S 1,1:1 V BRANCH OF DEERE & CO., MOLINE.ILL. . . . OFFICE OF ... Irnplerrjept 305 *o> MQLINE.ILL. "Humbolt Clipper" "Highland" Series Turf and Stubble Plows This series is known everywhere as General Purpose or "G. P." Plow, and for use in hard land, alfalfa sod or heavy stubble, or for deep plowing, there is no plow that can equal them. The turn of the moldboard is long and easy, so that the furrows are lapped with perfect regularity. In sod plowing the turf is turned completely under. The draft is very light, owing to the shape of the moldboard, the perfect balance, and the construction with particular reference to heavy work. This series of plows is in especial favor with farmers who rotate their crops, and who require a plow for use in both sod and stubble, and it fills the bill completely. The G. P. is especially adapted for use in old pasture and meadow land, adobe and clay soils, and a most useful style of plow. These plows are made with our heavy double shin, capped standard, welded handle brace, wrought frog and welded bar, thoroughly braced, with hardened iron center mold and hardened steel slip share. Beam adjustable for two or three horses. PRICE LIST Wood Beam Medium Landside Double Shin No Cutter Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. GP 11 GP 3 *GP 5 *GP 16 12-inch 13-inch 14-inch 16-inch 87 Ibs. 93 Ibs. 100 Ibs. 112 Ibs. $17 50 19 00 21 00 24 00 No. 48 No. 41 No. 42 No. 46 $4 00 4 50 4 75 5 00 *GP 5 and GP 16 have Index Beam. Fin Cutter, Extra, $1.25. See Price List of Beams, Handles, Shares, Moulds and Lands, on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. dBHsfc "Humboldt Clipper." "Highlander" Series Turf and Stubble Plows Steel Beam. All that has been said on the preceding pages regarding the Wood Beam Plows of this series may be said of the Steel Beam. They have the beautiful shape, and all the style and qualities of the wood beam series. They are most graceful in appearance, combining beauty with utility in the highest degree. The utmost care is used in fitting our plow bottoms, only skilled workmen being employed In this feature there is no doubt that our plows excel all others. Every joint is so perfectly fitted that it is impossible to find any defect. Every bottom is put together on a strain, so that when the bolts are put in and drawn up, each part comes exactly into place, and once in place the different parts are so firmly braced and bolted together that no amount of use or wear can loosen them. PRICE LIST Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. GP 12 GP 13 GP 15 GP 17 12-inch 13-inch 14-inch 16-inch 94 Ibs. 104 Ibs. 105 Ibs. 119 Ibs. $20 00 21 00 23 00 26 00 No. 48 No. 41 No. 42 No. 46 $4 00 4 50 4 75 5 00 Fin Cutter, Extra, $1.25 See Price List of Beams, Handles, Shares, Moulds and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 10 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Root Ground Plow. This is a Two-horse Plow, especially adapted to rough new ground work. It is strong enough to withstand the severest strain. The Beam is very heavy and curves downward, forming a support of great strength for the moldboard. Has no Landside except a narrow iron bar welded to the moldboard, and following the curve of the beam, to which it is securely bolted. Moldboard and share are one solid piece of steel. The Hanging Cutter has a point of such shape that it either cuts off a root or car- ries the plow over, allowing it to enter the ground on the other side ; but it never hooka under a root, nor brings the plow up with a jerk to break traces or singletree. Cutter is adjustable to any angle. PRICE LIST ROOT GROUND PLOWS. Steel Beam with Hanging Cutter. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price iCx. Comb Share and Mould. No. 1 No. 2 6 l ^-inch 8^-inch 77 Ibs. 87 Ibs. $15 00 16 50 $4 00 5 00 Hanging Cutter $2 50 See Price List of Moulds, Lands and Handles on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. . 11 "Deere" Chilled Plow with Jointer and Gauge Wheel. The largest sizes are built for two or three horses. They are steady running, with excellent turning qualities. We also make a special Vineyard Chilled Plow with Steel Beam, similar to that described under the head of "Vineyard Plows." This plow has the Steel Beam, which also forms the standard, set in the center of the plow, so as not to interfere with the vines. It has a Dial Clevis and Draft Chain, and Adjustable Handles, and is in all re- spects a model plow for the purpose. We furnish Jointers and Gauge Wheels with Chilled Plows only where specially ordered. Our Jointers are vastly superior in adjustability, strength and working qual- ities to those furnished with any other line of Chilled Plows. Our Gauge Wheels, too, are superior, being attached to the team by THE PATENT CLEVIS, as shown in above cut. The wheel swivels on standard. PRICE LIST-CHILLED PLOWS. With Cutter Shares, Sloping Landside, and Adjustable Beams. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Ex. Chilled Share. Extra Chilled Share. Slip Nose. V8 4x8 inches 41 Ibs. $ 6 00 No. D A2 $0 30 $0 40 V9 5x9 inches 64 Ibs. 7 50 No. 1) B 30 40 VV 9 Viney'd 5x9 inches 75 Ibs. 9 00 No. D B 30 40 V10 5^x10 in'hs 85 Ibs. 10 00 No. D 10 40 50 Vll 6x11 inches 94 Ibs. 11 00 No. D 13 40 60 V12 6K-12in'hes 102 Ibs. 12 00 No. D 19 50 75 V13 7x13 inches 110 Ibs. 12 50 No. D 20 50 75 V14 7^x14 in'hs 116 Ibs. 13 00 No. D. 40 50 75 Jointer, extra, for V 12, V 13, V 14. . . .$2.50 Gauge Wheel and Standard, extra. . . .$1.25 No Slip-Nose Shares shipped unless specially ordered. Price List of Beams, Handles, Shares, Lands and Moulds, on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 12 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. "Collins" Cast-Cast-Steel Plows Cast-Cast-Steel Lands, Moulds and Shares PRICE LIST No. 3 C. 12-inch cut, Weight 80 Ibs No. 30. 13 " " " 82 Ibs No. 30. 14 " " " 85 Ibs... .$17 00 . 17 50 . 18 00 No. 1 B No. 2 B No. P. 18 No. P. No. P. 19 No. P. No. P. 20 No. P. 21 No. P. 22 Eagle 20 Eagle 2 Light Medium Light Medium Heavy Light Medium Heavy Heavy Heavy Medium Cast Iron Plow 2-Horse, cuts 9 inches, Weight 55 pounds $ 4 10 8 8J 9 9j 10 12 12 No. No. No. No. 0. 00. B 1. SB1. 80 42 45 50 70 85 91 111 111 " 85 " Cast Iron Side Hill Plow 1 Horse, Weight 45 pounds Price, 1 " " 75 " Price, 2 " " 105 " Price, 2 " " 100 " (Steel Mold) .Price, 00 00 75 00 50 00 50 6 50 8 00 8 50 7 00 6 00 8 00 10 00 12 50 Cast Iron Double Moldboard Plow- No. 2. Cuts 10 inches, Weight 62 pounds price, $10 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. lo "Deere" Hillside Plow. This Plow is made for two horses. Has heavy iron standard, as shown in cut, which is extended to form a support for the handles. The bottom of the landside is of chilled cast iron. The plow is changed from right to left by unhooking the moldboard and lifting the plow up, when the weight of the bottom throws it under the beam, and by throwing the beam over and hooking the moldboard, the change is made. Share and Moldboard are of cast steel. PRICE LIST. Steel Hillside Plows. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. - Extra Steel Share. Hillside No. Hillside No. Hillside No. 1 2 3 9-inch 10-inch 11-inch 73 Ibs. 82 Ibs. 117 Ibs. $15 50 17 00 20 00 K 1 K 2 K 3 $2 75 a 25 5 00 PRICE LIST. Chilled Hillside Plow. No. 2. Two-Horse, With Gauge Wheel, Weight, 105 Ibs. Extra Share, C. K. 2, $15.00. Repair List. No. of Plow. Mould. Standard. Fork. Frog. Beam. Handles, Pair. No. 1 Steel $2 75 No. 2 4< 3 25 No. 3 " 4 00 No. 2 Chilled 3 25 $2 75 3 25 4 00 3 25 $065 75 1 00 75 $0 75 75 1 00 75 $1 75 2 25 3 00 2 25 $1 50 1 75 2 50 1 75 ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH, 14 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Knapp's Hillside Plow. While they are called Side Hill plows, they are suitable for any land, as the turn- ing capacity is perfect, and the upturned edge of the share is the most perfect cutter for roots, etc., ever used. The plow is changed from right to left by unhooking the moldboard and lifting the plow up, when the weight of the bottom throws it under the beam, and by throw- ing the beam over and hooking the moldboard the change is made. Share and moldboard are of cast steel. PRICE LIST Steel Hillside Plows. No. 1, Vineyard, One-horse, Index Beam, Weight 73 Ibs. No. 2, Two-horse, with Gauge Wheel, " 84 " . No. 3, Three-horse, " " " 98 " . ,$15 00 Extra Share, $2 75 . 17 00 " " 3 25 . 24 00 " " 4 00 All Shares have the same mark as is stenciled upon the beam of the Plow. All Plows warranted to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Iy 1st of Extras No 1 No 2 No. 3 Extra Mould... $275 $325 $400 " Standard 2 75 3 25 4 00 " Forked Brace 65 75 100 " Frog 75 75 100 " Beam 1 75 2 25 3 25 " Handles, per pair 1 50 1 75 2 50 ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 16 Wood Beam Vineyard and Orchard Plow. Chilled Bottoms. VV 9 Chilled Orchard and Vineyard Plow has the following advantages: Beam can be set to or from land to any desired extent, and held to place by the bolt at near end of standard casting. Handles are straight, and easily renewed in case of breakage, and are readily set either right or left, to avoid contact with vines or trees. PRICE LIST. Adjustable Beams, Adjustable Handles, Extra Share. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Chilled Share. V. V. 9. 9-inch. 70 Ibs. $9 00 No. DB. $0 30 See description of Steel Beam Chilled Vineyard Plow on next page. Price List of Beams, Handles, Shares, Moulds and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 16 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, MOLINE,ILL. Vineyard Plow. Vineyards or Orchards. This is a plow made especially for Vineyards and Orchard plowing. It is a small, Steel-beam Plow, with Adjustable Handles and Adjustable Clevis. The handles are shown in the cut thrown to one side, to enable the plow to work close to the vines or trees without scraping the hands or striking the handles. The clevis is a dial, and can be set so as to throw the line of draft to one side or the other, so the horse need not walk too close to the vines or trees. It is a pronounc- edjsuccess, and a favorite with vine growers and orchardists. PRICE LIST Steel Beam, Adjustable Handles Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Shares. V40. V57K. Chilled V. B 9. 8-inch. 9-inch. 9-inch. 66 Ibs. 70 Ibs. 80 Ibs. $15 00 16 50 12 00 No. 37 $2 25 No. O. 49 2 50 No. D.B. Chilled 30 Price List of Beams, Handles, Shares, Moulds, and Lands on Page 257 ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 17 "Bluebeard" Break-pin Double Plow. FOR VINEYARD USE. A Combined Double Plow and Double Shovel. This plow is adapted for hilling corn, potatoes, fruit trees, grape vines, etc. It has two plows of high natural temper steel, and excellent shape, with Malleable Break-pin Shanks, arranged to receive shovel blades, making a perfect and complete combination tool. Bolts may replace the wooden break-pins, if desired, thus making the beams rigid "Bluebeard" Double Stock. With Double Shovel Blades. The standards and frame work are same as shown at top of page. The adjustment of Sleeve forward or backward on the shank is a valuable feature of this stock, giving it, when used as a plow, any desired pitch or suck, and as a double shovel, the requisite set for different soils and conditions. PRICE LIST, "BLUEBEARD" DOUBLE STOCK. With two Six and a half-inch Plows and Extra Shares. Bluebeard Double Plow . . . . Weight 65 1 bs $15 00 " Stock,only " 40 Ibs 600 Moldboards, each 2 25 Shares, " 150 Shovels, " 150 ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY Railroad Grading Plow. Our Railroad Grading Plows are built very strong, and will stand the strain of six or eight horses. Beam is very heavy, and heavily strapped underneath. This strap being bolted to the standard, passes down and is again bolted to the land bar, bracing the beam, standard and landside firmly together. The Handles are also strapped, the iron straps extending to the ends of the handles, and on the moldboard handle forming a loop, upon which the plow rests when thrown on its side. For use in heavy grading, in hardpan, shale rock, and baked soils these plows have become great favorites. We can furnish contractors with complete outfits of grading plows. So popular are they, that we have received telegraphic orders for them to be sent long distances by express, when other graders could be obtained close at hand. This Plow is provided with Gauge Wheel, Heavy Reversible Locked Cutter, sharp- ened on both edges, Moldboard extra thick, and Welded Bar Share of Solid Cast Steel, of high natural temper. PRICE LIST-GRADING PLOW. "With Extra Share Reversible Cutter and Gauge Wheel Strapped Beam and Handles Brand. Cut. Weight. Complete. Price. Extra Steel Share. Grader 10 Grader 12 10-inch 12-inch 265 Ibs. 270 Ibs. $45 00 50 00 No. 10 $7 00 No. 12 7 50 Reversible Cutter $5.00 Gauge Wheel $2.75- Junior Grader. Same shape and construction as the regular Grader, but without Extra Share,. Gauge Wheel, or straps on Beams and Handles. For lighter work ; for four horses. PRICE LIST- JUNIOR GRADERS. With Reversible Cutter. Brand. Cut. Weight Complete. Price. Extra Steel Share. Grader Jr.. 10 Grader Jr. , 12 10-inch 12-inch 158 Ibs. 192 Ibs. $30 00 35 00 No. 10 $7 00 No. 12 7 50 Reversible Cutter $5.00 Price List of Beams, Handles, Shares, Moulds and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 19 " California " Grader. This Plow is built especially for heavy work, and is like the Railroad Grader, ex- cepting it has a Shoe in place of Gauge Wheel, with Draft Rod that attaches to the standard. Has Steel Handles in place of Wood. PRICE LIST-CALIFORNIA GRADER. With Standing- Reversible Cutter and Extra Share. Size. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. Reversible Cutter. 10-inch cut 12-inch cut 233 Ibs. 237 Ibs. $50 00 55 00 No. 10 $7 00 No. 12 7 50 $5 00 5 00 " G. P." Road Plow, with Quincy Cutter. We recommend this Plow for all light road work, especially for grading country roads. Very popular with Township Commissioners. PRICE LIST ". P." ROAD PLOWS. Wood Beam Strapped Double Shin Low Landside Q,uincy Cutter. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. GP 180 GP 220 10-inch 11-inch 123 Ibs. 130 Ibs. $28 00 30 00 No. 18 $3 00 No. 22 3 50 Price List of Beams, Handles, Shares, Moulds and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 20 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Monitor Grader. This Plow is constructed with heavy steel beam. Handles and bottom are thor- oughly braced. It is equipped with adjustable gauge shoe and heavy standing cutter. The duck-bill slip share gives great durability. Suitable for difficult grading any- where. PRICE LIST-MONITOR GRADERS With Gaug-e Shoe, Heavy Standing: Cutter and Extra Slip Share. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price Complete. Extra Steel Share. Monitor 10 Monitor 12 10-inch 12-inch 274 Ibs. 28ti Ibs. $35 00 40 00 No. N 10 No. N 12 $6 00 6 50 Add for strapped handles $2 00 Listing Plow with Subsoiler. This Plow is very popular, and largely used where ground is prepared for drilling corn. It can be used in a variety of ways, as a Potato Digger, or for plowing irrigat- ing ditches. It is strongly built. It is easily removed. Hardened mold and share. PRICE LIST LISTING PLOWS. Without Subsoiler. Wood Beam. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. Lister 14 Lister 16 14-inch 16-inch 98 Ibs. 99 Ibs. $21 00 24 00 No. O 14 $6 00 No. 16 7 50 Subsoil Attachment, Extra $4.00. See Price List of Moulds, Shares, Beams, and Handles on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. AS FRANCISCO, CAL. 21 The * Red River" Middlebreaker. (.Patented January 17th, 1882, March 5th, 1889, May 28th, 1889.) In all respects except the Beam this Plow is the same as the "Sunset" Breaker The Wood Beam "Sunset" has met with great success, and this improved form, with Double Steel Beam, has been introduced to meet a special demand. It is, we believe the handsomest and best middlebreaker made. The best Plow made for opening Irrigation Ditches. PRICE LIST-BED RIVER SERIES. Steel Beans. With One Extra Slip Point. Without Cuttters. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Shares Per Pair. Slip Points. Cast-Cast Steel. R R No. 10. R R No. 12. R R No. 14. R R No. 16. 10-inch. 12-inch. 14-inch. 16-inch. 86 Ibs. UO Ibs. 137 Ibs. 141 Ibs. $18 00 20 00 25 00 35 00 No. S 2 $2 75 No. S 3 3 00 No. S 4 3 50 No. 84^ 4 00 T 2^ $1 00 T 2)4 1 00 T 4H 1 00 T 4^ 1 00 Moldboards, pair. . . . No. 10, $4.00; No. 12, $4.50; No. 14, $5.00; No. 16, $6.00. 14-inch, 16-inch, 18-inch, 20-inch, 22-inch, 24-inch, $5 50. Rolling Cutters, $4 50. $5 50. $7 00. $8 00. Other Parts Listed on Page 257. $12 00. $14 00 PRICE LIST-SUGAR LAND M1DDLEBREAK.ERS. Steel Beam. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Shares Per Pair. Slip Points Cast Cast Steel IB No. 18 18-inch 275 Ibs. $55 00 No. S 5 $4 00 T4V $1 00 Moldboards, pair $7 50 14-inch, 16-inch, 18-inch, 20-inch, 22-inch, 24-inch Rolling Cutters, $4 50. $5 50. $7 00. $8 00. $12 00. $14 00. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 22 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Combined Lister and Drill. The accompanying cuts show our Combined Lister and Disk Drill. This imple- ment can be used as a separate lister with subsoil attachment, as a separate drill with subsoil attachment, or as a combined machine. The Lister proper is strongly built, and, as a result of our long experience in this field, is of the best shape for the work it is designed to do, and will prepare, with the aid of the subsoiler, a perfect seed bed for any crop that is to be planted in drills. The moldboards and shares are carefully and evenly hardened throughout, a most im- portant feature in an implement of this kind, for the reason that the failure of one of these parts to scour condemns the whole machine. The covering disks can be set at different angles, to throw more or less dirt, as the condition of the ground mav require. They are fastened to a revolving jointed shaft or axle, coupled in the middle by a knuckle, and are thus allowed free action without any binding or friction, at whatever angle they may be set. The power for driving the drill is taken from this shaft, and this power is constant so long as either disk comes in contact with the ground, and the condition of soil (wet or dry) does not effect its working. Combined Lister and Drill, with Separate Drill Cup. (See Price List on Next Page. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Combined Lister and Drill Side View. The Drill is easily detached, and by putting on a forward wheel and pair of handles is quickly converted into a perfect, independent drill. The drop is furnished with a series of plates for dropping at different distances, and to accommodate different vari- eties and sizes of seed. The Subsoiler can be varied in depth at the set-screw fastening. It is the office of this part to completely pulverize the soil in the bottom of the furrow. By afoot lever the drill can be lifted free from the ground and fastened in that posi- tion, for transportation from field to field. PRICE LIST-LISTING PLOWS WITH SUBSOILER. Wood Beam. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. Lister 14 Lister 16 14-inch. 16-inch. 98 Ibs. 99 Ibs. $26 00 29 00 J No. O 14 $6 00 No. O 16 7 50 Subsoil Attachment $4 00 PRICE LIST-COMBINED LISTER AND DRILL. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. Comb.L. &D. 14-inch 210 Ibs. $45 00 No. O 14 $6 00 Steel Beam Lister, with Subsoiler, no Drill, 14-inch $30 00 PRICE LIST INDEPENDENT DRILL. Lister Drop with handles and wheel complete, as independent drill, weight 92 Ibs., $22 50 Extras for above listed on page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 24 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. "Prairie Queen" Breaking Plow. The "Prairie Queen" is the most popular Breaking Plow in use, and the easiest running. With long, tapering Moldboard and flat Share, it turns a flat, smooth lur- row, with very light draft. The superiority of the material and most excellent turning qualities of our Break- ers have placed them in the front rank of Breaking Plows. They are furnished with Gauge Wheel, Rolling Coulter, Patent Three-horse Adjustable Clevis, and each plow has an Extra Share fitted to it before leaving the shop. Patent Wrought Frog. Our Patent Clevis admits of an accurate adjustment for depth and land, and dis- penses with gauge wheel clamps. Moldboard, solid Cast Steel; Cast Steel Share, mild temper. PRICE LIST. Extra Breaker, -with Extra Share, Boiling- Cutter and Gauge Wheel. Brand. Cut. Weight Complete. Price. Extra Steel Share. D 10 E 12 F 14 G 16 10-inch 12-inch 14-inch 16-inch 104 Ibs. 1181bs. 130 Ibs. 143 Ibs. $26 00 28 00 30 00 33 00 No. D $2 50 No. E 3 00 No. F 3 75 No. G 4 00 Where Standing is substituted for Rolling Cutter, deduct $1 00 Where Gauge Wheel is not wanted, deduct 1 50 Price List of Beams, Handles, Shares, Moulds, and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAN FKANCISCO, GAL. 25 "Mapes" Subsoil Plow. The Mapes Subsoil Plow, manufactured by us for many years, is a standard tool of its kind. The cut is sufficient description of its construction, as it is extremely simple. Its only use is a special one, for stirring up the under soil, to make a soft and luxurious seed bed. It is built very strong, and of first-class material. PRICE LIST-MAPES SUBSOIL PLOW. With Gauge Wheel and Draft Bod. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. Mapes Subsoil. 8^-inch. 901bs. $19 00 $6 00 Deduct $1 50 for Guage Wheel if not wanted. Front Standard or Cutter for Mapes S. S Deere's Subsoil Plow. Extra Heavy Steel Beam, With G-uagre Wheel. $2 25 Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. Deere Subsoil. 9-inch. 140 Ibs. $40 00 $7 50 Extra Cutters for same each $5 00 ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Digger. li "Deere" Potato This is a great labor-saver. It works with very light draft, and throws the pota- toes out of the ground without cutting them, and leaves the ground in good shape. It has Iron Beam, and solid, hardened, soft center Steel Shoe. The Gauge Wheel in the rear regulates the depth, and serves as a landside to keep the Digger down. The Fin- gers are round, and do not bruise the potatoes. It will do the work of six men with hoes or forks. PRICE LIST WITH GAUGE WHEEL. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. E)xtra Steel Share. Deere. 82 Ibs. $15 00 $4 50 Gauge Shoe, $1.25 extra. Weed Fender, $2.75 extra. Gauge Wheel, $1.50. "Shaker" Potato Digger. This Digger has a flat blade, which does not cut the potatoes. The Rod, or lin- gers, are given a shaking motion, by means of the Sprocket or Flange Wheel at the rear. This shakes the dirt off the potatoes, and leaves them clean and whole on top of the ground. The Weed Fender cleans away the weeds and vines, and prepares the way for the shovel. The Gauge Shoe prevents the blade from entering the ground too deeply. Shipped with Weed Fender, unless ordered without. PRICE LIST. Shaker Potato Digger with Weed Fender and Gauge Shoe. rrand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. Shaker. 138 Ibs. $22 50 $4 50 Weed Fender, $2.75. Gauge Shoe, $1.25. Gauge Wheel, $1.50. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 27 The "Gilpin" is the only Sulky Plow that has stood the test of time, and shown itself equal to all requirements put upon this kind of a plow. It was the first and only successful Sulky Plow made, and all of its former competitors have been consigned to obliv- ion, while the "Gilpin" still holds its place in the trade as the foremost riding plow of the age. All changes of depth, throwing in and out of the ground, etc., are made with one lever, and the multiplicity of levers which other manufactur- ers have been compelled The " Gilpin" Sulky Plow. to use, in order to accomplish the same work, have had the effect of weakening their ma- chines, so that a few years' wear has unfitted them for service. One simple fact serves to show the durability of the "Gilpin." In 1881 we added what is known as the "Power-Lift," by which, with the simple pressure of the hand on a catch, the plow is thrown out of the ground by one revolution of the wheel. We are still altering plows that were in use prior to that time, and which are in such good con- dition that farmers prefer to pay the cost of adding the "Power-Lift" rather than throw aside the old plow and buy a new one. A Sulky Plow that has been run eight or ten years and is still in good condition, is a novelty, and we venture to say that no Sulky other than the "Gilpin" will stand such wear. It is self-leveling, operated by a single lever, is of lighter draft than a hand plow cutting the same furrow, and of as light draft as any riding plow made, and will do better work than any other plow of the same class. PRICE LIST. With Double Shin, Hardened Iron Center, Steel Mold and Share, Patent Anti-Friction Rolling Cutter, Three-horse Equalizer, Patent Chilled Hub Boxes, Medium I^andside, one Extra Share. Turf and Stubble Series. Brand. Cut. Weight Price. Extra Steel Share. GP 13. GP 15. GP 17. 13-inch. 14-inch. 16-inch. 510 Ibs. 515 Ibs. 520 Ibs. $65 00 65 00 65 00 No. 41 $4 50 No. 42 4 75 No. 46 5 00 List of Shares, Moulds, and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 28 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The Gazelle Three- Wheeled Riding Plow. This Plow is hung from and lifted by two cranks, or bales, which move together, and to both of which the beam is securely attached ; one of these bales being in front, and the other at the rear of the plow beam. The action of the lifting lever is to squarely raise or lower the entire plow bottom. This construction is peculiar to the Gazelle, and it results in several important advantages. It gives to the plow always the proper amount of pitch or suction. This is a valuable feature, as it does away with that nicety of adjustment at the clevis which is necessary on other plows, and so makes the Gazelle specially adapted to the use of inexperienced plowmen. PRICE LIST GAZELLE SULKY PLOW All steel bottoms for wheeled plows are made with Double Shin, Hardened Iron Center Steel Mold and Share, Medium Landside. Furnished with three-horse Equalizer and Neckyoke, Wheels with chilled boxes and patent anti-friction Rolling Coulters, and one extra Share. Turf and Stubble Series With Three-Horse Equalizer and Patent Anti-Friction Boiling Cutter. Brand. Cut. Weight Complete. Price. Extra steel Share. GP 13. GP 15. GP 17. 13-inch. 14-inch. 16-inch. 510 Ibs. 515 Ibs. 520 Ibs. $70 00 70 00 70 00 No. 41 $4 50 No. 42 4 75 No. 46 5 00 List of Shares, Moulds, and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 29 MOLINE.ILL. JOHN DEERE "GAZELLE" GANG. We now feel that we have a perfect Gang Plow for all kinds of soil, and can recommend The Gazelle to any one desiring to purchase. The bottoms are the well- known G. P., or "DEERE" General Purpose. Beams are made from heavy wrought steel bars, and are very high, giving large clearance. The spring lever shown in cut is a late improvement, and makes the handling of plow easy. A boy can do a man's work easily if supplied with this gang. Landsides and mould- boards are of heavy steel, and we give you your choice of steel or chilled shares. The frame is of steel and is absolutely strong. In fact, the whole construction is as perfect as can be devised by the oldest and best known plow manufacturers in Amer- ica, Deere & Co., Moline, 111. We recommend and warrant it. PRICE LIST. GAZELLE GANG. No C. R. C. or EVENERS D. 70. GAZELLE, Weight, 700 Ibs $85 00 Price list of Beams, Handles, Shares, Moulds, and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Deere" Gang Plow. In 1884 and 1885 we improved our Riding Gang Plow by adding an auxiliary lever, by which the depth of the plow is more readily governed while the plow is running. The rear plow is provided with a screw device, by means of which the pitch of this plow can be made to conform to that of the forward one. The plows are set right on leaving the shop, but in taking the bottoms or the shares off for sharpening it sometimes happens that they do not get exactly the same set upon being replaced. This screw arrangement remedies any such difficulty. The Deere Gang is made with two plows, 10 or 12-inch. It is made especially for heavy work, and will withstand the draft of the largest teams used in plowing. The vibrating tongue gives a free vertical motion, relieving horses' necks of all pres- sure, and affording a draft in a direct line from the hitch at the end of the tongue. The main hitch is direct from the end of the beams, a feature peculiar to our plow, and which gives much better results than a draft from the frame. There is no complication of parts on the Deere Gang, it being exceedingly simple in construction and very durable. PRICE LIST [With Extra Shares.] Wrought Iron Frame, Iron Wheels, Hardened Iron Center, Steel Molds and Slip Shares, Medium Steel Landsides, Patent Chilled Hub Boxes, Doubletrees and Breast Chains. Right hand only. Turf and Stubble Series. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Shares. Each. No. 38. No. 50. No. 79. 10-inch. 10-inch. 12-inch. 775 Ibs. 720 Ibs. 790 Ibs. $95 00 95 00 95 00 No. 38 $3 00 No. 50 3 00 No. 79 3 50 Rolling Cutters, Extra each, $5 00. List of Shares, Moulds, and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAN FRANCLSCO, CAL. 31 Deere "Frisco" Gang Plow. (For either Hill or Level .Land.) The above cut represents our latest Gang Plow. It was thoroughly tested in the field in this State last year, and more than met with our expectations. It is built ex- ceedingly strong and will stand the strain of 10 horses, and, as we above state,will give satisfaction on either level or hilly land. We have fully tested it, and have received great praise from parties who have seen it work, where a common plow could not be made to take land. The driver has perfect control of levers which regulate the depth of plowing, and width of furrow on steepest hillsides. This plow is supplied with the famous John Deere " Colorado " Bottoms, but we can furnish Chilled Bottoms when desired. The rear plow is provided with a screw device, by means of which the pitch of this plow can be made to conform to that of the forward one. The plows are set right on leaving the shop, but in taking the bottoms or the shares off for sharpening, it sometimes happens that they do not get exactly the same set upon being replaced. This screw arrangement remedies any such difficulty. PRICE LIST With Extra Shares. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share No. 50 No. 79 10-inch 12-inch 720 Ibs. 730 Ibs. $100 00 100 00 No. 50 $3 00 No. 79 3 50 Rolling Cutters, Extra, each, $5.00. List of Shares, Moulds, and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 32 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "New Deal" Plow, showing Seat Attachment. These Plows are lifted from the ground by simply throwing the weight of the driver on the lever, and in plowing around a land they require no handling at the corners. All "New Deal" Plows are equipped with a Landing Device, by which the landing of the plow is under perfect control, and can be changed at will while the team is in motion. PRICE LIST. With Land Guage, Double Shin, Hardened Iron Center Steel Mold and Share, Patent Anti- Friction Rolling Coulter, Chilled Hub Boxes, Medium Landside and Extra Share. One Furrow Turf and Stubble Series With Equalizers and Patent Anti-Friction Rolling- Cutter. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. GP 13. GP 15. GP 17. GP 19. 13-inch. 14-inch. 16-inch. 18-inch. 325 Ibs. 330 Ibs. 335 Ibs. . 350 Ibs. $50 00 50 00 50 00 55 00 No. 41 No. 42 No. 46 No. 44 $4 50 4 75 5 00 5 50 G. P. 19 has Extra Long Beam, For "Tule" land. To meet the wants of many of our customers who particularly admire the "New Deal" Plow, but who prefer to pay an extra price for it with the privilege of riding, we make a Riding Attachment which can be put on the "New Deal" Plows at any time at comparatively small cost. PRICE LIST. Biding Attachment Complete for New Deal Singles, Weight 81 Ibs $10 00 " " " " " " Gangs, " " 1000 Attachment without Seat and Spring 7 50 Price List of Shares, Moulds and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. The "New Deal" Gang Plow. Two-Furrow. The "New Deal" Gang is even more desirable for all purposes than the single plow. This plow is the first gang plow suitable for use on small farms, and there it is that it shows its great superiority over other plows. It plows as close to fences as a hand plow, requires only one extra horse, and plows from five to six acres per day with ease. These plows are lifted from the ground by simply throwing the weight of the driver on the lever, and in plowing around a land they require no handling at the corners. The universal verdict of those using them is that the "New Deal" plows are the most economical in all respects for the farmer. These plows can be furnished with any style of bottom that may be desired, and are warranted to do good work in the most difficult soils. All "New Deal" plows are furnished with the landing device. NOTICE. We are now prepared to furnish 8, 10 and 12-inch Bottoms with Steel Moldboard and Chilled Iron Share or 10 and 12-inch Chilled Iron Bottoms. Either style will fit old "New Deal" Gangs, and are readily fitted on. We will ship Steel Bottoms on all Gangs unless otherwise ordered. PRICE LIST. With Land Gauge and Extra Shares. Two Gang, 8-inch Weight 330 Ibs. 10-inch ' 395 " 12-inch ' 450 " " 14-inch ' 515 " " 10-inch, with Chilled Bottoms ' 400 Riding Attachment, Extra ' 80 Rolling Coulters, Extra, each 5 00 For prices on Shares, Moulds and Landsides see Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. $55 00 60 00 65 00 70 00 57 50 10 00 34 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "New Deal" Subsoil Gang. With 2 Bottoms and Subsoil Attachment. The fruit-growers of California have long felt the need of a good plow for subsoil- ing land for the planting of trees and vines. The plow above shown will meet all re- quirements, and the subsoil attachment can be used on any of the 10 or 12-inch "Neiu Deal" Two-Gangs, sold by us in 1891-92. This Gang, when thus equipped, will plow one furrow, and subsoil the furrow that was plowed on the previous round, thus saving the labor of one man. With this tool the earth can be loosened to the depth of 18 to 20 inches, thus giving the roots a fine chance to grow and spread out, and the rapid growth of trees, etc., will more than pay for the additional expense and trouble. The attachment is very strong and durable. After your land is subsoiled and planted, the subsoil plow may be taken off, and the regular plow bottom bolted in its place, thus making the finest Two-Gang Plow on earth. Two bottoms supplied with each Gang. Just the thing for nurseries. PRICE LIST. With Land Gauge and Extra Shares. No Cutters. Brand. Cut. Weight. Price. Extra Steel Share. D38 D12 10-inch. 12-inch. 515 Ibs. 570 Ibs. $85.00 90.00 X38 $1.75 X 12 2.25 Subsoil Attachment .(or 1891, and after $20 00. Rolling Cutters, Extra, each 5 00 Price List of Shares, Moulds, and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 35 The New " Deal " Three-Furrow Gang Plow. On the large wheat farms of the Northwest and of the Pacific Slope there is a de- mand for a plow that will turn more land than the ordinary single or double-furrow plow. The principles upon which the "New Deal" is constructed are applicable to a gang of almost any number of plows, and we accordingly manufacture Three, Four and Five-Furrow " New Deal " Gangs. These plows have met with unqualified suc- cess, and are the leading large Gang Plows in the trade. It requires but little more labor to handle them than it does to handle the two-furrow plow. Six oxen, or eight horses or mules, will walk away with a four-furrow " New Deal " with little exertion. Each of these plows, in addition to the regular equipment of the "New Deal," is provided with a landing device, by means of which the clevis can be moved, and the landing of the plow correspondingly changed, while the team is in motion. Upon three-furrow gangs and all other larger sizes the inside plow is detachable, thus giving a gang of two sizes in one. Our " New Deals " are so much lighter in draft, and so much more easily handled than similar plows of other makes, that comparison is not necessary. NOTICE. We are now prepared to furnish 8, 10 and 12-inch Bottoms with Steel Moldboard and Chilled Iron Share, or 10 and 12-inch Chilled Iron Bottoms. Either style will fit old " New Deal " Gangs, and are readily fitted on. We will ship Steel Bottoms on all Gangs unless otherwise ordered. PRICE LIST. With Land Gauge and Extra Shares. Three Gang, 8-inch Weight 520 Ibs. $ 75 00 Three Gang, 10-inch Weight 550 Ibs. 80 00 Three Gang, 10-inch, Extra Heavy and Extra High Beams, . .Weight 580 Ibs. 87 50 Three Gang, 12-inch \ Weight 645 Ibs. 90 00 Three Gang, 14-inch Weight 715 Ibs. 100 00 Three Gang, 10-inch, with Chilled Bottoms Weight 600 Ibs. 76 00 Three Gang, 10-inch, Extra Heavy and High Beams, with Chilled Bottoms 83 50 Riding Attachment, Extra Weight 80 Ibs. 10 00 Rolling Coulters, Extra, each 5 00 For Prices on Shares, Moulds, and Landsides see Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 36 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY The "New Deal" Four-Furrow Gang Plow. (With "Power Lift.") The "Power Lift" Attachment will be supplied with all 4,5 and 6 Gang "New Deals" hereafter. This, we consider, is the greatest improvement ever made on this style of plow, as the horses help to raise the plow from the ground, and a small boy can easily handle the LIFTING LEVER. This patent is our own, and the device cannot be found on plows of any other man- ufacture. PRICE LIST. With Steel, Chilled or Combination Bottoms, and Gauge and Extra Shares. Four Gang, 8-inch Weight 625 Ibs. . . .$ 85 00 " " 10-inch " 700".... 9000 " " " (extra heavy and extra high Beam) " 750 " " " " with Chilled Bottoms " 700 " " " " (extra heavy and high Beam, Chilled Bottoms) " 750 " "SPECIAL" "NEW DEAL" GANGS FOR TRACTION ENGINES. Four Gang, 10-inch, with extra Shares Weight 800 Ibs $110 00 " 12-inch, " " " 850 " .... 120 00 Riding Attachment, extra " 80" 1000 Rolling Coulters, extra, each 5 00 NOTICE. We will ship Steel Bottoms on all Gangs unless otherwise instructed. For Prices on Shares, Moulds and Landsides see Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 100 00 85 00 95 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 37 8888888888 03 i "* - J! ^ - "M oo" g 02 02 c $ * " W CD o3 ^ 1 1 'cS E w - O P =s I flfl os e T5 oi 02 s d> o .^ > o l| 1 1 ? 3 g| 8 1 J S WO X w C3 S X H r-H ^ jc -H J^ , , 02 0) 41 GQ s? 'I 1 ? 1 IIUl-sl ^ Slil|-r< iCoS E3 OOOOO.'S 00 c.S > > > > > For Prices on Shares, Moulds, and Landsides, see Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 38 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Levers in Position for Deep Plowing-. The "Vaughan" Orchard Gang Plow Levers Up, to Throw Plow Out. LIGHT DRAFT LIGHT WEIGHT FOR CULTIVATION ONLY. This is the first plow ever built on correct principles for plowing in orchards. On all other gangs you raise the lever to let plow in, while with the "Vaughan" this is re- versed, and when plowing the levers are down out of the way of overhanging branches. It is easy to see the advantages of such construction. This plow can be fitted with steel or chilled shares, as they are interchangeable. The landsides are chilled, but we use only steel mouldboards, as they are much stronger, and will wear fully as long, if not longer, than chilled ones. The beams are steel of first quality. The spring on lever is a new feature, and assists the operator in raising the plow out of the ground. Lever is easily handled with one hand. PRICE LIST-WITH EXTRA SHARES. 3 gang, 8-inch, with steel shares, weight 480 Ibs $57 50 3 " " " chilled " " " ".. 5500 4 " " " steel " " " " 6500 4 " " " chilled " " " " 6000 Price List of Shares, Moulds, and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXT*A SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. 39 Deere " Pony " Gang Plow. Special California Orchard and Vineyard Gang. Recognizing the demand for a light, strong and serviceable Gang Plow for orchard and vineyard work, we have had manufactured for our California trade the "Pony Gang" above illustrated. We claim great superiority over any similar Plow manufactured. It is so arranged that while leaving handles undisturbed, the third Plow can be taken off by removing three bolts, thus making it a two-gang, cutting furrow 16 inches wide. This feature is not found in any other gang of this class. PRICE LIST. With Extra Shares. Steel Standards and Moldboards Steel or Chilled Shares Chilled Landsides. Size. Cuts. Weights. Price With Extra Share. Extra Steel Shares 3-Gang, 8-inch 2-Gang, 8-inch 24 inches 16 inches 260 Ibs. 192 Ibs. $45 00 40 00 X 8 $1 50 X 8 1 50 Short Axle for use in close plowing, extra, $1.50. Price List of Shares, Moulds and Lands on Page 257. ORDER EXTRA SHARES BY NUMBER STAMPED ON BOTTOM OF EACH. 40 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. 7aV---* : ^^^ -' - The "Secretary"--Single. For a quarter of a century the revolving disk has been known as the best means of cutting and turning the soil, but the difficulty of keeping it at a uniform depth in the ground and in a straight line of progression, setting as it does an angle to the fur- row, has prevented any general success of it as a plow for opening up and turning the furrow. We have been experimenting in this line some years, and have at last hit upon a hooked-shape tine which penetrates the soil, pulling the disk any desired depth and holding it to a straight furrow line. In this we claim an invention of rare merit, and its operation has only to be seen to commend it. This new implement, which we now place on the market, is the outcome of a de- mand emphasized by the Secretary of Agriculture, who asks that a plow shall be in- vented that shall not leave the earth over which it passes so impact by pressure as do the plows now in use. In shallow tillage, with a cut say four inches in depth, the leverage of the plow point against the earth, the whole weight or power of the team producing a downward pressure at the cutting edge of share, leaves the base of the furrow that is turned over smooth and hard. In fact, it renders it almost impervious to water. Therefore, when a torrential rainfall comes upon land thus plowed and lying upon a land slope, the wash is enormous, and all the good surface earth is carried away. Furthermore, the water being unable to percolate through the subsoil, drains off and leaves the subsoil dry and hard. By the use of the "Secretary" the ground is left in an entirely different condition. The disk scoops out the furrow, and in throwing it over thoroughly pulverizes it. The bottom of the furrow is left by the disk in its thoroughly natural condition: that is: there has been no dow i ward pressure on or sliding over of the surface to make it hard and smooth. The penetrating point, which runs under the disk, thoroughly breaks and stirs up the subsoil, and leaves it in the best passible cmdition to receive and retain moisture. The result is that in very heavy rains, the water, instead of running off, will sink down into the subsoil, and when dry weather comes on will be drawn up to supp'y moisture to the plants. PRICE LIST [With Subsoiler.] 'S icretary" One Disk Plow, weight 575 Ibs if 65 00 SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. " tiw5ttteMfe5& k The " Secretary," Double. So novel is this departure from the present style of plowing, that we have ap- proached it with some caution. After giving exhaustive trials, experiments and ad- justments, reaching over the entire country that our trade covers, we have arrived at the point of placing it upon the market with our unqualified endorsement and war- ranty. We believe it the greatest improvement in plows yet made since the day of the forked stick, and invite the attention of the advanced farmer. By the disk we save the friction and wear of the soil running over the plow sur- face, the impacting of the earth so turned, and the hard glazed furrow bottom left by cutting and wedging the furrow as with a plow. A greater depth of penetration than with any known system. More thorough pul- verization and loosening up of the soil. In fact, a riding plow doing all the work on wheels, eliminating the wedging principle, as embodied in the plow. It turns an even and uniform furrow, breaking and loosening up the bottom. Covers weeds and trash, pulverizes the ground thoroughly, requiring but little, if any harrowing. It runs steadily and scours where no moldboard will work. It is very strong, simple and easily handled. Anybody can work it, and the cost of wearing parts is reduced to the minimum. It is adjusted to the latest improved sulky attachment. It will increase your crops. It affords the best known means for controlling moist- ure in the soil, and is the key to successful crop raising. The lightest draft plow made for the work done. PRICE LIST. [With Subsoiler.] "Secretary" Two Disk Plow, Weight, 712 Ibs $75 00 42 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. CLASP BOLT Deere Universal Rolling Coulter. We have given the name "Universal" to this Coulter, for the reason that it can be attached with the same clamp to any plow, of any make, right or left hand, Wood or Steel Beam. Every farmer will understand, at a glance, the convenience of having such a Coul- ter, interchangeable for any plows he may have, fitting closely any beam, with an ad- justment to or from the land, or for depth, made by the loosening of but one bolt. The accompanying cut shows all parts in detail, and suggests to the observer how the attachment and adjustments are made. While the prominent features of this Coulter are its adaptability to any plow, and easy adjustments, it has also all the other points of excellence essential to a superior Coulter. In mechanical construction it has great strength, and will resist any strain the plow itself will withstand. It is equipped with our patent cone-bearings, the wear of which can be taken up insuring at all times a true and steady-running blade. The small conical bearing, when worn too much for further use, can be replaced at a trifling cost. The blade is of an extra good quality of metal highly polished and is less liable to rust or corrode from exposure than the cheaper steel commonly used in Coulters. In short, this Coulter is without an equal. Extra list on page 263. PRICES. "Deere Universal" Castor Rolling Cutter, 10-inch, "Deere" patent Hub . . .$3 50 12-inch, " " " 3 75 13-inch, 14-inch, 16-inch, 4 00 4 50 5 00 All wheeled plows should be used with Rolling Cutters. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Single-Shovel Plow Wood Beam, Single-Shovel Plow--Iron Beam. Double-Shovel Plow-Wood Beam. PRICE LIST Single Shovel Plow, Wood Beam, weight, 28 Ibs $4 50 Iron " " 35" 475 Double " " Wood " " 40 " 4 50 Extra Shovels, Double $1.50 ; Single $2.50. 44 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Double Shovel Plow Iron Beam. Double Shovel Plow Iron Beam, with Break-Pin. PRICE LIST. Double Shovel Plow, Iron Beam, Weight 40 Ibs $4 50 " " " with Break-Pin, Weight 40 Ibs 5 50 Extra Shovels, each 1 50 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 45 "Deere" Five-Tooth Cultivator. [Wood Frame.] Cast Steel Teeth, with heavy braced Standards. The Teeth are reversible, and the frame can be expanded or contracted. Furnished when desired with wheel in place of clevis. We also have Seven and Nine-Tooth Cultivators of the same style. PRICE LIST. Five-Tooth Cultivator, Weight 65 Ibs $7 50 Seven-Tooth " " 83 " 9 00 Nine-Tooth <( " 109" 1200 For Wheel, add 75 Iron Arm Expanding Horse Hoe. This implement is intended for the same work as a cultivator, and is considered by many superior. It has Steel Shovels in front, and Steel Cutting Edges for the main plow. Weight, 75 Ibs Price, $12 50 For Cuts of Shovels, see Pages 264 and 265. 46 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. All-Steel Cultivator. This Cultivator has all the latest improvements, and is the best made and strongest Cultivator on the market. The Cultivator can be expanded or contracted so- as to cultivate any width of furrow as desired. PRICE LIST. 5-tooth, plain, weight 57 Ibs , $5 00 7-tooth, plain, weight 60 Ibs 7 00 Horse Hoe Attachments, extra 1 50 Wheel, extra 75 -*- Syracuse 9-Tooth Cultivator. This Cultivator is made with extra long and heavy Bars, and is by far the strongest 9-Tooth Cultivator on the market. Price 9-Tooth Cultivator with Wheel, $12 00. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 47 Deere "Iron Age" Cultivator. A Five-tooth Cultivator with Iron Frame, adjustable to different widths. The shovels are cast steel and reversible. The Shanks have three holes at the top, allowing the shovels to be set at different angles. PRICE LIST. "Iron Age" Cultivator, 5-tooth, weight, 50 Ibs $6 00 7-tooth, " 55 " 9 00 Horse Hoe Attachment for 5-tooth 1 50 Wheel, extra 75 7-tooth Extension for 5-tooth Cultivator. . . 2 50 Combined Harrow and Cultivator. With Reversible Steel Teeth, Diamond shape, with small Cultivator tooth forged on one end. Movable Teeth, to permit of working close to plants without injury. USED AS A CULTIVATOR OR HARROW. Harrow and Cultivator, without Wheel, weight 52 Iba $6 00 Wheel, extra 75 Extra Teeth, each 15 48 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. (J"a ten ted June 5th, 1888, and August 27th, 1889.) The "Giant Cultivator (With Lever.) Either Five or Seven Teeth. A Five or Seven-Tooth Cultivator with Iron Frame, adjustable to different widths. The shovels are steel and reversible. The Shanks have three holes at the top, allow- ing the shovels to be set at different angles. This Cultivator "is especially adapted to the use of market gardeners, as well as for general use. The Horse Hoe Blades are reversible, and the adjustment of the Shanks admits of a variety of work. By changing the Horse Hoe Blades from one side to the other, the earth can be thrown to or from the crop. Furnished with wheel when so ordered. PRICE LIST "Giant" Cultivator No. 2, 5-Tooth, with Lever, weight 60 Ibs $6 50 "Giant" Cultivator, No. 3, 7-Tooth, with Lever, weight 66 Ibs 9 00 The "Sunol" Cultivator. 5, 7 and 9-Tooth For Description and Price, see following Pages. For Cuts of Shovels, see Pages 264 and 265. SAN FRANCISCO, CAI 49 The "Sunol" Cultivator. With Knife Edge Standards. This cut shows our regular 5-Topth' " Sunol " Cultivator, with 7 and 9- Tooth At- tachments added. This Cultivator is made especially for buyers who are willing to pay a fair price for a first-class implement. In the manufacture of this tool no part has been slighted, and no pains have been spared to make it the best cultivator in the market. It is by far the strongest one ever built, and two horses may be used without fear of breaking it. The " Sunol " should not be confounded with the many cheap and flimsy contriv- ances which flood the market. One trial will convince you of its merit. We can equip this Cultivator with Standards and Shovels of any shape or size de- sired, either the " Hatch," "Oval Reversible," "Diamond," or "Chisel" Shovels, with or without Weed Knife, with or without Horse Hoe Attachments, or 10 or 15-inch Fur- rowing Shovels for making Irrigation Ditches. Wood Brake Pins may be used in stony or rooty ground. PRICE LIST With Wheel. "Sunol" Cultivator, 5-Tooth, Weight 70 Ibs $10 00 " 7-Tooth, " 901bs 1200 " 9-Tooth, " 110 Ibs.... 1500 Horse Hoe Attachments, with Standards, Extra, per set 2 50 Weed Knife, for 5 or 7-Tooth Cultivator, with Standards 3 50 " " " 9-Tooth " " " 400 7-Tooth Attachments for 5-Tooth "Sunol" Cultivator 3 00 9-Tooth " " " 600 For Cuts of Shovels, see Pages 264 and 265. 50 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY The Deere "Scarifier." For vineyard cultivation. Furnished with seven wide and seven narrow shovels, in all respects like our regular cultivator shovels, and attached in the same manner. The frame is all wrought iron, and frame and shovels are raised and lowered together by the lever, which is connected by a rod and chain with the gauge wheel shank. The latter has a caster wheel, and the shank having a free vertical adjustment, the shovels can be set at any desired depth, and all on the same level. The wheels are steel, set inside the rear shovels, so as not to interfere with the vines. PRICE LIST Deere Scarifier, seven 2 l /-inch, and seven 5-inch shovels, weight, 325 Ibs $50 00 5-inch Cast-Steel Shovels for same, with block, each 1 75 2 l ^-inch Cast-Steel Shovels for same, with block, each 90 Gauge Wheel, complete, with Shank 2 00 Gauge Wheel, complete, without Shank 1 50 Shank for Gauge Wheel 50 Bull Tongue. I,eft. Right. Straight. Cultivator Shovels. For "Scarifier," "Antelope," "Deere," "Reindeer" and "Columbia" Cultivators. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 51 MOLINE,ILL. "Antelope" Tongueless Cultivator. This was a new implement for the spring of 1889. As a Tongueless Cultivator the tl Antelope" is, we believe, above comparison with any other. It will at once commend itself to the eye of every farmer who uses a Tongueless Cultivator, and upon use will prove itself to be all that can be desired in an implement of this kind. It has the usual features of a Tongueless Cultivator, the Swivel Wheel and Direct Hitch, requiring each horse to draw one-half of the load. It has a High Arch, and high Steel Wheels with Removable Hub Boxes. The- frame is always maintained in an upright position. The Coupling is of our improved pattern, admitting of the finest adjustment, and holding the rig upright and free from wobbling. The "Antelope" will be equipped with Steel Beams only. By a new device the pitch of the shovels can be adjusted to the most perfect nicety. PRICE LIST. No. 48 "Antelope" Cultivator, Steel Beams, Weight, 188 Ibs $28 00 52 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. "Deere Spring" Walking Cultivator. With 4 or 6 Shovels. In the history of the Cultivator trade nothing has been produced that for general satisfaction and long wear can excel the old reliable Deere Spring Cultivator. It has all the equipments and all the adjustments necessary for doing the most satisfactory work in the field, and with our new Patent Coupling it is the most complete and the simplest Walking Cultivator in the market. The Springs are, we believe, the only springs yet made that are perfect in their ac- tion, and do all that is required of a spring on a Cultivator. They assist in all opera- tions of the shovels, rendering very little effort necessary on the part of the driver. They make it possible to hill up the crop with great ease, and hold the shovels to the proper depth when plowing. Shields furnished with all Cultivators. A fifth Shovel can be attached when desired, making a very effective tool when plowing summer fallow. In some localities there is a demand for a six -shovel Cultivator. This we supply in our Deere Spring Six-Shovel Cultivator as a walker. Our "Reindeer," ''Columbia" and "Antelope" Cultivators, described on other pages, can also be equipped with six shovels. The three-shovel rig consists of the regular two-shovel rig with a third beam and shovel added. This is not an attachment, but a complete rig in itself, and is put up complete at the factory. PRICE LIST. No. 3 Deere Walking Cultivator, Steel Wheels, Steel Beams, Weight 200 Ibs. . . .$33 00 No. 17 " Spring Six Shovels, " " 220 Ibs. ... 35 00 Fifth Shovel Attachment, Steel Beam, extra 4 00 Seventh" " " " " 400 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 53 'Reindeer" Cultivator. With 4 or 6 Shovels This Cultivator was an entirely new creation for the spring of 1839, and has proven to be a very taking machine. It has many excellent features, which should be seen to be appreciated. . First, the Evener drops on either side of the tongue to the level of the hitch, doing away with loose draft pendants. The Arch is in three parts. The Cross-bar is attached rigidly to the tongue. The two Side Pieces, which also forms the spindles for the wheels, have a free forward and backward swing on the cross-bar. This feature, together with the hitch being direct from the ends of the beams, allows and requires each horse to draw one-half of the load. By means of set screws the sides of the arch can be set out or in, giving a varia- tion of ten inches in the tread of the wheels, and making it possible to cultivate potatoes, beets, etc., in rows of thirty inches wide. The Beam is made of piping, and is very strong as well as light. The Parallel Beam constitute a feature now well understood by farmers and deal- ers. It consists of a device for always keeping the Shovels "face front," or at right angles to the line of draft. In the "Reindeer" this parallel arrangement is perfect, and absolutely avoids all side-draft on the shovels. This Cultivator can also be equipped with the regular Steel Beam Rigs, as used on the "Deere" Spring Cultivator. The Shovel Cross-head has many valuable features. It is a solid malleable iron casting. The shanks to which the shovels are attached pass through square slots in the casting, and are held in position by a key bolt. There are two slots in the outer end of the cross-head. The shank can be removed from the outside and put in the inside one, bringing the outside shovel near to the inside one. In a similar manner the inside shovel shank can be placed out or in. This arrangement has the effect of bringing the shovels of each rig nearer together or farther apart, as may be desired. A third shank may also be inserted in the inner of the two outside slots, making a three-shovel rig. The Wheels are of steel, and have removable steel boxes, so that when the first boxing becomes worn it may be easily removed, and a new one put in at very small cost. PRICE LIST No. 21 "Reindeer" Cultivator, Parallel Pipe Beam, 4 shovels, weight 235 Ibs $34 00 No. 21 " " " " " 6 " " 245 ".... 3700 No. 23 " " " Steel " 6 ' " 225 " . . . 35 00 Six-Shovel Attachments, (no Shovels, ) per pair 3 00 54 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 30, "Columbia" All-Steel Cultivator. With 4 Shovels. For combined strength and efficiency no riding Cultivator excels the "Columbia."" It is made entirely of iron and steel. It has many advantages and features of excel- lence which are not found in any other Cultivator. The cross-beam is made of two bars of iron clamped together, and the cast axles are attached to the cross-beam in such a manner that they can be set wider apart or nearer together, to accommodate different widths of rows. The beams have a perfectly horizontal swing. The depth of the shovels can be easily changed without stopping the team. The seat is adjustable to suit weight of driver. The foot levers are entirely practicable, and are a great assistance in handling the shovels at the ends of rows, etc. The beams are adjustable, so that one shovel can be set high and the other low, for plowing ridges or trenches. This Cultivator has our patent coupling. Also furnished with handles, making it equally satisfactory as a walking Cultivator. PRICE LIST. No. 30, "Columbia" Cultivator, with Fifth Shovel, weight, 420 Ibs $50 00 Fifth-Shovel attachment (deduct when not wanted) 4 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 55 No. 55. "Columbia" All Steel Cultivator, With 6 Shovels. The "Columbia" is also furnished with Six-Shovel Rigs, as shown in the above cut. With these Rigs and a Seventh-Shovel attachment, the "Columbia" makes a complete implement for plowing summer fallow, and for preparing the ground for Spring seeding after Fall plowing. Our Cultivator Attachment, Hilling Shovels, etc., can all be used on the "Colum- bia," enabling the crop to be worked until it is laid by. PRICE LIST No. 55, Columbia Cultivator, with Steel Beams, Six Shovels and Seventh Shovel, Weight, 430 Ibs $55 00 Seventh-Shovel Attachments, complete (deduct when not wanted) 4 00 56 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, Tresno" Nursery and Vineyard Cultivator. Riding- or Walking- This Cultivator is designed for Vineyard, Nursery and Corn cultivation. While the wheels are only 36 inches in diameter, to permit the Cultivator to be used in Deciduous Orchards, the Frame is high enough to straddle the rows of Vines, Corn, or one-year-old Nursery Trees. The Drawbars are made of %x2-inch Steel, and extend back far enough to allow the Cultivator Beam to reach outside the Wheels. In Straddling Rows 4 Cultivator Standards are used on each Beam. When the operator desires to work between the Rows, the two Beams are connected together by a right angle piece of Steel with Standard attached, making a 5-foot Cultivator with 9 Shovels, same as our 5-foot "Top-Notch" Cultivator. Plow handles will be furnished with all Cultivators hereafter, though not shown in cut. Can be raised from the ground by either the foot or hand levers, at the will of the operator. These Cultivators can be ordered with "Hatch" Self-sharpening, "Oval Reversible" or "Diamond Point" Shovels, oval faced. PRICE LIST. 'Fresno" Cultivator, weight 425 Ibs >. $50 00 For List of Shovels, see Page 265. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 57 "Zig-Zag" Steel Cviltivator. With Double Trees. For Orchard and Vindyard. We are using on our new Cultivator a Frame constructed of Channel Steel, which is the strongest light material to be found. The Axle has been lengthened 16 inches, which makes it run level and steady. The standards for "Duck Foot" Shovels are sharp on the front edges. They cut the soil, and materially lighten the draft. The new Standard Clamps have Nuts on each end, and are made from heavy stock. While we consider the "Duck Foot" Shovel Superior to any for fruit cultivation, we are prepared to supply the "Oval Reversible," "Diamond Point," or "Mole" Self- sharpening Shovels. The "Mole" is 3> inches wide and similar to the "Duck Foot," but is chilled in such a way that the natural wear has a tendency to keep the point sharp. Sub-soil cultivation is fast superseding the old top cultivation, which throws the moist earth to the surface to be dried by the wind and sun. The "Zig-Zag" has the lowest Frame of any Cultivator yet on the market, and for that reason is the best for young orchards or vineyards. The Cultivators may be ordered with or without Weed Knives. PRICE LIST. With Weed Knife. "Zig-Zag" Cultivator, 5-foot, Weight 390 Ibs $55 00 6-foot, " 400" 6000 If Weed Knife not wanted, deduct $5.00. For cuts of Shovels, see Page 265. 58 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Sunset" Cultivator. For Orchard and Vineyard. The above cut represents the "Sunset" Cultivator, designed especially for orchard and vineyard work. The front Shovel Standards are 10 inches ahead of the rear Standards, which ad- mits of large clearance for clods, stones and weeds. The Standard Clamps can be moved laterally, permitting the operator to arrange the Shovels any required distance apart, so as to do good work in any soil he may wish to cultivate. All Standards have knife edge. These Standards have extra holes whereby they may be set up or down, for deep or shallow cultivation. If very deep cultivation is desired, the Drawbar Attachment may be turned over, thus changing the line of Draft on the Axle two inches lower. A Wooden Brake Pin can be used with this machine if the land is stony or stumpy. Our cut shows both Hand and Foot Lever, working in conjunction, which makes it quite easy to handle. By pressing the Foot Lever forward and the Hand Lever back- ward, the Cultivator may be easily raised. When the Levers are thrown to their full extent the Shovels are raised six inches above the ground. This improvement will not be found on any other Cultivator. For cultivating uneven ground, over ridges or ditches, we have supplied an ingen- ious device which unlocks the Lever, and allows the Beams to follow the inequalities, and to cultivate at an even depth under all circumstances. PRICE LIST. With Double Trees. " Sunset " Cultivator, 5-foot, 9 Shovels, Weight 410 Ibs $55 00 " " 6-foot, 11 " " 440" 6000 8-foot, 15 " " 500" 6500 For list of Shovels, see Page 265. DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY 59 The "Top-Notch" Cultivator. For Orchard and Vineyard. The above cut is an exact representation of the "Top-Notch" Cultivator. The ends of Cultivator Beams are rounded, and arranged so that should they, by accident, come in contact with the trees, they will glide off without "barking" them. All other parts of this tool are exact duplicates of the "Sunset" Cultivator, which we describe on another page, with the exception of Shovel Standard Frame. This difference is plainly shown in the cut. We will furnish any of the following Shovels when ordered, for either "Sunset" or "Top-Notch" Cultivators. (See above Cut.) "Hatch" Self-sharpening. "Duck Foot. "Oval Reversible." "Diamond Point." (Oval faced.) "Furrowing" 10 or 15 inches, for making Irrigation Ditches. *We are also prepared to furnish "V"-shaped Weed Knives, 15 inches wide, or long,, straight Weed Knives, with or without Rolling Cutters. (See cut next page.) PRICE LJST. With Doubletrees. "Top-Notch" Cultivator, 5-foot, 9 Shovels, Weight 375 Ibs. . . . .$55 00 "Top- Notch" Cultivator, 6 " 11 ' " 390 Ibs 6000 "Top-Notch" Cultivator, 8 " 15 ' " 430 Ibs 6500 "Top- Notch" Cultivator, 9 " 17 ' " 450 Ibs 7000 *5-foot Cultivators require 4 "V" Weed Knives. g it H K n o u O " " C For List of Shovels, see Page 265. DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The Walking Cultivator. Toj. -Notch or Sunset Frame. This cut is intended to show how the Walking Attachments Straight Weed Knives, and Rolling Cutters can be attached to either the "Sunset" or "Top-Notch" Cultivators. A Straight Weed Knife can be furnished, also 10-inch Rolling Cutters, which cut the Weeds and Trash in front of each standard of the Weed Knife. They are very ef- fective in their operation, especially so in Morning Glory vines. The Weed Knives and Rolling Cutters can be readily removed, and the Cultivator Standards and Teeth put in their place, thus making a complete Combination Cultiva- tor and Weed Cutter. When ordering Rolling Cutters or Walking Attachments, mention whether they are for "Snnset" or "Top-Notch" Cultivators. PRICE LIST. Walking Attachments ("Sunset" or "Top- Notch") $3 50 Rolling Cutters, 10-inch, " " " each 2 50 Straight Weed Knives, 5 ft. $5.00, 6 ft. $6.00, 8 ft. $8.00, 9 ft 9 00 * " V" Shaped Weed Knives, with Standards, each 1 50 Furrowing Shovels, 10-inch, $1.50; 15-inch, $2.00. * "V" Shaped Weed Knives and Furrowing Shovels fit only the Diamond Point Shovel Standards. For list of Shovels see Page 265. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 61 Rotary Vineyard or Orchard Harrow. Perfect Pulverizer, Clod Crusher, and Weed Killer. The above cut represents the Rotary Harrow, which cannot be well dispensed with in a vineyard, as it will roll under the "spurs," and close to the vines without injuring the same (as nothing projects beyond the outside of the round pipe) ; breaks up all the clods, thoroughly pulverizes the soil, and cleans itself of all weeds and trash at every revolution. It can be made to turn either way by swinging the weight arm around, and the slow side should always go nearest the vines. It will also work in ditch banks and levees, where no other harrow will go without sliding. It is made of gas-pipe, bent round like a wheel, and made perfectly smooth on the outer rim, and presents no sharp corners to the trees or vines to injure them as it revolves. It is provided with handles, so the operator can hold it to or from the row. Every farmer should have one for his garden, and to level any uneven land, or to fill up dead furrows. Every vine- yardist or orchard owner should have a sufficient number to go over the whole ground in a short time. When the surface is just in proper condition, one day's work is worth a week's out of season. Price (5 ft. diameter), Weight 188 Ibs $25 00 62 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Vineyard Harrow Wood Frame. This Harrow is for use in vineyard cultivation, with one or two horses. The frame is adjustable in width. A very convenient harrow for this special use. The cut below shows the same harrow with iron frame. PRICE LIST. 15-tooth, Weight 45 Ibs. . $7 50 29-tooth, " 80 " 9 00 Vineyard Harrow Iron Frame. PRICE L:ST. 15-tooth, Weight 60 Ibs ..................................................... $9 00 27-tooth, " 108 " ........................................................ 12 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. "Glidden" Iron Harrow. The frame is of wrought-iron and the teeth of steel, two and one-half inches wide by one-quarter of an inch thick, having one edge perpendicular for pulverizing and the other slanting for smoothing. Each section is coupled to the draw-bar, as shown in the cut, by clevises and chains. To change from a Smoothing to a Pulverizing Harrow, or vice versa, it is only nec- essary to shift the coupling-bar to opposite end. This style of tooth is calculated to produce nearly, if not quite as good results in sod as the Revolving Disc Cutter Harrows, and at about one-half the cost. PRICE LIST. "Glidden" Harrow, 36-tooth, Weight 145 Ibs $15 00 54-tooth, " 215" 2250 "Deere" Smoothing Harrow. The advantages of this Harrow are apparent. Hitching at one end gives the proper slant for smoothing, and hitching at the other end gives the teeth a straight position, for pulverizing. The teeth are self-adjusting, and do not require to be changed by one from one pos- ition to another, and it thus combines two harrows in one. The slant is such as to pul- verize without clogging. No farmer can afford to be without one. PRICE LIST. "Deere" Smoothing Harrow, 48- tooth, Weight 140 Ibs $14 00 " " " 72-tooth, " 200 " 2000 64 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY "Vaughan" Angle Steel Harrow. In the construction of this harrow the threaded tooth with a top nut has been dis- pensed with, and in its place a simple strong clamp device is used, holding the square tooth firmly in place, easily released, and admitting of adjustment for depth, or for turning the tooth so that different edges may be presented to the front, thus insuring a keen cutting edge and uniform wear. The bars of Channel Steel are set in between two heavy bars of iron, and firmly bolted at all points of contact. To add to its strength and rigidity we use two strong cross braces, bolting them to harrow bars also. This is not a heavy and cumbersome tool, but light, strong, durable and conveni- ent. The construction of this harrow is alike unique and substantial. Nothing could be simpler or more perfect than the construction and action of this implement. The change of hitch is easily accomplished in one minute, by simply moving the slotted link back and forth on the chain. This device is plainly shown in the cut. All sections are alike and interchangeable. No farmer can afford to be with- out one. PRICE LIST. 1 Section, with 24 teeth (without draft bar), weight 80 Ibs . . $ 8 00 " 48 " and draft bar, cuts 9 feet wide, weight 180 Ibs 1800 " 72 " " " "12 " " 270 " 27 00 4 " 96 u " " "15 " " 360 " 36 00 Chain 'Stretchers for 3 sections 2 00 " 4 2 50 Extra Drag- Bars for Above Harrow. For 2 Sections, complete, with hooks and draft bars ......................... ____ $3 00 "3 " " " " ............................ 3 50 " 4 . " " " " .. ... 4 00 " 5 " " " " .......... 5 00 "6 " " " " ............................ 6 50 The above prices supersede all former ones. or If order does not specify, we send /4*.% teeth, but can furnish them with square teeth when ordered. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 65 Deere "Zig-Zag" Steel Lever Harrow. With Plain Steel Teeth. In the construction of this Harrow the threaded tooth with a top nut has been dis- pensed with, and in its place a simple, strong clamp device is used, holding the square, steel tooth firmly to place, easily released, and admitting of an adjustment for depth, or for turning the tooth that different edges may be presented to the front, thus insur- ing a keen cutting edge and uniform wear. The bars of Channel Steel are set in collars at either end, giving a short leverage to the resistance of the tooth, and a consequent light strain upon the frame. The range of the lever is sufficient to give the teeth any angle, from a pitch for- ward, backward to a horizontal position for transportation. The coupling, or running rods, are all upon the top of the frame, giving perfect clearance underneath, with no tendency to gather trash. Two sections are shown in the cut ; one with the teeth perpendicular for pulveriz- ing, the other with the teeth slanting for smoothing. A PERPENDICULAR TOOTH HARROW AND A SMOOTHING HARROW IN ONE. PRICE LIST. 2 Section Channel Iron Lever Harrow, 50 teeth, 8-foot, weight, 220 Ibs $20 00 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 60 10-foot 275 22 50 70 12-foot 310 25 00 75 90 12 % -foot, 15-foot, 330 415 30 00 33 75 105 18-foot, 475 40 00 120 20-foot, 550 45 00 140 24-foot. 625 . 50 00 inch teeth will be sent if order calls for no special size. inch square teeth. We can supply )^ or 66 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. California Square Harrow-Hinged. Wood Frame. These Harrows are made of the best material. The Frames are solid and strong, and well made. The Bars are reinforced by a bolt at each tooth, which prevents the tooth from splitting the bar. No better wood harrow is made for the California trade. Can be furnished with or without teeth. Number of Teeth. Width of Cut. Ft. lu. Weight Com- plete with y^H Steel Teeth. Weight Com- plete with % Sq. Steel Teeth. Weight of Frames Without Teeth. Price of Frames Only. Price Com- plete with V^A Steel Teeth. Price Com- plete with % Sq. Steel Teeth. 30 teeth 36 teeth 42 teeth 48 teeth 56 teeth 64 teeth 72 teeth 90 teeth 100 teeth 6 6 7 7 6 8 6 9 9 6 10 12 13 117 pounds 146 pounds 167 pounds 196 pounds 210 pounds 248 pounds 298 pounds 350 pounds 400 pounds 121 pounds 152 pounds 173 pounds 202 pounds 217 pounds 2o6 pounds 307 pounds 351 pounds 431 pounds 87 pounds 100 pounds 125 pounds 148 pounds 154 pounds 184 pounds 226 pounds 260 pounds 300 pounds $ 7 90 8 25 8 65 10 50 11 25 13 50 15 00 18 00 19 50 $ 9 40 10 05 10 75 12 90 14 05 16 70 18 60 22 50 24 50 $ 9 80 10 40 11 30 13 -30 14 75 17 50 19 50 23 75 25 75 The "Badger" Spring-Tooth Lever Harrow The Frame is made of best quality open-hearth Angle Steel. Only one runner is used in center of Harrow, thereby doing away with the clogging so often encountered in running harrows of two or more sections. The Tooth or Cross Bars are of Square Steel Pipe and attached by malleable brackets to the frame. The Teeth are individually adjustable in clips, and the lever attachment provides an easy and rapid adjustment of all teeth to any required depth. Thoroughly up to date in every point. PRICE LIST. 16-tooth "Badger" Harrow, weight 200 Ibs $25 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 67 Deere Steel Frame Disc Harrow. This machine has a Low Hitch pulling direct from the axle, thereby insuring light draft and great strength, and is to-day the"king" of all disc harrows for field work. It is not reversible. PRICE LIST. Size. P^n. price ' No Cutaway Price. No. Spading. Price. Weight. 6-16 23 $45 00 83 $50 00 63 $50 00 465 8-16 25 55 00 85 60 CO 65 60 00 550 10-16 35 ! 65 00 87 71 00 67 71 00 705 12-16 29 75 00 89 82 00 69 82 00 835 6-18 26 52 50 86 57 50 66 57 50 515 8-18 28 62 50 88 67 50 68 67 50 610 10-18 30 72 50 90 78 00 80 78 00 795 1218 31 82 50 91 90 00 81 90 00 935 6-20 32 60 00 92 65 00 72 65 00 565 8-20 34 70 00 94 75 00 74 75 00 674 10-20 36 80 00 96 87 00 76 87 00 875 12-20 38 90 00 98 98 00 78 98 00 1030 Whittietrees and Neckvoke furnished with each Harrow. 68 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. "Deere Reversible" Steel Frame Disc Harrow. In Throw. The many new tools illustrated for the first time in this, our Annual Catalogue for 1896, will assure you that we have not been idle during the past year, but have aimed to meet all the demands of the trade in our line of manufacture. Among the new tools to which we wish to call your attention is the Deere Steel Frame Reversible Disc Harrow, which we point to with pride as indicative of the class of machinery which it is our greatest desire to produce. It is simple in construction, strong, well made and finished. The gangs can easily be reversed to an "in-throw" or "out-throw" Harrow, there being no multiplicity of extra attachments required to make the changes. For list of sizes, weights and prices, see next page. The "in-throw" Harrow, as shown above, can be changed in five minutes to throw the soil outward. They are manufactured i'.i six sizes, as follows : 4, 5 and 6-foot, with 16-inch Discs. 4, 5 and 6-foot, " 18 inch " 4, 5 and 6-foot, " 20-inch " Plain Cutaway or Spading Discs. See next page for cut of same Harrow reversed to "out-throw." For Repair List, see page 310-312. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. "Deere Reversible" Steel Frame Disc Harrow. Out Throw. In vineyard and orchard cultivation, where a Reversible Disc Harrow is in greatest demand, this tool will be found to meet all requirements. The frame is constructed on the same principle as that of the well-known "Deere" Wood Frame Harrow, with the advantage of being made entirely of steel and iron. On the "Reversible," all-end thrust so destructive to the boxes) is overcome, whether used as an "in- throw" or "out-throw" Harrow. Used as an "out-throw" Harrow, the two gangs come together the bumpers on the inner ends of the gangs rolling upon each other without friction. Used as an "in-throw" Harrow, the two gangs are connected by a Swivel Chain the only extra part required in changing from an "out-throw" to an "in-throw" Harrow. The high Spring Seat, out of the way of the dust, and well in rear of the gangs, is a valued feature of the machine. The "Reversible" is made in six sizes, as follows: PRICE LIST. Size. No. Plain. Price. No. Cutaway. Price. No. Spading. Price. Weight. 4-16 41 $40 00 C 41 $43 00 S 41 $43 00 380 5-16 42 45 00 C 42 48 50 S 42 48 50 415 6-16 43 50 00 C 43 54 00 S 43 54 00 450 4-18 46 45 00 C 46 48 00 S 46 48 00 405 5-18 47 50 00 C 47 53 50 S 47 53 50 450 6-18 48 55 00 C 48 59 00 S 48 59 00 490 4-20 50 50 00 C 50 53 00 S 50 53 00 435 5-20 51 55 00 C 51 58 50 S 51 58 50 490 6-20 52 60 00 C 52 64 00 S 52 64 00 540 Whiffletrees and Neck Yoke furnished with each Harrow. PRICE LIST OF EVENERS. 2-Hjrse $2.50. 3-Horse $3.00. 4-Horse $3.50. 6-Horse... Neck Yokes, extra, $1.50. See opposite page for cut of same Harrow, reversed to "In-throw." .$4.50 70 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Deere Steel Frame Reversible and Adjustable Disc Harrow. Many orchard and vineyard owners have felt the need of a harrow with draft light enough for two horses that would still extend well over beyond the horses, and cultivate close to the trees or vines. In order to accomplish these two results, it is necessary to use a small number of discs (to decrease the draft) and to set the two gangs wide apart, leaving a strip between the gangs uncultivated until another round of the team , when the soil left on the first passage is cut out. Each gang can be set at three different distances from the center, making two feet difference in the extreme width of cut, whether throwing the soil in or out. No other disc harrow has this advantage. The entire construction of the machine is first-class, the frame and all the principal parts being made of steel. Size. No. Plain. Price. No. Cutaway. Price. No. Spading. Price. Weight. 4-16 141 $42 50 C 141 $45 50 S 141 $45 50 350 5-16 142 47 50 C 142 51 00 S 142 51 00 37ft 6-16 143 52 50 C 143 56 50 S 143 56 50 400 4-18 146 47 50 C 146 50 50 S 146 50 50 375 5-18 147 52 50 C 147 56 00 S 147 56 00 415 6-18 148 57 50 C 148 61 00 S 148 61 00 450 4-20 150 52 50 C 150 55 50 S 150 55 50 410 5-20 151 57 50 C 151 61 00 S 151 61 00 450 6-20 152' 62 50 C 152 67 00 S 152 67 00 500 Whiffletrees and Neckyoke fusnished with each Harrow. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. 71 Deere Spading Harro\v. In order to meet the wants of all purchasers, we have decided to carry the above Harrow in stock hereafter. It is greatly improved over anything of this class yet brought out, and the only one that can be used with either Spading Knives, Round discs or Cutaway discs, the change from knives to discs being made in a few moments. On farms having a variety of soils, this feature will be greatly appreciated, and also where different conditions of soil require change in tools for working it properly. We do not recommend the Spading Teeth for all localities and conditions, but with an extra set of discs, this Harrow will be a success anywhere. The draft is low and directly from axle, thus taking all strain off the Standards. This excellent point is not found on any other Harrow. "We supply 18-inch Spading Discs only. PRICE LIST. With Doubletrees and Neck Yoke. 6-Foot Spading Harrow, weight 515 Ibs.. . . .$55 00 8-Foot " " " 610 " ..-.. . 65 00 72 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY Lubin Pulverizer and Clod Crusher. Thoroughly pulverizes the soil, and effectually crushes clods. It does the work of any harrow heretofore in use, and in addition not only crushes all the surface clods, but stirs, pulverizes and mixes the soil the entire depth broken by ordinary plowing, or shallower if desired. When the land is well broken and has no top crust, and only surface clods are to be crushed, the tongue or pole of the machine can be reversed, as shown in cut here- with, so that the spring teeth or crushing bars will be in the rear, with the back of the curved teeth forward, serving then as crushing bars for pulverizing the surface clods. A series of wheels with chisel-shaped steel teeth, revolve independently on a steel shaft. The teeth project from the wheel about six inches, and are about four inches apart. As the machine is drawn forward these chisel-shaped teeth revolve between the curved spring teeth, or crushing bars in front. The entire weight of the machine and that of the driver are placed on top of these revolving teeth, in which manner they are forced into the ground. The depth of cul- tivation is regulated by the depth to which the spring teeth are set. The curved spring teeth raise the clods from beneath the surface. They are then caught by the revolving teeth, and cannot pass through without being thoroughly crushed; so that not only the surface clods, but those from beneath, are thoroughly pulverized, thereby making a perfect seed-bed for whatever may be thereafter planted. PRICE LIST. 5-foot Machine, for 2 to 4 horses . . $50 00 8-foot " " 4 " 6 7500 SAN FKANCISCO, CAL. 73 New "Pacific" Seed Sower. It has many qualities of excellence, which need only to be seen to be appreciated, and which place it at the head of all Seed Sowers now in the market. The chain gear by which it runs insures great durability, and is quite an advantage over the belt gearing, in that the chain never slips while at work, thus preventing unevenness in sowing. The distributor whirls around horizontally, and throws the seed with great force to the right and the left, scattering it evenly, without throwing it into the air to be blown about by the wind. In commencing to sow, one-half the grain is not wasted, as it has two valves that supply the distributor with grain one for each side of the wagon ; therefore, one may be closed when sowing by a fence, ditch or land that is not to be sown. The distributing disc revolves at double the speed of the other seeders, throwing the grain a much greater distance, and with such force that the wind does not effect the evenness of the distribution. They are perfectly adjustable, and either side can be in- stantly changed or cut off, which insures a perfect uniformity of cast, leaving no streaks behind the wagon, and wasting no grain. These seeders can be used in any kind of a wagon or cart. The wear of chain can be instantly taken up. They will sow all kinds of small grain, seed and dry fertilizers. This is the best seeder we have, and we guarantee it will give satisfaction. " Pacific " Seeder, Weight 145 Ibs., Price, $20.00. For Repair List, see Page 298. 74 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. " Gem " Seed Sower. The Gem Sowers have superseded the old style Cahoon Sowers, which throw the seed perpendicularly, to be blown about by the wind, leaving a double quantity behind the wagon. At the usual walking gait of horses these sowers will sow about 15 acres per hour, throwing wheat 60 feet wide at each passage. The Gem throws the seed the same as if sown by hand. In commencing to sow, one-half of the grain is not wasted, as it has two valves that supply the distributor with grain one for each side of the wagon ; therefore one may be closed, when sowing by a fence, ditch, or land that is not to be sown. The distributor whirls around horizon- tally and throws the seed with great force to the right or left, but does not throw it up or down. No. 1, "Gem" Seeder, weight 142 Ibs Price, $20 00. For Repair List, see Page 299. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 75 "Cahoon's" Horse Power Seed-Sower. The Cahoon Power Sower is the best low-priced Broadcast Seeder in the market. Will sow every kind of seed ; throws wheat 50 feet wide. It is capable of adjustment, both as to the variety of the seed to be sown, and the quantity desired to be distri- buted. At the usual walking gait of a horse, will sow 10 to 12 acres per hour. Cahoon Horse Power Sower, weight 130 Ibs For Kepair List, see Page 289. Price $16 00 76 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Cyclone" Seed Sower. This Seeder is like our Pacific Seeder, the parts being the same, but having a heavy sheet iron hopper instead of a wooden one. For Description, See Pacific Seed Sower. "Cyclone" Seeder, weight 130 Ibs $20 00 The "Cahoon" Hand Seed Sower. The Hand Sower weighs 4 pounds. At a common walking gait, will sow from 4 to 8 acres per hour. Price $4 00 For Repair List, see Page 298. SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. 77 " Deere " Force-Feed Seeder. To supply the demand of the trade for a Seeder with a Force Feed, we last year added to our line of goods the " Deere " Force-Feed Seeder. Seeders built hereafter will be strengthened by special braces, and tires for wheels will be heavier. We shall also use heavier steel in the Cultivator Standards and Draw Bars, and can guarantee durability and strength equal to any Seeder ever made. By the use of low wheels, we overcome the serious objections urged against high- wheeled machines, by bringing our Scatterers close to the ground, that heavy winds do not interfere with even and regular seeding. It has, instead of the agitator feed, one of the best Force Feeds in the market, and one that has been thoroughly tested, and gives good satisfaction to our California trade. The Seeder is made 8, 11 and 14 feet long, either with or without cultivators and grass seed attachments can be furnished. The " Deere" Force-Feed Seeder will sow any kind of grain, from four bushels of oats to one-half bushel of flax, and is quickly adjusted to sow any amount of seed re- quired, and is so reasonable in price that it is economical even on the smallest farm. PRICE LIST No doubletrees or Neck Yoke. " Deere " Seeder, 8-foot, With Cultivators, weight 600 Ibs $ 90 00 " Deere " Seeder, 11-foot, With Cultivators, weight 700 Ibs 100 00 " Deere " Seeder, 14-foot, With Cultivators, weight 800 Ibs 110 00 Grass Seeder Attachments, 11 to 14 ft, weight 75 Ibs 10 00 Steel Wheels in place of Wood, Extra 5 00 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. "Buckeye" Low Down Hoe Drill. Our patrons will find herein described an important change and valuable improve- ment in the well-known Buckeye Drill. This change is the result of long and careful study and practical tests, and we now present it, not as an experiment, but as a thor- oughly practical, carefully tested, and most valuable improvement to the already fully established virtues of the Buckeye Drill. The Buckeye Low Down Drill is constructed with a view of lightening the draft, re- lieving the horses' necks of all weight, and making the drill run steadier, thus render- ing it easier to handle. The above features have all been secured in the present con- struction of the Low Down Drill. The Frame is supported, both in front and rear, by wheels, making it practically a four-wheel drill, and in addition to this, a limber tongue is used which takes all weight off the horses' necks. This, in itself, is an improvement, the value of which cannot be over-estimated, as every farmer knows the work of operating a two-wheeled grain drill is as hard on the team as any work performed on a farm. The drill mounted as de- scribed runs easier and steadier than the old two-wheeled drill. Ratchett Drive Wheels are used and both wheels are drivers. The continuous Steel Axle running clear through the frame, with gear near the center for driving the feed, insures an even distribution of the seed. The Drills will sow in turning either to the right or left. We claim the new Lever device to be the best, most complete and convenient ar- rangement for raising the hoes and applying pressure to the same that has ever been invented, as both operations are accomplished by pulling the Lever backward, which any farmer will understand to be far easier than pushing it forward. Only one Lever is used to do this work. This Drill also has a very convenient lever for shifting the hoes from a straight line to zig-zag or the reverse, which operation can be easily performed while the drill is in motion. The Buckeye Low Down Drill eclipses and is "clear out of sight" of any grain drill ever put on the market. It stands alone as the only representative of the low down hoe feature in the construction of grain drills, and the immense demand it has already created is the best testimony that this Drill is a perfect success and thoroughly prac- tical in every respect. PRICE. 9 Hoe, 7-inch Drill $ 90 00 10 11 12 14 16 20 24 100 00 105 00 no oo 125 00 150 00 180 00 205 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 79 "Buckeye" Low Down Shoe Drill. These Drills are constructed in all their parts similarly to the Low Down Hoe Drills, the only radical difference being the use of Shoes instead of Hoes. Furnished with either Chain Coverers or Press Wheel Attachments, and in sizes of 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20 and 24 Shoes. These Drills, like the Low Down Hoe, possess all the advantages derived from the new low down feature in the Buckeye Drills, namely, limber tongue, with no weight on the horses' necks, light draft and ease of operations. A FEW OF THE REASONS WHY THE LOW DOWN BUCKEYE IS THE BEST. Because it is mounted on four wheels, and runs steady on all kinds of ground. Because it is low down, making it easier to put seed in the hoppers. Because it has a limber tongue, taking all weight and strain off the horses' necks. Because each drill is arranged to be used either with spring pressure on the hoes, or without, as desired, the change being easily and quickly made. Because only one lever is used to apply pressure to the hoes for raising them, and both operations are performed by pulling the lever backward. This is a very ingenious device. y Because it is lighter draft, better finished, strong, neater looking, easier to operate and has a better shifting lever than any drill on the market. PRICE LIST 8-Hoe, 7-inch Shoe Drill $ 90 00 9 10 11 12 14 16 20 24 For Press Wheel attachments add $1.50 per Shoe. 95 00 105 00 110 00 115 00 140 00 165 00 195 00 210 00 80 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Buckeye Spring Tooth Seeder. This cut shows the 6%-foot Spring Tooth Harrow and Seeder, with 4 Sections and 19 Teeth. All of this size are now made with two Levers, the Lifting Bar being divid- ed in the center, making them very easy to handle. For unplowed ground they have sufficient strength to stand the strain of four horses, if necessary. For plowed ground two ordinary horses do the work easily. Recognizing the great demand for a Spring Tooth Seeder and Cultivator, made especially to suit different soils and broadguage farming, we offer the Buckeye as specially adapted for that purpose. It ranges in width from 6% to 14 feet. The luxuriant growth of weeds and trash that cannot always be turned under with the plow, sometimes makes it difficult to operate the Drill or the Seeder and Cul- tivator, as usually made. This seeder is constructed with special reference to such conditions of land. As will be seen by the accompanying cut, the cultivator teeth are arranged in gangs, so as to pass the trash between the gangs and still cultivate every inch of soil. The yielding of the teeth while in operation aids in freeing the teeth from stubble and weeds. The gangs are attached in sections to the lifting bars, so they can be easily raised, and by reversing the lever sufficient pressure can be obtained to cultivate the hardest kind of unplowed ground, when being prepared for vol- unteer crop. The seed distributing mechanism is the same used on the celebrated Buckeye Drill. , PRICE LIST. 6%-foot Spring Tooth Harrow and Seeder, 8 10 " 12 " 14 " weight 900 lbs.$100 00 with Imp'd Buckeye Caster " 1,100" . 12500 " " " " " 1,200 " . 145 00 " " " " " 1,550 " . 180 00 " " " " " 1,650 " . 205 00 All Spring Tooth Harrows and Seeders Have Steel Wheels. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 81 'Superior" Solid Steel Frame Hoe Drill. In finish, workmanship and material it stands without a rival in the history of machines of its class. There are no modern improvements which are not found on the Superior. It has hoe shifting device, by which the hoes can be run zig-zag. Note that all Superior Hoe points are reversible, and have double the wearing capacity of most drill points. Best adjustable horse hitch ever devised. By its use all neck weight is entirely overcome, and at the same time retaining the excellent feature of a stiff tongue for steadiness and backing purposes. PRICE LIST. With Eveners. 12-Hoe, 6-inch, shipping weight 700 Ibs $100 00 14-Hoe, 6-inch, shipping weight 800 Ibs 110 00 16-Hoe, 6-inch, shipping weight 900 Ibs 130 00 Grass Seed Attachment, extra 5 00 Seat Attachment, extra 3 00 Steel Wheels, extra 5 00 82 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The Improved "Superior" Shoe Drill Rear View. With Solid Steel Frame. Independent action and independent adjustment of shoes. A rear-lift machine,, with every operation in full view of the operator. Positive double force-feed distributors. Has high drive wheels, making it the lightest draft machine in the market, and will not clog or choke up. The runners or shoes open the ground for the reception of the grain, which is evenly distributed in the bottom of a trench. The press attachment following in the rear perfects the planting. This Drill will do good work even in trashy ground. The merits of this new shoe drill for Spring seeding appear not only in the perfect and regular sowing of the seed, but especially in the protection of the crop from the ravages of early frosts, and in the saving of seed. A most important advantage of pressing the soil over the sown grain is that the seed germinates sooner, grows more rapidly, and matures earlier than by the old method, enabling the grain to get a good start before the weeds come up, and thus more effectually choking down the rank growth of the latter. Packs the earth around the seed. Keeps the soil moist. Sows always at the same depth. Is not obstructed by trash of any description. Prevents the seed from being laid bare by wind. The adjustable hitch overcomes all neck weight. The important feature of a stiff or rigid tongue is retained, which insures steadiness and absolute control in operating, with ease and assurance in backing. Don't overlook these important features. The most important advance yet made in shoe drills is our rolling draft bar, by means of which the front of the shoe maybe raised or lowered instantly without moving a single bolt, the frame and hopper remaining perfectly level. No tongue or pole to loosen, con- sequently no broken-backed machine. Furnished with chains, press slides or press wheels, as may be desired. Sows full width or half-width, as desired. Better than ever before is the "Superior." See Price List and Cuts of "Force Feed" and Shoes on following Pages. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 83 Improved "Superior" Double Force-Feed Distributor. Used on all Superior Grain Drills. The Distributor, as illustrated on this page, has two openings. One side or chan- nel of the Distributor is especially adapted to sowing wheat, rye, buckwheat, flaxseed and other small grains. The other side is especially adapted to sowing oats, beans, peas, corn, pumpkin seed and other coarse, bulky grains. The change from one class of seed to the other is made by simply lifting the lid, which covers the Distributor opening, from one side to the other, which will give the grain access to the other side desired to be used, and will close the other side not in use. These hinged lids are on the drill at all times, and the change from one kind of grain to another is made in a second of time, by simply lifting all the lids and placing them as above stated. The change of quantity of seed to be sown is secured wholly by change of speed, without change of parts, by the use of the exceedingly simple disk wheel device. The operator regulates the quantity by merely moving the indicator lever on the dial plate to a fig- ure on the said plate, designating the number of pecks to the acre which he desires to sow. This lever regulates the speed of the feed-shaft, and insures sowing the desired quantity. The driving power of this drill is applied by means of disc wheels on a re- volving steel axle, there being no side gear wheels of any kind on the drill. All the gearing is removed from the driving wheels and placed under the hopper, near the cen- ter of the same, away from the dirt, lessening the friction and increasing the durability. Both the ground wheels are employed for driving the axle, being clutched at the ends like those of a mowing machine. From the axle the grain and grass seed feed shafts and surveyor are driven. j PRICE LIST OF "SUPERIOR" SHOE DRILLS. 14-Shoe, t < 16-Shoe, 20-Shoe, 1 1 ti 12-Shoe, wit! Chains idoul 1 press slides, " wheels, chains, press slides, " wheels, chains, press slides, " wheels, chains, press slides, " wheels, jletreea ; 14 and 16-S1 840 935 875 950 1080 960 1070 1300 1200 1350 1500 loe, with tripl . 110 00 120 00 110 00 125 00 140 00 120 00 . . 140 00 160 00 140 00 170 00 200 00 Btrees ; 20-shoe, with 4-horse evener * 7K Press Wheel Press Slide a 3 00 ttachment. . 1 50 84 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Fig. 1 Chain Coverer. Fig 2 Press Slide. Fig. 3 Press Wheel. Superior Drill Shoes Chain Coverer Press Slide Press Wheel. Fig. 1 illustrates our simplest form of covering device. The chain to the Superior shoe is furnished at less cost than either the press wheel or press slide, and in many sections gives fine satisfaction. The pressure is applied direct to the shoe, and the chain drags loose dirt over and fills up the trench in which the grain is deposited. They are recommended for general use. The press slides or wheels are most de- sirable in light soils and during extremely dry seasons. The press slide, illustrated in Fig. 2, is a splendid coverer, possessing all the good features of a wheel cOverer, practically indestructible, inexpensive, light of draft, clean and easy to manage. They are favor- ites in many localities. An important feature of the Superior shoe press drill is the independent action of the press wheej and the runners, or shoes (Fig. 3); notwithstanding that the shoe and press wheel are securely attached together, each shoe and press wheel are wholly independent of the others. This enables both shoe and press wheel to follow uneven surfaces, cut the trenches, and press the soil with evenness and regularity The pressure device is so constructed as to permit the pressure being applied to the press wheel, or to the shoe, or equally on both, as may be desired. This feature is possessed by no other make of drills, and is most important and valuable. A series of holes in the bracket over the press wheel provides a means of adjustment for varying the pressure desired. The nearer the spring approaches the shoe, the more pressure there is being applied to said shoe. At the same time, the independent action of the shoe and press wheel is not in any manner disturbed. It is often desirable to remove all pressure from the wheel, and apply the spring bars direct to the shoe, the weight of the press wheel alone being deemed sufficient to compress the soil. Our present ar- rangement for applying the pressure enables the farmer to do perfect work, and at the same time reduce the draft to a minimum. No press drill other than the New Superior can show this valuable feature. The runners are attached to malleable clips on steel rail, and are of such form that it is but the work of a moment to remove any one of the series of shoes, not a bolt being used, everything being simple and perfect. Attention is called to the illustration showing the press wheels. Note that the gieatest possible amount of space is provided between the spokes. It is obvious that this construction permits of the clods and surface trash being quickly dislodged. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 85 New "Deere" Planter and Check Rower. It has all the desirable improvements in planting machinery: A quick, positive Second Drop, an Open Heel, an adjustable Tongue, Adjustable Droppers, Driver's Seat, an Iron Seat Bow, a Center Spring I^ever operated entirely by hand or foot, which, with a Hinged Frame, gives all the advantages of both the slide and the flexible frame machines. The standard width of the "Deere" is 3 feet 8 inches. The ''Deere" Check Rower (as shown in above cut) is made for the "Deere" Planter only, making it in fact a Combined Machine, with the advantage that the Check Rower can be easily and quickly taken off when desired, for convenience in storage and shipping. It is made entirely of iron, and is attached solidly to the frame of the Planter through holes bored for the purpose, and each Check Rower is fitted and attached to the Planter before they leave the shop. This avoids all danger of mistakes in attaching or operating the machine. The wire is of the best annealed steel, with abutton at every joint, and a perfect joint at every button The reel-stand fastens to the top of the Planter, where the driver can, with his foot, control the operation of laying out the wire, and in such shape that one man can easily take up the wire without assistance. To be a desirable tool, a Corn Planter must be adapted to plant corn in any kind of soil and in any manner. The usual way of planting corn is in hills, so it can be plowed each way. Many, however, claim that by drilling in rows one way and putting one kernel in a place, more corn can be raised than by putting in three or four kernels in a hill, three or four feet apart, which is doubt- less true on strong, clear ground, with careful tillage. To accommodate the demand for such planting, we make a Drill Attachment, which, with ordinary sized, even seed, plants one kernel in a place, ten, fifteen or twenty inches apart. This attachment is also used for drilling Broom Corn, Sorghum and Ensilage, and has been used for drilling Beans, Peas, Beets and similar seeds. i It is sold as a hand-drop Planter, a drill Planter, a wire Check Power Planter, or a full Combined Planter, and is complete in either form. PRICE. 'Deere" Planter, weight 320 Ibs $60 00 " " and Check Rower, weight 467 Ibs 70 00 " Check Rower only, 147 " 20 00 ' Drill Attachment (boxed) " 58" ...1000 Bean Planter, 30 inches wide, " 300" 5500- 86 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. 'Deere" One-Horse Drill. On farms where only a small amount of corn is raised, and on new farms having stumpy ground, it is often found to be more convenient to use a one-horse machine for planting corn than a two-horse planter. To supply the demand, we make this style of One-Horse Drill. The "Deere" One-Horse Drill has a Runner Opener, (similar to the two-horse planter,) with a Driving and Covering Wheel in the rear, and plants even, ordinary sized corn, one kernel in a place, ten, fifteen or twenty inches apart, the distance be- ing regulated by different number of holes in the seed plates, of which three are fur- nished. Others having any different numbers can be supplied on application. Special plates for beans, peas, beets, broom-corn, sorghum, etc., are furnished on special orders. "Deere" One-Horse Drill, weight 86 Ibs $15 00 Extra Plates for above, each 75 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 87 Deere Potato Planter. We offer the general trade this year, for the first time, the Deere Potato Planter, a machine of which quite a number were made last year, and thoroughly tested in the various potato raising sections of the country, the object being, not only to give the machine a thorough test, but to ascertain just what was desired in a potato planter. The planting device consists of a series of peculiarly shaped arms, half right and half left, to each of which are attached spearing devices or forks for picking up the potatoes, and in the end of which are fastened stripping or clearing devices for insuring the depositing of the seed. These arms are fastened to a center plate on the axle, and, when the machine is in operation, revolve in slots in front of the bottom seed box and pass into the seed box at the rear, where are located spring shoes, the office of which shoes is to gather ttie seed into the proper position for the forks to take it. These shoes are hung on springs, are circular in shape, and of a less radius than the bottom of the lower seed hopper ; the upper ends of them thus stand inside of the seed hopper, and these picker arms, after taking a piece of potato, pass up through the slots in these spring shoes, which, being yielding, force the potato onto the fork firmly, and at the same time give it opportunity to pass up- wards in its revolution. Next comes the office of the stripping device, which in its present position does not interfere with the retaining of seed on the forks, but as it passes through in front the upper end of the stripping device strikes an inclined stop, and by this operation forces the seed out of the forks directly over the open or rear end of the furrow opener and into the furrow. Another feature of the machine, to which we want to call special attention, is, that raising the runner out of the ground, throws the entire mechanism of the ma- chine out of gear, and stops both the planting device and the device for feeding the seed down into the planting mechanism. The entire planter, except the box, the pole of the marker and the tongue, is of steel or iron, thus rendering it as durable as machinery can be made, and with care a machine of this kind should last a lifetime. PRICE LIST. Deere Potato Planter, weight 500 Ibs $75 Oa 88 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY 'McGee" Garden Cultivator. We have long looked for an implement of this kind to add to our line of goods, believing there was more necessity for it, both for the gardener and the farmer, than for almost any other tool ; but it was not until we saw the "McGee" that we were satisfied that we had found one that would merit general use, and prove practical and labor-saving. The inventor is a practical onion raiser, who knew just what was wanted and how to make it, and the "McGee" now enters its third season with an enviable rep- utation among the best gardeners and others who appreciate a good tool. The McGee Garden Cultivator is especially adapted for work in the garden, nursery and fruit farm, and for such field crops as corn, potatoes, etc. It has an arch frame and two wheels like a Tongueless Cultivator ; two laterally-swinging beams are attached to the arch and operated by two handles. Springs between the beams or handles and the arch control the side movements of the knives or cultivators, and enable the operator to keep any kind of corn clean with little or no hand weeding. The tool is furnished with one set of Weeding Knives and one set of Cultivators, but other attachments, as shown in the cut on opposite page, are furnished when wanted. PRICE. "McGee" Cultivator, weight 20 Ibs $7 50 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 89 Attachment for McGee Garden Cultivator. Weeding- Knives. For onions and all small plants. Saves nearly all hand weeding. Price . . $1 25 Scroll Knives. For cutting weeds and at the same time moving the dirt slightly away from the plant. Price.. $1 25 Plows. Can be used in furrowing or ridging in preparing ground for seed, and for throwing the dirt entire to or from the plant in cultivat- ing. Price $1 50 Cultivators. Can be used from one to four inches in depth. Do thorough work in young corn and potatoes, as well as in all garden vegetables and small fruits. Price $1 50 IJJIIJIIJ Rakes for Fine Cultivators. For frequent cultivation of clean soil, killing small weeds, level- ing, etc. Price $1 25 Leaf Guards. For lifting the leaves or tips of vegetables to prevent their being covered with earth in cultivating. Price, pair $0 75 y Onion Puller. For harvesting onions. Will do the work of six men. Price.. ..$075 Malleable Wrench. Price.. ..$025 90 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Deere" Garden Seeder. The Deere Garden-Seed Drill is made something like a one-horse corn drill, but re- duced in size to suit garden-seeds, and so it can be operated by hand. It has a covering- wheel in rear, a gauge wheel in front, and between them a furrow opener and seed hopper. A spring pitman driven by a cam wheel on the covering wheel shaft gives the seed plate a sharp oscillating motion, which insures a steady, even flow of seed. In the seed plate is a series of holes for different kinds and qualities of seed, and changes in feed can be made without emptying the hopper. The depth of planting is quickly regulated by raising or lowering the wheel in front, which is done by loosening one bolt. The furrow-opener makes a clean, regular seed bed, and attached to the opener are wing scrapers, which bring the earth back into the furrow, and the wheel following presses it down, leaving it in the best possible con~ dition for quick and sure germination. The Deere has adjustable markers, and the flow of seed can be stopped or started at will, or shut off permanently, by the use of the hand tappet under the handle. Deere Garden Seeder, crated for shipment, weight, 45 Ibs Price, $10 00. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 91 The Barnes Rake Possesses points of excellence not found in any other rake made, among which are the following : The HEAD, being mounted on Runners, is carried clear of the ground, and runs much easier and steadier than the ordinary Rake. The UPRIGHT POSTS of the Frame and the Tripping device being entirely in the rear of the Head, more hay can be carried before tripping than with any other Rake. The STOPS that are mortised through the Head are of Malleable Iron, and the pieces that work against them on the Side Arms are of Wrought Iron : both form the Tripping Arrangement, and being of Iron will not wear out. The SIDE ARMS being hinged so near the head, and the leverage being so short, the Rake will trip easier than any other. The LOCK is sure, and the Rake cannot revolve except at the will of the operator. The Head and Frame are made of the best quality of Hard Wood timber, thor- oughly seasoned: the Teeth are of Hickory. Head and Frame varnished Teeth oiled with Linseed Oil. PRICE LIST Barnes Rake, 9-Foot, 16 Teeth $ 9 00 Barnes Rake, 10-Foot, 18 Teeth 10 00 Wilcox Revolving Horse Rake. 8 feet, 16 Teeth, weight 68 pounds Price $ 8 00 9 " 18 " " 77 " " 900 10 " 20 " " 86 " . ' 12 24 94 10 00 12 00 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. " Deere" Sulky Rake. Hand Dump. Lock Lever Wood or Steel Wheels. This is an improvement both on the "Deere Rake," which was brought out in 1887, and on the "New Deere" of 1888. All "Deere" Rakes will now have (1) a new style spring seat as illustrated in above cut, and (2) combined shafts and pole on all 20 and 26 Tooth Rakes. The Deere Rakes are constructed so that the weight of the driver assists in dumping, which, with an easily operated hand lever, makes the rake almost equal to a self-dump, with less cost and complications, and so easily operated that a boy can use it. Points. TEETH. These are double coil, made of refined Cast Steel, tempered in oil. Every Tooth is war- ranted not to become weak, or bend out of line. ADJUSTABLE DUMP. By an ingenious device at the upper end of the Lever, the set of the Teeth and the Dump is regulated at will. This feature enables the Rake to be adjusted so that the Teeth will hug the ground closely far raking fine grass, or stand three or four inches from the ground for gathering coarse trash, etc. LOCK LSVER. This is so arranged as to be in easy reach of the driver, and so as to dump the load Dy a slight upward pressure on the handle. When in use the same Lever locks the Teeth into their position firmly. SPRING SEAT AND HIGH WHEELS. These features secure ease of draft and comfort to the operator. IRON SPINDLES These are carefully made of selected stock. They are let into the wooden axles of the Rake, and strongly secured to their places by heavy bolts. CO MUINED SHAFTS AND POLE. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. The Teeth are independent and may be readily renewed in case of breakage or accident. The Cleaner-car is well ironed where it comes in contact with the Rake Teeth, a feature possessed by no other Rake, we believe. The braces, Clips, etc., are of selected wrought iron, thus doing away with the breakage inseparably connected with cast-iron and malleables. PRICES. Nos. 1 and 2, with Combined Shafts and Pole; No. 3, Pole only. No. 1, "Deere" Sulky Rake, 20 Teeth, Wood Wheels, 8 foot, shipping weight, 251 Ibs .$26 00 ' " Steel No. 2, ' ' 26 Wood Steel No. 3, '30 Wood Steel Doubletree and Neck Yoke for any Rake, extra For Repair List, see Page 300. 1 < ' << '265 ' 28 00 10 < 279 ' . 30 00 12 " 293 307 . . 32 00 34 00 < <( 321 ' . 36 00 . 2 50 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 93 "Deere" Self-Dump Sulky Rake. Wood or Steel Wheels. The "Deere" Self-Damp Rake, which we added to our line in 1889, is made 8, 10 and 12 feet wide, and has become a favorite wherever introduced. The 8-foot and 10-foot have the combined Pole and Shafts described elsewhere, and the 12-foot is furnished only with Pole. It has a Ratchet Dump, Pedal Trip, and Spring Seat, and a Hand Lever that makes it also a convenient Hand-Dump. It has a Drop-Tooth, and is made with stick or overhanging cleaner as wanted. The construction and finish of this Rake are first-class, same as the Deere Hand- Dump Rakes, so favorably known to the trade. They are well and strongly built, and thoroughly trussed, to prevent them from sagging or getting out of shape. PRICES. Nos. 5 and 6, with Combined Shaft and Pole; No. 7. Pole only. Overhanging cleaners furnished with all Rakes, unless stick cleaners are specified. No. 5, "Deere" Self-dump Rake, 20 Teeth, 8 feet, Wood Wheels, shipping weight. 302 Ibs $32 00 < CfMl < san < . 34 00 .. 36 00 No. 6, No. 7, 2(5 Steel Wood Steel Wood Steel 345 410 435 ... 38 00 ... 40 00 .. 42 00 Doubletrees aud Neck Yoke for any Rake, extra 2 50 94 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The Perfected " Hollingsworth " Rake, Hand and Foot Dump. The distinctive feature of the Hollingsworth Rake over all other styles of Horse Rakes that have ever been invented is its peculiar shaped Steel Tooth, and its ready adjustability to every variety of crop and surface. The tooth has a Spiral Spring At- tachment at its upper end, which relieves it from severe and sudden strains, and makes it especially adapted to rough work and uneven ground. Has longer teeth than those of other rakes, less liable to break, being nearer a straight piece of steel than any other rake tooth, combining strength and flexibility. Each tooth at the upper end has an Individual Coil Spring. The load is discharged with hand or foot lever, so arranged that either one can be used separately or jointly. A lad can dump it with ease. Its strength and durability are unsurpassed; many have been used fifteen years and are still in good order. Easy to handle, and give universal satisfaction the world over. All 8 and 10-foot "Hollingsworth" Rakes will hereafter be made with combination pole and shafts, and the cut on page 96 shows very clearly how the change from pole to shafts, and vice versa, is effected. All that has to be done is to take out a few bolts, change the location of the shaft parts, and use the same bolts to secure the parts in their proper places. Overhanging Cleaners furnished with all Rakes. PRICE LIST. Nos. 8 and 9, with Combined Pole and Shafts. No. 10, Pole only. No. 8, "Hollingsworth," 8-foot, Wood Wheels, weight, 375 Ibs ' $30 00 ' Gfool < Q.^ ' 39 00 No. 9, No. 10, Steel 10-foot, Wood " Steel 12-foot, Wood Steel 385 440 450 460 470 32 00 34 00 36 00 38 00 40 00 Doubletrees and Neck Yoke for any Rake, extra 2 50 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 95 The "Deere-Hollingsworth Self-Dump Rake. 8 and 10-foot, with Combined Pole and Shafts. We have added a self-dump without disturbing any of the peculiar and useful fea- tures of the hand and foot-dump rake, and now have the best rake in the world a self- operating rake, with rocker frame movement ; with spiral spring over each tooth the only self-dumping covering these features. The cut will show you the simple attachment that makes up the self-dump. It is very simple in construction, and cannot be put out of order. The rake can be backed while in gear for dumping, without the least strain on any parts. The rocker frame movement, which is a peculiar advantage of the Hollingsworth system of rakes, is indispensible where rough, boggy land is to be raked. Where the surface of meadows or prairies are rough and uneven, and where severe, heavy raking is to be done, no rake is the equal of the Hollingsworth. For a quarter of a century it has been a leading rake on the markets of two continents. As the teeth are the principal thing in a rake, the teeth on the Hollingsworth are longer than on an ordinary rake, and are adjustable by a set screw over each tooth. Besides the spring in the tooth there is a coil spring at the end of every tooth, which gives a compound spring, and divides the strain in passing rough obstacles. PRICE LIST " Deere-Hollingsworth " Self-Dump Hake. No. 11, "Hollingsworth," 8-foot, Wood Wheels, 375 Ibs $35 00 No. 12, 14 No. 13, a Steel 10-foot, Wood " Steel 12-foot, Wood " Steel 385 440 450 460 470 37 00 40 00 42 00 45 00 47 00 Doubletrees and Neck Yoke for any Rake, extra, $2 50. 96 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Ail Steel "Hollingsworth" Rake. (Self-Dump.) A self-operating rake with rocker frame movement ; with spiral spring over each tooth the only self-dump covering these features. The self-dump is so very simple in construction, and cannot be put out of order. The Rake can be backed while in gear for dumping, without the least strain on any parts. The Rocker Frame Movement, which is a peculiar advantage of the Hollingsworth system of rakes, is indispensible, where rough, boggy land is to be raked. For a quarter of a century it has been a leading rake on the markets of the two continents. We were the first to produce a practical Hollingsworth Self-Dump Rake, and we are also the first and only manufacturers to produce this splendid machine as a self- operating rake, all in steel, with combined shafts for one or two horses. The teeth on the Hollingsworth are longer than on an ordinary rake, and are ad- justable by a set-screw over each tooth. Besides the spring in the tooth there is a spring at the end of each tooth, which gives a compound spring, and divides the strain in passing rough obstacles. They are all made from the best spring steel, and are tempered in oil. PRICE LIST. 8-Foot, All Steel Hollingsworth Rake, Wood Wheels, weight 490 Ibs $36 00 8 " " " " Steel " " 500 " 3800 10 10 Wood Steel 525 " 40 00 530 " . . ... 42 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 97 Buckeye Lock Lever Rake. [Coil Spring.] This is practically a Self-dump Rake, without cog, wheels or ratchet. The tooth bar or axle is so constructed that when the lock is thrown off with the foot the draft is transferred from the center to the top of the axle, so that the weight of the driver, the pressure of the hay against the teeth, and the draft of the horse will instantly dump the load without the aid of the Hand Lever. Being a Lock Lever, the hay can be car- ried along and deposited just where wanted, and then with pressure of the foot upon another Lever, slightly aided by the Hand Lever, the teeth are thrown back into posi- tion and locked. It has an adjustable Swinging Cleaner Bar of approved style, which has proved to be very efficient and desirable. The Seat is made adjustable in height. This Rake has been thoroughly tested, and is not an experiment. We can confid- ently recommend it as a first-class Rake. It is easily handled ; can be operated by a small boy. PRICE LIST. No. A. 3, 8-foot, Buckeye Rake, 20 Teeth, Wood Wheels, weight,390 Ibs $30 00 A.12, 10-foot, A. 9, 12-foot, 26 30 Steel Wood Steel Wood Steel 400 420 430 450 460 32 00 34 00 36 00 38 00 . 40 00 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Deere" Hay Loader. The unanimous testimony in its favor from those who used and sold the " Deere " Hay Loader during the past season, would lead one to infer that it contained all the valuable features desired in a hay-loading tool. Notwithstanding this, we have added many valuable features for the coming season, which will be found of great benefit in the operation of the machine. We have no hesitancy in claiming for the ; 'Deere" superiority in every point from thoroughness of work to mechanical construction over all other tools of its class on the market. Its extreme simplicity and lack of all complicated mechanism, the ease with which it can be attached to the rack and detached therefrom the latter without the driver having to get off the load the ample provisions made for adjusting the height of the rake bars from the bottom boards, all give assurance of the perfect work it will do. It will take the lightest hay or the heaviest alfalfa from the swath, thus doing away with the raking and cocking. This, it will be seen, is a great saving of time, la- bor and money, and the old way of hay-making must be abandoned when this Loader has a trial. "Deere " Hay Loader, 8-foot, weight 800 Ibs Price, $125 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 99 Jackson Improved " Eclipse " Stacker. The above is our Standard Stacker, and is an improvement on all others, as it is lighter, stronger, and dumps the hay at any desired height, instead of carrying it all up over itself, without regard to height of stack. This latter point is quite important in stacking in windy weather, as with the "Eclipse" the hay is only raised as high as necessary to dump it on the stack, and it is not scattered by the Wind. The uprights of the "Eclipse" are made 28 feet high, as this is as long as they can be shipped, and with them it will stack nearly or quite that height ; but the height it may be made to stack is really unlimited, as these uprights may be spliced out as high as desired, and guyed with ropes. This machine is made under the "Acme" and "Oliver" patents. It is mounted on wheels, and will build a stack 25 feet high. With the rakes, the hay is taken from the swath, when cured, just as left by the mower, or from the cock or window, if it is desired to rake it before it is cured suffi- ciently to stack ; and when the Rake is loaded, it is driven to the Stacker, the Hake teeth entering between the pitcher teeth ; the hay is pressed forward against the pit- cher head. The horses then back the Rake off, leaving the hay in a compact mass upon the pitcher, and return to the field for another load. As soon as the Rake is out of the way, the horse attached to the pitcher rope is started, elevating the load the de- sired height, when the latch-rope is pulled, and the hay is dropped in the center of the stack, the horse is backed up, the pitcher being brought back to the ground by its own weight, ready for another load. The "Eclipse" has special advantages for stacking in windy weather, and for load- ing hay, etc., on wagons. It dumps the load at any desired height, from 5 to 25 feet, while it is easily moved, quickly set, and amply strong. The principle of making hay, by which the expenditure of manual labor is reduced to a minimum, is now almost too well known to need much description, as these machines are now in the hands of all the largest farmers, and have proven entirely successful. The words "making hay" are used advisedly, for this Stacker and Rake do all the work, from the time the mower cuts the hay until it is in the stack on the wagon, and no other machines or implements, nor the expenditure of any manual labor, are either required or even desirable. "Eclipse" Stacker, weight 1,700 Ibs Price, $125 00 100 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY The Deeriiig "Ideal" Mower. [Ball and Roller Bearings.] The Ideal Mower, as before stated, seems destined to work a complete revolution in the mower trade. Since machines for cutting grass were first invented, nothing has been produced which has given such widespread satisfaction as the Peering Ball and Roller Bearing Ideal Mower. The verdict of every one of the tens of thousands of farmers and ranchmen who have used this mower, is that it embodies to a degree hitherto unapproached, all the requisites of the perfect grass-cutting machine. Among the features that have been most strongly commended, are : 1. Unusually light draft and noiseless action, due to bicycle bearings and the direct and positive action of gears, crank-shaft and pitman. 2. Unusual strength and durability, due to excellence of material and work manship, simplicity of parts and provisions for preventing wear. 3. Serrated Ledger Plates, which enable the Ideal to cut grasses that completely baffie all other mowers. 4. Horizontal crank-shaft and pitman and vertical crank wheel, causing the in- comparable Pitman to move back and forth like the piston of a locomotive. 5. Adjustable Drag-bar, that keeps the cutter-bar in line, the knives in register and at the same time protects the pitman. PRICE LIST. 4K-foot"cut, weight 700 Ibs 720 ' $62 50 6750 Write for Catalogue. Repair Lists sent when requested. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 101 888 102 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Deering "Pony" Binder. [Jointed Platform and Roller Bearings.] These little rollers save one horse Since the first machine was sold in 1892 the Pony has scored one continual tri. umph. Its light weight, coupled with its Roller and Ball Bearings, give it a draft not approached in lightness by any other binder in the world. It is built so low down that it will not tip on any side hill where grain will grow worth cutting. Its elevator and deck extensions, and the high adjustability of reel and binder, make it cut and bind with equal perfection whether the grain be seven-foot rye or twelve-inch oats. Made almost entirely of steel and malleable iron, the Pony is wonderfully strong as well as exquisitely light. By using higher grades of metal than are found in com- peting machines we have made the Pony four hundred pounds lighter than its com- petitors, as well as stronger and more durable. PRICE LIST. 6-Foot Pony Binder, weight 1 ,200 pounds Write for Catalogue. Repair List Sent when Requested. ,$175 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 103 The Deering Ideal Reaper 5-Foot Cut. (With Roller Bearings. > This new Reaper is notable for its light draft, for the simplicity and variety of its adjustments, and for the superior quality of steel, malleable iron and brass used in it. The platform at both ends is raised and lowered by convenient screw devices. The rakes are adjusted into seven different movements by a simple device, operated by the driver without leaving his seat. For "swathing" the driver simply removes a cotter. Both main and grain wheels are extra large and broad-faced and serviceable. FOLDING. In five minutes' time this reaper can be folded for transportation. The platform is simply tilted up to the side of the machine and locked by means of a rod that hooks Into the rakestand. The small wheel is then slipped on to a short transportation axle that is fixed to the machine and is always there when it is wanted. The machine when folded can pass through a six-foot barn door. By simply folding the seat the reaper easily passes through a nine-foot gate without folding the platform. The rake ad- justment and folding cfevices of this machine are without an equal, while the action of its rakes and the perfection of the work done by them must command admiration- ROLLER BEARINGS REDUCE DRAFT MORE THAN 50 PER CENT. PRICE LIST. Weight 1020 Ibs Price, $105 00 Write for Circulars. Complete Repair List Furnished on Application. 104 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. 888 s 53 GO on rO & & 8 3 tJD fcO 'S *S ,d ,d A ooo S S S S3 6 Th ^ ^ SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. 105 THE HODGES' STEEL FRAME HEADER, MANUFACTURED BY THE SUCCESSORS TO A. J. Hodges & Co., Pekin, 111. As shown on opposite page the frame is entirely of steel, thus making it lighter and stronger at the same time more durable and especially proof against the crack' ing and warping experienced with the wood frame headers. Some of the many advantages we claim, which will convince any unbiased person of the superiority of our Steel Header over any other machine of its class in the market, are as follows: 1st. The Cutter Bar cuts closer to the ground than with the wood frame machine , and in some cases they can be used for cutting hay, and are very good for lodged grain. 2d. They are more easily operated than the wood frame Headers, both by the man who handles them and the horses that push them. 3d. By the use of our four truss rods the main frame is held absolutely true and rigid, and the frame being rigid and true, must and does hold the steel cutter bar straight and rigid also, doing away with the springing down of the bar at the grain end, when cutting where the straw is heavy, or in running over rough ground, being an advantage that No. V frame machine possesses, and this is an important feature in Headers. 4th. By the use of an upright equalizing spring, which is attached to the frame and lever, the driver can control the height of the cutter bar with perfect ease, and cut high or low, according to the height of the grain. 5th. Our method of raising and lowering the platform, independent of the main frame , enables us to run it on a low cut without plowing into the ground in going over uneven places, and here is where the advantage of a rigid bar comes in ; for in cutting very low, and there being no up and down vibration, we can cut perfectly level and clean. NO HEADER EVER SOLD ON THE PACIFIC COAST HAS GIVEN SUCH SATISFACTION AS THE "HODGES." 106 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. PRICE LIST 10-Foot 40- inch Draper, weight 2450 Ibs. 12-Foot 40-inch Draper, weight 2550 Ibs. 15-Foot 40-inch Draper, weight 2650 Ibs . $315 00 340 00 370 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 107 Hodges' Steel Frame "Single Gear" Header. With "Center-Drive" Sickle and "Stop-Draper." In 1892, at the urgent request of many dealers, we had built for us fifty of the above machines. These were well scattered throughout the State, in order that we might decide if they were adapted to the requirements of all sections of our territory. We have been more than satisfied with their operation, and have received many let- ters of approval from purchasers who have run them through one harvest. No description of the "Center-Drive" Sickle is necessary, as it is well known in California, and very popular. The "Stop-Draper" feature of this Header will be appreciated by all those whose lands are not easily harvested, on account of standing trees orother obstructions. This Header overcomes all difficulties, as the Draper is readily stopped, and the grain is held in the spout, without waste or scattering, while the header is being driven around the obstruction. We are the first to supply this need. As to construction it is simple, strong and durable, nothing but first-class material entering into its make-up. It is, in fact, the "Hodges' Haines Header," so well known on this Coast, but greatly improved by changing the wood frame to a steel one, and by adding many valuable and tried appliances. We shall also add new features and make such changes in construction as we find desirable for future trade, and will promise to give purchasers a machine as nearly perfect as it can be made. In a nutshell, our good points are as follows : Angle Steel Frame, fully braced ; Four Truss Rods, holding Frame rigid and true; Patent Equalizing Spring, easily controlling height of cut. Center-Drive Sickle, always in order ; Single Gear, the most simple known ; Stop-Draper, the great grain saver ; Light Weight, the lightest Header known. PRICE LIST. 10-Foot cut 40-inch Draper, weight 2450 Ibs , $315 00 12-Foot cut 40-inch Draper, weight 2550 Ibs 340 00 15-Foot cut 40-inch Draper, weight 2650 Ibs 370 00 See Cut on opposite Page. 108 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 109 Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth. Tenth. Eleventh. Twelfth. Hodge-Haines' " Improved Single-Gear Header. Wood Frame 10, 12, and 15 FEET. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY. Frames all made of thoroughly seasoned hard wood. Center Pitman, thereby giving a steadier motion to the Sickle. Lever Balance Springs, instead of iron weight on lever. Self- Ad justing Reel. Long Guards, two inches apart. Sections on top of Sickle Bar, same as on Mowing Knives. Forty-inch Drapers. Rollers under elevator Spout, to roll on Header Wagon bed. Tight Bottom under Draper behind Finger Bar. Breast of Finger Bar ironed. An additional Roller in top of Spout, to prevent any grain from being carried down by Draper. A New Clutch on Cross Shaft, by which the motion of Draper can be stopped at will, while the Header remains in motion. THE GENUINE MAINS' HEADERS. After twenty-five Years' Trial and Competition, still stand at the head of their class. Are better made, more durable. Improved to keep up with the times and demands. The experience of merchants and farmers for the past ten years has fully proven that Headers manufactured at the East are far superior as to quality and durability of the wood, and smoothness and strength of the castings, to any Header made on the Pacific Coast. It is an indisputable fact that Hodge's Headers, in point of durability, are 50 per cent, better than any Header yet manufactured in California. We had intended to abandon the sale of this Wood Frame Header, but, after con- sulting with many of our best dealers who advise us to continue their sale, we have decided to show it in this catalogue, and to carry them in stock in the future. We shall carry only a limited number, however, and orders should be forwarded early to insure against disappointment. PRICE .LIST. 10 feet, Hodges' Iron wheel, Single-Gear, with 40-inch Draper, weight, 3240 IDS., $300 00 12 feet, Hodges' Iron wheel, Single-Gear, with 40-inch Draper, weight, 3400 Ibs., 325 00 15 feet, Hodges' Iron wheel, Single-Gear, with 40-inch Draper, weight, 3700 Ibs., 350 00 110 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY Grant's Fan-Mill. Double Blast. ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR CLEANING BEANS. The blast is divided into these two distinct currents by a board which is denomi- nated a chess board, which is arranged immediately under the screen, and which ex- tends from the points of the fans to that part of the under edge of the screen over which the grain falls in that thin, unbroken sheet, of which we have spoken. This board serves the double purpose of dividing and of receiving the particles falling through the screen, as well as preserving the under side of the screen from the action of the wind, which might retard or partially prevent the falling of these particles through its meshes. In all other Fanning Machines the grain falls directly from the hopper to the dis- charge board, and however well cleaned of its chaff, it has not been screened ; whereas in the GRANT WINNOWERS the grain is first operated upon as in the ordinary machines, and then falls through a second and stronger blast of wind, and is thus cleaned in the best manner. Thus we see that in these excellent machines the grain is subjected to three distinct actions, viz. : First. It is thoroughly chaffed. Second. It is screened from all smaller and weightier impurities. . Third. It is cleaned from all false kernels. Fourth. If there is any grass seed in the grain it will pass into the screen box, (and not be lost in the chaff. The greatest care is taken in the selection of the material, both wood and iron, for their manufacture, and none but the most experienced and first-class workmen are employed upon their construction. PRICE LIST. No. 3, with 8 Sieves, 20x20 inches, weight, boxed, 300 Ibs. . $40 00 No. 4, " " " 22x20 " " " 310 " 4500 No. 6, " " " 22x22 " " " 320" 5000 No. 6, " " " 24x22 " " " 330" 6000 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Ill The Champion Fan-Mill. Double Shake. Our No. 1, or Farm Mills, are each furnished, unless otherwise agreed, with one Wheat Hurdle, one Wheat Screen, one Oat Sieve, one Barley Sieve. Height of Mill, 3 feet 4 inches ; width of Sieve, 23)^ inches. No. 2. Sieves, 2 feet 6 inches wide ; Mill, 3 feet 6 inches wide, including pulley. No. 3. Sieves, 2 feet 11 inches wide; Mill, 4 feet wide, including pulley. No. 4. Sieves, 3 feet 5 inches wide; Mill, 4 feet 6 inches wide, including pulley. Mills No. 2, 3 and 4 are each furnished with one Wheat Spout Hurdle, one Barley Hurdle, one Oat Sieve, and one Wheat Screen. The Champion Mill is conceded on all hands to be the best in use for separating oats, chess-black seed cockle, etc. PRICE LIST. No. 1 Mill, capacity 60 to 80 bushels per hour, weight 145 Ibs $30 00 No. 2 " " 80 " 120 " " " 175" 4000 No. 3 " " 120 " 135 " " " 218" 5000 No. 4 " " 135 " 250 " " " 300" 6000 CHAMPION BEAN CLEANERS. Prices same as above. 112 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Will grind from 6 to S bushels of apples, and from 10 to 12 bushels of grapes per hour. It is very neat, compact and simple, easily handled by one man, and answers an excellent purpose for a family hav- ing a few barrels of cider or wine to make, as also for grocers, fruit dealers, etc. One man can make with it from two to three barrels of cider, or from 100 to 150 gallons of wine per day. Hutchison's Cider and Wine Mill. PRICE LIST. No. 1 , Mill and Press Complete $22 50 No. 0, " " " " 17 50 No. 0, Press, without Mill 12 50 No. 1, Press, without Mill 1800 No. 2, Press, without Mill 20 00 Keystone- -Press Only. Large Size $27 50 Small 18 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 113 Buckeye Cider Mill. Senior Cider Mill and Press is embraced in a single frame 2>x3 feet; has a two- inch wrought iron screw ; is neatly and substantially made ; is conveniently moved from place to place; is easily worked by hand, and can also be attached to horse power by a belt on the fly wheel. Two men can grind from four to eight barrels of cider per day. The mill crushes the apples instead of grating as most others do. It has three cast iron cylinders, with straight fluted ribs. The first or upper cylinder crushes the apple into a coarse pomace, and then feeds it through the lower cylinders, which crush it into a fine pomace, it being impossible for any to pass through with- out being crushed. Junior Cider Mill and Press. Junior or small size Cider Mill, with about one-half the capacity of the large mill. This will suit many persons who have but little work to do and want a cheap mill. This mill has been greatly improved for this season's trade, and it is now so far superior to all other kinds of small mills that you cannot help buying it after examin- ing it. PRICE LIST Senior Mill with Two Cribs . .$40 00 Junior " " " " . 25 00 114 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Keystone" Cider Mill. The annexed cut shows our Senior Mill and the Grinding Rolls, which, being both concave and convex, present more grinding surface than any other mill made. One cylinder revolves faster than the other, thereby thoroughly pulverizing and crush- ing the apples. The cylinders are adjusta- ble, and can be regulated for crushing grapes, breaking the fruit cells only with- out crushing the seeds. Two men can grind and press four to eight barrels per day. The rolls, being chilled, will not dis- color the cider. No. 1. Senior Mill, with 2 tubs. 420 Ibs $40 00 No. 2. Medium Mill, with 2 tubs, 240 Ibs 26 00 "Champion" Cider Mill. The points of superiority claimed by us for these Mills are, that they have an adjustable throat, which adapts them to all kinds and sizes of fruit. The grinding rollers are adjus- table. They have the most perfect grinding apparatus of any Mill on the market, having serrated ribs on one roller working against the straight ribs on the other, thus giving a shearing cut, and requir- ing a smaller consumption of power. "Champion" Mills also grind finer than any other Mills. The strainer board under the tubs al- lows a free passage for the cider from the tubs without obstruc- tions of any kind. They are light, substantial and handsomely finished. The "Champion" Cider Mill is constructed with but three legs, which makes it very popular for persons who desire a Mill of that style, as it will stand true on un- even ground. Senior Size, two Tubs, Shipping Weight 352 Ibs. . Medium Size, two Tubs, Shipping Weight 238 Ibs. PRICE LIST. $40 00 . 2500 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 115 IngersolFs Hand Press. Daring many years' experience in the sale of presses, we are fully convinced that the INGERSOLL PRESSES will be found to have overcome the great objections hereto- fore existing against hand-power presses. They combine a quick, convenient and ef- fectual working power, and everything liable to break has been done away with. With a double ratchet wheel, combined with a chain pulley and loose sheaves, a two, three, or four-fold lifting chain power is obtained, which, when acted on by only one person, with a light lever only 5 or 6 feet long, will exert a force on a bale re- ducing it to smaller dimensions than has heretofore been accomplished. IngersolPs Hand Press. No. 2 Size of Bale. 49x27x28 Weigrht of Bale. 300 Ibs Weight of Press. 1,500 Price $175 00 The Petaluma Press. This is a small and compact Press and makes a solid and neat bale. It is built entirely of ash and oak lumber, and has the im- proved follower and top door fast- ening, which allows of fast work by the pressman. The door is held in place by a lever until bale is finished. Its capacity is from 12 to 18 tons per day, and it will give good sat- isfaction in bailing hay for load- ing on wagons, flat cars or boats, as the bales weigh from 225 to 275 Ibs. Petaluma Press bales 24x24x50, weight 3000 Ibs. $350 00. Improved "Petaluma" Hay Press 116 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Tichenor 's Hand Power Press. The Tichenor Press has been thoroughly tested by experienced men, and pronounced to be the best and cheapest press yet invented. At the extremely low price for which they are sold, no farmer or any person having use for a press need do without one. The power is the Patent ''Hercules" Lever Jack, attached to both ends of the press, and worked by two or more persons, doing away entirely with all wheels, pulleys, ropes, chains, cogs, toggle-joints, etc., and therefore nothing complicated about them, and nothing to get out of order or break. The Tichenor Press will do the same work quicker, easier, better and cheaper than any other press in the market, and it is the best press yet invented for baling hay, straw, hops, broom, corn, wool, etc. The baling can be done much quicker than with any other press, end two men can easily turn out five tons per day. PRICE LIST. No. 3, Tichenor Press, Bales 44x24x24, weight of Press 1,200 Ibs $200 00 Height, 6K feet. Weight of Bales, 175 to 250 Ibs. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 117 The "Flour City" Press, No. 9. The Most Hap id Press ever Made. The above cut represents our latest improvements in baling presses. The entire machine, excepting plunger, feed board, hopper and pole is made of iron and steel, with all parts where the greatest strain occurs made amply large, in order that care- lessness in operating may be counteracted. This machine, it will be seen at a glance, will last a lifetime. It is the lightest geared press on the market, yet will stand the most severe usage. We do not make the statement that it cannot be broken, but we do claim that it will stand more work without breaking than any other press now on the market. Any one who is familiar with hay presses knows that the work required of them is more severe than that required of any other class of agricultural machinery, and a press to stand up to its work must be built to resist strain to the bes-t possible advantage. Wood frame machines can be made just as strong as iron-framed ones, and can be run just as successfully; but when the joints of a wood frame machine begin to wear away, the decline of that machine is rapid. Not so with an iron-framed machine. All joints, once tight, will stay tight forever. The dust accumulating on a press and getting wet will rot a wood frame machine in its joints quicker than most persons imagine. An all iron and steel press is not affected by the weather in the least. Our No. 9 is a four-horse press, and has a capacity equal to the most rapid steam press in the market. It can be run to its fullest capacity with a two-horse tread power, or can be operated as a steam press when so ordered. A customer desiring the neatest looking, lightest running, most rapid and most enduring horse-power press, will make no mis- take in ordering our No. 9. Capacity. No. 9 press with four horses, one to two tons of hay or straw can be baled in an hour. Bales variable lengths ; weight per bale, from 100 to 110 pounds, in- suring 10 to 11 tons in a car. This machine is geared to make 20 strokes of the plunger per minute at an ordinary walking gait of horses ; 20 to 27 charges of hay is the average per bale. So it can readily be seen that two tons can be turned out per hour. Size of Bale, 17x22 inches, variable length. PRICE LIST. No. 9 Press, with Automatic Feed (with Trucks), wei Six Horse-Power, Add to above price for Steam Press ut 5,000 Ibs $550 00 1,500 " 125 00 25 00 118 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 119 The "Champion" Hay Press. Continuous Travel Steel Chamber. The above cut gives the reader a fair idea of the appearance of the Improved "Champion" Two-Horse Continuous Travel Steel Bale Chamber Baling Press. This machine has been well tested and tried during the past season in all parts of the country, and has never failed to give the be^t of satisfaction. In construction the "Champion" is new for a machine of this siyle, and has many points of superior- ity that will at once commend themselves to the reader. The power is the easiest on the team, the most simple and strongest, therefore the most durable of any full circle hay press power ever invented. In principle it is a toggle-power, the toggle being operated so as to give a quick movement of the plunger while the material is loose, but a slower movement as the density of the material increases, thus increas- ing or compounding the pressure on the material as it is needed, with but little increase of draft on the team. As proof of our claim that the "Champion" is the easiest on the team we do not hesitate to guar- antee that one horse will make a heavier bale, without pulling as hard, than two horses can on many other makes of full circle presses. AN AUTOMATIC FOLDING SPRING FOR TOP PLUNGER. In connection with a folder or comber at the top of the bale chamber, folds or tucks each charge, mak- ing a smooth and even bale without breaking the material. A PERFORATED SCREEN BOTTOM Or grate, cleans the dust and dirt out of the hay as it is pressed. We do not hesitate to guarantee that the "Champion" Baling Presses make the cleanest and most marketable bale of any hay press made. In comparing the merits of full-circle presses REMEMBER 1st. We guarantee the "Champion" power is the simplest, strongest, most durable, and easiest on the team. 2d. The',"Champion" is positively the only full circle press made, having a positive working automatic device, that will withdraw the plunger full stroke each time, independent of the rebound force of the material. 3d. The "Champion" has the largest feed opening, and is the only press made with a condensing feed hopper. 4th. The "Champion" has an automatic folder and folding spring top plunger, insuring a smooth and attractive bale. 5th. The "Champion" is the most portable and easiest moved from place to place. 6th. The "Champion" has the best constructed bale chamber, and the easiest operated and most effec- tive mode of adjusting the tension and regulating the weight of bales. WARRANTY. The "Champion" Two-Horse Continuous Travel Steel and Iron Baling Press is warranted to be well and substantially made, of good material, and if properly handled is warranted to press one ton per hour, with power plenty to load 10 or 15 tons in a box car. And further, the "Champion" is guaranteed to press more in any given length of time, at less cost per ton, and with less labor to man and beast, than any other Portable Baling Press of its class in exist- ence. PRICE LIST For the "Champion" Two- Horse Continuous Travel Steel and Iron Baling Press, with Automatic Throw-back; Easily Adjusted, Quick- Relief Perpetual Bale Chamber, Bell-Ringing Attachment, Feeding Fork and Platform, Monkey Wrench, Oil Can, etc. 17x22 Bale, Variable length, weight 3,500 Ibs |400 00 For Repair List, see Page 335. 120 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Lightning" Hay Press. With Crank Axles. Workmanship and Material. All rollers on the Lightning are chilled; all pins are steel. The Plunger head is not made of wood, but of steel and iron. The axles are made entirely of steel, not in pieces cast into a skeleton, but a solid bar of steel. The wheels are steel; the folder or tucker is steel, not cast iron. The Tying chamber is made of steel angles, so compactly arranged that there is nothing unnecessary or in the way about the Prtss. The whole Press is constructed of the best material, and in first-class, workmanlike manner. The main Bearings and Pins are steel, insuring durability and strength. The Automatic Tucker or Folder prevents the Plunger from ever wedging itself, and any hay that laps over the top is tucked down and helps to work the bale smooth and compact. It takes but a few moments to lower it to the ground, or raise it on the trucks again. The power is the most simple and powerful, being a complete roller movement. It is free from cogs, chains, ropes or pulleys; it is so precisely arranged that the rebound is perfect. Some of the improvements worthy of consideration are, viz.: The tying chamber has been enclosed with Steel Plate and T Steel, something no other press contains; the feed openings have been enlarged to 28 inches, being larger than on any other, thus admitting of much larger charges of feed; this means greater capacity and easy work for the feeder; he has no aprons or so-called self-feeders, which consist of complicated adjustments, to bother with. These large feeds are pressed with ease, owing to our highly improved and superior power, which is the most practical and simple. The power has been reduced to a perfect roller movement by the use of a double-ended crank, with chilled rollers in each end, having a bearing on the chilled inclined plane. The crank is but ten [10] inches from center, being the shortest in use. By substitution of this short crank, the pitman travels practically straight in and out, reducing the friction to naught; there is no wear or grinding on the end of the pitman, or adjustments, as it is a roller movement. Capacity, 10 to 15 tons per day. Will load 10 tons or more in Box Car. 'Ughtning" Press, bales 17x22 inches, weight, 3,300 Ibs Price, $400 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. S 1 | I 1 o 5 % 1 3 T 1 'ft BO S 's ? 12 PM o> jg H 122 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, 2 60 C rt OH 3 5 OD 952 - 9 g SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 123 The "Champion Giant" Hay Press. Continuous Travel, Portable. This Press is built especially for sections of the country wherein baling capacity is of more importance than density of bales, and where large sized bales are preferred to the small, dense bales made by Perpetual Presses, the large bales being more desirable to ship by boat or on flat cars than the small ones. The " Champion Giant " Press is of exceedingly large capacity, having a feed open- ing four feet square, permitting the feeding of large forkfuls, making a complete bale with small number of charges. The " Champion Giant " differs from machines of this class from the fact that every forkful of hay is pressed as it is fed into the machine, so that an equal pressure is exerted on EVERY PART OF THE BALE. This insures a greater density, and at the same time a PER- FECTLY SQUARE AND NEAT BALE. This is accomplished by the machine being constructed with a PRESSURE GAUGE, the movement of which is retarded so that the Gauge moves in proportion to the size of the charge fed into the machine. By this means the same pressure is exerted upon the first forkful as upon the last, and it is no harder on the team to press the last charge than the first one. This is not the case with other ma- chines of this style. When the bale is completed, the pressure gauge revolves, and the end that is pushed out turns into the bale chamber, taking the place of the ejected bale, the bale being ejected by the revolving of the pressure gauge. One end of the Bale Tie is pushed through the machine, and around the bale, while it is in process of making, so that when the doors are opened it requires only a moment's time to push the other end of the bale tie through, and tie the bale. The feed-door is opened and closed automatically, and drops at an angle that makes the opening within easy reach of the operators. When the feed-door is closed, by an ingenious arrangement, a step is formed for the feeder to stand upon, to assist in ty- ing the bales. The return of the Plunger is checked by means of an air cushion, which works automatically, and is attached to the power-rod. This device is entirely automa- tic, and requires no adjustment or attention while in operation, and prevents the Plung- er rebounding too hard. Exerting the same pressure on each forkful of hay, the return force of the Plunger is exactly the same at each stroke, and not easy when the first forkful is fed in, and excessively hard as the bale nears completion. The Power that drives the Plunger is a double toggle, one on each end of the bale chamber, the toggle in turn being operated by a power capstan to which sweep is at- tached, the transmission from the power to the toggles being by means of cable chains. The toggles are constructed of wrought iron and steel throughout, so that there is noth- ing about them to break or get out of order. The Power capstan is also made of wrought iron and steel, as far as practicable, the object being to construct the machine through- out so as to prevent breakages. A very valuable feature of the " Champion Giant " is the fact that it is a strictly PORTABLE MACHINE. As is seen by illustration of the machine in operation in the field, the bale chamber stands upright when at work. When it is desired to move from place to place, by use of an ingenious device the bale chamber is turned down upon the power main frame, so that by the time the driver unhitches from the sweep and hitches to the tongue, everything is ready to move to the next stack. It will be noticed that a seat is provided for the driver, nothing being left undone to make the ''Champion Giant" the most complete Baling Press of its kind manu- factured. The truck wheels are extra high, and have four-inch Tires. The best hard woods, including Oak, Ash and Hickory, enter into the construc- tion of this machine. All parts are firmly bolted together, and the power being con- structed almost entirely of wrought iron and steel, makes the " Champion Giant " as strong and durable a machine as can well be made. WARRANTY. The Machine is guaranteed in every respect, and will make bales weighing from 200 to 300 pounds, owing to the condition of the material, and will bale from 20 to 30 tons and upwards, per day. It is further guaranteed to be superior in every respect to any other Baling Press of this style manufactured, and is the only strictly portable Large Bale Press made. PRICE LIST. " Champion Giant " Complete, Bales 22x24x46 inches, weight 5100 Ibs., $600 00 Deduct for Trucks, if not wanted 50 00 124 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The " Barr " Rotary Hand Corn Planter. The blades are made of the best quality of saw cast steel, and highly polished. The working plates of the dropping apparatus are made of malleable iron. The valve plate, or cut-off, is also malleable iron, and adjusted with a carefully tempered brass coil spring. The quality of the material used in it, and the simplicity and strength of its construction, insure its durability. It drops with an evenness unequalled by any other style of Planter, and leaves the grain securely covered. There are three different sized holes in each plate, for dropping different number of kernels. Price.. . $1 25 "Black Hawk" Hand Corn Sheller. "Black Hawk" is now firmly established on the market. "Black Hawk" is all that the farmer needs for shelling corn for home use. "Black Hawk" won't choke. "Black Hawk" is preferred by all farmers who have them in use. "Black Hawk" pleases the farmer boys; it is only playior them to shell your corn. "Black Hawk" is durable; malleable iron is largely used in its construction; all bearings subject to wear are long and thoroughly chilled. It will last many years. "Black Hawk" is simple, easily adjusted, and will shell clean all kinds of field corn, from the small ears of Canada to the mammoth ears of Central Mexico. "Black Hawk" is original no part or feature has been taken from others. Price.. $3 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 125 The "Corn King" Shelter. Our new low priced, high grade one-hole Hand Sheller has gained an enviable re- putation during the past three years. It is handsomely finished and honestly built, has hard wood frame, and is the best machine for the money on the market. We furnish this Sheller, with or without fan, and with or without feed table. If you desire a cheap Hand Sheller, that is well made, and that will stand hard service, purchase the "Corn King." PRICE LIST. No. 139, "Corn King" Sheller, with Feed Table, weight 135 Ibs $16 00 No. 141, " " " " " " and Fan, weight, 140 Ibs 1700 No. 140, " " " " Fan, no Table, " 135" 1600 No. 138, " " " without Table or Fan, " 130" 1500 126 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Prince" One-Hole Right Hand Corn Sheller. This One-hole Feed Table Machine, with or without fan, has earned and sustained the reputation of being the best hand sheller ever built. The frame is of hard wood, close jointed, strong and durable, shafts all turned, wheels closely and carefully fitted, and the sheller completely finished with the great- est care. We furnish with it a wrought spoke balance wheel, with extra heavy rim. The "Prince" Sheller is as honestly built as our Power Shellers, and has the capacity within itself for hard and continued service enjoyed by no other hand sheller. PRICE LIST. "Prince" Sheller, with Feed Table, weight 125 Ibs. . ... $18 00 " and Fan, weight 130 Ibs 20 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 127 The "Keystone" Two-Hole Corn Sheller. THE BEST SHELLER IN THE MARKET. With Improved Cob Separator and Fan. It is adapted to either hand or horse power. Each one is furnished with a pulley. Its capacity by hand is from 200 to 250 bushels per day. A hopper is attached for con' venience in feeding, which can be done as well by a boy as a man. The Keystone has taken more first premiums than any other sheller in the market. PRICE LIST. ''Keystone" Sheller, with Fan and Feed Table, weight 250 Ibs. $35 00 128 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Veteran" Two Hole Corn Sheller. The "Veteran" has been made for nearly thirty years, and is fairly entitled to its name. Its great popularity has caused it to have many imitators, but its constantly increasing sale is sufficient evidence that in point of merit it still maintains its old-time supremacy. Made upon the same principle as large Power Shellers, it is strong, dur- able and effective. Having REVOLVING WIRE COB-RAKE for separating the cobs from the shelled corn, and an efficient fan for cleaning the corn, it has, in itself, the most work for the money of any similar Sheller made. The Veteran is a two-hole Feed-Table Machine, with capacity of 250 to 350 bushels per day, the amount varying with the power and speed, and the regularity of the feed. On this machine as now constructed, all motions are positive, we having substituted the Ewart Drive Chain for the belts heretofore in use, with exception only of the Fan- belt, which being crossed, the chain cannot be used. PRICE LIST. . 121, Veteran Sheller, with table, crank, fan and band- wheel, weight 240 Ibs., $40 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 129 Framers' Two-Hole Shelter. As its name indicates, it is designed for farmers who would avoid the trouble of handling, all at one time, the large amounts of grain that are crowded through the large Sheller. Its cost is not so great but that every well-to-do farmer, or club of far- mers, may own and control a machine. It requires only the help ordinarily employed about a farm to operate it to advantage, two men being sufficient to load or unload it and these (with perhaps in addition a boy to drive) are enough to work it. It may be used as a hand Sheller when necessity requires. The tendency of the age to dispense with hand labor, wherever mechanical devices can be made effective as a substitute, has developed the demand for such a machine from the thousands with whom corn raising is a subordinate interest, or at least their annual product not large enough to warrant the employment of the large machines, and that class is found in nearly all States of the Union outside the great "corn-belts," and to no small extent within that belt where stock-feeders, raising large corn crops annually, find it desirable to regulate their shelling to their convenience in feeding? rather than make one " big shelling job " of it, and be subject to the expense and risks of storage. PRICE LIST. Farmer's Sheller, capacity 500 bushels, with 8-ft. sacking elevator,weight 475 Ibs. . $75 00 No. 24 Jack, with Rope Pulley, weight 120 Ibs 30 CO No. 7 Horse Power, " 385 " 60 00 Power and Jack (see cut), with Sweeps, weight 495 Ibs 90 00 Sheller, with Power and Jack complete (see cut), weight 1,070 Ibs 165 00 Repair List mailed on application. 130 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Rustier" Two-Hole Self- Feed Com Sheller. Our latest addition to the popular list of Sandwich Automatic-feed Corn iShellers is"/ 'The Rustler," a Two-hole Self-feeding Corn Sheller. a lively little machine, ans- Avering admirably to its name. It is the result of a most serious and careful effort to meet a want which has been growing through years, and is in some respect broader than any other in the range of power corn shellers. That demand is for a sheller within a limit of size and cost to be available for the personal use of the individual buyer, and having the advantages of automatic feed and capability to turn off the peculiarly excellent quality of work (in shelling without cracking corn or breaking cobs, separating and cleaning) for which our larger machines are conspicuous. The task has not been an easy one, and other parties have attempted it, and put out machines, only to appear and promptly disappear in complete failure. "TheRustler" has a very perfect separating and cleaning apparatus, and turns out work in shelling and cleaning as perfect as has ever been accomplished by any sheller, however large or small. Also has a perfect chain Double Sacking Eleva- tor of suitable length for bag delivery. It has also a short chain cob stacker, which may be folded over the machine, for moving, without detaching. Also includes with- in its structure a convenient jack gearing for taking motion direct from the power, and bringing it up to the rate required on the shelling wheel. PRICE LIST. No. 116 Rustler Belt Sheller with Band Wheel, Sacking Elevator and Cob Stacker, Weight, 550 Ibs $100 00 No. 118 Rustler Geared Sheller with Sacking Elevator, Cob Stacker, and No. 17 Two-horse Samson Power with Rods and Knuckles complete. Weight, 1,500 Ibs 190 00 Repair List mailed on application. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 131 "Junior" Two-Hole Self-Feed Sheller. We have succeeded in combining in the " Junior " all those desirable features that have made our large machines so popular for years, and which gave the Tornado such a reputation for three years ; and we were confident that a shelter with so many excel- lent features would rapidly push itself to the front, and be recognized as the most de- sirable machine of the kind ever sold. Our expectations have been fully realized, and the hundreds of flattering testi- monials that we have received attest its popularity. This machine has no oscillating, vibrating or shaking motion whatever; all move- ments are rotary and positive ; and, as a consequence, all shake or jar is avoided, and there can be no lost motion. Every shaft in the Junior, with the exception of fan- shaft, is driven by gear or chain. The Junior is furnished with a Sacking Elevator, and it is of sufficient length to deliver the shelled corn into a sack. The cob stacker is twelve feet in length, The cleaning attachment is the same that we used on our Tornado, and, for a machine of the size of the Junior, is the only perfect system. The rake proper is similar to our wire cob-rake, so long in use on all of our power shelters; and under its upper surface are a succession of one-fourth inch rods, extending longitudinally from the rear end of cleaning rake to the roller at outer end, where they rest in grooves cut in this roller, which grooves are broken by a depression in the surface of roller, which, ^ at every revolution, drops the wires about a quarter of an inch for an instant, thus aiding the separation. Owing to its peculiar construction, it is impossible to clog this rake with silks or chaff, and it will thoroughly separate and clean all conditions of corn fit to be shelled. PRICE LIST. No. 102 Junior " Mounted Belt," with Band-wheel, Double Sacking Elevator and Twelve-foot Cob Stacker, weight 1,330 Ibs $225 00 No. 90 Junior " Down Belt," with Band-wheel, Double Sacking Elevator and Twelve-foot Cob Stacker, weight, 900 Ibs 175 00 Repair List mailed on application. 132 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 133 IMPROVED CO^fl Four and Six Hole "Mounted Belt." [Illustration on opposite page.] STRONG POINTS OF SANDWICH SMELLERS. THE FORCE FEED CHAIN With projecting ears or carriers on every seventh link, which, running on sprocket wheels at both ends of feeder, carry the ears with a positive motion until they engage with forcing shaft at mouth of Sheller. These chains are arranged to run on Independ- ent Stretchers, so that the tension of each may be adjusted independent of the others, the operation being but the work of a moment. THE FORCING OR BEATER SHAFT Is unquestionably the most important improvement in Corn Sheller mechanism since the original patent for " Self- Feeder " was issued, as by its use the capacity of Spring Shelters has been nearly or quite doubled, as compared with those made previ- ous to its introduction. The value of this improvement is greatly increased by the use of Balance Wheels on the Forcing Shaft, one on each end of Shaft. This improve- ment will be used on all of our Two, Four, and Six Hole Force Feed Shellers, in future. It is original with us, and used only on our machines. It has been repeatedly demon- strated that it saves from a half to one horse power. It also saves strain on the side gearing of Sheller, and consequently adds materially to the durability of the machine. From the "Forcing Shaft " the ears are carried between the little " Picker Wheels " direct to the Shelling Wheels, where they are confined in their passage (until entirely stripped of the corn) by the spring straps, with corrugated castings or rag-irons, which are attached to the Adjustable "Front Case," or Front Plate of Feeding Throat. DOUBLE SACKING ELEVATOR Illustration shows Sheller with Wagon Box Elevator ; those we have are fitted with Double Sacking Elevators, same as used on Threshing Machines. REMEMBER That a Sheller, in its lifetime, must deal with corn in all its conditions round, soft, and frosted, and the machine that, under all circumstances, with the least amount of power, will do the best and cleanest work and save the most grain, and do it with the least strain, friction and wear, is the machine to buy. On all these points the Sandwich Sheller stands at the head. PRICE LIST. No. 51. Four-hole "Down Belt," with Band-wheel, Double Sacking Elevator, and fourteen-foot Cob Stacker, with or without Right-angle Belt At- tachment, 1,370 Ibs ................................................ $300 00 No. 55. Four-hole " Mounted Belt," with Band-wheel, Double Sacking Eleva- tor, and fourteen-foot Cob Stacker, with or without Right-angle Belt Attachment, 1,900 Ibs ............................................. 350 00 No. 31. Six-hole "Down Belt," with Band-wheel, Double Sacking Elevator, and fourteen-foot Cob Stacker, with or without Right-angle Belt At- tachment, 1,700 Ibs ................. ............................... 350 00 No. 33. Six-hole ''Mounted Belt" with Band-wheel, Double Sacking Elevator, and fourteen-foot Cob Stacker, with or without Right-angle Belt At- tachment, 2,200 Ibs ........................... ..................... 400 00 Repair List mailed on application. 134 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Dain" Improved Land Roller. Made of Cast Iron Sections. Each section is independent of the other, and held together by a two-inch steel axle, which revolves with the sections when going ahead, so that the friction and wear is reduced to two bearings which are provided with oil cups, and will last as long as the roller itself, or can be easily replaced. In making a turn, the sections being independ- ent, will revolve separately and thus turn easily. The Dain is made entirely of iron and steel, except the tongue, which can be easily detached when not in use. We make the following sizes : PRICE LIST. No. 4, 6 sections, 24 inches diameter, 6 feet wide, weight 1,000 Ibs $75 00 No.6,8 " 24 " " 8 " " " 1,200" 9000 " Young America " Corn and Cob Crusher. One of these will save more corn than many times its cost. Two bushels of ground corn will go as far as three unground, so that a few hours' time spent in grinding in winter will save the day spent in summer in raising an acre of corn. They can also be used in grinding bones, and are sure to give good satisfaction. Price, with Sweep (as per cut), weight 397 Ibs $50 00 SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. 135 No. 2. No. 3. Chapman's Green and Dry Bone Mill. In presenting this circular to Poultrymen, Farmers and other persons who are interested in improvements in Bone Cutting Machinery, it will not be the intention of the Manufacturer to speak ill of any other Bone Cutter, but simply to state facts, and also to show the points of superiority Chapman's "Ideal" Green Bone Cutter has over any other Bone Cutter on the market. The manufacturer of this machine believes in letting the machine stand on its own merits. Very few machines in the agricultural line are subjected to such severe tests as a Bone Cutter is. In the first place bones are very hard substances, with rough uneven surfaces with more or less fat, meat and gristle to contend with. Now the Poultrymen want to be able to cut such bones easy, fast and fine, as the day for coarse cut bone is fast going by the best educated poultry- men of the country. In order to accomplish these three results successfully, a ma- chine must be substantial and strong in all its different parts, and constructed with some regard for mechanical principles, and must be thoroughly built in all its details, or it will fail in a few weeks to perform its duty, and will at last be thrown into the old iron heap. The Inventor of Chapman's "Ideal" Green Bone Cutter, from his past 25 years' experience as a Machinist and Designer, has been able to so construct a Bone Cutter, that it will cut fine, cut easy and cut fast; also to embody in the same machine several points of convenience (which are patented) that no other Bone Cut- ter possesses. This means a saving of money to the purchaser. PRICE LIST No. 1, Chapman's Mill, One Fly Wheel, weight $30 00 No. 2, " " " " " " 3600 No. 3, " " " " " " 5000 136 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 1, with Fly-wheel. No. 2. Tortilla Mills Simple, Cheap, Durable and Efficient. For grinding corn for Tortillas they are unequalled. They are the only Tortilla Mills in the market that do the work satisfactorily. The No. 1, with Fly-wheel, and the No. 2 are the sizes best liked for family use. These Mills have no cutting edges to dull, like the ordinary iron mills in the market, but have large crushing surfaces of chilled iron, and are consequently very durable. Patent rubber springs are used to make the cone and concave surface adjusting, preventing uneven wear of the grinding surfaces, and unequal grinding of the corn. By means of thumbscrews, the mill can be set to grind coarse or fine, as desired. When the grinding surfaces are worn out, they can be renewed at a small expense. These mills are also useful for grinding chocolate, coffee, spices, drugs, etc., and for grinding wheat. They are so arranged that they can be fastened to post, stump, bench, or table, as desired. We do not send posts or legs with them, as they can be easily made, and the freight on them would cost more than they are worth . PRICE LIST. [Without Wood Posts.] No. 1 Tortilla Mill, with crank, capacity 10 to 15 bushels per day, weight 50 Ibs. .$ 9 CO " " " " fly-wheel," 10 to 15 " " " " 75" .. 1200 No. 2 20 to 25 110 25 00 When operated by power, these capacities are much larger. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 137 Hand or Power Grain Mill. This mill is intended for hand or power, and is capable of being driven by either one or two men, or by any kind of mechanical power. When the latter is used in grinding corn, eight bushels per hour is the usual capacity. They are extensively used by farmers and grocers for grinding oats, barley, corn, coffee, etc. It is simple, not liable to get out of repair, and extra grinding plates can always be obtained at a trifling expense, which will last several years. Hand or Power Grain Mill (boxed), weight 260 Ibs. Price $30 00 Extra Grinding Plates, per set. Price 7 50 138 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. 20-Inch " New Era " Mill. Recommended for Mexican and Foreign Trade. This cut represents the 20-inch "New Era" Mill manufactured by Nordyke & Mar- mon Company, for wheat, corn, and middlings in which is used a quality of French buhr-stone, imported for this express purpose. The mill has an improved Silent-Feed attachment. The whole is placed in an iron hurst frame, and every part so accurately fitted that it can be placed in any part of the mill ; and should the material be ex- hausted in the hopper, the mill will continue to run without detriment. The whole material, excepting the Stones, being of iron and steel, it must run steady and be dur- able. The Bearings are readily supplied with oil from proper receivers, and it must run light. The Stones being of equal thickness, and with the Running Balance, it can give no trouble in that way. In flourings, middlings, or wheat, the Furrows should be kept straight, and the special instructions sent with each mill should be followed, they being carefully prepared for each particular material to be treated. The Buhrs, when faced and operated as directed, are so true that they will run to within a thousandth part of an inch, and not touch. The Buhr-Stones used in these middling mills are of a quality not liable to glaze, and when handled judiciously will give as fine results in flouring as many of the roller mills now in use. The size of the stones is twenty inches in diameter, dressed ready to grind. Under-stone runs. Has improved self-oiling, self-adjusting, metallic bush. Rubber springs prevent nails, etc., from injuring faces of stones. Size. Power. Pulley. Capacity. Speed. Weight. Price. 20 inch 4 to 10 h. p. 14x7 in. 12 to 40 bu. 500 to 800 800 Ibs. $150 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 140 DEERK IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Modern Hero" Power Mill. The best Grinding Mill for Sweep Powers ever made. The large Grinding Plates make it capable of grinding very rapidly when used with large powers, but can be reg- ulated with the improved shoe feed to grind nicely with two horses. It will grind from 10 to 20 bushels of good feed per hour, the capacity depending on the power used and fine- ness. It is all iron, fitted up with" Raymond Bros, 'Patent Double Reducing Grinding Burrs" the finest iron grinding Burrs made hardened by special process. They will grind from 1,000 to 3,000 bushels of grain before wearing out. Mill can be run with any power having a speed of from 50 to 100 revolutions to one round of the horses. The "Hero Power" is a triple-geared power; has three bearings on the bull wheel, and three bearings on the pinion. The three steel bearing shafts are set solid in a cast iron spider, which bolts to the wood frame of the power at the four sides, and these same steel shafts are held at the top by a cast iron tripod, thereby holding the gearing in place independent of the wood frame, a very essential feature for the climate of this State, The Bull Wheel is made three-fold strong by having a wrought iron band shrunk around it. This power is also adapted to running our wood saws and corn shellers and pumping water. Speed of power is fifty-six revolutions of tumbling rod to one of the horses. Weight of power, 850 Ibs. PRICE Price of "Modern Hero" Mill and Power, complete, weight 1,175 Ibs ........... $140 00 " " " only, weight 325 Ibs ............................ 6500 I** 2 and 4-horse ''Hero' ' Power only, weight 850 Ibs ..................... 85 00 SAN T FRANCISCO, CAL. 141 No. 5 Pulley Mill. The No. 5 Shake Feed Pulley Mill is built entirely of iron and steel, with hardened steel step. Has 10-inch pulley, 6-inch face. Power required, from 4 to 10-horse. Speed required, from 800 to 1,000 revolutions per minute. Capacity, from 20 to 40 bushels per hour, depending on power used and fineness. Quality of work equal to stone burr. This Mill is extensively used by millers and warehouse men. It can be run by steam, water or horse power. As it is built entirely of iron and steel it will not shrink. Weight, complete, 400 Ibs. Price . $90 00 142 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. "Pioneer" Barley Crusher, Using the Benoit Corrugated Rollers. These mills have been awarded a premium at the last seven State Fairs, and the demand for them is constantly increasing. We have made such arrangements with the manufacturers that we can offer them at reduced figures, and we will guarantee them not only to fulfill all requirements, but to be the best mill of the kind in this market. We have these mills in three sizes. PRICE LIST. No. 1. With Elevator; weight, 1,482 Ibs.; size of pulley, 8x12 inches; size of rollers, 12x24; power required, 10 to 12 horse; speed, 700 revolutions ; capacity, 5 to 6 tons per hour Price, $275 00 No. 1. Without Elevator ; weight, 1,300 Ibs " 250 00 No. 2. With Elevator; weight, 1,282 Ibs; size of pulley, 8x12 inches; size of rollers, 10x20; power required, 8 to 10 horse; speed, 700 revolutions ; capacity, 3 to 4 tons per hour " 200 00 No. 2. Without Elevator ; weight, 1,100 Ibs " 175 00 No. 3. Is without Elevator; weight, 500 Ibs. ; size of pulley, 6x6 inches ; size of rollers, 6x18 inches ; power required, 2 to 4 horse; capa- city, 1 ton per hour " 105 00 These mills are all ready to mount on wagon. If so desired, we can furnish a suit- able wagon at $80. (Above Prices do not include Belts.) SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 143 The " Dairy Queen" Horse Power. It is a Light Single Horse Power, designed especially for the use of Dairymen. Tumbling Shaft, 6 to 1 ; weight 600 Ibs. Price $75 00 The "Eclipse." The Eclipse is a Single Horse Machine; it is neat, compact, very durable, and gives perfect satisfaction to all who use it ; it is double-geared ; tumbling shaft makes 35 revo- lutions per minute ; weight 700 Ibs. Price $90 00 No. 17 "Samson" Two-Horse Power. Our new Two-Horse Samson Power is built upon the same principle as'our Large Samson Powers, and is a strong, substantial machine, admirably adapted for use with "Rustler" Sheller, and with it makes our "Rustler Rig." The tumbling-rod of the Two-Horse Samson Power makes forty-one revolutions to one round of the horses, and turns contrary to movement of horses, and is an excellent power for running various kinds of light machinery, such as Feed Grinders, Feed Cut- ters, Pumps, Root Cutters, Corn Shoppers, Boring* Machines, etc., etc. PRICE LIST. No. 17. Two-Horse Samson Power, with one Ten-foot Tumbling-rod, two Joints Safety Knuckle, and one Rod Rest, weight 800 Ibs $90 00 We earnestly advise the use of a Fly Wheel in every case where a Horse Power is intended for pumping water, for the reason that it gives a steady motion, and enables the horse to do nearly twice the amount of pumping in a given time. This every ex- perienced person will acknowledge. The above Powers are complete in every detail, and possess every improvement and advantage that can be combined in such machines. They are all provided with air-tight, dust-proof, self-oiling boxes. Two men can take them apart, and put them together again with ease. 144 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY No. 7, Pony Power. No. 24, Pony Jack. No. 7, 1-Horse Power, weight 350 Ibs . . $ 60 00 No. 24, Pony Jack, " 120" 3000 No. 7, Power and No. 24 Jack combined . 90 00 No. 4, HO 00 No. 7 Power is small, strong and durable. Tumbling Hod, 7 to 1, or about 21 revo- lutions per minute. No. 24 Pony Jack is made to use with Nos. 4 and 7 Powers, and is fitted with rope or band wheel, as desired. No. 4 Two-Horse Single Geared Power Tumpling Rod 8 to 1, or about 27 revolutions per minute. This is the power commonly sold with our Farmers' Shelter. It is built on the same model as our No. 1, 4-Horse, Single Geared Power, but on a smaller scale. For ordinary farm work, such as two horses can handle, this is an excellent Power. It is very^ simple, strong and durable, and the price low. It gives its Tumbling Rod seven and two-thirds revolutions to one round of the horses, or about twenty-seven per minute. Using our No. 24 Pony Jack with this Power, you get about 100 revolutions per minute on the band wheel shaft of Jack. The Tumbling Rod turns in same direction with movement of horses. No. 4, 2-Horse Power, complete, weight 540 Ibs $80 00 No. 8, 1 -Horse, Fast Motion, or Veteran Power, with Levers, one 10-foot Tumbl- ing Rod, two Joints Common Knuckle, and one Rod Rest, weight 350 Ibs., 65 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 145 We recommend this power for all such work as demands strength and steady mo- tion ; and for running machinery for broom-corn dressing, feed-grinding, wood-sawing and the like. It has no superior. In ordering Horse Powers, or writing for informa- tion regarding them, please state as nearly as possible the use or uses to which they are to be put, kind of machinery to he run, by whom made, and manufacturer's esti- mate of power required to work it to its full capacity. Also, state at what speed the shaft that receives the motion must be driven (number of revolutions per minute), and if band wheel (pulley) is used, give diameter of same ; or if it is designed to con- nect direct Tumbling-Rod, give diameter of shaft, and state whether it revolves to the right or left, as you stand facing the machine. Remember that our powers are rated at their actual capacity, and our One and Two-Horse Powers must not be expected to stand the strain of work that the same number of horses working on a larger power could not accomplish with ease. In other words, while our Powers will each of them stand the strain of legitimate work for the number of horses for which they are rated, they are not designed to fill the place of machines rated at twice their capacity. We regard this caution as timely and necessary, for the reason that we have learned of instances where two horses have been used with our One-Horse Power, and four horses with our Two-Horse Power. PRICE LIST. No. 14. Four-Horse Samson Down Power, with Levers, one Five-foot and one Ten-foot Tumbling-rod, three Joints Safety Knuckles, and two Rod Rests, weight, 1,070 Ibs $110 00 No. 11. Eight-Horse, "Young Samson" Mounted Power, with Levers, Whif- fletrees, Neckyoke, one Five-foot and one Ten-foot Tumbling-rod, three Joints Safety Knuckle, and two Rod Rests, weight 1,800 Ibs 190 00 No. 12. Eight- Horse "Young Samson" Down Power, with Levers, one Five- foot and one Ten-foot Tumbling-rod, three Joints Safety Knuckle, and two Rod Rests, weight 1,480 Ibs 150 00 146 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Wheeler's Patent Horse Power. 1 Horse Tread jPoweiywith Patent Brake, weight 1,000 Ibs 2 u ti (i u $175 00 225 00 Albany Thresher and Separator. This machine threshes and separates the grain and chaff from the straw. It will thresh more than a Thresher and Cleaner. It is furnished with best cast steel shafts and babbetted bearings. It will thresh from 250 to 400 bushels of wheat, rye and bar- ley, and twice as many oats per day. These machines are also valuable for threshing rice. A One-Horse Railway Power drives this Separator with ease. Thresher and Shaker, or Separator, 14x30-inch Cylinder, weight 400 Ibs. . .Price, 100 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 147 Hide-Roller Hay Cutters. The annexed cut represents the old-time Hide-Roller Cutter, which has been on the market for years, and is too well known to re- quire a description from us. To parties who want a good durable machine for little money, we recommend the Hide-Roller Hay Cutter. PRICE LIST. Size 0, weight 63 Ibs $10 50 65 70 75 80 90 100 12 00 13 50 14 50 15 50 19 00 25 00 EXTRA ROLLERS FOR HIDE-ROLLER HAY CUTTERS. For No . . Each . . . . . . 00 ....$2 75 $2 75 1 $3 25 2 $3 50 3 $4 00 4 $4 50 5 $5 00 6 6 00 The "Champion" Hay Cutter. This Cutter is constructed on an entirely new principle. The knife is composed of sec- tion blades, similar to those of a mowing ma- chine knife, made of the best tempered steel, and fastened to the iron gate piece by means of small bolts. They can be taken off and sharpened, and put on again in a few minutes' time, needing no adjusting, as each section goes back in its place ; or, if a new one is needed, it will go in the place of the old one without any trouble, as they are interchange- able. The iron gate is placed on the front end of the feed box, and is connected with the crank shaft by two wood pitmans. It has a five-inch stroke, and the knife passes between the cutting plate and an iron guard in front of it, thus insuring a clean cut. It is turned by a crank and as the section knife is the easiest cutting knife known it runs very light. It is a perfect self-feeder, the fodder being taken between two iron rolls, and is held firmly while the knife passes down and through the fodder. The knife is then lifted up, and while up and above the throat, the fodder is instantly pushed forward by an ingenious device, while the knife is entirely out of the way. It cuts five different lengths of chaff, ranging from J<$ to 1% inches. The change is made without taking off or putting on any extra gears. It can be effected in either of two ways : one by raising or lowering the indicator which is fastened to the side of one front leg by a thumb-screw ; the other, by lengthening or shortening the iron pitman by a set-screw. The throat is lift inches wide, making the capacity greater than any other Hand Cutter of the same price. Capacity from lj^ to 2 bushels per minute. For Hand Power only, weight 130 Ibs $15 00 148 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. In presenting our new Improved Baldwin's Ameri- can Fodder Cutter to the dealers and farmers of the country, we wish to call their atten- tion to a few of the different points of the machine.which makeit the leading and by far the best Fodder Cutter in the market. 1st. The wood work is made of the best timber, thor- oughly seasoned, and bolted togeth- er so it can always be kept firm. It is not pinned togeth- er with wood pins, like most cutters in the market, which soon become loose, and make the cut- ter sliaky. 2d. The iron work is made of the best wrought and cast iron, the boxes in which the journals run are babbited, thus avoi- ding any possibil- ity of their wearing out; the knives are made of the best steel, thoroughly tempered. 3d. By a simple device the top feed roller is so arranged that it rises and falls according to the thick- ness of the fodder fed into the machine, and at the same time is kept parallel with the lower feed roller, which relieves all strain from other parts of the machine. 4th. The Feeding Arrangement is the simplest and best in use, having only three feed gears, while other machines in the market are a perfect mass of gears, which anyone acquainted with machinery would see at a glance would be liable to get out of order and make a cutter run hard. 5th. Bach machine cuts four lengths. The length of cut can be easily and speedily changed, and is so simple that anyone can understand it. 6th. The Improved Safety Fly Wheel for Power Cutters is far superior to any in use, insuring perfect safety to the machine and the operator. PRICE LIST. Baldwin's Improved American Fodder Cutter. SIZES FOR HAND, 1 KNIFE. No. Length of Knife. Length of Cut. Capacity per hour. Weight. Price. 1 9 10 11 6 inches 8^ inches 9)| inches 11 inches K,l,l^,2inches K,l,l^,2inches >,1,1>, 2 inches ^,l,1}6,2inches 300 pounds 400 pounds 600 pounds 800 pounds 110 pounds 120 pounds 150 pounds 160 pounds $20 00 25 00 30 00 35 00 SIZES FOR HAND, 2 KNIFE. No. Length of Knife. Length of Cut. Capacity per hour. Weight. Price. 9 10 11 8% inches 9}^ inches 11 inches %, y z , %, 1 inch %, */ 2 ,%,l inch %, y^y^ i inch 800 pounds 1200 pounds 1400 pounds 125 pounds 155 pounds 165 pounds $30 00 35 00 40 00 SIZES FOR POWER ONLY, 2 KNIVES. With Pulley attached ready for Belt. No. Length of Knife. Length of Cut. Capacity per hour. Weight, Price. 13 14 15 13 inches 15 inches 18 inches y^ %, %, i inch y, y^y^ i inch 3-16,%, Clinch 2500 pounds 4000 pounds 6000 pounds 300 pounds 360 pounds 585 pounds $ 50 00 75 00 100 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 149 "Dick's" Famous Feed Cutter. For Hand or Power. All "Dick" machines have Self-feeding Rolls, driven without ratchets or springs. Straight blades for knives. Easy to grind. Most perfect knife adjustment ever invented. Fly-wheel and knives all encased. Chilled adjustable shear bars, which can be ground same as knives. Indispensable to stock feeders. Simple in construction, easy to operate, and the most perfect implement for cutting feed in the world. Special features of this cutter are straight knives, adjustable shear bar, patent knife adjustment, self-feeding uni- versal rolls, which yield to the uneven thickness of the feed passing between them ; a lever giving you complete control of the rolls, revolving them forward, backward, or stopping them at will ; encased feed gear, which protects the gearing from grit and dirt, and renders the machine absolutely safe to operate. It is more durable, less liable to get out of order, cuts more feed with less power, than any machine in the market. The weight, strength, width of cut and size of fly-wheel are accurately proportioned on all our machines, so as to get the greatest amount of strength and durability with the least amount of friction, which is so essential in Feed Cutters. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List. PRICE LIST. No. Length of Cut. Capacity per Hour. Weight. Price. 2B 3C For Hand Power .j y'y'y'i&iy'ln' 500 to 1,000 Ibs. 750 to 1 ,250 Ibs. 160 Ibs. 180 Ibs. $30 00 35 00 4D 5E Hand and Power j %%$lk?$iy-i*. 1,500 to 2,000 Ibs. 2,000 to 2,500 Ibs. 250 Ibs. 350 Ibs. 45 00 60 00 6F 7G ! For Power only J I^Stfe 2,500 to 3,000 Ibs. 3,000 to 5,000 Ibs. 500 Ibs. 550 Ibs. 75 00 90 00 150 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Wood Saw, with Sliding Table. This machine has improved Friction Roller Table. Made very strong and durable, with cover over Saw, and is first-class in every par- ticular. Can be successfully run with 2 horse tread power, or 4-horse sweep power. Speed required, 1,000 to 1,500 revolutions per minute. Has 5x5 pulley. PRICE. With 26-inch Saw, Filed and Set, weight 330 Ibs, ,$50 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 151 "New Style" Pole Saw. To meet the demand for a low price combined pole and cord wood saw we have made our New Style Pole Saw, which we can confidently recommend as answering the purpose in every particular. A number of saws have been made for this purpose, but none of them have been entirely satisfactory, and some of them are positively dangerous. The New Style Pole Saw is simple and strong, has no gearing to break, and takes no additional power. It is well finished, has two rollers, and the very best quality of cross cut saw, No. 10 gauge, filed and set. Note this when buying a saw : Fly Wheel and all Pulleys should be below Table. We have added to our prices for saws only enough to cover the additional cost. PBICE. With 26-inch Saw, Filed and Set, Weight, 275 Ibs $60 00 152 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The American Champion Reversible Road Machine. In strength and durability the Champion challenges comparison with any other road machine on the market. Roots and stones and other obstructions, which would mean good, hard dollars in repairs to other machines, when brought in contact with them, have no terrors for the Champion, as it is built in such a manner as to be practically unbreakable. The American Champion is not only built systemmatically, but simply as well. Complication is a quality which is especially noticeable by its absence The user of the Champion is not obliged to provide himself with a kit of tools to be continually doctoring parts which get out of order, as we take pride in asserting that the Champion, with fair usage, will not get out of order, even after it has been in use for years. Although the American Champion is built in such a manner as to be practically unbreakable, it is not a clumsy or cumbersome machine. Its weight is about the same as that of any other four-wheeled reversible road machine, but its great strength lies in the manner of its construction, and in the materials used in its construction. It is a combination of wood, iron and steel, so nicely proportioned and so thor- oughly braced that it will stand the strain of five good teams, yet its draft is so light that in ordinary work two eood teams will operate it. The trussed frame makes it very rigid, giving it the necessary strength to withstand all shocks. The axles, main blade or mold-board, cutting-edge, semi-circle and wing-rods are of the best quality of steel. Almost all other parts are of malleable iron. THE REVERSIBLE BLADE. The importance of the reversible feature in a road machine was years ago recognized by all practical road makers. The reversing device, as employed on the American Champion, is the simplest, quickest, and easiest known, enabling the operator to quickly and easily change the blade for riarht or left action, square across the road, or to almost any angle without leaving his position on the machine. THE PITCH ADJUSTMENT. This is a very important feature, as it enables the operator to in- stantly and easily set the blade either forward or backward for plowing hard or soft soil. THE LIFTING DEVICE. This device, as used on the Champion, is the safest, easiest and quick- est ever applied to a road machine. With a counterpoise mechanism, which consists of a spring, sup- porting the weight of blade and semi-circle, we make it as easy to raise as to lower the blade. THE SHIFTING HIND AXLE- Of the many distinctive features of advantage peculiar to the American Champion Machine, the shifting hind axle is one of the most valuable The shifting hind axle insures at all times a steady motion to the machine by extra width of track, and at the same time can be instantly adjusted to bring either the right or left wheel in line with the front wheel and cutting point of blade. It will be seen that we thus get, in the front and rear wheels, a rolling landside aainst the bank, and at the same time the other hind wheel is carried beyond the furrow discharged by the blade. By in- termediate adjustment it enables clearing or deepening ditches without cutting back into bank. This feature adds at least one-third to th- caoacity and effectiveness of the machine, and no practical road of- ficial or read machine operator will fail to appreciate it. Price $825 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 153 The Steel Champion Reversible Road Machine. The Steel Champion is the leading machine of its class on the market to-day. Its extreme simplicity, great strength and consequent durability, light draft, easy and quick adjustment commend it to the every prospective purchaser, and a critical exami- nation of every detail of material and workmanship will satisfy him that it represents the highest type of road machine construction. One of the special features of the Steel Champion that we wish to impress upon the reader is its thorough convenience. It is simply constructed with no complicated parts, and is so easy of adjustment that it is more of a pleasure than a hardship to use it. In the Steel Champion it is possible to adjust the blade fully eighteen inches out- side of the line of wheels, and still retain a sharp angle, thus cutting down the banks and widening the road. As a ditcher the Steel Champion has no equal. We lift the blade from ends instead of from the center ; this lessens the draft on the machine when plowing, and also causes the blade to run steadier. Our shifting rear axle overcomes side-slipping caused by the pressure of the dirt against the bar. This is the only really simple device in use for shifting the rear axle, and it is fully covered by patents sustained by the United States Supreme Court. Not How Cheap, but How Good is the motto in the construction of the Steel Champion. Price $325 00 154 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. "Little Triumph" Wheel Scraper. One Man Drives the Team and Operates the Scraper. The bowl is made from a single plate of steel, and bent cold into the required shape. It is of superior strength and durability. THIS SCRAPER HAS AN AXLE THAT STIFFENS THE BOWL AND KEEPS IT IN PLACE. All of the material is of the best quality. fJ^F It carries the load in such a manner that no end gate is needed. It is easy to fill and easy to dump. It fills heaping full, and you get to the dump with more than twice as much dirt as you can with a drag scraper. ANYBODY CAN WORK THIS SCRAPER . This Scraper is especially recommended where the teams are light, and where dirt has to be hauled up grade. It is a most excellent general purpose Scraper, and is par- ticularly suitable for Township use. PRICE LIST. "Little Triumph," capacity 10 cubic feet, weight 370 Ibs. ,$45 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 155 The "Climax" Wheel Scraper. It has fewer parts to get out of order, fewer bearings to cause friction, and has greater lever power to raise and dump the load, than other Wheel Scrapers on which great claims have been made. In fact, it can be operated with greater ease to a man and team than any other Scraper on the market. The device to prevent the Scraper from dumping while filling is the most effectual of any in use. It does away with the objections of the hooks hanging so near the ground when the Scraper is in a dumped position, and removes the hooks from con- tact with the dirt in filling. It does not lose its load in going to the dump. All the parts are made extra strong. An ordinary team will handle one containing half a yard of earth with greater ease than it will a common drag scraper holding one-eighth of a yard ; and will make as many trips with one as the other, making an immense saving in the cost of handling earth. On hauls of 50 to 600 feet it will move earth so much cheaper than by any other known method, that it is placed beyond comparison with any other machinery or utensils in use. On hauls of from 600 to 1,400 feet, earth can be moved at one-half what it will cost to do it with wagons and shovelers, besides enabling contractors to do work which it would be impossible to get done at times when labor is scarce. It fills in any kind of soil in which the Drag Scraper will fill, does not waste, and can be used on enbankments of any height. PRICE LIST. No. 3, Capacity, 17 cubic feet, Weight, 755 Ibs $70 00 No. 2, Capacity, 13 cubic feet, Weight, 605 Ibs 60 00 156 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Slusser" Scraper. The top of the back is bent over, forming a bead which adds strength to the back, and serves as a brace to the sides of the Scraper. The bottom of the scraper is curved at the back to prevent the sticking of dirt. The bent-up portion of the bottom is riveted to the back, where no wear can come on the rivets. The steel being double where the back is riveted to the turned-up bottom, makes this scraper extra strong at the back. The runners lighten the draft, and prevent the wear from coming on the bottom of the Scraper. PRICE LIST No. 1, Capacity, % yard, (for Long Haul or Down Grade) weight 95 Ibs $9 50 No. 2, Capacity 5 cubic feet, (Common Size for Ordinary Grading) weight 90 Ibs 9 00 No. 3, Capacity 3 cubic feet, (for Light Teams) weight 85 Ibs 8 50 Haslup's Round Back Solid Pressed Scraper. Made with Runners. It is pressed from a single piece of steel, and is free from overlaps. The corners, sides and back are formed on a gradual curve, allowing the earth to run back easily and the scraper to till to its fullest capacity. It goes up embankments without catch- ing on the point, and it carries its load well either up or down hill, and is easily dumped. This scraper has a narrow flange around the back and sides, and it is so shaped as to run into the upper edge of the sides as it approaches the point. This flange is a continuation of the same plate as the scraper, and adds very much to its stiffness and strength, as well as to its carrying capacity. It is superior to any scraper pressed in two pieces and riveted together on the bottom where all the wear comes. They are furnished with our long-tried steel bales and wrought iron swivels, which are superior to any in the market. The handles are sawed tapering, and driven into sockets securely riveted on the sides. No. 1, capacity 7 cubic feet, weight 110 Ibs Price, $9 50 No. 2, capacity 5 cubic feet, weight 100 Ibs 9 00 No. 3, capacity 3> cubic feet, weight 90 Ibs " 8 50 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 157 The "Chicago" Scraper and Ditcher. Its points of superiority are obvious to any one accustomed to the use of a scraper. First It has a sharp, cutting blade. Second Having a tongue, (doubletrees and neckyoke not furnished, those of your farm wagon will suit,) it is more easily operated, and the team never gets tangled in the traces. Third It requires only one man to handle it and drive the team . Fourth It carries its load without the assistance of the holder. Fifth It delivers its load, and levels the earth in such perfect manner that little or no afterwork with shovels is required, being in that respect vastly superior to any other scraper in the market. PRICE LIST. "Chicago" Scraper, 48-inch cut, weight 120 Ibs $12 00 Wood Back Scraper. 30-inch, weight 88 Ibs Price, $7 50 158 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Fresno" All Steel Canal and Leveling Scraper. This Scraper has now been in use for eight years, and we can safely say that for leveling land and making ditches, or for moving dirt short distances, it has no equal. The shoes and cross-bars are made adjustable, and dirt can be discharged in a heap, or spread from two to ten inches in depth. The cutting blade is made of steel twelve inches in width, making the bowl very rigid and will not buckle or bend. The blade, back and sides are solidly riveted to angle steel, thus combining the greatest strength with lightness. All parts made interchangeable. The Two-Horse Scraper is made more expressly for ranch work, and is the best Scraper on earth for leveling or ditching, the result of seven years' experience in the center of irrigation. It will scatter the dirt in layers from one to twelve inches deep, and will follow up any bank the horses will climb without losing any dirt, and is so thoroughly balanced any boy can work it. It is made with solid steel bottom, all parts interchangeable. It is so well proportioned and strong, it will stop any team attached to it without breaking. For moving earth a short distance in canals or embankments, it has neither equal nor superior. PRICE LIST. Two-Horse Fresno Scraper, width, 42 inches $27 50 Four-Horse " " " 60 " 30J)0 Shuart's Land Grader. Price $60 00 Send for Circulars. Whitney's Western Tree Digger. Side View of No. 3. See next Page. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 159 Front View of No. 3. Whitney's Improved "Western" Tree Digger. One of the most important labor and time saving implements that inventive genius has enabled the nurseryman to call to his assist- ance is the Tree Digger. The removal of trees from the nursery by the old methods is, at best, not only slow, laborious and expensive, but frequently carelessness and inexperience on the part of the hired hands result in injury and loss of stock. The Western Tree Digger, which we here offer, is made with special refer- ence to strength and durability, being made of the very best material, and is of superior work- manship. The cutting blade is of solid "Tool" cast steel, five-sixteenths of an inch thick and fourteen inches wide, with holes in the sides to raise or lower beams, to gauge the depth ac- cording to the size of trees to be dug. The machine will do the work of twenty men, and do it better, quicker, and more satisfactorily, getting better and more roots than is possible with a spade. The roots are cut smoothly and of even length, which makes packing into cases and bales much easier and more economical. With two horses and a Western Tree Digger, from thirty to forty thousand 2-year old trees can be dug or root pruned in one day, and from twenty to thirty of 3 or 4-year olds, and very much better than by hand, as the roots are cut smoothly and of even length. One man can pull out such class of trees as are wanted (thereby saving cost of heeling in), and have balance stand another year, if necessary. In clearing up old nursery grounds it is a success ; 7 and 8-year old apple trees have been dug with this machine and four horses. As a Root Primer it has proven very valuable, especially in evergreens, where fibrous roots are desirable, as running the Digger under them has the same effect as transplanting, with no loss and great benefits, and it is now used by most nurserymen for that purpose. Use No. 1 or No. 2 for above purposes. No. 3 is made specially for digging hedge plants, seedlings and other small stock. No. 4 is particularly designed for taking up grape vines. It is so constructed that it lifts the plants up and out of the ground, so that one man or boy can go along and pick up the plants without the aid of a spade or other tool. The depth is regulated by rais- ing or lowering the beam, as may be required. PRICE LIST. No. 1 Machine, width of cut, 27 inches, depth, 18 inches, weight, 150 Ibs $45 00 No. 2 " " " 18 " " 18 " ' 120" 4000 No. 3 " " " 16 " " 18 " " 140" 4500 No. 4 " " " 27 " " 18 " " 175" 5000 (Nos. 3 and 4 only are supplied with Coulter.) 160 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Henley Monarch Fence Machine. The leading Fence Machine in the market, and the only practical one that makes the fence in the field wherever wanted. It has beet thoroughly tested, and univer- sally approved by farmers everywhere as the best Fence Machine in use. It makes a fence practical for all purposes, combining the elements of strength, symmetry, saving of labor, protection to crops, perfectly available for stock purposes for the farmer, and proof against rabbits and poultry for nurserymen, gardeners and vine-growers ; and above all, a fence that can be made at a cost that brings it within the reach of all. The journals, bearings, and all wearing parts of the iron work of the Monarch Fence Machine are not put together in the rough, as they come from the moulders' hands at the foundry, (as is done in the manufacture of other and inferior machines,) but all the iron journals, bearings and wearing parts on the improved Henley Mon- arch Fence Machine are turned on lathes, and fitted perfectly by first-class me- chanics, thus making superior work, and the easiest running and most durable Fence Machine in the market. Absolute perfection has been attained in the widely-known and popular Henley's Improved Monarch Fence Machine; and which is now, with the valuable improve- ments lately made on it, a perfect fence machine, making a fence embracing all the desirable qualities named above. Thousands of testimonials show its absolute superiority. There are other light, frail machines which attempt to make a fence somewhat similar to the Monarch ; but they have proved worthless, and are complete failures as compared with the Improved Monarch, and are being rapidly driven out of the market. Price $30 00 SEND FOR SPECIAL CIRCULAR WITH DIRECTIONS FOR USING. SAN FKANCTSCO, CAL. 161 The accompanying cut represents the manner in which the tower is made and erected, and also shows the manner of anchoring the foot of the tower, and with Mill erected thereon, showing how it becomes an ornament to any farm or home. The manner of putting on bands and braces is our idea to add strength. It has been clearly demonstrated in storms since steel towers have been used, that they do not break off, but that one side kinks, the other lays over, and it closes down like a person closing a knife. This is caused by the long, open space between each set of bands, and the braces used are of little benefit to it; while by our means of bracing the long space be- tween bands is done away with, and it is impossible for it to kink and close to- gether. The tower is made with four corner posts, these being of Angle Steel, the bands and braces of Channel Steel, all parts being fitted with punches and dies by ternplit so that they fit exact, and all a workman needs to erect is ham- mer, punch and wrench. The ladder is securely made and all ready to bolt on, and is one of safety, being far preferable to the short steps on the corner posts. The bands and braces of tower are se- curely riveted together before leaving factory, all other parts being put toge- ther with bolts. All parts of tower are galvanized, and taking the tower and wheel together no prettier sight can be seen upon a farm. "Perkins" Galvanized Steel Windmill. PRICE LIST. Number Diameter of Wheel Price. Description. Weight. Horse Power. 5 6 t* 8 8 feet 10 feet 12 feet 14 feet $ 50 00 70 00 90 00 110 00 Geared Back. Direct Action. Direct Action. Direct Action. 350 Ibs. 450 Ibs. 600 Ibs. 800 Ibs. r^\ rH^ T-H rH (M (M Horse. Horse. Horse. Horse. " Perkins " Galvanized Steel Towers. PRICE LIST. 30-foot Tower (Angle Steel), Anchors and Ladder. For 8 and 10-foot Mills, weight 450 Ibs " 12 " 14-foot " " 700" . $45 00 . 60 00 162 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Is Simple and Strong. Powerful in Operation- Contains Covered Internal Gearing. As builders of the first and for many years the only metal wind engine in the United States, the manufacturers of the Columbia Steel Wind Mill offered with the opening of the Columbian year 1892, a wind engine constructed on advanced lines, unique in appearance and opera- tion, and which will stand as a model of excellence only attained by those who have given years to the development of Columbia Steel Wind Mill. a single undertaking. It will be noted that the Columbia Steel Mill is the only one on the market orig- inal in its design, and harmonious in all its parts. It is the evolution of a new and practical principle in accord throughout from conception to completion. It is not made up piece-meal of parts pirated from others, without regard to their adaptation to each other, or their utility when combined as a whole. The frame of the wheel is constructed of drawn steel rods, the spokes bracing in both directions from the rim, which is directly over the center of the hub, allowing a degree of elasticity and rendering it impossible for the wheel to collapse in any di- rection. PRICE LIST. 8^ Foot Columbia Mill, Weight 300 Ibs $45 00 10K " " " " 350 Ibs.. . 55 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 163 IRON TURBINE Is constructed entirely of steel and iron, after years of scientific ex- perimenting and a close study of the action of wind currents on surfaces of varying curves and angles, at rest and in motion. The result is a Wheel, of which each section is a combination of curved and spiral surface, combined to secure the greatest supporting strength, and the best possible angle to the wind, thus securing the maxi- mum of power for a given sized wheel. The buckets are supported by TWO sets of spokes, and are secured toge- ther with stay rods and to a truss cir- cle uniting them in a strong and sym- metrical wheel. The hub is clamped to the main shaft with a heavy bolt, and secured by the use of two set screws having lock-nuts. The hub is hollow and projects back over the bearing in which the main shaft runs, bringing the weight of the wheel squarely over the supporting box of main shaft, and preventing any sag of the wheel, or uneven wear 'of the Iron Turbine Wind Mill. boxes. It is powerful and long lived. The Turntable is supported on steel rollers, on top of the bed plate, giving the greatest freedom to face the wind. The governing device is very simple. In a light wind the wheel, which is set a little to one side of the center of the turntable, faces the wind squarely, but as the wind increases it is forced back to an angle nearer in line with the vane. This ten- dency is counteracted by the weight of the vane acting on a gradually increasing lever- age, produced by the shape and position of the eccentric casting around which the vane chain passes. To secure any desired speed it is only necessary to adjust the posi- tion of the eccentric casting with reference to increasing or decreasing the leverage with which the weight of the vane acts. The Gearing consists of an internal gear and pinion. The latter is on the inner end of the main shaft, and acts upon the large gear to which is attached the wrist pin, which is adjustable for 8% or 5-inch stroke. This internal gear avoids the back lash, so common in spur gears, and gives a normal speed to the pump, while the wheel is allowed to reach its greatest power. The wheel making two revolutions to each stroke of the pump, more than doubles the power on any given length of stroke. PRICE LIST BACK GEARED. No. 1, 8J ft. Turbine Mill, weight 450 Ibs. . . .$50 00 No. 2, 10 ft. " " 500 " .... 65 00 No. 3, 12 ft. Turbine Mill, weight 700 Ibs. . . .$90 00 12 ft. " " (direct action) .... 80 00 164 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Buckeye Double Acting Force Pumps. With Patent Brass Valve Seat. For Hand and Windmill Use. No. 75. 3-inch Cistern Pump. For Shallow Wells. No. 70. 3-inch Cistern Pump. For Prices see List on next Page. Send for full Pump Catalogue. For Deep Wells. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 165 Price List of Buckeye Force Pumps. FOR HAND USE For Wells Under 26 Feet Deep Plain. 3- Way Cock No. 201 has a 3-inch cylinder, 5^ feet below the platform $14 00 $16 00 No. 204 " 3> " 5}J " '" " 1600 1850 No. 254 " 4 5> " 1700 1950 For Wells from 26 to 30 Feet Deep No. 202 has a 3-inch cylinder, 9j^ feet below platform $15 50 $17 50 No. 205 " 3^ " 9^ " " " 1750 2000 For Wells from 30 to 40 Feet Deep No. 220 with 4-inch porcelain-lined lower cylinder $19 50 $22 00 No. 216 " 3^ " 1700 1950 For Wells Over 70 Feet Deep for Hand Use No. 217 with 2^-inch porcelain-lined lower cylinder $15 00 $17 00 No. 217 " 2>xl3-inch brass cylinder 16 00 18 00 FOR WIND ENGINE USE For Wells Under 26 Feet Deep No. 225 has a 3-inch cylinder, 5} feet below platform $15 00 $17 00 No. 240 " 3> " 5^ " " " 1700 1950 No. 255 " 4 " 5^ " " " 1800 2050 No. 257 " 5 5} " " " 3000 3300 For Wells from 26 to 3O Feet Deep No. 230 has a 3-inch cylinder, 9^ feet below platform $16 50 $18 50 No. 245 " 3^ " 9^ " 1900 2150 For Wells from 30 to 40 Feet Deep With Wind Engine Tops No. 222 with 4-inch porcelain-lined lower cylinder $20 50 $23 00 No. 238 " 4& " ' " " " 1800 2050 No. 238 " 3Kxl3-inch brass cylinder 19 00 21 50 For Wells from 30 to 50 Feet Deep With Wind Engine Tops No. 237 with 3-inch porcelain-lined lower cylinder $16 00 $18 00 No. 237 " 3xl3-inch " " 17 00 19 00 No. 70 3-inch cistern pump $ 9 00 No. 753 " " * " 1200 BUCKEYE CASING PUMPS FOR HAND USE For Wells Under 26 Feet Deep No. 401 3-inch enameled cylinder, capped inside, 5} feet below platform $14 00 No. 401 3 " brass " 5> " " " 1600 For 4-Inch and Larger Drilled Wells, from 30 to 50 Feet Deep No. 415 with 3xl3-inch porcelain-lined lower cylinder, capped inside. . . .$15 00 No. 415 " 3x18 " " " " " " 1600 For 3^-Inch and Larger Drilled Wells, from 30 to 7O Feet Deep No. 418 with 2}^xl3-inch porcelain-lined lower cylinder, capped inside $15 00 No. 418 " 2^x18 " " " " " 1600 For 3-Inch and Larger Drilled Wells, from 50 to 150 feet Deep No. 417 with 2Xxl3-inch porcelain- lined lower cylinder, capped inside $15 00 No. 417 " 2)^x18 " " " " " " 1600 FOR WIND ENGINE USE For 4-Inch and Larger Drilled Wells, from 30 to 50 feet Deep With Wind Engine Tops No. 437 with 3xl3-inch porcelain-lined lower cylinder, capped inside $16 00 No. 437 " 3x18 " " " 1700 For 3 K -Inch and Larger Drilled Wells, from 30 to 70 feet Deep No, 436 with 2>^xl3-inch porcelain-lined lower cylinder, capped inside $16 00 No. 436 " 2)^x18 " " " " 1700 For 3-Inch and Larger Drilled Wells, from 50 to 15O Feet Deep No. 439 with 2^x1 3-inch porcelain-lined lower cylinder, capped inside $16 00 No. 439 " 2^x18 " " " ' " 1700 BUCKEYE FIRE PUMP FOR HANDOR WIND ENGINE For Wells under 25 feet Deep No. 100 Fire pump, 5-in. double enameled cylinder, tapped for 2)in. suction pipe, $40 00 NOTE. All 3-inch cylinders, or smaller, fitted for 1^-inch pipe. All 3^-inch cylinders fitted for 1^- inch pipe. All 4-inch cylinders fitted for 2-inch pipe All pumps are priced without suction pipe. If p top of platform to bottom of well, and depth of water in well in dry season. All pumps are priced without suction pipe. If pipe is wanted, state so in order, giving depth from 166 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. When Closed. When Open. "Nellis." When Open. Single Harpoon Fork. Double Harpoon Fork. Price, 11 Ibs. each $3 00 Price, 18 Ibs. each, $2 00 Grapple Hay Forks. Price, 4 Tines. . , $ 8 00 Price, 6 Tines 10 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 167 Jackson Light Weight Horse Fork. PRICE LIST-JACKSON FORK. 3-foot, with four Tines, very light, for hay, each ............. ................ $12 50 3K 4, and 4> feet, with four-Tines, for Threshing machines and stacking, each, 15 00 5K ^et, with six Tines, for light heading or large loads, each ................... 20 00 Extra Fork Tines (steel) ...................................................... 2 PRICE LIST-MYERS FORK. , with four Tines, each .............. ................................... $15 00 5-foot, " " " " ................................................. 20 00 Iron Pulley Blocks. Blocks, complete, each $4 00 Sheaves for same, each 2 00 Sides, each 1 50 Hook or Bolt, each 50 These Pulleys are extra large and strong, the Sheaves being 9 inches in diameter, having a deep groove, and a large throat through the block which will allow a knot or splice to pass through freely. 168 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Porter's One- Way Carrier. This represents the original Porter One- Way Carrier. It locks direct on the rope r and can be used as a sling carrier, with two trip pulleys. It is made for 4x4 track. It was the first successful Hay Carrier ever produced, and its reliability, good qualities , and successful operations are attested by the number sold and in use in all parts of the United States. Porter "One-Way" Carrier, weight 22^ Ibs. Price $6 00 Porter's Champion Carrier. This Carrier works either on rod or cable track. Is used in the field for stacking. Is one of the oldest and most, successful field Carriers ever produced. It can be used in the barn, but is specially adapted for work in the field. Porter ' 'Champion" Rod or Rope Carrier, weight 17 Ibs. Price $6 00 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY The Porter Adjustable and Reversible Carrier. The Porter Reversible Carrier is a perfect One-Way Carrier, and has all the prin_ ciples in it of the old Porter Carrier, excepting it has a different lock. If you wish to take the hay in at the end of the barn, string carrier just the same as a one-way car- rier, placing a stop on track so that it will not run off track at the end where the hay is taken in, as well as the opposite end of the track. This carrier can be adjusted to fit a 2x4, 4x4, or, in fact, any size track you wish to use. If you use a 2x4 track, drop the arms D down on the carrier, so that the bolt rests on the bottom of the slot in the carrier, then tighten the nuts solid. It is the only carrier that can be adjusted to fit any size track. No more fussing and planing the track to make it fit the carrier, but you can adjust the carrier in three minutes to fit any size track, from 2x4 to a plump 4x4, a great advantage over all others. It is a perfect reversible. Will work either way from the stop without changing carrier on the track. In fact, you can take one fork full to the right, and the next to the left, if you wish, by using an endless draft rope. It is made entirely of malleable iron, and is very simple in construction. It has no springs to get out of repair. Anybody can handle it. It runs on four large wheels. Porter adjustable Reversible Carrier, weight', 27 Ibs. Price $6 00 170 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 171 New "Leader" Reversible Hay Carrier. Bod or Cable. This Carrier is perfectly simple in its construction, and will work either way from the stop without changing on the track. The only Carrier that will do this on Rod and cable. It is strong, well made, and will render satisfaction in every case, when properly used. It has but one piece in the lock, and is a perfect Reversible Carrier, working either way from the stop without changing on the track. It is made of the best malleable iron, and will stand as much as the heaviest cast- iron carrier made. By using the Reversible Carrier, you will save all the trouble of changing your carrier on the track, and changing the stop, etc., which is certainly worth more than the price of the carrier. The above cut shows Patented Swinging Stop Block, Loose Sleeve for Cable Hay Carriers, which will always hang straight to let the Carrier pass, even if the cable twists. "Leader " Rod or Cable Carrier, weight 23 Ibs., price $6 00 172 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. "Milwaukee" Improved Reversible Wood Track Hay Carrier. This Carrier will run on 4x4 or you can use a 3x4 or 2x4, by bolting a piece of wood underneath stoplock, so that where stop is bolted it will be four inches, and will work either way from the stop without change as it will pass the stop to right or left as well. All that is necessary to work it either way is to draw the main rope through, and hitch to the end extending to the direction you wish to draw your hay. The knot in the other end of the rope will hold it firmly, as it rests against the carrier. The lock is composed of two parts only, and is perfect in its working. Being a positive lock there is no guess work about it. It is made of the best malleable iron, and neatly finished. It is much lighter and easier handled than the heavy, cast-iron carrier. DIRECTIONS FOR PUTTING UPAND OPERATING WOOD TRACK CARRIERS. The track may be hard wood or pine scantling, 4x4, dressed to 3% inches in width. If not convenient to get this size or the full length, 2x4 or 3x4 may be used, by nail, ing a piece on where the stop is placed, so as to fit the carrier and operate the lock properly. If 4x4 track is used one hanging hook to each third rafter will do; but if lighter track is used every second rafter should have a hook. Always put an extra hook over the load near the stop. Use %-inch manilla rope, as it is the best size, and will wear better than heavier rope. " Milwaukee " Reversible Carrier, weight 28 Ibs, price $6 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 173 Iron Pulley. 5-inch Iron Sheave Loose Pin, with spring key. The neatest style as yet in- troduced ; strong and durable. Price (4 Ibs.) each $0 30 Wood Pulley. 6-inch, Maple Sheave Swivel Pulley, -inch Loose Pin. Price (3)6 Ibs.) each $0 30 Large Hollow Pin, self-oiler, Maple Sheave, and strong Iron frame. The Standard. Price (3) Ibs.) each. . . . .$0 40 Malleable Frame Knot Passing Pulleys. Wood Sheave. Self-Oiler. This Pulley will allow a knot to pass. Price (3% Ibs.) each.. ..$0 40 174 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Straight Hanging Hook. Before being bent, 14 inches long. n u 16 it a -^g After being bent each is 2 inches shorter. Price (1 lb.), each. ., $0 10 %-lnch Floor Hook. Rafter Bracket. Price (1J lb.), each $0 10 Price, per doz ,$2 00 Rope Hitch, Price (\y z Ibs.), per doz. 50 Price Grapple (Steel). Ibs.), each ............... $0 75 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 175 End Clevises. Loose Pin. No. 3360. 1 inch inside measure. 4 inches extreme length. No. 3365. inch inside measure. inches extreme length. No. 3370.% inch inside measure. 4# inches extreme length. Plow Clevises. O. O. Three-horse Wood Beam Clevis, complete. For 3-inch beam. 4K inches from center to center of beam holes. 10 holes in cross clevis. At Market Rates. 176 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Clevises. Bound Pin. B No. 3380. 2 inches inside measure. " extreme length. B No. 3525 2% C D E 2% 2% 2% 7 4 7% 8H 677 2>^ inch beam. 3% inches from center of wrench to center of pin, 1% inches extreme length. 6 holes. Wing- Breaker. No. 3550. 2> 2% inch beam. 4^ 4% inches from center of wrench to center of pin. 8K 9K inches extreme length. At Market Rates. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 177 Clevises. A B No. 3460. 2 2 inches inside measure. 4K % " extreme length, No. 3465. Straight Bibbed Pattern. inches inside measure. 5K inches extreme length. No. 3385.!% 5 inches inside measure. " extreme length, At Market Kates. 178 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. "Gem" Plow Doubletrees and Singletrees. Davis' Patent Hooks. Below we give cuts of the best Eveners made. The principal advantages are as follows : The trace cannot unhook of itself. It is easier attached and detached than other hooks. The connection is closer, and has less shake and rattle. The bearing is better and more durable than any other. It forms a perfect guard against catching on anything it strikes in passing, a point of great advantage to all fruit groivers, as the hook will not mar tender trees like other hooks. The "Gem" Singletrees. PRICE LIST. Length.. 18 in. 22 in. 26 in. 28 in. Price.. .50 .50 .55 .55 'Gem" Plow Doubletrees. Davis' Safety Connection. Doubletree, 3x36 in., or 3x38 in.) Per g t . ht 15 lbs Singletree, 23^x30 in. f No Open Links Required. $2 50 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 179 Vineyard Singletrees (Hook), Inches ........................ 22 in. 24 in. Price . . .75 .75 Plow Singletrees (Clipped), Inches 20 in. 24 in. Price . . Inches. Price . . .50 30 in. .70 .55 32 in. .75 30 in, .90 26 in. .60 34 in. .80 32 in. .90 28 in. .65 36 in. .85 Plow Doubletree Bars. Inches 36 in . 38 in. Price . . .65 .65 40 in. .65 Plow Doubletrees (Complete), Price 42 in. .65 Oval Plow Doubletrees (Hook). Inches 32 in. 34 in. 36 in. 40 in. heavy Price $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.25 ,$3 00 180 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, Wagon Neck Yokes. Neck Yokes, Ironed, Complete, Each , Wagon Doubletrees. ,$1 25 Wagon Singletrees, Norway Clipped, 36-inch, Each " Doubletree Bars only, Ironed, not Painted, Each, 1 ' Doubletrees, Complete, Painted, per Set of Three .$1 25 . 2 00 5 00 Lead Bars. California Lead Bars, per Set Eastern " " Light, per Set. Heavy, " . .$4 50 3 00 . 3 50 Stretchers. California Stretchers, Wood Spreader, per Set. " " Gas-pipe " " , $4 50 . 5 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 181 Doubletree. Three=Horse Equalizer. Four=Horse=Abreast Equalizer. MOLINE,ILL. Four=Horse Evener and Lead Rod. PRICE LIST Singletrees, pair $1 20 Doubletrees, complete 3 50 " with Rod for lead horses 4 50 Three-Horse Equalizer 5 00 Four-Horse " 7 50 and Lead Rod 8 00 Rod with Chain for lead horses 2 00 Main Evener for Three-Horse Equalizer 60 Short " " " " 50 Main " " Four-Horse " 100 Short " " 50 182 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Belle City Bolster Spring. We warrant these Springs to carry without breakage up to their stenciled capacity and will for one year after date of shipment, send the parties buying our Springs any part of the Spring which may break. Please be particular in describing breakage that we may know what part to send. PRICE LIST. No. 2^5000 Ibs. capacity $10 00 No. 3 6000 " " . 11 00 No. 4 8,000 Ibs. capacity $13 00 No. 510,000 " " 15 00 In ordering give the distance between Bolster Stakes. The "Howard" Patent Adjustable Bolster Spring. These Springs raise the Wagon Bed less than five inches. 25,000 sets in use. Their success established throughout the United States. This celebrated Wagon Spring is without doubt the only reliable Bolster Spring manufac- tured ; and is the only portable Bolster Spring that will transform a common farm wagon into an easy platform spring, to ride easy with or without a load. Examine the cuts, and note the principle of its construction. The center springs, for heavy use, are the old, reliable, elliptic, oil-tempered steel, which prevents any strain upon the bolster stakes. They are complete as sold ; and require no alteration of the wagon in applying them to bolsters. Give them a trial; they will prove to be the best in- vestment you ever made. Just the thing for Fruit Raisers. Springs warranted to carry to their full capacity. In ordering, please specify size, 42 or 44 inch. PRICE LIST. 1,000 Ibs. capacity, 42 or 44 in 1,500 Ibs. capacity, 42 or 44 in 2,000 Ibs. capacity, 42 or 44 in 2,500 Ibs. capacity, 42 or 44 in. 3,000 Ibs. capacity, 42 or 44 in $ 7 00 , 8 00 , 9 00 10 00 12 00 4,000 Ibs. capacity, 42 or 44 in. . .$13 00 5,000 Ibs. capacity, 42 or 44 in. . . 14 00 6,000 Ibs. capacity, 42 or 44 in. .. 15 00 8,000 Ibs. capacity, 42 or 44 in. . . 16 50 10,000 Ibs. capacity, 42 or 44 in. . . 18 00 Extra Coil Springs for 1.000 and 2,000 Ibs. capacity, each $0 50 Extra Coil Springs for 3,000 and 4,000 Ibs. capacity, each 060 Extra Coil Springs for 5,000 and 6,000 Ibs. capacity, each 75 Extra Coil Springs for 8,000 and 10,000 Ibs. capacity, each 1 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 183 Binder Twine. We quote at present two different grades of Binder Twine, all of which are Insect-prepared and Mildew-proof, and of highest tensile strength, viz: (1) Manilla. (Pure.) (2) Standard (mixed Manilla and Sisal, > and KO We have for several years handled binding twine in large quantities, and will continue to do so. Our twine in the past has given excellent sat- isfaction, and dealers may rest assured that if they place their orders with us they will get a good ar- ticle, as we buy only from first-class mills. Our Grades are the best made, and we shall be pleased to mail samples and quote prices on application. Our prices will be found as low as the lowest, quality considered. Binder Twine Bale Ties. Washbnrn & Moen Mfg. Co.'s Patent Steel Bailing Ties, NEW REDUCED LIST OF PRICES PER BUNDLE. MADE FROM TESTED STEEL WIRE AND FULLY WARRANTED. e No. 16 Wire No. 15 Wire No. 14 Wire boJJ 250 Ties in 250 Ties in 250 Ties in I each bundl^f each bundle. each bundle. 6j^ $2 43 $2 49 $3 09 7 2 55 2 66 3 30 7M 2 62 2 74 3 41 7/^2 2 68 2 83 3 50 \ 7/^ 2 75 2 91 3 61 8 2 82 2 99 3 71 Ql/ 2 87 3 08 3 82 iP 2 94 3 16 3 92 3 01 3 25 4 02 9 * 3 07 3 33 4 12 9// 3 14 3 41 4 23 9> 3 20 3 50 4 33 SUITABLE FOR ALL STYLES & SIZES OF HAY PRESSES. 184 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "Lansing" Hand Cart. The above Carts are neat and durable, and are much superior to a Wheelbarrow for use of painters, masons, bill posters, carpenters, etc. They are also quite handy for use in orchard, vineyard and garden, and for marketing. Number. Height of Size of Wheels. Axle. Size of Box, Inside. Weight. Price. Length. Width. Depth. *No. No. 1 No. 2 *No. 7 42 inches. 1 inch. 36 inches. ; % inch. 30 inches. % inch. 36 inches. 1 % inch. 48 inch. 40 inch. 32 inch. 40 inch. 28 inch. 24 inch. 20 inch. 24 inch. 10 inch. 10 inch. 9 inch. 10 inch. 100 Ibs. 901bs. 80 Ibs. 100 Ibs. $20 00 12 50 10 00 1500 * The No. 7 Cart only has Springs. No. Cart has high Wheels and straight Handles. The "Sandwich" Barrel Cart. With9ut Barrel. A convenient article at moderate price. With it you are not limited to the use of a single barrel, but can have as many as desired, the extra sets of barrel irons costing but little, and being readily attached to any oil barrel. When these irons are placed on barrels, the cart may be quickly detached from one and used to transport another, not being permanently attached to either. The illustra- tion makes clear the method of attaching to and lifting a barrel. The long handles give good leverage, making easy work of picking up a heavy barrel, and depositing where wanted. A good box is furnished with this cart. It is easily put on and adds greatly to the range of usefulness. PRICE LIST. Sandwich Cart, with Box and one set Barrel Irons $15 00 Extra Barrel Irons, per set 1 50 Size of Box, 24x39x7^ inches. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 185 Dump Carts. IRON AXLE DUMP CARTS. Size of Arms and Skeins. Size of Tires. Diameter of Wheels. Dimensions of Body. Capacity. Weight. Price. Length Inside. Width Inside. Height Inside. 2x10 Iron Axle 3x^ 4ft. Tin. 5 feet. 40 in. 12 in. 4,000 Ibs. 875 Ibs. $75 00 Vineyard and Farm Carts. Especially adapted to Vineyard and Barn work, with wide tires narrow track. Light, strong, and made of the best material. Measures 4 feet 6 inches from point of hub to point of hub, which enables it to be used in any place on a Vineyard or Farm where an ordinary cart or wagon cannot ; and the side boards being high it carries a larger load than a cart. " Iron Axle " Vineyard Cart, with 4-inch Tire $85 00 186 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. John Burg Half Spring Wagon. Axle 1% inch; tire 1)^ inch. Capacity 1200 pounds. Sarven wheels. Bed, length 8^ feet, width 38 inches. Fitted with roller brake spring seat, with lazy back and pole or shafts as desired. Price . . . . $100 00 Flint One-Horse Wagon. Steel axle 1 14 inch ; Sarven wheels, 1^ inch tire. Capacity 1,000 pounds. Bed, length 9 feet, width 36 inches. Has double box, lower one 9 inches deep, top one 6} inches deep. Fitted with brake, shafts and spring seat. Furnished with or without half springs. Price, without springs $85 00 Price, with springs 90 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Schuttler's Half Spring Market Wagon. Size of Thim- Height of Wheels. Size of Tires. Dimensions of Body. Size ol Half Spr'gs. Capac- ity. Wgt. Price. Arm of Iron Front Axle. Hind. Length. Width Height Feet. In. 2^x7^ Skein. 1 3 8 I>sx8 Iron Axle! 3 8 Feet. In. 4 4 4 5 In. l&xfc l^x^ Ft. In. 8 6 9 Ft. In 3 4% 3 4^ In. io 10& Leaves. 2^x4 2^x5 Lbs. 1,500 2,000 I/DS. 800 830 1 120 00 130 00 The above prices of Wagons with Beds include One Spring Seat, Pole, Singletrees, Doubletrees and Neck Yoke [or Shafts], Brake, and Wrench. If Half-Springs are not required, a deduction of $10.00 is made from price of complete Wagon. Schuttler's 4-Spring Market Wagon. With Four Half-Spring's Fastened to Bolsters, as shown in Cut. Size of Thimble Skein and Iron Axle. Height of Wheels Sizes of Tires Dimensions of Body. Size of Springs. Capacity. Weight Price. Front. Hind. Length Width. Height 2^x7^ Th. Skein. l^sxS Iron Axle.. . 3ft. Sin. 3ft. Sin. 4ft. 4in. 4ft. 5in. iKx 1 ^ Ifcxfc 8ft.6in. 9ft. 3 ft.4^ in 3 ftA l / 2 in 10^ in. W l / 2 in. 2x3 leaves 2x31eaves 1,500 Ibs. 2,000 Ibs. 830 Ibs. 860 Ibs. $125 00 135 00 The above prices of Wagons with Beds include one Spring Seat, Pole, Singletrees, Doubletrees and Neck Yoke [or Shafts], Brake and Wrench. A deduction of $10.00 is made if the above Wagons with Beds are bought without Springs. 188 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. All Steel "Handy" Truck. This Truck is built entirely of steel, excepting the pole. It is more durable and weighs less than any other gear made. The draft is light, as there is no spring in axles. Wheels always track, and the load is carried on plumb spokes, which increases the life of the wheel. No bolts, nuts or wood used in its construction. It has renew- able steel skeins and boxes. Hounds and braces are angle steel, riveted to axles. Warranted to carry 4000 Ibs., and any axle or bolster proving defective in material or workmanship will be replaced free of charge. Fruit men will find this just the thing for them. Front wheels are 30; hind 34 inches high, with 4-inch heavy tire. They will not spoil roads or cut up your land. PRICE LIST. All Steel "Handy" Truck, weight 640 Ibs ,$60 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 189 The Schuttler Improved Tubular Axle Wagon. This represents the very latest, and, in many respects, the most important im- provement that has ever been effected in metal axle wagons, whether with solid iron axles, or hollow steel tubes. The cut shows its application to the popular " National Tubular Axles," in which it entirely supersedes the grooved wooden axle-stock, and in its stead insures an even bearing, as well as a firm, direct and positive connection between bolster and axle. The Schuttler improvement consists of a patent re-enforcing sleeve driven onto each end of the axle, leaving flat bearings, to which the Bolster on hind Gear, and Sand Board on front Gear, are firmly clipped, thus doing away with the wooden axle- stock, and making a perfect truss, thereby insuring nearly double the strength of the old style Tubular Axles. Patent Stool Collar. Now applied to all our Steel Skein Wagons of 5,000 Ibs. Capacity and over. The above cut represents one of the latest and most important improvements ever applied to heavy steel skein wagons. It consists, as will be seen, of a specially shaped malleable iron collar on the skeins, which has a flat bearing surface or "stool" on top, to which the ends of the hind bolster (and the sand-board on the front gear) are firmly clipped. The result is, that the front axle and sand-board or the rear axle and bolster form each a perfect and solid truss thereby successfully attaining a feature in wagon building that has been vainly sought for during the past twenty-five years. For Price Lists, see Page 191. 190 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPAiNY Schuttler Iron Axle Farm Gears With Doubletrees, Neckyoke, Stay Chains and Wrench. Header Gear. PRICE LIST-JOHN BTJRG HEADER GEARS. Size of Arm. iy 2 in. Tire. 3 in. Tire. 4 in. Tire Estimated Weight. 2 in. Tire. Estimated Capacity. Diameter of Wheels Front. Hind. l%x 9 Steel Axle $100 00 110 00 85 00 90 00 $105 00 115 00 90 00 95 00 $115 00 125 00 100 00 105 00 850 Ibs. 970 " 770 " 810 " 3500 Ibs. 5000 " 4000 " 5000 " 3 feet < i t% 3 ft. 6 in. i ( 1 1 2 xlO " 3^x10 Steel Skein 3^x11 " See Price Lists on Page 191. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. 191 Old Reliable Schuttler Wagons. PRICE LIST OF SCHTJTTLER WAGONS-FARM GEARS. DESCRIPTION. PRICE LIST OF GEARS ONLY. Estimated Weight. 2 in. Tire. Estimated Capacity. Diameter of Wheels 2 in. Tire, ^% in. Tire. 3 in. Tire. 4 in. Tire. Front Hind. l%x 8 Steel Axle.... l^x 8 l%x 9 l%x 9 l%x 9K 2 xlO 2^x11 2>^xl2 2^x 8 Tubular Axle . 2%x 9 2%xlO 2%xll 31^x12 3^x12 2%x 8 Steel Skein . . . 3x9 3^x10 3^x11 3%xl2 xl2 $ 95 00 100 00 105 00 112 50 120 00 130 00 160 00 195 00 95 00 100 00 110 00 120 00 140 00 170 00 85 00 92 50 100 00 110 00 125 00 140 00 $100 00 105 00 110 00 117 50 125 00 135 00 165 00 200 00 100 00 105 00 115 00 125 00 145 00 175 00 90 00 97 50 105 00 115 00 130 00 145 00 $ $ 700 Ibs. 725 775 850 900 1000 1200 1500 650 775 875 950 1075 1200 650 675 775 850 1000 1100 1500 Ibs. 2000 " 2500 " 3500 " 4000 " 5000 " 7000 " 9000 " 2500 " 3000 " 4000 " 5000 ' 6000 ' 7000 ' 2500 ' 3000 ' 4000 ' 5000 ' 6000 ' 8000 ' 3 ft. 8 in. 3 ft. 9 in. t( K i ( u 4ft. 3 ft .8 in. 3 ft. 9 in. t ( I 3 ft. 8 in. 3 ft. 9 in. <( ii 4 ft. 5 in. 4 ft. 7 in. ii < t n it 5ft. 4 ft. 5 in. < t 4 ft. 7 in. ( ii 4 ft. 5 in. < 4ft. 7 in. (i 110 00 U5 00 122 50 130 00 140 00 170 00 205 00 i32'50 140 00 150 00 180 00 215 00 110 00 120 00 130 00 150 00 180 00 iio 66 160 00 190 00 102 50 110 00 120 00 135 00 150 00 120 00 130 00 145 00 160 00 HEADER GEARS. 2^ in. Tire. Sin. Tire. 4 in. Tire. Estimated Weight. IV* in.Tire Estimated Capacity. Diameter of Wheels Front Hind. l%x 9 Steel Axle.... l%x 9^ " .... 2 xlO " .... 2J4xll " .... 3^x10 Steel Skein... 3^x11 2%xlO Tubular Axle . 2%xll " . $100 00 105 00 110 00 130 00 85 00 90 00 100 00 105 00 $105 00 110 00 115 00 135 00 90 00 95 00 105 00 110 00 $115 00 120 00 125 00 145 00 100 00 105 00 115 00 120 00 850 Ibs. 900 ' 970 ' 1100 ' 770 ' 810 ' 850 " 950 " 3500 Ibs. 4000 " 5000 " 6000 " 4000 " 5000 " 4500 " 5500 " 3 ft. 2 in. 3 ft. 7 in. i i California Rack Bed List. 11 ft. $45 00. 12 ft. $50.00. 14 ft. $55 00. 16 ft. $60 00- Where Beds are wanted add Price of Bed to Price of Gear to get price of com- plete wagon. See cuts of Gears on Pages 189 and 190. 192 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. 'Schuttler" Wagon Wheel List. Farm Gears. Prices of Farm Gear Wheels. Weight. Size. | Tires. Each Front Wheel Each Hind Wheel Wheels (per Set) Wheels, per Set. (Thimble Skein.) 2% in. 2 in. $11 25 $12 25 $47 00 325 Ibs. 2% in. 12 50 13 50 52 00 400 Ibs. 3 in. 2 in. 11 75 12 75 49 00 360 Ibs. 2> in. 13 00 14 00 54 00 420 Ibs. 3 in. 14 25 15 25 59 00 480 Ibs. 3^in. 2 in. 12 75 13 75 53 00 415 Ibs. 2Kin. 14 00 15 00 58 00 480 Ibs. 3 in. 15 25 16 25 63 00 550 Ibs. 3K in. 2 in. 13 25 14 75 56 00 485 Ibs. 2% in. 14 50 16 00 61 00 555 Ibs. 3 in. 15 75 17 25 66 00 585 Ibs. 3% in. 2 in. 15 50 17 00 65 00 535 Ibs. 2^ in. 16 75 18 25 70 00 605 Ibs. 3 in. 18 00 19 50 75 00 635 Ibs. 4 in. 2Mi. 19 00 21 00 80 00 600 Ibs. 3 in. 20 25 22 25 85 00 670 Ibs. (Iron Axle. ) IK in. 2 in. 12 25 13 25 51 00 405 Ibs. 2^ in. 13 50 14 50 56 00 490 Ibs. 1% in. 2 in. 12 75 13 75 53 00 430 Ibs. 2^ in. 14 00 15 00 58 00 505 Ibs. 3 in. 15 25 16 25 63 00 565 Ibs. l%in. 2 in. 13 25 14 25 55 00 460 Ibs. 2Kin. 14 50 15 50 60 00 540 Ibs. 3 in. 15 75 16 75 65 00 580 Ibs. 4 in. 18 25 19 25 75 00 720 Ibs. l%in. 2 in. 14 00 15 50 59 00 505 Ibs. 2^ in. 15 25 16 75 64 00 585 Ibs. 3 in. 16 50 18 00 69 00 635 Ibs. 4 in. 19 00 20 50 79 00 730 Ibs. 2 in. 2 in. 15 25 17 25 65 00 550 Ibs. 2^ in. 16 50 18 50 70 00 645 Ibs. 3 in. 17 75 19 75 75 00 690 Ibs. 4 in. 20 25 22 25 85 00 780 Ibs. 2^ in. 2>in. 20 00 22 50 85 00 625 Ibs. 3 in. 21 25 23 75 90 00 700 Ibs. 4 in. 23 75 26 25 100 00 950 Ibs. 2^ in. 2% in. 26 00 29 00 110 00 685 Ibs. 3 in. 27 25 30 25 115 00 735 Ibs. 4 in. 29 75 32 75 125 00 785 Ibs. Header Gears. Front Wheel, each Hind Wheel. Wheels, per Set. Weight. Axle. Tire. Wheels, per set. (Thimble Skein." 3%; in. 2^ in. $12 00 $13 00 $5000 390 Ibs. 3 in. 13 25 14 25 5500 420 Ibs. 3% in. 2^ in. 13 25 14 25 55 00 410 Ibs. 3 in. 14 50 15 50 6000 455 Ibs. (Iron Axle.) IK in. 2^in. 12 00 1300 50 00 435 !bs. 3 in. 1325 14 25 55 00 475 Ibs. IK in- 2^ in. 13 25 14 25 55 00 450 Ibs. 3 in. 14 50 15 50 6000 490 Ibs. 4 in. 17 00 18 00 70 00 550 Ibs. 2 in. 2^ in. 14 50 15 50 6000 460 Ibs. 3 in. 15 75 16 75 65 00 500 Ibs. 4 in. 18 25 19 25 75 00 580 Ibs. Market Wagon Gears Front Wheel.each. Hind Wheel, each. Wheels, per set Weight Axle. Tire. Wheels, per set. (Thimble Skein ) 2^/ in. 1% in. $12 00 $13 00 $50 00 225 Ibs. 2^ in. IK in. 12 50 13 50 52 00 225 Ibs. (Iron Axle) 1% in. IK in. 13 00 14 00 54 00 255 Ibs. In Ordering Wheels, give Exact Size and length of Axle. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 193 *i: a 5s a COr-ICOr-l -TJ< eo eorH :8 :8 It* -Ot :8 : 8 : '88 "1& C S.S ioooe 03 eoiH iMc<)mM rH C. : |5l| 2h3 * 2*2 S'^* c Sfi^flgs Sn^-r- a CO rH W rH C^jk Price List of Schuttler Wrought Steel Skeins. [With Patent Adjustable Collar.] Size of Skein. PerSet.Complete with Patent Adjustable Col'rs Per Set, Com- plete, without Collars. Skein and Nut only,with Patent Adjustable Col'rs Skein and Nut only, without Collar. Boxes only, each. Nuts only, each. 2^x 7^ $10 00 $ 9 00 $2 50 $2 25 $0 50 $0 50 2%x 8 11 00 10 00 2 75 2 50 65 50 3 x9 12 00 11 00 3 00 2 75 90 70 3^x10 13 00 12 00 3 25 3 00 90 70 3^ xll 14 00 13 00 3 50 3 25 1 00 70 3% x!2 16 00 15 00 4 00 3 75 1 00 80 4 x!2 18 00 16 50 4 50 4 15 1 10 80 4^x12 20 00 18 50 5 00 4 65 1 50 80 4^x13 22 00 20 50 5 50 5 15 1 50 80 In ordering Skeins or Nuts, be sure to state whether right or left is wanted. No Skeins sold without Nuts. Schuttler Pipe Boxes for Iron Axle Wagons. Size.. Price $0 75 IK i 01 1 20 2 1 50 2 00 2 50 Schuttler Pipe Boxes, Tubular Axle Wagons. Size 2jJ 2% 2% 2% 3 % 3^ Price $0 90 1 00 1 20 1 50 2 00 2 50 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 195 The "Deere" Drapers. For HEADERS, COMBINED HARVESTERS, and ELEVATORS, our DRAPERS are all made of the BEST DUCK, SELECTED STICKS, and BEST QUALITY OF BELT. Rivets and Burrs are all Norway Iron, Coppered, Tacks are all Tinned. Buttons are Heavy Stock. We use Sheepskin on the back of all sticks, thereby saving the duck. Each Draper is sewed up in Burlap for shipment and plainly marked. PRICE LIST OF HEADER AND COMBINED HARVESTER DRAPERS. *-A or 36 inches wide, 2 \% inch Belts Two Buttons 36 36 35}^ " 36 35)^ " 36 35^ " 36 " 40 " 40 39^ " 40 39)^ " 40 40 40 21% 22 22 " 22 " 22 and \-\Yz inch Belts, Belts and 11)^ inch Belts, Belts . and 11 %, inch Belts , " Belts... " and 1- \y z inch Belts, . . . 50c per foot. ...58c ...54c " ...60c " ...57c " ...64c " ...57c ...63c ...60c " ...66c . . 62c ..68c PRICE LIST OF ELEVATOR DRAPERS-No Sheepskin or Buttons. inches wide, 3 \% i nc h Belts .................................... 56c per foot. ' " 22 " and l l / 2 inch Belts. ........................ 62c DRAPERS made to order, any size. Price on anything not in the above list quoted on application. As there are so many different lengths and widths of machines on the market, we shall have to ask you, in ordering, to give us the exact Length and Width required, 196 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Rake Teeth (All Styles.) a SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 107 Rake Teeth. List of Rake Teeth for which we are prepared to fill orders promptly. List, 50 cents, No. Cuts. 2 Albion 3 Banner 4 Belleville 38 Bonanza 6 Buckeye Buckeye (A 13) 9 Champion 75 Champion (R. & L.) 10 Chieftain Chieftain (hand dump) Crown 12 Coates (Lock-lever) 13 Coates, N. S. 14 Daisy (Standard) 15 Daisy (R. & L.) 16 Dayton 12 Deere Deere (R. & L.) "Deere-Hollings worth" --Deere, "Old Comfort" 71 Favorite (Angle) 25 Favorite (Coil) Furst & Bradley, No. 6 No. Cuts. 27 Furst & Bradley, No. 7 Furst & Bradley, S. D. 16 Furst & Bradley, O. S. 27 Garden City 31 Gem 32 Gleaner, O. S. 33 Gleaner, N. S. 35 Hay King 37 Hollings worth, O. S. 38 Rollings worth, N. S. 38} Hoosier [Coil] 78 Knowlton, No. 2 45 Knowlton, No. 4 Knowlton(Angle) Nos. 3, 5 6 Knowlton, No. 1 46 Lion 12 Moline Moline, N. S. 52 New Dayton (R. & L.) 52 Ohio (R. & L.) Ohio (Coil S. D.) 36 O. K. 65 Peerless (R. &. L.) No. Cuts. 61 Paddock, long Paddock, short 32 Perfect 59 Red Bird 59 Reindeer 32 Reliable 75 Royal [R. & L.] Shawnee Steele 64 Staf 65 Standard (R. & L.) 63 Standard (Coil) Tiffin 68 Taylor (Oval) 68 Taylor (Round) Taylor (4 & 5) 71 Thomas, No. 1 Thomas, No. 2 73 Thomas, No. 3 75 Tiger (R. & L.) Tiger (R. & L., Coil) 64 Victor Wood, W. A. If you do not know name of Rake, send pencil diagram (exact size) of old tooth. Threshing Machine Teeth, For all Machines. Prices quoted on application. 198 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Mower and Reaper Sections. Mower Guards. Reaper Guards. Reaper and Header Sickles. Mower Knives We will Quote Prices on Application. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 199 Extras pot* All machines Crank or Wrist Pins. Guard Bolts Pitman Boxes. Guard Plates. M Spring Keys. Rivets. We Will Quote Prices on Application. 200 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The Simplest and Cheapest FIRST-CLASS MACHINE Sold Warranted A THOROUGHLY MADE Machine, Parts, when worn out, can be replaced. The "Vulcan" Mower Knife Grinder. It is operated by turning the wheel with the right hand, the left hand moving the grindstone back and forth (at will) by means of the handle at the top, theJtinge&tihe bottom of the standard, and the joint at the top, giving a regular and even feed, while the spring holds the stone down on the knife. The thumb screw regulates the move- ment of the stone to suit sections of any size. The grind stone is of superior corundum, and a knife can be sharpened in 15 minutes. By taking off the spring, the grind stone can be laid backwards, and used for all kinds of common grinding, sharpening table knives, etc. Price . $5 00. The "Button" Mower Knife Grinder. This well-known Grinder fastens to the mower wheel. Stone of Corundum, made hollow to hold water; cannot heat; grinds any bevel. Price $5 00. SAN FRANCISCO, GAL. 201 REDUCED PRICE LIST OF THE EWART" DETACHABLE LINK BELTING. No. Price per Foot. Links per Foot. Working Strain. Approximate in Leather Belting. All Plain Links. All Attach t Link. 25 32 33 34 35 3tt^ 37 42 44 45 51 52 55 57 62 65 66 67 68 75 76^ 77 78 83 85 88 89 93 95 103 105 107 108 114 115 117 118 $0 10 10 09 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 14 16 16 16 22 22 22 22 25 25 26 25 30 35 38 35 50 43 45 58 50 58 58 73 85 90 1 25 $0 23 21 21 21 19 21 21 22 22 26 27 28 28 30 31 40 50 50 50 58 58 62 56 68 66 88 13.3 10.4 8.6 8.6 7.4 ''8.8 7 :4 10.4 8. 7.4 5.2 7.3 6. 5.2 '4'.6 5.2 4.6 3. 3. 4.6 3. 3. 4. 2. 2. 2.55 3.66 75 Ibs. 150 " 200 " 225 " 250 " 300 " 350' " 375 " 500 " 450 " 600 " 650 " 700 " 700' ' 750 " 800' " ,000 " ,200 ,300 " ,200 " ,600 " ,600 " ,800 " ,500 " 1,600 " 2,000 " 2,000 " 1 in. Single iy z " 2 " " 2^ " 4< 2^ " " \CJ\M . \e> *\ J \ iJ\ CO CO CO Tf ->t CO CO 6} " " n 4i < . 7K " " 8 " " 10 " " 12 " " 9 " Double 8 " " OO (MO OCO CO ' I The above prices of attachments are for AI, A,, A.,, d, E, F 2 , G,, G, H,, H 2 , K,, K 2 , Mi, M 3 , R!, R 2 , R.j, Si, and S 2 , and as they are now made for the respective chains. Other attachments will be furnished at special prices. Write for Discounts. 202 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. in m j u u 5 50 *^ O J3 CO &fi s SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 203 BUGGY... CATALOGUE No. "C" Bicycles Buggies Carts Wagons * Harness 305 6- 307 A\ARKET 5TREET 204 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. " Deere Implement Co. Buggies." GRADES. In these we build but two, the "Golden Gate" and the "Pacific," as per descriptions below. Description of Golden Gate Grade: GEARS. Best selected, thoroughly seasoned hickory; hand-cut scrolls; double collar; fantail; steel axles; wood hub, or Sarven patent wheels of excellent quality screwed rims and bolted between each spoke. Made in our own factory. BODIES. Best kiln-dried ash and poplar, carefully joined, and thoroughly screwed and plugged; corners mitred, and secured by corner irons. PAINTING. Unless otherwise ordered, is black, body and. gear, with glazed carmine stripe. Recognizing that this department plays an important part in the sale and appearance of the vehicle, the painting is "thoroughly well done," with materials of the "best quality." The gear, as well as the body, is thoroughly rubbed with pumice. TRIMMING. Is of fine material and elegantly done. Cushions and backs fine fancy trimming leather, heavy rubber boot, nice carpet and toe carpet, and storm apron. Description of Pacific Grade: GEARS. Good seasoned hickory; machine-cut scroll; double collar; fantail; steel axles, and wood hub or Sarven patent wheels, of selected, thoroughly seasoned hickory, carefully made in our own factory. All wheels have screwed rims, and are bolted between each spoke. BODIES. Thoroughly seasoned ash frames; poplar panels, glued, screwed and plugged ; mitred corners, secured by corner irons. PAINTING. Black, with fine line striping, unless otherwise ordered. Particular at- tention is given to this part of the vehicle; good materials are used, with best en- deavors to make it attractive. TRIMMING. Backs and cushions leather ; carpet rug, storm apron and boot. BUGGY TOPS. Our " LEATHER " TOP is No. 1 leather, except the side curtains, which are of heavy rubber. Our LEATHER QUARTER TOP has leather quarters and stays, rubber voof and curtains. All our Buggy Tops are made with the SEPARATING SHIFTING RAIL, which admits of the removal of the Top, yet leaving the lazy back on the seat. This improvement is much appreciated by those who have occasion to use a buggy, both as an open and top vehicle. It also enables our dealers to interchange tops in their stock, as well as to change seat trimmings if desired. Any of our BUGGY TOPS are interchangeable. All our tops are made with shifting rails to fit OUR SEATS. EXTENSION TOPS. Our LEATHER TOP (as used on Cabriolets and Surreys) is all leather, except front quarter curtains, which are of heavy rubber. OUR LEATHER QUARTER TOP has leather quarters and back stays, rubber roof and curtains. Tops and trimmings are a point much slighted by cheap buggy makers, but we shall endeavor to use nothing but the best material and workmanship in both our tops and trimmings. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 205 GUARANTY. We guarantee wheels, springs and axles, one year from date of invoice. If same prove defective, and are returned to us by purchaser, by freight (we paying charges one way) we will repair promptly or substitute new parts, but under no circumstances will we pay repair bills, nor allow credit on account for same. NOTE. We do not guarantee Wheels upon which tires have not been properly re- set when needed, as such neglect will ruin any wheel, regardless of quality, in a short time. SHIPPING. RESPONSIBILITY. When shipper's receipt is signed, our responsibility as regards time of arrival, rate of freight or damage to goods, ceases. DUPLICATE FREIGHT RECEIPTS are always forwarded with invoices. CLAIMS for error or deficiency must be made immediately on receipt of goods. DIRECTIONS. Always be explicit in your shipping directions. A little care will save time and mistakes. When route is not specified, we ship via. the best. We make no charges for crating buggies. ORDERING. Give No. State grade, whether Golden Gate or Pacific. Give style of top wanted j state whether pole or shafts are wanted, and whether wide or narrow track. By fol- lowing the above directions, you will save yourself and us both time and money. PRICE LIST OF EXTRAS. Golden Gate. Pacific. Poles, including Neck Yoke, Doubletrees and Singletrees $16 50 $12 00 Shafts 9 00 7 50 Poles in place of Shafts, additional 7 50 4 50 Cushion and Fall 9 00 7 50 Storm Apron Rubber 3 00 210 Boot Rubber 2 10 Boot Leather 6 00 Lazy Back, Common, without Drop 4 50 Lazy Back, Common, with Drop 7 50 Buggy Top, Leather with Rubber Curtains 42 00 Buggy Top, Leather, Quarters and Stays, Rubber Roof and Curtains 33 00 Buggy Top all Rubber 18 00 Leather Side Curtains for Buggy Top 12 00 Lamps, Phaeton, Ornamental 6 00 Lamps, Phseton, Burning 12 00 Fenders, Phseton, Plain, Single, per pair 7 50 Wing Dash for Phseton 12 00 Plated Dash Rail 2 25 Buggy Wheels, per set, complete 33 00 Carriage Wheels, per set, complete 42 00 Cart Wheels, per pair 18 00 Brakes for Buggies 15 00 Brakes for Surreys 18 00 Toe Pads, Tan Back, per pair 90 " " Best Quality per pair 1 50 " " Leather, per pair 2 10 206 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The "New" Adjustable Buggy Pole. Patented October 3, 1888, and Other Patents Pending. In introducing the Setchtield Patent Adjustable Pole, we claim that we have some- thing that meets the wants of every one who has occasion to shift a Pole from one rig to another, where the clips would vary from one to four inches on carriages. We claim superior merits over every other Adjustable Pole ever put upon the mar- ket, some of which are the following : 1st, The wood parts are all first quality seasoned and selected hickory. 2d, The bolts, clips, etc., are of Norway iron and steel. 3d, Braces are all forged steel. 4th, This Pole can be adjusted in one moment to fit any vehicle on earth. 5th, It can be lined readily if the Pole gets sprung by use. 6th, It is strong and durable, and absolutely safer than any other Pole on the mar- ket, and is positively warranted not to get loose or rattle. 7th, It is by far the handsomest Pole made. 8th, Liverymen in local cities where it is known will use no other. 9th, It has been tested, and put to the very hardest use on heavy as well as light vehicles for the last five years, and found not wanting. PRICE LIST. No. 1 Adjustable Pole, Plain Tips, for Buggies $13 50 No. 1 " " Silver " " " 1700 No. 2 " " Plain " " Surreys 1500 No. 2 " " Silver " " " ' . 18 50 The Topliff Top. This Top does away with the front bow socket, thus enabling a person to enter or leave a buggy easily, and without letting the top down. Tiie top is as strong and dur- able as any three or four-bow, and has been thoroughly tested. We can furnish this top on any buggy. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 207 No. 55. Yale Concord Road Wagon. The old reliable Concord gear is beyond doubt the strongest gear made. This new body, with its nickle vail, is a beauty, and will carry packages without any danger of losing same. DESCRIPTION. AXLES. Best Steel, 1-inch. WHEELS. Sarven selected stock, 1-inch; 40x44 inches high. GEARS. Concord three reaches, best oil-tempered Springs, and thoroughly ironed. BODY. Concord, 54 inches long, 26 inches wide; nickel rail on back; solid panel back, highly polished. TRIMMING. Best fancy leather, wing Cushions, leather Dash ; Carpet full length. PAINTING. The best, Body black, fine line stripe, with fancy panel ; Gear, Brewster green, fine line stripe. Price, No. 55 Yale Concord Road Wagon, with Shafts $85 00. 208 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 66. End Spring Road Wagon. These Wagons are built for our trade from our own specifications out of specially selected stock, and are a very serviceable wagon. DESCRIPTION. PAINTING. Gear green, double glazed carmine stripe. Body dark green, with black mouldings. TRIMMING. Cushions with wings; 9 in. Lazy Backs; Brussels carpet full length. WHEELS. Sarven full bolted, selected stock. SPRINGS. The best oil tempered. AXLES. Double collar, both wooded and swedged, size 15 /ie. GEAR. Full length body loops; ironed reaches. BODY. Very long, with plenty of room back of seat. Price, No. 66 Road Wagon, with Shafts $65 00. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. No. 77. Side Spring Road Wagon. The Best Selling- Wagon on the Market. These Special Wagons are made for our trade after our own specifications. They are built of good stock throughout. They have been thoroughly tested, are built on correctj3rinciples and are an easy rider. DESCRIPTION. PAINTING. Gear, red; Body, dark-green, with black Mouldings. TKIMMINGS. Cushion with wings; Lazy back 9 inches wide; Carpet, full length. WHEELS. Full Bolted Sarven selected stock. AXLES. Double Collar; Steel size J5 /i6- SPRINGS. The best oil tempered. BODY. Extra long giving good space back of seat. Price. No. 77 Road Wagon, with Shafts $65 00 210 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 88. Jaxon Spring Road Wagon. The Jaxon Spring consists of a side spring cushioned by a short spring clipped to the center, and we believe it to be justly called the strongest and easiest riding spring made. DESCRIPTION. PAINTING. Gear, green, double glazed carmine stripe; Body, dark green, with black mouldings. TRIMMING. Cushion with wings ; Lazy back 9 inches wide; Brussels carpet full length. AXLES. Both wooded and swedged 15 /ie. WHEELS. Full bolted and selected stock Sarven. SPRINGS. The best oil tempered. BODY. Extra long, giving good space back of seat. Price, No. 88 Road Wagon, with Shafts $70 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 211 No. 99. Road Wagon. This is one of the finest finished and the easiest riding road wagons on the market. DESCRIPTION. AXLES. Beet Steel, 1-inch. WHEELS. No. 1, Sarven, 1-inch. 40 and 44 inches high. SPRINGS. Tabor, soft temper, as easy as a hammock. BODY. Concord style, 54 inches long, 26 inches wide ; nickel rail around the back ; has solid panel Lazy Back, highly polished. TRIMMING. Fine fancy leather Wing Cushion ; Bow leather Dash with nickel Rail ; Tapestry carpet full length. PAINTING. The very best, Body black; fine line gold stripe, with fancy panel; Gear, Brewster green, with fine line gold stripe. Price, No. 99 Road Wagon, with Shafts $80 00. 212 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 8. Spindle Body, End Spring Road Wagon. Bracket front body, double perch, full fifth wheel; 1-inch double collar steel axles; 1-inch Sarven wheels. Body, 50 inches long, 25 inches wide; leather dash and carpet ; body painted black ; gear carmine. Price, with Shafts $65 00. The "Ideal" Road Wagon. This is the best Wagon of its kind on the market for the money. 1-inch double collar steel axles ; 1-inch Sarven wheels. Body, painted black, gear carmine ; leather dash and carpet. Price, with Shafts $70 00. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 213 No. 172. Knockabout Wagon. Has Coach Axles ; Sarven Wheels ; Hard wood body throughout ; leather Dash ; Evans' Leather trimmed. Painted. Body black; gear, Brewster green. A first-class wagon throughout. Price, No. 172, Wagon with Shafts $62 50 Price, No. 172, Wagon with Canopy Top and Shafts 85 00 No. 17. Road Wagon. [Clark's Popular Springs.] Price, no Top, with Shafts $<>0 00 Price, with Canopy Top and Shafts 8 ^ ou Ash Body, 5 feet long, 30 inches wide, 5 feet deep ; has framed seat raisers and leather^dash, 1-inch fan-tailed steel axles, Sarven wheels. 214 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 177. Two-Seat Knockabout Wagon. Has Coach Axles ; Sarven wheels ; drop end gate ; movable seats ; leather dash ; Evans' leather trimmed. Has hard wood body throughout. Painted Body black ; gear, Brewster green. A wonderfully popular wagon. Price, No. 177 Wagon, with Shafts $72 50 Price, No. 177 Wagon, with Canopy Top and Shafts 95 00 No. 178. Three-Spring Wagon. Has iVie steel axle Sarven wheels; Body, 6 ft. 4 in. long, 7 in. deep; drop end- gate ; movable seats; leather dash ; wide, roomy seats, trimmed in Evans' leather. Painting Body black ; gear Brewster green. Body hung very low the easiest riding 3-spring on the market. Price, No. 178 Wagon, with Shafts $ 85 00 Price, No. 178 Wagon, with Canopy Top and Shafts 107 50 SAX FRANCISCO, CAL. 215 D. I. Co.'s No. 123. Taber Side-Spring Road Wagon, 1-inch Steel Axle, heavy Sarven Wheel. Built very strong for hard work. HAS LEATHER DASH. Price, with Shafts $65 00. D. I. Co.'s No. 10>. Side Spring Road Wagon, with Stick Body. AXLE. 1-inch, Steel, Sarven Wheels, very heavy, 1^-inch oval-edged Tire. BODY. 50 inches long, 25 inches wide ; leather Dash. PAINTING. Body black; Gear, Brewster green. An easy rider and a long-lived rig. Price, with Shafts .......................................... $75 00. 216 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Isabella Double Sweep, Elliptic Spring Buggy, Body 25x50 inches ; cushion and back dark-green leather ; 1-inch swedged steel, double collar axles ; 1-inch Sarven wheels. Body painted black, gear dark Brewster green, carmine stripe. This is a world beater. Boot. Apron. Brussels rug and toe carpet. Price, Leather quarter Top, with Shafts $100 00 Price, Leather Top Rubber Curtains with Shafts 110 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 21 Deere Implement Co.'s " Leader." Three-bow top; full leather, except side curtains, which are rubber; corded top; cloth back valance; leather boot, and patent leather front valance; fancy leather trimmings, panel back and bellows spring back ; swell-front cushion, padded seat ends ; round-cornered seat with convex panels ; wood flange on top of seat ends ; concave seat risers ; plated dash rail with whip-socket attached ; plated seat handles ; prop nuts and closed end hub bands. Springs, 38 inches long for comfort. 1-inch double collar steel axles, swaged, full-length body loops; full ironed reaches; wrought iron fifth wheel, regularly hand-cut scrolls ; painting extra fine. A LEADER BEYOND DISPUTE. Made only on end springs. Price, with Shafts. $150 00. 218 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. D. I. Co.'s No. 11. Elliptic Springs, Piano Body. Has 1-inch Double Collar Steel Axle ; 1-inch Sarven Wheels ; Springs, 38-inch double sweep; fancy Leather Trimming ; Body, 50 inches long, 25 inches wide, 7 inches deep; has heavy Rail grooved for bottom instead of nailing, Painting, Body black ; Gear, Brewster green. Has Boot, Storm Apron, Carpet, and Toe Carpet. Golden Gate. Pacific. Price, with Leather Top, Rubber Curtains, with Shafts $150 00 $120 00 " " " Quarter Top, Rubber Roof and Curtains, with Shafts 110 00 D. I. Co.'s No. 20 Dexter Fairy Queen Spring, Piano Body. The Dexter Fairy Queen Spring has no superior as* an easy rider, and is decidedly preferable to any of the no-perch springs now in the market. Price, with Leather Top, Rubber Curtains, with Shafts, " Quarter Top, Rubber Roof and Curtains, with Shafts, For Description, see No. 11. Golden Gate. $150 00 Pacific. $125 00 115 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 219 D. I. Co.'s, No. 68. Double Side Spring Buggy ft^' ThejISide Spring was always an easy rider, and by the addition of the Top Spring we make it ride much easier. Has 1-inch steel axle; 1-inch Sarven wheel; I/eather trimmings; Body, 50 in. long, 25 in. wide, 7 in. deep. Painting Bo 1y, black; gear, Brewster green. Has Boot, Storm Apron, Carpet and Toe Carpet. Price, with Leather Top, Rubber Curtains, with Shafts $125 00 D. I. Co.'s, No. 13. Brewster Springs, Piano Body Has 1-inch double collar; steel axle; 1 inch Sarven wheels; body 56 in. long, 25 in. wide, 7 in deep; fancy leather trimmings; painting, body, black; gear, Brewster green, fine line striping. Has Boot, Storm Apron, Carpet and Toe Carpet. Golden Gate Pacific Price, with Leather Top, Rubber Curtains with Shafts $150 00 $120 00 Price, with feather Quarter Top, Rubber Roof and Curtains, with Shafts 110 00 220 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. D. I. Go's. No. 19# Spiral Queen Buggy. This Spring is a combination of the "Brewster" and "Spiral" springs, and is the easiest riding and strongest spring on the market. The Spiral can be adjusted to a light or heavy load. Has 1-inch steel axle; 1-inch Sarven wheels; solid panel with spring back. Golden Gate grade only. Price, with Leather Top, Rubber Curtains, with Shafts $150 00 D. I. Co.'s No. 17 Favorite Side Spring. The combination of both side and end springs makes this an easy rider. Has 1-inch steel axle; 1-inch Sarven wheels; iy s oval-edged steel tire; Body, 50x25 inches; painting, body black, gear Brewster green. A strong, neat, easy-riding buggy. Golden Gate. Pacific. Price, Leather Top, Rubber Curtains, with Shafts $150 00 <125.00 Price, with Leather Quarter Top, Rubber Roof and Curtains, with Shafts 115 .00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 221 D. I. Co's. No. 132. Heavy Concord Spring, Piano Body. The Best Mountain Buggy Built. Has 1^-inch Axles Sarven Wheels ; l 5 /i 6 -mch Spokes ; 1^ Steel Tires, 42 and 46 inches high. Body 28x56 inches; Seat, 33x16 inches on bottom. Leather trimming. Springs 52 inches long; 1% inches wide 5-leaf Equalizers at both ends. Three Reaches heavily ironed full length ; 1 4-inch circle King-bolt in front of axle. Painting. Body, black ; gear, Brewster green, fine line striping. Has Boot, Storm Apron, Carpet and Toe Carpet. Price, Leather Top, Rubber Curtains, Break and Shafts $180 00 No. 39 Concord Buggy, 1-inch Axle. Price, Leather Top, Rubber Curtains, Brake and Shafts $150 00 222 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. D. I. Co.'s No. 22 Two-Spring Phaeton, Has 1-inch steel axle ; 1-inch Sarven wheel ; steel tire. Is very long in front and has a very wide seat. Has high back and is upholstered in fancy trimming leather. A very easy riding, stylish vehicle, and very popular with the ladies. Golden Gate. Pacific. Price, Leather Top, Rubber Curtains, with Shafts $170 00 $160 00 Price, Leather Quarter Top, Rubber Roof and Curtains, with Shafts.. 14000 D. I. Co.'s No. 23 Three-Spring Phaeton. This is the same as No. 22, except it has three springs instead of two. Golden Gate. Pacific. Price, Leather Top, Rubber Curtains, with Shafts $180 00 $160 00 Price, Leather Quarter Top, Rubber Roof and Curtains with Shafts . . 150 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. No. 22 A. Phaeton, with New Wing Dash. This, our new Phaeton, has Wing Dash, with Plated Line Rail, and Lamps on the Dash. Built only in "Golden Gate " Grade, and very finely finished. Has 1-inch Steel Axle ; 1-inch Wheel ; Steel Tire. Has wide, roomy seat and plenty of room in front. Price, No. 22A, two-spring, with Shafts $200 00 " 23A, three-spring, " " 210 00 224 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Deere Implement Co.'s No. 127. Jump Seat Surrey. This is the finest one or two-seat vehicle on the market. Can be changed instantly without any exertion. Seat irons all bolt solid to the rail, making it perfectly safe. Front seat has a Patent Automatic Lock by simply folding down the Lazy Back. Seat drops into place of its own weight. Has an elegant Canopy top with full curtains, and is finely finished. For a family rig it is^impossible to beat it. Built in Golden Gate grade only. Furnished with long fenders and lamps. Price, with Shafts $200 00. Deere Implement Co.'s No. 126. Jump Seat Surrey. This is identically the same vehicle as our No. 127, except that it is hung on the celebrated Brewster Springs. Price, with Shafts $200 00. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 225 No. 118. Jump Seat Surrey on Brewster Springs. A very neat, simple Jump Seat Surrey. Any lady can change it from one seat to two in an instant, without any exertion whatever. Has 1% inch Steel Axle, full Sar- ven Wheels, fancy Leather Trimming. Is very popular, and a good seller. Price, with Rubber Curtains and Shafts $180 00. No. 119. Jump Seat Surrey on End Springs. This is the same as No. 118, except it is hung on End Springs instead of Brewster Springs. Price, with Rubber Curtains and Shafts $180 00. 226 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 163 y z . Canopy Top Surrey. Body, 25 inches wide, 66 inches long, 7j^-inch panels, round corners, heavy iron plates full length of sills. Seats 17x29, convex panels, round corners. Gear, end spring, full clipped and bedded axles, double reaches, full Derby fifth wheel, with king-bolt rear of axle. Wheels, Sarven, 3 ft. 4 in., 3 ft. 8 in., No. 1 flange, 1-inch tread. Trimmings, fine leather, tapestry rug full length. Painting, body black, with fine striping in mouldings. Gear, Brewster green, fine line stripe. This is an elegant vehicle, and one of the best sellers we ever had. Price No. 163> Surrey, with Shafts $135 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 227 D. I. Co.'s, No. 34. Canopy Top "Brewster" Surrey. A light family carriage lVi6-inch steel axle; lYie-inch wheel ; fancy leather trim- ming ; Painting, body, black ; gear, Brewster green. Built in "Golden Gate" grade only. Suitable for large horse or two small ones. Price, with full Curtains, Fenders and Shafts $185 00 228 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Deere Implement Co.'s No. 35. Light Brewster Surrey, Canopy Top. This is a very elegant family rig ; has Lamps and Fenders. It is one of the best sellers that we carry. Built in Golden Gate grade only. Has full curtains. Price, with Shafts $215 00. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 229 No. 123. Canopy Top Surrey, Brewster Springs. Neat, stylish and popular. One of the best sellers ever produced. We have a large number of these vehicles in use by Livery men in this State, and giving entire satisfaction. Has \% inch full Steel Axle, \% inch Sarven Wheels. Price, with Canopy Top, Fenders and Pole $175 00. For Brake add, net 12 00. 230 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. D.I. Co.'s, No. 55. New Elliptic Springs Surrey, Extension Top. Built in Golden Gate grade only. Leather quarter top. Price, with Shafts ,$260 00. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 231 D. I. Co.'s, No. 56. New Canopy Top Surrey, Brewster Springs. Round corner body, new design ; built in Golden Gate grade only. Price, with Shafts, $240 00. 232 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Deere Implement Co.'s No. 57. New Extension Top Surrey on Brewster Springs. Built in Golden Gate grade only. Leather quarter top. Price, with Shafts $260 00. SA\ T FRANCISCO, CAL. 233 No. 162. Victoria Surrey Canopy Top. Without Sun Shade. These Surreys are designed and built after our own specifications, and we guaran- tee them to be first-class in every particular. DESCRIPTION. TOP. Canopy Top, with rubber side Curtains. TRIMMING. No. 1 fancy leather Cushions andBacks; seat ends upholstered ; solid Panel Backs ; Spring Lazy Backs ; nickel Dash Rail ; double Fenders ; half-wing Dash ; new style short stem Lamps ; full Brussels Carpet, and Storm Apron. GEAR. 1^-inch Drop Axles, full clipped, soft temper, elliptic Springs, Reach ironed full length. WHEELS. Sarven patent extension Flange, full bolted ; selected stock. PAINTING. Gear and Wheels green; striping, three fine lines of carmine; Body black ; fancy painted Seat Riser ; Bodies of a new design, with carved Seat Panels. Price, No. 162 Victoria Surrey Canopy Top, with Pole $200 00. 234 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 162. Victoria Surrey Extension Top. Built from our own designs and specifications ; are first-class in every particular and a rapid seller. DESCRIPTION. TOP. Extension, lined throughout, rubber side curtains. TRIMMING. No. 1 fancy leather cushions and backs, seat ends upholstered, solid panel backs, spring lazy backs, nickel dash rail, double fenders, half wing dash, new style short stem lamps, full Brussels carpet and storm apron. GEAR. 1^-inch drop axles, full clipped, soft temper elliptic springs, reach ironed full length. WHEELS. Sarven patent extension flange, full bolted, selected stock. PAINTING. Gear and wheels green, striping, three fine lines of carmine, body black, fancy painted seat risers, bodies of a new design, with carved seat panels. Price, No. 162 Victoria Surrey, Extension Top, with Pole $220 00. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 235 D. I. Co.'s No. 59. New Cut-Under Surrey, Extension Top. Built in Golden Gate grade only. Leather Top ; round corner latest style. Price, with pole $295 00 236 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. D. I. Co.'s No. 30K Cabriolet with Canopy Top. Built in Golden Gate grade only. Spring backs. Price, with Pole .- $295 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 237 No. 165. Victoria Cut-Under Surrey, Canopy Top. These Surreys are built after our own specifications ; are roomy and comfortable ; are built of selected stock throughout, and are guaranteed first-class in every particular. DESCRIPTION. TOP. Canopy Top; fine headlining; rubber curtains. TRIMMING. No. 1 fancy leather cushions and backs ; seat ends upholstered ; solid panel backs ; spring lazy backs ; nickel dash rail ; double fenders ; half wing dash ; new style short stem lamps; full Brussels carpet, and storm apron. GEAR. 1^-inch drop axles, full clipped; soft temper elliptic springs; reach ironed full length. WHEELS. Sarven patent, extension flange, full bolted, selected stock. PAINTING. Gear and wheels green; striping, three fine lines of carmine; body, black ; fancy painted seat risers ; bodies of a new design, with carved seat panels. Price, No. 165 Victoria Cut under Surrey Canopy Top, with Pole $225 00. 238 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 165. Victoria Cut-Under Surrey, Extension Top. These Surreys are built after our own specifications, are roomy and comfortable, are built of selected stock throughout, and are guaranteed first-class in every particular. DESCRIPTION. TOP. Leather extension, lined throughout, rubber side curtains. TRIMMING. No. 1 fancy leather cushions and backs ; seat ends upholstered ; solid panel backs ; spring lazy backs ; nickel dash rail ; double fenders ; half-wing dash ; new style short-stem lamps ; full Brussels carpet, and storm apron. GEAR. 1^-inch drop axles, full clipped, soft temper, elliptic springs ; reach ironed full length. WHEELS. Sarven patent, extension flange, full bolted, selected stock. PAINTING. Gear and wheels green; striping, three fine lines of carmine; body black; fancy painted seat risers; bodies of a new design, with carved seat panels. Price, No. 165 Victoria Cut-Under Surrey, Extension Top, with Pole $250 00. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 239 No. 137. Dayton Wagon, Brewster Springs. Rail body, 66 inches long, 30 inches wide, 10 inches deep; axles, 1^-inch ; wheels, Sarven; trimmings, leather. A new and very desirable pleasure wagon. A phenom- enal success and a prime favorite with both dealers and buyers. Furnished as above illustrated, with Slatted Top, or with Canopy Top, with De- tachable Side Curtains. "Order a sample." Price, Slatted Top, as shown, with Shafts $175 00 " Canopy " with Shafts 17500 240 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. D. I. Co.'s California Four- Spring Wagon. [Open or with Top.] This is the only EXTRA A GRADE, 4-Spring Wagon on the Coast. Built expressly for us after our own model from EXTRA SELECTED STOCK. AXLES. Best double collar steel. WHEELS. Sarven full bolted, and felloes riveted on each side of every spoke. GEAR. Heavy and full ironed patent fifth wheel, with king-bolt in front of axle. SPRINGS. Best oil-tempered. BODIES. 7 feet long, 42 inches wide, 6 inches deep. PAINTING. The best. TRIMMING. No. 1 Leather. TOPS. Are regular California pattern, well made and lined. Back seat can be re- moved without disturbing the top. Don't be fooled by cheap imitations, but buy the best. PRICE LIST, with Pole, Doubletrees, Neck Yoke and Brake. 1^-inch Axle, ]^-inch Tire, no Top $170 00 " with" 21200 IX-inch " 1%-inch " no Top 17500 " " " " with" 21700 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 241 No. 731. Light, Three-Spring Wagon, These Wagons are cheap in price only. They combine strength, lightness, finish and durability. AXLES. Best double collar Steel, 1^-inch. SPRINGS. Oil-tempered, 1%-inch, 5 leaf. WHEELS. Sarven, No. 9 flange; 1^-inch round edge steel tire. BODY. 7 feet long, 36 inches wide ; hard wood rail ; ironed complete on top ; seat re- movable ; drop end gate. GEAR. Double reach, ironed throughout ; improved fifth wheel, with king-bolt in rear of axle. PAINTING. Nine coats ; color of gear carmine ; body black, and neatly striped. THE BEST GENERAL PURPOSE WAGON MADE. Weight, 500 Ibs. ; capacity, 1,000 Ibs. ; hung very low ; a good seller. Price, one Seat, with Lazy Back and Shafts $ 90 00 " two Seats, " " " " 100 00 242 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 230. Market Wagon. Elliptic Springs. Body, 7 ft. 4 in. long, 35 in. wide, 8 in. deep. \% in. steel axle ; Sarven wheels. Price, with Pole, Brake and two Lazy-Backs $125 00 No. 50. Milk or Delivery Wagon. It is a very light-running and handy wagon. It is constructed of the best material, and finely finished. Has Sarven Wheels (A 1 quality) ; brake in center of foot-board, and high seat with cushions. Is sent with shafts unless specially ordered with pole. Size of Axle. Width of Tr'ck. Tires. Diameter of Wheels. Dimensions of Bed. Price. Front Hind Length. Width. No. 50. l^in. 5 feet 2 inches IH inch 3 ft, 9 inches 4ft. 2 inches 6ft. 6 in. 40 inches $15500 Price, 3-sprins, (same description) . . ..$160 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 243 NO HORSE MOTION HERE. "B. B." Carts. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR CALIFORNIA. The BEEBE Carts are acknowledged by all horsemen to be the "Best Cart Made." (B. B.) "Beebe" Cart Spring. SIMPLEST IN CONSTRUCTION, has the longest springs, steadiest rider, widest between shafts, and disturbs a horse's gait when speeded less than any two-wheeler made. The most leg room for driver to brace against a puller, and the most hock room for a long strider. Less danger of broken or sprung axles, for the reason that the weight of the driver rests on the axle very clone to the collar, not on the shaft or cross-bar. Less danger of broken shafts, as the cross-bar has no weight to bear, and is fastened to the shafts with a strong clip of Norway iron, instead of being bolted. THE STRONGEST and most graceful cart in the market. The gear and foot-rest fully covered by letters-patent. Bay a sample and you will be sure to want more of them. There is nothing but strictly A stock used in manufacturing them. See List of "B. B." Carts on following Pages. 244 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 25. Speeding Cart. With Steel Adjustable Foot Best, Carpeted Bottom. Special grade, highly finished. Has cane seat; % steel axle; extra quality "A" wheels, 4 feet 4 inches, or 4 feet 2 inches high. Nickel bands and seat rail ; long leather on the shafts ; painted carmine, and neatly striped. No. 25 is pronounced perfection by horsemen. The foot-rest can be removed in five seconds. Strapping the center of the spring to axle, you avoid all spring motion. This Cart is called our Regular Speeder. Weight, 75 Ibs. Price $45 00 No. 25. Speeding Cart. Showing: Gibbs' Patent Foot Best. (Folded.) Color, Carmine. The cut of No. 25 represents our Speeding Cart with Gibbs' New Patent Foot- Rest. This rest is much lighter, it is made from Russet leather, and wood slats riveted to the leather. This makes a very light crate,f strong and durable, and perfectly noiseless. It is adjustable for a sbort'or long person. The advantage of this rest over all others is, it can be changed in one^second, and raised up out of the way of the horse without getting out of your seat. Horsemen will find this convenient when they speed their horses. Weight, 75 Ibs. Price $50 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 245 No. 95. Wolverine. It is the best painted, trimmed and finished Cart for the money yet offered to the trade. It has a veneer seat, bent T-steel arms, leather on shafts, and metal tips. The spring is 40 inches long, which guarantees you an exceptionally easy rider. The construction is such that beauty and strength are combined. The spring is attached to and above axle, directly connected with seat by means of strong braces, thus placing weight of rider directly over spring and axle, making it evenly balanced, and relieving shafts of any weight up or down. Finished in red, green, and oil. Price.. ..$2500 No. 5. Whiting's Improved Cart. Has 1-inch Steel Axles, double collar; one or two passenger; painted or wood finish. Has a 40-inch spring extending from shoulder to shoulder, directly under the arched axle, hanging the seat directly over the axle and spring. There is positively no weight on shafts for the horse to carry, as it carries the load directly over center of axle and spring. Finished in red, green, or oil. Price $30 00 Price of Cushion for No. 5 Cart 2 25 Price of Lazy Back for No. 5 Cart 18 246 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 7. "B. tf." New Body Cart. This Cart is made from strictly A stock. NEW BODY CART, for two passengers, with stick seat. Painting, body, natural wood finish ; gear, wine-color ; small plush cushion. The lightest body cart in the market. Price.. ............$4500 No. 7K- "B. B." New Body Cart. This Cart is made from strictly A stock. This is the same as the No. 7 Cart shown at the top of page, except that it has large full Cushion and Lazy Back, both trimmed in fancy figured plush. Price.. ..$5000. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 247 No. 6. " B. B." Body Cart. Price, with Shafts $50 00 " 1-inch Axle with Poles 60 00 " 1^-inch Axle with Pole 70 00 This Cart is made from strictly A stock. BODY CART, for one or two passengers Wheels, Sarven patent ; painting, Body black, gear dark green; dash, leather; cushion and lazy-back trimmed in corduroy. Two low steps in front. This Cart it made especially for use of ladies. Ladies' Cart. Stylish and convenient, and especially popular as a pleasure cart for ladies and children. It is furnished with lamps and flat fenders, and paneled body finished as the natural wood, or oak grained. Gear, natural wood or grained. Trimmed in leather. Price $100 00 248 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. No. 3. "B. B." Cart. This Cart is made from strictly A stock. ARMLESS CARTS are dangerous. They may be a little easier to mount, but may be dismounted too easily and not gracefully, if the horse bolts or dodges. For safety, we offer a compromise in No. 3 Carts. A Two-Passenger Cart only. Very finely finished. Price $33 00 Price, with Pole, Doubletrees, and Neck Yoke 45 00 The " B. B." Breaking Cart. This Cart is made from strictly A stock. A youngster properly hitched to the Beebe Break Cart is secure, although he may be inclined to lie down, jump ditches and fences, and climb trees. If you are looking for something safe and strong, and an easy rider, get a Beebe Break Cart. Shafts, 8 feet 2 inches long from cross-bars, and 2x3 inches thick ; axle, 1% inches. Made in every way strong. Seat, low, wide and easily mounted. Corduroy cushions extra. Acknowledged by horsemen the best Breaking Cart in the market. Price.. ..$5000 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 249 No. 45. Phaeton Body Cart. Manufactured Especially to Meet the Demand for a Low Priced Cart. The body is perfect in strength and form, and designed to give ample room to the rider. The seat is hinged in front, and has a commodious box underneath easy of access. The bottom is covered with oilcloth. It only requires a trial to convince any- one of its ease, convenience and practicability, as well as its freedom from horse motion. Price, Wood Dash , $30 00 Price, Leather Dash, Extra 5 00 No. 14. Phaeton Body Cart. This Cart has two short springs running back from the shafts which carry the load when only one person is in the cart. These two springs attach to the main spring and when two persons are in the cart they come down on the shafts, thereby throwing the load on the main spring. This adjustment of springs makes the cart ride very easily with one person, and at the same time makes it amply strong for two heavy people. Is hung very low making it convenient and comfortable for ladies and children. Has a box under the seat. Full Sarven wheels. Price.. ..$3900 250 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. The " Tip-Seat " Cart. Petaluma Pattern. This Cart is too well known on the Coast to require any description. The above is well made, of good material, and guaranteed equal to any Cart of this kind in the market. PRICE LIST. " Tip-Seat" Cart, with Rack $37 50 and Lazy-back 40 00 " Balance Spring " Tip-Seat Cart. The above cut plainly shows the Balance Springs above and below shafts, which overcome all horse motion, and make this the easiest riding of all Tip-Seat Carts- They are well made, and have a much better finish than the regular cheap goods of this style. PRICE .LIST. "Balance Spring" Cart, with Lazy-back and Rack $45 00 " " " " " Rack and Leather Dash 5250 Prices on special Carts furnished on application. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 251 Harness. Owing to the fact that a great many persons wish to buy a Harness at the same time and place that they buy a Cart or Buggy, we shall carry a small, well selected stock of Single and Double Buggy Harness, both in machine and hand make. We shall carry nothing but oak-tanned stock, and the better class of Trimmings, believing that a cheap harness is poor at any price, and any one ordering a harness from us can do so knowing they will get a good harness, even in our lowest priced goods. NO. 000. SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLE %-inch cheeks, ^-inch flat reins patent leather blinds. LINES %-inch flat to loop in bit. BREAST COLLAR Narrow loops with buckles, folded neck piece. SADDLE 2^-inch, iron jockey, straight stitched bearing straps, enameled cloth welt and lining. TRACES 1-inch doubled and stitched. SHAFT TUG ^-mch doubled, ^-inch flat belly-bands. BREECHING Folded, no layer, ^j-inch turnback, flat hip straps, folded crupper. No MARTINGALE. Price, Full XC Mountings NO. 064. .$10 00. SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLE fa-inch cheeks, boxed loops, J^-inch flat rein, chain front. LINES %-inch, flat to loop in bit. BREAST COLLAR Folded, with layer, boxed loops, folded neck piece. TRACES-1-inch, double and stitched. SADDLE 2^-inch, iron jockey, doubled and stitched bearing-straps. SHAFT TUG %-inch, doubled, IJi-inch flat belly-bands, BREECHING Folded, with layer, ^-inch side strap, ^-inch turnback, with fg-inch flat hip strap, round crupper. No MARTINGALE. Price, Full XC Mountings $12 50. NO. 064^. CART HARNESS. BRIDLE Boxed loops, flat rein, chain front. LINES 1-inch flat, to loop in bit. BREAST COLLAR Folded with layer boxed loops folded neck piece. TRACES. l^-inch doubled and stitched. SADDLE 3 inch iron jockey, doubled bearing straps. BREECHING Folded with layer, round crupper. No MARTINGALES. Price, Full XC Trimmings $13 00 262 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. NO. 068. SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLE %-inch cheeks, box loops, round winker braces, patent leather blinds, chain front, overdraw check. LINES %-inch flat, russet or black, to loop in bit. BREAST COLLAR With traces attached, 1-inch traces, doubled and stitched ends. SADDLE 2%-inch, iron jockey, one-half track style, double and stitched bearing straps. SHAFT TUGS %-inch doubled and stitched, flat GRIFFITH girth. BREECHING Solid single strap, %-inch hip strap, and %-inch side straps, round crupper. No MARTINGALE. The Best Single Strap Harness Made for the Money. Price, Full Nickel Band Mountings $15 00. NO. 164. CART HARNESS. BRIDLE Box loops, round winker braces, patent leather blinds, chain front. LINES Black, body to buckle to bit. BREAST COLLAR Box loops, folded with layer, folded neck piece. TRACES 1^-inch, doubled and stitched, nicely raised. SADDLE 3^-inch IRON JOCKEY, swelled skirt, waved stitched bearer. SHAFT TUGS Doubled and raised on inside, folded girt. BREECHING Folded with layer round crupper. No MARTINGALES. Price, XC Mounting $16 50. NO. 68. SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLE %-inch cheeks, box loops, round winker braces, patent leather blinds, chain front, overdraw check. LINES %-inch flat, russett or black, fancy waved creased, box loop in bit. BREAST COLLAR With traces attached, 1^-inch traces, doubled and stitched ends, fancy waved creased. SADDLE 2^-inch iron jockey, single harness leather skirts, doubled and stitched bearing straps. SHAFT TUGS %-inch, doubled and stitched and nicely raised on inside, folded GRIFFITH girth. BREECHING Solid single strap, fancy waved creased, scalloped turnback, 3-ring, doubled and stitched breeching stays, round crupper. No MARTINGALE. This is a Fine Single Strap Driving Harness. Price, Full Nickel Band Mountings $18 50. NO. 66. SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLE %-inch cheeks, round check rein and winker braces, patent leather blinds, chain front, overdraw check. LINES Black or russet, flat, to buckle in bit, %-inch body, 1-inch hand parts. BREAST COLLAR Folded with layer, folded neck piece, box loops. TRACES 1^-inch, raised, doubled and stitched. SADDLE 3-inch leather jockey, swelled skirts with waved stitched bearers, leather lined. SHAFT TUGS Doubled and stitched, folded girths. TURNBACK Scalloped, with flat hip straps, round crupper. BREECHING Folded with layer, 3-ring breeching stays, %-inch side straps. No MARTINGALE. Price, Nickel, or Davis Hard Rubber Mountings $20 00. NO. 1. HAND MADE SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLE %-inch box loop, round winker braces, overdraw check, chain front, patent leather blinds. LINES %xl^-inch, black or russet, with steel spring billets. BREAST COLLAR Folded with raised scalloped layer, folded neck piece, box loops. SADDLE 2%-inch leather jockey and lining, hand laced. TRACES 1-inch, doubled and stitched, nicely raised. SHAFT TUGS Doubled and stitched, and raised on inside, folded girths. BREECHING Folded with raised scalloped layer, %-inch hip strap, %-inch side and back straps, round crupper. No MARTINGALE. This is the Best Hand Made Harness in the Country for the Money. Price, Full Nickel or l>avis Hard Rubber Mountings $26 00. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 263 NO. 12 HAND MADE SINGLE TRACK HARNESS. BRIDLE %-inch box loop cheeks, round winker stays, nose-band overdraw check, fancy patent leather blinds, half-check bit. LINES Flat, %xl^-inch, hand parts all russet, steel hook billets. BREAST COLLAR 1%-inch wide, nicely beveled to prevent chafing of the horse, traces attached with fancy scalloped layer, with figure stitched in, box loops on lead-ups, traces lined 18 inches. SADDLE 2%-inch leather-covered seat leather jockey and leather lined hand laced in, wave-stitched shaft bearers. SHAFT TUGS Boxed loops, doubled and stitched and nicely raised on inside, wide single strap, Griffith girth. BREECHING 1%-inch wide, nicely beveled to prevent chafing of the horse, nicely scalloped layers, flat doubled and stitched breeching stays, box loops on lead-ups, scalloped turn-back, flax seed-stuffed crupper, %-inch hold backs. This Harness is all Hand Made, and cheap at the price. No MARTINGALE. Price, Genuine Rubber Mountings $30 00 NO. 2. HAND-MADE SINGLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLE %-inch box loop cheeks, round winker stays, chin front, fancy patent leather blinds, half-cheek bit. LINES Flat, %xl^-inch, hand parts, black or russet. BREAST COLLAR Folded with raised scalloped layer, scalloped neck piece, traces to buckle on, box loops throughout. SADDLE 2%-inch, leather jockey and leather lined hand laced in. TRACES 1^-inch, double and wave stitched, nicely raised. SHAFT TUGS Doubled and stitched, raised on inside, box loops, folded girth. BREECHING Folded, with raised scalloped layer, %-inch flat hip straps, scalloped turn-back, round dock. No MARTINGALE. Price, Full Nickel Mountings $32 60 NO. 10. HAND-MADE SINGLE HARNESS. BRIDLE ^j-inch box loop cheeks, round winker stays, chain front, fancy patent- leather blinds, half-cheek bits, overdraw check. LINES Ixl^-inch, russet and black, flat steel spring billets. BREAST COLLAR 2-inch, with 1^-inch trace attached, doubled and stitched ends, box loop neck tugs, scalloped layer. SADDLE 3-inch leather seat, leather jockey and leather lined hand laced in. SHAFT TUGS Box looped raised shaft tugs, with 2-inch wide track girth. BREECHING 1^-inch single strap, box loop hip strap tugs, scalloped turn back, flat hip strap, round dock. No MARTINGALE. This Harness is all Hand Made and stitched 9 to inch, and is A DANDY. Price, Full Genuine Rubber Mountings $36 00 NO. 70. DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLES %-inch box loop cheeks, }-inch reins, patent-leather blinds, fancy fronts and rosettes, round winker braces. LINES Flat, black body, russet hand parts. HAMES Iron, 7 pound, box-loop tugs. COLLARS All black buggy. TRACES IJ^-inch doubled and stitched, nicely raised. PADS Coach, with inserted housing, flat belly bands. TURNBACKS %-inch, with round docks. CHOKE STRAPS ^-inch. YOKE STRAPS 1^ inch. Price, Full X Mountings $30 00 254 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. NO. 70^. DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLES %-inch box loop cheeks, round winker braces and check reins, patent- leather blinds, fancy fronts and rosettes. LINES %-inch, flat, black body, russet hand parts. HAMES Iron, 7 pounds, 0. Spot box loop tugs. COLLARS All black, buggy. TRACES l)-inch, doubled and stitched, nicely raised. PADS Coach with inserted chain housing, folded belly bands. TURNBACKS % inch, scalloped, round docks. CHOKE STRAPS %-inch. YOKE STRAPS 1^-inch. Price, Full Nickel Mountings .$35 00 NO. 20. HAND-MADE DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLES %-inch box loop cheeks, round reins and winker stays, patent-Jeather blinds, chain fronts. LINES %xl-inch, flat, fancy creased, russet or black. HAMES Iron, 7 pound, Japanned body, plated terrets and draft eyes, box loop tugs with patent-leather ends. COLLARS -Black kip, bugtry. TRACES 1^-inch, doubled and stitched, nicely raised. PADS Coached, leather faced and bottom, fancy housings, flat trace bearers, folded belly bands. TURN 7 BACKS Single leather, scalloped and fancy creased, round docks. CHOKE STRAPS %-inch. YOKE STRAPS 1^-inch. The Best Double Harness made for the Money. Price, full Nickel Mountings. .-. ....*. -. ., . .$40, 00, NO. 73. DOUBLE CARRIAGE HARNESS. , BRIDLES %-inch box loop cheeks, round reins and winker stays, patent-leather metal bound blinds, chain gag, runners and bridle fronts. LIXES %-inch, black, flat, with 1-inch russet hand parts. HAMES Iron, 7 pounds, nickel plated 0. Spot with box loop tugs, patent-leather points, safe under buckles. COLLARS One-half patent-leather. TRACES 1^-inch, doubled and stitched, nicely raised. PADS Heavy swell coach, with chain housings, doubled and stitched, raised bearers, folded belly bands. TURNBACKS %-inch, fancy scalloped, round dock sewed on. MARTINGALES %-inch, flat. YOKE STRAPS-l^-inch. Price, Full Nickel Mountings $45 00 NO. 21. HAND-MADE DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS. BRIDLES %-inch box loop cheeks, round reins and winker stays, fancy patent- leather blinds, chain front. LINES %xl^j-inch, flat, russet, fancy creased. HAMES Iron, 7 pounds, plated terrets and draft eyes, box loop tugs. COLLARS Half patent-leather, buggy. TRACES 134-inch, doubled and waved stitched, nicely raised. PADS Coach leather, bottom and top, with fancy bound patent-leather housings, doubled and stitched trace bearers, folded belly bands. TURNBACKS %-inch, fancy wave creased, round docks. CHOKE STRAPS %-inrh billet, 1^-inch flat body. YOKE STRAPS 1^-inch. All Hand-Made, Stitched 8 to inch throughout. Price, Full Nickel Mountings $55 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 255 DEERE IMPLEMENT GO.'S REPAIR LISTS We cannot ship on a blind order. We have endeavored in the following pages to make our Repair Lists as complete as practicable, and will ask dealers, as far as pos- sible, to order all extras by the number, and in the wording of the Catalogue. CLASP BOLT Deere Universal Castor Coulter Extras. Wedge Bolt $0 15 Clasp Bolts (2) each 15 Clasp (only) 15 Clasp complete \ 60 M. 1. M. 2. M. 3. M. 4. Bolt . ,$0 50 , 40 , 40 15 10 Miscellaneous Repairs for "Deere" Hand Plows. Standards. No. Price D20 Steel Standard for D 20, Plows $2 00 D40 Steel Standard for D 40, Plows 2 00 D 9 Steel Standard for DX 9 2 25 DX10 Steel Standard for DX 10 2 50 D7 Steel Standard for DX 11 2 75 DX12 Steel Standard for DX 12 3 00 DX13 Steel Standard for DX 13 3 25 DX14 Steel Standard for DX 14 3 50 F71 Malleable Standard for No. 1 Hill Side Plow. 2 75 F65 Malleable Standard for No. 2 Hill Side Plow 3 25 K49 Malleable Standard for No. 3 Hill Side Plow 4 00 GP22 Malleable Standard for GP 18, GP 180, GP 23 & GP 220, Plows 4 00 256 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS FQR " DEERE llAND~PLOWS. Index Beam Casting's. S8, Index Casting for D20 & D40 Plows $0 50 S70, " " " DX9 50 V50, " " " DX10, DX11, DX12, DX13, DX14, V12, V13 50 V49, " " " V14 Plow 50 Extension Clip for V49, V50 Index Castings 10 V V3, Index Castings for VV9, Vineyard Plow 50 V54, V52, V53, V40, Wl, VSPlow 50 V9 " 50 VIO and Vll Plows 50 V14Plow.. 50 Beam, for VV9 Plow 50 VV2, Handle Pivot Casting for VV9 Plow 35 F32, Index Casting, for No. 1 Hillside " 40 A19, " " " GP3 and GP5 Plows 40 SR9, " " " DX12, Plows NS 50 Y5R, " " " DX12, DX10 and DX14 50 Malleable Handle Braces, R77, Beam Handle Casting for No. 1 and No. 2 Root Ground Plow 50 E20, Mould " " " " 2 " " " 50 TT91 " " " " -I < < <( KQ B51,' " " Brace for AB13 Plow !........ ".... 50 C23, Malleable Handle Brace for V40, V57> and VB9 Plows 75 A34, Handle Brace for "Mapes" Subsoil Plow 50 E47, (R. H.) for 14 and 16-inch Red River Middlebreaker 40 E48, (L. H.) Handle Brace for 14 and 16-inch Red River Middlebreaker 40 E49, ( R. H.) for 10 and 12-inch Red River Middlebreaker 40 E50, (L. H.) " " " " " " " 40 Wear Irons for Handles. F20, Handle Wear Iron for DX11 and DX14 Plows 50 Y20,R. " " " " DXISPlow 50 " " " GP18, GP23, GP180, and GP220 40 Frog's. V58, Frog for VB9, Vineyard Plow $1 25 E45, E46, " X23, F66, 14 C99, C100, 12, 14 and 16-inch Red River Middlebreaker 75 18-inch " " 75 Share for No. 1 and No. 2 Deere Hillside Plow (new style) 75 " " " " " " " " (old style) 75 No. 3 Deere Hillside Plow 1 00 and Short Landside for No. 2 Double Bluebeard Plow 1 00 " Long " " " ". " " 100 Mouldboards and Handle Castingrs. E20. Casting for Mould and Handle for No. 40 and No. 80 Plows 50 64, " " " " 4i " AB6, AB7 and B58 " 50 3, " " " " " " GP15Plow 50 66, R. " " " " " " AB13, GP13, and GP17 50 B51, " " " " " " AB13 Plow 50 Standard Caps. F13, for D20 and D40 Plows 35 F14, " DX9 Plow 35 F19, " DXll and DX12 35 R26R, for DX12 35 Handle and Landside Blocks. E38, Blocks between Ivandside and Handle for Nos. 56 80, 58 and DX9 $0 25 C27, Block for Beams for No. 2 Double Bluebeard Plow 25 Forks. F7, Fork for No. 1 Deere Hillside Plow F67, " " " 2 " " " 75 360, " " "3 " 361, " Extension for No. 3 Side Hill Plow *> Sundry Parts. A10, New Style Top Beam Washer for DX 13 Plow D79, Standing Cutter Casting for No. 1 and No. 2 Root Ground Plows U, Beam and Mould Clip for V40 and V57% Plows > C55, Dial for Clevis for V40, V57^ and VB9, Vineyard Plows 25 246, Draft Dial on Subsoil Plow Clevis j*) Beam-Cap and Ratchet for Subsoil Plow JJ E95, Adjustable Malleable Shank for Beam No. 2, Double Bluebeard 1 { 189, Clamp Casting for Gauge Wheels For Price of Standards see Page 257. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 257 38888888 S88888S8 8888 88SS r-t r-l rH 01 (N (N IM - 00 ^J CO W ei3CCOOeOeOe>5r-IOT' o" o H OrHiNINeoeC OrHfNiN OCO^rHi-lrHi-leOr-l T-lr-tT-lTti 5555^353 3355.550.53 -2.533 204 S H $u g S _QW i A OO50 - {- OO Oi-IlN T}oSc 1 8SS8 88 w SS8 1 ^-<*-^O O CNCN W CO CO rtS S ^w w S^ o w Q t-T Oftj ^ i4 55 W (Jcq o < W ri!iJ(NCOU5^- OQ 'O'dr^W B ^eJ^eH ^^ oS 'S ^o o^ M oo'o'o oo ^ >V iLjp .. 10 . X s " ? 5 ' 5 | c SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 259 1 i * q |5S j W 73 1 j^rH iH r-l ^f Q i^ P 10 O * O " O C^ Q i-H >O-O P OOOOOOOO Q OiOQ"5 OO O SS S < B en "8 j : : : : ; Q Qc g LO if" S3*! ^g8g8g8S8g j j j 1 A w M ; ; ; ;5^ o to S : : : : : : ^g gJ S3 2% to 1 : : : : : : M>< M'riri ^^rH^rH^^^- P W fc O d Q - BRAND OF PLOW. O * >r< ^ '-N 2 ^ P "" S1o ec*< ^ ^ ^^^HrH ^ ^^^^ ^,^,^^1 m g P<^P4^ O P^ ^ W ^^'^^ a r = s a< s OOOO OOOO * OOOO en !! : : : : : iC iC 'C iC o *O iO iC iO iO 10 iC dOIOJC^ C^ooo pW co-*o-^t>. t)^ eo-^io pt/) Q w 8SS8 w 8338 S 8338 ^ DOt-00 ^ <>t-00 ^ OCOt-00 CO * CO * CO * nd state Numb , see next Page ve Lengt Plow Kxt SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 281 S8 C1S 88S8 i-HOJOl lO 88888888 88888 8888 88 0300*0 00 ss eoeo SS8S8 8888 SS eoeoeoco ss ^2 w .^00 & D 19 10 inch G. P. 15 . G. P. 17 . 42. 46. 14 inch. IGinch.. No. 40 (V 14 G) D. 40 12 inch... In Ordering, state which Gang Plow the Bottom is for, as Holes in Landsides are not Drilled the same distance apart for all styles. Square Head. One Tit. Round Head, Short Square. Deere 'Special" Small Head Plow Bolts. For Bepair Work. Who has not felt the need of a plow bolt with a small head? We are the first to meet the demand, and a sample will show you that it will not require a cold chisel or file to make it level with the face of a partly worn share. We shall carry in stock the TIT and SQUARE and ROUND NECK bolts. Try a sample lot, and you will continue to buy them. They can be purchased only from us. Tit Bolts, % in.xl, 1^, 1), 1%, 2 and 3 inch. Tit Bolts, 9-16 in.x2^ inch. Square Head Bolts, % in.xl^, 1)4, 1%, 2, and Sinch. Square Head Bolts, % in.xl> inch. Left hand thread. Square Head Bolts, 9-16 in.xl^ inch. Left hand thread. Round Head, Short Square Bolts, % in.xl, 1%, l%,l%,2 and 3 inch. Round Head, Short Square Bolts, 7-16 in.xl^, 1# and \% inch. Round Head, Short Square Bolts, ^ in.xl inch. The above Cuts show Heads One-third Larger than actual size. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Coulters. PRICE LIST. NO. A A AS B 73 B A 5 A 48 C 183 397 398 153 364 365 372 373 D 368 PRICE 12-inch Rolling Coulter $3 50 , 13-inch " " 3 75 Shank for same 75 Thimble for same, pair 15 Wrought Clasps for same 45 13-inch Caster Rolling Coul- ter, flat Shank 3 75 Shank for eame 75 Wedge for Coulters A and B, WB 15 Side Wedge for Coulter B, IB . 20 13-inch Caster Rolling Coul- ter, Crank 3 75 14-inch Caster Rolling Coulter 4 00 Shank for same 60 Wrought Clasp for same IB . . 45 " " " " WB.. 45 Yoke for Coulters B and C, 13-inch 75 Yoke for 14-inch Coulter, one- inch Shank 75 Yoke for 14-inch Coulter, 1)- inch Shank 75 Yoke for 16-inch Coulter, l%- inch Shank 1 00 JClamp for CRCJ Inside .... 40 713-inch RH.WBf Outside.... 50 JClamp for CRCJ Inside .... 40 (13-inch RH, IB} Outside.... 50 16-inch Caster Roller Coulter, Crank Shank 4 50 Shank for same 75 Wrought Clasps for same, IB . 50 " WB 50 (Clamp for CRCJ Inside .... 50 (id-inch RH, IB) Outside. ... 50 NO. B 74 B 75 B 104 B 105 E A 97 A 120 153 A 99 154 140 G FS B 70 B 71 G (Clamp for CRC, | Inside . |16-inch,RH,WBf Outside. jClamp for CRC,) Inside . 1WB Breaker RHf Outside. PRICE $0 40 60 40 60 16-in. Caster Rolling Coulter, Crank Shaft for New Deal. . 5 00 Shank for same 75 Wrought Clasps for same 50 (Clamp for CRC, ) Outside 50 U6-in.NewDeal,RHf Inside. 50 Thimble for B, C, D, and E, pair Yoke for 16-in. CRC 1 00 Swinging Collar for 16-inch CRC 15 Chilled Hubs for 13, 14 and 16-inch CRC, each 25 Wedge for 13 and 16-in. CRC 10-in. Rolling Coulter Blades Shank for same Chilled Hubs for same, each. Wedge for same 10 Blades, 8 and 10-in., with hubs 1 50 " 13-in., with hubs 2 00 14-in., " " . 16-in., " " . Fin Cutter, bolted 1 25 Quincy Cutter 1 75 " with clamp... 2 25 Grader " 5 00 Subsoil Attachment for Lister 5 00 Clasp, complete, 13-in., CRC. 1 25 16-in., ' 1 50 Hanging Cutter 2 50 Standing Cutter 3 00 Knee Cutter.. . 2 50 20 10 2 00 75 25 2 25 2 75 264 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Y. 32. Y. 30. HORSE HOE. Y. 81. " HATCH." Patented Dec. 15th, 1891. FURROWING. MOLE " HILLING. (R. H.) THISTLE POINT. HILLING. (L. H.) 204 203 202 'IRON AGE," "PLANET Jr.," ETC. DIAMOND. V." WEKD. SUNSET. DI'CK KoOT. CULTIVATOR SHOVELS. See List on next Page. OVAL. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Price List of Cultivator Shovels. PRICE No. 208, 1^x8 in., for "Planet Jr." and "Iron Age" Cultivators, each $0 15 No. 205, 1^x8 ' 15 Xo. 204, 2x8 ' 20 No. 203, 2}-2x8 ' 25 No. 202, 3x8 ' 25 No. 201, 3)^x8 ' 25 No. 200, 4x8 ' 25 No. Y29, Oval, Reversible, for ' " 25 No. Y26, Diamond, for Wood Frame Cultivators, each 25 "Thistle Points," 8 in., for All Iron " " 60 10 " ' " " 65 12 " ' " " 70 15 " ' " " 75 "Hilling, ' for Riding and Walking Corn Cultivators, each 2 50 "Sunset,' 2^x8 in., for "Sunset,""Top- Notch, ""Zig-Zag,"and"Sunol"Cults,each 25 "Duck-foot, "No. 1,5 in., " " " Cults., each 50 2, 7 in., " " " " " 75 "Mole," 3^ in., " " " " (self-sharpening) each 25 *"Hatch," No. 1, 2^ in., " " and Sunol " " 20 " 2, 3K " " " " " " 25 "V" Weed Knives, for " " and "Zig-Zag" Cultivators, 75 "Furrowing," 10 in., for " " " " " 150 15 " " " " " " 2 00 Horse Hoe, right, left or center, for "Iron Age" Cultivators, each 50 Single ShovellBlades and Bolts, each 2 50 Double " " 1 50 Cultivator Shovels on Reversible Block, 5-inch, each 1 75 " 3^-inch, " L 50 "Ventura" " each 3 00 "Hueneme" " " 175 Shovel Standards. PRICE "Hatch" (Short) for "Sunol" Cultivators, each. . $0 50 "Sunset," " " " " " 50 "Hatch," No. 1 or 2, for "Sunset" or "Top-Notch" Cultivators, each 75 "Sunset" Oval, for "Sunset," "Top- Notch," or "Zig-Zag" Cultivators, each 75 "Duck-foot" No. lor 2, " " " " " " 75 "V" Weed Knife (same as "Sunset"), each 75 "Furrowing" " " " 75 Straight Weed Knife Standards, " 75 Straig-ht Weed Knives. (With Standards.) PRICE 5-foot, complete for "Sunset" or "Top-Notch" Cultivators, each $5 00 6-foot, ' " " " " " 6 00 8-foot, " " " " " 8 00 9-foot " " "^ " " 9 00 5-foot, "Zig-Zag" Cultivator, each 5 00 6-foot, " " " 6 00 3-foot, "Sunol" 5 or 7-Tooth Cultivators, each 3 50 4-foot, " 9-Tooth " . " 400 The "Hatch" Shovel was patented December 15th, 1891. 266 DEEE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Clevises. SAN FKANCISCO, CAL. 267 Clevises Complete. NO. 16 18 1 2 3 3 5 B 5 N B 6 7 9 B 9 B 9j A 12 A 13 16 18 A 19 G 30 D 30 D 31 A 46 E 64 E 69 E 70 C 78 E 79 E 80 C 80 C 81 E 82 90 A 101 134 A 134 135 144 PRICE Clevis, fits No. 1 Deere Side Hill, and 57, price complete, $0 50 Clevis, fits No. 2 Deere Side Hill, and 58, 7)6, A-7)6, V 11, V12, V13, price complete 70 Clevis, fits V8 Deere Chilled Plow ..................... 40 Clevis, fits No. 3 Deere Side Hill . . 1 00 NO. PRICE 160 Clevis, fits GPS, AX16, 12 in. Breaker, GP180, GP220. . . .$1 162 & 3 Clevis, fits AB7,38, B58, Plows and Potato Digger ......... 1 165 & 6 Clevis, fits 14 in. Breaker . . 1 169 & 70 " " GP12and GP13... 1 171 " " 56, 40 and 80 Plows ]80&180^ Clevis, fits 7,6, 12, and GPU.. . 1 00 Extras for Clevises. 15 20 20 20 35 End Link for No. 5, Iron Age, etc End Link and Pin for Nos. 7, 9, 12)6, 18 End Link New Deal Single... No. 57 Potato Digger Clevis Jaw, L, New Deal Gang Old Style 1 00 Clevis Jaw, R, New Deal Gang Old Style ... 1 00 Clevis for Two-Horse Plows . . " " GP3, GPS, GP55... Cross Clevis for B5, B6, Cast. Cast " New Deal Gang, Cal Cast End Piece for Dial Clevis << Clevis for 15 and 16-in. Index Beam V8 Chilled Plow Clevis for No. 3 Hillside Index Beam Casting and Bolt Deere Steel Smoothing Har- row Clevis Deere Sm'th'g Harrow Clevis Hook Clevis, Wood Harrow. . Clevis, 5-Tooth Cultivator. . . Cross Clevis, 9 to 12-in., IB Plow Clevis Jaw, L, 14 and 15-in., IB Plow Clevis Jaw, R, 14 and 15-in., IB Plow Draft Clevis, New Deal Gang. Lever " " " Single Clevis Jaw, " " L,forRH, ND Gang "R" " ' ' ' ' Lever Clevis Support ND S'gle Cross " Two-Horse WB. Plate for Four and Six- Horse Evener Clevis Center-Hook for Tripletree. . . Four and Six-Horse Evener Clevis 40 Plate for 134 Cross Clevis Pin . 15 145 146 147 148 149 160 1 00 JLO^i 50 163 50 1 25 164 165 75 166 35 167 50 168 60 40 169 85 35 170 20 171 40 30 175 85 180 i ftft 50 loU, 181 35 182 185 35 187 1 50 188 1 25 197 1 50 1 25 217 75 246 60 247 45 . 336 10 5 35 SC 40 30 15 Clevis Jaw, R, for New Deal and Gilpin, each 40 Clevis Jaw, L, for New Deal and Gilpin, each 40 Cross Clevis for 145, 146 50 End Link and Pin 35 Two- Horse Attachment, R. . . 75 Clevis Jaw, Three-Horse, WB, each 50 Clevis Jaw, R, Two-Horse Iron Beam, each 30 Clevis Jaw, L, Two-Horse Iron Beam 30 Cross Clevis for 162, 163 50 Clevis Jaw, R, 3-Horse, WB . . 40 " " L, " " 40 Cross Clevis for 165, 166, 169, 170 50 End Link for Nos. 90, 147, 164, 167,182 20 Clevis Jaw, R, Three-Horse Iron Beam 40 Clevis Jaw, L, Three-Horse Iron Beam 40 Three- Notch Clevis and Link for Plows, 40, 56, 80 40 Link for 171 15 Clevis Jaw,R, 12 and!4-in.WB 30 C'pl'ng Clevis, Deere Smooth- ing Harrow 40 Cross Clevis for 1 80 , 180)6 60 Clevis for Grader, Jr 1 50 " " IB, Double Shovel 30 " " Grader, Sr 1 75 Three-Horse Cross Clevis 1 00 Rod for 197.. 40 End Link for Deere Gang Civ's 30 Dial Clevis (Subsoil) 50 " " (Vineyard) 75 336 E Evener Clevis 30 Malleable End- Piece for Dial. 40 T Clevis for 5-Tooth Cultivator withW 15 Clevis for Single and Double Shovel Plows 20 Plow Clevis for N. S. Gauge Wheel . , 50 268 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. E79 Repairs for "New Deal" Single Plow, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Repairs for "New Deal" Single Plow. NO. B 8 B 11 R 22 B 83 B 84 A 84 A 85 A 86 B 86 Z 381 A 87 B 87 B 87^ A 88 B 88 B 88K A 89 A 90 A 90K 92 93 A 94 A 95 A 97 A B 98 A 99 120 125 127 134 61 79 80 PRICE Cast Journal Bearings, LH. . .$0 50 " Ratchet, LH 1 75 " Washer for Ratchet 15 Link to Finger-Trigger 15 Lines Support on Lever 15 Lever Spring Box 30 " Dog 15 " Crank 50 Wheel Box, pair 1 00 " l^in 1 00 Finger Trigger 15 Wheel Scraper Casting Fur- row Axle 15 Wheel Scraper Casting Fur- row Axle 15 Sand Collar 25 Wheel Scraper Casting Land Axle, 1J^ inch 15 Wheel Scraper Casting Land Axle, 1% inch 15 Thin Thimble on Axles 15 Cast Journal Bearing, RH 50 " Washer 20 Spring Socket 50 Plunger 35 Clamp to Axle 25 Spring Complete 1 75 Cast Ratchet 1 75 CRC Clamp, RH 50 11 " " 50 Cast Tool Box 50 Swing Collar, CRC 15 RC Cup, pair 15 Hook and Eye for Singletree. 20 Triplet ree Brace, R 20 " L 20 Center Hook to Evener 35 Beam and Mould Clip 40 Landing Landing Device, complete $5 00 Lever 1 25 " Rod 15 " Spring 15 Clevis " 20 Lever Clevis 1 00 Beam Cross Clevis . . . 1 25 NO. PRICE 135 Evener Plate $0 30 136 Wrench 25 145 Clevis Jaw, L 35 146 " " R 36 147 Cross Link and Pin 50 149 Two-Horse Clevis Attach- ment, R 75 153 Rolling Cutter Yoke 1 00 154 " " Hub, chilled.. 25 168 Link and Pin 25 298 Axle Thimble, pair 20 336 E Evener Clevis 30 Beam (steel) 10 00 Axles, 1) inch (steel) each. . . 3 00 " 1*4 " " "... 4 00 Lever 3 25 " Hook 30 " Rod 15 " Spring 15 Spring 60 CRC Shank 75 " Clasp " Blade and Hubs Wheels (steel) pair, 3-in. tire. " " " 4-in. " Weed Hook Wheel Scraper, 15-in., pair. . . 12^-in., pair. 50 3 50 9 00 10 00 1 00 75 75 Lever Handle 30 Axle Support 1 25 Linch Pins, each 10 Spring Keys, " 05 Tripletree, complete 5 00 Main Evener for Tripletree .. 60 Short " " " ... 50 Singletrees, each 60 Neck Yoke 1 25 Device. E 81 Lever Ratchet '. . $ 50 E 82 Ratchet Support 50 E 83 Spring Box 30 E 84 " Dog 15 C 14 Hand Catch 15 N 3 End Clevis.. 20 Seat Attachment. R 22 D 24 D 87^ D 89 E 89 D 90 E 90 D 91 D 94 128 D 140 Beam Washer $ 15 Linch Pin Collar 10 Beam and Seat Casting, R. . . 2 50 " Foot Lever Washer. . 15 Wheel Scraper Clamp 15 Thimble for Wheel 35 Scraper Eye Bolt 15 Yoke Bearing 75 Wheel Shank 1 00 Seat .... . 1 25 Seat Spring $2 50 Hand Lever 1 00 Foot " 1 00 Connecting Strap 75 D 92 Wheel Yoke. Scraper Foot Lever Bolt. Axle Bolt Wheel " Box . 1 00 30 15 20 50 50 Subsoil Attachment (2 G-ang-). Main Frame $6 50 Standard 3 75 Landside . . . 1 50 Shoe or Share $1 50 D 89 Ratchet 50 50 For Prices on Shares, Moulds and Landsides, see Page 258. 270 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. LANDI PI G LEVER ffliiiiilEiillillUllllllilllillillM Repairs for "New Deal" Two Gang. For Prices on Shares, Moulds and Landsides, see Page 259. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 271 Repairs for " New Deal " Two-Gang. NO. B 5 B 5 ! 5* PRICE Clevis Jaw, LH $0 90 B 10 R 22 D 24 X 27 E 40R E 40L E 43 E 44 B 55 B 55K OB 64 B 83 B 84 A 84 85 86 A A B 86 87 88 A A B 88 B A 89 A 90 A 94 A 97 A 97^ B 98 A 99 D 20 D 23 D 24 D 27 120 125 127 134 135 Wheel Box, per pair 1 00 iy z " " " " i oo Clevis Jaw, RH 90 Cast Ratchet, R 1 75 Axle Journal Bearing, LH. . . 50 Cast Clevis 1 25 Bolt for same 30 Cast Spools between Beams . . 50 " Washer for Ratchet... 15 Axle Thimbles, 1> in., pair. . 20 1> Wheel Box, pair 1 00 Scraper Clamp 25 25 Axle Bearing, 1% inch 50 " " " " 50 1^ Wheel Box, pair 1 00 1% " " Reducer, to fit IK Wheel, pair 1 00 1% Wheel Box, pair 1 00 Link for Finger-Trigger 15 Lines Support on Lever 15 Lever Spring Box 30 Dog , 15 Crank 50 1% Wheel Box, pair 1 00 Finger-Trigger 15 Sand Collar, \% axle 25 Wheel Scraper Casting 15 15 Thin Thimble, 1) axle 15 Cast Axle Journal Bearing, RH 50 Clamp to Axle, 1J inch 25 CRC Clamp, outside ( RH ) K ft inside "JGangf Cast Tool Box 60 CRC Swing Collar 15 Thin Thimble, \% axle 25 Sand Collar, 1} axle 25 Axle Thimbler, pair 20 Malleable Axle Clamp, 1} axle 25 CRC Cups, pair 15 Singletree Hook and Eye 20 Tripletree Brace, R 20 Tripletree Brace, L 20 A 138 Center Hook to Evener 35 Plate to Evener 35 Landing Device, NO. 136 153 F 82 154 217 298 336 E c 14 Landing Lever, complete 7 50 Lever 1 25 " Support 25 " Ratchet 75 Rod 15 Spring 15 Long Clevis Bolt 25 Gas Pipe Roller 20 Hand Catch ... 15 81 4 oo 2 00 2 00 50 30 25 35 35 PRICE Wrench ............. ...... $0 25 CRC Yoke .................. 1 00 Front Lever Ratchet ......... 1 25 CRC Hub, chilled ........... 25 Link and Pin ................ 25 Axle Thimble, pair, 1) inch. 20 EvenerClevis ................ 30 Long Beam .................. 9 00 Short " .................. 8 00 Axles, l 1 ^ inch, each ........ 3 00 " iy z " " Flat Brace between Beams. Round " " "... 2 Lever .................... 3 Long Lever Hook ............ Short " " ............ Wheel Scraper, 12) in. Fur- row Axle ................ Wheel Scraper, 12J in. Land Axle ..................... Weed Hook Eye-Bolt ........ 15 Adjustable Brace ............ 50 Tripletrees, complete ........ 5 00 Main Evener for Tripletree ... 60 Shore " " " ... 50 Singletrees, each ............ 60 Neckyoke, complete ......... 1 25 Four-Abreast Evener ........ 7 50 Main Evener for same ....... 1 00 Short " " " ....... 50 Doubletrees, with Chain and Rod for Head Team ........ 6 50 Lever Rod ................... 15 Long Bolt .................. 25 CRC Shank ................. 75 " Clasp .................. 50 " Blade and Hubs ....... 3 50 Lever Springs .............. 15 Wheels, pair, 4-in. Tire ..... 10 00 " 3-in. " ...... 9 00 Wheel Boxes, pair ........... 1 00 Draft Rod and Chain.. . 200 Weed Hook Lever Handle , Shoe for Landside Other Parts on Page 271. 00 25 75 Seat Attachment. Wheel Yoke, two pieces 1 00 Stirrup Strap for same 25 Foot Lever 1 00 Hand " 1 00 Connecting Lock Bar 75 Seat Spring 2 50 Wheel 4 50 Scraper 30 " Bolt or Axle 20 Swinging Collar for Wheel Yoke 15 22 24 87^ 89 90 90 91 94 128 92 Spring Box 30 Draft Clevis, R 1 25 Clevis Jaw, L \ RH J 1 00 " " R J Gang | 75 Lever Cap 20 Beam and Ratchet Washer 10 Draft Clevis, L 1 25 Lever Hnd 65 Spring Dog 15 Beam Washer 20 Linch Pin Collar 10 Beam and Seat Casting, R 2 60 Wheel Scraper Clamp 15 Chilled Thimble for Wheel, each 50 Scraper Eye Bolt 15 Caster Yoke Bearing 75 Shank 1 00 Seat 1 25 Wheel Box 50 D 148 Spring look. New Style Spring Lift. 200)0108 SpringPlate 50 75 272 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for New Deal Three, Four and Five-Furrow Gang Plows. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 273 Repairs for New Deal Three, Four and Five-Furrow Gang- Plows. For Cut, See Page 270. PRIC E Steel Frog, 10-inch $3 00 " 12-inch 3 50 14-inch 4 00 Finger Trigger l5 Malleable CRCYoke.... 1 Chilled CRC Hubs, each 25 End Link and Pin 25 Malleable 5-hole Crank ?5 Axle Thimbles, l)-in.,pair. . 20 356E EvenerClevis 30 f Short Beam 8 00 Middle " 9 00 Third " long 10 00 " short 8 00 Short Beam 8 00 Second " 9 00 Third " 10 00 Long Fourth Beam 12 00 Short Adjust. " 8 00 No. 1 Beam 8 00 "2 * 9 00 "3 ' ".10 00 "4 ' 12 00 " 5 ' short 8 00 Axles, Itf- nch each 3 00 l>-inch, each 4 00 Flat Brace between Beams. . . 2 00 Round 4t " " . 2 00 Lever 3 50 Hook 30 Rod 15 Center Hook 30 Long Bolt 25 " 20 Lever Spring 15 Front Lever 1 00 " Rod 25 " Link 20 " Spring 15 11 complete 3 50 Weed Hook 1 00 Bolt for Front Clevis 25 Main Lever 3 50 Strap to Clevis 90 Square Lever Fulcrum 90 Bolts for same, pair 45 Ratchet 1 25 Hand Lever 60 Sliding Strap 30 I Ratchet Dog 30 Landing Device, complete 7 50 Rod and Chain 2 00 Wheels, 3-inch Tire, pair 9 00 4-inch " " 10 00 Beam Washer for Main Lever 40 Scraper Casting 30 " 30 Front Lever Ratchet 1 25 Draft Casting on Lever 225 Land Axle Bearing, RH 75 LH 75 Rod Heart 75 Front Casting on Land Lever 50 Gas Pipe 50 For Prices of Shares, Moulds and Landsides, see Page 259, NO. PR 61 Mould and Beam Clip $0 63 " " " " ICE 40 40 40 15 90 90 76 15 30 35 25 15 25 25 20 25 35 20 60 60 60 15 30 15 15 30 60 15 50 15 25 15 25 40 50 50 60 15 75 15 20 75 20 20 35 35 30 25 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 50 NO. D 38 S D 12 D 14 B 16 F 153 ft 154 C 217 E 245 ft 298 A 356EE Three Furrow Four Furrow Five Furrow * A F B L C L S L F ^ B Landing Device L D ^ D 89 B E 92 S< E 93 F 86 F] D 110 D Dill L D112 D117 D K 34 F G DU ( 11 Axle Clasp B 5 Malleable Clevis Jaw, LH . . . . B 6 " " " RH.... B 9)6 Cast Clevis C 13 Mal'ble Spr'g Dog, front lever B 17 Cast Spool between Beams . . B 18 " Journal B 19 " Lever Fulcrum . ... R 22 " Washer for Lever Handle D 20 Malleable Thin Thimble, 1> Axle D 23 Malleable Sand Collar,!)^ axle D 24 Axle Thimble, l)6-inch Axle, pair D 27 Mal'ble Axle Clamp, 1# Axle D 54 Cast Bearing for l)6-in. " B 72 Cup Ferrule for Lever Handle D 73 Malleable Socket, front lever. D 74 " Segment, " " D 75 " Crank, D 76 " Hand Catch, " B 56 " " " " (< B 83 Link to Finger Trigger B 84 Lines Support on Lever A 84 Malleable Spring Box B 85 Landing Lever Dog.. A 85 Dog A 86 Crank A 87 Finger Trigger A 88 Sand Collar, 1^ axle A 89 Thin Thimble, 1% axle A 94 Axle Clamp, 1% " D 93 9-inch Spool bet. Beams A 97 Mai ble CRC Clamp, outside. A 97)6 ' " " inside.. B 98)6 Cast Tool Box . . . A 99 Malleable CRC Swing Collar. B 99 Cast Ratchet 1 120 Malleable CRC Cups, pair 125 Singletree Hook and Eye. 126 Evener Hook 127 Tripletree Brace, RH 127)6 " " LH 134 Center Hook to Evener 134)6 " " " " new... 135 Evener Plate 136 Wrench A 138 Landside Shoe B 86 Wheel Box, 1^-inch and I%- inch,pair ... 1 B 5 Wheel Box, fluted, l)6-in., pair 1 B 5)6 " " 1)6 -in., pair 1 X 27 " " " " 1 B 55 " " 1^-in., " 1 B 55)6 " " to change 1>6 to 1^-in., pair 1 OB 64 Wheel Box, with Screw, 1>6~ in., pair 1 N 14 Wheel Box Cap, Screw, pair. . B 86 " " l^-in.,pair 1 D 24 Steel Frog, 8-inch . . .2 274 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for New Deal Subsoil Attachment. NO. PRICE Lever $2 50 Dog 15 Fulcrum 50 Ratchet 1 50 Standard 4 00 Shoe (or Share) 1 50 Straps 20 Land Plate 1 50 NO. Handle PRICE $0 20 D 76 . . 15 D 56 15 C 88 10 155> 15 D140 7 00 D 89 75 Repairs for Vaugrhan Gang-. First Beam 4 50 Second " 5 50 Third " 5 00 Fourth " 5 50 Furrow Axle 2 50 V 67 Axle (Cast) 2 00 V 68 Land Axle Collar 15 V 61 Furrow Axle Crank 60 A 88 " < Collar 25 Wheels, each 4 50 Land Axle Pin 40 Landing Lever 1 50 " Support 75 Ratchet 75 " " Support.... 15 Lifting 2 00 " Ratchet 1 00 " Spring Plunger 30 Landing Dog Rod 15 Gas Pipe 35 V 62 Axle Bearing 85 V 63 Lift Lever Fulcrum 85 V64 " " Arm 40 V 65 Land " Fulcrum 30 V 66 Cast Ratchet 40 385 Clevis 1 25 298 IX Axle Thimble, pair 20 C 82 Lever Cap 25 C87 " End 60 B 56 Spring Box 20 A 354 " " 40 G24 " Dog 15 C88 " " 15 217 End Link and Pin 30 B 16 Trigger 15 D76 " 15 Z381 \% Wheel Box, pair 1 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 275 214 2GO OUT OF GANG PLOW FARTS Repairs for "Deere" Gang- Plow. NO. PRICE 1 Cast Clevis for 12-in., 4x1% beam, see cut No. 90 $3 00 4 Cast Clevis for 10-in., 4x1% beam, see cut No. 90 3 00 11 Cast Clevis for 8 and 10-in., 3%xl beam, see cut No. 90 3 00 90 Cast Clevis for 12 in., 3%xl beam, see cut No. 90 3 00 125% Cast Clevis, Improved, see cut No. 90. . 3 00 190 " " forTR9, " " " 90.. 300 3 Casting for Tongue Adjusting, 4x1% beam, 12-in., see cut No. 92 200 3% Casting for Tongue Adjusting, 3%xl% beam, 12-in., see. cut No. 92 2 00 6 Casting for Tongue Adjusting, 4x1% beam, 12 in., see cut No. 92 2 00 6% Casting for Tongue Adjusting, 35^x1% beam, 10-in., see cut No. 92 2 00 12 Casting for Tongue Adjusting, 3%xl beam, 8 and 10-in., see cut No. 92. ... 2 00 192 Casting for Tongue Adjusting, 3%xl beam, TR 9, see cut No. 92 2 00 92 Casting for Tongue Adjusting, 3%xl beam, 12-in., see cut No. 92 2 00 2 Hinge Casting, 4x1% beam; 12-in., see cut No 95^ 200 5 Hinge Casting, 4x1% beam, 12-in., see cut No. 95% 200 13 Hinge Casting, 4x1% beam, 8 andlO-in., see cut No. 95% 2 00 95% Hinge Casting, 3%xl beam, 12-in., see cutNo.95% 200 195 Hinge Casting, 3%xl beam, TR 9, see cut No. 95% 2 00 8 Right Hand Axle Casting, 4x1% beam, 10 and 12-in., see cut No. 93 1 75 93 Right Hand Axle Casting, 3%xl beam, 10 and 12-in., see cut No. 93 193 Right Hand Axle Casting, 3%xl beam, 8 and 9-in., see cut No. 93 7 Right H and Axle Casting, 4x1% beam, 10 and 12-in., see cut No. 93 94 Left Hand Axle Casting, 3%xl beam, 8 and 12-in Ratchet Casting, 4x1% beam, 10 and 12-in Ratchet Casting, 3%xl beam, 8 and 12- in Lever Socket, 4x1% beam, 10 and 12-in. Adjusting Brace Support, malleable. . . Foot Rest Landing Segment, malleable Device, " Wrench Seat " Spring Lever Spring " Clip Ratchet Right Hand Axle Left " " Axle Thimbles, pair Patent Wheel Box, with Bolts, pair 96 10 27 97% 122 123 136 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 (Wheel Scraper, RHf nair 211 j " " LHi P 212 213 214 Tongue, Iron and Chain. Foot-Step Arm Swing Rod $1 75 1 75 175 4 50 150 1 50 1 75 50 1 50 75 20 30 1 75 300 3 25 1 00 25 1 50 5 00 450 25 2 00 x 25 2 50 2 00 75 Continued on Next Page. For Prices on Shares, Moulds and Landsides, see Page 259. 276 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for "Deere "Gang Plow. [Cont'd.] See Cut on Previous Page. NO. 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 41 42 43 48 PRICE Axle Brace $0 50 Three- Horse Equalizer 1 50 Clevis Link 25 Beam Brace 2 00 Coulter Shank 1 25 Clasp 75 Linch Pin, pair 20 Tail Nut for Seat 20 Lever Dog 25 Cast Foot-Iron 1 25 Wrought " 2 75 Axle Washers, pair 25 Repairs for Deere PRICE Wheels, pair, Iron $16 00 Doubletrees, ironed, pair 3 50 Long Beam 10 00 Short " 8 00 Clevis for Three- Horse Hitch ... 1 50 Tool Box 1 25 Tongue, without Iron 4 00 Chains, pair 1 Iron, Front 1 Beams with Castings, per set. Adjusting Brace 50 25 30 00 50 Furrow " ... 2 50 B 9 Land " ... 2 25 C 47 Landside 1 00 C 93 Wheels, each .. 3 00 E 37 First Beam 1 50 E 94 Second " .... . 2 50 J 6 Third " ... 2 00 J 7 Flat Brace . 1 00 J 9 Beam and Handle Brace Ratchet and Beam Strap 75 15 J 10 J 11 Handles, each . 1 50 J 12 Long Hook 45 J 13 Center " 25 J 22 Dog Rod ... 20 J 100 Plate . 10 N140 Spread Rod for Handles " " " Beams.. ... 15 15 N168 Pony" Gang. Gas Pipe for Handles $0 40 Cross Clevis 65 Pipe Washer 10 Linch Pin Collar 10 Spool 25 Hand-Hold 15 Clevis Jaw 35 Wheel Box 20 Hand Lever 1 00 Ratchet 1 25 Crank 25 Radius Crank 25 Axle Bearing . . 15 10 Repairs for Deere Collar Standard Block Axle Clamp End Link and Pin. Gas Pipe for Beams " Frisco " Gang. 10 15 25 35 Short " 13 00 Flat Brace 2 00 Round ' ' 2 25 Front " 2 75 Ratchet Bar 2 00 a 1 50 " Brace RH 35 " " LH 35 Lever Cross Bar 1 50 " Support Lifting Lever 2 00 2 25 K 16 " " Dog Rod 15 K 17 11 Straps 1 25 C 13 Land Axle (Steel) 3 25 D 76 Furrow " 3 00 B 56 Axle and Beam Plate 2 25 C 88 " Cross Bar Cross Bar Support 2 50 1 00 A 87 B 84 Landing Lever 1 00 B 83 " " Dog Rod 15 E 92 " " and Axle Plate Rod (Swivel) 75 E 93 D 27 Seat Spring 2 50 B 78 " " Support Hammer Strap 50 30 87^ 143 Ratchet Bar, Beam Clamp Tool Box Staples Adjusting Brace for Bottom Wheel Scraper, RH " LH. 30 20 60 75 75 149A 2 8 K 18 K 19 A 209 Wheel Scraper Reinforcers ... $0 40 " Knives 15 Tongue Clip 40 Plate 25 Iron 1 00 Rings 25 Long Links 15 Chain 85 Bolt 25 Evener " 25 Wheels, per pair 16 00 Landing Lever Arm 65 Ratchet.. . 1 25 Lifting Sand Cap. Spring Dog. . . Hand Catch. , Spring Box . . . " Dog... Hand Catch . . Line Support. Links . . 1C 10 20 10 30 10 10 30 30 Axle Clamp 25 Rear Plow Adjuster 50 Tail Nut for Seat 10 Sand Cap and Wheel Hub .... 25 Corner Iron for Tool Box 10 Linch Pin Collar 15 Axle Box 1 75 Tongue Plate 50 Wheel Box.. ... 1 00 For Prices on Shares, Moulds and Landsides, see Page 259. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 277 DOG BOO LANDING LE\/ER FURROW WHEEL SUPPORT G13 G4I G57 G5Z GBO G 27 Repairs for * 'Gazelle" Sulky Plow. For prices on Shares, Moulds and Landsides, see Page 258. 288 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for "Gazelle" Sulky Plow. No. X M M N M A C 14 G 15 B 16 G 16 G 17 G 18 G 19 B 20 G 20 G 21 G 22 G 23 G 24 G 25 G 20 G 27 G 28 G 29 G 31 G 32 G 34 G 35 G 36 G 37 G 38 G 40 G 41 G 42 G 43 G 44 B 20 X 1 G 45 G 47 G 48 G 49 G 50 G 51 G 52 G 53 G 56 G 57 G 58 G 59 G 60 G 64 G 65 G 68 G 69 G 70 G 71 G 72 G 73 Wheel Box, front wheel $ PRICE 35 No. G 74 Rear Wheel Arm $ PRica 1 25 Beam Disc CRC Clasp 50 G 75 Frame Plate 1 00 Shank Socket CRC Clasp 40 G 76 Journal Block for Bale 35 End Link 25 G 77 Journal Block for Land Axle. 1 00 Key Bolt Washer CRC Clasp Neckyoke Washer 15 10 G 78 Spring Dog Stop, Rear Wheel G 79 Foot Rest 25 25 Hand Catch on Lever 15 G 80 Ring for Rear Wheel 15 Arm on Front Crank 45 G 81 Strap Arm for Crank 1 25 Hand Trigger on Furrow lever Land Lever 15 1 25 D 76 Hand Trigger, Land Lever. . . E 79 Lever Clevis 15 1 00 Furrow Lever . . 1 25 Steel Beam 10 00 Slotted Lever Arm, rear crank Square Button for G 18 50 10 E 80 Beam Cross Clevis E 81 Landing Lever Ratchet 1 25 50 Box for Land Wheel 35 E 82 " " " Support 50 Lever Arm front Crank 35 E 83 SpringjBox 35 Journal for Caster Wheel ... 3 50 E 84 Spring Dog 15 Spring Arm for Caster Wheel 1 00 87 >Tail N ut for Seat 10 Spring Dog for Caster Wheel 15 A 88 Sand Collar 25 Spring Dog for Lever 15 E 89 Scraper Block Caster Wheel 15 Clip for Front Crank . . . 50 A 99 CRC Swinging Collar 15 Box for Rear Crank 1 00 120 CRC Cup pair 15 Cap for G 26 65 A 125 Trace Hook and Eye 20 Cone Journal Cap, pair . 50 127 Tripletree Brace RH 20 Clamp for Seat and Frame. . . 40 127^Tripletree Brace, LH 20 Furrow Ratchet 1 25 128 Seat 1 25 Land Ratchet, RH 60 132 Tool Box 1 00 Sand Band Front Wheels, OS 25 134 Evener Clevis 35 Front Axle Sleeve 1 00 135 Evener Plate 30 Cap for Front Axle Box 50 140 Cutter Wedge 10 Bearing Box, Front Axle 80 153 CRC Yoke 1 00 Bearing for Front Caster 154 CRC Hub each 25 Wheel R H 1 50 289j^Tail Nut for Tongue 10 Bearing for Rear Caster Wheel 1 25 298 Axle Thinible, pair 20 Axle Bearing, Front Crank. . 1 00 299 Tongue Washer 10 Journal Bearing for Land Monkey Wrench 65 AY!P RTT OS 1 75 Furrow Frame Bar 3 50 Caster Wheel Dog Catch 20 Land " " " Axle ..... 3 25 1 75 Caster \Vheel Box rear wheel 60 1 25 Land Wheel Box 60 Rear 2 50 Front " " 60 Lever Connecting Bar 50 65 Tongue Swivel RH 50 2 75 Tonsue Swivel "Washer 10 Wheel Scraper 30 Foot Rest RH 20 Caster Wheel Yoke, RH 3 00 2 75 Font TJpqt T/FT 20 2 00 AXfaaVinv fr\v TT SO 10 Lever Dog Rod 15 w asner tor XL* o^ Slide for Connecting Bar 15 Wheel Scraper Eye Bolt 25 1 25 Cap for G 25, front Axle Clip. 15 1 K ' Dog Rod 15 15 Spring Dog catch, caster wheel Journal Bearing for Land Axle RH Plow NS 10 2 00 Caster Wheel Springs, each Clevis Pin for E 79 Beam Clips each 15 15 25 i f\ CRC Shank 75 Linch Pin Collar, Front Axle 1U " Blade and Hubs 3 50 Tongue Iron 1 25 1 00 Adjustable Collar for Tongue 15 Linch Pins, each 10 500 Sand Band, Front Axle, over ] 2-inch 45 Main Evener for Tripletree 60 50 Furrow Lever 1 75 Short " Singletrees, each 60 Land Lever 1 75 Neckvoke 1 25 Land Lever Ratchet 1 00 Tongue 2 50 40 Spring Arm for Bale 50 3 00 Plunger Guide for Bale 40 Wheel 3 25 3 25 Furrow Lever Ratchet 65 4 00 Sand Band for Scraper Cast- 40 ing Furrow Wheel 25 New Style front Rigg, no Tongue. . . fiOO Rear Wheel Casting 4 00 SAN FRANCISCO, GAL. 289 153 i Repairs for "Gilpin" Sulky Plow. No. A 8 11 B 64 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 77 81 83 83 % 85 87 87^ 88 89 91 Price. No. Neckyoke Washer .......... Wheel Boxes, chilled, pair. . . Double Slotted Plate for 16 and 18 in ................ Hand Catch Strap ........... Ratchet Dog Strap .......... Eye Bolt on Lever ........ Cast Slide, Interchangeable R or LH .................... Cam on Axle, Interchangeable R or LH .................. Ratchet, Wheel on Hub, RH. Dog for same, RH ........... Lever Casting, RH ........ 1 Slide on Lever, RH ......... Spring for 83, 84 ............. Hand Catch on Lever R . . Tongue Brace .... ........... Tail Nut for Tongue ........ Tongue Plate RH upper and LH lower ................. Tongue Plate RH lower and L H upper .............. 20 Clamp on Lever, Interchange- able R or L . . 10 98 1 25 99 3 50 ioo 2 30 15 101 15 107 111 15 114 40 120 30 60 121 40 125 1 25 127 30 127 ^ 25 128 25 129 25 130 15 131 132 20 134 135 20 136 138 15 139 Price. Arch $5 50 Rolling Cutter Bolt 20 Long Bolt for Plate and Axle. 40 Crank Casting, RH, Right Side 60 Crank Casting, RH, Left Side 60 Ratchet Segment for lever,RH 1 25 Lever 2 75 Thimble for Linch Pin, since 1881, pair 25 Malleable Cup for Rolling Coulter, pair 20 CRC Clasp 50 Hook and Eye for Singletree. 20 Tripletree Brace, RH 20 LH 20 Seat 1 25 Foot Rest 50 Seat Spring 2 50 Axle and Bail (one piece) 6 25 Tool Box 1 00 Center Hook for Tripletree. . . 35 " Plate 30 Wrench 25 Linch Pin 10 Foot Rest Brace.. . 1 25 For Prices on Shares, Moulds and Landsides, see Page 257. 290 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY Repairs for "Gilpin" Sulky Plow [Continued]. No. PRICE 140 Wedge for Rolling Cutter. . . $0 10 141 Washer for Tongue Bolt ..... 10 142 Axle Thimble, before 1881... 10 143 Sand Cap, since 1881 ........ 20 144 Pin for Cross Link (No. 147) . . 15 145 Clevis Jaw, LH ............. 40 146 Clevis Jaw, RH ............. 40 147 Cross Link and Pin .......... 50 148 End Link ................... 25 148^ Pin for End Link ........... 10 149 Two-horse Clevis Attachment RH ....................... 75 152 CRC Shank ................. 75 153 " Yoke .................. 1 00 Rolling Cutter Blade & Hubs 3 50 " " Hub, chilled, each ...................... 25 Winging Arm, after 1878 ..... 50 Washer for Winging Arm, af- ter 1878 ................... 15 157 Plate for 16-in., after 1880, RH 3 50 168 End Link and Pin ........... 25 61 Beam and Mould Clip ....... 40 95 Wheel Box, OS, chilled, each 1 00 102 Plate 14 and 16- inch, 1878 and previous .................. 3 50 104 Plate 14 and 16-inch, 1878 and previous .................. 3 50 103 Winging Hub, 1878 and pre- vious .................... 30 109 Plate 10 and 12-in., 1878 and previous, RH ........... ... 3 50 110 Lever Casting, RH .......... 1 25 154 155 No. PRICE 198 Double Slotted Plate, 12 and 13-in., RH $3 50 299 Singletree Washer 10 336E Evener Clevis 30 368 CRC Clamp, inside 50 369 ' " outside 50 Wheels, iron, per pair 12 00 Steel Beam 10 00 Tripletree, complete 5 00 Tongue, painted 2 50 Rear Tongue 75 Neck-yoke, ironed and painted 1 25 Singletree, " " pair 1 50 Main Evener for Tripletree, painted 60 Short Evener for Tripletree, 116 118 122 123 124 126 137 151 painted, R or L 50 Weed Hook 1 00 Wheel Scraper 1 00 Lever Complete, no socket ... 3 25 Stub of Axle 1 75 Tongue Bolt 15 Plate 13 and 14-in., after 1882, RH 3 50 Plate 10 and 12-in., after 1878, RH 3 50 Lever Lug 15 " Catch 15 " Ratchet 1 25 Tripletree Main Hook 30 Strap for Beam, OS 40 Tongue Casting 30 Repairs for "Shaker" Potato Digger. P 17 Cross Bar for Shaker $0 25 P 18 Center Bars for Shaker, each. 35 P 19 Outside " " ' " 35 P 20 Shaker Wheel 1 25 P 22 Top Bearing for Roller 25 24 Long Tube for Shaker 15 P 25 Large " " " 15 P 26 Short " " " each .. 10 162 Clevis Jaw, RH 30 163 " " LH 30 164 Cross Clevis 45 168 End Clevis 25 Handles, each 1 50 Beam 5 00 Steel Blade 4 50 Wing, RH 75 " LH 75 Handle and Beam Brace . . 35 Repairs for " Deere Steel Blade $4 50 Gauge Wheel, complete 1 25 Gas Pipe for Handle $0 35 Axle for P 20 15 Gauge Wheel, complete 1 25 Clasp for Gauge Wheel 25 Strap for Clasp 15 Roller Shank 1 75 Clasp for Roller 25 Strap for same 15 Roller Bolt 15 Wood Roller 35 Shaker Cross Rod 35 " Hinges, each 15 Sheet Iron Guard 35 Short Bolts, each 05 Long " for Shaker 10 Shaker, only, complete 5 00 Weed Fender, complete 3 00 Potato Digger. Handles, complete , ,$2 00 For Prices on Shares, Moulds and Lands, see Page 258. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 291 _ SHORT HOUNiT SPREAD ROD F33 352 271 Repairs for "Columbia" Cultivator. 292 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for "Columbia" Cultivator. Repairs for Frame. NO. D D D D D 1 2CR 2CL 3 3% Malleable Axle Pipe-Box Coupling, right left Pipe-Box, slotted PRICE $0 50 50 50 15 15 NC E E E F D 4 Coupling-Box, front. 25 F D 5 ' ' rear 25 F B 29 Axle right 2 00 g B 30 " left 2 00 F B 31 Ratchet Support, right 75 F B 32 " " left 75 F B 33 B 34, B 35, B 36, Washers for Beams, each, ... Cross 15 D B B 37 38 Square Block bet. Cross Beams Seat Ratchet 15 20 X B B 39 39 U Tongue Fastener Light Tongue Casting 15 15 B 5 Ratchet right 1 00 B 56 left 1 00 B B 56 57 Lever Spring Box " Eye Bolt 20 15 B B 59 60 Seat Fulcrum " Block 20 25 191 196 Hub Band Wrench 15 25 272 273 Singletree Hook and Eye Trace " " " 25 20 298 299 Axle Thimbles, pair Singletree Washer 20 15 323 334 Shovel Block Washer Seat 15 1 25 386^ 393 Coupling Thumb-Nut Wrought Coupling Pin. 15 25 394 Goose Neck Casting Neckyoke Ring 25 20 Staple 15 18 Neckyoke Eye-Bolt Pipe- Box Clevis for Coupling , Coupling Pin, ribbed " not ribbed.. Bearing Block Bolt Washer Hand Wheel Coupling Bar, Pipe Beam. WP... IB PRICE fO 35 50 proved Coupling 25 20 20 15 ^ 15 25 50 50 50 1 L M 25 15 Long Pin and Thumb Nut Bolt for E8 5% and 6-inch Shovels, each 1 75 Wheel Box, chilled 35 Frame Cross Bar, front 1 00 rear 1 00 " Arch and Spindles, one piece. 2 25 Arch Supports, each 35 " Braces, " 30 Tongue Arch 1 75 Pendants and Links, each 40 Linch Pins, pair 15 Levers, right or left, each 60 Lever Rods and Dogs, each 35 Seat Arms, each 75 " Clip 15 Tongue Clip 15 Doubletree 1 00 Strap 15 Neckyoke, complete 1 25 Lever Ratchet Spring 15 Dog 15 Wheels, pair 12 50 Tongue 2 00 Singletrees, pair 1 50 Continued on next Page. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 293 EBE E62 No. E 62 Repairs for "Columbia" Cultivator Continued. 1890 Coupling-. Price No. Lower Coupling Yoke, Steel Beam $0 60 67 68 Axle Pipe Box.. Coupling Pivot . . 40 60 Price Coupling Bolt $0 15 Thumb Nut Wedge Bolt Coupling, complete, each . Repairs for No. 3O Rig's Steel Beam Universal. B 1 B 2 B 3 E 12 22 D 22 Steel Beam Rigs complete, "Universal," no shovels, pair $10 00 Straight Shovel Block Right Shovel Block Left Shovel Block . . Coupling Beam Adjuster Washer for same 24KSleeve 60 B 41 47 51 56 D 70 B 27^ Spread Bar Bearing, RH B 283^ Spread Bar Bearing, LH B 40 Foot Rest, RH Foot Rest, LH Lever Chain Hook, LH Stem Fastener for Spread bar , Lever Chain Hook, R H Handle Socket D 71 Bottom Button to D 70 B 97 Foot Lever Buttons, each 260> Sleeve Buttons, pair 270 Outside Shield Fastener 323 Shovel Block Washer 326 Beam Brace 330 Inside Shield Fastener 351 Handle Casting CB Corrugated Sleeve Buttons, pair Long Beam, R or LH Short Beam, R or LH Long Handle Brace Short Handle Brace Foot Lever, RH Foot Lever, LH Chain Link 15 15 2 00 $0 15 15 15 10 15 15 10 35 15 2 00 1 75 25 20 65 65 20 "Repairs for "Fresno" Cultivator. Top Beam, each $1 50 Bottom Beam, each 1 50 End Pieces for Frame, each 2 25 Center Pieces for Frame " 1 00 Braces " " " 35 Foot Levers 25 Lever Clips, each $0 10 Joint Hooks " Gas Pipes " J 28 Clamp " Wheels " OB 69 Wheel Box, each 15 15 40 5 00 50 For Other Parts, see "Columbia" Repair List. 294 1>EERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for "Deere" Spring Cultivator. No. B A D D DW D 3 D 3} D 4 D 5 D 6 D 7 D 8 D 9 D 17 24 PRICE 1 Straight Shovel Block, IB $0 20 2 RH Shovel Block, IB 20 3 LH " " " 20 8 Neckyoke Washer 10 1 Axle Pipe Box, malleable 50 2J Coupling to Beams, malleable 50 NO. 823 Pipe Box Box Spring Hook " Clamp Sand Cap, LH, RH, Coupling Spindle Spring, complete, Malleable Sleeve wood beam, mal'ble 50 malleable, slotted... 30 30 front 25 rear 25 20 . . . 30 25 . .. 25 35 wrought pair . . . 2 75 50 Pipe Box for Coup Coupling, IB Clevis heavy ling- ( * . .. 60 fl 50 i 50 u 25 \ 25 > } 25 J 15 i 15 5. 25 \ 25 'J 15 20 7 " Pin, ribbed " not ribbed 4 C Bearing Block "5 Bolt Washer Hand Wheel Long Pin and Thu Bolt for E8 Axle Thimbles, pi Fifth Shovel, com Shovel Block Was mb Nut dr " plete ... 4 00 her... 10 340 71 PRICE Tool Box $ 40 Shovel Bolt 15 Shovel Block Rivet 10 Neckyoke, ironed and painted 1 25 Square Head Bolt for E 8 Coupling, complete, each. ...... Straight Shovel Block, WB Shovel Block, WB, RH Washer . Bolts for D 2, pair 10 2 00 20 20 20 15 25 DW 2, pair 25 ' D 4 and I) 5, pair. . . . Spring Chain, each Eye Bolt and Washer for D 7, each 178 Spread Rod Clamp, cap 179 " " " bottom 196 Wrench LH Shovel RH " 250 251 252 25;; 20 10 20 15 15 25 1 75 1 75 Straight Shovels 1 75 260V Sleeve Buttons, steel beam, pair 15 259 " 40 260 " Buttons, pair 15 Rivet 05 Tongue, painted 2 00 Singletrees, ironed and painted, pair. . 1 50 Evener, painted 50 Iron Wheels, pair 6 00 OB 1 Wheel Box 85 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 295 Repairs for "Reindeer" Cultivator. No. RI A 8 F 17 F 23 F 25 F 26 F 27 F 28 F 29 F 37 F 39 F 40 F 46 A 70 196 272 273 280 292 293 299 F 17 F 14 Repairs for Frame. Wheel Boxes, pair $ Neck Yoke Washer Set Collar Arch Casting, new style, R or LH Tongue Casting Evener Casting ... Spring Fulcrum, right or left. Axle-Pipe Box, right or left. . Coupling Clevis Draft Plate on Evener, right or left Arch Casting, RH Arch Casting, LH Evener Spool Evener Washer Wrench Singletree Hook and Eye Trace Hook and Eye Linch Pin Neck Yoke Eye Bolt Neck Yoke Ring Tongue Washer No. 304 308 340 Price 45 10 15 65 50 30 35 75 50 25 75 75 10 10 25 25 20 10 35 25 10 189O Spring Price Cross Bar Collar, with set sere w$ 30 Slide on Draft Rod, with bolt. Spring Brace Bars, each Chain Link Slide Link Coil Spring 45 25 45 45 75 Axle Thimble $ 10 Hang-up Hook Casting 15 Tool Box 40 Arch, complete 4 00 Arch, Cross Bar 1 25 Right Hand Axle, with F 39. 1 Left Hand Axle, with F 40. . . 1 Evener, complete 1 Top Bar for Evener Lower Bar for Evener Hang-up Hook, right or left. . Arch Set Screws, each Draft Rods, each Tongue and Arch Staple Handles, painted, pair Singletree, complete, pair Neck Yoke, complete 1 25 Tongue, painted 2 00 Wheels, pair 6 00 OB 1 Wheel Box 35 5*4 and 6-in. Shovel, each, with block 1 75 Couplings, complete, pair. ... 4 00 Chain $ 10 Springs, complete, each 1 50 Springs, complete, with Brace bars, slide, and draft rod, and coupling clevis with bolt 3 25 25 1 25 1 75 65 80 25 10 40 15 60 I 50 Repairs Common to Different Styles of Rig's. B 1 PR PL F 30 F 31 F 36 F 38 F 45 Straight Shovel Block $ 20 RH Shovel Block 20 LH Shovel Block 20 Lower Coupling Clamp 45 Top Coupling Clamp 45 Handle Casting, right or left. . 35 Key Bolt 10 Key Bolt for third shovel 10 A 72}Cast Washer for F45. 10 270^ 323 330 Repairs Peculiar to No. 21 Rigs, F 32 F 33 F 34 F 35 F 52 24>Sleeve $ Cross Head, right 1 60 40 40 35 35 25 Sleeve Buttons, pair 15 Cross Head, left. Lower Cross Head, Clamp. . . Top Cross Head, Clamp Connecting Rod Adjuster Long Hound, right or left Short Hound, right or left .... Outside Shield Casting $ 10 Shovel Block Washer 10 Inside Shield Casting 10 Coupling Thumb-nut 15 Draft Bolt 15 Coupling Bolt 15 Cross Head Bolt 15 Shields, pair 1 50 Shovel Block Bolt 10 Parallel Pipe Beam. Third Shovel Hound, right or Left : $ 1 00 Gas-Pipe Beam, right or left. 1 25 Connecting Rod 35 Shield Arms, pair 35 Hang-up Rings, each 30 No. 21 Rigs, complete, no Shovels, pair 11 50 296 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for "Sunset" and "Top-Notch" Cultivators. No. J 17 Caster Wheel Socket $0 75 J 20 Foot Rest J 24 Shovel Standard Casting (Sun- set only) J 25 Shovel Standard Clamp (Sun- set only) J 26 Beam Clamp on Axle J 27 Frame connection on Axle . . . J 28 Standard Holder (Top-Notch only) J 29 Sand Collar J 30 Lever for Draft Chain J 34 Lever Fulcrum J 36 Ratchet J 38 Lever Casting on Beam Repairs for J 13 Lifting Roller Journal . $0 J 14 Lifting Lever (Malleable) 1 J 15 Lifting Lever Ratchet J 16 " " Thumb Piece... J 17 Caster Wheel Socket for Stan- dard J 18 Weed Knife Clamp J 19 Seat 1 J 20 Foot Rest . . ice 75 30 50 30 30 75 40 15 35 20 60 20 "Zij 25 25 75 15 75 20 25 30 NO. J 39 Caster Wheel Shank B 56 Lever Spring Case A 87 Finger Trigger Price $1 25 30 15 10 10 15 50 60 50 50 20 10 7 50 3 50 $0 25 30 15 50 50 10 7 00 3 50 B 83 Finger Trigger Link B 84 Link Pivot C 88 Spring Dog G 28 Cone Journal Cap, pair G 44 Wheel Box for Caster Wheel . B 3 Wheel Box for Front Wheel. OB 64 Wheel Box for Front Wheel N 14 " Nut for Front Wheel 298 Axle Washer Wheels per pair Wheels (Caster) each r-Zag 1 " Cultivators. J 21 Shovel Standard Casting (For Wood Frame) J 23 Shovel Standard Casting (For Steel Frame) B 16 Hand Trigger 55 Wheel Box (Wood Frame) . . OB 69 " " (Steel " .... Axle Thimble Wheels, per pair Wheels (Caster) each.. Repairs for Sunol "Cultivator." 31 Shovel Standard Holder.. .$035 K 30 Draft Hook, 35 Horse Hoe Standard Holder. 25 $0 20 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 297 HUL BRACE ETEEL.BIV1 EZlMMfflffi HOUND BRACE L. FOOT BDL. BRACE DRAFT BRACE RUB IRON Repairs for "Antelope" Cultivator 298 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. NO. H 18 H 21 H 23 H 24 H 25 H 26 H 27 H 28 H 29 H 30 H 31 H 33 196 304 E 17 E 18 E 62 E 68 Repairs for "Antelope" Cultivator. Repairs for Frame and No. 48 Rigrs Steel Beam. PRICE Arch Clamp $0 30 Lock Arm 30 Arch Support, left 60 right 60 Pipe Box, right 40 " ' left 40 Sand Cap, Axle Support, right 50 " " " left.. 50 Hang up Arm, right 35 " " left 35 Foot Stand, right or left 50 Draft Hook, " " 1 00 Wrench 25 Axle Thimbles, each 10 NO. PRICE 386 Foot Stand Trigger ............ $0 15 386) Coupling Thumb Nut .......... 15 Hound .................. ...... 35 Main Arch .................... 2 00 Small " .................... 1 00 Standing Foot ................. 35 Draft Brace ................... 15 Rub Iron, each ................ 15 Hound Brace .................. 35 Axle Pin, right or left .......... 5t OBI Wheel Box .................... 35 Wheels, pair ... ............... 6 00 Singletrees, complete, pair ..... 1 50 1890 Coupling:. Axle Pipe Box, RH 25 " " LH 25 Coupling Yoke, IB 60 " Pivot 60 Coupling Bolt 15 Thumb Nut 15 Wedge Bolt 15 Coupling complete, each 2 00 Repairs for No. 48 Rig-s Steel Beam. B 1 Straight Shovel Block 20 PR Right Hand Shovel Block 20 PL Left " " " 20 E 9 Coupling Yoke 50 24 Sleeve 50 270K Outside Shield Casting 10 326 Spread Rod Casting, between Beams . . 15 330 Inside Shield Casting 10 Spread Rod, between Beams. . . 20 Sleeve Buttons, pair 15 Long Beam, right or left 2 00 Short " " 1 75 Steel Beam Rigs, no Shovels, pair 8 50 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 299 SEVEN SHOVEL BAR iiliillllllliiillliHIIllfflliililB G. W HE EL SI R AP L D l\i G GW STRAP SHORT oiBttiB HORSE. HOE R. Repairs for Iron Agre Cultivator. No. No. 29 29 62 63 78 100 101 196 PRICE End Link JO 15 Frame Clamp 20 Adjusting Clamp with Bolt 35 Key Bolt for same 10 Block for Horse Hoe Blade, R 15 " " " L 15 Gauge Wheel (wheel only) Hound, RH LH Wrench Five Tooth Blade Horse Hoe Blade, RH NO. PRICE Horse Hoe Blade, center $0 75 20 1 00 35 35 30 30 Gauge Wheel Strap, long. ' ' short " " complete, with Straps. Adjusting Strap, RH ' ' LH Handle Brace, RH Seven Shovel Bar 1 00 Left Hand " 125 Right " " 1 25 Center Bar 2 00 Handles, pair 75 Repairs for Five-Tooth Cultivator. No. A A A A A 21 Gauge Wheel i wheel only). .. 50 46 Clevis 25 62 Handle Brace 50 63 Circle Draft, RH. . . 50 64 " " LH .. . 50 Blade 25 45 Beam Clamo... 25 35 Adjusting Bar, RH 40 " " LH 40 Wood Bar, RH 35 " LH 35 " center 35 Handles, pair 75 300 DEEE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. H H H H H H H H H No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 H 10 H 11 H 12 H 13 H 14 H 15 H 16 H 17 H 18 H 19 H 20 H 21 H 22 H 23 H 24 H 25 H 26 H 27 H 32 H 33 H 34 H 35 H 36 Repairs for Deere One-Horse Drill and Fertilizer Attachment. Bottom Plate ! Cut-off Plate Cut-off Cap Cut-off Hammer Six-Hole Disc Nine-Hole" Twelve-Hole Disc Ball Knocker (same as C 22) . Hopper-cover Ring Hopper-cover Compound Sprocket & Pinion Large Sprocket Runner Shank, malleable Flat Wheel Shaft Boxes Flat Scraper Shipping Lever Shipping Lever Bracket Shipping Lever Catch Draw Casting Scraper Weight Malleable Clevis Draw Brace for Open Shank . Slide-Shoe Key Shoe Opener Concave Wheel Concave Scraper Fertilizer Hopper Lid for Fertilizer at- tachment $0 60 Hopper Ring for Fertilizer at- tachment 45 Pulverizing Plate for Fertil- izer attachment 35 Cone for Fertilizer attachment 35 Feed Plate for Fertilizer at- tachment . . 90 Price No. 1 60 H 28 85 H 29 10 H 30 10 H 31 75 H 42 75 75 H 43 10 45 H 44 40 H 45 40 50 H 46 1 25 H 47 3 25 H 48 40 H 49 50 H 50 40 H 51 30 H 52 15 H 53 1 00 H 54 50 H 55 30 H 56 40 15 65 3 25 50 Shaft Thumb-nut Malleable Latch for Cover . . . Malleable Stud for cover latch Cut-off Plate for Corn Drill, '87 to '90 (no cut) Knocker for '87 to '90 Cut-off Plate Large Driving Sprocket Lever Bracket for large Driv- ing Sprocket Bottom Plate, '94* Draw Iron, '93* Drive Wheel Box '94* Shipping Lever Guide, '94*. . " Arm '94* " '94*. Sprocket, '94* Drive Wheel Axle, steel, '94* " '94* One-half of Steel Frame, '94* Large Sprocket, 34 points, '94* Runner (no cut) Slide Shoe (no cut) Hopper for Corn Hopper for Corn, complete. . Cut-off Brush Price 45 10 10 10 85 15 1 00 50 1 65 75 40 40 25 25 50 50 50 00 00 60 25 50 50 50 Attachment. H 37 Gate for Fertilizer attachment $0 15 H 38 Hopper Bottom Ring for Fer- tilizer attachment 65 H 39 Driving Sprocket for Fertiliz- ing attachment 35 H 40 Driving Sprocket Pinion for Fertilizer attachment 65 H 41 Bottom Plate for Fertilizer at- tachment . . 1 25 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 301 Repairs for Deere Lister and Drill. No. D 12 Sprocket Wheel, driven, drops 13 inches 16 Sprocket Wheel, driven, drops 16 inches P 21 Sprocket Wheel, driven, drops 20 inches 25 Chain D 35 > Drop Support D 36> Subsoil Tube D 37 Hand Lever D 38 Scraper Steel Plate f or D 38 D 39 Lever Catch D 40 Hand Trigger on Lever D 41 Sand Guard Box D 42 Driving Pulley D 43 Loose Collar . Price No. D 44 $0 35 , D 45 D 46 35 D 47 D 48 40 162 75 163 1 50 E 64 50 168 50 196 30 15 30 30 35 1 75 25 Sprocket Cogs Journal Bearing Driving Spider Plow Block Landside to Bottom Clevis Jaw, right,) Clevis Jaw, left, f P air --- Cross Clevis End Link Wrench Guy Rod, each Steel Beam Side Frame Bar, straight . . Side Frame bar, bent ... Mold Boards, each 14-inch. Shares, 14-inch Plow Bottom, complete. . . Price $0 40 75 1 25 1 25 50 75 50 25 25 30 7 50 1 25 1 25 3 50 6 50 15 00 For Lister Drops. U 32 One Kernel Disc, for large corn$ U 32J^One Kernel Disc, for small corn U 33 Cut-off Plate U 34 Cut-off U 35 Cut-off Cap U 36 Box Cover U 37 Box Cover Rim U 38 Bevel Drive Pinion U 39 Thumb-nut U 40 Bottom Plate U 41 Wrought Shaft U 42 Malleable Lid Stud U 43 Malleable Lid Stud Cutter. . . U 44 Cut-off Ball.. 1 00 TT 45 Blank Plate ... 1 00 1 00 TT 46 Bottom Plate ? 00 1 00 U 47 Knocker 15 30 IT 48 Blank Plate 1 00 30 75 Broom Corn Plate Cold Rolled Shafting 1 00 50 75 Steel Shoe 1 75 75 20 1 50 Scraper Strap Steel Scraper Tin Seed Tube 1 00 15 25 50 Ten-Hole Plate 1 50 10 15 Drill Attachment, complete. Seed Box, complete 20 10 00 00 15 HoDDer, onlv. . 75 Dropping Combinations. D 44 Driver, 12 cogs ) n -, i D 12 Driven, 10 cogs f Drops 13 D 44 No. 16 D 44 P 21 D 18 P 21 Disc Lister Drill. 34 35 36 38 39 P 40 P 41 42 43 P P P 44 P 45 P 46 P 47 P 48 Bottom Plate to Drill $0 85 Gear Five- Hole Plate Six- Hole Plate Seven-Hole Plate Blank Plate Cap Plate for Drop Cap to Cut-off Punch .* Cut-off Disc Hub Pinion Pinion Bearing and Cover . . . Cap to Pinion Cover Shaft Box.. 85 P 49 Star to Coupling . $0 10 15 I' 50 Coupling in ?5 p 51 Foot Trip 15 *>r> p 5 9 Link to Foot Trip 10 ?5 p 53 Shoe Casting 1 50 *>5 p 54 Draft Hook . .... 1 00 25 15 P p 55 56 Clamp to Shoe Standard Beam Casting 1 10 75 10 10 15 L 29 Wheel for Independent Drop. Shaft, each, complete Seed Box 1 1 50 00 50 15 Bolts for Seed Box 10 95 Disc each 3 5 10 Gauge Wheel Strap 15 25 302 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for the McG-ee Garden Cultivator. NO. M M M M M M M M M M10 M 11 M12 M13 M14 M15 Wheel $0 Arch 1 Swinging Arm for Handle, '88. Eye Bolt Washer for Eye Bolt 15 Shovel Standard, right 50 left Knife (or Hoe) Standard . Onion Puller Shovel Left Hoe Right" Spring Wrench Right Cultivator Beam PRICE NO. $0 75 M16 1 50 M17 60 M18 25 M19 15 M20 50 M21 50 M22 30 M23 1 00 M24 30 M25 65 M26 65 M27 35 M28 25 65 PRICE Left Cultivator Beam $0 65 Wide Wheels, 1^-inch face .... 75 Right Scroll Knife Shank 30 Left " " " 30 Right Plow Shank 30 Left " " 30 Rake 65 Right Leaf Guard 40 Left " " .. 40 Right Scroll Knife.. 30 Left " " 30 Right Plow Mouldboard. . 50 Left 50 Handles, each 50 Repairs for the Deere Garden Seed Drill. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Drill Wheel 1 50 Drive Wheel Box, right, '88. " left, '88... Gauge Wheel, '88 Yoke, '88 65 Hopper Lid 50 Agitator 20 N 15 N 16 N 17 N 18 N 19 N 20 N 21 N 22 N 23 N 24 N 25 N 26 Hopper, '88 Oscillating Plate, '8 Disc, '88 Shut-off Plate, '88. Shank, '88 Right Coverer Left " Pitman, '88 Spring Casting, '88. Roller Yoke, '88... Spur Wheel Marker, '88 15 Arm, '88 Beam, '88 Right Marker Beam Holder, '88 Left " " " " Marker Beam Clamp Key Scraper 50 N 27 15 N 28 25 N 29 65 N 30 65 N 31 50 N 32 20 N 33 00 N 34 20 N 35 50 N 36 25 N 37 50 N 40 20 N 41 20 N 42 25 N 43 15 N 44 20 N 45 15 N 46 25 N 47 15 N 49 20 N 50 25 N 51 20 N 52 20 N 53 15 N 54 20 N 55 Left Handle Bracket, '88 35 Right 50 Hand Tappet 35 Right Frame Iron, '88 50 Left '88. Pitman Spring Shut-off Spring, Latch Rod, '88.. Handle Rod.... Tappet Link 50 15 15 35 25 15 Shaft 25 Right Side of Frame, '89*. Left Shank, '89* Front Wheel Yoke, '89* . " " '89*. 75 75 50 65 65 Shut-off Plate, '89* 25 Seed " " 50 Oscillating Gauge Plate, '89*. . 20 Shut-off Plate Spring, '89* 15 Pitman Bell Crank, '89* 20 Hopper, '89* 1 00 Universal Marker 20 Lid Handle or Button 15 Bell Crank Roller, '89* 15 Pitman, '89* 25 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 303 149 Repairs for "Deere" Planter. 304 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for "Deere" Planter. NO. 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 150 151 154 159 160 161 165 166 167 168 Cut-off Plate $1 1 Cap " Plate complete (no cut) 1 75 Bottom Plate Partition Valve Latch Top-box Plate, right left Slide, right left Shank 2 " with partition and valve . Malleable Iron Planter Wrench Hammer Strap Washer, large. . small Shaft Casting for Adj. Drill .... Spring Rod Latch Hand Lever Socket Casting. . . Crank Bearing for Hand Lever Lock Lever Rack 1 Roller Gauge Wheel Suprt. R&L, each 2 Broom Corn Disc Crank Bearing for adj. lock lever R Gauge Wheel Sup- f port for New Deere | ^ ,_; Pltr i^ L Gauge Wheel Sup- . ^ port for New Deere | co 5 Pltr [ J Mal.Crank with lug for '85 & '90 Sqr. Shaft for 3 ft 8 in. Deere H. Lever, '85 to '90 Sqr. Shaft for 3 ft. 6 in. Deere H. Lever, '85 and '90 Sqr. Shaft for Deere Adj. H. Lever, '85 and '90 Marker Rope Hook, Malleable. " Head Casting 25 Tool Box Mai. Hook for holding Marker u ti a 11 Staple for holding up " Iron Dropper's Seat Hand Lever 1 40 Foot " Spring Pin 40 One Kernel Disc Two " " Three " " Four " " False Plate.. RICE NO. 1 40 205 15 206 15 207 1 75 208 1 40 209 70 210 50 211 15 212 1 00 213 1 00 214 1 40 215 1 40 216 2 10 217 3 50 218 30 219 15 220 15 220 1 70 25 221 85 222 75 224 1 00 30 225 2 10 226 40 70 28 1 25 1 25 60 60 60 40 15 25 50 15 10 10 1 00 1 40 X29 1 40 30 40 X26 50 X27 50 A34 50 A35 50 A36 50 PRICE Pawl, same as S 42 25 Hand Tappet, same as S 41 25 " Link 10 Top Coupling Link 25 Bottom Rack Pedals Tail-piece Casting. Lever Spring Pawl 25 85 40 60 45 15 Spring Latch Rod 15 30 40 30 40 40 Pin Nut. New Deere Concave Scraper. . . " " Scraper Clasp Iron Marker Head 1 Adjustable Shank 2 With Valve and Partition, com- plete 3 80 2 80 40 170 171 172 177 188 189 190 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 Al A2 A3 A4 Y6 12345 6 Diameter of Seed Cup in Sorghum and Broom Corn Discs. fcft In ordering, give number of Diameter, as well as number of Disc. ttt, Remember that the 1-Kernel Corn and Drill Discs cannot be used without the false plate "Y6." In ordering these Discs be explicit, and say whether you want the false plates sent with them, as otherwise we assume you have them. New Deere Sod Knives, each. . " " Flat Scraper (no cut) Casting for Iron Seat-bow Deere Planter 75 Metal Wheel Hub-box 60 Hub-box Nut Tongue 2 Sills 1 Front Cross Piece 1 Axle 1 Back Cross Piece 1 Side Piece 1 40 Tail " each 60 " Cross Piece 15 Gauge Pieces 35 Scraper Roller 1 15 Dropper Seat Board 35 Seed Box 60 " Cover 30 Deere Wood Seat Bow 1 75 Iron Seat Bow for all Planters . I Marker Pole " complete Seat Brace Wrought Iron Hand Lever. . Shake-Bar 40 Runners, per pair 7 00 Metal Wheels, per pair 11 25 Axle Cap 30 " Washer 15 Front Coupling 50 Rear " 50 Scraper Pedal Plate 25 " 40 " Roller Casting 25 . 1 . 2 ! i SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Repairs for "Deere F45 Wire Check-Bower, 1881 to 1892. NO. F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 F 7 F 8 F 9 F 10 F 11 F 13 F 14 F 15 F 17 F 18 F 24 F 25 F 30 F 31 F 32 PRICE Right End Bracket, '81 to '90. .$2 00 Left " " " " .. 2 00 Brackets made in '81 and '82 are complete without Pin F40. Af- ter that the Pin F40 is separate. In ordering, specify which kind is wanted. Right Pulley Holder, '81 to '90. 1 40 Left " " " " 1 40 Wire Guard, '81 to '90 15 Fork Castings, '81 to '90 30 Attached solid to Shaft F27, '84 to '90 1 00 Front Pulley, '81 to '90 35 Large Rear Pulley, '81 to '90. . 30 Small " " " " ... 25 Shake Bar Clamp, " "... 35 Same with Hook Bolt 40 Gear Cap, '81 to '90 35 " Plate, '84 to '90 1 5C In ordering Gear Plates or Push Springs be sure and give the year. Push Spring for Gear Plate '81 to '83 is too short for 84 to '90; can be used, though, by putting a few washers or a block on Spring Pin. Large Gear, '81 to '90 1 30 Gear Ratchet, '81 to '90 25 " Push Pawl, '81 to '90 35 Right Fork, steel, " " 25 Left " " " " 25 (See notes F14 above and F49 below.) Ratchet Spring, '91 to '90 10 Crank Pin for 1 880, Deere 30 Malleable Pitman, '82 to' 90. .. 30 No. F 40 F 41 F 42 F 43 F 44 F 45 F 46 F 47 F 48 F 49 F 50 F 51 F 52 F138 F139 F140 F141 PRICE Bracket Pin for Fork Casting, '83 to '90 $0 35 Malleable Coupling Knot for Wire, per doz 30 Cast Sheave Thimbles 10 Sqr. Reel Gudgeon for Crank, '84 to '90 35 Round End Reel Gudgeon, '84 to '90 35 Eye for Reel Brace, '84 to '90. . 15 Malleable Hook for Adj. Link, '84 to '90 35 Small Gear with Crank, '84 to '90 1 00 Spring Rod, '84 to '90 25 Large Push Sprinsr, '84 to '90. .. 25 Can be used with Fl 4 Gear Plate Plate for '81 to '83 by cutting off four coils. If Springs ever get too weak,put washers on Spring Pin. Center Crank, '84 to '90 70 Cast Reel " Wrought Adjusting Link, '84 to 70 25 40 25 30 Anchor Tension Yoke Spring Hook " " Pin or Stake, '89 and '90 1 00 Wire Reel (wood) 1 00 Reel Stand 1 40 " upright 35 " " Sill 50 Brake 35 Extra Wire, per rod, net 15 Reel Brace.. 50 306 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Jxtra Parts for "Deere" Disc Harrow. SAN FRANCISCO, GAL. 307 Extra Parts of "Deere" Disc Harrow. DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Extra Parts for Deere Disc Harrow. SAN FKANCISCQ, GAL. 309 Extra Parts for Deere Disc Harrow. K 169 K.463 4-4-4 K 443 K 442 K 464 K 454L, K 453R K 4-IB.R K.40B. K.43I.L. K.423. 310 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for "Deere" Disc Harrow. No. K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K K Price Bearing Spool, '88 and '90 $0 85 Spool Box Bottom, '88 to '90 Right Seat Spring Casting Left " " ' Plain Spool Tongue Brace Casting Washer " Casting (same as 21 on Planter) . . Seat Brace Casting Washer Rack Right Half Breaker Yoke, 16 in ... Left " " " ... Bearing Washer for Breaker Lever Spring Box , Hand Tappet, same as 206 Pawl, same as 205 Rub Irons Three-Horse Kvener Leveler Singletree Strap Upper Evener Bracket Lower " " Box U- Bolt Latch Rod Tongue Frame Brace Doubletree Pin, short " long Rear Upper Draft Bar Pin Front " " " " Rear Lower " " " Front " " " and Yoke Pin... 35 60 60 60 30 20 20 15 1 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 25 60 20 20 20 45 35 75 75 30 15 85 15 20 15 15 15 15 Seat Spring 1 50 Gang Bolt. In ordering, give number of Harrow 1 50 59 Latch or Pawl Spring, same as 214.. 62 Singletree Hook, complete, '88 to '90 64 16-inch Disc 64^ 20-inch " no cut 68 Lever Fulcrum Pin 69 " and Yoke Pin, '88 to '90 70 Bevel Washer 72 Seat Rest Casting 75 Front Coupling Casting for J^x '89 and '90 K 76 Top of Bearing Box, '90 K 77 Right Outside Shank, '89 and '9i K 78 " Inside K 79 Left Outside " Inside Scraper Lever, '89 and '90 Link 80 81 82 " " Pivot, '89 and '90 83 Clamp with Loop, '89 and '90. .. 84 Plain Clamp, "... 85 Scraper Bar Bracket, '89 and '90 T>iTT^f >eo o-r.,4 >an Pivot, '89 and '90 Right Scraper for 16-in. Disc, '89 and '90 Left Wrought Scraper Bar, '89 and '90. (In ordering, give number of Harrow) Scraper Spring, '89 and '90 91 Outside Disc Washer, '89 and '90. .. 92 Oil Tube Cap, '89 and '90 93 Short Oil Pipe for 16-in. Disc, '89 and 94 Long " '< " 20-in, " " 15 25 1 50 2 00 15 15 15 75 1 00 45 2 00 1 75 2 00 1 75 No. Price K 95 Tongue Riser Casting, '89 and '90 45 K 96 16-inch Middle Breaker, '89 and '90 2 00 K 97 20-inch Middle Breaker $2 50 K 98 Risht Side, 20-inch Breaker Yoke 1 25 K 99 Left " " 1 25 K 100 Right Scraper for 20-inch Disc 75 K 101 Left " " " " 75 K 102 Right Outside Coupling Shank for 20- inch Harrow 2 50 K 103 Left Outside Shank for 20-inch Harrow. 250 K 104 Right Inside " " " " 225 K 105 Left " " ' " " 2 25 K 106 Weight Box Strap, '89 and '90 45 K 107 Shank Brace Casting for 20-in. Harrow. 45 K 109 Weight Box Bracket 45 K 132 Scraper Pivot 30 K 140 Seat Spring Casting, left, '90 60 K 141 right, '90 60 K 142 Draw Brace on 20-inch Disc, '90 60 K 143 Plug for Oil Hole m Standards, '90 20 K 144 Bearing Spool for 16-inch Disc, '90 85 K 145 " Top-Box, '90 45 K 146 " Bottom Box, '90 35 K 147 Right Inside Standard for 16-in. Disc, '90 1 75 K 148 Left " " " " 1 75 K 149 Right Outside " " " " " 2 00 K 150 Left " " 2 00 K 151 Lever Draft Iron, right, for Nos. 1 to 9, inclusive, '90 50 K 152 Lever Draft Iron, left, for Nos. 1 to 9, in- clusive, '90 50 K 153 Lever Draft Iron, right, for Nos 10 to 18, inclusive, '90 50 K 154 Lever Draft Iron, left, for Nos. 10 to 13. inclusive, '90 50 K 155 Bearing Spool for 20-inch Disc, '90 85 K 156 Plain " " 85 K 157 Right Inside Standard for 20-inch Disc, '90 2 50 K 158 Left Inside Standard for 20-inch Disc, '90 2 50 K 159 Right Outside Standard for 20-inch Disc, '90 2 25 K 160 Left Outside Standard for 20-inch Disc, '90 2 25 K 161 Oil Pin Spring, '90 15 K 163 Screw Pumper, '90 75 K 164 " " Cap. '90 100 K 165 Right Half Breaker Yoke for 16-inch Disc, '90 1 00 K 166 Left Half Breaker Yoke for 16-inch Disc, '90 1 00 K 167 Right Half Breaker Yoke for 20-inch Disc, '90 1 25 K 168 Left Half Breaker Yoke for 20-inch Disc, '90 1 25 K 169 Seat Standard and Steel Seat- Plate, '91. 75 K 170 Wrench 75 K 171 Steel Seat 175 Tongue 4 00 " with Irons, complete 600 " Cross-bar 225 Seat Stand 75 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 311 Repairs for Deere Steel Frame Disc Harrows. NO. K 400 K 401 K 402 K 403 K 404 K 405 K 406 K 407 K 408 K 409 K 410 K 412 K 413 K 414 K 415 K 416 K 417 K 418 K 419 K 420 K 423 K 424 K 425 K 426 K 427 K 430 K 431 K 432 K 433 K 434 K 435 K 436 K 437 K 438 K 489 K 481 K 482 K 483 K 484 K 485 K 486 K 487 K 489 K 490 K 492 K 493 K 494 K 495 K 498 K 499 K 600 K 601 K 602 K 603 K 604 K 605 K 606 K 607 K 608 K 609 PRICE Right Outside Standard for 16-in. Disc. . .$1 50 Left " " " " "... 1 50 Scraper Bar Guides 25 Right Bottom Bearing Box 40 Left " 40 Top Bearing Box 40 Oil Cap 15 Spring 15 Left Scraper 50 Right " 50 Scraper Spring, '91 15 Bar Lever 35 Pivot 25 Draw Bar Casting 75 Tongue and Cross Bar Center Plate, com. 1 25 Gauge Casting for 20-inch Disc 75 Foot-rest 1 25 Level Rack 1 60 Right Inside Standard for 16-inch Disc . 1 50 Left " " " " " .. 1 50 Tongue and Cross-Bar Side Plate 40 Large Cast Washer 15 Gauge Casting for 16-inch Discs 75 Seat, Steel 1 25 Scraper Lever Link 40 Right Outside Standard for 20-in. Discs. . 1 75 Left ' ' .. 1 75 Right Inside " " " " ..1 75 Left " " " " " .. 1 75 Scraper Bar Link Casting 25 Tongue Cross Bar for 8 ft. length, 5 feet 8 inches, steel tubing 4 00 Tongue Cross Bar for 6 ft. length, 4 feet 7 inches, steel tubing 3 50 Evener Bracket, wrought iron 75 Gang and Cross-bar Con'ct'g Link, steel 75 Seat Spring, steel 2 00 Brace 1 00 Right Lever Draft Iron for 6-ft 1 00 Left " " " " " 1 00 Right " " " " 8-ft 1 00 Left " " " " " 1 00 Scraper Bar for 8-ft 1 00 Tongue and Cross Bar Brace for 8-ft. ... 75 " " 6-ft. ... 65 Scraper Bar for 6-ft., both Deere and Re- versible 75 Standard Connecting Iron, 8-ft 50 " 6.ft 40 Lever for 8-ft 1 75 " " 6-ft 1 75 Gauge Plate Loop, '92* 25 Bottom Brace for Set Over Tongue, '92*. 75 Standard, right, inside, 16-inch, '92*.... 1 60 left " .... 1 60 " right, outside " " 160 left " " .... 1 60 4 Right Scraper for 16-inch, '92* 40 5 Left " " " " 40 Scraper Clamp Casting, '92* 15 Frame Tie Casting, '92 40 Hook for Sera per Lever, right, '92* 25 left ".. 25 NO K 610 K 611 K 612 K 614 K 633 K 634 K 635 K 636 K 637 K 638 K 640 K 641 K 644 K 645 K 686 K800 K 801 K 802 K 803 K 804 K 805 K 806 K 807 K 808 K 809 K 810 K 811 K 812 K 813 K 814 K 815 K 816 K817 K 818 K 819 K 820 K 821 K 822 K823 K 824 K 825 K 826 K827 K828 PRICE Scraper Pedal and Crank, '92* $ 65 tf Lever Loop, '92* 25 " Bar Guide, '92* 25 Bumper, '92* 75 Right Inside Standard, 20-inch, 92* 1 75 Left " " " 1 75 RightOutside " " " 175 Left " " " 1 75 Right Scraper for 20-inch, '92* 50 Left " " " " 50 Rear Standard Tie Bar, for 6-ft., '92*, no cut 1 00 Front Standard Tie Bar, for 6-ft., '92*, no cut 1 00 Rear Standard Tie Bar, for 8-ft., 92*, no cut 100 Front Standard Tie Bar; for 8-ft., 92*, no cut 1 00 Frame Tie Casting, '93* 40 Top Brace for Set Over Tongue, '92* 65 Tongue Extension, '92* 75 Cast Scraper, right, 16 in. cutaway and spading 40 Cast Scraper, left, 16 in. cutaway and spading 40 Cast Scraper, right, 20 in. cutaway and spading 50 Cast Scraper, left, 20 in., cutaway and spading 50 Wrench, malleable, '94* 50 Cutaway Disc, 16 in 1 75 " ' " 18 in. no cut 200 " 20 in. " 2 25 Spading Disc, 16 in 1 75 " 18 in. no cut 200 20in. " 2 25 Tongue and Cross Bar Center Plate 1 25 Rack 1 25 Draw Bar and Frame Brace Casting 1 00 Frame Brace Casting 25 Gauge Casting for 10 and 12 ft. Deere Harrow 75 Lever for 10 and 12 ft. Deere Harrow, steel, tiocut 2 00 Right Tongue and Cross Bar Brace for 10 and 12 ft. Deere Harrow, no cut 1 25 Left Tongue and Cross Bar Brace for 10 and 12 ft. Deere Harrow no cut 1 25 Right Lever Draft Iron for Deere 8 and 10 ft., no cut 1 25 Left Lever Draft Iron for Deere 8 and 10 it. no cut '94* 1 25 Gang and Cross Bar Brace for 8 and 10 ft. Deere Harrow no cut '94* 50 Steel Scraper, right, 16 in., cutaway and spading, no cut -'94* 40 Steel Scraper, left, 16 inch, cutaway and spading, no cut '94* 40 Steel Scraper, right, 20-inch, cutaway and spading, no cut '94* 50 Steel Scraper, left, 20 inch, cutaway and spading no cut '94* 50 Steel Seat, no cut '94* 1 75 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. (Continued from Page 311.) Repairs for Deere Reversible and Adjustable Harrow. NO. K 24 Plain Spool $ K 58 Gang Bolt (in ordering give widih of Harrow) K 64 16-inch Plain Disc KK 64 18-inch Plain Disc K 64420-inch Plain Disc K 84 Lever Loop Clamp K 144 Bearing Spool for 16-inch Disc K 145 Bearing Spool Top Box . . . K 146 Bearing Spool Boitoni Box K 421 Lever Hark K 440 Right Standard for 20-inch Disc K 441 Lett Standard for 20-inch Disc ... K 442 Right. Draw-bar Casting. .. K 443 Left Draw- bar Casting .... K 444 Straight Draw-bar Casting K 445 Right Lever Draft Iron and Gang-bar Casting K 446 Left Lever Draft Iron and Draw-bar Casting K 451 Flange Roller K 452 Tongue Bracket Casting . . K 453 Right Standard for 16-inch Discs K 454 Left Standard for 16-inch Discs K 460 Upper Evener Bracket .... K 461 Lower Evener Bracket. . . . K 464 Lever Draft - iron Guide Plate K 465 Gang and Cross Bar Con- necting Link K 466 Right Lever Draft Iron .... K 467 Left Lever Draft Iron K 469 Tongue Cross Bar for 5 and 6-foot extension . . PRICE NO. 60 K 470 1 50 K 471 1 50 K 472 1 75 K 473 2 00 K 474 20 K 475 85 K 476 45 8fi K 477 1 25 K 478 1 50 K 479 1 50 K 480 1 00 K 604 1 00 1 00 K 605 1 00 K 606 K 611 1 00 K 612 20 K 807 1 00 K 808 K 809 1 50 K 810 K 811 1 50 K 812 75 K 835 50 K 836 50 K 837 1 00 K 838 1 00 1 00 B 240 3 50 Tongue and Cross Bar for 4- foot Extension Gang Bar lor 6- foot Gang Bar for 5-foot Gang Bar for 4-foot Lever, wrought iron Right 'longue and Cross Bar Brace for 4-f>ot Left Tongue and Cross Bar Brace for 4-foot Right Tongue and Cross Bar Rrace for 5 and 6- ft. Left Tongue and Cross Bar Brace for 5 and 6-foot. . . Seat Spring Brace Seat Spring . . Right Scraper for 16-inch Disc Left Scraper for 16-inch Disc Scraper Clamp Casting Scraper Lever Loop Scraper Bar Guide Cutaway Disc, 16-inch Cutaway Disc, 18-inch Cutaway Disc, 20-inch Spading Disc, 16-inch Spading Disc, 18-inch Spading Disc, 20-inch Scraping Bar Brackets for 16-inch Discs Shipping Lever for Scraper Shipping Lever Box, inside piece Shipping Lever Box, out- side piece Steel Seat Tongue PRICE 2 75 2 2-5 2 00 2 00 1 50 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 75 40 40 15 25 1 7 2 2 25 1 75 2 00 2 25 40 40 25 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 312 Repairs for "Deere" Reversible Steel Frame Disc Harrow. No. K421 K422 K440 K441 K442 K443 K444 K445 K446 K447 K448 K449 K450 K4ol K452 K453 K454 K455 K456 K457 K458 K459 K460 K461 K462 Price Lever Rack, for in or out-throw.$l 25 Coupling Caps 65 Right Standard, for 20 inch discs 1 50 Left Standard, for20-mch discs. 1 50 Right Draw- bar Casting 1 00 Leit Draw-bar Casting 100 Straight Draw-bar Casting 1 00 Rigtit Lever Draft Iron, and Gang- bar Casting for in-throw 1 00 Left Lever Draft Iron and Gang- bar Casting for in-throw 1 00 Scraper-bar Bracket for 20-inch Discs 1 00 Scraper Lever Pivot and Bar Guide 25 Scraper-bar Guide 25 Sheave Roller 20 Flange Roller 20 Tongue Bracket Casting 1 00 Right Standard 1'or 16-inch Discs 1 50 Leit Standard for 16-inch Discs. 1 50 Lever Draft iron and Gang-bar Casting for out-throw 35 Scraper- bar Bracket, for 16-inch Disc 1 00 Coupling Swivel, malleable 40 Coupling Link, wrought iron. . . 25 Coupling Eye-bolt, malleable. . . 25 Upper Jbivener Bracket, wrought iron 75 Lower Evener Bracket, wrought iron 50 Scraper Lever Link for 5 and 6 feet, wrought iron 40 Repiirs for "Daere" Disc Harrow Seeder K200 Driving Sprocket, '88 and '89. . .$1 15 K201 Feed Sprocket for 16-inch Disc, (13 points), '88 and '89 65 K202 Bearing for Clutch, '88 to '90. .. 40 K203 Right Stationary Clutch, '88 to '90 50 K204 Left Stationary Clutch, '88 to '90 50 K205 Right Sliding Clutch, '88 to '90. . 40 K206 Left Sliding Clutch, '88 to '90 . . 40 K207 Shipping Lever, '88 to '90 30 K208 Shipping Lever to Washer, '88 to '90 25 K209 Back of Straight Spout, '88 to '90 45 K210 Front of Straight Spout, '88 to '90 35 K211 Back of Right Curved Spout, '88 to '90 45 K212 Front of Right Curved Spout '88 to '90 35 K213 Back of Left Curved Spout, '88 to '90 45 K214 Front of Left Curved Spout, '88 to '90 35 K215 Idle Arm '89 to '90 30 K216 10-point Feed Sprocket for 20-in. Disc, '88 and '89, and both 16-in. and 20-in. Disc, '90. ... 50 K217 Lever for Sliding Clutch, '88 to '90 40 220 Flat Spring, '88 to '90 20 No. Price K463 Scraper Lever Link for 4-feet, wrought iron $0 35 K464 Lever Draft iron Guide Plate, wrought iron 50 K465 Gang and Cross Bar connecting Link, steel 1 00 K466 Right Lever Draft Iron 1 00 K467 Leit Lever Draft Iron 1 00 K468 Scraper Bar lor 4-ft 1 00 K469 Tongue Cross Bar for 5 and 6-ft. (length 3 ft. 6% in.), steel tubing 3 00 K470 Tongue Cross Bar for 4-ft. (length 3ft. y z in), steel tubing 2 25 K471 Gang Bar for 6-ft. (length 3 ft. U 2 in), steel tubing 2 25 K472 Gang Bar for 5 ft. (length 2 ft. 7 in.) , steel tubing 2 00 K473 Gang Bar for 4-ft. (length 2 ft.^ in.), steel tubing 2 00 K474 Lever wrought iron 1 50 K475 Right Tongue and Cross Bar Brace for 4 ft., wrought iron. 1 K476 Left Tongue and Cross Bar Brace for 4 it. wrought iron K477 Right Tongue and Cross Bar Brace for 5 and 6 ft. wrought iron K478 Leit Tongue and Cross Bar Brace for 5 and 6-ft., wrought iron. . 1 00 K479 Seat Spring Brace 1 00 K480 Seat Spring, steel 1 75 K 64 16-inch Disc 1 50 K64>20-inch Disc 2 00 Attachments For Wood Frame Harrow. K234 Front of Seed Cup, '89 and 'HO. $0 30 K235 Back of Seed Cup '89 and '90. . 40 K236 Fluted Feed Roll or Cup, '89 and '90 35 K237 Feed Cup, Follower or "Shut- off," '89 and '90 35 K238 Feed Cup Follower Washer, '89 and '90 K239 Seed Gauge for Nos. 2 and 5 Har- row, '89 1 00 K240 Seed Gauge Lever, '89 50 00 1 00 1 00 15 K241 Seed Gauge Lever Pointer, K242 Feed Shaft Sleeve Washer, '89 and '90 K243 Feed Shaft Sleeve, '89 and '90 . . K244 Feed Shaft Sleeve Collar, '89 and '90 K245 Seed Gauge for Nos. 1, 3, 4 and 6 Harrows, '89 K246 9-Point Gang- bolt Sprocket . . . K247 8-Point Gang- bolt Sprocket K248 7-Point Gang-bolt Sprocket. 35 15 30 25 00 00 00 75 K249 Universal Seed Gauge, '90 75 K250 Universal Seed Gauge Lever, '90 40 K251 Inside Shipping Lever Box, '90. 20 K252 Outside Shipping Lever Box, '90 25 K253 Rose Washer, '80 and '90 20 K254 Universal Seed Gauge Lever Pointer, '90 25 313 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. L242 Repairs for "Deere" Disc Harrow Seeders. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 314 Repairs for "Deere" NO PRICE L 42 Cultivator Lever Bracket,'86. $ 1 00 L 46 Mall,Tongue Casting for 14-ft. Seeder 75 Cultivator Beam Lifting Bar, '87 50 Wrought Shovel Standard, '87 1 00 Angle Iron for Cultivator Beam Lifting Bar , '87 50 Eye Bolts for Cultivator Beam Lifting Bar, '87 15 Wheels, per pair (wood) 8 00 Wheels, per pair (steel) 13 50 Tongue 3 00 Long Tongue Braces, 11-foot Seeder, each 1 25 Long Tongue Braces, 14-foot Seeder, each 1 50 Bail Rods, 14-ft. Seeder, each 1 25 Bail Rods, 11-ft. Seeder, each 1 00 Bails 1 25 Lifting Levers, each 1 00 Lifting Rods, each 50 Box and Tongue Brace 25 Long Drag- Bar Irons, each. . . Long Drag Bar, complete 1 00 Short Drag Bar Irons, each.. 40 Short Drag- Bar, complete 75 Seeder Point or Shovel 35 Wrought Iron Shovel standard 90 L 45 Slide Casting 30 L 230 Seed Cup, front 40 Force Feed Seeder. NO. PRICE L 231 Seed Cup, back . . . $0 35 L 232 Seed Cup Follower Cap (same as K 238) 15 L 233 Draw-Bar Casting 75 L 234 Tongue and Draw-Bar Casting. 1 00 L 235 Seed Gauge 1 00 L 238 Seed Gauge Lever 1 00 L 237 Seed Gauge Lever Pointer 50 L 238 Feed Shaft Gear 75 L 239 Intermediate Gear 60 L 240 Driving Shaft Gear 80 L 241 Intermediate Lever 75 L 242 Wrought Iron Link 75 L 243 Shifting Lever 50 L 244 Shifting Lever Bracket 50 L 245 Outside Gear Case 1 25 L 246 Outside Gear Cap 25 L 247 Inside Gear Case 75 L 248 Partition 1 25 L 249 Bottom Tie Casting 50 L 250 Back Tongue and Tie Casting. . 75 L 251 Partition for 1^-in. shaft (spe- cial) '91 1 25 L 252 Hood on Partition for Gear(spe- cial) '91 L 253 Hub for 1^-in. shaft (special) '91 L 254 Box Ends, 1^-in, hole 2 00 L 255 Intermediate Lever 75 L 256 Spur Gear 50 K 257 Feed Cup Shut-off 35 75 1 50 Repair List for HarrowsDeere "Zig-Zag" Steel Lever Harrow. K 5 Hand Lever $ 1 25 K 6 Bar Lever 30 K 7 Bar Ferrule 15 K 8 Ferrule Clip 10 K 9 Draft Hook 25 K 10 Bar Lever for Tooth 30 K 4 Clamp for ^-inch n Tooth. . . 10 K 11 Tooth Clamp for ^-inch D Tooth 10 K 13 Tooth Clamp for %x^-in. Tooth 10 K 15 Ratchet Special 40 G 2 Spring Dog 15 G 3 Hand Catch $0 15 G 4 Ratchet 40 Steel Bar for 30-Tooth Section. 1 75 Steel Bar for 35-Tooth Section. . 2 00 Draw Bar 75 Lever Bar 40 Lever Rod 15 Lever Spring 15 Teeth, }-inch D, market rate Teeth, %-inch D, market rate Teeth, )x% -inch, market rate Hand Lever, complete 2 00 Brace Rod . 25 'Vaughan" Harrow. Draft Bolt Casting, each $ 10 Tooth Clamps, ^-inch, D 10 Steel Smoothing- Harrow. Hook Bars, each $ 1 50 Center Bars, each 1 25 9-16 Round Steel Teeth, each 12 E 29 Spools, each 25 G 30 Clevis 20 Deere Combined Cultivator and Harrow. K 33 Tooth Casting $ 15 Tooth Clamp (wrought) 29 Adjusting Clamp A 29 Front Couj " K 35 Draft Hool 15 35 20 25 Tooth Clamps, Tooth Clamps, Deere Smoothing- Harrow. S 2 Tooth Casting D 30 Clevis 9-16 Round Steel Teeth, each 10 10 10 40 12 Deere Vineyard Harrow. K 29 Handle Casting (LH) . . . . $0 20 K 28 Handle Casting (RH) 20 K 25 Front Bar Coupling 20 K 26 Side Coupling Casting 20 K 27 Draft Hook.. 25 315 DEERE!! IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Extra Parts for Cahoon Seed Sower. SAN FfcANCISCO, GAL . 316 Extra Parts for Gaboon Chain Power Sower. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Large Chain Wheel PRICE .. $2 50 NO. Lever Hinge and Fulcrum PRICE $0 50 10 02 1 25 75 20 3 00 1 75 2 00 25 10 50 50 50 50 40 20 25 25 15 Bevel Gear . . . 2 25 Saddle or Bolster . " Pinion 40 Washer Main Shaft Box, small ... 1 00 Discharger, complete . . " " " large ... 2 25 " Arms ... Pinion " " 75 Nut for Main Shaft . ... Shifting Lever 75 Main Shaft Sprocket Wheel and Clutch. Clutch . . . . 1 75 ... 1 00 Pinion or Discharger Shaft Chain Hopper Iron ... 2 00 Loop or Spoke Bolt Discharge Guard or Fender 75 Bolt to fasten Seeder to Wagon. . Stirrer Rod Stirrer Lever 75 " ' Holder 25 Feed Lever . " Points 05 " Slide Gauge . * 25 Wood Connecting Rod Guide for Slide 15 Spring . . Gauge or Lever Loops 10 md Sower. Spur Pinion Discharger "Brass" Gaboon HE 1 25 Bevel Pinion 20 Main Shaft Large Spur Wheel 75 Pinion Bevel Wheel.. 20 Crank.. Cyclone and Pacific Seed Sower's Repair Price List. 1 Large Chain Wheel 2 50 60 Agitator 30 8 Bevel Pinion 40 63 Grain Register 25 Clutch 1 00 64 " " 25 40 Discharger . 1 50 65 Hopper Bottom Cyclone 2 00 41 Pinion Shaft Box . 1 00 67 " Ring 75 43 Bracket Box, Main Shaft . 2 50 Loop or Spoke Bolt 25 44 Box, Main Shaft . I 00 Large Wood Hopper 3 00 45 Hopper Bottom . 2 00 Sheet-Iron " Cyclone 2 50 G45 . 2 00 Main Shaft 2 50 46 Bevel Gear 2 00 Pinion or Discharge Shaft 1 50 47 Lever 75 Saddle or Bolster 10 48 Hopper Bracket (Pacific) 1 00 Washer 05 51 Steady Collar 25 Bolt to hold Seeder to Wagon 10 52 Sprocket Wheel and Clutch 1 25 Chain 2 00 54 Crank for Slides 25 Slide Rod 25 55 Bracket Nut for Slides 25 Upper Slide 25 56 " Box " " 40 Lower " 30 57 Lever Holder 25 Spring 25 58 Sleeves for Spring 40 Lever for Lower Slides 50 59 Slide Bar 25 317 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY Repairs for the Gem Seed Sower. NO. 1 A Chain Wheel for new Mal- leable Chain 2 Chain Wheel Pinion for new Malleable Chair 4 Chain Pinion Clutch for Mal- leable Chain, fits No. 2 Pinion 5 Spoke Bolster 6 " li Hook 7 Bevel Wheel 8 " Pinion 9 A Discharger Shaft Bracket Box, new style 10 A Discharger Shaft, old style.. 11 A " new style 12 Main Shaft Box, old style. . . 13 " " " nearest the Chain Pinion 14 Main Shaft Box, opposite the Chain Pinion 15 Discharger Shaft, new style. 16 Main Shaft, new style, for No. 1 Sower 16^ Main Shaft for No. 1 Sower, takes No. 26 box 18 Grain Gauge Repairs for "F: G 1 Large Chain Wheel 2 G 2 Sprocket and Clutch 1 00 3 Bevel Pinion G 4 Clutch G 7 Bevel Gear 2 25 G 10 Hopper Bottom 200 G 14 Short Box for Main Shaft.. PRICE NO. 19 Shipper Lever PRICK $1 75 $2 50 19 20 A " " old style Feed Lever Ratchet 75 1 00 1 25 1 00 21 24 25 A Malleable Iron Chain Chain Links, each Force Feed Head for 15 B Shaft 2 00 05 40 10 35 26 Main Shaft Box, nearest Chain Pinion 2 50 2 00 40 30 31 Bevel Wheel, \% inch B,1891 Main Shaft Box, 1% inch B long, 1891 2 00 2 50 1 00 2 00 32 Main Shaft Box, \% inch B short 75 1 50 2 50 75 35 36 Chain Pinion, 1% inch B for Nos. 1 and 2 Sowers, 1891 . Chain Pinion Clutch,!^ inch B for Nos. 1 and 2 Sowers, 1891 1 00 1 00 75 1 50 37 Belt Wheel, 1% inch B for No. 2 Sower, 1891 3 00 2 50 2 50 38 Main Shaft, new style, 1% inch for Nos. 31 and 32 boxes, 1891, for Nos. 1 and 2 Sower 2 50 75 isco " 2Kf) ind ' G 'No. 1" Seeders. 20 Malleable Catch for Feed Lever 35 1 00 G 21 Malleable Brace for Feed Lever 15 40 75 29K G G 26 Long Box for Main Shaft . . . 36 Malleable Shifter Catch for Lever 2 50 20 /O 40 Discharger 1 50 2 00 41 Pinion Shaft Box. 1 00 ] 50 78 Agitator . . 30 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 318 Repairs for "Deere" Self-Dump Bake. NO. 100 O 101 O 102 O 103 O 104 O 105 106 O 107 O 108 O 109 110 O 111 O 112 O 113 O 114 O 115 O 116 O 117 O 118 O 119 O 120 O 121 O 122 O 123 124 O 125 O 126 O 127 O 130 Ratchet Pawl Lever, malleable '89 to '91 $0 40 Dump Arm, malleable, '89 to '91 Trip Pedal, malleable, '89 to '91 Trip Pedal Fulcrum 25 Lever Foot-piece, malleable . . . Lock-up Hook, malleable Hammer Strap, malleable Hand Lever Fulcrum Ratchet Case, '89 to '91 Ratchet Case Cover, '89 to '91. Center Ratchet Spring Plate, '89 to '91 Right-hand Hub Cap . . Right-hand Hub Pawl Left-hand Hub Cap 1 25 Left-hand Hub Pawl Ratchet Trip on Seat Spring Bolt, '89t'91 Center Ratchet Pawl, '89 to '91 Dump Lever, wrought iron. . . Short Head Hinge, wrought iron, '89 to '91 Middle Hinge and Brace, '89 to '91 Long Hinge and Brace, for 8 feet, '89 to '81 1 00 Foot Lever Dump Lever, Link or Hook, '89 to '91 Hub Ratchet Spring 15 Center Ratchet Pawl Spring. . . Metal Wheel Box 50 Wheel Box Nut Truss Rod Castings for Nos. 6 and 7 Rakes, '89 to '91 50 [CE NO. O 131 40 O 132 60 O 133 50 O 134 25 O 135 45 O 136 25 O 137 30 O 139 50 140 75 141 50 O 142 50 25 143 25 O 144 30 25 145 30 O 146 25 O 147 40 50 O 148 149 65 O 150 />e 151 DO 152 00 O 153 75 O 154 155 75 15 O 156 20 O 157 50 25 50 PRICE Ratchet Pawl Lever, malleable,$0 40 Ratchet Case, '92 1 75 Ratchet Case Cover, '92 50 Trip Pedal, malleable, '92. .. 50 Right Head Pivot, '92 75 Left Head Pivot, '92 75 Center Head Pivot, '92 50 Ratchet Spring Plate, '92 15 Tooth, '92 50 Dump Arm, wrought iron, '92. 75 Seat Bar Brace, wrought iron, '92 50 Head Hinge, wrought iron, '92 65 Head Hinge and Frame Brace for 10 and 12 feet, '92 . . 1 00 Lever Link, wrougt iron, '92.. 75 Head Hinge and Frame Brace for 8 feet wrought iron, '92. .. 1 00 Center Tooth Plate for 8, 10 and 12 feet, wrought iron, '92 25 Side-tooth Plate for 8 feet, '92 40 Side-tooth Plate for 10 feet, '92 50 Side-tooth Plate for 12 feet, '92 65 Center Ratchet Pawl Spring (same as F 49), '92 20 Seat Riser, '92 35 Trip Stop Casting, '92 50 Center Ratchet Pawl, '92 40 Combined Pole and Shaft Iron, '92 l 00 Chain, '92 50 Sieel Seat, '92 l 75 Hand Lever 80 Steel Wheels, each [ 6 00 Woood Wheels, each 5 00 Repairs for "Deere" and "New Deere" Rake Hand Dump. 10 O 11 O 12 O 26 O 27 O 200 O 201 O 202 O 203 O 204 O 205 O 206 O 207 Lever for Old Deere Unk " " " Head Piece for Old Deere Eye Bolt for " " Cleaner-bar Pivot for Old Deere and New Deere to '88 Lever Pivot tor Old Deere Sand Cap, Old Deere and New Deere.. Axle Washers for Old Deere and New Deere Seat for Old Deere and New Deere Whiffletree Hooks for Old Deere and New Deere Curved Lever for Old Deere Neck Yoke Washer for Old Deere and New Deere New Deere Cleaner-bar Arm Pivots 125 O 28 75 O 'J'.t 60 O 30 35 O 31 O 32 35 O 33 25 O 34 30 35 O 36 20 O 37 150 O 88 O 40 20 O 41 1 25 42 20 O 44 25 O 46 1 00 Unk 100 ' Fulcrum " Fulcrum Seat Spring Plate New DeereSeat Spring, '87 No. 1 Combined Pole and Shaft Iron, '91 Seat Spring, New Deere, '88 " Brace, '88 Truss Rod Support Small Axle-tie Casting Large " " No. 2 Combined Pole and Shaft Casting Hub Box for Metal Wheel " Nut Teeth, each Hub, '92 l Steel Seat, '92 l 75 Axle Wrought Iron l 00 75 50 20 2 50 50 1 50 75 25 25 25 60 50 25 50 "Old Comfort" Rake Castings. Tooth Spring Bottom Tooth Casting Top " Head Hinge Truss Rod and Axle Casting. . . Sand Cap Lever Fulcrum Left Shaft Coupling O 208 Right Shaft Coupling 50 0209 Axle Washer 20 O 210 Truss Rod Support 25 O 216 Seat Spring 150 0217 " " Brace 75 O 218 Check Loop, malleable 15 Steel Wheels, each 6 00 Wood " " 500 O 221 Axle Wrought Iron 100 319 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for "Deere-Hollingsworth" Self-Dump Rake Wood Parts. NO. PRICE Wheel, self-dump $5 00 Steel Wheel, self-dump 6 00 Shaft, right 1 25 Shaft, left 1 25 Pole with Hounds and Bolt 2 50 Shafts, combination 2 50 Long Girt 1 00 Short Girt 75 Hounds 75 Cleaner Bar 2 00 Cleaner Bar, 10 ft, 2 25 Staple Bar 1 00 Staple Bar, 10 ft 1 25 Staple Bar, 12 ft 1 50 Upper Spring Bar, 8 ft., pattern 1892. 60 Upper Spring Bar, 10 ft., pattern 1892 80 Upper Spring Bar, 12 ft., pattern 1892 1 00 No. Lower Spring Bar, 8 ft. pattern 1892. Lower Spring Bar, 10 ft. pattern 1892 Lower Spring Bar, 12 ft. pattern 1892. Seat Board Singletree Piece Companion Piece, 10 ft Companion Piece, 12 ft Over-cleaner Kail with Staples, 8 ft. . . Over-cleaner Kail with Staples, 10 ft . Over-cleaner Kail with Staples, 12 ft. . Over-cleaner Posts Cleaner Stick Spring Frame Blocks Split Center Blocks Doubletrees and Neckyokes Singletree with Hooks PRICE $1 25 1 50 2 75 75 30 75 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 50 30 25 10 20 2 50 1 00 Steel and Iron Parts. Teeth, each, 1875 and previous Teeth, each, 1876 and after Axle Arm, right, cast Axle Arm, left, cast 2 Rocker Frame Arm, left 3 Rocker Frame Arm, right H. O. Casting 12 Lever Casting 20 Axle Clip 23 Foot Trip 31 Slip Clutch, left 32 Slip Clutch, right 33 Clutch, right 34 Clutch, left 36 S. D. Discharge Plate 45 Foot Lever Casting 64 H. Hood 65 Dump Wheel 67 Right Axle Box 68 Left Axle Box 69 Center Axle Box 72 Center Brace Rod Casting 73 Side Brace Rod Casting 75 Swan Neck 76 Side Brace Rod for Casting 78-H Brace for Rocker Frame 79-H Special Support for Thimble Rod 80-Center Truss Rod Casting 82-H Truss Rod Casting H Casting for self-dump connection . . Cast Seat Hub, self-dump Hub Spring Seat Washer Dog Dog Spring Dog Pin Wrought Axle Arm $0 50 50 1 50 1 50 75 75 65 65 20 60 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 20 50 50 00 50 50 25 60 60 25 75 30 75 50 60 20 75 50 20 10 25 20 10 25 Wrought Iron Axle, 8 ft $3 00 Wrought Iron Axle, 10 ft 3 50 Wrought Iron Axle, 12 ft 4 00 Axle Key ]0 Axle Eye Bolt 20 Axle-tree Strap 20 Axle Wa^er 20 Pins for Nos. 33, 34 and 65 10 Hollingsworth Goose-Neck 125 Hook attached to Rocker Frame 10 Thimble with Set-screw, special for self-dump 50 Thimble without Set Screw 25 Set Screw 20 Hand Lever, wrought iron 2 25 Lever Connection 75 Lever Hook Clip 10 Lever Hook 20 Foot Trip Connection 25 Self-dump Side Lever Plate 25 Self-dumb Foot Lever 1 00 Self-dump Connection 30 Con net lion Rod for Foot Lever 25 Truss Rod, 10 ft 1 00 Truss Rod, 12 ft ] 25 Thimble Rod, 8 ft 60 Thimble Rod, 10 ft 75 Thimble Rod, 12 ft 1 00 Center Iron 75 Single-tree Trap 20 Single-tree Hooks 20 Spools, 1892 20 Spool Springs,1892 20 Staple 10 Linch Pin 10 Wrench 25 Over-cleaner Rod 40 Over-cleaner Staples 20 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 320 NO. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 9 11 16 20 95 18 6 rs 12 19 23 31 32 33 34 Repairs for Perfe ] Wheels (wood) each ! cted " Wood PRICE &5 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 75 1 00 50 75 1 50 1 25 1 00 1 25 and S 6 00 50 30 15 10 1 25 30 1 50 1 50 35 30 15 30 25 10 15 15 25 25 1 50 r Tay] Wood 5 00 5 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 3 50 1 50 25 3 00 and S 6 00 50 50 1 50 1 50 10 25 10 10 300 4 00 125 1 00 1 00 60 60 30 60 1 25 1 25 1 25 125 Hoi Pan NO 33 34 35 teel 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 17 19 or 1 Par teel 86 17 18 45 46 38 39 58 59 64 65 66 70 77 lingrsworth" Bake. DS. : p o l e i 3 RICE &3 00 50 50 25 2 00 50 6 50 6 50 6 00 1 25 40 45 2 00 1 00 30 15 15 30 15 25 1 25 10 10 50 10 10 10 15 40 75 1 25 1 50 75 50 1 00 40 1 00 40 60 40 60 30 30 125 15 15 30 Axle (not ironed) Right Side Rail, used with Pole. . Left " " " " .- Round Cleaner Sticks Right Shaft Left " Front Girt Doubletree complete with Single- Rear ' ' Center Girt Neck Yoke, complete Singletree, with Hooks Wood Axle, with Wrought Axles and Eye Bolts Cleaner Head Lower Spring Bar Pole complete with Frame Shafts " " " TTnnpr " tl Staple Bar Parts. Wrought Iron Center Arm Iron Wheels (steel) each Hand Lever Clip, each Foot " " " Center Brace Foot Lever Spring Case, malleable, each Seat Washer Pitman Rocker Arm Shalt Brace Axle Box Wood Axle Brace Seat Singletree Strap Hub each Pole Hammer Strap Tooth Holder, each Nose Piece on Pole, each Transporting Hook, with Plate. . . Foot Lever Hook, two ends bent. . Tooth Holder Kod Stem \Vasher each Tooth Plates, per doz Space Kings per doz feet Screws, in tooth holders, each Coil Spring? each Axle Washers, malleable, each. . . Singletree Hooks, " " . Short Eve Bolts, " " ... Long " " " " ... WYench malleable each "R<-iiml T-Tparl Pins each Qlmft ^tatlp each Sinffletree Pins each \Vroutjht Iron Axle Extra Parts fo Wheel right Tew Horse Rake. ts. Butts left .... Guide Board for 20-tooth Rake Head < " 24 and 26-tooth . Long Girt Shaft right Shaft left Short " Combination Shafts Singletree with hooks Cleaner Bar " piece " Stick Pole Hounds and Bolts Iron Parts. Tooth, right... Shaft Box left " Seat Hub Axle Pin Casting for Foot Trip Center Axle Box Tooth Fastener Seat Washer " Board Hook Wrought Iron Axle " 9 l / 2 feet Lever Foot Z-foot No. 4 Rakes are different; likewise angles on the end of 20 and 26-Tooth Rakes SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Repairs for Deere Hay Loader, No. V 4 V 5 V 9 V 10 V 14 V 38 V 41 V 42 V 50 V 51 V 52 V 53 V 54 V 55 V 56 V 57 V 58 V 59 V 60 V 61 V 62 V 63 V 64 V 65 V 66 V 67 V 68 V 69 V 70 V 71 V 72 V 73 V 74 V 75 V 76 9 10 A 11 A 12 A 13 A 14 Combined Pinion and Sprocket '91 $ 4 50 Main Driving Gear, '91 5 00 Standard Spring, '91 1 00 Ratchet Pawl Spring, '91 Ratchet Pawl, '91 Crank for 6-foot (section), '91 Crank for 8-foot (section), '91. Wheel Box (no cut) Elevator Tooth Holder, malle- able '92 Right Crank Box Bracket, '92. Left Crank Box Bracket, '92. . Right Crank Box Bracket, '92 Left Crank Box Bracket, '92. Crank Box Cap, '92 Right Inside Frame Plate, '92 Left Inside Frame Plate, '92. Combined Shaft Box and Sprocket Pivot, right, '92. . Combined Shaft Box and Sprocket Pivot, left, '92 . . Center Brace for 8 foot, '92. .. Tension Spring Bar, wrought Iron, '92 Tension Spring Bar Link, mall- eable, '92 Tension Spring Bar Lever, malleable, '92 Tension Spring Bar Clamp, '92 Tension Spring Bar Clamp Hand Wheel, '92 Ground Shoe, right, '92 Ground Shoe, left, '92 Corrugated Washer for Ground Shoe, '92 Rake Head Center Tooth Clamp, malleable, '92. .. Bottom Board Lock Pin, '92 . Rake-head, side tooth clamp'92 Rake Bar Yoke Rub Iron, '92 9 point Crank Sprocket, '92. . Loader Coupling Iron, '92. . . . Rope Roller '92 Hay Rack Coupling Iron Price No. 4 50 V 77 5 00 1 00 V 78 20 V 79 25 V 80 6 50 10 00 V 81 75 V 82 15 2 50 V 83 2 50 1 00 V 84 1 00 65 V 85 40 40 V 86 2 00 V 87 V 88 2 00 V 89 50 V 90 1 25 V 91 40 V 92 V 93 40 30 V 96 V 97 40 V 98 1 00 V 99 I 00 V101 V102 15 VJ03 V104 15 15 V105 15 15 1 50 1 00 15 wrought iron, '92 Rake Adjusting Lever Link, wrought iron, '92 Axle Truss Brace, '92 Oil Cap (same as K 406), '92. . Oil Cap Spring (same as K 407), '92 Rake Adjusting lever, wrought iron, '92 Rake Bar Yoke, wrought iron, '92 Rake Head Brace, wrought iron '92 Rake Bar Guide Back Brace, wrought iron, '92 Right Frame Brace, wrought iron, '92 Left Frame Brace, wrought iron, '92 Axle Washer, '92 Wrench (no cut), '91 Rake Head Tooth, steel, '92. . Large Rake Bar Tooth, steel, per doz., '92 ...... Small Rake Bar Tooth, steel, per doz., '92 Small Axle Truss Brace, '92*. Large Axle Truss Brace for 8- foot, '92* Ground Shoe, right, '93* Ground Shoe, left, '93* Combination Box, right. '93*. Combination Box, left, '93* . . Crank Box, left, '94* Crank Box Cap, '94* Crank Box, right, '94* Crank Shaft 1%-iu. round, 8- foot, '94* Sprocket (9-point)for \% crank '94* 1^-in. Round Steel Axle Wheels, each . Tooth Bar, wood, complete . . Wood Crank Box, complete. . Price 25 20 60 15 15 50 25 15 20 35 35 15 1 00 30 1 25 1 00 25 75 1 25 1 25 2 00 2 00 1 00 65 1 00 10 00 1 50 4 00 7 50 6 50 25 Repairs for "Champion" Section Self-Feed Cutting Box. A 15 Gate $ 1 Roller Shield 1 Face Plate 1 Face Plate Guide Shield Bracket, RH Shield Bracket, LH Stop Gauge Sprocket Wheel Lifter Pawl Stop Pawl Gate Guide Staves for Rollers Main Crank Shaft 1 Fly Wheel 3 00 Ratchet Lifter 50 A 16 25 A 17 25 A 18 60 A 19 85 A 20 85 A 21 30 30 15 15 30 60 50 00 60 Sprocket Stud $ 60 Sprocket wheel on roller shaft 30 Feed Roll Hubs 30 Ratchet Wheel 60 Cap Box 40 Feed Roll Shaft 1 25 Chain, per foot 20 Coil Spring for Ratchet 25 Flat Spring for Rollers 60 Pressure Arms for Feed Rolls, wrought 30 Lifter Rod, wrought 40 Half Sections 20 Sections 25 Pitman Rod, wood 60 323 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Extra Parts for Eclipse Stacker. NO. 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309A 314 200 A 215B 216B 320A 321A 322A 324A 325 323 324 93 94 92 53 51 57 63 PRICE Lower Frame for Carrier $2 00 Upper " " " 3 00 Carrier Roller , 50 " Sheave 50 Draw Bar " 50 Carrier, complete 10 00 Draw Bar Sheave Plate 50 Bale Eye Casting 50 Bottom Pulley Block 350 Upper " " 4 00 Pitcher Latch, complete 6 00 Front Axle Plate 3 00 Draw Bar Washer 50 Pitcher Lock Piece 2 00 " Guide.. . 4 00 NO. PRICE 315 Pitcher Truss Rod Stay $0 50 317 Front Axle Spindle 3 00 318 Elevator Pulley Block Washer. 100 319 Hind Axle 3 00 200 A Pulley Block Sheave 1 25 Pitcher Truss Rod 3 50 Bale Guide 1 00 " 2 50 Carrier Bar 2 75 Pitcher Pin 1 00 " Draw Bar Guide 1 50 Upright Bar Brace 1 00 Tongue Strap and Bolt 3 00 Tooth Point or Shoe 25 Teeth, each 75 Extra Parts for Acme Hake. Seat 2 50 Castor Wheel 4 00 " '* Frame 3 00 Ratchet Guide, complete 2 50 Latch 50 Lever Casting 1 50 Cantor Washer 1 00 R & L Elevator Washer, each . 75 Buck Toe Brace 75 Axle . 3 00 326 Cup Washer for Axle 50 Tooth Point or Shoe 25 Slotted Lever Bar, wrought ... 3 00 Buck Pulley Block 75 Patent Wheel, 34-in. diameter, 4-in.face 6 00 Wheel Boxing, each 1 50 Teeth, each 75 Latch Pin 50 Spring for Latch Pin 50 Repairs for "Monarch" Sweep Rake. 97 Right Hand Main Casting. . . . 4 50 98 Left " " " .... 4 50 Casting to adjust Rake 1 25 " hold Guide Wheel. 2 50 Axle 75 Ratchet . . 75 Jaws for Guide Wheel 2 50 Spring Holder 75 Pawl. 15 68 Latch $0 75 133 Hinge 1 25 134 Cast Rest 75 207 & 208 Washer for Truss 15 126 & 126^ Washer for Truss 15 120 Hinge 1 25 245 Lever Holder 2 00 Wheels, each 3 50 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. 324 Repair List "Porter's" One- Way Hay Carriers. As Manufactured Since 187O. No. Price cn J V ~Ti^ D Collar for wire cable $0 60 A Collar for iron rod 60 7 Stop for Porter Carrier 40 5 Fall used for Porter Carrier 60 4 Large Sheave for Bottom of Carrier 50 3 Sheave used in Trip Pulley 50 2 Sheave used in head of Iron Track or Cable Carrier 40 1 Broad Tread Roller used in top of Porter's One-Way Carrier 30 6 Clamp Block to hold loop in wire cable 50 8 Latch used in both One- Way Car- riers 75 Trip Pulley for One- Way Carrier. 1 00 C Collar used at top of poles in Cable Derrick . . 50 Repairs for "Porter's" Reversible and Adjustable Hay Carriers. D 70 69 17 2 A A2 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 M5 Arm for Reversible Carrier $ I 25 Arm for Steel Track Carrier 1 25 Arm for Steel Track Carrier 1 25 Arm for Steel Carrier 75 Trip Pulley for One- Way Carrier. 85 Plain Wheel for Wood-Track Car- rier 40 Flanged Wheel for Reversible Wood Track Carrier . . 50 A Drop Lock for Reversible and Swivel $0 40 Trip Block for Same 75 B Casting that Trip Pulley hooks on in center of Reversible and Adjustable Carrier CJ Trip Pulley for Swivel Carrier. . CN Trip Pulley for Reversible Car- rier , . 75 85 85 Repairs for "Milwaukee" Hay Carrier. Milwaukee Improved Reversible Hay Carrier. Right Side $2 00 Left Side 2 00 Hook or Lower Lock 50 Stop Block 50 Hook or Upper Lock 50 Pin for Track Wheel 15 Sheave Wheel Pin 15 Pulley Frame : 1 00 Track Wheel 30 Sheave Wheel 30 Spring 15 New Leader Rod or Cable Hay Carrier. 55 Hook or Lock $0 50 56 Hook or Lock 50 57 Pulley Frames 1 00 27 Stop Block 1 00 28 Center Piece with Set Screw ... 30 7 Sheave Wheel Pin 15 10 Sheave 30 25 Carrier Side 2 00 26 Carrier Side 2 00 W5 Spring 15 325 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, Extra Parts For Perkins' Windmill. 24 16 I5 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. 326 Extra Parts for Perkins* WindmUl. 10-Foot Perkins' Windmill. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 PRICE. Main Frame $12 50 Arm Spider 2 25 Lever 2 25 Top Box (or Long Box on Shaft) 2 25 Lug and Box (or Pitman) 2 25 Brace Cup (or Cone) 1 00 Top Box, small 50 Brake Circle 1 75 Pitman Connection, lower end (or Pump Rod attachment) 1 00 Swivel Connection (or Pitman at- tachment 75 Four-Post Iron (or Turn Table) . 1 25 Center Iron (or Turning Spider) . 1 75 Chain Connection in pipe (or Shut-off Rod 1 00 Vane Stop Rod (or Jerk Chain) . 1 75 Pitman Connection, upper end (or Pitman Pipe) 3 50 Brake Rod 1 00 Sheave.. 60 NO. PBICE 1 9 Guide (or Balancing Weight) .... $ 1 00 20 Arm Staple and Nuts (or Clip for No. 4) 21 Swivel Bolt 1 22 Collar and Set Screws 1 23 Main Pipe Nut (or Cap for lower end of Main Frame) 24 Main Crank Shaft (wrought) 4 25 Bumper Rod (or Brake) 1 26 Vane Hinge (or Shut-off Lever attachment) 27 Arm Staple, small (or Clip for Section) Outside Wheel Rim Inside Wheel Rim Sails (or Slats) Wheel Sections, each 4 00 Wheel Arms, each 50 Brace Rods, each 50 Rudder . . 7 00 12-Foot Perkins' Windmill. Main Frame $15 00 Arm Spider 3 00 Lever 2 50 Top Box 2 50 Lug Box 2 75 Brace Cup 1 25 Top Box, Small 75 Brake Circle 2 00 Pitman Connection, lower end. . 1 25 Swivel Connection 1 00 Four Post Iron 1 50 Center Iron 2 00 Chain Connection, in pipe 1 25 Vane Stop Rod. 200 Pitman Connection, upper end. . 3 75 Brake Rod 1 25 Sheave 75 19 Guide $1 25 20 Arm Staple and Nut 75 21 Swivel Bolt 1 50 22 Collar and Set Screw 1 50 23 Main Pipe Nut 1 25 24 Main Crank Shaft 5 50 25 Bumper Rod 1 50 26 Vane Hinge 100 27 Arm Staple, small 50 Outside Wheel Rim 1 00 Inside Wheel Rim 60 Sails (or Slats) 10 Wheel Sections 5 00 Wheel Arms, each 75 Brace Rods, each 75 Rudder 7 50 Extras for Perkins' 8-Foot Steel Geared Windmill. SA1 Main Frame $12 50 SA2 Pinion 1 50 Shaft for SA2 2 00 SA 2A Spider 2 25 SA3 Lever 2 25 Long Pin for SA3 75 Short Pin for SA3 75 SA 4A Top Box 225 Chain Sheave on SA4A 5 Pitman 2 Brass Bushing for SA5 SA6 Spur Gear 3 SA Shaft for SA6 Wrist Pin 50 25 75 50 50 50 SA 7A Brake and Spring 2 25 No. 18 Chain Sheave . . 60 In ordering, please give date and size of Mill, with Number, 327 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for "Dick's" Feed Cutters. Nos. 7 and 8 Hand Power Cutter. NO. 90 91 4U 5U 97 7Y 6Y 80 81 82 83 ST 5Y JJ OV 7J 8HT H7 LX PRICE Fly Wheel for No. 8 Cutter $6 50 " No. 7 Cutter 700 Inside Standard 1 50 Outside Feed Gear Standard Upper Feed Roller Gear Lower " " Feed Gear Wheel 1 25 125 65 60 40 40 50 50 50 60 " " Stud Bevel Feed Gear Shaft for Bevel Feed Gear Wheel for No. 8 Cutter 30 Shaft for Bevel Feed Gear Wheel for No. 7 Cutter 40 Pinion for Bevel Feed Gear Wheel 40 Sleeve on Bevel Gear Feed Wheel Shaft. 30 Collar on " " " " 10 Front Box on Main Shaft 1 00 Rear " " " " 1 00 Knives for No. 8 Cutter, each 1 50 " " 7 " 2 00 Knife Bolts, each 10 Adjustable Knife Supports, each 20 " " Support Washers, each 10 Shear Plate for No. 8 Cutter 75 " " No. 7 " 1 00 Lower Feed Roller for No. 8 Cutter 1 50 " Shaft (wrot) for No. 8 Cutter . . 40 NO. PRICB 6K Upper Feed Roller for No. 8 Cutter $1 50 " Shaft (wrot) for No. 8 Cutter 50 LXI Lower Feed Roller for No. 7 Cutter 1 50 Shaft for Lower Feed Roller for No. 7 Cutter 40 8K Upper Feed Roller for No. 7 Cutter 1 50 Shaft for Upper Feed Roller for No. 7 Cutter 45 & Box Plate for No. 8 Cutter 25 &O " " " " 7 " 30 AY Standard for Hand Crank Shaft out end 75 U " " " " " in end. 75 Hand Crank Shaft for No. 8 Cutter 1 25 " " "7 " 1 50 Main Shaft, steel 2 00 CL Sleeve on Main Shaft 20 13 Hand Crank with Set Screw for No. 8 Cutter 1 25 12 Hand Crank with Set Screw for No. 7 Cutter 1 25 Steel Tension Spring for No. 8 Cutter.. . 1 00 " No. 7 Cutter . . 1 00 XW Bevel Gear Wheel on Hand Crank Shaft 1 00 1 Pinion for Gear Wheel on Hand Crank Shaft 1 00 Z or OZ Frame Clip, each 20 Steel Set Screws, each 10 Brackets for Fly Wheel Cover, each 15 Leg Brackets: 15 Malleable Iron Wrench. . . 25 No. 4 D. Cutter. 316D Fly Wheel, with Steel Screws $8 00 Shaft, Steel 3 00 327 12-in. Pulley with Steel Set Screws 3 00 322 10-in. " " " " " 2 50 301X Inside Standard 2 25 302X Outside " 150 300S Feed Gear Standard 2 00 300A " " " Cover 100 341 Upper Feed Roller 1 50 " Shaft 75 310 Gear Wheel for Upper Feed Roller 85 SL " " Bearing for Upper Feed Roller 20 315 Lower Feed Roller 1 50 " " " Shaft 60 312 Gear Wheel for Lower Feed Roller 1 50 N4D Shear Plate 1 00 306 Front Box. babbitted, for Fly Wheel Shaft, upper half 1 50 306 A Fron t Box.babbitted, for Fly Wheel Shaft lower half 1 50 RH Wrench for Removing Chain Wheels 20 Box Bracket, left hand 10 " right " 10 Knives, each 2 25 Knife Bolts, each 20 321 Adjustable Knife Supports, each 25 " " Support Washers 10 12 Hand Crank with Set Screw 1 25 340 Bevel Gear Pinion on Fly Wheel Shaft. . 1 25 Hand Crank Shaft 1 50 139 Bevel Gear Wheel for Hand Crank Shaft 1 25 319 Bearing for In End of Hand Crank Shaft 1 25 321A 108 317 318 303S RI LR NG FK 328 307S SP LF 380 381 382 383 384 32 32 387 388 385 TE Bearing for Out End of Hand Crank Shaftfl 00 Steel Tension Spring 1 25 Bolt Clasps for Frame, each 20 Steel Set Screws 15 Rear Box, babbitted.for Fly Wheel Shaft upper half 1 25 Rear Box, babbitted.for Fly Wheel Shaft lower half 1 25 Top Plate for Feed Box Bevel Gear Clutch Pinion, right hand. Bevel Gear Clutch Pinion, left hand Clutch Sleeve on Bevel Feed Gear Shaft Bevel Feed Gear Shaft, steel Collar on Bevel Feed Gear Shaft Shifter Fork, with Set Screws " Handle " Rod Support, Out End In End " Lever Clamps, each Chain for Fly Wheel Shaft Wheel for Fly Wheel Shaft " " " Bevel Feed Gear Shaft Space Chain, per foot " " Links, each... Malleable Wrench. Drive Chain Cover Hinge, In End Out End.. Chain Tightening Wheel ' Bearing. f)0 75 75 50 75 20 80 25 15 10 10 30 40 40 50 50 30 5 50 10 10 30 30 Clasp 25 NOTICE. plainly the number of pieces wanted of each kind, and be particular, in stating the Figure or Letter, or (both, marked on the piece). Every piece, with few ex- ceptions, is either Figured or Lettered, or both. State what number of machine the repairs are for. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Repairs for "Dick's" Feed Cutter. No. 5 E. Cutter. No. 116 E 106 106L 141A 142A 321 101E 102E 100E 147 CXE 112A 141 E 114 110A NU NN MSA 144A SH 328 NY 107S PP LL 216 F 216G 221 219 206 206 245 244 201C 202C 215A 212 F 212G 216 205 210 NE AA 200 F 247 RO 1*0 SF 200C 247A 212G RD LD FG NAA PRICE Fly wheel, with set screws $12 00 shaft, steel 325 Front box, babbitted, for fly wheel shaft, upper half 1 75 Front box, babbitted, for fly wheel shaft, lower half 1 75 Rear box, babbitted, for fly wheel shaft, upper half 1 25 Rear box, babbitted, for fly wheel shaft, lower half. 1 75 Knives, each 2 25 Knife Bolts, each 20 Adjustable knife supports, each 25 " support washers 15 Inside Standard 3 25 Outside " 2 25 Feed Gear Standard 3 50 " Cover 1 25 Lower Feed Roller 2 50 Shaft for Lower Feed Roller 1 00 Gear Wheel foi Lower Feed Roller 2 25 Upper Feed Roller 2 26 Shaft for Upper Feed Roller 1 00 Coupling for Shaft on Upper Feed Roller 1 00 Gearwheel foi Upper Feed Roller 1 25 Gear Wheel Bearing for Upper Feed Roller 20 Collar on Upper Feed Roller Shaft 20 Left Hand Bevel Gear Pinions 75 Right " " " " 75 Clutch Sleeve on Bevel Gear Feed Shaft . 60 Bevel Feed Gear Shaft, Steel 60 Shifter Fork with Set Screw 40 " Handle 25 Collar on Bevel Feed Gear Shaft 30 Shifter Rod Support, Out End 15 In " 10 Lever Clamp, each 15 Tempered Steel Tension Spring 1 50 No. 107E 246 HA 103E 12 121 119 137 139 140 108 142 143 144 145 146 254A TT 253 34 34 HE SS 597 PRICE Cross Bar for Spring $0 30 Wrench for Changing Cut 25 Shear Plate 1 00 Feed Box Plate 60 Hand Crank with Set Screw 1 25 Box for Out End Hand Crank Shaft, right hand 1 00 Box for In End Hand Crank Shaft, right hand 1 00 Box for Out End Hand Crank Shaft, left hand 1 00 Box for In End Hand Crank Shaft, left hand 1 00 Hand Crank Shaft (wrot> 1 50 Bevel Gear Wheel on Hand Crank Shaft. 1 25 " " Fly Wheel Shaft.... 1 25 Bolt Clasp in Frame 20 Chain Wheel on Fly Wheel Shaft 25 " Bevel Feed Gear Shaft'.'. . 1 00 589 127 122 220C No. 6 F. and 7 GK Cutter. ... 30 " Tightener Wheel 40 " " Bearing 30 Wheel Bearing Clasp ... 30 Space Chain, per foot 30 Single T inks, each 5 Steel Set Screws, ^ inch , each 15 " " " 7-16 " " 15 Brackets for Fly Wheel Cover 15 Malleable Wrench 50 Chain Cover Hinge, In End 15 " Out End 15 Chute Board Bracket, Front End 15 " " " Rear End 15 " 15 12-inch Pulley, 1# bore 3 25 10-inch " 1% " 300 9-inch " I'/ " 2 50 Fly Wheel for 6 F. Cutter $15 00 " " 7G. " 16 50 Knives, each 3 50 Knife Bolts, each 25 Adjustable Knife Supports, each 45 Adjustable Knife Support Washers 15 Fly Wheel Shaft, steel 27^x7-16 4 00 Front Box babbitted, lower half 1 75 upper " 1 75 Rear Box, " " " 150 lower " 2 25 Inside Standard 4 00 Outside " 350 Lower Feed Roller 3 75 Shaft for Lower Feed Roller 1 25 Gear Wheel for Lower Feed Roller for 6 F. Cutter 2 75 Gear Wheel for Lower Feed Roller for 7 G. Cutter 3 00 Upper Feed Roller 3 25 Shaft for Upper Feed Roller 1 25 Coupling for Upper Feed Roller Shaft . . 75 Gear Wheel for Upper Feed Roller Shaft 1 50 Bearing for Upper Feed Roller Gear 20 Collar for Upper Feed Roller Shaft 20 Feed Gear Standard for 6 F. Cutter 4 00 " " " Cover 150 " " Clutch Pinion, right hand . . 1 00 " " " left " ..100 Shifter Fork 40 Feed Gear Standard 4 50 " Cover 175 Bevel and Spur Gear Comb for Lower Feed Roller 3 00 Feed Gear Clutch Pinion, right hand .... 1 00 " left " .... 1 00 Shifter Fork 50 Collar on Clutch Gear Shaft 30 236 237 238 239 240 254 A T16 253 241 248C 243 LL 246 207 415 220 127 F Chain Wheel on Fly Wheel Shaft " " " Clutch Gear 203 222C JG 42 42 SS 387 597 Tightener Wheel " " Bearing " " " Clasp.... Shifter Handle " Bar Support, Out End In " " Rod Clasp Washer, each Clutch Sleeve on Chain Wheel Shaft for 6 F. Cutter Clutch Sleeve on Chain Wheel Shaft for 7 G. Cutter Wrench for Adjusting Length of Cut Cover Guides, per set Cross Beam for Spring Tempered Steel Tension Spring 18-inch Pulley, 1 7-16 bore 14-inch " " " 12-inch " " " 10-inch " " " Feed Box Plate Shear Plate Hand Crank, complete, to attach to Shaft Corner Clasps for Frame Set Screws, steel, each Brackets for Fly Wheel Cover, each Malleable Iron Wrench Chain Links, each Space Drive Chain, per foot Drive Chain Cover Hinge, Out End " In End Chute Board Bracket, Front End " " " Rear End 587 Guard on Side of Frame. 50 50 65 1 00 30 30 30 30 20 15 15 75 1 00 25 15 50 2 25 5 00 4 25 3 50 325 1 25 2 00 1 50 25 20 20 75 5 35 15 15 15 15 15 15 329 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ss THiHCO id rH >H kO CO iH CO iH ss 8S >iOO OO USi 5t>iOOC t-l COIN CO 8 SS QO ;M 88 :SS S8 ss gs 8SS 888S SS S8SS SS 88SS rH O SS8 ss rH Knuckle complete, since Aug., 1881 10 Power shaft, from the first . . 198 " box " " " . . 879) Draw hook, from the first . . Lever with hook, No. 879), since Sept. 1, 1877 Lead pole, from the first 28 Spur gear wheel on first shaft for double geared power, No. 7^, since Nov., 1879 .... 1416 Pinion, 21 cogs, for double geared one-horse power, No. 7%, since March . 1886 . . . One-Horse Power, No. 8. 1007^ Power shaft, since Aug., 1881 1008 Center post, " ' 1003) Wrought bushing for roller, since Aug., 1881 1391 Cap for center post, since Sept., 1886 1009 Power chair, since Aug., 1881 1010 Lever rest " " " 1011 Bridge over master pinion , since Aug., 1881 1022 Short stud, 5% in. long, since Aug., 1881 1023 Lever since Aug., 1881 .... 1024 Lead pole, since Aug., 1881 . . 1102 Tumbling rod, 8 ft., since Aug. , 1881 1604 Tumbling rod, 10 ft., squared lin 879) Draw link, from the first . $0 75 2 50 1 50 2 50 2 50 $0 75 2 25 2 60 ! 00 45 2 50 1 15 2 25 3 25 $2 50 1 50 35 25 60 85 2 50 1 50 2 50 1 00 3 00 3 75 45 335 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for Two-Horse NO. PRICE 215 Master wheel, 92 cogs, from the first $24 00 216 Master pinion, 12 cogs, from the first 3 00 217 Lever eye, used with old style levering 3 00 174 Lead eye, used with old style levering 1 50 1654 Lever eye, used with new style levering 2 25 1655 Lever rest, used with new style levering 1 75 8 Center post, from first 2 00 9 " " cap " * 30 340 Arch slide, " ' 2 25 220 Power chair, " ' 1 00 198 Inside box, l< ' 100 179 Outside " ' ' < 1 50 222 Power shaft, single geared, since 1865 2 50 225 First shaft, double geared, from the first 3 75 226 Second shaft, double geared, from the first 3 00 338 Spurgear wheel, for high motion, double geared power, from the first . 4 50 1680 1780 1678 1022 Powers, Nos. 4 and 5. NO. PRICE 338 V Spur pinion, for high motion, double geared power, from the first $1 50 1415 Spur pinion, 19 cogs, used on special powers 3 00 1416 Spur gear, 21 cogs, used on special powers 3 25 366 Knuckle jaw, till Aug., '90. ... 75 367 " ring. " " " .... 75 1810 " jaw, since " " ... . 75 1811 " ring, two pieces, since Aug., '90 . 75 886 Tumbling rod, 10 feet, from first 6 00 Lever with draw hook, No. 879>fc, old levering 3 00 Lead pole, old levering 1 00 Lever with draw hook, No. 1573, new levering 2 25 Lead pole, new levering 1 00 879^ Draw hook, till March, '88. ... 45 1573 " " since " " .... 90 880 Safety knuckle, complete, from the first 3 00 1327 Box for special double geared powers 1 50 Repairs for Two-Horse Samson Power, No. 6. 1779 Master wheel, from first 1301 " pinion, 1234 Spur gear, 1235 Center pinion, 1689 Bevel gear, 1310 " pinion. 1673 Lower frame, 1781 Upper " ...$18 00 1 75 5 25 1 50 6 00 1 75 5 25 8 25 Box for bevel pinion shaft, (pinion end) , from the first . . 1 00 Box for bevel pinion shaft (knuckle end), from the first. . 2 25 Rub iron, upper, " " " .. 75 Short stud, 5% in. long, from first . . 1 50 1058 Long stud, 8% in. long, from the first $1 50 1784 Washer for lever, from the first 15 910 879 End pi ate " Draw link" 1796 Pinion shaft, 1810 Knuckle jaw, 1811 ring, 15 " 1 00 11 5 25 75 75 OJ.J. iA "fe> 880 Safety knuckle, complete from the first 3 00 Lever, two pieces, from the first 3 75 Lead pole, from the first 75 Tumbling rod, 12 feet, from the first 6 75 Rod Rest.. 1 75 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Repairs for Four-Horse Powers, Nos. 1 and 2. NO. 368 369 273 372 503 504 370 175 375 177 9 373 374 279 362 363 1236 1301 1234 1235 1557 1310 1306 1555 1326 1237 PRICE Master wheel, 124 cogs, since Sept.l, 1872 $30 00 Master pinion, 12 cogs, from the first 3 00 Master pinion, 11 cogs, since Nov. 1881 3 00 Lever eye, used with old style levering 4 50 Lever eye for small lever, used with old style levering 3 00 Center socket for small lever, used with old style levering . . 2 25 Lever eye, used with new lever- ing 2 50 A ucr/i j Arch stand $1.25) Arch Slide ] Arcncap< / w [ from the first 2 50 Power chair, since Sept. 1, 1872 1 00 Center post, from the first. ... 3 00 Center post cap, from the first. 30 Pinion shaft, since Sept. 1, 1872 3 25 Power boxes, since Sept. 1, 1872 2 25 Lower half of power box to mate No. 374, since Nov. 15, 1881 . . 1 00 Spur gear wheel, double geared power, from the first 5 25 Spur pinion on second shaft, for double geared power, from the first . . 2 25 No. 1145 Spur pinion, 18 cogs, for special motion 364 First shaft, gears to master wheel, from the first 365 Second shaft, gears to first shaft, from the first 366 Knuckle for safety knuckle set Sept., '72 to Aug., '90 367 Knuckle band for safety knuckle set, Sept., '72 to Aug., '90. ... 1810 Knuckle jaw, since Aug., 1890. . 1811 " ring, two pieces, since Aug., 1890 880 Safety knuckle complete, from the first Lever large, with draw hook No. 879>, old style levering Lever small, with draw hook No. 879>, old style levering. Lever large, with draw hook No. 1573, new levering 879}^ Draw link 1573 " " 886 Tumbling rod, 10 feet from the first . PRICE $3 75 5 25 3 75 75 75 75 75 3 00 3 75 2 50 2 00 45 90 6 00 Repairs for Two-Horse Samson Power, No. 17. 1022 1058 Master wheel, from Aug., 1887. $22 50 " pinion, from Aug., 1887. 175 Spur wheel, from Aug., 1887. . 5 25 " pinion, from Aug., 1887. . Bevel gear, from Aug., 1887. . . ' ' pinion from Aug. , 1887 . . . Bottom plate, from Aug., 1887. 1500 Top plate from Aug., 1887 ..... 9 00 Bevel pinion shaft, from Aug., 1887 ........................ Cap for pinion shaft, from Aug. , 1887... .. m ................... ap for pinion shaft, from Aug. . 1887 ........................ Short stud, 5%-in. long from Aug., 1887 .................. Long stud, 8^-in. long, from Aug., 1887 .................. 1 50 1 50 6 00 1 75 3 25 75 75 1 50 1569 Lever, no irons from Aug., 1887 $2 00 1570 Lead poles from Aug., 1887 75 1541 Rest for lead poles, from Aug., 1887 35 1571 Draw rods, from Aug., 1887 1 50 1572 Stay " for lead pole from Aug., 1887 75 1573 Draw links, from Aug., 1887. . . 90 366 Knuckle jaw for safety knuckle set, till Aug., 1890 75 367 Knuckle band for safety knuckle set, till Aug., 1890 75 1810 Knuckle jaw, since Aug., 1890. 75 1811 " ring, two pieces, since Aug., 1890 75 880 Safety knuckle, complete, from the first 3 00 886 Tumbling rod, 10 feet, squared both ends, from the first 6 00 337 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for Four-Horse Samson Powers, Nos. 14 and 14 1-2. NO. 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 PRICE Master wheel rim since Dec.'82$22 50 " pinion since Dec. 1882 2 25 Spur Gear since Dec. 1882 . . 7 50 " pinion since Dec. 1882 . 2 25 Bevel gear since Dec. 1882 . . 7 50 " pinion since Dec. 1882 . 3 00 Lower frame Dec. 1882 to Sept. 1884 6 00 E1047 Lower frame since Sept. '84 . 6 00 1048 Upper frame, Dec. '82 to Sept. '84 8 25 E1048 Upper since Sept. 1884 ... 8 25 1049 Lower adjuster, Dec. 1882 to Sept. 1884 55 1050 Upper adjuster, Dec. 1882 to Sept. 1884 1 75 1187 Upper rub iron, since Vov. '84 1 00 1051 Box next bevel pinion since Dec. 1882 3 00 1052 Box next tumbling rod since Dec. 1882 3 00 1053 Rest for master wheel since Dec. 1882 75 1054 Lever eye for mounted power since Dec. 1882 2 25 1055 Lever rest for mounted power since Dec. 1882 1 75 1056 Lever eye for down power since Dec. 1882 2 25 1057 Lever Rest for down power, since Dec. 1882 2 25 658 Wheel Rub Iron, right, mount- ed power, since Aug, 1887 . 35 659 Wheel Rub Iron, left, mount- ed power since Aug. 1887 . 35 496 Kingbolt Casting, mounted po- wer since Aug. 1887 ... 1 00 90 50 1 50 1 50 NO. PRICE 498 Cast Socket for Staking Pole, mounted powers, since Aug. 1887 $ 589 Wrought Iron King-bolt, mount ed powers since Aug. 1887 1022 Short Stud, 5% in. long since Dec. 1882 1058 Long Stud, 8% in. long, since Dec. 1882 1059 Cap for Bevel Gear Post since Dec. 1882 1098 Bevel Pinion Shaft since Dec. 1882 1099 Lever, (no irons) since Dec. '82 1100 Lead Pole since Dec. 1882 . . 881 Draw Rod for Levers since Dec. 1882 879 Draw Links since Dec. 1882 . 366 Knuckle jaw for Safety Knuckle set till Aug. 1890 .. . . 367 Knuckle band for safety knuck- le set till Aug. 1890 . . . 1810 Knuckle jaw for safety knuck- le set since Aug. 1890 . . 1811 Knuckle Ring, two pieces, since Aug. 1890 880 Safety Knuckle, complete, since Dec. 1882 888 Tumbling Rod, 5 feet, squared both ends since Dec. 1882 887 Tumbling Rod, 8 feet, squared both ends since Dec. 1882 886 Tumbling Rods,10 feet, squared both ends since Dec. 1882 . 910 Lever End Plate since < Dec. '82 1785 Socket for Lead Pole since Jan. 1890 . 35 25 00 00 50 15 75 75 75 75 3 00 3 75 5 25 6 00 15 35 SAN FKANCISCO, GAL. 338 Repairs for Eight-Horse Young Sampson Powers, Nos. 11 and 12. NO. PRICE 630 Spur Gear since July 1877 $11 00 631 Master Pinion since July 1877. 325 632 Bevel Gear with cap since July 1877 7 50 633 Center Pinion since July 1877. 3 25 634 Bevel " " " 3 00 635 Lever eye for mounted power July, 1877 to June 28, 1881 .. 2 50 975 Lever eye for mounted power since June 28, 1881 2 50 636 Box next Bevel Pinion since July 1877 3 75 637 Box next Tumbling Rod since July, 1877 3 75 638 Upper Rub Iron since July '77 75 639 Lower " " " " " 1 00 640 Lower cast frame since July '77 750 641 Upper " " " " " 9 75 642 Master Wheel, extra heavy, no hooks on rim, replaces any master wheel used on this power previous to July 1881, excepting a few made in 1878, with hooks on rim 30 00 Master Wheel, extra heavy, with hooks on rim, since June 28, 1881 30 00 643 Short Stud, 7^ in. long since July 1877 1 50 644 Long Stud, 9 7-16 in. long since July 1877 1 75 660 Lever eye for down power,Dec. 1877 to June 28, 1881 2 50 974 Lever Eye for down power, since June 28, 1881 2 50 975 Lever eye for mounted power since June 1881 2 50 658 Wheel Rub Iron, right for mounted power since Jan. 1, 1878 . . 35 NO. PRICE 659 Wheel Rub Iron,left,for mount- ed power since Jan. 1, 1878.$ 35 496 Kingbolt Casting for mounted power since July 1877 1 00 498 Cast Socket for staking pole for mounted power since July 1877 90 589 Wrought Iron King-bolt for mounted power since July 1877 50 366 Knuckle for safety knuckle set till Aug. 1890 75 367 Knuckle Band for safety knuck- le set till Aug. 1890 75 1810 Knuckle Jaw till Aug. 1890 ... 75 1811 Knuckle Ring, two pieces, till Aug. 1890 75 880 Safety Knuckle.complete, since July 1877 3 00 892 Bevel Pinion Shaft since July 1877 5 25 893 Lever, (no irons), since July 1877 2 00 879 Draw Links since July 1877.. 1 00 881 Draw rod for Levers since July 1877 1 50 888 Tumbling rod, 5 feet, squared both ends since July 1877. . . 3 75 887 Tumbling rod, 8 feet, squared both ends, since July 1877 ... 5 25 886 Tumbling Rod, 10 feet, squared both ends since July 1877. . 6 00 910 Lever End Plate since July '77 15 1067 Cap for Bevel Gear Post since Aug. 1882 35 1625 Chain Sheave for equalizers. .. 75 1626 Case for Chain Sheave, No. 1625 60 Draw Chains with clevis for equalizers Long Draw Rods for equalizers 1 339 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for Ten-Horse NO. PRICE 10(50 Master wheel, Nov., '82 to Jan. , '90 $30 00 1800K Master wheel, since Jan., '90. . 30 00 631 " pinion, till " ".. 3 25 1801 " " since " " .. 3 75 630 Spur gear, " Nov. '82 . . 1125 632 Bevel " till Jan. '90 .. 7 50 1806 " " 48 cogs, since" " ., 900 633 Center pinion till " " . . 3 25 F633 " " since " " .. 3 25 634 Bevel pinion, till " ".. 300 1805 " " 20 cogs, since Jan., '90 3 25 636 Box next bevel pinion, since Nov. '82 3 75 637 Box next tumbling rod, since .Nov., '82 3 75 643 Short stud, 1% in. long, since Nov., '82 1 50 644 Long stud, 9 7-16 in. long, Nov., '82, to Jan., 90 1 75 1809 Long stud, 12 in. long, since Jan '90 2 25 1061 Lo wer f rame', ' till Jan. Yi 890 '" 1500 1803 " " since " "... 18 00 1062 Upper " Nov., '82, to Nov., '84 11 25 1062 1 ^ Upper frame, Nov., '84, to Jan., '90 11 25 1802 Upper frame, since Jan., '90.. 14 25 1065 Lower adjuster, Nov., '82, to Nov., '84 35 1066 Upper adjuster, Nov., 82, to Nov., 84 75 1188 Upperrub iron, since Nov., 1884. 1 00 1007 Cap for bevel gear post, since Nov., '82 35 1807 Center cap, since Jan., '90 1 50 1063 Lever eye for mounted power, Nov., '82, to Nov., 88 2 50 1064 Lever eye for down power, Nov., '82, to Nov., '88 250 1704 Lever eye for mounted power, Nov., '88, to Jan., '90 300 1705 Lever eye for down power, Nov., '88, to Jan., '99 3 00 Samson Power, No. 13. NO. 1808 496 498 589 366 367 1810 1811 880 892 1795 893 1846 879 1097 1853 888 887 886 910 658 659 1625 1626 PRICE Lever eye for mounted power, since Jan., '90 $3 00 Kingbolt casting for mounted power, since Nov., 1882 1 15 Cast socket for staking pole for mounted power, since Nov. '82 90 Wrought iron kingbolt for mounted power, since Nov. '82 55 Knuckle for safety knuckle set, till Aug., '90 75 Knuckle band for safety knuckle set, till Aug., '90 75 Knuckle jaw, since Aug., 90. .. 75 Knuckle ring, two pieces, since Aug., '90 75 Safety knuckle, complete, since Nov., '82 3 00 Bevel pinion shaft, Nov., '82, to Jan., '90 5 25 Bevel pinion shaft, since Jan. , '90 5 25 Lever, no irons, Nov., '82, to Jan., '90 2 00 Lever, no irons, since Jan., '90 2 00 Draw link for lever, since Nov., '82 1 00 Draw rod for levers, Nov., '82 to Jan., '90 1 50 Draw rod for lever, since Jan., '90 1 50 Tumbling rod, 5 feet, squared both ends, from the first 3 75 Tumbling rod, 8 feet, squared both ends, from the first 5 25 Tumbling rod, 10 feet, squared both ends, from the first 6 00 Lever end plate from the first 15 Wheel rub iron, right, from the first 35 Wheel rub iron, left, from the first 35 Chain sheave for equalizers ... 75 Case for chain sheave No. 1625 60 Draw chain with clevis for equalizers 1 50 Long draw rod for equalizers . . 1 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 340 Repairs for "Flour City Hay Press. NO. 1 2 ^ Large spur gear Crank with wrist pin Side Plate PRICE $55 00 15 00 7 00 NO. 50 51 52 4 . 7 00 53 5 6 ,, ( , 7 00 7 00 54 55 7 8 9 Cast post at side of plunger case Bracket box 3 00 ...... 5 00 2 25 56 61 62 10 Top retainer . 3 00 64 11 11A. Side " 1 50 1 50 66 12 13 Top tension Bottom tension 3 50 3 50 67 68 14 Plunger head . 4 50 69 15 16 Pitman box plunger end " '' crank " 4 50 4 50 70 107 17 Truck wheels, each 8 50 110 1H Link block 8 00 112 19 " " plate 3 00 113 20 9 1 Fly wheel Bush foi crank shaft 15 00 5 50 133 137 22 >s " gear " Flanged pnr pinion . 5 00 4 50 138 139 >4 Snap knuckle 5 50 140 26 >7 Fly wheel shaft Feeder a^m 8 00 12 00 141 142 28 29 30 31 3} " co-mection rod " " shaft Plunger head -haft Crank yoke complete Front or back axles 3 75 3 00 3 00 8 00 7 00 143 144 145 146 240 33 34 Hinge plate for side reiainer Gear - 9 00 40 45 3 25 4 50 4 50 13 50 35 3 50 BF 15 Stay-rod connection casting key connec- tion 10x18 and 17x22 $4 50 DF 15 Stay-rod connection with nuts 2 00 F 16 Tucker casting, 14x18 200 AH 16 " " 16x!8 2 00 BF16 " " 17x22 225 RF 17 Box and cap for tuckers, any size right... 35 LF 17 " " " " " " "left.... 35 DF 18 Hind axle gudgeon, for 14x18 or 16x18. . . 3 00 CF18 " " " " 17x22 4 50 F 19 " " spindle casting, any size 200 F 20 Stay-rod bracket, any size, machine having pipe pitman 1 25 AF 20 Stay-rud bracket, any size machine having wood pitman 2 25 BF 21 Plunger head casting, 11x18 7 50 AF 21 " " " 16x18 9 00 BF 21 " 17x22 10 00 Roller for bottom plunger not num- bered 35 F 22 Circular casting for under tension band, 14x18 1 00 AF 22 Circn'ar casting for under tension band, 16x18 or 17x22 1 50 F 23 Friction walls for 14x18 or HoclS. each. . 3 50 AF 23 " " 17x22, each 550 F 24 Tension spring cap 40 F 25 Crank axle lever rest 2 00 F 68 Tension band casting 75 " screw nut 1 50 Partition block wilh bell-boltstate size machine each 3 00 Notice. When ordering repairs always order by the figure and number on the broken piece. If none can be found, make a diagram by laying broken part upon a paper, and drawing a pencil or stick with black grease around it. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 342 Extras for Champion Detached Power Portable Baling Press. Four or Six Horse. NO. XI XXI X2 XX2 X3 XX3 X4 XX4 X5 X6 X7 XX7 X8 BX8 X9 X10 Xll X12 X13 X14 XI5 BXL5 Xlfi X17 XI 8 X19 X20 X21 X22 PRICE Inside twin wheel gudgeon 14x18 or 16x18 $ 3 00 Inside twin wheel gudgeon 17x22 4 50 Inside twin wheel 14x18 or 16x18 16 50 Inside twin wheel 17x22 17 50 Clutch pinion 9 or 10 cogs 14x18 or 16x18 1 50 Clutch pinion 17x22 1 75 Shifting Clutch 14x18 or 16x18 2 00 Shifting Clutch 17x22 200 Clutch bands 1 25 Clutch shifter 1 25 Clutch shifter link 14x18 or 16x18 25 Clutch shifter link 17x22 30 Clutch shifter bracket 14x18 or 16x18 1 75 2 25 Clutch shifter bracket 11x22. . Bottom Shaft box bracket. . . . Bottom shaft box cap, babbitted Bottom shaf btox cap, babbitted Top snaft box, babbitted . . . Top shaft box cap babbitted . Top shaft box plate Outside gear wheel Outside gear wheel hub plate with T bolts 2 50 Outside gear wheel pinion ... 2 00 Pronged knuckle 80 Pronged knuckle clutch 65 Pronged knuckle clutch end hitch 75 End hitch side bracket box . . 75 End hitch side bracket box cap 35 End hitch hinge box 40 NO. PRICO X23 End hitch hinge box cap $06 X24 End hitch bevel gear with > clutch 1 25 AX24 End hitch plain bevel gear. . . 1 50 X25 End hitch plain elbow box. . . 1 50 X26 Beater pitman, either size ... 4 50 X27 Toggle 14x18 or 16x18 7 50 BX27 Toggle 17x22 8 00 Toggle connecting pitman rod, steel X28 Toggle pitman, upper connec- tion X29 Toggle pitman lower connec- tion 14x18 or 16x18 225 BX29 Toggle pitman lower connec- tion 17x22 2 50 X30 Feeder pitman 14x18 or 16x18 BX30 Feeder pitman 17x22 1 X31 Feeder frame 14x18 or 16x18 . 1 BX31 Feeder frame 17x22 1 25 X32 Feeder spring casting 1 00 X33 Plunger head complete 14x18 or 16x18 15 00 BX33 Plunger head complete 17x22. 18 50 2 00 2 00 85 00 00 61 B68 A10 CIO Feeder bracket 2 00 Tension band casting 1 25 00 2 00 35 35 2 25 Tension hand wheel Tension screw and nut Bottom retainer hooks, each. . Side retainer hooks, each Bottom grate state size Lower or side retainer springs, each 15 Flexible beater top spring 25 Side retainer spring holder 35 Partition blocks, with bell bolts state size each . , 3 00 Extras for "Champion" Reversible Lever Portable Press. 1 B 1 B 2 B 2 B 3 A 5 A 6 B 7 8 Power segment, long hub $15 00 Power segment, short hub ... 15 00 Pitman casting 9 50 Pitman wooded with rollers. . . 12 50 Lower roller guide 3 00 Beater connection 2 50 Upper sweep iron 7 50 Lower sweep iron 4 25 Top box for main shaft 1 00 Top box with cap 1 50 Lower box for main shaft. Lower box with cap 9 Pitman roller and stand A 10 Bottom retainer hooks Same with links, bolts and washers complete C 10 Side retainer hooks Same with box A 11 Bottom retainer spring holder B 11 Side retainer spring holder 00 50 40 30 50 30 50 30 20 A 12 Casting to hold sweep in mov- ing $ 30 A 15 Folder or tucker 2 00 H 14 Hinge for beater plate, 14x18. . 1 00 H 16 Hinge for beater plate, 16x18. . 1 00 H 17 Hinge for beater plate, 17x22. . 1 00 H 18 Hinge for beater plate, 18x22. . 1 00 T. & L. Hand tension wheel. . . 2 25 A 68 Tension band casting 1 25 69 Tension screw nut holder 65 Tension screw with nut 2 00 Lower retainer spring 20 Side retainer spring Flexible beater top springs 25 Comber springs 25 Partition block, with bell bolts (srate size) 3 00 Partition block, without bell bolts (state size) 2 75 Bottom grate (state size) 2 25 In ordering Repairs give number on oM piece. If no number on old piece, describe or mike diagram of it, and give number of mac'iine for which repairs are ordered. ^ t 343 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for Hodges' Steel "Single Gear," "Stop-Draper" Header C.JO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 344 Repairs for Hodges' Steel " Single Gear," "Stop-Draper" Header. A 29. 345 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Hodges' Single Gear Steel Frame Header. (Continued.) BBS & ^ B34 B95 887 B83 B9I B 65 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 346 Repairs for Hodges Steel "Single Gear," "Stop-Draper" Header. TOP DRUM TAIL ROLLER C.36. rrvra-KT TABLE BOLT FLANGE TAIL ROLLER DRIVE WHEEL AXLE GRAIN WHEEL SHAFT A.561 GUIDE WHEEL AXLE B.65 347 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for "Hodges'" Steel "Center-Drive," "Stop-Draper" Header. NO. A 29 A 53 A 109 A 110 AR111 AL 111 A 137 A 175 A 176 A 235 A 259 260 466 467 A 470 A 492 A 494 A 498 A 507 A 503 A 559 A 560 A 561 B B B B B B B B B 8 10 B 12 B 14 B 47 B B 48 B 49 B 51 B 53 B 54 B 55 56 57 58 69 60 62 63 65 B 72 74 B 82 B 83 B 84 B 85 B86, 87 PRICE Flanged reel pulley, small hole $3 50 Flanged draper pulley, lOx 4K . . 4 50 Main shaft box, outside girt. 1 Small " " top, inside outside girt, (A. Z.) 1 75 Tiller handle cap 2 00 Reel hub end ... 1 00 " " " i 00 Truss brace cap 75 Collar on main wheel shaft 40 " small " " ., 40 Reel hub end 1 00 " " 1 00 Small sprocket wheel, No. 42 chain 2 25 Large sprocket wheel 3 00 Spout plate 40 Pitman boxes, pair 75 Chain wheel, large reel shaft 2 2-3 Crank 1 50 Oil can holder 40 Main wheel hub 7 75 Grain " " 6 00 Master gear 10 75 " clutch 2 50 Clutch flange 75 Pinion 2 50 Clutch 2 00 Pinion shifter^ complete . . . . ] 5 Bracket cap 75 Sheave wheel 75 Balance spring jaw 2 25 " column 3 50 Tongue coupler 3 50 3 50 Reel bar box 60 Chain wheel, large, No. 52 Chain 3 50 Balance wheel 6 00 Spout brace casting ........ 45 Double bracket 3 50 Traveler . ' ' 80 " and pin 1 50 " bracket box 35 Roller Box 60 Shipper casting 40 Guide wheel stem collar, with set screw 75 Reel Adjuster boxes 1 50 " " " 1 50 Lever weight 6 00 Outside divider board casting 1 50 Guard 15 Pulley with clutch 5 00 Clutch 2 25 Box on front 1 50 Cap 1 50 Shifter . . . 1 50 NO. B 88 B 89 90 91 96 97 98 B 100 B 101 B 102 B 103 B 104 B 105 B 106 B 107 B 108 B 109 C 11 C 29 C 30 C 36 42 49 51 C 66 C 74 C 79 C 78 C 83 C 84 C 127 D 31 D 31 D 32 D 33 D 35 H 17 H 37 H 49 H 60 PRICE Short Crank $0 60 75 60 60 25 25 Long Brake shaft box Box and washer on lever Reel box large shaft, 1^ in. . <( 41 .( Chain wheel on countershaft N o. 42 chain 1 75 Shipper handle casting 60 Large shaft box bottom, LH, goes with A 109 1 25 Large shaft box bottom, RH, goes with A 110 . . 1 25 Small box bottom, goes with AL 111 1 25 Small box bottom RH, goes with AR 111 1 25 Belt tightener flange 40 Chain " " 40 Truss washer 15 Tongue roll washer 40 Spring case " 15 Sheave guide wheel 7 50 Turn table top 50 Turn table bottom 1 00 Wrought iron wrist pin 1 25 Pitman box, cast iron 75 Tongue roll support 1 50 Sprocket wheel for counter- shaft, No. 52 chain 2 00 Turn table yoke 1 50 Pitman neck 1 25 Spout rope ciasp (2 pcs.) .... 40 Reel bar box 75 Shipper rod handle 25 Frame front cap 75 Corner bracket divider board casting 40 Guide wheel jaw. 6 CO " " " and stem.. 7 50 " " column 7 00 " " box 1 75 Lever spring, complete 3 75 Tongue brace 1 50 Apron roller 75 Notch casting 1 50 Sickle heel 1 25 Belt tightener 4 25 Balance spring for S. G 3 75 Top drum 5 00 Bottom drum 5 00 Wagon roller 2 00 Tail " 1 50 Turn table bolt 1 25 Joint rod 2 25 Flange tail roller 2 25 Drive wheel axle 6 00 Grain " " 3 50 Guide " " 1 50 Countershaft 3 00 Spring rod spool (wood) .... 50 Jackshaft . 6 50 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 348 HODGES SINGLE GEAR STEEL FRAME HEADER Continued. NO B B B B B B B B B P, B B B P, 64 66 67 73 74 75 76 96 97 99 100 110 111 114 PR Shipper casting $0 [CE 75 40 00 75 15 15 15 25 25 75 75 50 50 00 NO B B B B B B B fc B B B B 115 116 117 118 119 121 122 123 124 125 241 242 Stirrup washer - 3 1 1 1 1 7 Reel adjuster nut, complete. . Malleable grouser (California) guard " center guard " " sickle tab, " Reel box large shaft Collar on pulley (California). . Shipper handle casting " Spout hinge front (malleable). " back Pulley, with clutch(California) PRICE Clutch (California) $2 25 Shipper " 1 50 " crank " 1 25 Sickle guard for steel bar, mal. 20 Shipper stop on lever (Califor- nia) 40 Joint rod casting, 1893 70 Cutter bar plate " 50 Tail roll box " 40 Backl.oard plate 65 Sickle driver (malleable) 1 70 " heel " 55 " ' " 50 349 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. A 252 Extras for "Hodges" Steel Frame Double Gear Header* SAN FRANCISCO, CAL . 350 Extras for "Hodges" Steel Frame Double Gear Header. 351 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. List of Repairs for " Hodges " Steel Header. NO. A 109 A 110 AR 111 AL 111 141 175 176 179 186 235 238 248 249 252 25 * 254 294 A 295 301 302 32S 333 PRICE Main shaft box, complete, out- side girt ... .$2 50 Main ^liai't box, complete, in- side yirt ............... 2 50 Small shaft box, complete, 2 50 2 50 75 100 1 UO 2 00 1 25 75 inside girt Small suai'i box, complete in- side fcdrt ..... . . Reel shaft box, left-hand ____ " liub end, 8-arin ____ " " center, 8-arm " shaft sprocket wheel, No. 45 chain ..... . . . Clutch for A :^2H shifter ..... Cap for truss hr..ces. Sprocket, wheel for lower draper in spout, No. 42 chain Sheave guide wheel ..... Guide wheel yoke and stem. . " * column ... Collar and guide wheel stem 75 Guide wheel stem cap ....... 25) Sprocket wheel and pinion for upper draper an spout, No 42 chain ..... ____ 1 25 Small -pur pinion, works with A 294 ............. 75 Spout, rope pulley .......... 5 ..... ' ..... ..... 50 Clutch for A 459 pinion .. 200 Travel for bevel gear, A 458. . 75 333 l/ 2 Traveler stud, wrought non 1 50 334 Spur gear, small, on bridge- tree shaft ................ 1 50 Tumble rod block. Column for balance, spring Large spur gear, for jac.k shaft 4 50 T'imhierod knuckle, one-inch r-Min.l shaft ..... .... 1 25 Tm> ble ro I knuckle % inch square, shaft . ... .... 1 50 Plate fr guide wheel column 75 Knuckle with sleeve. ...... 1 "25 Pitman crank ........... 7"> Yoke ur spout casting, A 294 1 75 75 7 50 'I 50 3 25 A A A A 345 346 359 371 A 373 A A A A 375 387 389 390 40 2 25 No. 42 For driving draper, per foot No. 45 A 395 400 404 40(1 407 reel . Sprocket wheel for master gear, A 458, \o. 45 chain. . . 3 o<) tree casting onlv 00 Bracket for traveler, A 333. . . 3 00 Crank shaft box bottom 75 " " " " cap.. 75 NO. PRIC A 408 Hinge for spout to rest on. . .$0 75 A 410 Double sprocket driving draper, No. 42 chain 2 75 A 411 Jack shaft box bottom 2 50 A 41J 1 25 A 416 Tongue coupler jaw 1 25 A 421 Reel shaft box, right hand. . . 1 20 A -428 Capon bridge tree 1 00 A 4&I i . < . < i . 75 A 430 4 4 it 75 A 436 Chain carrier stud 2 00 A 4;7 Pulley ior chain carrier 50 A 43'.) Divider bo ird iron 1 50 A 451 Hinge for spout to rest on 75 A 452 Crank shaft box b ttom 75 A 4i3 Pitman shield, malleable 1 25 A 454 Spout i trace cast ing 50 A 4o5 Mneld for A 459 pinion 50 A 4o 7 (Jathering iron 2 00 A 458 Master gear 6 00 A 458 " new style, 1889, no hub 4 50 A 459 Bevel pinion 2 50 A 460 Guide wheel scraper, not on cut 50 A 464 Shipper casting not on cut 75 A 4 Ho Tiller handle " " u 2 00 A 466 Reel hub end, " " " 1 00 A 467 M center, " " " 1 00 A 468 " shaft box, " " " 1 25 A 4M9 1 25 A 472 Sprocket 3 00 A 474 Sickle heel slide, not on cut. . 50 A 475 Girt block, " " " .. 1 50 A 476 < . n . < 1 50 A 477 Axle Box " " " .'.' 2 00 A 485 Sprocket 2 25 A 486 Bridge-tree cap not on cut. . . 50 A 487 <. 4 ' (. ( (t 7 00 A 488 Sprocket wheel, " " "... 1 50 A 489 Knuckle, %-inch hole, not on cut . . 1 00 A 490 Knuckle, -inch hole, not on cut 1 00 A 491 Knuckle, %-inch hole, not on cut 1 00 A 493 Balance spring saddle, not on cut 50 B 2 Clutch, not on cut 2 50 B 3 4% flange, not on cut. . . . 75 D 35 Lever spring, complete 3 75 Pitman wood only. 50 " complete 1 50 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 352 Extra Parts for Hodges' Single Gear Header. 353 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Extra Parts for Hodges' Single Gear Header. C2I C28 C22 C23 C30 C27 C85 C8& SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 354 Extra Parts for Hodges' Single Gear Header. c in 355 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY Extra Parts for Hodges' Single Gear Header. C Castings. NO. C 1 C 3 C 4 C 5 C 5 C 6 C 7 C 8 C 9 PRICE Master Gear, 52-inch Wheel, Belt for Running Reel $10 75 Pinion 1 75 Clutch 1 25 Balance Wheel, 1% inch Jack Shaft. ... 4 50 Band Pulley,!^ inch JackShaft,4in. face 3 50 15 inch Flanged Pulley Flanged Drauer " Reel Large Hub, complete. . Main Axle C 10 Small Hub, complete. . " Axle Sheave Guide Wheel . Tiller Handle Casting. C 11 C 12 C 13 C 14 C 15 C 16 C 16 50 5 00 4 00 4 00 7 50 6 00 6 00 5 00 7 50 1 50 75 2 00 2 00 3 00 C 17 C 17 C 18 C 19 C 20 C 21 C 22 C 23 C 24 C 25 26 g. " Cap ................ Spout Ear, Left Hand ................. " Right " ................. Long Bracket, 1^ in. Jack Shaft ........ " " new improved,!^ in. Jack Shaft .................................. 300 Double Bracket, !# in Jack Shaft ...... 3 50 " " new improved, 1% inch Jack Shaft .......................... 3 50 Double Biacket Cap 1# in. Jack Shaft.. 2 00 Cap, 2 inch Shaft, wide girt ............ " " " " narrow '' ............ Long Bracket Cap, 2 inch Shaft Box Bottom 1 50 150 1 50 inch Jack Shaft 1 25 15* " Main Shaft Collar.. Traveler Jaw 40 40 40 40 1 00 C C 27 C 27 Traveler's Stud, new 150 C 28 *" C 29 C 30 C 31 C 32 Traveler Turn Table Top " " Bottom Spout Hinge, Left Hand Right " C 33 Divider Iron C 34 Reel Hub End C 35 " " Center C 36 Wrought Iron Wrist Pin C 37 Draper Roller Centers C 38 Reel Box Bottom, Right Hand C 39 " " " Left " C 40 " " " Cap C 41 " Tightener Nut Pitman Box, Cast Iron Middle Joint Rod Pulley Lever Spring, complete Wrought Iron Shipper Clutch Belt Tightener, complete Sickle Heel, Malleable Iron Pitman Neck, " " Tongue Roll Support 41 Coupler Sprocket Wheel for Counter Shaft, No. 52 Chain 2 00 C 52 Truss Brace Cap 40 H 60 Sickle Heel 125 B 241 " " malleable 50 B 242 " " " 50 C 42 C 43 C 44 C 45 C 46 C 47 C 48 C -19 C 50 C 51 75 25 1 00 1 25 1 25 75 1 00 1 00 1 25 40 75 75 60 40 75 75 2 50 4 00 6 00 1 50 2 00 1 50 4 00 NO. B 125 C C C C C C C C 60 C 61 C C C 64 C 65 62 C 69 C 70 C 71 C 72 C 74 C 91' C 96 C 101 C 102 C 103 C 104 C 105 C 106 C 107 C 108 C 109 C 110 C 111 C 112 C 113 C 114 C 117 C 118 C 119 C 120 C 121 C 122 C 123 C 124 C 125 A 66 C 132 B 1 B 2 B 3 PRICE Sickle Driver $1 75 Tongue Coupler Knuckle 1 75 Reel Adjuster Arm 2 25 1 " " 225 " ' Box not on cut 25 " Goose Neck 550 " Arm 3 25 " 325 Arm 3 00 " Friction Roller, not on cut 15 Belt Tightening Casting 3 00 " Cap 150 Guide Wheel Box. Wood Jaw 2 00 Shipper Crank Box, not on cut 40 Turn Table Yoke 1 50 Reel Nut, not on cut 15 " Tightener, not on cut 15 Flange for Large Hub, not on cut 2 25 " " Small " " " " 2 00 Large Drum Roller Flange, not on cut 75 Shipper Kod Blocks, not on cut 15 Pitman Neck 125 Reel Adjuster, Lever Spring 2 00 " Bar Box 75 Upright Balance Springs, complete 20 00 Divider Board Brace 75 Truss Brace Cap 75 Guide Wheel 700 Pinion Shifter 1 50 Sprocket Wheel, Large to run Reel No. 62 Chain 325 Master Gear, for Chain to Reel , 12 00 Flanged Guide Wheel 7 00 Double Bracket, for 1^ in. Jack Shaft Cap 2 00 6 00 2 50 1 50 3 50 1 75 3 50 25 Balance Wheel, Long Bracket " Cap Band Pulley, Pinion Sprocket Wheel, Main D ive Wheel No. 52 C hain Main Shaft Collar, not on cut Band Pulley, 1^ in Jack Shaft ,4 in. face 3 50 Spout Hinge and Box 3 50 Clutch \% inch Jack Shaft. . '. Flange Pulley for Spout Roller. . Pulley Shift* r Roller Box for Spout Reel Adjuster Arm " " " Cam. " Box. Spput Brace Thimble. . . Shipper Thimble Clutch Master Gear " Clutch Clutch Flange 1 25 1 00 1 50 75 60 75 25 75 1 25 50 50 75 1 50 1 50 10 75 2 50 75 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 356 Miscellaneous Header Repairs. Chain. NO. 25 For Driving Drapers, per foot, ' 33 For Driving Drapers, per foot, 42 For Driving Drapers, per foot, 45 For Driving Reel, per foot, 52 For Driving Reel or Sickle, per foot, 64 For Driving Sickle, per foot, 66 For Driving Sickle, per foot, , Wood. s ^ & jl . . $25 00 El R( H H S A F A: Si Pi Bi Ja Si 10 12 10 12 10 12 14 15 10 12 14 15 16 ] nu sec . . . 6 00 Reel Arms es Lch 20 6 25 1 25 oz. 75 LCD 37 5 00 Divider Board ' Elevator or Draper Slats, each, per d Reel slats ... ea Wood Roller and Shaft Drive Wheel, complete, Double Gear 45 00 Small ' " " 25 00 Drive ' Single Gear 45 00 Small ' " " 25 00 Drive ' " " Iron ... Small ' " " . . 50 00 . . 25 00 Pitman .... .... .. 3 00 Double-Trees .. 3 50 Draper Rollers, small .. 3 00 " " large 5 00 Tongue 10 00 A 1 Malleable Guard 25 B 6 ' " 15 B 7 ' " 15 B 74 " 15 B 75 * " 15 B 118 ' " .. 25 8-inch Wood Roller fin Bushing for Wood Roller.. 25 Miscellaneous. NO. PRICE Elevator Belts, leather, 4 inch, 22> feet long $ 7 00 Reel Belt, leather, 3 in., 18 feet long 4 50 H 22 Bridge Tree, complete 25 00 32 50 Spout Bale and Clasp 3 50 Axle for Wood Hubs each 2 00 Sickle Sections per doz. 1 50 Pitman Strap 2 00 Bridge-Tree Shaft 4 00 Jack Shaft, 1881 6 00 Sickle Bolts per doz. 1 25 Set Screws " " 75 (Finger Beams. 10 Foot, Double Gear. . . .$15 00 11 17 00 Single " 17 00 " 19 00 Reverse, Iron Clad, New Style 20 00 " " " " " 22 50 " " " " " 25 00 " " " " 27 50 Sickles. 10 Foot 8 50 " 9 50 " 10 50 " 11 00 " . 11 50 In ordering sickles give name of machine, number of head, size of section, and whether section is on top or bottom of rod. 357 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. Repairs for Crown Mowers. NO. I RICE 510 oo NO. A 31 A 1 " " 10 00 B 31 B 1 " "* 10 00 32 " " for One-Horse Mower 2 Cutter Cap 10 00 15 A 32 33 A 2 " " 15 A 33 3 Guard malleable 40 34 4 Outside Shoe complete 2 50 A 34 A 4 <. < 2 50 35 B 4 " " " 2 50 36 B 4^ Horn for Outer Shoe 25 37 C 4 Outside Shoe, complete for wheel instead of sole plate 2 50 38 38 C 4^ Thimble 10 5 Inside Shoe with sole plate 3 00 39 6 Knife Head 50 40 7 Tracker Plate . 15 A 40 8 " " 15 41 AS " " 15 A41 9 " Handle Socket 25 42 10 Knife Head Cap on No. 5 ... 20 43 11 Wheel for Outer Shoe cast 35 44 12 Tracker Thimble malleable .... 15 45 13 Wheel Thimble for No. 11 cast 10 46 14 Cap Nut on Wrist Pin . 10 A 46 15 Raising Lever Hand Piece 15 16 Tilting- " " "... 15 47 17 Latch on Tilting Lever 20 A 47 A 17 Tilting Lever complete 1 75 B47 18 Main Wheel 30-inch wheel 7 50 48 A 18 " " with Center Rim 7 50 49 A18 " " without " " 7 50 50 19 Collar for Main Wheel Dogs 1 00 20 Driving Gear on Main Shaft* 1 75 50 21 Double Gear on Throwout Shaft, journal 5 inches rrrv; 1 50 51 52 A21 Double Gear on Throwout Shaft, journal 5 l /& inches* 1 50 22 Bevel Wheel on Main Shaft, 35 and 12 cogs A22 " " " " " 36 " 12 " * 23 " Pinion on Crank Shaft, oval hub A23 " " " " " flat " .... 24 Crank Wheel without Pin . 1 25 1 25 50 50 1 25 25 Wrist Pin Box, brass 1 00 25 " " " iron 50 26 Main Shaft Box, right hand A 26 Ratchet on Box 26 1 25 75 27 Main Shaft Box, left hand 28 Crank " " * . 1 00 2 00 29 Raising Lever Stand 1 25 A29 " " " 1 25 B29 " " ' 1 25 30 " " Arm 1 00 A30 " " " 1 00 31 Connecting Bar Joint casting, malleable, plain 3 00 C31 Connecting Bar Joint casting, malleable, for Gaer Iron . . 3 00 Collar on No. 31, malleable .............. $0 2^ Gag Iron, alone, malleable .............. 5" Push Bar, Joint casting, malleable ...... . . 1 2 5 " casting on Main Frame Gear Cover for Frame " "* " " a. &b. 1 Foot Rest* 1882-3, 1884, and since use 309 Seat Evener Stop Tracker Stop, cast, old style ' malleable, new style, with two slots Cap to Connecting Bar on Main Frame.. " for Knife Head on Finger Bar " " " " " " "6-foot bar Throwout shaft.complete, journal 5 inches Coupling Pin, main shoe Dog in Main Wheel Draft Rod Eye Plate, on Evener Slide " " on Push Bar Track for Evener Slide " 1 horse and 6-foot Mower Evener Slide and Stop '' " ' " 1 horse Mower " " 6-foot " Cap for Raising Lever Dog Raising Lever Dog Sole Plate for outer shoe, old style, No. 4 and A. 4 Sole Plate for outer shoe, B 4 and C 4 Throwout Shaft, Catch and Latch " complete, with 51 Draft Rod, wrought Sole Plate for Inner Shoe, No. 5 Pitman, complete, except box.. foot Mower Steel Pitman connection to Knife head square hole Steel Pitman connection to Knife head round hole Steel Pitman connection, box end Push Bar, wrought iron, round " flat Connecting Bar, wrought iron Tilting Lever Connecting Rod Raising ' " Wrist Pin, without nut Crank Pinion Shift Main Shaft or Axle Seat Spring Finger Bar, Drilled for 16 guards 5 and 6 7 5 7& 1 2 5 1 25 25 10 15 15 30 30 2 00 2 oo 1 00 10 25 75 40 40 50 50 50 15 15 40 40 25 200 40 50 2 75 3 00 50 50 50 1 25 1 25 1 75 40 50 75 1 25 3 50 2 00 5 00 *For Single Speed Mower only. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 358 Repairs for Crown Mower Continued. NO. PRICE Finger Bar, drilled for 18 guards . $ 5 50 " 19 " 5 75 " 23 " 6 75 with 16 guards 12 00 18 19 23 Knife complete, 17 sections 19 20 " 24 Sections, each Rivets, per pound Pitman Bolt, knife end " " box " Guard Bolt " Plates.. " Plate Rivets, per pound. .. Screw Plug in Pitman Box Monkey Wrench Malleable " Crown Cold Chisel Punch Oil Can Coil Spring in Levers Spring for Main Wheel Dog 13 50 14 00 18 00 4 00 4 50 5 00 6 00 15 40 10 10 5 10 40 10 60 25 15 10 20 15 10 NO. PRICE Spring and Catch on Nos.41 and 51$ 15 Oil Cup Cover Whifflletree Hook ............... Neckyoke, Clip and Ring ....... Pole Iron, two pieces ............ Gear Cover, Handle and thatch Foot Rest Washer .............. Hammer Strap ................. Pin ................... Evener Bolt, 3%x% ............. Divider Iron on Main Shoe ..... Lifting Chain ............ ..... Eye Bolt and Folding Hook ..... Crank Box Bolts, two nuts, 2^x)g Main " " one nut, right Main Box Bolts, one nut, left hand, 2%x% ................. Shoulder Bolt in Tilting Lever. . . Carriage Bolts for Pole, > inch Bolts not named ............... Set Screw in Nos. 19, 20, 201, 303 Steel Washer on Main Shaft ..... " " Crank Shaft ....... Keys ........................... Hinge Pin for Gear Cover ....... 5 10 20 25 20 5 25 15 15 25 40 30 10 10 10 15 10 5 10 10 10 5 Parts Used Only on the Changeable Speed Mower. 300 Main Frame $10 00 301 Bevel Wheel on Main Shaft, with 36 and 12 cogs 1 50 302 Triple Gear on Throwout Shaft, journal 7 1 4 inches 2 00 303 Driving gear on Main Shaft, 34 cogs 1 75 304 Gear Cover.. 1 50 305 Throwout shaft, complete, journal 9 1 4 inches $2 50 306 Gear Cover Catch 25 307 Crank Shaft Box 2 50 308 Center Box on Main Shaft 50 309 Foot Rest, used on Single Speed since 1884 50 310 Spring Shifting Hook 50 Parts Used Only on Five and Six-Foot Mower. 200 Main Frame, 5 and 6-foot Mower . $10 00 201 Drive Gear, 5 and 6-foot Mower 1 75 202 Main Double Gear on Throwout Shaft, 45 and 14 COSTS 2 00 203 Bevel Gear on Main Shaft, 35 and 14 cogs 1 50 204 Bevel Pinion on Crank Shaft 50 205 Gear Cover 1 50 206 Crank Shaft Box 2 50 Gear Cover Catch, no number . . 25 208 Raising Arm 1 25 209 Draft Rod Eyes on Push Bar. ... 75 210 Bracket on Pole 1 50 211 Raising Lever Ratchet 75 212 " " Pawl 50 213 Gag Iron Stop 15 214 Raising Lever Ratchet 40 215 Gag Spring Cap $0 35 216 Bracket for Chain Pulley 1 50 217 Chain Pulley 75 221 Draft Eye on Evener Slide 30 400 Main Frame 10 00 Extension on Ratchet, 614 75 Draft Rod for 6-foot 40 Raising Lever, complete, 6-foot Mower 2 00 Raising Lever Hand Piece 15 Handles on end of Raising Lever 20 Eye Bolt and Folding Hook for 6-foot 30 Lifting Chain and Link 1 50 Gag Spring 50 " " Pin 20 Set Screw in Gag Spring Cap 15 Lifting Spring 1 00 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. INDEX. AXLES IMPLEMENTS. A Pagre EXTRAS FOB SAME. Page "Shuttler," Wagon 193, 194 BALE TIES 18d BEAMS "Deere" Plow BINDERS 1AO Deering All Steel "Pony" 102 BINDER TWINE 183 BOLSTER SPRINGS, "Howard" Adjustable 182 BOLTS, Plow 262 BOTTOMS, Plow 262 BUGGIES 203-242 CARRIAGES ? 203-242 CARRIERS, Hay "Milwaukee" Reversible 172 "New Leader," Rod or Cable 171 'Porter's" Adjustable and Reversible 169 'Porter's Champion," Rod or Cable 169 'Porter's" One Way 168 Haymaker" 170 'Rundle" 170 CARTS Barrel 184 Dump 18o Grading 167 Garden and Hand 184 Road 243-250 Vineyard 185 CHAIN, "Ewart's" Link Belting 201 CHECK ROWERS, "Deere" 83 CLEVISES, Malleable 175-177 CLEVISES, Plow 267 CONVEYORS, Hay 168 CRUSHERS "Young America," Corn and Cob 134 "Pioneer" Barley 142 CULTIVATORS "Antelope," Tongueless 51 "Columbia" Four Shovel 54 "Columbia" Six Shovel 55 Cultivator and Harrow Combined 47 "Deere" Spring 52 "Fresno" Nursery and Vineyard 56 Five Tooth, Wood Frame 45 " Giant" 46 "Iron Age" 47 "McGee" Garden 88 "Reindeer" 53 "Scarifier" 50 "Sunol" 48-49 "Sunset" Orchard and Vineyard 58 "Top Notch" Orchard and Vineyard 59 "Top Notch" Walking 60 "Zig-Zag," Orchard and Vineyard 57 CUTTERS Fin. Quincy, Knee, Standing, etc 255, 256 Rolling 42 CUTTERS, Hay "Baldwin's" 148 "Champion" Section 147 "Dick's" 149 Hide Roller... ...147 DIGGERS "Deere" Potato 26 "Shaker" Potato 26 Tree, "Whitney's" 158,159 DOUBLETREES 178, 179 DRAPERS, HEADERS, ETC 195 DRILLS, Grain "Deere" One-Horse, Corn 86 Garden, "Deere" 88 "Superior" Hoe 81 "Superior" Shoe "Buckeye" Hoe. . 82 78 "Buckeye" Shoe 79 "Buckeye" Spring Tooth 80 EQUALIZERS 181 257, 261 .Write for List ..324 ..324 .324 .304 .324 .284,285 292 ...292 296 294 ...293 .283 .Shovels, 262, 263 ......299 ...302 295 Shovels, 262, 263 296 296 ... 283 Shovels, 262 .255, 256 .255,263 320 322 .327,328 ...290 .300 .302 .Write for List DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. IMPLEMENTS. Page FEKD CUTTERS 147-149 FENCE MACHINES, "Monarch" 160 FORKS, Hay Derrick, " Jackson's" 167 Derrick,"Myer's". Grapple "Harpoon" Single., "Harpoon" Double .167 .166 .166 .166 ..158 ..174 G GRADER, Land, "Shuart's" GRAPPLES, Hay Fork GRINDERS, Mower Knife ...................... 200 GUARDS, Mower and Reaper .................. 199 HANDLES, "Deere" Plow ...................... HARNESS Single Buggy ......................... 251, 253 Double Buggy ............................. 254 HARROWS "California," Square, Wood Frame ........ 66 "Deere" Smoothing ....................... 63 Disc, "Deere" .............................. 67 Disc, "Deere," Adj. and Rev ............... 70 Disc, "Deere," Rev., Steel Frame ...... 68, 69 " Glidden " ................................. 63 Harrow and Cultivator, Combined ......... 47 Rotary, Vineyard ........................... 61 Spring Tooth Lever ........................ 66 Spading .................................... 71 " Vaughan" Angle Steel .................... 64 Vineyard, Wood Frame .................... 62 Vineyard, Iron Frame ..................... 62 "Ziar-Zag," Steel Lever ..................... 65 HAY CUTTFRS "Baldwin's" ............................ "Champion" Section ................... "Dick's" ............................... Hide Roller ............................ HEADERS "Hodge's" Steel Frame, Double Gear. "Hodge's" Steel Frame, Single Gear. . Center-Drive, Stop-Draper .148 .147 .149 .147 .104 !l06 'Hodge's-Haines"wood Frame, s'gle Gear, 108 HORSE HOES Iron Frame, Expanding 45 .143 199 JACKS, Horse Power KNIVES, Mower LANDSIDES, Plow, "Deere" LEAD BARS 180 LOADERS, Hay, "Deere" 98 MILLS M Bone, '^Chapman's" 135 Barley, "Pioneer" 142 Cider, "Champion" 114 Cider, "Hutchinson's" 112 Cider, "Keystone" 114 Cider, "Buckeye" 113 Corn and Cob, "Young America" 134 Fan, "Champion" Ill Fan, "Grant's" 110 Grain, Hand or Power 137 Grain, "Modern Hero" 141 Grain, "New Era," French Buhr 138 Grain, Pulley 141 Grain /'Tortilla" 136 Wind, "Perkin's" Galvanized Steel 161 Wind, "Columbia," 162 Wind, "Turbine" 163 MOWEKS ' ' Crown' ' Deering "Ideal" 100 Deering "Ideal Giant" 101 MOULDBOARDS, Plow, "Deere" NECK YOKES 180 p PLANTERS, Horse, "Deere" 85 "Deere," with Check Rower 85 "Deere," One Horse 86 Hand, "Barr," Rotary 124 EXTRAS FOB SAME. Page .257, 261 314 .310-312 310 ...310 314 ...314 ..314 ..314 ..314 ..314 ..314 329 322 .327,328 .347-356 .347-356 .347-356 .347-356 .257-261 ...322 357,358 .Write for List .257,261 .304 .304 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. IMPLEMENTS. Page PLOWS, Hand Breaking 24 Cast Iron 12 Chilled 11 "Collins" Cast-Cast-Steel 12 Colorado 5 "Deere" Regular 5 "D.X." Series S Grading, "Deere" Grading, "California" 19 "Highlander, "Steel Beam "Highlander," Wood Beam 8 Hillside, -'Deere" 13 Hillside. "Knapp's" 14 "Humboldt Clipper" 18 Listing 20 Lister and Drill 22 Middlebreakers 21 Road 19 "Red Jacket" 4 Root Ground 10 Shovel, Single and Double 43, 44 Small ''Deere" 6 Steel Beam, "Deere" 6 Subsoil 25 Vineyard, Chilled 15 Vineyard, Double Bluebeard 17 Vineyard, Steel Beam 16 PLOWS, Gang " Deere" 30 Disc, "Secretary" 41 'Frisco" 31 'New Deal," Single 32 'New Deal," 2-Gang 33 'New Deal," 3-Gang 35 'New Deal," 4-Gang 36 'New Deal," 5-Gang 37 'New Deal," Subsoil 34 'Pony," Vineyard 39 'Vaughan," Orchard 38 PLOWS, Sulky 'Gazelle" 28 "Gilpin" . . . "Secretary" PLOW EXTRAS, Beams Bolts Bottoms Handles Landsides Mouldboads Shares Miscellaneous. . . POWERS, Horse "Dairy Queen" 143 "Eclipse" 143 "Pony" 144 "Samson," 2-Horse 143 Two-Horse, No. 4 144 Tread, "Wheeler's" 146 "Young Samson" 145 PRESSES, Cider "Hutchinson's" 112 "Keystone" 112 PRESSES, Hay Champion 118 "Champion Giant" 122 'Deere' .117 .115 .120 .115 .116 .173 .1(17 72 "Flour City"... "Ingersoll's" "Lightning" "Petaluma" "Tichenor's" PULLEYS, Hay Fork. . . . Derrick PULVERIZER, "Lubin's lfl PUMPS, ' 'Buckeye" 164 RAKES, Horse, Hay 'Barnes" Revolving 91 'Wilcox" Revolving 91 'Deere" Hand-dump 'Deere" Self-dump. 'Dee re- Rollings worth" Self-dump 95 'C+01 TlWIIIncranrsvrf'li" OR Steel Rollings worth ' Buckeye' ' 'Hollingsworth"Hand Dump.. EXTBAS FOR SAME. Page . . .257 .257 .255 .255 .255 .257 .257 .256 .256 .254 .. 17 .256 .257 .301 .258 .257 .257 .255 .256 ..254 .256 .254 .256 .275 .276 .269 .271 .273 .273 ..273 ..274 .276 .274 .289 .257-261 262 ...262 257-261 255,256 ....341,342 ...340 .318,319 DEERE IMPLEMENT COMPANY. IMPLEMENTS. Page ...195 103 152 ...153 .150 RAKE TEETH REAPERS Deering" Ideal" , ROAD MACHINES American "Champion Steel "Champion"... ROLLERS "Dain's" Land 134 c; SAWS, Wood Sliding Table New Style Pole 151 SCRAPERS "Chicago" 157 "Climax" Wheel 155 "Fresno" Canal and Leveling 158 "Little Triumph" Wheel 154 "Slusser" Drag 156 "Columbus" Drag 156 Wood Back .158 SECTIONS, Mower and Reaper 199 SEEDERS "Buckeye" 80 'Cahoon" Hand 76 "Cahoon" Power 75 "Cyclone" 76 "Deere" Force Feed, Broadcast 77 "Deere" Garden 90 "Frisco," or No. 1 74 "Gem" 74 "Pacific" 73 SHARES, Plow, "Deere" SHELLERS, Corn "Black Hawk" 124 "Corn King" 125 "Farmer's," 2-Hole 129 "Junior," 2-Hole 131 "Keystone," 2-Hole 127 "Prince" 126 "Rustler" 130 "Sandwich," 4 and6-Hole 132 "Veteran," 2-Hole .*:.- 128 SHOVELS, Cultivator, all kinds f SICKLES, Reaper ....... , ;f .*; V 199: SINGLETREES, Plow, etc 178/179 SPRINGS, Bolster "Howard's" Adjustable :. .182 STACKERS, Jackson's "^clipse" 99 STEMMERS, Raisin 113 STRETCHERS, Wagon, etc 180 SULKIES, Track Double Axle 243 Pneumatic Tire 243 T TABLES, Saw Sliding New Style Pole TEETH Rake . . .,'105 Thresher ....*.....:....;.. '^. .197 THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS 146 TIES, Bale 183 TWINE, Binder., 183 WAGONS ' Farm, Iron Axle "^ Farm, Thimble Skein Farm, Steel Skein Farm, Tubular }> .............. 189-191 Header, Iron Axle Header, Steel Skein Header, Thimble Skein Header, Tubular Four Spring, Market ...................... 187 Half Spring, Market ...................... 186 Road ..................................... 203 Spring ...................................... 203 WAGON BEDS .................................. 191 WAGON WHEELS .............................. 192 Y YOKES, Neck .................................. 180 EXTRAS. FOR SAME. Page [. Write Ifor List .Write for List 316 316 ...314 317 317 316 . . .257, 261 331 .Write for List .Write for List 330 331 .Write for List .Write for List 332, 333 ...264 193, 194 YC I 1 928 GENEML "BMRY-U.C. BERKELEY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. 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