Coquelicot. Eclaireur. Etna, or Mounet- Sully. ***P. amoena, SIMMS. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 in. FL bright rosy pink; May 10 to June 23. P. canadensis, Sweet. = P. divaricata. P. Carolina, L. P. ovata. P.decussata, Hort. = P. paniculata. ***P. divaricata, L. Wild Sweet William. North America. Syn. P. canadensis, Sweet. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. Fl. lilac to mauve ; May 14 to June 10. 730 6i Fiancee, or Pyramide. Lamartine, or Charles Flahault. Le Cygne. Pantheon, or Torpilleur. Tapis Blanc. Win. Kobinson, or Selma. P. Suffruticosa, Hort. = P. glaberrima Suffruticosa. **P. glaberrima, L. North America. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 1* ft. FL magenta pink ; June 21 to July 13. P. glab. suffmticosa Beauty. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white with traces of mauve ; June 24 to Sept. 27. ***P. glab. Suffruticosa Beauty of Edin- burgh. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white shaded with light lilac ; July 10 to Oct. 9. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM PHLOX Con. **P. glab. suffruticosa Burns. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL rosy purple; July 14 to Oct. 7. **P. glab. suffruticosa Clouded Gem. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white shaded with rosy purple ; July 5 to Sept. 26. **P. glab. suffruticosa Cybele. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1J ft. FL white shaded with lilac; July 1 to Oct. 5. *P. glab. suffruticosa Gyrene. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. FL rosy purple with crimson eye; July 3 to Oct. 22. **P. suffruticosa Forerunner. i PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3 ft. FL creamy white ; July 21 to Sept. 27. *P. glab. suffruticosa Harrison's Seed- ling. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL white with pink centre; July 3 to Sept. 25. P. glab. suffruticosa Malcolm McLean. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2* ft. FL magenta; June 29 to Oct. 24. P. glab. suffruticosa Miss Lingard. PL, 1908. ***P. glab. suffruticosa Snowdon. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2| ft. FL pure white, rosy centre; June 29 to Oct. 7. P. nivalis = P. subulata nivalis. ***P. ovata, L. North America. Syn. P. Carolina, Linn. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 14 in. FL deep pink; June 10 to July 18. P. ovata Carolina = P. Carolina. P. paniculata, L. Perennial Phlox. North America. Syn. P. decussata, Hort. PL, 1907. Hardy. **P. pan. Acropole. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL rosy violet shaded carmine, with white centre; July 3 to Sept. 22. PHLOX Con. **P. pan. Adam Braun. . PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl reddish violet; July 26 to Sept, 12. **P. pan Adonis. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. FL whit6; Aug. 8 to Oct. 13. ***P. pan. Albatre. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. Fl. white; July 18 to Oct. 11. ***P. pan. Albion. PL, 1908. Fl. white, with incon- spicuous purplish red splashes about centre. *P. pan. Alceste. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3| ft. Fl. lilac and white with bluish violet centre; July 15 to Sept, 18. **P. pan. Alhambra. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL pinkish mauve with white centre; July 18 to Sept., 21. **P. pan. Amphion. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. Fl. carmine with darker centre; July 9 to Oct. 24. **P. pan. Amphitryon. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. Fl. magenta suffused with white, darker centre; July 13 to Sept. 18. ***P. pan. Antonin Mercie. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3i ft. FL bright violet suffused with white, large white centre ; July 12 to Sept. 12. ***P. pan. Argon. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 9 in FL lilac pink suffused with white with narrow rosy ring about cen- tre; July 10 to Sept. 22. ***P. pan. Aurore Boreale. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3* ft. Fl. salmon red with darker centre : July 18 to Oct. 7. ***P. pan. Avalanche. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft FL white; June 25 to Sept. 21. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 85 PHLOX Con. P. pan. Banfly. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. Fl. deep magenta purple; July 30 to Sept. 26. *?*P. pan. Beatrice. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 4 in. FL crimson pink suffused with white, rosy magenta centre; July 17 to Oct. 20. ***P. pan, Berenice. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft. Fl. pure white; July 21 to Oct. 23. **P. pan. Blanche Fleur. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3i ft. Fl. pure white; July 20 to Sept. 27. P. pan. Boule de Feu. PL, 1908. P. pan. Bridesmaid. PL, 1908. **P. pan. Brilliant. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL salmon carmine with rose centre ; Aug. 1 to Sept. 28. ***P. pan. Cameron. PL, 1904. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL pure white with bright purplish red centre; July 26 to Oct. 7. ***P. pan. Capt. Wilhelmy. PL, 1908. Hardy. FL Tyrian rose. **P. pan. Carillon, PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL rose; July 23 to Sept. 21. ***P, pan. Charles Flahault. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. pure white suffused with bright violet ; July 18 to Sept. 22. *P. pan. Chateaubriand, PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL bluish violet edged with lilac ; July 31 to Sept. 21. ***P. pan. Comte de Hochberg. PL, 1908. FL dark rosy magenta. ***P. pan. Consul H. Trost. PL, 1908. Fl. pure red, with French purple centre. PHLOX Con. ***P. pan. Coquelicot. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. Fl. orange scarlet with purplish cen- tre; July 15 to Sept. 8. *P. pan. Cyclon. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. Fl. rosy magenta with white centre; July 27 to Sept. 18. ***P. pan. D. Bois. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. Fl. bright rosy magenta; July 24 to Sept. 22. ***P. pan. Daniel Lesueur. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL bright violet and white; July 17 to Sept. 27. P. pan. Defiance. PL, 1908. **P. pan. Derviche. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. magenta purple shading to white, deeper in centre; July 12 to Oct. 23. P. pan. Diadem. PL, 1908. ***P. pan. Eclaireur. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2J to 3 ft. FL bright rosy magenta shading lighter; July 4 to Oct. 23. ***P. pan. Edmond Rostand. PL, 1908. Fl. reddish violet, with large white centre. **P, pan. Emmanuel He"re. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. FL rosy mauve shading to white ; July 27 to Sept. 27. ***P. pan. Esperance. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. 4 in. FL purplish mauve with large white centre; July 12 to Sept. 27. ***P, pan. Etna. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 8 in. FL bright crimson red with darker centre; July 26 to Sept. 11. **P. pan. Evenement. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2} to 3 ft. FL rosy magenta shading lighter ; July 20 to Oct. 24. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM PHLOX Con. P. pan. F. G. Von Lassburg. PL, 1908. ***P. pan. Fanfluche. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2* ft. Fl. mauve flushed with white with rosy centre ; July 20 to Oct. 8. ***P.pan. Faust. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3i ft. Fl. pure white with large mauve centre; Aug. 6 to Oct. 1. ***P. pan. Fldora. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3* ft. FL mauve suffused with white; July 21 to Oct. 24. ***P. pan. Fernand Cortez. PL, 1908. FL Tyrian rose. ***P. pan. FiancSe. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl white; late July to Sept. P. pan. Figaro. PL, 1900. Hardy. Fl. white; July 28 to Sept. 8. ***P. pan. Frau von Speman. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 3* ft. Fl. crimson pink with deep crimson centre; late July to Sept. ***P.pan. Girondin. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2i ft. FL deep rose splashed with white ; June 26 to Sept. 12. **P. pan. Glory of St. Marc. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3* to 4 ft. FL reddish violet, with white cen- tre; July 12 to Oct. 23. **P. pan. Hercules. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. deep magenta pink, rosy centre; June 26 to Aug. 26. **P. pan. Huxley. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3i ft. Fl. white with lilac border ; Aug. 4 to Sept. 22. **P. pan. Japonais. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4* ft. Fl. crimson carmine with darker centre; July 24 to Sept. 27. PHLOX ^on. **P. pan. Jeanne d'Arc. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 3* ft. Fl. white; Aug. 8 to Oct. 11. ***P. pan. Jocelyn. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL crimson carmine shading paler; July 17 to Sept. 20. **P. pan. John Laing, Jr. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. Fl .bright crimson ; July 4 to Sept. 28. *P. pan. Kossuth. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL rose, purplish red centre ; July 20 to Sept. 24. *P. pan. la Framee. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. magenta with white centre ; July 21 to Sept. 12. P. pan. La Vague. PL, 1908. ***P. pan. Lamartine. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3i ft. Fl. bright violet with large white centre; July 24 to Oct. 24. ***P. pan. Le Cygne. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL creamy white ; July 23 to Oct. 1. P. pan. Le Donon. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2 ft. FL mauve, white tipped, petals cut; July 20 to Sept. 15. ***P. pan. Le Soleil. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. crimson pink flushed with white with rosy centre ; July 9 to Oct. 8. ***P. pan. Leon Guignard. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 3 in. Fl. bright rose shading to white; July 13 to Oct. 23. ***P. pan. Leonard de Vinci. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3* to 4 ft. FL pure white with rosy magenta centre; July 26 to Oct. 26. P. pan. Lothair. PL, 1908. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 87 PHLOX Con. **P. pan. Madagascar. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3* to 4 ft. Fl. magenta well suffused with white; July 21 to Sept. 22. *P. pan. Madame A. Denis. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3* to 4i ft. Fl. white with traces of purplish red, bright purplish red centre ; Aug. 1 to Oct. 7. *P. pan.Madeleine Leturque. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 4* ft. FL bright rosy pink shading to white at centre; Aug. 4 to Sept. 24. ***P. pan. Madsen. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4* ft. FL white flushed with rosy ma- genta and centre of latter; July 29 to Oct. 12. ***P. pan. Magicien. PL, 1908. Hardy. Fl. white with mauve centre. P. pan. Margaret Black. PL, 1908. P. pan. Margaret Elliott. PL, 1908. ***P. pan. Marquis de St Panl. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4} ft. FL white flushed pink, rosy ma- genta centre; July 21 to Sept. 24. **P. pan. Marius Vachon. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2$ to 3 ft. Fl .purple; July 13 to Oct. 24. P. pan. Maximilien. PL, 1908. ***P. pan. Monsieur Kind. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL bright crimson red with darker centre; July 23 to Sept. 13. P. pan. Mont Blanc. PL, 1908. ***P. pan. Mounet-Sully. PL, 1908. FL old carmine red, with crimson carmine centre. P. pan. Mrs. Jenkins. PL, 1908. PHLOX Con. *P. pan. Mrs. Keynes. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3i ft. FL white lightly splashed with rose; July 26 to Oct. 3. ***P. pan. Oberon. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. Fl. crimson carmine ; July 20 to Oct. 20. **P. pan. Offenbach. PL, 1908. Fl. bright violet with large white centre.. ***P. pan. Pantheon. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2 ft. FL crimson pink suffused with white about centre; July 17 to Oct. 11. **P. pan. Parachute. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 2i ft. Fl. reddish purple with white centre ; July 12 to Oct. 5. **P. pan. Pharaon. PL, 1908. FL purple shading to white at centre. ***P. pan. Pierre le Grand. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft. FL crimson pink with magenta and white centre; July 6 to Oct. 24. ***P. pan. Pyramide. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3 ft. Fl. pure white; July 20 to Oct. 23. P. pan. E. Comte. PL, 1908. ***P. pan. E. P. Struthei*. PL, 1908. Fl. carmine purple with crimson carmine centre. **P. pan. Eenomee. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2 ft. Fl. rosy magenta with white cen- tre; July 18 to Oct. 20/ **P. pan. rubra splendens. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4* ft. Fl. reddish purple with crimson centre; July 27 to Sept. 18. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM PHLOX Con. ***P. pan. Selma. PL, 1908. Fl. lilac rose with con- spicuous crimson eye. ***P. pan. Sir Richard Wallace. PL, 1908. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL pure white with rosy magenta centre; late July to Sept. **P. pan. Stanislaus. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft, FL magenta, crimson centre ; July 15 to Sept. 5. **P. pan. Surprise. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3} ft. FL reddish violet shading to white about centre ; July 24 to Sept. 18. ***P. pan. Tapis Blanc. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL pure white; July 19 to Sept. 21. **P. pan. The Lady Eva. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2J ft. FL white suffused with mauve about centre; July 23 to Aug. 27. ***P. pan. Torpilleur. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL crimson pink suffused with white ; June 24 to Oct. 23. **-*P. pan. TragSdie. PL, 1908. Hardy. Fl. carmine with darker centre. **P. pan. Virginale. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL white; Aug. 10 to Sept. 14. P. pan. Von Goethe. PL, 1908. **P. pan. Waverley. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL Solferino red and violet rose ; July 14 to Oct. 8. ***P. pan. Wm. Robinson. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3* ft. FL violet rose suffused with white, darker centre; July 15 to Oct. 5. **P. pilosa, L. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. 3 in. Fl. pale pinkish lilac; June 22 to July 30. PHLOX CW. *P. rep tans, MICHX. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 in. Fl. rosy purple; May 19 to June 17. P. Stellaria, A. GRAY. Southern Illi- nois, &c. PL, 1897. Tender. **P. subulata atropurpurea. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 8 in. FL purplish rose ; May 10 to June 15. P. subulata Alice Wilson. PL, 1900. Tender. P. subulata annulata. PL, 1908. P. subulata Brightness. PL, 1908. P. subulata Daisy Hill. PL, 1908. P. subulata Eventide. PL, 1908. P. subulata Fairy. PL, 1908. *P. subulata frondosa. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL rose; May to June. P. subulata Leila. PL, 1908. *P. subulata lilacina. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 9 in. FL lilac shading to mauve at centre; May to June. *P. subulata Model. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 8 in. FL rose; May 16 to June 18. **P. subulata Newry Seedling. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 8 in. FL lilac, paler towards centre ; May 9 to June 20. P. subulata Seraph, PL, 1908. **P. subulata verna. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL deep rose; May 18 to June 12. LISf OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS PHRAGMITES, TRIN. KEED. (Graminece.) P. communis fol. var. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Foliage variegated. PHYSAIIS, L. WINTER CHERRY. (Solanacece.) **P. Alkekengi, L. Bladder Herb. Eur. PI., 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. whitish. Fruit red; June 29 to Oct. 22. ***P. Francheti, MAST. Chinese Lantern. Japan. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL whitish. Fruit bright orange red; June 18 to Sept. 18. PHYSOSTEGIA, BENTH. FALSE DRAGON'S HEAD. (Labiates.) **P. virginiana, BENTH. North America. Syn. Draco cephalum virginicum, L. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3i ft. Fl. purplish mauve; July 26 to Sept. 11. **P. virginiana alba. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL white; July 21 to Aug. 13. PHYTEUMA, L. KAMPION. (Campanulacece.) P. canescens, WALDST & KIT. Hungary and Caucasus PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL bluish purple ; Aug. 25 to Oct. 4. P. lobelioides, WILLD. Asia Minor. PL, 1907. *P. orbiculare, L. Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL deep violet; June 9 to July 24. P. Scheuehzeri, ALL. Europe. PL, 1907. PHYTOLACCA, TOURN. POKEWEED. (Phytolaccacece.) P. decandra, L. Virginian Pokeweed. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 7* ft. FL white and pink, ovary green. PIMPINELLA, L. BURNET SAXIFRAGE. (Umbelliferce.) P. magna, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3i ft. FL white; July 9 to Aug. 7. PLATYCODON, A. DC. CHINESE BELL- FLOWER. (Campanulacece.) ***P. grandiflonim, A. DC. Chinese Bell- flower. Balloon Flower. China and Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. bright bluish violet; July and Aug. ***p grandiflorum album. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL , white with traces of bluish vio- let; June 30 to Aug. 12. P. grandiflorum glaucum. PL, 1908. ***P. grandinorum Mariesii. Syn. P. grandiflorum pumilum. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL bright bluish violet ; July and Aug. ***P. grandiflorum Mariesii album. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. Ito 2 ft. FL white with traces of bluish violet; July and Aug. P. grandiflorum Mariesii major. PL, 1908. P. grandiflorum pumilum = P. grandi- florum Mariesii. PODOPHYLLUM, L. DUCK FOOT. (Berberidacece.) P. Emodi, WALL. Himalaya May Apple. Himalayas. PL, 1898. Half hardy. - **P, peltatum, L. May Apple, Man- drake. North America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 18 to 22 in. Fl .white; May 25 to June 12. POLEMONIUM, L. JACOB'S LADDER. (Polemoniacece.) P. boreale, ADAMS. Siberia. PL, 1907. 90 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM POLEMONirTM Con. **P. cseruleum, L. Great Valerian, Ja- cob's Ladder. Northern temper- ate regions. Syn. P. villosum, Rudolph. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft. Fl. blue; May 28 to July 7. P, cseruleum acutiflorum. PL, 1901. Half hardy. P. caerulenm album. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. white; June 6 to July 9. P. dissectum, Reichb. = P. sibiricum. P. flavum, GREENE. New Mexico. PL, 1907. P. foliosissimum, A. GRAY. New Mex- ico, Colorado, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. II cream colour; June 8 to Oct. 8. P. gracile, WILLD. Dahuria. PL, 1907. P. grandiflorum, Hort. = P. himalaya- num. **P. himalayannm, BAKER. Himalayas. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. blue; May 28 to July 3. ***P. humile, WILLD. North America. Syn. P. Richardsonii, Grah. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. FL pale blue. May and June. **P. humile pulchellum. Syns. P. pulchellum, Bunge.; P. pulcherrimum, Hook. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. Fl. blue; May and June. P. lacteum, Lehm. = P. sibiricum, D. Don. P. pauciflorum, S. WATS. Mexico. PL, 1907. P. pulcherrimum, HooJc* = P. humile pulchellum. *P. rep tans, L. North America. ' PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 18 in. Fl. blue; May 18 to June 12. P. Richardsonii, Grah. = P. humile. POIEMONITTM Con. P. sibiricum, D. DON. Siberia. Syns. P. lacteum, Lehm.; P. dissec- tum, Reichb. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2 ft. Fl. blue; June 14 to July 20. P. villosum, Rudolph. = P. cceruleum. P. virginianum, H. CAMBE. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. blue; June 6 to July 16. POIYGONATUM, ADANS. SOLOMON'S SEAL. (Liliacece.) P. biflorum, ELL. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL greenish; May 28 to June 12. P. latif olium, DESF. Europe, &c. Syn. Convallaria Thunburgii, Steud. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1* to 2 ft. FL greenish and white; May 28 to June 23. P. latif olium commutatum. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL greenish; June 13 to June 25. P. macrophyllum, latum. = P. verticil- **P. multiflorum, ALL. Solomon's Seal, David's Harp. Europe, &c. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white; May 31 to June 18. *P. officinale, ALL. Europe, Himalayas, &c. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL greenish white; May 18 to June 12. P. Thunbergii, Morr. & Decne. = P. latif olium, Desf. *P. verticillatum, ALL. Europe, &c. Syn. P. macrophyllum, Sweet. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white; May 18 to June 19. POLYGONUM, L. KNOT GRASS. (Polygonacece.) **P. alpinum, ALL. South Europe, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL creamy white; June 17 to Aug. 25. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 91 POLYGONUM Con. P, amplexicaule, D. DON. Mountain Fleece. Himalayas. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3$ to 4* ft. Fl. rosy red; June 20 to Oct. 17. **P, amplexicaule oxyphyllum. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL white on reddish peduncles ; Oct. 2 to Oct. 17. Kesembles P. molle. P. chinense, L. China, &c. PL, 1908. *P. cuspidatum, SIEB. & Zucc. Japan. Syn. P. Sieloldii, Hort. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 8 ft. Fl. creamy white ; Aug. 24 to Sept. 22. P. cynosum, Roxb. = P. chinense. **P. molle, D. DON. Himalayas. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. Fl. white on reddish peduncles ; Sept. 22 'to Oct. 20. P. sachalinense, F. SCHMIDT. Sacaline. Island of Sachalin, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 13 ft. Fl. greenish ; Aug. 15 to Sept. 24. P. Sieloldii, Hort. = P. cuspidatum, Sieb. & Zucc. POTENTILLA, L. CINQUEFOIL. (RosacecB.) P. alba, L. Europe; Caucasus. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL white; May 10 to May 29 ; Sept. 27 to Nov. 3. P. alpestris, HALL, F. Europe, &c. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 10 in. FL golden yellow; May 25 to June 20. *P. alpestris pyrenaica. Syn. P. pyrenaica, Ram. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. golden yellow; May 28 to June 28. *P. argyrophylla, WALL. Himalayas. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL yellow or orange red; June 23 to Aug. 11. P. astracanica, Jacq. P. recta. POTENTILLA Con. P. chrysantha, TREVIR. Kussia, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. golden yellow ; June 6 to July 12. P. dealbata, BUNGE. Siberia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL pale yellow; June 8 to Aug. 3. P. Fragariastrnm, EHRH. Europe. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL golden yellow ; July 8 to Aug. 27. *P. grandiflora, L. Europe. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL pale yellow; June 15 to Aug. 4. *P. hopwoodiana, SWEET.. Garden ori- gin. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3* ft. Fl. deep rose, pale rose and whit- ish; June 23 to Sept.. '2. *P. hybrida Mad. Bonillard. PL, 1898. Hardy. FL double, pale orange; June 30 to Aug. 11. **P. hybrida purpnrea plena. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. semi-double, red maroon ; June 24 to Aug. 25. **P. hybrida versicolor. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. semi-double, scarlet orange, golden yellow at base ; June 24. to Aug. 27. *P. hybrida Victor Lemoine. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL double, dark orange red and yel- low; July 3 to Sept. 7. *P. Hybrida Wm. Eollison. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. Fl. double, rich orange; June 23 to Aug. 11. **P. nepalensis, HOOK. Himalayas. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1* to 2 ft. Fl. deep rosy red, crimson blotches in centre ; July 18 to Oct. 14. P. pyrenaica, Ram. = P. alpestris pyre- naica. P. recta obscura. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL yellow; June 25 to July 20. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM POTENTILLA Con. P. rupestris, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1$ ft. Fl. white; May 26 to July 11. P. tridentata, SOLAND. North Amer. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 6 in. FL white; June. POTERIUM, L. BURNET. (Eosacece.) P. canadense, A. GRAY. Canadian Bur- net. North America. Syn. Sanguisorba canadensis, Rupp. PL, 1908. PRIMULA, L. PRIMROSE. (PrimulaceoB.) P. Auricula, L. Bear's Ears. Europe. PL, 1908. Tender. **P. cortusoides, L. Japan, Siberia, &c. PL, 1905. Half hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. FL rose; May. P. denticulata, SM. Himalayas. PL, 1905. Tender. ***P. elatior Harry Mitchell. PL, 1905. Half hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL pale yellow; May. P. officinalis microcalyx. PL, 1907. ***P. Sieboldii, MORR. Japan. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 9 in FL varies in colour from deep rose to white; late May to June. PRUNELLA, L. SELF HEAL. (Labiatce.) P. alba, Pall. = P. laciniata. P. laciniata, L. Europe ; North Africa Syn. P. alba, Pall. PL, 1902. Half hardy. Ht, 1* ft FL white; July 10 to Aug. 21. P. vulgaris, L. Common Self Heal Temperate regions. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in FL violet. June to Sept. PUSCHKINIA, ADAMS. (LiliacecB.) P. libanotica, Zucc. = P. scilloides. ***P. scilloides, ADAMS. Striped Squill. Asia Minor, &c. Syn. P. libanotica. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. Fl. white striped with pale blue ; April to May. PULMONARIA,-. LUNGWORT. (Boraginacece.) P. angustifolia, L. Europe. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. pink changing to deep purplish blue; May 20 to June 20. P. arvernense, HORT. Origin uncertain. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 1 ft. FL deep blue ; May 25 to June 12. P. maculata, F. G. Dietr. = P. offlci- P. mollis, Wolff. = P. montana. *P. montana, LEJ. Central Europe. Syn. P. mollis, Wolff. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL deep purplish blue, somewhat rosy in bud. May 19 to June 16 *P. officinalis, L. Common Lungwort. Europe. Syn. P. maculata, F. G. Dietr. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. Fl. red, then violet; May. P. officinalis alba, PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. white. *P. saccharata, MILL. Bethlehem Sage. Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. purplish blue and pink; May 1C to June 21. P. sibirica, L. = Mertensia sibirica, G. Don. RAMONDIA, RICH. (Gesneriacece.) R, pyrenaica, EICH. Eosette Mullein- Pyrenees. PL, 1905. Tender. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 93 RANUNCULUS, L. BUTTERCUP, CROW- FOOT. (Ranunculacece.) **R. aconitifolius flore pleno. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 1* ft. Fl. double, white ; May 16 to June 27. R. acris, L. Buttercup. Europe, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 3 ft. Fl. yellow; May to October. R. acris flore pleno. PL, 1908. R. amplexicaulis, L. South Europe. PL, 1908. **R. bulbosus flore pleno. Syn. R. speciosus flore pleno. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1J ft. FL double yellow ; May 19 to July 4. R. speciosus flore pleno = R. bulbosus flore pleno. RESEDA, TOURN. MIGNONETTE. (Resedaceoe.) R. complicata, BORY. Spain. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. Fl. creamy white ; May 23 to Aug. 13. RHEUM, L. EHUBARB. (Polygonacece.) R. colliniamim, BAILL. China. PL, 1907. R. compactum, L. Mongolia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft; May 31 to June 11. RHEUM Con. R. Emodi, WALL. Himalayas. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 8 ft, Fl. white; June 15 to July 6. R. Franzenbachii, MUENT. Temperate Asia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL white; May 28 to June 12. R. leucorrhizum, PALL. Siberia. PL, 1907. R. microcarpum, MEISSN. HAB. ? PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. white; June 11 to June 22. FL *R, officinale, BAILL. Medicinal Rhu- barb. Thibet. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 4 ft. Fl. creamy white ; May 25 to June 12. R. palmatum, L. China. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 9 ft. Fl. white; June 7 to June 29. R. Rhaponticum, L. Garden Rhubarb. Siberia. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL white; May 31 to June 11. RODGERSIA, A. GRAY. (Saxifragacece.) R. podophylla, A. GRAY. Japan. PL, 1897. Half hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white; June. ROSCCEA, 8M. (Scitaminece.) R. purpurea, SM. Himalayas. PL, 1908. RUDBECKIA, L. CONE-FLOWER. (Composite.) The Rudbeckia Golden Glow has come into prominence so rapidly that other good kinds have, in a measure, been forgotten, but attention should be drawn to the great merits of such species as R. maxima, R. speciosa (Newmanni) and R. subtomentosa, all of which are very desirable. Rudbeckia nitida would be classed among the best plants also if it did not bloom when there are so many good yellow flowering perennials which are a little better than it. The cone flowers all do best in a moist situation, but thrive well under average conditions. Most of the species increase rapidly and are easily propagated by division. The genus Echinacea is closely allied to the Rudbeckia, and the best species, E. purpurea, is often sold under the name of Rudbeckia purpurea. 94 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM EUDBECKIA Con. R. Autumn Glory, Hort. = R. nitida. E. digitata, Mill. = R. laciniata angus- tifolia. E. fulgida, AIT. North America. PL, 1908. E. laciniata, L. North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 6i ft. Fl. buttercup yellow; July 16 to Sept. 8. *E. laciniata angustifolia. Syn. R. digitata, Mill. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 7 ft. FL yellow; July 10 to Sept. 21. ***E. laciniata fl. pi. Golden Glow. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 8 ft. FL double, buttercup yellow ; July 18 to Sept. 24. ***E. maxima, NUTT. Texas. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 ft. FL deep, rich golden yellow with prominent black disk ; July 11 to Sept. 8. EUELLIA, PLUM. (Acanthacece.) E, strepens, L. North America. PL, 1907. ETJTA, L. RUE. (Rutacece.) E. graveolens, L. Common Rue. South Europe. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. greenish yellow; June 30 to Oct. 20. SALVIA, L. SAGE. (Labiates.) S. acetabulosa, L. Asia Minor. PL, 1907. S. ^Ethiopsis, L. Eastern Europe. PL, 1907. S. angustifolia, CAV. Mexico. PL, 1907. S. austriaca, JACQ. Eastern Europe. PL, 1905. Tender. ***S. azurea grandiflora. Syn. 8. Pitcheri, Torr. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 4i ft. Fl. sky blue; Sept. 1 to Oct. 20. ETTDBECKIA Con. R. Newmanni, Hort. = R. speciosa. **E. nitida, NUTT. North America. Syn. R. Autumn Glory, Hort. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 5i to 6 ft. Fl. buttercup yellow; Aug. 4 to Oct. 14. R. pinnata, Vent. = Lepachys pinnata. R.purpurea, L. = Echinacea purpurea. ***E. speciosa, WENDR. North America. Syn. R. Newmanni, Hort. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2* ft. FL rays deep golden yellow, black disk; July 27 to Oct. 17. ***E. subtomentosa, PURSH. North Ame- rica. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. 4 in. to 3 ft. 9 in. Fl. rays gamboge yellow, dark brown disk ; Aug. 10 to Oct. 14. SALVIA Con. S. Beckeri, TRAUTV. Caucasus. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL pale violet purple ; June 28 to Aug. 4. S. carduaca, BENTH. California. PL, 1907. S. ceratophylla, L. Asia Minor; Persia. PL, 1907. S. glutinosa, L. Jupiter's Distaff. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL dull yellow spotted with brown ; July 17 to Sept. 11. S. microstegia, Boiss & Bal. = S. ver- bascifolia. S. napif olia, JACQ. Asia Minor. PL, 1907. S. Pitcheri, Torr. = S. azurea grandi- flora. **S. pratensis, L. Meadow Sage. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. violet; May 23 to Aug. 13. 8. pratensis alba. PL, 1908. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 95 SALVIA Con. S. pratensis Tenorei. PL, 1908. *S. regeliana, TRAUTV. Caucasus. PL, 1905. . Hardy. Ht. 2* to 3 ft. Fl. violet purple ; June 30 to Aug. 3. ** ! S. Sclarea, L. CLARY. Mediterranean region. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. Fl. lavender, whitish at base ; July 12 to Aug. 25. S. Sclarea turkestanica. PL, 1907. S. taraxicifolia, Coss & BAL. Morocco. PL, 1907. S. verbaseifolia, BIEB. Asia Minor. Syn. S. microstegia, Boiss. & Bal. PL, 1907. S. Verbenaca, L. Vervain Sage. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL bluish purple ; July 7 to Aug. 20. **S. virgata, AIT. Europe, &c. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft. .FL violet; June 20 to Oct. 24. SAMBUCUS, TOURN. ELDER. (CaprifoliacecB.) S. Ebulus, L. Ground Elder, Dane- wort. Europe ; Orient. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 4 ft. Fl. white tipped with pink; July 14 to Sept. 21. SANGUISORBA, RUPP.= POTERIUM. SANICULA, L. SANICLE. (Umbelliferce.) S. canadensis, L. North America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. greenish ; June. S. marilandica, L. North America. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. greenish white; June. SAPONARIA, L. SOAPWORT. (CaryophyllaceoB.) *S. officinalis, L. Common Soapwort, Bouncing Bet. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3* ft. Fl. lilac, white, or lilac and white; July 14 to Oct. 17. Satureia Clinopodium, Camel. = Cala- mintha Clinopodium. SATTRTIRTTS, PLUM. LIZARD'S TAIL. (Piperacece.) S. Loureiri, DECNE. China ; Japan. PL, 1897. Tender. SAXIFRAGA, TOURN. KOCK-FOIL. (Saxifragacew.) S. bronchialis, L. Northern and Arc- tic regions. PL, 1898. Tender. S. caespitosa, L. Northern and Arctic regions. PL, 1895. Tender. S. gigantea. Syn. Megasea gigantea. PL, 1908. **S. ligulata, WALL. Himalayas. Syn. 8. Schmidtii, Reg el. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL rosy purple; May 4 to June 3. S. ligulata speciosa. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL pink; April 29 to May 19. *S. peltata, TORR. & GRAY. Umbrella Plant. California. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 18 to 24 in. Fl. white and pink; May 13 to May 31. S. Progress. Syn. Megasea Progress. PL, 1908. S. rotundifolia, L. Europe. PL, 1898. Tender. S. ScTimidtii, Regel. = S. ligulata. S. Stracheyi, HOOK. F. & THOMS. Him- alayas. PL, 1898. Tender. 96 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM SCABIOSA, L. SCABIOUS. (Dipsacece.) **S. balcanica. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL creamy white ; July 3 to Oct. 10. S. candolliana, WALL. Himalayas. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. Fl. lilac purple; June 29 to Oct. 24. ***S. caucasica, BIEB. Caucasus, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL lilac blue; June 30 to Aug. 20. S. caucasica alba, PL, 1908. S. Columbaria, L. Europe. PL, 1907. 8. gigantea, Ledeb. = Cephalaria tata- rica. *S. graminifolia, L. South Europe. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 18 to 22 in. FL bluish lilac, paler in centre; June 27 to Oct. 5. S. leucophylla, BORBAS. Central Eur. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 1J ft. FL rosy lilac; June 21 to Oct. 17. **S. lucida, VILL. Europe. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2i ft. Fl. lavender; June 28 to Oct. 19. S. sylvatica, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white tinged with purple, also violet purple; June 20 to Oct. 3. SCILLA, L. SQUILL. (LiliacecB.) S. autumnalis, L. Autumn Squill. Europe, &c. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 in. FL pale dull purple; Sept. 24 to Oct. 10. **S. bifolia, L. Europe; Asia Minor. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 in. FL deep blue; April to May. **S. festalis, SALISB. Bluebell. Western Europe. Syn. 8. nutans, 8m. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. FL blue or white ; May 31 to June 20. SCILLA Con. ***S. festalis alba. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 fc. Fl. white; May 23 to June 17. *S. festalis rosea. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 2 ft. Fl. rose pink ; May 28 to June 17. S.nutans, 8m. = 8. festalis, 8alisl>. ***S. sibirica, ANDREWS. Asia Minor, &c. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 in. Fl. deep blue; April to May. **S. sibirica alba. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 6 in. Fl. white; April to May. SCIRPUS, L. CLUB BUST. (Cyperacece.) *S. Holoschoenus variegatus. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Foli- age variegated. SCROPHULARIA, TOURN. FIGWORT. (Scrophulariacece.) S, lateriflora, TRAUTV. Caucasus. PL, 1895. Hardy. SCUTELLARIA, RIV. SKULL CAP. (Ldbiatce.) *S. alpina, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3i ft. FL purple; June 9 to Aug. 20. SEDUM, TOURN. STONECROP. (Crassulacece.) S. acre, L. Biting Stonecrop. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 in. FL yellow; June 18 to July 14. *S. Aizoon, L. Siberia. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1J to 2 ft. FL yellow ; June 30 to July 30. *S. album, L. Worm Grass. Europe, &c. PL, 1902. Half hardy. Ht. 8 in. Fl. white; July 10 to Aug. 3. S. Anacarnpseros, L. Evergreen Or- pine. Europe. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL violet; July 18 to Aug. 6. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 97 SEDUM Con. S. anglicum, HUBS. Europe. PL, 1898. Tender. S. asiaticum, SPRENG. Himalayas. PL, 1898. Tender. S. Douglasii, HOOK. North-western America. PL, 1898. Half hardy. S. Ewersii, LEDEB. Siberia, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 6 in. S. glaucum, WaldsL & Kit. = S. his- panicum. S. japonicum, Hort. = 8. spectabile. S. kamtschaticum, FISCH. & MEY. East- ern Asia. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. yellow; June 20 to Aug. 6. S. maximum, SUTER. Europe, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. U to 2 ft. Fl. magenta, white at base. S. lydium, Boiss. Asia Minor. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 in. FL white; June. *S. Maximowiczii, EEGEL. Japan. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1* to 2} ft. FL yellow; June 30 to July 30. 8. occidentals, Bor. = S. Telephium. S. populifolium, PALL. Siberia. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 12 in. 8. purpurascens, Koch = S. Telephium. S. roseum, SCOP. Hose Hoot. Northern temperate regions. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 6 in. FL reddish purple; May to June. S. Selskianum, EEGEL & MAACK. Amur region. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 8 in. FL yellow; July 3 to July 29. *S. spectabile, BOR. Showy Sedum. Japan. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2J to 3 ft. FL rosy pink and white; Sept. 8 to Oct. 17. *S. spectabile macrophylhim albo mar- ginata. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft, FL pink and white. Foliage varie- gated; Sept. 6 to Oct. 22. 7307 SEDUM Con. ***S. spectabilis atropurpurea. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht, 1 ft. 3 in. FL crimson pink ; Sept. 3 to Sept. 30. S. spurium, BIEB. . Caucasus. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht, 3 to 6 in. FL white; July 9 to July 23. S. Telephium, L. Europe, &c. Syns. 8. purpurascens, Koch; S. occidentals, Bor. PL, 1898. Half hardy. SEMPERVIVUM, L. HOUSELEEK. (Crassulacece.) S. acuminatum, JACQUEM. Himalayas. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. Fl. ; July 6 to Aug. 21. S. Allionii, NYM. France. Syn. S. cornutum, Hort. PL, 1898. Hardy. S. Albernellii. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 4 in. 8. anomalum, Hort. = S. pumilum. S. arachnoideum, L. Cobweb House Leek. Europe. Syn. S. Pseudo-arachnoideum, La- motte. PL, 1895. Hardy. Creeping. FL reddish; June 18 to July 30. S. arenarium, KOCH. Tyrol, &e. PL, 1898. Hardy. S. beugesiacum, JORD. & FOURR. France. Syn. S. boulicicum, Hort. PL, 1895. Hardy." Ht. 4 in. FL; July 12 to Aug. 11. S. blandum, SCHOTT. Transylvania. Syn. S. rubicundum, Schur. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 in. FL; July 6 to Aug. 3. 8. ~boulicicum, Hort. S. beugesiacum, Jord. & Fourr. S. boutignyanum, BILLOT & GREN. Py- renees, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 16 to 18 in. FL pale rose ; July 9 to Aug. 12. CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM SEMPERVIVUM Con. S. brachiatum, LAMOTTE. Europe. PL, 1898. Hardy. 8. calif ornicum, Hort. = S. calcareum. S. calcareum, JORD. & FOURR. Dau- phiny. Syn. S. calif ornicum, Hort. PL, 1900. Hardy. S. Chaboisseauti. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 11 in. FL; July 18 to Aug. 21. 8. Comollii, Rota. = 8. glaucum. S. Corn! di Canzo. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 2 ft. FL; July 9 to Aug. 18. S.cornutum, Hort. = S. Allionii. S. fimbriatuia, SCHNITTSP. Tyrol. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 9 to 10 in. FL red; June 24 to July 30. S. glaucum, TENORE. Italy. Syn. S. Comollii, Rota. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 14 in. FL red; June 21 to Aug. 4. S. globiferum, L. Hen and Chickens. Europe, &c. Syn. S. soboltferum, Sims. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 10 to 12 in. FL pale yellow; June 6 to July 16. S. grandiflorum, HARV. Native coun- try uncertain. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 18 in. FL pale yellow; July 27 to Aug. 24. S. mettenianum, SCHNITTSP. Switzer- land. PL, 1899. Hardy. S. montanum, L. Alps and Pyrenees. PL, 1895. Hardy. Creeping. FL bright mauve purple; June. S. murale. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL; July 20 to Sept. 3. S. Pittonii, SCHOTT., NYM. and KOT- SCHY. Styria. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 14 in. FL red; June 24 to July 21. S. Pseudo-arnchnoideum, Lamotte = S. arachnoideum. SEMPERVIVUM Con. S. pumilum, BIEB. Syn. S. anomalum, Hort. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 15 in. FL ; July 4 to Aug. 6. S. Keginse-Amaliae., BAKER. Origin un- certain. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 15 in. FL pale yellow; July 23 to Aug. 23. S. Rudenii, HORT. Origin uncertain. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. FL ; June 11 to July 9. S. rubicundum, Schur. = 8. Uandum. S. ruthenicum, KOCH. Transylvania. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 8 in. FL pale yellow; July 14 to July 28. 8. soboliferum, Sims. = S. globiferum. S. Schmittspahni, LAGG. Europe. PL, 1898. Hardy. S. tenellum. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL ; June 27 to Aug. 6. S. Verloti, LAMOTTE. Dauphiny. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL rose red; July 21 to Aug. 18. S. Wulfeni, HOPPE. Austria. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL yellow; June 10 to July 7. SENECIO, L. GROUNDSEL. (Composites.) S. adonidifolius, LOISEL. Europe. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL golden yellow ; July 2 to Oct. 24. S. aureus Balsamitse. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL golden yellow; June 8 to Aug. 1. S. clivorum, MAXIM. China and Japan. PL, 1908. *S. Doronicum, L. Leopard's Bane. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL golden yellow; June 12 to Aug. 26. S. Doria, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1908. S. erucifolius, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL golden yellow; Aug. 6 to Oct. 11. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS SENECIO Con. *S. japonicus, Sen. BIP. Japan. Syn. Erythrochcete palmatifida, Sieb. & Zucc. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 44 ft. Fl. golden yellow ; July 10 to July 28. S. Koempferi, DC. Japan. PL, 1905. Tender. *S. Ledebourii, Sen. BIP. Japan. Syn. Ligularia macrophylla, DC. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft. FL yellow; June 20 to July 7. **S. pulcher, HOOK & ARN. Uruguay, &c. PL, 1901. Half hardy. Ht. 14 ft. Fl. purplish crimson; Sept. 2 to Oct. 20. S. sagittifolius, BAKER. Uruguay. PL, 1897. Tender. S. soongaricus, SCHRENK. Soongaria. PI, 1907. S. suaveolens, ELL. American Sweet Century. North America. Syn. Cacalia suaveolens, L. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL creamy white; late Sept. to Oct. S. tanguticus, MAXIM. China. PL, 1908. SERRATULA, DILL. SAWWORT. (Composites.) S. coronata, L. Siberia. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 7 to 74 ft. Fl. rosy purple ; July 17 to Oct. 5. SIDALCEA, A. GRAY. (Malvaceae.) **S. Candida, A. GRAY. New Mexico. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL white; June 13 to Aug. 4. **S. Listeri, HORT. Garden origin. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 34 ft. FL pink; June 29 to Aug. 12. S. malvsefiora atropurpurea. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 5 ft. - Fl. purplish rose; July 7 to Aug. 12. SILENE, L. CATCHFLY. (Caryophyllacece.) S. inflata, Sm. = 8. Cucubalus. S. Cucubalus, WIBEL. Bladder Cam- pion. Europe, &c. Syn. S. inflata, 8m. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white; June 10 to Aug. 13. *S. maritima, WITH. Witch's Thimble. Europe. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 14 ft FL white; June 11 to Oct. 5. S. stellata, AIT. United States. PL, 1895. Half hardy. S. stylosa, BUNGE. Siberia. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 2 ft Fl. yellowish white; June 18 to Aug. 13. SILPHIUM, L. ROSIN WEED. (Composite.) **S. laciniatum, L. Compass Plant. North America. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 94 to 104 ft. FL yellow; Aug. 7 to Oct. 8. SISYEINCHIUM, L. SATIN FLOWER. (Iridacece.) S. Bermudiana, L. Blue-eyed Grass. Bermuda. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 8 to 12 in. FL purplish blue ; June 3 to June 20. SMIIACINA, DE8F. FALSE SOLOMON'S SEAL. (Liliacece.) S. racemosa, DESF. False Spikenard. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL white; May 22 to June 21. SOLIDAGO, L. GOLDEN ROD. (Composites.) S. arguta, AIT. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. S. cassia, L. North America. PL, 1894. Half hardy. S. canadensis, L. North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 44 ft. Fl. golden yellow ; July 26 to Sept. 8. 73074 100 CHi'STRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM SOLIDAGO Con. S. canadensis procera. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 34 ft. FL deep golden yellow; July 18 to Sept. 5. *S. elongata, NUTT. North America. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. Fl. golden yellow ; July 4 to Aug. 18. S. gigantea, AIT. North America. Syn. 8. serotina gigantea. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 54 ft. FL golden yellow; July 26 to Sept. 21. S. humilis, PURSH. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. S. juncea, AIT. North America. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 44 ft. Fl. golden yellow ; July 16 to Aug. 29. *S. missouriensis, NUTT. North Amer. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL golden yellow; July 14 to Aug. 9. *S. nemoralis, AIT. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL bright golden yellow; July 29 to Sept. 19. S. pubemla, NUTT. ISiorth America. PL, 1895. Hardy. S. puberula, NUTT. North America. PL, 1908. **S. rigida, L. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 24 ft. FL golden yellow ; June 24 to Aug. 29. SOLIDAGO Gon. S. odora, AIT. Eastern and South-east- ern United States. PL, 1905. Half hardy. S. sempervirens, L. North America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 44 ft. FL golden yellow ; Aug. 4 to Oct. 3. S. serotina, AIT. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. FL golden yellow; Aug. 4 to Oct. 8. 8. serotina gigantea = S. gigantea. *S. Shortii, TORR. & GRAY. Arkansas. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 34 ft. FL golden yellow ; Aug. 10 to Sept. 17. S. ulmifolia, MUHL. North America. PL, 1907. S. Virgaurea compacta S. Virgaurea nana. *S. Virgaurea nana. Syn. S. Virgaurea compacta. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 14 ft. FL golden yellow ; July 16 to Aug. 11. SPH^RALCEA, A. 8T. HILL. (Malvaceae.) S. nmnroana, SPACH. North-western America. PL, 1908. SPIGELIA, L. WORM GRASS. (Loganiacece.) ***S.marilandica, L. North America. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 2 ft. FL cardinal outside, greenish yel- low inside; July 7 to Aug. 27. SPIR^A, L. (Rosacece.) The spiraeas are among the most graceful hardy herbaceous perennials, and are very ornamental and useful in borders. The majority of them are moisture-loving plants, and to give the best results should be planted in rich moist soil. The strong growing species such as Spircea Aruncus and Spircea camtschatica (S. gigantea}, require a large space in which to develop properly. They make effective individual specimens, or may be used with good effect in the shrubbery. Propagation is effected by dividing the clumps, and as these increase rapidly in size a good plant can soon be multiplied. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS ' 101 SPIRAEA Con. ***S. Aruncus, L. Goat's Beard. North- ern temperate regions. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 44 ft. Fl. creamy white ; June 10 to July 9. ***S. Aruncus Kneiffi, PL, 1900. -Hardy. Ht. 5 ft, Fl. creamy white; June 18 to July 12. ***S. Aruncus plumosa. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. Fl. creamy white ; June 7 to July 18. S. astilboides, T. MOORE. Japan. PL, 1895. Half hardy. **S. astilboides floribunda. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL white; June 24 to July 21. **S. camtschatica, PALL. Kamtschatka. Syn. 8. giganiea, Hort. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 54 to 64 ft. FL creamy white ; July 4 to Aug. 13. ***S. camtschatica elegans. PL, 1901. Ht. 44 ft. FL crimson pink in bud, white with crimson pink anthers when open ; July 13 to Aug. 13. S. caucasica. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. FL creamy white ; June 13 to June 26. *S. digitata glabra. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL white with pink anthers ; June 24 to July 16. **S. Filipendula, L. Dropwort, Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 24 ft. Fl. creamy white with rosy spots outside; June 16 to July 16. ***S. Filipendula flore pleno. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 24 ft. Fl. double, white ; June 11 to July 16. S. gigantea, Hort. = 8. camtschatica. **S. gigantea sp. Japan. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 64 ft. Fl. creamy white ; July 6 to Aug. 1. SPIRAEA Con. S. Hacquetii, FENZEL. & C. KOCH. Tyrol. Syn. 8. pubescens, Hort. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4J ft. FL white; June 27 to July 12. *S. Humboldtii, HORT. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. Fl. white; June 14 to July 4. S. japonica, Mdkoy = Astilbe japonica. ***S. lobata, JACQ. North America. Syn. 8. venusta lobata. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht, 34 to 4 ft. FL deep pink ; July 15 to Aug. 6. S. lobata vera. PL, 1908. *S. macrophylla, HORT. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht, 5 to 54 ft.. Fl. white; June 13 to July 9. ***S. palmata, THUNB. Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 34 ft, FL carmine; late June to Aug. S. palmata alba. PL, 1908. **S. palmata elegans. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 ft, FL pink and white; June 27 to July 20. S. palmata major. PL, 1908. S. pubescens, Hort. = 8. Hacquetii. *S. Ulmaria, L. Meadow Sweet. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft; Fl. sulphury white; June 30 to Aug. 13. **S. Ulmaria flore pleno. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht, 4 ft. FL double, creamy white; July 1 to Aug. 13. **S. Ulmaria foliis variegatis. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 54 ft. FL sulphury white; leaves varie- gated; July 9 to Aug. 22. ***S. venusta, HORT. Origin unknown. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 54 ft. Fl. crimson pink ; July 6 to Aug. 15. 8. venusta lobata = 8. lobata, Jacq. **S. venusta pallida. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL pink; July 1 to Aug. 1. 102 EXPERIMENTAL FARM STACHYS, L. WOUNDWORT. (Labiatce.) S, alpina, L. Europe. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 34 ft. Fl. magenta lilac ; July 9 to Aug. 7. *S. Betonica, BENTH. Wood Betony. Europe, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 34 ft. Fl. reddish purple ; July 7 to Aug. 27. *S. Betonica superba. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. FL pink and pale pink ; July 4 to Aug. 6. S. germanica, L. Lamb's Ear. Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 14 ft. Fl. pale pink and white; June 25 to Aug. 8. *S. lanata, JACQ. Woolly Woundwort. Caucasus, &c. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL purple; July 2 to Aug. 13. S. recta, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL creamy white ; June 19 to Aug. 7. S. sylvatica, L. Hedge Nettle. Eur. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL dull red; July 29 to Oct. 1. STATICE, TOUEN. SEA LAVENDER. (Plumbaginacece.) ***S. excelsa, HORT. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 3 ft. Fl. ageratum blue ; July 23 to Sept. 18. *S. eximia, SCHRENK. Central Asia. Syn. S. scoparia, Hort. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 24 ft. FL ageratum blue ; July 23 to Sept. 5- S. Fortunei, Lindl. = S. sinensis. **S. elegans, HORT. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL bluish violet; July 29 to Oct. 1. **S. latifolia, SM. Large Sea Lavender. Bulgaria, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL ageratum blue; July 30 to Oct. 3. STATICE Con. *S. latifolia macrophylla. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 24 ft. FL ageratum blue; July 9 to Sept. 15. ***S. Limonium, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 3 ft. Fl. ageratum blue ; Aug. 1 to Oct. 8. *S. Limonium alba. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 24 ft. Fl. dull white; July 23 to Sept. 15. S. longif olia, HORT. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 24 ft. Fl ageratum blue ; July 23 to Sept. 22. S. minuta, L. Mediterranean region. PL, 1908. *S. Schroder!. PL 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL bluish violet; Aug. 1 to Sept. 17 S. scoparia, Hort. = S. eximia. **S. Simonii. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL bluish violet ; July 29 to Sept. 17. S. sinensis, GIRARD. China. Syn. S. Fortunei, Lindl. PL, 1903. Tender. *S. species Tauride. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 14 to 2 ft. FL ageratum blue ; Aug. 10 to Oct. 1. ***S. Sewerzowi, HERD. Turkestan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 3 ft. FL ageratum blue ; Aug. 5 to Oct. 8. **S. tatarica, L. Caucasus, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 24 to 3 ft. Fl. bluish violet; July 24 to. Sept. 19. STELLAEIA, L. STICHWORT. (Caryopliyllaceoe.) S. graminea aurea. PL 1898. Hardy. Ht. 7 in. FL white. Fol. pale golden yellow ; June 13 to Aug. 22. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 103 STENANTHITJM, KUNTH. (LiliacecB.) S. angustif olium, KUNTH. North Ame- rica. PL 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. greenish white; Aug. 22 to Sept. 24. S. robust um, S. WATS. Mountain Fea- ther Fleece. North Carolina. PL, 1908. Tender. STOKESIA, L'HERIT. STORE'S ASTER. (Composites.) S. cyanea, L'HERIT. Stoke's Aster. North America. PL, 1908. Tender. STOB31A, THUNB. = BERKHEYA. SYMPHYTUM, TOURN. COMFREY. (Boraginacece.) S. asperrinmm, DONN. Forage Com- frey, Prickly Comfrey. Cauca- sus, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3* to 4 ft. FL dull purplish pink; May 31 - to July 28. TANACETUM, TOURN. TANSY. (Composites.) T. vulgare, L. Common Tansy. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3} to 5 ft. Fl. golden yellow ; July 20 to Sept. 7. TEUCRIUM, L. GERMANDER. (Labiatce.) T. Chamsedrys, L. Germander. Eu- rope, &c. PL, 1898. Half hardy. T. pyrenaicum, L. Pyrenees. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 in. FL white; June 22 to Sept. 24. TELEKIA, BAUMG. = BUPHTHAL- MUM. THALICTRUM, TOURN. MEADOW KUE. (Ranunculacece.) T. adiantif olium = T. minus adianti- folium. THALICTRUM Con. T. alpicolum, Jord. = T. simplex. PL, 1907. **T. alpinum, L. Northern and Arctic regions. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4J ft. Fl. pale yellow ; June 21 to July 8. T. anemonoides, MICHX. Kue Ane- mone. North America. PL, 1908. T. angustif olium, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL pale yellow; July. ***T. aquilegifolium, L. Feathered Col- lumbine. Europe, &c. Syn. T. rubellum, Sieb. & Zucc. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL white; June 20 to July 10. **T. aquilegif olium atropurpureum. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL white with dark purple sta- mens; May 31 to June 27. **T, aquilegif olium purpureum. Syn. T. roseum. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL lilac; June 6 to July 3. T. aquilegif olium roseum=T. aquilegi* folium purpureum. T. calabricum, SPRENG. Central Italy. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 3i to 4 ft. FL ; June 23 to July 6. T. collinum, Wall=T. minus collinum. **T. corynellum, DC. North America. Syn. T. polygamum, Milhl. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 5i ft. FL 'pure yellow ; June 27 to July 10. T. Delavayi, FRANCH. China. PL, 1908. T. dioicum, L. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. greenish; May 13 to May 25. T. exaltatum, GAUD. Europe. PL, 1907. T.flavum, L. Common Meadow Kue. Europe, &c. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5i ft. FL pure yellow; July 14 to Aug. 1. 104 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM THAEICTRUM Con. ***T. flavum heterophyllum. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 5| ft. Fl pure yellow; July 14 to Aug. 5 **T. flavum sphserocarpum. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft FL pure yellow; June 30 to Julj 30. **T. glaucum, DESF. South Europe. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 5i to 6 ft, FL pure yellow; July 3 to July 26. T. Icemense, Fries, = T. minus. T. majus, JACQ. Europe. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3| ft. FL; June 22 to July 19. T. minus, L. Europe. Syn. T. kemense, Fries. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 6 ft. Fl .yellow and green ; June 24 to July 8. **T. minus adiantifolium. Syn. T. adiantifolium. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht, 1} to 2 ft. FL yellow and green ; June 21 to July 14. T. minus affine. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5| ft. Fl. yellow and green ; June 29 to July 28. T. minus collinum. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 44 ft. Fl. yellow and green; June 21 to , July 17. T. minus elatum. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 5* ft. FL yellow and green; June 21 to July 14. T. minus flexuosum. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. FL yellow and green ; June 24 to July 8. T. minus nutans. PL, 1907. T. minus purpurascens. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. Fl. yellow and green ; June 21 to July 11. T. polygamum, Milhl = T. corynellum. THALICTRITM Con. T. roseum = T. aquilegifolium purpu- reum. T. rubellum, Sieb. & Zucc.T. aquile- gifolium. T. simplex, L. Europe. Syn. T. alpicolum, Jord. PL, 1907. T. simplex dubium. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 5 to 5 ft. FL ; July 6 to July 20. T. squarrosum, STEPHAN. Siberia. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 44 to 5 ft. FL; June 23 to July 11. THASPIUM, NUTT. MEADOW PARSNIP. (Umbelliferce.) T. aureum trifoliatum. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht, 2 ft, FL yellow; May 27 to June 20. THERMOPSIS, R. BR. (Leguminosce.) **T. caroliniana, M. A. CURT! North America. PL, 1895. Hard}. Ht. 6 ft. Fl. pure yellow ; June 16 to July 21. *T. fabacea, DC. Kamtchatka. PL, 1895.. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL yellow; May 16 to July 10. *T. montana, NUTT. North America. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht, 2 ft. FL yellow; May 23 to June 12. THLADIANTHA, BUNGE. (Cucurbitacece.) *T. dubia, BUNGE. China. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 8 ft. FL lemon yellow; July 16 to Aug. 20. THYMUS, TOURN. THYME. (Labiatce.) T. Chamsedrys montanus albus. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 in. FL white; June 13 to Aug. 6. T. micans = T. Serpyllum micans. T. Serpyllum lanuginosus. PL, 1898. Half hardy. T. Serpyllum micans. PL, 1898. Tender. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 105 TIARELLA, L. FALSE MITREWORT. (Saxifragacece.) ***T. cordifolia albiflora. PI., 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. white; May to June. TRACHELIUM, TOURN. THROAT-WORT. (Campanulacece.) T. caeruleum album. PL, 1895. Half hardy. TRADESCANTIA, RUPP. SPIDER-WORT. (Commelinacece.) *T. virginiana, L. Common Spider- wort, Flower of a Day. North America. PI., 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft, Fl. violet; June 3 to Sept. 17. **T. virginiana alba. PI., 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2|- ft. Fl. white, with traces of purple ; June 3 to Aug. 13. **T. virginiana alba grandiflora. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white; June 5 to Aug. 4. *T. virginiana caerulea. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2} ft. FL purplish violet, bluer than the type; June 3 to Oct. IT. *T. virginiana coccinea. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2J ft. Fl. rosy magenta ; June 6 to Oct. 22. T. virginiana pilosa. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. FL purplish lilac ; May 28 to Sept. 3. *T. virginiana rosea. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht, 3 ft. FL rosy purple; May 26 to Aug. 18. T. virginiana rubra. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. FL purplish red and lilac. TRAUTVETTERIA, FI8GH. & MET. FALSE BUGBANE. (Ranunculacece.) T. palmata, FISCH. & MEY. North- western America and Japan. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. white; June 29 to July 28. TRICYRTIS, WALL. TOAD LILY. (Liliacece.) T. hirta fol. var. PL, 1898. Half hardy. Ht. 1* ft. Foliage variegated. T. japonica Miq. = T. hirta. T. hirta, HOOK. Japan. Syn. T. japonica, Miq. PL, 1898. Tender. TRIFOLITJM, L. TREFOIL, CLOVER. (Leguminosce.) T. alpestre, L. South Europe, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 15 in. Fl. rosy purple ; June 19 to Aug. 4. T. Simpson's Perennial, FLETCHER. Prince Edward Island. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 18 in. FL purplish red ; June 23 to Aug. 20. TRILLIUM, L. THREE-LEAVED NIGHT- SHADE. (Liliacece.) *T. erectum, L. Birth Boot. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 9 in. FL brownish purple; May. *T. erectum declinatum. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 16 in. FL white; May 16 to June 9. ***T. grandiflorum, SALISB. Wake Eobin. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht, 12 to 18 in. FL white; May to June. T. sessile calif ornicum, PL, 1898. Tender. T. style-sum, NUTT. . Southern United United States. PL, 1898. Tender. TRITOMA, KER-GAWL = KNIPHO- FIA. TRITONIA, KER-GAWL. (Iridacece.) **T. Pottsii, BENTH. & HOOK. F. South Africa. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 3i ft. Fl. orange and red; July 31 to Sept. 7. 106 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM TROLLIITS, L. GLOBE FLOWER. (Ranunculacece.) The globe flowers while, perhaps, no more desirable than other plants to which no especial attention is drawn in this bulletin, are referred to here because they are not as well known in Canadian gardens as they should be. Spring flowers are most appre- ciated in the gardens, and among plants which bloom in the spring the globe flowers are among the most desirable. They are closely related to the buttercup, and if one can imagine a buttercup several times as large as the common species with incurved petals and, in some cases, semi-double, a good idea of the globe flowers will be obtained. They delight in rich moist soil, and this should be given them to obtain the best results, although they do well in the average border soil. **T. asiaticus, L. Siberia, &c. Syn. T. Smoutei, Hort. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. orange; May 16 to June 3. **T. asiaticus Excelsior. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1* to 2 ft. Fl. rich orange ; May 23 to June 9. **T. asiaticus flore croceo. PL, 1895. Hardy. FL deep orange; mid to late May. ***T. asiaticus plenus. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 1J to 2 ft. FL deep yellow ; May 21 to June 3. ***T. asiatitcus plenus. Syn. T. japonicus plenus. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2i ft. FL rich deep orange, semi-double ; May 16 to June 9. **T, europseus, L. Mountain Globe Flower. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2J ft. FL lemon yellow ; May 19 to June 16. T. europseus albidus. PL, 1898. Tender. ***T. europaeus giganteus, Syn. T. giganteus. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. li to 2 ft. Fl. lemon yellow ; May 16 to June 10. ***T. europseus Orange Globe. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2} ft. Fl. orange yellow ; May 19 to June 13. T. europceus Loddigesii = T. asiaticus Loddigesii. **T. Gibsoni, HORT. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL orange; mid to late May. T. giganteus, Hort. = T. europceus gi- ganteus. >*T. hybridus Thos. S. Ware. PL, 1900. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL rich orange; May 16 to May 31. T.jap. Excelsior = T. asiaticus Excel- sior. T. japonicus plenus, Hort. = T. asiati- cus plenus. **T. Ledebourii, EEICHB. Siberia. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL pale yellow; May 23 to June 10. T. Prince of Orange. PL, 1907.- T. T. Smith. PL, 1907. k T. Smoutei, Hort. T. asiaticus. TTTLIPA, L. TULIP. (LiliacecB.) *T. acuminata, VAHL. Garden origin. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. Fl. light yellow with red lines and early May. TULIPA Con. *T. armena, Boiss. PL, 1901. Hardy. FL deep crim- son scarlet with black blotch at base; late May. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 107 TULIPA Con. **T. australis, LINK. South-western Eur. Syn. T. celsiana, DC. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 8 in. El. golden yellow flushed with bronze outside, sweet scented ; May 19 to June 6. T.Batalinii, REGEL. Asia Minor. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 5 in. FL pale yellow; May 16 to June 3. *T. billietiana, JORD. Europe. PL, 1907. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 3 in. FL golden yellow, edged with red near base; May 19 to June 3. T. carinata rubra. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL carmine; May 26 to June 3. T. carinata violacea. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL green and red; late May to early June. T. celsiana, DC. = T. australis. **T. Didieri, JORD. South Europe. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 18 in. FL bright crimson, purplish blotch at base; late May. ***T. Didieri mauriana. Syn. T. mauriana. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 10 in. FL bright orange scarlet, yellow at base; late May to early June. ***T, elegans, BAKER. Garden origin. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 18 in. FL bright scarlet red with yellow eye; May 13 to June 3. *T. fragrans, MUNBY. Algiers. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. FL yellow, greenish outside, sweet scented; May 16 to May 30. ***T. fulgens, HORT. Garden origin. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL scarlet with yellow eye; May 16 to June 6. ***T. Greigi, REGEL. Turkestan. PL, 1906. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL bright flame red with black blotches margined with yellow ; leaves with brown blotches; mid to late May. TULIPA Con. *T. Hageri, HELDR. Smyrna. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 16 in. FL deep orange black, with yellow margin at base ; May 17 to June 6. ***T. kaufmanniana, REGEL. Turkestan. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 9 in. FL orange red with white mar- gin, yellow and white inside ; April 23 to May 10. T. Korolkowi, I^EGEL. PL, 1901. Half hardy. T. Lownei, BAKER. Syria. PL, 1901. Half hardy. T. Leichtlinii, REGEL. Kashmir. PL, 1901. Half hardy. ***P. macrospeila, BAKER. Garden origin. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. FL bright crimson, black and yellow at base; late May to early June. ***T. maculata, HORT. Garden origin. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft! FL rich scarlet, black, edged with yellow at base ; May 21 to June 9. T. mauriana = T. Didieri mauriana. **T. Oculus-solis, ST-AMAN. South of France, Italy and Switzerland. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 12 to 18 in. FL bright crimson, black base with yellow margin; mid to late May. *T. orphanidea, Boiss. Greece. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 18 in. FL yellow inside, bronzy red outside; mid to late Maj, **T. prgecox, TENORE. South Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 9 in. FL bright crimson with black blotch at base; mid to late May. *T. pulchella, FENZEL. Cilicia. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 5 in. FL bright mauve red with yellow base; early May. ***T. retroflexa, HORT. Garden origin. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1* ft. FL bright yellow; mid to late May. 108 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM TUIIPA Con. T. saxatilis, SIEB. Crete. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. mauve purple, yellow towards base; late May to early June. **T. sylvestris, L. Wild Tulip. Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. Fl. yellow, sweet scented ; mid to late May. T. viridiflora, HORT. Garden origin. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht, 1 ft. Fl. green and pale greenish yellow ; May 28 to June 17. **T. vitellina, HORT. Garden origin. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 1 to 1J ft. Fl. white tinged with straw colour; mid to late May. TUNICA, HALL. (Caryophyllacece.) T. olympica, Boiss. 'Asia Minor. PL, 1904. Tender. TYPHA, L. CAT-TAIL, EEED MACE. (TypTiacece.) *T. angustifolia, L. Small Bullrush. Europe, &c. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 4 ft, Fl. brown; June. UVULARIA, L. BELLWOBT. (Liliacece.) *U. grandiflora, SM. North America. PL, 1896. Hardy. Ht. li ft. FL pale yellow ; May 8 to May 28. *TJ. sessilif olia, L. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 9 in. FL pale yellow; May 18 to May 28. VALERIAN A, TOUEN. VALERIAN. (Valerianacece.) *V. officinalis, L. Cat's Valerian. Eur. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3& ft. FL white tinged with pink ; June 16 to July 16. VERATRUM, L. FALSE HELLEBORE. (Liliacece.) *V. nigrum, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 5 ft. Fl. dark brown ; June 30 to Sept. 6. VERATRUM Con. V. viride, AIT. Indian Poke. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 34 to 4 ft. Fl. yellowish green; June 22 to Aug. 4. VERBASCUM, TOURN. MULLEIN. (Schropulariacece.) **V. Chaixii, VILL. South-western Eur. PL, 1903. Hardy. Ht. 7 ft. FL yellow; June 17 to Aug. 30. V. Chaixii album. PL, 1908. V. cupreum, Sims.=V. phoeniceum cu- preum. ***V. densiflorum, BERTOL. Mountains of Italy. PL, 1907. Ht. 6 ft. FL yellow, brownish purple at base; July 5 to Sept. 7. V. ferrugineum, Mill.=V. nibiginosum ferrugineum. V. Libani. PL, 1907. V. longif olium, TENORE. Europe. Syn. V. pannosum, Vis. PL, 1897. Tender. V. Lychinitis, L. Europe, &c. PL, 1907. *V. nigrum, L. Dark Mullein. Europe, &c. PL, 1901. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 7 ft, FL yellow; Jun^ 18 to Sept. 9. V. pannosum, Vis.=V. longif olium. **V. phoeniceum cupreum. Syn. V. cupreum, Sims. PL, 1907. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. yellow tinged with lilac ; June 8 to Aug. 6. V. phoeniceum album. PL, 1907. V. rubiginosum ferrugineum. Syn. V. ferrugineum, Mill. PL, 1907. VERBENA, L. VERVAIN. (Ver'benacece.) V. stricta, VENT. North America. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 5 ft. FL bluish violet ; Aug. 2 to Sept, 14. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 109 VERBESINA, L. CROWN BEARD. (Compositce.) V. helianthoides, MICHX. North Ame- rica. Syn. Actinomeris helianthoides , Nutt. PL, 1907. VERNONIA, SCHREB. IRON WEED. (Compositce.) V, arkansana, DC. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 ft. Fl. purple; Aug. 26 to Oct. 8. V. Baldwin!, TORR. North America. PL, 1907. V. noveboracensis, WILLD.. United States. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 5 ft. Fl. purple; Aug. 10 to Sept. 25. VERONICA, L. SPEEDWELL. (Scrophulariacece.) V. amethystina, Willd.=V. spuria. V. austriaca, L. Europe, &c. Syn. V. Jacquini, Baumg. PL, 1907. V. australis, Schrad. = V. spicata. V. ceratocarpa, C. A. MEY. Kegion of the Caspian Sea. PL, 1905. Tender. V.elegans carnea=V. spuria elegans camea. **V. spuria elegans carnea. Syn. V. elegans carnea. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 2i ft. Fl. lilac pink ; June 26 to Aug. 22. V. fruticulosa, L. Europe. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 4 to 6 in. FL rosy purple ; June 16 to Aug. 4. V. grandis, FISCH. Europe. PL, 1907. V. Hendersoni alba. PL, 1908. ***V. incana, L. Hoary Speedwell. South and East Europe. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 2i ft. FL deep violet; June 15 to Sept. 30. V. Jacquinl, Baumg. = V. austriaca. V, longifolia, L. Europe, &c. Syn. V. oxypliylla, Stev. PL, 1907. VERONICA Con. V. longifolia subsessilis = V. subses- silis. V. maritima alba. PL, 1905. Tender. V. officinalis, L. Common Speedwell. Europe, &c. PL, 1895. Hardy. V. orchidea, CRANTZ. South-eastern Europe, Caucasus. PL, 1907. V. oxyphylla, Stev. = V. longifolia. V. repens, DC. Creeping Speedwell. Corsica, &c. PL, 1898. Tender. V. rupestris, HORT. PL, 1905. Tender. V. spuria, L. Europe. Syns. V. amethystina, Willd.; V. spe- ciosa, Hort. PL, 1908. ***V. spicata, L. Europe, &c. Syn. V. australis, Schrad. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft, 3 in. Fl. deep bluish violet; July 7 to Oct. 20. ***V. subsessilis, HORT. Kew. Japan. Syn. V. longifolia subsessilis. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 3 ft. FL blue; Aug. 4 to Sept, 12. **V. virginica, L. Great Virginian Speedwell. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 5J ft. FL white; July 21 to Aug. 29. *V. Teucrium, L. Hungarian Speed- well. Europe, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2 ft. FL blue; June 22 to July 12. VICIA, TOURN. VETCH, TARE. (Leguminosce.) V. aurantia, Boiss. Asia Minor. Syn. Orottus aurantius, Stev. PL, 1908. *V. oroboides, WULF. South Europe. Syn. Orobus lathy roides. PL, 1902. Hardy. Ht. 2i to 3 ft. Fl. violet blue; June 7 to July 2. *V. Orobus, DC. Bitter Vetch. Europe. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 4 in. Fl. white; June 20 to July 8. 110 CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM VICIA Con. V. sylvatica, L. Wood Vetch. Europe. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 2* ft. Fl. blue and white ; June 16 to July 6. VINCA, L. PERIWINKLE. (Apocynacece.) *V. herbacea flore pleno. PL, 1897. Hardy. Ht. 1 ft. 3 in. Fl. purplish mauve with paler shades, double ; May 10 to June 9. *V. major maculata aurea. PL, 1895. Half hardy. FL pale violet; Foliage variegated with yellow; June. . V. major variegata. PL, 1895. Half hardy. Foliage variegated with creamy white. V. major viridis. PL, 1895. Half hardy. **V. minor, L. Common Periwinkle. Europe, &c. PL, 1908. Hardy. Trailing. FL lavender blue; early May. *V. minor alba, PL, 1895. Hardy. FL white; May and Oct. *V. minor argenteo marginata. PL, 1899. Hardy. Does not bloom. Foliage variegated with silvery colour. *V. minor azurea plena. PL, 1898. Hardy. Fl. lavender blue, double; May 13 to June 6. *V. minor flore pleno. PL, 1898. Hardy. FL blue, double; May 13 to June 3. *V. minor flore pleno purpureo. PL, 1898. Hardy. Fl. purplish mauve, double; May. *V. minor variegata. PL, 1895. Hardy. Fol. variegated with creamy w r hite. **V. minor viridis. PL, 1895. Hardy. Fl. lavender blue; May and Oct. VINCETOXICUM, RUPP. (Asclepiadacece.) V. nigrum, MCENCH. Europe, &c. PL, 1905. Hardy. Ht. 7i ft. Fl. brown; June 22 to Aug. 10. VIOLA, TOURN. VIOLET. (Violacece.) **V. cornuta alba. PL, 1898. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL white; May 31 to July 12. **V. cucullata, AIT. North America. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 6 to 12 in. FL purplish blue ; May 11 to June 1. **V. cucullata striata. Syn. T. oUiqua striata. PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. Fl. violet striped and splashed with white; May 10 to June 3. V. odorata alba. PL, 1900. Tender. **V, odorata Brune de Bourg la Heine. PL, 1899. Half hardy. Ht. 6 in. Fl. deep purple; May and Oct. **V. odorata Calif ornian. PL, 1899. Half hardy. Fl. purple; May. **V. odorata Luxonne. PL, 1898. Half hardy. FL bluish purple ; May. V. odorata Marie Louise. PL, 1897. Tender. V. odorata Perle Kose. PL, 1908. V. odorata sulphurea. PL, 1908. V. odorata Swanley White. PL, 1897. Tender. *V. pinnata, L. Europe; Northern Asia. PL, 1894. Hardy. Ht. 6 in. FL violet; May. YUCCA. Y. angustifolia, Pursh. = Y. glauca, Nutt. ***Y. filamentosa, L. Adam's Needle. Southern United States. PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 3 to 4 ft. FL creamy white with greenish tinge; July 13 to Aug. 10. Y. filamentosa flaccida. PL, 1895. Half hardy. **Y. filamentosa glaucescens . PL, 1899. Hardy. Ht. 3 ft. Fl. creamy white with greenish tinge; July 10 to Aug. 2. LIST OF HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS 111 YUCCA Con. / Y. glauca, NUTT. Syn. Y. angustifolia, Pursh. PL, 1897. Half hardy. Does not bloom. YUCCA Con. ***Y. gloriosa recurvifolia, PL, 1895. Hardy. Ht. 2 to 4 ft. Fl. creamy white tinged with red outside; July 4 to July 30. Y. recurvifolia, Salisb.=Y. gloriosa re- curvifolia. LIST OF TWENTY-FIVE BEST HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. Anemone japonica (varieties). Aquilegia ccerulea and hybrids. Aquilegia chrysantha. Campanula persicifolia and varieties. Chrysanthemum maximum and varieties. | Clematis recta. Coreopsis grandiflora. Delphinium cashmirianum, or D. gran- diflorum. Delphinium hybridum and varieties. Dianthus plumarius Mrs. SinJcins. Dicentra spectabilis. Epimedium rubrum. Hemerocallis aurantiaca major. Hemerocallis flava. Iris German, in great variety. Iris Icevigata (Kcempferi), in great var. Lilium superbum. Lilium tenuifolium, or L. testaceum. Pceonia albiflora and officinalis, in great variety. Papaver nudicaule. Phlox paniculata (decussata), in great variety. Platycodon grandiflorum. RudbecTcia laciniata ft. pi. Golden Glow. Spiraea Aruncus. Trollius europceus Orange Globe. LIST OF FIFTY BEST HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. Achillea Ptarmica ft. pi. The Pearl. Adonis vernalis. Althcea rosea (HollyhocJc). Anemone japonica (varieties). Anemone patens nutalliana. Anemone sylvestris. Aquilegia carulea and hybrids. Aquilegia chrysantha. Aquilegia oxysepala. Aster Amellus bessarabicus. Campanula latifolia macrantha. Campanula persicifolia and varieties. Chrysanthemum maximum elegans. Clematis recta. Coreopsis grandiflora. Delphinium cashmirianum, or D. gran- diflorum. Delphinium hybridum and varieties. Dianthus plumarius Mrs. Sinkins. Dicentra spectabilis. Doronicum plantagineum excelsum. Epimedium rubrum. Gaillardia aristata. Gypsophila paniculata. Helianthus multiflorus Meteor, or Soleil d'Or. Helianthus rigidus Miss Mellish. Hemerocallis aurantiaca major. Hemerocallis flava. Heuchera brizoides gracillima. Heuchera sanguinea splendens. Iberis sempervirens garrexiana. Iris aurea. Iris German, in great variety. Iris Icevigata (Kcempferi), in great var. Lilium auratum. L'ilium speciosum and varieties. Lilium superbum. Lilium tenuifolium, or L. testaceum. Myosotis alpestris. Pceonia albiflora and officinalis, in great variety. Papaver nudicaule. Papaver orientale Novelty. Phlox divaricata. Phlox paniculata (decussata), in great variety. Platycodon grandiflorum. RudbecTcia laciniata ft. pi. Golden Glow. Salvia azurea grandiflora. Spircea Aruncus. Spir&a Filipendula fl. pi. Trillium grandiflorum. Trollius europceus Orange Globe. LIST OF ONE HUNDRED BEST HARDY HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS. Achillea Ptarmica ft. pi. The Pearl. Aconitum Fischeri (autumnale). Aconitum Napellus bicolor. Adonis vernalis. ^Ethionema grandiflorum. Althcea rosea (Hollyhock). Anemone japonica (varieties). Anemone patens nuttalliana. Anemone sylvestris. Aquilegia ccerulea and hybrids. Aquilegia chrysantha. Aquilegia glandulosa. Aquilegia oxysepala. Aquilegia Stuarti. Aquilegia flabellata nana alba. Aster alpinus superbus. Aster Amellus amelloides. Aster Amellus bessarabicus. Aster Novce-Anglice Mrs. J. F. Rayner. Campanula carpatica and varieties. Campanula lactiflora. Campanula latifolia macrantha. Campanula persicifolia and varieties. Campanula pyramidalis. Chrysanthemum maximum (varieties). Cimicifuga americana. Clematis recta. Convallaria majalis. Coreopsis grandiflora. Delphinium Belladonna. Delphinium cashmirianum. Delphinium grandiflorum. Delphinium hybridum and varieties. Dianthus plumarius Mrs. Sinkins. Dicentra spectabilis. Diclamnus albus. Doronicum plantagineum excelsum. Echinacea purpurea. Epimedium rubrum. Erigeron speciosus superbus. Funkia subcordata. Gaillardia aristata. Gypsophila paniculata. Helenium autumnale pumilum magnifl- cum. Helenium autumnale strialum. Helenium Hoopesii. Helianthus multiflorus Meteor, or Soleil d'Or. Helianthus multiflorus Mrs. Moon. Helianthus rigidus Miss Mellish. Hemerocallis aurantiaca major. Hemerocallis flava. Hemerocallis Thunbergii. Heuchera brizoides gracillima. Heuchera sanguinea splendens. Hibiscus Moscheutos and varieties. Iberis sempervirens garrexiana. Iberis sempervirens superb a Snowflake. Incarvillea Delavayi. Iris aurea. Iris German, in great variety. Iris Icevigata (Kcempferi), in great var. Lilium auratum. Lilium croceum, or L. dauricum (davu- ricum). Lilium longiflorum. Lilium speciosum and varieties. Lilium superbum. Lilium testaceum. Lilium tenuifolium. Lilium tigrinum. Lupinus polyphyllus. Mertensia pulmonarioides (M. Vir- ginica). Monarda didyma. Myosotis alpestris. (Enothera fruticosa Youngii. Pceonia albiflora and officinalis, in great variety. Pceonia tenuifolia flore pleno. Papaver nudicaule. Papaver orientate and varieties. Phlox amcena. Phlox divaricata. Phlox glaberrima suffruticosa Snow don. Phlox paniculata (decussata), in great variety. Platycodon grandiflorum. Platycodon grandiflorum album. Polemonium humile. Primula elatior Harry Mitchell. Rudbeckia laciniata fl. pi. Golden Glow. Rudbeckia maxima. Rudbeckia speciosa (Newmanni). Salvia azurea grandiflora. Spircea Aruncus. Spiraea Aruncus Kneiffi. Spircea Filipendula flore pleno. Spircea palmata. Statice latifolia. Trillium grandiflorum. Trollius asiaticus plenus. Trollius europceus Orange Globe. Veronica subsessilis. Yucca filamentosa. 112 UNIVEKSITY OF CALIFOENIA LIBEARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1 00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. _ 1920 MAY 1 0195 50m-7,'16 it 63660 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY I