THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1SS6— 1752. EDITED FOR THE WORCESTERSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY BY THE REV. DAVID ROBERTSON, M.A., RECTOR OF HARTLEBURY, AND HON. CHAPLAIN TO THE KING. JJrinteto for ti)e uSlIorcestersinrc historical Society, By JAMES PARSER AND CO., OXEORD. 1904. THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1666 — 1762. EDITED FOR THE WORCESTERSHIRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY BY THE REV. DAVID ROBERTSON, M.A., RECTOR OF HARTLEBURY, AND HON. CHAPLAIN TO THE KING. ftrmterj for tt)e Worcestershire historical Societti, Hy JAMES PARKER AND CO., OXFORD. 1904. s INTRODUCTION. THIS old Minute and Account Book of Hartlebury Grammar School was found in the iron chest belonging to the Governors which stands in the Vestry of the Parish Church, along with the original Charter granted to the School by Queen Elizabeth, the Seal of the Corporation of Governors, and many old documents. The Book it may be said is only an old account book, and therefore of little interest. But it is more than that — it contains the history of one of the oldest Grammar Schools in England, from the days of Queen Mary (1556) to those of George II. (1750). It tells us how our ancestors managed or mismanaged village educa- tion 300 years ago — without the aid of Inspectors or County Councils or Boards of Education. No one knows the age of the School. The Bishops of Worcester have resided at Hartlebury Castle for 800 years.. It is more than likely, therefore, that one of them was the founder of the School. It may have been Bishop Carpenter (1444), who lived for 35 years at Hartlebury and was one of the most munificent of the Bishops; or Bishop Alcock (1477), the Founder of Jesus College, Cambridge. We cannot say for certain, but one of the title-deeds dates from 1480 \ and the Charter of 1558 speaks of the School as having existed " for the space of divers "years, although for default of necessary foundation & good " government, it hath brought but small commodity." Queen Elizabeth did not therefore found the School, she only remodelled it, and, at the advice of Edwin Sandys, Bishop of Wor- cester, gave it Statutes and a Charter. The titles of the property of the School throw some light on the matter. A large portion of the land is named " Virgin Marys," and another portion " Chaunters Medowe." Now in 1325 a Chantry was founded in Hartlebury Church "in remembrance of the souls of John de Rodeberewe, Rector, ' See Appendix II. a 2 40 1 IV INTRODUCTION. " his father and mother, and in honour of the B.V.M." This John of Rodborough, in Gloucestershire, is frequently mentioned in Bishop Giffard's Register, and was Rector of Hartlebury for thirty years (1290 — 1320). He was much employed and trusted by the Bishop, and was one of the Executors of his will. The Chantry was en- dowed with land in Hartlebury and the neighbourhood. The income went to support a chaplain, until the Reformation, when the land, we cannot doubt, was given to the Grammar School. Some of it has been lost, but the Governors still own "Virgin Marys " and " The Chantry Meadow," and have documents as old as the reign of Edward IV. x The Seal of the Governors, which bears the date of 1560, has roughly engraved on it the figures of the Virgin and Child ; perhaps adopted as the emblem of the School because its chief endowment came from the suppressed Chantry of St. Mary. The Seal itself is curious — an impression of it is kept in the British Museum. It bears marks of frequent use, although it has been only three times used in the Order Book, and there is a mention in 1686 of its repair, thus, " mendynge seale \d" Beside it was found a rough handle of wood to facilitate its use K The Old Order Book (12 x 8 in.) is bound in limp parch- ment, with quaint leather tags. The writing varies from excellent to very bad, but it is never wholly illegible. The SPELLING is amusingly erratic. For example, the word heriot is spelt in the following ways : herret, harriott, harriot, harriate, haryette, hereyot, herriott, and haryote ! One of the Governors spells his own name in fifteen different ways : — Thus, Alan Ley, Allen Lye, Allan Lye, Allan Leygh, Allen Ley, Allan Leigh, Alin Leigh, Allin Leigh, Alaine Lygh, Alaine Ligh, Alain Lygh, Allayn Lye, Allain Lye, Allaine Lighe, Allen Liy. This gentleman was evidently perfectly indifferent as to how his name was spelt. The one thing he aimed at was variety. 1 See illustrations on page opposite. To face page iv. The Old Seal. Stick shewing manner of usage. Vignette of Title Deed of Tinnfields, date 1480. INTRODUCTION. V Here are a few choice specimens of spelling taken almost at random : — coolecktor collector sertivicat certificate ach wendsdaie Ash Wednesday Srof twesday Shrove Tuesday Mychlmes Michaelmas ester Easter ffermor farmer a dele borde a deal board a cay for the skowlle dore a key for the school door chertche church sepeuny subpoena We presume that English spelling had hardly crystallized into its present unhappy forms. The person who did most for the refounding and good manage- ment of the School was EDWIN SANDYS 1 , Bishop of Worcester, afterwards Archbishop of York. He obtained the Royal Charter 2 and drew up, the Statutes 3 . He arranged that everything should be under the control of the Bishop. The Governors were to meet when and where the Bishop pleased, and were to grant no leases without his consent. The Masters were to work entirely under his direction 4 . He loved education, and in after years founded a Grammar School at Hawkshead in Cumberland, his native place. And he held that true education is moral as well as mental, and that mora- lity is inseparable from religion. So he desired that the Masters should " instructe, teache, and bringe vppe their scholars as well " in vertue and good learninge " as in "the true knowledge of God " and his holie word." And there was wisdom as well as beauty in his enactments, for he ordered that the scholars should be taught according to their capacities and wits, and not pushed up from standard to standard — however slow or backward — not crammed 1 A portrait of him is given opposite 4 The Bishop is no longer the Visitor p. II. See also Appendix III. of the school. At present he is not even ' See Appendix I. a Governor, s See p. 198. VI INTRODUCTION. with undigested knowledge, but " accordinge as the capacities and " witts of the said scholars shall require and aske." He did not believe in secular education. The VI th of his Statutes is quaint. " The said scholemaster and usher shall and may have use and take the profitts of all such cockefights and potations as be commonlie used in scholes 1 " ! Such were the recreations of Hartlebury scholars under the sanction of the Bishop of Worcester ! Yet the elevating sport of cock-fighting was still fashionable in the 19 th century, as the follow- ing extract from Berrow's Worcester Journal shows : — "July 5, 1804. "A main of cocks to be fought at the house of M r John Lloyd, " known by the name of the Pheasant, in New S l , in the City of " Worcester, between the Gentlemen of Worcestershire and the "Gentlemen of Staffordshire; to show and weigh 35 cocks on each " side, in the main, for five guineas a battle, and fifty guineas the " odd battle. To fight on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, " being the three race days. Feeders : Potter for Worcestershire, " Gosling for Staffordshire." If any of the Governors wilfully broke or infringed any of the statutes he was to forfeit, for his first offence three shillings and fourpence, and for his second offence to be put out of the Cor- poration and Government. The Endowment of ,the| School was not large. In 1557 the total Income was only £9 os, iod., and a year or two afterwards it sank to £7 Js. ^\d. Out of this the unfortunate Schoolmaster, the Rev. Hugh Grant, received a stipend of £7. A chief rent of I2d. was paid to the "Lord busshope." The repairs of the pro- perty for that year amounted to i\d., and "so remayneth in " stocke, all charge discharged four shillings and fourpence " ! Things had reached a low ebb. So the Governors made an effort. They sold an old cracked bell which probably belonged to the 1 The Rev. J. B. Wilson mentions a bution of figs, which were scrambled for, similar performance in his time at Gig- and with which unpopular governors or gleswick school ; combined with a distri- masters were pelted. INTRODUCTION. vii School, but must have hung in the Church steeple, being too big for any other position, and as it realized the large sum of £25 it enabled them to pay the Master a rather better salary and to do many needful repairs. The Income of the School remained at about £13 until 162 1 when the rents were raised to £20. It remained at the same figure for years, till the Commissioners for Charitable uses interfered ; the rents were again raised, and the Income of the School was more than doubled. There was a further rise after about 70 years, and when the Book ends the income of the School stood at £65. The Head Master did not receive more than £14 a year until 1654, when by order of the Commissioners his salary was raised to ,£32. A slight rise to £36 was given in 1728. The usher's salary began at £4 a year and was advanced by very slow stages to £14, and at last it reached the noble sum of £18. We hope he had some other resources ! The Management of the School property seems to have been uncommonly bad. The lands were always underlet and the Governors never will- ingly raised the rents. From time to time they were compelled to do so. They were called before a Commission for Charitable uses in 1620, and again during the Commonwealth, and on each occasion the income of the school was improved by better manage- ment and the Masters were better paid. But this did not Mast. In 1700 Bishop Lloyd appeared upon the scene and visited them. He attended two of their meet- ings accompanied by his Secretary, Francis Evans, who took the minutes, and sometime afterwards he wrote them the following sharp letter : — " To the Governors of Hartlebury Schoole. " 13 Aug., 1705. " My Good Friends and Neighbors, " I have thoroughly considered the case of yo r school, and find " that the real value of the school land is above £100 per annum, " of w ch the reserved rent is but £5 1 8s. jd., out of w ch yo r Schoolm r " has £32 and yo r usher £12 ; the remainder is applyed to pay the Vlll INTRODUCTION. " Interest of y e money borrowed to build the Master's house and " to finish that building, as I presume. "These salaries being not sufficient to invite men of ability to "instruct yo r children, I think therefore you ought to be very " cautious in renewing of Leases ; and if I understand yo r Statutes, " you ought not to grant any Lease without the Bishop's consent. " I think to enquire farther into that matter, and in the meanwhile " I do advise you not to renew any Lease without reserving at least " two thirds in rent of y e real improved value, to com'ence at the " expirac'on of the term in being, if not sooner. If you do so, you " will by degrees bring the Rents to above £yo per annum ; of w ch " I think the Master ought to have £40 and the usher £20 at least ; " and £10 more with the consent of the Bishop, Governours, and " Schoolmasters, may be applyed to teach poor children in the " Parish to read, w ch is now to be done by the Usher or not at all. " I do not very well approve of yo r Statutes, and think they " were drawn very negligently. But I desire to have a true copy "of the Charter, and the Statutes, and of a Decree y* was made "on a Com'ission for Pious Uses, and then I will at my first " oportunity advise how such fresh Statutes may be made, as " may be of the greatest advantage and benefit to you and yo r " posterity. " I am told yo r school is like to be void in a short time. " W n cver it is so, I would advise you to lay aside all yo r private " Interests and piques, and to agree together to choose the best " man that you can find or hear of, I mean such a man as is like " to doe the most good in yo r school. " I think you cannot well justify the spending of any of the " school revenue in yo r meetings about y e school business ; especially " since you all live within the Parish, where you have meat and " drink at yo r own Houses ; so that, for that, you need not go to " an Alehouse. And when you meet for business, I think it ought " to be either in the Church or Schoolhouse, where it may be done " much better than at an Alehouse. There especially is the worst " place for making up of yo r Accounts : tho' I am afraid you make " them all there, for I cannot imagine how they should be done so " slatterly otherwise. I speak thus particularly of the Accounts that " have been given of the building of the Schoolmaster's house. If "you will make me think it necessary to look farther into these INTRODUCTION. IX "matters, and I see no other way to do the Charity right, but by " a Com'ission of Pious and Charitable Uses, I shall be sorry for it " as wel for yo r sakes as my own ; for it will be expensive and " troublesome to all parties concerned. I doe therefore desire you "so to order yo r matters for the future that there may be no " occasion for this. " I com'end you to God in my Prayers, and remain " Yo r loving Friend, " W. Worcester." The Bishop's reproof seems to have been needed, for the amount spent in "drincke" was very considerable. There was also much slackness in keeping up the required number of Governors. No doubt it was difficult at times to find 20 "discrete and liable persons " in the Parish of sufficient education to act as Governors. Some of those chosen were not able to sign their names. Upon one occasion the number was reduced to five, and in 171 5 to one! The Rector, Dean Stillingfleet, found himself the sole legal Gover- nor. However, he rose to the occasion and made the most of his opportunities, for he first appointed a new School Master, and then nominated 19 other Governors ! A noteable instance of one man management. There was not much SCHOOL APPARATUS in the early days. This is the Inventory in 1585. It is refreshingly simple : — " The goods of the Schole. " Imprimis. One brass pott with one linke. " Item. One payer of andirons. " Item. Two peeces of pewter. " Item. One table in the hall, 3 formes, 6 benches. " Item. One press in the iner chamber." No mention is ever made in the accounts of any purchase of BOOKS, but we may infer that some did belong to the School, for in 1694 five shillings were spent in " chaines for bookes," and in 1695 a chain was bought for a " dixnary." Probably the tenants supplied the school with firewood, as there is frequent mention of ' drincke ' to them that carried or cropped X INTRODUCTION. wood. No coals were bought until 1632, when half-a-crown was paid for " two horselode of coles." The supply of fuel was at all times strictly limited. We may believe that there was a certain amount of playfulness among the scholars, for the windows and locks were broken with great regularity, and at last it was found best to contract for " glashing the windowes," and pay a yearly sum of 6s. for their repair. The Governors were required by statute to meet on Ash Wed- nesday to transact the business of the year. It was their custom to dine together on that day. " 1624, Item payd for our Din'er on Ashwenesday lis. ; " or if they did not dine they had some refreshment. " payd for Bear last Ashvvednesday 4s. 6d," " for spice 4^.," " for bread and drinke is.," &c. But in 1709 they passed this Resolution : — " Whereas we the Governers of the free Gramother scole in " hartelbury conceiving it not soe proper or convenient to take the " Acc ts of the revenues of the s d scole on Ach Wendsday yearely "doe thinke fit & soe order that for the future the s d Acc ts shall " be taken yearly on sroftwesday." Perhaps pancakes were added to the feast on Shrove Tuesday ! However the change of day did not give satisfaction. It was pointed out that it was against the statutes. They went back to the old custom — " 1745 ; for diner and drinke on Ashwensday £1." It is interesting to come across the great name of Richard Baxter in the minutes 1 , although it is but a passing mention of him, as " mynister of Kitterminster," as also the names of Bishop Prideaux, Bishop Hough and other distinguished men. The HOMELINESS and simplicity of some of the entries are pleasant and entertaining : — " To my grandfather for a boxe." " To Joe and Dad for hernest." " To M r Marshall towards his being sick." And every one will have sympathy with this entry : — '.' Item, for sumthing unaccounted for the last year \\s. a,d" ■ ' P- 75- INTRODUCTION. XI To those who take an interest in prices and wages the school accounts, and specially the accounts for building, will be valuable K The HISTORY of the School for some time after 1751, when the Old Order Book comes to an end, is a blank. Volume II. has been lost. It was bought in 1749 for gs. 6d., was used and was in evi- dence in 1841, but we have searched for it in vain. We learn, however, from the Report of the Charity Commis- sioners, who visited the school in 1832, that the old school, which stood between the church and the high road, was pulled down, and a new school built on the present site in 1794. It cost £350, and cannot be matched for ugliness. The old site was bought by Bishop Hurd and was added to the churchyard. The under Master's house was rebuilt about the same time, and the Head Master's house greatly enlarged. This enabled him to take boarders ; and it is said that as many as 40 were at one time crammed into his house. Meanwhile the affairs of the school continued to be sadly mis- managed — the Masters complained loudly of the smallness of their salaries, and in 1815 the Tenants met and actually agreed among themselves to raise their own rents ! But in spite of this self- denying ordinance, matters were so unsatisfactory that the Attorney- General interfered. The school was thrown into Chancery, the Masters resigned, and the buildings were empty and neglected for no less than eleven years ! The Court of Chancery took from 1841 to 1852 to consider its opinion, and it is said that no less a sum than .£1,500 of school money was spent in legal charges. Brighter days succeeded, and since its re-opening in 1852 the old school has renewed its youth. A good deal has been done to bring it up to date, as appears from a Report upon the Grammar Schools of Worcestershire by Dr. Rawson, Director of Education for the County, in which the following appreciatory notice of Hartlebury appears. " This school is in a thoroughly efficient state, and I believe a further expenditure on buildings, which could be provided at a reasonable cost, would be justified and justifiable." ■ See Appendix IV. Xli INTRODUCTION. Let us hope that Hartlebury Grammar school has a fine career before it, and that it may continue to train up many more gener- ations of honest and manly boys, " as well in vertue and good learn- ing, as in the true knowledge of God and his holie word." I acknowledge with much gratitude the help I have received from the Very Rev. the Dean of Stamford, the Rev. J. Bowstead Wilson, John Amphlett, Esq., the Rev. Rowland Wilson, E. W. Hopewell, Esq., the Rev. J. R. Burton, and other kind friends. D. R. Hartlebury Rectory, Oct., 1904. CONTENTS Introduction page iii The Old Order Book of Hartlebury Grammar School 1556—1752 .... Statutes ■ . Appendix I. The Charter, 20th May, 1st of Elizabeth (1559) English Translation of the Charter Appendix II. The Oldest Deed Appendix III. Archbishop Sandys . Appendix IV. Wages and Prices Appendix V. Head Masters Index .... 1 198 209 213 218 220 221 222 223 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Initial Letter of the Charter of Queen Elizabeth . . Frontispiece Seal of Hartlebury Grammar School ; Vignette of Title Deed of Tinnfields, 1480 . . . .To face p. iv Portrait of Archbishop Sandys . . . . „ 1 1 Facsimile of a page of the Old Order Book . • » x 95 Title Deed of Tinnfields, 1480 . . . . „ 218 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1866—1762. B in Urn bo oft r is con trigneti t&e p'ticuler^ of all ano Smguler tfic lanots, tenements attti fieretrfments belonging anti useti to tfce magntenince of tftr fre Sr&ole of ijartilnurg, toito t&e gerelg baluc of tfje Same, anti also tor accounts gerelg of tfje collectors of tfce Same rents feegonne in t&e gere of oure lorii 6otJ a tfcousanti fine Im'oretf) fgftie anti Sire n' me Sofjem fjnrtoaiti collectorem p* toe anno. B 2 The forme of the othe 1 yerely to be mynystred and geven to the newe collectors at the tyme of their election — Ye shall well and trewly doe yo r best indevo* to collect and gather all the Rents, Customes and service, issues, revenues and profits belonging and used for the Maynten'ce of the Scole of this p'ish, and to make a trewe accompte and undelayed payment of all that you shall receive of the said Rents and profitts when you shall be called upon by the governors or the more nombre of -them. And that duryng the tyme of yo r office you shall doe no man' of acte or acte thing or things w th out the com'on assent of the governors or the more nombre of them w h in any wise shall be or growe to the discomoditie, losse or hynderance of the said Scole, but w th all yo r witt, con'yng, diligence and power shall defend the possessions, Ryghts and inheritance now used for the maynten'ce of the said Scole. And that you shall suffer noe waste, incroche- ment or other disherison by any p'son (that youe may lett) to be donne in and upon the said possessions or any p'te thereof, but the same (if any such shalbe) w th all co'venient spede shall disclose to the whole governors or the more nombre of them, to the intent the same w th all spede may be reformed So helpe you God and by the holy contents of that booke. 1 Another form of Oath, differing from this, is inserted at the end of the Book, in old and in modern English. THE OLD ORDER BOOK, &C. 5 1657. The ACCOMPTE of John Walker and William Norton, Collectors of the Rents and Revenues of all the Landes and Tenements belonging to the Scole of Hartilbury, from the feast of the Annuciac'on of o r Lady the Virgyn in the yere of o r lord god a thousand fyve hundreth fyftie and seven for one whole yere next after ended at the feast of the An'uciac'on of o r Lady 1558. Made upo' Palme Sondaye the same yere. Recepts. In Primis Receyvid of Redy Money in the boxe xxxvr. viiio'. ob. It'm of Thomas Smyth of Elmeley lovett for one yeres rent for a messuage and certen landes there callid Gerves place endid at Mighellm's last \\s. ob. It'm of Elizabeth Sowden and John Lyrcoke for a messuage and a yarde-land lyeing by Stowres syde in the p'rish of Hartilbury called P'cheyes Land one yeres rent endid at the said feaste iij. ob. It'm of Will'm Man'ynge for a messuage and yarde land lyeing in Whittlinge and yeres rente due at the said feaste xiij. It'm of Thomas Smythe of Hartilbury for foure butt of land in the quarrey fild one yeres rente due at the said feaste \\d. It'm of Will'm Thome for an acre of land lyeing in the Spovvtefild one yeres rente endid at the said feaste \\\d. It'm of John Thorne of Whitlinge & ffraunce Dudmason for one yarde land called Tynnefilde one yeres rent due at the said feaste xiiij. \\\\d, It'm of John Man'ynge of Whitlinge for a messuage & yarde land lyeing in Whitlinge one yeres rent endid at the said feaste xiLr. It'm of John Highwaye of Ruschocke for a messuage & certen landes lyeing in Ruschocke one yeres rent due at the said feaste xis. It'm of ffraunce Walter of Kytherminst'r for a howse & a burgage 1 in Kytherm'r in Worst'r strete one yeres rent due at the said feaste vis. viiid. ■ Tenure of land or houses in a borough. The word is still used in Lichfield and other towns. 6 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF It'm of John Hopkins & ffraunce Thome for one medowe lyeing by Stowres syde called Chaunters Medowe one yeres rent due at the said feaste xis, It'm of Fraunce Best & Thomas Best for one Leasowe 1 & two medowes lieing together in Elmeley called the baseground 2 one yeres rent endid at the feaste of the Purificac'on of our Lady the Virgyn last past xliiij. iind. It'm of Anthony Hareward for one mess'e and a yard land called the Inne at Croyseland 5 , and one mess'e and halfe yard land called Rowles one yeres rent endid at x'x'enmas last xxvij. viiidf. Sum' totallis ixli. xd. Alloc* Memorand'm the scolem r this yere had the scolehouse and the closse garden and orchard adioynyng to his owne use. 1557. PAYMENTS MADE by the said collectors the said yere 1557. In Primis [A blank page. No items.] [Two pages have been torn out] 1559 5 . Hartilbury. The Acompte of Thomas Walker and John Hopkins, collectors of the Rents of the ffre Gram'er Schole of Queue Elizabethe in Hartilburie, fro' the feast of the purificac'on of blessyd Marie the Virgin in the year of o'r Lord God 1559, untyll the feast of the puri- ficac'on of o'r Ladie in the yere of o r lord 1560, v'z p* uno An'o integio. Recepts. Inprimis Recevyd of Anthony Hareward one q'ter's Rent due at the feast of the An'nciac'on of blessid Marie the Virgin vis. viiid?. 1 The local name for a field. 3 Now 'The Talbot,' commonly called ■ There is a farm in Elmley Lovett called ' The Dog.' * Allocated. Bassage, and near it the Base estate which s See end of book for names of Governors still belongs to the school. in 15 59. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 7 It'm of John Man'ynge of Whitlinge one halfe yeres Rente due at the same day vis. It'm of Will'm Man'ynge one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day vis. iid. It'm of John Hopkyns one halfe yere's Rent due at the same day iLr. ixd. It'm of ffranc's Thome one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day Us. ixd. It'm of ffranc's Walker of Kedermy'sf one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day His. HHd. It'm of John Highway of Russhoke one halfe yere's Rent due at the same day vs. vid. It'm of Thorn's Smithe of Rlmley lovet one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day His. iii\d. It'm of John Thorne one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day iiij. iiiiflf. It'm of ffranc's Skyler one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day ii\s. iiud. Recepts. It'm Rec d of Anthony Hareward one q'ters Rent due at the feast of S* John Baptiste vis. v\\\d. It'm of John Best one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day xs. xd. It'm of ffranc's Best one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day xs. xd. Recepts. It'm recevyd of Anthony Hareward one yeres Rent due at the feaste of Saynt Myghell th'archa'gell vis. v\\\d. It'm of John Man'ynge of Whitelynge one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day vis. Recepts. It'm rec d of Will'm Man'ynge one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day vis. iid. It'm of John Hopkyns one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day iij. ixd. It'm of ffranc's Thorne one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day lis. ixd. It'm of ffranc's Walker one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day iiij. ivd. It'm of John Hyghway one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day vs. vid. 8 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF It'm of Thorn's Smythe one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day iiij. ivd. It'm of ffranu's Skyler one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day \\\s. ivd. It'm of John Lircock and John Perks one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day \\s. ob. It'm of Thorn's Smythe of Hartilbury one whole yeres Rent due at the same day iid. It'm of Will'm Thorne one whole yeres Rent due at the same day iiu/. Recepts. It'm Rec'vid of Anthony Hareward one q'ter Rent due at the feast of the Nativitie of O r Lord Christ vij. vmd. It'm of John Best one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day xs. xd. It'm of ffranc's Best one halfe yeres Rent due at the same day xs. xd. The whole some of the Rece'pts villi, vs. vd. ob. Payments made by the said Collectors the said yere I559- Payments. It'm paid to Hughe Graunte Mast r of Arte Schole Mast' there that yere vii/i. It'm paid to the Lord busshope for one yeres Rent for the scholehouse xiid. It'm paid for mendynge the hedge aboute the scholehouse close id. ob. The whole some of the payments viili. xiiid. ob. Remaytinte. So Remay'the in stocke all chargs dischardgyd iiiij. \\\\d. 1560. Hartilbury. The Accompt of John Hopkyns and Walter Donne, collectors of the Rents of the ffre Gramer Schole of Quene Elizabeth in Hartilbury, fro' the feast of the purificac'on of blessed Marie the Virgyn in the yere of o r Lord God 1560 untyll the said feast of the purificac'on of o r Ladie in the yere of o r Lord God 1561, v'z p'uno Anno integro. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 9 Recepts. Inp'mis Recevid of Thorn's Walker collecto' the yere before \i\\s. \md. It'm Receivid of Anthony Hareward one yeres Rent due at the feast of the Nativitie of o r Lord Christ last past for one mess'se & halfe yard land callyd Croysland & one Goste & halfe yard land called Rowleys & other p'cies of medowe in the seid p'ysh of Hartilbury xxvly. viiid?. It'm of John Man'ynge of Whitlynge for a mess' & yard land leynge in Whitelynge one yeres Rent endid at the feast of S l Mygell the Archangell last past xiu. It'm of Will'm Man'ynge for a mesuage & yard land lyenge in Whitelynge one yeres Rent due at the seid feast xiij. \\\id. It'm of John Hopkyns and ffraunc's Thorne for one medowe lienge by Stowre Syde callyd Chaunters Medowe one yeres Rent due at the said feast xij. It'm of ffranc's Styler and Margaret Thorne widowe for a yard land callyd tynne fylde one yeres Rent endyd at the said feaste xiiij. \\\\d. It'm of John Best and ffraunc's Best for one lesowe & two medowes liyng together in Elmley lovet callyd the Base grou'd one yeres Rent endyd at the feast of the puri- ficac'on of o r lady the Virgyn last past xliiij. \\\\d. It'm of ffranc's Walker of Kethermy'sf for a house & burgage in Ked'rmy'sf one yeres Rent endid at the feast of S l Mighell th'archa'gell last past vis. viiid. It'm of Thorn's Smythe of Elmley lovet for a mesuage & other lands there called Gerves place one yeres Rent endyd at the feast of S' Myghell th' archangell last past vis. viiid. It'm of John Highwey of Rushocke for a messuage & certen lands lieng in Rushocke called Sturmyes ground one yeres Rent due at the seid feast xij. It'm of John Lyrcocke & John Perks for a mesuage & certen lands lynge by Stowre syde callyd p'cheys land one yeres Rent due at the same feast iis. ob. It'm of Will'm Thorne for an acre of land lienge in the Spout- fyld one yeres Rent endyd at the seid feast \\\d. It'm of Thorn's Smythe of Hartilbury for fowre butts of land IO THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF lyenge in the quarrey fifylld one yeres Rent due at the seid feast iid. It'm Rec' of Anthony Hareward for the toppys & croppys of certen tymber trees fallen at tynnefylds to Repare the churche house & scholehouse viiij. The whole some of the Recepts v\Ui. xvii-r. ixd. ob. PAYMENTS MADE by the seid collectors the seid yere 1560. Paymets. Inprimis paid to John Harres & Thorn's Redyng for enclosyng the scholehouse closse xiidf. It'm paid to John Meysie for makynge certen wales about the scholehouse \\\\d. It'm paid to the Reave of the lordshipe for one yeres Rent due for the scholehouse xiiWINVS SAKDrsARCHIEPS Amvlalcti? caujam mdiorm vt cayhty abhofejft <& Portrait of Archbishop Sandys. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. II 1562- Sept die Maij A'° R* Elizabeth quint. M d that upo' th'apparance of John Mannyng th'eld', Walt' Donne & Johan Norton, Urbane & John Hareward before the Ryght hon'able Lord bushop of Worcesf it appereth that there is due & remayanyng upo' their sev'all accompts for the use of the skole as folowethe. first upo' Walter Donne xUi. xiiij. \id. ob. w h som he ordred by the said Lord Busshop to pay the gov'nors at Myg'lm's next w th out delay. It'm upo' Johan Norton xj. vd. w h soms he is ordred to pay to the said gov'nors at MidsonT next. It'm upo' John Hareward xvis. Hid. ob. w h som he is orderd to pay at Whitsuntide next. It'm that the said John Mannyng shall upon Wenysday in the Whitsunweke next appere agayne before the .said Lord busshop and render a true & p'fecte accompte of all his colleccions and paym ts , & there upo' forthw th to make paym 6 to the said gov'nors of all Soms of money remaynyng due to them upon his said accompte. Ita est Ed. Wigorn 1 . 1572. THE ACCOMPTE 2 of Anthony Harwode and Thomas Holmer, colectors of the fre Gramer Scholle of Hartelberre, from the feaste of the puryfycacion of blessed Marie the Vergen in the yeare of o r Lorde God 1572 untell the sayed feaste of the puryficacion of o r Lady in the yeare of o r Lord God 1573. Rs. It'm the hoolle R s of the Rentes of the sayed ffre Scholle is yuste xili. ins. vd. ob. Whereof Remayeneth in the hands of ffranc's Walker of Ket- termi'ster Hi*. Hnd. R d of Anthony Harwode vs. viiid. ' Edwin Sandys, afterwards Archbishop government from Q. Elizabeth. He was of York. He drew up new statutes for the the first marritd Bishop'of Worcester. * This account is out of its right place, school, and obtained a new charter for its as are seyera , others> 12 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Payements. It'm payde to M r Jojner for his hoolle yeares wages xli. xixj. It'm payde to my L. bajll e for Rente x\\d. It'm payde for the dressynge of the Scholle M re Woode vid. It'm payde at Ketterm r and att Emlaye for discharginge of the Courte Wild. Payde to Phelippe Beste vs. Soo dothe the Scholle Remayne in the Colecktors dett ob. 1562. Hartilbury. THE ACOMPTE of Walter Donne and Hu'frey Holmer, Collectors of the Rents of the fre Gramer Schole of o r Sov'ayne Ladie Quene Elizabeth in Hartilbury, fro' the feast of the purificac'on of the blessed Mary the Virgin in the yere of o r lord god 1562 untill the seid feast of the purificac'on of o r ladie in the yere of o r lord God 1563 v'z p' uno anno integro. Recepts for Inp'imis Rec d of Anthony Hareward vis. viiid. S* Mary quarf. It'm of John Manynge th'eld r vis. It'm of Margaret Thorne vid. iiij. iiiidf. It'm of ffranc's Walker of Ked r my'ster ins. mid. It'm of John Highwey of Russock vs. vid. It'm of Thorn's Smythe of Elmley lovet iii-r. Hid. It'm of John Hopkyns and ffra'c's Thorne vs. vid. It'm of Will'm Man'ynge vij. It'm of ffranc's Skiler iiij. Uiid. Recepts for It'm Rec d of John Best th'eld r xs. xd. Mydsom*. q'ter. It'm of ffranc's Best xs. xd. It'm of Anthony Hareward vis. viiid. Recepts for It'm Rec of Anthony Hareward vis. v\\\d. Migkelm's q'ter. It'm of John Many'ge th'eld 1 vij. It'm of John Hopkyns and ffranc's Thorne vs. vid. It'm of ffranc's Walker iiis. iiii^/. It'm of Thorn's Smythe iiij. iiiu£ It'm of John Highwey vs. vid. It'm of John Lyrcock & John P'ks iis. ob. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 13 It'm of Thorn's Smythe of Hartilbury iid. It'm of Will'm Thorne Hid. It'm of Will'm Many'ge vis. viiid. It'm of Margaret Thorne vid. iiij. OIL/. It'm of ffranc's Skyler iiis. iiii^. Receptsfor It'm of John Best th'eld r xs. xd. Chrystenmas It'm of ffranc's best xs. xd. quarter. It'm of Anthony Hareward vis. viiid. The whole som'e of the Rents viili. vs. vd. ob. It'm Rec of John Hopkyns, collector, the yere before Re- maynyge upo' his aco'pte v\\s. v\\\d. ob. It'm Rec of James Grenebancke of the Cite of Worcest' for a broken bell xxvli. It'm Rec for the Scholehouse closse xs. The whole Som'e of the Recepts xxxiii/z. Hi*, id. ob. PAYMENTS made by the seyd collecto's this yere. Alloc. Inp'imis payd to S r John Lynyall for teaching children xs. It'm paid to the carpynt' for him and his men for v days. aft r x\\\d. the day in toto vs. xd. It'm paid to Phillipe Tewe for sawynge at tynne fylde xs. vnid. It'm more the seid Carpynters v\\\s. It'm more for theyre Bord xs. viiid. It'm paid to Richard best for Rods Us. iiiu/. It'm more to the Carpenters viis. It'm more to the Carpentrs ixs. vid. It'm more to the Carpentrs vs. It'm to a parget' • iiis. iiiia'. It'm to his man xiid. It'm paid more for the carpy't's borde xxvj. iid. It'm payd to the parget 1 ivs. It'm paid to a labour' for iiii days aft' viid. the day its. iiiirf. It'm paid to Richard best for Rodds viiid'. It'm paid more to the parget' xs. ' Plasterer, 14 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF It'm paid to S rl John Lynyall at Mydsom r for teachyng of children xs. It'm paid for Lyme vs. It'm paid for the expence of certen of the p'yshion r s apperyng before the Quenes Ma tiea Comission r s at Kedermynsf concernynge the schole Ms. Mid. It'm payd to Edward Eyrer for nayles xiid. It'm paid John harrys for Rods and for wyndynge 2 the wales of the schole house xiid. It'm paid for the caryage of foure Lods of tymber from tynne fylds iis. v'nid. It'm paid for two days caryage of claye 3 iis. It'm paid to Waif Donne for foure dayes worke iis. It'm paid more to the p'get™ man vs. v'ud. It'm paid to Anthony beste for teaching of children xxvs. It'm paid to the pargeter iiiif. It'm paid to the lyme man vus. It'm paid at the yeldyng up o r p'sentm' before the Quenes surveyer for conceyled * lands xiid. It'm paid to Clarke for makyng the flowres in the churchhouse 6 His. It'm paid to the carpenters xis. id. It'm paid to the pargeters vs. vid. It'm paid to John Wale for Nayeles xvid. It'm paid to John Costen iiiij. iiii<£ It'm paid to S r John Lynyall for teachinge children vs. It'm paid to the carpent 1 more viis. vid. It'm paid to Costen vs. It'm paid for lathes xvid. It'm paid to Eyrar for Nayeles xiid. It'm to Rydley vis. viiid. It'm paid to the same Ridley iis. Mid. It'm paid for two thowsands of tyles xxvLr. v'riid. It'm paid to Anthony Best for teaching of the children xxvj-. It'm paid to Hu'frey Holmer that he had paid to workmen in my abse'ce iiiij. 1 Sir — the old term for one in holy orders. ■ The rods were used green, and were wound in and out. s For daubing the walls. 4 A wrong return having been made. 5 The Head Master's house close to the Church. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 15 It'm paid for a dysen of crests xiid. It'm paid to Ridley for xvi dayes work xiiiur. viiid. It'm paid to S r John lynyall for teaching of children vs. It'm paid Eyrer for nayles xviiid. It'm paid to John Wall \\i\d. It'm paid to John Costen iii\r. »»?/< It'm paid for the caryage of tyle to Sevarne side owt of Worcesf iij. viiiW. It'm paid to Arnold Bene for the caryage of the tyle up by water ffrom Worcesf to Radstone 1 vis. viiid. It'm paid for lyme vij. xd. It'm paid to the carpynf ageine vs. It'm paid to the seid carpynf us. It'm paid to the tyler and his man. xviLr. It'm paid for the cariage of foure lods of tyle from Radstone i'ms. It'm paid for the rent of the scholehouse xiid. It'm paid to John Hareward vii/z'. xiiis. \\\\d. It'm paid to Thorn's Holmer for cuttyng of tymber trees & squary'ge of them viij. It'm paid my expencs goyng to Worcesf & to the Whiche 2 to Receve p'te of owre money of James Grenebanke 3 xiid. It'm paid to Hu'frey Holmer for his expencs at Worcesf to apoynte the tyle to be broughte up from Worcesf to Radstone Hud. It'm paid for wryttynge of my boke xiid?. It'm paid to George lynyall for servyng the Tyler iiii^. The whole some of the payments xxviti. viiij. vii Jur. Anthony Ballard Robert Ballard John Tomlins Edward Cartwright . Al's Harper. 23 Die Septembris 1644. All w ch said new Gov™ were alsoe sworne by the Right Reverend ffather in God John ' Lord Bishop of Worcester the day & yeare aforesaid. The names of all & possessions Reveni Queene Elizabeth in Urban Eyre William Hunt John Dunne William Best Hugh Pooler William Wheller Thomas Skeller John ffidkin Anthonie Ballard James Prattendon Symon Uffmore those w ch be Gov rs of the free Gram'er schoole ues and Goods of the free Gram'er schoole of Hartlebury in the County of Worcester. Robert Ballard John Tomlins Will m Hill John Best Ju r Edward Cartwright J ur . Al's Harper . John Thacher John Thacher John Best sen' Walter Thacher Will m Manning Memorand' q'd Die et Anno suprad' pred' Will'us Mannynge existen' unus Gouburnatoru' Scola' pred' recusavit exercere officiu' suu' pred' p'pter debilitatem corporis sui. I'o 2 Joh'es Pooler electus est in loco suo et jur. 1 John Prideaux, who was deprived at the Rebellion and died in great poverty 3 Ideo. F 2 68 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF 1646. The Accounts of John Donne collector for y e free Gram'er schoole in Hartlebury 1646. li. s. d. Imp r received for y e rent of the said schoole 19 18 6 Item received of money of y e old Collector and for wood sold 5 9 o 25 7 6 li. s. d. 20 5 Imp r payd to y e schoolemasters It'm given to M r Bromley to carry him to Worcester It'm payd to ffrancis Harris and his man for iiii dayes worke about y e schoolemaster's house 080 payd to ffranc. Harris for going to Beawdley to buy boards for the schoole house 010 Payd for vii burthen of rods to mend y e walles and for bringing them thither 060 Payd for coales for y e schoole on 6 Payd for boards and ledges for y e schoole house doores 050 Payd for nayles 008 Payd to ffranc Harris and his man for making y e doores 020 Payd for y e Lord's rent o 1 o 21 19 8 li. s. d. There doth remaine in my hand to bee delivered to y e next Collector 3 14 o John Whoper is to pay for ii trees (Edw' Harper doth p'mise y e payment) 040 John Harward for falling a young tree without licence. Wee nominate and appoint Walter Thatcher Collector. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 6q John Donne John Best Sen. John ffidkin James Prattenton Hugh Poller John Thacher John Best Jun. Simon Uphmore Edward Cartrit John Best Urban Eyre Walter Thacher Disbursed more by John Donne the former Collector Inp r to M* Bromly Ite' to Will Best for coales Ite' to Will Best for lyme Ite' to ffrancis Harris for hanging the doore Ite' for nayles Ite' to the masons for 8 days worke Ite' to M r Bromly late schoolem' Ite' to William Best for more coales Ite' in Symon Uffemore's time for coales li. s. ds 9 2 8 5 2 3 16 10 6 8 6 8 3 9 3 1647. The ACCOUNTS of Walter Thatcher, Collector of ye free Gram'a'r Schoole of Hartleburie 1647. Imp' received for y e rent of y e said schoole Imp r payd to y e Schoolemaster and Usher Item given to M r Bromley Item payd for winding and daubing the schoole walls Item payd for a lock for y e schoole chamber doore li. S. d. 21 O II 20 10 O 2 9 O I /*. s. d. o O 7 o I o I o o 21 is 4 70 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Item payd for mending y e locke of y e schoole doore and for a hooke for y e doore Item payd for y e cheife rent Item received for arrears of rent of John Maning There is to be delivered in money to y e next Col- lector 22s. lod. From Walter Thatcher is. $d. From John Donne \\s. $d. Wee nominate Simon Uphmoore for Collector this pr'sent yeere 1647. Walter Thacher John Donne William Wheler Hugh Pooler Urban Eyre John Best 1648. ffebruary y e 7 1648. Simon Uphmore Collector of y e free schoole of Hartleburie made his account y e day abovesaid. Hee received Hee disbursted There is owing to him 1 5 Wee whose names are subscribed doe nominate for Collector for y e said schoole this yeere following. John Pooler Gent. Hugh Pooler Symon Uphmore John Tomlins Urban Eyre John Best John Donne John Thatcher Walter Thatcher Willia' Wheler James Prattenton Anthony Ballard John ffidkin li. s. d. 20 11 4 20 12 9 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. J I 1649. THE ACCOUNT of John Pooler Collector for the Schoole Rents in An'o Dom'ni 1649. Redd. For the Schoole rents this p r sent yeare It. s. d. Of John Harward 6 Of Widdo Morris 4 10 Of John Wall 1 More for tinefields 1 2 6 Of Edmund Smith for p't of the base grounds 1 13 4 Of Edmund Smith for the perrymill ground 6 8 Of Thomas Gardner for the base 1 6 8 Of M r Clent's lands 1 Of John Hopkins 11 3 Of William Segar 1 6 Of John Cobbe 1 6 Of William Prattcnton 2 1 Of William Best 12 Of Robert Best 1 Of M r Urban Eyre 1 Of John Harward for Chantry meadow 11 3 Of John Maning Senio r 12 Of John Maning Junio* 1 Of Edward Best 2 20 12 11 Received more li. s. d. Of Hugh Pooler for a tree 10 Of John Wall for Cropp wood 9 Of ffrancis Hanbury for Cropp wood 10 Of Thomas Southwall for Croppe wood 6 Of Thomas Hardiman for Croppe wood 4 Sould to M r Lowe for 16 oakes 5 Of ffrancys Hanbury for 3 old trees 1 4 Of Tho' Hardiman for three ould trees 16 Of Phillip Skyler for 6 elmes and one ould oake 2 6 10 9 6 72 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF li. s. d. Payd to the Schoolemasters 20 o o Payd for repairs of the Schoole house and the School- master's house 12 14 o li. s. d. Rec. for rents 20 12 11 for trees and wood 10 9 6 3i 2 S Rec. more for arreares of John Maning's rents 200 It. s. d. The Receytes 33 2 5 The disbursements 32 14 Due from the Accountants OO 8 5 M' lr Twenty shillings remaining in the hands oj John Maninge of Whitlinge to be payd to John pooler the Accountant. James Prattenton Walter Thacher John Tomblins John Thacher Hugh Poller Simon Uphmore Anthony Ballard And we whose names are subscribed do nominate and choose John Tomblinge to be Collector for the yeare following 27 ffeb. 1649 John Pooler Disbursed by John pooler Collector aforesayd as followeth Inp. to Will Best for a horse load of coales for one thousand tyles for Carriadge of them to John Jackson and his sonne and his man for 5 dayes work in tileing the schoole for carriage of clay and sand for poules for studds ease poules and windings and carriadge of them for lime lath and nailes to a man to studd and winde walls //. s. d. I 4 16 8 S 13 2 6 I 7 10 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. J$ for a thousand and halfe of nayles for another thousand tiles for carriadge of them for clay and sand carriadge for more ease poules and workemanshippe for one thousand tiles more for carriadge of them and sand To both the Jacksons and their three men for 6 dayes work To William Best for lyme, lath, nailes and haire for one thousand of tyles more from tittowne 1 for carriadge of them for nayles more for two hundred of bricke for carriadge of them to the masons for three dayes worke more and their men for more lime for glaseing 4 windowes about the schoole for a bundle of lath about the window for two dayes work about the windows and nailes for the cheife lord's rent 1650. THE ACCOUNT of John Tombins Collector for y e free Gram'er Schoole of Hartleburie 1650. Impr. received of y e school rents Item rec. of M r Donne in arrears The sume is Impr. disbursted to y e schoolem rs To M r Wythe for cutting wood for y e schoole for y e Lord's rent In ale for them that carried y e wood for mending a locke The sume is 1 Titton, a hamlet of Hartlebury. li. s. d 3 9 16 8 5 1 6 5 16 8 5 6 1 8 1 13 7 16 8 S 1 6 3 4 1 4 14 2 14 6 8 2 1 12 14 li. s. d. 20 12 11 3 8 20 16 7 20 10 6 1 1 4 20 12 10 //. s. d. 20 12 6 20 o o O o 8 O 2 o O I o 2 o o 4 o I 5 o 2 10 o O 6 74 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF 1651. The Account of Edward Harper Collector of y e free Gram'ar Schoole of Hartleburie 1651. • Imp r . received of y e schoole rents Imp r . Disbursted to y e scholem rs payd for carrying wood to y e schoole Spent when we fetched y e wood home for ye Lord's rent for ii dayes worke about y e schoole for halfe a hundred of nayles for a locke and stapel for y e schoole doore for ii load of coles for carrying old timber into y e schoole Disbursted 20 10 9 Remaineth in my hand 1 9 Wee whose names are subscribed doe nominate for Collector for this yeere following Willia' Hyll. [The Accounts of 1652, 1653, and 1654 are missing.] The last of ffebruary 1654. Whereas uppon the Request of the Com r8 for charitable uses yt was under the greate seal of England inter al' decreed that such schoolemaster as should be hereafter chosen for the free schoole of Hartlebury should not bee setled or displaced without the ap- probation of such mynysters as shalbe Resident at Hartlebury Kitterminster and Ribsford or two of them and now whereas M r Walter Pooler l is this p'sent day comended to the sayd free schoole by us Thomas Wright 2 mynister of Hartlebury and John Boraston 3 mynyster of Ribsford as a fytt man wee doe therefore under our handes p'myse to and with the ffeoffees of the free schoole aforesayd 1 "Buried 1661, Sept. 4,' Mr. Walter subject, and was made Rector of Great Wit- Pooler, Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford." ley, where he died in 1701, aged 84. (Ribbesford Registers.) 3 Rector of Ribbesford, 1630 — 1688. 2 A Presbyterian who was put into the " He was an ardent Royalist, and it is Rectory by the Parliament Committee. rather surprising that he was permitted to When he was ejected at the Restoration retain his benefice throughout the Common- he conformed, although he said he would wealth. He was made Preb. of Hereford rather be dragged to pieces by wild horses 1673 ; died 1688, aged 85." (Burton's His- than use the Prayer- Book, became a loyal tory of Bewdley.) HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 75 that in case thirteene of the sayd ffeoffees shall at any tyme desire us or eyther of us to give o r consent for the displaceinge of the sayd M r Pooler beeinge now admytted Schoolemaster at o r request that wee will consent thereto and assist them therein soe far as in us or in eyther of us shall lye or in case that some of the sayd ffeoffees shalbe dead before our consent shalbe soe required that then wee will joyne our consent w th the major part of the survivors of them for such his displaceing unlesse yt shalbe made appeare to M r Baxter 1 now mynister of Kitterminster M r Dedicote mynister and schoolemaster of Abberly and M r Toy schoolemaster of Walsall that such desire of the ffeoffees to displace the said M r Pooler is not uppon just groundes and that they signify soe much under theyr handes and seales. Wittnesse our handes the daye and yeare abovesaid. Tho. Wright John Borastone. In consideration of which promise wee whose names are sub- scribed doe consent that the above named M r Walter Pooler bee admitted Cheif Schoolemaster & that he have the salarye for his paynes as M r Soley had hee payinge M r Dalby the remaynder of the money which M r Soley was bound to pay and also satysfyinge M r Soley for his paynes dewe for teachinge the schoole & gevinge him reasonable Content towards repayres already layd out by him hee geveinge up his securyty for the xxj. a yeare or assyneinge yt over to M r Pooler. Robert Willmott Walter Thacher John Donne Ger. Wheeler John ffidkin John Bourne Anthony Ballard X n ' s marke William Tomlins X his marke Edward Cartrit. als. Harpur John Poller Hugh Poller. 1654. The Accounpt of Robert Willmott, collector for the yeare last past made the last of february 1654. It. s. d. John Harward 013 — 00 — 00 Widdow Norryes 08 — 00 — 00 Jo. Maninge 06 — 02 — 00 ' The celebrated Richard Baxter. 76 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF It. S, d. Tho. Gardner 03 — 06 — 08 Jo. Wall 04 — 00 — 00 Humfrey Maninge 00 — 11 — 03 M 1 Clent 02 — 00 — 00 Edmond Smith 02 — 17 — 06 M' Clent Hos Hopkis 01 — 00 — 00 John Cob 00 — 08 Best Kit W m Prate nton 00 — 01 — 01 Segar 00 — 02 — 06 43 9 o 43 8 6 Robert Willmott. 00 02 — 00 — 00 Reste w ch Maninge owes or denyes 00 — 11 — 00 w ch j£i Ey re was t p a y oq — OI — qq wid' s Cay & Tolly 00 — 1 — 00 0—13 — Robert Willmott. 32 — 00 — 00 owinge to wee payd to M r Soley 1 for his salery / payd to Emanuel Ives 10 — 00 — 00 payd to M r Soley for rep'es 01 — 00 — 00 for a loade of Coales 00 — 08 — 06 payd for the lord's Rent to M r Wheeler 00 — 01 — 00 John ffidkin Colector for the yeare followinge. The last day of ffeb r We have received Robert Wilmot's account 1654 for continuance & doe nominate him collector for the next for one year more be- yeare we whose names are subscribed cause there is noe John Donne Gervase Wheeler Sam : Eyre leases granted since y e John ffidkin Anthony Ballard John Bourne decree nor noe busi- John Smyth William Tomlins Willia' ness compleated con- Skiller Edward Cartwright John Pooler cerninge y* schoole. Hugh Pooler HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. TJ Forasmuch as it apeares that John Wall did gyve out words that one of the ffeoffees should not come uppon his land but yf he did hee would bringe his action agaynst him wee doe declare that hee is not fytt to have a lease sealed. Robert Willmott. li. s. d. Remayns due to us from M r Donne 02 08 10 Whereof there is due to M r Soley for his last yeares Salary 01 18 06 Due to next Collectour from him 00 10 04 John Donne. 1655. The ACCOUNT of John Donne Collectour for the year last past made the 20 th day of ffebr. 1655. Receyved from li. s. d. John Harward 13 00 00 as alsoe part of Humphr : Manning's Rent 00 11 03 Widdow Norn's 08 00 00 M r Clent 02 00 00 Tho. Gardner 03 06 08 John Manning 04 03 06 Edmund Smyth 02 17 03 John Wall 04 00 00 Will m Best of Kederm. 02 00 00 John Hopkins 01 OO OO John Cobb 00 08 00 Will. Prattenton Tolly &c. 00 02 01 Will™ Seager 00 03 00 Rent due from John Manning w ch is due to M' Soley 01 18 06 SUM: TOT: 43 10 03 Payd to M r Soley for his Salary 3 1 OI °5 Payd to Emanuell Ives 10 00 00 Payd for school Repayres OI 14 09 Sold eleven trees and Cropps 06 00 00 Payd to M r Soley for y e Repayres of his schoole house 04 00 00 52 16 02 78 THE OLD ORDER BOOOK OF We have Receyved M r Donne's accounts and doe nominate Allen Lye collectour for the year next ensuing. Ordered by us y 4 y e Collectour appoynt five trees to John Harward from y e schoole grounds towards the reparation of his dwelling house. / consent, Ro. Willmott John Pooler Hugh Poller John Bourne Edward Harper Allen Lye Anthony Ballard Emanuell Eyre William Tomblins. John Poller John Donne 1656. The Rent Roll. 1656. John Harward 13 Hump : Maning 1 John Mailing's rent and cheifage 2 Widd : Norris 8 Mr. Clent 2 Tho : Carver 3 6 8 John Wall 2 Phi : Maning 2 John Cobb 8 Willia' Seyer 3 6 John Hopkins 1 13 Edw : Best 2 Edmund Smythes i rent and cheifage whereof 6s. Sd. for cheiffage 2 17 8 Willia' Best of Kidderminster 2 Will : Prattenton 1 and Tho. Tolleyes rent and cheif- age 2 1 The whole Sume is 43 18 1 Added to Hopkins Chantrie meadow advanc* rent o 13 o ve whole rent 44 1 1 1 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 79 S m' ch 89 advanced Marshall rent 10 April 1689. Phillip Marshall has his lease sealed and the rent payable by his lease then Sealed is whole rent is m'ch 5. 89 li. s. d. 00 10 3 1 45 00 01 The ACCOUNT of Maine Leigh Collector for ye Schoole of Hartlebury 1656. Impr. received of ye schoole rent It. payd to y e Schoolemaster and Usher It. payd for one load of Coales It. payd for writing y e ffeoffment It. payd for a key for y e schoole doore It. payd for y e Lord's rent Memorandum f* ye ffeoffecs underwritten have agreed y* if any Tetiaunt shall refuse to provide Leases ready to seale upon Ash Wednesday next at y" furthest that then they will provide new Tenaunts for tlie grounds of those who shall soe refuse. There remaines to the next Collector John Pooler John Donne Walter Thacher John ffidkin Emanuell Eyre William Prattenton Hugh Poller Anthony Ballard Tho. Best John Bourne Edward Hewes Edward Harper 43 IS 'I 42 10 14 4 1 43 5 4 14 3 There is chosen for Collector this yeare following John Bourne. And y l is this day ordered that inasmuch as William Norris hath all alonge complyed with the ffeoffees and submytted to an en- crease of his Rent to eight pounds a yeare and hath payd his same uppon demand and hath also payd six pounds towards areres or charges and is uppon that consideration promysed a lease for 80 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF three lyves now uppon his request hee is alowed three yeares to name what lyves hee shall decree, provided that yf the sayd Wil- liam dye before he shall make his nomynation that then his execute™ or assygnes shall name only two lyves. All this agreed and promysed by those named on the other side of the paper. Witnesse Robert Willmott. 1657. The Account of M r John Bourne Collectour for the schoole of Hartlebury A 1657 made ffebruary the 24 th . /*. s. d. Inpr. receyved of the Schoole rent 43 15 05 It. receyved from the last Collectour 00 10 00 44 05 05 It. payd for Bear last Ashwednesday 00 04 06 It. payd to Edmund Smyth by the ffeoffees ap- poyntm nt 00 02 06 It. payd to the school maysters 42 00 00 It. payd for two loads of Coales 01 03 00 It. payd to Downes for fire shovell & tongues & mending two lockes 00 04 00 It. payd to the Masons 00 04 04 It. payd for Brick & Carryage 00 02 08 It. payd to the Glasier 00 03 07 44 04 07 We whose names are underwritten have receyved M r John Bournes accounts & doe nominate Will'm Skiller Collectour for the year ensuing. William Wheeler John ffidkin Samuell Eyre John Donne William Prattenton Allan Lye Anthony Ballard Hugh Pooler John Best Edward Hughes Edward Harper It. s. d. Remayning to the next Collectour 00 04 08 Whereof there remaynes due from Will'm Seager 4s. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 8 1 Memorand m that twenty shillings was receyved from William Norris by M r Thomas Soley 1 y e chief Schoolm r in lieu of two Timber Trees given him last Ashwednesday towards the repayrs of his schoole house. xxiiii t0 ffebruary 1627 2 . Whereas Thomas Harward decessed & W m Wheler by a bond or obligac'on dated the 23 th day of May in the xvii th year of the Reigne of the late Kinge Charles did become bounde unto John ffydkyn and others Churchwardens of Hartlebury afores a in the penall some of tenne pounds condycen'ed for paym* of ffyve pounds & foure shillings at a day in the Condyco'n of the said bond in that behalf expressed w ch fyve pounds and foure shillings was due and did belonge to the poore of the p'ishe of Hartlebury and w ch is yet unpayd and the said bond in force. But by agreem' of dyvers of the feoffees of Hartlebury schoole lands w th John Harward touching the Renewing of his lease and increase of his Rent from vii/z. p' ann : to xiii//. p' ann : The said W m Wheller & th'execu'™ & adm 8 of the said Thomas Harward are to be discharged of & from the said bond & the paym 1 of y e said \li. & iiiLr. & the said bond to be delyvr d upp and cancelled & the said \li. & mis. to be otherwyse supplyed and Raysed for the use of the poore afores d . Therefore it is now agreed by the feoffees afors d whose names are subscrybed That such Burrell 3 and decayeing trees growing upon the schole lands shalbe sold & fallen, w th in one monethe next come- inge at the discrec'on of W m Skeler Samuell Eyre Hugh Puller Jo" Bourne and the said John ffydkyn as will Rayse the said ffyve pounds & foure shillings w th is to be payd & ymployed for the use of the said poore in satysfacc'on and discharge of y e said bond & ffyve pounds and foure shillyngs before menc'oned. And thereupon the said bond to be delyvered to the said W m Wheler & cancelled according to the said agreem* in that behalfe. 1 " 1658. The intention of marriage be- 1658, and were married Decemb. y» 9 th ." tween Thomas Soley schoolemaster of Har- (Hartlebury Register.') tlebury, & Mary Nott of Stanford was pub- * Inserted out of its place, lished in y 8 Church of Hartlebury on y 8 3 " Burr " or " burrell," badly grown. 12 th , 19 th , and 26 th dayes of November, 82 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF The marke + of John ffidkin x William Wheler Huge Pooler John Donne William Skiller Samuell Eyre Edmund Harper John Bourne The marke of + Anthony Ballard x Alan Ley William Prattenton The marke of + Edward Hughes « Witnesses hereunto Thomas Soley John Best Jo. Syrer sen r Memorandum that Thomas Lavendar and Thomas Dawe gave a large sized grate of three Barrs to f free schoole. There was alsoe bought a large fire shovell & a payre of Tongues by M r fohn Bourne Collectour. Memorandum that M" Lowbridge gave two large cheekes for the new Grate 2 . 1658. The ACCOUNTS of Willia' Skiller Collector for the Schoole of Hartleburie 1658 made y e 16 th of ffebruary 1658. It. s. d. Impr. received of y e schoole rent 43 l 7 6 Item payd to y e schoole master & usher 42 o o Item spent at y e last account ° I ° payd for ii formes for y e schoole 044 payd for ii load of coales for the schoole 1 4 5 payd for y e Lord's rent payd for mendinge y e schoole tables & other worke payd for a locke for y e schoole rec. o 1 o 026 008 43 !7 6 disburst. 43 J 3 " remaining oli- y. 7d. Wee whose names are under- written have receyved Will m Skil- ler's accounts and doe nominate John Smyth of Norchard Collec- tour for the year ensuing. . On other occasions these gentlemen - These are the only recorded gifts to signed their own names-or got some one the School, to sign for them. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 83 Samuell Eyre Robert Willmott John Bourne William Prattenton John ffidkin William Wheeler Allen Lye Will™ Tomblins Edward Harper John Best Hugh Poller Anthony Ballard Memorandum that William Seager is behind unpayd is. for the laste year. 1659. The ACCOUNTS of John Smyth, Collector for y e schoole of Hartlebury, made y e 7 th of March, 1659. rec. of y e schoole rent payd to y e schoole master and usher payd for coales for y e schoole payd for making a window in y e school and for y e Timber payd for ii load of clay payd for dawbing y e schoole walls payd for y e Lord's rent payd for glasing a new window and mending y e old payd for a locke and a hinge and setting them on remaines to y e next collector 028 We whose names are under written have seene & allowed this account & doe nominate William Prattenton for collector y e yeere next ensuing. Hugh Poller William Wheeler Allan Lye Robert Willmott Edward Cartwright al's Samuell Eyre Harper John Donne Edward Hughes John ffidkin Thomas Best Anthony Ballard li. s. d. 43 18 7 42 1 c 4 8 2 5 8 1 5 6 1 1 43 19 11 John Smith G 2 li. s. d. 42 1 2 3 1 6 1 6 6 2 6 6 2 4 1 43 14 10 84 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF 1660. The ACCOUNTS of William Prattenton collectour for the ffree Schoole of Hartlebury made ffebr. 27 th 1660. payd to the scholemaster and usher payd for 2 loads of coales payd for 2 hu'd of bricke payd for earring up the brick payd for limbe payd for one strike of heayre x payd to 2 masons one day payd for a new cay 2 for the schoole doore and mending the hinges payd to the glassier the lord's rent li. s. d. William Seger behind 030 Paid into the new Collectour 023 We whose names are underwritten have seen & allowed this Account & doe nominate M r Samuell Eyre for collectour the year next ensuinge. William Wheeler John ffidkin Edward Harper Hugh Poller Allan Leygh Robert Ballard Edward Hues William Tomlins Anthony Ballard Thomas Best 1661. THE ACCOUMPT of Samuell Eyre colecf of the ffree Gram'er Scoole in Hartlebury made the twelfe day of february 1661. ' Hair. * Key. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 85 //. s. d. Impr'is. Payd to the Scoolemasters 42 o o It. for coales for the Scoole o 16 o It. for the chife Rent to the Lord of the Man r o 1 o li. s. d. William Seager behind 030 Edward Best 2 Soe there remaines from me due to the next colector 42 17 o 19 5 Wee whose names are underwritten have seene & allowed this Account, & doe nominate John ffidkin for Collectour the year next ensuing. William Wheeler Robert Willmott Anthony Ballard William Prattenton John Best Hugh Pooler John Smith Allen Ley Edward Heaus Edward Harper 1662. THE ACCOUMPTS of John ffidkin colector for the ffree Gramer scoole in Hartlebury made the fourth day of March 1662. li. s. d. Impr'is. Rec'd the sum of the tenants which amounts to 43 17 \\ It. of the last Colector 00 19 5 It. paid to the Scoolem" 42 00 00 It. for the lord's rent 00 01 00 It. to the smith for mending the cay of the scoole door 1 00 o ? The whole sum rec 1 is 44 17 4 Disburst the sum of 42 1 3 March 4 lh , i66|, Remaines 2 17 1 Notice the extraordinary number of times the lock of the school door is repaired. 86 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Wee whose names are underwritten ffeoffees of the Gram'ar Schoole of Hartlebury have seen & allowed the above s d account, & sith there are severell repayres not yet made good wee doe nominate John Fidkin aforesayd Collectour for y e year ensuing. William Wheeler Ro. Willmott Hugh Pooler Samuell Eyre John Smyth Anthony Ballard William Prattenton Edward Hughes Edward Harper Thomas Best 1663. The Accounts of John ffidkin collector Gram'ar scoole in Hartlebury made the ffebruary 1663. Reed, from the Tenants Remaines in his hands for the last yeare Laid out of the fore mene'eoned sum To the chife Scoolem rs for fellinge the scoole Timber and workeman- shipe for stone and cariage for the Recoyning " for laying the Hearth and Boards for studing winding and daubing for caring of 2 loade 6f clay for a loade of coale for the Bishop's 2 Rent for expenses att John Cobbs for mending the walls and window for nailes for glasing the Windows Sum. Tot. Wee whose names are subscribed Feoffees of the Grammar Schoole of Hartlebury have seen and allowed the Accounts of John Fidkin Collector for the year last past and doe nominate and elect Hugh Pooler collector for the year ensuing. 1 Reckoning. " First mention of the Bishop after the Restoration. for the ffree 24 th day of li. s. d. 43 17 11 02 17 4 42 00 00 02 00 00 01 00 06 00 04 04 00 01 00 00 02 06 00 02 00 00 11 00 00 01 00 00 02 10 00 04 06 00 00 03 00 05 01 46 15 03 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 87 John Smyth Anthony Ballard John Best William Prattenton Edward Harper Robert Ballard Thomas Best Samuell Eyre William Wheeler 1664. The ACCOUNTS of Hugh Pooler collectour for the Free Gram'ar Schoole in Hartlebury made ffebruary y e 8 th A 1664. li. s. d. Receyved from the Tenaunts 43 17 11 Payd to the chief Schoolm r 32 00 00 Payd to M r Symson for Counsell 00 10 00 Payd to Henry Ives Usher 02 10 00 Payd to John Plimley Usher 1 01 10 00 Sum 42 10 00 Remaynes in his handes for the next Collectour 01 07 11 Wee whose names are subscribed ffeoffees of the Free Gram'er schoole of Hartlebury have seen & allowed Hugh Pooler's accounts Collectour for the year last past & doe nominate & elect William Prattenton collectour for the ensuing year. William Prattenton Robert Willmott Edward Harper W m Wheeler Thomas Best Samuell Eyre W m Tomlins Hugh Pooler Robert Ballard Allan Leigh Anthony Ballard John Fidkin AND WEE whose names are subscribed doe hcareby order that whereas John Manninge who is tenant to the Schoole hath fayled to accep 1 of a lease for his ten'ts 2 and landes hee holds of the Schoole accordinge to his owne agreement & a former order made in that behalfe but hath by his wilfullness put the ffeoffees to charges in goeinge to take counsayle about the p'myses, that hee doe betwixt this & Lady Day next pay to the Collector ten shillings toward what was layd out as aforesaid, and accept of a newe lease 1 £6 more due to the Usher has been omitted. • Tenements. 88 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF w th usuall covenants at the Rent of 6li. 2s. od. & to bee payd at the dayes usuall or on his neglect that all the landes & tents, hee holdes of the Schoole to bee let to another. And wee doe order the Collector doe assigne a tree to John Cobb towards repayre of his house. And wee do farther order that the p'sent Collector w th John ffydkin shall have power to fall any wood or trees uppon the schoole landes & employ the same towards the repayr of the schoole or sell part at theyr discression & gyve an accompt thereof to the ffeoffees. Robert Willmott John Fidkin Samuell Eyre Robert Ballard Hugh Pooler Anthony Ballard Edward Harper W m Tomlins William Prattenton Thomas Best Allan Leigh 1665. last of ffebruary, 1 66 5 . //'. s. d. Rec. William pratenton's ACCOMPT his Receipts for the schoole Rents 43 8 1 his payments to the Schoolemasters 41 10 o his overplus for Rents 01 18 1 his receipts of Hugh Pooler the last Bayly hee rec. of John Climson for trees hee Rec. of Robert Wilmott for trees hee Rec. of Edward Harper for trees hee Rec. of John Batch for trees hee Rec. of Hugh Pooler for trees hee Rec. of John Harward for a tree hee payd to John Wilmott for a tree he cut and for the repayre of the Schoole in all Soe uppon the whole is owinge to him li. s. d. 00 17 02 01 00 00 01 02 06 01 00 00 00 10 06 00 10 00 00 04 00 OS 4 2 00 08 00 7 02 04 00 00 01 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 89 Note Edward Best owes to the Schoole ud. which hee returnes as a debt. Agreed: witnesse Robert Willmott Memorand. Anthony Balard is chosen Collector for the en- suinge yeare. Witnesse those whose names are subscrybed. Robert Willmott Will, prattenton Samuell Eyre John Fidkin Tho. Best W m Tomlins Edward Harper William Wheeler Hugh Pooler Edward Hughes 1666. Ffeb: 20 A i66f. The ACCOMPTS of Anthony Ballard collector. li. s. d. Payd to the Chiefe Schoolm r 32 00 00 Payd to the usher 10 00 00 ffor Repayres 00 02 00 ffor Coales 00 13 00 ffor the L d » Rent 00 01 00 To Edward Harper towards his Charges 00 06 08 43 02 08 Wee whose names are subscribed ffeoffees of the free Gram'ar Schoole of Hartlebury doe allow the accompts of Anthony Ballard the last collect 1 & doe nominate him collector for the year ensuing. Sam : Eyre William Wheeler John Fidkin Robert Willmott William Prattenton John Smyth Edward Hughes Hugh Pooler Edward Harper 90 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF 1667. ffebruary 5 to A 1667. THE ACCOMPTS of Anthony Ballard collector. Payd unto the Chief Schoolm" Payd unto the Usher Other Disbursements To Joseph Pennell for 2 load of Coales ffor Carrying them in ffor mending y e windowes and Doore ffor the Lord's Rent Remaynes in his Hands for both years li. s. d. 32 00 00 10 00 00 00 19 00 00 01 00 00 01 07 00 01 00 43 02 07 01 10 07 Wee whose names are subscribed ffeoffees of the free Gram'ar Schoole of Hartlebury doe allow the accompts of Anthony Ballard last Collector & doe nominate M r Eyre Collector for the year ensuing, & alsoe wee doe hereby impower him to receyve the over- plus Rent in Anthony Ballard's Hands towards the repairs of y l said schoole. W m Tomblins Tho : Best Edward Hughes John Fidkin Hugh Pooler W m Wheeler W m Prattenton Edward Harper Robert Ballard 1668. ffebruary the 24* 1668. The Accompts of Samuell Eyre collector. P d to the scoole masters Paid for a load of coles & caring into the House Paid to the glasier for a load of clay and another of sand for studding windows and dawbing the walles the Lord's rent P d to M r Wall for mending the seats &c, REMAINS DUE FOR THIS YEAR li. s. d. 42 00 00 iouse 00 13 00 00 03 04 00 01 06 les 00 OS 00 00 01 00 00 02 04 oli. 1 3 j. \\d, li. s. d. 32 00 00 10 00 00 00 or 00 00 13 00 00 02 02 00 01 04 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 91 Wee whose names are subscribed have seene & doe allow of the accompts aboves d & chose for Collector for the yeare enshuing M r Sammuell Eyre. William Wheeler John ffidkine Alin Leigh . Thomas Best Robert Willmott Edward hues William Tomblins William Prattenton hugh pooler Anthony Ballard Edward Harper. 1669. ffebruary the 16* 1669. Then THE ACCOUNPTS of Samuell Eyre collector was taken. Impr'is p d to the chiffe scoolm' P d to the usher P d the lord's rent P d for coale P d to the glasier It. for A Paire of Bellowes It. to the smit for making and mending the lockes about the Vestrie * 00 03 04 To John Cobb for making cleane the Vestrie and other things about the scoole To John fhdkin for planks to mende the Vestrie One Hundred of brick and Cariage Allowed Edward Harper To John Jackson To my granfather for a Box for Beare att Thomas Harward The day & yeare aboves d the accompts were taken & allowed on by us whose names are subscribed & the remaines due to the next Collector the sume of 2li. 8s. gd. William Wheeler John ffidkin Alaine Lygh Anthony Ballard William Tomlins Thomas Best Hugh Pooler William Prattenton Edward Harper John Smith Edward Hughes 1 Where the chest containing the Deeds of the school stood, according to Statute XVI. 00 01 00 00 00 08 00 01 06 00 06 08 00 01 00 00 00 06 00 01 06 43 13 08 92 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF And wee doe nominate for the yeare ensuing John ffidkin A memorand. of the keyes of the Vestry 1 Will. Wheeler one John ffidkin one Anthony Ballard one Will. Prattenton one Alaine Lygh one Samuell Eyre one Will. Tomlins one 1670. March the eight 1670. Then THE ACCOMPTS of John ffidkin was as ffollowes It. s. d. P d to the scoolemast rs 42 00 00 P d for coales 00 11 00 winding and dawbing the walles 00 01 00 nayles 00 01 00 for nayling lathes att the boards ends in the scoole 00 01 00 P d to the glasier 00 03 00 for lime and tyle 00 01 04 for nayling Boards under the windowes 00 00 04 for a forme 00 03 00 These accompts were seene and allowed by us whose names are subscribed and there remains due to the next colector \6s. id. and from Samuell Eyre js. gd. and we doe nominate for Colector for the yeare ensuing William Prattenton Wittness o r Hands. William Wheeler Hugh Pooler Alaine Ligh Edward Hughes William Tomlins Thomas Best Samuell Eyre John Smith Anthony Ballard 1 See Statute XVI. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 93 1671. ffebruwary the 21 st 1671. The ACCOMPTS of William Prattenton Colecter of the free gramer schoole of Hartlebury weure alowed and granted. It. s. d. Item. Payed for a bord 1 for the Usher to wright on 016 Item. Payed for mending A bord and A form in the lower. end o 1 o Item. Payed for 2 load of Coles to John Wall and for Cariag in 120 Item. Payed for 2 hundred of Brick and Carriag in 026 Item. Payed for an Hors load of Lime 023 Item. Payed to the Mason 020 The Lord's Rent o 1 o Item. Payed to the Glasior 034 ffor mending the Lock 004 Item, ffor mending the bord and the form in the upper end 003 These Above written Accomptes of William Prattenton who are seene and alowed by us whos names are subscribed and thar remaines in his hand lit. $s. 3d. for the Colector for the year enshuing. And we doe nominate Anthony Ballard Colector for the yeare ensuing. Sam Eyre Ed. Hughes Alain Lygh Will Tomlins Hugh Pooller John ffidkin Tho' Best 1672. The ACCOMPTS of Anthony Ballard Collect* for y e Free Grammer School of Hartlebury given up to y e rest of y e Governours of y e sayd School Feb. 17, 1672. //. s. d. Payd to M r Abbot 2 y e Head Schoolmaster 32 o o Payd to Will Brown y e Under Schoolmaster 10 o o ■ A black board. buried l8 lh April, 1683." {Hartlebury 2 Rector of Dowles, 1669-83. " M' Register.) Walter Abbot our Head Schoolmaster 94 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF li. S. d. For one Waggon load of Coles o 12 6 For Studs Studding Winding and daubing of y e Walls 030 For 4 burden of Windings and for bringing y m to y e School 020 For y e Carriage of one load of Clay 010 The L d Bp's Rent o 1 o To the glazier for making a new Window and mending y e old 073 Y e DISBURSD SUMME IS 43 6 9 remaines due to y e next Collect' on 4 This below written accompt of Anthony Ballard Collect' for y e year past we whose names are subscribed have seen and doe allow of; and we chuse John Pooler Collect' for this year ensuing. At y e same time William Prattenton payd to John Pooler which was due upon his accompt and w h was charged upon him by M r Sam Eyre and Jo Fitkin the two pr'ceding Collect™ the summe of one pound five shillings and eleven pence. At y e same time Anthony Ballard Collect' for y e year past payd unto John Pooler which remained due upon his accompt oli. II*. ^d. Edward Woodhouse Will : Skinner 1 Will. Prattenton Hugh Pooler Geruase Wheeler Allayn Lye William Manning Edward Hues Walter Donne John Ballard Will : Tomlinson George Holloway James Prattenton At y e same time the Govemours whose names are above written have agreed y* that no other children but such whose Parents are Parishioners and Inhabitants of this Parish of Hartlebury shall have y' benefit of being taught free without paying y e schoolmaster for their teaching. 1 Son of the Bishop, Rector of Hartle- resolution restricting free education to bury for 25 years, died 1695, aged 59. Parishioners was passed. It is in his Perhaps it was at his suggestion that the handwriting. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 95 1673. March 4 i67f. Then y e ACCOMPTS of John Pooler was as followeth. li. s. d, Re'd in rent 44 1 1 1 Of M r Abbot for coales 012 o Re'd upon y e last year's accompt 1 16 7 Payd y e School Master Payd ye usher Payd for 2 load of Coales For glazing y e windowes Payd for mending a seat Payd for mending a forme The Ld's rent For 2 burdens of Heath For mending y e Key of y e door Remaines due to y e Schoole 389 which 3//. 8s. gd. is put into the great chest amongst y e schoole writings. This 4th day of March y e accompts of John Pooler Collect 1, above written were taken & approved by us whose names are subscribed, & at y e same time we made choise of M r Robert Willmott to be Collect' for this year ensuing. Richard Thatcher Will. Skinner Rect r William Prattenton Allen Lye William Manning Anthony Ballard James Prattenton Walter Dunne Edward Woodhouse 1674. ffebruary the 17 th 1674. Then THE ACCOUNPTS of Robert Willmott was taken and they are as followeth. 46 19 8 32 10 I 5 3 1 2 2 1 2 4 43 12 8 It. s. d. 42 00 OO 00 11 10 00 5 OO 00 4 OO 00 1 OO 43 1 10 96 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Imprs. Pd. to the Scolem r and Usher I' p d for Coales I' for glasing I' for worke about the Schole I* lord's rent laid out in all Memorand that the Accounpts of Robert Willmott on the other side the leafe was taken and allowed by us whose names are under- written and that ten shillings of Best's rent of Kidderminster is not yett rec d of the aboves d Robert Willmott which he hath accounpted for and p d . The same day rec d of John Harward 13 shillings for all the rent due to this day. And we doe nominate Collector for the yeare ensuing Gervase Wheeler jun r . remains due this yeare 2//. 2s. $d. which s d two pounds two shillings three pence is put into the chest in the vestrie. Anthony Ballard Will : Skinner Reef- William Manninge Sam : Eyre Thomas Best John Pooler Robert Willmott James Prattenton We whose names are hereunto subscribed being governors of the ffree Gramar School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury and of the possessiones revenues and goods of the said School doe by these p r sentes elect and nominate and by these p r sentes have elected and nominated our trusty and well beloved ffriends and neighbours, Thomas Lowbridge Gent. John Hill Edward Harper Philip Ballard Edward Hughes William ffitkin and Richard Griffin to be joynt Governors of the ffree Gramar School and of the poss'ions revenues and goods of the ffree Gramar School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury aforesaid with us the Governors hereunder sub- scribed. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. gj In witness whereof we have hereunto putt our hands and caused our com'on seale to be affixed the xx th day of May, 1684. Will : Skinner John Ballard Sam : Eyre Gervase Wheeler ' ^ u s. John Pooler Will. Prattenton Allen Leigh May 27 th 1672. We the surviving governours of the Free Grammar School and of y e possessions revenues and goods of y e Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury (viz.) Hugh Pooler, John Fitkin, Anthony Ballard, William Prattenton, William Tomlinson, Allen Leigh, Samuel Eyre, Edward Hughes, and Thomas Best doe nominate and elect William Skinner, Robert Willmott y* younger, James Prattenton, Walter Dunne, John Ballard of Green Stone, Edward Woddhouse, Gervas Wheeler the younger, Richard Thatcher, John Pooler, William Manning, and George Hollis, to be Governours of y e free Grammar Schooll and of y e possessions revenues and goods of y e free Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury with us y e aforesayd surviving Governours, Hugh Pooler, John Fitkin, Anthony Ballard, William Prattenton, William Tomlinson, Allen Leigh, Samuel Eyre, Edward Hughes and Thomas Best in y^ place and Stead of John Pooler, Gent., William Wheeler, John Best, William Skiller, John Smith, Edward Harper, John Dunne, John Boune, Robert Ballard, Walter Thatcher deceased, and Robert Willmott the Elder, departed out of y e parish. In Witnesse whereof We have putt to our hands and our Common Seal y e year and day above written. Sam : Eyre Hugh Pooler John ffitkin Anthony Ballard William Tomlinson Will. Prattenton Thomas Best Allen Leigh Edward Hewes 1 Named after Gervaise Babbington, Bishop oj Worcester, being born soon a f ter the Bishop's death in Mav, 1610. H 98 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF May 27, 1672. It is this day ordered that M r William Skinner, John ffidkin, Sam : Eyre, John Pooler with the Collector shall veiw the land in Rushock and John Manning's at Whitelench upon Munday the 3 d of June next. Memorandum y 1 upon y e 17 th day of February 1674, Phillip Marshall of Elmely Lovet pay d unto y e Governours of y e school of Hartlebury in Lieu of an Harriot due to y e school of Hartlebury for y e Perry-Mill house the summe of one pound five shillings. Memorand. that the 9 th of ffebruary Ger : Wheeler Jun r being colector for the yeare last past gave up his accounpt as followeth. li. s. d. p d ffor Coales 1 2 6 for mending the windowes 096 for putting in a sill in the vestreye 016 lord's rent 010 for the locke 010 DlSBURST IN ALL IIS 6 his accounpts were then allowed of by us whose names are subscribed upon the other side this leafe. Will : Skinner John Pooler Sam : Eyre Robert Willmott Will : Prattenton Thos. Best Allin Leigh Anthony Ballard Hugh Pooler George Holloway Walter Donne We nominate for Colector for the yeare ensuing George Holloway alsoe there remaines in the Box in money the sume of 8 — 2 — 6. It is the afores d 9 th day of ffebruary ordered that the Collecto r M r . Skinner, Will : Prattenton, John Pooler & Sam, Eyre shall veiw the schoole land Hedges and trees att or before the last day of June next and to make returne thereof to the rest of the Gove rs . HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 99 1676. ffeb : the last 1676. then THE ACCOUNPTS of George Hollo- way being Collector for the yeare last past was taken and are as ffollowetli. It. s. d. he hath Disburs d 255 p d by the s d Colector 058 the day and yeare afores d there remains in the box the sume of nine pounds. This accounpt is allowed by us & we doe nominate for Collector for the yeare ensuing John Ballard of lincombe. It is this day alsoe ordered that the Colector M r Skinner, Will : Prattenton, John Pooler and Sam : Eyre shall view the schoole land Hedges and trees att or before the last day of June next and to make returne to the rest of the Gov'nors. Will : Skinner William Manning .-5 Sam : Eyre Thos. Best Allaine Lighe John Pooler Gervase Wheeler Walt : Donne Robert Willmott Ed : Woodhouse Anthony Ballard Will : Prattenton Hugh Pooler 1677. Feb. 13, 1677. Then Y e Accompt of John Ballard Collectour for y a year last past was taken as followeth Re'd in Rents Re*d of M r Abbot towards Cole SUMM RECEIVD Disbursed for y e use and reparation of y e Schoole and Payd to y e Schoolmaster and Usher remains due to y e School Which summe of one pound four shillings and one penny was y n payd by y e said Collectour and being put into y e box makes up y* summe of ten pounds four shillings and one penny. This accompt is taken and allowed by us whose names are H 2 li. s. d. 44 16 I 10 45 6 I 44 2 1 4 I IOO THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF subscribed and we make choice of Walter Donne for Collectour y e year ensuing Will : Skinner Robert Willmott Will. Prattenton Thomas Beest Anthony Ballard John Pooler Allain Lye William Manning 1678. March 5 1678. Then Y e ACCOMPT of Walter Donne Collectour for y e year last past was taken as followeth. Re'd in Rents Re'd of M r Abbot for Coles . SUMME TOT. Disbursed in paying y e Scholmaster and Usher Disbursed for y e use and repairation of y e Schoole Y e WHOLE DISBURSED Due to y e School Which y e Collectour y n payd and it is put into y e publige box and makes up y e summe of eleven pounds nine shillings and three pence. This accompt was taken and allowed by us whose names are subscribed and we make choice of William Man'ing for Collectour y e year ensuing. Will : Skinner William Prattenton Sam : Eyre Geruase Wheeler Robert Willmott Thomas Best 1679. Feb. 25. 1679. Then Y e ACCOMPTS of William Manning Collect 1 " for y e year last past was taken as followeth. li. s. d. Re'd in rents 44 16 1 Re'd of M r Abbot for Coals 080 SUMM RECEEVD 45 4 I li. s. d. 44 16 1 10 45 16 1 42 2 11 44 11 1 5 2 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. lor li. S. d. Disbursed 43 7 7 Chimney money J 040 Sum disbursed 43 ii 7 Upon which accompt rem: to y e Parish 5//. 12s. 6d. which was y n paid & put into y e box & makes up y e summe of thirteen pounds one shilling & ninepence. This Accompt was received & allowed by us whose names are subscribed & we do make choice of Edward Woodhouse for Collect 1 " for y e year ensuing. William Manning Will : Skinner Richard Thatcher Sam : Eyre Robert Willmott Geruase Wheeler Thomas Best Will. Prattenton John Pooler 1680. Feb. 18, 1680. Then THE Accompts of Edward Woodhouse Collect for y e year last past was taken as followeth. li. s. d. Re'd in Rents 44 16 I Re'd of M r Abbot for Coals 090 SUMM RECEEV d 45 5 I Summ disbursed 45 7 o Remaines due to y e Parish which was then put into y e box lit. \%s. id. The whole Summe in the box this being added thereunto is fourteen pounds nineteen shillings & tenpence. ' March 3, 1662. "I am told that this 1688 a levy of 2s. on every hearth was im- day the Parliament hatli voted 2s. per an- posed for the King. There is a List of those num for every chimney in England, as a who paid chimney money in Ilartlebury constant revenue for ever to the Crowne." Parish account books ; by which it appears (Pepys' Diary.) A tax of a penny on every that only 32 people in the Parish paid hearth had been long familiar as Peter's the tax. Pence. From 1662 till the' Revolution in 102 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF This Accompt was perused & approved by us whose names are subscribed & we do make choice of Richard Thatcher for our Collect 1, for y e year ensuing. Will : Skinner Allan Lye Sam : Eyre Thomas Best Robert Willmott John Pooler Will. Prattenton Edward Woodhouse John Ballard 1681. March I th 1681. Then the Accompts of Rich. Thacher Collector for y e yeare last past was taken as ffolloweth. Rece'd in rents Sume disburs. remaines due to the parish was then put into the box li. s. d. 44 16 01 42 14 10 02 03 03 s. d. 01 00 00 01 This Acco 1 was perused & approved by us whose names are subscribed — & we doe make choice of Thomas Lowbridge for our Collecter for the year ensuing. li. p d Tho : Best as by two note carridge for the scole 07 in the box 10 Geruase Wheeler Richard Griffin John Hill Will. Prattenton Thomas Best William ffidkin William Manning Edward Harper John Ballard Rich. Thacher John Pooler 1682. Tho. Lowbridge Acco' ffeb. 21 th 82. Recev d by rents M r Willmott for post and pales li. s. d. 44 16 11 08 00 45 04 01 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 103 p d M r Abbot & Maning p d M r Eyer Ld's rent p d Tho. Best as by note rest due & p d into box In box li. s. d. 42 00 00 00 01 00 02 07 10 00 15 3 45 04 01 loli. 1 5-y. 4 rest Edwa : Wood h°"se to vewe the scole lands this day Sam : Eyre 3 weeks being 22 Instant. John Pooler Phillip Ballard Jo. Hill Rich. Griffen 1693. M r Ever Acco' 21 feb 93. H. s. d. Recevd by rents quarterly 42 i 4 8 meddow in torton meddow hay left yearly rent 00 1 1 5 M r pearce for Coles 01 14 o M r Norn's for charges * 58 07 6 for y c math of torton meddow 00 08 103 15 1 The Governors must have won their suit with Norris. I 3 n6 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF p d Schole Master Collier a day for 2 lo. Coles L ds rent Jo n Bird I day 4 Y r laxey meddow Intrest 30/2. for 30 foot bords nailes and labes Bennit Gutring M r toy » p d M r Eyer serving sepeuny 2 & at Commition in box We allow the Acco 1 & chuse Collecter Robert Ballard. Tho. Lowbridge Edw. Woodhouse Edward Harper lu s. d. 42 00 00 00 00 10 01 09 00 01 00 01 00 08 01 10 00 05 6 00 05 42 16 6 88 16 10 00 05 00 89 01 10 14 13 09 5 5 2 19 18 11 Geruase Wheeler John Hill Walter Donne Richard Griffin Phillip Ballard ffeb. 28 : 93 Recevd M r Skinner for hay in chantry meddow in 93 and put in boxe p d Will. Williams io.y. back Againe. 2 It. \os. od. 1694. 25 May 1694. Re'd y n of Robert Ballard a fine for one Moyety of Chantry Meadow sixteen pounds Taken out of the publick stock in the box fifteen pounds ten shillings It. s. d. 16 o o 15 10 o Both which Summs were then paid to Robert Fidkin the Parish Churchwarden in discbarge of a thirty pound 3 Bond & one year's 1 For Law expenses as in 1691. Subpoena. 3 Borrowed in 1691. HARTLEBURV GRAMMAR SCHOOL. II 7 interest due from y e Governours of the School to the poor of the Parish. Remains in stock in y e box six pounds eight shillings & eleven pence. 1694. Robt. Ballard Acco 1 6 feb. 94. Recevd in rents M r pearce for boys' fiering p d M r pearce & hancox for chaines for bookes * 2 wagon load coles L d rent 4 cagements 19 foot for staies, staples &c. to Glasier 27 foot inch bords 40 foot \ inch bords nailes lock key & hinges to Jo n Coley worke for bricke sand car e & mending the walls for lock for king's tax 2 before I entred Jo" Bird for worke left in box 6 811 Robt. Ballard put in o 19 10 soe in Box Feb. 6, 94 7 08 9 li. s. d. 45 06 OI 01 15 00 47 OI I 42 OO 00 00 05 01 08 00 OI 00 19 00 02 6 00 07 9 00 03 6 00 03 4 00 OI 6 00 OI 02 00 03 00 02 6 00 00 6 00 02 00 00 6 46 OI 3 00 19 10 Wee allow of his Acco 1 & chuse Phillip Ballard for Collecter for the yeare ensewing. 1 We presume, therefore, that there were some books belonging to the school — at least there was a Dictionary. See next year's account. * Hearth money. n8 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Wee doe Agree that if Richard Randell doe not pay 20s. for fall- ing trees within A month he shall be sherved. Will : Skinner » Sam : Eyre Geruase Wheeler Tho : Lowbridge Walter Dunn Edw : Woodhouse Jo: Hill Edward Harper Jo : Pooler Jo : Ballard 1695. ffeb. 26 th 1695 Phillip Ballard Acco 1 . Recevd in rents p d scholemasters p d for coles 1 5 s. earring in 6d. mending windowes chaine to dixnary 2 L ds rent mending walls mending seates due in box soe in box 26 feb. 95 gave Hancox soe left We chuse for Collecter John Ballard Sam. Eyre Robert Ballard Tho. Lowbridge Jo n Pooler Walt. Dunn Ger. Wheeler Jo. Hill Toke ought s of the Box li. s. d. 45 06 01 42 00 00 00 IS 06 00 02 06 00 01 02 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 08 43 01 10 02 04 03 07 08 09 09 13 00 01 00 00 08 13 00 3 ■ He died 26 August, 1695, a B e< ^ S9> " Dictionary, having been Rector 25 years. 3 Took out. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. II 9 1697. September 21 * 97. We the Governers of the free schole of Hartlebury whose names are underwritten doe chuse & elect the persons undernamed to fill up the vacansy of Governers wanting. Imprimis M r James Stillingfleeth x M r Hen. Whitager Robt. ffidkin John Maning of torton Job Noxson Emanuell fidkin James Willmott John Thorne John Prattenton Hen. Woodward John Hill Collector Edw. Wood house Robt. Ballard Richard Griffen Tho. Lowbridge John Ballard Walter Donne At the meeting of y e Govern" of y e free School of Hartlebury the twentieth day of October An'o D'ni 1697 Wee John Hill, Thomas Lowbridge, Edward Woodhouse, John Ballard, Robert Ballard, Walter Donne being Govern r " of the ffree school of Hartle- bury Do elect & chose the p'sons underwritten to fill up the places of Govern rs now vacant (vizt). James Stillingfleet, gent, Henry Whitaker, Robt. ffidkin, John Maning of Torton, Job Noxon, Emanuel ffidkin, James Willimott, John Thorne, John Prattenton & Henry Woodward. John Hill Tho : Lowbridge Walter Dunn Robert Ballard John Ballard Edwa : Woodhouse ■ Son of the Bishop ; pupil of Richard and also Dean of Worcester from 1707 till Bentley ; Rector of Hartlebury for 40 years, his death. He built the present Rectory. 126 The old order book of 1 Memorand. That on the s a 20 th day of October, 1697, the p'sons undernamed did take their respective oaths as Govern rs of the s d school. James Stillingfieet Jur. Emanuel ffidkin Jur, Thos. Lowbridge Jur. Job Noxon Jur. Henry Whitaker Jur. Henry Woodward Jur. Edwd. Woodhouse Jur. John Prattenton Jur. Robert Ballard Jur. John Hill Jur. Robert ffidkin Jur. Walter Donne Jur. John Ballard Jur. John Thorne Jur. 1697. Mercurii decimo Die Novembr. 1697. At an Assembly of the Govern™ of the ffree Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury. Wee whose names are here- unto subscribed do in the places & steads of Gervase Wheeler Rich d Thatcher & John Maning of Torton Elect & Chose W m Skeeler W m Wheeler & Thomas Best of Charton to be Govern rs of the said school. James Stillingfieet John Ballard John Hill Edwa ; Woodhouse Hen : Whitaker Job Noxon Robert ffidkin John Thorne Emannuell ffidkin Memorand. That on the s d Tenth Day of November 1697 the p'sons under named did take their respective oaths as Govern rs of the said school Samuel Eyre Jur. James Willmott Jur. Thomas Best Jur. Richard Griffin Jur. William Skeeler Jur. William Wheeler Jur. 45 06 01 42 00 00 OI 09 10 OI 16 03 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 12 1 The ACCO 1 of John Ballard who was Collector for the year 1696. li. s. d. M d that John Rec'd the School Rents amount- Ballardp* ijs.for ing to the charge of At- p d to the Schoolmaster & Usher tending the Com''' p d for Repaires &c. of Charitable uses Remaines in his hands so that there was This' Ace' was allowed by Tho : Lowbridge, in his hands 19s. John Pooler, Edw d Woodhouse, John Hill, Robt : id. w ,h hee thenp d Ballard, Rich d Griffin, Edw d Harper. to Robt ffidkin. At an Assembly or Co rt of the Govern" of the ffree Gram'ar School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury in the County of Worc r holden on Wednesday the ninth day of March com'only called Ash Wednesday in the Tenth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord W m the Third of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland King Defender of the ffaith &c. Annoq e D'ni 1697. The Ace' of John Hill the p'sent Collect 1- of the Rents of y e s d School stated & allowed by the Govern" hereafter named. Rec d of M r Norris of John Manning of John Harward for the Inn & lands belonging to it of John Harward for the Chantry Meadow of Edw d Crane of M r Gerv. Wheeler of John Wall of Robt : Ballard of Hugh Auden of Christopher Smith of Hugh Auden of John Cobb of John Thorne of M r James Willmott for Clents & Tollyes lands of Tho : Best TOT. li. s. d. 08 00 00 06 02 00 13 00 00 02 18 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 03 00 00 03 06 08 00 06 08 00 08 00 00 02 06 00 02 01 00 00 02 45 06 01 122 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF e It. s. d. Disbursed for Lime, tile & mason's work 01 04 02 For coales and carrying 'em in 00 13 00 To M r Eyre 00 01 00 To the Schoolmaster 32/z. and Usher 10/2. 42 00 00 Tot 43 18 02 Recv d lit. js. $d. which M r Hill p d unto Robert ffidkin 01 07 05 Wee elect Robert ffidkin and Henry Whitaker Collecto" of the Rents etc. of the s d School for the year ensueing. James Stillingfleet Emanuel ffidkin Sam : Eyre Robert ffidkin Hen : Whitaker Job Noxon William Skeeler Henry Woodward Rob' Ballard Will ; Wheeler Edwa : Woodhouse 1698. At a Co rt of the Governo rs of the ffree Gram'er School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury in the County of Worc r holden on Tuesday the 27 th day of September in the Tenth year of the Raign of Will" 1 the Third of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith etc. Annoq. D'ni 1698 The Tenants of the said School lands being sum'oned to appear W m Norris John Har- ward John Maning and Edward Crane did appear ac- cordingly and the s d Will : Norris then promised to pay the s d Governo" for such Trees as they should prove or make appear he had cut or felled on the School Land and not used and employed upon it. M d That John Maning acknowledged that hee had fallen Trees which grew on the School Land and used it on his owne Land and promised to satisfy the Governo™ for the s d Trees. Ordered that Philipp Lamb do and shall forthw th pay \os. for a Tree by him felled on Cutts Acre being School Land. HartlebUry grammar school. 123 J. Stillingfleet Robert Ballard Thomas Best Sam : Eyre Walter Donne John Prattenton James Wilmott John Ballard Hen : Whitaker Edvv d Woodhouse William Wheeler Henry Woodward Emanuel ffidkin Richard Griffin Robert ffidkin At a Cor 1 or Meeting of y e Governo™ of y e ffree Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury in the County of Worc r holden and had on Wednesday y e Two and Twentyeth day of February com'only called Ash Wednesday in the Eleaventh year of the Raign of our Soveraign Lord Will 1 " the Third of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King etc. and in the year of our Lord 1698. Rob 1 ffidkins and Henry Whitakers Acc ts as Collecto rs of y e s d School were stated upon which it appeareth that they had received of M r W. Norris John Maning John Harward Edwyn Crane M r Wheeler John Wall Rob' Ballard Hugh Audell Christopher Smyth Hugh Audell for the perry mill John Cob John Thorn M r Wilmott and M r Prattenton Thomas Best TOT. p d to M r Pierce the Schoolmaster p d to y e Usher Disbursed for other Things contained in a Paper or Note hereunto annexed TOT. So there Remained in their Hands li. s. d. 08 00 00 06 02 00 15 18 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 03 00 00 03 06 08 00 06 08 CO 08 00 00 02 06 00 02 01 00 00 02 45 06 01 32 00 00 10 00 00 03 05 05 45 05 05 02 0; 04 124 the old order book op Memorand. That John Maning p d for Trees which he felled on the School Land and used in making a Perry-Mill y e sum of 2li. 02 00 00 M r Norris was sumoned but did not appear. Wee do desire Rob 1 ffidkin and Henry Whitaker to continue and Elect them to be Collectors of y e Rents etc. of y e s d School for y e year ensuing and do allow the s d Ace'. J. Stillingfleet Sam : Eyre Robert Ballard William Wheeler Emanuel fidkine Note y e s d Remain^ 2I1. ys. ^d. and. 2li. p* by John Maning is in y e Hands of Rob 1 ffidkin besides \os. which he rec d of Rich* Randle. •* James Willmott Henry Woodward John Ballard 1699. At a Co rt or Meeting of the Governo rs of the ffree Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury in y c County of Worc r holden & had on Wednesday the ffourteenth day of ffebruary com'only called Ash-Wednesday in the Twelfth year of the Raign of our Soveraign Lord William the Third by the Grace of God of England, Scotland ffrance & Ireland King Defender of the ffaith &c. and in the year of our Lord 1699. The Acdsof Robt ffidkin & Henry Whitaker Collect™ of the s d school were stated & allowed whereupon it appeared That the s a Henry Whitaker ree'd of M r W m Norris for one yeares Rent ending at Christmas last 08 00 00 ofM r Harward 15 of John Maning 06 of Edwin Crane 02 of M r Wheeler 02 of John Wall 02 of Robt. Ballard 02 of Hugh Auden 03 18 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 08 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 125 It. S. d. of Christopher Smith 03 06 08 of John Cobb 00 08 00 of John Thorne 00 02 06 of M r James Willmot & Wid. Prattenton 00 02 01 of Thomas Best 00 00 02 TOT. 45 06 Oi pd ^ Peirce his Stipend 32 00 00 p d M r Hancocks his Stipend 10 00 00 p d the Lord BK"' 3 Rent 00 01 00 TOT. 42 01 00 Rem 1 03 05 01 The s d Robt : ffidkin hath Disbursed to Joseph Woodhouse & Bird for the Table 00 10 00 for felling Timber for y e School & House 00 02 04 for drawing the Timber OO 04 00 for Stone and Carriage 00 05 00 for Lime & Carriage OO 04 08 To Jackson & Bird for Repaires of the School- m rs house 00 04 08 To John Coley for Repaires of y e School 00 09 01 To Jackson for worke at the School 00 04 06 ffor Brick & Carryage 00 05 00 pd wm Heming for serveing Jackson 00 01 00 Cleansing the Ditch by the School to lower the ground TOT. So there Remanes in the hands of Robt. ffidkin Ordered & Agreed That ffour pounds part of s d money remaining in the hands of the s d Robt ffidkin & Henry Whitaker be p d to M r Peirce Head School Master of the s d School towards the charges hee has been at Building a Study & Room over it to the House he lives in. OO OI OO 02 II OI 02 06 03 126 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Wee do Elect Job Noxon & M r Wheeler to be Collecto" for the year ensueing. AGREED & ORDERED that Twenty Shillings be p d to M r Han- cocks the Usher of the s d School, Metnorand. that Eleaven Shillings & four pence was p d & de- livered to the s d Job Noxon. J. Stillingfleet William Wheeler Hen : Whitaker Edw d Woodhouse Job Noxon Ema : ffidkin Robt : ffidkin Robert Ballard Henry Woodward John Ballard 1700. Veneris 26 die July 1700 *. At an Assembly of the Governors of the ffree Gram'er School in Hartlebury wee whose names are hereunto subscribed do elect & choose John Hill the younger of Torton to be one of the Gover- nors of the said schoole in the roome of W m Skiler deceased & M r Edwine Eyre in the roome of Thomas Best late deceased, and the said John Hill the younger did then take the Oath of Governor according to the Statutes of the said Schoole. (my L d Bishop 2 being present.) Hen : Whitaker The mark of John x Hill th'elder William Wheeler Robert ffidkin Emanuel ffidkin Edw d Woodhouse Job Noxon Henry Woodward John Thorne John Prattenton Veneris secundo die Augusti 1700. At an assembly of the Governors of the Free Gram'ar Schoole 1 This entry and the next are in the hand- Society last year, writing of Francis Evans, secretary to Bishop * William Lloyd, one of the seven Bishops Lloyd, whose Diary was published by the imprisoned in the Tower. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. \2"J in Hartlebury It was agreed by us whose names are subscribed that John Harvvard upon the surrender of his Old Lease in w ch his own life is only in being should have a new Lease of the Inne and the lands therewith held for his own and his two sonnes lives, the rent being raised from 13/z. to Nineteen pounds per Annum and the said John Harward being to advance seaven Pounds ten shillings in pursuance of a former agreem' and the buildings being far out of repair, wee have allowed y e said John Harward fifty shillings part of it towards buying timber for y e repair of y e buildings and wee do agree that out of the remaining five pounds w ch is to be charged in the Collectors' Account the said Collectors shall speedily lay out as much as is necessary for the building of a decent and convenient house of office for the use of the School, (all this was done in my L d Bishop's p r esence and w th his consent and approbac'on.) Witnesse our hands. Hen : Whitaker William Wheeler Robert ffidkin James Willmott Edw d Woodhouse Emanuel ffidkin Job Noxon Henry Woodward John Ballard Richard Griffin John Hill John Thorn e 1701. Att an assembly of the Governo™ of the free Grammar Schole of Queene Elizabeth in Hartlebury the nynth day of June Anno d' ni 1701 wee whose names are hereunto subscribed Governo" of the sayd Schole have elected and chosen and doe hereby elect and chuse John Perkes * (the son of John Perkes of Stoke Prior in the County ' He was also Curate to James Stillingfleet, Rector of Hartlebury, and Dean of Worcester. 128 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF of Worc r ) Clerke to be head Scholemaster of the said free Grammar Schole in the Roome and stead of ffrancis Pierce dece a late Scholemaster there. Edwyn Eyre Robert ffidkin Tho : Lowbridge Henry Woodward Hen : Whitaker William Wheeler Richard Griffin Robert Ballard John Hill John Ballard Emanuel ffidkin M r NoxON Acco* 18 feb. 1701 for two last yeare. for rent this yeare Recev d in Stock by M r Pearce from Jo n Harward Rec d M 1 Norris £ yeares rent last yeare Rec d M r Wheeler li. s. d. 51 06 01 00 11 04 05 00 00 04 00 00 02 05 01 63 02 06 P d by note for repaire Scole and necessary house P d the Scolemasters Due M' Wheeler account for 1700. Recev d in rents Mem. M r Noxon recev d 4/i. M r Norris last year P d Scolemaster L ds rent P d M r Noxon M r WILL: WHEELER Account for 1701. Recev d for wast at base falling A elme without leave and wee had the elme besides P d by M r Noxon to M r Wheeler P d by M r Wheeler odd payments } 17 05 02J 42 00 00 59 05 02* 03 17 Q3i 44 06 01 42 00 00 00 01 00 02 05 01 44 06 01 01 00 00 00 10 02 01 IO 02 IIARTLLiBURY grammar school. 129 u. s. d. 03 17 03i 00 10 02 03 07 o\\ 00 14 00 02 13 o\\ due from M 1 ' Noxon above he p d M r Wheeler due from M r Noxon p d M 1 ' hancox for writing the statutes due and p d M r Eyre Mem : He charges boatmen for 53 dates at i^d. y day and has p d but is. y' day soe if doth not pay the 2d. y" day more to allow it back being 8s. lod. Allowed by us. We chuse for Collecters M r Stillingfleet and M r Eyre. M r Noxon p d M r Eyre the 2 13 o\\ Thomas Lowbridge John Hill Hen : Whitaker Rich. Griffen Emanuel ffidkin Henry Woodward Robert ffidkin John Thorne Robert Ballard John Ballard 1702. 10 th ffebruary 1702. M r Eyres Collecto' of the Schole rents last yeare his ace'. //'. s. d. His Receipts come to (of M r Noxon as before 2li. 13J. 01^.) for yearely rents $ili. 06s. OI ^ tot 53 19 02J He has payd to M r Pearkes Scholemaster his yeares Sallary 32 00 00 And to M r Hancox Usher 10 00 00 He has payd by other payments 01 07 11 43 07 11 In arreare 10 11 03$ The day and yeare above the Governo" granted a Lease to John Thorne of a Close of grounde beinge ab° 3 acres called Cutts acre K 130 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF & tooke fifty shillings for a fyne & advanced two shillings six pence yearely soe the rent is now five shillings. Expended by the Governo" the last yeare upon the Schole Ace' Thirty shillings and sixpence w ch was then payd out of th'above arreare. Wee the subscribers hereto nominate for Collecto' 3 for the yeare ensueinge Henry Woodward & John Hill. And if y e sum of one hundred pounds can be borrow* at y e in- terest of 5 fie' by y e Govern™ for y* use of y' School: & one hundred pound more can be procured by way of Subscription, by Gentlemen y* are willing to advance so good a work, y n we y e Govern™ of y' said school do design to take proper methods for building a new house for y* School Master: his pres* habitation being now very ruinous l . M* Eyre then payd to Henry Woodward the before nominated Collecto* Six powndes Nyneteene Shillinges and six pence (and Thirty Shillings and sixpence before p d on y e schole ace 1 ) makes Eight powndes Tenne shillings towards the arreare of loli. lis. ?,\d. soe there is more due Two powndes one shillinge & three pence halfepenny which was then payd to Henry Woodward soe that Henry Woodward has in his hands (with J" Thornes 50J. fyne money) Eleven powndes tenne shillinges nyne pence halfepenny Soe M r Eyre has payd his whole arreare of loli. 1 IS. $\d. James Stillingfleet William Wheeler Hen. Whitaker John Ballard Emanuel ffidkin Henry Woodward Robert ffidkin John Hill Richard Griffin 1703. Hen. Woodward's Acco 1 March 1 1703. li. s. d. Recevd by rents 51 08 7 Recevd M' Eyre 11 10 9i 62 19 4j In the handwriting of Dean Stillingfleet. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. I 31 //. S. d. p d M r Perkes 32 00 00 M r hancox 10 00 00 Glasier OO 10 OO Mending grate & lock co 05 01 Jo n Jacksons OO 03 00 Jo n Coley OO 02 OO lime 00 00 06 spent 00 02 08 brick OO 03 00 coles 00 00 03 L d ' s rent 00 01 00 43 07 06 43 07 06 due from Hen . Woodward 19 11 io£ p d M r hancox out 02 10 00 Soe in Hen. Woodward's hands 17 01 lo£ Recev d put in the boxe 13 01 10 due from him 4 00 oo^ Witnes our hands on other side. Wee allow of Hen. Woodward's Acco* on other side by us. Tho : Lovvbridge Robert Ballard Emanuel ffidkin Hen : Whitaker Ed n Eyre John Thorne Robert ffidkin Edw : Woodhouse John Prattenton William Wheeler John Hill We continue John Hill & Henry Woodward Collect" for year ensuing. It is ordered by y e Governours y l y e Schoolmaster's house shall forthwith be repaired, & y l y e Collect™ do take care to provide all materials necessary to y e doing of it w ,h all convenient speed l . Wittnes o' hands y e I st March 1703. Ed n Eyre Emanuel ffidkin Edw d Woodhouse Hen : Whitaker Robert Ballard Tho : Lowbridge John Hill Robert ffidkin William Wheeler John Thorne John Prattenton Henry Woodward 1 In the handwriting of Dean Stillingfleet. K 3 132 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF April 30 th 1704. Hen : Woodward had out of the boxes & was in his hands ijli. 01s. 10^. witnes my hand Henry Woodward. 17 Die Maii 1704. In considerac'on that y e Governo rs of Hartlebury School have Agreed & made an order to Erect a new Building in such manner as appears on y e opposite page I John Pearkes Cl'k being y e p r sent Schoolmaster of y e s d School do promise to pay unto y e Governors y e sum of Two & Thirty pounds towards y e said Building. Witness my Hand John Pearkes. At a meeting of y e Governors of y e free Gram'ar School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury in y e county of Worc r on Wed- nesday y e 17 th day of May in y e year of our Lord 1704 It is Agreed & ordered by y e s d Governors as followeth. first. That y e old Building of y e School master's House be- longing to y e s d school shall be pulled down & in y e Room & place of it a new Building to extend towards y e East from y e new building of y e same house that is now standing in length one & ffifty ffeet & ffifteen ffoot in Breadth shall be Erected of equal heigth w th y e s d new Building now standing and that in order thereto & towards y e Doeing thereof y e s d Governors shall & will take up & borrow of y e s d P'ish of Hartlebury the sum of seaventy seaven pounds or so much as shalbe necessary. Secondly. That y e Interest of such sum & sums of money as shalbe so taken up & borrowed shall be yearly payd by the said Governors out of y e Rents & Revenues of y e said school unto y e officer of y e s d p'ish for y e time being. Jam : Stillingfleet John Hill Tho : Lowbridge Robert Ballard Hen : Whitaker Richard Griffin Eman : ffidkin Henry Woodward William Wheeler Edw d Woodhouse John Thorne Robert ffidkin HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. '33 Decemb r y e 18 1704. Wee whose names are underwritten being y e major part of Governours present do declare y' upon y e day above written we did elect M r Geo: Vernon to be School Master of Hartlebury School in y e room of M r Perks, late School Master there 1 . Witness our hands J. Stillingfleet John Hill Edw d Woodhouse Richard Griffen Emanuel ffidkin John Prattenton Robert ffidkin John Thome 1704. Hen: Woodward's Acco' 8 Feb. 21 1704. Recev d M r Wheeler poors money Recev d M r Eyre 4/i. & 14/i. poors money Rec. Will : Inch poors money Jan : 24 Rec. Jo" thorne poors money M r Perkes he was to allow towards building house Recev d left Ash Wendsday in boxe It. s. d. 39 00 00 18 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 32 00 oo 17 01 II 126 01 II P' 1 by note payments 113 00 03 P d use money will be due 25 March 1705 from scole 001 16 02 to ballance John Hill Acco'. Recev d by Scole Rents P d Scolemasters P d car e 9100 brick Spent P d car : 3400 brick Williams Car : 2 lo timber tinfields L d * Rent Spent governors P d Richard Griffin this 114 16 05 n 05 06 51 08 07 li. s. d, 42 00 00 01 10 04 00 04 06 00 11 04 00 06 00 00 01 00 00 10 00 45 03 02 45 03 02 06 05 05 1 Let us hope he got some good post, as he contributed a whole year's salary towards rebuilding the master's house. 134 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF 2i lh Feb. 1704. The whole of the poors money is seaventy seaven poundes & the Intrest is allowed to the parish to 25 March next. Wee allow of Hen : Woodward & John Hill acco ts and we chuse for Collectors Richard Griffen and John Thorne & the seavteen pounds ten shillings and eleven pence is paid Rich : Griffen . li. s. d. Rich : Griffen Rec. Hen : Woodward 1 1 05 6 Rich: Griffen Rec. of Jo n Hill 06 05 5 17 10 11 Wee agree to allow M r Hancox ten shillinges a quarter more. Soe three poundes A quarter to be paid M r Hancox for future. Jam : Stillingfleet Tho : Lowbridge Hen : Whitaker Edw d Woodhouse Robert ffidkin William Wheeler John Thorne Robert Ballard Eman : ffidkin Job Noxon John Prattenton 1705. ffcb. 6 th 1705. Jo' Thorne Acco 1 . Reccv d by rents P d Scolemasters M r Hancox P d Rich : Griffen P d M r Evans P d for : lo coles pa Mr E yre L ds rent Due to Scole li. s. d. li. S. d. 51 08 07 32 12 OO OO 00J 44 00 00 03 00 02 03 10 00 00 15 00 00 01 00 5i 06 02 00 02 OS HARTLEBUR 1 { GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 135 Rich : Griffen Acco'. li. s. d li. s. d. Rec. Hen : Woodward 1 1 05 06 | Jo" hill 06 OS OS r 20 11 01 Jo n thorne 03 00 02 ) P d Jo" Bird 00 08 00^ P d Hester Smith for damage 00 02 06 P d Etheridge for damage 00 05 00 P d Jacksons for plastring 00 06 00 P d Jo n Bird more 00 16 06 F d for three C. bords 03 00 00 P d Jo" Jackson and Son more 00 04 07 P d for 12 st: haier 00 08 00 P d Jacksons plastring 3 roomes * 20 II 01 & sealing one 01 00 00 I" bird 00 OI 00 l d for 600 bords OS 02 00 P d for lead OS 07 06 P d Hadd for glasing OI 00 00 P d Sam : England OI IS 00 P d to Jo n bird more 00 15 00, Wee allow of the acco ts above & chuse Rich : Griffen & Jo n thorne for Collectors for next yeare. Tho : Lowbridge 1706. Att a mcetinge of the Governo™ of the ffree Grammar Schole of Queene Elizabeth in Hartlebury in y c County of Worcester upon Wednesday the 18 th day of September Anno d'ni 1706 Itt is agreed and ordered by the s d Governours as followeth. That as wel for the Satisfyinge of sev'al debts and sumes of money due from and contracted by the s d Governo 1 * in and ab' the buildinge of y e schoole-house belonginge to y" s d schole and interest of money lent to them for y e same purpose as alsoe for rayseinge money towards y c finishinge and makeinge the sayd Scholehouse habitable, the sume of Thyrty powndes be forthwith borrowed And for y e secureinge y e payment whereof with y e interest, three, fowre 136 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF or more of the Governo" shall or may by bond or otherwise oblige or engage themselves, And itt is likewise agreed and ordered that the first fyne or fynes that shall be made or reced. out of or by y e lands belonginge to the s d schole (which shall be done as soon as conveniently itt may be) and y e rents Issues and p'fitts that shall be raysed out of y e said lands shall goe and be payd in satisfaccon of the sayd sume of Thyrty powndes and y e interest that shall grow due for y e same. Jam : Stillingfleet Ed n Eyre Emmanuel ffidkyn Ro : ffidkin William Wheeler Rob 1 Ballard Henry Woodward John Ballard Rich: Griffin John Thome Job Noxon Hen : Whitaker Tho : Lowbridge 1706 Rich : Griffen Acco 1 26 Feb. 1706 Recev d by rents Recev d Jo n thorne left in his hands Octo. borrowed M r burlton at use 00 12 02 P d Mr Wells 1706 p d M r Hancox Octo. p d for lime & bond & charges of 30/z. borrowed M r Tho' burlton pd M r ffidkin last yeares interest for the poor for 1705 03 17 00 p d mince for nailes 00 11 02 p d perry for nailes 00 06 08 p d Jo" Bird 01 00 00 li. s. d. 5i 08 07 00 02 OS S. d. 30 00 00 81 11 00 li. 32 OO 00 12 OO 00 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 137 p d for 2000 lath, dale bords & 8 s' li. s. d. 01 09 00 01 08 00 00 07 06 00 18 00 00 II 00 00 04 06 00 06 00 00 00 10 01 03 06 00 10 00 00 03 00 hair p d for 400 paving brick & 4 C. other 00 10 00 p d for 100 paving brick & 5 C. other 00 06 06 p d Rich : Jackson sinking seller, & paving the staiercase 00 05 06 p d him for plastering, sealing parler, parler chamber & cocklofif p d selling hall chamber p d Jo n Bird p d Harris p d Bird Ju. 4f. also 6d. p d for 10 strike hair & one C. hart lath p d for 2 1 ' glew p d M' Evans & M r Wheeler p d for 8 lo. lime p d for 3 C brick p rt for hinges 7s. $d. & Rich : Jackson 45- y - 02 12 04 p d Bird lit. John Bird Ju. 13J. Harris 1 3 j. 6d. p* 1 3 C. brick half C. paving p d for 4 I! sreads 8d. ridge $d. p d Sam : England 41s. lime 2s. 6d. p' 1 purslovv mending scole windows p d tayler riding pit is. p d Rob : fidkin 1 5 s. 00 16 00 p d Rob. fidkin for 3 C. half bords & 3 C. lath p d Addy more for glasing p d for feching lath dale bords & haier p d for caring brick 4$-. car. 3 lo. sand 4?. p d car. 1 lo. clay 2s. car. 3 load sand 4s. lip yald 00 06 00 02 06 08 00 03 03 00 01 (X) 02 03 06 00 03 09 02 17 03 02 10 00 00 03 00 00 08 00 138 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF p d car. 6 C. brick 3J. I lo. stone li. s. d. lynall \$d. oo 04 02 p d for feching hair & 1 C. lath bewd- ley 00 01 06 p d for car. 3 C. brick $s. unloading coles 6d. 00 03 06 p d Hen : Woodward for coles 00 15 00 p d Tho. mined 01 04 n| p d Jo n Bird 00 17 05 p d Sam : England 2s. 6d. \ d '* rent is. 00 03 06 p d Jo" Coley gd. Rob. fidkin car. 1 lo. ' bords 35-. 00 10 09 Tho. Lowbridge car. 1 lo. timber ys. 1705. Car. 1 lo. bords belchum $s. 1 lo. ridnall $s. 00 08 00 Car. 2 lo. clay lipwald 4s. 3 lo. sand Illudge 4s. 00 08 00 Car. 4 lo. hair M r Noxson 00 01 00 Car. the lead from Kidd. p a purslow 01 01 06 due 77 09 08} 79 01 02 i 02 06 09J Wee allow of the Acco' of Rich : Griffen & there is due from him fforty nine shillinges & gd. and we chuse for Collectors John Ballard & Jo n Prattington for the two next yeare ensewing. Tho' Lowbridge Robert Ballard Ed" Eyre 1 John Hill William Wheeler John Thome Emanuel ffidkin Henry Woodward Robert ffidkin 1 "In memory of Edwyn Eyre, gent., one of her Majesty's Coroners, who de- parted this life 20 th October, 1707, in the 46 th year of his age. He discharged his office with great prudence and honesty ; was an orthodox member of the Church, and a Constant and devout frequenter of its ordinances ; shewed a tender and gene- rous compassion to those under any afflic- tion or distress ; was a sincere and faithful friend, a just and kind master, an indulgent father, and the best of husbands." — Monu- ment in Harthbury Church. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 139 1707. ffeb. 18 th 1707. due recev* Rich. Grifen Recevd by rents li. s. d. 02 09 09 51 08 07 53 18 04 li. S. d. 32 OO 00 12 OO 00 OO 15 06 OI IO 00 OO OI 06 OO OI 03 OO OI 00 03 17 00 OI 02 00 51 08 03 2 IO 01 p d M r Wells p d M r hancox p d for coles M 1 ' Burlton for Interest p d spent Jo. Nash p d Jo n Coley for worke L d ' s rent p d poor use for 1706 p d glasier mending scole windoes due to box officers Wee allow of the Acco w of Jo n Ballard above. Tho. Lowbridge Hen. Whitaker Emanuel ffidkin John Hill Robert ffidkin Robert Ballard Richard Griffen John Thorne William Wheeler Henry Woodward 1708. At a Meeting of the Governo" of the ffree Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury in the County of Wore' on Ash Wednesday being the Nineth Day of March in the year of our Lord 1708 It is Agreed & ordered as followeth viz. 01 06 1 1 OI 10 00 oo 00 1 1 oo 1 1 06 oo 13 06 oo OI 00 oo 01 00 oo 01 00 32 00 00 12 00 00 48 OS 10 140 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF li. s. d. John Prattenton one of the Collecto rs for the s d year is charged w th that yeares rent 51 08 07 amounting to the sum of John Prattenton has p d to Henry Woodward To M r Burlton for Interest To Sam 1 England To Edward Warman for coal To John Ballard for coal ffor Takeing the oath p d the Lord Bpp' s rent Surveying the land To M r Wells the School ma r To M r Hancox the Usher Tot. P d There is now in the hands of the s d John Prattenton 3//. 2s. gd. w ch sum he is ordered by the said Governo rs to Pay unto M r Gervase Wheeler one of the Churchwardens of the P'ish of Hartlebury afores a towards the Interest due for the Poors Money of the said Hartlebury and the residue of the s d Interest amounting to the sum of 14J. $d. the Collecto™ for y e ensueing year are ordered to Pay to the s d M r Wheeler. Wee do allow of the said John Prattenton's s d Acco ts And do Elect Thomas Lowbridge Gent, and Rob 1 Ballard to be Collecto" of the Rents & Revenues of the said School for Two years next ensueing. Hen. Whitaker William Wheeler Robert Ballard John Hill Emanuel ffidkin Robert ffidkin John Thorne Richard Griffin Henry Woodward John Ballard HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 141 1709. Robt. Ballard Acco 1 22 feb. 1709. li. s. d. Recevd by rents li. s. d. 5i 08 07 p d M r Wells 32 00 00 p d M r hancox 12 00 00 p* purslow 01 02 06 p d use money to poor was due last yeare 00 H 03 p' 1 M r burton 1 y're use due 3 of octo. 01 10 00 p d for coles 01 06 00 L 119 rent 00 01 00 p d Rich. Griffen he p d for lead ordered to pay the poor house rent 48 13 09 00 08 00 49 OI 09 02 06 10 We allow of his Acco ts . Tho : Lowbridge Rob : ffidkin Hen : Whitaker William Wheeler 51 08 07 Rich : Griffen John Ballard John Hill Henry Woodward feb. 22. 1709. Whereas we the Governers of the free Gramother scole in hartelbury conceiving it not soe proper or convenient to take the Acco u of the revenues of the s d scole on Ach Wendsday yearely doe thinke fit & soe order that for the future the s d Acco u shall be taken yearly on sroftwesday. Tho: Lowbridge Ag" Statute 1 . Hen : Whitaker Rob : ffidkin William Wheeler Henry Woodward John Hill John Ballard Richard Griffin * In the handwriting of Dean Stillingfleet. 142 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF 1710. Tho; Lowbridge Acco* 13 feb. 1710. //'. s. d. Recev d rents 51 08 07 Mem : Marshall is is. a yeare more due from Marshall in arreare twenty shillings nine pence. li. s. d. To Scolemasters 44 00 00 3 Ap. 1710 spent setting out Manning land 00 01 06 May 8. spent about changing it 00 04 00 No. 7. p d William Williams use 01 14 00 „ 21. p d spent when went to vew M r Norris house OO 02 06 p d Rich. Griffon for one lo. coles OO 12 00 3 feb. p d M r burton 1 yeares use due 3 of Octo. 01 10 00 p d Sam : England 00 00 08 48 04 08 p d M r Addy in full 01 00 00 49 04 08 p d Jo n Thorn for stone and meare 1 stone & car- radge to Manning Land 00 05 00 49 09 08 p d Lord's Rent 00 01 00 We allow of Tho. Lowbridge Acco t9 above & chuse for Collectors M r Whitager, M r fidkin. due & p d to Jos. Prattington 1 17 ll Tho : Lowbridge Jo : Thome Hen : Whitaker Henry Woodward Job Noxon William Wheeler Robert ffidkin Robert Ballard John Hill 1 Boundary. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 143 Ment d that it's agreed by the Govern™ of the free Gram' School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury in Worcester-shire that in con- sideration of the sum of Twenty Three pounds of Lawful money of Great Brittain to be payd by Thomas Lowbridge of the said parish of Hartlebury Gent, on or before the first day of Aprill w ch shall be in y e year of our Lord one thousand seaven hundred and Eleaven unto the s d Governo" a demise or Grant of certain Lands call'd Tinn ffields in the parish of Hartlebury afores* w ch one Mar- garet Green wife of one Green shoomaker whose maiden name was Margaret Wall now holds for her life w oh lands are now in the possession or occupation of Edmund Etheridge of the parish of Elmley Lovet in the s d County of Worcester shall after the death or surrender of the s d Margaret and her s d Husband be made by the s a Govern™ to the s d Thomas Lowbridge his heirs & assigns fr y« lives of Sam 1 Lowbridge son and heir apparent of the s A Thomas Lowbridge and Thomas Willmott Grandson to the s d Thomas Lowbridge. Memorand. that before the first Hen. Whitaker day of April Anno Dom. 171 1 the Robert ffidkin above named Thomas Lowbridge William Wheeler Gent paid unto Robert ffidkin one Henry Woodward of the Collectors of y e jf ret Gram- Job Noxon mer Schoole of Queen Elizabeth John Thome in Hartlebury y* sum of two & Emanuell ffidkin twenty pounds in Pursuance of y above written Agreement. Robert ffidkin. 1711. M r ROBT. FFIDKIN Acco 1 March 4 171 1. li. s. d. Recevd by rent 5 l °9 7 Jo n harward for fine 1 5 00 o 66 09 7 Tho : Lowbridge for his fine for tinfeilds 22 00 o 88 09 7 144 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF p d Scolemasters p d M r Burlton A bond off p d Jos : prattington for the poor use last yeare in full p' 1 phillip ballard i yeares use for this yeare p d glazier p" for Coles p d Ld's rent REST DUE li. s. put in the boxes 05 00 due from Hester Smith 00 16 due from Ja : Maning 00 06 li. s. d. 44 00 00 30 IS 00 02 CO 00 03 17 00 00 09 00 01 04 02 00 01 00 d. 01 08 08 • 82 06 02 06 03 05 06 03 05 Wee allow of the Acco' above & Chuse M r William Wheeler for Collecter for next yeare ensueing. Tho : Lowbridge John Thorne William Wheeler Henry Woodward John Ballard Eman : fidkin 1712. feb. 17:1712. M r Will : Wheeler Acco*. li. s. d. Recevd rents Will : Skeeler doth not pay as di' dl soe rent Left in box 4 March & then receive p d M«- Wells p d M r hancox spent in twice vewing in keeler & manninge's estate p d for load coles p d mending lock p d for A new lock & putting on p d Ld's rent li. d. 51 09 12 7 50 17 7 So 17 7 06 03 5 57 01 32 OO 00 12 00 00 CO 04 6 OO 16 CO OO 4 OO 00 6 OO 01 Directed. 45 02 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. /*. S. d. p d Mic. harward i yeare use of poores TJli. 03 17 o p d M r Addy 00 1 1 o In arreare Jo : harward 4/i. i$s. od. Jo n thorne oli. o$s. od. 05 00 o 54 10 4 put in the box 2 10 It. s. d. & Jo n harwards in arrears 4 15 0^5 00 Jo n thorne o 05 o SOE TO BE IN ALL IO 8 We allow of the Acco' & chuse for Collector Job Noxson. Tho : Lowbridge John Ballard Robert ffidkin Henry Woodward MS 1713. feb. 9 th 17 13. M r Noxson Acco 1 of scole rents. Recev d Jo n Harwards due 25 Dec. for 1 yeare of Jos. Guest Marshall Smith land late 3//. 6s. Sd. ab. ioj. | the tenant dying M rs Mary Wheeler Marg' Wall Robt. Ballard M r Crane M r Will Skeeler for the sold land by lease for 2 yeares cheefe rent for his free land Jo : Thorne Widd : prattington is. \d. Tho: Lowbridge is. \d. for a yeare or yearely John Manning yearly John Cob yearly Tho : Best yearly L It. s. d. 19 00 00 02 18 00 03 01 00 02 16 8£ 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 05 10 00 01 04 00 00 05 00 00 02 01 co 06 08 00 08 00 00 00 02 146 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Recev d of Jo" Wall in yt his rent for this yeare being 22/2". & to allow him for standing 13 Acres M r Morris sowed idi. 06s. Sd. & to allow him for queen taxes 25 March last oli. 05*. 7\d. due more from Wall yli. 7s. $%d. Recev d M r Wheeler was in arrears of Jo. Har- ward & Jo n Thorne li. 10 00 00 05 00 00 58 10 u£ 001 000 05 00 li. s. d. ] 46 00 04 4 15 ■ 5 17 I* 1 02 III 00 12 4 pd jyp Wells 32/2. : Mr. hancox 12/*'. 044 00 p d M r Addy for glasing 6s. p a M r Coxc for advice 000 1 4 p d for Coles 16s. spent at thrice gs. p d poor levey for Smith's land in arrear M r harward guest gs. Elly 13 J. \\d. p d spent more rest due from M r Noxson p d for Ld's rent soe due from M' Noxson We chuse for Collector Hen : Woodward. Allowed M r Noxson Acco' Tho : Lowbridge. feb. 9 171 3. M r Noxon ordered to pay the use money & to pay M r Wells \li. W Hancox \li. soe in his hand when $li. 17s. p d li. which is put in box o left last yeare 2 li. 3 2 o s. 3 10 d. 2 8 s. 17 00 03 now in box Allowed by us Tho : Lowbridge William Wheeler Robert Ballard 13 10 John Ballard Robert ffidkin Henry Woodward o 6 o 10 52 09 g\ 06 07 2 00 01 o 06 00 2 d. o o 2 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 147 li. s. d. M r pew p d Hen : Woodward for altering the lives 1 1 6 Memorand m y* I William Skeeler tenn fc to y e ffree Grammer school at Hartlebury doe acknowledge that y e ffree Lands w ch I have in Right of my wife Anne daughter of John Manning now or late of Whitlench in this parish is liable to a Chief or yearly Rent or Charge of Twelve shillings to the s d School issuing out of y e Lands afores* 1 payable Quarterly w ch I p'mise y l I my heires exec" or adm rs will pay accordingly. Witness my hand this seaventeenth day of November 17 14. William Skeeler Witness Gervas Eyre Jn : Eyre Joseph Woodhouse 1714. Hen : Woodward March i 17 14. Rec. Jo n harward Jos. Guest due 24 th Sept. last Rich. Williams Hum. England M ra Mary Wheeler Marg' Greene Robt. Ballard M r bach M r Will Skeeler for the schole land by lease for 1 Y rs Cheefe rent for his free land Jo : thorne Widd. Prattington is. \d. \ Tho : Lowbridge IS. \d. Ja : Manning Jon Cobb Tho : Best Jo n Wall due at M r Noris decease L 2 li. s. d. 19 00 02 18 03 or 00 03 10 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 05 10 00 00 12 00 00 OS 00 00 02 01 00 06 08 00 08 00 00 00 02 43 12 11 22 00 00 65 12 II 148 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF M d harward arreares last year Jo. Guest ox Elly 13s. \2d. Wall in arreares Rec. Will Skeeler for fine Jo n harward for fine pinfeild for stone lit s. d. li. s. d. 04 IS 00 01 02 o\\ 05 17 o\\ 7i 10 00J 07 07 084 06 00 00 01 01 06 00 10 00 86 09 034 pd M r Wells 32//. M r Hancox 12/2. poor use 3/z. iys. Jos. Tumlinge 12s. 6d. p d Rich. Williams poor taxe p d M r Whitager to M r Eyer spent at Jo n harwards $s. p d to Sam. Jackson 31J. p d for 4 lo. Lyme 6s. hair and faching 2s. 6d. lath 2s. tyle and sand 2s. nailes I*, ^d. Rich. Williams 8s. lod. load coles i6.r. 6d. L d « rent is. M r Addy glasing 6s. England IS. li. s. d. AA 00 00 04 09 00 00 01 08 00 08 00 01 16 00 00 08 06 00 OS 04 01 OS 04 rjo 08 00 S3 02 04 p d and put in box 19 06 11 72 09 03 rest now due from Hen. Woodward 14 00 00 li. s. d. left last yeare in box 2 13 10 put in now 19 06 11 22 10 09 We allow of the acco ts and chuse Jo" Prattenton Collector Tho. Lowbridge Robert Ballard William Wheeler Job Noxon Robert ffidkin HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 149 1715. 27 Aprill 17 1 5. Recev d of the Governeers of Hartelbury twenty pounds being in part of three score & seaventeene poundes the Governers had of the parish money. I say recev'd being the present churchwarden George X Selvester Witnes his marke Samuell Lowe Richard X tolly his marke. 1715. THE ACC 1 of John Prattenton Collector of the School rents in 171 5 : made y e 15 th day of Feb y being Ashwednesday \ Receipts. In part of Hen : Woodward's arrear for last year John Walls half y rs rent to Mich' uli. & a q r more $/i. 10s. W m Barrett's half y rs rent Hum : England's 3 q™ rent Ed : Etheridge for Wall's Land, 3 q" rent Rob' Ballard's y™ rent Widow Prattenton for one y r — Bache for houses in Kidderminster one y™ rent W m Skeeler's y™ rent Rich d Williams' y" rent Mary Wheeler's y™ rent Tot. Disbursments 17 15. pd M r Wells towards his Salary this year P d M r Hancox his year's Salary For a Load of Coals For a Lock and putting it on Allowed John Wall in his 3 q™ rent (for Militia assesm 1 ) 2 Tot. 35 17 08 1 This, and the entries until 1720, are in « Called in the next account "the trained the handwriting of Dean Stillingfleet. bands." li. s. d. 08 00 00 16 10 00 01 09 00 02 12 06 01 10 00 02 00 00 00 01 oo£ 02 00 00 06 02 00 03 01 00 02 00 00 45 OS o<5£ li. s. d. 23 00 00 12 00 00 00 12 06 00 01 02 00 04 00 ISO THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF It. S. d. Rec d 45 05 06 \ Paid 35 17 08 So remains 9 07 \o\ in this Accomptant John Prattenton's hands. Feby y e 15 th 17 if. The above written Accompt was examined & allowed by me (the only Governour of y e school, now qualified, according to Law, to act as such) l . Jam: Stillingfleet. 1716. October y" 20 th 17 16. I being y e sole Governour of the free Gram'ar School of Hartlebury in the County of Worcester (who is now legally qualified to act as such), have elected, nominated, and appointed, and do hereby elect, nominate, and appoint, the Rev d M r William Broughton, late School- master of Chadesley, to be Head Master of the said Free Gram'ar School of Hartlebury now vacant by y 6 death of the Rev d M r John Wells 2 , late Master thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand, y" day & year above written. Jam: Stillingfleet. 1716. The rents belonging to y e School as they stand in 1716. It. s. d. John Harward 19 °° °° John Wall 22 00 00 William Skeeler 06 02 00 Rich 3 Williams 03 01 00 Hump. England 03 10 M rs Mary Wheeler 02 00 Rob* Ballard 02 00 00 Margaret Green 02 00 00 Jos. Guest 02 18 00 Dorothy Cob 00 08 00 1 How the other governors were dis- He seems to have taken counsel's opinion qualified does not appear. Dean Stilling- on the subject. See p. 153. fleet first appointed a new Head Master, ' " The Rev" M' Wells was buried Sep- and then nominated 19 other governors! temb'y* i"«." (HartUbury Register.) OO OO HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 151 John Thorn M r Lowbridge Widow Prattenton James Manning Thomas Best Edw d Crane li. s. d. 00 OS 00 00 01 00^ 00 01 oo| 00 06 08 00 00 02 02 00 00 Tot. 65 12 11 1717. Rec d Of John Hart for a y r at Lady day John Wall a q re rent M r Skeeler a q r by y e usher John Thorn 2 y rs rent Dor. Cobb a y rs rent li. M r Stillingfleet's Accompt, as Collector of the School three years, ending Ashwednesday, being February y" 11, 1 Rec d 1716. Of John Harward (by J. Hart) his arrears to X'mass last Edm : Etheridge for \ a y r John Wall (for late M r Norn's) one y r W m Skeeler q rs rent by M r Hancox John Wall more on ace' John Hart for \ a y r at Mich 3 John Prattenton y e ballance of his last year's ace' as Collector William Skeeler by M r Hancox Ed : Etheridge \ a y r to Mich s Dor. Cobb's y rs rent at X'mass Tho : Best's y rs rent Hum : England a y rs rent to Mich* M r Skeeler by y e Usher John Wall more on ace* rents, for 7if s. 19 00 00 01 00 00 OS 10 00 01 10 06 OS 00 00 09 10 00 09 07 10J 01 10 06 01 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 02 03 10 00 01 10 06 06 00 00 64 17 o6J li. s. d. 09 10 00 OS 10 00 01 10 06 00 10 00 00 08 00 1718. Rec d Of John Hart for half a year's rent, due at Lady day last M' Skeeler a q r by y e Usher Rich d Williams for two years' rent due last Xtmass Dor : Cobb a year's rent Ed : Etheridge J a y n rent M r Skeeler for Midsum r q r John Wall a q™ rent by M r Broughton W m Skeeler by y e Usher, for Mich 5 John Hart Mich s \ y r rent Ed : Etheridge Mich 5 \ y r James Manning & — Tolly four years' rent for y e Perry Mill in Elmley parish M r Skeeler by y e Usher for Xtmass Dor : Cobb a y rs rent at Xtmass li. s. d. OI 10 06 OI 00 00 09 10 00 I5 2 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF M r Skeeler for Midsum r q r Ed : Etheridge \ y r at Lady day John Hart for \ a y r at Mich 5 & for an old arr : of John Harward's for -v one q r w ch was due before he entered ony e [ 04 15 00 estate J John Wall a q r by M r Broughton 05 10 00 Hen : Woodward's arr : when he was Collector in 1714 Ed : Etheridge \ a y r at Mich 5 M r Skeeler's Mich 5 rent Robt Ballard on ace* John Wall by M r Broughton M r Skeeler by y e Usher Hum : England on ace' J. Wall's Xtmass q r by M r Broughton 06 00 00 OI 00 00 OI 10 06 03 10 00 OS 10 00 OI 10 06 04 00 00 05 10 00 68 OS 00 li. 09 10 00 OI 10 06 06 02 00 00 08 00 OI 00 00 OI 10 06 OS 10 00 OI 10 06 09 10 00 OI 00 00 OI 06 08 OI 10 06 00 08 00 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 153 John Wall for J ay" rent due at Mich s by M r li. s. d. Broughton u 00 00 51 16 08 68 05 00 64 17 064 Tot. of rec' s 184 19 024 Disbursed by M r Stillinfleet in his three years (on y e School Acc ts ) as being Collector. Inprimis. li. s. d. 1716. To M r Wells y e arrears of his last year's salary 09 00 00 To M r Wells for three quarters' salary y e y r to Mich 3 24 00 00 To M r Broughton for X'mas q r 08 00 00 To M r Hancox his y™ salary 12 00 00 To Council ab' y e Charter etc. 00 10 09 To Rich d Heath for interest due to y e parish in *7 l 5 03 00 00 Allowed in y e rent to John Hart for coals brought in y e winter to y e school 01 00 00 To John Wall for y e trained bands 00 01 024 1717. To M r Broughton his y rs salary 32 00 00 To M r Hancox his y" salary 12 oo OO The parish interest for 57//. remaining 1716 02 17 00 N. Ady's bill for glazing in 171 5 OO 06 00 John Best for a load of coals 00 16 00 Allowed Hen. Woodward on his pay* y e bal- 1 lance of his ace 1 for 1714, as expended y" [ 01 00 00 by him J To M r Eyre for two y r " and a 4 rent due, to my Late Lord Bp of Worcester 1 00 02 06 1718. To M r Broughton his y rs salary 32 00 00 To M r Hancox his y™ salary 12 00 00 To John Turford y e parish interest 17 17 02 17 00 ■ William Lloyd. 154 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF li. s. d. N. Adey for two years' glazing 00 12 00 John Hart for a load of coals 00 16 00 To M r Hancox in augmentation of his salary for y e three last years 06 00 00 Tot. of paym 1s 160 18 05i li. s. d. Rec d 184 19 02 1 Paid 160 18 05 \ Due to y e S( Rem s 24 00 09 :hool from this accomptant for y e next Collector. I have examined this Account of y e Receipts & disbursments of y e Schole Rents for y e years 17 16, 17 17, & 17 18 and it appears to me to be an exact & just account, which I accordingly approve. JO: WlGORN : l 1719. Mr. Stillingfleet's Accompt, as Collector, for y e year ending 1719, Ashwednesday, March y e 2 d ij\%. Of Rec d M r Skeeler by y e Usher for Lady day John Hart, Lady day half year's rent John Wall on ace 1 Edm. Etheridge Lady day's rent M r Skeeler by y e Usher for Midsum r Rob fc Ballard on ace' Ed. Etheridge \ y r at Mich 3 M r Skeeler by y e Usher for X'mass J. Tolly for y e Perry Mill one y re John Hart a year's rent John Wall as due at Mich s of him (by M r Broughton) on ace 1 Dor. Cobb's y rs rent Tot. of Y e year's Receipts 1 Dean Stillingfleet being the only legal governor, his accounts were audited by the Visitor of the school, Bishop Hough. li. s. d. 01 10 06 09 10 00 08 10 00 01 00 00 01 10 06 04 00 OO 01 00 00 01 10 06 00 06 08 19 00 00 11 00 00 08 00 00 00 08 00 67 06 02 li. s. d. 32 00 00 14 00 00 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 155 Disbursed on y^ School Ace 1 in 17 19. To M r Broughton his y rs Salary M r Hancox his y™ Salary John Hart for interest of y e Poor's money, due to y e Parish in Feb y 02 17 00 M r Eyre for two years' rent due to my Lord Bishop of Worc r 00 02 00 John Hart for a Load of Coals for y e use of y e School 00 16 00 Tot. of y* year's paym 1s li. s. d. Rec d 67 06 02 P d 49 15 02 49 15 00 Rem 5 17 11 02 Due upon this accompt, to y e next Collector, for y e use of y e School. Jam : Stillingfleet March y e 3 d I7^£. Whereas the severall ffeeffoes or Governors of the Free Gram'ar School of Hartlebury (founded by Queen Elizabeth) have not for 4 or 5 years last past been duly qualified to act as such, & have not therefore since that time done any act relating thereto, nor can now be legally entitled to such their former power & authority till after a new Election & nomination. I therefore as the Sole & proper person in whom y l right is still vested & remains, do now & hereby freely & duly Elect, Nominate & Appoint (according to y 8 Charter & Statutes of y e said school) the severall persons whose names are under written, to be y e present ffeeoffees & Governors of the said free Gram'ar School of Hartlebury in y e County of Worcester, viz. : Jur. M r William Wheeler Jur. John Griffin Jur. Robert Fidkin M r John Biddulph Emanuel Fidkin Jur. John Baker Job Noxon Jur. John Wheeler Jur. Henry Woodward Gervase Eyre Robert Ballard Jur. William Williams John Prattenton Jur. Joseph Prattenton Jur. John Thorne Jur. Gervase Wheeler George Silvester Jur. Richard Ballard Jur. Richard Heath 156 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF In wittncss whereof I have hereunto sett my hand, the day & year above written. Jam : Stillingfleet. I also nominate & appoint Robert Fidkin Collector for y e year ensuing. 1720. An AcC of M r Robt. ffidkin Collect' of the schoole att Hartlebury for the year 1720 : made upon Ash Wensday ffeb r 22 d 1 72 1. Rec d the bal e of M r Stillingfleet's two acc ts Of M r W ra Skeeler for 2 first qu rs Ed d Etheridge for one yeare Rich d Williams for 2 years Hump : England upon Ace 1 M r Skeeler 2 last qu rs Rob' Ballard for one yeare Widd : prattington 5 years John Hart 3 qu ra Mich : Harward 3 years Jo n Wall Midsum r rent last Dorothy Cobb one yeares rent It. s. d. 41 1 1 11 3 01 00 2 00 6 02 6 10 3 01 2 00 03 *i 14 05 IS 11 00 08 90 '9 1* Disburstm u . p d M r Broughton a year's Sallery due at Xmas last M r Hancox a year's Sallery Spent at Sessions at Harts and p* the Clerk of the peace M r Broughton for Certificate To the Justice's Clerk & y e Cry r of the Court for a load of Coles to y e Schoole for 2 years' Interest for y e poors money for the Lord's Cheife rent li. s. d. 32 00 12 00 04 03 6 OO 17 OO 03 OO 16 05 14 OO 01 6 55 15 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 157 //'. S. d. due to bal e from y e collect r 35 04 \\ rcc'd of Rich' 1 Ballard for Tinfields beeing for 5 years' rent due at Xmas 10 00 o John Wall due at Mich'mas 05 100 Edm d Etheridge due at Xmas 01 10 o W m Tolly for y« perry mill ditt. OO 06 o John Wheeler for 6 years to Xmas 00 06 3 Thomas Best for 5 years due at Xmas Left in the box 00 OO 10 52 17 ioi 2 OO 9 54 18 7\ Arrears due from li. s. d. Hum: Bache 5 years 10 00 John Wall one qu r 05 10 o Hum : England 04 00 o Chantry Meadow 5 ye rs 15 19 o 35 09 o Wee allowe of M r Robt. ffidkin his Ace 1 and Apointe M r John Baker and M r Gervas Wheeler Collect™ for the next ensueing yeare. James Stillingfleet, Jo : Wheeler, John Baker, Will : Wheeler, Gervas Wheeler, Henry Woodward, Joseph Prattcnton, John Griffin, William Williams, John Thorne, Richard Heath. 1721. THE AcC of M r John Baker Collec tr for the Schoole att Hartlebury for the yeare 172 1 : made upon Ash Wensday ffebuary the 7 th 172 1. s. Rec'd of John Harward one year's rent due att Xmas last M r W m Skeeler due att Xmas Widd : Wall 3 qu™ due at Mich'mas Marg 1 Greene one year at Xmas Hum : England one year at Xmas 19 OO 06 02 16 10 02 00 03 10 158 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Rich* Williams 1 ye™ at Xmas John Ballard 1 year att Xmas Rich d Ballard one ye re due at Xmas Hum : Bache one ye re att Xmas Dor : Cobb for one ye re to Xmas Mich : Harward one ye re to Xmas John Clinton for perry mill ditto John Wheeler one ye re to Xmas W m Prattenton one ye re to Xmas Tho : Best „ to Xmas John Maning upon Ace 1 Arrears rec d Hum : Bache John Wall Hum: England for Chantry Meadow John Maning Rec d of Stock from M r ffidkin Disburstm u for the poors money M r Broughton one year's Sallery M r Hancox to Lady day 172 1 Gave him per order M r Hancox 3 qu r " to Xmas 172 1 per Nath : Ady for 4 ye" glaselying in full to this day for Coles M r Jos : Cox for ffees Repaires of the Schoole Expenses att Rushout upone a Veiew the Cheife rent to y e L d Bisp'p Left in Cash £ s. d. 03 01 02 00 02 00 02 00 00 08 00 OS 00 06 8 CO 01 01 00 01 ok 00 00 2 02 18 60 02 1 1 10 00 00 OS 10 00 04 00 00 02 18 00 52 if ioi i3S 8 91 £ s. d. 57 00 00 32 00 00 03 00 00 02 00 00 10 10 00 01 04 00 00 16 04 00 03 06 03 10 06 00 07 00 00 01 00 no 12 64 24 16 o5£ 135 08 9h HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 159 Arrears due ffrom Chantry Meadow per Widd : Wall for 1 qu r 13 5 01 10 CO 00 18 11 00 Wee allow of M John Baker and M r Gervas Wheeler their Acc ts and appoint M r Gervas Wheeler and M r John Baker Collect" for the ensueing yeare. John Wheeler Robt : ffidkin Will : Wheeler John Griffin Will : Williams Henry Woodward Left in y e Box last yeare by Cash left now £ s. d. 02 00 9 24 16 5^ 26 17 2\ £ s. d. Allowed M r Broughton towards build- ing 10 00 o Gave M r Broughton by consent of y e Govern™ 04 00 o gave M r Hancox 02 00 o Left in the Box 10 17 2\ 26 17 2\ 1722. THE Acc' of M r Gervas Wheeler for the Schoole of Hartle- bury for the yeare 1722 made upon Ash Wensday ffebruary the 27 tb 1722. i6o THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Rents Rec d due att Xmas last. John Harward M r W m Skeeler Rich* Williams Humph : England Rich d Ballard John Ballard Margarett Greene John Maning Humph : Bache Dorothy Cobb Mich ; Harward Jo : Wheeler & W m Prattington John Clinton for perry mill Thomas Best Widd : Wall due at Ladyday last M r Broughton due at Xmas last Disburs' pd M r Broughton to Xmas for one year's Sallery M r Hancox for one yeare for 2 loads of Coles p a Emanuel Cobb for making the fires p d the Glazier The bal e p d the Lord's Rent M r Broughton's charge for repaireing the Brew- house as appears p. note Gave M r Broughton by consent of the Govern rs Gave M r Hancox £ s. d. 19 00 00 06 02 00 03 01 00 03 10 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 18 00 02 00 00 00 08 00 00 OS 00 00 02 01 00 06 08 00 02 00 11 00 00 12 00 00 66 14 9 £ s. d. 32 00 00 14 00 00 01 14 00 00 02 00 00 06 00 48 2 00 18 12 09 £ S. d. 00 OI 00 OS 15 5* 07 16 3i OS OO 18 12 9 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL 161 Wee allowe the acc u of M' Gervas Wheeler and appointe M r William Williams & John Griffin Collectors for the ensueing yeare. Jo : Wheeler Will : Wheeler John Baker Henry Woodward John Griffin Will : Williams 1723. The Acc 1 of M' William Williams for the School att Hartlebury for the yeare 1723 made upon Ash Wensday ffeb. 19 th 1723. Rents Rec d due att Xmas last John Hardward M r W m Skeeler ■ Rich" Williams Hump : England John Ballard Rich d Ballard Margarett Greene John Man'ing Hump : Bache Dorothy Cobb Mich : Harward Jo : Wheeler W m Prattenton John Clenton Thorn : Best M r Broughton for Rent M r Broughton for Interest of £60 £ s. d. 19 00 00 06 02 00 03 OI 00 03 IO 00 02 OO 00 02 OO 00 02 OO 00 02 18 00 02 OO 00 00 08 00 00 OS 00 00 01 00-2 00 01 oo£ 00 06 08 00 02 00 16 00 00 03 00 00 62 14 9 M l62 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Disburstm u . £ s. d. pd j£r Broughton a yeares Sallery 32 00 00 M r Hancox 1 a yeares Sallery 14 00 00 p d for Coles 01 03 06 for fire shovell and tongs 00 05 04 p d Jos. Tomblins his Carpenter's bill 00 10 8J p d for meare stones 00 01 00 for locks 00 04 06 to Nath : Ady for glaseing 00 06 00 p d the Lord's Rent 00 01 00 Spent by the Govern rs att Two Meetings 00 05 03 for a messenger to goe to Worcester 00 01 06 48 18 9$ 13 15 \\\ 64 14 9 £ s. d. ffebru : 7 th 1721 left in the box 10 17 2\ Added to it this day 13 15 "? Left in the box 24 13 2 Wee allow the acc ts of M r W m Williams and John Griffin and appointe John Griffin and M r W m Williams Collect"" 3 for the yeare ensueing. John Wheeler Will : Wheeler John Baker Gervas Wheeler Henry Woodward Joseph Prattenton 1724. The Acc 1 of M r John Griffin for the Schoole at Hartle- bury for the year 1724 made upon Ash Wednesday February y e 10th 1724. ■ Died Oct. 1723, having been usher of under 5 Head Masters, and never having the school for 35 years. Having served received more than ^14 a-year. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Rents. Received due at Xmas last John Harward M r W™ Skeeler Richard Williams Humphry England John Ballard Rich. Ballard Margaret Green John Manning Humphry Bach John Houghton Mich : Harward M r John Wheeler W m Prattinton John Clenton Tho : Best M r Broughton Interest money 163 £ s. d. 19 00 00 06 02 00 03 01 00 03 10 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 00 00 02 18 00 02 00 00 00 08 00 00 OS 00 00 01 oo£ 00 01 oo£ 00 06 08 00 02 00 16 00 00 03 00 00 62 14 09 Disbursm u . Paid M r Broughton one year's Sallary Paid John Houghton one year's Sallary Paid John Hart for one load of coales Paid for mending a Lock Paid for Writing paper Paid M r Williams Disburst at meetings Paid Lord's rent Paid M r Williams £ s. d. 32 00 00 14 00 00 00 16 6 00 00 8 00 00 00J 08 00 00 00 05 00 00 01 00 07 1 1 o6\ 62 14 09 M 2 164 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF 1724. The ACCO' of M r W m Williams for the Schoole at Hartle- bury for y e year 1724. Disburst in Repairs for y e Usher's House. P d Thomas Pennell for carr : of Timber Paid for 3 hund : 3 q re & 4 foot of Sawing P 1 for one Lode of Lime P d for y e unloading y e Same Spent Paid for 8900 of Brick Paid for carriage of y e Same Paid for 4900 of Tyles Paid for carriage of the same Paid for 3^ doz. of Crests Paid for 5 doz. & 8 gutter Tyles Paid M r Corbin for Timber & Poules & Carr down Severn Paid for Carr : from Severn Paid for 1 1 hund : of Sap Lath Paid for 7 strike of Hair Paid for 3 Horse Lode of Lime Paid for Carr : of Hair Lime and Lath P d for 5 pair of Hinges P d for a Lock of y e Door Paid for y e Drawing of 5 Thrave x of Straw Paid for y e Glazing of y e Windows Paid for a Latch & Catch for y e Door Paid for 3 days' thatching Paid for 3 Burden of Luggs 2 Paid for 3 Thrave of Straw Paid for Carr : of the Same Paid Phillip Harper for Nayles & Starch 3 Paid Thomas Downes for Work Paid for 12 Horse Lode of Lime Paid Thomas Meuce for Nayles Paid Joseph Tomlines for Work ' 24 boltings, or bundles of 14 lbs. each. • Sticks. 3 Was this for stiffening the plaster ? li. s. d. 00 10 00 00 08 06 01 01 00 00 00 06 00 00 03 04 09 00 01 02 03 03 13 06 00 08 02 00 07 00 00 08 06 03 07 00 00 07 06 00 07 04 00 07 07 00 03 00 00 01 00 00 03 10 00 01 06 00 01 io£ 01 01 00 00 00 08 00 06 06 00 01 06 00 09 00 00 01 00 00 01 06 02 12 00 00 17 06 02 00 08J 09 05 02 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. I6 5 Paid for a Mantle tree 1 Paid for two Hund : & a half of Inch Boards Paid for J Hund : of half Inch board Paid for a Joist & two pieces more being 3 foot Paid for 3 Hund : of Heart Lath Paid Rich d Jackson for Work Paid for Carr : of 3 Lodes of Stone Paid for Carr : of 12 Lodes of Sand Disburst in Repairs for M r Broughton's House. Paid for 6 Hund : of Tyles & Carr : Paid for 1 Hund : of Brick & Carr : Paid for 1 Lode of Sand Paid for 100 of Double Tens Paid for 1 500 of 3 d £ Nayles Paid Richard Jacksons for Work Paid for 1 1 Horse Lode of Lime Paid Joseph Tomlines for Work Paid him for a Plank Paid for 5 Hund : of Heart Lath Paid for £ Hund : of Brick Paid for 6 Kids 2 of Heath Disburst Toto. Reced. of M r John Griffin Reced. out of y e Box Reced. more li. s. d. 00 07 00 01 10 00 00 03 06 00 01 09 00 06 00 08 18 10 00 04 00 00 12 00 46 14 11 li. s. d. 00 10 00 00 01 03 00 01 00 00 01 08 00 04 04J 01 IS 09 00 16 06 00 16 06 00 01 00 00 10 00 00 00 06 00 00 06 57 13 "i li. s. d. IS II 6\ 24 13 2 00 01 40 OS 8i Due to M r Williams 11 08 1 For a Chimney-piece. * Bundles of Heath, no doubt from Hartlebury Common. l65 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF WEE allow the Acco 1 of M r John Griffin & M r William Williams and appoint M r Joseph Prattinton & M r Richard Ballard Collect rs for y e year Ensueing. James Stillingfleet Will : Wheeler Gervas Wheeler Henry Woodward Richard Ballard 1725. THE Acco 4 of M r Richard Ballard for the Schoole at Hartlebury for y e year 1725. Made upon Ash Wednesday February the 23 d 1725. Reced. per Schoole Rents as per particulars For a year's Interest due from M r Broughton 25 th March 1725 Disburst. P d M r Broughton one year's Sallary P d John Houghton one year's Sallary For repairing the Vestry For repairing Rich d Davies' house For Coales & Kidds For making fire & Sweeping the Schoole P d the Glasier for two years' repairing the Win- dows For Chief Rent p d John Houghton for Repairs of his house p d. Reced p' School Rents 61 14 9 Reced in Stock 512 9^ 67 7 6J 1 Of Waresley House, High Sheriff of Worcestershire, 1728. 72 00 9 £ s. d. 36 00 00 18 00 00 00 01 (X) 01 02 00 00 06 00 10 18 »i 66 07 "i 5 12 9i HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 173 Disbursments. £ s . d. P d M r Broughton one year's Sallary 36 00 00 P d M r Houghton's Sallary 18 00 00 P d Benjamin Hartland 4 1 5 04 P d for Coales 1 02 00 P d M r Adey for repairing the School Windows o 06 00 P d Chief Rent 001 00 P d for Carr of one lode of Lime o 16 00 61 00 04 Ballance 6 07 02^ We allow the above Acco ts and appoint M r Gervase Wheeler and Jn° Baker Esq re Collectors for the year ensueing. Gervase Wheeler Henry Woodward John Griffin 1732. THE Acco ts of M r Gervase Wheeler Collector for the School at Hartlebury for the year 1732 made upon Ashwednesday February 7 th 1732. £ s. d. Receiv'd p' school Rents 57 4 9 John Harward in arrears £4 10s. od. in all £61 14?. gd. Receiv'd in Stock 6 7 2\ 63 11 11J Disbursem u . P d M r Broughton one Year's Sallary P d M r Houghton one Year's Sallary P d for Coales F 1 M r Adey for Repairing the School Windows P a Chief Rent P d for Nayles Spent £ s. d. 36 00 00 18 00 00 01 02 00 00 06 00 00 01 00 00 01 04 00 00 06 55 10 10 John Harward in Arrears £4 10s. ood. Ballance 08 01 01 i Stock £8 oij. 01^. P d to M r Williams 174 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF We allow the above Acco u and appoint M r William Williams and John Griffin Collectors for the year ensuing. John Baker Henry Woodward 1733. The Acco ts of M r William Williams Collector for the School at Hartlebury for the year 1733 made upon Ashwednesday February 27 th 1733. Rece'd p' School Rents Rece'd in Stock Rece'd Arrears of Jn° Harward £ s. d. 60 14 09 08 01 o\\ 04 10 00 73 OS \o\ £ s. d. 36 00 00 18 00 00 1 02 00 06 08 OI 00 06 00 3 05 02 Disbursm': P d M r Broughton one Year's Sallary P d M r Houghton one Year's Sallary P d for Coals P d Richard Williams for 400 Tyles P d Chief Rent P d M r Adey for Repairing the School Windows P" Tho : Tomlins his Bill for Repairing M r Houghton's House P d Benjamin Hartland's Bill for Repairing of D° P* M r Griffin's Bill for Carriage P d M r Adey for Glazing P d M r Broughton for Repairs John Ballard in Arrears £1 We allow the above Acco t8 and appoint John Griffin and M r William Williams Collecto™ for the Year ensueing. John Baker Will : Wheeler Gervase Wheeler Henry Woodward I 17 oo£ I 03 04 07 c6 62 08 08 10 17 02 £ 73 05 io£ HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 175 1734. The Acco ts of John Griffin Collector for the Schoole at Hartlebury for the Year 1734 made upon AshwednesJay February 19 th 1734. £ s. d. Rece'd p' School Rents 61 14 9 Rece'd Arrears of M r Ballard 1 o o Disbursments. P d M r Broughton one year's Sallary P d M r Houghton one year's Sallary P d for Coals P d M r Adey for repairing the School Windows P d Benjamin Hartland's Bill for repairing M r Houghton's house P d the Blacksmith's Bill for Iron Works P d for Nayles P* Chief Rent 62 14 9 £ s. d. 36 00 18 00 1 02 06 14 9 09 6 00 3 01 56 13 6 6 01 3 62 14 9 4 IS 1 00 06 3 6 01 3 M r Hart in Arrears M r Ballard in Arrears Remains in Stock We allow the above Accounts and appoint M r W m Wheeler and Richard Ballard Collectors for the year ensueing. Jam : Stillingfleet John Baker Will : Williams Gervase Wheeler Henry Woodward 1735. The Acco' 8 of M' Rich" Ballard Collector for the School at Hartlebury for the Year 1735. Made upon Ashwednesday Mar. ro th 1735. 176 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Rec d p' School Rents Rec d Arrears of M r Ballard TOTO. Disbursements. P d M r Broughton one Year's Sallary P d M r Houghton one Year's Sallary P d Rich d Jackson's Bill for Repairing the School For two hundred of Tyles for the School For carr : of the s d Tyles For carr : of one Lode of Sand For two Lodes & a half of Lime For one hundred of Nayles For one peck of Hair P d Thomas Tomlins's Bill P d for one Lode of Coals P d M r Adey for repairing the School Windows P d Chief Rent TOTO. Rem 8 in Stock M r Hart in arrears due at Xmas one q r ter Rem 8 in Stock as above In Stock last Year We allow the above Acco ts and appoint M r Rich d Ballard and M r W m Wheeler Collectors for the year Ensueing. John Baker Will : Williams Henry Woodward John Griffin £ s. d. 61 16 9 01 00 9 62 16 9 £ s. d. 36 00 18 00 00 10 4 00 03 4 00 01 00 01 00 03 09 00 00 3 00 00 3 00 03 01 01 00 06 00 01 56 10 11 6 OS 10 62 16 9 ) J 4 IS 6 OS 10 06 3 11 07 1 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 177 1736. THE Acco" of M r W m Wheeler Collector for the School at Hartlebury for the Year 1736 made upon Ashwcdnesday February 23 d 1736. £ s. d. Receiv d p' School Rents 61 16 9 Stock in the Box 6 I2 l Rece'd Toto. 68 8 10 Disbursments. P d M r Broughton a year's Sallary P d M r Houghton a year's Sallary P a for one Lode of Coals P d M r Adey for repairing the School Windows P d the Chief Rent P d Tho* Tomlins P d M r Broughton for the Repairs of his house P d M r Houghton for building a Piggstye Disburst Toto. Rem s in Stock M r Hart in Arrears We allow the above Acco ts & appoint the Reverend the Dean & M r Henry Woodward Collectors for the Year Ensue- ing. £ s. J, 36 00 18 00 01 01 00 06 00 01 00 01 6 03 04 7 02 14 3 61 08 4 7 00 6 4 15 o John Baker Henry Woodward John Griffin Will : Williams 1737. THE AcC0 ts of M r Henry Woodward Collector for the School Rents at Hartlebury for the Year 1737 made upon Ashwednesday February 15 th 1737. £ s. d. Receiv'd p' School Rents 61 16 9 Stock in the Box 7 00 6 68 17 3 N £ s. d. 36 00 OO i8 00 00 i 02 00 o 06 00 o 01 00 o 07 00 55 16 00 13 1 03 4 15 00 178 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF Disbursments. paid M r Broughton one year's Sallary paid M r Houghton one year's Sallary paid for one Lode of Coals paid M r Adey for repairing the School Windows paid the Chief Rent paid for altring the School Grate Disburst Toto. Remains in Stock M 1 ' Hart in Arrears We allow the above Acco* and Appoint M r Henry Woodward & the Reverend The Dean Collectors for the Year Ensueing. John Baker John Griffin The Accounts of M r Henry Woodward for the Rev d the Dean, Collector for the Year 1738 made upon Ashwednesday March 7 th 1738. £ s. d. School Rents 61 16 9 p d M r Broughton p d M r Houghton P d for one Lode of Coals P d M r Adey for Repairing the School Windows P d the Chief Rent P d Thomas Tomlins for a Gate M r Moule in Arrears Due from M r Woodward £ s. d. John Hart in Arrears 4 15 O 36 00 00 18 00 00 I 02 00 06 00 01 00 08 00 55 1; 00 5 19 09 3 10 00 2 09 09 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 179 We allow the above Acco 1 and Appoint John Baker Esq r & M r Gervase Wheeler Collectors for the Year Ensueing. 8"> May 1739. John Baker P d Tho : Tombling out of the Box Gervase Wheeler twelve pounds & ten shillings Will : Williams in part of his bills for the John Griffin Schoole li. s. d. So there now Remains in the Box 00 1 1 3 1739. The ACCOUNTS of John Baker Esq re Collector for the School at Hartlebury for the Year 1739 made upon Ash- wed nesday February the 20 th 1739. £ s. d. Rec d School Rents & Interest 61 16 09 M r Woodward's Arrears 02 09 09 part of M r Moul's Arrears 01 IS 00 66 01 06 P d M r Broughton's Salary 36 00 00 P d M r Houghton's Salary 18 00 00 P d for a Lode of Coals 01 01 00 P a for \ a Tun of Coals 00 05 10 P d M r Adey for repairing the School Windov ,'S 00 06 00 P* the Chief Rent 00 01 00 P d Thomas Tomlins the Remainder of his Bills for Repairing the School 06 13 07 P d for Repairing M r Broughton's chimney 02 12 10 65 00 03 Remains 1 01 03 Old Stock in y e Box 11 03 Now in the Box d. 1 12 06 li. s. M r Hart in Arrears 1 Q r 4 15 00 M r Moule in Arrears for \ year 1 1 5 00 N 2 l8o THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF We allow the above Acco* and Appoint M r Gervase Wheeler & John Baker Esq r Collectors for the Year Ensueing. Will : Williams John Griffin. 1740. The Acco ts of M r Gervase Wheeler Collector for the School at Hartlebury/or the Year 1740 made upon Ash- wednesday February II th 1740. li. s. d. Rece'd p' School Rents & Interest 61 16 9 P d M r Broughton's Sallary 36 00 o P d M r Houghton's Sallary 18 00 O P d for a Lode of Coals 01 02 6 P d M r Adey for repairing the School Windows 00 06 o P d the Chief Rent 00 01 o Rem" Old Stock in the Box Now in the Box li. s. d. John Hart in Arrears 1 q r 4150 M r Moule in Arrears for \ a year 1 150 We allow the above Acco ts and Appoint M r W m Williams & John Griffin Collectors for the year Ensueing. John Baker Will : Williams John Griffin July 20 th 1741. John Griffin Rece'd the above Money out of the Box being yli. \gs. gd. to pay for the Repairs of M r Houghton's House. 55 09 6 06 07 3 01 12 6 07 19 9 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. l8l 7 August 1 74 1. At an Assembly of the Governors of the Free Gram'ar School of Queen Elizabeth In Hartlebury, Be it known that wee whose names are Hereunto Subscribed, Being now the only Surviving Governors or ffeoffees of the said Free School : Do hereby Elect nominate and appoint the several Persons whose Names are under- written to be (together with us) the present Governors or ffeoffees of the Said Free Gram'ar School of Hartlebury in the county of Worcester, according to the True intent of the charter and Statutes thereunto given and Belonging. Jam : Stillingfleet Will : Wheeler William Williams John Griffin Gervase Wheeler The Rev d M r Stillingfleet 1 Rector of Hartlebury John Baker Esq 12 Jur. M r John Hurtle M r John Eyre M r Robert Fidkin Jur. M r Tho s Wheeler Jur. M r John Manning M r John Fidkin M r Allen Wheeler Jur. M r Fran : Moule Jur. M r Richard Heath Jur. M r William Prattenton 3 M r John Best M r Jos. Prattenton 4 Jur. M r Tho s Harper Jur. 1741. THE Acc ts of Mr. William Williams Collector for the free School at Hartlebury for y e year 1741 made upon Ash- wed nesday March y e 3 d 1741. £ s. d. Rec d by School Rents & Interest 61 16 09 Disburst. p d at a Meeting at Jn° Wynns 00 03 06 p d to J no Griffin 06 00 00 p d for 8 Horses at y e Turnpike 00 00 08 1 Edward Stillingfleet, son of the Dean 1777, an /. « :»-*.,.— v- 1 «»- >-»rTjr »-** T j "/> - r*»»» -' -«"»' "i Tyf 7 ** ' vnwfip jp?j*-vttt* k7 Lt >i('i. - jjrxtk tn kfct^-jhikrJC* ^tJi^ki^inx— /r.Vt.^S> o4 4-Tfcum ] hytfn «t4/*« .a-Sb**. .-lCjCv iJ^-^&jtiZ L*h\ 1 jS&as 7 Facsimile of a page of the Old Order Book. 56 03 ij o 57 04 1} //. j. aT. 63 16 11 57 04 I* 6 12 9i 48 07 0* 54 19 10 HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 195 //. S. d. paid M* Houghton's salary • 09 OO o paid for sweeping the school & makeing Fire 00 160 56 03 Expences at the Meeting 01 01 M r Hart in Arrears one Quarter 5 d School rents Disburstments in stock Lefft in the box Now in the box Wee allow y e above Acc ts and appoint The Rev d M r Stillingfleet and Jn° Baker Esq r Collectors for the Year Ensuing. John Baker Rob' ffidkin Thomas Wheeler Allen Wheeler Jos. Prattenton Quinto die Martii Anno D'ni m'g'que 1616 1 M d the daye and yeare above written y l was covenanted concluded and fully agreed uppon amongst and betwene the ffeoffees of the free Gram'er Schoole of our Sovereigne & Kinge James in Hartlebury whose names are hereunto subscribed That henceforth there shalbe no graunte made by us the ffeoffees here- after named or by any of us of the Landes or Ten'ts belong- inge to the said schole or of any part thereof untill th'end and expirac'on of any estate in beinge form'ly graunted or uppon surrender or uppon any other Lawfull abeyeance And y l was then further agreed betwene the said ffeoffees That no graunt shalbe made of any of the said Landes to any person whatsoev'r But what shalbe graunted ratyfied and confirmed by the said ■ Inserted out of its place. In the same handwriting as the accounts of 1616 and following years. O 2 I96 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF fifeoffees in the Schoolem™ Chamber where such grauntes have been usually made and uppon Ashwednesday or uppon fourteene dayes warninge given to the said fifeoffees in the Church of Hartlebury uppon any Sabaoth daye for their appearance in the place afore- said for the p'fitinge and determ'inge of any busines which shalbe there to be done. In wyttnes whereof The ffeoffees aforesaid have hereunto put their handes the day and yeare first above written. M d y 4 was also then agreed amongst the said ffeoffees That the Collector for the tyme beinge w th three others of the ffeoffees to be nominated uppon Ashwednesday shall once in ev'ry three yeares at the least take a viewe & survey of all the mess s Landes and tenem" belonginge to the said schoole and c'tify the defects which they shall find to the residue of the ffeoffees at their next meetinge. Ja : Button Ed : Ayre sign'm Anthony Drought Joh'is X Clent sen r Ja : Clynte sign'm Jhon thorn Joh'is x Best sign'm William best Humfridi x Pooller John ballard sign'm sign'm Chr'ophir x ffydkin Thorn' x Beste sign'm John Thacher John x Maninge sign'm William Wheler Humfridi x Hopkins Mem dm . At a Meeting held at y e Talbot at Hartlebury on Ashwednesday y e 20 th of Feb ry 1750 It was then and there agreed by y e FeofeeS whose hands are underwritten that M rs Ballard should add two lives in Tinn Fields for y e sum of Six pounds. At y e same time it was agreed that M r Moule should have a new Lease of y e Lower Bass at y e Usual Rent. Will : Williams John Baker Rob 4 ffidkin Thomas Wheeler Allen Wheeler Jos : Prattenton HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 197 Mem dm . At a Meeting of y e Governors of y c Free Grammer Schoole held y e tenth of Sep tr 175 1 at y e School house a lease was granted to M rs Ballard of Three Closes in Tinn fields in y e parish of Hartlebury for which she paid y* sum of Six pounds. At y e same time y e money was deposited in y e Comon Box. Ed : Stillingfleet Jos : Prattenton John Baker Thomas Wheeler Will : Williams Allen Wheeler At a Meeting of the Governours of the Free Grammar School of Queen Elizabeth in Hartlebury the fourteenth day of October 175 1 We whose Hands are hereunto subscribed have unanimously elected, & do elect the Rev d John Waldron, Curate of the Parish of Hampton Lovett, to be Schoolmaster of the said School in the room of the Rev d W m Broughton deceased *. Ed: Stillingfleet John Baker Jos : Prattenton Richard Heath Will : Williams Thomas Wheeler Allen Wheeler Mem. At a Meeting of the Governours on Ashwednesday 12 Feb r 1752 A Lease was sealed to Francis Moule of Elmley of the Nether Base at the Yearly Rent of three pounds & ten shillings to hold for three Lives. Thomas Wheeler Ed : Stillingfleet Jos : Prattenton John Baker Richard Heath Will : Williams Rob 1 ffidkin Allen Wheeler "The Rev. M r W m Broughton, Rector He was Curate of Hartlebury for nearly of Rushock and Head Master of Hartle- 40 years and Master of the School for 42 bury School, was buried June 14, 1750." years. (Hartlebury Register.) I98 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF STATUTES. March 7* 1565. Statutes and Ordinauncs made the vij th daie of m'che in the v jjth y eare f th e reigne of our Sov'eigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of England Fraunce and Ireland defendo r of the faith etc. by Jhon Harward Jhon Best Will'm Barnesley Thomas Walker Anthony Harward Thomas Best Peter Nott Richard Thatcher Humfrey manninge Frauncis Skiler Will'm Ballard Frauncis Ballard Walter Donne Jhon Hopkies Frauncis Thorne Richard Lircocke and Will'm Wall Governers of the free Gram'er Schole of Quene Elizabeth in Hartlebury in the Countie of Worcester with th'advise and consent of the right reverend father in God Edwine 1 L. Bushoppe of Worcest 1 As well con- cerninge the order governaunce and directio' of the Scholem' Vsher and Scholers of the said Schole with the Stipend and Salarie of the said Scholem r and Vsher As also concerninge the order governaunce p'servation and dispoc'on of the rents revenues goods and Lands belonginge to the same Schole to be ordered disposed and appointed as hereafter followeth. 1. dFtttfte that the said Governors by the advise of the said L. Bushoppe shall with all speede electe and chose Appointment of ... , , Schoolmaster and an apte and hable man in learninge maners and Usher> discretio' to be Scholem r of the said Schole And in like man'er shall electe and chose one other hable and dis- creete p'son to be Vsher of the said Schole w ch said ScholenT Their duties . and Vsher shall dailie attend the said Schole vppo' attendance. wekedaies in such order as the said L. Bushoppe shall p'scribe to them in articles. 2. Item that the said Scholem' and Vsher and either of the ..subjects of in- slla11 histructe teache and bringe vppe their Scholars struction. as we u j n vertue and good learninge (accordinge as the capacities and wittes of the said Scholers shall require and aske) as also shall instruct them in the true knowledge of God and * Sandys. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 199 his holie word as much as in them liethe And further shall exerte and do all such things as to the office of a good Scholem r and Vsher shall app'teigne and belonge and accordinge to such order as the said L. Bushoppe shall by writinge in Articles p'scribe unto them. 3. Itfttt that the said Scholem r and Vsher shall at least one after writing and none in everie weeke tcache the Scholers of the reckoning. said Schole to write and cast accompts whereby their hands may be exercised and so they trained to write fair hands & likewise not ignoraunt in reconinge and accomptinge. 4. ittvn. that yearlie vppon the wedinsdaie com'onlie called Ashewedinsdaie the said Governors shall assemble ing of Governors! them selfs at the said Scholehowse and there shall Appointment of tne more number of them chose two discrete sufficie't Collectors. and hable p'sons of the same Governors to collecte and gather the rents Issues and p'fitts of the lands Tenements and hereditaments appointed and to be appointed for the susten- tatio' of the said Schole w ch shalbe due the yeare then next followinge. 5. item that the Collectors of the rents Issues and p'fitts afore- said for the tyme beinge shall yearlie duringe the tefaJidUshJr! 35 " t y me of their office Content and P aie to the Scholem' of the same Schole for the tyme beinge for his x "- salarie stipend and wagis the sum'e of quarterlie That is to saie at the feasts of th'annu'ciac'on of blessed Mary the Virgin, the Nativitie of S l Jhon the Baptiste, S' Michaell th'archaungell and the Nativitie of Christ by even porc'ons And that the said Scholem' duringe the tyme he shall teacbe the said Schole shall have to his p'pre vse the mansion howse at the East end of the Church of Hartlebury aforesaid with the yarde Orchard and Close adioyninge with th'app'tenauncs over and besids his said Salarie and wagis And to the vsher of the said Schole for the tyme beinge for his Salarie stipend and wagis the sum'e of quarterlie at the feasts aforesaid by eve' porc'ons. 200 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF 6. Item that the said Scholem r and Vsher shall and may have Perquisites of vs ? and take the p'fitts of all such Cockefights and potations as be comon'lie used in Scholes and such other gifts as shalbe freelie give' them by any the frends of their Scholers over and besids their wagis untill such tyme their Stipend and Salarie may be augmented. 7. Item that every yeare once at the least the Collectors of the Survey of School sa 'd rents Issues and p'fitte for the tyme beinge property. (callinge unto them two or mo'e of the said Gover- nors) shall survey and viewe all the lands Tenements and heredita- ments belonginge to the said Schole to see whether there be any streepe 1 spoile or wast incrochments meares 2 or marks cast downe Alienac'ons or exchangs done or com'itted theruppo' and shall inquire of the doers therof and p'sent them to the rest of the said Governors to th'intent that reformac'on may be had in that behalf. 8. Item that the said Governers and every of the' for the tyme beinge shall uppon monic'on of the said Collec- Meeting of Go- b . , . , vemors at other tors or one of them for the tyme beinge assemble them selfs at the said Scholehowse at such daie and tyme as shalbe appointed by the L. Bushoppe of Worcester for the tyme beinge, the said Collectors or one of them for consultac'on to be had for any necessaries or busines concerninge or towchinge the said Scholem r Vsher or Scholers or any other the lands or things belonginge to the said Schole. And there shall continue in the same assemblie vntill the cause of their com'inge be deter- mined referred or continued over vnlesse there be some lawfull impedime't excuse or cause to the contrarie. 9. Item that the said Collectors yearlie shall make a true law- Collectors' ac- m ^ an d p'ntt reconinge and accompt unto the said counts - Governors or the more number of them uppon the Ashewedinsdaie in the end of the yeare That is to witt uppon Ashewedinsdaie next followinge after the election of the said Col- lectors of all their recepts and paime'ts and shall make undelaied paiment before their dep'ture of all such Sum'es of mony as shall ' Stripping. * Boundaries. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 201 remaine in their hands uppon their said accompts unto the said Governors w ch at the said accompt shalbe p'n'te so as the saide may remayne in some com'on boxe to be imploied for the further mayntenaunce of the said Schole. 10. Item that as well every demise and graunt of any Lands teneme'ts or hereditaments belonginge to the said Schole as all and every wod sales and sale of herriots shall be made at Lawfull assemblie of the said governors and not without the consent of the more number of them in one assemblie And every demise and graunt to be made by writinge under the Com'on Seale of the said Governors of any of the said lands & not otherwies. 11. Item that no leasses graunts or copies alienac'on or exchange of any of the poss'ions lands tenements or here- Leases and aii- ditame'ts belonginge to the mayntenaunce of the out consent ofBi- said Schole be alienated or exchanged with owt shop and Cover- the consent of the said L- Bushoppe or his Suc- cessors for the tyme beinge and the said governors or the more number of them. 12. Jtem that upon every demise and graunt of any lands Duties of Tenements or hereditaments belonging to the said Tenants. Schole that it be conteyned in every the same demise and graunt that the grauntie or ffermor 1 and their assignes be bound to rep'ac'ons of the howses hedgs and diches and that all woodds and underwoodds uppon any of the said lands (except necessary howseboote 2 where houses be and heyboote 8 for every fermor or tenaunt) be reserved unto the said Governors with free ingresse and egresse to and for the usinge fallinge havinge and carrienge of the same at all co'venie't tymes. 13. Item that none of the possessions of the said Schole be Limitation of demised to any p'son otherwise then by Indenture Leases. or by Copie of Court rolle and not be any Longer terme than for twentie one yeares or three lives speciallie named ' Farmer. * Wood taken by a tenant to repair his house. ' Ditto to repair his hedges. 202 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF in the said Indenture or Copie, unlesse for greate cause to be considered by the said L. Bushoppe and his successors for the tyme beinge and the said Governors, 14. Item that uppon every demise of any the lands or te'n'ts that belonge or shall be appointed to the said Heriots. _, . , « ™ Schole the Tenaunt or fermor shalbe bound by his graunt to sue to the Court of the said Governors as often as it shalbe holden within the p'ishe of Hartlebury aforesaid uppon lawfull Summons and also that every Tenaunt or fermor at his deceasse to paie to the said Governors his best beast for a herriot except it be a small teneme't and yet then such reasonable thinge as shall be agreed uppon by the more p'te of the said governors. 15. Item that from tyme to tyme the said Governors shal Court of the appoint some meete man learned to kepe their Governors. Court at the said Scholehowse or within the said p'ishe where and when they shall thinke good to th'intent better inquisic'on may be had amonge the Tenaunts of the said Schole of suche wasts spoils or disorders as shall happe' to be done or com'itted wherby the same may be the more easelie reformed. 16. Item that for the p'servac'on of the Evidencs and writings Chest for evi- Concerninge the said Schole one stronge Chest or dences - Coffer with four Locks 1 and keyes be p'vided wherin shalbe put and kept all the said writings w ch chest shall stand in the vestrie of the p'ishe Church of Hartlebury the doores of w oh vestrie shalbe locked with two locks all w ch keies shalbe com'itted to the custodie of six of the said Governors to be chosen by the residue. 17. Item that the Com'on Seale of the said Schole be also kept Seal. in the said Cheste 2 . 1 This has been replaced by a large iron chest with three locks. ' It is still kept there. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 203 18- JEtem that a booke of Register 1 be p'vided and had to be kept in the said Chest wherin shalbe recorded and Register. . _, • . , r registered all graunts and Copies, the deceasse of. the governors the election of the newe governors and the accompts of the said Collectors. 19. Item that every governor that herafter shalbe newlie elected Oath required an< ^ chosen shall receave and take the othe sub- of Governors. scribed before he or they shall dep'te at his or their election yf they be p'nte or els before he shall take uppo' him the exercise of the said office w ch said othe the governors now being have receaved and taken And every p'son that shall herafter be elected a governor of the said Schole refusinge to take the said othe to be put owt of the said governme't and a new chosen in his rowme. 20. Item yf any of the said Governors or Collectors shall wilfullie contemne infringe or breake any of the infringement f °f said Statuts and ordinauncs w ch concerne them statutes by Go- or any f tnem th en he or they so offendinge shall forfaite every of them for his first offence to the said governors to the use of the said Schole the sume of three shilling four pence and for his seconde offence to be dismissed and put owt of the said Corporac'on and government and a newe governor in his stead to be chosen furthwith by the residue of the said Governors. M' that all the Governors nj ch are this date in place have sworne unto these Statutes and Articles before writte' this Ratification. ^ ^ ^ ^^ A „ Regni D ^ ne Regine Elizabethe 1569. etc' undecimo Ed' 2 WlGORN » The Old Order Book. * Edwin Sandys, afterwards Archbishop of York. 204 THE OLD ORDER BOOK OF The names of such as be Governors of the free Schole of Hartle- bury 1568. Jhon Harward Jur. Thomas Best. Jur. Urban Aire Jur. Will" 1 Ballard Jur. Jhon Best Jur. Richard Lircocke Jur. Will m Barnesley Jur. Humphrey Manninge Thomas Walker Jur. Richard Thatcher Jur. Jhon Hopkies Jur. ffrauncis Ballard Anthony Harward Jur. Willm Wall. Jur. ffrauncis Thorne Jur. ffrauncis Skeler Jur. Richard Best Jur. Walter Dunne Jur. Humphrey Holmer. Thomas Holmer Jur. John Clent Jurat. xxi° die Ap'lis 1572. John Best of Chorton Jur. Hughe Willmote Jur. Roger Hill Jur. An othe to be ministred to every one that is chosen to be a Governor of the Quenes Gram'ar Schole in Hartlebury before he be admitted to exercise that office l . Yotoe shall well and trulie exercise the office of governinge the free gram'ar Schole of Quene Elizabeth in Hartlebury and the lands ten'ts revenewes goods and cattells of the same Schole That is to saie yo' fellowes counsell and yo' owne in matters of Counsell you shall well and trulie kepe you shall not do p'cure or assent to any thinge acte or acts w ch in any wiese shalbe hurtfull or p'iudiciall to the saide Schole nor to the wastinge hurtinge decreasinge or diminishinge any of the lands ten'ts hereditaments goods or cattells now used or belonginge or that herafter shalbe used or belonge to the said Schole otherwise then shalbe thought necessarie by the whole Companie of the Governors or the most p'te of them in one assemblie but with all yo' witt cunninge and power you shall defend the rights possessions goods and cattells of the said Schole. And that you shall from tyme to tyme assemble yo' selfs uppon reason- able warninge at the said Schole vnless you have lawfull impedime't for consultac'on of th'order and government of the said Schole and 1 In the same handwriting as the Statutes. HARTLEBURY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 205 the lands goods and cattells belonginge to the same. And that you shall make no p'mise or graunte of any demise lease or Bargaine or otherwise of any thinge belonginge to the said Schole to any p'son or p'sons otherwiese the' at a generall assemblie of the said governors or the more number of them in one assemblie shalbe thought mete and for the most como'ditie and advauntage of the saide Schole. And you shalbe conformable and on yo' p'te observe all such Statuts made by the Lord Bushoppe and the Governors for and towchinge the said Schole and the possessions and goods p'teyn- inge to the same. So helpe you God and by the contents of that booke. [In modern handwriting.] An Oath to be ministered to every one that is chosen to be a Governor of the Queen's Gram'ar School ^tTv.\^ ^tfSW &£"*vA*a? Ctofcft»W5 w^t^" :$/rCtf**: "J^r i&t 3 \vAPA gv0rtr$A«i&H4tc£ £9 tW>tc .4^ p \r £,4. &*$ f^vT ^sJy^^ ffc to&i^rJ date 1480. sion of the Governors. THE OLDEST DEED. 219 the partyes that the day shuld be held at Hertilbury, in the house of Richard Gylbard. At the vviche day appered bothe the prior, and the seid John Cockes, and the ii learned men. And there and at that tyme the said John Cockes showed such evidences that the aforesaid ground should be hyssen l , and his eyres and his assignes. And the prior could show no evidences. And at that tyme hit was found by the seid ii lerned men that the seid prior had NO RIGHT nor title to the aforesaid Ground. And so ended and agreed. And that this is faithefull, credible, and trewe We above named have put to our seales. Wreten at Hertilbury upon the Moneday next before the Fest of All Halowen' in the xx th year of the reign of King Edward IV. [Oct. 30^, 1480.] 1 It is interesting to trace this colloquial expression so far back as 1480. APPENDIX III. ARCHBISHOP SANDYS, 75th Bishop of Worcester (the first married Bishop), lived at Hartlebury Castle for 12 years. Six of his children were born there. He built the Tower of the Parish Church, and his arms are upon it. He did the same at Hawkeshead in Lancashire, his native place. He also built and endowed a grammar school there, at which William Wordsworth and his brother, the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, were educated, and to this school he left his large theological library. In an old chest are still preserved, as at Hartlebury, the Charter and other deeds, and the school seal, upon which is engraved a pedagogue with uplifted birch ! The Archbishop wrote the following prayer for the scholars : — " Most mighty God and merciful Father, we sinners by nature, " yet Thy children by grace, here prostrate before Thy Divine " Majesty, acknowledge our corruption in nature by reason of our " sins to be such, that we are not able of ourselves to think one " good thought, much less able to profit in good learning and " literature, and to come to the knowledge of Thy Son Jesus Christ " our Saviour, except it shall please Thee, of Thy great grace and " goodness, to illuminate our understandings, to strengthen our " feeble memories, to instruct us by Thy Holy Spirit, and so to " pour upon us Thy good gifts of grace, that we may learn to know, " and know to practise those things in these our studies, that " most may tend to the glory of Thy Name, to the profit of Thy " Church, and to the performance of our Christian duties. Hear " us, O God, and grant these our petitions, and bless our studies, " O Heavenly Father, for Thy Son Jesus Christ's sake, in whose " Name we call upon Thee, and say, " Our Father, &c." APPENDIX IV. WAGES AND PRICES. THERE seems to have been no great difference in the WAGES of workmen throughout the West and East of England in the days of Q. Elizabeth. In Hartlebury (according to the Old Order Book) the skilled workman got as much as is. a day, and the labourer yd. In Worcester it was much the same, as appears from the Churchwardens' Accounts at S. Michael's, Worcester (Wore. Hist. Soc.) ; and in the Eastern Counties likewise, as appears from the accounts of the Wardens of Market Deeping in South Lin- colnshire. PRICES of articles varied more in town and country. Lime, for example, was sold at Hartlebury and in Lincolnshire for 6d. a bushel, while in the city of Worcester it only fetched id. Glass seems to have been dear everywhere. From the Old Order Book we gather that in those days bricks cost 13-r. 4d. a 1,000, a bottle of wine is. 3d., a quarter of veal is. lod. It is difficult to ascertain from the Book the value of land, because the details of the Rent Roll are seldom given. But some information may be gathered here and there. The Chantry Meadow, which lies near the river Stour, contains about i,y 2 acres. In 1561 it was let for iu a year — rather more than 2s. an acre, — while another field belonging to the school, probably not meadow-land, called Spout field, was let for only id. an acre. At Market Deeping in South Lincolnshire the best land let for \2s. an acre, and the worst for 4s. 6d. APPENDIX V. HEAD MASTERS K Rev. Hughe Graunte, M.A. 1559 „ John Hareward 1560 „ — Joyner . 1572 „ — Cole 1599 „ John Elly, M.A., Curate of Hartlebury 1599 „ Edward Best, Curate of Hartlebury and Rector of Elmley Lovett 1605 „ John Marshall, Curate of Hartlebury 1620 „ Timothy Bromley (" expelled and excluded ") 1629 „ John Best, M.A. 1645 „ Thomas Soley 1654 „ Walter Abbot, Rector of Dowles 1672 „ Francis Pierce 1684 „ John Perks, M.A., Curate of Hartlebury 1701 „ George Vernon, M.A. 1704 „ John Wells, M.A., Curate of Hartlebury 1706 „ William Broughton, Curate of Hartlebury and Rector of Rushock 17 16 „ John Waldron, M.A., Rector of Hampton Lovett 175 1 „ Edward Waldron 1784 „ John Harward 1808 Vacant 1841 „ Edward Firmstone, M.A. , afterwards Rector of Wyke 1852 „ John Walker Lee 1855 „ William Maitland Clark, M.A., afterwards Rector of St. Laurence, Winchester 1874 „ Thomas Wright Greenall, M.A., afterwards Vicar of Overton 1 879 Ernest William Hopewell, B.A. 1890 1 The dates of the early Masters are given with as much accuracy as is possible. INDEX. In this Index the various spellings of a name are disregarded, except in cases of doubt. Names occurring more than once in a page are indexed only once. A. Abberly, 75 Abbot, Mr., 93, 95, 99, 100, 101, 103 ; Walter, 222 Accounts, Annual, to be taken on " sroftwesday " instead of "Ach Wends- day," 141 Acton, Anthony, 57 ; Wil- liam, 61 Addy, 137; Mr., 142, 145, 146, 148, 170 to 180, 190, 192; N, 153. 154; Nath., 158, 162, 182, 191 Andrews, Thomas, 56 Appointment of Masters, 198 Asson, SS Astley, the Parson of, 39 Astley Wood, 26 Aston, 34 ; Goodman, 36 : William, 34, 41, 42, 53 Attendance of Masters at the School, 198 Atwall, Richard, 208 Audell, Hugh, 123 Auden, Hugh, 121, 124 Aymes, Mr. D., 31 Ayre, Ed., 42, 196, 206 ; Edwine, 35; Mr., 30, 39; Urbane, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 34, 36, 56, 204, 207, 208. See also Eyre B. Baal, Mr., 31 Bache, 149 ; Humphrey, '57. '58, 160, 161, 163; Mr., 147 Baker, John, 155, 157, 159, 161, 162, 167, 168, 170 to 181, 183, 184 to 187, 191 to 197 Ballard, Anthony, 66, 67, 70, 72. 75. 76, 78 to 80. 82 to loo; Francis, 17, 20, 198, 204, 207 1 John, 36, 41. 94. 97. 99. 102, 104, 106, 108, 109, 114, 118 to 120, 121, 123, 124, 126 to 130, 136, 138 to 141, 144 to 146, 158, 160, 161, 163, 168, 169, 171, 174, 196, 206; Mr., 172, 175, 176; Mrs., 188, 196,197 ; Philip, 96, 103, 104 106 to 112, 114 to 118, 144 ; Richard, 155, 157, 158. 160, 161, 163, 166 to 169, 175, 176, 218; Robert, 66, 67, 84, S7, 88, 90, 97, 106, 108, 109, 1 14 to 124, 126, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134. 136. 138 to 142, 145 to 150, 152, 154, 155; Thomas, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 208, 218; William, 17, 198, 204, 207, 210, 214, 218 Baly, William, 218 Bard, 103 Barnesley, Richard, 28 ; Walter , 207; William, 17, 189, 204, 208, 210, 214 Barrett, William, 149 Bartelem', 218 Base, The, 24, 31, 38, 128,. 196, 197 Base grounds, 6, 9, 71 Base meadow, renewing of, 187 Base medowe, Sale of, 28 Batch, Humphrey, 169 ; John, 88 Baxter, Mr., Richard, 75 Bayliff of Bishop, 190 Belchum, 138 Bell, a broken, 13 Bell, taking down from Stee- ple, 10 Bene, Arnold, 15 Best, Alice, widow, 26; Anthony, 14 ; Edward, 33 t° 35. 7'. 78, 85, 89, 222 ; Francis, 6 to 9, 12, 13, 24, 28, 29; George, 29; John, 7 to 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23 to 29, 31 to 34, 36 to 39, 41, 50, 54, 60 to 63, 65 to 70, 80, 82, 83, 85, 87, 97, 153, 181, 196, 198, 204, 207, 210, 214, 218, 222; Kit, 76; Mr., 42, 43, 48; Philip, 12, 16, 18, 19, 21 to 25, 29, 33 to 35, 38, 42 to 45, 48, 50 to 52, 56 ; Richard, 13, 17, 22 to 25, 45. 49, 5°. 204, 207; Robert, 56, 71 ; Thomas, 6, 16 to 23, 25 to 27, 31 to 34,39,41,461048, 51, 52, 59, 83, 84, 86 to 93, 96 to IO3, I20, 121, 123, 125, 126, 145, 147, 151, 157, 158, 160, 161, 163, 169, 188, 192, 196, 198, 204, 206 to 208, 210, 214 ; Urban, 43 ; Widow, 25, 26, 39 ; William, 36, 41, 45, 46, 48, 53, 58, 61, 62, 66, 67, 69, 71 to 73, 77, 78, 196, 206 Bewdley, 68, 218 Biddulph, John, 155 Bird, 114, 125 ; John, 103, 116, 117, 135 to 138; Bishop, The, 8, II, 125, 126, 140; Hough, 155, 158; Lloyd, 153; Pri- deaux, 67 ; Sandys, 198 Borastone, John, 74, 75 Bourne, John, 75, 76, 78 to 83. 197 Bowyer, Mr. , 37 ; Nicholas, 33. 35 Brewhouse, repairing the 160 Bromley, Mr., 54 to 56, 58, 59, 63, 64, 68, 69 ; Timo- thy, 222 ; expelled, 66 Bromsgrove, 218 Brooke, John, 183 Broughton, Mr., 152 to 156, 158 to 163, 165 to 180, 182 to 184, 186 to 194; William, 150, 197, 222 Brown, William, 93 224 INDEX. Burgage, 5, 9 Burlton, Mr., 139, 140, 144 ; Thomas, 136 Burton, Mr., 141, 142 Button, 21 ; James, 36, 41, 48, 60, 196, 206; Mr., 38,53 Cambridge, Trinity College, 220 Cartwright, Edward, 67, 69, 75. 76, 83 Carver, Thomas, 78 Cay, Widow, 76 Chadesley Corbett, 150, 218 Chains for Books, 117 Chantry Meadow, 6, 9, 49, 50, 71, 78, 116, 121, 157 to 159, 221 Charlton, 185 Charter, The, 23, 56, 59, 209, 213 Charton, 120 Chelingworth, Mr., 53 Chest for evidences, 202 Chimney-money, 101, 105, 107, 109 Chorton, 204 Clarke, Humphry, 20, 32 ; William Maitland, 222 Clent, 121 ; James, 42, 196; John, 16 to 20, 22 to 27, 31, 32. 34. 39. 41, 5°. 196, 204, 206, 208; Mr., 45.54. 57.7l.76to78 Clenton, John, 161, 163 Cliffe, Mr., 35, 37 Clinton, John, 158, 160 Cobb, Dorothy, 150 to 152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 161 ; Emanuel, 160 ; John, 63, 71, 76 to 78, 86, 88, 91, 121, 123, 125, 145, 147; Margaret, 59, 60 Cockfights, profits of, given to Masters, 200 Cocks, John, 218 Colard of Bewdley, 218 Cole, Mr., 16, 21, 23, 222 Coley, John, 117, 125, 131, 138, 139 Collector and Feoffees to view lands once in three years, 196 Collectors, Appointment of, 199 Collectors to present state- ment of accounts yearly, 200 Collectors to view School Lands, &c, 200 Collier, 116 Commissioners for Charit- able uses, 74 Coobes, John, 62 Cope, John, 35 Corbin, Mr., 164 Cordell, 213, 217 Corfield, Mr., 31, 33, 38, 52, 53 ; William, 35 Costen, John, 10, 14, 15 Council about the Charter, 153 Cowell, Timothy, 53 Coxe, John, 37 ; Joseph, 158; Mr., 146 Crane, Edward, 107, 108, 121, 122, 151; Edwin, 123, 124; Joseph, 107; Mary, 107; Mr., 145; Walter, 107 Crapwood, 35 Crimson, John, 88 Croysland, 6, 9 Crump, 31, 33, 39, 40 Cutts acre, 32, 122, 129 D. Dalby, Mr., 75 Davies, Richard, 166 Davy, SS Dawe, Thomas, 82 Dean of Worcester, The, 172, 177, 178; Stilling- fleet, 171 Dedicote, Mr., 75 Defence of Lawsuit, III Dispute between the bro- thers Harward, settlement of, by Feoffees, 206 Doddford, Prior of, 218 Donne or Dunne, John, 65 to 70, 75 to 80, 82, 83, 97; Mr., 73; Walter, 8, n, 12, 14, 17, 19,20, 53, 94. 95. 97 t° 100. '°4. 106, 108, no, in, 116, 118, 119, 120, 123, 198, 204, 207, 210, 214 Dowles, 222 Downes, 80, no; Simon, 191, 192 ; Thomas, 164 Droitwich, 35, 38 Drought, Anthony, 36, 39 to 41, 48 to 50, 196, 206; Edward, 52, 54 ; George, 27, 50, 52 ; Robert, 19 Drouth, Humphrey, 35 Dudmason, Francis, 5 Duties of Masters, 198 E. Education free for Parish- ioners only, 94 Election of Schoolmaster,i97 Elizabeth, Queen, 209, 210, 213 Ellett, Mr., 17 Elly, 146, 148 ; John, 24, 29, 222 ; Mr., 25, 30, 33 Elmley, 6, 12, 152, 197 Elmley Lovett, 5, 7, 9, 12, 28, 98, 143, 218, 222 England, 148 ; Humphrey, 147, 149 to 152, 156 to 158, 160, 161, 163, 169; Samuel, 135, 137, 138, 140, 142 Etheridge, 135 ; Edmund, 143. '49. 151. '52, 154, '56, 157 ; Francis, 21 Evans, John, 189; Mr., 134, 137 Eyre, Edwyn, 113, 126, 128, 131, 136, 138 ; Emanuel, 78, 79 ; Gervase, 147, 155 ; Grandfather, 91 ; John, 147, 181 ; Mr., 59, 61, 63, 76, 103, 105, 107, 112, 116, 129, 130, 133, 134, 148, 153 ; Samuel, 76, 80 to 84, 86 to 94, 96 to 104, 106, 108 to 112, 114, 115, 118, 120, 122 to 124; Urban, 25, 60 to 62, 65 to 67, 69 to 71. See also Ayre. Eyrer, 15 ; Edward, 10, 14, 23 to 25 Fidkin, Christopher, 27, 36, 41, 196, 206 ; Emanuel, 119, 120, 122 to 124, 126 to 134, 136, 138 to 140, 143, 144, 155 ; John, 15 to 20, 53, 55, 56, 59 to 62, 64 to 70, 75, 76, 79 to 81, 83 to 94, 97, 98, 181, 207 ; Mr., 158, 168 ; Robert, 116, 119 to 134, 136 to 143, 145, 146, 148, 155 to 157, 159, 181, 183 to 189, 191 to 197 ; Tho- mas, 207, 210, 214 ; Wil- liam, 96, 102, 106, 108 Firmstone, Edward, 222 Fleet, Mr., 28 G. Gardiner, Richard, 52 Gardner, 71, 76, 77 Gerves Place, 5, 9 Gifts to the school, 82 Gilbard, John, 218 Glover, John, 27 Goldnes, 207, 210, 214 Governors, Annual Meeting of, 199 INDEX. 225 Governors, co-option of, 96, 97. "9 Governors, Court of the, 202 Governors, election of new, 155, 181 Governors to attend Meet- ings at School-house, 200 Gowden, Widow, 50 Granger, Henry, 50 Graunte, Hugh, 8, 222 Green, Margaret, 143, 147, 150, 157, 160, 161, 163, 169 Green Stone, 97 Greenall, Thomas Wright, 222 Grenebanke, James, 13, 15 Griffin, 139; John, 155, 157, 159, 161, 162, 165, 166, 168 to 183, 185, 188 ; Mr., 182, 184; Richard, 96, 102, 104, 106, 1 10 to 116, 119 to 121, 123, 127 to 130, 132 to 136, 138, 140 to 142 Groundsill, Phillip, 38 Guest, Joseph, 145 to 148, ISO Gutring, Bennit, 116 H. Hadd, 135 Halesowen Abbey, 218 Hall, Anthony, 35 Hampton Lovett, 197, 222 Hanbury, 35 ; Francis, 71 ; Henry, 207, 210, 214 ; Philip, 35 Hancox, 109, 117, 118; Mr., no, 112, 125, 126, 129, 131, 134, 136, 139 to 141, 144, 146, 148, MA i$»i iS3 to 156, 158 to 160, 162 Hardyman, Thomas, 20, 38 Harper, 67 ; Edmund, 82 ; Edward, 66, 68, 74, 75, 78 to 80, 83 to 91, 96, 97, 102 to 104, 106 to 108, no, in, 114, 116, 118, 121 ; Giles, 218 ; Phi- lip, 144 ; Thomas, 181, 183 to 187, 191, 193, 194 Harper alias Cartwright, Ed- ward, 83 Harris, 37, 137; Francis, 68, 69 ; Hugh, 207, 210, 214; John, 10, 14, 210, 214 Hart, John, 151 to 156, 163, 180, 190 to 192 ; Mr., 175 to 179, 182. '85, 194, 195 ; William, 208 Hartland, Benjamin, 173 to 175 Hartlebury Castle, 220 ; School, 209, 213 Harward, 15 ; Anthony, 6 to 17, 198, 204, 207, 210, 214; John, 3, 10, 11, 16, 20, 21, 33, 68, 71, 75, 77, 78, 81, 88, 96, 113, 121 to 123, 127, 128, 145 to 148, 150 to 152, 157, 160, 161, 163, 169, 173, 174, 184, 198, 204, 206, 207, 210, 214, 223 ; Michael, 145. '56, 158, 160, 161, 163, 169 ; Mr., 124 ; Tho- mas, 39, 49, 50, 52, 60, 71, 81, 91, 188, 206 ; Urban, II ; William, 208, 218 Harward's Inn, 49 Hawkeshead, 220 Head Masters, list of, 222 Heans, Edward, 85 Heart, John, 186 ; Mr., 189 Heart Lath, 165 Hearth-money, 108, no Heath, Richard, 153, 155, 157, 181, 183 to 185, 187, 189, 190 to 192, 194, 197 Heming,John,ll3; Richard, 106 to 108, III, 114, 115, 125 Henry I., King, 218 Heriots, 202 Hert, Rawlyn, 2l8 Heyboote, 201 Higgs, James, 44, 52 Highway, 48, 52 ; Francis, 38, 46, 49 ; John, 5, 7, 9, 12 ; Philip, 50 Hill, John, 96, 102 to 104, 106 to 112, 114 to 116, 118 to 121, 126 to 135, 138 to 142 ; Mr., 122 ; Roger, 18, 204 ; William, 66, 67, 74 Hints, 209 Hoeman, Mr., 113, 114 Hogges, Philip, 218 Hollis, George, 97 Holloway, George, 94, 98, 99 Holmer, Humphrey, 12, 14, 15, 17, 204, 207, 210, 214 ; Thomas, 11, 15, 18, 20, 23, 25, 204, 207 ; Wil- liam, 218 Hopewell, Ernest William, 222 Hopkins, Humphrey, 26, 29, 36, 41, 44, 48, 50, 190, 206 ; John, 6 to 9, 12, 13, 17, 19, 30, 23, 45, 71, 77. 78, 198, 204, 207, 210, 214 Hopkis, Hos., 76 Horneblower, 37 Houghton, John, 163, 166 to 169 ; Mr., 170 to 180, 182 to 186, 189 to 195 Howseboote, 201 Hughes, Edward, 79, 80, 82 to 84, 86, 89 to 94, 96, 97, 103, 104, 106 to 108 Hunt, William, 67 Hurtle, John, 181 Hutton, Job, 182 Hutton, Thomas, 58 Hyde, 208 Illudge, 138 Inch, Will., 133 Inckborowe, Robert, 208 Ives, Emanuel, 64, 76, 77 ; Henry, 87 Jackson, 29, 41, 73, 125, 182, 191, 193; John, 53, 72,91,131, 135; Richard, 137. 165, 176, 183, 190 ; Samuel, 148 Joy, Thomas, 17 Joyner, Mr., 12, 222 K. Keeler's estate, 144 Kidderminster, 5, 7, 9, n, 12, 14, 16, 17, 33, 37, 51, 52. S3. 56, 62, 63, 74, 75, 77, 78, 96, 138, 149, 186 Kids of Heath, 165 Knight, Mr., 189 Lamb, 56; Philip, 122 Lancashire, 220 Langshawe, 42, 46; Ralph, 29 ; Richard, 26 Lavendar, Thomas, 82 Lawsuit, defence of, III Laxey meadow, 116 Lease, granted to F. Moule, 197; to John Skeeler, 188 Leases, limitations of, 201 Lee, John Walker, 222 Leg, Mr., 31 Leigh, Ley, Lye, Allen, 78 to 8o, 82 to 85, 87, 88, 91 to 95, 97 to 104, 106 ; Francis, 38 Lillie's Land, 63 to 65 Lincolnshire, 221 Lincombe, 99 226 INDEX. Lipyald, 137 Lircock, John, 5, 8, 9, 12, 20, 29, 36, 41 to 43, 48, 50, 206 ; Richard, 198, 204, 207, 210, 214 Littleton, Mr., 39 Livery and seizen, 40 Loan granted to R. Wil- liams, 187 ; to be raised for building, 135 London, 31, 33 to 35 Longshawe, Thomas, 32, 33 Love, Mr., 28 Lowbridge, Mary, 106 ; Mr., 82, 151 ; Samuel, 143 ; Thomas, 96, 102 to 104, 106 to 112 ; 114 to 121, 128, 129, 131 to 136, 138 to 148 Lowe, 37 ; Mr., 71 ; Samuel, 149 Ludlow, 28, 39 Luggs, 164 Lylly, Hugh, 218 ; John, 218 Lynall, 138; George, 15; Sir John, 13 to 15 M. Manchet, 37 Manning, 58, 76, 103, 106 ; Anne, 147 ; Francis, 35, 37 ; Humphrey, 17, 19 to 21, 23 to 26, 29 to 39 ; 4', 77. 78, 198. 204, 207, 208, 210, 214 ; James, 144, 147, IS'. IS2; John, 5, 7,9, II, 12, 19, 20, 22, 23. 25, 26, 30 to 34, 36, 38, 42, 45, 47 to 50, 63, 64, 70 to 72, 75, 77, 78, 87, 98, 105, 119 to 124, 145, 147, 158, 160, 161, 163, 169, 170, 181, 187, 196, 206 to 208, 210, 214 ; Mary, 63 ; Philip, 78, 104, 105 ; Samuel, 56 ; Thomas, 23, 27, 57, 218 ; Widow, 50, 58, 59, 63, 108 ; William, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13. 31 t° 32. 36, 43. SO, 57, 60 to 63, 66, 67, 94 to 97. 99 to 102, 104, 107, 108 Manning's estate, 142, 144 Mantle tree, 165 Mapping the School lands, 189 Market Deeping, 221 Marshall, 109, 142, 145 ; Edmund, 187 ; John, 222 ; Mr., 48, 50 to 52, 54; Philip, 79, 109, 187 Marshall, Mr., 53 ; Philip, 98 Master's House replaced by new, 132 ; House, scheme for building, 130 Masters, Appointment of, 198 ; Election of, 133, 150; Perquisites, 200 Mate, William, 59, 60 Meekyn, John, 25 Merston, William, 218 Meuce, Thomas, 164 Meysie, John, 10 Mince, 136 Mined, Thomas, 138 Militia assessment (note), 140 Millard, Edward, 188 Mitchell, Thomas, 36, 41, 53. 54 Mitton, 54 Moggs, William, 208 Morris, Mr., 146 ; widow, 71 Moule, Francis, 181, 183 to 187, 189, 197 ; John, 188, 189 ; Mr., 178 to 180, 182, 190 to 192, 196 Muse, 28, 30; Lawrence, 35. 49. 50 N. Nash, 37 ; John, 139 New leases granted to ten- ants, 49 Norchard, 24, 32, 54, 60, 61, 81, 218 Norris, Humphrey, 57 ; Mr., 115, 121, 122, 124, 128, 142, 151 ; Widow, 61, 64, 75. 77. 78 ; William, 79, 81, in, 112, 123 Norton, John, 1 1 ; William, Nott, Goodman, 32 to 34 ; Peter, 198, 207, 210, 214 Noxon, Job, 119, 120, 122, 124, 126, 127, 134, 136, 142, 143, 145, 148, 155 ; Mr., 128, 129, 138, 146 O. Oath requirJd of all Gover- nors, 203, 204 Oath to new Collectors, Form of, 4 Overton, 222 P. Palmer, Henry, 57 ; Richard, 218 Parchy, 208 Pargeter, 13 Parry, 136 Parson, Mr., 21 Pearce, Mr., 109, 112, 1 15, 117 Penalties for infringement of statutes by Governors, 203 Pennell, Joseph, 90 ; Tho- mas, 164 Perchey, John, 218 Perchey's land, 5, 9 Perkes, John, 8, 9, 12, 127, 132, 222 ; Mr., 129, 131, 132 Perry Mill, The, 71, 98, 123, 124, 152, 154, 160, 169, 188 Pew, Mr., 147 Phillips, Francis, 40 Pierce, Francis, 128, 222 ; Mr., 105, 123, 125 Pinfield, 148 Plimley, John, 87 Pooler, Hugh, 66, 67, 69 to 72, 75. 76, 78 to 8l, 83 to 94, 97 to 99 ; Hum- phrey, 36, 41, 42, 196, 206 ; John, 66, 67, 70 to 72, 75, 76, 78, 79, 94 to 104, 108 to 112, 114, 118, 121 ; Joe, 107 ; Mr., 75 ; Walter, 74 Prattenton, James, 55, 58 to 62, 64 to 67, 69, 70, 72, 94 to 97, 119, 120, 123, 126, 131, 134, 138, 140, 148, 149, 150, 151, 155, 188 ; Joseph, 142, 144, 155. 157. I02 . 166 to 168, 181, 183 to 187, 190, 191, 194 to 197 ; Mr., 188; Widow, 125, 145. 147. 149. 151. 156; William, 42, 71, 76 to 80, 82 to 95, 97 to 104, 106 to 108, 158, 160, 161, 163, 169, 181 Price, John, 185 Prichard, Mr., 28 Prideaux, Bishop, 67 Pryse, Jenk, 218 Purslow, 137, 138, 141 Pyehill, 18, 23, 26, 27, 31 Quarry field, 10 R. Randell* Richard, 118, 124 Ratification of Statutes, 203 Redstone, 15, 40, 43 Redyng, Thomas, 10 Register of grants, &c, 203 Rent-roll of Lands and Tene- ments, 50 INDEX. 227 Ribsford, 74 Ridley, 14, IS Ridnall, 1 38 Rods, 13, 26 Rowles, 6 Rowleys, 9 Rules, new, for Grant oi Lands by ffeoffees, 195 Rushock, 5, 7, 9, 12, 57, 98, III, 158, 190,222 St. Laurence, Winchester, 222 St. Michael, Worcester, 221 Salaries of Masters raised, 170 ; to be paid quarterly, 199 Sandys, Archbishop, 220 Sandys, Bishop of Worces- ter, 11 Sap lath, 164 Savadge, Mr., 35 Schoolmaster, election of, 127 ; the settling and dis- placing of, 74 Seal,Common,of the School, 202 Seger, William, 71, 76 to 78, 80, 83 to 85 Severn, 15, 26, 43, 164 Shailes, Richard, 186 Shepard, Mr., 40 Sigler, 114 Silvester, George, 149, 155 Sisly, John, 38 Skeeler, Anne, 147 ; Fran- cis, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 198, 204, 207, 210, 214 ; John, 187, 188 ; Mr., 152, 154, 169 ; Philip, 26, 71 ; Tho- mas, 38, 54 to 60, 67 ; Widow, 49 j William, 76, 80 to 82, 97, 120, 122, 126, 144, 145, 147 to 151, 156, 157, 160, 161, 163, 208, 218 Skerme, Mr., 39 Skinner, Mr., 116; William, 94 to 102, 104 to 115, 118 Skirme, Mr., 40 Smethye, Thomas, 24 Smith, 145, 146 ; Anne, 63 ; Christopher, 121,123, I2 S > Edmund, 59, 60, 71, 76 to 78, 80 ; Edward, 51 ; Hes- ter, 135, 144 ; Humphrey, 38, 43. 45. 54, 55. 82; John, 76, 82, 83, 85 to 87, 89.91,92.97; Philip, 50; Phillis, 52; Thomas, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 62, 208 Snedge Green, 186 Soley, Mr., 75 to 77; Tho- mas, 81, 82, 222 Sothall, Humphry, 56 Southwall, Thomas, 71 Sowden. Elizabeth, 5 Spout Field, 5, 9, 221 Statutes of School, made in 1565. 198 Stillingfleet, Edward, 181, 184, 188, 193. 195. 197 ; James, 119, 120, 122 to 124, 126, 130, 132 to 134, 136, 150, 155 to 157, 166, 170, 171, 175, 181 ; Mr., 129, I5». "53. 154 Stoke Prior, 127 Stokewall, John, 218 Stone, 37 Stour river, 5, 6, 9, 221 Stourside, 208 Streete, Thomas, 43, 45 Streete, Widow, 57 Sturmy's Ground, 9 Subjects of Instruction by Masters, 198 Syer, John, 82 Symson, Mr., 87 T. Talbot, The, Hartlebury, 196 Tax, The King's, 117 Taylor, 137 ; Henry, 218 ; John, 218 Tenants, duties of, 201 ; to provide leases, 79 Tewe, Philip, 13 Thatcher, John, 36, 41, 43, 47, 48, 52, 60 to 62, 65 to 67, 69, 70, 72, 196, 206 ; Richard, 17, 19, 20, 51. 95. 97. ioi, 102, 104, 120, 198, 204, 207 ; Wal- ter, 57 to 62, 65 to 70, 72, 75. 79, 97 Thome, Francis, 6, 7, 9, 12, 198, 204, 207, 210, 214 ; John, 5, 7, 36, 41, 43.47. 48, 5°. 1 19 to 121, 123, 125 to 127, 129 to 136, 138 to 147, 151, 155, 157, 196 ; Margaret, 9, 12, 13 ; Richard, 49, 5c, 52 ; Thomas, 26 ; Wil- liam, 5, 8, 9, 13, 28, 33, 35 Tinfield, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 27. 38. 49. 71. 104, 106, 133, «43. 157. 185, 186, 196, 197, 208, 218 Tipper, John, 25 Tilton, 73 Tolly, 77, 121, 152 ; J., 154; Richard, 149 ; Thomas, 50, 78 ; William, 157 Tomlins, 193; John, 66, 67, 7o, 72, 73; Joseph, 148, 162, 164, 165 ; Mr., 185 ; Thomas, 174, 176 to 179, 182,183,186,191; Widow, 76; William, 75, 76, 78, 83, 84, 87 to 93 Tomlinson, William, 94, 97 Tort on, 119, 120, 126, 218 Torton meadow, 115 Townshend, Henry, 113; Mr., 114 Toy, Mr., 75, III to 1 14, 116 Trained Bands, 153 Trinity College, Cambridge, 220 Turford, John, 153 Tyler, William, 218 U. Umfrayes, Peter, 17 Uphmore, Simon, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72 Vernon, George, 133, 222 W. Waldron, Edward, 222 ; John, 197, 222 ; Mr., 31 Walker, 21, 51 to 53 ; Fran- cis, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16, 17; John, 5, 207, 210, 214; Mr., 45; Richard, 6, 9. 17. 49. 5°. 198, 204, 207, 2Iy/Jrt% Wall, 148; John, 14, 15,43, 5°. 56, 71, 76 to 78, 93, 121 to 124, 146, 147, 149 to 154, 156, 158; Marga- ret, 143, 145; Mr., 90; Thomas, 45, 64 ; Widow, 157. !59. 160; William, 17, 198, 204, 207, 208; Thomas, 45, 64 Walsall, 75 Waresley, 61, 207, 210, 214, 218 Warman, Edward, 140 Wasley, 16, 22 Wells, John, 150, 222; Mr., 136, 139 to 141, 144, 146, 148, 149, 153 Wheeler, Allen, 181, 183 to 185, 187 to 189, 192 to 197 ; Gervase, 75, 76, 94, 96 to 112, 1 14 to 1 16, 118, 120, 121, 140, 157 to 160, 162, 166 to 168, 170 to 175. «79. 180, 181, 183 228 INDEX. to 185, 187, 191 ; John, 155, 157 to 163, 167 to 171 ; Mary, 145, 147, 149, 150 ; Mr., 129, 133, 137 ; Mrs., 185, 188; Thomas, 181, 183, 184 to 186, 188, 191, 192, 194 to 197 ; William, 36, 41, 44, 45, 47. 48, 51, S3. 55. 56, 59 to 63, 65 to 67, 70, 80 to 87, 89 to 92, 97, 106, 120, 122 to 124, 126 to 128, 130 to 132, 134, 136, 138 to 144, 146, 148, 155, '57. '59. idi 162, 166 to 170, 172, 174 to 177, 181, 196, 206 Whitaker, Henry, 113, 119, 120, 122 to 132, 134, 136, 139 to 143; Mr., 148 Whitlench, 30, 98, 147 Whitlinge, S, 7, 9, 63, 64, 65, 72 Whoper, John, 68 Wiche (Droitwich), 15, 33, 35. 38, 39 Wigorn, John (Hough), 154 ; Edward (Sandys), 11, 203 Wild, Mr., 30 Wildon, William of, 218 Wiles, Mr., 38, 39 Wilkes, Thomas, 28 Williams, 133 ; Mr., 165, 173, 182; Richard, 147 to 150, 152, 156, 158, 160, 161, 163, 169, 174, 187; Thomas, 188 ; William, 116, 142, 155, 157, 159, 160, 162, 164, 166 to 168, 171, 172, 174 to 177. 179 to 181, 183, 187, 189, 192 to 194, 196. 197 Wilmot, Hugh, 204, 218; James, 119 to 121, 123 to 125, 127; John, 88; Ro- bert, 75 to 78, 80, 83, 85 to 89, 91, 95 to 103; Thomas, 143 Winchester, 222 Winslow, Edward, 35 ; Mr., 33 Winwood, William, 188 Wode, John, 218 Woodhouse, Edward, 94,95, 97. 99. 101, 102, 106, 107, 109, in, 112, 114 to 116, 118 to 123, 126, 127, 131 to 134 ; Joseph, 125, 147 Woods, Mr., 114 Woodward, Henry, 119, 120, 122 to 124, 126 to 136, 138 to 149, 152, 153, 155, 157, 159, 161, 162, 166 to 179 Worcester, 13, 15, 17, SI, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 38, 47, 48, 63, 68, 113, 162, 218, 221 ; Bishop of, 212, 216 ; Bishop of, Prideaux, 67 Wordsworth, William, 220 Wright, Thomas, 74, 75 Writing and Reckoning to be taught, 198 Wurd, Robert, 57 Wyke, 222 Wynn, John, 181 Wythe, Mr., 73 Yarron, 114 Younge, James, 208 ; 17 Mr. PRINTED BY JAMES PARKER AND CO., CROWN YARD, OXFORD. ci B tjj8g8»"--; AU BOOKS MAVBE J^!*^ * co/.,„ 9 642 . 3 ; o 7 $ pr, °' * * e due dof 8 fOR-W MO. 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