M'-r i.lMS-fl^'i i J||||||K LIBRARY UNiVeWiTY OP OOJFOUHU A COMPKEHENSIYE DICTIONAEY, ENGLISH AND MARATHI. BY BABA PADMANJI. " If it be -wise for the rulers of a country to understand the language and appreciate the feelings of its people, it is important that they should have a similar knowledge of their rulers. It is only by such means that the two classes can live happily." — Speech of Sis Excellency Sir John {now Lord) Lawrence at the opening of the Vice-Regal Darbar at Lahore. N^U) IB Ir it ion. IMPEOVED AND ENLAKGED. OHOWKHAWBA 5wcrt ^Frrsr ^\m 3ra%. cT^ifq ^Nt ^^mr mN" irrorr '^r^^ ^w ^^rr^ ^fk^ ^jw^\^ ^rnw ^nl-, ^ mm %^ t^ 3pf ^nrsToyr ^t, ^^ ^r^ jri^ ^i^'j^iTt ^rf^ wp4 m^. b 3"o Bull, Countermarclij Deacon, Demurrage^ Elder, Father, Lord, Presbytery, Substitute ^o q\^, f%% ffi^^ 5755- q^ ^^v[ ^^j^r ^F'^ft ^q-ft ^T^f^ f^ ^f. 3-0 Fat, Election qffT ; q^ 3#r «?T|T TO ^tq^^fcT. ^fq-(# JT§i^^ ErrcT^ ^rd-, to ^^f ^' ^ ^i" ^r^ ( i^^\ m\ ). ^. frcT^^^ w^ ^^\^i ##q"Fr ^r^' crff fwq" Trfccfr ^\^\ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^?F^ PTS-R"^ 3Tf|^. TO Duty, Evidence, Cut, Age, Land, Milk, Name, ^Hw\R =Tfffcr. ^Efsr^nrr^f ^^cr ^qr ^r^f. 1 3T?q^q-?q f^^^ ^ f fl:^=r ^r^ ^ ^3Tr% *^^m\ m =rrcf. ^t^Tf-^rr ^rbff ^rt ?tcr nrsft ^orp t^ ^"^^ q[=^JTRWcR wr^TTcfr f^r ir^r, to ^qw^t ^Kr ^^ k^ =Tr^r, ^i'jts- ?5Fi^. ^g" Ri^RrFTra'r JTf^r ? qi%fr m^ A^s^ ^m mt( ^xr^ m^ ^^. "^ ^ m^ ^jto3t[ct ^f^ grsar %?fr ^. ^r'^ % ^ ^rnr^ ^ft^r, t ?^ ^rtr, iTftr ^5 ^rf=T ^^, % 3T#r, rqr^f ^Rr^ i^w^ ^m\ #r^. ^^r^r it%- fe" 3T[?'cr ^ ir ^?5T [-] ^ ?3&R #?^ ^ntcT. ^rr^ -f|^f J?TTpr CllfCUMlJENT, CliiCU3IAMiJULATK f^O I" tfj::^^ ^55" ^T^^ PREjuu(iK |- 5T5? m \^^m ^^ qr^cTTrr. ( ^ ) ^ ^ ^^^ «^r^ %^ cr^ ^raTH f ^?^ %oq ani" ^ jots?- ^rr m^r ^rrl- 'm ^^f# ; to Enamel ?T ^^T^cT 5j:g" "^ ^ ^ Fistula ?T fjl" ?niJH ^C. ( ^ ) ^ ^^\ " xii JT^rfT^^- v3^ ^ [*] 1^ ^ *^ #^^ f^r ^[JF^fFrr^^ ^rrlrf. ?^ ^m\^j^ t^t^t 5if^ :^^^\ ^qfErr ccT^ mWr ^^^ ^ ^k ^^ ^m ^ ^n"^ ^rt=^ r^m- ^Fff ^TRJcT ^ ^TftcT. ^ goTft ^ ,^^r ^f^H" f^-m ^^T^to^T f^f^I^ %^ 3TI?" ^ct qr^.. ( y ) #^^ =TRNt ^jn [>o ^^ 3ji|- q^ irt *rr rar^ms' ^ trr^^r *^^ ^^ ^. Ability, see under Able. Abject a. {-jacere, to throw) mean ^^, c^?;r, qrtr. -ion, qr^qpir, ar^TTCFrr. Abjure v. {-jurare, to swear) renounce upon oath ^jqsT ^r?"=f ^F^I^ : to a. alle- giance to a prince ; renounce with solem- nity f^-^xTR -Jifr^i^^rs^ -m^m ^:.: to a. errors. — i. ^q^T '^S^^'^^T^^R ^. —Abjuration ^q§Tl#^ ^^^m ; ft^^rqt^ Ablation ( -latio, a carrying ) f^^F^ot n, 3Tq€'"roT w, ^q^FT. — Ablative, Oram. Able* a. having ability of any kind Wi'A^ 5TlT^Tq['T : a man is a. to perform mili- tary service j skilful ^5T^ : she is a. to play on the piano ; competent ^f^^, Tf^^, 5T^ : an illegitimate son is not a. to take by inheritance ; to be a. -cTt ^^: he is a. to walk. As a termination ex- pressing ' admitting of,^ ' susceptible of,^ rendered in Sanskrit by the fu- ture pass. part. ; thus ' eatable' ^\^. -bodied, a. BTfqxjT ^^^Z, ^^^^Tll — Ability ^frK /, E\^^^ n; — of mind ^R# /; f ?[rc7crr /, qfiqcrr /.— Ably ad. %mm, lr^??TR, ^i^R^. Abluent a. {-luere, to wash) Rar^fg^fH, ^f "^tJ^ffl". — Ablution q"iT n: — of the body ^^FR n, m\^ f. Abnormal a. {-norma, rule) ^f^T^F ^fI"- Aboard* ad. JJ^r^cFF^, JF^^cFfcT: to go a. Abode, See under Abide. Abolish v. {-olere, to grow) make void TK ^., ^f^^ (laws, customs); destroy Pf^^'^ET-S^?" ^., =Ff€F^F ^.—Abolition JTF^, c?Fq ; ^^H n, m, 3-^^?. -ist ^^^ -itn ^tF?. Abominate v. {-omen, to deprecate as ominous) hate in the highest degree, as if Avith religious dread iT^FqF^ -t'^K' 3?f[cr tF^^ ^g- ^. -flJ JTF^oy: to a. all impiety. — Abominable a. ^F¥ ^TozFF^FfJTF, ^F%?^'^^. — Abomination, detestation THFqF^=F^W, FcF^-^FCF; the object of detestation S:qmq", 3TFcFl'q"qF^f^J /; that which causes pollution F^FSTr^ OFF?r Aborigines pi (L.) the first inhabitants of a country i^ XKm ^% ^ pli ABORTION ABRUM ^aS^^^f. — Aboriginal a. JJoJcrr, ^^^'^\ (tribes). Abortion {-oi-iru, to rise) act of miscarry- ing qiZ^ qi^ n, T^^ n, Tl^q^H n, Tl^^m- immature product of an un- timely birth 3TgoI^f5?r ST-Rco^f Ijif, jTrST; — of a beast JlflTTot n ; to procure 'vf ri V a. mz m^^ -\^^^ ; to suffer a. mZ QToj -T^l^f. — Abortive a. ^\^^\Kl^m- ^r^r (medicine); that does not suc- ceed f^in^, o^^J hlSf^^, tF^fl"cr : [an a. flower is one which falls without producing fruit] . Abound v.i, {-unda, a wave) be in great plenty ?:ar^55- -J^^S- -f^J^T i\^ -^^^ ; be very prevalent ^i^^- ^[of (Rom. v. 20). — Abundance f^^TcTf f, Tffjfr /, ^•JiicZrq^Tr. — Abundant a. -ly ad. T^^ioS", About* prep, around ^EflTr^cir, iTi^^F^^f : bind them a. thy neck ; near in place 31^, arr^qr^ (Numb. xvi. 24); near to, in time Sf^S", ^flTc (Matth. xxi. 3); near to, in action : on the point of ^mm, 3TJifr>cTm, cr^riffcr, in comp. t- ^g" (Acts xxvii. 30 ) ; near to the per- son ^nm, m€\, Sf^sr, ^g : is your snuff-box a. you ?; relating to arfcT, ^^^ (Luke ii. 49) ; in compass qxr^, ^RTr two yards a. the stem; on account of l^^^l : he did not say a word a. you near to in number ^^IC, '^^ffi*^^ (Ex xxxii. 28 ). — ad. circularly xj^r, f^T HRf; nearly a^JTre^, ^l^m, ^^^\^ in comp. ^T^ : a. a mile ^^ n;^ . here and there xTT^t, ^rST^fsT, f^^ FcT^^ (1 Tim. V. 13) ; circuitously ^"q"R, ^^] JTrR^q-q-3,^ . to go a. ^Rf^ ^^=FT^, 5$: qrroT; to bring a. cfff^-^I^Jf^ Above* prep. & ad. higher in place fT* ^^r, 3"qft ; more in quantity f^^fq", ^r, 3:qr; higher in rank i^RirS", %S" ; superior to STi'^T, ^[It (a. man's power, a. comprehension); too proud for 5^1*^^ ^X : this man is a. mean actions ?T ^^- %^^^ W,T^m H^K; in heaven ^r, ^[^r^icT, ^T^ft^fr. -board ad. [^"^qjR. -cited, -mentioned, -named, -said, a. ^^i -^T^^ ^iRcf^^jf, ^jirfiy ^^t: ^^f^' pi??, iH^w. Abrade v. {-radere, to scrape) =^rarf jq, qr^!J°T. — Abrasion q"^ n, Jlt^ n. Abreast* ad. side by side ?5r?ir^ ^f?T r^f- ^^ ^^, ^^R T^^ ^^ ^^^ : two men rode a.; opposite ^T^Tfr, ^'^^ : a ship a. of Malabar Point. Abridge y. (-6rem',short)shorten ^hT-^*^7 ^.; diminish ^f--^^ ^. (labour); cut off O"?^, #fS"ot,stcn:f#,3'^ff^: to a. one of his rights. — Abridgment ^^q^T n, ^2^qoT n; epitome ^R^ITC, cTl^qiflt^; Abroad* ad. at large ^\^^J, RJ^S^^ ; widely f^^cTFO^: a tree spreads its branches a.; beyond the bounds of a country "eT^TfcTfr, qr^^fcT ; out of the house ^r^flr ; beyond the limits of a camp 0"[^tifr=^r ■niZl'^^l g[|^ ; in the open air 3^?^rqfcT; before the public at large cf|[%^cT (Mark i. 45); to get a. ^Z^'^l rPT; a sojourner a. ^m^\. Abrogate v. ( -rogare, to ask) annul by an authoritative act 7X ^., ^f'^^ (laws, customs). Abrupt a. ( -rumpere, to break ) broken [by] r^^J], ^Z^^l ; steep ^^r ^I^c55T (rocks, precipices ); fig. sudden ^m\' ^T^^f, "^n^jftH^ ; an a. entrance %Jif^^- ABSCESS ABSTRACT tTl-^fTTr^aTfcT Sffoj n; unconnected ^J^F, ^^^^^ (style, address); an a. person ^^^Z ^^^^^ ; a. manners "^J^f ^f^F ^\^f. -LY ad. ar^^^rcT, ^^^r *??Tr- Abscess {-cedere, to go away) J^R m^- Abscond ■^;.^. {-condere, to lay up) secrete one's self ^^S^ -■^^^ T\t^, q^^Rf STq^T : Used esp. of persons who secrete them- selves to avoid a legal process ; hide Absence {-esse, to be) state of being absent ^r^|%ff /, qn^cTf /; want Sf- ^ToS" ^^"T n, Sfirrf : in the a, of law ; inattention to things present niFF^r/, W\\\k f, ^^rqrq'q'^r ; in the a. of qn^, ^6'crf, qr^JTm. — Absent a. not present'iIC^f R, qW, ^f^CfiTR; heedless arm^, ir^r^, ^f^W, irfs^rr: an a. man is uncivil to the company ; to be a. "^CR^ W^ [in, from]. — v. keep away =r q"^,^?:?:i#R ar^f^; withdraw ^^- f^^ STfcrr : he absented himself from the company. — [from] -ee JT^fr«ir ^TFT^. Absolve v. {-solvere, to loose) acquit of a crime \HmJ:\^ Zim^ ^f^RT^^T ^. ; free from a promise ^^ -ITT^ ^f^*^ — q^cT ^"T. — Absolute a. complete ^- "jot, ^f 5y, ^^^ \ positive ^trcT, r=T»?rrr (a declaration) ; unconditional [^ 3T' ^t^r, ^^cT^^ (a promise); despotic ^'^^r^ (a government) ; an a. prince ^RT?r, arf^^rsr ; nnhmited SfqjfR; self- existent ^fH'Tj^JTi^: God is a.; G^ram. a clause independent [^T^Trq^f [^^\^ ^^^^ (^Tfr-^RJT) ; Chem. pure f=r^r, 5T5" (alcohol), -ly acZ. ^Tllfr, ^#^:; Absolution, Civil Law, acquittal Pf^q- im Z<[^^ n, ^[^^^ /; Rom. Oath. Oh. a remission of sins pronounced in favor of one who makes due confes- sion qrqqr^^ n, qrqf^f ^^^\f -^^f. Absorb v. ( -sorhere, to suck in) 2[fR0T, ^{^ q^; engross wholly rfiT '\^^^ -^r ??.; in comp. -CR : he h absorbed in study, -ent a. 37rq"i, ^r^i^rn. — n Phy- siol, a vessel which imbibes, as the lac- teals ^^r^^ /,- Med. a substance used to absorb acidity in the stomach, as chalk %q"^ ^'T'^ n -^o^ n. — Absorp- tion TTtq-fff n, m^jm n ; — of mind f^qRcTf /. ^% /;— into the Deity RF^, %^^^ Abstain v. i. ( -tenere, to hold) srf^'T--H[r- ^1^ n?"^ , ^5[ ^. : to a. from luxuries. — Abstinence, forbearance from any action ^^ot n, ^\^i^JJ\, T^^Ul -, restraint of the passions fR"^ ^?f^R Jf^ n, tT^TJ- ]^qW ; fasting zq\B, F^^FCR. — Abste- mious a. {-temetum, wine ) sparing in diet ^cTRcTF^ tf "^rrn -i^'^Rr, riTcTfrrtr; devoted to abstinence ("i^cTlTfrif^r (day); sparingly used "^rTR ^^^ ^^"^^T^f (a diet) [in]. Abstract v. {-trahere, to draw ) ?r5^ ^iT; -operation of the mind iRicT ^IToST ^^ ; consider by itself (J-^rf f ^^^ T^ f H^t^ ^^\^ ^Vn^ ; reduce mT\^ ^f?^ ; pur- loin 7H=2Tr^??r m^\^^ =#^[^^ '^^ -. to a. goods from a parcel. — a. \^^q q^T^Tf qr^=F Rrrarr -J^r^^; an a. ideaar^f^ 3" ^^rr ^rfr ^F^q^r/; abstruse ^iTSTrJTr^ ^JR, ITS"; Gram, mf^^ (terms) .— n R- ^^, f^jfra"; in the a., without reference to particular persons or things ^*^*q"- ABSTRUSE ACCENT inventory q^RT f, '^Tff^^^r^^' ?^. -ion WK ^r3^ n ; absence of mind BT^^^^jf^T n, ^^(im n; separation from worldly objects ^