/ GIFT OF T r^- i,^r BradhuU of Brockhole = (b. abt. 1350) the first of the family mentioned in the Visitation of 1567 John' Bradhull == (b. abt. 1380) Uv. 1425 I Edwardio Bradhull (b. abt. 1405) H J I Richard" Braddyll of Brockhole == Margery dau. of W" (b. abt. 1430) liv. 1460 Harrington I Johni2 Braddyll = Emote, dau. of (b. abt. 1455) I W^ Pollard — i William a priest Edwardia Braddyll (b. abt. 1480) bur. at WhaUey 1552 T' Jennett Crombock I Richard 1 William I John" Braddyll, Esq. = Jennett (b. abt. 1505) bur. at I Foster WhaUey 18 Nov. 1578 1 Richard — r William 1554 ' Anne Asheton = Edward^^ Braddyll z=5 Ellen Starkey bui. 29 Dec. 1586 Johni« b. 1557 "n — Jane b. 1558 (b. 1534) bur. 6 Oct. 1607 Lettice b. 1559 Richard b. 1560 Anne b. 1562 Edward b. 1563 I III I I . Ralphi« Elizabeth Cuthbert Gilbert Stephen Catherme b. 1564 b. 1565 b. 1566 b. 1567 b. 1569 b. 1570 Dorothy!" _ John Talbot Thomas b. 3 Oct. I of Carr Hall b. 1574 1572 == Jo Margaret b. 1576 Bernard b. 1577 Edward Talbot = Mabel of Carr Hall I Carleton Anne = George Talbot = Anne Ryley I of Carr Hall d.l716 d.l660 V b. 1624, d. 1709 I Katherine^" = Gilbert La we b. abt. 1591 d. Aug. 1671 Thomas Lawe of WhaUey 40 Children of Johni^ and Dorothy (Braddyll) Talbot, as re- corded in the ancient breviary before mentioned: i. Anne2o, b. 11 Mar. 1595/6; bur. at Whalley 1 June 1596. ii. George, b. 2 May 1597; mentioned as son of John on the Preston Guild Rolls of 1602; d. before 1622, unm. 20. iii. Edward, b. 25 July 1599; succeeded to Carr Hall. iv. Anne, b. 26 Mar. 1601. ; ., V. Margaret, b. 17 Apr. 1602; m. Richard Sherbui^ne. vi. Thomas, b. 24 May 1603. vii. Mary, b. 2 Aug. 1606. viii. John, b. 13 Dec. 1607; became a Franciscan monk, ix. Frances, b. 25 July 1610. X. Bridget, b. 24 Sept. 1612. xi. Elizabeth, b. 23 Mar. 1613/14. 20. EDWARD20 TALBOT, bornat Carr HaU, about 2 P. M., Wednesday, 25 July 1599, is next found on records in 1602 and 1622 when enrolled on the Preston Guild Rolls under his father Johni9 Talbot and grandfather George^s Talbot (See ante, pp. 28 and 29.) Records of Edward Talbot also appear in the pedigree compiled in 1628 by Randle Holme, in a recusant roll in 1631, and in a letter to Roger Kenyon the same year. (See ante, pp. 19, 36.) On 24 Aug. 1628, he and his wife Mabel were deeded a life interest in part of the Carr Hall estate by his father John^^ Talbot; and in 1634 and 1635 he joined with his father in mort- gaging the estate to Thomas Cockroft for a loan of £60, and also to Thomas Greenfield and John Crombocke, trustees in behalf of John Osbaldeston, for a loan of £100. (See ante, p. 36, post, pp. 41, 63, 47.) Upon the death of his father about 1642, Edward^*^ Talbot succeeded to the ancestral estate, which they had encumbered as above stated; but he survived his father less than five years, dying before 1647. In a lawsuit in 1684-5, by Thomas Greenfield vs. George^^ Talbot (son of Edward), George^i Talbot stated that in Oct. 1647, his grandfather and father, "the said John and Edward Talbot, were then both dead, and this defendant's estate was under sequestration for their loyalty to King Charles I." (See post, p. 48.) Nearly all the Catholic gentry of Lancashire supported the King against Parliament in the great Civil War, 1642-1645; and as Edward Talbot was then a man about forty- five years old in the prime of life, he doubtless served as an officer in the Royalist army and fought in some of the san- guinary conflicts of that momentous struggle. He certainly died during the Civil War (1642-1645), but probably not while 41 in military service, as his son would probably have mentioned such a supreme sacrifice to the Royal cause. Edward^^ Talbot married about 1623, Mabel Carleton, born about 1581 (?), daughter of Laimcelot Carleton. (See Talbot pedigree of Randle Holme in 1628, and Visitation of Lancashire in 1664-5, ante, pp. 19 and 17.) In 1652, George^i Talbot of Carr was charged by the Common- wealth with " delinquency" in supporting the Royal cause at the battle of Wigan, 25 Aug. 1651; and one John Lonsdale deposed that "Mrs. Mabel Talbott of Carr, widow, mother of said George, furnished one Andrew Carleton with arms and sent him to the Earl of Derby who was then in Preston with his [Royalist] forces; and at the fight at Wigan said Carleton was taken prisoner by the Parliament forces, and ye said Mrs. Tal- bot sent money to relieve him". (See post, p. 50.) This Andrew Carleton was evidently her nephew, son of her brother Ambrose Carleton. (See post, p. 43.) On 17 Feb. 1657/8, Mabell Talbott of the Carr in Whilp- shire, co. Lancaster, widow, complained that she had a life interest in part of same, being a portion of her marriage jointure with Edward Talbott, gent., deceased, by indenture dated 24 Aug. 4 Charles I. [1628], made between John Talbot, late of said Carr, gent., deceased, of one part, said Edward Talbot, gent., deceased, son and heir of said John, of the second part, and Thomas Holden of Witton, Thomas Winckley of Billington, John Barker, gent., Edward Rishton, and Thomas Greenfield, of the third part; by which she enjoyed same several years after the decease of her said husband. But recently one Edward Braddyll and one Richard Hurst, in confederacy, have tres- passed on complainant's estate by colour of deriving some estate therein from George Talbot, eldest son and heir of complainant, and they have seized and occupied part of the capital messuage called Carr Hall and part of the lands thereof, and have ousted complainant and her servants from her rights in the premises. A summons is prayed for against said Braddyl and Hurst. (Palatinate of Lancaster, Bills, 6, vol. 21, no. 9.) "Mrs. Mabbell Talbott of Carre, widowe", was buried at Whalley Church, 28 Mar. 1660. At her decease she was nearly eighty years of age, according to statements made by her son George^i Talbot and her daughter Dorothy (Talbot) Parker, in a chancery suit of the former vs. Edward Braddyll in 1682. (See post, p. 61.) If their statements were true, Mabel (Carleton) Talbot would have been nearly eighteen years older 42 than her husband; so her alleged age at death was probably somewhat exaggerated. While his ancestors had found wives among the gentry in the near neighborhood of Carr Hall, Edward^" Talbot's wife Mabel Carleton was born nearly a hundred miles to the north, being a native of Brampton in Cumberland, in which county her an- cestors had resided nearly five centuries, deriving their name as lords of Carleton, a manor in the parish of Penrith, co. Cum- berland. At the Visitation of Cumberland by Sir William Dugdale in 1665, Sir William Carleton, Knt., of Carleton, then head of the family, entered a pedigree of eighteen generations. From this Visitation pedigree and other sources, the following pedigree was compiled and printed on pages 43-45 of the "Memorials of the Carletons", by Capt. Percival A. Carleton of the English Army, who died in 1869. Carleton op Carleton Hall, Co. Cumberland. Arms: — Erm., on a bend sa,, three pheons^ org. Baldwin* de Carleton = I ' Geoffrey^ ^-s i ' Oduard^ — Henry* =s Gilbert^ — = Fitzwilliam. I ' Williamfi = Helen, dau. of Geoffrey de Stainton (b. abt. 1215) I Adam' == Sarah, dau. of Adam de Newton (b. abt. 1245) liv. 1286 | John* ^ Dorothy, dau. of Henry de Brougham (b. abt. 1275) liv. 1303 " I Thomas' := Jane, dau. of Roger de Lancaster (b. abt. 1305) liv. 1325 " 43 Johni" ^s Margaret, dau. of John de Moston (b. abt. 1335) Uv. 1356 'J I Thomas" s=: Alice, dau. of George Dawbury (b. abt. 1375) d. 1448 ' r Thomasi2 — Isabel, dau. of Gilbert Brougham b. 1423, d. 1519T Thomas^' == Agnes, dau. of Thomas Wibergh b. 1451 d. 1506 Thomas^* = Anne, dau. of Thomas Layton b. 1480 d. 1557 1 Thomas^' == Mabel b. 1513, d. 8 Nov. 1587 [Carlisle Guy" =s U Thomas" = Barbara Launcelot" s== Eleanor George" b. 1547 d. 14 May 1598 at Carleton dau. of Hugh of Brampton Lowther b. 1549, d. 1615 Thomas^' Gerard =s: Nichola b. 1568 d. 1639 s.p. b. 1570 d. before 1638 I Sir Williamis of Carleton Hall. b. 1607, liv. 1665 Entered pedigree In Visitation 1665 He m. twice, and had 3 children Elliot I Thomas" b. 1585 a Royal- ist officer Kirkby b. 1559 dau. of Bishop of Roger Chichester I Launcelot Settled in Ireland Gr.-gr.- father of Gen. Guy Carleton 1st Baron Dorchester Peter Roger I Ambrose*' s^s b. abt. 1600 of CO. Mon- aghan in Ireland I Andrew*' Rev. Guy b. abt. 1600 Bishop of Chichester ,^ I ,1623_, , Mabel s^= Edward 1581 1660 Talbot of Carr 44 The Carletons were staunch adherents of King Charles I. during the Civil War (1642-1645), and several of them were officers in the Royalist army, among them Sir William Carleton, Knt., and his father's own cousins, Thomas, Launcelot, Roger, and Rev. Guy Carleton (later Bishop of Chichester), who were brothers of Mabel Carleton, wife of Edward^^ Talbot of Carr Hall. Children of Edward^o and Mabel (Carleton) Talbot, born at Carr Hall: 21. i. George'i, b. in 1624; eldest son and heir. ii. John, b. about 1626; lived in Wilpshire near Carr Hall where he farmed leased lands. In a hearth tax of 25 Charles II. (1673), he was assessed for four hearths as a householder in Wilpshire. (Lay Subsidies, Lancashire, 132-355.) He d. intestate in 1680, administration on his estate being granted that year. (Probate Records at Chester.) The name of his wife has not been learned. Children*: 1. John22, b. perhaps about 1660; mentioned in the will of his uncle George2i Talbot in 1708. (See post, p. .70) He is claimed to be ancestor of the Talbots of Wheelton in Leyland, co. Lancaster, who were staunch Catholics; several members of this family became Jesuit priests during the eighteenth century. (See "Catholic Record Society", vol. 4, pp. 249-50, vol. 9, p. 183, vol. 14, p. 330, and vol. 16, p. 424-5.) 2. Thomas; mentioned in the will of his uncle George^i Talbot in 1708. (See post, p. 70.) iii. DoROTHY^i, b. in 1628; as "Dorothy, wife of Richard Parker of Great Harwood, yeoman, aged fifty-four years", she deposed on 13 Sept. 1683, that she was sister of George Talbot of Carr, etc. (See chancery suit of George^i Talbot vs. Edward Brad- dyll, post, p. 61.) She m. (1), at Great Harwood, 3 June 1654, Ellis Duckworth, who d. in 1667; she m. (2), in 1671, Richard Parker. In 1702, Thomas Duxbury of Rishton, co. Lancaster, com- plained that Ellis Duckworth, late of Harwood, deceased, left three daughters, viz., Katherine who m. Alexander Mer- cer, Anne who m. complainant, and Jane who d. in London and * The list of children, baptized in Blackburn Church, assigned to the above John^i Talbot in Mr. Abram's accounts of the Talbots of Carr, evidently belong to another John Talbot who was of Cowhill in Rish- ton and later Wilpshire and Clayton in the Dale and married in 1665 Mary Sudell. This John Talbot was bapt. 17 May 1641, son of John and Jennett (Clayton) Talbot, and grandson of Richard and Alice (Duckworth) Talbot. (See "History of Blackburn", pp. 642-3.) 45 by her will left £100 between her two sisters, and made her master executor. Said Katherine went to London and has seized the whole legacy, and refuses to give complainant the share of his wife who d. two years ago. Katherine Mercer, defendant, answers that her father ElHs Duckworth d. thirty- four years ago [1667] leaving a widow Dorothy and three children, Katherine aged ten years, Jane aged five years, and Anne aged two years, who m. (1), Lambert Clarke and m. (2), the complainant. Said Jane lived in London about fifteen years, and by her will gave her two sisters £50 each, made her master James Whitchurch of London executor, and d. in Aug. 1696. The defendant has received only her own share. (Palatinate of Lancaster, Bills, vol. 48, p. 89; and Answers, vol. 107, p. 21.) Children by first marriage (Duckworth). 1. Katherine, b. abt. 1656; m. Alexander Mercer. 2. Jane, b. abt. 1661; d. in London in Aug. 1696, unm. The will of Jane Duckworth of London, spinster, dated 1 Aug. 1696. To sisters Katherine Mercer and Ann Clarke £50 each. Brother-in-law Alexander Mercer, Mrs. Elizabeth Cole, and Mr. Todd the minister. My master James Whitchurch, merchant of London, executor. Proved 31 Aug. 1696. (Archdeaconry of London.) 3. Anne, b. abt. 1664; m. (1), Lambert Clarke; and m. (2), Thomas Duxbury. Children by second marriage (Parker) : 4. John, b. abt. 1672; living in 1708. 5. Alexander, b. abt. 1674; living in 1708 when he and his brother are named in the will of their uncle George** Talbot of Carr Hall. (See post, p. 70.) 21. GE0RGE21 TALBOT, born at Carr Hall about 1624, eldest son of Edward and Mabel (Carleton) Talbot, on the death of his father about 1645 succeeded to the ancestral estate. The earliest mention found of him is in the pedigree compiled by Randle Holme in 1628, when he is stated to be "ae. 5". (See ante, p. 19.) George^i Talbot entered upon his inheritance about 1645 under unfavorable conditions and in troublous times. Im- poverished by heavy fines for adherence to the Catholic faith, his father Edward^o Talbot and grandfather John^^ Talbot had been obliged about 1635 to raise money by placing mortgages on the estate. His father Edward^^ Talbot had fought for the defeated King Charles I. during the Civil War (1642-1645), 46 and so made the estate subject to further fines by Parliament. As a climax to his difficulties, George^^ Talbot was unwise enough to join the Royalist uprising in 1651 under Charles II., and fought in the forces of Earl of the Derby at the battles of Wigan and Worcester, in which the Royalists were defeated and the uprising was crushed. For his participation in this rebellion, the Carr Hall estate was sequestered by ParUament and subjected to additional fines. As a result of these complications, numerous lawsuits took place about the property, the records of which provide most of the information secured concerning George^^ Talbot. To clear his estate, in 1657 he deeded it to his second cousin Edward Braddyll for a term of thirty-one years for £320, of which £300, was applied to pay off all former encumbrances. So from 1657 to 1685 George^i Talbot was totally out of possession of the Carr estate, and "very poor" as he himself states; how he maintained himself during this period of nearly thirty years, has not been determined. It is certain that from about 1674 to 1676 he lived at Preston, co. Lancaster (then the most important seaport of northwestern England). For a few years previous to 1682 he lived in Ireland where his mother's relatives, the Carletons, had settled and were flourishing; possibly he was in their employ or under their patronage. Previous to 1670 he married a second wife, from whom he probably acquired the means to bring a chancery suit in 1682 against Edward Brad- dyll, by which he redeemed his ancestral estate of Carr Hall in 1685, which he thereafter possessed and occupied until his death in 1709. George^^ Talbot became involved in litigation soon after he succeeded to Carr Hall, his first lawsuit taking place in 1649 against his second-cousin, the widow Lettice (Braddyll) Green- field. The circumstances leading up to this suit and the con- sequences ensuing are related in another suit brought thirty- five years later by Thomas Greenfield Jr. (son of the above Lettice Greenfield) against George^^ Talbot, of which an ab- stract is herewith appended: Greenfield vs. Talbot. On 28 Nov. 1684, Thomas Greenfield of Preston, co. Lan- caster, gent., son and heir of Thomas Greenfield, gent., deceased, complains that about fifty years ago John Talbot of Carr Hall, gent., and Edward Talbot his son, both long since deceased, being seized of said estate of about two [sic] hundred acres, did 47 convey to complainant's father (or to John Crombock in trust for him) a part of said estate for a long term of years, as security for a loan of £108, which was not paid when due, so said estate became forfeited to complainant's father. But by entreaty of said two Talbots the mortgage was continued on interest, with the estate in said Crombock as trustee. Complainant's father died in 1647 leaving complainant t^en aged about three years, as his heir, who should have succeeded to the premises. But on the marriage of complainant's mother to a second husband, one George Towlnson, the latter got possession of the evidences in the matter and of the will of complainant's father. L9,ter, one Edward Braddyll, gent., and one George Talbot late of [blank] in the kingdom of Ireland, gent., applied to the said Towlnson, and by conspiracy with him seized the premises and have since enjoyed them, thus defrauding complainant, who has only recently learned of his rights in the property. A summons is prayed for that said George Talbot and Edward Braddyll be made to appear and give information as to the tenure, deeds, and mortgages pertaining to Carr Hall and to their dealings with said Towlnson; also to reply whether or not about 13 June 1650 Crombock and said George Talbot did not join in assigning the premises, partly to one Gilbert Lawe and his wife, and partly in trust to one James Ryley for the use of said George Talbot. In May 1685, George Talbot, gent., defendant, answers that complainant has no just cause, and brought suit in collusion with said Braddyll, to vex and harass defendant. John Talbot and Edward Talbot his son, grandfather and father of defendant, held Carr Hall for life only, as it was entailed, and defendant was next heir as eldest son of said Edward. Defendant denies that his father or grandfather ever conveyed any part of said estate to Thomas Greenfield, the father of complainant, or to any persons in trust for his use, or that they borrowed any money from said Thomas. But about fifty years ago, John Talbot, grandfather of defendant, borrowed £100 of John Osbaldeston of London, gent., who sent the money by said Thomas Green- field, father of complainant, and entrusted to him to arrange for security. Whereupon said John and Edward Talbot gave a mortgage to said Greenfield and Crombock as trustees for the use of said Osbaldeston, as security for said loan. As the loan was not paid when due, said Greenfield entered the premises as trustee for Osbaldeston, and took the profits therefrom until the 48 death of said Greenfield, when Lettice Greenfield, his widow and executrix, attempted to set up a title to the premises; but said Osbaldeston exhibited a bill* against her in this court in October 1647, and made out the mere trusteeship of her late husband. Thereupon said Lettice Greenfield bought out said Osbaldeston's claim of £100 for the sum of £80. And the said John and Edward Talbot being then both dead, and this de- fendant's estate being sequestrated for their loyalty to King Charles I, in 1649 this defendant and his mother Mabel Talbot exhibited a billf in this court against said Crombock and Lettice Greenfield, touching the Carr estate; and after her reply, this defendant made an agreement to pay the claim she had bought of said Osbaldeston, being the loan of £100 lent by the latter to John Talbot, defendant's grandfather, and to this end, defendant borrowed £50 of Gilbert LaweJ of Whalley which he paid to said Lettice Greenfield. And this defendant together with James Ryley this defendant's late wife's father, deceased, made a bond to said Lettice Greenfield for the other £50 to be paid in six or twelve months. Said £50 was not paid when due, this defendant being then in actual arms for King Charles 11. And defendant's estate being sequestered for his loyalty, the bond continued in force until 1657, when this defendant to pay off his debts and clear the sequestration leased his whole estate for thirty-one years to Edward Braddyll for £320, of which sum £80 was paid to George Towlnson (who had married [in 1651] the said widow Lettice Greenfield) to discharge the above bond of £50 and repay said Towlnson for clearing the sequestration. To secure said Lawe for his loan, defendant gave him a lease for thirty-one years of one cottage and twenty-three acres of land, which lease has expired. The debt to Osbaldeston being thus long since paid, complainant has no cause for this suit. De- fendant has just recovered his estate by redemption by a suit in the court of Chancery against said Edward Braddyll who has just died, before the accounting was completed. De- fendant denies that the complainant's father ever had any interest in the Carr estate other than as abovesaid, and knows of no will or deeds or other papers of complainant's father. Defendant denies any conspiracy with Towlnson, Crombock, Braddyll, or any one else, to defraud complainant, who has no * The documents in this suit are missing, t No documents in this case can be found. t This Gilbert Lawe had married Katherine Braddyll, great-aunt of defendant. (See Braddyll Pedigree, ante, p. 39.) 49 claim whatever on the estate. Defendant denies ever discussing the alleged claim with complainant, although about eight years ago defendant had lived over two years together at Preston where complainant then lived and now lives, and was frequently then in company with complainant. Defendant believes that Edward Braddyll, who was "cozen german" to complainant, conspired with complainant to bring this suit to embarras defendant in his suit against said Braddyll. The said James Ryley, who was father-in-law of defendant, was merely a bonds- man for defendant on the bond for £50, at request of defendant. In the account rendered by said Braddyll, he charges this de- fendant with £80 paid to said Towlnson to discharge the £50 bond due his wife, formerly the widow Greenfield, and to recom- pense said Towlnson for removing the sequestration. Defendant never saw the mortgage to Osbaldeston, which was made in the youth of defendant, but on coming of age was acquainted in regard to it by his mother. Defendant asks that complainant's bill be dismissed with costs. (Palatinate of Lancaster, Bills, vol. 37, no. 79; Answers, vol. 78, last page.) No other docu- ments of this case are preserved. Confirmation of most of the statements made in the above answer by George^^ Talbot are to be found in the records of the Commissioners for Sequestration who proceeded against him for his "delinquency" in taking part in the unsuccessful Royal- ist insurrection in 1651. At the time of these sequestration proceedings in 1652, George^^ Talbot naturally denied his par- ticipation in this rebellion; but as he was convicted and se- questered, and as thirty years later, when the Stuart dynasty had been restored, he claimed to have served the King, there can be no doubt that he did so. The following abstracts have been secured giving particulars of his sequestration. Examinations taken before the Commissioners for Seques- trations in the County of Lancaster, touching the delinquency of George Talbot of Carr, gent. 1. John Mitton of Preston, yeoman, deposeth: that in August last, when the Earl of Derby and his forces lay in Pres- ton, deponent saw the said George Talbot frequently ride among said forces armed with a long tuke rapier; but deponent know- eth not whether he had any command. Sworn 27 Feb. 1651/2. 2. Thomas Loynsdale of Whilpshire, tanner, deposeth: that when the Earl of Derby invaded this county with his forces last August, he knoweth that Mr. George Talbot of Carr was then in arms under the said Earl, trailing a pike, and he came not 50 home again until after Wigan fight. Sworn 24 Mar. 1651/2. 3. John Lonsdale of Billington, tanner, deposeth: that when the Earl of Derby was in this county with his forces, Mrs. Mabel Talbot of Carr in Whilpshire, widow, mother of said George Talbot, furnished one Andrew Carleton with arms and sent him to the Earl who was then in Preston with his forces; and at the fight at Wigan said Carleton was taken prisoner by the Parlia- ment forces, and ye said Mrs. Talbot sent money to relieve him. Sworn 24 Mar. 1651/2. 4c 4c :|c He 9|c 8. Margaret wife of Thomas Lonsdale of Whilpshire, de- poseth: that she heard Mrs. Anne, wife of George Talbot of Carr, gent., affirm that her husband the said George was at Preston and had a pike; and the Sunday before the Earl of Derby went from Preston to the fight at Wigan, the said George Talbot was then to have a horse from the said Earl and to be listed in the said Earl's own troop; and she further saith that the Wednesday after the fight at Wigan, the said Anne Talbot went to look for the said George Talbot to come home, who came home that night.* Sworn 9 Feb. 1652/3. (State Papers, Inter- regnum, A. 163-88.) Depositions of witnesses taken at Ormskirk on 30 Apr. 1655, on behalf of George Talbot of Carr. 1. Thomas Walkden of Blackburn deposes: that he well knoweth said George Talbot whom he conceives to be about twenty-six years of age and of middle stature. That in August 1651 when the Earl of Derby's forces lay about Preston, de- ponent was taken prisoner at Clitheroe and carried to Preston on the Thursday before the battle at Wigan. That at Preston deponent did see said George Talbot and speak with him in the street, but he did not see said Talbot carry any weapons. 3. Anne Atkinson, wife of Thomas Atkinson of Walton in the Dale, aged fifty-six years deposeth: that she well knoweth George Talbot of Carr who is a young man. That she, living at Lowechurch in Walton in August 1651, did see said Talbot going along afoot through the highway near her house, in the company of two soldiers of the Earl's forces who had taken said Mr. Talbot prisoner; but said Talbot bore no weapons. * The Battle of Wigan was fought on Monday 25 Aug. 1651. 51 7. Edward Rishton of Micklehey, gent., aged forty years, deposeth: that he well knows said George Talbot who is now about twenty-six years of age. . . . That said Talbot was not in actual arms with the late King, nor with the Earl of Derby in August 1651; but he believes said Talbot went to Preston at that time about his private occasions, and that in his journey thither he was taken prisoner by the Earl's soldiers at Lowechurch. (State Papers, Interregnum, A. 163-91.) The flimsy excuses offered by the witnesses for the defendant were unavailing, and the estate of George^^ Talbot was seques- tered; but the amount of the fine levied to remove the seques- tration has not been found of record. During the course of these proceedings, George Towlnson and Lettice (Braddyll- Greenfield) his wife (who are mentioned in the suit in 1684-5 of Thomas Greenfield vs. George^^ Talbot, previously given), petitioned the Commissioners of Sequestration as to their claim against George^^ Talbot, as appears from the following docu- ments: George Towlnson of Witton, co. Lancaster, and Lettice his wife, complain that George Talbot of Carr, gent., and James Ryley of Rawshaw*, yeoman, by bond dated 13 June 1650, were jointly bound in £100 for the payment of £50 before 13 Feb. next ensuing; but they defaulting payment and said Ryley going for Ireland, your petitioners brought an action at law against said Talbot and at the general sessions held at Lancaster 11 Mar. 1651/2, obtained judgment for said £100 and 63 s. costs. Thereupon a moiety of Talbots lands were ex- tended [attached] ; but the Commissioners for Sequestration have ordered his whole estate to be sequestered to the Commonwealth for his delinquency in the late war, and have endeavored to out your petitioners who ask for use of Talbot's estate as security for their judgment. Examination of witnesses at Preston, 15 Sept. 1653. 1. William Wall of Preston, gent., aged thirty-six years, under-sheriff, deposeth: that on an execution obtained by said Towlnson against said Talbot, deponent on 29 Mar. 1653 held an inquisition on the estate of said Talbot and found that he held estates in Wilpshire, the moiety whereof was granted to George Towlnson for satisfaction of said judgment. 2. Richard Craven of Dinkley, aged fifty-three years deposeth : that he was present when George Talbot of Carr and James * A hamlet near Oswaldtwistle in Church Kirk. 52 Ryley of Rawkshaw did sign a bond of £100 for the payment of £50 at a day long since past. 3. Edward Rishton of Micklehey, yeoman, aged forty-five years, deposeth: that he knows the Towlnsons and has known George Talbot of Carr for twenty-five years. He knows that George Hindle and John Sharpies of Blackburn did enter the estates late of George Talbot, then in possession of said Towln- son and his wife, by pretence of an order from the Commissioners of Sequestration, and did put the Towlnsons and did seize the estate for the use of the Commonwealth, on account of the sup- posed delinquency of said Talbot. He heard Talbot confess a debt of £50 to Towlnson. The said Ryley went into Ireland where he yet remains, and before he went to Ireland he sold all his goods. (State Papers, Interregnum.) By 1656 the Carr estate, consisting of the Hall, two cottages, and about one hundred and three acres of land, seemed almost hopelessly encumbered. Mabel Talbot, mother of George, held as dower for life part of the Hall and about forty acres of land; one cottage and about twenty-three acres of land had been leased to Gilbert Lawe, for thirty-one years from 1650, for a loan of £50; the other cottage and about three acres of land were leased to 1678 to Richard Hurst; about seventeen acres of land were held by George Towlnson as security for £50; and the re- maining twenty acres and rest of the Hall were leased for ninety-nine years from 1634 to Thomas Cockroft, as security for £60. In addition there was the sequestration fine, the amount of which does not appear. The condition of affairs was most discouraging for George^^ Talbot who probably lived with his mother in her dower part of the estate, until her decease in 1660. But he was evidently a man of perseverance with a determination to eventually redeem his ancestral estate. There- fore, in 1657 he concluded a bargain with his second-cousin Edward Braddyll, whereby he conveyed to Braddyll the whole Carr estate (including the reversion of the dower of his mother Mabel Talbot) for a term of thirty-one years, for a loan of £320, of which sum £300 was applied to pay off the sequestration fine and the claims of Towlnson and Cockroft. The conveyance to Braddyll was made by fine, a legal process of land transfer used five centuries in England, which was in the nature of a fictitious and collusive lawsuit, by which the grantee, termed the querant (plaintiff), sued the grantor, termed the deforciant (defendant), for the premises agreed to be conveyed, and the deforciant acknowledged the premises to rightly belong to the 53 querant, for a consideration. The actual conditions of these transfers, however, are not apparent from the records of these fines, and the considerations stated are merely nominal. The following documents give a complete record of the inter- esting process of a transfer of land by fine. Of course the ex- cusing of the deforciants from attending court to answer the querant, on account of alleged infirmity of body, was simply the legal technicality used to avoid the needless waste of time and expense to attend court to defend a collusive case. Edward Braddyll vs. George Talbot. Oliver Lord Protector of the Dominion of England and Scot- land & Ireland and the dominions thereto belonginge. To the Sheriffe of Lancaster greetinge. Command George Talbot and Anne his wife that Justly and without delay they would with Edward Braddill the Covenant amongst them made of one mes- suage two cottages one water corne milne three score acres of Land sixteen acres of meadow twentie acres of pasture tenn acres of wood, three acres of mosse, and Common of pasture for all cattle with the appurtenances in Wilpshire and Billington. And unless they will doe it And the said Edward Braddill shall secure you of prosecuting his complaint, then summon by good summoners the said George Talbot and Anne his wife, that they be before our Justices at Lancaster on ye first day of the next generall Session of Assizes there to be houlden to showe where they will not doe it, and have you there the Summoners and this writt. Witness our self e at Lancaster the tenth day of march in ye yeare of our Lord MDCLVI. Fell. Oliver Lord Protector of ye Commonwealth of England, Scot- land, & Ireland and the Dominions thereto belonging. To Sir John Talbot Knt, Roger Nowell Esq., Thos. Braddyll Esq., Tempest Slinger and Richard Waddington, gents.; Whereas a writt of Covenant dependeth before the Justices at Lancaster Betweene Edward Braddyll demandant and George Talbott and Anne his wife Deforceants of One mes- suage two Cottages, one Water corne Milne, three score acres of Land sixteene acres of meadowe twenty acres of pasture tenn acres of Wood three acres of Mosse & common of pasture for all Cattle with the appurtenances in Wilpshire and Billing- ton. A flyne whereof is to be levied amongst them before the said Justices at Lancaster accordinge to ye Lawe & Custome of the said County Pallatyne of Lancaster, and the said George Talbott & Anne are soe infirme that without great danger of 54 their bodyes (as we are given to understand) they are not able to travell to Lancaster by the day contained in the said writt to make aknowledgements which are required in this behalf, We pittieinge the condition of the said George Talbot & Anne have given you two or more of you, power to take the knowledge- ments which the said George Talbott and Anne shall willingly make of the premises before you two or more of you; And there- fore wee command you, two or more of you, that you personally cominge to the said George Talbott & Anne his wife doe take their aforesaid acknowledgements. And when you have taken them then doe you certifie the Justices at Lancaster thereof distinctly and plainly under the scales of you, two or more of you. That then the said ffyne among the said parties may be levied of the premises before the said Justices at Lancaster aforesaid accordinge to the lawe & custom aforesaid, sendinge to the said Justices this writte. Witness ourseK at Lancaster the xxv*^ day of March in the yere of our Lord, One thousand sixe himdred fifty and seaven. Fell. Lane. Assizes. Command George Talbott and Anne his wife that Justly they keepe with Edward Braddyll the covenant of one Messuage, Two cottages, one water corne Milne, Three Score Acres of lande, Sixteene Acres of meadowe, Twentie Acres of pasture, ten Acres of wood. Three Acres of Mosse & Common of pasture for all Cattle with the appurtenances in Wilpshire & Billington and Unless etc. — And the agreement is such that the sayd George & Anne have acknowledged the aforesayd tenements & common of pasture with the appurtenances to be the right of him the sayd Edward as those which the said Edward hath of the gifte of the sayd George & Anne. And the same they hath remised & quitclaimed from them the sayd George & Anne & their heires to the aforesayd Edward & his heires forever. And moreover the sayd George & Anne have granted for them & the heires of the sayd George that they will warrant to the sayd Edward & his heires the aforesayd tenements & common of pasture with the appurtenances against them the sayd George & Anne and the heires of the sayd George forever. 55 And for this etc — Taken and acknowledged at Whalley the 26*^ day of March in the year of our lord 1657, when the sayd Anne was privately examined and did willingly consent hereunto before us : Thos. Braddyll, Rich: Waddington. This is the final agreement made in the Court at Lancaster on Saturday the eight and twentieth day of March in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty seven, Before John Parker one of the Barons of the Exchequer of the Lord Protector and Erasmus Earle Serjeant at Law Justices at Lancaster, and others then and there present. Betweene Edward Braddill plaintife And George Talbott and Anne his wife deforceants of one Messuage two Cottages one water Corne Milne three score acres of land sixteene acres of meadow twentie acres of pasture tenn acres of wood three acres of mosse and Common of pasture for all Cattle with the appurtenances in Wilpshire and Billing- ton. Whereupon a plea of Covenant was summoned betweene them in the same Court that is to saye That the said George and Anne have acknowledged the afore- said Tenements and Common of pasture with the appurtenances to be the right of him the said Edward As those which the said Edward hath of the gift of the said George and Anne And the same they have remised and quitclaimed from them the said George and Anne and their heires to the aforesaid Edward and his heires forever. And moreover the said George and Anne have granted for them and the heires of the said George that they will warrant to the said Edward and his heires the aforesaid tenements and Common of pasture with the appurtenances against them the said George and Anne and the heires of the said George forever. And for this acknowledgement, remis- sion, quitclayme, warrantie, fyne, and agreement the said Edward hath given to the said George and Anne one hundred sixtie six pounds, thirteene shillings and four pence sterlinge. (Palatinate of Lancaster Fines, Lent Term, 1657, bundle 160, no. 40.) Edward Braddyll immediately took up his residence in Carr Hall in the spring of 1657, occupying most of the mansion. The five families of Edward Braddyll, Mabel Talbot, George Talbot, Gilbert Lawe, and Richard Hurst, were now crowded into the Carr estate, and disagreements among them naturally arose. In less than a year, Mabel Talbot brought a suit on 17 Feb. 1657/8, in the Palatinate Court of Lancaster against Braddyll and Hurst for encroaching on her part of the property, 56 details of which have been previously given. (See ante, p. 41.) After the death of Mabel Talbot in 1660, Braddyll took possession of the portion of the estate she had occupied, and her son George^i Talbot must also have soon removed; but where he then located has not been learned, his next known residence being in Preston in 1674. (See ante, p. 49.) At the same time, Brad- dyll found means to make conditions so uncomfortable for his great-aunt Katherine (Braddyll) Lawe and also for Richard Hurst, that they were induced to lease their parts of the prem- ises to him; so from 1660 Edward Braddyll seems to have oc- cupied the whole estate for several years, and he was assessed for three hearths there in the hearth tax of 25 Charles II. (1673). (Lay Subsidies, Lancashire, 132-355.) Later in this year he leased the premises for £40 a year to Burton Shuttle- worth, who held them until 1680. (See post, p. 63.) In 1682 George^^ Talbot started a chancery suit against Braddyll to recover the estate by redemption, in which suit he was successful as will be described later. According to a statement of Edward Braddyll, he was obliged to pay a fine of £40 at the time of the decease of Mabel Talbot, before he could take over her part of the estate, as she had been convicted and fined that amount for recusancy. (See post, p. 60.) The next known litigation in connection with Carr Hall oc- curred in 1672, between Edward Braddyll and Thomas Lawe, son and heir of Gilbert and Katherine (Braddyll) Lawe. The appended documents give details of this case. Edward Braddyll vs. Thomas Lawe. In May 1672, Edward Braddyll, gent., complains that about twenty-one years ago one George Talbot, gent., leased the part of his estate of Carr Hall called "Snodworth" to one Gilbert Lawe and Katherine his wife for thirty-one years for £80. Later complainant acquired the remainder of the Carr Hall estate from said Talbot on an understanding with said Gilbert and Katherine Lawe that they would give up their lease to complainant for an annuity of £8-8-0, and on the death of the longest liver of them said Snodworth to remain to complainant. Said Gilbert died first, intestate, and later his widow Katherine died intestate, and now one Thomas Lawe, son of Gilbert and administrator of said Katherine, claims said annuity was to extend for thirty-one years, and has sued this complainant in the common law to recover on bonds given to secure the an- nuity. A summons is asked for against said Thomas Lawe. (Palatinate of Lancaster, Bills, vol. 29, p. 72.) 57 Thomas Lawe, defendant, answers that said George Talbot leased part of Carr estate to Gilbert and Katherine Lawe for thirty-one years, and later the complainant bought the rest of said estate from said Talbot. Defendant denies the Lawes agreed to surrender their lease to Braddyll for a life annuity. They occupied the leased premises until the death of Gilbert Lawe [in 1661], and then complainant abused and harrassed the said Katherine, so she finally agreed to rent the premises to com- plainant for £8-8-0 per year during the remainder of the term of thirty-one years; and bonds for each year of the residue of the thirty-one years were drawn up by Thomas Braddyll of Portfield, brother of complainant, to secure said payments. Defendant denies there were any conditions or agreements other than are contained in the bonds. Depositions for complainant, 27 Sept. 1672. William Cockroft of Wadsworth in Heptonstall, co. York, yeoman, aged about fifty-nine years, deposeth: that he has known complainant and defendant many years, and has seen Gilbert and Katherine Lawe, but was not acquainted with them. Depondent's father Thomas Cockroft, deceased, had a lease for ninety years of a moiety of the Carr, which lease came to deponent, as son and heir, who about fifteen years ago con- veyed the unexpired term to complainant for £110. Andrew Holden of Toadehole, co. Lancaster, gent., aged sixty-three years, identifies the deed of Edward Talbot to Thomas Cockroft, of 20 Apr. 1634. Elizabeth Rishton, wife of John Rishton of Whalley, hus- bandman, aged forty-eight years, deposes that said Katherine Lawe told her that she and her late husband held only a life interest at Carr. Alice Hatch of Brindle, widow, aged forty-three years, "de- poseth and saith that shee knows the complainant and the de- fendant and did knowe George Talbott in the Interrogatory mentioned", etc.; also she saith the Lawes requested her to tell said Braddyll they would take a life annuity of £8-8-0 for their lease, if he would buy the Carr of said Talbot. Depositions for defendant. William Brierly deposes that he knows the complainant and the defendant and has seen but did not know George Talbot; he did not know Gilbert Lawe, but did know Katherine Lawe. Jane Hargreaves deposes that she knows the complainant and hath seen Mr. Talbot and did know Katherine Lawe, but did not know Gilbert Lawe and does not know the defendant. 58 Thomas Braddyll of Portfield, Esq., aged forty one years, deposes that he knows complainant and defendant, and did know Mr. Talbot, and did well know said Gilbert Lawe who died about eleven years ago, and did well know said Katherine Lawe who died about 1 Sept. 1671. Deponent is a bondsman on several bonds of £8-8-0 from complainant to Katherine Lawe, and knows of no agreement in respect to them other than is contained in the bonds themselves. (Depositions, Palatinate of Lancaster, bundles 89 and 90.) It is noticeable that while the above deponents state they "know" the complainant and defendant, etc., when they refer to George Talbot they state they "did know" or "had seen" him; this indicates that their acquaintance with him was in the past, and that he had not been for some time a resident in the vicinity of Carr Hall, at the date of the depositions (1672). Ten years now pass during which no record of George^^ Talbot has been discovered; but from statements in the suit of Greenfield vs. Talbot in 1684, previously given, it appears that George^i Talbot lived from 1674 to 1676 in Preston, co. Lanca- shire, and that for some time prior to 1682 he resided in Ireland. (See antey pp. 49, 47.) But in the last named year he returned to England, having acquired means, probably by his second wife then coming into property, wherewith to redeem his ancestral estate of Carr Hall from Edward Braddyll who had held the estate and enjoyed all the profits therefrom for twenty-five years. But Braddyll refusing to then surrender the estate on payment of the mortgage, George Talbot on 28 Nov. 1682 entered a suit in equity against him in the High Court of Chan- cery, for right of redemption of the property and settlement of accounts. The documents in this case furnish valuable and interesting information concerning George^^ Talbot and the Carr Hall estate. George Talbot vs. Edward Braddyll. To the Lord keeper of the Great Seal of England. Humbly complaining, your orator George Talbot of the Carr in Wilp- shire, co. Lancaster, gent., sheweth that he served his present majesty [Charles IL] and his late father [Charles L] in the civil wars, and was at Woogan fight in Lancashire and at Worcester fight imder Lord Derby, in the service of his present majesty. And for his fidelity your orator's estates were sequestered, your orator being seized in fee tail of certain estate and also of other estate whereof the reversion was to your orator, viz., of that capital messuage commonly called the Carr, in Lancashire, and 59 of one water corn-mill, two cottages, and divers farm buildings, with lands, etc., belonging to said Carr, all of the yearly value of £80. The said estates of your orator were seized and he was turned out and detained from the rents thereof; and by force of said sequestration one Robert Cunliffe of Sparke, co. Lan- caster, had possession of said estates from 1652 to 1655, when one Towlnson obtained said sequestration and secured them. And your orator being acquainted with one Edward Braddyl of Moreton in said county, gent., (to whom said Towlnson was uncle or near relation), your orator and said Braddyl had numerous conferences concerning buying off said sequestration. And at length said Braddyl proposed that if your orator would settle his estates on said Braddyl as security for £320 and interest, the said Braddyl would pay to your orator £20 in money and free your orator's estate from sequestration by pay- ment of the fines thereon. For security Braddyl was to have possession of said estates and receive the profits therefrom until he was satisfied the said £320 and interest. So on 25 Mar. 1657, your orator assigned his estates to said Braddyl, the dower of Mabel Talbot excepted, for £320, whereof £20 was paid to your orator and the £300 residue was paid out for com- pounding the sequestration of your orator's estates. Said as- signment was for a term of ninety-nine years, for a rent to your orator of 5 s. per annum, and at expiration of said term said estates to revert to the use of your orator and his heirs; but if your orator should pay to said Braddyl £380 on 25 Mar. 1688, then the estate should revert to your orator and his heirs. Be- fore the indenture was signed, your orator objected to some of the wording as not being in the nature of a mortgage, and Brad- dyl agreed to later execute a bond declaring the conveyance to be merely a mortgage. Thereupon the indenture was signed and Braddyl entered upon and enjoyed the estates to the amount of £50 per annum until the death of widow Mabel Talbot, three years after the date of indenture, when said Braddyl took possession of the dower of said Mabel, and said Braddyl has since enjoyed the whole estate. Said Braddyl did sign a bond declaring his possession was only a mortgage; but in rendering an account, he asked your orator to produce said bond, which your orator did, not doubting Braddyl, and he put same into a fire which was at hand, do what your orator could to prevent it. Your orator hopes said Braddyl will on his oath testify to the truth of this story, your orator's witnesses that could prove the same being either dead or removed beyond the seas where 60 unknown to your orator. Your orator being very poor, it was Braddyl's intent to swallow up your orator's estate. Braddyl now claims absolute possession for ninety-nine years and all profits for thirty-one years, and that the £380 to be paid by your orator was to be for repairs and improvements on estate. Said Braddyl has rendered no account for payment for seques- tration, neither has he made any improvements on the estate; but he has racked the same, and cut off the wood, and taken down the mill and other buildings. Your orator prays for a summons to said Braddyl to appear and answer, and for the equity of redemption of said estates, and an accounting of the profits. 28 Nov. 1682. (Chancery Proceedings, 1649-1714, Bridges, bundle 566.) Answer of Edward Braddyl, gent., defendant, 15 Feb. 1682/3 Defendant does not know whether or not complainant served the King, and does not know whether or not he was sequestered. Defendant does know that complainant was seized of Carr estate, partly in inheritance and partly in reversion, all of which defendant believes was of the yearly value of about £43. Part of said estate to the value of £15 was in possession of complain- ant; and Mabel Talbot, mother of complainant, held another part for life worth £17 per annum; and one Katherine Lawe held another part for thirty-one years (which term expired about three years since) of the yearly value of £8; and one Richard Hurst held a lease of another part worth £3 per year, which lease expired five years since. Defendant never heard that complainant's estate was sequestered, but knew that his mother Mabel Talbot's was, because of recusancy, which cost defendant £40 to remove, after said Mabel's death. Neither does de- fendant believe that Cunliffe or Townson ever enjoyed any of said estate by virtue of sequestration, although complainant being in debt, they may have obtained it for that reason. Said George Townson was uncle to defendant by marriage to sister of defendant's father. Defendant denies any conversation with complainant concerning buying of sequestration. But in March 1656/7 there was a treaty between complainant and defendant concerning defendant purchasing an interest in plaintiff's estate, part of which was encumbered. Complainant agreed for £320 to convey his estates to defendant for ninety-nine years; but if complainant should pay defendant £380 at end of thirty-one years, then said term of ninety-nine years should cease. By indenture dated 25 Mar. 1657, complainant and Anne his wife agreed to acknowledge a fine at the next assizes 61 to convey the premises to defendant and his heirs, to the intent that defendant might be perfect tenant of the freehold of said premises. And said deed was made and defendant paid out to the creditors of complainant the sum of £320 by his direction, and plaintiff gave a receipt therefor, dated 4 May 1657. De- fendant cannot now recall how each part of said £320 was paid. Defendant denies that complainant objected to the indenture, until after it was signed, when he suggested that a thirty-one year term was too long and desired the £380 might be paid at the end of twenty-eight years. Whereupon defendant gave a note to said complainant that he would accept of said money at end of twenty-eight years, which note complainant did three or four days later surrender to defendant, on payment of 40 s. to complainant and £5 to his wife. Defendant claims the conveyance was a sale for a fixed term and not a mortgage with security. The mother of complainant enjoyed part of the estate for four years, and defendant paid £8-8-0 yearly to said Katherine Lawe until two years ago, and £3 yearly to Richard Hurst until five years ago. Defendant denies he was to pay for compounding any sequestration, or that he ever stated he held merely a mortgage of the premises. Defendant denies giving or burning any bond, or of giving any paper other than afore- said, or that he took advantage of complainant's poverty. Defendant has expended £80 in improvements, besides £30 in suits at law to defend the title. Defendant denies cutting down trees or pulling down buildings, and claims that complain- ant himself let some of the buildings go down. (Chancery Proceedings, 1649-1714, Bridges, bundle 566.) Depositions for Complainant, taken 13 Sept. 1683. (Chancery Depositions, Reynardson, bundle 1008.) Dorothy, wife of Richard Parker of Great Harwood, yeoman, aged fifty-four years, deposes: that she has known the com- plainant and defendant for over forty years, being sister to complainant and daughter to Mrs. Mabel Talbot who died in March next preceeding his present Majesty's happy restoration, and who was near four score years of age at her death. She knew Richard Hayhurst and Edward Hayhurst, both buried at Great Harwood, Richard being father of Edward. The com- plainant George Talbot served imder the Earl of Derby at Wigan, where he was wounded, and also at Worcester. For his loyalty to the King, the complainant was sequestered [in 1652] by means of one Cunliffe and one George Hindle, agents for 6S sequestration, and thereupon complainant was turned out of possession of Carr and said estate was set over by sequestra- tion to one Thomas Loynsdale. The estate continued under sequestration for two years, when same was taken off by one George Towlnson who paid moneys in behalf of complainant for clearing the estate, but deponent knows not the amount, nor does she know the total of complainant's loss. By reason thereof, his creditors fell upon him and sued him for debts, which caused him to make bad bargains, and particularly this bad agreement with defendant. Deponent values the premises of George Talbot at Carr, which Braddyl took, at £20 per an- num, and she has good knowledge thereof as she was born at Carr. The value of Mabel Talbot's portion was about £23 per year. Deponent also knows that part of the estate occu- pied by Katherine Lawe (whose maiden name was Braddyl), and it was worth £12 per annum, and said Katherine did one time let same for £12 to Edward Slater of Whalley. But the defendant quarrelled with her and so disturbed her that she was forced to let same to defendant for £8 per annum. The portion of the estate in occupation of Richard Hurst, late serv- ant to complainant, was worth £3 clear and contained three acres. Leonard Waring of Goosenargh deposes, that at the request of the wife of complainant, he has surveyed the estate and finds it contains 103 acres, 3 roods, and 32 perches; whereof the lands of George Talbot entered by defendant contain 38 acres, 1 rood, and 2 perches; those occupied by Mabel Talbot contain 39 acres and 27 perches; those occupied by Katherine Lawe con- tain 23 acres, 2 roods, and 1 perch; and Hurst tenement con- tains 3 acres and 2 perches. Deponent estimates the land worth 10s. 6d. per acre per annum. Robert Fielding of Pythorne, aged seventy-two years, de- poses that he knows the complainant and defendant, and that Mabel Talbot, mother of complainant, was a very ancient woman at her death in March 1660. The complainant was in actual arms at Worcester fight, and was later sequestered, and the estate was farmed out to Thomas Loynsdale. Katherine Lawe died about twelve years ago. Depositions for Defendant, taken 13 Sept. 1683. Edward Hesketh of Thornleigh, co. Lancaster, carpenter, deposes that the buildings on Carr estate were in a ruinous con- dition when Braddyl entered in 1657. Burton Shuttleworth of Carr Hall, gent., aged sixty-four 63 years, deposes that for seven years up to 2 Feb. 1679/80, he farmed the estate for defendant at £40 per annum, and de- ponent had a very hard farm of the premises. Thomas Cockroft of Clitheroe, aged sixty years, deposes that his father did long since lend to the father of the com- plainant the sum of £60, and as security had a long lease of a moiety of the Carr, redeemable on repayment with interest. In 1657 the defendant Braddyll cleared said encumbrance by paying to William Cockcroft, brother of deponent, the sum of £110. Deponent identifies an indenture for above loan, made 20 Apr. 10 Charles I. [1634], between Edward Talbot, son and heir of John Talbot of Carr Hall, gent., and Thomas Cockcroft, father of deponent, who died about twenty years later. Second Bill of Complaint, dated 18 May 1685. George Talbot of Carr, co. Lancaster, gent., complains, that in Michaelmas 1682 your orator exhibited his bill against Edward Braddyl, since deceased, setting forth your orator had served his Majesty Charles II. at Wigan fight, and was se- questered for this service, etc., etc. Depositions were taken, the cause was heard 20 Feb. 1683/4, and judgement was de- livered that the instrument of assignment to Braddyl should be held to be a mortgage, that your orator should be admitted to the redemption of the premises, and that an accounting of the profits and improvements of the defendant should be taken before a master. Before the accounting had been settled, said Edward Braddyl died [in Aug. 1684], leaving Margaret his wife administratrix, who ought to complete account. Your orator asks for a summons for her to appear and complete the account- ing. (Chancery Proceedings, 1649-1714, Bridges, bundle 95 no. 16.) Depositions for Defendant, taken in Oct. 1685. (Chancery Depositions, Collins, bundle 194, no. 2.) James Sharpies of Billington, servant to the late Mr. Brad- dyl, deposes that when Mr. Braddyl took possession of Carr Hall no one could go dryshod in the house or barn in foul weather, the mill had fallen down, and there were no gates nor stiles on the premises. Mr. Braddyl laid out £200 in repairs. Edward Titterington of Billington, formerly servant of Mr. Braddyl for eight years, deposes that the house was in extra- ordinary great decay when Mr. Braddyl first took possession, in so much that cattle ran into the house for wormstall in the summer time. 64 Alice Hatch deposes that Mr. Braddyl went to dwell at Carr Hall twenty-eight years ago, deponent being then his servant there for five weeks. The buildings were in extra- ordinary decay. Twelve years ago she again saw the place and it had been put in repair at expense of £200. Deponent further states that the first night Mr. Braddyl went to inhabit at Carr Hall, some difference happened between him and Mr. Talbot, and the latter slipped into the house and barred the door and kept Mr. Braddyl out, saying Mr. Braddyl should have no possession until he (Talbot) and his wife were satisfied. Whereupon they went to Whalley and there matters were settled, so that the next night they came to Carr Hall and com- plainant owned that Braddyl had paid £5 to Mrs. Talbot, and therefore was free and welcome to possession of Carr Hall. Anne, wife of George Taylor, deposes that she has been servant to Mr. Braddyl, and knows that Mrs. Mabel Talbot had used the timbers from the old mill for firewood. Depositions for Complainant. John Sudell, yeoman, deposes that when Mr. Braddyl first occupied the house there were two props in the house, but now there are thirty props in the house and barn to keep them from falling. Deponent believes that Mr. Braddyl has spent less than £12 for repairs, and the house is in much more decay than when he entered. Richard Edmundson, yeoman, aged sixty-four years, de- poses that Carr estate has been let for the last few years to Major Shuttleworth for £40 per annum. Repairs made by Mr. Braddyl cost less than £12. Major Shuttleworth told deponent that he was in fear of his life in the house, and that it needed a dozen more props to make it safe. Thomas Wilkinson of Clayton-in-the-Dale, yeoman, aged eighty-one years, deposes that Carr estate has about 100 acres, and is now worth £40 per year clear. The buildings were something out of repair when Mr. Braddyl first entered, but are now much more worse and are supported by over thirty props. Deponent and several neighbors estimate that repairs made by Braddyl cost under £12. The mill and kiln were so much out of repair when Mr. Braddyl first entered, that they could not be used without repairs; so he took them down and rebuilt the garden wall with the stones. Having thus recovered his ancestral estate, after an exile from it of over twenty-five years, George^^ Talbot, at the age of about sixty years, returned in 1685 to Carr Hall, and re- 65 sided there for the remaining twenty-five years of his life. Dur- ing this period he was engaged in at least two lawsuits of which records have been found. The first one of them, in 1697, fur- nishes interesting domestic information and the earliest recorded mention that has been found in England of any child of George^^ Talbot, although he had been first married nearly half a cen- tury before. James Parkinson vs. George Talbot. On 15 Feb. 1696 [1696/7] James Parkinson of Stainderber, CO. Lancaster, gent., complains that George Talbot of Carr, CO. Lancaster, gent., being a gentleman of good real and per- sonal estate, and having* andf , namely, t , and having more than ordinary af- fection for his said daughter Mary (who had been very dutiful all her life to him and his wife), the said George had often de- clared he would handsomely prefer her in marriage, frequently stating he would give said Mary a marriage portion of £500 or £600. And complainant having heard of these promises, proposed marriage with said Mary, whereunto said George willingly hearkened and consented, and was informed as to complainant's estate, etc. And said George promised that upon said marriage he would put complainant in possession of said estate called Carr, of which said George claimed to be seized, worth £60 per year, and that complainant should have the prof- its thereof, paying said George £20 per year for seven years after said marriage; and your complainant was also to have all the goods of said George, worth £300, on condition complainant should pay a debt of said George to John Warren, Esq., of £100, which said George claimed to be his only debt. Furthermore, said George also promised to pay complainant £200 at the end of seven years after the marriage. And said George wrote and invited complainant and his relatives to come to Carr to have the marriage settlement concluded and the marriage consmn- ated. So about July or August § complainant and his relations went to Carr where they insisted said George put his promises in writing. Whereupon said George, although ad- mitting above promises, then pretended his wife was unwilling to leave his estate at Carr where they then lived, and said he would pay his said daughter's marriage portion in another * Omitted words should be, "one son". t Omitted words should be, "two daughters". X Omitted words should be, "George, Catherine, and Mary". §"1693" omitted. 66 way. Whereupon said George executed the following articles: Articles of agreement of marriage to be solemnized between James Parkinson of Escow,co. York, and Mary Talbot, daughter of George Talbot of Carr, co. Lancaster, dated 5 Aug. 1693, witnesseth that the said George Talbot agrees to pay the said James Parkinson £100 at the end of three years, and for security assigns meadows called Broad Meadow and Long Meadow, containing eight acres. Said James and Mary shall have diet and lodging free with said George Talbot until next May day, and longer if it is agreed. Said George also agrees that at his death his said daughter Mary shall by will be made equal or better than the rest of his children over and above said £100. Said James Parkinson shall endow said Mary in half of a tene- ment called Escow and a piece of land called Stainderber, situate in the counties of York and Lancaster. Signed by George Talbot. Complainant was induced to accept above written articles instead of the former verbal promises. There- upon about* complainant and said Mary intermarried and had diet and lodging free with said George Talbot until next May day 1694, when complainant took his wife to his own estate at Escow, where they have since resided. About last October, complainant and his wife went to Carr, and com- plainant civilly requested said George to pay the £100 as agreed. But said George now repudiates the articles of agreement, re- fuses to make payment, and claims the aforesaid meadows had been previously assigned and so cannot be attached by complain- ant, and so in plain terms bids your complainant "goe to his purpose and take his course; although in August last, said £100 should have been paid." Also said George now pretends Carr estate was in some other persons upon secret trust, and he refuses his agreement to make his daughter Mary better than his other children. It is apparent that said George intended to put off said daughter upon complainant, without any portion, contrary to equity and good conscience, as the complainant is unable to enter upon the previously assigned closes to collect the agreed dowry of £100. Complainant prays that a summons be directed to the said George Talbot to answer whether or not the above named promises were first made by him, whether or not the above articles were finally accepted by complainant, and whether or not in last October said George refused to pay the £100 or to convey said meadows to complainant, pretending they were * Date omitted. 67 entailed. Complainant prays that said George may be re- quired either to fulfill his original promises or the written articles of agreement. (Palatinate of Lancaster, Bills, bundle 44, no. 113.) No answer, depositions, or decree can be found regarding this suit, and it is evident that the case was settled by George^i Talbot paying Parkinson the £100 agreed upon, as in his will in 1708 he mentions the fact that his daughter Mary had al- ready received £100. This will of George^i Talbot in 1708 (to be given later) be- queathed Carr estate to a son George^^ Talbot, *^if he happen to be alive and appear at Carr^*; this last phrase shows that the son had then long been missing; and James Parkinson's claim in above suit that George^^ Talbot had originally promised to con- vey Carr Hall to Parkinson as a marriage portion for George's daughter Mary^^ Talbot, makes it certain that the son George^ Talbot had long been missing as early as 1693; as certainly Parkinson could not advance such a tale, if George^^ Talbot's son and heir was then known to be living. While James Parkinson and his wife were having "free diet and lodging" at Carr Hall in 1694, a Catholic rebellion was attempted in Lancashire; but it was quickly suppressed by the Government and commissioners were sent out to ferret out the Catholics who had instigated the plot, and to summons witnesses for examination. Among these witnesses, James Parkinson of Carr Hall, co. Lancaster, gent., deposes, that one Ellis, servant to Capt. Baker one of the King's commissioners, seized two of deponent's horses, and deponent sent his wife to try and see if she could prevail on Ellis and his company to restore the horses; and deponent's wife informed him that John Lunt, who was with Ellis, informed her he had matters of consequence to im- part to deponent. And so deponent went to Lunt who asked his assistance in giving evidence against Lord Molineux. (See "Historical Mss. Commission Reports," No. 14, Appendix, part 4, p. 368.) Among the manuscripts of Lord Kenyon, is a copy of eight charges made in 1690 against Thomas Braddyll of Portfield by Rev. Stephen Gey, vicar of Whalley, alleging that Braddyll was a Catholic. The fifth charge was: "Numbers of papists of quality were freed by Braddyl from taxes in his oflSce as com- missioner for the King's subsidy in Whalley District, among them R. Grimshaw, Esq., G. Talbot, gent., and Judge Cottrell; they being doubly assessed, according to the Act, as professed 68 papists, were struck off by said Braddyl", etc. (See "Historical Mss. Commission Reports" No. 14, Appendix, part 4, p. 251.) This "G. Talbot, gent.", doubtless refers to George^i Talbot of Carr Hall, who evidently adhered to the Catholic faith of his ancestors. Two more mentions of George^^ Talbot before 1700 have been found. The inventory of the estate of George West of Wilp- shire was taken 22 Apr. 1696, by George Talbott, Richard Dob- son, Oliver Feilding, and Roger Noblet. (Chester Probate Records.) On 17 June 1698, George Talbot of Carr in Wilp- shire and George Blore of Billington, claiming to be adminis- trators of the estate of John Houlden of Witton, sued Richard Worthington, Thomas Brockhole, and James Houlden, who had seized the estate of the deceased. (Palatinate of Lancaster, Bills, bundle 46, no. 35.) The deceased John Holden was a nephew of Anne Holden, the second wife of George^^ Talbot, great-grandfather of George^^ Talbot; but the documents in this suit furnish no information about the Talbot family. The long and checkered life of George^^ Talbot was now drawing to a close. He had lived in the reigns of nine sover- eigns and had witnessed three revolutions in the English govern- ment. By a first marriage he had had two sons and two daughters; and when his sons were but children, he had lost his inherited homestead, apparently hopelessly; so the eldest son, with no prospect of inheritance, had become a Catholic priest and soon after died in a foreign land. The other son, when a young man, had mysteriously disappeared, and for many years had not been heard from, so his father did not know whether he were living or dead. Probably with the money of his second wife, he had been able to redeem his ancestral estate in 1685, after over twenty-five years exile from it, and had since lived there with her nearly a quarter of a century. His two daughters, both married and with children and grand-children, were living in the vicinity, and apparently not on friendly terms with their step-mother. These were the circumstances under which George^^ Talbot, at the age of eighty-five years, and realizing his approaching end, arranged for the disposal of his estate. Will of George Talbot of Carr. In the name of God, Amen, the eighteenth day of December in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and eight, I George Talbott of Carr in the County of Lancaster, Gent., being indisposed in body but of sound and perfect mem- 69 ory, praised be God for the same, Doe make & ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner & forme following. First and principally I doe commend my Soule unto the hands of Amighty God my Maker and Redeemer and my body to the earth to be buryed at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named, Trusting assuredly through the mercyes of my God that I shall receive full pardon and free remission of all my sinns and be saved by the pretious death and meritts of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus. And as concerning my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God toblesse me, I dispose of the same as foUoweth. Imprimis: I give and be- queath unto my dearly beloved Wife Ann Talbott one full half part of all my Mess^ & Tenem* with the appert' called the Carr situated & being in Wilpshire and Billington in the said County, to have & to hold the said half part for and during her natural life, the whole to be divided by two such neighbours as she shall nominate and my said Wife to have her choice of whitch part she shall be mindful to take. Item : I give and bequeath all the other half part of the said Messg^ & Tenn** to my Sonn George Talbott if hee happen to be alive and to appear at Carr aforesaid in right sense and good understanding, to have and to hold the same from the time of such appearance untill the death of my said Wife, and after her decease and the like appearance of my said Son George, I give & bequeath all the whole before men- tioned Messu^^ & Tenem*^ with the appurtenc' to my said son George his Exc**, Adm^ & Ass^ during all the remainder of my term therein. And it is my Will & minde that my said Wife shall have & enjoy all the whole said Mess'gs & Tenem*^ with the appurt^ until such appearance of my said son George. And if he happen to be dead or shall not appear at Carr aforesaid in such right sense and understanding, then I give & bequeath all the said Mess^^ & Tenem*^ with the appur*^ with all my right, title, terme, & interest therein unto my said Wife Ann Talbott, her Exuc, Adm, & Ass, and the same to be disposed of as she shall think fitting. Item : I give and bequeath unto my daughter Cathrin Eden the sum of One hundred pounds in full satisfaction of her portion and in full of all her title & claim of any money due to her by virtue of any act or deed by me for- merly made or executed. And it is my Will and minde that shee shall give a generall release of all Title to the Carr afore- said before shee shall receive the said money or any part there- of; and upon the refusall, to forfeit the same to my Executrix hereafter named. Item: I give unto my said daughter Cath- 70 rine Eden's two children called Robert and Mary each of them Twenty pounds, to be paid them at the decease of my said Wife and upon condition of their release as aforesaid. Item: I give unto my daughter Mary Osbaldeston Twenty pounds to be paid her also at the decease of my said Wife, upon condition that her husband and shee doe likewise give a generall release shortly for the One hundred pounds she has already received, according as above required for my said daughter Cathrine. Item: I give to my said daughter Mary's children, called James, Mary, Dorothy, Margery, and Ann, each of them Twenty pounds, to be paid them at the death of my said Wife, upon condition of my said daughter Mary and her said husband release as afore- said. And it is my Will & mind that my said Wife shall have the interest of all the money hereby given to all or any of my grand- children & daughter Mary during the life of my said Wife. Item: I give to my cozen John Parker Tenn shillings, to my cozen Alexander Parker Tenn shillings, to my nephews John & Thomas Talbott each Ten shillings. Item: after all my debts, legacy's, & funeral expenses are paid & discharged, I give and bequeath all the rest, residue, and remainder of all my money and all my goods, chattells, & personall estate whatsoever unto my said dear Wife Ann Talbott, And I doe hereby nominate & appoint my said dear Wife Ann Talbott Sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament, hoping she will see the same faithfully performed as my trust is in her. In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand & seal and published the same as my last Will the day & year first above written. George Talbott Sealed, signed, published, & declared by the said George Talbott for & as his last Will & Testament before us who attested the same in his presence and at his request. Theoph Taylor, Mathew Gregson, Jno. Sherburne. Whereas I the within named George Talbott by my within written last Will and Testament dated the 18*^ day of December Anno Domi 1708, have nominated & appointed my within said dear Wife Ann Talbott sole Executrix thereof. It is my further Will and mind that if my said Son George, my said daughter Cathrine Eden, my said daughter Mary Osbaldeston, or any of them, or any of my said grandchildren shall at any time there- after put my said Wife to any charge by reason of their or any of their suites, troubles, or refractory proceedings occasioned by their or any of their noncomplyance with my said last Will & Testament & the true intent & meaning thereof That then & in .^ o ^ c> 71 such case it is my Will & Minde that my said Wife her Exuc*, Adm, or Ass^ shall deduct & reimburse all such charges as afore- said out of such respective child or grandchild's portion or legacy by me therein given as shall be vexatious and not com- plying with the just performance of my said last Will & Testament making this writing part thereof and ratifying & confirming the same As Witness my hand & Scale the 18 day of February Anno Domi 1708. [1708/9]. George Talbott Sealed, signed, published, and declared by the said George Talbott as a Codicill to the within written Will in the presence of us, Theoph Taylor, Jno. Sherburne. Proved in the Consistory of Chester 24 June 1709. George^^ Talbot died less than six weeks after making the codicil to his will, as shown by the entry of his burial in the registers of Whalley church: "1709. March y 30*^. Buried Mr. George Taulbert of Carr hall, gentleman, in y« church". Carr Hall had been the subject of extensive litigation through- out the life of George^^ Talbot, and his will caused more work for lawyers. By this will, the long missing son George'^^ Talbot was to eventually succeed to Carr Hall "if he happen to be alive and appear at Carr; but if he happen to be dead or never appear at Carr", then the said estate was to pass outright to the testa- tor's second wife Anne, "to dispose of as she shall think fitting". Thus, if the son George were dead or never returned home, not only were said son's descendants (if any) cut off from the suc- cession, but the will also explicitly excluded the testator's two daughters, Catherine and Mary, from succeeding, in favor of the testator's second wife. Considering the known history of George^i Talbot, and reading between the lines of his will, it seems evident that George^^ Talbot thus favored his second wife because her money enabled him to redeem his ancestral property; and it is also evident that his children were in a state of war with their step-mother. Doubtless the daughters felt, that if their brother were dead without heirs, that they should have the reversion of the estate, which had been in the family three centuries, after the decease of their step-mother. As soon as the eldest daughter Catherine Eden learned of the provisions of her father's will, she expressed her wrath in violent manner, as shown by the following document fastened to the original will which itself is in fragments and pasted on a paper backing. Catherine Eden vs Anne Talbott. 22 Sept. 1709. Anne Talbott deposes: George Talbot de- 72 parted this life on or about 29 March last. About April 5 following, Catherine Eden, daughter of said George Talbot, plaintiff in this case, came to the defendant's house and de- sired that she might see or hear read her father's will, which the defendant agreeing, ordered one William Clayton to bring the will and read it to her, and while he was so doing she the said Catherine Eden hastily snatched the said original will out of the hands of the said William Clayton, and before it could be recovered from her she the said plaintiff tore the said will in abundance of pieces; some [fell] on defendant's house floor, some on her way home, and others were not to be found. Which said fact and violent action of hers, the said plaintiff hath since confessed before a Justice of the Peace at Preston, and at the next quarter sessions after, and before several credible witnesses. The will was admitted to probate 24 June 1709; but the daughter Catherine Eden engaged one Richard Bouchier, an attorney in the ecclesiastical courts, to contest the will in the Court of the Bishop of Chester, her step-mother Anne Talbot having John Hulton as attorney to defend the will. As will be later shown, Catherine Eden evidently attempted at this time to get in touch with her missing brother George^^ Talbot in New England, she apparently believing him to be there. The trial began at Chester on 22 Sept. 1709; unfortunately no documents in the case are preserved, except the deposition by Anne Talbot, previously given; the clerk's minutes in the Court Book simply list the case as successively postponed on 6 October, 3 Novem- ber, 10 November, 17 November, and 24 November, to 1 Dec. 1709, when decree was made for the will. (Court Book, Regis- try of the Bishop of Chester.) The following inventory of the personal estate of George^^ Talbot of Carr Hall, is filed with his will at Chester: In the barn: one bull, two oxen, four horses, one cow, six calves, two foals, one pig £25-15-0 Carts and hay in the barn 1-17-0 In the hall : two long tables, one form, five chairs, two stools, one clock, fire-irons, etc., 1- 8-0 In the dining hall: one table, five chairs, fire- irons, etc 12-8 In the great chamber: two chests, two bedsteads, bedding, fire-irons, etc 1- 1-0 In the middle chamber: one bed, two chests, table, trunk, five chairs, fire-irons, etc 2-15-0 73 In the little stairhead chamber: one bed, bedding, chairs, etc 0-15-0 In the other chamber: two beds, chairs, table, form, stool, fire-irons, etc 3- 0-0 In the kitchen: cooking utensils, etc 1-17-0 In the buttery: utensils 4-16-0 Linen 1-15-0 Purse and apparell 320- 0-0 Total £365-11-8 The will of George^^ Talbot being finally allowed, and his son George^^ Talbot being dead, the widow Anne Talbot became sole possessor of the Carr Hall estate which she at once sold to the trustees of the great landed estate of Bartholomew Walmes- ley, Esq., of Dunkenhalgh, co. Lancaster. His daughter and sole heiress, Catherine Walmesley, born in 1698, married Robert Petre, seventh Baron Petre of Writtle, co. Essex, and carried all the great Walmesley estates, including Carr Hall, into the Petre family. Their son Robert James, eighth Baron Petre, was succeeded by his only son Robert Edward, ninth Baron Petre. The latter had two sons: 1. Robert Edward Petre, born in 1763, tenth Baron Petre, ancestor of the present Baron Petre; 2. George William Petre of Dunkenhalgh, Esq., born 1766, who succeeded to all the Lancashire estates, and whose descendant, George Ernest Augustus Henry Petre of Dunkenhalgh, co. Lancaster, is the present owner of Carr Hall. Although Anne Talbot, widow of George^^ Talbot, sold the Carr Hall estate in 1709, nevertheless she continued to reside there until her death in 1716; and it was later occupied by Mary (Talbot) Parkinson-Osbaldeston, daughter of George^^ Talbot, and her children and grandchildren, as tenants of the Petre family, probably by some lease for term of three lives. In the "Blackburn Times" of Saturday, 27 May 1893, Wil- liam A. Abram Esq., the eminent historian of Blackburn, printed a three column article on the Talbots of Carr Hall. A short notice of Mr. Abram and a complete copy of this article are given as Appendix IV. of this volume. After tracing the history of the family from Stephen Talbot down through George^^ Talbot, Mr. Abram starts the conclusion of his article with this statement: "An old document which I have seen supplies some information as to the children and descendants of George Talbot, the last of the family who owned Carr free- 74 hold. The eldest son, Edward Talbot, became a monk in one of the orders of the Church of Rome, and went to Italy where he is said to have died. The other son, George Talbot, emigrated to New England, and settled in America'*. Mr. Abram also quotes the old document as to the descendants of Catherine and Mary, daughters of George^^ Talbot. The whole informa- tion given in this "old document" seen by Mr. Abram may be tabulated as follows: George Talbot = Anne, dau. of of Can Hall Ryley of Church I Edward Talbot a monk d. in Italy I George Talbot emigrated to New England I Catherine = Talbot i Robert Eden — Eden son of John Eden of West Auckland Mary Eden James Parkinson of Standerbar 1st ' r^ Mary Talbot d. 1763, ae. 105 2d I Robert Osbaldeston James Parkin- son, d. ae. 20 I 1714 • • Mary = Thomas Dorothy Margery Parkin- son Darwen Parkin- son, d. y. Parkinson Anne Osbal- deston m. Robert Bennett I George Osbal- deston d.ae.l9 Henry Darwen of Carr Hall; later of Langley CO. Essex I John Darwen of Ribchester d. 1792 Margaret Darwen m. Lawrence Peele Chas. ^ Julian Baron Darwen m. (2) Dr.W- Ritchie of Aber- deen. Charles Baron I Dorothy Darwen m. 1762 Daniel Robinson of Man- chester Unfortimately Mr. Abram did not state where the above "old document" was preserved; but he was a journalist, anti- quarian, and genealogist of the highest standing, and his ex- plicit statement that he had "seen" it, is sufficient guarantee that it was a genuine old record. As the latest date in it is 1792, it was probably made the next year. The most probable 75 reason for drawing up this "old document" was to show the descendants of the last George^^ Talbot of Carr Hall, in regard to termination of their leases of the place. The document appears to have been drawn up from verbal statements, and not from a search among records. Now Mary Talbot, daughter of George ^^ Talbot, born in 1658, lived to the great age of 105 years, dying in 1763. Doubtless her Darwen grand-children, who resided at Carr Hall and were thirty-five to forty-five years old at her death, had learned the family history from the vener- able dame, and it was probably imparted by some one of them in 1793 to the author of the "old document". The information given in this extraordinary record has been proved by other sources to be remarkably correct in almost every detail and no errors have been discovered; it is therefore reasonable to con- clude that the whole of it is correct, including the statements about Edward and George, the two sons of the last George^^ Talbot of Carr Hall. George^i Talbot married first, in 1650, Anne Ryley, baptized at Church Kirk, co. Lancaster, 31 July 1634, daughter of James Ryley. (See suit of Greenfield vs. Talbot, ante, p. 48.) This conSarms Mr. Abram's "old document". She had four children and died in August 1660, her burial being recorded in the registers of Whalley Church, as follows: "Mrs. Anne Talbott of Carre in Billington was buryed the xx*^ day of August 1660". George^^ Talbot married secondly, before 1670, Anne , whose parentage has not been learned; she survived her husband, and the registers of Whalley record her sepulture: "1715/16. March ye 13. Ye same day. Buried Mrs. Ann Taubert of Carr Hall in Billington, in ye Church". She is not mentioned in Mr. Abram's "old document", probably be- cause she had no children. Abstract of the will of Anne Talbot of Carr within Whilpshire, CO. Lancaster, widow, dated 14 Mar. 1714/15. To my great- granddaughter Jane Eden £20 according to a conditional agree- ment made between my son-in-law John Blore and me 28 Nov. 1711; and if not paid, I give said sum to my executors to divide among my grandchildren by my daughter Mary Osbaldeston. To my grandchildren Anne and George Osbaldeston, £5 each. To Mr. Gerrard £2. To John Parker of Eccleston 10 s. To Robert Ryley 5 s. Residue to two grandchildren Mary and Margery Parkinson. Richard Walmesley of Preston and Wil- liam Bastian of Jockhouse, executors. Proved 4 June 1716. Inventory of goods £167-1-8. (Consistory of Chester.) 76 Children of George^i and Anne (Ryley) Talbot of Carr Hall: i. Edward22, b. about 1652; according to Mr. Abram's "old document" he became a Catholic monk and d. in Italy. This is the sole record that has been found of the existence of this son. But no reason has been found for doubting the state- ment; it seems likely that George^i Talbot would have named a son for his father Edward^" Talbot; and as the family were Catholics and several members in earHer generations had been priests, it would have been a natural vocation for a young heir apparent to assume whose father's ancestral estate was probably deemed to be hopelessly lost. 22. ii. George, b. about 1654; by his father's will in 1708 was given Carr estate **if he happen to be alive and appear there"; according to Mr. Abram's "old document" he "emigrated to New England", iii. Catherine, b. about 1656; according to Mr. Abram's "old document" she "married a son of John Eden of West Auck- land, and had a son Robert and a daughter Mary"; these statements are confirmed by the will of George^i Talbot which names his daughter Catherine Eden and her children Robert and Mary Eden. She m. (1), about 1678, Robert Eden, who d. in London in 1703, administration on his estate being given that year. (Chester Probate Records.) She m. (2), about 1711, John Blore of BilHngton, who is men- tioned as "son-in-law" in the will of widow Anne Talbot in 1715. This second marriage of Catherine Talbot is not men- tioned in Mr. Abram's "old document", probably because it was of no interest to its compiler, as John Blore had no chil- dren. On 3 Mar. 1725 /6, administration on the estate of John Blore of Billington, was given to his widow Catherine Blore. (Chester Probate Records.) She had a contest over the estate with her husband's nephew George Blore; among the witnesses were her granddaughter Jane (Eden) Waring, ae. 21, wife of Richard Waring, and her niece Margery (Parkinson) Hodg- kinson, ae. 26, wife of WiUiam Hodgkinson; witnesses stated that the widow Catherine Blore had been blind for several years. Children of Robert and Catherine (Talbot) Eden: 1. Robert, b. about 1680; was Kving in London in 1720. Children: 1. Jane^ b. about 1705, m. in 1726, Richard Waring. 2. Barbara, 2. Mary. iv. Mary, b. about 1659; m. (1), in Aug. 1693, James Parkinson of Standerbar. (See suit of Parkinson vs. Talbot, ante, p. Q5.) She m. (2), at Blackburn Church, 3 Aug. 1705, Robert Os- BALDESTON. These marriages are mentioned in Mr. Abram's 77 "old document", and are further confirmed by the wills of George^i Talbot in 1708 and of his widow Anne Talbot in 1715. (See ante, pp. 70, 75.) Mr. Abram's "old document" asserts that she d. in 1763, aged 105 years. This remarkable state- ment is proved to be correct by two evidences. The registers of Whalley record the burial of "Mrs. Mary Osbaldeston of Dinkley, widow, July 4*^* 1763"; and her death is noticed in the "London Magazine" for August 1763, as follows: "Late Deaths: Mrs. Osbaldeston of Whalley in Lancashire, aged 105 years". Children by first marriage (Parkinson) : < 1. James, b. in 1694; is named in the will of his grand- father George^i Talbot dated 18 Dec. 1708, but not in the will of widow Anne Talbot dated 14 Mar. 1714/15, so he probably d. between these dates. The state- ment in Mr. Abram*s "old document" that he "died aged 20 years", so about 1714, is thus confirmed. 2. Mary, b. about 1696; m. in 1715 Thomas Darwen; named in the wills of her grandparents, and in Mr. Abram's "old document" which also assigns her the following five children (Darwen): 1. Henry, of Carr Hall, and later of Langley, co. Essex. 2. John of Rib- chester, d. 1792*. 3. Margaret, m. Lawrence Peelef. 4. Juliana, m. (1), Charles Baron, and m. (2), Dr. WiUiam Ritchie of Aberdeen. 5. Dorothy, m. 1762, Daniel Robinson of Manchester. This marriage is thus recorded on the registers of Manchester Cathedral: "Daniel Robinson of Manchester, book-keeper, and Dorothy Darwent of Oswaldtwistle were married Oct. 20, 1762", thus confirming Mr. Abram's "old doc- ument". 3. Dorothy, b. about 1698; named in will of her grand- father George Talbot in 1708, but not in that of widow Anne Talbot in 1715; this confirms the statement of Mr. Abram's "old document" that she d. young. * The registers of Ribchester confirm this death record, showing the burial of John Darwen on 31 Dec. 1792. His will dated 26 Nov. 1792, mentions wife Ann, brother Henry Darwen, sister Julian Richey, and children of sister Dorothy, wife of Daniel Robinson. Executors, Wil- liam Pye and George Pye. Proved 10 May 1793. (Archdeaconry of Richmond.) This will confirms Mr. Abram's "old document". t The Peele Genealogy states that Lawrence Peele, second son of William Peele of Oswaldtwistle in Church Kirk, married Margaret Darwen of Carr Hall near Whalley. Robert Peele, eldest brother of Lawrence, was father of Sir Robert Peele, Bart., the great cotton manu- facturer, and grandfather of the eminent statesman Sir Robert Peele. 78 4. Margery, b. about 1700; is named in the "old docu- ment" and in the wills of her grandfather George^i Talbot in 1708 and widow Anne Talbot in 1715. In 1726 she deposed, ae. 26, in the suit over the estate of John Blore; she mentions her marriage to William Hodgkinson about 1719. Children by second marriage (Osbaldeston) : 5. Anne, bapt. at Blackburn Church 11 Aug. 1706; mentioned in the wills of her grandfather George^i Talbot in 1708 and widow Anne Talbot in 1715; is also named in Mr. Abram's *'old document" which states she m. Robert Bennett 6f Ribchester. This statement is evidently correct, as the Whalley regis- ters have the burial on 13 June 1728 of -"William Ben- net, son of Robert Bennet of Carr Hall in Billing ton". 6. George, b. doubtless in 1709, as he is not named in the will of his grandfather George^i Talbot dated 18 Dec. 1708, but is named in the will of widow Anne Talbot in 1715. According to Mr. Abram's "old document" he died aged 19 years; this statement is proved correct by the registers of Whalley: "George Osbaldeston, son of Mr. Robert Osbaldeston of Carr Hall in Billington, gent., buried May 30, 1728". 22. GEORGE22 TALBOT, second son of George^i and Anne (Ryley) Talbot of Carr Hall, was born about 1654. Only two records of his existence have been found in England. By the will of his father dated 18 Dec. 1708, he was to succeed to Carr Hall, " if he happen to be alive and to appear at Carr aforesaid in right sense and good understanding". (See ante, p. 69.) He would have been at this time about fifty-five years of age; but this is the earliest mention of him that has been discovered in extensive research in England; and the way in which he is mentioned indicates he had been missing many years and that his father did not know where he was, or whether he was living or dead. The expression "right sense and good understanding" is difficult to understand; but it probably refers to some serious disagreement with his father, perhaps due to the son breaking away from the ancestral Catholic faith, or to difficulties with his stepmother, as a result of which he left home and kept his whereabouts unknown. At just what time he had disappeared, the will does not indicate; but as James Parkinson, in his suit against George^^ Talbot, claimed the latter had promised in 1693 to convey Carr Hall to him on his marriage with Mary 79 Talbot, it is evident that the son and heir George^ Talbot had disappeared long before this year; if the latter was known to be then living, Parkinson's claim would have been absurd. (See ante, p. 65.) In his suit against Braddyll in 1682, George^^ Talbot mentions an incident many years before, the witnesses to which were "either dead or removed beyond the seas where unknown to your orator"; this may refer to his missing son George22 Talbot. (See ante, p. 59.) The only other mention found in England of George^^ Talbot, is in Mr. Abram's remarkable "old document" of about 1793, which states that he "emigrated to New England". (See antCy p. 74; also Appendix IV., p. 104.) As above shown, nearly every statement of this "old document", even in minute details, has been proved by other sources to be correct, and no errors in it have been found; it was probably drawn up from informa- tion derived through the centenarian Mary^ (Talbot) Parkinson- Osbaldeston, bom about 1659, died in 1763, sister of George^^ Talbot; and she probably had knowledge of what became of her brother. But no trace of any such George Talbot can be found in New England. We are therefore convinced that George^ Talbot, bom about 1654, who disappeared from Carr Hall, was identical with PETER TALBOT, born before 1656, who first appears in New England in 1675, being on the tax-list of Dorchester, Mass., for that year. The family record made by his son Capt. George Talbot of Stoughton and long preserved in the family, states that his "father Peter Talbot was born in Lancashire old Eng- land and died about 1704". (See "Descendants of Peter Tal- bot" by Newton Talbot, pp. 7 and 8.) Over eighty years ago, some of the great-grandchildren of Peter Talbot gave a traditionary account of their ancestor which was written down and preserved*, and in 1855 was printed. According to this statement, much embellished with details, he was born in Lancashire, England, and in youth was kid- napped and impressed into the naval service; and being on a vessel saihng by the Rhode Island coast, he deserted at night, escaped to shore by swimming, and made his way north to Dor- chester as secretly as he could. (See "New England Historical and Genealogical Register", vol. 9, p. 129.) This legend may be partly true, especially in regard to his desertion, which would provide a reason for his discarding his name "George" * This original is not now to be found. 80 and assuming the name "Peter" instead. It is also significant that at the time Peter Talbot first appears in New England (1675), George^^ Talbot of Carr Hall, claimed in this volume to be his father, was residing in Preston co. Lancashire, then the chief seaport of north-western England (See antCy p. 49); so his son could readily have run away to sea at that time, or been seized by a press-gang, according to tradition, impress- ment of seamen being then a common practice. That George^^ Talbot Jun. of Carr Hall who disappeared from his family and "emigrated to New England" according to Mr. Abram*s "old document", was identical with the colonist Peter Talbot of Dorchester, Mass., is further indicated by the names given by Peter Talbot to his children. One daughter, Mary, was evidently named for her mother Mary (Gold) Tal- bot; but none of the names of the other children of Peter Talbot are found in the families of either of his wives. The eldest son, Edward, was so named, we believe, in memory of the child's uncle and great-grandfather; the second son, Peter, bore his father's assumed name; while to the youngest son, George, was given the name which we claim was originally borne in England by his father, the colonist Peter Talbot. The eldest daughter, Dorothy, was evidently named for her great-aunt Dorothy Talbot. But the final and clinching evidence of the parentage of Peter Talbot, appears in a deposition in New England made after his death. When Catherine Eden attempted to break the will of her father George^i Talbot of Carr Hall in 1709, she ap- parently had reason to believe that her brother, the missing George, was living in New England; and evidently she had word sent thither, either to her brother or his family or to the authori- ties, stating that her father was dead, and that his son should come home to succeed to the estate. At this time, Peter Tal- bot, the colonist, had been dead over five years, having been lost at sea on a voyage to England in 1704, according to tradi- tion among his descendants. But his eldest surviving son, Peter Talbot Jun., then a young man of about twenty-five years, probably thought he might succeed to the inheritance as his father's heir. In order to establish his identity, he there- fore proceeded to secure the following aflSdavit, taken by strange coincidence on the very day the trial to break the will was started at Chester, which affidavit is preserved in the files of the Middlesex County Court at East Cambridge, Mass. ^1 1^ |>? ^? i M H I ^' 81 "Sept. 22, 1709, at the request of Peter Talbot, Daniel Hoar aged about sixty years and Richard Stratton aged about 45 years, depose that about five years ago they heard Peter Talbot, formerly of Chelmsford, say that he was born in the parish of Blackburn, Lancashire, in the realm of England, son of one George Talbot ; and further saith not. Sworn before me, Francis Foxcroft, J. P." These two deponents, Daniel Hoar and Richard Stratton, were parties to a deed of 31 May 1704, by which the colonist Peter Talbot and his wife Hannah, then stated to be of Boston, sold some land he owned in Chelmsford; this deed is the last mention found in New England of Peter Talbot, and was exe- cuted probably just before he sailed on the voyage on which he was lost. It may be confidently surmised that it was at this time he casually informed Hoar and Stratton of his birthplace and parentage, and that he was going to England to see his relatives. The combination of evidences found in England and New England, establish beyond doubt that George^^ Talbot Jun., of Carr Hall was identical with Peter Talbot the New England colonist. But mysteries still remain. Why did he emigrate, change his first name, and keep his whereabouts unknown to his father? Why did he conceal his true name from his children, apparently to the end? How did his sister Catherine Eden in England know or at least have reason to believe that he was in New England, and so send thither for him after their father's death? We can only make surmises. A change in religion from the Catholic to the Protestant faith, or bitter troubles with his step-mother may have estranged him from his father, and caused him to leave home and desire his whereabouts to remain unknown. Perhaps he enlisted or was impressed into the navy, and by desertion rendered himself subject to severe penalty; or possibly he may have been implicated in some political in- trigue or other difficulty, for which he was seized and trans- ported for Virginia, but escaped in the manner claimed by tradi- tion; in either of these cases, permanent or at least long con- cealment of his identity may have been necessary. If estranged from his father and step-mother, perhaps he may at some time have communicated with his sister. It is doubtful if the actual facts in these matters will ever come to light. At the time of the arrival of Peter" Talbot in New England, the colonies were in a fiourishing condition. Between the landing of the Pilgrims in 1620, and the year 1640, some twenty- 82 five thousand colonists had settled in the wilderness of New England; and although the emigration almost ceased in 1641 upon the Puritan party coming into power in England, the popu- lation of New England had nearly trebled by 1675, and after the crushing of the Pequot Indians in 1637, the colonies had been practically free from serious Indian depredations. In the spring of 1675, however, Philip, chief of the Wampanoag Indians on the easterly shore of Narragansett Bay, formed an alliance with numerous other Indian tribes in a supreme effort to completely exterminate or drive out the Puritan colo- nists. During this two years' conflict, known as "King Philip's War", twelve of the frontier towns were destroyed by the Indians, forty other settlements were attacked and damaged, and over one thousand of the colonists were killed or wounded. After six months of varying fortunes and severe losses, the three colonies of Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, and Connecticut, united in December 1675 in raising an army of one thousand men to strike the savages a crushing blow. In a bitterly cold blizzard, this force marched against the fortified stronghold of the Narragansetts, the most powerful of the Indian tribes, situated on an island in the center of an ordinarily inaccessible swamp in South Kingston, R. I.; but on account of the extreme cold, the swamp at this time was frozen, and thus made passable. The colonial army surprised the Indians on 21 Dec. 1675, and after a bloody conflict was completely victorious, the Indian wigwams being ignited and the tribe nearly annihilated by fire and sword. This battle is known as "The Great Swamp Fight" ; and over fifty years later the soldiers who participated in it or their eldest male descendants were granted large tracts of land by the Province of Massachusetts, as reward for this service. Peter Talbot was one of the soldiers in this campaign and his son Capt. George Talbot of Stoughton inherited his Narragan- sett claim in Narragansett Township No. 5, now Bedford, N. H. (Bodge's "Soldiers in King Philip's War", pp. 433, and 179-191.) Peter^^ Talbot took the oath of allegiance in Dorchester in 1678 and resided there until 1679 when he moved to Milton where he lived some five years. In 1684 he removed to Chelms- ford where his first wife died and he married again, and he resided there until 1693 when he returned to Milton, being taxed there in 1693 and 1694; but he retained the ownership of a small tract of land in Chelmsford for more than ten years longer. It is supposed that about 1695 he leased lands in the Ponkapoag Indian Reservation (now Canton, Mass.), where it is claimed he 83 settled and afterwards resided. On 31 May 1704, Peter Tal- bot of Boston, husbandman, and Hannah his wife, for £10 conveyed to Richard Stratton of Boston, miller, a parcel of land containing six acres in a place called Robin's Hill in Chelms- ford, formerly the possession of Henry Sparks. Witnesses: John Sharlock, Daniel Hoar, and George Tolbutt. Ac- knowledged By Peter Talbot and Hannah Talbot 3 June 1704. (Middlesex County Deeds, vol. 13, p. 677.) This is the last record found of Peter Talbot; and probably he soon started for England and was lost at sea during the voyage in 1704, according to tradition. Peter^^ Talbot married first, in Dorchester, Mass., 12 Jan. 1677/8, Mrs. Mary (Gold) Wadell, born in Braintree, Mass., 23 Dec. 1651, daughter of Francis and Rose Gold (emigrants to New England), and widow of John Wadell of Chelmsford; she died in Chelmsford 18 Aug. 1687, having had five children by Talbot. He married secondly, in Chelmsford, 29 Dec. 1687, Mrs. Hannah (Clark) Frizell, born in Woburn, Mass., 13 Feb. 1645/6, daughter of William and Margery Clark (emi- grants to New England), and widow of William Frizell of Con- cord, Mass. She had one son by Talbot, and was living on 31 May 1704, when they sold his Chelmsford land. Children by first wife (i.-iii. recorded in Milton; iv.-v. in Chelmsford) : i. Edward23, b. 31 Mar. 1679; evidently named for his great- grandfather or for his uncle "who d. in Italy"; no further record; according to tradition he was killed in childhood by the Indians in Chelmsford, ii. Dorothy, b. 20 Feb. 1680/1; evidently named for her great- aunt Dorothy2i Talbot, or her great-grandmother Dorothy Braddyll; m. in 1704, James Cutting of Watertown, Mass., later of Windham County, Conn, iii. Mary, b. 15 Jan. 1682/3; named for her mother; no further record; probably d. young, iv. Peter, b. 1 Jan. 1684/5; on 22 Sept. 1709, secured the deposi- tion about his father, previously given. (See arde, p. 81.) On 20 Sept. and 1 Dec. 1736, James Cutting and Dorothy his wife, of Windham County, Conn., and Eleazer Puffer and Elizabeth his wife, of Suffolk County, Mass., release to their brother Capt. George Talbot, their interest in any land grants made or to be made by the Province of Massachusetts Bay to their brother Peter Talbot, supposed to be deceased. (Suffolk CO. Deeds, vol. 126, pp. 161-2.) This expression indicates that Peter Talbot disappeared; he may have died in the Indian Wars, or perished at sea on a futile trip to Eng- 84 land to claim succession to his father's rights to Carr Hall; his obtaining the deposition as to his father and grandfather, favors the latter supposition. V. Elizabeth, b. 13 Jan. 1686/7; m. (1), 27 Nov. 1713, Eleazer Puffer of Stoughton; m. (2), 3 Aug. 1748, Samuel Rousau of Stoughton. Child by second wife : vi. Capt. George23, b. in Chelmsford 28 Dec. 1688; evidently named for his father. When a child he was taken by his par- ents in their removal to the Ponkapoag Indian Reservation (now Canton, Mass.) . Upon his marriage in 1707, he leased of Thomas Vose for twelve years a farm in the north-east corner of the present town of Canton (then part of Dorchester). In 1720 he purchased for £111 a farm of 160 acres in that part of Dorchester which in 1726 became the south-east part of the new town of Stoughton, whither he removed. Here he became a prosperous and prominent man, constantly increas- ing his landed possessions, serving in numerous town offices, and holding commissions as captain of the local military com- pany and justice of the peace, then offices of distinction. On 4 Apr. 1714, both he and his wife were admitted to full com- munion in the Milton church, and on 12 Nov. 1717 they were dismissed to the newly-formed church in Dorchester New Village (Stoughton). He is represented by tradition as a man of great piety and high character. He d. at his home- stead in Stoughton 31 July 1760, aged seventy-one years. He was ancestor of all of the Talbot name descended from Peter Talbot. He m. (1), 18 Feb. 1706/7, Mary Turell, b. in Boston 10 June 1683, daughter of Daniel and Anna (Barrell) Turell; she had nine children and d. 24 Apr. 1736. He m. (2), 27 July 1737, Elizabeth Withington, b. in Dorchester, in June 1696, daughter of Philip and Thankful! (Pond) Withington. She d. 30 Apr. 1774; no children. Children by first marriage: 1. Mary2S b. 24 Mar. 1708; m. 1729, George Allen. 2. Daniel, b. 7 Mar. 1709/10. 3. Hannah, b. 1 May 1712; m. 1 May 1735, David Gay. 4. George, b. 24 Oct. 1714. 5. Peter, b. 27 Feb. 1716/17. 6. Sarah, b. 23 Aug. 1719; m. 29 Nov. 1739, Benjamin White. 7. Jerusha, b. 6 Oct. 1721; m. 20 Nov. 1746, Dea. Jonathan Capen. 8. Ebenezer, b. 4 Dec. 1723. 9. Experience, b. 20 Feb. 1726/7; m. 29 Oct. 1747, Joseph Smith. APPENDIX I PEDIGREE OF TALBOT, EARLS OF SHREWS- BURY HUGH3 TALEBOT, born about 1085, (said to be younger son of Richard^ Talebot recorded in Domesday Book, who is supposed to be son of Le Sire Talebot who came into England from Normandy in 1066 with William the Conqueror*), was made commander of the Castle of Plessey in 1118 by his first cousin Hugh de Gournay, then in rebellion against King Henry I. Hugh Talebot late in life assumed the habit of a monk and retired into the monastery of Beaubec in Normandy where he died. He is said to have had three sons, of whom, RICHARD^ TALEBOT, born about 1120, is claimed to be the Richard Talebot who about 1155 obtained from King Henry II. a grant in capite of the lordship of Eccleswall in Linton, County Hereford, which grant was also confirmed in 1189 by King Richard I. on payment of 200 marks. From this Richard Talebot the descent can be traced with certainty, as these estates in Linton formed the main seat of the family for many genera- tions. He married a daughter of Stephen Bulmer of Appletree- wick, Yorkshire, and was succeeded by his eldest son, GILBERT^ TALEBOT, born about 1150, who was present at the coronation of King Richard I. in 1189, by whom he was granted additional lands in Linton for military services as com- mander of Ludlow Castle. He was living as late as 1199 and was succeeded by his son, RICHARD^ TALEBOT, born about 1180, who married Aldsta (Bassett) Montague, daughter of Allan Bassett, Baron of Wycombe, and widow of Dreux de Montague. Both were living in 1231. They had a son Richard^ Talbot who became Bishop of London in 1262, and an eldest son, * See antey p. 3. 86 GILBERT^ TALBOT, born about 1215, who succeeded to the family estates and was later made governor of the castles of Grismond, Skinfrith, and Blancminster by King Henry III., and also was appointed a justice for the County of Hereford. He married Gwendoline, daughter of Rhys ap Griffith, King of South Wales, and thereupon relinquished his paternal ancestral arms, viz.. Bendy of ten, argent and gules, and assumed for arms. Gules, a lion rampant within a bordure engrailed, or, the armorial ensigns of the Princes of South Wales, which arms his descendants have ever since borne. He died in 1274 and was succeeded by his son RICHARDS TALBOT, born about 1245, who was sheriff of Gloucestershire in 1300 and died in 1306. He married Sarah de Beauchamp, daughter of William de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. Their eldest son, SIR GILBERT^ TALBOT, KNT., first Baron Talbot, born about 1275, inherited the family estates, served in the expedition against Scotland in 1298, was appointed governor of Gloucester Castle in 1323, and was summoned to Parliament as a Baron from 1331-1343. He died in 1346. By his wife Anne Boteler, daughter of William Boteler of Wemme, he had a son and heir, SIR RICHARDio TALBOT, KNT., second Baron, born in 1302, was summoned to Parliament from 1331 to 1335. In 1332 he claimed certain Scottish estates in right of his wife, and adhering to Edward Baliol invaded that Kingdom and defeated the Scots at Gleddesmore; but two years later he was made a prisoner and had to pay 2,000 marks for redemption. In 1336 he was made governor of Berwick Castle, in 1346 succeeded to his father's estates, in 1355 served in the expedition to France, and died 23 Oct. 1356. He married in 1325 Elizabeth Comyn, daughter and co-heir of John Comyn, Lord of Goodrich Castle. Their eldest surviving son and heir, GILBERT" TALBOT, third Baron, born in 1332, succeeded to the family estates in 1356, and was summoned to Parliament from 1362 to 1386. He served in the wars in France under the Black Prince, and died 24 Apr. 1387. He married, first, about 1360, Petronilla Butler, daughter of James Butler, Earl of Ormonde, by Eleanor his wife, daughter of Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, by his wife the Lady Elizabeth Plan- tagenet, daughter of King Edward I. Their son. 87 IMCHARD12 TALBOT, fourth Baron, born about 1361, was summoned to Parliament from 1384 to 1393. He inherited the family estates on the death of his father in 1387 and died 7 Sept. 1396. He married about 1382, Ankaret Le Strange, daughter and heiress of John Le Strange, Baron Strange of Blackmere. They had five sons and four daughters, of whom the eldest son, Gilbert^^ Talbot, born in 1383, succeeded to the estates in 1396, was summoned to Parliament as fifth Baron from 1404 to 1417, and died 19 Oct. 1419, leaving a sole child and heiress Ankaret^^ Talbot, who died in 1421 at the age of four years. The second son, SIR J0HN13 TALBOT, K. G., first Earl of Shrewsbury born about 1385, married in 1406, Maud Nevill, eldest daugh- ter and co-heir of Thomas Nevill, Lord Furnivall, by whom he acquired vast estates in Hallamshire (including the Castle of Sheffield), in consequence of which he was summoned to Parlia- ment from 1409 to 1420 as John Talbot, Lord Furnival. On the death in childhood of his niece, Ankaret^^ Talbot, in 1421, he succeeded also to the ancient Talbot estates in Linton and to the Baronies of Talbot and Strange of Blackmere. From 1412 to 1420 he served as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; but in 1422 he entered into military pursuits and became one of the most renowned warriors of the martial age in which he lived. He gloriously sustained the cause of King Henry VL throughout his French realm in battle after battle, until the very name of Talbot became a terror to his foes. Once his forces were defeated by the army of the Maid of Orleans at the Battle of Patay in 1429, and he himself was taken prisoner; but four years later he was exchanged, and soon again in com- mand of an English army. For his brilliant achievements he was created in 1442 Earl of Shrewsbury and in 1446 Earl of Waterford. Later he was commander of the Castle of Falaise in Normandy (the birthplace of William the Conqueror), to which he added a massive keep, still known as the Talbot Tower. In 1453 he was again in command of an English army in France and was killed by a cannon shot at the Battle of Chastillon, 17 July 1453. He had been victorious in forty battles, and his death proved fatal to English dominion on the Continent. From this great Earl, the present Earl of Shrews- bury, the Premier Earl of England, is directly descended, (See Burke's "Peerage" for 1904, pp. 1411-12; and G. E. Cock- ayne's "Complete Peerage", vol. 7, pp. 359-61, and 136-7.) APPENDIX II PEDIGREE OF TALBOT OF SALESBURY J0HN13 TALBOT, bora about 1385, son of Williami^ Talbot a younger son of Sir Edmund^^ Talbot, Knt., of Bashall (see ante, p. 11), having divorced in 1415 his first wife Margery (by whom he had had three sons), married secondly, about 1421, Isabella de Cliderou (Clitheroe). She was daughter and heiress of Richard de Cliderou, and brought to her husband the manor of Salesbury and other estates in that region comprising in all about a thousand acres. Thus was established a new and important branch of the Talbot family which continued seated at Salesbury Hall until 1679 when an heiress, Dorothy^^ Talbot carried the estates in marriage to the Warren family. John^^ Talbot died 18 Apr. 1449; his wife Isabella had died 1 Aug. 1432. Children by first wife Margery: i. Hughes b. about 1410. ii. Christopher. iii. Alexander. Children by second wife Isabella de Cliderou: iv. A daughter" , b. about 1423. V. John, b. about 1425. vi. A DAUGHTER. vii. Richard. viii. A daughter. ix. Lawrence. J0HN14 TALBOT, ESQ., of Salesbury, bora about 1425, was eldest son of John^^ Talbot by the latter's second wife Isa- bella de Cliderou, and so succeeded to the manor of Salesbury and the other estates of his mother. He is called six years old in the inquisition post mortem held after the death of his mother in 1432, and twenty-four years old at the inquisition post mortem held after the death of his father in 1449. In 1465 he assisted his second-cousin Sir Thomas^* Talbot, Knt., of Bashall, in the capture of King Henry VI., for which service he was rewarded with a pension by King Edward IV. He died in 1484. He married about 1449, Johanna Radcliffe, daughter of Sir John Radcliffe, Knt., of Ordsall. Children: i. JoHN^S b. about 1450. ii. Ralph, a captain at Calais, iii. William. iv. Myles. V. Roger. vi. Isabella, m. Richard Ashton. vii. Elizabeth, m. Lawrence Ainsworth. viii. Margaret ix. Alice, m. Giles Levesey. X. Lucy, m. Ralph Ashton. SIR J0HN15 TALBOT, KNT., of Salesbury, born about 1450, was knighted at the Battle of Hutton Field in 1483, succeeded to the family estates on his father's death the next year, and had from King Richard III. a grant of continuation of his father's pension. He died 10 Aug. 1511. He married Anne Ashton, daughter of Sir Ralph Ashton of Middleton, Knt. Children: i. John18, b. about 1477. ii. Ralph. iii. Richard. iv. Thomas. V. Anne, m. Richard Rishton. vi. Margery, m. Alan Singleton. vii. Ellen, m. John Singleton. JOHNi« TALBOT, ESQ., of Salesbury, born about 1477, at the age of twenty-four years succeeded his father in 1511, but enjoyed the estates but a few years, as he died in 1515. He married about 1500, Isabella Towneley, daughter of Richard Towneley. Children: i. John", b. in 1501. ii. Richard. iii. Hugh. iv. William. V. Anne, m. Edmund Hopwood. 90 J0HN17 TALBOT, ESQ., of Salesbury, born in 1501, when fourteen years old inherited the family estates. He entered his family and arms in the Visitation of Lancashire of 1533, wherein he is termed by the herald " a very gentle esquier and worthy to be taken paynes for". As the herald mentioned some of the gentry in a much less complimentary strain, it would seem likely that John Talbot handed the herald a generous fee! He died 30 Aug. 1551, leaving a will made two days previously. He married first, about 1521, Anne Sherburne, daughter of Hugh Sherburne; and he married secondly, in 1532, Anne Bannister, daughter of Richard Bannister of Altham. Children by first marriage: i. JoHNis, b. about 1523. ii. Jane. iii. Anne, m. John Hothersall. iv. Margaret. Children by second marriage: v. Thomas, b. about 1533; became a celebrated antiquarian and genealogist and Keeper of the Records in the Tower of London, vi. Michael. vii. John "the younger", viii. Richard. ix. Nicholas. X. Robert. xi. Beatrice. xii. Elizabeth, m. Humphrey Wtke. xiii. Isabel, m. Wilfred Bannister. J0HN18 TALBOT, ESQ., of Salesbury, born about 1523, succeeded his father in 1551, and adhered to the Catholic faith after the Reformation. The inquisition post mortem taken after his death on 1 Sept. 1588, states that his heir was his grand- son John Talbot, aged seven years, son of George Talbot, de- ceased. He married first, Alice Osbaldeston daughter of Sir Alexan- der Osbaldeston, Knt.; she died without issue in 1553. He married secondly, in 1554, Mary Moore, by whom he had three illegitimate sons born before marriage, and a son and two daughters who were legitimate. Children, (i.-iii. illegitimate): i. JoHNi9, b. about 1548. ii. Robert, b. about 1550; ancestor of the Talbots of Cowhill in Rishton. (See Appendix HI., post, pp. 93-94.) 91 iii. Thomas, b. about 1552. iv. George, b. about 1555; eldest legitimate son. V. Mary, m. John Atherton. vi. Frances, m. Peter Barlow. GE0RGE19 TALBOT, born about 1555, fourth but eldest legitimate son of John^^ Talbot, after his marriage occupied Dinkley Hall, one of the several homesteads owned by his father, where he died during his father's lifetime, 26 Sept. 1584. His will dated 14 June 1584 names his father John Talbot of Salesbury, Esq., brother Robert Talbot, wife's sister Anne Southworth, cousin William Talbot, son John Talbot, and daughter Mary Talbot. (Consistory of Chester.) He married Mary Southworth, second daughter of Sir John Southworth, Knt. Children: i. John2o, b. about 1581. ii. Mary, m. John Singleton. SIR JOHN20 TALBOT, KNT., of Salesbury, born in 1581, succeeded to the family estates on the death of his grandfather in 1588, and on 20 Aug. 1617 was knighted by King James I. When the Civil War broke out in 1642, he joined the Royalists, and as a result Salesbury Hall was seized and plundered, but not destroyed, and later all his estates were sequestered by Parliament and subjected to heavy fines. He died in Dec. 1659, and was buried in Blackburn Church. He married first about 1607, Margaret Barlow, daughter of Sir Alexander Barlow, Knt., who died 26 Dec. 1628. He married secondly, Margaret , who was buried at Blackburn 6 June 1653. Children by first wife: i. JoHN^i, b. 29 Aug. 1608. ii. Alexander, b. 1610; d. y. iii. George, b. 8 June 1612; fought in the Royalist army at the storming of Preston 9 Feb. 1642, where he was taken prisoner. In 1665 he built a mansion called New Hall in the township of Clayton-in-the-Dale, where he d. in 1678. His will [date illegible], proved 3 Feb. 1678, gave to "reputed* daughter Elizabeth*', £40, to the poor of Salesbury and Clayton le Dale 10s. each, to George Pigott of Preston a signet ring, to George Pigott the younger of Preston three pieces of gold, and to daughter Margaret Talbot all residue of estate. Said George * She was probably his step-daughter Elizabeth Walmesley. 9Z Pigotts executors. Inventory £103. (Chester Probate Rec- ords.) He m. (1), at Blackburn, 20 Apr. 1657, Anne Park- inson, daughter of Robert Parkinson of Fairsnape, Gent. He m. (2), in 1674, Mrs. Elizabeth (Southworth) Wal- MESLEY-NowELL, b. in 1620, daughter of Thomas Southworth of Salmesbury, and widow first of Richard Walmesley of Showley (by whom she had a daughter Ehzabeth), and secondly of John Nowell of Meareley. (See Abram's *'His- tory of Blackburn," p. 662.) Child by first wife: 1. Margaret22, b, about 1659, sole child and heiress; living 1678; later history untraced. iv. Margaret", m. Thomas Clayton. V. Mary, b. 1615; bur. 11 July 1638, unm. vi. Thomas, b. 31 Jan. 1616/17; bur. at Blackburn 6 Nov. 1628, unm. vii. Anne, b. 1619, m. Alexander Osbaldeston, Esq., of Osbal- deston, and had ten children. He entered his pedigree in the Visitation of Lancashire in 1664, and was bur. at Black- burn 11 Feb. 1670/1. She was bur. there 19 Mar. 1673. J0HN21 TALBOT, ESQ., of Salesbury, born 29 Aug. 1608, as eldest son and heir succeeded to the inheritance of the estates which he secured after the restoration of Charles II. in 1660. He was buried in Blackburn Church 11 Oct. 1677. He married first, about 1630, Margaret Westby, daughter of Thomas Westby of Mowbreck; she was buried at Blackburn 27 June 1634. He married secondly, Dorothy Wilford, daughter of James Wilford of Newman Hall, co. Essex; she was buried at Blackburn 9 Sept. 1684. Children by first wife: i. John22, b. 1630; bur. 24 Feb. 1630/1. ii. Margaret, b. about 1632; bur. 15 Jan. 1636/7. Children by second wife: iii. John22, d. y. iv. Dorothy, b. 15 Feb. 1650, only surviving child, and heiress to all the estates of the Talbots of Salesbury; m. in 1678, Ed- ward Warren, Esq., of Poynton, co. Chester, and had eight children. The Talbot estates continued in their descendants until 1866 when they were sold to Henry Ward of Blackburn for £140,000. The estates then comprised a total of 2837 acres, 3 roods, and 34 perches. Note. The above pedigree is taken mainly from Abram's "History of Blackburn", pp. 647-655. APPENDIX III PEDIGREE OF TALBOT OF COWHILL IN RISHTON R0BERT19 TALBOT, born about 1550, second son of Sir John^^ Talbot, Knt., of Salesbury, but born before his parent's marriage, is mentioned in the will in 1584 of his younger brother George^^ Talbot, their father's legitimate heir. Robert Talbot resided in Dinkley Hall, one of the family estates, after the decease of his brother George^^ Talbot. (See ante, pp. 90-91.) He married Elizabeth Hoghton, daughter of Richard Hoghton of Lea. Children: i. JOHN^O. ii. George. iii. Robert. iv. Richard, b. about 1583. V. Thomas. RICHARD20 TALBOT, born about 1583, settled at Cowhill in Rishton where he died in Nov. 1654. His will dated 2 Jan. 1653/4, directed that his goods be divided into three equal parts, whereof his wife Mary to have one, his son Thomas one, and the third to his executors to perform these legacies, viz.; to son and heir John 5s., to old servant Christopher Hindle a new bed, and the residue to the daughter of Charlton Hindle of Pleasington. Proved 13 Feb. 1654/5. (P.C.C, Aylett 238.) He married first, about 1607, Alice Duckworth, by whom he had two sons. He married secondly, Mary . sister to the wife of Adam Bolton who survived him. Children by first wife: i. John", b. about 1608. ii Thomas, living in 1669. 94 J0HN21 TALBOT, born about 1608, resided at Cowhill in Rishton and appears with his three sons Thomas, John, and Robert, on the Preston Guild Rolls of 1662, but died before 1669. He married at Blackburn, 7 Feb. 1631/2, Jennett Clayton, daughter of John Clayton of Clayton Hey, who was buried at Clitheroe 6 Apr. 1684. Children: i. Thomas22, bapt. at Blackburn 3 Aug. 1634; was elected a governor of the Blackburn Grammar School in 1667, and d. in Aug. 1675. He m. at Blackburn, 26 Nov. 1657, Mrs. Mary (Ellison) Cross, bapt. there 12 June 1632, daughter of John Ellison, and widow of John Cross of Altham. Children bapt. at Blackburn: 1. Anne28, b. 1658, d. y. 2. Alice, bapt. 10 Mar. 1659/60. 3. John, bapt. 28 Sept. 1662; appears on Preston Guild RoUs of 1682, 1702, and 1722. 4. Mary, b. probably in 1664. 5. Richard, bapt. 16 Mar. 1666/7; mentioned on Preston Guild Rolls in 1682. Elizabeth, bapt. 30 Jan. 1669/70. ii. Anne22, m. Leonard Nowell of Clitheroe. iii. John, bapt. 17 May 1641; was of Rishton and later of Clay- ton, and d. before 1682 when he is termed deceased and his four sons are named as of Clayton on the Preston Guild Rolls of 1682. He m. in 1665, Mary Sudell, daughter of John and Alice Sudell of Stopping Hey in Wilpshire, whose will dated 19 Nov. 1685, mentions his grandchildren Thomas and Samuel Talbot. Children: 1. Richard*', b. 1666. 2. John, b. 1669. 3. Thomas. 4. Samuel. iv. Robert22, b. about 1643, settled in Clitheroe where he was bur. 20 June 1675. He m. in 1666, Isabella Lawson, who d. in 1703. Children: 1. John23, b. 1668; bur. at CUtheroe 16 Oct. 1677. 2. George, b. about 1671; mentioned on the Preston Guild Rolls of 1682, as "George Talbot, son of Robert of Clitheroe." Note. The above pedigree is based on one in Abram's "History of Blackburn", pp. 642-3, and a manuscript pedigree drawn up in 1669 by Christopher Towneley, now in the British Museum, London, Addi- tional Mss. no. 30146, p. 118. APPENDIX IV PEDIGREE OF TALBOTS OF CARR HALL By W. A. Abram [William Alexander Abram, Esq., of Blackburn, England, was a journalist by profession, but became widely known and distinguished as an antiquarian, historian, and genealogist. In 1877 he published his monumental work, "A History of Black- burn", a volume of some eight hundred pages of the greatest historical interest and value, and also containing genealogies of over three hundred of the old families connected with the parish. The "Preston Guild Rolls", published by the Record Society in 1884, were also transcribed and edited by him. Besides the above two important works, Mr. Abram was a con- stant contributor of antiquarian articles to various newspapers in Blackburn and vicinity for over twenty years from 1873 to 1894, except during the period 1881 to 1887 when all his atten- tion was occupied as editor-in-chief of the "Blackburn Times". During the score of years named, he printed over six hundred articles in the "Preston Guardian", "Blackburn Weekly Ex- press and Standard", and " Blackburn Times". Mr. Abram was a member of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, the Record Society, and the Society of Antiquaries of London, and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He died in 1894, eleven years before the writer visited Blackburn in November 1905 in search of the ancestry of Peter Talbot; but through the kindness of his son, G. P. Abram, Esq., of Blackburn, and of Mr. Ashton, librarian of the Blackburn Free Library, the writer was enabled to see all the six hundred newspaper articles written by Mr. Abram. Among these articles was a valuable and interesting three column account of the Talbots of Carr Hall compiled by Mr. Abram and printed in the "Blackburn Times" of Saturday 27 May 1893. This article is of the greatest importance, as in it Mr. Abram mentions the fact that he had seen an old document y which states that George Talbot Jun., 96 of Carr Hall emigrated to New England. Mr. Abram's son kindly presented to the writer the only copy of this article known to be preserved, a complete verbation copy of which is given below, with annotations by the writer who from very extensive research on this family has been able to correct a few slight errors in Mr. Abram's account. — J. Gardner Bartlett.] ANCIENT HOUSES AROUND BLACKBURN CARR HALL, WH^PSHIRE, AND ITS FORMER OWNERS, THE TALBOTS OF CARR By W. a. Abram. The neat engraving placed above depicts, for the first time as an illustration to a printed account, the antiquated house which bears the name of Carr, or Carr Hall, which is situated about four miles from the town of Blackbm-n, to the north-eastward, on the further border of the township of Wilpshire, the nearer portion of which has now become a pleasant and picturesque residential suburb of Blackburn. [Note l.j The traveller on the high road from Blackburn to Whalley, soon after he has passed the highest point on the road, a little beyond the modern village, and begins to descend into the Ribble valley, where the scene before him is so strikingly fine, descries across the fields on the right, standing in its fold in a sheltered hollow or nook at the foot of the acclivity of Wilpshire Moor, a good-sized white house, which even at a distance appears of old structure. This is the ancient messuage of the Carr, deriving its name from its situation, under the high bank beside a moorland stream — the word "carr" signifying a piece of low boggy ground. The house is reached from the turnpike by a short occupation road. Our engraving is reduced from a drawing, after a good photograph recently taken by Mr. Bibby, with the assistance of Mr. Mosley. It represents the front of the house, which has a westerly outlook, and is separated from the farm-yard by a garden plot. As an example of the work of the house-builders of the district some three centuries ago, this house on the front shown is intact, and therefore useful for illustration. Its structure has not been injured or altered in any feature on this aspect, but in the rear there appears to have been some demolition of a portion of the original extension from the main block. [Note 2.] The outer walls of Carr Hall are whitewashed, as they have been for many years, since I have known the place, but its clean and home-like look is perhaps rather enhanced by its coating of lime-wash. Unlike most of the sixteenth and seventeenth century houses of any importance in North-East Lancashire, Carr Hall, Wilpshire, has ^ I V ^ 97 no lettered stone on its exterior to indicate the date of its erection, or, by its initials, the owner's and builder's name. But by comparison with other houses in the district, we may guess the age of this approxi- mately. It bears a close resemblance, for instance, to Pleasington Old Hall, not only in plan, projection, and width of the wings and pitch of the gables, but in the position and form of the front doorway, and in the detail of the small mullioned windows, &c. Compare the view of Carr Hall above with the engraving of Pleasington Old Hall in my History of Blackburn (page 621). Now the manor-house of Pleasington was rebuilt in 1587, and we may confidently say that the house at Carr in Wilpshire was rebuilt within a few years of the same time. Its builder, therefore, I am pretty sure, was the George Talbot, Gentleman, who held the estate through the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and James the First, when there was a general rebuilding of manor-houses, and other gentlemen's and yeomen's houses, not only in Lancashire, but through- out England. The plan of Carr Hall, the recessed centre and wings projecting at either end, is the common plan of Lancashire houses of the period. This house is built of the local gritstone. As to its in- terior, the rooms are spacious and have an air of olden time about them, but have no features of remarkable interest for the antiquary. The hall has long been reduced from its former dignity as the minor manor-house of a proprietory family, to the condition of a house for the tenant farmer. Several years ago, when along with two or three friends on a summer evening's walk in the neighbourhood, we looked at the old house at Carr, I promised some day to write an article about it and its former owners. Below I now give the results of my research into the history of this ancient freehold. The Talbots of Carr in Wilpshire were a branch of the Talbots, lords of Salesbury, unless, which is not unlikely, they directly sprung from the older house of the Talbots of Bashall, at a date earlier than the commencement of the Hne of the Salesbury Talbots with William Talbot, younger son of Sir Edmund, of Bashall. [Note 3.] The Talbots settled at Carr, although their landed estate was always small, bore the same arms as the eminent famihes seated at Salesbury and Bashall, and were certainly of the same origin. The first who has been traced is Stephen Talbot of Carr, living in the second half of the fifteenth century. He was the father of George Talbot of Carr, living in the 16th Henry VII. (a. d. 1500). His sou- Nicholas Talbot, of Carr, Gent., was in possession before 1523, when he paid the King's Subsidy for his lands in Wilpshire, valued at 40 s. a year, equal to more than as many pounds of present money. Amongst the tenants of Whalley Monastery, at the date of its sup- pression, in 1538, was Nicholas Talbot, who held of the Abbot and Monks, Snodworth in Billington, paying yearly Is. Snodworth is the upland farm adjacent to Wilpshire Moor, above the tenement of Carr which Nicholas Talbot held in fee. Nicholas Talbot's first wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Lawrence Shuttleworth, of Gawthorp, Gent., 98 and his second was Anne, first daughter and one heir of Evan Brown of Ribbleton, Gent. [Note 4.] The latter survived him, and married again, to Richard Sherburne of Bayley, Esq. Besides a son George by his second wife, Nicholas Talbot had two daughters, Margaret and Bridget, by his first wife. [Note 5.] He died in the first year of Ed- ward VI. In the Public Record OflSce is preserved the return of the Inquisition taken by the Escheator after his death; this I have con- sulted, and made a note of its material contents. It testifies that Nicholas Talbot, Gent., had died seased of two messuages, 40 (cus- tomary) acres of land, 16 acres of meadow, and 18 acres of woodland in Wilpshire and Salesbury; also of 20 acres of land and 2 s. rent in Penhulton [Pendleton] ; and of 9 acres of land and woodland in Billing- ton. (The 103 acres of land of Lancashire measure would be equiva- lent to nearly 200 statute acres.) Nicholas Talbot died on the 28th of April preceding the inquisition, and in the year 1547. George Talbot was his son and heir, aged 5 years and 11 months. [Note 6.] George Talbot, the son and heir of Nicholas, being a child under six years, he would be in the wardship of the King until he was of age. Litigation took place soon after between Nicholas Talbot's daughters, and the husband of one of them, and his widow. The case is found in the Calendar of Pleadings in the Chancery Court of the Duchy of Lancaster, in the 11th Edward VI. (1556-57). [Note 7.] The plain- tiffs were Robert Aspeden and his wife, one of the daughters of Nicholas Talbot, deceased, and Brydget Talbot, another daughter of Nicholas, and the defendants were. Sir Richard Sherburne, Knt., and Anne his wife, one of the executors of the said Nicholas Talbot, and afterwards wife of Richard Sherburne, and John Singleton and George Talbot, other executors of the deceased; and the matter was a disputed title to goods and chattels of the deceased; and depositions were made respecting the custom of the County of Lancaster, in regard to the distribution of the goods and chattels of a father deceased among his children not being his heirs, and notwithstanding his Will. The place to which the cause related was situated in Wilpshire township. George Talbot married, at Whalley Church, on the 27th of June, 1569, Anne, daughter of Roger Nowell of Mearley, Gent. He had issue, sons, Nicholas, died in infancy, buried at Whalley Church, 15 April, 1571: John, born 25 March, 1571 ; Nicholas, died in 1595, buried at Whalley, 10 April; and William, living in 1602. Also, daughters, Bridget, bap- tized at Whalley Church, 2 November, 1575; Mary, baptized 19 March, 1577; Dorothy, born in 1579, married, in 1589, at the age of 10, Ralph Rishton, gent., of Ponthalgh, and was living in 1625; and Frances, born in June, 1580. [Note 8.] George Talbot, Gent., was an early Governor of Blackburn Grammar School, in 1586, and about the same date the School Records show that "George Talbot, of the Carre, Gent., of his owne gifte (gave to the School) the some of ffortie shilhnges, whereof twentie shilhnges for the Carr and twentie shiUinges for Wytton". This item is proof that the Talbots of Carr then held lands in Witton. 99 One would scarcely expect to find the epitaph of a member of a family of small proprietors like the Talbots under notice, living in a secluded corner of Lancashire as Blackburn parish was at that period, on a tombstone in one of the ancient London Churches. Yet from my copy of Cansick's Epitaphs of Middlesex I get the following inscrip- tion from a monument in Old St. Pancras Church: — "Here lieth the body of William Talbot, of Carr, in the County of Lancaster, Gent. Who died the second day of May, in the year of our Lord 1660, aged 60 years". This William Talbot who became a citizen of London must have been William, youngest son of George Talbot, of Carr, though I should have taken him to be a few years older than 60 in 1660. There may be an error in the statement of age on the monument. But that William occurs, as a boy in 1602, when his father entered him at Preston Guild Merchant. Having no prospect of inheriting estate, Wilham Talbot probably migrated to London to engage in trade. [Note 9.] Here I may mention the fact that the Talbots of Carr were for a time, in the first half of the 17th century, "Foreign Burgesses" of the Guild Merchant of Preston. The Guild Rolls of 1602 and 1622 contain the subjoined names: — Guild Roll of 1602 — Foreign Burgesses. George Talbot, of Carr (in Wilpshire), sworn. John Talbot, his son, sworn. Wilham Talbot, his (John's) brother. George Talbot, son of the above-named John. Edward Talbot, his (John's) brother. Here are mentioned members of three generations of the family of the Talbots of Carr in Blackburn Parish, living in 1602, namely, George Talbot, head of the family; his two sons, John and WilHam; and his two grandsons, George and Edward, sons of John Talbot. The two first- named were sworn as out-burgesses of the Guild. The other members, being under age in 1602, were not sworn, but were enrolled as sons of sworn burgesses. Guild Roll of 1622 — Foreign Burgesses. George Talbot, of Carr, Gentleman. John Talbot, his son. Edward Talbot, his (John's) son. Thomas Talbot, his (Edward's) brother. John Talbot, his (Thomas's) brother. "George Talbot, Gent.", was, with Lord Danvers and others, ap- pointed by Sir Thomas Walmesley, the celebrated Judge, a trustee of his estates on his settlement of them in trust in 1607. He was a Juror at Blackburn in August, 1612. After having been inheritor and owner of the estate for the remarkable period of over 80 years, George Talbot died, at the age of 88 years, in 1629. [Note 10.] 100 John Talbot, gent., succeeded him at the age of 58 years. He had married Dorothy, daughter of Edward Braddyll, Esq., of Portfield in Whalley. A curiously detailed personal record of these Talbots of Carr, near Blackburn, and of the Braddylls of Portfield, near Whalley, connected at that period with the Talbots by marriage, has come to lightin an unexpected direction. It consists of a private register of births, marriages, and deaths, written down by a member of the Talbots in the calendar of an illuminated Manuscript Breviary of the fifteenth century, which has travelled far from its ancient receptacle, and was recently in the possession of John Ingilby, Esq., of Austwick, York- shire. A transcript of these "Talbot and Braddyll Memoranda", communicated by John Foster, Esq., was printed in 1879, in Miscel- lanea Genealogica et Heraldica. I think it interesting enough to insert here. The entries are a mixture of old-style English and Latin, and the dates are not consecutive, but are ranged in the order of the months. "1595. Marcitis [March] 11. Anne Talbotte borne this day in ye morninge, 1595, being Tuesday, and dyed when shee was eleven weekes oulde. 1613. Mardus 23: EH: [Elizabeth] Talbott borne this day, beinge Wednesday, 1613, beinge foure in ye morninge. 1571. Marcius 25. Jo: [John] Talbott, sonne of Go: [George] Talbott, borne anno 1571, about 11 of ye clocke at nupty beinge Sonday. 1601. Marcius 26. Anne Talbott borne, anno 1601, about five of ye clocke in ye morninge. 1602. Aprilis 17. Margarett Talbott borne, anno 1602, six of ye clocke in ye morninge, being Saturday. 1597. Mains 2. George Talbott was borne, anno 1597, hora quasi octava vesyere^ beinge Monday. 1584. Maius 10. Circa horam ante meredie . . . nota fuit Joh'nafilia Joh'is Bradyll an'o d'no, 1584, et a*o Eliz. 26, 10 Mail. 1583. Maius 20. Natus erat Edwardus filius JoKis Braddyll, circa horam quarto' post meridie\ 1583. 1603. Maius 24. Tho: [Thomas] Talbott borne, anno 1603, aboute foure of ye clocke in ye morninge, being Tuesday. 1595. Julius 2. Dorothy Bradill married to John Talbott, ann* 1595. 1602. Julius 12. This day Mrs. Braddyll was borne, 1602. 1599. Julius 25. Edwarde Talbott was borne, anno 1599, post meridiem hora quasi secunda, beinge Wednesdaye. 1610. Julius 25. Frances Talbott ye same day prima hora meridiem, anno 1610. 1606. Augustus 2. Marie Talbott borne, anno 1606 about two of ye clocke in the morninge, being Saterday. 1599. September 17. John Braddill borne, an'o dom' 1599, being Monday. 1612. September 11. Briget Talbott borne, anno 1612 about three of ye clocke in ye morninge, being Thursday. 101 '•'■■•:■-. ■ ^ • ■ •':.•••> 1572. October 3. Dorothy, daughter of Ed : Bradyll, borne 1572. 1584. October 6. Anne Braddyll marriage, being Monday, (jlo dorrC 1584. [Ann Braddyll (sister of Dorothy, wife of John Talbot of Carr), married Thomas Southworth, Gent.] 1607. December 13. John Talbott, sonne of John, was borne, anno 1607, about three of ye clocke in the morninge in the greate Froste, beinge Sunday". John Talbot, by Dorothy his wife, had altogether thirteen children. [Note 11.] They were married at Whalley Church, on the 2nd of July, 1595. The issue included, sons, George, born 2 May, 1597, died young: Edward, born 25 July, 1599; Thomas, born 24 May, 1603; William, baptized 19 May, 1605; John, born 13 Dec., 1607; George, baptized 4 Dec, 1608; and daughters, Ann, born 11 March, 1595-6, died in infancy; a second Ann, born 26 March, 1601; Margaret, born 17 April, 1602; Marie, born 2 August, 1606; Frances, born 25 July, 1610; Bridget, born 24 Sept., 1612; Elizabeth, born 23 March, 1613-14. Mistress Talbot, wife of John Talbot, died in June, 1634, and John Talbot himself did not live very long after her. [Note 12.] He had been elected a Governor of Blackburn Grammar School in December, 1628. [Note 13.] Edward Talbot, Gent., was the next possessor, and he was in tenure of the estate at the commencement of the great Civil War in 1642. He married, about 1620-1625, Mabel, daughter of Lawrence Carleton, Gent. The only issue of whom information is obtainable is his two sons, George and John. [Note 14.] His religious attachment as a Roman Cathohc would impel him to take sides with King Charles the First in the conflict with Parliament; and, besides, his neighbour and remote kinsman. Sir John Talbot, of Salesbury Hall, who was the most energetic and influential partizan of the King in Blackburn Parish, doubtless called upon Mr. Edward Talbot to join him, and as he was then only forty-two years old, it is likely that he was one of the numerous body of local Royahsts who armed themselves and mustered for warfare under Sir John Talbot's command. If so, he shared the discomfiture of that Knight, when the "Roundheads" of Blackburn and Manchester in force attacked him at Salesbury Hall, drove him out, and occupied and plundered that mansion. The misfortunes of the war in which he was on the losing side may have shortened Edward Talbot's life if he was not slain or wounded in fight, for it appears that he died not later than 1651. The Blackburn Parish Registers for the years 1637 to 1651 were destroyed, so the exact date of the deaths of parishioners during those years cannot be ascertained. Mr. Edward Talbot's wife, who had been a widow some years, died about 1660. Edward's younger son occurs as "John Talbot of Wilpshire", and he farmed, I conjecture, land in that township in the vicinity of his father's and elder brother's property at Carr. He had sons, Richard born in 1666, baptized at Blackburn Church, Nov. 4, 1666; John, born in 1668, baptized Nov. 3, died in 1708; Thomas, living in 1708; and Joseph and Benjamin, twins, born in 1677. Joseph died in infancy, buried at Blackburn Church, January 18, 1678-9. John Talbot, the father, died in 1680, and leaving no Will, administration was granted with an inventory of goods of John Talbot of Wilpshire, in that year at Chester. George Talbot entered upon possession in succession to his father about the year 1651, and he was soon called upon by the Government of the victorious Parliamentarian party to pay the penalty of his father's and his own adherence to the cause of the decapitated King. The freehold estate of Carr was placed under sequestration, and, like many others, George Talbot was branded as a "dehnquent" towards the ruling powers. But he was previously unable to pay his debts, and two creditors who had obtained a judgment against him at the assizes petitioned the Commissioners for sequestration of Royalists' estates to have their debt paid out of the rents of the lands then received by the Commission. Below is the substance of the official records relating to this application, dated 1653 and 1654: — ** Claimants on the Estate of George Talbot, of Carr, Co. Lancaster 19 July, 1653. George Tolnson, of Witton, Co. Lancaster, and Lettice his wife, beg allowance of a judgment for £103 3 s. obtained at Lancaster Assizes, 11 March, 1652, on the lands of James Ryley and George Talbot, which are now secured for the alleged delinquency of Talbot. Petitioners beg to receive the rents on security. 19 July. The petition was referred to the County Committee. 25 April, 1654. The petition was renewed, George Talbot not having been adjudged a delinquent. George Talbot was ordered to show cause why the petition should not be granted. 20 June, 1654. George and Lettice Tolnson beg leave to proceed on the extent, and enjoy the lands till paid their debt and damages. George Talbot failing to show cause, the Tolnsons were allowed to pro- ceed on their extent till satisfied". It may be supposed that during the years from 1652 to 1660, George Talbot, his rents being thus impounded to defray his debts as well as the heavy fines exacted by the authorities, was hard put to it to main- tain his family. He was at the time a young man from about thirty to thirty-five years old. He had previously married Anne Ryley, daughter, I think, of James Ryley, one of the Ryleys of Church Kirk, who is named in the document quoted above, as having had his lands seized along with those of George Talbot for the "alleged delinquency" of the latter. [Note 15.] The children of George Talbot by Anne his wife were, sons, Edward and George; and daughters, Mary and Catherine. In 1660, when the Stuarts were restored, George Talbot was reheved from the pains and penalties to which he had been subjected in preceding years as a "King's man", and his estate was restored to him. [Note 16.] But before that event he had been necessitated to raise money by a pecuHar legal process, and this incumbrance was not got rid of until more than 103 twenty years afterwards. Here, again, old legal records disclose cer- tain facts concerning the affairs of this local family of small landowners. In the Court of Chancery, in Trinity Term, 1683, a cause was heard of which there is an account in Vernon's Reports, and in which George Talbot, of Carr, was plaintiff, and Edward Braddyll, of Portfield, was defendant. "The plaintiff, being seised in possession of lands of £15 per annum, and in reversion, after the death of his mother, of other lands of about £17 per annum (which estate was subject to incum- brances), did by deed and fine in March, 1657, in consideration of £320, demise those lands to Mr. Braddyll, the defendant, for 99 years, at 5 s. per annum rent, upon condition that if the plaintiff or his heirs should pay the defendant £380, the 25th of March, which should be in the year 1688, then the corruzees should stand seased to the use of the plaintiff and his heirs; and the plaintiff consented for the defend- ant's enjoyment accordingly. And now in 1682, twenty-five years after the conveyance, the plaintiff brings his Bill to be permitted to redeem the premises, and to have an account of profits from the date of the deed, alleging that though the deed was in that form, yet it was, nevertheless, agreed between him and the defendant that it should be a mortgage, and redeemable at any time upon payment of £320 and interest; and though there was no proof of any other agreement than the deed, and that there was a bond to perform the covenants of the deed, and although it appeared that the estate consisted much in Old Buildings and a Mill, and that the defendant had laid out about £100 in repairs, yet in regard the plaintiff's Mother died within three years after the deed, whereby the revenue exceeded the interest of the money; the Lord Keeper, notwithstanding there was a contingency at the time of the deed, thought this an unreasonable bargain, and did decree an Account of the profits ab originey and a redemption on payment of what the profits fell short of the £320 and interest, and appointed the same to be paid at a day certain, and not to expect 'till 1688 according to the condition of the Deed". The disturbed times in which this representative lived, and which covered the periods of a long civil war and three revolutions in England, and the diflSculties he encountered in his younger days did not prevent George Talbot from surviving to an advanced age. [Note 17.] The ancient freehold which his ancestors had held should have been in his tenure between fifty and sixty years; and he seems to have resided In the house at Carr in Wilpshire, even whilst he did not receive the rents of considerable portions of his land. [Note 18.] His Will, executed shortly before his death, is dated December 18th, 708. In it testator is described as "George Talbot, of Carr Hall, Gentleman". He ap- points his wife, Anne Talbot, sole executrix. He mentions his son, George Talbot; his daughter, Katherine Eden, and her children, Robert and Mary Eden; another married daughter, Mary Osbaldeston, and her five children, James, Mary, Dorothy, Margery, and Anne Osbaldeston. [Note 19.] Testator also names his nephews, John and 104 Thomas Talbot, sons of John. The Will was proved as Chester in 1709, and some singular depositions attached to it suggest that the Will had been the cause of quarrel or difiFerence amongst the members of the family, and had been wilfully torn by one of the daughters, Kather- ine Eden. Mrs. Anne Talbot, the widow, executed the Will. By her the Carr estate was sold, in the year 1709, to the trustees of Bar- tholomew Walmesley, Esq., of Dunkenhalgh, and it has remained from then till now a possession of the Walmesleys and their successors the Petres. The estate is contiguous to the manor estate of the Petres in Billington township. Mistress Anne Talbot lived at Carr, however, until her death in 1716, for in her Will her description is "Anne Talbot, of Carr, in Wilpshire, Widow". An old document which I have seen supplies some information as to the children and descendants of George Talbot, the last of the family who owned Carr freehold. The eldest son, Edward Talbot, became a monk in one of the orders of the Church of Rome and went to Italy, where he is said to have died. The other son, George Talbot, named by his father in his Will, afterwards emigrated to New England, and settled in America. [Note 20.] Of the daughters, Mary Talbot married twice, and had issue mentioned below. The other daughter, Katherine, married a son of John Eden, of West Auckland, and had a son, Robert Eden, and a daughter, Mary. The last descendants of the Talbots of Carr who are known, having lived in this district, were the children and grandchildren of George Talbot's eldest daughter, Mary. [Note 21.] She was born about the year 1658. She married, first, James Parkinson, of Stander Bar, and had to him a son, James Parkinson, who died at the age of 20, and daughters, Mary, Dorothy (died young), Margery, and Anne. After becoming a widow, the mother married Robert Osbaldeston. This marriage took place at Blackburn Parish Church: — "1705. August 3rd. Robert Osbaldeston, of Osbaldeston, yeoman, and Mary Parkinson, of Wilpshire, widow". By this marriage two children appear — George Osbaldeston, who died at the age of 19 years; and "Anne daughter of Robert Osbaldeston, of Wilpshire, yeoman", baptized at Blackburn Church, August 11, 1706. The daughter, Anne Osbaldeston, became the wife of Robert Bennett, of Ribchester. The mother was the latest survivor by many years of the children of George Talbot, of Carr. She died in 1763, a centenarian, aged 105 years. Her daughter, Mary Parkinson, married, in 1714, Thomas Darwen, of Ribchester, yeoman (a brother of Henry Darwen, of Balderstone, yeo- man). Issue, Henry Darwen, who was a Roman Catholic, and was sometime a tenant of Carr Hall; he removed to Langley, in Essex; John Darwen, of Ribchester, died in 1792; Margaret Darwen, married Lawrence Peel; Juliana, married, in 1740, Mr. Charles Baron, and had a son Charles: and, secondly, married Dr. William Ritchie, of Aberdeen; and Dorothy Darwen, married, in 1762, Mr. Daniel Robin- son, of Manchester, and had numerous issue. 105 NOTES ON THE FOREGOING ARTICLE By J. Gardner Bartlett Note 1. The engraving mentioned in the text has been slightly enlarged to make the photogravure opposite this page, showing the appearance of the building at the time of Mr. Abram's article in 1893 and since then. Note 2. The front is slightly altered from its original appearance in 1580, in that after 1710 two of the five sections of the first story window in the left wing were blocked up, and a new two section window was cut through higher up in the front of this wing. (See ante, p. 31.) Note 3. The Talbots of Carr derived from the Talbots of Bashall through a branch at Slaidburn and not through the branch at Salesbury, securing Carr Hall and property in Tadcaster by marriage about 1410 with a Cunliffe heiress. (See ante, pp. 11-13.) Note 4. Nicholas Talbot married first Anne or Agnes, not Elizabeth, Shuttleworth. (See ante, pp. 18 and 26.) Note 5. Margaret was the only child of Nicholas Talbot by his first wife Anne or Agnes Shuttleworth; Bridget and George were by his second wife Anne Brown. (See ante, p. 23.) Note 6. The age given in the original document is one year and eleven months, not five years and eleven months as here printed. (See ante, p. 23.) Note 7. This suit took place in 3 Edward VI. (1549) and not in 11 Edward VI. (See ante, pp. 24-25.) Note 8. He also had three other children not named in the text, viz., Thomas, bapt. 20 Jan. 1572/3, EHzabeth, bapt. 28 May 1574, and Catherine. He also had a second wife Anne Holden, to whom he was married 3 Aug. 1587. (See ante, pp. 33-34.) Note 9. This WiUiam Talbot was not engaged in trade, but was a Catholic priest. (See ante, p. 35.) Note 10. George Talbot was born about Oct. 1545 and was buried 4 June 1628, aged nearly eighty three years, not eighty-nine. (See ante, pp. 23 and 31.) Note 11. John Talbot had only eleven children. WiUiam, bap- tized 19 May 1605, and George, baptized 4 Dec. 1608, named in the text and recorded at Blackburn, do not belong in this family; the former (William) was son of another John Talbot; while the latter (George) was son of a Thomas Talbot and was buried at Blackburn 3 Feb. 1636/7. Note 12. She was buried at Blackburn 27 June 1634. (See ante, p. 88.) Note 13. He was living in 1642 and probably died during the Civil War. (See ante, p. 37.) Note 14. He also had a daughter Dorothy, born about 1628, who married first, 3 June 1654, ElHs Duckworth and secondly in 1671, Richard Parker. (See ante, pp. 44, 45, and 61.) 106 Note 15. This marriage to Anne Ryley took place before August 1651; she was buried at Whalley 20 Aug. 1660. George Talbot later married a second wife Anne , who survived him. (See ante, pp. 48 and 75.) Note 16. Although nominally it may be true that Talbot's estate was restored to him on the return of the monarchy in 1660, yet prac- tically he was out of possession from 1657 to 1685, as he deeded his whole estate to Edward Braddyll in 1657 and did not get it back until 1685 by means of a chancery suit. (See ante, p. 46.) Note 17. He was born in 1624 and died in 1709, aged about eighty- five years. (See ante, pp. 45 and 71.) Note 18. He did not reside at Carr Hall after his mother's death in 1660 until 1685 when he recovered the property by law suit; but he thereafter lived there until his death in 1709. (See ante, p. 46.) Note 19. Four of these children were by her first husband James Parkinson; only Anne was by her second husband Robert Osbaldeston. (See ante, pp. 77-78.) Note 20. Of course this word "afterwards" was not in the "old document" Mr. Abram is here quoting. It is perfectly certain that he never saw the whole will of George Talbot, but had only a brief abstract of it, giving merely the names of the persons in it; he thus was unaware of the pecuhar way the son George was referred to in the will which proves he had gone from home long before the date of the will. Mr. Abram was accustomed to send to a correspondent in Chester for brief abstracts of batches of wills there of families which he was compiling, as appears from his papers shown by his son to the writer. (See ante, pp. 69, 78-79.) A brief pedigree of the Talbots of Carr (as ancestors of the Darwens of Ribchester, Co. Lancaster), appears on pages 251-2 of the "History of the Parish of Ribchester," published in 1890 by Tom C. Smith, Esq., then of Longridge near Blackburn. After tracing down the line from Stephen Talbot of Carr, this pedigree gives the following account of the last George Talbot of Carr and his descendants: "George Talbot, of Carr, gent., married Ann, daughter of Riley, of Church, and had sons, Edward, died in Italy; and George, a doctor in New England; and daughters, Mary; and Katherine, married John Eden, of West Auckland. He died about 1708. Mary Talbot married, firstly, John Parkinson of Standerbar, and had issue, James, Mary, Dorothy, and Marjorie. Secondly, she married Robert Osbal- deston. Mary Parkinson, granddaughter of George Talbot, married in 1714 Thomas Darwen, of Ribchester." Etc. When working on the Talbot pedigree in England in 1905, the writer called upon and conferred with Mr. Smith, who was then living at Harrogate in Yorkshire. Mr. Smith stated that all the information he ever had of the Talbots of Carr was given to him by Mr. Abram; and he showed the writer the manuscript notes of his Talbot pedigree which merely state that George Talbot Jun., "deceased" in New 107 England; the notes have nothing of his being "a doctor" there. Mr. Smith stated the printed words "a doctor" were evidently typographi- cal errors for the word "deceased," an error he overlooked in proof- reading while under severe illness. Note 21. Mary Talbot was the younger of the two daughters of George Talbot, not the elder. (See ante, pp. 76-77.) INDEX OF PERSONS Abbam G. P. 95 Mr., = William Alex- ander 31 74-78 80 92 94 96 105 106 William Alexander 73 95 AmSWORTH Elizabeth 89 Lawrence 89 Allen George 84 Mary 84 ASHTON or ASHETON Mr. 95 Anne 38 39 89 Isabella 89 Lucy 89 Ralph 27 89 Richard 89 ASPDEN or ASPEDEN Margaret 19-20 23-27 30 Richard 19 23 Robert 19 20 23-25 98 Athebton John 91 Mary 91 Atkinson Anne 50 Thomas 50 Aylett Baine 9 Bailey or Bayly EHzabeth 33 John 33 Baker Capt. 67 Baliol Edward 86 Bannister Anne 90 Isabel 90 Richard 90 Wilfred 90 Babker John 36 41 Barlow Alexander 91 Frances 91 Margaret 91 Peter 91 Baron Charles 74 77 104 Julian or Juliana 74 77 104 Barrell Anna 84 Bartlett J. Gardner 96 105 Bassett Alina 85 Allan 85 Bastian WiUiam 75 Beauchamp de Sarah 86 William 86 Bellair Elizabeth 10 James 10 Bennett Anne 74 78 104 Robert 74 78 104 WiUiam 78 Bereville de Matilda 8 Robert 8 Bibby Mr. 96 Black Pbince Edward 10 86 Blamyb 14 Blore Catherine 76 George 68 76 John 75 76 78 Blount Father 33 Bodge 82 BOHUN DE Eleanor 86 Elizabeth 86 Humphrey 86 Bolton Adam 93 Boteler Anne 86 William 86 BOUCHIER Richard 72 Bradhull DE or Braddyll Alice 38 Anne 38 39 101 Bernard 39 Cuthbert 39 110 Bradhull de or Braddyll (cotU.) Dorothy 17 19 27 37-40 83 100 101 Edward 17 19 27 36-39 41 44 46-49 52-56 58-60 62-64 100 101 103 106 Elizabeth 39 Ellen 39 Emote 39 Geoffrey 38 GUbert 39 Henry 38 Jane 39 Jennett 39 Johanna 100 John 38 39 100 Katherine 39 48 56 62 Lettice 39 46 51 Margaret 38 39 63 Margery 39 Ralph 39 Richard 39 Robert 38 Roger 38 Stephen 39 Thomas 38 39 53 55 57 58 67 68 Walter 38 William 39 Brierly WiUiam 57 Brockholes D£ or Brockhole John 10 Thomas 68 Brougham de or Brougham Dorothy 42 Gilbert 43 Henry 42 Isabel 43 Brown or Browne Anne 17 18 23 98 105 Evan or Ewan 17 18 23 25 98 Buck Margaret 34 BULMER Stephen 85 Burgh Thomas 7 Burke [ =John Bernard] 2 3 4 87 Butler Eleanor 86 James 86 Petronilla 86 Byron John 10 Margery 10 Cansick 35,99 Capen Jerusha 84 Jonathan 84 Carleton de or Carleton Adam 42 Agnes 43 AUce 43 Ambrose 41 43 Andrew 41 43 50 Anne 43 Baldwin 42 Barbara 43 Dorothy 42 Eleanor 43 Geoffrey 42 George 43 Gerard 43 Gilbert 42 Guy 43 44 Helen 42 Henry 42 Isabel 43 Jane 42 John 42 43 Launcelot 18 19 41 43 44 Laurence 17 18 Lawrence 101 Mabel 17 18 39 41-45 101 Mabilla 19 Margaret 43 Nichola 43 Oduard 42 Percival A. 42 Peter 43 Roger 43 44 Sarah 42 Thomas 42-44 William 42-44 Carlisle Mabel 43 Charles I. 19 32 35 40 41 44 45 48 58 63 101 Charles H. 44 46 48 56 58 63 92 Charnock Eleanor 34 Clarke or Clark Anne 45 Hannah 83 Lambert 45 Margery 83 William 83 Clayton Jennett 44 94 John 94 Margaret 92 Thomas 92 William 25 72 Cleveland Duchess of 1 2 Clitheroe or Cliderou de Isabel 22 Isabella 88 Richard 88 Cockayne G. E. 87 Cockroft or Cawcroft Thomas 36 40 52 57 63 WiUiam 57 6S Ill Cole Elizabeth 45 COMTN Elizabeth 86 John 86 Cooke Joanna 21 COTTBELL Judge 67 Craven Richard 51 Crombock Jennett 39 John 36 40 47 48 Cromwell OUver 53 Cross John 94 Mary 94 Cundeclyve de or CUNLIFFE Adam 13 Alice 13 Ellen 12-15 26 Margaret 13 Robert 13 59-61 Roger 12 13 CUTTINQ Dorothy 83 James 83 Danvers Lord 99 Darwen Anne 77 Dorothy 74 77 104 Henry 74 77 104 John 74 77 104 Julian or Juliana 74 77 104 Margaret 74 77 104 Mary 74 77 104 106 Thomas 74 77 104 106 Dawbury Alice 43 George 43 Derby Earl of 6 41 46 49-51 58 61 COMTE d'Eu Gilbert 1 Robert 1 DiNKLEY DE Alice 38 DOBSON Richard 68 Duckworth AHce 93 Anne 44 45 Dorothy 44 45 105 Ellis 44 45 105 Jane 44 45 Katherine 44 45 DUGDALE [ = William] 2 17-19 42 DUTTON Anna 12 13 Giles 12 Hugh 9 Joane 9 Duxbury Anne 44 45 Thomas 44 45 Earle Erasmus 55 Eden Barbara 76 Catherine or Katharine 69-72 74 76 80 81 103 104 106 Jane 75 76 John 74 76 104 106 Mary 70 74 76 103 104 Robert 70 74 76 103 104 Edmundson Richard 64 Edward I. 8 9 Edward II. Edward III. 9-11 16 Edward IV. 16 18 19 89 Edward VI. 17 22 24 98 105 Elizabeth 27-30 97 Elliot Nichola 43 Ellis 67 Henry 2 Ellison John 94 Mary 94 Evererd Robert 20 Ferrers de Ermintrude 6 Robert 6 Walcheline 6 Fielding OUver 68 Robert 62 FrrzwiLLiAM 42 Flaitel Basilia 3 Gerard 3 Foley 33-35 Forest Robert 25 Foster 10 Jennett 39 John 100 FOXCROPT Francis 81 Frizell Hannah 83 William 83 Gaskyll or GasgiiiL Julyan 32 112 Gat David 84 Hannah 84 Gerrabd Mr. 75 Gey Stephen 67 GiFFARD Walter 2 Gold Francis 83 Mary 80 83 Rose 83 GOURNAY DE BasiUa 3 Gerard 3 Hugh 3 85 Greenfield Lettice 46 48 51 Thomas 36 40 41 46 47 51 Greffyn David 14 Jane 14 Gregson Matthew 70 Griffith ap Gwendohne 86 Rhys 86 Grimshaw R. 67 Hamerton de Alice 13 Stephen 13 Hargreaves Jane 57 Harrington Margery 39 WilUam 39 Hatch Alfce 57 64 Havison William 20 Hayhurst see Hurst Henry I. 3 85 Henry U. 4 5 85 Henry HI. 6-8 86 Henry IV. 11 Henry V. 3 11 Henry VI. 5 11-13 16 21 87 89 Henry VH. 17 20 97 Henry VIH. 21 22 26 Hesketh Edward 62 Heydock Lawrence 25 Hickman WiUiam 7 HiNDLE or Hyndley Charlton 93 Christopher 93 George 52 61 John 25 26 Hoar Daniel 81 83 HODGKINSON Margery 76 WiUiam 76 78 HOLDEN Andrew 57 Anne 33 34 68 105 James 68 John 68 Thomas 36 41 Holland Joane 9 Robert 9 Holme John 19 Randle 18-20 23 32 40 41 45 HOPTON Elizabeth 13 Robert 13 HOPWOOD Anne 89 Edmund 89 HORNE 14 Hothersall Anne 90 John 90 Houghton or de Hoghton Adam 37 Elizabeth 93 Henry 11 12 Richard 93 HULTON John 72 Hume 3 4 Hurst or Hayhurst Edward 61 Richard 36 41 52 55 56 60-62 Ingilby John 37 100 James I. 32 91 97 John 5 6 8 Kenyon Lord 36 67 Roger 36 40 King John 26 KiRKBY Eleanor 43 Roger 43 Lacy de Edmund 8 Gilbert 3 4 Henry 4 Hugh 6 John 7 Lancaster de Jane 42 Roger 42 113 La WE Middleton Ormerod Gilbert 39 47 48 52 Edmund 32 9 55-58 MlTTON Osbaldeston Katherine 39 56-58 John 49 Alexander 90 92 60-62 MOLINEUX Alice 90 Thomas 36 39 56 57 y^^^^ ^7 Anne 70 74 75 78 92 Lawson Montague de 103 104 106 IsabeUa 94 Alina 85 Dreux 85 Moore Dorothy 103 Layton Anne 43 George 74 75 78 104 James 103 Thomas 43 John 36 40 47-49 Leigh de Mary 90 Margery 103 Gilbert 9 MOSLEY Mary 70 73-75 77 Lever de Mr. 96 79 103 104 106 Adam 13 MOSTON DE Robert 74 76 78 104 Margaret 13 John 43 106 Levesey or Livesey Margaret 43 AHce 89 Mowbray de Paris Anne 14 Roger 4 Matthew 4 Edmund 14 Parker Giles 14 21 89 Nevill Alexander 45 70 James 13 Maud 87 Dorothy 41 44 61 John 14 Thomas 87 John 45 55 70 75 Nicholas 14 Newton Richard 44 61 105 WilHam 13 Adam 42 Parkinson LonsdatjF. or Loyns- Sarah 42 Anne 92 104 dale NOBLET Dorothy 70 74 77 104 106 James 65-67 70 74 John 41 50 Roger 68 Margaret 50 No WELL or NOELL 76-78 104 106 Thomas 49 50 62 Adam 32 John 106 LOWTHER Alexander 33 Margery 70 74-76 78 Barbara 43 Anne 17 19 27 32 33 104 106 Hugh 43 94 98 Mary 70 73-77 79 LUNT Catherine 33 104 106 John 67 Christopher 32 33 Robert 92 Lyster Eli/Hbeth 32 33 92 Paslowe Helene 32 Grace 33 Elizabeth 32 33 Helene 32 33 Thomas 33 Mages Henry 32 Peele Edward 32 Jane 33 Laurence 74 77 104 Maid of Orleans John 33 92 Margaret 74 77 104 87 Julyan 32 Robert 77 Matilda Leonard 94 William 77 1 A Mary 33 Petke O It Mercer Roger 17 19 32 33 Catherine 73 Alexander 44 45 53 98 George Ernest Augus- Katherine 44 45 William 32 tus Henry 73 114 Petre (cont.) Rishton or DE Margaret 40 George William 73 RiSHTON Richard 23-25 37 40 Robert 73 Anne 34 89 98 Robert Edward 73 Catherine 34 Shorrock Robert James 73 Dorothy 34 98 WiUiam 25 Philip Edward 34 36 41 51 Shuttleworth King 82 52 Agnes 18 23 26 105 PiGOTT Eleanor 34 Anne 105 George 91 92 Elizabeth 57 Burton 56 62 64 PiNCERNI Frances 34 Elizabeth 23 97 105 Hugh 6 James 34 Lawrence 18 23 26 Plantagenet John 34 57 97 Elizabeth 86 Margaret 34 Singleton Geoffrey 3 Ralph 34 98 Alan 89 Henry 4 Richard 89 EUen 89 POLLABD Robert 10 John 24 25 89 91 98 Emote 39 Roger 34 Margery 89 William 39 William 34 Mary 91 Pond Ritchie or Richey Slater Thankfull 84 Julian or Juliana 74 Edward 62 Pui'FER 77 104 Slinger Eleazer 83 WiUiam 74 77 104 Tempest 53 Elizabeth 83 84 Robinson Smith Pye Daniel 74 77 104 Experience 84 George 77 Dorothy 74 77 104 ! Joseph 84 WiUiam 77 ROUSAU Tom C, or Mr. EKzabeth 84 106-107 Radclifpe Samuel 84 Smollett Joane 9 Ryley 3 Johanna 89 Anne 39 74-76 78 102 Snawesell John 9 89 106 WiUiam 19 Richard 25 James 47-49 5152 SOUTHWORTH Remington 75 102 106 Anne 91 101 Robert 32 Robert 75 Elizabeth 92 Richard I. John 91 5 85 Salisbury Mary 91 Richard II. Marquis of 30 Thomas 92 101 n Sharlock Sparks Richard 111. John 83 Henry 83 89 Riggenhat-Tj de Sharples Stainton de James 63 John 52 Geoffrey 42 Helen 42 Matilda 11 Robert 19 Stark Peter 11 Sherburne Arnie 23 24 25 37 1 7 RiGMADEN rr 1 Starkey Anabella 11 90 98 Ellen 39 Avelina 11 Hugh 37 90 Stephen Peter 11 John 70 71 34 115 Strange lb Ankaret 87 John 87 Stratton Richard 81 83 Stuteville de Joanna 6 7 Robert 6 7 SUDELL Alice 94 John 64 94 Mary 44 94 Symonstone de Margaret 38 Talbot Talbott Talbut Talebot Taulbert Tawlbut Agnes 4 18 23 26 105 Alexander 88 91 Alice 6 89 90 93 94 Alina 85 Anabilla 11 Ankaret 87 Anna 12 13 Anne 13 17-19 23-25 27 31-34 37 39 40 50 53-55 69-78 86 89 90 92 94 98 100-102 104-106 Avelina 11 Beatrice 90 Benjamin 102 Bridget 23 24 33 37 40 98 100 101 105 Catherine or Katharine 34 65 71 74 76 102-106 Christopher 88 Daniel 84 Dorothy 17 19 27 34 37-11 44 80 83 88 92 98 100 101 105 Ebenezer 84 Edmund 8-14 16 88 97 Edward 17 19 29 36 37 39-48 57 63 74-76 80 83 99-102 104 106 Elizabeth 10 13 33 37 40 84 86 89 90 92- 94 97 98 100 101 105 EUen 11-14 26 89 Ermintrude 6 Euphemia 7 Experience 84 Frances 34 37 40 91 98 100 101 Geoffrey 2-5 George 14-21 23-34 36 37 39-41 44-58 61-84 90 91 93-95 97- 102 104-107 Gerard 6 7 11 Gilbert 14 85-87 Giles 8 11-14 16 21 Hannah 81 83 84 Henry 11 Hugh 1 3 85 88 89 Isabel 90 Isabella 21 88 89 94 Jane 14 90 Jennett 13 14 44 94 Jerusha 84 Joane 9 Joanna 6 21 89 John 5-7 9-11 13 14 16 17 19 22 27 29 30 33 35-37 39-41 44-48 53 63 70 87-94 98-105 Joseph 102 Katharine, see Catherine Lawrence 88 Le Sire 12 85 Lucy 89 Mabel 17 36 39-45 48 50 52 55 56 59-62 64 101 Mabilla 19 Margaret 13 14 19 20 23 24 37 40 89-92 98 100 101 105 Margery 10 88 89 Martha 8 Mary 10 33 37 40 44 65-67 71 73-76 79 80 83 84 90-94 98 100- 104 106 107 Matilda 8 11 Maud 87 Michael 90 Myles 89 Newton 79 Nicholas 13 14 17 18 21-26 33 35 37 90 97 98 105 Peter 11-14 16 20 21 26 79-84 Petronilla 86 Ralph 89 Richard 2 3 6 7 10- 12 14-16 18 20 21 33 85-90 93 94 101 Robert 5-8 21 30 90 91 93 94 Roger 5 89 Samuel 94 Sarah 84 86 Simon 5 Stephen 16-21 73 97 106 Sybil 7 Sylvester 5 6 Thomas 7-11 16 21 29 33 34 37 40 44 70 89-94 99-101 104 105 William 1 4-6 11 13 14 18 20 29 34 35 88 89 91 97-99 101 105 Taylor Anne 64 George 64 Theopilus 70 71 Tempest Mary 10 Richard 10 Titterington Edward 63 116 Todd Mr. 45 TOLNSON or TOWLNSON George 47-49 51 52 59 60 62 102 Lettice 48 51 102 TOWNELEY Christopher 3 8 94 Isabella 89 Richard 89 TURELL Anna 84 Daniel 84 Mary 84 Turner John 32 TWENGE DE Thomas 11 Valence de WiUiam 7 VlTALIS Ordericus 3 VosE Thomas 84 Waddington Richard 53 55 Wadell John 83 Mary 83 Walkden Thomas 50 Wall WilUam 51 Walmesley Bartholomew 31 73 104 Catherine 73 Elizabeth 91 92 Richard 75 92 Thomas 28 99 Ward Henry 92 Richard 25 Waring Jane 76 Leonard 62 Richard 76 Warren 88 Dorothy 92 Edward 92 John 65 WiUiam 5 West George 68 Westby Margaret 92 Thomas 92 Whalley Edward 25 Whitchurch James 45 White Benjamin 84 Sarah 84 Whittingham Alexander 32 Thomas 32 WlBERGH Agnes 43 Thomas 43 Wilford Dorothy 92 James 92 Wilkinson Thomas 64 William the Conqueror 1 85 87 WiNCKLEY Thomas 36 41 WiTHINGTON Elizabeth 84 Philip 84 ThankfuU 84 WORSLEY Ehzabeth 23 WORTHINGTON Richard 68 Wyke Elizabeth 90 Humphrey 90 Yate Tristram 26 York Richard, Duke of 12 16 RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY BIdg. 400, Richmond Field Station ^ University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 "" • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing JUL books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made ^ 4 days prior to due date — DUE AS STAMPED BELOW ~~~ JAN 5 2005 — FO DD20 6M 9-03 (g)s LI> 21-l00m-2 'KK fex,er itioot. ^^^ |i^^^^_ ^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY