IRLF 1037 P56 IN- cs EXCHANGE wt'trwriw StP 20 1915 CARNEGIE LIBRARY OF PITTSBURGH ILLUSTRATED EDITIONS OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS A SELECTED LIST rHt 6* PITTSBURGH CARNEGIE LIBRARY 1915 pMr^l | 9WKIEUWWRV Of PITTSBURGH I PRESS Illustrated Editions of Children's Books A Selected List When, about a hundred and fifty years ago, John Newbery, the London bookseller, began publishing his miniature volumes "of instruction and amusement" for children, he made a con- scious attempt to appeal to them through form. The little six- penny books were carefully printed, "embellished with cuts" and bound in gaudy Dutch paper. But those small "flowery and gilt" volumes, loved as they were by the children of those days, are a far cry from the superbly illustrated books which the boys and girls of this generation may possess. Publishers now vie with each other in the production of attractive editions for children, and the best modern illustrators do not disdain to expend their wealth of talent upon fairy tale and legend. It seems oftentimes a labor of love for them thus lavishly to adorn the children's favorite tales. Bright colors and simple outline pictures are especially en- joyed by the younger children. If the color is clear and the drawing good, these stimulate the sense of the beautiful and lead to an appreciation of the more complex decorative styles and of subtler harmonies of color. The artistic merit of a book, however, does not consist al- together in the character of the illustrations. The choice of type, the spacing, the margins, the arrangement of title-page, contents and headings, may all contribute to produce the effect of beauty and proportion. Association with well-made books ought to make it possible for children to enjoy these minor pleasures "the deep breath at the beauty of binding, the thrill of the fingers as they press responsive paper, the gladness of the eye in margin and type and uncut edge." (Alice Chadivick.) This list has been made chiefly with the object of providing for grown people a selection of beautiful editions of children's classic and standard stones; but other illustrated books have 311852 been included, among them a few unbound picture-books, which are not catalogued. The latter are indicated by asterisks. No attempt has been made at completeness, and many subjects, such as handicraft, athletics, electricity, inventions, interesting to boys and girls, are not represented. Further suggestions for books for the children's book shelves may be found in a list issued by the Library entitled "Children's books for Christmas gifts." The selection and compilation of this list has been done by Miss Elva Smith of the Childrens Department of the Library. HARRISON W. CRAVER, Librarian. Artistic Picture-books "Summer fading, winter comes Frosty mornings, tingling thumbs, Window robins, winter rooks, And the picture story-books. * * * * All the pretty things put by, Wait upon the children's eye, Sheep and shepherds, trees and crooks, In the picture story-books." Stevenson. *Bergh, Lisbeth. En Lappefamilie; tekst og billeder fra Nordland. Ellingsen, i.4okr. [Stechert, importer, $.42.] On the cover is pictured a Lapp family father, mother and children, the youngest in its curious cradle, or "komse." Inside are pictures showing the daily life and occupa- tions of the family. There is no unnecessary detail and the color scheme is simple but harmonious. Text is printed in Norwegian, English and German in parallel columns. *Bergh, Lisbeth. Fra sseteren; billeder af Lisbeth Bergh, tekst af Elling Hoist. El- lingsen, i kr. [Stechert, importer, $.30.] Pictures a Norwegian saeter the cows in the upland pasture, the sheep and goats and other animals and, associated with them, delightful children. Drawn with few lines and very simple in coloring, the pictures have unusual charm and both in subject matter and style are especially attractive to little children. Boutet de Monvel, Maurice. qj 92 J32gmo Joan of Arc. 1907. Century, $3.50 net. Large oblong book, with full-page illustrations in color. "The masterpiece of its class." White's Children's books and their illustrators. "The artist felt... the appeal of the romance, the color, the pomp of ceremonial in palace and cathedral, the mysticism, the youthfulness of the Middle Ages, to young peo- ple of all time. . .[and] he has given our children an accurate and vivid background for their whole study of the period, in the dress of noble and soldier and peasant, in the banners and trappings and heraldic devices of chivalry, in the frowning walls and quaint market-places of old cities, in the religious processions, the implements of war." C. W, Hunt, in Outlook, 1910. The French text, entitled "Jeanne d'Arc," is published by Plon at 10 fr. Brooke, Leonard Leslie. qj 398 6772 Golden goose book. [1906.] Warne, $2.00 net. Contents : The golden goose. The three bears. The three little pigs. Tom Thumb. One of the best picture-books for children and one of the most popular. The text is in large print and the illustrations, both those in color and those in black and white, are original and deliciously humorous. They have also the excellent quality of simplicity of design. The stories are also published separately in paper covers at $.40 each. Brooke, Leonard Leslie. j 6772] Johnny Crow's garden; a picture book. Warne, $1.00 net. Nursery rhyme, with humorous illustrations in black and white and full-page draw- ings in color. "One .of the most successful 'funny books'... for little folks." C. W. Hunt, in Out- look, 1910. Brooke, Leonard Leslie. ' j Johnny Crow's party; another picture book. Warne, $1.00 net. "Delightful book of animal pictures, some colored, some black and white, all well done and full of humor." A. L. A. booklist, 1908. *Brooke, Leonard Leslie. The man in the moon; a nursery rhyme picture book, with drawings by Leslie Brooke. Warne, $.40 net. *Brooke, Leonard Leslie. Oranges and lemons; a nursery rhyme picture book, with drawings by Leslie Brooke. Warne, $.40 net. Inexpensive but artistic picture-books. Outline drawings in black and white, and colored plates. Pictures are "plain," as the children say, excellent in color and very humorous. Brooke, Leonard Leslie. j By72t The tailor and the crow; an old rhyme, with new drawings by L. L. Brooke. Warne, $1.00 net. Color plates and black and white drawings. "If ever there was an irresistible bird it is this derisive looking crow, who from the bough of a tree watches with wicked enjoyment the lamentable result of the tailor's shot from his old bent bow." Outlook (London), 1911. Caldecott, Randolph. j 821 Ci2c Caldecott's collection of pictures & songs. 2v. Warne, $2.50 each. Old nursery rhymes and ballads, with colored pictures by one of the most famous illustrators of children's books. The pictures have simplicity, action, humor and vigor. "The Caldecott toy-books, . They fix for all time The favorite heroes Of nvirsery rhyme. The Caldecott toy-books We never shall find A gracefuller pencil, A merrier mind!" . V . Lucas. Also published in four volumes at $1.25 each; in a miniature edition bound in art board pictorial covers at $.50 each, and in 16 separate parts in paper covers at $.25 each. Crane, Walter. Walter Crane's picture books. 8v. Lane, $1.25 each. Beauty and the beast picture book qj 398 CS6jb Bluebeard's picture book. . . .-. qj 398 867 Buckle my shoe picture book qj CSGyib Cinderella's picture book qj 398 C86yc Goody Two Shoes picture book qj C86jig Mother Hubbard, her picture book qj 398 CSGym Red Riding Hood's picture book qj 398 CS6jr This little pig, his picture book qj CS6jit Also published in 24 parts in paper covers at $.25 each. Famous toy books which still retain their position among the most delightful books for the nursery and the studio, equally beloved by babies and artists. Walter Crane makes the old legends vital. He is the true artist of fairyland, because he recognises its practical possibilities, and yet does not lose the glamour which was never, on sea or land. Condensed from White's Children's books and their illustrators. France, Anatole, (pseud, of Jacques Anatole Thibault). qj 843 F86f Filles et gargons; scenes de la ville et des champs; illustrations de Maurice Boutet de Monvel. Hachette, 4 fr. France, Anatole, (pseud, of Jacques Anatole Thibault). qj F86ig Girls and boys; scenes fr6m the country and the town; illustrated in color and in pen and ink by Boutet de. Monvel. Duffield, $2.25 net. Translation of "Filles et gargons," with the original illustrations. France, Anatole, (pseud, of Jacques Anatole Thibault). . qj 843 F86 Nos enfants; scenes de la ville et des champs; illustrations de Maurice Boutet de Monvel. Hachette, 4 fr. [The illustrations are] "replete with tenderness, half amused, and yet thoroughly in sympathy with child life. Here we have the grave little doctor visiting the indisposed doll, while the little mother, gravely resting her chin on the headboard of the bed, awaits the result of the diagnosis. Very charming. . .are the glimpses of country life the good old peasant grandmother, the children gathering fagots, or the little becapped girl who submits with a mingling of terror and joy to the amicable caress of a great Newfound- land dog." W '. H. Low, in Modern French masters. Greenaway, Kate. qj 821 083 Marigold garden; pictures and rhymes. Warne, $1.50 net. Greenaway, Kate. j 821 G83U Under the window; pictures & rhymes. Warne, $1.50 net. Kate Greenaway "made herself a queen in a little kingdom of her own, a kingdom like the island-valley of Avilion, 'deep-meadowed, happy, fair with orchard lawns,' a land of flowers and gardens, of red-brick houses with dormer windows, peopled with charm- ing children clad in long, high-waisted gowns, muffs, pelisses and sun-bonnets." Har- die's English colored books. La Fontaine, Jean de. j 841 Li4S Select fables; adapted from the translation of Elizur Wright for the use of the young [illustrated by Boutet de Monvel]. Soc. for Promot- ing Christian Knowledge, 6s. "This edition is chosen because of Monsieur Boutet de Monvel's charming small il- lustrations in color. There are from two to eight pictures on each page, accompanying the text, which is in verse." Arnold's Mother's list of books for children. "As color appeals to the child before he has much notion of form, his first picture book should be colored, and as his ideas of form develop slowly, his first pictures should be in outline, and unencumbered with detail. The French illustrator, Boutet de Monvel, has given us the ideal pictures for young children." Field's Fingerposts to children's reading. The French text, entitled "Fables choisies pour les enfants," is published by Plon at 10 fr. Lucas, Edward Verrall. j 821 Lg6f Four and twenty toilers; pictures by F. D. Bedford, verses by E. V. Lucas. McDevitt, $1.75 net. Among the toilers represented are the ship-builder, the cobbler, the miller, the car- penter, the knife-grinder. The full-page pictures are in color. "The verses. . .have touches, of vivacity and humour such as children delight in. "I Athenceum, 1900. [Plon, Eugene.] j 843 Pyi La civilite puerile et honnete; expliquee par 1'oncle Eugene et illus- tree par Maurice Boutet de Monvel. Plon, 10 fr. The text is in French, but the amusing pictures tell the story and enforce the lessons of politeness and courtesy. Rackham, Arthur. qj 741 Ri2 Arthur Rackham's book of pictures, with an introduction by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch. [1914.] Century, $4.00 net. "If there were no such beings as fairies, the children would have to invent them . pixies, nixies, gnomes, goblins, elves, kobbolds and the rest." Introduction. This book has delightful pictures of these "little 'people," of well-known characters of fairy tale and myth and of other marvelous folk. Some are full of delicate fancy, others grotesque and fantastic; all are original and imaginative. There are also pictures of natural, human children. No text. Sage, Betty. . qj 811 812 Rhymes of real children, with pictures by J. W. Smith. 1903. Duf- field, $1.50. "Quite out of the common in external beauty the pictures are truly admirable and in the verses, which have a rare breeding and distinction, and are at the same time per- vaded by a delightful humor." Nation, /ooj. "If you could see our Mother play On the floor, You'd never think she was as old As twenty-four. On Sunday, when she goes to church, It might be, But Tuesdays she is just the age Of Joe and me." Nurse's afternoon out. Smith, Elmer Boyd. j 86460 Chicken world; drawn by E. B. Smith. Putnam, $1.50 net. "Pictures the life of a family of chickens from the time the old Black Hen first be- gins to set on the eggs until they are eating their first Christmas dinner." Utica Public Library, Books for home reading. Smith, Elmer Boyd. j S646f The farm book; Bob and Betty visit Urfcle John, story and pictures by E. B. Smith. Houghton, $1.50 net. "The story, told in a dozen large color prints and many charming black and white sketches, is of the visit of Bob and Betty to their Uncle John's New England farm. Told with the particularity of detail always fascinating to children, and with a clever- ness of drawing and composition equally delighting the critic, the children see farm life on its joyous side, with almost the vividness of actual participation in its work and play." C. W. Hunt, in Outlook, 1910. Smith, Elmer Boyd. j S646r The railroad book; Bob and Betty's summer on the railroad, story and pictures by E. B. Smith. Houghton, $1.50 net. Oblong picture-book, uniform with "The farm book." "Bob and Betty are shown the parts of an engine, ride in the cab, and in an over- land trip learn all about the inside of the cars." A. L. A. booklist, 1914. Smith, Elmer Boyd. j 86465 The seashore book; Bob and Betty's summer with Captain Hawes, story and pictures by E. B. Smith. Houghton, $1.50 net. "There is just enough text to connect and explain the pictures, which, in color and black and white, are very attractive. Well printed and substantially bound. Companion to the Farm book." A. L. A. booklist, 1912. Smith, Elmer Boyd. j 92 P732S Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith; told and pictured by E. B. Smith. 1906. Houghton, $1.50 net. Contains 26 full-page color plates picturing events in the lives of the Indian maiden Pocahontas and the gallant soldier Capt. John Smith. 8 Smith, Jessie Willcox. j Dickens's children; ten drawings by J. W. Smith. 1912. Scribner, $1.00 net. Full-page pictures in color of Tiny Tim, David Copperfield, Paul Dombey and Florence, little Nell, Pip, Jenny Wren, the dolls' dressmaker, Oliver, the little Kenwigses, the runaway couple, and little Em'ly. "Of all the many attempts to present the children of Dickens's imagination to the eye, none have been more successful than these ten drawings. . .Each child is individual- ized and its character comes out strikingly and sometimes beautifully." Outlook. 1912. Poetry and Songs "Then hey! for the ripple of laughing rhyme!" Austin Dobson. Browning, Robert. qj 821 B8igpi2 Pied piper of Hamelin; a child's story, illustrated by Hope Dunlap. 1910. Rand, $1.25. "Unusually attractive edition, elaborately illustrated. . .with richly colored full-page pictures and marginal decorations which catch the quaint humor of the poem." A. L. A. booklist, 1911. The same; illustrated by Kate Greenaway. [1910.] Warne, $1.50 net ................................................... qj 821 BSigpis "Notably attractive is the picture of the children dancing around the tree, while the Pied Piper sits on the bank and plays his pipe with a few of the smaller children clustered about him. .. Equally pretty, and even more quaint, is the four-page procession of the children following the Pied Piper." Outlook, 1911. j 784.4 41 Chansons de France pour les petits Franc.ais, avec accompagnements de J. B. Weckerlin; illustrations par Maurice Boutet de Monvel. Plon, 10 fr. Has the drollest, most original illustrations imaginable; for example, there is the innocent, naive "Cadet Rousselle," and the mischievous Savoyard, with his funny fiddle and his irresistible performing marmot. Condensed from St. Nicholas, 1899. Chisholm, Louey, comfy. j 821.08 44 Golden staircase; poems and verses for children, with pictures by M. D. Spooner. [1907.] Putnam, $2.50. Two hundred poems and verses, including selections from Laurence Alma-Tadema, H. C. Beeching, Fiona Macleod, Kipling and Stevenson. Following these are 20 cradle songs and the book ends with 40 carols, hymns and sacred verses. Good paper and print. Title-page vignette, and 16 full-page pictures beautiful in color and design. Elaborately decorated cover. Edgar, Madalen G. comp. j 821.08 28 Treasury of verse for little children. [1908.] Crowell, $2.50. Includes many of the children's favorite poems. Decorated title-page, head and tail-pieces, and many fanciful illustrations, both in line and color, by Willy Pogany. Field, Eugene. j 811 Poems of childhood, with illustrations by Maxfield Parrish. 1904. Scribner, $2.25 net. Ornamental cover and eight full-page illustrations in color. "There is in [Parrish's] illustrations the same ingenuous, child-like frankness, the same whimsical humor and delicate pathos that we find in the text ... Perhaps the most beautiful and poetic of all the compositions in the book is the picture. . .of "The Dinkey- Bird,' showing the figure of the child swinging in space from the limb of the Amfalula- tree, in the land of Wonder- Wander, by the 'ocean 'way out yonder.' " W. D. Moffat, in Outlook, 1904. Jerrold, Walter, ed. qj 398 J28b The big book of nursery rhymes. [1911.] Button, $3.00. Comprehensive collection. Large type. Many humorous illustrations by Charles Robinson. Lear, Edward. j 827 L45no2 Nonsense songs, with drawings by L. L. Brooke. Warne, $2.00 net. Nineteen of Lear's classic nonsense poems, including The jumblies. The owl and the pussy-cat. The dong with a luminous nose. The pelican chorus. The pobble who has no toes. The Quangle Wangle's hat. Good, clear type. The illustrations, in color and in black and white, are character- ized by humor, story-telling quality, and simplicity of treatment. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. j 811 L82chi Children's Longfellow. 1908. Houghton, $3.00 net. The poems most enjoyed by boys and girls, well printed on good paper, with wide margins. Eight illustrations in color by American artists, the one of Hiawatha in the canoe being especially pleasing. The decorated title-page, sub-titles and headings in color, and the cover picture of "The village blacksmith" add to the attractive appearance of the book. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. j 8n L82S Song of Hiawatha, with illustrations by Frederic Remington. 1906. Houghton, $4.00 net. Twenty-two full-page photogravures, based upon the artist's long and intimate study of Indian life and customs, but sometimes fanciful in their treatment. Also many pen and ink drawings of fire-sticks, tomahawks, shields, war bonnets, pottery, bead orna- ments and other objects of Indian workmanship. Macaulay, Thomas Babington, lord. j 821 Mnl2 Lays of ancient Rome; illustrated by Norman Ault. 1912. Dodge, $2.00 net. Contents: Horatrus. The battle of the lake Regillus. Virginia. The prophecy of Capys. Excellent type. Eight color plates and other decorations. Moffat, Alfred. j 784.8 M76 Our old nursery rhymes; the original tunes harmonized by Alfred Moffat, illustrated by H. W. Le Mair. 1911. McKay, $1.50 net. Such familiar rhymes as "Sing a song of sixpence," "Three little kittens," "Little Boy Blue." Full-page pictures in delicate color. A companion volume is "Little songs of long ago." Moore, Clement Clarke. j 811 M87 Twas the night before Christmas; a visit from St. Nicholas, with pictures by J. W. Smith. 1912. Houghton, $1.00 net. "Twelve attractive colored plates, ornamental initial letters, marginal sketches, cover design and picture end-papers by Jessie Willcox Smith." A. L. A. booklist, 1913. Mother Goose melodies. j 398 Mgsmg Mother Goose; or, The old nursery rhymes; illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Warne, $.60 net. Very dainty edition, with 48 pictures in color. Bound in picture boards. Mother Goose melodies. j 398 Mgsol The old nursery rhymes; illustrated by Arthur Rackham. 1913. Century, $2.50 net. The rhymes chosen are the ones the compiler loved in his own nursery days. They are printed in excellent, clear type and illustrated with more than 60 black and white drawings, most of them in simple outline, and 12 full-page pictures, whimsical, humorous, and admirably colored. The title-page is designed in the form of an old-time sampler and there is a picture cover of Mother Goose and the children. 10 Peabody, Josephine Preston. qj 811 P^ Book of the little past. Houghton, $1.50 net. Poems of child life: Making a house. The busy child. I was lost. The polite visitor. The Christmas tree. The green singing-book, and others. "I wish she would not ask me if I love the Kitten more than her, Of Course I love her. But I love the Kitten too; and It has Fur." Concerning love. Beautifully printed, with picture cover arid decorated title-page. Six illustrations in color by Elizabeth Shippen Green, depicting the boy drawing, the serious little girl with her needlework, and other fascinating children. A book which a few children and many grown people will enjoy. Shakespeare, William. qj 822.33 P?3 Midsummer-night's dream, for young people; introductory story, decorations and illustrations by L. F. Perkins. 1907. Stokes, $1.20 net. "The introduction gives a delightful setting for the play in a little story of its first production before the Queen at the Christmas revels. The colored full-page illustrations and black and white decorations are characterized by delicacy and imagination, and the book [is] beautifully printed and attractively. . .bound." A. L. A. booklist, 1908. Smith, Jessie Willcox, comp. j 821.08 865 Child's book of old verses; selected and illustrated by J. W. Smith. 1910. Duffield, $2.25 net. Selections for little children from Charles and Mary Lamb, the Taylors, Christina Rossetti, Lear and others. Attractive picture cover and ten full-page pictures in color of most alluring children. Stevenson, Robert Louis. j 821 884 Child's garden of verses. 1905. Scribner, $1.25 net. Illustrations by Jessie Willcox Smith. "The print is bold and clear, and set in generous margins, and the entrance is through a real gateway on the cover and a charming title-page of child and garden. The text drawings are commendable, but Miss Smith's strength lies in her palette, and the round dozen full-page plates are a sheer delight." Nation, 1905. Wider, Charles Marie, comp. j 784.8 W6yo Old songs and rounds for little children; pictures in color by Boutet de Monvel. 1912. Duffield, $2.25 net. Songs in French with music and "delicious drawings, where naively symmetrical arrangement and a most admirable simplicity of colour are combined." White's Chil- dren's books and tlieir illustrators. The introductory pages give an English translation of the songs. French edition has title "Vieilles chansons pour les petits enfants," published by Plon at 10 fr. Fairy Tales and Wonder Stories "This is fairy gold, boy, and 'twill prove so." Shakespeare. TEsop. j 888 A25f j Fables; a new translation by V. S. Vernon Jones, with an introduc- tion by G. K. Chesterton and illustrations by Arthur Rackham. 1912. Heinemann, 6s net. Title-page design, line drawings and 13 color plates. Mr Rackham's beasts and birds have a distinctive and whimsical character of their own; but perhaps the humor is car- ried too far at times for the pictures to be considered entirely satisfactory as illustrations of ^Esop. The book is well printed and bound and has a green and gold decorated cover. II j 888 A25f i Fables; told anew and their history traced by Joseph Jacobs. 1894. Macmillan, $1.50 net. Good standard edition. Fables are told in an admirably simple and direct style, and are illustrated with many pictures in black and white by Richard Heighway. Good type and strong binding. Andersen, Hans Christian. j A544fai3 Fairy tales, with illustrations by W. H. Robinson. 1913. Holt, $3.50 net. Contents: The marsh king's daughter. Tommelise. The snow queen. Elfin- mount. The little mermaid. The storks. The nightingale. The wild swans. The real princess. The red shoes. The emperor's new clothes. The swineherd. The fly- ing trunk. The leaping match. The shepherdess and the chimney-sweeper. The ugly duckling. The naughty boy. Decorated title-page and attractive cover design. The black and white drawings are simple and childlike and the 16 full-page colored plates, delicate and full of fairy fancy. Andersen, Hans Christian. qj A544S3 Stories, with illustrations by Edmund Dulac. Doran, $5.00 net. Contents: The snow queen. The nightingale. The real p'rincess. The garden of paradise. The mermaid. The emperor's new clothes. The wind's tale. The beautiful colored plates show the clever princess who had read all the news- papers in the world and forgotten them again and that other princess who felt the pea through 20 mattresses and 20 feather beds, the snow queen sitting on her throne in the midst of the frozen lake, and the wicked hobgoblin who invented the distorting mirror, the Chinese emperor and his gentlemen-in-waiting, and many other Hans Andersen characters. "It is difficult to speak in sufficiently sober words of these little miracles of colour and feeling. . .At once suggestive and allusive, as light as fan-tracery, but with a curious precision as of inlaid work, each picture bears Mr. Dulac's unmistakable signet ... With binding and print of the best, the book as it stands is a thing to say grace for." Out- look (London), 1911. Arabian nights' entertainments. j 398 A6saw Arabian nights, their best-known tales; ed. by K. D. Wiggin and N. A. Smith, illustrated by Maxfield Parrish. 1909. Scribner, $2.25 net. Contents: The talking bird, the singing tree and the golden water. Story of the fisherman and the genie. History of the young king of the Black isles. Story of Gul- nare of the sea. Story of Aladdin; or, The wonderful lamp. Story of Prince Agib. Story of the city of brass. Story of Ali Baba and the forty thieves. History of Codadad and his brothers. Story of Sinbad the voyager. Twelve full-page plates, individual, highly imaginative, and unsurpassed in richness of color. "We do not remember to have seen a picture more instinct with the spirit of the Arabian Nights than that which has been chosen for frontispiece." Spectator, /poo. Arabian nights' entertainments. j 398 A6ssh Stories from the Arabian nights; retold by Laurence Housman, with [24] drawings by Edmund Dulac. [1911.] Hodder, $1.50 net. Contents: Ali Baba and the forty thieves. The story of the wicked half-brothers. The story of the princess of Deryabar. The story of the magic horse. The fisherman and the genie. The story of the king of the Ebony isles. The same, with [50] drawings by Edmund Dulac. Hodder, $5-oo qj 398 A6ssh2 The pictures "are strictly Oriental in tone. . .Persia has suggested most of the dress and the architecture, with here and there a touch of Cairo or Damascus. . .The scenery belongs to fairyland or Mr. Rackham's land. But the triumph of the art lies in its suggestion of marvel, of magic, in every line. The only criticism ... is that there is too much striving after the grotesque. . .This curious atmosphere of magic, never more bril- liantly suggested than in these delightful drawings, enters especially into the scenes in the story of the King of the Ebony Isles; the Rip van Winkle rocks, the strange gnarled and lightning-riven trees... and the haunted look in the Queen's eyes are marvellously convincing." Athenaum, 1908. 12 Baldwin, James. j 398 Bigsa The sampo; hero adventures from the Finnish Kalevala. 1912. Scribner, $2.00 net. Far away in the Frozen Land in the long ago time a master wizard forged the wondrous sampo, or mill of fortune, which ground out all sorts of treasures and gave wealth and power to its owner. This story tells of the making of this magic mill with its pictured lid of rainbow colors and of the adventures of the heroes who sought to gain possession of it. Four full-page illustrations in color by N. C. Wyeth. Well printed and bound. Barrie, Sir James Matthew. j B266p Peter Pan in Kensington gardens, with drawings by Arthur Rack- ham. Scribner, $1.50 net. Kensington gardens are in London where the king lives and here after Lock-out time the fairies have delightful balls within a fairy ring. Peter Pan, the little human baby who lives on the Birds' island in the Serpentine and goes to and fro between the island and the gardens in the Thrush's Nest, is the fairies' orchestra. There are other strange tales, too, of Peter Pan, who never grew up, and of the famous Maimie Man- nering for whom the fairies first built their wonderful little house for lost children. Characteristic pictures in color of Peter Pan and the fairy folk. Picture cover. Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller. qj 398 C83 The sleeping beauty, and other fairy tales from the old French, re- told by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, illustrated by Edmund Dulac. [1910.] Doran, $5.00 net. Other tales: Blue Beard. Cinderella. Beauty and the beast. Large book, with elaborately decorated cover in red and gold. Title-page vignette, head and tailpieces and colored plates. Mr Dulac depicts his princes and princesses in costumes of the i8th century, the period when the fairy tales he illustrates were at the height of their popularity. The daintiness of the pictures and their precision of style and delicacy of color are unrivaled. Their art will, however, be most fully appreciated by the older children and the grown people. Craik, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock). qj 398 C86a Fairy book, with 32 illustrations in color by Warwick Goble. 1913. Macmillan, $5.00 net. Old English tales, such as Jack the Giant-killer and Tom Thumb, stories from Per- rault and Mme d'Aulnoy, and other delightful and time-honored fairy tales. This edition has a handsomely decorated Cover in green and gold, and unusually beautiful illustrations. They are exquisite in color, varied in subject, imaginative and artistic. At the same time they have the story-telling quality essential for children. Craik, Mrs Dinah Maria (Mulock). j C863li Little lame prince, with pictures by Hope Dunlap. Rand, $1.25. The most attractive and popular edition of "the story of Prince Dolor of Nomans- land who floated out of Hopeless Tower on the wonderful traveling cloak of Imagina- tion." Prentice & Power's A children's library. The print is large and clear, the illustrations mediaeval in spirit and richly colored. Coussens, Penrhyn Wingfield, comp. j 398 C84 Child's book of stories. 1911. Duf field, $2.25 net. Favorite fairy tales selected from the Arabian nights, Andersen, Asbjornsen, Grimm, Perrault, Mme d'Aulnoy, and other sources. Illustrated with ten colored plates by Jessie Willcox Smith, picturing Hansel and Grettel before the witch's bread house, Goldi- locks tasting the smallest bowl of porridge, Snow-drop and the seven little dwarfs, Snow- white and Rose-red, and other nursery characters. Darton, F. J. Harvey, ed. j 398 D26w Wonder-book of beasts. [1909.]. Stokes, $1.35 net. Twenty-seven stories, including Cock-alu and Hen-alie. Reynard the fox. The bat- tle of the frogs and mice. Three bears. Three little pigs. Chicken-licken. The rabbit's bride. Type is good and the pictures by Margaret Clayton are delightfully humorous and 13 Darton, F. J. Harvey, ed. continued. j 398 D26w full of action. Title-page design and frontispiece in color, and green and gold decorated cover. France, Anatole, (pseud, of Jacques Anatole Thibault). j F86ih Honey-bee; a translation by Mrs John Lane, illustrated by Florence Lundborg. Lane, $1.50 net. Modern fairy tale, telling how George of Blanchelande and the golden-haired Honey- bee of Clarides went to the beautiful lake in which the nixies dwell, of the wonderful adventure of George and how Honey-bee was carried away to the kingdom of the dwarfs and became their princess. Story has poetic imagination and literary charm. Good type, attractive cover and 12 illustrations in color. Grimm, Jakob Ludwig, & Grimm, W. K. qrj 398 Ggi Fairy tales of the brothers Grimm; illustrated by Arthur Rackham, tr. by Mrs Edgar Lucas. 1909. Doubleday, $6.00 net. Sixty fairy tales, with 40 colored pictures and others in black and white. A smaller edition, with 12 colored plates, is published at $1.50. "The elvish character of many of the stories precisely fits Mr. Rackham's talent, and the illustrator of Rip Van Winkle is naturally at home with Rumpelstiltskin, the evil fairies and the witches who figure so largely in the German folk tales." Burlington magazine, /pop. "The vignettes are as masterly as the colour-drawings." Outlook (London), 1909. Grimm, Jakob Ludwig, & Grimm, W. K. j 398 Ggifd Fairy tales, with pictures by Hope Dunlap. 1913. Rand, $1.35 net. Twelve full-page illustrations in color and six in black and white. Popular with the children because of the good print and the clear and brilliant coloring of the pictures. Bound in art linen with reproduction in color of the frontispiece. Grimm, Jakob Ludwig, & Grimm, W. K. j 398 Ggihw House in the wood, and other old fairy stories, with drawings by L. L. Brooke. [1910.] Warne, $1.35 net. Other fairy stories: The brave little tailor. The goblin and the grocer. The Bremen town musicians. The table, the ass and the cudgel. The Jew in the bramble bush. The vagabonds. Red Jacket; or, The nose tree. The straw, the coal and the bean. Snow-white and Rose-red. Ideal edition for the younger children. Has picture cover and end-papers, large, clear type and many pictures. The full-page plates are excellent in color, simple in de- sign and full of action and humor. Grimm, Jakob Ludwig, & Grimm, W. K. j 398 Ggih Household stories; tr. by Lucy Crane and done into pictures by Walter Crane. 1893. Macmillan, $1.50. As a decorative artist, Crane is preeminent among illustrators and "Grimm's 'House- hold Stories,' as he pictured them, are a lasting joy." White's Children's books and their illustrators. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. j 292 H36wo Wonder-book for girls and boys. Houghton, $2.75 net. Contents: The gorgon's head. The golden touch. The paradise of children. The three golden apples. The miraculous pitcher. The chimaera. A beautiful edition with colored pictures by Walter Crane. The same, and Tanglewood tales for girls and boys, with pictures by Maxfield Parrish. 1910. Duf field, $2.25 net j 292 H36wo2 "No artist could have better color and form, the supernatural element in the stories. His ten beautiful illustrations are a delightful addition to the text. Parrish uses a wonderful palette of gorgeous blues and browns, with marvelous results." Literary digest, 1910. 14 Ingelow, Jean. j 1244111 Mopsa the fairy. Lippincott, $1.25 net. A little boy finds a nest of fairies and fills his pockets with them, and then on the back of an albatross flies away to fairyland. . The illustrations by Maria L. Kirk, of the flamingo guard, Jack and the albatross, Mopsa and the other fairies, are lovely in color and interesting to children. This edi- tion has large print, bright red cover, decorative lining-papers and chapter headings in black and white. Irving, Washington. qj 817 I28r2 Rip Van Winkle, with drawings by Arthur Rackham. 1910. Double- day, $5.00. Text is set in large type and is followed by 49 full-page pictures done in varying tones of brown and mounted on green mat. Another plate is used for frontispiece, making 50 in all. Title-page vignette and decorated cover in green and gold. "The wealth of invention, the perfection of the drawing, the combined beauty and grotesqueness, all unite to make the pictures ... true works of art. It does not matter whether the artist draws the steep tiled roofs and white walls of the houses with their background of mountain, the ragged children climbing still more ragged trees, or the weird inhabitants of the Catskill Mountains. With all Mr. Rackham seems equally at home." Spectator, 1906. Jerrold, Walter, ed. qj 808.8 J28 Big book of fables; illustrated by Charles Robinson. 1912. Dodge, $2.50 net. Includes fables both in prose and in verse, selected from many sources. Cover de- sign and decorations, including 28 full-page colored plates and more than a hundred pic- tures in black and white. "Mr. Robinson is admirably picturesque, and his use of black masses is highly ef- fective." Athentzum, 1912. Kingsley, Charles. j K272W3 Water-babies, with illustrations in colour by Warwick Goble. Mac- millan, $1.75 net. "Embellished with sixteen delicately drawn and coloured illustrations ... and artis- tically bound in gold and green. The printing of the text is agreeably simple and clear." Athen&um, igio. Lagerlof, Selma. j Li52W2 Wonderful adventures of Nils; tr. by V. S. Howard, illustrated by M. H. Frye. Doubleday, $2.50 net. "A most attractive edition, with large paper, clear print and beautiful colored illus- trations. . .which have caught the charm of the story. The illustrations were printed for lantern slides to supplement the story as told in the story-hour of the Public Library of Hough ton, Michigan." A. L. A. booklist, 1913* La Motte-Fouque, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, baron de. q 1,194114 Undine; adapted from the German by W.L.Courtney and illus- trated by Arthur Rackham. Doubleday, $2.50 net. Romantic tale of the knight Huldbrand, who ventured alone into a haunted forest and there met and wedded a water-nymph. For the older boys and girls. This edition has decorated title-page and lining-papers, pictorial chapter headings in line, and 15 color plates. The pictures are original and imaginative, suggesting the atmosphere of mystery and enchantment, and are drawn with the skill which characterizes the artist's work. Lorenzini, Carlo, (pseud. C. Collodi). j Pinocchio; the tale of a puppet; tr. by M. A. Murray, illustrated by Charles Folkard. Dutton, $2.50. "Of all the fairy stories of Italian literature this is the best known and the best 15 Lorenzini, Carlo, (pseud. C. Collodi) continued. j loved... In its whimsical extravagance, its quaint humor, and its narrative style the story appeals strongly to both old and young." Preface to Ginn edition. This edition has large, clear type, attractive cover, and end-papers, title-page design, chapter heads and text illustrations in black and white and 12 colored plates. Pinocchio's own picture, "with its animated grin" is sure to delight children. MacDonald, George. j Mi46pr The princess and the goblin. Lippincott, $1.25 net. Marvelous tale of how the princess and Curdie with the help of the great-great- grandmother overcame the wicked goblins of the mountain. Twelve illustrations in color by Maria L. Kirk and the original wood-engravings. Large print and bright cover. The sequel, "The princess and Curdie," and "At the back of the north wind" may also be obtained in this edition. Stockton, Frank Richard. j S866q The queen's museum, and other fanciful tales, with illustrations by Frederick Richardson. Scribner, $2.25 net. Other tales: The Christmas truants. The griffin and the minor canon. Old Pipes and the dryad. The bee-man of Orn. The clocks of Rondaine. Christmas before last; or, The fruit of the fragile palm. Prince Hassak's march. The philopena. -The ac- commodating circumstance. "Marked by the best of Stockton's qualities, delicacy of fancy, gentle but extremely amusing humor, and interest of story." Prentice & Power's A children's library. The ten full-page color plates picture in the same fanciful spirit as the stories such curious beings as the griffin, the dryad, the dragon, the Green Goblin of the Third Word and the three servants of the inquisitive dwarf. The variety of subject and the color of the illustrations, the chapter vignettes in black and white, the blue and gold decorated title-page, the large, clear type, and the picture cover and lining-papers all combine to make an unusually attractive book. Wheeler, Post, ed. j 398 W6i Russian wonder tales, with a foreword on the Russian skazki, con- taining 12 of the famous Bilibin illustrations in color. 1912. Century, $2.50 net Contents: Tzar Saltan. Wassilissa the Beautiful. The little humpbacked horse. Tzarevich Ivan, the glowing bird and the grey wolf. Maria Morevna. Martin the peasant's son. The feather of Finist the Falcon. The frog-tzarevna. Schmat-Razum. Little Bear's-Son. Wassily the Unlucky. Tzarevich Petr and the wizard. The stories are distinguished by a quality of gorgeousness, which brings them into line with "The thousand and one nights." The illustrations, in the sombre richness of their coloring and their atmosphere of mystery, impart to the text a "peculiar artistic cachet." Condensed from Athenceum, 1912. Other Books "Oh for a Booke and a shadie nooke, Eyther in-a-doore or out, With the greene leaves whisp'ring overhede, Or the Streete cryes all about. Where I maie Reade all at my ease, Both of the Newe and Olde, For a jollie goode Booke, whereon to looke, Is better to me than Golde." Old English Song. Alcott, Louisa May. j Aassli Little women. Little, $1.80 net. This story, drawn largely from the girlhood of Miss Alcott and her sisters, is still one of the most popular of girls' books. Good edition, with title-page vignette and full-page illustrations from drawings by Alice Barber Stephens. They are "clever in execution, full of detail, with a feminine mastery of female costume and a happy regard to the fashion of the day of the 'little women.' " Nation, 1902. "Eight cousins," "Jack and Jill," "Little men," "Old-fashioned girl," and "Under the lilacs" may also be obtained in the illustrated edition. 16 Brooks, Noah. j Boy emigrants, with illustrations by H. T. Dunn. Scribner, $2.00 net. Adventures of some boys who crossed the Western plains in the "golden days of '49," when those vast regions belonged to the Indians and wild beasts. The colored plates make more vivid and real the incidents of the story and the clear print, suggestive cover design and lining-papers add to the attractiveness of this edition. Bunyan, John. j B885P4 Pilgrim's progress. Scribner, $2.50 net. Large, clear type and wide margins. The 30 plates from drawings by Byarh Shaw are characterized by originality, artistic excellence and rich, strong coloring. "It is a fine, fair book." Academy, 1904. The same; illustrations in colour by G. D. Hammond. Macmillan, $2.00 net j B885P7 Convenient in size and attractive in appearance. The eight illustrations are lovely in color and have landscape backgrounds and suggestions of old English timbered houses. They also have religious feeling and really interpret Bunyan's allegory. Dana, Richard Henry. j 910.4 Diga Two years before the mast, with a supplement by the author and introduction and additional chapter by his son. 1911. Houghton, $1.50 net. In the year 1834 Mr Dana, a Harvard undergraduate, sailed as one of the crew of the brig Pilgrim, of the American merchant service on her voyage from Boston round Cape Horn to the western coast of North America. "Two years before the mast" gives a remarkably vivid account of his experiences on this voyage. "It leads all others as the book best descriptive of the life of the American sailor and has, deservedly, become a sea classic." E. S. Brooks, in Story of the American sailor. This edition has full-page illustrations in color by E. B. Smith; plates showing spars, rigging and sails of ships, with key; maps showing course of vessels, and other special features. Defoe, Daniel. j 037814 Life of Robinson Crusoe; embellish'd with plates after designs by Noel Pocock. Doran, $2.00 net. This edition is both pleasing and dignified in appearance. Has good paper and print, wide margins and attractive cover. Illustrated with 24 plates, rich in color and mounted on gray mat. These have the spirit of the story and give an excellent idea of tropical vegetation and of the loneliness of Robinson Crusoe's island. The same, with illustrations by E. B. Smith. Houghton, $1.50 net j Dsy81 "An edition to rejoice in. Excellent in type and paper, bound. . .in an appropriately decorated cover, with 12 colored plates and 29 chapter headings in line drawing which simply and effectively illustrate the text." New York State Library. Best books of /pop. Ewing, Mrs Juliana Horatia. j EQ75J Jan of the windmill; illustrated by M. V. Wheelhouse. Macmillan, $1.00. (Queen's treasures series.) How a boy brought up as a miller's son became a distinguished painter. This edition is small in size, well-made, and artistic in form. The picture cover shows little Jan drawing his pigs, and the lining-papers represent the quaint village street. The title-page design and the eight illustrations in color have caught the spirit of the text. Other stories in this series are "The brownies," "A flat iron for a farthing," "Great emergency, & other tales," "Jackanapes, and other tales," "Lob Lie-by-the-fire, and other tales," "Melchior's dream, & other tales," "Mrs Overtheway's remembrances," "Six to sixteen," "We and the world." The dainty and refined appearance of these books makes them especially attractive to girls. Gaskell, Mrs Elizabeth Cleghorn (Stevenson). j 62150 Cranford. Macmillan, $1.50 net. A delightful picture of English village life when ladies went about in poke-bonnets and pattens. Tells about the tea-drinkings of the spinster ladies, Mr Holbrook's dinner party, the panic, the uncanny feats of Signer Brunoni and of Mr Peter's happy return. Humorous illustrations by Hugh Thomson of "dear Miss Matty," Mr Mulliner, Martha and Jem and the other quaint characters of "Cranford." Another edition with illustrations in color by C. E. Brock is published by Button at $1.50. Hughes, Thomas. j H8g8to Tom Brown's school days. Harper, $1.50. Good edition of this famous school story. Has decorated title-page, vignettes at the beginning of each chapter, map showing plan of the school and bounds, and full-page illustrations by Louis Rhead. Many of these were drawn at Rugby and they make very real the surroundings, both indoors and put, of Tom and his companions. Another edi- tion, more artistic, but with smaller type, is published by Macmillan at $2.00. This has excellent illustrations in black and white by E. J. Sullivan. Irving, Washington. j 817 1280 Old Christmas; illustrated by R. Caldecott. 1894. Macmillan, $1.50 net. "No one could be better fitted to depict the old customs of an English Christmas than Mr. Caldecott, and his pictures are a perfect accompaniment to this portion of Washington Irving's Sketch Book." Arnold's A mother's list of books for children. "A man might then behold At Christmas, in each hall Good fires to curb the cold, And meat for great and small. The neighbors were friendly bidden, And all had welcome true, The poor from the gates were not chidden, When this old cap was new." Old song. The same; pictured by Cecil Aldin. [1908.] Hodder, 6s. net . . .' j 817 12802 "Mr. Aldin surrenders wholeheartedly to the popular idea of a 'real old-fashioned Christmas' of crackling frost, and snowclad fields and houses. He illustrates delightfully the atmosphere of bonhomie and hospitality connected with Christmas dinners and Yule- tide logs, with the paraphernalia of holly, mistletoe, and 'lang-night' dances ... 'Wherever an English stage-coachman may be seen, he cannot be mistaken for one of any other craft' so Irving wrote, and Mr. Aldin's portrayal of the type is a fine piece of humor- ous drawing." Athenaeum, 1908. Lamb, Charles, & Lamb, Mary. j 822.33 H Tales from Shakespeare. Jack, 75. 6d. net. Handsome edition. Type is excellent and margins wide. Twenty full-page illustra- tions interesting in design and rich in color. Also contains an engraved frontispiece of Charles and Mary Lamb, drawn from the portraits in the National Portrait Gallery, London, a decorated title-page and artistic lining-papers. Bound in brown cloth, with design in gold. An edition containing 12 of the plates is published by Scribner for $1.50. Marryat, Capt. Frederick. j M4I2C The children of the New forest, with illustrations by E. B. Smith. Holt, $1.35 net. At the time of the English civil war the four orphan children 'of a cavalier are secreted in the New forest by a keeper and brought up as his grandchildren. The story tells of their life there; how the ingenious Humphrey captured the wild cattle and forest ponies and how Edward saved the life of the intendant's daughter and later fought for the restoration of Charles II. One of the best historical stories of the period. This edition has picture cover, pic- torial chapter heads in black and white and eight illustrations in color. 18 Parkman, Francis. ygiy.S P24 Oregon trail. 1906. Little, $2.00 net. Parkman's first book, describing his actual wanderings in 1846 with a company of Sioux Indians across the regions of the Platte river, his buffalo hunting in the Black hills and his return through the Rocky mountains. Illustrated by Mr Remington's strik- ing pictures of Indian settlements, camps, implements, buffalo hunts, trappers, etc. "The Wild West is tamed, and its savage charms have withered. If this book can help to keep their memory alive, it will have done its part. It has found a powerful helper in the pencil of Mr. Remington, whose pictures are as full of truth as of spirit, for they are the work of one who knew the prairies and the mountains before irresistible commonplace had subdued them." Preface. Pyle, Howard. j Pgg6o Otto of the silver hand. Scribner, $1.80. Tale of the olden days of romance, of robber barons and of deadly feuds. Text is set in bold, clear type. The chapter headings and full-page illustrations by the author are Diireresque in method, and in harmony with the mediaeval character of the story. Half leather binding. Ramee, Louisa de la, (pseud. Ouida). j Ri7sbi2 Bimbi; stories for children. Lippincott, $1.25 net. Contents: Moufflou. A Provence rose. Lampblack. The ambitious rose tree. The child of Urbino. Meleagris Gallopavo. Findelkind. Ramee, Louisa de la, (pseud. Ouida). j Riy5d4 Dog of Flanders, The Niirnberg stove, and other stories. Lippin- cott, $1.25 net. Other stories : In the apple-country. The little earl. Companion volumes. The stories, distinguished by simplicity and fine workmanship, were originally written for His Royal Highness the prince of Naples. The pictures by Maria L. Kirk are good in color and make more real to children the scenes and char- acters of the stories. Well printed and attractively bound. Scott, Sir Walter. j 843113 Ivanhoe, with illustrations by E. B. Smith. Houghton, $2.50 net. Artistic and well-made book, bound in red cloth with striking cover design of a knight of old. The full-page plates, representing the tournament at Ashby, Rowena be- stowing the chaplet upon Ivanhoe, Isaac of York in the dungeon vault of Front-de-Boeuf, Rebecca watching from the lattice the assault upon the castle, the lists of Templestowe and other famous scenes, are delicate in color but chivalric in spirit. Spyri, Johanna. j 8772113 Heidi [tr. by Marian Edwardes], with coloured illustrations by Lizzie Lawson. Dutton, $2.50. The story of Heidi, who lived on a Swiss Alp with her old grandfather, is very popular and is deservedly accounted one of the children's classics. Mountain life in summer and winter is admirably pictured, there is a refreshing out-of-door atmosphere and the characters, Peter the goat boy, the blind grandmother, the little invalid girl from the city and Heidi herself, are all delightful. The sweet sincerity and simplicity with which the story is told adds to its charm. This edition is well printed and the mountain scene of the cover, the title-page design, the black and white text drawings and the col- ored plates are in keeping with the spirit of the story. Another edition with good print and very attractive cover, but less well illustrated, is published by Crowell at $1.50. Stevenson, Robert Louis. j S848k2 Kidnapped; illustrated by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner, $2.25 net. The action is chiefly in Scotland shortly after the rising in support of Prince Charlie in 1745. Picture cover, lining-papers, title-page and full-page illustrations in color. The siege of the round-house, the wreck of the Covenant, the torrent in the valley of Glencoe these and other scenes of the story are rendered more vivid by these spirited and vigorous pictures. 19 Stevenson,- Robert* Loais! j 884812 Treasure island; illustrated by N. C. Wyeth. Scribner, $2.25 net. "There have been nearly as many new editions of Stevenson's famous story as there were doubloons in the treasure cave, but the one before us is the best of them all. The typography is good, but the pictures by N. C. Wyeth are the thing; bold, full of color and action, they catch the real spirit of the narrative and swing along with it; they carry you completely away to .the world of 'schooners, islands and maroons, and buccaneers and buried gold.' Here is Jim Hawkins saying good-by to his mother. Here he is again in the galley with Long John Silver. . .There stands Billy Bones on the cliffs with his brass telescope, and old Dick Pew is there tapping on the street and calling for his com- rades; and Captain Smollett defying the mutineers and running up the colors; and at last the treasure cave!" Outlook, ign. Wiggin, Mrs Kate Douglas, afterward Mrs Riggs. j W688b Birds' Christmas Carol. Houghton, $1.00 net. Story of little Carol Bird, who was born on Christmas day. New edition, with decorated title-page, head and tail pieces, initial letters and illus- trations by Katharine R. Wireman. Wyss, Johann David. j Wgg8s3 Swiss family Robinson, with illustrations by Louis Rhead and an in- troduction by W. D. Howells. Harper, $1.50. Convenient size, good paper and clear, well-spaced type. The illustrations in black and white are from sketches made in the tropics. Strong but not attractive binding. The same; illustrations by T. H. Robinson. Doran, $2.00. . . j Wgg8s4 Uniform with the "Robinson Crusoe" illustrated by Noel Pocock. Decorated cover and picture lining-papers. The 20 full-page colored plates, mounted on gray mat, present vividly incidents from this ever popular story of the shipwrecked family, and their detail is in keeping with its character. 20 Publications of the Library Now in Print In the following list wherever two prices are given the first is that for which the publication is sold at the Library only. All prices are strictly net except for individual publications ordered in lots of twenty or more. Remittances should be made payable to the order of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Publications marked f may be had free eft the Library. Publications marked * either have not been issued separately or are out of print as separates. Copies of the Monthly Bulletin in which they appeared will be sent postpaid for 5 cents each. Classified Catalogue of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. FIRST SERIES, 1895-1902. 1907. vol. 1-3. 3,890 pp. $12.00. SECOND SERIES, 1902-1906. 1908. vol. 4-5. 2,020 pp. $5.00. THIRD SERIES, 1907-1911. 1914. vol. 6-8. 3,475pp. $8.00. Bound in buckram with gilt tops. Include full author and subject indexes. The same [in pamphlet form]. FIRST SERIES, 1895-1902. 10 parts. 1903-07. Part 2. Philosophy and Religion. 1903. 223 pp. Out of print. Part 3. Sociology and Philology. 1904. 340 pp. 15 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. Part 4. Natural Science and Useful Arts. 1904. 598 pp. 35 cents; postpaid, 50 cents. Parts. Fine Arts. 1905. 351 pp. 15 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. Part 6. Literature. 1905. 308 pp. 15 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. Part 7. Fiction. 1906. 446pp. 25 cents; postpaid, 40 cents. PartS. History and Travel. 1907. 691 pp. 50 cents; postpaid, 65 cents. Part 9. Biography. 1907. 381 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 30 cents. Part 10. Indexes, Title-pages, Contents, Preface and Synopsis of Classification. 1907. 850 pp. $1.00; postpaid, $1.20. SECOND SERIES, 1902-1906. 5 parts. 1907-08. Part i. General Works, Philosophy, Religion, Sociology and Philology. 1907. 425 pp. Out of print. Pa postpaid, 60 cents. P art 2. Natural Science, Useful Arts and Fine Arts. 1907. 477 pp. 45 cents; id, 60 cents. art 3. Literature, English Fiction and Fiction in Foreign Languages. 1908. 342 pp. 40 cents; postpaid, 50 cents. Part 4. History and Travel, Collected Biography and Individual Biography. 1908. 465 pp. 45 cents; postpaid, 60 cents. Part 5. Indexes, Title-pages, Contents, Preface and Synopsis of Classification. 1908. 460 pp. 80 cents; postpaid, 95 cents. THIRD SERIES, 1907-1911. 10 parts. 1912-14. Part i. General Works, Philosophy, Religion. 1912. 372 pp. 40 cents; postpaid, 50 cents. Part 2. Sociology, Philology. 1912. 418 pp. 45 cents; postpaid, 60 cents. Part 3. Natural Science, Useful Arts. 1913. 623 pp. 60 cents; postpaid, 75 cents. Part 4. Fine Arts. 1913. 237 pp. 25 cents; postpaid, 35 cents. Part 5. Literature. 1913. 271 pp. 30 cents; postpaid, 40 cents. Part 6. English Fiction, Fiction in Foreign Languages. 1913. 294 pp. 30 cents; postpaid, 40 cents. Part 7. History and Travel. 1914. 401 pp. 40 cents; postpaid, 50 cents. PartS. Biography. 1914. 276pp. 30 cents; postpaid, 40 cents. Part 9. Books for the Blind. 1914. 44 pp. 5 cents; postpaid, 10 cents. Part 10. Indexes, Title-pages, Contents, Preface and Synopsis of Classification. 1914. 8i6pp. So cents; postpaid, $1.00. fMonthly Bulletin. 25 cents a year, postpaid. Not published in August and September. f Annual Reports, ist-i8th. 1897-1914. Sent free upon request. Except the 3d and 6th, which are out of print. fCircular of Information Concerning the Training School for Chil- drens Librarians. Sent free upon request. {Periodicals and Other Serials Currently Received by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Sixth edition. 1912. 40 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Rules for Filing Cards in the Dictionary Catalogues of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 1915. 32pp. Scents. fBooks of Interest in Connection with the European War. 1914. 26 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, October 1914. Debate Index. Second edition. 1912. 84 pp. 15 cents; postpaid, 20 cents. fDebate Index. Supplement to the second edition. 1913. 23 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, November 1913. fBooks in the Library of the American Philatelic Society. 1910. 20 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. fLives and Letters; a Selected and Annotated List. 1910. 36pp. 10 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, March 1910. t*Letters of General Forbes; Reprint of 35 Letters Relating to the Expedition against Fort Duquesne. 63 pp. 20 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, February, March, April, May, 1909. fGift of the German Emperor [List of Books, Maps and Photo- graphs]. 1908. 17 pp. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, April 1908. flndustrial Accidents; a Select List of Books. 1910. 12 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. fOne Hundred Recent Books on Agriculture. 1910. 19 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. fList of Technical Indexes and Bibliographies Appearing Serially. 1910. 17 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, June 1910. Index to Proceedings of the Engineers' Society of Western Penn- sylvania, Volumes i to 20, 1880-1904. Compiled by Harrison W. Graver. 1906. 144 pp. $1.00, postpaid. Catalogue of Books in the Childrens Department of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 1909. 604 pp. 75 cents; postpaid, $1.00. Catalogue of Books, Annotated and Arranged, and Provided by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh for the Use of the First Eight Grades in the Pittsburgh Schools. 1907. 331 pp. 35 cents; postpaid, 50 cents. Annotated Catalogue of Books Used in the Home Libraries and Reading Clubs. 1905. no pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. Illustrated Editions of Children's Books. 1915. 20 pp. 5 cents. f *Gifts for Children's Book Shelves; a List for Mothers. 1908. 26 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, November 1908. fStories from the Ballads of Robin Hood; Outlines for Story-telling. 1914. 38 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. fStories from the Norse; Outlines for Story-telling. 1914. 22pp. 5 cents, postpaid. fStory Hour Courses for Children from Greek Myths, The Iliad and The Odyssey.. 1906. 32 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. f "Foreign Lands Where Wonders Are;" a Reading List for Chil- dren and Young People. 1911. 14 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, November 1911. Reference Lists These lists have been compiled to render easily accessible the material in this Library on the various subjects. -, t *Vocational Guidance, n pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, May 1913. fHousing. 1912. 45 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, December 1911. t*Expeditions of Colonel Bouquet to the Ohio Country, 1763 and 1764. n pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, December 1909. fExpedition of General Forbes against Fort Duquesne. 1908. 20 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, June 1908. t * Washington's Visits to Pittsburgh and the Ohio Country. 15 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, February 1908. f*Braddock's Expedition, upp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, November 1906. t *The Whiskey Insurrection. 9 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, July 1906. fFamous Royal Women; a Reading List for Girls. 1908. u pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, January 1908. Men of Science and Industry; a Guide to the Biographies of Scien- tists, Engineers, Inventors and Physicians, in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 1915. 189 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 30 cents. t Air Conditioning. 1914. 58 pp. 10 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, November 1914. fBrick Manufacture and Bricklaying. 1912. 33 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, January 1912. fSewage Disposal and Treatment. 1910. 96 pp. 15 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, November 1910. tElectric Heating and Cooking. 1910. 16 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, January 1910. t *Metal Corrosion and Protection. Second edition, revised and en- larged. 1909. 58 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, July 1909. fRefuse and Garbage Disposal. 1909. 39 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, January 1909. t *Mica. 1908. 12 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, October 1908. t *Floods and Flood Protection. 1908. 48 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, July 1908. t Floods and Flood Protection (Supplement). 1911. 19 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, October 1911. f *Sodium Nitrate Industry of Chile. 1908. 7 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, March 1908. Enlarged from the brief list in the Monthly Bulletin, November 1903. f *Electric Driving in Rolling-mills and Foundries, n pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, November 1907. t *Smoke Preventipn. i8pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, May 1907. t *Steam Turbines. 21 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, November 1904. t *Water Softening. 8 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, June 1904. t Patriots; a Reading List for Boys and Girls. 1912. 17 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. Reprinted from the Monthly Bulletin, July 1912. Pennsylvania; a Reading List for the Use of Schools, with Special Reference to Indian Warfare and the Local History of Pittsburgh. 1911. 83 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 25 cents. t *List of Good Games, with References to Books Telling How to Play Them. 12 pp. 5 cents, postpaid. In the Monthly Bulletin, April 1906. March 18, 1915. OVERDUE. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY