'■'':,■ ' ■ ; : • ' '' '■''•-'■■ » M ■■■-*■■'.■' 1 ■ m ' ■ " : ( *'■ ffl ■ * ■ ■■ BflRlSMfilH ■Hra R3 ■''.'■• .•■■ , : ■ v V ■'■•■'■' ' '..•'..■'■.■•■■'■' ' • •• . : - '. . ' i;V-V ■ ' ■Hill ■flliil si I ■'■'■ ■'■ in JfflP h ■- d kg Si < in a C 3 o ss S J --5 ■o E o m o STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORTS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES EDWARD HYATT, State Engineer BULLETIN No. 24 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER An Analysis of Its Utility in the Coordinated Plan for the Development of the Water Resources of California By A. D. EDMONSTON, Deputy State Engineer A Report to Joint Legislative Committee of 1927 on Water Resources and to the State Department of Finance 1929 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL, State Engineer to Chairman of Joint Legislative Committee on Water Resources and to Director of Finance 13 ENGINEERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE 14 ORGANIZATION 15 Chapter I INTRODUCTION 17 SUMMARY 19 General 19 Drainage Basin and Water Supply 19 Consolidated Development 19 Power Output 21 Irrigation Service 22 Valley Agricultural Lands Susceptible of Irrigation from American River 24 Flood Control 24 Salinity Control 27 Methods of operating Complete Consolidated Development Coordinately for Flood Control, Salinity Control, Irrigation and Power 28 Effect of the operation of the Consolidated Development on Navigation on Sacramento River 29 Capital Cost 32 Annual Cost 35 Revenue from Power 40 Chapter II DRAINAGE BASIN AND WATER SUPPLY OF AMERICAN RIVER 41 Drainage Basin 41 Water Supply 41 Chapter III CONSOLIDATED PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER PRO- POSED BY AMERICAN RIVER HYDRO-ELECTRIC CO 44 General 44 Folsom Reservoir 44 Auburn Reservoir 48 Pilot Creek Reservoir 40 Coloma Reservoir ■. 50 Webber Creek Reservoir 52 Chapter IV ELECTRIC POWER OUTPUT FROM CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT 53 Location and Mode of Operation of Power Plants 53 Methods Employed in Estimating Power Output 53 Power Output from Folsom Plant 55 Power Output from Auburn and Pilot Creek Plants 61 Power Output from Coloma and Webber Creek Plants 66 Power Output from Complete Consolidated Development 70 Chapter V IRRIGATION SERVICE FROM CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT 73 Importance of Consolidated Development in Comprehensive Plan of Water Development of State 73 Yield of Reservoirs of Consolidated Development in Irrigation Supply and Incidental Power 74 Area of Irrigation Service from Consolidated Development 89 Agricultural Lands in Sacramento Valley Capable of Irrigation from Ameri- can River 91 (5) TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter VI Page UTILIZATION OF RESERVOIRS OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT FOR CONTROL OF FLOODS ON AMERICAN RIVER 93 Necessity for Flood Control on American River 93 Plans for Flood Control 93 Data Used and Methods Employed in Analysis of Flood Flows 94 Floods of Record '•' I Frequency of Flood Occurrence 96 Reservoir Space Required to Control Floods 98 Size of Floods Controllable with Specified Amounts of Reservoir Space 100 Maximum Storage Reservation for Flood Control in Reservoirs of Consoli- dated Development 101 Proposed Method of Operating Reservoirs of Consolidated Development for Flood Control Coord lnately with Conservation 103 Pryive of Protection Afforded by Supplementary Reservoir Control 106 Interference of Flood Control with Conservation Values of Reservoirs of Consolidated Development 107 Chapter VII UTILIZATION OF RESERVOIRS OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT I'OR CONTROL OF SALINITY IN DELTA OF SACRAMENTO AND SAN JOAQUIN RIVERS 120 Need for Salinity Control 120 Methods of Salinity Control 120 Data Available on Salinity Conditions 121 Rate of Fresh Water Inflow into Delta required for Salinity Control 121 Supplemental Flow required for Salinity Control 122 Salinity Control with Reservoirs of Consolidated Development not coordinated with other uses 123 Salinity Control with Reservoirs of Consolidated Development coordinated with other uses 124 Salinity Control obtainable through operation of Reservoirs of Consolidated Development primarily for Power 133 Chapter VIII METHODS OF OPERATING THE COMPLETE CONSOLIDATED DEVELOP- MENT COORDINATELY FOR FLOOD CONTROL, SALINITY CON- TROL, IRRIGATION AND POWER 134 Chapter IX COST OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT — 141 < teneral 141 Folsom Reservoir 141 Auburn Reservoir 146 Pilot Creek Reservoir 150 Coloma Reservoir 152 Webber Creek Reservoir 156 Complete Development 159 Chapter X ANNUAL COST OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT 160 Chapter XI GEOLOGY OF DAM SITES OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT 175 Examinations and Subsurface Explorations 175 Geological Report by Hyde Forbes, Geologist 175 (6) LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Elevation of American River Drainage Basin above Fair Oaks Gaging Station 41 2. Seasonal Run-off of American River at Fair Oaks Gaging Station, 1904-1927 42 3. Average Monthly Distribution of Seasonal Run-off, 1904-1927 43 4. Capacity of Folsom Reservoir 45 5. Present Diversions from American River above Folsom Dam 46 6. Estimated Seasonal Run-off of American River at Folsom Dam Site, 1904-1927 47 7. Capacity of Auburn Reservoir 48 8. Estimated Seasonal Run-off of North Fork of American River at Auburn Dam Site, 1904-1927 49 9. Capacity of Coloma Reservoir 51 10. Estimated Seasonal Run-off of South Fork of American River at Coloma Dam Site, 1904-1927 52 11. Monthly Distribution of Electric Power Demand, State-wide Average 54 12. Net Evaporation from Reservoir Surface 54 13. Power Output of Folsom Plant — Folsom reservoir operated in accord with schedule of water release to develop maximum primary power 57 14. Power Output of Folsom Plant — Folsom reservoir operated in accord with schedule of water release proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company 58 15. Characteristics of Power Output of Folsom Plant — Power output with water release from Folsom reservoir to develop maximum primary power, .1905-1927 59 16. Characteristics of Power Output of Folsom Plant — Power output with water release from Folsom reservoir operated in accord with schedule of water release proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company, 1905—19 27 60 17. Power Output of Auburn Plant — Auburn reservoir operated in accord with two schedules of water release 62 18. Characteristics of Power Output of Auburn Plant with two Schedules of "Water Release from Auburn Reservoir, 1905—1927 63 19. Power Output of Pilot Creek Plant with Auburn Reservoir Operated in Accord with two Schedules of "Water Release 64 20. Characteristics of Power Output of Pilot Creek Plant with Auburn Reservoir Operated in Accord with two Schedules of Water Release, 1905-1927 65 21. Power Output of Coloma Plant — Coloma reservoir operated in accord with two schedules of water release 66 22. Characteristics of Power Output of Coloma Plant with two Schedules of Water Release from Coloma Reservoir, 1905-1927 67 23. Power Output of Webber Creek Plant — Coloma reservoir operated in accord with two schedules of water release 68 24. Characteristics of Power Output 2^ Webber Creek Plant with two Schedules of Water Release from Coloma Reservoir, 1905—1927 69 25. Power Output from Complete Consolidated Development Operated Primarily for Power Generation with two Schedules of Water Release 71 26. Characteristics of Power Output from Complete Consolidated Development Operated Primarily for Power Generation with two Schedules of Water Release, 1905-1927 72 27. Irrigation Demand, in per cent of Seasonal Total 74 28. Effective Capacity of Reservoirs of Consolidated Development Operated Primarily for Irrigation 75 ( 7 ) LIST OF TABLES Table Page 29. Irrigation Yield and Power Output of Folsom Reservoir Operated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed 76 30. Irrigation Yield and Power Output of Folsom and Auburn Reservoirs Oper- ated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Coloma Reservoir not constructed 77 31. Irrigation Yield and Power Output of Folsom, Auburn and Coloma Reser- voirs Operated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Com- plete development 78 32. Characteristics of Power Output of Folsom Plant wtih Folsom Reservoir Operated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed — 1905-1927. Load factor=0.75 79 33. Characteristics of Power Output of Folsom Plant with Folsom Reservoir Operated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed — 1905-1927. Load factor-=1.00 80 34. Characteristics of Power Output of Folsom Plant with Folsom Reservoir Operated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed — 1905-1927. Load factor^=0.75, Janu- ary to July; 1.00, July to January 81 35. Characteristics of Power Output of Folsom, Auburn and Pilot Creek Plants, with Folsom and Auburn Reservoirs Operated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Coloma Reservoir not constructed — 1905-1927. Load factor=0.75 82 36. Characteristics of Power Output of Folsom, Auburn and Pilot Creek Plants, with Folsom and Auburn Reservoirs Operated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Coloma Reservoir not constructed — 1905-1927. Load factor=1.00 . 83 37. Characteristics of Power Output of Folsom, Auburn and Pilot Creek Plants, with Folsom and Auburn Reservoirs Operated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Coloma Reservoir not constructed — 1905-1927. Load factor=0.75, January to July; 1.00, July to January 84 38. Characteristics of Power Output of Folsom, Auburn, Pilot Creek, Coloma and Webber Creek Plants with Folsom, Auburn and Coloma Reservoirs Operated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Complete development — 1905-1927. Load factor=0.75 85 39. Characteristics of Power Output of Folsom, Auburn, Pilot Creek, Coloma and Webber Creek Plants with Folsom, Auburn and Coloma Reservoirs Operated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Complete development — 1905-1927. Load factor=1.00 86 40. Characteristics of Power Output of Folsom, Auburn. Pilot Creek, Coloma and Webber Creek Plants with Folsom, Auburn and Coloma Reservoirs Oper- ated Primarily for Irrigation with Incidental Power. Complete develop- ment — 1905-1927. Load factor=0.75. January to July; 1.00, July to January 87 41. Irrigation Yield of Reservoirs of Consolidated Development Operated Pri- marily for Power Generation with Water Release to Develop Maximum Primary Power 88 42. Irrigation Yield of Reservoirs of Consolidated Development Operated Pri- marily for Power Generation with Water Release in Accord with Schedule Proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company 89 43. Irrigation Service from Consolidated Development 90 44. Twenty Largest Floods on American River at Fair Oaks Gaging Station 96 45. Estimated Flood Flow of American River at Fair Oaks Gaging Station 98 46. Reservoir Space Required to Control Floods on American River at Fair Oaks Gaging Station 100 47. Size of Floods on American River Controllable with Specified Amounts of Reservoir Space 101 ( 8 ) LIST OF TABLES Table Page 48. Maximum Storage Reservation for Flood Control in Reservoirs of Consoli- dated Development 102 49. Size of Floods Controllable by Maximum Storage Reservation for Flood Con- trol Assigned to Reservoirs of Consolidated Development 103 50. Power Output of Folsom Plant with and without Flood Control. Fol- som reservoir operated primarily for power generation. Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed. Yearly Summary of Computations carried out on a Daily Basis 110 51. Power Output of Folsom Plant with and without Flood Control. Fol- som reservoir operated primarily for power generation. Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed. Monthly Summary of Computations Carried out on a Daily Basis — (six pages) 111 52. Effect of Flood Control on Power Output from Consolidated Development. Reservoirs operated primarily for power generation with water release to develop maximum primary power — 1905—1927 , 117 53. Effect of Flood Control on Power Output from Consolidated Development. Reservoirs operated primarily for power generation with water release in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company — 1905-1927 118 54. Effect of Flood Control on Irrigation Yield of Reservoirs of Consolidated Development Operated Primarily for Irrigation — 1905-1927 119 55. List of Salinity Observation Stations Maintained by Division of "Water Rights (opp.) 120 56. Supplemental Flow Required for Salinity Control 123 57. Power Output of Complete Consolidated Development with and without Salinity Control. Water release to develop maximum primary power consistent with salinity control requirements 126 58. Characteristics of Power Output from Complete Consolidated Development with and without Salinity Control. Water release to develop maximum primary power consistent with salinity control requirements — 1905-1927- 127 59. Power Output of Complete Consolidated Development with and without Salinity Control. Water release in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company consistent with salinity control requirements 128 60. Characteristics of Power Output from Complete Consolidated Development with and without Salinity Control. Water release in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company, consistent with salinity control requirements — 1905-1927 129 61. Irrigation yield and incidental power output of complete consolidated development with and without salinity control 130 62. Characteristics of Incidental Power Output from Complete Consolidated Development Operated for Irrigation with and without Salinity Control — 1905-1927. Load factor=0.75 131 63. Characteristics of Incidental Power Output from Complete Consolidated Development Operated for Irrigation with and without Salinity Control — 1905-1927. Load facton=1.00 132 64. Inflow into Delta of Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers with Reservoirs of Consolidated Development Operated Primarily for Power with two Schedules of Water Release for Months in which Average Inflow was less than 5000 second-feet — 1920-1927 133 65. Power Output of Complete Consolidated Development Operated Coordinately for Flood Control, Salinity Control, Irrigation and Power. Irrigation Supply for San Joaquin "Valley of 334,000 acre-feet per season 136 66. Characteristics of Power Output of Complete Consolidated Development Operated Coordinately for Flood Control, Salinity Control, Irrigation and Power. Irrigation Supply for San Joaquin Valley of 334,000 acre-feet per season 137 (9) LIST OF TABLES Table Page 67. Power Output of Complete Consolidated I "evelopment Operated Coordiuat'ly for Flood Control, Salinity Control, Irrigation and Power. Irrigation Supply for San Joaquin Valley of 1,000,000 acre-feet per season 18S 68 Characteristics of Power Output of Complete Consolidated Development Operated Coonlinately for Flood Control, Salinity Control, Irrigation and Power — 1905-1927. Irrigation Supply for Ban Joaquin Valley of 1,000,000 acre-feet per season 1 10 69. Estimated Cost of Folsom Reservoir ane\ clopment operated primarily for generation of power with schedule of water release to develop maximum primary power. Private financing 164 81. Estimated Annual Cost of Consolidated Development. Operated primarily for the generation of power with water release in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company. State financing 1G6 82. Estimated Annual Cost of Consolidated Development Operated primarily for generation of power with water release in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company. Private financing 168 83. Annual Cost of Consolidated Development. Water release to develop maxi- mum primary power consistent with other requirements (three pages) 170 84. Annual Cost of Consolidated Development. Water release in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company modified to meet other requirements (two pages) 173 ( 10 ) LIST OF PLATES Plate Page ^ I. Coordinated Plan for Development of Water Resources of California as reported to the Legislature of 1927 (opp.) 18 v II. Geographic Relation of Consolidated Development on American River to Certain Agricultural, Overflow and Salinity Areas (opp.) 18 III. Profile of Consolidated Development on American River Proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company 20 IV. Probable Frequency of Flood Discharge on American River at Fair Oaks 97 V. Reservoir Space required to Control Floods on American River 99 VI. Hydrograph of Flood of 1928 on American River 100 *— VII. Salinity Observation Stations maintained by Division of Water Rights (opp.) 120 — VIII. Folsom Dam with Power Plant and Flood Control Features (opp.) 142 IX. Auburn Dam with Power Plant and Flood Control Features 147 X. Pilot Creek Dam with Power Plant 151 XI. Coloma Dam with Power Plant and Flood Control Features *153 XII. Webber Creek Dam with Power Plant 15 7 XIII. General Topographic and Geologic Features pertaining to proposed dam sites on North and South Forks of American River 178 XIV. Photographs showing Geology at Upper and Lower Auburn Dam Sites 179 XV. Photographs showing Geology at Upper and Lower Auburn Dam Sites_ 181 XVI. Photographs showing Geology at Lower Auburn Dam Site 182 XVII. Photographs showing Geology at Pilot Creek Dam Site 183 XVIII. Photographs showing Geology at Upper Coloma Dam Site 184 XIX. Photographs showing Geology at Upper Coloma Dam Site 185 XX. Photographs showing Geology at Lower Coloma Dam Site 186 XXI. Photographs showing Geology at Lower Coloma Dam Site 187 XXII. Photographs showing Geology at Webber Creek Dam Site 188 XXIII. Photographs showing Geology at Webber Creek Dam Site 189 XXIV. Location of Test Holes — Folsom Dam Site (opp.) 190 XXV. Log of Test Holes — Folsom Dam Site (opp.) 190 (11) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Honorable B. S. Crittenden, Chairman Joint Legislative Committee on Water Resources. Mr. A. R. Heron, Director of Finance. Sirs : In accordance with your requests there has been prepared and is transmitted herewith a report on a proposed development on the American River. This report analyzes the contemplated hydroelectric project of the American River Hydro-electric Company on the lower American River. The power possibilities of the project are studied under two methods of water release primarily for power generation, and the service obtainable from the development in flood control, salinity control and irrigation, has been calculated and is included. Surveys and certain other data furnished by the American River Hydro- electric Company have been used in the preparation of the report. Very truly yours, C_*s State Engineer. Sacramento, California. ( 13) ENGINEERING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Tli is bulletin has been prepared in consultation with an engineering advisory committee. The members of the committee are: Paul Bailey Louis C. Hill A. J. Cleary W alter L. Huber G. A. Elliott A. Kempkey B. A. Etcheverry J. B. Lippincott F. C. Herrmann Lester S. Ready H. A. Van Norman Cooperating with committee : F. E. Bonner, District Engineer, U. S. Forest Service, representing the Federal Power Commission in California. T. H. Emerson, Major, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A ring, Member and Secretary of California Debris Commission. A. V. Guillou, Assistant Chief Engineer, State Railroad Commission. ( 14 ) ORGANIZATION B. B. Meek Director of Public Works Edward Hyatt State Engineer This report has been prepared by A. D. Edmonston ----- Deputy State Engineer Chief Assistants C. B. Meyer E. W. Roberts Theodore Neuman A. M. Wells ( 15 ) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The American River Hydro-electric Company contemplates a major hydro-electric development on the American River which would include construction of storage dams and reservoirs of large capacity, together with power plants below the dams. One of the major reser- voirs, Folsom, is a unit in the "Coordinated Plan"* for the develop- ment of the waters of the State. The other two reservoirs, Auburn and Coloma, are located on the lower reaches of the North and South Forks, respectively, above the Folsom reservoir and are important elements in the ultimate comprehensive plan t of the development of the State's waters. The geographic relation of the proposed development to the units of the ' ' Coordinated Plan" is indicated on Plate I, ' ' Coordi- nated Plan for the development of water resources of California, as reported to the Legislature of 1927." On this map only the Folsom reservoir of the proposed development is shown. The others would be directly upstream from it. Because of the importance of the American River in the state-wide plan for the development of its water resources, the Joint Legislative Committee on Water Resources and the Depart- ment of Finance requested that a study and a report be made of the utility of the proposed development in the state-wide plan. In connection with the investigation, assistance has been received from the American River Hydro-electric Company, State Reclamation Board and American River Flood Control District. The American River Hydro-electric Company furnished topographic maps of the several reservoirs and dam sites, a geological report on the dam sites, data on subsurface explorations at the site of the proposed Folsom dam and a proposed method of operating the reservoirs primarily for power. The State Reclamation Board and the American River Flood Control District, in the early stages of the investigation, furnished engineering assistance in certain phases of the study. In 1924, a general study of the American River, comparing various schemes of utilization of water resources of the basin, was made and a report§ rendered thereon by a board of engineers appointed by the Federal Power Commission and composed of representatives of the Federal Government and a representative of the State of California. The purpose of the investigation was "to make a general study of the American River in California with a view to comparing various schemes of utilization of water resources, and outlining such schemes as are best suited to the needs of power, irrigation, and domestic supply, bearing in mind the effect produced on interests dependent on the lower Sacra- mento River, notably navigation and island irrigation." * See Bulletin No. 12, "Summary Report on the Water Resources of California and a Coordinated Plan for their Development," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, State Department of Public Works. t See Chapter VI, Bulletin No. 4, "Water Resources of California," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, State Department of Public Works. § Report to the Federal Power Commission on the uses of the American River, California. 2 — 72924 ( 17 ) 18 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Among the conclusions of its report, the board states: ■■|i. Thai storage facilities in the American River Basin should be « 1 « •« 1 i - cated to irrigation and power primarily, since their economic value for these purposes is too greai to justify their development solely for Hood control." "(I. Thai until investigations show thai targe storage for ralley irrigation can not be feasibly developed <>n the lower reaches of 1 1 1 « - North and Middle Forks below river elevation 1150 it is inadvisable t<> permil power develop- ment which would interfere with irrigation Btorage below iliis elevation." "e. That the Columat Reservoir has BUfficient capacity and is so located that it can regulate lor the benefit of irrigation almost tin- entire Bow of the South Fork of the American River below power developments. Its primary value is for irrigation Btorage." "f. Thai the Folsom Damf site admits raising the dam to a considerable additional height, and that this site is located at the logical point for divert- ing American River water for all lower gravity irrigation." It, therefore, would appear that it was the opinion of this board that storage works on the American River should be dedicated primarily to irrigation and power and, on the lower reaches of the stream, particu- larly below elevation 1150 feet on the North and .Middle Forks, to irrigation. The value of the Coloma reservoir on the South Fork was to be considered primarily as irrigation storage and the Folsom dam site was the logical point for the diversion of irrigation water for lands adjacent to the American River. The Auburn reservoir located on the North Fork lies below elevation 1150 feet and the Coloma and Folsom reservoirs analyzed in this report occupy generally the same position as the ones mentioned under the same name in the Federal Power Commission report. This investigation does not deal with the development of the entire watershed but only with a specific project proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company. It analyzes the service obtainable from this development in flood control, salinity control, irrigation and power. Engineering, economic and financial phases have been con- sidered in relation to the power development. The economic sizes of reservoirs, however, at the several sites have not been investigated. The sizes of reservoirs as proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company have been used as a basis for the analyses. The probability of improving the financial aspects of the development by enlarging the existing power plant at Folsom city -which might be justified by the creation of upstream storage has not been investigated. The surveys of the American River Hydro-electric Company have been accepted as being correct and are a basis for the estimates appearing in this report. Only one dam site, Folsom. has been drilled. The other sites have been examined by a geologisl and a favorable report rendered thereon for the heights of dam considered in the proposal. The project herein discussed is not presented as the most economic development Oil the lower American River, nor as the one that would be most desirable for inclusion in the state-wide plan. Rather, it is analyzed as a specific project to determine its utility in the state plan. Further studies might indicate changes in reservoir capacities and power plant installations to he economically justified, which changes would be reflected In the yield and cost estimates. t Reference is to upper Coloma dam site mentioned in this report. j Reference is to existing Poison Prison dam. PLATE I COORDINATED PLAN FOR ;nt of water resources of California AS REPORTED TO THE LEGISLATURE OF 1927 ^ San Bernardino £ )tf '^J fAll*" j? x / £" © 18 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Among the conclusions of its report, the board stales ■ "b. Thai Btorage facilities in the American River Basin Bhould in- dedi- cated i<» irrigation and power primarily, since their economic value i'< » r these purposes is too great to justify their development BOlely for Bood control." "(I. That nniil investigations show that large storage for valley irrigation can not be feasibly developed on the Lower reaches of the North and Middle Forks below river elevation 1150 it is inadvisable to permit power develop- ment which would interfere with irrigation Btorage below this elevation." "e. That the Colomaf Reservoir has sufficient capacity and is so located that it can regulate for the benefit of irrigation almost tl mire flow of the South Fork of the American River below power developments. Its primary value is for irrigation Btorage." "f. That the Folsom Dam§ Bite admits raising the dam to a considerable additional height, and that this site is located at the logical point for divert- ing American River water for all lower gravity irrigation." It, therefore, would appear that it was the opinion of this board that storage works on the American River Bhould be dedicated primarily to irrigation and power and, on the lower reaches of the stream, particu- larly below elevation 1150 feet on the North and Middle Forks, to irrigation. The value of the Coloma reservoir on the South Fork was to be considered primarily as irrigation storage and the Folsom dam site was the logical point for the diversion of irrigation water for lands adjacent to the American River. The Auburn reservoir located on the North Fork lies below elevation 1150 feet and the Coloma and Folsom reservoirs analyzed in this report occupy generally the same position as the ones mentioned under the same name in the Federal Power Commission report. This investigation does not deal with the development of the entire watershed but only with a specific project proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company. It analyzes the service obtainable from this development in flood control, salinity control, irrigation and power. Engineering, economic and financial phases have been con- sidered in relation to the power development. The economic sizes of reservoirs, however, at the several sites have not been investigated. The sizes of reservoirs as proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company have been used as a basis for the analyses. The probability of improving the financial aspects of the development by enlarging the existing power plant at Folsom city which might be justified by the creation of upstream storage has not been investigated. The surveys of the American River Hydro-electric Company have been aeeepted as being correct and are a basis for the estimates appearing in this report. Only one dam site, Folsom. has been drilled. The other sites have been examined by a geologist and a favorable report rendered thereon for the heights of dam considered in the proposal. The project herein discussed is nol presented as the most economic development Oil the lower American River, nor as the one that would be most desirable for inclusion in the state-wide plan. Rather, it is analyzed as a specific project to determine its utility in the state plan. Further studies might indicate changes in reservoir capacities and power plant installations to be economically just died, which changes woidd be reflected in the yield and cosl estimates. t Reference is to upper Coloma dam site mentioned In this report. § Reference is to existing Folsom Prison dam. PLATE I ® M JK It A COORDINATED PLAN ^ DEVELOPMENT OF WATER RESOURCES OF CALIFORNIA AS REPORTED TO THE LEGISLATURE or 1927 ]E X 1 72924 — Opp. page 18 I 1 v I 5 - >v n er a ill f\ m d b a h !> A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 19 SUMMARY General. In the analysis of the consolidated development, consideration has been given to three progressive stages of development operated for various uses and combination of uses; that is power, flood control, salinity control and irrigation. The operation of the reservoirs pri- marily for power generation has been studied for two methods of water release. Capital and annual costs have been estimated for both state and private financing and the annual costs under private financing have been estimated both with and without state taxes. The power installation at each reservoir has been based on two plant load factors. The report, therefore, contains many tables under the many analyses, and on account of their volume, only a summary of the results of the studies is presented in this chapter. Details supplementing this sum- mary will be found in the succeeding chapters. Drainage basin and water supply. The American River, the second largest tributary of the Sacramento River below Red Bluff, drains an area of 1919 square miles. The average yield in seasonal run-off was 2,953,000 acre-feet for the period 1904-27, which varied from a minimum of 551,000 acre-feet in 1923-24 (18.7 per cent of the average), to a maximum of 5,783,000 acre-feet in 1906-07 (196 per cent of the average). The average monthly dis- tribution varied from 0.5 per cent in September to 19.8 per cent in May, of average seasonal run-off for the period 1904-27. The drainage areas and seasonal run-off s above the three major reservoirs are as follows: Location Drainage area Average seasonal run-off 1904-1927 Reservoir Square miles Per cent of total above Fairoaks gaging station Acre-feet Per cent of total above Fairoaks gaging station Folsom North Fork 1,875 965 708 97.7 50.3 36.9 2,948,000 1.718,000 1,063,000 99.8 Auburn 58.2 Coloma South Fork 36.0 Consolidated development. The plans of the American River Hydro-electric Company call for the construction of three major reservoirs, Folsom, Auburn and Coloma, and two minor reservoirs, Pilot Creek and Webber Creek, together with a power plant below each of the five dams. The plan of the development is delineated on Plate II, ' ' Geographic relation of consolidated develop- nent on American River to certain agricultural, overflow and salinity ireas. " The total storage capacity of the major reservoirs would be ,719,000 acre-feet. The capacity of the minor reservoirs is relatively mall. A power drop could be developed between the water level eleva- ion of 900 feet and 885 feet of the Auburn and Coloma reservoirs, espectively, and the tailrace elevation of 162 feet of the lowest power •lant. The maximum water surface elevation of the Folsom reservoir wild be 390 feet. The power drop obtainable by the development is 20 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES shown on Plate III, "Profile of consolidated development on American River proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company." The total power installation as proposed by the company would be 200,000 kilovolt amperes and is based on a power factor of 80 per cent and operation at a maximum monthly plant load factor of 60 per cent fin- all plants except Folsom which would be installed on a plant load factor of 100 per cent. Plant load factor as used herein is the ratio of the average power output in kilowatts to the rated capacity of tin- plant in kilowatts. An alternative installation based on a plant load factor of 75 per cent for all plants is proposed in this report, which would allow a comparison of costs of the units of the "Coordinated plate in 1,000 - 900 - £ 3 rt 800 Q in 6 7. 700 600 0) 500 jB 100 p > 300 • W 200 AUBURN RES. COLOMA RES. Capac.i, 59«.0O0 « ft '«.0O0xfl tin *5 *XV ^American River v Folsom c»nal PROFILE OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT AMERICAN RIVER PROPOStD ev JwtRICAN BivER HYDRO-ElECTRiC CO. 10 Distance in Miles 20 Plan." With this plant load factor and 80 per cent power factor the total power installation would be 179,000 kilovolt amperes. In the following table of data on the various units, the figure for the power installation of the Folsom plant for each proposal is for the ultimate development or in conjunction with Auburn reservoir. With Folsom alone, the installed capacity would be 35,000 k.v.a. under the first proposal and 43,000 k.v.a. under the second. The plant layout at the Folsom plant as proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company would release part of the water from the turbines into the existing Folsom Canal and part into the American River below the existing Folsom Prison dam, at tailrace elevations of 207 and 162 feet, resulting in max i mum power heads of 183 and 228 feet, respectively. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 21 The layout for the Folsom plant as proposed in this report would release all the water from the turbines into the Folsom Canal, deepened 7 feet for a distance of about 1600 feet, at tailrace elevation 200 feet, which would give a maximum power head of 190 feet. As the capacity of the Pilot Creek and Webber Creek reservoir is relatively small, no consideration in the studies has been given to any possible usable storage. Reservoir Height of dam, in feet Capacity of reservoir, in acre-feet Maximum power head, in feet Installed capacitv of power plant, in k.v.a. P.F.=0.80 Load factor =0.75 Load factor =0.60 Folsom 190 390 110 340 90 355,000 598,000 183-228 385 110 330 115 54,000 66,000 19,000 30,000 10,000 ♦45,000 82,000 Pilot Creek 23.000 Coloma 766,000 37,000 13,000 Total 1,719,000 179,000 200,000 ♦Load factor =1.00. Power output. In estimating the power output of the development operated pri- marily for power generation, two methods of water release from the reservoirs have been analyzed. One method of release would develop maximum continuous or primary power throughout the year in con- formity with the state-wide demand for power, including extremely dry seasons such as 1923-24, by varying the water release with the head on the plant, and also additional intermittent seasonal or secondary power up to the capacity of the economic power installation when water would be available in excess of that required for the generation of the primary power. This method has been employed in estimating the power yield of the various units of the ' ' Coordinated Plan, ' ' when operated primarily for power purposes and is included herein to allow a comparison with those units. The second method, proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company would release water through the turbines at a more or less constant rate, developing a larger amount of power but somewhat more variable than in the first instance. In this method, the reservoirs would be drawn to low levels at the end of each season and the amount of power generated would have a greater variation from season to season and from month to month in the season than with the first method. The average total power output of the development for the period 1905-1927. operated primarily for power generation would have been 689,500,000 kilowatt hours per year, with a schedule of water release from the reservoir to develop maximum primary power and for a layout at the Folsom plant with a tailrace elevation of 200 feet. It would have been 773,100,000 kilowatt hours per year with a schedule of water release proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Com- pany and for a plant layout at Folsom with tailrace elevations of 162 22 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURi I g and 207 feet. The average annual power oatpnts of the several plants are: Power plant Av irage annual power output. 1005-1927, in kilowatt hours With schedule of water n toch-v ■•lop maxi- mum primary power With uhedok of water n lease in accord with schedule pro- posed l>v Amer- ican K i v <■ r Hvlro-clectric Company •217.400.000 221,900.000 63.900,000 136,700.000 19,000.000 t262,7O0,O00 245> 80.500,(H)0 133,700.000 5(1. 100,000 689,500,000 773.100,000 •Power output with Auburn and Coloma rsservoirs constructed. Power output with Folsom reservoir onlv con- structed. 153.700,000 kilowatt hours per year: with Auburn reservoir constructed, 195,300.000 kilowatt hours per year. fPower output with Auburn and Coloma reservoirs constructed. Power output with Folsom reservoir only con- structed, 160.200,030 kilowatt hours par y>;ar; with Auburn reservoir constructed. 242,900,000 kilowatt hours per year. The characteristics of the power output, 1905-1927, for the complete development operated primarily for power generation with the two methods of water release are shown in the following table: State- wide average monthlv demand for power in per cent of annual total Power output, 1905-1927 With schedule of water release to develop maximum primary power With schedule of water release proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Month Maximum year. 1907, in per cent of annual total Minimum year, 1924 Maximum year, 1909, in per cent of annual total Minimum year. 1924 In per cent of annual total In per cent of annual total of maximum year In per cent of annual total In per cent of annual total of maximum year January 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8.2 9.0 8.1 9.0 8.7 9.0 8.7 9.0 9.0 7.3 6.7 6.8 8.7 7.2 6.8 7.7 7.8 8.7 8.8 9.3 9.5 8.7 8.7 8.2 8.6 4.7 4.5 S.I 5.1 5.7 5.8 6.1 6.2 5.7 5.7 5 4 5.6 7.7 7.9 8.8 8.4 8.8 8.4 8.7 8.6 8.1 8.2 7.9 8.5 13.0 lit 12.0 13.7 12 6 8.7 8.7 2.5 0.8 1.8 4.7 7 1 5.2 February 5.8 March 4.8 April 5 5 Mav 5.0 June 3.5 July 3.5 August 1.0 October 0.3 0.7 November 1.9 1 )■•(■■ inbcr 2.9 Total 100.0 100.0 10(1 65.6 100 100.0 40 1 Irrigation service. It was found, in formulating the comprehensive plan of water development of the State, that storage works on the streams of the State must be provided to equalize the large volumes of run-off from the mountain watersheds occurring during the flood season, for the irrigation of the agricultural lands lying at lower elevations. The most favorable position for these storage works is at elevations intermediate between the agricultural and mountain areas where mining and power A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 23 uses predominate. The reservoirs of the consolidated development are in this position on the American River and are capable of being developed to large capacity, which could be utilized for the purpose of equalizing the irregular flow of the American River for irrigation purposes. The comprehensive plan of water development for the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys comprehends the storage of flood waters in the Sacramento River drainage basin for fully supplying the demands of the agricultural lands of the Sacramento Valley and also, releasing the water surplus to needs of the Sacramento Valley, to areas of deficient water supply in the San Joaquin Valley. The American River with other streams has a surplus to the local irrigation needs, which could be transported to the San Joaquin Valley. The yield of the reservoirs in seasonal irrigation draft, without deduc- tion for downstream prior rights, and the area capable of being served for each stage of progressive development is given in the following table for the period 1905-27, with the reservoirs operated primarily for irrigation purposes and also with the two methods of water release primarily for power generation. The seasonal irrigation drafts are estimated on the basis of a total deficiency in the irrigation supply of 50 per cent of a perfect seasonal supply for the entire period, 1905-27. The total deficiency would have occurred in one year or would have been divided among several. The area of service is estimated on a seasonal duty of water of 2.5 acre-feet per acre, which includes full use of return waters. In the estimates for the reservoirs operated primarily for irrigation, the operation of the existing Folsom City power plant is subordinated to the operation of the reservoirs for irrigation. Reservoirs operated primarily forirrigation Reservoirs operated primarily for power generation Seasonal irrigation draft. without deduction for downstream prior rights and with an average seasonal deficiency in supply, 2.2 per cent of perfect seasonal supplv, in acre-feet Area of service, in acres With method of water release to develop maximum primary power With method of water release proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Stage of development Seasonal irrigation draft, without dcduction for downstream prior rights and with an average seasonal deficiency in supply, 2.0 per cent of perfect seasonal supply, in acre-feet Area of service, in acres Seasonal irrigation draft. without deduction for downstream prior rights and with an average seasonal deficiency in supply, 2.0 per cent of perfect seasonal supply, in acre-feet Area of service, in acres Initial development — Folsomreservoiralone. . . Second s'age of develop- ment— Folsom and Auburn reservoirs 664,000 1,250,000 1,757,000 266,000 500,000 703,000 207,000 430,000 578,000 119,000 172,000 231,000 49.600 96,000 729,000 20,000 38,000 292.000 Complete development— Folsom, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs 24 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Valley agricultural lands susceptible of irrigation from American River. North and south of the American River and cast of the Sacramento and Feather rivers there is a gross area of valley floor and plains lands whose natural and economic irrigation supply lies in the American River. The total .irrigation requirements for full development of these lands are estimated at 650,000 acre-feet per season. Of the total area, on the north side of the American River, 200,000 acres, 65 per cent could be irrigated with the supply diverted at the tail water of the Folsom plant, elevation 200 feet. The remainder, 35 per cent, would require a diversion above the Folsom reservoir, probably at the Pilot Creek dam. To irrigate a total gross area of 150,000 acres lying between the Cosumnes and American rivers would require a diversion at the tailrace of the Folsom plant, elevation 200 feet. If the plans of the American River Hydro-electric Company were consum- mated, and water discharged into the stream at elevation 162 feet below the Folsom Prison dam, the area on the south side of the American River, capable of being served, would be reduced by 30 per cent. Flood control. The need for flood control on the American River has long been recognized by the state and national governments. The United States Congress in 1917 and the State Legislature in 1911 adopted a general plan of flood control for Sacramento Valley, which included a pro- vision for flood control on the lower American River. In 1927, the State Legislature created the American River Flood Control District comprising the cities of Sacramento and North Sacramento, and con- tiguous unincorporated territory in Sacramento County. Several plans for the protection of this area from floods have been proposed, which can be divided into two general systems of control, with and without supplementary control by upstream reservoirs. Both systems would require leveed channels along the river. With supple- mentary reservoir control, the width of the channel could be reduced about one-half, thereby reclaiming a larger area and minimizing the cost of crossings. The largest flood during the 24-year period of stream flow measure- ment at the Fairoaks gaging station of the United States Geological Survey, occurred on March 25, 1928. It was the largest flood on which there is authentic record. The crest discharge was 184,000 second-feet. The mean for the day was 120,000 second-feet and for the maximum 24-hour period, 10 a.m. dh March 25 to 10 a.m. on March 26, 148.000 second-feet. The second largest flood occurred on March 19, 1907, when the crest discharge was 119,000 second-feet and the mean for the day was 105,000 second-feet. An analysis of the flood flows for the period of stream measurement at the Fairoaks gaging station indicates that still larger floods than those measured may be expected to occur in the future. The size of flood flows that may occur at various average intervals of time has been estimated from an analysis of the floods which have occurred during the period of stream measurement, in a manner similar to that set forth in Bulletin No. 14, "The Control of Floods by Reservoirs" of the Division of Engineering and Irrigation. The only assumption made in the analysis is that whatever relation exists between size and A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RTVER 25 frequency of occurrence of floods is contained in the period of stream measurement. The following table sets forth the size of flood expressed in second-feet, inches depth on the drainage area and second-feet per square mile of drainage area, that may be expected to be exceeded on specified average number of days in 100 years. The values given in the table are mean daily flows. Values of crest discharge of any par- ticular flood would be considerably larger than the figures set forth in the table. It may be noted that a maximum mean daily flow of 56,000 second-feet may be expected to be exceeded on the average of 100 days in 100 years or one day each year, and a maximum mean daily flow of 162,000 second-feet may be expected to be exceeded one day in 100 years. Average number of days in Maximum mean daily flow at Fairoaks gaging station 100 years on which maximum mean daily flows may be expected to be exceeded In second-feet Inches depth in 24 hours on drainage area, (1919 square miles) Second-feet per square mile of drainage area, (1919 square miles) 100 10 4 2 1 0.1 56,000 104,000 126,000 144,000 162,000 230.000 1.1 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.1 4.5 29 54 66 75 84 120 The reservoir space required for flood control would vary with the degree of protection desired. An analysis similar to that contained in Bulletin No. 14, of the floods of the period of stream measurement, indi- cates that to control floods to 100,000 second-feet, reservoir space in excess of 175,000 acre-feet would be required on the average of one day in 100 years and to control to 75,000 second-feet, space in excess of 270,000 acre-feet would be required for the same average interval of time. The space required for other average intervals of time is given in the following table. By controlling floods to 100,000 second-feet or less, the overflow area on the lower American River could be protected by levees of economic height placed near the banks of the existing channel. Maximum controlled flow in • second-feet Reservoir space reauired to control floods at Fairoaks gaging station, in acre-feet Exceeded one day in 1000 years Exceeded one day in 100 years Exceeded one day in 50 years Exceeded one day in 25 years Exceeded one day in 10 years 75,000 100,000 410,000 310,000 270.000 175,000 235.000 140,000 190.000 100,000 125,000 15,000 It is proposed to reserve an aggregate space of 500,000 acre-feet in the reservoirs of the consolidated plan for flood control, divided among the reservoirs as follows: Folsom, 175,000 acre-feet; Auburn, 200,000 acre-feet; and Coloma, 125,000 acre-feet. The sizes of floods with flow characteristics of the March, 1928, flood, controllable with these amounts of reservoir space in the reservoirs of the progressive consoli- dated development are given in the following table for two maximum controlled flows, 75,000 and 100,000 second-feet. 2(5 DIVISION OP WATF.R : Maximum space ret mred fur Hi. ill control in acre-fi r! Maximum controlled Bow at Fairoaks gaKiiiK station, in second-feet ( 'rrnt dUoharge ol flood controllable Stage "f development In second-feet In per sent of crest discharge of March, 1028, flood Folsom alone 175,000 375,000 500,000 75,000 100,000 75,000 100,000 75,000 100,000 184,000 225,000 260,000 300,000 300,000 340,000 100 Folsora and Auburn reservoirs ill 141 Folsom, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs 108 163 185 Rules have been evolved for the operation of the reservoirs of the consolidated development for flood control coordinately with conserva- tion without materially impairing their conservation values. The rule for a maximum controlled flow of 100,000 second-feet at Fairoaks gag- ing station is as follows : Some space he held in reserve for Hood control from December 1 to May 1 in each Hood season whenever the total precipitation up to any date in the season is more than 50 per cent of the precipitation to the same date in a normal season. The flood control reserve would be increased at a uniform rate from zero on December 1. the beginning of the Hood season, to the maxi- mum reservation for flood control on January 1. This maximum space would be held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at a uniform rate to zero on May 1. This space would be maintained as nearly as possible without exceeding the maximum controlled How of 100,000 second-feet measured at the Fairoaks gaging station of United States Geological Survey. Precipi- tation to be measured at the cooperative rainfall station of the United States Weather Bureau at Folsom. By employing 175,000 acre-feet of space for flood control in the Folsom reservoir and providing adequate flood control works in the dam to insure a discharge of 100,000 second-feet and a leveed channel of adequate capacity on the lower American River, greater protection would be afforded the overflow area than with either the plan recom- mended by the California Debris Commission or the plan which would provide a channel of capacity of 180,000 second-feet with a clearance of :i feet on the levees, without supplementary reservoir control. A still greater degree of protection would be obtainable with the reservation of additional space for flood control in the Auburn and Coloma reser- voirs. The reduction of the flood flows by supplementary reservoir control would also increase the safety of the levee system on the Sacra- mento River below the mouth of the American. The reservoirs of the consolidated development could be operated coordinately for flood control and conservation without materially impairing their conservation values. The results of the studies for the period 1905—1927, indicate that the Folsom reservoir could be operated primarily for power generation and to control floods to a maximum con- trolled (low of 100. 0()() second feet utilizing a maximum reservation of 17."). 000 acre feet for flood control in the reservoir, without loss in power output. The greatesl loss in power output in the several analyses was 1.2 per cent for the complete development, operated primarily for power generation with water released in accord with schedule proposed by the American River Hydro-elect ric Company, and utilizing an aggregate A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 27 space of 500,000 acre-feet for flood control in the reservoirs for con- trolling floods to 100,000 second-feet. The effect of flood control on the yield of the reservoirs in irrigation supply would be negligible. In the analysis of the complete development, the irrigation supply remained the same but the average deficiency in seasonal supply was increased 1.0 per cent. Salinity control. During months of low flow in the tributary rivers, salty water from Suisun Bay is carried by the tides into the channels of the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, and mixed with the fresh water from which the irrigated lands of the reclaimed islands obtain their water supply. By means of storage of flood waters in mountain reser- voirs and their subsequent release at the proper time and in sufficient volume to supplement the low flow, the incursion of salinity into the delta could be controlled. The rate, time, and amount of release in total, in any season would vary with the point and degree of control and with the normality of the season. Preliminary studies indicate that a sustained fresh water inflow into the delta of 5000* second feet would control salinity at Ant.ioch to a mean daily salinity of about 100 parts of chlorine per 100,000 parts of water and meet the present irrigation demands in the delta. The total amount of release from the reservoirs to supple- ment the natural low water inflow would vary with the season. In 1924, 766,000 acre-feet would have been required; in 1920, 465,000 acre-feet ; and in 1927, practically none. The greater part of these releases would have occurred in the months of July, August and September. The salinity content at points upstream, however, would be less than at Antioch, decreasing progressively upstream. With control to 100 parts of chlorine per 100,000 parts of water at Antioch, nine- tenths of the delta area would have a water supply with a salinity con- tent less than one-third of the content at Antioch. The reservoirs of the consolidated development could be utilized for salinity control. By the reservation of a total of 797,000 acre-feet, including an allowance for evaporation, of stored water in the major reservoirs, and released only as needed to meet the demands of salinity control, an inflow into the delta area could be maintained at 5000 second-feet, in a year like 1924, based on present irrigation and channel conditions in the delta and on present irrigation and storage develop- ments in the Sacramento and San Joaquin drainage basins. The power and irrigation yields of the reservoirs operated coordi- nately for salinity control by maintaining an inflow of 5000 second-feet into the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, would be * The rate of inflow of 5000 second feet may be considered as tentative only and may be modified as a result of an intensive investigation of salinity which is now in progress for the 1929 season. This investigation comprehends in addition to the regular salinity observations, that have been made during the past several years, special salinity surveys, stream flow measurements in the delta channels, tidal surveys and detailed analytical studies of the data thus procured from which it is anticipated that definite conclusions as to the behavior of salinity and the relation of salinity to fresh water inflow and to tidal action may be obtained. However, the preliminary estimates of rate and volume of supplementary fresh water inflow as used in this report are believed to be sufficiently accurate for the purpose of estimat- ing reservoir capacities and releases required for salinity control. Since the con- sumptive use of water in the delta varies from month to month, increasing during the irrigation season, the fresh water inflow necessary to control salinity to any point and degree would have a monthly variation. For the purposes of the study con- tained herein, a uniform rate of 5000 second feet has been assumed. 28 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES impaired to some extent, as indicated by studies for the period 1905-27. With the reservoirs of the complete development operated primarily for power generation \vitli schedule of water release to develop maximum primary power consistent with controlling salinity at Antioch, by maintaining an inflow of 5000 second-feet into the delta, the average annual power output would have been reduced from 689,500,000 kilowatt bonis without salinity control, to 652,900,000 kilowatt hours with salinity control, or 5.3 per cent. If the water were released from the reservoirs primarily for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Com- pany, modified, however, to be consistent with salinity control require- ments to same degree and point of control, the average annual power output would have been reduced from 773,100,000 kilowatt hours with- out salinity control, to 742,500,000 kilowatt hours, with salinity con- trol, or 4.0 per cent. The maximum irrigation yield obtainable from the development, assuming an average seasonal deficiency in the irriga- tion supply of 2.2 per cent of a perfect seasonal supply for the period 1905-27, would have been diminished from 1,757,000 acre-feet per season without salinity control to 1,070,000 acre-feet per season or 39.1 per cent. Some degree of salinity control could be obtained through the opera- tion of the reservoirs primarily for power generation, however, to insure control to any particular degree and point of control, the reser- voirs must be operated specifically for salinity control purposes. Methods of operating complete consolidated development coordinately for flood control, salinity control, irrigation and power. An opportunity is afforded with the complete consolidated develop- ment to operate the major reservoirs with an aggregate capacity of 1,719,000 acre-feet coordinately for flood control, salinity control, irri- gation and power and obtain a substantial value for each use. One method of operation, based on an analysis of the period 1905-27, would have resulted in the following accomplishments : 1. Floods controlled on American River to 100.000 second-feet maxi- mum flow measured at the Fairoaks gaging station of the United States Geological Survey. 2. Inflow into the delta of Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers main- tained at 5000 second-feet for salinity control and to meet the irrigation demands of the delta area. 3. An irrigation supply of 334,000 acre-feet per season (1000 second- feet maximum rate of flow) made available for San Joaquin Valley, without deficiency in supply. 4. A power output of 632.300.000 kilowatt hours per year, of which the primary power output would have been 340,800,000 kilowatt hours. Although the irrigation supply is designated for the San Joaquin Valley, it eonld as well have been for the local areas adjacent to the American River, however, there would have been a slight difference in the monthly distribution . of the irrigation demand. Existing prior rights Eor irrigation along the American River downstream from the Poison) dam are included in the estimates. Tf the irrigation supply to the San Joaquin Valley or to the local areas were increased to 1,000.000 acre-feet, floods on the American River still could be controlled to 100,000 second-feet, and an inflow of 5000 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 29 second-feet into the delta maintained. For the period, 1905-27, the power output, however, would have been reduced to 585,700,000 kilo- watt hours per year and would have been seasonal in character and the irrigation supply would have had a deficiency of 32 per cent of a perfect seasonal supply in 1924. In order to furnish a perfect supply in a year like 1924, larger reservoir capacity would be required. In this studj T the operation of the existing" Folsom City power plant was subordinated to the operation of the reservoirs of the consolidated development and as in the previous study existing prior rights along the American River are included in the estimates. Effect of the operation of the consolidated development on navigation on Sacra- mento River. Through the operation of the units of the consolidated development, navigation conditions in general would be improved on the Sacramento River below the mouth of the American River. The extent of the improvement would be dependent on the stage of the development and the method employed in operating the reservoirs. The following table gives the average flow in the months of low flow for the years 1924-1927, inclusive, compared with the average flow in the same months, had the reservoirs of the consolidated development been in operation. The figures given in the table are based on the assumption that no water would have been diverted from the American River below the Folsom dam. If water were diverted, these figures would be reduced by the amount of the diversion for any particular month in a season. With Folsom reservoir operated alone to develop maximum primary power, the average flow in July, 1924, would have been increased from 910 to 1760 second-feet and with Folsom, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs operated to develop maximum primary power consistent with main- taining an inflow into the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers for salinity control, the average flow in the same month would have been 4580 second-feet. 30 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES E 2 E S 1-i go 5-2 *i Ho JO "o O i a >,e.^.g *, -•s o feii'fl.S S 9 £■£"» S &° « C j* •>.£ E «- o o a » °|| a ° ** -_ - § -O 09 si *rf __ 'S F «?.'. h c . — — > ^ So a 3 ^ £ "3 = 11 *•• r- CO t, SCO*— 3 CO «•* W TO v ■' - t— o _ a I- o -si aSralilal^g-a-s 2 > S 2 -- a^°.T3- E 5n=i: O o sob a "■ 09 .£'<5 e-o e9 r j? c « e 1* ■Jilt S So fc P.5 * •> S I g^2 _ « s fl a >,.s Hill O o g & o .J3 eg a « c.8 C i- ~ c •,- 1- ■0.0 •s 3 °< 4) ■2 a iSt £4 qj _ "T* en 3-C Hi* ? 09 o 03 - «° g E.I 3 - o = 3 5, § c '_■ ill 1 1 O o| c. § Jj Q G - oi > ■i- •o L- "T5 5 3 -~ B Jh ■S « ■s-p O. 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PL, 3 T3 43 i OOOOO o u OOOOO o^oo^o o V o "fl oo""o""o"co*"co" cm" t— < t>- OS -«Ct* OS O •^ CO OS i>* *0 CM_ S o3 oo'co' o* -rjT q2 e^i-< •-< CO OOOOO o OOOOO o 4a °- - . - . o_ in o u cfirsirt co~oc *tfT OO O CO O CM 1>- CM CM Oi t*- rjH cO g A CM t— •— i CM •— t UO 4a *<* 3 O w lip g H p c3 h Ml « 2 OOOOO o 49 O O o o a oi3 ° a f cm" onal dco ture CO ■**< iO CO lO^ ON • -» o rt OO - o S -osa**- 1 t3 t- 9| oTirToToo oT a CNNCCTO CM (— 1 CO i— t Oi lO U5 IO as Q2 oo* eo o co" Wl- 1 1— ( CO -*a •3 P ** > • E 3§ l- i i ■- c "* a £ c a c I z - i 1 i c c 5 f a [ i s 1- 1- i $ a 1 883 00* CI 00 r*- -t» 2? ~ c3 a o'S S 2 » 3 a t5 Vr 1 a,QpH< ■S 2 OQ 3—72924 :M division OK WATER RESOURCES & c c 3 sis saw- 1 -C u. <£ •c. ~ rt O c - — d B - 75"* c — eg c3 c d «= o 01 'Z. 2 = : P f ■S 5" ^ > — — . -*j ra o d o co a >- (5-C S ri — r- <" 58°l o o < r--oooo cc -r aMwifioa © O © © O s s © © c OO©©© 00" — " ©*co* (O* •4*CQO»NlQ © © © © © — © -f CO CO CO © — ©_40 © ©© © © ©© ©© © © © © © © ©_©©©_©_ ~.*r- »o ©*eo" ^j- iO © cm r- Ol* -1-" m CM i 00000 §8 _ © ©©© © *C © ©>© CM CM c " CO — © »c»o OO CO © •• — s *- - 8 B H *J t, "S g 8 E S 8* -5 gg 2 iil co — ao — -* 1- - 5 c - — - a - — SQPk-41 a ©© © © © © s©© © ©00 CM © ig CO ■* *C 00 cm •fr § ■3 — d Si ■ c — c il B — « 3 la Jsliia A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 35 Annual cost. The estimated annual cost of the three stages of the consolidated development are given in the two following tables, for several modes of reservoir operation, both with and without inclusion of flood control features and under both state and private financing. In the first table, data are given with a power plant installation for a plant load factor of 75 per cent and in the second table with an installation proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company. The annual costs are expressed both in per cent of the capital cost and in mills per kilowatt hour of power produced under the various conditions. Under private financing and operation, the annual costs are given both exclud- ing and including state taxes. Explanation of the methods employed in arriving at the annual costs are set forth in detail in Chapter X. The annual costs for other methods of reservoir operation and those given in the following tables are also set forth in Chapter X. 36 DIVISION OP WATER RICSOUR- in o 8 H O < O z o z o CH H < z I— I OS O Oh E H H Z Oh O w Q Q W H < Q l-H C/D z o u s s u < c o •c o ■a a. X a. 81 B.2 3-3 C M St « 35 K « 3 Of a b & BUS C K pi a; B 03 -TJ C3 ^JS W- 5.5 eS « O © oo to 00 o o s s s ex" s s § •-* o 2 3 SSL'S •- S = c Be g 3 3 t~S' s s Sqse -1° o 8 03 < SE 3 o 5 0. — C HJJ s 8 CO 8 c £"-0 a i Sir c o o g k. 4> O isi A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RTCER 37 00 «5 CO O O o o s 10 to o o o o o cm" © OS* o o s to ■flf 1< o o" g 8" ::s DIVISION- OF WATER RESOURl l - cc z < II 3.S — = ■a? is tag 2§ ws ■a c a •9 rt q ~ 3 = C its be £ x a o d o s 8 8 CO «— • o ~ c "O to 5 2= •* 2 a 1 9 B Eg - - - ~-> * w fc- «J ; — ' - as a I —-Z- " ~ — pa s £' Siss ■ £ S.K 8~ Cm = a S O W C o ills ~ m <" «- - t - 1 "i c u ~ e— E — _ « 2 fji iiC 5 : - u m aiss :?- ■ §i a. o ~.~ So „-£•«£ S| J; &* 8* g°«s «§-.>!£ ||£-£| ■t : r. : ■--='£: t- P — ■sf 6 3 Q fi "O -5 Ms. ■— s a !§'•§ ° a ■s 2 e BM - r. ; I- CO C oS I - § g ' ~ i A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 39 o o o o o" o CO o o o tti c c £-2 D "= >— .5 ,3 -a n S.| .2 s « - : <=.- — 2 a o u = - CO QJ J-T3-- — » 8 fe ° i ~ — QJ 3 S B — j "-^ « ■ — - ." ^: O QJ a S — § Qj QJ C J " = S ? a a £ ■oS § b .-s a & > E art 5 o £ S § fe SS S Jg a 5 "« «^- £ = 3=4 _ >>.5 ° ? ill! "3.S-SS.2 o CS-r- S QJ QJ r^ S — i £> QJ <3 T • - •• O »| Lm te-e 8 §• > Sg-2 .2 a 5 a ,_i < fe. > o " ' o — Sa CO s ■ o 3 3 * = £ 'E ■IS S*c*» M f*& a « o t> o qo a gj —> — — • r. 2 9 -3 DO "? g cj a o>> ■a a-o"o ^ ■?! a a' •3-0 S *^.^ Q) - > *^ ~* a 3 1 a 3 El S oa a.i u 70 o 40 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Revenue from power. The revenue that may be obtained from the sale of electric power produced at the power plants of the consolidated development for the three stages of the development and for the various modes of reservoir operation, will depend on many conditions which are not known at this time or possible of being definitely established. Although the power output has been estimated and its characteristics have been determined for the period 1905-1927, under assumed methods of reservoir opera- tion, the actual method of operation might vary materially from those assumed in the report, resulting in a different amount of power output and in quite different power characteristics. This condition is particu- larly true of the operations for the generation of power but applies to a lesser degree to the operations to secure flood control, salinity control and an irrigation supply. The conditions under which the power Avould be produced, the condition of the general power market relative to its ability to absorb the power produced, the cost of power from other and competing sources and other conditions pertaining to the dis- posal of the power at the time it would come on the market, are important and unknown elements which would affect the revenue from power that could be expected from the development. In view of these conditions not being fixed, it is not possible to determine with any degree of certainty, the revenue that would be obtained from disposal of the power produced. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 41 CHAPTER II DRAINAGE BASIN AND WATER SUPPLY OF AMERICAN RIVER Drainage basin. The American River is the second largest stream tributary to the Sacramento River below Red Bluff, being exceeded in size only by the Feather. It rises in the crest of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and drains 1919 square miles of mountainous area. Three main forks, North, Middle and South, join above the valley floor to form the main stream which discharges into the Sacramento River at the city of Sacramento. The geographic location and extent of the drainage basin are delineated on Plate II. Elevations in the watershed vary from about 100 feet at Fairoaks gaging station to over 10,000 feet at Pyramid Peak and Round Top, on the crest of the Sierra Nevada divide. The following table shows the distribution of areas between various elevations. TABLE 1. ELEVATION OF AMERICAN RIVER DRAINAGE BASIN ABOVE FAIROAKS GAGING STATION Drainage area Elevation above sea level In square miles In per cent of total drainage area Below 2,500 feet 524 600 795 27.3 Between 2,500 and 5,000 feet 31.3 Above 5,000 feet 41.4 Totals 1,919 100.0 Precipitation on the watershed varies from a mean seasonal of 25 inches in the lower areas to about 70 inches at elevations of 4000 to 5000 feet. Water supply. The run-off of the American River has been measured continuously at the Fairoaks gaging station of the United States Geological Survey since 1904. In order to obtain the unimpaired flow at this station, the measurements were corrected for upstream diversions, storage and contributions for the period during which these various conditions existed. The principal diversions are the Towle and North Fork ditches on the North Fork, the Pilot Creek ditch on the Middle Fork and the Eldorado, Webber Creek and Natomas ditches on the South Fork and the Alder Creek pumping plant on the main stream. The amounts diverted by these ditches were added to the measured flow in obtaining the unimpaired flow. The measured flow was corrected also for storage and release from reservoirs on the head waters of the tributaries; namely, Echo, Medley Lakes, Twin Lakes. Silver Lake and Webber Creek on the South Fork drainage, Lake Valley on the North Fork 42 DIVISION OF WATFK RKS( and Loon Lake on the Middle Pork with an aggregate capacity of about 50,000 acre-feet. The Pacific Gas and Electric Company, through its South Canal, diverts from the tailrace of the Wise power plant into the North Fork of the American River, water originating on areas outside of the American River watershed. Tliis contribution was deducted from the measurements in obtaining the unimpaired flow. In Table 2, the seasonal run-offs measured ;it the Fairoaks gaging station, expressed in acre-feel and those unimpaired by upstream diversions, storage and contributions, in acre-feet and acre-feel per square mile, are set forth for the period 1904-1927. The figures show a vide variation in seasonal run-off. The maximum run-off occurred in the season of 1906-07, with 5,783,000 acre-feet and the minimum in 1923-24, with 551,000 acre-feet, 196 per cent and 18.7 per cent, respec- tively, of the average for the period 1904-27 of 2,953,000 acre-feet . TABLE 2. SEASONAL RUN-OFF OF AMERICAN RIVER AT FAIROAKS GAGING STATION 1904-1927 Seasonal run-off Season (Octolter 1 to September 30) Measured at Fairoaks gaging station in acre-feet Unimpaired by upstream liversions and contributions In acre-feet In acre-feet per square mile 1904-06 1,955,000 4,763,000 5,710.000 1,464,000 19,000 12,000 5,481,000 1,264,000 1,434,000 5 1 ,000 3,061,000 3,818.000 2,832,000 1,420,000 2,155,000 1,891,000 530,000 2,769,000 1,374,000 :s,000 2,050,000 4,836,000 5,783,000 7,000 (.62; 3,61{ 5,555.000 1,336,000 1,512.000 1.1172,000 3.180,000 3,965,000 2.918.000 1,541,000 2,266,000 1,502,000 3,212,000 3.2S' 2.757,000 551,000 2,726,000 1,894,000 3,642,000 1 068 1905-06 2,520 3,014 790 1906-07 1907-08 1908-09 2,409 1 884 1909-10 1910-11 2,895 696 1911-12 1912-13 804 1913-14 2 122 1911-15 1 657 1915-16 2 066 1916-17 1 536 1917-18 803 1918-19 1 181 1919-20 783 1920-21 1 674 1921-22 1 7! 2 1922-23 1 137 i in:' 1-25 1 121 16 726 1926-27 1,898 Average, 1904-27 2,890,000 2,958,000 1,539 The distribution of the seasonal run-off among the months also has a wide variation. In Table :i. the average for the period of stream measure- ment is shown For each month of the year. It may be observed that, on the average, the maximum occurs in May and the minimum in Sep- tember, with 19.8 per cent and 0.5 per cent, respectively, of the seasonal total. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 43 TABLE 3. AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SEASONAL RUN-OFF 1904-1927 Month Run-off by months In acre-feet In per cent of seasonal total October . . . November. December. January. . . February. . March April May June July August. . . . September . Totals 25,000 60,000 120,000 315,000 367,000 434,000 526,000 585,000 376,000 104,000 25,000 16,000 2,953,000 0.9 2.0 4.1 10.7 12.4 14.7 17.8 19.8 12.7 3.5 0.9 0.5 100.0 An examination of the daily discharge records at the Fairoaks gaging station of the United States Geological Survey, discloses a greater variation in the daily run-off than for the seasonal and monthly values. The greatest recorded daily discharge occurred on March 25, 1928, when the flow reached a crest discharge of 184,000 second-feet. The mean for the day was 120,000 second-feet. The minimum flow of record occurred in 1924, when the flow dropped to 5 second-feet for three weeks in July and August. 44 DIVISION OF WATER RESOUK' I 5 CHAPTER III CONSOLIDATED PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER PROPOSED BY AMERICAN RIVER HYDRO-ELEC- TRIC COMPANY General. The plans of the American River Hydro-electric Company call for an extensive reservoir and power development on the lower American River. They include the construction of three major and two minor reservoirs, together with power plants at the dams for production of electric power. The locations of the various units of the development are delineated on Plate II. It may be observed that the reservoirs are strategically located to control the run-off of practically the entire watershed of the American River. The reservoirs have large capacity in aggregate. The major reser- voirs, Folsom on the main stream, Auburn on the North Fork and Coloma on the South Fork, have a total storage capacity of 1,719.000 acre-feet, 58 per cent of the average annual run-off of the American River for the period 1904-1927. The two minor reservoirs, Pilot Creek, located on the North Fork between the Folsom and Auburn reservoirs, and Webber Creek, below the Coloma reservoir on the South Fork, have relatively small capacity and would be utilized primarily for creation of power head. However, a part of their capacity, if so desired, could be used for re-regulating the daily fluctuations in the water release from the upstream major reservoirs. A substantial power drop may be obtained from the development as indicated on Plate III. The water level of the uppermost reservoir is 900 feet and the elevation of the tailrace of the lowest power plant is 162 feet. On the North Fork, 495 feet of power head would be devel- oped, on the South Fork 445 feet and on the main stream from 190 to 228 feet, depending on the plant layout at the Folsom dam. A total power installation of 200,000 k.v.a. P.F.=0.S0 is proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company. With this installation an average output of 88,250 kilowatts of electric power would be produced if operated primarily for power generation. Folsom reservoir. Two sites, about 2000 feet apart, have been proposed for the dam of the Folsom reservoir. Both are Located about two miles upstream from the town of Folsom and above the diversion dam of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. The upper site was used for the estimates set forth in Bulletin No. 12, "Summary Report on the Water Resources of Cali- fornia and a Coordinated Plan for Their Development," published by the Division of Engineering and [irrigation. The Lower site lias been selected by the American River Hydro-electric Company for its pro- posed development. Studies indicate that both sites are essentially equal as regards foundation, unit cosl <>r storage, and total potential power out put of the stream. The lower site has been used in the studies for this report. This site is Located in section 24. T. 10 X., R. 7 E., M. I). B. and M., about two miles upstream from the town of Folsom and one mile below the junction of the North and South forks. The A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 45 dam would rise 190 feet above the streambed elevation of 205 feet with a crest length of 5280 feet, and would back water up both forks, flood- ing 6460 acres of land to elevation 890 feet and impounding 355,000 acre-feet of water. The site has been extensively explored by the American River Hydro- electric Company. Hyde Forbes, geologist, has examined the site and the cores of the diamond drill explorations. He reports that the foundation is granite and is suitable for the dam proposed, provided it is properly sealed by grouting. His report on this and the dam sites for the other reservoirs is given in full in Chapter XI of this report. Two auxiliary dams would be required on the rim of the reservoir. These would be low earthen embankments located in sections 28 and 29, T. 10 N., R. 8 E., and in section 13, T. 10 N., R. 7 E., M. D. B. and M., respectively. The lands and improvements within the reservoir area are important items to be considered in the construction of the Folsom reservoir. The lands comprise both agricultural and grazing, with the area used for grazing predominating. Although the net area flooded is 6460 acres, a considerably larger acreage would probably have to be acquired in carrying out the development. The two most important improvements that would be flooded are the Natomas and the North Fork canals. Each has a capacity of about 60 second-feet. The Natomas canal heads on the South Fork near Salmon Falls, below the Webber Creek and Coloma dam sites and supplies water to gold dredgers and agricultural lands in the vicinity of Folsom. The North Fork canal diverts from the North Fork below the Auburn dam site at a point about 17 miles upstream from the junction of the North and South forks. It serves an agricul- tural area on the north side of the American River in and around Fair- oaks. These canals could be relocated above the flow line of the reser- voir. Other improvements that would be submerged and would require relocation are county roads and bridges and a power line which trav- erses the reservoir site. The cost of acquiring the lands and marginal areas required for the reservoir site and removing all improvements within the reservoir area is estimated at $1,500,000, or equal to 18 per cent of the total cost of dam and reservo.ir. Based on the topographic maps and data furnished by the American River Hydro-electric Company, reservoir areas and capacities for the several heights of dam have been calculated and are tabulated as follows : TABLE 4. CAPACITY OF FOLSOM RESERVOIR Height of dam, in feet Water surface elevation of Area of water surface, Capacity of reservoir. (5 feet freeboard) reservoir, in feet in acres in acre-feet 80 280 920 29,000 90 290 1,150 39,500 100 300 1,400 52,200 110 310 1,600 67.700 120 320 1,980 85,600 130 330 2,350 107,300 140 340 2,800 133,000 150 350 3,300 163,800 160 360 3,900 200,000 170 370 4,610 242,500 180 380 5,460 293,800 190 390 6,460 355,000 46 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES The Folsom reservoir is particularly well situated to control the run-off i'roin the American River watershed, since practically ;ill of it originates above the dam site. The unimpaired run-off above the FoLsoni reservoir is estimated to be 0.1! per cent less than the unim- paired run-oil' ai the Fairoaks gaging station; however, it is do1 all available for use at the Folsom dam. It is reduced by the upstream diversions from the tributaries. At the presenl time, diversions are made in six principal ditches. These are Towle and North Fork ditches on the North Fork, Pilot Creek on the .Middle Fork, and Fldorado. Webber Creek and Xatomas on the South Fork. These diversions are made for domestic, irrigation, power and mining uses. The total amount diverted in a season based v njatraam diversions, in acrc-f "i t Upstream diversions, in acre-f'it Available for power development, in acre-feet 1904-05 786,000 1.718,000 2,101,000 570,000 1,687,000 1,331,000 1,994,000 482,000 169,000 1,305,000 ,000 1,353,000 1,091,000 584,000 7H4.O00 568,000 1,245,000 1,269,000 1,012,000 211,000 1,080,000 535,000 1,367,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15.000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 771,000 1905-06 1 703,000 1906-07 2,086,000 1907-08 555,000 1908-09 1 '172,000 1909-10 1.316,000 1910-11 1,9 79,000 1911-12 467,000 1912-13 454,000 1913-14 I :".'0,000 1914-15 .• 884,000 1915-16 1,338,000 1916-17 .' 1.076,000 1917-18 569.000 1918-19 749.000 1919-20 553,000 1920-2 1 1,230,000 1921-22 1,254,000 1922-23 1,027,000 1923-24 199,000 1924-25 1,0115.000 1925-26 520,000 1926-27 1,352,000 Average, 1904-27 1,063,000 15,000 1,018.000 Webber Creek reservoir. The dam for the Webber Creek reservoir would be located in section 30, T. 11 N., R. 9 E., M. D. B. and M., on the South Fork of the American River about 1 mile downstream from its confluence with Webber Creek. The dam would be 90 feet high above low water ele- vation 460 feet and would back water up to the Coloma dam power plant at elevation 550 feet. The capacity of the reservoir has not been calculated but it would be relatively small. The purpose of the dam would be to create a power head of 115 feet between the Coloma and Folsom reservoirs. The site has been examined by Hyde Forbes, who found it to be suitable geologically for a concrete dam 150 feet high. The foundation rock is of igneous origin, hard and durable. About 200 acres of land of relatively low value and no improvements of importance would be flooded by the reservoir. The Natomas Canal diverts from the South Fork about 1\ miles below the dam and there- fore would not be affected. The Monte Mine, an inactive property, is above the flow line of the reservoir. The water supply available for power generation at the dam would be the release and spill from the Coloma reservoir augmented by the run-off from Webber Creek. In the power estimates, however, the run- off from Webber Creek has been neglected. It would be relatively small in amount in the critical months and in months of large run-off, there probably would be a surplus passing the Coloma dam, which could not be utilized without increasing the capacity of the power plant. Only a detailed study could determine whether this would be justified. This has not been made. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 53 CHAPTER IV ELECTRIC POWER OUTPUT FROM CONSOLIDATED DEVELOP- MENT Location and mode of operation of power plants. Power plants for the generation of electric power would be located below the dams and would operate under the head created by the reser- voirs. The head would be variable in the case of Folsom, Auburn and Coloma and constant for Pilot Creek and Webber Creek reservoirs. Estimates of power output have been made for various modes of reservoir operation and power plant capacities. These have been prepared with the reservoirs operated primarily for power generation and for irrigation use. The effect on the power output and irrigation use of utilizing space in the reservoirs for flood and salinity control has also been estimated and is set forth herein. The power output has been calculated for two methods of water release from the reservoir operating primarily for power. One method of release would develop maximum continuous or primary power throughout the year, including extremely dry seasons such as 1923-24, by varying the water release with the head on the plant, and also additional intermittent seasonal or secondary power up to the capacity of the economic power installation when water would be available in excess of that required for the generation of the primary power. This method has been employed in estimating the power yield of the various units of the "Coordinated Plan," * when operated primarily for power purposes and is included herein to allow a comparison with those units. The second method, proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company would release water through the turbines at a constant rate when available, developing a larger amount of power but much more variable than in the first instance. In this method, the reservoirs would be drawn to low levels at the end of each season and the amount of power generated would have a greater variation from season to season and from month to month in the season and, therefore, would be less dependable than with the method of water release developing maximum primary power. Methods employed in estimating power output. The power output from the several power plants was estimated, month by month, from 1904 to 1927, the period of stream measurement at the Fairoaks gaging station, taking into account the draft from the reservoir, the head on and the efficiency of the power plant. A constant tailrace elevation was assumed for each particular plant. The overall plant efficiency was taken at 75 per cent and was assumed constant for all heads. This figure allows for all losses between reservoir and tailrace, including entrance, penstock and draft tube losses. In the method of water release, developing maximum primary power, the primary power output was maintained, month by month, by vary- ing the release through the turbines with the changing level of the * See Bulletin No. 12, "Summary Report on Water Resources of California and a Coordinated Plan for Their Development," Division of Engineering and Irrigation, State of California, Department of Public Works. 54 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES reservoir so as to meet the demand for each particular month in accord with the schedule of state-wide demand for power, given in Table 11. Power in addition to the primary power was included in the computa- tions up to the capacity of the generators when water was available, taking into account the load factor on which the plant would be operated. Plant load factor as used in this report is the ratio of the average power output for a month in kilowatts to the rated capacity of the plant in kilowatts. TABLE 11. MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC POWER DEMAND STATE-WIDE AVERAGE Month Electric power demand in ]>er cent of annual total Month Electric power demand in per cent of annual total 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8.2 Julv 100.0 The average maximum daily output capacity of a plant was taken the same for each method of water release but the installed capacity varied. For the method of release, developing maximum primary power, all power installations were based on a 75 per cent plant load factor, and for the method proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Com- pany on a 60 per cent load factor, except for the installation at the Folsom dam, which was based on the plant operating on a 100 per cent load factor. In the computations an allowance was made for evaporation and pre- cipitation on the surface of the reservoirs. The net evaporation was estimated at 3.5 feet depth per season, distributed as follows: TABLE 12. NET EVAPORATION FROM RESERVOIR SURFACE Month Net evaporation Depth in feet In per cent of seasonal total 0.32 0.44 0.52 0.62 0.58 0.45 0.34 0.23 April. . 9.2 12.6 15.0 July. .. 17.8 16.6 12.7 9.6 6.5 Total 3.50 100.0 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 55 Power output from the Folsom plant. A power plant would be located below tbe Folsom dam, near the head of the Folsom Canal, which supplies the Folsom City plant of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, located 9000 feet downstream from the proposed plant at the Folsom dam. Water would be delivered to the proposed plant through a tunnel under the left abutment of the dam. Two alternate power plant layouts have been studied. They differ only in the point of discharge of the tail water from the plant. The first layout, proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company, would consist of two generating units, one discharging its tail water directly into the Folsom Canal, with the second unit discharging into the American River below the present Folsom Prison dam, which serves as a diversion dam for the Folsom Canal. The tailrace elevation of the first unit would be 207.0 feet, and that of the second 162.0 feet. With the reservoir full (water surface elevation 390 feet) this would give maximum static heads of 183 and 228 feet for the first and second units, respectively. In the power studies, the A^olumes of water released through each unit varied with the natural stream flow and amount of release from storage. The release through the first unit was the natural stream flow up to 1000 second-feet, the capacity of the Folsom Canal, supplemented with stored water when available during periods of low stream flow. The release through the second unit was limited by the requirements of the first unit and the water capacity of the second unit. In the second layout, all the water released through the turbines would be discharged into the Folsom Canal. The upper 1600 feet of canal below the plant would be enlarged and deepened to make avail- able an additional 7 feet of drop now being utilized at the Folsom State Prison power plant, which would be abandoned. The maximum head on the plant would then be 190 feet, 7 feet greater than that of the first unit of the first layout. All water discharged through this plant could be carried to and through the Folsom City plant of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company by enlarging the Folsom Canal and recon- structing the present Folsom City plant. By this arrangement a con- siderable increase in total power output would be obtained in the power development. This, however, would result in the released water being discharged in the river at an elevation too low for gravity irrigation of a large part of the valley agricultural lands dependent on this source of supply and would be of particular value only during the period pre- ceding the need of the water for irrigation. The .installed capacity of the Folsom plant would vary with the mode of operation of the reservoir and with the stage of development of the project. A larger installed power plant capacity would be justified if Auburn or Coloma reservoirs were constructed due to the regulatory effect they would have on the stream flow for this plant. The installed capacity would vary from 35,000 k.v.a. P. F. =0.80, and a load factor of 1.00 with Folsom reservoir as a first installation in the development, to 54,000 k.v.a. P.F — 0.80 and a load factor of 0.75 for the complete development with Auburn and Coloma reservoirs constructed and operated in conjunction with Folsom. In Tables 13, 14, 15, and 16 that follow, are set forth the power output and power characteristics of the Folsom plant for different methods of water release, plant layouts and stages of development. 56 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Table 13 gives the total yearly power outputs in kilowatt hours for the period 1005-1927, for the following stages of development: (1) without either Auburn or Coloma constructed; (2) with Auburn constructed and operated to develop maximum primary power and Coloma not con- structed ; (3) with both Auburn and Coloma reservoirs constructed and operated to develop maximum primary power. All the tail water would be discharged into the Folsom Canal at tailrace elevation of 200 feet. The total primary power output would be increased from 85,900,000 kilowatt hours per year without Auburn and Coloma reser- voirs constructed to 172,600,000 kilowatt hours with both Auburn and Coloma constructed and correspondingly the average total annual out- put would be increased from 153,700,000 kilowatt hours to 217,400,000 kilowatt hours. Table 14 sets forth similar data for the schedule of water release proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company with the plant layout that would discharge part of the tail-water into the Folsom Canal at elevation 207 feet and the remainder into the American River at elevation 162 feet. In Tables 15 and 16, characteristics of the power output are shown for the two methods of water release from the reservoirs operated pri- marily for power for various stages of development. The monthly output is tabulated for years of maximum and minimum output expressed in millions of kilowatt hours and in per cent of annual total, and also for the minimum year in per cent of annual total of the maximum year. These tables show that there is a wider variation in the values for the maximum and minimum years with the schedule of water release proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Com- pany than with that developing maximum primary power. The output with the latter method of release conforms more nearly to the state-wide average demand for power which is given at the left of the tables. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 57 TABLE 13. POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT Folsom reservoir operated in accord with schedule of water release to develop maximum primary power Height of dam, 190 feet Tailrace elevation of Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet power plant, 200 feet Power output, in kilowatt hours Year Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed. Installed capacity of power plant 43,000 k.v.a. P.F.=0.80 L.F.=0.7o Annual primary power output 85,900.000 kilowatt hours Auburn reservoir constructed and opented to develop maximum primary power. Coloma reservoir not constructed. Installed capacity of power plant 54,000 k.v.a. P.F.=0.80 L.F=0.75 Annual primary oower outout 126,200,000 kilowatt hours Auburn and Coloma reservoirs constructed and operated to develop maximum primary power. Installed capacity of power plant 54.000 k.v.a. P.F.=0.80 L.F.=0.75 Annual primary power output 172,600 000 kilowatt hours 1905 150,000,000 179,900,000 192,800,000 145,600,000 185,200,000 156,000,000 162.600,000 125,300,000 136,400,000 165,700,000 164,500,000 178,200,000 158,200,000 133,500,000 134,000.000 138,200,000 163,300,000 166,500,000 156,000,000 87,700,000 140,800,000 145,200.000 131,400,000 196,900,000 229,400,000 241,100,000 183,000,000 233,100,000 195,600,000 210,200.000 158,800,000 174,100.000 210,400,000 206,000,000 223,000,000 197,800,000 168.400.000 175,500.000 185,300,000 207,700.000 208,600,000 198,800,000 126,200,000 183,700,000 165,200,000 165,800,000 212,700,000 1906. . 246,900,000 1907. . 254.100,000 1908 . . 198,900,000 1909. . 246,800,000 1910 220,800,000 1911 233,400,000 1912 190.400,000 1913 208,000,000 1914 232,800,000 1915... . 232.100.000 1916. . 239,700,000 1917 • 219,700,000 1918 193,300,000 1919 201,900,000 1920 199,500,000 1921 225,800,000 1922 218,600,000 1923 . . 221,200.000 1924 . 172,600,000 1925 . . 198,600,000 1926 199,100,000 1927* 178,500,000 153,700,000 195,300,000 217,400,000 •Partial year, January 1 to October 1 58 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 14. POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT Folsom reservoir operated in accord with schedule of water release proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Tailrace elevations of power plant, 207 and 162 feet Year 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922. 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927" Average Power output, in kilowatt hours* Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed. Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P.F.=0.80 L.F.=1.00 152 193 209 152 202 167 175 122 123 180 166 186 155 130 132 141 181 180 180 41 163 143 161 000,000 200,000 ,700,000 900,000 ,700,000 ,800,000 ,700,000 ,500,000 ,500,000 900,000 .200,000 ,100,000 200,000 400,000 200,000 600,000 ,700,000 600,000 200,000 300,000 700,000 100,000 800,000 Auburn reservoir constructed and operated in accord with schedule of water release proposed by American River Hydro-Electric Company. Coloma reservoir not constructed. Installed capacity of power plant, 45,000 kv.a. PF.=0 80 L.F.=1.00 243,500,000 278,400,000 iio.ooo 239,600,000 281,100,000 268,900,000 275,400,000 172,200,000 183,200,000 276,700.000 266,500,000 277.400,000 270,000,000 220,400,000 219,900,000 222,700,000 274,300,000 268,400,000 272,800,000 62,100,000 250,600,000 210,700,000 207,400,000 160,200,000 242,000,000 Auburn and Coloma reservoirs constructed and operated in accord with schedule of water release proposed by American River Hydro-Electric Company. Installed capacity of power plant, 45,000 kv.a P.F.=<).80 L.F.=1.00 251,700,000 279,600,000 286,800,000 278,500,000 286,000,000 286,200.000 290,100,000 248,000,000 194,800,000 286,300,000 288,500,000 288,600,000 286,700,000 247,900,000 259,900,000 211,600,000 275,400,000 285,400.000 286,900,000 152,300,000 254,700,000 246,300,000 204,100,000 262,700,000 •Estimate of power output based on measured stream flow at Fairoaks gaging station. "Partial year, January 1 to October 1. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 59 ft * ° 3 •» e ea.s v c3*— °§1 3 O O 3-* g-3 So|g 1 3^ lO •!■ »C >0 "^ - '- CiC i.^ <-C C MOiOOOOOO^mNiOOM QO-— i00iOCO»O0000'-'O5'— '00 OO QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOt^C© TPCO^N^NtJt-^OlOO^ S * ° a *- CD -^> O g M 3 egg s 3^ 3*3 g is 3- t^-cot^-t^oociosoioocooooo NNMOhtPOsOONhcO 0!C0 05OhhhN-(OOO CO'J'PSOCCOeCM'ttDO'-' Tt'*r--T}<^iO'*ioo a P P B <» d Ph 4^ £ 43 p 5 <*.. d 93 f0^»Ol000O(MJ^t^t^O00CRC10000I>-00 .a — c g 3 s 112 -3 5 — 5 B 3 a o JO cooiNoocoNfHMioecao lis p ■ w^cooeoocowiowooM OJ00OSOiO5OsCsO3 ^ O o 3 p-g >> c H ^ & £ o £ °.S 'I a ■n u o) V fc™^ »"■< (^ ^ m u IS cu & ■3 ir, O o >> c 'o a: ■h >— 1 C/D U > u o > i— i H (A s c i— i £ 5 CO OS u •iM -i v> c H U o £ 2 £ < s o V- <4-i u (0 CB • »—h »-H W «H -J o 3 CO 3 a +-> 3 O u o I O a, A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 61 Power output from Auburn and Pilot Creek plants. Power would be generated in power plants located below the Auburn and Pilot Creek dams on the North Fork of the American River. Water would be conveyed to the turbines of the plants through tunnels similar to the layout at the Folsom dam. The Auburn plant would operate under the fluctuating head created by the reservoir in a like manner to that of the Folsom plant. The head would vary from a maximum of 385 feet with a full reservoir (water surface elevation 900 feet) to a minimum of 165 feet. A constant tailrace elevation of 515 feet has been assumed for the estimates. The Pilot Creek plant would operate under practically a constant head as it is contemplated that no water would be drawn from storage in the reservoir since the main purpose of the dam would be to develop power head between the Folsom and Auburn reservoirs. The plant would utilize the water released from the Auburn reservoir without re-regulation ; however, some daily regu- lation could be obtained if desired. The normal static head on the plant, 110 feet, would be the difference in elevation between 515 feet, the maximum water surface of the reservoir and the tailrace elevation of 405 feet, 15 feet above the maximum water surface elevation (390 feet) of the Folsom reservoir. Tables 17, 18, 19 and 20 give information on the estimated power out- put and on the power characteristics of the two power plants with the Auburn reservoir operated in accord with the same two methods of water release used in the estimates for the Folsom reservoir, for the period 1905-1927. In Table 17 are set forth the yearly power outputs of the Auburn plant with the Auburn reservoir operated by the two methods of water release. The characteristics of the power output from this plant for both methods of water release are compared in Table 18 for years of maximum and minimum power output. Similar data are given in Tables 19 and 20 for the Pilot Creek plant. 62 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 17. POWER OUTPUT OF AUBURN PLANT Auburn reservoir operated in accord with two schedules of water release Height of dam, 390 feet Tailrace elevation of Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet power plant, 515 feet Power output, in kilowatt hours Water release to Water develop release in maximum accord with primary schedule Year power. proposed by Installed capacity American River of power plant Hydro-electric 66,000 k.v.a. Company. P.F.=0.80 Installed capacity L.F.=0.75 of power plant Annual primary 82,000 k.v.a. power output P.F.=0.80 142,000,000 L.F.=0.60 kilowatt hours 1905 217,700,000 231,300,000 1906 260,800,000 288,800,000 1907 290,600,000 301,400,000 1908 187,800,000 216,400,000 1909 283,700,000 304,700,000 1910 229,900,000 285,000,000 1911 253,400,000 295,200,000 1912 185,400,000 163,900,000 1913 198,500,000 200,100,000 1914 245,300,000 293,400,000 1915 238,000,000 274,100,000 1916 263,700,000 292,700,000 1917 223,400,000 276,900.000 1918 177,600,000 195,200,000 1919.. 188,400,000 228,000,000 1920 201,000,000 206.800,000 1921 239,900,000 281,700,000 1922 223,800,000 258,300,000 1923 238,800,000 284,800,000 1924 142,000,000 56,300,000 1925 186,100,000 259,100,000 1926 188,000,000 180,100,000 1927* 183,500,000 217,500.000 221,900,000 245,800,000 •Partial year, January 1 to October 1. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RrVER 63 w u to < <4H w U5 J rH § 10 4J Pi 5 0) w i-H H Ut < u £ * to a O *M CO o W c hJ p 4J Q cd > a u u u C/3 o CO o h i H H EC H oo a I U5 > s co U 4-> u cS a CO O ■!-> CJ C8 Mi o bD K 3 >. to . 3 •a cj 2 .c &o ^_> a poo^ £° II o J: a .o O I > o C3 uCN - © ® 00 1± • .£.♦*- P. i. _ o3 3 *« O L K > i- 0) te .t; c o a j< a. *- >* o 3 2-° >>« 3 ©3 d tgaM » o cs f O 0-T3 > 0- £,< "e3 o £ _ °q 3 o o o % 115 2 •— »••>:-* 2 * -o .£ g.^8 i: Pco— 1 «.3 „_o^o_ o o o"o"o"o' 00 o" o* o"o" OOOOOOOOOOOO »Q~ ^-T 10" ^H 0O~ C^" tjh" cd" rHi-t01t*01t-0)0iO00»0k0 t^ooc»oooocooooocot-t^-co 000 000 000 o'o'o* 000 t— toco 000 000 o o o o'oo 000 tJ« CO •* 000 000 000 o"o"o" 000 CM CN CM 000 000 000 §"o"o" 00 CD O OS iO-*COOseOTt*CDCDCCCMOO MDCOQOOO^»ONW)OM t>-cot^-t^ooaiaiOiQOoocxicx> oooooooooo>oo> C3OOOOO0>OOOOO 000000 o_o_o o o_ o" o o" o" o" o" o*" o* o" o o* o" 000>00>OOOOCZ>OCD o" aT r-T rH cm" cm" co co" cm" cm" t-T *h *- ° g o CU^>" O^OOOiOiOiOiOiOCOiOiOOO 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 o" o* o" o" o" o" o" o o" o" o" o" 000000000000 eOCDCO^CO^COCOCOCMOSCO t-J" ^*T t^-" co" !>."■ co" i>T rC oo" o" co" »o~ MCMCMCMCMcMcMCM^«-i'-HCM M01C003XOtJ,400,O00 66,000 000 1913 57,700,000 74,300 000 1914 69,500 000 90,100,000 1915 68,100,000 87,800,000 1916 74,500,000 90,100 000 1917 63,800,000 89,500 000 1918 50,700,000 71,600,000 1918 53,800 000 75 000 000 1920 57,300,000 75,900,000 1921 68,400,000 89,800,000 1922 63,500,000 85,800,000 1023 67,300 000 89,300,000 1924 49,900,000 23,800,000 1925 58,000,000 83,300,000 1926 53,500,000 69,400.000 1927* 56,200,000 67,500,000 Average 63,900,000 80,500,000 •Partial year, January 1 to October 1. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 65 u fi 03 • •n o . a •a Per cent of annual total of maximum year MiC'faOO^OOOOf-M nonw-* o © cm co re ad CI Per cent of annual total ooowcii-o^ooaiO'© oo •— © ^-» m © cm oo cm cm cm^h ,-t © ©" © 4J oooooooooooo o © © o o o o o o ©^© # ©^©_©_ o o o o ©'©*©"©"©" ©" ©"©"©" ©©©©© © ©©o n* «^© CM CM © i— i t- © © cm'iocm'wsco" vTcq © © © © °°- co" 04 C3 a 3 >. a 3 a a Per cent of annual total CDatOMOWOMrHfQrHM © © © OOt^OOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO Kilowatt hours ©>©©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©©©O ©_© © ©_©_o ©_©_© © ©_© ©" ©' ©" ©" ©" © ©" ©" ©" ©" ©" ©" ©©©©©©©©oo©© t*-"r-~"r^-"i>." .>.".>-" t-*-" t*-"t-"t*-"t>-"t*-* o © ©^ o" © ©" © Power output with water release from Auburn reservoir to develop maximum primary power Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 k.v.a. P.F =0.80 L.F =0.75 Average annual power output, 63,900,000 kilowatt hours •<* CJ5 s a a •a Per cent of annual total of maximum year t*»iO©i-iW3t"-CMI--©©CMi— t CO ©* CO Per cent of annual total NOO^CO-^OOOiONONO © © © ©iO i ©cOt--l>.00©Oi©©'— ' a* ©©©©©©©©©©>©© ©o©©o© ©©©©©© © o © ©_©©©©©©© © ©" ©" © ©" ©" ©" ©" ©" ©" ©' ©" ©" ©©©©©©©©©©©© i-h_© CC i -#_t^._©_CC_t--_CD © •— Oft co cm" eo co'co" co~ ^*" ^*T rt<" 10 *o" 10* © o ©_ ©" © © ©~ O o> « a •a 03 2 Per cent of annual total ©CO-^CM^CMtPCMCM©©© OO OO © © © © ~ ~- — ■ »o — 00 © ©" © 43 is 3" ©o©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©©©© ©^©_©_©_o ©_© ©^© © © © ©" ©* ©" ©~ © ©" ©" ©*" ©" ©" © ©r ©©©©©©©©©©©© ^_^_c© co^oo^co^ ao_ ©_•-<_© © ■**«_ r^-" t"-"t*-T t^-* t>."t>-" r>-"r^»" io ^s* u? t*-~ © © © ©~ © oo. cm" oo 73. » hi 02 monthly demand for power in per cent of annual total co©oo©oo©^ior*-*o©CM © ©' © t*-©t>-t*-0O©©©000OO0CO 3 3 i — E E- July C6 DIVISION OP WA'lii; |{i:sol'Kn the righl hank of the South Fork, aboul 2000 feel below the dam. and would operate under a maximum head of 330 feel and a minimum head of l(i.") feet. The tail race of the plant has been taken at 555 Eeel in estimating the power output. The Webber Creek power house as pro- posed by the American River Hydro-electric Company would he Located about 4000 feet downstream from the dam with a diversion tunnel about 3000 feet Long. The plant would operate under a constant head of 115 feet. The power output and power characteristics of the two plants are shown in the Tahles 21, 22, 2:? and 24 for the period of 1905-27. Data are given in Tahles 21 and 22 for the Coloma plant and in Tahles 23 and 24 for the Wehher Creek plant. TABLE 21. POWER OUTPUT OF COLOMA PLANT Coloma reservoir operated in accord with two schedules of water release Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Tailrace elevation of power plant, 555 feet Power output in kilowatt hours Year Water release to develop maximum primary power. Installed capacity of power plant, 30,000 k.v.a. rr =0.80 LP. 0.78 Annual primary power output 127,900.000 kilowatt hours. Water release in Moord with schedule proposed by \iii'Tican River Hydro-electric Company. Installed capacity of power plant .■{7.000 k.v.a. P.P. 0.80 LP. 0.60 1 905 134,900.000 144,700,000 147,200.000 132,500.000 1 17.200.000 139,300.000 143.300.000 129,600,000 ILT/IOO.OOO 136,000,000 (K).OOO 147,600,000 137,600,000 1 L" ''.700.000 131,100,000 100,000 1 It. "00,000 i::-. 000.000 130,900,000 127,900,000 I2S.500.000 129,100,000 108,300,000 138,600,000 1906 143,200.000 1907.. 144,900,000 1908 141,200,000 1909 115.000,000 1910 1 12,700.000 1911 1 43. 700.000 1912 130,200.000 1913 85,700.000 1914 1 .'12.100.000 1915 1 10,100,000 1916 144,000,000 1917 112.400,000 1918 100.000 1919 133,200,000 1920 1 2 0, 100,000 1921 141,800,000 1922 112,100,000 1923 143,400,000 1924 81,100,000 1925 123.200,000 1926 133,500.000 1927* 106,200,000 Average 136,700,000 133,700,000 •Partial year, January 1 to October 1. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 67 < a <^ o s U i— i H 4> O CO u i— H CO H CJ o C8 o o u co *8 u CO a CO U o CO 73 J2 bD ■g E«?£ ■a oh <- a> . o O I > o • E "5.S« S eSco "S "■as* o> c-3 o a a a >- .t: c g o. *** & ^= ■^ S> ° 2 3 S'S d O O) 2 a) L°tt« So g2 > u w a) p a.-o > s o 5 II I t- .o a> c3 o I E o - ^3 13 O. SEoft 3 C_ ° •«« L. O 3 ® t*. S3 * -1 O - S =3 a. ca » O. M C3 « -a > £•4 S "a § s o o of annual total of maxim ui a er cent of nnual total II NcCCOOOi-ilONOO«'-< ©©©©©OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOO'OO ooooooo o q o o o o" o* o* ©* o" o' ©' o" ©* o* o" o" oooooooooooo t«cNOOWcM o^r- t*<_oo 00 *^M «-? o* o* o* o" a:" iC eo~ csT -& l§ c^ « a & 3 «' »HatD^0'-'»o«'0 , tooo r-_co »-7 r-T co" ooooooo© oooooooooooo oooooooooooo o' o" o" o" o" o" o" o* o" o" o" o" ooool>iOC^UOUOOOC5000 uf CO »0 •— *0 •™i. w ^* r 3. T ~i, w S , ™ , 1 . u 5, e o re bO E If — w fH S2 •S t^-s j=o II & O — rt o §"?►§■ — >"0 ffllOlO « ssd"* CD g>-< 3 :! a> g o >- >»•« 2 3J3 O q — w ^' C3 § P rt S £ o." > £ ■*< CD a t, ►J I o '•3 OJ _i O .- «g" El «« 3 * E BE O, f! -a a •a 2 Nil's .is !°"3& o«— 3 J^ .1 2 Ml a* 1 Ch is .2 o . o a n O »rl .V-t^-t^ ascDt^r^cftcocoaicocococo OOOOOOOOOOOO oooooooooooo oooooooooooo o" o" o" o" o* o" o" o" o* o" o* o" oooooooooooo •^"co eo'co" ^*" tjT ^jT tjT -^jT tjT eo^ tjT a •a eg 5 o O 3 S o M- 3 ^2« OO : 2 5 § 3 COb-COCOCOCOCOOOCOOOOOCO oooooooooooo ooooooooo-ooo oooooooo o_o CD o o~ o" o" o" o" o" o" o" o" o" o" o oooooooooooo bJ co t>-* t>.* CO Oi OS O 00 CO OO CO 70 DIVISION OF WATEB RESOURCES Power output from complete consolidated development. The power output of the consolidated development, when fully com- pleted and operated primarily for power generation, luis beeE assembled and presented in Table 2f». Data arc given for the two methods of water release, one developing maximum primary power and the other in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Com- pany. The average yearly power output for the period, 1905-1927, under the first method of water release, is estimated at 6S9,.">00,000 kilo- watt hours. Under the second method of release the average yearly power output for the same period as in the tirst instance, is 77:5. 100, 000 kilowatt hours. A part, L'7.000,000 kilowatt hours (32 per cent), of the extra power that could he developed under the second method of water release is due to the additional head available at the Folsom plant with the layout as proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company. In this layout one unit of the plant would discharge into the American River at an elevation of 38 feet below, and the other unit into the Fol- som Canal 7 feet above, the tailrace of the layout in the first instance. The characteristics of the power output for each method of water release are given in Table 26. It may be noted that for the minimum year, 1924, the output is 65.6 per cent of the maximum, with the method of water release developing maximum primary power, while with the method of release of the American River Hydro-electric Company it is 40.1 per cent of the maximum. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 71 to O 10 W 3 o o o 3 5 ■* > >- ° o K o >> V- 4-J ■ — •§IU u ■3 -a '_■■—. O o o oo" fl? ° ^ ~> i_) I- *J — 3 « of •§lu < > . se U.M ix. o o o o o cr- > Leg « O >> E.SPg. 0»(j •glU « c > a. — -a o el-S O a a, ^ © Q* «s s o oo oo O © CD tO tf) ^ © o o o" II II II 1 II fe En' Ck' fe fc ttftt Pu'Pu'Ph'Ph'Ph'pl,' cs w rt rt rt rt ■ .>>>>>*; 5 ooo ooo — o £ o p o o p, o^ <^ o_ o_ o o^ .- CO O c *J" c3 c « -S ~5 -2 , ~ =3*3 3:3 G.5 O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'OOO O O O O O © O 0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0__0_0_O h O_0_0^ o ©" o" ©* ©" o* ©~ o" o" o" o" ©" o" ©~ o" o" o" o o" o o" o" o" ooooooooooooooooooooooo « (O rj« f-- o co co ^* cc •-< t-* t^t^- co cc t>- co_— • ec tO C^U^CO >0«5NtONU5N»00»CfCO^'0' , !)"NCOiMlO>CtDOOeO r»t»00t^CO0000CO00CX)0000t^.(>.CDC30000OC0t , »COCD Si a o i a- x: £• .t: a s E si r E ll c o OO OOO o II II II II II 5 pt2 fe ck' pt,' pE<' -g o o o oooJ2 oo oo oo oo oo oo OOOOOOOOOOOOO^OOOOC3 05TjOCtONtDNiOtOtO»0 iCtDNXCO'-'CNCO'i'iCtDNOOa; O-CNCOfiC'ON COOOO'H-.wiHiHiHwiH-.i-.NNWNWWflC'l CO G> Oi Oi CO OS CO CO — . CO CO CO OO CO CO CO CO ~- C- OO OO _ . _- ■§ o o a 72 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES 8 o o o C I ill- 1 •si pi "^ O O o 00 §1 iL _• « o 5 <- £-0-5 g c >• U 4_1 •-* _f- (J |:§a •glU < 'o — > . o E ft a V u *-> <-> >--c Si U EP £ °X so: 3 j? |f "§ E o* « 6 — >> SI iJ O tii k S Is >oooo 5 CO CO cD CO iim a o M fi-' U - U- pu u* £ o o o o o o © oq oo oo oq op oq ~ fflf od- fc &.' pL| fcu u. fe g. Z. cJ ~ P- ~' ~ 5 rt cs rt ej c3 rt fo' *; > > > > > ; - >OoOO 3 _ j o o ir °"US«>feO [■-."»" of 3 i- •)■ » w p: ^ o o ? *f J o e "3. frails *ao « c3 — *- -. i— o ° Ecj 8 « m Bjiii cS-%2 o = ~ as o." o > I s 1- P» s.13*J8 a" i s s a Ma II o3 u > g|| Q 'J 03 2 .- "> £ « 2 ££• 2 E * °- x:E s E o oooo 3 o — ooo oooj2 OO OO 00 00 00 oo . ^ II it X ii. ill pc' fe fe tb fe d," g. Ph' p^ Qh' Ph* eu Ph' O fcD_ C3 C3 rt c3 C3 rt Ci >>>>>: >:» "£0000003 i o 5 ° § o »j c.S-f 5 £ = ~ 3— O.t O ^ i . <=* s § s ■i >— 3 « ^ a -. °g° C x^. * a cNoooo>couau)onr«o)0> O-fONiONNiO00»NW 88S88gSSgS8§ oo t C 1 ! fj r. i- r a o -r o n t*OJOO'fl , QO'<»"tN.cO^C^Oi»ft (■* t^ OO 00 OO 00 00 00 00 QC t— 00 § 88888888888"; WKWN CT. CI CI -.O — CO CC » t^.io^^Mt^oo^oi^-t^'n to ■^Tt-* t>-* o* — ' r^* t^-" ■"?<* to O^ONONOOWNOON C; OO C- OO — - OO CI Cs t*» CD CD 00 § oooo2< iiiis; o'oco'd: ooSSSi 8 * JfS g ^ s s © g-a itla^lNlo GO B o M0i00a«O-*iONWON t— co t - * I s * n 9) o o oo oo oo oo § lit: £-2 * S. &8iIIIfI c A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 73 CHAPTER V IRRIGATION SERVICE FROM CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT Importance of consolidated development in comprehensive plan of water development of state. In formulating the comprehensive plan* for the development of the water resources of the State, it was found that provision must be made for storage works on the streams of the State to equalize the large volumes of flood run-off that occur in the mountain watersheds for the irrigation of agricultural lands lying at lower elevations. The most advantageous postion for these storage works is pointed out on page 23 of Bulletin No. 12, "Summary Report on the Water Resources of California, and a Coordinated Plan for Their Development," published by the Division of Engineering and Irrigation. Here it is stated, " Since these mountain uses (mining and hydro-electric) of water return to the stream channels practically the full amount diverted, reservoirs to re-regulate the flow situated at levels intermediate between the agri- cultural and the mountain areas will permit the unrestricted develop- ment of hydro-electric power and mining in harmony with a complete re-use of the same water on the plains below. Large reservoirs at these intermediate elevations, therefore, are important features of a compre- hensive plan to secure the greatest use from the State's waters." The comprehensive plan of water development for the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys contemplates the construction of storage reser- voirs on Sacramento Valley streams for the purpose of fully suplying the irrigation demands of the Sacramento Valley and in addition releas- ing a surplus to the needs of the Sacramento Valley to areas of deficient water supply in the San Joaquin Valley. The American River is an important element in this plan for it contributes 13 per cent to the total flow of the Sacramento River, and has a mean annual flow in excess of the irrigation needs of the lands that would naturally be supplied from it. The "Coordinated Plant" of water development, which selects the units of the comprehensive plan necessary to meet the increasing demands for water in the next fifty years, includes, among other reser- voirs in the Sacramento River drainage basin, the Folsom reservoir on the American River. This important reservoir, however, has not suf- ficient capacity to make available the maximum amount of water for domestic, irrigation and industrial uses capable of being economically developed from the American River. Additional reservoir capacity will be required at some future time to do this. Reservoirs for this purpose m order to avoid conflict with power and mining uses of water must be located on the lower reaches of the stream. The reservoirs of the consolidated development proposed by the American River Hydro- electric Company are in this position and, furthermore, are capable of being developed to large capacity. Therefore, they should be consid- ered an important and necessary part of the comprehensive plan of development of the water resources of the state. * See Chapter VI, Bulletin No. 4, "Water Resources of California," a report to the Legislature of 1923, published by the Division of Engineering and Irrigation, State Department of Public Works. t See Bulletin No. 12, "Summary Report on the Water Resources of California and a Coordinated Plan for their Development," published by the Division of Engineering and Irrigation, State Department of Public Works. 74 DIVISION' UK WATI'.K HKSdl'ld I - Yield of reservoirs of consolidated development in irrigation supply and inci- dental power. Estimates have been made of the irrigation yield of the reservoirs of the consolidated development, if operated primarily for irrigation use, for three stages of development. The Polsom reservoir has l" 1 ''!! con- sidered as ;i firs) anil with Auburn and Coloma reservoirs following in order of construction. In estimating the seasonal yield that could be obtained from the reservoirs, it was assumed ;i total deficiency in the irrigation supply of approximately 50 per cent of a full supply for a season could lie endured during the period L905 1927. This deficiency was permitted to occur in one season or be divided among several. It was also assumed in estimating the yield that no water would he released from the reservoirs during months in which there is no irriga- tion demand to satisfy the prior right of the Polsom ('anal, which sup- plies the Polsom City power plant of the Pacific Gas and Electric Com- pany. If water were passed for this prior right, the irrigation yield woidd he reduced to some extent. A deduction was made for evapora- tion on the surface of the reservoir as in the power estimates. The seasonal irrigation drafl was distributed monthly in accord with sched- ule for the Sacramento Valley floor set forth on page 63 in Bulletin No. 6, "Irrigation Requirements of California Lands." published by Division of Engineering and Frrigal ion. State Department of Public Works. The distribution is as follows: TABLE 27. IRRIGATION DEMAND IN PER CENT OF SEASONAL TOTAL Month Irrigation demand, in per cent (if seasonal total Month Irrigation demand, in per cent of seasonal total 1 5 16 20 22 20 February 12 March 4 April . June July Total 100 The draw-down in a reservoir was limited to that whch would give a minimum operating head on the power plant of one-half the maximum. This conforms with the assumption made in the operation of these reser- voirs, developing maximum primary power. This method of operation resulted in the followng effective reservoir capacities: TABLE 28. EFFECTIVE CAPACITY OF RESERVOIRS OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION • Total capacity, in aore-teet Bead on power plant, in feel Effective rvwr Maximum Minimum capacity, in acre-feel Folsom 355.000 508,000 700,000 I'M) 385 330 M i".' 165 310,000 Auburn 506,000 686,000 Totals 1,710,000 1,502,000 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 75 Information on the irrigation yield and ineidental power output is set forth in Tables 29 to 40, inclusive. The irrigation yield, with the Folsom reservoir operating alone, is 664,000 acre-feet per season; with Folsom and Auburn, it is 1,250,000 acre-feet, about twice that from Folsom alone ; and for the complete development, Folsom, Auburn and Coloma, is 1,757,000 acre-feet, nearly three times that from Folsom alone and about 60 per cent of the average seasonal run-off from the watershed above Fairoaks. Maximum deficiencies in supply occur in 1924, varying from 28 per cent of a full seasonal supply with Folsom reservoir operated alone, to 40 per cent for Folsom and Auburn together and 41 per cent for the complete development. The power that could be produced from the irrigation draft has been estimated with the identical power installations used with the reservoir, operated primarily for power generation developing maximum primary power and for three different conditions of load factor, namely: (1) a plant load factor of 75 per cent throughout the year; (2) a plant load factor of 100 per cent throughout the year and (3) a plant load factor of 75 per cent for the first six months, and 100 per cent for the last six months of the year. The figures for the last assumption more nearly represent the amount of power that could be absorbed without waste because the power produced in the last six months of the year would occur when there is a greater demand for hydro-electric power and could be absorbed probably on a 100 per cent load factor, whereas, that produced in the first six months could be absorbed only if operated on a load factor of 75 per cent or less, since there is generally an over supply of hydro-electric power during that period. These data are presented in Tables 29, 30 and 31, for the three stages of development. The characteristics of the power from the irrigation draft are set forth in Tables 32 to 40, inclusive, for corresponding stages of develop- ment and for the three conditions of load factor. 76 DIVISION OP WATER RESOUK' TABLE 29. IRRIGATION YIELD AND POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM RESERVOIR OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed Height of dam, Capacity of reservoir, 190 feet 355,000 acre-feet Seasonal irrigation draft, 664,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights . Installed capacity of power plant, 43,000 k. v. a. P. F. = 0.80 Maximum deficiency in supply 28.0 per cent in 1924 Seasonal irrigation draft, in acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights) Deficiency in supply Power output from irrigation draft delivered at tailracc (elevation 200 T of Folsom plant, in kilowatt hours feu In acrc-fcet In per cent of a perfect seasonal supply Load factor =0.75 Load factor =1.00 Load factor =0.75, January to July Load factor =1.00, July to January 1905 664,000 664,000 064,000 664,000 664,000 664,000 664,000 664,000 664,000 664,000 664,000 664,000 664,000 664,000 625,100 664,000 664,000 664,000 664,000 480,300 664,000 556,200 664,000 38,900 183,700 107.800 6 28 16 134,700,000 173,300,000 175,800,000 150.700.000 190,100,000 147,000,000 154,500,000 120. 700.000 120,300,000 153,800,000 139,800,000 158.800.000 150,600,000 114,600.000 123,800,000 126,400.000 150,000.000 156,500,000 152,700,000 75,000,000 132,800,000 117,000,000 •148,400,000 166,000,000 221,500,000 217,900,000 180,300.000 237,800,000 180,000,000 106,000,000 139,800.000 137, 100.000 1 00,000 171, "00,000 in7.300.000 182.600.000 135,700.000 140,600,000 151.200,000 188,600,000 101.300,000 190,600.000 75,400,000 00,000 139,200.000 •186,100,000 137,000,000 1906 186 500 000 1907 182,000,000 1908 153,200,000 1909 202,800 000 1910 149 800 000 1911 161,000.000 1912 123.100 000 1913 122 600 000 1914 158 100 000 1915 142,900 0C0 1016 162,100 000 1917 153 600 000 1918 116 100 000 1919 124 800 000 1920 134,700 000 1921 153 600 000 1922 165,300 000 1923 155,600 000 1924 75,200 000 1925 131 900 000 1926 1 1 7 000 000 1927 •151,100,000 Average 649,600 14,400 2.2 143,700,000 175,700,000 147,900 000 •Partial year, January 1 to October 1 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 77 TABLE 30. IRRIGATION YIELD AND POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM AND AUBURN RESERVOIRS OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Coloma reservoir not constructed Folsom reservoir- Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 3 55,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 54,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Auburn reservoir — Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 66.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Pilot Creek reservoir — Height of dam. 110 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Seasonal irrigation draft, 1,250,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights). Maximum deficiency in supply, 40.0 per cent in 1924. Seasonal irrigation draft, in acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights) Deficiency in supply Power output from irrigation draft delivered at tailrace (elevation 200 feet) of Folsom plant, in kilowatt hours Year In acre-feet In per cent of a perfect seasonal supply Load factor =0.75 Load factor =1.00 Load factor =0.75, January to July, Load factor =1.00, July to January 1905 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1.250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 749,500 1,250,000 1,153,600 1,250,000 500,500 96,400 40 8 364,100,000 447,200,000 489.500.000 440,600,000 572,600,000 498,100,000 492,500,000 323,000,000 318,400,000 516,000,000 452,800,000 473,000,000 439,200,000 340,000,000 337,300,000 297,300,000 477,000,000 403,000.000 472,700,000 158,400,000 408,300,000 302,600,000 •440,300,000 461.300,000 567,200,000 622,600,000 552,200,000 736,800,000 648,200,000 631,600,000 399,600,000 394,300.000 666,900,000 573,900,000 605,200.000 560,000,000 432,900,000 429,900,000 372,000,000 613,200.000 507,600,000 591,600,000 186,800,000 510,900,000 386.800,000 '"571,900,000 402,700,000 1906 486 100 000 1907 528.400,000 1908 479,000,000 1909 625 200 000 1910 536,200,000 1911 531,300,000 1912 361,800,000 1913 356 500 000 1914 554,900 000 1915 491,700,000 1916 511 900.000 1917 478 000 000 1918 376 700 000 1919 373,700,000 1920 334,300,000 1921 515 200,000 1922 441,900 000 1923 511,500,000 1924 158,500,000 1925 447 200 000 1926 330,600 000 1927 •479,100,000 1,224,000 26,000 2.1 416,000,000 528,500,000 453,300,000 •Partial year, January 1 to October 1. 78 DIVISION OF WATER RESOUR< l S TABLE 31. IRRIGATION YIELD AND POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM, AUBURN AND COLOMA RESERVOIRS OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Complete development i ,ir — Height of dam. 190 feel Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 54.000 k.v.a. P. F. =0.80 Auburn reservoir — 1 [eight of dam. 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598.000 acre-fi. i Installed capacity of power plant, 000 k.v.a. P.F. =0 80 Coloma reservoir — I leight of dam. 340 f. Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 30.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0 80 Pilot Creek reservoir — Height of Jam. 110 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 1".000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Webber Creek reservoir — I I iu;ht of dam, 90 Installed capacity of power plant, 10.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Seasonal irrigation draft, 1,757,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights). Maximum deficiency in supply, 41 per cent in 1924 Seasonal irrigation draft, in acre-feet (no deduction fur downstream prior rights) Deficiency in supply Power output from irrigation draft delivered at tailraoc (ekraticn M0 feet) of Folsom plant, in kilowatt hours Year In aore-fect In per cent of a perfect seasonal supply Load factor =0.75 Load factor =1.00 Load factor =0.75, January to July, Load factor =1.00, July to January 1905 1,757,000 i, 757.000 1,757,000 1,757,000 1.757,000 1,757.000 1,757,000 1.757,000 1.034,800 1,757,000 1,757,000 1.757.000 1.757,000 1.757.000 1,767,000 1,700,100 1.757.000 1,757,000 1.757,000 1,031,100 1.757.000 1.757,000 1,757,000 122,200 50,900 725,900 7 3 41 438,000,000 527,300,000 616,700,000 536,200,000 715.000,000 662,300,000 615.100.000 418,200,000 100.000 620,900,000 i>0.000 900,000 142,700,000 435,800,000 374.300,000 551.200,000 480,300,000 568.500.000 215,400,000 480,900,000 394,100,000 200,000 555,"00.000 671 .500.000 7' '1. 900.000 (.77.100.000 9J5.400.000 866,200,000 roo.ooo 521,400.000 412.900.000 798.600,000 697.600.000 70 1,900.000 686,300,000 566,500.000 560.000,000 471.500.000 715.000.000 :il 1.600.000 726,200,000 201.200,000 607,500,000 508,300.000 •690,200,000 495,900,000 1906 590.100.000 1907 100.000 1908 .00.000 1909 1910 721,400,000 1911 1.70.700,000 1912 175.600,000 1913 39-1. 700.000 1914 OS2.500.000 1915 011.200,000 1916 -.00,000 1917 594,400,000 1918 1 '9.400,000 1919 ■ 1920 4 2::.ooo,000 1921 612,600,000 1922 542.000,000 1923 628,300,000 1924 221400,000 1925 540,300,000 1926 1927 •587,700.000 Average 1,717,900 39.100 2.2 511,900,000 656,400,000 569,200,000 •Partial year January 1 to October 1. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 79 TABLE 32. CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT WITH FOLSOM RESERVOIR OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed 1905-1927 Height of dam, Load Factor =0.75 Capacity of reservoir, 190 feet 335,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 43,000 k. v. a. P. F. =0.80 Seasonal irrigation draft, 664,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights) Maximum deficiency in supply, Average annual power output, 28 per cent in 1924 143,700,000 kilowatt hours. Month State- wide average monthly demand for power in per cent of annual total Power output from irrigation draft delivered at tailrace (elevation 200 feet) of Folsom plant Maximum year, 1909 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Minimum year, 1924 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Per cent of animal total of maximum yeai January. . February. March.... April May June July August. . . September October. . . November. December. Totals 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8 2 18,000,000 16,200,000 18,000,000 17,400,000 18,000,000 17,400,000 18,000,000 18.000.000 10,300,000 3,400,000 17.400,000 18,000,000 100.0 190,100,000 9.5 8.5 9.5 9.1 9.5 9.1 9.5 9.5 5.4 1.8 9.1 9.5 100.0 7,800,000 16,000,000 15,300,000 17,400,000 14,500.000 1,500,000 800,000 1,700,000 75,000,000 10.4 21.3 20.4 23.2 19.3 2.0 1.1 2.3 100.0 4.1 8.4 8.1 9 2 7.6 0.8 0.4 0.9 39.5 80 I >1 VISION OF WATKK RKSO TABLE 33. CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT WITH FOLSOM RESERVOIR OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed 1905-1927 Height of dam, Load factor =1.00 Capacity of reservoir, 190 feet 355,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 43,000 k. v. a. P. F. =0.80. Seasonal irrigation draft, 664,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights) Maximum deficiency in supply, Average annual power output, 28 per cent in 1924 175,700,000 kilowatt hours Month State- wide average monthly demand for power in per cent of annual total Power output fromirrigation draft delivered ai tailrace (elevation 200 feet) of Folsom plant Maximum year, 1909 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Minimum year, 1924 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Per cent of annual total of maximum January. . February. March April May June July August . . . September October. . . November. December . Totals 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8.2 24.000.000 21,600,000 24,000.000 23,200,000 24,000,000 23,200,000 21,300.000 18,600,000 10,300,000 3,400,000 20,200.000 21.000.000 100.0 237,800,000 10.1 9.1 10.1 9.8 10 1 9.8 8.9 7.8 4.3 1.4 8.5 10.1 7,800,000 16,000,000 15,300,000 ir/oo.ooo 11,700,000 1,500,000 800,000 1,700,000 100.0 75,400,000 10.3 .'1 J 20.3 23.3 19.5 2.0 1.1 2.3 ion o 3 3 6.7 6 5 7.4 6 0.3 0.7 31.7 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 81 TABLE 34. CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT WITH FOLSOM RESERVOIR OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed 1905-1927 Load factor =0.75, January to July Load factor = 1.00, July to January Height of dam, Capacity of reservoir, 190 feet 355,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 43,000 k. v. a. P. F. =0.80. Seasonal irrigation draft, 664,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights) Maximum deficiency in supply, Average annual power output, 28 per cent in 1924 147,900,000 kilowatt hours Month State-wide average monthly demand for power in per cent of annual total Power output from irrigation draft delivered at tailrace (elevation 200 feet) of Folsom plant Maximum year, 1909 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Minimum year, 1924 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Per cent of annual total of maximum year January. . , February. . March April May June July August September October. . . November . December . Totals 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8.2 18,000,000 16,200,000 18,000,000 17,400,000 18.000,000 17,400,000 21,300,000 18,600,000 10,300,000 3,400,000 20,200,000 24,000,000 100.0 202,800,000 8.9 8.0 8.9 8.6 8.9 8.6 10.5 9.1 5.1 1.7 9.9 11.8 100.0 7,800,000 16,000,000 15,300,000 17,400,000 14,700,000 1,500,000 800,000 1,700,000 75,200,000 10.4 21.3 20.3 23.1 19.5 2.0 1.1 2.3 100.0 3.9 7.9 7.5 8.6 7.3 0.7 0.4 0.8 37.1 6—72924 82 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE 35. CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM, AUBURN AND PILOT CREEK PLANTS WITH FOLSOM AND AUBURN RESERVOIRS OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Coloma reservoir not constructed 1905-1927 Load factor =0.75 Folsom reservoir — Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir. 355,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 54.000 k v.a. P.F. =0.80 Auburn reservoir — Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 66,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Pilot Creek reservoir — Height of dam. 110 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Seasonal irrigation draft, 1,250,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights) Maximum deficiency in supply, Average annual power output, 40 per cent in 1924 416,000,000 kilowatt hours Month State- wide average monthly demand for power in per cent of annual total Power output from irrigation draft delivered at tailrace (elevation 200 feet) of Folsom plant Maximum year, 1909 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Minimum year, 1924 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Per cent of annual total of maximum year January. . February. . March April May June July August. . . September. October. . . November . December. Totals 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8.2 56,300,000 52,000,000 57,500,000 55,600,000 57,500,000 55,600,000 57,500,000 57,500,000 49,700,000 15,900,000 57,500,000 100.0 572,600,000 9.8 9.0 10.1 9.7 10.1 9.7 10.1 10.1 8.6 2.7 10.1 4,000,000 21,900,000 56,800,000 48,100,000 21,500,000 800,000 1,200,000 4,100,000 100.0 158,400,000 2.5 13.8 35.8 30.4 13.6 0.5 0.8 2.6 100.0 0.7 3.8 M 8.4 3 8 27.7 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 83 TABLE 36. CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM, AUBURN AND PILOT CREEK PLANTS WITH FOLSOM AND AUBURN RESERVOIRS OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Coloma reservoir not constructed 1905-1927 Load factor =1.00 Folsom reservoir — Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 54,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Auburn reservoir — Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 66,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Pilot Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 110 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Seasonal irrigation draft, 1,250,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights) Maximum deficiency in supply, Average annual power output, 40 per cent in 1924. 528,500,000 kilowatt hours Month State-wide average monthly demand for power in per cent of annual total Power output from irrigation draft delivered at tailrace (elevation 200 feet) of Folsom plant Maximum year, 1909 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Minimum year, 1924 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Per cent of annual total of maximum year January. . , February . . March April May June July August September. October. . . November . December . Totals 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8.2 75,100,000 69,300,000 76,700,000 74,100,000 76,700,000 74,100,000 76,700,000 76,700,000 50,300,000 15,900,000 71,200,000 10.2 9.4 10.4 10.1 10.4 10.1 10.4 10.4 6.8 2.2 9.6 4,000,000 21,900,000 69,000,000 64,100,000 21,700,000 800,000 1,200,000 4,100,000 2.2 11.7 37.0 34.3 11.6 0.4 0.6 2.2 0.5 3.0 0.2 0.6 100.0 736,800,000 100.0 186,800,000 100.0 25.4 84 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES TABLE 37. CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM, AUBURN AND PILOT CREEK PLANTS WITH FOLSOM AND AUBURN RESERVOIRS OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Coloma reservoir not constructed 1905-1927 Load factor =0.75 January to July Load factor = 1.00 July to January Auburn- reservoir- I [< ight of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir. 598,000 acr> Installed capacity of power plant, 66.000 k.v.a. P.P. =0.80 Folsom reservoir — Height of dam. 190 feet " Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 54,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Pilot Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 110 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Seasonal irrigation draft, 1,250,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights) Maximum deficiency in supply, Average annual power output, 40 per cent in 1924 453,300,000 kilowatt hours State-wide average monthly demand for power in per cent of annual total Power output from irrigation draft delivered at tailrace (elevation 200 feet) of Folsom plant Month Maximum year, 1909 Minimum year, 1924 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Per cent of annual total of maximum year January 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8.2 56,300,000 52,000,000 57,500,000 55,600.000 57,500,000 55,600,000 76,700,000 76,700,000 50.200.000 15,900,000 71,200,000 9.0 8.3 9.2 8.9 9.2 8.9 12.3 12.3 8.0 2.5 11.4 4,000.000 21,900,000 56,800.000 48,000,000 21.700.000 800,000 1,200,000 4,100,000 2.5 13.8 35.8 30.3 13.7 0.5 0.8 2.6 February March 0.6 April 3.5 May 'U June 7 7 July 3.5 August 0.1 mber 0.2 0.7 November December Totals 100.0 625,200,000 100.0 158,500,000 100.0 25.4 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 85 TABLE 38. CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM, AUBURN, PILOT CREEK, COLOMA AND WEBBER CREEK PLANTS, WITH FOLSOM, AUBURN AND COLOMA RESERVOIRS OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Complete development — 1905-1927 Load factor = 0.75 Folsom reservoir — Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 54,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Coloma reservoir — ■ Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 30,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Auburn reservoir — Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 66,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Pilot Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 1 10 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Webber Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 90 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 10,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Seasonal irrigation draft, 1,757,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights) Maximum deficiency in supply, Average annual power output, 41 per cent in 1924 511,900,000 kilowatt hours Month January. . . February . . March April May June July August September. October. . . November . December. Totals State- wide average monthly demand for power in per cent of annual total 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8.2 100.0 Power output from irrigation draft delivered at tailrace (elevation 200 feet) of Folsom plant Maximum year, 1909 Kilowatt hours 73,200,000 67,200,000 74,400,000 71,900,000 74,400,000 71,900,000 74,300,000 74,300,000 68,500,000 27,400,000 37,500,000 715,000,000 Per cent of annual total 10.2 9.4 10.4 10.1 10.4 10.1 10.4 10.4 9.6 3.8 5.2 100.0 Minimum year, 1924 Kilowatt hours 6,300,000 33,300,000 73,700,000 60,800,000 31,200,000 2,000,000 2,600,000 5,500,000 215,400,000 Per cent of annual total 2.9 15.5 34.2 28.2 14.5 0.9 1.2 2.6 100.0 Per cent of annual total of maximum year 0.9 4.6 10.3 8.5 4.3 0.3 0.4 0.8 30.1 86 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 39. CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM, AUBURN, PILOT CREEK, COLOMA AND WEBBER CREEK PLANTS, WITH FOLSOM, AUBURN AND COLOMA RESERVOIRS OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Complete development — 1905-1927 1.00 Auburn reservoir — Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre- feet Installed capacity of power plant, 66.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Load factor Folsom reservoir— I [eight of dam, 190 feet ( Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 54,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.W Coloma reservoir — Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 30,000 k.v.a. P.F =0.80 Pilot Creek reservoir — Webber Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 110 feet Height of dam, 90 feet Installed capacity of power plant, Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 10,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Seasonal irrigation draft, 1,757,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights) Maximum deficiency in supply, 41 per cent in 1924 Average annual power output, 656,400,000 kilowatt hours ■ State-wide average monthly demand for power in per cent of annual total Power output from irrigation draft delivered at tailrace (elevation 200 feet) of Folsom plant Month Maximum year, 1909 Minimum year, 1924 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Per cent of annual total of maximum year January 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8.2 95,900,000 89,600,000 99,200,000 95,800,000 99,300,000 95,800,000 99,200,000 99,200,000 80,500,000 27,300,000 43,700,000 10.4 9.7 10.7 10.4 10.7 10.4 10.7 10.7 8.7 2.9 4.7 6,400,000 33,300,000 93,100,000 81,000,000 40.300,000 2,000,000 2,600,000 5,500,000 2.4 12.6 35.2 30.7 15.2 0.8 1.0 2.1 February March 0.7 April 3.6 May 10.1 June 8.7 Julv 4.3 August 0.2 September 0.3 October 0.6 Totals 100.0 925,400,000 100.0 264,200,000 100.0 28.5 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 87 TABLE 40 CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM, AUBURN PILOT CREEK, COLOMA AND WEBBER CREEK PLANTS, WITH FOLSOM, AUBURN AND COLOMA RESERVOIRS OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION WITH INCIDENTAL POWER Complete development— 1905-1927 Load factor = 0.75 January to July Load factor = 1.00 July to January Auburn reservoir — Folsom reservoir — Height of dam. 190 feet Capacity of reservoir. 355.000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant. 54.000 k.v.a. P.F.=0.80 Coloma reservoir Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 66.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766.000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 30,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 „., ^ , ,„•, Webber Creek reservoir — In f9 a 000 KZW33F Plant> 10 a 000 ESW. ="0.80 Seasonal irrigation draft, 1,757,000 acre-feet (no deduction for downstream prior rights) Maximum deficiency in supply, Average annual power output, 41 per cent in 1924 569,200,000 kilowatt hours Month January . . . February . . March April May June July August September . October. . . November . December. State- wide average monthly demand for power in per cent of annual total Power output fromirrigation draft delivered at tailrace (elevation 200 feet) of Folsom plant Maximum year, 1909 Kilowatt hours Totals. 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8.2 100.0 73,200,000 67,200,000 74,400,000 71,900,000 74,400,000 71,900,000 99,200,000 99,200,000 80,400,000 27,300,000 43,700,000 782,800,000 Per cent of annual total 9.3 8.6 9.5 9.2 9.5 9.2 12.7 12.7 10.2 3.5 5.6 Minimum year, 1924 100.0 Kilowatt hours 6,300,000 33,300,000 73,700,000 60,700,000 40,300,000 2,000,000 2,600,000 5,500,000 Per cent of annual total Per cent of annual total of maximum year 224,400,000 2.8 14.8 32.8 27.0 18.0 0.9 1.2 2.5 100.0 0.8 4.3 9.4 7.8 5.1 0.3 0.3 0.7 28.7 A considerable irrigation yield could be obtained fr o^ reservoirs of the consolidated development if operated primarily for the .generation of power The yield has been estimated under this condition for the period 1905-1927 for the three stages of development. It ^ based on the same average deficiency in supply for the period as when the reser- voirs were operated primarily for irrigation purposes. In Tables 41 and 42 are set forth, by years, from 190o to 1927 seasonal irrigation draft, deficiency in supply in acre-feet and in per cent of perfect seasonal supply, for the three stages of development In Table 41 is presented information for the method of water release 88 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES developing maximum primary power, and in Table 42, that for the method of release proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company. With the first method of release, the seasonal draft ranges from 297,000 acre-feet per season for the first stage of development with Folsom reservoir alone, to 578,000 acre-feet for the complete development. Corresponding values with the second method of water release are 49,600 and 729,000 acre-feet. The average deficiency in supply per year is about 2 per cent in each case ; however, the maximum deficiency is as much as 46 per cent with the second method of water release, whereas, with the first method it is 5 per cent, with a greater number of years of deficiency. TABLE 41. IRRIGATION YIELD OF RESERVOIRS OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR POWER GENERATION WITH WATER RELEASE TO DEVELOP MAXIMUM PRIMARY POWER Folsom reservoir — Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, *43.000 k.v a. PP. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 54,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Coloma reservoir — Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 30,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Auburn reservoir — Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 66,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F =0 75 Folsom reservoir Folsom and Auburn reservoirs Folsom, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs Seasonal irrigation draft, in acre-feet (no deduction for down- stream prior rights) Deficiency in supply Seasonal irrigation draft, in acre-feet (no deduction for down- stream prior rights) Deficiency in supply Seasonal irrigation draft, in acre-feet (no deduction for down- stream prior rights) Deficiency in supply Year In acre-feet In per cent of a perfect seasonal supply In acre-feet In per cent of a perfect seasonal supply In acre-feet In per cent of a perfect seasonal supply 1905 285,100 297,000 297,000 284,800 297,000 285,800 297,000 284,400 285,300 297,000 297,000 297,000 297,000 286,900 286,800 285,700 294,400 294,400 294,200 285,900 290,100 282,400 294,400 11,900 12,200 11,200 12,000 11,700 10,100 10,200 11,300 2,600 2,600 2,800 11,100 6,900 14,600 2,600 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 1 1 1 4 2 5 1 415,800 430,000 430,000 415,600 430,000 416,500 430,000 415,100 415,800 430,000 430,000 430,000 430,000 416,700 414,100 415,800 414,400 423,300 426,500 425,700 415,300 411,400 415,100 14,200 14,400 13,500 14,900 14,200 13,300 15.900 14,200 15,600 6,700 3,500 4,300 14,700 18,600 14,900 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 1 1 3 4 3 562,500 578,000 578,000 562,500 578,000 563,600 578,000 562,200 562,500 578,000 568,000 578,000 562,200 553,900 555,600 562,500 562,500 561,600 560,700 578,000 562,500 556,200 562,500 15,500 15.500 15,500 15,800 15,500 10,000 15,800 24.100 22,400 15,500 15,500 16,400 17.300 15,500 21,800 15,500 3 1906 1907 1908 3 1909 1910 3 1911 1912 3 1913 3 1914 1915 2 1916 1917 3 1918 4 1919 4 1920 3 1921 3 1922 3 1923 3 1924... 1925... 3 1926... 4 1927 3 291,200 5,800 2.0 421,600 8,400 1.9 566,400 11.600 2.2 •Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 89 TABLE 42. IRRIGATION YIELD OF RESERVOIRS OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR POWER GENERATION WITH WATER RELEASE IN ACCORD WITH SCHEDULE PROPOSED BY AMERICAN RIVER HYDRO-ELECTRIC CO. Folsom reservoir — Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, *35,000 k.v.a. PP. =0.80 L.F. =1.00 45,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =1.00 Auburn reservoir — Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 82,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.60 Coloma reservoir — Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 37,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F =0.60 Folsom reservoir Folsom and Auburn reservoirs Folsom, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs Seasonal irrigation draft, in acre-feet (no deduction for down- stream prior rights) Deficiency in supply Seasonal irrigation draft, in acre-feet (no deduction for down- stream prior rights) Deficiency in supply Seasonal irrigation draft, in acre-feet (no deduction for down- stream prior rights) Deficiency in supply Year In acre-feet In per cent of a perfect seasonal supply In acre-feet In per cent of a perfect seasonal supply In acre-feet In per cent of a perfect seasonal supply 1905 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 49,600 26,800 49,600 49,600 49,600 22,800 46 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 ' 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 96,000 41,800 96,000 96,000 96,000 44,200 46 722,300 729,000 729,000 722,300 722,300 722,300 729,000 722,300 722,300 722,300 722,300 722,300 722,300 722,300 722,300 722,300 722,300 722,300 722,300 523,000 722,300 722,300 722,300 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 206,000 6,700 6,700 6,700 1 1906 1907 1908 1 1909 1 1910 1 1911 1912 1 1913 1 1914 1 1915 1 1916 1 1917 1 1918 1 1919 1 1920 1 1921 1 1922 1 1923 1 1924 28 1925 1 1926 1 1927 1 Average 48,600 1,000 2.0 93,600 1,900 2.0 714,500 14,500 2.0 *Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed. Area of irrigation service from consolidated development. The area that could be irrigated from the reservoirs of the consoli- dated development, including the areas now being irrigated from the American River below Folsom dam, and assuming that the operation of the Folsom City power plant would be subordinated to the use of the reservoirs for irrigation, is set forth in Table 43. These figures are based on the data presented in the previous tables in this chapter. In esti- mating the area capable of irrigation under the various conditions, a seasonal duty of 2.5 acre-feet per acre of net area has been assumed. The deficiencies in supply are g.iven in the table both as an average seasonal amount for the period of analysis and for the maximum year. The average flow in August below the Folsom dam is also given for the several conditions, assuming that the entire supply for irrigation would be delivered below this dam. Values are set forth for the maximum and minimum years and the average for the period 1905-1927. 00 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES u ■ 3 1) JB «-> O ■w •d H 6 ■u Z CO C •3 oJ O JD J 3 "0 4) >> C Q 3 CO Q o £ w •*H o H fa U < Q CD > o •** fa i— i O OS c tJ C CD O V) o W ts 8 u «a.sp u s 1 s < u t^ ,. r^ o s OS fa VIM co o o w *0 Oh > 0-> u • — CD A) > a 4-> > OS CO H-t h u CO fa CD a I E s 1 ■J18'S sis Igs |W|8S o _ ._> co Q3CcJ S »--" C u o C -?.!= a' - 2 m ° •a ~ r - >- o a §H "I. °"2 fc ft c « fr w S?|.S < £41 s s o o o CO CD QO ■*r -<»• > A— < J?b« cjmo3 ■us *> 1« I- "c? °a S S S3 o o o CO ■"» c-< CO « « o o o I - _ -. O f- CI -^ lO o o o »o C» l~ O oo ^r S S 5 s 2 « iX s a 1 1 s o o *" o^ s; E E A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RTVER 91 Agricultural lands in Sacramento Valley capable of irrigation from American River. North and south of the American River and east of the Sacramento and Feather rivers, there is a gross area of 350,000 acres of valley floor and plains lands, whose natural and economic source of irrigation sup- ply lies in the American River. This area is shown in yellow on Plate II. Lands within the reclamation districts adjacent to the Sacramento and Feather rivers and American River near its confluence with the Sacramento River, aggregating 130,000 acres, although physically pos- sible of being served by gravity from the American River, have not been included because it is thought they could more easily and economi- cally be supplied by pumping from the Feather and Sacramento rivers. Areas within the confines of these districts are largely so sup- plied at the present time. The area north of the American River comprises both plains and valley lands, a gross total of- 200,000 acres. About 65 per cent of this area could be served by a diversion from the American River from the tailrace of the Folsom plant with the tail-water maintained at elevation 200 feet. The remainder, 35 per cent, would require water to be diverted above the Folsom reservoir, probably at the Pilot Creek dam. This water would be lost for power generation at the Folsom plant. It is estimated that the ultimate net irrigated area will be 140,000 acres. Assuming a seasonal duty of 2.5 acre-feet per acre per season a total of 350,000 acre-feet per season would be required for the irrigation of these lands. On the south side of the American Rver there is a gross area of 150,000 acres lying north of the Cosumnes River between the foothills on the east and the eastern boundaries of the reclamation districts on the west, that are classified as agricultural. These lands or their equivalent in area will probably be irrigated from the American at some future date. All of these lands indicated on Plate II could be irrigated with a diversion at elevation 200 feet. The Folsom Canal enlarged to adequate capacity could be utilized for the upper part of the diversion canal. The plans of the American River Hydro-electric Company call for the construction of a power plant below the Folsom dam, one unit of which would discharge iDto the American River below the Prison dam at elevation 162 feet. If these plans were consummated, it would be a difficult and costly undertaking to divert the tail-water of this unit at any point upstream to the Folsom City plant because of topographic and physical features of the canyon. It is believed that it would not be practicable, under these conditions, to effect a diversion at a higher elevation than 110 feet. This would reduce the area capable of being served by 30 per cent. It appears that the most feasible solution would require the Folsom plant to discharge the tail-water of the lower unit, also, into the Folsom Canal, placing the water in a position to serve the entire area considered. Many years may elapse before plans are per- fected for the utilization of this water for irrigation. In the interim, it could be used for the generation of power at the Folsom City plant, if deemed advisable. It is estimated that about 120,000 acres of the total of 150,000 would be ultimately irrigated. With a seasonal duty of 2.5 acre-feet per acre per season, the same as assumed for the area north of the river, the irrigation requirement in one season would be 300,000 acre-feet. 92 DTVISTOX OF WATER RESOURCES Therefore, the estimated total irrigation requirement for full develop- ment of the 350,000 acres gross or 260,000 acres net outlined in yellow on Plate II is 650,000 acre-feet per season. Referring to Table 43, it may be noted thai 46 per cent of this area could be irrigated from the Folsom reservoir, 66 per cent from Folsom and Auburn, and 89 per cent with complete reservoir development with reservoirs operated primarily for power generation to develop maximum primary power. If the reservoirs were operated in accord with schedule of water release pro- posed by the American River Hydro-electric Company, the correspond- ing figures would be 8, 15 and 112 per cent. These figures are based on the assumption that the water would be diverted by gravity at the proper elevations to serve the areas under consideration and include areas now being served from the American River, downstream from the Folsom dam. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 93 CHAPTER VI UTILIZATION OF RESERVOIRS OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOP- MENT FOR CONTROL OF FLOODS ON AMERICAN RIVER Necessity for flood control on American River. The need for flood control to protect areas subject to overflow along the lower American River has long been recognized, as witnessed by acts of the national and state legislative bodies. The United States Congress in 1917 and the State Legislature in 1911 adopted a general plan of flood control for the Sacramento Valley. In this plan provision was included for the flood control on the lower American River. The State Legislature, in 1927, at the urgent request of interested parties, created the American River Flood Control District, which comprises the cities of Sacramento and North Sacramento as well as contiguous unincor- porated territory in Sacramento County, containing an area of approxi- mately 23,000 acres. This district is now actively engaged in an investigation of the flood situation in an effort to formulate a plan that, when consummated, will adequately protect it from the flood menace. Concrete evidence of the necessity of flood protection was furnished during the past year when a flood of large proportions passed down the river on March 25, 1928, overflowing its banks and inundating 13,000 acres of inhabited area. The city of North Sacramento was within the flooded area. Large damages were suffered by private and public interests. Highway communication on the Pacific Highway was severed for several days with great inconvenience to the public. Plans for flood control. Several plans for the protection of this densely populated area from disastrous floods have been proposed in the past. They can be divided naturally into two general systems of control, with and without supple- mentary control by reservoirs that could be constructed upstream from the affected area. Each system would require the creation of a definite channel of adequate capacity for the confinement of the flood waters that must pass the overflow area. The flood channel would be formed by levees on either side of the main channel of the river. The spacing of the levees would be conditioned upon the system of control con- sidered. With supplementary reservoir control, floods could be reduced to a size that would be confined in a flood channel with levees spaced about one-half the distance required without reservoir control, and afford the same degree of protection. The adopted plan of the Sacramento Flood Control Project for the American River contemplates a flood channel, 2400 feet wide, without upstream reservoir control. However, the California Debris Commis- sion, in its report* of 1925, states: "However, various other plans have been suggested, especially with a view to benefitting certain local interests, and the commission recommends that no objection be made to such modifications when proposed in the future, should it be possible to reduce the cost of the project to the government by acceding to such changes." * Senate document No. 23, 69th Congress, 1st session "Flood Control in the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin River Systems." 94 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Supplementary reservoir control would permil of a modification of the adopted flood control plan since flood flows would be reduced in size by this system of control. This report presents the possibilities of flood reduction by the utilization of space for flood control in the reservoirs of the consolidated development. Data used and methods employed in analysis of flood flows. In analyzing the flood flow of the American River tor the purpose of estimating the utility of the reservoirs of the consolidated development in controlling floods on the lower American River, measurements and records of the United States Geological Survey for the Fairoaks gaging station were used as published in the water supply papers and in preparation for publication. Estimates of flood discharge based on high water marks established from memory of old inhabitants are believed to be too unreliable and have not been included in the data used in the preparation of this report. The only authentic records that are avail- able are those of the United States Geological Survey. The methods employed in analyzing these flood data as set forth in this report are fully described in Bulletin No. 14, "The Control of Floods by Reservoirs," recently published by the Division of Engineer- ing and Irrigation, State Department of Public Works. Therefore, the analyses in this report are presented without detailed discussion and explanation. Floods of record. Measurements have been made on the American River at the Fairoaks gaging station by the United States Geological Survey from October, 1904 to date. The area above this station includes practically the entire drainage area of the river. The records show that the largest flood during this period occurred on March 25, 1928, with a crest discharge of 184,000 second-feet, the mean for the day being 120,000 second- feet. The second largest flood occurred on March 19, 1907, when 119,000 second-feet crest flow passed the gaging station, with the mean for the day of 105.000 second-feet. Table 44 sets forth, in order of decreasing magnitude, data on the 'twenty largest floods during the period of stream measurement. Values of maximum mean daily flow vary from a maximum of 120,000 to a minimum of 34,000 second-feet. These figures are the mean for the day extending from midnight to midnight in each instance. Measurements are also available from which may be determined the maximum twenty-four-hour flow for the 1928 and 1927 floods. In the 1928 flood, the maximum twenty-four-hour period was from 10 a.m. on March 25 to 10 a.m. on March 26, with a mean flow of 148,000 second- feet, which is 23.3 per cent larger than the maximum mean daily flow. In the 1927 flood, the period of maximum twenty-four-hour flow was from 9 a.m. February 21 to 9 a.m. February 22, with a mean flow of 58,000 second-feet, which is 20.3 per cent larger than the maximum mean daily flow of 48,200 second-feet. The crest flow for any flood is considerably larger than maximum mean daily flow or for the maximum tweuty-four-hour flow. Values are available only for three large floods on the American River. The crest A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 95 flow for the 1928 flood was 184,000 second-feet, 53 per cent larger than the maximum mean daily flow and 21 per cent larger than the maximum twenty-four-hour flow. For the 1927 flood, the crest flow was 68,000 second-feet, 41 per cent larger than the maximum mean daily flow and 17 per cent larger than the maximum twenty-four-hour flow of 58,000 second-feet. The crest flow of the 1907 flood was estimated at 119,000 second-feet, 13 per cent greater than the maximum mean daily flow. Data are not available for estimating the maximum twenty-four-hour flow. In addition to the larger floods listed in Table 44, data are also avail- able for calculating the maximum twenty-four-hour and crest flows of the minor flood of April 6, 1926. In this flood, the crest flow was 31,000 second-feet, 37 per cent larger than the maximum mean daily flow of 22,700 second-feet and 24 per cent larger than the maximum twenty- hour flow of 25,000 second-feet. The maximum twenty-four-hour flow was 10.1 per cent larger than the maximum mean daily flow. It is seen, therefore, from the data available that the crest flow is from 13 to 53 per cent larger than the maximum mean daily flow and from 17 to 24 per cent larger than the maximum twenty-four-hour flow. The maximum twenty-four-hour flow ranges from 10.1 to 23.3 per cent larger than the maximum mean daily flow. It may be noted that seventeen of the twenty floods occurred in the months of January, February and March, with greater number in January and February and only one each in November, December and May. The flood in May, however, was one of the lesser floods and occurred with a relatively low precipitation. It resulted principally from the rapid melting of snow in the high altitudes, rather than high intensity of rainfall because relatively high flows continued for a month following the day of peak discharge accompanied by small amount of precipitation on the watershed. It would appear, therefore, that the months in which large floods would be more liable to occur would be from December to May. The degree of normalcy of the season in precipitation at the time the floods occurred is given in the table, expressed in per cent of normal precipitation to same date. The minimum figure is 77 and the maxi- mum 194. If the occurrences during the past 24 years are a criterion of what might be expected in the future, it is seen that, during the flood season, floods would not be expected to occur except when a sub- stantial part of the normal rainfall to any date, has taken place. L_ 96 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 44. TWENTY LARGEST FLOODS ON AMERICAN RIVER Measured by United States Geological Survey at Fairoaks Gaging Station Number Date of flood Maximum mean daily flow Seasonal precipitation at United States Weather Bureau station at Folsom City, up to day before the flood Second-feet Inches depth on watcrshnl in 24 hours Inches Per cent of normal to same date 1 March March January February January February January January January February December February January February May Novcmbei March February January March 25, 1928 120,000 105,000 98,000 NO. Slid 69,100 68,200 62.500 57,700 52,600 48,200 47,000 45,000 44,500 42,600 41,800 40.800 39,800 37,600 36,500 34,000 2.33 2.03 1.90 1.57 1.34 1.32 1.21 1.12 1.02 .93 .91 .87 .86 .83 .81 .79 .77 .73 .71 .66 15.68 31.26 10.66 21.12 25.37 14.19 16.18 9.99 20.74 21.75 5.20 13.37 11.24 24.54 29.02 3.28 33.54 16.49 17.91 23.88 77 2 19, 1907 159 3 14, 1909 102 4 2, 1907 156 5 31, 1911 1M 6 8, [925 101 7 21, 1909 139 8 1, 1914 119 9 26, 1914 167 10 21, 1927 134 11 2, 1909 124 12 13 19, 1906 90 99 14 21, 1914 151 15 12. 1915 123 16 21, 1909 106 17 7. PHI 184 18 25. 1917 98 19 22, 1911 152 20 21, 1906 118 Frequency of flood occurrence. Although Table 44 sets forth the largest floods that have occurred during the past twenty-four years, no adequate conception is gained of the size and frequency of floods which might be expected to occur in the future. In order that this may be had, Plate IV, "Probable Frequency of Flood Discharge on American River at Fairoaks," lias been prepared similarly to Plate II, "Probable Frequency of Flood Dis- charge," in Bulletin No. 14. In the preparation of this plate, mean daily flows for each day whose mean exceeded 5000 second-feet were included in the data. Values were arranged and numbered in order of decreasing magnitude. The figure assigned to any particular flow indi- cated the lmiiiher of days thai size of flow was exceeded during the period of stream measurement. These figures were then expanded to values had the period of recoi-d been 100 years. Each figure repre- sented the number of days in 100 years or frequency, which flows of a given size would be expected to be exceeded. The values of flood dis- charge were then plotted with their respective frequencies on a loga- rithmic scale. A smooth curve was drawn through the plotted points and extended beyond the data to a frequency of 0.1 day in 100 years or 1 day in 1000 years, in a manner that, it is believed, best interprets the plotted data. Il is an empirical interpretation and the only assumption made is that whatever relation exists between size and frequency of occurrence of floods is contained in the period of stream measurement. It may be noted that, if the curve were extended beyond the limits of the graph, still larger values of flood discharge would be obtained but with less average frequencies. Therefore, while the curve indicates that a flood may occur which would be much larger than any of record, the probability of its occurrence is correspondingly less. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 97 PLATE IV ■o •a l_ (0 10 o c o w L O o -o .1 10 100 _2 1,000 e 3 10,000 — --i .: — -- I '. : : • / 1 1 r , « _]j * f — < 1 1 — __ I i T ~i±=E:::;=5? = 4 = :::: =EEE±|= :=:: : =====T== = = :=^=F========= ==—======= = = = : *-M- , •/ I 10 100 Mean daily flow in thousands of second -feet 1,000 PROBABLE FREQUENCY OF FLOOD DISCHARGE ON AMERICAN RIVER AT FAIR OAKS Values of maximum mean daily flood flow for several average fre- quencies with which values are exceeded were taken from the curve and listed in Table 45. They are expressed both in second-feet and inches 7—72924 r !»S DIVISION OF WATKi; IM.SOURCES depth of run-off in ill hours Erom the drainage basin. The maximum mean daily flows vary from ">6,000 second Eeet, which may be expected to be exceeded with an average frequency of 100 days in 100 years or 1 day every year, to 230,000 second-feet, which may be expected i<> be exceeded with an average frequency of one day in 1000 years. It may be noted thai ;i flow thai may be expected to be exceeded with an average frequency of one day in 100 years is almost tbree times larger than one t hat may lie expected to be exceeded one day every year, and one that may be expected to lie exceeded on the average of 1 day in 1000 years is four times larger. TABLE 45. ESTIMATED FLOOD FLOW OF AMERICAN RIVER At Fairoaks Gaging Station (Values taken from Plate IV.) / Maximum mean daily flow Average frequency with which values are exceeded, days in 100 years Second-feet Inches depth in 24 hours on drainage basin (Aria of drainage basin 1919 square miles) 100 .000 104,000 126,000 144,000 162,000 230,000 1.1 10 2.0 4 2.4 2 2.8 3.1 4.5 Reservoir space required to control floods. Reservoir space required to control floods on the American River was estimated by tbe same method of analysis as that described in Chapter IV, Bulletin No. 14. Space that would have to be held in reserve on each day to absorb the volume of run-off of the days follow- ing in excess of several specified maximum controlled flows was cal- culated for all mean daily flows in excess of 25,000 second-feet measured at the Fairoaks gaging station of the United States Geological Survey. The maximum cm: trolled flows used in this analysis are 25,000, 50,000, 75,000 and 100,000 second-feet. These calculated values were used in the preparation of Plate V, "Reservoir Space Required to Control Floods on American River." They were listed in order of decreasing magnitude and numbered consecutively for each maximum controlled flow. Each number represented the number of days during the period of stream measurement that reservoir space in excess of the particular value was required to control floods to a specified maximum controlled flow. These numbers were expanded to represent the number of days, or frequency, had the period of si ream measurement been 100 years in length. The values of reservoir space Were plotted in accord with their respective frequencies on a logarithmic scale. Smooth curves were drawn through the points and extended to a frequency of 0.1 day in 100 years or 1 day in L000 years for each maximum controlled flow, delineating the trend of the data. The curves for the larger controlled flows were shaped by the plotted data and also by comparison with those of the smaller controlled flows. A PKOPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 99 A value of reservoir space taken from a curve of a particular maxi- mum controlled flow for a selected frequency is the space that would absorb the volume of run-off in excess of the specified maximum con- trolled flow except on the number of days in 100 years representing the selected frequency. plate v -o V V O X 0) Q. o > e JZ o $ c o e u >^ O o ■o 100 1,000 .o e 3 10,000 - w T I i±L_T. i T .._. / ■ ■ 1 ^- _i__ -. 1 /' 'I 1 , ■J— 1— -!* -I-- 5 I - I t - I | /. . t ! 1 T T r i 1 1 i i iij i : i t E J 'I f _ , ^|| 1 ' / A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 101 were the same as those of the March, 1928, flood, the largest of record. The flow characteristics of this flood from March 23-30 are delineated on Plate VI, "Hydrograph of Flood of 1928 on American River." Table 47 sets forth, for amounts of reservoir space ranging from 100,000 to 500,000 acre-feet, the crest discharge of floods with flow characteristics of March, 1928, flood, which are controllable to various maximum controlled flows ranging from 50,000 to 125,000 second-feet. Values of crest discharge are given both in second-feet and in per cent of crest discharge of 1928 flood. TABLE 47. SIZE OF FLOODS ON AMERICAN RIVER CONTROLLABLE WITH SPECIFIED AMOUNTS OF RESERVOIR SPACE ; Characteristics of flow same as those of March, 1928 flood Maximum controlled flow, in second-feet Crest discharge of flood controllable Reservoir space, in aore-fcet In second-feet In per cent of crest discbarge of March, 1928 flood 100,000 50,000 75.000 100,000 125,000 115.000 150,000 184,000 225,000 62 82 100 122 200,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 155,000 195,000 235,000 275,000 84 106 128 149 300,000 50,000 75.000 100,000 125,000 190,000 230,000 275.000 315,000 103 125 149 171 400,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 220,000 265,000 310,000 350,000 120 144 168 190 500,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 250,000 300,000 340,000 380,000 136 163 185 206 Maximum storage reservation for flood control in reservoirs of consolidated development. It is manifest that space available in any particular reservoir for flood control use is limited by its total capacity. If the reservoir is operated purely for flood control purposes, this total capacity deter- mines the degree of flood control that can be obtained. The degree of flood control attained would vary with amount of reservoir capacity, contingent, however, upon its being located at strategic points for control of run-off of the watershed. If the reservoir is to be operated for conservation purposes, coordi- nated with flood control, then only a part of the total capacity could be used for flood control without interference with its conservation values, and therefore a lesser degree of protection would be procured than if the total capacity were used entirely for flood control purposes. In this study, only a part of the total space in each of the major reser- voirs has been assigned to flood control use. which would impair its conservation value to the smallest extent and still obtain a considerable degree of flood control. The maximum reservation for flood control, 102 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES in acre Eee1 and in per cen1 of the total capacity, assigned to each of three major reservoirs- -Folsom, Auburn and Coloma- -together with the maximum draw-down Tor Hood control in eacli reservoir, in Eeel and in per cent of maximum available power head, are given in Table 4s. The maximum space assigned for flood control with the complete develop- ment is odd. 000 acre-feet, 2i).l per cent of the total capacity of the reservoirs. The maximum draw down for flood control in the reser- voirs ranges from 18.4 per cent of the maximum power head at the Folsom reservoir to 6.1 per cent at the Coloma reservoir. The size of floods controllable by the maximum storage reservation in the reservoirs for the three stages of development has been estimated for various maximum controlled flows, assuming that the flood would have the same flow characteristics as those of the flood of March, 1928. The data are given in Tabic 49. With 175.000 acre-feet in the Folsom reservoir reserved for flood control, a flood with a crest discharge of 225,000 second-feet could be controlled to 100.000 second-feet maximum flow: with a total maximum reservation of 375,000 acre-feet (175,000 acre-feet in Folsom and 200,000 acre-feet in Auburn reservoir), a flood with a crest discharge of 300,000 second-feet could be controlled to the same maximum flow: and with a total maximum reservation of 500,000 acre-feet (175,000 acre-feet in Folsom, 200,000 acre-feet in Auburn and 125,000 acre-feel in Coloma reservoir), a flood with a crest dis- charge of 340,000 second-feet could be controlled to the same maximum flow. TABLE 48. MAXIMUM STORAGE RESERVATION FOR FLOOD CONTROL IN RESERVOIRS OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT Total capacity, in awe-feel Maximum r serration for flood control Maximum draw-down in reaervou for flood control Reservoir In aore-fei 1 In per cent of total capacity In feet In per cent of maximum power head Folsom 355.000 \000 76tj,000 i ;:>.ooo 200.000 125,000 19 3 33.4 35 54 20 18.4 Auburn 14.0 Coloma 6.1 Totals 1,710,000 500,000 29.1 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 103 TABLE 49. SIZE OF FLOODS CONTROLLABLE BY MAXIMUM STORAGE RESERVATION FOR FLOOD CONTROL ASSIGNED TO RESERVOIRS OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT Characteristics of flood flow same as those of March, 1928 flood Maximum storage reservation: Folsom reservoir 1 75,000 acre-feet Auburn reservoir 200,000 acre-feet Coloma reservoir 125,000 acre-feet Total 500,000 acre-feet Maximum space reserved for flood control, in acre-feet Maximum controlled flow, in second-feet Crest discharge of flood controllable Stage of development In second-feet In per cent of crest discharge of March, 1928 flood Folsom reservoir 175,000 375,000 500,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 184,000 225,000 265,000 260,000 300,000 340,000 250,000 300,000 340,000 380,000 100 Folsom and Auburn reservoirs 122 144 141 Folsom, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs 163 185 136 163 185 206 Proposed method for operating reservoirs of consolidated development for flood control coordinately with conservation. In evolving a rule for the operation of the reservoirs of the consoli- dated development for flood control coordinately with conservation uses, consideration has been given not only to the amount of reservoir space to be held in reserve but also to its needs as related to the time of year and the progressive rainfall index (ratio of actual precipitation up to any date in a season to the normal amount up to same date). The utility of various amounts of reservoir space for flood control has been set forth in the previous pages. The principles underlying the rela- tions of time of year and of progressive rainfall index to need of reser- voir space are discussed fully in Chapter IV, Bulletin No. 14. Analyses similar to those in that bulletin have been made to estimate the limiting dates in the season for the need of reservoir space and the values of progressive rainfall index with which no reservoir space is needed for various maximum controlled flows. Details of the analyses are omitted in this report. The results have been incorporated in the proposed rules for operating the reservoirs of the consolidated development. The rule for operating the Folsom reservoir, constructed as a first unit of the consolidated plan of development for flood control coordi- nately with conservation uses, proposes that a maximum space of 175,- 000 acre-feet be held in reserve at times for the control of floods to 100,000 second-feet maximum flow measured at the Fairoaks gaging station. The rule is as follows : Some space would be held in reserve for flood control from Deecmber 1 to May 1 in each flood season whenever the total precipitation up to any date in the season is more than 50 per cent of the precipitation to the same date in a normal season. The flood control reserve would be increased at a uni- 104 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES form rate from aero on December 1, the beginning of the flood season to the maximum of 175,000 acre-feel on January 1. Tins maximum spine would be held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at a uniform rate to zero on May 1. This spare would be maintained as nearly as possible without exceeding the maximum controlled flow of 100,000 second-feet measured at the Fairoaks gaging station of United States Geological Survey. Precipitation to be measured at the cooperative rainfall station of the Unite,! Slates Weather Bureau at Folsom. To control the floods in accordance with this rule, flood control works would be provided in the dam. These would consist of outlets through the dam, with control gates, placed at a depth below the crest which would insure a maximum controlled flow of 100.000 second-feet with the maximum storage reservation of 175.000 acre-feet. In addition to the flood control outlets, an overflow spillway with crest gates would also be provided Eor supplementary control. With this provision in the Folsom reservoir for flood control, floods considerably larger than that of 1928, with the same flow characteristics, could be controlled, dependent, however, on dates of occurrences. A flood with a crest flow of 22 per cent greater than that of 1928 and with a volume in excess of the controlled flow of 100.000 second-feet 86 per cent greater than that of 1928, could be controlled during the period of maximum storage reservation for flood control, without exceeding the specified maximum controlled flow and without encroaching on the 5-foot freeboard of the dam. If the water level in the reservoir were allowed to rise to the crest of the dam and the overflow spillway gates kept closed and the flood control outlets allowed to discharge 100,000 second-feet, a still larger flood could be controlled. In this instance, one with a crest flow 36 per cent larger than that of 1928 and with a volume in excess of the con- trolled flow of 100,000 second-feet 147 per cent greater than that of 1928 could be controlled with a maximum discharge for a short time 14 per cent above the specified controlled flow. This size of flood could reoccur at intervals of four days during the period of maximum reser- vation without failure in control. If Auburn reservoir were constructed as a second unit to Folsom in the progressive development, space in it also could be reserved for flood control purposes in addition to that assigned to flood control in the Folsom reservoir. This additional space could be used for flood control, either in maintaining the same maximum controlled flow for larger floods, or to reduce flood flows to smaller controlled flows. In the first instance, the rule for operation would be identical to that given for the Folsom reservoir alone excepl thai the amount of reservoir space would be increased. In this report, it is proposed that 200.000 acre-feet be the maximum space to be held in reserve for flood control in the Auburn reservoir in addition 1o the 175,000 acre feet in the Folsom reservoir. It is estimated that this total amount of reservoir space could control a Hood with a crest How 63 per cent larger than that of 1928, and with a volume in excess of the controlled flow of 100.000 second-feet 286 per cent greater than thai of L928, during the period of maximum storage reser- vation for flood control, assuming that the flood had the same flow char- acteristics as that of 1928. If the water level in the reservoirs were allowed to rise to the crest of ihe dams ami Ihe overflow spillway gates were kept closed and the flood control outlets at Folsom were allowed to discharge 100.000 second-feet, a flood with a crest flow 77 per cent A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RrVER 105 larger than that of 1928 and with a volume in excess of the controlled flow of 100,000 second-feet 363 per cent greater than that of 1928 could be controlled with a maximum discharge for a short time about 23 per cent greater than the specified maximum controlled flow of 100,000 second-feet, In the second instance, if the flood flows were to he reduced to a maximum controlled flow of 75,000 second-feet, utilizing the same amounts of reservoir space for flood control as in the first instance, the rule for operation would be changed slightly. The date of starting to prepare the reservoir for flood control would be November 1 instead of December 1. The space for flood control would be increased at a uni- form rate from zero on November 1 to the maximum of 375,000 acre- feet on December 1, this amount being held in reserve until April 1, when it would be reduced at a uniform rate to zero on May 1. As in the first instance, space Avould be held in reserve for flood control during the flood season only when the precipitation up to any date in the season was more than 50 per cent of the precipitaton to the same date in a normal season. Operated in this manner, a flood with a crest flow 41 per cent larger than that of 1 928 and with a volume in excess of the controlled flow of 75,000 second-feet 122 per cent larger than that of 1928 could be controlled without encroaching on the freeboard of the dams, assuming that the flood would have the same flow characteristics as those of the 1928 flood. If the Coloma reservoir were constructed as the third major unit in the progressive development, space could also be reserved in it for flood control purposes in addition to the space assigned to the Folsom and Auburn reservoirs. This additional space could be used either to con- trol larger floods to the maximum controlled flows (100,000 and 75,000 second-feet) as discussed previously for the Folsom and Auburn reser- voirs or to reduce flood flows to a still smaller controlled flow. How- ever, since the Coloma reservoir would probably be constructed as the last unit in the development and the flood channel in the lower Ameri- can River would have already been constructed to a capacity of the larger controlled flows, it is not probable that the additional space for flood control in the Coloma reservoir would be used to reduce floods to a smaller controlled flow but rather to reduce larger floods to the maxi- mum controlled flow, for which the flood channel was built. It is pro- posed herein that 125,000 acre-feet of space be assigned for flood control in the Coloma reservoir, which, with the 175,000 acre-feet in the Folsom reservoir and 200,000 acre-feet in the Auburn reservoir, makes a total of 500,000 acre-feet of maximum storage reservation for flood control. If this total space w r ere to be utilized to control floods to 100,000 second- feet maximum flow, measured at the Fairoaks gaging station, the rule for operation would be identical to that for the Folsom reservoir alone, except that the reservoir space would be increased from 175.000 acre- feet to 500,000 acre-feet. It is estimated that this total amount of reser- voir space could control a flood with a crest flow 85 per cent larger than that of March, 1928, and with a volume in excess of 100.000 second- feet, 407 per cent greater than that of 1928, during the period of maxi- mum storage reservation, assuming that the flood had the same flow characteristics as that of 1928. If it were desirable to reduce floods to 75,000 second-feet, using the total reservation of 500,000 acre-feet for flood control in the three major reservoirs, the rule for operation would be the same as for the Folsom 106 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ami Auburn reservoirs together operated for the control of floods to 75,000 second-feet, except thai the value of reservoir space would be increased Erom 375,000 acre-feel to 500,000 acre-feet. It is estimated that this total amount of reservoir space could control a flood with a eresi flow 63 per cent Larger than thai of .March, 192S, and with a vol- ume in excess of the maximum controlled flow of 75,000 second-feet, 192 per cent greater than that of 1928, during the period of maximum reservation for flood control, if the flood had the same characteristics as that of 1928. Degree of protection afforded by supplementary reservoir control. It has been pointed out previously in lids chapter the size of floods on the American River that could be controlled to several maximum controlled flows utilizing certain assigned amounts of space in the reser- voirs of the consolidated development. It is of interest to compare the degree of protection obtainable by reservoir control employed in con- junction with a leveed channel of adequate capacity with that provided by other plans that have been proposed for the control of floods on the lower American River. The plan recommended by the California Debris Commission and adopted by the State Legislature provides for a leveed channel without upstream reservoir control. The channel would be formed by levees spaced 2400 feet apart, and would he capable of passing a flood flow of 128,000 second-feet with a clearance of three Eee1 on the levees. Another plan which has been given consideration is a modification of the above, in that higher levees, spaced 2400 feet, would be provided to pass a flood flow of 180,000 second-feet with a clearance of 3 feet on the levees. With supplementary reservoir control, the plans set forth above would be modified to the extent that the width of the flood channel would be materially reduced, because of the lesser flood flow. If 175,000 acre-feet of space in the Folsom reservoir were utilized for flood control purposes, a flood with a crest flow of 225.000 second-feet and flow characteristics of the March, 1928, flood, could be controlled to 100,000 second-feet, maximum flow, without encroaching on the fr board of the dam or levees, which could be confined to a flood channel formed by levees spaced at about one-half the distance proposed in the plans without supplementary reservoir control. If the level of the reservoir were allowed to rise to the crest of the dam, utilizing 34,000 acre-feet of additional space, a flood with a crest flow of 240,000 second-feet and with characteristics of the March. 1928, flood, could be controlled to 100,000 second feet and one with a crest of 250,000 second- feet and with the same characteristics could be controlled to 115,000 second-feet. It is apparent, therefore, by reserving 175.000 acre-feel of space for flood control in the Folsom reservoir and providing adequate flood control works in the dam to insure a discharge of 100,000 second-feet and a leveed channel id' adequate capacity on the lower American River, greater protection would he afforded the overflow area than with either of the plans without reservoir control outlined above. If space were reserved for flood control in the Auburn and Coloma reser- voirs, in addition to the 17."). 000 acre -feet in the Folsom reservoir and adequate flood control works provided in the dams, a still greater degree A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 107 of protection would be obtained utilizing the same flood channel as with Folsom alone ; either a flood with a greater crest flow than 225,000 second-feet (flow characteristics of March, 1928, flood) could be reduced to a maximum controlled flow of 100,000 second-feet or a flood with a crest flow of 225,000 second-feet (flow characteristics of March 1928, flood) could be reduced to a maximum controlled flow less than 100,000 second-feet. Furthermore, by reducing the flood flow in the American River, the safety of the levee system of the Sacramento River, down- stream from the mouth of the American River, would be materially increased. Interference of flood control with conservation values of reservoirs of con- solidated development. The effect of the inclusion of flood control in the operation of the reservoirs of the consolidated development on their yield in power and water has been estimated for the three stages of development for the period, 1905-1927. The estimates were based on controlling floods to 100,000 second-feet maximum flow measured at the Fairoaks gaging station of the United States Geological Survey and employing the assigned amounts of maximum space for flood control in the reser- voirs set forth in Table 48, which are as follows : Folsom, 175,000 acre- feet ; Auburn, 200,000 acre-feet ; and Coloma, 125,000 acre-feet, a total of 500,000 acre-feet. The reservoirs were operated in accord with the rule for the Folsom reservoir set forth previously in this chapter, except that the value of the maximum reservation for flood control would be increased from 175,000 acre-feet for the initial development with Folsom reservoir alone ; to 375,000 acre-feet for the second stage of development with Folsom and Auburn reservoirs ; to 500,000 acre- feet for the third stage or complete development with Folsom, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs operated for flood control. Space was held in reserve for flood control from December 1 to May 1 in each flood season when the precipitation on any date was more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to the same date, calculated from rainfall records at the cooperative rainfall station of United States Weather Bureau at Folsom City. The space held in reserve for flood control was increased at a uniform rate from zero on December 1 to the maximum reservation on January 1 and the maximum held from January 1 to April 1 from which date it was decreased at a uniform rate to zero on May 1. In estimating the effect of flood control on the power output of the plants for various methods of water release and stages of development, the same generating equipment was assumed for both with and without flood control. Estimates were made to determine the interference, if any, of the various combinations but only one detailed study was made. This was on the Folsom reservoir constructed as a first unit and operated primarily for power generation with water release in accord w^jth the schedule proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company. The plant layout was taken as that proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company, consisting of two units, one unit discharging into the Folsom Canal at tailrace elevation 207.0 feet and the second unit discharging into the American River below the present Folsom Prison dam at elevation 162 feet. The computations were carried out on a daily basis, using the measured daily flows of the 108 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES American River at the Fairoaks gaging station of the United States Geological Survey for the period 1905-1927. The installed capacity of the power planl was 35,000 k.v.a. P.P.— 0.80, operated on a 100 per eenl load factor. The results of the computations are summarized in Tables 50 and 51. Table 50 sets forth, by years; the measured run-off at Fairoaks. stage of the reservoir at the beginning of the year, power draft through the turbines for each unit, evaporation on the reservoir surface, waste over the spillway, and average power head and power output for each unit and the total output with the reservoir operated without flood control and similar data with the reservoir operated coordinately with flood control in accord with the rule given above for the Folsom reservoir. Estimating on a daily basis, the same power out- put was maintained on each day throughout the period 1905-1927 with and without flood control. This was accomplished by passing addi- tional water through the turbines to compensate for the reduction of power head with flood control. This would necessitate increasing the size of the penstocks and the water capacity of the turbines which lias been done in preparing the cost estimates given in Chapter IX. The table shows the average annual power output for the period 1905-1927 with flood control was slightly greater (900.000 kilowatt hours) than without flood control. Without flood control, an average of 1,684,600 acre-feet would have wasted over the spillway annually, whereas with flood control this would have been 715,800 acre-feet, the difference being accounted for by 917,000 acre-feet being released through the flood control outlets, 52,500 acre-feet additional being passed through the turbines to compensate for the reduced power head and 700 acre- feet less evaporation from the reservoir surface. Table 51 sets forth the monthly data for the period 1905-1927, summarized in Table 50, by years. Other estimates of the interference on the power output of the inclusion of the flood control features for the other stages of develop- ment have been made, based, however, on monthly averages of run-off used in the power studies summarized in Chapter IV, because values of daily run-off at the Coloma and Auburn dam sites were not available. These estimates are necessarily only approximate. However, they are probably as accurate as the 1 estimates of water and power yield without flood control, based on average monthly quantities. The results are summarized in Tables 52 and .">:{, for the three stages of development. Table 52 uives the average annual power output with and without flood control and the loss in total power output due to the inclusion of flood control with the method of water release from the reservoirs t<> develop maximum primary power. Table 53 gives similar information with the schedule of water release proposed by the American River Hydro- electric Company. It may be noted that the greatest loss in power output is 1.2 per eenl for the complete development with water released from the reservoirs in accord with schedule proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company. The effect of flood control on the yield of the reservoirs in irrigation supply for the three stages "\' development has also been estimated. employing the same rules as those used with the reservoirs operated primarily for power generation, hi this instance, however, no study was made on a daily basis, only average estimated monthly values of A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 109 run-off being used. It was assumed in the estimates that the operation of the existing Folsom City plant of the Pacific Gas and Electric Com- pany would be subordinated to that of the consolidated development, and that no water would be released especially to meet the requirements of this plant. Data are given in Table 54 showing the effect of the inclusion of the flood control feature in the reservoirs on the yield in irrigation draft. The seasonal irrigation yield is the same for each of the three stages of development both with and without flood control. However, the deficiencies in supply are different with flood control in the second and third stages of development. In the second stage, a deficiency of 1.0 per cent occurs in 1908, in addition to those in 1924 and 1926, which remain the same, 40.0 and 7.7 per cent, respectively, of a perfect seasonal supply with and without flood control. In the third stage, or complete development, additional deficiencies occur in four other years with an average seasonal deficiency in supply of 3.2 per cent of a perfect seasonal supply for the period 1905-1927 with flood control, compared to 2.2 per cent without flood control. However, the deficiency in 1924, the year of largest deficiency, remains the same, 41.3 per cent with and without flood control. ( 110 CONTROL Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P.F. = 0.80 L.F. = 1.00 With Flood Control Maximum reservoir space required 175,000 acre-feet. w^s&ss^ss&ss^ssssssss^e •s I HI HI HI II) HI Kl HI m Evaporation in acre-feet Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total 15,900 19,300 19,900 16,000 18,000 15,200 18,100 13,400 14,300 17,700 17,600 17,700 17,500 14,900 14,500 15,300 17,100 17,300 17,500 3,100 16,900 13,400 16,200 370,100 1,526,000 2,786,800 7,500 2,737,700 1,347,900 2,284,300 1,682,100 576,000 1,690,600 518,900 195.000 517,000 82,800 1,017,400 625,600 490,000 790,200 211.400 1,404,500 314,600 1,896,000 1,376,700 149,300 833,900 401,400 1.783,100 190,200 278,000 886,900 1,199,400 775,600 928,300 206,000 483,600 365,600 653,100 1,455,400 653,500 613,300 75,000 765,600 131.5 149.0 158.5 131.0 152.5 133.5 141.5 110.5 112.0 142.5 135.0 142.0 130.0 118.0 121.5 124.0 140.5 140.5 142.0 72.0 132.5 126 5 162.0 186. 5 199.0 203.5 186.0 200.5 194.5 198.5 168.5 172.5 201.5 194.0 192.5 189.0 185.5 194.0 189.0 192.0 191.5 200.5 123.5 190.0 189.5 207.0 67,700,000 84,900,000 93,400,000 68,600,000 90,100,000 75.500,000 79,100,000 55,100,000 56,400,000 81,700,000 75,100,000 82,700,000 69,700,000 61,100,000 60,500,000 65,000,000 81,000,000 80,300,000 81,000,000 22,400,000 73,000,000 65,100.000 72,600,000 86.200,000 108,500,000 118,600,000 86,400,000 112,700,000 92,300,000 97,200,000 67,400.000 67,100,000 99,500,000 91,700,000 104,100,000 85,800,000 69,800,000 72,900,000 77,200,000 101,100,000 101,400,000 99,200,000 18.900,000 91,100,000 81.700,000 91,500,000 153,900,000 193.400,000 212,000,000 155,000,000 202,800,000 167,800,000 176,300,000 122,500,000 123,500,000 181,200,000 166,800,000 186,800.000 155,500,000 130,900,000 133,400,000 142,200,000 182,100,000 181,700,000 180,200,000 41,300,000 164,100,000 146,800.000 164,100,000 366,800 20,861,800 917,000 16,284,500 715,800 1,642,000,000 72,200,000 2,022,300,000 88,900,000 3,664,300,000 161,100,000 16,100 | 1' 110 TABLE 50. POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT WITH AND WITHOUT FLOOD CONTROL Folsom reservoir operated primarily for power generation Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Yearly Summary of Computations Carried out on a Daily Basis (For corresponding monthly summary, see Table 51) Measured daily flows at Fairoaks gaging station of United States Geological Survey used in computations Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P. F. =0.80 L.F. = 1.00 Measured run-off at Fairoaks in acre-feet Without Flood Control With Flood Control Maximum controlled flow at Fairoaks 1 00,000 second-feet. Maximum reservoir space required 175,000 acre-feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from December 1 to May 1 when total precipitation up to a-iy date in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased at a uniform rate from zero on December 1 to 175,000 acre-feet on January 1; 175,000 acre-feet held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform rate to zero on May 1 Year Stage of reservoir at beginning of year in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Evaporation in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Stage of reservoir at beginning of year in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Evaporation in acre-feet Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total 1,881,400 5,020,000 5,620,400 1,339,500 5,240,700 2,916.700 5.398,100 1,331,400 1,464,500 3,861,500 3,093,300 3,929,500 2,684.500 1.519,800 2,061,800 1,789,000 2,971,100 3.630,800 2,355,700 604,700 2,700,600 1,592,700 3,293.100 25,000 25,000 173,900 78.300 25,000 351,200 25,000 25,000 25.000 100.700 25.000 25,000 29,100 25,000 25,000 25,000 241,600 61,000 314,300 25,000 43,400 25,000 158,800 577,700 682,400 724,000 619,900 716,500 644,100 643.700 618,000 608,400 662,400 659,000 701.200 623,200 615,100 535,700 640,700 680,800 699,500 659,700 386.200 649.600 582,300 541,500 557,800 676,100 724,000 578,300 693.600 577.900 595,200 509,800 488,100 602,700 588,300 668,400 560,000 471.500 461,600 524,700 636,300 662.000 604,800 197,000 593,200 535,500 541.500 16,800 20,200 20.800 16,300 18,900 16.100 19,000 13,400 14,300 18.600 18.500 18.600 18.400 15.300 15,300 15,300 18,000 18,200 18,400 3,100 17,800 13,800 17,100 729,100 3,492,400 4,247,200 178,300 3.485,500 2,004,800 4,140,200 190,200 278,000 2,653,500 1,827,500 2,537,200 1,487,000 417,900 1,049,200 391,700 1,816,600 1,997,800 1,362,100 1,458,400 327,300 2.251,800 135.0 157.0 166.0 131.5 162.5 143.5 150.5 110.5 112.0 152.5 140 5 150.0 135.5 119.5 126.0 124.0 150.0 145.5 152.0 72 139.0 128.0 172.5 191.0 207.5 211.0 186,5 210.5 207.11 207.5 168.5 172.5 213.0 201 201.0 194.5 187.5 201.0 189.5 202.5 197.0 212.5 123 5 197.0 192.0 217.5 66,800,000 84,800,000 92,200,000 67,500,000 90,000,000 75,500,000 78,800,000 55,100.000 56,400,000 81,600,000 74,800,000 82,300,000 69,600,000 60,800,000 59,900,000 64,700,000 80,800,000 79,800,000 81,000,000 22,400.000 72,800,000 63,300,000 71,400,000 85,200.000 108,400.000 117.500,000 85,400,000 112,700,000 92,300,000 '.16,900,000 ii7.tO0.000 67,100,000 99,300,000 91,400,000 103,800,000 85,600,000 69,600,000 72.300,000 76,900,000 100/100.000 100.800.000 99.200.000 18,900.000 90.900.000 79,800.000 90.400.000 152,000.000 193,200,000 209.700. 152,900.000 202,700,000 167,800,000 175.700,000 122.500,000 123.500,000 180,900,000 166,200,000 186,100.000 155,200.000 130,400,000 132,200,000 141,600,000 181.700.000 180.000,000 180,200.000 41,300,000 163,700,000 143,100,0(10 161,800,000 25,000 25.000 173.900 78,300 25.000 180.000 25,000 25,000 25.000 100.700 25,000 25,000 29,100 25,000 25,000 25.000 1SII.001I 61,000 180,000 25,000 43,400 25.000 158.800 603.300 723,000 772,300 632,300 705,500 692,700 685,800 618,000 608,400 711,200 689.300 742,200 646,400 624,900 563.800 643,400 729,400 729,000 708,200 386,200 681,400 605,700 588,700 577,500 706,800 760.300 587,700 730,600 614.501) 026,800 509,800 488,11,0 039,300 611,000 699,300 577,500 479,000 482,900 526.900 673,100 684,500 641.500 197,000 617.2IJ0 .553.4 10 576,9 (0 15.900 19,300 19,900 10,000 18,000 15,200 18,100 13,400 14,300 17.700 17,600 17,700 17,500 14,900 14,500 15.300 17,100 17.300 17.500 3.100 16,900 13,400 16,200 370,100 1,526,000 2.786,800 7,500 2,737,700 1,347,900 2,284,300 1,682,100 576.000 1.690,600 518,900 195.000 517.000 82.800 1,017.400 625,600 490,000 790,200 211.400 1,404,500 314,600 1,896,000 1,376.700 149.300 833,900 401,400 1.783,100 190,200 278,000 886,900 1,199,400 775,600 928,300 206,000 483,600 365,600 653,100 1.455,400 653,500 613,300 75,000 765,600 131.5 149.0 158.5 131.0 152.5 133.5 141.5 110.5 112.0 142.5 135.0 142.0 130.0 118.0 121.5 124.0 140.5 140.5 142.0 72.0 132.5 126 5 162.0 180.5 199.0 20.1,5 ISO 200.5 194.5 198.5 168.5 172,5 201.5 194.0 192.5 189.0 185.5 194.0 189.0 192.0 191.5 200.5 123.5 190.0 189.5 207.0 67.700,000 84,900,000 93.400,000 68,600,000 90.100.000 75.500,000 79,100,000 55,100.000 56,400,000 81,700,000 75,100,000 82,700,000 69,700,000 61,100.000 60.500,000 65.000,000 81,000,000 80,300,000 81.000.000 22.400.000 73,000,000 65,100,000 72.600,000 86.200.000 108.500,000 118,600,000 86,400.000 112,700.000 92,300,000 97.200,000 67,400,000 67,100.000 99,500.000 91,700,000 104,100,000 85,800.000 69,800.000 72,900,000 77.200,000 101,100.000 101.400,000 99.200.000 18.900.000 91.100.000 81.700,000 91,500,000 1906 193 400.000 1907 212.000.000 155 000.000 1909 - 202,800,000 1910 167,800,000 1911 176,300,000 1912 122.500,000 1913 123,500.000 1914 181,200.000 1915 166,800,000 1916 186,800.000 1917 155,500.000 1918 130,900,000 1919 133,400,000 1920 142,200,000 1921 182,100.000 1922 181.700.000 1923- 180,200.000 1924 41,300,000 1925 164,100,000 1926 146.S00.O0O 1927 164.100.000 Total for 1905-27 66,300,800 2,914,300 14,471,600 636,100 13,048,300 573,600 382,200 16,800 38,323,700 1,684,600 1,632,300,000 71,700,000 2,012,700.000 88,500,000 3,645,000,000 160,200,000 15,151,100 666,000 13,561,6 i 596.L 1 366,800 16,100 20,861,800 917,000 16,284,500 715,800 1,642.000,000 72,200,000 2,022,300.000 88,900,000 3,664.300,000 161,100,000 72924 Ill ROL Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P. F. =0.80 L.F. = 1.00 With Flood Control wnd-feet. Maximum reservoir space required 175,000 acre-feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from > any date in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased ,000 acre-feet on January 1; 175,000 acre-feet held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet loration re-feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation Lower unit, tailrace elevation Upr.er unit, tailrace elevation Lower unit, tailrace elevation Total 207 feet 162 feet 207 feet 162 feet 1 96.5 141.5 4,500,000 6,700,000 11.200,000 37.700 143.0 188.0 6,700,000 8,600,000 15,300,000 229.200 148.0 193.0 8.600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 1,100 103.200 166.5 211.5 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 2,800 250,300 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800.000 191400.000 3,400 64,300 183.0 228.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800'00O 3.900 174.5 219.5 8,200,000 10,400,000 18,600,000 2,800 153.5 198.5 7,300,000 9,400,000 16,700,000 1,300 112.5 157.5 5.100,000 7,200,000 12,300,000 400 79.0 124.0 500,000 1,200,000 1,700,000 200 69.0 115.5 600,000 300,000 900,000 68.0 800,000 800,000 15,900 370,100 314,600 67,700,000 86,200,000 153,900,000 11,100,000 196,000 109.0 180.0 5,100,000 6,000,000 194.700 147.5 192.5 7,800,000 9,700,000 17,500.000 721,200 148.0 , 193.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 1,100 414,100 167.0 212.0 8,400,000 10.400,000 18,800.000 2.800 801,400 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,400 832,100 183.0 228.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 4.000 262.500 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,800 178.0 223.0 8,400,000 10,600,000 19,000,000 2,400 162.5 207.5 7,400,000 9,500,000 16,900,000 1,300 133.0 178.0 6,300,000 8,400,000 14,700,000 500 94 5 140.5 3,100,000 5,900.000 9,000,000 99.0 155.0 4,200,000 5,200,000 9,400,000 19,300 1,526,000 1,896,000 • 84,900,000 108,500,000 193,400,000 101,200 148.0 193.0 8,600,000 10,700,000 19,300,000 690,000 148.0 193.0 7,800,000 9,700.000 17,500,000 1,370,500 148.0 193.0 8,690,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 1,100 625,100 167.0 212.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 2,800 623,900 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19.400,000 3,400 538,500 183.0 228.0 8.400,000 10.400,000 18,800,000 4,000 211,400 183.0 228.0 8.600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,800 2.900 181.0 226.0 8,500,000 10.700,000 19,200,000 2,600 170.0 215.0 7,800,000 9,800,000 17,600,000 1,500 153.0 198.0 7,200,000 9,400,000 16,600,000 700 129.5 174.5 5,900,000 8,000.000 13,900.000 106.0 151.0 5,000,000 7,100,000 12.100,000 19,900 2,786.800 1,376,700 93,400,000 5,500,000 118.600,000 212,000,000 117.5 162.5 7,700,000 13,200,000 125.5 170.5 5,600,000 7,500,000 13,100,000 7,500 136.5 181.5 6,800,000 8,900,000 15.700,000 1.100 159.0 204.0 8,400,000 10.400,000 18,800,000 2,500 111,900 182.0 227.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,400 37,400 183.0 228.0 8,400,000 10,400.000 18.800,000 3,900 176.0 221.0 8 300,000 10,500,000 18.800.000 3,000 156.5 201.5 7,400,000 9,500,000 16.900,000 1,500 117.0 162.0 5,400,000 7.400.000 12,800.000 400 80.5 126.0 1,300,000 2,300,000 3,600,000 200 68.5 114.0 1,300,000 400,000 1,700,000 68.0 113.0 1,600,000 600.000 2,200,000 16,000 7,500 149,300 68,600,000 86,400,000 155,000,000 TABLE 51. POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT WITH AND WITHOUT FLOOD CONTROL Folsom reservoir operated primarily for power generation Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed 111 Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Monthly Summary of Computations Carried out on a Daily Basis (For corresponding yearly summary, see Table 50) Measured daily flows at Fairoaks gaging station of United States Geological Survey used in computations Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P.F. = 0.80 L.F. 1. 00 Year and Month Measured run-off at Fairoaks in acre-feet Without Flood Control Stage of reservoir at beginning of month in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Evaporation in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet With Flood Control Maximum coiit-olled flow at Fairoaks 100,000 second-feet. Maximum reservoir space required 175,000 acre-feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from December 1 to May 1 when total precipitation up to any date in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve inceased at a uniform rate from zero on December 1 to 175,000 acre-feet on January 1; 175,000 acre-feet held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform rate to zero on May 1 Stage of reservoir at beginning of month in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit. tailrace elevation 162 feet Evaporation in acre-feet Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Uprer unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, cailrace elevation 162 feet 1905— .lanuary February . March April May. June July.. August September October. November December Totals 1906— January February March. . April. . . . May June July August September October November December. . . Totals 1907 — January February . March April May June July August . . . September October November December Totals 1908 — January- February . March April May June... July.. August Septemoer October November December Totals 200.800 234,700 378,000 400,000 376,100 179,100 42,700 16,600 8,200 6,100 11,500 15.600 25,000 102,800 226,500 355,000 355,000 355,000 347,400 263.200 154,000 41,900 29,000 25,000 61,500 55,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61.500 61,500 59,500 9,100 11,500 15.600 III. 51 il I 55.500 61.500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 511.500 12,500 3,800 2,000 2,800 3,400 3,900 2,800 1,300 400 200 126,500 288,000 250,300 64,3(10 96 5 145 5 173.0 183 183.0 183.0 174 5 153.5 112.5 79.0 69.0 68,0 141.5 190.5 218.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 219.5 198.5 157.5 124.0 115.5 4,500,000 6,200,000 8,200,000 8,400.000 8.000,000 8,400, 8,200,000 7,300,000 5,100,000 500,000 600,000 800,000 6.700.000 8,100,000 10,300,000 10.400,000 10,800.000 10,400.000 10,400,000 9,400,000 7.200,000 1,200,000 300,000 11,200,000 14,300,000 18,500,000 18,800,000 19,400,000 18.800,000 18.600,000 16,700.000 12,300.000 1,700,000 900,000 800.000 25,000 102,800 180.000 180,000 355,000 355,000 ::i:.iii(i 263,200 154.000 41,900 29,000 25,000 61.500 60,400 76.200 65,500 61.500 59,500 61.500 61,500 59,500 9,100 11,500 15,600 61,500 59,400 72.600 64,200 61,500 59,500 01,500 61,500 59.500 12,500 3,800 n 1,100 2,800 3,400 3.900 2,800 1.300 400 200 37,700 229 200 103,200 II II I) 250.300 114.3(10 96.5 143.0 148.0 1 1,6 5 183.0 183.0 174.5 153.5 112.5 79 II 69.0 68.0 111 5 188.0 193.0 211 5 228 il 228 H _■ 1 ■ > 5 198.5 1.57.5 124 115.5 (i,7iiil,llllll S 1,(111.111111 8,400,1 8.600.000 8.4110.000 8,200,000 7,300,000 5,100,000 500,000 600,000 SOII.IIIIlj 6,700,000 8.600,000 lll.80ll.00tl III inn, nun 10.800,000 in. nil n 10.400.000 9,400,000 7.200,000 1.200,000 300,000 72924 1,881,400 446,200 329,400 870,000 719,500 927,200 954,500 389,500 62,800 24,900 18.400 33,500 244.100 5,020,000 255,300 824,400 1,519,300 930,600 749,700 660,900 338,400 92,000 48,400 42,600 49.000 109,800 5,620,400 159,900 112,700 202,500 267,000 282,400 154,900 53,500 12,300 7.300 23.600 26,200 37,200 1,339,500 25,000 355.000 355.000 355.000 ::55.ijiui 355,000 355,000 355,000 291,000 194,500 88,600 25,000 577,700 46,000 55,500 6I..-1IIII 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 42,000 52.900 557.800 37.700 55,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 50,51111 61,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 54,600 42,300 16,800 2.000 2,800 3.400 4,000 3,800 2,400 1,300 500 729,100 32,500 218,400 747,000 598,500 801.400 832,100 262,500 123.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 183 183.0 178.0 162.5 133.0 94 5 99.0 203 228.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 223.0 207.5 178.0 140.5 155.0 66,800,000 .•,,0011,110(1 7,800.000 8.600.000 8,400,000 8,600.000 8,41.10.(100 8,600,000 8,400,000 7,400,000 6,300,000 3,100.000 4,200.000 85.200,000 5,900,000 9,700,000 10.800.000 10,400,000 10.800,000 10,400,000 10,800.000 10,600,000 9,500,000 8,400,000 5,900,000 5,200,000 152.1100,0(10 10,900,000 17,500,000 19,400.000 18,800,000 19,400.000 18,800000 19,400,000 19.000. 16,900,000 14,700,000 9,000,000 9,400,000 25,000 179,800 180.000 180,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 291,000 194,500 88,600 25,000 603.300 52,800 68,800 76,200 65,300 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59.500 61,500 42.000 52,900 577,500 42,600 65,700 72,600 64,000 61.500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 54,000 42.300 15.900 (I I) 1,100 2,800 3,400 4.000 3,800 2,400 1,300 500 370,100 196.000 194.700 721,200 414,100 314,600 801,400 832.100 262,500 109,0 147 5 148.0 167.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 178,0 162,5 133.0 94 5 99.0 180.0 192 5 193.0 212.0 228,0 228.0 228.0 223.0 207.6 178.0 140 .5 155 67.700,000 5,100,000 7,8110,1 8.600,000 8,400,000 8,61111,1100 8,400,000 8,600,000 8,400,000 7,4(10,000 6,300,000 3,100.000 4.200,000 86,200.000 0.01 10.000 9,700,000 10,800.000 10,400,000 10,800,000 10.400.000 10,800,000 10,600,000 9,500.000 8.400.000 .-,,61111.1.1011 5.200.000 173,900 306,200 :«.-,.nii(i 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 355.000 317,300 241,1110 162,200 91,500 682,400 61,500 55,500 61.500 59,500 61.500 59,500 61,500 61.500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 676,100 61,500 55,500 61,500 59.500 61,500 59,500 61.500 61,500 59.500 61.500 59,500 61.500 20,200 2,000 2,800 3,400 4,000 3,800 2,600 1.5(10 700 3,492,400 664,600 1,396,300 809,600 623.900 538,500 211,400 2,900 157.0 182.5 183 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 181.0 170.0 153.0 129.5 106.0 202.0 227.5 228.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 228 226.0 215.0 198 174.5 151,0 84,800,000 7,400.000 7,800.000 8,600,000 8,400.000 8,6(10,111111 8,400,000 8,600.111 III 8,51111,01111 7,800.0110 7,200.000 5 '00. 5,000,000 108,400,000 9,600,000 9.700,000 10.800,000 10,400,000 10,800,000 10,400,000 10,800,000 10,700,000 9.800,000 9.400,000 8,000,000 7,100,000 193,200,000 17,000,000 17,500.000 19.400,000 18,800,000 19.400,000 18,800,000 m. 100,000 19,200,000 i; nun. i 16,600,000 13,900,000 12.100,000 173,900 180,000 180,000 180,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 317,300 244.100 162,200 91,500 723,000 75.800 68,900 70,200 65,400 61.500 59,500 61.500 61,500 59.500 61,500 59,500 61,500 706,800 72,200 65,500 72,600 64,000 61,500 59.500 61.500 61.50(1 59,500 61,500 59.500 61,500 19,300 1.100 2,800 3.400 4,000 3,800 2,6011 1,500 700 1,526.000 101,200 690,000 1,370.500 625,100 1,896,000 623.900 558,50(1 211,400 2 got i o o o o 148.0 148.0 148.0 167.0 183.0 183,0 183.0 181.0 170.0 153.0 129 5 106.0 193.0 193.0 193.0 212.0 228 II 228.0 228.0 226.0 218.0 198.0 174.5 151.0 81,' ,11110 8.6110,1100 7 811(1, I 8,00110011 8. 100, (Kill ,8.0011.1101) 8. ion, 1 8 6,06, 1 8,500.000 7,800.000 7.2O0.OOO 5,900,000 5.000.000 108,500.000 10,700,000 9,700.000 10.800,000 10,400,000 10,800,000 10.400.000 10.800,000 10,700,000 9,800,000 9,400,000 8,000 000 7,100,000 78,300 115,200 112,900 192,400 839,200 355,000 350,100 276,700 163.000 10,800 28,400 25,000 724.111111 61.500 57.500 61,500 59,500 61,500 59.500 61.500 61,500 59,500 21,200 24,400 30,800 721.0(10 61,500 57,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61.500 61,500 59,500 23,400 5.000 6,400 20,800 II 1,200 2,700 3.400 3,900 .j.000 1,500 400 200 4,247.200 140,900 37,400 117 5 125 5 138.0 166.0 183.0 183.0 176.0 156.5 117.0 80.5 68 5 68.0 162.5 170.5 183.0 211.0 228.0 228 221.0 201.5 162.0 126.0 114.0 113.0 92,200,1100 5.500,000 5,600,000 6,500.000 7,600.000 8,600,000 8,400,000 8,300.000 7,400,000 5,400,000 1,300.000 1,300,000 1.600,000 117,500,000 7,700,000 7,500,000 8,700,000 9,600,000 10.800,000 10.400.000 10,500.000 9.500,000 7.400,000 2,300,000 400,000 600,000 2(19,700.000 13,200,000 13,100,000 15,2011,0110 17,200,000 19,400,000 18.800.000 18.8 10.900.000 12,800,000 3,600,000 1,700.000 2,200.000 115,200 112,900 180,000 310.400 355.000 350.100 276.700 163,000 49,800 28,400 25,000 772,300 61,500 57,500 64,300 68,800 61,800 59,500 61,500 61,500 59.500 21,200 24.400 on.snn 711(1,300 61,500 57,500 63,600 66,700 61,600 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 23.400 5.000 6,400 19,900 1,100 2,500 3,400 3,900 3,000 1,500 400 200 2,786,800 7,500 111,900 37.40(1 II 117.5 125 5 136 5 159.0 182.0 183.0 176.0 156.5 117 80 5 68.5 68.0 162.5 170.5 181.5 204.0 227.0 228.0 221 (I 201.5 162 n I2ii.ll 114.0 113 93,400.000 5.500.000 5.,,l!0.600 68110.000 8,400.000 8 601 ', 8,400,000 8 300,000 7.400.11(10 5 lonno 1.300.000 I 'no onn I. no,, ooo 11S.600.000 7.7OO.OO0 7,500,000 10.400,000 10 81,0 000 10,400.000 IO.50O.I1III1 7,400.000 2 100 600.0011 619,900 578,300 16,300 178,300 67,500.000 85,400,000 152,900,000 (1.12,300 587.700 16,000 7,50(1 149,300 6S.6O0.0OO 86.400,000 155.000.000 I 113 ) CONTROL Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Installed capacity of power plant. 35,000 k.v.a. P. F. =0.80 L.F. = 1.00 With Flood Control econd-feet. Maximum reservoir space required 175,000 acre-feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from to any date in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased '5,000 acre-feet on January 1; 175,000 acre-feet held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform Average pow ;r head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet poration icre-feet Upper unit, tailrace Lower unit, tailrace Upper unit, tailrace Lower unit, tailrace Total elevation elevation elevation elevation 207 feet 162 feet 207 feet 162 feet 76.0 127.5 3,100,000 3.300.000 6,400,000 70.0 115.0 3,000.000 2.400,000 5,400.000 69.0 114.0 3.200.000 3,600,000 6,800,000 300 129.0 174.0 5.900,000 8,000,000 13,900,000 2,200 234,300 180.5 225.5 8,500,000 10.700.009 19,200,000 3,400 43,700 182.5 227.5 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 3,900 173.0 218.0 8.200.000 10,300,000 18,500.000 2,800 150.5 195.5 7,100,000 9.300.000 16,400,000 1,200 106.0 151.0 4,900,000 6,900,000 11,800,000 300 69.0 116.5 500,000 600,000 1,100,000 200 68.0 113.0 1,500,000 1,500,000 70.0 119.5 2,100,000 1,600,000 3,700,000 14,300 278,000 56,400,000 67,100,000 123,500,000 823,600 147.5 192.5 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 255,200 148.0 193.0 7,800,000 9,700,000 17,500,000 348,300 118.0 • 193.0 8.600.000 10.800.000 19 100,000 1,100 255,000 167.0 212.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 1S,S00,000 2,800 591,000 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,400 269,900 183.0 228.0 8,400,000 10.400.000 18,800,000 4,000 26,000 182.5 227.5 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,400 170.0 215.0 8,000,000 10,290,000 18,200,000 2,000 145.5 190. 5 6.700,000 8,700,000 15,400,000 800 102.0 148.0 4,700,000 6,700,000 11,400,000 200 68.0 1,200,000 1,200,000 68.0 113.0 2,100,000 200,000 2,300,000 17,700 1,682,100 886,900 81,700,000 99,500,000 181,200,000 70.5 117.0 3,000,000 2,800,000 5.800,000 o 238,100 142.0 187.0 7.100,000 9,100,000 16,200,000 137,000 148.0 193.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 1,100 200,900 167.0 212.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 2,800 828,400 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400.000 3,400 355,400 183.0 228.0 8,400.000 10,400,000 18,800,000 4,000 15,600 182.0 227.0 8,600.000 10,700,000 19,300,000 3,500 168.0 213.0 7,(00,000 10,100,000 18,000,000 1.800 141.5 186.5 6,500,000 8,500,000 15.000,000 800 94.0 146.5 3.900,000 5,300,000 9.200.000 200 68.0 1,200,000 1,200,000 72.5 121.5 2,900,000 2,800,000 5,700,000 17,600 576,000 1. 199.40(1 75,100,000 !H,700,000 166.800,000 192,300 131.0 188.0 6,900,000 8.700,000 15,600,0011 445,100 148.0 19.3.0 8,100.000 10.100,000 18,200,000 668.400 148.0 193.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 1!'. 100,000 1,100 394,800 167.0 212.0 8.400,000 10,100.000 18,800,000 2,800 481,200 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,400 276,600 183.0 228.0 8,400.000 10,400,000 18,800,000 4.000 17.800 182.5 227.5 8.600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3.500 169.0 214.0 8,000,000 10,100,000 18,100.000 1.900 143.0 188.0 6,500,000 8,600,000 15,100,000 800 102.0 147.0 4.800,000 7,000,000 11,800,000 200 69.0 116.0 2,000.000 800,000 2,800,000 80.5 126.0 3,800.000 5,600.000 9,400,000 17,700 1,690.600 775,600 82,700,000 104,100,000 186,800,000 ■ \ Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet TABLE 51. 11° (Continued). POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT WITH AND WITHOUT FLOOD CONTROL Folsom reservoir operated primarily for power generation Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed Monthly Summary of Computations Carried out on a Daily Basis (For corresponding yearly summary, sec Tabic 50) Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed Measured daily flows at Fairoaks gaging station of United States h V American River Hydro-electric Company Geological Survey used in computations Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P. F. = 0.80 L.F. = 1.00 Year and Month Measured run-off at Fairoaks in acre-feet Without Flood Control Maximum controlled flow at Fairoaks 100,000 second-feet. December 1 to May 1 when total precipitation up to any date at a uniform rate from zero on December 1 to 175,000 acre- rate to zero on May 1 With Flood Control Maximum reservoir space required 175,000 acre-feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from in a season IB more than 50 per cent of the uormi! precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased feet on January 1; 175,000 acre-feet held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform Stage of reservoir at beginning of month in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Evaporation in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Stage of reservoir at beginning of month in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Evaporation in acre-feet Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrnoe elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total 1909— 1.493.200 862.600 397,200 475,600 584,500 455,200 142,300 37.300 17,100 31,400 273.100 471,200 25,000 355.000 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 327.900 238,700 134.800 42,300 222,200 57,600 55.500 01,5011 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 55,900 61,500 53.600 55,500 61.500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61.500 61,500 59,500 61,500 37,000 61,500 2,000 2,800 3,400 4,000 3,500 2,000 900 300 1.052,000 751.600 274,200 354.600 458,700 332,800 42,400 219,200 148.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 182.0 170.5 148,0 109.5 94.5 181.5 202.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 227.0 215.5 193.0 154.5 150.5 226.5 6.800,000 7,800,000 8,600,000 8,400,000 8,600,000 8,400,000 8,600.000 8.100,000 6,800,000 5,200,000 4,100,000 8,600,000 8,500,000 9,700,000 10,800,000 10,400,000 10,800.000 10,400,000 10,700,000 10,200,000 8,800,000 7,300.000 4,400,000 10,700,000 15,300,000 17,500,01 1(1 19,400,000 18,800,000 19,400(11111 18,800,1100 19,300.000 18.300,0(10 15,600.000 12,500,000 8,500,000 19,300,000 25,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 327, 238,700 134,800 42,300 222,200 66,600 68.800 76,200 65.400 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 55,900 67,600 60,400 65,500 72,500 64,000 61,500 59.500 61,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 37,000 66,200 1,100 2.800 3,100 1.000 3.500 2,000 900 300 1,211,200 728,300 248,500 170,100 379,600 458,700 332,800 42.400 128 148.0 148.0 167,0 183 183 182 170 5 118 109.5 94.5 166.0 179.5 193.0 193 212 228 _'js _'L'7 215 5 193.0 154.5 150.5 211.0 O (19 7.800.000 8,600,000 8.400,000 8,600,000 8.400,000 8.600.000 8.100.000 6,800,000 5,200,000 4.100,000 8,600,000 8,500.000 9.700,000 10,800,000 10,400.000 10,800,000 10,400.000 10,71111,01111 10.200.000 8.800.000 7,300.000 4,400,000 111.70(1,000 15,400,000 17 5110,11110 1" 100,01111 April is 800,000 19,400.000 is son, July 19.300.000 !S (00.000 15 0(10,01 III 12.500,000 8,500,000 19.300,000 5,240,700 524,000 291,200 645,700 624,300 488,800 134,700 31,700 13,100 12.000 21,000 32,000 98,200 716,500 61,500 55,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61.500 61,500 53,600 21,000 32,000 55,500 693,600 61,500 55,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 53,200 42,700 18,900 2,000 2,800 3,400 3,700 2,600 1,100 300 200 3,485,500 397,200 180,200 522,700 503,300 363.000 38,400 90,000,000 8,600.000 7.800,000 8,600,000 8,400,000 8,600,000 8,300,000 8,000,000 6,800,000 4,300,000 1,100,000 1.700,000 3,300,000 112,700,000 10,800,000 9,700,000 10,800,000 10,400,000 10,800.000 10,400,000 10,200,000 9,000,000 6,100,000 4.100,000 202,700,000 19,400,000 17,500,000 19.400,000 18,800,000 19,400,000 18.700,000 18,200,000 15,800,000 10,400,000 1,100,000 1,700,000 7,400,000 765,500 76.200 68.800 76,300 65,300 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 53,600 21,000 32,000 55,500 730,600 72,600 65,500 72,500 64,000 61,500 59,500 61,500 01,500 53,200 42,700 18,000 1,100 2.800 3,400 3,700 2,600 1,100 300 200 2,737,700 375.200 156.900 496,900 318,900 833,900 363.000 38.400 90,100,000 8,000,000 7,800,000 8.600,000 8,400.000 8.600.000 8.300,000 8.000.000 6.800.000 4,300,000 1,100.000 1.700,000 3.300.000 112,700.000 10.800,000 9,700,000 10,800,000 10,400.000 10,800.000 111,100, III III 10.200.000 9.000.000 6.100.000 4,100,000 202.800,000 1910— 351,200 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 355.000 328,900 233,900 121,400 25,500 25,200 25,000 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 182.0 170.0 145.0 100.0 68.5 68.0 76.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 228 228.0 227.0 215.0 190.0 148.5 124 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 355.000 355.000 328,900 233,900 121,400 25,500 25,200 25.000 148 148.0 148.0 167 183.0 182 170 115 ll 100 68.5 68.0 76.0 193.0 193.0 193.0 212.0 228.0 227.0 215 190.0 148.5 1 . .loinioo February... . 17,500,000 i" mo ooii IS Silll 9119 19 100,000 IS 7011000 July IS 200,1109 15,800.000 1II40O.IKIII 1.100.000 1.700.000 124 7,100,1100 Totals 2.916,700 852,500 588,400 797,900 897,900 891.400 1,055,400 196,600 28,200 18,100 21,500 25,600 24,600 641,100 52,000 55.500 61,500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 25,600 24,600 577,900 43,600 55.500 61,500 59.500 61.500 59.500 61.500 61.500 59,500 61,500 10,100 16,100 2,000 2.800 3.400 4,000 3,600 2,000 1,000 200 2,004,800 426,900 477,400 674,900 776,900 765.600 933,000 85,500 75,500,000 5,700,000 7,800,0110 8,600,000 8,400,000 8.600.000 8,400.000 8.600,000 8,100,000 6,800.000 5,100,000 1,400.000 1,300,000 92,300,000 0, 700,000 9, 700,111 III 10,800,000 10,400,000 10.800,000 10,400,000 10,800,000 10,300,000 8,900,000 7,200,000 900,000 167,800,000 12.100,000 1 7.500,000 19,100.000 18.800,000 19,400.(111(1 18,800,000 19.190,1100 18,400,000 15,700,000 12,300,000 2,300,000 1.300,000 002.700 60,100 68,000 76,200 65,400 61,500 59.500 61,500 61.500 59,500 61.500 25,600 24.600 614,500 49,700 65.500 72.500 64.000 61,500 59.500 1,1 500 61,500 59.500 61,500 10,100 15,200 1,100 2.800 3.400 4.000 3,600 2,000 1,000 200 1,347,900 587,700 454,000 049,200 592,400 401,400 765,600 933.000 85.500 75.500,000 6,000,000 7.800,000 S, 000000 8,400,000 8.600,000 8,400.000 8,600.000 8.100.000 6,800,000 5 100,000 1.400,000 1,300.000 92.300.000 7.01 10.000 9,7011, Ill, SOU, III in 10.400.000 10,800,000 10.400.000 10.800.000 10.300.000 8.900.000 7.200,000 900,000 I07.SOII.000 1911— January , . 25,000 358,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 355.000 355,000 339,100 240,700 137,800 35.300 25,000 130.5 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 182.5 172.0 149.0 107.5 72.0 68.0 201.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 227.5 217.0 194.0 152,5 119.0 25,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 355.000 355.000 355.000 339,100 240,700 137,800 35,300 25,000 117.0 148.0 118.0 167.0 183.0 183.0 182 5 172.0 149.0 107.5 72.0 08.0 IS2 193 193 II 212 J 28 228.0 227 5 217 194.0 152 5 119.0 13,1 600 February March ;7 500,000 18 100,000 18,800.000 19,100,000 18.800,000 July August 19,400,000 18,409,000 15 700,000 October 12.300,000 November 2.300,000 December 1,300.000 Totals 5,398,100 69,600 46,000 118,200 170.600 420,700 283,600 51,000 12,800 19,700 15,000 87,400 36,800 643,700 50,600 44,600 60,800 59.500 61,500 59,500 61.500 61,500 59,500 15,000 49,300 34,700 595,200 19,000 1,400 51,800 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 34,400 38,100 2,100 19,000 300 800 3,400 3,900 2,900 1,400 500 200 4,140.200 23.800 166,400 78,800,000 2,700,000 2,300,000 3,500,000 4,100,000 7.200.000 Si 1(10.000 8.300,000 7,300,000 5,500,000 900,000 3,100,000 1,800,000 96,900,000 1,700,000 100,000 4,900,000 6,100,000 9,400,000 10,400.000 10,400,000 9,500.000 7,500,000 3,400,000 3,800,000 200,000 175,700,000 4,400,000 2,400,000 8,400,000 10,200.000 16,600.000 18.800,000 18,700,000 16.800,000 13.000,000 4,300,000 6.900,000 2,000,000 685,800 50,600 44,600 60,800 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 15,000 49,300 34.700 626,800 19,000 1,400 51,800 59,500 61.500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 31,400 38.100 2,100 18,100 300 800 3,400 3.900 2,900 1.400 500 200 2,284,300 II 1.783.100 23.800 166.400 79,100.000 2,700,000 2,300,000 3.500.000 4,100,000 7.200,000 8.400,000 8.300,000 7,300.000 5,500,000 900.11911 3.100.000 l.soa.ooo 97,200.000 1.700.000 100.000 4. 900.000 li. 100,000 9.400.000 10.400.000 10.100.000 9.500.000 7.5OO.0OO 3.400,000 3,800,000 200,000 170,300,000 \ta- 25,000 25,000 25,000 30,600 81,900 355,000 349,800 273,900 160,800 60,100 25,200 25,000 68.5 68.0 75.5 89.0 153.5 183.0 175.5 155.5 120.0 80.0 78.5 68.0 114.0 113.0 121.5 134.0 198.5 228.0 220.5 200.5 165.0 129.5 129.0 113.0 25.000 25,000 25,000 30,600 81.900 ;;:,:,, iiim 349,800 273,900 160.800 60.100 25,200 25.000 08 5 68.0 75 5 89.0 153.5 183.0 175.5 155,5 120.0 80.0 78.5 C8.0 114.0 113.0 121,5 134.0 198 5 228 220 5 200.5 165.0 129 5 129.0 113.0 4,400,000 Februarv 2 100,000 March ... . 8.400.000 1112110,0011 May . . 1 (',,600.000 June. . 18,800,000 July 18.700,000 1 6 800.000 13,000.000 October 4.300.000 November 6.900.000 2,000,000 Totals 1,331,400 618,000 509,800 13,400 190.200 55,100.000 67,400,000 122.500,000 618,000 509.800 13,400 190.200 55.100,000 67,400.000 122.500.000 72924 1 14 CONTROL Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P.F. = 0.80 L.F.= = 1.00 With Flood Control econd-feel . Maximum reservoir space required 175,000 acre-feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from to any dal e in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased '5,000 acr< :-feet on January 1; 175,000 acre -feet held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet poration icre-feet Upper unit, tiilrace Lower unit, tailrace Upper unit, tailrace Lower unit, tailrace Total elevation elevation elevation elevation 207 feet 162 feet 207 feet 162 feet 72.0 117.5 3,400,000 3,600,000 7,000,000 149,400 88.0 133.0 4,000.000 5,000,000 9,000,000 126,000 148.0 193.0 8.600.000 10,800,000 19,400,000 1,100 243,500 167.0 212.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 2,800 507,400 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,400 408.100 183.0 228.0 8,400,000 10.400,000 18,8011.000 4,000 12,800 181.5 226.5 8,600.000 10,700,000 19,300.000 3,400 167.0 212.0 7,900,000 10,000,000 17,900,000 1,800 139.5 184.5 6,400.000 8,400,000 14,800,000 800 93.5 145.0 3,200,000 5.500.000 8,700,000 200 68.0 600,000 600,000 68.0 113.0 1,600,000 200,000 1,800,000 17,500 518,900 928,300 69,700,000 900,000 85,800,000 155,500,000 900,000 8,200,000 68.0 89.5 139.5 3,400,000 4,800,000 60,400 124.0 169.0 6,300,000 8,400,000 14,700,000 1,100 134.600 167.0 212.0 8.400.000 10,400,000 18,800,000 2,800 181,600 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,400 24.400 182.0 227.0 8,300,000 10,400,000 18,700,000 3.700 167.5 212.5 8,000,000 10,000,000 18.000,000 2,400 137.5 182.5 6,500.000 8,600,000 15,100,000 1,000 89.0 140.0 3,500,000 4,900,000 8,400,000 300 68.0 113.0 2,400,000 1,100.000 3.500,000 200 68 113.0 2,400,000 200,000 2,600,000 68.0 113.0 2,400,000 200,000 2,600,000 14,900 195,000 206,000 61,100,000 1,900,000 69,800,000 500,000 130,900,000 2,400,000 68.0 113.0 95,200 119.5 175.5 5,900,000 6,800,000 12,700,000 165,600 148.0 193.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 1,200 256,200 167.0 212.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 2,800 467,900 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800.000 19,400.000 3,400 1.".. 71 III 181.0 226.0 8.300.000 10.300,000 18,600,000 3,500 165.0 210.0 7,800,000 9,900,000 17,700,000 2,200 133.5 178.5 6,300,000 8.400.000 14,700,000 900 87.5 139.0 1.700,000 4.600,000 6,300,000 300 68 5 500,000 500.000 o 500 000 200 68.0 500|000 68.0 113.0 2.000,000 400,000 2.400,000 14,500 517,000 483,600 60,500,000 "2 nnn nnn 133,400,000 2,100,000 68.0 113.0 2,000,000 100.000 68.0 113.0 1,900.000 100,000 2,000,000 105.0 150.0 5,000,000 7,100,000 12,100,000 900 24,800 159.5 204.5 7,400,000 9.500.000 16.900,000 2,800 313,100 183.0 228.0 8.600,000 10,800.000 19,400,000 3,400 52,500 182.5 227.5 8,400,000 10,400,000 18.800.000 3,800 172.5 217.5 8,200,000 10,300,000 18.500,000 2,700 148.5 193.5 7,000,000 9,200,000 Hi. 200,000 1,200 106.5 151.5 4,800,000 6,900,000 11,700,000 300 68.0 113.0 1,800.000 1,800,00 200 o 83.5 137.5 3,200,000 4,000.000 7,200,000 58,000 136.5 181.5 6,700,000 8,800,000 15,500,000 15,300 82,800 365,600 65,000,000 77,200,000 142,200,000 \ - Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet TABLE 51. 113 (Continued). POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT WITH AND WITHOUT FLOOD CONTROL Folsom reservoir operated primarily for power generation Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed Monthly Summary of Computations Carried out on a Daily Basis (For corresponding yearly summary, sec Table 50) Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed Measured daily flows at Fairoaks gaging station of United States h ? American River Hydro-electric Company Geological Survey used in computations Installed capacity of power plant. 35,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. = 1.00 Yfar and Month MeaBured run-off at Fairoaks in acre-feet Without Flood Control Maximum controlled flow at Fairoaks 100,000 second-feet. December 1 to May 1 when total precipitation up to any datt at a uniform rate from zero on December 1 to 175,000 acre rate to zero ou May 1 With Flood Control Maximum reservoir space required 175.000 acre-feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased feet on January 1; 175.000 acre-feet held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform Stage of reservoir at beginning of month in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Evaporation in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power bead in feet Power yield in kilowatt hoars Stage of reservoir at beginning of mouth in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Evaporation in acre-feet Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total 1913— January 06,800 71.500 107.400 359.100 443.500 151.400 37,700 17,400 9.200 9.500 28.900 132.100 25.000 35,800 25,000 31.200 271,000 355.000 340,300 251.100 142,700 31.700 25.200 25.0D0 52,300 55.500 60.600 59.500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61.500 59.500 9,500 28,600 38,900 33,700 26,800 40,600 59,500 61,500 59.500 61.500 01,500 59,500 6,200 300 17,500 300 2,200 3,400 3.900 2,800 1,200 300 200 234,300 43,700 76 70.0 69.0 129.0 180.5 182.5 173.0 150.5 106.0 69.0 68.0 70.0 127,5 115 114 171 225.5 227.5 218.0 195.5 151.0 116.5 113 119.5 3,100.000 3.000.000 3,200,000 5.900,000 8.500,000 8.400,000 8,200,000 7.100,000 4.900,000 500.000 1,500.000 2.100.000 3.300,000 2,400,000 3.600,000 8.000,000 10,700,000 10,400,000 111.2110. 9,300.000 6,900,000 600,000 1.600.000 6.400,000 5,400,000 6.800,000 13,900.000 19.200,000 18.800.000 18.500,000 16,400,000 11.800,000 1,100,000 1.500.000 3,700,000 25,000 35,800 25.000 31,200 271,000 355.000 340,300 251,100 142,700 31,700 25.200 25.000 52.300 55,500 60,600 59,500 01,500 59,500 61.500 61.500 59.500 9,500 28.600 38,900 33.700 26,800 40,600 59,500 61.500 59,500 61,500 61.500 59.500 6.200 300 17,500 300 2,200 3,400 3,900 2,800 1,200 300 200 234.300 43.700 76.0 70.0 69.0 129.0 180.5 182.5 173 150.5 106.0 69.0 68.0 70.0 127 5 116 114 174.0 225 5 227.5 318 195 5 151.0 116.5 113.0 119.5 3.100,000 3.000.000 3.200.000 5.900.000 8,500.000 8.400.000 B.200, 7.100,000 4"! 10,0011 500,000 1.500.000 2,100,000 3.300.000 2,400,000 3.600.000 8,000.0011 1070 :i 10,4 10,300.000 9.8 on 6.900,000 600.000 1,600,000 6,400.000 5.400.000 6,800.000 April 13.900.000 June July August . September October November 19.200.000 18,800,000 18,500.000 16.400.000 11,800.000 1.100,000 1.500,000 3,700.006 1,464.500 1,052,000 389,500 497,000 560.400 716.800 392.300 129.900 27.700 11,300 20.400 22,300 41.900 608,400 61.500 55.500 61.500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61.500 01.500 59.500 59.200 22.300 39,4011 488,100 61.500 55.500 61,500 59,500 01.500 59.500 61,500 61,500 59,500 58,700 2.500 14.300 2,000 2,800 3,400 4.000 3400 2.000 800 200 278.000 674,700 278,500 374,000 439,400 591.000 269,900 20,000 56.400,000 8.500,000 7.800.000 8,600.000 8,400,000 8,600.000 8,400.000 8,600,000 8,000.000 6,700.000 4.700,000 1,200,000 2,100.000 67.100,000 10,600.000 9,700,000 10,800.000 10.400.000 10,800,000 10,400,000 10,800.000 10,200.000 8,700,000 6.700,000 200.000 123,500,000 19,100.000 17,500.000 19.400,000 18.800,000 19,400,000 18,800,000 19.400,000 18.200,000 15.400,000 11.400,000 1.200.000 2.300.000 608,400 76,500 68.800 76.200 65,300 01,500 59,500 61.500 61.500 59,500 59,200 22,300 39.400 488.100 72,000 65.500 72,500 64,000 61,500 59,500 61.500 61.500 59.500 58,700 2.500 14,300 1,100 2,800 3.400 4,000 3,400 2,000 800 200 823,600 255.200 348,300 255,000 278,000 591,000 269,900 26,000 56,400,000 8.600,000 7,800,1 8,800,000 8.400,000 8.600,000 8,400.000 8,000, 8.000,000 6.700.000 4,700.000 1 200 2.100.000 67,100,000 10,800,000 9.700,000 10.800,000 Hi 100,000 III Mill. Illlll 10.-100 1100 10,800,000 10290,000 8,7011,009 6.70C.OOO 200.000 123,500,000 1914— 100,700 355,000 355,000 355.000 355,000 355,000 355,000 331,900 233.200 123.500 25,200 25,000 179.5 183.0 183,0 183.0 183.0 183 182.5 170 145.5 102.0 68.0 68.0 224.5 228.0 228.0 228.0 228 228 227 5 215 ii 190 5 148.0 113.0 100,700 180,000 180,000 180,000 355,000 355,000 355.000 331.900 233.200 123.500 25,200 25,000 117 5 148 o 118 167 II 183 183.0 182 5 1700 145 5 102 ii 680 68.0 192 5 193 193 212 228 228 227 5 215 190 5 148 113 19,400.000 17,500.000 19,400,000 18,800,000 19 100,1100 18,800,000 July 19 4110,000 18.200.000 15,400.000 11,400,000 1.200,000 2,300,000 3,861.500 95,000 511.600 285,800 506,400 954.200 477,800 108.600 24.100 13,400 13.300 22.500 80.600 662,400 55.100 55.500 61.500 59.500 61,500 59,500 61.500 61,500 59,500 50,900 22,500 50,500 602,700 30,600 55.500 61,500 59.500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61.500 59.500 47,600 30.100 18.600 2.000 2.800 3.400 4,000 3,500 1.800 800 200 2,653,500 79.900 162,800 385,400 828,400 355,400 15.600 81.600,000 3.000,000 6,800,000 8,600.000 8.400,000 8,600,000 8.400,000 8.600,000 7.900.000 6,500.000 3,900,000 1,200.000 2,900,000 99,300,000 2,800,000 8,800.000 10,800.000 10,400.000 10.800,000 10,400.000 10,700.000 10.100.000 8.500,000 5.300,000 2,800.000 180,900.000 5.800,000 15.000.000 19,400,000 18,800.000 10.4110,1100 18.800.000 19.300,000 18,000.000 15.000.000 9.200,000 1.200,000 5,700,000 711,200 55.100 65.100 76,300 65.100 61,500 59,500 61,500 61.500 59,500 50,900 22,500 50.500 639,300 30,600 62,700 72.500 64.000 61.500 59,500 61.500 61,500 59.500 47,600 30,100 17.700 1.100 2,800 3.400 4.000 3.500 1.800 800 200 1,682,100 238.100 137,000 200.900 886,900 828,400 355400 15.600 70 5 142.0 148.0 167.0 183.0 183 182 168 141 5 94.0 68.0 72 5 117.0 187.0 193.0 212 II SI 700,000 3,000,000 7.100,000 8,800,000 8.400,000 99.500,000 2,800,000 9 109,000 10.800,000 10.400,000 lo siio onii 10. 4110.01 in 10. Too ooil 10.100.000 8,500.000 5.300,000 2.800,000 181.200,000 1915— 25.000 34.300 355.000 355.000 355,000 355,000 355,000 321.000 218,600 111,200 25.200 25,000 70.5 160.5 183.0 183.0 183,0 183.0 182.0 168.0 141.5 94.0 68,0 72.5 117 205 5 228.0 228.0 228,0 228.0 227.0 213 186 5 146 5 25,000 34,300 180.000 180.000 355,000 355,000 355,000 321.000 218,600 111.200 25.200 25.200 ,-,8110 000 16,200,000 19.400.000 18,800.000 19.400,000 18,800,000 July 227.0 213.0 ISO 5 146 5 8,600.000 7.' 00. 6,500.000 3.900,000 1.21 10.01 III 2,900,000 19.300.000 18.000,000 15.000.000 9,200,000 November December Totals 1.200,000 121,5 121 5 .•,,700,11110 3,093,3011 476,000 584,300 807,100 700,200 607.000 399.000 121.200 20,900 13,100 38,500 38,700 123,500 659,000 69,500 57.500 61.500 59.500 61.500 59.500 61.500 61.500 59.500 61.500 37,000 61,200 588,300 57.500 57.500 61.500 59.500 61,500 59.500 01,500 61.500 69.500 01.500 9.200 58,200 18,500 2,000 2,800 3.400 4.000 3,500 1,900 800 200 1.827,500 29,000 469,300 684,100 579.200 481,200 276.600 17.800 1400 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 182.5 169.0 143.0 102 69.0 80.5 190,0 228.0 228.0 228 228.0 228.0 227 5 214.0 188 147 116 126.0 74,800,000 6.500,000 8.100.000 8,000.000 8.400.000 8.600.000 8.400.000 8,600,000 8.000,000 6,500.000 4,800.000 2,000.000 3,800,000 91,400,000 8,400,000 10,100,000 10.800,000 10,400,000 10,800.000 10.400,000 10,800,000 10.100,000 8.600,000 7,000.000 800.000 5,600.000 166,200,000 14,900.000 18,200,000 19,400,000 18,800,000 19,400,000 18,800,000 19,400,000 18,100.000 15,100,000 11.800,000 2,800,000 9,400.000 25.000 180,000 180.000 180,000 355,000 355.000 355.000 331,400 225.800 118.000 32.700 26.000 689,300 66.200 71,300 76.200 65.300 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 37,000 61,200 611,000 02.500 67.900 72.500 64.000 61,500 59,500 61,500 61.500 59.500 61.500 9,200 58,20.0 17,600 1.100 2.800 3,400 4,000 3.500 1.900 800 200 576,000 192,300 445.100 068.400 394.800 1.199,400 481,200 2711,600 17.800 131.0 148 148 167.0 183.0 183.0 182.5 109.0 143 102.0 69.0 80.5 188.0 193.0 193.0 212 22S 228.0 227 5 214.0 188.0 147.0 110.0 128.0 75.100.000 6,900,000 8,100,000 8,600.0011 8.400.000 8.600,000 8.400 000 S.I'.OII.IIOO 8.000.000 6.500,000 4,800,000 2,000.000 3.800.000 91.700.000 8,700. 000 10.100,000 10.800,000 10.100,000 10,800.000 10,400,000 10,800,000 10,100,000 8,600.000 7,000,000 800.000 5,600.000 166,800.000 [BJ.6— 25.000 355.000 355.000 355.000 355.000 355.000 355.000 331.400 225,800 118,000 32,700 25,000 April 19.400.000 19.400,000 18,800,000 19.400,000 18.100,000 15.100.000 11.800,000 2,800.000 9.400.000 July. . September October Totals 3.929,500 701.200 668,400 18,600 2,537,200 82,300,000 103,800,000 180,100,000 742.200 699,300 17.700 1,090.600 775,600 82,700,000 104,100,000 1S6.800.000 72924 ^ ■ a k id) dm l 11JJ CONTROL Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P.F.=0.80 L.F. = 1.00 With Flood Control ond-feet. Maximum reservoir space required 175,000 acre-feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from any date in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased 000 acre-feet on January 1; 175,000 acre-feet held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Release >ration ■e-feet through Waste over flood control outlets in acre-feet spillway in acre-feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation Lower unit, tailrace elevation Upper unit, tailrace elevation Lower unit, tailrace elevation Total 207 feet 162 feet 207 feet 162 feet 324,600 148.0 193.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19.400,000 181,300 148.0 193.0 7.800.000 9,700,000 17,500,000 385,500 148.0 193.0 8.600.000 10,800,000 19.400,000 1,100 126,000 167.0 212.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 2,800 400,900 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,400 249,100 183.0 228.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 4,000 3,100 180.0 225.0 8,500,000 10,700,000 19,200,000 3,200 163.0 208.0 7,700,000 9,800,000 17,500,000 1,700 133.5 178.5 6,100,000 8,200,000 14,300,000 700 89.0 139.0 2,700,000 5,200,000 7.900,000 200 68.0 113.0 2,100,000 600,000 2,700,000 74.5 120.0 3,500,000 3,700,000 7,200,000 17,100 1,017,400 653,100 81,000,000 101,100,000 7,200,000 182,100,000 107.5 152.5 5,100,000 12,300,000 127,500 123.5 168.5 5,800,000 7,800,000 13.600,000 189,200 148.0 193.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 1,100 181,800 167.0 212.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800.000 2,800 891,700 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,400 548,000 183.0 228.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 4,000 15,700 181.0 226.0 8,600,000 10,700,000 19,300,000 3,300 165.5 210.5 7,800,000 10,000,000 17,800,000 1,800 137.5 182.5 6,300.000 8,400,000 14,700,000 700 92.5 142.0 4,100,000 5,500,000 9,600,000 200 70.0 118.5 2,400,000 1,700.000 4,100,000 127,100 125.5 179.0 6,200,000 7,700,000 13,900,000 17,300 625,000 1,455,400 80,300,000 8,600,000 101,400,000 10,800,000 181,700,000 19,400,000 119,400 148.0 193.0 41,000 148.0 193.0 7,800,000 9,700,000 17,500,000 69,200 148.0 193.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 1.100 260,400 167.0 212.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 2,800 486,600 183.0 228.0 8,600,000 10,800,000 19,400,000 3,400 155,900 183.0 228.0 8,400,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 4,000 11,000 181.5 226.5 8,600,000 10,700,000 19,300,000 3,400 166.0 211.0 7,800,000 10,000,000 17,800,000 1 1,800 140.0 185.0 6.400.000 8,500,000 14,900,000 800 103.0 148.0 4,900,000 7,000,000 11,900,000 200 68.0 114.0 1,500.000 100,000 1,600,000 68.0 1,400,000 1,400,000 17,500 490,000 653,500 81,000,000 99,200,000 180,200,000 G8.0 113.0 1,900,000 200,000 2,100,000 87.0 135.0 3,800,000 4,800.000 8,600,000 69.5 119.0 2,800,000 1,400,000 4. 200,000 300 76.0 122.5 3,500,000 4,500.000 8,000,000 500 77.5 125.5 3.400,000 4,300,000 7,700,000 400 70.0 700,000 700,000 500 69.5 100,000 100,000 500 68.5 100,000 100,000 400 68.0 100,000 100,000 300 68.0 113.0 600,000 200,000 800,000 200 70.0 119.0 2,300.000 1,400,000 3,700,000 70.0 116.0 3,100,000 2,100,000 5,200,000 3,100 22,400,000 18,900,000 41,300,000 \ TABLE 51. (Continued). POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT WITH AND WITHOUT FLOOD CONTROL Folsom reservoir operated primarily for power generation Auburn and Coloina reservoirs not constructed 114 Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Monthly Summary of Computations Carried out on a Daily Basis (For corresponding yearly summary, sec Table 50) Measured daily flows at Fairoaks gaging station of United States Geological Survey used in computations Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. = 1.00 Measured run-off at Fairoaks in acre-feet Without Flood Control 117,500 407.200 274.800 549.2110 633.200 530,500 103,31111 22.800 11,800 11.400 . 10,800 32.11011 17.400 124.000 3 12.1100 440,400 3117,400 115.300 19.900 4,30(1 24.700 57,800 47,(100 47,800 1,519,800 41.600 360.800 3U.400 501.700 .5(13.700 (15,50(1 16,600 8.500 8.000 (1.800 0,000 12,300 -'(in! Mill 38,000 37. Hid 238,0110 361.0(10 188,000 161,000 33.600 10,900 '1. 3110 34,700 152.400 272,000 1.789,000 Stage of reservoir at beginning of month in aere-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet 29.100 26,500 333.700 .■;:..-, nun 355.000 355. OHO 355,000 318,500 214,900 10.5,900 25,200 25,000 25,000 25,000 57.100 247.000 355,000 355,000 323,500 216,700 95.600 25.400 25,200 25,000 25,000 25,000 288,5110 355,000 355,000 355,000 312.400 202,400 85,700 25,500 25,200 25,000 25.000 25,000 25,000 140,000 355,(10(1 355,000 342.000 248.800 134,000 25.500 25,200 92.600 Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet 61,300 55,500 61,500 59,500 61.500 59.500 61.500 61.500 59,500 41,700 10,800 29,400 623.200 17.400 48,100 lil. 500 59,500 61,500 59.5011 (II 500 61,500 48,300 44.700 45.600 46,000 615.100 30,200 53,600 61,500 59,500 61,500 59.500 61,500 lil. 500 23.700 9,800 9.000 38.400 535.700 38,200 36,200 61,500 511,500 61.500 59,500 61,500 61,5110 57.700 34,5(111 47,600 61,500 640,700 38,800 44.500 61 600 59.500 61,500 59,500 61.500 61.500 59.500 49.600 2.600 Evaporation in acre-feet 560,000 43.800 61.500 59.500 61,500 59.500 61.500 61.500 45,600 13,000 2,300 1,800 471.500 5.400 43.700 61.500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61.500 43,600 3,900 700 1.200 01,500 59,500 61,500 59,500 01,500 61.500 58.900 200 37.200 61,500 524,700 2.000 2,800 3,400 4.000 3,400 1,800 800 200 18,400 1,500 2.800 3.400 3.700 2.400 1.000 300 200 15,300 2.000 2.800 3,400 3,500 2.200 900 300 200 15,3011 II 900 2,800 3,400 3,800 2,700 1.200 300 200 1 5,3 Waste over spillway in acre-feet 130.500 428.200 507,400 408,100 12,800 Average power head in feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet 1,487,000 211.900 181.000 21,400 124,900 140,700 467.900 15,700 26,100 313.100 52,500 72 91,0 183.0 183 II 183 183.0 181 5 167.0 139.5 93.5 68.0 68 68.0 89 .5 130 5 179 183 II 182 167.5 137.5 89.0 68.0 68.0 08,0 68.0 126.0 181 5 183.0 183 181 165 1.3.3 5 87 5 1,8 6 68.0 68 68 68 105 II 160.0 183.0 182 5 172,5 148 5 100.5 68 83 5 137 5 Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet 117 5 136.0 228 228 II 228.0 228.0 226 5 212.0 184.5 145.0 Power yield in kilowatt hours Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet 113.0 139 5 I 75 5 224 II 228 227,0 212.5 182.5 140.0 113.0 113.0 113.0 113.0 184.0 226,5 228 228.0 226 210 178.5 1.39 II 113,0 113 150 205 228.0 227,5 217 .6 193 5 151 5 113.0 137 5 182.5 3,400.000 3,900,000 8,600,000 8.400.000 8.600.000 8.400.000 8,600.000 7,900,000 6,400.000 3,200.000 600,000 1,600,000 69,600,000 900.01111 3,400.000 6,200.000 8.200.000 8,600,000 8.300,000 8.000,000 6.500,000 3.500,000 2.400,000 2.400.000 2.400,000 60,800,000 1 ,900,000 5.300,000 8,600.000 8.400.000 8.600,000 8.300,000 7,800,000 6.300,000 1.700.000 500.0011 500,000 2,000.000 ;,'i 900,000 .'noil iiiiii 1,000.000 5,000.000 7.300,000 8.600,000 8.400.000 8,200.11011 7,000.000 4.800.000 1.800.000 3,200.000 6.500,000 Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet 3.600.000 4.8OO.000 10.800.000 10.400.000 10.800.000 10.400,000 10.700,000 10.000.000 8,400.000 5.500,000 200,000 85.600.000 1.800,000 8,300,000 10,300,000 10.800,000 10.400,000 10,000,000 8.6(111,000 4.900.000 1,100,000 200,000 200,000 69,600,000 500,000 6.300,000 In. 7110 iiiiii 10.400.000 in si in iimi 10,300,000 0, J.linn 8.11111.111)11 1,600,000 100.000 .' '."Jill. 100,000 100.000 7 mm 9,100.000 10,800,000 10,100,000 10.300,000 9,200,000 0,900,(11111 4.000.000 8.600,000 64,700.000 70,900,000 7,000.000 8,700.000 19. loo, iiiiii 18.800,000 19,400,000 18.800.000 19,300,000 17.900.000 14,800.000 8,700,000 600.000 1, 800.000 155,200.000 900.000 8.200,000 14,500,000 18,500,000 19,400,000 18,700,000 18,000 000 15,100,000 8,400,000 3,500,000 2,1 ,000 2,600,000 130.400,000 2,400,000 11,600,000 19,300,000 18,800,000 19. Kill, 11(10 18,600,000 17,700,000 14,700,000 6,300.000 500.000 500.000 2.100.000 132. 20(1. Ill 111 2,100,000 -'.nun. 12,10(1.000 Hi, 7011, III to 19,400,000 18,800,000 18,500,000 16,200,000 11,700,000 1,800.000 7,200,000 15,100,000 141,600,000 With Flood Control Maximum controlled flow at Fairoaks 100,000 second-feet. Maximum reservoir space required 175,000 acre-feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from December 1 to May 1 when total precipitation up to any date in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased at a uniform rate from zero on December 1 to 175,000 acre-feet on January 1; 175,000 acre-feet held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform rate to zero on May I Stage of reservoir at beginning of month in acre-feet 29,100 26,500 180.000 !8ii mm 355,000 355.000 355,000 .118.500 214.900 105,900 25,200 25,000 25.000 25.000 57,100 180,000 355.001! 355,0011 323,5011 216,700 95.600 25,400 25,200 25.000 25,000 25,000 180,000 180.000 355,000 355,0110 312,400 202.4011 85.700 25.500 25,200 25,000 25,000 20,000 25,000 140,000 355.000 355,000 312.000 248,80(1 134.000 25,500 25.200 92,000 Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet 61,300 58,000 76,200 65,500 61,5110 59.500 61.500 61,500 59,500 41,700 10,800 29,400 616,400 1 7.400 48,100 65,300 65,500 01,500 59.500 61,500 61,500 48,300 44.700 45.600 46.000 621,900 36,200 61,200 76,200 65,300 61.500 59,500 6 1 ,5011 61,500 23.700 9.800 9,000 38,400 38,200 36.200 01.500 60,200 01,500 59,500 61,500 61.500 57,700 34,500 47.600 03,500 613,100 Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet 38,800 16,300 72,600 64,100 01.500 59.500 61,500 61.500 59.500 49,600 2,600 577.500 43,800 64,300 04,200 61.500 59.500 61,500 61,500 45 600 13,000 2,300 1.800 479.0110 5,400 40.400 72.600 64.000 61.500 59,500 61,500 61,500 4.3,600 3,900 730 1,200 61.500 60.100 01,500 59.500 61,500 61.500 58,900 200 37,200 63.100 526,900 Evaporation in acre-feet 1.100 2.800 3.400 4.000 3.400 1.800 800 200 1.100 2.800 3.400 3.700 2.400 1.000 300 200 14,000 1,200 7 8lli 3.400 3.500 2.200 900 300 200 14.500 II 900 2.800 3.400 3.800 2,700 1.200 300 200 15,300 Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet 149,400 126,000 243,500 60.400 134,600 95,200 165,600 256.200 24,800 58,000 Waste over spillway 507.400 408.100 12,800 (128,300 (I II o 181.600 24.400 206,0110 (I 467,91111 15,700 II 483.600 o 313,100 52,500 Average power head in feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet 72 88 148 167 183.0 183.0 181.5 167,0 139.5 93.5 68 68.0 68.0 89.5 124 167.0 183.0 182.0 167 5 137.5 89 II 68.0 68 68.0 68. 110.5 148 167 II 183.0 181.0 165 133.5 87.5 68 5 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0 105 159.5 183.0 182.5 172 5 148,5 106.5 68.0 83.5 136.5 Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet 117 5 133.0 193 212 .0 228.0 228 226.5 212.0 184.5 145,0 Power yield in kilowatt hours Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet 113.0 139 5 169 212.0 228.0 227,0 212.5 182.5 140.0 113.0 113,0 113.0 113,0 175.5 193.0 212.0 228,0 226.0 210 178.5 139,0 113 113.0 150.0 204,5 228.0 227.5 217.5 193,5 151.5 113.0 137.5 181.5 3,4011,0110 I. 8.600.000 v motion 8,600,000 8.400.000 8.600,000 7' mil 6,400.000 3,200,000 600,0011 1,600,000 i,'i.7illilinil Mill' 3,11111, 6,300,11011 8.400.000 8, Ml III III 8.300,000 8,000.000 ...7,1111111111 3,500,000 ...41111.01 III 2,400,000 2,400.000 61,100,000 1,900,0110 5,900.000 8,600,000 8.400.0110 8,600,000 8,300.000 7.800,000 i,3iin.niin 1,71111,111111 500,000 500.000 2.000.000 131 500.0011 .',( .(inn 1,900,000 5,000,000 7,. inn. II! in 8.600,000 8,1011.11110 .8 200,000 7 111, 4,800.000 I.8IIII.I 3.200.000 6.700.000 65,000,000 Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet 3.600,000 5.000.000 10,800.000 10,400,000 10.800.000 10.400.000 10,700.000 10.000.000 8.400,000 5.500,000 200,000 85,800,000 4.800.000 8.400,000 10.400.000 10.800,000 10,400.000 10.000.000 8,1,011, 4.900.000 1.100.000 200.000 200.000 6(1,800,1100 500,000 6,800,000 If 81 IIIIII III 1114011,111111 111.800 10.300.000 9.900.000 8.400.000 4.600,000 400.000 100.000 inil.iinn 7,100,000 9.500.000 10,800.000 10.400.1100 10.300.000 9.200.000 6.900,000 4,000,000 8,800.000 77.200.000 116 > CONTROL Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P.F. = 0.80 L.F. = 1.00 With Flood Control second-feet. Maximum reservoir space required 175,000 acre-feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from to any date in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Hood control reserve increased 75,000 acre-feet on January 1; 175,000 acre-feet held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours nporation acre-feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total 1,100 2,800 3,400 4,000 3,100 1,700 600 200 319,800 169,900 300,500 477,200 135,600 500 78.0 134.0 148.0 167.0 183.0 183.0 179.5 161.5 131.0 60.5 68.0 68.5 123.5 179.0 193.0 212.0 228.0 228.0 224.5 206.5 176.0 137.5 3,700,000 7.000,000 8,600,000 8,400,000 8,600,000 8,400,000 8.500,000 7,600,000 6,000,000 2,100,000 1,700,000 2,400,000 4,800,000 8,900,000 10.800,000 10,400,000 10,800,000 10,400,000 10,600,000 9,800,000 8,000,000 5,800.000 800,000 8,500.000 15,900,000 19,400,000 18.800.000 19,400,000 18,800.000 19,100.000 17,400,000 14,000.000 7,900,000 1,700,000 115.5 3,200,000 16,900 1,100 2,800 3,300 3,200 1,900 600 300 200 790,200 42,700 168,700 613,300 75,000 73,000,000 1,700,000 5,700,000 8,600,000 8,400.000 8.600,000 8,100,000 7,400,000 5,600.000 700.000 1,200,000 2,200,000 6,900,000 91,100,000 600,000 7,700,000 10,800,000 10.400,000 10,800,000 10,100,000 9,600.000 7,700,000 2,500,000 2,400,000 9,100,000 164.100,000 68.5 127.5 148.0 166.5 183.0 176.0 157.0 118.5 77.5 68.5 78.0 146.5 119.5 172.5 193.0 211.5 228.0 221.0 202.0 163.5 126.5 140.5 191.5 2,300,000 13,400,000 19,400.000 18,800,000 19,400,000 18,200,000 17,000,000 13,300,000 3,200,000 1,200,000 4,t,00,000 16,000,000 13,400 1,100 2,800 3,400 4,000 3,200 1,700 211,400 55,100 035,800 292,300 421,300 75,000 475.000 290,000 65,100,000 8,500,000 7,800,000 8.000.000 8. 100,000 8.600,000 8,400,000 8,400,000 7,700,000 6,200,000 81,700.000 10,600,000 9,700,000 10,800,000 10,400.000 10,800,000 10,400,000 10,000.000 ' '.'.'00,000 8,300,000 146,800,000 147.5 148.0 148.0 167.0 183.0 183.0 179.0 164.0 136.5 192.5 193.0 193.0 212.0 228.0 228.0 224.0 209.0 181.5 19,100,000 17,500,000 19,400,000 18,800,000 1 9,400,000 18,800.000 19,000.000 17,600,000 1 1,500,000 16,200 300,800 16,100 1,404,500 20,861,800 917,000 765,600 16,284,500 715,800 72,600,000 1,642,000,000 72,200,000 91,500,000 2,022,300,000 88,900,000 164,100 000 3,664,300,000 161,100,000 li TABLE 51. (Continued). POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT WITH AND WITHOUT FLOOD CONTROL Folsom reservoir operated primarily for power generation Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed 115 Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Monthly Summary of Computations Carried out on a Daily Basis (For corresponding yearly summary, see Table 50) Measured daily flows at Fairoaks gaging station of United States Geological Survey used in computations Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P.F. = 0.80 L.F. = 1.00 Measured run-off at Fairoaks in acre-feet Without Flood Control Maximum controlled flow at Fairoaks 100,000 second-feet. December 1 to May 1 when total precipitation up to any date at a uniform rate from zero on December 1 to 175,000 acre rate to zero on May 1 With Flood Control Maximum reservoir apace required 175,000 acre-feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased feet on January 1; 175,000 acre-feet held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform Year and Month Stage of reservoir at beginning of month in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Evaporation in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Stage of reservoir at beginning of month in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Evaporation in acre-feet Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total 1921— 473.400 315.600 534,300 431.600 526,700 371.500 76,300 20.300 14.600 24,500 46,700 135.600 241.600 355.000 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 301,200 195,300 89,200 25.200 25.000 61,500 55,500 61,500 59.5011 61,500 59,500 61.500 61,500 59.500 38,800 40,000 60,500 01,500 55,500 61,500 59,500 i,l 5U0 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 49.000 6.700 39.100 2.000 2.800 3,400 4.000 3.200 1,700 700 200 237,000 204,600 411,300 310,600 400,900 249.100 3,100 178.0 183,0 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 180 163.0 133.5 89.0 68.0 74.5 223.0 228 228.0 228.0 228 228.0 225.0 208.0 178.5 139.0 113,0 120.0 8.4OO.OO0 7,800,000 8.600,000 8,400,000 8,600.000 8,400.000 8,500,000 7,700,000 6,100.000 2,700,000 2,100,000 3,500,000 10,600,000 9,700,000 10,800,000 10,400,000 10,800,000 10,400.000 10,700,000 9,800,000 8,200,000 5,200,000 600,000 3.700,000 19,000,000 17,500.000 19.400,000 18,800,000 19,400.000 18,800,000 19.200,000 17,500.000 14,300,000 7,900,000 2,700,000 7,200,000 180,090 180,000 180.000 180.000 355.000 c55.000 355.000 301.200 195.300 89,200 25,200 25,000 76,200 68,800 76,200 65,400 61,500 59,500 61,500 61.500 59,500 38.800 40.000 60,500 72.600 65.500 72,600 64,100 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 49.000 6.700 39.100 1,100 2,800 3.400 4,000 3,200 1,700 700 200 324.600 181.300 385.500 126,000 400,900 249,100 3,100 148.0 148.0 148.0 167.0 183.0 183 180.0 163.0 133 5 89.0 68.0 74 5 193.0 193.0 193.0 212.0 228.0 228 " 225 208 178.5 139.0 113.0 120 8.600,000 7.800.000 8.600.000 8.400.000 8,600.000 8.400,000 8.500.000 7.7O0.O00 6,100,000 2,700,000 2.100,000 3,500.000 10.800,000 9.700,000 10.800.000 10.400.000 10.800.000 10.400,000 10.700,000 9.800.O00 8,200.000 5.200,000 600.000 3.700,000 19.400.000 17,500.000 19.400.000 18.800,000 July. 2.971.100 117.700 371,30(1 338.000 487.400 1,017,500 670.400 98.100 22,000 15,700 30.600 63.300 398.800 680.800 61.500 55,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 59.500 61,500 61,500 59.500 55,900 44,500 57,600 636,300 61.500 55,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59.500 49.800 18.800 51,900 18,000 2,000 2,800 3,400 4,000 3,300 1,800 700 200 1.816,600 176,000 366,400 891.700 548,000 15,700 80.800,000 5.100,000 5,500,000 8,600,000 8,400,000 8.600,000 8,400,000 8,600,000 7,800.000 6,300,000 4.100.000 2.400.000 6,000,000 100.900,000 7,200,000 7,500,000 10,800.000 10,400,000 10,800.000 10.400.000 10,700.000 10.000.000 8.400.000 5,500,000 1,700,000 7,400,000 181,700,000 12,300,000 13,000.000 19.400,000 18,800,000 19,400,000 IS, Si Ill 19,300,000 17,800.000 14,700,000 9,600,000 4,100,000 13,400,000 61,000 55.700 180.000 180,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 310.400 206.100 101.000 25.200 25,000 729,400 61,500 60,300 76,200 65,400 61,500 59,500 61.500 61,500 59,500 55,900 44,500 01.700 673,100 61.500 59,200 72,600 64,100 61,500 59.500 61,500 61,500 59,500 49,800 1S.800 55.000 17,100 1,100 2,800 3.400 4.000 3,300 1,800 700 200 1.017.400 127,500 189,200 181.800 127.100 653,100 891.700 548.000 15.700 107.5 123.5 148.0 167.0 183.0 183.0 181.0 165.5 137 5 92 5 70.0 125.5 152 5 IBS 5 193.0 212.0 228.0 228 II 221, II 210 5 182.5 142.0 118 5 179.0 81,000.000 5.100.000 5.8OO.0O0 •s. m in, 8.400.000 8,600.000 8,400.000 8.600.000 7,800.000 6.300.000 4.100,000 2,400.000 6,200.000 101,100,000 7,200,000 7,800,000 10.800.000 10,400.000 10.800,000 10.400.000 10,700.000 10,000.000 8.400.000 5.500.000 1. 700.000 7.700.000 1922- 61.000 55,700 316,000 355,000 355,000 355.000 355.000 310,400 206.100 101,000 25,200 25,000 107.5 130.0 182.5 183.0 183.0 183.0 181.0 165.5 137.5 92.5 70.0 130.0 152.5 175.0 227.5 228.0 228.0 228.0 226.0 210.5 182 5 142.0 118 5 184.5 12.300,000 13.600.000 19,400.000 18.800.000 18,400,000 18.800,000 19.300.000 17,800,000 14.7111 1 May July . . . Totals 3,630.800 2C8.200 175.300 218.000 565,800 612,400 278,300 97,200 21,600 22,500 39,700 27,800 28,900 314.300 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 314,200 209,400 111,100 27,000 25,000 699,500 61,500 55,500 61,500 5'J,500 61.500 59.500 61.500 61.500 59.500 61,500 27,800 28,900 662.000 61,500 55,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 1,800 18,200 2,000 2,800 3,400 4.000 3,400 1.800 800 200 1,997,800 104,500 64,300 95,000 444,800 486,600 155,900 11,000 79,800,000 8.600.000 7,800.000 8,600.000 8,400.000 8.600,000 8,400.000 8,600,000 7,800,000 6,400,000 4.900.000 1.500,000 1,400,000 100,800,000 10,800.000 9,700.000 10,800,000 10,400.000 10.800.000 10.400.000 10,700,000 10,000,000 8,500,000 7,000,000 100,000 180,600,000 19,400,000 17,500.000 19,400.000 18,800.000 19,400,000 18.800,000 19,300,000 17,800,000 14.900,000 11.900.000 1,600,000 1,400,000 729,000 76,200 68,800 76,200 65.300 61.500 59,500 61.500 61.500 59.500 61.500 27.800 28.900 6J4.500 72,600 65,500 72,600 64,000 61,500 69.500 61.500 61.500 59,500 61,500 1,800 17,300 1.100 2,800 3,400 4,000 3.400 1.800 800 200 625,600 119,400 41.000 69,200 260.400 1,455.400 486.600 155,900 11,000 80,300.000 8.600.000 7.800.000 8.600.000 8.400.000 8.600.000 8.400.000 8.600,000 7.800,000 6.400,000 4.900.000 1.500.000 1.400.000 101.400.000 10.800.000 9.700.000 10.800.000 10.400.000 10.800,000 10,400,000 10,700,000 10,000,000 8,500.000 7.000.000 100,000 181,700,000 19.400,000 17,500,000 19.400.000 18.800.000 19,100.000 18,800.000 19.300.000 17.800.000 14.900.000 11,900.000 1.600.000 1.400.000 1923- 182.5 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 181.5 166.0 140.0 103,0 68.0 68.0 227.5 228.0 228.0 228.0 228.0 228 226.5 211.0 185 148.0 114.0 180.000 180.000 180.000 180,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 314,200 209,400 111,100 27,000 25,000 148.0 148 148.0 167.0 183.0 183.0 181.5 106.0 140.0 103.0 68. C 68.0 193.0 193 193.0 212 228.0 228,0 226 5 211.0 185 148.0 114 July Totals 2,355,700 38,100 115,300 54.000 118.900 91.500 12.300 1.600 1,000 1,400 14,400 57,400 98,800 659,700 35,500 56.600 52.400 59,000 .55,800 12,300 1.600 1,000 1,400 12,200 41,500 56,900 601,800 2,600 46,800 14,500 48.100 44,900 1.900 15.700 23,500 18,400 300 500 400 500 500 400 300 200 1,362,100 68.0 87.0 09.5 76.0 77.5 70.0 69.5 08.5 68.0 68.0 70.0 70.0 113.0 135,0 119.0 122,5 125.5 81,000,000 1.900,000 3,800,000 2,800,000 3.500,000 3,400,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 2,300,000 3,100,000 99,200,000 200,000 4.800,000 1,400,000 4,500,000 4,300,000 200,000 1.400,000 2,100.000 180,200,000 2.100,000 8.600,000 4,200,000 8,000,000 7,700,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 800,000 3,700.000 5.200,000 25,000 25,000 37,900 25,000 36.500 26.800 26.400 25.900 25,400 25.000 25,000 25,000 708.200 35,o00 56,000 52,400 59,000 55,800 12,300 1,600 1,000 1,400 12,200 41,500 56,900 641,500 2,000 45,800 14.500 48,100 44.900 1.900 15,700 23.500 17.500 300 500 400 500 500 400 300 200 490,000 653,500 68.0 87.0 69.5 76.0 77.5 70.0 69 5 68.5 68.0 68.0 70.0 70.0 113.0 135,0 119.0 122 5 125 5 81,000.000 1,900,000 3,800,000 2.800,000 :i r.u.mi 3 400.000 700,000 100,000 100.000 100.000 600.000 2.300.000 3,100,000 99,200,000 200.000 4.80O.00O 1,400,000 4.500,000 4.300.000 200,000 1.400.000 2.100.000 180,200.000 1924— 25,000 25,000 37,900 25,000 36,500 26,800 26,400 25,900 25.400 25.000 25,000 25,000 March April May 4,200.000 8,000.000 7,700.000 100,000 100.000 113.0 119.0 116.0 113,0 119.0 116.0 100.000 TotaU 004,700 386,200 197,000 3,100 22,400,000 18,900,000 41,300,000 386.200 197,000 3,100 22.106,000 18,900.000 41.300.000 TABLE 51. (Continued). POWER OUTPUT OF FOLSOM PLANT WITH AND WITHOUT FLOOD CONTROL Folsom reservoir operated primarily for power generation Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed ur. Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Monthly Summary of Computations Carried out on a Daily Basis (For corresponding yearly summary, sec 1 able 50) Measured daily flows at Fairoaks gaging station of United States Geological Survey used in computations Water release for power generation in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company Installed capacity of power plant, 35,000 k.v.a. P.F. = 0.80 L.F. = 1.00 Measured run-off at Fairoaks ID acre-feet Without Flood Control Maximum controlled flow at Fairoaks 100,000 second-feet. December 1 to May 1 when total precipitation up to any date at a uniform rate from zero on December 1 to 175,000 acre- rate to zero on May 1 With Flood Control Maximum reservoir space required 175,000 acre-feet. Reservoir in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to eet on January 1; 175,000 acre-feet held in reserve from Januarj space held in reserve for flood control from same date, rlood control reserve increased 1 to April 1 and then decreased at uniform Year and Month Stage of reservoir at beginning of month in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Evaporation in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power bead in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Stage of reservoir at beginning of month in acre-feet Power draft through turbines in acre-feet Evaporation in acre-feet Release through flood control outlets in acre-feet Waste over spillway in acre-feet Average power head in feet Power yield in kilowatt hours Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit. t ulrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit, tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Upper unit. tailrace elevation 207 feet Lower unit, tailrace elevation 162 feet Total 1925— 94,000 004,000 318.600 005.900 603,000 258.000 06.500 19.900 16.700 26.9011 32.200 54.900 43,400 26.500 355,000 355,000 355,000 355.000 355.000 294,000 187,800 83,800 25.2110 25,000 61,300 55.500 61.500 59,500 01,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,509 30,700 32.200 45,400 49,600 55.400 61.500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59.500 54.296 9,500 2.000 2,800 3.400 4,000 3.100 1,700 600 200 164,600 195.600 484,900 477.200 135,600 500 78.0 159.5 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 179.5 161.5 131.0 90.5 68.0 68.5 123.5 204.5 228.0 228 228.0 228.0 224.5 206.5 176.0 137 5 115 5 3,700,000 6,800,000 8,600,000 8,400,000 8.600,000 8.400.000 8,500,000 7,600.000 6,000.000 2,100,000 1,700.000 2,400.000 4,800,000 8,700.000 10.800.000 10.400.000 10.800,000 10.400,000 10,600.000 9,800,000 8,000,000 5.800,000 800,000 8.500.000 15,500,000 10,400,000 18,800,000 19,400,000 18,800,000 19,100,000 17,400,000 14,000,000 7,900,000 1.700,000 3,200,000 43,400 26,500 180,000 180,000 355.000 355.000 355,000 294,000 187.800 83.800 25.200 25,000 61,300 06,800 76.200 65.300 61.500 59,500 61,500 61.500 59.500 30,700 32,200 45,400 49.600 63,900 72,500 64.000 61,500 59,500 61,500 61.500 59,500 54,200 9,500 1.100 2,800 3,400 4,000 3.100 1.700 600 200 319,800 169.900 300,500 477,200 135,600 500 78.0 134 148.0 167.0 183.0 183 179.5 161 5 131.0 90 5 68.0 68 5 123.5 179 193.0 212.0 228.0 228.0 224 5 206.5 176.0 137 5 115 5 3,700,000 7.000,000 8,600.000 8.400.000 8,000.000 8,400.000 8.500,0110 7,606.096 0,000.0061 2,100.000 1.769.666 2,400,000 4,800,000 8.900,000 10.800.000 10,400,000 10,800.000 16.166 1 16,6116.696 9,800,000 8.000.000 5,800.000 800.000 B.500,000 19,400.000 18.800 000 Mav June 18.800,000 17,400,000 11.000.000 7.900.000 1,700.000 3.200,000 2,700,600 48.700 258,500 193,600 474,700 197,200 48,300 15,200 10.400 12,300 21,700 173,900 138,200 649,600 32,800 55.500 61.500 59,500 01,500 59.500 61.500 61,500 12,300 21.700 33,500 61,500 593,200 5,900 55,500 01,500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 25.800 21,800 61,500 17,800 1,500 2,800 3,300 3,200 1,900 600 300 200 1,458,400 252,300 75,000 72,800,000 1,700,000 5,300,000 7,400,000 8,200,000 8,600.000 8,100.000 7,400,000 5,600.000 700.000 1,200,000 2,200,000 6,900,000 90,900,000 600,000 7,200,000 9,500,000 10.300,000 10,800,000 10,100,000 9,000,000 7.700,000 2,500,000 2,400,000 9,100,000 163,700,000 2,300,000 12,500,000 16.900,000 18,500.000 19,400,000 18,200.000 17.000.000 13.300.000 3.200,000 1.200,000 1,6.66. J 16,000,000 25,000 35,000 177,800 180,000 355.000 351,400 277,400 160,400 51,900 25,500 25.200 143.600 681,400 32,800 58,000 76,200 65.766 61,500 59,500 61,500 61.500 12.300 21,700 33,500 61,500 617,200 5,900 57.700 72,500 04,200 61,500 59.500 01.500 61.500 25,800 21,800 61,500 16,900 1,100 2,800 3,300 3,200 1,900 600 300 200 790,200 42.700 168.700 613.300 75.000 73.000,000 1. 700.000 5,700.000 8.600.000 8,100,000 8,600,000 8.100,000 7.400,000 5,600.000 700,000 1.266,669 2.200.000 0,900,000 91,100,000 600,000 7.700,000 161,869.066 10.4 10.81 10.100,000 9.600.000 7.796,669 2 900 000 2.166 696 9.100.000 1926— 25.000 35,000 182,500 253,100 355,000 351,400 277,400 166,400 51,900 25,500 25,200 143,600 68 5 127.5 156 5 180.0 1830 170.0 157,0 118 5 77 5 08.5 78.0 140.5 119.5 172.5 201.5 225 228 221 202.0 163.5 126 5 140,5 191.5 68.5 127.5 148.0 166.5 183.0 176.0 157 118 5 77.5 08.5 78.0 146.5 119.5 172.5 193.0 211.5 228 221.0 202.0 163.5 126.5 Mil 5 191.5 18.800,000 19,400,000 18,200,000 Mav June July. 3.200.000 4,669,666 1,592,700 222,500 770,200 441,000 726.700 601,400 412,100 76,200 23,400 19,000 582,300 61,500 55.500 61,500 59,500 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 535,500 61,500 55,500 01,500 59.500 61,500 59.500 61,500 61,500 59,500 13.800 2.000 2.800 3,400 4,000 3,200 1.700 327,300 562,500 318.000 605.700 475.600 290,000 63,300,000 7,400,000 7.7116,699 8,000,000 8,400,000 8,600,000 8,400,000 8,400,000 7,700,000 6.200,000 79,800,000 9,600,000 9,600,000 10,800,000 10,400,000 16, SOU. 666 10.400,000 10,600.000 0,900,000 8,300.000 143,100,000 17,000,000 17.300,000 19,400,000 18,800,000 19 41111,009 18,800,000 19,666,6611 17 669,669 14.500.000 158,800 180.000 180.000 180,000 355,000 355,000 354,700 303,900 201,100 100,000 605.700 74.800 08.900 76.2011 65.300 61,500 59.500 01,500 61.500 59,500 553,400 71,400 65,500 72,oOO 64,000 61,500 59,500 61,500 61,500 59,500 13,400 1.100 2,800 3.400 4.000 3.200 1,700 211.400 55.100 035.800 292,300 421,300 75.000 475,000 ."'6 669 65,100.000 8,500,000 7,800,000 8,000,000 8,100, I S, 61111, 61 16 8,400,000 8,400,000 7,700,000 6.200.000 81.766.666 10.600.000 9.700.000 10,800,000 10.400.000 10,800,000 10,400,000 10.600.000 9.909,0110 8,300.000 1097— 158,800 258,300 355,000 355,000 355,000 355,000 354,700 303,900 201,100 100,000 157 5 180.5 183.0 183.0 183.0 183.0 179.0 164.0 136 5 202.5 225.5 228.0 228.0 228 228.0 224.0 209.0 181.5 147.5 148.0 148.0 167,0 183 183.0 179 II 164.0 136.5 192 5 193.0 103 ii 212 228. 228.0 224.0 209.0 131.5 19,100,000 17,590,600 19,400,000 19,400,000 18,800.1 19,000.000 June July 1 1,500,000 October TotaU 3,293,100 66,300,800 2,914,300 541,500 14,471,600 636,100 541,500 13,018,300 573,600 17,100 382,200 16,800 2,251,800 38,323,700 1.684,600 71,400,000 1.632,300,000 71,700,000 90,400,000 2.012.700,000 88,500,000 161,800,000 3,645,000,000 160,200,000 588,700 15,151,100 668,000 576,900 13,561,600 596,100 16,200 366.800 16.100 1,404,500 20.861,800 917,000 765,600 16,284,500 715,800 72.600.000 1.642.000.000 72.200,000 91,500,000 2,022,300.000 88.900,000 164,100,000 Totals for 1905-27.... 3,664,300,000 Average for 1905-27. 101,100,000 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 117 rABLE 52. EFFECT OF FLOOD CONTROL ON POWER OUTPUT FROM CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT Reservoirs operated primarily for power generation with water release to develop maximum primary power 1905-1927 Folsom reservoir — Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, *43,000 k.v.a. PP. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 54,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Tailrace elevation, 200 feet Auburn reservoir — Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 66,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Coloma reservoir — Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 30,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Pilot Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 1 10 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 19.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Webber Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 90 feet Installed capacity of power plant. 10,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Average annual power output in kilowatt hours Loss in total power output due to inclusion Without flood control With flood control Maximum controlled flow 100,000 second-feet measured at Fairoaks gag- ing station. Maximum reservation for flood control: Folsom reservoir 175,000 acre-feet, Auburn reservoir 200,000 acr,e-feet, Coloma reservoir 125,000 acre-feet; total 500,000 acre- feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control December 1 to May 1 when total precipitation up to any date in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased at a uniform rate from zero on December 1 to maximum reservation for flood control on January 1 ; maximum reser- vation held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at a uni- form rate to zero on May 1. of flood control Stage of development In kilowatt hours In per cent of average total annual output nilial development! — Folsom reservoir and power plant econd stage of development! — ■ Folsom, Auburn and Pilot Creek reservoirs and power plants lomplete development! — Folsom, Auburn, Pilot Creek, Coloma and Webber Creek reservoirs and power plants 153,700,000 481,100,000 689,500,000 153,700,000 481,100,000 §689,500,000 •Initial development only. !Estimates based on average mi §Reduction in annual primary r mthly run-off >ower output 2 used in preparing estimates of power outr. 3,600,000 kilowatt hours. ut set forth in Chapter IV. 118 I >l VISION OK WATER RESOURCES TABLE 53. EFFECT OF FLOOD CONTROL ON POWER OUTPUT FROM CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT Reservoirs operated primarily for power generation with water release in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company 1905-1927 Folsom reservoir — Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 3 55.000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, *3 5.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0 W) LI- =1.00 45,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. = 1.00 Tailrace elevations, 162 and 207 feet Auburn reservoir — 1 [eight of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 82,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.60 Coloma reservoir — Height of dam. 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 37,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.60 Pilot Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 1 10 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 23,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.60 Webber Creek reservoir — 1 [eight of dam, 90 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 13,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0 60 Stage of development Average annual power output in kilowatt hours Without flood conlrol With flood control Maximum controlled flow 100.000 sccond-fect measured at Fairoaks gag- ing station. Maximum reservation for flood control: Folsom reservoir 175,000 acre-feet, Auburn reservoir 200,000 acre-feet, Coloma reservoir 125,000 aere-feet; total 500,000 acre- feet. Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control December 1 to Mav 1 when total precipitation up to any date in a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased at a uniform rate from zero on December 1 to maximum reservation fur flood control on January 1 ; maximum reser- vation held in reserve from January 1 to \pril 1 and then decreased at a uni- form rate to zero on May 1. Loss in total power output due to inclusion of flood control In kilowatt hours In per cent of average total annual output Initial development § — Folsom reservoir and power plant Second stage of development! — Folsom, Auburn ami Pilot Creek reservoirs and power plants. . . Complete development — Folsom, Auburn, Pilot Creek, Coloma and Webber Creek reservoirs and power plants 100,200,000 560,200,000 773,100,000 161,100,000 567,000,000 764,200,000 £100,000 2,200,000 8,900,000 JO. 6 0.4 1.2 •Initial development only. t Estimates based on average monthly run-off used in preparing estimates of power output set forth in Chapter IV. (Estimates based on measured daily flow at Fairoaks gaging station of United States Geological Survey. JGain. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 119 TABLE 54. EFFECT OF FLOOD CONTROL ON IRRIGATION YIELD OF RESERVOIRS OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT OPERATED PRIMARILY FOR IRRIGATION 1905-1927 Operation of Folsom City power plant of Pacific Gas and Electric Co. sub- ordinated to the use of reservoirs for irrigation. Allowance for irrigation expansion in near future of foothill agricultural areas Folsom reservoir — Auburn reservoir — Height of dam, 190 feet Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Coloma reservoir — Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet I Stage of development Without flood control With flood control Maximum controlled flow, 100,000 second- feet measured at Fairoaks gaging station. Maximum reservation for flood control: Folsom reservoir 175.000 acre-feet Auburn reservoir 200,000 acre-feet Total 500,000 acre-feet Reservoir space held in reserve for flood control from December 1 to May 1 when total precipitation up to any datein a season is more than 50 per cent of the normal precipitation to same date. Flood control reserve increased at a uniform rate from zero on December 1 to maximum reservation for flood control on January 1 ; maximum reser- vation held in reserve from January 1 to April 1 and then decreased at a uniform rate to zero on May 1. Seasonal irrigation yield without deduction for down- stream prior rights, in acre-feet Deficiency in irrigation supply Seasonal irrigation yield without deduction for down- stream prior rights, in acre-feet Deficiency in irrigation supply Year In acre-feet In per cent of a perfect seasonal supply Year In acre-feet In per cent of a perfect seasonal supply Initial development — Folsom reservoir alone Totals 664,000 1919 1924 1926 38,900 183,700 107,800 5.9 27.7 16.2 664,000 1919 1924 1926 38,900 183,700 107,800 5.9 27.7 16.2 330,400 14,400 49.8 2.2 330,400 14,400 13,100 500,500 ('6.400 49.8 Average 2.2 Second stage of development — Folsom and Auburn reservoirs 1,250,000 1,250,000 1908 1924 1926 1.0 1924 1926 500,500 96,400 40.0 7.7 40.0 7.7 596,900 25,900 47.7 2.1 610,000 26,500 97,800 54,300 191,600 29,800 73,200 725,900 136,000 48.7 2.1 Complete develop- ment — Folsom, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs . . . Totals 1,757,000 1,757,000 1908 1912 1913 1918 1920 1924 1926 5.6 3.1 1913 •122,200 7.0 10.9 1.7 1920 1924 50.900 725,900 2.9 41.3 4.2 41.3 7.7 899,000 39,100 51.2 2.2 1,308,600 56,900 74 5 3.2 8—72924 120 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER VII UTILIZATION OF RESERVOIRS OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOP- MENT FOR CONTROL OF SALINITY IN DELTA OF SACRA- MENTO AND SAN JOAQUIN RIVERS Need for salinity control. During the past several years the need for the prevention of the incursion of salinity into the channels of the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers has been apparent. In months of low water flow of these years, due to the decreased flow of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, and for other reasons. Baity water from Suisun Bay has been carried by the tides into the many channels of the delta and mixed with the fresh water from which the irrigated lands of the reclaimed islands obtain their water supply. The location and extent of the lands whose water supply contained in excess of 100 parts of chlorine per 100.000 parts of water for a period in 1924, the driest year of record, are shown on Plate II. During this year salty water pene- trated the channels of the delta over 20 miles above the mouths of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, rendering the water undesirable for irrigation of a large area for a part of the irrigation season. Although this was the worst condition experienced in the period of record, salinity has encroached beyond Antioch, located near the lower end of the delta area, in every year since 1920. Methods of salinity control. Two methods have been proposed for the solution of the salinity problem. One method, comprehending the construction at a strategic point of a physical barrier below the affected area, has been the subject of an intensive study by the United States Bureau of Reclamation in cooperation with the State of California. The results of this study are contained in a report* which sets forth analyses of a barrier at several sites between Suisun and San Francisco bays. A barrier at any one of the sites studied would prevent the incursion of salt water into th< i area above it, contingent, however, upon some supplemental mountain stor- age being provided for its operation. The second method comprehends the creation of a natural barrier by the storage of flood waters in moun- tain reservoirs and their subsequent release at the proper time and in sufficient volume which would be larger than the requirement for the physical barrier, to supplement the low water flow as needed to prevent the encroachment of the salt water. With the first method salinity would be controlled to the point of location of the barrier, while with the second method, control would appear practicable at Leasl to the lower end of the delta area of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. Salinity control by the first method is not within the scope of this report and, therefore, is not dis- missed herein. An opportunity would be afforded, however, of utilizing the reservoirs of the consolidated development for salinity control by the second method, if so desired. * Bulletin No. 22. Division of Water Resources, "Report on Salt Water Barrier," by Walker R. Young, Engineer U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. PLATE VTI 120 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES CHAPTER VII UTILIZATION OF RESERVOIRS OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOP- MENT FOR CONTROL OF SALINITY IN DELTA OF SACRA- MENTO AND SAN JOAQUIN RIVERS Need for salinity control. During the past several years the need for the prevention of the incursion of salinity into the channels of the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers has been apparent. In months of low water flow of these years, due to the decreased flow of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, and for other reasons, salty water from Suisun Bay has been carried by the tides into the many channels of the delta and mixed with the fresh water from which the irrigated binds of the reclaimed islands obtain their water supply. The location and extent of the lands whose water supply contained in excess of 100 parts of chlorine per 100,000 parts of water for a period in 1924, the driest year of record, are shown on Plate II. During this year salty water pene- trated the channels of the delta over 20 miles above the mouths of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, rendering the water undesirable for irrigation of a large area for a part of the irrigation season. Although this was the worst condition experienced in the period of record, salinity has encroached beyond Antioch, located near the lower end of the delta area, in every year since 1920. Methods of salinity control. Two methods have been proposed for the solution of the salinity problem. One method, comprehending the construction at a strategic point of a physical barrier below the affected area, has been the subject of an intensive study by the United States Bureau of Reclamation in cooperation with the State of California. The results of this study are contained in a report* which sets forth analyses of a barrier at several sites between Suisun and San Francisco bays. A barrier at any one of the sites studied would prevent the incursion of salt water into the- area above it, contingent, however, upon some supplemental mountain stor- age being provided for its operation. The second method comprehends the creation of a natural barrier by the storage of flood waters in moun- tain reservoirs and their subsequent release at the proper time and in sufficient volume which would be larger than the requirement for the physical barrier, t<> supplement Hie low water How as needed to prevent the encroachment of the salt water. With the first met hod salinity would be controlled to the point of location of the barrier, while with the second method, control would appear practicable at Leasl to the lower end of the delta area of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. Salinity control by the first method is not within the scope of this report and. therefore, is not dis- cussed herein. All opportunity would be afforded, however, of utilizing the reservoirs of the consolidated development for salinity control by the second method, if so desired. * Bulletin No. 22. Division of Water Resources. "Report on Salt Water Barrier,'* by Walker R. Young, Engineer U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. PLATE VII 72924 — Opp. page 120 6 o JJAiwi r; a A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 121 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33, 34. 35. 36, 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42, 43. 44. i per- s and it ions 30ver- ae its at 32 uring ian 50 ations )eriod )ccurs Since ;ained ons at period shown ilinity would imples i from found 3urred 1 at a nt into i data iculty, water as, the asured ad the 3ity of ice the these a each as the itimate at the ints of existed elta of obtain- he rate in River : Water /, TABLE 55. LIST OF SALINITY OBSERVATION STATIONS MAINTAINED BY DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS Period of observation 1010 1020 1921 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 San Pablo and Suisun Bays Feb. 10 to Dec. 31 Feb. 6 to Dec. 31 Feb. 2 to Dec. 31 Feb. 2 to Dec. 31 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 June 2 to Dec. 2 June 16 to Nov. 19 June 2 to Nov. 25 June 4 to Oct. 6 June 2 to Oct. 31 July 23 to Oct. 9 Aug. 14 to Sept. 28 July July July Aug. Aug. 1 to Dec. 30 1 to Dec. 31 1 to Dec. 7 6 to Sept. 13 7 to Oct. 27 Sept, 6 to Dec. 14 Sept. 8 to Dec. 14 Aug. 26 to Nov. 30 Sept. 20 to Nov. 16 Sept. 22 to Oct. 16 June 24 to Nov. 30 June 24 to Nov. 30 June 24 to Nov. 28 June 24 to Oct. 6 July 2 to Oct. 30 Aug. 22 to Nov. 16 May 24 to Dec. 30 May 12 to Dec. 31 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 Sacramento River Delia 6. 0. and A. bridge acroBS Sept. 13 to Sept. 19 Sept. 14 to Sept. 19 May 28 to Dec. 30 June 14 to Dec. 18 June 14 to Dec. 6 June 16 to Nov. 20 July 2 to Nov. 20 Aug. 4 to Nov. 14 Julv 30 to Oct. 26 July 26 to Oct. 30 Aug. 10 to Oct. 2 July 18 to Oct. 24 Aug. 6 to Oct. 30 May 10 to Dec. 31 July 10 to Nov. 28 July 24 to Dec. 26 July 28 to Oct. 24 Aug. 4 to Nov. 6 Aug. 22 to Dec. 6 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 June 18 to Dec. 14 June 10 to Dec. 22 June 10 to Nov. 22 June 30 to Oct. 18 July 10 to Nov. 10 July 22 to Oct. 22 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 Aug. 1 to Sept. 10 Aug. 1 to Nov. 26 Aug. 1 to Nov. 18 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 8. Emmaton June 18 to Dec. 30 June 18 to Dec. 30 Sept. 13 to Sept. 1" Aug. 26 to Oct. 26 Aug. 14 to Nov. 1 Aug. 19 to Nov. 26 Aug. 18 to Nov. 18 Aug. 10 to Oct. 28 Aug. 16 to Oct. 6 Mokelumne River Delta July 14 to Dec. 2 July 14 to Dec. 2 July 22 to Oct. 22 July 14 to Dec. 2 July 14 to Dec. 2 Julv 14 to Nov. 22 July 30 to Nov. 22 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 June 10 to Dec. 22 Julv 10 to Dec. 10 June 10 to Dec. 22 July 10 to Dec. 10 Sept. 22 to Nov. 26 July 26 to Dec. 22 July 2 to Dec. 14 Aug. 6 to Dec. 22 June 30 to Dec. 26 July 22 to Dec. 28 Aug. 18 to Oct. 10 Aug. 18 to Nov, 18 July 22 to Dec. 16 July 30 to Oct. 14 July 22 to Dec. 16 Au«. 14 to Oct. 30 Sept. 18 to Nov. 19 July 30 to Dec. 16 Aug. 26 to Nov. 19 June 3 to Nov. 22 June 2 to Sept. 30 June 2 to Dec. 14 July 22 to Nov. 11 July 23 to Dec. 13 San Joaquin River Delta 28. Antioch Sept. 14 to Sept. 19 July Aug. Aug. 5 to Nov. 28 6 to Oct. 31 6 to Oct. 31 Aug. 26 to Nov. 28 Sept. 16 to Nov. 10 Sept. 2 to Nov. 16 June 28 to Nov. 16 June 28 to Nov. 20 June 28 to Aug. 22 May 24 to Dec. 30 May 22 to Nov. 14 June 22 to Dec. 22 July 16 to Nov. 18 May 2 to Dec. 31 July 10 to Dec. 28 Aug. 6 to Nov. 14 July 20 to Dee. 30 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 30. Jersey. Sept. 13 to Sept. 18 Sept. 13 to Sept. 16 Aug. 2 to Nov. 22 Aug. 6 to Nov. 26 June 18 to Dec. 30 July 18 to Nov. 20 Aug. 12 to Dec. 26 Aug. 8 to Dec. 30 July 26 to Dec. 26 Aug. 4 to Nov. 6 Aug 12 to Dec. 28 Aug. 6 to Dec. 28 Aug. 12 to Nov. 30 Aug. 12 to Dec. 28 38. Palm Tract Aug. 8 to Dec. 31 Aug. 18 to Dec. 22 Aug. 6 to Dec. 10 Aug. 20 to Nov. 14 Aug. 20 to Oct. 20 Sept. 8 to Dec. 2 July 18 to Oct. 30 Aug. 7 IS Williams Bridge 72924 — p. 120 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 121 Data available on salinity conditions. The Division of Water Rights lias collected and compiled data per- taining to salinity conditions in the delta area for the past ten years and in Suisun and San Pablo bays for the past three years. Its operations commenced in 1919 with observations at six stations in the delta cover- ing a period of only a few days in September. Since that time its activities have increased. In 1924 observations were obtained at 32 stations, in 1926 at 38 stations and in 1928 at 25 stations; and during the period of ten years, observations have been obtained at more than 50 stations. Beginning with the year 1926, data were obtained at 5 stations on Suisun and San Pablo bays. For the most of the stations the period of observation includes only the months during which salinity occurs and, in general, extends over a period of two to six months. Since 1926, however, records at 7 representative stations have been obtained for the entire year. In Table 55 are set forth the principal stations at which observations have been taken since 1919, together with the period of observation in each season. The locations of these stations are shown on Plate VII, ' ' Salinity Observation Stations. ' ' In the determination of the salinity content at the several salinity observation stations, effort was made to obtain samples which would be representative of salinity conditions throughout the delta. Samples were taken at the same predetermined dates at all the stations from one and one-half to two hours following high tide, it having been found after a series of tests that the maximum salinity condition occurred at about this stage of the tidal cycle. Samples were obtained at a depth of about one foot below the surface of the water and well out into the stream channel. The Division of Water Rights has also collected and compiled data on the fresh water inflow into the delta area. Due to the difficulty, because of tidal action, in obtaining measurements of the fresh water flow of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers near their mouths, the Division has estimated * for the four years prior to 1924, and measured since 1924, the flow of the Sacramento River at Sacramento and the San Joaquin at Vernalis, located about 20 miles south of the city of Stockton, during the summer and fall months of each year. Since the contributions to fresh water inflow from other sources below these points are negligible in total during the period of salinity in each season, the combined discharges at these points have been used as the inflow into the delta area in the salinity control studies. This information has furnished the basis for making an estimate of the supplemental flow that would be required to prevent the encroachment of salinity upstream past certain designated points of control, based on irrigation and channel conditions that have existed in the delta area during the past nine years. Rate of fresh water inflow into delta required for salinity control. A study of the relationship of fresh water inflow into the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and the salinity content obtain- ing at the several stations for the past nine years shows that the rate * See Bulletin No. 4, "Proceedings of the Second Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Conference and Water Supervisors Report," 1924, Division of Water Rights. 122 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES of fresh water inflow that would be required for salinity control would vary with the point and the degree of control. To maintain the salinity content to low values would require greater inflows than for higher salinity values with control to the same point. Also, it would require greater inflows to be maintained to control to downstream points in the delta than for higher points for the same degree of control. A study of the data also shows that if salinity were controlled to a particular degree at a specified point, the salinity content at points upstream from the point of control would be less than at the point of control, decreas- ing progressively upstream. In the salinity studies contained herein the fresh water inflow into the delta has been maintained at 5000 * second-feet by releasing water from the reservoirs at the proper time and in sufficient volume to meet this demand. The preliminary analysis of the data indicates that this rate of sustained fresh water inflow would control the encroachment of salinity at Antioch to a mean daily salinity of about 100 parts of chlorine per 100,000 parts of water, based on the existing irrigation and channel conditions in the delta area. A wide divergence of opinion is prevalent relative to the degree of salinity control desirable for irriga- tion. However, with control to "1(H) parts of chlorine per 100,000 parts of water at Antioch, situated near the lower end of the delta region, the studies show that the salinity content, due to the configuration of the delta area, would decrease upstream to the extent that more than nine- tenths of the delta area above Antioch would have a water supply with a salinity content less than one-third of the content at Antioch. Supplemental flow required for salinity control. The total volume of flow that would "be required to supplement the natural flow so as to maintain the fresh water inflow into the delta at 5000 second-feet would vary with the season. It has been estimated for the seasons, 1920-1928 inclusive, using combined daily flows of the Sacramento River at Sacramento and the San Joaquin River at Vern- alis. During the summer and fall months, contributions to the water supply from other sources are negligible. The volumes of water, so estimated, that w r ould have been required in addition to the natural flow to maintain the combined discharge of the two streams at 5000 second-feet are given in Table 56 for each season of the nine-year period 1920-1928, together with the seasonal run-off from the drainage basins tributary to the delta, expressed in per cent of normal run-off. * The rate of inflow of 5000 second feet may be considered as tentative only and may be modified as a result of an Intensive Investigation of salinity which is now in progress for the 1929 Beason. This investigation comprehends in addition to the regular salinity observations, that have been mad.' daring the past several years. special salinity surveys, stream flow measurements in the delta channels, tidal surveys and detailed analytical studies of the data thus procured from which it is anticipated thai definite conclusions as to tin' behavior of salinity and tin- relation of salinity to fresh water Inflow and to tidal action may be obtained. However, the preliminary estimates of rate and volume of supplementary fresh water inflow as used in this report are believed to be sufficiently accurate for the purpose of estimat- ing reservoir capacities and releases required tor salinity control. Since the i sumptlve use <>f water in the delta varies from month to month, increasing during the irrigation Beason, the fresh water Inflow necessary to control salinity to any point ami degree would have ■■> monthlj variation. F\>r the purposes of the study con- tained herein, a uniform rate of 5000 cond feet lias been assumed. l A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 123 TABLE 56. SUPPLEMENTAL FLOW REQUIRED FOR SALINITY CONTROL Year Seasonal run-off from drainage basin tributary to delta of Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, in per cent of normal Supplemental flow required to maintain inflow of 5,000 second-feet into delta of Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, in acre-feet 1920 48 108 97 70 27 78 55 108 75 *4 65,000 1921 *45,000 1922 *30,000 1923 *13,000 1924 766,000 1925 89,000 1926 328,000 1927 4,000 1928 92,000 *Based on estimated stream flow of Sacramento River at Sacramento. From a study of the data in the foregoing table, it is apparent that in seasons of subnormal run-off:, a considerably larger amount of sup- plemental flow is required than in normal or greater-than-normal years. There are two reasons for this condition. One is that the period of salinity is longer in years of subnormal run-off because the salt water is not forced as far down into Suisun Bay and Carquinez Straits during the months of normally heavy run-off, resulting in a less volume of fresh water to be replaced and, therefore, the salinity arrives at a par- ticular upstream station at an earlier date than for years of normal and greater-than-normal run-off. The other reason is the inflow into the delta in the summer and fall months of years of subnormal run-off is relatively smaller than for corresponding months of years of normal and greater-than-normal run-off, requiring, therefore, a larger supple- mental flow during these months. Salinity control with reservoirs of consolidated development not coordinated with other uses. In order to furnish the supplemental flow required for salinity con- trol, water must be stored in a reservoir or reservoirs above the delta area and released as needed to meet the requirements for salinity con- trol. In these studies, it is assumed that the inflow into the delta would be maintained at 5000 second-feet, which is estimated would control salinity to about 100 parts of chlorine per 100,000 parts of water at Antioch and meet the present irrigation demands in the delta. If a reservoir were constructed and operated entirely for salinity control purposes, then the capacity should be equal to the volume of the supplemental flow required in the season of maximum salinity control requirements, increased by the amount of the net annual evaporation from the surface of the reservoir. The reservoir would be kept filled at all times except as water would be released from it to meet the salinity control demands. If the reservoir of the consolidated development were operated pri- marily for salinity control purposes in this manner, control could be effected to varying degrees, depending on the stage of development. With the initial development, Folsom reservoir alone, the fresh water 124 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES inflow into the delta could have been maintained at 5000 second-feet throughout all the years of the period, except 1920 and 1924. In 1920, the inflow would have fallen to 4800 and 2500 second-feet in August, and September, respectively, and in L924 it would have been 2700, 1800 and 3100 second feel in duly, August and September, respectively. It is apparent, therefore, thai salinity control can not be obtained from Folsoni reservoir alone even if operated primarily for that purpose. predicated on the maintaining an inflow of 5000 second-feet into the delta. With the second stage of development, Folsom and Auburn reser- voirs, and the third stage, Folsoni, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs, how- ever, the 5000 second-feet of inflow could have been maintained through- out all of the years of salinity record. Salinity control with reservoirs of consolidated development coordinated with other uses. It is apparent that if the reservoirs of the consolidated development were operated entirely for salinity control purposes and were kept filled at all times except as water would be released for salinity control, no reliable flood control and irrigation values would be obtained from the. reservoirs. The average power output of the power plants, with such a method of reservoir operation, would be less in total and less valuable per kilowatt hour of output, on account of its poor characteristics, than with the reservoirs operated primarily for power. In order to set forth the possibilities of coordinating the operation of the reservoirs of the consolidated development for the inclusion of salinity control and to determine its effects on other values, studies have been made for several modes of operation. These studies have been confined to an analysis of the reservoirs of the complete develop- ment, Three studies have been made for the period 1905-1927. In each study, the fresh water inflow into the delta was maintained at 5000 second-feet for the seasons during which stream flow records of the Sacramento River at Sacramento were available. For other seasons, the total seasonal supplemental flow required for salinity control was estimated from the data of seasons of record, assuming that the supple- mental flow required in a season bears a relation to its normality in run-off from the drainage basin tributary to the delta area. The studies are as follows: 1. Reservoirs operated for power generation to develop maximum pri- mary power consistent with salinity control requirements. 2. Reservoirs operated for power generation in accord with schedule of water release proposed by American River Hydro-electric Company, modified to meet salinity control requirements. 3. Reservoirs operated for maximum irrigation yield consistent with salinity control requirements. Tn all of the studies, a reserve was held in the reservoirs to meet the salinity control requirements of a year like 1024. and was maintained excepl as it was needed to be released for salinity control. Tn the first study the drawdown in the reservoirs was limited to the levels obtaining in the critical period of July, 102:1, to February, 1924, the period which determined the maximum primary power that could be developed and control salinity in 1024, except as water was needed to maintain primary power and for salinity control. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RrVER 125 In the second study a total reserve of 797,000 acre-feet was held for salinity control in the reservoirs, the requirement for 1924 with an addi- tional amount for net evaporation losses from the reservoir surfaces. It was distributed among the reservoirs as follows: Folsom reservoir, 135,000 acre-feet; Auburn reservoir, 242,000 acre-feet; and Coloma reservoir, 420,000 acre-feet ; and in each case was above the minimum stage allowed for power generation. These reserves were maintained except as they were needed to meet salinity control demands. In the third study, an irrigation yield was determined which would maintain the required reserve (797,000 acre-feet) for salinity control and not produce a greater average deficiency in the irrigation supply than was obtaind with the reservoirs operated primarily for irrigation. The results of these studies are compared with similar ones without salinity control in the following seven tables. In Tables 57 and 58, the >ower output and characteristics of the first study are compared with similar information for the complete consolidated development operated to develop maximum primary power. In Tables 59 and 60, similar comparisons are made for the second study with the reservoirs of the complete consolidated development operated in accord with schedule of rater release proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company. Table 61 sets forth irrigation yields and incidental power outputs of the third study and those for the reservoirs operated primarily for irri- gation without salinity control. Tables 62 and 63 give characteristics of the power listed in Table 61 for plant load factors of 0.75 and 1.00, respectively. 126 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 57. POWER OUTPUT OF COMPLETE CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT WITH AND WITHOUT SALINITY CONTROL Water release to develop maximum primary power consistent with salinity control requirements Folsom reservoir — Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 3 55,000 acrc-fcet Installed capacity of power plant, 54.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Auburn reservoir — I li ight of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 66.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Coloma reservoir — Height of dam. 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766.000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 30,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Pilot Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 110 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Webber Creek reservoir — Height of dam. 90 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 10.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Power output in kilowatt hours Year Without salinity control Annual primary power output, 524,700 000 kilowatt bours With salinity control Inflow into the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers maintained at 5,000 second-feet. Annual primary output 438,000 000 kilowatt hours 1905 674,900,000 776, 100.000 825,900,000 miO.OOO 809,000,000 705,100,000 752,700,000 608,500,000 612.700,000 734,200.000 724,000,000 776,800,000 693,500,000 599,100,000 623,500.000 636,900,000 726,100,000 694,500,000 716,900.000 541,700,000 62 1. 000,000 617,600,000 564,500,000 629,900,000 1906. . 761,400,000 1907 811.000.000 1908 589.700.000 1909 . 780,700,000 1910 652,100,000 1911 710.700.000 1912 558,700.000 1913.. 594.200,000 1914 684,600,000 1918 666.600,000 1916 747.500.000 1017 663,100,000 1918 572,600,000 1919 566,900,000 1920 625,700,000 1921 677,600,000 1922 653,000,000 1923 670,500,000 1924 516.300,000 1925 575,500,000 1926 600,700,000 •1927 545,400,000 Average 689,500,000 652,900,000 •Partial year, January 1 to October 1. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RWER 127 _ CO M u i © ,'J Btf. n £ . O u J v o' OO «IS go l^bt^ 22£S§ SrhO d_- c ™ a U V) CN .*> If* o _ S: u • - £ ° 7= o=:o — tv. © w II C . g 1- °i °° a-oo v2 U^" II si °u-' i^S&a, kill* »- O Q y 4> r ° « "En"! o>— "-* .'t 0T3O . _r- — O 3 08 2d U JL,— ■gxu.5 < 6 d by 11 « 5 • ,-,.211, 0"T . o «•> IS *°q S . U. 11 C u^ ll O'O Or. - SO ^DO _ .,£ 00 u £ = E.SPg.25;' •§Xu5 J-J II c . oil, aj I* (JO o R° "S— OT, u 1-" '3 « bEd™. ?! d 9-> -* O-OO U oc2o °X~ 3 O 0) 5 f-> £ c ~ 1 _o u"°-T30 *§§g" ~ n on »6oo .-.: £ira 3 3 »T3 O &.£- a> ^ 1—3 — 0) H c 53 « ° 5P - TO .— <- & > ^ (3 ££ * 3 Q. e3 8 §1-8.31 3§- fe§5 K 3 o o 5 2-3 o *i rt PL,' •g C3 g Bl§°f R "S"3 33 — ^ erf I 5 O00««(D'-N^INOb'Q OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO o" o' o* o" o' o* o" o" o' o* 0' o" OOOOOOOOOOOO *0 O^tf^O CO CO "^"0 o»cc cc I- c* o -^ *o «5 r*T ci" tC 1—" o" oo cs" *-«ooc■" -*~cNf ^-'ooooc35cr-cocococo OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO 000 000000000 o" o" o o" o" o" o' o" o' o' o" o" OOOOOOOOOOOO C:OONCO«C:NWMO'X;N II 3^= •— bi- ts B -S o ONiootN N O t>- N 00 Oi C: ^iQOOOCOCO • 'iim .ji^Iliil 1 128 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TABLE 59. POWER OUTPUT OF COMPLETE CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT WITH AND WITHOUT SALINITY CONTROL Water release in accord with schedule proposed by American River Hydro- electric Company consistent with salinity control requirements Folsom reservoir — I Light of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acrc-fect Installed capacitv of power plant, 45.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. = 1 .00 Auburn reservoir — Height of dam, 390 feet icity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Ins tailed capacity of power plant, mho I v a IM-. =0 80 L.F. =0.60 Coloma reservoir — Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 37,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.60 Pilot Creek reservoir— 1 leight of dam, 1 10 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 23.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.60 Webber Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 90 feet Installed capacitv of power plant, 13,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.60 Power output in kilowatt hours Year Without salinity control With salinity control Inflow into t he- delta of Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers maintained at 5,000 second-feet 1005 753.100,000 852,600.000 874,400.000 761,100.000 877,000,000 853,300.000 870,600,000 ; (10,000 601,300,000 853,100,000 841,700,000 B66,700,000 846,700,000 703,300,000 7i7,.'iOO.OOO 671,700,000 839,900.000 823,100,000 855,600,000 3o!, 600,000 680,500,000 633,600,000 710.000,000 1906 858,200,000 1907. . 878,200,000 1908 . (.i.l. •joo.ooo 1909 . 880,900,000 1910 . 784,903.000 1911 832,600,000 1912 . 554,200,000 1913 574,000,000 1914 818,000.000 1915.. 786,700,000 1916 837,800,000 1917 769,400,000 1918 ... 670,800,000 1919. . 717,000,000 1920 . 676,200,000 1921 . 797,800,000 1922 . 813,600,000 1923 " 1924 440.200,000 1925 682.500,000 1926 670.500,000 •1927 .. . 648,700,000 773,100,000 742.500,000 •Partial year, January 1 to October 1 . A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RP7ER 129 ^ -t-> +j o 3 3 JB S u o By ll a 5 • -4 e § a « ■■j 6 3.* EH ir u" o o_* « >>T> O O *-> o o *- _r':j=:o £.SPg.2$" <3 u co 2^ |X<3.£ IIh o .© g». CJO .aS^« u CO W ©,> CO o_* i> s u a ll °3 5 • 8. -J o^ So .8 cj u ,«3 OTJO >-- c 13 - -Q'cJ «-« uJ.- „.£ o = o C Ml n n m" i- .°JJ ri tj rs 3 u 5-woo ■gxas < o •5 d g» a ; u- OjO J.2°k £ i-" o - w CO Q-> «"-S U t*2c-> .21 .5 la Z 3 .H -a I 1 § g — *"= J2 £ c ^3 T-. a v** °— • 2 W c) O "^ ■e 3 °. *f i c3-« C. . ° ** o s «.= a CO J3 O d a A o> em ca _ o §8 oo ^ a 3 a ■a a 3 a 'P. - * a !il-sil ft.*s a « o c 3 — » Sa ^ o ^ 3 — ° e « . C n O a a a .a i- 3 3_ si?? 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    -»OI>-J>-i00000i>-C^ Mt."oo oooooooooooo oooooooooooo o_o_o_o o o_o_o o o o o o* ©** o" o" o" o" o" o" o" o" o" o* oooooooooooo WCOC.NCSWMS'-'CCOiO t^-COi>-t--00 010iOiOOOOOOOO S-g « Q« S-3 3 &1S O g B 130 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES X H Q - - Z o < o I— I g a O u " wo o - "• II o'o ©uj i c | H d §2. a "8 8 _r; u— .o ■ at CO CO U CO loi O H Z o u H <: CO H O H U i. * O u oc" u => .3 u- r ii si ^ i c » u ■ ■- E g CO CO § a," a> CJO t. E o °? -£•;;»> — j-< 8 O >H3 © _ r = C-tV 31 CO _" •- ._ a ""8 3 u ™ «>D 3 U CO ^ ■§IuJ5 < y ■ c CO a u cjO */-■ st«J V r*> £ll s c 1 - — = F 1 to to O CO £>. f-o n « o >>T)o X <-> — © *2 t ■glcji a 1 g = - m — « o _ c « * c-o ■5 So «'^' rt «5 '. ~ •5 «•§ co-3 " h "§ - c_ ■- ~& a = P *; c o o a 2 «J= £7"i - IP o 111 "c. c. 3 li £Z — c o e « o2.2 MSI* IE .s-e'o * _ O IT i -a a- = I = §' 3 1 1 1 1 S' 3 88*S I S' I 5 = §' i' 1 1 r* — i - — I 09 r-'r -' ?/ ? i ■-' —' i - — .' 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H _3 < CO O Ok W H U u a 9 o u. . " ° r 8a O u »$%™ UN. go ^ ,_- °- II £ £ u nj co c.S>g.3o -§XO.S U I og is o**-o o 1 - O || to - — SiE *l &j o co^* I- u > o ^g o 2 H Z ct> °s| B5 H 2 o"M>2g ■c-r co z o o "•is ga O u o o Ob H o H Z W £ a* Z tf ~ o °Q CO w U H PS CO ■s E Si m ° „_r = C "TV CO CO ~" Sua? 10 -gluJS < OO Oo w o o S CO ga O V. i~" OO >"> go P Oil! o — 1-^1 .3 E Si o n Si u £ o o E SPo.2^' S3 g""^ 1.0 0^- £ E co « tn CO Q. < -s°^g U m2o .2I-S a. ? g c -^^ CM »o ~ - m« «5 CO "5 •C §<=« 3 a) "O o 3"".= s 5 a.g a § " a 2 ■a 5 03 .t:o 1*3 0> ^ a • S o s : II Ph^S a a '3 s 3 ° <5 C3 2 l§ ^_ 1 CJ §1*3.1 od (U >! Ji 5" g2 O CO O* OS 00 O Tt< <-< OO'fiCNQ'I'NOOOO oooooooooooo OOOOOOOC2 o o o o_o o o o o" o" o" o" o" o" o o" oooooooo ■^" t»T -*" (N* O" oa" o o c-i c^ -^ o» ^ oa co^ co^ to -t<_ »c_ CO* t>* TfT «— r -f" i-H r}T -r}T 00* ">•" t"^" NCONNNNNNCcN CO -a o >»^ *f g* 3 c3 ■S > 8 ** • — c ^_ *- S c «* - o a COOiQOOOOO^WSt^uOOCq l>-' CO t^ *>-* OO OS OS OS OO 00 oo oo ill .2 3 o 132 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES SO Kg u u •j ■J o t. .- C u m CO g2£8S __c o = o c.Sc.2© Mr s - o© vji i O i_ UO *°° s8£a; A o-ao (J ".Kg bjibjgo -Q-r c uJU<— 8 2^ §s.rss __r u = E.SP 2.2-0 < UO *°° SR° [o°H, p-Scl « 3a> «T3 « • '-J' o.* -M o-po w *-» — g 3 3 o — _'"5 O S5 "2 c on £ o £«§8 Ji| s SJ2| 3 ~.= S *~ a— o i* S 3 J I |8 .E * ■3°" — S" * 2 1° n B 'c a -■a s 111 = =5 = ft-'s a 2 SF 3 W 1 3 — c a P*"5 W a 3 a •a « s ca »_ fl -« ^ — -• o a .2 3 i- 8 « •3 «> 2 >> B = — (^■s ca 2 £ 3 C3 c 3— . " a ■5 § s OOUXOCOCK&'-QOOOO o > e* o o r- to eo -* 00-PJ«flC.iC0«500 ='§'§'=§' III" » 6 ■ - 5 O •?» OO SO 00 -r* -?■" i >." '^' — " i - » a 9k C^ Oi Oi t>. »C CO OOPOQOOOOOOO ooooooooocSoo ggo-gg-ggggoog C««OCNOOM«JNONO«N O ONtO«t^«tNCOCQO OfOOOO'J'OOO 00'T®aN«»0-NOO ooooooooooo© oooooooo oooooooo a oooooooo oooooooo -1 CO Ol 00 ^" — EC oodododoDOM *r oocoooo=oooo OOOO O > O OO o o" o" o" o" o" o' o o' o' o' Q SSSSOboooo o co n oo w oc cict io n i>» naooo)ooo«f<>00 second-feet throughout all years of the period investigated io meet the irrigation demands of the delta and for salinity control at Antioch, contemplating control to about 100 parts of chlorine per 100,000 parts of water. To meet the requirements for salinity control, a total of 797,000 acre-feet of stored water above the A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 135 lowest levels permitted for power generation was held in reserve in the reservoirs and released only as needed for salinity control purposes. The reservoirs were also operated for an irrigation supply to San Joaquin Valley, amounting to 334,000 acre-feet per season without deficiency in supply, and released at a maximum rate of flow of 1000 second-feet. This was supplied in accord with the monthly irrigation demand for the San Joaquin Valley floor, which is set forth on page 51 of Bulletin Xo. 6, "Irrigation Requirements of California Lands," pub- lished by Division of Engineering and Irrigation, and is as follows: Irrigation demand in pt r cent Month of seasonal total January February 2 .March 5 April 11 May 17 June 18 July 18 August 1") September 10 October 4 November December Total 100 The power output that could be obtained from the development oper- ated for the uses described above was estimated for the period 1905- 1927. The maximum primary power possible of generation consistent with other uses, and additional secondary power up to the capacity of the generating equipment, were developed, utilizing the same total generator installation, 179,000 k.v.a P. F. =0.80, given in Chapter IV for the method of water release to develop maximum primary power. The power output and characteristics are given in Tables 65 and 66, respec- tively. The annual primary power output with this method of operation is 340,800,000 kilowatt hours, 183,900,000 kilowatt hours or 35.0 per cent less than the annual primary output for the complete develop- ment operating primarily for power generation; however, the average annual total power output is only 57,200,000 kilowatt hours, or 8.3 per cent less than the average total. I i 9—72924 L36 i>l\ [SION OF WATER BESOURi I s TABLE 65. POWER OUTPUT OF COMPLETE CONSOLIDATED DEVEL- OPMENT OPERATED COORDINATELY FOR FLOOD CONTROL SALINITY CONTROL. IRRIGATION AND POWER lit I i. ighi of d in I' 1 " fa i ( apacitj "i reservoir, 355.000 acre- feet Installed capacity of power plant, 54.000 1- v.a P.F, "0 Maximum reservation for floo I control, 1 75,000 acre- fed Reserve i foi salinity control, 1 15 ooo acre-feet \uburn reservoir — I leight ol dam, 190 feet rvoir, 5 l ),x,000 acre-l Insi pacity of power plant, 66,000 k. v.a P.F »0i Maximum reservation foi flood control, 200,000 acre- fa Reservation for salinity control. 242,000 acr» I < loloma reservoii Height of dam. '40 |. ; Capacity of reservoir, 7u\000 acre-feet, Installed capacity of power plant, 30.000 k.v a P.F. =0 so Maximum i i for flood control. 125,000 acre- feci. Reservation for salinity control, 420 000 acre- 1 t 'ill it Creek reservoir Height of dam. 1 10 fa I Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 k v.a P.F.—080. Webb r ("reek res srvoii I [eight ' if dam, l >0 feet. Installed capacity ol power plant, 10000 k.v a P.F. =0.80. Floods controlled to 100,000 second-feet maximum flow at Fairoaks Inflow into the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers maintai at 5,000 second-feet for salinity control and to meet the irrigation demands of the delta Irrigation supply for San Joaquin Valley of 334,000 acre-feet per season deficiency in supply), at maximum rate of 1,000 second-feet ned (no Veai Power output in kilowatt noun Load factor ii 75 Annual primary power output, 340.800.000 kilowatt hours 1905 1908 621.900,001 739.500,000 1907 783.OOU.000 1908 '.iLViOO.000 1909 7M.70 1910 ih7.moo.000 191] 1912 o 13,400,001 517,800,001 I9H S3] 1915 i.ID.OUO.OOO 1910 7-'O.9O0.O00 1917 i , .|i;.suu.ooo 1918 571,700.008 1919 551 I 1920 1921 B50. 100,000 1922 662,01 1923 . ii.-f7.300.000 1924 roo.000 1925 .vjt.ooo.ooo 1920 iiU5.9OO.000 1927* 519.(100.000 (132,300.000 *Ptf tial year, Januar] I to October] i A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 137 TABLE 66. CHARACTERISTICS OF POWER OUTPUT OF COMPLETE CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT OPERATED COORDINATELY FOR FLOOD CONTROL, SALINITY CONTROL, IRRIGATION AND POWER Folsom reservoir — Height of dam, 190 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 3 55,000 acre-feet. Installed capacity of power plant, 54,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80. Maximum reservation for flood control, 175,000 acre-feet. Reservation for salinity control, 135,000 acre-feet. Auburn reservoir — Height of dam, 390 feet . Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet. Installed capacity of power plant, 66,000 k.v.a P.F. =0.80. Maximum reservation for flood control, 200,000 acre-feet. Reservation for salinity control, 242,000 acre-feet. Coloma reservoir — Height of dam, 340 feet. Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet. Installed capacity of power plant, 30,000 k.v.a P.F. =0.80. Maximum reservation for flood control, 125,000 acre-feet. Reservation for salinity control, 420,000 acre-feet. Pilot Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 1 10 feet. Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80. Webber Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 90 feet. Installed capacity of power plant, 10,000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80. Floods controlled to 100,000 second-feet maximum flow at Fairoaks Inflow into the delta of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers maintained at 5,000 second-feet for salinity control and to meet the irrigation demand of the delta Irrigation supply for San Joaquin Valley of 334,000 acre-feet per season (no deficiency in supply), at maximum rate of 1,000 second-feet Average annual power output, 632,300,000 kilowatt hours Month State-wide average monthly demand for power in per cent of annual total Power output in kilowatt hours Load factor = 0.75 Maximum year, 1907 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Minimum year, 1924 Kilowatt hours Per cent of annual total Per cent of annual total of maximum year January. . . February. . March April May June July August. . . . September . October. . . November . December . Totals 7.3 6.9 7.8 7.9 8.8 9.0 9.4 9.5 8.7 8.5 8.0 8.2 100.0 74,400,000 07,200,000 74,300,000 72,000,000 74,400,000 72,000,000 74,300,000 69,800,000 54,500,000 39,000,000 42,400,000 68,700,000 9.5 8.5 9.5 9.2 9.5 9.2 9.5 8.9 7.0 5.0 5.4 8.8 25,000,000 23,800,000 26,700,000 27,000,000 56,900,000 64,300,000 67,700,000 59,400,000 42,800,000 31,600,000 30,200,000 31,300,000 783,000,000 100.0 486,700,000 5.1 4.9 5 5 11 13 13 12 8.8 6.5 6.2 6.4 100.0 3.2 3.0 3.4 3.5 7.3 8.2 8.6 7.6 5.5 4.0 3.9 4.0 62.2 138 DIVI8I0M OF WATEB RE80UB< I - [f it were desirable l<> increase the irrigation supply for the San Joaquin Valley from 334,000 acre-feel to 1,000,000 acre-feel per sea- son, floods on the American River could be controlled to 100. ooo second- feel ;it Fairoaks and the inflow into the delta could be maintained al .')()()() second fed for salinity control ;m per cent Dam and Hkskkyoik — Exploration and core drilling Diversion of river during construction ( Hearing rcscrvoirsite, 6,460 acrrs at $25.00 Excavation for dam and spillway, 370,000 cu. yds. at $1.00 to $10.00 Mass concrete, 498,000 cu. yds. at $6.30 Reinforced concrete, 5,000 cu. yds. at $15.00 to $18.50 Spillway gates, 4,000,000 lbs. at $0.10 Spillway cliannel Sluiceways Drilling and grouting foundation Kartli fill section of main dam Auxiliary dams Lands and improvements flooded Miscllancous: < Sonstruetion and permanent camps Construction railroad $20,000 $20,000 75,000 76.000 162,000 IG2.000 627,000 3,137.„00 82,000 IDO.OOO 200.000 50,000 80,000 50,000 50,000 1,676,000 1,086,000 1,086,000 I8O.000 115,000 Subtotal, dam and reservoir $6,31 1,000 Administration and engineering at 10% 631,000 Contingencies at 15% 947 Interest during construction 437,000 Total cost m dam and reservoir $8,329,000 Powek Plant — Intake structure $54,000 $54,000 I'lMlStOClt* Tunnel excavation, 25,800 cu. yds. at $7.50 to $10.00 206,000 Tunnel timbering I.-..000 Concrete tunnel lining, 8,500 cu. yds. at $20.00 170.000 Reinforcing steel, 500,000 lbs. at $0.055 000 Steel pipe, 686,000 lbs. at $0.085 58,000 507 Buildings and equipment, 43.000 k.v.a. at $35.00 1,505,000 1,50 Tailrace structure 65,000 66,000 Subtotal, power plant $2,131,000 Admi lustration and engine 'ring at 10% 213,000 Contingencies at l.V, 320,000 Interest during construction 133,00(1 Total cost, of power plant $2,797,0M Grand total cost of dam, reservoir rnd power plant $11,126,000 Interest during construction at 6 per cent Total cost i if dam and reservoir $8,478,000 Total com of power riant 2,842,000 Grand total cost of dam, reservoir and power plant $1 1 ,320.000 A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 145 TABLE 70. ESTIMATED COST OF FOLSOM RESERVOIR AND POWER PLANT WITH FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES Auburn and Coloma Reservoirs not constructed Height of dam, 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Capacity of overflow spillway, 100,000 second-feet Capacity of flood control outlets, 100,000 second-feet Tailrace elevation of power plant, 200 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 43,000 k. v. a. P. F. =0.80 L. F. =0.75 Interest during construction at 4 ' ■> per cent Dam and Reservoir — Exploration and core drilling Diversion of river during construction Clearing of reservoir site, 6,460 acres at $25.00 Excavation for dam and spillway, 390,000 cu. yds. at $1.00 to $10.00 Mass concrete. 510,000 cu. yds. at $6.30 Reinforced concrete, 3,000 cu. vds. at $15.00 to $23.50 Spillway gates, 1,600,000 lbs. at $0.10 Spillway channel Sluiceways Drilling and grouting foundation Earth fill section of main dam Auxiliary dams Lands and improvements flooded Miscellaneous: Construction and permanent camps Construction railroads .•. $20,000 $20,000 75,000 75,000 162,000 162,000 682,000 3,213,000 55,000 160,000 100,000 50,000 80,000 50,000 50,000 4,440,000 1,086,000 1,086,000 180.000 115,000 205,000 Subtotal, dam and reservoir $6,078,000 Administration and engineering at 10% 608,000 Contingencies at 15% 912,000 Interest during construction 431,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $8,029,000 Flood Control Features — Excavation, 60,000 cu. yds. at $1.50 Trash racks : Reinforced concrete, 7,700 cu. yds. at $25.00 Gates, 18-14 'xl4' sluice gates with hoists Flood control channel $90,000 $90,000 50,000 50,000 192,000 192,000 165,000 165,000 100,000 100,000 Subtotal, flood control features $597,000 Administration and engineering at 10% 60,000 Contingencies at 15% 90,000 Interest during construction 25,000 Total cost of flood control features $772,000 t Power Plant — Intake structure $60,000 $60,000 Penstock: Tunnel excavation, 30,500 cu. yds. at $7.00 to $9.00 Tunnel timbering Concrete tunnel lining, 9,300 cu. yds. at $20.00 Reinforcing steel, 550,000 lbs. at $0.055 Steel pipe, 862,000 lbs. at $0.085 Building and equipment, 43,000 k.v.a. at $35.00 Tailrace structure Subtotal, power plant $2,194,000 Administration and engineering at 10% 220,000 Contingencies at 15% 329,000 Interest during construction 139,000 Total cost of power plant $2,882,000 225,000 50,000 186,000 30,000 73,000 564,000 1,505,000 1,505,000 65,000 65,000 Gr^nd total cost of dam, reservcir, flood control features and power plant $11,684,000 Interest during construction at 6 per ctnt Total cost of dam and reservoir $8, 1 78,0(MI Total cost of flood control features 780,000 Total cost of power plant 2,930,000 Grand total cost of dam, reservoir, flood control features and power plant $11,888,000 1 Hi DIVISION OF WATER KKSOURCES Auburn reservoir. <>n Plate IX. "Auburn dam with power plan and flood control features," arc shown the dam and the arrangement of its several features. Seel ions of the dam together with area and capacity curves of the Auburn reservoir are also shown on the plate. With the excep- tion of the portions occupied by the overflow spillway and the flood control features, the dam section is the non-overflow gravity-COn- crete type. The maximum section has a height of 390 feet above low water and if is estimated that 15 feet of stripping would be required to obtain a suitable foundation. The length on the crest at elevation 905 feet is 1600 feet. The overflow spillway, located on the righi abutment, has an overall Length of 360 feet if flood control features are included in the dam. Its capacity, with a depth of 20 feet on the spillway lip, is 100,000 second-feet and with the water level at the crest of the dam, is 144.000 second-feet. If flood control features were not included in the dam, the capacity of the spillway would be larger. In this instance the over- all length would be 608 feet, with a net length of 500 feet and with a depth of 20 feet, on the spillway lip, its capacity would be 170,000 second-feet. As shown on Plate IX, with flood control features, flow over the spillway is controlled by six steel drum gates, each 50 feet long and 20 feet deep, hydraulic-ally operated. It is believed that the character of the rock at the site would not necessitate the construction of a definite spillway channel for the purpose of conveying the water discharged over the spillway into the stream below the dam. The flood control features in the Auburn dam are similar to those in the Folsom dam. Sixteen 10-foot by 10-1'oot outlets are provided and are located on the left abutment. The outlets 77 feet below the top of the dam have a capacity of 50,000 second feet, with the reservoir drawn down to the minimum flood control level at elevation 846 feet. Roller sluice gates and a trash rack structure are provided at the upstream lace of the dam. Two sluiceways are provided In the central portion of the dam for the purpose of unwatering the power tunnel and also to supplement the capacity of the power tunnel in passing the maximum irrigation draft if the reservoir were operated primarily for irrigation purposes. Each sluiceway has a diameter of <>2 inches and is lined with steel. The total capacity of the sluiceways is 1500 second -feet with the reservoir drawn to one-half depth. Control of flow is obtained by means <>f roller sluice gates at the upstream face and a balanced needle valve on one outlet at the downstream face. Trash racks around the sluice gates are pro- vided at the upstream face of the dam. The power house is located on the left bank about 2400 feet down- stream from the dam. Water would be delivered to the turbines through a tunnel controlled by means of roller sluice gates in a rein- forced concrete intake structure about 100 feet upstream from the dam. The power tunnel is about 1250 feet long and is lined with concrete, 12 inches thick, and reinforced with steel where the overburden is not sufficient to withstand the water pressure. Its diameter is 13.5 feet without reservoir operation for flood control purposes and 14.5 feet with flood control. About 200 feet above the power house, the tunnel divides into 4 steel penstocks which would deliver the water to four A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 117 PLATE IX u"U»P S"9Sn-*»»J "1 uo'|«a»)3 1 i 1 8 a ! \ . 4 : e B Y Y ! f * : a II s ■ . 9 k 1 a % j f i ft 1 // i s i L ' 8 w uimtp" 1 sosn i i 148 DIVISION OF WATBB BESOUBCES vertical variable head reaction turbines, directly connected to genera- tors. The installed capacity <>f the power plant is (>(),()()() k.v.a. for ;i planl load factor of 0.75 as proposed in i his report ami 82,000 k.v.a. for a planl Load factor of 0.60, as proposed by the American River Hydro-electric Company. The cost of the Auburn reservoir wilhont flood control features and with interest during construction at 4h and 6 per cent. State and private financing, respectively, is set forth in Table 71. Table 72 gives similar information with flood control features included. The power plant installation in each instance is oG.000 k.v.a., with a plant load factor of 0.75. These estimates together with those with a power plant installation of 82,000 k.v.a. are .summarized in Table 77. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVI'.U ]4!) TABLE 71. ESTIMATED COST OF AUBURN RESERVOIR AND POWER PLANT WITHOUT FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Capacity of overflow spillway, 170,000 second-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 66,000 k.v.a. P.F. = 0.80 L.F. = 0.75 Interest during construction at 4' 2 per cent Dam anh Reservoir — Exploration and core drilling $20,000 $20,000 Diversion of river during construction 50,000 50,000 Clearing reservoir site, 4,200 acres at $60.00 252,000 252,000 Excavation for dam, 140,000 eu. vds. at $2.50 to $5.00 455,001) Mass concrete, 1,153,000 CU. yds. at $0.50 7,495,000 Reinforced concrete, 7,000 cu. yds. at $15.00 to $23.00 112,000 Spillway gates, 3,000,000 lbs. at $0.10 300,000 Sluiceways 50,000 Drilling and grouting foundation-. 36,000 8,448,000 Lands and improvements flooded 855,000 855,000 Construction and permanent camps 250,000 250,000 Subtotal, dam and reservoir $9,875,000 Adiui'dstration and engineering at 10% 988,000 Contingencies at 15% 1,481,000 Interest during construction 781,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $13,125,000 Power Plant — Intake structure $93,000 $93,000 i P Tl ^ t Of*K * Tunnel excavation, 13,400 cu. vds. at $9.00 to $10.50 127,000 Tunnel timbering 25,000 Concrete tunnel lining, 5,180 cu. yds. at $20.00 104,000 Reintorcing steel, 470,000 lbs. at $0.055 26,000 Steel pipe, 1.000,000 lbs. at $0.085 85,000 Reinforced concrete 10,000 377,000 Buildings and equipment, 66,000 k.v.a. at $35.00 2,310,000 2,310,000 Subtotal, power plant $2,780,000 Administration and engine ring at 10% 278,000 Contingencies at 15% 417,000 Interest during construction 158,000 Total cost of power plant '. $3,633,000 Grand total cost of reservoir, dam and power plant $16,758,000 Interest during construction at 6 per cent Total cost of dam and reservoir $13,396,000 Total cost of power plant 3,686,000 Grand total cost of dam, reservoir and power plant $17,082,000 150 DIVISION OP WATER RESOl R< I - TABLE 72. ESTIMATED COST OF AUBURN RESERVOIR AND POWER PLANT WITH FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES Height of dam, 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Capacity of overflow spillway, 100,000 second-feet Capacity of flood control outlets, 50,000 second-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 66,000 k. v. a. P. F. = 0.80 L. F. =0.75 Inte'est du iny construction a! 4 1 Dam ini RasxBvon I Ixploration and core Irillinn Div raion of river during construction Clearing res rvoirsite, 4,200 acres at S60.00 Excavation For dam, lit. mm ru, vds. at $2.50 t(. $5.00 Mass ooncr te, 1,178,000 en 6.60 Reinforced concrete, 6,300 cu. yds. at $15.00 to $23.00 S-.illway gat s, 1.8(1(1,000 lbs. at $0.10 Sluiceways Drilling and grouting Foundation Lands and improvements flooded Construction and permanent campe. . . Subtotal, dam and reservoir Administration and engine iring at to' , Contingencii e at i.v , lnt treat during construction p.r cent Total cost of dam and r s irvoir Flooi Control Featires — Trash racks Reinforced concrete, 8,000 cu. yds. at $15.00 to 125.00 (lads, 16 — 10'xlO' sluice gates with hoists Subtotal, flood control features A dnu dstration and engineering at Id' , ( iontingencies at 15' , Int 'rest during construction Total cost of flood control feat urea Power Plant— Intake struct urc Penstock: Tunnel excavation. 14,900 cu. yds. at $8.00 to $10.00 'runnel timbering. Concrt te tunnel lining, 5.4(H) cu. vds. at $20.00 Reinforcing steel, 520.000 lbs. at $0.055 Steel pipe, 1,120,000 lbs. at $0.085 Reinforced ooncri te .... Buildings and equipment, 66,000 Lv.a. at $35.00. . . . Subtotal, [lower plant Administration and enginaaring at 10?! Contingencies al 16" lnt res I during construction Total cost of power plant Grand total ccst of dam, reservoi;, flood control features and power plant (20,000 60,000 262,000 170.000 ',657,000 88,000 180,000 50.000 250,000 $35,000 138.000 110.000 120,000 50.000 252,000 8,479.000 855.000 50,000 I IIOO 991,000 1.486.000 701. 000 196,000 128,000 27,000 108.000 20,000 10,000 $13,174,000 135,000 138.000 110,004 $288 .'vein 43.000 12.000 I366,00fj $96,000 397,000 2.310,000 $2,803,000 -Nll.OOO I? 1. 000 161.000 $3,665,000 $17,205,000 Interest during coistruction at 6 per cent Total cost of dam and raservoir $13,447,000 Total cost of Hood control features .... 370,000 Total oost of power plant .'i.719,000; G and total cost of dam, reservoir, flood control features a id power plant $17,536,000 Pilot Creek reservoir. The arrangemenl of the works al the l'ilot Creek dam is shown on Plate X, "Pilot Creek dam with power plant." The dam is an over- flow type gravity-concrete dam. 110 feet high measured above low water and with a crest length of 500 feet. The depth of stripping is esti- mated at 15 feet. The dam with a depth on crest of 20 feet would pass 175,000 second-feet. There are no crest gates or sluiceways. Provision A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 151 is made for passing fiO second-feel of prior right water of the North Fork diteli through the right abutment of the dam. The power plant is located on the left bank, about 500 feet downstream from the dam. The power tunnel is 13.5 feet in diameter, the same size as the tunnel for the 'Auburn reservoir without flood control features and has a capacity of 1500 second-feet. It is lined with concrete. Control is effected by two sluice gates near upper end of the tunnel. At the lower end, the tunnel divides into four steel penstocks which connect to constant head turbines of the four generating units. These units have an aggregate capacity of 19,000 k.v.a. for a plant load factor of 0.75 and 23,000 k.v.a. for a plant load factor of 0.60. The estimated cost of the reservoir with a power plant capacity of 19,000 k.v.a. is set forth in Table 73, with interest during construction at 4| and 6 per cent. State and private financing, respectively. This estimate and one with a power plant capacity of 23,000 k.v.a. are summarized in Table 77. plate x CREST LLtV. SIS' W.S. ELEV. 515 ' 20O 300 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM MAXIMUM SECTION OF DAM fEET PILOT CREEK DAM WITH POWER PLANT GENERAL PLAN FEn O WO 200 10—72924 152 DIVISION OF watii; BESOUBOBS TABLE 73. ESTIMATED COST OF PILOT CREEK RESERVOIR AND POWER PLANT Height of dam, 110 feet Overflow dam Installed capacity of power plant, 19,000 k. v. a. P. F. = 0.80 L. F. =0.75 Inleies' during co ist-uctio i at 4 1 - pe; ceil Dam and Rismvoni — Exploration and core trilling $10,000 110,000 Diversion of river during construction .'iii.OOO 50,000 Clearing of reeervoir site, 260 acres at 160.00 n.ooo 16,000 Excavation for .lam, 20,000 cu. yds. at $3.00 to $5.00 70,000 Mass concrete, (52,000 cu. yds. at $6.50 108,000 Drilling and grouting foundation 13,0 486.1 Lands and improvement! Hooded .'"j.ooo 28,000 Miscellaneous: Construction and permanent camps 80,000 Construction railroad i.u.oOO 1 10,000 Subtotal, dam and reservoir Administration and engineering at 10% Contingencies at 15% 109.IIIHI Interest during construction 31,000 Total cost dam and reservoir $930,000 Power Plant — Intake structure $30,000 $30,000 Tunnel excavation, 2,200 cu. yds. at $9.00 $20,000 Tunnel timbering 1,000 Concrete tunnel lining, 800 cu. yds. at $20.00 Hi.ooo Steel pipes, 380,000 lbs. at $0.15 57,000 07.000 Buildings and equipment, 19,000 k.v.a. at $35.00 ">.000 Gti5,000 Subtotal, power plant $792 Administration and engineering at 10% 79,000 Contingencies at l. r >% 1 19.000 Interest during construction 34,000 Total cost of power plant Grand total cost of dam, reservoir and power plant $1,963,000 Interest during construction at 6 per cent Total cost of dam and reservoir $949,0001 Total cost of power plant 1 .035.000 Grand total cost of dam, reservoir and power plant. . . $1,984,000 Coloma reservoir. The layout at the Coloma dam is similar to that at Auburn. The flood control features are located on the left and the overflow spillway on the right abutment. The power plant is on the right bank of the stream, about 2000 feet downstream from the dam. The arrangement of the various features together with sect ions of the dam are shown on Plate XI "Coloma dam with power plant and flood control features." Curves of area and capacity of the Coloma reservoir are also shown on Plate XL Estimates of cost are based on a gravity-concrete dam. The maximum height 1 would be 340 feel above low water. The depth of Stripping for the foundation is estimated at 12 feet in the stream bed, 15 to 20 feet on the right abutment and from 20 to 25 on the left abut- ment. The flood control features consist of ten 10-foot by 10-foot openings through the dam, 48 feet below the crest. The capacity of the outlets is 30,000 second-feet with the reservoir drawn down to elevation 865 feet, 25 feet below the top of the dam. Like the Auburn dam, the flow through each outlet is controlled by a roller sluice gate at the upstream A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 153 PLATE XI 154 division OF WATBB RXBOUBl r- face <>i' the dam operated by an electric hoist. A trash rack structure is provided around the gates. The overflow spillway has an overall length of 174 feel with Mood control features included ill the dam. Without flood control features. the corresponding length would be 283 feet. The spillway lip is 25 feet below the top of the dam. The capacity of the spillway, if flood control features were included in the dam. would be 50,000 and 70,000 second-feet for a head on the spillway lip of 20 and 25 feet, respectively. Without flood control features in the dam, the capacity for correspond- ing heads would be 80,000 and 110.000 second-feet. Three steel drum gates, 20 feet deep and 50 feet long are provided for the control of water over the spillway, with flood control features in the dam. With- out flood control features, five gates 20 feet deep and 47 feet Ion- would be required. As in the case of the Auburn dam, no separate channel is provided either for overflow spillway or flood control outlets. Two sluiceways, with a total capacity of 1S00 second-feet, are placed 205 feet below the top of the dam. These together with the power tunnel would be capable of passing the maximum irrigation demand if the reservoir were operated primarily for that purpose. Each sluice- way is 66 inches in diameter and lined with steel. Control is effected by a roller sluice gate on each outlet at the upstream face of the dam and a balanced needle valve at the downstream end of one outlet. The arrangement of the power plant is similar to that at the Auburn dam. Water would be conveyed to the power house in a power tunnel, 2120 feet long and 10 feet in diameter, which divides above the power house into two steel penstocks, each 350 feet long and 86 inches in diameter. The sizes of the tunnel and penstocks are the same both with and without flood control because the draw-down in the reservoir especially for flood control would be relatively small. The tunnel is lined with concrete, 12 inches in thickness. Control of flow into the tunnel is effected by roller sluice gates located in a reinforced concrete intake structure at the upstream end of the tunnel. The turbines are of the variable head reaction type directly connected to the generators. The installed capacity of the plant is :!0.000 k.v.a. with a plant load factor of 0.75 and 37,000 k.v.a. with a plant load factor of 0.60. The estimated cost of the Coloma reservoir and power plant without flood control features is given in Table 74, for interest during con- struction at 4| and 6 per cent per annum, State and private financing, respectively. Table 75 gives corresponding information with flood con- trol features included in the dam. The power plant installation in each instance is 30,000 lev. a., based on a plant load factor of 0.75. These estimates together with estimates based on a power plant installation of 37,000 k.v.a. are summarized in Table 77. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 155 TABLE 74. ESTIMATED COST OF COLOMA RESERVOIR AND POWER PLANT WITHOUT FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Capacity of overflow spillway, 80,000 second-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 30,000 k. v. a. P. F. =0.80 L. F. =0.75 Interest during construction at 4' 2 per cent Dam and Reservoir — Exploration and core drilling $20,000 $20,000 Diversion of river during construction 50,000 50,000 Clearing reservoir site, 6,565 acres at $25.00 164,000 164,000 Excavation for dam, 111,000 cu. yds. at $2.50 to $5.00 324,000 Mass concrete, 724,000 cu. yds. at $7.00 5.068,000 Reinforced concrete. 3,000 cu. yds. at $15.50 to $23.50 51,000 Spillway gates, 1,420,000 lbs. at $0.10 142,000 Sluiceways 50,000 Drilling and grouting foundation 30,000 5,665,000 Lands and improvements flooded 1,500,000 1,500,000 Miscellaneous: Construction railroad. . , 270,000 Construction and permanent camps 200,000 470,000 Subtotal, dam and reservoir $7,869,000 Administration and engineering at 10% 787,000 Contingencies at 15% 1,180,000 Interest during construction 710,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $10,546,000 Power Plant — Intakestructure $68,000 $68,000 Penstock: Tunnel excavation, 10,800 cu. yds. at $11.00 to $13.50 122,000 Tunnel timbering 22,000 Concrete tunnel lining, 5,150 cu. yds. at $20.00 103,000 Reinforcing steel, 100,000 lbs. at $0.055 6,000 Steel pipes, 825,000 lbs. at $0.085 70,000 Reinforced concrete 5,000 328,000 Buildings and equipment, 30,000 k.v.a. at $35.00 1,050,000 1,050,000 Subtotal, power plant $1,514,000 Administration and engineering at 10% 152,000 Contingencies at 15% 227,000 Interest during construction 105,000 Total cost of power plant $1,998,000 Grand total cost dam, reservoir and power plant $12,544,000 Interest during construction at 6 per cent Total cost of dam and reservoir $10,793,000 Total cost of power plant 2,035,000 Grand total cost dam, reservoir and power plant $12,828,000 156 DIVISION OP WATER RB80URCE6 TABLE 75. ESTIMATED COST OF COLOMA RESERVOIR AND POWER PLANT WITH FLOOD CONTROL FEATURES Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Capacity of overflow spillway, 50,000 second-feet Capacity of flood control outlets, 30,000 second-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 30,000 k. v. a. P. F. = 0.80 L. F. =0.75 Interest during co lstruc'ioi at 4' j per ce it Dam and Reservoir— Exploration and core drilling .... Diversion of river during construction . Clearing reservoir site, ti,.'>r>"> acres at $25.00 Excavation for dam, 113,000 ou. yds. at $2.50 to $5.00 Mass concrete, 736,000 cu. yds. at $7.00 lie inforccd concrete, 2,500 cu. yds. at $15.50 to $23.50 Spillway gates, 900,000 lbs. at $0.10 Sluiceways Drilling and grouting foundation Lands and improvements flooded Miscellaneous: Construction railroad Construction and permanent camps $20,000 $20,000 50,000 50,000 I6i,000 164,000 351,000 5,152.000 12,000 1(0.000 50,000 30.000 5,715,000 1,500,000 1,500.000 2711.000 800,000 170,000 Subtotal, dam and reservoir 17,010,000 Administration and engineering at 10% 7 > 2, 000 Contingencies at 15 r J 1.188,000 Interest during construction 715,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir $10,014,000 Flood Control Features— Trash racks $20,000 $20,000 Reinforced concrete 3,500 cu. yds. at $15.00 to $25.00 62,000 62.000 Gates, 10— 10' x 10' sluice gates with hoists 60.000 60,000 Subtotal, flood control features $142,000 Administration and engineering at 10% 14,000 Contingencies at 16% 21,000 Interest during construction 7,000 Total cost of flood control features $184,000 I'owkr Plant — Intekestructure 168,000 168,000 Penstock: Tunnel excavation, 10,800 cu. yds. at $11.00 to $13.50 Tunnel timbering ( ionerete t unnel lining, 5,150 ou. vis. at $20.00 Reinforcing steel 100,000 lbs. at $0.055 Sleel pipes, 825,000 lbs. at $0.085 Reinforced concrete Buildings and equipment, 30,000 lcv.a. at $35.00 Subtotal, power plant $1,514,000 Administration and engineering at 10% 152,000 ( lontingeneies at l.V , 227,000 Interest during construction 1 05.000 Total cost of power plant $1,!»!»8.00 Grand total cost dam. reservoir, flood control features aid power plant $12,796,000 $122,000 22,000 103.000 6,000 70,000 5,000 328,000 1,050,000 1 ,050.000 Interest during construction at 6 per ce it Total cost of dam and reservoir . $10,863,000 Total cost of flood control features 186.000 Total DOBl of power plant 2,035.000 Grand total cost of dam, rese. voir, flood control features and power plant $13,084,000 Webber Creek reservoir. The dam for the Webber Creek reservoir is an overflow gravity-con- crete type the same as for the Pilot Creek dam. It is shown on Plate XII, "Webber Creek dam with power plant." Its maximum height is 00 feet above low water level. It is estimated that 10 feet would be required l<> be stripped from the stream bed, 15 feel, on the left abut- ment and 'JO U'ri on the right abutmenl to secure a suitable foundation A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 157 for the dam. A flow of 115,000 second-feet could be passed over the dam with a depth of 20 feet on the crest. No crest gates or sluiceways are provided in the dam. The power house is located 4300 feet down- stream from the dam. A concrete-lined tunnel 2650 feet long and 10 feet in diameter would convey water to the power house. It has a capacity of 800 second-feet. The tunnel divides at the lower end into two steel penstocks, each 86 inches in diameter, which deliver water to two constant head reaction turbines directly connected to generators. The installed capacity of the plant is 10,000 k.v.a. with a plant load factor of 0.75 and 13.000 k.v.a. with a plant load factor of 0.60. The estimate of cost with a plant installation of 10,000 k.v.a. is set forth in Table 76, with interest during construction at 4^ and 6 per cent, State and private financing, respectively. This estimate together with one for a power plant installation of 13,000 k.v.a. is summarized in Table 77. PLATE XII CREST E1£V. 550' : 'n ; X, \ * \ / / / t \ \ / .- EXCA /ATI0N LINE \ r A / / . j 100 200 Length in feet PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM WS ELEV. 550' MAXIMUM SECTION OF DAM WEBBER CREEK DAM POWER PLANT 1 58 DIVISION OK WATER liKSOl K< !■,.- TABLE 76. ESTIMATED COST OF WEBBER CREEK RESERVOIR POWER PLANT Height of dam, 90 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 10,000 k. v. a. P AND Overflow dam F. =0.80 L. F. =0.75 Interest duri ig co istruc io i a. 4' i per ce it Dam m RasnvoiB — Exploration and ''"re Irilling Diversion of river during construction Clearing of r aervoirsite, 200 acn b at $25.00 . Excavation for dam. 15,000 ou. yda. at $2.50 to $5.00 Muss concrete, 30,000 ou. vis. al 16.78 Drilling and grouting foundation Lands and improvements flooded Miscellaneous: ( ionstmotion and permanent camps ( 'instruction r.iiln ;u Subtotal, dam and reservoir Ailnii istration and engineering at 10' ,' Contingencies at 15% Interest during construction Total cost of dam and reservoir ..... Powbh Plant— Intake structure Penstock: Tunnel exoevation, 11,800 cu. yds. at $11.00. .. Tunnel timbering Concrete tunni I lining, 5.400 cu. vds. at $20.00 Steel pipes, 190,000 lbe. at $0.15 Buildings and equipment, 10,000 k.v.a. at $35.00. Subtotal, power plant Administration and engineering at 10% Contingencies at 15% Interest during construction Total cost of power plant 110,000 50.000 5.000 50.000 243,000 8,000 10,000 50,000 30.000 120,000 130,000 12,000 ins nun .'S. in id 350,000 Grand total cost of dam, reservoir and power plant $10.1100 50,000 5.000 301,000 10.000 BO.OO0 $456,000 46,000 liS. 1)011 20,000 $590,000 120,000 278.000 350,000 $648,000 85.000 28.000 $838,000 $1,428,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir Total cost of power plant Interest during construction at 6 per cent $596,000 847,000 Grand total cost of dam, reservoir and power plant $1,443,000 L58 Dl\ l-m\ OF WATER RESOURt EH Overflow darn F.=0.80L. F.=0.75 TABLE 7b. ESTIMATED COST OF WEBBER CREEK RESERVOIR AND POWER PLANT Height of dam, 90 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 10,000 k. v. a. P Interest duri ig coistruc io i a. 4' .. per ce it Dam an- Kesf.rvoir — Exploration and corr Irilling I >r. iraion i f rival during oonstnjotion Clearing of rsaervoirsite, 200 acri ■ at $25.00 . Excavation fur dam, 15.000 cu. yds. at $2.50 to $5.00 Mass concn te, 30,000 eu. yds. at 16.78 Drilling ami grouting foundation Linls and improvement! flooded Mis© Uaneous: Construction and permanenl camps. Construction railroad Subtotal, dam and rei irvoir Administration and engineering at 10^ Contingencies at 1-V I Int Test during construction Total cost of dam and r •.■; rvoir Power Pi.v.t Intakestructure Penstock: Tunnel excavation, 1 1,800 cu. yds. at $11.00. .. Tunnel limb ring Concrete tunnel lining, 5,400 cu. vds. at $20.00 St»el pipes, 190.000 lbs. at $0.15 Buildings and equipment, 10,000 k.v.a. at $35.00 Subtotal, power plant Administration and engineering at 10' ; Contingencies at 15% Interest during construction Total cost of power plant $I0.IHKI 50.000 5,000 50,000 3 13.000 8.000 10,000 50,000 30.000 $10.1 II Ml 5.000 301.000 10.000 80,000 1460.000 46 000 (18 000 20,000 120,000 130,000 12,000 108.000 350.000 Grand total cost of dam, reservoir and power plan! 1500,000 120.000 3,000 350,000 $648,000 65 iiimi 28.000 $838,000 $1,428,000 Total cost of dam and reservoir Total cost of power plant Interest during construction at 6 per cent $596,000 847.000 Grand total cost of dam, reservoir and power plant $1,443,000 TABLE 77. ESTIMATED COST OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT Folsom reservoir — Height of dam. 190 feet Capacity of reservoir, 355,000 acre-feet Capacity of flood control outlets, 100.000 second-feet Installed capacity of power plant, Auburn and Coloma reservoirs not constructed, 43,000 k.v.a. P F. =0.80 L.F, =0.75 35,000 Icv.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. = 1 .00 Auburn and Coloma reservoirs constructed, 54,000 k.v a. P F =0 80 L.F. =0.75 45,000 k.v a. P.F. =0 80 L.F. = 1 .00 Auburn reservoir — Height of dam. 390 feet Capacity of reservoir, 598,000 acre-feet Capacity of flood control outlets, 50.000 second-feet Installed capacity of power plant, 82.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.60 66.000 k .v.a. P.F. =0.80 L F. =075 Coloma reservoir — Height of dam, 340 feet Capacity of reservoir, 766,000 acre-feet Capacity of flood control outlets, 30.000 secnnd-feet Installed capacity of power plant. 37.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0 80 L.F. =0.60 30.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0 80 L.F. =0.75 Pilot Creek reservoir — Height of dam. 110 feet Installed capacity of power plant, 23,000 k.v.a. P F. =0,80 L.F. =0.60 19.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L F. =0.75 Webber Creek reservoir — Height of dam, 90 feet Installed capacity of power plant. 1 3.000 k v.a. P.F, =0.80 L F. =0 60 10.000 k.v.a. P.F. =0.80 L.F. =0.75 Cost with interest during construction at i 2 Per cent Cost with interest during construction at 6 per cent Unit Dam Lands and improve- ments and clearing of reservoir site Power plant Additional cost for flood control features Total cost Dam Lands and improve- ments and clearing of reservoir Bite Power plant Additional coBt for flood control features Total cost L.F =0.60' L.F.=0.75 L.F.=0.60' L.F.=0.75 L.F.=0.60' I..F-0.75 L.F.=0.60* L.F.=0.75 L.F.=0.60' L.F=0.75 L.F.=0.60 - L.F— 0.75 Folsom RcBervoir (Initial develop- ment. Auburn and Coloma rr-s- 56,633,000 $6,633,000 11.597,000 886,000 51.696,000 81,696,000 1,528.000 53,000 •52,400,000 •52,949,000 4,357,000 1.205.0U0 52,797.000 53,390.000 3,633,000 1,024,000 •$558,000 •5503,000 447,000 8558,000 5563.000 447.000 •811,287,000 •811,841,000 17,929,000 2.144,000 811,681.000 $12,282,000 17,205,000 1,963,000 $6,735,000 $6,735,000 11,818,000 896,000 $1,743,000 81.743,000 1.578,000 53,000 •52,441,000 •82,997,000 4.418.000 1,218.000 82,842.000 83,444.000 3,686,000 1,035,000 •8568,000 ■1573,1 454,000 5568.000 5573,000 454.000 •811,487,000 •812,048,000 18,268,000 2,167,000 811,888.000 812.495,000 17,536,000 1.984,000 Folson, Reservoir Total, second stage of development. 119,116.000 8,234,000 570,000 S3.277.000 2,312,000 20,000 88.511,000 2,220,000 973.000 58,047,000 1,998,000 838,000 51,010.000 252,000 51,010,000 252,000 831.914,000 13,018.0(10 1,563,000 831.450,000 12,71 i 1,428,000 $19,449,000 8.398,000 576,000 $3,374,000 2,395,000 20,000 18,633,000 2,256,000 984,000 58,165.000 2,035.000 847.000 $1,027,000 256.000 $1,027,000 256,000 132.488,000 13.305.000 1.580.000 532,015.000 13,084,000 1,443,000 Grand total, complete develop- ment $27,920,000 55,609,000 $11,704,000 $10,883,000 $1,262,000 $1,262,000 846,495.000 $45,674,000 $28,423,000 $5,789,000 $11,873,000 811,047.000 $1,283,000 $1,283,000 847 368.000 $46,542,000 • Folsom Power Plant, L.F.=1.00. 72924— p. 15S A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 159 Complete development. The estimated costs of the complete development are assembled in Table 77. Costs are given for interest during construction for both 4^ and 6 per cent, the rates assumed for State and private financing, respectively. It may be noted that two sets of figures are given for the Folsom reservoir. One set is for the condition of Folsom reservoir constructed alone. The other is for the condition of Folsom reservoir constructed either in conjunction with Auburn reservoir or in con- junction with both Auburn and Coloma reservoirs. With these latter reservoirs constructed a larger power plant would be justified at Folsom due to the increased regulated flow. Costs are included for varying power plant load factors. In the proposal of the American River Hydro-electric Company, all plants would be installed for a plant load factor of 0.60 except the Folsom plant, which would be for a plant load factor of 1.00. Estimates have also been made on the basis of all plants being installed for a plant load factor of 0.75. Under State financing, the total cost of the complete development including flood control features, with the power plants installed for a plant load factor of 0.75, is $45,674,000. This total is divided among the various items as follows: dams, $27,920,000, 61.1 per cent of total cost ; reservoir lands and improvements and clearing of reservoir sites, $5,609,000, 12.3 per cent of total cost ; power plants, $10,883,000, 23,8 per cent of total cost; and additional cost of flood control features, $1,262,000, 2.8 per cent of total cost. Under private financing, the total estimated cost, with same power plant installation under State financ- ing is $46,542,000. The division of costs for the various items are prac- tically in the same proportion as under State financing. 160 i-i\ ision ok WA'i 1:1; uksoi 'ROES CHAPTER X ANNUAL COST OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT The annual cost of the three stages of the consolidated development lias been estimated for various nut hods of reservoir operation, both with and without inclusion of flood control features and under both State and private financing. The annual costs ;is set forth in the tallies thai follow are based on the units given in Table 78. TABLE 78. BASIS OF ESTIMATED ANNUAL COST OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT Item Private financing and Return or interest, in per cent <>f capital Amortisation of slate bonds (40 year sinking fund basis), in per cent of capital I >''pri'ciation — bands and improvements, in per cent of capital Darns, in per cent of capital Spillway gates, flood control gates and appurtenances, in per cent of capital, Power plant {U) year sinking fund basis), in |mt cent of capital Taxes- State, in per cent of capital Federal, in per cent ol capital i Iperating expenses and maintenance — Dam and reservoir, in per cent of capital Power plant, in dollars per k.v.a. of installed capacity 0.40 1.00 Under State ownership and financing, the interest rate is 4^ per cent per annum which is about one-half per cent higher than the interest bearing rate of the recent State bond issues. The return of 7.5 per cent given for private financing is slightly above the rate of return allowed recently by the State Railroad Commission on invest- ments of privately-owned electric utilities. The amortization of State bonds is based on a life of 40 years and is estimated on a sinking fund basis at an interest rate of 4 per cent per annum. This would be the average annual cost for retirement of bonds. Depreciation on the dam has been estimated at 0.3 per cent. For the spillway and flood control gates and appurtenances, and power plant, depreciation has been estimated al 1.05 and 0.65 per cent of capital cost for State and private financing and ownership, respectively, assuming a forty years' life on a sinking fund of 4 per cent for State and 6 per cent for private financing. State taxes for private ownership have been estimated on the capita] cost including lands and improvements. Under the present method of taxing electric utilities, ,-i private utility would pay the same state tax as it would if the plant were constructed and owned by it, the lax being determined ;is a per cent of the total gross revenue of the utility. For Comparison with costs of other power, therefore, the cost has been estimated excluding state taxes. The presenl State tax is 7.5 per cent of the gross revenue. Assuming revenue would equal total cost, the resultanl tax rate would be approximately 0.72 of one per cent of the capital. Since this basis can hardly be expected to continue indefinitely, a rate of I.:').") per cent of capital <-<>s1 has been used, which on the A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 161 average would be approximately equal to the tax rate on general prop- erty in the State. Operating and maintenance expenses, which would include not only local but also general expenses and contingencies have been estimated at 0.4 per cent of capital cost of the dam and reservoir and $1 per k.v.a. for the power plant, for both State and private ownership and opera- tion. Table 79 sets forth annual costs in total, in per cent of capital cost and per kilowatt hour of power produced at the plants under the State financing, for the units operated in accord with the schedule of water release to develop maximum primary power and with power installa- tions based on a 75 per cent load factor and both with and without inclusion of flood control features. The annual cost, in per cent of capital cost, ranges from 6.7 to 6.8 both with and without flood control features for all three stages of the development and for each kilowatt hour of power produced at the plants from 4.3 mills for the second stage and complete development, without flood control features, to 5.1 mills for the initial stage of development with flood control features. Corresponding figures under private financing are higher and are given in Table 80. The annual cost in per cent of capital cost is about 10.3 per cent for all stages of development both with and without flood control features when State taxes are included and about 9.0 per cent, excluding State taxes. The annual cost of each kilowatt hour produced ranges from 5.8 mills for the second stage of development, without flood control features and excluding State taxes, to 8.0 mills for initial development with flood control features and including State taxes. Tables 81 and 82 give similar data for the schedule of water release and for power installations proposed by the American River Hydro- electric Company. Under State financing (Table 81) the annual cost in per cent of capital cost ranges from 6.6 per cent for the initial stage of development to 6.8 per cent for the second stage and complete developments, both with and without flood control features. The cost of each kilowatt hour produced at the plants ranges from 3.7 mills for the second stage without flood control features to 4.6 mills for the initial development with flood control features. Under private financ- ing (Table 82) the annual cost in per cent of capital cost is about 10.3 per cent for all stages of development, both with and without flood control features, when State taxes are included, and about 9.0 per cent, excluding State taxes. The annual cost of each kilowatt hour pro- duced ranges from 5.0 mills for the second stage of development, with- out flood control features and excluding State taxes, to 7.3 mills for the initial stage of development with flood control features and including State taxes. The annual costs given in Tables 79, 80, 81 and 82, together with jannual costs of other methods of reservoir operation, are summarized in Tables 83 and 84 162 DIVISION OP WATER RESOUR* I - w — - - - -i-o-o S c c o o q •- - l. ST = 'O CO J ^ u u fc'S'o'S z. > > > g s. B u I. H 7- 1 _ *- *- >- o — c a e - 3 5 O - 3 O 85 *-3 "S 3CJ° Qcf2 £ c CScOO) CO — I E « o c c §,Sr I 1 Jw e 3 »- »- "o; 1 St? |«a -a = £ = *-.-: a> at. > i; = a 3 o ^ es C u Q .- a._ 2 — g S-o w eSg = 2 — "3 ~ - - fa o o O c 3 O £ I g-s-sia fs rt l| £ E — 5? - n i- a, i. g j> E > =-5 t a 5, - o ■3 a. a O a — eg C -o m „• — sii = q) C - 'A P ■3C- BvJ o Pn d Iff — jg § >© o : B O > a o - -in e a - *c CO § 5 5 5 ao >-" — 8 CO eo — C £ ?: « 2 I 5 — ■* is > £ = 3 = £ Sj2 Si o c -•! s bu .— a u S g E -o -. c 5 c c c — -2 c n e - D - is .0 5 c 1 — a — cj ** i'flli 4 E A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 163 $495,000 116,000 116.000 o o o - EC - ■' $2,055,000 480,000 212.000 o o q oo* CO o o o •c CD o CO M 1- CO o o o CD* O o_ o O o_ -r* CD ■O* m $368,000 86,000 86,000 139,000 o o o_ as* r^ CO I* ooo o ooo o ooo o^ oo'csf csT « CO UO CO -«*• CO -h CM M o oo ■«*• o O o -r o" o o o ©" 00 O o o o" "**1 TO W $130,000 30,000 30,000 43,000 o o o_ to* TO CM ooo o ooo o ooo o_ o"w**o oo" e^ cq »o i-- »o — < o 1- — o • q co >o I oo u 1 o o o_ to" 00 00 cm* 9» o o o_ 1* oo "**. M $490,000 114,000 114,000 179,000 o ooo o o -ooo o °. " .°. = . °. r— * ; o'co'ce* to OS ,0350 ~-< oo . O: -CH CM TO - 6* o r* co o ©_ co -«* oo o csT o o o to* 00 00 o" O o o_ CM* $362,000 85,000 85,000 139,000 o o o_ rt CD M ooo o ooo o ooo o ;o'o"r** c*T t— e>* -»-j- cm •O^ CO —« 00 CO o 0_ CO «* oo" CO o * ■* o 00* c c c c ■o -d c > > >" « > > • o o o -ooo ■ooo -ooo ooo ' = .°. =: . i-TcOe* O — IT5 O O o r- at CD ■** 164 DIVISION* OK WATER RESOUR< ES H Z w o oo u I I a £ 3 s CU o -J w > °- w J2 Q "3 • _l > Q 3 i— i C8 o « 4) u to o 3 o "8 u x j » I* Z < Q UJ H < H -5 u & c bD - 4) c B 5 < c ? O V. < 7. U H < > a i C «* £ ■ ofv Co •s E S" « n 5 « u a > S2.?88 o-j! & c"" CO JO II g- o « |I|J CJ>— •» *- 0"0 v x-j; «9. o o O u .« . - a II b c"". J2U. oj u OO S go ■a 2 3 O X ? 9°Ii ■h" ? nn | cs J- i 1 1 a « S u-S.22 _ f- u — o Em£2x < I.O 0[£ '5-&0. £ e'S ™ o c o a 8 cs C > J*"0 « ■ ■% O '°o >-X-= a 3 "" as u 3 s 8 |->| J J Sofcg - I " fe & U «Q ™ O - « u _ v:^ b. . 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M*«'o*n — IQ — re .5* OOOO o o o o o_o_oo_ CI — — CI co — -?• — « CO — . oo oo o_o. i-Tco ci rC -* o O 93 O oo •OOOO ■oooo o o ~ c: oooo oooo oooo oo o o o_o_ CO*— •" GO ~ — o CO o ooo to » t^. :0 o o o o 13 * B ~ 2 P. 39 a - •V fc. B CJ S C o cS — .X 5 '3 8 E is - - - o « — 5 5 -5 C. crt C3 - i. - 7. — 'S'a r = _f M M «-. ° 3 = 2 " »=W 160 MYISION ()!•• WATl'.H KKSOT'RCKS 4> ■ O a o r '- H & / a) ft, 4, O -c ►J tf) > ■£ w •- Q * Q w H u >> < CO c Q l-H c CO & J u i o C» CO CO "3 s- U o • — u t- 4) 4-> 4-> o 4> 4> H 4-» co T3 O U >> X -j u is c u < > *z c B I S bfl H o !«« J §U. S | °UL ' - o >-oo SJ u ■- S o r- 'J^O SmSJn -SlU- ? d |s Bei" 3 ■S-S^ ■= p Ow "* " 3 ,K 073O 5 ^ ^ "O 1 S2 S-c i_X-=°. PJOu 5uS-« t- 0" *-» o-L — gx_* J T3 *S-^ g^8o e2?-S •7 ° cj O 07 ■ O u o- s*°o - o o - u ii s 6 JSU. 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Tl -M — ic ac iC CO CO «A> § s • § © oo" s £ c c c S |o*5 ■-•2.2-s ?£^^ -o B CO •a -- - o H A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 167 ooo c o OOO O O QO pn ooo c o ooo o o ooo c o o o o O O CO <** c-i -r -r c o NOOO CON CN C 00 os ooo CO CO U3 ^* FH CN 0B O --"cn CO »- M M> ©f CO •» ii o o o o o o t-~ id" CN CT> °°_ Tjl ^h" CO *H T •» •» ooc c c ooo c c 00 00 ooc c c ooo c o ooc c c ooo c c CD CO " O -*»- c •— NUits CO CN OOCTO- w. CN ««»/; •** r*. CO r^ ■"-f^CO — . 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O— ; « lis 2 3 — M g i*o . <=> ill k « y > p g «T3 a tt ao u S,« ex a DC— f-, c 3 x -CTJ-3 e c c coo V SJ ZJ a £ -. §00 oo'o' - IC M » •- »- I- ° = ^ " *- " ^ - 1? o 3 9 U O 3 O 1 "3. 2 £ i-2 t IJb« I rile Mid O MS r. 1 - -r -f 8 10 — o i-o O ° — O o — _ o 2 E .55 2 o c c > ■/. Willi o a> o ' -^ Si E§oS 'c. n O HI O > Si, > a C S 3 Q - c.§ g .-= = ■£-=_ c » o c o — -J a. a a 'c. a O c 1- a. 9- - * t. ? 3JS* a» 1- c S ..*- * * c tS ° cs'o c a __ > a a> c a m o sl|>fe S|1li2l II o-g§ D. a o Sf qqqo o t* -O o o o iSsB : c: r - «0 '"(•-^ r~ i 5 o 000= o 8888 8 g § ■SS.B ||^ El > s = 3 3 Q - ^~ 3 5 S S U § Ex. c 03 O OOOO 8888 Q g CO tM ^1 CO CD ~ M I s — V rt 01 OS •' s£^ 2 2§S S 3 g * S'-c = C *? o-^S-3 0S-3 H i A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 169 oooo o o oo o o o o^ o'oo'cV oo" oooo o o o o oooo o o o oo o o oo »o rococo CO eo «■*« 00 CI co W CO CD»0 a s o r- t^ oo to io kn *-* co oooo oooo oooo o o o oo oo oo ■^ — -3* — CM O CM I-- CO -O CTi CM 4» CO CM -*f o o'oi C7> CM OOOO OOOO oooo oooo o oo NO oooo o o o oooo o oo O OO t-<0 CI Ol io o ,_l ' ' CO CO »C •"■"*« r- r*- — i OO ""-1 hO M» 5**» oooo oooo oo_o_o_ o'r^o'r—" OS t>- CD tJ< 00 — oooo o oo oooo o o o oooo o o o do COU3 co"eo CM "■"I"' r^ lOCO 1 -• >OtO(NOO eo CO •**« •*P ■"-« CD *-< CO CO «* «. e«- o s CO* oooo oooo oooo j-»*co"r-."io" ^< iO •-• CO eo •-» oooo oooo oooo o O O OO o o oo -* o O Oi t-o U3 y— CM CM CO^H-^ -« CM OS "<** CO -^ CM 0O o oo" oooo oooo oo_o_o_ CO* CO co'o* 00 — CO — o — = o oooo o_o_o_o_ HCOf 't 00 — oo o o oo r~*o~ cm cr O 00 O — r- CD I 4 O ctT a c •a c cs s a T3 ■ ' 8 » « iS £ a I *.2 c "3 8H-?S. gsga33i£<5 "3 .B<5 c-s5 , 73"-5 § o = : 5 o g^S£«c32 S £3.2 g BSQccfeO g~W PS O a 8-S"3 o c. "-•""; 5*312 2 II 5 ~w s - 0-0 g "3.2 ge u £ = 5"9 c Eg 3 § ~W 170 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURt ES QO -Q cj fc- o 5. 3 3 — a ». B W W => rt * w CO c c o o a c fS'B • 82 3 ' — S p* 2 e„ ? *^ ♦- a - — Ij 3 F £.• *= = 3 ■30 Si c Soa ».4.I n c p o f - - . r* ■— oj A. u . E B § 3 , i o d — °.£ «JE - §-8|^'>.^ •- a c -r '- o. 5 £.— -^CO 03 O cc oo |3 3 at m c I 00 a 1 O 1- — 3- 05 V »- fe t - Q 5 Cv o ""o Ph PL, ' 2 2" 1""3 eg f ! ^ S - ■ = = X .ill ill .1:1 E * s A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 171 o 00 CO o o OD o o o o o o CO* o o o o o o o to" o o o o o o o ■n o o o o oo" o o o us CO o ■* V o o o o o o o o § o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o in K5 OS TO CO CO a> OS CM CM o> -^ oo OO •o TO -*■ •^ CO CO CD CO CO 0> '-■ *•— ' 0> U o 111- 1 2- " . *Oj . a •J o o >> c b •.3 o c 3i C C3 C3 .— •- Cs is . _ -i r. ■gg.i §•„.£ .— o jtiqa t 11! o ^ilio a a "s § .i 00 ,-, CO «* ' S >.S 2 s "3 as as as cs 5; i acc a .-3 £ • a 5 «^< a s 3 »- g.2-3 ;T _ — l- rt c o be o 03 »^ S J§ «o £ o OS O w -"20 O o ^-s o O cj ■is o2 lis- > j= _^_2 1 eis .£ 3 «- O o. .efc a E jS o ■<. a> CO c •a-ssi-a C os o t~ o "3°S S'S'S' > - 6h > ■S§o--S -E„*ts "3 S-S 2 £ 2 a c g = § >> 3 u _ 2 5?-- fe S ^ ° A fc. CO "ti £j cs u fc"0 3 See rt g £ 3 B h M no" 3.E CS -3 >- - - J; S 3 O « fe SfJJ 3 J 91 »-i'S 5 3 ^ ■■ O u 3 "s 3 Is .5 few 3 =5 .Son - C.S i o a 5 cs o ^ GS ^Tf ggJS II X 5 oc B • o *- — ^^ S3 . ~ §• 3 33 O C .•-r O O C o -^ "8. ° s .« 3 3^_ c 1 S — so *-Z.*3^- « S°*-5— a)-— « eg - - 7* «— • -^ ^ -*-i > ^ *T^ c_ -.- fc« o ^ - ,33^ : 5 5£-3 . X -^ c »- 1 P3 .t^ « 0) t ._-x - a a m g 3 O i- ■axS o a.-S-r'g; SiNI 3 ° M* S 8-g.s^S ■- . 3.SS 3 t. > w _. - a cs 3 o fe-o oo S>— cs — BJ3 « cj*3 "*^ CS 4 E'o.S "3 .£? •is: o S3 «5 «■ „c« - S &s -^ cs - "S. 3 a- 3 3 a 03 a. a^ 3 cc c 3 O 5 s C3 l- -SPg.S ■ ,_, ^ E as .1* o S-s. £■8.1 s -|- " "" Cass's' B'S 3 3«— *■ •O £ C 3 ■ 3 cs *>-g cs eg cs 3 .0) cr -oT « C OTJ o = "'8 5 OK u 5 o« coOQ 172 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES - O *W +J => * .. a c ■ -3 0> «> 3 « K — *- rS ■i m a P rt « "71 ** " W M Q 00 00 CO O co o CO © o — : O a — -g u.3 & S3 o a- I o.S " o p. < < o o o CO to >ra o St S3 £ => « _ S» S o-S— o o u . O ■g —> a. 2 g o o o •o OO •5*5 5 .£"3 fc'S'S g-o-c ao« B j; U as g 5.5 fci'S.S*' »"3 "&§ t £.5 * - 3. «-, ■"a " S*f S-s- 00 _ ™o & « a c A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 173 G a o O u >> u > 0> S u >> t- _ JC 73 *£ cj O O - t - > a « o S & S J} 2 "73 ■o c a ■a c B33 — . OS b H | I 1-2 3 cJ >< W O G _ OOcS _, W ^> 03 t-i 'q, => $ OS c ft 3 O — ' Jli! I §a i oj r- Mt-.^ m a 8- S "° ft S 3" a 3 o <»— . > 3 2 3 >ft^ .1-8°.. 8 « .S^sS* £.2 2*-- wo cj — £ a — I « ■" □ ^ — S -a a rf m o o _ O - 3 6 « 0JT3 _ -3 >, - ^ SK.S O 03 O"— I > V O k t, q oo* g k. ft^ *j n O 3 3T3 o .H>.a«i o^Oc 3 ! S"o -S.S !j S-H-ol 174 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES w E Q > c Q 09 C /, u u O u £ < 3 o 9 >> Ih H Si (/j •o o z V § 3 "3 6 o (Q ,_ o TD 09 6 j: 3 4-1 c 4-> c •o u o f 1 ^-^ ' g as ■>* C oo ••-» 4> uu x _ 1 CQ <: H u o ■t-> C3 £ o ■o c (9 £.3 3 1 1 1-2 |5& o ■■5 Si S =53 3 M ill H a J.S | .2.3 2 a a < ■oSS 3 si K o ■a c 03 ■< cj.3 o ft— 3- g =• S.E S a ° !r, ■< a o'n j 3 o 4 s ■3ts ft o OS o O S 2 r it £ 2 s ft c * s « 5 o-S— o o . e I c -g CO •o o o 8 § r- 8 5 o S 8 S3 o 8 g o S o o" CO § 8 3 ° eS c ■ E 111 r J5 £ i J*!f "5 &-c I 4 i-S-rb •SB? S_ -n 3 _,J2 iu *- 4- S « ••S >.:°.i: "5 s§;« "S3 S<° .a >> & t 4 4^2.5 5- i.'H o o ^ 3 •* w ■as O 3 3 O u< gca C8 JS en 2 B o-o m 3 -§* * -R-IXS B Da 5 « ! 1 £•§ SJ C._ 3 - => ■a -o — is S " ii org 3 P ^■s O q *j CO 3 ^ S'3 > — > j, :Z - A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 175 CHAPTER XI GEOLOGY OF DAM SITES OF CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENT Examinations and subsurface explorations. A geological examination was made of the dam sites of the consoli- dated development and a report rendered thereon by Hyde Forbes, geologist, at the request of Mr. Stephen E. Kieffer, representing the American River Hydro-electric Company, with the view of determining the geologic suitability of the sites for the dams proposed. Mr. Forbes reports the foundation rock at the sites on the north and south forks, which have been used in the estimates in this report, is hard and durable and suitable in all respects for the structures pro- posed. At the Folsom site, he reports the gelogic conditions are not quite so favorable as for the selected sites on the forks, nevertheless, with usual precautions in stripping and pressure grouting, the site is entirely satisfactory for the dam proposed. Mr. Forbes' report is included in full herein. Subsurface explorations have been made only of the Folsom site, which was core drilled by the American River Hydro-electric Company, with 35 vertical holes aggregating 1265 feet. These in most instances penetrated solid rock. The sites on the forks have not been drilled. Geologic report. The report of Hyde Forbes is as follows: Mr. Stephen E. Kieffer, Consulting Engineer, 57 Post Street, San Francisco. Dear Sir: At your request, I made a study in the field during August and Sep- tember of 1928 of the geologic and topographic conditions obtaining along the North Fork channel of the American River, in the vicinity of Auburn, and the South Fork channel of the American River, from the vicinity of Coloma to Salmon Falls. These river sections contain six proposed dam sites, three on each stream, which were studied in some greater detail. Subsequently, I have investigated the proposed Folsom dam s,ite. Based upon surface indications as to rock types, as well as general geological and topographical conditions, but subject to later check and corroboration through subsurface exploration, it is my opinion that : (1) The massive rock spurs through which the rivers have cut their courses offer excellent foundations for the structures proposed at the Lower Auburn and Pilot Creek dam sites on the North Fork of the American River and two proposed sites on the South Fork of the American River at about river bed elevations, 430 feet and 550 feet above sea level, respectively. No major faults occur in the region examined. Shear zones are few, very limited in extent, and at unweath- ered exposures are found thoroughly strengthened through the deposi- tion of secondary quartz. There is no reason to anticipate that any structural weakness will be revealed upon stripping of the dam sites. 176 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES (2) The Lower Auburn dam site occupies a gorge cut by the North Fork of the American River through a massive ridge of hard, compact rock, the joints in which become inconsequenta! at short distances below ground surface and, in unweathered portions, are closed by quartz deposition. It is probable that unweathered rock will be found a1 relatively shallow depth on the steep canyon walls. But the topography suggests waterfall conditions during the erosive history of the North Pork of the American River at this point, and it is probable that pot holes of some extent will be found in the rock bottom of the stream. (3) The Pilot Creek dam site is located upon the North Pork of the American River where it cuts through the most conspicuous topographic feature of the region — a high ridge wh.ich strikes northwest-southeast across the region through Pilot Hill. The foundation rock for the pro- posed structure will be made up of the same material that occurs at the Lower Auburn dam site, capable of entirely fulfilling the require- ments as a support for the proposed structures. (4) The Lower Coloma dam site is located upon the South Fork of the American River at the point its course cuts through the Pilot Hill ridge, described just above. Here topographic and geologic features combine to make an excellent dam site. (5) Beginning at river bed elevation 430 feet (downstream from Webber Creek) and extending up the South Fork of the American River for several hundred feet is a rock formation that is hard, durable, and difficult to break under blows of a hammer. The stream bed is narrow and the side walls rise abruptly above it the full height of the proposed structure. Detailed surveys will reveal the best topographic location for a dam site within an extensive area whose rock will afford an excellent foundation for a dam, require a minimum of stripping, and should present shallow depth of stream bed materials. This site is designated upon the accompanying map as the Webber Creek site. (6) An investigation was made of a surveyed area designated as the Upper Auburn dam site. The rock at this point is composed of schist and related metamorphic rocks which are less desirable as a founda- tion for the proposed 7najor structure but could be made to serve were there no better site available. (7) The upper Coloma dam site which has been surveyed and con- sidered for some time past was also invesigated. A dam foundation here, however, woidd be composed of a series of metamorphic rocks which change in physical characteristics and mineral constituents within relatively narrow zones. One of these zones consists of serpen- tine which dips beneath the dam site. The rock's are not suited as a foundation for a major structure such as that proposed. (8) While at the Polsom dam site the topographic and geologic con- ditions are less favorable as a site for a major structure than those found at the Lower Auburn and Lower Coloma sites, with the usual precau- tions of complete stripping to solid rock and pressure grouting the foundation, it will prove an entirely satisfactory site for the structure proposed. Tin 1 results of the field investigation upon which the above stated conclusions are based, are herewith appended in a report. Respectfully submitted. (Signed) Hyde Forbes, Geologist. San Francisco, California, January 21, 1929. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 177 GEOLOGIC FEATURES ALONG SECTIONS OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH FORKS OF THE AMERICAN RIVER The region investigated is one in which occur the oldest of the Sierra rock masses. The formations consist largely of metamorphic rocks derived through dynamic-metamorphism. Intense movement and pres- sure have altered the original ancient sediments and basic igneous rocks over a wide region. The alteration has effected an increase in crystal- lization, thus changing the texture and generally increasing the hard- ness. Within the region younger masses of granitic and other igneous rocks, intrusive in the metamorphics. have caused (due to the great heat of and the escaping vapors from the molten intrusion) a border zone of increased metamorphism or further alteration to exist along the con- tacts. Consequently the complex nature of the formations derived through these processes requires a field study of a wide area surround- ing, as well as a detailed study of the proposed dam sites, in order that a thorough understanding of the rock characteristics may be had. Waldemar Lindgren, in the earlier publications of the United States Geological Survey, includes the metamorphics and intrusive igneous masses in a broad classification as "Bedrock series" of Pre- Jurassic Age. Sufficient for the present purpose is the fact that the rock forma- tions are ancient, that no major faults have been found in the Bedrock series, and that minor shear zones, faults, and joints have been closed and the mass consolidated through the deposition of secondary quartz in the ages since movement has taken place. Amphibolite and Amphibolite-schist. The United States Geological Survey classifies the metamorphics, which make up the greater portion of the region examined, as amphibo- lite, which designation embraces all phases and modifications within the rock mass. Dynamic metamorphism acting upon basic igneous rock whose chief bisilicate was pyroxene, caused it to pass into hornblendic rocks with more or less development of schistosity. The formation is "banded" through the variation in texture and mineral constituents which occur within relatively short distances, all phases being, how- ever, perfectly crystalline. The trend of the banding is northwest to southeast and the bands dip almost vertically. Some of the bands are decidedly laminated or foliated due to the parallel arrangement of hornblende crystals. Others present a massive appearance with the schistosity hardly discernable. Certain bands of the hornblende schist have passed into more finely laminated, green chlorite schist which softens to a scaly mass and weathers to the rusty colored clay soil characteristic of the region. Variation of the massive and schistose texture is irregular. The massive phase resembles the original igneous rock, is very hard, durable, and resists erosion and weathering. The bands of massive amphibolite therefore mark the highest mountains and the most continuous ridge spurs. Topographic development. Both the North and South forks of the American River cross the amphibolite over the greater portion of the sections examined. In the DIVISION OK WATER HESOI'HCKS GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC FEATURES PERTAINING TO DAMSITES ON NORTH AND SOUTH FORKS OF AMERICAN RIVE.R SCALL IN MILES 2 3 I KCT^ Amphibolite ffi&Ma Amphibolite Schist LEGEND \;^^ A Granitic Igneous In+rusion i3 Basic Igneous Intrusion 1 Slates and Related Rocks Note: Investigation limited to areas marked for legend. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIYI.i; 179 I'LATE XIV Typical amphibolite schist. Jointed massive amphibolite. Upper Auburn dam site on North Fork American River. Massive amphibolite — Schistose development (at hammer). Quartz vein fillings. Lower Auburn dam site on North Fork American River. 180 DIVISION OP WATEB i;i .'SOURCES erosive development of the streams they have met the massive bands to turn and follow the southwesterly strike of the less resistant schistose bands for short distances before cutting southeasterly across the trend of the massive bands. The side streams are developed along the schist bands. There, slopes are gentle and soil covering is the heaviest. Thus the topographic development has resulted in draws marking the schistose bands and ridges marking the more resistant massive bands. Where the massive bands have been crossed by the rivers the hard resistant rock stands at steep angles above streambed, outcrops of rock make up a large portion of the slope, and soil covering is shallow. Geologically and topographically the most desirable dam sites will be located at points where the streams cross the spurs of massive amphibolite. Upper Auburn site. At the junction of the Middle Fork with the North Fork of the American River lies a body of slate containing siliceous layers resem- bling chert and a limestone deposit which has been extensively quarried. The black slates merge with the green amphibolite downstream. The Upper Auburn dam site is located in the amphibolite less than 1000 feet distant from the contact. Over this distance the rocks have developed a marked schistosity and the prevailing rock bands are horn- blende schist which has, in some places, altered to chlorite schist, a green flaky mass on the canyon sides which has weathered to a reddish clay soil. The proposed Upper Auburn site contains a topographic draw which has developed along a band of chlorite schist. Bordering the chlorite schist band are bands of hornblende schist, downstream and upstream, which merge into massive bands of relatively limited thickness. The hornblende schist does not weather as readily as does the chlorite schist, but it and the massive phase at the dam site have developed two main systems of joints which have weakened the outcrop exposures. These joints' systems are at right angles and oblique angles with the schistosity and large blocks of rock have been displaced along these lines of weakness. That these materials are firmer and much more indurated below ground surface Iban might be expected from the weathered exposures on the canyon sides, is attested to by the character of rock exposed by stream erosion in the bottom of the canyon. It is my opinion that the site could be made to serve as a foundation for the structure proposed were no better site available. The disadvantages would be in the amount of stripping necessary to reach firm indurated rock in place. Lower Auburn site. In passing downstream from the Upper Auburn site the same mate- rial, in bands, occurs with the green chlorite schist bands becoming less pronounced. The stream cuts across the bands at right angles to their strike for about a mile and a quarter below the junction. At three-quarters of a mile a band of fully developed chlorite schist is exposed which merges into hornblende schist. From this point to A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 181 PLATE XV !SP^,, if OBE&k Left abutment. Right abutment. Stream bed. Weathering of schist. Jointing of schist. Indurated schist. Upper Auburn dam site on North Fork American River. Right abutment. Left abutment. Right abutment. Massive amphibolite at Lower Auburn dam site on North Fork American River. 1 182 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES beyond the Lower Auburn site the schistosity is not so marked nor is there parting along joints, and the rock lias resisted erosion. The massive phase of the amphibolite predominates and at the dam site occurs a massive band some five hundred feet in thickness in which the rock resembles the original diabase, portions of which have developed schistosity. The whole has been so thoroughly indurated by the deposition of secondary quartz that it has been the controlling feature of the topographic development. The canyon sides are pre- cipitous, rock outcrops continuously and soil covering is shallow. Joint PLATE XVI Upper portion of right abutment. Lower Auburn dam site on North Fork American River. blocks have been carried away as they developed on the steep canyou sides so that stripping will probably be limited to that necessary to key in the structure. Just below this spur occurs a more schistose band and the stream turns to the southwest along its strike and side canyons have been developed. Above the spur the stream bed drops less than twenty feet to the mile, while in the four-mile stretch below it drops 120 feet. The topographic development suggests waterfall conditions during the erosive history of the North Fork of the American River at this point, and it is probable that pot holes of some extent will be found in the rock bottom of the stream. In my opinion the geological and topographical conditions at this point combine to make an excellent site and founda- tion for the major structure proposed. Pilot Creek dam site. The most conspicuous topographic feature of the region examined is the high ridge which strikes north west -southeast across the region, the highest point of which is Pilot Hill. This spur is crossed by the North Fork of the American River at Pilot Creek. From the dam of the North Fork Ditch Company downstream to Pilot Creek the topo- graphic development in the bands of more fully developed schistosity and jointing have produced gentler slopes and numerous draws. Few A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 183 massive bands exist and these have not sufficient width extent to become important until the Pilot Hill spur is reached. Pilot Creek has eroded the southerly wall of the American River Canyon where it crosses the massive amphibolite. But just below the junction of Pilot Creek with the river exists an excellent site for the structure proposed. The canyon walls rise at steep angles from a narrow stream bed. Stripping should be at a minimum and firm rock should be found at shallow depth below stream bed. PLATE XVII Right. Massive amphibolite spur. Pilot Creek dam site on North Fork American River. Left. Upper Coloma dam site. An area of granitic rock lies intrusive in the metamorphics along the South Fork of the American River from Coloma downstream to Hast- ings Creek. Such intrusions are the most effective agents of contact metamorphism and, as is of common occurrence, there is found a zone of highly metamorphosed rock along Hastings Creek and in the vicinity of its junction with the South Fork of the American River where the upper Coloma dam site is located. The metamorphic rocks of this zone are composed of a number of lesser zones or bands of rock in which the alteration decreases in passing downstream from the intru- sion. Physical changes, due to baking, as well as complete chemical changes, are apparent in very limited distances. Such changes have produced an area over which the rocks are not homogeneous in the mass, part readily from each other, and react to weathering and other conditions with considerable variance one from 12 — 72924 184 DIVISION OP WATER RESOURCES another These bands strike across the dam site, dipping about 45 degrees upstream. The most conspicuous Land is composed o! serpen- tine In the river bed exposure it is brittle flaky green rock Inn under exposure to the atmosphere on the canypn wads it lias broken down to an incoherenl mass of clayey soil. In that condition it has PLATE XVIII Broken rock and soil (left bank). Upper' Coloma"Dam"site on South Fork American River Serpentine outcrop (right bank). slid out of place down the canyon sides, which accounts for the land- slide topography. The serpentine found at the dam site is a thoroughly altered derivative. It is subject to further decomposition by simply softening to dirt and clay, usually accompanied by swelling, bnear and crushed zones border the serpentine. It is difficult to anticipate how deep the decomposition and shearing has taken place or how rapidly will the serpentine decompose upon exposure and stripping. It is very poor foundation rock and as it dips under the dam site makes the site unsuited for the major structure proposed. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RP7ER 185 PLATE XIX Shattered rock and decomposed serpentine slide (left bank). Upper Coloma dam site on South F'ork American River. Higher portion of landslide topography. Face of landslide the top of which appears in picture at left. Upper Coloma dam site on South F'ork American River. 186 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Lower Coloma dam site. For the reasons stated above, it was considered expedient to examine the South Fork channel helow Hastings Creek in considerable detail for the purpose of obtaining a substitute site which would be suitable. Downstream from the highly metamorphosed zone abovi' described was found slates, chert, and siliceous beds resembling qnartzite. Some diabase also was found. About two-thirds of a mile downstream chlorite schist crosses the stream bed. The stream to this point follows the strike of the cleavage of the slate. A resistant band of amphibolite turns the si ream about one mile below the upper Coloma site but the topographic development prohibits its use as a dam site. Amphibolite, resembling closely that found along the North Fork of the river, continues with no suitable dam sites tor a distance of three and one-quarter miles below the upper Coloma dam site. At that point the Pilot Hill spur is cut by the South Fork, diagonally across the strike of the band. The formation is the massive phase, described in con- nection with the Pilot Creek dam site on the North Fork. It has here resisted erosion so that the stream channel is narrow and the canyon walls rise abruptly from a stream bed elevation of about 550 feet to over 900 feet above sea level. In my opinion the topographic and geologic conditions here obtaining provide an excellent dam site. PLATE xx Massive amphibolite outcrops and joint blocks. Lfwer Coloma dam site on South Fork American River. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 187 PLATE XXI Upper portion of left abutment. Lower Coloma dam site on South Fork American River. Middle portion of left abutment. Lower Coloma dam site on South Fork American River. 188 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Webber Creek dam site. The proposed development of the South Fork of the American River calls for a low height ( 100-1 f>0 feet) dam to utilize the head between the Coloma dam site and the Folsom reservoir. It -was desired to obtain a site for this dam as low as possible on the river. For that reason the river channel was examined from Salmon Falls upstream. Just above the Salmon Falls bridge the South Fork of the American River has cut its course through an area of intrusive igneous rock which continues, with varying phases of texture and mineral constituent-, upstream as far as the investigation went. The igneous mass is a dark green rock of granitoid texture whose main mineral constituents are pyroxene, hornblende, and plagioclasr. Quartz is present as a secondary mineral in the lighter phases. The mass contains areas which are composed almost entirely of hornblende, which may be primary. These areas make up the more resistant por- tions and mark the narrow gorge, precipitous walled portions of the river course. Beginning at about stream bed elevation 430 and con- tinuing upstream for several hundred feet the river cuts westerly across such an area. The stream bed is narrow and the side walls rise abruptly above it the full height of the proposed structure. The rock is hard and durable, difficult to break under blows of a hammer. Detailed surveys will reveal the best topographic location for the dam site, within an extensive area whose rock will afford an excellent foundation for a dam, require a minimum of stripping and should present shallow depth of stream bed materials. The site takes its name from "Webber Creek which enters the South Fork about 1£ miles above the proposed location. Hornblende rock — Secondary quartz filling. Webber Creek dam site on South Fork American River. Looking downstream. A PROPOSED MAJOR DEVELOPMENT ON AMERICAN RIVER 189 PLATE XXIII Webber Creek dam site on South Fork American River. Looking upstream. Folsom dam site. The Folsoru dam site is located upon the American River below the junction of the South Fork with the North Fork and a short distance above the point where the river leaves an extensive area whose country rock has been designated granodiorite by the United States Geological Survey. This term is a contraction of granite-diorite employed to dis- tinguish the intermediate rock between granite and quartz diorite. The latter strongly resembles granite, physically and chemically, and for the purpose of this report the rock will be referred to by its local name in general use — granite. The dam site lies wholly within the granite area with topographic differences due largely to the effect of erosion and attack of the weather upon rock of fairly uniform characteristics. There are no evidences of major lines of structural weakness in the vicinity. Contrary to the popular conception, granite is one of the least durable of the crystalline rocks. The constitutent mineral crystals of the granite at the dam site are mainly hornblende, the mica biotite, quartz, and feldspar. As the original molten mass cooled, these relatively large crystals formed, interlocking with each other, until the whole became converted into a mass of interlocking crystals, firmly knit together into a strong crystalline rock mass. However, this crystal fabric is subject to breakdown and the tenacity or bond of the fabric is overcome by the forces of weathering. Temperature changes cause the rock surface to break down through the unequal contraction and expansion of the com- ponent crystals. Minute cracks open as the crystals part from each other and surface moisture, penetrating through these openings, enlarges them and further weakens the rock through the removal or alteration of some of its mineral constituents. This process of disinte- 190 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES gration may continue to some considerable depth below the ground surface, the residuum or so-called rotten granite, remaining in place over the unweathered portions. Such material is a physically weak crumbly mass, subject to penetration and percolation of water, and readily eroded. The surface of the dam site is spotted with outcrops of unweathered granite but the larger portion of the dam site surface is made up of the rock in varying stages of disintegration, ranging from the completely broken down and altered product — clay soil — to rock which may be broken down with a hand pick. The driller's logs of the test holes bored across the dam site show disintegration to be uneven as to depth, increasing generally from upstream to downstream, with a maximum depth to solid rock of forty-three feet on the west and thirty-eight feet on the east abutment. All of this residuum must be removed in stripping the dam site and the structure keyed in to the firm unaltered granite to depths of at least five feet. The residuum is rapidly carried away through erosion on the slopes and bottom of the gorge at the dam site and the unweathered granite; exposed below elevation 325 on the east and 340 on the west abutments is firm. The rock mass has developed three major systems of joints; one striking southwesterly, diagonally across the dam site but parallel to the stream course just above the site, and dipping 75 degrees from the horizontal; one striking southeasterly making about an 80-degree angle with the first and dipping 75 degrees from the horizontal, and an intersecting horizontal joint dipping N. 75° about 25 degrees. At the surface these joints are opened and in many places a weathered zone (rotten granite) ranging from one to eight inches in width borders the joints. The presence of secondary quartz filling in the joints in the freshly eroded granite at stream level and considerable quartz float in the soil indicate that the older and larger seams and joints, below the weathered zone, are probably closed to the passage of water. However, the diamond drill core records show "seamy" and rotten granite zones and an examination of the cores reveals joints, which persist to depths in excess of fifty feet, through which water has circulated and whose wall material has disintegrated. It will therefore be necessary to carry out a systematic program of pressure grouting over the dam site, the location, number, depth and direct ion of the grout holes being dependent upon the joints revealed when the site is stripped. The design of the dam calls for two flood spillways, four hundred feet in length, along the crest of each abutment as part of the structure This portion of the structure will lie along the flatter portions of the dam site where disintegration has progressed to the greatest depths. It will be necessary to strip and treat the foundation over these stretches as carefully and fully as the stretch upon which the gravity dam section will be founded. The wasteway to the river from the spillway crest may require a "cascade" treatment of the natural rock slopes. The waste discharge may equal one hundred thousand cubic feet of water per second and further consideration must be given to the ability of the rock to withstand the effects of such floods and the weather. 1 ■ PLATE XXIV % <**) >CATION OF TEST HOLES FOLSOM DAM SITE SCALE IN FEET 100 200 300 400 190 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES gration may continue to some considerable depth below the ground surface, the residuum or so-called rotten granite, remaining in place over the unweathered portions. Such material is a physically weak crumbly mass, subject to penetration and percolation of water, and readily eroded. The surface of the dam site is spotted with outcrops of unweathered granite but the larger portion of the dam site surface is made up of the rock in varying stages of disintegration, ranging from the completely broken down and altered product — clay soil — to rock which may be broken down with a hand pick. The driller's logs of the test holes bored across the dam site show disintegration to be uneven as to depth, increasing generally from upstream to downstream, with a maximum depth to solid rock of forty-three feet on the west and thirty-eight fed on the east abutment. All of this residuum must be removed in stripping the dam site and the structure keyed in to the firm unaltere 1 granite to depths of at least five feet. The residuum is rapidly carried away through erosion on the slopes and bottom of the gorge at the dam site and the unweathered granite exposed below elevation 325 on the cast and :>4() on the west abutments is firm. The rock mass has developed three major systems of joinis; one striking southwesterly, diagonally across the dam site but parallel to the stream course just above the site, ami dipping 75 degrees from the horizontal; one striking southeasterly making about an 80-degree angle with the first and dipping 75 degrees from the horizontal, and an intersecting horizontal joint dipping N. 75° about 25 degrees At the surface these joints are opened and in many places a weathered zone (rotten granite) ranging from one to eight inches in width borders the joints. The presence of secondary quartz tilling in the joints in the freshly eroded granite at stream level and considerable quartz float in the soil indicate that the older and larger seams and joints, below the weathered zone, are probably closed to the passage of water. However, the diamond drill core records show "seamy" and rotten granite zones and an examination of the cores reveals joints, which persist to depths in excess of fifty feet, through which water has circulated and whose wall material has disintegrated. It will therefore be necessary to carry out a systematic program of pressure grouting over the dam site, the location, number, depth and direction of the grout holes being dependent upon the joints revealed when the site is stripped. The design of the dam calls for two flood spillways, four hundred feet in length, along the crest of each abutment as part of the structure. This portion of the structure will lie along the flatter portions of the dam site where disintegration has progressed to the greatest depths. It will be necessary to strip and treat the foundation over these stretches as carefully and fully as the stretch upon which the gravity dam section will be founded. The wasteway to the river from the spillway crest may require a "cascade" treatment of the natural rock slopes. The waste discharge may equal one hundred thousand cubic feet of water per second and further consideration must be given to the ability of the rock to withstand the effects of such floods and the weather. PLATE XXIV LOCATION OF TEST HOLES FOLSOM DAM SITE SCALE IN FEET lOO 200 300 400 I I I 2924 — Opp. page 190 s PLATE XXV NUMBER 33 32 58 - El. 349.0 - Earth 3 0" 31 Rotten Granite 190' Hard I Granite El. 346.5" Earth 3 0- 30 Rotten Granite El. 341.8' Earth and Granite Sand 5 Rotten Granite 29 Z0'0~ 220 ~J Hard Granite 23 0~ 26 '6- El. 365.5' Earth 3 0" Rotten Granite 17 0" Hard Granite Seamy EI.387.S- Earth and Sand A'O" Hard Rock Seamy El.371.5' Earth and Sand 5 0" Rotten Granite I5'6" Hard Granite 176" El. 383.5- Earth and Sand ST)" Rotten Granite 1|50" 2I'0" Hard Granite 24-0" u 31-0" Hard Granite 36'0" Broken Granite 37 '0" Hard Granite 40 '0" -OG OF TEST HOLES FOLSOM DAM SITE "292 PlaATB XXV -HOLE NUMBER HOLE NUMBER ,. HOLE NUMBER 43 42 41 54 SO 47 53 40 48 52 49 51 39 7 3 II 4 6 KContti.r 5 2 37 38 35 56 34 36 32 58 31 a uu Earth Earth Earth Ea"n CI.UU- Eartn faith EI.3SB0 Earth lr* Lr"° Sand RK El 106 6 It 106.0 El 206 1 • Ei lot 0" Earln Eartn El .MT*- 3 and _ Eartn Eartn JO' El 3*1 V Earth Earth El 3ASQ- Earth Ei JM.5' ej s-j.e Earth and CI3SS5' earth CI MT.S' Eartn and Sand CUTIS' [1 383 s Eartn and j.jj- S'O" 10 3*0" J'O" 10 3^" J 3 3 0" 1 JO Sa* d * — ' 30" Sand Sand KS Sffi Wot It n GrMtll 9 rd Herd Granite Grey i6 6 Wain Sand and 26 77 J6 6 g»o ' &£»«• Gravel - 170" 1000- Gravel Gravel ■ •;« 6 - ..- .■-■'• ISO WO" — »v Grty Fine Coars* JOO SCO" Decomposed Granite Bro»n and Soft Granite ,«,- Granite WV Hard Granite Griv Orjn.lt Grey JT-0- js'o" Cora Granite ft»r Core no. ~ Rotten Granite «o-o- ..-.- Hard Gran.te Grey Sand and nard Hard Granite 7S WO" Soft Granite Boulders 4V0- Granite ***°" iS'O as*o* *5'0" s. *■» -*"- Granite Hard Granite Seamy G;ry Sand Ledje «"— _ SIS" sand Granite wain Soim IT" - sa o SS6" rre - BrglLftrCin er.Dec Or.n Gravel SB'B- |$»ei.y - n*o- LOG OF TEST HOLES Solid Seamy Grey &r*ni-e •"'■' " U'o- FOLSOM DAM SITE (fO" »■■- Hard Granite So't Seamy Mard I Row sort «. cay ^ Seam* Soft Br. Clay : G finite = Brown Granite |T)0 PUBLICATIONS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 13—72924 - PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA When the Department of Public Works was created In July. 1921. the State Water Commission was succeeded by the Division of Water Rights, and the Department of Engineering was succeeded by the Division of Engineering and Irrigation in all duties except those pertaining to State Architect. Both the Division of Water nights and the Division of Engineering and Irrigation functioned until August. 1929, when they were consolidated to form the Division of Water Resources. STATE WATER COMMISSION First Report,- State Water Commission, March 24 to November 1, 1912. Second Report, State Water Commission, November 1, 1912, to April 1, 1914. •Biennial Report, State Water Commission, March 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916. Biennial Report, State Water Commission, December 1, 1916, to September 1, 1918. Biennial Report, State Water Commission, September 1, 1918, to September 1, 1920. •Bulletin No. 1— •Bulletin No. 2— •Bulletin No. 3— •Bulletin No. 4 — Bulletin No. 5— Bulletin No. 6— Bulletin No. 7 — •Biennial Report, •Biennial Report, Biennial Report, Biennial Report, DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS Hydrographic Investigation of San Joaquin River, 1920-1923. Kings River Investigation, Water Master's Reports, 1918-1923. Proceedings First Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Con- ference, 1924. Proceedings Second Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Con- ference, and Water Supervisor's Report, 1924. San Gabriel Investigation — Basic Data, 1923-1926. San Gabriel Investigation — Basic Data, 1926-1928. San Gabriel Investigation — Analysis and Conclusions, 1929. Division of Water Rights, 1920-1922. Division of Water Rights, 1922-1924. Division of Water Rights, 1924-1926. Division of Water Rights, 1926-1928. •Bulletin •Bulletin Bulletin •Bulletin •Bulletin •Bulletin Bulletin •Bulletin Bulletin •Biennial •Biennial •Biennial •Biennial •Biennial •Biennial •Biennial DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING 1 — Cooperative Irrigation Investigations in California, 1912-1914. 2 — Irrigation Districts in California, 1887-1915. 3 — Investigations of Economic Duty of Water for Alfalfa in Sacra- mento Valley, California, 1915. No. 4 — Preliminary Report on Conservation and Control of Flood Waters in Coachella Valley, California, 1917. 5 — Report on the Utilization of Mojave River for Irrigation in Victor Valley, California, 1918. 6 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1919 (now obsolete). 7 — Use of water from Kings River, California, 1918. 8 — Flood Problems of the Calaveras River, 1919. 9 — Water Resources of Kern River and Adjacent Streams and Their Utilization, 1920. Report, Department of Engineering, 1907-190S. Report, Department of Engineering, 1908-1910. Report, Department of Engineering, 1910-1912. Report, Department of Engineering, 1912-1914. Report, Department of Engineering, 1914-1916. Report, Department of Engineering, 1916-1918. Report, Department of Engineering, 1918-1920. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. k ■I fa •■:; * Reports and Bulletins out of print. State Library at Sacramento, California. These may be borrowed by your local library from the California DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Including Reports of the Former Division of Engineering and Irrigation ♦Bulletin No. 1— California Irrigation District Laws, 1921 (now obsolete). ♦Bulletin No. 2 — [Formation of Irrigation Districts, Issuance of Bonds, etc., 1922. Bulletin No. 3 — Water Resources of Tulare County and Their Utilization, 1922. Bulletin No. 4 — Water Resources of California, 1923. Bulletin No. 5 — Flow in California Streams, 1923. Bulletin No. 6 — Irrigation Requirements of California Lands, 1923. ♦Bulletin No. 7 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1923 (now obsolete). ♦Bulletin No. 8 — Cost of Water to Irrigators in California, 1925. Bulletin No. 9 — Supplemental Report on Water Resources of California, 1925. ♦Bulletin No. 10 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1925 (now obsolete). Bulletin No. 11 — Ground Water Resources of Southern San Joaquin Valley, 1927. Bulletin No. 12 — Summary Report on the Water Resources of California and a Coordinated Plan for Their Development, 19 27. Bulletin No. 13 — The Development of the Upper Sacramento River, containing U. S. R. S. Cooperative Report on Iron Canyon Project, 1927. Bulletin No. 14 — The Control of Floods by Reservoirs, 1928. ♦Bulletin No. IS — California Irrigation District Laws, 1927 (now obsolete). Bulletin No. 18 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1929 Revision. Bulletin No. 19 — Santa Ana Investigation, Flood Control and Conservation (with packet of maps), 1928. Bulletin No. 20 — Kennett Reservoir Development, an Analysis of Methods and Extent of Financing by Electric Power Revenue, 1929. ♦Bulletin No. 21 — Irrigation Districts in California, 1929. Bulletin No. 22 — Report on Salt Water Barrier (two volumes), 1929. Bulletin No. 23 — Report of Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor, 1924-1928. Bulletin No. 24 — A Proposed Major Development on American River, 1929. Biennial Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1920—1922. Biennial Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1922—1924. Biennial Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1924-1926. COOPERATIVE AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS ♦Report of the Conservation Commission of California, 1912. ♦Irrigation Resources of California and Their Utilization (Bui. 254, Office of Exp. Sta., U. S. D. A.), 1913. ♦Report, State Water Problems Conference, November 25, 1916. ♦Report on Pit River Basin, April, 1915. ♦Report on Lower Pit River Project, July, 1915. ♦Report on Iron Canyon Project. 1914. ♦Report on Iron Canyon Project, California, May, 1920. ♦Sacramento Flood Control Project (Revised Plans), 1925. Report of Commission Appointed to Investigate Causes Leading to the Failure of St. Francis Dam, 1928. Report of the Joint Committee of the Senate and Assembly Dealing With the Water Problems of the State, 1929. PAMPHLETS Rules and Regulations Governing the Supervision of Dams in California, 1929. Water Commission Act with Latest Amendments Thereto, 1929. Rules and Regulations Governing the Appropriation of Water in California, 1929. Rules and Regulations Governing the Determination of Rights to Use of Water in Accordance with the Water Commission Act, 1925. Tables of Discharge for Parshall Measuring Flumes, 1928. General Plans, Specifications and Bills of Material for Six ana Nine Inch Parshall Measuring Flumes, 1930. • Reports and Bulletins out of print. These may be borrowed by your local library from the California State Library at Sacramento, California. 72924 10-30 1500 ) J UN 1 9 i THIS BOOK 18 DUE ON THE LAST DATE THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW BOOKS REQUESTED BY ANOTHER BORROWER ARE SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE RECALL NOV L b mi PSL LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS D4613-1 (5/02)M c^lil TC82.4- CP Aa 111593 3 1175 00473 8517 IIH 11 HHh IB 88R"-- : ■in ^ililiBil