THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID / THE ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY OF THE LOW-FLY (Mmca vomitoriaLinnJ A MONOGRAPH BY BENJAMIN THOMPSON LOWNE, M.R.C.S. Eng. ILLUSTRATED WITH TEN PLATES. JOHN VAN VOORST, Paternoster Row. LONDON. MDCCCLXX. THOMSON & PINDBB, PR1KTBR8, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London. L ip CONTENTS. PREFACE v INXRODUCTORY NOTE ox HOMOLOGIES OF INSECTS.. vii PART l.-GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE FLY. Section I. Introductory Remarks 1 SectionIL Development , 6 Section III. The Integument 9 Section IV. The Xervous System 13 Section \. The Wings and Legs , 18 Section \LT/ie Digestive System 22 Section VII. The Circulation 23 Section VIII. The Respiratory System 25 Section IX. The Fat bodies and Ductless Glands. ... 29 Section X. The Organs of Special Sense 30 SeccionXI. The Generative Organs 34 Section XII. Concluding Remarks 35 IV CONTENTS. PART II. DETAILS OF THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. Section I. The Integument of the Head 37 Section II. The Proboscis 41 Section III. The Salivary Glands and Ducts 51 Section IV. The Alimentary Canal and its Appendages. 53 Section^. The Rectal Papilloc 57 Section VI. The Integumen t of the Thorax 61 Section VII. The Thoracic Appendages 65 Section VIII. The Abdominal Segments 70 Section IX. The Respiratory Organs 71 Sectien X. The Dorsal Vessel ... 75 Section XL The Nervous System 77 Section XII. The Compound Eyes 84 Section XIII. The Ocelli 89 Section ~X.IV. The Antennce 91 Section XV. The Maxillary Palpi 93 Section XVI. The Frontal Sac 94 Section XVII. The Cephalo-Sternum 95 Section XVIII. The Halteres and Wing Organs 96 Section XIX. The Folliculate or Ductless Glands 100 Section XX. The Male Generative Organs 101 Section XXI. The Female Generative Organs 107 Section XXII. The Development of the Ovum 113 Section XXIII. The Formation of the Pupa 116 PREFACE. In submiting the following pages to the scientific world, although I do so knowing their many shortcomings, I trust there is sufficient that is new to make amends for any slight inaccuracies, which could, perhaps, hardly have been avoided, since so little has been done to pave the way for the present investigation. The Plates, which form no inconsiderable feature in this Work, have been carefully executed on copper, by myself; andj have spared no trouble to make them as perfect as possible. I have endeavored to give prior authorities for my statements as often as possible, except when the facts are well known, but much work upon the anatomy of insects is so scattered that it has often not been in my power to discern whether I am entitled to priority of discovery. 1 have divided the text into two parts, in order that the more general facts may be separated from the more special ; and I have further had the most technical portions of the subject printed in smaller type. The correct appreciation of homo- logies has been my aim throughout the entire work, and the whole has been drawn up from my own dissections. I have made no statements merely upon the authority of others, except in one or two instances, in which this is specially stated. Dr. Weismann's elaborate researches on the Development of the Diptera have greatly aided me; and my best thanks are due to Mr. C. Stewart, of St. Thomas's Hospital, for the kind manner in which he has allowed me access to his cabinet, and the readiness with which he has always aided me by his opinion or advice. I have to acknowledge also the kindness of Mr. Curtics for the aid he has afforded me in. bringing out the present Work. INTRODUCTORY NOTE ON THE IIOMOLOGIES OF INSECTS. In the following pages, I am aware, that in describing the nn- tennal and optic segments as posterior to tbose composing the mouth, I have done some violence to the ordinarily received views of many distinguished naturalists ; but I think the sequence of the cephalic segments in the fly is too plain to be easily mis- construed. Professor Huxley,* states that he believes the upper surface of the head in insects is sternal instead of dorsal, and he founds this belief on the apparent curvature of the embryo ; but I think it possible that the extraordinary development of the lateral parts of segments behind the mouth, arching over and surrounding the mouth segments, may give rise to the appearance 6f curvature. My knowledge of the Crustacea is too limited to allow me to give a positive opinion, as to which segment is most anterior in them, but I see no reason why the optic and the antennal seg- ments should not be dorsal plates of segments posterior to the mouth, largely deA'elopecl and arching over it, whilst the corres- ponding ventral plates are either wanting or amalgamated with the ventral portions of other segments. Such a supposition ap- pears to me to be as likely to be correct as that their dorsal plates are absent, whilst the ventral plates occupy the dorsal region, and unite by their anterior border (made posterior by their flexion) with the anterior edge of a dorsal" plate belonging to another segment. As the names I have given to the various plates, forming the head of the fly, depend upon their relations with each other, and are mainly borne out by the distinctness of the four plates in each segment, and the manner in which they articulate with each The agamic reproduction of Aphis, Linn. Soc. trans, vol. xxii. "NOTE ON THE HOMOLOGIES OF INSECTS. Till other ; as well as by the fact that the ganglia of the mouth seg- ments (my oesophageal and oral ganglia) are anterior to the ganglia of the eyes and antenna: and that the optic and antennal seg- ments ore developed from iniaginal discs, contiguous with those of the thorax. I give them for what they are worth and must leave those, who know the homologies of the arthropods generally better than I do, to judge whether the facts are sufficient to jus- tify my conclusions. It is true Dr. Weismann has named certain lobes, which he has found in the embryo larva, behind the an- tennal and optic segments, maxillary and mandibular segments ; but I do not think any connection can be traced between these lobes and the organs of the mouth. I confess, however, I have never been able to distinguish them. With regard to the thorax if any substantial homology can be traced between it and any of the segments of the Crustacea, I should be inclined to look upon it as the homologue of the mid- dle-body* of the latter from its late development in the fly, and from its bearing the ambulatory legs. I have stated, inadvertently in a note, on page 3, that " seven- teen segments is the number assigned on theoretical grounds to all true insects" but no sufficiently stable theory has, pehaps, been formed to justify the expression : and I find, according to Gerstacker, that the Orthopterahave eleven abdominalsegments, forming an exception to the number I have given. I find I agree with M. Duthiers, in describing the opening of the sexual organs between the eighth and ninth abdominal seg- ments, but did not see the great importance of the observation at the time I made it. Lastly, strangely enongh, I have made use of an expression in the second paragraph on page 7 which is iden- tical with one used by Sir John Lubbockf in his paper on the development of Ephemera, although I did not know at the time, that it had been previously used. * 1 use this term as it is used by F. Muller in his "Facts for Darwin " translated by Dallas. f Linn. Soc. trans, vol, xxv. page 489. PART I. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OP THE FLY, Section I. Introductory Remarks. rPHE typo, or plan, upon which insects are organised is so L very different from the type of the vertebrata, that if we wish to understand the Anatomy of the Fly, it is necessary to bear in mind the chief characteristics of the class to which DESCRIPTION OF PLATE I. FBONTISPIECE. This plate represents a dorsal view of the whole of the internal organs as they appear in situ, when the integument of the back is removed, except on the right side of the thorax, where the great dorsal muscles have also been removed to show the deep layers. Commencing at the head, the following organs are displayed : the frontal sac occupies the frontal region and is tinted yellow : on each side of this sac are the antennal nerves, and the sides of the head are occupied by the great eyes, which are seen in section : between these the cephalic nerve centre with its main tracheal trunks occupies the greater part of the head ; it is cut through horizontally near the eyes to exhibit the arrangement of the deep tracheae. The left side of the thorax is occupied by a mass of muscles, longitudinal near the centre, and vertical at the side ; the central muscles are more especially used to depress the wings in flight, and the lateral are partly elevators of the wings and partly flexors and extensors of the legs being inserted into their basal joints. The tracheal vessel, which occupies the posterior portion of this side is connected with the posterior thoracic spiracle. On the right side, the chyle stomach and convoluted salivary gland occupy the portion nearest the mesial line. Immediately external to the latter is the main lateral trachea collapsed, except its posterior portion which remains filled with air ; it communicates with the posterior thoracic spiracle. The nerve to the halter is seen crossing this portion of the tracheal trunk. The anterior tracheal vessel exhibited on this side is 2 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. it belongs, and to investigate its relations to other insects, not only in its perfect state, -but in its various stages of development. Insects are articulate animals, organisms in which the ex- ternal integuments fulfil the same purposes in the economy as the osseous skeleton does in the vertebrata ; and, just as the typical structure of the latter is most fully exemplified in the skeleton, so the integumental system in the articulata affords the most obvious indications of the type upon which they are organised. In the lowest members of this great division of the Animal kingdom we find the body composed of a series of rings or Annuli, united to each other by a membrane, each ring having a separate nerve centre, and being similar to every other ring in the body of the animal, except the first, which is modified so as to form a distinct head very low in the scale of life. As we ascend, we find organs of sense developed upon the anterior rings, however, still in a very rudimentary form; an alimentary canal traverses the whole series, and a decided con- centration of the nervous system takes place about its anterior extremity. If we add to these characters the presence of a mouth furnished with a pair of hooks, which not only serve the purpose of teeth, but also assist the animal materially in locomo- tion, and are in fact, one of three pair of modified limbs which from the anterior spiracle; it passes forward into the head and com- municates behind with the lateral trachea. Two small pulmonary sacs are also seen communicating in front with this trunk. The muscles of th c deep layer are probably all more, or less concerned in flight. The ab- domen is occupied in the mesial line by the dorsal vessel, on each side of which are the large abdominal pulmonary sacs; behind these the con. volated bile tubes are colored red. The salirary glands may be seen crossing the pulmonary sacs. The sides of the abdomen are filled with the mature ovaries, and its apex is occupied by the rectum and rectal papillae. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 3 exist in the mouths of insects,* we shall have an idea of the larva of the fly, commonly known as the gentle or maggot : which, although it resembles one of the lowest of the articulata, except in the nervous system, as will be seen afterwards possesses the power of development into one of the highest of its forms. The integumental system of this larva consists of seventeen segments,! of which the three anterior alone have lost more or less of their original annular form. These, both in the larva and perfect insect, compose the mouth, and in both are provided with three pair of modified limbs, although the existence of the first pair is less certain in the larva, owing to the very rudimentary - Each segment in the lowest articulata is normally furnished with two pairs of lateral appendages or rudimentary limbs, one pair placed above the other, the superior being dorsal and the inferior ventral ; at least, such is their arrangement in annelides. Both pairs are much modified in the higher forms, and are often entirely suppressed. The segments themselves may be said to consist typically of four plates, a ventral, a dorsal, and a lateral plate on each side ; the superior appen- dages being placed between the lateral and dorsal, and the inferior between the lateral and ventral plates. In insects the wings, when they exist, represent the dorsal appendages, being placed between the superior and lateral plates. It seems to me probable that the spiracles and their tracheae are likewise lateral appendages. If such be the case, I think it quite likely, from the number of lateral appendages, that more than three segments really exist in the thorax, especially as the anterior thoracic spiracles are placed between two segments and the four posterior legs occupy a similar position; so that possibly these may be latera' appendages of undeveloped segments. This is certainly the case if the spiracles with their tracheae are homologues of lateral appendages, like the wings and legs. This appears to me not unlikely from their position^ and further from the consideration that the lateral appendages of many annelides are both respiratory and motor organs, ( M. Quatrefages Hist Nat. des Anneles Nouv, Suites a Buffon, Tom. i. p. 19). And we must remember the tracheae of insects are merely modified processes of the skin developed inwards instead of outwards. t This is the typical number assigned on theoretical grounds to all true insects, which always have the body in the perfect state divided into three part*, the head, thorax and abdomen. The head consists of five B 2 4 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. condition of this segment, and the extreme modification it under- goes in the development of the perfect insect^ The fourth and fifth segments are united above in the larva as well as in the perfect form, and each bear a pair of sense organs ; the antenna and the eyes. The sixth segment of the larva bears the anterior spiracles or breathing pores ; but, together with the next two, the seventh and eighth, and in fact all the succeeding ones, is unprovided with legs. These three segments correspond to the thorax of the perfect insect, which is however not only provided with six legs, but also with a pair of wings, appendages of the seventh segment. The eighth or last thoracic segment is likewise usually supplied with wings in insects, but in the Dip- tera, the class to which the fly belongs, they are suppressed and their place is occupied by a pair of small organs, called halteres or balancers. Of the remaining nine segments which form the abdomen of the perfect insect, four are modified and converted into the hard parts of the sexual organs, which are more or less internal. Although the segments of the larva and perfect insect cor- respond exactly in the manner above indicated, nevertheless the head and thorax of the fly, from the fourth to the eighth seg- ment inclusive, are not developed from the corresponding larval segments. It may be here observed that the histological elements, that is, the elementary tissues of the perfect fly, cells, fibres, &c., segments, or according to some, of six, making eighteen in the whole body; but as the segments of the head of the fly, both in the larva and perfect insect are very distinct, I am inclined to the former view, The thorax constantly bears three pairs of legs and consists of three distinct segments ; unless, as may appear probable from the position of the legs and spiracles, the thorax has six, when the whole number of segments in the insect would amount to twenty, the number found in the highest scolopendrife (Scutigera. Lam. ), where the head consists of five segments, and the body of fifteen, which each bear a pair of legs, but are united above, so that only eight appear on the dorsum, INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. 5 differ in no important character from those of the highest animals. The chief difference is seen in the larger size of the gland cells. The muscular fibres are described as larger than in vertebrates. This has probably arisen from the larva and not the perfect insect, having been examined. All the tissues in the larva, except the nerve cells and fibres, are four or five times as large as in the perfect insect, but this seems to depend rather upon rapidity of growth than upon any inherent difference. The striated muscular fibre in the fly varies from 1 -3000th of an inch in diameter in the muscles of the halteres and abdomen, to l-1000th in the pharyngeal muscles and those of the legs, but in the larva several of the muscles have fibres as large as 1 -200th of an inch in diameter. All the muscular fibres of the alimentary canal and dorsal vessel exhibit striae. The only non-striated muscles I have been able to detect are the great longitudinal dorsal muscles of the thorax ; these consist of long clear fibres less than 1 -5000th of an inch in diameter, swollen at intervals and containing nuclei. Numerous slightly granular cells lie amongst them. No myolemma exists, although the tracheal vessels appear to separate them into bundles ; so that they are soft aud easily broken up into a mass of cells and fibres. Nuclei exist permanently in the myolemma of the striated muscles, and appear in rows when they are treated with acetic acid. In many the fibres branch, and the branches are as large as the primitive fibres. The muscles of the abdomen and crop are flat bands of fibres with well marked striae ; those of the crop terminate in pointed and often in branched extremities. The muscles are either inserted into the integument directly or through the medium of apod ernes, a clear transparent tendinous structure intervening^ which appears to be continuous with the myolemma. The whole muscular tissue is firm, but pale. The gland cells of the salivary tubes are 1-1 000th of an inch in diameter ; those of the rectal papillae are l-500th of an inch in diameter ; the conical epithelium of the stomach has a long diameter of 1 -1500th of an inch. The liver cells are polygonal, filled with pigment and oil globules, with a diameter of about l-1500th of an inch : all have well marked nuclei. Adipo?e tissue does not exist, but large quantities of fat are laid up in the folliculate glands and liver cells, especially in the former. Nerve cells vary from l-5000th to l-2500th of an inch in diameter ; t hey are irregular in form, often being branched. The nerve fibres vary very much in size ; those of the muscles branch, and end in loops ; others, 6 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. especially in the organs of special sense, end in nerve cells. The nerves of the ganglia of the head and thorax are rounded, the fibres of which they consist being enclosed in a neurilemma; but those of the sympathetic system appear to have no neurilemma : they spread out into flattened branched expansions, and have numerous branching nerve cells scattered amongst them. Section II. Development. Perhaps the most startling difference between the vertebrate and the articulate divisions of the animal kingdom is seen in the manner of their development. In insects, as in many other articulata, this takes place by a process termed Metamorphosis, the creature not only being entirely and suddenly changed in ap- pearance, but also in habits of life. Usually there are three periods in the existence of an insect, the first characterised by rapid growth and a comparatively small exercise of animal functions, the second by a period of apparent quiescence, during which growth is changed into development, and lastly one in which the animal functions are seen in their highest perfection ; these are called respectively the larval, pupal, and imaginal states. In the larval state, where growth is rapid, the hard in- tegument is usually shed periodically, its place being supplied by new layers deposited beneath it, just as the cuticle in vertebrates is renewed by younger epithelial cells, or as the old bark of trees is replaced by younger layers. The larva of the fly forms an ex- ception and does not shed its skin. After the full growth is attained, the insect commonly assumes a different form, called a pupa or chrysalis when it becomes inactive, and a nymph when a greater or less amount of activity remains. In a certain number of days the pupa case bursts, or the nymph sheds its skin, and the perfect insect emerges, partially developed at first, but in a few minutes or hours, as the case may be, assuming its new functions DEVELOPMENT. 7 and form in their greatest perfection. Growth and development now cease as far as the individual is concerned, to give place to the generative function. Every degree of metamorphosis exists amongst insects, from that in which the larva, nymph, and imago, closely resemble each other, where the successive changes are merely those of ordinary development, as in the cockroach, to that in which the change is so complete that it might almost be doubted whether the larva and imago should be considered the same individual at all, so closely does the process resemble an alternation of gene- ration. This is the case in the fly. Dr. Weismann, in Germany, as long ago as 1865* pointed out that the development of the fly differs remarkably from that of most insects, in an elaborate memoir upon the subject ; and two years after, in another upon the development of a species of gnat, Corethra plumicornis, proposed the division of insects into two classes, according to the presence or absence of certain structures in the larva which he calls Imaginal discs, f This distinguished naturalist asserted in his former paper, that the head and thorax of the fly does not depend for its development upon the corres- ponding larval segments, but that these parts are developed from a series of discs (Imagined discs) firmly adherent to the nerves and tracheae of the anterior extremity of the larva ; and he goes on to add, " I believe in all those insects in which the anterior larval segments are unprovided with appendages (legs) the head and thorax of the Imago are entirely redeveloped, whilst in those in which the larva is furnished with legs, these parts depend for their formation upon the anterior larval segments." Startling as the assertions of that writer appear, I have been fortunate enough to confirm them myself, and not only to confirm * K'jlliker aud Siebold Zeitschrift, band xiv-xvi. f Imaginal Scheibcn, 8 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. them, but I think to add to them as regards the development of the proboscis. I believe that those segments of the fly immediately connected with the functions of vegetative life, those surrounding the anterior portion of the alimentary canal, that is, the proboscis, as well as the abdominal segments, are immediately dependent upon the corresponding larval segments for their development and form ; whilst the head and thorax with all their appendages, the chief centres of animal life, are developed from Weismann's Imaginal discs, which do not coalesce with each other until the third day of the pupa state, so that these re- place the larval segments from the fourth to the eighth inclusive. The brain seems to form a centre around which these changes take place ; even this organ is entirely altered, but by a process similar to ordinary development. The other structures are formed at the expense of a granular fluid which is chiefly derived from the so-called fatty bodies ; these extend along the entire length of the larva on either side of the alimentary canal. The skin of the larva of the fly is not shed when it reaches maturity, but dies and becomes very hard, turning yellow at the first, then red, and afterwards almost black. It forms the pupa case. This is not the representative of the skin of the pupa in most insects, for the corresponding larval skin is usually shed, and the pupa case is either altoge- ther wanting, as in many hawk-moths and butterflies, or it is replaced by a cocoon of silk spun by the larva, as in the silk moth, or by some other adventitious covering. The respiratory function ceases, and all the organs proper to the maggot undergo degeneration soon after the formation of the pupa case. The nerve centres grow rapidly, and the Imaginal discs unfold into delicate cellular expansions, which coalesce with each other, and with the new layers of cells formed within the three anterior and nine posterior larval segments, and ul- timately form an exceedingly delicate membrane corresponding to the pupa skin of butterflies. In both, this marks out the position THE INTEGUMENT. of the new organs about to be developed, and in both, this is shed when the insect emerges from the pupa. These changes complete what Dr. Weismann calls the first stage of the development of the fly the formation of the pupa. It may be confidently asserted that not one structure exists in the fly as it exists in the maggot. Every portion of the larva, except the brain, and perhaps the basement membrane of the alimentary canal, undergoes rapid degeneration, and the fly is formed within the pupa skin by a process of redevelopment. Section III. The Integument. The integumental system of the perfect fly originates upon the inner surface of the pupa skin, but as its parts become fully de- veloped they shrink away from the pupa skin, so that it forms a loose investing membrane around the new formed fly, and may be looked upon as one of the integuments shed in the process of development; for, although it is never thickened and indurated in the fly, it is precisely analogous to the pupa case in the lepidoptera, which is always more or less hardened. The reason of its not being hardened in the fly seems to be due to the fact that it is invested in the pupa shell or last larval integument. The integuments of insects are usually said to .consist of three layers, and these may be easily traced in the fly. The outer- most is transparent and continuous over the whole surface of the insect, investing all the appendages and processes of the skin, even the hairs, and covering the surface of the eyes. It appears to be continuous with the lining membrane of the tracheal system, and to extend throughout the digestive cavity, although it is somewhat modified in the latter. 10 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. This layer is usually called tlie cuticle or epidermis, but the term is unfortunate as it is quite unlike the cuticle in vertebrates, or, indeed, any structure found in them ; it is persistent and not deciduous. The cells from which it is formed appear early in the development of the insect and coalesce into an apparently structureless membrane of extreme toughness, which has the remarkable property of being quite insoluble in a hot solution of caustic potash; I shall, therefore, substitute the term proto- derm for this layer. The continuity of the protoderm is a fact well worth con- sideration at the commencement of the study of the anatomy of insects, as the terms insect, articulate, and articulate animal, are extremely liable to mislead, and to induce one to believe that the various segments are distinct and separable. Such is not really the case, but certain portions of the protoderm are thickened by the induration of the epithelial cells beneath it, which become inseparably united to it and to each other, and so produce the hard parts of the integument. The two layers beneath the protoderm consist of epithelial cells in various stages of development ; these are best observed in those parts of the integument which are transparent, as in the lips of the proboscis, and between the different plates of the pectus. The more superficial layer in these parts in the young fly will be found to censist of a single layer of flattened angular cells, containing well marked nuclei and beautifully coloured with bright orange-coloured pigment. These cells are about 1- 1000th of an inch in diameter, and have a great tendency to adhere at their edges. In the adult fly they form a continuous membrane, but their nuclei become apparent on the addition of a little acetic acid, I shall call this layer the mcsodcrm. Beneath this, numerous spheroidal nucleated cells, slightly angular by mutual pressure, are disposed in a layer of several cells in thickness ; they seldom contain pigment, and correspond closely to the rete-mucosum or deep layers of the cuticle in vcr- THE INTEGUMENT. 11 tcbratcs, but differ in being largely supplied with nerve filaments, which ramify in a branching network amongst them. Following the nomenclature I have already commenced, I think endoderm an appropriate name for this innermost cuticular layer. The development of the niesodemi and eudoderm is usually in an inverse ratio, and this is no more than we might expect, seeing that they are really different states of the same tissue. In the fully developed fly the cellular structure of the nieso- derm is almost or entirely lost, but it can be demonstrated in many cases by carefully macerating the integument, drying it, and mounting it in balsam, especially when viewed by the aid of the polariscope. Its cellular structure is, however, beautifully apparent in the insect soon after it emerges from the pupa. The whole coloration, as well as the hardness of the integument, is due to the indurated niesoderm.' As has been already observed it can only be separated from the protoderm in those parts of the insect in which it is but slightly developed. The pigment with which the hard pails of the mesoderm are chiefly coloured in the fly is deep blue or violet : whatever its chemical nature may be, the colour depends upon oxidization. It is first to be met with in the fat bodies of the larva. These are perfectly white, but when cut from the larva and exposed to the air they rapidly assume an inky blackness ; and the same is true of the molecular fluid with which the pupa skin is filled. When the perfect insect emerges from the pupa and respiration again commences, the integument is nearly white, or a faint ashy colour prevails. This soon gives place to the characteristic blue or violet tint, first immediately around those portions most largely supplied with air vessels, but soon over all those parts of the insect which assume this colour; light seems to have little to do with the process, but it is more rapid in warm than in cold weather. The fat bodies of the larva are not per- meated by air vessels, which will account for their retaining their whiteness. The pigment is finely granular when examined by high powers. 12 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. The chemical composition of the indurated mesodenn is but partially understood. It is commonly said to be composed of chitine, from its resemblance to a coat of mail. The induration is partly due to animal tissue and partly to deposits of earthy salts, especially phosphate of lime, which form beautiful double refracting crystals in the wing cases of many beetles.* The animal tissue is unlike the horny matter of vertebrates in being insoluble in a hot solution of caustic potash, thus resembling vegetable cellulose from which it is said to differ, however, in containing nitrogen. The hairs with which certain parts of the body are clothed are developed from the three layers of the integument. The bulb is a single cell of the eiidoderm, and its cavity is continuous with the hollow cavity of the hair. The hair itself is composed of fibres which run through its entire length, giving it a channelled appearance when sufficiently transparent. These are probably developed from cells or nuclei of the mesodenn; whilst the whole is invested by the protoderm. The hairs in the pupa at the end of the first week consist only of hollow processes of the protoderm filled with very transparent cells or granules. No hairs arc developed on the pupa skin. The base of each hair is surrounded by a thickened ring; this is quite apparent from its earliest appearance, when the ring exists only as a fold of the protoderm. * I have used the term Crystal for these circular bodies , because I believe they are similar to those remarkable bodies which were first pro- duced artificially by the late Mr. Rainey by the crystalization of salts in viscid fluids, and which are now known to abound in the animal kingdom. Some naturalists think these sppts are only due to tension of the organic substance of the elytra, but Mr. Hislop, who has paid the subject much attention, tells me that their out-line is far more definite, when seen with polarized light, than that of any spots he has seen produced by tension alone, and that they disappear entirely when the wing-cases are treated with chlorine or strong acids, whilst the lines of tension, which are distinctly visible in the same elytra, are not effected by these reagents. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 13 Section IV. The Nervous System. The nervous system, or rather, that part which is analogous to the cerebro-spinal system of vertebrates, is next to the in- tegumentary in point of importance as far as regards type. Insects belong to that division of the animal kingdom which Professor Owen terms Homogangliata, that is, animals in which the nervous system is represented by a pair of nervous cords which traverse the ventral portion of the body, and lie next to the integument, uniting and forming a ganglion for each segment, from which the proper nerves of the segment are given off. No insect that has yet been examined departs from this type so much as the fly and its allies ; for, even in the larva state, the whole of the nervous system is collected in the anterior segments, and the pair of ventral cords do not exist ; whilst, in the imago, with the exception of two small ganglia in the pro- boscis, there are but two nerve centres, one situated in the head, and. one in the thorax. The first of these, called the cephalic ganglion on account of its position, is the homologue, that is, the anatomical represent- ative of the oesophageal ganglion or ring of the lower forms of life ; it surrounds the esophagus and gives off four pairs and one single nerve, which are distributed to every part of the insect's head. It is connected with the great thoracic nerve centre by a thick cord which represents the double ventral cord, typical of the insecta. The nerves given off from this ganglion, or more correctly speaking, collection of ganglia, for it is really composed of at least six, may be properly divided into two classes, those which consist entirely of nerve fibres having their origin in its substance, and those of which some of the nerve fibres at least, probably the greater portion, merely pass through it and have their real origin in the thoracic ganglion. 14 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. The first class comprises five nerves,'-' those of the great compound eyes and antennas, and the single nerve which supplies the ocelli, or simple eyes. The two remaining pairs of nerves are distributed to the proboscis. The larger supply the greater part of that organ, but chiefly the palpi and lips, and the smaller, which give off filaments to the two small ganglia already mentioned, are almost entirely lost in the muscles of the pharynx. Both pairs are probably motor-sensory, or compound nerves. The cephalic ganglion is in fact the centre of the special senses in the fly. It is the analogue, that is the physiological equivalent of the ganglia at the base of the cerebrum in ver- tebrates ; and if, as I firmly believe, the antennoo are organs of smell, it strictly represents the olfactory and optic lobes of fishes. Next to bees and ants, that of the blow-fly is the largest known in any insect proportionally to its size, being about thirty times larger than the cephalic ganglia of the larger beetles. But a more positive indication of a higher type of organization than even the relative bulk of the sensory ganglia is found in the fact that two very remarkable convoluted nerve centres connected by a commissure, each about l-30th of an inch in diameter, surmount the cephalic ganglion, and are connected to it by a pair of distinct peduncles ; these are extremely like the pedunculated convoluted nerve centres which occupy the same position in bees and ants, first described by M. Felix Dujardin,f and considered by him as analogous to the cerebral lobes of the higher animals. That naturalist failed to distinguish these organs * There is no nerve corresponding to the recurrent nerve of Lyonet falsely called sympathetic by some authors, but a true sympathetic or organic nerve system exists in the fly. f F. Dujardin sur le Syste"me Nerveux des insectes., Ann. Sc. Nat. Serie III. Tom. xiv. 195. and " Quelqucs Observations sur les Abeilles " Ibid, xviii 231. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 15 in the fly, probably owing to their being imbedded in the sub- stance of the cephalic ganglion. No one who has once seen them can doubt their far-advanced type above the ordinary ganglia of insects, and the superior intelligence manifested by the insects possessing them is not difficult to perceive. In fact, long before I detected these organs in the fly, I felt almost sure I should eventually find them, from the fact that many of the acts of this insect bear evidence of some memory at least ; for instance, the manner in which flies will avoid a person who is pursuing them is clearly more than an ordinary reflex act. Nevertheless, it must be conceded that most of the acts of insects are probably entirely reflex, or the result of impressions from without, and this coincides with the comparative bulk of the organs of sensation over that of the higher nerve centres. M. Faivre, * however, thinks otherwise, from the fact that in his experiments on the Dytiscus, that insect always gyrated to the left when the right side of the supra-cesophageal ganglion was removed, and to the right when the left was operated on, from which he argues the existence of voluntary power. He sup- poses the supra -CDSophageal ganglion to be analogous to the brain of vertebrates; but M. Faivre clearly removed the great organs of sensation, and the rotatory direction pursued by the insect was probably entirely due to its seeking the direction in which the light proceeded, and so turning away from the injured side. The thoracic ganglion gives off ten pairs of nerves, besides one single one distributed to the abdomen, and the great trunk which unites it to the cephalic ganglia. It is the homologue of the thoracic and abdominal ganglia of the typical homogan- gliata, and is, therefore, like the cephalic, a compound gan- ' r M . Faivre Bur le Cerveau des Dytisques, Ann. Sc. Nat. Serie IT. Tom viii. 245. 16 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. glion. This is the nerve centre of animal life ; its nerves are both motor and sensitive ; it gives off likewise two pairs of nerves, which are supplied to organs of special sense ; and its destruction results in the instantaneous death of the insect. If a pair of forceps are dexterously used so as to crush the whole thoracic ganglion at once, not a single movement will follow its destruc- tion, except it be the slightest possible quivering of the muscles. On the other hand, the removal of the insect's head, and with it of course, the whole cephalic ganglion, does not destroy the life of the trunk and limbs, but reflex movements can be produced for hours after by touching any part of the integument, but especially the integument of the abdomen. When the head is removed frotm the fly there is nothing more striking than the different character of the phenomena exhibited by the parts. In the head a convulsive movementof the tongue and antennae follows the division of the nervous cord which unites the two nerve centres ; this continues at most a few seconds, but no reflex act follows the application of external stimulus afterwards. Of course we cannot tell to what extent the functions of the cephalic ganglionremain, but their duration is pro- bably short. Perhaps they cease as soon as the nerve of communi- cation between the head and thorax is severed. On the other hand, although the trunk continues to manifest signs of life for many hours, no movements, except those which result from the stimulus or shock produced by dividing the great cephalo-thoracic nerve trunk at the moment of division, take place, except the respiratory movement of the abdomen, till some external stimulus is applied. A breath of air, or a touch with a needle point in any part of the integument, will produce vigorous movement of the legs and wings for hours after decapitation, resulting either in an attempt to run or fly, and a little water or dust placed upon the posterior tarsi or THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 17 abdomen, will give rise to the well-known effort to clean it off, by rubbing the tarsi together or against the part so irritated : all these are clearly reflex acts. These facts go far to prove that the same acts are always produced by external stimulus in the living fly, in other words, that they are reflex and not voluntary ; they also show how extremely sensitive the integuments are to external impressions, and that their hardness does not prevent their being the seat of the sense of touch to a very great extent. Lastly, as there is nothing irregular in any of these acts after decapitation, it seems that the co-ordination of muscular movements is due to this nerve centre, a function, which, according to the experiments of M. Faivre,* is performed by the sub-cesophageal ganglion in Dytiscus, and probably in all beetles : but I believe the homo- logue of this ganglion is transferred in the fly to the thoracic nerve centre, as the inferior portion of the posterior cephalic segment enters into the composition of the thorax, and not of the head. Thus the thoracic nerve centre appears to be the analogue of the cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord of the vertebrata. The nerves of the viscera are derived from a separate system of ganglia, and differ in structure from those of animal life, like the nerves of organic life, or the sympathetic system of vertebrates, to which they may be justly compared. The chief ganglion of this system is situated at the junction of the thorax and abdomen, but numerous smaller ganglia varying in size are scattered over the visceral organs, and the whole are connected by a complex system of minute nerves, which form a close network over all the viscera. Dr. Lockhart Clark tells me he has described a similar system of nerves in the earthworm. * Ann. Sc. Nat. IV. Tom riii 245. 18 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. Section V. The Wings and Legs. The wings and legs are the most important thoracic append- ages; their homologies have been already discussed.* The wings consist of a double layer of the protoderm, which may be demonstrated when the insect first emerges from the pupa, as the upper and under layers are then easily separated. The nervures are folds in one or both layers, which are strengthened by the development of epithelial cells in their in- terior. The larger ones contain the tracheal vessels and nerves, the latter being chiefly distributed to the bulbs of the hairs on the nervures. In the earlier stages of development the wings are represented by mere crumpled sacs attached to the lateral trachea) of the larva; afterwards they become sacs of the proto- derm on the sides of the thorax in the pupa. Several complicated folds of integument project into the cavity of the thorax at the insertion of the wing, by which the muscles are attached which regulate its position, but the real muscles of flight are not connected with the wing at all. They consist of a longitudinal mass which fills the greater portion of the back, and the wings are so attached that the flank forms a kind of fulcrum upon which they are elevated or depressed by every alteration in the convexity of the back. The great longi- tudinal dorsal muscles, by shortening the thorax, increase its con- vexity and depress the wings, which are again elevated by the flattening of the back and lengthening of the thorax, due partly to its own elasticity and partly to the action of the lateral thoracic muscles, which are vertical in their direction. So that in point of fact the flight of insects is merely a modification of crawling, both being effected by the alternate approximation and extension of several segments. This may be confirmed by direct experiment ; See Page 3, THE WINGS AND LEGS. 19 for, by taking a recently killed fly and using a pair of dissecting forceps, placing one blade behind, and the other in front of the upper part of the thorax, the movements of flight may be pro- duced by'alternately compressing and relaxing the forceps ; the wings should be extended in order that the full effect may be seen. The amount of alteration in the convexity of the back which is sufficient to depress the wings to their fullest extent, is so slight that it is scarcely perceptible to the eye. It is a remarkable fact, and one worthy of special attention, that the great longitudinal thoracic muscles exhibit no striae, but con- sist of muscular fibres similar to those of organic life in the higher animals. This is an anomaly for which I can suggest no reason, unless it be the immense rapidity of the vibrations into which they throw the thoracic parietes.* The legs consist of four parts : the coxa or hip, composed of two pieces, which unites the limb to the thorax, the femur or thigh, the tibia or leg, and the tarsus or foot ; the last three are tubular, and each articulation contains the muscles which move the succeeding one. The tarsus consists of five pieces, the first of which contains a pair of muscles, which move the second upon it, but the remaining four contain none ; the last bears a pair of pads upon which the insect walks, and a pair of hooks above them. Both hooks and pads are connected with a single apodeme which projects into the last tarsal joint and is continued as a fine chitinous thread or tendon through the tarsus and tibia, and terminates in a bi. penniform muscle which arises from the interior of the femur. The foot pads are amongst the most interesting parts of the insect, because they enable it to walk upon smooth surfaces in an inverted position, apparently in defiance of the laws of gravity. Long ago * The description of the histological elements of these muscles is given at page 5. C 2 20 OK THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. this was first ascribed by Dr. Derham* 4 to the exhaustion of air from the foot pads; recently, it has been supposed to be due to the exhaustion of air from the extremities of the hairs with which the pad is clothed ;f others have ascribed it to be the holdj which these minute hairs take of trifling irregularities of surface, but none of these explanations are correct, and one of the earliest notions upon the subject is the nearest to the truth; that is, that the feet se- crete a glutinous fluid which glues them to the surface on which the insect walks. When the pads are carefully examinod it will be seen that they have no cup-shaped cavity beneath them, but that they are hollow with a nipple-like protuberance projecting into each. This will be seen more plainly by pressing upon the tarsus which forces it into the pad ; by cutting off the end of the pad first, it may be exposed in this manner, and will be found to consist of a closed sac. This sac fills the whole of the last four tarsal joints and is lined with pavement epithelium ; it secretes a perfectly clear viscid fluid which exudes from it into the pad, and fills its cavity as well as the hollow hairs with which its under surface is covered. These hairs open by trumpet-shaped mouths, and the disc of each mouth is kept full of the fluid. Sometimes, when the insect is cap- tured and held between the finger and thumb, it exudes so rapidly that the pads are soon covered with a little glistening drop of it, which may be collected upon a glass slide where it rapidly solidi- fies ; it is insoluble in water and solidifies under that fluid. The whole contents of the tarsus becomes solid very rapidly as soon as the insect is dead, or the part is removed. * Kirby and Spence, Introduction to Entomology. The whole history of the various opinions of different Naturalists upon this subject are given at length. t J. Hepworth, Koy. Micros. Soc. Journal, vol. iii. 314. T. West. Linn Soc. Trans, vol. xxiii. 393. t Blackwall, Linn. Soc. Trans, vol. xvi , on the pulvilli of insects. TJIC WINGS AND LEGS. 21 There is no essential difference in the pads of flies and the pulvilli of beetles, moths, and other insects ; the same fluid is secreted in all. The only difference is that the pads of flies are membranous and transparent, instead of hard and opaque. The feet of the smaller house-fly are the best to show the manner in which the viscid fluid exudes from the extremities of the trumpet-shaped hairs, as they are very large in this species, and a glistening bead of fluid can be seen plainly at the extremity of each hair by placing the living insect under the microscope. The foot-prints left upon glass by flies consist of rows of dots corresponding to these hairs ; this is best seen in those of the lesser house-fly from their greater size. The whole appears precisely analogous to the manner in which caterpillars and spiders suspend themselves by silken threads. In both cases the fluid is exuded from minute pores and bears the weight of the insect, the only difference being in the nature and quantity of the fluid exuded. Much discussion has arisen as to the manner in which flies liberate their feet, and it has even been objected that they would become so firmly adherent after a time that the insect would be glued to the spot. Nothing can be simpler than the arrangement by which the foot is liberated, and in the healthy insect the secretion probably never becomes solid as long as it remains in contact with the foot. It is sufficiently glutinous, even in the fluid, or rather semi-fluid, state it assumes as it exudes, to sustain the weight of the insect, when the strain is put equally upon all the hairs, of which there are about 1200 on each pad; but when the pad is removed obliquely, so that each row is detached separately, the resistance amounts practically to nothing. A neat experiment will demonstrate this even to the most sceptical. If a piece of adhesive label be cut for convenience into a pear-shaped disc, an inch in diameter, and caused to adhere to the hand by slightly damping it, a force of many pounds applied to the narrow extremity in the axis of the paper will not stir it, whilst it is im- mediately removed, with very little resistance, when the force is applied so as to lift it gradually up. 22 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. The direction and length of the hairs upon the pad are so adapted to the oblique direction in which the strain is put upon them when the tarsus is straight, that the insect has a perfectly secure hold ; this is immediately released as soon as the tarsus is curved, which is effected by the long slender tendon already men- tioned. In the small house-fly the pads themselves are capable of being curved, for the tarsal tendon branches, and is inserted into the distal extremity of each pad. The legs are developed from six pear-shaped corpuscles ad- herent to the nerves andtracherc of the larva ; the changes these undergo are seen in Plate VI., and are described in the second part of this work. Section VI. The Digestive System. The viscera of the fly are remarkable for their symmetrical arrangnnent, a fact well worthy of note, as it is at variance with the usual disposition of the viscera of animals, although I believe lateral symmetry will prove the rule amongst insects. The organs of the mouth are extremely modified so that they form a complicated proboscis admirably adapted for the purpose of collecting food by suction ; and, although all the parts homo- logous to the six lancets of the gadflies so terrible in those insects, are present, they are all more or less intimately united to the sheath of the proboscis, so that they are quite incapable of inflicting a wound, but form by their union a long tubular mouth. The extremity of the organ bears a pair of large fleshy lobes, which form an oval sucker when open, by which the insect collects its food, either receiving the nutriment so collected at once into the opening of the mouth, which is placed between the lobes, or straining the fluid from the solid part of the material on \rhich it is feeding by means of a set of channels ( false trachea: ), THE CIRCULATION. 28 which open beneath by a very fine fissure and run from the margin to the centre of the lobes, and then open into the mouth. This is a provision highly necessary to the fly, as it feeds upon half- rotten pulpy substances, which would otherwise entirely fill its long tubular mouth and completely stop it up. A shuttle- shaped chitinous organ supports the parts of the mouth, and is enclosed within the proboscis. This acts as a pump, drawing the fluid aliment from the mouth of the insect, and injecting it into the sucking stomach or crop.* The crop is a large reservoir for food, and is situated in the'ab- domen, it is capable of holding a sufficient supply of nourishment for several days. No solid food is taken by the fly, as it lives entirely upon fluids or such substances as are dissolved by its copious saliva, which is secreted by a pair of large tubular salivary glands. The aliment is gradually regurgitated from the crop into the proventriculus and chyle stomach,f which extends the whole length of the thorax, and which is lined with cylinder epithe- lium undistinguishable from that in the highest vertebrates. The chyle stomach passes insensibly into the intestines, which are about one inch in length. A pair of large bile tubes open into them near their inferior extremity, and form a tubular liver of considerable magnitude by continually dividing, and end in blind extremities; they are very tortuous, and are filled with liver cells, containing fat globules and pigment. Section VII. The Circulation* The circulation of the blood in insects is earned on with- out the aid of blood-vessels. The circulating fluid is contained * Sucken-Magen, Weismann, f Chyhis-Magen, Ibid. 24 ON T.HE AX ATOMY OF THE FLY. in the visceral cavity and bathes all the internal organs. A single vessel runs the whole length of the back, commencing near the apex of the abdomen and terminating in the head, called the dorsal vessel. It is open at either extremity, and serves the purpose of a heart pulsating rythmically, and pumping the circulating fluid from the posterior extremity of the insect, into the head, from which it returns amongst the visc- era. The pulsation of this vessel may be observed in the fly just after the insect emerges from the pupa case, before its integuments become hardened and opaque ; it makes about 1 80 pulsations in a minute. The dorsal vessel being small in comparison to the cavity oi the body, the return of the blood is necessarily slow. This gives rise to a peculiar distribution of the viscera as well as to a very important modification of the respiratory organs and function, adapting the insect to pass a life of great vital activity, with a comparatively slow circulation. Thus the salivary glands not only extend the whole length of the thorax in complicated convolutions, but pass into the abdo- men and only terminate at its posterior extremity. This brings them into relation with the blood throughout a large part of the circulation. So the ductless glands, called fat bodies or corps graisseux, which seem to be analogous to the ductless glands of animals, and to be concerned in the elaboration of the circulating fluid itself, are found largely developed in the abdomen, and also, though more sparingly, in the head. The analogues of the kidneys, the rectal papillae, pulsating organs having a central cavity alternately filled and emptied of blood by a rhythmic muscular act, are placed near the posterior extremity of the dorsal vessel, so that they excrete the efiete matter from the circulation just before the return of the blood to the head and thorax. The same may be said with regard to the dis- position of the liver tubes, only to a less degree. THE HESI'UI.VTOKY SYSTEM. Section VIII. The Itespiratofy tii/stem. The cliief modification of structure dependent upon the peculiarity of the circulation is in the respiratory organs, the air being carried to all the tissues in a system of tubes, called trachea?, from their cavity being kept open by a spiral fibre, or more often by a series of rings which run into each other so as to appear spiral. These tubes open externally by pores called spiracles, and are merely an involution, so to speak, of the proto- derrn or external layer of the skin ; they ramify in the interior of the insect, dividing in an arborescent manner, until at last they attain the minute diameter of something like 100,000th of an inch, when they anastomoze freely with each other and form a network of tubules over the surface, and in the substance, of every organ. The trachea! tubes consist of two coats. The internal, in the substance of which the spiral fibre is developed, corresponds to the protoderm, and like it, is formed from cells, which in the case of the perfect fly originate in the pupa case, in the earliest stages of the formation of the imago, Similar rings to those in the tracheae are developed, either from cells or nuclei of the protoderm, in the false tracheae of the proboscis, an important fact, as it is confirmatory of the view I have taken of their homologies.* The external layer is easily detected before the fly attains its full development ; it is thick and struc- tureless at first, containing nuclei, and thickest in their vicinity; it seems to be a mere collection of protoplasm. As the * The origin of the rings of the false trachcaj is even better seen in the tongue of the Cricket, where the nuclear form is retained throughout life, near the edges of the organ ; this was first pointed out to me by my friend, Mr. C. Stewart. 20 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. insect reaches maturity, this layer becomes extremely attenuated, and forms a structureless membrane very difficult to trace ; it is best seen in the tracheae of the larva. The spiral fibre has been described as a distinct coat between the other coats, but it is really part of the internal. M. Blanchard* even supposed that a circulation of the nutritive fluid takes place in insects, in a channel between the coils of the spiral and the two layers of membrane, which he supposed to be con- nected with the dorsal vessel ; but no such channel exists. f It is extremely difficult to say at what point in the division of the tracheal vessels the spiral disappears. Most of the vessels which are as small as the 10,000th part of an inch, exhibit no trace of transverse marking, but a very distinct double contour is observ- able in their walls ; whilst in others of the same magnitude dis- tinct transverse markings are visible with high powers, at irreg- ular intervals. The smallest divisions have probably 110 spiral, and consist, I believe, entirely of the external coat, which assumes the form of a structureless membrane. j The larger tracheaB of the head and thorax of the perfect fly differ very considerably in structure from those already described, and form large reservoirs of air. Numerous sacculi which lie between the muscles, mere dilatations of these tracheae, open into them, and the main lateral trachea) terminate in a pair of large sacs at the base of the abdomen, the pulmonary sacs c f the French naturalists. The walls of these vessels and their sacculi are composed entirely of a brittle membrane, corresponding to the * Comp. Rend. xxiv. t It is needless to repeat the arguments against such a circulation, which even if the spiral were a distinct layer, are fully given in thexxviii. and xxix. vols. of the Comp. Rend. * In the stag beetle the irregularity of the spiral in the smaller tracheal tubes is easily seen. THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. 27 protoderm ; it is extremely delicate, covered with reticulated wrinkles, and marked with striae, transverse to the wrinkles, not the 12,000th of an inch apart, which render it iridescent. This membrane, as well as the inner coat of the other tracheae, assumes a smoky tint in the adult insect, probably from the oxidization of minute particles of pigment contained in its substance.* The spiracles or external openings are all protected, either by folds, the edges of which are armed with minute spiculae, or by a ring of spiculae formed of chitine, and the admission of air is controlled by a structure somewhat resembling a pair of callipers, acted upon by a special muscle, which surrounds the tracheae and is connected with their internal coat.f The manner in which the circulation of air in the trachece is carried on in insects is by no means certain ; that it is exceed- ingly vigorous in the fly may be fairly assumed from the rapidity with which the vapour of chloroform and other volatile sub- stances act upon the insect ; and from the fact that a little turpen- - tine, applied with a camel's hair brush to one of the anterior thoracic spiracles, produces instantaneous insensibility. The great vital activity of the fly indicates that the respiratory func- tion is very perfect ; in bees again the high temperature of the hive tends to the same conclusion. I believe the pressure of the thoracic muscles acting unequally upon the main membranous trachece and their sacculi, aided by the valves at the spiracles, is the chief agent by which the air is propelled through the smaller tubules. If such be the case, the ordinary muscular acts of the insect would be sufficient to keep up a very perfect circulation, as it is scarcely conceivable that any muscle can contract, without giving rise to some movements of the air in the large trachea). When a fly is held by the wings * The disposition of the main tracheal vessels is shown wi Plate I. f Landois, Kolliker Zeichrift, Band. 17, 105. 28 OX THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. it will be observed to make vigorous exertions with all its legs at regular intervals, varying from sixteen to thirty or more in a minute. With each of these acts the valves of the anterior spiracles are closed for a short space of time, during which the air must necessarily be driven through the small tnbes, proving that these are respiratory efforts. Their regularity and their being accompanied by a contraction and dilatation of the abdomen confirms this view. Again, if placed under the exhausted receiver of an air pump, and removed before death has taken place, the insect's abdomen immediately collapses more or less from the exhaustion of the trachea! vessels, and more especially of the abdominal pulmonary sacs; and the refilling of the trachea! system is accompanied by violent movements of the legs and wings. Although, under ordinary circumstances, no proper respiratory movement of the abdomen can be observed, if the head be re- moved, a regular respiratory movement of the abdominial parietes may be seen, and the same is observable when the in- sect is at rest. There can be no doubt that every alteration in the capacity of that cavity acts directly upon the pulmonaiy sacs, and so upon the whole tracheal system. These ab- dominal movements are scarcely sufficient to account for the rapid change of air in the small trachea of the head and thorax, and are probably only accessory to the ordinary muscular movements in their effect on the air in the trachea?. The change in the volume and shape of the thorax during the movements of the wings, although slight in itself, is probably from its great rapidity also an. important respiratory agent; and lastly, the pressure of the muscles upon the smaller tracheae undoubtedly assists the movement of air in these tubes by emptying them, the elasticity of their internal coat causing them "to dilate and refill as soon as the pressure is removed. The humming sound made by the insect seems to depend upon several causes, but the chief seems to be the rapid vibration of THE FAT BODIES AND DUCTLESS O LANDS. 29 the edges of the valves of the thoracic trachea?,* perhaps also of a plate in the forehead, which covers a membranous cavity in that part. The sound is attended with a violent vibration of the whole thorax, probably chiefly produced by the rapid contraction of the dorsal muscles. The vibration of the wings may, and probably iloes, give rise to a peculiar note ; but owing to their movement being always attended with vibrations of the thorax, it is difficult to determine how much is due to them. Another note is pro- duced by the rubbing of the head against the thorax. | Section IX. The Fat Bodies and Ductless Glands. Two dissimilar structures have been confounded under the term fat bodies, the omenta of the larva, and the ductless glands of the imago. The former consist of plicated cellular expansions formed of large flat cells of hexagonal outline, adhering to each other by their edges, which are firmly attached to the lateral trachea? of the larva, in which a store ef elaborated nutriment is laid up for the development of the pupa. The fat bodies or ductless glands of the imago consist of closed follicles, arranged upon the tracheae in an arborescent manner ; the follicles themselves are composed of structureless membrane, and contain peculiar nucleated corpuscles, nuclei, and granules ; in the mature insect they are often loaded with oil globules. From * Dr. H. Landois, Die Ton und Stimmaparate der Insecten, Kolliker Zeitchrift, Band. 17, 105. t Dr. H. Landois and W. Thelen, Der Tracheenverschluss bei den Jnsecten. ibid. Band 17, 187. 30 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. the great similarity of the contents of these follicles to those of the spleen and other ductless glands in the vertebrata, I have not the slightest doubt as to the similarity of their functions, which is the elaboration of the circulating fluid. Section X. The Organs of Special Sense. The organs of special sensation in the fly are the compound and simple eyes, the antenna, the halteres, and probably the frontal sac, the cephalo-sternum, the lobes of the proboscis, and maxillary palpi. With the exception of the visual organs, which closely resemble the essential parts of those of the vertebrata, great difficulties occur in determining the functions of the sensory organs, and the removal of any of these, even when this can be done without injury to other parts, is no test of its function. Flies seem completely helpless when the antennee are removed, and quite unable to fly if the halteres are cut off, yet this is no proof that the quickness of the insect is due to its antenna), or that flight is a function of its halteres. All the senses seem so closely bound together, or correlated to each other in insects, that we can hardly expect any to be normally exercised when one^is damaged. Even in man himself, we know that nothing but experience enables him to judge correctly of objects with a single sense, and we should hardly expect a dog to act normally, if one of its senses were suddenly removed. Apart from the pain which may accompany the removal of an organ, the new relations with the external world might be expected to produce an abnormal manifestation in a creature, almost all the acts of which are probably purely reflex. So that structure, analogy, and the habits of the insect, are really the only guides in such investigations. The great compound eyes each consist of between four and five thousand facets; each facet being a circular biconvex lens, the thousandth of an inch in diameter, set in a flat hexagonal frame. THE ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE. 31 Behind every facet is a transparent cone, surrounded by dark red pigment, which terminates posteriorly in a rod, connect- ing it, through the medium of a layer of nerve cells, with u clear distinct nerve filament. The convexity of the facets of the cornea is a most important point, as the vision of insects has been supposed to derive its distinctness from the number of separate facets. It has been supposed that distinctness of vision is due in them to the absorption of all the rays of light which have not the same direction as the axes of the cones and rods of which the eye is composed. Such is not the case, however, in the fly ; the lenticular structure of the cornea is most distinct, and the focus of each lens appears to correspond with the apex of the transparent cone beneath it. The necessity of any adaptive power to distances, it may be, is entirely obviated by the small- ness of the lenses, as the rays of light emanating from a point an inch distant from the eye could not possibly make a greater angle than a minute, so that virtually all rays would be parallel when the distance of objects from the eye exceeded an inch. Yet it is far from certain that even adaptation to distance is not effected by a special arrangement of tracheal tubes between the rods and cones.* Perhaps nearer objects are perceived only by the ocelli, which are specially adapted for near vision, for which the comparative flatness of the lenses of the compound eyes seems but little fitted. The great convexity and extent of the compound eyes is such that it enables the insect to see all the objects in at least four- fifths of the sphere which surround it; but as no two facets look towards the same spot, no provision for stereoscopic vision exists in these organs, even if the insect be able to perceive near objects by them. These deficiencies seem to be supplied by the ocelli, which, from the great convexity of their refracting * Page 88. 02 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. medium and their position in a triangle upon the forehead, seem not only eminently adapted for the perception of very near objects, but also for the nicest possible appreciation of their distances from the insect. Beneath the cornea in the ocelli is a thick layer of nerve cells, which probably receives the impression, and it is quite likely that the adaption to distance depends upon the portion of this layer upon which the picture falls. I see no reason why the deeper cells should not receive an impression as well as the more superficial, and the difference of the focus cannot be very great. The whole internal surface of the ocellus is covered with pigment of a bright orange red color, and the three ocelli are connected with the cephalic nerve-centre by a single nerve. The antennae have the third joint remarkably dilated, but the others are comparatively little developed, except the last, which is very slender and covered with hairs. The third joint is covered all over with minute openings, which communicate with little transparent sacs or groups of sacs in the interior. The whole joint is lined with orange red pigment cells, and filled with a pulpy mass, which consists of the antennal nerve, minutely divided, and bearing multitudes of very small nerve cells, arranged like bunches of grapes at the extremity of its divisions- I believe myself that this is the organ of smell, although I by no means consider the antemiee of all insects are necessarily olfactory organs. I think in many instances they are merely feelers. Perhaps the beautiful feather-like aiitennee of male moths are sexual ornaments, although they may have special olfac- tory organs connected with them ; and possibly the laminated an- tennae of many beetles, which consist of thin chitinous lamellae, may be hygrometric, indicating the state of the atmosphere to the insect. I have littlg doubt, however, in other insects, as in the fly, especially when they are thick and club-shaped, that they are olfactory, or rather partly olfactory organs. The halteres are most evidently modifications of the posterior THE OBGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE. 33 wings, they are also called balancers, from an idea that they are connected with flight. A very large nerve, terminating in nerve cells fills their cavity, and is connected with a number of sin ill, highly refracting bodies, regularly arranged around the base of the organ, which I am inclined to regard as oto- conia, and if such is the case, the halteres are manifesty organs of hearing. That flies do hear, may be inferred from their possessing the power of emitting special sounds, and also by the manner in which they disappear when one is captured and allowed to make the peculiar plaintive note, which they in- variably emit when distressed. In grasshoppers and other orthoptera, the organs of hearing are situated on the anterior tibiae, so that the position of the halteres cannot be urged as an argument against such a function. A number of minute organs* similar to those, which I believe to be otoconia in the halteres^ are disposed in regular groups in the sub-costal nervure of the wing. These are remarkably constant in insects, and are especially interesting in relation to the halteres of flies, leading us, as it were, gradually up to the complete modification of the second pair of wings into organs of special sense. The frontal sac may be connected with the sense of smell. The cephalo-stemum is a most remarkable organ, hitherto undescribed : and the lobes of the proboscis are probably the seat of taste, as they are largely supplied with nerves and have peculiar nipple- shaped organs on their surface. The palpi are probably also con- cerned in taste when the food is regurgitated ; and perhaps they assist the insect in its search for food as they are covered with minute openings with transparent sacs beneath, like those of the antenna?. Many of the hairs which clothe the various parts of the insect may also be endowed with special sense, as their bulbs are supplied largely with nerve filaments. I think it extremely pro- * These organs were first pointed out by Dr. Braxton Hicks, but their internal structure has not hitherto been described. 34 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. bable that their function is analogous that of the vibrissse, or feelers of carnivorous animals. Section XI. The Generative Organs. The sexes are quite distinct in insects. The female fly is distinguished from the male by the great eyes being more nearly approximated and larger in the latter, as well as by the sexual organs. These consist in the male of a pair of testes, a pair of tubular glands, probably secreting an albuminous fluid, with their ducts ; and of extremely complicated external organs, con- sisting of the four last abdominal segments. The generative organs in the female consist of a pair of ovaries with their ducts. Three curious chitinous sacs which receive the male fluid, a remarkable receptacle containing two peculiar gelatinous masses after impregnation, beside a pair of tubular glands, which probably secrete the glutinous fluid with which the ovum is surrounded when it is deposited. The ova are fecundated at the time of deposition, and the larva is hatched twenty four hours after fecundation ; but sometimes a single ovum is fecundated and retained within the ovipositor until the larva is perfected, and the insect is thus occasionally viviparous, or the egg is laid only a tew seconds before hatching. There are three or four sets of ova contained in the ovaries, which are matured in succession. The ovipositor consists of four joints, and is very long ; it is introduced within the genital- fissure of the male, during copula- tion, and it enables the insect to deposit its eggs in deep fissures, or beneath decaying matter. It is furnished with a pair of leaf-like appendages at its extremity, but has no hooks in the blow-fly, although that of the house-fly is furnished with a set of spines, pointed backwards around every ring. CONCLUDING REMARKS. 35 The ova undergo yolk segmentation, and just before impreg- nation, possess a micropyle, germinal disc, and yolk canal, just like the ova of the highest vertebrates. The skin of the larva is formed from delicate cells, and is complete eight hours after im- pregnation, but neither trachea3 nor viscera can be discerned so early ; these are afterwards rapidly developed, and four and twenty hours after impregnation the larva escapes, its alimentary canal is filled with oil globules and molecular matter, and the trachea3 with air, at the time. The fat bodies are at this period scarcely percep- tible, a number of delicate cells only being attached to thetrachere. The larva commences immediately to feed, and increases rapidly in size, the fat bodies become largely developed, and at the end of three or four weeks it assumes the pupa state. Its further changes have been already described. Section XII. Concluding Remarks. The nervous system indicates that the Diptera, Hymenoptera Xeuroptera and Orthoptera, are the most highly organized of all insects ; the presence of convoluted nerve centres supported by peduncles, and united by a cominisure, which do not give off nerves, is an approach to the nervous system of the Vertebrata, and such nerve centres are perhaps the most important charac- ters of the above mentioned orders. The elaborate modifications of the mouth in these orders for special purposes, the high development of the sense organs, and in the Diptera the remark- able modification of the posterior wings, and the articulation of the head with the thorax by a pair of condyles in some, point to a high type of organization. But at present it is extremely difficult to decide which of these orders is most highly organized : they will probably eventually form a distinct sub-class of the insecta, characterized by its highly organized nervous system ; and its divisions may perhaps be founded upon the various D 2 36 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. degrees of metamorphosis, especially the presence or absence of imaginal discs in the larva, as suggested by Dr. "Weismann ; or upon the manner in which the head is articulated with the thorax, But until the types of other families have received the same attention as the fly, nothing certain can be said upon the subject. In conclusion, it may not be out of place here to make a few observations on the position of the insectain the animal kingdom. The highest insects should probably be regarded as the highest members of the annulose type ; which is apparently so distinct from the vertebrate type that they cannot be compared with each other ; for my own part I confess that I see no evidence of in- feriority of type in either case, the structure of insects is as com- plex and their organs are as perfectly differentiated as those of the vertebrata. Professor Huxley has very ingeniously compaired the embryonic forms of the vertebrate and invertebrate types* and supposes the nervous system of the insecta to be homologous with the sympathetic system of vertebrates, and that the cerebro -spinal nervous system and neural canal are added in the latter ; such can hardly be the case if my observations on the nervous system of insects are correct, as they have also two distinct nervous systems. Even if such an homology should be substantiated, which appears unlikely, the supposition that the alimentary canal ter- minates anteriorly by a neural instead of a ha3mal flexure would not explain the different development of the embryo from the entire surface of the yolk, and the fact that all the organs of man- ducation, prehension, locomotion, and the external organs of gen- eration, originate from the lateral appendages of the various segments. No homologies can be traced for any of these organs between the insecta and vertebrata. Introduction to the classification of animal?, PART. II . DETAILS OF THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY Section I. The Integument of the Head. PLATE II, FIGS. 1 and 2. The head presents several regions which have been variously ivainei by entomologists ; the most important are the occipital or posterior, the frontal or forehead, the cheeks, and the facial, or that between the antennce and the niouth. A correct apprecia- tion of these will materially facilitate the[description of the head, which, with its appendages, consists, as has already been stated, of five segments ; of these however three belong to the proboscis, and three-fourths, that is the ventral and lateral plates of the fifth segment, are incorporated with the thorax ; so that the integument or external skeleton of the head itself consists entirely of the fourth, united with the dorsal plate of the fifth segment. The hard parts of the head are best examined by soaking or boiling it in liquor potassa?, drying it in hot turpentine and mounting it whole in a deep cell in Canada balsam, without pressure: this will also be found the best method of examining most of the integumentary organs of insects with low powers ; it is troublesome at first, but becomes easy by practice Some little difficulty may be experienced in realising the relations of the segments of the head, but by considering the 38 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE II. This plate represents the hard parts of the head and proboscis, with the three anterior larval segments for comparison with those of the proboscis Fig. 1. An anterior view of the head of the male, with the part belonging to the fifth segment colored ; the hairs are removed and are represented only by their scars. X 10 diam Fig. 2. Posterior view of the head of the female showing the greater width of the frontal plate ; colored like the last, x 10 diam. Fig. 3 and 3al sheath, and the comb of bees is replaced by the setas. The thin membranous scales are homologous to the small superior lobes, and the long pointed scales united in the fly to the labrum are clearly the homologues of the terminal lobes in bees, although they have usually been described as the mandibles. My friend .Mr. C. Stewart pointed out to me that the thin scales homologous to the superior lobes are united with these organs in Rhingia, an arrange- ment which seems common in the Syrphida3, and which puts the matter, I think, beyond a doubt. The pharynx and maxilla? are both represented by corresponding organs in the larva, (Plate II. Figs. 3 and 3, a and Z.) The sucking organ , both in function and form, is too like the same 44 ON THli ANATOMY OF THE FLY. part iii tlie perfect insect to doubt its homology. The small straight appendages II, appear to belong to this organ, which supports them, and to represent the maxilla). I am even inclined to believe the superior ventral processes of the sucking organ are the homologues of their apodernes, No connection can, however, be absolutely traced between these parts in the larva and perfect insect, as all parts of the mouth of the former remain attached to the pupa case, but I am inclined to believe this is a mere shedding of integument, arid that the new organs of the mouth are directly dependent for their formation upon the old, like the abdominal segments and the whole digestive system.* The second segment of the proboscis ( Plate III ) folds upon the basal one with an elbow-like joint, so that their dorsal sur- faces arc in contact when the organ is at rest. The maxillary palpi then lie against the edges of the oral cleft, and are directed DESCRIPTION OF PLATE III. This plate represents the right half of a vertical section of the proboscis a little to the left of the mesial line, a, The pharynx, cut through above but not divided vertically. 6, The operculum, with one of its apod^mep, which may be traced behind the pharynx, c, The labium, which forms the floor of the mouth and is continuous above with the salivary tube, rf, Half the mentum. e, Band supporting the scale-like lobe of the maxilla, several setae, and the maxillary palpus. /, Valve in the salivary duct. g, Great tracheal sac giving off the main tracheal vessel, which supplies the muscles of the canula and lobes. ^, The lobes, with some of the hex- agonal pigment cells shown as well as the spherical cells, to which the greater portion of the main nerve which accompanies the principal tracheal vessel is distributed, z, Chitinous band surrounding the trian- gular opening of the mouth, which supports the false trachea? and the teeth ; its anterior extremities bear a pair of curved hooks, probably the homologues of the mandibles. A group of spherical cells, immediately connected with a set of recurved hairs, is seen above this piece, with a branch of the main nerve distributed to them. * Wcismann asserts ( Koll. Zeitschrift, Band. XIV. ) that the salivary glands of the perfect fly are new formations, and that he once found the salivary gland of the larva by the side of that of the perfect insect, in the same imago ; I think, however, the malformation must be otherwise accounted for. Sec Section III. page 51. ru-m / THE PROBOSCIS. -15 forwards, occupying exactly the same position as in the Lep- doptera. Whatever., their function may be, it is probably called into activity when the proboscis is retracted, for they are turned back when it is exserted ; they are probably connected with the sense of taste or smell.* The second joint consists of two portions, one dorsal and the other ventral, the former being the roof, and the latter the floor of the cavity of the month ; so that they might well be named lips, if the term had not been unfortunately applied to the ter- minal lobes of the proboscis ; especially as the upper consists of the labriun and terminal lobes of the maxilla?, and the inferior of he united labium and inenturn. I shall call them respectively the operculum, and the canula. The canula is thick and fleshy, being filled with muscles ; it is terminated by the lobes of the proboscis, and is deeply grooved on its dorsal surface, the groove forming the mouth, and concealing the tongue. The edges of this groove overlap the operculum, and completely cover its anterior extremity, meeting in front of it, so that it is held firmly in its place, but by a little violence it can be made t o start upwards and assume a position at an angle with the canula, without any rupture of membrane. It never leaves the groove, however, during life, although in those diptera in which the maxillso, mandibles, and tongue form lancets, the canula is capable of being folded back, to bring the lancet into play. The operculum, Plate II, Fig. 7, consists of a central and two lateral portions. The labrum or central part is tubular behind, and is united by a mem- branous tube to the anterior extremity of the cavity of the pharynx, a small semicircular piece of chitine protecting its bend ; the food passes from the mouth by this means into the pharynx. The anterior two- thirds of the labrum is open below and forms the roof of the mouth. The homologies of the lateral portions of the operculum have already been discussed.f They are firmly attached to the back of the labrum and form, See Section IV. page 55, and XV. page 93. f Page 43. 46 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. joints with their apodSmes, which give insertion to two pairs of muscles both arising from the pharynx. Plate II, Fig. 13, shows the points of origin at c and d ; both are inserted into the free extremity of the apodeme ; they are probably flexors of the second upon the first joint of the proboscis. They act by drawing the head of the apodeme towards the dorsum and pressing it forward ; as the apode'mes act upon the operculum slightly behind the line of flexion, they press its superior extremity down- wards and forwards, causing its anterior extremity to revolve in the opposite direction. The whole of the interior of the operculum is lined with epithelial cells containing bright red pigment. The canula consists below of the rnentum, a shield-like plate bearing a pair of processes at its anterior extremity, which keep the lobes of the proboscis closed by their elasticity ; a small triangular plate unites them inferiorly. The whole superior surface of the mentum gives origin to muscles. The largest pair being inserted into the terminal pro- cesses serve to open the lips. A pair of thin muscular slips arising from the margin of the occipital foramen is inserted into the posterior margin of the mentum. The latter are retractors of the whole proboscis as well as extensors of the second joint. The edges of the mentum are everywhere united to the membranous sheath of the proboscis. Tracing the membranous covering of the canula from the edges of the mentum, it is found to become chitinous in the groove on its upper surface and round the anterior extremity of the mouth, forming the base of the great lobes ; these parts represent the labium or lower lip of which the last named are lateral appen- dages. Perhaps the labium is the most difficult organ to under- stand in the mouth of insects. It consists of five distinct parts, if the tongue be considered as a portion of it, and these seem to be very constant. They are 1 , the floor of the mouth united to the upper side of the mentum ; 2, the tongue united to the posterior extremity of the floor of the mouth, but more or less free in front ; 3, a plate attached to the anterior border of the floor of the mouth in front of the mentum ; 4, a pair of palpiborne by the base of the last part on its inferior surface which are turned downwards ; 5, a pair of lobes turned upwards and borne by the extremity of the same plate : these are the modified limbs which belong to the most an- terior segment. All these parts may be distinguished in the labium of the fly, except the palpi. Much confusion exists as to their nomenclature especially between the last-named and the tongue, both having been called the ligula I shall call them respectively THE PROBOSCIS. 47 the posterior labial plate, the tongue, the anterior labial plate, and the labial appendages or lobes. The posterior plate of the labium, ( Plate II, Fig, 6, c, and Plate III, c,) replaces the membrane at the bottom of the groove in the canula. It forms the sides and floor of the mouth. Two lateral rods are interposed between it and the operculum anteriorly ; but behind, it tits against the oper- culum, as far back as that part is incomplete. Where the operculum becomes tubular the labium also becomes closed above, and is continued backward united with the tongue, as a tube which joins the salivary duct. The tongue, ( Plate II, Figs. G and 6a,) is tubular behind and united to the Lujium, but becomes thin and lancet-shaped in its anterior third, before the opening of the salivary tube. Its free extremity is covered with fine setae. The posterior plate of the labium is probably part of the mental or second segment. Its inferior surface has a number of muscular fibres in- serted into it, which arise from the mesial line of the mentum. On either side of the posterior plate of the labium is a rod, (Plate II, Fig. 6 b,) united to it in the mature fly, but quite distinct when the insect first emerges from the pupa. These rods support a pair of hooks, (Plate II, Figs. 5 and 5a,) which, on comparison with the larval hooks (shown in Figs. 4 and 4a in the same plate,) will be found to correspond very nearly to those organs. I am inclined to believe they are the homologues of the mandibles, and therefore the lateral appendages of this segment. The larval hooks are supported by anH-shaped organ, (Fig, 4 c.) which seem to represent the second segment, and I have found the same rods and hooks in all the Diptera which I have examined, in which the larva ai e furnished with hooks. Like the maxillze and labial lobes they are placed on the dorsal aspect, and in front of the segment to which they belong. There is no other representative of the mandibles. The third segment of the proboscis (Plate III, A. .,) consists of the margin of the anterior opening of the mouth, which is trian- gular, and of the large fleshy lobes at its extremity. These when at rest are folded against each other, but when they are opened, about two-thirds of their anterior surface forms an oval sucker divided into two parts by the fissure between them. Behind this fissure the remainder of the lobes forms a cavity bounded pos- teriorly by the triangular opening of the mouth. The anterior surface of the lobes is channelled by a series of canals, kept open by incomplete rings, called false tracheae, which open internally into the cavity between the lobes and so into the mouth ; these form a fine strainer through which the in- 48 OX THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. sect is enabled to filter the fluid from the solid portion of the substances on which it feeds. The lobes are, however, capable of further separation, exposing the triangular opening which is sur- rounded by from fifty to sixty bidentate rods or teeth, which are usually concealed between the posterior portions of the lobes but are used, when exposed, for grinding hard substances, such as sugar, so assisting the salivary secretion to dissolve them- 4 . Fluids are often drawn directly into the mouth, either by the fissure between the lobes when it is partially closed, or even when it is fully opened to expose the teeth, but they more usually pass through the false trachere. This is best demonstrated by giving the fly a little blood and afterwards examining the proboscis, when all these channels will be found filled with it. The parts forming the anterior triangular opening of the mouth are represented in Plate II, Figs. 5 and 5a ; they are a dark solid mass of chitine and two lateral plates, which probably represent the anterior labial plate and the basal portion of its lateral appendages ; they bear the lobes and bideutate rods or teeth, already mentioned, The false tracheas, (Plate IV, Figs. 2 and 3,) are channels on the anterior surface of the lobes, kept open by semi-rings, which are developed from cells of the protoderm. These rings are bifurcated at one extremity, and the bifurcated extremity is alternate in the several ringsf. The channels become gradually smaller towards the edge of the disc and terminate in closed extremities. Their number is variable and not always the same of the two sides of the proboscis ; there are generally twenty-nine or thirty on each side. They usually open on the inner edge of the lobes in the fol- lowing order. The five anterior channels unite and form a large trunk, which runs along the upper border of each lobe and opens close to the upper margin of the triangular opening ; the next seven or eight open separately, each externally to a set of teeth, and the remainder run into a pair of parallel channels in the middle of the disc below the opening of the mouth, which open at the lower part of the triangular opening. Between the margin of the triangular opening and the orifices of the false tracheal channels, a number of curved chitinous pillars are found radiating from the gides of the triangular opening to these orifices ; they arc distinctly seen to represent the semi-rings of 4he channels themselves flattened out. *f Some very interesting information on this subject with good figures of the details of the false trachere, is given by Mr. W. T. Suffolk, in a paper read before the Eoyal Micros. Soc. Ap, 14. 1869. * Described by Mr. Hunt, Microscopical Quarterly Journal, 1856, p. 238. THE PROBOSCIS. 49 Between each pair of false tracheae the surface of the lobes is marked by a pair of wavy lines ; these are folds of the integument, and disappear when the membrane between the false tracheal channels is stretched. Four or five nipple-shaped papillae project from the surface, between each pair of wavy lines, and nerve filaments terminate in them ; they are probably organs of taste. The disposition of these parts is shown in section, in Plate IV, Fig. 3. A row of cells around the margin of the lobes are hardened into little square plates ; these are developed in the membranous protoderm ; several other, but less developed, rows of a similar nature extend towards the back of the lobes. The mesoderm consists of beautiful nucleated pigment cells, filled with a bright orange-colored pigment ; in the mature insect these are united into a continuous membrane ; their nuclei become apparent on the addition of a little acetic acid. The back of the lobes is covered with hairs, which form a fringe aroun^ its disc. The endoderm consists of numerous spherical cells, containing granular nuclei, and the bulbs of these hairs, with a plexus of nerve loop g distributed to them, from the terminal branches of the great nerve of th e proboscis. A group of recurved hairs with a similar plexus of nerve loops is situated on each side of the second joint, near its anterior extremity. The false tracheal channels are partially surrounded at their orifices by the curved extremities of the chitinous pillars which support them upon the anterior border of the mouth. Closely connected with the points of these, and immediately beneath the integument, is a tendinous looking band of dense tissue, which extends the whole length of the fissure between the lobes of the proboscis. A round cord of similar tissue arises partly from this band, and partly from the point of the chitinous pillar, on either side of each false tracheal channel. The pair which arise from each pair of points unite and form a thicker round cord, which runs outwards towards the margin of the lobe, near which it is inserted into a thickened ridge of chitine, connected with the anterior extremity of the anterior process of the mentum, at right angles to it. The purpose of these cords seems to be to connect the extremity of the anterior processes of the mentum with the margins of the fissure between the lobes, which is pro- ably kept closed by the elasticity of the pillars which support the orifices of the false tracheae, and which is opened by the muscles attached to the anterior processes of the mentum, through the agency of these tendinous bands. If these processes of the mentum acted upon the margin of the fissure by drawing upon the integument of the lobe, the margin of the sucker, formed by the union of the lobes, would have been disturbed in order to open the fissure; whilst, by means of these bands, the anterior process of the mentum not reaching the margin of the lobe, acts directly 50 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. upon the fissure, without impairing the action of the sucker or altering the position of its edge. These bands are dissolved by liquor potassse, they exhibit a dark outline ; do not swell up when treated with acetic acid and are elastic. They are developed from spindle-shaped nucleated cellsj which may be found in great numbers in the lobes of the proboscis of the immature fly. There is no better method of examining the proboscis, in order to obtain a general idea of its structure and functions, than by observing that of a living fly whilst in action. This may be conveniently done by enclosing the insect in a live-box, with a few spots of syrup on the thin glass cover, and illuminating it from above. This method was first suggested by the late Richard Beck. Another very good way of examining the entire organ, is to take a recently killed fly ; exsert the proboscis by pressing on the thorax, and tie its base to keep it distended. It may then be examined dry, or mounted in glycerine, in which it becomes a very beautiful object, when it has soaked in that medium a sufficient time to become transparent, especially if illuminated by a black spot lens, as recommended by Mr. Suffolk. This method is subject to the grave objection that specimens so obtained are unnaturally tumid, and assume an appearance quite unlike that natural to the organ. Sections of the proboscis made with a lancet, or the entire organ cut off and mounted in glycerine, are the most instructive specimens, and are the only means of making out the minute anatomy of the part. Those required to show the distribution of nerves should first be hardened in spirit, or chromic acid. Numerous recent sections should be examined as well as mounted specimens. Mr. Topping's well-known and beautiful preparation only exhibits the chitiiious parts, and the rneiitum is cut away in order that the lobes may lie flat : although most useful as a means of examining the structure of the false tracheal channels and the teeth, the relations of the parts are so altered by pressure, that some cannot be made out at all. All the hard parts may be seen in situ by treating the whole head, with the extended proboscis, in the manner already recommended fo* examining the integument of the head ; but it is very difficult THE SALIVARY GLANDS AND DUCTS. 51 to mount a perfect specimen, as the lobes of the proboscis usually collapse. Section III. The Salivary Glands and Ducts. PLATE III. /. PLATE IV. Figs. 1 and 6. The salivary glands consist of a pair of long convoluted tubes which lie one on either side of the chyle stomach in the thorax and extend into the abdomen, terminating near its apex in blind extremities. (They are shown in situ in Plate I, and in their relation to the alimentary canal in Plate IV, Fig. 1.) Each gland tube opens near the, posterior portion of the thorax into an elongated sac, which its convolutions closely surround. This sac is lined with delicate pavement epithelium, and terminates anteriorly in the duct. The salivary ducts converge and unite in the thorax just behind the cephalo-thoracic opening, forming the common salivary duct. This enters the head beneath the oesophagus, which it immediately leaves, and passes between the pharynx and membranous integument of the basal joint of the proboscis, finally opening on the upper surface of the tongue. The salivary glands of the larva consist of elongated sacs, lined with coarse pavement epithelium. I think there can be little doubt but that the sacs of the glands in the perfect insect are dependent for their formation on the salivary glands of the larva, the epithelial coat having alone under-gone change. Dr. Weismann asserts that he once found a fly in which he detected the larval salivary gland by the side of that of the imago. I can only understand his assertion by sup- posing the malformation in question was due to the salivary apparatus of the larva having been double in that specimen, only one of the glands having undergone the usual changes. I once found the sacs of the salivary glands of the adult fly lined with the same epithelium as the larval salivary gland, but only once. The tubular portion of the gland in the fly is tilled with gland cells ; and its external coat is covered with a plexus of tracheal vessels, (a por- tion is represented in Plate IV Fig. 6 ). The whole length of each tube if unwound would exceed two inches, or nearly four times the length E 2 52 OX THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. of the entire insect. The gland cells are 1- 1000th of an inch in diameter. The salivary ducts and common salivary duct are kept open by a spiral fibre, developed in their internal coat. The external coat is yellowish, thick, and thrown into rugrc, except when the ducts are stretched. The ducts are exceedingly elastic and exten- sile. Just above the labium the common duct changes its character, losing its spiral fibre and extensibility. It becomes perfectly transparent and dilates into a cavity somewhat resem- bling the human glottis. This is a most perfect valve ; for its superior* wall is elastic and pressed down at its anterior portion against the inferior wall, so entirely closing the duct at this point. A paii* of long slender muscles, arising at the posterior extremity of the pharynx, run beneath that organ, and are in- serted into the anterior part of this valve, opening it by their contraction. It will be easily understood that the sucker-like action of the lobes as well as the opening of the phaiyiigeal cavity, would tend to exhaust the mouth of ah', and so to cause a flow of salivary fluid into its cavity, which would continue as long as the proboscis remained in action, were it not for this valvular arrangement in the salivary duct. The opening and shutting of the valve is controlled by a ganglion placed in front of and beneath it. Nerves from this ganglion are distributed to the mouth, as well as to the long muscles which act upon the valve. Any dryness of the epithelial lining of the mouth, in which these nerves ramify, would un- doubtedly communicate an impression, and cause a reflex act by which the valve muscles would contract, and so cause a flow of saliva by opening the valve. * See note to page 41. These relations may be observed in Plate III but the lower portion of the plate, it must be remembered, represents the anterior extremity of the proboscis, and the left side its dorsal or upper surface. THE ALIMENTARY CANAL AND ITS APPENDAGES. 53 Section IV. The Alimentary Canal and its Appendages. PLJLTE IV. Figs 18. The o?>ophagus commences at the posterior extremity of the pharynx, and curving sharply backwards, pierces the cephalic ganglion and passes through the cephalo-thoracic opening, above the great nerve trunk, and beneath the dorsal vessel. As soon as it enters the thorax it divides into two branches of equal diameter. One passes upwards and immediately opens into the proventriculus ; the other runs the whole length of the thorax, beneath the chyle stomach, and passes into the abdomen under the intestine, above the great nerve, and between the salivary glands, to all of which it is closely bound by a plexus of tracheiil vessels, in the meshes of which the nerve cells of the great sympathetic ganglion lie. As soon as it enters the abdo- men it opens into the sucking stomach or crop. The oesophagus may be said to have four coats ; the most external of circular and the second of longitudinal muscular fibres ; the third con- sists of membrane insoluble in liquor potassse; and the fourth of pavement epithelium. The membranous coat exists throughout the whole alimentary canal, and bears the epithelial lining ; like the protoderm it is continuous, and insoluble in hot solutions of caustic potash. 1 have no doubt that a new layer is formed in the pupa on the exterior of the old, which is shed like the integument of the larva, but this has not been demonstrated; it differs from the protoderm in develop- ing epithelial cells upon its free surface, but I believe it is continuous with it. The sucking stomach consists of a pair of almost hemis- pherical sacs, united anteriorly in the mesial line ; it serves as a reservoir for the food when first taken. There is no organ homologous to this stomach in the larva, but it is developed from a bud which appears in the pupa on the under side of the oesophagus. The organ in the maggot which performs the same function is a large flask-shaped sac, which opens directly into the pharynx, and the oesophagus commences from the under side of its neck. The neck of this sac is not surrounded by the great ganglia, but is anterior to them ; and the sac is dorsal to all the other organs in the larva. When the maggot is feeding 54 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. it appears upon the back as a dark egg-shaped mass ; it shrivels gradually after the larva ceases to feed, and disappears entirely before the third day of the pupa state ; I shall call it the pharyngeal pouch. In the sucking stomach the external or muscular coat consists of interlacing muscular bands, which terminate in pointed, and often in DESCRIPTION OF PLATE IV. Fig. 1. The alimentary canal, as it appear after the insect has been fed on food mixed with cochineal. The oesophagus and crop are filled with fluid, coloured with the pigment. In the chyle stomach the food assumes a violet colour ; the salivary glands remain uncoloured and present a transparent blueish tint. The bile tubes are only partly shown, with their ducts filled with yellow bile pigment, and the rectal papilla are deeply stained with cochineal. X 12 diam. Fig. 2. A portion of one of the false tracheal channels of the pro- boscis ; the protoderm is torn away from the edge of the channel at its right extremity, to show the manner in which it is folded, x 500 diam. Fig. 3. A section through a portion of the surface of one of the lobes of the proboscis ; showing a false tracheal channel cut through trans- versely, and the folds of membrane between it and the next channel with one of the nipple-shaped papillae between them, x 500 diam. Fig. 4. Side view of the anterior extremity of the chyle stomach ; showing the proventriculus and the sacculated walls of the chyb stomach, x 36 diam. Fig. 5. Cylinder epithelium from the chyle stomach, x 250 diam. Fig. 6. A portion of the salivary glands, to show the ramification of the tracheal vessels and the disposition of the gland cells, x 250 diam Fig. 7. A portion of one of the Malphigian or liver tubes, x 250 diam. ^Fig. 8. The valve between the large intestine and reclnra. x 36 diam. Fig. 9. A vertical section of one of the rectal papillce or renal organs, x 60 diam. Mg. 10. Gland cells from the same, x 250 diam. Fig. 11. The apex of the same, x 250 diam. Fig. 12. A transverse section of the same, x 60 diam. THE ALIMENTARY CANAL AND ITS APPENDAGES. 55 branched extremities, This coat is thickest near the opening of the oesophagus, and the fibres of that portion of the organ which lie in the mesial line are mostly circular. Numerous nerve cells belonging to the sympathetic system are scattered over the external coat, and form a pair of large patches, near the entrance of the oesophagus. The cavity of the sucking stomach is lined with pavement epithelium, and frequently contains a beautiful mould, allied to Botrytis, which often causes the death of the insect by its rapid development. The proventriculus is a small globular cavity at the commence- ment of the chyle stomach ( Plate IV, Fig. 4,) ; it has thick glandular walls, and secretes the gastric fluid ; it opens directly into the chyle stomach, where absorption commences. The epithelium of the proventriculus consists of several layers of clear nucleated cells, those upon the surface being angular and closely adherent to each other ; the deeper layers are oval, and the most external float freely in fluid. They difier remark- ably from the epithelium of the chyle stomach, which consists of a single layer of conical cells. This is especially noticeable in the larva, where the epithelium of the chyle stomach is opaque with granular matter : whilst the gland structure of the proventricu- lus is perfectly transparent. The proventriculus of the larva is larger and more oval than that of the imago. The proventriculus may be said to consist of an intussusception of the oesophagus, the muscular coat disappearing in the middle of the organ, and the membranous coat being reflected back upon it and swelling out to make room for the thick glandular lining. It is again constricted at the commencement of the chyle stomach by a muscular sphincter. The tracheal vessels, which ramify in a close net work over the membranous coat, dip down into the interior with the oesophagus ; and then take a radiating direction. It has a larger supply of tracheas than any other part of the alimentary canal. The analogy between the functions of the crop proventriculus and chyle stomach, and the crop rennet and paunch of Ruminants is too obvious to need enlarging upon. But the resemblance of the digestive act in the two cases is even closer, for the fly frequently brings its food back into the mouth, probably for the purpose of mingling it with the saliva. I have repeatedly observed flies exude a large drop of fluid from the oral cleft 56 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE FLY. without exserting the proboscis, and gradually reimbibe it. As such a drop entirely surrounds the palpi, I think it not unlikely they are the organs of sensation concerned in this act, and per- haps the seat of the special sense of taste. In the larva the food passes directly from the pharyngeal pouch into the proventri- culus. The chyle stomach extends the whole length of the thorax ; it is divided by reticulations of circular and longitudinal bands of muscular fibres, between which the membranous coat bulges, so that its inner surface is covered with little square pits. It is lined with conical cylinder epithelium. It is much longer in the larva than in the perfect insect, and four ca)cal glands, about half its length, open into its anterior extremity. These disappear in the pupa,