— = ^
Bibliograpliy of the Official Poblications
I 774
Some Materials for a Bibliography of the Official Publications of the
Continental Cont^ress.
In 18S5 the United States jfovernmcnt published what purported to be A Descriptive
''atatogue of the (i0vernment Publications of the United States, September 5, ijy^-Afarch 4, 1881,
which should have rendered anj such list as the present unnecessary; but that elaborate work was
misnamed, as it is at best but an index to government publications, and for the period covered by
this bibliography is little more than an imperfect index to the Journals of the Continental Con-
gretf, and has, therefore, been of no assistance in compiling this catalogue. From Sabin's Dic-
tionary of Books relating to .-!/«> v/V;/; Thomas's and Haven's Catalogue of Publications in the
United States, j6^>/-/-;jj, and Hildeburn's Issues of the Pennsylvania Press, I have derived aid,
more especially from the latter. I also owe thanks to Dr. Samuel A. Green. Hon. A. R. Spofford,
iHr. F. A. Bancroft, Mr. Charlc> A. Cutter, Mr. \V. Eames, Mr. Bumford Samuels, Mr. Lindsay
Swift, Mr. William Kelby, and Mr. J. \V. M. Lee, for assistance in the compilation.
The arrangement is strictly chronological, under the date of the introduction by the com-
mittee, or the adoption by the Congress, and those without date, and collected publications are
j)laced at the end of the year to which they belong. The initials at the end of the description indi-
cate certain public libraricF in which the publication can be consulted.
A. signifies Aslor Library.
A.A.S. " Am. Antiquarian Society Library.
B. " I'oston Public Library.
B.A. " Boston Athen;rum Library.
B.M. " British Museum Library.
C. " Library of Congress.
W. " Library of Harvard University.
M. " Massachusetts Historical Society Library.
My. H.S. " Maryland Historical Society Library.
IS'.J.H.S. " New Jersey Hi.storical S'^ciety Library.
N. " New York Historical Society Library.
P. H.S. " Pennsylvania Historical Society Library.
P. " Library Company of Philadelphia.
P.L. " Private Library.
S. * New York .State Library.
S.D. " Department of State Library.
... "A litie omitted in the title.
" Two or more lines omitted in the title.
* " That what is omitted is line for line the same as the preceding title,
-j- " That what is omitted is already sufficiently given in title of previous
Sept. 22 — Oct. 21, 1774.
Sept. 22. Preliminary non-importation resolve.
1. Philadelphia, / In Congress, Thursday. Sep-
tember 22, 1774. /Resolved, / / [Phila-
delphia :] Printed by W. and T. Bradford.
40. Broadside. P.
Oct. 10. Non-importation, &c. agreement.
2. The / Association, &c. [Philadelphia :
Printed by \V. and T. Bradford. 1774.]
8". pp. II. B.A., C, P.L.
An agreement between the twelve Colonies not to trade
with England, drafted by Thomas Gushing, Isaac Low,
Thomas Mif&in, Kichard Henry Lee, and Thomas John-
son, Tun.
" Ordered, That this Association be committed to the
press, and one hundred and twenty copies struck off."
Journal as printed in Force, fourth series, i .
The original document is reproduced in Force's Ar-
chives:, fourth series, I., 915; and a [burlesque] " versified
and set to music" version was printed by Rivington in
New York. There were also many pamphlets issued at
the time, discussing it from all points of view.
3. The following Extract from the Votes and
Pro-/ceedingsofthe American Continental Con-
gress, / we are induced to publish thus early
purely to / ease the Impatience of our Readers.
/ Association, &c. [New York : .^J 8°. pp. 8. N.
4. The following Extracts from the Votes and
Proceedings of the American / Continental Con-
gress, we are induced to publish thus early
purely to ease / the Impatience of our Readers./
Association, &c. / / Boston: Printed
by Edes & Gill. F". Broadside. M.
Oct. 21. Address and Memorial.
5. To the / People of Great- Britain, / from the
/ Delegates, / Appointed by the several English
Co-/lonies . . ./ / ... to consider of / their
Grievances in General Con-/gress, at Phila-
delphia, Septem-/ber5th, 1774./. .[Philadelphia :
Printed by W. and T. Bradford. 1774.]
8°. pp.36. P.L.
Two letters from the Congress, one to the " People of
Great Britain" (drafted by John Jay), and the other to
the " Inhabitants of the Colonies" (drafted by Richard
Henrv Lee), which were reported by acommitte'e of three,
— Kichard Henn,- Lee, William Livingston, and John Jay.
This title is not in Hildeburn, but, misled by Sabin
(.^0,508), he gives a title of what is apparently the same
pamphlet. Sabin was in error in the date, and the true
description is given herein. Xo. 54.
" Ordered, That the Address to the people of Great
Britain, and the Memorial to the Inhabitants of the Brit-
is/i Colonies be iminediatelv committed to the press; and
that no more than one hundred and twenty copies of each
be struck off, without further orders from the Congress."
you ma/.
The text of the letter to the " Inhabitants of the Colo-
nies " was slightly altered in the subsequent issues, and
copies of this edition are sometimes found with MS. cor-
rections of the changes made.
5*. Two / Letters / from the / American Conti-
nental Congress./ held / AtPhiladelphia, Sept. 5,
1774. / The one Addressed to the / People of Great
Britain, / And the other to the / Inhabitants of the
American Colonies. / Coventry :/ Printed and
Sold by J. \V. Piercy, in Broad-gate. 1775. /
(Price Two-pence.) 8°. pp. (.4), 22. P.L.
6. A Letter to the People of Great Britain
from the Delegates of the American Congress in
Philadelphia. [London:] Andrews. 8°.
This title is taken from the " Monthly Catalogue " in
the Critical Rez'iezv for January, 1775 (xxxix, 73), where
it is noticed as follows: —
"... It is a mixture of compliment and expostulation,
accompanied with complaints relative to the establishment
of the Catholic religion in Canada, and to the supposed
violation of their privileges in the article of taxation;
Oct. 26, 1774.
interspersed with ominous anticipations of the future
slavery of the whole British dominion, in consequence of
the plan of K"vernmont adopted by administration. With
respect to the Q^iebec Bill, it was" only fullillin": enjja>je-
ments which we were solemnly bound to maintain by
treaty of peace, and for the performance of which the
natio'nal faith had been pledged. In reujard to the point
of taxation, we mi^rlit have expected that the Americans
would enter larj;ely into the discussion of the subject,
upon political principles; and that they likewise would
have at least attempted to invalidate the force of the
Several precedents produced to evince their own acknowl-
edgement or former acquiescence in the supreme authority
of the British Parliament. Nolhins: of this kind is, how-
ever, to be found in the Letter before us; a most material
and unaccountabi e defect, if we consider that it was writ-
ten at a time when the dele<;ates, by whom it is sent, were
upon the eve of adopting such extraordinary measures, as
may endanger the whole system of British and American
Oct. 26. Letter to Quebec.
7. A Letter / to the / Inhabitants / of the /
Province / of / Qiiebec. / Extract from the
Minutes of the Congress. / Philadelphia : /
Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, /
October, r774 / 8°. pp. (2), [37]-50. P.H.S.
Gushing, Lee and Dickinson were appointed, October
21, a committee to prepare this letter, the draft of which,
both by common acce])tance and by the statement in
Dickinson's " Wrilitiffs " (published in iSoi, under his
supervision), is referred to Dickinson's pen; yet John
Adams (Diary in " Works" li., 392), on October 4,
writes, " General Lee caine to my lodsjings, and showed
me Address from the C. to the people of Canada, which he
had" — or, eleven days before Dickinson was elected to
the Congress, and eighteen days before the committee
was appointed.
8. To the / Inhabitants / Of the Province of/
Qii^hec. / From the / Continental Congress,
at Philadelphia, / September 5, 1774./ [Colo-
phon.] Printed by John Holt, in Dock-Street.
[New York: 1774]. 40. pp.7. P.L.
9. Sin Sdircibcit / ?(ii tic / Giiiwohncr/ tcr / fxO'
vin^/ C.ucbcr. / '.?hK^^iui auo t'cm 'J^rotocoU tci? (£011=
(\VC|)Ci-. / Philadelphia, / Gedruckt und zii haben
bey Ilenrich Miller,/ 1774. / S". pp. (2), [63]-76.
10. Lettre / adress^e / Aux Habitans / de la
Province / de / Qiiebec, / Ci-devant le Canada.
/ De la part dii Congres General de rAm-/erique
Septentrionale, tenu a Philadelphie. / Imprime
& public par Ordre du Congres. / A Phila-
delphie, / De rimprimerie de Fleury Mesplet.
/ M.DCC.LXXIV. 8°. pp. (2), 18. P.
Translated by M. Du Simitiere, and two thousand copies
printed for distribution in Canada.
11. A / Clear Idea / Of the General and
Uncorriipted / British Constitution : / in an /
Address to the Inhabitants /of the / Province of
(j^iebec. / From the Forty-nine Delegates in
the Continental / Congres.s at Philadelphia;/
September 5, to October 10, 1774. / Extracted
from the Votes and Proceedings. [London :
Dilly and Almon, 1774.] 8°. pp.8. M.
12. Extract, from the Journal of the proceed-
ings, of the ho-/norable the American Continental
Congress, .../... Being that part / of their Ad-
dress to the Inhabitants of the Province of/ Qiie-
bec, which enumerates, the glorious rights of
/ Englishmen, . . . / [Philadelphia : Printed bvR.
Bell, 1776.] 8°. pp. (6).
Usually found as a supplement to "Plain Truth
ByCandidiis. Philadelphia, 1776."
Oct. 26. Petition to the King.
13- (13.3) /To Peyton Randolph, Esq. [Phila-
delphia: W. and T. Bradford. 1774.]
S"- PP- [i33]-i44- P-L.
14-2 1 ]
Oct. 27, 1774.
Printed as an appendix to No. 39, but copies were sepa-
rately issued. It consists of the letter from Gage to Kan.
dolph and the Petition to the King.
Tlic Petition was reported to Congress by a committee
consisting of John Adams, Thomas Johnson, Patrick
Henry, John Rutltdge, Richard Henry Lee, and John
Dickinson, and the draft is claimed for' both of the latter
two : for Lee in his Life by R. H. Lee, Jr., and for Dickin-
son in his Writings. The fair inference seems to be that
I^ee prepared the first draft, reported to Congress October
21, which, not meeting with their approval was recom-
mitted, with Dickinson added to the committee. The sec-
end report was probably a revisal of Lee's draft by
Dickinson. In Adams' Diary ( Works 11., ,^96) it appears
that he and Henry were in consultation over the Petition,
and it is plain that all the papers of the Continental Con-
gress, though of necessity written by one man, were the
combined logic and opinions of the committee, and the
honor belongs to no individual member.
14. The / Petition / of the / Continental
Congress / to the / King./ And / General Gage's
Letter / to the Honorable / Peyton Randolph,
Esq; / In Answer to one wrote by the Con-
gress. / Philadelphia : / Printed by William
and Thomas Bradford, / at the London Coft'ee-
Iloiise. / MDCCLxxv. / 8°. pp. (2), [133-] 144.
Same as No. 13 with the addition of a title-page.
15. The / Petition / of the / Grand American
Continental / Congress, / to the / King's / Most
Excellent jNIajesty. /America. / Boston, Printed
and sold at the Printing-Office, near / the Mill-
Bridge. 16°. pp. 8. M.
Oct. 27. Extracts from the Journal.
16. Extracts / From the / Votes and Proceed-
ings / Of the American Continental / Congress,
/ Held at Philadelphia on the/ 5th of September
1774. / Containing/ The Bill of^Rights, A List of
Griev-/ances, Occasional Resolves, the / Associa-
tion, an Address to the People / of Great-Brit-
ain, and a Memorial /to the Inhabitants of the
British / American Colonies. / Published by
order of the Congress. / Philadelphia :/ Printed
by William and Thomas Bradford, / October 27th,
M,DCC,LXXIV. 8«. pp. (4), 12, II, 36. P.L.
17- 8°. pp. (4), 23, 36. P.L.
18. 8". pp. (4), u, 50. P.
19. S°. pp. (4), 23, 50. P.H.S.
The first collation given is, I believe, the first edition
of this famous paiuphlet, being " made up," apparently,
from the remainders of Nos. 2 and 5, with the adilition of
the Bill of Rights and List of Grievances. The Letter to
the Inhabitants of Quebec (No. 7), though printed after
this was issued, and naving a separate title is intended to
be a part of the " Extracts. "
Nothing perhaps shows more thoroughly the intense in-
terest with which the proceedings of the Congress were
awaited, than the following list of editions : —
20. Extracts / from the / Votes and Proceed-
ings / of the American / Continental / Con-
gress, / Held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774, /
Containing / The Bill of Rights, a List of
Grievances, Occasional Resohes, the Associa-
tion, an /Address to the People of Great-Britain,/
A Memorial to the Inhabitants of the / British
American Colonies, and a Petition / to the
King. / To which is added, / The Proceedings
of the / Provincial Convention, / Held at Phila-
delphia, January 23, 1775. / Published by order
of the Provincial Convention. /Philadelphia:
/ Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, / at
the London Coflee House. / m,dcc,lxxv. /
8«. pp. So. P.H.S.
21. Extracts / From the / Votes and Proceed-
ings / Of the American Continental / Congress,
/ Held at Philadelphia on the / 5th of Septem-
Oct. 27, 1774.
ber. 1774. / Containing / The Bill of Rights, a
List ot" Gi"ieV'-/'*nces, Occasional Resolves, the
Asso-/cialion,an Address to the Peopleof/ Great-
Britain, and a Memorial to / the Inhabitants of
the British / .Vmerican Colonies. / Published
bv Orderofthe Congress./ Philadelphia : Printed.
/ Boston: / Re-Printed bv Edes and Gill, in
Qiieen street, / and T. and J. P'leet, in Cornhill./
M.uccLxxiv. S*'. pp.49. M.
22. S°. pp. 56. C.
The sconit issue conliiins the "Suffolk Resolutions,"
the " Lettei to the Inhabitants of Quebec," and several
minor resoluti.ins, which were not included in the pre-
vious editions.
23. Extracts / from the / Votes and Proceed-
ings / Of the American Continental / Congress,
/Held at Philadelphia on the /5th of September,
1774. / Containing / The Bill of Rights, a List
of Grievan-/ces, Occasional Resolves, the Asso-
ciation, an / Address to the People of Great-
Britain, / and a Memorial to the Inhabitants of
the / British American Colonics. / Published by
Order of the Congress / Philadelphia, Printed :/
Boston, Re-printed: And sold by John Boyle/
in Mariborough-Street, and Mills and Hicks in
/ School Street. 1774. S". pp.43. P.L.
24- 8«. pp. s^- M.
The sec nd issue contains the " Letter to tlie Inhabitants
of Qiiebec."
25. 4- Philadelphia, Printed : Boston, Re-print-
ed : And sold by John Boyle, in Marlboroiigh-
Streel, and Mills'and Hicks'in School-Street, and
Cox and Berry in King Street. 1774.
8"- PP- 43-
I itie from Stevens's JViij^^e/s, Xo. 1031.
26. Extracts / from the / Votes and Proceed-
ings / of the / American Continental / Con-
gress, / held at / Philadelphia. / On the 5th of
September, 1774. / Containing / The Bill of
Rights, a List of Grievances, / Occasional Re-
solves, the Association, an Address / to the
People of Great-Britain, and a Memorial to / the
Inhabitants of the British American Colonies. /
Published by Order of the Congress. / Phila-
delphia: Printed. / Hartford: Re-printed by
Eben. Watson, near / the Great-Bridge.
8°. pp: 48. P.L.
Includes the " Letter to the Inhal>itants of Qiiebec."
27. Extracts / from the / Votes and Proceed-
ings / of the / American Continental / Con-
gress. / held at Philadelphia, / on the Fifth of
September, 1774 / Containing, / The Bill of
Rights, a List of Grievances, Occasional / Re-
.solves, the Association, an Address to the
People /of Great-Britain, and a .Memorial to the
Inhabitants /of the British American Colonies. /
I ublished by order of the Congress. / Phila-
delphia printed. / London: Reprinted for ']
Almon opposite / Burlington House, Picc'a-
diily. / .MDCcLxxiv. 8°. pp. (4), 82. B.A.
^^- 8"- pp- (4).';9.(0- p.l!
There IS a sli>;ht variation in the lining of two lines be-
tween ihe.sc two editions, the second bcinsr " An .Address
to.h.-x People 01 t;,eat Britain and a Memorial to thiy
Inh.il.itants ol the Brili.^h American Colonies."
. =^9- E.xtracts / from the / Votes and Proceed-
ings/ ol the / American Continental / Congress /
Held at Philadelphia on the 5th of September
177-}- . / Containing / The Bill of Ri"hts, a List
ot (,rievances. Occasional Resolves, / the Asso-
ciation, an Address to the People of Great-
Oct. 27, 1774.
Britain, / a Memorial to the Inhabitants of the
British American / Colonies, and an Address to
the Inhabitants of the Province of / Qiiebec. /
Published by Order of the Congress. / New-
London : / Printed and sold by Timothy Green.
1774- / 4"- PP- 70- B.A.
30. Extracts / From the / Votes and Proceed-
ings / Of the American Continental / Congress. /
Held at Philadelphia, / On the 5th of September,
1774. / Containing, / The Bill of Rights, a List
of Grievances, / Occasional Resolves, the Asso-
ciation, an / Address to the People of Great-
Britain, Memo-/rial to the Inhabitants of the
British American / Colonies, and an Address to
the Inhabitants of / Qiiebec / Published bv order
of the Congress. /New-London: / Printed by
Timothy Green, M, DCC,LXXiv. 4^ pp. 70. P.L.
31. Extracts / from the / Votes and Pro-
ceedings / of the / American Continental Con-
gress, / Held at Philadelphia, / on the 5th of
September, 1774. / Containing / The Bill of
Rights, / A List of Grievances, / Occasional
Resolves, /The Association, /An Address to the
Peo / pie of Great-Britain, / And a Memorial to
the / Inhabitants of the / British American /
Colonies. / Published by Order of the Con-
gress. / Philadelphia, Printed: / Newport,
Rhode Island. / Reprinted and sold by S.
Southwick, in Qiieen-Street, 1774.
8°. pp. 59. P.L.
32. Extracts / from the / Votes and Pro-
ceedings / of the / American / Continental
Congress, / held / At Philadelphia, 5th Sep-
tember, 1774. / Containing /The Bill of Rights,
a List of Grievances, occasional / Resolves, the
Association, an Address to the / People of Great-
Britain, and a Memorial to the / Inhabitants of
the British American Colonies. / Published by
order of the Congress. / New-York. / Printed
by H. Gaine, at the Bible and Crown in / Han-
over-Square. / M,DCC,Lxxiv. 12°. pp. 59. N.
33. Extracts / from the / Votes and Pro-
ceedings / Of the American Continental / Con-
gress, / Held at Philadelphia on the / 5th of
September, 1774. / Containing / The Bill of
Rights, a List of Grievances, Occasional /
Resolves, the Association, an Address to the
People of/ Great-Britain, and a Memorial to
the Inhabitants of the / British American C0I-.
onies. / Published by Order of the Congress./
Philadelphia: Printed. / New-York : Reprinted
by John Holt, in Dock Street. 4°. pp.25. N.,P.L.
Some copies have 7 additional pages, containing No. S.
33». / Containing / The Bill of Rights, A
List of Grievan-/ces Ocasional [sic] Resolves,
the Associa/tion, an Address to the People of/
Great-Britain, and a Memorial to the /Inhabi-
tants of British American / Colonies. / The
Second Edition, to which is added Minutes of the
Journal. / Published by Order of the Congress.
/ Philadelphia : Printed. / New- York : Reprinted
by John Holt in Dock-Street. [i775-]
S". ^ pp. 96. N.
The same as No. 40, hicking the preliminary four pages.
34. Extracts / from / The Votes and Pro-
ceedings of / the / American / Continental
Congress,/ Held at Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1774 /
Containing, / The Bill of Rights, a List of
Grievances, occasional Resolves, / The Associa-
tion, an Address to the People of Great Britain,/
Oct. 27, 1774.
and a Memorial to tl»e Inliabitants of the Britisli
American / Colonies. / Publi^hcd by order of
the Congress. / Together with / An Address
to the Inhabitants of C^iebec, / to whicli are
added, / The Resolve of the County of Suffolk,
in the Province of Mass-/acluisetts-Ba_v, on the
8th of September, 1774; / with / A Letter from
the County Delegates to General Gage, con-/
cerning the Fortifications upon Boston Neck,
and Unanimous / Resolves of the Grand Con-
tinental Congress, approving of their / Wisdom
and Fortitude: and recommending a perseverance
in their firm and / temperate Conduct. / New-
\'ork : / Printed tor James Rivington, 1774. /
8-. pp. 36. N.
35. Extracts / from the / Votes and Pro-
ceedings / of the / American Continental / Con-
gress, / Held at Philadelphia on the fifth day
of September. / m.dcc lxxiv. / Containing,/
The Bill of Rights, A List of Grievances," /
Occasional Resolves. The Association, An Ad-
/ dress to the People of Great-Britain, and a /
Memorial to the Inhabitants of the British /
American Colonies. / Published by Order of
the Congress. / Philadelphia: Printed. /Nor-
wich : Re- prill ted by Robertsons and / Trumbull,
M Dcc.Lxxiv. / 8°. pp. 41. My.H.S,
36 Providence [John Carter] 1774.
Title from Thomas and Haven.
37. Extracts / from the / Votes and Proceed-
ings / of the American Continental / Congress,
/ Held at Philadelphia / on the / 5th of Septem-
ber 1774. / Williamsburg: / Printed by Alex-
ander Purdie and John Dixon. / m dcc.lxxiv.
8°. C.
38. 'Jhic^uiiie / iiiK^ ten / StiiiiiiimiiKH / imt / i^rr-
baiiMiiitiUn / tex5 / 5liiicrifani|'dKn '/ liLniiivfiJc:? /
scm bcitn Vanrc, / (sklmltcn 511 >J.Mnlatclphia,Vcii .")tcn
2tvt. 1774. / lintlmltcnt / Me l^iii tcr ^KcdUen, cine
i'iltc vpii ~i^c / I'duvfrtcn adciiciUlidic Sd)lii|Tf, cine /
3lrrciic an tc-.? iuMf »im (sh-i'pl>rit / tiuinicn, nnt cin
??ienii>ri,il an Cic (iiu- / wchncr tcr i-/»<7/ ecfition, with the emblematical de-
vice on the title, twelve hands sustaining a column resting
I ,,""/-' <^''-"^"' ■""! surmounted by the cap of Liberty "
— J. 11. IKIMBILL. ^
ceedmgs, made, and published by their / Order
/ 2. journal, or Minutes, and Formalities /of
their Proceedings, List of Dele-/gates, with
their Powers, .Vc. / Re-printed from the Copies
published by Order of/ the Congress./ Philadel-
phia : Printed / New-York: Reprinted by
John Holt, m / Water Street. 1775. "^
S"- PP- (4). 96. N.
Oct. 27, 1774 — June 30, 177.
41. Journal / of the / Proceedings / of the
Congress, / Held at Philadelphia, September
5th, 1774. / Containing / the Bill of Rights; a
List of Grievances; / Occasional Resolves; The
Association; An / Address to the People of
Great Britain ; A / Memorial to the Inhabitants
of the British / American Colonies; and. An
Address to / the Inhabitants of the Province of
Qiiebec. / Published by Order of the Congress./
To which is added / (Being now first printed by
Authority) / An Authentic Copy/ of the / Peti-
tion to the King. / London : / Printed for J.
Almon, opposite Burlington-House, in / Picca-
dilly / M.DCC Lxxv. / 8°. pp. (2), 66, (2). C.
In spite of the statement on the title-page, this voluiue
cont.iins none, (the Petition to the King excepted;, of the
papers there mentioned.
" The late pamphlet, entitled, ' Extracts from the Votes
and Proceedings of the American Continental Congress,'
contained only a Part of the Journal of that Congress.
The whole Journal has since been published in America:
but it was thought proper to reprint onl^ such parts in
this Pamphlet, as were omitted in the lormer, in order
that those Gentlemen who have purchased the ' Extracts '
may make their Copies complete, if they chuse it. The
two pamphlets contain the entire Jovirnaf of the Proceed-
ings of the Congress."
" Dr. Franklin, about the 15th or j6th of Dec. 1774,
received these Proceedings of Ihe Congress, with the Peti-
tion to the King dated the 26th October previous. The
times were growing very serious, and it was thought best
to let Alinon publish them immediately. The effect was
startling, for the pamphlet proclaimed to the discriminat-
ing British public (if there was .at that time such a body;
that the English language had acquired new vigour and
clearness in being transplanted to the Western shores.
The pith, point and soundness of these public papers
astonished the statesmen and confounded the politicians,
and at the same time delighted the friends of the Colonies,
particularly Lord Ch.atham and Lord Camden." — Henry
Stevens. '
Printed for E. and C.
8". pp. (2), 66, (2). C.
42. / London : /
Diily / M.DCC. LXXV.
May 29 and June i. Address to Canada.
43. Lettre / Addressee / Aux Habitans / Op-
primes de la Province /de / Qiiebec. / De la port
du Congres Genera! de I'Amerique Sep- / ten-
trionale, tenu a Philadelphie. [Philadelphia:
Fleury Mesplet. 1775.] 8''. pp. 7. P.
Drafted by Jay, Samuel Adams and Deane. 1,000 copies
printed, (with the addition of the resolve of June ist) for
distribution in Canada.
June 12. Resolve for a Fast-day.
44. In Congress, / Monday, June 12, 1775. /
Philadelphia: Printed by William and Thomas
Bradford. [1775.] / F". Broadside.
Drafted by Hooper, John Adams and Paine.
45. In Congress, / Mondav, June 12, 1775.
F'^.' Broadside. S.D.
June 12. Address to Canada and Resolve for
46. In Congress, June 12, 1775 / [Philadel-
phia:] Printed by John Dunlap [1775.] /
F"*. Broadside.
The English edition of the Address to Canada, with
the resolve making July 20 a day of " Humiliation, East-
ing and Prayer." See Nos. .}■{ and 44.
June 30. Rules for Troops.
47. Rules / and / Articles, / for the better /
Government / of the / Troops / Raised, or to
be raised, and kept in pay by and at / the joint
Expence of the / Twelve united English Colonies
/ of/ North-America. / Philadelphia : / Printed
by William and Thomas Bradford, 177V /
S'. pp. 16. C, P.
July 6 — 8, i
I / :>■
Prepared by Washington, Schuyler, Deane, Cushiiig
and ifewcs. Sec No. 6j.
/ New York.
S". pp. 16.
48. + Philadelphia, Printed
Reprinted bv llii<,'h Gaine 1775
July 6. Declaration to Army.
49. A / Declaration / bv the / Representa-
tives / of the / United Colonies / of / North
America, / now met in / General Congress / at
Philadelphia, / Seting [sic] forth the Causes and
Necessity of their / taking up / Arms. / Phila-
delphia : / Printed by William and Thomas
Bradford, 1775 / " 8°. pp. (2), 13. P.
The committee appointed to prepare this Declaration,
consisting of John Uutledye, William Livingston, Frank-
lin, Jay :uid Johnson, reported a draft on June 24, which,
not l>eing approved bv the Congress, was recommitted,
and Jefferson and Dickinson added to the Committee.
"On the 24th, a committee which h.ad been appointed to
prepare a declaration of the causes of taking up arms,
brought in their report (drawn I believe by J. Rutledge)
which not being liked, the House recommitted it, on the
aolh, and added Mr. Dickinson and myself to the com-
mittee I prepared a draught of the declaration com-
mitted to us. It was too strong for Mr. Dickinson . . . We
therefore requested him to take the paper, and put it into
a form he could approve. He did so, preparing an entire
new statement, and preserving of the former only the last
four paragraphs and half of the preceding one. We ap-
proved and reported it to Congress, who accepted it."
Jefterson's Autobiography. — H'^r*.?, I., 11.
50. * [Reprinted for R. W. Roche by J. Mun-
sell. Albany : 1865]. 4"&8o. pp. (2), 13, covers.
51. A / Declaration / by the / Representa-
tives / of the / United Colonies / of / North-
America, / now met in / General Congress, /
at / Philadelphia; / Setting forth the Causes
and Necessity of their taking up / Arms. /
Newport : Printed by S. Southwick, in / Qiieen
Street, 1775 / ' 12°. pp. 11. M.
52. A / Declaration / By The / Representa-
tives / Of The / United Colonies / Of / North-
America, / Now Met In / General Congress /
At / Philadelphia, / Setting forth the Causes
and Necessity of their / taking up / Arms./
Philadelphia : Printed, / Watertown : / Re-
Printed and Sold by Benjamin Edes. / 1775.
"S°. pp. 15. A.A.S., C.
July 8. Petition to the King.
53. To the Inhabitants of the / Colony of/
New York. / / Pierre Van Courtlandt,
Chairman /Jan. 9, 1776./ 8°. pp. 7, 8. N.
The only separate edition of the second petition to the
King I have been able to find. It was printed, (with the
additiin of a preliminary Address, the Address of
the Mayor of London " To the Electors," and a jjortion
of Chatham's Speech) by the New York Committee of
Safety " to correct the assertion that the Continental Con-
gress had made no advances."
The committee to prepare the petition consisted of
Dickinson, Johnson, John Rutledge, Jay and Franklin;
and Dickinson wrote the draft.
July 8. Address to the People of England.
54. The / Twelve United Colonies, / By
their Delegates in / Congress, / To the Inhabi-
tants of / Great Britain. / [Philadelphia: W.
and T. Bradford. 1775.] 8". pp.8. P.
The committee to prepare the address consisted of K.
H. Lee, K. K. Livingston, antl Pendleton. Lee wrote the
draft, which was preserved for a number of years by the
family, hut has since been lost.
55; The Twelve United Colonics, / by their /
Delegates / in / Congress, / to the / Inhabi-
tants / of / Great Britain. / Philadelphia: /
Printed by William and Thomas Bradford. /
M,UCC.LXXV. 8". pp. 16.
July .«o/i'ft^, That it be recommitted to the said Committee,
and thattheyhave the extracts agreed to published, together
with an authentic account of the capture of Chamblv -.xnA
Si. John^s, and to hnvc one thousand copies struck off, to
go with the despatches-." — Journal.
Nov. 28. Rules for Navy.
68. [Rules for the Regulation of the Navy of
the United Colonies. Philadelphia: W. and T.
Bradford. 1775.'']
I have been unable to find a copy. See Xo. 114.
Dec. 6. Declaration.
69. In Congress / December 6, 1775 / [Phila-
delphia:] Printed by John Dunlap. [177s]/
po. Broadside.' S.D.
A Declaration by the Congress in answer to the King of
Great Britain's Proclamation of August 33, 1775.
Extracts from the Journal.
70. Extracts / from the / Proceedings of the
American Continental / Congress, / Held at
Philadelphia, on the Tenth Day of May, 1775. /
Containing, An Address to the People of Irehind,
an Ad- / dress to the Lord-Mayor of London,
and the Opi- / nion of Congres"s on the boasted
conciliatory Plan offered by Administration in
Parliament. February / 20,^1775. / Providence /
Printed bv John Carter, at Shakespear's Head
[I775-] /"
See also No. 77
A / Declaration / by the / Representa-
pp. 22.
fives of the United/ Colonies of Xorth-America,/
Now met in General Congress at / Phila-
delphia; /setting forth the Causes and Neces-
sity / of their taking up Arms. / Also, / An Ad-
Dec. 6, 1775.
dress / from the / Twelve United Colonies, / By
their Delegates in Congress, to the / Inhabitants
cf Great-Britain. / Philadelphia, printed by
W. and Thomas Bradford, /and Bristol reprinted
bvW. Pine, 1775. / (Price Two- Pence.)
16°. pp. 16. C.
72. The / Declaration / by the / Repre-
sentatives / of the / United Colonies of North
America, / now met in General Congress at
Philadelphia, / Setting forth the / Causes and
Necessity of taking up Arms. / The / Letter of
the Twelve United Colonies / by their Delegates
in Congress to the Inhabitants of Great Britain, /
Their Humble Petition to his Majesty, / and /
Their Address to the People of Ireland. / Col-
lected together for the Use of Serious Thinking
Men, / By Lovers of Peace. / Read with Can-
dour: Judge with Impartiality. / London: /
Printed in the Year, mdcclxxv. 8°. pp. 32. C.
73. 3(n Die I Ginn)of)iier oon ^rlanb, |
von I ben '^Ibcueorbneten ber 'iseretnicjten (SoIo=
nien | '^ieiul)ampc()tre , ^Jcaffac^ufett^ = 'Bai),
9{l}obe= I (S"i)lanb unb '^'ronibet^, Connecticut,
9ieu= I tjorf, ';)ien)=5eviei), ^^^ennU)(oanien, ber
I 'OJiebern ©raff(^aften an ber Xelmuare, |
']!}tan)Ianb, 'isirginien, Oiorb= unb 2ub= | (Sa=
rolina, im ©eneral^Gongref? -^n "]^i)'\ia- \ p()ia,
[j*ic] ben 16ten Wm), 1775. I '^fet'ft ber^|
9Jieinunf( be§ (General = Gongreffe^, | betreffenb
I (rincn Gntfd)Iuf, be§ i^aufeS ber ©e^ | mei=
ncn uon ©rofjbrittcinnien , | com 20j'ten ^-6=
bruari), 1775. | ^^U)ilabe(p[)ia , | gebructt
unb ^u befommen bei) cS^enrid) 'OJHlier, in |
ber ::l{ec^=ftraf5e, 177.5. Iti". pp. 16.
Journal. May to July.
74. Journal / of the / Proceedings / of the /
Congress, / held at / Philadelphia, May lo,
1775. / Philadelphia : / Printed and Sold by
William and Thomas / Bradford, at the London
Coftee-House. / m.dcc.lxxv./
8°. pp. (4), iv, 239. P.H.S.
75. Journal / of the / Proceedings / of the /
Congress, / held at / Philadelphia, / May lo,
1775. / Wilmington, /Printed by James Adams,
in Migh-street, 1776. 8'^. pp. 10. H.
76. Journal / of the/Proceedings/of the/Con-
gress, / held at/ Philadelphia, / May 10, 1775- /
Published by Order of the Congress. / Philadel-
phia : Printed; / London: Re-printed for J.
Almon, opposite / Burlington-House in Picca-
dilly, 1776. 8°. pp. (4), 200, (8). C.
77. Extracts / from the / Votes and Proceed-
ings / of the / American / Continental Con-
gress, / held / At Philadelphia, loth May, 1775/
Published by Order of Congress. / New- York :/
Printed and Sold by John Anderson, / at Beek-
man's-Slip. / m,dcc,lxxv. 8". pp. (2), 192.
Though this is called " Extracts," it is really the entire
Journal. Sept. to Dec.
78. Journal / of the Congress, / of the /
United States / of / America; / Continued./
Philadelphia: / Printed and Sold, by William
and Thomas / Bradford, at the Coffee- House. /
M.DCC.Lxxvi. S". pp. (4), 218. P.H.S.
1775 — FEB- ^9> ^77^-
Journal. 1774-1775.
79. Journals / of / Congress. / Containing
the / Proceeiiings from Sept. 5, 1774, to Jan. i,
1776. Published by order of Congress. /Volume
I. / Philadelphia:/ Printed and sold by R. Ait-
ken, Bookseller, Front-street. / m.dcc.lxxvii.
S"- pp. {2), 310, (iJ). B.A., N., C. 163
See note to No. \6x.
This is the first volume of the official edition, issued at
the end of each year. 1 sh.ill ffive each volume under the
year at which the proceedinijs end, as they were practi-
cally separate works; but I shall also give a title and col-
lation of the whole series, together with those of the
reprints of iSoo and 1823, in the collected works, at the
end of this list.
Members of the Congress.
80. A List of the Delegates who attended the
Congress, / held at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775.
[Philadelphia :.> 1775.] / S". Broadside. P.L.
Method of making Salt-Petre.
81. Several Methods / of Making / Salt-
Petre; / recommended to the / Inhabitants / of
the / United Colonies, / by their / Representa-
tives / In Congress, / Philadelphia : / Printed
by W. and T. Bradford. 1775. / S°. pp. 12. P.
82. Several methods / of making / salt-petre ;/
recommended to the / inhabitants / of the /
United Colonies. / By the Honorable / Conti-
nental Congress. / And / Re-published by Order
of the / General Assembly / of the / Colony of
Massachusetts-Bay. / Together with the resolve
of said Assembly, / and / An appendix, / By
Doctor William Whiting. / Watertovvn : / Printed
and Sold by Benjamin Edes, near the Bridge, /
1775- 8°. pp. 20. B.A.
Rates of Postage of Continental Post-Office.
83. Tables / Of the Port of all Single Letters
carried by Post in the Northern District of North
America, / As Established by / Congress, / One
Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-five. /
/ [Signed] B. Franklin, / Post Master
General. / [Philadelphia: 1775.']
F°. Broadside. S.D.
Directions for keeping Post Office Accounts.
84. Directions to the Deputy Post-Masters,
for keeping their accounts [signed] B.
Franklin. F". Broadside. P.H.S.
■January 24. Address to Canada.
85. Aux / Habitants / De la Province du
Canada. / [Philadelphia:] Chez Fleurv Mesplet
cS: Charles Berger [1776]. F". Broadside. P.
Drafted by Livingston, Lynch, and Wilson. The Eng-
lish original is printed in Force's Archives, 4, iv, i6c1.
See note to No. 66. • t> > 3J
86. Aux Habitants / De la Province du Can-
ada. [Philadelphia: Mesplet & Berger. 1776.]
F". Broadside.
February 19. Oration on Montgomery.
87. An / Oration / In Memory of / General
>Iontgomery, / and of the / Officers and Sol-
diers, / Who Fell with Him, December 31, 177';,/
before / Qiiebec; / Drawn up (and Delivered
I-cbruary 19, 1776.)/ At the Desire of the / Hon-
orable Continental Congress. / By William
Smith, D.D. / Provost of the College and
Academy / Of Philadelphia. / / Philadel-
phia : / Printed by John Dunlap, in Market-
Street. / M,ixc,i.xxvi./ S". pp. (6), 44. P.H.S
Feb. 19 — May 15, 1776.
" The oration was an insolent performance. Amotion
was made to thank the orator, and ask a copy, but opposed
with great spirit and vivacity from every part of the room,
and at last withdrawn, lest it should be rejected, as it cer-
tainly would have been, with indiufnation. The orator
then printed it himself, after leaving out or altering some
offensive passages." — Familiar Letters: of John Adams,
88 New York : 1776. 8". pp.
89 Philadelphia, Printed; / London,/
Reprinted for J. Almon mdcclxxvi.
8°. pp. iv, 36. B.A.
90. * Philadelphia, Printed: / Newcastle, Re-
printed bv T. Robson and Co. And sold at their
Printing-office. 8°. pp. 35. P.L.
gi. * Philadelphia," Printed: / Newport: Re-
printed by Solomon Southwick. / m,dcc,lxxvi./
80. pp. (2), 30. P.L.
92 Norwich, Conn. John Trumbull.
1776. ' 8°.
March 16. Proclamation for a fast.
93. In Congress, / Saturday, March 16, 1776./
Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap. [1776].
Po. Broadside. P.
Prepared and introduced, with the permission of Con-
gress, by William Livingston.
94. A Proclamation for a Continental Fast. /
In Congress, Saturday, March 16, 1776. / [Bos-
ton: 1776.'] po. Broadside. M.
March 23. Resolutions concerning privateers.
95. In Congress, / March 23, 1776. / Phila-
delphia : Printed by John Dimiap. [1776].
Po. Broadside. S.D., P.H.S.
See No. 97.
March 27. Sermon on Ward.
96. Death, the last Enemy, destroyed by
Christ. / A / Sermon, / Preached, March 27,
1776, / before / The Honorable / Continental
Congress; / on the Death of/ The Honorable /
Samuel Ward, Esq. / one of the / Delegates
from the Colony / of Rhode Island, / who died
of the Small-Pox, in this city, / (Philadel-
phia) / March 26, Mi. 52. / Published at the
desire of many who heard it. / By Samuel Still-
man, M.A. / Philadelphia: / Printed by Joseph
Crukshank, in Market-street. / mdcclxxvi.
S'^ pp. 28.
April 3. Additional resolutions concerning pri-
97. In Congress, April 3, 1776.
F". Broadside. N.
See No. 95.
May 6. Instructions to commanders of Ameri-
can Vessels.
98. In Congress, May 6, 1776. F°. Broadside.
May 15. Resolution concerning state govern-
99. In Congress / May 15, 1776. / Philadel-
phia : Printed by John Diinlap. [1776].
F'^. Broadside. P.
The resolve of May 10, with the preamble, drafted by
T'lhn Adams, John Kulledge, and R. H. Lee, adopted
May 15. The resolve was written by John Adams.
100. In Congress, May 15, 1776. [Dresden :
Judah Padock & Alden Spooner.? 1777.]
F°. Broadside. S.D.
With a letter from Thomas Young and a note from
" Your Committee" dated April 12, 1777, relative to Ver-
mont's position toward the Continental Congress. See
Navv Boixi-il. Philadelphia: Printed by R.
Aitken. 1777.]
See Note to No. 126. 150 copies printed.
Apr. 14- Resolution on Recruiting.
137. In Con<5i-ess, / AprH i-|th. 1777. [Phila-
delphia: 1777.] F"- Broadside.
Apr. 14. Resolution for Committee of Con-
138. In Congress. /' April 14, 1777. / /'
John Diuilapv P'. Broadside. H.S.P.
Apr. 14.. Revisioa of Rules and Articles for
139. In Congress, April 14th, 1777/ /'
PhiladelphJa : Printed bj John Dunlap.
F°. Broadside.
141. In Corsgress, April 14, 1777. [Phila-
delphia : 1777-] 8". pp.2.
Probal>lv printed to^ add tothe nlready printed editions
of tlie Rules. Thomas Heyward, F. L, Lee, and Abra.
hum Clarke were tlie revising committee.
142. [Rales and Articles. Philadelphia.''.
1777.] 8P. pp. 31, 2.
The copy seen lacked the title-page. I ha%'e also seen a
eopy of what was apparently a New Jersey edition, pp. 30
anil more, Ln.the same condition,
143. Rules / and / articles / for the better /
government /of the / troops / Raised, or to be
raised and kept in pa.y by / and at the e.vpence of
the United / Stales of/ Amei-ica. / Boston, New-
England : / Printed by Benjamin Edes, in.. Queen-
Street. / M,I>CC,LXXVH. /
Apr. 29.. Resolution on Accounts.
144. In Congress, April 29, 1777 / /
Philadelphia, Printed by John Dunlap.
F". Broadside.
May 14. Resolutions on Quartermaster's De-
145. In Congress, May 14, 1777./ /
Philadelphia, Printed by John Dunlap.
F". I I. S.D.
June Lo. Resolutions on Commissary Depart-
146. In Congress, June 10, 1777. / /
Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap in Mar-
ket Street. ' F". pp. 4.. S.D.
July 19. Conduct of the Enemy.
147. [Report of tlie Committee appointed to
enquire into the conduct of the Enemy, with affi-
4,000 copies in Enfjlifch and 2,000 copies in German were
ordt-red "published in a pamphlet" by the Congress, but
it i-. questionable if it ever was done, as no copy is
uow known to exist. See yoiirnais^, HI, 143, 2S7.
Aug. II — Nov. 15, i
[2 1
Aug. II. Advertisement of Navy Board.
148. [Advertisement for the encouragen)ent
of the Navy in the River, by the Continental
Navy Board.] 4°.
See note to No. 126. 100 copies printed.
Sept. 6. Report of Treasury Committee.
149. In Congress, September 6, 1777 / /
Philadelphia: Printed by John Dunlap.
F". Broadside. S.D.
Sept. 12. Information from Army.
150. Chad's Ford, Sept. 11, 1777. 5 O'Clock,
A.M. / Philadelphia, Printed by John Dunlap.
F°. Broadside.
" Letters from Robert H. H.irri.son, and General Wash-
ington to John Hancock, announcing the loss of the battle
ot Brandywine." Title and note from Hildi'burn's Issues
of the Press in Pennsylvatiia. Published by order of
Nov. 15. Articles of Confederation.
151. Articles / of / Confederation / and / Per-
petual Union / between the / States /of/ New-
Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode- / Island
and Providence Plantation, Con-/necticut, New-
York, New-Jersey, Pennsyl- / vania, Delaware,
Maryland, Virginia, / North-Carolina, South-
Carolina, and Georgia. / Lancaster :/ Printed
by Francis Bailey. / m,dcc,lx.x:vii.
F". pp. 26. A.P.S.
152. Articles / of / Confederation / and / Per-
petual Union / between the / States / of/ New-
Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, / Rhode-Island
and Providence Planta-/tions, Connecticut, New-
York, New- /Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Ma-/ryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, / South-
Carolina, and Georgia. / Annapolis :/ Printed
by Frederick Green [1777J. 8°. pp. 15. P.L.
153. Articles / of / Confederation / and / Per-
petual Union / between the / States /of/ New-
Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island /
and Providence plantations, Connecticut, New-/
York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Mar}'- / land, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-
Carolina, / and Georgia. / Lancaster, (Pennsyl-
vania.) printed: / Boston, Re-printed by John
Gill, / Printer to the General Assembly. /m.dcc-
Lxxvii. F°. pp. 46. B.A.
154. Articles / of / Confederation / and / Per-
petual Union / between the / States /of/ New-
Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode- / Island
and Providence Plantations, Con-/necticut, New-
York, New-Jersey, Pennsy- / Ivania, Delaware,
Maryland, Virginia, / North Carolina, South
Carolina, and Georgia. / E.veter, New Hamp-
shire, / Printed by Zechariah Fowle. / m,dcc,-
Lxxvii. " F". pp. 8.
155. Articles / of / Confederation / and / Per-
petual Union/ between the / States /of/ New-
Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island
and Provi-/dence Plantations, Connecticut, New-
York, New-Jersey, / Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Maryland, Virginiia, North Ca- / rolina, South-
Carolina, and Georgia. / Lancaster, Printed, /
Newbern : Re-printed by James Davis, / mdcc-
Lxxvn. " Y°. pp. 9. C.
156. Articles /of/ Confederation /and / Per-
petual Union / between the / States /of/ New-
Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode- / Island
and Providence Plantations, Connec-/ticut, New-
York, New-Jersey, Pennsylva- / nia, Delaware,
22 I
Nov. 15, 1777.
Maryland, Virginia, North / Carolina, South-
Carolina, and Georgia. / New- London : Printed
bv Tiinothv Green, Printer to / the State of
Connecticut. / M,ucc,LXXvii. F^. pp.11. C.
157. Articles de Confederation & d'Union
perpetuelles entre les Etats de Nouvel Hamp-
shire. Baie de Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
Connecticut, Nouvelle York, Nouvelle Jersey,
Pennsylvanie, Les Comtes de New Castle. Kent
& Sussex sur la riviere Delaware, Maryland,
\'irginie, Caroline Septentrionale, Caroline
Meridionale, Georgie, etc., [Philadelphia. ''J
MDCCLXXVII. S°. pp. 16.
Title fToin the Carter Brown Catalogue.
" Th:it a committee of three be appointed to procure a
translation to be made of the articles of Confederation in-
to the French Lanjiuajre . . . The nirmbcrs cliosen, Mr.
Duer, Mr. Lovell, and .Mr. V . L. Lee." — Journal.
158. Articles / of / Confederation / and /
Perpetual Union / between the / States / of
New-Hampshire. Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode- /
Island and Providence Plantations, Con-/necti-
ciit, New-York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- / vania,
Delaware. Maryland. Virginia, /North Carolina,
South Carolina, and Georgia. / Williamsburg:
/Printed by J Dixon & VV. Hunter. / m,dcc,-
Lxxvni. " 4°. pp. 15. C.
159. Articles / of / Confederation / and /
Perpetual Union / between the/ States /of/ New-
Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island,
and Providence Plantations, /Connecticut, New
York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Maryland, / Virginia, No:th Carolina, South
Carolina, and Georgia. / Williamsburg :/ Printed
by Alexander Purdie. F°. 2 I.
161. The / Articles / of Confederation ; / the
/Declaration of Rights; / the Constitution of
this Commonwealth / and the / Articles of the
Definitive Treaty / between / Great-Britain and
the United / States of America. / Published by
Order of the General Assemblv / Richmond:
/ Printed by Dixor. and Holt. [1784]
12". pp. 35. C.
162. 5(rtifc( I :rc^? j 53inibcv^ | Uiib bcr |
3ninicniid()rciibcn \ (iintradit ; 3'uiiclicn bcr
staatcn noii | OiciU'.s'')iiinp|l)irc -llainad)u=
Ktt{<=^in), I ^)i()obc-(Sl)(anb iinb %MOuibciicc
%{<\\\- I tac)cn, (Soitticcticut, 'D(CU->l)ord, ~:)(Cii-
3crfci). iNciiiiuidmiiicn, T)c(aH)arc, | 3J?an)=
Umb, i^iViiiiiiLMi, -Jcorb=(Saro= | \\\\\\, ^ub^
liarolina, iiiib Wjoriiicn. | %.\\% bcm (5n*
i-jht, this title was given under Oct. 21,
1776', though it IS the revised oath of allegiance adopted
Keb.3, .77S.
Feb. 3. Resolutions concerning Disaffected Per-
166. In Congress, / February 3, 177S.
F". Broadside. S., V.S.
Feb. 6. Treaty with France. See No. 173.
Feb. 6. Resolutions on Hospitals.
167. Rules and directions / for the better regu-
lating the Militar} Hospital of the United States :
/ In consequence of a Resolve of the Honourable
the Continental Congress, the 6th of/ February,
177S; to be punctually observed by the Officers,
Nurses. &c. of the / Eastern Department. /
[signed] P. Turner, Surg. Gen. M. H. E. D. -
F". Broadside.
Feb. 27. Resolutions concerning Loyalists.
168. The deluded tools of the enemy, %vho are
committing treason against America, would /
do well to peruse the following Resolution of
Congress with attention. They may / rest as-
sured, those of them who shall be hardy enough
to violate the act, will meet with / condign and
exeinplary punishment whenever they are taken./
February 27, 177S. F". Broadside. M.
Mar. 2. Resolutions concerning Cavalry.
i6g. In Congress, / March 2, 1778.
F". Broadside. S.
Apr. 6. Resolutions concerning Pulaski's Corps.
170. Congress having resolved to raise a Corps
consisting of/ Infantry and Cavalry, to be com-
manded bv General / Count Pulaski, . . . /
4°. Broadside. V.S.
Apr. 23. Resolutions concerning Pardons.
171. In Congress, / April 23, 177S / /
Yorktown : Printed by Hall and Sellers.
40. Broadside. S.
" Ordere J, That five hundred copies m English and two
hundred in German be printed." — yournal.
May 2. Resolutions concerning Lottery.
172. In Congress, Mav 2. 177S.
S". Broadside. V.S.
May 4. Treaty with France.
173. Treaties / of / Amity and Commerce, /
and of /Alliance / Eventual and Defensive / be-
tween / His Most Christian Majesty/ and the /
Thirteen United States / of America. / Philadel-
phia: / Printed by John Dunlap. / .mdcclxxviii.
40. pp. (2) 10, (2) 11-34.
" Ordered, That three hundred copies of the Treaties of
Amity and Commerce, and of Alliance ... be printed."
— Journals.
May 4 — Ji-N^^ 3- ^77^-
174. Treaties / of / Amity and Commerce, /
and of / Alliance / Eventual and Defensive, /
between / His Most Christian Majesty / and the /
Thirteen United States / Of America. / Hart-
ford : / Re-printed, and sold by Hudson and
Goodwin. / mdcclxxix. S". pp. 3-- P-|^-
175 The Treaties between His Most Chris-
tian Majestvand the Thirteen United States of
\nierica. " Philadelphia printed, London re-
printed by J. Stockdale. MDCCLXXXii. 8«. pp. 40-
176. The /Treaties of Amity / and / Com-
merce, / and of/ Alliance, /Eventual and De-
fensive, / between His Most Christian Majesty /
and the / Thirteen United States / of / North
America. / Norwich : / Printed by John Trum-
bull, at the / Printing Office near the xMeeting-
House. / M.DCC.Lxxix. / S«. pp. ::4- M.
177. _|_ Newbern, N. C Printed by John
Davis. 177S.
Title from Week's rrinting in North Carolina.
180. The /Articles/ Published by Congress, /
of a / Treaty of Ainitv and Commerce, / and of
a / Treaty of Alliance / Between the Crown of
France /And these United States, / Duly en-
tered into and executed at Paris, on / the 6th day
of Februarv last, bv a Minister / properly author-
ized bv His Most / Christian Majesty on the one
part, and the Commissi- /oners of Congress on
the other part. / Also the / Articles / of / Con-
federation and Perpetual / Union / Between the
United States of America, as pro-/poscd by
Congress to the Legislatures of the / different
states. / Lancaster: Printed by John Dunlap.
Sm. 12°. pp. (2) 2-12, (17).
May 9. Address to the Inhabitants.
181. Address of the Congress / to the /In-
habitants of the United States of America. /
Lancaster, printed by John Dunlap.
F<*. Broadside.
Drafted by R. H. Lee, Samuel Chase and Governeur
Morris. It was adopted May Slh.
In Lee's Life of K. H. Lee it is claimed that it is from his
pen, but on the contrary Sparks in his Life of G. Morris
states that the rou^h draft is among the Morns papers, in
Morris'8 handwriting.
May 9. Address to the Inhabitants.
182. An / Address of the Congress / to the /
Inhabitants of the United States of America. /
York-Town : Printed by Hall and Sellers.
F°. Broadside.
May 9. Proclamation concerning Privateers.
183. A Proclamation. / Lancaster, Printed by
John Dunlap. F". Broadside. S.
184. A Proclamation / / Given in Con-
gress at York, in the State of Pennsylvania, this
Ninth / Dav of May, Anno Domini One Thou-
sand Seven^'Hundredand Seventy-Eight. /Henry
Laurens, President. /.-../ York town : Printed
by John Dunlap. F°. Broadside. V.S.
May 27. New Regulations for Army.
185. In Congress, / 27th May, 177S / Estab-
lishmentofthe / American Army. /York-Town :
Printed by John Dunlap. F". i 1.
See, also, under Nov. 24, 1778.
June 3. Prize Numbers in Lottery.
186. A List / of the / Fortunate Numbers / in
the / First Class / of the / United States Lot-
tery. / / Printed by Hall and Sellers.
SO. pp.55-
Aug. 14 — Nov. 24, 1778.
Aug. 14- Resolutions on supplying Enemy with
187. In Congress, / August 14, 1778 /
/ Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1779-
4°. Broadside.
Aug. 21. Court Martial of Charles Lee.
188. Proceedings / of a / General Court Mar-
shall, / Held at Brunswick, / In the State of
New-Jersey, / by order of / His Excellency /
General Washington, / Commander in Chief /
Of the Army of / The United States of America.
/ For the Trial of / Major General Lee. / July
4th, 177S. / Major General Lord Stirling, Pres-
ident. / Philadelphia: / Printed by John Dun-
lap, in Market Street / mdcclxxviii.
F°. pp. 62.
" Ordered, That one hundred copies of the proceedinors
of the court martial on the trial of major general Lee, be
printed for the use of the members," — Journal.
Reprinted in 1S23 and 1S64.
Sept. 19. Report on Treasury and Finance.
189. Your Committee, to whom it was re-
ferred to consider and report on the Currency /
and Finance of these United States, beg leave to
report,/ F". Broadside. S.D.
"Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to
consider the state of the money and finances ot the United
States and to report thereon . . .
"The members chosen Mr. R. Morris, Mr. Gerry, Mr.
R. H. Lee, Mr. Witherspoon and Mr. G. Morris . . .
" Resolved, That sixty copies, of said report be printed
for the use of the members, and that the printer be under
oath not to divuljje any part of the said report, nor to
strike more than sixty copies, and to deliver to the secre-
tary of Congress said copies, together with the proofs and
unfinished sheets." — Journal.
Oct. 8. Court Martial on St. Clair.
190. Proceedings / of a / General Court Mar-
tial, / Held at White Plains, / In the State of /
New- York. / By Order of his Excellency / Gen-
eral Washington, / Commander in Chief/ Of
the Army of / The United States of America, /
For the Trial of / Major General St. Clair, /
August 25, 177S. / Major General Lincoln,
President. / Philadelphia: / Printed by Hall
and Sellers, in Market-Street. / mdcclxxviii.
F°. pp. 52. Map.
" Ordered, That one hundred copies of the proceedings
of the court-martial on the trial of major general St.
Clair, together with his defence, be printed for the use of
the members." — Journal.
Oct. 8. Resolutions against Limitation.
191. In Congress, / October 8, 177S. / ....
/ Philadelphia : Printed by John Dunlap. /
F". Broadside. V.S.
See also Xo. 204.
Oct. 30. Manifesto on Conduct of War.
192. By the Congress of the United States /
of America. / A .Manifesto. F°. Broadside.
Nov. 17. Proclamation of Thanksgiving.
193. A Proclamation / / Done in Con-
gress, this 17th Day of Noveinber, 1778 ... /
. / Henry Laurens. F°. Broadside.
Prepared by the Chaplains of the Congress.
Nov. 24. Resolutions on Continental Army.
194. In Congress / Noveinber 24, 177S.
Settling the rank of officers.
Fo. Broadside. M.
Nov. 24, 1778 — Jan. 14. 1779.
195. In Congress, May 27, 1778. / Establish-
ment of the American Armv.
"F°. Broadside. V.S.
Contains the .-idditionul resolves of May 29, and Nov. 24,
Dec. 3. Court Martial of Schuyler.
196. Proceedinijs / of a / General Court Mar-
tial, / Held at MajorCeneral Lincoln's Qiiarters,
/ Near Qiiaker-Hiii. / In the State of/ New-
York, / By Order of his Excellency / General
Washinifton, / Commander in Chief / Of the
Army of / The United States of America, / For
the Trial of/ Major General Schuyler, / October
I, r, 7S. / ^Iajor General Lincoln, President. /
Philadelphia: / Printed by Hall and Sellers, in
Market street. / mdcclxxviii. F". pp. 62.
Reprinted in Collections of the N. Y. Historical So-
ciety for iSycj.
Health of Soldiers.
197. Directions / For Preserving / The Health
of / Soldiers : / recommended to / The Consid-
eration of the / Officers / Of the Army of the
United / States. / By Benjamin Rush, M. D. /
Published by Order of the Board / Of War /
Lancaster: Printed by John Dunlap, / In Qiieen-
Street. / m.dcc.lxxviii. 12". pp. S.
Reprinted in 1S65 and 1S72.
198. Journal / of / Congress, / Containing /
the / Proceedings / From January ist, 177S, to
January 1st, 1779- / Published by order of Con-
gress. / Volume IV. / Philadelphia: / Printed
by David C. Claypoole, / Printer to the Hon-
orable the Congress.
8°. pp. (2), 748, Ixxxix, (4).
Jan. 2. Description of Counterfeits.
199. Description/of/Counterfeit Bills, / Which
were done in Imitation of the True Ones ordered
by the Honorable / the Continental Congress, /
Bearing Date 20th May, 1777, and nth April,
1778. ' Fo. Broadside.
Jan. 9. Resolutions on Prisoners.
200. In Congress, /January 9, 1779 / /
Philadelphia. Printed by John Dunlap.
F<^. Broadside.
Jan. 12. Circular Letter of Instructions.
201. Treasury-Office, January 12, 1779.
F". Broadside. P.L.
A litter to the Commissioners of the loan office on ex-
changing the counterfeited emissions.
Jan. 12. Directions for retiring Currency.
202. Instructions/ from the / Board of Treas-
ury / to the respective / Commissioners of the
Continental / Loan-Offices. / Treasury-Office,
January 12, 1779. F". Broadside. P.L.
Jan. 14. Address to the People on the Currency.
203. In Congress. January 13. 1779./ /
Philadelphia, Printed by Jolin Dunlap.
F<>. I 1. P.L.
With the resolutions adopted Jan. 2, and Jan. 5, and the
address adopted Jan. i ^, 1779. The portions adopted Jan.
2 and s were reported by the board of treasury. That of
Jan. 13, by a committee.
" The committee on the treasury, who were directed to
extract from the journals the several rest)lutions respecting
finance, in order that they may be printed reported that
204-2 13]
Jan. 14 — March 29, 1779.
ihcv had executed that business, and are of the opinion
that the circular letter and the resolutions of the 2d and
:;th instant be printed on one sheet . . . fand] that one
hundred copies ... be struck oft". . . . Resolved, That
Congress agree to the report." — yournal.
Jan. 14. Resolutions on Currency.
204. In Congress, /October 8, 177S. / /
I'hiladelphia. Printed by Joiin Dunlap.
F". Broadside. P.L.
With the additional resolves of Nov. 19, 177S, Jan. i, and
Jan. 14, 1779. Only 100 copies printed.
Feb. I. Journals. See No. 233.
Feb. 23. Orders to Commissioners of Loan
205. Treasury-Office, / February 23d, 1779.
F«. Broadside. P.L.
Mar. 2. Resolutions on Arrearages.
206. In Congress, / March 2, 1779 / /
Printed bv Hail and Sellers. 1779-
po. Broadside. D.S.
Mar. 5. Resolutions on Soldiers' Certificates.
207. In Congress, March 5, 1779./ /
Printed by Hall and Sellers. 1779- /
Y". Broadside. D.S.
Mar. 6. Resolutions concerning Admiralty De-
208. In Congress, / March 6, 1779. / /
Philadelphia: / Printed by David C. Claypoole,
Printer to / the Honorable the Congress of \he
United States of America. / F°. Broadside. V.S.
Mar. 20. Recommendation of Fast.
209. Proclamation. / Philadelphia: Printed
by Hall and Sellers. F«. Broadside. V.S.
Drafted by G. Morris, Drayton and Paca.
Mar. 23. Ordinance for Clothing Dep.
210. In Congress, / March it,, 1779- / Ordi-
nance for regulating the Clothing Department
for the Armies of the United States. /
F". Broadside. V.S.
Prepared by Duane, Root, M. Smith, G. Morris and
Laurens, after consultation with Washington.
211. In Congress, / March 23, 1779. / Ordi-
nance for regulating the Clothing Department
for / the Armies of the United States. / /
Printed by Hall and Sellers. F°. i 1. D.S.
Mar. 29. Steuben's Regulations.
212. Regulations / for the / Order and Disci-
pline / of the / Troops / of the / United States. /
Part I. / Philadelphia : / Printed by Styner and
Cist, in Second-street. / Mdcclxxix.
12°. pp. 154, (9), 8 plates.
" A letter of the 25th from baron Steuben was read, ac-
companied with a system of regulations for the infantry
of the United States; also a letter from the board of war,
representing that baron Steuben, inspector general, has
formed a s\ stem of exercise and discipline for the infantry
of the United States: that the same has been submitted
to the inspection of the commander in chief, and his re-
marks thereon and amendments incorporated in the work :
that it has been examined with attention by the board,
and is hiyhly approved, as being calculated to produce
important advantages to the states; and therefore praying
■ that it may receive the sanction of Congress and be com-
iiitted to the press : ' whereupon, . . .
"Ordered, That the board of war cause as many copies
thereof to be printed as they shall deem requisite for the
use of the troops." — Journal.
213. Regulations for the Order and Discipline
of the Troops of the United States. Part I.
Hartford: Hudson and Goodwin. [1779].
Sm. S". pp. 13S, (6), plates.
Title from Steven's Historical Collections, 1., SS.
March 29 — Jllv 30, i779-
213*. + Hartford. N. Patten. [17S0.]
214. Regulations / for the / Order and Disci-
pline/ of the / Troops / of the / United States./
Part I. / Hartford: / Printed hv Hudson tV
Goodsvin. [1782.] 12°. pp. 89, (6), S plates. P.L.
For other editions see under 17S6.
214*. Resjulations / for the / Order and Disci-
pline / of the / Troops / of the / United States. /
Part I. / Philadelphia: / Printed by Charles
Ci-^t, at the corner of/ Fourth and Arch-streets.
M.DCC.LXXXV. S". pp. (4). 151 (?)■
Apr. 5. Directions for Transmitting Currency.
215. Treasurv-Othce. April 5th. 1779.
F". Broadside. P.L.
Apr. 22. Treasury Reports.
216. Reports / of the / Board of Treasury /
relative to finance / F". 7 11. L.C.P.
See Journal for Apr. 22, 1779.
May 10. Report on Exchange of Prisoners.
217. Report / of / Commissioners / for /
Settling a Cartel / for the / Exchange of Prison-
ers. / Philadelphia : / Printed by David C Clay-
poole / Printer to the Honorable the Congress of/
the United States of America. / mdcclxxix.
8°. pp. 20.
Ordered, That the report of Colonel Davies and Har-
rison to the Commander in Chief, of their conference
aforesaid be published. — your>ial.
May 26. Address to the States.
218. To the / Inhabitants / of the / United
States of America / Philadelphia: Printed by
David C Claypoole, Printer to the / Honorable
the Congress"^of the United States of America.
° F°. I 1.
Dickinson, Dravton and Duane were appointed to pre-
pare this. It was written by Dickinson, and is republished
m his Writings, 11.
219. Address of the Continental Congress to
the people of the United States, with the endorse-
ment of the Massachusetts Bay Province.
F°. Broadside.
Title from the K. S. Drake auction sale catalogue, lot
220. To the / Inhabitants / ot the / United
States of America. / [Hartford, 1779.]
F". Broadside. P.L.
With the order of Jonathan Trumbull.
221. Circular Letter from Congress to sustain
the credit of the United States. Poughkeepsie.
Title from auction catalogue.
July 23. Report on Departments.
222. [Report of a committee appointed for
enquiring into and regulating and retrenching the
expenses of the respective boards and depart-
ments.] ". pp.
" The committee [of Dickinson, Sherman and Scudder]
brought in a repfirt.
"cJ/'i/rr^c/, That sixty copies be printed for the use of the
members." — yoiirnal.
July 30. Treasury Ordinance.
223. In Congress, July 30, 1779. / Ordinance
for establishing a Board of Treasury, and the
proper / Officers for managing the finances of
these United States.
F". Broadside. D.S.
Sept, 13 — Dec. 3, 1779.
Sept. 13. Circular Letter.
224. A / Circular Letter / from the / Congress
/ of the / United States of America / to their/
Constituents. / Philadelphia : / Printed h_v David
C. Clavpoole, / Printer to the Honorable the
Congress. 8°. pp. 12. H.S.P.
On Aug. 10, it was " resolved that a committee of three
be appointed to prepare a circular letter to the several
states," but contrary to custom, no members were named,
and it is evident that while the Congress agreed to the
letter ihey could not agree to the men who were to prepare
it. It was to deal partly with the p'rench alliance and the
consequent letters of the F"rench Minister, and the Frank-
lin-Deane-Lee imbroglio had rent the Congress into fac-
tions, each of which feared some partizan attempt to
influence the people through this official letter. Finally
after nearly a month's dead-lock the Congress on Sept. S
requested their president, John Jay, to prepare a letter,
which he reported Sept. 13, and which was unanimously
accepted. It is the only case in the history of the whole
Continental Congress of one man being named to prepare
a paper.
225. A /Circular Letter/ from the / Congress
/ of the / United States of America / to their /
Constituents. / Philadelphia: Printed Septem-
ber, 1779 / Boston : Reprinted by Order of the /
General Assembly of the State of Massachusetts
Bay. " 8». pp. 15. P.L.
226. A / Circular Letter /from the /Congress
/ of the / United States of America / to their /
Constituents. / Philadelphia, Printed: / New
London: Re-printed by T. Green. 120. pp. 19.
Nov. 25. Resolutions for Supplies.
227. In Congress, / November 25th, 1779. /
/ Philadelphia : Printed by David C Clav-
poole, Printer to the Honorable the Congress.
Fo. Broadside. ' D.S.
Enumerating the articles to be delivered to each officer
for the year.
Dec. 3. Table of Loan Office Certificates.
228. Table / Of the Sums actually in circula-
tion / between the ist of September and the /
30th of November, 1779, inclusive, / and of the
Sums that will be in circu-/ lation froin thence
to the 28th of Fe-/bruary, 1780, to serve as a
rule to / the Commissaries of the several Loan-/
Offices of the United States in the / payment of
interest due, and that will / become due, on
Loan-OtYice Certifi- / cates. / [colophon] Phila-
delphia : Printed by David C. Claypoole.
80. pp. 7. N.J.H.S.
Signed Robert Troup, Secretary. December 3d, 1779.
Prize Numbers in Lottery.
229. A / List / of the / Fortunate Nimibers /
in the / Second Class / of the / United States
Lottery. / Philadelphia : / Printed by John Dun-
lap, in Market-street / mdcclxxix. /
8°. pp. 54. H.S.P.
Table of Interest.
230. A / Table / of the / First Years Interest/
To be paid on the Monies which have / been
placed in the several Continental / Loan Offices,
between the 1st of June / and ist of December
1778, calculated / for each day on which the
Money may / have been deposited in Pursuance
of a Re- /solution of the Congress of the 29th of
/June 1779: / [signed] R. Troup.
W. pp. 7. N.J.H.S.
This was reported by the board of treasury Aug. 6, 1779,
but was recommitted by order of Congress on Aug. 16.
I do not find when it was adopted.
Observations on the Revolution.
231. Observations / on the / American Revo-
lution. / Published / according to a resoUition /
of Congress. / bv their committee. / For the /
Consideration of those who are desirous / oC
comparing/ The Conduct of the opposed Parties,/
and / Tlie several Consequences which have /
flowed from it. / Philadelphia: / Printed by
Stvner and Cist, in Second-Street./M dcc Lxxix.
S«. pp. (4), 122.
On Oct. 26, 177S, G. Morris, \V. H. Drayton and R. H.
Lee were appointed a coninuttee " to suiierintend the pub-
lication of such matters relalinir to the disputes, petitions
and negotiations to and with the court of Great-Britain.
and such notes and explanations thereon as to them shall
appear proper ; and that thev a}.'ree with the printer for tliir-
teen hun.ired copies of such publication, on account ot
Contrress." On Nov. 13, S.Adams was added to this com-
mittee and they were " impowend to proceed in the pub-
licition as thev judtre proper." These two references are
the only ones' in the lournal I have been able to hnd ; but
the work was not pulilished till early in Mar., i779-
It is severely attacked bv Common Sense (Thomas
Paine) in the Feiitisvlvmiia Packet for Mar. 20, 1779, and
he says it was written bv Dra>ton and Morris, the latter
performing the greater part. In Spark's Life of Morris
it is said to be entirely written by him. It is, however,
largely a compilation.
232. 4- Providence. Re-prrnted by John Carter
17S0. S«. pp. 126.
Was also reprinted in Almon's Remembrancer for 1780.
Journals. January.
233. Journals / of / Congress / from Friday,
January ist, / to / Monday. February ist, 1779.
Philadelphia: / Printed by David C. Oaypoole,
Printer to / the Congressof the United States of
America. / mdcclxxix. F". pp. 12.
On Mar. 51, 1779, Congress " resolved, Wiaiirom the first
of J;inuary last the \ournal of this house ... be printed
immediately; and that for the future [it] ... be printed
weekly." In pursuance of this, three monthly parts, for
the past months of January, February and March were
printed, and after tliat it was continued each week in
weeklv parts.
It is" needless \n say that these monthly and weekly
issues are of the greatest rarity, and are, moreover, of
value, as thev include much malte'r not printed in the orcU-
nary yearly volume. The only |)erfcct copies I know of
are in the Historical Societv of Pennsylvania and the
library of Gordon L. Ford, ot'Brooklyn, N^. Y. There are
a few'odd parts in the N. Y. State and Connecticut State
libraries. See Proceedings of the Massachusetts His
lorical Society.
Journals. February.
234. Journals / of / Congress, / from / Mon-
day, February ist, /to /Monday, March ist. 1779.
/ Philadelphia : / Printed by David C. Claypoole,
/ Printer to the Honorable the Congress of / the
United States of America. S". pp 50.
Journals. March.
235. Journals / of / Congress / from / Mon-
day, M:irch ist, /to /Tuesday, March 30, 1779,
inclusive / Philadelphia : / Printed by David C.
Claypoole, / Printer to the Honorable the Con-
gress of the United States of An^.erica. S". pp. 56.
Journals. Weekly issue.
236. journals / of /Congress, /from / Wednes-
day, March thirty-first. / to / Saturday, April
teiith, 1779. / inclusive. / Philadelphia : / Printed
bv David C- Claypoole, / Printer to the hon. the
Congress of/ the United States of America.
8°. pp. 24.
The first of the Treekly parts. The titles of the follow.
ing successive issues vary from this only as noted.
237. * / Monday, April 12th, / to / Saturday,
April 17th, 1779. / inclusive. / 8". pp. 19.
Dec. 3, 1779.
238. * / Monday, April 19th, / to / Saturday,
April 24th, 1779, 7 inclusive. / 8". pp. 24.
239. * / Saturday, April 24th, / to / Monday,
May 3d, 1779. / S". pp. 16.
240. * / Saturday, May ist, / to / Monday,
May loth, 1779. / " 8^ pp. 15.
241. * / Monday, May loth, / to / Saturday,
May 15th, 1779, /'inclusive. / 8°. pp. 15.
242. * / Monday, May 17th, / to / Saturday,
May 22d, 1779, / inclusive. /
243. * /Monday, May 24th, / to / Saturday,
May 29th, 1779, / inclusive. / S''. pp. 20.
244. * / Monday, May 31st, / to / Saturday,
June 5th, 1779, / inclusive. / 8°. pp. 15.
245. * / Monday, June 7th, /to /Saturday, June
12th, 1779, / inclusive. / 8°. pp. 19.
246. * / Monday, June 14th, / to / Saturday,
June 19th, 1779, /"inclusive. / 8''. pp. 10.
247. * / Monda}', June 21st, / to / Saturday,
June 26th, 1779, / inclusive. / 8". pp. 13.
248. * / Monday, June 2Sth, / to / Saturday,
July 3d, 1779, / inclusive. / 8°. pp. 15.
249. * / Monday, July 5th, / to / Saturday,
July i2th [sic], 1779, / inclusive./ 8". pp. 7.
250. * / Monday, July 12th, / to / Saturday,
July 17th, 1779. /inclusive. / 8". pp. 10.
251. * / Monday, Julj' 19th, / to / Saturday,
July 24th, 1779, / inclusive. / 8°. pp.'i4.
252. * / Monday, July 26th, / to / Saturday,
July 31st, 1779, / inclusive. / 8°. pp. 16.
With this issue the imprint wns changed to " Philadel-
phia : / Printed by David C. Clayp"ole, / Printer to the
Honorable Congress," and so remained for the rest of the
253. * / Monday, August 2d, / to / Saturday,
August 7th, 1779, 7 inclusive. / 8°. pp. ii.
254. * / Monday, August 9th, / to / Saturday,
August 14th, 1779, / inclusive. / 8°. pp. 10.
255. * / Monday, August i6th, / to / Saturday
2ist, 1779, / inclusive. / 8**. pp. 13.
256. * / Monday, August 23d, / to / Saturday,
August 28th, 1779, / inclusive. / 8°. pp. 14.
257. * / Monday, August 30th, /to / Saturday,
September 4th, 1779, / inclusive. / 8". pp. 12.
258. * / Monday, September 6th, / to / Satur-
day, September nth, 1779, / inclusive. /
8°. pp. 10.
259. * / Monday, September 13th, / to / Sat-
urday, September iSth, 1779, / inclusive. /
8°. pp. 22.
260. * / Monday, September 20th, / to / Sat-
urdav, September 25th, 1779, / inclusive. /
8». pp. 9.
261. * / Sunday, September 26th, / to /
Saturday, October 2d, 1779, / inclusive. 8°.
pp. II.
262. * / Monday, October 4th, / to / Saturday,
October 9th, 1779^/ inclusive./ 8°. pp. n.
263. * / Monday, October nth, / to / Sat-
urdav, October i6t"h, 1779, / inclusive. / 8°.
pp. 8.
264. * / Monday, October iSth, / to / Sat-
urday, October 23d, 1779, / inclusive. / 8".
pp. 12.
265. * / Monday, October 25th, / to / Satur-
day, October 30th, 1779, / inclusive. / 8°. pp. 13.
1/79 — Sept. i, 1780.
266. * / Monday, November ist, / to / Satur-
day, November 6th, 1779. / inclusive. /
S". pp. 7-
267. * / Monday, November Sth, / to / Sat-
urday, November "iJth, 1779, / inclusive. /
8". pp. II.
268. * / Monday. November 15th, / to / Sat-
urday, November '20th, 1779, / inclusive. /
8°. pp. (19-)
269. * / Monday, November 22d, / to / Sat-
urday, November 27th, 1779, / inclusive. /
8". pp. 25.
270. * / Monday, November 29th, / to / Sat-
urday, December 4th, 1779, / inclusive. /
S°. pp. 12.
271. ♦ / Monday, December 6th, /to / Satur-
day, December nth, 1779, /inclusive. /
8". pp. 10.
272. * / Monday, December 13th, / to / Sat-
urday, December iSth, 1779, / inclusive./
8». pp. 12.
273. * / Monday, December 20th, / to / Fri-
day, December 31st, 1779,/ inclusive. / 8°. pp.i6.
274. Journals /of / Congress. / Containing
/ the / Proceedings / From January i, 1779, to
January i, 1780. / Published by Order of Con-
gress. / Volume V. / Philadelphia: / Printed
by David C. Claypoole. / m,dcc,lxxxii.
8°. pp. 464, (15), Ixxiv.
In the first issue of this volume pages 25 and 28, and 29
and 32, backed each other and were duplicated. There
were no pages 26, 27, 30 and 31. These errors are cor-
rected in most copies.
Feb. 25. Resolution on State Quotas.
275. In Congress, February 25, 1780.
' 4°. pp. 4. P.L.
A resolution fixing the quotas of supplies from the
states for the ensuing campaign.
May 2. Instruction for Privateers.
276. In Congress, / May 2, 17S0. / Instruc-
tions / to the / Captains and Commanders / Of
Private Armed Vessels, / Which shall have Com-
missions, or Letters of/ Marque and Reprisal.
po. I 1. S.D.
July 15. Plan of Quarter Master's Dep't.
277. Plan / for Conducting / The Qiiarter-
master General's Department, / Agreed to In
Congress, / July 15th, 17S0. / Philadelphia: /
Printed by David C. Claypoole, / Printer to the
Honourable the Congress. / m,dcc.lxxx.
8°. pp. 16. L.C.P., S.D.
Aug. 26. Resolutions on the Currency.
278. Extract from the Journal of Congress. /
August 26, 1780. / po. I 1.
Sept. I. Proclamation.
279. By the United States in Congress / As-
sembled, / A Proclamation. / / Done in
Congress, this First Day of September, in the
Year of our Lord One / Thousand Seven Hun-
dred and Eighty. F". Broadside.
Sept. 25 — Oct. 30, 1780.
Sept. 25. Plan of Inspecting Dep't.
280. Plan / For / Conductini^ / tlic / In-
spector's Department of the / United States. /
Philadelphia : / Printed by David C. Claypoole,
/ Printer to the Honourable the Congress.
8". pp. 8. L.C.P.
Sept. 30. Plan of Hospital Dep't.
281. Plan / for / Conducting / the / Hospital
Department of the / United States /Philadelphia :
/ Printed by David C. Claypoole, / Printer to
the Honourable the Congress. S'\ pp. 8.
Oct. 30. Resolutions on Southern Army.
282. In Congress. / October 30, 1780. /
/ Philadelphia, Printed by David C. Claypoole,
Printer to the Honourable the Congress.
F». Broadside. P.L.
Prize Numbers in Lottery.
283. A / List / of the / Fortunate Numbers /
in the Third Class / of the / United States Lot-
tery. / Philadelphia : / Printed by Hall and Sel-
lers, at the / New Printing-Office, opposite the
Jersey Market. / m.dcc lxxx. /
8». Title, I 1. pp. 57. P.H.S.
Table of Interest.
284. Table / for the / Payment / of the /
Second Years Interest / due on / All Sums
loaned to the United States / between The 2Sth
of Februarv, 177S, / and / The 28th of February
1780. / Philadelphia: / Printed by David C.
Claypoole, Printer to the Honorable the Con-
gress. 8°. pp. 18. N.J.H.S.
Table of Loan Office Certificates.
285. Table / for / The Payment / of / Prin-
cipal and Interest of / Loans, / agreeable to /
The Resolutions / of / Congress, / of / The
twenty-eighth day of June, / 1780. / Philadel-
phia : / Printed by David C. Claypoole, / Printer
to the Honourable the Congress. / m,dcc.lxxx.
8°. pp. 23. P.H.S.
Reprinted in Phillips' Sketches, 11, 210.
286. Tables / for / The Payment / of / Prin-
ciple [sic] and Interest /of/ Loans, / agreeable
to / The Resolutions / of / Congress /of/ The
twentv-eighth day of June, / 17S0. / Philadel-
phia :7 Printed a^'nd Sold by T. Bradford / in
Front Street, the fourth door from / the Coffee-
House. 1783. i8mo. pp. 36.
Court Martial on Arnold.
287. Proceedings / of a / General Court Mar-
tial / of the Line, / Held at Raritan, / in the
State of/ New Jersey, / By Order of his Excel-
lency / George Washington, Esq. / General and
Commander in Chief/ Of the Army of the /
United States of America, / For the Trial of /
Major General Arnold / June i, 1779. / Major
General Howe, President. / Published by Order
of Congress. / Philadelphia: / Printed by Fran-
cis Bailey, in Market-Street. / m.dcc. lxxx.
Fo. pp. 55. P.N.S.
"Feb. 15, 17S0 . . . Resolved, That fifty copies of the
trial of major general Arnold be printed at the public ex-
pciice." — Journals.
288. Proceedings / of a / General Court
Martial / for the Trial of / Major General Ar-
nold. / With an / Introduction, Notes, and In-
dex. / New York: / Privately Printed, / 1S65.
8''. pp. XXIX, (2) 182, portrait.
'35 copies reprinted.
Oct. 30, 1780.
Trial of Andr6.
289. Pioceedini?s / of a / Board / of / Gen-
eral Officers. / Held by Order of/ His Excel-
lencv Gen. WashuiEtton. / Commander in Chief
of tlie Armv of the United Slates / of America. /
Respectinti / Major John Andre, / Adjutant Gen-
eral of the Britisli Army / September 29. 17S0 /
Philadelphia:/ Printed by Francis Bailey. /in Mar-
ket-Street. / .M.DCC.LXxx. 8". pp. (2) 21. N.
290. Proceedinqs / of a / Board / of / Gen-
eral Officers, / Held bv Order of / His Excel-
lency Gen. Washington, / Commander in Chief
of tlie Armv of the United / States of America. /
Respecting / Major John Andre, / Adjutant Gen-
eral of the British Armv. / September 29, 1780.
/ To which are Appended, The several Letters
which / passed to and from New- York on the
Occasion. &c. / Philadelphia, printed / Hart-
ford : / Re-printed bv B. Webster. / m,dcc,lxxx.
Sm. 8«. pp. (2) 32- M.H.S.
291. Proceedings / of a / Board of General
Officers, / Held by Order of/ His Excellency
Gen. Washington// Commander in Chief of
the Armv of "the United Slates of America, /
Respecting / Major John Andre, / Adjutant Gen-
eral of the British Army. / September 29, 1780.
/ To which are appended, / The several Letters
which passed to and from New-York on the Oc-
casion. / Published by Order of Congress. /
Providence, / Printed and Sold bv John Carter.
S°. "pp. 16. J.C.B.
292. Proceedings / of a / Board / of / Gen-
eral Officers, / held bv order of/ His Excellency
General Washington,"/ Commander in Chief of
the Armv of the United States of America. /
Respecting / Major John Andre, / Adjutant Gen-
eral of the British Army. / September 29, 1780.
/ Philadelphia Printed — New- York Re-printed
/ By James Rivington, opposite the Coffee-
House Bridge. 4°- PP- 'S- N.
293. Minutes / of a / Court of Inquiry, /
upon the case of/ Major John Andre, /with /
accompanying documents, / published in 17S0
bv order "of Congress. / With / An Additional
A'ppendix / containing copies of the papers
found upon / Major Andre when arrested, and
other / documents relating to the subject. /
Albany: /J. Munsell, 78 State Street. / 1S65.
Sm. 40. pp. IV, 66, portrait.
100 copies printed, with an introduction by F. B. Hough.
294. Proceedings / of a / Board of General Offi-
cers / respecting/ Major John Andre / New York
/ Privately Printed / 1867. / 8«. pp. (6), 21.
49 copies printed by F. S. IlofI'man in " literal facsimile
of the original edition, as nearly as modern old style will
295. Journals / of / Congress, / from / Jan-
uary 1st, 1780, / to / January 1st, 17S1. / Pub-
lished by Order of Congress. / Philadelphia: /
Printed bv David C Claypooie, / Printer to the
Honorable the Congress. 8". P.L., H.S.P.
This edition of the Journal was issued in monthly parts,
in continuation of Xos. 233-274. Like those, it contains
much matter omitted in later editions. The captions and
collation of the parts are as follows : —
Journals of Congress, | For January, 17S0. ] pp. 3S, 2
blank pp.
Journals of Congress, | For February, 17S0. | pp. (41)-
73, I blank p.
Journals of Congress, | For March, 17S0. | pp. (7S)-io6.
Oct. 30, 1780 — Dec. 4, 1781
Journals of Congress, | For April, 17S0. | pp. (io6)-i.^i.
Journals of Congress, | For May, 17S0. | pp. (i32)-i62, i
blank p.
Journals of Congress, | For June, 17S0. | pp. (i64)-i9S,
I blank p.
Journals of Congress, | For July, 17S0. | pp. (i99)-237, i
blank p.
Journals of Congress, | For August, 1780. | pp.(239)-274.
Journals of Congress, | For September, 17S0. | pp. (275)-
Journals of Congress, | For October, 1780. | pp. (315)-
340, I blank p.
Journals of Congress, | For November, 17S0. | pp. (351 )-
384, 2 blank pp.
Journals of Congress, | For December, 17S0. | pp. (3S5)-
403, 3 blank pp.
General Index | To Volume VI* | pp. (i)-xxxviii.
Appendix. | Expenditures. | pp. (3).
" N. B. The numbers 106, 392, 393 are each found twice
at the head of a page." — Journals.
296. Resolutions, / Acts and Orders / of /
Congress, / For the Year 1780. / Volume VI. /
Published bv Order of Congress. / Printed by
John Dunlap. 8°. pp. 257, xliii.
This is only an abridgment of No. 295, but is usually
bound with sets of the Journal, as the volume for 17S0. It
was probably printed in 17S7, in pursuance of the reso-
lution of September 13, 17S6.
Feb. 3. Resolution on Impost.
297. Resolved, That it be recommended to the
several / states, as indispensably necessary to the
restoration of public credit, .../... to vest in the
united / states in congress assembled a power" to
levy for the / use of the united states, a duty of
five per cent ad / valorem. F°. Broadside.
Mar. 3. Report on Convention Prisoners.
298. United States in Congress assembled, /
March 3, 1781. F". i 1. S.D.
Report of Kean, Gorham, Pinckney, Smith and Gray-
May 26. Plan of Bank of North America.
299. Plan for Establishing a National Bank
for the United States To which is annexed,
a Resolution of Congress, of the 26th of May
1781, acceding thereto; And a Particuler Ex-
planation of the Use of said Bank, By Robert
Morris, Esquire, Superintendant [sic] of the Fi-
nance of America. Providence : .... Bennet.
Wheeler [1781.] 8°. pp. lit
Title from Sabin. C(. Journals May 26 and Dec. 31
Dec. 4. Ordinance for Marine Captures.
300. An Ordinance, / Ascertaining what Cap-
tures on / Water shall be lawful. / In pursuance
of the Powers delegated by the Confederation in
Cases of / Capture on Water: / / Phila-
delphia : Printed by David C. Claypoole, in Mar-
ket-Street. / F". Broadside. V.S., S.
See Jan. S, 17S2, infra.
Prize Numbers in Lottery.
301. A List / Of the Fortunate Numbers / In
the Fourth Class / of the / United States Lot-
terv. / [Colophon.] Printed by Hall and Sel-
lers. [1781.] / Sm. 40. pp. S3 (i). H.S.P.
Drawn on April 2, 1781, in pursuance of a resolution of
Congress adopted Feb. 6, 17S1.
Rules for Troops.
302. Rules and Articles for the Better Gov-
ernment of the Troops of the United States.
Philadelphia, mdcclxxxi. 8''. pp. 36.
Title from Sabin.
Dec. 4, 1 78 1
303. The / Constitutions / of the / Several
Independent Slates / of / America; / the /
Declaration of Independence; / the / Articles
of Confederation / between the said States; /
the / Treaties between His Most Christian
Majestv / and the United States of America. /
Published bv order of Congress. / Philadel-
phia : / Printed by Francis Bailey, in Market
Street. / m.dcc.lxxxi. /
Sm. 8°. pp. (2) 3-226. P.H.S.
Printed in pursuance of a resolve of Dec. 29, 17S0.
304.* Philadelphia printed ; London reprinted,
with an Advertisement By the Editor, For J.
Stockdale. in Piccadilly; and sold by J. Walker.
MDCCLxxxn. ' S°. pp. viii, 168.
Title from Sab in.
305. The Constitution of the several Inde-
pendent States of America; The Declaration of
Independence; The Articles of Confederation
between the said States; The Treaties between
His Most Christian Majesty and the United
States of America. With an Appendix, con-
taining An Authentic Copy of the Treaty con-
cluded between their Iligh Mightinesses the
States-General and the United States of Amer-
ica, and the Provisional Treaty. Published by
order of Congress. Philadelphia Printed : Lon-
don, Reprinted, with an Advertisement by J. L.
De Lolme, J. Walker, J. Debrett. mdcclxxxiii.
8*^. pp. viii, 189, (2), portrait and map. J.C.B.
306. The / constitutions / of the several /
independent states / of /America; / the Declara-
tion of Independence ; / and the / Articles of
Confederation / between the said states. / To
which are now added, the / Declaration of
rights; /the / Non-importation agreement; /
and the / Petition of Congress to the King; /
delivered by Mr. Penn. / With an / appendix, /
containing the / treaties between his most
chriistian [sic] ma- / jesty and the United States
of America; /and (never before published) /
an authentic copy of the treaty con- / eluded
between their high mightines- / ses the States-
General, and the United / States of America. /
The whole arranged, with a / preface and dedi-
cation, / By the Rev. William Jackson. / Lon-
don : / Printed for J. Stockdale, in Piccadilly.
1783. 8°. (4) xxi.\, (2), 472, (4), portrait. B.
307. A Collection of the Constitutions of the
Thirteen United States of North America
Published by Order of Congress. Philadelphia,
Printed. Glasgow : Re-printed By John Bryce.
M,DCC,LXXXiii. / 16".' pp. (2), 257.
308. Constitutions of the several Independent
States of America. Dublin, 1783.
309. Constitutions / des / Triesze fitats-Unis /
de I'Am^rique. / A Philadelphie ; / et se trouve
a Paris. /
fPh. — D. Pierres, Imprimeur Ordi-
j naire / du Roi, rue Saint-Jacques. /
i Pissot, pere & fils, Libraires, quai
des / Augustino. /
8"- pp. (4), 540- B., L.B.
There are copies on larjje paper in 4".
In Sabin's X>/V//o;i(7r)' another edition is given, but I
think it is the same as this, as the CDutents are identical.
It is said to have been translated by the Due de Roche-
Some copies seen have a supplementary .j pages, being
" Acte de la Rcpubllquu de N'irginia, / qui dtablit la
ibcrtd de Religion."
/ '7^3-
Dec. 4, 1 78 1 — Aug. 7, 1782.
310. The / Constitutions / of the / several
independent states / of America; / the / Decla-
ration of Independence; /the / Articles of Con-
federation / between the said states ; / the /
Treaties between His Most Christian / Majesty
and the United States of America. / — And the
Treaties between their High / Mightinesses the
States General of the / United Netherlands and
the United States / of America. / Published
originally by Order of Congress. / The Second
edition / Boston : Printed by Norman and
Brown, in / Marshall's-Lane, near the Boston-
stone / M.DCC.LXXXV.
12°. pp. 28, 5-1S0 (i), 1-29. B.
This includes the Definitive Treaty with England.
311. Constitutions of the several Independent
States of America. New York : 17S6. iS'\ C.
Title from the Catalogue of 1S64 of the Library of
M;inv editions Succeed this, but only after the adoption
of the Federal Constitution, as well as the alteration of
several of the state constitutions, so as to essentially alter
the contents of the collection. These have therefore been
Journals for 1781.
See nos. 321-2.
Jan. 8. Ordinance for Marine Captures.
312. An Ordinance / For Amending the Or-
dinance, ascertaining what Captures on Water /
shall be lawful. po. Broadside. S.
Sec Xo. 300.
Jan. 10. Plan of Inspector's Dept.
313. By the United States, in Congress as-
sembled, / January 10, 1782. / Plan for con-
ducting the Inspector's Department.
Fo. Broadside.
In place of that adopted 25 Sept., 17S0.
Jan. 24. Court Martial on Howe.
314. Proceedings / of a / General Court Mar-
tial, / Held at Philadelphia, /In the State of/
Pennsylvania, / By Order of his Excellency /
General Washington, / Commander in Chief/
of the Armj- of/ The United States of Amer-
ica, / For the Trial of / Major General Howe, /
December 7, 1781. / Major General Baron Steu-
ben, President. / Philadelphia: / Printed by
Hall and Sellers, in Market- Street. / m,dcc,-
Lxxxn./ Fo. pp. 31. P.H.S.
" February 15, 17S2 ... A letter of the 15th from major-
general K. Howe was read, requesting tliat the proceed-
ings of the general court-martial on his trial be printed by
Congress." — yoiinial.
Feb. 23. Resolution on Exchange.
315. By the United States in Congress as-
sembled. / February 20, 1782.
po. Broadside. V.S.
Refusing to exchange "Charles, Earl Cornwallis," " not
from any apprehension of his influence or superior abili-
ties; bui because they look upon him not in the light of a
British General, but a barbarian." It also relates to the
parole of Henry Laurens, and the maintenance of IJritish
Aug. 7. Report on Expenditures.
316. By the United States in Congress as-
sembled, Aug. 7, 1782. 4°. Broadside. S.
Report of a committee, consisting of Mr. Cornell, Mr.
Izard, Mr. Osgood, Mr. Bland, and Mr. Duane on the
" niost just and practicable nears of reducing the expen-
ditures of the United States in the several departments."
Oct. 10, 1782 — Jax. 23, 1783.
Oct. 10. Notice to Contractors.
317. Office of Finance, October lo, 17S2.
12°. Broadside. P.L.
Public notice to contractors for continental supplies tc
send in estimates for rations of 17S3.
Oct. 24. Ordinance for Post Office.
318. General Post-Office, October 24th, 17S2. /
Extract from an Ordinance passed bv tbe United
States of America in Congress Assembled, Octo-
ber iS, 17S2, entitled / An Ordinance for Regu-
lating the Post-Office of the United States of
America / [signed] James Brjson, Assistant.
F°. Broadside.
The draft of an ordinance erectinsT a post office was
reported to Congress by Mr. Scott, '.Mr. Oark and Mr.
Atlee, July 19, was read for a second time Oct. 2, and was
adopted Oct. iS, 178.'.
Nov. 18. Receipts and Expenditures.
319. A general Vfew of Receipts and Expen-
ditures of Public Monies, bv Authority from the
Superintendent of I-^rnance", from the Time of
his enterfng on / the Administration of the
Finances, to tbe 31st December, 1781. / /
[signed] Joseph Nourse, Register. / Register's
office, November iS, 1782. Oblong P>. Broadside.
Rules for Troops.
320. Rules and Articles / for the / Better
Government /of the / Troops raised, or to be
raised, /And kept in Pay, / Bv and at the Ex-
pense of the /Uni-ted States /of / America. /
Philadelphia : Printed in the Year / 1782. /
Sm. 8P. pp. 2g. P.H.S.
Title from HildeturH. ^^ ^^
Journals. 1781-2.
321. Journals / of / Congress, / and of the /
L nited States / fn Congress Assembled. / For
the Year 1781. / Published bv Order of Con-
gress. / Volume VII. / Philadelphia : / Printed
bv David C. Clajpoole. / m,dcc.lxxxi.
8°. pp. 522, (4), Ixxix. P.L.
• "^''""S"' tf"^ f'tle is only for the vear 17S1, this vohime
includes the whole of the year 17S2. The supplementary
A, pases, or "Appendix to Volume seventh," dated May
!• '.■^',V"''= ".'on, Hamilton, and Oliver Ellsworth.
The accompanying papers include Hamilton's report on
the refusal ol U.'I. to agree to the impost, the French and
Dutch contracts, the Address to Congress from the officers
of the Continental Armv, The " Newburgh Addresses,"
written by John Armstrong, and the Congressional rcso-
Unions of Sipt. 6 and Oct. lo, 17S0, Dec. 16, 17S2, and Feb.
'7- '"S.i-
" The evidence of Mr. Madison's sentiments at one pe-
riod, is to be found in the address of Congress, of Apr.
twenty sixth [sic] seventeen hundred and eighty three,
which was planned by him, in conformity to his own
ideas, and without any previous suggestions from the
committee." — Hamilton to Carrhigton, May 26, 1792.
330. Addiess / and / Recommendations / to
/ The States, / bv / The United States in Con-
gress / assembled". / Philadelphia: Printed 17S3.
7 Boston : Reprinted, / Bv Order of the Hon.
House of Representatives of the / Common-
wealth of Massachusetts, 17S3.
8°. pp. 62. B.A.
331. Address /and / Recommendations / to
/ The States, / by / The United States in Con-
gress / assembled. / Philadelphia, Printed : /
Hartford: Re-printed by Hudson & Goodwin, /
40. pp. 50, 31, folding table. P.L.
The additional pages are detailed accounts of Connec
ticut finances.
332. Bv order of Congress. / Addresses / and
/ Recomn'iendations / to the / States, / by the /
United States / in Congress assembled. / Phila-
delphia : / Printed by David C. Claypoole. /
London : reprinted / For J. Stockdale, in Picca-
dilly. / M,Dcc,LXXXiii. 8". pp. 91, (i). P.L.
333. Address / and / Recommendations / to
/ Tlie States, / by / The United States in Con-
gress / Assembled. / Richmond : / Printed by
>sicholson and Prentis / ai,dcc,lxxxiii.
8°. pp. 60, and more. C.
334. Address /and /Recommendations /to
/ The States, / by /The United States in Con-
gress / assembled. / Trenton : / Re-Printed by
Isaac Collins, / m,ix:c,lxxxiii.
12°. pp. 56. N.J.H.S.
June 24. Proclamation on Mutiny of Pa. Line.
335. Bv His Excellency, / Elias Boudinot,
Esquire, /President of the United States in Con-
gress Assembled. / A Proclamation. / /
Philadelphia, Printed by David C. Claypoole.
Fo. Broadside. L.C.P.
Sept. 13. Report on Virginia Cession of Land.
336. The committee, to whom were referred
the act / of the legislature of Virginia, of the 2d
of Ja- / nuary, 17S1, and the report thereon, re-
port ... / F". Broadside. S.D., V.S.
Reported by John Rutlcdge, Ellsworth, Bedford, Gor-
ham, and Madison. The original draft is in Rutledge's
Sept. 22. Proclamation in re Indian Lands.
337. By the United States in Congress / As-
sembled. / A Proclatnation. / Philadelphia:
Printed by David C. Claypoole.
F". I 1. L.C.P.
Sept. 25. Proclamation of Treaty with Sweden.
338. By the United States in Congress As-
sembled, A Proclamation . . . Princeton, Sep-
tember 2 qth, 17S3. Elias Boudinot, President.
Lot 675, " Washington relics," Catalogue, Apr. 21, 1S91.
Oct. 15, 1783 — March i, 1784.
Oct. 15. Report on Indian Affairs.
339. The committee, consisting of Mr. Diiane,
Mr. / Peters, Mr. Carrol, [sic] Mr. Hawkins and
Mr. Lee, / to whom was referred a report on In-
dian af- / fairs, . . . / / submit the following
detail of facts and resolutions : — /
F". Broadside of 2 columns. S.D.
Oct. 15. Additional Report on Indian Affairs.
340. The committee consisting of Mr. Duane,
Mr. Peters, / Mr. Carroll, Mr. Hawkins and Mr.
A. Lee, to/ whom \vere referred a report on In-
dian affairs, and the / several other papers
/ beg leave to subjoin the following additional
instructions / and propositions to their said
former report :
F"^. Broadside of 2 columns. S.D.
Nov. I. Resolutions on Congressional Repre-
341. Bv the United States in / Congress As-
sembled. "/ November i, 17S3.
Fo. Broadside. S.D., V.S.
Half- Pay and Commutation.
342. A / Collection of Papers, / relative to /
Half-Pay/ and / Commutation / of / Half-Pay, /
granted By / Congress / to the / Officers of the
Army. / Compiled, / By Permission of His Ex-
cellency General Washington, / from the Orig-
inal Papers in his Possession. / Fish-kill : /
Printed by Samuel Loudon. / m,dcc,lxxxiii.
8°. pp.^36.
343. The / Last Official / Address, / of his
Excellency / General Washington, / to the /
Legislature of the United States. / To which is
annexed, / A Collection of Papers relative to /
Half- Pa}', / and Commutation of / Half- Pay, /
Granted by Congress to the / Officers of the
Army. / Hartford : / Printed hy Hudson and
Goodwin. / m.dcc.lxxxiii. 8°. pp. .^8. N.
344. A / Collection of Papers, / relative to /
Half-Pay, /and / Commutation thereof, /granted
by / Congress / to the / Officers of the Army. /
Together with a / Circular Letter/ from / His
Excellency General Washington, / to the several
/ Legislatures of the United States. / Boston : /
Printed by Order of the General Court / of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. / iM,DCC,-
Lxxxiii. 4". pp. 24. B.A.
Journals. 1782-3.
345. Journal / of the /United States / In Con-
gress Assembled, / containing / The Proceed-
ings / from / The First Monday in November
17S2, / to / The First Monday in November 1783.
/ Volume VIII. / Published by order of Con-
gress. / Philadelphia: / Printed by David C.
Claypoole. / .m.dcc.lxxxiii. S^ pp. 483.
Jan. 14. Proclamation of English Treaty.
346. By the United States in / Congress As-
sembled, /January 14, 1784. 4°. Broadside. V.S.
The proclamation of the definitive treaty with Entjland,
signed by Tliomas Mifflin.
Mar. I. Government of North West Territory.
347. The ComiTiittee appointed to prepare a
Plan for the tem- / porary Government of the
Western Territory, have/ agreed to the following
Resolutions. F". i 1. S.D., H.S.P.
Reported bv Jefferson, Chase, and Howell, the draft
being in the handwritino- of the former. On Mar. 17 it
was recommitted. See following title.
March 22 — May 6, 1784.
Mar. 22. Report on North West Territory.
348. The Committee to whom was recom-
mitted the Report of a / Plan for a temporary
Government of the Western Ter- / ritorv, have
agreed to tl>e following Resolutions. /
F». Broadside. S.D.
The draft is in Jefferson's handwriting.
Mar. 23, 1784. Resolution on Qualifications.
349. Bv the United States in / Congress as-
sembled. "/ March 23, 17S4. F''. Broadside. P.L.
Adopted in consequence of the report of Sherman, Jef-
ferson, Beatty, Ch:iso, and Williamson.
Apr. 5. Report on Finances.
350. The Grand Committee consisting of
[blank] / appointed to prepare and report to
Congress, the arrears of interest on the national
/ debt, together with the interest and expenses
for the year 1784, from the first to the last / day
thereof inclusive, and a requisition of money on
the states for discharging the / same, have
agreed to the following Report: /
F". Broadside. P.L.
The committee consisted of Jefferson, Blanchard, Gerry,
Howell, Sherman, DeWitt, Dick, Hand, Stone, William-
son, and Read. The draft is in Jefferson's handwriting.
See under Apr. 27, 17S4.
Apr. 22. Report on Commercial Affairs.
351. The Committee to whom was referred
sundry Letters / and Papers relative to Commer-
cial Matters, submit the follow- / ing circular
Letter and Resolves.
F". Broadside. S.D., P.L.
Reported by Gerry, Read, Williamson, Chase, and Jef-
ferson. Considered Apr. 30. See No. 354.
Apr. 23. Land Office Ordinance.
See under May 20, 17S5.
Apr. 27. Report on Finances.
352. The United States in Congress as-
sembled. / April 27, 1784. / F°. Broadside.
The report of the grand committee (see No. 350) as
amended and adopted by the Congress.
353. The / United States / in / Congress as-
sembled, / April 27, 1784. / Congress resumed
the considera- / tion of the report to the Grand/
Committee appointed to pre- / pare and report
to Congress, the arrears / of Interest on the na-
tional debt, toge- / ther with the expenses for the
year/ 1784, from the first to the last day/ thereof
inclusive, and a requisition of / money on the
States for maintaining the / same, which being
amended to read as follows : / / [colo-
phon]. Boston: Printed by Adams and Xourse.
/ By Order of the Honourable House of Repre-
sentatives. / iM,Dcc, XXXIV. 8". pp. 12. M.
Apr. 30. Resolutions on Commerce.
354. By the United States / in Congress as-
sembled. April 30, 1784. F«. Broadside. S.D.
See under Apr. 22, 17S4.
May 6. Report on Western Posts.
355. The Committee consisting of Mr. Mer-
cer, Mr. / Lee, Mr. Gerry, Mr. Howell and Mr.
[E] Paine, " appointed to / consider of the meas-
ures proper to be adopted in order / to take pos-
session of the frontier posts," having considered
/ the same, and sundry papers to them referred,
thereon beg / leave to observe — • • • /
F^ Broadside. S.D.
Considered May 12, 17S4.
May 17 — Oct. 22, 1784.
May 17. Report on Continental Bills.
356. The Grand Committee to whom was re-
ferred / a Letter of the Governor of Massachu-
setts, of the 2Sth of Oc- / tober. 17S3. relative to
the Continental Bills of Credit / of / the Old
Emissions, submit the followinfj. /
40. Broadside. P.L.
Agreed to in Committee Apr. 7, and l.iid before Con-
gress May 17, 17s*. It was apparently never considered.
The draft is in Jcft'erson's liand writing. Sec Xo. 361.
May 28. Report on Southern Indians.
357. The Committee consisting of Mr. Beres-
ford, Mr. Jefferson, .Mr. / Cha.-^e, Mr. Spaight
and Mr. Read, appointed to take into consider-
ation the /state of Indian affairs in the Southern
department, beg leave to Report : /
F°. pp- (3). S.D.
Drafted by JeflTerson.
June 3. Report on Accounts.
358. The Committee consisting of Mr.
Spaight, Mr. Gerrv, Mr. Lee. / Mr. Beatty, and
Mr. Sherman, to whom was referred a report of
a committee on a re- / port of the superintendant
of finance, dated the 5th of November, 17S3, . . .
/ / ... / submit to Congress the fol- /
lowing Report. / F^. Broadside. S.D.
Oct. 22. Treaty ^^ith Six Nations.
359. Articles of a Treaty, / Concluded at Fort
Stanwix. on the twenty-second day of October,
one / thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, /
between Oliver Wolcott, Richard / Butler and
Arthur Lee, Commissioners Plenipotentiary from
/ the L'nited States in Congress assembled, on
the one Part, and the Sachems / and Warriors of
the Six Nations on the other. F°. 1 1. P.L.
Consular Convention.
360. The / Scheme / of / a Convention. /
Between His Most Christian Majesty and the
United States of North Ame- / rica. for defining
and regulating the Functions and Privileges of
Con- / suls, \'ice-Consuls, Agents and Commis-
saries. / F". pp. II. S.D.
Agreed to between Vergennes and Franklin, and trans-
mitted by the latter to Congress, which refused to ratify it.
This is a translation by John Pintard. See Xos. 3S3, 395
and 467.
Reports on Penobscot Expedition.
361. The Grand Committee consisting of Mr.
/ Stone, Mr. Blanchard. Mr. Gerrv, Mr. Howell,
Mr. Sher- / man, Mr. De Witt, Mr. Dick, Mr.
Hand, Mr. Hardy, / Mr. Williamson and Mr.
Read, to whom were referred /an act of the leg-
islature of Connecticut, and a letter from the
governor of Massachusetts respecting the ex-
pences of / that state in an expedition against
the British forces at Pe- / nobscot, and other
matters, submit the following resolves. / [sec-
ond] The Grand Committee to whom was re-
ferred / a letter of the governor of Massachu-
setts, of the 2Sth of/ October 1783, relative to the
continental bills of credit / of the old emissions,
submit the following. / F^. Broadside. S.D.
Collection of Treaties.
362. A / Collection / of/ Papers: / contain-
ing / The Declaration of Independence of the /
United States of America, dated July 4th, 1776. /
The Treaties of Alliance and Commerce, be-
tween / the United States of America and France,
Feb. 6, 1778. / Transcript of the Treaty between
Oct. 22, 1784 — Feb. 23, 1785.
France and the / United States of Ainerica, July
16th, 17S2; with the / Ratification thereof by-
Congress. / The Treaty of Ainity and commerce,
between the / States General of the United Neth-
erlands and the / United States of America,
dated October Sth, 17S2, /with the Ratification
thereof bv Congress. / The Decree of the C^icen
of Portugal for opening a / Commercial Inter-
course between her Subjects and those / of the
United States of America, dated Febr. 13. 1783. /
Treaty of Amitv and Commerce between his
Maje-'/ stv The King of Sweden, and the United
States of Ame- / rica, dated April 3, 17S3; with
the Ratification there- / of by Congress. / Defin-
itive Treaty of Peace between the United / States
of America and his Britannic Majesty, dated /
September 3d, 17S3; with the ratification thereof
/ by Congress. / To which is added / His Excel-
lency General Washington's Circular Letter / to
the different Goyernors of the respective States,
dated / June 11, 17S3. / New York: / Printed
by Samuel Loudon. [17S4] 12°. pp. 96. N.
Report on Invalids.
363. The Committee consisting of Mr. M'Hen-
ry, Mr. Dick, / and Mr. Williamson, to whom
was referred a motion of Mr. / M'Henry, respect-
ing Invalids, submit the following Resolves. /
F". Broadside. S.D.
Journals. 1783-4.
364. Journal / of the / United States / In Con-
gress Assembled: / containing /The Proceed-
ings / from / The Third Day of November, 1783,
/ to / The Third Day of June, 1784. / Volume
IX. / Published by order of Congress. / Phila-
delphia : / Printed by John Dunlap, / Printer to
the United States in / Congress Assembled. /
8°. pp. 317, xviii, 47.
The last 47 pages are the Journal of the Committee of
the States, the title of which is as follows : —
Journal of the Committee of States.
365. Journal / of the / Committee of The
States : / containing / The Proceedings / from /
The First Friday in June, 17S4, / to / The Sec-
ond Friday in Augus"t, 17S4. / Published by or-
der of Congress. / Printed by John Dunlap. /
Printer to the United States in / Congress As-
sembled. / M,DCC,Lxxxiv. 8". pp. 47.
Jan. 21. Treaty with Indians.
366. Articles of a Treaty, / Concluded at Fort
M'Intosh, (he 21st day of January 1785, between /
the Commissioners Plenipotentiary of the United
States of Ame- /rica of the one part, and the
Sachems and Warriors of the Wiandot, Dela- /
ware, Chippawa and Ottawa Nations of the
other. / F«. i 1. P.L.
Feb. 2. Proclamation in re Counterfeits.
367. Proclamation / By the United States in
Con- / gress assembled / / [signed] Richard
Henry Lee. F°. I3roadside. S.
Feb. 23. Report on Accounts.
368. The Committee consisting of Mr. Will-
iamson, Mr. Stewart / and Mr. Hardy, to whom
were referred a Letter from the Su- / preme Ex-
ecutive of the State of Pennsylvania, dated 20th
De- / cember; a Letter dated 24th January, from
William Denning, / Esquire, Auditor of Ac-
Feb. 23 — April 6, 1785.
counts; and sundry other Letters and Papers —
beg leave to report, / F°. Broadside. S.D.
The following was adopled, as the result of this re-
port : —
Feb. 23. Resolutions on Accounts.
369. By the United States in Con- / gress as-
sembled. / February 23, 17S5.
F". Broadside.
Report on Southern Indians.
370. The Committee consisting of Mr. Hardy,
Mr. Houston, Mr. Read, / Mr. Williamson, and
Mr. Holten, to whom was referred the Report of
, a / Committee on the State of Southern Indian
Affairs, beg / leave to submit the following Re-
port. / F°. Broadside. P.L.
Agreed to, Mar. 15, 17S5.
Mar. 14. French Duties.
371. State / of the / Duties / Payable by Ves-
sels of the / United States /of/ America, / In
the Ports of Marseilles, Bayonne, I'Orient, / and
Dunkirk. / Published by Order of the Honorable
John Jay, Esquire, / Secretary of the L'nited
States, for the Department of/ Foreign Affairs.
/ New-York: / Printed and Sold by F. Childs
and Co. No. 17 Duke-Street.
F«. pp. 19. V.S., S.D.
Mar. 17. Report on Accounts.
372. The Committee consisting of Mr. Gerry,
Mr. William- / son and Mr. Hardy, to whom
were referred a Motion of/ Mr. Gerry, and a
Motion of Mr. Howell, submit the fol- / lowing
Resolves. F°. Broadside. S.D.
Mar. 18. Report on Secretary of Congress.
373. The Committee consisting of Mr. How-
ell, Mr. Monroe, Mr. Pinck-/ ney,"Mr. R. R. Liv-
ingston and Mr. Gardner, appointed to revise the
Insti- / tution of the Office of the Secretary of
Congress, and to report such Altera- / tions as
they may judge necessary, — beg leave to report
the following Draft / of an Ordinance, / An Or-
dinance for the Regulation of the Office of [MS.
"the"] Secretary of/ Congress, and for extend-
ing it to the Home Department.
F". Broadside. S.D,
Discussed and amended after its introduction, and
adopted on Mar. 31, as follows: —
Mar. 31. Ordinance of Secretary of Congress.
374. By the L'nited States in / Congress as-
sembled/March 31, 17S5. / An Ordinance for
the Regulation of the Office / of the Secretarv of
Congress. / F". Broadside. P.L., V.S.
Apr. I, Report on Western Posts.
375. The Committee to whom was referred a
Motion of Mr. / R. R. Livingston, and two Mo-
tions of Mr. >Ionroe, relative to / the Western
Posts, together with a Letter from Major /
North, — submit the following Report. /
F". Broadside. S.D.
Considered on Apr. i and 7. P'roni the reference to the
letter of North, under date of Mar. 22, in the journals,
the committee was apparently EUery, Howell, and Will-
Apr. 6. Report on Slavery.
376. The Committee consisting of. Sec. to
whom was refer- / red a Motion of Mr. King, for
the Exclusion of invo- / kmtary Servitude in the
States described in the Resolve of Con- / gress
April 15 — July 4, 1785.
of the 23d Day of April, 17S4, submit the fol-
lowinsf Resolve. /
40. Broadside. S.D.
Kinsj m.ide his motion ISIar. 16, 17S5, and it \v:is cnni-
iiiittcil the s:inie dav t