MM^kn'^j^ L-rf/^VM'm Jg^tti „„AAirX^ ^mmM IwHs 'mm r'''m''''^iimm'' mm^s jwmmm «..*..*:5 ^* —•^2 T LIBRARY 'university of CALIFORNIA, OIF^T OK Accessions No J^S>^^J^ Shelf No , ^4 •BO ^ >«.•!;?• -• 14 ••:.^ '^••'i^#'• '■•,>' 3i<8 i 3 m .^^^v: ^-^^'^mkM no Liberty ^t. NEW YORK. 7 ILLUSTRfiTED HAND BOOK OF- James Leffel's -IMPROVED- Double Turbine Water Wheel For 1885 AND 1886. FOR PARTICULARS, APPLY TO JAMES LEFFEL&CO, MANUFACTURERS, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. AND 110 Liberty Street, New York City. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO : LEFFEL NEWS PRINT, 1885. INTRODUCTION. A reputation which endures and increases with the progress of time, and after the lapse of twenty -three years, is more widely ind firmly established than ever before, cannot but be founded apon -uperior merit. This is the history, in few words, of the James Leffel Double Turbine Water Wheel. No other testimony can be so convincing in this regard as the acts and words of the users of the Wheel. They are judges of whose-competency there can be no doubt, and the successful operation of the Wheel in their hands, under the most trying and varied circumstances, has elicited such fervent praise from them as nothing but the highest degree'of excellence could command. We give in this volume a few, and only a few, of these enthusiastic letters. To publish them all would fill a much larger book than this, to the entire exclu- sion of all other matter ; but those here printed will convey some idea of the estimate placed upon the Wheel by those who have it in use. The popularity of the Leffel Wheel and its increasing sale have led to the erection by us of new, large and commodious works, fitted throughout with the most improved and expensive labor-saving ma- chinery, especially made for and adapted to the proper manufacture of the various parts of the Leffel Wheel. We are enabled by means of this special machinery to produce at the very lowest cost a Wheel, which cannot be surpassed either in the practical excellence of its de- sign or in the accurate formation and adjustment of its parts. Such improvements in the Wheel are made from time to time as the growth of mechanical science and the developments of manufacturing indus- try show to be feasible and useful ; and it is thus maintained in its position as the most finished and perfect product of inventive skill to be found in this class of motors. The present edition of our Wheel Book is issued in the same con- venient and we believe not less attractive form than those preceding it, and contains matter which will be found of the highest practical utility. Users of water power in all parts of the world have come to regard the Leffel Wheel Book as an almost indispensable manual, and the fre- quent requests for it have rendered this new issue necessary. In ad- dition to the recent valuable improvements in the Wheel, together with the reduced prices at which it is sold, we include in this volume a large variety of practical information upon svibjects of importance to every owner or user of water power. Desiring not only to extend our business, but also to serve the interests of those to whom this work is addressed, we have sought to render it worthy of attentive perusal and careful preservation. JAMES LEFFEL & CO. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1885, by Jaems Leffel & Co., in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. 4 JAMES LEFFEL'S turbine WATER WHEEL. MEASUREMENT OF WATER. When a man has concluded to improve a water power, the first thing he should ascertain is the amount of head and fall he can secure. The next, and most important step, is to determine accurately the quantity of water that flows in the stream, (provided there is a limited supply,) as upon this will depend the amount of power, and conse- quently the amount of Avork, the stream is capable of performing. And as the improvement of water power is necessarily attended with expense, it is therefore important to one who contemplates building a mill or factory, that he should know exactly what amount of work he can depend upon the stream doing ; as for the want of an accurate knowledge, or from an erroneous supposition of the quantity of water in the stream, pa';ties fi-equently construct mills and factories of a magnitude which, upon trial, is found to be entirely out of proportion to the power of the stream, and it fails to drive their machinery. Such being often the case, it is important, when practicable, to get some one well versed in hydraulics to measure the capacity of the stream. As this cannot always be done, we give herewith a few plain suggestions and illustrations, by the aid of which any one can determine approxi- mately the quantity of water in a stream. The plate represents a weir dam across a small stream. Where it is convenient to use a single board, as shown in the cut, select one that is long enough to reach across the stream, resting in the bank at each end. Cut a notch in the board sufficient in depth to pass all the water to be measured, and not more than two-thirds of the width of the stream in length. The bottom of notch B in the board A should be beveled on the down stream side ; the ends of the notch should also be beveled on the same side, and within one-eighth of an inch of the up- per side of the board, leaving the edge almost sharp. E is a stake driven in the bottom of stream several feet above the board or dam, and should be driven down to the level of notch B, this level being easily found as the water is beginning to spill over the board. After the water has come to a stand and reached its greatest depth, a careful measurement can be made of the depth of water over the top of stake E, as illustrated in the cut by the man with square and measure in his hand. Such measurement gives the true depth of water passing over the notch, since, if measured directly on the notch or the board, the curvature of the water in passing would reduce the depth, giv- ing the improper measure. Although, where accuracy is not requir- ed, such a method will give a fair estimate of the quantity of water, in all cases it is best to make the measurement over the stake. The line D is a level from the bottom of notch B to the top of stake E; while the dotted line C represents the top of the water, and the distance between the lines from the top of stake, give the true depth or spill over the weir. The lines have in the cut, the appearance of run- ning over the top of the board ; but this is owing to the fact that they pass behind it, and, for the purpose of illustration, the reader 6 JAMES LEFFEL'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL. is supposed to look through the board and the post. The surface of the water below the board should not be nearer the notch B than teji inches, that the flow of water over the notch may not be impeded. Neither should the nature of the channel above the board be such as to force or hurry the water to the board, but it should be of am- ple width and depth to allow the water to approach the notch and board steadily and quietly. If the water passes the channel rapidly it will be forced over the notch, and a larger quantity will pass than if allowed to spill from a large body moving slowly. When the depth of water over the stake E is known, the quan- tity of water passing can be easily calculated by reference to the Weir Table on page 7. This table gives the number of cubic feet of water passing per minute over a weir for each inch in breadth, from one-sixteenth of an inch in depth to twenty -five inches in depth. The figures i, 2, 3, etc., in the first and last perpendicular columns, are the inches depth of water over weir, while the first or top hori- zontal column represents fractional parts of an inch, from one-six- teenth to sixteen sixteenths. The body of table shows the cubic feet that will pass each minute for each depth of weir, from one-six-teenth to twenty -five inches, as before stated. But each result is for but one inch in width ; so, for any particular number of inches breadth of weir the result obtained in table must be multiplied by the num- ber of inches of breadth the weir may be. For example suppose the notch or weir be 20 inches wide, and the water at stake E 5)^ in- ches deep ; in the first or last column find the figure 5, follow the horizontal column until the perpendicular column is reached containing y^ at the top. In the square where these two columns meet will be found 5.18 (five and eighteen hundredths) cubic feet. This is the quantity of water that will pass for each inch, in width ; but, since the suppos- ed weir was 20 inches wide, this result must be multiplied by 20, which gives 103.60 (one hundred and three and six-tenths) cubic feet per minute. In this manner the water passing any width of weir, of any depth from one-sixteenth of an inch to twenty-five inches depth, can be easily calculated. A very important matter in connection with the measurement of small streams is also the possibility of damming or holding the wat- er, and using it a part of the time instead of constantly. If the above mentioned quantity of water was held for twelve hours, for the re- maining twelve hours (if all was used in that time) double the' quantity would be available, and consequently double the power ob- tained for that length of time. The power is thus stored up to be used in less time, besides giving a better effect, since with a small quantity of water, almost as much power is required to drive the necessary machinery without labor as when driving at labor. Now, while this whole method may appear simple, we would always like as full an understanding of all the circumstances as possible however confident parties may be of the accuracy of their measurements. We, therefore, particularly request our correspondents, in writing J AMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD ' OHIO. t g 8 5 s M 01 i N tt N H N 9 « 1^ tt» N saqooi 5) f 8 «2 1 bo ?> •? ^ 8? 5 1 f> 1 ■^ ^ 00 "2 si; 1 3 1 p 8 •^ i 1 ;?; % 5> 5£ ll=^- is ^ ^ ^1 8. b> Co n Co dl b< ,8 ON -4 i ^ . ool- 2 1^ A ^ 5S p^ i t s CO bo *- cn i cn JUl- cnll 1 4. 00 Cn y ^ ?> ^ vp § u> t ON i 8^ t ■i^ 8^ i" 5^ fi 'i ^ •S §5 ^ s. 1 1 ? u> '£ ^ ^ o 1 •i' Cv oolc. 5 to i^ 4^ ~4 ■^ 1 E' ^ ^ 8> 00 •*> 1 1 lux (? 'o bo ^ p^ o y iJ ." -s ^ s^k t 8^ 1 ?> 5 "5. !* O) s s •^ p^ s M 5S i; J-'- ? 1 8^ •^ ^ dj .8 o Co cn 00 £ P 3 p" Co ^* <> i - ^1^ 8 t ^ <>j 4? 1 K 8 ll^ y p 5) Ln P" cn §> .>>> bo oolv, 8 ^ 8 t^ 3 p -i- O 'o 8 00 I 1 ^ P Co cn 4>. 1 . s^l = ^ ^ to "5> 5 ^ S •ii ^ §> 00 C^ ** s 8 «> 8 3^ M 1 § cn •is JJ- -b 8. 55 :2 1 -4 2 Cj 1 8 So P^ ? !^ 00|-1 a^ iJ si^li "8 S •^ 00 i i t b 1 - y b i <2 Ock « S 8 8. r s t 1 2" Oj 8 po!^p^^^l M p ■^ sia ii s ■^ 5 s 1^ 8 P vp ^ y. 4. 5't ^l-S <- i ^ 1 gj^i ]'■ i !JmImLL!mL!mLL 4»|.«« ^ 'Ji 1 h ., .J 8 JAMES leffel's turbine water wheel. on this subject, to give us the depth and width of the water over weir, so we can verify the calculations ourselves ; state also what length of time the water can be dammed or held, if the stream is small. For Measuring Water More Accurately, It sometimes becomes necessary to vary the foregoing method in certain particulars, when it is desired to ascertain with great ex- actness the quantity of water a stream furnishes, or a wheel is using. On very small streams, or where wheels are competing, or where the useful effect or power of a wheel for the quantity of water is required with special precision, the arrangements for measuring should be more carefully prepared, and corrections made that are not taken into consideration in the foregoing description. The notch B should be made in a thin plate or sheet of iron, forming almost a sharp edge, (as a thick one retards the flow,) the plate then being screwed fast to the board. A, on its upper side ; the requisite stiff- ness is thus afforded to the iron. The notch in the iron should be made sufficiently less in size than that in the board, both on the bottom and at each end, to enable the water to pass clear of the board at all points, its flow being thus entirely unobstructed. If the ordinary square and measure is used, the stake, E, should be driven so that the top will be precisely level with the edge of the iron lip or notch ; but since the capillary attraction caused by placing a rule in the water and on the stakes gives rise to some uncertainty in measuring by that means, it is best to use a hook gauge. In this case the stake E, stands above the level of the wat- er to any convenient height, and is graduated with any degree of minuteness desired. The point on the stake on an exact level with the top of the notch may be fixed by means of a spirit level and straight edge. From this point to the commencement of the grad- uated scale, or zero, the distance is equal to the length of the gauge less the vertical length of the hook, so that when the water is just even with the notch, the top of the gauge will be at on the scale, the top of the hook being at the surface of the water. Then as the water rises, the gauge is held against the stake and carefully ad- justed by sliding up until the hook comes as before, exactly to the level of the surface water, when the top of the gauge will show on the scale the precise depth over the notch. Again, the velocity of the water as it approaches the weir is a matter to be carefully considered and calculated. In the foregoing remarks we have considered the measurement of depth as though it were in still water. The nature of the channel will materially affect the approach of water to the point where it spills ; the ten- dency being to increase the discharge over the notch. The correc- tion for this increased discharge is made by adding to the actual depth obtained, the amount of head water that would produce the velocity. Then from this measure can be ascertained by the ta- ble the actual arnount of water spilling ; except that from another JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 9 cause of less consequence, but of sufficient importance to engage our notice, there is also a correction to be made, which is for the con- traction to which short weirs are subject at the two ends. Weirs of all lengths, especially if narrower than the channel, are liable to this deviation or narrowing of the stream or flow of water — not, however, in so great a proportion as short ones. Experiments of a thoroughly reliable character show that this condition of the spill of water operates at both ends, and reduces the effective length of weir in about the proportion of two-tenths of an inch for each inch in depth of the spill, or one inch for each five inches depth, that is for a weir 80 inches wide and the spill 5 inches deep, the actual width to be calculated for will be 79 inches. It rarely occurs that such exactness will be required for the measurement as is described in this article, and for all ordinary and practical purposes, the preceding article will be sufficiently accurate. Measurement of Large Open Streams. As in many cases it is impossible to construct even a "temporary waste-board or weir, the quantity of water that the stream can sup- ply must be obtained by first ascertaining the mean velocity in feet per minute, and also the area of cross section of the stream in square feet ; when the product of these two quantities will give the required quantity of water afforded by the stream. The velocity of such stream can be estimated by throwing floating bodies on the surface of near the same specific gravity as the water, and rating the time accurately, required in passing a given distance ; it must be borne in mind, however, that the velocity is greatest in the center of the stream and near the surface, and that it is less near the bottom and side. It is generally best to ascertain the velocity at the center, and from this estimate the mean velocity, which has been found by accurate and reliable experiments to be 83 per cent, or about four-fifths of the velocity of the surface. The cross section may be estimated by measuring the depth of a stream at a rmmber of points, at equal dis- tance apart, (these points being in a line across the stream,) adding the depths together, and multiplying their sum by the distance apart in feet of any two points. This will give the result required in square feet of cross section, when the product of mean velocity in feet per minute and cross section in square feet, obtains the quanti- ty of water that the stream affords in cubic feet per minute. Measurement of Water on Overshot or Breast Wheel. Another method of obtaining the quantity of water approximately, where an overshot or breast wheel is already in use, and where it is diffi- cult to so arrange as to obtain the quantity of water by our first or weir measurement, would be to measure in square inches the amount of opening, made by raising the gate, through which the water is to pass upon the over shot or breast wheel, giving also the depth of water over the gate opening. The length of opening made, by draw- 10 JAMES LEFFEL'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL. ing the sliding gate, as well as the thickness or width of this open- ing, should be carefully given. Both of these measurements are more or less accurately required, in order to ascertain as nearly as possi- ble, the amount of opening in square inches that the gate makes ; for upon the accuracy of all the measurements required, depends the degree of accuracy with which the quantity of water will be esti- mated by this m.ethod. By multiplying together the length and breadth of the opening, the number of square inches of gateage or issue upon the wheel is ascertain- ed ; but in addition to these two measurements another of equal impor- tance must be taken, viz : the depth of water from the top surface or lev- el to the floor of Penstock or lower part of gate opening. It is the depth of water that gives the velocity with which it passes through the gate opening ; consequently the quantity discharged depends upon the depth as well as opening. An application of the measurements thvis obtained may now be made to the following table of spouting revolutions, arranged for the purpose, in which the columns B represent the head or depth of water the table giving depths in inches from 1 to 40 ; columns E represent the velocity per second, in inches and decimals of an inch; columns F represent the number of cubic feet per minute, for each square inch of orifice. Now, suppose the opening under a forebay gate, required to pass the water of a stream, is 48 inches wide and 3 inches deep with a head of water (B) in forebay of 28 inches, then to find the water discharged, by Table, run down the columns marked "B" until you come to 28 inches, (head given in this example,) then run across to column F, and you will find 3.24 the number of cubic feet of water discharged by an orifice 1 inch square under 28 inch- es head. The area of the opening given, 48 inches by 3 inches, is 144 square inches ; this multiplied by 3.24 gives 466.56 cubic feet that the above opening will discharge per minute. This table gives the actual and not theoretical discharge. Spontin^ Velocity and Discharge of Water for Gate Orifices. B E F B E F B E F B E F I 17.64 0.62 II 58.51 2.03 21 80.84 2.81 31 98.22 3-41 • 2 24-95 0.86 12 61. II 2.12 22 82.75 2.87 32 99.80 3-46 3 30-55 1. 16 13 63.61 2,21 23 84.61 2.93 33 101.34 3-52 4 35-28 1.22 14 66.01 2.29 24 86.43 3.00 34 102.87 3-57 5 39-43 1.37 15 68.^,3 2.37 25 88.21 3.06 35 104.37 3-63 6 43-21 1.50 16 70.57 2.45 26 89.96 3.12 36 105.85 3-b7 7 46.68 1.62 17 72.74 2.53 27 91.67 3-18 37 107.31 3.72 8 49-90 1.73 18 74,85 2.60 28 93-35 3-24 38 108,75 387 9 52.92 1.84 19 76.90 2.07 29 95.00 3-30 39 110.17 3-72 10 55-79 1.94 20 78.90 2.75 30 96.65 3-35 40 III. 58 3.87 B. Head ni inches. E. Spoutnig velocity iu inches and decimals. F. Cubic feet discharged per minute for each square inch of orifice. Of course this method is not so accurate as the weir measurement. JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. II but in many cases it answers the purpose quite as well. It should always be stated how many hours out of the whole day of twenty-four hours the stream will supply the gate measurement given. In writ- ing us, send the width and the length of opening made by the gate when in use, and the depth of water in the forebay at the gate, that we may calculate for ourselves the quantity discharged. Measurement of Water by Miner's Inches. The definition of a miner's inch in different mining regions does not always agree. Usually, however, one square inch opening under a head or pressure of six inches above the opening, is taken as the standard of measure. For a small number of miner's inches the discharge per minute for each inch will be a trifle less than one and a half cubic feet, but for larger openings, where 50 to 100 or more inches are measured, the quantity will exceed one and a half, and the estimate may be safely made at one and six-tenths cubic feet discharged per minute for each miner's inch. The legal miner's inch is measured under a little less head than that mentioned ; but the method above is the one most generally employed. Actual Discharge of Water as Compared with Backet Openings. A well constructed Turbine Wheel does not discharge a quan- tity of water equal to its full measurement of apertures ; or, in oth- er words, in order for a well constructed Turbine to discharge a quantity of water equal to that which would flow through an ori- fice of a certain size under a given fall, and where the discharge is free and unobstructed, the apertures in the wheel must greatly exceed that of the simple orifice. The quantity of water dis- charged by different Turbines varies according to the construc- tion. The controlling cause of this difference is the varying forms — curves and angles — given to the guides and buckets. The actual discharge of the Leffel Wheel is six-tenths of the combined area of its apertures. Suppose we take a wheel in which the total area of the apertures between its buckets amounts to 100 square inches ; now, this wheel will not discharge a quantity of water equal to 100 square inches, but only equal to 60 square inches. It must be ev- ident to every one that this difference results from the water being retarded in its flow through the guides by coming in contact with the wheel within the casing. To make this clear, even to those who are not fully versed in hydraulics, let us suppose, a wheel, the apertures of whose buckets measure 100 square inches, and place it under any given fall. Now, let us suppose we remove the wheel from out the casing, and open the guides ; the water will then flow freely and unobstruct- ed through the guides into the empty space within the casing ; as there is nothing to retard its flow, it will rush through the guides with a velocity due to the head under which it is placed. Now, by placing the wheel again within the casing, it acts as a clog or 12 JAMES LEFFEL'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL. check to the flow of water, as the water comes in contact with the buckets of the wheel, and instead of passing through the guides with the same velocity as before, it is held back, so that it now passes through the guides with only six-tents of its former velocity. Conse- quently, in order that a Turbine should discharge a certain quantity of water, the area of the apertures must greatly exceed that of the ap- erture that would discharge the same quantity under the same head, when allowed to flow into open air and freely retarded. The only reliable means of ascertaing the quantity of water that a Turbine of any established proportions will discharge, is by actual measurement of the water after passing through the wheel. The tables we publish of the quantity of water used by the James Leffel Wheel, are not the result of a mere measurement of their apertures and a consequent computation by theory, but are the results of numerous and repeated experiments and actual measurements of water after passing from the wheel ; and the quantities, as laid down in our tables, will be found on trial not to vary in any material amount from the quantity stated, if the quantity is correctly measured. James LeffePs Improyed Double Turbine Water Wheel. An invention of but little real utility, may obtain, through lavish advertising and shrewd management, a temporary reputation, and for a short time meet with some sale among that class of persons who are continually on the lookout for novelty in everything. But time and varying conditions prove the worth of every machine, and the main- tenance of a good reputation throughout a long period of years, must be regarded as an evidence of intrinsic merit. The James Leffel Double Turbine Water Wheel stands before the public as a thoroughly tested hydraulic motor to purchase which the buyer indulges in no doubtful experiment, the original de- sign of the Leffel Wheel having been proven by the most exacting practical tests to be such as secures the greatest economy of water, to- gether with the greatest degree of durability, ease of management and useful effect. It has been the aim .of the manvifacturers to improve minor working parts of the wheel, through greater accuracy in theii; formation, and increased durability of material. Years of diligent study and practical experience have enabled us to effect these most desirable improvements, which are now found in every wheel sent out from our works. It is a common habit of the incompetent to copy from others that which they are unable to originate themselves. Hence it is that many manufacturers of inferior wheels — inferior both in principles of action and methods of construction, are not content with covert imitation, and, in many instances, with outright infringement of the Leffel Wheel, but they have appropriated the tabulated forms originated by James Leffel, modifying them in some instances by raising the figures repre- JAM6S tEPfEt * Co., sPRJtJGMEtt), Ohio. JAMES LEFFEL'S IMPROYED Double Turbine ¥ster Wheel. 14 JAMES LEFFEL's turbine WATeR WHEEL. senting amount of power furnished, in order to show an apparent in- crease of power over the LefFel Wheel, when it is to the Leffel Wheel alone the tables, as originally arranged, are applicable. With a view of getting a testimonial for advertising purposes, ri- val wheel makers have sometimes resorted to the artifice of a private test in some obscure locality, with an old style worn out Leffel wheel and thoroughly prejudiced witnesses chosen by themselves, all with- out our knowledge or consent. Of course such tests can only result oneway, the reported defeat of the Leffel Wheel, which is heralded abroad with a great flourish, and which forms the basis of flaming head-lines in the circulars and phamphlets of the parties in whose in- terest the so-called "test" was concocted and conducted. The expo- sure of such fraudulent tests is eventually more damaging to such par- ties than the groundless reports of defeat can possibly be to the Leffel Wheel. How the Wheel has been Brought to Perfection. No machine, however simple, durable and perfect in appearance, will in every respect prove satisfactory when first put into operation. Many parts will require, perhaps, a change of form, strengthening, or may be an entirely different arrangement, upon application to the work to be performed, after a trial of three or four years. In fact, it requires year^ K)f dilligent study and practical experience, particularly with a water wheel, to so perfect all of its parts as to make it success- ful under all circumstances, even though it be sound and practical in principle. Of course, many of the various kinds of wheels now offer- ed for sale never can, by any amount of labor or attempted improve- ment, be made to operate all species of machinery, and must always, remain but little better than worthless. To the general principle first stated the Leffel Double Turbine has perhaps been no exception. During its introduction for the first four or five years many of them were, no doubt, imperfectly made. Amid the unparalleled growth of mechanical science, and the in- creasing knowledge of the principles and action of hydraulic motors, the makers of the Leffel Wheel have not been unmindful of such ac- tivity. Not only have the various parts of the wheel been greatly improved in design and ease of adjustment, but facilities for perfected manufacture of the entire wheel have been increased from time to' time. Notably has this occurred during the past few months, when new, extensive, and convenient works have been built by us. These we have fitted out with entirely new, expensive, and especially design- ed machinery, constructed for the sole purpose of imparting to the wheel the necessary accuracy in workmanship, and of reducing the cost of manufacture, so as to enable us to offer, as we have long desired to do, not only the best, but in deed and in fact, the cheapest reliable water wheel in the market. Among the most noticeable modifications and additions made (some of which are patented,) are the improved link for operating the JAMES LEPPEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 15 gates ; the process for lining the iron plates with brass or any anti- corrosive metal (applied only when specially ordered); the combina- tion of the toothed segment with the gate-arm in such a manner that the segment can be removed when the teeth become worn, and a new one supplied ; the spherical iron penstock ; the use of steel gates or guides for some sizes instead of iron ; and the improved method of casting solidly in one piece, both wheels, by means of which the edge of the diaphragm can be made much thinner, and yet stronger, assist- ing also to separate more perfectly the due proportion of water to each wheel. Half the buckets being made of good boiler iron, and the fillets retaining them improved, both in form and strength, it; is impossible to break or tear out any of them ; as a result of which, out of the last 5,- 000 wheels put in operation, not one has lost a single bucket. One set of buckets can easily be bolted or riveted to the wheel flange, if it were considered advisable. All such bolted buckets, on what- ever kind of wheel they may be used, are, however, liable to fre- quent derangement by working loose and striking the inside of casing and end of guides, often dropping entirely loose and break- ing others ; subjecting the parties to the expense and inconvenience of taking the wheel from the casing to replace the broken ones. We prefer and recommend only those cast solidly into the Leffel Wheel, thus enabling them to withstand the shock of blocks, stones, and other rubbish to which they are so often subjected, and avoiding also the annoyance of removing the wheel from casing. Practically the wheel "itself is perfect. In fact the durability of the entire wheel and casing is such, that the whole amount of repairs called for at the large shops of the firm, per annum, is covered by a sum so extremely small, in view of the fact that about 11,000 wheels are in operation, as to be scarcely worth es- timate. The firm have within the last ten years so arranged and systematized the process of manufacture that if any part is acci- dentally broken, it can at once be duplicated, another being sup- plied by express on receipt of the necessary information. In short the Leffel Improved Double Turbine has kept pace, from its first introduction, with the advanced developments of mechanical sci- ence ; and for any purpose for which the power of water is em- ployed, it may be safely guaranteed as having no equal in utility, economy, and durability. Double Wheels. An i.lea exists to a considerable extent, that water wheels may be so constructed, with two or more sets of buckets, in such a manner that each set of buckets may form a separate wheel, and that the water may be received first by one set of buckets, or one whael, and after passing from from the first, then to operate on a second arrangement of buckets, or wheels, and so on with as many sets or wheels as there may be, or until the last one is passed or operated upon ; thus, in their opinion, obtaining much greater per- i6 JtAMEs LeS'fel^s TuRBt^fE Water WhEeL, centage of the power of water than is ordinarily utilized by the use of well-constructed wheels of other kinds. In fact, a much great- er power is often claimed for them than can possibly exist in the quantity of water used. Again, there is another class of wheels claiming to be double wheels, which are in reality and principle but single wheels ; their builders believing by such representation that the reputation and popularity of the Leffel Wheel (so celebrated for its truly double character,) may thus directly benefit them. A single wheel, either a center or a vertical discharge wheel, is commonly used, with partition through the middle of the tier of buckets, thus only dividing the wheel, without in the least changing the action of the water on the buckets on either side of the partition and without any modification of the principle of construction. The Leffel Double Turbine should not be confounded with either of these classes of wheels, as it is constructed and acts up- on entirely and essentially different principles, which are peculiar- ly characteristic of it as a water wheel, and upon which its good name and reputation have, to a great extent, been established. There is in it a combination of two independent sets and kinds of buckets, one a vertical, the other a central discharge, each entirely different in its principle of action upon the water, yet each wheel or series of buckets receiving its water from the same set of guides at the same time ; but the water is acted upon but once, since half the water admitted by the guides passes to one wheel, and the other half of the water to the other wheel, being nicely separated and divided by the partition, or diaphragm between the two wheels, the water leaving both wheels or sets of buckets at the same time and as quickly as possible. These two sets of buck- ets are so combined as to make really but one wheel ; that is, both are cast in one piece and placed vipon the same shaft. By this arrangement there is admitted the greatest possible volume of water, to a wheel of any given size, consistent with its econo- mical use, at both full and part gates, and at the same time the greatest area for the escape of water is secured. The surface in the wheel is thus reduced to minimum as compared with the quan- tity of water used, avoiding a very material loss by friction, which otherwise seriously diminishes the working power of a wheel. The value of this arrangement will be fully appreciated by those who understand the practical effect of the frictional sur- face in a water wheel. The cut on page 13 exhibits the general appearance of the wheel as completed and ready for attachment of shaft above it. Infringements and Pretended Improvements. We deem it necessary, from the many attempts being made to evade our patents, to call the especial attention of the public to that fact, so that no one may become innocently involved in JAMBS tEPf^EL & CO., SPRIKOFIELD, OHIO. 1^ the trouble that must en^ue by purchase of wheels and cases which are in part or wholly covered by several letters patent. It is well known that all good and successful inventions are INFRINGED UPON ; for as soon as the long and unwearied efforts of an inventor have been crowned with success, (despite the world of opposition he has to encounter,) and the merits and utility of his invention are established, there at once arises a host of Imi- tators — those who have not the patience or genius of inven- tors, but who seek by some slight change or modification to ap- propriate to their own use the vital and essential points of a ma- chine, hoping by a mere colorable change to escape their just i labilities to the inventor whose j'ears of toil first gave to the world the invention they would fain wrest from him. This, the reader will at once see, is not invention — it is mere piracy — and deserves to be spurned by all who recognize in a true inven- tor the greatest of all public benefactors. The visual method employed to impose upon customers is, to offer some pretended improvement, which is done by taking some well known machine and attaching to it some part, which, howev- er small, if it be new, is subject to a patent. For instance, a wa- ter wheel may have thirty to fifty of its parts and combinations protected by patents ; yet any other part, however r-mall, such as a bolt, nut \rm, lever, pinion, strap, stirrup, gate, pivot, bridge-tree, bucket, bush, etc., if attached, and pronounced by the Pateiit offi- c'als a new and novel device, is patentable, whether an improve- ment or not ; but such patent only covers the particular part in 'ts connection with some other, and of course does not in the least <5rant any right or privilege to use any of the parts previously pat- ented ; such right to the use of other patented parts must be ob- tained through the full consent of, and from the parties holding such prior patents. But this" is too often disregarded, and the rights of previous inventors totally ignored ; this new inventor, pre- suming through ignorance, bigotiy or dishonesty, that he is mas- ter of the entire situation, and however insignificant may be his little attachment or patent, is publishing and representing that he has discovered or invented an entirely new and improved w^ater wheel ; such falsification of the facts is the origin, sooner or later, of prosecutions against both the manufacturers and users of such infringements, and a source of almost endless litigation in the civil courts. The Double Turbine Water Wheel and Case is the invention of James Leftel, to whom patents have been granted and re-issued from time to time, as improvements were added and applied ; these patents having been granted not only in the United States, but also by Great Britain, France and Belgium. For a further protection to our customers and our trade, we now hold in whole and in part, both in fee simple and otherwise, a number of other well sub- stantiated patents on water wheels and parts thereof. tS jAMfes tEFFEL^S f URBtNE "Vi^ATER WHEEt. As the extent of the liability arising from an infringing article U not generally understood by the public at large, we would here state that those who use or sell infringing articles are liable for damages as well as those who make them , hence, great caution should be exer- cised in purchasing ; and as a rule those are safest to purchase that have been longest before the public and most extensively used. The Leffel Water Wheel Patents Declared Valid. We published heretofore the decision and decree of the United States Circuit Court for the Southern District of Ohio, in the suit in which the firm of James Leffel & Co. were plaintiffs, and the manufacturers of the so-called Thomas Leffel Wheel, defendants — the suit being brought to restrain the defendants from infringing the pat- ents of James Leffel by the manufacture of the said Thomas Leffel Wheel. The decision of the Court fully and completely sustained the Leffel patents in every particular, absolutely confirming their validity ; and a decree was rendered granting an injunction forbid- ding the manufacture of the defendants' wheel. The defendants in this suit having, in pursuance of law, filed a motion for a re-hearing of the case, it again came up the last week in November, 1874, ^^ ^^e United States Circuit Court at Cincin- nati ; and after a thorough and exhaustive hearing, occupying nearly a week, in which the points at issue were argued at great length by the most eminent and able counsel, the Court, on Wednesday, the 2d of December, re-affirmed its former decision without reserve, excep- tion, or modification. This decision, to which the Court has a sec- ond time given its authority, embraces in its scope all the valuable features of the Leffel Water Wheel, of the casing as relates to its por- tability, etc., and of the guides, recognizing and pronouncing James Leffel as their inventor. It may be well, also, to remind those who intend purchasing wat- er wheels, that the James Leffel Wheels are therefore not liable to damages, delays, and other annoyances that may arise from the use of many of the late patented and pretended "improved " wheels now on the market, which no doubt in many cases grossly infringe orior patents. New Improved Vertical Mining Wheel. On the following page (19) we illustrate a method comparatively new, in the application of Turbines to mining purposes. We have, however for the past eleven years, located wheels in horizontal posi- tions, in each instance making and providing an arrangement some- what to suit the circumstances ; sometimes adapting our Patent Globe Case, and at other times the cylindrical, as seemed most convenient to suit the purpose. The illustration, however, gives a view of our new design and pat- 20 JAMS LEFFEL*S turbine WATER WHEEL, ented casing, intended to be a more convenient modification of our patent globe case, which we have used for a number of years. The object attained in this new arrangement is economy of space, and the application of an extremely small inlet and headpipe ; this latter be- ing accomplished by a peculiar and patented arrangement in the up- per or interior part of the casing. The new design effects also a great saving of power, by means of the use of anti-friction bearings which can be oiled ; the whole being accessible and subject at any time to examination. The design is intended particularly for mining purposes ; and for small wheels under high heads, where the use of gears is not only difficult of arrangement, and of keeping in order, but frequently impracticable otherwise. The horizontal shaft of the water wheel on which is placed a pul- ley, aftords not only the simplest, but the most efficient means of con- necting the power to the point where it is desired to be used. This is easily effected and any amount of power transmitted and motion ob- tained that may be desired, by properly proportioned pulleys with light but sufficient belting. The method, however, is not only appli- cable to mining purposes, but frequentlj^ may be attached to saw mills and other machinery where a simple and efficient arrangement is desired. Important improvements have been made in this wheel within the past three years. These relate to the gate arrangement ; obtaining greater regularity in closing and opening them ; this being necessary under extremely high heads. Provision has also been made for keep- ing the journals cool under their very high speed, as they are not in the water or inside the casing, but on the outside. They are lubri- cated with oil, but are now provided with a water jacket. Avery effec- tual device is also now applied for relieving the step of the great pres- ure that wheels are subject too when placed on horizontalsh afts. It is extremely simple and thoroughly efficient. A patent will shortly be issued for this devise, thus protecting us in its exclusive use. At present we are making the wheels on this method for the sizes up to our 23 inch inclusive, and possablj^ rnay adopt the same plan for still larger sizes where the peculiarity of the situation will render the application of this method the most practical. Of course, in the wheel proper we retain the essential principles of the Improved James Leffel Double Turbine Wheel. Having applied it to heads as high as 300 feet, we are confident in its abilitj' to accomplish all that we promise, and to give entire satisfaction under any circumstances where a turbine can be used. We cannot speak in too high praise of this arrangement for min- ing, pumping, and other purposes, and where it is desired to have the greatest power in the least possible space, having the smallest con- ducting pipe that can be used, and the simplest communication of the power to the work. We shall be pleased at any time to give full and further information, and to give prices for constructing the wheel and casing on this method. It will be necessary for us to learn in all JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 21 cases, however, the amount of head and pressure that can be obtain- ed, the quantity of water that the streams afford by miner's measure, or otherwise, as we direct for such measurements in other parts of the pamphlet, and the amount and kind of machinery to be driven, as well as the work expected to be done. To those About to Select a Water Wheel. Do not purchase a common water wheel because from its low price it may seem to be cheap. It costs as much money to erect an inferior wheel as it does to put vip one of the most superior quality. It is frequently found necessary to discard an inferior water wheel, and substitute one of better quality. This generally requires a change of gearing and other alterations, involving a large expense which might have been avoided by choosing the best wheel at first. The best wheel is that which develops the most power from a giv- en quantity of water, and which is the most manageable and durable under vise. The application of the best wheel adds greatly to the value of the water right. The best is the cheapest, because it does more work, lasts longer, and costs no more to erect than a common wheel. The Leffel Improved Double Tu bine Water Wheel is the best, and consequently the cheapest. While it has been our aim to keep the Leffel Wheel up to the very highest standard of efficienc}^ and economy, it has been no less our desire to so impi-ove the process of manufacture that it could be brought within the means of the humblest manufacturer, giving there- by to a machine possessing the highest mechanical merit, the merit also of VERY REASONABLE COST. It shall be our care, as in the past, to use the very best quality of material — in fact, Ave are constantly improving the same, as we now use for some of the parts of first sizes up to the 35 inch, a fine quali- ty of steel, w^here before only iron was used. MiniD^ Wheel in Silver Reduction Works. Georgetown, Colo., February ist, 1881. Messrs. James Leffel <& Oo.^ Springfield, Ohio: The " Vertical Turbine" made for our works proved a perfect success, accom- plishing all promised for it. During th- low stage of water it ran our mill night and day for five months, giving us probably 80 horse power with a head of no feet. We consider it an economical and satisfactory investment. Our machinery consists of Ore Crusher and Rollers, Sample Crusher, Three Batteries of Five Stamps each. Five Ro sting Cylinders, Four Amalgamating Pans, Two Settlers, Circular Saw, Elevator, .-screens, &c. Very truly yours, S. J. LEARNED, Manager. Farwell (Silver) Reduction Works JAMES LEFFEL'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL, JAMES LEFFEL'S Improved Patent Qdo'he Casing. JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 2^ LeffePs Improved Patent Globe Casing, The plate on page 32 represents our New and Improved Patent Globe cast Iron Penstock, or Casing, which we are now making, and in which many of our wheels are now placed. The form being that of a Globe or Sphere, it at once secures the greatest strength, with the least weight, and at the same time affords the largest space for the water to circulate above and around the wheel ; while it also admits of the smallest exterior dimensions, and therefore occupies less space, than any other form or shape that can be adopted. As none of the parts are su bject to wear or breakage, it never requires replacing, and of course its durability is beyond question. This casing is made in two hemispheres bolted together, thus en- abling it to be easily taken apart, if at any time it should become ne- cessary. There is a moveable cap or cover, C, bolted on the top of the casing, which can at any time be removed, (when the head of wat- er is not standing in the case,) and the wheel lifted bodily out of the casing, the opening in top of same being amply large for that purpose, though it is seldom necessary to remove the wheel from any cause. There is one large man-hole on the side, also a hand-hole, B, on the top cover, through which any obstruction can be removed, that may by carelessness or accident get into the casing ; through these holes the wheel can at any time be examined. On the top of cap, C, is bolted firmly a bridge-tree, carrying a good, broad oil bearing, for the support of the upper end of the water wheel shaft, to which a clutch coupling, D, is attached, immediately above said bridge-tree. In the cover or cap, C, are arranged neat, snug and tight stuffing- boxes, through which the gate rod A and water wheel shafts pass, and by which any water is prevented from discharging ; they are supplied with tightening bolts by which they can be tightened down should the packing at any time become worn or loose ; they admit also of the packing box being entirely taken out and the stuffing re- newed at any time. In fact, the whole affair, when well set and ar- ranged, is perfectly watertight, not leaking a drop, and could be locat- ed upon a floor near to any of the machinery if desired. They cannot be frozen up, since the iron is thick, and the circu- lation of water always sufficient to prevent freezing. A short tube or cylinder is attached to the bottom, which is intended to be slightly submerged under the standing tail-water ; it has a flange with its face turned and with bolt holes, as the illustration shows, to which an iron tube can be attached, and by a little care a perfectly air tight joint can be made ; the tube may be any length, provided the perpendicular height from wheel to tailwater does not exceed 28 to 30 feet ; in all cases, however, where the draft tube becomes necessary, make it as short as possible. In cases where such draft tube is used, of course the entire casing can be set higher, and sometimes in a more conven- ient location. The n)etho4s usually employed in setting this conibine4 wh^^l and 24 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL. Globe Case are illustrated in several pages further along in this pamphlet. The one to be preferred, however, is that shown in cut of Circular Saw Mill, where the quarter turn belt is used. A good sub- stantial foundation of stone is built, upon which timbers are bolted or permantly laid, and to these timbers the horizontal flanges or lugs at the sides and center of globe are fastened. These foundation lugs are almost exclusively made now as shown in that cut, projecting from the central part, as the engraving on the foregoing page (22) rep- resents. By placing them centrally and on the sides, the wheel and globe can be more conveniently set, and mvich more solidly located. It is of covirse understood that our Wheel and its case are con- structed in the ordinary manner, with the exception that the shaft is made longer, in order to adapt it to the Globe. They are then placed inside of this flume or outward casing, as it may be termed. To the Globe Casing may be attached any length and shape of piping desir- ed ; several of the following illustrations represent such attachments. Often it is unnecessary to connect any piping to it, as the location of wood flume is such as to admit of bolting the inlet flange directly to the planking as some of the cuts illustrate ; but we would prefer in almost all cases to use a short, straight tube of four to ten feet, thus placing the casing in a dryer location, since all the wooden flumes are more or less subject, after a few years, to leakage, and all objects near liable to dampness. ■ We cannot say too much in praise of this Casing, particularly for high falls ; being made strong and watertight, it will always remain so. It has been fviUy tried and tested under almost every circum- stance, and has proven in the highest degree satisfactory ; some of them are under heads from 80 to 260 feet and stand the tremendous pressure admirably. In fact, almost all of our small Wheels up to 20 inches diameter are now ordered by our customers to be encased in this manner, such has been the satisfaction they have given. Of course it is not absolutely necessary to use it, except in particular in- stances, where a want of space or other circumstances would prevent the erection or use of a wood flume or box in which to place the wheel ; but any time and under almost any condition it is preferable and makes a number one arrangement, especiall}- in any case whatsoever where the power is taken off below headwater. But its greatest convenience is locating wheels under mills, and in other diflficult places, where posts, foundations, walls, etc., can not be removed ; such difficulties being obviated by the compactness of its form, and the ease with which it can be connected to the headwater by a pipe of suitable size. Six Large Wheels in his Saw and Shingle Mills, Merrill, Wisconsin January 9th, 1883. Messrs. James Leffel & Co., Springfield, Ohio. Gents. — I am using six of your wheels, size from 48 inch to 72 inch, and they perform all that they are recommended to do, and I regard them as ihe best wheel in yse in this locality. They give me perfect satisfaction. Yours truly, THuMAS B, SCOTT. JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 25 Wheels Running 18 Years— 20 Barrels Flour per Hour. Three Rivers, Mich., April i, 1885, James Leffel & Co., Springfield, Ohio : Dear Sirs-I am using three of your old style Water Wheels to run my flouring mill, which is a full roller mill with complete set of machinery, and make on an aver- age'20 barrels per hour but have made more. The working head of water under favorable circumstances is 12 feet, and use two 48 wheels of 13 buckefs to drive the rolls, and one 48 wheel with 16 buckets for driving machinery. The wheels that drive the rolls are generally used full gate, the machinery wheel generally about % gate. The wheels are giving good satisfaction, run every day, and have not need- ed repairing since they were re-set over two years ago. Two of the wheels have been in constant use about 18 years, and I think run just as well as when new. Yours truly, W. G. CALDWELL. Supt., ForL. EMERY, Jr. Mining Wheels Under 182 and 100 Ft. Heads. Dahlonega, Ga., April ist, 1885. Messrs, James Leffel & Co., Springfield, Ohio: Gentlemen— In reply to your favor of 25th inst touching the performance of your Leffel Wheel in this section, I will say, I have, as you know sold anumber of your wheels, and never in the first instance have I heard a complaint. One wheel (1334 inch mining special pattern) running under i8a ft. head, driving 60 stamps with about fg gate and gives equally good results with partial or less gate driving a less number of stamps. Another wheel, same size under 100 ft. head driving 20 stamps with half gate and parties say no more trouble than a low pressure wheel near here. Two wheels 23 inch driving grist mill under 12 it. head, 12 or 15 bushels of corn per hour, with half gate and doing fair work under only 6 ft. head at times, which gives entire satisfaction. One 44 and one 56 under about 18 ft. head, doing heavy duty at the " Garnet" mine driving pump and stamps, and parties say working fully up to the guarantee and gives entire satisfaction. I can hear no other expression from the use. of your wheels, than as above stated and I will add, as a millwright and mechan- ic, that I believe them to be the best wheel in the market, and cannot fail .to give satisfaction in every instance where properly erected. With respect I am Yours truly. FRANK W. HALL. Using Six, Never give any Trouble. Cedar Falls, Iowa, April 4th, 1884. James Leffel <& Co.: I am highly pleased with your Water Wheels, which have never given me trou- ble. I am using six of your make and two of others, a Jonval and a Houston; the lat- ter are fine wheels but bad gateage. I use a thirty special Leffel to drive my Midly's stone; a forty eight special to drive machinery in flour mill; a forty to drive just six breaks (Roller Mills) ; a forty eight to drive 8 pairs smoth Roller Mills, a forty and a forty eight to drive fuel mill, all under an eigh t to ten foot head. I am respectfully yours, G. N. MINER. Driving 18 Pairg Rollers. Grafton, Wis., March Both, 1885. James Leffel & Co.: Gentlemen— The 44 inch, special size of Water Wheel we bought of you works excellent; it is running under 13—14 feet head with 3^ of gate; it drives the whole mill, containing 18 pair of rollers; one 3)^ foot middling stone; one 4% foot feed stone; one brush machine; one scourer; one separator; four dust collectors five centrifugal reels; one bran duster; four purifiers; nine scalping reels; two flour packers ; 37 elevators ; two 4 reel Rolling chest. We had a 263^ inch wheel in our old mill, which we have sold now for 8100, which was in use every working day since 1870. Yours truly, JJ, SxMIlH&CO. JAMES LEFFEL * CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 27 28 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL, JAMftS LEFPEL 4 CO., SPRIIJGFIELO, OHIO. 2q ^ JAMES tEFFEL*S TURBl^fi WATfiR WltEEL, 1 Including fit- ting of wheel into flume. 00 8, 8 w- a ^ o in ft * •5- » « Bore of upper half of Couple. " " ^^^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ CO » » > ^ Dis. from foun- dation sills to end of Outlet Pipe. « 15^^ ■^ VO VO Ov •:;- -;:• * » « :i^ %> hI Dis. betw'n cen- ters of Wheel Shaft and Gate- Rod. ^ . 00 ^ ro "S VO C3V ? ;^ M Length from top of Flume to top of Shaft. ! VO 00 g 1 ■;:• -n- 00 Ov ft -::- - Dis. from cen- ter of Flume to top of Shaft. ::?? m ^ » ■::■ w Dis. from foun- dation where wheel rests to top of Shaft, t^ 5- ?s s f^ c^ ^ ^ VO i ^ I % 1 J^ Diam'r of Globe between foun- dation sills. ^ ^ ^ ^ ■>*■ s> v8 Is •::• % % 1 •:;• W Distance across flanges of Cyl- inder or Outlet Pipe. fo rr, o VO 8 s N :^ :5t -S 9- CO OS t 00 Q Diam'r of Bore of Outlet Pipe or Cylinder. 00 00 M 1 . t^ g 00 OO ^ O Distance across flanges of Inlet. ID ID -*■ -* VO ^ :5j ^ . ;?; vS- a m Diam'r of Bore of Inlet Pipe. ::fi ::?j ::?; -•t- ->« Q .C O r- C= . p u :.c-- *- I., ■1-' VI j; u rt f S ii^-o ■■ ■3 U o i-J C o > 4-.'rl S £ tiJ"*:; o 3 C '* tj ;■" O-n rt ^Hr-'n-l ^ ^-C o ,/::3 w ^ = y « « '^ M "S Ji p^ I- « I on jAMCs lef'f'eL * CO., sPllt^fGt^lELt>, onto. ^1 OUTLINE PLATE OF GLOBE SHOWING DIMENSIONS. This plate is to be examined in connection with the table on fore- going page, in order that each dimension may be easily recognized and understood. Like lettering in each indicates the proper numbers or dimensions. A mere examination and comparison of both will render further explanation on that point unnecessary. One Wheel Driving Eight Run of Stone, Etc. Syracuse, New York, February 5, 1881. Messrs. James Leffel & Co. , Springfield, Ohio : Gents — It is now about two years since we have been running your 40! ch wheel. and we must say that it gives entire satisfaction. We are very much pleased with it. It does all the work you claimed it would do, and a little more. We have a 26 foot fall and run eight run of four and one-half foot stone, two set of rolls, and all the necessary elevators, bolts, etc. JACOB AMOS & SONS. 3^ JAMES LEtf^EL's TURBINfi WAtfeR WMEEt^ J 1 w u 1 % 1. I K DIs. from face of flange of inlet opening to center of wheel shaft. - " t~. % s. T, \o" » Dis. from wheel shaft to end of discharge pipe. :j ? o o f N ro Horizon, dis. from center of case to center of couple on wheel shaft. 1> ^ % \o % OS „ ■^ Ph Dis from foun- dation level to center of wheel shaft. OS ON OS o» 1 CO M 5- 00 H Dis.between cen- ters of feet of foundation. OS OS 0^ OS ^ to lO « ^ P Bore of outlet or draft tube. - H S ■^ ^ M 00 s ^ ¥ o Dis. from center of casing to end of step or shaft. ^ -* f f 1 ^ H^ s? ^ t^ ^ n Dis. from center of casing to cen- ter of draft tube. 5? ITS ^ « 1 \o ■* 5- ^ ^ Bore of inlet opening. ^ ? ? CO 00 00 ^ 'WW . SIZE of WHEELS 6 z o 6 z o O ^ _1 6 z CO CO lo O CN ?3 JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 3^ 34 JAMES LEFFEL'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL, Me Specially Arranged, Expressly for James Leffel's Improved BouDle Mine. HMD.I SIZE OF WHEELS. 6% 1 7% 1 8% 1 10 1 11^ I13MI15MI 17^^! 20 1 23 1263^ 3 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions.... • IS 360 .20 39 313 .25 49 273 .33 67 239 15 207 116 180 .76 151 157 .97 197 136 26? 119 1-7 347 104 2.2 451 90 4 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions.... .22 .30 .38 57 315 .52 77 275 .67 100 240 .90 134 208 1.0 174 181 1-5 227 158 2.0 301 1.38 2.6 401 119 3-5 521 104 5 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 1 .42 50 405 • 53 64 352 308 •94 112 268 1.2 149 233 1.6 194 202 2.1 254 176 2.8 336 154 134 4.8 116 6 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions.... •41 41 510 •56 55 444 .70 70 386 •95 94 337 I 2 123 293 1.6 164 255 2.1 213 221 2.8 278 193 169 4-9 491 147 6.4 638 127 T Horse Power... Cubic/eet Revolutions.... .52 44 551 .70 60 478 .88 75 417 I.I 102 364 1-5 133 317 2.0 177 275 2.7 230 239 3.5 301 208 4.6 It 6.2 531 159 8.1 690 138 8 Horse Power... Cubic Feet .. Revolutions.... .63 47 588 .86 64 5" 1.0 80 446 1.4 109 390 1.9 144 339 HI 294 3-3 246 256 4-3 321 223 5-7 425 195 7.6 567 169 9.0 737 147 9 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions.... .76 624 i.o 68 542 1.2 85 473 1-7 115 414 2.2 150 359 3-0 201 312 261 271 5.1 236 6.8 451 207 1° 180 11.8 1% 10 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions .89 1.2 71 572 1-5 9° 498 2 122 436 2.6 159 379 3-5 211 329 4.6 275 286 6.0 359 249 7-9 476 218 10.6 634 190 .64 11 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 1.0 1.3 1.7 94 523 2-3 128 457 3-0 166 397 4.0 222 345 300 6.9 377 261 9.2 499 229 12.2 665 199 173 12 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions I.I 58 721 1.6 78 626 1 546 2.6 133 473 3-5 174 415 4.6 232 360 e.o 301 313 7-9 393 273 10.4 521 239 Vs 208 I8.I 903 180 13 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions -6^ 750 652 2.2 102 568 30 139 497 181 432 5-2 S41 375 6.8 313 226 8.9 410 284 II. 8 542 249 15-7 723 217 20.5 940 188 14 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 779 1.6 65 806 2.2 87 700 2-5 106 590 3-3 144 516 4.4 188 448 5.8 250 389 7.6 325 338 lO.O 425 295 132 563 258 17.6 750 224 22.9 975 195 15 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 2.7 110 610 3-7 149 534 4.8 194 464 6.5 259 403 8.4 337 350 II. 440 305 14.6 582 267 19-5 777 232 254 1009 201 16 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 1-7 832 2.4 90 723 3.0 114 630 41 154 551 5-3 201 479 416 9-3 348 362 12.2 455 315 16.1 602 276 ^0^ 240 28.0 'Vol 17 Horse Power... Cubic Feet ... Revolutions 69 869 2.6 93 745 3-3 117 650 4-5 159 568 5-9 207 494 276 429 10.2 358 373 13^3 469 325 620 284 242 30.6 1075 214 1 Horse Power... 18 Cubic Feet 1 Revolutions 2.1 8?3 2.8 94 767 3-6 121 668 4^9 163 585 6.4 213 508 284 441 II. I 369 384 14^5 482 334 19.2 638 293 V. 254 221 19 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 73 907 ^98 788 3-9 124 687 i^6i 601 6.9 219 522 9.2 291 454 12.0 379 394 15-7 495 343 20.9 656 300 27.8 874 261 36.2 1136 227 1 Horse Power... 20 Cubic Feet Revolutions 2.5 75 931 3-3 loi 809 4.2 127 704 5-7 172 617 7-5 224 536 lO.O 7s 13.0 489 405 17.0 508 352 22.5 673 308 !i 391 1166 233 21 Horse Power... Cubic Feet .... Revolutions 2.7 77 954 3.6 103 828 4-5 130 722 6.2 176 632 8.1 230 549 477 14.0 398 414 18.3 521 361 316 32.3 919 275 42.1 1 194 _23_8 See explanation page '45. Price list page 49. JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 35 Me SpeciaUy Arranged, Expressly lor James Leffel's Improyed DouDle mine. HEIL SIZE OP WHEELS. \ eValT/s \ 8H\ 10 \ IVA I13MI15KI ITAl 20 1 23 12634 22 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 7 976 3-9 106 847 4-9 133 739 6.6 180 647 8.6 235 567 "•5 313 488 15.0 407 424 19.6 533 369 26,0 705 323 34 7 940 281 45 I 1223 244 23 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions... 998 4.1 108 867 5-2 136 756 /8: 661 9.2 241 574 12.0 321 499 16.0 417 433 21.0 545 378 27.8 721 331 37-1 962 287 48.2 1250 249 24 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Pevolutions 'si 1019 4.4 III 886 5-6 139 772 7-5 188 67s 246 587 13 I 327 510 17.1 426 443 22.4 We 29.6 Si 39-5 982 294 51.4 1277 255 25 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 1046 4-7 "3 904 5-9 142 788 8.0 1% 10.5 251 599 14.0 334 520 18.2 434 452 23.8 568 394 31S 752 345 42.0 1003 300 1306 260 26 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions I06I 5.0 "5 922 6.3 144 803 '4 703 II. I 256 611 14.8 331 530 19-3 443 461 25.2 579 402 33.4 767 341 44.6 1022 306 57.9 1329 265 27 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 3-9 87 1081 5-3 117 939 66 148 819 9.0 200 716 11.8 260 622 15-7 347 540 20.4 451 470 267 590 409 35.4 781 358 47.2 1042 3" 61.3 1354 270 28 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions ^88 IIOI 5.6 119 956 7.0 150 835 9-5 203 729 12.4 265 634 16.6 354 550 21.6 460 478 28.2 602 417 796 365 49.8 106 1 317 64.8 1379 275 29 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 4-3 90 1120 5-9 121 973 7-4 83 lO.O 207 744 13.1 270 645 1 560 22.7 467 487 424 39-4 810 371 52.5 1079 323 68.3 1404 280 30 Horse Power. .. Cubic Feet Revolutions 46 92 1 140 6.2 124 990 '56 863 10 6 211 755 13-8 275 657 18.4 365 570 23.9 476 495 31-3 622 431 41.4 824 378 1098 328 71.8 1428 285 31 Horse Powei ... Cubic Feet Revolutions 4.8 93 1158 1007 8.2 158 877 II. I 214 767 14-5 279 667 193 372 579 25.1 484 503 32.9 633 439 ^8^3^7 384 58.0 1117 334 75-5 1451 290 32 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 50 95 1177 6.8 128 1024 8.6 161 891 II. 6 217 780 15-2 284 678 20.3 26.4 492 511 446 390 60.9 "34 339 79.1 1475 294 33 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions "95 71 130 1039 9^0 163 905 12.2 221 792 15-9 288 688 21.2 276 499 519 36.1 653 453 47.8 864 396 63.7 1152 344 82.9 1497 299 34 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 5-5 97 1213 7-5 132 1055 9-4 166 919 12.7 224 804 16.6 292 699 22.2 390 607 28.9 507 527 37-8 663 459 50.0 877 402 66.7 1 169 350 86.7 1520 303 35 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions 5.8 99 1231 7.8 134 1070 9.8 168 932 133 227 816 17-4 297 709 23.2 396 616 30.2 514 535 ^6^7^ 466 52.2 890 408 69.7 1186 355 90.6 1542 308 36 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 6.0 100 1249 8.1 139 1085 10.3 171 945 139 231 837 18.1 301 719! 24.2 1 31.5 401 1 521 624I 542 41. 1 682 473 54.5 902 414 72.6 1203 360 94-4 1564 312 37 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 6.3 102 1266 85 137 HOC 10.7 173 958 14.4 234 838 18.9 305 729 25.21 328 407 1 523 633 5SO 42.9 691 479 56.8 915 419 75.7 1220 365 984 1585 316 38 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions 6.5 103 1283 8.8 139 1115 II. I 175 971 15 X 237 850 738 26.2 412 641 536 557 44.6 700 486 59- X 927 425 78.8 1236 309 102.4 1607 321 39 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 6.8 104 1299 9.2 141 1 129 11.6 177 984 15-7 240 861 2a 4 313 747 27-3 050 35-5 543 564 46.4 710 492 61.4 939 430 81.9 1252 374 106.5 1628 325 40 Horse Power... Cubic Feet Revolutions 7.0 106 13x6 9-5 143 1144 12.0 16.3 180 243 996 874 21.2 658 36.8 550 _J72 48.2 III 63.8 436 85.1 1268 379 110.6 1648 329 See explanation page 45. Price list page 49. JAMES LEFFEL'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL, Me SpeciaUy Arranged, Expressly for James Leffel's improYefl DonDle TnrMiie. BEHO.I SIZE OP WHEELS. 303^ 1 35 1 40 1 44 I 48 1 56 1 61 1 66 1 74 1 87 3 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.,.. 3-0 6o2 78 39 11 5-2 5-9 1213 55 1506 50 I3-I 2556 42 15 1 3010 40 18.1 3612 36 22.0 4419 32 29.0 5761 28 4 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 4.6 695 90 61 916 79 8.0 1203 69 9-4 1400 63 II. 6 1738 57 19.7 2931 49 233 3416 45 28 4170 40 37 44-7 6662 33 5 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions,... 6.5 777 lOI 8.5 II. 2 1345 77 13-1 1568 70 16.3 1942 64 27.6 3273 55 32.6 3884 50 39-1 4602 44 47.8 5706 41 62.4 7440 37 6 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 8.5 851 III II. 2 1121 96 14.8 17.2 1717 77 21.4 2128 70 36.3 3587 60 42.8 4256 55 51-4 5109 47 62.9 6247 45 82.0 8152 40 7 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.,.. 10.8 920 120 14.2 1211 104 18.8 1592 91 21.9 1857 83 27.0 2290 77 45-7 3875 65 54.0 4598 60 648 5520 50 79-3 6760 49 103.4 8817 43 8 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions. .. 13.2 17-3 1295 III 22.8 1701 97 266 32.9 2457 55-9 4143 69 65-9 4914 64 /§8 54 96.9 7214 53 126.4 9415 46 9 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 15-7 1043 136 20.7 ^373 118 1804 103 3-.8 2IIO 94 2607 86 66.7 4457 74 78.7 58 % 150.8 9994 . 49 10 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 18.4 1099 143 24 3 1448 125 31-9 1902 109 37-2 2211 100 46.1 2747 91 78.1 4646 78 92-2 5494 71 110,6 6594 63 '8075 59 176.7 10534 52 11 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 21.2 1153 150 28.0 1518 132 36.8 1995 114 45.0 2324 104 53-2 2882 95 90.2 4857 82 106.4 5764 75 127.6 7783 67 156.2 8472 62 203.8 1 1057 54 12 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 24.2 1204 157 1586 136 41.9 2083 119 49-3 2426 109 60.6 3009 99 102.7 5075 85 121. 2 6018 78 145.4 7224 72 178.1 8839 65 232.3 11541 57 13 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 273 1253 163 36.0 1650 142 47-3 2168 124 55-1 2529 114 68.3 3132 104 115.8 5282 89 136,6 6264 81 163.9 7518 75 200,8 9207 67 261.9 12006 59 14 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 30-5 1300 169 40.2 'III 52.8 2251 129 61.6 2622 118 76.3 3251 107 129.5 5481 92 152.7 6502 84 183.3 7800 78 224.4 9555 70 292.7 12461 61 15 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 1346 175 446 1773 153 58.6 2330 133 68.4 2716 122 84.7 3365 III 143-6 5673 97 169.4 203.2 8076 80 248.9 9883 72 324.6 12898 64 16 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 37-3 1390 181 158 64.6 2406 138 75-3 2809 126 93-3 3475 115 158,2 5858 99 186.6 6950 90 223.9 8340 82 274.1 10222 74 357-7 17 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 40.8 1433 187 538 1888 162 70.7 2480 142 82.6 2893 130 102.2 3583 118 173.1 6041 lOI 204.4 7166 93 ^^H x 300,3 10532 77 391-7 18 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions,... 44-5 1475 192 58.6 1943 167 77.1 2552 146 89.8 2977 134 III. 3 3687 122 188.8 6220 104 222.7 7374 96 8850 87 327.2 10831 79 426.8 14131 70 19 20 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.. 48.3 1515 197 63.6 1996 172 83.6 2622 150 97-5 3051 ^ 137 120.7 3787 125 209^7 6387 107 2415 7574 98 289.8 354.8 11131 462.8 14520 72 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.. 52.1 1554 202 68.7 2048 176 90.3 2690 154 106,3 3136 141 130-4 3885 128 221.1 6553 110 260.8 7770 lOI 313.0 9325 91 3833 1 142 1 83 499.9 14900 73 21 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions..., 56.1 1592 207 73-9 180 97.1 2756 158 116.8 3214 145 140-3 398^ 132 237.8^ 6713 112 280.6 7962 103 336.7 9552 93 i^;6i 85 534-3 15158 74 ,- l.-of ^ See explanation page 45. Price list page 49. JAMES LEPPEL k CO., SPRINOJ'IELD, OHIO. 37 Me specially Arranged, Expressly for James Leirel's Improved DouDle TurMne. HEIB.I SIZE OF WHEELS. 30>^l 35 1 40 1 44 1 48 1 56 1 61 1 66 1 74 L87_ 5728 1 Horse Power.. 22lCubic Feet 1 Revolutions.... 6o.i 1630 211 79-2 2147 185 104. 1 125.2 150.4 2821 3393 4074 162I 148 135 ^i£6 272.6 7023 118 300.8 8148 106 321.6 8332 108 361.0 9798 95 388.1 10002 97 444-8 12049 86 1 Horse Powei.. 23'Cubic Feet 1 Revolutions.... 64.3I 84.7 1667 2195 217 189 HI. 3 2884 165 1 133.9 160.8 1 3470 4166 1 151 138 475.5 6l2.2 12322 15862 88 77 1 Horse Power.. 24'Cubic Feet jRevolutions... 68.5 1703 221 1 90-3 2243 1 193 118.6 2947 169 142.7 171.4 3545 4256 155 141 290.5 342.8 7175 8512 12l| HO 4114 10218 100 506.9 12589 90 652.7 16214 79 Horse Power.. 25 Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 1738 226 96.0 2289 197 126.1 3007 172 151.7 3618 158 182.2 4344 144 309. 1 1 364.5 7325 8688 123 113 437.4 10428 102 538.9 12847 91 693.8 16544 1 Horse Power.. 26lCubic Feet [Revolutions.... 77.3I IOI.8 1772 2334 230 201 133-8 3067 176 160.9 3688 161 193-3 4430 146 330.2 7468 126 386.6 8860 "5 463 9 10632 105 572. 1 1 734.8 13098 16874 93 82 27 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 81.81 107.7 1806 2379 235 205 141.6 3125 179 170-3 ■3760 164 204.5 4514 149 346.8 8612 128 408.1 9028 117 490.9 10836 108 604. 8| 779.0 133491 17182 95I 84 28 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 86.4I II3-8 1838I 2422 2391 208 1495 3182 182 179.8 3826 167 216.0I 366.1 4597 7749 152 130 432.0 9194 119 518.4 1102S 110 638. 6| 822.4 13587I 17511 97 85 29 Horae Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 91 1871 243 "9 9 2465 212 157-6 3238 168 189.5 3890 170 227. 61 386.0 4678I 7887 155I 132 455.3 9356 121 546.4 11226 113 673.1 13830 99 867.0 30 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 95.8 1904 248 126.2 2508 216 165.8 '?4 199-5 3964 173 239.6 4759 157 406.3 8025 135 479-2 9518 124 595.1 11424 115 708.5I 912.3 14084 18128 100 88 31 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 100. e 1935 252 132.6 2884 219 174.2 3349 192 209.6 4025 176 251.6 427-9 8157 137 503.3 nit 605.1 11610 117 744-2 14340 102 958.1 18414 90 32 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 105.5 1966 256 139.0 2590 223 182.7 3403 395 219.7 4093 178 263.9 4915 162 440.0 8330 139 527.9 9830 128 633.4 11796 120 7804 14533 104 1005. 1 18722 91 33 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 1996 260 1456 2630 226 191 3 3455 198 230.1 4155 181 276-4 4991 165 469.1 8412 142 552.8 9982 130 663.4 11976 122 817.3 1052.4 14755 19008 105 93 34 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions... 115.6 2027 264 152.2 2670 230 200.1 3508 201 240.7 4224 184 289.1 5067 167 490.2 8593 144 578.2 10134 132 693-9 12162 124 854.8 itoo.8 14984 19294 107 1 94 1 Horse Power.. 35jCubic Feet jRevolutions,... 120.8 2057 268 159.1 2709 233 209.0 3560 204 251.4 4282 187 302.0 5142 170 512.7 8731 147 604.0 10284 134 724-8 12342 126 893.0 1149 9 15205! 19580 io8| 96 1 Horse Power.. 36|Cubic Feet JRevolutions.... 125^9 2085 271 1659 2747 236 286.0 3609 207 262,2 4341 189 314.9 5213 172 149 629.9 7558 10426 12510 1361 128 931-2 15413 110 1199.2 19844 97 37 Horse Power. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... 131.2 2114 275 172.9 2785 240 227.1 3658 210 273-2 4401 192 328.1 5286 172 550.6 8951 150 656.3 10572 137 fJil 130 970.2 15626 HI 1249.6 20130 98 Horse Power.. 38 Cubic Feet 1 Revolutions... 136.6 2142 279 179,9 2822 243 236.4 3708 212 284.4 4459 194 341.5 5356 177 580.2 9075 t53 683.1 10712 139 819.7 12852 133 1009.9 15733 113 1300.6 20394 100 Horse Power.. 39 Cubic Feet jRevolutions.... 142.0 187.1 2859 246 2458 3756 215 295-6 4517 197 355-1 5425 179 612.3 9^93 155 710.1 10850 141 852.2 13020 135 IO49.9I I352.I 16041 20658 114 lOl 40 Horse Power.. Cubic Feet Revolutions.... X477 2189 286 194.3 2895 249 255.3 3804 218 307.1 4576 200 368.8 5495 182 629.8 9230 ^57 737.7 10990 143 885.1 13188 137 1090. 5 1 1404.4 16248J 20922 1161 102 See explanation page 45. Price list page 49, 38 JAMES LEPFEL's turbine WATER WHEEL, H OnvO roOO roOO roO^ «^00 ^ O O MOO rj-QO NOO rfO voOvO « t^ t^OO ONOQwNCSrO^^"^ "->0 1^ r^OO oo OnO O « « ^ roroTj-Tj-ioir> 0\0"^0^0 O i-ivD O <-< rooi tJ-Qio rOOO OOO00vr)Cn OnO ro OnO N 00 lo w 00 rf O O t^OO OnOnO i-i M N ro^d-LO voo 1^ WOO O^ O^ O " "-i N rOCOTj-ii-> too t^ VOVOOVOVO l:^t^t^r^t^t^t^t^t^r^t^t^t^ t^OO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O fO O O lOvO ■^ O •-* ro On lOO vOOO O Tft~>.i-( ro^oc^ O -^O ON O m On Q ON d « m" ro u-iMD 00 (^ d d " 04 ro -^-o r^oo d ^ ci fo ^O r^oo d N (r> i-\ H H cjll<^fr>rnrorOro'^rooOfOrorooorororO^N O r^OO ON O i-i M fO oo -^ voO r^OO OOONQi-iNNrO'^LO voO r^OO 00 ON Q t^ t^ t^ t^OO 0000000000000000000000 OnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnO Ooor^OOOO -"^roO ON r^O mO OO lo-^O o cr^o q row -"d-q f^OM^ oi o5 rn '^ Tl- lAo t^oo' 00 Cn •-<' N fO '^ ri- liSo* t^od 00 d i-<^ oJ ^2 4 ^o^ t;^Qd H ^ lO ON rOvO 00 ►-< "00 O rO^O 00 w rovO 00 Q rO'O 00 w "^vO 00 •-• roll !ii|c^MNNNNC$ 04 00 On O i-i 04 OO -^ VOO t^OO ON O >— 04 f) -rj- \n u->0 t^OO ONO'-i'-'04rO'. t^ t4 t^od 00 On CTN d « •-<' 04* 04 oo 4- »jSo O t^OO ONCrNd « 04 ro-^i^ lAo O HHh-CHHi-iwi-.i-i04040401040401040404040404040OfOrorOrOrOfO0Om C3 04 Ti-vo 00 O '-' OOO 00 O ro tJ-O 00 O 04 roO 00 O m roO 00 O 04 OO tJ-O t> OOOOOOOOONONONaNONOOOOOi-''-ii-''-''-0)0)0404 04rorOOOOOrofO «„^„„«„««NMC^NO40404O40404O)04O4O10404O4O404NO4 00004O0000404 t1-0 00OOOO0000004000000i-i0Q OnOO Q 04 ro -"t »^ t--00 ON O w 04 ro '^ "->0 00 On O « 04 ro -rl- lOO l-^OO On O O - OOOOOOOO«'-ii-iwwHHWHHH-i040404040404040404040OrOfO ^ w "^O -^O -^OO 1-1 LOO LOO LOOO oo O LOHH lOwO lOroOO O tj-O 04* oo ro rt- ri- vo loO' O r^ t^OO odONONdd'-^i-'Ol'oirorO'^- i^O O t^ r^OO «i-iMi-iHH)-iMP-ci-.wi-iw^wi-i«NNNO4O40404O4O4NO4O4OlN ^_:||iy^vO00 O N rO"1vO 1^ CM-i N tj- lO t-^00 M ro T^vO t^ On O 0^ rf vo\0 00 O^ Ph rj- Ti- tJ- IT) u-1 vo u^ lO u-1 lOvO vOvOvOvOO r-.r^r^t-^t^t^ t^OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 s 00 oooo O 04 LOt^M LOt^ON-^ t^OO N Tl-O 00 O O 04 OO LO OnO tOOO O ON •-. u^O t^ O ►-I 04 ro LOO r^OO O '-' 04 rj- LOO t^ ON O *-• 04 ro •^ loo t^ on On >-< >H w M r< CI N r< 04 o< 04 04 rooofOoorooooooo-'d-'^'^'^'^'^'^"^"^"^"^ ^ w ooOoioOnO-^Ooi tI-oo oor^O ^J-> O -^OO O rooo 04 lo O tJ-oo 04 tJ- r>. C?Nddddi-»i-<040404oioorOTf'4'LO LOO o' r^ t-^ t>.od 00 On On a\ d d d ►HI-HI-CI-ll-IWWl-ll-IMI-HI-HI-ll-H^l-ll-HI-IMWI-l O<04O< a 100 On O 04 ro Th \oO t^ On O "-i 04 ro loO t^OO On O "-i 04 ro "^ loO r^OO On O 00'-«'-i>-i'-i'-''-i>-'i-'040404040404N0404oooororororororororOTt 0400 rfOO 0400 0400 ^ O O L0«000 040000 04 LOt^O '^O On C^ O 00 O ro -^O 00 ONi-i 04 Ti-LOt~--ONO M rOTj-LO t^OO On i-h OJ ro loO t^OO O "-i 04 rf rororororOTj-Tj-rl-'^'^-^LOLOLOLOLOLOio loO OOOOOO t^t^t^l^ 04 -^00 O ro "^ ON 04 L^OO M T^ t^ O rOO On 04 lOOO O roO O 04 O t^ q rj- C^ t^ !>. t^od ododod <> d^ 6^ 6 6 6 «* « •-; « oi n" n' rororo-rfrt-TJ-Tt-LOvoLri 1 JAMES LEPPEL 6c CO., fePftlNGPIELt), OHtO. ^g t— O OO ^ OO rOOO ^ O ■^00 CJO OO >-< LOO'Tt-OO O •rhOroi^NvO Q •^■OO ^ ro ro ■^ Tt IT) LTivO t^ »^ t^OO 00 Cn Cn O O O -< c< cs ro f j f O rj- -^ lo lovO O ^ cj t^ t^ t^ r-^ i^ 1-^ r^ t^ t^ i-^ 1^ t^ i^ 1^00 cooooocoooc/Doooooo(X)CiOoo c/ 3 co c/5 I - rj 00 moo fOOO rOCO <^00 roOO CO t^ mvO I-" 00 "^ N On rO>0 O 'O 0^ rD r^ O '^ '&: vo vo t^ 1^00 ooo^c^oO'-||-lN^^fOfO't■^ "^o vo t^ t^oo co t^r-»t^ l^OO OO0000000000O000OO00O00OO0000O«)0OO0 oo o\ On "-" On'O i-cwr4OOOrOiHON"-)OO>-»N'-'Oc^'*i^Oi-'C^Oo0O->-!J-rl- ^ ir> O ■^ t-^ On N LOiO moo -^00 O N m O m^O O ■^00 N UIQO ►-< tJ- t-^ O ■^OO MhO r^t^t^t-^000000 OnOnO O i-i i-" m N CNJ C^ fOrorOrtrJ-T^u-ivOvovONONO r A LT) ir^ LO Ln w^ LT) lo v/-) IJ-) uo\C3 nOvOnOnOOnOOnOOnO^^OnO^nOnOnO n Q vD O MOO LOC^OC -tONO O^ "-lOO -^O "^QnO «-> r^CSOO rJ-ON^^O "^O "^O «^00 OOOnO O i-i N N rn tn -rt- -rt lOvO ^ X^ t^^OO 00 0^ ON O ~ -- — <- 00000000 OnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnO -H roLoo -^Noo o ■^-1 LOO u;^q-o ovo sd i^od d c^ m 4^ f^ ctn d ^j rn uSvd od ctn OOnO *>.t^t>>t^l>.r-^ f^OO 00 00 00 OO 00 00 i-iur)>-i\00«J^NO w ci rj- lA r^OO On N OnOnOnOnOnOnOnO N 00 it N -1 00 C rOO On M looO O ro lo^ O roO O m tnoo O rOvO On C^ looO O C^ "* r^ O N . 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HI N m tI- winO t^OO On O i-H N ro ^ uivo t^OO On O "-i n ro ^h lonO t^OO On O ■^•^Th'^Tl-^Th' . N NO 00 O N -^nO 00 O C^ -^nO OOOOOnOh^NCO-^ "InO t^ t-* t^OO On O O O >- xor^r^ONO "-I ^^ m lono t^oo On O •-< ro -«*• lono t^oo on Q •-' N fo •^no i^oo ^ r^ l^ r-. r^oo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OnOnO^OnOnOnOnOnOnO O O O O O O O >-: ro Looo O Lob -^r^O loo -^oo O -^00 w no w no O mob m i>. N "100 O fO W H Continuation of table from page 38. Price page 49. 40 TABL2 m unmra wbssls nou lo vo 20 mcHEs n&xffsn. SHOWING HORSE POWER, CUBIC FEET OF WATER, AND REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE, FROM 41 TO 100 FEET HEAD. [The first horizontal line gives si:!e and number of Wheels.] lO-No. S. 10 -No. 1. 10. 13H-NO, 1. head: H. P. REV. CFT. H. P. REV. CFT. H. P. REV. CFT. H. P. REV. CFT. B 9.8 882 145 12.5 882 182 17.0 882 246 22.0 665 321 • « 10,0 893 146 13.0 893 184 17.6 893 249 22.8 674 324 i 3 10.3 903 148 13.4 903 186 \U 903 253 23-7 682 328 ' ^ 10.6 914 150 14.0 914 188 914 256 24.0 690 332 4 5 10.9 924 152 14.4 924 190 18.5 924 258 24.8 698 336 i 6 ix.o 934 153 15.0 934 191 19.0 934 26X 25.6 706 340 i *7 11.4 945 155 15-6 945 l^i 195 945 264 26.4 714 344 i s 12.0 956 156 16. 1 20.4 956 266 27-3 720 348 ' X 12.2 965 157 16.5 198 21.0 965 269 28.0 727 352 oO 12.4 12.8 974 159 17.0 974 200 21.6 974 272 28.9 735 I& j51 983 161 18.0 983 203 22.0 983 275 278 29.7 743 52 13-3 994 162 994 204 22. fl 994 31.6 750 363 dS 13.7 1003 164 18.5 1003 206 23.6 1003 280 32.x 757 366 B 14.0 1012 165 19.0 1012 208 24.5 1012 283 33.6 764 371 14-5 102 1 167 19.6 1021 210 25.4 1021 286 34.0 77X 375 Kg 15.0 1032 168 200 1032 212 26.0 1032 288 34.6 778 5 J 15-4 1041 170 20.6 1041 III 26.8 1041 29 X 785 383 Xfi 16.0 1050 172 21.0 1050 27.6 1050 293 36.4 792 386 gg 16.6 17.0 \^ 173 174 21.5 22.1 S 2X8 220 28.4 29.0 1^ 296 298 38.0 ?oi 390 391 fl 17.3 17.8 1077 176 22.5 1077 221 29.8 1077 300 38.9 8x3 l?i 1 1 9 1086 177 23.1 1086 Si 30.6 1086 303 40.0 8x9 3 18.2 1095 179 23.6 1095 31.6 1095 306 4X.0 826 399 '4 18.5 I102 180 24.5 1102 228 32.0 1102 308 42.3 832 402 d 190 IIIO 182 25.3 IIIO 230 33.8 IIIO 3" 432 838 JS A 19.4 19.8 1118 184 26.0 1118 232 34.6 11x8 314 44.4 845 •n\ 1127 185 26.6 1127 233 35-0 1x27 316 45-0 851 4x1 iM 20.2 1136 186 27.0 "36 234 35.5 1x36 318 46.3 858 4x4 S 20.4 "44 188 27.4 1 144 236 36.0 "44 32 X 47.0 864 417 * [^0 20.7 1152 189 28.0 "52 237 36.7 1 152 323 48.5 870 420 TfX 21.3 1160 190 28.5 1 160 239 37-6 X160 325 49.6 876 423 "72 22.0 1 170 192 29.0 1170 242 38.2 1 170 326 50.5 882 426 13 Vd 1178 193 29.6 1178 244 39-0 1 186 328 51.6 888 429 T'A 1186 194 30.8 1186 245 40.8 331 52.7 895 432 •■ 5 23-5 "94 III 31.4 "94 246 41.0 "94 334 54.6 902 I" g 24.0 1202 320 1202 248 41.6 1202 336 55-0 908 » ij 24.5 1210 198 32.5 1210 250 42.4 12x0 338 56.0 914 44c S 25.0 1218 199 33-0 1218 252 430 12x8 340 57-0 920 443 •TO 26.0 1226 200 33.6 1226 253 44.0 X226 342 58.x 926 445 8U 1234 202 34-0 1234 254 45.0 1234 344 59-0 936 448 KX 26.5 1242 203 34.8 1242 255 45-8 1242 346 60.5 936 450 9 27.0 1250 204 Hi 1250 257 46.6 1250 348 61.6 94 X 3 lU 1257 205 1257 l& 47.2 1257 350 63.0 94S 456 ;4 1264 206 37.1 1264 48.1 1264 352 64.1 954 460 g 28.5 1272 Si 1272 262 49.0 1272 354 659 960 463 g 29.0 1280 38.2 1280 263 50.0 1280 356 66.2 965 465 1 29-5 1287 210 39-0 1287 264 51.0 1287 358 67.3 970 468 G 30.0 1294 212 397 1294 266 52.0 1294 360 68.6 976 470 }9 30.4 1301 213 40.3 1301 267 52.8 130X 362 694 98X 473 fO 31-1 1308 214 41.0 1308 269 536 X308 364 70.8 987 476 91 31.6 1315 215 216 41.5 1315 270 54.4 1315 366 7X.9 992 479 99 32.0 1322 42.2 1322 272 X322 368 73-2 998 482 93 32.6 1329 217 43.8 1329 273 56.0 1329 370 74.1 1004 fi 94 33-0 1336 218 43.5 1336 275 56.9 1336 372 ^^•§ X009 9o 33.7 1343 219 44.0 1343 277 58.0 1343 374 76.8 10x5 490 96 34.2 1350 220 44.5 1350 600 1350 376 78 X X020 492 ht 34-9 1357 221 45.1 1357 1357 378 a: 1025 494 Ofi 35-5 1364 222 46.0 1364 28? 61.0 1364 380 1030 497 9d 36.0 1371 224 46.9 1371 283 62.1 1371 382 82.0 1035 500 100 36.6 1378 226 48.0 1378 28s 64.0 1378 384 83.2 1040 502 Explanation page 47. Description page 18. Price page 49. TABLS FOS Mrnnra WHESLS FSOU lO ^O 20 IITCHES DlAUET£S.>^oatlnued. [The first horizontal line gives size and number of Wheels.] 13^. l^H. II J'TH. SO. HEAD. H. p. REV. err. H. P. REV. err. H. P. REV. CFT. H. P. REV. CFT. ag.o 665 428 37-9 Si 556 500 504 728 68.6 441 984 303 SI 4li 39.0 562 52.0 510 736 704 446 997 31.0 40.5 593 569 546 516 744 71.6 451 1012 320 690 444 42 600 '£ 56.0 523 752 72.8 457 1024 33-5 698 449 436 606 60.0 529 758 74.0 462 1033 35.6 706 Jg 45.0 613 591 535 764 76.1 467 1044 36.4 714 til 620 596 62.4 541 772 81.4 472 1056 38.0 720 464 626 602 64.4 546 782 478 1064 391 727 469 50.0 633 609 66.0 552 792 84.0 482 1076 40.3 735 474 52.1 640 616 68.1 800 86.4 487 1088 40.9 743 478 543 646 62a 70.0 564 812 88.1 491 HOC 41.5 750 482 55.2 652 626 722 568 816 91.2 497 ma 42.6 757 487 56.4 658 632 74.0 573 824 94.4 501 112a 1132^ 436 764 491 58.0 664 638 76.2 578 832 98.0 506 44.8 771 495 59-5 670 644 78.4 583 840 101.6 510 114a 46.0 778 500 61.3 676 650 80.2 589 848 104.0 516 1153 47-4 785 504 62.8 682 656 82.4 597 852 107.2 520 1163 48.7 792 509 64.0 688 662 84.2 602 860 110.4 525 1173 50.1 799 513 66.0 694 669 86.0 606 870 113-6 529 1183 51.3 806 518 68.0 700 674 88.3 610 880 116.0 534 119a 525 813 523 69.8 706 680 90.0 615 885 1192 538 1201 53-2 819 528 71-5 712 687 92.2 620 892 li2.4 M 1213 55-0 826 533 73-2 718 693 94.3 625 902 126.2 548 1224 56.4 832 535 75-0 724 696 97.7 630 912 129.3 551 1235 57.6 838 538 77.0 730 700 lOI.O 635 921 135.0 555 1244 58.9 845 543 79.1 735 706 104.2 640 929 138.4 559 1255 60.0 !5i 547 81.2 740 711 106.5 645 933 140.8 5^2 1264 62.1 858 552 82.2 746 716 108.0 650 936 142.2 568 1273 639 864 556 83.8 751 720 109.7 655 942 144.3 572 1283 65.0 870 561 85.0 757 725 112.0 948 146.8 576 1293 66.1 876 565 86.9 762 730 114.0 664 956 149.4 580 1300 67.3 882 570 89.0 768 738 116 I 668 152.8 585 1308 68.5 888 574 91. 1 773 742 118.4 672 976 156.3 589 1316 70.0 895 577 93.1 778 748 122.8 677 982 161 593 1324 72.4 902 579 952 783 753 125.5 681 985 164.1 597 1336 73.2 908 582 97.0 788 758 128.0 687 992 167.4 601 1344 74.8 914 585 99.0 793 764 130.3 691 1000 170.5 605 1352 76.0 920 58« 101. 798 770 132.2 696 1008 174.0 609 1360 77-4 926 593 103.3 803 774 134.5 700 1013 177.2 613 13681 79.1 930 598 105. 1 808 136.2 704 1016 180.1 617 1376 80.5 936 604 106.9 813 782 139.0 708 1020 183.2 622 1384 82.0 941 608 108.5 818 786 142.3 712 1028 186.4 625 1393 83.5 948 610 IIO.O 823 790 146.0 716 1032 189.2 628 1400 fs? 954 612 1X2.0 827 796 148.4 721 1040 192.5 632 1408 86.6 960 615 114.1 833 801 150.8 726 1048 196.2 636 1416 88.0 965 620 116.2 836 805 152.7 731 1052 200.0 640 1424 89.6 970 623 I18.I l^^l 809 155.5 735 1056 203.8 643 1432 91.1 976 626 120.0 848 814 158.7 739 1063 207.5 646 1440 92.5 981 630 122.2 855 820 161.2 743 1068 211.4 650 1448 94- 1 987 634 124.4 862 826 164.0 747 1075 214.2 654 1456 95-6 992 638 126.7 869 830 166.2 752 1080 217.6 657 1464 97.0 998 642 129.0 873 834 1688 757 1088 221.2 661 1473 98.5 1004 645 I3I.I 87S 839 171.2 760 1092 224.0 664 1480 99-2 1009 648 133.2 8to 843 174.0 764 1098 227.6 668 1488 102.0 1015 651 135.0 886 847 176.3 768 1107 232.0 671 1496 104.2 1020 654 137.8 889 852 ;£:^ 772 1112 236.4 gi 1504 105.8 1025 657 140.0 893 856 776 1120 240.0 1513 107.2 1030 660 142.2 897 860 183.0 780 jri26 244.2 682 1520 109.1 1035 664 144.2 900 864 186.8 784 1132 248.4 685 1528 100 110.8 1040 668 I46.I 904 868 191.2 788 1140 252.7 689 1536 [Explanation page 47. Description page 18. Price page 49. 4' Table of Lefers New Special Double Turbine. w S d 1 ^ ^ a 10 3 ^ fNj r^ vo 00 00 ^ 00 4J ts 10 10 C4 10 N 1, 00 10 10 00 On On CO On On On vq M OS VO On CI On 10 ON i w w ^ W ;e r> Q(D a FN H W IN ^ H S _ w w 6 a3 d pi; s^ ^ ^ 00 xn On vS^ t^ vo 00 00 p -SO CO ON vn to 10 CO 00 VO 1-^ 00 00 00 10 00 1 N ON p pl; N d 06 vo CO d ON vd 10 lO 10 vo 00 1 « M '^ w « 1> QC fli H H w4 w4 JS c w w 1 CO d 2 u »— 1 > M in ro ^ ^ ON N m to ON 10 vo VO vo c ON CO tn 00 ON 00 00 00 vO 00 , 00 ON ON 10 10 t PL,* 4 CO i 00 00 "^ 1 q ON 00 00 vq 10 Ov 00 vd t TJ ^ H « w 'If^ « e J> « a H H fH H S FN f J w w CM d 6 m N > P4 vO ro 10 00 CO ^ ^ a lO 10 vo 10 00 10 u 5- CO 00 00 ON 00 1 « ON i-i eg Cl vO 00 10 I-I pC CO ON 10 q 00 00 vd 10 4 00 M N 10 00 q pi -ft H W w •?!< « e r* QC Oi 2 FN 3 Explanation page 47. Dimensions page 33. Price page 49. Table of Lefel's New Special Double Turbine 43 No. 9 Wheel. ! «3 h-< u C 1 > V ^ o t^ 00 §N ^ S > N 00 2 00 ^ VO VO On I 00 VO fO ON 00 M 1 CO vO l-H VO CO r^ CO vq CO 00 On 00 CO T3 s W ^ « « i>i QC Oi O H H H S S - w w a 00 6 c > On 00 00 00 Ov 00 ON 2 1 fO 00 1^ CO c ^ S N 1 00 1 1 NO CO ^ ^ VO VO VO VO VO ON ro ON N On CO VO vr^ c 00 00 CO i-i OS 00 q ON fO 00* Ov On VO VO 00 d 00 ON i^ ON O i-i I M ^ W5 e I^ QC Oi H P4 FN H 3 H c hi w w 6 - 2 a; J o > P^ 00 ^ vS ^ 00 fO 00 00 On VO ON 8^ 2 c o o 1 N ro lO I' 'Si- VO VO VO VO 00 0^ CO VO o N VO f 0h' vq ON q fO O ON d in vg 00 VO On 00 ft ON W W ^ « « l> QC 05 o S H H 1< H s w w CD 6 6 > ^ en 00 VO 00 VO 00 c;^ §8 ON ^ u 00 as 5- rj- VO 00 VO VO On VO 00 ON VO On VO 00 N v^ CO Vil Oh* 00 00 4 O CO O CO VO VO M ON VO O 6s •-I 00 VO d ro vr^ « 1 - VO 91 « ^ « c ^• « 05 s s 'if FN S ti<^[ laitioa of table pa^e 47, Prices page 49. Dimensions page 33 44 1 c lUIC -"■ L.C lie 1 lie fW 1 L/p^ /Ull *'l' L^Vt • Mil '*■ Ml 1. k/a w X CO tH 6 a5 1 o c ■t 00 > ? 00 ? 00 00 00 On 8 10 10 1 VO 00 On 00 00 C> OS 2 ? 10 Os VO VO c On 00 00 d i^ ri OS 4 r4 i^ 'i I. ft e I> « 9i H H s s s QC FN % 3 w 6 > pi; 10 t^ fo M 10 10 1-1 00 00 00 8 N N 00 VO u 1 >' 00 ON to 1 00 ? 1^ 2 CO ! u-i 1 vr-, On lO OS PS c 'c p. Ah* On vO :. On On OS ^ q CO XO vd to d ^ ^ VO W c l^ «) 05 1H H H H H 1> H In U 1 w w 1 T— 1 tH 6 2 pi o C cr > Pi C^ 8 rr, ? S eg ? On 1 11 On 00 XO 1 00 1 1 OS PLH* On N On d 00 00 00 q xo 10 X 1 -d "?*< « e i> « c» a H Ph w d 2 a; t/; o c 8 > .2 'l^ 00 1 On 2 vO ■* N s, in 10 10 VO VO vO 1 1 U-) \0 c» 10 ro vO vO 10 VO 7 •a Ah* On 06 00 8 to IT) d 00 \J1 vd ! ^ 10 vo 00' 1 VO 00 vq VO 00 33 'f w « i^ 1 0» s FN H S H H 2 - Explanation page 47. Dimension page; 33. Price page 49, JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 45 James Leffel's New Special Double Turbine. We have been manufacturing with perfect success for some time, several special size Leffel Wheels ; tables of which are presented herewith on foregoing pages 42, 43 and 44. It will be observed that a large additional quantity of water is applied to them, over that used on the common or standard sizes ; and that there is also a corres- ponding increase of power. In fact it is in every wav perfectly reli- able and fully warranted in every particular. We can give a large number of names of reliable parties each using from one to four or more of them, as there are now over 600 of them in daily operation. Their durability and efficiency has been amply tested and thoroughlj'* proven in every respect by their con- stant practical work, driving all kind of machinery. No complaint whatever has been made of them from any source. In fact they are made precisely as the common sizes, except that the gates and buck- ets are made wider to admit more water, but the same curves and pro- portions are retained. The table gives quantity of water discharged per minute in cubic feet, the number of revolutions per minute, the horse power and num- ber of square inches vent ; all of which Avill be vmderstood upon examination. Explanatien of Tables of Standard Wheels. On pages 34, 35, 36 and 37 will be found tables showing the pow- er, number of revolutions per minute, and also the number of cubic feet of water discharged per minute, for each size of our Wheels, un- der heads from 3 to 40 feet. The top lines of figures show the size of wheels from 6% to 87 inches diameter. The left hand perpendicu- lar columns give the head of water in feet from 3 to 21, and 21 to 40. In the small squares formed by intersection of the perpendicular and horizontal lines are three sets of figures. The upper one indicates the number of horse-power ; the middle set of figures shows the number of cubic feet of water used by the wheel per minute, and the lower set of figures shows the number of revolutions of wheel per minute. The style and arrangement of table was first introduced by James Leffel, and on account of its simplicity, compactness, beauty and conven- ience of reference, has been extensively copied and adopted by other wheel men. On pages 38 and 39 tables for small wheels are given, under heads ranging from 40 to 100 feet. The first or tipper horizontal column represents the sizes of wheels in inches, and parts of inches, and the first left hand perpendicular column represents the amount of head under which each operates. The horizontal lines of figures in the body of the table, shows the horse power, revolutions per minute while at labor, and cubic feet of water discharged per minute, all of which will be understood. 46 JAMES LEFFEL'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL, JAMES *LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL. 47 Explanation of Tables of Mining Wheels. On pages 40 and 41 will be found a table showing tne power, quantity of water, and revolutions per minute of eight sizes of our new mining wheel. The same method of arranging the sizes and heads is observed as in the preceding pages ; but the powers, water used, and revolutions, are upon the same horizontal line. An exam- ination will readilv enable any one to obtain the desired data. Explanation of Tables of New Special Wheels. On pages 42, 43 and 44., will be found tables for our New Spe- cial LefFel Wheel. The first horizontal line running lengthwise with each page, represents the size or number of wheel, and does not give it in inches as heretofore. The second horizontal line gives square inches' vent of each number of wheel in that table ; while the third horizontal line shows the abbreviated words, for " Head, Horse Pow- er, Cubic Feet and Revolutions. " After this in each table, four heavy perpendicular columns will be observed, representing the heads in feet ; and between these columns are others in lighter figures, the one next the heavy coluinn showing the horse power, the next one the cubic feet of water used per minute, and the last or next the heavy column again the revolutions per minute. It should be observed that each of the wheels has a column, representing the head, and that these columns are not the same for all. An examination cannot fail to make the tables clearly understood by any one. Revolution of Wheels While at Labor. The revolutions of the wheels, as laid down in the foregoing ta- bles, are the number of revolutions the wheel makes when at work. But as there is always a loss of fall by the water drawing down in the head race, and also rising in the tail race, when the wheel is running, we would advise those who have charge of putting in the wheels, that, in calculating for the speed of wheel and machinery, they al- ways base their calculations on a fall of from six inches to a foot less than the measured fall, when the head and fall is from four to twenty feet, and eighteen inches when the fall is over twenty feet ; thus al- lowing for the loss of head mentioned, which will bring the speed of the wheel to suit the actual running head. Explanation of Plate on Foregoing Page. The plate on page 46 is intended to clearly show some of the rea- sons why an overshot wheel, even of the best construction will not yeld the full power of the water applied to it. At the same time we shiow how our wheel must necessarily produce an increased power by reason of its being free from all those objections which, in the nature of an overshot, result from its construction, and largely dimin'sh its efficiency as a motor by an unavoidable waste of water and loss of a part of the entire fall. 48 JAMES LEFFEL'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL. For the purpose of illustration, we have selected a head and fall of eighteen feet, being the medium and most common fall for over- shot wheels. As it is usual to allow a head of water of about two feet, above the overshot wheel, and to prevent the wading of the wheel in tail-water, it is necessary to allow a clearance of at least six inches, the wheel therefore for this fall can not exceed fifteen feet six inches diameter. We will point out severally the sources from which a waste of water arises. It has generally been the practice to regard the entire head of water above the overshot as wholly lost, but we will concede the benefit of one-half of the head. There will then remain to be deducted from the whole fall — ist, one foot above the wheel ; 2nd, one foot for depth of rim, which below will be a line where the buckets are entirely empty; 3rd, six inches clearance below the wheel; which makes together a loss of two feet six inches fall; and as the water begins to empty from the buckets at some distance above the water in the tail-race, which not unfrequently is nearly on a level with the shaft of the wheel, particularly when the buckets are well- filled, it will be safe to say that the waste of water from this source will be fully equivalent to the loss of another foot of fall, which added to the amount of fall lost in the manner before described, will make a total loss of three feet six inches ovit of eighteen feet, or nearly t\^ten- ty per cent, of the whole fall. It will be seen, that our wheel is placed at the botton of the pen- stock, and touching the tail water ; thus utilizing every inch of the fall below the overshot, if the pit under the turbine be of sufficient depth and capacity. A line drawn through the top of the penstock, at the height of the level of the head water in the forbay over the overshot, would also show that the^-e is no loss at the head surface ; as the water should stand at almost a perfect level, providing also the forbay leading to the penstock is of sufficient capacity. In another particular we have also demonstrated their superiority over the overshot, this being in the height of head to which they may be applied. There are a number of instances in which the Lefl:el has been supplied, where the height of head water was so excessive, and the surroundings so difficult, that the overshot could not be used or applied in any form or manner. In fact, there is a limit as to the diame- ter of the overshot, and beyond which they become impracticable ; this circumstance only adding to the vitility of our wheel, and its excellence being more apparent with increase of head. Does the Work with Half the Water. Leipsic, Mich., March 26, 1885. James Leffel & Co.: Gents— Yours of 24th just to hand and contents noted. We are using your 263^ inch Wheel to run 4 ft. burr stone with 10 ft, head. We used it last fall, when water was low, on 8 foot head with J^ gate, grinding 10 bushels wheat per hour. We are well pleased with its work. We have other wheels but this one will do the work with half the water of th§ pther wheels. Yours truly, HIGLEY & CLEPMAN. LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 49 PRICE LIST OF JAMES LEFFEL'S STANDARD WHEELS. Size. 7-%.... 8%.... lO Wheels. ....$ 180 .... 185 .... 190 .. 195 aiobes. « 75 78 81 Vent. .... 4.9 ... 6}i ... 8-K 85 90 100 ... iili II>2.... ... H-A ^3% .... 210 .... 185 ... 19^ 15^.... Its 130 150 175 205 dv, 20 .... 195 .... 205 ... -4^. ... 45 23 ... 22s ... 593^ 26>^.... 30^.... :::: ^65 .... 30« ... 79 ...104 40 .... 385 425 ...180 44 217 48 .... 56 .... -. 500 ...259 ... 815 .... ...518 66 74 .... 940 .... 1200 ...624 .769 87 .... 1600 ...991 REMARKS. All the Standard Wheels up to 35 inches diam. have Steel Gates, All wheels up to 15)^ inches diam. are Brass except the Guide Casing, which is Iron. The Guide Casings are the upper and lower plates and fixtures shown on page 13. See pages 12 and 13 for description of Wheel and cut of same. See pages 22 and 23 for cut and explanation of Globes. See pages 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 45 for tables and explanation of tables for Standard Wheels. See pages 26 and 27 for dimensions. We must always know which way Wheel runs, whether with or against sun, Right or Left Hand. PRICE LIST OF LEFFEL'S IMPROVED SPECIAL WHEELS. Price. 23 . 26K. 30^2. 35 . 40 . 44 . 50 . 56 . 6r . 66 . 74 87 . .No. 235.. 275.. 315.. 350.. 400.. 440.. 550.. 750.. 850.. Vaat .. si .. 113 .. 150 .. 200 .. 264 .. 303 .. 403 .. 514 .. 606 .. 712 1250, [650. REMARKS. All these Improved Special Wheels up to 35 inches diam. have Steel Gates. See page 45 for description. See pages 42, 43, 44 and 47 for tables and ex- planation of same for special wheels. See pages 32 and 33 for dimensions of Special Wheels, State whether Wheel must run with or against sun. PRICE LIST OF LEFFEL'S IMPROTED MINING WHEELS. Size. 13^. 13M.. 20 , .No. Two., . " One. Price, « -3 One. Vent. 30 6% 375 8% 375 "3^ 430 14^ 430 19% 430 26^^ 500 34>^ 500 45 REMARKS. All these Improved Mining Wheels are made with Steel Gates and Iron Guide Cases. All are made with Brass Wheels, up to is% inches diam. See pages 18 and 19 for illustration and de- scription. See pages 28 and 29 for dimensions. See pages 40, 41 and 47 for tables and ex- planation. State plainly in ordering whether side or edge of Wheel next observer (cut page 19) must run Up or Doicn. JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 5I A Mammoth Cotton Mill Driven by leffel Wheels. Tlie plate on the opposite page represents the arranj^ement and method adopted by the Manville Cotton Company, Albion, R. I., ibr locating our wheels in their new mill, and connecting them to the machinery. The flumesor penstocks are constructed of stone, brick and iron throughout, one situated in each end of the mill ; the floors being iron and supported by iron girders or sills. The arches, or flumes proper, in which the wheels are located, are made of bricks, with the sides laid up with heavy cut stones ; in the tops or deck- ings at S, is a safety vent for overflow of water, thereby relieving the undue pressure in case the wheels should be suddenly closed at any time. The arches for discharge of water in tail-race are each 11 feet high, by 20 feet wide, having in them a standing depth of 7 feet tail-water, there being iron draft tubes extending down from the wheels. The entire penstocks are each 40 by 80 feet, containing two of our 84 inch wheels in each, under a head of over 18 feet, giving about 1,740 horse power. The power of these wheels is delivered from one side of the crown gear to the jack shaft b}^ means of jack gear 59 inches di- ameter, and 38 cogs, working into the crown gear. The jack shaft is 8 inches diameter, and consists of two lengths, connected with 24-inch face couplings. The iirst length from the wheel is 7 feet 4 inches ; the second is 14 feet for the two inside wheels, and 15 feet 2 inches for the outside. Upon the second length, resting in two bearings, are the flj' -wheels, or main driving pulleys, 20 feet diameter, 25 inch face, weighing 20,368 pounds each. This mill has a capacity of 120,000 spindles and 2,112 looms, equipped and fitted for the manufacture of fine sheetings and shirtings. In exterior dimensions it is 783 feet long and 98 feet wide, with six towers adjoining, each 26 feet square. This is exclusive of an engine and boiler building 100 feet long and 94 feet wide, adjoining the main building on the south end, and having a chimney 16 feet square and 155 feet high. The mill has five full tloors for machinery. It covers an area on the ground of over two acres, and the aggregate area of the floors, inside the brick walls, is about nine acres. Some idea of the magnitude of the works may be gained from the fact that in the construction of the building there were required 8,160 cords of rough stone, 9,110 cubic feet of granite ashler, 5,605,800 brick, 348,028 pounds of cast iron, and nearly 23,000 pounds of wrought and malleable iron. There are 117,351 square feet of roofing, and 1,208 windows, containing 34,994 lights of glass, and requiring 94,104 pounds of window weights. There are 41,971 yards of plastering. Over 860,000 feet of southern hard pine timber was used ; and in the floors there are 1,266,000 feet of 3-inch spruce planks and 65,000 pounds of nails. The principal motive power of the mill is water, received from the Blackstone river, the flow of which is 38,000 cubic feet per min- ute. For a period of from five to eight months of the year the flow 52 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL. of water at mean average is about 65,000 cubic feet, constituting a full supply for the mill. During the remaining part, or dry season, of the year, water as the motive power is supplemented by steam to the extent of one-half the capacity of the mill, or 800 horse power. At a point 282 feet north of the mill is located the dam, which was built in 1867 b}^ the late S. B. Gushing, C. E. Providence. This dam is a fine work, built upon a rock bed, and constructed with cut granite, laid in bed and build courses. It has a span of 246 feet between but- tresses. The face of the dam is concaved to the arc of a circle of 511 feet radius. The height from the foundation to the top of cap-log is 16 feet. The available fall or working head is 18 feet 6 inches. From the basin or pond the water passes into a trench 14 feet deep, extend- ing 61 feet to a stone bulkhead 64 feet long, having ten gates fitted with heavy gearing and hoisting apparatus. From this point the water passes into a large basin of 37,800 feet area, and at the end of which are the guard-racks, with a length or breast of 180 feet. The front of the racks is pitched to an angle of 68 degrees, having 2,880 feet area or surface for screening. The principal trenches or w ater-ways have a cross-sectional area of 474 feet. The water necessary to supply the wheels, in passing through this large space, is required to move with a velocity of i^ feet per second. To the entrance of each flume are two gates, built of 4-inch oak plank, bolted, strapped with iron plates, and hung upon one edge or side. The arrangement of the flumes and connections is such that, if desired, either one of the four wheels may be stopped, the flume drawn oft', the wheel or step inspected, the flume again filled, and the wheel started in less than thirty minutes from the time of stopping, during which time the other wheels are in full operation. The engraving shows two Leffel wheels in position in the flume. The Manville Company are, however, using six of these wheels, man- ufactured hy James Leffel & Co,, Springfield, Ohio. The wheels shown in the illustration are each 84-inch, working, as alreadv stated, under 18I/2 ^^^^ head. They are set 13 feet under the head, with 5 or 6 inches draft tube. The vertical shafts for wheels are 8 inches diame- ter, hammered iron, and consist of two parts joined together 20 inches below the top of the flume, with clutch couplings, the upper piece ex- tending through a 20-inch tube in the brick arch. Mining Wheel Running: 20 Stamp Mill 1-2 Oate. Virginia City, M. T., April 4th, 1885, James Leffel & Co., ispringfield, Ohio: Gents— The 23 inch Mining Wheel purchased from you during the year 1884 we are using under a 30 foot head of water, in operating our Quartz Mill, located at Pony, Madison County, Montana Territory, consisting of 20 stamps, bleeke crushers, 7x1c, and four forerunners. The wheel under this head would furnish twice the amount of power necessary to operate the machinery named. The power and simplic- ity of your wheel in our estimation cannot be excelled. HENRY ELLING. JAMES LEIJ'PEL & CO., RPRlN(,EIEl,n, OltlO. 53 Useful Facts iu Hydraulics. Doubling the diameter of a pipe increases the capacity four times. The ordinary speed to run a pump is lOO feet of piston per minute. To find the area of a piston, square the diameter and multiply by •7854- Each nominal horse power of boilers requires i cubic foot of water per hour. A gallon of water (U.S. standard) weighs 8)^ lbs., and contains 231 cubic inches. A cubic foot of water weighs 62)2 lbs., and contains 1,728 cubic inch- es, or 73^ gallons. Circular apertures are most effective for discharging water, since they have less frictional surface for the same area. Hydraulics treats of fluids in motion, and especially of water, the machinery and works for raising and conducting it, its action in canals, races and rivers, its adaptation to water wheels as prime movers, etc. To find the velocity in feet per minute necessary to discharge a given voluine of water in a given time, multiply the number of cubic feet of water by 144, and divide the product by the area of the pipe in inches. To find the pressure in pounds per square inch of a column of water, multiply the height of the column in feet by .434. (Approximately every foot of elevation is considered equal to )^ lb. pressure per square inch.) To find the diameter of a pump cylinder to move a given quantity of water per minute (loofeet of piston being the speed), divide the num- ber of gallons by 4, then extract the square root, and the result will be the diameter in inches. Vertical apertures, or slits on the side and running near to the bot- tom of vessels, issue the water with a mean velocity due at the sill or lower edge of opening, or with the velocity due to a point four- ninths of the whole height of hfead. . The time occupied in discharging equal quantities of water under equal heads, through pipes of e4ual lengths, will be different forvavy- ings forms, and proportionally as follows : for a straight line, 90 ; for a true curve, 100 ; and for a right angle, 140. To find the horse power necessary to elevate water to a given height, multiply the total weightof column of water in lbs. by the velocity per minute in feet, and divide the product by 33,000 (an allowance of 25 per cent, should be added for friction, etc.) To find the area of a required pipe, the volume and velocity of water being given, multiply the number of cubic feet of water by 144, and divide the product by the velocity in feet per minute. The area being found, it is easy to get the diameter of pipe necessary. To find the capacity of a cylinder in gallons. Multiplying the area in inches by the length of stroke in inches will give the total number of cubic inches : divide this amount by 231 (which is the cubical con- tents of a gallon in inches), and the product is the capacity in gallons. 54 JAMES leffel's turbine water wheel, The quantities of water discharged in equal times hy the same aper- tures under different heads are nearly as the square roots of the corres- ponding heads, the heads being measured above the apertures. The quantities of water discharged in the same time through differ- ent sized apertures, vinder different heads, are to one another in the compound ratio of areas of the apertures, and of the square roots of the heights of heads above the centers of the apertures. The area of the steam piston, multiplied by the steam pressure, gives the total amount of pressure exerted. The area of the water piston, multiplied by the pressure of water per square inch, gives the resis- tance. A margin must be made between the power and the resistance to move the pistons at the required speed. With thin plates on the bottom or sides of reservoir, the stream, issuing through circular openings, converges toward a point at about one-half its diaiiieter from the outside of orifice, reducing the quantity discharged nearly five-eighths from the quantity that the velocity cor- responding to the head should discharge. With a horizontal cylindrical tube, the length and diameter being the same, the discharge will be the same as through a plain aperture, A horizontal cylindrical tube having greater length than diameter increases the discharge, and the discharge will continue to increase' vmtil the length reaches four times the diameter. To find the quantity of water elevated in one minute running at lOO feet of piston per minute. Square the diameter of water cylinder in inches and multiply by 4. Example : The capacity of a 5-inch cylin- der is desired. The square of the diameter (5 inches) is 25, which, multiplied by 4, gives 100, which is the number of gallons per minute ( approxiinately . ) The best form of aperture for giving the greatest flow of water, is a conical aperture, whose greater base is the aperture, the height or length of the section of cone being half the diameter of aperture, and the area of the small opening to the area of the large opening as 10 to 16 ; there will be no contraction of the vein, and consequently the greatest attainable discharge will be the result. Water in falling is actuated by the same law as other falling bodies; passing through i foot in 3^ of a second, 4 feet in ^ second, 9 feet in 34^ of a second, and so on ; hence its velocity flowing through an aper- ture in the side of a reservoir, bulkhead or any vessel, is the same as that of a heavy body falling freely from a height equal to the distance between the middle of the aperture or hole to the surface of water below. Wooden Penstock for High Falls. For the benefit of those who wish to adopt this plan for heads of 20 to 50 or 75 feet, we describe it fully. If well built, it is capable of withstanding even greater pressures or heads than those named. The corner posts A (see ground planter which) need in no case be over JAMES tF.FFET. * CO., SPRINGtlELD, OHIO j.«; 56 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL. by 6 inches square. For a head of 40 feet, with a penstock of the de- sired inside area to pass a sufficient quantity of water for our 26i'2 inch wheel, giving no horse power, the penstock would require to be 40 inches square in the clear, with a frame made to bolt the flange of the inlet pipe to the globe penstock. Then the plank for the first 15 feet would require to be 4 or 4)^ inches thick ; then for 15 feet further 3 inch plank would answer ; the rest of the way 2 inch plank would be sufficient. The flume to pass the water into the penstock at the top would require to be the width of the upright part of penstock, and deep enough to pass the water 50 inches deep for a 26)0 inch wheel. This would give a cross section to the inflowing water of 14 sectional feet, and pass the water at a speed of nearly 2 feet per second. Of course, a wheel of our make using less water than the 2630 inch wheel would not require so large a penstock. Have the plank all gauged to a certain width, whatever they may be. If the penstock is to be 40 inches square inside, cut one-half the num- ber of planks required 42 inches long. Gauge and size them down at each end to a size that they will all work. Then take the same num- ber of planks and cut them 60 inches long ; if the plank is four inches thick this will allow the plank to extend to the outside of posts on each side. They are then laid off" evenly, 40 inches between gains, and gauged three inches from the face or outside of plank, which leaves a rabbet of i inch to receive the ends of the 42 inch plank. After all the planks are prepared, the 6 inch corner posts can be set up, and the work of putting up the plank commenced and carried up until the place is reached to splice the posts. These should be spliced and pre- pared previous to putting up, and are thus extended on up to the height JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRIXGFIELD, OHIO. 57 desired. The plank can and should be double-pinned or spiked at each end as the work progresses. After the plank are all on, the small corner strips marked (B B B in ground plan) should be well fitted in and nailed. If the work is well done the penstock need not leak a drop. The bottom can be planked with the same thickness of boards. A penstock 40 inches square inside, with 40 feet of water in it, would have a pressure of a little over 17)^ pounds to the square inch, or 28,160 pounds total weight of water, besides the weight of penstock ; there- fore it will be well to put a good and solid foundation under it. 600 Bales Cotton; Believes Candidly it is the Best. Barham, Anachita County, Ark., March 30th, 1885. Mr. James Leffel, Springfield, Ohio: Dear Sir— I received yours of the 27, and in answer to the same would say that I am using one of your 26)^ inch wheels bought last summer, one year ago, and it does all the work I expect it to do, it is running under 7 foot head, I have ginned two seasons with it and can gin 6 bales of cotton law gin everyday on half gate, I also run 330 inch bur and can grind 100 bushels of fine meal in 10 hours in the 2 seasons I gined 600 bales of cotton. I have been running the Brooks Wheel Mill, I purchased the Double Tnrbine from you and would say there is no comparison. I have been milling a long time and do believe candidly that the LefFel Wheel is the best water wheel made. Mine gives me perfect satisfaction, would have no other. Very respectfully, WM. COX. Guaranteed Good as the Leffel. Lamdsten, March 30th, 1885. Messrs. James Leffel & Co. : I have been running the 30)^ inch wheel that I got of you In August last, and it works well and gives entire satisfaction. We have about 10^ foot head over the wheel and with the gates % open we run two pair of burs, four feet in diameter, one middling bur, one separator, one smutter, four sets of bolting reels,, four set of ele- vators, testing jack, &c., and make two barrelsof flour per hour. This wheel displac- ed an 8)4 foot overshoot wheel, and as far as I can j udge, it will grind as much wheat per hour, and I think more with the same quautity of water and saves all the trouble of cutting of ice, and also stoppage with back water. I have had considerable ex- perience with turbines m niy mill during the last summer, as I was persuaded to try- two other wheels, warranted to be equal, if not better than your wheel, and if they did not give good satisfaction to me the maker of the wheel was to pay all expenses of putting wheels in and damages besides. After a fair trial of the wheels Ifound that they were very dificent in power and did not render satisfaction by no means, consequently they was taken out, but I had to bear the trouble and expense, which was considerable. As far as I can judge there is no better wheel made than the Leffel. JACOB WISTER. , Does all We Claim for it. West Milton, Ohio, April 4th, 1884. Messrs. James Leffel dc Co : Gentlemen — It gives us pleasure to say we have now used your 10 inch wheel for several months under a 44 foot head in our flouring mill and are running one 3 foot burr, 2 set rolls, all the reels, elevators, conveyors, with smutter and purifier and find it gives us all the power necessary to finish up five bushels wheat per hour, and feel satisfied it will do all or more than you claimed for it. This wheel took the place of a " Little Giant" put in on trial. Yours respectfully, WEIMER & HOOVER. 58 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL, Side View of Mill Stone Driven by Quarter-Turn Belt. Down View of Mill Stones Driven by Quarter-Turn Belt. JAMES LBFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 59 Quarter-Turn Belt and Tightener, The foregoing page contains two illustrations or views of a method now quite generally employed in driving mill stones, and frequently used in communicating the power to various other machinery. The cut at top of page gives a side view or elevation, showing one run of stone only, the others being located directly in a line with it are not seen. Any convenient number can be driven in that manner, it being only necessary to lengthen the horizontal shaft, on which the addition- al pulleys for each run of stone may be placed. It is to be understood that the horizontal shaft is driven direct from the upright water wheel shaft by a pair of bevel gears. The cut on lower part of page represents a down view, or ground plan. It is supposed the person is looking downward and on top of the stones, when the horizontal shaft now appears as an upright one, and indeed the method is just as applicable with the driving shaft in an upright as a horizontal position. On page 65 we give such an arrangement, driving, however, a saw mill, and without the tightening pulley. It will be seen that almost any kind of machine having a ver- tical pulley may be run in that way. The quarter-turn belt when used with the tightener or idle pulley requires a somewhat different arrangement or position of the pulleys doing the work, from that necessary without the idler. The precise position of these pulleys as related to each other, depends on the di- rection which the belt takes or the pulley runs, and also on which is the driving and receiving pulley. To make each position in each in- stance clear to one unaccustomed to their use, would require several diagrams and a full explanation. There may be as many as eight or ten positions, which would, however, include all from the simplest method as illustrated in saw mill cut, already mentioned, to the most complicated arrangement, wherein several idle and tightening pulleys are used. It is therefore necessary, usually, where this method is to be adopted, to advise with some one, or obtain the services of one ac- quainted with their use and application ; although it need not be diffi- cult upon carefully considering the matter. Driving Stone Polishing Mill at 2-3 Gate. Sioux Falls, Dak., April 2d, 1885. Messrs. James Leffel & Co., Springfield, Ohio: Gentlemen— The two 48 inch LefFel Water Wheels, which the Drake Co. pur- chased from you to run their Stone Polishing Mill in this city continues to giye us perfect satisfaction. In a usual way we run at % gate under a 13 foot heed, produc- ing about 120 horse power, which we find sufficient for our present machinery. The Jasper and Granite stone which we handle is exceedingly rough on our machinery, but we have at no time experienced any difficulty with our motive power, and if at any future time another wheel should be necessary, our experience up to this time would certainly justify us in placing our order in your hands. Yours respectfully, H. M. STEARNS, Superintendent Drake Company. 60- JAMES LEFFEl's TURBINE WATER WHEEL. Problems and Solutions. PROBLEM I— To find the Circumference of a Circle^ or of a Pulley: Solution. — Multiply the diameter by 3.1416 ; or as 7 is to 22 so is the diameter to the circumference. PROBLEM 2. — To Compute the Diameter of a Circle^ or of a Pulley : Solution — Divide the circumference by 3.1416 ; or multiply the circumference by .3183 ; or as 22 is to 7 so is the circumference to the diameter. PROBLEM 3— 2b Compute the Area of a Circle : Solution. — Multiply the circumference by one-quarter of the dia- meter ; or multiply the square of the diameter by .7854 ; or multiply the square of the circumference by .07958 ; or multiply half the cir- cumference by half the diameter , or multiply the square of half the diameter by 3. 141 6. PROBLEM ^—To find the Surface of aSphere or Globe: Solution. — Multiply the diameter by the circumference ; or multiply the square of the diam eter by 3.1416; or multiply 4 times the square of the radius by 3. 141 6. PROBLEM b — To Compute the Diameter of a Toothed Wheel: Solution. — Multiply the number of teeth by the number of thirtyseconds of an inch contained in the pitch, the product will be the diameter in inches and hundredths of an inch ; or multiply the number of teeth by the true pitch and the product by .3184. These results give only the diameter between the pitch line on one side and the same line on the other side, and not the entire diameter from point to pom^ of teeth on opposite sides. It must also be borne in mind that these results are only approximate diameters, since the wheel often varies from the computed diameter in consequence of shrinkage and other causes. PROBLEM Q — To Compute the Number of Teeth in Pinion to have any Given Velocity : Solution. — Multiply the velocity or number of revolutions of the driver by its number of teeth or its diameter, and divide the pre- duct by the desired number of revolutions of the pinion or driven. PROBLEM 7— To Compute the Diameter of a Pinion^ when the Diameter of the Driver, and the number of Teethin Driver and Pinion are given : Solution. — Multiply the diameter of driver by the number of teeth in the pinion and diVide the product by the number of teeth in the driver, and the quotient will be the diameter of pinion. JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 6l PROBLEM H — To Compute the Number of Revolutions of a Pinion or Driven, token the Number of Revolutions of Dri- ver, and the Diamnter or the Number of Teeth of Driver and Driven are given : Solution. — Multiply the number of revolutions of driver by its number of teeth or its diameter, and divide the product by the number of teeth or the diameter of the driven. PROBLEMS— To ascertain the Number of Revolutions of a Driver, when the Revolutions of Driven and Teeth or Dia- meter of Driver and Driven are Given : Solution. — Multiply the number of teeth or the diameter of driven bv its revolutions and divide the product by the number of teeth or the diameter of driver. PROBLEM 10— To Ascertain the Number of Revolutions of the last luheel at the End of a Train of Spur Wheels, all of which are in a line and mesh into one another, when the Revolutions of the first Wheel and the Number of Teeth or the Diameter of the First and Last ore given : Solution. — Multiplj' the revolutions of the first wheel by its number of teeth or its diameter, and divide the product by the number of teeth or the diameter of the last wheel ; the result is its number of revolutions. PROBLEM 11— To Ascertain the Number of Teeth in each Wheel for a Train of Spur Wheels, each to have a given Velocity : Solution. — ^^ultiply the number of revolutions of the driving wheel by its number of teeth, and divide the product by the number of revolutions each wheel is to make, to ascertain the number of teeth required for each. PR0BLEM12 — To Compute the Number of Revolutions of the Last Wheel in a Train of Wheels and Pinions, Spurs or Bevels, when the Revolutions of the First or Driver, and the Diameter, the Teeth or the Circumference of all the Drivers and Pinions are given : Solution. — Multiply the diameter, the circumference, or the num- ber of teeth of all the driving wheels together, and this continued pro- duct by the number of revolutions of the first wheel, and divide this product by the continued product of the diameter, the circumference, or the number of teeth of all the pinions, and the quotient will be the number of revolutions of the last wheel. Example : if the diameters, the circumferences, or the number of teeth of a train of wheels are 8, S, lo, 12 and 6, and the diameters, circumferences, or number of teeth of the pinions are 4, 5, 5, 5 and 6, and the driver has ten revolutions. 62 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL. what will be the number of revolutions for the last pinion ? Multiply all the drivers together and then by lo revolutions and you have 8 by 8 by lo by I2 by 6 by lo equal to 460800 ; divide this amount by the product of the figures for pinions, 4 by 5 by 5 by 5 by 6 equal to 3000, and the quotient will be 153 or the number of revolutions of last wheel. This rule is equally applicable to a train of pulleys, the given elements being the diameter and the circumference. PBOBLEATlS—To Jind the number of Revolutions of Driven Pulley, the Revolutions of Driver^ and Diameter of Driver and Driven being given : Solution. — Multiply the 'revolutions of driver by its diameter, and divide the product by the diameter of driven. RR0BLEM14^ — To compute the Diameter of Driven Pulley for any desired Number of Revolutions^ the Size and Velocity of Driver being known. Solution. — Multiply the velocity of driver by its diameter, and divide the product by the number of revolutions it is desired the driven shall make. PROBLEM \b~ To Ascertain the Diameter of Driving Pulley : Solution. — Multiply the diameter of driven by the number of rev- olutions you desire it shall make, and divide the product by the number of revolutions of the driver. Mining Wheel in Circular Saw Mill. Moroni, Snapete County, Utah, February 9th, i88i. James Leffel & Co., Springfield, Ohio. Gents — We take pleasure in stating that the 13^ inch Vertical Double Turbine Water Wheel purchased of your firm last season, through your agent here, Mr. C. Kemp, and set to work as per his directions, gives us every satisfaction. We have a penstock 60 feet high, built on plan as described on page 79 of your illustrated pamphlet of i88o, ot 4 inch red pine plank, lined with inch timber, globe bolted to bottom of penstock and run direct to circular saw pulley with open belt, as shown on page 37 of pamphlet for 1880; diameter pulley on water wheel shaft 18 inches; Mandrel pulley, 22 inches. We have a Cooper rotary mill, 52 inch Desston saw, and can cut from 5,000 to 7,000 feet of inch lumber per day of 12 hours. Other par- ties put in a new steam saw mill last year just above us — same kind of mill, running with same size saw (52 inch,) but ve can sail right through a tough log that will bring their engine, a 22 horse power Ames, to a dead halt, although carrying heavy pressure. JENS C. NELSEN. All They are Represented. Api'Leton, Wis., April ist, 1885. James Leff el & Co., Springfield, Ohio: Gentlemen — The 40, 61 and 66 inch Water Wheel which we purchased of your agents, Messrs, Okeef & Sons, of this city, on the 19th of April, 1883, for the use of our Ravine Paper Mills, are giving us entire satisfaction, and are all they are rep- resented to be, S. K. WAMBOLD, Mang. and Treas. Fox River Flour & Paper Co, JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 63 1-3 to 12 Gate, Night and Day. Tecumseh, Mich., April 4, 1885. Messrs. James Leffel & Co., Springfield, 0.: Gentlemen— We are using one of your 40 inch Special Wheels. Wheel has been in operation day and night for nearly two years and has never given us five minutes' trouble since starting. Our head varies from 16 to 18 feet. We never use more than \^ gate, seldom more than ^. We draw i separator, i pair 30 inch smooth rolls, 2 large size brush scourers, 2 large bran dusters, 6 purifiers, 8 stands of elevators, 6 reels and i centrifugal. Wheel has only a 2 foot pit below it, which we consider only about ope-half what it should have. We consider your wheel, for all places and all kinds of work, without an equal. Yours truly, WM. HAYDEN, per Wilson. Thirty Years' Experience of a Large Powder Company. Cleveland, O., February 14th, 1883. Messrs. James Leffel & Co., Springfield, 0.: Gents — Our experience with your Leffel Improved Double Turbine Water Wheel has been highly satisfactory. In March, 1873, we put in two 35 inch Wheels, displacing a four foot Reynolds Wheel, deriving therefrom full as great power, and a most decided saving of water. March, 1875, we put in one 35 inch wheel, displacing a Stout, Mills & Temple American Turbine. These Leffels run with no loss of effic- iency or increased consumption of water that we can perceive, either at full or part gate, and with a decided advantage over the Stout, Mills & Temple in the attention required to prevent clogging of the wheel. We also, at the same time, put a 26)^ in. wheel in a new mill, which worked satisfactorily. Since then we have put in two 30)^ inch wheels, and shall, as soon as we get time, put in still another of the same pattern. In an extensive experience with water wheels of over thirty years, we can safely say that yours is the best water wheel we have yet tried. Yours truly, AUSTIN POWDER CO., L. Austin, President. Mining Wheel 182 Ft. Head. Dahlonega, Ga., Nov. ist, 1883. Capt. Frank W. Hall, Dahlonega, Oa. : Dear Sir — It gives me pleasure to sav that the 1334 inch Leffel Wheel, which you put in for me at the " Ivey Mill, " is doing its work well and giving entire satis- faction. I find with the small amount of 60 inches water under the pressure of 182 feet, that the wheel gives ample power to diive the 60 stamps of 460 lbs each, and 1 think surplus power to drive 20 or 30 additional stamps. The wheel is the most com- plete power I have ever seen or used, and a success in every way. To those who wish to gain the greatest amount of power from the smallest possible supply of water, I would cheerfully recommend the Leffel Wheel, knowing there will be satisfaction in every instance. With respect I am, Yours truly. J. P. IMBODEN, Supt. of Mines. Ten Inch Leffel Cutting 6000 Feet Lumber. Deer Lodge, Montana, April 6, 1885. James Leffel & Co.: Dear Sirs— For two summers last past I have been running a 50 inch saw in the toughest of red fir, with one of your to inch turbine wheels, using about 175 inches of water, (miner's measurement, the method in universal use in mining countries) under 75 foot pressure. It has done the required work satisfactorily, and is well ca- pable of cutting 6,000 feet per day in fair size logs. Usually run with gates full open, though it seems to give about the same power with gates about % open. I believe these wheels will, properly managed, do about what is claimed for them. Very respectfully yours, J. C. ROBINSON. 64 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL. Circular Saw Mill with Quarter-Turn Belt. The illustration on following page gives a plan somewhat in detail of a very simple and efficient method for arranging circular mills in many instances. This style when adopted, if well put up, with proper size of pulleys, and suitable length of belt, cannot fail to give good satisfaction. Usually in building mills upon this plan, a wheel of comparatively small size is used, operating under a head of considera- ble height. In the cut, the wheel is shown in our Patent Globe, to which a head pipe is attached, leading from the ordinary upright wooden penstock. The pipe being attached to the bulkhead on out- side of mill, passes through the stone wall, and connects directly to the globe ; this latter having, as is shown, a substantial foundation of heavy timbers, and stone piers or masonry. To the sides of the globe casing are flanges to rest upon the sills, affording it a convenient and solid support. A short draft tube is seen attached to lower part of cylinder below, which of course is not necessary in all instances, since the wheel and globe can frequently be placed at the bottom of head, as may be seen in other parts of pamphlet. ; The power is transmitted directly to pulley on saw mandrel, by means of what is usually termed a quarter-turn belt, from a pulley placed on the water wheel shaft. One entirely unacqviainted with the arrangement of the pulleys and belts in this manner, should obtain the services or advice of some one who has had some experience in ar- ranging, applying and putting such belts into operation. It will be observed that the centre of horizontal pulley on water wheel shaft is placed very nearly on a level with the bottom of pulley on saw mandrel, and the centre of pulley on mandrel is almost in a line with the further edge of the pulley on water wheel shaft, although it may not be observed from the illustration. The arrows indicate the only direction the belt can run, with this particular situation of pulleys in relation to each other. Should the direction of belt be changed, then an entire change of the location of pulleys would become necessary. There need, however, be no diffi- culty in the matter, upon due consideration. When this method of using the Leffel Wheel is adop'.ed, it is best to have the pulleys situated some distance apart, perhaps 12 to 18 feet, and not too large in dimensions, nor should the one be very lai-ge and the other very small. When it can be so arranged, they may be as nearly the same size as the proper speeds of the water wheel and saw will admit. In almost all cases, however, the pulley on wheel shaft will be smallest, since the method is best applied to high heads and small wheels. We will give full information on any point con- cerning the method when desired. In ordering wheels state whether they must run WITH or AGAINST sun, that Is Right or Left hand. 66 JAMES LEFFEL's turbine water WHfil^L, @« Unb uUt 11,000 Scffel S^ed^ci im ©ebrau*, tt)clc6e uhtt 300;000 ^fccbctraft f^ahtn. Dbh)0^l h)ir bic 2:^atfad)c, ba^ unferc 3'Iaber aUgcntfine 3ufricbcnl;eil goben unter ben Derfd)tebenften llmftcinben, iDelc^cn fie uutei-iuovfcn finb, aU eincu unum[to^licl)cn liBeJucig i^rer ^u^erioritat iiber ^nbcre ^olten, fo mi.^ beuiiod) ben ungcl)cuve ^^Injal)!, lucld;c n)ir berfauft l)abcn, oli§ nod) biel ftdr» fever 5ielDeig i^rcr gro^en 3$erbien[te gelten unb gibt uujiucifcll^aft 3eugni^, ba^ fie bie 33ebiirfniffen ber ?^abrifantcn, iDeldje ouf eine ai^affcrrraft ange- toiefen ftnb, boUfommen entf|)rec^en. ©o gro^ wat ber 33eifaU, ben fie fanben unb fo gro^ luar bic ^ad)f rage nad) benfelben, bo^ iwtr je^t ® I f ^ a u f e n b 8tnbcr,lDCl(i^e bte ungcl^eure iVraft Don fiinf^iinbcrt jloufenb^fcrbefraft ergeben, in crfoIgreid)er £)))era' tion ^obcn, SSir glauben, ba^ fein anbercr ^eiuei^ al^ biefer notl)H)en« big ift, urn irgcnb einc borurtl^eilsfreie ^crfon bon ben unl}ergleid)Ud)en 3^nr- jirgen unfcve^ %\tti ju uberjeugen. UtUt 3000 ftunftiflc ^tuttl^tilumtu tibcr ^a« CcfffI 9lal>c«^ SStr gcben in biefcr ^lufloge cinige SSriefe bon ben b'elen, h)eld)e n)ir bou ©olc^en im SScfi^e Ijoben, bic unfer SSafferrab gebraud)cn. SScnn e^ ber Staum unb bie ©ebulb ber liefer erlauben toiirbc, toiirben mir mit 35ergniigcu noc^ me^rcrc ^ublijircn, aber einSSuc^ bon berbriifad)en@rb|e be^ gcgcnlutirti- gen, fcIbftlDcnn fonft gar niditg borin ent^altcn, notI;ii)enbign)are, urn alien ten 4mpfc^Iunggbri' fen, bie luir im SSefi^c ^aben, Slufna^me ju geluii^ren, tci Wit in unfcrer £)ffice 3000 Siicfe d^nlic^en Snijallcg, luie bie in biefem 5Buc^c ^ro- bujirlcn, aufjulueifen I;aben. SSir l^offen, bal^ bicfe ®r.tfd)ulbigung bon un- feren jal^lrei(^en greunbcn, bic ung mit biefen gcfd)d^tcn Sriefen beclirten, bic aber megen 2Kangel on Diaum nic^t ^lufnabme finben fonnten, aU l)inreid)cnb erac^tet toerben toirb unb banfen h)ir 3lUcn, fiir bic au^gcfprodjene gute 9Jiei- nung unb ber unbegrenjten patronage, bic fie unfcrcn 9tdbcrn ju ^^eil locr- j ben lichen. j •-•#♦4' 1 @^ fiat 25iclc ill ©tftauncn ficfe^t* 5p i e r c e (5- 1 1 i) , Mo,, ben 31. 2)e2embcr 1882. 3am c8 geffcl & ©o. : f. SBcrt^c ^crrcn! 5bren ^ricf bom 28. :£)e3ember crbalten. $ll§ 5lnt- loort biene Sl^ncn ^olgcnbeS : S)ag 20joflige ©fecial * SRttb, t>a$ id) bonS^nen gefauft l^ahe, i)at fd)on manc^en 9J?ann gum .fto)3ffd)iittcIn gcbradjt. 3c^ \)aht baafclbc jc^t 14 9)lonalc iui beftdnbigen ^etvicbe unb fann meinc 3u- friebcn^eit bamit nid^t genug auefprcdjen^ benn ba^ Heine eifernc ^fcrb arbci- itt, oh ha^ 3Baffer ^ctt ober triibe ifl, bag ^ci^t, ob 5bldlter oba ©tode ba rin flie^en obcr ni^t, ob ©tauluaffer bor^anben, ober nid)t. (^c bcftanb eiuc m Gates M unb fanb einen ©treifen 1)^x2 3oU, 2 gup' lAMfN LKKFRL A CO., SPRlN'GFl RLI), OHfO. 6^ tang urn bo« 5Hnb ^criim li.gcn unb glaiibtcn jc^t nllc ^Inncfcnbcn, ba^bn« SRab jerbiodicn fcin miifetc. ?110 id) abcr 5 Gates t)crauenal)iii iui& ben ©Irict loe bcfiini, fci?tc id) bn^ Siob ivicber jufnimncn unb baejclb. aibcitcte gerabc fo gut, luic juuor. "^JUcn ""i^crluft, ben id) l)attc, n)av l^^, ©tunbe^fit. 2Scld)e0 dh\t> mil 9{eitiftcr uuivbe cine )old)e ^robc auel)alten ? ^q^ ^Mah trebt cine SOjoUige Birtclliige un^ cincn Edger uuler 8 %n^ %a\i unb fd)nei- bet 2000— 250U g-u^ eidjinliolj. 5i^ci mcniger ale 10 guMft nur ^ Gate crforbcrlid). Unfcrc Logs l^abon y»)9 iluorr n, bcnn grobere^ |)oIj, luie eeJ l)icr gibt, l)nbe id) nod) nivgcnbe gcjeljcn, unb luenn bicfecs Scnianb bejlncifelt, fo joU cr nur nnd) uicincr ^JOiii^ic louunen unb c^ mit eigncn 5lugcn fcl)en. 3e^er, ber cin SP.^a|[crvab gcbraudjt, fann fcin beffeve^, aU bag I'cffcrfd)? belommcn, cr mag c^ taufen, ivo cr irifl, bcnh id) habe fdjon Diele 6orlen 9idbcr cingcfc^t, abcr nod) ntc cinc3 mit bemfclbcn drfolg. Sjl) l)abe bercitg 13 Siabcr'nad) bcm l'cffcrfri)cn ^^>atent eingejc^t unb nad)ftcn Sonimer mcrbe idj n)icbcr cin 11)^ unb cin I'J}^ JoUige^ in mcincr 2JiaI)lniiil)lc anbiingcn. ^IdjtungluoU, 3 o I) n (Albert, (Bint SSid^riQC (Btfaf^tun^ mit aSafTcrtdbcif* 9)Unmout^, 3 I., ben 21 Sanuar 1883. Someg gcffcl & 6o. : ®cct)rtc ^cricn! 3c() ful)Ic mid) bcrjjflidjtct, S^ncn iiber bie ^ciftungen bc3 2Sa[[errabc>i, M^ id) uon 3l)nen ten 22, (3e|)tenibcr crl)alten i)(\be, ?lad)nd)t ju gcbcn. 5(m 1. Cttobcr fc^le icf) ein 2&}h 3oU ^cffcLiBaffcrrab i^ur ^Jlrbett jurcdjt. Scit bicfcr 3cit trcibt eg mir~gh)ci ©iinge, einen fiir SSai^en unb cincn fiir Morn, fonne bie anbere 5}(afd)incrie, bic jur 2$erfer- tigung bc^ 2)ic^le0 notljiDcnbig ift, b. b. cincn SE-aijcnfcpcrator, cine sniiit- 93la)djinc, cincn ^^urifier unb cincn ^\m\ ^^fcrt)e itraft 5lornfd)cUer. ^er SSaiscnftcin ift bier %i\^, cr mot)lt jcd)g ^ufd)cl Saijcn ^cr ^tunbe. '^cx iUirnftein ift cbenfallg 4 %u^. ©r ma^lt ad)t ^ufd)el .H'orn ober alnangig ^ufd)il c'hopp pn ©lunbc unb bas Heine 9iab jel?t allcS biefe^ jur crforber- id)cn ©d)ncUigrcit in SeU'cgung, nur mit bcr balbgeoffnetcn Gate unter bier %n^ %aU.. 3d) treibc hai 'i)Jial)l--®efd)aft feit 33 Sa^rcn, 7 Sa^rc in ©uropa unb me iibrigc 3cit in biefcm I'anbc. 3c^ i)ahc in bicfcr 3eit mit bcrfd)ieb?nen SSaffcrrabern gearbeitct, Unterfd>Iad)ttgc, Ucberfd)Iad)tigc, 55ruflroE»cr, Sur- bincn u. f. m., febod) bon alien bicfm bcfi^t fcnie^ bie itraft, inie bai 3amc3 I'cffcl SBafferrab, fobicl 9JIiil)ln)erf uiit fo luenig SSafjerfraft in bic erforbcr- lid)e 5Bch)cgung ju fe^cn. 3d) bebaure nur, micl) nid)t fc^on frii^cr biefeei 3. i?cffel SS^offcrrab bcbient ju l)abcn unb fann id) jcbcm g-abrifantcn ober miUev, bcr fcin ©efdjiift buvd) SSoffcr trcibt, bicfeg 3 :i?tffcl SSafferrab auf 3 ^IScftc em)3fct)lcn, benn bicfc Gate bic an biefcm a^iabe ift, fann gar nidjt gc botcn tocrben, ^(clitungeboUft bin :d) 3^r grcunb, ^cter Og toalb. N. B. — ?bc^ mufe ic^ bemcrfen, ba^ id) cin Eclipse=9?ab gebrand)t ^abc in ben Ic^ten brei 3a^rcn unb fonnte mit ber gletdjcn SSaffcrfraft nur bier 55ufc^cl SSaijcn mot)lcn \)(x ©tunbe. :5)ag ift ha^ befle too^ id) t^un fonnte. 3n'ct ©teinc fonnte hai Eclipse-SJab gar nic^t treiben. g3 fiat hit MVjf ^laft nid)t, bie hai 3 «cffel SBaffcrrab befitjt. r^ ^' ' 68 JAMES LEPFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL, ^ic bcftc in Slmcrtfa. 5!Ha l)gbiine, 2S i g c, ben 18. gfebruar 1883. Samcg 2cff> I & do. : 2Sertt)c .^errcn ! 3d) brouc^c fcit 13 Sn^rcn fihif l)on 3^ren bctbcffcrtfn boppcltcn SSrtffer-S^urbinen, bon berfc()icbencn ©rb^cn, 35^ 30, 26 unb jhici 23 3oU 2;uvbineu. S)ie 353oflige -turbine trcibt etne ^irculrv-©iicje 54 3oU ^urdnncffeu unb [dc^t m 10 (gtunben big 8000 ?Vu^ t)arteg l^umbcr unter 12 %n^ %a\i tk 305ol(ine Ireibt jluei fciat 4 g-ufj 5)?aI)Ifteine unb nllc nnbere 9Jtafd)inenc in ber 9)lii[)Ie, auggenommen bic 9fteinignnei'''D^afct)inen. !5)ie 26joI(ige Surbme treibt bier bopjjelte SSaljen^Sliil)!?, fnbrijirt bci @. ^. ?lllig & (5^0. 2)ic 23^ol(ine jlurbine trcibt bie 9?einiciungg'5J?afd)inrn unb bic ;\ugcf)brigcn ©Icbntor^. 35tc anbcre 23jonigc ^lurbinc trcibt ben (^utterftein. ^lUe 2;urbin«n laufen untcr 13 gut? %ci\l. 2)ic ^Jiiitjle inad)t bci bcr jc^igcn @inrid)tung untcr bolten j^oll, bier ^a^ Wdjl per (Stuubc fcrtig nut 25 Bufd)ct (Sd)rot. ^Itfc Siurbincn, fcit fie in beibcn SJiiit^Icn ^lajirt finb, ^nben nod) nid)t nicl;r aU 5?^n SoUarg 9f{e)Dartttur gefoftct. 3d) bin bcr boKcn ?{n= fid)t, bn^ bie S^rffcl 2;urbine bic bcfte in ^^Imcrifa ift, in ^Bejug nuf ilraft bei i)albcr obcr boHer £)effnung, unb tuiirbc Scbcrniann rat()cn, bcr cine turbine brand)!, feinc anbcre al^ nur bic l^cffcl Jurbine ju faufen. 5ld)tung0boll, g-. ^ a u ft i a n. fiauft nad^ 11 ^abtcn nodi jo %ut aH je, & c b a r b u r g , 2S i 3 c, ben 2l, Mannar 1883. Snmcg Scffcl & (Jo. : ®cct)rlc .^crren ! 3t)r 48 Boll 9!ab, lDcld)eg toir im Suni 18Y2 fauftcn, trcibt unfrc W\\{)\c nod) Uiic friit)cr niit fcd)^ ^aar ©tcincn unb 5}Jafd)incrie auf 12 %i\^ %a{\. 3c^t ift bie 53Ki()lc niit SSaI;;cn cirgcrid)'et unb biefclbcn fd)cincn nid)t fo bid ^raft nolf;ig ju babcn, ciU ©tcinc. SSir t;abcn blo^ tcii cine Stab urn ?ltteg gu treiben, luas fid) in bic 9JJii()lc bcfinbct. gfreublid)ft grii^t, '4. 35 o b c n b o e r f c r. g)orf, 51cbr., ben 14. 5r|)ril 1885. 3amcg Scffcl & So. : 9Bcrtt)e §crrcn ! 3()rcn 55rief crbaltcn unb bicne jur ^Intloort, ba^ bag 23joUige SBaffcrrab, lucld)cg id) im Suli 1884 bon 3t)ncn faufte, untcr 8 guji f^-aii liiuft unb bci I3 gcoffneter Gate cincn 3 gu^ ©tcin trcibt, lucld)cr 3 25ufd)cl Si^djen |)cr ©tu'nbc nial)It, folnie bie anbcrcn crforbcrIid)cn 93iafd)i* nen jum 3Serfertigcn beg 9J?cl)Icg 3d) l^abc fai()cr mit cincm Dbcrfol)t gc* nial)I(n, aber bcr 3l)rigc gefiillt niir bcffcr, lucit cr untcr bcmfclben g-all unb fclbigcm ©trom nod) cinmal jobicl l^raft l)at. Sag 'Hiah Id^t nid)tg ju Iwiin* f d)cn iibrig. ?Id)tungeboI(, gr r a n j 2B i e n g. Unfcr neucg gabrifgcbiiubc ift gro^ unb bcguem, inbcm eg bcfonbcrg fiirbic:» fen 3Uicc£ gcbaut Jnurbc. S)ic gcbraud)tcn ^Berfjcuge tunrbcn cbcnfallg niit grower ©orgfalt auggODciljIt, fo ha^ \mx fie fd)ncU unb gut I)erftcllcn fonncn. S5et bcr 5^arte in cincm anbcrcn .2;f)cile bicfeg ^an)|3[)ictcg unb bcr 5(bbij^ bung unfrrer B-abriffann man crfcl)cn, ta^ unfcrc SSerfcnbungg-g-acilitotcn auggc3eid)nct finb, ba bor unfcrer ^l^iire me§re;:e ®ifcnbal;ncn finb, bie no^ jcbcm ^t)cile ber 2BcIt ge^en. JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 69 They Said it Would Fail. Lkdforu's Mills, Tullahoma, Tenn, April 4th, 1885. James Lfffel iC Co. : Gentlemen— The ii>^ Turbine Water Wheel I bought of you last August is giving perfect satisfaction. It is operating under 30 foot head. Runs two pair of burs successfully, one a 4 foot, the other 334 foot, at full gate. I was told by many that it would prove a failure. That I did not have water sufficient to run a Turbine, as there was a Turbine put i n from some other company previous to my buying the property, which proved a failure. It is in every respect superior to the overshot it displaced. Yours truly, S. V. LEDFORD. 125 bbl Roller Mill. Rochester, N. Y., March 30th, 1885. Messrs. Janus Leffel S: Co. : Gents— The thirty-five inch Water Wheel, special, from you gives us entire sat- isfaction We are driving a 125 barrel roller mill and it does its work splendidly un- der a 60 foot fall. Yours respectfully, gerling brothers. Grinds Witli One-Half Gate. Messrs. James Lcfftl it Co.: Sirs — We are usiiig a thirty-six inch " Leffel's Improved Double Turbine Water Wheel," and can say that it §ives entire satisfaction, running a wheat and corn mill with all the machinery requisite for the same, with only half gate water. Yours, &c., REGEN BROTHERS. Verona, Marshall County, Tenn. 175 Barrel Mill With 3-5 Gate. BoARDMAN, Wis., March 30, 188s. James Leffel & Co., Springfield, 0.: Gents — The 48 inch Water Wheel purchased of you last fall has proved satisfac- tory in every respect. We took out a 60 inch Stout Mills & Temple Wheel and put your 48 inch in its place and started up under 16 foot head. Our mill has capacity of 175 barrels flourdaily. When we were making the change some of the boys in the mill thought the 48 inch would not start the mill, it looked so small beside the one taken out, but when we come to let the water on they found it would carry the mill with about 3-5 gate under 16 foot head. Yours truly, JOHNSTON. BRO. & CO., Successors to W. & Jos. Johnston Displaced 52 Feet Overshot and 8 Feet Breast Wheel. Gold and Silver Mill. Dayton, Nev., Feb. 5th, 1883. Messrs. James Leffel lO Co.: Dear Sire — Yours of December 17th, directed to Lyon M. & M. Co., at hand, and as that Company is out of existence, I have taken the liberty to answer it my- self, for the reason that before Lyon Mill ordered a wheel, I had the choice of a wheel for the Company, and I chose your wheel. I think you made the wheel late in 1875 or early in '76. I put in the wheel ; you also made case for it. It has been in constant use ev^r since, and the water at times quite muddy from tailings run into the river from mills above. Considering the water we use for power, I don't believe there was ever a piece of machinery put together that gave more perfect satisfaction than your wheel. Lyon Mill Co. bought another of your wheels last year and we have it now; but the way the old wheel is operating it may be years yet before it will be worn out; there is never any repairs on it. 1 have run that wheel over 100 days without stop- JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 7I ping, and did not stop then for the wheel, but to clean out the boiler in the mill. If 1 had use for one hundred wheels they would all be LefFel's Wheels, as then I could depend on my power. Ours is a 35 inch ; we don't use more than ^ gate ; the wheel is very economical as your gates are the most perfect form; we adjust them for the water we have as perfectly as you can an engine by its throttle. Ours is a quartz or tailings mill, about 160 tons per 24 hours. We have 12 pans and 12 settlers, which take from 12 to 14 horse power to the pan, making fully 150 horse power besides our Battery of ten stamps and two mills for crushing rock. The same 24 inch main driving belt is on that I put on when I put in the wheel seven years ago, so you can judge that it does its work very easily. 1 he belt travels 43 feet per second, the driv- ing pulley 4 feet 4 inches, driven pulley 11 feet. Our wheel lays on its side, but I am willing to bet and give large odds, that it will run upright, on its side, on an angle, or inclined, or any way that it can lie set up, and give good satisfaction. There is never any trouble with the wheel. We have 56 feet head of water, run with gates ^ open; your wheel is driving the machinery that a 52 foot overshot and an 8 foot breast wheel formerly did ; at the same time we are not getting half of the power in your wheel that it contains, on account of not having the water to fill it; but it will do the work economically according to the water, much or little. Wishing you success, allow me to subscribe myself. Truly yours, CHARLES H. RULISON, Supt. for J. M. Douglass & Co., Successors to Lyon Mill & Mining Co High Falls and Small Quantities of Water. A PROPER TEST FOR A TURBINE WHEEL. The severest practical tests to which turbines can be subjected, are to take the place of overshot wheels under high falls, and when ap- plied to heads and pressures entirely too great to admit at all of the application of an overshot either single or double ; and in both in- stances where the quantity of water is extremely limited, being only supplied by a few springs. It can certainly be claimed for the wheel that succeeds under those circumstances, that it is a strong and dura- ble one, easy of application and management when in operation ; and that it is the very best turbine thatcan be constructed. We therefore invite special attention to the statements we publish elsewhere in this pamphlet from practical millers and millwrights, who have had years of experience with overshot wheels, under high falls and small quantities of water — just the circumstances under which it has been formerly considered impossible for any turbine to successfully compete with an overshot ; and we think it not too much to say, that the Leffel Wheel is the onfy wheel that can achieve such results under such conditions. But severe as is this test, the Leffel Wheel has not only proven equal but superior in every respect to the overshot ; and it will also be observed that, notwithstanding the high degree of economy demanded in the use of so small a quantity of water, not one of the wheels is using full-drawn gates. In factj some are operating with gates only one-quarter open ; thus proving beyond a doubt the highest degree of economy in our wheel with par- tial gates. Another fact that cannot escape attention, is the immense power produced by such small wheels. We claim this as a feature peculiar to the Leffel Wheel ; and from the principle of its construction, we ftre ^ble ^et tp increase its capacity much beyond its present power, if JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 73 in any case the circumstances may seem to require it. We have found, by careful comparison with many other wheels, that we can produce a far greater power from the same size wheel, thus enabling us to use a much smaller wheel for any purpose than is usually ap- plied by any other form of turbine. We built, some time since, a wheel of but 10 inches in diameter, and using the same number of square inches and cubic feet of water that our 7^ inch wheel uses ; it supersedes a 120 horse jiower engine, as the wheel gives that power and has a head of 228 feet. It was built of fine brass and steel, with buckets made of German Silver, and was a perfect model of strength and beauty. We have also put in opera- tion a number of others, under heads of 80 feet and over. One was built and applied recently to ahead of 300 feet, for mining purposes, being the highest head ever utilized in this country. In fact, the form of its construction, and the nature of the action of the water upon it, admits of its use under pressures far greater even than those mentioned. The essential points to be observed are few and simple, and consist mainly in having the machinery immediately connected to the wheel of neat proportions, and as light as is consistent with the work to be performed, and otherwise to reduce the friction to the smallest amount, as it must be obvious that massive machinery and much friction upon a small wheel running at a high velocity must seriously detract from the good performance of the wheel. Simplicity in the arrangement of machinery is likewise of the greatest importance, for it is a very easy matter to so absorb the power of sm'all wheels by undue length of shafting and long trains of gearing, particularly bevel gearing, that there will be but comparatively little available power left. Description of Plates on Pages 70 and 72. The plates on pages 70 and 72 illustrate one of the most complete and successful achievements of hydraulic engineering in this country, which at once shows that, by the use of the Leftel Wheel, many valua- ble powers can be created, where now it is considered impracticable by reason of the high fall and limited amount of water in the stream. The success of this will not only establish the fact that the Leftel Wheel is durable and gives a steady motion under excessively high falls, but, also, that so great is its economy in use of water that a sur- prisingly large amount of power can be obtained from a very small stream of water. In fact the amount of work done by the Leftel Wheel under these high falls, when compared with the small stream of water used, is surprising and a mystery to those who are not sufticiently ac- quainted with the principles governing the operation of the Wheel to know that it embraces the elements requisite to give the very largest amount of power that is possible to obtain from a limited quantity ot water. We, therefore, call particular attention to this mill, as it will no doubt, convince others that they, by the use of the Leftel Wheel, may secure equally as vaUiable and constant a power. This mill, as 74 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL, shown, is a large flouring mill belonging to H. C. Williams, Ithica, N. Y., and has five to six run of large burrs, with all the necessary machinery for a first-class merchant mill. On page 72 will be found plate and detailed description of the machinery, as arranged in the mill. The mill is located at the base of a hill, from the summit of which the water is obtained to drive it. The stream is a very small one indeed, furnishing but a limited quantity of water. The water is carried down to the Wheel (which is located in basement of mill) through an iron pipe 500 feet long, where it is attached to a Globe case in which the Wheel is placed. The Wheel itself is 153^ inches diam- eter, but is reduced in capacity, so that it uses, with full gate, only the same quantity of water as our 11)2 inch Wheel, and can, therefore, virtually be regarded as one of that size. It is made wholly of brass and steel, and of the highest finish. The fall employed is 95 feet, and although the Wheel with full gates uses only 14 square inches of water, yet it gives sufficient power to run six large burrs at one time, besides a vast amount of other machinery, such as separator, packer, etc. Abovit 200 feet from lower end of main pipe is attached a branch pipe'leading down to another mill, (plaster mill,) in which is placed a 13/^2 inch Wheel, reduced in capacity to a lo-inch Wheel ; this Wheel operates under 82 feet fall, and is enclosed in Globe case similar to the one in flour mill. The plaster mill is not shown in the plate. After the water has operated upon the Wheel, it is conducted through an underground tunnel and discharges through the small archway into the channel of a large stream which will be seen flowing in frorit of the mill. The operation of this Wheel has excited the grea;.>5t in- terest and wonder throughout that vicinity. The plate on page 72 gives in detail the arrangement of the ma- chinery in the mill shown on page 70. Although the little wheel is doing an astonishing amount of work, yet the machinery which it drives is not arranged in as simple and complete a manner as the pecu- liar advantages of our Wheel would permit, the mill having formerly been run by two large overshot wheels. The inachinery was arranged and adapted to the overshot wheels. In applying our Wheel, there was no change made in the machinery whatever, hence all the heavy, complicated machinery used with the overshot wheels has to be car- ried by our little Wheel, which, added to the work of propelling five pairs of large burrs, makes its performance wonderful. We have taken some pains to show the manner of connecting this Wheel to the work, as it is a method that can be frequently adopted where it is de- sirable to connect our Wheel to the same machinery run by the over- shot wheel, and where the machinery, for variovis reasons, cannot be changed. The bvn-rs are located around the main spur wheel G ; the shaft U extends up into the mill running the machinery ; the pinion E, which receives the power of the Wheel through the pulley D, works into the spur wheel G, thus driving all or any number of the burrs at one time. The belt, running from the pulley on the water >vheel sb^ft, i§ j6 inches wide, anc} runs with a speed of almost 89 feet 76 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL, per second. B is the Globe case within which the wheel is placed, and although the pressure on this case is over 43 pounds per square inch, jet it remains perfectly watertight, and shows no signs of undue strain upon it. A is the pipe which conducts the water to the wheel. At I there is a screw and worm wheel, for opening the gates of the wheel, which by this means is done gradually, thus avoiding any sud- den shock which might be produced by suddenly opening or closing the gates. The gates of the wheel, under this enormous pres- sure, are opened with the greatest ease, requiring in fact scarcely more force than if under a fall of only ten feet. The casing B, is firmly bolted to timbers, secured in heavy masonry. In some instances, it may be found convenient to use a short draft tube, but we aim always, where it is possible, to avoid entirely the use of an^^ tube, except a short one cast on the Globe, the end of which should be so located as to touch the standing tail -water. Decked Penstock— Direct Attaclimeiit to Burrs. There are some mi'ls, particularly flour and saw mills, that are so situated with reference 10 flume, that it is difficult to gear or attach the spindles, or horizontal shaft to the water wheel shaft above the sur- face of the water. This frequently happens where the water is on a level with the second or third stbry of the mill, and the machinery operating on the first floor. In such a case the wheel can be placed, as shown in the accompanying plate. In addition to the ordinary per- pendicular portion of flume or penstock, there is a horizontal section flume built in which the wheel is placed. This decking may be three or four feet high on the inside, where the head is about 14 feet and the water wheel of about 23 inches diameter. Other sizes of wheels and other heads require different heights of decking. This plate shows a shaft that is attached to the wheel shaft, passing out of the top of decking of this horizontal section of flume, and around the shaft is placed a stuffing box to prevent leakage of water; around the gate rod, there being one also for the same purpose. To the up- right shaft attached to the wheel, may be applied bevel gears for driv- ing the horizontal shaft for the saw mill, or spur gears may be used as shown in the cut to drive mill burrs. The shaft can be extended up- wards between the burrs to which elevators and other machinery can be attached. The advantage of this method of placing the Avheel is that the power can be brought nearer to the point where the work is to be done, otherwise it w ould have to be brought through a long train of gears and shafting, which of course would tend greatly to lessen the usual effect of the wheel. As the value of any mill depends mainly upon the power to propel it, we wovild say, conform the machinery, if possible, to the wheel, and not the wheel to the machinery, as it is too frequently done. Bring the work as near the wheels as possible and avoid too great length of shafting and complication of gearing. An excess of shafting and too yg JAMES IePFEL's turbine WATER WhEEL, much gearing always tend to greater wear and friction, requiring at- tention, that they may always he in perfect order. In building this style of flume we cannot too much impress the necessity of having strong, heavy timbers and plank, which ought to be fitted closely, particularly at the joints, elbows or turns. The husk or frame support of millstone is built entirely upon a separate founda- tion, resting upon stone walls, piers and abutments as will be seen. The corner posts may be considerably heavier than the illustration in- dicates, and two or three others should be framed in the long part or side next to view, and from this to the upper horizontal plate, diagonal pieces may be framed or securely nailed to give it the greatest possible stiffness and strength. By building the frames separate from the pen- stock, either of them can be renewed at any time, that it may become necessary. Open Penstock— Direct Attachment to BiuTS, Page 75. A plain, substantial flume is constructed with good, heavy timbers and a firm foundation. The stone piers and the back wall may be placed upon planking, as illustrated in the cuts on pages 75 and 87, providing the foundation is a soft one ; or upon stone providing the bottom of the pit is of that material. In all cases, however, the level of the tail water when standing, ought to be as high as the top surface of the lowest sill. The space below the sills in the cut was left that the placing of the sill on the wall and the pier might be observed ; but in practice the water should cover all of these, that the full benefit of the head and fall may be realized, by means of a tube or cylinder extending downward from the wheel, touching the water when in oper- ation, and thus excluding the air and utilizing the full power. There should be sufficient space, both in depth and width between the floor of the flume and the floor of the tail race, to let the water pass out freely and without obstruction from beneath the flume or penstock. The floor of this penstock should be of heavy planking to give suffi- cient firmness to support the combined weight of water and the wheel with the shafting and gearing. In the floor of this penstock there should be cut a hole of sufficient size to admit the cylinder of wheel casing, which will pass through the floor of the penstock, thus allowing the wheel to rest, by means of the flange of its, upon the floor. It will not require anything to fix it to its place, as the weight of the wheel and water will hold it firmly in position. The penstock is a mere continuation of the flume or forbay, as the cut shows, excepting that it has a little greater depth and strength ; the planking of the forbay or flume being merely extended into the penstock. This penstock should in every case be made according to the dimensions in column F of the tables on pages 27 and 33, accompanying the cuts on preceding pages 26 and 32. The floor of the penstock it must be remembered, should come sufficiently near the standing tail water that the end of the cyl- inder projecting downward from the wheel casing through the floor. James LeIS'f'eL A co., sprixgfield, otiro. 79 will dip two or three inches below the surface of the water, as the cut on page 26 already alluded to clearly illustrates. A pit of good depth should ahyays be dug underneath the flume in all cases, to preyent the water from reacting upon the wheel, whereby the amount of power would be diminished. This penstock can be con- structed to suit the peculiarities of the location, the essential points to obserye being, to haye it strong enough and of sufficient capacity to let the water to the wheel without obstruction. In the illustration the mill stone husk is shown upon the penstock timbers ; it maj be built separately from this, and independent of it, as will be found in cut on page 71^. The timbers supporting the burrs may be heayier, and more of them than is shown here ; and diagonal braces may also be used for stiftening and making the husk more solid and substantial. Percentage Tests of Water Wheels. The general introduction of the Turbine Wheel as a motor was im- mediately followed by attempts, with yarying degrees of success, to de- yise some means of testing or measuring its power in the different forms in which it was constructed. Up to the present time the method generally adopted has been the use of the friction brake, dynamometer, and the lifting of weights. While this method of testing a wheel ap- pears a simple one, and should apparently yield definite results, it has been found in the experience of manufacturers of wheels and in that of practical mill-owners, to be entirely unreliable as an indicator of the amount of Ayork the wheel will perform. We haye held this view of the matter for years, in our publications and correspondence. As an example of the position which we haye taken vipon this subject, and still maintain, we make the following extract from our pamphlet issued in 1867 : "The ordinary method of determining the ratio of useful effect pro- duced by a wheel from a certain quantity of water is by means of a friction brake, or by raising weights, where the quantity of water and the height through w hich it falls, or in other words, the amount of head and fall employed, is carefully compared wath the amount of re- sistance oyercome. Thus what is called the percentage of power is ac- curately obtained. Now, while, in a scientific sense, to ascertain the percentage of a wheel is of some value, and to which formerly much importance was attached, it has become a well-established fact, from the many careful tests made by individuals and corporations, that the co-efficient of useful effect thus determined cannot be held as a measure of the efficiency of a wheel, or taken as any assurance that the same comparative results will be obtained, when applied to the various pur- poses of manufacture. Before this fact was fully established it was a matter of much astonishment not only to manufacturers, but to the builders of wheels themselves, to find a great disparity existing between the results obtained in an experimental test and the results produced when practically applied to propel machinery. So great has been this difference that many wheels which, from the high per cent, obtained So JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL, by test trials, gave flattering promise of a successful and economical wheel, when reqviired to overcome the ever-changing resistance of ma- chinery, have totally failed to meet the requirements of an economical wheel. So frequently have these failures occvu-red that it forms one of the great obstacles of introducing a really valuable and successful wheel ; and it is an ordinary thing for shrewd and careful manufac- turers to say : ' We know beautijul results can he produced before test committees, but what u)illyour wheel do in my millf " It is a well-authenticated fact that in an experimental test of the kind above described, a number of wheels widely differing in their actual practical efficiency may give an almost uniform percentage of power ■ — the experience of manufacturers showing that of those very wheels some will do nearly double the actual work performed by others. One of the most memorable and instructive cases of this kind on record was the competitive test of water wheels at the Fairmount Water Works, in Philadelphia, in 1859-60. It is an unquestioned fact, and one within the knowledge of all manufacturers of wheels, that in the Fairmount test, in which the lifting of weights was the criterion of effect, several wheels gave nearly 90 per cent, of power, while others were not far behind ; and that wheels which gave the most flattering percentage in the test were fovind in their subsequent practical opera- tion to be of comparatively little value, while other wheels which stood relatively low in the experimental scale proved to be in practice far more effective than those which yielded the larger percentage. We cite the Fairmount test not only because it was a signal instance of the deceptive results of a trial by percentage, but also for the reason that the attention of mill-owners w^as largely drawn to it as one of the most exhaustive and searching tests ever undertaken. That it was thoroughly and carefully conducted is shown by the completeness of the prepara- tions. The apparatus for the test was constructed under a liberal ap- propriation by the City Council of Philadelphia, and neither pains nor expense was spared. The amplest provision was made in money, ma- terial, and skill for the demands of the occasion, and manufacturers of turbines were invited to send or bring wheels to be tested, without ex- torting or impelling the payment of a fee. And in order to avoid any false computation which might possibly occur from the measurement of water by the use of a weir (which is liable to erroneous results,) an absolutely certain method was adopted, the water being caught in a large tank and measured with perfect accuracy. In the ascertaining of the useful effect or percentage the liability tQ error involved in the use of the ordinary appliances w^as avoided by substituting the lifting of weights, and in every particular the trial was beyond criticism in the minute precision with which its fundamental theory was applied. No one can question the ability with w^hich the test was conducted. It was superintended by the best engineering talent in the country, and no candid man can read the admirable and exhaustive report of the trial (which is contained in a large and hand- somely illustrated pamphlet,) without being convinced of the thorough- ' JAMES LEFPEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Ol hess, skill, and impartiality "which characterized it in every reSpect. Yet, after all, of v,hat practical value was this test ? "What did it teach ? Simply nothing except the inadequacy of such tests to reveal those peculiar properties of the water wheel which constitute its value as a practical motor. The very wheel which gave the highest per- centage of power at Fairmount, when put to the test of propelling ma- chinery by the manufacturing community, was found inadequate and inefficient ; and the maker of that wheel having at length abandoned it, after endeavoring for several years to put it en the market, adopted in its stead a wheel belonging to the class which gave the lowest per- centage in the Fairmount test, and is now engaged in its manufacture, with much better results than with his former w heel. Other wheels, moreover, which fell far behind in the Fairmount trial, have since at- tained a more eligible position in the esteem of the manufacturing community than the wheels which surpassed them in the experimental tests. * While such tests may to some degree or in a measure, in the hands of entirely competent and honest parties, give comparatively reliable results, under particularly favorable circumstances, they cannot aftbrd truthful indications of the operation of a wheel, which is subject not only to unfavorable circumstances in location, etc., but to constantly changing speeds imder various conditions. With a percentage test the wheel is tried but a few seconds, at a perfectly uniform speed, dis- charging the same quantity of water for each interval of time, with the flume and pit in the very best possible condition, both for entrance and discharge of water. The gateage is then probably changed, and a few seconds' test made in that manner, under the same uniform conditions as at first ; and so on are a number of such test s made. In practice, the wheels are, perhaps, in a majority of cases, operating under verv unfavorable circumstances, not only as to the entrance and discharge of water to and from the wheel, but as to the size and proportion of the gears, and the location of the wheel in relation to the work to be done. The motion, especially in woolen, cotton, and saw mills, is ever changing, exceedingly unsteady, and these changes by no means in a uniform degree, and of course discharging for each interval of time difterent quantities of w-ater than where the condi- tions are uniform and favorable, as in the test flume. In such cases no percentage test, however carefully devised and conducted, will aftbrd an exponent indicating the real obtainable power, particularly when the experiment is made under the unfavorable conditions to which we have already alluded. As a consequence, some wheels which, by the percentage method, give a high and uniform result, will fall far below more ordinary wheels in their average work when sub- mitted to this ever-varying routine of change. Aside from the inability of percentage testing to prove the actual worth of a wheel for driving various kinds of machinery, should it be done even in an honest and competent manner, it proves nothing whatever as to the durability of a wheel, ck* as to its general manage- 9 82 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL, mcntwhen it has been once in operation a number of jears. This re- quires the practical operation of a large number, many of which have been running for several 3'ears, before all the points of merit and de- merit become apparent or fully demonstrated. So also is the ease of repairing and the liability of breakage only subject to demonstration by actual use. In view of the failure of all tests of the character above described, to indicate the actual available merits of the competing wheels, we are led to the unavoidable conclusion that the only reliable test of the power of a water, wheel is its practical working, whether in grinding grain or the propelling of machinery, under the varying conditions which it is destined to encounter, and for a length of time sufficient to exemplify those conditions and reveal their effect. In the foregoing remarks we have had in view only those few tests which are at least honestly and fairly made, and about which there is no fraud, pretence, or intended deception. There are " tests," so- called, of which we frequently hear, but which might more justly be called conspiracies. We refer to the " tests " which builders of water wheels in competition with the Leifel Wheel often profess to have made, publishing the alleged results with an immense flourish of trumpets, and claiming, of course, to have achieved a brilliant victory over the Leftel Wheel. The fact has in almost every instance proved to be that these parties had held a private test to suit their own ideas and interests, and entirely without our knowledge or consent. Sometimes we are informed, from some distant part of the country, by some vmknown builder of wheels, that he is about to make a test against our wheel in some mill, and that we must appear on the ground and see that our wheel is in order, which has perhaps been in operation a number of years. We are commanded by such novices as though we had nothing to occupy our time, or our business had no claims vipon our attention, and as though it were our duty to aid in making them and their wheel a reputation, or at least to give them in- fluence hy a recognition of their wheel. They, however, do not de- sire our presence, but it is done, in such cases as reach our notice, for the sole purpose of a pretence to be fair, and to influence spectators or judges. Fairness and honesty is not what they want ; it is their desire to test in our absence. It would be a very poor wheel which could not beat the Leftel under such circumstances, however much it might fall short of it in actual merit and practical value. The invar- iable selection of the Leftel Wheel, however, as a standard of com- parison by opposition wheel builders, and their extreme anxiety to make it appear, by fair means or foul, that their wheel is equal or sup- erior to the Leftel, is one of the most striking proofs which caa be afforded that it is beyond dispvite the best water wheel in use. JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRT X(; FI KLD, OHIO. 83 *'He Told the Fall Truth About the Wheel." OsvKA, Miss., May 28th, 1884. Messrs. James Leffel & Co.: I am just in receipt of a letter from Helena, Ark., making inquiries about the Leffel Wneel. I write to him to-day the full truth about the wheel. Since it was put in on August 17th, 1877, till the present writing, nearly seven years, it has never had to be loooked at — neither wheel nor gate has ever been out of order. It has ginned six crops of cotton and done our grinding ; cut all the oat straw, and for two years has had a circular saw. There are a number of your wheels here iu reach of my ob- servation, that have been running for years, and I have never heard any kind of ( om- flaint urged agarnst one of them, nor have I heard of an owner who was dissatisfied, send you the letter as you may wish to write to him. Your wheel has run two terms, and we are by it like by the President, we have no desire to make a change. T. E. TATK Pulp Mill— Two 87 Inch Wheels at 2-3 Gates. APPLET0^4, Wis., Jan, ist, 1883. Messrs. James Leffel & Co., Springfield, 0.: Gentlemen — lam using two of your I _ inch Wheels in my pulp mill at Grand Rapids, Wis. They are giving entire satisfaction. Under a ten foot head and with a two-thirds gate, they give ample power to drive four pulp grinders, a refiner, pump, and two saws. I am making from three and one-half to four tons of diy pulp every twenty-four hours, and have ample power. to make from one to two tons more, during the same period. I have used several other make of water wheels, but yours gives better results, using less water, than any other 1 have tried. Yours truly, WELCOME HYDE. On Half Gate, 4 Feet Fall. San Jcan Mill, Bexar Co., Tex., April 3, 1385. Messrs. James Leffel d- Co., Springfield, 0.: Dear Sirs — Am well satisfied with the 50 inch Special you sold me. The Wheel has been running now about 7 months, and 1 never, so far, have had any trouble with it. With lour feet fall at about half gate, it drives easily the corn mill, &c.: occasion- ally a corn elevator and a sheller, as well as a hominy machine. I can well recom- mend yours to any man who wants a reliable wheel. Yours truly, F. E. GROTHAUS. On Part Gate and on its Merits. Yankton, Dak., April 2, 1885. James Leffel & Co., Springfield, 0.: We are running the 10 inch Leffel Water Wheel under a 30 foot head. We run this wheel on feed and corn meal altogether at % to % gate ; grind about 15 bushels meal per hour or about 25 bushels feed. As far as the wheel giving satisfaction is concerned, I never had a failure in the Leffel Wheel, having used and sold a great many on their merits. Yours, &c., ROLLER KING MILLING CO., S. Kaucher, Supt On (Juarter Gate and 2 1-2 Feet Head. Bancroft, Mich., April i, 1885. James Leffel & Co.: Dear Sirs— We can say that the 56 inch Water Wheel that we bought of you gives entire satisfaction. We use it in the manufacturing of Excelsior under a five foot head. We have five machines, one saw and press, and it will run the whole thing with % gate, and can run the whole mill with 2}^ feet head at su?h a time as high water. Yours truly, SHIAWASSEE EXCELSIOR CO. JAMES LEFFEL * CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 85 Saw Mill.— Explanatioii of Plate on Foregoing Page. This cut illustrates a first-class circular saw mill, built in the most recent and modern stvle, and supplied with all the arrangements and conveniences for manufacturing a large amount of lumber ; although the minor details are omitted in the illustration, that the circular mill, penstock and connection of wheel, saw and work, maj be exhibited on a scale of sufficient size, without complications, to render the gen- eral plan easily understood. The water wheel in this case mav be our 303/0 or 35 inch, vmder a 14 or 15 feet head of water, and located as the design represents, in a decked penstock, built precisely upon the j^rin- ciple and in the manner of that shown on page 87, except that perhaps in that case the wheel is smaller and penstock higher, necessitating somewhat more strength in the posts and planking although not requir- ing so great internal dimensions as in the cut before us ; since the lower the head the less pressure, and consequently the less resis- tance required in posts and planking, with, however, nearly the same aggfegate strength in the floor planking amd sills, for the lower head, requiring as it does a larger floor and more space, with also larger wheels. This same plan is also given in a general way on page 75, though a more portable and not so substantial a form as our cut here illustrates. It is by no means essential that the decked penstock in all cases should be used for saw mills ; it usually happens, however, w here the head is more than an average height, it becomes necessary for the sake of con- venience, that the power be taken oflf below the level of head water, in which case the decked penstock is required, or a better substitute in the Globe Casing as illustrated on pages 22, 55, 65 and 72. In many instances where the head water and penstock are low, and the floor of mill of modern height, a method may be adopted, in which there is no decking or oifset used, the wheel being simply set or located in the open penstock, with its shaft extending above the cap timbers, a gear on this shaft connecting with the one on the horizontal shaft, and conducting the power under the main floor, where it can be taken off by means of a pulley and belt, and transmitted through the floor to the pulley on saw mandrel as our cut here exhibits ; or it may be con- nected direct to an upright mill by gearing, as cut on page 77 represents ; or may be used upon a crank shaft of vipright saw under the mill by a belt. The principle of communicating the power, conducting it to the proper location, and connecting it to the saw mill, which may be eithei circular or upright, is precisely similar, whether the Decked, Globe 01 Open Penstock is used, as may be seen by a comparison of the illustra tions on pages 65, 77, 84 and 96, although each diftcrent case maj reqviire some slight modifications, by which the particular circum stances may each be adapted the one to the other, yet by no mean departing from the general principle or arrangement as stated above In the cut^ the driving pulley on main horizontal line sl)^ft ^nd th 86 JAMES leffel's turbine water wheel, belt are not shown, as they are near and under the floor ; the belt passes through the floor and connects with the pulley on saw mandrel, being almost or entirely out of the way of the workmen and lumber ; if for any purpose it is considered desirable, the main line may be placed higher, when a part of pulley and belt would be above the floor. The gate arrangement beyond the log carriage can be located at any convenient point, and under the floor may be attached by a gear or rack connections to the gate rod at water wheel. Parties applying to us for any information concerning the adapta- tion of water wheels to saw mills, should always give as full and com- plete a statement of the circumstances in the case as possible ; stating whether a mulay, sash, gang or circular mill ; the amount of head water, and probable size of stream, which may be estimated by direc- tions given elsewhere in pamphlet, or by letting us know how far above or below other mills you are, if any, and what amount of work they are doing in 24 hours. State also size and capacity of your pro- posed mill, and particularly the size and kind of saw, whether circular or upright, and what kind and amount of timber you intend cutting in inch measure per hour, or per day of twelve hours. All these condi- tions modify more or less the size and adaptation of water wheel to the proposed work. Description of Illustration on Following Page. The cut exhibits in a clear and distinct manner, a style of flume and penstock, often employed in cases where the power is to be taken off or applied below the level of head water. It is termed usually, a decked penstock ; and is variously modified in its construction, although in no case differing, in general principle, materially from that shown in this instance. The illustrations on pages 84 and 96 are of the same design and idea ; but vary somewhat in the detail of con- structions. In the one on page 84 it will be observed, the decking is upon the same side of the upright; instead of the front as seen in the cut before us, it can be used, or the wheel placed on either side or front, as circumstances may require in each particular instance. The building and general arrangement of the penstock need hardly be described ; each detail being so carefully shown as to convey at once a correct idea of the whole affair. It might be stated, that to insure durability and general efiiciency, it should be made strong and tight, using heavy timbers and planking ; the latter well-jointed, with a short bevel on the inner edge of each plank, to admit of caulking or stopping of any small leaks, by the collection of sediment or small floating particles. The planking may be tongued and grooved if pre- ferred ; but in no case should the lumber be entirely dry nor altogeth- er green ; if too dry, the planking would swell and bulge off its bear- ings, and if too green, would shrink, leaving the penstock loose and leaky, when left a few days exposed to the air, with the water out of the flume and bulkhead, or penstock. 88 JAMES leffel's turbine water wheel, The cut shows the sills or foundation, with planking on them, all laid on the bottom of a dry pit, upon which the stone piers are placed. The cut on page 77 has the piers resting directly upon a stone bottom, without the sills or planking, they being unnecessary Avhere such a foundation can be obtained. The piers must in all cases be carefully and solidly laid up (water cement being preferable to mortar,) since the entire weight of all the wood work, water, water wheel, with some of the shafting and gearing must rest upon them. In neither of these cases, in fact in no case, must it be inferred, that the penstock bottom or the foundation planking must stand thus above the tail -water. The level of tail -water. Mobile standing or running, should and must stand on a level with the top of the sills placed on the top of stone piers, on which the plank of decking and main part of decking, and main part of penstock are placed ; if the very best results are desired. An inch or two lower than this, or two or three inches higher than the top of these sills, will not affect the results in a material manner ; bvit beyond these limits, a decrease of power may be expected. The planking should be well nailed to each post, wherever it touches them, by this means preventing them from spreading or pulling apart, and avoiding the necessity of cross ties framed into the posts. The bottom planks are supported by sills and ties, the ends of the plank being seen pro- jecting through on the side, lying on the side sill, and securely nailed to its resting place. The two middle sills are supported by rods or bolts. Explanation of Tables on Pages 89, 90, 91. The following tables are taken from "Leffers Construction- of Mill- dams and Bookwaltcr's I»Iillwright and Mechanic" ; published by Jas Leffel & Co. The calculations for these tables have been carefully made from the formula of Weisbach ; and will be found extremely useful, in determining the available power of water, inoving at any velocity, from one to twenty feet per second, through pipes from nine to thirty inches inside diameter. The length of pipe for which the table is calculated is 100 feet. As however, the loss of head by fric- tion, varies in the same direct ratio as the length of the pipe, the amount of such loss in a pipe of greater or less length than 100 feet, can be easily ascertained. For example : to find the loss of head in a pipe 47 feet long, 9 inches inside diameter, discharging 79.41 cubic feet of water per minute. This rate of discharge, as will be seen by the table, indicates a velocity of 3 feet per second. The loss of head is found in the column for 9 inch opposite the figure 3 in the column of velocities, viz.: 45-100 of a foot for a pipe 100 feet long. For a pipe 47 feet long it will be forty- seven hundredths of .45 feet, or .45 multiplied by .47, making 21-100 feet, di-opping decimals below the second place. That is, for one foot of pipe the loss is .45 divided by 100, and for 47 feet, forty-seven times the loss of one foot. f JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. LOSS OF HEAD BY FRICTION OF WATER IN PIPES. Calculated for Pipes lOO Feet Long. 89 INSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE IN INCHES. Velocity 9 10 11 12 13 14 of Water through Pipe in Feet per Second. a n n n : ? 2.0 It n • > ft §"2. II : g 1 5' 1. 0-0 cl'*' * §"2, ^1 n n : i> : ?' S3 §'2. 1 26.47 .065 32.70 .059 39-55 .054 47. ic .049 55.30 .045 64.08 .042 2 52.94 .220 65.40 .198 79.10 .180 94.2c .164 110.60 .152 128.16 .141 3 7941 •450 98.15 .407 11865 .370 .623 141.30 .339 165.90 .313 192.24 .291 4 105.90 .;6o 130.85 .685 158.20 188.40 .570 221.20 .527 256.32 .489 5 132.37 1.14 163.50 1.03 197.76 .932 235.40 .855 276.50 .789 320.40 .735 6 158.84 1.59 196.20 1-43 237.30 1.30 282.50 1.20 331.80 1. 10 384.48 1.03 7 X85.31 2.12 22890 1.90 276.85 1.73 329.60 1.59 387.10 1.46 448.57 1.36 8 211.80 2.71 261.60 2.45 316.40 2.23 376.70 2.04 442.40 1.88 512.66 1-75 9 238.29 337 294.29 3.03 355-95 2.76 423-80 2-53 497.70 -.33 576.75 2.17 10 264.77 4.11 327.00 3.70 395.50 3-36 470.90 3-08 553.00 2.85 640.84 2.64 119 291.26 4.90 359-70 4.41 43505 4.0I 518.00 3.68 608.30 3.39 704.93 3.15 12 317.74 5.77 392.39 5.19 474.62 4.72 565.10 4.32 663.60 3.99 769.02 3.71 13 344.22 6.70 425.09 6.03 514-17 5.48 612.20 5.03 718.90 4.64 833.10 4.30 14 370.70 7.71 457-79 6.93 553-72 6.30 659.30 5.78 774.20 5.33 897.18 4.95 15 397.18 8.77 490.49 7.90 593-27 7.18 706.35 6.58 829.50 6.08 961.27 5.64 16 423.65 9.91 523.18 8.92 632.82 8.II 753-45 7.43 884.75 6.86 1025.36 6.37 17 430.13 II. II 555.88 10.00 672.37 9.09 800.50 8.33 940.00 7.69 1089,45 7.15 18 476.61 12.38 588.58 II.I4 711.92 10.13 847.60 9.29 995.30 8.57 1153.54 7.96 19« 503.08 13.71 621.28 12.34 751.52 11.22 894.70 10.28 1050.60 9.49 1217.63 S.Sz ^0 529.56 15.11 653-98 13.60 791.07 12.36 94175 11.33! 1105.^ 10.46 1281.72 9-7« 90 LOSS JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL, OF HEAD BY FRICTION OF WATER IN PIPES.— Continued. Calculated for Pipes loo Feet Long. INSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE IN INCHES. Velocity 15 16 17 18 19 20 of Water through Pipe in Feet per Second. n a"' Is, a n : ?' k ft n \ ^ I 5 1'^ h : ? Q-o ^1 n n 5-.? It If i 1 73-58 .039 83.68 .037 94-56 .035 106 00 .033 118.09 .031 130.87 .029 2 147- 16 .132 167.36 .123 189.12 .116 212.00 .110 23C.18 .104 261.74 •099 3 220.74 .272 251-04 .255 283.68 .239 318.00 .225 354.27 .214 392.61 .204 4 294.32 .457 334.72 .428 378.24 -403 424.00 .380 472.36 .361 52348 •34,') 5 367.90 441-48 .683 .957 418.40 .640 472.80 .601 530.00 •570 590.45 .537 654.35 .515 6 502.08 .895 567.36 .841 636.00 .795 708.54 753 785-22 .715 7 515-07 1.27 585.76 1.19 661.92 1. 12 742.00 1.06 826.63 1. 00 916.09 •950 8 588.66 662.25 1.63 669.45 1-53 756.48 1.44 848.00 1.36 94^.72 1.29 1046.96 1.23 9 2.02 753.14 1.89 851.04 ..78 954-00 1.68 1062.81 1.59 1177-83 1-51 10 735.84 246 83683 2.31 94560 2.18 1060.00 2.06 1 180 90 1.95 1308.70 1.85 11 809.43 2.94 920.52 2.76 1040.162.59 1166.00 2-45 1298.99 2.32 1439-57 2.21 12 883.02 3.46 1004.21 3-24 1134.72 3 05 1272.00 2.89 1417.08 2.73 1570.44 2.59 13 956.60 4.02 1087.90 3-77 1229283.55 1378.00 3-35 1535.17 317 I70I.3I 3.02 14 1030.18 4.62 1171-59 4-33 i323.84'4.o8 1484.00 3-86 1653.26 3.65 1832.18 3-47 15 1103.77 5.26 1255.28 4.93 i4i8.40|4 65 1590.00 4-38 1771.35 4.16 1963-05 3.95 16 1177-36 5-94 1338-9^ 5.58 1512.96 5 25 1696.00 4-96 1889.44 4.69 2093.92 4.46 17 1250.95 6.67 1422.64 6.25 1607.525.88 1802.00 5-55 2007.53 526 2224.79 5.00 18 1324-54 7-43 1506.35 6.97 1702.086.55 1908.00 6.19 2125.62 586 2355-66 ,5 57 19 1398.13,8.22 1590.OC 7.71 1796.64 7.26 2014.00 6.86 2243 71 6.49 2486.53,6.17 20 1471.75 j'g.oS i673.6{ J8.50 1891.20 8.00 2120.00 7.56 2361.80 I7.16 2617.4c 16.80 JAMES LEFFEL & CO., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. 91 LOS^ OF HEAD BY FRICTION OF WATER IN PIPES.— Continued. Calculated for Pipes 100 Feet Long. Velocity of . Water through Pipe in Feet per . Second. INSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE IN INCHES. 22 24 26 28 30 It SI j g CLo a-' 1 .027 5-2 n n \ S : 5* n ? P o-o Is- (n 5-g 2.0 1'^ 5-g H n n 1 ^ : 5 p k S2 1-2, : 5' 1! S3 li §'2. 1 158.36 1S344I .025 221.13 .023 256.56 .021 29444 .019 2 316.72 .{^ 37G.88 .082 442.26 .076 513.12 .071 588.88 .066 3 475-08 .135 565-32 .169 663.39 .157 769.68 .145 883.32 .136 4 633.44 .3" 75376 .285 884.52 .263 1026.24 •245 1177.76 .228 5 6 731.80 .466 942.20 .428 1105.65 ■394 1282.80 .368 1472.20 .342 950.16 .650 1130.64 .600 1326 78 .550 1539.36 •515 1766.64 .478 7 1108.52 .865 1319.08 .795 1547.91 .730 1795.92 .680 2061.08 .635 8 1266.88 1.12 1507.52 1.02 1769.04 •940 2052.48 .875 2355-52 .815 9 1425.24 1.38 1695.96. 1.27 1990.17 1 17 2309.04 1.08 2649.96 I. ox 10 1583.60 1.68 188440 1.54 2211.30 1.42 2565.60 1.32 2944-40 1.23 11 1741.96 2.01 2072.84 1.84 2432.43 1.69 2822.16 1.57 323884 1.47 12 1900.32 2.36 2261.28 2.16 2653.56 2.00 3078.72 1.86 353328 1-73 13 2058.68 2.74 2449.72 2.52 2874.69 2.32 3335.28 2.15 3827.72 2.0I 14 2217.04 3.15 2638.16 2.89 3095.82 2.67 3591.84 2.48 4122.16 2.31 15 2375-40 3-59 2826.60 3.29 3316.95 3-04 3848.40 2.82 4416 60 2.63 16 2533-76 4.06 3015.04 3.72 3538.08 3.43 4104.96 3.19 4711.04 2.97 17 2692.12 4-55 3203.48, 4.17 3759.21 3.85 4361.52 3.58 5005.48 3-33 18 2850.48 5.07 3391.92 4.65 3980.34 4.29 4618.08 3.98 5299.92 3.73 19 3008.84 5-61 3580.36 5.r4 4201.47 4 75 4874.64 4.41 5594.36 4.11 20 3167.20 6.18 3768,80 5.67 1 4422.6o[ 5.23 5131-20 4.86 5888.80 4.53 92 J AMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL, Vel oci ty, Discharge and Power of Nozzles nDia,2=CLeters of liTozzles. 1 in. IX i». 2 in. 2>^in. 3 in. 3>^in. 4 in. cu. ft. H. P. cu. ft. H. P. cu. ft. H. p. .018 cu. ft. •255 H. p. .029 cu. ft. •372 H. p. .040 cu. ft. •50 H. P- .056 cu. ft. ^6 H.P. .072 I 8.02 .041 .004 •093 .010 .164 15^ 9--83 -050 .008 .III .019 .200 •034 .312 •053 •444 .076 .61 .105 .800 .136 2 11-35 .058 • 013 .130 .029 .232 •052 •360 .082 • 520 .X16 .70 .160 .628 .208 - 2>^ 12.68 .064 .018 • 145 .041 •256 .072 .402 .114 •589 .164 •79 .224 1.C2 .288 3 13.90 .069 .024 • 159 ■°^A .284 .096 .440 .150 ■\f .216 .86 •295 I M •384 3M 15.01 .076 .030 .171 .068 •304 .120 •475 .189 .684 .272 •94 •370 I 22 .480 4 16.05 .081 •037 .183 .083 •324 .148 •507 .231 •742 •332 1.02 •452 1 50 •592 4K 17.0.' .086 .044 .194 .099 •344 .176 •540 •275 .776 •396 i.c6 •540 I 38 .704 1795 .091 • 051 .205 •113 •364 .204 •567 ■315 .820 ■452 I. II .600 I 46 .816 6 19.66 .100 .068 .224 •153 .400 .272 .622 •425 .896 .612 1.22 -833 I 60 1.09 7 21.23 .108 .086 .242 •193 •43 •344 .672 •535 .968 .772 i-3i I 73 1.38 8 22.70 .116 .104 .260 .252 .464 .416 .720 .656 1.04 .928 1.40 l'28 I 85 1.66 10 25.38 .129 .146 .290 •329 -516 •584 .805 •9^5 1. 16 1.32 1-57 1.79 2 16 2-34 12^ 2837 .144 .204 •324 .460 ■576 .816 1.28 1.30 1.84 1.76 2.50 2 30 3-46 '5 31.08 .158 .269 •355 •5«5 • 632 1.08 .985 1.68 1.42 2.42 1-93 3-29 2 53 4- 3'-^ 17^ 33-57 .170 •339 •383 .782 .680 ^■t 1.06 2. II 1-53 3^i3 2.08 4.20 2 72 5^44 20 35-89 .182 .414 .410 •931 .728 1.66 1. 14 2.58 1.63 3^72 2.23 5-07 2 91 6.64 22j^ 38.07 -193 •494 •435 I. II ■VI ..98 1.21 3-o8 174 4.44 2.36 6.05 3 °? 7.92 '■^5 , 40.13 .204 •578 .458 1.30 .816 2.31 1.27 3.61 1.83 5-20 2-54 7.08 3 26 9-24 27^ 42.08 .213 .667 .480 1-50 •852 2.67 1^33 4.17 1.92 6.00 2.61 8.17 3 41 10.68 30 43-95 .228 .760 •513 1. 71 .912 3-04 1.42 4^75 2.05 6.84 2.70 9-31 3 65 12.16 32j^ 45-75 .232 •857 .522 1-93 .928 3-43 1^45 5^35 2.09 7.72 2.84 10.50 3 71 13-72 35 47-47 .241 •958 -542 2.15 .964 3-^3 1-51 5-98 8.60 2.95 II. 71 3 86 I =.32 40 50-75 -257 1. 17 -379 2.63 1.03 4-68 i.6i 7^31 2-32 10.52 3-15 14-33 4 12 18.72 45 5383 -273 1.40 .614 3-14 1.09 5-60 1. 71 8.23 2.46 12.56 3-34 17.10 4 36 22.40 50 56-75 .288 1.64 .648 3.68 I-I5 6.56 1.79 10.2 2-59 14.72 3-55 20.03 4 60 .624 60 62.16 •315 2.15 .709 4-84 1.26 8.60 1.97 i3^4 2.84 19.36 3-86 26.32 5 04 o4-4o 70 67.14 -341 2.71 .766 6.10 1-36 10.8 2.13 16.9 3.06 24.40 4.17 33-17 5 4-^ 43-36 80 71.78 -364 3-31 .819 7-45 1.46 13.2 2.27 20.6 3-28 29.80 4-46 40.55 5 84 52.96 90 76-13 .3% 3-95 .864 8.88 1-54 i5^8 2-44 24.6 3-46 35-52 4-73 48-37 6 16 63 20 100 80.25 .407 4-63 .916 10.4 1-63 18.5 2-54 28.9 3-66 41.64 4.98 56-67 6 52 74.08 125 89.72 •455 6.47 1.02 14.1 1.82 25.8 2.84 40.4 4.08 58.20 5-57 79.20 7 28 103.5 150 98.28 •499 8.60 1. 12 19.1 2.00 34^o 3-II 53-1 4-48 76-48 6.10 104. 1 8 00 136.0 175 106. 1 •539 10.7 1. 21 24.0 2.16 42.8 3-36 66.8 4-84 96.28 6.60 131-5 8 04 171. 2 200 "3-5 •576 13-1 1.29 29.4 2.30 52^4 3-59 81.7 5.10 117. 7 7.06 160.2 9 20 219.6 250 127. 1 •644 18.3 1-45 41. 1 2-58 73^2 4.02 114. 5-87 164-5 If 223.9 10.3 292.8 300 139.0 •705 24.0 1^59 54-0 2.82 96.9 4.40 150. 6.36 216.3 8.63 294-3 II. 2 284.0 350 1 50. 1 .762 30-3 68.1 3-05 121. 4.76 189. 6.84 272.6 9-33 371-2 12.2 484.8 400 160.5 .814 37-0 1.83 83.2 3.26 148. 5-09 231. 7-3 323-0 9-97 453-2 13.0 592.0 450 170.2 .864 44.2 1-94 99-3 3-46 176. 5^40 276. 7.76 497-4 10.5 541.0 13-8 707.0 500 179.4 .910 51^7 2.05 116. 3-64 206. 5-69 3''=3- 8.20 466.0 II. I 627.0 14-5 827.2 550 188.2 •955 2.10 134- 3-82 238. 5-96 372^ 8.40 536.8 II. 731-0 15.2 955„^ 600 196.6 •999 68.0 2-23 152- 3-99 272. 6.23 475^ 8.92 61 1. 12.2 832.7 16.9 1088. 700 212.3 1.06 85^7 2.46 192. 4-36 342. 6-79 535- 9.84 771.2 13-3 105 1. 17.4 1371- 800 226.9 I-I5 104.7 2.58 235- 4.60 418. 7-19 654^ 10.3 942.0 14.1 1282. 18.4 X675- 900 240.7 T.22 124.9 2-75 281. 4.88 499- 7-63 780. II. 1124. 14.9 1530- 19-5 1998. lOOO 253.8 1.29 146.2 2.89 329- 5.16 584. 8.04 914. 11-5 1316. 15.7 1791. 20.6 2339- Explanation of above Table of I«f ozzles. T he ab ove table is given, representing the theoretical velocity, dis- cha -ge ar ci power of diiferent quantities of water as passed by different noz zles, 11 nder heads ranging from one foot to a thousand feet, arranged fron 1 forn aula by Randall. The first perpendicular column represents the head of water in feet, and the second column the theoretical veloc- , it^^ vith-w rhich tthe W^U ;r iss ues ] Dern linut e, w tien e ntin jly u nob§ tn ^^ 1 i iRc JAMfig Lfi^Pfet A CO., SPRINOKIELl), OHIO. q*^ e third perpendicular column represents the number of cubic feet in whole numbers and decimal parts, discharged per second, and each , alternate column thereafter, represents the theoretical amount of horse ; power due to the quantity of water issued. The diameters of the dif- ferent nozzles are given in the first horizontal line at the top. The orifices or nozzles are presumed to be at the end of a large and short hose or piping, and that the approach or entrance of the water I to the nozzle, is without any considerable velocity, and guided by a ' properly shaped and contracted conductor ; having what is known as J the proper curve or contracted vein. Such a nozzle discharges the ' largest quantity of water possible, equalling almost the full or theoret- ical amount that w^ould be discharged, when left to flow freely and governed by the laws of gravitation. In ordinary orifices or openings a considerable less quantity of water will be discharged per second, as the flow of the water to the forifice is not conducted by a proper contracted entrance. A jet of water will be found contracted on the outside of the issue, and at some (distance from the opening ; consequently the quantity of water dis- charged will not be equivalent to that which would pass through the actual opening, but a quantity that would pass through an opening the size of the flow of water, at the narrowest place of the jet or stream or where the greatest contraction occurs. This usually ranges from 65 to 95 per cent of the theoretical discharge. In this table there is no estimate made for the loss of head or velocity by friction. This loss will depend altogether on the size of pipe con- ducting the water to the nozzle, and on the velocity in the pipe, as will be seen in other tables elsewhere given ; therefore the table cannot be i taken literally for the quantity of water that is usually actually dis- i charged under ordinary circumstances. The horse power given for ! each quantity discharged, is also the theoretical power aud not that ; which is actually given ; as when applied to the water wheels, pumps, I motors, etc., there is a considerable loss through the imperfect applica- tion and friction. The table represents a considerable greaterquantity than is usually discharged, except under the peculiarly favorable cir- cumstances mentioned in the beginning of article ; and of course the amount of power tabled is in excess of what can be realized in ordinary cases, because of the greater issue of water, and the fact that the esti- mate is for the full theoretical amount of power, without any calcula- tion for losses of any kind. 100 Barrel Roller Mill. Preston, Minn., March 30, 1885, Messrs. James Leffel & Co., Springfield, 0.: Dear Sirs— We are using one of your 50 inch Special Wheels in our grist mill. It was put in November 1877 and has never been taken up. It furnishes power for our 100 barrel roller mill, under an eight foot head, and has not cost us to exceed ten dol- lars for repiirs for the seven years. We also have a 44 inch Special bought of you in the fall of 1884 with which we are running a feed mill, 2 run stones and other machin- ery, and have power to spare. We consider them the best wheels that we have used. Yours truly, CONKEY BROS. 94 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL, < X m S S w S3 8 A 1 1 OS g 5; d 00 00 1 "q I vS VO s; d a ^ i! 8 OO o "2 ^ N t^ " M vd 1 ^ ^ vd S 4 ^ OS o? 00 <^ OS VO m ^ so 0? CO (J 0) r^ 1-^ 00 g VO N Ov uS vd (N 1 N 1 1 ^ " ^ t^ ^ ID % ^ S, OS 8 vq >o 8 1 o = CO u o^ ■^ ■4- ^ 00 00 00 VO VO dv 8 ^ 00 OS 00 q^ IN 00 In S t S ^ ? ■^ N 1- OS vq cm3 00 g^ <> "8 d d ? Ov (N ^ c» VO vd 00 00 00 r<-, VO c-i N J OS q^ qs ~ rr 1 00 .E4£ (N 3 ^ t^ 00 OS d d " pi VO % OS lO ^ vS 00 1 q VO ^ (N vd 8^ i> 1 1 00 00 ^ \d o\ vd t~. q 00 ds 00 d % 6 Ov ^ f rn 00 8 vd Lr 00 00 OS ds " ^ vd M ■>i- 00 q^ ^ fn vd VO vd q ? t2 00 00 00 OS ds VO d t OS 1 4 ^ vd ^ tv 0\ •a- ds q p3 I PI On ^ ^ 4 4 4 q S ^ vq^ 1^ 00 00 vd VO VO vd VO ivo t^ 00 ds d ^ t^ Pi pi M "q ? ^ vd 23 !N ? 1" q '^ Os ^ OS 4 4 4 vq 1^ 00 4 '^ vq vd q ^ VO 00 00 ds ds 1^ d ^ T J .E<^ o? OS IN (vi (N q ro ^ ^ q^ VO On 5 t^ vd vd 8 ^ 00 OS 00 VO ds ^ 00 vq ^ ^ OS q N ci S N q en ^ 00 4 ^ t^ 8^ lA 00 CO in VO M vd ■•— o N N 'V ^ O; !? vq ?!- J 00 ? ;i VO 00 rn ^ •5- VO 4 ^ v^ 4 « si 00 ^ ? ^ OS ^ ^ ^ IN f^ ^ 00 1 ^ 0* N " "? ! OS PJ N ro vq 00 CO 00 = t^ vq vq vq a t^ VO COMPACT, SUBSTANTIAL AND ECONOMICAL. The demand for a small Portable Engine at a price which macf it available for light manufacturing purposes was fully met in e construction of the Bookwalter Engine. The aim of the makers has been to give perfect efficiency to the working parts, producing but few sizes and building them in the most thorough manner — in short, to combine effectiveness with simplicity, durability and cheap- ness. Every detail of their mechanism has been made the subject of diligent study and experiment, and they are offered to the public in the full confidence, based on their successful use by thousands of per- sons in all parts of the country, that it meets in the most perfect manner every requirement of an economical motive-power. Every Boiler and Engine is tested by hydraulic pressure to twice the working pressure, and also steamed up and run, before leaving the works, to insure its perfect working in the hands of the purchaser. On the opposite page will be found an admirable illustration show- ing the lo horse power engine driving saw mill for which it is well adapted. OUR LATEST PRIC£ LIST. 3 Horse-power Upright Engine and Boiler $340. 43^ Horse-power Upright Engine and Boiler 280. 6)^ Horse power Upright Engine and Boiler 355. S Horse-power Horizontal Engine and Boiler 460. 10 Horse-power Horizontal Engine and Boiler 570. No charges made for packing, boxing or drayage, but the engines are delivered on board the cars in good shipping condition, at the p rices above named. Our New Illustrated Engine Pamphlet of Sixty-Four Pages will be sent free on application. It contains full and complete information in regard to our Bookwalter Engines. Address JAMES I.EFFEI. & CO.. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO, or 110 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. 126 JAMES LEFFEL'S TURBINE WATER WHEEL, "Water Wheel Governors. We are prepared to furnish, at short notice, Governors of the most approved patterns for regulating our wheels, at the manufacturers prices. Our large experience in the introduction of the Leffel Tur- bine, and its application to all sorts of purposes, especially where the work to be done is intermittent and irregular, together with the man- ufacture of Governors, has afforded us opportunity to acquaint our- selves with the various machines in that line now in the market. At the same time it has been our object also to obtain those of the great- est efficiency, and from which the best results might be expected, as frequently they afford aid to the successful operation of wheels. We will take pleasure at any time in offering any advice when called upon as to their attachment to Turbines, and as to styles that may in differ- ent cases prove most satisfactory, whether the purchase is made of us or not. Shipping Instructions and Facilities. It will be seen by an examination of the map, which we have spec- ially prepared and published on page 127, that our facilities and ad- vantages for shipping are unusually good. There are several trunk lines running on either side of our shop, which will also be found by examination of the engraving of our works on page two. These con- nect with all the various trunk lines and branch lines running through our city, since it is a great railroad center, enabling us thereby to de- liver abroad the cars free of freight, drayage or other incidental charges to which shippers are frequently subjected, who are not thus favorably located. It ought not be forgotten by purchasers, that of- ten these charges, such as drayage, cartage and delivery to depots, is a considerable item of expense ; and while they are not mentioned frequently by manufacturers who have not these facilities, such ex- pense charges will often be found in invoices or bills rendered by such parties to the customers. We have direct lines east, west, north, south, south-east, north-east, north-west, either to the Atlantic or Pa- cific, or to the Gulf; and can obtain and contract, by the large rail- road competition that is afforded, the lowest possible shipping rates of freight to our customers. We cannot impress too strongly the necessity of each customer or- dering a wheel, of giving us some instructions as to what road, or route he may desire the machinery shipped over in reaching its desti- nation. Usually, we understand the best route by which the goods should leave our city ; but in transfers that sometimes occur near the destination, the customer may have some preference as to the particu- lar branch or road which should have care and charge of the ship- ment on its arrival or at its destination. Sometimes there may be two or three railroads at or near the place, where the shipment is de- sired, with which we may not be as fully acquainted as the customer ; in which case his advice as to the particular branch over which he wishes to receive it, will be of importance to us. 138 JAMES LEFFEL's TURBINE WATER WHEEL, THE MECHANICAL NEWS. AN ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS. THE MECHANICAL NEWS was established by its present publishers in 1871, and is now in its fifteenth volume. It has an established position as the most popular, widely circulated and variously interesting journal of its class, and is known and val- ued as such by its many thousands of readers throughout the United States, and in- deed in every quarter of the globe. Its regular issue comprises SIXTEEN PAGES, PUBLISHED TWICE A MONTH, and profusely illustrated with choice engravings, relating to all branches of mechan- ical and manufacturing industry. In its editorial management, the best skill and talent is devoted to the intelligent discussion of those subjects upon which the vital interests of the country depend — the development of its material wealth, the advanc e- ment of its industries, its arts and its commerce, and the utilization, in the largest de- gree, of its manifold resources. THE MECHANICAL NEWS is not surpassed in variety of matter, mechanical execution, or the beauty and value of its illustrations, by any journal in the United States. It is published at the low price of ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE, Specimen Copies of TEE IIECHANICAL ^EWS and of the ILLUSTBATED FBEMIUU LIST will Ise sent free of charge and pjstage to any one applying f:r them. Direct all subscriptions or communications to THE mKCHANICAI^ NEWS, JAMES LEFFEL & CO., - Publishers and Proprietors, Spi'ingfield, Ohio, or, llO Jjiberty Street, Nevi^ York. TRUMFS IMPROVED MILL PICK. ^fk For a number of ^u^ years we have been BMp ^^^^^^^^-^^S^^^^^g ^^i^^-__ . '~=^^aii^ g- ^^B eluding four blades) prepay postage. Furrowing Picks, (including four blades), $4.50. Postage 65 cents extra. Extra Cracking Blades 35 cents apiece, or $4.00 per dozen. Extra Furrowing Blades 40 cents apiece. Persons ordering Blades for Picks purchased previous to March i, 1878, will so state in ordering Blades. The two kinds of Picks and four Blades can be sent by mail to any address in the United States. Persons desiring to have them sent in that manner must send the money to prepay postage. Send your orders to JAMES LEFFEL & CO., Springfield, Ohio, or 110 Liberty St., New York City. ifrtMVvw MMm V VV V ^ \Ay y-^^,v v:U^^M^»^?€mi^ii^s. ,v„;vNrrFv KWg^M^ fvvw uvvtc-a ^vuwv^ mm i^VV^ :^vvJWV^K^v®iii Si:S-y^al;6llMife mmim ;^^VVTVVV\^^^^^l^,| wiuHKM*v'iw:>^;^, i,::WwW^WA^ym iWU|i\i,