UC-NRLF B M Dlt. TSb GIFT OF HORACE W. CARPENTIER / ^PBENDIX DICTIONARY OF THE HiUSA LANGUAGE (Published 1876). HAUSA-ENGLISH PART, ADDITIONS OF HAUSA LITERATURE. JAMES FREDERICK/ SCHON, D.D., F.R.G.S., LATE CHAPLAIN OF MELVILLE HOSPfTSti; CHATHAM; FORMERLY MISSIONARY OF THE CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY IN WEST AFRICA. LONDON CHURCH MISSIONARY HOUSE, SALISBURY SQUARE, FLEET STREET, E.O 1888. PUƁLTSHED IX IIAIT.SA 1*>Y THE SAME AUTHOR. Ti;tn--liii Badri, pi. Arewawa, n.. Northerner. Babd, n., both m. and f., chief over. Ama uhdiigizina sina da wota haitca, sundnta sddaha, ita ce hahd hisa ga hdyi mdta duha, dma mdce mugu ita ta ke. Bahd, m., hdhia, pi. irregular ; mdya and mainya, large, great. Nagerta hdhia, great kindness. Bdha and bdbani, pi. hdban'i, n., father's brother or sister, elder or younger. ( 15 ) Baikal malka, n., first heavy rain in Juno, before goro is full grown. Baham hade, n., buffoon^ parasite, mimic. Bahare, n., Bornu person ; also Bahdribdri, m., Bahdra, f., pi. Baribdri, Bornu. Bahdn sdta, n., a large kind of bean . Bahhd ice, n., a large tree, used in preparation for several sorts of arrow poisons. Bahhdn tdmmu, n., pale green bead. Bahhdn IdJca, n., indigo which is cut with dawa, that is ripe at the same time when dawa is cut. Bdbumutiia and hdhumutiid, without death, immortal; as a noun, immortality. Bdbutausdyi, uncharitable, pitiless, merciless. Badagela, n., an ordinary knife. Baddnda ta amri Bahause ta ce ya, fl hdbu, the lady Ba- danda being married to a Hatisa, said it is better than none at all, Bdduha, n., one that works in leather, a shoemaker. Yahirdwo ivoni mutum, bddiika si yi intind tdkalmi. Bae, and kobae (?). Kr. Bdfddi (pi. baiitdwa), n., king's minister. Prov., At ba ayi mfigu sdrilii, sdi miigu bdfddi. Bdgdbase, (pi. bdgdbasawa) , n.. Easterner, native of the East. Bagdngari, n., the name of a village in the Hausa country. Bagdrua, n., add : ddha bagdrua, to beat bark (6a), to make tanner's bark. It may be the oak-tree. Bd gdskia, to believe. Bdngdskia, n., faith, confidence. Bdhgdskia, and maihdngdskia (pi. mdsubdfigdskia) , one who believes, is believing. Bagoberi, m., Bagobira f., pi. Goberdiva, a native of Gobir. Bdgwa, n., a porcupine. Bagwozake, n., a tree, the root of which is used for killing fish. Balidga, n., a left-handed person . Bahar alamar, n., the Ked Sea. ( 16 ) Ɓahar almuhil, n.', the Ocean. Bahar ilmal, n., the Mediterranoan Sea. Ɓdi, neg. adv. = hdya, not he, he not. Bdi, adv., after ; Bdi stands for hdsi, after it. Bdi [si) scJcdra hiu ho uhu en Mmo, Haji Mamu, hahacina. Baia, n., palm-wine. Baihdi, adv., backwards. Sun tdfi baihdi, they walked Lack- wards. Baihai, (pi. hauhdtva, and haibdyi, mutdne haibdyi, a person speaking a strange language, Sdi haiihdwa hai (basn) sun yi magctna Hausa Jco magdna nan Hm'isa. Baibdyi suha nunamu alheri, the barbarous people showed us kindness. Baihai, n., tying a man's hand behind. Baitil miikadas, n., the walls of Jerusalem. Baitilniukasi, Jerusalem. Baiwa, n., a female slave that has become the wife of her master. Bdiwa, one that gives presents. Sdrat/nia maihaiwa ho mai- rovoa ? A liberal or a stingy queen ? Baiwdn Alia ?ie,it is the gift, dispensation, visitation, institution of God. Baizuwa, tr. v., to grant, to allow. Bdka, n., a bow ; kdrie'mbdka, a broken bow. Bdhavi bindiga, spring of a gun. Bdka, n., a load; bdkan glSlri, a load of salt. Bdkangizi, n., rainbow. Bakdke, m., bakdka, f., pi. bakdku, black, blackened ; a black person. Dla bakdka, black seeds in the gonda; bdka magdna, bitter words. Bdka tara, n., judge. The explanation: alkarli gandii, seem to refer to an office or officer connected with the Custom's duties. Bakacine, n. (?), Anzdna Bokacine gabd da H banda Larabawa, the Bakacine is reckoned before or after the Arabs (?). ( 17 ) Bakardria, \\., barren woman. Ɓaki (pi. hakuna, and hdkakuna and bakokina), n., mouth. Bdklnsa ya fl kpwa da ydwan magdna. The opening for the door. Tana zamne a. l/dkin kofan Umu : bakin rami •J.J , the mouth of a hole. Ɓdki data, adv., at once, altogether ; yi bdki data, or gdma - bdki data, to plot together, to conspire, to agree. Bdki (pi. bdbaku), n., letter of the Alphabet ; bdki letdfi, bdki tdlatin biu bcibu H ke, the letters of the Alphabet are 28. (Consonants, John.) Bdkinciki, n., grief, sorrow, distress, sadness ; literally, black inside. Yi bdkinciki, to grieve, feel sad, disappointed ; to cause sadness, disappointment. Baikie writes bakyin'ciki ; as, 6a%msmi,n., badness of heart, evil disposition ; malice. Bdkikdrfe, n., iron. Bdkintdka, n., blackness. Bakinzdki, n., a cap of green cloth. Bdkinzucid, n., displeasure. Bakkazumalla, n., a musquito ; i. q., zabru. Bdko, m., n., bakud, f. (pi. bdkiam bahma), stranger ; sojourner, guest at a place for a short or uncertain time. Ka yi bako mainauyi, you entertain a distinguished guest. Bdkoutdka, n., banquet, feast, entertainment given to strangers. Bdkude, Bo Kiule (pi. Kuddiua), n.. Southerner. Bdlaga, intr. v., to arrive at, to attain to, to be of age. Bala gage, m., balagdgia, f. {p\.,baldggii), one who has reached the age of puberty, man or animal. Lokacin balagdge. BudurUa baldgia (or balajdga ta issa dmre. Ba ydro kdnkane ba, ya bdlaga. Balaiii, and baldi, n , wrath, anger, trouble. Baldnce and balantdna, adv., much more, much less, not to say. iV^ da kaina ina da abinci baldntana kdza ? " I myself had nothing to eat, let alone a fowl; i.e., how much less is it likely that I should have had anything to give to a fowl ? " Balagdnde and bulangdnde, adj., yellow. D ( IS ) Balhado, intr. v., to bubble, to gush out as water. Eua sina halbadowa ga rai na dhadd. ƁaU or ha^e, conj.j except that, unless. Excl., fortunately, luckily. B(l ni del gani bare anjl ahin da zdsu yi niasu. Ɓalkgre, pr. ii., the name of the commander of the Hausa troops fighting to recover Kacina from tbe Fiilani. John. Bali=hari, tr. v., to dry. Mu hali cihin rdna, we dry them in the sun. Baluh, n., oak. Ba7ndgiize=^maguze, n., birdcatcher. Bamdgnzia, f. (pi. maguzdwo, n.), heathen. Bamdnci, n., sport, trick. Bdmhana, n., the flowering head of the kacalla, an aquatic plant. Bdmhu, n., putting a child on the hn,ck= hoi i/ a. Mi or ma ihdmhu, the person doing it. Bdmda, add hdmda kai na zin ^Oro Jcowa. Bdmda wunda hdbu hpmi da hdrijl. Bdmia, the same as hiibewa, but different from Jcabewa. Bamota (pi. bamOtii), n., butterfly; that is, the flutterer. Bamurna, pr. n., the name of a fertile valley near Wurno. Ban, neg. adv. implying the pron. of the 1st per. sing., I not, not I . Bdna or banna, n., this year. Ban alia, n., an alligator. Bahgahanga, n., the name of a severe famine. Bdnan^e, n., Scherz, sport, jest, mocking. Bdngo, n., wall made of clay. Bdfigo, n., the chief constable, who can apply fetters. BanJcdre, tr. v., rolling away, as a stone. Banna, in the phrase AVt gdni hdnna v.l ga baddl, the name given to the velvet ant ; literally, I have seen last year, I shall see next year — so called for its being destroyed with great difficulty. Ba Nafi, m., ha Nil fa, f. (pi. nnfawa and mqicwa), man or woman of the Nupe nation. Bard: ija hubnfa ; ya gdniu bard; ya fita ; ambdsi gdshia, ( 10 ) he is acquitted, justified. John. Coinparc bararn liberated ; which is the same with hen'ro, hcrcra, hereru. Ɓaralcalla = alhan du tillahi, God be thanked ! thanks to God ! Bdramtane, n., a trunk which is divided into two largo branches. Bardinze, u., large scaled fish, lead coloured. Bardnia, f. (pi. harenya and harOnijci), female servant. Barantdha, n., service, servitude ; yi haranidka, to do service. Bardre, hardria (pi. lardru), freed, liberated; left to oneself. Bardta, n., integrity, innocency. Bdrhara, n., denoting the sound of the he-goat, male camel and other animals in their season. I have also heard it pro- nounced bulhula. Prov., Ya zc gar in bdrhara, ya homa da cihi. Bardinuwa, n., a grey locust which flies about at night. Bare, excl., fortunately, luckily. Bare, n., stranger — ga ydhuwdna. Alia bare, strange gods. Bdrenya, n., handmaid. Barfo, n., some kind of sword. Barimdce, n., untimely birth, abortion. Bdrka, n., salutation. BdrTca ga wimi = zdna, to congratulate. 3Iun zo garin bdrka. Barkdtai, confused. Sina magdiia barkdtai. Barmits and barmui or barmusi, n., box, as generally used to denote a short one. Barso, n., marrow. Bdrua (pi. barurud), n., servant, staff of servants; :Diencr[d)aft. Bdrzi, n., a small hill. Basardke, n., royal persons, chiefs. Basul, n., consumption ; piles (?) . BdH, n., debt. Da saurdn bdnnsa da nl ke da si ni biaSi, and the rest of the sum I owe him, I shall pay him. Bdta, n., box. 8un kdivo babdn bdta da kyaftwa hiu, Bata augi, n., luciier-match ; little pocket. Batdnia, n., bile, gall. ( 20 ) Ɓdhi, n., talk, story, tale. Umdra hdtun niutdnc dauri, the sayings, traditions &c. of old. Bdhinda, n., conversation, narrative. Bace, to abuse. Ahaciini da dere, ahaceni da rdna, I was abused by night and by day. Anambaceni, I am mentioned. ƁadSwa or ha^a, running over of fluids or grain. Ɓa\^ace, hapHa (pi. hapitu), over-filled, running over. Bauda, intr. v., to deviate, depart from the straight course. Baima, n., buffalo. Bause, to haggle, Maihaim ho mai ahin sdi/a don lidka ha, if it were not. Don ivonan ne, it is for this reason. Dpre, n., joining, junction of two pieces of wood. Dpro, n., lump^ protuberance. Midpra, a round-shouldered person. Midpra zdbo, a hump- backed horse. Dorowa, n., parkia. Kr., Doloa and doruwa. ( 37 ) Ɗotizo, n., a man of distinction. In the sentence : Kai dan Ɓaura dotizo Jcumd wonga, &c. Doicai=dui, u., a bad smell. Bowdtdna, n., a kind of grass resembling rice, stored up for horses. Dronrdga, Kano name for the herb raga. Dit and duh, abbreviated form for diika, all, every. Duade, to refrain, to stop; aduade, to be stopped. Bani duade lehiina, I do not refrain my lips. Kamdn gamsika wonda duade kunensa, like the deaf adder that stoppoth her ears. Buaia, n., sweet potato. Budsu arddu, n., thunderbolts ; dudsu lulu, n., pearl. Bubdra, add : dubdra tafl kdnfi ; ha don dubdra ha mutum si saida dpli da rdhumi, Buduge (pi. dudugdi), n., heel; mugunta dudugdi, the iniquity of my heels. Budufa, n., musical instruments ; timbrel. Budurii, n., name of a stream in Kano. Bilfua, n., darkness. Btlfiia ta Ice ga halkdsin hafpfina. Buk da wonan, conj., nevertheless, notwithstanding all this, less, Buka, flogging. Bulli, n., the charcoal tree of Nupe. Buma, n., a gourd. Bumdnia, n., black plum. Bumi or ddmi, n., a fish with large dorsal fins, and green on either side. Burnt, n., noise. Bumi ya cika gidd. Bumin tagugyi^ the noise of the waves. Warm {?), as riidn dumi. Bumia, n., goose ; some kind of tree. Bumca, tr., to fill the hand, to take by handfuls. Bundu, n., a small fabaceous tree bearing a pod eaten by cattle. Bundururu, n. = ma{zdbe, a pickase. Buhgoli, n., a door-post. ( 38 ) Dufiguli, n., cow butter. Dungum or dungu (pi. dunga na hdnu), the stump of an arm, a leg or finger. J)w?im, world; add: sina so si Icoya mutclne admin Issa, ho hainyan gdsMa na rain dUnia nan da na Idhira. ƊUnia yau ha su so Idfid, the present age is not for peace. Mutume dunia da ha yirda daSi, wdlahi ahin p)ro ne. Diihhule, tr., to shape, to form. Mutdne nan sun ce, Issa si lean dauka Tidsa, si ddmata, si dunkuleta Jcamti zunsu, si Jura mdsii rdi. N., mass, lump, ball. Ɗunkurkuda, n,, the common species of brown and brownish and black locusts. DUnia melon, for everywhere, everybody. Dunnia, and dyunnia, n., the name of a tree. Br. John, Diinya, tree bearing a black plum. Duuyn ha ta da kai, has no top, head, topless. Dilsa dzurfa, n., dross of silver — dUsa kdr/fi, of iron ; diisa si- ndria, of gold. Du^al, or duzal, or dujal, or dazal, n., Antichrist. Miitume sina yin mUgunta duka cikin dUnia ; wonda rdndn hdya nanlsa si yi ydki da si, dalsa si kdsesi tdre da duka da siina hinsl. Ɗazalj maildo data. Maikodai sina hdsi. Dpkonsa, en ya yi kosi sai akdra da mdsa da gurasa {sina ce). Fisdrinsa sai zumua da mddara. Wonda ya hisl kud don kodai ya ghdta, sai wuta. Dwade ; as, ya dwade tnani dlwa, i.q. dwdde. [The orthography has undergone some changes of late with aview to bring it more fully in harmony with that proposed in the " Standard Alphabet for reducing hitherto un- written languages,'^ by Professor R. Lepsius, Berlin. We therefore now write d instead of ds, and dz and j instead of dz and ds. Pahere = dsahore, n., grass, reed. Dini, n., point. Dinin alura, the point of a needle. Ice mai- dini, a pointed stick, spit. 7)iu'a,n., insolence; da ^Zi'ioa, insolently. Ydro si yi dadiiva gasofo. ( 39 ) E. Eansina, adv., add : in the meantime, meanwhile. Ehilis, and ehilisi, n., diabolus, devil. Kddd Jcdwo mini chili- sinka, do not bring to me thy evil spirit ; or, as much as. Do not make me as ill-disposed as thou art. Edahal, n., a black ass. Efait, n., a pure white ass — from Aghenci. Elgaita, add : shorter than the pampame. Elio, n., the name given to Lagos. Elliu, n., mimosa nilotica. Br. Elhuds, n., Jerusalem. En=insind an ; add : and wether, Ya tdmhdya en suFuldni ne. En dei da red dda ansa taninho, dsdmu. Ena, or e'nnd, that which. Mlnene ena da hold siikafddi indhi ? Engardiaga, n., a large toad. Seems a Bornu word. J^nna, add : and, ennua or inua (pi. enuivd ?). Yanuna mdsu inuivdnsu can cihin ri/an rljia. Dlla ya ce, ni da leu ha mu tdra inua daia. Ecdda, n., a small, dusky, long-billed honey-bird. £nci, adv., verily, surely, certainly. J^nci Jcai ne. Ephod, n., region. Kafadu. F. Fdda, add : fddo, to fall down, to shrink ; ya fddi, he has fallen, that is, he is dead. Jllcin ya fdda Jcumd. Fadd, tr., to correct, set right, rebuke. Ka ce anayi mdka fadd ! Kai Anndhi Mahama ne, ha ayi mdJca fadd ?■ The meaning, to contradict : — " Art thou the prophet Mahomed, who is not to be contradicted ? " To quarrel, tana fadd da ni, wai na kl sula wUrlnta. And: Mutum hai tone faddfiJca ha, homi faddnka ka tonesi? FadaSe, caus. v., to defend, to plead one^s cause, to fight for one. Fddawa, add : meadow; fruitful field. Fadda, add : to confess ; to scold, to blame ; to reprove. Da wodanan magdna akafdddasu ga uhdnsa. ( 40 ) Fddinrai, and fddin zucian, hauglitiness, animal excitement or effect of it. Fadodi, pi. form, palaces. Fafadl, the same as laoolhwoli, n., plate in front of a horse's face. Fafilm (pi. filcafihi), n., feather, wing, Fihifikin Idf, the fins of fishes. Faga and faggd, n., rice farm ; also faggdn sinh'ifa, rice field. Fage, n., bow shot ; speed of a horse. Faggen ddwaki, n., race-ground, riding-place. Gudun fagd, running a race. Faggo, n., an edible tuber, resembling znziija, Faifai, add: p].faifai, and faiafdi. Fdhami, n., understanding. Fdharl, n., honour, reputation. Sina da fdhari, amd ha 61 he da fdhami, he has (a good) reputation, but no sense. Mittum wonda sina ciMn fdhari, dma ha Si da fdhami, a play of words. Fdhinci, n., saying, wise saying. Sana ydho fdhincmsu, they praise their wise sayings. Fdhunta, to understand clearly. FaJcdJce, iutens. v., walking much about. Fakam, n., a district in Kano, south-east coruer. Fakace, to repeat (?). Fake, intr., to hide, to take shelter, to conceal oneself. Fdko, n., hard ground, or soil ; wilderness. Fdko, add : to watch, to listen to ; lie in ambush, tic(aufd)Cn. Sdriki ya ce : kowa zo si fdko maikdfo slnafadi : na sdmi sdna. Mai (pi. m,asufdko), n., opponent, adversary. Fakkiya, n., large stone beads. Fdl, and fdfil, to fill up to the brim. Kilra ya tdsi fal, dust rose high. Falcisa, tr. v., to reproach ; revile, expose. Falfada and falfazia, n., court, open space before a house ; hall, parlour. ( 41 ) Falale, n., rock. Falalla, n., any head-tie. Falfada, intr., to come to oneself. Falfdsa, tr., to bruise. Fdlia, n., a species of fish much like salmon. Falka, to lift up, to arise ; to come to oneself , to awake. Falke {p\. faldhe) , n., a merchant, trader, travelling trader. Fallaha, tr., to raise or support by the palm of the hand. Fdhna, to make an attack, to overpower. Falmaki, to prevail against, n., violence, tumult, throng. Fdma, tr., to defend ; to strive, struggle for ; sun yi fdma birnensu, they defended their towns. Fandama, n., a table land, flat land. Fdnfaindn kdi, n., top of the head. FanJcdsu, n., a cake of wheat-Hour and honey. Fdnsa, tr. to deliver. Fdnse and pdnsa, pdnse. Ya fdnsesu dagd hdnun ahpkin gdba. N., atonement. Fdntu &ndfuntu, adj., naked, in rags from want. Fdra, n., white ground-nut. Fard, n., dropsy ; white, whiteness. Fdrakaiya, n,, a large gum-yielding tree used for ink. FaralmdlJca, n., heavy rains in August. Fdrdnci, maifardnci hira, n., a person with one or more short toes. Fardre, yifdrdre, to wMten, make white. Fdrga, the same as fdriga, tr. v., to find out, to discover a plan, contrivance ; to know all about, to understand, to perceive. Fdri, n., drought. Fdri, n., the first. Dd (pi. yd7i fdri), first-born. Fdri ho hdU, white or black, i.e. good or bad. Farifdse, intens. form, to break to pieces. Fdrikdrife, n., brass. Fdrin dahino, n., yellow beads. r Fdrin ducij n., a place east of and near Kurama. Fdrincihi, n., a crystal white bead. ( 42 ) FdrinciTci, n., peace, comfort, gladness. Yi fdrincihi, be of good cheer, rejoice ; ha sd hUrudta ta yi fdrincihi, comfort my soul, make me rejoice. Yahuhu ya yi fdrincihi, Jacob rejoiced, or was glad. Uivd mai-fdrincihi daydwa. Fdrin zdrbi, n,, large white crane. Fdrin zini, n., white blood, good disposition, purity, sincerity ; good report; being well spoken of; being a favourite. Maifdrin zlni, amiable, popular, affectionate; a generous man. Fdrhaii, n., a very large tortoise : its shell is large enough to wash several children in. Fdrita, tr. v., institute, ordain ; to originate. Faro, n., a river uniting with the Binue. (Crowther's Journal). Fdrs, n. p., Persia. Fdrsd (ha) ; as, ha ayi fdrsd ha, not being closed (Isaiah, i. 6). Applied to wounds and sores (Bennett). Fartdfigo, add : pi. fartandi, n.. hoe. Faru, add : Mi ya faruhana hwdna ? What is the matter, you are sleeping ? Kasdla tasdmeni ; hasdla. laid hold on me ; I was hard up. Faru mahaia. Haji Ali, of Sokotu, gives it for vine, and faru makaia for grapes, the fruit of the vine. (Kr). Fdrun mahiaya. (John) . Fdsa, tr., to lay waste. 8un fdsa mazdmnmsa, they laid waste his dwelling-place. Fdsa, tr. and intr., to fail, to defer, to postpone. Na fdsa ylnsa har gghe ; to pull down, to lay waste ; to smite, to wound. Fdsa hwori, n., a large tree which has an aromatic bark. Fasdli ; add to the meanings, decision ; joint section. Plan; as, fasdli da muha yi ncl dda, the plan we have formed long ago. FdsarOf to explain, expound. Letdji na Hausa anyi fdsardnsa, the Hausa book has been explained. Fasardnta, n., explanation. ( 43 ) FasMn^i and yifasJcdnci, to go a whoring ; adultery, fornication. Fdskara ; add : ya fdskara, he is too positive, very obstinate or headstrong. Ya na fdskara, it is impossible. Ɓdbu komi fdskara ne, nothing is impossible. Faskardci, n., shaving of one side of the head. Fdskare, n., a plank, board. Fdski, n., breadth. Fasso, n,, breaking of the skin from cold. Fdsu, intr., to break out, as aloha. Fase, adv. and conj., only, except, yinx, aufer, Kr. Fata (pi. fdtihia), add, after trees, "or fruit." Fdtan gondo ha ta da kdhri. Sdta suma, for hairy scalp (Ps. ixix. 21). Fdta, tr., to fight. Fatdn wdsa, a sham fight. Ya yi fdta da si, he fought with him, for which Bk. gives, ya yi kokewa. Tare da si, to struggle for, pray for. Eai ne anafdta, ha dukia ha, we fight for life, not for property. Fatdfatd, n., plenty, abundance; often used adverbially. Fatatakdke, m. fatatakdkiya (pi. fatatakdku), torn as by wild beasts. Fatatdkawa, n,, prey, booty obtained by hard fighting. Fatauci, n., trade, trading. Ina tdf. fatauci, I go to trade, on a trading tour ; the same as fatawdye. Ya kl zvafataiodye, he declines going to trade. Fatilla, n., a lamp, and wick of the lamp ; tddafatilla,io set up or light a lamp. Fdye, add : Kaddn a.hu yafdye mdsu da wily a. Ɗon gidasensu sunfdyekydo. Sun fdye mdni nailyi. Yafdye wUyagareni. Fdza, or pdza {pl.fasoji), n., fish-hook, fish-line ; ice fdsa and zarenfdza; kdrfin fdza. Mai (pi. masufdza), one who is fishing. Maifdza ya dauka or fisga, or kdna icen fdza, the angler takes up the line. 8u (pi. mdsu), n., fisher. Fdzi, n., a crown, turban. Fefefe, in. fefefeya, f.fefefu, faded, withered, decayed. Fesa, intr., to spit out, or blow out water from the mouth. Fesdwa, n., spitting. ( 44 ) Fiada, tl., thrashing. Fiade, n., tr., to dash, as, sifiadesu hisafalale; to give up, over. Yajiade dohobinsu da MnJcarajHe smote their cattle with hail. Fida, tr., to take out, pull out. Fida ido to bud, to bring forth the bud ; fida hai, bring forth the ear. Fideddy m.ffdediya, f. {-pi. fidedu), flayed, skinned. Fideri, n., a shrub, the bruised seeds of which are used in certain diseases of the eyes. Fijika, intr., to fly ; and fikawa, and jifihdwa ; tdH, ydo, saudgi. Figdge, m.,Jigdgiya (-pi. fgdgu), stripped as the beard of corn, and figege, figegiya, fgegu. Fige, to pluck. Figitdce, jigitdcia, figitdta, frightened. FlTiO^ n., power, greatness, excellence. Fllcon dilnia ai wpfi ne. Fila, n., stratagem in war or of any kind. ' Filldta, JiLldtana, n., a Fulahman or woman. (Kr.) Findi, n., a kind of sword with broad blade, a yambol. FiJcdsOy n., a broad cake of bean flour. Fintussa, n., a locust, with short wings and covers. Fird, ha mu fir a da hai ; ba hifird da mi (?). Kr. Flrd, to peel, aa yam (John). jDgyayanuna ? Is the yam cooked ? Kai! 0, hai nUna ha, ydnzu akayifird. Firda, tr., to rip up. Firgdhha, n., disappointment ; disheartening at failure. Firgita, to vex, to trouble, to frighten. FirTiO, adv., first. Nafirko, tafirho, the same as nafdri, tafari, the first. Firzan, n., Fezzan. Fisa, sixth form of fita, tr., to draw out. Ta fisnsa daga cikin rua. Fishe means much the same. Ba hhva da he fshesu dagd hdJivna. Ku fisdi {=fi.sd8i) cikin sdlihd, You pour it into a bottte. Fisdrin ginma, n., an olive-green bead. Flsge, tr., to skin ; take off skin or feathers. ( 45 ) Fue, causative form, tr., to deliver, to pull or pluck dut. Alia ya Ji^eni dagd hilmidta. Ta fise mutdnensa da miirna. Fita dagd ; add : to leave a place ; hafita abu diilca, you take out everything. Ɗa muha fita dagd Germany, mun siga cildn zirigi hdna ga doTcin wuta, When we left Germany we went into a boat, after that into a fire-horse=a train. AJitdnka, at thy going" forth. Fitdsda, add, suJca jitdsda da dagd rami. Fitdsda garlfa, hi yi mdmu tuo (Fi tarda). Fitda fida Tcai, corn bringing forth the eoxB^Jida ido, bringing forth the grain. Fitilla (pi. Jitilldi and Jitillgli). Fitilla mlci, a burning lamp. Fitg, to take out, extract. Ya jito sindria dagd duH. Come out, cidwa ta Jito dagd garl. Fitowd da slgowd, coming out, coming in. Fiydye, in.,Jiydya {pLJlydyu), surpassed. Fz, to surpass. Fiyfya, n., superiority, higher distinction. Ama dfniia ha Jiyeya ? Is it so that there is difference of rank, superiority of one over another in this world ? Fice, tr. v., Sllca. Fg da yini, fpfo da wuni, forms of salutation. Foffha, n. p., a valley forming the boundary-line between the Haiisa and the San gay languages. (Br., vol. iv. p. 231). FoJco, n., watching for a thief or enemy. Fgla, n., another name for maiwa. Fgma {■p\.f6mae = guri), n., pride, boasting, bragging, strutting; vanity, emptiness, conceit, shallowness ; v., to brag, to strut. Foofoo, n., lights, lungs. Forho, tr., to revive, as the kola-nut does ; to absorb moisture. Foru, to be instructed, warned, set light. Foce, n., a large round cake of salt, a loaf. Frigita, n., alarm, sudden fear ; start. ( 4G ) Frigita^e, frigitadia [p]. frigitdhi, frightened, &c. Fudtty tr., to till, to throw up heaps of earth, as for yams and corn ; to dig. Fudua {^\. fudodi and fudanai) , openings. Fufu, ov fufi, n., small species of sheat-fish. Fiifuhe and ftthafuki, n., the wing of a house. Ftda, n., a cap. Fuldni and ba Fuldni {^X.fulane), Fula man. Fulanci, and magdna fulanci, the language of the Fulbe. Fulata, n., a Fulde woman. Fullaci, n., what belongs to Fulla nation, language, &c. Fitmfuna, n., mildew, damp ; smell of damp. Ficni, n., a crown, turban. Funtu, naked, in rags from want. FunturUj n., cold of December and January. Furde, n., a bay horse ; maifurde, the proprietor of. Another description : a grey horse with dark mane. Fure {-^\. furori) , n., a flower, blossom, bud. Fure wonda hai hfide hdJci ha, Faren gucian itace, the blossom of the almond-tree. Gruel; warhdka anacin fare. FurJcaM (pi. /urfce), a panther. Furza and furSe, tr., sprinkling water by throwing from the mouth. Fusafusa, n., violent rushing, as wiud. Fusdta, n., wrath. Yi fusdta, v., to rage furiously ; to be angry ; to fret ; to be envious, vexed. Fiislca, n., colour ; face. Fu6a = taMma, n., might, strength ; boast, glory. Woiiifusha glzirlnha ? Fme, tr., to carry over, to pass across ; carry through, as yumva, i.e. famine. Fucu, n., a foul-mouthed shameless person ; fucewa. FutdH, causative form, tr., to set at rest, cause one to rest. FutaHeni, I will ease myself of my adversary (Isai. i. 24). Fuza, u., glory, excellency ; respect, authority (?). ( 47 ) Fu£i, to bore. Sima fuzewa hpfa^ they are boring a hole in the gate. Fuzezi, m.ffuzeziya f. (pi. fuzezu), bored, pierced (applied to womeii's lips). G. Ga, prep. Additional examples and illustrations : Ka sd woni ahu hydo ga ctkin ivilta. Don ta Jisdta ga (out) cikin rua. Kiisa ga (to) hdkiii rua. Sit cl didn itdce ga (under) Jcalkdsin enud da sainyi. Gewoye ga (round) maida. Namlzi daia sina zdmne ga (at) makdrin maida. Ta huga hdnunta ga (against) ma'ida. Muka siga ga (into) ddzi. Kowoce sdfia mukan fita ga (through) wota kofa, mu gewoya mm siga dagd woto kofa. Kdsi daia ya tdfi ga hdydnta. Ga kosi ga kwdna yunwa, inter opes inops. Gdha, n., enmity, dispute, a matter of dispute. Suna gdha, gdha, ya kdre. Gdha, prep., before, in front. Ya kaini gdha ga matdnsa. Sdhua, kaddn ta gdni ga gahunta kwoi Uirin, ha ta kdra dzewa woddnsa. Gdhd or gdha (pi. gahdhi), n., measure of length, and depth ; cubit, or fathom. 8 an yi rljidnsa gdha Uirin ko tdlatin kdna su tdrds da rua. Gdban hdnu, n., wrist, knobs. Gahdta, tr., to agree; ya gahdia,h.e agreed. Angahdta hdki daia. Gahdta {da alhdrka), to prevent, go before, to favour. GahdtowGy coming to, before (?). Presenting themselves. Gahdtoniy before me. Gahdcin rdna, i.q., tdain rdna, the rising of the sun, the region of the East. Gdhia and gdjia, n., mouse. Gdhia tanafito. Gahiya, n., title of respect for a woman, like Madam. Gdhu, niaikdydti gdhu bakd kh'kerstu fuskdka ta hiimhvra, maikdydn gdhu ? Will thou not be cupped, thy face is swollen ? (Kr.) ( 48 ) Gada (pi. gadodi), n., hind. Gadai, n. p., of a place. Gaddna., tr., to execute, to prepare. Gaddnga, n., name given to the lion in the west. Gadaze, pi. form. Seats, thrones ; also beds. Gaddsen seria, seat of judgment. Gadeggi, n., a grass given to horses. Gddo (pi. gadciya, and gaddye), n., a boar. Gaddya suna tuo or tud, boars grunt. Gddon kdra, n., a table, and gadon cimdha. GaddOy n., a tree : its leaves are added to Kiinu (?) . Sleeping- place of mud, hollowed beneath for fire; also made of tukrua, or other substances. Goddohiu, n., the Kabbi mark; GaddouTcu, the Zamfara mark. Gaddon macifi, literally, the serpent's bed ; the name given to a certain herb. Gaddo or Gado, and magada (pi. magadi), n., inheritance. J)dn gddo na giddna, the heir of my property. Prov., Gddon gidd aldla ga rdgo, the inheritance of a house is a trouble to the sluggard. Gafdye, pi. form, furrows. Gdfia. See gdhia. Gagagugu, as : TwdrdnJca, gagagugu howa ya sani, everybody knows your way of coughing ; or, my way of coughing is different from that of everybody. Gcigardi^tu, n., canter ; yi gdgardptu, to canter. Gdgara, to be scarce. Bawa ya gdgara ; si gdgara, it resisted my strength. Gdgawa, Psalm, xvi. 4. (John). Gagira hadi, n., a large block or trunk of wood used for closing town or city gate. Gagarddddo, n., bars. Gago (pi. gdga), n., headman of a conquered province. Gainyon cedia, green. ( 40 ) Gaira, adv., less. Zdmhar, m in the Arabic Alphabet. Guze, intr., to vanish, to disappear, to depart or flee from. Kivdnakina suna guzewa kdmdn enud. A«lso guje, to run away ; another form is gtidu. Gmeguze, as yenke guSeguze, cut into small pieces. Gu^eiva, or gdzeiva, n., wanderings ; the same as guzewa, flittings (Psalm Ivi. 8, by John). Guzia tudha, guzia fdse, guzial zugun, in Kabbi the name of a round red ground-nut. GuSibn, n. p. of a town near Lake Tshad, between Kamun and Mandara. Dorugu : Ɗa muka zdmne cikin GuSiha, wota- kUa wata daia, muka tdSi, muka tcuce, maka tdfi ga woni garl, na mdnce sfmdnsa, ina tamnha iniddne Mdndara su ke. Giizu, n., loins, stump, trunk of a tree. Kadd abl gusdnsa, let not the cause be traced, Guzun itdce, trunk, thickness of a tree. Guzumd, n., old or lean beast, as horse or cow. Guze, to flee from. Gwdda, n., wild anana in Kabbi. Gwaiwa, n., swelling of testicles. Gwdmi, u., lameness as of a bent hand or foot ; bandy legs, tnaigwani. Gwanda masar, n., Egyptian * pawpaw.' Gwari, pr. n., the country of Ebari. Gwaskd, n., an ordeal water used by pagans and given to witches to drink, called sassy- water along the coast. Gwasi, n., a sore ; gwasin dainya, fresh sores. Gwdza, n., yam. Givinki, n., oaks ; terebinth. (Isaiah i. 29.) Bennett. Gwgmmi, an elderly woman, matron. ( 03 ) Gwuntn (pi. gwiintai), n., remainiug portion ; fragment. Gydza and gyazsa, intr., to belch. Gyende=gorza=kdto, great, large, strong, heavy, muscular person. Gyenduiva=kdtuwa, n., a strong, muscular woman. H. Hdba, n., cheek, cheek-bone. Hdba ! interj., dear me ! really ! Hciha agdya hoha mdgani ! Why does the physician want any explanation about medicine ? Hahdrta and haberta, tr., to publish, to preach, to show forth, exhibit, declare ; to warn, forewarn ; to notify, give notice. Eabertdwa, n., warning, forewarning; maihaberta (pi. masu-), one who warns, &c. Haherti, m., habercia, f. (pi. hahertn), warned, &c. Hdbri, the same as harbi, tr., to kick, like a horse ; i. q. mrt. In the sentence : Ya yi mdha wuya ha harbi gdbo ga hai- yoyi. (Acts ix. 5.) Bk. Haddha (pi. JiaddJcu), n., a stranger. Hadas, with ice, some kind of tree. Hdggu, n., a small spear or dart for fish. Hdgu, i. q. hauni, adj., left; hdgu hdnfi, left hand. En hun ga ifnutum sirmiru, leu Jean ma'isesi hamdn maici tuo da hdqu. Haiba, n., ornament, beauty ; haiba fdr-M, beauty of holiness. Hd:ife, add : anhaife, inperf . pass. Mu woddnan uhu anha'ifemu ga garl data. Da wdtani sun cilia ydrinia ta hdifu dd namlzi ; rndtd ivocan ta hdifu ddnta. Woddnta ahd ha'ifesu mdha a giddnTca, da ivoddnda almsdyesu da kurcUnka. John gives haifu for ' conception.' En haifi abu da cikina si fi kdrijina ? Haila, wonki, kdfa, aldda mUta, referring to the menses. Haiyaki, n., smoke, fog. Hailun, n., craft, wile, cunning. Haiyeta, tr., to trouble, to annoy. ( 64 ) Haira, n., a bassom. Hdka, conj., don haka, for this I'oasou, therefore. Hdka, conj., thus, in this way, or manner. Hdka zdmu kdrhd- reda kumd ? Is that the way in which we are going to part after all ? Hdka, tr., to excavate ; to garnish. Ya gina rami ya hdkasi. Hakdnhja, n,, white specks in the ejes, = cauri. Hdkarikdri, n., rib, side bone. Hakia (or ?) walkilili, the white spot on the eye caused by the small-pox, and said to be cured by the gall of the stork. Hahlka, n., truth, affirmation. Adverbially used, truly, certainly ; pure, unadulterated, as silver. Tiifufinta duka suna da zindria hakika ; taimdko hakika. Haklkan wonan Annahi ne. Hakpra, n., teeth. Maihakora, one possessed of, full of teeth ; and hakpri, as pi. form — Gaiwo tana da hakori kdmdn kane. Ha&umci, n., judgment, equity. Hakumta, add to the meaning, " event, purpose, ordinance." Alia ya gdma wonan hakumci, God accomplished that event, or this purpose. HaJcurdu, pr. n. of a male. Hakurse, tr., to comfort. Yause zdka hakurSeni. Hdlaka, n., destruction. Tr. v., to destroy, to perish ; dofi si hdlaka H, that he might destroy it. Si hdlaka lalatdtu mutdnc, he will destroy these miserable beings. Halaldka, intensive form ; be sure to cut off, to destroy utterly ; to perish. Halal, add : halal ne, ni yi ndgarl, ko na, n., husbandry, field labour. Maikaci (pi. maaikdta), labourer. Madsai, n., faults, i. q. suabuna, transgressions. Maauni, n., measure. Maaunin zdji, n., heat meter, ther- mometer. (Bk.) Maaika (pi. maaidku), n., the person sent, messenger. Mahdntali, n., a button. Mahir, n., i. q. hirsa, n., white muslin or taffety for turbans. Mahlriki (pi. mahirikai) , n., a charming-stick, magic wand. Mahilgi, mahuga (pi. mabngai), threshing-floor. Mahuya, n., secret or hiding-place. Mdda, n., a wild tribe, east of Lafiyal Berebere. Maddde, lasting, enduring. Maddci, name of a tree. (Br., vol. iv., p. 210.) Madacia, n., gall. Maddgu, n., a leader. ( 107 ) Madaidaici, n., moderation. Collect for 3rd Sunday in Advent. (Joliu.) Madat. Occurs once only, in the sentence, Ai Mdllam ya ijja a madat, " Well the Mallam knows how to intone.'' Madauhi (pi. madauka), n., handle. Madaukdhi, n., the Highest. Madaukdkin kaina, rx., the lifter up of my head. The Most High God. Madaivdmi, adj., everlasting. Mu iija mu sdmu hdsken rai madawdmi. Madina, pr. name of a town. Madphia, n., a tree the wood of which becomes red by (exposure to the air. Madogara, n., stay, support, rock, prop, refuge. Madogari, n., support, supporter. Kai ne maddgardri kvr'iatdta. Maduhi, n., spy-glass. Maduhi en gdnl nesa. Maduga, n., a broker ; he is dbokin sdwara. Mafdka, n., a lurking-place ; a place to lie in wait. Mafdri, n., beginning, origin, case, reason. Ba ku tdmhdyi mafdri ? Mafdsa, n., thieves ; kogin mafdsa, n., a den of thieves. Mafijita, those that excel. Mafokdcin Idp, n., a mirror. Magahaci, noman agentis ; opponent, adversary. Magahaci=mafiyi. (John.) Magdgi, n., pangs. Sun yi Tiazlzia, sun yi magdgi, they reel to and fro, they stagger. Magdgin mf/tua, sharpness of death. Magdmman hdgha, n., lower edge of cow's jaw near the angle of the jaw. Magdngami, n., meeting together, joining of; confluence of the river Niger and Benue. Mdganin kilda, n., strips of leather over horses' eyes to keep off flies. Mdganin zau, n., purgative medicine; remedy for diarrhcea, ( 108 ) Magari (pi. mafjacjdni), n., rasp. Magdriya, n., a tree, variety of dates ; mag aria, sycamore ; also mulbcrry-trce. Magazin garl, overseer of a country. (Kr. and Br.) Maghdta and maghdci, n., destruction, place of destruction. Magbuya, n., hole, den, hiding-place. Magednwa, n., falling off of a little toe from any disease. Maigeduwa, n., one whose little toe has fallen off. Magena, n., a tree of the leaves of which an infusion is made which stains yellow, and with indigo yields a green dye. Mdgini, a horse, one of whose feet is white. Magirimi, n., the conviction of being old ; great. Fa g'lrimnn, he is older than I. Magirhai, n., after-birth. Maguday n., fugitive ; sai sun hd magiida. Magadan rUa, n., water-course, water-side. Magitdanci (pi. magudantdye), n., slave (who run aAvay ?). Magunpa=7nazimpa, n., a tree the fruit of which is used for killing fish, Mahaifi, n., womb. Maha'ifa, after-birth. MahaJcdlta, n., prudent person, man of sense or wisdom = masuhankala. Mahalici, n., Creator, maker. Malidma, pr. n. of a male. Mahamildi, n., white unstarched calico, Mahan Tcdcin hdci = ma'iwa. Mahdrma, n., a napkin, handkerchief. Mahaukaci, n., a simpleton, fool. Mahora, n., any arm- ring of stone, so called because it is made in Mahora, a town near Yauri. Mai=ma^i or masa, to him ; as, na ce ma'i, in the dialect of Kabi. Mai, or in some dialects mi (pi. masu), nominal prefix formiug nouns of verbs, adjectives, &c. (Hausa Grammar, § 26.) Mid (pi. mayoyi, mnynna, maydya and mayn), oil of any kind. Main sipdu, anointing-oil ; and ahiii ^l^ida. ( 100 ) - Ma!, mairawa (pi. maroii'dta), one who is greedy. IToi (pi. Wtts»rtnda),n., one who issuatching, grasping, ravening. Maialgtis, n,, a deceitful person. Maidzia, n., a steward, store-keeper. Maiceni (pi. masucennni), n., bill or beak of any bird. Ma'ida, n., a table. Ma'ida, second form. Add : ma'ida yarn giddn mreki. Ma'ida Jcilrud, refreshing the soul. Maifarin gpsi, n., a horse with a white face. Maifulci and mifulci, or hitfululci (pi. mafelfeci), n., a fan to fan with. Maigdnni, n., one having a large frontal vein. Maigancerma, n., a crook-backed person. Maigidra, n., one that does good, is friendly, gracious. Maihako (pi. masuhaho), n., a fowler. Maihdninya and maihdnhali wdze data, n., a person with one eye ; and maiizia guda, a one-eyed person. Maiido, the seeing one. Maiido ha H gode Alia sai rdnda (j'dnajt, da) ya get makdfo. Maihdda, pr, n. of a male. Maikdte (pi. inaiMta), n., the Mighty. Maikdmna, one who hopes, trusts. Mai/n'dzi, a lean person or animal. Maildnzi or riiaitaurm Jcai, u., a stiff-necked or hard-headed person. MaiMfi, n., a hair-dresser. Maikodai (pi. mdsu-), n., a covetous person. Malkoci (pi, mdsukutn) , n., one possessed of power = mailkoci. Maikudurii, n., one guilty of cruelty to prisoners. Maikumata, n., black variety of rice. Mailaddhi and mailedehin zucid, n., one lowly in heart, meek, humble. Maildmuni, n., surety, Maild7mini ya Ida hdsi ga vialsdye, one who is surety for another. Maimai, tr., to repeat, do over and over again, as tilling, ( no ) planting tlie ground. Yi maimaifdiva hdnza, vain repetitions. Na natdwa maimaita, doubling, Maimdki, n., a substitute (?). Yciydnha su ?Mma maimdhln uhdnenha, a inaimdldnhu, by your substitutes, or sureties. Maimi'M, n., a substitute. Maimehinsi and wuvlnna, in Lis place, stead or room. Maikwgra, i. q. zdhua, n,, a guinea-hen. Maimdhu, one wbo makes promises. Mainfma mdta, n., a wlioremonger. Mainema mdza, n., a harlot. Maineman aure, u., a suitor for a wife. Mainririwo, n., ground-nut oil. Mainira and maizdra, n., large species of wild duck. Mairlda (pi. masurlda), .one who is snatching at, grasping, ravening for something. Maisdntu, n., lively, healthy, active person. Maisdta, one who steals. Maisdta dold da maiscUan milium sai lidsi ne hidnsa. Maiswdho, n., a transgressor. Millie, tr., to turn. Ka mcd'^emn, turn us. Malta, n., witchcraft. Maitdfsin Icai, n., a pillow. Maitdkan kdsa, anything that touches the ground, MaitdJcaha, n,, one that is mourning, makes lamentations. ]\Iaitaun = dahir, n., steel, that is, hard iron. Mai^andni, n,, a mighty, strong person; a person hard or severe in his doings, Maildro, n., a keeper, one that guards or watches. MalOroci, n., a coward, cowardice, MacirJcia ; aht'i maicirlda goma, ten-stringed instrument. Maiuwa, n,, one that has a mother. Maiiiwa sdrilii nc, the mother of the king. Maiwa, n., Indian, or some species of corn. Maiwa, i. q. manicOruwa, n., a fowl, biown and spotted like a partridge. ( HI ) Maiija, tr.^ to cut as grass. Dan maii/a, grass-cutter. Maiyamka (pi. masv^andi or maigandi), handkerchief with a pocket. Maiijdnci, n., priority in rank or birth. Maheri, n., spectacles. Makadaita gidd ? Makaffi, n., sockets. Makdfo da icaiijo, i\., a variety of dawa, small and not much valued = /J^(^v^ Makaidada, magota, n., escape, excuse. Makdma, pi., they who caught. Makamdnta ; as, Ɓa makawdnta ciklnsu, there is not any like me, or my equal, among them. Mdkankdcia, mischievous. Gd fa mdkdnkacia, ko kare, hai fita kankdci ha. Makdmi, n., a weapon. Ka daukii ydnza makdmlnJca, kivdrlnka da hdkclnka. Krause uses it like sokesoke, wounds received in war. Makdngara, pi., the rebellious ; and rebelling. Makdri, n., an inventor, originator. Kdria ko gdskia 7ii ban sdni ha, ahin da naji, nafddi, bani ne makdrinsa ha. Makariaci (pi. makaridta), a liar; calumniator. Makdri, n., some kind of grass which is edible. Makardm herci, n., sleep ; or, go to sleep late (Psalm xxvii. 3). Makdrwa, n., quails. Makasari, n., a widow. (Bennett). Makaskuci (pi. makaskdsta) , poor, oppressed. Kit kwdce makas- kdce {ta ?), rescue the poor and needy. Makdbi, n., executioner. Maketaci, as hdhu maketaci sai wonda ya gdni mugu hai fadd ha. Makidya, n., pastor, shepherd. A wandering unsettled life, as a shepherd and pastoral people ; also makidyiya and makiya. Ga gdriken onakidyanka, against the sheep of thy pasture. Mak'ia and makiya (pi. makidyi), u., a hater, enemy. Ba ( 112 ) irtnJca su gdde kofan makiydnsu, thy seed shall inherit the gates of their enemies. Singular, makl, and mak/'/tji, Makihiya, n., a porcupine. Makoddicl, n., covctousness, or covetous persons. Makudatta gurasa, feasters. Greedy for. Makoftanci and makoftdki, n., neighbourhood, neighbourship. Makogoro and mako^i, n., the windpipe. Makpki, yi, to do wondrous things. A wake at a funeral. Makopta^ makuhta (pi. makohtai) , n., ne'igh.honr& ; also mahki (pi. makota), besides other forms. Mak'jra, pi. form; persecutors. Makurana da macvtana suna daydwa, my persecutors and tormenters are many. Makorwa, n., throat. Makorwata ya buse. Makoydcea = mi'ilna or mijiria, n., convulsions ; fits. MdkUf n., a week, period of seven days. Makure, tr., to restrain, to keep oneself in check ; to connive ; to choke, to strangle. Part., makurdre maknrdra, makurdru, strangled. Makiwe and makare, to throttle, suffocate. Alakuri, i. q, groffai, Kr. (?). Makuza, p. n., a town, Bamakuze, a native of Makuza. Makwogwa, n., small red ants which eat meat. Makwonci (pi. makivontai and makwuiita), n., sleeping-place, burial-place. Makwontan sakki, n., small hollow behind the lobe of the ear. Makworuwa, n., quail or partridge. Mdlafa, n., a common mat. Malaldci, n., carelessness, idleness. Rdgo ko malaldci, ko mai- klwuya su duka daia ne. Mdlka and hahamalka, n., first heavy rain in Juno, before gero is ripe. Land mdlka, S.W.., the heavy rain in August. Malamunta, n., sureties for godfathers, sponsors. Mdllam, n., priest. Prov., Sdi mdllam ya yi kdria. Mallamci, n., priesthood. M(dh, n., a whitish variety of iX^wii^tukwasaiwa. ( 113 ) MaliUhi Umdnm, n,, the curtains of his pavilion or tent. MalolOt n., double chin. Mdlwa, like gigar, n., heavy leg-irons. Mamalakl and mamaldka, intens. v., to reign, to rule ; a ruler, one in power. Mamacdn hasdra, n., wine-press. Manda, a Bornu word ; as, oni manda ivdnan ta he, what this meaneth. Mdna, intsij. ; as, of course ; Kai ne, mdna, you are it, of course. Maneci (?). Manemi rdngumi ha si hdna sundJci ? Mdnii/e, n., semen, seminal fluid. Manhaddnia, contracted form, mankade and kaddnia, n., the name for Shia butter as well as for the tree. Manso (pi. mansgnai\, n., forefinger. (Gen, xxxii. 2, C.) Mdrd, n., a ladle. Mdrd (pi. marpni and marori), n., a piece of calabash wood for taking out food from the pot. Mara, n., the region below the navel, pubal region. Mdrd, what cannot be divided into pairs ; what results in an odd number, as 3, 5, 7, &c. Mdraha, n., salutation ; ya yl vidsu mdraha, he salutes them. Mdraha ! he gave them a hearty welcome. Marddi, n., wish, desire, will. Proper name of a town in Hausa. Maragdba, n., a band. Maraita, starting in the afternoon to go to any place before marect. Maraito, to come to a place having started after 2 p.m. Mardiki and mararaki, n., a sieve. Marahii, pr. n., Morocco. Mdrasddelci (pi. marCisa adelci), unjust person. Mdrashdnkali, n., a senseless person, wanting in sense. Mdrasnauyi, not heavy, light, wanting in weight. Mdras^urke, unholy, unclean. Mardtu and maridtu, pr. n. of a female. Q ( lit ) Maraija, n., one's living. Mdraya (pi. mdrai/oyi), n., a deer, red skin, wliite along the belly. Mdraije, n., wild goats. Mdrcde (pi. maredai), n., a mill. Maimaredi, n., a miller, or proprietor of a mill. Marena, n., nurses, dames. Margi, n., a spear for fishing with jagged neck (net ?).' Mdrhahd ; sdnu siinyi marhahd, the cows salute, that is, they approach from curiosity. (B?-., "African Languages," page 139.) Mdrhahi, n., welcome. Magdnasu da ivl/>ja amarl (?). Mdri, to be fond of, to like. Mdril-c, p. n., a tree with small pale-green leaves. Marlki (pi. mariJca), n., handle, ouches, socket. Marimamu, pi. f., fetters. Mariku'e, m., marikuia, f. pi., marlcika, quarrelsome, mis- chievous. Marikita (pi. markafigara), n., a rebellious, tumultuous person. Marikician zofua, a quarrelsome old woman. Mdrhnari (pi. indriyoyi), n., hooks on a line. Mdriaari, to be fond of, to like much. Ina indrmari abin nan, nice, sweet to the taste. Mardmari, n., a wish, desire, longing. Yi mdrmdri, to enjoy something ; as, didn Jcdsa, to delight in. Mdrmari (pi. Tndrmaril) , n., a fountain, spring of water. Marmasto = kare = rggo=giiaza, n., sweet potato. Mdriwa, mdrdwa, tnarowa or tnnllowa, (Bauditch) is the name given to the Hausa people by the Tsi, that is the Ashanti people. Hausa slaves are brought by caravans to the market at Salaga, they are met with also at Akwepira. Hausa slaves fought in the Ashanti war in 1874 on the Ashanti side ; while others, who had once been slaves among them, fought on the side of the English, under Sir John Glover. Marmdre, freq. v., to strike repeatedly. ( 115 •) Marvfi, n., mercy-seat ; lid of a box. Marurii (pi. marurai), n., hand bait. Mdsil or mar a, n., a ladle. Mdsa, n., bread, pancake, cake made of beaus. Masai, n., an earwig. Species of dung-beetle, large and black. Masdki, n., a fish resembling a pike. Masdki (pi. mnsdJca), n., a weaver. MaadMii itdce, n., a large wooden bowl. Masai wuta, n., ma san wuta, the kindler of fire. Masama, n., a place for finding anything. Masdndna, n., my acquaintance. Masdni, n., Master, Lord. Alia si ne m,asdiii ha hdioa, ha. Masdni (pi. niasdna), one who knows, understands a thing. Masaphi, n., resting or encamping place, haven, landing-place. Mdsara, n., Indian corn. Masdrauci (pi. masdrauta), n., a prince. " Kamd data na mosdraida hufddi/' " Ye shall fall like one of the princes.'' (Psalm Ixxxii. 7.) Masasdra, n., a fever, or sickness caused by eating unripe Indian corn. Masehlci gurdsa, n., kneading-trough. 2Iasifai daydwa, many sorrows, much dishonour; mischief. Masilla, n., a sail-needle ; small hammer. Masirci, masete (pi, masefai and masefuna), n., a comb. Masirgozi, n., a tendon. Maso, n., a lover. Ahega si maso tdha ne. Masg ahin Iciimia ga makdfta. Kodei maso ban amhaccsi ha. Masomi (pi. masgma)^ n., foundation. Maspro, n., a species of cress ; remedy for headache. Massasdraki, n., a species of elater. Masu izaro, oppressors of the hireling. Masugena, n., a small green and red stripe. Masukivani, n., a riding-place. MasusUy n., such as fish with hand-nets. ■( n<> ) Masusuha, n., tlircshing-floor. Masuru or maziirit, n., Zibeth cat. Mamko, n., a cold ; masdfco we, ya kdmasi, it Is a cold that lias caught him, not he tho cold. Mamija, n., watering-place, waterside ; drunkards. Maserlan adolci, n,, righteous judgment. Masidi, u,, inn ; resting-place. MaBga, n., gates. Mamji, n., entrance. Bald anagina da maslgin gidd, that is a room at the entrance of the house, that is, porch. MaSimJidi, n., something to spread upon, a couch, sofa. Maslmi, n., a tanner's bench. Bd)i incmmi, n., the scraping- knife, consisting of a stick split in two, the sharp edges of which are used to scrape the hair of the skin. Instead of ma^imi itdce, slmi is likewise used. Mataimdki, n., the Helper, the Mighty One. Matdki (pi. matdhai), n., a ladder, steps, stairs ; a footstool. Mdtdlahi, n., a prop, support. Matdmhaiyi {^l.masutdmheya) ,B.n advocate, defender; inquirer, questioner. Prov., Matdmhaiyi ha Si ghdce lean magdna. Azerfa kurum sindria. Ankatdmhdiy a mi'itum kaddn ha si so si muda mika magihia, si ce, da kal, ido matdnt- hdiyi. Matdmna is in Zamfara an infant's back-tooth ; when the set is complete it is called hakOra. Matangard, u., silver. Matdri, n., a heap, like tillo. Matdsa, n., foundation; what is put up, erected, pillar- stand. Matdsa, pr. n. of a town. Matdsi, n., a small arm -shield. Matdcin wuri, unfruitful place. Mdlatdra and matatdra (pi. masutdro), n., a place of gathering assembling. Prov., Bahd gdwo tmitatdro zuiisdye. MatdCen koria, n., a broken vessel. ( 117 ) Matdiud, n., a snare, trap to catch birds = zamwn/a, wliich is put ou trees, Matdije, matdyia (pi. matdyii), help, helping, and helper. Matimdhi, n., a companion. Matiihi (pi. matukona ztrtgi) , a, rudder. Matundn (pi. matundnu), n., mind ; thought. [Words with ^ instead of ts, as formerly written.] Ma^a, instead of viatsa, Mu^e, instead of mdtse, tr., to smash. Prov., Goni na gundiia md^e hoi da g atari. Ma{dji (pi. maldfa), a place for idol- worship. Ma^andnta, pi. form, tormentors. Ma^anciija, n., the duodenum, beginning of the guts. Ma^dri, ma^dsia, ina^drla, and ma^dci, n., narrow, narrowness ; distress, calamity, trouble. Ma^arJcdki, n., the Holy One. Ma^dyi, n., standing-place, dwelling. Ma^e, to narrow. Kadd ha ma^e wuri nan. Mapyrdta, pi. form, n., cowardice, a coward. Mdce, as mdtse, to die ; zdki ya mdce, only used in the 3rd person singular. Mace (pi. mdcen haifua), n., a midwife. Mdci, as matsi, burning, consuming, devouring things. Macizi, n., a serpent that bites. Macizi ha azin tamdyinsa, no one has pity upon a serpent. Mdcuciy a mischief-maker; ha azim tausdnsa, is not to be pitied. Matuntuhe, n., place of stumbling; a stumbling-block. Maivoddta, n., the opposite of tdlahdwa, the rich and the poor. Mawaddce (pi. mawoddta), n., a rich, wealthy person. Mawatdci (pi. mnivatata), a foolish, brutish person. Mawusi=mafu6i, n., a borer. Maydji, n,, raiment, clothes. ( 118 ) Maydha, n., an army, regiment, cohort, host. Mdijdki, an officer, captain, Maiydki (pi. viasuydJci), a commander-in- chief. (Br.) MayCda, n., sorrow, mischief, calamity, distress, trouble. Maydyi (pi. maydta), n., an interpreter. Mdye, ya yi mdye, the same as ya gigita, he is inebriated, drunken. Mayenhe (pi. mayenka), n., a snuffer. Mayenkcii fitlla. Mayenivata, the hungry (?). Mdyes, tr., to restore. Mayewan tuntuhe, n., a stumbling horse. Mayinci mutiim ya hddie tukilnia ? Will a man swallow the pot, that he may eat much ? Mdzakiita, a brave person; bravery, manliness. Mazdlunici (pi. mazaluinta) , n., a slanderer, calumniator; such as act deceitfully ; an adversary. Mazdmci (pi. mazamta), n., a rogue, scoundrel. Mazdmni (pi. onazanna), n., inhabited, seat, dwelling-place. Mdzamdza, adv., speedily. Mazargi, n., a noose, cord for catching men or animals. - Mazina, n., adulterer. A wiirin mazlna rahpnka si ke. Mazuhi, n., a vessel in which bran is kept. Mazarahci, n., a tempter. Mazunta= masuru, n,, those who fish with a net. Mazusdiva (may be meant for masusdiva), i. q. mahakaia, wi;se men. Mfma (pi. menai), n., a kind of deer, very large. Merke, n., a species of acacia. Meze, a deer, red skin, short perpendicular white marks on the sides; also Maze, as, Maze da ya zclbara har yafddi. Miy the same as ynai (pi. masii.), pronominal prefix forming nomina actionis of nouns, adjectives and verbs. Mia (pi. mioyi, midye, triidnc and midnu), n., soup, broth sauce. Midu, n., vomit. ( 110 ) Mifdrin kai and maikwnra, n., guinea-fowl=^rt6«a. Migan cerwa, an animal ; a horse hollow-backed. Mikdke, mikdka (pi. mikdku), stretched out; ddvici, arm. Mikdnta, to decline. Na louce kamdn enud cikin mikdnta. Mike, intr., to limp ; rdkuml ya mike kafdfu. (Br.) Mimdhwura, n., cake of beans ; also called ddn ivdke. Mimire, tr., to incline, to wish for. Mirmirere, mirmireriija (pi. mi.rmii'ern) , rvibhed in the hand. Mirmirto, n., edible tulu or bean. Misdli, n., question (?). Miskat, n., gold measure (in Kanu). MUi, n., sighing, groaning. Mitakinhiri, or mafarauci hisa, n., one with one or more short toes. Mitalafi, n.., an executor. Mitamfdsa, n,, name given to the elephant, in Gobir. Miyow, n., saliva. Mizdkara, pr. n. of a male. Mizdniy n., measure, balances, scales. Wonan kdrife ynft woncan, Tco ansdau cikin mizdni wonan yafij'a. MiH, n., a species of gum-bearing acacia. Mizi da mdta, n., gold and silver; male and female. MlHn kdr/fa, n., a magnet, loadstone. Mizlria, n., electric fish. Mizozo, n., large reddish spider, which appears chiefly at night. Mgdi=caca = guzia, n., gambling. Mcgodauci (pi. modattai), n., slave-boy. Mok6ci=mak6ci, n., a neighbour. Moluna, pi. form, harps. 3Ioniya,n.,ih.ena,me of a town destroyed by the Goberawa. (Br.) Monzgni (pi. mdnzo), n., a messenger. Mgria, profitable. Don sina mgria gareni. Ɓa kamd kdnda ha ka da mgria, it is not as though you were of no use. v., to use, to profit. ( 120 ) Most and mo^i, tr., to move. Da ydya sul-a mo^'i cilTnta. Movemeut, exei-tion, Izaii Jcasdnice ahU kadd ka cc 7nolln- ka ne ya bdka. Most, n., region, district, inhabited by a pagan tribe of Hausa. See, in connection with Ashanti, Br., vol. iv., p. 292. Mud, i. q. mu, we. Miiciya, n., stick to stir tuo. Muduru, n., the mahogany-tree : the fruit of which is washed and eaten like ground-nuts. Miigdma, muyi mugdma, to make a stay at a place for some days. 3fa^w ma^an*, n., powerful medicine; it has the name ^SVZnt, ka sdni, Drink me to know me. Milyun azonce, n., a privy conspiracy, M/lgun kwuiya, n., lieresy. Mugiin sund, n , a bad name or character. Mukamnku, pi. f, jaws. Mukuru (pi. mukura and mukurori), some article of dress. Malya and inurya, pr. n., a town or province south of Zinder. Mumoni, m., nnwmOna, f. (pi. mumpnai), chaste, temperate, pure person. Mumtaraga, n., a hatchet or hammer. Mumuna ; Banlcl inumuna koda ni ke guhro,l do not eat meanly, although I am a bachelor. Man, we ; sai mun zo, we must needs go. Mundaca (pi. mundai), n., arm-ring. Miini, to signify, notify, show. Muni, n., ugliness, ugly person. Munomuno, n., large black scorpion. Murddi, n., pleasure, desire, delight. J^n ka tdji kdsua kana hidda abin sdye, masukdsud suna tdmhdyeka, minene murddlnka ? Murddinku ya Ida, You will attain your object. Murij n., a stable. Ddn muri, a horse-boy; groom. MUria daukdkia, a loud voice. ( 121 ) Murfuna, iutercortinas (?). Miirici, n., an edible root or bud of the fan-palm. Mnrmura, and mirmlra, tr., to rub corn in the hands. Murzdnin tudn, i\., a red seed bead. Murze, tr., to rub hands together, as after eating ; rubbing anything in the hands, as leather, to soften it. Marzehe, muvzeka (pi. murzcku), to be drawing hand or foot on the ground, as in killing a worm or insect ; rubbed, smashed. Musai, n., dead ; applied to animals of a natural death. Milsu J yi musu, tr., to deny, to contradict. Musulumci, adv., religious, what is becoming in a true follower. Magdna ta hire, amd em ha tdmhdyeni, ha musulumci ha. Musnlwmcl ha dagd hdki si ke da a millstone. Nukuda, to travail. Nuvfd6i=lu)'>fiUi , breath. (John.) Ntniaiva, n., revelation. Niita, intr., to sink. Dumi zlrkjinha ha iija nuta ha cikin riia ? Nioa .^ whose ? Nijaunydwa, n., a small canine animal of the size of a cat. Nijamyavi, u., a cannibal, name given to some tribes in Bami. Nzerhii, n., sunstroke. o. 0, interjection, sometimes metwith in Haiisa translation, but it is not Hausa: instead of which they use liai or na ! Kai and he ! Kai hana yi mdni magaiia hdka ! O, art thou speaking to me in this way ! Kai uhCniaf O father ! Ke nivcina ! mother ! Kg uivdiia hln ga wSnan abu ha htjai'm gdni ? Ai, ha ni h<}rci da dere ! mother ! hast thou seen this unsightly thing ? Oholoho, n., probably Nupe. OliO ! exclamation or expression, for " I do not know, nor do I care to know." P. Paradise, n., Lahira, the unseen world. Ban jiha anacfiua Lolcojah lahira ne, I have not hoard it said that Lokoj.ih was Paradise. PdUe, tr., to punish, to chastise. Ya pdUe garHriui daijdiva. PdUe and jxlso, to break through or down. Pampdme, n., a wind instrument. (Br.) Pandana—maydha, n., a regiment, an army. Pali, a Nupe word, meaning ' mountain.' Pehinpehi, n., a species of rhinoceros beetle. Veite-pijili', 1)., a stew of rico and other vegetables. ( 125 ) R. Ra, and rdna, n., sun, day. Rdna hiiki, feast-day. Rdha, tr., to split in two. Ina rdha itdce l-araiiu. Rdbii, to be separated. Dagd nan inula rdbu-da rthdna. Rahada and rahasda, to mock ; to distinguish. Udbe, to cling, to cleave to. Ina rdhe da Lai dofi en sdniii. Mdllanii, hai rahe da ni ha. Rahjiy rahji J rahki. rahhi, n., panther. Rahse, tr. v., to separate, divorce. Rabn, n., hot ashes. Rdda, tr., to flatter. Miitxime nan bai sdni ha anardddnsa. N., a tale. Rdfani, (pi. rdfanai,) n , matei'nal aunt ; mother's younger or elder sister. Rdfenice, (pi. redfuniie,) n., a branch. Rdfi, n., the sea. V., to cover = to deceive. Ba)il rajinha, I shall not deceive you. Ragaiya, robe bag for calabash. Ragaya, int., to precede, go before. Ta rdgayc'ni ziia masallaci. Rago, n., casada. Rdgo da na ddsa ya kdma, the casada which is planted has taken root. Rdgo, an idle person. K6 mdsalaci, ko maikuvuya, su dulca ddia ne. Ragon cikawa, n., ram of consecration. Rdha, yi rdha, to rejoice, to exult. Ni yi rdhd da kai, (Bk.) Rdho, n., revelling, feasting, living tumultuously. Rai, (pi. rdyu), n., life; da sun sd rayunsa da ddce. Rairayan, n., a sieve. Rdha and Rdkdn, n,, the counting of beads in praying. Ya rdka bin, kneeling down in prayer. Rdki^=ku7nia ; ba su rdki f'n sit na magdna da via/dsa, n., larva of the ant-lion. Rama, to revenge, to requite. Zcuii yi rdinn'm gey a ga maki- ind. (Bennett.) Zdkiyi rdmua ? Are you going to make compensation ? Rama, n., emaciation ; ardmai, he is emaciated. Ramantdka, n., leanness. Rdmata, pr. n. of a woman. Ramh/m (pi. rdmbasai), n., a fish liko an eel. (Kr.) A species of flat-headed sheat-fish. (Bk.) Rcime ; ta iSe ma rdkumi koiui cikin rame ta makure. (Kr.) Rdm[\ to become lean, thin; to moulder. Ramma, n., tow. Rdna, n., sun, da3^ Rdna ta fita, Rdna tafddl. Kadan rdna tafita ta hud a hi^ike ya ditnia duka. Kama da rdna tana zuafddiia. Rdna tana da sdfi. Rdnan diihawa, day of visitation. 8ai woia rdna, salutation on parting — May we meet again ! Rdna da Ydma, Noon and evening. Rdnda (pi. randn) and randuna, n., an earthen pot containing several gallons. Randdna, n., an army, regiment, cohort. Raiya, tr., to slice ; raiyawa, slicing. Rard, n., the ibis, a bird of a dark greenish plumage. Raraha, intens. form, to divide, separate. Sun rdraha tfif'a- flnsa. Rdrahdwa, distinguishing, discerning, separating. Rdrahe, tr., to distinguish, notice a difference, to divide. Rdrau'a, to move, be moved. Rariya, u., a strainer of basket-work. Rarmi, n,, spoon. Rasa, n., shoots, offshoots. Rasa, to be in want, to be unable to find something; to fail, to omit. Mai kurdi ha si kan rasa abinci bari da gclrin nga, Mutum ya yi mla Si rasa sd giziri, ga gizlri wuriwitri, Can any man fail to put salt in food, now that salt is got for one cowrie ? ( 127 ) Rdsu-=-resu, to be lost, that is to be dead. Kanena giida ya rdsu da ydk'i, my only brother "was lost in war. Ka rasa jin haidi ? Mutum ya yi mla si rasa so, gizlri ? Ga glziri wuri wuri. Ra&e, tr., to destroy. Bdse,p\. razuna/n., want, need, necessity. Fvov., Rdsin tao kan ci wdke atone. Rdsin gras Aria/ without justice, or a just cause. Komi rdsin hankalina, nafl'i:a wdyo. Rdsin la'ifi, n., innocence. Excrements. To ease oneself. Ratdnye and ratdya, to hang up ; Ɗa ivoddnsu gasieria bindiga hill aratdyesu ga wuyan surdi, daia ga wosie nan, daia ga wgsie nan, daia ga wgsie can. Ratdta, n., abundance, plenty, numerous as footsteps. Ratdye, ratayeyia (pi. ratdya and ratayej/u), hang, hanged. Race, intr., to turn back, out of the way. Ja race, to mislead, to lead astray. Ku anajahu race. Rail, tr. and intr., to shake, to wag, to nod ; ya ran da Icainsa da wuzia, &c. Rausa, and raurdwa, to be shaking, shaken. Rauani (pi. raunna), raunnoni, rawani, n., a wound. Raune, rauna (pi. raunxi), wounded. Nan da nan araunesu, suddenly they shall be wounded. Rauraiidahai, intensive form, to shako the head. Maso nan dunla duka suna raurdwa. Rawaiya, n., citron. Rdya, to keep alive. Bdhu wonda si ke rdya kdnsa. Ya ruyasu a lokacin yuhwa. Ka rdyamu, quicken us, keep us alive. Rayesda, to quicken, to refresh. Razdna, n., reverence ; ku yi murna da razdna. Rdzana, to be vexed ; da gdske, sorely vexed, to fear greatly. Wa nikerdzana? Ni na kida rdzana, sun yi rdzana nda hdhu rdzana. Rdzanan mutud, terrors of death. Rfhl (pi. rahp and rebdhi), n., a page of a book. { 128 ) Rrhi = tii^a. Sada, wuce, done away, pass away. Sudi=-suni, adj., blue. Sugdba, n.. Lord, leader, ruler. Supa=kamd==sura, n., form, image, resemblance. T. Td, v., to be, f. gender in some dialects, corresponding to c^ u ( HC ) (tse) in the dialect of Katshina ; hence ita td — ita ce, she is ; mace td, it is a woman. Taade,n., sunyi zimane taadi, they have done me some injury. Tdba, tr. v., to touch. Tdha tdhanhdnta da gari gero. Tahda tdkdrda, n., table of contents ; index of a book. Tabdba, as hdbu tababa, without wavering or doubt. Tabdria, n., a ramrod; pistol. Tabas or tcMas, adv., surely, certainly ; of course, verily. Tabdta, tr. v., to prove, to establish ; fixed, settled ; to make evident, to try ; fixed, established, confirmed. Tabatdci, tabatacia (pi. tabatdtu), established, fixed. Magd- nan Ubangiz, tabatacia ce, tried, approved. Tabri (pi. tabra), n., a cut goat. Tdda ddzi, to rush into the desert. Ya tdda monzo, he sent a messenger. Tadawal Alia, n., a mole on the skin. Tadddwa and tadddha, n., ink. Tdde, tr. v., to lift up, to raise. Taderisi (pi. taderai), n., a leather case for loose papers ; also baiigo, loose boards for covering papers. Tddi, intr. v., to converse, or yi tddi, n., conversation. Mai- tddi (pi. masutddi), a person engaged in conversation. TafdJcO; n., a tree the bark of which is the chief ingredient in the dangerous arrow poison of Madan or Gamdani. Tafariki (pi. tafarihM), n., a way, road. Tafarnua, n., garlic. Tafasdk, tafasdsiyi (pi. tafasdsu), participial n., boiled. TafG=Jiwdlce, fading away. Tafeihen rai, n., a sandy road. Tdji ga rdna, n., the name given to a harmless snake, rarely killed by people, but removed to the sun or shade by them. Also tdJi da rdna. Tdfin glwa, n., an oblong or oval mat only used for men of high rank ; all may use mdlafa or gobri. Tdfia dph', n., a journey on horseback. ( U7 ) Tafia Jcwdna goma, a journey of ten days. Tiifike (pi. tajlrkune), n., a road. Tafsata/H, gracious, soft, condescending. Tagdhaz, adv., eastward. Tagdma, tr. v., to knead. Tagho, n., scar. Tagergade, n., a bitter medicine, herb. Tdgia dogna, n., a high cap. Ta^Ma,n., the camel, the constellation called by that name. Tdgua en ya (to) hdwa, rani ya zp, en ya yi ^dka, ddmand ya zo. Tagivarma, n., some kind of sword. Taimdke, tr. v., to help, the same as taiyo, to help. Maitaiye (pi. masu-), one who helps. AboJcin taiyo, a helpmate. Taiyi, tr. v., to offer or present anything for sale. Tdji, n., a crown, turban. TaTca sdrlhi, n., a fine sort of sandals. Tdha (pi. tdkawa), a step ; v. tdka ciki, to step in. Tdkaha,n., mourning. Takahdwa, n., the name of a deserted town between Katshina and Sokoto. Takahoddo, n., a common species of ringed dotterel. Takaice, n., spite, hatred, provocation. Takdma, n., pride, vanity, arrogance. Ta/bama, to boast ; n., pride. To triumph; also honour, glory ; like f ah ami. Takan hariji, n,, a horse whose right hind-foot is white. Takas, n., seal ; zatan takas, sealskins. Tdkawa, n., steps. Sunafdko tdkawdna. Tdki, n., measure of eighteen inches, a cubit ; sometimes a foot. Itdce nan hahd si ke ; mu auna guzmisa kewoyensa ya yi tdki dsirin dafudu. Maitaki daia, n., a horse with a short back. Maitdkin hiri, n., one (monkey) with one or more short toes. Da mi (j-mai) farandi hi sa ; tdkin hiri, n., spread or flat foot. Taklrdal gddo, n., a will, testament. ( us ) Tahrufa, n., sacks m;ido of straw. (Br.) Tahnm kihni, ɗ., muzzle for a doukey ; also /akum kmni, aud tahunaknvii, yokes. Tdlaba, tr. v., to support, prop up. Tdlafa and tdlaji, tr. v., to attend to, wait upon, Tdlaf, assist in rearing or bringing up a cMld of one dead or in poverty, or the young of an animal that has died. Mai (pi, mdsutdlafi) , a guardian, steward. Tdlafi, tr. v., to nurse, support, rear up. Tdlata, n., Tuesday, i.e. the third day in the week. Taldta, n., three thousand. Wonda ha si alheri a dunia, a Idhira ya siga taldta, he that does no kind action in this world, will in the next find three thousand (condemnations). Talanci, n., poverty. At talauci ta fl gdzia zdfi, verily poverty is more trying than fatigue. Talihdmham, n., the frog with two lines ; a fish which has the power of distending its belly like a globe fish of a toad kind. Taliki, tali/ca (pi. talikai), n., anything created. Talili or talili, wdndu akardta yawa, "©(^eint eine ©OblUU' UOU S^alumancn ju fein." (Kr.) Tdlla, tr. v., to higgle, to offer for sale, to hawk. Ya tdfi sina tdlla hd'wa. Taloci. Prov., TalOci ha za dakaud genci. (Kr.) Tdma, n., ore of iron ; to taunt, to harm. Tdmdha, n., hope, expectation. Prov., Tdmciha ita ta hdna mallam npna. Ba ayi tdmdha ha.y unexpectedly. Tavialaulo, n., some kind of sword. Tdmdni, n., a substitute= fawiam fansdnsa, ransom for him. Don fdnsan kurndnsn ya fdye. Jininsu ya yi tdmdni a gahdnsa, their blood shall be precious in His sight. Hope, trust. Tdmdidn, numeral eighty. Tdmdnin da goma, ninety. Tamargal, n., some kind of sword. Tamase, n,, resolution. Tdmhari, maiidmhari. (Kr.) ( 149 ) Tdmce, tr. v., to tack or fasten with a needle. Tdmce, tdmcecia (pi. tamcecu), tacked. Tdmno,tT. v.^to chew. Anaddri amaitdmna si Jean liosi, while the chewer is ridiculedhe satisfies his passion to the full extent. Tamrdrai, pi. form, stars. Tancini ga hanga, n., the spleen, from its being often enlarged in children and becomes attached to the side. Tdndama, n., a fontanel. Tdndu (pi. tdndai and tdnduna), n., a skin-bottle ; flagon, cup. Tdfigadi, int. v., to stumble. Ya sn gla sina tdngadi. Tdhganay tr. v. to lean against, also si/'/gana and ddngana. Mutum yana singana a hdnga. Tdngardm, n., best quality^ sound, first-rate. Tdngara {^) , Cihinkdsuhasdsia tangarabdburHajdry {^)wearj (?) Tangonda, pr. n. of a town. Tani^ya ce, he said. Td/'/ka, tr. v., to tie up small sticks in a fence or roof. Roof, framework covered. Suna yin woni tdnka da anakira ^oro or soro, that is, a watch-tower. Tdnkare^ int., to turn back, starting aside. Kdma Jcarierem bdka, like a broken bow. Tdnkawa, reproofs, Tanked, as kamd tahatace, just, firm, upright. Tdnkerke, n., a large yellowish wood-pigeon ; also called Mdl- lamin ddzi. Tdnkia, n., strife. Yi tdnkia, Tdnkia hdlsuna, strife of tongues. Tdnku, in the following sentence of Krause : Idrisa Ibrahim mura Mulga tie : TJbamu sdliki Makadd tdnku mu diajdnsa ne : Sdliki Maladd Jiburum wdmu ne, TJwamu Aria, i. e. Av:a, Haiva=:lEi^re. Tankivasa or tankwaza, tr., to submit, to bend to (as the head), to be humble. Tdntaimna,n. jhardness of belief ; v., to be hard to he\ieve'=tabdta, Tdntsiya or tdncia, n,, a kind of gi'ass considered an antidote to some arrow poison. ( 1-^0 ) Tarahiihis, n. pr.^ Tripoli. Tardra, int. v., to leak o\x.t-=goyo. Tarda, to meet with. Ta tarda sdrihin hofa, she met the door- keeper. Tardya ; Alia tadla ha si ahphi tardya. ©ott ^Cit nid()t fctncS ©leic^en. (Kr.) Tarhi, tarba and tarbo, tr. v., to meet with. Tdresda, to cause to go, to direct, to guide, to show. Tareya, to have dealings with. Tarfdse, tarfasa (pi. fasaSe), a broken pod. Abduga tarfdsa, cotton bursting in the pod. Tdreya yi, have fellowship. Ɓa su tdreya da su, they have no fellowship with them ; Communion. Tdrji, n., a single drop of rain. Tdrfa mai, tr. v., to drop oil, to mollify. Tdria, n., heap. Ku yi tdria da su or ku yi tillo da su, make a heap of them. Tario, taria, tarie, bringing back into the line, sheep which went astray. Tdriya, to collect for oneself, for one's benefit. Minene aiifdndi da munatdrlyasu na si ? TdrTco (pi. tarkoki), n., a net. Yajasi cikin tdrhosa. Tdrko da harse, first and last. Tdrnaca yayi, to thunder. Tarolco, pr. n. of a female. Tdrsa, tr. v., to overtake. Tdrsari, n., a little star in the west. In Kano, it is tarsoa. Tarsdsa, to revile, expose, reproach. Tarsdse, tarsdsa (pi. tarsdsu), assembled. Mutdne tarsasu. Tar^aci, n., sparks. Tdrse (3rd form of tdra), overtake, to help, to meet one, to vindicate. Tarsdse, tarsasia (pi. tarsdsu), assembled, collected, gathered. Taru. Exodua xxvii., aikiii taru, chequer-work ; grating of net-work. Taruriia, n., black ants. ( 151 ) Tdrije, to overtake. Tdsa, n., bowl, cup, basin. En Tea siga birnin Kano ha yi hdfiTcali da JcaydnJca kdnand , don su saci idsavin tunda mu he dagd nan, sun sd ga halhdsin habd rigundnsu sun yi ydwo da ita. Tasdlima, to defend. Ta iya tasdlima haria. Tasawa, pr. n., a town in Hausa. Tdsha (pi. tdshphi), n., garret, storehouse. See Sigifa (pi. iigifai), and spro. Tdsho, n., store inside the house. Tdso, int. v., to rise, to rise against ; to come on the surface, as mai ya tdso, the cream or butter comes on the top ; to sprout, as plants coming out of the ground. Tdso (pi. tasgsi), an earthen vessel. Tasicera^ n., image. Tdmikai, n., pride. A crown. Tdii na sindria salla, a crown of pure gold. Tdta, pron., her own. Tatdbo, as tvdni ddri ya tatahoni, a kind of cold caught me. Tatahha, n., hay, stalks of grass which a horse leaves from its food, Ta^unia (pi. ta^nnai), n., a little star. Taurdra, tr., to harden. Taurdru, i.q. tamrdru, n., a star. Taurere, taureriya (pi. taureru), hard things. Tauri, n., cut sheep. Tausa^=tafdsa, int. v., to boil. Tause, tr. v., to press upon. SdrUi ya tause sundnsa him ga wotlha. Tausi, n., some kind of spice. Tatitmi, n., some species of insect. Tdwa, my own. Wonan ddnha ne (?) I fuska hdma tdwa. Tawdsa or taivafa (pi. tawa^ai), name of a tree. Tawdya, n., rebellion. Yi taicdye or tawai, to rebel, to raise a rebellion. ( 152 ) Taydmma, n., towards the west^ westward. Tai/csda, tr. v., to help ; to lift up. T(iyi, Ɗ., a bid or offer. Ka fdije mfigun idiji. Ti'izabin, rosary. Mutum ya dauici tdzahinsa, ya jiiiyina ya sa hardsa. TazawanJcal, n., light kind of sandals. Tazi, n., a merchant. Tazi, n., a crown. Ka kaskdsta tazinsa ya h.'isa. V., Ka tazi sekdra da nagertdnka, Thou crownest the year with thy goodness. Tdziui = tdmhdri, n., some kind of drum. Tdziri, n., a merchant. Ya zdma kiiniumi tdziri, he became a rich merchant. Ti'ibki (pi. tepkuna), n., a pond, pool. Teiikia, n., contention, commotion, clamour, tumult, uproar. Terkpsi, n., lameness = ^i<;ami. Ternaki, n., a horse with one fore and one hind-foot whiter sirbace. Terriya, n., receiving with an escort. Yi terriya. Tersa (third form), to overtake one unexpectedl}'-. Tersdwa, overtaking, meeting. Tesdiva, n., sprinkling water by blowing from the mouth. Tllas, maitUas, an oppressor, oppressed. Tilan diidsu, n., heap of stones j also tlllo, n., a pile. TiUalahiya, n., soft slippery jn\id=ldka misdmci. Tiinzera and tumzera (pi. gbauruko and ghaurori), u., a venereal sore. Tlndumi, n., a large man's slippers. Tintiba = tuntuba, n., stumbling, tripping. T('rka = zaiire, n., a tribe. TlrkpH, n., a knock. Tlrmdni=cirnaka or cirmaka, n., a wasp. T6, adv. (affirmative), yes, well, good, even so. Toba (?). Kr. To/a, n., a shoot, plant, sprout. ( 153 ) Tofii, intr,, to sprout, to bud. Toiiji, tr. v., to offer or present anything for sale. Maitoiyi (pi. mdsu-), one who presents it. Tdkuha, pi. form, swords. ToJidra, tr. v., to uphold, to establish, to insist upon a price. Tokdreri. Toloiolo, n., a turkey cock. Tona, add : reveal, Wotiha mta tona d^nri, to stir up. Miitiim hai tone faddnJia ba, komi faddnka ha tgnesi ? If a man seeks a quarrel with you, however quarrelsome you may be, will you seek a quarrel with him ? Toni fadd , to pick a quarrel. Tunkia, n., contention, strife. Torde, n., milk pressed out of butter, buttermilk. Town giwa, (pi. tordyen glwa and namizln giwa), n., bull elephant. Tozali=hjli or koali, n., antimony. Tozali nihike, powdered antimony. Toziti galena, antimony used for the eyes. Tdndun tozali, case for the tozali. Toze, tr., to burn. Tozi, n., a bribe, reward. Tudsa J maitiidsa ; Ina so en tura tiidsa sdnua (?). Tftba, intr. v., to humble oneself, to entreat earnestly; to repent. Tube, tr. v., to take off as garments. Mnka tfihe rlgnndmu mdsudauda, muka sd woddnsit wankdkn, mnka ^ido kdsa. Tubo, pr. n. of a town, one day's journey from Kanem. Tffbo tdjian kivclna daia dagd Kdnem. Tuburka, n., hip, hip-joint. Tuda, tr. and intr., to spill, to pour out. IFa ya iiidn mai a wilri nan ? Who spilled oil here ? Tiie, i. q. tifye, tr. v., to burn. Hence sddukan tuya, n., a burnt-offering. TukHnia, n., a pot. Komi ka ba mdtd tiikfinia zdH. Whatever you give to a woman goes in the pot. Ti'ikwa, n., a mushroom ; a tuft of hair. ( 154 ) Tahwasaiino, n., a whitish variety of davva. Tulawa, heaping up. Tide gulihi, n., a channel. Tulnika, n., muscular part of the hip, Tululu-=ra.tatd, n., abundance, plenty. Tumhi, n., tripe. Tumhi'irhumo , n., the long Qni = iagdla. Large intestine next to the tripe (?). Titmfdfia, n., a gourd, pumpkin, ine\on=1mhiewa. Tumiija, n., a large tree with milky juices, in the west. A deep well, 30 to 40 fathoms deep. Arrow poison. Tumiiliu, n., wild potato. Tun and tun, also tin, tini and ten, adv., since, long before. Tuna, tr. v., to think of. Si tun da ni, to come to oneself. Tundni, n., remembrance, conscience ; repentance. Bdha la'ifi hdha tundni. Tunhar, n., a naked person. Tunda. Additional examples : — Mu tCisi da safe tunda ran a ha ta fita ha. Titnda ha si wdnhe ha fusJcdnsa ya sd rlgdsa. Tunda mu hdre cln tiloniu niuna sa wghdlla ga yenlce ndma en ha mu iya ha mu taiisesi da hdyun zinJca. Tnnzuruo, n., panic, terror, fright. Tunguzi, to butt, as a ram or bull. Tunjere and tumzere, n., yaws ; syphilis. Tunlcone, tr. v., to bend, bend down. Tdnku, n., a wild feline animal of a large size. Tunliuhe = tintiha, n., stumbling, tripping. Tunsnre and tunsd?-e = samci, to slip, to stumble. Tdsi, hi tdf, hadd hi hf'ri zUcidta ta ttmsara. Tuniuhi, yi, to stumble ; sd tuntvhi, to cause offence. Tuntuma, or dan or hdn tuntuma (pi. tnntumdwa) , a native of Tunturaa. Tuntumi, adv., long before. Tu5, intr., to grunt. ( 155 ) Tup (pi. tvpyi and tudi/e), n., food, Tami allSa, n., supper. Tunn hula (pi. tupnhulgli and huJpli (?). Ɗagd da sai tuo da sai tuo. Maioba da maifan g'.('Jro = Nothing but tuo and tuo (to eat), welcome to seller of fiira made of gero. Tuplca, i. q. hipJca. Ticra, tr. v., to put together. Ina tura agla hai maija ddkin rua, I put casks together to convey palm-oil to the sea. Enda ha ceda mace ringo (ungo) tacila tura tultunia. When you say to a woman " Take this," she will only put it in the pot. To push : see turani. Tura, n., a large swelling on the back, (J.) Turdnci mai- diili'ia U ne Abba. Turha, n,, way, road. Anasdha hi so, turha. Turban sdmu ho fdtauci, da kowa ya rUe, the different ways or methods pursued for the acquisition of a livelihood, Turdi (pi. t'urddiva), n,_, also baturdiya, a snake-charmer = gerdi. Tiire or turi=ha-ture (pi, turdwa), a white man, European ; a rich man, Ture, tr. v., to roll together. Turere, tureria (pi. tiireru), broken ; semege, a broken fence. Turgunuiva, n., an edible herb. Tilri (pi. turdye), ice da anadamire bdiva. Tur/d, maiturhi, n., a post to which a horse is tied, a stake for fastening horses to. Tunni, n., the wooden socket used as a lower door hinge. Turubal riia, n., a ditch. TurtuH=hilbudi=bilbidi, n,, fragments, crumbs. Tusui, one-ninth, Tuii, n., root, origin, Tiiso, tr, v., to repeat, Tuton tdna, n., dross of iron, K6 dusa harlfe, ko hazin tclma. Tutututu, adv., [iir unb fiir, for ever and ever. Tuwon sekki, n., tuvo of grit or rough flour. ( 156 ) Tui/e = t(Jije=tue, to burn, to set fire to something. Tuzi (pi. tuzai), u., a large walking bird in forests, next in size to the ostrich ; eats grass and products of trees. f, ^. The t modified by a small s underneath is substituted for the compound ts, as used in our previous publications, to bring the orthography more in harmony with the Standard Alphabet of Professor Lepsius ; as : Td = tsd = tsdnu (pi. ^dmi = fara), n., companion, equal. 'I'dha, pr. n. of a town not far from Raba. 1Y(here = tsdhere, n., a reed. '^\2jin ldmia=tsdjin tsdmia, a demon supposed to haunt tama- rind-trees ; also called dogua. [[dfagdsi, to comb the hair. 'fafta^afta, n., a sliower ; drizzling rain. fafuna, n., image ; gertdtu {dfuna, gi-aven images. T'^'jo, tr. v., to grind roughly. ^^atda, tr. v , to establish. '^aido, n., a herb with small leaves. '^at^nya, tr. v., to make a stand against ; to stop one. ^\iiiia, n., stubbornness, resistance, judgment, equity. Taii/dica, n., expectation. ^j^aka-ko (aka hai yi dilili, It does not succeed even half way. ^fcUla, n., mass, lump ; adj. pure, solid. Ya hidsi ^dllan kurdi, He paid him in money, that is, in nothing else, only in money. Sohen sindria, a riug of solid, or pure gold. '^(dleta, n., a small finishing hammer with a wooden handle. ^Vdza, n., a partition of zana inside a house. Tdma and (am?, tr. v., to deliver, to save. Ya ^dmesi a mu- g/mian rdna. I^dmia, n., a tamarind-tree. Tdinii, n., cramp. J'amiiki, v., to pinch, to gripe. fandni, da [andni, with cruelty. ( 157 ) ^andni, n., trouble, disease, violence. Kowa ya yi \andni ya ga wdyeiva. Mai^andni, a violent person. Abu ^andnif violent, troublesome disease. Ahu fandni ya sdmesa. "Cane and ^andce, tr., to torment. ^^aninta, torments. ^aniya, n., a very small mouse. Tdnfana, tr. v., to trouble, to torment, to disquiet, to disturb. Ama dere ya l-dn^anesa hamdnrdna. J^apta, n., cleanness, the opposite of hdzdmta. ^dra, n., foul-smelling bush cat ; a moth. A wild cat, smaller than farno. '^('ardna, my equal. ^dranci, n., friendship, companionship, partnership. ^^Yirno, n., a long-mouthed frog. Tdrdri (pi. ^drdre), n., lover in a bad sense. J'dre, tr. v., to besiege ; ydJci ya lave, '^dri and ^dra, n., a species of iguana. A screen, veil. Curd of milk, if soft j gun^dri, if hard. Tdri, tr. v., to defend oneself against, to keep, to preserve, to sustain. ^drse (3rd form), to deliver. Tdrsie, caus. v., to deliver, to save. ^d(a, n., roast. Tdrua, n., bush-cat with spotted skin. J'attrere, n., a coward. Ai Boguliri ^aurere ne, Bogobiri is anything but a coward. 'j^drya, holy ; fata lua^arya. '^dssafa, n., light rain. Tdrse, tr. v., to compass, suiTOund, deliver. Kai ka Idrsemu. Eansom. Td^afa, tr., to sift ; to pick out carefully. I^dwa, tr. v., to check, to hinder by stopping ; to rebuke. 'Fdya, intr., to stop, to abide. ^dyawa, n., adversity. J'dyi, n., inclination, bent. ( 158 ) 'Cefe or cefe, tr. v., to pull grains one by ono from tlie ear as for eatino-. T'^gge, n., some kind of fish with large sharp teeth. feggi, tr. v., to dry meat over the fire, to extract fat or juice; also of animals, which are washing. 'l^egiya, n., a giraffe's tail ; a necklace made of the hair of the tail of the giraffe, elephant, or horse. J'ekdraj n., a herb. ^ehld, c, grit, seconds, rough flour. I^'ekaci, liira, tura, to contemplate, ponder, consider atten- tively. ^ehJdja = kw6tana, n., a large stone bead. J'erei, n., a race. Ka zo, mil iji ^('rei. ^erere, ^eroriya (pi. fereru), escaped. 'I'ereriya, n., any red kind of bean. I^ialia, want of blessing, never prospering. fibia=hirni, n., town. (Bennett.) ^17716 or fume, tr. v., to preserve any fluid or syrup, to preserve in fluids, as fruit or medicines in Kano, to be used after some days. fiml-a, tr. v., to pick leaves one by one, to tear by pulling out threads. 'J'imlidke, pmkdlciya (pi. fimhoTcai), leaves stripped one by one. J'inta, tr. v., to pick up. ^intate, ^infaciya (pi. ^intdtn), picked up, found. ^intuwa, tr. v., to find something belonging to another, while sdmu means to find what belongs to the finder. ^inciyal giro, n., a kind of grass, fine reddish-brown flower. ^ira, intr. v., to spring up as seeds. Clra, to pluck. '^irdva, n., nakedness. Ba su gdni ha na uhdnsu. 'J'tre, tr. v., to fasten to as to a spit on which meat is roasted. Suna lire gaiwa ga itdce maidlni suna kafdta kusa ga wfita suna gasdta. J'okani, tr. v., to stir up strife. Sun {dkani fadd. ( 159 ) 1'pmawa, n.. Manifestation = Epiphany. Several words are proposed^ as: hayena,nunawa,gpdawa. ^ordye, lisafta, fonnjenta, count the towers thereof. J^ori, n., a superstition connected with a road, path or place, or some superstitious observance practiced on passing particular spots. ^oron hirni, n., festooning of a rampart. '^6\e, to wither. I^o^i, to kiss. I^o^o, n., rump, end of the back-bone. ^uho, tr. v., to write charms ; luaip'iha (pi. mvsu-), one who writes charms. J^uTce, tr., to bind, to tie. Anp'ikemu da sarlighin zunu- fefdu. J^ula, n., monkey with reddish skin ; or culo. '^umlie, to give a blow=il/«ri. ^unkuyi, tr. v., to push. J'urfa, n., work, profession. '^utvrha = It'ngi, n., a bag for salt, twenty-two to twenty-four inches long, but narrow. ^u^al t-dmiya, or merely ^dmiya, n., a silkworm. J'u^iviya, termites. ^fiza (pi. pUdri), n., a maggot, larva. V c. C, c, stand for t^, as formerly used, and is pronounced like ch in ' cheese,' as cis. Cdha or ^aha, p. n., town not far from Raba. Caca=UdtSa, n., gambling ; Dan gucia, n., a gambler ; literally, child of the nut, because gambling is carried on by means of nuts. The practice is punished with death in some parts. Cdda, adj., dear, expensive, costly; v., Ze, mu yi cddansa, Come let us close the bargain. ( 160 ) Cddv, pr, n., Ishad ; ruan 6ddu, lake Ishad. Cflgia, n., string of a guitar. Cdgua, n., split ; sore. Ka worl:e cdgudnta, heal thou the sores thereof. Cahdgi, n., large wading bird, Cakan garni, n., rings for the feet, made of brass or iron. CaJiasdhra, n., head ornament for horses. 6V?mo, tr. v., to draw, pull out. Ya cdmoni dagd rila. Cdrse, tr. v., to deliver, to reserve. Caimya, n., specks or film on the eye. Cdwardya, n., ophthalmia ; cdwura, specks on cornea from cataract. Ce, subst. v., f., to be. In some parts it is ta ; as, mace ta = mace cc, it (she) is a woman; ita yarlna ce = ta, it is a girl. Ce, to say, to name, to call ; to think, suppose, imagine. Second form, ceda. Ahin da ya sd alcacedasi woli, that is the reason why he was called a saint. Ba aceha, it is not said, thought or supposed. Mulca ce herinsii akayi amd ba ta bd^esu ba liar ydnzu, we thought they had been set free, but she has not given them liberty until now. Cediya and gainyen cVi?n/a?2, light-blue colour. Cegu^ n., spite. Ɗoii del cegu mi, just only for the sake of spite. Cehi, n., sediment of flour or meal, siftings, coarser part. Cchiya, n., opening an abscess ; scarifying. CeliU or cuhu and culcumdra, n., cheese. Cera, n., a species of plaintain eater, a bird Maicera simya, one whose leg is bent from disease. Ccfe, intr. v., to run fast, to outrun one; ya cerCTxO da gndii, he runs faster than thou. Cerld, n., some kind of bird. Cerma, n., small striped rodent. Ctrtuwa, u., spitting through the tooth. Ci'ii, n., a musical instrument. ( ICI ) Ceru, n., a long knife. Cewa, n., a word, saying, pi*oraise j that is to say ; namely. Cewa, i. q. Jiamdjiu, n., shape. Cl, tr. v., to eat ; to rule, govern, reign ; to cheat, to defraud, to destroy. Cl hdram, to enjoy what is unlawful or un- just. Kadd kic hwdce ahu da hdrtji dagd woni mutuni, sai hun bddi kurdi. Maicin sdraida ydnzu, the present ruler. Mutdne masucin dahino su he. Maicin hdsi, a fraudulent debtor. Second fc^rm, cida, to feed, maintain oneself. Third form, cise, to cause to eat. Fourth form, clijesda, to maintain, sustain with food. Pass., anaclyesda. Mwtdne dilka anaciyesdasu da Alia. Clii hdsua, to make the market profitable, to be successful at. Cin hdsuan Oanda sai jm Nufanci ne, you must understand Nufe to trade successfully at Ganda. Ci=t6{, affix forming nouns of various kinds, corresponding to the German affixes, gc, niut^, English ' ness ; ' as, hakiimta, gelncten, hahumci, ©ebot; halita, [ii)affen ; halici, ©efi^opf. Tdlaka, poor ; talaiici, poverty, 2(rmutf;. Haiika, mad ; haukaci, madness. Cia, n., calamity ; doii cia macidta, for the spoiling of the poor. Cidwa, n., grass ; ciduoan kai, in Kabbi, the hair of the head. Cidwa dainye, green grass. Clhirikinkini, n., a plant with flowers and fruit ; grapo. Ɗorugu speaks of them as being eaten, like dahino and kabiewa. Cihiya (pi. cihiyoyi), the navel. Bisa cibiya, kdsa clbiya, above, under the navel ; also kain clbiya. Clbri (pi. clbruka and cibrikekl), n., a ball, any thing made up in the form of a ball ; any thing round, as a pill. Clda, n., distant thunder. Cidaceto, ci da ceto, n., a bribe. Ciera, n., cock-crowing. Kaddn zakdra ya yi ciera ki tdfo ki siga cikin giddnki, da nl en tdfi giddna. Y ( 16:2 ) Ciga, adj., soft, not hard; gfirasa ta c'lga. Cihadi=jihadi, n., a reformer. Czka, n. and adj., full, fulness; filled; complete, perfect. Ear lea cilia hdnJcaUnJia bai bdceba. Gikake, cikalia and cikdkia (pi, cikdhu), filled, fulfilled, perfect. Maicika fiisi, n., an avenger. Cikawa, n., heavy fall of rain, as in mdlha; flood, overflow. Clhaumn hdn/1, the filling of the hand, i.e. the consecration of the priest. CiJii, n., inside, hence used with prepositions. Ga cikin, England. Swia tdfia cikin ddH. Cikirikiti, d., a fowl with few feathers. Cikrufa, n., small bag used by merchants for carrying salt. Cilakgwa, n., a bird of prey from the north. Cilikowa, a bird bi'ed in the hollow of trees, a magpie. Nan Idsi nan jizia. Em ba kodai mahalba iva ka kasie cili- kovm ? but for the greediness of the hunters, who would kill the cilikpwa ? dimdka, n., food, meat ; cimdka = barantika. Cimdyi, intr., to wait for. Cimbdsi, to owe a debt. Alia ba si cimbd^i, amd kuliim sdji sina Mam bdH. Cimma, to meet with. Ya cimma makdfo. Cimumi, n., plans, cares, contrivances, thoughts. Da cimumi da dubdramu diika ba su ke ciscmu ba, it is not our own plans and contrivances which feed us. Ci?7, excl., pause, alarm ! Cincewa, selecting, picking. dincia, n., a broom. dingini, tr. v., to pawn. Cini and ^ini and dhii, n., point. C'inlki, n., trade, business. Prov., Kmva ya yi ciniki kdria, ya yi bia gdskia. Cinkai, zinkai, sinkai, to pity, ina ciiikdinka, Cinge, tr., to devour. ( 163 ) Cinlx'dya, io keep watch; spying. Ci filed ya lata gdma 6a, to forsee. Cinlce (pi. cineJcc), n., a nail, pin. Cinlcira. (Kr.) CTo, n., a certain kind of fruit ; tlie male part of it is eaten by monkeys. Namlzin cio wonda hiroyi ke cm yasdnsa, kamd hpakpa Atagara, The male clo, whose fruit monkeys eat, is like the cocoa-nut. Ya ctobi, he destroyed him (tlie meaning is doubtful). CHrUy intr, v., to sprout, to bud. Cirdnse, to deliver. Fourth cirasda kHrudta. Cirdra, n., nudity. Cirasda, to deliver, to rescue. Ɗoh kai Jca cirasda raina dagd mutua. Cire, ir.Y., to root out; yaUreha daga kusa masurdi, to cut off. Si cire lehuna lalase cluJca. Cirere, cireiya (pi, ciresu), pulled, pulled out. Cirkia, n., sti'ing, bow-string. Ciro, tr. v., to root up, to eradicate. Ahin da ke ciroiva kdsa duk ya clro. Clsal, n., a disease in the mouth of infants, like noli me tangere, eating nose cartilage. Clta, n., some sort of pepper. Citafo, n., ginger. (jitdka=gatdri, n., an axe. Citta, n., the next following day after the day of to- morrow. Cicero and ciciruwaf also ciciru, n., a black horse or mare = alkawal. Cinciya mahalbi, n., a kind of grass used as an antidote or charm against some arrow poison. dici, alla=hdyan alia, n., swallow. Cicika, n., perfection, Cirdsda, to deliver, to rescue. Clivo na sdhon ddwa, a fever breaking out when the Indian ( 1G4 corn is ripe. The Nupis, to propitiate the harvest deities, offer them a great many of the heads. Chvo7i hakori, toothache, Ai c'lwon halcori na \ofofi ne. Ciworwota, n., protracted illness, illness frequently returning. Clwuhi, n., clucking noise with the mouth. Ciya=^iya, n., poverty. Coka and cokami, to strive, to stir up strife. Cua and cfnua, to become angry. Ydro ya yi ciwaya yi filH. Ciidawa and cudewa, pressing milk out of butter. The milk pressed out is called tgrde, from Fulde. C'fika, n., form of heathen worship in Kano. Ciina (pi. cimoni), n., a gusset. Cuse, cusa, cusu, crowded. Cvta, i. q. ciwiita (pi. cicuci), n., sickness, sorrow, pain. Ya imrke cvta did^a, da su ke cikin mutdne ; Cuta and nifata, to trouble, cause trouble and molestation. Ba ni da woni cuta, sosai ni ke, I have not any kind of disease, I am quite well. Ci'ici, tr. v., to injure, to do harm. u. Ubd or old (pi. nhdne and uhdndi), n., father, master, lord. Ubdn gidd and nhdngizi, master of the house ; while Vbdii gizimu Alia is, Our Lord God ; and Uhdngizhnulsa Kristu is, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Ubdn rdna (pi. iibdnen rana). Godfather. (Not suitable.) Vhdmiy fatherly. Vena, n., bread. JJha, n., noise ; yi ilha rdha, make a joyful noise. Vmburum, n., a wild tribe in Bai'ici. Umorni (?), order. Ya dmsa umorni. Ungo (?), in the sentence Ina bdka na hdka duJc nngo (perhaps it should be dicka nga) tdfi yafi. (John.) Ufigua (pi. ungual and uiigioii and unguwa), n., a vilhige, hamlet. ( 165 ) Un = wuri, n., place. Urinka, with tlice; ka tafi Grin OamdrL I)auri=^dawuri, of old. Vska, n., Bishop. Vsmdni, pr. name. U^an, Lbdngizi, n,, the Lord's Supper; or, Limn JJhdncjizi. Usali, n., origin. Usulin Barebari Larahdwa ne. Umri, one-tenth. Uwd (pi. uwdne and uwdye), n., mother; ina sonsa kamdn uwd data, si kud Una spna kivdrai. Vwdn magunguna, n., a tree with very small leaves ; roots used as an alternative ; odorous root. Wa occurs rarely for mother. Vwal de§i, n., the mother of poison, or principal ingredients of poison. Uiudn rdna, n., Godmother. Uworigidd and worigida, or uiuoriglSia and iiwalgidd, mistress of the house — the former used by the husband, the ktter by slaves. Uyatdso. Brd.'s sentence : Kaso niutum don dddi uydldso, kaddd ka kUi da kumia. Vol. ii., p. 61. w. Wa (pi. sua (?), inter, prou., who, what (referring to persons), except with stlnd ; as, Wa sundnsa ? What is his name ? Nwa ? whose ? Gida nwa ya zdmna ? In whose house does he live ? Tiimdkinwa su ke ? Whose sheep are they ? Ɗa wa ya z6 ? With whom did he come ? Wa, tr. v., to get, to put, to do. Wa aUdrka, to speak well ; Hna iva makoiddsi, he speaks well of the covetous. Wa- mugunta, treat badly ; as, mututn ya wa na want mugiinta, ai na sine ya wd. Domi kana iva ga kmika kasa'ita ? Why do you conduct yourself so proudly ? Wa, to reprove, or wafadd. Wa fadd da Ibrahimo ya wa da Abimeleh fadd domi rlzian rua. Ni ke wa tdbi, I am clapping hands. { 1<5<3 ) Wdbi, n., miscarrying ; abortion. See agtUa. Tana ivdhi Jcilkim, ^iiia so ka hdsl vidganin wdhl, the dying of children soon after birth. Maiwdhi (pi. mdsn-), a woman whose children die soon after birth. JDdn ivdbi (pi. ydydn ivdhi), children who die soon after birth. (The first is John's, the second Baikie's explanation.) Wada, waddta, n., riches^ fertility, increase. Wadda, n., stage for sleeping in travelling. Waddan, in So- koto = ivaddnnn. Waddrl (?), entreaty, supplication. Don ina wnddri, because I am vexed. Waddta and waddta, yi woddta, to get rich ; accamulate riches. Wdga, n., skin hamper for donkey or ox load. Wahdlla, n., trouble. Kmva naSi ivahdila, every one has his own trouble. Wahdlla hdlci Mrin, deep distress (very black trouble). Waliami, n., inspiration (?). John. Wahdraiva = hwonan hdya, some time before or after. Wain, n., wine. Wai, as da wai ne, with some hesitation or question. Wai, conj., because, that. Tana fadd da ni, wai, naki slda luurinta ; '?(;fti = saying = because that. Ba su tdji dazi yau ha ivai, (saying) because Odokodo (the brook called by that name) ya kawonla. A/izi lahdrhika wai /azi gnrPJca. Wairiia, n., carefulness ; da ivainla ; kuna cm gfirut>a da loainia. Waiwai, as na ji waiwai, I have heard it said. Zdni em ma'ida waiiuayi, I am going to return a visit. Wdka bdnza (pi. wakoki banzdyi)^ secular song. Wdka adlni (pi. ivakoki adinayi) or adlnci, a religious song. Wdka gasieria, a short song. Wakdki (pi. form), some part of a threshing instrument, (only occurring in Isaiah xli. 15). It may be the same as witkakc. ( icr ) Wahdli, i. q. walclll, n., a steward, treasurer. WaJiawdke, striped, having stripes ; black and white fowl. WdJce, n., beans. There are various kinds, sls fdrimvdke, white ; jan ivdke, red. WdJce zdki, a grey-spotted kind. Walakdnci, disgrace, ma\trea.tment = kan]idnci. Walga wilccwa da jaiigaiva? What a hasty passing away. Walki or ivolki, n., wrapper. Ba azila h/lki da ival/ci saida riga maikyail, One does not go to a feast in a wrapper, but in fine clothes. Walla, intr., to be free at home ; to refresh oneself. Wallahi mallam mun jl haka, certainly. Mallam, we have heard it. Walahi, marinki zdta yi, I am sure she will give you a slap. Waliki, (pi. icalukhna) , n., a dove. Walls ! an oath ; as, '' By God ! " WdUin or Idske, n., light. Walwdce, tr., to scatter. Walwazi, n., gathering. Wdma and dawdma, to continue, to abide; d'lmku su dawdma. Wdndp (pi. wandodi and wdnduna), n., trousers. Sima da ydyanydki dagd nan, duka Larahdiva, wdndonsu kanidn zlka, ammd fardren wdnduna sit ke. Ra da wdndo ya tcldi kankdnta arzikin vjalki. (Kr.) Wdne, as kamd da wane ba wane ba, the likeness of a man is not the man himself. Wang a, n., town-bell. Some description of a clock, sda. Sina cikin ddkijsin rno^i da kdnSi ; en ya z6 buy a komkdna azo abuga wdnga. Wdnka and yi lodnka, to wash oneself, or to bathe; i/a tdfi v)dnka. Ya tdfi ga riian Udda, don hi yi wdnka dagd nan. Ni wdnJco means " I will wash the thing and return with it." Wdnko, imperat., is " Wash it and bring it back." Wansdmi or wanzdml, n., a barber. Wanznmi ya tdfo ya ( 108 ) yi nuUa dski. Sdrtkin luaiizdmi, chief barber, one who is authorized to perform circumcision. Wdrdmi (pi. wdrdmai), n., ring of bit if twisted ; anything twisted. Wdri, to smell of something. Md/e na ivdrin rdna, natnizi na wdrin rdna. Wance, n., woman ; such and such a person ; a certain friend. Wdnye, tr. v., to finish; waiujeye m., wanyiya f.; and pi. wan- yeyu, finished. Waraka, n., a leaf of a book. Wardi, n., scent. Tulun wardi, scent or smelling-bottle. Warere m., wareriya t, and pi. wareru=rahdhe, separated, divided. War hdka, adv., now, by this time, about this time. Warhaka anacinfuri. Wdri, to smell of something ; mace na warin rdna. Warna, n., a small frog on trees in marshes. TFar^a/ta, to be convalescent. Wdrzi, n., a Bauchi tribe south of Sira, and not far from Fakan. Wdsa and yi ivdsa, to play; to sharpen, to scatter. Mi'ddne nga ha awdsa ha da sn, these people are not to be played with. Hdka awclsam.u, In this way we were scattered, Muna wdsa ne. Wdsa 'mi ? Wdsa suri, Wdsamhuki, n,, a feasting or playing place. Wdsa dahdm, wasawdsa daham. Wdsali (pi. wdsulla and wasalloU) , n., book markers. Wasantdka and da wakantdka are said to differ a little from tdsinkai, i.e. raising the head=beiug-proud. Wdsoso, n., scrambling. Wa.^dce, wa^aciya (pi. waf^d^u), scattered. Wa^dsda (fourth form), to scatter. Wa^apia and ivaldioa^id akwia, a vicious, good-for-nothing goat^ ( 169 ) Wa^aivd^a (frequentative form), to sprinkle water by the hand. Waiice, n., folly. Wauta, n., folly, foolishness. Wazagi, n., a -wild cat with large canine teeth. TFawa,add hdhu lyawa, without doubt. Wdwan wawa,a, vevy ?oo\. Wdtvan ddzi, n., a ti'ee with large shining dark leaves. Wdye, to explain. Nibar sdniha, Imddn kai Jca sclni ivdije mdni, to become clear, to dawn. Prov., Komi nlsa na ddrl gari ya wdye, However dark the night may be, the day will dawn again. Wdyo, n,, cunningness. K6 sdrihi ha si fl mdce da tvdyo. Wazihu, it is becoming ; what ought to be. Wazibu garemu ne. Wazeri (pi. wazerai), n., a Yizier. Wei and woi, exclamation of dismay. Windi, i. q. mdlafa, n., a round mat. Wo (Dictionary, p. 254). John adds yiwo, tr. and intr., to make, to do ; ya yiwo magdna, he made word=lie spake ; ya yiwo husa, he draws near. Woha=^loro and ranzdna, fear, terror. Woddta, n., riches. Maiwoddci=maidiihia, one possessed of goods. See Wada. Maivoddta da tdlakdwa, rich and poor. Wddanan, demonstrative pron., this, these. Mu wodanan uhu anha'ifemii ga garl daia. Wofi, n., vanity, empty show. Fikon dunia ai wofi ne, the greatness of the world is but vanity. Wohdlda (second form), to punish, to trouble. Garimvohdlda masuyin mmgu. Woiwoiamdganimdntud. Prov.,S5Scrnid^t 6innf)atl;at <5u§. Woi- woyeni ba,as ha tawoiwoyeni ha, shedid not inquire after me. Wolkia, to shine, to glitter. Ya wdsa takohlnsa ya yi wolkia. Wolli, n., a saint; also wolla, and wolldhi. Woi, in the sentence yafadd rlzia woiH. Woiwoye, to inquire ; ha ta woiwoyeni ha. Wonan, this ; da wonan da woncan, this and that. Wondo, n., a pair of trousers. Z ( I'O ) Woni ; ahin worn na wa ivoni ? Is what is good for one good for another ? Woni yayi, adv., sometime. WonH, n., brook. Mdtd en sun iufi rdji da tufdji garin wun- kdnsu H ne anade sun tdfl wonki, ammd en sun tdfl su yi IV u ilka da Icdnsu luondn anakira wohka, Wonzu, to prolong. Wovj prep., about (?). Wor hdka, about that time. Worivore, to improve in health, getting better. Worsd)ni,-a.,Si tree used for making charcoal ; leaves light green. Wosie or ivose, side, place. Data ga. tvo^ie ndn,daia ga w6b"iecdn. Wossawossa, n., species of caterpillar. Wotaklla^ conj., perhaps. Wotta or watta, n., month ; iDotlan zia, last month ; \cutta nan, this month ; wottan. gobe, next month. Wuce, to pass by so as not to notice or to mind, or take heed of. Kadd lotii ya wilce. Wi/kan sdnkl, n., the king's knife, the name given to a grass- hopper with greenish wings. Wulgowa, passing by. Wilndi = whidi. Wuni, intr. v., to pass the day at a ^\ace = ylni. Wuni-=zdnia, n., state, condition. Wilni, to abuse. Tawilni hacina yau, She spent the whole of this day in abusing me. Wura or tumd, intr., to jump. Wiiri, n. and adv.; ya yi kitsa da wf/ri enda mu ke. Zunufdinsu na da wiiri, their former sins. Wuruisu, their dwellings. Wurinsa zohe, n., the large notch in the upper corner of a door in the zobe. Worlnsa turmi, the notch in the lower corner of a door to work in tiirmi. Wurno, m.., a species of tree-frog. Wurus, or ayi ivilrus {p\. farusai ?). Wubi=:fciH, anger. WuHj n., a fish which can distend itself like a globe. { 171 ) Wi/yi, n., neck. Talauci dikinsa da girhna, wflydnsa laddn. Wnydn hdnii, arm from wrist to the elbow. W'Jya, n., trouble, trial, molestation. En wj/ya hai siga ha aiifdni ha ii zama. Magdnasu da wfiya amdri, It is difficult to fall in with their views. Y. Ya, he, expressing conditional mood. Si ne su he ce, kaddn ya :dJca, en yu tdha dimia Si kgncta. JSi so ya tdra Jciirdi, doH yasdye letafi. Ya ! interj., ! Ya Ari ! O AH ! Yd and ii/a yanuwa mdta, n., elder sister, elder daughter. Wdlca ydn mdta, the song of the women. Ydn Tdnra, inhabitants of Tanra. Idha da, to approve. Cf. Ina da icdni, han ydha da si ha Idho mi'itum iddnilnsa zudgi ne, to praise a man in his presence is to insult him. Ydhoiikai, n., self-praise ; self-exaltation, Yahuwdia, n., comparison (?). Idda, to tread ; to throw, to lay. Ba da ivnrin ydda hoi. Yadardra, n., a white sort of dawa. Yddiya, u., a small shrub. Yiido, intr. v., to spread or creep as a creeping plant. Ydfe, yd/a (pi. yclfii), cast about. Yafu, to confirm ; to clothe, to send rain. Da mu zdmu ydfu jiklmu (?), Tdga (?) to smash. Yaiyefi, as riia na yaiyef, It is raining very much. Ɗorugu gives ydyafa, and Earth yinyiffe and ^asafa, for light rain. Yakl, yaka, yako, tr. v., to war Ydko, n., a creeping plant with broad leaf and small long seed vessels. Ydkiina (pi. form), hosts. JJhangizi na ydkuna, the Lord of Hosts. Ydkwa, n., sour-sour = s?fr6. Yalfuddania, pr. n. of a river. ( 172 ) YaUaHija, an expression of contempt applied to a female. Ydlo (pi. ydloli and ydluna and ydldye) , large species of egg- plant. Yaltawaye, pr. n. f., literally, child born among rebels. Yalwdta, intr., to flourish, to extend ; to prosper, to sprout ; n., prosperity, Yamdtamu, our daughters or young women. Ydmaci=fadudc{n rdna, the west; the region of the setting sun, westward. Ydmce = hauce, tr. v., to mix as food. Yamhon hdnff, n., cruelty to prisoners. YamSe^e, yamSesiya (pi. yamsem), withered, faded. Ydmusa, pr. n. m. and of place. Yamuce, to destroy, pull down. Ya yamuce hiika. Ydmydm, the name given by the Hausa to the natives inhabiting the lower part of the Niger ; it is also used for cannibals. Yanda (?) Komi yanda ha rfife Jcofa, dkiuia nan sai ta bude. Yanhankdka^ n., young ravens. YannS or yannai or yansa, n., a lamb. Ydnke and yeiike, tv. v., to cut, to cut off. Ydnkan kdmmd, to be disrespectful; ina yenke maki kamma,! cut the brow at thee, t.e. I frown at thee in anger ; displeasure, am ofi*ended at ; rather offending thee. Ydnmdzamu, our sons or young men. Ydnci or yauci, adv., late, out of time. Yansdrkoki n., prisoners. Yantdce, n., grass tied up for thatch. Yanuha mdza, n., brethren. Yanuwdta, n., her companions. Ydnzu, adv., now. Ai ydnzu ne na tdfo, I have arrived just now. Ydnzu nga, n., this moment. Ydo, p. n. of a town. Tunda muka heri Kidaiva mnka zdka ya Ydo, ina tamdha kwandki Hida dagd nan zua ga Burna. Ydo, n., this day, to-day. ( 173 ) Ydranci, n., yonth= i/dreiita. Yaranni, the Kano name for yellow colour. Yareiya ^drM, n., Holy Communion. Ydri: see y a AU=ydri= yd, for Ari. (Kr.) Ydro da mainya, old and young. Ydrsa, n., tlie interval between two markets. Yarn da ddria, literally, the laughiug-boy, the name given to a sweet ground-nut. Yaruha, Jcdsan Yortiha, the Yoruba country. Ba Ydruha (pi. ydrubdioa), native. Cf. Word ha Ydruhe da anla- tdmhdyesi, ya ce ; ni ban ci ddwa daydwa tukuna, en tdfl en sdre itdtua nan en mutu. Ydse, tr. v., to cast out. Aydsesu, they are cast off. Ɓai sani fuH ha, hai san ydzi ha ; he is insensible to anger and wrath. Second form, ydsda, to cast away ; to beat small. Yayada, as Na yaydda zdne, I threw my clothes away. Ya^a, n.j finger. Yaudon suri=alkdma7i suri = alkdman masar, a small herb with a lilac flower, with a large broad petal used in sauce. YaiiM, n., a kind of velvet cloth. Yatini, n., fish with prolonged mouth and small round fins. Yauyau^ adv., just now, lately. Yauci, n., lateness, backwardness ; ya yi yailci, he is late. Ydwo, n., a walk. K6 ta tdji dogon ydwo, perhaps she has taken a long walk. Yawonci, adv., a ydwonci, at most, utmost. Ydyada, to throw away. Na ydydda zdne. Ydron ga. yi lya ydydda mutdne. Yenko na lausin woti/ca, the engravings of a signet. Yenci, mugun yenci, n., adultery, fornication. Yenci, ha yenci, to make free. Ɗd si hdJcu yenci. Yeyofi, n., a shower. YI, to do, to make, to be. Nayi nayi, nay I har na gdzi, I did ( 174 ) =1 tried, I tried, I tried till I was tired. Ka gani ina zdmne hera duk sun yl mdni tdadi. Yi da /cai, doing the thing by head, i. q. heart ; determination. Yibda, to chafe. Yi ya fl ceiva ga hUnuna, deeds are better than words with me. Yirdazi, faithful. Yoji, open (?) ; ain hdlci yofi {ayin, letter with an open mouth). Yuia, iv., to pour out, to spill. Yuka (pi. yu/iae = wuka'), n., a knife. Yuiiikura, to groan as under a burden. Ta yukiikura. z. Zcl, to go, about to go, on the point of going. See Hausa Grammar, page 72. Example : I) a Fiddni suka gdni ha zCisu sdmun nascira siika ce ha zdsu su yi fadii ha. When the Fulah saw they were not going to have the victory they said they were not going to fight. Zdana, (pi. suaha)^ the same as sudna, the slough of a snake. Zdhantdka, n,, a selection. Zahezahe, too fastidious. Zdbezdhe, to be too fastidious. Zahiy n., choice, preference. Na haki zdbi, I give you the preference ; I leave it to your choice. Zdhi and zdho, n., a plant like an aloe, with long teeth, medicinally used in Kamuku. Zahia (pi. sahiogi), n., a minstrel, musician. Zahih (pi. zahibi, and iceii zahib), n., vine. Zahlya, n., a variety of dates with deep-red fruit. A singing woman. Zahlya (pi. zabiyai), n., albino. Zahlya ne, m., zablya cj?, f, Zahnri and mdzan Kaba, n., a brown thrush. Zahftra (pi. zabunii), n., a psalm. ( 175 ) Zdhiira nnd sdbura, intr., to bounce, to jump. Zahida, n., white muslin for turban with red edge. Zaji, hot, heat. Ɗa zdji, to have or contain heat, as herhmo da zdji, hot pepper. Zdggu, n., a hand- dart for alligators. Zdgozdf, n., a plant, the dried root of which is an active purgative. Zai=zd)ji=zdsi, neut., it will do; he is going to. Mi zdi su aherglzi ha bdhu ha ? What is there to cause a man to leave his house ? is it not because there is nothing in it ? Zdi = zd^i cl, he was going to eat. ZaUcu and zaitu, n., olive ; maizaita, olive-oil. Zdkan ciJci, n., the tithe of the body. Alia si yi mdka zdkan ciki ! May God grant you the tithe of the body ! i.e. health of ; a prayer for farmers when they are ill. ZaTcdra maisirdi, n., a rook with a red and dark mark on its back. Zdhuda, intr., to move a little, to give way, make room. ZdhudCiwa, removing, moving a little. ^aZa,'simple ; en fa idonhaya zdma zdlazaldla, n., a saddle-cloth. Zalhu and tdsa, some kind of onion. Zallantdha^ didnci, n., chastity. Zdlumci, n., violence, calamity, aggression. Zam, n., beetle. Zdnci nika ho zam da ha taflta ha, as to the knowledge of grinding, not even a beetle surpasses her. Zdma, n,, an old private name for hyena. Zdma, to be, to have. Zdma duhdra yafi karifi, ha don duhdra miituvi si sdida doki da rdkicmi, to be possessed of sense is better than of power — if it were not for sense, a man might buy a horse instead of a camel. Ɓa yi zdma ydnzuha, (things then) were not as they are now ; or, that is not the state of affairs now. Ka yi zdmdnka, show or exhibit thyself ; take thine ease. Zanidni, n., reign, time, period, administration. Zamdnin Annahi Musa da Farainia. Zamdrke, n., a leguminous species of plant which attracts locusts. ( 176 ) Zdmha, n., deception, cheating. Zamhdce, tr. v., to deceive, to cheat, to injure. Kpwa ya zamhaceni Alia ya rdma. Zambdta, to deceive, to cheat, to take undue advantage of ouc ; maizdmha pi. mcisu-, deceiver, defrauder. Zdmbu, n., a sort of corn-pudding. Zamhul, n., some kind of incense. Zdna, anzdna (?) Ɓeri gani mdtum ya siga zdna Sina fpma, bd si ha, never mind seeing a man vainly glorying of his dress ; it is not he (but sin dwelling in him). Zdrahai metir, 200,000 cowries. Zarga, tr. v., to hook, to catch with a noose, or rope ; hence Mazdrge, n., noose, rope, for catching men or animals. Zdnce, saying. Zdnce nan did; ya gdma gari. Zdti, n., substance, essence. Zdti Iko, majesty. Zdto and Zeto, consist; tr., to think, to have a mind. Kadd Jcu yi zdto hu ce, think not to say. Zoude, n., to betray, expose what was concealed. Zaiire, n., ddki angina a Tnastgin gidd, ho Tiofan gidd si ne anawuce kdna azo Sihin gidd. J^n rdna ta yi mainya mutdne suna tdru cikin zaure suna bdtu sunamn hiska wurin da anakira zaure ke nan. Zauren sdjiu, n., a cow-shed. Zauruka pi. form, tribes. Zauwai, n., some kind of fish. Zdwa, coming. Masuzdwa, those that are yet coming. Zawai pi., zawaie, n., a fish like a salmon. Zawre, n., a cvib=zalore. (Bennett.) Zdzahi, n., fever ; ague, masusurUy fever. Zazagdwa, n., a ramrod. Zazair, n., Algiers. Zazala, v. tr., to tread down. Da karse ka zazala Saitan ga kal- kaShi kafdfumu. Zehlle, n., vine, raisin. Zf'gizi'gi, n., the people of Zariya. Zegzeg, n., a province. (Br., vol. iv. 122.) ( 177 ) Zetba, u., quicksilver. Zekka, n. pr., of a town. Zenne, n., a shawl thrown over the shoulders. Zergi = hme, n., envy. Zidra. See Jewdija. Ziaza, maiziasa, n., one who visits. Zxdsa zunufe. Zibhe, n., any tattooing with longitudinal lines. In the west called Zuhe. Zlr, n., nakedness. Muhim zir. Zira, tr. v., to lower, let down. Nlzlrdri, n., spout on the top of a house. Zirdra, to lower into a pit. Mai-irdra (pi, masu-), one who lowers. Zirawa, n., lowering. Zirafi, n., an article of petty trade or for quick selling, &c. ; as needles. Zirta=dirta, n., a. saw. Zp, intr. v., to come ; zowa, coming. Ga si sina zowa, See him, he is coming. Zpbe, n., the ring of wood used as the upper hinge for a door. Zoggu, n., harpoon used in river fishing. Zpki, pr. n. of a male. Z6kwa = zdJcua, in Kadzina coming. Zprp, n., a tower. Zowdri, n., ravening; kwurareke indsuzowdri, raveninty \7o\ves =Zudri, n., covetousness ; lust. Ama zudrmsu hai kdsa ha, Psalm Ixxviii. 80. (John.) Zozan, name given to Zaria by the people of Kanu. Zudga, to speak evil, curse, swear. Zudge, tr., draw out, as mazi^ speak bad words, i.e. abusive language. Anyi ondsu zudgeziidge. Zudri gareka, You are covetous. Lusts. Zuhabawdnsu na zlni, their drink-oflferings of blood. Ziibabe gdmki, n., molton image (?). Zuhda and Zuhde, tr. v.^ to unload ; to throw away ; sun zubda A A ( 178 ) kdyn sun gudu, they threw away their loads and van a,vfSbj. = 8ubde. Zuhi, n., mould. Ziihdbe zuhdba (pi. suhdhu), moulded. Zuho, tr. v., to pour down. Ya zubo garesu kundn fusinsa. He cast down upon them the fierceness of his anger. Zuga, n., coaxing. Zilgu, n., a piece of native-made cloth ; burial-cloth. Cmi da zugu, eat me with burial cloth = prepare to die when eat- ing me (that is the name given to the fig-nut, i.e., nux vomica). Zuk/lrma babdn zunsu da he dauka rdkumi da kdydnsa, the zukurma is a large bird, who can take up a camel with its load. Zulumi, to doubt, be in doubt. Zuma, n., faintness ; zi zuma, to feel faint. Zilma, n., honey. Zuma da dddigd halbagd, &c., beware of the sting (?). Zumajia (pi. zumejin, Ice). Zu7ndkai^=gumdkui, n., an idol. Zumu, n., relation, friend. Zumuata, n., friendship, companionship, partnership. Zicnde yin zunde, to laugh at, to derive. Zunkurma, n., deformity from the projection of both spine and sternum. Zuntu=ddkiy a house, in Kanu. Zurfdye, n., deep, depth. Rami na zurfdye^ a deep hole. Zuru, yi zuru, to look steadfastly. Ziisaga, tr. v., to shake. Ka zusaga mdganl, shake the medicine. Zi'iria, n., seed, posterity. Zurma, n., caster-oil plant. Zuwagoge, zuwagdgiya pi. zuwaqdgu, leaves stripped in large numbers at a time. Mai (pi. mam-, zuwdga), one who pulls leaves in large numbers. Zucia=zutsia (pi. zutsii, zukdta and zflkgci), heart. ( 179 ) Zncia karkdcia, a froward heart ; zf/cui biu, double-hearted. Doubtful. Zyrma, a town between Kadzina and Sokoto. z Za=Ja, adj., red; za hurijl, literally, red iron, copper, brass. Zdn rjiilhi, the Red Sea. Zdha, n,, a black ass. Zdha (pi. zdbdye), n,, a shrew-mouse, stinking mouse. Bake gudna tdre da zaha, zuhasu a sddda ha su aiye wdrmsa. Zaha dmi, a large kind of hawk. Zdhehi, (pi. form), vines. Ya gbdta zahihlnsu da kdfi- kara, he destroyed their vines with hailstones. Zdfe, tr. v., to rub off, to blot out. Ka zd,fe sundnsa hal dhadd da dhadd. Zagdna, cikin hauta ke nan; zdga, or ^dga, occurs but once. It may be for siga, entrence, commencement of slavery. Zaggra na makdfo, a stick or cane by which a blind man is led. Zdgu, n., accouchement. Tana yin zdgu, maizdgu. Zahimi, and lo I'da zahhni, n., hell. Zdka ov jdka, tr. v., to draw, to pull, to molest. Zakai, hisa tudu, n., plaiting of hair in tails ; one before, one in the middle and one behind. Zakiida, int., to move a little forward, to come nearer. Zakui mdtd, n., a female donkey. Zaktdar, zakuturi, zahdya, n., creeper. Zdlwdmi, n., some kind of silk. Zdma, u., state, condition ; estate. Zdman ainrc, state of matrimony. Zdman dunia ; en ka yi nagari don kuiika, f'u ka yi nidga don kd/'/ka. Znmuna. (Kr.) ( 180 ) Zdnai, n., the gullet or carotid artery aloug the course of the windpipe. Zangunzu, n., a wild hog. Zanydro, n., a tree with reddish-coloured bark ; also called sdina kamdre. Zdrizirri, n., a bad spirit clothed in monkey skins ; the patron of Mcisuhori, said to eat dung. Zardhe, tr. v., to tempt ; azardheH, he was tempted. Zardhi, n., offence ; yi zardbi, to transgress. Zati, n., Majesty. Zati na Alia, the Majesty of God. Zilto, to think. Kadd ku yi zdto ku ce, think not to say. Ɗa ina zdto en sdni wonaii, when I thought to know this. Zailna, i.q. zuya, to turn, to change, to alter. Zayaki, n., fishing vulture. Zdza, n., reddishuess, yellowish, brownish. Zazdyp-y adj., red; zazdye'=aiye. Zazebisa, n., vigil. Zdzi, n., title of Madugu. Zdzi, in Kanu, staining of thread. Ei'okka of Boruu, where the leaves are used in chronic disease of the inside. Zema, n., grass four feet high, flower purple, seed like rye. ZimJce, n., hair or beard only on the edge of the skin. Zenta, intr., to be incapable of moving or speaking from headache, catarrh or fever. Zcra, n., procession, file, line. Zergi, n., slander, reproach, revile. Zewage sa, relieve him. Zawdyi and zewoyi, to visit. Mutum da anzeivoye, the person visited. Zi, n., i*ed round ground-nut. Ziara, tr., to visit, to punish ; i.q. Hara. Zibi, n., abinciii rdna, meal ; zibin Ilia, u., supper. Zibola, n., round ground-nut. ( 181 ) Zihurum or jib urum, pr. n. Zikal, to be gracious, to deal graciously. ZiJidya and zikanyaj n., granddaughter. Zihi (pi. zihuna), n., body. Ziho, n., a beam in the eye. Zimma or zuma, n., moderate or fair quantity. Zimimi, n., a pelican. Zimrau, n., old private name for ass. Zimuna, n. (Kr.) Zinga, maUlnga, employer or employed. Zingane, zinganiya (pi. zingdnu), pledged. Zif'tgina, ya zihgina, it leans, inclines. Zlnin Tcdferi, n., a kind of red bead. Zinka, n., grace, mercy, compassion, sympathy, fellow-feeling commiseration, condolence. Z inzimdka, n., a bird larger than the hokaka, black and white plumage. Zirai (pi. form), gum. Ya deho zirai ya rufe izidta gtida, he took some gum and covered one of his eyes. Zlrda, n., thunder in the dry season, considered a bad omen, as of the death of some great man. Zlrigi, boat, canoe, but in Zamfai-a, the name of a water- tortoise. Z irnaniya = gindria, cloud yielding a small shower. ZtrOj n., a building of bricks plastered over with clay. Zirta^dirta, n., a sow. Zitau, pr. n. Zihi, to agree. Ka zitii ga abokin gdbdnka, agree with thine adversary. Ztwaya, tr. v., visiting a farm. Rdkuma ya zdka zlwaya. Zizi, n., a plant with an odorous tube. Zlzia (pi. zlozi), z'lzia kimru, n., bowstring. Zizifi, adv., early. Zuhi. See Suhi. Ztinahiu, to be pregnant. Zuni, adj., blue. ( 1«2 ) ZunJca, tr. v., to take up anything by the hand. Zurarmoa, n., lowering anything, as a man or a bucket, into water. Zfrya, that does not bear (mostly applying to cattle). Z fiyamagdna, tr., to interpret. To turn to. Don nl zmja ga hc'niu na ddma ho ga hauni. Ydnzu da ya zUya haha, now as it turned out so. Ydnzu, n., ydnzu nga, this very moment. ( 183 ) SENTENCES AND SHORT STORIES, Contributed by the Rev. T. L. John. Wonda ha si ciniJci, ha si da dahdra, en {ufa^ ya {ta^ sdmrsa, ya {si) laldce. Aihi sai ka daurefuska kdna ka yisi ; em ha daure fuska, ha ka yisi ? Ance ga ddm Basa : yause zdka yin arziki ? Ya ce, yause zdiii yi? Yau sekdra uku uhdngizina ya miitu, ya her muni zakdra. Maddla da Sdriici da ya Itlsa rdina ; da ya hdlici rdina. Ma- ddla da Sdriki da ya wonzu rdina. Ase onutum si kan yi mafdlki hai kwdnta ha ? Alia si kankdnta makiyinka ! Komi ka yi sai kana da ndha bdnza, ne. Wnrinka ha si kwona gareni. Ayi da kyau don gohe. Da na sdn zdni dmre da han zdka dunia ha. Mdganl na da mdganl mutua ? Wdta mace mlzlnta ya yi mdta aiherin zdne, ta iskeni, tafadd mdni : Na ce, Alia si sdsi yi mdki woni alheri. Da ta yi id'ijikud na jl kuka : ase mizanta. Ya yi mdta aiherin duka. Ydro ya sdn enda anaforesa. Muka ce herinsu akayi. Ba ta hdsPsu ha har ydnzii. Ina jzn yuniva : doya ya nUna ? Kai, hai nilna ha, ydnzu, {na) ahayi Jird. Na sd doya ddminka ? Ni kud, ni ci dominki ? Mu yi cdddnsa. Kdza maiydya en da ya {ta) soma fitd, ddmand ya kusa, en ya {ta) yi ydma ddmanct ya zp. The mother of chickeBS, name of a constellation. Ba ta ce- mdni mdrahd, ni ko han gaiscta ha ; Oa ran .cp daidai ha ? ( l-'^^ ) Midum hai tone faddnka ha, JcOmifaddnka, lea tonesi? ' Kdnda Alia yaka kai miUum si ^dya nana. Wdnda ya rcna iydyPnsa, komi si ke, si laldce. Loma rjuda ka ha mutum dunid, kwdna arham ka cui a Idhira. Wonda ha si alheri a dunid, a Idhira ya siga tdlata, one who sliows BO kindness in this world, in the world to come he will enter into 3000 (condemnations). En ka no garl mdstiwu^ia ka kana hdda soiia ka sd hdya. Bdki kirin da si. Bdld ya ci, iddnu ya yi kumid. Akwia, ni ke wa fdhi da na sdto igia, don ta kizdma gidd. Mugum hdki na ddkin dunia nan diika na tare da azunii. Da hdka si ke, ha enda sdmu sake, had it been so, we should not have found out how to change it. Ka ce enayi mdkafadd ; Kai Annahi Mahama ne, ha ayi mdka /add ? l^n ka ce mutum zi zamna si yi kurki, ya ki, ha heri nn'i akeyi ha? Da dd f'w na cikinka, konii ka yi da si hdnza ne. Miitiinen Kaji ha su da fdrinjlni ga miitdne. Ba mu ne wc'dd mdsukdri. Ba ni da wuri, ha ni da ido hid. Ke da kin a zageni amhdki nifpro ne. En kun ga mutum siru slru, ku nan amaisesi kamd maicl tuo da hdgu. Gazimdre, ko gazimdri ; enudn Alia, and Saitan, devil ; rn kana da gazimdre, ha ka tdlauci, sdi ka yi nidsa tuo ; en ka ghdta zucidnsa, si hadeka. Wonda si ke gazimdre ha si yi tdlauci. Sddakd duka sdi kicona arha'in su ke kai ga gahdn Vhdnglzi. Tail uwdta suka daneta suka roka sdronta. Mutum hai yi mdka komi ka gudgesi, ka dauki kdya maiydwa. Ku rika kuna kdwo mdni kurdi da doya ; musulanci ha dagd hdki si ke, si ke dagd zucid. Awia ya (ta) burne ddki da ki ke rufe. ( 180 ) Alin atkl, (the tool) da ^l ha aike. Ba si da Idjid masCiko ne, ya kdniasi. GarhiJca anayenha kdza goma asd mnha gaha. Komi rdsiii hahlialina vaflJia wdyo. Kmva ya iji (undiii ya gd ivdyeiva. Koiva ydnzu, ho kpivan kai ndsa H ke yi. T>a kumi ni Ice tuna kiika nan da na ivd ind. Anayi mdsa, harka. Woli, bdwdn Alia Jidske int ttlsi dagd kdha.rJnsa. Maikiirdi ha Si kan rdsa ahinci. Da kardlvka ka kwdna da yunwa ? a wuri nan. Ddwa ya gdgara ; ha azdncen ddwa ydnzu ha. Woni mutum ya sa hardsa, wai, zdSi fdda Kworo, don si fdfi. Aljuna mdza ; anarike&i anahdna-n : ya tdfi, ya fdda ; ama mdza ya koma, woni hai rokf'si ha. Kacindiva ho snfadd ha rdsin gdskia. JJwdna kin gd ivdnan ahu ha kyaim gdni ? Ai ha ni ha hhxi da dere ! Akace en zo en yi mdta dfi, kd na. yi mdta Idifi. U8ULIN ƁAREƁARI, L ARAB AW A NE. Kuhimhardu sina noma a gona, sn Barehdri sun tarsdsa ; ya, cfi kuna so minene Zdku ena ? 8uka ce, muna nema wpzen zdma ! Ya ce, to! Ya dauka sdnda, ya zdga, ya keiooye kumd, san ddka ; si ke nan, ya ce, kdka wftrin nan ya iseku ? 8uka cCy ya isa. Ya ce, to. Od si nan, ku zdmna : kaddn kuii zdmna rdnda kun clkasi, kd ha yaki ha komijaro ha yd cikiv, kiid waja da kdnku, zdmdnin sdriki Galerima, si no Borno ya, ivdce ; doh da ya zvfa ya dauka sdraida ya hd ddnsa. Da ya hd ddnsa su waydnsa da kdnensa, suka gdmu suka ce : mumu- na nan, ka, hd sdrauta ga dd)tka ; mu rusnna a gahdnsa ? Sika ce, dd, s^i hasu ydrda ha. Si ke nan, sun gdma hdki da Faldui snka zo sun yi ydki a gidd., 6i ne suhka wace. i; B ( 1«G ) K6 ijnnzn ha taji Borno Alkoran na cikin soro arntdi/e. Anaiko dagd Sokoto a tdfi aclauka, ya fdskara dauka, Akoi turl-in dghi goma m hid na dzurfa da anadamre dohin sdreki da su cikin fdda. Ɓaicln wo nan mdsiUdJia yanzu sun gd ahii Kalan- mana a kofa na n gifan fdda — Azurfan da akarnana ciki — si na nan har ydnzu. Rdnda zdla yin dmre fnetin zamhar ankai nidto gudumua. Banl ci mumuna koda ne ke gohro. Maildo ha H gpde Alia sai rdnda ya ga makafo. Outafudu ne ha si da mdganl. Nafdri, ance da mutum : wonan yafdye gazera, ama ha adadd mdsa : ivonan gazerta culane garesa da ha si da mdganl. Nahiu : Hdllin miltiim. J^n sma niugun hdlli : hdlli nan citta ne garesa da ha a mdsa mdganl, don, si sdke hdlli Naiiku : Cuwon dzali, ko miitud. Ba sijin mdgani, ko anyi mdganl, en ruhutu ne sundn Alia, sai maldikn su sd mia su sdfesi. Nafudu : {Hfo^ mutum ya yi pifa ha ayi mdsa mdganl si homo ydro. Gama ^ufu cuta ne garesa. Knji enda su ke, sufiidu ciita, da ha ayi mdsu mdganl. Mutum ne ya dauko mdni rogo, ha dkivia ba. ^n tdfi gona sdanda ni ke so ; en tdsi sdanda ni ke so ; ha mai yi mdni htlsankdfo nan na hdnza. Bdki ya sdn ahin da Hna fadi, ha si sdn ha kdnda zuaniai mdsi. Izdn ka sdmu ahit kadd kace motlnka ne ya hdka. Kin sdn hdllina, klwiya gareni. Sdada Alia ya Jiallta Annahi Adania, ya fidd kdsin liakar- kdrlnsa guda ya cUse ya yi hallta ya nesdnta hallta nan, yai nesdnta Adama kud. Sda nan hallta nan da ya yi, tazo tana toHceiua. To ! Annahi Adama ya kirdyeia, ta zo. Annahi Adama ya tdmhdyeta : Kdka silndnki ? [ma ismdki ?) Ta ce isimi, sundta, Imuraata sundna, wonda akajitas dagd cikin wonij ya koreto ; ta hdda bdya. Ya kirdta kumd, ta zp, ta tdya ; ya ce, ma isrnihki ? Kaka stlndnkitake? Isimi, siinana. Anisaal ( 1«7 ) hairdti maimacewa alhdrai, ya /,'orsa. Maid Mdlami, kin gdni ba ? Ni fa liar ydnzn ban m rigdii, Anasdra a ctkina ba. Wdta goma ia biu, alama, sekdra kc nan. Nufawa na kird dunia yi.:e, obit inaizuyatva, doii dunid na ziiyawa. Don a cikin dfmia mai dUkia yau na zama tdhilca gohe. Nayi, nayi, ua yi har na gdH {gdzi). Ka gani ina zdmne h[:ra duk sun zSmoni taadi. Komi kin bdtnu dusa ne, zindria na hdmiinki; Mama yal Batitre. Mdddla da damiisin maza da malhdhkalin girlma nazua kiimdfa. Anagdnlnku arene, kit kud kiina gani icuni arcne. Ddkdre bdbu abin da garesa sai scuida. Malialbi data data ne ya yi rnazakuta, ya zdma namizi, baba maloroci kamd maJialbi j bd si so klbia si tdbasi. Kfiwa ya zalumiyni ko zambaceni Alia ya rdma. Alia si yi mdka zdkdn ciki ; wonanne zdkan ciki : dn kai knma dami goma, ka Jlda data ka yi sddakd da si ; rn ka yi chvo ka worke si ne zdkdnciki. Koi ya yi ivdyo bere ddn cidko. Baku da mutumci. Yau babdn salla ne,saUan haiftidn. ha viui cccin diiitia duka- ( 189 ) Wuta mace tamiUn, Isa ya taScta j ya tomhayeta i he ! mi ya liuieki ? ta ce, lilne ya IcaScni ; Isa ya ce, td tdsi, ta ce natdsl ; da ta tasi ya ce mdta, mi ya sdmeki ? Tace, uahi mlzina ne. Ya ce, to : en Ida hnna giddn mtzlnlci, hi hOma dilnia, ki tdsi dagd Ldhira ; Ta ce, en donta koma giddn mtzmta ne la muta, gouma ta homa Ldhira; Isa ya ce, to : hwantdsta hwdnta. Abin hardwo a hamdta si he, en ya mtho lidnu zdsi daiiha na u'oni, sai ndsa sifddo. Lahdri Mdllami Ydmusa (121). Woni ALdllami si Liman Ydmusa, ya yi hird mutane ya c;?, hwdnahi ya yi, ya tdsi zdsi Gahaz. Bay a tdsi ya tdra miitdne nan yahai Gadai. Sdanan sdnhin Kano ya yi mdsa mdnzo, ya cf, ya zo anafuza da ya samu. Ya tdda mutdne, ya ce hwdnahi ga yi. Can gahaz ha ta mo^a ha ydma ha tamo^a ha hahasiya ce hwanahe ya yi (?). Mu ho nan ha mu da iko, sai aMii da sunha mo^a de mujl. Ya ! akayi hirdnsa ya hi zila. Monzpnah uhu hae zo ha. Da nan a hdsa sdrihin Gaiya gahaz da hirnin Kano si ya ce ya ciosi ahahdwosi Birni Kano damd- tane, dajdhi, da sdnu da taJcarhdri, da alasafta ha sai zamiar hdmsin. Sdr/hi Kano ya ce da si : ha yi humia, da ka tasi tdda diinid ? Ɗimid ha ta tdsi ha. Ya hdmasi ya aihewa sdri- hin Muzulmi da si. Ba ahaisi sdrihin Musuhni ya ce mdsa : hui Mdllam Yamusa, ena ha sdmufiiza da zdha tdda dilnia, ha mu sdmu lahdri ha. ? Yace, Mutdne'n Tiire sunzo da sdrthin Musul- min Ydma hasu ce muna hOmimu hud muna da lahdrin Ydma da gahaz. Ba ni hdseha, na herka ga Alia, saida sdsdha ddhnu dufa. Ya sdse ddkin dufii, sina cihin ydnzu hdha. Dagd Mallam Saledma. Na rigidyi na yi ghdna gama (amd .'') ('nna zn na leha sai si tofu. Gidra huzwa da tumzere. Alia ha si yi naniugu sai ndgari. Ai hdria ha ta yi dia, sai ta yi fare. Ni niaisua da rila halv na samu mai ? ( lyo ) Em hiri ya yi yhdna 6-i kan (judu dagd gona. Ka mutu dei, lea midu Ice nan. Yau alzlma tokos da wdta, taurdri nakudu kwdnakin kwdnakl he nan en taurdri tun zo kudu. Si da uwdnsa sasai sumhi : ya hi nhdusa, he resembles his father. Yau Alzivia ya mictu ha si da alhdki, one who dies on a Friday has no sin = dies happy. Mdllainin Nandra su ne ke ydkin gdskia ydkin Ebilis. TYPICAL STORIES. Annahi Musa ya ce, mu zo mu keivoye rfiaii Ilural Maliudu mil gdni sdhon dbin, da Alia ya aikgdaH, mu gdmi. Siika zo suka iska tunkia tana gusunrdkumi tana son nonon rdkuioi nan ta sa, rdkumi ya hdna ; Ita ko hata heri ta tdji ta nemi cid iva la ci {ha) tana kodain nono ta sa na rdkumi^ rdkumi kiid yohdna; ita ko ha ta heri ta tdji ta nemi cidwa ha, liar yf/nwa ta kdsesi ta mutu. Baicin wonan akaivuce akaiske rdkumi sina gusun tumkia sina sa nonon tumkia, ya yi Idha. Akace 16 ! Ddn tumkia nan gdsun rdkumi tana kodain nono rdkumi ta sd. Minene wonan da Alia ya kdwo Anndhi Musa ? Tum- kia nako nan sa 7ipnon rdkumi rdkumi ya hdnata liar ytinwa ta kaseta ! Akace Maidilkia na cdliiral zdmani ivonda tdlka ~/funsa sdho. 164. Abin moni na wa woni ? That wbicli suits oue, will it also suit another ? 165. Ahokin lalatdci, lalatdce. 166. JJa dddin hdki kan gisirin Ashon. 167. Gf'znrin dunia si ne na. IdJiira. ( .>(IG ) Ills. Zi'niuin (Iroila ni ha iji nuijarl doii kunka, en lea yi mutju don hdnkn. JGO. Wonda Una cikln rita ha si kfda ha da dart. 170. Mutinn ya pdie tiilu, ai Una gdya katonga, 171. Ahu hal nawdya ha, mutuni si nawayesi ? 1 7-. Kumi daiidau rita Sina wanke fuska. 17'i. Alheri ha giddn kiodnta ha. 1 7J-. Gondii bdkim hdnta da cirara. 1 75. Alia ha si cimhasi, omd kUlvm safe si hiom hdU. 1 76. Ankwdie zdhua kwoi ! gohe kima ta ie. 177. Komi ka sdba ma yCiro ii zaSi yi. 178. Ni maisu ya da riia, hale na sdmu inai ? 1 7'.» Ki'tnkuru ya so dumbe bdbu lidnu. 180. Rokdken rtia na daffa tcdke ? 181. Alkfri ha giddn, kwanta ha. 182. Hankali na milium hiu ko kaka yaflna mutum daia. 183- Ciniki goma mdgani herein rdna. 184. En mu duka mnn tdnt,mun yi rdwa, asdmu mdsukdlo ? 185. Miitum ya sdba da rHan dumi ha ansdci cikin maisainyi ba si snnidHnia bin ta ke. 186. tju kana cem hauro kadd ka ioni dikinsa. 187. Zdman dunia en ka yi ndgarl don kdnka, en ka yi viftgu don kdnka. What a man soweth that shall he reap. 188. lM}a na Muzura. Kdza na hdkinsa, hai sake ha, ya ^e na tffha ; ha ni kdra yi ha gohe. (Jilliert 4c KiviiiKton, Limited, St. .John's Houwe, ClerkenwcU llDod, London, Enjjlnnd. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. UBRARY U. 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