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By George Walker, Esq. Ninth Edition, Elmo, cloth lettered, reduced to 2s 6d. BARBAULD'S (Mrs.) LEMONS POUR DES ENFANS, depuisl'age de Deux Ans jusqu'a Cinq. Avec une Interpretation Anglaise. New Edition. 18mo. cloth lettered. Price 2s. BIRDS AND ANIMALS. The Conversations of Little Henry and his Mother, &c. By E. E. Willement. With Cuts. Fcap. cloth, 2s. BOY (the) AND THE BIRDS. By Emily Taylor. With Sixteen fine Woodcuts, from Land- seer's Designs. lGmo. gilt edges. Price 2s. Gil. " A delightful book for children. The birds tell of their habits to a little in- quiring boy, v ho uoes peeping into their nests and watching their doings, and a very pleasant way they have of talking, sure to engage the young reader's atten- tion. The designs are pretty, and nicely cut on wood." — Spectator. CANADIAN CRUSOES ; a Tale of the Rice Lake Plains. By Mrs. Traill, (late Catharine Parr Strickland,) Authoress of "The Backwoods of Canada," &:c. In foolscap, with numerous Engravings. 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Mr. Harvey has con- tributed some excellent woodcuts, and the book is altogether a pretty and in- teresting one." — Guardian. © @ Arthur Hall, Virtue, & Co. 25, Paternosteu Row. *4> INSTRUCTIVE AND AMUSING CHEMISTRY NO MYSTERY ; being the Subject Matter of a Course of Lectures by Dr. Scoffem. Illustrated with Diagrams and Woodcuts. Second Edition revised and corrected, with Index, price 3*. 6d. cloth lettered. ' "A very agreeable account of some of the leading facts and principles of Chemistry, not only made plain to the meanest capacity, hut attractive, we should imagine, to the most idle youth, and amusing to all."— Spectator. " This work contains quite as much information as is requisite for any person who does not intend to make Chemistry a professional or hobbv-horsical pursuit The various information is conveyed in a clear and distinct manner, so that the dullest child can hardly fail to understand what it means. We recommend every father to purchase this work for his children, unless they happen to be particularly stupid. It does much credit to Mr. Scoffem, the author : it is very well printed and neatly bound."— Polytechnic Journal. COLA MONTI ; or, the Story of a Genius. A Tale for Bovs. By the Author of " How to Win Love." With Four Illustrations by Fraxklin. In foolscap 8vo. cloth. Price 3s. Gd. " No one possessing common sensibility can read this book without a thought- ful brow and a glistening eye."— Chamber* Edinburgh Journal " An exceedingly well-told tale, which will interest bovs of 'all age* * * * As a holiday companion few books would be more popular."- Englith Churchman. " A lively narrative of school-boy ad ventures™ ma keb7ysbeUe^ Mdadmirahiy " Wri " enV0 ' ,U,ne - " * * 5 ' i« adapted to •' A simple and pleasing story of school-hoy life."— John Bid!. DECOY (the); or, an Agreeable Method of Teaching Children the elementary Parts of English Grammar. Price 1*. sewed. 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Seldom have we read a- tale better adapted for its purpose, or mors beautifully told."— Monthly Review. 4- • i* 14 i t t I'lcwr V see anything so simply good as the little volume before us." — Metropolitan Magazine. STUDIES IN ENGLISH POETRY ; with short Biographical Sketches, and Notes explanatory and Critical, intended as a Text-Book for the higher Classes in Schools, and as an Introduction to the Study of English Litera- ture. By Joseph Payne. New Edition, enlarged. [Shortly. " The plan and the execution are equally good; altogether it is an excellent reading book of poetry." — Watchman, " The work is deservin ..f commendation, as comprehending much that is excellent — the very flowers and gems of English poetry— and nothing i xception- a'de." — Tail's Magazine. 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