n SETTLKMKNT or JAMKSTOWK, in Virginia. The fir manent English sett foment in North America, commenced by 105 persons, 13th of May, 1607. Seepage 13. LANDINW OF THE PILGRIMS at Plymouth, Dec. 21d, 1620. The first settlement in the New- England States, commenced by John Carver, and ahoul twenty others from Plymouth, England. Page 28. :v * Death of King Philip, August 12, 1676. Page 84. Major Waldron falling upon his own sword, 1696. P. 94. Punishment of a m'm from Billerica, who purchased a gun from a British soldier in Boston, March, 1775. P. 161. BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. The first blood spilt in the Amer. icon Revolution, on the 19th of April, 1775. P. 162. Ticonderoga taken by the Americans, May 10, 1776. p. 164. Sergeant Jasper rescuing the American flag at Charleston, June 26th, 1776. P. 177. CAPTURE OF ANDRE, the British Spy, at Tarrytown, by three Militiamen, 2lst of September, 1780. P. 219 GKNEKAL WAYNE'S VICTORY over the Indians, on the banks of the Miami, in 1794. P. 245. -J-V, v- Major Crogharta defence at Lower Sandusky, Ohio, August 2dj 1813. Page 283. Death of Tecumseth, Oct. 5th, 1813. Page 290 . Buffalo. JV. F. Burned by the British, December 30th, 1813 Battle of Plattsburg and MacdonougKs Victory ', Sept. llfA, 1814. LANDING OF GENERAL LA FAYETTE at Castle Garden, in New- York, August IGth, 1824. Page 401. COL. DANIEL BOON, the first settler of Kentucky, exploring the country in 1769. Page 459. SETTLEMENT OF MARIETTA, the first town of importance settled in the state of Ohio, April 1788. Page 467. FATHER HENNEPIN-, a Catholic Missionary from Canada, sail- ing down the Mississippi, in 1680. The first European who passed down this river : settlement of St. Louis, Missouri. Page 475478. FIRST BUILDING AT DETROIT, was a fortification erected by a party of French soldiers, about the year 1680. Pages 480, 481. Sergeant Major Champ's Adventure. P, 499. Adventure of Gen. Putnam. Page 505 General Atkinson's victory over BLACK HAWK on the banks oj r.fcl 1833. UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EMBRACING THE WHOLE PERIOD, PROM THE EARLIEST DISCOVERIES, DOWN TO THE PRESENT TIME. GIVING A DESCRIPTION OP THE WESTERN COUNTRY, ITS SOIb SETTLEMENTS, INCREASE OP POPULATION, fcC. IN THREE PARTS. BY C. B. TAYLOR. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY EZRA STROWG, Stereotyped by James Conner. 1836. I Southern District of blew- York, sa. BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the 21st day of July, A. D. 1830, in the 65th year of the Independence of the United States of America, Ezra Strong, of Ihe said District, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereuf tic claims as proprietor, in the words followin-g, to wit: "A Universal History of the United States of America; embracing the whoh period, from the earliest discoveries, down to the present time. Giving a descrip- tion of the Western country, its soil, settlements, increase of population, tic. In Three Parts. By C. B. Taylor." In conformity to the act of Congress of the United States, entitled " An act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, a:ni Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein men- tioned.'' And also to an act, entitled, "An act, supplementary to an act, entitled, an act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the th;ies tiierrin mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints." FRED. J. BETTS, Clerk of the Southern District of New- York. PREFACE. IN collecting materials for this work, the author has, as may be seen from the copiousness of his table of con- tents, studied brevity of style. This, from the multi- plicity of subjects contained in the volume, he deemed essentially necessary. Another important design of the author has been to exhibit, in a strong point of light, those principles of political and religious freedom, to secure which many of our ancestors sacrificed their homes, their fortunes, and even their li ves. We cannot but admire the courage, perseverance, and virtues of our progenitors, when we contemplate the ob- stacles surmounted by them, the hardships endured, and the unshrinking firmness of purpose which turned a wilderness into fruitful fields, established a government of equal laws, and provided an asylum for the oppressed of all nations. Having learned, at least to some extent, to appreciate the value of those blessings which have 'descended to the posterity of the pilgrims, the author would now con- tribute his mite for the benefit of the present and future generations. This work is designed for a family and school book ; and is also intended as a substitute for those more volu- minous works, that find their way to the few only whose resources are sufficient to procure them. The size of the type on, which this volume is printed, has enabled P185IS3 4 PREFACE. the publisher to present to his readers more matter than was originally intended for the work ; and to give in a duodecimo form, the quantity of reading commonly found in an octavo volume. Although presented to the public in a condensed form, it will be found to contain the most important events in the general history of this country. The comparative population, wealth, resources, and progressive improvement in the states and territories, have been particularly noticed, and will be found a source of useful information to those who may design to change their present places of abode. One entire chapter of this work is devoted to a view of the western states and territories, giving a description of the face of the country, the soil and productions, situ- ation and extent, rivers, increase of population, settle- ments, &c. This is designed by the author to convey a useful table of information to all of his readers, but is inserted more particularly for the benefit of those who intend to emigrate. C. B. T. INTRODUCTION. Birth, Education, and early Life of Columbus. His dis- covery of America, and discoveries by Cabot, Hudson, and others. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, or Columbo, as the name is written in Italian, was born in the city of Genoa, about the year 1435, of poor but reputable and meritorious pa- rentage. He was the son of Domenico Colombo, a wool comber, and Susanna Fontanarossa, his wife ; and his an- cestors seem to have followed the same trade for several generations in Genoa. Attempts have been made to prove him of illustrious descent, and several noble houses have laid claim to him since his name has become so re- nowned as to confer rather than receive distinction. It is possible some of them may be in the right, for the feuds in Italy in those ages had broken down and scat- tered many of the noblest families, and while some branches remained in the lordly heritage of castles and domains, others were confounded with the humblest po- pulation of the cities. The fact, however, is not mate- rial to his fame ; and it is a higher proof of merit to be the object of contention among various noble families, than to be able to substantiate the most illustrious line- age. His son Fernando had a true feeling on the subject. " I am of opinion," says he, " that I should derive less dignity from any nobility of ancestry, than from being the son of such a father." Columbus was the oldest of four children ; having two brothers, Bartholomew and Giacomo, or, as his name is translated into Spanish, Diego, and one sister, of whom nothing is known, excepting that she was married to a person in obscure life, called Giacomo Bavarello. A3 6 INTRODUCTION. While very young, Columbus was taught reading, wri- ting, grammar, and arithmetic, and made some proficien- cy in drawing. He soon evinced a strong passion for geographical knowledge, and an irresistible inclination for the sea ; and in after life, when he looked back upon his career with a solemn and superstitious feeling, he re- garded this early determination of his mind as an impulse from the deity, guiding him to the studies, and inspiring him with the inclinations, proper to fit him for the high decrees he was destined to accomplish. His father, see- ing the bent of his mind, endeavoured to give him an edu- cation suitable for maritime life. He sent him, therefore, to the university of Pa via, where he was instructed in geometry, geography, astronomy, and navigation ; he ac- quired also a familiar knowledge of the Latin tonjrio, which at that time was the medium of instruction, aad the language of the schools. He remained but a. short time at Pa via, barely sufficient to give him the rudimerts of the necessary sciences ; the thorough acquaintance with them which he displayed in after life, must have been the result of diligent self-schooling, and of casua! hours of study, amidst the cares and vicissitudes of a i\\y ged and wandering life. He was one of those men r.f strong natural genius, who appear to form themselves who, from having to contend at their very outset witf> privations and impediments, acquire an intrepidity in bra- ving, and a facility in vanquishing difficulties. Such men learn to effect great purposes with small means, supply- ing the deficiency of the latter by the resources of their own energy and invention. This is one of the remarka- ble features in the history of Columbus. In every under- taking, the scantiness and apparent insufficiency of his means enhance the grandeur of his achievements. Shortly after leaving the university, he entered into nautical life, and, according to his own account, began to navigate at fourteen years of age. A complete obscu- rity rests upon this part of his history. It is supposed he made his first voyages with one Colombo, a hardy cap- tain of the seas, who had risen to some distinction by his bravery, and who was a distant connexion of his family. INTRODUCTION. 7 The seafaring life in those days was peculiarly full of hazard and enterprise. Even a commercial expedition resembled a warlike cruise, and the maritime merchant had often to fight his way from port to port. Piracy was almost legalized. The frequent feuds between" the Ita- lian states ; the cruisings of the Catalonians ; the arma- das fitted out by noblemen, who were petty sovereigns in their own domains ; the roving ships and squadrons of private adventurers ; and the holy wars waged with the Mahometan powers, rendered the narrow seas to which navigation was principally confined, scenes of the most hardy encounters and trying reverses. Such was the rugged school in which Columbus was reared, and such the rugged teacher that first broke him in to naval discipline. There is an interval of several years, during which we have but one or two shadowy traces of Columbus, who is supposed to have been principally engaged in the Medi- terranean, and up the Levant, sometimes in voyages of commerce, sometimes in warlike contests between the Italian states, sometimes in pious and predatory expedi- tions against the infidels, during which time he was often under the perilous command of his old fighting relation, the veteran Colombo. Columbus arrived at Lisbon about the year 1470. He was at that time in the full vigour of manhood, and of an engaging presence ; and here it may not be improper to draw his portrait, according to the minute descriptions given of him by his contemporaries. He was tall, well formed, and muscular, and of an elevated and dignified demeanour. His visage was long, and neither full nor meagre ; his complexion fair and freckled, and inclined to ruddy ; his nose aquiline, his cheek bones were rather high, his eyes light gray, and apt to enkindle ; his whole countenance had an air of authority. His hair, in his youthful days, was of a light colour, but care and trouble soon turned it gray, and at thirty years of age it was quite white. He was moderate and simple in diet and apparel, eloquent in discourse, engaging and affable with strangers, and of an amiableness and suavity in domestic life, that strongly attached his household to his person. 8 INTRODUCTION. His temper was naturally- irritable ; but he subdued it by the magnanimity of his spirit, comporting himself with a courteous and gentle gravity, and never indulging in any intemperance of language. Throughout his life, he was noted for a strict attention to the offices of reli- gion. The Sabbath was to him a day of sacred rest, on which he would never sail from a port, unless in a case of extreme necessity. While at Lisbon, he became acquainted with a lady of rank, named Dona Felipa, who resided in the convent. The acquaintance soon ripened into attachment, and end- ed in marriage. When Columbus had once formed his theory, it became fixed in his mind, \vith singular firmness. He set it down as a fundamental principle, that the earth was a terra- queous globe, which might be travelled round from east to west, and that men stood foot to foot when on oppo- site points. This great man, when about forty years of age, formed the idea of reaching the East Indies by sailing westward. His fortune being small, and the attempt requiring ef- fectual patronage, he laid his plan before the senafe of Genoa, desirous that his native country should profit if he was successful ; the scheme, however, appearing chi- merical, was rejected. He then repaired to the court of Portugal ; and although the Portuguese were at that time distinguished for their commercial spirit, and John II. who then reigned, was a discerning and enterprising prince, yet the prejudices of the great men in his court, to whom the matter was referred, caused Columbus final- ly to fail in his attempt there also. He next applied to Ferdinand and Isabella, king and queen of Arragon and Castile, and at the same time sent his brother Bartholo- mew (who followed the same profession, and who was well qualified to fill the immediate place under such a leader) to England, to lay the proposals before Henry VII. which likewise, very fortunately for the future well being of the country, met with no success. Many were the years which Christopher Columbus spent in ineffec- tual attendance at the Castilian court ; the impoverished state into which the finances of the united kingdom were INTRODUCTION. 9 reduced by the war with Grenada, repressed every dis- position to attempt great designs. But the war being at length terminated, the powerful mind of Isabella broke through all obstructions ; she declared herself the pa- troness of Columbus, while her husband, Ferdinand, de- clining to partake as an adventurer, in the voyage, only gave it the sanction of his name. Thus did the superior genius of woman effect the discovery of one half of the globe ! The ships sent out on this important search were only three in number, two of them very small, with ninety men, victualled for a year's voyage. Although the expense of the expedition had long remained the sole obstacle to this undertaking, yet, when every thing was provided, the cost did not amount to more than sixteen thousand five hundred dollars, for which purpose the queen dis- posed of her jewels to raise the amount. Columbus set sail from the port of Palos in the pro- vince of Andalusia, August 3d, 1492: He proceeded to the Canary Islands, and thence directed his course due west, in the latitude of about 28 N. In this course he continued for two months, without falling in with any land, which caused such a spirit of discontent and mutiny to arise, as the superior address and management of the commander became uneqiial to suppress, although for those qualities he was eminently distinguished. He was at length reduced to the necessity of entering into a so- lemn engagement, to abandon the enterprise and return home, if land was not discovered in three days. Proba- bly he would not have been able to retain his men so long from acts of violence and outrage, in pursuing so untried and dreary a course, had they not been sensible that their safety in returning home, depended very much on his skill as a navigator, in conducting the vessel. About midnight of the llth of October, 1492, the cry was, land, land, which proved to be one of the Bahama islands, which Columbus named "San Salvadore ; it was only three deg. 30 min. lat. to the south of the island of Gomora, one of the Canaries, whence he took his depar- ture. This navigator was still so confident in the opinion he had formed before he undertook the voyage, that he 10 INTRODUCTION. believed himself then to be on an island which was situa- ted adjacent to the Indies. Proceeding towards the S. he saw three other islands which he named St. Mary, Ferdi- nand, and Isabella. At length he arrived at a very large island, and as he had taken seven of the natives of San Salvadore on board, he learned from them that its name was called Cuba, but he gave it the name of Juanna. He next proceeded to an island which he had called Espa- fiola, in honour of the kingdom by which he was employ- ed, and it still bears the name of Hispaniola. Here he built a fort, and formed a small settlement ; he then returned home, having on board some of the native? whom he had taken from the different islands, on the pas sage. He was overtaken by a storm which had nearl) proved fatal. During the storm, Columbus hastily en- closed in a cake of wax, a short account of his voyage and discovery, which he hoped, should he perish, might fall into the hands of some navigator, or be cast ashore, and thus the knowledge of his discovery be preserved to the world. But the storm abated, and he arrived safe in Spain, March 15th, 1493, having been seven months and eleven days on this most important voyage. On his arrival, letters patent were issued by the king and queen, confirming to Columbus and to his heirs, all the privileges contained in an agreement w r hich had been enacted before his departure. Not only the Spaniards, but the other nations of Europe, seem to have adopted the opinion of Columbus, in con- sidering the countries which he had discovered as a part of India ; whence Ferdinand and Isabella gave them the name " Indies" in the ratification of their former agree ment with Columbus ; even after the error was detected, the name was retained, under the appellation of " West Indies." Nothing could possibly tend more effectually to rouse every active principle of human nature, than the discoveries which Columbus had made ; no time was lost or expense spared, in preparing a fleet of ships, with which this great man should revisit the countries he had made known. Seventeen ships were made ready in six months, and fifteen hundred persons embarked on board of them, INTRODUCTION. 11 among whom were many noble families, who had filled honourable stations. Ferdinand, now desirous of securing the benefits of these discoveries, applied to the Pope to be invested with a right in their newly discovered country, as well as to all future discoveries in that direction ; but as it was necessary that there should be some favour of religion in the business, he founded his plea on a de- sire of converting the savage natives to the Romish faith, which plan had its desired effect. Columbus sailed from the port of Cadiz, on the 25th of September, 1493. When he arrived at Espafiola, he had the affliction to find that all the Spaniards whom he had left there, amounting to thirty-six in number, had been put to death by the natives in revenge for the insults and outrage which they had committed. After tracing out the plan of a town in a large plain near a spacious bay, and giving it the name of Isabella, in honour of his patroness, the queen of Castile, and appointed his brother to preside as deputy governor in his absence, Columbus, on the 24th of April, 1494, sailed with one ship and two small barks, to make further discoveries in the seas. In this voyage he was employed five months, and fell in with many small islands on the coast of Cuba, but none of any importance except the island of Jamaica. Soon after his return to Hispaniola, he resolved to make war with the Indians, who amounted to 100,000 men ; they having experienced every lawless act of vio- lence from their invaders, were rendered extremely in- veterate, and thirsting for revenge, a disposition which appears to have been foreign to their natures. Having collected his whole force, he attacked them by night, while they were assembled on a wide plain, and obtained a most decisive victory, without the loss of a single man on his part. The effect of cannon and fire arms, the noise of which was appalling, employed against a numerous body of Indians, closely drawn together, was in the high- est degree destructive. Columbus had brought over with him a small body of cavalry. The Indians, who had never before seen such a crea- ture, imagined the Spanish horses to be rational beings, and that each, with its rider, formed but one animal ; they 12 INTRODUCTION. were astonished at their speed, and considered their im- petuosity and strength as irresistible. Numbers were slain, and many made prisoners, who were immediately consigned to slavery. At the departure of Columbus from Spain, he was ap pointed governor of the new world ; but by false repre sentations of his enemies, the king was persuaded to ap- point another in his place. The king also gave orders that Columbus should be seized and sent to Spain ; this was executed, and the heroic Columbus returned to Spain in irons. He was set at liberty by the king on his arri- val, but never recovered his authority. After his return from his fourth voyage, finding Isabella, his patroness, dead, he sunk beneath his misfortunes, and died May 20th, 1506, in the seventieth year of his age. In 1497, John Cabot and his son commenced a voyage of discovery, and on the 24th of June discovered the island of Newfoundland, which they gave the name of Prima Vesta. Leaving this, they fell in with a small island, which they called St. Johns. The French attempted no disco- veries until 1524. In 1584, Sir Waller Raleigh, under commission of Queen Elizabeth, arrived in America, en- tered Pamplico Sound, now in North Carolina, and sailed thence to Roanoke ; of this country he took possession, and on his return to England gave so splendid a descrip- tion of it, that Queen Elizabeth bestowed upon it the name of Virginia, in allusion to her being unmarried. In 1602, Bartholomew Gosnold discovered some part of New-England. He first touched on its eastern coast, in about 43 degrees of north latitude ; he made some dis- coveries of the adjacent ports, and gave them the name of Cape Cod, and Martha's Vineyard. In 1603, the French made some small discoveries, and began to settle at Port Royal, on the Bay of Funda. In 1608, Henry Hudson discovered Long Island ; he also discovered and gave name to Hudson River, which retains this name to the present time. NOTE. The birth, parentage, and the early education of Columbus, has been extracted from that valuable work which has recently appeared from the able pen of Washington Irving. UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. PART FIRST. CHAPTER II. Prom the settl ment of Jamestown to the embarkation of the Plymouth Company. THE discovery of America by Columbus, gave a new : mpulse to that bold spirit of adventure which character- ized the hardy age in which he lived. Although several men of rank and fortune were concerned in the companies which had been formed in England for colonising America, their funds appear to have been very limited, and their first efforts were extremely feeble. The first expedition for the southern colony consisted of one vessel of 100 tons, and two barks, with 105 men, destined to remain in the country. The command of this small fleet was given to Captain Newport, who sailed from the Thames the 19th of December, 1606. At the time his instructions were given, three packages, sealed with the seal of the council, were delivered, one to Captain Newport, one to Captain Bartholomew Gosnald, and the third to Captain John Rat- clifTe, containing the names of the council for the colony. They were directed not to open these packages within 34 hours after their arrival on the coast of Virginia, and the names of his majesty's council were then to be proclaim- ed. The council were then to proceed in the choice of a president, who should have two votes. To this singu- lar and unaccountable concealment, have been in a great degree attributed the dissensions which distracted the colo- nist? on their passage, and which afterwards considerably impeded the progress of their infant settlement. Newport, 2 14 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF whose place of destination was Roanoke, took the circuit- ous route by the West India islands, and had a long pas- sage of four months. The reckoning had been out for three days, without perceiving land ; and serious proposi- tions were made for returning to England; when they were overtaken by a storm, which fortunately drove them to the mouth of the Chesapeake. On the 26th of April, 1607, they discerned Cape Henry, and soon after Cape Charles. Impatient to land, a party of about 30 men went on shore at Cape Hejpry, but they were immediately attacked by the natives, wno considered them as enemies, and in the skirmish which ensued, seve- ral were wounded on both sides. The first employment of the colonists, w r as to explore the adjacent country, with the appearance of which they were greatly delighted, and to select a spot on which their settlement should be made. They proceeded up a large, beautiful river, called by the natives Powhattan, and to which they gave the name of James ; on a peninsula, on the northhside of which they immediately agreed to make the first establishment of their colony. This place, as well as the river, they named after their king, and called it Jamestown ; there they debarked on the 13th of May, and the sealed packets being opened, Mr. Wingfield was, by the council, elected their president ; but under frivolous and unjustifiable pretexts, they excluded Smith from taking his seat among them John Smith, whose courage and talents seem to have excited their envy, and who on the passage, had been imprisoned on the im- probable and unsupportable charge of intending to mur- der the council, usurp the government, and make himself king of Virginia. The colonists soon found themselves embroiled with the Indians, who attacked them suddenly, while at work , but were frightened by the fire from the ship, and in a short time, a temporary accommodation with them was ef- fected. Although Newport was named of the council, he was ordered to return with the vessel to England, and the time of his departure approached. The accusers of Smith, affecting a degree of humanity which they did not feel, proposed that lie should return with Newport, instead of THE UNITED STATES. 15 being prosecuted in Virginia ; but with the pride of con ddous innocence, he demanded his trial, and being he aourably acquitted, took his seat in the council. About the 15th of June, Newport sailed for England, leaving be- hind him one bark, and about 100 persons, the only Eng lish then on the continent of America. Thus, about one hundred and ten years after this conti nent had been discovered by Cabot, and 22 years after a colony had been conducted to Roanoke by Sir Richard Grenville, the English possessions in America, designed soon to become a mighty empire, were limited to a penin- sula of a few thousand acres of land, held by a small body of men, who with difficulty maintained themselves against the paltry tribes which surrounded them, and looked in a great measure to the other side of the Atlantic for the bread on which they were to subsist. The stock of pro- visions for the colony had been very improvidentially laid in ; it was entirely inadequate to their wants, and in addi- tion to this original error, it had sustained great damage in the holds of their vessels, during their long passage. On the departure of Newport, (during whose stay they managed to partake of the superfluity of sailors,) they were reduced to the necessity of subsisting on the distri- butions from the public stores. These were, at the same time, scanty and unwholesome. They did not amount to more per man than a pint of worm eaten wheat, and bar- ley boiled in a common kettle. This wretched food in creased the malignity of the diseases generated by a hot, and, at that time, (the country being entirely uncleared and undrained,) a damp climate, among men exposed, from their situation, to all its rigours. Before the month of September, 50 of the company, and among them Bartholo- mew Gosnald, who had originated the expedition, and so much contributed to wards its being carried on, were buried. This scene of distress was heightened by internal dis- sension. The president was charged with having embez- zled the best stores of the colony, and of feasting at his private table with beef and bread, then deemed luxuries of the highest order, while famine and death devoured his r ellow adventurers. No crime, in the public opinion, could have been more atrocious. In addition to this, he 16 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF was detected in an attempt to escape from them and their calamities, in the bark which had been left by Newport The general indignation could no longer be restrained He was deposed, and Ratcliffe chosen to succeed him Misfortune is not unfrequently the parent of moderation and reflection, and this state of misery produced a system of conduct towards the neighbouring Indians, which, for the moment, disarmed their resentment, and induced them to bring in such supplies as the country at that season afforded, and thereby preserved the remnant of the colony. It produced another effect, not less important. Their sense of imminent and common danger, called forth and com- pelled submission to those talents which were fitted to the exigence, and best calculated to extricate them from the difficulties by which they were surrounded. Captain Smith, who had been imprisoned and expelled from the council by the envy of those who felt and hated his superiority, and who, after evincing his innocence, had with difficulty been admitted to the station assigned, pre- served his health unimpaired, his spirits unbroken, and hig judgment unclouded, amidst this general misery and de- jection. In him, by common consent, all actual authority was placed, and he, by his own example, soon gave energy and efficiency to others in the execution of his com- mands. He immediately erected, at Jamestown, such rude for- tifications as were necessary to resist the sudden attack of the savages, and, with great labour, in which he always took the lead, completed the construction of such dwell- ings as could shelter the people from the weather ; con- tributed to restore and preserve their health, while his ac- commodation gave place to all others. In the season of gathering corn, which, with the Indians, is the season of plenty, putting himself at the head of small parties, he pene- trated into the country, and, by presents and caresses to those that were well disposed, and attacking with open force, and defeating those who were hostile, he obtained for his countrymen the most abundant supplies. While thus actively and usefully employed abroad, he was not permitted to withdraw his attention from the domestic concerns of the colony. However unfit men may be for THE UNITED STATES. 17 command, there are few examples of their descending willingly from exalted stations once filled by them, arid it is not wonderful that the late president saw with displea- sure another placed above him. As unworthy minds most readily devise unworthy means, he sought, by intriguing with the factious, and fomenting their discontents, to regain his lost authority ; and when their attempts were disconcerted, plans were laid, first by Wingfield and Kendal, and afterwards by the president himself, in conjunction with Martin, the only remaining member of the council, except Smith, to escape in the bark, and thus abandon the country. The vigilance 01 Sri i ilk detected all these machinations, and his vigour de- feated them. The hope was now indulged of preserving tiie colony in quiet and plenty, until supplies could be re- ceived from England, with the ships which were expected in the spring. This hope was, in a considerable degree, defeated, by an event which threatened, at first, the most disastrous consequences. In an attempt to explore the head of Chickahominy river, Smith was discovered, and attacked by a numerous body of Indians, and, in endeavouring to make his escape, after a most gallant defence, his attention being directed to the enemy, whom he still fought in retreating, he sunk up to his neck in a swamp, and was obliged to surrender. Still retaining his presence of mind, he showed them a mariner's compass, at which, especially at the playing of the needle, and the impossibility of touching it, although they saw it so distinctly, they were greatly astonished; and he amused them with so many surprising stories of its qualities, as to inspire them with a degree of veneration, which prevented their executing their first design of killing him on the spot. They conducted him in triumph through several towns to the palace of Powhatan, the most potent king in the country. There he was doomed to be put to death by laying his head upon a log, and beating his brains out with clubs. He was led to the place of execution, and his head bowed down for the purpose of death, when Pocahontas, the king's daughter, then about thirteen years of age, whose entreaties for his life had been ineffectual, rushed between 2* 18 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF him and the executioner, and folding his head in her arms, and laying hers upon it, arrested the fatal blow. Her fa- ther was then prevailed on to spare his life, and after a great many savage ceremonies, he was sent back to James- town. On his arrival thither, having been absent seven weeks, he found the colony reduced to 38 persons, most of whom seemed determined to abandon the country, which appeared to them so unfavourable to human life. He was just in time to prevent the execution of this design Alternately employing persuasions, threats, and even vio- lence, he, at length, with much hazard to himself, induced the majority to relinquish the 'intentions they had formed, and then turning the guns of the fort on the bark, on board of which were the most determined, compelled he to remain, or sink in the river. By judicious regulation of their intercourse with the Indians, among whom Smith was now in high repute, he preserved plenty in the colony until the arrival of two vessels, which had been despatched from England under the command of Captain Newport, with a supply of pro- visions, instruments of husbandry, and with a reinforce- ment of 120 persons ; consisting of many gentlemen, a few labourers, and several refiners, goldsmiths, and jewel- lers. The joy of the colony on receiving this accession of force, and supply of provisions, was extreme. But the influence of Smith disappeared with the danger which had produced it. and an improvident relaxation of discipline, productive of the most pernicious consequences, succeed- ed to it. Among the unwise practices which they tole- rated, an indiscriminate traffic with the natives was per- mitted, in the course of which some obtained for their commodities much better bargains than others, which in- spired those who had been most hardly dealt by, and who thought themselves cheated, with resentment against the English generally, and a consequent thirst for revenge. About this time was found, washed down by a small stream of water, back of Jamestown, a glittering earth, which, by the colonists, was mistaken for gold dust. All that raging thirst for gold which accompanied the first Eu- ropeans who visited the American continent, seemed re- excited by this incident. Mr. Stith, in his history, ?sys, THE UNITED STATES. 10 "here was nothing thought of but to dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, and load gold. And, notwithstanding Cap- tain Smith's warm and judicious representations, how ab- surd it was to neglect all other things of immediate use and necessity, to load such a drunken ship with gilded dust, yet was he overruled, and her returns were made with a parcel of glittering dirt, which is to be found in various parts of the country, and which they very sanguinely con- cluded to be gold dust. One vessel returned in the spring of 1608, the other the 2d of June, laden, one with dust, the other with cedar. This is the first remittance ever made from America by an English colony. The effects of this fatal delusion, were such as might have been foreseen, and were soon felt. The colony began to suffer the same distress from scarcity of lood, which had before brought it to the brink of ruin. The researches of the English settlers had not yet extend ed beyond the countries adjacent to James River. Smith had formed the bold design of exploring the great bay of Chesapeake, examining the mighty rivers which empty into it, opening an entrance with the nations inhabiting them, and acquiring a knowledge of the state of their cul- tivation and population. This hardy enterprise he undertook, accompanied by Doctor Russell, in an open boat of about three tons bur- then, and with a crew of 13 men. On the 2d of June, he fell down the river, in company with the last of Newport's two vessels, and parted with her at the Capes. Beginning his survey at Cape Charles, he examined with immense fatigue and danger, every river, inlet, and bay, on both sides of the Chesapeake, as far as the mouth of the Rap- pahannoc, from whence, their provisions being exhausted, he returned to Jamestown. He reached the place on the 21st July, and found the colony in the utmost confusion and disorder. Those who had arrived last, with Newport, were all sick, and general scarcity prevailed ; an universal discontent with the president, whom they charged with riotously consuming the stores, and unnecessarily fati- guing the people, with building a house of pleasure for himself in the woods. The seasonable arrival of Smith, prevented their fury 20 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF from breaking out in acts of personal violence. Their views were extended, and their spirits revived, by the ac- counts he gave of his discovery. They contented them- selves with deposing their president, and Smith was urged, but refused, to succeed him. Having made, in three days, arrangements for obtain ing regular supplies, and for the government of the colony his firm friend, Mr. Scrivner, was appointed vice presi- dent, and on the 14th of July, he again set out, with 12 men, to complete his discoveries. From this voyage, he returned on the 7th of Septembei He had ad ventured as far as the River Susquehannah, and visited all the countries on both sides of the river ; he en tered most of the large creeks, and sailed up many of the great rivers to their falls. When we consider that he sailed above 300 miles in an open boat, when we contemplate the dangers and the hardships he encountered, and the fortitude, courage, and patience, with which he met them ; when we reflect on the useful and important additions which he made to the stock of knowledge respecting America, then possessed by his countrymen, we shall not hesitate to say that few voyages of discovery, undertaken at any time, reflect more honour on those engaged in them, than this does on Cap- tain Smith. It may not be entirely unworthy of remark, that about the bottom of the bay, Smith went with a par- ty of Indians from St. Lawrence, coming to war with those of that neighbourhood; and that he found among Indians on the Susquehannah, hatchets obtained originally from the French in Canada. On the 10th of September, immediately after his return from his expedition, he was chosen president by the coun- cil, and accepted the office. Soon after Newport arrived with an additional supply of inhabitants ; among whom were the two first females who had ventured into the country ; but he came without provisions. The distinguished, judicious, and vigorous administration of the president, however, supplied their wants, and restrained the turbulent. Encouraged by his example, coerced by his authority, a spirit of industry and subordination appeared to be created in the colony, which THE UNITED STATES. 21 was the parent of plenty and peace. In the mean time, the company in England became excessively dissatisfied with their property in America. They had calculated on discovering a passage to the south sea, and mines of the precious metals, which might afford to individuals me same sudden accumulation of wealth which had been ac quired by the Spaniards in the south. In all their hopes they had been grievously disappointed, and had as yet received scarcely any advantage for the heavy expenses they had incurred ; yet hope did not altogether forsake them, and they still indulged in golden dreams of future wealth. On the 23d of May, 1609, a new charter was granted them, some of the first nobility, and gentry of the country, and most of the companies of London, with a numerous body of merchants and tradesmen, were now added to the former adventurers, and they were all incorporated, by the name of the Treasurer and Company of Adventurers of the city of London, for the first colony in Virginia. To them was granted, as their property, the lands extending from Cape or Point Comfort along the sea coast, 200 miles northward, and from the same point along the sea coast 200 miles southward. The corporation was authorized to own, under its com- mon seal, particular portions of these lands to subjects or denizens, on such conditions as might promote the inten- tions of the grant. The powers of the president and council in Virginia were abrogated, and a new council in England was established and ordained in the charter, with power to the company to fill all vacancies therein by elec- tion. This council was empowered to appoint and renew all officers for the colony, and to make all ordinances for its government, provided they be not contrary to the laws of England. License was given to transport all persons that were willing, and to export merchandise free from custom to Virginia, for seven years. There was also granted, for twenty-one years, freedom from all subsidies in Virginia, and from all impositions on importations and exportations, from or to any of the king's dominions, except only the five pounds in the hundred due for custom. The company - UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF being now enlarged, was enabled to take more efficient measures than heretofore for the settlement of the coun try ; they soon fitted out nine ships with 500 emigrant, and such supplies as were deemed necessary for them Lord Delawar was constituted governor and captain ge neral for life, and several other high sounding ana useless offices were created. The direction of the expedition was again given to Captain Newport, George Somers, and Thomas Gates. Power was severally granted to govern the colony until the arrival of Lord Delawar. With singular indiscretion, the council omitted to esta- blish precedence among these gentlemen, and being totally unable to settle this point between themselves, they agreed to embark on board of the same vessel, and to be companions during the voyage. They were parted from the rest of the fleet in a storm, and driven on Bermudas, having on board 150 men, a considerable portion of the provisions, and the new commission and instructions of the council. The residue of the squadron arrived safe ia Virginia. The great part of the new company consisted of unruly sparks packed off by their friends to escape worse desti- nies at home, and the rest chiefly made up of poor gen- tlemen, broken tradesmen, rakes and libertines, footmen, and such others as were more ruinous to the common- wealth, than to help to raise or maintain it. They as- sumed to themselves the power of disposing of the go- vernment, and conferred it sometimes on one, and some- times on another. To-day the old commission must rule, to-morrow the new, and next day neither. So all was anarchy and distraction. The judgment of Smith was suspended but for a short time. He soon determined that his own authority was not legally revoked until the arrival of the new commis- sion, and, therefore, resolved to continue its exercise. He boldly imprisoned the chief promoter of the sedition, and thereby restored for a time regularity and obedience. Having effected this, he detached 100 persons to the falls of James River, under the command of West, and thf same number to Nansemond, under the command of Mar- tin. These settlements were conducted with so little THE UNITED STATES. 23 judgment, that they soon converted all the neighbouring Indians into enemies, had several parties cut off, and found themselves in need of the support and direction of Smith. These were always afforded, until a melancholy accident deprived the colony of the aid of a man, whose talents had more than once rescued it from that desperate condi- tion into which folly and vice had plunged it. Returning from the company at the falls of James River, his powder bag, while he was asleep in the boat, took fire; he was wounded so as to be confined to his bed. Being thus wounded, and unable to obtain the aid of a surgeon in the colony, he determined to return to England, for which place he embarked about the begin- ning of October. At his departure the colony consisted of about 500 inhabitants ; they were furnished with 3 ships, 7 boats, 10 weeks' provisions in the public store, mares and a horse, a large stock of hogs and poultry, with some sheep and goats ; utensils for agriculture, nets for fishing, 100 trained and expert soldiers, well acquaint- ed with the Indians, their language and habitations ; 24 pieces of ordnance, and three hundred muskets, with a sufficient quantity of other arms and ammunition. The present fair prospect was soon blasted. The In- dians understood that the man whose conduct and vigour they had so often experienced, and so much dreaded, no longer remained in the country ; they fell upon them. Captains West and Martin having lost their boats, and nearly half of their men, were driven back to Jamestown; the stock of provisions was lavishly wasted, and a famine, the most dreadful with which they had ever been afflicted, ra-jed among them. After devouring the skins of their horses, and the Indians they had killed, the survivors fed on those of their companions who had sunk under such accumulated calamities. This period was long remem- bered by the name of the Starving Time. In six months the colony was reduced to 60 persons, who were so feeble and dejected that they could not sur- vive ten days longer. In this calamitous state, they were relieved by Thomas Gates, George Somers, and Captain Newport, who arrived from Bermuda 24th of May, 1610. It was immediately determined to abandon the country ; 24 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF and for this purpose the wretched remnant of the colony embarked on board the vessel just arrived from Bermuda, and set sail for England. None dropped a tear, because none had enjoyed one day of happiness. But they met Lord Delawar in the river, with three ships, and a recruit of new settlers and persons from England, who prevailed on them to return, and.on the 10th of June, re-settled them at Jamestown. On the 10th of May, 1611, Sir Thomas Dale, who bad been appointed to the government, arrived with fresh supplies of men and provisions, and found the colony re- lapsing into its former state of idleness and penury. It required all the authority of the new governor to maintain public order, and to compel the idle and dissolute to labour. Some conspiracies having been detected, he proclaimed martial law, and instantly executed it, by punishing the most guilty. These severities, which, in the ordinary state of society, would not, and ought not to have been submitted to, were then deemed necessary, and are spoken of as having probably saved the settlement. In the beginning of August, Sir Thomas Gates, who had been appointed to succeed Thomas Dale, arrived with six ships, and a considerable supply of men and provi- sions. The colony being now greatly strengthened, began to extend itself up the James River, and several new set- tlements were made. In March, 1612, a new charter was issued, granting to the treasurer and company all the islands situate in the ocean, within three hundred leagues of the coast of Virginia. It was ordained that four general courts of adventurers should be holden annually, for the determination of affairs of importance, and weekly meetings were appointed for the transaction of common business. To promote the settlement, which had already cost such considerable sums, license w r as given to open lotteries in any part of England. These lotteries, which were the first ever drawn in England, brought twenty-nine thou- sand pounds into the treasury of the company. Captain Argal arrived from England with two vessels, and was sent round to the Potomac, for a cargo of corn. Here he understood that Pocahontas, who had saved the life of THE UNITED STATES. 25 Smith, and ever had been steadfast in her attachments to the English, having absented herself from her father's house, now lay concealed. By bribing some of those in whom she had confided, Captain Argal prevailed on her to come on board his ves- sel, where she was detained respectfully, and brought to Jamestown. His motive was, the hope that the posses- sion of Pocahontas would give the English an ascendancy over her father, Powhatan. In this, however, he was disappointed. Powhatan offered corn and friendship, if they would first restore his daughter, but would come to no terms until reparation was made for what he resented, as an act of unhandsome treachery. During her detention at Jamestown, she made an im- pression on the heart of Mr. Rolfe, a young gentleman of estimation in the colony, who also succeeded in gaining her affections. They were married, with the consent of Powhatan, who ever after continued to be a sincere friend to the English. This led to a treaty with the Chiccaho- minies, a brave and powerful tribe, who submitted to the English, and became their tributaries. In 1613, Sir Tho- mas Dale divided a considerable portion of the lands into lots of three acres each, and granted one of these to each individual in full propriety. Although they were still required to devote a great por- tion of their labour to the public, yet a sudden change was made in the appearance and habits of the colony. Industry advanced with rapid strides, and the colonists were no more fearful of. wanting bread, either for them- selves or the emigrants, who came annually from England. Early in the year 1614, Sir Thomas Gates returned to England, leaving the government again with Sir Thomas Dale. In 1615, fifty acres of land were allotted to each individual, which was actually laid off and delivered to the persons having titles to them, who were permitted to ex- ercise over them, in such a manner as was agreeable to themselves, all the rights of ownership. About the same time, tobacco was first cultivated in Virginia. This plant was detested by the king, who used all his nfluence to prevent its use. He even wrote a pamphlet against it, which he styled the counterblast. It was dis- 3 26 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF (countenanced by the leading members of parliament, and also by the company, who issued edicts against its culti- vation. And, although on a first experiment, it was un- pleasant in its taste, and disagreeable in its effects, it sur- mounted all difficulties, and has, by an unaccountable ca- price, been brought into general use, and become one of the most considerable staples of America. In the spring of 1616, Sir Thomas Dale sailed for Eng land, having placed the government in the' hands of George Yeardly, his deputy, who after a very lax administration of one year, was succeeded, in May, 1617, by Captain Argal, who had been appointed deputy governor by the company. He was a man of great talents and energy of mind, but selfish, haughty, and tyrannical.- He provided with abili- ty for the wants of the colony. Martial law was continu- ed during a season of peace ; and Mr. Brewster, who was tried under this arbitrary system, for contemptuous words spoken against the governor, was sentenced to suffer death. A respite of execution was with difficulty obtain- ed, and on an appeal to the council in England, the sen- tence was reversed. While martial law was, according to Stith, the common law of the land, the deputy govern- or seems to have been the sole legislator. His edicts mark the severity of his rule, but some of them evince an attention to the public safety. He ordered, that merchandise should be sold at the ad- vance price of 25 per cent., and tobacco taken in payment at the rate of three shillings a pcftind, under the penalty of three year's servitude to the company ; that no person should traffic with the Indians, or teach them the use of fire arms, under pain of death ; that no person should hunt deer or hogs without leave from the governor ; that no person should shoot, unless in his own defence, until a new supply of ammunition arrived, on pain of a year's personal service ; that no one should go on board the ships without the governor's leave; that every person should go to church on Sundays, under the penalty of slavery during that present week, for the first offence ; a month for the second, and a year for the third. The rigour of this administration necessarily excited THE UNITED STATES. 27 much discontent, and the complaints of the Virginians at length made their way to the company. Lord Delawar, being now dead, Mr. Yeardly was appointed captain- general, with instructions to examine with attention the wants of the people, and to redress them. The new governor arrived in April, 1619, and soon after, to the inexpressible joy of the inhabitants, declared his intentions to convoke a colonial assembly. This is an important era in the history of Virginia. Heretofore, all legislative authority had been exercised, either by the corporation in England, or by their officers in this coun- try. The people, either personally or by their represen- tatives, had no voice in the government of themselves, and their most important concerns were decided by persons unacquainted with their situation, and always possessing interests different from theirs. This first assembly met at Jamestown on the 19th of June, 1619. The colony was not then divided into coun- ties, and the members were elected by the different bo- roughs, amounting to seven in number. The assembly, composed of the governor, the council, and burgesses, met together in one apartment, and there debated all mat- ters thought conducive to the general welfare. The laws then enacted, which, it is believed, are no longer extant, were transmitted to England for the approbation of the treasurer and company, and were said to have been judi- ciously formed. The emigrations from England continued to be very considerable, and were made at great expense to the com- pany ; but as yet few females had ever crossed the Atlan- tic. Men without wives could not contemplate Virginia as a place of permanent residence, and proposed, after amassing some wealth, to return to their native land. To put an end to a mode of thinking in its effects so ruinous to the colony, it was proposed to send out 100 maids as wives for the colony ; 90 young girls were transported in the beginning of the year 1620, and 60 more in the sub- sequent year. They were immediately disposed of to the young planters. The price of a wife was estimated first at one hundred, and afterwards at one hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco, 28 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF then selling at three shillings per pound ; and a debt so contracted was made of greater dignity than any other. The education of the children was likewise attended to, and several steps were taken towards founding a college, afterwards completely established by William and Mary. About the same time, the company received orders from the king to transport to Virginia 100 idle and dissolute persons, then in the custody of the Knight Marshal. These men, dispersed through the colony, became a useful and acceptable addition of labourers, and were the first con- victs transported to America. CHAPTER III. From the embarkation of the Plymouth Company to the close of the Pequot War. WE have seen with what slow and difficult steps the first, or southern colony, although supported by individu- als of great wealth and influence in the nation, advanced to a firm and secure establishment. Let us now employ our attention in viewing the establishment of the Plymouth Company. King James first granted Letters Patent to this company, in 1606, to possess all the lands in America lying between 34 and 45 degrees of north latitude. They applied for leave to go under the royal sanction, but were refused. At length they obtained permission from the Virginia company to make a settlement near the mouth of Hudson's River. It was resolved that part of the congregation should remove first, and the remaining part, with their pastor, after the new settlement had commenced. This produced a scene at parting not to be described. They took their leave of one another, which proved to be their last leave, Urith many of them. They sailed from Holland to South- ampton, in England, where they met the other ships, and their friends who were to accompany them from England, in July, 1620. On the fifth of August they sailed from Southampton, THE UNITED STATES. 29 but, on account of bad weather, and the leakiness of one of their vessels, they were obliged twice to put back. The poorer vessel they were compelled to leave, while as many as could be accommodated, one hundred and one persons of the adventurers, entered on board the other ship, and took their last leave of the land of their fathers on the sixth of September. Called to go out into a place which they should after receive for an inheritance, they obeyed ; and they went out, not knowing whither they went. After a tedious voyage, safely housed in the ark which God in his providence had directed them to prepare, pro- tected by Him who directs the storm, on the tenth of No- vember they arrived at Cape Cod. The Dutch, intend- ing to keep Hudson's River, had bribed the ship master lo carry these adventurers so far northward, that they should not find their intended place of residence. They nad found land, and it was too late in the season to put to sea again; they were in a good harbour, but on a most barren and inhospitable shore. On their arrival, they stepped upon the strand, and with bended knees, gave thanks to God, who had preserved their number entire, and brought them in safety to these unhallowed shores. Being without the limits of their pa- tent, as to civil government, they were in a state of na- ture. They therefore procured and signed a civil com- pact, by which they severally bound themselves to be obedient to all ordinances made by the body, acknowledg- ing the King of Great Britain to be their lawful sovereign. They say, in the preamble, " Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honour of our king and country, a voyage, to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do, by these presents," &c. This instrument was executed on board their ship, on the eleventh of November. Mr. John Carver, a man of distinguished abilities and eminent piety, was chosen their governor. The prospects now before them, were such as to appal any other than our fathers. In a most howling wilder- ness, inhabittfl by pagan savages and wild beasts, a drea- ry winter approaching, no shelter from the tempest, and SO UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF as yet, no place of abode. They had one resting place, and that was all. Their trust was in Him who hath said to his chosen, The eternal God is thy refuge, and under- neath are the everlasting arms ; and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee, and shall say, destroy them. After several unsuccessful attempts to find a convenient place for their residence, a party sent out for discovery, entered the harbour of Plymouth. In a severe storm, on a December night, having, with their little bark, narrowly escaped a shipwreck, they w r ere cast upon an island in the harbour. This was on Friday night. The next day, they dried their clothes, concluding to remain on this little island till after the Sabbath. This little band, about twen* ty in number, observed "the next day as a Sabbath, which was the first Sabbath ever observed in a religious manner on the New-England shore. Having examined the harbour, they returned to the ship, which weighed anchor, and brought their consecrated car* go in safety. Here these pious pilgrims landed on the twenty-second of December, 1620. They called the place Plymouth, the name of the town from which they last sail- ed in England. They now had a country and a home* but they had a better country on high. They had now to contend with the inclement seasons^ with innumerable privations, in a constant fear of a savage foe. But God had prepared their way before them. A desolating plague, which prevailed among the natives about three years before, had nearly depopulated those parts of the country. On this account, they received very little molestation from the savages for many years. Had they been carried to Hudson's River, according to their intention, where the savages were numerous, there is much reason to believe the little colony would have been cut off. Infinite wisdom directed their course to their prepared habitation. We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, how thou didst drive out the heathen with thy hand, and planted them. The severities of the season, their unwholesome food, and their incessant labours, brought upon this little flock a general and very mortal sickness, so th* forty-six of their number died before the opening of the ensuing THE UNITED STATES. 31 spring. Of those who survived, the most had been se- verely sick. Who can contemplate this little band, in an uncultivated wilderness, with no promise of support from their mother country, exposed to the inclement skies of a dreary winter, with scanty supplies of food, utterly un- skilled and destitute of the means for the cultivation of a new country, with no security for future harvests ; sur- rounded with a savage enemy, whose seats and prowess they could not know ; visited with a raging disease, com- mitting, at times, two or three in a day to the grave ; of the living, scarcely enough who had strength to perform the rites of sepulture ; without despondency, firmly de- termined to abide the just appointments of Heaven and not admire a virtue which the religion of the Lord Jesus alone can furnish, and a patriotism to which the canonized heroes of Rome could never attain? Had their object been to obtain a property for them- selves, and for their posterity, or to obtain a name among the heroes of enterprise, they had sunk under their suf- ferings. Their souls were strengthened with other pros- pects. They confided in the wisdom of Heaven ; they firmly believed that the Most High would here plant and maintain his church ; that he would make the American wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord. Buoyed up by faith, strengthened by the promises, ob- stacles vanished before them. They knew God had often led his church into the wilderness, but he had never for* snken her. He raised up the righteous man from the east, brought him to a strange country, the Canaanite was then in the land, but he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow. On the fifth of April, after their arrival, the Plymouth Company were called to mourn the loss of their excellent governor, and a deacon of the church, Mr. Carver. Mr. Bradford, a gentleman of distinguished worth, was chosen to succeed him, and, excepting four years, he was annu- ally elected to the office till his death, in 1657. A little before the death of Mr. Carver, the Indian Sachem, Mas- sasoit, came into Plymouth in a friendly manner, and en- tered into a treaty of friendship with the colony, r hich 32 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF he observed inviolably till his death. He was father oi the famous Sachem, King Philip. After the first desolating sickness, the people of Ply- mouth were, generally, very healthy, and the most of the first planters who survived that epidemic, lived to old age. Their privations, however, and their sufferings, insepara- ble from the circumstances of their situation, were grout in the extreme. Their property was, principally, held in common stock for the support of the whole. And the wants of the few first years, consumed most of their stores. Through fear of the natives, having received some threat- ening intimations from some of the tribes, they wore ne* cessitated to erect a fort, to empale their whole village, and to keep a constant guard. In their excursions to find a proper place for settlement, while their ship lay at the cape, they found about ten bushels of Indian corn which had been buried, for which they afterwards paid the owners, which helped to pre- serve their lives the first winter, and afford them seed for planting in the ensuing spring. Some, friendly Indians taught them the manner of raising their corn, but their crop was very unequal to their necessities. Mr. Hutch*- inson is of opinion, that no English grain was raised in the colony previous to the year 1633, when a few ears of rye were produced. The first domestic cattle were brought to the colony in 1624; previous to which they had none for milk or labour. The most credible historians affirm, that these pilgrims subsisted, in repeated instances, for days and weeks toge- ther, without bread, feeding upon the wild nuts of the woods, and shell fish. Their difficulties for clothing were equally great. Some of the ancient writers intimate, that the great mortality in the first winter appears to have been the means, under a wise Providence, of preserving the colony from perishing by famine. The second summer after their arrival, the settlement was threatened with a famine by a severe drought. From the third week in May, to the middle of July, there was no rain. Their corn, for ^vhich they had made their utmost exertions, withered under the heat of a scorching sun ; the greater part of it appeared irrecoverably lost. The THE UNITED STATES 33 Indians, seeing their prospects, observed they would soon be subdued by famine, when they should find them an easy prey. A public fast was appointed and observed with great solemnity. The morning, and most of the day, was clear and hot, but, towards evening, the clouds collected, and like the gracious influences of God, the rain descended in moderate, yet copious showers. This revived their expi- ring crop, and produced a plentiful harvest. After which, they observed a day of public thanksgiving. I believe this to be the origin of our annual thanksgivings. This event made an astonishing impression on the minds of the natives, who saAv and acknowledged that the God of Christians was great, and good, and a hearer of prayer.* In the autumn of 1621, the plantation received an ac- cession of settlers of about thirty-five, of their friends from Holland. In the year 1(525, their venerable and beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Robinson, died at Leyden, in the fiftieth year of his age. He was^ thus prevented from ever seeing his much loved American church. After his death, the most of his congregation came over to Ply- mouth. The planters who first came to Plymouth were accom- panied by Mr. William Brewster, a ruling elder in the church, who supplied, in a good degree, the absence of their pastor. He was a man of abilities and learning, having been liberally educated at the University of Cam- bridge, and of great piety. Being an able and useful preacher, he served the congregation in that capacity the greater part of the time till his death, about twenty-three years after the first settlement. The congregation, how- ever, enjoyed the labours of other ministers during this period. This little colony continued for many years in harmo- ny, and were, perhaps, as eminent as any people which have appeared in modern time, for continuing steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. In 1621, the Virginia company passed an ordinance * See Morton, and others. 34 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF establishing the constitution of the colony. This pro- vided, that henceforth there should be two supreme coun- cils in Virginia, the one to be called the council of state, to be appointed and displaced by the treasurer and com- pany, and to assist the governor with advice on executive subjects ; the other to be denominated the general assem- bly, and to consist of the governor, the council, and two burgesses, to be chosen for the present by the inhabitants of every town. The assembly was empowered to consult and determine on matters respecting the public weal. It was declared, that no acts passed by the assembly should be in force until confirmed by the general court in England, and the ratification returned under its seal, and that, on the other hand, no order of the general court should bind the colony until assented to by the assembly. In 162^, the controversy which had for some time existed be- tween the crown and the company, concerning the im- portation of tobacco, was at length adjusted by amicable agreement. The king had demanded high duties on that article, while he admitted its importation from the dominions of Spain, and had also restrained the company from trans- porting it directly from Virginia to their warehouses in Holland, to which expedient his exactions had driven them. It was now agreed, that they should enjoy the sole right of importing that commodity into the kingdom, for which they should pay a duty of nine pence per pound, in lieu of all charges, and that the whole productions of the colony should be brought to England. The industry of the colony had now greatly increased. At peace with the Indians, their settlements had extended not only along the banks of James and York rivers, but to the Rappa- hannoc, and even to the Potowmac. It now became extremely inconvenient to bring all causes to Jamestown before the governor and council. Thus originated the present county courts of Virginia. In this year the cup of prosperity, of which the colony now began to taste, was dashed from their lips, by an event which shook to its foundation, and nearly destroyed the colony. In the year 1618, Powhatan, the most pow~ THE UNITED STATES. 35 erful of the Indian kings in Virginia, who, after the mar- riage of his daughter to Mr. Rolfe, had remained faithful to the English, departed this life, and was succeeded by Opechancanough, a bold and cunning chief, remarkable for his jealousy and hatred of the new settlers ; but for a considerable time the general peace remained undisturbed. The Indians were furnished with fire arms, and taught the use of them ; they were admitted at all times freely into '^e habitations of the English, as harmless visitants ; were fed at their tables, and lodged in their chambers. The 22d of March, was designated as the day on which all the English were to be at the same instant attacked. Thus, in one hour, and almost at the same instant, fell 347 men, women, and children. The massacre would have been still greater, had not information been given the preceding night, to a Mr. Pace, by an Indian, who disclosed to him the plot. He immediately carried the intelligence to Jamestown, and the alarm was given to some of the nearest settlements, which were thereby saved. As soon as intelligence reached England of these cala- mities of the sufferers, relief was ordered. Arms from the tower were delivered to the treasurer and company, and several vessels were immediately despatched with ar- ticles for their relief. While the Virginians were mourn- ing their losses, the Plymouth company began to experi- ence the distress of famine. By the time their planting was finished, 1623, their provisions were so far exhausted, that they had neither bread nor corn, for three or four months. A drought continued from May until some time in July. Under these afllictions, they appointed a day of fasting and prayer, to humble themselves before God. But a plentiful harvest soon followed, which was noticed by a day of thanksgiving. Mr. White, a non-conformist minister at Dorchester, who had prevented some few of his countrymen who had settled around the Bay at Massachusetts, from returning to England, by his assurances of procuring tl-em relief and assistance, formed by great exertions an association of several gentlemen, who had imbibed puritanical opinions, for the purpose of conducting thither a co) >v ind ren- 36 UNIVERSAL HISTORY CF (lering it an asylum from the persecution of his own per- suasion. In prosecution of their views, a treaty was con- cluded with the council of Plymouth, for the purchase of part of New-England ; and that corporation, in March, 1627, conveyed to Sir Henry Roswell, and others, all that pait of New-England lying three miles to the south of Charles River, and three miles north of Merrmiack River, and extending from the Atlantic to the south sea. A small number of planters and servants were soon af- terwards despatched under Endicot, a- deep enthusiast, who, in September, 1628, laid the foundation of Salem, the first permanent town in Massachusetts. In the year 1629, soon after the organization of the company, under the sanction of the royal charter, they resolved a second embarkation for their new colony, to support the expenses of which, it was resolved, that every person who should subscribe fifty pounds, should be entitled to two hundred acres of land, as the first dividend. Five ships were provided for the purpose, and bein- laden with cattle and other necessaries, for the supply of the colony, with three hundred persons, men, women. and children, they sailed from the Isle of "Wight, in May. and arrived at Salem in June, where they found Endicot. to whom they brought a confirmation of his commission as governor. The colony now consisted of three hundred persons, of whom one hundred removed and settled the town of Charlestown ; and the remainder continued at Salem. Mr. Hugginson and Mr. Skelton, distinguished for their learning and piety, both of them, resolved to lend important services in laying the foundation of the Ameri- can Church. These faithful servants of Christ cordially engaged in the great design ; they embarked with the se- cond party, and arrived at Salem in 1629. Early in the following year, John Winthrop, who had been appointed governor, and Thomas Dudley, deputy governor, with one thousand five hundred persons, em- barked on board of seventeen vessels, at an expense of upwards of twenty thousand pounds, and arrived at Salem in July, 1630. Dissatisfied with this situation, they explored the country in quest of a better station, and sel- THE UNITED STATES. 37 tied in many places around the bay ; and laid the founda* tion of several towns ; among others, of Boston. On the arrival of Gov. Winthrop, in July, who was from that time to his death, the head and father of the co- lony, he found the plantation in a suffering state. In the preceding autumn, the colony contained about three hun- dred inhabitants ; eighty of them died, and a great part of the survivors were in a weak, sickly state. Their supply of corn was not sufficient for more than a fortnight, and their provisions nearly exhausted. Friday, February 6th, was appointed as a day of fasting and prayer ; but on the fifth of February, a ship arrived with provisions, and a day of thanksgiving was appointed by the governor. The succeeding winter commenced in December, with great severity ; few of the houses which had been erected were comfortable. Unused to such severities of climate, the people suffered severely from the cold. Many of them died from the cold. On the opening of the spring of 1631, health was generally restored in the settlements ; but the colony was greatly impoverished. All the provisions that were brought from England, were purchased at a very high rate. By the length of the passage, and the severity of the winter, the greater part of their cattle died. The materials for building, and implements of labour, were ob- tained with great difficulty and expense. This year, great exertions were made for a crop of Indian corn, which was their whole dependance ; and it pleased God to give them an abundant harvest. In the commencement of all the individual settlements, the planters were mindful of their great errand into the wilderness ; and directed their first exertions to the esta blishmentofthe church of Christ, and the institution of the gospel. The first church after the one at Salem was gathered at Charlestown, August 27th, 1630. Soon after this a church was organized at Dorchester. The next was at Boston, one at Roxbury, one at Lynn, and one at Watertown. In less than two years from the organiza- tion of the first church in Salem, there were in the colon? seven churches, which were indeed golden candlesticks. In 1633 came over Mr. Haynes, afterwards the first governor of Connecticut, and Mr. Stone, Mr. Booker, 4 38 UNIVERSAL nusTORY OF and Mr. Cotton, three of the most eminent lights of the New-England churches. On the 21st of February, an order was made by the king in council, to stop the ships at that time ready to sail, freighted with passengers and provisions for New- England. But this order seems never to have been strictly executed, as the emigrations still continued, without any sensible diminution. Let me now call the attention of the reader to the set tlement of Connecticut. The first discovery of the coun- try of Connecticut River was made by the enterprising people of Plymouth, in 1633. The Plymouth people de- termined to undertake the enterprise at their own risk. Preparations were made for erecting a trading house, and establishing a small company upon the river. In the mean time, the master of a vessel from Massa- chusetts, who was trading at New-Netherlands, showed to the Dutch Governor the commission the English had to trade and settle in New-England ; and that the king had granted these parts to his own subjects ; he also desired that the Dutch would not build in Connecticut. The Dutch governor requested that the English would not set- tle in Connecticut until the affair should be determined be- tween them. This appears to have been a piece of po licy in the Dutch governor, to keep the English back until the Dutch had got a firm footing upon the river. In September, several vessels went into Connecticut River to trade. John Oldham, from Dorchester, with a few men, travelled through Connecticut, to view the coun- try and trade Avith the Indians. He found that the In- dian hemp grew in great abundance in the meadows, and purchased a quantity of it, which, upon trial, was found to exceed that which grew in England. William Holmes, of Plymouth, with his company, having prepared the frame of a house, and boards and materials for covering it, imme- diately put them on board a vessel, and sailed for Con- necticut. When he came into the river, he found that the Dutch had got in before him, and made a light fort, and planted two pieces of cannon at the mouth of the little river since called Hartford. The Dutch forbade Holmes going up THE UNITED STATES. 39 the river stood by their cannon, and ordered him to strike his colours, or they would fire upon him ; but he was a man of spirit, and assured them that he had a commis- sion from the governor of Plymouth, to go up the river, and go he \vould. They still threatened, but he pro- ceeded landed on the west side of the river, and erected his house a little below the mouth of the little river in Windsor. This was the first house erected in Connecticut. It was covered with the utmost despatch, and well fortified. The Sachems, who were original owners of the soil, had been driven from this point of the country by the Pe- quots, and were now carried home on board Holmes' ves- sel. The Dutch, about the same time, erected a trading house at Hartford. It was with great difficulty that Holmes and his company erected and fortified their house, ind kept it afterwards. The Dutch, before the Plymouth people took possession of the river, had been invited to trade with them at Connecticut ; but when they found that they were preparing for a settlement there, they repented of the invitation, and did all in their power to prevent them. On the 8th of June, the Dutch purchased about twenty acres of land at Hartford, of a Pequod captain. Of this the Dutch took possession ; they pro tested against Holmes, the builder of the trading house. Some time afterwards, the Dutch governor dispatched a reinforcement from fort Amsterdam to Connecticut, designing to drive Holmes and his company from the river. A band of seventy men assaulted the Plymouth house ; but they found it too well fortified, and gave up their design. In November and December, the small pox raged among the Indians ; two Sachems, with a great part of their Indians, died. When their own people forsook them, the English, who lived near them, went to their wig- wams, and ministered to them. Some families spent al- most their whole time with them. One Englishman buried thirty of their dead in one day. In 1634, at a meeting of the General Court in Sep- tember, the people of Newtown made application for liberty to remove to Connecticut river. Mr. Hooker, 40 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF acting as principal advocate for the people, the court re- fused to give their consent; and the design was given over. In 1635, permission was granted, on condition that the new settlement should continue subject to the ju- risdiction of Massachusetts. The people of Newtown, Dorchester, and Watertown, now began to prepare for their new habitation. In the course of the season, seve- ral people went to Connecticut river; some by water, some through the wilderness. The Dorchester men sat down at Windsor, near the Plymouth trading house. They purchased the building and land owned by the Plymouth people. The people from Newtown, of whom but few removed till the follow- ing year, settled at Hartford. The Watertown settlers began the town of Wethersfield. In 1636, about one hundred persons, men, women, and children, led by the Rev. Messrs. Hooker and Stone, together with their horses, cattle, and swine, commenced their journey through the wilderness to Connecticut River. They travelled about two weeks on foot, during which time they lived npon the milk of their cows. By the 25th of November, Connecticut River was frozen over ; heavy falls of snow succeeded, and the season was very severe. Several small vessels, which had been laden with their furniture and provisions, sailed from Boston, and were wrecked on the coast. By the last of Novem- ber provisions began to fail in the settlements on the river, and death looked them sternly in the face. Thirteen in one company, driven by hunger, attempted their way in this severe season. In passing the river one of their company fell through the ice, and was drowned, the., other twelve were kept from perishing by the Indians, and ar- rived in Massachusetts in ten days. Their distress was so great, that by the first of Decem- ber a considerable part of the men settlers were obliged to abandon their habitations. As the only means of pre- serving their lives, about seventy persons, men, women, and children, left their settlements, and went down the river, in hopes of meeting with their provisions. As their expectation failed, they went on board the Rebecca, lying near the mouth of the river. This, but two days THE UNITED STATES. 41 before, was frozen in twenty miles up the river, but was released by the falling of a small rain, and reached Boston in five days. Had it not been for a very quick passage, the people must have perished. The people that kept their situations on the river suf- fered extremely. After all the help they were able to obtain by hunting, and from the Indians, they were obliged to subsist on acorns, malt, and grain. The number of cattle that could not be got over before winter, living upon what they found in the woods and meadows, win- tered better than those which were brought over ; how- ever, a great number of them perished. Early in the spring, those who went from Connecticut to spend the winter with their friends, began to return to their new habitations. The first court held in Connecticut, was held at New- town, April 26th, 1636. Towards the last of the year 1635, Mr. Winthrop, son of the Massachusetts governor, the worthy character who afterwards procured the Connecticut charter, arrived at Boston, with a commission from Lords Say and Seal, Lord Brook, and others, to take possession of Connecti- cut River, and build a fort, which they had named Say- brook. In a few days a Dutch vessel appeared off the harbour, sent to take possession of the entrance of the river, and erect fortifications; but the English had by this time mounted two cannon, and prevented their landing. Thus, providentially, was this fine tract of country preserved for onr venerable ancestors, and their posterity. In September, 1636, Mr. Pynchion, with a part of the people of Roxbury, began the settlement of the town of Springfield; but no sooner had the English begun to trade, and make settlements in Connecticut, than the Pe- quods began to murder, and kill their cattle. In 1634 they murdered Captains Stone and Norton, with their whole crew, consisting of eight men ; they then plunder- ed and sunk the vessel. In November following, the Pequods sent a messenger to Boston, for the purpose of obtaining peace with the English. He made an offer of a great quantity of beaver 4* 42 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF skins, to persuade the governor to enter into a league with them. The governor assured them that the English were willing to make peace, on condition that they would give up the murderers of Captain Stone and his men ; the In- dians assured him that the murderers were all dead but two, and they would give them up to justice ; they offered to give up their right at Connecticut river, if the English desired to settle there, and engaged to assist them as far as was in their power, in making settlements ; they also agreed that they would give the English forty beaver, and thirty otter skins. The governor and council entered into a treaty with them on the conditions they proposed. Whatever their designs were at that time, they soon after- wards became more and more mischievous, hostile and bloody. In 1636, John Oldham was murdered near Block Island. He had with him two boys, and two Narraganset Indians ; these were taken and carried off. John Gallup, as he was going from Connecticut to Boston, discovered Mr. Oldham's vessel full of Indians, and saw a canoe go from her laden with goods. Suspecting they had murder- ed Mr. Oldham, he hailed them, but received no answer. Gallup was a bold man ; and although he had but one man and two boys with him, he immediately bore down upon her, and fired duck shot so thick among them, that he soon cleared the deck. The Indians all got under the hatches. He then stood off, bore down upon her, with a brisk gale, and nearly overset her, which so frightened the Indians that several jumped overboard, and were drowned ; he then stood off, and, running down upon her the second time, raked her fore and aft with his shot, and, running down upon her a third time, he gave her such a shock, that five more jump- ed overboard and were drowned. He then boarded her, and took two of the Indians and bound them. Two or three others, armed with swords, in a little room below, could not be driven out. Mr. Oldham's corpse was found on board ; his head split, and the body mangled in a bar- barous manner. Gallup ancj his men, then, as decently as possible, put the corpse into the sea. After taking her rigging and THE UNITED STATES, 43 goods, which had not been carried off, they were obliged to let her go adrift, and she was lost. The Indians who committed the murder were chiefly Block Islanders and Narragansets. The governor and council of Massachu- setts despatched Captain Endicott, with ninety volunteers, to avenge the murder. The Narraganset Sachems sent home Mr. Oldham's two boys, and made peace with them ; but the other In- dians made no compensation. Captain Endicott was ordered to proceed to Block Island, put the men to the sword, and take possession of the island, but to spare the women and children. They sailed from Boston 25th of August. When they arrived at Block Island, forty or fifty Indians appeared on shore, and opposed his landing. After a short skirmish, the Indians fled to the woods. After the English had spent two days on the islands, burning the wigwams, destroying the corn, and staving their canoes, they sailed for the Pequot country: when they had arrived in Pequot harbour, Captain Endicott ac- quainted the Pequots with his design ; in a few hours about three hundred Pequots appeared upon the shore ; but as soon as they were fully informed of his business, they began to withdraw into the woods. He landed his men on both sides of the harbour, burnt their wigwams, destroyed their canoes, killed one or two Indians, and re- turned to Boston. This measure, instead of allaying, seemed to increase their hostility ; several persons were taken near Saybrook fort, and tortured with savage barbarity. About the be- ginning of October, the enemy concealed themselves in the grass in the meadow, and surprised five of the garri- son at Saybrook, as they were carrying home their hay. One Butterfield was taken and tortured to death, the rest made their escape. Eight or ten days after, Joseph Fil- ley, a master of a small vessel, was taken as he was going down the Connecticut River. He came to anchor about three miles above the fort, and taking a canoe, and one man with him, went a fowling. No sooner had he discharged his piece, than a large number of Pequots, arising from their concealment, took him, and killed his companion. The Indians used him in 44 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the most barbarous manner, first cutting off his hands and then his feet, thus torturing him to death. As he did not groan, they pronounced him a stout man. In March, 1627, Lieutenant Gardiner, who commanded the fort at Saybrook, going out with about twelve men to burn their marshes, was waylaid near a narrow neck of land ; the enemy rose upon him, killed three of his men, and wounded several. The enemy pursued them in great numbers to the fort, and compassed it on all sides. They challenged the English to come out and fight; they boasted that they could kill the English-men all one flies ; mocked the groans of the wounded. But the can- non being loaded with grape shot was fired among them, which caused them to groan in reality. Soon after, the enemy, in a number of canoes, beset a shallop, going down the river, with three men on board ; the men fought bravely, but were overpowered by num- bers, and taken. The Indians ripped them up from the bottom of their bellies to their throats, and cleft them down their backs. They then hung them upon trees beside the river, in full view of the English, as they passed up and down, on the river. At a court holden at Hartford, it was decreed that the plantation of Newtown should be named Hartford, and that Watertown should be named Wethersfield, and that Dorchester should be called Windsor. In April, the Indians waylaid the people at Wethers- field, as they were going into the fields to labour, and kill- ed six men and three women ; two maids were taken cap- tive, twenty cows killed, and other damages done to the inhabitants. The court holden at Hartford, May 1st, 1637, resolved to prosecute the war with the Pequots ; that ninety men should be raised ; forty-two from Hartford, thirty from Windsor, and eighteen from Wethersfield. Massachu- setts determined to send two hundred, and Plymouth for- ty men, to assist Connecticut in prosecuting the war. On Wednesday, the 10th of May, the troops fell down the river, for the fort at Saybrook. They consisted of 90 Englishmen, and about 70 Mohegan and River Indians. They embarked on board a pink, a pinnance, and a shal- THE UNITED STATES. 45 lop. The Indians were commanded by Uncas, sachem of the Mohegans. The whole was commanded by Captain John Mason, who had been bred a soldier in the old coun- tries. The Rev. Mr. Stone, of Hartford, went their chap- lain. On Monday, the 15th, the troops arrived at Say- brook fort. As the water was low, this little fleet several times ran aground. The Indians, impatient of delays, de- sired to be set on shore, promising to join the English at Saybrook. The captain, therefore, granted their request. On their march they fell in with about forty of the enemy, near the fort, killed seven, and took one prisoner. The prisoner had been a perfidious villian. He had lived in the fort some time before, and could speak Eng- lish well. But after the Pequots commenced hostilities against the English, he became a constant spy upon the garrison, and acquainted Sassacus with every thing he could discover. He had been present at the slaughter of all the English who had been killed at Saybrook. Uncas, and his men, insisted upon executing him ac- cording to the manner of their ancestors ; and the English, in the circumstances in which they then were, did not judge it prudent to interpose. The Indians, kindling a large fire, violently tore him limb from limb. Barbarously cut- ting his flesh in pieces, they handed it round from one to another, eating it, singing and dancing round the fire, in their violent and tumultuous manner. The bones, and such parts of their captive, as were not consumed in this dreadful repast, were committed to the flames, and burnt to ashes. This success was matter of joy, not only as it was a check upon the enemy, but it was an evidence of the fide- lity of Uncas, and his Indians, of which the English had been before in doubt. There were other circumstances, however, which more than counterbalanced this joy. The army lay wind bound until Friday, and Captain Mason and his officers were entirely divided in opinion, with respect to the manner of prosecuting their enterprise. The court, by the commission and instructions which it had given, enjoined the landing of the men at Pequot harbour, and that from thence they should advance upon the enemy. The captain was for passing by them, and sailing to the 46 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Narraganset country. He was fixed in this opinion, be- cause that, expecting the army at Pequot harbour, they kept watch upon the river night and day. Their number of men greatly exceeded his. He was informed,' at Say- brook, that they had sixteen fire arms, with powder and shot. The harbour was compassed with rocks and thick- ets, affording the enemy every advantage. They were upon the land, and exceedingly light-footed. He was therefore of the opinion, that they would render it very difficult and dangerous to land, and that he might sustain such loss, as would discourage his men, and frustrate the design of the expedition. If they should make good their landing, he was sure, that while they directed their march through the country, to the enemy's forts, they would waylay, and attack them with their whole force, at every difficult pass. Besides, if they should find, on trial, that they were not able to de- feat the English, they would run off to swamps and fast- nesses, where they could not be found ; and they should not be able to effect any thing capital against them. He was not without hopes, that, by going to Narraganset, he might surprise them. There was also some prospect that the Narragansets would join him in the expedition, and that he might fall in with some part of the troops from Massachusetts. His officers and men in general were for attending their instructions, and going at all hazards directly to the forts. The necessity of their affairs at home the danger of the Indians attacking their families and settlements in their absence, made them wish at once to despatch the business on which they had been sent. They did not re- lish a long march through the wilderness. They also imagined that they might be discovered, even should they determine to march from Narraganset to the attack of the enemy. In this division of opinion, Mr. Stone was de- sired by the officers most importunately to pray for them, that their way might be directed, and that, notwithstand- ing the present embarrassment, the enterprise might be crowned with success. Mr. Stone spent most of Thursday night in prayer, and the next morning visiting Captain Mason, assured him, THE UNITED STATES. 47 that he had done as he was desired ; adding, that he was entirely satisfied with his plan. The council was again called ; and, upon a full view of all the reasons, unani- mously agreed to proceed to Narraganset. It was also determined that twenty men should be sent back to Con- necticut, to strengthen the infant settlements, while the rest of the troops were employed in service against the enemy ; and, that Captain Underbill, with nineteen men, from the garrison at Saybrook fort, should supply their places. On Friday, May 19th, the captain sailed for Narra- ganset bay, and arrived on Saturday at the desired port. On Monday, Captain Mason and Captain Underbill marched with a guard to the plantation of Canonicus, and ac- quainted him with the design of their 'coming. A mes- senger was immediately dispatched to Miantonimoh, the chief sachem of the Narragansetts, to acquaint him also with the expedition. The next day Miantonimoh met them, with his chief counsellors and warriors, consisting of about 200 men. Captain Mason certified him that the occasion of his coming with armed men into his country, was to avenge the intolerable injuries which the Pequots, his as well as their enemies, had done the English; and that he desired a free passage to the Pequot forts. After a solemn con- sultation in the Indian manner, Miantonimoh answered, That he highly approved of the expedition, and that he would send men. He observed, however, that the En- glish were not sufficient in number to fight with the enemy. He said the Pequots were great captains, skilled in war, and rather slighted the English. Captain Mason landed his men, and marched just at night to the plantation of Canonicus, which was Ap- pointed to be the place of general rendezvous. That night there arrived an Indian-xrunner in the camp, with a letter from Captain Patrick, who had arrived with his party at Mr. William's plantation in Providence. Captain Pat- rick signified his desire that Captain Mason would wait until he could join him. Upon deliberation, it was de- termined not to wait, though a junction was greatly de- sired. The men had already been detained much longer 48 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF than was agreeable to their wishes. When they had ab- solutely resolved the preceding day to march the next morning, the Indians insisted that they were but in jest ; that Englishmen talked much, but would not fight. It was, therefore, feared that any delay would have a bad effect upon them. It was also suspected that, if they did not proceed immediately, they should be discovered, as there were a number of squaws who maintained an in- tercourse between the Pequot and Narraganset Indians The army, therefore, consisting of seventy-seven En- glishmen, sixty Mohegan and River Indians, and about two hundred Narragansets, marched on Wednesday morn- ing, and that day reached the eastern Nihantic, about eighteen or twenty miles from the place of rendezvous the night before. This was a frontier to the Pequots, and was the seat of one of the Narraganset sachems. Here the army halted at the close of the day. But the sachem, and his Indians, conducted themselves in a haughty manner towards the English, and would not suf- fer them to enter within their fort. Captain Mason, there- fore, placed a strong guard round the fort, and as the In- dians would not suffer him to enter it, he determined that none of them should come out. Knowing the perfidy of the Indians, and that it was customary among them to suffer the nearest relatives of their greatest enemies to reside with them, he judged it necessary, to prevent their discovering him to the enemy. In the morning a considerable number of Miantoni- moh's men came on and joined the English. This en- couraged many of the Nihanticks also to join them. They soon formed a circle, and made protestations how gal- lantly they would fight, and what numbers they would kill. When the army marched, the next morning, the captain had with him nearly five hundred Indians. He marched twelve miles, to the ford in Pawcatuck River. The day was very hot, and the men, through the great heat, and a scarcity of provision, began to faint. The army, therefore, made a considerable halt, and refreshed themselves. Here the Narraganset Indians began to manifest their dread of the Pequots, and to inquire of Captain Mason, with great anxiety, what were his real THE UNITED STATES. 49 designs. He assured them, that it was his design to at tack the Pequots in their forts. At this they appeared to be panic struck, and filled with amazement. Many ot them drew off, and returned to Narraganset. The army marched on about three miles, and came to Indian corn fields, and the captain, imagining that he drew near the enemy, made a halt : he called his guides and council, and demanded of the Indians how far it wa:$ to the forts. They represented, that it was twelve miles to Sassacus's fort, and that both forts were in a manner impregnable. Wequosh, a Pequot captain or petty sa- chem, who had revolted from Sassacus to the Narragan- sets, was the principal guide, and he proved faithful. He gave such information respecting the distance of the forts from each other, and the distance which they were then at from the chief sachem's, as determined him and his officers to alter the resolution which they had be- fore adopted, of attacking them both at once, and to make a united attack upon that at Mistic. He found his men so fatigued, in marching through a pathless wilderness, with their provisions, arms, and ammunition, and so af- fected with the heat, that this resolution appeared to be absolutely necessary. One of Captain Underbill's men became lame, at the same time, and began to fail. The army, therefore, proceeded directly to Mistic, and, con- tinuing their march, came to a small swamp between two hills, just at the disappearing of the daylight. The officers, supposing that they were now near the fort, pitched their little camp between or near two large rocks in Groton, since called Porter's Rocks. The men were faint and weary, and though the rocks were their pillows, their rest was sweet. The guards and sentinels were considerably advanced, in the front of the army, and heard the enemy singing at the fort, who continued their rejoicings even until midnight. They had seen the vessels pass the harbour some days before, and had con- cluded that the English were afraid, and had not courage to attack them. They were, therefore, rejoicing, singing, dancing, insulting them, and wearying themselves, on this account. The night was serene, and, towards morning, the moon 5 50 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF shone clear. The important crisis was now come, when the very existence of Connecticut, under Providence, was to be determined by the sword in a single action, and to be decided by the good conduct of less than eighty brave men. The Indians who remained were now sorely dismayed, and though, at first, they had led the van, and boasted of great feats, yet were now all fallen back in the rear. About two hours before day the men were roused with all expedition, and briefly commending themselves, and their cause, to God, advanced immediately towards the fort. After a march of about two miles, they came to the foot of a large hill, where a fine country opened before them. The captain, supposing thav the fort could not be far distant, sent for the Indians in the rear to comejip. Uncas and Wequosh at length appeared. He demand- ed of them where the fort was. They answered, on the top of the hill. He demanded of them, where were the other Indians. They answered, that they were much afraid. The cap- tain sent to them not to fly, but to surround the fort, at any distance they pleased, and see whether Englishmen would fight. The day was nearly dawning, and no time was to be lost. The men pressed on, in two divisions, Captain Mason to the northeastern, and Captain Underbill to the western entrance. As the object which they had been so long seeking came into view, and while they reflected they were to fight not only for themselves, but their parents, wives, children, and the whole colony, the martial spirit kindled in their bosoms, and they were wonderfully ani- mated. As Captain Mason advanced within a rod or two of the fort, a dog barked, and an Indian roared out, Owanux ! Owanux ! That is, Englishmen ! Englishmen ! The troops pressed on, and as the Indians were rally ing,, pour- ed in upon them, through the pallisadoes, a general dis- charge of their muskets, and then wheeling oft' to the prin- cipal entrance, entered the fort sword in hand. Notwith- standing the suddenness of the attack, the blaze and thun- der of their arms, the enemy made a manly and desperate jresi stance. Captain Mason, and his party, drove the In- THE UNITED STATES. 51 dians in the main street towards the west part of the fort, where some bold men, who had forced their way, met them, and made such slaughter among them,, that the street was soon clear of the enemy. They secreted them- selves in and behind their wigwams, and taking advan- tage of every covert, maintained an obstinate defence. The Captain, and his men, entered the wigwams, where they were beset with many Indians, who took every advan- tage to shoot them, and lay hands upon them, so that it was with great difficulty that they could defend themselves with their swords. After a severe conflict, in which ma- ny of the Indians were slain, some of the English killed, and others sorely wounded, the victory still hung in sus- pense. The Captain, finding himself much exhausted, and out of breath, as well as his men, by the extraordinary exertions which they had made ; in this critical state of ac- tion, had recourse to a successful expedient. He cries out to his men, We must burn them. He immediately entered a wigwam, took fire, and put it into the mats, with which the wigwams were covered. The fire, instantly kindling, spread with such violence that all the Indian houses were soon wrapped in flames. As the fire increased, the English retired without the fort, and compassed it on every side. Uncas, and his Indians, with such of the Narragansets as yet remained, took cou- rage from the example of the English, and formed another circle in the rear of them. The enemy were now seized with astonishment, and forced by the flames from their lurking places, into open light, became a fair mark for the English soldiers. Some climbed the pallisadoes, and were instantly brought down by the fire of the English muskets. Others, desperately sallying forth from their burning cells, were shot, or cut in pieces with the sword. Such terror fell upon them, that they would run back from the English into the very flames. Great numbers perished in the conflagration. The greatness and violence of the fire, the reflection of the light, the flashing and roar of the arms, the shrieks and veilings of the men, women, and children, in the fort, and the shoutings of the Indians without, just at the dawn-- ing of the morning, exhibited a grand and awful scene. In 52 , UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF a little more than an hour, this whole work of destruction was finished. Seventy wigwams were burnt, and fhte or six hundred Indians perished, either by the sword or in the flames.* A hundred and fifty warriors had been sent on the evening before, who that very morning were to have gone forth against the English. Of these, and all who belonged to the fort, seven only escaped, and seven were made prisoners. It had been previously concluded not to burn the fort, but to destroy the enemy, and take the plunder ; but the captain afterwards found it the only expedient to obtain the victory, and save his men. Thus parents and children, the sannup and squaw, the old man and babe, perished in promiscuous ruin. Though the victory was complete, yet the army were in great danger and distress. The men had been ex- ceedingly fatigued, by the heat and long marches through rough and difficult places, and by that constant watch and guard which they had been obliged to keep. They had now been greatly exhausted, by the sharpness of the ac- tion, and the exertions which they had been necessitated to make. Their loss was very considerable. Two men were killed, and nearly twenty wounded. This was more than one quarter of the English. Num- bers fainted by reason of fatigue, the heat, and want of necessaries. The surgeon, their provisions, and the ar- ticles necessary for the wounded, were on board the ves- sels which had been ordered to sail from the Narraganset bay the night before, for Pequot harbour ; but there was no appearance of them in the Sound. They were sen- sible that, by the burning of the fort, and the noise of war, they had alarmed the country, and therefore were in constant expectation of an attack, by a fresh and nu- merous enemy from the other fortress, and from every quarter whence the Pequots might be collected. A number of friendly Indians had been wounded, and they were so distracted with fear, that it was difficult even to speak with their guide and interpreter, or to know any thing what they designed. The English were in an ene- * Captain Mason, in his history, says, six or seven hundred. From the number of wigwams, and the reinforcement, the probability is, that about six hundred were destroyed. THE UNITED STATES. 53 my's country, and entire strangers to the way in which they must return. The enemy were far more numerous than themselves, and enraged to the highest degree. An- other circumstance rendered their situation still more dangerous ; their provisions and ammunition were nearly expended. Four or five men were so wounded that it was necessary to carry them ; and they were also obliged to bear about twenty fire arms, so that not more than forty men could be spared for action. After an interval of about an hour, while the officers were in consultation what course they should take, their vessels, as though guided by the hand of Providence, to serve the necessities of these brave men, came full in view, and, under a fair gale, were steering directly into the harbour. This, in the situation of the army at that time, was a most joyful sight. Immediately upon the discovery of the vessels, aboui three hundred Indians came on from the other fort. Cap- tain Mason, perceiving their approach, led out a chosen party to engage them, and try their temper. He gave them such a warm reception, as soon checked and put them to a stand. This gave him great encouragement, and he ordered the army to march for Pequot harbour. The enemy, upon this, immediately advanced to the hill where the fort stood ; and viewing the destruction which had been made, stamped, and tore their hair from their heads. After a short pause, and blowing themselves up to the highest transport of passion, they leaped down the hill after the army, in the most violent manner, as though they were about to run over the English. Captain Underbill, who, with a number of the best men, was ordered to defend the rear, soon checked the eagerness of their pursuit, and taught them to keep at more respectful distance. The friendly Indians who ha not deserted, now kept close to the English ; and, it was believed, that after the enemy came on, they were afraid to leave them. The enemy pursued the army nearly six miles ; sometimes shooting at a distance, from behind the rocks and trees, and, at other times, pressing on more violently, and desperately hazarding themselves in the ~^en field. 5* 54 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF That the English might be enabled to fight, Captain Mason soon hired the Indians to carry the wounded men and their arms. The English killed several of the ene- my while they pursued them, but sustained no loss them- selves. When they killed a Pequot, the other Indians would shout, run, and fetch his head. At length the ene- my, finding that they could make no impression upon the army, and that wounds and death attended their attempts, gave over the pursuit. The army then marched to the harbour, with their co- lours flying, and were received on board the vessels, with great mutual joy and congratulation, In about three weeks from the time the men embarked at Hartford, they returned again to their respective habi- tations. They were received with the greatest exultation. As the people had been deeply affected with their danger, and full of anxiety for their friends, while nearly half the effective men in the colony were in service, upon so hazardous an enterprise, so sudden a change, in the great victory obtained, and in the safe return of so many of their children and neighbours, filled them with exceeding joy and thankfulness. Every family, and every worshipping assembly, spoke the language of praise and thanksgiving. Several circumstances attending this enterprise were much noticed by the soldiers themselves, and especially by all the pious people. It was considered as very pro- vidential, that the army should march nearly forty miles, and a considerable part of it in the enemy's country, and not be discovered until the moment they were ready to commence the attack. It was judged remarkable, that the vessels should come into the harbour at the very hour in which they were most needed. The life of Captain Mason was very signally preserved. As he entered a wigwam for fire to burn the fort, an In- dian was drawing an arrow to the very head, and would KTr e killed him instantly ; but Davis, one of his sergeants, cut tne bow-string with his cutlass, and prevented the fatal shot. Lieutenant Bull received an arrow into a hard piece of cheese, which he had in his clothes, and by it was saved harmless. Two soldiers, John Dyer and Tho- mas Stiles, both servants of one man, were shot in the THE UNITED STATES. 55 knots of their neckcloths, and by them preserved from instant death. Few enterprises have ever been achieved with more personal bravery or good conduct. In few instances have so great a proportion of the effective men of a whole colony, state, or nation, been put to so great and imme- diate danger. In few have a people been so deeply and immediately interested, as the whole colony of Connecti- cut was in this, in that uncommon crisis. In these re- spects, even the great armaments and battles of Europe, are, comparatively, of little importance. In this, under the divine conduct, by seventy-seven brave men, Connec- ticut was saved, and the most warlike and terrible Indian nation in New-England, defeated and ruined. The body of the Pequots, returning frdm the pursuit of Captain Mason, repaired to Sassacus, at the royal fortress, and related the doleful story of their misfortunes. They charged them all to his haughtiness and misconduct, and threatened him, and his, with immediate destruction. His friends and chief counsellors interceded for him ; and, at their entreaty, his men spared his life. Then, upon con- sultation, they concluded that they could not, with safety, remain any longer in the country. They were, indeed, so panic struck, that, burning their wigwams, and destroy- ing their fort, they fled and scattered into various parts of the country. Sassacus, Mononotto, and seventy or eighty of their chief counsellors and warriors, took their route towards Hudson's river. Just before Captain Mason went out upon the expedi- tion againt the Pequots, the Dutch performed a very neighbourly office for Connecticut. The two maids, who had been captivated at Wethersfield, had, through the hu- manity and mediation of Mononotto's squaw, been spared from death, and kindly treated. The Dutch governor, receiving intelligence of their circumstances, determined to redeem them at any rate, and despatched a sloop to Pequot harbour for that purpose. Upon its arrival, the Dutch made large offers for their redemption, but the Pe- quots would not accept them. Finally, as the Dutch had a number of Pequots on board, whom they had taken, and finding that they could do no better, they offered the Pe- 56 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF quots six of their own men for the two maids. These they accepted, and the Dutch delivered the young women at Saybrook, just before Captain Mason and his party ar- rived. Of them he received particular information re- specting the enemy. An Indian runner, despatched by Mr. Williams, at Providence, soon carried the news of the success of Con- necticut against the Pequots, to the Governor of Massa- chusetts. The governor and his council, judging that the Pequots had received a capital blow, sent forward but a hundred and twenty men. These were commanded by Mr. Stoughton, and the Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Boston, was sent as his chaplain. This party arrived at Pequot harbour the latter part of June. By the assistance of the Narraganset Indians, the party under Captain Stoughton surrounded a large body of Pequots in a swamp. They took eighty captives. Thirty were men; the rest were women and children. The men, except two sachems, were killed, but the wo- men and children were saved. The sachems promised to conduct the English to Sassacus, and for that purpose were spared for the present. The court of Connecticut ordered, that forty men should be raised forthwith for the further prosecution of the wai against the Pequots, to be commanded by Captain Mason. The troops from Connecticut made a junction with the party under the command of Captain Stoughton, at Pe- quot. Mr. Ludlow, with other principal gentlemen from Connecticut, went also with the army, to advise with re- spect to the measures to be adopted in the further prose- cution of the war. Upon general consultation, it was con- cluded to pursue the Pequots, who had fled to the west- ward. The army marched immediately, and soon disco- vered the places where the enemy had rendezvoused, at their several removes. As these were net far distant from each other, it appeared that they moved slowly, having their women and children with them. They also were without provisions, and were obliged to dig for clams, and to range the groves for such articles as they afforded. The English found some scattering Pequots, as they scoured the country, whom they captivated, and from THE UNITED STATES. 57 whom they obtained intelligence relative to the Pequots whom they were pursuing. But finding that the sachems, whom they had spared, would give them no information, they beheaded them, on their march, at a place called Menunkatuck, since Guilford ; from which circumstance, the spot on which the execution was done, bears the name of Sachem's Head to the present time. In three days, they arrived at New-Haven harbour. The vessels sailed along the shore, while the troops marched by land. At New-Haven, then called Quinnipiack, a great smoke, at a small distance, was discovered in the woods. The officers supposing that they had now discovered the ene- my, ordered the army immediately to advance upon them ; but were soon informed that they were not in that vicinity. The Connecticut Indians had kindled the fires whence the smoke arose. The troops soon embarked on board the vessels. After staying several days at New-Haven, the officers received intelligence from a Pequot, whom they had previously sent to make discovery, that the enemy were at a considerable distance, in a great swamp, to the westward. Upon this information, the army marched with all possible despatch to a great swamp in Fairfield, where were eighty or a hundred Pequot warriors, and nearly two hundred other Indians. The swamp was such a thicket, so deep and boggy, that it was difficult to enter it, or make any movement without sinking in the mire. Lieutenant Davenport, and others, rushing eagerly into it, were sorely wounded, and several were soon so deep in the mud, that they could not get out without assistance. The enemy pressed them so hard, that they were just ready to seize them by the hair of their head. A number of brave men were obliged to rescue them sword in hand. Some of the Indians were slain, and the men were drawn out of the mire. The swamp was surrounded, and after a considerable skirmish, the Indians desired a parley. As the officers were not willing to make a promiscuous destruction of men, women, and children, and as the sa- chem and Indians of the vicinity had fled into the swamp, though they had done the colonies no injury, a parley was granted. Thomas Stanton, a man well acquainted with 58 UNIV-ERSAL HISTORY OF the manners and language of the Indians, was sent to' treat with them. He was authorized to offer life to all the Indians who had shed no English blood. Upon this offer, the sachem of the place came out to the English, and one company of old men, women, and children, after another, to the number of about two hundred. The sachem of the place, declared for himself and his Indians, that they had never shed the blood of the Eng- lish, nor done them any harm. But the Pequot warriors had too great a spirit to accept of the offer of life, declar- ing, that they would fight it out. They shot their arrows at Stanton, and pressed so hard upon him, that the soldiers were obliged to fly to his rescue. The fight was then re- newed, the soldiers firing upon them whenever an oppor- tunity presented. But by reason of an unhappy division among the officers, a great part of the enemy escaped. Some were for forcing the swamp immediately, but this was opposed, as too dangerous. Others were for cutting it down, as they had taken many hatchets, with which they were of the opinion it might be effected. Some others were for making a pallisado and hedge around it, but nei- ther of these measures could be adopted. As night came on, the English cut through a narrow part of it, by which the circumference was greatly les- sened ; so that the soldiers, at twelve feet distance from each other, were able completely to compass the enemy. In this manner they enclosed and watched them until it was nearly morning. A thick fog arose just before day, and it became exceedingly dark. At this juncture, the Indians took the opportunity to break through the Eng- lish. They made their first attempt upon Captain Pa- trick's quarters, yelling in their hideous manner, and pressing on with violence, but they were several times driven back. As the noise and tumult of war increased, Captain Mason sent a party to assist Captain Patrick. Captain Trask also marched to reinforce him. As the battle greatly increased, the siege broke up. Captain Mason marched to give assistance in the action. Advancing to J;he turn of the swamp, he found that the enemy were pressing out upon him ; but he gave them so warm a reception, that they were soon glad to retire. THE UNITED STATES. 59 While he was expecting that they would make another attempt upon him, they faced about, and, falling violently on Captain Patrick, broke through his quarters and fled. These were their bravest warriors, sixty or seventy of whom made their escape. About twenty were killed, and one hundred and eighty were taken prisoners. The English also took hatchets, wampum, kettles, trays, and other Indian utensils. The Pequot women and children, who had been capti- vated, were divided among the troops. Some were car- ried to Connecticut, and others to the Massachusetts. The people of Massachusetts sent a number of the wo- men and boys to the West-Indies, and sold them for slaves. It was supposed that about seven hundred Pe- quots were destroyed. The women who were captivated, reported, that thirteen sachems had been slain, and that thirteen yet survived. Among the latter were Sassacus and Mononotto, the two chief sachems. These, with about twenty of their best men, fled to the Mohawks. They carried oflf wampum to the amount of 500 pounds. The Mohawks surprised and slew them all, except Mono- notto. They wounded him, but he made his escape. The scalp of Sassacus was sent to Connecticut in the fall, and Mr. Ludlow, and several other gentlemen, going into Massachusetts, in September, carried a lock of it to Bos- ton as a rare sight, and a sure demonstration of the death of their mortal enemy. Among the Pequot captives were the wife and children of Mi nonotto. She was particularly noticed, by the English, for her great modesty, humanity, and good sense. She made it as her only request, that she might not be injured, either as to her offspring or personal honour. As a requital of her kindness to the captivated maids, her life, and the lives of her children, were not only spared, but they were particularly recommended to the care of Governor Winthrop. He gave charge for their protec- tion and kind treatment. After the swamp fight, the Pequots became so weak and scattered, that the Narragansets and Mohegans con- stantly killed them, and brought in their heads to Wind- sor and Hartford. Those who survived were so hunted 60 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF and harrassed, that a number of their chief men repaired to the English, at Hartford, for relief. They offered, it their lives might be spared, that they would become the servants of the English, and be disposed of at their plea- sure. This was granted, and the court interposed for their protection. Uncas and Miantonimoh, with the Pequots, by the direction of the magistrates of Connecticut, met at Hart- ford ; and it was demanded by them, how many of the Pequots were yet living ? they answered, about two hun- dred, besides women and children. The magistrates then entered into a firm covenant with them, to the following effect ; that there should be perpetual peace between Mi- antonimoh and Uncas, and their respective Indians ; and that all past injuries should be remitted, and for ever bu- ried; that if any injuries should be done, in future, by one party to the other, that they should not immediately re- venge it, but appeal to the English to do them justice. It was stipulated, that they should submit to their determi- nation, and that if either party should be obstinate, that then they might enforce submission to their decisions. It was further agreed, that neither the Mohegans, nor Nar- ragansets, should conceal nor entertain any of their ene- mies, but deliver up or destroy all such Indians as had murdered any English man or woman. The English then gave the Pequot Indians to the Nar- ragansets and Mohegans, eighty to Miantonimoh, twenty to Ninnigret, and the other hundred to Uncas, to be- re- ceived and treated as their men. It was also covenanted that the Pequots should never more inhabit their native country, nor be called Pequots, but Narrag-msets and Mo- hegans. It was also further stipulated, that neither the Narragansets nor Mohegans should possess any part of the Pequot country without the consent of the English. The Pequots were to pay a tribute at Connecticut, annu- ally, of a fathom of wainpumpeag for every sannup s , of half a fathom for every young man, and of a hand for every male papoose. On these conditions the magis- trates, in behalf of the colony, stipulated a firm peace with all the Indians. The conquest of the Pequots struck all the Indians in THE UNITED STATES. 61 New-England with terror ; and they were possessed with such fear of the displeasure and arms of the English, that they had no open war with them for nearly forty years. This happy event gave great joy to the colonies. A day of public thanksgiving was appointed ; and, in all the churches of New-England, devout and animated praises were addressed to Him, who giveth his people the vic- tory, and causeth them to dwell safely. The war with the Pequots led to the discovery of Quin- napiack, (now New-Haven.) Mr. Eaton, Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Davenport, and several others, commenced a settle- ment; and on the 18th of April, 1638, they kept the first sabbath in that place. They assembled under a large spreading oak, and Mr. Davenport preached to them from Matthew vi. 1. On the first of June, about three or four o'clock in the afternoon, was a great earthquake throughout New-Eng- land. The shock was so great, that a number of chim- neys were thrown down ; the earth by turns was unquiet for fifteen days. In addition to the town of New-Haven, several other towns were soon commenced, which were included in this colony. In 1639, commenced the towns of Guilford and Milford. Stamford was settled in 1641 ; soon after began the town of Branford. Some settlements on Long Island were included in the colony of New-Haven. The colony of New-Hampshire, which now holds a distinguished rank among the New-England states, though its settlement began at a very early period, did not be- come a separate colony till many years after that settle- ment commenced. Captain Smith, of Virginia, who sailed along the shore of New-England, in 1614, and pub- lished a chart of the coast, with some account of the country, discovered the River Piscataqua. He iound the river to be large, the harbour capacious and safe, and gave a favourable representation of the place as a site for a new plantation. Gorges and Mason, two members of the council of Ply- mouth, in England, having obtained from the council a grant of that tract of country, attempted the establish- ment of a colony and fishery at the river Piscataqua. In 6 62 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the spring of the year 1623, they sent over a few persons for this purpose, who sat down on the south side of the river, near its mouth , and there fixed a temporary resi- dence. This was the beginning of the excellent and flourishing town of Portsmouth. The same year, two of the company erected a fish-house at the place of the present town of Dover. These settlements, for several years, were small, and scarcely permanent. In 1629, some of the settlers about the Massachusetts Bay, wishing to unite with the settle- ment at Piscataqua, they assembled the chiefs of several Indian tribes at Squamscot falls, now Exeter, and, for a valuable consideration, made a purchase of an extensive tract of land. In the instrument of conveyance, the na- tives express a. " desire to have the English come and settle among them, as among their countrymen in Massa- chusetts." After this purchase, the plantation had a mo- derate increase, but no new settlements were made till the year 1638, which was the beginning of the towns of Exe- ter and Hampton. The people at Dover early erected a convenient meet- ing-house, which was afterwards improved as a fortifica- tion. A church was soon organized, of a character simi- lar to the churches in the neighbouring colonies ; and Mr. William Leverich, a worthy and able puritan divine, came from England in 1633, and became their minister. The settlement at Portsmouth, in their infant state, erected a house for divine worship, and enjoyed, successively, the labours of several faithful ministers. The ministry of one of these, Mr. Jarnes Parker, was attended with much success. But the town had no settled minister till a num- ber of years after its settlement. The people who made the settlement of Exeter, in 1638, were mostly from Boston. Having been regularly dismissed from the church in that town, they immediately united in a church relation, on the principles of their mother church. As they judged their settlement to be without the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, they formed themselves into a body politic, chose rulers and assistants, who were sworn to the proper execution of their respec- tive offices, and a correspondent oath of obedience was THE UNITED STATES 63 taken by the people. In this political compact, we have an instance of civil government in its simplest, perhaps, in its purest form. The magistrates, who were few, were vested with legislative, judicial, and executive authority. The settlements at Portsmouth and Dover, for several years, were governed, principally, by agents sent over by the proprietors in England. Having experienced many inconveniences from this mode of government, they, sepa- rately, forming a civil compact, after the example of their neighbours at Exeter, enacted and enforced their own laws. The combination at Dover was similar to the one at Exeter ; at Portsmouth they had a chief magistrate, annually elected, styled a governor. These settlements, for many years, lived peaceably with the natives, and, from their great advantages for fishery, experienced less of the evils of famine than the neighbour- ing colonies. Placed in distinct civil communities, they soon found themselves exposed to a variety of difficulties, and peculiarly defenceless in the event of trouble from an enemy. Their corporations were necessarily weak, and exposed to the, intrusion of vagrants and outlaws, who would not submit to the steady government which was maintained in the colonies of Massachusetts and Plymouth. Had these political combinations been left to the manage- ment of their original framers, and their posterity, they might have exhibited an example of the finest republics on historic record. But the constant influx of emigrants, and of demagogues invited by their weakness, rendered this expectation hopeless. These considerations induced the settlement to desire a union with the colony of Mas- sachusetts. The subject having been for some time in agitation, in the year 1641, the settlements on and near the Piscata- qua, submitted to the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, on condition of enjoying equal privileges with the people of that colony, and having a court of justice maintained among themselves. They were cordially accepted by that government, and thus, by a solemn compact, became a part of the colony of Massachusetts. From this time, the settlements advanced in a more rapid progress, and in greater security ; and their civil and ecclesiastical history 64 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF becomes one with the colony of which they now consti- tuted a respectable portion. This union continued till the year 1679, when, by the authority of the King of Great Britain, New-Hampshire was separated from the govern- ment of Massachusetts, and became a royal province. One of the most prominent characters in the early his- tory of New-England, was Roger Williams. He was a man of considerable ability and learning, active and dili- gent in his pursuits, humane and benevolent in his cha- racter, ever fond of novelty and change. Previous to his coming to America, Mr. Williams was a minister in the church of England. He came to New-England in the year 1631, and resided two years at Plymouth. He there exercised his ministerial functions, occasionally, to good acceptance. During his residence at Plymouth, his conduct was in- offensive, and his character naturally mild, so that he ever after retained the esteem of the people of that colony. In 1633, he removed to Salem, and, on the death of their excellent minister, Mr. Skelton, the church in that town invited Mr. Williams to become their pastor. During his connexion with the church at Salem, Mr. Williams incul- cated many opinions which were disapproved by the go- vernment and churches of the colony, which it was thought \vould prejudice their interests in the view of the mother country, and destroy that system of civil and ecclesiastical polity on which the colony existed. After much faithful and friendly dealing, Mr. Williams being unwilling to renounce or conceal the sentiments which he entertained, in 1635, he was directed by the go- vernment to depart from the jurisdiction of Massachu- setts. He removed with a few followers, and sat down within the Plymouth jurisdiction, in the present town of Rehoboth. The year following, at the desire of Gover- nor Winslow, lest the government of Massachusetts should take umbrage at his remaining within the Plymouth ju- risdiction, he crossed the Pawtucket River, and, with about twenty settlers, laid the foundation of the present opulent and flourishing town of Providence. These dissentions were conducted in such a manner, that no personal alienation appears to have taken place THE UNITED STATES. 65 between Mr. Williams and Governor Winthrop ; and a constant interchange of good offices existed between the Providence Plantation and the Massachusetts and Ply- mouth Colonies. In the war with the Pequots in 1637, there was a cordial co-operation of all the plantations against the common enemy. Probably no individual of the age made greater and more successful exertions to maintain the peace of the colonies with the natives ; and, living in the vicinity of several powerful tribes, he was vigilant in discovering their designs, and gave the other colonies timely notice of their hostile machinations. Mr. Williams, for some years, established no particular church order, inviting persons of all religious sentiments to unite with his rising plantation. After a few years, he and several of his people renounced the baptism of their infancy, were re-baptized, and united in a church, which was, I believe, the first Baptist church in New-England. On account of differences of sentiment which subse- quently prevailed in the church, in the year 1653, it was divided, and became two churches. Mr. Williams pur- chased the lands of his plantation of the Indian proprie- tors, and no man enjoyed their confidence in a higher de- gree. He was the father of the colony, and, for some time, he appears to have possessed and exercised the prin- cipal powers of government which existed. In some of the first years of the Providence Plantation, the people suffered very sensibly from scarcity. The product of their forests and rivers saved them from perishing by fa- mine. The most of the fathers of New-England expe- rienced the evils of war and famine, in a degree of which their posterity are unable to form any adequate conception. At the time of the banishment of Mrs. Hutchinson from Massachusetts, several people who had favoured her reli gious opinions, and, of course, differed in principle from the prevailing sentiments of the churches, chose to re- move from the colony. One of these was Mr. William Coddington, a gentleman of education and affluence, who had been for several years an assistant, and one of the most worthy magistrates of the Massachusetts govern- ment. In the year 1638, Mr. Coddington, with a few others, removed to Narraganset Bay, and commenced the 6* 66 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF settlement of Rhode Island. These planters immediately united in a civil compact, to which Mr. Coddington and seventeen others subscribed their names. This infant plantation furnishes an instance of some- thing of the simplicity and natural existence of a patriar- chal government. Mr. Coddington, a man of great virtue and natural dignity of charactei, possessing the confi- dence of all, was created their magistrate, to whom was delegated the necessary powers of civil government. By the friendly assistance of Mr. Williams, he purchased the island of the Indians ; and, in consequence of its plea- santness and fertility, in a few years it became a flourish- ing settlement. In the year 1644, a Baptist church was formed in Newport, which was afterwards divided into two. A congregational church was formed in Newport, in 1720; and a second one in 1728. These two churches afterwards enjoyed the ministry of the most eminent American divines of the last century President Stiles and Dr. Hopkins. These settlements being destitute of any chartered government from the mother country, in 1643 Mr. Wil- liams went to England, and by the assistance of Mr. Vane, who had been governor of Massachusetts, obtained a libe- ral charter of incorporation of Providence and Rhode- Island Plantations. The form of government provided by this incorporation was essentially similar to that esta- blished in the adjacent colonies. Mr. Williams lived to a great age, and was chosen several times governor of the colony. As early as the year 1607, some of the Patentees of the northern colony of Virginia began a settlement at the mouth of the River Sagadahock, now Kennebeck. They laid the plan of an extensive and opulent state. But in consequence of the death of the principal patrons, and the severities endured by the planters, the settlement broke up the following year, and those who were living returned to England. The first permanent settlements made with- in the District of Maine, commenced about the year 1630. The, oldest towns are Kittery and York. In the year 1635, Sir Ferdinando Gorges obtained from the council of Plymouth a 'grant of the tract of land Jying THE UNITED STATES. 67 between the Rivers Sagadahock and Piscataqua. It is sup- posed that he instituted civil government in the province. Courts were held as early as 1636, who appear to have exercised legislative and judicial powers. In 1639, Gorges obtained from the crown a charter, conveying the amplest powers of jurisdiction. He appointed a governor and council, who administered justice to the people to their general satisfaction, for a number of years. After the death of the proprietor, these powers of go- vernment were generally supposed to have expired. The different settlements formed some kind of voluntary com- pacts, and elected their own rulers. But the people, soon perceiving the inconveniences of this state of things, in the year 1652, united with the government of Massachu- setts, and became an integral part of that colony. In the first settlements, churches were early established, who enjoyed the labours of some of the worthiest ministers of their time. In general, their early civil and religious institutions were very similar to those of Massachusetts. No part of New-England has suffered so much from the hostility of the natives, as the District of Maine. Many ferocious tribes of savages were settled on the rivers with which the country abounds, and from the small progress made by the settlements for a long period, they were un- able to subdue their power, or prevent their predatory in- cursions. From the proximity of that district to Canada, in all the wars between England and France for a century after its first settlement, they were exposed to the hostile incursions of the savages, stimulated by a most artful and unfeeling enemy. Many of their towns have been pillaged and burnt, and many of the people made captives and slain. So late as the war of 1745, many of the towns suf- fered severely from savage hostility. The state of Vermont, the youngest of the New-Eng- land States, has advanced in population and wealth more rapidly than either of the others, and holds a respectable rank in their number. The tract of country composing that state, lying between the states of New-Hampshire and New- York, to which both laid an imperfect claim, re- mained long unoccupied. In the year 1724, in the time of a severe Indian war, 68 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the government of Massachusetts erected Fort Dummer- \vithin the present town of Brattleborough, and commenced a small settlement near the fort. This was then supposed to be within the limits of Massachusetts ; but, on running the province lines in 1741, it fell within the state of Ver- mont. In the year 1731, the French from Canada erect- ed the well-built fort at Crown Point, on the west side of Lake Champlain, and, soon after, began a settlement on the eastern side of the lake, opposite to the fort. From the time in which the provincial line between Massachusetts and New-Hampshire was ascertained, till after the peace of 1763, when it became a subject of con- troversy, the territory of Vermont was considered as be- longing to New-Hampshire. The town of Bennington, as it is one of the best, is considered the oldest town in the state. This township was granted to certain proprietors, in the year 1749, by the Governor* of New-Hampshire, and called after his name. Soon after this grant, the set- tlement of that town commenced. In four or five of the following years, a few other towns were granted by the government of New-Hampshire, on the western side of Connecticut River. The war of 1755, put a stop to these grants and settlements. In the pro- gress of the war, the territory of Vermont became the scene of military operations. These events produced a general acquaintance with many parts of the country, and towards the conclusion of the war, extensive grants oi townships were made by the New-Hampshire government, and numerous openings were made in the wilderness. From 1764 to the commencement of the American war, the new settlers were harassed with conflicting claims to their territory, maintained by the provinces of New- Hampshire and New-York. Notwithstanding these em- barrassments, the infant settlements gradually increased by emigrations from the several New-England provinces. At the commencement of the war of 1775, the people of Vermont warmly espoused the American cause, and, du- ring its continuance, performed many important services. As the authority of the royal governments became disa- * Benning- Wintworth. THE UNITED STATES. 69 vowed, the people finding themselves wholly destitute of any bonds of civil government, public sentiment naturally adverted to the necessity of some political regulations for the general safety. There having been several conventions of committees of towns, to deliberate on measures to be pursued, in January, 1777, a convention of delegates from the respec- tive towns, held at Westminster, resolved that the terri- tory now included in that state, should " be considered as a free and independent jurisdiction of state : to be for ever hereafter called, known, and distinguished, by the name of New-Connecticut, alias Vermont." From this period, Vermont became an independent state ; and, in 1791, was admitted a member of the American union. The settlers of Vermont were mostly emigrants from Connecticut, and, for several years after the peace of 1783, their number increased with an unprecedented rapidity. Their civil and religious institutions were generally copied from those existing in Connecticut. A congregational church was early established at Bennington, and continued many years under the ministry of the pious and worthy Mr. Dewey. In most of the towns, churches were esta- blished at an early period of their settlement, who have enjoyed the labours of many able and faithful ministers of Christ. The churches and ministers in Vermont have been re- markable for uniformity in religious sentiment and prac- tice, conformable to the Calvinistic system, and to the doctrines of the gospel so ably vindicated by several New- England divines of the last century. The late Dr. Job Swift, who has been styled the Apostle of Vermont, not more distinguished for abilities and piety, than for inde- fatigable labours, was an eminent instrument of orga- nizing and establishing the churches and religious institu tions of the state, and was an unshaken pillar of divine truth, in the midst of his labours in the service of his Mas- ter and his fellow men, was suddenly removed to his eter- nal rest. The churches and people of the state have been favoured with many gracious manifestations of the special influences of the Holy Spirit, in reviewing the in- 70 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF terests of vital religion, and bringing many souls into the holy kingdom of the Redeemer. Probably no instance can be found in the history of men, where all public institutions of a civil, moral, and religious character, are held so entirely under the constant control of public sentiment, as in the -state of Vermont. It is earnestly hoped, that through the merciful favour ol Heaven, that people maybe long worthy <5f the possessioi of the many privileges which they now enjoy. Remarks upon the Religion of the Colony. It is a very singular fact, that while the English govern- ment, and all the ecclesiastical authority, were using their most vigilant exertions to suppress evangelical religion, and put an effectual stop to the progress of puritanism, and while the New-England colonies were formed for the express purpose of the promotion of these objects, they were suffered to proceed with very little molestation. The company that formed the settlement of Plymouth, having long experienced the severities of ecclesiastical tyranny, were fearful of forming a settlement in any of the dominions of the British king, without a promise that they should not be obstructed in the free exercise of their reli- gion. Frequent and earnest solicitations were made to the royal court for such a permission. But as such a concession would not comport with the maxims of a bigoted prince, and a persecuting prelate, it was never obtained. The adventurers, therefore, com- mitted their case to the protection of God, and they were not disappointed. The succeeding companies, though many important civil privileges were secured to them by patent, could obtain no more than indirect intimations that they might enjoy liberty of conscience in the services of religion. They hoped, indeed, that the God whom they served, would remember their wants, and that the distance of three thousand miles would mitigate the rage of per- secution. The religious order which they established was directly opposed to the sentiments of the government, and was such as they had long laboured to suppress. But through THE UNITED STATES. 71 the interference of various causes, in which the hand of Qod was peculiarly visible, they were left undisturbed, till their churches had become firmly established. Archbi- shop Laud resolved, at length, to interfere, and subject the colonies to the same ecclesiastical order as the mother country. But his death soon put an end to his design. The long period of the civil wars, and the common- wealth which then succeeded, enabled the ecclesiastical in- stitutions of the colonies to acquire such a consistence as could not easily be dissolved. That remarkable interval in the English monarchy, of which there has been no equal in ten centuries, was the occasion of the establish- ment of the gospel order in the New-England churches. How unsearchable and holy are the appointments of God ! In 1656, Quakers made their first appearance in the Massachusetts colony ; but the legislature passed laws for their banishment: that any Quaker, returning from banishment to renew his practices against the colony, should be put to death. Under this law four persous were executed. Any master of any vessel that should bring any of this sect into the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, should be sub- ject to a fine of one hundred pounds. Notwithstanding this arbitrary law, it appears that this sect continued to n crease, even down to the present time, and holds a very respectable station among other honourable societies. The Roman Catholics first came to America in 1632. The first Baptist church in America was formed at Pro- vidence, in 1639. Manners and Customs. The laws of the colonies, in 1639, prohibited the custom of drinking healths. In 1651 , the legislature passed laws, prohibiting all persons whose estate did not exceed two hundred pounds, from wearing any gold or silver lace, or any bone lace, that cost above two shillings per yard. The selectmen were authorized to take notice of the fashions, the apparel of the people, especially in wearing of ribands and great boots. In 1647, it was ordered, that no person under the age of twenty years, should use any tobacco, unless he should bring a certificate from a physician that it was useful to him 72 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Agriculture was first attended to by clearing the forests, by cutting down the trees, and digging up the stumps, before tillage. The first neat cattle were brought into New-England by Mr. Winslow, in 1624. In 1633, the cattle in Virginia had increased to about 1000 head, They also raised a large quantity of wheat and rye, some peas, beans, flax, and hemp. Commerce. The colony imported all their merchan- dise from England, and exported thither peltry, tobacco, beef, pork, grain, and fish. The importations from Eng- land much exceeded the exports thither. The skins ot deer, elk, buffalo, and the furs of otters, hare, fox, musk- rat and beaver, were purchased of Indians, for rum, blank- ets, &c. and exported to England. Arts and Manufactures. In 1620, 100 persons came from England, to carry on the manufacture of silk, pot- ash, tar, pitch, glass, and salt, but did not succeed. All cordage, sail cloth, and mats, came from England. Brick and framed houses were soon built in- large towns. The first mill was a wind-mill, built near \Vaiertown. The first vessel was built in Massachusetts, which was called the Blessing of the Bay. In 1633, a ship of 60 tons was built at Medford. In 1641, one was built at Salem, of 300 tons, and another of 160 tons, at Boston. Printing was first introduced in 1639. The first thing printed was a Freeman's Oath ; the next an Almanac ; the third a collection of Psalms. Education. Scarcely had the people opened the for- est, and constructed habitations, before they directed their attention towards the education of their children. Schools were free to all classes of people ; the poor had the same advantage in educating their children as the rich. Population of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode- Island, New-Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont, was esti- mated at about 75,000. But it is impossible to ascertain very exactly the popu- lation of the Amerxcan colonies at the close of this period. The estimates made by writers, are vague, and often con- tradictory. It is worthy of particular notice, that so small a population, scattered over such an extent of coun- try, shoukl have been able to conquer so many Indians, and thereov save themselves from savage destruction. UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. PART SECOND. CHAPTER IV. Discovery and Progress of the Middle and Southern States. NEW-YORK. The reader's first attention in this second part, will be directed to the settlement of New- York. Captain Henry Hudson, commissioned by the king, in 1 608, sailed in the employment of several London mer- chants, to North America. He came upon the coast, in about forty degrees of north latitude, and made a disco- very of Long-Island and Hudson River. He proceeded up the river, as far as the latitude of forty-three, and call- ed it by his own name. About two years after, he made a second voyage to the river, in the service of a number of Dutch merchants ; and some time after, sold his right to them. The right to the country, tyowever, belonged to King James, by virtue of the discovery which Hudson had made under his com mission. The English protested against the sale. Bu the Dutch, in 1614, built a fort, nearly on the same ground where Albany now stands, which they called Fort Au- ranea. Sir Thomas Dale, governor of Virginia, directly after despatched Captain Argall to dispossess the Dutch, and they submitted to the king of England, and under the g* - vernor of Virginia 7 74 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF But, receiving a reinforcement the next year, they again asserted the right of Holland to the country, and erected Fort Amsterdam on the south of the island. The Eng- lish, for many years, did not interfere. In 1621, an extensive territory on both sides of the Hud- son, was granted to the Dutch West India Company, and called New-Netherlands. The boundaries were consider- ed by the company as including Connecticut River on the north, and Delaware River on the south. In 1623, they erected a fort on the Delaware, which they called Nassau ; and, in 1633, they erected another on Connecticut, which they called Good Hope. Near the former the Swedes had a settlement ; and a quarrel arose between the set- tlers, which continued for many years, which terminated in the subjugation of the Swedes. NEW-JERSEY. The first settlement of New- Jersey was made by the Danes, about the year 1624. Soon afterwards, several Dutch families seated themselves in the vicinity of New- York. In 1626, a company was formed in Sweden, under the patronage of King Gustavus Adolphus, for the pur- pose of planting a colony in America. The next year a number of Swedes and Finns came over, and made a settlement on the west bank of the Dela- ware River. In 1640, the English began a plantation on the eastern bank. The Swedes, in concert with the Dutch, who pos- sessed New- York, drove them out of the country. DELAWARE. This state was settled by a company of Swedes and Finns, under the patronage of King Gustavus Adolphus. In 1627, they landed at Cape Henlopen, and were so charmed with its appearance, that they gave it the name of Paradise I'omt. The country tney called New-Sweden, and the River Delaware, New-Swedeland Stream. They purchased of the Indians, the lands on both sides of that riv*ar, from the sea to the falls, and seated themselves at THE UNITED STATES. 76 the mouth of Christian Creek, near Wilmington. Being frequently molested by the Dutch, who claimed a right- to the country, they, for their protection, built forts at Chris- tian, Lewiston, and Tinicum. The last was their seat of government, and John Printz, their governor, erected an elegant mansion at this place, which he named Printz Hall MARYLAND. This state was settled by one Calvert, who sailed for America near the close of 1633, accompanied by about two hundred emigrants, chiefly Roman Catholics. They arrived in February, 1634, at the mouth of the River Potomac. At a conference with the Indians, who dwelt on the shore, they purchased Yoamaco, a consider- able village, the site which St. Mary's now occupies. This colony, as well as all others, in the early period of their existence, was afflicted with troubles ; they were principally caused by one William Clayborne. While a member of the Virginia council, he had obtained a license from the king to traffic in those parts of America where no other person enjoyed the exclusive right of trade. Un- der this license he had made a small settlement on the island of Kent, and when the grant was made to Lord Baltimore, refused to submit to his authority. He per- suaded the natives that the new comers were Spaniards, and enemies to the Virginians. An Indian war was the consequence, which continued for several years with great distress. Clayborne was in- dicted, and convicted of murder, piracy, and sedition, and, fleeing from justice, his estate was confiscated. He ap- plied to the king for redress, but did not succeed. When the civil war between the king and parliament began, he embraced the cause of the latter, returned to Maryland, a ad, by his intrigues, fomented, in 1645, a rebellion against its rulers, who were attached to the royal cause. Calvert, the governor, was compelled to fly to Virginia, and the insurgents seized the reins of government. The next year, however, the revolt was suppressed, and tranquillity restored. 76 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. In 1630, Charles I. granted to Sir Robert Heath all the territory between the 30th and 36th degrees of north lati- tude, and extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the South Sea, by the name of Carolina. Under this grant, no set- tlement was made. In 1640, some person fled from Vir- ginia, and without license from any source, occupied that portion of North Carolina north of Albemarle Sound. In 1661, another settlement was made near the mouth of Clarendon River, by adventurers from Massachusetts. The land being sterile, and the Indians hostile, they soon abandoned it. In June, a patent was granted by the king, conveying to twenty-one trustees, the territory now constituting the state of Georgia, which was to be apportioned gratuitously among the people, and donations were made for the pur- pose of conveying them thither, and for their support the first season. In November, one hundred and thirty emigrants em- barked for Georgia : in January, they arrived at Charles- ton. The Carolinians gave the adventurers a cordial wel- come ; they supplied them with provisions and boats to carry them to the place of their destination ; and on the 9th of February, they erected the first house, where Sa- vannah now stands. History of the whole Colonies of America co7nbined, from 1661. Before the session of the General Assembly of Con- necticut, in October, 1662, the charter was brought over. Upon the day of the election, it was publicly read to the freemen, and declared to belong to them and to their suc- cessors. They thqn proceeded to make choice of Mr. Wyllys, Mr. Talcott, and Mr. Allen, to receive the char- ter into custody, and keep it in behalf of the colony. In 1663, a tax of three hundred pounds was levied upon the colony. A day of fasting and prayer was appointed. The colony was much in debt ; many were dissatisfied THE UNITED STATES. 77 with the governor, and refused to pay any thing for his support. No sooner did the officers begin to distrain the rates of those who refused to pay, than it produced the most alarm- ing consequences. The gentlemen from Connecticut re- monstrated against collecting taxes from those who had been taken under the protection of that colony, and desired New-Haven to suspend the affair for further consideration. Colonel Nichols arrived at Boston, with a fleet and troops under his command, July 23, 1664. He immedi- ately communicated his commission to the colonies, and requested the troops to assist him against the Dutch. He then sailed for New-Netherlands, and on the 20th of Au- gust made a demand upon the town and forts upon the Island of Manhadoes. Governor Winthrop, with several gentlemen from Connecticut, joined him, according to his wishes. Stuyvesant, the Dutch governor, was an old soldier, and had he been prepared, doubtless would have made a brave defence. He was extremely opposed to a surrender of the fort and town, but the opposition party outnumbered him, and he was obliged to submit on the 27th of August. After the reduction of the Dutch, Colonel Nichols fixed his residence at New-York, to manage the affairs of go- vernment. About 1664, a settlement commenced on the east side of Connecticut River. In 1667, Lyme was made a distinct town. In this and the next year, several new settlements were made, and new towns incorporated. On the 20th of May, 1662, a purchase was made of the Indians, and East Haddam settled by twenty-eight persons. In the session of May, 1670, it was enacted that Massacoe should be called Simsbury. At the same term, New-Haven village was incorporated, and made a town, by the name of Wallingford. In 1643, war had been declared in England against the Dutch. The colony was put into a state of defence, and it was or- dered that a troop of horse should be raised in each county. On the 30th of July, a small Dutch fleet arrived at New- York. One John Manning, who commanded the fort and island, treacherously delivered them to the enemy, with- out firing a gun or attempting the least resistance. 7* 78 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Scarcely had the colonies recovered from their calami- ties, before new and more terrible alarm and destruction presented themselves to all the colonies of New-England. On the first of July, 1674, the Duke of York commissioned Sir Edmund Andross to be governor of New-York, and all New-England. Sir Edmund was a tyrant over the people, but New-England refused to submit to this man as their ruler. It was soon discovered that Sir Edmund Andross was about to make a hostile invasion on the co- lony, and to demand its surrender. Detachments from the military were sent to New-London and Saybrook. Captain Thomas Bull, of Hartford, commanded the party at Saybrook. About the 9th of July, 1675, the people of that town were surprised by the appearance of Major Andross, with an armed force in the sound, making directly for the fort. The fort was soon manned, and militia called out for its defence ; at this moment Captain Bull arrived, which gave them fresh courage. On the llth, Major Andross hoisted the king's flag on board, and demanded a surrender of the fortress and town ; Captain Bull raised his majesty's colours, and prepared for defence. The major did not like to fire on the king's colours, and thought it would be a bloody affair to reduce the town by force. Early in the morning of the 12th, Sir Edmund desired to be ad- mitted on shore. Captain Bull met the major at his landing, and re- quested a treaty. The major rejected the proposal, and commanded, in his majesty's name, that the Duke's pa- tent and his commission should be read. Captain Bull, in his majesty's name, commanded him to forbear read- ing. When his clerk attempted to proceed, Captain Bull again repeated his command with such energy, that it convinced the major it was not safe to proceed. The captain then acquainted him that he had an address from the assembly, and read his protest. Governor Andross, pleased with his bold and soldier- like appearance, said " What is your name ?" He re- plied, " My name is Bull, sir." " Bull," said the gover- nor," It is a pity your horns are not tipped with silver." THE UNITED STATES. 79 Finding he could make no impression upon the people, he soon sailed for New-York. In the year 1675, began the famous Indian war, which was termed King Philip's war. The leading one was Philip, sachem of the tribe living within the boundary of Plymouth, Rhode Island. His brother, being suspected of plotting against the whites, was seized by a detachment of soldiers. Philip ever sought to revenge the treatment of his brother. He suc- ceeded in forming a confederacy able to send into action between three and four thousand warriors. The immediate cause of the war was the execution of three Indians by the English, whom Philip had excited to murder one Susaman, an Indian missionary. Susaman, being friendly to the English, had informed them that Philip, with several tribes, were plotting their destruction. The execution of these Indians roused the anger of Philip, who immediately armed his men, and commenced hostilities. Their first attack was made June 24th, upon the people of Swanzey, in Plymouth colony, as they \\ ere returning home from public w r orship, on a day of humi- liation and prayer, under the apprehension of the ap- proaching war. Eight or nine persons were killed. The country was immediately alarmed, and the troops of the colony flew to the defence of Swanzey. On the 28th, the company of horse and company of foot, with one hundred and ten volunteers from Boston, joined the Plymouth forces at Swanzey. The next morning, an at- tack was made upon some of Philip's men, who were pur- sued, and five or six of them killed. This resolute con- duct of the English made a deep impression on the ene- my. Philip with his forces left Mount Hope the same night ; marking his route, however, w.ith the burning o houses, and the scalping of the defenceless inhabitants. It being known that the Narragansets favoured the cause of Philip, he having sent his women and children to them for protection, the Massachusetts forces, under Captain Hutchinson, proceeded forthwith into their coun- try, to renew a treaty with them, or to give them battle. Fortunately, a treaty was concluded, and the troops re- turned. 80 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF On the 17th of July, news arrived that Philip, with his warriors, was in a swamp at Pocasset, now Tiverton. The Massachusetts and Plymouth forces immediately marched to that place, and the next day resolutely charged the enemy in their recesses. As the troops entered the swamps, the Indians continued to retire. The English, in vain pursued, till the approach of night, when the com- mander ordered a retreat. Many of the English were killed, and the enemy seemed to take courage. It being impossible to encounter the Indians with ad- vantage in the swamps, it was determined to starve them out ; but Philip, apprehending their design, contrived to escape with his forces. He now fled to the Nipmucks, a tribe in Worcester county? Massachusetts, whom he induced to assist him. This tribe had already commenced hostilities against the English ; but, in the hope of reclaiming them, the gover- nor and council sent Captains Wheeler and Hutchinson to treat with them. But the Indians, having intimation of their coming, lurked in ambush for them, fired upon them as they approached, killed eight men, and mortally wound- ed eight more, of whom Captain Hutchinson was one. The remainder of the English fled to Quaboag, Brook- field. The Indians, however, closely pursued them into the town, and burnt every house excepting one, in which the inhabitants had taken refuge. This house at length they surrounded. " For two days they continued to pour a storm of musket balls upon it, and although countless numbers pierced through the walls, but one person was killed. With long poles, they next thrust against it brands, aad rags dipped in brimstone ; they shot arrows of tire ; they loaded a cart with flax and tow, and with long poles fastened together, they pushed it against the house. De- struction seemed inevitable. The house was kindling, and the savages stood ready to destroy the first that should open the door to escape. At this awful moment a torrent of rain descended, and suddenly extinguished the kind- ling flames." August 4th, Major Willard came to their relief, raised the siege, and destroyed a considerable number of the as- sailants. THE UNITED STATES. 81 During the month of September, Hadley, Deerfield, and Northfield, on Connecticut river, were attacked ; several of the inhabitants were killed, and many buildings consumed. On the 18th, Captain Lathrop, with several teams, and eighty young men, the flower of the county of Essex, were sent to Deerfield to transport a quantity of grain to Had- ley. On their return, stopping to gather grapes at Muddy Brook, they were suddenly attacked by near eight hundred Indians. Resistance was in vain, and seventy of these young men fell before the merciless enemy, and were bu- ried in one grave. Captain Mosely, who was at Deerfield, hearing the report of the guns, hastened to the spot, and, with a few men, attacked the Indians, killed ninety-six, and wounded forty, losing himself but two men. Early in October, the Springfield Indians,- who had hitherto been friendly to the English, concerted a plan, with the hostile tribes, to burn that town. Having, under cover of night, received two or three hundred of Philip's men into their fort, with the assistance of these, they set fire to the town. The plot, however, was discovered so seasonably, that troops arrived from Westfield in time to save the town, excepting thirty-two houses already con- sumed. Soon after hostilities were commenced by Philip, the Tarrenteens began their depredations in New-Hampshire, and the province of Maine. They robbed the boats, and plundered the houses of the English. In September they fell on Saco, Scarborough, and Kittery, killed between twenty and thirty of the inhabitants, and consigned their houses, barns, and mills, to the flames. Elated with these successes, they next advanced towards Piscataqua, committing the same outrages at Oyster River, Salmon Falls, Dover, and Exeter. Before winter, sixty of the English, in that quarter, were killed, and nearly as many buildings consumed. The Indians in those parts, however, had real ground of complaint. Some seamen, hearing it reported that In- dian children could swim by instinct, overset the canoe of Squando, sachem of the Saco Indians, in which were his squaw and infant child. This act Squando could not over- look, especially as, some time after, the child died, and, as 82 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the sachem believed, on account of some injury that it then received. Besides this, several Indians had been enticed on board a vessel, carried off, and sold into slavery. To redress these wrongs, the Indians commenced hostilities. Notwithstanding the Narragansetts had pledged them- selves, by their treaty, not to engage in the war against the English, it was discovered that they were taking part with the enemy. It was deemed necessary, therefore, for the safety of the colonies, early to check that powerful tribe. Accordingly, Governor Winslow, of Plymouth, with about one thousand eight hundred troops from Massachu- setts and Connecticut, and one hundred and sixty friendly Indians, commenced their march from Pettyquamscot, on the 19th of December, 1675, through a deep snow, towards the enemy, who were in a swamp about fifteen miles distant. The army arrived at the swamp at one in the afternoon. Some Indians, at the edge of the swamp, were fired upon, but fled. The whole army now entered, and pursued the Indians to their fortress. This stood on a rising ground' in the middle of the swamp. It was a work of great strength and labour, being composed of palisades, and surrounded by a hedge about sixteen feet in thickness. One entrance only led to the fort, through the surrounding thicket. Upon this the English providentially fell ; and, without waiting to form, rushed impetuously towards the fort. The English captains entered first. The resistance of the Indians was gallant and warlike. Captains John- son and Davenport, with many of their men, fell at the entrance. At length the English gave back, and were obliged to retreat out of the fort. At this crisis, the army being on the point of a fatal re- pulse, some Connecticut men, on the opposite side of the fort, discovered a place destitute of palisades ; they in- stantly sprang into the fort, fell upon the rear of the In- dians, and, aided by the rest of the army, after a desperate conflict, achieved a complete victory. Six hundred wig- wams was now set on fire The scene was awful. Deep volumes of smoke rolled up to heaven, mingling with the THE UNITED STATES. 83 dying shrieks of mothers and infants, while the aged and infirm were consuming in the flames. Even at this distant period, we cannot recal this scene without pain, and can justify this severity of our ances- tors, only by admitting its necessity for self-preservation. The Indians in the fort were estimated at four thousand ; of these seven hundred warriors were killed, and three hundred died of their wounds ; three hundred wre taken prisoners, and as many women and children. The rest, except such as were consumed, fled. The victory of the English, complete as it was, was pur- chased with blood. Six brave captains fell ; eighty of the troops were killed, or mortally wounded, and one hundred and fifty were wounded, who recovered. From this defeat the Indians never recovered. They were not yet, however, effectually subdued. During the winter they still continued to murder and burn. The towns of Lancaster, Medfield, Weymouth, Groton, Spring- field, Northampton, Sudbury, and Marlborough, in Massa- chusetts, and Warwick and Providence, in Rhode-Island, were assaulted, and some of them partly, and others wholly destroyed. In March, Captain Pierce, with fifty English, and twenty friendly Indians, were attacked, and every Englishman, and most of the Indians, were slain. In April, Captain Wadsworth, marching with fifty men to the relief of Sudbury, was surrounded, and all either killed on the spot, or reserved for long and distressing tortures. The success of the Indians, during the winter, had been great ; but, on the return of spring, the tide turned against them. The Narraganset country was scoured, and many of the natives were killed, among whom was Canonchet, their chief sachem. On the 12th of August, 1676, the finishing stroke was given to the war in the United Colonies, by the death of Philip. After his flight from Mount Hope, he had at- tempted to rouse the Mohaw r ks against the English. To effect his purpose, he killed, at several times, some of that tribe, and laid it to the English. But hjs iniquity was dis- covered, and he was obliged hastily to flee. He returned at length to Mount Hope. Tidings of his return were brought to Captain Church, 84 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF a man who had been of eminent service in this war, and who was better able than any other person to provide against the wiles of the enemy. Captain Church immedi- ately proceeded to the place of Philip's concealment, near Mount Hope, accompanied by a small body of men. On his arrival, which was in the night, he placed his men in ambush round the swamp, charging them not to move till daylight, that they might distinguish Philip, should he at- tempt to escape. Such was his confidence of success, that, taking Major Sandford by the hand, he said, " It is scarcely possible that Philip should escape." At that instant a bullet whistled over their heads, and a volley followed. The firing proceeded from Philip, and his men, who were in view. Perceiving his peril, the savage chief, des- perately snatched his powder horn and gun, and ran fierce- ly towards the spot where an Englishman and Indian lay concealed. The English soldier levelled his gun, but it missed fire ; the Indian fired, and shot Philip through the heart. Captain Church ordered him to be beheaded, and quar- tered. The Indian who executed this order, pronounced the warrior's epitaph, " You have been one very great man. You have made many a man afraid of you. But so big as you be, I will now chop you to pieces." Thus fell a savage hero and patriot of whose trans- cendant abilities our history furnishes melancholy evi- dence. The advantage of civilized education, and a wider theatre of action, might have made the name of Philip of Mount Hope, as memorable as that of Alexander or Caesar. After the death of Philip, the war continued in the pro- vince of Maine, till the spring of 1678. But westward, the Indians having lost their chiefs, wigwams, and provi- sions, and perceiving further contest vain, came in singly by tens, and hundreds, and submitted to the English. Thus closed a melancholy period in the annals of New England history ; during which, six hundred men, the flower of her strength, had fallen; twelve or thirteen towns had been destroyed, and six hundred dwelling houses con- sumed. Every eleventh family was houseless, and every eleventh soldier had sunk in his grave. So costly was the inheritance which our fathers have transmitted to us. THE UNITED STATES. 85 Never was peace more welcome ; for never had war been more distressing. The whole population was mourn- ing for their relatives slain. The colonies had contracted a large debt, which their resources, having been so much diminished, they found an almost insupportable burden , yet they forebore to apply to their mother country for as- sistance, which excited jealousy. " You act," said" a privy counsellor, " as though you were independent ; although poor, you are proud." In 1680, it appears that there were twenty-six towns in New-England ; that the militia, including horse and foot consisted of two thousand five hundred and seven men ; that the annual exports were about nine thousand pounds. There were in the colony about twenty small merchants, trading to Boston, New- York, Newfoundland, and the West-Indits ; and the shipping consisted of four ships, three pinks, eight sloops, and other small vessels, amount- ing to about twenty-seven in number, the tonnage of which was only one thousand and fifty. The number of inhabi- tants was nearly twelve thousand. In 1(582, East- Jersey passed from Carteret to William Penn, and twenty-three associates, mostly of the Quaker persuasion. In April, Penn published a frame of government. The chief object was declared to be, to support power and re- verence among the people. This year, William Penn laid out Philadelphia for his capital, which grew rapidly. In 1683, Penn held the second assembly in his new capi- tal, and presided in the council." The lasting prosperity of Pennsylvania, the foundation of which must be traced to his wisdom and benevolence, is an eloquent eulogium upon his character. In 1684, King James established a temporary govern- ment over the colony, first appointing Joseph Dudley and in 1686, he appointed Sir Edmund Andross to be go- vernor of New-England. Sir Edmund had been govern- or of New-York, and it was known that his conduct there had been arbitrary and tyrannical. In October, Sir Ed mund, with a guard of about sixty regular troops, went to Hartford. The assembly met, as usual, in October, and the go- 8 86 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF vernmerit continued according to charter, until the last of the month. About this time, Sir Edmund, with his suit, and more than sixty regular troops, came to Hartford, when the assembly were sitting, demanded the charter, and declared the government under it to be dissolved. The assembly were extremely reluctant and slow with re- spect to any resolve to surrender the charter, or with re- spect to any motion to bring it forth. The tradition is, that Governor Treat strongly represented the great ex- pense and hardships of the colonists, in planting the country the blood and treasure which thoy had expend- ed in defending it, both against the savages and foreign- ers ; to what hardships and dangers he himself had been exposed for that purpose ; and that it was like giving up his life, now to surrender the patent and privileges, so dearly bought, and so long enjoyed. The important affair was debated and kept in suspense, until the evening, when the charter was brought and laid upon the table, where the assembly was sitting. By this time, great numbers of people were assembled, and men sufficiently bold to enterprise whatever might be ne- cessary or expedient. The lights were instantly extin- guished, and one Captain Wads worth, of Hartford, in the most silent and secret manner, carried off the charter, and secreted it in a large hollow tree, fronting the house of the Hon. Samuel Wyllys, then one of the magistrates of the colony. The people appeared all peaceably and or- derly. The candles were officiously re-lighted ; but the patent was gone, and no discovery could be made of it, or of the person who had conveyed it away. Sir Ed- mund assumed the government, and the records of the colony were closed in the following words : "At a general court at Hartford, October 31st, 1687, his excellency, Sir Edmund Andross. knight, and captain- general and governor of his majesty's territories and do- minions in New-England, by order from his majesty, James the Second, Iving of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, the 31st of October, 1687, took into hia hands the government of the colony of Connecticut, il being, by his majesty, annexed to Massachusetts, and other colonies under his excellency's government." THE UNITED STATES. 87 Sir Edmund appointed officers, civil and military, through the colony, according to his pleasure. He had a council, at first, consisting of about forty persons, and af- terwards, of nearly fifty. Four of this number, governor Treat, John Fitz Winthrop, Wait Winthrop, and John Allen, Esquires, were of Connecticut. Sir Edmund began his government with the most flat- tering professions of his regard to the public safety, and happiness. He instructed the judges to administer justice as far as might be consistent with the new regulations, ac- cording to the former laws and customs. It is, however, well observed by Governor Hutchinson, that " Nero con- cealed his tyrannical disposition more years, than Sir Ed- mund and his creatures did months." He soon laid a re- straint upon the liberty of the press, and then one far more grievous upon marriage. This was prohibited, unless bonds were previously gi- ven, with sureties, to the governor. These were to be forfeited, in case it should afterwards appear, that there was any lawful impediment to the marriage. Magis- trate only were allowed to join people in the bands of wedlock. The governor not only deprived the clergy of the perquisite from marriages, but soon suspended the laws for their support, and would not suffer any person to be obliged to pay any thing to his minister. Nay, he menaced the people, that, if they resisted his will, their meeting-houses should be taken from them, and that any person who should give two pence to a non-conformist minister, should be punished. The fees of all officers, under this new administration, were exorbitant. The common fee for the probate of a will was fifty shillings. The widow and fatherless, how distant soever, were obliged to appear at Boston, to trans- act all business relative to the settlement of estates. This was a grievous oppression of the poor people, especially of the fatherless and widow. Sir Edmund, without an assembly, nay, without a ma- jority of his council, taxed the people at pleasure. He and Randolph, with four or five others of his creatures, who were sufficiently wicked to join with him, in all his oppressive designs, managed the affairs of government 88 % UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF as they pleased. But these were but the beginnings of oppression and sorrow. They were soon greatly in- creased, and more extensively spread. In 1688, Sir Edmund was made governor of New-York, as well as of New-England, and the same kind of govern- ment was exercised in that department. As the charters were now either vacated, surrendered, or the government under them suspended, it was declared that the titles ot the colonists to their lands were of no value. Sir Edmund declared, that Indian deeds were no better than " the scratch of a bear's paw." Not the fairest purchases, and most ample conveyances from the natives, no dangers, disbursements, nor labours, in cultivating a wilderness, and turning it into orchards, gardens, and pleasant fields, no grants by charter, nor by legislatures constituted by them, no declarations of preceding kings, nor of his then present majesty, promising them the quiet enjoyment of their houses and lands, nor fifty or sixty years undisturbed pos- session, were pleas of any validity or consideration with Sir Edmund and his minions. The purchasers and cultivators, after fifty and sixty years improvement, were obliged to take out patents for their estates. For these, in some instances, a fee of fifty pounds was demanded. Writs of intrusion were issued against persons of principal character, who would not submit to such impositions, and their lands were patented to others. Governor Hutchinson observes, with respect to Massachusetts, that " men's titles were not all ques- tioned at once. Had this been the case, according to the computation then made, all the personal estate in the co- lony would not have paid the charge of the new patents." The governor, and a small number of his council, in the most arbitrary manner, fined and imprisoned numbers of the inhabitants of Massachusetts, and denied them the benefit of the act of habeas corpus. All town meetings were prohibited, except one in the month of May, for the election of town officers, to prevent the people from con- sulting measures for the redress of their grievances. No person, indeed, was suffered to go out of the country, with- out leave from the governor, lest complaints should be carried to England against his administration. At the THE UNITED STATES. * 89 same time, he so well knew the temper and views of his royal master, that he feared little from him, even though complaints should be carried over against him. Hence he and his dependants oppressed the people, and enriched themselves without restraint. The most humble petitions were presented to his ma- jesty, from corporations of various descriptions, beseech- ing him that the governor's council might consist of none but men of considerable property in lands ; that no act might be passed to bind the people, but by a majority of the council ; and that he would quiet his good subjects in the enjoyment of all property in houses and lands.* But in the reign of James the Second, petitions so reasonable and just could not be heard. The prince at home, and his officers abroad, like greedy harpies, preyed upon the people without control. Ran- dolph was not ashamed to make his boast, in his letters, with respect to Governor Andross and his council, " that they were as arbitrary as the great Turk." All New- England groaned under their oppression. The heaviest share of it, however, fell upon the inhabitants of Massa- chusetts and New-Plymouth. Connecticut had been less obnoxious to government than Massachusetts, and as it was further removed from the seat of government, was less under the notice and influence of those oppressors. Governor Treat was a father to the people, and felt for them, in their distressed circumstances. The other gen- tlemen, who were of the council, and had the principal management of affairs, in Connecticut, were men of prin- ciple, lovers of justice, and of their fellow subjects. They took advantage of Sir Edmund's first instructions, and, as far as they possibly could, consistently with the new re- gulations, governed the colony according to the former laws and customs. The people were patient and peace- able, though in great fear and despondency. They were no strangers to what was transacted in the neighbouring * Sir Edmund, with all his vigilance, could not prevent the carrying- over of complaints against him. Mr. Increase Mather got on board a ship, and sailed to England, for this very purpose, and delivered the complaints, which he carried over, into his majesty's hands. 8* 90 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF colonies, and expected soon fully to share with them, in all their miseries. It was generally believed that Andross was a papist ; that he had employed the Indians to ravage the frontiers, and had supplied them with ammunition ; and that he was making preparations to deliver the country into the hands of the French. All the motives to great actions, to in- dustry, economy, enterprise, wealth, and population, were in a manner annihilated. A general inactivity and lan- guishment pervaded the whole public body. Liberty, property, and every thing which ought to be dear to men, every day grew more and more insecure. The colonies were in a state of general despondency, with respect to the restoration of their privileges, and the truth of that divine maxim, " when the wicked beareth rule, the peo- ple mourn," was, in a striking manner, every where ex- emplified. In 1690, war was declared between France and Eng- land. Count Frontinac was appointed governor in Cana- da. In January, he despatched several parties against the English settlements. One of them was sent against Albany, but resolved to attack Schenectady. The inha- bitants of this village got information of their danger, but they judged it impossible for the enemy to march several hundred miles in the depth of winter, and disregarded the intelligence. No regular watch was kept, nor military order observed. The French and Indians arrived near the town on the 8th of February. On Saturday night, at eleven o'clock, they entered the gates, which they found open : universal silence reigned. In a few moments, all the houses were in flames. Women were butchered, and children thrown alive into the flames ; sixty persons perished in the flames; twenty -five persons made prisoners ; while the rest of the inhabitants fled naked. A furious storm came on. Alba- ny, their only refuge, was at a distance. A part arrived in safety ; twenty -five lost their limbs by the severity of the cold. No tongue can express the cruelties which were committed. The second party directed their course to New-Hampshire, burned the village at Salmon Falls, killed twenty-six of the bravest men, and took fifty pri- THE UNITED STATES. 91 soners. The third party destroyed Casco, in Maine, and killed and captured ninety-five people. To avenge these barbarities, and others perpetrated in New-England, a combined expedition against Canada was proposed. An army was raised in New-York and Con- necticut, which proceeded as far as the head of Lake Cham plain, but not finding boats to cross the lake, were obliged to return. Sir William Phipps, with a fleet of about 30 vessels, sailed from Boston into the St. I aw- rence, and landing a body of troops, made an attack by land and water upon Quebec ; but was unsuccessful. This year, 1691, Colonel Henry Sloughter succeeded Colonel Leisler, governor of New-York. Leisler, when informed of this appointment, ought to have relinquished the authority he had exercised. Although twice requi- red, he refused to surrender the fort. Sloughter caused Leisler and Milborne to be arrested and executed for high treason. In July, 1691, Peter Schuyler, at the head of three hundred Mohawks, made a sudden and bold a-ttack upon the French settlements at the north end of Lake Cham- plain. An army of eight hundred men was despatched from Montreal to oppose him. With them he had seve- ral singular, but successful conflicts, in which he killed a greater number of the enemy than his whole party. In 1692, Colonel Fletcher succeeded governor Slough- ter, and was authorized by his commission, to take com- mand of the militia of Connecticut. This power having been given by the charter to the governor of the colony of New-England, he determined not to relinquish it, and was supported by the people. On the 26th of October, Colonel Fletcher came to Hart- ford, while the assembly was sitting, and in his majesty's name, demanded their submission of the militia to his command, as they would answer it to his majesty ; and that they would give him a speedy answer in one word, Yes or no. He subscribed himself his majesty's lieutenant, and conimander-in-chief of the militia, and of all the forces by sea or land, and of all the forts and places of strength, in the colony of Connecticut. He ordered the 92 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF militia of Hartford under arms, that he might beat up foi volunteers. It was judged expedient to call the trainbands in Hart- ford together ; but the assembly insisted, that the com- mand of the militia was expressly vested, by charter, in the governor and company; and that they could, by no means, consistently with their just rights and the com- mon safety, resign it into any other hands. They insinu- ated, that his demands were an invasion of their essential privileges, and subversive of their constitution. Upon this, Colonel Bayard, by his excellency's command, sent a letter into the assembly, declaring, that his excel- lency had no design upon the civil rights of the colony; but would leave them, in all respects, as he found them. In the name of his excellency, he tendered a commission to Governor Treat, empowering him to command the mi- litia of the colony. He declared that his excellency in- sisted, that they should acknowledge it an essential right, inherent in his majesty, to command the militia ; and that he was determined not to set his foot out of the co- lony, until he had seen his majesty's commission obeyed : That he would issue his proclamation, showing the means he had taken to give ease and satisfaction to his majes- ty's subjects of Connecticut, and that he would distin- guish the disloyal from the rest. The assembly, nevertheless, would not give up the command of the militia, nor would Governor Treat re- ceive a commission from Colonel Fletcher. The trainbands of Hartford assembled, and, as the tra- dition is, while Captain Wadsworth, the senior officer, was walking in front of the companies, and exercising the soldiers, Colonel Fletcher ordered his commission and instructions to be read. Captain Wadsworth instantly commanded, " Beat the drums ;" and there was such a roaring of them that nothing else could be heard. Colo- nel Fletcher commanded silence. But no sooner had Bayard made an attempt to read again, than Wadsworth commands, " Drum, drum, I say." The drummers un- derstood their business, and instantly beat up with all the art and life of which they were masters. " Silence, si- lence," says the colonel. No sooner was there a pause. THE UNITED STATES. 93 than Wadsworth speaks with great earnestness, " Drum, drum, I say ;" and turning to his excellency, said, " If I am interrupted again, I will make the sun shine through you in a moment." He spoke with such energy in his voice, and meaning in his countenance, that no further at- tempts were made to read or enlist men. Such numbers of people collected together, and their spirits appeared so high, that the governor and his suite judged it expedi- ent soon to leave the town, and return to New-York. No pen can describe the cruelties which were practised during the French and Indian war. Women, soon ex- pecting to become mothers, were ripped up, and their un- born offspring dashed against a stone or tree. Infants, when troublesome, were dispatched in the same manner. Some of the captives were roasted alive ; others received deep wounds in the flesh, and sticks on fire thrust into them, and were thus tormented to death. 1694. Upon the solicitations of Governor Fletcher and Sir Willam Phipps, agents, with a number of troops, were sent to attend a treaty with the Five Nations. The expense of it was about four hundred pounds. December 10th, 1697, closed the horrid scene, by a treaty of peace between Great Britain and France. The winter of 1696 was unusually severe. Never had the country sustained such losses in commerce, nor had provisions ever been so scarce, or borne a higher price. The surprise of Dover, in New-Hampshire, was attend- ed by circumstances of the most shocking barbarity. That the natives had been cruelly injured by Major Wal- dron, the principal citizen, may account for it, if not ex- tenuate their ferocity, in obtaining revenge. Having de- termined upon their plan of attack, they employed more than their usual art to lull the suspicions of the inhabi- tants. So civil and respectful was their behaviour, that they often obtained permission to sleep in the fortified houses in the town. On the fatal evening they assembled in the neighbour- hood, and sent their women to apply for lodgings at the houses devoted to destruction ; they were not only admit- ted, but were shown how they could open the doors, should they have occasion to go out in the night. When 94 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF all was quiet, the doors were opened, and a signal given. The Indians rushed into Mr. Waldron's house, and has- tened to his apartment. Awakened by the noise, he seized his sword, and drove them back ; but when return- ing for his other arms, he was stunned with a hatchet, and fell. They then dragged him into the hall, seated him in n elbow chair, upon a large table, and insultingly asked nim, " who shall judge Indians now ?" each one, with his knife, cut gashes across his breast, saying, " I cross out my account." When weakened with the loss of blood, he was about to fall from the table, his own sword was held under him, which put an end to his misery. At other houses, similar acts of cruelty were perpe- trated. In the whole town twenty-three persons were killed, twenty-nine carried prisoners to Canada, and sold to the French. The details of individual sufferings that occurred during this war, were they faithfully recorded, would excite the sympathies of the most unfeeling bosom. One instance only will serve to confirm the remark. In an attack, by a body of Indians, upon Haverhill, New-Hampshire, in the winter of 1697, the concluding year of the war, a party of the assailants, burning with savage animosity, approached the house of a Mr. Dustan. Upon the first alarm, he flew from a neighbouring field to his family, with the hope of hurrying them to a place of safety. Seven of his children he directed to flee, while he himself went to assist his wife, who was confined in her bed with an infant a week old ; but before she could leave the bed the savages arrived. In despair of rendering her assistance, Mr. Dustan flew to the door, mounted his horse, and determined in his own mind to snatch up the child which he loved best. He followed in pursuit of his little flock, but, on coming up with them, he found it impossible to make a selection. He determined, therefore, to meet his fate with them ; to defend and save them from the knife of the pursuing savages, or die by their side. A body of the Indians soon came up with them, and, from short distances, commenced a fire upon him and his THE UNITED STATES. 95 little company. For more than a mile he continued to retreat, placing himself between the fire of the Indians and his children, and returned their shots with great spirit and success. At length he saw them all safely lodged from their bloody pursuers, in a distant house. It is not easy to find a nobler instance of fortitude and courage, inspired by affection, than is exhibited in this heroic act. Let us ever cultivate the influence of those ties of kindred, which are capable of giving so generous and elevated a direction to our actions. As Mr. Dustan quitted his house, a party of Indians entered it. Mrs. Dustan was in bed, but they ordered her to rise instantly, and, before she could finish dressing, obliged her, and the nurse, who had in vain attempted to escape with the infant, to quit the house, which they plun- dered and burnt. In these distressing circumstances, Mrs. Dustan began her march, with other captives, in the wilderness. The air was keen, and their path led through snow and deep mud, and their savage conductors delighted rather in then affliction, than in alleviating their distress. The company had proceeded but a short distance, when an Indian, thinking the infant an incumbrance, took it from the arms of the nurse, and violently terminated its life. Such of the other captives as became weary and in- capable of proceeding, the Indians killed with their toma- hawks. Feeble as Mrs. Dustan was, both she and ht * nurse sustained, with wonderful energy, the fatigues and misery attending a journey of one hundred and fifty miles. On their arriving at the place of their destination, they found the wigwam of the savage who claimed them, to be inhabited by twelve Indians. In the ensuing April, this family set out, with their captives, for an Indian settle- ment, still more remote. The captives were informed, that on their arrival at the settlement, they must submit to be stripped, scourged, and run the gauntlet between two files of Indians. This information carried distress to the minds of the captive women, and led them promptly to devise some means of escape. Early in the morning of the 31st of April, Mrs. Dustan awaking her nurse, and another fellow prisoner, they dis- 96 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF patched ten of the twelve Indians, while they were asleep ; the other two escaped. The women then com- menced their difficult and dangerous journey through the wilderness, and at length arrived, safe at Haverhill. Sub- sequently they visited Boston, and received from the general court a handsome consideration for their extraor- dinary sufferings and heroic conduct. In 1698, the Earl of Bellamont was appointed governor. He was particularly instructed to clear the American seas of the pirates who infested them, and who, it was sus- pected, had even received encouragement from Governor Fletcher. The government declining to furnish the necessary na- val force, the earl, with others, engaged in a private un- dertaking against them. The association procured a ves- sel of war ; gave the command of it to a Captain Kidd, and sent him to cruise against the pirates. He had been but a short time at sea, when, disregarding his instruc- tions, he made a new contract with his crew, and on the Atlantic and Indian Ocean became himself a daring, atro- cious, and successful pirate. Three years afterwards, he returned, burned his vessel, and appeared publicly in Bos- ton. He was apprehended and sent to England, where he was tried, and executed. When Governor Bellamont had settled the affairs of that government, he returned to New-York, where he died in 1701, greatly lamented. Scarcely had the colonies recovered from the war which ended in 1697, before they were again involved in the horrors of another war with the French, Indians and Spaniards, which continued from 1702 to March 31, 1713. In February, 1704, Deerfield, in Massachusetts, was surprised in the night. About 40 persons were killed, and 150 made prisoners, among whom were, Mr. Williams, the minister, and his family. They came to the house of Mr. Williams, forced open the doors, and entered the room where Mr. Williams was sleeping. Awakened by the noise, he seized his pistol, and snapped it at the first Indian, but it missed fire, the house was then plundered, and two of his children and the black female servant, were butchered before his eyes The savages at length suffered his wife THE UNITED STATES. 97 and himself, with five children, to put on their clothes, and prepare for a long journey. Every house but the one next to Mr. Williams' was consumed. " One house still remains, as a painful memento to pos- terity. The front door was hacked and hewn with hatch- ets, until the savages had cut a hole through it ; through this hole, they fired into the house ; this door, which still bears its ancient wounds, and the hole, (closed only by a board, tacked on within,) remains now as the savages left it, and is a most interesting monument. " Through the windows they also fired, and one bullet killed the female head of the family, sitting up in bed, and the mark of that bullet, as well as of four others, is visible in the room ; in one of the holes in a joist, another bullet remains to this day. This family were all killed or carried into captivity." The second day, Mrs. Williams began to fail, and could go no farther. Her husband requested permission to re- main with her; but they plunged a "hatchet into her head, and compelled him to proceed. Before the termination of their journey, twenty more shared the same fate. Those who reached Canada, were treated with humanity by the French. At the end of two years, Mr. Williams, and fifty-seven others, were redeemed, and he returned to Deerfield, where he continued his labours in the ministry twelve years, and died. His eldest daughter was married to an Indian in Canada, where she lived many years. She came into New-England once or twice, with her sannup and children, to visit her friends, and at her death left a nu- merous family. In 1707, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New-Hamp- shire, despatched an armament against Port Royal, in Nova-Scotia, which was in possession of the French. The expedition consisted of one thousand men ; but re- turned without accomplishing its object. General Nicholson visited England, and proposed an expedition against Canada. In June, 1711, Admiral Wal- ker, with a fleet of fifteen ships of war, and forty trans- ports, arrived at Boston, and taking on board two addi- tional regiments, he sailed from Boston the last of July 9 98 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF At the same time, General Nicholson proceeded from Albany, at the head of four thousand men, from Connec- ticut, New- York, and New-Jersey, against Canada. The fleet had advanced about ten leagues up the river St. Lawrence, when the river became foggy. Different opinions arose concerning what course to take ; the Eng- lish pilots recommended one course, the Americans an- other. The admiral, like all other English officers, adopted the advice of his own pilots ; and, about mid- night, nine transports were driven upon the rocks, and dashed to pieces. About one thousand men sunk to rise no more. Not a single American was lost. The admiral returned to England, and, on the 15th of October, his ship blew up, and four hundred seamen perished. The New-Eng- land troops returned home, and when Nicholson, who had advanced as far as Lake George, learned the fate of the fleet, he led back his troops to Albany. The next year, 1713, France and England made peace at Utrecht ; this relieved the northern part of the country, and in the same year peace Avas concluded with the Indians. Such was the destruction of lives in this war, that the population of New-England was sensibly decreasing. The expenses were great, which obliged them to issue bills of credit, or paper money, which perplexed the go- vernment in all their transactions. In 1716, Samuel Street, a colonel in the army of the celebrated Duke of Marlborough, was appointed gover- nor. On his arrival in the province, he found the people divided into parties ; one in favour of a public bank, which had just been established; the other for a private bank. He joined the former; the latter became hostile, and, led by a Mr. Cook, opposed with virulence all his mea- sures. In 1715, after several years of profound peace, an In- dian war broke out in South Carolina. All the tribes, from Florida to Cape Fear, had been long engaged in a conspiracy against the whites. On the morning of the 15th of April, the first blow was struck at the settlements around Port Royal. Ninety persons were massacred. Some of the inhabitants escaped by embarking on board THE UNITED STATES. 99 a vessel which then lay in the harbour, and sailed directly for Charleston. At a plantation on Goose Creek, seventy whites, and forty faithful negroes, being protected by a breast-work, determined to maintain their post; but on the first attack, their courage failed them, and they agreed to surrender. The instant they fell into the power of the enemy, all were barbarously murdered. Governor Craven, from North Carolina, at the head of one thousand men, marched against the savages. He dis- covered several small parties, who fled before him. At Saltcatchers, he found them all assembled, and there an obstinate and bloody battle was fought. The whites were victorfous, and compelled the enemy to leave the province. Most of them fled to Florida, and were kindly received by the Spaniards. In 1719, at a general review of the militia at Charles- ton, occasioned by a threatening invasion of the colony from Florida, the officers and soldiers bound themselves by a solemn compact, to support each other in resisting the tyranny of the proprietors ; and the assembly, which was then in session, requested the governor, by a respect- ful address, to consent to administer the government in the king's name. He refused, and by proclamation dis- solved the assembly. The members immediately met, and elected Colonel James Moore their governor. He was a bold man, and exceedingly well qualified for a po- pular leader, in a turbulent season. He accepted the ap- pointment, and administered the affairs of the colony. The conduct oFthe proprietors, and people, was brought before his majesty's council. After a full hearing, it was decided, that both colonies should be taken under the pro- tection of the crown. In 1719, Hunter, Governor of New- York, quitted the province, and his authority devolved on Peter Schuyler. The next year, William Burnet, son of the celebrated bishop, was appointed governor. Turning his attention towards the wilderness, he perceived that the French, in order to secure themselves the Indian trade, and confine the English to the sea coast, were erecting forts, from St. Lawrence to the Mississippi. He endea- voured to defeat these designs, by building a trading house and fort at Oswego, on Lake Ontario. But the French 100 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF applied with great activity in accomplishing their object; they launched two vessels upon the lake, and erected a fort at Niagara ; they had previously erected Fort Fronti- nac, commanding the outlet. The peace of 1713, was of short duration. In 1722, the eastern Indians began to be hostile, murdering seve- ral persons, and burning the town of Brunswick. In 1723, Dover was surprised, and several persons killed, and a number carried into captivity ; and in 1724, repeated at- tacks were made, and the English kept in a continual alarm. Numbers were killed. The English in their turn made an attack upon Norridgeway ; killed Railed, the Je- suit, and about eighty-seven Indians. The war now raged with violence, until 1726, when peace was restored. This treaty was greatly applauded, and under it, owing to the more pacific feelings of the Indians, and more faithful ob- jervance of the English, the colonies experienced unu- sual tranquillity for a long time. * The Settlement of Georgia, in June, 1732. Several benevolent gentlemen in England, suggested a plan of conveying all the indigent subjects of Great Bri- tain thither. To a project springing from motives so no- ble, the people and the government extended their pa- tronage. In November, 1732, one hundred emigrants embarked for Georgia. The next year, five hundred per- sons arrived at that place. But it was soon discovered, that these people had become poor by their idleness, and were not fitted to fill the groves of Georgia. The trustees therefore offered to receive such as had become poor by unavoidable misfortune, and grant to each one who should repair to the colony, fifty acres of land. This offer brought more than four hundred persons into Georgia. In 1738, a disturbance was created among the negroes in South Carolina. A number of them assembled at Stono, surprised and killed two white men who had the charge of a ware-house, from which they took guns and ammunition. They then chose a captain, and with drums proceeded southward, burning every house, and killing THE UNITED STATES. 1*01 all the whites that fell in their way, and compelled all the negroes to join them. Governor Bull, who was returning from the southward, accidently met them, hastened out of the way, and spread the alarm. The news soon reached "Wiltown, where a large con- gregation were attending divine service. The men, ac- cording to the law, brought their arms to the place of worship, and marched directly in quest of the negroes. While in an open field, they were dancing with frantic exultation at their late success, they were suddenly at- tacked by the whites ; a number were killed, some fled, and the remainder taken. They who had been compel- led to join them were pardoned ; but all the leaders suf- fered death. About twenty whites were murdered. In 1744, war again broke out between England and France, and the colonies were involved. Their com- merce and fisheries suffered great injury from privateers fitted out at Louisburg, a French port on Cape Breton. Its situation was important. Nearly six millions of dol- lars had been expended on its fortification. It was of great importance that the colonies should destroy or take possession of this strong hold, although it was consider- ed impossible. Having exacted of the general court an oath of secrecy, the governor, in January, 1745, commu- nicated to them the project. Many heard it with amaze- ment. So srtrcng was the place, and so weak were the colo- nies, that the thoughts of attacking it seemed rash and presumptuous. The secret was disclosed by an honest member, who prayed for divine blessing on the attempt, if it should be made. The people were instantly struck with the advantage of possessing the place. When the decision was made known, a petition, signed by a large number of merchants, was presented to the general court, praying them to comply with the governor's proposals. The subject was again discussed, and the vote in favour of the expedition was only one majority. The question was now decided, and all who were be- fore averse to the enterprise, united heartily with the sup- porters, to carry it into execution. The other New- England colonies agreed to furnish assistance, and a boat 9* 102 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF was despatched to Commodore Warren, in the West In- dies, to invite him to their assistance. In two months, an army of more than four thousand men were enlisted, clothed, victualled, and equipped for service, in the four New-England colonies, which did not contain four hun- dred thousand inhabitants. On the 23d of March, the despatch boat returned from the West Indies, with information that Commodore War- ren declined furnishing any aid, without orders from Eng- land. This intelligence was kept a secret. About the 19th of April, the troops, together with those from Con- necticut and New-Hampshire, arrived safely at Canso. Commodore Warren had but just despatched his answer, when he received orders to repair to Boston, with such ships as he could spare, and concert measures with Go- vernor Shirley, for his majesty's service in North Ameri- ca. He sailed immediately, but learning that the trans- ports had sailed for Canso, he steered directly for that place. He added much to the naval strength. Several vessels of war, which had been sent to cruise before Louisburg, had captured several French ships, and prevented any intelligence of the expedition from reach- ing them. Those vessels were daily within sight of the place, bu-t were supposed to be privateers, and caused no alarm. The appearance of the fleet on the 30th of April, gave the French the first intimation of their danger. The troops immediately landed, and the next day, four hun- dred marched around the hills, approached within a mile of the grand battery, setting fire to all the houses and stores on the way. Many of these contained tar and pitch, which produced a thick smoke, that completely en- veloped the invaders. The fears of the French were in- creased by their uncertainty. They imagined all the ar- my was coming upon them, and throwing their powder into a well, destroyed the battery, which the English took without loss. This was uncommon good fortune ; but the most diffi- cult labour of the siege remained to be performed. The cannon were to be drawn nearly two miles, over a deep morass, in plain view, and within gunshot of the enemy's principal fortification. For fourteen nights, the Droops, THE UNITED STATES. 103 with straps over their shoulders, and sinking to their knees in mud, were employed in the service. By the 20th of May, they had erected five batteries, one of which mounted five forty-two pounders, and did great execution. Meanwhile, the fleet cruised in the harbour, and was equally successful. It captured a French ship of sixty- four guns, loaded with stores for the garrison, to whom the loss was distressing. English ships of war were continually arriving, and added such strength to the fleet, that a combined attack upon the town was resolved upon. The enemy, discovering this design, deemed it unwise to run the hazard of an assault. On the 15th of June, the French commander proposed a cessation of hostilities, and on the 17th capitulated. Intelligence of this event spread like lightning through the country. The French flag was still standing upon the walls of Louisburg, which decoyed several India ships, supposed to be worth six hundred thousand pounds. Well might the citizens of New-England be elated with these glad tidings. Without even a suggestion from the mother country, their commerce and fisheries were now secure. France, fired with resentment at her loss, made extra- ordinary exertions to retrieve it, and to inflict chastise- ment on New-England. The next summer, she des- patched to the American coast a powerful fleet, carrying a large number of soldiers. The news of its approach spread terror throughout New-England. But an uncom- mon succession of disasters, which the pious of that time attributed to the special interposition of Providence, de- prived it of all power to inflict injury. After remaining a short time on the coast, it returned to France ; having lost two admirals, both of whom, it was supposed, put an end to their lives through chagrin ; having also, by tem- pest, been reduced to one half its force, and effected no- thing. In 1748, peace was concluded; each party restored all its prisoners and conquests; a striking, but not uncom- mon illustration of the folly of war. Louisburg, though conquered by the colonies, was exchanged by Great Bri- 104 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF tain for territories which she had lost in Europe. New England murmured at this injustice, but what avail the murmurs of the weak ? In 1750, an act was passed, prohibiting the exportation of hats out of the plantations of America, and to restrain the number of apprentices taken by hat makers ; also, an act providing a penalty of one hundred pounds for the erection of any mill for slitting or rolling of iron, or any plating forge to work with a tilt hammer. CHAPTER V. French and Indian War, which commenced in 1756, and continued to 1763. The war which ended in 1748, for a short period, gave peace to America, and the population in the thirteen co- lonies, amounted to one million and one hundred thou- sand. Scarcely had the colonies time to reap the benefits of peace, before their prospect was clouded, and the sound of war filled the land with general anxiety and distress. In 1756, the 18th of May, Great Britain declared war against France. The general cause leading to this war, commonly call- ed the French and Indian war, was the encroachment of the French upon Nova-Scotia, which had been ceded to Great Britain by the 12th article of the treaty of Utrecht. About this time, a company of English traders established trading houses on the banks of the Ohio. The French seized some of the traders, and conveyed them prisoners to Canada. A tribe of Indians in Ohio, among whom the English had been trading, resented the seizure, and by way of retaliation, took several French traders, and sent them to Pennsylvania. The Ohio com- pany complained to Dinwiddie, governor of Virginia, who laid the subject before the assembly, which ordered a messenger to be despatched to the French commander in Ohio, and require him to withdraw his troops. Our beloved Washington happening to hear of it, in- THE UNITED STATES. 105 stantly waited on his excellency, and offered his services, but not without being terribly afraid lest his want of a beard should go against him. However, the governor was so charmed with his modesty and manly air, that he never asked him a syllable about his age, but after thanking him for " a noble youtli" and insisting on his taking a glass of wine with him, slipped a commission into his hand. The next day, accompanied by an interpreter and a couple of servants, he set out on his expedition, which was, from start to pole, as disagreeable and danger- ous as any thing Hercules himself could have wished. Soaking rains, chilling blasts, roaring floods, pathless woods, and mountains clad in snows, opposed his course, but opposed in vain. The glorious ambition to serve his country imparted an animation to his nerves, which ren- dered him superior to all difficulties. Returning homewards, he was waylaid and shot at by a French Indian, and though the copper coloured ruffian was not 15 steps distant when he fired at him, yet not even so much as the smell of lead passed on the clothes of our young hero. On his return to Virginia, it was found that he l\ad executed his negotiations, both with the French and Indians, with such fidelity and judgment, that he received the heartiest thanks of the governor and council for the very important services he had done his country. He was now (in the 20th year of his age) appointed major and adjutant-general of the Virginia forces. Soon after this, the Indians continuing the encroachments, or- ders Avere given by the English government, for the colo- nies to arm and unite in one confederacy. Virginia took the lead, and raised a regiment of four hundred men, at the head of which she placed her darling Washington. With this handful of brave fellows, Col. Washington, not yet 23 years of age, boldly pushed out into the Indian country, and there for a considerable time, Hannibal-like, maintained the war against three times the number of French and Indians. At the Red-Stones he came up with a strong party of the enemy, whom he engaged and effec- tually defeated, after having killed and taken thirty-one men. From his prisoners he obtained undoubted intelli- 106 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF gence, that the French forces on the Ohio consisted of upwards of a thousand regulars, and many hundreds of Indians. But notwithstanding this disheartening advice, he still pressed on undauntedly against the enemy, and at a place called Little Meadows, built a fort, which he called Fort Necessity. Here he waited, hourly and anxiously look- ing for succours from New- York and Pennsylvania ; but he looked in vain nobody came to his assistance. Not long after this his small force, now reduced to three hun- dred men, were attacked by an army of 1100 French and Indians. Never did the true Virginian valour shine more gloriously than on this trying occasion. To see three hundred young fellows commanded by a smooth-faced boy all unaccustomed to the terrors of war far from home, and from all hopes of help shut up in a dreary wilderness, and surrounded by four times their number of savage foes, and yet, without sign of fear, without thought of surrender, preparing for mortal com- bat. Oh ! it was a noble sight ! Scarcely since the days of Leonidas, and his three hundred deathless Spartans, had the sun beheld its equal. With hideous whoops and yells the enemy came on like a host of tigers. The woods, and rocks, and tall tree tops, (as the Indians, climb- ing to the tops of the trees, poured down their bullets into the fort,) were in one continued blaze and crash of fire- arms. Nor were our young warriors idle, but, animated by their gallant chief, plied their rifles with such spirit, that their little fort resembled a volcano in full blast, roaring and discharging thick sheets of liquid fire, and of leaden deaths among their foes. For three glorious hours, Sala- mander like, enveloped in smoke and flame, they sustained the attack of the enemy's whole force, and laid two hun- dred of them dead on the spot. Discouraged by such desperate resistance, the French general, the Count de Villiers, sent in a flag to Washington, extolling his gallan- try to the skies, and offering him the most honourable terms. It was stipulated that Col. Washington, and his little band of heroes, should march away with all the ho- THE UNITED STATES. 107 nours of war, and carry with them their military stores and baggage. The conduct of the French against the Ohio company, soon reached England. The English were convinced, that their claims to the country through which that river flows must be relinquished, or maintained by the sword. They soon chose the latter, and early in the spring of 1755, they despatched General Braddock with a respecta- ble force to America, to expel the French, and keep pos- session of the territory. In April, Braddock met the governors of several pro vinces to confer upon the plan of the ensuing campaign. Three expeditions were resolved upon ; one against Du Quesne, to be commanded by General Braddock; one against forts Niagara and Frontinac, to be commanded by Governor Shirley, and one against Crown Point, by Ge- neral Johnson. This last expedition was to be executed by troops raised in New-England and New- York. In the spring of 1755, Washington, while busied in the highest military operations, was summoned to attend Gen Braddock, who, in the month of February, arrived at Alexandria with two thousand British troops. The assembly of Virginia appointed eight hundred provincials to join him. The object of this army was to march through the country by the way of Will's Creek, to Fort Du Quesne, (now Pittsburgh, or Fort Pitt.) As no person was so well acquainted with the frontier country as Wash- ington, and none stood so high in military fame, it was thought he would be infinitely serviceable to General Braddock. At the request of the governor and council, he cheer- fully quitted his own command, to act as volunteer aid-de- camp to that very imprudent and unfortunate general. The army, nearly three thousand strong, marched from Alexandria, and proceeded unmolested within a few miles of Fort Pitt. On the morning of the day in which they expected to arrive, the provincial scouts discovered a large party of French and Indians lying in ambush. Washington, with his usual modesty, observed to Gen. Braddock what sort of enemy he had now to deal with. An enemy who would not, like the Europeans, come for 108 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ward to a fair contest in the field, but, concealed behind rocks and trees, carry on a deadly warfare with their rifles. He concluded with begging that Gen. Braddock would grant him the honour to let him place himself at the head of the Virginia riflemen, and fight them in their own way. And it was generally thought that our young hero, and his eight hundred hearts of hickory, would very easily have beaten them too, for they were not superior to the force, which (with only three hundred) he had handled so roughly a twelve month before. But Gen. Braddock, who had all along treated the Ame- rican officers and soldiers with infinite contempt, instead of following this truly salutary advice, swelled and red- dened with most unmanly rage. " High times, by G d," he exclaimed, strutting to and fro, with arms a-kimbo, " High times ! when a young buckskin can teach a British general how to fight!" Washington withdrew, biting his lips with grief and indignation, to think what numbers of brave fellows would draw short breath that day, through the pride and obstinacy of one epauletted fool. The troops were ordered to form, and advance in columns, through the woods ! ! In a little time, the ruin which Washington had predicted ensued. This poor devoted army, pushed on by their mad-cap general, fell into the fatal snare which was laid for them. All at once a thou- sand rifles began the work of death. The ground wa instantly covered with the dying and the dead. The British troops, thus slaughtered by hundreds, and by an enemy whom they could not see, were thrown irre- coverably into panic and confusion, and, in a few minutes, their haughty general, with 1200 of his brave but unfor- tunate countrymen, -bit the ground. Poor Braddock closed the tragedy wffh great decency. He was mortally wounded in the beginning of the action, and Washington had him placed in a carl ready for retreat. Close on the left, where the weight or the French and Indian fire prin- cipally fell, Washington, and his Virginia riflemen, dress- ed in blue, sustaineu the shock. At every discharge of their rifles, the wounded general cried out, " O my brave Virginia blues ! Would to God I could live to reward yor "or such gallantry." But he died. Washington THE UNITED STATES. 109 buried him in the road, and, to save him from discovery, and the scalping knife, ordered the wagons, on their re- treat, to drive over his grave ! O, God ! what is man ? Even a thing of nought ! Amidst all this fearful consternation and carnage, amidst all the uproars and horrors of a rout, rendered still more dreadful by the groans of the dying,-* the screams of the wounded, the piercing shrieks of the women, and the yells of the furious assaulting savages, Washington, calm and self-collected, rallied his faithful riflemen, led them on to the charge, killed numbers of the enemy who were rushing on with tomahawks, check- ed their pursuit, and brought off the shattered remains of the British army. With respect to our beloved Washington, we cannot but mention here two very extraordinary speeches that were uttered about him at this time, and which, as things have turned out, look a good deal like prophecies. A famous Indian warrior, who assisted in the defeat of Brad- dock, was often heard to swear, that Washington was not born to be killed by a bullet ; " for," continued he, " I had seventeen fair fires at him with my rifle, and, after all, I could not bring him to the ground." And, indeed, who- ever considers that a good rifle, levelled by a proper marksman, hardly ever misses its aim, will readily enough conclude, with this unlettered savage, that some invisible hand must have turned aside his bullets. The Rev. Mr. Davies, in a sermon occasioned by Gen. Braddock's defeat, has these remarkable works " I beg leave to point the attention of the public to that heroic youth, Colonel George Washington, whom I cannot but hope providence has preserved for some great service to this country." Governor Shirley proceeded to Oswego, on Lake On- tario. His army was poorly supplied with provisions, and the rainy season approaching, he abandoned the expedi- tion, and returned to Albany. The army under Gen. Johnson arrived at the south end of Lake George, the latter part of August, when he received information that iwo thousand of the enemy, commanded by Barou Dies- TO 110 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF kau, were marching against Fort Edward. Accordingly, Colonel Williams was detached to intercept him. Colonel Williams' party, which left the camp between eight and nine o'clock in the morning of Sept. 8th, 1755, very unexpectedly fell in with the army of Baron Dieskau ; the two armies met in the road, front to front ; the Indians of Dieskau's army were in ambuscade, upon both declivi- ties of the mountains, and thus it was a complete surprise, for Col. Williams had unhappily neglected to place any scouts upon his wings. A bloody battle ensued, and a deadly fire was poured in upon both flanks. Col. Williams, endeavouring to lead his men against the unseen enemy, was instantly shot through the head, and he and hundreds of his party, including old Hendrick, the chief of the Mohawks, and forty Indians, were slain. The remainder of the party, under the command of Col. Whiting, retreated into the camp. They came running in, in the utmost confusion and consternation, and pet- haps owed their safety, in a great measure, to another party, which, when the firing was heard, and perceived to be growing louder and nearer, was sent out to succour them. Nor did this battle terminate the fighting of this bloody day. The remains of Dieskau's army retreated about four miles, to the ground where Colonel Williams had been defeated in the morning the rear of the army were there sitting upon the ground, had opened their knapsacks, and were refreshing themselves, when Captain M'Ginnies, who with two hundred men, had been despatched from Fort Edward to succour the main body, came up with this portion of the French army, thus sitting in security, and attacked and totally defeated them, although he was him- self mortally wounded. Thus were three battles fought in one day, and almost upon the same ground. The neighbouring mountain, in which the French so suddenly made their appearance, is to this day, called French mountain ; and this name, with the tradition of the fact, will be sent down to the latest posterity. I was shown a rock by the road, at which a considerable slaugh- Utr look place. It was on the east side of the road, near THE UNITED STATES. Ill where Colonel Williams fell, and I am informed, is to this day, called Williams' Rock. Just by the present road, and in the midst of these bat- tle grounds, is a circular pond, shaped exactly like a bowl ; it may be two hundred feet in diameter, and was, when I saw it, full of water, and covered with the pond lily. Alas ! this pond, now so peaceful, was the common sepulchre of the brave ; the dead bodies of most of those who were slain on this eventful day, were thrown, in undistinguished confusion, into this pond; from that time to the present, it has been called the Bloody Pond ; and there is not a child in this region but will point you to the French Mountain and the Bloody Pond. I stood with dread upon its brink, and threw a stone into the unconscious waters. After these events, a regular fort was constructed at the head of the lake, and called fort William Henry. Early in the spring, 1756, the enemy, invited by the success of the preceding year, made another irruption into the inhabited country, and did great mischief. The number of troops on the regular establishment, was totally insufficient for the protection of the frontier. The Indians, divided into small parties, concealed themselves with so much dexterity, as seldom to be perceived until the blow was struck. These murders were frequently committed in the very neighbourhood of the forts, and the detachments which were employed in scouring the country were gene- rally eluded, or attacked to advantage. In one of these skirmishes in the neighbourhood of a stockade, the Ame- ricans was totally routed, and Captain Mercer killed. The smaller forts were frequently assaulted and attack- ed. The people either abandoned the country, or at- tempted to secure themselves in small stockades, where they were in great distress for provisions, arms, and am- munition. Lord Loudon arrived in America, in July, 1756, as commander-in-chief. He was clothed with the highest civil authority, having been appointed governor of the colony. A complimentary address from the regi- ment, stating their pleasure at his arrival and appoint- ment, and the readiness with which they would execute his commands, was presented to him ; also a statement of 112 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the distress of the colony, and a particular description of the situation of the military points. An army was raised, of about twelve thousand men, which was better prepared for the field than any army that had been assembled in America. But the change of commanders delayed the operations of the English army. The French were active, and on the 12th of July, Gene- ral Abercrombie received intelligence that they meditated an attack upon Oswego, a post of the utmost importance. Gen. Webb was ordered to prepare to march with a regi- ment to support the defence of that place, but was de- tained until the 12th of August. Before he had proceeded far, he learned it was too late. By the loss of Oswego, all the western country was laid open to their ravages. There was reason to fear that the frontier posts would be swept away, one after another, and that all the preparations which had been made for an early attack on the enemy, would be lost with them. Be- sides, the enemy would have another year to fortify and strengthen their posts, and to render the reduction of them much more hazardous and difficult. The colonies were obliged to submit, and Lord Loudon sailed from New-York for Halifax, with six thousand land forces, and there made a junction with Holbourn and Hopson. Here was now an army of twelve thousand men, exclusive of officers, aided by a powerful fleet ; but they were so dilatory in their measures, that before they were ready to sail, the Brest fleet, with seventeen sail of the line, besides frigates and transports, arrived at Louis- burg. The garrison was so reinforced as to amount to nine thousand men. On the reception of this intelligence, it was judged inexpedient to proceed, and the expedition was given up. liad the Earl of Loudon been a man of enterprise had he wished to distinguish himself in his majesty's ser- vice, or to have rendered himself popular in the colonies, he might have conducted this powerful army to Ticonde- roga, and carried all before him in that quarter. At least, he might have sent on large detachments for the defence of the frontiers. With his Prussian majesty, an Amherst, or a Wolfe, these would have been but natural and com- THE UNITED STATES. 113 mon achievements. But he returned leisurely to New- York, and effected nothing. The British generals in America did more, in two years, by the pusillanimity, weakness, and inconsistency of their councils, to injure the colonies, than the French could hav r e done with all their force. The provincials would, probably, have advanced to Crown Point the last year, and made themselves masters of the country south of Lake Champlain. They would undoubtedly have kept their own posts, and prevented the evils which followed. The British generals and officers not only lost Oswego, but they destroyed the fortifications at the great carrying place, and filled Wood Creek with logs and trees. They cut off all communication between the colonies and the Five Nations, the only body of Indians which preserved the appearance of friendship to them. They abandoned their whole country to the mercy of the enemy. Nothing could be done to prevent their collecting the Indians, from all quarters, to act against the colonies. Monsieur Montcalm did not neglect to improve the ad- vantages he had gained, and which the conduct of the British generals afforded him. Finding that the troops were drawn off to Halifax, he at once determined on the siege of Fort William Henry, and the destruction of the vessels, boats, and batteaux, at the south landing of Lake George. Bodies of Indians, with his whole force, were collected for this purpose. Colonel Monroe, who commanded at Fort William Heri- ry, having intelligence that an advanced party of the ene- my lay at Ticonderoga, detached Colonel Parker, with four hundred men, to surprise them. Having landed at night, not far distant from the enemy, he sent three boats to reconnoitre, directing them where to meet him in a general rendezvous. The enemy, waylaying and inter- cepting the boats, obtained a perfect knowledge of the colonel's designs, and concerted measures to decoy him into their hands. They laid an ambush behind the point where they knew he designed to land ; and having been reinforced to nearly double his numbers, they sent three boats to the place appointed for the general rendezvous. The colonel, mistaking them for his own boats, eagerly 10* 114 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF put to shore, and was instantly surrounded by the enemy. They attacked him on all sides with such incessant vio- lence, that seventy privates and two officers only made their escape. Elated with this success, Monsieur Montcalm hastened to the siege of Fort William Henry. Having drawn to- gether all his forces from Crown Point, Ticonderoga, and the adjacent posts, with a greater number of Indians than the French had ever employed on any other occasion, he passed the lake, and regularly invested the fort. The' whole army consisted of nearly eight thousand men. The garrison consisted of about three thousand, and the forti- fications were said to be good. At Fort Edward, scarcely fourteen miles distant, lay General Webb, with four thou- sand troops. The regular troops at the two posts, were probably more than equal to the regular force of the enemy. A considerable proportion of their army consisted of Canadians and Indians. Yet, in about six days, was this important post delivered up into the hands of the enemy. All the vessels, boats, and batteaux, which, at so much expense and labour, had been for two years preparing, fell into the power of the enemy. Though General Webb had timely notice of the approach of the enemy, yet he never sent to alarm the country, and bring on the militia. He never reinforced the garrison, nor made a single mo- tion for its relief. So far was he from this, that he sent a letter to Colonel Monroe, who commanded the fort, ad- vising him to give it up to the enemy. Montcalm intercepted the letter, and sent it into the fort to the colonel. He had acted the part of a soldier, and made a brave defence ; but, having burst a number of his cannon, expended a considerable part of his ammuni- tion, and, perceiving that he was to have no relief from General Webb, he capitulated on terms honourable for himself and the garrison. It was, to march out with arms, baggage, and one piece of cannon, in honour to Colonel Monroe, for the brave defence he had made. The troops were not to serve against the most Christian king under eighteen months, unless exchanged for an equal number of French prisoners. THE UNITED STATES. 115 The French and Indians paid no regard to the articles of capitulation, but, falling on the English, stripped them of their baggage and few remaining effects ; and the In- dians in the English service were dragged from the ranks, tomahawked and scalped. Men and women had their throats cut, their bodies ripped open, and their bowels, with insult, thrown in their faces. Infants and children were barbarously taken by the heels, and their brains dashed out against stones and trees. The Indians pursued the English nearly half the way to Fort Edward, where the greatest number of them arrived in a most for- lorn condition. It seems astonishing, that between two and three thousand troops, with arms in their hands, should, contrary to the most express stipulations, suffer these intolerable insults. When it was too late, General Webb alarmed the coun- try, and put the colonies to great expense in sending on large detachments of the militia for the defence of the northern frontier. The sudden capture of the fort, the massacre made by the enemy's Indians, and suspicions of General Webb's treachery, and an apprehension that Ge- neral Montcalm would force his way to Albany, put the country into a state of great alarm and consternation. People were never more alarmed during the war. At the same time, there was never a more general and manly exertion. Connecticut detached, and sent on, in a few days, about five thousand men. She had raised and sent into the field, fourteen hundred before, which was more than her proportion. Large reinforcements were marched on to Albany, and Fort Edward, from New-York, and the other colonies. General Webb, notwithstanding the great num- bers of men with which he was reinforced, did not make any effectual provision for the defence of the frontier set- tlements. No sooner was one expedition finished by the enemy, than another was undertaken. Soon after the reduction of Fort William Henry, the enemy, with fire and sword, laid waste the fine settlements at the German Flats, and on the Mohawk River. On the American station there were nearly twenty thou- sand regular troops, and a large number of provincials in 116 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF service ; and yet one fortress find settlement after another were swept away, and every where the enemy rioted and triumphed with impunity. The army spent the re- mainder of the campaign in inactivity. The provincials, as the season for winter quarters approached, returned to their respective colonies. The regular troops were sta- tioned at Albany and Fort Edward. Thus ended the in- glorious campaign of 1757. By this time, under the repeated losses they had sus- tained, the colonies had very much lost their confidence in the British commanders in America. They, for two years, had witnessed their dilatory measures, their incon- sistency, want of foresight, and a spirit of enterprise, and had such bitter experience of the consequences, that they considered them as utterly disqualified for the im- portant command which they held. To their incapacity and pusillanimity, wholly did they impute the loss of Os- vvego, Fort William Henry, and their other losses on the frontiers. Notwithstanding all the reinforcements which France had sent to Canada, they, every campaign, had a force much superior to the enemy. Had they been men of military genius, skill, and enterprise, instead of the losses they sustained, they might have led on their troops to conquest and glory. Had the colonies been left to them- selves, they would probably have done better. The first year of the war, when left to themselves, their achievements were honourable and useful to the na- tion ; but now they had sustained two years of great ex- pense, which had been worse than lost. Indeed, such were the ministry, and the men whom they employed, that misfortune and disaster attended them in almost every quarter of the globe.* A British historian ob- serves, with respect to this third campaign in America, " That it ended to the eternal disgrace of those who then commanded the armies, and directed the counsels of Great Britain." By this time, the disputes relative to the Ohio, Crown * There was one exception : Admiral Watson and Colonel Clive acted with great magnanimity and success upon the Ganges, in the East Indies. THE UNITED STATES. 117 Point, and territory in America, had involved a great part of Europe in the flames of war. It had kindled in both the Indies, and extended its destructive influence beyond the Ganges. The disappointments and losses of the British nation for a succession of years, and its present exigencies, absolutely demanded a change of men and measures. Men of capacity and enterprise were neces- sary to retrieve its honour, and prevent its ruin. By a most happy turn in Providence, those incompara- ble men, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Leg, and their friends, had been chosen and established in the ministry, and had time to concert their measures, and choose the men to carry them into execution. Now, therefore, every thing relative to the nation, in Europe and America, took a new and sur- prising turn. Now men were brought forward, upon whose fidelity, skill, and spirit of enterprise, confidence might be placed. Notwithstanding the disappointments and losses of the past years, they determined on the reduction of Louis- burg, with a view of cutting off the communication be- tween France and Canada, of destroying the French fishe- ry, and of securing the trade and fisheries of Great Bri- tain, and her colonies in America. At the same time, to gratify the colonies, and to draw forth their whole strength into exertion, they also determined on expedi- tions against Crown Point and Fort Du Quesne. . Intimations of his majesty's design, and of his expec- tations from the colonies, were, at an early period, given to them by letters from the Right Honourable Mr. Pitt. These were written in a style which animated their cour- age, and drew forth their most spirited exertions. The people of Connecticut, in particular, exerted themselves in an extraordinary manner. A special assembly was convened, on the 8th of March, at New-Haven, when the Right Honourable Mr. Pitt's let- ter was communicated to the legislature, importing, that his majesty had nothing more at heart than to repair the losses and disappointments of the last inactive and un- happy campaign, and by the most vigorous and extensive efforts, to avert, by the blessings of God upon his arms, the dangers impending over North America and not 118 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF doubting but his faithful and brave subjects here would cheerfully co-operate with and second, to the utmost, the large expense and extraordinary succours supplied by his kingdom, for their preservation and defence ; and that his majesty, judging that his colony, together with Mas- sachusetts Bay, New-Hampshire, Rhode-Island, New- York, and New-Jersey, were able to furnish twenty thou- sand men, to join a body of the king's forces for inva- ding Canada, and carrying the war into the heart of the enemy's possessions ; and that it was his majesty's plea- sure, that, with all possible despatch, there be raised as large a body of men as the number of inhabitants would allow, to begin the operations of the campaign, as soon as practicable. And that no encouragement might be wanting to so great and salutary an attempt, that strong recommendations would be made to parliament, to grant compensation for the expenses of said provinces, accord- ing as their active vigour and strenuous efforts should ap- pear justly to merit. The legislature resolved, That, notwithstanding this colony, when acting with the several provinces aforesaid, in the three several expeditions undertaken the preceding years, against Crown Point, hath raised a much greater number of men than its just proportion, in comparison with what they then raised, by means of which the num- ber of men is greatly diminished, and its strength much exhausted, yet that nothing be wanting on the part of this colony, to promote the great and good design pro- posed by his majesty, and relying on his royal encourage- ment, five thousand good and effective men, including of- ficers, shall be raised within this colony, as soon as may be, for the service aforesaid. It was resolved at the same time, that the assembly is sensible, that it is really more than the number of men this colony can allow, without great difficulty ; and much exceeds this colony's propor- tion, even of twenty thousand men, when compared with the other provinces. It was resolved, that the said five thousand men should be formed into four regiments, consisting of twelve com- panies in each regiment ; that there should be one colo- nel, one lieutenant-colonel, one major, and one chaplain THE UNITED STATES. 119 to a regiment. The honourable Phinehas Lyman, Esq. who had a general's command in 1755, Nathan Whiting, Esq. Eliphalet Dyar, Esq, and John Read, Esq. were ap- pointed colonels, to command the respective regiments.* The Rev. Messrs. George Beckwith, Joseph Fish, Benja- min Pomeroy, and Jonathan Ingersoll, were appointed chaplains. To encourage the speedy enlistment of men for the service, the bounty was increased much beyond what it had been in former years. All proper measures were adopted to raise the troops with expedition, and to have them seasonably in the field. To provide for the expenses of such a number of troops, the assembly enacted that thirty thousand pounds, lawful money, in bills of credit, at five per cent, interest, should be immediately printed : and that for a fund for the sink- ing of said bills, a tax of eight pence on the pound should be levied on the grand list of the colony, to be brought in Anno Domini 1760. It was provided, however, that such moneys as should arrive from Great Britain, for the reimbursement of the expenses of the war, should be ap- plied, by the treasurer, for the purpose of sinking the said bills, and that if a sufficient sum should arrive before the time fixed for the payment of said tax, to sink the whole, that then said tax should not be levied, and that the act respecting it should be null and void. That the treasurer might be able to pay the troops on their return from the public service, the assembly laid a tax of nine pence on the pound on the whole rateable es- tate of the colony, according to the list brought into the assembly in October last, and ordered that it should be collected by the last of December then following. And as it was uncertain whether money would arrive, suffi- cient to reimburse the expenses of the colony, in season, a committee was appointed to borrow the sum of twenty- five thousand pounds, to be paid before the 20th of May * Each colonel was allowed forty pounds for his table, and the decent support of his chaplain. Their wages, as colonels, and captains for one company, was fifteen pounds per month. The bounty for each man who would equip himself for the field, was four pounds. The wages were the same as in the preceding year. 120 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF 1761. For an ample fund to repay the sum to be bor- rowed, a tax of five pence on the pound was levied on the list which should be brought into the assembly in 1759, to be paid into the treasury by the last of December, 1760. It was enacted also, that any of the notes given for the money borrowed, might be received in payment of said tax. But, as considerable sums of money were expected from England, for provisions, furnished for the troops un- der Lord Loudon, in 1756, it was enacted that said money, as fast as it should arrive, should be applied to discharge the notes given for the money borrowed ; and that, if a sufficient sum should seasonably arrive to discharge all the notes, that then said tax should not be collected. That nothing might be left undone, which could be at- tempted for his majesty's service, the commissioners ap- pointed in October, to meet those from the other colonies, were now authorized to meet them at Hartford on the 19th of April, or as near that time as might be, to consult on measures for the general safety, and to excite the se- veral colonies to the most vigorous and united exertions to carry his majesty's designs into execution.* As it ap- peared by Mr. Pitt's letter, that Major General Aber- crombie was chief commander of the troops for the north- ern expedition, the governor was desired to give him the earliest information of the measures adopted by the colonies, and their vigorous preparations for an early and successful campaign. While the colonies were employing the most vigorous exertions for an early campaign, such effectual measures had been pursued in England, that, in February, the ar- mament designed for the reduction of Louisburg, was in readiness, and sailed for America. Admiral Boscawen commanded the naval, and General Amherst the land ope- rations. Under General Amherst, was Brigadier General Wolfe. These were men of singular characters. Gene- ral Amherst had the coolness and abilities of the Roman Fabius, while General Wolfe possessed the magnanimity and fire of the Scipios. From such men, great achieve- * Records of the Colony for March 8lh, 1753. THE UNITED STATES. 121 ments might reasonably be expected ; and their successes equalled the most sanguine expectations. Admiral Boscawen, and General Amherst, with the ar- mament under their command, arrived safely in America; and, on the 28th of May, the whole fleet, consisting of one hundred and fifty-seven sail, with about fourteen thousand troops on board, took its departure from Halifax, and, on the second of June, appeared before Louisburg. For six days the landing of the troops was impractica- ble. The surf was so great, that no boat could live near the shore. On every part of the coast where a landing was judged practicable, the enemy had made entrench- ments ; and, in places most convenient for the purpose, they had erected batteries, and mounted cannon. During the whole time after the discovery of the fleet, until the landing of the troops, the enemy employed themselves in strengthening their lines. These they manned with nu- merous infantry. General Amherst, with a number of his officers, reconnoitered the shore. On the eighth the weather became more favourable, though there was yet a great swell and surf. The Gene- ral, determining not to a lose moment, seized the oppor- tunity. Before the break of day, the troops were em- barked in three divisions. The admiral and general made their dispositions with consummate judgment. To distract the enemy, and draw their attention to different parts, the dispositions were made in this manner : The divisions on the right, and in the centre, were designed only for feints, while that on the left was appointed for the real attack. This was commanded by General Wolfe. Be- fore the landing, five frigates, and some other ships of var, commenced a furious fire, not only on the centre, but on the right and left of the enemy, to rake them in their flanks. When these had fired about fifteen minutes, Ge- neral Wolfe pressed to the shore. The enemy reserved his fire until the boats were nearly in shore, and then pouied upon them the united blaze and thunder of their musketry and cannon. Many of the boats were overset, and others dashed in pieces. Some of the men were thrown, and others leaped into the water; and while some were killed, and others drowned, the main body, 11 122 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF supported and animated by the noble example and con- duct of their commander, pushed to the land, and with such order and resolution rushed on the enemy, as soon put them into confusion, and drove them from their en- trenchments. When General Wolfe had made good his landing, the centre division having moved to the left, and the right following the centre, the landing was completed in excellent order. For many days the weather was so bad, and the swell and surf so great, that scarcely any of the artillery or stores could be landed. It was with great difficulty that even the tents, provisions, and implements for the siege, were got on shore. The weather was so bad at the time of landing, and during the siege, that a hundred boats were lost in the service. The enemy had five ships of the line, and one or more frigates, in the harbour, and could bring their guns to bear upon the troops, in their approaches. The ground was exceedingly bad ; in some places rough, in others boggy, wet, and miry. These ob- stacles, with a brave resistance from the enemy, caused the seige for some time to proceed slowly. But no discouragements w r ere judged insurmountable, by such generals as Amherst and Wolfe. By the twelfth of June, General Wolfe had secured the point called the light-house battery, and all the posts in that quarter. On the twenty-fifth, he had silenced the island battery ; but the shipping in the harbour kept up the fire upon him until the twenty-first of July. One of the ships then took fire and blew up. This set two others on fire, which burnt to the water's edge. This was to the enemy an ir- reparable loss. By this time, Gen. Amherst had made his approaches near to the city ; so that he was in good forwardness to make lodgements on the covered way. The town, in many places, was consumed to the ground, and in others, was much damaged. The fire of the enemy greatly lan- guished, )*et no proposals of capitulation were made. One bold action more was necessary to bring them to terms. That was to destroy, or bring off, the ships re- maining in the harbour. For this purpose, the admiral sent in a detachment of THE UNITED STATES. 123 six hundred men, under the command of two enterprising young captains, Laforey and Balfour. Between the 25th and 26th of the month, under the darkness of the night, they made their way through a terrible fire of cannon and musketry, and sword in hand, took the two ships. One ran aground, and was burnt ; the other they rowed out of the harbour, in triumph. The next morning, the governor proposed terms of ca- pitulation. The garrison, consisting of five thousand se- ven hundred and thirty-seven men, surrendered prisoners of war. One hundred and twenty-one cannon, eighteen mortars, and large quantities of stores and ammunition, were taken. The enemy lost five ships of the line and four frigates, besides other vessels. St. Johns, with Louisburg, was given up, and the English became mas- ters of the whole coast, from the St. Lawrence to Nova- Scotia. This was the most effectual blow to France, which she had received since the commencement of the war. It was a deep wound to her navy, and especially to her co- lonies and interests in America. It very much cut off her communication with Canada, and greatly facilitated the reduction of that country. As the reduction of Ticonderoga and Crown Point was a favourite object with the northern colonies, they made early and great exertions for carrying it into effectual exe- cution. Besides the assistance which they gave to the re- duction of Louisburg, they furnished about ten thousand troops for the northern expedition. These, in conjunction with between six and seven thousand regular troops, had, by the beginning of July, got into Lake George more than a thousand boats and batteaux, a fine train of artille- ry, provisions, and every thing necessary for an attack on the fortresses of the enemy. On the fifth of July, the army, consisting of fifteen thousand three hundred and ninety effective men, embark- ed in nine hundred batteaux, and one hundred and thirty- hve whale boats, for Ticonderoga. Besides, there were a number of rafts, on which cannon were mounted to co- ver the landing of the troops. Early next morning, they landed at the north end of Lake George, without oppo- sition. The army formed in four columns, and began 124 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF their march for Ticonderoga. But as the woods were thick, and the guides unskilful, the troops were bewilder- ed, and the columns falling in one upon another, were en- tirely broken. In this confusion, Lord Howe, advancing at the head of the right centre column, fell in with the advanced guard of the enemy, consisting of a battalion of regulars and a few Indians, who had deserted their advanced camp, near the lake, and were precipitately fleeing from our troops ; but had lost their way, and were bewildered in the same way as they were. The enemy discharged, and killed Lord Howe the first fire. The suddenness of the at- tack, the terribleness of the Indian yell, and the fall of Lord Howe, threw the regulars, who composed the cen- tre columns, into a general panic and confusion; but the provincials, who flanked them, and were acquainted with their mode of fighting, stood their ground, and soon de- feated them. The loss of the enemy, was about three hundred killed, and one hundred and forty-eight taken. The loss of the English was inconsiderable as to numbers, but in worth and consequences, it was great. The loss of that gallant officer, Lord Howe, was irreparable. From the day of his arrival in America, he had con- formed himself, and made his regiment to conform, to that kind of service which the country required. He was the first to endure hunger and fatigue, to encounter dan- ger, and to sacrifice ail personal considerations to the pub- lic service. While be was rigid in discipline, by his affa- bility, condescending and easy manners, he conciliated affection, and commanded universal esteem. Indeed, he was considered very much as the idol and life of the ar- my. The loss of such a man, at such a time, cannot be estimated. To this, the provincials attributed the defeat and unhappy consequences which followed. As the troops for two nights had slept little, were greatly fatigued, and needed refreshment, the general or- dered them to return to the landing place, where they ar- rived at eight in the morning. Colonel Bradstreet was soon after detached with a strong corps, to take possession of the saw mill, about two miles from Ticonderoga, which the enemy had aban- THE UNITED STATES. 123 doned. Towards the close of the day, the whole army marched to the mill. The general, having received in- formation that the garrison at Ticonderoga consisted of about six thousand men, and that a reinforcement of three thousand more was daily expected, determined to lose no time in attacking their lines. He ordered his en- gineer to reconnoitre the ground and intrenchments of the enemy. It seems that he had not so approached and examined them as to obtain any proper idea of them. He made a favourable report of their weakness, and of the facility of forcing them without cannon. On this ground- !; > report, a rash and fatal resolution was taken, to at- tack the lines without bringing up the artillery. The army advanced to the charge with the greatest in- trepidity, and for more than four hours, with incredible obstinacy, maintained the attack. But the works where the principal attack was made, were eight or nine feet high, and impregnable even by field pieces ; and for nearly an hundred yards from the breast-work, trees were felled so thick, and so wrought together, with their limbs pointing outward, that it rendered the approach of the troops, in a great measure, impossible. In this dreadful situation, under the fire of about three thousand of the enemy, these gallant troops were kept, without the least prospect of success, until nearly two thousand were killed and wounded. They were* then called off. To this rash and precipitate attack succeeded a retreat equally unad- vised and precipitate. By the evening of the next day, the army had retreated to their former encampment at the south end of Lake George. Nothing could have been more contrary to the opi- nions, or more mortifying to the feelings of the provin- cials, than this whole affair. They viewed the attack up- on the lines without the artillery as the height of mad- ness. Besides, it was made under every disadvantage to the assailants. The enemy's lines were of great extent, nearly three quarters of a mile. On the right of the common path towards south bay, and especially on the north, they were weak and of little consideration. In both these quarters they might have been approached un- der the cover of a thick wood. 11* 126 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP The army was sufficiently numerous to have attacked the lines in their whole extent at once, or at least in a very great part of them* and to have drawn their atten- tion to various parts of their lines. But, unhappily, the attack was made upon a small part of them where they were far the strongest and most inaccessible. As no at- tacks or feints were made in other parts, the enemy were left to pour their whole fire on a small spot, while the whole army could not approach it. Besides, the general never approached the field, where his presence was in- dispensably necessary, but remained at the mill, where he could see nothing of the action, nor know any thing, only by information at a distance of two miles. By rea- son of this, the troops, for hours after they should have been called off, were pushed on to inevitable slaughter. But especially did the provincials reprobate the retreat. They considered themselves as more than a match for the enemy, should their pretended reinforcements arrive. The army, after this bloody affair, consisted of fourteen thousand effective men. After all the pompous accounts of the numbers of the enemy, they amounted to little more than three thousand. When the general retreated, he had more than four effective men to one of theirs. He had a fine train of artillery, and there were strong grounds on which he might have encamped with the utmost safety. There were eminences which commanded all the works of the enemy, whence he might have enfi- laded their front, and poured destruction on their whole lines and camp. The provincial officers were, therefore, clearly of the opinion, that there was the fairest prospect of success, notwithstanding their misfortune, could the expedition only be prosecuted with energy and prudence. But the general took his own way, without advising with them, and appeared to retreat with the utmost perturbation. The general never had been high in the estimation of the provincials after the loss of Oswego ; but now he sunk into contempt. They generally called him Mrs. Nabbycrombie, importing that petticoats would much better become him than breeches. To repair, as far as might be, the disaster at Ticonderoga, the general detach- THE UNITED STATES. 127 ed Colonel Bradstreet, with three thousand provincials, on an expedition against Fort Frontenac. With these troops Bradstreet sailed down the Ontario, landed within a mile of the fort, opened his batteries, and, in two days, forced this important fortress to surrender. While these events were taking place in the northern department, General Forbes, who had been appointed to command the expedition to the southward, was advancing with great activity and labour, to the conquest of Fort Du Quesne. About eight thousand men had been assigned to this service. In June, the general inarched from Phi- ladelphia for the Ohio. An attack, however, was needless, the fort having been deserted by the garrison the evening before the arrival of the army. General Forbes took quiet possession of the place, and repaired the fort, and named it Fort Pitt, in honour to Secretary Pitt. The incredible fatigues of this campaign so broke the constitution of this vigilant and brave commander, that he returned to Philadelphia in a very enfeebled state ; where, after languishing a short time, he died, universally lamented. When General Amherst arrived with his troops at the lakes, the season was so far advanced, and such a body of troops had been drawn off, for the expedition under Colonel Bradstreet, that he judged it unadvisable to make any further attempts against the enemy during that cam- paign. Notwithstanding the defeat at Ticonderoga, the cam- paign closed with great honour and advantage, not only to the colonies, but to the nation in general. In this, the fourth year after the commencement of hostilities, the English had not only reduced Louisburg, St. Johns, and Frontenac ; but had made themselves the undisturbed possessors of that fine tract of country, the contention for which had kindled the flames of war in so general and destructive a manner. Success had attended the British arms, not only in America, but in almost every quarter of the globe. The successes in America, besides many other important advantages, paved the way for that 128 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP series of successful events, which terminated in the entire reduction of Canada. Another favourable occurrence of this year, which had its influence in that great event, was a general treaty aftd pacification with all the Indian nations, inhabiting between the Appalachian mountains and the lakes. This was completed at Easton, on the eighth of October. 1759. It was proposed to attack Canada, and it was de- termined, that three powerful armies should enter the country by different routes, and commence an attack at the same time. General Amherst, who commanded one division, in his route attacked Ticonderoga. The garri- son soon surrendered, as the principal part of them had retired to Crown Point. General Amherst proceeded against this place, and took possession of it, but the ene- my, before their arrival, fled to Isle aux Noix, in the north- ern part of Lake Champlain. The second party, com- manded by General Prideaux, was destined against Nia- gara, but he was killed by the bursting of a cohorn. Sir William Johnson, on whom the command now rested, successfully put in execution the plans of his lamented predecessor ; and on the twenty-fourth of July, a gene- ral battle took place. The action was warm and bloody, and the carnage was great ; but the conflict was short, which placed Niagara in the hands of the English. An expedition against Quebec was the most daring and important. That place was so well strengthened, that all expeditions against it had failed. It was commanded by Montcalm, who was posted below the town, with a strong force, and the town was covered by an army of 10,000 men. General Wolfe was determined to try his skill in this case. He soon took possession of Point Levi, on the southern bank of the St. Lawrence, and erected bat- '.eries. By means of these, he destroyed many houses, but made little impression on the fortifications of the town ; he resolved to quit his post. General Wolfe made several attempts to reduce the place, but they all proved unsuccessful. He also at- tempted to destroy the shipping ; this attempt also proved abortive. Stung with chagrin at his own disappointment, General Wolfe determined to ascend a precipice of about THE UNITED STATES. 129 one hundred and seventy-five feet, by which he might gain the heights of Abraham. On the 12th of September, one hour after midnight, General Wolfe, with his army, leaving the ships, embark- ed in boats, and silently dropped down with the current, intending to land a league above Cape Diamond, and thus to gain the heights of Abraham. But, owing to the ra pidity of the current, they fell below their intended place, and disembarked at what is now called Wolfe's cove, a mile, or a mile and a half, above the city. The operation was a most critical one they had to navigate in silence, down a rapid stream to hit upon the right place for a landing, which, in the dark, might be easily mistaken the shore was shelving, and the bank to be ascended was steep and lofty, and scarcely practicable, even without opposition. Doubtless, it was this combination of cir- cumstances which lulled the vigilance of the wary and discerning Montcalm ; he thought such an enterprise ab- solutely impracticable, and therefore had stationed only sentinels and picket guards along this precipitous shore. Indeed, the attempt was in the greatest danger of being defeated by an occurrence, which is very interesting, as marking much more emphatically, than dry official ac- counts can do, the very great delicacy of the transaction. One of the French sentinels, posted along the shore, challenged the English boats in the customary military language of the French ; " Qui vitT' who goes there ! to which a captain of Frazer's regiment, who had served in Holland, and was familiar with the French language and customs, promptly replied, " la France" The next ques- tion was much more embarrassing, for the sentinel de- manded, " a quel regiment ?" " to what regiment." The captain, who happened to know the name of one of the regiments which was up the river with Bougainville, promptly rejoined, " de la Reine" " the queen's." The soldier immediately replied, " passe," for he concluded at once, that this was a French convoy of provisions, which, as the English had learned from some deserters, was expected to pass down the river to Quebec. The other sentinels were deceived in a similar manner, but one, less credulous than the rest, running down to the 130 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF water's edge, called out, " Pourquoi est ce que vous ne parlez plus haut ?" " why don't you speak louder ?" The same captain, with perfect self-command, replied, "Tai, toi, nous serons entendues !" " hush, we shall be over- heard and discovered." The sentry, satisfied with this caution, retired. The British boats were on the point of being fired into by the captain of one of their own trans- port ships, who, ignorant of what was going on, took them for French; but General Wolfe, perceiving the commotion on board, rowed along side in person, and pre- vented the firing, which would have alarmed the town, and frustrated the enterprise. General Wolfe, although greatly reduced by a fever, to which a dysentery was superadded, was, nevertheless, the first man to leap ashore. The rugged precipices, full of projections of rocks, and of trees, and shrubs, growing every where among the cliffs, into which the bank was broken, presented a most forbidding appearance, and Ge- neral Wolfe, familiarly speaking to an officer who stood by, said, " I don't believe there is any possibility of get- ting up, but you must do your endeavour." There was only a narrow path, leading obliquely up the hill ; this had been rendered by the enemy impassable, in consequence of being broken up by cross ditches, and there was, besides, an entrenchment at the top, defended by a captain's guard. This guard was easily dispersed, and the troops then pulled themselves up by taking hold of the boughs and stumps of the trees, and of the projec- tions of the rocks. This precipice (which may be, in different places, from one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet high) is still very rude and rugged, but probably much less so than in 1759 ; it can now be surmounted, without very great diffi- ' culty, by men who are unmolested. Wolfe staked all upon a very hazardous adventure ; had he been discovered prematurely, through a spy, a deserter, or an alarmed sentry, his army would have been inevitably lost ; but, having gained the heights, he formed his troops, and met the enemy in good order. When Montcalm first received information that the English occupied the heights of Abraham, he was greatly THE UNITED STATES. 131 surprised. He saw that a battle was inevitable, and pre- pared to fight. The French advanced briskly ; the Eng- lish reserved their fire until the enemy were near, and then gave it with decisive effect. Early in the engage- ment, Wolfe received a slight wound in his wrist, but, binding his handkerchief around it, he continued to en- courage his men. Soon after this, he received another in his groin. This he also concealed, and continued to urge on his troops, until a third ball pierced his breast, which obliged him to quit the command, which fell on Monckton. He was soon wounded, and the command devolved upon Towns- hend. At this moment, Montcalm, fighting at the head of his men, was mortally wounded, and General Jenne- zergus, his second in command, also fell. The loss of their commanders caused the French to give way. Wolfe, who was reclining his head on the arm of an officer, was aroused by the cry of " they fly they fly !" the hero eagerly asked, " who fly ?" being informed the French were routed, " then," said he, " I die in peace," and ex- pired. This death, says Professor Stillman, has furnished a grand and pathetic subject for the painter, the poet, the historian, and, undoubtedly? considered as a mere military glory, it is one of the most sublime that the annals of war afford. In five days after the battle the city surrendered, and received an English garrison. In September, 1760, Montreal fell into the hands of the English, and, soon after, all the French posts in Canada fell into their power. Thus ended a war which had con- tinued six years, which had cost many thousand lives, and much distress. In 1763, Nova Scotia, Canada, the Isie of Cape Breton, and all other islands in the gulf, and near the St. Lawrence, were ceded to the British crown. REMARKS ON PART SECOND. Manners and Customs. The rapid increase of wealth began to introduce among the colonies the tastes and fashions of the European countries, but their continuance was short among the Americans. 132 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Religion. The Dntch reformed religion generally pre- vailed in New- York ; during this period, Shakers and Friends arrived in America. During the French and Indian war, infidelity was introduced into the army by the English officers and soldiers who came into this coun- try, and from the army it spread through society gene- rally. Population, 2,500,000. UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. FART THIRD. CHAPTER VI. A Summary View of the Causes that led to the American Revolution. ALTHOUGH the narrow and illiberal policy of the British government towards her North American colonies, from their first settlement, was calculated to alienate the affec- tions of the colonies from the parent country ; yet from their exposed situation, and habitual loyalty, this unworthy conduct, long persevered in, produced no sensible impres- sion on the Americans ; their loyalty and attachment to the interest of Britain were not in the smallest degree im- paired, down to the period of the peace of Paris, in 1763. Never had they shown so much zeal, or made such great sacrifices in the cause of their country, as during the pre- ceding war ; having lost more than twenty-five thousand men, expended all the revenues they could raise, and in- volved themselves deeply in debt. Almost the whole burdens of the war in America, had fallen on the colonies ; and their exertions were altoge- ther disproportionate to their means, and tended greatly to impoverish and distress them. After eight years' ardu- ous struggles, attended with the greatest sacrifices, the successful termination of the war the dominion of France in America being relinquished forever occasioned uni- versal foy throughout the colonies ; they forgot their suf- 12 134 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ferings and distresses, in the fair prospects which the peace afforded. But these prospects were of short duration ; the peace of Paris formed a new era in the views and conduct of Great Britain towards her colonies in America. The pos- sessions of France, in America, having been ceded to Britain, and having no longer any fear of her power in this hemisphere, a system of measures was pursued to- wards the colonies, originating in jealousy, and tending to despotism. As soon as the colonies had fought their way to a condition which afforded the prospect of rapidly in- creasing in population and wealth, attempts were made to restrict their commercial and political privileges, and gradually to reduce them to the most wretched state of colonial vassalage. For a century and a half, the colonies had been left to themselves as to taxation ; their own local assemblies had provided the necessary revenues to defray the expenses of their governments ; and the parliament of Great Britain had neither directly nor indirectly ever attempted to de- rive a dollar of revenue from America; although various acts had from time to time been passed, regulating the trade and commerce of the colonies, yet none of these were designed or regarded, either in Britain or America, as revenue laws. But in an inauspicious moment, the British ministry conceived the idea of taxing the colonies, under the pre- tence of providing for their protection, but in reality to relieve the nation from the immense debt, the weight of which hung heavily upon it. This iniquitous scheme, originating with the cabinet, was easily introduced into parliament ; and in March, 1764, as a prelude to the me- morable Stamp Act, the house of commons resolved : " That towards further defraying the necessary expen- ses of protecting the colonies, it may be necessary to charge certain stamp duties upon them ;" and this resolution was followed by what was commonly called the Sugar Act, passed on the 5th of April, and introduced by the follow- ing truly alarming preamble : " Whereas it is just and necessary that a revenue be raised in America, for de- fraying the expenses of defending, protecting, and secu- THE UNITED STATES. 135 ring the same ; we, the commons, &c. towards raising the same, give and grant unto your majesty, after the 29th day of September, 1764, on clayed sugar, indigo, and coffee, of foreign produce, [and various other articles,] the sum of," &c. This was the first act adopted by par- liament, for the avowed object of raising a revenue in the colonies. The justice of this measure, which appeared so clear to the British parliament, was regarded in America as oppression and tyranny, and occasioned great excitement and alarm. The deceptive pretension, that the revenue was to be raised for the purpose of protecting the colo- nies, was only adding insult to injustice ; as the colonies supposed that they were capable of protecting themselves, and they apprehended that the object was rather under the pretence of affording them protection, to maintain a military force in America, for the purpose of dragooning them into submission, and enforcing an unconstitutional system of taxation ; thereby rendering them the instru- ments of forging their own chains. This act was rendered more disgusting by a provision that the money raised by it must be paid in specie, and another, that those charged with having violated the re- venue laws, might be prosecuted in the courts of admi- ralty ; whereby they were deprived of the privilege of trial by a jury, and were liable to be condemned by .a sin- gle officer of the crown, whose salary was to be paid from the very forfeitures decreed by himself. And this was not all, or even the worst ; as the trial was conducted on such principles, that the accused, contrary to the well known maxims of the common law, and repugnant to every idea of justice, was obliged to prove himself inno- cent, or suffer the penalties of the law. These iniquitous proceedings destroyed all security of property, and left every one at the mercy of the minions of the British crown. Their pernicious influence was soon felt exten- sively in the colonies ; they no longer regarded Great Bri- tain as an affectionate mother, but viewed her in the light of a selfish, cruel, and imperious step-mother. The designs of the ministry were penetrated, and oc- casioned great alarm, which spread wider and wider, until 136 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF it became universal. The press, that great engine of truth and liberty, was called into requisition ; the subject was ably and elaborately discussed, and the more it was discussed, and the better it was understood, the more strong and determined the opposition became. All the colonies petitioned and remonstrated against these ob- noxious measures, and most of them appointed agents to present their memorials to parliament, or the king. But, notwithstanding the opposition and excitement in America, and the remonstrances of the colonies, Mr. Grenville, who was at the head of the treasury, prepared the stamp bill, and introduced it into parliament in Febru- ary, 1765; and, although opposed with all the powers of eloquence, by Alderman Beckford, Mr. Jackson, Colonel Barre, Sir William Meredith, and others, it was adopted by a great majority, fifty only voting in opposition, out of about three hundred members who were present. On the second reading of the bill, various petitions, not only from the colonies, but from the London merchants interested in the American trade, were presented; but the petitions were not even received, being refused, on the plea that no memorial could be received on a money bill. Having passed both houses of parliament, on the 22d of March, the stamp act received the royal assent. Dr. Franklin, then in England, as agent for Pennsylva- nia, wrote to Charles Thompson, afterwards secretary of congress " The sun of liberty is set ; you must light up the lamps of industry and economy." Mr. Thompson, in a spirited reply, observed, " That he thought other lights would be lighted up to resist these unconstitutional measures." It is unnecessary to add, that this prediction was soon fulfilled. This unjust and impolitic act was the first great cause which led to the American revolution ; indeed, it was sub- stantially the first scene in the bloody drama of that revo- lution. It was passed in parliament, on the 7th of Fe- bruary, 1765, under the ministry of Lord Grenville, and was repealed on the 18th of March, 1766, from the influ- ence of Mr. Pitt. This period of thirteen months was the most eventful and tumultuous of any which had hitherto occurred ; the apprehensions of the people were THE UNITED STATES. 137 roused to the highest pitch, and the most determined spi- rit of opposition prevailed throughout the colonies. The Americans had not believed that the act would be passed, and on receiving the intelligence, every one was struck with astonishment, and filled with consternation ; they looked at each other with amazement, and, for a short interval, hesitated what course to pursue ; but soon recovering from their consternation, they determined not to submit to such a flagrant outrage on their rights. In Boston, the ships in the harbour, in token of the deepest mourning, suspended their colours half mast high ; the bells were wrung muffled ; and the obnoxious act, with a death's head in front of it, with the motto " The folly of England, and the ruin of America" was carried in solemn procession about the streets. The discontents soon spread throughout the colonies, and the opposition became general and determined ; the spirit of the people gave a tone to the colonial assem- blies, and bold and decided resolutions were adopted against the iniquitous scheme of parliamentary taxation. Virginia took the lead, and on the 28th of May, 1765, Patrick Henry introduced his celebrated resolutions into the house of burgesses, which declared that the inhabi- tants of that colony were entitled to, and had possessed and enjoyed, all the rights, liberties, and privileges, of the people of Great Britain ; that the general assembly of the colony had always exercised, and alone possessed, the power to levy taxes and imposts on the inhabitants of the colony, and that they " were not bound to yield obe- dience to any law or ordinance whatsoever, designed to impose any taxation whatever upon them, other than the law and ordinances of the general assembly." So bold and unexpected were these resolutions, that whilst they were reading, one of the members cried out " treason ! treason !" These resolutions were communicated to all the colo- nies, and the spirit they breathed spread from one legis- lature to another, and their sentiments were reiterated in resolutions adopted by the legislatures, and the freemen in public meetings. Committees were appointed, by the 138 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF assemblies of the colonies, to correspond with each other, and to meet for consultation ; the object of which was to secure harmony of feeling and concert of action. These measures had a very happy effect ; in the mean time, the press teemed with constant publications, vindicating the rights of the colonies ; and many of them were of a highly inflammatory character, calculated to raise the public mind to the highest pitch. The pulpit, also, parti- cularly in New-England, laboured in the same cause, with great zeal and effect ; the flame of liberty kindled from breast to breast, and spread from provinca to province, until the conflagration became general. The spirit of opposition ran so high, as to break out into acts of tumult and disorder. In Boston, the effigy of Mr. Oliver, the stamp master, was burnt, and his house assailed, partly demolished, and his furniture destroyed; and soon after, the house of William Storer, deputy-register of the court of admi- ralty, was attacked, and the books and files of the court destroyed ; and the house of Benjamin Hallowell, comp- troller of the customs, shared the same fate. These out- rages were followed by a more bold and daring attack upon the dwelling of Mr. Hutchinson, lieutenant-gover- nor of the province ; he was obliged to flee to save his life, and his house was entirely demolished, except the walls, and every thing in it destroyed or carried oft'. Si- milar outrages were committed in other places. In Connecticut, Mr. Ingersoll, the stamp officer, was burnt in effigy in many towns ; and whilst he was pro- ceeding from New-Haven to Hartford, where the assem- bly was in session, he was pursued and overtaken by a large concourse of people, some from more than thirty miles, and compelled to resign his office, which was fol- lowed by three hearty cheers of liberty and property. This took place at Weathersfield, from whence the peo- ple, who were headed by militia officers, proceeded to Hartford, where Mr. Ingersoll was compelled to read his resignation in the hearing of the assembly, which was succeeded by loud acclamations of liberty and property. In New- York, the stamp officer was compelled to resign, and Lieutenant-Governor Golden was burnt in effigy, THE UNITED STATES. 139 with a stamp bill in his hand, suspended from his own coach, and the whole was consumed together. In the southern colonies, the public feeling did not lead to the same excesses ; but in all of them, means were found to compel the stamp officers to resign ; and in all the colonies the assemblies adopted resolutions in oppo- sition to the stamp act, although, in many of them, the royal governors prorogued and attempted to stop their proceedings. The members of the colonial assemblies were animated and encouraged by the people, who, in most of the towns, instructed them to oppose the stamp act. But the most important measure to unite the colo- nies, and give energy and effect to their opposition, was convening a continental congress, consisting of deputies appointed by each colony. This measure was first pro- posed by the assembly of Massachusetts. The meeting was appointed to be holden in New- York, in October, 1765. All the colonies, except New-Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia, sent deputies ; the three last of these colonies were prevented by their governors, and the first excused itself on account of its peculiar situa- tion. The congress, after mature deliberation, adopted a declaration of rights, and a statement of the grievances of the colonies, and asserted, in the strongest terms, their exemption from all taxes not imposed by their own re- presentatives. It also prepared a petition to the house of commons. As the first of November, the time when the stamp act was to go into operation, approached, public feeling be- came still stronger, and was excited to the utmost to pre- vent the execution of the law. In New-York, ten boxes of stamps, which had arrived there for Connecticut, were seized by the populace and burned ; and in other ports, the masters of vessels, which brought out stamps, were compelled to return with their detestable cargoes, or deli- ver them up to the people to be destroyed. In Boston and many of the principal towns, the first of- November was kept as a day of mourning and deep distress ; all the shops were shut, the bells were tolled muffled, and the effigies of the authors and abettors of the act were car* 140 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ried in procession through the streets, and then torn to pieces, and consumed by the flames. The lawyers of the supreme court in New- Jersey, re- solved that they would not purchase the stamps in their professional business, and that they would relinquish their practice as a sacrifice to the public good ; and the princi- pal merchants in the colonies, and great numbers of other classes of the inhabitants, entered into solemn engage- ments not only to refuse to use the stamps, but also not to import any more goods from Great Britain until the stamp act should be repealed. Associations were formed, called the " Sons of Liberty," the object of which was, to assist and protect with force, if necessary, every one who might be in danger from his resistance or opposition to the stamp act. This bold association originated in New- York, and prevailed throughout New-England, and, had not the act been repealed, must have led to civil war. The restrictive measures produced distress and tumults in England ; large numbers of the manufacturers being thrown out of employment, and more than forty thousand, with black flags, appeared in the streets in London, and surrounded the royal palace and parliament house. For- tunately a change of ministry took place, in consequence of what was called the regency bill, and Lord Grenville was succeeded by the Marquis of Rockingham, as first lord of the treasury, and the Duke of Grafton and Gene- ral Conway were appointed secretaries of state. In January, the parliament met ; the affairs of America occupied the principal attention, and the first talents of the house were engaged in the discussion. Mr. Pitt, who had been confined to his bed by sickness, when the stamp act was passed, now came forward as the great champion of the rights of the Americans, and with his manly and all powerful eloquence, opposed the unjust, unconstitu- tional, and dangerous measure ; he even justified the Americans in their resistance of an act of tyranny and oppression. After a long and animated discussion, the act was repealed, accompanied, however, with a declara- tion, " that the king and parliament had, and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and THE UNITED STATES. 141 statutes of sufficient force to bind the colonies, and his majesty's subjects in them, in all cases whatever." An act of indemnity was also passed. The repeal of the obnoxious act occasioned universal joy, both in Great Britain and America ; the ships in the Thames displayed their colours, and the whole city of London was illuminated ; and in the colonies, notwith- standing the declaratory act, asserting the principle of tax- ation, the joy and rejoicings were universal ; the non-im- portation resolutions were rescinded ; animosities, ill treatment, and every thing past, were forgotten, and com- mercial intercourse with Great Britain, was resumed with greater activity than ever before had been witnessed. The colonies hoped and believed, that harmony would now be restored, and did every thing in their power to promote this desirable object. But the officers of the crown, the minions of power, and the expectants of place, kept up a correspondence with the officers of the British government at home, and attempted to promote their own selfish views by misre- presenting their countrymen. Governor Bernard, of Massachusetts, was the head of this party, which contri- buted so much to breed difficulties, and bring matters to a crisis. Notwithstanding that the declaratory act still hung over the heads of the colonies, like a portentous cloud, it was not generally expected that the British go- vernment would very soon make another so dangerous an experiment. But these reasonable expectations, however, soon proved to be fallacious, and all reliance on the justice or liberality of Britain, was found to be deceptive and dangerous. Notwithstanding the distraction into which the colonies had been thrown, by the stamp act, within a few months after its repeal, and before the wounds it had occasioned had had time to heal, the chancellor of the exchequer, Charles Townshend, came forward with a new scheme of taxing America, and was so sanguine in his views, that he pledged his character for the success of the project. The new revenue scheme was, to take off the duties on teas which were paid in Great Britain, and to levy three pence 142 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF per pound on all that was purchased in America, and also a duty on paper, glass, and several other articles. A board of customs was established, and commission- ers appointed to set in Boston to collect the duties ; and the custom officers were to be paid from the revenue thus raised ; and the governor, judges of the superior court, and other officers in Massachusetts, who had hitherto been dependant for their salaries on the assembly, /Lo ren- der them independent of the people, and more devoted to Great Britain, were also to be paid from these revenues And to carry the iniquitous system into effect (as unjust laws can only be enforced by unjust means) the powers ol the court of admiralty were greatly extended, so as to de Erive the people of trial by jury in prosecutions for vio- iting the revenue laws. Writs of assistance, as they were called, issued by the governor, or any officer of the revenue, authorized searching the house of the most re- spectable inhabitant in the province, on suspicion of the concealment of contraband or smuggled goods. When intelligence of these new parliamentary regula- tions reached America, they occasioned universal asto- nishment, and revived all the excitement and alarm which prevailed during the stamp act. In the minds of reflect- ing men, they were regarded as more dangerous than that obnoxious act, as an indirect and disguised system of tax- ation had a more certain and fatal tendency to undermine the liberties, and enslave the people, than direct taxes. The colonies, assailed by the same injuries, had recourse to their former measures of complaint and supplication; but their petitions were not even read, and their remon- strances treated with contempt, thus adding insult to in- justice. These accumulated injuries and indignities aroused the fears and spirit of the colonies ; and a circular letter, ad- dressed to the other colonies, by the assembly of Massa- chusetts, contributed to diffuse the flame, and lead to con- cert of action. This letter was dated the llth of Febru- ary, 1768, and the sentiments it contained were reiterated by most of the colonial assemblies. From the bold and determined conduct of the assembly of Massachusetts, it was prorogued by the governor. Another assembly was THE UNITED STATES. 143 cozened in May following, to which the governor, in his first communication, insolently demanded of them, as re- quired by the British secretary of state, to rescind the resolutions of the preceding assembly, which led to the circular letter, and intimated, that unless they complied immediately, they would be dissolved at once. But the assembly acted with a firmness which became the defenders of liberty; and, instead of complying with this haughty mandate, petitioned the king for the removal of the royal governor, and charged upon him a long cata- logue of crimes. The governor, exasperated at their conduct, immediately dissolved the mutinous assembly, and applied to the commander in chief of the king's troops, then in New- York, to have several additional re- giments sent to Boston. Alarmed at these circumstances, the inhabitants of Boston besought the governor to con- vene another assembly ; but he treated their request with contempt. The crisis required something to be done without de- lay, and, accordingly, letters were written to every town in the colony, requesting the appointment of delegates to meet in convention at Boston, before the arrival of the troops. Delegates from ninety-six towns met on the 22d of September. The governor instantly sent them an angry message, commanding them to disperse, threaten- ing, in case of refusal, that they would suffer the conse- quence of their temerity. The convention, however, was not frightened into submission, but gave their reasons for convening, continued their deliberations, and prepared a petition to the king. On the first of October, the troops arrived, and landed; and, sword in hand, paraded through the streets of Bos- ton, which were filled with vast crowds, who, with sullen silence, denoting the deepest resentment, witnessed this, the first act in the great and bloody drama about to be performed. No tumult or resistance, however, ensued, notwithstanding the troops were quartered in the houses of the inhabitants. The assembly met in May, 1769, and immediately adopted several spirited resolutions ; that the placing an armed force where the legislature was con- vened, to overawe their deliberations, was a breach of 144 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF privilege, and that the quartering of troops on the inl^i- tants in time of peace, was illegal, and a violation of the rights and liberties of British subjects. A standing army was now stationed in the capital oi Massachusetts, for the avowed object of coercing the in- habitants into submission; their commerce fettered, theii characters traduced, the assembly prevented from meet- ing, and the petitions of all classes to have the assembly convened, treated with contempt by an insolent governor, who threatened to augment the troops, and enforce, at all hazards, his arbitrary and tyrannical measures, it cannot be surprising that the fears and exasperations of the peo- ple exceeded what had ever been witnessed before. At this alarming conjuncture, something must be done, and there was no other alternative but submission or resist- ance, as petitions had been treated with such contempt, that to memorialize any branch of the British government would be equivalent to submission ; and there were but two ways of resistance, either an appeal to the sword, or an entire suspension of all commercial intercourse with Great Britain, which, as was said by Mr. Pitt in his speech, furnished the means whereby Britain had carried on the war with France, and which, if continued, would afford the means of their own oppression. As all the colonies were involved in one common dan- ger, they readily entered into the most solemn engage- ments, that no British, or India goods, should be imported, except a few specified articles of necessary use. The effects of these arrangements were soon felt in England, and produced clamours, and even tumults, in some parts of the kingdom. But the partizans of the crown in Ame- rica, endeavoured, by their correspondence, to induce the ministry to persevere in their oppressive measures, and represented in the strongest 'terms, that the interruption of commerce was only an effort of desperation, which could not last long. They advised the ministry to pur- chase large quantities of goods, designed for the American market, and also to allow trie merchants engaged in the American trade, a premium equal to the profits of their stock in business. " If these measures are adopted," said Mr. Oliver, secretary in Massachusetts, in one of his THE UNITED STATES 145 letters, " the game will soon be up with my country- men" The assembly which convened at Boston in May, set several weeks without doing any business, as they refused to act as long as an armed force was quartered in the town, and surrounded the house where they were in ses- sion ; they were finally adjourned to Cambridge. They sent several messages to the governor to have the troops removed, but, after evading the matter for some time, he declared that he had no authority over the king's troops ; thus admitting that the military was above the civil power in the province. Governor Bernard sent a provoking message, stating the expenditures of quartering the troops on the town, and requesting that provision be made for the same, and also for their future support; the assembly were thus called on to maintain the instruments by which they were to be oppressed and enslaved. But instead of complying with this request, they passed several spirited resolutions, censuring the conduct of the governor and General Gage, for their rash and oppressive measures, their wanton violations of the constitution, the introduction of a standing army in time of peace, and their encroachments on the liberties of the citizens and of the province. The governor had received an order to re- pair to England, and lay before the king the state of the colony, which he communicated to the assembly, with a request that his salary might be continued during his ab- sence, as his office would remain. But the assembly informed him in decided terms, that they could not comply with either of his requests. On receiving this answer, he immediately, after a short, an- gry, and threatening speech, prorogued the legislature. He soon after set sail for Europe, then little thinking that he should never return to a country, that by his violent temper and arbitrary conduct, he had brought to the brink of civil war. His reception at court convinced the Ame- ricans of the truth of what they feared, that the gover- nor had been sent for as a mischievous emissary, rather than for an impartial inquiry into the real situation of the province, or an investigation of his own conduct. Thomas Hutchinson, the lieutenant-governor was fp 13 146 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF pointed to succeed Governor Bernard. Hutchinson a native of Boston, and had run a career of popularity , whilst, however, he was courting the people at home, he was not less assiduous in ingratiating himself into the fa- vour of the British government, by misrepresenting his countrymen. He was artful and plausible, and possessed of popular talents ; but was insidious, dark, intriguing and ambitious ; and the extreme of avarice marked every feature of his character. His appointment was announ- ced at the close of the year 1769. He immediately assumed a more haughty tone, and aimed at more high handed measures than his predeces- sor, and commenced his administration by informing the assembly that he was independent of them and the peo- ple, as his majesty had made provision for his salary. Se- cure of the favour of his sovereign, he treated the peo- ple and the assembly with contempt, and answered their repeated solicitations to remove the troops from the capi- tal, by withdrawing the garrison from a strong fortress in the harbour of Boston, who were in the pay of the pro- vince, and replacing them by two regiments of the king's troops. The ebullitions of popular feeling were so high as to occasion great alarm with the leading patriots, that it would break out into acts of violence, which might in- jure the cause of the people. The miserable minions of power in America, endeavoured to promote this result, and openly avowed, " that the only method to restore tranquillity, was to take off the original incendiaries, whose writing had instilled the poison of sedition into the people." James Otis, the most active, bold, and influen- tial patriot of the day, having published, under his proper signature, some severe strictures on the conduct of the officers of the crown, was assaulted in a public room, by a band of hired ruffians, with swords andbludge-ons, and being covered with wounds, was left for dead. The as- sassins made their escape, and took refuge on board the king's ships in the harbour. Mr. Otis survived, but the . lamp of his understanding, which had glowed with such effulgence, was overcast with clouds and darkness. Mr. Tohn Adams says, that he "laid the foundation of the THE UNITED STATES. 147 American revolution, with an energy, and with those masterly talents, which no other man possessed ;" and he is justly considered as the first martyr to American li- berty. The insults which the inhabitants constantly experi enced from the soldiers, increased their animosity towards them to such a degree, as to lead to violence and blood- shed. On the second of March, 1770, an affray took place between a party of soldiers of the 29th regiment, and some rope-makers, in front of Mr. Gray's rope-walk. This was followed by a more alarming outrage on the 5th ; the indignant populace pressed upon and insulted the soldiers, while under arms, and assailed them with clubs, sticks, and snow-balls covering stones. Being dared to fire by the mob, six of the soldiers discharged their muskets, which killed three of the citizens, and wound- ed five others. The effect of this was electric ; the town was instantly in commotion, and the mass of the people were so exas- pe^ated, that it required the utmost exertions to prevent their rallying and driving the British myrmidons out of town ; and nothing but an assurance that the troops should be withdrawn, prevented this resort to force. The cap- tain of the party and eight men were brought to trial ; two of the men were found guilty ; the captain and the other men were acquitted. A general meeting of the inhabitants was immediately assembled in Fanueil Hall, who unanimously resolved, that no armed force should be suffered longer to reside in the capital; and a com- mittee was appointed to wait on the governor, and re- quest the immediate removal of the troops. The go- vernor refused to act, under pretence of want of autho- rity; but Colonel Dalrymple, alarmed at the state of things, proposed to withdraw the 29th regiment, which was more culpable than any other ; but he was informed that not a soldier should be left in town ; he was reluc- tantly compelled to comply, and within four days not a Red-coat remained. This tragical affair produced the deepest impressions on the minds of the people ; and the anniversary of the massacre of the 5th of March, 1770, was commemorated 148 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF for many years, and orations delivered, which unfolded the blessings of civil liberty, the horrors of slavery, the dangers of standing armies, and the rights of the colonies. These annual orations administered fuel to the fire of liber- ty, and kept it burning with an incessant flame, and in nc small degree promoted the cause of the colonies, in a manner that served to give a deeper glow to the flame of liberty. In the spring of 1773, the schooner Gaspee was stationed at Providence, to prevent smuggling ; and the conduct of the commander having exasperated the inha- bitants, two hundred men entered on board the schooner at night, and compelled the captain and crew to go ashore, and then set fire to the vessel. The government offered a reward of five hundred pounds, for the apprehension of any of the persons engaged in this outrage ; but such was the spirit and unanimity of the people, that this pecuniary inducement produced no effect, and the authors of the outrage could not be discovered. About this period, the letters of Governor Hutchinson and Mr. Oliver, to their friends in England, urging the govern- ment to adopt more decisive and vigorous measures, to coerce the colonies into submission, were discovered and sent back to America, by Dr. Franklin, which, being pub- lished by the assembly of Massachusetts, greatly contri- buted to inflame the public mind, and exasperate the peo- ple against these officers of the crown, who were justly charged with having shamefully betrayed their trust, and the people, whose rights it was their duty vigilantly to guard. Whilst the other duties were repealed, that on tea was retained, for the sole and avowed object of maintaining the power, which piarliament had asserted, of collecting a revenue in America. The ministerial scheme was cun- ning and artful ; but did not, in the least degree, deceive the vigilance of the Americans. The object was to cheat the colonies out of their rights, by collecting an indirect, imperceptible duty, little more than nominal in amount, which, however, if acquiesced in, would have been an ad- mission of the principle or yi s^lit of Britain to raise a reve- nue in America. It was an attempt to obtain, covertly and by fraud, what they had attempted, but failed to ob- tain, openly by force. THE UNITED STATES. 149 In the first place, measures were adopted, openly and explicitly, for taxing the colonies, the duties to be paid directly by the consumer ; but being unable to enforce this act, it was repealed, accompanied with a declaration of the right of parliament to tax the Americans, in all cases whatsoever. This naked assertion of a right, when the application of it had been attempted and abandoned, did not give the Americans much concern ; they would not have cared, if the British had kept that assertion of a right to do wrong on their statute-book, as long as the two countries existed, provided they had not attempted to exercise their assumed right. But the advocates of American taxation seemed to be sensible, that the bare assertion of a right, after an unsuc- cessful attempt to enforce it, would amount to but little, and that conclusions, obviously following the abandon- ment of the first attempt to tax the Americans, would be left in their full force. Under the circumstances in which the two countries were placed, therefore, the right must oe enforced, or it must be considered as virtually aban- doned. But this had been once attempted without suc- cess ; a more ingenious mode, therefore, must be devised, or one less likely to give alarm to the colonies. The stamp duties were a direct tax, as the duty constituted the entire value of the sum paid ; but a trifling impost would not. be perceived, as the duty would scarcely make any sensible difference in the price of the article. The bitter pill which it was intended to make the 6olonies swallow, was gilded with sugar. The duty was more artfully disguised than a single im- post. It was, in fact, no additional burdefl on the con- sumers of tea, it being only a different mode of collecting the duty which had before been paid ; yet this alteration of the mode involved the right and power of parliament to establish a revenue system in America. According to the former regulations, the teas of the India Company were first brought to England, where a duty was paid be- fore they were sent to the colonies. The scheme was merely to change the place and mode ?f collecting the duty ; it was to be paid in America, instead of England ; for which purpose custom regulations w"ere established, 150 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF and officers appointed. A duty of three pence on a pound of tea, would not be felt by the people, and this, or, rather, a greater duty, had been paid before in England ; so that, instead of the burdens of the people being increased, they were rather lightened by this new regulation. So artfully disguised was this scheme. It is a maxim with many politicians, and too generally correct, that the people will not be alarmed or excited by aily principle, however it may be fraught with danger ; that they must feel and suffer, before their fears will arouse them into action. But this maxim did not hold true with the Americans ; they saw the danger, and re- solved to resist, at the hazard of their lives, a principle, calculated to undermine the foundation of their liberty ; although its operation at the time was not felt in the slightest degree. The resistance of the Americans to the scheme of collecting a duty on tea in America, instead of England, was the resistance of the principle which that scheme involved, solely ; as no additional burden was thereby imposed on the people. It is believed that this is the only instance in history, of an entire people being roused to resistance, from measures which were not burdensome or oppressive in their imme- diate operations, and dangerous only from a principle on which they were founded. This consideration affords the highest evidence of the intelligence of the Americans, as well as of their extreme jealousy and vigilance, in guard- ing their rights. That the experienced politician should foresee the ultimate design and tendency of measures, not immediately oppressive, is natural enough ; but that the common people, or rather the entire population of a country, should be aroused to resistance, on account of measures not burdensome or oppressive, but dangerous only from the principle on which they were founded, is unparalleled. It is not, however, to be supposed, that the colonists would have been so alarmed and aroused to such a spirit of resistance, by the new regulations as to tea, had it not been for *the previous measures of the parent country, evincing, in the clearest manner, a settled design to exer- cise the power of taxation over them. They considered THE UNITED STATES. 151 the new regulations as to tea, as an artful and disguised revenue system, although it imposed no additional duty, and they were determined not to be cheated out of their liberties, as they had before resolved not to be frightened out of them. Measures were immediately adopted to prevent the in- troduction of the tea into the country, so as to avoid the payment of the duty ; and such was the strength and una- nimity of public opinion, that without the aid of law, or rather in opposition to law, they were enabled to render their measures efficient, solely by the force of public sen- timent, although measures of all others the most difficult to enforce, as interfering both with the interests and the established habits of the people. In most of the towns from New-Hampshire to Geor- gia, the people assembled, and resolved to discontinue the use of tea, which was now regarded as an herb (however agreeable as a beverage) noxious to the political constitu- tion. In the large commercial towns, regulations were adopted to prevent the landing of tea ; committees were appointed to inspect merchant's books, propose tests, and make use of other means to defeat the designs of Britain. Where it could be done, the consignees of the teas were persuaded or compelled to resign, or to bind themselves not to act in that capacity. The cargo sent to South Caro- lina, was stored, the consignees being constrained to en- ter into an engagement not to offer any for sale ; and in many of the colonies, the ships were compelled to return without discharging their cargoes. So vigorously were these measures enforced, that during one year eighty-five pounds was the whole amount of duties received. The teas consumed in the colonies, were principally smuggled into the country, by the Dutch and French, who were favoured by the inhabitants in evading the re- venue laws. During the four or five years that the new system had been in existence, very trifling quantities of teas had been introduced into the colonies ; and instead of the restrictive measures being relaxed as was expected in England, they increased in vigour and efficacy, and the quantity of tea introduced had constantly diminished. As had been the case with other matters of difference 152 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF between the two countries, the principal struggle, grow- ing out of the regulations as to tea, occurred at Boston. The other provinces had avoided the alternative which was reserved for this, of either suffering the teas to be disposed of, or to destroy them by violent means. Knowing the spirit of the inhabitants of Boston, the In- dia Company had been more cautious as to the cargoes shipped for that port, than those sent to the other provin- ces : and the zeal of Governor Hutchinson, and the other officers of the crown there, greatly surpassed that of the crown officers in the other colonies, and was calcula- ted to frustrate the measures of the inhabitants. The tea ships destined to Boston were all consigned to the sons, cousins, and persons who were the merest tools of Governor Hutchinson. When called on to resign, the only answer they would give was, " that it was not in their power." As the consignees could not be induced or frightened to resign, the next plan was, to compel the vessels to return without landing their detestable cargoes ; but the collect- or refused to give a clearance without the vessels were discharged of dutiable articles, and the governor refused to give a pass for the vessels, until they were properly qualified from the custom house ; and to guard against the vessels being taken possession of, and conducted out of the harbour, the governor ordered Admiral Montague, who commanded the naval force, to keep a vigilant look out, and to suffer no vessel, coasters excepted, to pass the fortress from the town, without a pass signed by himself. The rigorous adherence to these measures, afforded great satisfaction to the governor and his minions, and all the British party ; they flattered themselves that the " Sons of Liberty," after all their clamour, resolutions, and schemes to resist the tea system, were outmanaged, and that it would be impossible for them to prevent the land- ing and sale of the obnoxious cargoes. Their measures "had been planned so wisely, and their execution was intrusted^to agents of such known fidelity to the crown, and who were under the immediate influ- ence and control of the governor, they thought there was not a loop-hole, whereby the rebellious Americans could THE UNITED STATES. 153T escape paying the hateful tax. They did not even dream that an attempt would be made to destroy or throw over- board the offensive article, which covered a tribute to Britain ; for if they had, the vessels would have been guarded. The governor, after all he had witnessed and experienced, judging rather from his feelings than his knowledge, was entirely ignorant of public sentiment, and of the spirit of the people : he had no idea that they had determined to resist the obnoxious measure, at every hazard, even that of life. Nothing short of this bold step could prevent the deep laid scheme against the liber- ties of the country from succeeding. It had been rendered impossible that the vessels should return with their cargoes ; and to suffer the tea to be landed, and trust to the spirit and unanimity of the inha- bitants not to purchase it, would have been to yield the point ; for a small portion of the citizens were in favour of the British, and would, of course, consume the article, and by fair means or foul, it would have been distributed among others. And it would have been equally imprac- ticable to prevent the tea from being landed ; the most unwearied watching, day and night, could not prevent this, as it might be conveyed ashore by small quantities in the night season, and at such places as to escape the utmost vigilance. Every other measure had been attempt- ed without success ; the consignees had been urged to de- cline the commission, and a numerous public meeting of the citizens had been held, who presented a remonstrance to the governor, and urged him to order back the ships without suffering any part of their cargoes to be landed. But his answer satisfied them that he was the adviser of the measure, and determined to carry it into execution. The parties were at issue on the great question, on which the liberties of the country hung suspended; whether Great Britain should exercise the power of taxing the Americans in any way or not. This question depended on the landing of a few car- goes of tea, which had become contaminated with an un- constitutional tax. The colonists were determined that they would not pay the tax, and the British party were determined to carry into effect the tea regulation, and to 154 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF frustrate the plans of the Americans. Both parties had taken their measures, and the British party were confi- dent of success ; the contest was advancing to a crisis ; alarm and dismay prevailed ; the deepest anxiety was de- picted in every countenance ; had an invading army been in the neighbourhood threatening to sack the town, or had the pestilence which walks in darkness ravaged its pavilions, greater gloom could not overspread the town, or stronger indications been exhibited, of a pending event big with the fate of three millions of people. During this deep and awful suspense, a report was started, which spread with the rapidity of lightning through the town, that Admiral Montague was about to seize the ships, and dispose of their cargoes, at public auction, within twenty-four hours ; w T hich was believed to be a cunning device of Hutchinson, as this would as effec- tually have secured the duties, as if the teas had been sold at the stores of the consignees. This rumour was like an electric shock ; leaving their' employments, the people rushed into the streets, and, with amazed and terrified countenances, every one seemed to say, what shall we do to prevent ^the consummation, in so bold and daring a manner, of this iniquitous scheme. In a few moments, as from an instinctive impulse, a vast crowd repaired to one of the most spacious churches in Boston, and organized themselves into a public meet- ing. Previously to taking any other step, a message was sent to the governor and the consignees, who with diffi- culty could be found, as they were afraid to encounter even the looks of an indignant and injured people. No satisfactory answers were returned ; but instead of com- plying with their wishes, whilst the assembled multitude were quietly, notwithstanding the excitement which pre- vailed, consulting on their critical situation, and the mea- sures proper to be adopted, the sheriff entered with an order from the governor, styling them an illegal and sedi- tious assembly, and ordering them immediately to dis- perse. But he did not bring with him the posse comitatus, as the power of the county was already assembled, and it was that the sheriff was ordered to disperse ; this man- THE UNITED STATES 155 date was treated with deserved contempt, and the sheriff hissed out of the house, mortified and chagrined, and a confused murmur followed, not only in the house, but among the vast multitude from without ; but soon order was restored, and the meeting adjourned, without adopt- ing any vote or resolution. The leaders probably sup- posed, that such a meeting was not the place to discuss and devise measures to meet the crisis. The bold measure was now conceived, and immedi- ately proposed for execution, which surprised and agitated the two countries, and hurried on that memorable revo- lution which made them " enemies in war, and in peace friends." The success of it, as well as the danger at- tending it, required secrecy and despatch. It has never been known with certainty, either who contrived or exe- cuted this bold expedient ; but there is no reason to doubt, but that Mr. Samuel Adams, and many of the leaders in the political affairs of the day, were its contrivers, and it is known, that the hall of council was in the back room of Edes and Gill's printing office, at the corner of the alley leading from Court-street to Brattle-street church It is a singular circumstance, that the daring and despe- rate measure, for the maintenance of the liberties of the country, should have been counselled and contrived in an editorial closet of a newspaper, which was one of the or- gans of the public voice, and a vigilant sentinel of the li- berties of the people. Since this period, many political schemes have originated in the " back rooms" of print- ing offices, but in general of a very different character. In a few hours after the adjournment of the public meeting, the bold measure, on the success of which the great question of taxation hung suspended, was contri- ved, matured, and ripened for execution ; and the public were surprised with the sudden appearance in the streets, of a large number of savages, or persons disguised, clad, and every way counterfeiting the aborigines of the coun- try : armed with a tomahawk in one hand, and a club over the shoulder ; who, in a silent and solemn manner, not a voice being heard, marched in Indian file, through the streets, amidst a crowd of astonished spectators, who knew not what to think of so unexpected and strange an 156 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF exhibition ; and its novelty, and the surprise which it oc- casioned, may have prevented any steps being taken to oppose their design. The Indians, whilst strongly attached to tobacco, in this instance, at least, appear to have had a mortal antipa- thy to tea ; and, as though attracted by its noxious quali- ties, they proceeded directly towards the wharves where he tea ships lay ; boarded them, demanded the keys, and without the least hesitation or delay, knocked open the chests, and emptied their contents, duties and all, into the ocean, comprising several thousand weight of the finest teas. The deed was done in the face of the world ; and, although surrounded by the king's ships, no opposition was made or attempted all was silence and amazement. Thus the teas, which were designed as a means of ex- torting tribute from the Americans, became an offering to the " spirits of the vasty deep," and a sacrifice to the li- berties of the country. The " Indians," having effected their object, showed no marks of triumph ; no savage warwhoop was heard ; nor did they commit any other violence or disorder, but in the same silent, solemn, and orderly manner, marched back through the town, follow- ed by a vast crowd. No movements on the part of the government, or disturbance by the people, followed this event ; and it was observed at the time, that the stillest night succeeded, which Boston had enjoyed for several months. No persons assisted the savages in the destruction of the tea, except some boys or young men, who had assem- bled on the occasion, and voluntarily took a part in what \vas going on ; one of these youths collected the tea which fell into his own shoes, and those of several of bis companions, put it in a phial, and sealed it up, which is now in his possession, containing the same obnoxious tea, which, in this instance, was considered as more dan- gerous to the political health and constitution of the peo- ple, even than strong drink. The number of savages, manufactured for the occasion, has been variously estima- ted from sixty to eighty ; although several persons have been mentioned as among the number, none of them have ever been known with certainty ; there are many and ob- THE UNITED STATES. 157 nous reasons, why secrecy then, and concealment since, were necessary. Not any of those who, it has been con- fidently asserted, were of the party, have admitted the fact, except some of the boys. Nearly all of the disguised persons have left this scene of strife, and their secret has died with them ; and what few remain, if any, will probably be as prudent as those who have gone before them, and like them, will suffer their knowledge to be buried with them, so that the great- est secret will shortly be beyond the reach of human re- search. The success of this bold and daring measure, astonished Governor Hutchinson and the British party, and seemed to convince him that the " Sons of Liberty" were not quite so contemptible as he had ijepresented them in his letters to the ministry ; and it even astonished the whigs in the other colonies, and contributed to fan the flames of liberty, and give them a deeper glow, and more intense heat. When the intelligence of this event reached England, accompanied with all the exaggeration and colouring which Hutchinson could give to it, it produced the ut- most excitement and indignation with the ministerial party, and even the opponents of the American revenue system, could not justify so rash and desperate a measure. Parliament at once determined to crush the devoted town, which was the seat and cause of this high-handed resist- ance to its supremacy. Its omnipotent power, and all the terrors of its wrath, were to be concentrated and directed against this rebellious town. A bill w r as immediately in- troduced to " discontinue the landing and discharging, landing and shipping, of goods, wares, and merchandise, at the town of Boston, or within the harbour." This bill, called the " Boston Port Bill," passed on the 25th of March, 1774, and when it was known, threw the inhabitants into the utmost consternation. A general meeting was called, and spirited resolutions adopted, ex- pressive, in strong terms, of their sense of the oppressive measure, and they requested all the colonies to unite in an engagement to discontinue all importations from Great Britain ; and most of the colonies resolved to make com- 14 158 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF mon cause with Massachusetts, in her opposition to the unconstitutional measures of parliament. The first of June, when the port-bill was to go into ope- ration, was appointed to be kept as a day of fasting and prayer. This act was soon followed by another, " for the better regulating government in the province of Massa- chusetts Bay ;" the object of which was to alter the char- ter, so as to make the judges and sheriffs dependant on the king, and removeable at his pleasure. And this act was soon succeeded by another, which provided, that any persons indicted for murder, or other capital offence, com- mitted in aiding the magistrates in enforcing the la\vs, might be sent by the governor, either to any other colony or to Great Britain, for his trial. - The Quebec bill followed in rapid succession, enlarg- ing the bounds of that province, and conferring many privileges on the Roman Catholics ; the design of which was to secure the attachment of that province, and pre- vent its joining with the colonies in their measures of re- sistance. These measures, instead of intimidating the co- lonies into submission, only confirmed their fears of the settled designs of Great Britain, to deprive them of their chartered rights, and reduce the colonies to the lowest state of political degradation and oppression. A sense of common danger led to an extensive correspondence, which resulted in the opinion, that it was expedient to convene a general congress, to consist of deputies from all the colonies. This congress met at Philadelphia, on the 5th of September, 1774 ; and comprised among its mem- bers, some of the most distinguished patriots, statesmen, and orators in this country, or perhaps in any other. Not- withstanding the ferment which prevailed in most of the colonies, their proceedings were characterized by cool- ness, unanimity, and firmness. They published along and solemn declaration of rights, as British subjects, and maintained in the strongest terms, their exemption from taxation by parliament; besides which, they prepared a petition to the king, which was re- fused to t>e answered; an address to the people of Great Britain another to the people of America. These docu- ments were drawn up with a masterly hand, and exhibited THE UNITED STATES. 159 great dignity and ability, and were, in every respect, worthy of the men who had confided to them the liber- ties of their country, and the destinies of three millions of their countrymen, threatened with slavery. The proceedings of congress did not tend to allay pub- lic feeling, and as the royal agents in Massachusetts seem- ed determined to push matters to extremities, and reduce the people to unconditional submission, by arbitrary and forcible means, every thing now wore the appearance of civil war. A new council, and new judges, were appoint- ed by the crown ; and the latter attempted to enter upon the execution of their offices ; but the juries refused to be sworn under them ; the people in some counties assem- bled to prevent their proceedings, and in Berkshire suc- ceeded in thus setting an example, which was afterwards followed by Shays' men, in violation of the laws of the state. About this time, the famous " Tree of Liberty,'* in Boston, which had been pruned and ornamented with so much pride and care, " fell a victim to British ven- geance, or to some individual to whom its shade had be- come offensive." Previously to this period, General Gage had succeeded Hutchinson as governor of Massachusetts ; and, appre- hending danger from a general muster of the militia, he caused the magazines and ammunition at Charlestown and Cambridge, to be removed to Boston, and fortified the neck of land which joins Boston to the main land, at Roxbury. These measures occasioned a universal panic ; delegates from all the towns in the county of Suffolk met, and spirited resolutions, and a remonstrance to the go- vernor, were adopted. The general assembly had been summoned to meet at Salem ; but, from the turbulence of the times, the governor issued his proclamation, countermanding their meet- ing ; yet, in defiance of the governor's mandate, ninety members met, resolved themselves into a provincial con- gress, chose Mr. Hancock president, and adjourned to Concord, nineteen miles from Boston. They fearlessly proceeded to business; after addressing the governor, and reiterating their grievances, in the face of British law and British troops, they proceeded to adopt the first measures 100 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF which were taken, directly and avowedly, preparatory to an appeal to the sword, in defence of their rights and liberties. They regulated the militia, made provision for furnishing the people with arms, and for supplying the treasury ; and such was the enthusiasm of the people, that their recommendations had the force of law. Go- vernor Gage was filled with rage at these daring proceed- ngs, and issued a proclamation, in which he insinuated that they amounted to rebellion. Early in 1775, parliament passed the fishery bills, which prohibited the colonies from trading in fish with Great Britain, Ireland, and the West Indies, and from taking fish on the banks of Newfoundland. These acts were intended to operate on the town of Boston, which had become the devoted object of ministerial wrath. The various statutes which were passed, occasioned deep and general distress in Boston and its vicinity ; but their brethren in the other colonies sympathized with them, and promptly supplied them with provisions of every descrip- tion for the relief of the sufferers. This policy of the British government was not only oppressive, but mean and contemptible. Partial legisla- tion is always odious and tyrannical; yet it consisted with the justice and dignity of the British nation ; and a series of acts were passed, and the power of the nation exerted, to crush the town of Boston, because it had shown a more determined spirit of resistance to their oppressive and unconstitutional measures than had ap- peared in other places. The ministry were not sensible that the colonies considered themselves all engaged in a common cause ; they were in hopes to humble and crush the rebellious inhabitants of that devoted town, which they thought would be such a terrific example as would frighten all the colonies into submission. But their wick- ed designs recoiled on the heads of their authors ; for these oppressive measures towards the Bostonians only served to exasperate the people throughout all the colo- nies, who regarded them as cruel and detestable. In March, 1775, the public indignation was greatly ex- cited by the following base, and most shameful transac- tions : THE UNITED STATES. 161 " The people from the country, whose business called them into Boston, were suspected by the officers of pur- chasing guns from their soldiers. In order to furnish an opportunity to inflict punishment, and to raise occasion for a serious quarrel, Lieutenant Colonel Nesbit, of the forty-seventh regiment, ordered a soldier to offer a coun- tryman an old rusty musket. A man from Billerica was caught by this bait, and purchased the gun for three dol- lars. The unfortunate man was immediately seized by Nesbit, and confined in the guard-house all night. Early next morning they stripped him entirely naked, covered him over with warm tar, and then with feathers, placed him on a cart, and conducted him through the streets as far as liberty tree, where the people began to collect in vast numbers, and the military, fearing for their safety, dismissed the man, and retreated to their barracks. The party consisted of about thirty grenadiers, with fixed bayonets, twenty drums and fifes playing the rogue's march, headed by the redoubtable Nesbit with a drawn sword ! What an honourable deed for a British field offi- cer, and grenadiers ! The select men of Billerica remon- strated with General Gage respecting this outrage, but obtained no satisfaction." The breach between Britain and the colonies had now become so wide, as, with the mass of the people, nearly to exclude all ideas of conciliation ; and both parties be- gan to make preparations for an appeal to the sword. No alternative was left the Americans but slavery, or resistance by force ; measures were adopted for training the militia to the use of arms, to encourage the manufac- ture of gunpowder, and for collecting all kinds of milita- ry stores ; and committees of public safety were appoint- ed in all the towns in the province. The British go- vernment sent out a reinforcement of troops to Boston, and in the mean time, Governor Gage attempted to coun- teract the designs and measures of the provincials, and particularly to seize and destroy their military stores, and thus deprive them of the means of resistance. To destroy their military stores at Concord, General Gage despatched, in a secret manner, a regiment of gre- nadiers, who undertook to disperse, and fired upon a party 14* 162 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF of militia at Lexington, several of whom were killed, which was the first blood spilt in that memorable war and revolution, that separated Great Britain and America for- ever, and gave to the latter, not only a rank amono- the na- tions of the earth, but what only can exalt a nation Li- berty and free institutions j which are the durable foun- dations of its glory and rising prosperity its tranquillity and happiness, its increasing population and wealth, the rapidity of which is unexampled in the annals of the world. Thus, dear reader, I have given you a summary view of the causes which led to the American revolution. I shall commence the revolution by giving you an account of the battle of Lexington. On the 18th of April, 1775, Lieut. Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairn left Boston, with 800 chosen men from promptly returned during eight successive days. On the 18th, a reinforcement arrived from New-York, of three, thousand men, and Sir Henry approached within three Hundred vards of the American lines. A council of war THE UNITED STATES. 211 was now called, by General Lincoln, of which the follow- ing was the result. " A retreat would be attended with many distressing inconveniences, if not altogether impracticable, for the undermentioned causes. 1. The authority is averse to it, and would counteract the measure. 2. It must be performed in the face of a superior enemy, across a river three miles wide. 3. The passes are occupied by the enemy, which must be forced. 4. All these obstacles being overcome, the Santee must be crossed without boats, in the face of a pursuing enemy. We, therefore, advise to make immediate terms with the enemy." General Lincoln, however, determined to continue the defence ; but, on the 26th, General Lincoln again sum- moned another council of war, and at the eventful mo- ment, the flag of the enemy was seen to wave on the walls of Fort Moultrie. Sullivan's Island fell into the hands of the enemy on the 6th of May. Sir Henry Clinton pushed his approaches, and on the 8th, he opened a correspondence with General Lincoln ; renewed his summons, offered terms, &c. and threatened to renew hostilities at 8 o'clock. The eventful hour ar- rived, and awful, solemn silence ensued ; neither party fired a gun ; all was anxious suspense for an hour, yet neither party moved a proposition. At 9, the besieged opened a fire upon the enemy, who, in their turn, opened their batteries upon the town, which threatened to bury it in ruins. The town was repeatedly on fire, and many houses were burnt ; at the same time, Sir Henry advanced his last parallel to the distance of twenty yards, and pre- pared for a general assault, by sea and land. The critical moment had now arrived ; the people, by their leaders, called on General Lincoln to renew the con- ference, and make terms with the enemy. The lieutenant- governor and council enforced the request. The militia threw down their arms, and all was submission. General Lincoln renewed the conference with Sir Henry, and accepted his terms. Sir Henry complied, and the 212 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF next day the garrison, with all such as nad borne arms, marched out, and became prisoners of war, May 12th. The French consul, and the subjects of France and Spain, were, with their houses and effects, to be protect- ed; but they themselves were to be considered prisoners of war. At this time, Colonel Buford was advancing through the upper country, with a party of 300 Virginians, to the relief of Charleston. When Colonel Tarleton learnt the position of this party, he advanced with about 700 ca- valry and mounted infantry, by a forced march of 105 miles, in fifty-four hours, and surprised them at the Wax- haws, and summoned the colonel to surrender. A parley ensued ; and during the conference, Colonel Tarleton surrounded the party, and cut them to pieces, while beg- ging for mercy. Thirty-seven only were made prisoners, and the remainder were either killed or wounded in the butchery. Lord Cornwallis highly applauded the act, and recommended Colonel Tarleton specially to the fa- vour of his sovereign. With this blow, the state of South Carolina was subdued, and a regular British government was organized. General Gates, then in Virginia, was appointed to suc- ceed General Lincoln, in the southern command. 'Georgia and South Carolina were now wholly subdued, and the enemy saw his way clear, to advance into North Carolina. To counteract these movements of Tarleton, and keej up the spirits of the people, Generals Marion and Sump ter, at the head of their flying parties; kept up a system of predatory warfare, that greatly harassed and annoyed the enemy. So sharp and desperate were their attacks, that, in one instance, General Sumpter reduced the Prince of Wales' regiment, from the number of 278 to nine. While the brave Sumpter was thus harassing the enemy, and animating the zeal of the inhabitants, a considerable force was traversing the middle states south ward, for the relief of the British troops. On the 6th of June, Generals Kniphausen, Robertson, Try on and Sterling, crossed over from S tat en Island into New-Jersey, at the head of 5000 regulars. On the 7th, THE UNITED STATES. 213 they advanced to Connecticut Farms, distant about five miles, in quest of the Rev. James Caldwell, whose patri- otic zeal had rendered him peculiarly obnoxious ; wan- tonly shot his wife in her own house, then burnt the house and meeting-house, .with about a dozen other dwelling houses. The royal army next attempted to advance to Springfield, but were checked by Colonel Dayton, sup- ported by General Maxwell^ and they fled in disorder. General Washington considered this movement as a feint in Sir Henry Clinton, to open the way for an attack upon West Point. He accordingly detached General Greene, at the head of a strong party, to watch the mo- tions of the enemy. General Washington, learning from General Greene, that Springfield was their object of des- tination, sent forward a detachment to support General .Greene. The enemy advanced upon Springfield, at five in the morning of the 23d of June. General Greene disputed every pass valiantly, but obstinate bravery was constrained to yield to superior numbers ; General Greene retired to the high grounds, and the enemy gained the town, which they destroyed. The commander-in-chief, sensible of the worth afcd talents of General Greene, returned the thanks of himself and his suffering country, to him and the men under his command. But this skirmish was not to pass offso lightly. The militia rallied in considerable force, and drove the enemy to Staten Island, in a precipitate retreat. The Marquis La Fayette, who had been to France on leave of absence, now returned to head quarters. He had negotiated for supplies from the French government, and an armament was soon to follow him. On the 10th of July, the armament arrived at Newport, Rhode Island, consisting of two ships of eighty guns, ofle of seventy- four, four of sixty-four, twa frigates of forty, a cutter of twenty, an hospital ship, pierced for sixty-four, one bomb- ship, and thirty-two transports, under the command of the Chevalier de Ternay. Also, four old regiments of land forces, together with the legion of de Lauzern, and a bat- talion of artillery ; in the whole, about 6000, under the command of Lieut. General Count de Rochambeau. 214 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF General Heath received the count at his landing, and put him and his troops in possession of the island, where they were handsomely accommodated. The General Assembly, then in session at Newport, by their special committee, presented the count with a complimentary address, to which the count replied, with assurances that a much greater force would soon follow him, and that his whole powers would be devoted to the service of the United States. " The French troops," added the count, " are under the strictest discipline, and, acting under the orders of General Washington, will live with the Americans as bre- thren. I am highly sensible of the marks of respect shown me by the Assembly, and beg leave to assure them that, as brethren, not only my life, but the lives of the troops under my command, are devoted to their service." The marquis witnessed these respectful attentions to his countrymen, and, in honour to our French allies, Wash- ington directed, in his general orders, that black and white cockades should be worn as a compliment. But the wants of the country were pressing, and Con- gress directed, that bills to the amount of twenty-five thousand pounds sterling should be drawn on Dr. Frank- lin, at the French court ; and that bills to the same amount should be drawn on John Jay, minister at the court of Spain, and that the money should be immediately applied to the use of the troops. After the fall of Charleston, Sir Henry committed the care of the southern states to Lord Corn wall is, at the head of four thousand men, and returned to New-York. The arrival of the fleet under the Chevalier Ternay, at Rhode Island, gave Admiral Arbuthnot considerable alarm. His whole force amounted to but four ships of the line. Bui0*he was joined by Admiral Graves, with six line of battle ships, and felt himself secure from at- tack in New- York. With this reinforcement Sir Henry concerted an attack on the French fleet at Newport, and immediately embarked eight thousand troops. The fleet put into Huntington Bay, on Long Island. The country was alarmed, and the militia turned out in force. But General Washington made a diversion, by moving his THE UNITED STATES. 215 whole force down to Kingsbridge, and threatening New- York. The plan succeeded, and Sir Henry returned to New- York in haste. In the south, Lord Cornwallis, having settled the go- vernment of South Carolina, prepared to subdue the re- bellious spirit of the North Carolinians. This was seen by Ihe Americans, and General Gates, with the shadow of an army, moved across Deep River, on the 27th of July, to watch the motions of the enemy. On the 6th of Au- gust, he was joined by General Caswell, at the head of a fine body of North Carolina militia, who were in good spirits, but under bad discipline ; and he encamped at the Cross Roads, on his way to Camden. On the 13th he noved forward his army to Clermont, where he was joined by Brigadier-General Stevens, with about seven hundred Virginia militia. An express also arrived, in- forming him that Colonel Sumpter would join him at Cam- den with a detachment of South Carolina militia, and that an escort of clothing, ammunition, and stores, was on its way from Charleston to Camden, for the use of the garri- son posted there. General Gates immediately detached Lieutenant Colo- nel Woodford, at the head of the Maryland line, consist- ing of one hundred infantry, a company of artillery, with two brass field pieces, and about three hundred North Carolina militia, to join Colonel Sumpter, reduce the forts, and intercept the convoy. General Gates prepared to support Colonel Sumpter with his whole force ; total about four thousand. But Cornwallis had anticipated this movement, and en- tered Camden the day previous, and an attack was medi- tated on General Gates, in his camp at Clermont. Both generals put their armies in motion early in the evening of the 15th, and their advance parties met in the woods about two o'clock in the morning of the 16th; a conflict ensued, the Americans gave way in some disorder, but they soon recovered, and a skirmishing continued through the night. When morning appeared, both generals made their dis- positions to contest the field. An action commenced ; the regular troops were firm, but the militia being over- 216 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF powered by the British bayonets, gave way, and dispersed as they fled. The victory w r as complete, and the general and his regulars were abandoned to their fate. Several parties of militia, who were advancing to join the army, turned their arms against the fugitives, and thus completed the overthrow. The pursuit continued for more than twenty miles, and the road was strewed with the frag- ments of this routed army, together with the wounded, the dead, and the dying. A party of horse, supported by 200 infantry, at the distance of more than eighty miles from the scene of action, upon the first intelligence, aban- doned their ground, and sought safety by flight. The brave Baron de Kalb fell in this action, much and deservedly lamented. He was at the head of the Mary- land troops, and second in command. Congress ordered that a monument should be raised to his memory at Annapolis. The advantages of this victory were not great. The losses, and want of supplies, in a sickly season, compelled Cornwallis to return to Camden. General Greene now arrived, and succeeded General Gates in the command of the southern army. The country still continued to sufler by the ravages oi Tarleton, who was detached, at the head of his cavalry, to dislodge General Morgan from his position at the Cow- pens. He commenced his operations with his usual impe- tuosity ; traversed the country for several days, laying waste every thing in his course, until he arrived at Mor- gan's position, and commenced an action with the same impetuosity ; the Americans were dislodged with some disorder, but they rallied to the charge, and were victori- ous in turn. Tarleton was defeated, his army routed, his artillery and baggage taken, and he, with the mounted fu- gitives, fled to Lord Cornwallis, January ?th, 1781. This defeat roused his lordship ; he commenced a pur- suit, and the American* inured. General Greene had the address to harass his iorqship, and yet avoid a general action, until he arrived at Guilford, near the coniines of Virginia, where he made a stand and gave him battle. General Greene, with his little at iv, had hopes of sue- THE UNITED STATES. 217 cess against his lordship's pursuing forces, though greatly superior. The movements were well concerted, and well executed, and the conflict was sharp and bloody ; but the militia gave way, the regulars were overpowered, and General Greene drew off his troops in good order, and took a strong position. The severity of the action occasioned his lordship to make a retrograde movement to recover his losses. Sir Henry had detached a fleet from New- York, with fifteen hundred troops on board, to co-operate with Corn- wallis. The troops were landed in Chesapeake Bay, and committed the most alarming depredations. Ineffectual attempts were made to dislodge them. A movement was now made by General Greene towards South Carolina, which had become an enemy's country. He boldly ad- vanced, and gave battle to Lord Rawdon, who was in the vicinity of Camden. A desperate contest ensued, and victory was doubtful. Both withdrew from the conflict, and left the field covered with the dead. Lord Rawdon retired to Camden, and strengthened his position. General Greene advanced, and by a desperate assault, was on the point of carrying the strong fortress of Nine- ty Six, the reduction of which would have recovered all South Carolina, except Charleston. At this critical moment, Lord Rawdon retired in person to Charleston; put himself at the head of 1700 fresh troops, then arrived from Ireland, and, by forced marches, advanced to the relief of Ninety Six. The approach of his lordship compelled General Greene to abandon the assault, when engaged hand to hand with the enemy, and when victory was ready to decide in his favour. The ge- neral drew off his army towards Camden in good order, and his lordship pursued ; but General Greene eluded his lordship, by filing off towards Charleston, and taking a strong position upon the hills of Santee. Lord Rawdon retired to Charleston. The war, during these operafl&ns in the south, raged in Virginia, under the command of General Phillips, through the month of April, and the ravages of the ene- my exceeded ail description. At Petersburg, they de- stroyed all the shioping, and about four hundred 19 218 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF heads of tobacco. At Osborn's Mills, they took two ships and ten smaller vessels, laden with cordage, flour, and wounded him severely. He then armed himself with a musket, and limping away, still kept up a retreating fight with the ad- vancing column of the British, who had by this time land- ed and formed; after which he moved oflf to join his five or six comrades, whom he attempted in vain to rally. The ocean, in the mean time, had been the theatre of sanguinary conflicts, in which the victors gained untar- nished laurels. Captain Lawrence, in the sloop of war Hornet, discovering, in the neutral port of San Salvador, a British sloop of war of superior force, challenged her commander to meet him at sea. The challenge being declined, Captain Lawrence blockaded the port, until for- ced by a ship of the line to retire. Soon after, on the 23d of February, the Hornet met the British brig Peacock, of about equal force. A fierce combat ensued. In less than fifteen minutes, the Pea- cock struck her colours, displaying, at the same time, a signal of distress. The victors hastened to the relief of the vanquished, and the same strength which had been exerted to conquer was now exerted to save. Their ef- forts were but partially successful. She sunk before all her crew could be removed, carrying down nine British seamen and three brave and generous Americans. In the battle, the loss of the Hornet was but one killed and "two wounded ; that of the Peacock was never ascertained. On his return to the United States, Captain Lawrence was promoted to the command of the frigate Chesapeake, then in the harbour of Boston. For several weeks, the British frigate Shannon, of equal force, but having a se- ected crew, had been cruising before the port ; and Cap- ain Broke, her commander, had announced his wish to meet, in single combat, an American frigate. Inflamed by this challenge, Captain Lawrence, although his crew was just enlisted, and his officers were strangers to him 274 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF and to each other, set sail, on the first of June, in pursuit of the Shannon. Towards evening of the same day, they met, and in- stantly engaged, with unexampled fury. In a very few minutes, and in quick succession, the sailing master of the Chesapeake was killed, Captain Lawrence and three lieutenants were severely wounded ; her rigging was so cut to pieces that she fell on board the Shannon ; her chest of arms blew up ; Captain Lawrence received a second and mortal wound, and was carried below ; at this instant, the position of the ships being favourable, Captain Broke, at the head of his marines, gallantly boarded the Chesa- peake, when every officer who could take command being killed or wounded, resistance ceased, and the American flag was struck by the enemy. That fortune favoured the Shannon cannot be doubted. That the event would have been -the same had fortune fa- voured neither, is rendered probable by the astonishing effect of her fire. This unexpected defeat impelled the Americans to seek for circumstances consoling to their pride ; and in the journals of the day, many such were stated to have preceded and attended the action. But nothing could allay their grief at the fall of the youthful m and intrepid Lawrence. His previous victory and mag- nanimous conduct had rendered him the favourite of the nation, and he was lamented with sorrow, deep, sincere, and lasting. When carried below, he was asked if the colours should be struck. " No," he replied, " they shall wave while I live." When the fate of the ship was de- cided, his proud spirit was broken. He became delirious from excess of mental and bodily suffering. Whenever able to speak, he would exclaim, " Don't give up the ship !" an expression consecrated by his countrymen ; and he uttered but few other words during the four days that he survived his defeat. This victory was not achieved without loss. Of the crew of the Shannon, twenty-four were killed, and fifty- six wounded. Of that of the Chesapeake, forty-eight were killed, and nearly one hundred wounded. Great was the exultation of the enemy. Victories over the fri- gates of other nations, were occurrences too common to THE UNITED STATES. 275 excite emotion ; but the capture of an American frigate was considered a glorious epoch in the naval history of Great Britain. The honours and rewards bestowed upon Captain Broke, were such as had never before been re- ceived but by the conqueror of a squadron. These de- monstrations of triumph were inadvertent confessions of American superiority ; and were, to the vanquished them- selves, sources of triumph and consolation. The next encounter at sea was between the American brig Argus, and the British brig Pelican. The latter was of superior force, and was victorious. Soon after, the American brig Enterprise, commanded by Lieutenant Bur- rows, captured the British brig Boxer, commanded by Captain Blyth. These vessels were of equal force, but the great effect of the fire of the Enterprise, furnished to the Americans another proof of the superior skill of their seamen. Both commanders were killed in the action, and were buried, each by the other's side, in Portland. Commodore Porter had been cruising in the Pacific for nearly a year, in the course of which he had captured several British armed whale ships. Some of these were equipped as American cruisers and store ships ; and the Atlantic, now called the Essex Junior, of twenty guns and sixty men, was assigned to Lieutenant Downes. The prizes which were to be laid up, were convoyed by this officer to Valparaiso. On his return he brought intelli- gence to Commodore Porter that a British squadron, consisting of one frigate, and two sloops of war, and a store ship of twenty guns, had sailed in quest of the Essex. The commodore took measures immediately to repair his vessel, which, having accomplished on the 12th of December, 1813, he sailed for Valparaiso, in company AV ith the Essex Junior. " It was not long after the arrival of Commodore Por- ter at Valparaiso, when Commodore Hillyar appeared there in the Phoebe frigate, accompanied by the Cherub sloop of war. These vessels had been equipped for the purpose of meeting the Essex, with picked crews, in prime order, and hoisted flags bearing the motto, ' God and our country, British, sailors' best rights ; traitors of- fend them. 1 276 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF " This was in allusion to Porter's celebrated motto, * Free trade and sailor's rights ;' he now hoisted at his mizzen, ' God, our country, and liberty: tyrants offend them.' On entering the harbour, the British commodore fell foul of the Essex, in such a situation as to be placed completely in the power of the latter ; the forbearance of Commodore Porter was acknowledged by the English ommander, and he passed his word and honour to ob- serve the same regard to the neutrality of the port. " The British vessels soon after stood out, and cruised off the port about six weeks, rigorously blockading the Essex. Their united force amounted to eighty-one guns, and about five hundred men, about double that of the Essex ; but the circumstance of this force being divided in two ships, rendered the disparity still greater, and was by no means counterbalanced by the Essex Junior. Com- modore Porter being prevented, by this great disparity of force, from engaging, made repeated attempts to draw the Phoebe into action singly, either by mahceuvreing or sending formal challenges ; but Commodore Hillyar care- fully avoided the coming to action alone. The American commander, hearing that an additional British force was on its way, and having discovered that his vessel could outsail those of the British, determined to sail out, and, while the enemy was in chase, enable the Essex Junior to escape to a place of rendezvous previously appointed. " On the twenty-eighth of March, the w r ind coming on to blow fresh from the southward ; the Essex parted her starboard cable, and dragging her larboard anchor to sea. Not a moment was lost in getting sail on the ship, as it was determined to seize this moment to escape. In en- deavouring to pass to the windward of the enemy, a squall struck the American vessel, just as she was doubling the point, which carried away her main-topmast ; both ships immediately gave chase, and being unable to escape in his crippled state, the commodore endeavoured to put back into the harbour ; but finding this impracticable, he ran into a small bay, and anchored within pistol shot of the shore ; where, from a supposition that the enemy would continue to respect the neutrality of the port, he thought himself secure. He soon found, however, by the manner THE UNITED STATES. 277 in which they approached, that he was mistaken. With all possible despatch, therefore, he prepared his ship for action, and endeavoured to get a spring on his cable, which he could not accomplish before the enemy commenced the attack, at fifty-four minutes past three. " At first the Phoebe placed herself on his stern, and the Cherub on his larboard bow ; but the latter soon finding herself exposed to a hot fire, changed her position, and with her consort, kept up a raking fire under his stern. The American, being unable to bring his broadside to bear on the enemy, his spring cables having been three times shot away, was obliged, therefore, to rely for de- fence against this tremendous attack, on three long twelve pounders, which he ran out of the stern ports, which were worked with such bravery and skill, as in half an hour to do so much injury to the enemy, as to compel them to haul off and repair. "It was evident that Commodore Hillya?r meant to risk nothing from the daring courage of the Americans ; all his manoeuvres were deliberate and wary; his antagonist was in his power, and his only concern was to succeed with as little loss to himself as possible. The situation of the Essex was most vexatious to our brave countrymen; many of whom were already killed and wounded, and from the crippled state of their ship, they were unable to bring her guns to bear upon the enemy. Her gallant crew were not disheartened ; aroused to desperation, they expressed their defiance to the enemy, and their determi- nation to hold out to the last. " The enemy having repaired, now placed himself, with both ships, on the starboard quarter of the Essex, where none of her guns could be brought to bear ; the commo- dore saw no hope but in getting under way ; the flying- jib was the only sail he could set ; this he caused to be hoisted, cut his cable, and ran down on both ships, with the intention of laying the Phoebe on board. For a short time he was enabled to close with the enemy, and the fir- ing was tremendous ! the decks of the Essex were strewed with dead, and her cockpit filled with the wounded ; she had been several times on fire, and was, in fact, a perfect wreck. 24 278 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF " At this moment, a feeble hope arose, that she might still be saved, in consequence of the Cherub being com- pelled to haul off on account of their crippled state ; she, however, kept up her fire at a distance with her long guns. The Essex was unable, however, to take advantage of the circumstance, as the Phoebe edged off, and also kept up, at a distance, a destructive fire ; the former being totally bereft of her sails, could not bring her to close quarters. " Commodore Porter, finding the greater part of his crew disabled, at last gave up all hope, and attempted to run his vessel on shore, the wind at that moment favouring his design ; but it suddenly changed, drove her close upon the Phoebe, exposing her to a raking fire. The ship was totally unmanageable, but as she drifted with her head to the enemy, Commodore Porter again seized a faint hope of being able to board. At this moment Lieutenant Dovvnes came on board to receive orders, expecting that his com- mander would soon be a prisoner. His services could be of no avail in the present deplorable state of the Essex, and finding from the enemy's putting 'up his helm, that the last attempt at boarding would not succeed, Downes was directed to repair to his ship, to be prepared for de- fending and destroying her, in case of an attack. " The slaughter on board the Essex now became horri- ble, the enemy continuing to rake her while she was una- ble to bring a single gun to bear. Still her commander refused to yield while a ray of hope appeared. Every expedient, that a fertile and inventive genius could sug- gest, was resorted to, in the forlorn hope, that he might be able, by some lucky chance, to escape from the grasp of the foe. A hawser was bent to the sheet anchor, and the anchor cut from the bows, to bring the ship's head around. This succeeded; the broadside of the Essex was again brought to bear ; and, as the enemy was much crippled, and unable to hold his own, the commodore thought she might drift out of gunshot before he disco- vered that the Essex had anchored ; but, alas ! this last expedient failed ; the hawser parted, and with it went the last lingering hope of the Essex. " At this moment her situation was awful beyond descrip- THE UNITED STATES. 279 tion. She was on fire both before and aft, the flames were bursting up her hatchway, a quantity of powder ex- ploded below, and word was given that fire was near her magazine. Thus surrounded by horrors, without any chance of saving his ship, he turned his attention to the saving as many of his gallant companions as he could ; the distance to the shore not exceeding three quarters of a mile, he hoped that many of them would save themselves before the ship blew up. His boats being cut up, they could only hope to escape by swimming ; by some this was effected, but the greater part of his generous crew resolved to stay by the ship, and share the fate of their commander. " They now laboured to extinguish the flames and suc- ceeded ; after this, they again repaired to their guns, but their strength had become so much exhausted, that this effort was in vain. Commodore Porter summoned a con- sultation of the officers of the divisions, when, to his as- tonishment, only one acting Lieutenant, Stephen Deca- tur M'Nighi, appeared. The accounts from every pa*t of the ship were deplorable indeed ; she was in imminent danger of sinking, and so crowded with the wounded, that even her birthdeck could hold no more, and several were killed under the surgeon's hands. In the mean time, the enemy, at a secure distance, continued his fire ; the water having become smooth, he struck the hull of the Essex at every shot. " At last, despairing of saving his ship, the commodore was compelled, at twenty minutes past six, to give the painful orders to strike the colours. The enemy, proba- bly not seeing that this had taken place, continued to fire for ten minutes after, and Porter was about to give orders that the colours should again be hoisted, under a belief that the enemy intended to give no quarters, when the firing ceased. The loss on board the Essex was fifty-eight killed, thirty-nine wounded severely, twenty-seven slightly, and thirty-one missing. The loss on board the British vessels was five killed and ten wounded ; but they were both much cut up in their hulls and rigging ; the Phoebe could scarcely be kept afloat until she anchored in the port of Valparaiso next morning. UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF " Commodore Porter was paroled, and permitted to re- turn to the United States in the Essex Junior, which was converted into a cartel for the purpose. On arriving off the port of New-York, the vessel was detained by the Saturn razee, and, to the disgrace of the British navy, al- ready dishonoured by the base attack upon this gallant officer, he was compelled to give up his parole, and de- clare himself a prisoner of war, and, as such, he inform- ed the British officer that he would attempt his escape. In consequence of this threat, the Essex Junior was or- dered to remain under the lee of the Saturn ; but the next morning Commodore Porter put off in his boat, though thirty miles from shore, and notwithstanding the pursuit by those of the Saturn, arrived safely in New- York."* In the spring of 1814, Commodore Barney took the command of a small flotilla of gunboats, to protect the inlets and small rivers that fall into the Chesapeake Bay. About the 1st of June, the enemy entered the Chesa- peake Bay, and renewed their ravages, with greater seve- rity than they had done the last year. Sharp and frequent rencounters took place, upon the water, and upon the land ; but the enemy succeeded in laying waste the coun- try, and carrying off the negroes, through the month of June and July. In the midst of the various occurrences of the war, on the northern frontier, on the sea-board, and on the ocean, important preparations were making to the westward; and, although the spring and summer had passed away without any incident in this quarter worthy of being re- corded, they had not passed inactive. The general atten- tion was now turned towards it with much anxiety, and the armies of the Niagara and St. Lawrence remained almost with folded arms, awaiting the issue of Harrison's campaign, and the result of the contest for the mastership of Lake Erie. The British, aware of the consequence of a defeat, had, with great assiduity, laboured to strengthen themselves. The reinforcements continually arriving at Fort George, * Brackenridge. THE UNITED STATES. 281 were evidently destined to follow up the advantages which Proctor might gain, in conjunction with the commander on the lake. In the meanwhile, in the neighbouring states of Kentucky and Ohio, the people were excited in a most surprising degree ; had it been necessary, they would have risen en masse ; almost every man capable of bearing a musket, uas anxious to march. The governor of Ohio had scarcely issued his proclamation, calling on volun teers, (for the obligations of law to render military ser- vice were no longer thought of,) than fifteen thousand men presented themselves, completely armed and equip- ped more than five times the number required. The venerable governor of Kentucky, Shelby, a revo- lutionary her*-, and the Nestor of the present war, made it known that I- e would put himself at the head of the in- jured citizens of that state, and lead them to seek revenge for the murder of their relatives and friends, but limited the number of Vvdunteers to four thousand. The state 01 Kentucky, called by the natives, " the dark and bloody ground," forty years ago was an uninhabited forest, pos- sessed by no tribe of Indians, but, from time immemorial, the theatre of sanguinary wars. At this day, it blooms beneath the hand on agriculture, it is filled with beautiful towns and villages, and is the abode of peace, opulence, and refinement. The inhabitants are descended from the planters of Virginia and North Carolina, and emigrants, composed of the enterprising and intelligent of the other states. Living in abundance, and at their ease, and more remote from the seats of commerce, they have imbibed less of foreign attachments or feelings than any of our people, and are, perhaps, more enthusiastically devoted to the institutions of freedom. They have not a little of the manners of chivalry in their generous and hospitable de- portment. Fearless of danger, regarding dishonour more than death, but, with these qualities, a benevolence and humanity which has scarcely a parallel. Had the elder brethren of this confederacy acted like this younger mem- ber, the Cailadas would have been ours, and Britain would never have dared to insult us with her unwarrantable pre- tensions. 24* 282 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF The transactions which are now to be related, may justly rank amongst the most pleasing to our feelings and national pride, of any which took place during the con- test. The campaign opened with an affair, which, though comparatively of smaller consequence than some others, is, in its circumstances, one of the most brilliant that occur- red during the war. This was the unparalleled defence ot Fort Sandusky, by a youth of twenty-one years of age. In August, and before the arrival of the Ohio and Ken- tucky volunteers, which did not take place until the fol- lowing month, threatening movements had been made upon all the different forts established by the Americans on the rivers which fall into Lake Erie. After the siege of Fort Meigs, the British had been considerably rein- forced by regulars, and an unusual number of Indians, under their great leader Tecumseh. It was all important to reduce these forts before the arrival of the volunteers. Major Croghan, then commanding at Upper Sandusky, having received intimation that the enemy were about to invest the fort of Lower Sandusky, had marched to this place with some additional force, and had been occupied with great assiduity in placing it in the best posture of defence. But the only addition of importance which the time would allow him to make, was a ditch of six feet deep, and nine feet wide, outside the stockade of pickets, by which these hastily constructed forts are enclosed, but which can afford but a weak defence against artillery. He had but one six pounder, and about one hundred and sixty men, consisting of regulars, and detachments of the Pittsburgh and Petersbiirgh volunteers. General Harri- son, not conceiving it practicable to defend the place, or- dered young Croghan to retire on the approach of the enemy, after having destroyed the works. This, our young hero, taking the responsibility upon himself, deter- mined to disobey. On the first of August, General Proctor, having left a large body of Indians, under Tecumseh, to keep up the appearance of a siege of Fort Meigs, arrived at Sandusky with about five hundred regulars, seven hundred Indians, and some gun-boats. After the general had made such dispositions of his troops as to cut off the retreat of the THE UNITED STATES. 383 garrison, he sent a flag by Colonel Elliot and Major Cham- bers, demanding a surrender, accompanied with the usual base and detestable threats of butchery and cold blood massacre, if the garrison should hold out. A spirited answer was returned by Croghan, who found that all his companions, chiefly striplings like himself, would sup- port him to the last. When the flag returned, a brisk fire was opened from the gun-boats and howitzer, and which was kept up du- ring the night. In the morning, they opened with three sixes, which had been planted under cover of the night, within two hundred and fifty yards of the pickets, but not with much effect. About four o'clock in the afternoon, it was discovered that the enemy had concentrated his fire against the northwest angle, with the intention of making a breach. This part was immediately strengthened by the apposition of bags of flour and sand, so that the pick- ets suffered but little injury. During this time, the six pounder was carefully concealed in the bastion, which covered the point to be assailed, and it was loaded with slugs and grape. About five hundred of the enemy now advanced in close column to assail the part where it was supposed the pickets must have been injured : at the same time making several feints, to draw the attention of the besieged to other parts of the fort. Their force, being thus divided, a column of three hundred and fifty men, which were so enveloped in smoke as not to be seen until they approach- ed within twenty paces of the lines, advanced rapidly to the assault. A fire of musketry from the fort, for a mo- ment threw them into confusion, but they were quickly rallied by Colonel Short, their commander, who, now springing over the outer works into the ditch, command- ed the rest to follow, crying out, " give the d d Yan- kees no quarter ?" Scarcely had these detestable words escaped his lips, and the greater part of his followers land- ed in the ditch, when the six pounder opened iipon them a most destructive fire, killing and wounding the greater part, and amongst the first the wretched leader, who was sent into eternity before his words had died upon the air. 284 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF A volley of musketry was, at the same time, fired up-^n those who had not ventured. The officer who succeeded Short, exasperated at being thus treated by a few boys, formed his broken column, and again rushed to the ditch, where he, and those who dared to follow him, met with the same fate as their fellow sol- diers. The small arms were again played on them the whole British force was thrown into confusion ; and, in spite of the exertions of their officers, fled to the woods, almost panic struck, whither they were soon followed by the Indians. Thus were these men, confident of success, and detestable in the intended use of victory, most sig- nally chastised, under Providence, by a force scarce a tenth of their numbers. Terror indescribable took pos- session of* the assailants, and they retreated towards their boats, scarcely daring to cast their eyes towards the fatal spot, while they were followed by their allies in sullen silence. If this gallant defence deserves the applause of the brave, the subsequent conduct of the besieged deserves the praise of every friend of humanity. The scene which now ensued, deserves to be denominated sublime. The little band, forgetting in a moment that they had been assailed by merciless foes, who sought to massacre them, without regarding the laws of honourable war, now felt only the desire of relieving wounded men, and of admi- nistering comfort to the wretched. Had they been friends, had they been brothers, they could not have experienced a more tender solicitude. The whole night was occupied in endeavouring to as- suage their sufferings; provisions and buckets of water were handed over the pickets, and an opening was made, by which many of the sufferers were taken in, who were immediately supplied with surgical aid ; and this, although a firing was kept up with small arms by the enemy, until some time in the night. The loss of the garrison amount- ed to one killed and seven wounded ; that of the enemy, it is supposed, to be at least two hundred. Upwards of fifty were found in and about the ditch. It was discovered next morning, that the enemy had hastily retreated, leav- ing a boat, and a considerable quantity of military stores THE UNITED STATES. Upwards of seventy stand of arms were taken, besides a quantity of ammunition. The Americans were engaged during the day, in burying Jthe dead with the honours 4?f war, and providing for the wounded. This exploit called forth the admiration of every party in the United States. Croghan, together with his compa- nions, Captain Hunter, and Lieutenants Johnson, Bayley, and Meeks, of the seventeenth ; Anthony, of the twenty- fourth ; and ensigns Ship and Duncan, of the seventeenth, together with the other oflicers and volunteers, were highly complimented by the general. They afterwards received the thanks of Congress. Croghan was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and presented with an elegant sword by the ladies of Chilicothe. Soon after this affair, Tecumseh raised the siege of fort Meigs, and followed Proctor to Detroit ; all hope was now given up by the enemy of reducing these forts, until they could gain the ascendency on the lake. The utmost exertions had been made in the meanwhile by Captain Perry, to complete the naval armament on Lake Erie. By the 4th of August, the fleet was completed ; but several of the vessels were with difficulty got over the bar, on which there are but five feet water. He sailed in quest of the enemy, but not meeting him, returned on the 8th, and after receiving a reinforcement of sailors, brought by Captain Elliot, sailed again on the 12th, and on the 15th anchored in the bay of Sandusky. Here, after taking in about twenty volunteer marines, he again went in quest of the enemy ; and after cruising off Maiden, returned to Put-in-bay, a distance of thirty miles. His fleet consisted of the brig Lawrence, of 20 guns ; the Niagara, Captain Elliot, of twenty ; the Caledonia, Lieutenant Turner, three ; the schooner Ariel, of four the Scorpion, of two ; the Somers of two, and two swivels the sloop Trippe, and schooners Tygress and Porcupine, of one gun each ; making a lleet of nine vessels and fifty- four guns. On the morning of the 10th of September, the enemy was discovered bearing down upon the American squadron, which immediately got under weigh, and stood out to meet him. Superiority was decidedly in favour of the British ; the 286 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF * Americans had three more vessels, but this was much more than counterbalanced by the size of those of the enemy, and the number of their guns. Their fleet con- sisted of the Detroit, Captain Barclay, of nineteen guns, and two howitzers ; the Queen Charlotte, of seventeen guns, Captain Finnis ; the schooner Lady Provost, Lieu- tenant Buchan, of thirteen guns, and two howitzers ; the brig Hunter, of ten guns ; the sloop Little Belt, of three ; and the schooner Chippewa, of one gun and two swivels; in all, six vessels and sixty-three guns. When the Americans stood out, the British fleet had the weather gage ; but the wind soon after changed, and brought the American fleet to windward. The line of battle was formed at eleven, and fifteen minutes before twelve, the enemy's flag ship, the Queen Charlotte, open- ed her fire upon the Lawrence, which she sustained for ten minutes, before she could approach near enough for her carronades to return. She therefore bore up, ma- king signals for the other vessels to hasten to her sup- port, and about twelve, brought her guns to bear upon the enemy. Unfortunately, the wind being too light, the remainder of the squadron could not be brought up to her assistance, and she was compelled to contend, for two hours, with two ships of equal force. The contest was, notwithstand- ing, kept up with unshaken courage, and a degree of cool- ness which deserves admiration. By this time the brig, which had so long borne the brunt of the whole of the British force, had become entirely unmanageable ; every gun was dismounted, and, with the exception of four or five, her whole crew either killed or wounded. Perry now, with admirable presence of mind, and which drew forth the praise of the gallant officer to whom he was opposed, resolved to shift his flag, leaped into his boat, and heroically waving his sword, passed unhurt to the Niagara. At the moment he reached the Niagara, he saw with anguish the flag of his ship come down ; she was utterly unable to make further resistance, and it would have been a wanton waste of the remaining lives to continue the contest ; the enemy was not able to take possession of THE UNITED STATES. 387 her. Captain Elliot, seconding the design of the com- modore, volunteered to bring up the rest of the fleet ; for at this critical moment the wind had providentially in- creased. Perry now bore down upon the enemy with a fresh ship ; and passing ahead of the Detroit, Queen Charlotte, and Lady Provost, poured a destructive broad- side into each from his starboard, and from his larboard into the Chippewa and Little Belt. In this manner, cut- Jng through the line, he was within pistol shot of the Lady Provost, which received so heavy a fire as to com- pel her men to run below. At this moment the Caledo- nia came up, and opened her fire ; several others of the squadron were enabled soon after to do the same. For a time, this novel and important combat mingled with in- describable violence and fury. The issue of a campaign, the mastery of a sea, the glory and renown of two rival nations, matched for the first time in squadron, were the incentives to the contest. But it was not long before the scale turned in favour of Perry, and his ship, the Lawrence, was again enabled to hoist her flag. The Queen Charlotte, having lost her captain and all her principal officers, by some mischance ran foul of the Detroit, and the greater part of the guns of both ships were rendered useless. They were now compelled to sustain, in turn, an incessant fire from the Niagara, and the other vessels oi the squadron. The flag of Captain Barclay was soon after struck, and those of the Queen Charlotte, the Lady Provost, the Hunter, and the Chip- pewa, came down in succession ; the Little Belt attempt- ed to escape, but was pursued by two gun boats and cap- tured. Thus, after a contest of three hours, was this unparal- leled naval victory achieved, in which every vessel of the enemy was captured, the first occurrence of the kind ever recorded. If any thing could heighten this glorious vic- tory, it was the modest and yet sublime manner in which it was announced by the incomparable Perry : WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY, AND THEY ARE OURS. Britain had been beaten in single combat she was now beaten in squad- ron, where she had conceived herself invincible. The loss in this bloody affair was very great, in proportion to 288 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the numbers engaged. The Americans had twenty-seven killed, and ninety-six wounded ; amongst the first were Lieutenant Brooks, of the marines, and Midshipman Laub ; amongst the latter were Lieutenant Yarnell, sail- ing-master Taylor, purser Hamilton, and Midshipmen Claxton and Swartwout. The loss of the British was about two hundred in killed and wounded ; and the number of prisoners amounted to six hundred, exceeding the whole number of the Ameri- cans. Commodore Barclay, a gallant officer, who had lost an arm at the battle of Trafalgar, was severely wounded, and the loss of officers, on the side of the British, was unusually great. Among the officers particularly spoken of on this occasion, were Captain Elliot, Lieutenants Tur- ner, Edwards, Forest, Clark, and Cummings, besides these already mentioned. The victory of Commodore Perry left the Americans in peaceable possession of Lake Eric, but Detroit and Maiden still remained in possession of the British. The triumph of the American arms seemed to unite conflict- ing parties ; and the kindness extended to the British cnp- tives, reflected the brightest glory on our country. But the territory still occupied by the enemy was to be reta- ken. For the accomplishment of this purpose, Colonc) Johnson, with a body of his faithful Kentuckians, were destined to act against Detroit, and General Harrison was to march against Maiden. Finding Maiden untenable, the British general destroy- ed, and then evacuated it. On the 2d of October, Gene- ral Harrison, with about 3,500 men, commenced a pur- suit, and on the 5th, the enemy was overtaken. Colonel Johnson, who had formed a junction with General Harri- son, was sent forward to reconnoitre the British and In- dian forces, gave intelligence that the enemy were prepa- red for action, at the distance of a few miles. On their left was the river, and their right consisting of Indians, under Tecumseh, rested on a swamp. The American force consisted of Ohio militia, and four thousand Kentuckians, tne flower of their state, com- manded by Governor Shelby, who arrived at the camp of Harrison, on t!fi 7th of September. When the THE UNITED STATES. 23 J troops approached the River Raisin, which had been the scene to such wanton barbarities, they halted to contem- plate for a while the tragic spot. With feelings which language must fail to describe, they gathered up the un- distinguishable bones of friends and foes, and consigned them to one common grave, with affecting demonstrations of grief. The enemy was drawn up under cover of the beech trees by which the narrow strip of land was covered. The Americans were soon formed in battle array. Gene- ral Trotter's brigade formed the front line, supported by Desha's divisions on the left. The brigade of General King formed the second line, in rear of General Trotter's, and Chile's acted as a corps of reserve, both under the command of Major General Henry. The brigades ave- raged five hundred men each. Governor Shelby occu* pied the angle formed by the brigades of Trotter and Deslia. The regular troops, numbering only one hun- dred and twenty men, were formed into columns, and oc- cupied the narrow space between the river and the road, for the purpose of seizing the artillery, should the enemy be repulsed. The order of General Harrison was, to form Colonel Johnson's mounted men in two lines, in front of the Indians, but the underwood being too close for cavalry to be effective, he determined on a new mode of attack. Knowing the dexterity of the backwoodsmen in riding through forests, and the little inconvenience to them of carrying their rifles in such a situation, he determined to refuse his left, to the Indians, and charge on the regulars drawn up among the beech trees ; the mounted regiment was accordingly drawn up in front. The army moved on but a short distance in this way, when the mounted men received the enemy's fire, and were instantly ordered to charge. The horses in front of the column at first re coiled from the fire, but soon after got in motion, and im- mediately at full speed broke through the enemy with irresistible force. In one minute the contest was over in front. The mounted men instantly formed in the rear, and poured a destructive fire, and were about to make another charge, when the British officers, finding it impos- sible to form their broken ranks, immediately surrenderee! 290 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Upon the left the onset was begun by Tecumseh with great fury. Colonel R. M. Johnson, who commanded on that flank of his regiment, received a galling fire, which he returned with effect, while the Indians advanced to- wards the point occupied by Governor Shelby ; and at first made an impression on it; but the aged warrior brought a regiment to its support. The combat now aged with increasing fury ; the Indians, to the numbei of twelve or fifteen hundred, seemed determined to main- tain their ground to the last. The terrible voice of Tecumseh could be distinctly heard encouraging his warriors ; and although beset on every side, excepting on that of the morass, they fought with more determined courage than had ever been wit- nessed in these people. An incident soon occurred, how- ever, which decided the contest. Colonel Johnson rush- ed towards the spot where the warriors, clustering around their undaunted chief, appeared resolved to perish by his side ; in a moment a hundred rifles were aimed at the American, whose uniform, and white horse which lie rode, rendered a conspicuous object ; his holsters, dress, and accoutrements, were pierced with bullets, his horse and himself receiving a number of wounds. At the in- stant his horse was about to sink under him, the daring Kentuckian, covered with blood from his wounds, was discovered by Tecumseh ; the chief having discharged his rifle, sprang forward with his tomahawk, but struck with the appearance of the warrior who stood before him. hesitated for a moment, and that moment was his last. The Kentuckian levelled a pistol at his breast, and they both, almost at the same instant, fell to the ground. The Kentuckians rushed forward to the rescue of their leader, and the Indians, no longer hearing the voice of Tecum- seh, soon after fled. Near the spot where this scene oc- curred, thirty Indians were found dead, and six whites. Thus fell Tecuinsen, the most celebrated Indian war- rior that ever ra:se<4 the tomanawk against us, and with him fell the last nope of our Indian enemies. This mighty warrior was the determined foe of civilization, and had for years been labouring to unite all the Indian tribes in opposing the progress of the settlements to the west- THE UNITED STATES. 291 ward. Had such a man opposed the European colonists on their first arrival, this continent, in all probability, would still have been a wilderness. To those who pre- fer a savage, uncultivated waste, inhabited by wolves and panthers, and by men more savage still, to the busy city, to the peaceful hamlet and cottage, to science and the comforts of civilization, to such it may be a source of re- gret that Tccurnseh came too late. But if the cultivation of the earth, and the cultivation of the human intellect and the human virtues, are agreea- ble in the sight of the Creator, it maybe a just cause of felicitation that this champion of barbarism was the ally of Great Britain, at a period when he could only draw down destruction on his own head, by savagely daring what was beyond his strength. But Tecumseh fell, re- spected by his enemies as a great and magnanimous chief. Although he seldom took prisoners in battle, he treated well those that had been taken by others ; and at the defeat of Dudley, actually put to death a chief whom he found en- gaged in the work of massacre. He had been in almost every engagement with the whites since Harmer's defeat, although, at his death, he scarcely exceeded forty years of age. TecumseK bad received the stamp of greatness from the hand of nature , and had his lot been cast in a differ- ent state of society, he would have shone as one of the most distinguished of men. He was endowed with a powerful mind, with the soul of a hero. There was ai_ uncommon dignity in his countenance and manners ; by the former he could be easily discovered even after death, among the rest of the slain, for he wore no insignia of distinction. When girded with a silk sash, and told by General Proctor that he was made a brigadier in the Bri- tish service, for his conduct atBrownstown and Magagua, he returned the present with respectful contempt. Born with no title to command but his native greatness, every tribe yielded submission to him at once, and no one ever disputed his precedence. Subtle and fierce in war, he possessed uncommon eloquence, his speeches might bear a comparison with those of the most celebrated orators of Greece and Rome. His invective was terrible, as we had 292 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF frequent occasion to experience, and as may be seen in the reproaches which he applied to Proctor, a few days before his death, in a speech which was found amongst the papers of the British officers. His form was uncom- monly elegant, his stature about six feet, his limbs per- fectly proportioned. He was honourably interred by the victors, by whom he was held in much respect, as an in- veterate, but a magnanimous enemy. The loss of the Americans, in this engagement, was more than fifty killed and wounded, among whom was Colonel Whitely, a revolutionary soldier, killed. The loss of the British was nineteen killed, and fifty wounded. Six hundred were taken prisoners ; of the Indians, one hun- dred and twenty were left on the field. Several pieces of cannon, taken in the revolution, and which had been sur- rendered by General Hull, were trophies of this victory. General Proctor fled when the charge was made, and es- caped down the Thames, by means of fleet horses, though closely pursued. His carriage, together with his private papers, was left in his haste to retreat. The time was now come, which would prove whether the stigma past upon the chivalrous people of Kentucky, by the infamous Proctor, in order that his own atrocious conduct might escape notice, was founded in truth. It was now seen whether, to use the words of this monster, they were a ** ferocious and mortal foe, using the same mode of warfare with the allies of Britain." The recol- lection of the affair of the River Raisin might have justi- fied revenge : and what is more, the instruments who perpetrated those horrid deeds were now at their dispo- sal ; bereft of hope by this signal defeat, and the loss of their great leader, the savages sued for peace ; and as an earnest of their sincerity, offered to raise their toma- hawks on the side of the United States, and to inflict upon the British prisoners, the same abominable cruellies they had practised on the Americans. But the Kentuckians, to their honour, far from giving way to the passions of revenge, forebore even a word, or look of insult ; there was not even an allusion to the murder of their brothers and friends ; the prisoners were distributed in small parties, in the interior towns, and al THE UNITED STATES. 293 though extremely insulting in their deportment, were not merely treated with humanity, but in many places actually caressed and fed with dainties by the compassionate inha- bitants. This treatment was carried to an excess, which might properly deserve the name of folly, were it not a noble mode of revenge for what our countrymen at that moment endured in the British dungeons on the land, and in the floating prisons on the sea, where they under- went every species of distress, wretchedness, and torture. The Indian war now ceased, and our frontier rested in security. Most of the volunteers returned home. Gene- ral Harrison stationed General Cass at Detroit, with about one thousand men, and proceeded with the remain- der to join the central army at Buffalo. About this time, at the request of General Vincent, a correspondence was opened between him and General Harrison, relative to the treatment of the British prisoners. After assuring the British general that the request to treat his prisoners with humanity, was unnecessary, he referred him to the treatment experienced by American captives, and referred him to the scenes which had transpired at the River Rai- sin, the Miami, others of a similar complexion, and wish- ed to be informed whether the Indians should be permit- ted to repeat those cruelties. His words are worthy of remembrance. " Use, then, I pray yon, your authority and influence to stop the dreadful effusion of innocent blood which pro- ceeds from the employment of those savage monsters, whose aid, as must now be discovered, is so little to be depended on when most wanted, and which can have so trifling an effect on the issue of war. The effect of their barbarities will not be confined to the present generation. Ages yet to come will feel the deep rooted hatred and enmity which they must produce between the two na- tions." The reply of General Vincent was not unlike that of Sir Sidney Beckwith, vague and evasive. He expressed himself perfectly satisfied on the score of the treatment of the prisoners, but, with respect to the other topics, he declined saying any thing ; it was beyond his power to give an explicit answer; but he pledged his honour, that, 25* 294 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF to the iltmost of his power, he would join with General Harrison in alleviating- the calamities of war. Although General Harrison pledged himself to produce proofs of every thing which he stated, General Vincent chose to be silent upon the subject; neither disavowing that such acts *rere sanctioned by the British government, nor calling the truth of them in question. The successes of the northwestern army, and the vic- tory on Lake Erie, prepared the way for the invasion of Canada. A more formidable force was collected on the frontier than heretofore, under more experienced officers, and the Indians had declared against the enemy. The public mind was elated, and a lit opportunity presented for the invasion of Canada. General Armstrong was at the head of the war depart- ment, and much was expected from his experience and zeal. Improvements were introduced, especially in the selection of officers. The secretary proceeded to the northern frontier to put his plans into operation. The plan was, perhaps, judicious, but the season was too far advanced to accomplish his intentions. General Dearborn resigned, and General Wilkinson was called from the southern army to supply his place. He issued an order, which gave general satisfaction, and much was expected from his military science. The force directly under his command, amounted to eight thousand men, and he expected to be joined in October by the force under General Harrison. General Hampton com- manded about four thousand men at Plattsburg. The plan was, to descend the St. Lawrence, pass the British posts above, form a junction with General Hampton, and invade Montreal. The army, which had been distributed in different corps, and stationed at various points, was now to be con- centrated at some place most convenient for its embarka- tion. For this purpose Grenadier's Island, which lies be- tween Sackett's Harbour and Kingston, was selected on account of its contiguity to the St. Lawrence, as the most proper place of rendezvous. On the second of October, General Wilkinson left Fort George, with the principal body of the troops, and 'soon reached the island, w r here THE UNITED STATES. 295 he occupied himself incessantly in making the necessary preparations for the prosecution of his enterprise. He several times visited Sackett's Harbour, at which place the troops first arrived, and, after receiving their neces- sary supplies, proceeded to the place of rendezvous. Colonel Scott, whom he had left in command at Fort George, was ordered to embark with his regiment of ar- tillery, and Colonel Randolph's infantry, on board a ves- sel of the squadron, and proceed to the island. Colonel Dennis was left in the command of Sackett's Harbour ; and the general having provided a sufficient number of boats to transport the artillery through the St. Lawrence, proceeded to put the troops in motion. By the twenty- third, the troops thus collected exceeded seven thousand men, and were composed of Colonel Porter's light artil- lery, g few companies of Colonel Scott's and Macomb's regiments of artillery, twelve regiments of infantry, and Forsythe's rifle corps. General Brown, now a brigadier in the service of the United States, was ordered to take the command of the advance of the army at this place. On the first of No- vember, a British squadron made its appearance near French Creek, with a large body of infantry; a battery of three eighteen pounders, skilfully managed by Cap- tains M'Pherson and Fanning, soon forced them to re- tire. The attack was renewed the next morning, but with no better success ; and as the other corps of the army now daily arrived, the enemy thought proper to move off. On the sixth the army was put in. motion, and in the evening landed a few miles above the British fort Pres- cott. After reconnoitering the passage at this place, and finding that the fort commanded the river, General Wil kinson directed the fixed ammunition to be transported by land to a safe point below, and determined to take ad- vantage of the night to pass with the flotilla, while the troops were marched to the same point, leaving on board the boats merely a sufficient number to navigate them. Availing himself of a heavy fog which came on in the evening, the commander endeavoured to pass the fort un- observed ; but, the weather clearing up, and the moon 296 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF shining, he was discovered by the enemy, who opened a heavy fire. General Brown, who was in the rear with the flotilla, thought it prudent to land for the present, until the night should grow darker. He then proceeded down the river, but not without being discovered, and again exposed to a severe cannonade ; notwithstanding which, not one of hree hundred boats suffered the slightest injury. Before ten o'clock the next day, they had all safely arrived at the place of destination. A messenger was now despatched to General Hampton, informing him of the movement of the army, and requiring his co-operation. The enemy having discovered the design of the Ameri- cans, determined to counteract it. Parties were posted where they could annoy our boats by musket shot, and the illness of the commander in chief augmented ajarm- ingly. The army was delayed for half a day in extricating two schooners loaded with provisions, which had been driven into a part of the river near Ogdensburgh, by the enemy's fire. A corps d'elite of twelve hundred men, under Colonel Macomb, being despatched to re- move the obstructions to the descent of the army, at three o'clock he was followed by the main body. On passing the first rapids of the St. Lawrence, the barge of the commander in chief was assailed by two pieces of artillery, but without any other injury than cutting the rigging. The attention of the enemy was soon diverted by Lieutenant Colonel Eustis, who returned their fire from some light barges, while Major Forsythe, at the same time, landed some of his riflemen, attacked them unex- pectedly, and carried off three pieces of their artillery. The flotilla came to about six miles below, and the dra- goons attached to the first divisions of the enemy, had been collected at a place called the White House, at a contraction of the river ; to which point the flotilla was ordered the next morning to proceed. On arriving at this place on the eighth, General Brown was ordered to go forward with his brigade, to reinforce Colonel Macomb, and take command of the advance, while the commander in chief directed the transportation of the dragoons THE UNITED STATES. 297 across the St. Lawrence. The last was completed during the night. The British now determined to harass the Americans. On the 9th, a skirmish occurred between .the American riflemen and a party of militia and Indians. In the course of the day, the cavalry and four pieces of artillery? under Captain M'Pherson, were ordered to clear the coast as far as the head of the Longue Saut ; and in the evening the army arrived at the place called the Yellow House, which stands near the Saut. As the passage of this place was attended with considerable difficulty, on account of the rapidity of the current and of its length, it was deemed prudent to wait until the next day, and in the meanwhile it became necessary to use the utmost precaution. On the morning of the tenth, General Brown, with the troops under his command, excepting two pieces of artil- lery, and the second regiment of dragoons, was ordered to march in the advance of the army. A regard for the safety of the men, had induced the commander in chief to retain as few of the troops in the boats as possible, on ac- count of the exposure to which they would be subject, in the long and dangerous passage of these rapids, and where the enemy had in all probability established batteries for the purpose of impeding their descent. The second regi- ment of dragoons, and a considerable portion of the other brigades, which had been withdrawn from the boats, were ordered to follow, under General Boyd, the steps of Ge- neral Brown, to prevent the enemy, who were still hang- ing on the rear of the army, from making any advantageous attack. General Brown now commenced his march at the head of his troops, consisting principally of Colonel Macomb's artillery, and a part of Scott's regiment of light artillery, the riflemen, and the sixth, fifteenth, and twenty-second regiments. It was not long before he found himself en- gaged with a strong party at a block house near the Saut, which, after a contest of a few minutes, was repulsed by the riflemen under Forsythe, who was severely wounded. About the same time, some of the enemy's galleys ap- proached the flotilla, which had landed, and commenced a fire upon it, by which a number of boats were injured ; 298 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF two eighteen pounders, however, being hastily run on shore, a fire from them soon compelled the assailants to retire. The day being now too far spent to attempt the Saut, it was resolved to postpone it until the day fol- lowing. At ten o'clock on the eleventh, at the moment that the flotilla was about to proceed, and when, at the same time, the division under General Boyd, consisting of his own, and- the brigades of Generals Covington and Swartwout, were drawn up in marching order, an alarm was given, that the enemy was discovered approaching in column. The commander in chief and General Lewis, being both too much indisposed to take the command, General Boyd was ordered to face about and attack the approaching army. The enemy's galleys had at the same time approached for the purpose of attacking the rear of the American flo- tilla. General Boyd now advanced with his detachment formed in three columns, and ordered a part of General Swartwout's brigade to move forward, and bring the ene- ' my to action. Colonel Ripley, accordingly, at the head of the 2 1st. regiment, passed the wood which skirts the open ground called Chrystler's field, and drove in several of the enemy's parties. On entering the field, he met the advance of the British, consisting of the forty-ninth and the Glengary fencibles. Colonel Ripley immediately ordered a charge, which was executed with surprising firmness, so that these two regiments, nearly double his numbers, were compelled to retire ; and on making a stand, were a second time driven before the bayonet, and compelled to pass over the ravines and fences, by which the field was intersected, until they fell on their main body. General Covington had, before this, advanced upon the right of the enemy, where his artillery was posted ; and at the moment Colonel Ripley had assailed the left flank, the right was forced by a determined onset, and success appeared scarcely doubtful. Unfortunately, however, General Covington, whose activity had rendered him con- spicuous, became a mark for the sharp shooters of the enerny, stationed in Chrystler's house, and he was shot from his horse. The fall of this gallant officer arrested the progress of the brigade, and the artillery of the ene- THE UNITED STATES. 299 * Captain Gordon Falcon, of thirty-four guns. Captain Stewart then steered in pursuit ^ it e other THE UNITED STATES. 337 vessel, and after a short resistance, in which*she suffered considerably, she struck, with five feet water in her hold. She proved to be the sloop of war Levant, of eighteen thirty-two pound carronades. The loss on board the two ships amounted to about eighty in killed and wounded ; on board the Constitution there were four killed and ele- ven wounded ; but the ship received a very trifling injury. On the tenth of March, Captain Stewart entered the har- bour of Port Praya with his prizes, and on the eleventh, a British squadron of two sixty gun ships and a frigate appeared off the entrance of the harbour ; Captain Stew- art, having no faith in his security in this neutral port, made sail with his prize, the Cyane, and though closely pursued, had the good fortune to escape into the United States. The Levant was recaptured in a Portuguese port, in contempt of the neutral state. These are acts of injustice in which no nation can ever prosper. The Peacock, Hornet, and Tom Bowline, left New- York a few days after the President, without having re- ceived information of her capture. On the 23d of Janu- ary, 1815, the Hornet parted company, and directed her course to Tristan d'Acuna, the place of rendezvous. On the 23d of March, she descried the British brig Penguin, Captain Dickinson, of eighteen guns and a twelve pound carronade, to the eastward and southward of the island. Captain Bicldle hove to, while the Penguin bore down ; at forty minutes past one, the British vessel commenced the engagement. The firing was hotly kept up for fifteen minutes, the Penguin gradually nearing the Hornet with the intention to board, her captain having given orders for this purpose, but was killed by a grape shot ; her lieu- tenant then bore her up, and running her bowsprit be- tween the main and mizzen rigging of the Hornet, gave orders to board. His men, however, perceiving the crew of the Hornet ready to receive them, refused to follow him. At this moment, the heavy swell of the sea lifted the Hornet ahead, and the enemy's bowsprit carried away her mizzen shrouds and spanker boom, and the Penguin hung upon the Hornet's quarter., with the loss of her fore- mast and bowsprit. Her commander then called out that he had surrendered ; and Captain Biddle ordered his men 29 338 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF to cease firiftg. At this moment an officer of the Hornet called to Captain Biddle, that a man was taking aim at him in the enemy's shrouds ; he had scarcely changed his po- sition, when a musket ball struck him in the neck, and wounded him severely. Two marines immediately level- led their pieces at the wretch, and killed him before he brought his gun from his shoulder. The Penguin had. by that time, got clear of the Hornet, and the latter wore round to give the enemy a fresh broadside, when they cried out a second time that they had surrendered. It was with great difficulty that Captain Biddle could re- strain his crew, who were exasperated at the conduct of the enemy. In twenty-two minutes after the commencement of the action, she was taken possession of by Lieutenant Mayo, of the Hornet. The Penguin was so much injured, that Captain Biddle determined on taking out her crew and scuttling her ; and afterwards sent off his prisoners by the Tom Bowline, which by this time had joined him with the Peacock. The enemy lost fourteen in killed, and twenty-eight wounded ; the Hornet, one killed and eleven wounded ; among the latter, her Lieutenant, Conner, dan- gerously. Captain Biddle, being compelled to part from the Pea- cock by the appearance of a British ship of the line, after being closely pursued for several days, effected his escape into St. Salvador, where the news of peace soon after ar- rived. The capture of the Cyane, the Levant, and the Penguin, took place before the expiration of the time li- mited by the second article of the treaty of peace. The exploit? of the privateers continued to rival those of our national vessels. In one instance the enemy was compelled to pay dearly for his disregard of the sanctua- ry of a neutral port. The privateer Armstrong lay at anchor in the harbour of Fayal, when a British squadron, consisting of the Carnation, the Plantagenet, and the Rota, hove in sight. Captain Reid, of the privateer, dis- covering, by the light of the moon, that the enemy kad put out his barges, and was preparing to attack him, cleared for action, and moved near the shore. Four boats, filled with men, approached, and making no answer THE UNITED STATES. 339 on being hailed, a fire was opened upon them, which was returned, but they soon called out for quarters, and were permitted to haul off. They then prepared for a more formidable attack; the privateer was now anchored within a cable's length of the shore, and within pistol shot of the castle. The next day they sent a fleet of boats, supported by the Carnation, which stood before the harbour, to prevent the escape of the privateer. At midnight the boats ap- proached a second time, to the number of twelve or four- teen, manned with several hundred men. They were suffered to approach along side of the privateer ; and, without waiting an attack, they were assailed with such astonishing fury, that, in forty minutes, scarcely a man of them was left alive. During these attacks the shores were lined with the inhabitants, who, from the brightness of the moon, had a full view of the scene. The gover- .nor, with the first people of the place, stood by and saw the whole affair. After the second attack, the governor sent a note to the commander of the Plantagenet, Cap- tain Lloyd, requesting him to desist, but was answered, that he determined to have the privateer at the risk of knocking down the town. The American consul having communicated this infor- mation to Captain Reid, he ordered his crew to save their effects as fast as possible, and to carry the dead and wounded on shore. At daylight the Carnation stood close to the Armstrong, and commenced a heavy fire ; but being considerably cut up by the privateer, she hauled off to re- pair. Captain Reid now thinking it useless to protract the contest, on her re-appearance, scuttled his vessel, and escaped to shore. The British loss amounted to the astonishing number of one hundred and twenty killed, and one hundred and thirty wounded ; that of the Ameri- cans was only two killed and seven wounded. Several houses in the town were destroyed, and some of the in- habitants wounded. Before closing this chapter, it may not be improper to make a few remarks on war generally. In its most civi- lized modes of destruction, it is, indeed, a dreadful scourge. The distress which it occasions is incalculable 340 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF and immeasurable ; and we may venture a declaration, that all the benefit ever derived from the practice of mu- tual destruction, can never balance the evils, even could they be realized. That the mode of savage warfare is more dreadful than that of the more civilized, is undoubted ; but the inference is not, therefore, in favour of hostilities in any degree. That the loss of blood, and treasure, and moral feeling, are more than a fair equivalent for any supposed benefits in expectation, is evident to every reflecting mind, even without bringing int$ the account the dreadful inroads which it makes in the domestic circle. But, if we add to this the violence which it does to the principles of the Christian religion, who shall fathom it ? CHAPTER XV. Operations of the Army on the Frontiers. General Brown, and his officers, .were employed in dis- ciplining the troops, and collecting forces, destined to dis- lodge the British from the American posts which they still occupied. In the beginning of July, the' American forces amounted to but two brigades of regulars, and one of New-York volunteers, under Generals Porter and Swift, with a few Indians. In the meantime, the force of the enemy, under Gene- ral Drurnmond, had been greatly increased, by the addi- tion of a number of veteran regiments, which, since the pacification of Europe, Great Britain had been enabled to send to this country. The first attack was on Fort Erie, which was garrisoned by one hundred and seventy men, which was taken by surprise. The second attempt was upon Major General Riall, who occupied an entrenched camp at Chippewa. This led to the first regular pitched battle during the war, and victory declared for the Americans, and the British were compelled to retire into the camp. The events of the war now began to thicken, and its THE UNITED STATES. 341 character assumed the most sanguinary aspect. The vic- tory already obtained by the Americans over men supe- rior in numbers and discipline, enraged General -Drum- mond to madness. But the enemy was obliged to fall back to Queenstown, and finally took post at Burlington Heights. The flush of victory on one side, and the pride of military glory on the other, led to deeds of intrepid daring unexampled in the former progress of the war. Skirmishing was constant and severe, and every move- ment seemed to be of a decisive character. In these ren- contres, the loss on both sides, especially of officers, was very great. A specimen of the obstinate perseverance of the Ame- rican troops, was exhibited near the cataracts of Niagara, \vhich has few parallels. The enemy occupied an emi- nence well fortified, and defended by thrice the number of men mustered by the Americans, while the latter sus- tained the unequal conflict more than an hour, when orders were given to advance, and charge the enemy's heights, and break the British line. But the order was countermanded. The British now pressed forward on the ninth, which, with wonderful firmness, withstood the attack of their overwhelming numbers ; but reduced at length to nearly one half, and being compelled, at every moment, to repel fresh charges of the British, Colonel Leavenworth de- spatched a messenger to General Scott, to communicate its condition. The general rode up in person, roused the flagging spirits of his brave men with the pleasing intelli- gence that reinforcements were expected every moment, and besought them to hold their ground. Lieutenant Riddle, already well known as a reconnoi- tering officer, was the first to come to the assistance of his fellow soldiers, having been drawn to the place by the sound of the cannon while out with a scouting party. The same circumstance induced General Brown to pro- ceed rapidly to the scene of action, giving orders to Ge- neral Ripley to follow with the second brigade. On his way he was met by Major Jones, and, from his informa- tion, he was induced to order up General Porter, with the volunteers together with the artillery. 29* 342 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF So far, the Americans had repelled every attack with the most unyielding courage, but the situation of the bri- gade was very critical. The desperate efforts of the troops led General Riall to overrate the numbers to which he was opposed, and he sent to General Drummond for reinforcements. About this time an awful pause ensued between the two armies ; for a time no sound broke upon the stillness of the night, but the groans of the wounded, mingling with the distant din of the cataract of Niagara. The shattered regiments were consolidated into one brigade, and placed as a reserve under Colonel Brady, who, though severely wounded, refused to quit the field. The silence was once more interrupted by the arrival of General Ripley's bri- gade, Major Hindrnan's artillery, and General Porter's volunteers, and, at the same time, of General Drummond, with reinforcements. In the meantime, that accomplished young officer, Major Jessup, who had been ordered, in the early part of the action, to take post on the right, had succeeded, during the engagement, after encountering great difficulty, in turning the left flank of the enemy. At the present mo- ment, taking ad vantage -of the darkness of the night, and the incaution of the enemy, he threw his regiment in the rear of their reserve, and, surprising one detachment after another, made prisoners of so many of their officers and men, that his progress was greatly impeded. The laws of war would have justified him in putting them to death; " but the laurel, in his opinion, was most glorious when entwined by the hand of mercy;" he, therefore, spared them, under circumstances where they certainly would not have spared him. One of his officers, Captain Ketchum, had the good fortune to make prisoner of General Riall, and of the aid of General Drummond ; the latter a most fortunate cir- cumstance, as it prevented the concentration of the Bri- tish force, contemplated by that officer, before the Ameri- cans were prepared for his reception. After disposing of his prisoners, Major Jessup felt his way to the place where the hottest fire was kept up on the brigade to which he belonged, and drew up his regiment behind a fence on THE UNITED STATES. 343 the side of the Queenstown road, but in the rear of a party of British infantry, drawn up on the opposite side of the same road ; he suddenly gave them a destructive fire, on which they broke and fled. " The major," says General Brown, "showed himself to his own army in a blaze of fire." He was ordered to form on the right of the second brigade. The following instance of generalship, by which this sanguinary contest was decided, is of so daring a nature, and so completely developes the American character, that it will be inserted entire. General Ripley's brigade had by this time been formed for action, when orders were given for it to advance to the support of General Scott, against whom a fire w T as now directed, which he could not long withstand. General Ripley, with the quick discernment which characterizes the real commander, seeing that too much time would be lost before he could make his way through the skirt of the woods in the darkness of the night, decided at once, upon his own responsibility, to adopt the only measure from which he saw a hope ; and which being made known to the commander in chief, he instantly sanctioned. The enemy's artillery occupied a hill, which was the key to the whole position, and it would be in vain to hope for victory, while they were permitted to retain it. Addressing himself to Colonel Miller, he inquired, whether he could storm the batteries at the head of the twenty-first, while he would himself support him with the younger regiment, the twenty-third. To this the wary but intrepid veteran replied, in an unaffected phrase, I WILL TRY, SIR ; words, which were afterwards given as the motto of his regiment. The twenty-third was formed in close column, under its commander, Major M'Farland, and the first regiment, under Colonel Nicholas, was left to keep the enemy in check. The two regiments moved on to one of the most perilous charges ever attempted ; the whole of the artil- lery opened upon them as they advanced, supported by a powerful line of infantry. The twenty-first advanced steadily to its purpose ; the twenty-third faltered on re- ceiving the deadly fire of the enemy, but was soon rallied 344 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF by the personal exertions of General Ripley. When within a hundred yards of the summit, they received an- other dreadful discharge, by which Major M'Farland was killed, and the command devolved on Major Brooks. To the amazement of the British, the intrepid Miller firmly advanced, until within a few paces of their line, when he impetuously charged upon the artillery, which, after a short but desperate resistance, yielded their whole bat- tery, and the American line was in a moment formed in the rear, upon the ground previously occupied by the Bri- tish infantry. During the charge, General Riall was taken prisoner, and the effect may easily be imagined. But this brilliant exploit seemed to spur on the enemy to redoubled exer- tions. Being reinforced, the British marched with quick step on the Americans, who reserved their fire until it could become deadly. The whole British division came within twenty paces of the lines, when the well directed fire from our troops put them into confusion. But they rallied to the attack, and the conflict became tremendous. But the enemy yielded, and retired down the hill. The contest was, however, soon renewed by the British, with the same results. Disheartened by these repeated defeats, the British were on the point of yielding the contest, when they received fresh reinforcements from fort Niagara, which revived their spirits, and induced them to make another and still more desperate struggle. After taking an hour to refresh themselves, and recovering from their fatigue, they ad- vanced with a new and more extended line, and with con- fident hopes of being able to overpower the Americans, who thus far had been denied both refreshment and re- pose. Our countrymen had stood to their arms during all this time, their canteens exhausted, and many almost fainting with thirst ; and, from the long interval, they had begun to cherish hopes that the enemy had yielded. In this they were disappointed ; but on discovering the approach of the British, their courageous spirit returned, and they resolved never to yield the glorious trophies of their vic- tory, until they could contend no longer. THE UNITED STATES. 345 The British delivered their fire at the same distance as on the last onset, which was returned by the Americans with the same deadly effect; but they did "not fall back with the same precipitation; a fresh line supplied the place of the first, and the whole steadily advanced. A conflict, dreadful beyond description, ensued ; the twenty-first, under its brave leader, firmly withstood the shock. The right and left repeatedly fell back, but were again rallied by the general, by Colonels Miller, Nicholas, and Jessup. At length the two lines closed with each other on the very summit of the hill, which they contested with terrific violence at the point of the bayonet. Such was the obstinacy of the contest, that many bat- talions, on both sides, were forced back, and the contend- ing parties became mingled with each other. Nothing could exceed the desperation of the conflict at the point where the cannon was stationed. The enemy having forced himself into the very midst of Major Hindman's artillery, this officer was compelled to spike two of his pieces, and was warmly engaged across the carriages and guns. General Ripley now pressing upon the enemy's flanks, compelled them to give way, and the centre soon following the example, the whole British line fled a third time, and no exertions of their officers could restrain them, until they placed themselves out of the reach of the mus- ketry and artillery. The British being now completely beaten, retired beyond the borders of the field, leaving their dead and wounded. The loss on this occasion was in proportion to the ob- stinacy of the conflict, the whole being seventeen hundred and twenty-nine; of which the British amounted to twenty- seven more than the Americans. The intention of the American commander was to re- new the action in the morning, but finding that he had but fifteen hundred men fit for duty, and that the British were drawn up in considerable force, General Ripley determin- ed not to commence an attack. He then retreated to Erie, and extended its defences. Having been reinforced by a thousand men, the enemy appeared before Fort Erie'on the 3d of August, and commenced with regular approaches. By the 7th, the defences were sufficient to keep the enemy 346 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF at bay. Until the 14th, the cannonade was incessant, and the enemy gained ground, but in skirmishes, the Ameri cans were generally victorious. General Gaines now commanded at Erie, and Colonel Drummond was preparing to assail him. At half-past two in the morning, the attack was commenced by three co- lumns. On the second attempt, the British gained the pa- apet, and the enemy received the orders of Colonel Drum- mond, to " give no quarter /" The order was faithfully executed, and a terrible strife ensued. Colonel Drum- mond was shot in the breast, but the enemy still main- tained their position ; but they were finally defeated. The British loss in this assault was two hundred and twenty-two killed, including fourteen officers of distinction; one hundred and seventy-four wounded, and one hundred and eighty-six prisoners. The Americans lost seventeen killed, fifty- six wounded, and ten prisoners. Nothing further of particular importance transpired, until the seventeenth of September, when General Brown, observing that the enemy had just completed a battery, which could open a most destructive fire, the neyt day planned a sortie, which has been considered a military chef d'oeuvre. The British force consisted of three bri- gades, of one thousand five hundred men each, one of which was stationed at the works in front of Fort Erie, the other two occupied a camp two miles in the rear. The design of General Brown was to " storm the batteries, destroy the cannon, and roughly handle the brigade on duty, before those in reserve could be brought up." A road had previously been opened by Lieutenants Riddle and Frazer, in a circuitous course through the woods, within pistol shot of the flank of the line of batteries, and with such secrecy as to have escaped the notice of the enemy. At two o'clock, the troops were drawn up in readiness to make the sortie. The division commanded by General Porter, was composed of riflemen and Indians under Colonel Gibson, and two columns, one on the right, com- manded by Colonel Wood, the left commanded by Gene- ral Davis, of the New-York militia ; this was to proceed through the woods, by the road which had 6een opened, THE UNITED STATES. 347 while the right division of the troops, in the ravine already mentioned, was to be stationed between the fort and the enemy's works, under General Miller, with orders not to advance until General Porter should have engaged their flank. The command of General Porter advanced with so much celerity and caution, that when they rushed upon the enemy's flank they gave the first intimation of their approach. A severe conflict for a moment ensued, in which those gallant officers, Colonel Gibson, and Colonel Wood, fell at the head of their columns, and the com- mand devolved on Lieutenant Colonel M'Donald, and Ma- jor Brooks. In thirty minutes possession was taken of both batteries in this quarter, together with a block-house in the rear, and the garrison made prisoners. Three twenty-four pounders were rendered useless, and their magazine blown up by Lieutenant Riddle, who narrowly escaped the effects of the explosion. At this moment the division of General Miller came up ; General Brown having heard the firing had ordered it to advance. In conjunction with Colonel Gibson's co- lumn, he pierced between the second and third line of batteries, and, after a severe contest, carried the first of these. In this assault General Davis fell, at the head of his volunteers. The whole of these batteries, and the two block houses, being in the possession of the Ameri- cans, General Miller's division inclined to the more formi- dable batteries toward the lake shore. At this moment they were joined by the reserve under General Ripley. Here the resistance was more obstinate, the work being exceedingly intricate, from the successive lines of en- trenchments, contrived with studied complexity ; a con- stant use of the bayonet was the only mode of assailing them ; the enemy had, also, by this time, received consi- derable reinforcements. General Miller continued to advance, although suffering severe loss in some of his valuable officers : Colonel Aspinwall was badly wounded, and Major Trimble dangerously. The twenty-first, under Lieutenant Colonel Upham, forming a part of the reserve, and part of the seventeenth, uniting with the corps of General Miller, ch-irged rapidly upon the remaining bat- 348 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF tery, which was instantly abandoned by the British infan- try and artillery. General Ripley now ordered a line to be formed, for the protection of the detachments engaged in destroying the batteries, and was engaged in making arrangements for following up, against the rear of General Drurnmond, the success which had so far transcended expectation, when he received a wound in the neck, and fell by the side of Major Brooks ; he was immediately transported to the fort. The objects of the sortie having been com- pletely effected, General Miller called in his detachments, and retired in good order, with the prisoners, and the trophies of this signal exploit. The American loss in this affair was five hundred and eleven, that of the enemy upwards of a thousand, besides their cannon. On the eighteenth of October, a detachment of nine hundred Americans was ordered to destroy some stores at Lyon's Creek, which they effected, after encountering a party of twelve hundred. The object was effected, after the loss of sixty-seven killed, wounded and missing. During the season several expeditions were planned, but to little purpose. Major Croghan commanded one destined to regain Michilimackinack, but the main object was unsuccessful. He effected a landing, but his force was too feeble, and the plan was given up as hopeless. He merely destroyed the establishments at St. Mary's and St. Joseph. General M'Arthur made an incursion into Canada, dispersing some detachments, destroying their stores, and taking one hundred and fifty prisoners, returned without loss. In the spring of 1814, Commodore Barney took the command of a small flotilla of gunboats to protect the inlets, and small rivers, that fall into Chesapeake Bay. About the 1st of June the enemy entered the Chesapeake Bay, and renewed their ravages with greater severity than they had done the past year. Sharp and frequent rencounters took place upon the water, and upon the land ; but the enemy succeeded in laying waste the coun- try, and carrying off the negroes, through the months of June and July. About the middle of August, the British entered the THE UNITED STATES. 349 Chesapeake with a fleet of about sixty sail, including transports, under Admiral Cockburn, and landed about six thousand men at Benedict, on the Patuxent, under the command of General Ross. On the 22d, General Ross reached the Wood-yard, (so called) twelve miles from Washington, where Commodore Barney caused a large flotilla of gunboats to be destroyed, to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy. On the 23d, General Ross reached Bladensburgh, six miles from Washington, where he dispersed the militia, after a short resistance, and advanced to the city. Com- modore Barney had assembled a small force in defence of the capital, with several eighteen pounders, and made a stand ; but he was soon overpowered by numbers, wound- ed and taken prisoner, and the capital fell into the hands of the enemy. The navy yard was destroyed. By order of General Ross, the capitol, the president's house, and executive offices, were burnt. The enemy re- tired on the night of the 25th, by rapid marches, regained their ships, and embarked. The American ladies, always conspicuous in the history of America, for their patriotic conduct in times of diffi- culty and danger, never appeared so lovely in their zeal for their country. The first object of attack, it was rightly conjectured, would be Baltimore. The cities of Philadelphia and New- York waited the result with as much anxiety, as if their fate depended upon its successful issue. In this they perhaps had reason ; for should Baltimore fall, during the panic which succeeded the capture of Washington, and before the other cities would have time to place them- selves in an attitude of defence, they could make but a feeble resistance. After the first moment of despondency, occasioned by the capture of Washington, had subsided in Baltimore, and it was discovered that the place would not be assailed immediately, the inhabitants set about making prepara* tions for defence. Under the direction of General Smith, a ditch was opened, and a breastwork thrown up by the inhabitants, on the high ground to the north-east, (to effect which every class of people united,) so as completely to 30 350 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP protect the town in the only quarter in which it was ac cessible by land forces. In a few days, a considerable number of militia arrived from Pennsylvania and Virginia ; and the spirits of the inhabitants were greatly animated by the arrival of the naval veteran, Commodore Rogers, with his marines, who took possession of the heavy batteries on the hill. A brigade of Virginia volunteers, together with the regulars, was assigned to General Winder, and the city brigade to General Striker ; the whole under command of Major-General Smith ; the two latter, distinguished revolutionary officers. General Striker had served from the commencement to the conclusion of that Avar, and shared in many important battles. The approach to the city by water, was defended by Fort M'Henry, commanded by Major Armistead, with about sixty artillerists, under Captain Evans, and two companies of sea fencibles, under Captains Bunbury and Addison ; of these, thirty-five were on the sick list. As this number was insufficient to man the batteries, Major Armistead was furnished with two companies of volunteer artillery, under Captain Berry and Lieutenant Pennington, and a company under Judge Nicholson, (chief justice of Baltimore county,) which had tendered its services. Besides these, there was a detachment of Commodore Barney's flotilla, under Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart and Major Lane, consisting of detachments from the twelfth, fourteenth, and thirty-sixth regiments of the United States troops, which were encamped under the walls of the fort. The total amounted to about one thou- sand men. Two batteries on the right of Fort M'Henry, upon the Patapsco, to prevent the enemy from landing during the night, in the rear of the town, were manned, the one by Lieutenant Newcomb, with a detachment of sailors ; the other, by Lieutenant Webster, of the flotilla ; the former was called Fort Covington, the latter, the City Battery. It was equally important to the safety of the city, that in the event of an attack by land and naval forces, both should be repelled ; for in case Fort M'Henry was silenced by the shipping, there would be nothing to prevent the THE UNITED STATES. 351 destruction of the town ; and if the land forces of the enemy were successful, the fort could no longer be of any avail, and would even be untenable. To the defence of Fort M'Henry, and to the repulse of the British from the lines, the inhabitants looked for safety. Independently of the devastating rrders of Cochrane, and the recent scenes at Washington and Alexandria, this city was a se- lected object of the vengeance of the enemy, in conse- quence of her active and patriotic exertions during the war. No one can imagine to himself a just picture of the state of anxious feeling, among fifty thousand people of all ages and sexes, for the approaching crisis y which would determine the safety or destruction of their city. And even in case of successful resistance, the most painful incertitude hung over the fate of those who were to risk their lives in its defence ; not strangers or merce- naries, but their bosom friends, their brothers, their sons and husbands : every one, even old men and boys, who could wield a musket, were found in the ranks. The committee of safety, composed of those advanced in life, and the most influential citizens, (among whom was the respectable Colonel Howard, a hero of the revo- lution,) took a large share in the preparations to meet the approaching danger. The British army having re-embarked on board the fleet in the Patuxent, Admiral Cochrane moved down the river, and proceeded up the Chesapeake ; and, on the morning of the eleventh of September, appeared at the mouth of the Patapsco, about fourteen miles from the city of Baltimore, with a fleet of ships of war, and transports, amounting to fifty sail. On the next day, the land forces, to the number of at least six thousand men, the veterans of Wellington, de- barked at North Point, and, under the command of Gene- ral Ross, took up their march for the city. General Strieker claimed, for the city brigade under his command, the honour of being the first to meet the invader, and was accordingly detached by General Smith, in anticipation of the landing of the British troops. On the eleventh General Strieker proceeded on the road to North Point, at the head of three thousand and two hun- 352 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF dred effective men, consisting of the fifth regiment, under Lieutenant Colonel Sterett, five hundred and fifty strong; six hundred and twenty of the sixth, under Lieutenant Colonel M'Donald ; five hundred of the twenty-seventh, under Lieutenant Colonel Long ; five hundred and fifty of the thirty-ninth, under Lieutenant Colonel Fowler ; seven hundred of the fifty-first, under Lieutenant Colonel Amey ; one Jiundred and fifty riflemen, under Captain Dyer ; one hundred and fifty cavalry, under Lieutenant Colonel Biays ; and the Union Artillery, of seventy-five men, and six four pounders, under Captain Montgomery, (attorney general of the state.) A light corps of riflemen and musketry, under Major Randal, taken from General Stanbury's brigade, and the Pennsylvania volunteers, were detached to the mouth of Bear Creek, with orders to co-operate with General Strieker, and to check any landing which might be effected in that quarter. At six o'clock, P. M. General Strieker reached the meeting-house, near the head of Bear Creek, seven miles from the city. Here the brigade halted, with the excep- tion of the cavalry, who were pushed forward to Gor- such's farm, three miles in advance, and the riflemen, who took post near the blacksmith's shop, two miles in advance of the encampment. The next morning, (the twelfth,) at seven o'clock, in- formation was received from the videttes, that the enemy were debarking troops under cover of their gun vessels, which lay off the bluff at North Point, within the mouth of the Patapsco River. The baggage was immediately ordered back under a strong guard, and General Strieker moved forward the fifth and twenty-seventh regiments, and the artillery, to the head of Long Log Lane, resting the fifth with its right on the head of a branch of Bear Creek, its left on the main road, while the twenty-seventh was posted on the opposite side of the road, in a line with the fifth. The artillery was posted at the head of the lane, in the interval between these two regiments. The thirty-ninth was drawn up three hundred yards in the rear of the twenty-seventh, and the fifty-first the same distance in the rear of the fifth ; the sixth regiment was THE UNITED STATES. 353 drawn up as a reserve, within sight, half a mile in the rear of the second line. Thus judiciously posted, the general determined to wait an attack, having given orders that the two regiments composing the front line, should receive the enemy, and, if necessary, fall back through the fifty-first and thirty- ninth, and form on the right of the sixth, posted in re- serve. ,The general now learned, that the British were moving rapidly up the main road ; and at the'mcment when he expected their approach to be announced by the riflemen, stationed in the low thick pine and furs, in advance, great- ly to his chagrin, he discovered this corps falling back upon the main position, having listened to a groundless rumour, that the enemy were landing on Back river, to cut them off. This part of the general's plan having been frustrated, he placed the riflemen on the right of his front line, by this means better securing that flank. The vi- dettes soon after bringing information that a party of the enemy were, in a careless manner, carousing at Gorsuch's farm, several of the officers offered their services to dis- lodge him. Captains Levering's and Howard's compa- nies, from the fifth, about one hundred and fifty in num- ber, under Major Heath, of that regiment; Captain Ais- quith's, and a few other riflemen, in all about seventy ; a small piece of artillery, under Lieutenant Stiles, and the cavalry, were pushed forward, to chastise the insolence of the enemy's advance, and to evince a wish on the part of the American army to engage. The detachment had scarcely proceedod half a mile, when they came in contact with the main body of the enemy; a sharp skirmish ensued, in which Major Heath's horse was shot under him, and several of the Americans killed and wounded, but not unrevenged, for in this affair the enemy lost their commander in chief, General Ross. This officer had imprudently proceeded too far, for the purpose of reconnoitering, when he was killed by one of the company of Captain Howard, who was in the advance. After the death of Ross, the command devolved on Colonel Brook, who continued to push forward, notwith- standing this occurrence. The American detachment fell 30* UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF back; and the general conceiving the two companies of Howard and Levering to be too much fatigued to share in the approaching conflict, they were ordered to form on the reserve, not without a request on their part to be per- mitted to share in the perils of their townsmen. At half past two o'clock, the enemy commenced throw- ing rockets, which did no injury ; and immediately Cap- tain Montgomery's artillery opened their fire upon them, which was returned by a six pounder and howitzer upon the left and centre. The fire was brisk for some minutes, when the general ordered it to cease on his side, with a view of bringing the enemy into close canister distance. Perceiving that the efforts of the British were chiefly directed against the left flank, the general brought up the thirty-ninth into line on the left of the twenty-seventh, and detached two pieces of artillery on the left of the thirty-ninth; and still more completely to protect this flank, which was all important, Colonel Amey, of the fif- ty-first, was ordered to form his regiment at right angles with the line, resting his right on the left of the thirty- ninth. The movement was badly executed, and created some confusion in that quarter, but was soon rectified with the assistance of the general's aids and Major Stevenson, and the brigade majors, Calhoun and Frailey. The enemy's right column now displayed, and advanced upon the twenty-seventh and thirty-ninth. Unfortunately, at this juncture, the fifty-first, from some sudden panic, after giving a random fire, broke and retreated in such confusion as rendered it impossible to rally it, and occa- sioned the same disorder in the second battalion of the thirty-ninth. The fire by this time became general, from right to left ; the artillery poured an incessant and destructive stream upon the enemy's left column, which endeavoured to shelter itself behind a log house, but this was instantly in a blaze ; Captain Sadtler having taken the precaution to fire it, as soon as it was abandoned by him and his yagers. About ten minutes past three, the British line came on with a rapid discharge of musketry, which was well re- turned by the fifth, the twenty-seventh, and the first bat- talion of the thirty-ninth, who maintained their ground THE UNITED STATES. 355 in spite of the example set by the intended support on the left. The whole of the general's force with this diminution, scarcely amounted to fourteen hundred, to which was opposed the whole of the enemy. The fire was inces- sant, until about twenty-five minutes before four o'clock, during which time General Strieker gallantly contended against four times his numbers ; but finding that the une- qual contest could be maintained no longer, and that the enemy was about to outflank him, in consequence of the flight of the fifty-first, he was compelled to retire upon his reserve, which he effected in good order. Here he formed his brigade, but the enemy not thinking it advi- sable to pursue, he fell back, and took post on the left of the line, half a mile in advance of the intrenchments, where he was joined by General Winder, who had been stationed on the west side of the city, but was now or- dered with the Virginia brigade, and Captain Bird's Uni- ted States dragoons, to take post on the left of General Strieker. The conduct of the Baltimore brigade, with the excep- tion of the fifty-first, and the second battalion of the thirty- ninth, who were seized with the panic to which raw troops are so much subject, deserved the highest praise. Vete- rans could not have done more. Their loss, in killed and wounded, amounted to one hundred and sixty-three, (amongst whom were some of the most respectable citi- zens of Baltimore,) about an eighth of the force engaged. Adjutant James Lowry Donaldson, of the twenty-seventh, (an eminent lawyer,) was killed in the hottest of the fight. Major Heath and Major Moore, and a number of other officers, were wounded. The loss of the British was nearly double that of the Americans, according to their own acknowledgment, and probably much greater. This unexpected resistance had a happy effect upon the enemy; in their official statements, they computed the American force at six thousand, a great proportion of regulars, and estimated our loss at one thousand, from which we may infer their opinion o the manner in which they were received. In the mean time the naval attack had already com- 356 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF menced from five bomb vessels, at the distance of two miles ; when finding themselves sufficiently near, they anchored, and kept up an incessant bombardment, while they were at such a distance as to be out of the reach of the guns of the fort. The situation, although painfully inactive, was highly perilous ; yet every man stood to his post without shrinking. One of the twenty-four pound- ers, on the south-west bastion, under Captain Nicholson, was dismounted, and killed his second lieutenant and wounded several of his men. The enemy now approach- ed somewhat nearer, so as to be within striking distance A tremendous fire was instantly opened from the fort, which compelled him precipitately to gain his former po- sition. The bombardment was kept up during the whole day and night. The city, thus assailed on both sides, awaited the result with death-like silence, and yet no eye was closed in sleep. Suddenly, about midnight, a tremendous cannonade was heard in the direction of the fort, and the affrighted popu- lation believed that all was over. Their fears were soon quieted, by the information that some barges of the ene- my, the number not known, had attempted to land, but were compelled to draw off with all possible haste, after great slaughter, by Lieutenants Newcomb and Webster, who commanded the city battery and Fort Coving-ton. By the next morning the bombardment ceased, after up- wards of fifteen hundred shells had been thrown ; a large portion of which burst over the fort, and scattered their fragments amongst its defenders ; a great number fell within the works, and materially injured two of the pub- lic buildings, and two slightly. The enemy, not willing to abide such rough handling, retreated under cover of a dark and stormy night, and in the morning General Winder was detached in pursuit, but the time which had elapsed was sufficient for embar- kation, and the rear could not be cut off. The next day the fleet descended the bay, to the great joy of the inha bitants of Baltimore. We shall now return with our readers to the operations on the northern frontier. About the first of September, Sir George Prevost led his army to Plattsburgh, while THE UNITED STATES. 357 the fleet proceeded up the lake on his left, to make & simultaneous attack by land and water. Before this, lit- tle of consequence had transpired in this quarter. The peace in Europe permitted the English govern- ment to transport large bodies of troops, and they had already sent on a considerable army to Canada. Four- teen thousand of these were organized under Sir George, and the remainder were sent to oppose General Brown on the Niagara. To oppose this overwhelming force, General Macomb had but iifteen hundred regulars, including new recruits and invalids. The works were in no state of defence, and the stores and ordnance were in great disorder. The British force took possession of Champlain on the third of September, and, from the proclamations and impress- ments of wagons and teams in this vicinity, it was soo'n discovered that their object was an attack on Plattsburgh. Not a minute was to be lost in placing the works in a state of defence ; and in order to create an emulation and zeal among the officers and men, they were divided into detachments, and stationed in the several forts; the gene- ral declaring, in orders, that each detachment was the garrison of its own work, and bound to defend it to the last extremity. At the same time he called on General Mooers, of the New-York militia, and arranged with him plans for calling out the militia en masse. The inhabi- tants of Plattsburgh fled with their families and effects, excepting a few men, and some boys, who formed them- selves into a company, received rifles, and were exceed- ingly useful. In this extremity General Mooers collected about seven hundred militia, and small detachments were posted so as to watch and harass the enemy. Trees were felled, and every impediment put in the way of their march, and some skirmishes ensued. At daylight, on the sixth, it was ascertained that the enemy were advancing in two columns by each of the roads, dividing at Sampson's, a little below Chazy village. The column on the Beck- man road approached rapidly ; the militia skirmished a little with its advanced parties, but which, with the excep- tion of n few brave men, soon broke, and fled in the great- 358 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF est disorder. A detachment of two hundred and fifty men, under Major Wool, had been marched to their sup- port, and to show them an example of firmness ; but it was found unavailing. Finding that the enemy's columns had penetrated within a mile of Plattsburgh, orders were received for Colonel Appling to return from his position at Dead Creek, and fall on the enemy's right flank. The colonel fortunately arrived just in time to save his retreat, and to fall in with the head of a column debouching from the woods. He poured a destructive fire from his riflemen, and continued to annoy the column until he formed a junction with Major Wool. Notwithstanding that con- siderable execution was done by the field pieces, the enemy still continued to press forward in column ; con- siderable obstructions were, however, thrown in their way by the removal of the bridge, and by the fallen trees; a galling fire was also kept up from the galleys as they passed the creek. Plattsburgh is on the northeast side of the Saranac, near its entrance into Lake Champlain, directly opposite the American works. The town was of course abandon- ed, and occupied by the British. Attempts were made to take possession of the bridge, but it was resolutely guarded by the Americans. When our troops had passed the bridge, the planks were raised, and used for a breast- work. The enemy, now masters of the village, instead of attempting to carry the American works on the opposite side of the river, which their vast superiority of force might have enabled them to do, contented themselves with erecting works, whence they continued to annoy the Americans, and constantly skirmishing at the bridges and fords. By the eleventh, the fifth day of the siege, a con- siderable force of New- York and Vermont militia, which had been continually collecting, lined the Saranac, and repelled the attempts of the British to cross, while, at the same time, a considerable body was sent to harass their rear. There was scarcely an intermission to the skir- mishes which took place between them and the militia, who acted, after the first day, with great intrepidity THE UNITED STATES. 359 The American regulars, at the same time, laboured inces- santly to extend and strengthen their works. During this time, a handsome affair was achieved by Captain M'Glassin, who, crossing the river in the night, assailed the British regulars, more than three times his number, stationed at a masked battery, which had been for some days preparing, drove them from their posts, and demo- lished their works. The principal cause of delay, which was fortunate for the Americans, was the momentary expectation of the fleet, which was intended to co-operate. On the morn- ing of the eleventh, at eight o'clock, the look out boat of Commodore M'Donough announced its approach. It consisted of the Confiance, carrying thirty-nine guns, twenty-seven of which were twenty-four pounders ; the brig Linnet, of sixteen guns ; the sloops Chub and Finch, each carrying eleven guns; thirteen galleys, five of which carried two, and the remainder one gun. The commo* dore at this moment lay at anchor in Plattsburgh bay, and intended in that situation to receive the enemy. His fleet consisted of the Saratoga, carrying twenty-six guns, eight of which were long twenty-four pounders ; the Eagle, of twenty guns ; the Ticonderoga, of seventeen, the Preble, seven; and ten galleys, six of which carried two, and the remainder one gun. Beside^ the advantage which the enemy possessed, in being able to choose their position, their force was much superior. The number of guns in the British fleet amounted to ninety-five, and of men to upwards of a thousand; while that of the Ameri- cans was eighty-six, and the number of men less by two hundred. One of the American vessels had been built with despatch almost incredible. Eighteen days before, the trees of which it was constructed, were actually gro\> ing on the shores of the lake. The American vessels were moored in line, with five gunboats arid gallies on each flank. At nine o'clock, Captain Downie, the British commander, anchored in line, abreast of the American squadron, at about three hundred yards distance, the Confiance opposed to the Saratoga; the Linnet to the Eagle ; the British galleys, and one of the sloops to the Ticonderoga, Preble, and the left divi- 360 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP sion of the American galleys ; the other sloop to the right division. The importance of the contest which was now impend- ing, will justify us in a particular description. In this situation the whole force on both sides became engaged ; and at the same moment, as if this had been the signal, the contest commenced between General Macomb and Sir George Prevost. One of the British sloops was soon thrown out of the engagement, by running on a reel of rocks, whence she could not be extricated, while one division of the enemy's galleys was so roughly handled, as to be compelled to pull out of the way. But the fate of this interesting day, on which the two rivals for naval superiority were for the second time matched in squad- ron, depended chiefly on the-result of the engagement be- tween the two largest ships. The American commodore maintained the unequal con* test for two hours ; but the greater weight of the ene- my's battery seemed to incline the scale of victory, al- though he suffered prodigiously. The chances against the Saratoga were accidentally increased by the comman- der of the Eagle, who not being able to bring his guns to bear as he wished, cut his cable, and anchored between the Ticonderoga and Saratoga, by which this vessel was exposed to a galling fire from the enemy's brig. The guns on the starboard side had, by this time, been either dismounted or become unmanageable ; the situation of the enemy was but little better ; to both, the fortune of the day depended ou the bAecution of one of the most difficult naval manosuvie* 10 wind their vessel round, and bring a new broaasnie 10 oear. The Confiance aasnvea it iu vain, but the efforts of the Saratoga were successiui ; a stern anchor was let go, the bovver cable cut, and the ship winded with a fresh broad- side on the frigate, which soon after surrendered. A Broadside was then sprung to bear on the brig, which surrendered in fifteen minutes after The sloop opposed to the Eagle had struck to Captain Henley sometime be- fore, and drifted crown the line. Three of the galleys were sunk, the others escaped ; all the rest of the fleet fell into the hands of Commodore M'Donough. By the THE UNITED STATES. 361 time this bloody contest was over, there was scarcely a mast in either squadron capable of bearing a sail, and the greater part of the vessels in a sinking state. There were fifty round shot in the hull of the Saratoga, and in the Confiance one hundred and five. The Saratoga was twice set on fire by hot shot. The action lasted two hours and twenty minutes. The commander of the Confiance was killed, with forty-nine of his men, and sixty wounded. On board the Saratoga there were twenty-eight killed, and twenty-nine wounded. Of the first was Lieutenant Gamble; and on board the Ticonderoga, Lieutenant Stanbury, (son of General Stan- bury, of Maryland.) Among the wounded were Lieu- tenant Smith, acting Lieutenant Spencer, and midship- man Baldwin. The total loss in the American squadron amounted to fifty-two killed, and fifty-eight wounded. The loss of the enemy was eighty-four killed, one hun- dred and ten wounded, and eight hundred and fifty-six prisoners, which actually exceeded the number of their captors. This engagement, so deeply interesting to the two rival nations, took place in sight of the hostile armies. But they were by no means quiet spectators of the scene ; a hot engagement was kept up during the whole time ; the air was filled with bombs, rockets, sharpnels, and hot balls. Three desperate efforts were made by the British to cross over and storm the American works, in which they were as often repulsed, with considerable loss. An attempt to force the bridge was bravely defeated by a de- tachment of regulars, and Captain Grosvenor's riflemen. They attempted a ford about three miles above, but were so briskly assailed by a body of volunteers and militia posted in a wfcod, that the greater part of the detachment was cut to pieces. The efforts of the enemy naturally relaxed, after wit- nessing the painful sight, so little expected, of the entire capture of their fleet. The firing was, however, kept up until night ; at night the enemy withdrew their artillery, and raised the siege. The plans of Sir George Prevost were completely frustrated, since the Americans had now the command of the lake : even if he were to possess 31 362 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF himself of the American works, it would not serve him any; further design ; in the meantime, he would be exposed to great danger from the hourly augmentation of the American forces. Under the cover of the night, he, therefore, sent off all his baggage and artillery, for which he found means of transportation; and, before day the next morning, his whole force precipitately retreated, leaving behind their sick and wounded. Vast quantities of military stores, and munitions of war, were abandoned by them, and still greater quantities were afterwards found hid in marshes, or buried in the ground. They were hotly pursued, a number of stragglers were picked up, and upwards of five hundred deserters came in. Those of the British army and navy who fell, were in- terred with the honours of war. The humane attention of the Americans to the wounded, and the politeness and generous attention to the prisoners, were acknowledged in grateful terms by Captain Pryng, (who succeeded Cap- tain Downie,) in his official despatch to the admiralty Thus was this portentous invasion most happily repel- led, and another of our inland seas made glorious by the victories of free Americans. The " star spangled ban- ner" waved in triumph on the waters of Champlain, as it did on Erie and Ontario. These noble features in our great empire will henceforth be viewed with a very diffe- rent interest from what they heretofore excited. The effect of this victory tended to allay party spirit, and produce unanimity in the national legislature. The great cause of bitter complaint against the administra- tion, French influence, was at an end, and the recent con- duct of Great Britain towards this country, rendered it impossible for any one to say that she wa^not wantonly pursuing hostilities, when these causes no longer existed. No one could now be the advocate of Britain. But, in addition to other circumstances, the neglect ex- perienced by our ministers in Europe, and the shuffling policy of Great Britain, which procrastinated a final ad- justment ol differences, were well understood, and had their proper effect on our citizens. Our sincere desire for peace was met by the demand for a surrender of ? THE UNITED STATES. 303 large portion of territory, and a total relinquishment of the lake shores, a sine qua non. To these conditions it is evident our government could not accede, and few were so weak as to believe that the proposition was made with any other view than to prolong the negotiations, and take advantage of circumstances which might intervene. About this epoch, a convention, composed of delegates from several of the New-England states, met at Hartford, the members of which were opposed to the war. This step occasioned much excitement, and was the subject of many speculations. It was charged with the design of sundering the union of the states ; but after a brief ses- sion, terminated in an address and remonstrance, or peti- tion to congress, enumerating several objections to the fe- deral constitution. It was presented to several states for approbation, but was uniformly rejected. As to the con- stitutional right of assembling for the purpose of discuss- ing national subjects, we can have but one voice, unless we abandon republican principles ; but whether the mo- tives, the time, and the expected results of this conven- tion, were correct and judicious, is problematical. In the legislature of, Pennsylvania, in which the memorial was discussed, the conduct of the memorialists was severely censured. Our finance now appeared to revive, under the indefa- tigable industry and great abilities of Mr. Dallas, whom the president selected at this critical moment to fill the office of secretary of the treasury. His plans were cha- racterized by the greatest boldness, but were unfolded in so luminous a manner, as to carry conviction to every mind. He may be said to have plucked up the sinking credit of the nation by the locks. The duties of the se- cretary at war were, at the same time, discharged by Co- lonel Monroe, in "addition to his other avocations ; in which undertaking he exhibited no small courage, for it had become a forlorn hope of popularity ; he was happily rewarded by the most fortunate success in all his mea- sures, and by the universal applause of *his country. While the American congress was thus occupied, the public attention was awakened by a most alarming state of affairs to the southward. The Creek war was renew- 364 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ed, and a powerful invasion of Louisiana was threatened, General Jackson, after concluding a treaty with the Creeks, moved his head quarters to Mobile. Here, about the latter end of August, he received certain infor- mation, that three British ships of war had arrived at Pensacola, and had landed a large quantity of ammuni- tion and guns, for the purpose of arming the Indians, and had, besides, marched into the fort with three hundred troops. He was also informed that the fleet of Admiral Cochrane had been reinforced at Bermuda, and that thir- teen ships of the line, with transports, were daily ex- pected, with ten thousand troops, for the purpose of inva- ding some of the southern states. On the receipt of this information, he immediately wrote to the governor of Tennessee, calling for the whole quota of that state. On the fifteenth of September, three vessels of war from Pensacola, appeared before fort Boyer, which com- mands the entrance to Mobile Bay. A proclamation was issued by Colonel Nichols, commanding his majesty's for- ces in Florida, addressed to the inhabitants of Louisiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee, inviting them to aid the Bri- tish. He likewise made a proposition to a nest of pirates which infested one of the lakes which communicates with the gulf, to assist in the operations against the Americans in that quarter. This nest of desperadoes amounted to five or six hundred, and their commander, Lafitte, had been outlawed by the American government. In the sum mer, the establishment had been broken up by Commo- dore Patterson, but had again organized, and would be a dangerous force, if employed by our enemies, for which service they had large offers. But what was most humiliating to those who could stoop so low, this alliance was indignantly rejected. Lafitte at first dissembled, until he had drawn from the colonel important information, when he dismissed him with disdain, and immediately dispatched a messenger to Governor Claiborne, who had some time before offered five hundred dollars for his apprehension, and laid before him incontestible proofs of the truth of his declaration. The governor was agreeably surprised at this unexpected trait of generosity, but at first hesitated as to the course THE UNITED STATES. 365 to be pursued ; on the approach of danger, however, he issued his proclamation, in which he pledged himself, that those engaged in this illicit course of life should be for- given, provided they would come forward and aid in the defence of the country. This was joyfully accepted by the Barratarians, as they were called, who tendered their services, and were found eminently useful. General Jackson having in vain remonstrated with the governor of Pensacola for his unprecedented conduct, determined to march against that place. Having re- ceived a reinforcement of two thousand Tennessee militia, which had marched through the Indian country, he ad- vanced to Pensacola to demand redress. On the sixth of November he reached the neighbourhood of that post, and immediately sent Major Peire with a flag to communicate the object of his visit to the governor ; but he was forced to return, being fired on from the batteries. Jackson then reconnoitered the fort, and finding it defended both by British and Indians, he made arrangements for storm- ing it the next day. The troops were put in motion at day light, and being encamped to the west of the town, the attack would be expected from that quarter ; to keep up this idea, part of the mounted men were sent to show themselves on the west, whilst the remainder of the troops passed to the rear of the fort, undiscovered, to the east of the town. His whole force, consisting of a few regulars, a body of militia, and some Choctaw Indians, appeared in view when within a mile of the fort, and advanced firmly to the enemy's works, although there were seven British vessels on their left, and strong batteries of cannon in front. On entering the town, a battery of two cannons, loaded with ball and grape, was opened on the centre column, composed of regulars, and a shower of musketry was poured from the houses and gardens. The battery was soon carried and the musketry silenced. The governor now made his appearance with a flag, begged for mercy, and offered to surrender the town im- mediately. This was granted, and every protection af- forded to the persons and property of the inhabitants. The commandant of the fort refused to surrender until 31* 366 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF midnight, when he evacuated it with his troops, just as the Americans were preparing to make a furious assault. The British withdrew their shipping, and Jackson, having ac- complished his purpose, returned to Mobile. Notwithstanding the negotiations for peace, prepara- tions were made for a formidable invasion of Louisiana, and Governor Claiborne ordered the two divisions of mi- litia to hold themselves in readiness to repel an attack. He also called on the inhabitants to turn out en masse, for the defence of their liberties and their homes. In New-Orleans, the citizens, from the commencement of the war, as if sensible of the feeble help which they could expect from the general government, manifested the greatest alacrity in qualifying themselves for taking the field against an invader. Every man capable of bear ing arms, had become a soldier, and perhaps in none was there such frequent and elegant displays of well disci- plined volunteer companies dressed in uniform. The wonderful aptitude of the French for the profession of arms, was never more fully exhibited. There were in- termingled with them, a number of men who had served in the French armies. The free people of colour, a numerous class, were per- mitted, as a privilege of which they were proud, to form volunteer companies, and wear their uniform ; some of these were natives, but the greater part had been refugees from St. Domingo. The American and French inhabi- tants, although sometimes at variance with each other, on this occasion united heartily in dislike to the English, and in a disposition to frustrate their designs. Hearing of the danger of New-Orleans, General Jack- son repaired thither for its defence, and arrived there on the second of December. He put in requisition all the powers of his mind, and took the most active measures to prevent the effects of an expected invasion. Batteries were constructed in important situations, and every obstruction put in the way of the invaders. He called on the legislature for resources, which were prompt- ly supplied. Colonel Monroe, acting secretary of war, had already forwarded military supplies, and called on the neighbouring governors for a considerable force. THE UNITED STATES. 367 About the fifth of December, certain intelligence was received, that the British fleet, consisting of at least sixty sail, was off the coast to the east of the Mississippi. Com- modore Patterson immediately despatched five gun-boats, under the command of .Lieutenant Catesby Jones, to watch the motions of the enemy. They were discovered in such force off Cat Island, as to induce the lieutenant to make sail for the passes into Lake Ponchartrain, in order to oppose the entrance of the British. The Sea Horse, Sailing Master Johnson, after a gallant resistance, was captured in the bay of St. Louis. On the fourteenth, the gun-boats, while becalmed, were attacked by nearly forty barges, and twelve hundred men, and, after a contest of an hour, with this overwhelming force, the flotilla surrendered. The loss of the Americans was forty killed and wounded ; among the latter, Lieu- tenant Spidden, who lost an arm : Lieutenant Jones and M'Keever were also wounded. The loss of the enemy was estimated at three hundred men. This loss was severely felt, as the enemy was thereby enabled to choose his point of attack, and we were, in a great measure, prevented from watching his motions. But the exertions for defence were neither paralyzed nor abated. The legislature appropriated money, and offered bounties which induced numbers to serve on board the schooner Caroline, and the brig Louisiana. An embargo was laid for three days, and martial law was declared. Lafitte and his Barratarians, about this time, joined the American forces. The city now exhibited an interesting spectacle ; all classes cheerfully preparing for the recep- tion of the invader, and^reposing the utmost confidence in Jackson. All was life and bustle, and the female part of the society seemed emulous to share in this affecting scene. All the principal bayous which communicate with the lake, and the narrow strip of land on the borders of the Mississippi, through the swamps, had been obstructed. There was, however, a communication with Lake Borgne, but little known, called the bayou Bienvenu, used by fishermen ; its head near the plantation of General Vil- lere, seven miles below the city. Major Villere had re- 368 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ceived orders from his father to guard this bayou, and he accordingly stationed a guard near its entrance into the lake, at the cabins of some fishermen. It afterwards appeared, that these wretches had been in the employment of the British. On the twenty-second, guided by them, the enemy came suddenly upon the Ame- rican guard, and took them prisoners. The division under General Keane, by four o'clock in the morning, reached the commencement of Villere's canal, and, having disem- barked, and rested some hours, proceeded through the cane-brake, and, by two o'clock, reached the bank of the river. General Villere's house was suddenly surrounded, as also that of his neighbour, Colonel La Ronde ; but this officer, as well as Major Villere, was so fortunate as to effect his escape, and, hastening to the head-quarters, com- municated the intelligence. The alarm gun was fired, and the commander in chief, with that promptitude and decision for which he is so re- markable, instantly resolved on the only course to be pur- sued, which was, without the loss of a moment's time, to attack the enemy. Coffee's riflemen, stationed above the city, in one hour's time were at the place of rendezvous ; the battalion of Major Plauche had arrived from the bayou, and the regulars and city volunteers were ready to march. By six o'clock the different corps were united on Rodrigue's canal, six miles below the city. The schooner Caroline, Captain Henley, at the same time dropped down the river. The command of General Coffee, together with Captain Beale's riflemen, were placed on the left, towards the woods; the city volunteers, and men oi colour, under Plauche and Duquin ; the whole under the command of Colonel Ross, were stationed to the right of these ; and, next to them, the two regiments of regulars, the seventh and forty-fourth ; the artillery and marines, under Colonel M'Rea, occupied the road. The whole scarcely exceeded two thousand men. The British force, at this time, amounted to three thou- sand, and instead of pushing directly towards the city, had bivouacked, fully convinced that the most difficult part of the enterprise was already achieved. Carroll's force was posted on the Gentilly road, to pro- THE UNITED STATES. 369 vide against an attack from that quarter. Coffee was di- rected to turn their right, which rested on the wood, at the distance of half a mile from the river, while the ge- neral assailed their strongest position near it. Commo- dore Patterson, who had gone on board the Caroline, dropped down at the same time, and was to open his fire upon the enemy as a signal of attack. The first intima- tion of the approach of the Americans was a raking broad- side from the schooner ; their fires extending from the river, enabled the assailants to take deliberate aim. Cof- fee's men, with their usual impetuosity, rushed upon the right, and entered their camp, while Jackson's troops in front, advanced upon them with great ardour. The enemy, although taken by surprise, and having se- veral hundreds suddenly killed and wounded, soon form- ed, and their fires being extinguished, came into action. A thick fog, which arose shortly after, producing some confusion in the different American corps, Jackson pru- dently called off his troops, lay on the field that night, and at four in the morning took a position on the other side of the canal of Rodrigue, which formerly had been a mill-race. The American loss was twenty-four killed, one hun- dred and fifteen wounded, and seventy-four prisoners, among whom were many of the principal inhabitants of the city. Colonel Lauderdale, of Tennessee, a brave soldier, fell, much lamented. That of the British was es- timated at four hundred, in killed, wounded, and missing. They had intended to proceed to New-Orleans the next day, but were induced to be more cautious, having esti- mated Jackson's force at fifteen thousand men. The general set to work immediately to fortify his po- sition. This was effected by a simple breastwork, from the river to the swamp, with a ditch in front. To hasten the construction of these works, cotton bags were used, as the cheeks of the embrazures. As the enemy was still annoyed by the Caroline, they set to work in con- structing batteries to attack her, and on the twenty-se- venth, threw hot shot, by which she was set on fire and blown up, about an hour after she was abandoned by her crew. The Louisiana, which then took her station, sus- 370 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF tained the fire of all the batteries, until in imminent dan- ger. In losing her, the whole co-operative naval force would be lost. Her commander. Lieutenant Thompson, after encountering many obstacles, finally succeeded in bringing her near Jackson's position. After the destruction of the Caroline, Sir Edward Pack- enham, the British commander in chief, having landed the main body of his army, with a sufficient train of artillery, superintended in person the arrangements for fortifying his position. On the twenty-eighth, the British general advanced up the levee in force, with the intention of driving Jackson from his entrenchments ; and at the distance of half a mile, commenced an attack with rockets, bombs, and a heavy cannonade, as he approached the American works, which were yet unfinished. The Louisiana, discharging her broadside upon the enemy's column, caused great de- struction ; the fire from the American batteries was not less destructive ; and after a violent struggle of seven hours, the British general retired. The loss of the Americans was seven killed and eight wounded ; among the former, Colonel Henderson, of Ten- nessee. That of the British, much more considerable. On the morning of the first of January, 1815, Sir Ed- ward Packenham was discovered to have constructed bat- teries near the American works, and at daylight commen- ced a heavy fire from them, which was well returned by Jackson. A bold attempt was, at the same time, made to turn the left of the Americans ; but in this the enemy was completely repulsed. The British retired in the evening from their batteries, having spiked their guns, and leaving behind a quantity of ammunition. The loss of the Ame- ricans, on this occasion, was eleven killed and twenty- three wounded. On the fourth, General Jackson was joined by two thousand five hundred Kentuckians, under (General Adair ; and on the sixth, the British were joined by General Lam- bert, at the head of four thousand men. The British force now amounted to little short of fifteen thousand of the finest troops ; that of the Americans to about six thousand, chiefly raw militia, a considerable portion un- THE UNITED STATES. 371 armed, and, from the haste of their departure, badly sup- plied with clothing. All the private arms which the in- habitants possessed were collected, and the ladies of New- Orleans occupied themselves continually in making diffe- rent articles of clothing. The mayor of the city, Mr. Girod, was particularly active at this trying moment. The British general now prepared for a serious attempt on the American works. With great labour he had com- pleted, by the seventh, a canal from the swamp to the Mississippi, by which he was enabled to transport a num- ber of his boats to the river. It was his intention to make a simultaneous attack on the main force of General Jack- son on the left bank, and crossing the river to attack the batteries on the right. The works of the American general were by this time completed. His front was a straight line of one thousand yards, defended by upwards of three thousand infantry and artillerists. The ditch contained five feet water, and his front, from having been flooded by opening the levees and frequent rains, was rendered slippery and muddy. Eight distinct batteries were judiciously disposed, mount- ing, in all, twelve guns, of different calibres. On the opposite side of the river there was a strong battery of fifteen guns, and the entrenchments were occupied by General Morgan, with the Louisiana militia, and a strong detachment of the Kentucky troops. To guard against an attack from any other quarter, Colonel Reuben Kem- per, with a few men, encountering infinite difficulties, had explored every pass and bayou, and, on this sub- ject, had placed at ease the mind of the commander in chief. On the memorable morning of the eighth of January, General Packenham, having detached Colonel Thornton, with a considerable force, to attack the works on the right bank of the river, moved, with his whole force, exceeding twelve thousand men, in two divisions, under Major Ge- nerals Gibbs and Keane. and a reserve under General Lam- bert. The first of these officers was to make the princi- pal attack ; the two columns were supplied with scaling ladders and fascines. Thus prepared, the Americans patiently waited the 372 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF attack, which would decide the fate of New-Orleans, and perhaps of Louisiana. The British deliberately advanced in solid columns, over an even plain, in front of the American entrench- ments ; the men carrying, besides their muskets, fascines, and some of them ladders. A dead silence prevailed until they approached within reach of the batteries, which commenced an incessant and destructive cannonade ; they, notwithstanding, continued to advance in tolerable order, closing up their ranks as fast as they were opened by the fire of the Americans. When they came within reach, however, of the musketry and rifles, these joined with the artillery, and produced such dreadful havoc that they were instantly thrown into confusion. Never was there so tremendous a fire as that kept up from the American lines; it was a continued stream; those behind loading for the men in front, enabled them to fire with scarcely an intermission. The British columns were literally swept away ; hundreds fell at every dis- charge. The British officers were now making an effort to rally their men, and, in this attempt, their commander, a gallant officer, General Packenham, was killed. The two generals, Gibbs and Keane, succeeded in pusn- ing forward their columns a second time ; but the second approach was more fatal than the first ; the continued rolling fire of the Americans resembled peals of thun- der. It was such as no troops could withstand. The advancing columns broke, and no effort to rally them could avail : a few platoons only advanced to the edge of the ditch, to meet a more certain destruction. An una- vailing attempt was made to rally them a third time, by their officers, whose gallantry, on this occasion, deserved a better fate, in a better cause. Generals Gibbs and Keane were carried away, severely wounded, the former mortally. The plain between the front of the British, and the American lines, was strewed with dead ; so dreadful a carnage, considering the length of time, and the numbers engaged, was perhaps never witnessed. Two thousand, at the lowest estimate, pressed the earth, besides a num- THE UNITED STATES. 373 ber of the wounded, who were not able to escape. The loss of the Americans did not exceed seven killed and six wounded. General Lambert was the only general officer left upon the field ; being unable to check the flight of the British columns, he retired to his encamp- ment. In the meantime, the detachment under Colonel Thorn- ton succeeded in landing on the right Jbank, and immedi- ately attacked the intrenchment of General Morgan. The American right, believing itself outflanked, abandoned its position, while the left maintained its ground for some time ; but finding itself deserted by those on the right, and being outnumbered by the enemy, they spiked their guns and retired. Colonel Thornton was severely wound- ed, and the command devolved on Colonel Gobbins, who, seeing the fate of the assault on the left bank, and receiv- ing orders from General Lambert, recrosscd the river. On the return of General Lambert to his camp, it was resolved, in consultation with Admiral Cochrane, to retire to their shipping. This was effected with great secrecy; and during the night of the eighteenth, their camp was entirely evacuated. From the nature of the country, it was found impossible to pursue them ; they left eight of their wounded, and fourteen pieces of artillery. Their loss in this fatal expedition was immense ; besides their generals, and a number of valuable officers, their force w r as diminished by at least five thousand men. It was in vain, as in other instances, to conceal the truth of this affair ; and the sensations which it produced in Great Britain, are not easily described ; the conduct of the ministry was regarded as shamefully dishonourable, in thus stretching forth one hand to receive the olive, which was tendered by America, and at the same time secretly wielding a dagger with the other. Commodore Patterson despatched five rjoats, under Mr. Shields, purser on the New-Orleans- station, in order to annoy the retreat of the British. This active and spirited officer succeeded in capturing several of their boats, and in taking a number of prisoners. The glorious defence of New-Orleans, produced the most lively joy throughout the United States, mingled, 32 . 374 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF 0| however, with pity for a brave enemy, who had encoun- tered so disastrous a defeat. The British fleet had, at the same time, ascended the Mississippi, for the purpose of bombarding Fort 5>t. Phi- lip, which was commanded by Major Overtoil ; but with- out being able to make any impression. There is but little doubt, that the object of Great Bri- tain was, to possess herself of Louisiana, and obtaining a cession from Spain, draw a cordon round the United States, and by that means strangle this young Hercules, as it were, in the cradle. It is well known, that on board the fleet, they had brought all the officers necessary for the establishment of a civil government, even a collector of the port ! An American must tremble for his country, when he looks back at the danger we have escaped. That the Bri- tish intended to deliver the city of New-Orleans to be sacked by their soldiery, is very doubtful ; and from the high character of Sir Edward Packenham, it is highly improbable that he would have given, as the watchword of the occasion, beauty and booty ; this was more proba- bly spoken by some of the inferior officers, with a view of producing an excitement among the soldiery. We have given the events of this battle in detail, be- cause it may be considered as the most important in its consequences, of any which occurred during the war. As it will always occupy a conspicuous place in the an- nals of our country, we were unwilling to bring it into a compass so small as necessarily to omit many of its fea- tures. We turn now from this grand spectacle to the ravages of the contemptible Cockburn, who was pursuing a less dangerous, but more profitable occupation, in robbing the defenceless inhabitants of the Carolinas and Georgia. The produce of the plantations, household furniture, and negroes, were the trophies of his prowess. Let a dark mantle shade his memory from the light of military and naval renown. The momentous intelligence of the defeat of the Bri- tish at New-Orleans, had scarcely ceased to operate upon the feelings of the people of the United States, when they THE UNITED STATES. 375 received the welcome news of peace. These two events were joyfully celebrated, by illuminations throughout this land of freedom and independence. To us the war is pregnant with important lessons. We have acquired a knowledge of our weakness and of our strength. Our confederation will rise like a pyramid, its base eternal. Our best policy is peace, if honourable ; fair and honourable policy to all nations, preferring jus- tice to profit. One lesson we have been taught, which was worth the sum we have paid for the war : THAT WE ARE WEAK IN THE PURSUIT OF CONQUEST, BUT ALL POW- ERFUL IN DEFENCE. CHAPTER XVI. General View of the United States. Having now brought the history of our country down to the close of the war for "free trade and sailors' rights," we may be allowed to take a glance at the progress which we have made in the acquisition of territory by treaty and purchase, and of the prospects which open before us. We now number-twenty-four states, one district, and six territories, the boundaries of which follow. The boundary on the side of the Spanish dominions, according to the treaty with Spain, ratified in 1821, begins on the Gulf of Mexico, at the mouth of the River Sabine, and proceeds along the west bank of that river to the 33d degree of N. lat. ; thence, by a line due north, to Red River ; thence up that river, to the meridian of 100 de- grees W. Ion. ; thence due north along that meridian to the River Arkansas ; thence along the south bank of the Arkansas to its source ; thence due north or south as the case may be, to the parallel of 42 degrees N. lat., and thence along that parallel to the Pacific Ocean. On the side of the British dominions, the boundary begins in the Atlantic Ocean, at the mouth of the River St. Croix, and proceeds up that river to its source ; thence due north to the highlands, which separate the waters falling into the 376 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF St. Lawrence from those which fall into the Atlantic, thence along those highlands in a S. W. direction, to the parallel of 45 degrees N. lat. ; thence along that parallel to the River St. Lawrence ; and thence up that river and the great lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron, and Superior, to the most northwestern point of the Lake of the Woods. By the treaty with Great Britain, in 1819, the boundary ine proceeds from the last mentioned point, due north or south, as the case may be, to the parallel of 49 degrees N. lat., and thence due west along that parallel to the Rocky Mountains. The boundary between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean remains unsettled. The states are arranged according to their location, thus: Eastern Maine, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, six. Middle New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ma- ry land, five. Southern Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, se- ven. Western Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, six. District of Columbia, the seat of the general government, a tract of ten miles square. Territories Michigan, Northwest, Arkansas, Missouri, Oregon, Florida, six. States, District, and Territories, in all thirty-one. The extent from south to north is 24 degrees, comprehended between 35 and 49 degrees N. lat., and from east to west, 58 degrees 11 minutes W. Ion. included between 66 degrees 49 minutes, and 135 degrees. The whole containing two millions of square miles. By the census of 1820, the whole population was nine millions, six hundred and forty-one thousand, seven hun- dred and eighty-four. The District of Columbia, being of small extent, and embracing three populous places, Washington, Alexandria, and Georgetown, contains the most dense population, and averages three hundred and thirty on a square mile. Next in population is Massachu- setts, which has seventy-two on the square mile. Con- necticut fifty-eight, and Rhode Island fifty-three. Dela- ware thirty-four ; New-York thirty ; Maryland twenty- nine ; New-Hampshire twenty-six ; Vermont and Penn- sylvania twenty-three ; South Carolina twenty ; Virginia seventeen ; Ohio fifteen ; Kentucky and North Carolina THE UNITED STATES. 3T7 thirteen ; Tennessee eleven ; Georgia six ; Louisiana and Alabama three ; Mississippi two ; Illinois and Missouri one; Michigan contains one inhabitant to about five square miles ; northwest unknown ; Arkansas, Missouri, and Oregon, contain a million of square miles, and the first more than fourteen thousand inhabitants. Florida has about one inhabitant to three square miles. With a knowledge of the qualities of the soil, healthi- ness of the clime, water privileges and communications, those who wish to emigrate, can determine on the most eligible situation with a tolerable degree of accuracy, ac- cording to the business which they propose to pursue. Another consideration with those who wish to change their place of residence, may sometimes be taken into the account, and this is the prevalence of religious opinion. Taking the whole of the Union collectively, the principal religious denominations are Presbyterians and Congrega- tionalists, who have, together, more than 2500 congrega- tions ; the Baptists, who have more than 2000 congrega- tions ; the "Friends, who have more than 500 societies ; and the Episcopalians, who have about 300. The Metho- dists, also, are very numerous. The Baptists and Metho- dists are found in all parts of the United States ; the Congregationalists are almost w r holly in New-England ; the Presbyterians are scattered over the middle and southern states ; the Friends are most numerous in Penn- sylvania, and the adjoining states, and the Episcopalians in New-York, Connecticut, Maryland, and Virginia. Ger- man Lutherans, German Calvinists, and Moravians, are also numerous in the middle states. But, besides these, the Unitarians are a fast increasing sect, of which a majority of the Congregational societies in Boston are known to be, and, more or less, the doc trine is spreading through the United States, though the principal part of the societies are supposed to be in New- England. The Universalists are also numerous in Maine, Massachusetts, New-Hampshire, and Vermont; and in the western counties of New-York they abound. In New York city and Philadelphia, are several churches, and in South Carolina, Ohio, Alabama, and Georgia, they are fast increasing. 32* 378 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Next to religious opinions, the sort of people among whom we purpose to fix a permanent abode, may very properly be considered. Of the United States, the inha- bitants consist of whites, negroes, and Indians. The negroes are generally slaves, and are principally confined to the states south of Pennsylvania, and the River Ohio. All the whites are of European origin; principally English. The New-Englanders. Virginians, and Carolinians, are almost purely English. Next to the English are the Germans, who are very numerous in the middle states, particularly in Pennsylvania. Next to the Germans are the Dutch, who are most numerous in New- York. The French constitute nearly half the population of Louisiana. The Irish and Scotch are found in the middle states, in the back parts of Virginia, and in all the principal cities of the Union. Very little is known about the Indians west of the Mississippi. The four principal tribes on the east of the Mississippi are the Creeks, Choc- taws, Cherokees, and Chickasaws. These tribes live within the chartered limits of Georgia, Alabama, Missis- sippi, and Tennessee. In a country of such great extent, the habits, manners, and general occupations of the people, will, of course, differ materially. The eastern, or New-England states, in the interior portions, have, until lately, devoted their attention principally to agriculture, confined to such arti- cles as are of prime necessity in sustaining life. The cities and towns on the seaboard, have attended to the fisheries and commerce generally. Lately they have been led to manufactures, particularly of cloths and cot- ton, for which their various streams are well adapted. The restrictions on commerce, if continued, will probably direct most of the capital hitherto occupied in foreign commerce, into this channel. The immense forests in some of the states, will, however, occupy numbers in the lumber trade, for yeaj*s to come. New-England undoubtedly holds the first rank in lite- rature, commerce, enterprise, and wealth, but in grandeur and sublimity, and the natural means of wealth, the west- ern states are more than successful rivals. The plains and mountains, and rivers and forests of the newly settled THE UNITED STATES. 379 parts of the new world, have no parallel in the eastern continent. The following description of the prairies of Louisiana is extracted from Niles' Register, a work not exceeded in this country for the extent and value of its communications. The districts of Attakapas and Oppelousas, which stretch along the Mexican gulph, from the Attchaffallaya to the Sabine, are scarcely known to geographers, though they form a most interesting portion of the republic. The fertility of the soil, the value of its products the immense natural meadows which cover five eighths of the country, and their peculiar fitness for feeding cattle, are all worthy the attention of the shoals of emigrants who are seeking wealth or liberty, to the west and south. The accounts published by Brackenridge and Darby are most to be re- lied on ; but neither of those writers have been sufficiently explicit, though each enjoyed opportunities of acquiring better information. The following statement may, per- haps, be perused with some interest by such as are pleased to note the rapid inarch which our country is making to power, and give the reader some idea of the vast resources of Louisiana. About the year 1755, a few French traders commenced a traffic for peltry with the Indians, who inhabited those prairies. They were soon followed by others, who, re- marking the great profits to be realized from stock raising, introduced horned cattle into the country. Their success encouraged others to adventure ; and we find from the census of 1785, that Attakapas and Oppelousas then con- tained 2408 inhabitants. In the year 1801, their popula- tion was rated at 7250, of which 3500 were slaves. Up to the last named epocha, stock raising formed the almost exclusive occupation of the inhabitants. They supplied New-Orleans and the Mississippi coast with beef, at the rate of one cent and a fourth per pound ; but even at this price, many had amassed money enough to purchase slaves and commence farming establishments. The American government, which took place early in 1804, gave new stimulus, and induced the inhabitants to turn their atten- tion more to planting. The soil and climate uniting with their exertions and 380 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF industry, have secured to the first planters of those dis- tricts a most enviable independence. A few years ago they were a horde of shepherds, consequently a hardy and virtuous race. Of late their plan of life has changed, and their means rapidly increased, without introducing the thousand fictitious wants, which usually travel in the train of wealth. Even now it is no uncommon sight to see a planter of those countries, owning, perhaps, seventy or eighty slaves, clad in the product of his wife's loom, attending to his horses., oxen, or crop, with more assi- duity and attention, than characterizes a Carolina over- seer : yet, if a stranger visits him, he will find his table crowded with the best wines of the world, and no lack of intelligence or any thing else which forms good cheer. Riches here, appear to add only to the comfores of their possessor, without forming the invidious distinc- tions among men which exist in other parts of the world. The ease with which they are acquired, may be the rea- son of this but the detached situation of the country ac- counts for it more rationally. Besides the population is as yet quite thinly scattered over an immense territory, and wherever this is the case, we do not usually find so many of those little presuming animals, wearing the shapes of men, which are such great nuisances in thickly inhabit- ed countries. In 1810, Attakapas and Oppelousas, contained 13,774 souls. For two years after the census was taken, there was a great emigration to the country. It was stopped early in 1813, by the pressure of the war ; but since the peace, it has recommenced. At present, (Sept. 1817,) I feel confident the population would be estimated too low at 20,000. It is the custom for the rich and gay young people of Louisiana and Mississippi, to spend their carnival at New- Orleans. The health enjoyed by the young ladies of the prairies, added to their active and industrious habits, gives them bloom and beauty, which cast the belles oi other districts into the shade. It is a singular fact, that for thirteen winters past, the reigning toast in the Orleans ball rooms, has been almost always from Attakapas or Oppelousas. THE UNITED STATES. 381 The topography of those countries are pretty accu- rately delineated in Darby's map of Louisiana. His book is a very inferior production to his map, and not much to be relied on as useful information. I will here add a few words concerning the soil and its productions ; but as these vary in an extent of country, containing about 300,000 square miles, I will consider the districts sepa- rately. Oppelousas, lying to the northwest of Attakapas, is well calculated for a grazing country. Its prairies are xvery extensive, and the greater parts of the land second and third rate. The lands of the best quality in this country, are in its southwest corner, consisting of a strip about twenty-six miles long, and eight wide. In this tract are situated many large plantations, which yield immense profits to their proprietors. The northern part of the country, bordering on Rapide district, is poor land, and the western section, which skirts the gulph and the River Sabine, is little better. Those lands, however, produce tolerable corn, and a coarse luxuriant grass, which can feed cattle enough to supply the home and West India markets. Attakapas is divided into two parishes, St. Mary and St. Martin. The Vermillion River rises in Oppelousas, and on entering St. Martin's, becomes a considerable stream. The lands on its banks are high, and generally of the best quality. After a course of ninety miles in this parish, it falls into the bay of the same name, near the 30th degree of north latitude. Between the Vermillion and the Minton, (the western limit of Attakapas,) lies a prairie country, which in soil is nothing icmarkable, but affords excellent pasturage. The Tesche, likewise, rises in Oppelousas, near the source of the Vermillion. Its general course is to the south east, piercing the western sections of St. Mar- tin and St. Mary. It meets the Attchaffallaya at Berwick's Bay, and is navigable for seventy miles from its mouth for the largest boats, and for smaller craft almost to its source. From the line of Oppelousas to Berwick's Bay, a distance of more than ninety miles, there is no soil on its banks which is not first rate. As it approaches the 382 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF sea, however, the land is thought to improve, and the cli- mate certainly becomes more favourable to the culture of sugar. Between the upper part of the Tesche and the Vermillion, in the parish of St. Martin, lies a rich tract of country, principally prairie. It is as yet very partial- ly settled, owing to the scarcity of wood. This cannot form a permanent impediment, as trees, when planted in those meadows, and shielded from the ver- nal burnings of the grass, thrives faster than any soil I have ever seen. Several persons have already tried the experiment, and find four or five years sufficient to grow any supply of firewood they may want. Besides, there is not any part of the rich meadows of Attakapas more than five miles distant from plenty of wood. The climate is, at the same time, so mild, that fuel is little wanted but for the kitchen. The good lands of Oppelousas and St. Martin's are best adapted to the culture of cotton. They sent to New- Orleans last year 6,000 bales of fine cotton ; and if the whole of their rich soil was cultivated, might produce an- nually more than sixty thousand bales. About five thou- sand steers are each year exported from those districts, which sell at home for twelve dollars each. The parish of St. Mary's, being the southern part of the tract of country under consideration, is well adapted for the culture of sugar. This was doubted, until some of the enterprizing American emigrants tested it, in the last two years, by the most successful experiments. It is found to succeed as well, if not better, than on the Mis- sissippi, and the cane is certainly brought to maturity with less labour. Cotton also succeeds remarkably well, but will soon give way to sugar. In the year 1816, this pa- rish, with a population of about 3,000 souls, sent to mar- ket 2,500 bales of cotton, 900 hogsheads of sugar, and 800 beef cattle, which sold for 350,000 dollars. Some sugar has been cultivated in Oppelousas and St. Martin's, but, owing to mismanagement or the climate, it has not succeeded well. The parish of St. Mary is in no place more than ten miles wide, having the sea on one side, and Lake Platt and the Attchaflallaya on the other, which may have an THE UNITED STATES. 383 influence on the early frosts, and protect the cane crop till it reaches maturity. The Tesche lands lie mostly from ten to fifteen feet above the highest swells produced by the Mississippi floods. In the year 1813, and 1815, when there were very great freshets, the lakes between the prairies and the Mississippi, and with them the Tesche, rose about eight feet above their common level. But a recurrence of this can scarcely be expected, as the levees on the Great River are rapidly extending, which will prevent its waters from flowing into the lakes. But even if the levees should be demolished, the prairies are too high ever to be inundated. The Vermillion is never affected by the Mississippi. The lands on its banks (and, indeed, in every other part of the country except the Tesche) are from 30 to 100 feet above the level of the sea. Sloops of 100 tons can ascend the Tesche to Nova Iberia, 600 miles from its mouth ; though the produce of the country is seldom carried direct to the ocean, the Tesche, and AttchafTallaya communicate with the Missis- sippi by the Lafourch and Plaquamine ; a voyage from any part of those rivers can be easily made to New-Or- leans in nine days. Along the coast of Attakapas are found four islands, viz. Belle Isle, Cole Blanche, Grand Cote, and Petite Ance, which bear no resemblance to the main land, and appear to be remnants of some ancient continent. They rise several hundred feet above the tides, and I would suppose originally belonged to a high diversified coun- try Be this as it may, they have a very fertile soil, and produce the best sugar and cotton of Louisiana. The four islands contain about 7000 superficial acres of good land. There are sugar establishments on all but Belle Isle. There are other islands lying in the Attchaffallaya, or Berwick's Bay, which have a very good soil, but once in ten or fifteen years have been liable to be overflowed by the heaviest swells of the Mississippi. In Oppelousas about one third of the population is Americans. In St. Martin's one fifth, and in St. Mary's more than a moiety. The rest are principally French. 384 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Lands throughout the whole country are to be had at a very low rate, though they are rising every day in value. JGood tracts in the parish of St. Mary's, with plenty of wood, may be had for two and three dollars the acre. With a salubrious climate, a rich soil, and industrious population, Attakapas, and Oppelousas, will soon not only be called the richest counties of Louisiana, but outstrip in agriculture any section of the union. Such a country is worthy of observation, and with the hope that the re- marks I have made may result to the advantage of emi- grants, I submit them to my countrymen. Comparative Estimate of the POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. The northern and eastern sections of the Union are far less favoured by nature for the production of the fruits of the earth, than the southern and western. And hence emigrations are frequent, and the drain of inhabitants great. And yet the fact is evident, that in New-England the population is constantly and rapidly increasing. By comparing the census of 1810 with that of 1820, we per- ceive a very regular progression, and with very few ex- ceptions, an increase equal to that which might be ex- pected, even without the loss of emigrants. During the ten years mentioned, in Maine, the most barren state in New-England, the net gain of inhabitants was near 70,000, being an additioa of nearly one third of its former num- bers. The increase was in all the counties. In the same time New-Hampshire gained about 30,000, being an increase of more than one ninth of her former numbers, and no loss in either of her counties. In Ver- mont, the increase was about 18,000, and no loss in any section of the state. In Massachusetts, the gain was 51,000, being an increase of about one eighth. Berkshire county lost two hundred and seventeen, and Duke's county gained but two. In Rhode Island, the gain was much less than might be expected, considering* the flourishing state of manufactures, and the encouragement held out to enterprise. The whole increase was but about 6,000, THE UNITED STATES. 385 being one twelfth of her former population. In New- port county, the loss was about five hundred. In Con- necticut, the gain was 14,000, being an increase of about one twentieth of its former numbers. Thus the net in^ crease in the New-England states, during ten years, was 183,000. "We come now to the great state of New-York, which is divided into four large districts, viz. South, Middle, Eastern, and Western. The gain of inhabitants in the South, during ten years, was nearly 39,000, of which New- York city and county received about 27,000. The gain in the Middle district was 37,000. In the Eastern, the increase was 23,000, in which is Washington county, which lost during this time, nearly six thousand. The greatest increment was in the Western district, which nearly doubled in the aggregate, and some of the counties of which, more than tripled their former numbers. St. Lawrence, Courtland, Broome, and Ontario doubled ; and Genesee increased more than four fold. The whole gain in the state was 413,763, which is an addition to the cen- sus of 1810, of one half, wanting a fraction. The popu- lation of the state may now be fairly estimated at sixteen hundred thousand. New- Jersey exhibits a regular progression, having added to her population but thirty-two thousand, each of the counties having contributed about a fair proportion. The addition is about one seventh in ten years. Pennsylvania exhibits a considerable increase during this period, but the result in the different counties is very unequal. Clear- field, Erie, Jefferson, M'Kean, Tioga, and Warren, have about doubled, and some of them more than tripled their numbers, while Cumberland, Dauphin, and Northampton, have lost thousands, and Northumberland alone, twenty- one thousand, being three thousand more than half its former inhabitants. The whole increment to the state during ten years, was 239,307, of which Philadelphia city and county claim nearly twenty-six thousand. Delaware had gained but seventy-five during this time, the whole population in 1820, amounting to less than 73,000. In Maryland, the following counties diminished about thir- teen thousand in ten years, viz. Charles, Montgomery, 33 386 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Harford, Queen Ann, and Dorchester. The whole gain in the state, however, was near twenty-seven thousand, the whole population being more than four hundred and seven thousand. Having now come in course to the District of Columbia, a particular description may be desirable, at least so far as the principal city is worthy of note. Washington city, the metropolis of the United States, is pleasantly situated on the north-east bank of the River Potomac, at the point of land formed by the junction of the Eastern branch, 300 miles from the mouth of the river, and three miles below the head of the tide. It is sepa- rated from Georgetown on the N. W. by Rock Creek, and Tyber Creek passes through the middle of the city. Wash- ington is regularly laid out in streets running clue north and south, intersected by others at right angles. Besides these streets, which are from 80 to 110 feet, wide, there are avenues, from 130 to 160 feet broad, which diverge from centres in various parts of the city, crossing the other streets transversely. At the points from which the ave- nues diverge are spacious squares. The ground embraced in the plan of the city is very extensive, but only a small portion of it is yet occupied with buildings. The principal public buildings and establishments are, 1. The Capitol, which is finely situated on an eminence, commanding a view of every part of the city, and a con- siderable portion of the adjacent country. According to the original plan, it is to be composed of a central edifice and two wings. The two wings were in a state of con- siderable forwardness in 1814, when the British army, under General Ross, gained possession of the city, and destroyed them, together with the President's house and other public structures, and an extensive library, which had been purchased for the use of congress. The wings of the capitol are now rebuilt, and the central building has been commenced. The wings are each 100 feet square, and the whole building, when completed, will be a magnificent edifice, presenting a front of 362 feet. 2. The President's house, situated about a mile and a half west of the capitol, on the avenue leading to Georgetown. It is 170 feet by 85, and two stories high. 3. Four spa- THE UNITED STATES. 387 cious buildings, erected in the vicinity of the president's house, for the accommodation of the heads of the great departments of government. 4. An extensive navy-yard, situated on the eastern branch, which forms a safe and commodious harbour. 5. A fort, which, from the ex- treme southern point of the land on which the city stands, commands the channel of the Potomac ; and, 6. the gene- ral post-office, a brick edifice, about a mile W. N. W. of the capitol. The style of the architecture of the capitol is Corinthian, and that of the president's house Ionic ; and both buildings are constructed of free stone. The capi- tol square is enclosed by a strong and handsome iron rail- ing ; and being planted with trees, and otherwise orna- mented, will afford a delightful walk for the inhabitants and visiters of the city. The amount expended by the Uni- ted States on the public buildings, previously to their de- struction by the British, in August, 1814, was $1,214,291, and there have been appropriated, towards rebuilding the same, $1,207,788. Besides the buildings and establishments above enume- rated, Washington contains a city hall, a theatre, a col- lege, 4 banks, several manufacturing establishments, and 12 houses for public worship, 3 for Presbyterians, 2 for Episcopalians, 2 for Baptists, 2 for Methodists, 2 for Ca- tholics, and 1 for Friends. There is a bridge about one mile long, over the Potomac, three over the eastern branch, and two over Rock Creek. The population of Washing- tori, in 1800, was 3,210 ; in 1810, 8,208 ; and in 1820, 13,247, of whom 3,741 were blacks. The whole gain in the district, during ten years, was nine thousand. The southern states, except Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana, afford but small inducements for the settlement of emigrants. The two former have considerably in- creased, and the latter nearly doubled her numbers in ten years. Tennessee has increased in the same ratio, and Kentucky has gained more than fifteen thousand annually, numbering, at the last census, nearly six hundred thou- sand. But in point of gain in numbers, Ohio takes the lead of all her sister states, having increased, from 1810 to 1820, 350,674 ; and, at the last census, was noted down at 518,434. 388 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Having now digressed a little from the track of histo- ry, without entirely losing our way, we shall return to the thread of our work, as connected more particularly with the doings of our government. CHAPTER XVII, President Monroe's Administration. Mr. Monroe was sworn into office as President of the United States, on the fourth of March, 1817, and entered on his duties under favourable auspices. On his acces- sion to the presidency, the country was in a prosperous state. War had ceased, and with it much of the asperity of political excitement and party bickering. But to re- pair the losses of the war, and to regain the commercial prosperity, which had been nearly annihilated, was not the work of a moment. Much of the commerce to which our attention had been turned, had fallen into other hands, and ship building, excepting for the navy, had been nearly forgotten. Our country was inundated by foreign fabrics, and the specie, which had been borrowed at a great pre- mium, was fast leaving the country. But still the inau- gural address of the president was encouraging, and he anticipated a return of our former prosperity. During the summer and autumn of 1817, the president made a tour through the northern and eastern sections of the Union, where his presence was welcomed with the greatest cordiality, and party feeling seemed merged in national patriotism. But, in this journey, the national interests were a principal object. Large sums had been appropriated by the national legislature for the defence of the sea-coast, the safety of our inland frontier, the in- crease of the navy, and the establishment of national docks, the superintendence of which was committed to the president. That he might discharge his duties with fidelity and judgment, he determined to obtain the neces- sary information by personal observation. From Washington, which he left on the first of June THE UNITED STATES. 389 he went by land to Boston, passing through the principal cities on his route, amidst the congratulations and bene- dictions of a happy people. From Boston, where he spent several days, he passed through Salem, Newbury- port, and Portsmouth, to Portland, whence his course was directed to Pittsburgh, New-York. This important post occupied his attention several days. His course thence was directed to Detroit, through Ogdensburg and Sack- etts' Harbour. On the 17th of September he arrived at Washington, having travelled three thousand miles in little more than three months. On the first of December congress convened, and the message of the president stated, that our national credit was rising, and that the defences of the country were in a state of_ forwardness ; that arrangements were made with Great Britain, to reduce the naval force of the two coun- tries on the lakes ; that each country M as to retain pos- session of the islands as before the late war, and that our foreign relations were of a pacific character. He also specially recommended the officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army, to the notice of congress, and press- ingly advocated a repeal of the internal duties, as need- less to be continued any longer. Mississippi was admitted into the union as an indepen- dent state on the eleventh, with the usual formalities. In the course of the same month, an expedition, which had been set on foot against Florida, by foreign adventurers, was checked by the troops of the United States. The actors claimed authority under the colonies of South America, and had formed an establishment at Amelia Island, a Spanish province. The American government, therefore, saw proper to take possession of the island, and break up the haunt of a lawless banditti. Another establishment, similar in its profession and practices, was formed at Galvezton, an island on the Texas coast belonging to the United States. Slaves, in consider- able numbers, were thus smuggled into the country, and importations of goods were made through the same chan- nel, in a clandestine manner. A naval force, with troops, was jent against them, and the island surrendered without loss of blood. 33* 390 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF During this session several important bills passed the ordeal of congress, particularly that for the relief of revo- lutionary officers and soldiers. In April, 1818, Illinois adopted a state constitution, and, in December following, was admitted into the Union. In May, 1818, the president left Washington to" view the extensive shores of the Chesapeake Bay, and embark- ing at Annapolis, examined the coast and waters, with a view of ascertaining the propriety of establishing a naval depot in that vicinity; and having accomplished the object of his visit, returned through Virginia to the seat of go- vernment, which he reached on the 17th of June. He every where experienced the same welcome reception which he met in his tour through the northern states during the preceding year. On the 27th of May, the president and senate ratified the treaty concluded between Mr. Russel and the Swedish Government, and the same was ratified by the king of vveden on the 24th of July following. The Seminole Indians, urged on, as is supposed, by foreign emissaries who resided among them, commenced hostilities, and several murders were committed; but the Indians refused to give up the guilty, alleging that the whites were the original aggressors. In consequence of this refusal, General Gaines was ordered to remove, dis- cretionally, such Indians as were still on the lands ceded by the Creeks to the United States. In the execution of this order, one man and woman was killed, and two women made prisoners. Soon after this the Indians fired on a second detachment, who resisted them, and a skirmish ensued, in which several were killed and wounded. Shortly after this event, Lieutenant Scott, with a de- tachment of forty men, seven women, and some chil- dren, ascending the Appalachicola, with supplies for the garrison at Fort Scott, was attacked, and the whole par- ty killed, excepting six men, who made their escape, and a woman, who was taken prisoner. From this time the war became serious. The Indians, in considerable numbers, were embodied, and an open at- tack was made on Fort Scott, to which General Gaines, THE UNITED STATES. 391 with about six hundred regular soldiers, was for a time confined. Information of this state of things being com- municated to the department of war, General Jackson was ordered, December 26, to take the field, and directed, if he should deem the force with General Gaines, amount- ing to one thousand eight hundred men, insufficient to cope with the enemy, " to call on the executives of the adjacent states, for such an additional militia force as he might deem requisite." On the receipt of this order, General Jackson prepared to comply ; but instead of calling on the executives of the neighbouring states, espe- cially on the governor of Tennessee, who lived near his residence, he addressed a circular to the patriots of West Tennessee, inviting one thousand of them to join his standard. At the same time he wrote to the governor of Tennes- see, M'Minn, informing him of the appeal he had made to the men whom he had led to victory on the plains of Tal- ledega, Emuckfau, and Tohopeko, and added, " should the appeal prove inefficacious, I will embrace the earliest opportunity of making the requisition on you for a like number of drafted im'litia." The call of General Jack- son was promptly obeyed ; and the thousand volunteers, officered by the general, or by the volunteers themselves, were ordered to Fort Scott. Before taking up his march, he wrote, January 12th, to the secretary of war, apprising him of the appeal he had made to the Tennesseans, assigning as his reason for such a step, that he deemed the force with General Gaines, one thousand eight hundred, insufficient, and " that the greater portion of this number were drafted militia from Georgia, who might apply fur their discharge at the expi- ration of three months from the time they were muster- ed," about the time he should probably reach Fort Scott. To this communication the secretary replied " I have the honour to acquaint you of the entire approbation of the president, of all the measures which you have adopt- ed, to terminate the rupture with the Indians." Believing that the Seminoles could not be subdued, un- less they were followed into Florida, General Jackson marched upon St. Marks, a weak garrison, where a por- 392 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF tion of them had taken refuge. Possession of the fon was taken easily, and occupied by Jackson as an Ameri- can post. The main army then marched to Suwaney Ri- ver, where they consumed an Indian village. At this time the court martial was held, at which Alexander Ar- buthnot, and Robert C. Ambrister, were tried and con- demned to death. Two Indian Chiefs were hung without trial. The following is extracted from the doings of the court. " The court, on examination of evidence, and on ma- ture deliberation, find the prisoner, Robert C. Ambrister, guilty of the first and second charges, and do therefore sentence him to suffer death by being shot. The mem- bers, requesting a reconsideration of the vote on this sen- tence, and it being had, they sentence the prisoner to re- ceive fifty stripes on his bare back, and be confined with a ball and chain, to hard labour, for twelve calendar months. The commanding general approves the finding and sen- tence of the court, in the case of A. Arbuthnot, and ap- proves the finding and first sentence of the court, in the case of Robert C. Ambrister, and disapproves the recon- sideration of the sentence of the honourable court in this case. "It appears from the evidence and pleading of the pri- soner, that he did lead and command within the territo ry of Spain, (being a subject of Great Britain,) the In dians in war against the United States, those nations be- ing at peace. It is an established principle of the laws of nations, that any individual of a nation, making war against the citizens of any other nation, they being at peace, forfeits his allegiance, and becomes an outlaw and pirate. This is the case of Robert C. Ambrister, clearly shown by the evidence adduced. "The commanding general orders that Brevet Major A. C. D. Fanning, of the corps of artillery, will have, be- tween the hours of eight and nine o'clock, A. M., A. Ar buthnot suspended by the neck with a rope, until he is dead, and Robert CX Ambrister to be shot to death, agree- ably to the sentence of the court." General Jackson soon received information, that the governor of Pensacola favoured the Indians ; on the know- THE UNITED STATES. 393 ledge of which, he took up the line of march for the capi- tal, where he arrived at the end of twenty days. The place was taken with hardly a show of resistance. The governor having escaped to Barancas, a fort six miles dis- tant, it was invested by the American troops, and taken after a resistance of two days, the troops being transported to Havana. A military government was instituted, of which information was given to the secretary of war. The president, however, soon restored the country to the Spaniards, giving the reasons for its occupation. The singular steps taken by the commanding general in this affair excited considerable sensations in the minds of Americans, and the subjects of complaint were brought before congress. A military committee censured his con- duct, but the house did not concur. In January, 1819, a convention between the United States and Great Britain, was sanctioned by the president, and ratified by the prince regent in November following. The first article of this instrument, gave liberty to the citizens of the United States, to take fish on the northern, western, and southern banks of Newfoundland. By the second, the northern boundaries of the United States, from the Lake of the Woods to the Stoney Mountains, were established. The fourth extended the term of the convention of 1815, relative to commerce, ten years longer. In February following, East and West Florida, with the adjacent islands, were ceded to the United States by Spain. This treaty settled the boundaries between the two countries. But the ratification of this treaty was de- layevl by the king of Spain, under pretence that an ex- pedition against Texas had been fitted out by the United States. The necessary explanations were made by the president, and a bill was introduced into congress, to take possession of Florida, but the step was not taken, and in October, the treaty was ratified by the king of Spain. Formal possession was given to the United States in July following. In the spring of 1819, Arkansas was constituted a ter- ritory by an act of the congress. During the summer, the president visited the southern section of the United States 394 UNIVERSAL HISTOXY OF with a view to the great interests of the nation. He passed through Charleston, Savannah, Augusta, Nashville, the Cherokee nation, Louisville, Lexington, and thence re- turned to Washington. In December, Alabama was ad- mitted into the union. This territory having long been a bone of contention, we add the following : After the peace of 1783, Georgia laid claim to this ter- ritory, and exercised jurisdiction over it, until the begin- ning of the present century. In 1795, an act passed the legislature of Georgia, by which twenty-five millions of acres, of its western territory, were sold to companies for five hundred thousand dollars, and the purchase money was paid into the treasury. The purchasers of these lands soon after sold them at advanced prices. The sale of the territory excited a warm opposition in Georgia, and at a subsequent meeting of the legislature, the transaction was impeached on the ground of bribery, corruption, and tinconstitutionality. The records respecting the sale were ordered to be burnt, and the five hundred thousand dollars to be refund- ed to the purchasers. Those who had acquired titles of the original purchasers, instituted suits in the federal courts. In 1802, however, Georgia ceded to the United States all her western territory, for one million two hun- dred and fifty thousand dollars. On this event the pur- chasers of the Yazoo land petitioned congress for redress and compensation. After considerable opposition, an act passed for reimbursing them with funded stock, called the Mississippi stock. In the following year, Maine, which had formerly be- longed to Massachusetts, was erected into an indepen- dent state, and joined the federal union. The separa- tion from the parent state was on the most amicable terms. Mr. Monroe having been re-elected president, took the usual oath of office on the 5th of March, 1821, and Mr. Tompkins was again elected vice-president. On the 10th of August, the proclamation of the president announced, that Missouri was admitted into the federal compact as an integral part. Upon the cession of Louisiana to the United States, THE UNITED STATES. 395 the district, which now forms the state of Louisiana, was separated from the territory, and made a distinct go- vernment, by the name of the territory of Orleans. In 18 il the territory of Orleans became a state, by the name of Louisiana. The remaining part of the original pro- vince of Louisiana, extending to the Pacific, was erected into a territorial government, and called Missouri. In 1818 19, application was made to congress, by the peo- ple of this territory, to form a state constitution. A bill was accordingly introduced for the purpose, a provision of which forbade slavery, or involuntary servitude. The bill, with this provision, passed the house of represen- tatives, but was rejected in the senate, and, in conse- quence of this disagreement, the measure, for the time, failed. In the session of 1819 20, the bill was revived, and, after long and animated debates, a compromise was effect- ed, by which slavery was to be tolerated in Missouri, and forbidden in all that part of Louisiana, as ceded by France, lying north of 3() 30' north latitude, except so much as was included within the limits of the state. In the mean time, the people of Missouri had formed a state constitu- tion. When this constitution was presented to congress in 1820 21, a provision in it, which required th legis- lature to pass laws " to prevent free negroes and mulat- toes from coming to, and settling in, the state," was strenuously opposed, on the ground that it violated the rights of such persons of that description as were citi- zens of any of the United States. The contest occupied a great part of the Cession, and it was finally determined, by a small majority, that Mis- souri should be admitted, upon the fundamental condi- tion, that the contested clause should not be construed to authorize the passage of any laws excluding citizens of other states from enjoying the privileges to which they are entitled by the constitution of the United States. It was also provided, that if the legislature of Missouri should, by a solemn public act, previously to the fourth Monday of November, 1821, declare the assent of the state to this fundamental condition, the president should issue his pro- clamation, declaring the admission complete On the 396 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF 24th of June, 1821, the legislature of Missouri assented to the fundamental condition; and, on the 10th of Au- gust following, the president's proclamation was issued,, declaring the admission complete. During the first session of the seventeenth congress, a territorial government was established for Florida. At the opening of the second session, the president informed congress, that, in June, a convention of navigation and commerce, resting essentially on a basis of reciprocal and equal advantage to the two countries, had been con- cluded between France and the United States ; that the prohibition which had been imposed on commerce be- tween the United States and the British colonies, in the West Indies, and on this continent, had been removed, and that the ports of those colonies had been opened to the vessels of the United States, by an act of the British parliament. In a second message, a few days subsequently, the pre- sident introduced to the notice of congress, the interest- ing subject of the " multiplied outrages and depredations recently committed on our seamen and commerce, by pirates in the West Indies, and Gulf of Mexico," and re- commended the immediate organization of an efficient force to suppress them. A bill was accordingly intro- duced, authorizing the president to provide such a force, and to despatch it immediately to the protection of our persecuted seamen. Immediately after the passage of the above bill, Com- modore Porter was appointed to this service, and, soon after, hoisting his broad pennant on board the Peacok f stretched his way, with a respectable force, to chastise those miscreants, that regard no law, and that feel no mercy. This session closed on the 3d of March, 1823, in which little business of general importance had been transacted. At the opening of the first session of the eighteenth congress, in December, the president spoke in high terms nf the prosperous state of the finances, and of our ami- sable relations with foreign nations. In relation to the efforts of the executive to stop the depredations of thr THE UNITED STATES. 397 pirates on the national commerce, the president stated, that in the West Indies, and the Gulf of Mexico, the naval force had been augmented, according to the provi- sions of congress. " This armament," said he, " has been eminently successful in the accomplishment of its pbject. The piracies by which cur commerce, in the neighbourhood of the Island of Cuba, has been afflicted, have been repressed, and the confidence of the merchants, Li a great measure, restored." In allusion to the Greek revolution, the president has the following judicious remarks ; and though his half- prophetic wishes are not yet realized, the prospect that they will soon be is certainly a bright one. " A strong hope has been long entertained, founded on the heroic struggle of the Greeks, that they would succeed in their contest, and resume their equal station among the nations of the earth. It is believed that the whole civilized world takes a deep interest in their welfare. " Although no power has declared in their favour, yet none, according to our information, has taken part against them. Their cause, and their name, have protected them from dangers which might, ere this, have overwhelmed any other people. The ordinary calculations of interest, and of acquisition, with a view to aggrandizement, which mingle so much in the transactions of nations, seem to have had no effect in regard to them. From the facts which have come to our knowledge, there is good cause to believe that their enemy has lost, for ever, all dominion over them that Greece will again become an independent nation. That she may obtain that rank, is the object of our most ardent wishes." Speaking of Spain and Portugal, in relation to the at- tempts of the " Holy Alliance" to extend their political system to South America, the executive observed, " but, on this topic, the citizens of the United States cherish sentiments the most friendly in favour of the liberty and happiness of their fellow men on that side of the Atlan- tic. In the wars of the European powers, in matters re- lating to themselves, we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy so to do. " It is only when our rights are invaded, or seriouslj 398 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF menaced, that we resent injuries, or make preparation for our defence. With the movements in this hemisphere, we are, of necessity, more immediately connected, and by causes which must be obvious to all enlightened and impartial observers. The political system of the allied powers is essentially different, in this respect, from that of America. This difference proceeds from that which exists in their respective governments. And to the de- fence of our own, which has been achieved by the loss oi so much blood and treasure, and matured by the wisdom of our most enlightened citizens, and under which we have enjoyed unexampled felicity, this whole nation is devoted. We owe it, therefore, to candour, and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers, to declare, that we should consider any attempt, on their part, to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere, as dangerous to our peace and safety. " With existing colonies, or dependencies of any Eu- ropean power, we have not interfered, and shall not in- terfere. But with the governments who have declared their independence, and maintained it, and whose inde- pendence we have, on great consideration, and on just principles, acknowledged, we could not view any inter- position for the purpose of oppressing them, or control- ling, in any other manner, their destiny, by any European power, in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition towards the United States. In the war between those new governments and Spain, we de- clared our neutrality at the time of their recognition, and to this we have adhered, and shall continue to adhere, provided no change shall occur, which, in the judgment of the competent authority of this government, shall make & corresponding change on the part of the United States, indispensable to their security." To this language, so temperate, just, and independent, every good citizen responded amen. His remarks on the state of the country, in the same message, are too valua- ble to be omittea. " If we compare the present condition of our Union, with its actual state at the close of our revolution, the THE UNITED STATES. 399 history of the world furnishes no example of a progress in improvement in all the important circumstances which constitute the happiness of a nation, which bears any re- semblance to it. At the first epoch, our population did not exceed three millions. By the last census it amount- ed to about ten millions; and what is more extraordinary, it is almost altogether native, for the emigration from other countries has been inconsiderable. At the first epoch, half the territory within our acknowledged limits, was uninhabited and a wilderness. Since then, new ter- ritory has been acquired, of vast extent, comprising with- in it many rivers, particularly the Mississippi, the naviga- tion of which, to the ocean, was of the highest import- ance to the original states. " Over this territory our population has expanded in eve- ry direction, and new states have been established, almost equal in number to those which formed the first bond of our union. This expansion of our population, and ac- cession of new states to our union, have had the happiest effect on all its higher interests. That it has eminently augmented our resources, and added to our strength and respectability as a power, is admitted by all. But it is not in these important circumstances only that this happy effect is felt. It is manifest that, by enlarging the basis of our system, and increasing the number of states, the sys- tem itself has been greatly strengthened in both its branches. Consolidation and disunion have thereby been rendered equally impracticable. Each government, con- fiding in its own strength, has less to apprehend from the other ; and, in consequence, each enjoying a greater free- dom of action, is rendered more efficient for all the pui poses for which it was instituted." The sympathy expressed by the president for the suf- ferings of the Greeks, called forth a resolution from Mr. Webster, providing for the expenses of an agent to Greece, whenever the executive should deem the ap- pointment proper and expedient. In offering the reso- lution, Mr. Webster stated, it was far from being his wish, in any manner, to commit the house, in this or any of the political contests of Europe ; but the President of the United States having, in his message to congress, not 400 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF only expressed a belief that the Greek nation, in its pre- sent struggle with its opposers, had the good wishes of the whole civilized world, but also advanced the opinion that the Turkish dominion over that country was lost for- ever ; he thought that if such were the fact, it was im- portant that congress should act upon the subject. The main object in view was to obtain from the house an expression, responsive to the sentiment of the mes- sage, in reference to the sacrifices and sufferings of that heroic people sacrifices and sufferings, which ought to excite the sympathy of every liberal minded man in Eu- rope, as well as in this country. But whatever might be the case with other nations, we certainly ought not to be restrained from expressing, with freedom, what are our views in relation to the Greek cause, so far as maybe done without committing ourselves in the contest. And he real- ly did hope that we should show to the world, that there is, at least, one government which does entertain a proper view of that barbarous despotism, which, under the eyes of Europe, has been permitted, by a system of the foul- est atrocity, to attempt to crush an interesting Christian nation. In most of our large towns and literary institutions, meetings were held in reference to this subject, and reso- lutions adopted, expressive of sentiments alike honoura- ble to our citizens as members of a free community, and as friends of humanity. They spoke a language worthy of the cause which called them forth, and such as the cir- cumstances of the age require. They are a proof, too, of the existence and the energy of that principle in the American people, which removes /them farther from the supporters of legitimacy than the breadth of the Atlan- tic, and is a safer bulwark than its billows. From that time to the present, large contributions have been made in the United States, and forwarded to the proper authorities of that oppressed and ill-fated coun- try. At present, the armies of Russia threaten the capital of Turkey, and little doubt remains of the emancipation of the Greeks. The session of congress closed in May, in 1824 ; the most important bills which passed, being one to abolish THE UNITED STATES. 401 imprisonment for debt, and the other establishing a tariff of duties on imports. The latter of these occupied the time of Congress during ten weeks, and at last passed by a majority of five only, two members being absent. On the 16th of August, the Marquis La Fayette, ac- companied by his son, and M. La Vasseur, his secretary, landed in New- York, where he was welcomed in a man- ner which* evinced a sense of national gratitude, never surpassed. From New-York, La Fayette passed through the country to Boston, constantly receiving the most enthu- siastic congratulations of the people. Not only at every place where he stopped, but as he passed along the road, thousands came to catch a glimpse of him, and bid " Welcome La Fayette." Having visited most of the principal to\vns in Massachusetts, New-Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, he again returned to New- York. During this tour, it is impossible to convey, in general terms, an adequate idea of the excitement into which the country w r as thrown. Committees were constantly ar- riving from distant towns at the places where he stopped, to solicit the honour of receiving him, and to know on what day, and at what hour, his arrival might be expected. In some instances, gentlemen residing at a distance from his route, directed the news of his approach to be sent them by expresses. Meantime the general was so oblig- ing as to allow himself to be transported with the utmost rapidity from place to place, often travelling most of the night, so as not to disappoint the anxious expectations of the people. From New-York the general went to Phila- delphia, Baltimore, Washington, &c, constantly receiv- ing from the people the same cordial welcome, and witnessing the same demonstrations of joy wherever he went. But the feelings of the nation demanded that something more should be done for General La Fayette, than could be expressed by acclamation alone. His love of liberty had been the means of depriving him of a great propor- tion of his fortune. When, during our revolution, the country was so exhausted as to be unable to clothe or feed her little army, La Fayette not only gave all his pay 34* 402 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP to government, but advanced money which never was re- funded : so that, in addition to the debt of gratitude, the nation owed him for advancements made during her ne- cessities. It was the exercise of the same leading princi- ple, (the love of liberty,) which occasioned the confiscation of his estates in France, when the Jacobin faction con-> trolled the kingdom. Under every consideration, the nation was bound to show La Fayette and the world, that in the prosperity of his adopted country, his former services were remembered with too much gratitude to be passed over without some permanent mark of national beneficence. The president of the United States, therefore, in his message to congress, at the opening of the last session, recommended, in appropriate terms, the consideration of General La Fayette's eminent services to the country, and requested that the legislative body of the nation would devise some means of making him at least a partial remu- neration. Agreeably to this recommendation, congress appointed a committee to deliberate on the subject, and on the 20th of December, " Mr. Hayne, from the commit- tee appointed on so much of the president's message as relates to making provision for the services of General La Fayette, reported the following bill : " Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Represert.ta* tives of the U/iited States, in Congress assembled, That the sum of two hundred thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby granted to Major General La Fayette, in com- pensation for his important services and expenditures during the American Revolution ; and that for this pur- pose a stock to that amount be issued in his favour, dated the 4th of July, 1824, bearing an annual interest of six per cent, payable quarter yearly, and redeemable on the 31st of December, 1834. " Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That one complete township of land be, and the same is, hereby granted to the said Major General La Fayette ; and that the presi- dent of the United States be authorized to cause the said township to be located on any of the public lands which remain unsold; and that patents be issued to General La Fayette for the same." THE UNITED STATES. 403 On the 21st this bill was made the order of the day in the Senate, and the following debate on it, extracted from the journals of congress, will tend to show with how much reason the bill was passed : Senate, Tuesday, December 21. " The Senate proceeded, as in committee of the whole, to the consideration of the bill making provision for the services and expenditures of General La Fayette. " Mr. Hayne, (of S. C.) in reply to Messrs. Macon and Brown, who objected to the bill, remarked, that the obser- vations made by the honourable gentlemen rendered it his duty, though it was done with regret, as he had hoped the bill would pass without opposition, as chairman of the committee, to submit thb principle on which the commit- tee had proceeded in pi senting the present bill. He trusted that he should be ahle to satisfy the scniples of the honourable gentlemen, and that there would be no necessity for recommitting the bill. " With regard to the objections made by his friend on his right, (Mr. Macon,) "they affected the making any compensation, under any circumstances whatever, to in- dividuals, either for services rendered, or sacrifices made. He understood, he had said it was immaterial whether an individual should have spent his substance in the ser- vice of his country should have put his hand in his purse, and paid the expenses of the war, still that for such services no compensation could be made. " He could show that this was the fact -that it was pre- cisely the case with regard to General La Fayette. He had expended his fortune in our service, and he should contend it was right, it was necessary they were called on by duty to themselves, at least to refund the expenses to which he had been subjected. Mr. Hayne proceeded to say, that he held documents in his hand which it be- came his duty to submit to the senate documents de- rived from the highest authority. The paper held in his hand contained accounts from the proper officers, show- ing the expenses of La Fayette, and pointing out the manner in which his estate had been dissipated in tho service of liberty. In the year 1777, he had an annual in- 404 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF come of 146,000 francs, equal to 28,700 dollars. This had been almost entirely expended in the services which he had rendered to liberty, in this and the other hemi- sphere. During a period of six years, from the year 1777 to 1783, he had expended, in the American service, 700,000 francs, equal to 140,000 dollars. This document, said Mr. Hayne, is derived from the most authentic sources in France, and is come into my hands from a re- spectable member of this house, without the knowledge or consent of the general and his friends. " The fact to which he called their attention was, that during the six years the general had been engaged in the service, he had expended 140,000 dollars of his fortune; he was in a state of prosperity, and in the enjoyment of a plentiful fortune in his own country, when he resolved to come to this. He purchased a ship, raised, equipped, armed, and clothed a regiment at his own expense, and when he landed on these coasts, he came freighted with the munitions of war, which he distributed gratuitously to our army. " It is on record that he clothed and put shoes on the feet of the naked, suffering soldiers of America, and that during six years he sacrificed 140,000 dollars. He asked for no compensation he made out no account he re- ceived no pay he spent his fortune for this country, and not only gave his services, but hazarded his life in its de- fence, shed his blood in its service, and returned home, broken in his fortune. What did government do ? After the war, in 1794, they gave him the full pay of a major general, to which he was entitled twelve or fourteen years before. If any American citizen had done as much, and had brought in an account stating he had expended 140,000 dollars, and made application for compensation, would it not have been granted ? Indeed, if we were to make out an account current of the expenses and sacri- fices of the general, it would far exceed the sum now pro- posed. But he never rendered a claim ; he would have starved ere he would have done it. " I have other documents, said Mr. Hayne, to which I shall briefly refer. There is one fact which shows how alive he was to every honourable sentiment. He has THE UNITED STATES. 405 made sacrifices that can never be repaid. Congress, in their gratitude, made him a donation of 11,000 acres of land, which, at the value of lands at that time, was not worth more than 11,000 dollars; and, by act, in 1804, they authorized him to locate this land on any spot in the United States that might be vacant; and his agent ac- cordingly located it in the neighbourhood of New-Orleans. In 1807, congress passed an act confirming the title to the city council of New-Orleans, of all lands within six hun- dred yards of its limits. " Part of the land belonging to General La Fayette was included in this grant, and on the fact being communicated to him in France by his agent, accompanied by legal ad- vice of the validity of his title, he replied, that it was not for him to inquire into the circumstances, but that he, re- ceiving bounty from the government of the United States, could only receive it as they chose to give it, and directed his agent to enter a relinquishment of the land in ques- tion. This land, according to the estimate of gentlemen from Louisiana, is now worth 500,000 dollars. But there is another circumstance to be stated : having located the land, he made a contract with an Irish baronet for the sale of a portion of it, and he afterwards made it his bu- siness to find him out he relinquished his own right, and, at his own expense, induced him to relinquish every l;al claim that he could have upon the United States. This relinquishment was on file in the land office, and Mr. Hayne submitted the documents to the examination of the senate. " These claims appear certainly in a very strong, and, lie might say, irresistible shape before the senate. His honourable friend on the right had said, that we treat this gentlemen better than we do our native sons, but it ap- peared that they barely did him justice. Did the gentle- man doubt that this government were in the habit of making remuneration for sacrifices and services he would refer him to an act passed in 1790, granting com- pensation to Frederick William Baron Steuben, for sacri- fices and services. " Mr. Hayne proceeded to refer to many instances where the government had not only granted pecuniary assist- 406 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ance, but had granted a whole township of land for sacri- fices and services. He was not one of those who were afraid of making precedents a good precedent can never do evil ; and when nations, as well as individuals, gave way to the noblest feelings of our nature, they best pro- moted the glory of the country, and the welfare of the people ; but the cause of La Fayette could form no prece- dent it stood alone. " Could this country be born again ? Could it assume a second childhood, and be placed in circumstances similar to those it had formerly been ? If this were possible, if it could be reduced again to equal distress, be struggling for existence, about to perish, without funds, arms, clo- thing, or ammunition, and looking around for help if, under such circumstances, a foreign nobleman should step forth, and devote his life and fortune to her service, sacrificing every thing, and shedding his blood in her be- half, and while the scale was depressed, throwing himself into the balance, and deciding its fate surely, such a man would be entitled to the warmest gratitude of the country." After some further debate, the bill was passed, and a committee appointed to wait on La Fayette with a copy of the act. To an address of the committee on the oc- casion of presenting the act, the marquis returned the fol- lowing answer : Gentlemen of the Committee of both Houses of Congress : The immense and unexpected gift, which, in addition to former and considerable bounties, it has pleased con- gress to confer upon me, calls for the warmest acknow- ledgments of an old American soldier, an adopted son of the United States, two titles dearer to my heart than all the treasures in the world. However proud I am of every sort of obligation re- ceived from the people of the United States, and their representatives in congress, the large extent of this bene- faction might have created in my mind feelings of hesita- tion, not inconsistent, I hope, with those of the most grate- ful reverence. But the so very kind resolutions of both houses, delivered by you, gentlemen, in terms of equa* THE UNITED STATES. 407 kindness, precludes all other sentiments, except those of lively and profound gratitude, of which, in respectfully accepting the munificent favour, I have the honour to beg you will be the organs. Permit me also, gentlemen, to join a tender of my af- fectionate personal thanks to the expression of the highest respect, with which I have the honour to be yourobedien servant, LA FAYETTE. At Washington, La Fayette was received by both houses of Congress with suitable honours. Thence pass- ing to the south, he visited most of the cities in that sec- tion of the country. After visiting various places, in the autumn of 1825, the marquis took passage in the frigate Brandy wine, for France, where he arrived in safety, and where he still lives, in the enjoyment of a contented mind, and a clear conscience ; the friend of man and the hero of freedom. The second session of the eighteenth congress, com- menced in December, on which occasion we find in the presidential message : " Our relations with foreign powers are of a friendly character, although certain interesting differences remain unsettled. Our revenue under the mild system of impost and tonnage, continues to be adequate to all the purposes of government. Our agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and navigation, flourish. Our fortifications are advancing, in the degree authorized by existing appropriations, to maturity, and due progress is made in the augmentation of the navy to the limit pre- scribed by law." He also stated, that the convention of navigation and commerce concluded between the United States and France in 1822, still continued ; that our commercial in- tercourse with the British dominions in Europe and the East Indies, resting on the basis of reciprocity, which had been arranged by a convention, in 1815, was confirmed and continued for ten years, by treaty, in 1818; but that the trade with the British colonies in the West Indies, had not as yet been settled to the satisfaction of the executive; that our commerce with Sweden had been placed on a footing of perfect reciprocity, by treaty ; and with Rus- 408 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF sia, the Netherlands, Prussia, and the free Hanseatic ci- ties, the dukedom of Oldenburg and Sardinia, by internal regulations on each side, founded on mutual agreement between the respective governments ; and that the great and extraordinary changes which had happened in Spain and Portugal, within the last two years, had not seriously affected the friendly relations subsisting between them and the United States ; although they had presented ob- stacles to the adjustment of the particular subjects of dis- cussion which have arisen with each. With the remain- ing powers of Europe, with those on the coast of Bar- bary, and with all the new South American states, our relations were moreover stated to be of a friendly charac- ter. The country has ministers plenipotentiary residing with the republics of Colombia and Chili, and have re- ceived ministers of the same rank, from Colombia, Guati- mala, Buenos Ayres, and Mexico, and a charge d'affaires from the independent government of Brazil. From the view which he then took of our situation, it was manifest that we were in a highly prosperous situa- tion, and that our duty and happiness would consist in handing these blessings down to posterity unimpaired. This session closed constitutionally on the third of March, 1825. The most interesting subjects which oc- cupied its attention during the session, were the occupa- tion of the Oregon on the North-west coast, and the sup- pression of piracy. The bill respecting the former, however, was lost in the senate ; being indefinitely laid on the table ; while that respecting piracy passed ; which, however, does little more than to authorize the building of ten additional ships of war. The bill authorizing the occupation of the Oregon, was passed by the house of representatives, but had previously been so amended as to provide only for a military occupation of the mouth of the river. This amendment was adopted for the purpose of avoiding a violation of the treaty with Great Britain, which provides that the boundary line on that frontier shall remain unsettled ten years. The presidency of Mr. Monroe closed with the session, during which the country enjoyed a state of peace and uniform prosperity. He retired from office, enjoying THE UNITED STATES. 409 the respect,' affection, and gratitude, of all who are able duly to appreciate the blessings of having a wise ruler. The choice of president, for the succeeding term of four years, not being settled by the electoral vote, de- volved on the House of Representatives. John Quinry Adams was chosen, and took the oath of office on the 4th of March, and John C. Calhoun was chosen vice presi- dent by the electors. The address of Mr. Adams, on his induction into office, was such as might rationally be expected. Speaking of our political creed, he says, it " is, without a dissenting voice that can be heard, that the will of the people is the source, and the happiness of the people the end, of all le- gitimate government upon earth That the best security for the beneficence, and the best guarantee against the abuse of power, consists in the freedom, the purity, and the frequency of popular elections. " That the general government of the Union, and the separate governments of these states, are all sovereign- ties of limited powers ; fellow servants of the same mas- ters, uncontrolled within their respective spheres, uncon- trollable by encroachments upon each other. That the firmest security of peace is the preparation, during peace, of the defences of war. That a rigorous economy, and accountability of public expenditure, should guard against the aggravation, and alleviate, when possible, the burden of taxation. That the military should be kept in strict subordination to the civil power. That the freedom of the press and of religious opinion should be inviolate. That the policy of our country is peace, and the ark of our salvation, union, are articles of faith upon which we are all agreed." The following paragraphs we copy entire, as too valua- ble to be omitted, even in a condensed history. " In the compass of thirty years, since this great na- tional covenant was instituted, a body of laws enacted under its authority, and in conformity with its provisions, has unfolded its powers, and carried into practical opera- tion its effective energies. Subordinate departments have distributed the executive functions in their various rela- tions, to foreign affairs, to the revenue and expenditures, 35 410 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF and to the military force of the Union, by land and sea. A co-ordinate department of the judiciary has expounded the constitution and the laws ; settling, in harmonious co- incidence with the legislative will, numerous weighty questions of construction which the imperfection of hu- man language had rendered unavoidable. " The year of jubilee, since the first formation of our union, has just elapsed ; that of the declaration of our in- dependence is at hand. The consummation of both was effected by this constitution. Since that period, a popu- lation of four millions has multiplied to twelve. A terri- tory, bounded by the Mississippi, has been extended from sea to sea. New states have been admitted to the Union, in number nearly equal to those of the first confederation. Treaties of peace, amity, and commerce, have been con- cluded with the principal dominions of the earth. The people of other nations, inhabitants of regions acquired not by conquest, but by compact, have been united with us in the participation of our rights and duties, of our burdens and blessings. " The forest has fallen by the axe of our woodsmen the soil has been made to teem by the tillage of our far- mers ; our commerce has whitened every ocean. The dominion of man over physical nature has been extend- ed by the invention of our artists. Liberty and law have marched hand in hand. All the purposes of human as- sociation have been accomplished as effectively as under any other government on the globe, and at a cost little ex- ceeding, in a whole generation, the expenditures of other nations in a single year. " Such is the unexaggerated picture of our condition, under a constitution founded upon the republican princi- ple of equal rights. To admit that this picture has its shades, is but to say that it is still the condition of men upon earth. From evil, physical, moral, and political, it is not our claim to be exempt. We have suffered, some- times by the visitation of Heaven, through disease ; often by the wrongs and injustice of other nations, even to the extremities of war ; and, lastly, by dissentions among ourselves dissentions, perhaps inseparable from the en- joyment of freedom, but which have more than once ap- THE UNITED STATES. 411 peared to threaten the dissolution of the union, and, with it, the overthrow of all the enjoyments of our present lot, and all our earthly hopes of the future. The causes of these dissentions have been various, founded upon differences of speculation in the theory of republican government ; upon conflicting views of policy, in our re- lations with foreign nations ; upon jealousies of partial and sectional interests, aggravated by prejudices and pre- possessions, which strangers to each other are ever apt to entertain." On the 31st of May, a treaty of peace, amity, naviga- tion, and commerce, between the United States and Co- lombia, was ratified by the president. The first article establishes a firm and inviolable peace, and perpetual friendship. By the second, no partiality was to be shown to any other nation to which each of the contracting par- ties had not an equal right. By the sixth article, mer- chant vessels, and ships of war, were to be protected in the bays and harbours of both parties, either in stress of weather, or to shield them from the pursuit of pirates, or other enemies. The seventh grants a return of ships and merchandise which may be taken in their respective jurisdictions. By the tenth, both the contracting parties engage, formally, to give their special protection to the persons and property of the other, and to leave open and free to them the tribunals of justice for their judicial re- course, on the same terms as are usual with native citi- zens of either party. By the eleventh, liberty of con- science is mutually guaranteed. By the fourteenth, liberty of commerce and navigation, except contraband of war, in times which would endanger the safety of either contracting party, is freely granted. The treaty was to remain in force twelve years after the exchange of ratifications. The 7th of September was the day appointed for the departure of the nation's guest, General La Fayette, from Washington. On Mr. Adams devolved the task of bid- ding him farewell, in the name of the nation to whom he had been a constant friend, and a noble benefactor. How well, and with what dignity and feeling, he executed this task, we need not attempt to describe, and we regret that 412 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF our plan does not permit us to copy the whole address. We can copy but a brief sketch, which will be found in the following selected paragraphs. " When the contest of freedom to which you had re- paired as a voluntary champion, had closed, by the com- plete triumph of her cause in this country of your adop- tion, you returned to fulfil the duties of the philanthropist and patriot in the land of. your nativity. There, in a consistent and undeviatirig career of forty years, you have maintained, through every vicissitude of alternate success and disappointment, the same glorious cause to which the first years of your active life had been de- voted the improvement of the moral and political con- dition of man. " Through that long succession of time, the people of the United States, for whom, and with whom, you had fought the battles of liberty, have been living in full pos- session of its fruits ; one of the happiest among the family of nations. Spreading in population, enlarging in territory, acting and suffering according to the condition of their nature, and laying the foundations of the great- est, and, we humbly hope, the most beneficent power that ever regulated the concerns of man upon earth. " In that lapse of forty years, the generation of men with whom you co-operated in the conflict of arms, has nearly passed away. Of the general officers of the Ame- rican army in that war, you alone survive. Of the sages who guided our councils ; of the warriors who met the foe in the field, or upon the waves, with the exception ol a few, to whom unusual length of days has been allotted by heaven, all now sleep with their fathers. A succeed- ing, and even a third generation, have arisen to take their places ; and their children's children, while rising up to call them blessed, have been taught by them, as well as admonished by their own constant enjoyment of freedom, to include, in every benison upon their fathers, the name of him who came from afar, with them, and in their cause, to conquer or to fall. " You are now about to return to the country of your birth, of your ancestors, of your posterity. The execu- tive government of the union, stimulated by the same THE UNITED STATES. 413 feeling which had prompted the congress to the designa- tion of a national ship for your accommodation in coming hither, has destined the first service of a frigate, recently launched at this metropolis* to the less welcome, but equally distinguished trust of conveying you home. The name of the ship has added one more memorial to distant regions and to future ages, of a stream already memora- ble, at once in the story of your sufferings and of our in dependence. " The ship is now prepared for your reception, and equipped for sea. From the moment of her departure, the prayers of millions will ascend to heaven that her pas- sage may be prosperous ; and your return to the bosom of your family as propitious to your happiness, as your visit to this scene of your youthful glory has been to that of the American people. " Go, then, our beloved friend return to the land of brilliant genius, of generous sentiment, of heroic valour ; to that beautiful France, the nursing mother of the twelfth Louis, and the fourth Henry ; to the native soil of Bayard and Coligni, of Turenne and Catinat, of Fenelon and D'Aguesseau. In that illustrious catalogue of names which she claims as of her children, and with honest pride holds up to the admiration of other nations, the name of La Fayette has already for centuries been en- rolled. And it shall henceforth burnish into brighter fame ; for if, in after days, a Frenchman shall be called to indicate the character of his nation by that of one indi- vidual, during the age in which we live, the blood of lofty patriotism shall mantle in his cheek, the fire of conscious virtue shall sparkle in his eye, and he shall pronounce the name of La Fayette. Yet we, too, and our children, in life and after death, shall claim you for our own. You are ours by that more than patriotic self-devotion with which you flew to the aid of our fathers at the crisis of their fate. Ours by that long series of years in which you have cherished us in your regard. Ours by that un- shaken sentiment of gratitude for your services which is a jarecious portion of our inheritance. Ours by that tie of love stronger than death, which has linked your name, for the endless ages of time, with the name of Washington." 35* 414 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF To this the veteran general replied ; and, after men- tioning his obligations to the American government and people for their munificence and kind reception, he add- ed, " Yet, gratification still higher awaited me ; in the wonders of creation and improvement that have met my enchanted eye, in the unparalleled and self- felt happiness of the people, in their rapid prosperity and insured secu- rity, public and private, in a practice of good order, the appendage of true freedom, and a national good sense, the final arbiter of all difficulties, I have had proudly to re- cognize a result of the republican principles for which we have fought, and a glorious demonstration to the most timid and prejudiced minds, of the superiority, over de- grading aristocracy or despotism, of popular institutions founded on the plain rights of man, and where the local rights of every section are preserved under a constitu- tional bond of union. The cherishing of that union be- tween the states, as it has been the farewell entreaty of our great paternal Washington, and will ever have the dying prayer of every American patriot, so it has become the sacred pledge of the emancipation of the world, an object in which I am happy to observe that the American people, while they give the animating example of success- ful free institutions, in return for an evil entailed upon them by Europe, and of which a liberal and enlightened sense is every where more and more generally felt, show themselves every day more anxiously interested. " God bless you, sir, and all who surround us. God bless the American people, each of their states, and the federal government. Accept this patriotic farewell of an overflowing heart ; such will be its last throb when it ceases to beat." As the last sentence was pronounced, the general ad- vancing, while the tears poured over his venerable cheeks, again took the president in his arms ; he retired a few paces, but, overcome by his feelings, again returned, and uttering, in broken accents, " God bless you !" fell once more on the neck of Mr. Adams. It was a scene at once solemn and moving, as the sighs and stealing tears of many, who witnessed it, bore testimony. Having reco- vered his self-possession, the general stretched out his THE UNITED STATES. 416 hands, and was, in a moment, surrounded by the greeting of the whole assembly, who pressed upon him, each eager to seize, perhaps for the last time, that beloved hand which was opened so freely for our aid, when aid was so precious, and which grasped, with firm and undeviating hold, the steel which so bravely helped to achieve our deliverance. The general was attended to the Potomac, by a large military escort, and thousands of citizens. The Mount Vernon steam boat waited to convey him on board the a Brandywine. When the mansion, the groves, and the iomb of Mount Vernon, opened to view, the progress of the little fleet was arrested it remained motionless on the broad bosom of Potomac's wave that the last of the ge- nerals might pay his pious homage and filial duty to the tomb of the paternal chief. La Fayette arose the wonders which he had performed for a man of his age, in successfully accomplishing la- bours enough to have tested his meridian vigour, whose animation rather resembles the spring than the winter of life, now seemed unequal to the task he was about to per- form : To take a last look at the grave of Washington ! He advanced to the effort a silence the most impressive reigned around, till the strains of sweet and plaintive mu- sic completed the grandeur and sacred solemnity of the scene. All hearts beat in unison with the throbbings of the veteran's bosom as he looked, and that for the last time, on the sepulchre which contains the ashes of the first of men. He spoke not, but appeared absorbed in the mighty recollections which the place and the occasion inspired. Yet a voice seemed borne on the air. It ap- peared to say to the manes of the illustrious dead, "WASH- INGTON, thou friend and father of my youth, under whose heroic banner I first gained renown in the fields of fame, when combatting for the rights and liberties of man in whose bosom I was cherished in the earliest, the happiest days of life whose affections descended with me from the palace to the dungeon whose arms were opened to receive my child, when forlorn and a wanderer from his native land, he sought in thee a friend and found a father most truly great and glorious of men, while such an 416 UNIVERSAL in.STGRY OF humble mound alone contains thy ashes, thy monument is based on a hemisphere, and thy fame will cenotaph thy memory in ages yet unborn. Accept the last duty which filial homage pays to the tomb of Washington in the tear of La Fayette." We make no apology for the insertion of these interest- ing particulars. But we regret sincerely that the whole of the address and reply cannot find room, and if our readers have feeling, they will regret it too. The first session of the nineteenth congress opened at Washington in December, 1825. The message of the Executive, after adverting to the state of peace which had for several years blessed the world, says During the same period, our intercourse with all those nations has been pacific and friendly it so continues. Since the close of your last session, no material variation has oc- curred in our relations with any one of them. In the commercial and navigation system of Great Britain, im- portant changes of municipal regulation have recently been sanctioned by acts of parliament, the effect of which, upon the interests of other nations, and particularly upon ours, has not yet been fully developed. In the recent re- newal of the diplomatic missions on both sides, between the two governments, assurances have been given and received, of the continuance and increase of that mutual confidence and cordiality by which the adjustment of many points of difference had already been effected, and which affords the surest pledge for the ultimate satisfactory adjustment of those which still remain open, or may here- after arise. He then notices the commission for settling the seventh article of the treaty of Ghent, and that respecting the in- demnity for slaves taken off by the British during the late war, as in a train of amicable adjustment. He also ad- verts to the importance of establishing a national system of bankruptcy, and of improvements in the militia sys- tem. In noticing the pecuniary concerns of the nation, the message says Among the unequivocal indications of our national prosperity, is the flourishing state of our finances. The revenues of the present year, from all their principal sources, will exceed the anticipations of the last. THE UNITED STATES. 417 The balance in the treasury, on the first of January last, was a little short of two millions of dollars, exclu- sive of two millions and a half, being the moiety of the loan of five millions, authorized by the act of 26th May, 1824. The receipts into the treasury, from the 1st of January to the 30th of September, exclusive of the other moiety of the same loans? are estimated at sixteen mil- lions five hundred thousand dollars ; and it is expected that those of the current quarter will exceed five millions of dollars, forming an aggregate of receipts of nearly twenty-two millions, independent of the loan. The ex- penditures of the year will not exceed that sum more than two millions. By those expenditures, nearly eight mil- lions of the principal of the public debt have been dis- charged. More than a million and a half has been devoted to the debt of gratitude to the warriors of the revolution ; a nearly equal sum to the construction of fortifications, and the acquisition of ordnance, and other permanent preparatives of national defence; half a million to the gradual increase of the navy ; an equal sum for purchases of territory from the Indians, and payment of annuities to them : and upwards of a million for objects of internal improvement, authorized by special acts of the last con- gress. If we add to these four millions of dollars for payment of interest upon the public debt, there remains a sum of about seven millions, which has defrayed the whole expense of the administration of government, in its legislative, executive, and judiciary departments, inclu- ding the support of the military and naval establishments, and all the occasional contingencies of a government co- extensive with the union. The amount of duties secured on merchandise import- ed, from the commencement of the year, is about twenty- five millions and a half; and that which will accrue, du- ring the current quarter, is estimated at five millions and a half; from these thirty-one millions, deducting the draw- backs, estimated at less than seven millions, a sum ex- ceeding twenty-four millions will constitute the revenue of the year, and will exceed the whole expenditures of the year. The entire amount of public debt remaining 418 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF due on the 1st of January next, will be short of eighty- one millions of dollars. Speaking of our situation as regards the aborigines, he thus speaks : Our relations with the numerous tribes of aboriginal natives of this country, scattered over its ex- tensive surface, and so dependent, even for their exist- ence, upon our power, have been, during the present year, highly interesting. An act of congress, of 25th May, 1824, made an appropriation to defray the expenses of making treaties of trade and friendship with the Indian tribes beyond the Mississippi. An act of 3d March, 1825, authorized treaties to be made with the Indians, for their consent to the making of a road from the frontiers of Missouri to that of New-Mexico. And another act of the same date, provided for defray- ing the expenses of holding treaties with the Sioux, Chip- pewas, Menomenees, Sauks, Foxes, &c. for the purpose of establishing boundaries and promoting peace between said tribes. The first and the last objects of these acts have been accomplished, and the second is yet in a pro- cess of execution. The treaties which, since the last ses- sion of congress, have been concluded with the several tribes, will be laid before the senate for their considera- tion, conformably to the constitution. They comprise large and valuable acquisitions of territory; and they se- cure an adjustment of boundaries, and give pledges of permanent peace between several tribes which had been long waging bloody wars against each other. On the 12th of February last, a treaty was signed at the Indian Springs, between commissioners appointed on the part of the United States, and certain chiefs and in- dividuals of the Creek nation of Indians, which was re- ceived at the seat of government only a few days before the close of the last session of congress, and of the late administration. The advice and consent of the senate was given to it, on the 3d of March, too late for it to re- ceive the ratification of the then President of the United States; it was ratified on the 7th of March, under the un- suspecting impression that it had been negotiated in good faith, and in the confidence inspired by the recommenda- tion of the senate. The subsequent transactions in rela- THE UNITED STATES. 419 tion to this treaty, will form the subject of a separate message. But our circumscribed limits prevent us from touching, with any thing like justice, on this able state paper. We can only say, that nothing seems to have escaped his ca- pacious mind, of very general and national importance. By the report of the treasurer this session, it appears he had a balance of more than five millions in his hands. During this session a question was agitated relating to the holding of any office under the government of the United States, by a senator or representative to congress. Mr. Benton, from the selected committee, reported That, having had recourse to the history of the times, in which the constitution was formed, the committee find, that the proposition now referred to them had engaged the deliberations of the federal convention which framed the constitution, and of several of the state conventions which ratified it. In an early stage of the session of the federal conven- tion, it was resolved as follows : "'Art. 6. sec. 9. The members of each house (of con- gress) shall be ineligible to, and incapable of holding any office under the authority of the United States, during the time for which they shall respectively be elected ; and the members of the senate shall be ineligible to, and incapa- ble of, holding any such office for one year afterwards." (Journal of the Federal Convention, page 219.) It further appears from the journal, that this clause in the first draft of the constitution, was adopted with great unanimity, and that afterwards, in the concluding days of the session, it was altered, and its intention defeated, by a majority of a single vote, in the absence of one of the states by which it had been supported. Following the constitution into the state conventions which ratified it, the committee find, that, by the New- York convention, it was recommended, as follows : " That no senator or representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any office under the authority of the United States." By the Virginia convention, as follows : " That the members of the senate and house of repre- 420 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF sentatives shall be ineligible to, and incapable of, hold- ing any civil office under the authority of the United States, during the term for which they shall respectively be elected." By the North Carolina convention the same amendment was recommended, in the same words. In the first session of the first congress, which was held under the constitution, a member of the house of repre- sentatives submitted a similar proposition of amendment ; and, in the third session of the eleventh congress, James Madison being president, a like proposition was again sub- mitted, and being referred to a committee of the house, was reported by them in the following words : " No senator or representative shall be appointed to any civil office, place, or emolument, under the authority of the United States, until the expiration of the presiden- tial term in which such person shall have served as a se- nator or representative." Upon the question to adopt this resolution, the vote stood 71 yeas, 40 nays, wanting but three votes of the constitutional number for the referring it to the decision of the states. Having thus shown, by a reference to the venerable evidence of our early history, that the principle of the amendment now under consideration, has had the support and approbation of the first friends of the constitution, the committee will now declare their own opinion iii favour of its correctness, and express its belief that the ruling principle in the organization of the federal govern- ment demands its adoption. That ruling principle demands that the three great branches of the federal government, the executive, legis- lative and judiciary, should be separate and distinct from each other, not only in contemplation of law, but in point of fact ; and, for this end, that each should not only have its independent organization, but that the individuals ad- ministering each, should be wholly free from the control and influence of the individuals who administered the others. To secure this independence on the part of the presi- dent, and to prevent the executive from starving him into THE UNITED STATES. 421 a compliance with their will, by withholding his necessa- ry support, or seducing him into an acquiescence in their views, by tempting his avarice with an augmented salary, (Fed. No. 77.) it is provided in the constitution, that he shall receive a fixed compensation for his services, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the term for which he was elected. To secure the independence of the legislative depart- ment, and to prevent the executive from influencing its deliberations, by retaining a set of dependants in the se- nate and house of representatives, always ready, like the placemen in the British parliament, to support the mea- sures of administration, it was provided, in the same con- stitution, that persons holding offices under the authority of the United States, should be wholly excluded from the floor of congress. The committee believe that this provision for the inde- pendence of the senate and house of representatives, though wise and proper as far as it goes, does not go far enough to accomplish the object it had in view. They admit that the presence of office holders in the legislative department, would be the bane of honest and independent legislation ; and they believe that the presence of office hunters would be equally fatal. The danger to be appre- hended from each, is, in effect, the same. The office holder would support the measures of administration, for the purpose of saving the office which he had in posses- sion ; the office hunter would support the same measures for the purpose of securing the office which he had in ex- pectation. By either party, the interest of the country would be sacrificed to the views of the executive ; and the appro- priate means for preventing this mischief, was first to ex- clude office holders from seats in congress, and this the constitution has done ; and, secondly, to prevent'senators and representatives from taking appointments from the president, under whose administration they had served ; and this it has omitted to do. The omission was too ma- terial to escape the observation of those who were not blind to the defects of the constitution ; and their ani- madversions were too loud and vehement to pass unno- 36 422 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ticed by the great advocates for the ratification of that instrument. The authors of the Federalist, in their No. 55. felt it to be their duty to meet the objection which grew out of this omission. But even these great men, with their superior abilities, and ardent zeal in the best of causes, could do no more than to diminish the quantum of a danger which could not be denied to exist, and to cover, with a brilliant declamation, a part of their be- loved constitution which could not be defended. They said : " Sometimes we are told, that this fund of corruption, (executive appointments,) is to be exhausted by the Presi- dent in subduing the virtue of the senate. Now, the fide- lity of the other house is to be the victim. The impro- bability of such a mercenary and perfidious combination of the several members of the government, standing on as different foundations as its republican principles will well admit, and at the same time accountable to the so- ciety over which they are placed, ought alone to quiet this apprehension. But, fortunately, the constitution has provided a still further safeguard. The members of the congress are rendered ineligible to any civil offices that may be created, or of which the emoluments may be in- creased, during the term of their election. No offices, therefore, can be dealt out to the existing members, but such as may become vacant by ordinary casualties ; and to suppose that these would be sufficient to purchase the guardians of the people, selected by the people them- selves, is to renounce every rule by which events ought to be calculated, and to substitute an indiscriminate and unbounded jealousy, with which all reasoning must be vain." They doubted the validity of these arguments, and con- cluded the report as follows : Considering all which, the committee have come to the unanimous resolution to sub- mit to the senate a proposition of amendment to the con- stitution of the United States, embracing the principle of this report. Resolved, by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled, two thirds of both houses concurring, that the follow- THE UNITED STATES. 423 ing amendment to the constitution of the United States be proposed to the legislatures of the several states ; which, when ratified by three fourths of said legislatures, shall be valid, to all intents and purposes, as part of said constitution : No senator or representative shall be appointed to any civil office, place or emolument, under the authority of the United States, until the expiration of the presidential term in which such person shall have served as a senator or a representative. During the session, and on the fourth of July, just half a century from the time when Adams and Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence, they both departed this life, within a few hours of each other. They had both been presidents of the United States, and both vice presi- dents. This is certainly an extraordinary coincidence, and worthy to be perpetuated in the archives of the na- tion. Nor is it a little remarkable, that on this day, after its observance by the national legislature, certain members of congress addressed the legislature on the pe- cuniary embarrassments of Mr. Jefferson, with a view to his relief. The following extracts, we believe, will be ac- ceptable. If I am asked why Jefferson is singled out amid his compatriots my answer is, he stands pre-eminent alike for his services and his misfortunes. God forbid that I should diminish the just claims of that illustrious band, who, guided by the polarity of their superior genius, and by a courage that was above circumstances, to whom the blessing of Providence became a pillar of light by which we were conducted through the wilderness of the land of promise. But as one star differeth from another star in glory, so also is the lot of man. It was his good fortune to occupy the front rank among the illustrious. He is one of three survivors, signers of the Declaration of Independence. His associates are comfortable, and need no aid. If it be inquired how it has happened that he has be- come impoverished 1 I answer, the delicacy of the subject forbids the inquiry. I may ask, however, what public institution is there in the United States that has not pro- 424 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF fited of his bounty ? What son or daughter of affliction who has asked for aid, that has not received his charity ? What nation, tongue, or kindred, that has not shared his hospitality? His fame had gone abroad in the earth. He was justly esteemed a distinguished benefactor of man- kind. He was resorted to as an oracle, that they might hear with their own ears, from his own lips, the sublime and the eternal truths of religious liberty. His doors were open to all. His responses were withheld from none. The sequel was inevitable a loss of his pro- perty. He disinterestedly sacrificed his independence on the altar of all the virtues. The character of his coun- try was ennobled by the sacrifice. It will be still further ennobled by its being replaced by the generosity of his countrymen. The second session of the nineteenth congress com- menced on the fourth day of December, 1826. The president's message, after noticing the unfinished and un- touched subjects of his former message, notices the de- cease of Alexander of Russia, our commerce with France, and a ratified treaty with Denmark, says : " With Prus- sia, Spain, Portugal, and in general all the European powers, between whom and the United States, relations of friendly intercourse have existed, their condition has not materially varied since the last session of congress. I regret not to be able to say the same of our commercial intercourse with the colonial possessions of Great Britain in America. Negotiations of the highest importance to our common interests have been for several years in discussion between the two governments, and on the part of the United States have been invariably pursued in the spirit of candour and conciliation. Interests of great magnitude and delicacy have been adjusted by the conventions of 1815 and 1818, while that of 1822, mediated by the late Emperor Alex- ander, had promised a satisfactory compromise of claims which the government of the United States, in justice to the rights of a numerous class of their citizens, was bound to sustain. But, with regard to the commercial inter- course between the United States and the British colonies in America, it has been hitherto found impracticable to THE UNITED STATES. 425 bring the parties to an understanding satisfactory to both. The relative geographical position, and the respective products of nature cultivated by human industry, had constituted the elements of a commercial intercourse be- tween the United States and British America, insular and continental, important to the inhabitants of both coun- tries. But it had been interdicted by Great Britain upon a principle heretofore practised by the colonizing nations of Europe, of holding the trade of their colonies* each in exclusive monopoly to herself. After the termination of the late war* this interdiction had been revived, and the British government declined including this portion of our intercourse with her possessions, in the negotiation of the convention of 1815. The trade was then carried on ex- clusively in British vessels, till the act of congress con- cerning navigation, of 1818, and the supplemental act of 1820, met the interdict by a corresponding measure on the part of the United States. These measures, not of retaliation, but of necessary self-defence, were soon suc- ceeded by an act of parliament, opening certain colonial ports to the vessels of the United States, coming dirertly from them, and to the importation from them of certain articles of our produce, burdened with heavy duties, and excluding some of the most valuable articles of our ex- ports. The United States opened their ports to British vessels from the colonies, upon terms as exactly corresponding with those of the act of parliament, as in the relative condition of the parties could be made. And a negotia- tion was commenced by mutual consent, with the hope; on our part, that a reciprocal spirit of accommodation, and a common sentiment of the importance of the trade to the interests of the inhabitants of the two countries between whom it must be carried on, would ultimately bring the parties to a compromise, with which both might be satisfied. With this view the government of the Uni- ted States had determined to sacrifice something of that entire reciprocity, which, in all commercial arrangements with foreign power?, they are entitled to demand, and to acquiesce in some inequalities disadvantageous to our- 36* 426 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF selves, rather than to forego the benefit of a final and permanent adjustment of this interest, to the satisfaction of Great Britain herself. The negotiation, repeatedly suspended by accidental circumstances, was, however, by mutual agreement, and express assent, considered as pending, and to be speedily resumed. In the mean time, another act of parliament, so doubtful and ambiguous in its import, as to have been misunderstood by the officers in the colonies who were to carry it into execution, opens again certain colonial ports, upon new conditions and terms, with a threat to close them against any nation which may not accept those terms as prescribed by the British government. This act passed in July, 1825, not communicated to the government of the United States, not understood by the British rfficers of the customs in the colonies where it was to be enforced, was, nevertheless, submitted to the consideration of congress at their last session. With the knowledge that a negotiation upon the subject had long been in progress, and pledges given of its resumption at an early day, it was deemed expedient to await the result of that negotiation, rather than to subscribe implicitly to terms, the import of which was not clear, and which the British authorities themselves, in this hemisphere, were not prepared to explain. He closes the subject of British difficulties, by trusting that the misunderstanding noticed would not have an un- propitious effect on other subjects connected with our mutual relations. He then alludes to the Panama mission, and presses the opinion that we ought to be there represented. Of our fiscal concerns, and the contemplated reduction of the public debt, he speaks in favourable terms. Of the military and naval departments he speaks in a favour- able manner, and extols the management of the post office department. The conclusion is as follows : In closing this communication, I trust it will not be deemed inappropriate to the occasion and purposes upon which we are here assembled, to indulge a momentary re- trospect, combining, in a single glance, the period of our THE UNITED STATES. 427 origin as a national confederation with that of our present existence, at the precise interval of half a century from each other. Since your last meeting at this place, the fiftieth anniversary of the day when our independence was declared, has been celebrated throughout our land, and on that day, when every heart was bounding with joy, and every voice was tuned to gratulation, amid the bless- ings of freedom and independence, which the sires of a former age had handed down to their children, two of the principal actors in that solemn scene, the hand that penned the ever memorable declaration, and the voice that sustained it in debate, were, by the summons, at the distance of seven hundred miles from each other, called before the Judge of all, to account for their deeds done upon earth. They departed, cheered by the benedictions of their country, to whom they left the inheritance of their fame, and the memory of their bright example. If we turn our thoughts to the condition of their country, in the contrast of the first and last day of that century, how re- splendent and sublime is the transition from gloom to glory ! Then glancing through the same lapse of time, in the condition of the individuals, we see the first day marked with the fulness and vigour of youth, in the pledge of their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honour, to ihe cause of freedom and of mankind. And on the last, extended on the bed of death, with but sense and sensibi- lity left to breathe a last aspiration to Heaven, of bless- ing upon their country ; may we not humbly hope that to them too, it was a pledge of transition from gloom to glory ; and that while their mortal vestments were sink- ing into the clod of the valley, their emancipated spirits Were ascending to the bosom of their God ! During the session, a number of interesting report? were made from the different departments, and a number of valuable documents presented. The famous treaty with M'Intosh, and other Creek chiefs, was put under examination, and condemned. This treaty, it may be recollected, was made by M'In- tosh in a clandestine manner, for which he subsequently suffered death. Circumstances and clear testimony were 428 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF adduced, to show that this was the state of the treaty ; and it was no longer considered obligatory on either the United States or the Creek nation. To show the spirit of hostility manifested by the executive of Georgia, no- thing more is necessary than to copy the two following orders. It is only necessary to state, that Georgia had long coveted the Creek lands, and by collusion with some chiefs, determined to possess them even at the point of the bayonet, and the destruction of the aborigines. We rejoice that the general government stopped the torrent of usurpation, and exhibited the features of firmness, jus'- tice, and generosity. Executive Department, Geo. Milledgcvittc, Feb. 17, 1827. Ordered, That the attorney and solicitors general of this state, in every instance of complaint made of the arrest of any surveyor engaged in the survey of the late acquired territory, by any civil process under the autho- rity of the government of the United States, do take all necessary and legal measures to effect the liberation of the person so arrested, and to bring to justice, either by indictment or otherwise, the officers or parties concerned in such an arrest, as offenders against the laws, and viola- ters of the peace and personal security of the public offi- cers and citizens of this state. That they give profes- sional advice and assistance in their defence against any prosecution or action which may be instituted against them as officers in the service of the state, and that they prompt ly make known to this department their acts and doings in the premises. It is moreover enjoined on the civil ma- gistrates of this state, having competent jurisdiction of the same, to be acting and assisting in inquiring into the cause of every such arrest or detention as aforesaid, that the person may be discharged forthwith, if illegally or un- justly detained, and in affording such redress to the ag grieved or injured party, as by law he may be entitled to receive. By the governor, E. H. PIERCE, Sec'ry. THE UNITED STATES. 429 Head quarters, Milledgeville, 17th Feb. 1827. ORDERS. The major generals commanding the 6th and 7th divi- sions, will immediately issue orders to hold in readiness the several regiments and battalions within their respect- ive commands, to repel any hostile invasion of the territory of this state. Depots of arms and ammunition central to each division will be established in due time. By the commander in chief, JOHN W. A. SANDFORD, Aid-de-Camp. This congress closed its session on the third of March, and the twentieth congress opened its sittings on the third of December, 1827. On the fourth, the message of the president was re- ceived and read in both houses. After giving a general, but concise and elevating view of our situation as a peo- ple, he thus speaks of our foreign concerns : Our rela- tions of friendship with the other nations of the earth, political and commercial, have been preserved unimpaired, and the opportunities to improve them have been culti- vated with anxious and unremitting attention. A nego- tiation upon subjects of high and delicate interest, with the government of Great Britain, has terminated in the adjustment of some of the questions at issue upon satisfac- tory terms, and the postponement of others for future dis- cussion and agreement. The purposes of the convention concluded at St. Pe- tersburg, on the 12th day of July, 1822, under the media- tion of the late Emperor Alexander, have been carried into effect by a subsequent convention, concluded at Lon- don on the J3th of November, 1826, the ratifications of which were exchanged at that place on the 6th day of February last. A copy of the proclamation issued on the nineteenth day of March last, publishing this conven- tion, is herewith communicated to congress. The sum of twelve hundred and four thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars, therein stipulated to be paid to the claimants of indemnity under the first article of the treaty of Ghent, has been duly received, and the commission instituted, 430 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF conformably to the act of congress of the second of March last, for the distribution of the indemnity to the persons entitled to receive it, are now in session, and approaching the consummation of their labours. This final disposal of one of the most painful topics of collision between the United States and Great Britain, not only affords an occasion of gratulation to ourselves, but has had the happiest effect in promoting a friendly dis- position, and in softening asperities upon other objects of discussion. Nor ought it to pass without the tribute of a frank and cordial acknowledgment of the magnanimity with which an honourable nation, by the reparation of their own wrongs, achieves a triumph more glorious than any field of blood can ever bestow. The conventions of 3d July, 1815, and of 20th Octo- ber, 1818, will expire, by their own limitation, on the 20th October, 1828. These have regulated the direct commercial intercourse between the United States and Great Britain, upon terms of the most perfect recipro- city; and they effected a temporary compromise of the respective rights and claims to territory westward of the Rocky Mountains. These arrangements have been con- tinued for an indefinite period of time, after the expira- tion of the above mentioned conventions ; leaving each party the liberty of terminating them, by giving twelve months notice to the other. The radical principle of all commercial intercourse between independent nations, is the mutual interest of both parties. It is the vital spirit of trade itself; nor can it be reconciled to the nature of man, or to the primary laws of human society, that any traffic should long be willingly pursued, of which all the advantages are on one side, and all the burdens on the other. Treaties of commerce have been found, by experience, to be among the most effective instruments for promot- ing peace and harmony between nations whose interests, exclusively considered on either side, are brought into frequent collisions by competition. In framing such trea- ties, it is the duty of each party not simply to urge with unyielding pertinacity that which suits its own interest. but to concede liberally to that which is adapted to the THE UNITED STATES. 431 interest of the other. To accomplish this, little more is generally required than a simple observance of the rule of reciprocity; and were it possible for the statesmen of one nation, by stratagem and management, to obtain from the weakness or ignorance of another, an over-reaching treaty, such a compact would prove an incentive to war, rather than a bond of peace. Our conventions with Great Britain are founded upon the principles of recipro- city. The commercial intercourse between the two countries is greater in magnitude and amount, than between any two other nations on the globe. It is, for all purposes of benefit or advantage, to both, as precious, and, in all pro- bability, far more extensive, than if the parties were still constituent parts of one and the same nation. Treaties between such states, regulating the intercourse of peace between them, and adjusting interests of such transcend- ant importance to both, which have been found, in a long experience of years, mutually advantageous, should not be lightly cancelled or discontinued. Two conventions, for continuing in force those above mentioned, have been concluded between the plenipotentiaries of the two go- vernments, on the 6th of August last, and will be forth- with laid before the senate for the exercise of their con- stitutional authority concerning them. 'He then alludes to the execution of the treaties of 1782, and 1783, respecting the boundary line of the Union, showing that difficulties had arisen respecting their adjust- ment. Commissioners had been appointed by both par- ties, to settle these questions, but the object had not been fully accomplished, and a convention of September, 1826, was intended for reference to the senate. He then notices a communication irom the governor of Maine, touching the difficulties respecting territorial jurisdiction, which had occurred in the vicinity of that state, and concludes the subject by stating that he had taken measures to ob- tain the best information of facts in the case, which should be communicated when received. He ajsu reverts to the difficulties and embarrassments arising from the British colonial regulations, which he states as not y&t appro*,' raating to a friendly understanding. 432 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF In speaking of France, he states, that our commerce with that people is increasing, while it is a source of re- gret, that our demands on that government for spolia- tions, remain unsettled. With the kingdom of Sweden a new treaty had been concluded, and a minister pleni- potentiary from the Hansealic towns received. With Russia we are at peace, and the good understanding which subsisted with Alexander, has not been interrupt- ed by the succession of his brother Nicholas to the empire. Of the Greeks he speaks most feelingly, and notices the letter of thanks from the president of that country, which was to be translated, and placed before congress. Alluding to our southern neighbours, he says : " In the American hemisphere the cause of freedom and inde- pendence has continued to prevail ; and if signalized by none of those splendid triumphs which had crowned with glory some of the preceding years, it has only been from the banishment of all external force against which the struggle had been maintained. The shout of victory has been superseded by the expulsion of the enemy over whom it could have been achieved. Our friendly wishes, and cordial good will, which have constantly followed the southern nations of America in all the vicissitudes 01 their war of independence, are succeeded by a solicitude, equally ardent and cordial, that by the wisdom and purity of their institutions, they may secure to themselves the choicest blessings of social order, and the best rewards of virtuous liberty . The message then aiiuues to our remaining difficulties with Brazil, which he had taken measures to settle, and finally returns to the more grateful subjects of our inter- nal concerns uiua : " Turning from the momentous concerns of our union, in its intercourse with foreign nations, to those of the deepest interest in the administration of our internal affairs, we find the revenues of the present year corres- ponding, as nearly as might be expected, to the anticipa- tions of the last, and presenting an aspect still more fa- vourable in the promise of the next. The balance in the treasury, on the first of January last, was six millions THE UNITED STATES. . 433 three hundred and fifty-eight thousand six hundred and eighty-six dollars and eighteen cents. The receipts from that day to the 30th of September last, as near as the re- turns of them yet received can show, amount to sixteen millions eight hundred and eighty-six thousand five hun- dred and eighty-one dollars and thirty-two cents. The receipts of the present quarter, estimated at four mil- lions five hundred and fifteen thousand, added to the above, form an aggregate of twenty-one millions four hun- dred thousand dollars of receipts. The expenditures of the year may perhaps amount to twenty-two millions three hundred thousand dollars, presenting a small ex- cess over the receipts. But of these twenty-two mil- lions, upwards of six have been applied to the discharge of the principal of the public debt ; the whole amount of which, approaching seventy-four millions on the first of January last, will, on the first day of next year, fall short of sixty-seven millions and a half. The balance in the treasury, on the first of January next, it is expected, will exceed five millions four hundred and fifty thousand dol- lars, a sum exceeding that of the first of January, 1825, though falling short of that exhibited on the first of Ja- nuary last. " It was foreseen that the revenue of the present year would not equal that of the last, which had itself been less than that of the next preceding year. But the hope has been realized which was entertained, that these defi- ciencies would in no wise interrupt the steady operation of the discharge of the public debt, by the annual ten millions devoted to that object, by the act of 3d March, 1817. " The amount of duties secured on merchandise, im- ported from the commencement of the year, until the 30th of September last, is twenty-one millions two rtun- dred and twenty-six thousand ; and the probable amount of that which will be secured during the remainder of the year, is five millions seven hundred and seventy-four thousand dollars ; forming a sum total of twenty-seven millions. With the allowances for drawbacks and con- tingent deficiencies which may occur, though not speci fically foreseen, we may safely estimate the receipts of 37 434 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the ensuing year at twenty-two millions three hundred thousand dollars ; a revenue for the next, equal to the ex- penditure of the present year. "The deep solicitude felt by our citizens of all classes throughout the union for the total discharge of the public debt, will apologize for the earnestness with which I deem it my duty to urge this topic upon the consideration of congress of recommending to them again the observ- ance of the strictest economy in the application of the public funds. The depression upon the receipts of the revenue, which had commenced with the year 1826, con- tinued with increased severity during the two first quar- ters of the present year. The returning tide began to flow with the third quarter, and, so far as we can judge from experience, may be expected to continue through the course of the ensuing year. In the meantime, an al- leviation from the burden of the public debt will, in the three years, have been effected, to the amount of nearly sixteen millions, arid the charge of annual interest will have been reduced upwards of one million. " But among the maxims of political economy which the stewards of the public moneys should never suffer without urgent necessity, to be transcended, is that of keeping the expenditures of the year within the limits oi its receipts. The appropriations of the two last years, including the yearly ten millions of the sinking fund, have each equalled the promised revenue of the ensuing year. While we foresee with confidence that the public coffers will be replenished from the receipts, as fast as they will be drained by the expenditures, equal in amount to those of the current year, it should not be forgotten that they could ill suffer the exhaustion of larger disburse- ments." After noticing the measures lafcen with a view to in- ternal improvements, he mentions the report from the post office department, as very satisfactory and encoura- ging, and closes by recommending the subject of pen- sions to our remaining revolutionary officers and soldiers, as a debt of justice, ither than one of gratitude. The report of the treasurer states, that more than six millions and a quarter, by estimation, would be in his THE UNITED STATES. 435 hands on the first of January, and recommends an addi- tion to the tariff of 1824. The article of domestic manu- factures, are estimated at more than seven millions, ex- ported. Other exports at about eighty millions. He states that many articles of home manufacture had be- come cheaper, more abundant, and of superior quality, since the adoption of the tariff, than before, and presses on the country the importance of increasing the tariff, particularly on wool, and woollen goods, fine cotton goods, bar iron and hemp. It is not possible, however, in this condensed sketch, to give an outline of this valua- ble report. Early in the session steps were taken to ascertain the importance of revising thoroughly the tariff system of 18*24. A committee was appointed, clothed with ample powers to investigate the subject. This report was made in February, from which we shall give a few extracts. After stating the many obstacles necessary to be over- come, and the labours to which they were subject, the committee proceeds : This labour being performed, the committee at once began their examinations of such wit- nesses, members of the house, and others, as were within their reach, and believed to be possessed of valuable and practical information upon any of the subjects before them. The examination of these witnesses was not completed when the arrival of some attending under summonses was announced. An application was then immediately made to the house for leave to sit during the hours of session of the house ; and nearly every day since that leave was granted, has been entirely occupied, to the almost total neglect of other public and private duties, in the laborious examination of witnesses, pursuant to the resolution under which the committee were acting It is but justice here to remark, that the original expectation of the committee, under the resolution offered by them to the house, was to have made an expeditious inquiry into the situation of one or two manufacturing interests, rather to enable them to deter- mine what further protection these interests really re- u uired, than with the expectation, within the limited time which they had allowed to themselves for the purpose of 436 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF being able to collect and report to the house, a body ol evidence upon several important branches of our domes- tic manufactures, so digested and arranged as to be of any essential service to the house, or to the public, as a source of correct information upon these complicated subjects. The amendment, however, which was made to the re- solution by the house, so as to give the committee the au- thority " to send for, and examine persons upon oath, in relation to the present condition of our manufactures, and to report the minutes of such examination to this house," it will readily be seen, added greatly to the labour which the committee had proposed for themselves ; as, by that amendment, it was made the duty of the committee, should they think proper to examine witnesses, to take their testimony in detail, and in such order as to render it at least passably intelligible to the house. This additional labour was in no other way exceptionable to the commit- tee, than as it rendered somewhat doubtful their ability to give their report to the house within the time which they had signified that it would be received. But, even under this apprehension, so desirous were the committee of a full developement of the facts, that the amended re- solution met their approbation; and they entered upon their duties, determined, if possible, to realize the expec- tations of the house, so far, at least, as regarded a report within the time they had indicated. They have examined a little short of thirty witnesses, and the testimony of each, hastily written out by way of question and answer, and annexed to this report, will show what facts have been collected by the examination, as well as the extent of the labour which the committee have performed. The testimony of each witness, after it was taken, had been carefully read over with him, and so corrected as to meet the full assent of the witness to its accuracy* The leading subjects presented to the committee for additional protection, are iron, and several manufactures of it, wool, and its fabrics, hemp, and some of the manu- factures from it, flax, and its manufactures, and domestic distilled spirits from grain, particular descriptions of glass, and fine and printed cottons. Upon all these sub- jects witnesses have been examined, and their testimony, THE UNITED STATES. 437 herewith reported, comprises the evidence, upon each subject, which the committee have taken under the reso- lution of the house, and embodies most of the information upon which they have acted in determining the features of the bill which they have agreed upon. The first subject which will be found in the bill, is that of iron, and considering the importance of the ar- ticle, as one of both national and individual necessity, the changes in the present rates of duty are comparatively very light. The next subject in order is that of wool and wool- lens. To these subjects the greater part of the testimony of the witnesses has been directed, and the committee have used every effort in their power to obtain precise information as to the facts as they do actually exist in re- lation to the interests both of the wool grower and the manufacturer of wool. The real importance of these sub- jects to those sections of the country where wool is grown, and in which the manufactories are located, the feeling which has for some time agitated the public mind through- out the whole country, in relation, on the one' side, to the necessity of further protection to them, and on the other side, to the injurious effects which such a measure would have upon the purchasers of woollen fabrics, have all conspired to induce this exertion on the part of th committee. They have therefore made the examinations of the wit- nesses, upon those subjects, as minute as possible, and, perhaps, in some instances, they may appear tediously so. Indeed, many of the questions put to the witnesses, will afford abundant evidence that the committee had not sufficient practical knowledge upon the subjects before them, to enable them to make a series of interrogations the answers to which would place the testimony taken in the clearest light. And when the members of the house shall have examined the evidence relating to the manufac- ture of woollen goods, the committee cannot doubt they will be entirely convinced that none but a person inti- mately acquainted with the various operations, could have drawn out a series of questions upon the subject, suscepti- ble of clear and intelligible answers. 37* 438 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF The time of the committee did not authorize even an attempt to do this, and, therefore, the examinations, and particularly of some of the witnesses first examined, will appear as they were really taken the one answer, in many, if not in most instances, suggesting the subsequent question. It will also be found, upon an examination of the testimony, that the manufacture of woollens is hardly susceptible of being reduced within the limits of exact mathematical calculation, so as to enable the committee to arrive, with this kind of certainty, at the amount of duty which will furnish full protection, and at the same time, will not go beyond that point. Certain positions, however, they believe to be proved by the evidence they have taken, which furnish great assistance in approaching to correct conclusions. From all which the committee could gather on the subject, they think the following positions may be fairly stated : 1st. That the manufacture of woollen goods in this country, is, at this time, a business labouring under severe depressions, and attended with loss more severe upon the finer qualities. 2d. That these depressions are owing, in a very great degree, to the excessive and irregular importations of foreign woollen goods into our markets : thus causing a fluctuation in, and an uncertainty of price for those goods, more injurious to the American manufacturer than even the depression of price which these importations produce. 3d. That the differences between the prices cf vv r ool, of the same quality, in this country and in England, is at the present time about fifty per cent, in favour of the lat- ter country. 4th. That the cost of raw wool in this country is about one half of the cost of the fabric, when prepared for the market, as a general rule applying to most kinds of cloths. 5th. That if the cost of the wool and the cost of the foreign materials used for dying, were the same in both countries, the process of manufacturing the wool into cloth, fitted for the market, can be performed as cheap in this country as it can in England. THE UTttTED STATES. 439 6th. That the present duty on woollen goods does not lurnish the desired protection, and that no reasonable duty can be effectual, unless it be a specific square yard, instead of an ad valorem duty. Taking, then, these positions as granted, the committee proposed to lay the following duties : 1st. Upon all manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall not exceed fifty cents per square yard, a specific duty of sixteen cents upon every square yard. 2d. Upon all manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall exceed fifty cents per square yard, and shall not exceed $1 per square yard, a specific duty of 40 cents upon every square yard. 3d. Upon manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall exceed $1 per square yard, and shall not exceed $2,50 per square yard, a spe- cific duty of $1 upon every square yard. 4th. Upon all manufactures of wool, or of which wool shall be a component part, the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall exceed 82,50 per square yard, and shall not exceed 84 per square yard, shall be deemed to have cost 84 per square yard, and at such va- luation shall be charged with, and pay a duty of 40 per centum, ad valorem. 5th. Upon all manufactures of wool, &c. the actual value of which, at the place whence imported, shall ex- ceed 84 per square yard, shall be charged with, and pay a duty of 45 per centum, ad valorem. The attention of the committee was next turned to hemp and flax, and certain manufactures from them. After showing that our country can raise and manufacture from these articles to advantage, and that, in some points, they form an important item in the products of this country, they propose to lay a duty of $10 the ton on raw hemp, and 89 the ton on flax, and would make the rate 01 duty progressive, until it should arrive at 860 the ton on each. 440 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF On foreign distilled spirits, the committee proposed an additional duty of ten cents, and on foreign molasses, an increase of five cents the gallon. The great importance of a national system, is so evi- dent, that few doubt the propriety of a tariff for the pro- tection of domestic manufactures. This was the all ab- sorbing business of the last session, and the measure has been effected Whether all the details are unexceptiona- ble, is left for practice to determine. If faults should be discovered, they can be remedied by the legislature. If it should have an unequal bearing on different sections of the Union, the difficulty may be obviated ; or, if not, the only evils which will remain are those which are insepa- rable from all general systems. All that can be required, is the greatest good of the whole as a nation. That opposition should be manifested to any great na- tional change is not surprising ; it would rather surprise if this were not the case. No such change can be made, without effecting individual interest. But where the great, the permanent interests, and permanent prosperity of the country are at stake, both wisdom and duty dictate that the minor interests should give way. The balance of trade has been long enough against us. Commercial difficulties, and scarcity of money, substantiate the fact conclusively. To retrace our steps, and take an inde- pendent stand, \vas our only safe alternative, and we re- joice that this course has been pursued, because we are fully persuaded that the step will ultimately result in good. Remarks upon Part Third. The Mississippi, the Missouri, the Ohio, no longer flows through a wilderness ; large three masted ships sail up them, and more than two hundred steam-boats enliven their banks. Thus the United States cherish within their bosom, un- der the protection of liberty, an image and a memorial of most of the celebrated places of ancient and modern Eu- rope like that garden in the Campagna of Rome, in which Adrian had models of the different monuments of his empire erected. THE UNITED STATES. 441 It should be observed, that there is scarcely a county but has a town, village, or hamlet, called Washington : touching unanimity of the gratitude of a nation ! Thirty high roads meet at Washington, as the Roman roads met at ancient Rome, and, diverging from that point, run to the circumference of the United States. The whole forming an interior circulation of roads of 25,747 miles. From the points to which these roads tend, it is obvious that they traverse tracts formerly wild, but now cultivated and inhabited. On a great number of these roads you may travel, post, or public stage coaches, carry you from place to place at a moderate price. You may now take the diligence for the Ohio, or the Falls of Niagara, as in former time you engaged an Indian guide or interpreter. Cross roads branch off from the principal roads, and are equally provided with the means of conveyance. These jneans are almost always of two kinds, for as there are every where lakes and rivers, you may travel either in row boats, sail boats, or steam vessels. Vessels of the latter class make regular trips from Bos- ton and New- York to New-Orleans ; they are likewise established on the lakes of Canada, the Ontario, the Erie, the Michigan, the Champlain ; on those lakes, where, thirty years ago, scarcely the canoes of the savages were to be seen, and where ships of the line now engage one another. The steam vessels of the United States are not only subservient to the wants of commerce, and of travellers, but are also employed for the defence of the country ; some of them, of immense size, placed at the mouth "of rivers, armed with cannon, and boiling water, resemble at one and the same time, modern citadels and fortresses of the middle ages. To the twenty-five thousand seven hundred and forty- seven miles of general roads, must be added the extent of four hundred and nineteen district roads, and of fifty- eight thousand one hundred and thirty-seven miles of water-ways. The canals increase the number of- the lat- ter : the Middlesex canal joins the harbour at Boston with the Merrimack ; the Champlain canal forms a communica- 442 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF tion between that lake and the Canadian seas ; the famous Erie or New-York canal, now unites Lake Erie and the Atlantic ; the Santee, Chesapeake, and Albemarle canals, were constructed by the states of Carolina and Virginia ; and as broad rivers, running in different directions, ap- proach towards their sources, nothing was easier than to connect them together. Five roads to the Pacific Ocean are already known ; one only of these roads passes through the Spanish territory. A law of congress, passed in the session of 1824 5, directs the establishment of a military post at Oregon. The Americans, who have a settlement on the Columbia, can thus penetrate to the great ocean by a zone of land nearly six degrees in breadth, between English, Russian, and Spanish America. There are, nevertheless, natural limits to colonization. The forests to the north and west of the Missouri, are bounded by immense steppes, where not a tree is to be seen, and which seem to be unsusceptible of culture, though grass grows abundantly upon them. This ver- dant Arabia affords a passage to the colonists who repair in caravans to the Rocky Mountains, and New-Mexico ; it separates the United States of the Atlantic, from the United States of the South Sea, like those deserts, which, in the old world, are interposed bet\veen fertile regions. An American has offered to construct, at his own expense, a solid high road from St. Louis, on the Mississippi, to the mouth of the Columbia, if congress will grant him a tract ten miles in depth, on either side of the road. This gigantic proposal has not been accepted. In the year 1789, there were only seventy-five post offices in the United States ; there are now upwards of seven thousand. From 1790 to 1795, these offices in- creased from seventy-five to four hundred and fifty-three; in 1800 their number was nine hundred and three ; in 1805 they* amounted to fifteen hundred and fifty-eight; in 1810 to two thousand three hundred ; in 1817 to three thousand three hundred and fifty-nine ; in 1820 to four thousand and thirty ; in 1830 to nearly eight thousand. Letters and packets are conveyed by mail coaches, which travel about one hundred and fifty thousand miles a day, and by couriers, on horseback and on foot. THE UNITED STATES. 443 Offices for the sale of public lands are opened in the states of Ohio and Indiana, in the territory of Michigan, Missouri, and Arkansas, and in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. It is computed that one hun- dred and fifty millions of acres of land fit for cultivation, exclusively of the soil of vast forests, yet remain to be dis- posed of. These hundred and fifty millions of acres are estimated to be worth fifteen hundred millions of dollars, at the average rate of ten dollars per acre, and reckoning the dollars at no more than three francs a very low cal- culation in every respect. We find twenty-five military posts in the northern states, and twenty-two in the southern. In 1790, the population of the United States was 3,929,326 souls; in 1800, it was 5,305,666; in 1810, 7,239,300 ; in 1820, 9,609,827. This last number includ- ed 1,581,436 slaves. The population of the United States has increased every ten years, from 1790 to 1820, at the rate of thirty-five per cent. Eight years have already elapsed of the ten, which will be completed in 1830, when, it is presumed, the popu- lation of the United States will be little short of 12,875,000 souls : and the state of Ohio will have 850,000 inhabitants, and that of Kentucky 750,000. If the population were to go on doubling every twenty- five years, the United States would have, in 1855, a popu- lation of 25,750,OCO souls ; and in twenty-five years more, that is to say, in 1880, that population would exceed 50,000,000. In 1821, the value of native and foreign productions exported from the United States amounted to the sum of 64,974,382 dollars. In the same year the public revenue was 14,264,000 dollars : the excess of the receipts be- yond the expenditure was 3,334,826 dollars. In the same year, also, the national debt was reduced to 89,204,235 dollars. The army has sometimes been raised to one hundred thousand men: and the navy of the United States is com- posed of eleven sail of the line, nine frigates, and fifty other ships of various sizes. It is superfluous to say any thing concerning the con- 444 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF etitutions of the different states ; it is sufficient to know that they are all free. There is no predominant religion, but every citizen is expected to conform to some mode of Christian worship. The catholic religion is making considerable progress in the western states. Supposing, which I believe to be the case, that the* statistical summaries published by the United States an exaggerated by the national vanity, still there will be left a total of prosperity well worthy of our highest admi- ration. To complete this astonishing picture, we must figure t(? ourselves cities like Boston, New-York, Philadelphia, Bal timore Savannah, New-Orleans, lighted at night, filled with horses and carriages, offering all the gratifications oi luxury, brought to their ports by thousands of ships ; wt must figure to ourselves the lakes of Canada, formerly sc solitary, now covered with frigates, brigs, cutters, boats, steam vessels, intermixed with the canoes of the Indians, as the large ships and galleys are with pinks, sloops, and caiques, in the waters of the Bosphorus. Churches and houses, embellished with columns of Grecian architecture, rise from amidst these forests, and on the banks of these rivers, the ancient ornaments of (ike wilderness. Add to these, spacious colleges, observatories, erected for science in the abode of savage ignorance ; all religions, all opi- nions, dwelling together in peace, labouring in concert for the melioration of the human race, and the develope- ment of the human understanding. Such are the prodi- gies of liberty. The Abbe Raynal offered a prize for a solution of the question : " What influence will the discovery of the New World have upon the Old World." Writers lost themselves in calculations relative to the exportation and importation of the precious metals, the depopulation of Spain, the increase of commerce, the improvement of the navy : nobody, as far as I know, sought the influence of the discovery of America upon Europe, in the establishment of the American republics. They figured to themselves the old monarchies continu- ing in much the same state as thev then were, society sta- THE UNITED STATES. 445 tionary, the human mind neither advancing nor retrogra- ding ; they had not the least idea of the revolution which, in the space of twenty years, has taken place in opinions. The most valuable of the treasures which America con- tains within her bosom is liberty; every nation is called to work this inexhaustible mine. The discovery of the representative republic by the United States, is one of the greatest political events that ever occurred. This event proves, as T have elsewhere observed, that there are two practicable kinds of liberty ; the one belonging to the infancy of nations, the offspring of manners and virtue, the liberty of the first Greeks and of the first Romans, and the liberty of the savages of America ; the other, born in the old age of nations, the offspring of knowledge and reason, the liberty of the United States, which has super- seded the liberty of the Indian. Happy country, which, in less than three centuries, has passed from one liberty to the other, almost without effort, and by means of a con test which lasted only eight years ! Will America preserve this last kind of liberty ? Will there not be a division of the United States? May we not already perceive the germs of these divisions ? Has not a representative of Virginia already supported the thesis of the ancient Greek and Roman liberty, with the systems of slavery, against a deputy of Massachusetts, who advocated the cause of modern liberty without slaves, such as Christianity has made it ? Will not the western states, extending themselves far- ther and farther, and being too remote from the Atlantic states, be desirous of having a government to themselves ? Lastly, are the Americans a perfect people ? have .they not their vices like other men ? are they morally superior to the English, from whom they derive their origin? Will not the tide of foreign emigration, incessantly pour- ing upon them from all parts of Europe, eventually de- stroy the homogeneousness of their race ? Will not the mercantile spirit gain ascendency? Is not self-interest beginning to be a predominant national defect among them ? We are also obliged to confess with pain, that the es- tablishment of the republics of Mexico, Colombia, Peru, 38 446 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF Chili, and Buenos Ayres, is pregnant with danger to the United States. While the latter had about them nothing but the colonies of a transatlantic kingdom, war was not probable. May not rivalships now spring up between the old re- publics of North America, and the new republics of Span- ish America ? Will not the latter interdict alliance with European powers ? If both sides should have recourse to arms if the military spirit should take possession of the United States, a great captain might arise ; glory loves crowns ; soldiers are but brilliant forgers of chains, and liberty is not sure of preserving its patrimony under the guardianship of victory. Let what will happen, liberty will never be entirely banished from America ; and here it is right to specify one of the great advantages possessed by liberty, the offspring of manners. Liberty, the offspring of manners, perishes when its principle deteriorates, and it is in the nature of manners to deteriorate with time. Liberty, the offspring of manners, begins before des- potism, in the days of poverty and obscurity : it is lost in despotism, and in ages of glory and luxury. Liberty, the offspring of knowledge, shines after ages of oppression and corruption ; it advances with the prin- ciple which preserves and renews it, the knowledge of which it is the effect, instead of becoming feeble with time, like the manners which gave birth to the first liberty knowledge, I say, grows stronger on the contrary with time ; thus, it forsakes not the liberty which it has pro- duced ; constantly about that liberty, it is at once its ge- nerative virtue and its inexhaustible source. To conclude the United States have one safeguard more ; their population does not occupy an eighteenth part of their territory. America still dwells in the wil- derness ; for a long time to come, her deserts will be her manners, and knowledge her liberty. RELIGION. The consequences resulting from the en- joyment of religious liberty have been highly favourable. Free discussion has enlightened the ignorant, disarmed superstition of its dreadful powers, and consigned to THE UNITED STATES. 447 oblivion many erroneous and fantastic creeds. Religious oppression, and the vindictive feelings it arouses, are hardly known. Catholics and Protestants live together in harmony ; and Protestants who disagree, employ, in defending their own doctrines, and in assailing those of their antagonists, the weapons only of reason and eloquence. In the New-England states, the independents, or con- gregationalists, constitute the most numerous denomina- tion-; in the middle states, the Presbyterians ; and, in the southern, the Methodists. Baptists, Episcopalians, and Roman Catholics, are found in all the states ; but, in Ma- ryland and Louisiana, the Catholics are more numerous than elsewhere. Each of these sects has one or more seminaries of learning, in which its peculiar doctrines are taught, and young men are educated for the ministry. Many other sects exist, but reason, less tolerant than the laws, is gradually diminishing the number. AGRICULTURE in 1820. The number of persons en- gaged in agriculture was 2,870,646. The value of all its products exported during the year ending the 30th of Sep- tember, 1823, was 37,646,000 dollars. The principal articles were, cotton to the value of 20,445,000 dollars ; flour to the value of 4,962,000 dollars ; tobacco to the value of 4,852,000 dollars; and rice to the value of 1,821,000 dollars. The value of provisions of all kinds exported, was 13,460,000 dollars, and it has, in many years, been greater. A people able to spare such an amount of the necessaries of life, can never be in danger of suffering from want. COMMERCE. The state of the world, for several years subsequent to the commencement of the French revolu- tion, offered great encouragement to the commercial en- terprise of the country. While almost every other power was engaged in war, the United States were neutral ; their vessels navigated the ocean in safety, and were em- ployed to carry, from port to port, the commodities of the belligerent nations. In fifteen years, beginning with 1793, these favourable circumstances increased the amount of American tonnage from 491,000 to 1,242,000 tons, and 448 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF the revenue arising from commerce, from 4,399,000 to 16,363,000 dollars. In 1820, the number of persons engaged in commerce was 72,493. In 1823, the whole amount of exports was 74,799,000 dollars ; the amount of imports was 77,579,000 dollars, the balance in favour of the United States being about three millions of dollars. As the im- ports, however, are always undervalued at the custom house, the additional wealth, which, in that year, accrued to the nation from commerce, was undoubtedly greater. In other years, the commerce of the country has flourish- ed more. *In 1807, the exports amounted to 108,343,000 dollars, and the imports to 138,574,000 dollars. The principal causes of the decline which has taken place, have been, the restoration of peace in Europe, and the increase of the product of domestic manufactures. The former has permitted all other nations to become our competitors; the latter has rendered it unnecessary to resort to Europe for most of the conveniences, and many of the luxuries of life. The depression will not long continue. The independence of the South American republics, has opened a wide field for the enterprise of our merchants, and given a brighter hue to their future prospects. DEBT, REVENUE, AND EXPENDITURES. When, in 1790, the public debt was first funded, it amounted to about 75,000,000 of dollars. In 1803, by the purchase of Louisiana, it was augmented to about 85,500,000. In the eight years which followed, a large amount was paid, leaving due, in 1812, but little more than 45,000,000. To defray the expenses of the war, which was declared in that year, more than 80,000,000 of new debt was con- tracted. A large portion has since been paid, and, on the first day of January, 1823, the amount of it was 90,865,877 dollars. The present revenue of the republic is derived princi- pally from commerce, and from the sale of public lands. In 1822, there accrued from the former source, the sum of 20,500,775 dollars ; from the latter source, 1,803,581 ; and from other sources, 839,084. The amount, however, THE UNITED STATES. 449 which was actually received, during the year, was but 20,232,427. The expenditures during the same year, were as fol- lows : Civil, diplomatic, and miscellaneous, 1,967,996; for the pay and support of the army, the construction of forts, the supply of arms, the payment of pensions, and the various expenses of the Indian department, &, 635, 188 ; for the support and increase of the navy, 2,224,458 ; for the payment of the interest, and for the redemption of that portion of the principal of the debt which became due within the year, 7,848,949 ; amounting in the whole to 17,676,591, and leaving an excess of revenue over expen- diture of 2,555,836 dollars. Great Britain may be taken as a favourable example of the European governments. The people of that king- dom pay, annually, for the support of their sovereign and his relatives, nearly two and a half millions of dollars, while the compensation of the president of the United States is but twenty-five thousand. In the salaries of the subordinate officers of government, the disproportion is not so great, but is generally, nevertheless, as four or five to one. The military peace establishment of Great Britain costs annually thirty-four millions of dollars ; that of the United States but little more than five millions. The naval es- tablishment of the former costs twenty-two millions ; that of the latter less than two and a half millions. British subjects pay in taxes, raised exclusively for national purposes, at the rate of fifteen dollars yearly for each individual ; the citizens of the United States pay, in na- tional and state taxes, at the rate of b^t two dollars. And as the whole population of Great Britain and Ireland is included in the estimate, the individual wealth of the sub- jects of the united kingdom, and of the citizens of the American republic, may on an average, be considered nearly equal. On the fourth of March, A. D. 1829, Andrew Jackson took the oath of office as president of the United States, for the term of four years, and John C. Calhoun vice president our country being in a very prosperous and flourishing state, the national debt being greatly decreased, 38* 450 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF and things in general wore a very pleasing appearance. The nation is tranquil, and remains unmoved. The con- stitution and laws of our country do not rest on the point of mercenary bayonets, and freedom of sentiment makes up the moral power which is, at once, the envy and won- der of the world. The following is the Inaugural Address of General An- drew Jackson, on being sworn into the office of President of the United States. FELLOW CITIZENS : About to undertake the arduous duties that I have been appointed to perform, by the choice of a free people, I avail myself of this customary and solemn occasion, to express the gratitude which their confidence inspires, and to acknowledge the ac- countability which my situation enjoins. While the magnitude of their interests convinces me that no thanks can be adequate to the honour they have conferred, it ad- monishes me that the best return I can make, is the zeal- ous dedication of my humble abilities to their service and their good. As the instrument of the Federal Constitution, it will devolve on me, for a stated period, to execute the laws of the United States ; to superintend their foreign and their confederate relations ; to manage their revenue ; to com- mand their forces ; and, by communications to the legisla- ture, to watch over and promote their interests generally. And the principles of action by which I shall endeavour to accomplish this circle of duties, it is now proper for me briefly to explain. In administering the laws of congress, I shall keep steadily in view the limitations as well as the extent of the executive power, trusting thereby to discharge the functions of my office without transcending its authority. With foreign nations it will be my study to preserve peace, and to cultivate friendship on fair and honourable terms ; and in the adjustment of any difference that may exist or arise, to exhibit the forbearance becoming a pow- erful nation, rather than the sensibility belonging to a gal- lant people. In such measures as I may be called on to pursue, in THE UNITED STATES. 451 regard to the rights of the separate states, I hope to be animated by a proper respect for those sovereign mem- bers of our Union ; taking care not to confound the pow- ers they have reserved to- themselves, with those they have granted to the confederacy. The management of the public revenue, that searching operation in all governments, is among the most delicate and important trusts in ours ; and it will, of course, de- mand no inconsiderable share of my official solicitude. Under every aspect in which it can be considered, it would appear that advantage must result from the observance of a strict and faithful economy. This I shall aim at the more anxiously, both because it will facilitate the extin- guishment of the national debt, the unnecessary duration of which is incompatible with real independence; and because it will counteract the tendency to public and pri- vate profligacy, which a profuse expenditure of money by the government, is but too apt to engender. Power- ful auxiliaries to the attainment of this desirable end, are to be found in the regulations provided by the wisdom of congress, for the specific appropriation of public money, and the prompt accountability of public officers. With regard to a proper selection of the subjects of impost, with a view to revenue, it would seem to me that the spirit of equity, caution, and compromise, in which the constitution was formed, requires that the great inte- rests of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, should be equally favoured ; and that, perhaps, the only excep- tion to this rule, should consist in the peculiar encourage- ment of any products of either of them that may be found essential to our national independence. Internal improvement, and the diffusion of knowledge, so far as they can be promoted by the constitutional acts of the federal government, are of high importance. Considering standing armies as dangerous to free go- vernments, in time of peace, I shall not seek to enlarge our present establishment, nor disregard that salutary les- son of political experience, which teaches that the mili- tary should be held subordinate to the civil power. The gradual increase of our navy, whose flag has displayed, in distant climes, our skill in navigation, and our fame in 452 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF arms ; the preservation of our forts, arsenals, and dock- yards, and the introduction of progressive improvements in the discipline and science of both branches of our mi- litary service, are so plainly prescribed by prudence, that I should be excused for omitting their mention, sooner than for enlarging on their importance. But the bulwark of our defence is the national militia, which, in the pre- sent state of our intelligence and population, must render us invincible. As long as our government is adminis- tered for the good of the people, and is regulated by their will as long as it secures to us the rights of person and of property, liberty of conscience, and of the press, it will be worth defending; and so long as it is worth de- fending, a patriotic militia will cover it with an impene- trable (Rgis. Partial injuries, and occasional mortifica- tions we may be subjected to, but a million of armed freemen, possessed of the means of war, can never be conquered by a foreign foe. To any just system, there- fore, calculated to strengthen this natural safeguard of the country, I shall cheerfully lend all the aid in my power. It will be my sincere and constant desire to observe towards the Indian tribes within our limits a just and libe- ral policy ; and to give that humane and considerate at- tention to their rights and their wants, which are consist- ent with the habits of our government, and the feelings of our people. The recent demonstration of public sentiment inscribes, on the list of executive duties, in characters too legible to be overlooked, the task of reform ; which will require particularly the correction of those abuses that have brought the patronage of the Federal government into conflict with the freedom of elections, and the counterac- tion of those causes which have disturbed the rightful course of appointment, and have placed or continued power in unfaithful or incompetent hands. In the performance of a task thus generally delineated, I shall endeavour to select men whose diligence and talents will ensure, in their respective stations, able and faithful co-operation ; depending, for the advancement of the public service, more on the integrity of the public offi- cers, than on their numbers. THE UNITED STATES. 453 A diffidence, perhaps too just, in my own qualifications, will teach me to look with reverence to the examples of public virtue left by my illustrious predecessors, and with veneration to the lights that flow from the mind that founded, and the mind that reformed our system. The same diffidence induces me to hope for instruction and aid from the co-ordinate branches of the government, and for the indulgence and support of my fellow citizens generally. And a firm reliance on the goodness of that Power whose Providence mercifully protected our na- tional infancy, and has since upheld our liberties in various vicissitudes, encourages me to offer up my ardent supplications, that he will continue to make our beloved country the object of his divine care, and gracious bene- diction. Washington, 4th March, 1829. GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON SIR : We, a few of the surviving officers and soldiers of the army of the revolution, now convened at this place, most respectfully solicit the honour of forming your escort to the capitol, where you are about to be inaugu- rated as president of the United States. Former events, and our advanced ages, preclude the idea that this is designed to be a military pageant ; no, sir, it is far otherwise ; having fought in the defence of the sacred rights of man, and for the liberty, sovereignty, and independence of these United States, now happily bound together, as we fondly hope, by an indissoluble chain, we feel desirous to avail ourselves of the opportunity of being present when the guardianship of these invaluable bene- fits shall be deposited in your hands. The valour, the judgment, the independence of mind, the prudence, the firmness, and the true patriotism of our great commander, Washington, led us triumphantly through the revolutionary war, and the nation through the first periods of the federal constitution ; and we have entire confidence that the exercise of the same transcen- dent virtues, will, under God, preserve inviolate our liberties, independence, and union, during your adminis- tration and it is our most ardent prayer that they may be perpetual may your days be long and happy may 454 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF increasing honours multiply on your head and, like your first predecessor, may you add a civic monument to your martial glory ; and, like his, may they be imperishable. We have the honour to be, with the highest respect, your most obedient servants, William Polk, chairman John Nicholas, Aaron Ogden, Abraham Broom, Robert Boiling, Elnathan Sears, Robert Kaene, J. Woodsides, Philip Stewart, Armistead Long, Jno. M. Taylor, John Browne Cutting, Caleb Stark, William Gamble, Jacob Gideon, sen. To this address the president made the following reply : Respected friends Your affectionate address awakens sentiments and recollections which I feel with sincerity, and cherish with pride. To have around my person, at the moment of undertaking the most solemn of all duties to my country, the companions of the immortal Wash- ington, will afford me satisfaction, and grateful encou- ragement. That, by my best exertions, I shall be able to exhibit more than an imitation of his patriotic labours, a sense of my own imperfection, and the reverence I en- tertain for his virtues, forbid me to hope. To you, respected friends, the survivors of that heroic band, who followed him so long, and so valiantly, in the path of glory, I offer my sincere thanks, and to heaven my prayers, that your remaining years may be as happy as your toils and your lives have been illustrious. ANDREW JACKSON. The following shows the rank which the persons above named held at the close of the revolutionary war. William Polk, colonel, North Carolina ; John Nicholas, lieutenant colonel, Virginia ; Aaron Ogden, captain, New- Jersey; Robert Boiling, captain, Virginia; William Gam- ble, major, New-Jersey ; Philip Stewart, lieutenant, Virgi- nia; Caleb Stark, lieutenant, and D. C. N. Hampshire ; Jno. M. Taylor, lieut. colonel, Penn. ; Abraham Broom, lieut., Maryland ; Elnathan Sears, lieut., New-York ; Absolom Baker, private, S. Carolina ; Jacob Gideon, private, Vir- ginia ; Armistead Long, private, Virginia cavalry. THE UNITED STATES. 455 In the House of Representatives of the U. S. on Feb. 21, the following- Report was made : The committee on roads and canals, to which was re- ferred the memorial of the Baltimore and Ohio rail road company, Report, That this company was incorporated by an act of the legislature of Maryland, in February, 1827, which has since been confirmed by the staters of Virginia and Penn- sylvania, through which it is supposed the road will pass hi its progress to the Ohio river. The company was or- ganized in April, 1827. The capital stock of the com- pany consists of four millions of dollars, three of which have been subscribed by private individuals, and the fourth by the state of Maryland and the city of Baltimore. On this stock there has been paid, by instalments, seven and a half per centum, and a further call of 2 1-2 per cen- tum, payable on the 10th of March next, has been in a great measure anticipated. The execution of the work was commenced on the 4th of July last, and has progressed with unusual spirit and activity. The graduation and bridging of twenty-five miles of the most expensive and difficult part of the route is under active operation, and is in a successful train of execution. An improved rail road car of recent inven- tion, has been put in operation on the temporary rail- ways constructed for the removal of earth for the gradu- ation of the road, which promises the most important and beneficial results in the diminution of the power necessary for the transportation of heavy burdens on rail roads. The highest estimate made of the cost of this work has been $20,000 per mile, and the experience of the com- pany, we are assured, proves that it cannot exceed and will most probably fall short of this sum. The distance from the city of Baltimore to the River Ohio may vary from 300 to 350 miles, so that the whole cost of executing this magnificent enterprise will not perhaps exceed seven mil- lions of dollars. The committee believe that this work, if successfully executed, will greatly promote the interests of the union, and will be of national importance in reference to our great military and commercial operations, and as a means 456 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF for the sale and speedy transmission of the mail. Indi- viduals who have acquired their estates by industry and prudence, have invested millions in the stock of this com- pany. Associated with the venerable name of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, are found the names of many gen- tlemen of wealth, high character, and great enterprise. It can hardly be thought necessary for the committee to enter into a long argument or statistical detail of facts, to prove the advantages which will be derived from the suc- cessful completion of this work. When we advert to the various agricultural productions of the great sections of our country to be connected by this road, to their ex- haustless mines of iron and coal, their forests and quar- ries, and to the amount of foreign and domestic merchan- dise necessary for their supply, no doubt can be enter- tained but that the interest of the nation requires that the facilities of transportation between them, should be in- creased by every practicable means. When corporations arid individuals go before us in the execution of works, truly national in their character and objects, this government will not withhold its aid when we thus most effectually promote the diffusion of intelli- gence, secure the rapid movement and concentration of troops and military stores in war, extend the commerce of the states, and give permanency to the union. We should be urged to aid in that and similar works, when assured of their practicability from the consideration that the ter- ritory which will soon contain more than half the states in the union is separated from the seat of the national go- vernment, by a rough and mountainous region, over which we have not constructed even a road on which we can with any reasonable safety and expedition transmit the mail, or convey to our Atlantic cities the rich and various productions of'the west. The committee have witnessed with regret the legal controversy which unfortunately exists between the rail- road company, and the Chesapeake and Ohio canal com- pany, and which they believe might easily be settled to the mutual interest of the parties, by the cultivation of a proper spirit, and a disposition to promote, by the most efficient means, the great interests of the country, inde- THE UNITED STATES. 467 pendent of local jealousies and competition. In the fa- vourable views entertained of the proposed rail-road, the committee have not lost sight of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, of which congress has expressed its decided appro- bation by various acts, and for the construction of which a liberal appropriation has been made ; nor in any aid by which they propose to quicken the energies of the asso- ciation, would they in any manner compromit the inte- rests of the other. It has been suggested, that the right acquired by the Chesapeake and Ohio canal company, to construct a rail-road from Cumberland, across the moun- tains to the west, precludes the rail-road company from constructing a similar work, under their subsequent char- ter, between the same points. While the committee do not, at this time, feel themselves called upon to express any opinion upon this question, it is, perhaps, not to be regretted, that the delay induced by other causes will afford ample opportunities for such surveys and examina tions to be made, as shall demonstrate the practicability or inexpediency of these works in a manner satisfactory to the respective companies, and thus conduce to the best interests of the public ; and should the result of such ex- aminations, and the experience which time will bring with it, prove unfavourable to the plans and objects of either company, an additional incentive to those already men- tioned, will be presented for an union of interests and operations between all parties, by which will be attained, with still greater certainty, the great object a communi- cation between the eastern and navigable waters. In examining the charter of the rail-road company, the committee are aware, tha-t the provision prohibiting any other company or person from travelling upon, or using any of the roads of the company without its license, seems to render it obnoxious to the charge of a close monopoly ; but they have considered, that in the trans- portation of all property on the railway, wagons of a particular and uniform construction only must be used, each having a proper adaptation to the rail, and that this consideration, with others which might be given, may re- quire such a provision in the charter the committee see no cause of alarm from this restriction. The interests o 39 458 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OP the company will, at all times, be best promoted by con- sulting that of the public. Time and experience will dis- close the methods by which the great and paramount in- terests of the community can be most effectually sub- served, and there can be no doubt but that the patriotic views which prompted this undertaking, will lead to the adoption of such regulations as shall prove best calcu- aled to secure a safe, cheap, and speedy communication. When the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, and the Balti- more and Ohio rail-road, shall both have been completed to the point of their junction below Harper's Ferry, the relative advantages of each will be fully demonstrated, and no doubt is entertained by the committee, but that their interests may be harmonized. The common object of both, by which the great interests of the nation are to be advanced, is to open the best practicable communica- tion between the Chesapeake Bay and the great valley of the Mississippi. The hope is entertained, that these com- panies will co-operate in effecting, by their united means, this great enterprise, in which the prosperity of the whole nation is so deeply involved. If experience shall justify the opinion, that the rail-road will furnish greater practi- cal advantages than the canal, the committee would cheer- fully recommend a liberal appropriation to the stock of the company, but as the completion of apart of the work before the next session, will, it is hoped, realize in its advantages the wishes and expectations of the company, the committee defer reporting a bill, or substituting any proposition on the subject, at this late period of the ses- sion. They are the more readily reconciled to this delay, (the result of necessity,) from the circumstance that this enterprising association, proceeding, as they appear to have done, with a caution proportioned to the magnitude of the undertaking, have sent scientific and practical en- gineers to examine the most important works of this de- scription in England, the result of whose observations will enable the company to prosecute the work under more favourable auspices, and will also furnish important data for the information of congress, whenever they may be required to legislate on this interesting subject. THE UNITED STATES. 459 CHAPTER XVIII. A Review of the Progress of the Western States, from their formation and adoption into the Union as Inde- pendent States, down to the present time. KENTUCKY. This state first claims our attention ; it is bounded north by Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio ; east by Virginia ; south by Tennessee, and west by Mississippi. It ex- tends from lat. 36 30' to 39 10' north, and from long. 81 50' to 89 30' west. Length on the southern line 300 miles ; extent 39,000 square miles, or 24,960,000 acres. Kentucky was adopted into the Union, and held an in- dependent station among her sister states, in 1792. Col. Daniel Boone, with some of his friends, explored these parts in 1769 ; he continued in the vicinity of Kentucky until 1771, when he returned. But in 1773, he, with his family, together with five other families, and forty men, left Powell's valley, so called, and after many accidents and detentions, reached Kentucky River, in March, 1775, where they immediately commenced a settlement. In 1778, 1779, and 1780, a large number of persons emi- grated to this territory ; but their distresses were so great, occasioned by cruel treatment from the savages, and scar- city of provision, that they were on the point of abandon- ing the enterprise. But Gen. Clark soon after subdued the Indians, and laid waste their villages, which gave security to the settlers, and the settlement continued to advance. RIVERS. The river Ohio washes the northwestern side of Kentucky. Its principal branches, which water this fertile tract of country, are the Sandy, Licking, Ken- tucky, Salt, Green, and Cumberland rivers. These again branch in various directions, into rivulets of differ- ent magnitudes, fertilizing the country in all its parts. Kentucky River is very crooked, and after running a course of more than 200 miles, empties into the Ohio. Salt River rises at four different places, near each other. The windings of this river are very curious ; the four 460 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF branches, after a circuitous course round a fine tract of land, unite; and, after running^ about 15 miles, empty into the Ohio, 20 miles below the falls. Its general course is westward, its length 90 miles, and at its mouth is 80 yards wide. Green and Cumberland Rivers are of considerable note ; and all the above rivers are navigable for boats almost to their sources. The banks of the ri- vers are generally high, and composed of limestone. Limestone is very abundant in this state, and commonly lies about six feet below the surface, except in valleys, where the soil is much thinner. SPRINGS. There are several salt springs in this state, from which large quantities of salt is manufactured. There are numerous mounds and ancient fortifications ; also many caves ; a very large one, near Green river, has been explored to the distance of 10 miles. Large quantities of saltpetre are manufactured from the earth which is gathered at the bottom of these caves. Face of the Country, Soil and Productions. A tract of land, about 30 miles wide, along the Ohio, is hilly, and broken ; it is interspersed with many fertile spots. The rest of the country is agreeably uneven, gently ascend- ing and descending. The soil on these agreeable as- cents, (for they cannot be called hills,) is sufficiently deep, as is evident from the size of the trees ; the soil is of a darkish complexion. In many places there are appearances of potter's clay, and coal in abundance. The land eas-t of Nolin Creek, a branch of Green River, is, in general, of an inferior quality ; but the banks of Green River afford many desi- rable situations. Towards the head waters of Kentucky River, which interlocks w r ith the waters of Cumberland and Sandy Rivers, the country is broken and mountainous. Elkhorne River, a branch of the Kentucky, from the southward, waters a country fine beyond description The country east and south of this, including that situa- ted at the head waters of Licking River, in the vici- nity of Hickman's and Jessamine Creeks, and the re markable bend in Kentucky River, may be called an ex- tensive garden. The soil is deep and black, and the THE UNITED STATES. 461 timber large. On this fertile tract, and on the Licking and head waters of Salt River, are the places on which most of the early settlements were made. Dick's River runs through a great body of first rate land, and affords many mill seats. Near the head of Salt River the land is good, but low and unhealthy. The country is generally well timbered ; of the natural growth, we may reckon the sugar, the coffee tree resem- bling the black oak, the hackberry, and the cucumber tree. Such is the variety and beauty of the flowering shrubs and plants which grow spontaneously in this country, that in the proper season, the wilderness ap- pears in full blossom. The accounts of the fertility of the soil have, in some instances, exceeded belief, and probably have been ex- aggerated. That some parts, particularly the high grounds, are remarkably good, all agree; Jarge quantities of wheat and corn are raised, and more or less of rye, barley, oats, flax, hemp, and abundance of all kinds of vegetables, but very little is done with cotton ; tobacco is brought to per- fection. Swamps are rare in Kentucky ; and, of course, the reptiles which they produce, such as snakes, frogs, 959,049 1,372,812 1.913,503 i New-Jersey, 184,139 214,949 245.555 277,575 '320.779 Pennsylvania, 434,373 602.36 3 810 091 1,049,458 1,347,672 Delaware, 59,096 64,27 i 72,674 72,749 76,739 Maryland, 319,728 341,54 a 380,546 407,350 446,913 Dist. Columb. 14,09 s 24,022 33,039 39,588 Virgin in, 748,308 880,200 974,622 1,065,379 1,211,266 North Carolina, South Carolina, 393,751 2491073 478,103 555,500 345,591 415,115 638.829 502,741 738,470 581,458 Georgia, 82,548 162,10 1 252,433 340,987 516,504 j Kentucky, 73,077 220,55 5 406.511 564,317 688,844 Tennessee, 35,791 105,60 2 2^1 727 422,813 684.822 Ohio, 45,36 3 230.760 581,434 937,679 Indiana, 4,37 ) 24,520 147,178 341,582 Mississippi, 8,85 J 40.352 75,448 136,806 Illinois, 12,282 55,211 157,575 Louisiana, 76,556 153,407 215,791 Missouri, 20,845 66.5.% 140,084 Alabama, 127,901 309,206 Michigan, 4,762 8,896 31,128 Arkansas, 14,273 30,383 Florida, 34,725 3,929,827 5,305,925 7,289,314 9,638,131 12,856,407 INCREASE PER CENT. FROM 1820 TO 1830. Maine 33898 South Carolina, .... 15.657 New-Hampshire 10 391 Massachusetts, .... 16.575 Kentucky, 22.056 Connecticut 8 161 Ohio, 61.998 Vermont, 19 005 Indiana 132087 New- York 39 386 Mississippi, 81 032 New-Jersey 15 563 Illinois 185403 Pennsylvania 28416 Delaware -*> 4fi7 Missouri - - nnasn 9.712 SflfiSQ Alabama, 141 574 9fin nsi Virginia 13069 Arkansas . 113273 North Carolina i-^ - r > C|9 Florida, Average per cent. J2.392 OF THE UNITED STATES. 499 CHAPTER XX. HAVING completed the History so far as to include the Fifth Census, we shall here introduce a relation of certain adventures achieved by two of the revolutionary heroes. We were unwilling to interrupt the thread ol History by introducing them in chronological order The interest of these anecdotes will ensure them a wel come in any place. Adventures of Sergeant Major Ckampe. After the capture and conviction of Major Andre as a spy, September 10, 1780, General Washington conceived the project of capturing General Arnold, then in New York, and releasing Andre. He sent for Major Lee to his quarters, to consult with him on the subject, and pro- cure a man for the dangerous enterprise. " I have sent for you," said General Washington, " in the expectation that you have some one in your corps, who is willing to undertake a delicate and hazardous project. Whoever comes forward will confer great obligations upon me personally, and, in behalf of the United States, I will reward him amply. No time is to be lost : he must proceed, if possible, to-night. I intend to seize Arnold, and save Andre." Major Lee named a sergeant major of his corps, by the name of Champe a native of Virginia, a man full of bone and muscle with a countenance grave, thought- ful, and taciturn of tried courage, and inflexible perse- verance. Champe was sent for by Major Lee, and the plan pro- posed. This was, for him to desert to escape to New York to appear friendly to the enemy to watch Arnold, and, upon some fit opportunity, with the assist ance of some one whom Champe could trust, to seize him, and conduct him to a place on the river, appointed, where boats should be in readiness to bear them away. Champe listened to the plan attentively but, with the spirit of a man of honour and integrity, replied- 500 UNIVERSAL HISTORY " that it was not danger nor difficulty, that deterred him from immediately accepting the proposal, but the igno- miny of desertion, and the hypocrisy of enlisting with the enemy /" To these objections, Lee replied, that although he would appear to desert, yet as he obeyed the call of his commander in chief, his departure could not be consid- ered as criminal, and that, if he suffered in reputation, for a time, the matter would one day be explained to his credit. As to the second objection, it was urged, that to bring such a man as Arnold to justice loaded with guilt as he was and to save Andre so young so accomplished so beloved to achieve so much good in the cause of his country was more than sufficient to balance a wrong, existing only in appearance. The objections of Champe were at length surmounted, and he accepted the service. It was now eleven o'clock at night. With his instructions in his pocket, the ser- geant returned to camp, and, taking his cloak, valise, and orderly book, drew his horse from the picket, and mounted, putting himself upon fortune. Scarcely had half an hour elapsed, before Captain Carnes, the officer of the day, waited upon Lee, who was vainly attempting to rest, and informed him, that one of the patrol had fallen in with a dragoon, who, being challenged, put spurs to his horse and escaped. Lee, hoping to conceal the flight of Champe, or at least to delay pursuit, complained of fatigue, and told the cap- tain that the patrol had probably mistaken a country- man for a dragoon. Carnes, however, was not thus to be quieted ; and he withdrew to assemble his corps. On examination, it was found that Champe was absent. The captain now returned, and acquainted Lee with the discovery, adding, that he had detached a party to pur- sue the deserter, and begged the major's written orders. After making as much delay as practicable, without exciting suspicion, Lee delivers his orders in which he directed the party to take Champe if possible. " Bring him alive," said he, " that he may suffer in the presence of the army ; but kill him if he resists, or if he escapes after being taken." OF THE UNITED STATES. 501 A. shower of rain fell soon after Champe's departure, \vhich enabled the pursuing dragoons to take the trail of his- horse, his shoes, in common with those of the horses of the army, being made in a peculiar form, and each having a private mark, which was to be seen in the path. Middleton, the leader of the pursuing party, left the camp a few minutes past twelve, so that Champe had the start of but little more than an hour a period by far shorter than had been contemplated. During the night, the dragoons were often delayed in the necessary halts to examine the road ; but, on the coming of morning, the impression of the horses shoes was so apparent, that they pressed on with rapidity. Some miles above Ber- gen, a village three miles north of New York, on the opposite side of the Hudson, on ascending a hill, Champe was descried, not more than half a mile distant. For- tunately, Champe descried his pursuers, at the same moment, and, conjecturing their object, put spurs to his horse, with the hope of escape. By taking a different road, Champe was, for a time, lost sight of but, on approaching the river, he was again descried. Aware of his danger, he now lashed his valise, containing his clothes and orderly book, to his shoulders, and prepared himself to plunge into the river, if necessary. Swift was his flight, and swift the pursuit. Middleton and his party were within a few hundred yards, when Champe threw himself from his horse and plunged into the river, calling aloud upon some British galleys, at no great distance, for help. A boat was instantly despatched to the sergeant's assistance, and a fire commenced upon the pursuers. Champe was taken on board, and soon after carried to New York, with a letter from the captain of the galley, stating the past scene, all of which he had witnessed. The pursuers having recovered the sergeant's horse and cloak, returned to camp, where they arrived abou three o'clock the next day. On their appearance with the well known horse, the soldiers made the air resound with the acclamations that the scoundrel was killed. The agony of Lee, for a moment, was past description, 502 UNIVERSAL HISTORY lest the faithful, honourable, intrepid Champe had fallen. But the truth soon relieved his fears, and he repaired to Washington to impart to him the success, thus far, of his plan. Soon after the arrival of Champe in New York, he was sent to Sir Henry Clinton, who treated him kindly, but detained him more than an hour in asking him questions, to answer some of which, without exciting suspicion, required all the art the sergeant was master of. He succeeded, however, and Sir Henry gave him a couple of guineas, and recommended him to Arnold, who was wishing to procure American recruits. Arnold received him kindly, and proposed to him to join his legion ; Champe, however, expressed his wish to retire from war ; but assured the general, that if he should change his mind, he would enlist. Champe found means to communicate to Lee an account of his adventures ; but, unfortunately, he could not succeed in taking Arnold, as was wished, before the execution of Andre. Ten days before Champe brought his project to a conclusion, Lee received from him his final communication, appointing the third subsequent night for a party of dragoons to meet him at Hoboken, opposite New York, when he hoped to deliver Arnold to the officers. Champe had enlisted into Arnold's legion, from which time he had every opportunity he could wish, to attend to the habits of the general. He discovered that it was his custom to return home about twelve every night, and that, previously to going to bed, he always visited the garden. During this visit, the conspirators were to seize him, and, being prepared with a gag, they were to apply the same instantly. Adjoining the house in which Arnold resided, and in which it was designed to seize and gag him, Champe had taken off several of the pailings and replaced them, so that with ease, and without noise, he could readily open his way to the adjoining alley. Into this alley he intended to convey his prisoner, aided by his compa- nion, one of two associates, who had been introduced by the friend to whom Champe had been originally made OF THE UNITED STATES. 603 known by letter from the commander in chiefj and with whose aid and counsel, he had so far conducted the enter- prise. His other associate was with the boat, prepared, at one of the wharves on the Hudson river, to receive the party. Champe and his friend intended to place themselves each under Arnold's shoulder, and thus to bear him through the most unfrequented alleys and streets to the boat, representing Arnold, in case of being questioned, as a drunken soldier, whom they were conveying to the guard-house. When arrived at the boat, the difficulties would be all surmounted, there being no danger nor obstacle in pass- ing to the Jersey shore. These particulars, as soon as made known to Lee, were communicated to the com- mander in chief, who was highly gratified with the much desired intelligence. He desired Major Lee to meet Champe, and to take care that Arnold should not be hurt. The day arrived, and Lee, with a party of accoutred horses, (one for Arnold, one for the sergeant, and the third for his associate, who was to assist in securing Arnold,) left the camp, never doubting the success of the enterprise, from the tenor of the last received communi- cation. The party reached Hoboken about midnight, where they were concealed in the adjoining wood Lee, with three dragoons, stationing himself near the shore of the river. Hour after hour passed, but no boat approached. At length the day broke, and the major retired to his party, and, with his led horses, returned to the camp, when he proceeded to head quarters to inform the gene- ral of the much lamented disappointment, as mortifying as inexplicable. Washington, having perused Champe's plan and communication, had indulged the presumption, that, at length, the object of his keen and constant pursuit was sure of execution, and did not dissemble the joy which such a conviction produced. He was chagrined at the issue, and apprehended that his faithful sergeant must have been detected in the last scene of his tedious tnd difficult enterprise. 504 UNIVERSAL HISTORY In a few days, Lee received an anonymous letter from Champe's patron and friend, informing him, that on the day preceding* the night fixed for the execution of the plot, Arnold had removed his quarters to another part of the town, to superintend the embarkation of troops, preparing, as was rumored, for an expedition to be di- rected by himself; and that the American legion, con- sisting chiefly of American deserters, had been transfer- red from their barracks to one of the transports, it being apprehended that if left on shore, until the expedition was ready, many of them might desert. Thus it happened that John Champe, instead of cross- ing the Hudson that night, was safely deposited on board one of the fleet of transports, from whence he never de- parted, until the troops under Arnold landed in Virginia. Nor was he able to escape from the British army, until after the junction of Lord Cornwallis at Petersburg, when he deserted : and proceeding high up into Vir- ginia, he passed into North Carolina, near the Saura towns, and, keeping in the friendly districts of that State, safely joined the army soon after it had passed the Con- garee, in pursuit of Lord Rawdon. His appearance excited extreme surprise among his former comrades, which was not a little increased, when they saw the cordial reception he met with from the late major, now Lieutenant Col. Lee. His whole story was soon known to the corps, which re-produced the love and respect of officeis and soldiers, heretofore invariably entertained for the sergeant, heightened by universal admiration of his late daring and arduous attempt. Champe was introduced to General Greene, who very cheerfully complied with the promise made by the com- mander in chief, so far as in his power; and having provided the sergeant with a good horse and money for his journey, sent him to general Washington, who mu- nificently anticipated every desire of the sergeant, and presented him with a discharge from further service, test he might, in the vicissitudes of war, fall into the ^ hands of the enemy, when, if recognized, he was sure to die on a gibbet. We shall only add, respecting the after life of this OF THE UNITED STATES. 505 interesting adventurer, that, when General Washington was called by President Adams, in 1798, to the com- mand of the army, prepared to defend the country against French hostility, he sent to Lieutenant Col. Lee, to inquire for Champe; being determined to bring him into the fiald at the head of a company of infantry. Lee sent to Loudon county, Virginia, where Champe settled after his discharge from the army ; when he learned that the gallant soldier had removed to Kentucky, where he soon after died. General Putnam's adventure. General Putnam, who had been stationed with a re- spectable force at Reading, in Connecticut, then on a visit to his out-post, at Horse-Neck, was attacked by Governor Tryon, with one thousand five hundred men. Putnam had only a picket of one hundred and fifty men, and two field pieces, without horses or drag ropes. He however placed his cannon on the high ground near the meeting house, and continued to pour in upon the ad- vancing foe, until the enemy's horse appeared upon a charge. The general now hastily ordered his men to retreat to a neighbouring swamp, inaccessible to horse, while he himself put spurs to his steed, and plunged down the precipice at the church. This is so steep as to have artificial stairs, composed of nearly one hundred stone steps, for the accommodation of worshippers ascending to the sanctuary. On the ar rival of the dragoons at the brow of the hill, they paused. thinking it too dangerous to follow the steps of the ad- venturous hero. Before any could go round the hill and descend, Putnam had escaped, uninjured by the many balls which were fired at him in his descent ; but one touched him, and that only passed through his hat. He proceeded to Stamford, where, having strengthened his picket with some militia, he boldly faced about and pursued governor Tryon on his return. 43 506 UNIVERSAL HISTORY CHAPTER XXI. Events of 1832 and 1833. Indian War. Battle of Wisconsin. Battle on the Mississippi, August 2, 1 832. Andrew Jackson re-elected President of the United States, and Martin Van Buren Vice-President. THE recent hostilities commenced by the Sac and Fox Indians, may be traced to causes, which have been for some time in operation, and which left little doubt upon the minds of those acquainted with the savage cha- racter, that they were determined to commit some aggres- sion upon the frontier. The confederated tribes of the Sacs and Foxes have been long distinguished for their daring spirit of adven- ture, and for their restless and reckless disposition. At the commencement of the eighteenth century, one of these tribes made a desperate attempt to seize the post of De- troit ; and during a period of forty years, subsequent to that effort, they caused great trouble and embarrass- ment to the French colonial government, which was only terminated by a most formidable military expedi- tion, sent by that enterprising people into the then remote regions west of Green Bay. During the last war with Great Britain, this confed- eracy entered zealously into the contest, and was among the most active and determined of our enemies. After the peace, their communication with the Canadian au- thorities was preserved ; and every year, large parties of the most influential chiefs and warriors visited Up- per Canada, and returned laden with presents. That this continued intercourse kept alive feelings of attach- ment to a foreign power, and weakened the proper and necessary influence of the United States, is known to every one, who has marked the progress of events and the conduct of the Indians upon the north-western fron- tier. The tribes upon the Upper Mississippi, particu- larly the Sacs and Foxes and the Winnebagoes, confi- dent in their position, and in their natural courage, and totally ignorant of the vast disproportion between their OF THE UNITED STATES. 507 power and that of the United States, have always been discontented, keeping the frontier in alarm, and contin- ually committing some outrage upon the persons or pro- perty of the inhabitants. All this is the result of impulse, and it is the necessary and almost inevitable conse- quence of institutions, which make war the great object of life. It is not probable, that any Indian, seriously bent upon hostilities, ever stops to calculate the force of the white man, and to estimate the disastrous conse- quences, which we know must be the result. He is impelled onward in his desperate career by passions, which are fostered and encouraged by the whole frame of society ; and he is, very probably, stimulated by the pre- dictions of some fanatical leader, who promises him glo- ry, victory, and scalps. In this state of feeling, and with these incitements to war, the Sacs and Foxes claimed the right of occupying" a part of the country upon Rock river, even after it had been sold to the citizens of the United States, and settled by them. In 1829, and in 1830, serious difficulties resulted from their efforts to establish themselves in that section, and frequent collisions with the inhabitants were the consequence. Representations were made to them, and every effort, short of actual hostilities, used by the proper officers, to induce them to abandon these unfound- ed pretensions, and to confine themselves to their own country on the west side of the Mississippi river. These efforts were successful with the well disposed portion of the tribes, but were wholly unavailing with the band known by the name of the "British party." In 1831, their aggressions were so serious, and the attitude they assumed so formidable, that a considerable detachment of the army, and of the militia of Illinois, was called in- to the field, and the disaffected Indians, alarmed by the preparation for their chastisement, agreed to reside and hunt " upon their own lands west of the Mississippi riv- er," and that they would not " recross this river to the usual place of their residence, nor to any part of their old hunting grounds east of the Mississippi, without the express permission of the President of the United States, or the Governor of the state of Illinois." 508 UNIVERSAL HISTORY This arrangement had scarcely been concluded be- fore a flagrant outrage was committed, by a party of these Indians, upon a band of friendly Menomonies, al- most under the guns of Fort Crawford. Twenty-five persons were wantonly murdered, and many wounded, while encamped in the village of Prairie du Chien, and resting in fancied security upon our soil, and under our flag. If an act like this had been suffered to pass un- noticed and unpunished, a war between these tribes would have been the consequence, in which our fron- tiers would have been involved, and the character and influence of the government would have been lost in the opinion of the Indians. Apprehensive from the course of events already stated, and from other circumstances, that the disaffected band of Sacs and Foxes would again harass and disturb the settlements upon our border?, and determined that the murderers of the Menomonies should be surrendered or taken, the department ordered General Atkinson, on the 7th of March, 1832, to ascend the Mississippi wiih the disposable regular troops at Jefferson Barracks ; and to strengthen the frontiers, orders were given for the re- occupation of Chicago. The demand for the surrender of the Menomonie murderers was entirely disregarded ; and the " British party" of the Sacs and Foxes recrossed the Mississippi, and, assuming a hostile attitude, established themselves upon Rock river. On the 14th of May, near Dixon's Ferry, on Rock river, a small party of Indians was seen displaying a white flag. It was approached by a company of militia to ascertain its intentions. The Indians receded, for the purpose of drawing the whites into an ambuscade. This induced the commanding officer to fall back ; but an- other officer and his company came up, passed the re- treating party, and pursued the enemy. The Indians now showed a superior force, turned and attacked the militia, and repulsed the whites with considerable loss. Fifty-two men were missed. The Indians continued their warfare, and many defenceless families were mas- sacred on the frontier of Illinois. A party of seven or OP THE UNITED STATES. 500 eight, with the Indian agent, St. Vrain, while attempt- ing to effect a passage from Galena to the head quarters of the force under Gen. Atkinson, at Dixon's Ferry, was attacked by a superior force of Indians, and nearly all, including the agent, killed. The whole country was infested by small parties of Indians, who suddenly fell on the unsuspecting whites, whom they murdered. The Steamer Dove, on her downward passage, was attacked by a small party of Indians, just above Rock Island, but no injury was sustained. JUNE 14th. Five American citizens were killed about five miles below Hamilton's Fort. JUNE 16th. A citizen was killed about half a mile from the same place. General Dodge, with 29 of his mounted men, went in immediate pursuit ; and after go* ing about three miles, discovered the murderers 1 1 in number but did not overtake them until they crossed the East Pich-e-ton-e-ka, and entered an almost impene- trable swamp. At the edge of the swamp the men were ordered to dismount and link horses ; four men were left in charge of the horses, and four were posted around the swamp, on high ground, to observe the motion of the enemy ; the remainder, 21, advanced into the swamp, about half a mile ; when they received the fire of the Indians, at the distance of about thirty feet, by which three of our men fell, severely wounded. Orders were instantly given to charge; but, as the Indians lay under the bank of a slough, they were concealed till our party was within six or eight feet fjf them, when the whites immediately fired. The whole hostile party was killed and scalped within one or two minutes, excepting one, who attempted to make his escape by swimming the slough, but was shot down on the opposite bank.- Though few were engaged in this bloody transaction, it was conducted with much gallantry, and entitles Gen. Dodge and his brave associates to the highest credit, A few such examples will strike terror into the hearts of the Indians. On the same day, a party of Indians was attacked by Capt. Snyder, near Kellogg's Grove, and defeated, with the loss of four ; one of Capt. Snyder's company waa 43* 510 UNIVERSAL HISTORY mortally wounded. On his return, he halted near 9 small stream of water, and was fired upon by a body of Indians, who lay concealed ; two of his men were kill- ed, and one mortally wounded. The company was im- mediately formed, and retreated in good order before a superior force of the Indians. JUNE 18th.~ A bloody engagement took place be- tween a small party of Americans, commanded by Capt. Stevenson, and a superior party of the Indians, on Ap- ple creek. Three of our men were lost, and Capt. Ste- venson wounded, though, it is hoped, not dangerously. The precise number of Indians killed is not ascertained, though it is supposed five or six. The combatants came into such close quarters during this engagement, as to be Constrained to use the bayonet and butcher's knife. On the 24th of June, a large body of Indians made an attack on the Fort at Buffalo Grove, situated on Rock river, about twelve miles north of Dixon's Ferry, and fifty-five miles from Galena. The fort was defended by about one hundred and fifty militia, who kept the Indians at bay, until their ammunition was nearly expended : in this critical situation, an officer of the fort, who had been wounded in the firing, made his way out, and went in quest of reinforcement of men and arms. He either went to Rock river, where General Atkinson was, and there procured the aid he had gone to seek, or met a detachment, under Colonel t*osey, proceeding to the fort | this latter body marched on, drove off the Indians, and relieved the garrison. The number of killed and wounded, on either side, was not ascertained. Sixteen Indians were known to have been killed An express, consisting of four persons, sent from Gale- na, was attacked when near the fort on Apple river, twelve miles from Galena, and immediately retreated. One man, Edward Welsh, was wounded by a shot in the thigh, before he reached the fort; another, his name not known, was killed, after gaining cover. One other man was also wounded in the fort. This party of Indians was repulsed by the gartison, consisting of thirty men under the com- mand ~of Captain^ Stone, but succeeded in carrying off all the horses, cattle, hogs, and two yokes of working OP THE UNITED STATES. 511 steers ; they also destroyed all the moveables that were found in the houses around the fort, but left the buildings uninjured. The following intelligence is extracted from the Gale- nian, dated 4th of July. It is, we believe, the most par- ticular account of the state of Indian war on the north- western frontier. JUNE 27. Seat of war. An express reached town to- day from Kellogg's Grove, bringing information that a battle had been fought with the Indians in that neighbour- hood, on Monday morning, by a part of the company of Spies, under the command of Major Dement. The particulars of which are subjoined. On Sunday evening, Major Dement arrived at Kel- logg's Grove, and receiving information early the follow- ing morning that traces of Indians were plainly dis- cernible in that immediate neighbourhood, called for twenty or thirty volunteers to accompany him to recon- noitre the neighbourhood. In a short time they came upon the enemy, whose force was too formidable to be resisted by so small a number; and being too far advanced to make good his retreat, lost some of his party before the arrival of the remainder of his company, after which a considerable skirmish ensued ; but, owing to the refractory and unmanageable temper of the horses, occasioned by the clash of arms and the Indian yell, it was found impracticable to form a line ; yet, under all these disadvantages, a number of Indians were killed ; the exact number cannot be ascertained, as they were seen to carry several of their dead from the field during the engagement. Major Dement lost five men, and about twenty horses, killed, in the battle. Nine Indians were found on the field. JUNE 29. More Indian murders. About noon an express arrived from the Cincinaway Mound, announc- ing the attack on three men who were at work in a corn field about ten miles from this town, and that two of them had fallen. Major Stephenson, who had just returned to Galena, from an excursion in the country, with a few mounted men, immediately put about thirty in readiness to march 512 UNIVERSAL HISTORY in pursuit of the Indians. With a forced march, his detachment soon arrived at the scene of death, where were found the bodies of James Boxley and John Thomp- son, most shockingly mangled. The heart of Thomp- son was taken out, and both were scalped ! A few men were left to bury the dead, while the main body of the company went in -pursuit of the Indians. They tracked them to the residence of Mr. Jordan, on the bank of the Mississippi, and found that they had just stolen a canoe, and crossed the river. , No signs appeared of more than five Indians, though a large body was probably on the other side. But the company had no means of crossing, and returned to Galena on the following day. This was a very unexpected attack, and from a quarter as little expected. It appears now that attacks are made all around this town, and murders committed nearly in sight of our stockade. JUNE 30.- All the inhabitants north of us, and on the Mississippi, this side of Cassville, have come in to-day, and intend to remain until the war is ended. It is now viewed to be very unsafe to go one mile from this place without a formidable guard. A gentleman who has just arrived, states that he left an army of two brigades on the wafers of Apple river, on the night of the 29th. One is to report to General Dodge, who will immediately take command of them. General Atkinson, we learn, has at length commenced his line of march with about one thousand three hun* dred mounted men, and five hundred regulars. He is moving on the east side of Rock river. JULY 2. A detachment of sixty mounted volunteers, composed of Captains Craig and Duncan's companies, left town, by order of Colonel Strode, under command of Major Stevenson, to join the main army, which is now marching to the Indian encampments with a view of a general extermination. Lieutenants Holmes and Grossman, and Mr. Enoch C. March, Q,. M. G. arrived here this afternoon from General Atkinson's head quarters, at the mouth of Syca- OF THE UNITED STATES. 513 more creek, state that between Buffalo Grove and Kel- logg's Grove, and in the latter, they saw three very large fresh Indian trails yesterday and the day before, and several smaller ones. They do not believe that the trail could have been more than a day or two old, when they saw it. They all lead S. S. W. to N. N. E. in a direc- tion where, we understand, the main body of the Indians are stationed. Such of the mounted volunteers as remain, of Cap- tains Craig and Duncan's companies, have been placed under command of the former, and will contiue to recon- noitre the country around Galena. They have returned this evening, but report no signs of hostility as having met their observation. JULY 3. Half the horsemen left under command of Captain Craig, for reconnoitering expeditions, have been ordered to range and scour the country from Rice's farm, on the mouth of Small Pox creek, to Bowies' fur- nace, and thence to Galena ; and the other half to march to the mouth of the Cincinaway. thence ranging between it and the Menominee eastwardly, to Vinegar Hill, and thence to Galena. In crossing the country from Dixon's to Galena, several large and recent trails of Indians were disco- vered, proceeding apparently frorn the Mississippi, near Plum river, and going in the direction of the Four lakes. From accounts given, as we understand, by some enga- gees who lately descended the Missouri, we are almost confirmed in the opinion, that these trails were made by parties of Indians coming from the different tribes on the Missouri. We have no rangers about Plum river to confirm this opinion, but a passenger in the Warrior states, that the banks are much cut up near that place. General Atkin- son has, after ordering the brigades under generals Posey and Alexander, to cross Rock river, and operate on this side in conjunction with General Dodge, marched with the regular troops and General Henry's brigade, for the Indian camp ; at which place it is expected he certainly will have arrived by yesterday evening ; if so, and the Indians remain, the strongest probability exists 514 UNIVERSAL HISTORY of an immediate fight. The troops operating on tLis side of Rock river, are to be subsisted from Galena. Two companies of volunteers, said to be very well equipped, have been ordered on the route to Galena, to report to Colonel March or Colonel Holmes, and receive heir instructions until they get orders from a higher source. Should the Indians stand a fight, no matter if they are vanquished or victorious, (the latter we do not believe they will be,) Galena will, in our opinion, be in more danger than at any former period, as, if they do not proceed directly for Canada, or the Chippewa coun- try, they wilh undoubtedly separate for the purpose of marauding and distressing the country. Great difficulty exists at head quarters in obtaining correct intelligence from important points in the country, as many expresses have been compelled to return without executing their orders. The campaign has now commenced, and under very fair prospects for success, considering that the front line of operations extends from the Mississippi to Chi- cago, and the difficulties attending the forwarding of provisions, to subsist the army for any long time. Extract of a letter from Brigadier General Atkinson to Colonel J. M. Strode, dated Head Quarters of the Army of the Frontier, Camp, below Sycamore Creek, June 29, 1832. " Heretofore I have not had the means of preventing the enemy from committing acts of hostility in the dis- trict of country between Rock river and Galena. The force now in the field under my command, and the ope- rations now about to be carried into effect, will, I hope, put an end to the war, and restore tranquillity to the country." Official intelligence of the battle with Black Hawk. Despatches were received from the army under General Atkinson, dated Blue Mounds, July 25, 1832, stating that General Henry, with his brigade, accompanied by Gene- ral Dodge, with a battalion of Michigan volunteers, had been detached by General Atkinson, in pursuit of the Sacs and Foxes, under Black Hawk. They succeeded, by forced marches, in coming up with him, on the bank of the OF THE UNITED STATES. 515 Wisconsin, opposite to the Blue Mounds, on the evening of the 21st of July. An attack was immediately made on the Indians, Avhich resulted in their defeat, with a loss of about forty men killed, on the part of the enemy; and, it is presumed, a much larger number wounded ; as the Indians were seen, during the action, bearing a great number of them off the field. The loss, on our part, was trifling ; amounting to one man killed, and eight wounded. Night coming on, our troops being exceed- ingly fatigued, having marched forty miles that day, no Eursuit could be attempted : thus the enemy was saved om entire destruction. Black Hawk passed over to an island in the Wisconsin, to which place he had sent his women. Generals Henry and Dodge remained on the ground the succeeding day and night, and part of the next day, being unable to renew the attack in conse- quence of the entire absence of boats and canoes, or the means of constructing rafts to cross to the island. Gene- rals Henry and Dodge marched to the Blue Mounds on the evening of the 23d for a supply of provisions, where they were joined by Gen. Atkinson, with the regular troops and part of General Alexander's brigade. After a forced march of three days from Cos-co-nong, General Atkinson writes, that he would move with his whole force on the morning of the 25th of July, the date of his despatch, to a point on the Wisconsin, sixteen miles below the Blue Mounds, where he would endeavour to cross the river by rafts or some other means, and if possible overtake the Indians and subdue them, notwithstanding ihe troops were worn down with fatigue and privations. The general states that the enemy must be much crip- pled, and in a suffering condition for the want of subsist- ence. The troops under Generals Henry and Dodge are represented to have behaved with great gallantry, having resisted with firmness a charge from the enemy on horseback, and in turn charged him with great promptness, routing him on every point, to which is attributable the very small loss on our side. While our men deserve great credit for their gallantry and steadi- ness, the Indians are entitled to no less consideration for the skill and perseverance displayed by them in their 516 UNIVERSAL HISTORY retreat. Appearances indicate the war will soon termi- nate, and peace be restored to the frontiers. It appears that after the first battle of General Dodge with the main body of the Indians on the Wisconsin, the Black Hawk determined to retreat across the Missis- sippi. This was ascertained from a squaw, the sister of Ke-o-kuck, and wife of the Big Lake, whom she sup- posed to have been killed when she was taken prisoner. She says that the Black Hawk had directed all of his band who had not good horses, to descend the Wisconsin in canoes to the Mississippi, and to continue down the Mississippi to the Wa-pese-per-ne-kaw, and to ascend this river, which runs from the west, to its head waters. la the meantime it was his intention to press for the Missis- sippi, a considerable distance above Prairie du Chien, and crossing it about Racoon Creek, to go by Red Cedar, and meet those that had descended at a place of rendez- vous some distance on the west 'of the Mississippi. She stated that Black Hawk had lost 200 warriors in the different skirmishes, before the battle with Gen. Dodge that many of those who embarked in canoes had been lost in consequence of bad canoes and sinking that a considerable number had passed down the Missis- sippi unobserved, through the fogs and that others of those that embarked on the Wisconsin, and remained behind, applied to the Winnebagoes to come with them and surrender to the whites. The fate of that portion of the tribes of the Sacs and Foxes, which directed their flight to the Mississippi, under the orders of the Black Hawk, consisting princi- pally of warriors, will be seen in the following account. This party first encountered the steam boat Warrior about forty miles above Prairie du Chien. The Indians showed two white flags, declared they were Winnebagoes, and endeavoured; by signs and other- wise, to bring about a landing of the boat. About one hundred and fifty showed themselves without arms on the bank, while many others in their rear were observed running back and forth, and preparing their arms for use. In the boat were fifteen soldiers and six volunteers, Messrs. Hempstead, Hough, and Soulard, passengers, OF THE UNITED STATES. 517 besides the crew of the boat two discharged soldiers from St. Peters had also been taken up on the passage down by the boat. The interpreter, besides being appa- rently much frightened, did not, as since understood, truly state the replies of the Indians. The battle commenced with a discharge from the six pounder, which was instantaneously returned by the Indians from above and below, along the shore, when the boat was anchored. It commenced a few minutes before 4 o'clock, P. M. and ended a little after 6. After the two first fires from the cannon and musketry, the whites were compelled to watch for the smoke of the enemy's guns to give their fire, as the Indians had com- pletely concealed themselves behind the trees and logs, which were found on the place. The United States' officers were Lieutenants Holmes and Kingsbury; the former left this place in the boat with provisions for the army, and the latter was placed on board in charge of the men by Captain Loomis, at Fort Crawford. We understand that the coolness and gal- lantry of all on board, (the interpreter excepted,) reflected credit upon them. It was with difficulty that Captain Throckmorton could call his crew to the management of the boat when needed, so anxious, from highest to lowest, were they to have a hand in the business. The Indians fired very badly their fire lasted long enough to average thirteen cartridges, and but one white man was wounded, and only about fifty balls hit the boat. It was ascertained by a prisoner after the battle, that twenty-three or twenty- five were killed, wounded not known. This little fight delayed the Indians in their crossing very considerably, and, but for the want of wood, must have entirely pre- vented it until the coming up of the main army. The boat, on its return next morning, was fired into again, and the fire returned until the army was discovered on the land where the Indians had been on the previous night. The whole army under General Atkinson, embracing the brigades commanded by Generals Henry, Posey, and Alexander, and a squadron under the command of Gene- ral Dodge, all crossed to the north side of the Wisconsin 44 518 UNIVERSAL HISTORY at Helena on the 28th and 29th ultimo. They took up a line of march in a northerly direction, in order to inter- sect the Indian trail. At the distance of about five miles the great trail was discovered, leading in a direction N. of W. towards the Mississippi, and supposed to be about four days old. General Atkinson seeing the direction of the enemy, knew well that it would require all diligence and expe- dition to overtake them before they would cross the Mis- sissippi, and hence commenced from that time a forced march ; leaving all the baggage wagons, and every thing else which was calculated to retard the pursuit. The country through which the enemy's trail led our army, between the Wisconsin bluffs and the Kickapoo river, was one continued series of mountains. No sooner had they reached the summit of one high and almost perpendicular hill than they had to descend on the other side equally steep, to the base of another. Nothing but a deep ravine, with muddy banks, separated these moun- tains. The woods, both upon the top of the highest mountains, and at the bottom of the deepest hollows, was of the heaviest growth. The under bushes were chiefly thorn and prickly ash. This is a short description of the route, and shows the difficulties of the pursuit. Notwithstanding all this, our army gained on the enemy daily, as appeared from the enemy's encampments. The tedious march thus continued was endured by our brave troops without a murmur; and as the Indian signs ap- peared more recent, the officers and men appeared more anxious to proceed. On the fourth night of our march from Helena, and at an encampment of the enemy, was discovered an old Sac Indian by our spies, who informed them that the main body of the enemy had, on that day, gone to the Mississippi, and intended to cross on the next morning, being the 2d of August. The horses being nearly broken down, and the men much exhausted from fatigue, General Atkinson ordered a halt for a few hours, (it being after 8 o'clock,) with a determination to start at 2 o'clock for the Mississippi, about ten miles distant. At the precise hour, the bugles sounded, and in a short time all were ready to march. OF THE UNITED STATES. 519 General Dodge's squadron was honoured by placed in front, the infantry followed next, General Hen- ry's brigade next, General Alexander's next, and Gene- ral Posey's formed the rear guard. General Dodge called for, and as soon received, twenty volunteer spies to go ahead of the whole army. In this order the march commenced. They had not, however, gone more than five miles before one of our spies came back, announcing their having come in sight of the enemy's picket guard. He went back, and the intelligence was quickly conveyed to General Atkinson, then to all the commanders of the brigades, and the celerity of the march was instantly increased. In a few minutes more the firing commenced about five hundred yards ahead of the front of the army, between our spies and the Indian picket guard. The Indians were driven by our spies from hill to hill, and kept up a tolerably brisk firing from every situation commanding the ground over which our spies had to march ; but being charged and routed from their hiding places, they sought safety by retreating to the main body on the bank of the river, and joined in one general effort to defend themselves here or die on the ground. Lest some might escape by retreating up or down the river, General Atkinson very judiciously ordered Gene- ral Alexander and General Posey to form the right wing of the army, and march down to the river above the Indian encampment on the bank, and then move down. General Henry formed the left wing, and marched in the main trail of the enemy. The United States' infan- try and General Dodge's squadron of the mining troops marched in the centre. With this order our whole force descended the almost perpendicular bluff, and came into a low valley, heavily imbered, with a large growth of under crush, weeds, and rass. Sloughs, deep ravines, and old logs, were so plentiful, as to afford every facility for the enemy to make a strong defence. General Henry first commenced a heavy fire, which was returned by the enemy. The enemy being routed from their first hiding places, sought others. .General 520 UNIVERSAL HISTORY Dodge's squadron and the United States' troops soon came into action, and with General Henry's men, rushed into the strong defiles of the enemy, and killed all in their way, except a few who succeeded in swimming a slough of the Mississippi, one hundred and fifty yards wide. During this time, the brigades of Generals Alex- ander and Posey were marching down the river, when they fell in with another part of the enemy's army, and killed and routed all that opposed them. The battle lasted upwards of three hours. About fifty of the enemy's women and children were taken prison- ers, and many were killed in the battle. When the Indians were driven to the bank of the Mis- sissippi, some hundreds of men, women, and children, plunged into the river, and hoped, by diving, to escape the bullets of our guns ; very few, however, escaped our sharpshooters. The loss on the side of the enemy never can be ex- actly ascertained, but, according to the best computation, they must have lost in killed, upwards of one hundred and fifty. Our loss in killed and wounded was twenty-seven. Some had crossed the river before our arrival, and we learn by a prisoner, that Black Hawk, while the battle waxed warm, had stolen off, arid gone up the river on this side. If he did, he took nothing with him ; for his valuables, many of them, together with certificates of good character, and of his having fought bravely against the United States during the last war, signed by British officers, were found on the battle ground. Further particulars of the battle of the 2d of August : "HEAD QUARTERS IST. ARMY CORPS, > NORTH-WESTERN ARMY. $ " Fort Crawford, Prairie du Chien, August 9. SIR : I informed you on the 5th inst.by a short offi- cial note, of the action on the morning of the 2d inst. between the troops under my command and the Sac enemy, on the left bank of the Mississippi, opposite loway river. Having received the reports of the officers commanding brigades and corps, I have the honour of reporting more in detail the events of the day. OF THE UNITED STATES. 521 "After having pursued the enemy five days by forced marches, from his passage of the Wisconsin, we found ourselves at dusk, on the evening of the 1st inst. after a march of 25 miles, within a few miles of his position. " The troops were ordered to encamp and repose till two o'clock in the morning, and then take up the line of march. The signal to assemble was given at this hour, and at dawn I marched with the regular troops, under Colonel Taylor and General Dodge's battalion, leaving the brigades of generals Posey, Alexander, and Henry, to follow, as they were not yet ready to march, their horses having been turned out before the order to march was received by them. After marching about three miles, the advance of Dodge's battalion came up with a small party of the enemy, and killed eight of them, and dispersed the residue. In the mean time, the troops then with me were formed in order of battle the regulars in extended order with three companies held in reserve. General Dodge's battalion was formed on the left : the whole advanced to the front, expecting to meet the enemy in a wood before us. General Posey's command soon came up, and was formed on the right of the regulars. Shortly after, Alexander arrived, and was formed on the right of General Posey, a position at the time considered of great importance, as it would intercept the enemy in an attempt to pass up the river. Not finding the enemy posted as I anticipated, I detached Captain Dixon with a few of General Dodge's spies, to the left, to gain infor- mation, and at the same time sent an officer of my staff to hasten the march of General Henry. Soon after, another was despatched with orders to march on the enemy's trail with one of the regiments of his brigade, and to hold the remainder in reserve. Finding the enemy to be in force in that direction, his whole brigade was ordered on that point. The order was promptly executed by the brigade, having in its advance the small body of spies under Captain Dixon, who commenced the action, seconded simultaneously by General Henry. The enemy was driven across several sluices down the river bottom, which was covered with fallen timber, underwood and laigh grass. 44* 522 UNIVERSAL HISTORY " The regular troops, and General Dodge at the head of his battalion, soon came up and joined in the action, followed by a party of General Posey's troops, when the enemy was driven still further through the bottom to several small willow islands successively, where much execution was done. " The main body of the enemy being in the bottom and adjoining small islands, General Alexander was ordered to move with his brigade to the point of action : but from the distance of his position he came up too late to participate in the combat, except two companies of his brigade that had previously joined the brigade under Brigadier General Henry. "*Both the regular and volunteer troops conducted themselves with the greatest zeal, courage, and patriotism, and are entitled to the highest approbation of their coun- try. To Brigadier General Henry, of the 3d brigade of Illinois volunteers, General Dodge of the Michi- gan volunteers, and Colonel Taylor of the United States Infantry, the greatest praise is due for the gallant man- ner in which they brought their respective corps in, and conducted them through the action. They report a like meed of praise to the officers under their respective com- mands. To generals Posey and Alexander every credit is due for their conduct and exertions in endeavouring to throw their commands into action, from which, by the arrangement of the order of battle they were unfortu- nately precluded, excepting a detachment of each. I cannot omit, without injustice to my staff, consisting of lieutenants Johnson, Anderson, Wheelwright, Drane, Brooks, and Clarke of the army, and Colonel March of the volunteers, to mention the zeal, promptitude, and efficiency, they displayed in the discharge of their duty during the action, and the course of the day. " T*ne enemy sustained a loss of about one hundred and fifty men killed the precise number could not be ascer- tained, as a large proportion were slain in endeavoring to swim to the islands. Forty women and children were taken prisoners, and seventy horses captured. " The loss on our part, was, of the United States In- fantry, five privates killed, and four wounded General OF THE UNITED STATES. 523 Posey's volunteers, one private wounded General Alex- ander's, one private wounded General Henry's, one lieutenant and five privates wounded General Dodge's, one captain, one sergeant, and four privates wounded. " The steamer Warrior, by the direction of Captain Loomis, had ascended the river, with a small detach- ment of the 4th United States Infantry, under the com- mand of Lieutenant Kingsbury, accompanied by Lieu- tenants Holmes and Torrence, on the day previous to the battle, to warn the Sioux of the approach of the Sacs : in returning, near the battle ground, a party of Sacs was discovered, and attacked, when a smart skir- mish ensued ; the Indian loss is since reported to be twenty-three killed one now on board the steamboat slightly wounded. Lieutenants Holmes, Kingsbury, and Torrence, as well as Captain Throckmorton, the commander of the boat, were conspicuous in the affair. A great advantage was derived from the presence of the steamboat on this occasion, as it retarded the enemy in crossing the river. " I enclose herewith a list of the officers of the volun- teers under Generals Henry and Dodge. A list of the officers of the other volunteer corps will be transmitted as soon as received, which I request may be placed on file in the War Office. " I have the honour to be, &c. "H. ATKINSON, Brig. Gen. U. S. Army. "To MAJ. GEN. W. SCOTT, Commanding N. W. Army." PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, August 27*A, 1832. At 1 1 o'clock to-day, Black Hawk and the Prophet were delivered to General Joseph M. Street, by the one- eyed Deconi and Chaetar, Winnebagoes, belonging to his agency. Many of the officers from the fort were present. It was a moment of much interest. The pris- oners appeared in a full dress of white-tanned deer-skins. Soon after they were seated, the One-eyed Deconi rose up, and said " My Father I now stand before you: when we part- ed, I told you I would.return soon ; but I could not come any sooner. We have had to go a great distance, (to the 524 UNIVERSAL HISTORY Dalle on the Wisconsin above the Portage.) You see we have done what you sent us to do : these are the two that you told us to get (pointing to Black Hawk and the Prophet.) " My Father We have done what you told us to do. We always do what you tell us, because we know it is for our good. " My Father You told us to get these men, and it would be the cause of much good to the Winnebagoes. We have brought them ; but it has been very hard for us to do so. That one, Mucatamish-ka-kaek-q, (Black Hawk) was a great way off You told us to bring them to you alive : we have done so. If you had told us to bring their heads alone, we would have done so and it would have been less difficult than what we have done. " My Father We deliver these men into your hands. We would not deliver them even to our brother, the chief of the warriors, but to you ; because we know you, and believe you are our friend. We want you to keep them safe. If they are to be hurt, we do not wish to see it. Wait until we are gone, before it is done. " My Father Many little birds have been flying about our ears of late, and we thought they whispered to us that there was evil intended for us ; but now we hope these evil birds will let our ears alone. "My Father We know you are our friend, because you take our part ; and that is the reason we do what you tell us to do. " My Father You say you love your red children : we think we love you as much, if not more than you love us. We have confidence in you, and you may rely on us. " My Father We have been promised a great deal i t we would take these men that it would do much good to our people. We now hope to see what will be done for us. " My Father We have come in haste ; we are tired anc hungry. We now put these men into your hands ; we have done all that you told us to do." General Street said " My Children You have done well. I told you to OF THE UNITED STATES. 525 bring these men to me, and you have done so. I am pleased at what you have done. It is for your good, and for this reason I am pleased. I assured the Great Chief of the Warriors, that if these men were in your country, you would find them, and bring them to me that I believed you would do whatever I directed you ; and now that you have brought them, I can say much for your good. I will go down to Rock Island with the prisoners, and I wish you who have brought these men, especially, to go with me, with such other chiefs and warriors as you may select. " My Children The great Chief of the Warriors when he left this place, directed me to deliver these, and all other prisoners, to the chief of the warriors at this place, Colonel Taylor, who is here by me. " My Children Some of the Winnebagoes, south ol ihe Wisconsin river, have befriended the Saukies, and some of the Indians of my agency have also given them aid. This displeaseth the Great Chief of the Warriors and your Great Father the President, and was calculated to do much harm. " My Children Your Great Father the President, al Washington, has sent a great war chief from the fal east, General Scott, with a fresh army of soldiers. He is now at Rock Island. Your Great Father the Presi- dent, has sent him and the governor anjd chief of Illinois to hold a council with the Indians. He has sent a speech to you, and wishes the chief and warriors of the Winnebagoes to go to Rock Island to the council on the 10th of next month. I wish you to be ready in three days, when I will go with you. " My Children I am well pleased that you have taken the Black Hawk, the Prophet and other prisoners. This will enable me to say much for you to the Great Chief of the Warriors, and to the President your Great Father. My Children, I shall now deliver the two men Black Hawk and the Prophet to the chief of the warriors here ; he will take care of them till we start to Rock Island." Colonel Taylor said' The great chief of the war- riors told me to take the prisoners when you should bring them, and send them to Rock Island to him. I 526 UNIVERSAL HISTORY will take them and keep them safe, but I will use them well, and send them with you and General Street, when you go down to the council, which will be in a few days. Your friend, General Street, advises you to get ready and go down soon, and so do I. I tell you again I will take the prisoners ; I will keep them safe, and I will do them no harm. I will deliver them to the great chief of the warriors, and he will do with them and use them in such manner as shall be ordered by your Great Father the President. Chaeton, a Winnebago warrior then said to General Street : " My Father I am young and do not know how to make speeches. This is the second time I ever spoke to you before people. " My Father I am no chief; I am no orator ; but I have been allowed to speak to you. " My Father If I should not speak as well as others, still you must listen to me. " My Father When you made the speech to the chiefs Waugh-Kon-Deconi Carramana, the One Eyed Deconi and others the other day, I was there. I heard you. I thought what you said to them, you also said to me. You said, if these two (pointing to Black Hawk and the Prophet) were taken by us and brought to you, there would never more a black cloud hang over your Winne- bagoes. " My Father Your words entered into my ear, into my brains, and into my heart. " My Father I left here that same night, and you know you have not seen me since until now. " My Father I have been a great way. I have had much trouble ; but when I remembered what you said, I knew what you said was right. This made me con- tinue and do what you told me to do. " My Father Near the Dalle, on the Wisconsin, I took Black Hawk. No one did it but me, I say this in the ears of all present, and they know it and I now appeal to the Great Spirit, our Grand Father, and the Earth our Grand Mother, for the truth of what I say! . " My Father I am no chief, but what I have done is OF THE UNITED STATES. 527 for the benefit of my nation, and I hope to see the good that has been promised to us. " My Father That one, Wa-bo-kie-shiek (the Pro- phet) is my relation if he is to be hurt, I do not wish to see it. " My Father Soldiers sometimes stick the end of their guns (bayonets) into the backs of Indian prisoners vvhen they are going- about in the hands of the guard. [ hope this will not be done to these men." Threatened Dissolution of the Union. In closing this History, we must notice with unfeign- ed regret the stand recently taken by the government and people of South Carolina, in opposition to the laws of the general government. The excitement has been great, but the promptitude with which the emergency was met by the President has had its due effect. We insert below, both the Message and the Ordinance. If men may learn lessons of wisdom from the follies of their predecessors, the insertion of these state papers will not be considered either unnecessary or useless. The legislature re-assembled at Columbia, November 26th, pursuant to adjournment. On the following day Governor Hamilton made a communication, from which we copy his recommendations for carrying into effect the acts of the convention for nullifying the tariff laws. The governor says : " Fellow citizens: The die has been at last cast, and South Carolina has at length appealed to her ulterior sovereignty as a member of this confederacy, and placed herself upon her reserved rights. The rightful exercise of this power is not a question which we will any longer argue it is sufficient that she has willed it ; and that the act is done ; nor is its strict compatibility with our con- stitutional obligations to all laws passed by the general government within the authorized grants of power, to be drawn in question, when this interposition is exerted in a case in which the compact has been palpably, delibe- rately, and dangerously violated. That it brings up a 528 UNIVERSAL HISTORY conjunction of deep and momentous interests, is neither to be concealed nor denied. you have to employ at this crisis, is the precise amount of such enactments as may be necessary to render it utterly impossible to collect within our limits the duties imposed by protective tariffs thus nullified. That you will resort to such civil and penal provisions as will accomplish this purpose, without unnecessary rigor on the one hand, or a weak and mistaken leniency on the other, I feel so well assured that I shall refrain from entering into a detail of sug- gestions on a subject on which you are so much better advised than myself; that you should arm every citizen with a civil process, by which he may claim, if he chooses, a restitution of his goods, seized under the ex- isting impost, on giving security to abide the issue of a suit at laVv; and at the same time define what shall Con- stitute treason against the state ; and by a bill of pains and penalties, compel obedience, and punish disobedience to your own laws, are points too obvious to require dis- cussion. In one word, you must survey the whole ground. You must look to and provide for all possible contingencies. In your own limits, your own courts of judicature must not only be supreme, but you must look to the ultimate result of any conflict of jurisdiction and power, between them and the courts of the United States. " There is one contingency in particular, for which you ought to provide, and that is, in case the collectors of the customs in any of the ports of the state under the instruc- tions of the general government, should refuse to grant clearancy to vessels outward bound, that no injury should accrue to our trade, or to those who maybe carrying on friendly commercial intercourse with us, the governor should, under such circumstances, be authorized to grant instantly certificates of clearance, under the seal of the state. " From these legislative provisions, let me now pass to the consideration of the consequences, I trust, of a remote and improbable occurrence. ^ We claim that our remedy is essentially of a pacific OF THE UNITED STATES. 529 character. When we set up this claim, all we mean to say is, that of right it ought to be, and as far as we are concerned, it shall be so. To the peaceful redress af- forded by our courts, in the restitution which they shall decree, and to the ultimate arbitrement of our sister states in a general convention, assembled on the disputed powers, we look wi;h confidence to an adjustment of this painful controversy. But the final issue may be averse to this hope. . " Threats of coercion, we know were once in relation to the probable measures of this state officially promul- gated, and public rumor, to which it is not safe for those in charge of the public authorities to be absolutely deaf, has not diminished the conviction that these dispositions may probably be yet entertained. Nor ought we, in a struggle like this, to rely entirely on the confidence that power will not be used because right may be violated. " We must therefore be prepared for such an alterna- tive. " I would, therefore, recommend that our militia sys- tem, and its laws, undergo a thorough revision. That the Executive be authorized to accept for the defence of Charleston and its dependencies, the services of two thousand volunteers, either by companies or files, as they may volunteer, and that they be formed into four bat- talions of infantry, with one flank company of riflemen attached to each battalion ; one squadron of cavalry, and two battalions, one of field, and the other of heavy artil- lery ; that these corps be organized, in a legionary bri- gade, and that the Executive, from the precincts in which these volunteers are organized, select the officers of the appropriate rank for the several commands. I suggest the expediency of this brigade being armed and equipped from the public arsenals completely for the field, and that appropriations may be made for supplying all de- ficiences in our munitions of war. " In addition to these volunteer drafts, I deem it safe to recommend that the Executive be authorized also to ac- cept the services of ten thousand volunteers from the other divisions of the state, to be organized and arranged in regiments and brigades, the officers to be selected by 45 530 UNIVERSAL HISTORY the commander in chief, and that this whole force be called the State Guard. " Provision should likewise be made for mounting some of our heavy pieces of ordnance, and a fixed and annual appropriation made for the artillery in Charleston, and in other parts of the state, according to their relative ex- penses. I have ordered the quarter master general, and the arsenal keeper at Charleston, the latter- am expe- rienced officer of artillery, to repair to this place, to attend, in consultation, subcommittees of your respective bodies, in reference to the condition of their several de- partments. " I would moreover, recommend that the President be requested to direct tne removal of the United States' troops now in garrison in the state citadel in Charleston, which they now occupy, at the conjoint instance, and request of the state and city authorities, s the accommo- dations of that post are much wanted for our own arm? and munitions. I would also suggest, that after the cita del is thus returned to the state, and the public store, belonging to the state are deposited there, that the maga zine guard be removed from the Neck, to garrison thi post, and that a daily guard be detached from it to th magazine, and that the guard be augmented to sixty men, and that the appointment of its officers, and genera* disposition and organization, be under the orders and authority of the commander-in-chief. I should consider myself, gentlemen, as recreant to my trust, if I did not recommend to you these provisions, or the adoption of those of much wiser import that may suggest themselves to you, and which may be necessary to the public safety and public honour, however impro- bable the contingency of their ever being required. It is not enough that a people may be right in the struggle for their privileges and liberties, but they must have the means of securing their safety by ample resources, for repelling force by force. " I cannot, however, but think, that on a calm and dis- passionate review by Congress, and the functionaries of the General Government, of the true merits of this contro- versy, that the arbitration by a call of a convention of all OF THE UNITED STATES 531 the St .es, which we sincerely and anxiously seek and desire, will be accorded to us. " To resort to force, is at once to prefer a dissolution of the Union to its preservation. South Carolina has de clared that she admits of no arbiters but her co-states assembled with her in their sovereign capacity to deny to her this reference, is to admit that our league has no conservative principle, short of an appeal to the sword to suppose when one of our most prominent ob- jections to the protective system is its unconstitutionality, that this and the other vexatious and conflicting questions of constitutional power, which now convulse the whole country, are not susceptible of compromise or adjustment in an assembly of equivalent authority to that which formed the constitution, is to affirm that that spirit of amity and justice, without which the Union would be a revolting and compulsory league, is utterly extinct. " But be this as it may, whatever may be the issue of this unhappy controversy, relying on the intelligence and spirit of a free and gallant people, on the imperishable truth and sacred character of our rights, let us advance with an unfaltering heart and a steady step to the per- formance of our duty to our country. On your delibera- tions I fervently invoke the blessings of Almighty God. J. HAMILTON, Jr." " Columbia, Nov. 27, 1832." ' An Ordinance to nullify certain acts of the Congress of the United States, purporting to be laws laying duties and imposts on the importation of foreign com- modities. " Whereas, the Congress of the United States, by va- rious acts, purporting to be acts laying duties and imposts on foreigr imports, but in reality intended for the pro- tection of domestic manufactures and the giving of boun- ties to classes and individuals engaged in particular employments, at the expense and to the injury and op- pression, of other classes and individuals, and by wholly exempting from taxation certain foreign commodities, such as are not produced or manufactured in the United States, to afford a pretext for imposing higher and execs- 532 UNIVERSAL HISTORY sive duties on articles similar to those intended to be protected, hath exceeded its just powers under the con- stitution, which confers on it no authority to afford such protection, and hath violated the true meaning and intent of the constitution, which provides for equity in imposing the burdens of taxation upon the several states and portions of the confederacy. And, whereas the said Congress, exceeding its just power to impose taxes and collect revenue, for the purpose of effecting and accom- plishing the specific objects and purposes which the con- stitution of the United States authorizes it to effect and accomplish, hath raised and collected unnecessary reve- nue, for objects unauthorized by the constitution: " We, therefore, the People of the State of South Caro- lina in Convention assembled, do declare and ordain, and it is hereby declared and ordained, that the several acts and parts of acts of the Congress of the United States, purporting to be laws for the imposing of duties and im- posts on the importation of foreign commodities, and now having actual operation and effect within the United States, and more especially an act entitled " an act in alteration of the several acts imposing duties on im- ports," approved on the nineteenth day of May, one thousand eight-hundred and twenty-eight ; and also an act entitled " an act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports," approved on the fourteenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, are unauthorized by the Constitution of the United States, and violate the true meaning and intent thereof, and are null, void, and no law, nor binding upon this State, its officers, or citizens ; and all promises, contracts, and ob- ligations, made or entered into, or to be made, or enter- ed into, with purpose to secure the duties imposed by the said acts, and all judicial proceedings which shall be hereafter had in affirmance thereof, are, and shall be held utterly null and void : " And it is further ordained, that it shall be lawful for any of the constituted authorities, whether of this State or the United States, to enforce the payment of duties imposed by the said acts within the limits of this State ; but that it shall be the duty of tho Legislature to adopt OF THE UNITED STATES. 533 Such measures, and pass such acts, as may be necessary to give full effect to this ordinance, and to prevent the en- forcement, and arrest the operation, of the said acts and parts of acts of the Congress of the United States, within the limits of this State, from and after the first day of February next, and the duty of all other consti- tuted authorities, and of all persons residing or being within the limits of this State, and they are hereby re- quired and enjoined to obey and give effect to this Ordi- nance and such acts and measures of the Legislature, as may be passed or adopted in obedience thereto : " And it is further ordained, that in no case of law or equity, decided in the Courts of this State, wherein shall be drawn in question the authority of this Ordinance, or the validity of such act or acts of the Legislature as may be passed, for the purpose of giving effect thereto, or the validity of the aforesaid acts of Congress, imposing du- ties, shall any appeal be taken or allowed to the Supreme Court of the United States, nor shall any copy of the record be permitted or allowed for that purpose; and if any such appeal shall be attempted to be taken, the Courts of this State shall proceed to execute and enforce their judgments, according to the laws and usages of the State, without reference to such attempted appeal, and the person or persons attempting to take such ap- peal may be dealt with as for a contempt of the Court. " And it is further oidaine.d, That all persons now holding any office of honour, profit, or trust, civil or mil- tary, under this State (members of the Legislature shall prescribe, take an oath, well and truly to obey, excute, and enforce this Ordinance, and such act or acts of the Legislature as may be passed in pursuance thereof, ac- cording to the true intent and meaning of the same, and on the neglect or omission of any such person or persons so to do this, their office or offices shall be forthwith va- cated, and shall be filled up as if such person or persons were dead, or had resigned, and no person hereafter elected to any office of honour, profit or trust, civil or military (members of the Legislature excepted,) shall, until the Legislature shall otherwise provide and direct, enter on the execution of his office, or be in any respect 46* 534 UNIVERSAL HISTORY. competent to the duties thereof, until he shall, in like manner, have taken a similar oath ; and no jury shall be impannelled in any of the Courts of this State, in any cause in which shall be in question this Ordinance, of any act of the Legislature passed in pursuance thereof, unless he shall first, in addition to the usual oath, have taken an oath that he will well and truly obey, execute, and enforce, this Ordinance, and such act or acts of the Legislature as may be passed to carry the same into operation and effect, according to the true intent and meaning thereof: " And we, the people of South Carolina, to the end, that it may be fully understood by the Government of the United States, and the people of the co-States, that we are determined to maintain this, our ordinance and dec- laration, at every hazard, do further declare, that we will not submit to the application of force, on the part of tho Federal Government, to reduce this State to obedience ; but that we will consider the passage, by Congress, of any act, authorizing the employment of military or naval force against the State of South Carolina, her con- stituted authorities or citizens ; or any act abolishing or closing the ports of this State or any of them, or other- wise obstructing the free ingress and egress of vessels, to and from the said ports ; or any other act on the part of the Federal Government, to coerce the State, shut up her ports, destroy or harass her commerce, or to enforce the acts hereby declared to be null and void, otherwise than through the civil tribunals of the country, as incon- sistent with the longer continuance of South Carolina in the Union ; and that the people of this State will thence- forth hold themselves absolved from all further obliga- tion to maintain or preserve their political connexion with the people of the other States, and will forthwith proceed to organize a separate government : and do all other acts and things, which sovereign and independ- ent States may of right do." On the 4th of March, 1833, Andrew Jackson was du* ly inducted into office as President, and Martin Van Buren as Vice President, for the ensuing term of four years. THE UNITED STATES. 535 Tour of the President, in 1833 THE travels of national executives, whether in Mo- narchical Europe, or Republican America, excite much attention, furnishing the subject matter of many columns in the public papers, and food for much private gossip. The sayings and doings of bodies corporate and incorpo- rate the bills of expense the replies to loyal and pom- pous addresses the various travels, parades, and " moving accidents," serve to gratify curiosity, and " kill time," that ever vigilant enemy to the idle and thoughtless. That a tour of observation might, if properly conducted, be a source of much real benefit to our country, is freely ad- mitted ; but that a race against time, through crowds of soldiers, citizens, and bevies of females, can answer any valuable national purpose, is entirely beyond our feeble ken. We give below, a sketch of the travels of the President and his party, and a more particular detail of the events of his sojourn in New York, for obvious reasons. First, and all sufficient, we give as a reason, that six pages is all which we can occupy on this subject. Secondly, the sub- stance of all the honours paid him in his route, may be gathered from these particulars, if we except the diploma constituting him L. L> D.> conferred on him by the Cam- bridge University. We could urge an objection against the increasing evil of aping the empty pageantry of eastern countries, but we leave to the good sense of our readers to gather the moral from the fact. The whole route extended from Washington city to Concord, Massachusetts. On the 6th of June, he was received with every demonstration of respect by the consti- tuted authorities of Baltimore, thirty-six miles from Wash- ington. Of his reception in Philadelphia, the Pennsylva- nian thus speaks : " Altogether, the reception of the President in this city, hl been equal in enthusiasm to that of Lafayette in 1824. The feeling pervaded all classes ; no coldness was manifest 536 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF any. There seemed to be a general effort to be foremost in rendering honour to him to whom honour is due, The hostility lately manifested against him and his patriotic efforts, has melted away like frost before the sun, and the people have proved, that although gratitude may have slumbered, it is not dead; that although they were temporarily misled, they are not to be kept from the right path." The following account is copied from a daily paper, published in New York : RECEPTION OF THE PRESIDENT. THE DAY. Never, within our recollection, have we experienced more beautiful weather than yesterday. The previous rain had laid the dust, and the streets through which the procession was to pass, being swept, and in the best possible order, every thing conspired to facilitate the previous arrangements, The wind blew a gentle breeze, -sufficient for the various craft under way to work lively, and the temperature was neither too hot nor too cold for comfort. THE SHIPPING. At sunrise the flags were displayed from Ine forests of masts that crowd our wharves : and from every liberty poie, the principal hotels, and flag staffs, the American flag was seen waving. A number of vessels in the stream were beau- tifully dressed with the flags of all nations. PREPARATIONS. The city appeared alive, from sunrise to sunset. The mili- tary were all under arms at 10 A. M., parading the streets ; crowds followed, and every thing had the appearance of a gala day. At noon, business was wholly suspended ; me- chanics, artisans, and labourers, all left their work. The Exchange and Wall street, was nearly deserted, and a large concourse were seen moving to the great centre, Broadway. The Battery, and Broadway to the Park, with all the wharves, vessels, tops and windows of houses, appeared black with the population of the city. Every carriage, cart, stage, wagon, and other vehicle, appeared to have got into Broad- way, both sides of which were lined to such a degree, that it appeared impossible to move. In the centre of the street a fcmall line was kept open for the procession to pass. PROGRESS. The President with his escort reached Tr/?nton at 10 9'slook j crowds of inhabitants flocked to see .um : he then THE UNITED STATES. 537 accompanied by his suite, proceeded to Amboy, where the splendid Steamboat North America was in waiting to receive him. The Committee of the Corporation had accompanied the President from Philadelphia, but until he embarked on board the North America, he did not put himself under their charge. Here the various Committees received him, and they took their departure for New York, taking the outside passage down the Bay, and up through the Narrows. The Vice President, the city authorities, the foreign consuls to our port, and many distinguished citizens, embarked in the North America, to welcome the President on his arrival in this State. The Telegraph from the lower station announced from time to time their progress. The Steamboats Ohio, Rufus King, and Hercules, filled with passengers, got under way at the same time, and accom- panied the North America to Amboy and back to the city. APPROACH TO THE CITY. As soon as the fleet of Steamboats and water craft passed the Narrows, they were in full view from the city. The North America, elegantly dressed with flags from stem to stern, led the van. The Ohio, dressed in the same manner, followed next, then a number of other Steamboats, Revenue Cutters, Pilot Boats, and a great number of small craft, all approached the city with a brisk breeze, and a favorable tide. As they passed the Narrows, Bedlow's and Governor's Islands, the salutes commenced. The two Dutch ships in the stream paid a similar compliment, and the President approached the city amid the roar of artillery. The scene was one of great oeauty and splendour, and not surpassed in several years, except by the landing of General Lafayette. THE LANDING. At four o'clock precisely the Steamboat North America was placed alongside Castle Garden, and the General landed. He was accompanied by Governor Cass, Mr. Woodbury, Mr. McLean, Major Donaldson, and Colonel Earl. Castle Garden was well filled to receive him ; the battery, windows, houses, trees, wharves, and vessels, appeared a dense popu- lation. He was conducted by the delegated authorities to the Grand Saloon in the Garden, which had been tastefully and appropriately fitted up for the occasion. Shortly after, he appeared on the piazza in front, accompanied by the Mayor of the city. Here the acclamations of those present rent the air, whilst the President, by bowing and gestures, acknoW' 538 UNIVERSAL HISTORY OF ledged his sense of the enthusiasm which his presence excited. The different military corps were stationed on the Battery ; they mustered in such number, that the people, who claim the Battery as theirs by a kind of pre-emptive right, were almost excluded from it, or cramped up in so small a space, that they had but a poor opportunity to witness the arrival of the President. The approaches to Castle Garden were com- pletely closed, and hundreds of citizens and their families prevented obtaining admission there. About half an hour expired before the President left the Garden. THE ACCIDENT. When it was announced that the President had landed, some of the military on the Battery made a movement, by which the citizens who had assembled to witness his arrival, became completely wedged up their escape was impossible, and for them to remain, intolerable. A large number, there- fore, for relief, took shelter in front of the entrance to Castle Garden Bridge, which had previously been kept compara- tively free ; and there they remained, until orders w r ere given to clear the entrance, by opening to the right and left, for the purpose of affording an egress to the President and his suite. This was done in such a manner, that a number of persons, who had no other means of avoiding the cavalry to whom the duty was assigned, clambered up on the top of the ticket offices, which were slight erections, covering the end of the Castle Garden Bridge, contiguous to the Battery. Upon the appearance of the President on the bridge leading from the Castle, attended by his suite and a considerable number of citi- zens, the rush from without was such, that, with the accumula- ted weight of the whole, the string pieces extending from the fifth abutment of the bridge to the Battery wall gave way, precipitating those on the top of these slightly framed offices, upon the persons collected below. At this time the President had passed safe, though not more than his horse's length. Those in the rear were not so fortunate ; the end of the string pieces of the bridge slipping from the Battery wall, this entire part fell into the river, and with it a number of individuals. The water not being deep, in consequence of the filling up with stone to protect the wall from the effects of the current, none were in danger of being drowned, yet many were thrown into -the water ; and several, though not severely, were materially injured. Among those who fell with the bridge, were Gov. Cass, Major Donaldson, and Colonel Earl. How it happened that no lives were lost, and no more injuries incurred, it is very THE UNITED STATES. 539 difficult to imagine. We have heard of several remarkable escapes. When the bridge fell, two of our informants had a full view of the scene, at the moment of the accident. The ticket boxes seemed to be torn or crushed in, and the people who crowded their tops, as well as those within, were precipi- tated into the river. One of the keepers had the singular presence of mind, on hearing the crashing of timber, to seize his money drawer, which he saved, although he fell with the mass, got wet, and was involved with the crow r d in the common dangers. One gentlemen was saved from no less imminent danger. He had taken his stand at the gateway, to see the procession pass, and was leaning against one of the gate posts when the bridge fell. The gate, which is of iron, and must be of great weight, falling over, carried him with it into the water, bruising his shoulder slightly, but doing him no further injury. He was sensible of nothing further, until he found himself middle deep in water. The troops, under the command of Major-General Morton, were more numerous, and made a better military appearance, than we have ever before seen. They were drawn up in line on the battery, and the President reviewed them on horse- back. He appeared to catch much of the military ardour of the occasion, and went through the whole with apparent ease and pleasure. MARCH THROUGH THE CITY. This was the most unpleasant part of the whole duty. There was such a dense body of human flesh, that it seemed impossible to get through it. Broadway, from the Battery to the City Hall, was lined on both sides with carts, wagons, carriages, and stages, all filled with persons ; the sidewalks, balconies, steps, doors, and a large portion of the main street, was packed with men, women, and children ; every window, housetop, fence and tree, was filled ; and in fact, so dense was the population, that it was with the greatest difficulty that the President, surrounded as he was by a guard of horsemen, could make any progress. As he left the battery, and proceeded up slowly through Broadway, followed by all the military, there appeared to be a crowd of some two or three thousand who were determined to keep up with him, and w r ho, to accomplish their objecL paid no respect to age or sex, but rushed through the crowd like a torrent. The President rode uncovered, and as he passed, was constantly cheered by all classes. The ladies, generally, waved their white handkerchiefs^and the Pr?fif3ent #40 UNIVERSAL HISTORY. constantly bowed on both sides. When the military reached St. Paul's, Broadway above was packed with horses, carts, &c. &c. ; not even force could clear a passage, and the proces- sion took the right, up Chatham Row, and entered the Park opposite Tammany Hall. CEREMONY AT THE HALL. On reaching the front of the City Hall, the Park and whole avenue, containing acres, was filled by a dense mass of people, all anxious to catch a glimpse of the President, who was stationed in front of the Hall, and the whole military passed him in review ; he repaired to the Balcony, where full fifty thousand persons had a view, although distant, of his person, which appeared to be the tallest on the balcony. He then repaired to the American Hotel, where splendid apartments were provided for his reception. From his apart- ments, there he again repeatedly greeted the surrounding crowd, and until night closed, was cheered by the huzzas of the people. In the evening, the theatres and other places of public amusement were brilliantly illuminated, and adorned with appropriate transparencies. On the 14th, the President left New York in a steamer, for Bridgeport, Connecticut, sixty-three miles distant. After receiving the usual honours, he visited New Haven, Hartford, Middletown, and other places of some note on his way to Boston, at which place he arrived on the 21st. Here, we need not add, he received a suitable and gratify- ing welcome. His ill health was the probable cause of a speedy return to Washington, where hfl arrived in the beginning of July. Black Hawk, his son, and the Prophet, captives retain- ed as hostages by the United States, since the war with the Sacs and Foxes', in 1832, proceeded on the same route travelled by the President, as far as New York, whence they were conducted by way of Albany and Detroit, to their place of destination. Soon after the return of the President to Washington, die state of his health rendered a journey to the Kip-Raps advisable. He went, and, his health being restored, he seat of government, and now, " lucnard's TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Birth, education, and early life of Columbus Discoveries by Co- lumbus, and others, . . ~ . . ... . 5 CHAPTER II. From the Settlement of Jamestown, to the Embarcation of the Plymouth Company. Voyage of Captain Newport, ..... 13 Attack of the Natives, . . . . . .14 Captain Smith tried and acquitted, .... 15 Return of Captain Newport to England, . . . . ib. Distresses of the Colonists, ..... ib. Their dissensions, . . . . . . ih. Captain Ratcliff made President, . . . .16 Fortifications erected at Jamestown, . . . . ib. A conspiracy detected in the Colony, ... 17 The Indians capture Captain Smith, . . . . ib Smith liberated by Pocahontas, . . . ib. More settlers and provisions arrive, . . . .18 Delusion respecting gold dust, . . . . ib. First remittance to England, . . . . .19 Exploring party visits the Susquehannah, . . . ib. First females arrive in the country, . . . .20 New charter, and increase of settlers, . 21 Disputes respecting precedency, . . . . .2*2 Distresses by famine relieved, .... 23 Sir T. Dale arrives with men and provisions, . . .24 Another new charter issued, ..... ib. Lotteries first granted in England, for the benefit of the settlements, ib. Mr. Rolfe marries Pocahontas, . . . . .25 Land allotted to individuals, ..... ib. Edicts against raising Tobacco, . . . . . io. Martial law declared, ...... 26 Tyranny of the Deputy Governor, . . . . ib. Sabbath laws, and penalty for breach thereof punishment by slavery, ib. First colonial assembly convened, .... 27 Females transported, and sold for wives; their price, . . ib. First convicts transported, ..... 28 CHAPTER III. From the Embarcation of the Plymouth Company, to the dose of the Pequot War. King's Letters Patent boundaries, . . 28 Settlers embark at Southampton, . . . ib. Colonists land at Cape Cod, . . . . .29 Sabbath first observed in New-England, ... 30 Great mortality in Plymouth colony, . . . . ib. n CONTENTS. Governor Carver dies, Mr. Bradford succeeds, . . 31 Evils threatened by Indians and famine, . . . .32 Public Fast, and Thanksgiving appointed, ... 33 Virginia Company form a constitution, . . . . ib. Massacre in Virginia, ...... 35 Great drought in Plymouth, . . . . . ib. Charlestown settled, ...... 36 Fifteen hundred people arrive at Salem, . . . . ib. John Winthrop made Governor, . . . ib. Churches established, . . . . . . 37 Arrival of Messrs. Haynes, Stone, and Hooker, . . ib. Connecticut river discovered, . . . . .38 Difficulty with the Dutch at Hartford, ... 39 Ravages of the Smallpox, . . . . . ib. Connecticut settled sufferings, .... 40 First Court holden in Connecticut, . . . .41 Charter of Connecticut obtained, . . . ib. Indian murders, . . . . . . . ib. Captain Stone, and John Oldham, murdered, ... 42 Reprisals on the Indians, . . . . . . 43 I ndian ambuscade at Saybrook, . . . ib. Enterprise under Captain Mason, . . . .45 Attack on a Pequot fort, . . . . .52 The fort and wigwams burnt, . . . . . ib. The Dutch restore two captive maids taken by the Pequots, and saved by means of a squaw, . . . .56 Battle with the Indians at Fairfield, . . . .58 The triple alliance at Hartford, .... 60 Thanksgiving, on account of Peace, . . . .61 New- Haven discovered, . . . . . ib. Earthquake in New-England, . . . . . ib. Increase of settlements in Connecticut, . . .62 Portsmouth and Exeter settled, . . . . .63 New-Hampshire separated from Massachusetts, . . 64 Rhode Island purchased of the Indians, . . . .66 First permanent settlement in Maine, . . ib. Vermont declared an independent state, . . . .69 Remarks on the religion of the colony, ... 70 duakets made their first appearance, . . . .71 First Baptist Church in America, . . . ib. Manners and customs, . . . . ib. Prohibiting the use of tooacco, . . . ib. Agriculture and commerce, . . . . . 72 Arts and inanufactures, ..... ib. Printing first introduced, . . . . . ib. Education and p?7shcB, . . ib. PART II. CHAPTER IV. Discovery and Progress of the Middle and Southern States. Hudson's voyage and discoveries, .... 73 Sir Thomas Dale and the Dutch. . ib. CONTENTS. iij Grant of the Dutch West India Company, ... 74 Settlement of New- Jersey by the Danes, . . . . ib. Emigration of Swedes and Finns, . . . ib. Delaware settled by Swedes and Finns, . . . . ib. Maryland settled by Roman Catholics, ... 75 William Clayborne excites rebellion, . . . . ib. Grant of New-Orleans to Sir R. Heath, ... 76 Indigent subjects transported to Georgia, . . . . ib. First house built in Savannah, . . . . ib. History of all the colonies combined, . . . . ib. Charter of Connecticut read to the freemen, . . . ib. Difficulty in collecting taxes, . . . . . 77 New- York submits to Colonel Nichols, ib Demand of Sir Edmund Andross, . . . '7^ Determined resistance of Captain T. Bull, . . . ib. Commencement of Philip's war, . . . . . ib. Defence of a house in Brookfield, .... 80 Attacks of Indians on several towns, . . . .81 Indian fort taken and destroyed, with many of the men, women, and children, ...... 83 Death of King Philip, . . . . . .84 Peace concluded with the Indians, . . . ib. Form j>f Government by William Penn, . . . .85 Sir E. Andross demands the Connecticut Charter, which is hidden, 86 Tyrannical proceedings of Andross, .... 87 War between France and England, . . . .90 Massacre at Schenectady, . . . . ib. Casco, in Maine, destroyed, . . ^ . .91 An expedition fitted out against Canada, . . . ib. Narrative of Sir William Phipps, . . . . ib. Hemy Sloughter appointed Governor of New- York, . . ib. Leisler and Melborne executed, . . . . . ib. Colonel Fletcher succeeds Governor Sloughter, . . ib. Governor Fletcher demands the submission of the Connecticut mi- litia to his command, . . . . . ib. A treaty between Great Britain and France, . . 93 The surprise of Dover, . . . . . . ib. Heroic act of Mr. Dustan, ..... 94 Distressing situation of Mrs. Dustan, and other captives, . . 96 The Earl of Bellamont appointed Governor, . . . ib. War with the French, Indians, and Spaniards, . . ib. Deerfield surprised, and the people killed and made prisoners, . 97 Mr. Williams, and other prisoners, redeemed, . . ib. Expedition against Canada, . . . . . ib. Nine transports lost, ...... 98 Samuel Street appointed Governor, . . . . ib. Indian War in South Carolina, . ib. Peace between France and England^ . . . . ib. William Burnet appointed Governor, ... 99 Forts and trading houses built on Lake Ontario, . . ib, Indian War Peace restored, .... 100 Settlement of Georgia, .... . ib. iv CONTENTS. Disturbance among the Negroes in South Carolina, . . ib. War again broke out between England and France, . . 101 Louisburg taken by the English, . . . . ib. Peace restored in 1748, . . . . . .103 CHAPTER V. French and Indian War. Causes which led to this war, . . . 104 Washington's expedition, ... . 105 Braddock's defeat, ...... 108 Lord Loudon arrives as Commander-in-chief, . . .111 Loss of Oswego, . . . . . 112 General Amherst arrives in America, .... 121 Generals Amherst and Wolfe capture St. John's and Louisburg, 123 An attack upon Ticonderoga, ..... 124 Fort Frontenac taken, ...... 127 Fort Du duesne taken by General Forbes, . . ib. Expedition against Canada, ..... 128 Gluebec taken by General Wolfe, . . . .131 Close of the French and Indian war, . . . . ib. PART HI. CHAPTER VI. Causes which led to the American Revolution, . . 133 Several cargoes of tea destroyed in Boston harbour, . . 156 Battle of Lexington, ..... 162 Ticonderoga taken by the Americans, . . . .164 Battle of Bunker's "Hill, 167 Washington appointed Commander-in-chief of the American forces, 168 Falmouth, in Massachusetts, burnt by the English, . . 170 An attempt to storm Gluebec, . . . .172 CHAPTER VII. American Revolution continued. Boston evacuated by the British, . . . .175 Admiral Parker attempts the siege of Charleston, Declaration of Independence, . . . . 179 CHAPTER VIII. American Revolution continued. New-York taken by the British, Danbury destroyed, ..... 185 CHAPTER IX. Evacuation of Canada. Carleton's battle, ...... 186 Battle at Bennington, ...... 190 Battle of SaratogaCapture of Burgoyne, . . . 193 Battle of Brandywine, . . . . . .194 Capture of Philadelphia, ..... ib. Philadelphia evacuated by the English, . . . .195 Battle at Monmouth, ...... ib. CONTENTS. Y CHAPTER X. Operations of the Revolution. Expedition of Captain Ferguson, ... 201 Expedition of Colonel Campbell, ..... 202 Georgia occupied by the English, . . . . 204 General movements at the South, ..... 205 Storming of Stoney Point, ..... 206 Naval excursion of John Paul Jones, .... 207 Proceedings at the South. . . 208 British government organized at South Carolina, . . . 212 Movements of General Gates, .... 215 CHAPTER XI. Treason of Arnold Andre taken. Count De Grasse's arrival with 3,300 troops, . . . 222 Battle at Yorktown fall of Cornwallis, . . 224 Cessation of hostilities, ...... 228 Washington's farewell orders, ..... 229 Evacuation of New-York, ..... 232 Parting scene between Washington and his officers, . . 233 Washington resigns his commission to Congress, . ^ . 234 CHAPTER XIII. Of the confederation, formation, and adoption, of the present con- stitution of the United States, .... 235 General George Washington elected first President, . . ib. Washington's journey from Mount Vernon to New- York, . 236 President's tour through New-England, . . .241 The first census completed in 1791, . . . . 244 A treaty with the Creek Indians, . . . ib. War with the Northwestern Indians, . . . . ib. General St. C lair's military operations, . . . ib. General Wayne's victory, ..... 245 General Washington re-elected President, 1792, . . 246 Declaration of War by France, against England and Holland, . ib. Proceedings of Congress, ..... 247 CHAPTER XIV. John Adams elected President, 1797, . . . 248 Difficulties with France, ..... ib. Death of General Washington doings of the nation, . . 249 Mr. Jefferson chosen President, and Mr. Burr Vice President, 250 Ohio admitted into the Union in 1803, ... 251 Tripolitan war, . . . * . . . ib. Peace with Tripoli, ...... 253 Mr. Jefferson re-elected President, Mr. Clinton Vice President, ib. Mr. Burr's proceedings, and trial, . . . . ib. Difficulties on the ocean, ..... 254 James Madison elected President, Mr. Clinton re-elected Vice Pre- sident, 1809, 256 War declared against Great Britain, . . 257 vi CONTENTS. Detroit taken, - ... 258 Naval proceedings, - ib. Mr. Madison re-elected President, and George Clinton Vice Pre- sident, 1813, 265 Skirmishes on the sea coast, ..... 269 Commodore Porter's cruise, ..... 275 Success at the West, - .... 283 Perry's Victory, - ..... 287 Commodore Chauncey's cruise, - - . - - 301 Fort Minim's taken, and the garrison murdered, - - -309 War with the Indians at the west, .... 312 Saybrook attacked, and the shipping destroyed, ,- - - 325 The British attempt landing at Stonington, ... 327 CHAPTER XV. Operations of the army on the frontier, .... 340 Destruction of the capital, - ... 349 The British attack Baltimore death of General Ross, - - 353 Macdonough's victory, - - - - 361 Hartford Convention, - - - - - - 363 The Creek war renewed, - - - ib. General Jackson takes Pensacola, . - - 365 Jackson's Victory, - ..... 373 Peace with Great Britain, ..... 375 General view of the United States, - ib. View of the Western States, .... 379 Estimate of the population, ..... 384 CHAPTER XVI. President Monroe's Administration, .... 388 Mississippi admitted into the Union, - 389 War with the Seminole Indians, .... 390 Arkansas admitted into the Union, .... 393 Mr. Monroe re-elected President, .... 394 Lafayette's landing at New- York his tour, - - 401 John duincy Adams elected President, - 409 Lafayette's departure for France, . - - 416 Doings in Congress, - - - -419 Death of Adams and Jefferson, .... 423 Treaty with M'Intosh, - - - - - -427 Remarks upon Part Third, ..... 440 Jackson chosen President, ..... 449 Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, - - 455 CHAPTER XVIL A review of the progress of the Western States, - - 459 CHAPTER XVIH. Jackson's Administration, ... 481 T3 YB 53560 M1185163 T3 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY