BM 675 D3H98 HYMNAL FOR FAMILY DEVOTION, AND FOR THOSE SYNAGOGUES DESIROUS OF INTRO- DUCING CONGREGA- TIONAL SINGING IN THE VERNACULAR THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES The Library University of California, Los Angeles The gift of Mrs. Cummings, 1963 HYMNAL FOR FAMIL.Y DEVOTION AND rtm THOSE SYNAGOGUES DESIROUS OF INTRODUCING CONGREGATIONAL SINGING IN THE VERNACULAR FOR PRAISE AND FOR PRAYER ALSO FOB THE USE OF SABBATH SCHOOLS, GUILDS, &c. PARAPHRASED FliOM THK HK1WEW DAILY PRAYER BOOK. \nv ]>n>ilt iiri-iing from the sale of the Hymnal is to be devoted to the Prize Fund of the Brisbane Hebrew Sabbath School. MORKTON l-KIXTINtt COMPANY, ANN STREKT, Price, is. MDCCCXCIX. BAT 75 DEDICATION. To MARY NATHAN, London. MY DEAR FRIEND, To you who have been spiritually benefited by my early attempts as a paraphrast, and who had the kindness as well as the courage to acknowledge this in the Jewish Press this Hymnal is affection- ately dedicated. Ever yours, JONAS M. MYERS. Brisbane, 1898. Kislev, 5659. 2097108 PR E FAC E. I trust that I shall not offend the susceptibility of my many friends and co-religionists, when I most emphatically state that we are slowly though surely degenerating into a prayerless people, notwithstand- ing our seven volumes of a most beautiful, poetic, and soul-stirring liturgy. The fact that, for several decades, I have anxiously watched, and apprehensively noted this growing dereliction of a most important duty, together with a relinquishment of the study of Hebrew, and its consequent abandonment as a vehicle of prayer and praise, coupled with an ever- increasing demand for the introduction of the vernacular in our services, must be my plea and my justification for the issue of this booklet. In the hope that I may rescue from inanition our somewhat soul-less worship of to-day or, at all events, promote a higher and more emotional fervor than at present obtains, I have paraphrased several excerpts of a devotional and hymnal character from our daily prayer book, in the belief that verse will be a more retentive and responsive medium than prose. I indulge a hope that in the near future, some simple melofclies and chants may accompany them, both in our schools and eventually in our synagogues ; for then, and not till then, will our up-growing young people worship God in the beauty of holiness, and in fulness of heart, and thus be spiritually quickened when uplifting their voices, glorifying with praise and with anthem our Father in Heaven. I have to acknowledge, with many and grateful thanks, the kind and invaluable assistance rendered me by ME. S. W. BROOKS, not only for the general revision of this booklet, but more" especially for the rectification of the rhythm, so as to facilitate a musical setting for its contents. He has undertaken this labour of love as a testimony of the esteem in which he holds so many members of our community. " Let us toil on ! The work we leave behind us, Though incomplete, God's hand will yet embalm, And use it in some way ; and the news will find us, In Heaven above, and sweeten endless calm." JONAS M. MYEKS. Brisbane, Dec. 1898. Kislev, 5659. Ma-Anachnu. our Father and King, Shadowed o'er by Thy wing, Our reliance alone is on Thee ; Before Thee we lay Our prayer each day That our words may ascend unto Thee. What are we ? What our life ? What our power ? What our strife ? Oiir full tale of years is a dream ; Our men of renown From Peasant to Crown Our heroes arc as nought before Thee. As in duty we're bound, For Thy love in us found, We'll praise and give thanks unto Thee ; We'll extol, glorify, Bless, laud, sanctify, and evening happy are we, Arto-who. Eternal God in Heaven and Earth, Who First and Last most truly art, At sound of Thy great trumpet blast Gather all them that hope in Thee. The people of the world shall know, Shall all acknowledge Thou art He, Art God o'er all the kings who reign, Through all the earth from sea to sea. Who then can say what doest Thou ? Who scan Thy works, or doubt Thy fame ? Father in Heaven hear us now, Thy people called by Thy name. All that is written now fulfil, gather and restore us now ; Be ours a name to Thy great praise, Our captive souls be ever free. Yer=e Chevoud. Enduring for ever His glory, His works shall all men confess ; " From the rising of sun to its setting The name of the Lord shall be blessed. His throne is established in Heaven, His kingdom on earth shall rejoice ; He reigneth for ever and ever All praise Him with jubilant voice. 9 Man's heart is deceitful and vain, He the counsel of nations derides ; But th' Eternal, He standeth for ever, In His temple who shall abide ? His people He will not abandon, His heritage never forsake ; He is merciful, ever forgiving, His anger He will not retain. Hodu L'Ardonai. To God the Eternal now give thanks, And on His name all people call ; With chant and hymn now sing His praise, And of His wondrous fame make boast. Seek after Him and His great power, Continually His favour seek ; Remember all His wondrous works, His covenant with His people sure. With Abraham He His cov'nant made, To Isaac He His word confirmed ; He Canaan unto Israel gave, Though in His wrath He them despoiled. From nation unto nation they, From kingdom unto kingdom, strayed ; Yet suffered He none to oppress Of Him the mighty were afraid. His glory and His might declare Let all in Heaven and earth rejoice ! He reigneth now and evermore, To Him the floods lift up their voice. 10 His mercy is for ever sure, Our sins He casts behind His back : His anger He doth turn away, And keepeth not His wrath for aye. Compassion He will not withold, His truth and mercy will us save ; His blessings on His people rest, The God of Jacob is our stay. Salvation doth to Him belong, " Though He hath given us drink of gall ; " feed and save Thy people, Lord, Answer in mercy when we call. Arise and help us, Lord of all," Even as our trust is still in Thee ; On Thee our souls do ever rest, bid Thy servants now go free. Excerpt from Hodu. Oh King when I call Answer me, answer all, My fortress, my help,' and my shield ; Salvation is Thine, On me let it shine, My soul to Thee only I'll yield. Judge of the Earth, From the day of my birth Thou to me Thy compassion hast showed Eternal of Hosts 'Tis Israel that boasts Thou alone art our gracious God ! ii Let Thy mercy and truth, Compassion and ruth, Be always extended to me ; Then my heart will rejoice, I'll sing with loud voice, And my prayer shall ascend unto Thee. The Shemona-Esra. Eternal One be ever blessed In power who art for ever great ; God of our fathers from of old, Disposer of their children's fate. Remember now our fathers' faith, In mercy a Deliverer send ; To those who trust in Thy great power, And in Thy grace and favour hope. Eternal One be ever blessed, For ever is Thy might revealed, Sustaining ever those who live, Restoring from the grave the dead. With love supporting those who fall Who is comparable with Thee ? From dust Thou wakest those who sleep That in their flesh they Thee may see. Eternal One be ever blessed, With wisdom true endow us all : Teaching men everywhere to know Thy power and Thy compassion sure. Help us Thy holy law to obey Which to neglect were grievous wrong ; Blessed art Thou, Eternal One, Who with repentance art well pleased. Eternal God, be ever blessed, Our Father and our King forgive ; Against the law we've trespassed sore, Be gracious and our sins forget. Look down on our afflictions great, Our cause we pray Thee now defend ; Blessed art Thou, Eternal One, On Thee alone we now depend. Heal us, God, and save us now, grant us now a speedy cure ; Faithful Physician still Thou art, Ever compassionate and just. This year for us in mercy bless, Earth's fruits upon us still bestow ; Thy blessings on this land now pour, From drought and dearth save us still. Blessed be Thou, Eternal One, Put forth to-day Thy mighty power ; Freedom to captive ones declare, From dust their banners now upraise. Sorrow and sighing from us take, Thy judgment as of old restore ; Justice and Righteousness display, Silver and gold excelling far. Blessed be Thou, Eternal One, Remember all who trust in Thee ; The remnant of Thy Israel see, Who in Thy power did ever trust. is Remember now Jerusalem, Yet once again Thyself reveal ; Establish now King David's throne, And in our day in love restore. Receive our prayers in mercy now, And hear pur voices as they rise : ' Our supplications now we make, Our weak petitions hear and bless. Blessed be Thou, Eternal One, Who evermore abideth i'ure ; With favour and with love accept The worship of Thy Israel no*. With grateful hearts we Thee adore Our lives, our all, are in Thy hands Daily we share Thy bounties great, ' Ihy wondrous works we ever bless. To Thee all living shall give thanks, Who in weak tents abideth not Blessed be Thou, Eternal One ' To Thee we render constant praise. With Thy great grace, bless us still, Jjrace, Wisdom, Happiness bestow Bless us with life, with love, with peace And with Thy light and smile enrich Elohi Netzour. God my tongue from evil guard My lips from uttering deceit ; Open my heart unto Thy law, From falling save my wandering feet 14 Towards those who curse and trouble me Silent and niute my soul preserve ; Let me in humbleness be kept And from all evil save me now. My poor weak words, God accept, And from my heart all evil take ; Establish Thy great peace in me And in Thy chosen everywhere. For Thy great name and glory's sake, And for Thy holiness bestow, On all Thy loved ones peace and joy, And tenderest care for evermore. Who-va L'zeyone. A Redeemer from Zion shall come Unto those from transgression who turn ; My spirit shall rest upon Him And my mouth full confession shall make. His cov'nant shall never depart From his children's children for aye ; Through Him shall all nations be blessed For He the Lord's messenger is. And angel to angel shall call Crying holy forever more ; The Eternal of Hosts is His name, The earth shall be filled with His fame. The reign of the Eternal is sure, To Him all the people shall turn ; Yet again shall their hearts bow to Him On His mercy for ever repose. 15 The merciful ever forgives All sinners His mercy who seek ; In anger He turneth away, And shows not His wrath evermore. And angel, &c. Eternal His righteousness is, His law is far better than gold ; To Jacob His truth is fulfilled As He sware to our fathers of old. With mercies He loadeth us still, Our God is a refuge for all ; Who trusteth in Him hath great joy, He will answer whenever they call. And angel, &c. For His glory created He u?, E'en those who from Him go astray ; Of truth He hath given us the law, A law which shall guide us aright. God may it still be Thy will, That we worthy Thy grace ever prove ; Who in humbleness seeketh thy face Eternally shield with Thy love. And angel, &c. Vehoo Rachum. PART I. merciful and gracious God ! To Thee we make confession ; Comfort us ever with Thy rod, And pardon our transgression. 16 Our Father, King, our Guide and Rock, Sure Thou art all compassion ; Still save the children of Thy flock When they make supplication. Our evil deeds remember not But keep us ever trusting, And to the promise Abr'am got Still keep us ever clinging. From sorrow God deliver us And hear our trustful praying ; And ere to-morrow's sun doth rise grant us Thy salvation. PART II. We'have no other God save Thee, Our Father and our King ; In time of trouble answer UP, To Thee alone we cling. pity and forsake us not, And put us not to shame ; Thy cov'nant Thou hast not forgot, We're called by Thy great name. True, tho' our sins so numerous be, Forgiveness is with Thee ; Thy mercy hold not Thou from us, Preserve continually. answer us the day we call, Defend and comfort us ; Thy wrath awaken not at all, Reveal Thy graciousness. 17 PART III. God incline Thine ear, Behold our desolations ; wipe away our tears And hear our supplications. gather our despised From zone to zone now wandering, Let Israel yet be guided Back to his ancient home. now in mercy save us For we are nought hut clay ; The stony heart take from us And bless us every day. PART IV. Compassionate all-knowing God Abounding aye in love and truth Regard not Thou our ceaseless sin But grant us still thy loving ruth. No shred of righteousness have we, Abhorred our glory and debased ; Israel still mourns captivity, And Zion's beauty is effaced. Awaken now Thy might and zeal, The enemy is fierce and strong ; Thy healing mercy let us feel, How long, Gracious Lord ! how long ? Our sufferings, Lord, have ne'er been slight, We've great afflictions undergone ; Our souls would now enjoy Thy light, The Eternal God our Lord is One ! 18 Tachna. PART I. Before Thee have I sinned And contumacious been ; Rebuke me not Lord, Be gracious unto me. Heal me, Lord my God, And I shall healed be ; Weary with sighing long, I languish for Thy love. My couch with tears is dewed, My eyes through grief do fail , heed my earnest plaint My wailing passionate. In death remembrance fails, Thy name the grave blots out ; pardon now my sins, Thy grace I'll never doubt. PART u. We know- not what we do But fix our eyes on Thee ; Grace and beneficence Are Thine eternally. Our sins remember not, For we are very low ; Thy mercy now extend Temptation overthrow. Be gracious to us, Lord ! Show pity in Thy wrath ; Thou know'st our weakness, Lord, From dust we are brought forth. 19 Help us in mercy, Lord ! And pardon now bestow ; In pity grant it now, God, our saviour Thou. Public Prayer Yerhe Razoun. Father in Heaven, be gracious now, The remnant of Thy people bless ; From wasting sickness now preserve, On Thee alone our hopes depend, Amen. Father in Heaven, be gracious now, Our wives and children ever bless ; In every place of their abode May Israel's teachers never cease, Amen. Father in Heaven, be gracious now, All fear of drought and dearth remove ; Let tidings of Thy grace be heard Where'er Thy people are dispersed, Amen. Father in Heaven, be gracious now, Thy pitying love on all bestow On all in poverty who bow On sea or land, for evermore, Amen. AI-Kine. We hope in Thee, Lord our God, In us Thy glory now reveal ; Let all abominations cease, And banish worship of false gods. 20 Let all men now invoke Thy name, Let all bear witness to Thy fame ; To Thee let every knee be bent, And every tongue swear fealty. All men on earth Thy power shall know From torrid zone to arctic snow ; Thy kingdom's yoke they shall not stain, For Thou through endless years must reign. Lord to Thee our eyes we raise And longing seek with earnest gaze ; Daily proclaim Thy will be done, Gladly confessing Thou art One. Lecho Dodee. Come, my beloved, to meet the Bride, Let's welcome the Sabbath, our joy and our pride. With one invitation He caused us to hear, To observe and remember, without any fear Our Sabbath to keep ! when our labour is done To praise the Eternal whose Name is One. Come, my beloved, &c. Let us now proceed the Sabbath to keep, The source of all blessings, then it let us greet. The Day : In creation the last to define But priceless as pearls ; the first in design ! Come, &c. Jerusalem the regal, the city divine ! Too long has thou suffered ; prepare then in time ; The valley of weeping no more shalt thou see ; Thy God in compassion will now pity thee. Come, &c. 21 Shake off now thy yoke, from the dust arise, Array in apparel that's good for the eyes ; Redemption will surely come to thee aright Salvation through Jesse the Bethlehemite. Come, &c. Then be not abashed nor confounded be, Why art thou astonished, why art thou cast down ? The poor of my people find refuge in thee ; Jerus'lem rebuilt on her ruins shall be. Come, &c. Then they who despoiled thee, themselves shall be spoiled ; Then they who destroyed thee, themselves shall be foiled ; In thee once again thy God will abide. Exulting, rejoicing, as the groom in his bride. Come, &c. To the right, to the left, thou then shalt extend Revering the Eternal, and on Him still depend ; Then all shall rejoice in David's great son, And Zion again shall be known in the earth. Come, &c. Come then in thy peace, come Sabbath apace, Come then with thy joy to all Israel's race ; Come my beloved, my glory and pride : In gladness and peace still let me abide. Come, &c. 22 Aravas Olom. Eternal is the love thou hast For Israel thy chosen seed ; Thy laws, commands, and statutes teach So feeble and so sinful we. God ! whenever we lie down Thy statutes let us not forget, And in Thy law let us rejoice When we awake and greet the day. For ever seeking thy commands, In all thy ways still let us walk Rejoicing, for they are our life, The length'ning of our earthly days. Still day and night we'll meditate Thy goodness great no tongue can tell ; May blessings rest continually On all who call upon Thy name. Hashkevinu. Grant us, God, in peace to rest, In health and joy to rise again ; Help for the sake of Thy great name From raging foe save us still. From famine and from sorrow shield Beneath the shadow of thy wing ; Gracious art Thou, and merciful, To Thee alone, let us cling. Our goings and our comings guard - Glad life and settled peace bestow ; Eternal One be ever blessed Thy mercy nevermore withdraw. 28 Var=y'=Chuloo. The Sabbath did'st Thou sanctify And thus Thy name did'st glorify ; Above all days did'st it bless And heaven and earth doth it confess. The Seventh day saw Thy work complete ; The law doth this oft-times repeat, That on the Sabbath we should rest Since this the day that Thou hast blest. This day by Thy divine decree Must hallowed and observed be ; Our hearts then do Thou purify Thy name let Israel sanctify. Yigdol. Eternal God be Thou extolled, And praised Thy existence be ; Incomprehensible, untold, Unparalleled Thy Unity. Material form is not with Thee, Thy holiness none can declare ; Thou art the first, then let us sing, Thou art last, let man rejoice. The Holy prophets Thou did'st teach, But none like Moses e'er beheld Thy glorious likeness girt with fire. Thy law of truth his hands upheld. Thy gracious law Thou ne'er wilt change, That beauteous law which Moses gave ; Our secret thoughts to inmost range, Thou know'st, forgivest, and wilt cleanse. The pious man Thou wilt reward, And surely punish evil deeds ; We pray Thee, then, Eternal Lord To shield us daily in our needs. In thy good time, Messiah bring Salvation and eternal fame ; Redeeming those who glad will sing For evermore Thy glorious name. Psalm XX. Help from the Sanctuary He will send From Zion shall our God defend ; He'll answer thee when troubles rise Accepting thy burnt sacrifice. Thy heart's desires in mercy grant, Answer thy prayer, and will plant Thy banners in the name of God And save thee from the vengeful rod. The anointed will the Eternal save As from the heaven His answer gave ; son of man if thou wilt cry From heaven He'll answer, " Here am I. Our foes for chariots ceaseless call For horses too, which surely fail ; While we supported are and stayed, By Him who all mankind doth save. Psalm XXXIII. Ye righteous in your God exult For praise is comely to the just ; With harp give thanks unto your God, With ten-stringed psaltery and hymn. 25 A new song now unto Him sing, For His, the Eternal's, word is right ; Full of His mercy is the earth, Likewise the heavens made by His might. The waters of the mighty deep He gathereth and heapeth high ; His fear let all on earth possess And them who to the deep go down. He so decreed, and firm it stood. He spake, it cannot ever move ; The plots of nations He subverts, And their devices brings to nought. He sees from heaven, His dwelling place, The wandering dwellers upon earth ; Happy the nation who Him fears, Which from its birth His love did choose. By armies is the king not saved, The fleetness of the horse is vain ; But they who in His mercy hope And fear Him, safety shall attain. Our help, our shield, our sure defence In Thee our hearts shall still rejoice ; Upon us, Lord, Thy mercy be According as we hope in Thee. Psalm XC. Through all the generations, Lord, A refuge to us Thou hast been ; Ere yet the world from chaos grew, Thy power supreme was ever seen, 26 From everlasting Thou art God, A thousand years are in Thy sight Even but as yesterday when passed, Or as a watch, brief part of night. To dust Thou bringest boastful man, Subduing even while he sleeps ; Like grass which withereth when cut down Or like to grass consumed by sheep. By Thy just anger we're consumed, By Thy just wrath we troubled are ; Our secret sins are all revealed, Before Thy face they are set forth. Our days in Thy wrath pass away, Our years are like a tale that's told ; Our tale of years may seventy be Or even with vigour fourscore reach. But altho' eighty years be reached, Labour and sorrow is their lot ; We are cut off and pass away, Then of to-morrow let none boast. Our days, then, may we number well, To wisdom true our hearts apply ; Etei'nal Lord Thy servants shield, And with Thy mercy satisfy. As our affliction so our joy, For all the years we've evil known ; And let Thy servants see Thy works, Their children all Thy glorious ways. 27 On us let all Thy beauty beam, Establish Thou upon us now The works which now our hands employ, Yea, let those works established be. Psalm XCII. How good on Sabbath to give thanks, Praises to sing to Thee, Most High ; By morning light sustained with love, By dew-fall in the cooler eve. With wondrous deeds Thou mak'stus glad, Thy works on this glad day did cease ; In Thy creation bid us joy, On Psaltery and Harp Thee praise. The ignorant doth not know Thy power, Nor doth the foolish understand ; When like the grass the wicked rise, Thine enemies o'erflow the land. As palm trees shall the righteous thrive, Like cedars shall their arms outspread ; Their eyes shall see their hearts' desires, Full fruitage of eternal joy. In God's house planted shall they be, In old age shall they blossom still ; Their God's uprightness manifest, The God from whom all blessings flow. Ashri. Psalm CXLV. " Happy are they who dwell in Thy House, Happy are the people whose God is the Lord." Thee I extol my God my King, For ever will I bless Thy name ; Worthy of praise and glory Thou, Thy greatness is unsearchable. Thy mighty acts mankind declare, All nations shall Thy goodness tell ; Righteous, compassionate art Thou, Mercy is Thy memorial. The eternal God is good to all, The pious still Thy wisdom tell ; Thou sittest on Thy glorious throne, Thy kingdom vast shall never fail. Who trust in Thee Thou dost uphold, On all thy benison doth bestow ; With longing eyes all wait on Thee, For food for every season's due. Thy hand doth ever satisfy, And gives responsive to desire ; To all who call Thou'rt ever near, Who call in truth Thou'lt ever hear. Their cry Thou'lt hear, and then Thou'lt save Who call to Thee from far and near ; Preserving all who love Thee well, Henceforth to all eternity. Hallelujah. 29 Psalm CXLVIII. Praise the Lord, ye Heavens, Praise Him in the heights : Praise Him, all ye angels, Praise Him, stars of light. The Lord from all the earth be praised, From all who in abysses lie ; Sea monsters all and Tan-e-nim, And waters vast above the sky. Praise, &c. Rain and fire, strong wind and hail, His high behests performing here ; Fruit trees and cedars, and the hills, High mountains ever capped with snow. Praise, &c. Beasts of the earth, and flying fowl, Kings of the earth and peoples all ; All meu, all women, young and old, All children praise Thee from their birth. Praise, &c. The praises of all saints be Thine, Exalted far and near Thy horn ; Thy chosen Israel evor sing, The Lord be praised the Almighty King. Praise, &c. 30 Ma Tovu. How goodly, Jacob, are thy tents, Thy Tabernacle, Israel ; Unto Thy house, Lord, will I go, To Thy blest temple, God of Hosts. With reverence will I enter in, With reverend silence bend my knee ; Thy habitation, Lord, I love, I offer there my prayer to Thee. In mercy, answer me, Lord, Eternal One, accept me now ; Now unto Thee, my God, I cry, On me now cause Thy face to shine. Thou hear'st me, Lord, whene'er I call, When in full truth I cry to Thee ; be not heedless of my tears, Be ever gracious unto me. Nishmos. The homage of all living, The voice of every race, All flesh to Thee uplifting, fill us with Thy grace. From age to age enduring, Memorial Thine, King ; Our Saviour and Redeemer, To Thee alone we sing. have compassion on us, To Thee we humbly bow ; Deliver and maintain us Our Rock, our Fortress Thou. 81 With tenderness Thou rulest This world and all therein ; With mercy Thou sustainest To Thee our song we bring. Thou sleepest not, nor slumberest- The dumb Thou makest speak ; From death Thou wilt redeem us From everlasting sleep ! Supporting all who falter, Uplifting those bowed down ; We offer adoration The Kingdom and the Crown ! Illu Pheenu. With sacred song our mouths we fill, Our tongues with loud exulting : Our lips o'erflow like mountain lill Our eyes like suns outshining. Like eagle's wings our hands outspread For the myriads of Thy blessings Bestowed on us for daily bread, We look to Thee, confessing. In times of stress and aching pain, Thy love for us providing ; When grief nd sorrow poured like rain, Thy pity still was shielding. Ha-cole Yaducho. To Thte all beings shall give praise, And magnify Thy holy name ; For ever they Thy power shall laud, ftince none but Thou Eternal art. 82 Creator of all things art thou, Spreading each day Thy gladdening light ; Thy sun from out his temple brings, Thy moon on man to ceaseless shine. Thy goodness is the world's true light, Creation's work Thy glory is ; From everlasting, Thou art King, And the world's glory is Thy crown. On Thy compassion's boundless strength Lord, we rest our souls to-day ; With Thy salvation us sustain, Thy sheep, the people, of Thy choice. Like unto Thee, Lord, is none Redeemer, King of all mankind ; Who death in victory will o'erthrow And bring Thy children safely home. He O'Down. The Lord of all creation, Almighty is His name ! Adored with exultation, For goodness, power, and fame. By knowledge and by wisdom, Encircled evermore ; In pureness and uprightness His throne is built on high. He luminaries formed With wisdom formed He them ; Resplendent shining ever Irradient as gems, 83 To His name glory speaking, Kevealing joy in song ; In ceaseless praise thus joining With the celestial throng. Seraphim and Ophanim Say " Holy " evermore ; With rev'rence each proclaiming, While Cherubim stand in awe. He O'Down. (ANOTHER VEBSION). Above the holy angels He, Adored by every tongue shall be ; The Universe His goodness fills, And wisdom flows from mountain rills. Before His throne is purity, Mercy and kindness His alone. Our God created two great lights, To rule by day, and shine by night. In splendor full they radiate, Their brightness doth illuminate This world of ours so beauteously, Peform His will continually. In bright effulgent shining flamp, Ascribing glory to His name ; The heavenly host doth ever sing The Seraphim and Ophanim. 84 Tisboroch. Ever blessed Redeemer, Our Creator and Keeper, praised be Thy name by us all ; In uppermost sphere Thy angels appear To entreat Thee whenever we call. The Angels of Light, Pure Spirits and bright, Thy mandates performing for us ; With song and with psalms They outstretch their palms Entreating Thy mercy God ! They take willingly, They hallow for aye Thy glorious Kingdom of Love ; With tongues pure and glad, Thy glory they spread, Lord of all power Eternal. Lo-Ile Asher 5hovas. Upon His glorious throne He sat When He had ceased his power to exert ; The Day of Rest He did ordain To be our constant resting day. This is our psalm, or song of praise, Wherewith we now attune our lay Thanks to our God, we now would raise On this, the Holy Sabbath Day. 35 Let all things now extol His power, And bless His name with earnest joy ; Approach His throne in this glad hour, Who all our evils will destroy. In Heaven above, in Earth beneath, His name in gladness we will bless Will sanctify through life to death, The Lord of this glad Sabbath Day. Aarvo Rabo. Eternal One, whose love supreme For us and ours was ever shown ; Our fathers trusted in Thy name, And bowed themselves before Thy throne. Thy statutes Thou dost teach us still And give us power Thy will to know ; The doctrines compassed by Thy law help us still to teach and do. Our eyes enlighten in Thy word, Thy glorious name help us revere ; Attach our hearts to Thy commands That we Thy wrath may never fear. In Thy great name we'll ever trust, In Thy salvation e'er delight ; From Earth's iir bounds Thou wilt us bring, And give us joy through Thy solo might. iead us to our land again, And we Thy love and power will tell ; Let not our trust in Thee be vain Thy chosen people, Israel. Asros. Thou, our Fathers' help of old, In each succeeding age is told How great a Saviour Thou hast been, A shield in every shifting scene. Supremely happy is the man Who striveth with His fullest power ; With heart kept pure and cleanly hands, To do whate'er Thy law commands, Thy law benign he still obeys, From the right path he never strays ; His cause Thou surely wilt defend, And still to Him Thy blessings send. When Israel Thou from bondage brought, Egypt on that great day was taught. The pride of Pharoah was brought low, Who would not let Thy people go. The Eed Sea, then, Thou didst divide, Chariots and horsemen overthrow, Who vainly Israel did pursue, And brought Thy people safely through. Their voices then they raised on high, Extolled Thy mercy and Thy power ; Exultant they Thy praises sang, Who is like Thee, God, our King ? 87 Ardown Olam. Eternal Lord, Thou our King, Thou did'st from mighty chaos bring Thy finished Universe ; and did'sfc ordain, Thy people should Thy name proclaim. When all things made shall cease to be Thou still wilt reign eternally ; Thou wert, Thou art, Thou ever wilt Exist in glory with mt end. Without compare Thou art but one, And of associates Thou hast none ; Without beginning, without end, To Thee alone our knee we bend. Our God Thou art, our living God, Our Rock in trouble, and our Best ; Our portion's cup whene'er we call, Our standard aiding when we fall. Into Thy hands our spirits fall, When sleep enfolds us in its bands ; Our bodies, too, Thou dost preserve, Thou art with us, we need not fear. Moses' Triumphant Song. sing unto the Lord And shout triumphantly ; The horse and rider He Hath cast unto the sea. The Lord is still our strength, Salvation and our song : Our Fathers' God is He, And to Him we belong. 88 For Pharoah's mighty host And captains of wide fame, In seas' depths are they drowned, By His great power o'erwhelmed. He breathed upon their pride, The flood stood all a-heap ; His foes were all engulphed, The deeps did them destroy. " I'll now pursue, o'ertake, The spoil I will divide," So spake the enemy In fullness of his pride. Thy stormy wind did blow, They sank as lifeless lead, The mighty deep them hid, Enshrouding all their dead. Lord ! amongst the Gods There's surely rjone like Thee ; Glorious in Holiness, And working wonders great. Outstretched was Thy right hand, And earth entombed them all ; How large and wide their pride, How impotent their fall ! Thy people Thou did'st guide With fire and cloud did'st lead ; Edom and Moab mourned, Thy help they did not share. Upon them fell Thy dread, Still as a stone they stood ; While all Thy people blest In safety reached the shore. 39 Them wilt Thou bring and plant In Thy most glorious fane ; 'Stablished by Thy right hand, For ever shall they reign. '0 sing unto the Lord, And shout exultingly ; The horse and rider He Into the sea hath cast. Moses' Last Exhortation. DEUTERONOMY XXXII. Give ear, ye heavens, I will speak unto you, The words of my mouth earth shall be few ; My doctrine shall drop, as rain upon herb And as dew upon grass, my speech shall distil. Because I will publish the Lord's mighty name, Declaring his goodness, His greatness and fame ; How perfect His work ! He is the Rock, His ways are all justice towards us of His flock. God only of truth ! how upright is He ! A merciful God ! without iniquity ; But alas ! we His children corrupted and weak, A perverse generation, self-willed and astray. people so foolish ! thus the Lord to requite, Is He not Thy Father, who hath bought thee out- right ; Thy fathers shall show thee what happened of old, And of days that are pass'd, which thy ciders foretold. 40 When nations were severed, then the Most High, Led Israel and kept him as the pride of His eye ; In the desert He found him, and help'd him about, And on Eagle's wings bore him, triumphant throughout. The growth of the field He gave him to eat, "With honey to suck and fat kidneys of wheat ; Of Bashan's pure breed, and butter of kine, Thou gavest him drink from the fruit of the vine. But Jeshurum wax'd fat, and then did he kick ! He was upstart with pride, and with feasting grown thick ; He forsook then His God, who had made him a nation, And lightly esteemed his Rock of Salvation ! They provoked Him to anger, then He them abhorr'd, They forgot then their God, the Bock and His word ; Generation so wayward ! a race without faith, Provoked is mine anger, I am jealous as death. Teeth of beast, serpent's fang, disease, burning heat, With death-dealing arrows and sword piercing their feet ; Now disbanded and scatter'd, husband, wife, maiden fair, Shall cease to be known from babe to grey hair. Were it not that I fear'd lest the foeman should hiss, "Our own hand is high, God hath not done all this ;" would they were wise and this understood, They'd consider their ends, and with faith be imbued, 41 See now ! that I kill, make alive, I am He ! I wound and I heal, there is no God with me ; I'll reward them that hate me, with my sword will I kill, When my hand is uplifted I accomplish my will ! Hannah's Prayer. And thus did Hannah sing and pray My heart exulteth every day ; In Thee Lord ! do I rejoice, God 1 to Thee I lift my voice. Holy as Thou Lord is none ! Beside the Rock there is not one ; In His great power my horn shall be, Exalted 'gainst mine enemy. talk no more with arrogance, Ope not your mouth in ignorance ; By Him our actions all are weigh'd, And by His might all things are made. The men of war have broken bows, Who stumbled, now with strength o'erflows ! Who hunger'd, now are fill'd with leaven, The erstwhile barren hath borne seven ! The Lord He kills and makes alive, Our bodies perish but our souls survive ; From dust of death the poor and hoary He sets 'midst kings on thrones of glory. The feet of all His saints He'll keep, No power of man will o'er suffice ; From earth's remotest bounds shall come The king's anointed to their home. New Year Arto-zochire. Who is there feels not on this day, Reminder of creation's power ? When Thou our weakness doth survey, In pity judge us gracious Lord. On this first day of new-born year, As on all days to Thee are known Our secret sins ; oh let them not, Our souls from Thee for ever lead. 'Midst clouds of glory are revealed In power majestic are approached ; With voice Thy mercy then appealed, And pleaded with Thy Israel. 'Mid thunder loud and lightning bright. The world with awe Thy power beheld ; Thy people shrank with fear o'erpowered, And on Thy name with trembling called. With cornets and with trumpets loud, Now let us all Thy praises sound ; With hearts unhardened and in tears, pardon now Thy suppliant ones. New Year Hymn. In heaven and earth our God thou art, Mighty, All-Powerful is Thy name ; Thy standard has no counterpart, Myriads shall chant Thy praise and fame. 43 He spake ! it was ! He did command, From chaos then was all create ; He dwells in secret evermore, His work in truth is spread abroad. With vengeance girt but pure of sight, The earth uphokleth He in space ; To those who call He will not smite But grant them peace their sins efface. Succoth Hymn. The precious plants in number four, We bind as one within our hand ; Libations seven of water pour, To lead us to the promised Land. And as the plants attest the day, So waters cool revive our life ; thus may Israel's sons obey, In peaceful booth to banish strife. Let us each year the palm-branch wave, The myrtle too in twigs of three ; With scented citron we will crave, Thy love with drooping willow- tree. The palm has taste but has no smell, Bitter the myrtle, though its odour fine ; The woodiest willow from the dell, With citron there shall all combine. And now with chant and hymn of praise, Symbolic trees we elevate ; Seven days in joy we keop our feast, And worship God exultingly. 44 Succoth Hymn No. 2. In innocence my hands I'll wash, My sins Thou wilt forgive and cleanse ; With verdant boughs and stately palms To thee, Lord, I raise my psalm. His hidden treasure He will show, If I His precepts glad obey ; Dwelling in booths in peaceful rest, All shall be honored, all be blest. No slumberer in this resting place, I look to Thee to grant me grace ; . With me no enmity shall walk, But simple love toward all my kind. God most gracious, faithful One, In Law and Mishna are we taught ; That Thou for Israel battles won, For Gods besides Thee, there are none ! Morning Prayer for Children Elohi Neshama. God ! my soul which thou has given Created, formed, and pure from Heaven, Do thou preserve it, guard and keep, Whils't I'm awake, and when I sleep. And when from earth I pass away, And in thy presence trembling stand, I'll trust in thee my soul to grant, A blessed Immortality. 45 The Eternal, thy God, In thy soul and thy might, In thine heart thou shalt love And praise day and night. God, faithful King ! Hear Israel alone Proclaiming Thy Unity, The Eternal is One ! Grace After Meals. God Eternal be Thou praised Who us with food dost daily bless ; Thy love has never failed us yet, For Thou alone art ever good. Thy kindness, pity, and Thy grace From us Thou never wilt remove ; Providing for Thy creatures' needs, For never-ending is Thy love. Let us unceasingly give thanks, And daily bless Thy glorious name ; We eat and want not daily bread, Let not ingratitude demean. . From Thee all blessings we receive, Thy bounteous love doth never cease Grant us and to all Israel Thy mercy and Thy love and peace ! Night Prayer for Children. God ! who dost cause The bands of sleep To descend on my eyelids : In slumber sweet, 46 Suffer not evil dreams To trouble my rest ; In peace I'll lie down- My uprising, bless ! The Eternal, thy God, In thy soul and thy might, In thine heart thou shalt love And praise day and night. God, faithful King ! Hear Israel alone Proclaiming Thy Unity, The Eternal is One ! Night Prayer. Baruch Bayome. By day, Lord, Thy name be praised, By night Thy glory shall be told ; When lying down Thy name we'll bless, And praise Thy power with morning light. All living souls are in thy hand, The souls of all the dead are Thine ; My spirit I to Thee commit When sleep mine eyelids calmly seals. Father in Heaven, most merciful, Gather Thy people scattered, peeled ; Establish, now, Thy Kingdom Lord, For ever reign, world without end. 47 Psalm XC. (KINDLY CONTRIBUTED BY MR. J. BRUNTON STEPHENS.) Oh God ! the everlasting One ! In Thee alone, from sire to son ; Through generations all, our race Have found a sure abiding place Before the mountains rose from earth, Before the world itself had birth, Ere yet the heav'ns were spread abroad, Thou wast, and art eternal God ! But man, the creature of Thy breath, Thou humblest to the deeps of death ; Few days and sad thou giv'st, and then " Return," Thou say'st, " ye sons of men !" For, lo, the space of thousand years, To Thine unchanging eye appears As yesterday to mortal sight, When passed, or as a watch of night. As comes a flood on those who sleep, So over man Thy wrath doth sweep, As fades the freshness of the grass, So swiftly doth his vigour pass. As grass at morn he flourisheth ; Cut down, at eve he lies in death, Like flame Thy wrath against us burns, And all our life to anguish turns. 48 Thou our iniquities has set Before Thy face, unpardonld yet ; Our secret sins, in darkness done, Thy light reveals them ev'ry one. And all our days beneath the blast Of Thy consuming wrath are past ; Our barren lives from year to year Ev'n as an idle tale appear. In seventy years our race is run, And what if here and there an one Through greater strength fourscore attains, He only added sorrow gains. And soon the longest life is o'er, We pass away and are no more. Oh, who Thine anger can express ! Thine ire is as Thine awfulness ! Lord, teach us so our days to count, That as we mark their small amount, Our hearts we may the more apply To learn Thy wisdom ere we die. Eeturn, Oh God ! How long wilt Thou Thy grace withold ? Oh, even now, In mercy hear Thy servants' voice, That all our days we may rejoice. According as the days have been Wherein we have but sorrow seen, According to onr years of ill Do Thou our lives with gladness fill, 49 Give Thou to us Thy works to know ; Thy glory to our children show, And on Thy servants let there rest The Beauty of the Holiest. To all the work we do on earth Give Thou, Lord, enduring worth ; Yea, that our handwork may endure, Do Thou, Eternal ! make it sure. 51 INDEX. MA AXACHXI' ... ... ... ... ... 7 ARTO-\VHO ... ... ... ... ... 8 YER-E CHEVOUD ... ... ... ... ... 8 HODU L'ARDONAI... ... ... ... ... 9 EXCERPT FROM HODU ... ... ... ... 10 THE SHEMONA-ESRA ... ... ... ... 11 ELOHI NETZOUR ... ... ... ... ... 13 \\MO-VA L'ZEYONE ... ... ... ... 14 VEHOO RACHUM (i) ... ... ... ... 15 VEHOO RACHUM (n) ... ... ... ... 16 VEHOO RACHUM (in) ... ... ... ... 17 VEHOO RACHUM (rv r ) ... ... ... ... 17 TACHNA (PART i) ... ... ... ... ... 18 TACHNA (PART n) ... ... ... ... ... 18 PUBLIC PRAYER YERHE RAZOUN ... ... 19 AL-KINE 19 LECHO DODEE ... ... ... ... ... 20 ARAVAS OLOM ... ... ... ... ... 22 HASHKEVINU ... ... ... ... ... 22 VAR-Y' CHULOO 28 YIODOL 28 PSALM XX 24 PSALM XXXIII . 24 52 PSALM XC 25 PSALM XCII 27 ASHRI PSALM CXLV ... 28 PSALM CXLVIII 29 MA Tovu 30 NlSHMOS ... ILLU PHEENU ... ... ... 31 HA-COLE YADUCHO ILE O'DowN 32 ILE O'DowN (ANOTHER VERSION)... TISBOROCH... LO-!LE ASHER SHOVAS ... AAKVO RABO ASROS ARDOWN OLAM ... ... ... ... 37 MOSES' TRIUMPHANT SONG 37 MOSES' LAST EXHORTATION HANNAH'S PRAYER ARTO-ZOCHIRE (NEW YEAR) 42 NEW YEAR HYMN ... ... 42 SUCCOTH HYMN ... ... ... 43 SUCCOTH No. 2 ... ... ... 44 MORNING PRAYER FOR CHILDREN - - ELOHI NESHAMA GRACE AFTER MEALS ... ... ... 45 NIGHT PRAYER FOR CHILDREN ... ... 45 NIGHT PRAYER BARUCH BAYOME PSALM XC. (BY MR. J. BRUNTON STEPHENS) ... 47 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 47585 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY F ACIL ' A 001 248 261 8