z iffi UC-NRLF B 3 TEb MhS A NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY ISSUED BY THE RESEARCH LABORATORY EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY ROCHESTER. N. Y. SEPTEMBER. 1916 ItMAKt SCHOOi NUMERICAL CLASSIFICATION OF PHOTOGRAPHY A Numerical Classification of Photography Introduction This system of classification is based on the fact that any photographic operation involves four separate considerations: (1) The operation is done with a purpose of achieving a certain result and can be considered from the point of view of that result. This will be referred to as the "purpose" of the operation. For example, an operation can be undertaken with a view to obtaining a portrait, or with a view to obtaining an enlargement of some kind, or with a view to obtain- ing a photographic record or a photomicrograph ; all these will be involved in the view of the operation from the point of view of purpose. (2) The operation will involve some form of photographic material; it will, indeed, always involve two classes of photographic material; namely, a sensitive material and some apparatus, but since in classification these are almost mutually exclusive, we may consider that we take a portrait, for instance, upon a plate or upon a film, or with a studio camera, or by means of flash-light apparatus. Thus, we have to consider as well as the purpose the "material" that is employed. (3) There is involved the operation itself. Thus, in order to obtain a portrait negative (the purpose) by means of a flash-light apparatus (the material) we must conduct a series of operations; we must expose, we must develop, and we must print the negative, and each of these operations will be subdivided, so that we can consider the purpose, the apparatus and the nature of the operation itself. (4) Finally, we may perform operations in some cases by any one of several photographic processes. For instance, we may make a print by means of a silver process or by means of a bichromate process, and these again have subdivisions. We must therefore consider a photographic operation as involving (1) the purpose, (2) the material, (3) the operation itself, and (4) the photographic process. It may not be necessary to state more than one of these four possi- bilities in order to classify a given article or patent. A patent for a camera, for instance, merely refers to a material, and the operation to be performed and the purpose of the operation are either obvious or of no imix)rtance; so, most photographic operations are performed by means of the gelatino-silver process, and the process may usually be omitted as obvious. In color photography, however, the process is usually the im- portant thing and the operation or purpose is relatively of no importance. In order to classify completely a photographic operation, therefore, we must be able to use four sets of symbols and we must be able to distinguish whether these symbols refer to purpose, material, operation or process. 346670 .'" • - '! The Purpose In this classification the purposes are classified by a series of numbers starting with zero; the prefix of zero to a number, therefore, indicates that the symbol stands for the purpose of an operation. The Material The materials involved in the operation are referred to by numbers only, and if a compound number is not preceded by zero it refers to a material. Thus, 031 is portraiture; 1213 is flat film; therefore, a reference to the use of flat film for portraiture may be indexed as 031-1213, the order of the symbols indicating the way in which it should be indexed, so that this reference would be indexed under "Portraiture — Use of Flat Film for, "whereas if indexed 1213-031 it would be indexed under "Flat Film — Use in Portraiture." The Operation The Operation is indicated by a letter followed by a number. The operations are as follows: A Manufacture of any material or apparatus. B " " support for sensitized material. C " " emulsion for " " D 0])eration of Coating emulsion on support. E " " Packing and finishing a sensitized material for the market. F " " Exposing a material in a camera. G " " Developing a material. H " " Eeducing, Intensifying or otherwise chemically finishing a negative. J " " Printing from a negative. L " " Retouching, ^.Working up, Preparing, Spotting, Color- ing, etc. N " " Mounting and Framing a photograph. Initial M — Macliine used for manufacture ; e. g. , MDll means a plate coating machine. (M machine, D coating, 11 photographic plates. ) Thus, if we refer to toning bromide prints, print toning is J8 and bromide paper, the material, is 137, so that we can classify this as J8-137, where it is classified under Toning, or as 137-J8, where it is classified under Bromide Prints. The Process The Process is indicated by a number which is placed in the denomin- ator of a fraction; thus, the making of lantern slides, the obtaining of a lantern slide being the purpose, is 045 and the making of lantern slides by the Albumen process will be 045/65, silver processes being 6 and the Al- bumen process 65. If no process is indicated, it is taken for granted tiiat the process is the gelatino-silver process. Thus, we see that an operation can be completely expressed by the four sets of symbols, though in practice it is very rarely necessary to index with all four symbols, it usually being necessary to use only one or two; these one or two, however, may belong to any of the four groups. Additions to the Classification Many gaps have been left in the numbers, and as new references requiring numbers come to our attention they will be placed in the best position possible and the numbers assigned will be published in the Monthly Abstract Bulletin. Special Classes There are a few classes coming under the heading of Purposes for which it is desirable to make special provision. Color photography is classified as 042, but in view of the constant reference to it this is shortened to the abbreviation K, so that K simply stands for 042 and not for an operation. Thus, KG3 would be the use of time development in color photographj"^, G3 being time development. The specific color processes are represented by K/1, K/2, K/3, K/4 and K/5. X-ray photography is class 099, but this so frequently occurs that it is shortened to X, X standing for the symbol 099. X-Ray photography involves a class of apparatus which is not used in any other branch of pho- tography and this is classified under Materials as Class 4 of Materials. Motion photography or cinematography differs in its classification from the rest of photography in that the operations required in it, being special, are classified under its own heading of 06 and not with a separate operation symbol. Thus, negative developing in general is G, but 06 being motion photography, developing motion picture negatives is classified as 0632 without using the G symbol, although appending this would not confuse the classification. Motion picture work also involves a special class of apparatus and this is classified among materials as Class 3, all materials starting zvith 3 representing apparatus required for motion picture photography, as materials starting with 2 will be materials for ordinary photography and materials starting with 4, juaterials for X-Ray photography . Photo-engraving operations are also represented by the number under which photo-engraving is classified and do not use a separate operation symbol. This is done in consequence of the simplicity of the classification of photo-engraving and also in that it requires different operations from those employed in ordinary photography. Photo-engraving is classified under 07, photo-engraving processes being distinguished as 071, 072 and 073, which are in their turn subdivided and the operation shown by a fifth cipher, the operations numbering from 1 to 9. Use of the Classification While the numerical classification can be used in connection with any sj'Stem of references, it is specially designed for use in connection with the Monthly Abstract Bulletin. In the Bulletin each abstract or patent reference which has reference to photography has its classification number appended. If these are cut out and pasted on cards each month (for which two copies of the Bulletin will be required) , these cards can be filed in the numerical order of the classification and will form a permanent card index to photo- graphic literature, the labor involved being only that of cutting out and filing the abstracts. If an index to the whole of photography is not required only the required abstracts need be filed ; e. g., a file of all abstracts beginning with K will form an index to Color Photography, one of all abstracts beginning with 21 an index to Cameras. As new classes are found necessary they will be inserted and the numbers assigned will be published in the Abstract Bulletin. The following guide cards will be found useful at the start, and intermediate ones may be added from the Classifi- cation as may be found necessary: — A 05 131 164 2624 37 B 055 132 165 2626 38 T) 056 136 166 2629 K E 057 137 167 263 KOI F 058 14 1674 2631 K02 G 06 141 168 264 K04 H 06(5 1411 169 2645 K05 J 067 1412 2 265 K06 I. 068 1413 21 2653 K07 M 07 142 2100 2658 K/1 07001 1421 2103 266 K/2 01 07005 15 213 2668 K/21 oil 071 151 215 267 K/3 012 0713 1512 217 27 K/32 013 072 1513 218 28 K/4 014 073 1515 22 29 K/43 015 0733 1516 223 3 K/8 OIG 0734 1517 224 31 Kl 017 08 152 23 3100 Kll 018 082 153 24 32 K2 019 09 1531 241 3200 K22 02 /61 154 242 3202 K31 023 /9 155 243 3205 X 024 1 156 25 3208 XOl 027 11 157 252 321 X0116 03 12 158 254 322 X12 04 121 159 255 324 X4 044 1211 16 26 33 X42 046 1212 161 262 34 X43 0461 1215 162 2621 35 X44 047 13 163 2623 36 Operation Symbols A indicates the manufacture of any article. E. g. , A3 means the manufacture of cinematographic apparatus. B indicates the manufacture of the support for sensitized material. E. g., B122 means the manufacture of acetate film support. C indicates the manufacture of the emulsion of a sensitized material. E. g., C135 means the manufacture of a printing-out emulsion. 6 D indicates the operation of coating the emulsion on the support. E indicates the packing and finishing of a sensitized material for the market. E. g., E1211 means the spooling of roll film. F J8 Print Toning. Fl Composing and Focusing. J81 Toning by Metals. (Gold, F2 Camera Loading with Ma- Platinum, etc.) terial. J82 Toning by Metallic Salts; e.g. F3 Use of Special Lenses. Ferrocyanides. F4 Use of Special Shutters. J83 Toning by Various Forms of F5 Determination of Exposure. Silver Deposits. F6 Making the Exposure. J84 Toning by Sulphur, Selenium, Tellurium Compounds. G Indicates Developing, etc. J87 Toning by Colored Oxidation Gl Compounding Solutions. Products. G2 Tentative Development. J88 Toning by Dye Deposition. G3 Time Development. J9 Print Drying. G4 Stand Development. G5 Other Special Methods of De- L Indicates Working Up, etc. velopment. LI Retouching. G6 Fixing. L2 Blocking Out and Working G7 Washing. Up Negatives. G8 Eeversing Negative to Posi- L3 Spotting. tive. L4 Working Up Prints. G9 Making Duplicate Negatives. L5 Coloring. L6 Surfacing, Glazing, Varnish- H Indicates After Treatment of Negative. ing, etc.. Prints. HI Reducing. L7 Restoring Faded Prints. H2 Intensifymg. N H3 Drying. Nl Mounting. H4 Stripping. N2 Ho Varnishing. N3 H6 Titling. N4 J Indicates Printing. N5 Framing. Jl Daylight Printuig. J2 Printing OutbyArtificialLight P Recovery of Wastes and J3 Developing Out Printing. Economies. J4 Developing and Fixing Prints. PI Recovery of Silver Wastes. J6 P2 Recovery of Gold and Platinum J6 Print Washing. Waiites. J7 P5 Recovery of Chemicals. Purpose Symbols 01 The Theory of Photography. 019 Photographic Optics. Oil Photo-Electricity. 012 Photo-Sensitive Materials. 02 A.mateur Photography. 013 Theory of Printing Out Images . 021 Landscape Work. 014 Latent Image and Theory of 022 Portrait and Figure Work. Exposure, Resolving Power. 023 Indoor Work. 015 H. & D. Theory and Sensitive- 024 Hand Camera Work. ness of Materials. 025 Photographic Art. 016 Practical Sensitometry. 017 Theory of Development 03 ] Professional Photography. 018 Color Sensitiveness. 031 Portraiture. 0311 0312 0313 0314 032 033 0335 034 Studio Design and Business ; e. g., "Design of Portrait Studios." "Card Filing Systems for Portrait Photographers." Reception Room Arrange- ments and Work. Home Portraiture. Posing and Lighting. Commercial Photography. Press Photography. Photographic Copyright. ' ' Movmg ' ' Portraits. 04 Photographic Operations Con- sidered in Light of the Re- sult Produced. 041 Defects. 042 Color Photography. (K) (See Page 14) 043 Stereoscopic Photography. 044 Photo-Sculpture. 045 Lantern Slide Making. 046 Enlarging. 047 Photographic Enamels. 048 Photographic Decorations. 049 Transparencies. 05 Photographic Operations Involv- ing Special Apparatus or Con- ditions. Wide Angle and Panoramic Work. Telephoto Work. Architectural Work. High Speed Photography. Photography with Color Sensi- tive Materials. 0561 Orthochromatic Photo- graphy. 0562 Color Contrast Photo- graphy. 057 Copying, 058 Artificial Light Photography. 0581 Flash-Light AVork. 0582 "Night Photography." 0583 Portraiture by Artificial Light. 06 Motion Photography. 061 Studio Arrangements. 062 Stage Arrangements and Act- ing. 061 052 053 054 055 066 07 063 Taking. 0631 Camera Work. 0632 Developing. 0633 Fixing. 0634 After Processes. 0635 Washing. 0636 Drying. 064 Positive Making. 0641 Perforating. 0642 Printing. 0643 Developing. 0644 Fixing. 0645 Toning and Tinting. 0646 Washing. 0647 Drying. 0648 Stenciling and Coloring. 0649 Titling and Assembling, Varnishing, Cleaning, etc. 065 Film Sale and Hire Arrange- ments. 066 Theatre Arrangements. 067 Projecting. 068 Stereo Cinematography. 069 Combination Cine and Phono- graphic IMethods. 1 Photo-Engraving. 07001 Preparation of the Original. 07002 Camera Operation. 07003 Dark Room Operations. 07004 Preparation of the Printing Surface. 07005 Transference of the Image to the Printing Surface. 07006 Etching. 07007 Re-Etching and Finishing. 07008 Routing and Mounting. 07009 Proving and Printing. 071 Intaglio Processes. 0711 Bitumen and Early Processes. 0712 Hand Photogravure. 0713 Machine Photogravure. 0714 Steel Engraving. 0715 Intaglio Half-Tone. 0716 Woodburytype. 072 Surface Processes. 0721 Lithography. 0722 Photohthography. 0723 Off"set. 0724 Collotype. 0725 Decalcomanie. 0726 Graph Processes. 073 Relief Processes. 0731 Wood Engraving. 0732 Line Etching. 0733 Half-Tone. (Screen) 0734 Half -Tone. (Grain) 0735 Electrotyping. 074 Mixed Processes. 08 Applied Photography. 081 Documentary Photography. 082 Legal and Criminal Photo- graphy. 083 Military Photography. 084 Photographic Surveying. 085 Record Photography. 086 Photographic Recording, (Meter Reading, etc. ) 087 Phototelegraphy. 088 "Spirit Photography." 089 Miscellaneous Applied Photo- graphy. 09 Scientific Photography. 091 Curve Recording Methods. 092 Position Recording Methods. 093 Photographic Photometry. 094 Photomicrography. 0941 Very Low Power Work. 0942 Sections. 0943 Dark Field Illumination. 0944 Bacteria. 0945 Metallography. 0947 Microphotography. 095 Spectrography. 096 ABtronomical Photography. 0961 Astrographic Determina- tions. 0962 Stellar Spectroscopy. 0963 Heliography. 0964 Spectroheliography . 0965 Radial Velocity Determina- tions. 097 INIedical and Surgical Photo- graphy. 098 Nature Photography. 099 Roentgen Photography. (X) (See Page 15) Process Symbols /6 Silver Processes. /61 Daguerreotype. /62 Sensitized Paper Processes (Calotype, etc. ) /63 Wet Collodion. /64 Collodion Emulsion. /65 Albumen Processes. /66 Gelatino-Bromide Emulsion. /67 Unwashed Emulsions for De- velopment. /68 Printing Out Silver Processes. /7 Iron Processes. /71 Blue Print. /72 Iron Gallate. /73 Platinum. /8 /74 Kallitype. /75 Platinum Silver. i Bichromate Processes. /81 Chromate Alone or with Other Metals. /82 Carbon. /83 Ozotype. /84 Ozobrome. /85 Pinatype. /86 Fish Glue. /87 Powder. /88 Gum Bichromate. /89 Oil, Bromoil and Oil Transfer. /9 Processes Involving Other Light Sensitive Substances. Material Symbols 11 Materials. 114 Panchromatic. Sensitized Dry Plates. 115 Non-Halation. Ill Ordinary. 116 X-ray. 112 Lantern. 117 Ferrotype. 113 Orthochromatic. 118 Procew. 12 Sensitized Film. 121 Nitrate Film. 1211 Roll Film. 1212 Cine Film. 1213 Flat Film. 1214 X-Ray Film. 1216 Film Packs. 122 Acetate Film. 123 Viscose Film. 124 Other Cellulose Product Film. 125 Cellulose Formate. 126 Gelatine Base Film. 127 Stripping Fibn on Paper. 13 Sensitized Printing Papers. 131 Iron Processes. 1311 Platinum Paper. 1312 Iron Silver. 1313 Ferroprussiate. 132 Bichromate Processes. 1321 Carbon. 1322 Pinatype. 1323 Ozobrome. 1324 Fish Glue. 133 Albumen Paper. 134 Collodion Paper. 135 Printing Out Papers. 1355 Self-Toning Printing Out Papers. 136 Gaslight Developing Out Papers. 137 Bromide. 1373 Photostat. 1375 Transfer Bromide. 138 Bleach Out Paper. 14 Raw Materials. 141 Support Materials. 1411 Cotton and Wood Pulp. 1412 Paper (Photographic). 1413 Glass. 1414 Baryta. 142 Emulsion Materials. 1421 Gelatine. 1422 Casein. 1423 Collodion. 1424 Albumen. 143 Packing Materials. 1431 Paper (Packing). 1432 Millboard. 1433 Tinfoil. 15 Chemicals. 151 Used in Making Film Base. 1511 Acids. 1512 Cellulose Nitrate. 1513 Cellulose Acetate and Other Fatty Esters. 1514 Other Cellulose Derivatives. 1515 Viscose. 1516 Solvents. 1517 Fillers. 1618 Stabilizers. 162 Used in Making Emulsions. 1521 Silver Salts. 1522 Bromides. 1523 Chlorides. 1524 Iodides. 1525 Added Chemicals. 1526 Hardeners. 1527 Preservatives. 1528 Coating Additions. 153 Developing Chemicals. 1531 Reducing Agents. 15311 Iron Salts. 15312 Other Inorganic Developing Agents. 15313 Phenols. 15314 Amino Phenols. 15315 Di- and Triamines. 15316 Reducing Agents Giving Colored Oxidation Products (e. g. Indoxyl). 1532 Preservatives. 1533 Accelerators. 1534 Restrainers. 154 Fixing & Hardening Chemicals. 1541 Fixing Chemicals. 1542 Preservatives for Fixing Bath. 1543 Hardeners. 1544 Stain Removers. 165 Intensifying and Reducing Chemicals. 1551 Intensifiers. 1555 Reducers. 156 Toning Chemicals. 1561 Bleaching Chemicals. 1562 Metallic Compounds of Base Metals. 1563 Redeveloping Chemicals. 1565 Chemicals for POP Toning Baths. 157 1571 Bichromates. 1672 Gums. 1573 Albumen. 1574 Fish Glue. 10 1575 Metagelatine. 1576 Iron Salts. 1579 Platinum and Platinum Salts. 158 Dyes. 1581 Sensitizers. 1582 Filter Dyes. 1583 Pinatype Dyes. 1584 Spirit Soluble Dyes. 159 Sundry Chemicals. 1592 Flash-Light Powders. 16 Photographic Solutions. 161 Film Base Solutions (Dopes). 1612 Nitrate Dope. 1613 Acetate Dope. 162 Emulsions. 163 Developing Solutions. 164 Fixing Solutions. 165 Intensifiers and Reducers 1651 Mercury Intensifiers. 1652 Silver 1653 Chromium " 1654 Other 1655 Cutting Reducers (Farmer's, etc.) 1656 True Scale Reducers ( Perman- 1667 1662 1663 1665 ganate, etc.) Flattening Reducers (Persul- phate, etc. ) 166 Toning Solutions. 1661 Bleaching Baths. Metallic Toning Baths (Base Metals). Sulphiding Baths. POP Toning Baths. 167 Bichromate Solutions. 1671 Bichromate Sensitizers. 1672 Ozotype Solutions. 1673 Ozobrome " 1674 Bromoil 168 Dye Solutions. 1681 Dye Sensitizing Baths. 169 Varnishes and Pastes. 1691 Negative Varnishes. Retouching Varnishes. Cellulose Varnishes. Starch Pastes. Dextrin Pastes. Mucilages. Opaques. Glazing and Cleaning Solu- tions. 1692 1693 1696 1696 1697 1698 1699 Apparatus 21 211 2115 2116 212 213 2131 2132 214 215 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 Taking Cameras. Studio Cameras. Cirkut Camerati. Multiple Cameras. Field Cameras. Plate Hand Cameras. Reflex Cameras. Box Cameras. Film Pack Cameras. Roll Film Cameras. Roll Film Cameras fitted with Focusing Attachment or Plate Holder. Film Cameras with Auto- matic Changing of Film or Lock for Shutter until Film is Changed. Film Cameras with Attach- ment for Writing on Film. Film Cameras in Pistol Form or Other Disguises. Panoramic Film Cameras. Cameras using Cinemato- graph Film for Single Pictures. 216 2166 217 2171 2172 2174 2176 2177 218 219 219S 210 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2iorr Photo-Engraving Cameras. Photo-Engraving Copy Boards. Copying and Enlarging. Copying Cameras. ' 'Photostat Cameras. ' ' Daylight Enlarging Cameras Easels. Copy Holders. Stereoscopic Cameras. Miscellaneous Cameras. Cameras in which Develop- ing and Fixing can be Per- formed, other than ' 'Photo- stats, " "Automatic' Cameras. Camera Parts. Base Boards. Focusing Devices. (Racks) Fronts and Lens Carrying Boards. Bellows. Backs. FocusingHoodSjScreena.etc. Vignetters. 2108 Multiplying Devices. (For Taking Several Pictures on One Plate. ) 22 Viewing and Projecting Apparatus. 221 Optical Lanterns. 222 Enlargers. 223 Accessories to Enlargers and Lanterns. 2231 Light Sources. 2232 Lamp Houses. 2233 Condensers. 2234 Slide Holders. 2235 Slide Changing Devices. 2236 Negative Holders for En- largers. 2237 Material Holders for En- largers. 224 Projection Screens. 225 Viewing Apparatus. 227 Stereoscopes. 228 Stereo Projectors. 26 Camera Accessories. 261 23 231 232 233 24 241 242 243 244 246 247 248 25 251 262 253 254 255 2 256 267 268 269 Artificial Light Apparatus and Arrangements. Flash-Light. Electric. 2321 Arc Lamps. 2322 Filament Lamps. Gas Lamps. Printing Apparatus. Printing Machines for DOP Printing Frames. Masks and Border Negatives. Paper Storage Boxes and Cabi- nets. Finishing Materials and Colore Blue Print Printing Machines. Printing Frames for Photo- Engraving. Developing Apparatus. Developing Accessories. Plate Tanks. Continuous Machines. Fibn Tanks. Roll Fihn Tanks. Film Pack Tanks. Cut Fihn Holders. Dark Room Lamps. Safelights. Washers for Plates and Films. Print Washers. Negative Drying Apparatus. Portable Dark Cabinets. 2541 2542 2543 5 2556 262 2611 2612 2613 2614 2616 2618 2 2621 2622 2623 2624 2626 2629 268 264 265 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 i 2645 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 266 2661 2662 2663 2664 2668 267 268 2681 Stands. Studio Stands. Folding Tripods. Metal Tripods. Miscellaneous Supports. Camera Fastenings. Photo-Engraving Stands. Shutters. Studio Shutters. Roller Blind Shutters. Diaphragm Shutters. Focal Plane Shutters. Shutter Operators. Iris Diaphragms. Lenses. Single Lenses. Single Cemented Elements. (Meniscus Achromata.) Symmetrical Doublets. Anastigmat Lenses. Process Lenses. Wide Angle Lenses. Telephoto Lenses. Portrait Lenses. Projection Lenses. View Finders. Focusing Finders. Material Holders. Plate Holders. Magazines. Film Spools. Roll Holders. Film Packs. Film Pack Adapters. Cut Film Holders. Daylight Loading Holder for Single Plates or Films. Material Holders in Which Development can be Per- formed. (Combined Ma- terial Holders and Develop- ing Tanks. ) Filters. Orthochromatic Filters. Graded Filters. Contrast Filters. Compensating Filters. Filter Holders. Telemeters and FocusingScales (For Focusing Finders see 2645.) Exposure Reckoners and Meters. Exposure Tables. 12 2682 Light Measuring Photo- meters. 2683 Actinometers. 269 Camera Cases. 27 Studio Sundries. 271 Studio Furniture. 272 " Backgrounds. 273 " Reflectors. 274 " Filing Sundries. 275 Retouching Sundries. 28 Mounting Sundries. 281 Trimming Machines. 282 " Knives and Shapes. 283 Mounts. 2835 Albums. 284 285 286 Mounting Pastes and Tiseuee. Mounting Machines. Frames. 287 288 289 Framing Sundries. Transparency Holders. Dispatching and Packing Sundries. 29 Miscellaneous Materials. 291 Sensitoinetric Apparatus. 2911 Standard Light Sources. 2912 Sensitometers. 2913 Sensitometric Tablets. 2914 Developing Thermostats. 2916 Photometers. 3 Cinematograph Apparatus 31 Taking Cameras. 312 Ordinary Cameras. 313 Hand Cameras. 315 "Home Cinematograph" Cameras. 317 Plate Cinematograph Cameras 319 Miscellaneous Cameras. 310 Camera Parts. 3101 Feeding Devices. 3102 Gates. 3103 Shutters. 3104 Film Boxes. 3106 Lens Holders. 3108 Windups. 3109 Anti-Static Devices. 32 Projectors. 321 Intermittent Projectors. 322 Continuous Projectors. 323 Projectors with Speaking At- tachment. 324 Projection Screens. 325 "Home Cinematograph" Projectors. 326 Projectors for Stereoscopic Projection. 327 Plate Projectors. 320 Projector Parts. 3201 Feeding Devices. 3202 Gates. 3203 Shutters. 3204 Reels and Magazines. 3205 Condensers and Illuminating Systems. 3206 Projection Systems. 3207 Arcs. 3208 Windups. 3209 Safety Devices. 33 Perforators. 34 Cine Printing Apparatus. 341 Step Printers. 342 Continuous Printers. 345 Projection Printers. 346 Printers for Very Insensitive Materials (Print Out). 35 Cine Developing Apparatus. 351 Reels. 352 Tanks. 353 Continuous Machines. 354 Racks. 356 Washing Apparatus. 358 Drying Wheels and Racks. 36 Camera Accessories. 361 Camera Stands. 363 Lenses. 3631 Standard Lenses. 3632 Special Speed Lenses. 3634 3639 Projection Lenses. 364 Finders. 37 Cine Stage Fittings. 371 Scenery. 372 Accessories. 374 Lighting Arrangements. 38 Finishing Apparatus (Stencils, Toning, etc. ) 383 Stencil Coloring Machines. 384 Varnishing Machines. 386 Joining Devices. 387 Cleaning Machines. 388 Rewinding Machines. 13 042 (K) General Color Photography. KOI Theory of Color Photography. K02 Amateur Work in Color Photog- raphy. K031 Color Portraiture. K043 Stereoscopic Color Photography. K058 Use of Artificial Light in Color Photography. K06 Color Cinematography. K062 The Design of Stages, etc., for Color Cinematography. K067 Color Cine Projection. K08 Applied Color Photography. K09 Color Applied to Scientific Pho- tography. K094 Color Photomicrographs. K Color Photography K is used as a prefix to any of the classes of photography in place of 042 and signifies that the class so designated is considered as applicable to color photography. Thus, we get the following specially applicable numbers : K/52 Direct (Seebeck) Process. K/53 Heliochrome Dispersion Process. K/56 Multicolor Methods. K/6 Silver Processes in Color Photogra- phy. K/64: Collodion Emulsion Processes of Color Photography. K/7 Iron Processes of Color Photography K/8 Bichromate Processes of Color Pho- tography. K/83 Color Carbon Methods. K/84 Color Ozobrome Methods. K/85 Pinatype Methods. K/9 Other Light Sensitive Materials. K/93 Bleach-out Process. K/94 Pinachromy. K/95 Primuline Methods. Kl Materials for Color Photography. K114 Panchromatic Plates. K1212 Panchromatic Cine Fihn. K1321 Carbon Tissue f o r Color Work . K1322 Pinatype Plates. Ivl38 Bleach Out Paper. K158 Dyes for Color Photography. K1583 Pinatype Dyes. K1673 Ozobrome Bleaching Baths. K2 Apparatus for Color Work. K21 Color Cameras. K211 Studio Cameras. K2114 Sliding Back Cameras. K2115 Moving Mirror Cameras. K2116 One Exposure Mirror Cameras. K2117 Prism Cameras. K213 Hand Cameras (Plate) for Color Work. K218 Color Stereoscopic Cameras. K22 Color Projectors. K225 Kromskops. K263 lenses for Color Work. K266 Filters for Color Work. K2664 Compensating Filters. K2665 Color Taking Filters. K2666 Color Projection Filters. K3 Apparatus for Color Cinematography K31 Cine Color Cameras. K32 Cine Color Projectors. K363 Cine Lenses for Color Work . 14 Processes of Color Photography. K/1 Interference Processes. K/2 Additive Processes. K/21 Additive Projection in Triple Lantern. K/22 Subjective Additive Processes (Kromskop). K/23 Cinema Additive Projection Simultaneously. K/24 Cinema Additive Projection by Persistence of Vision. K/3 Screen Unit Processes. K/31 Regular Line. K/32 Regular Dot or Pattern. K/33 Irregular Grain. K/34 Cinema Screen Laiit Processes. K/36 Screen Unit Paper Processes . K/37 Methods of Registering Screen Unit Plates. K/4 Subtractive Processes. K/41 Superposed Transparencies. K/42 Superposed Films on Opaque Support (Paper). K/43 Subtractive Cinema Processes. K/44 Multiple Color Prints Contained in One Layer (e.g. , Imbibition Processes). K/45 Subtractive Prints from Screen Plates. K/5 K/51 Lippmann Process. X Radiography X is used as a prefix to any of the classes of photography in place of 099 to indicate that the class so designated is considered as applied to Radiography. Thus, we get: — 099 (X) Radiographic Photography. XF6 X-Ray Exposing. XG X-Ray Developing. XOl Theory of Action of X-Rays on Sensitive Materials. X043 Stereoscopic Radiography. X06 X-Ray Cinematography. X097 X-Rays in Surgery and Medicine X0971 Localizing Foreign Bodies. X0972 Examination of Fractures. X0973 Greneral Diagnosis of Pathologi- cal Conditions. X0974 X-Ray Treatment. X116 X-Ray Plates. X12 X-Ray Film. X13 X-Ray Paper. X4 X-Ray Apparatus and Sundries. X41 Apparatus for the Greneration of X-Rays. X411 Transformers. X412 Static Machines. X413 Induction Coils. X414 Interrupters. X415 High Tension Rectifiers. X416 Tubes. X417 Tube Stands. X42 Apparatus for the Use of X-Rays. X421 Protective Shields, etc. X-Ray Couches. Plate and Film Holders. Intensifying Screens. Fluoroscopes and Fluorescent Screens. X43 Apparatus for the Measurement of X-Rays. Current Measuring Instru- ments. Potential Measuring Instru- ments. Hardness Measuring Instru- ments. Quantity Measuring Instru- ments. X-Ray Spectrometers. X44 Sundry Apparatus. X441 X-Ray Negative Illuminatoi-s. X442 X-Ray Stereoscopes. X443 X-Ray Localizmg De\ ices. X422 X423 X424 X425 X431 X432 X433 X434 X43o u Alphabetical Index Accelerators for Developing Acetate, Cellulose Acetate Dope . - - Acetate Film ... Acids . - - - Actinoineters - - - Adapters, Film Pack Additive Cinema Color Projec- tion by Persistence of Vision Additive Cinema Color Projec- tion Simultaneously Additive Color Projection in Triple Lantern Additive Process of Color Photo- graphy Additive Subjective Process of Color Photography (Kromskop) After Processes on Cine Nega- tives - - - - Albumen , . _ Albumen for Emulsions Albumen Paper Albumen Processes Albums - - - - Amateur Photography Amateur Work in Color Photo- graphy Aminophenols as Reducing Agents in Developing Anastigmat Lenses Apparatus ... Applied Color Photography Applied Photography - Applied Photography, Miscel- laneous ... Architectural Work Arc Lamps - _ . Arcs used in Projecting Cine- matographs - - . Artificial Light Apparatus and Arrangements Artificial Light Photography - Artificial Light Printing — Print Out Printing - - . Artificial Light used in Color Photography - - - Art Photography Assembling Cinematograph Pos- itives - - . . Astrographic Determinations - Astronomical Photography 1533 Backgrounds, Studio 272 1513 Backs of Cameras 2105 1613 Baryta . - - - 1414 122 Baseboards for Cameras 2101 1511 Bellows for Cameras 2104 2683 Bichromate Color Photography 2666 Processes K/8 Bichromate Papers 132 K/24 Bichromate Processes - /8 Bichromates - - - 1571 K/23 Bichromate Solutions - Bitumen and Early Processes 167 K/21 of Photo-Engraving - 0711 Bleaching Baths 1661 K/2 Bleaching Chemicals 1561 Bleach Out Paper 138 K/22 Bleach Out Paper for Color Photography K138 06^4 Bleach Out Process K/93 1573 Blocking Out Negatives L2 1424 Blue Print Printing Machines 247 133 /65 Blue Print Process /71 Border Negatives and Masks 2835 used in Printing 243 02 Bromide Chemicals 1522 Bromide Paper 137 K02 Bromoil, Oil, and Oil Transfer Processes /89 15314 Bromoil Solutions 1674 2634 2 Cabinets and Paper Storage K08 Boxes ... 244 08 Calotype Process /62 Camera Accessories 26 089 Camera Backs - - - 2105 053 Camera Cases - - - 269 2321 Camera Fastenings 2616 Camera Fronts 2103 3207 Camera Operations in Photo- Engraving ... 07002 23 Camera Parts . - - 210 058 Camera Parts, Cine 310 Cameras . . - 21 J2 Automatic Cameras - 2193 Box Plate Hand Cameras 2132 K058 Cine Cameras 31 025 Cine Color Cameras - K31 Cine Hand Cameras - 313 0649 Cirkut Cameras 2115 0961 Color Cameras K21 096 Copying Cameras 2171 16 Copying and Enlarging Cameras . - - 217 Daylight Enlarging Cameras 2174 Enlarging Cameras - 217 Field Cameras 212 Film Pack Cameras - 214 "Home Cinematograph" Cameras 315 Miscellaneous Cameras 219 Multiple Cameras 2116 One Exposure Mirror Cameras for Color Work K2116 Panoram Cameras 2156 Photo-Engraving Cameras - 216 Photostats 2172 Plate Cine Cameras - 317 Plate Hand Cameras 213 Reflex Cameras 2131 Roll Film Cameras 215 RoUFilm Cameras with Attach- ment for Writing on Film 2163 Sliding Back Cameras for Color Work K2114 Stereoscopic Cameras 218 Stereoscopic Cameras for Color Work K218 Studio Cameras for Color Work K211 Studio Taking Cameras 211 Cameras in which Developing and Fixing can be Performed 2193 Camera Stands 261 Carbon Color Methods K/82 Carbon Papers - 1321 Carbon Process /83 Casein for Emulsions - 1422 Cellulose Acetate and Other Fatty Esters - 1513 Cellulose Derivatives Other than Nitrate and Acetate - 1614 Cellulose Formate Film 126 Cellulose Nitrate 1512 Cellulose Product Film Other than Acetate, Viscose and Cellulose Formate 124 Cellulose Varnishes 1693 Chemicals ... 15 Chemicals, Developing 153 Chemicals, Fixing and Hardening 154 Chemicals, Intensifying and Reducing - - - 155 Chemicals used in Making Emulsions - - - 152 Chemicals used in Making Film Base - - - 161 Chemicals, Sundry - 169 Chemicals, Toning 150 Chlorides used in Making Emul- sion ... - 1523 Chromium Intensifiers 1653 Cine Additive Projection by Persistence of Vision K/24 Cine Additive Projection Simul- taneously - - K/23 Cine After Processes 0634 Cine Apparatus 3 Cine Arcs 3207 Cine Camera Accessories 36 Cine Camera, Ordinary 312 Cine Camera Parts 316 Cine Camera Stands 613 Cine Camera Work 0631 Cine Cleaning Machines 387 Cine Color Camera K31 Cine Color Projectors - K32 Cine Condensers 3205 Cine Continuous Machines for Developing . - - 353 Cine Continuous Printers 342 Cine Continuous Projectors 322 Cine Developing 0632 Cine Developing Apparatus 35 Cine Developing Reels 351 Cine Developing Tanks 352 Cine Drying . . - 0636 Cine Drying Wheels and Racks 358 Cine Feeding Device (Camera) 3101 Cine Film 1212 Cine Film Boxes (Camera) 3104 Cine Finders 364 Cine Finishing Apparatus (Sten- cils, Toning, etc.) 38 Cine Fixing . - - 0633 Cine Gates (Camera) 3102 Cine Gates (Projectors) 3202 Cine Hand Cameras 313 Cine Home Cameras 315 Cine Home Projectors 325 Cine Illuminating Systems 3205 Cine Intermittent Projectors - 321 Cine Joining Devices 386 Cine Lenses - - - 363 Cine Lenses for Color Work K363 Cine Lens Holder 3106 Cine Miscellaneous Cameras 319 Cine Perforating 0641 Cine and Phonographic Methods, Combination of 069 Cine Plate Projectors - 327 Cine Positive Developing 0643 Cine Positive Drying 0647 17 Cine Positive Fixing 0644 Cine Positive Making - 064 Cine Positive Printing - 0642 Cine Positive Stenciling and Coloring 0648 Cine Positive Titling, As- sembling, Varnishing, Clean- ing- 0649 Cine Positive Toning and Tinting 0645 Cine Positive Washing 0646 Cine Printers for Very Insensi- tive Materials (Print Out) 346 Cine Printing Apparatus 34 Cine Piojection Lenses 3639 Cine Projection Printers 345 Cine Projection Reels - 3204 Cine Projection Screens 324 Cine Projection Systems 3206 Cine Projectors 32 Cine Projectors, Feeding De- vices - - - - 3201 Cine Projectors with Speaking Attachment - - - 323 Cine Projectors for Stereoscopic Projection 326 Cine Racks ... 354 Cine Safety Devices for Projectors 3209 Cine Screens for Projection 324 Cine Screen Unit Process of Color Photography i«;y34 Cine Shutters (Camera) 3103 Cine Shutters (Projectors) 3203 Cine Stage Arrangements and Acting ... 062 Cine Stage Fittings 37 Cine Stage Lighting Arrange- ments 374 Cine Stage Scenery 371 Cine Stencil Coloring Machines 383 Cine Studio Arrangements 061 Cine Taking 063 Cine Taking Cameras - 31 Cine Theater Arrangements 066 Cine Varnishing Machines 384 Cine Washing - 0635 Cine Washing Apparatus 356 Cine Windups (Camera) 3108 Cine Windups (Projectors) 3208 Cine, X-Ray X06 Cleaning Cine Positives 0649 Cleaning and Glazing Solutions 1699 Cleaning Machines, Cine 387 Coating Additions in Making Emulsions 1528 Coating Emulflion on Support D Collodion Emulsion Process - /64 Collodion Emulsion Processes of Color Photography - - K/64 Collodion for Emulsions - 1423 Collodion Paper - - 134 Collodion, Wet, Process - /63 Collotype Process of Photo- Engraving - - - 0724 Color Applied to Scientific Pho- tography - - - K09 Color Cameras - - - K21 Color Cine Apparatus - - K3 Color Cine Camera - - K31 Color Cinematography - K06 Color Cine Projection - - K067 Color Cme Projectors - - K32 Color Cine Stage Design, etc. - K062 Color Contrast Photography - 0662 Color Hand Cameras, Plate - K213 Coloring Cine Film - - 0648 Coloring Prints - - L5 Color Photography - - K Color Photography, ^\niateur Work - - - K02 Color Photography, Apparatus K2 Color Photography, Applied - K08 Color Photography, Bichromate Processes . . - K/8 Color Photograpny, Iron Pro- cesses - - - K/7 Color Photography, Stereoscopic K043 Color Photography, Theory of KOI Color Photography, Use of Arti- ficial Light in - - K058 Color Photomicrographs - K094 Color Portraiture - - K031 Color Projectors - - K22 Color Sensitive Materials, Photo- graphy with - - - 056 Color Sensitiveness - - 018 Color Work, Filters for - K266 Commercial Piiotography - 032 Compensating Filters - - 2664 Compensating Filters for Color Work - - - K2664 Composing and Focusing - Fl Condensers for Projectors - 2233 Condensers for Projectors, Cine 3206 Contrast Filters - - 2663 Copy Holders - - - 2177 Copying - - - 057 Copyright, Photographic - 0335 Cotton - - - - 1411 Criminal and Legal Photography 082 18 Curve Recording Cut Film Holders Cut Film Holders for use in De- veloping Tank Cutting Reducers, (Farmer's, etc. ) Daguerreotype Process - Dark Cabinets, Portable Dark Room Lamps for Develop- ing - Dark Room Operations in Photo- Engraving ... Daylight Loading Holders for Single Plates or Films Daylight Printing Decalcomanie Process of Photo- Engraving - . - Decoration, Photographic Defects - - - - Developing ... Developing Accessories Developing Apparatus Developing Apparatus, Cine - Developing Chemicals - Developing Cine Negatives Developing Cine Positives Developing, Continuous Ma- chines for - Developing Film Tanks Developing and Fixing Prints Developing Plate Tanks Developing Solutions Developing Thermostats Development, Special Methodsof Development, Stand Development, Tentative Development, Theory of Development, Time Dextrin Pastes - - - Diaphragm Shutters Diaphragms, Iris Dispatching and Packing Sun- dries - - - - Dispersion Process of Color Photography Documentary Photography Dopes, Film Base Drying - - - - Drying Cine Negatives Drying Cine Positives - Drying Negative Apparatus Drying Prints - - - Drying Wheels and Racks, Cine Duplicate Negatives, Making - 091 Dyes - - - - 158 2657 Dye Sensitizers - 1581 Dyes for Filters - 1682 2543 1655 Easels - - - - 2176 Electric Arc Lamps - 2321 /61 Electric Filament Lamps - 2322 259 Electric Light - 232 Electrotyping - 0736 255 Emulsion, Manufacture of C Emulsion Materials . 142 07003 Emulsions - 162 Emulsions, Chemicals used in 2658 Making - 152 Jl Enamels, Photographic - 047 Enlargers - 222 0725 Enlargers, Accessories for - 223 048 Enlarging - 046 041 Esters, Cellulose - 1513 G Etching in Photo-Engraving - 07006 251 Exposure, Determination of - F5 25 Exposure, Making the - F6 35 Exposure Reckoners and Meters 268 153 Exposure, Theory of - 014 0632 0643 Farmer's Reducer - 1655 253 Feeding Devices, Cine Camera 3101 254 Feeding Devices, Cine Projector 3201 J4 Ferroprussiate Paper - 1313 252 Ferrotype Plates - 117 163 Filament Lamps - 2322 2914 Fihng Sundries, Studio - 274 G5 Fillers for Film - - 1617 G4 Fihn - 12 G2 Fibn Base Chemicals - 151 017 Film Base Solutions (Dopes) - 161 G3 Film Boxes, Cine (Camera) - 3104 1696 Film, Cellulose Acetate - 122 2623 Film, Cellulose Formate - 126 2629 Film, Cine - 1212 Film, Fihn Pack - 1215 289 Film, Flat - 1213 Film, Gelatine - - 126 K/53 Film, Nitro - 121 081 Fihn Pack Adapters - 2655 161 Film Pack Film - 1215 H3 Film Pack Holders - 2655 0636 Film Pack Tanks for Developing 2542 0647 Film, Roll - 1211 258 Film Sale and Hire Arrange- J9 ments in Cinematography - 065 368 Film Spools - 2653 G9 Film Tanks for Developing - 254 19 Film, Viscose Films, X-Ray Filter Holders - Filters - - - - Filters for Color Work Filters, Compensating - Filters, Contrast Filters, Graded Filters, Orthochromatic Finders, Cine - - - Finders, Focusing Finders, View - - - Finishing Apparatus (Stencils, Toning, etc. ) Cine Finishing IMaterials and Colors used in Printing Finishing in Photo-Engraving Finishing of a Sensitized Material Fish Glue Fish Glue Process Fixing Chemicals Fixing Cine Negatives Fixing Cine Positives - Fixing and Developing Prints Fixing Negatives Fixing Solutions Flash-Light Apparatus - Flash-Light Powders Flash-Light Work Flat Film Focal Plane Shutters Focusing Devices (Racks) for Cameras ... Focusing Finders Focusing Hoods, etc. Focusing Scales Frames - - - - Framing Prints Framing Sundries Fronts, Camera Furniture, Studio Gas Lamps - . . Gaslight Developing Out Paper Gates, Cine Camera Gates, Cine Projector - Grelatine Base Film Gelatine for Emulsion Gelatino-Bromide Emulsion Process ... Glass - . . . Glazing and Cleaning Solutions Graded Filters ... 123 Graph Processes of Photo-En- 1214 graving 0726 2668 Gum Bichromate Process /88 266 irOAft Gums .... 1572 ivzoo 2664 2663 Half- Tone Grain Relief Process 2662 of Photo-Engraving 0734 2661 Half-Tone Screen Process of 364 Photo Engraving 0733 2645 Hand Camera Work 024 264 Hand Photogravure 0712 Hardening Chemicals - 1543 38 Heliography ... 0963 High Speed Photography 064 246 )7007 Holders, Cut Film Holders, DayHght Loading for 2657 E Single Plates or Films 2658 1574 Holders, Film Pack 2655 /86 Holders, Filter 2668 1541 Holders, Material 265 0633 Holders, Material, in which De- 0644 velopment can be Performed J4 (Combined Material Holders G6 and Developing Tanks) 2659 164 Holders, Plate - 2651 231 Holders, Roll - 2654 1592 Home Cine Projectors 325 0581 Home Portraiture 0313 1213 Hurter & Driffield Theory and 2624 Sensitiveness of Materials 015 2102 2645 2106 267 286 N5 287 2103 271 233 136 3102 3202 126 1421 /66 1413 1669 2662 Illuminating Systems, Cine Pro- jectors ... 3205 Imbibition Process of Color Photography - - K/44 Indoor Work, Amateur - 023 Intaglio Processes of Photo-En- graving - - - 071 Intensifiers, Chromium - 1653 Intensifiers, Mercury - - 1661 Intensifiers and Reducers (Photographic Solutions) - 165 Intensifiers, Silver - - 1652 Intensifying ... H2 Intensifying Chemicals - 1551 Interference Process of Color Photography . . - K/1 Iodides used in Making Emul- sions ... - 1524 Iron Gallate Process - - /72 Iron Papers ... 131 Iron Processes ... /7 Iron Proceesee of Color Photog- raphy K/7 Iron Sahs 1576 Iron Salta as Developers 15311 Iron Silver Paper 1312 Joining Devices, Cine - 386 Kallitype Process /74 Kromskop Additive Subjective Process ... K/22 Kromskops . . - K225 Lamp Houses for Projectors - 2232 Lamps, Dark Room 255 Lamps, Filament 2322 Lamps, Gas . . - 233 Landscape Work, Amateur 021 Lantern Accessories 223 Lantern Plates - - - 112 Lantern Slide Making 045 Lanterns, Optical 221 Latent Image and Theory of Exposure ... 014 Legal and Criminal Photogra- phy- 082 Lens Carrying Boards for Cameras ... 2103 Lenses .... 263 Lenses, Anastigmats 2634 Lenses, Cine ... 363 Lenses, Cine Color K363 Lenses, Cine Projection 3639 Lenses, Cine Special Speed Lenses . . - 3632 Lenses, Cine Standard 3631 Lenses for Color Work K263 Lenses, Portrait 2638 Lenses, Process 2635 Lenses, Projection 2639 Lenses, Single - 2631 Lenses, Single Cemented Ele- ments (Meniscus Achromats) 2632 Lenses, Special — Use of F3 Lenses, Symmetrical Doublets 2633 Lenses, Telephoto 2637 Lenses, Wide Angle 2636 Lens Holders for Cine Cameras 3106 Lighting ... 0314 Lighting Arrangements, Cine 374 Light Measuring Photometers 2682 Light Sensitive Substances, Miscellaneous /9 Light Sources, Projectors 2231 Light Sources, Standard - 2911 Line Etching Process of Photo- Engraving - - - 0732 Line, Regular, Screc'n Unit Pro- cess - - . . K/31 Lippmann Process of Color Pho- tography - - - K/51 Lithography ... 0721 Loading Camera with Material F2 Machine Photogravure - 0713 Machine ... j^ Magazines, Plate - - 2652 Magazines, Cine Film - - 3204 Manufacture of Any Article - A Masks and Border Negatives used in Printing - - 243 Material Holders - - 265 Material Holders in which De- velopment can be Performed 2659 Materials for Color Photography Kl Materials, Miscellaneous - 29 Materials, Photographic - 1 Materials, Raw - - 14 Medical and Surgical Photogra- phy - - - - 097 Mercury Intensifiers - - 1651 Metagelatine ... 1575 Metallography ... 0945 Meters, Exposure - - 268 Microphotography - - 0947 Military Photography - - 083 Millboard for Packing - 1432 Mirror Camera, One Exposure K2116 Mirror Moving, Camera - K2115 Miscellaneous Materials - 29 Mounting ... Nl Mounting Machines - - 285 Mounting Pastes and Tissues - 284 Mounting in Photo -Engraving 07008 Mounting Sundries - - 28 Mounts - - - - 283 Mucilages - - - 1697 Multicolor INIethods - - K/56 Multiplying Devices (For Taking Several Pictures on One Plate) 2108 Nature Photography - - 098 Negative Drying Apparatus - 258 Negative Retouching - - LI Negatives, After Treatment of H Night Photograi)hy - - 0582 Nitrate Dope - - - 1612 Nitrate Film - - - 121 Non-Halation Plates - - 115 n Offset Process of Photo-Engrav- ing - - - - 0723 Oil, Bromoil and Oil Transfer Processes ... /89 Opaques - - - 1698 Operations, Photographic (Con- sidered in Light of Result Produced) . - - 04 Operations, Photographic (In- volving Special Apparatus or Conditions) ... 05 Optical Lanterns - - 221 Optics, Photographic - - 019 Ordinary Plates - - 111 Orthochromatic Filters - 2661 Orthochromatic Photography - 0561 Orthochromatic Plates - 113 Ozobrome Paper - - 1323 Ozobrome Process - - /84 Ozobrome Solutions - - 1673 Ozotype Process - - /83 Ozotype Solutions - - 1672 Packing and Finishing of Sensi- tized Material for Market - E Packing IMaterials - - 143 Packing Sundries - - 289 Panchromatic Cine Fihn for Color Work - - - K1212 Panchromatic Plates - - 114 Panoramic Wide Angle Work 051 Paper - - - - 1412 Paper for Packing - - 1431 Paper, Sensitized - - 13 Paper Storage Boxes and Cabinets - - - 244 Pastes - - - - 169 Paste, Starch - - - 1695 Perforating in Cinematography 0641 Perforators ... 33 Permanganate Reducers, etc. 1656 Persulphate Reducers, etc. - 1657 Phenols as Reducing Agents in Developing - - - 15313 Phonographic Methods, Com- bination of Cine and - 069 Photo-Electricity - - Oil Photo-Engraving - - 07 Photo -Engraving CameraOpera- tion ... - 07002 Photo-Engraving Copy Boards 2166 Photo-Engraving Dark Room Operations - - - 07003 Photo-Engraving, Etching - 07006 Photo-Engraving, Mixed Pro- cesses of - - - Photo-Engraving, Preparation of the Original Photo-Engraving, Preparation of the Printing Surface Photo-Engraving, Proving and Printing ... Photo-Engraving, Re-Etching and Finishing Photo-Engraving, Routing and Mounting . . - Photo-Engraving Stands Photo-Engraving, Transference of the Image to the Printing Surface Photography, Theory of Photolithography Photometers, Light Measuring (Exposure) ... Photometers, Sensitometric Photometry ... Photomicrography Bacteria ... Dark Field Illumination Sections ... Very Low Power Work Photo-Sculpture Photo- Sensitive Materials Photostat Paper Phototelegraphy Pinachromy Pinatype Dyes - - . Pinatype Paper Pinatype Plates for Color Work Pinatype Process Plate Holders ... Plates . . - - Plates, Ferrotype Plates, Lantern Plates, Non-Halation - Plates, Ordinary Plates, Orthochromatic Plates, Panchromatic - Plates, Process Plates, X-Ray - Plate Tanks used in Developing Platinum Paper Platinum and Platinum Salts Platinum Process Platinum Silver Process POP Toning Bath Chemicals POP Toning Baths Portable Dark Cabinets 074 07001 07004 07009 07007 07008 2618 07005 01 0722 2682 2915 093 094 0944 0943 0942 0941 044 012 1373 087 K/94 1583 1322 K1322 /85 2651 11 117 112 115 111 113 114 118 116 252 1311 1579 /73 /75 1565 1665 259 22 Portrait and Figure Work. Amateur 022 Portrait Liuis(^8 2638 Portraiture 031 Portraiture by Artificial Light 0583 Portraiture, Color K031 Posing and Lighting 0314 Position Kecording Methods 092 Positive Making in Cinemato- graphy 064 Powder Process /87 Preparation of the Original in Photo-Engraving 07001 Preparation of the Printing Surface in Photo-Engraving 07004 Preservatives for Developers 1532 Preservatives for Fixing Bath 1542 Preservatives used in Making Emulsions ... 1527 Press Photography 033 Primuline Methods of Color Photography K/95 Print Drying J9 Printers Cine, Continuous 342 Printers Cine, Projection 345 Printers Cine, Step 341 Printers for Very Insensitive Materials, (Printout) 346 Printing J Printing Apparatus 24 Printing Apparatus, Cine 34 Printing Cine Positives - 0642 Printing, Daylight Jl Printing D OP - .13 Printing Frames 242 Printing Frames for Photo- Engraving 248 Printing Machines for D P 241 Printing Out by Artificial Light J2 Printing Out Images — Theory of 013 Printing Out Paper 135 Printing Out Silver Processes /68 Printing in Photo-Engraving - 07009 Print Toning - - . J8 Print Washers - - - 257 Print Washing - - - J6 Prism Cameras for Color Photo- graphy K2117 Process Lenses - 2635 Process Plates 118 Professional Photography 03 Projecting and Viewing Appar- atus - - - . 22 Projection, Cinematograph 067 Projection Lenses - - 2639 Projection Screens - - 224 Projectors, Cine - - 32 Projectors, Cine Plate - - 327 Projectors for Color Photogra- phy - - . - K22 Projectors, Continuous Cine - 322 Projectors, ' ' Home Cinemato- graph" - - - 325 Projectors, Intermittent Cine - 321 Projectors with Speaking Attach- ment (Cine) - - - 323 Projectors for Stereoscopic Pro- jection (Cine) - - 326 Proving in Photo-Engraving - 07009 Racks (Focusing Devices) - 2102 Radial Velocity Determinations 0965 Radiographic Photography - X Radiography, Stereoscopic - X043 Raw Materials - - 14 Reception Room Arrangements and Work — Professional Pho- tography - - - 0312 Reckoners, Exposure - - 268 Recording, Photographic (Met«r Reading, etc. ) - - 086 Record Photography - - 085 Recovery of Chemicals - P5 Recovery of Gold and Platinum Wastes - - - P2 Recovery of Silver Wastes - PI Recovery of Wastes and Econo- mies ... p Redeveloping Chemicals - 15(53 Reducers ... i65 Reducers, Cutting - - 1655 Reducers, Flattening - - 1657 Reducers, True Scale - - 1656 Reducing - - - HI Reducing Agents used in De- veloping - - - 1531 Reducing Chemicals (Oxidizers) 1555 Re-Etching in Photo-Engraving 07007 Reflectors, Studio - - 273 Registering Screen Unit Plates in Color Photography - K/37 Relief Processes of Photo-En- graving - - - 073 Resolving Power - - 014 Restoring Faded Prints - L7 Restrainers for Developing - 1534 Retouching of Negatives - LI Retouching Sundries - - 275 Retouching Varnishes - - 1692 23 Reversing Negative to Positive 08 Roentgen Photography X Roller Blind Shutters - 2622 Roll Film 1211 Roll Film Tanks for Developing 2541 RoU Holders 2654 Routing in Photo- Engraving - 07008 Safelights 2555 Safety Devices for Cine Pro- jectors 3209 Scenery, Cine 371 Scientific Photography 09 Screens, Focusing 2106 Screens, Projection 224 Screens, Projection (Cine) 324 Screen Unit Paper Process K/35 Screen Unit Plates, Methods of Registering - - - K/37 Screen Unit Process K/3 Screen Unit Process, Cine K/34 Screen Unit Process, Irregular Grain in - - - K/33 Screen Unit Process, Regular Dot or Pattern K/32 Screen Unit Process, Regular Line - - . - K/31 Seebeck Process (Direct Hello - chrome) ... /K52 Self-Toning Printing Out Paper 1355 Sensitiveness of Materials and H. & D. Theory 015 Sensitized Paper Processes ( Calo- type, etc. ) - /62 Sensitizers ... 1581 Sensitometers - . . 2912 Sensitometric Apparatus 291 Sensitometric Tablets 2913 Sensitometry, Practical 016 Shutter Operators 2626 Shutters 262 Shutters, Cine (Camera) 3103 Shutters, Cine Projector 3203 Shutters, Diaphragm 2623 Shutters, Focal Plane - 2624 Shutters, Roller Blind 2622 Shutters, Special — Use of F4 Shutters, Studio 2621 Silver Intensifiers 1652 Silver Processes /6 Silver Salts used in making Emulsions 1521 Single Lenses 2631 Slide Changing Devices 2235 Slide Holders for Projectors 2234 Solutions 16 Solutions, Compounding the - Gl Solvents 1516 Spectrography ... 096 Spectroheliography 0964 ' ' Spirit Photography ' ' 088 Spirit Soluble Dyes 1584 Spotting, etc. , of Prints L3 Stabilizers 1518 Stage Accessories, Cine 372 Stage Fittings, Cine 3i Stain Removers 1544 Standard Light Sources 2911 Stands, Cine Camera 361 Stands, Folding Tripod 2612 Stands, Metal Tripod - 2613 Stands, Miscellaneous Supports 2614 Stands, Photo-Engraving 2618 Stands, Studio - 2611 Starch Pastes 1695 Steel Engraving 0714 Stencil Coloring Machines, Cine 383 Stenciling in Cinematography 0648 Stereoscopes ... 227 Stereoscopic Cinematography - 068 Stereoscopic Color Cameras K218 Stereoscopic Color Photography K043 Stereoscopic Photography 043 Stei-eoscopic Projectors 228 Stereoscopic Projectors (Cine) 326 Stereoscopic Radiography X043 Stripping H4 Stripping Film - - - 127 Studio Arrangements for Cme- matography 061 Studio Backgrounds 272 Studio Camera Stands 2611 Studio Design and Business 0311 Studio Filing Sundries 274 Studio Furniture 271 Studio Reception Room Arrange- ments and Work 0312 Studio Reflectors 273 Studio Shutters 2621 Studio Sundries 27 Subjective Additive Color Process (Kromskop) K/22 Subtractive Cinematographic Color Process K/43 Subtractive Color Prints from Screen Plates K/45 Subtractive Color Processes K/4 Subtractive Color Processes, Multiple Color Prints, Con- tained in One Layer - K/44 Subtractive Color Processes, Superposed Films on Opaque Support ... Subtractive Color Processes, Superposed Transparencies - Sulphiding Baths Support, Manufacture of for Sensitized Materials - Support Materials Surface Processes of Photo-En- graving Surfacing Prints Surgical Photography - Surveying, Photographic Tanks, Film Tanks, Film Pack Tanks, Plate Tanks, Roll Film Telemeters ... Telephotography Telephoto Lenses Theater Arrangements for Cine Theory of Development Theory of Exposure and Latent Image ... Theory of Photography Thermostats, Developing Tinfoil for Packing Titling and Assembling Positive Cines - - - Titling Negatives Toning by Colored Oxidation Products Toning by Dye Deposition Toning by IMetallic Salts Toning by Metals (Gold, Plati- num, etc.) Toning by Sulphur, Selenium, Tellurium Compounds Toning by Various Forms of Silver Deposit Toning Bath Chemicals Toning Chemicals Toning Prints Toning Solutions Toning and Tinting Cine Film Transfer Bromide Paper Transference of the Image to the Printing Surface in Photo- Engraving ... Transparencies - Transparency Holders Trimming Knives and Shapes Trimming Machines. .'-. . • •;- True Scale Reducers (Perman- K/42 ganate, etc.) - K/41 1663 B 141 072 L6 097 084 254 2542 252 2541 267 052 2637 066 017 014 01 2914 1433 0649 H6 J87 J88 J82 J81 J84 J83 1565 156 J8 166 0645 1375 07005 049 288 282 Varnishes . . . Varnishes, Cellulose Varnishes, Negative Varnishing Film Varnishing Machines, Cine Varnishing Negatives - Varnishing Prints View Finders ... Viewing Apparatus for Trans- parencies ... Viewing and Projecting Appar- 1656 1693 1691 0649 384 H5 I^ 264 225 atus ... - 22 Vignetters ... 2107 Viscose ... - 1515 Viscose Film 123 Washers for Plates and Films 256 Washera, Print 257 Washing Cine Negatives 0635 Washing Cine Positives 0646 Washing Negatives G7 Washing, Print J6 Wet Collodion Process /63 Wide Angle Lenses 2636 Wide Angle Work 051 Windups for Cine Cameras 3108 Windups for Cine Projectors - 3208 Woodburytype Process 0716 Wood Engraving 0731 Wood Pulp 1411 Working Up Negatives L2 Working Up Prints L4 X-Ray Apparatus and Sundries X4 X-Ray, Apparatus for the Gen- eration of - - - X41 X-Ray, Apparatus for the Measurement of - - X43 X-Ray Apparatus for the Use of X42 X-Ray Cinematography - X06 X-Ray Couches - - X422 X-Ray, Current Measuring In- struments for - - X431 X-Ray Developing - - X6 X-Ray Examination of Frac- tures - - - - X0972 X-Ray Exposing - - XF6 X-Ray Film - - - XI 2 X-Ray Film Holders - - X423 26 X-Ray FFu'oro&copfes 'arid Fluorescent Screens - - X425 X-Ray, General Diagnosis of Pathological Conditions by - X0973 X-Ray, Hardness Measuring Instruments for - - X433 X-Ray, High Tension Rectifiers for - X415 X-Ray Induction Coils X413 X-Ray Intensifying Screens X424 X-Ray Interrupters X414 X-Ray Localizing Devices X443 X-Ray, LocalizingForeignBodies by - - - - X0971 X-Ray in Medicine X097 X-Ray Negative Illuminators - X441 X-Ray Paper - - . X13 X-Ray Plate Holders - X423 X-Ray Plates - - - X116 X-Ray Potential Measuring In- strument - - - X432 X-Ray Protective Shields, etc. X421 X-Ray Quantity Measuring Instruments - - - X434 X-Ray Spectrometers - - X435 X-Ray Static Machines - X412 X-Ray Stereoscopes - - X442 X-Ray Sundry Apparatus - X44 X-Ray in Surgery - - X097 X-Ray, Theory of Action on Sensitized Material - - XOl X-Ray Transformers - - X411 X-Ray Treatment - - X0974 X-Ray Tubes - - - X416 X-Ray Tube Stands - - X417 26 RETURN LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY TOH^ 2 South Hall 642-2253 LOAN PERIOD 1 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS ■ DUE AS STAMPED BELOW ""' A ' ■ ^k bP^ :^1 i i > f^'§ '^1 ■*4 .,1 .^n». K.^ ^^^^1Q .^ A'7A UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BEKKbLhY 'j . FORM NO. DD 1 8, 45nn, 6 76 BERKELEY, CA 94720 | PAM PHLET BINDER Syracuse, N. Y. Stockton, Calif. U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES CDE7MnbE7 ^