PR 4453 A A :^==- TT =^^=^ JD -n ' Z 7 1. 6 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES rt)ouofit0 antr ffttlimf^. Lately pitblithed, IN FOOLSCAP OCTAVO, PUKE SLVEN SlIILMNGS, THE CURSE OF CHATTERTON, AND ©tt)cr Poem^. BY ARTHUR BROOKE. Also, by the same Author, in Foolscap Octavo, 7>. POEMS, (1817.) Also, JUVENILE PIECES, (1816.) Sewed, iy. 6d. BARNARD AND FARLEY, Shinntr-Street, London, 8r!)ou0tt0 a«D iF IS IS HfiN^S^. FARI QUjE SENTIAT. Horat. BY ARTHUR BROOKE. r'!l!N TED FOR LONGMAN, HI KST, RF.E<, ORME, AND BKOWN, PAT^liSUSTEli-ROlV. 1820. DEDICATION. YE gentle few, whose liearfs, and lips, and eyes, With smiles, and kisses, and kind words have shed A sweetness o'er the lonely paths T tread ; Who know that in this outworn bosom lies A soul yet (piickening- with some sympathies, Thou;i;ii the first tire of earlier days is fled. And the proud heart which long' and vainly bled, Submits no more to Love's indig'nities : — Accept these lays: their sweeter, tenderer tone — Tf such lliere be — to you in sooth belongs ; And well I hope — and in that ho])e alone This wreath I weave — that e'en some wilder song"s ^) Inch move the worldHng^'s frown or cynic's sneer, To you and some like you may still be dear. 8^1886 i^r^fact. IN putting forth the present little Volume to the world, the Author is aware of the truth of the observation, that if a writer does not sur- pass himself at every successive publication, he is generally supposed to have failed, as, eveu if equally well written, there is no longer the stimulus of novelty for his st\le or opinions. This may more particularly be the case with regard to the following pages, which contain little or nothing of interest detaciied from their Author, but are mere transcripts of personal feelings and experience, which, — except in some splendid instances, — are apt to be con- siclered, and not unreasonably, as insipid and iintalled-t'or obtrusions on pul)lic notice. Yel, however bttle calculated sucli efi'usions may be thought for the general reader, the Author could but feel gratified on former occasions, and encouraged on the present, by the spon- taneous expre.ssions of synipath\ and aiJpro\al uhich ha\e reached him from cjuarters the most unexpected ; and to those individuals he beas now to ofier his acknowlediiments : — he claims no merit but that of sincerity, and from a few congenial or indulgent spirits he has already recei\ed his reward; — to others he is indifl'erent. Some points of olijection which have been uroed against his f jrmer productions may per- haps be anticipated fortius; but as those objec- tors would be the least likely to understand hi-; explanations or delence, the Author is content to pass them over in silence. Cantevbarij, Dtcemhcr, 1SIL». CONTENTS. Page SONNET. " Spirit of Song', whom sometimes 1 hi;ve wooed" 15 A Younsf Girl's Adlress to her Mother 17 Sonnet. " The sullen hue of this NOvenihcr sky," 25 Sonnet. " JMy i'oot fiills heavy on the Hero's breast" 27 To . "Jane! il" the '^low ol' a uioiiieiit could dart" 29 Stanzas. " How sweet to wanton with the trern- 1)1 i no- strings" 31 To . " If music's breath can <.iive a charm to words" 32 Soutitt. To an .Artist 3 5 10 CONTENTS. Pa^e To — — — . " Oil Fanny, ^^\\en tliy flulterinf»" l»ilse" 35 Sonnet. " Se\en \ tars ol'C'liihJhood's iiiicdiicern" 37 Stanzas. " 1 caie not wlitn tliis scene shall close" 38 Sonnet. " Alas! we talk but to tlie winds who speak"' 40 Stanzas. " How small a deed ofkindness" 42 To . " Sueet Aura, when niy spirits sink,' 45 To . " AVhen twilight dims the evening sky" 47 Contrast. " Tlie hill was in hriy-htness" 49 Twilight. '' Ho'.\ sweet hath been this darkling pause" 5(> Stanzas. " Old Ocean is a sacred thioL;" 52 Sonnet. ^\ ritten under a heautii'u! drawing of Jane Shore 54 Sonnet. To a very younn- Chi;d 56 Sonnet. Addressed to a Skeleton 57 France. A Sonnet 59 Sonnet. " Each one lialh his o\\ n world" 01 To Annette. " Swett La\isaiinoi>e i u ho wert to me" (''3 Soiuiet. " Still present to the soul, thouuh lost to sinht" (55 Adieu to the Tthone '•' Piuis. A Sonnet '•' CONTF.NTB. 11 Page To Ag-lae. " Where'er I roam, althoiig'h the niyht" 72 ] 111 prom p til 74 Snmiet. To ;i Star 75 Fragment. " It is a Itlessed joy to tloat'' 76 Sonnet. " Ah (rioiid! tliat is an uiit'orgotlen inent , 109 1819. POEMS, 1819. SONNET. Spirit of Song ! whom sometimes I have wooed PVom thy close haunt by Castaly's dark well, If thou didst ever lend thy sacred shell To cheer or soothe thy votary's solitude, Accord it now I and be its strings imbued Witli ail of Sorrow's sweetness, that the swell Of its deep notes may echo to the cell Where the heart sinks in its most desolate mood. B 2 16 POEMS. — 1819. There is a stony region in this breast, Hard, hot, and barren, and the freshening spring Of Feeling, half-forgotten, sleeps below ; Yet are there moments when the Aluse will bring Her quickening wand, and at the touch confessed Sudden the emerging waters grateful flow. POEMS.— 1819. 17 A YOUNG GIRL'S ADDRESS TO HER MOTHER. Nay, Mother, -why that frown ? Is it a crime that I have found a way To s^oothe a youthful poet's lonely hour, One who has seen and suffered much, and now. Shut out from all save three or two tried hearts Which never fail him, dwells in Solitude ? Oh had you seen, as I have done, the glow Of earlier years flush over his wan cheek POEMS. 1819. Ax my approach, and his most eloquent eyes, Which had been talking with the sacred tomes Of other tongues and ages, or with rapt Unearthly glance followed his thoughts to heaven;— Oh had you seen his cold and troubled lool: (Where to the keen observer was confessed, Through the forced calm of philosophic pride, That pain, and fear, and doubt, and hope, and dread, Were still the prisoned inmates of his heart) When it met mine, whate'er its present mood, Instantly change to such a cordial smile As if his soul leaped forth to bid me welcome ;--- Had yo\i seen this, Mother, you could not chide me. Then would he talk of Knowledge, and the lights Yet burning o'er the wreck of dim Antiquity, Like meteors o'er a grave, by which he traced The rise and fall of empires, and the ebb POEMS.— 1819. 19 And flow of intellect from clime to clime : Though melancholy "svas the inference He drew from his research; he said he wandered, And so in his belief did other men, Though they perceived it not, through the sad waste Of life in error or uncertainty, From birth to death without a hope or guide. And of the inexplicable mystery Which wraps our being, mournfully he spake. Of Interest, Pride, and Prejudice, and of The odious track in which men blindly plod, And their fierce folly in defending wrong, And of the dreams and lies which solemn fools And wilier tyrants forge to lead along The simple crowd, he told: and, somewhat moved, — Of Faith, that many-headed monster, which With blasphemous perversion has been fed From aire to a^e with human blood and tears I 20 POKMs.~1819. And then he told me that the Law of Love Alone should govern this uneasy world.— Then as in eager converse oft we drew Nearer together, he would gently bend My form to his, and with a smile and sigh Sink on my lips, — and oh! the subtile firu Which from that touch shot through my thrilling veins ! Oh, Mother, you are old, you do not know, Or have forgotten, haply never felt The transports which two mingling spirits feel. Who having long explored on painful wing The unimaginable depths of Thought, Find nothing to repose upon, but turn And realize one blessing e'en on earth. At times in this tumultuous tenderness My senses were o'erAvhelmed, then would he seiz^ His harp, and bending o'er its silvery strings, POEMS. — 1819. 21 Call back my spirits, and compose his own. Yes, it was thus whoii last we, and these, These were the strains he passionately sung. 1. Oh ! love, in the depth of those melting caresses, In which our tranced spirits deliriously swim, When I put hack, all trembling, thy dark-tiowing tresses, To gaze ua diose eyes so dis-olving and dim ; When I feel in my arms all thy young beauties glowing, When round me that form clinging fondly I see, I own, as 1 clasp thee with heart overflowing. That life vet hath left me one bles-^ing in thee! 22 POEMS.— 1819. 2. Then damp not my joys by that sigh self-reproving; The Virtue we serve shall be Nature and Truth ; And the misjudging world may condemn us for loving, Who deem but of Love as the folly of Youth. They know not that those in whose breasts it beats strongest, Have hearts to which wisdom its best lore hath given ; And that souls Avhere its fervors divine have burned longest Are those best prepared for the raptures of Heaven ! 1. Sweet friend! if e'er the slumbering string Of this neglected lyre shall waken, 'Twill be when from the struggling wing Of Feelinjr custom's chains are shaken. POEMS.— 1819. "23 2. "When thou, in thy unfettered youth, Shalt stand triumphant by my side, In love---in holinesri---in truth--- In all, save earthly forms, my bride. 3. When free as light thy soul shall soar, Above the gross world's groveling throng, And with extatic flight explore With me the heavenward source of song. 4. Till proudly gazing from that height Where Wisdom's springs pcreiuiial flow, We scorn the blind and envious spite Of the base crowd that crawls below 1 24 POEMS.— 1819, 5. Robed in the intellectual blaze, Gathered at Truth's empyreal throne, Like meteors o'er their blasted gaze On shall we pass---bright and alone! 6. Or pausing in our high employ To taste a dearer, tenderer bliss, What can our wishes frame of joy, That dwells not in our minelino; kiss? 7. And when our souls dissolving blend, And tranced in mutual raptures lie, If earthly ties must have an end. Then, then, beloved one ! we'll die. POEMS.— 1819. 25 SONNET. The sullen hue of this November sky Is dearer far to me than ail the blaze Of summer suns, that witii oiHcious gaze Seem to upbraid my unadmiring eye, That wanders o'er creation heavily, Without the smiling glance of silent praise For all the verdant wonders whicli their ray; Work on the world with annual alchemy. 26 POEMS.— 1819. For this condensing atmosphere can lend Strength to the flagging spirits' wearied wing, To soar in thought's high region, where we blend Our being Avith our minds' imagining, And in the blessedness of that new birth Mock at the meaner joys of this low earth. POEMS.— 1819. 27 SONNET. THE following lines were composed under feelings of strong indig- nation on visiting the spot wliere a detestable and barbarous outrage had been recently committed by the Laws of England, on the body of a patriotic and unfortunate Spaniard. (See the daily Papers, Dec. 1818,*) My foot falls lieavy on the Hero's breast, Who lies a. cold and mangled corse beneath; Unhonored and forgotten now the wreath Which bloomed victorious round his patriot crest * Tlie following extract from one of tliem may not be unacceptable; " The sliameful treatment of the Spanisli officer who killed himself the other day, was, we grievously suspect, an intended compliment to the understood opinions of government on these subjects. Tliis gentleman (Mariano Marqucz de Castro) was concerned in the noble conspiracy of Porlier, that is to say, in a conspiracy to procure the very constitu- tional freedom wliich the vile Ferdinand had promised him in common with all his preservers. He was imprisoned in consequence, and sub- sequently got to England, where, instead of finding his patriotic countrymen taken by the hand by those w-ho flattered and encouraged them to fight the French, lie saw them struggling against poverty. 28 FOKMs.— 1819. While battling for the Right. ---Should he thus rest Whose gallant spirit nobly sought in death A refuge from disgrace, and whose free breath Scorned the vile clay which Shame's dark bonds invest I Oh Thou that mockest at misfortune ! Thou That warrest with the dead I Oh may the blight Of lasting infamy upon thy brow, England 1 for this all biisteringly light! And when iliou fali'st, as soon thou must, then be Such mercy as thou shewedst, shewn to ihee. calurany. and hostility. It was a combination of tliese circumstances, and tlie yearnins; after his unfortunate country, \\1hc1i drove liini to put an end to iiis existence." '• C'rov,-d> followed the l.ody to the burial place, and on its arriving at its dejtination, it was exposed naked to the view of tiie public, wiio inimtdiately expressed a feelui:; of horror at the si^du. After the body hail lain in that condition for a short time, it wa-i thrown liradLon:; into the hole pripareil to re- ceive it. Jl'he/i it fell in, the noise caused a renewal of the exprt»- tion of public indignation: .'" POEMS. — 1819. 29 TO Jane ! if the glow of a moment could dart Its warmth to the core of a passionless heart, That hour which beheld our last wild-quivering kls3. Had perhaps been more deeply remembered in this. But no! through my breast tliough I felt the flame thrill. That shrouded heart's pulse lay unwakened and chill; As lightning-! in vain pour their beams round a rock Which secure in its coldness but smiles at the shock. 30 POEMS. — 1819. Ah! once beneath eyes of less lur.iinous ray My heart Avould liave n^elted in softness away, But when even tJnj glauees has"e dwelt tliere in vain, Oh I it never may hope those emotions again! POEMS,— 1819. 31 STANZAS. How sweet to wanton with the tremblincr strino;s Of Woman's heart, and wake their tenderest tone ; Or sway with influence high the quivering springs Of tears which wait on thy commands alone 1 And sweet when once the captive soul is freed Which pined whole ages in unpitied pain, To make the breasts for which thou bleddest, bleed, And pay them trebly back those pangs again! 32 POEMS.— 1819. TO WITH SOMt: rOEXRY OF TliE AUXIIOR'S SET TO MUSIC. If Music's lireath can give a charm to Avords, Which fiH'bly speak thy beauty's sot'teninc: spell, Oh! let some minstrel touch the impassioned chords. And tell lor me \vhat I may never tell. Then haply one soft trembling drop may dim Those eyes, and in that breast one answering thrill May Wake a pardoning, pitying sigh for him Wiio loved — alas! perhaps who loves thee still! POKMS.— 1S19, 33 SONNET. TO AN A U T r S T. Painter! whose curious hand could fix the hues Of the soul's lineaments, and thus chain down On thy charmed tablet the unconscious frown, Which pain and passion o'er the front diffase, Unlovely — though the meditative muse Perhaps not wholly may such look disown, Rut pitying spare from her own verdant crown One sheltering leaf fresh with Castalian dews'. — 31 POEMS.— 1819. Painter ! perhaps thine art had here once found Far other exercise I in earlier years Perhaps had traced a cheek all dimpling round With rosy smiles, an eye undinuued by tears Or studious vigils, and the joyous glow Which Thoughtlessness flings over Youtirs bright brow. POEMS.— 1819. 35 TO On Fanny ! when thy fluttering pulse Is throbbing to my hery kiss, And passions, wild and high, convulse Our mutual frames, ti'.l o'er the abyss We hang of agony or bliss I Tell me not fhen of holier ties Which round thy heart nuist ever twine, Since all that's dear beneath the skies Friendship — Affection — Love —combine To make thee for that minute mine! 36 poKMs.— 181{>. There is a claim I know — I feel — And mine must soon relinquished be, Yet once more with my lip I seal My momentary right to thee, With rapture's unfeigned fervency! And oh! when that embrace sliall liold thee, In which alone thou darest to rest, How close soe'er those arms enfold thee, Remember that thou once wert pressed As fondly to as fond a breast! 4 POEMS.— 1819. 37 SONNET. IBtli OCTOBER, 1817 Seven years of Childhood's imconcern---seven years Of Youth's quick varying sense of joy and pain — Seven added years of Manhood's opening reign — Have brought that heavy hour when hopes and fears Grov/ cold, and when the fountain of our tears, Whicii once, like dew drops o'er the parching plain, Watered the hearty will never flow again, Whate'er the weight the breast o'erburthened bears. The future now avails not, since no time Can e'er unteach this knowledge — that we stray Tiirougli life all helplessness, and bliiidly climb Froni Youth to Age, a dim and perilous way! Whicli d;irklii.'r ends (ho'.ve'er vain dreamers rave) In one wide gulph, inscrurable, — the Grave, c 38 POEMS.-^1819. STANZAS. I CARE not when this scene shall close, No terrors hath the grave for nie, This wearied frame may there repose, And leave the encumbered spirit free; Or should it rot in apathy, And moulder with its mortal clay,- Oh God ! 't were still a happy day Which ends this fearful agony ! POFMS.-1819. 39 Ilopoless on Earth, I turned to Heaven, Till lost in Glory's boundless light, All blind and l)lasted, downward driven, I Slink in clouds of tenfold night; And in the soul's perpetual blight I drag about this hateful chain; — Rut soon I shall not ask in vain From thee, O Death, the wretchod's right. 40 POEMS. — 1819. SONNET. Alas! we talk but to the winds, who ppeiik Of suffering to the world's uulhiukina; throng. They know not of what clay the child of song Is fashioned, on whose frame such feelings wreak Their torture, that the wilde>t words v/ere weak To give them utterance ; — passions deep and strong, Pangs nameless, numberless, to him belong, Though traced not always on his stoic cheek. POEMS. — 1819. 41 Ah fool', to think of sympathy from those Who^e unimaginative eyes alone Discorn life's vulgar and immediate woes ; Lo\e is too fond — Time will this truth disclose,-— That while we dream there will be two or one \\ ho feei with us---but wake— -and there are uoae. 4'2 POEM'!. 1 81 9. STANZA^^. 1. llow small a deed of kindne?s, when the heart is Slink in woe. Will swav the source of tears until their fountains overflow. In breasts that in the bittere>t hour of unrelieved distress Had scorned to let one burning drop the jKUiEfs thev bore fxiiress. POEMS. — 1819. 43 Oh', well the soul can meet the shock of wrong, neglect, and pain. Fenced in its icy panoply of undisguised disdain 3 The storm may rave — that heart is firm, which soon before one ray Of kindness from some gentle eye in softness melts away. 3. A spirit that can wrestle with and overcome the rude And angry tempests of the world, when in their wildest mood. Can feel the touch of tenderness with deeper, surer, thrill Than those who bend to every blast their weak and servile will. 44 POEMS. — 1819. 4. And oh! forgive, ye friendly few, if sometimes I have shewn The semblance of a mind and heart, al; 1 too unlike your own: Perhaps by woes you deemed not of my bosom then was wrung, And scorpion-like my own sad hea^t each iiarsher accent stung. POEMS,- 181 9. 46 TO 1. SwKET Aura! when my spirits sink Beneath the clouds of care and pain, 'Tis yet some solace when I think How soon I meet thy smile again. o^ WIsate'er tlie woes Avhich ilirough the day Pursue me with unceasing blight, Those griefs rdl melt in joy awav, When in those arms I sink at night I 3. And still my soul can almost be Content at morn and noon to grieve, While it may soring, unchecked and iVee, To meet and mix with thin:^ at eve. (.: 5 46 POEMS.— 1819. 4. And dread not thou the envious sneer Of such as would our loves condemn, Because they know, so pure, so dear A passion ne'er can throb for them. 5. They have not felt---they ne'er shall feel That bliss when hearts commingling blend, Which still the same through woe or weal, Love on unaltered to the end. 6. For such must be the mutual tide In which our lives shall flow for ever. Unless thyself the stream divide— - And can that be?— oh, no, love, never! POEMS. — 1819. 47 TO 1. When twilight dims the evening sky, And sparkling soft the stars appear, To Halia's grove again I fly, Where nightly I receive the sigh, And stay the trembling tear. And calm the throb so deeply felt When maidens first are taught to nielt. 48 POEMS. — 1819. 2. Beautiful are the changing hues Which mark the sun's departing hour : And lovely are the lucid dews Which in the sleeping flowers infuse Their fresh and fragrant power; But oh! more lo\ely, pure, and dear, The virgin's blush — the virgin's tear! 3. And think not, love, mv vows untrue, --- Although when many a maid before Her feebler spells around me threw, i\Iy vagrant heart escaping flew. And sought that maid no more; Oh no ! 'tis not for hearts like mine Ever to fly from eyes like thine! poKMs,— 1819. 49 CONTRAST. 1. The hill was in brightness — the valley below Grew dim as the shadows of evening came o'er; So mv heart still reflected her eye's sunny glow, Though the cold clouds of sorrow hung dark at its core. 2. And gaily the wild birds' sweet music ascended, Yet sadly the breeze sounded through the black pine; As lately the laugh of her glad spirit blended Its innocent mirth with the murmurs of mine! 3. As Nature's best beauties from contrast must borrow Their still-chan in swift decline,-— Thou, — smilest at decay ! 54 POEMS.- 1819. SONNET. WRniF.N" UNDER A EEALTIFUL DRAWING OF JANE SHORE. Ah gentle Shore! how oft I turn to gaze Upon thy mild and mehincholy cheek, So softly tinctured -witii the last faint streak Of Beauty's lingering l)loom: while through the haze Which sorrow sheds o'er th(> dim-burning blaze Of once-bright eyes, that smile, so sweetly weak, Falls o'er thy faded lips, pale, pure, and meek, Like evenini:; flowers beneath a star's cold rays. poKMs.— 1819. 55 fair and frail onel if thine earthly guise Were half so lovely as thy semblance here, And Man thy judge I---thou couldst have nought to fear Of sufferings such as fablers old devise, — That sad sweet tale which won our infant ear, Till we i;at.listening with down-streaming eves. 56 POEMS. -1819. SONNET. ■JO .\ VI.IIY YOU:>G CHILD. YouxG pricu from a stock in ivhicli my blood L-; i.o, rL.uou-'y blciided! happy thou If ever o.i v.iy vuKuriiorteci brov/ Tlh.-; iiak'von calm of Apathy could brood! Bui Avhen from its u^icon.-cious solitude Thy soul shall iosue forth, the peaceful ;low Of thy voting (h'y~, as passions gathering grow, jMay sweli at !a-t into the cataract flood Of irremediable Woe! — But ^viiy, Ah gentle Boy, this augury of ill! I envy not thy l^'e-sings: ye; ;i sigh Steals from my brea-t wliiie o"er tiiv siunibev bending. To thiiik mv sj'tirit may not l)e tbais still \\ hen I, \vhat thou art eiuering o;i. ana endinjr. POEMS.— 1819. 57 SONNET. iDlJicESSKIi TO A SKELtiOX iX n;. — - Last iiig-lit I saw— it m;iy be in a dream— - These v/itliered bones stalk to my couch and say, "VVithi such unearthly tone that as I lay Froze at my lier ": its life-sustaining stream:— - " Child Oi the dust', immersed in many a scheme or Fruitless care, know, thou but a day Ere cold obstruction stops tliv pulse's play, And Death must quench thy being's vital beam!" Speak yet again, thou griesly monitor, If an immortal sjnril e'er possessed This perishable frame, oh speak once more! Give but one sign — and I may guess the rest. Speak! move! — the dry bones mock my idle quest. Shewing my soul l)nt what it knew before. POEMS.— 1819. 59 drrii:if?» A SONNET. Is iioi this land a happy one ? which teems With all that eye could ask from side to side Oi' i'air and fruitful, quickening far and wide Beneath this genial sun's most living beams? — Such srevi^ her state — but is she vrhat .-he seems.' Or in her dark and torn heart does she hide, Wriiliing, the thunder-scars of blasted ])ride, Watchinir the hour which ^'ictorv's wreath redeem> Cl; I'OEMS. - 1 8j 9. O Nature 1 ^\]l\ for tiiat unresting thing- Thy proud and fierce ])0;-is(i.ssor, does tiiy womb Ail-bounteous thus its ceaseless trilnites bring, "While his rank breast by !'el! Ambition's sting Cankered decays, working ov/n .-ad doom, Folly liis aim---hi3 recompense a tomb! POEMS. — 1819. 61 SONNET. NVRllTEN IN A REMOTE VILLAGE ON Till". CONTINENT. Each one hath his own world: what are to me The dwellerri In this rude and desokite place; Or I to them, who ne'er could know one trace Of my existence, — ^joy or misery; — Is each self-centered? or in his degree Is each to each essential, and the race Of man diffused over the world's vast space, But one inseparable family? D 62 POEMS. — 1819. I know not; but my heart hath proudly thought At times when maddened by the trampling throng, That it could spare such fellowship, and sought How the deep woods and lonely vales among, Its once not loveless nature might be taught To lose those feelings which it nursed too long ! POEMS. — 1819. 63 TO ANNETTE . Ldunfinne. 1. SwKKT Lausaunoise! who wert to me A friend where other tricads werj not, Wliate'er thy future fate may be By one thou ne'er canst be forgot. Tiicre is a heart that long retains The eense of kindness shewn like tliine, Which asked for all its gentle pains But one requiting smile of mine. d2 64 POEMS. — 1819. 2, I deemed this breast was steeled to pain--- Yet could it not refuse a sigh To think I ne'er should meet again The language of that loving eye. May looks as kind and bright as those By thee to cheer a wanderer given, Shed o'er thy pure life's peaceful close Their light, and guide thee hence to licaven ! POEMS,— 1819. 65 SONNET. To Lake of Geneva. Still present to the soul, though lost to sight! Sweet friend, T thought as through the vallies fair Of smiling France I roamed, wert Thou but there, That prospect which around me bloomed so bright, Would then be, oh! more dear — more exquisite; And its gay capital with thee would wear A happier aspect still, for thou couldst share Joys which are lost upon a heart less light. 66 POEMS.— 1H19. But oh! the loveliness — the power — of this Surpassing spectacle to feel with theel From blue waves which the soft winds scarcely kiss To the far Alps in cloud-crowned majesty To gaze, and gaze, till lost in the abyss Of thought we sank in rapturous sympathy '. POEMS. — 1819. 67 ADIEU TO THE RHONE. 1. Adieu, adieu, thou glorious stream! Whose arrowy tide of azure glows Beneath the sun's ascending beam, While in its pride it foams and flows! Oh thus for ever may thy wave In life and joy and brightness shine, And b*e thy spirit blest which gave Some portion of its health to mine. 68 POEMS.— 1819. 2. Too soon, alas! my joys are gone, Whilst thine can never know decay: Still rolls thy strength increasing on, But mine must fail in one brief day! In Freedom with the boundless sea To mix will be thy happy doom. When this corrupted frame will be Consuming in a sunless tomb ! 3. Adieu ! adieu ! I ne'er may gaze, Swift Rhone, upon thy wave again; Yet in the dream of after days 'Twill flash across my mindful brain. The lake that forms thy peaceful bed — The far-seen Alps— thy fertile shore Which ne'er again my steps may tread, My visions may recall once more! POEMS.— 1819. -69 4. Farewell, farewell, I linger yet, Unwilling from these banks to fly; E'en Albion's cliifs will now be met By me with no rejoicing eye. Who would not be an exile here, Unshackled o'er such scenes to roam. When not a thought or hope that's dear Remain? to tempt the wanderer home! 70 POEMS.— 1819. ilarid. A SONNET. Where the red stream of massacre once ran, Now giddy thousands crowd in thoughtless haste; Weak hearts and vain ! imworthy of the waste Of sympathy their fathers sliared, when man First raised his voice for freedom, and began That strife on whicli the world's high hopes were placed. That strife whose close its glorious birth disgraced, And fixed on holiest cause the foulest ban I POEMS.— 1819. 71 And vet not wholly vain : that meteor bright AVhich should have grown into enduring day, Hath left a light which will not pass away: Tyrants have seen and trembled at the might Of banded brethren battling for the Right, And curse in silence their contracted sway. 72 POEMS. — 1819. TOAGLAE . 1. Where'er I roam! although the night Of care and pain hangs round me, The beam that falls from looks of light Through ev'ery scene hath fo\ind me; And though I know that splendid ray A meteor falsely guiding, This heart will yet be lured astray, Though still deceived, confiding. POEMS.— 1819. 73 2. When will my breast forget to feel Love's mingling pains and blisses? And lips no more delight to steal This dangerous dew from kisses? Oh, turn that ruby mouth from mine, Cling not to me so dearly, Alas ! thy soul can ill divine What mine feels so severely ! 3. Aglae I yet an hour — and then Our lingering lips must sever; And oh, my heart predicts that when We part, we part for ever. I see o'er my devoted brow Fate's stormiest clouds collected, But oh, as thus, be ever thou By Love's fond arms protected 1 74 POEMS.— 1819. IMPROMPTU. TO HARRIET AND MARY, WHILE TRAVELLING. As tender f^o^ver? o'ercharged with rain Bow their meek bells towards the plain, So fair girls when spirits creep, Their dissolving eves to steep In the balmy dews of sleep, Droop their graceful heads, and fall In sweet unconsciousness of all! But let these eyes securely close Their fringe in undisturbed repose, For while they lie in slumber bound, Love shall wake and watch around! POEMS.— 1819. 75 SONNET. TO A STAR. Fair Star ! that rearest thy resplendent crest High o'er thy fellows, I have marked thy beam On many waters; thou didst softly gleam Over Lake Leman's broad and peaceful breast, And sweetly did thy pure reflection rest On the blue Rhone, and gay Lutetia's stream Joyed in thy light, and the great Sea did seem Proud of die presence of its glittering guest. Thou on all these art shining now, and here As by the banks of Stour I lonely stray. And meet once more upon its bosom clear, As I so oft have met, thy radiant ray, I gaze — till all things round me disappear, And my soul flies o'er scenes far, far away I 76 POEMS.— 1819. FRAGMENT. It is a blessed joy to fioat Upon the wings of onr own mind, Unpilotcd to let our boat Drive carelessly before the wind: To every gust of thought resigned — All effortless perhaps to reach Knowledge which all the power combined Of studious lore could never teach. POEMS.— 1819. 77 Far o'er the future's misty track Now soaring with adventurous sail, Or to the past now gliding back Rapidly with the changing gale: Through many a scene of bliss and bale Like a pervading light to pass, To turn from lifting Fate's dim veil To gaze in Memory's magic glass ! 78 POEMS.— 1819. SONNET. Ah, friend! that is an unforgotten day, When ^vearied with long toil as we had been, Over Lake Leman's breast we sailed serene : Stretched in our quiet boat we silent lay From morn to noon, from noon till evening gray. So deeply gazing on that glorious scene That many a year must vainly intervene Er« from our souls that sight can ])ass away. POEMS.— 1819. 79 Night came — but not as yet we sought the shore; We saw the stars come from the blue profound — The distant Alps might be discerned no more — Dark Jura on the right the horizon bound Clotidlike — the waves were slumbering, till the oar Awoke them gently with its measured sound. 80 POEMS.— 1819. SONNET. The Avhirl of wheels, tlie Avaftage of a sail, In swift ])rogressioii over earth or sea May bear along this poor anatomy Of wretched bones; but little can avail The power of the hot steed or freshening gale To force the unwilling soul with them to flee, Whicli o'er the scenes it loves still wanders free, And scorns the prison of this fleshly pale. 'Tis not because this dark and narrow room Closes around me, that I see no more Jura's proud height or Leman's ])eacefal shore: No! the winged spirit can at will resume Its pride of place, and with untiring ])lume Over that lovely land delighted soar! roEMs. — 1819. 81 TO MADELINA. 1. And we have met once more on earth, And I have bade my spirit bow Again before tliat might of Worth Acknowledged long — developed now.-— 2. Not in proud Virtue's victory To which e'en Fate subdued must fall, But in that holier pride to be For Virtue's sake subdued to all ! 82 POEMS. — 1819. 3. I saw that pale and patient cheek, I saw — and 'twas some joy to see,— That aspect settled, strong, but meek, Triumphant in humility ! 4. I saw a glory round thy brows. That halo, radiant, pure, and real, Which Virtue sheds alone o'er those Whose steps have passed her stern ordeal 0. I heard thee as thy gathered breatli In mild submissive acceiUs broke, I saw thee calndy bend beneath Tliy yoke— not heavy — still a yoke. poE^fs. — 1819. 83 For thee too! Avho wert formed to soar Where vulgarer minds should sink or serve, Whose once-unbending spirit bore All ills, but to submit or swerve! 7. It should be well — the wise approve — And peace is in thy placid look: — Yet should I not from thee remove Whate'er myself could never brook? 8. Oh! why did not a light divine Illume my eager glance, when first It met thee, and delivering shine Like that which o'er the Apostle burst?* 84 POEMS. — 1819. 9. Before the warm dissolving touch Of Love should all thy fetters fall- Yet, no, thou hart excuse tiieir ap- pearance as he can ■ they may be intere-tiiii to tiie writer alone as records of his earlier feeliims. whicii have not since under- gone any material alteration, except, jieihaps, in their iuten- .ity,] APPENDIX. TO ON HER DEPARTURE FRO.M 1816. J- think tliat Time may soothe my woes, Aiul thy iemeiul)iance so deeay, Were l)i(ltliiig" Life's (hill hiisiness close, By tearing- Hope's last charm away. Yet still to love, but see thee blest. Perchance wiihout one thoii^iht on me, Or leaninji;' on souie worthless breast Which hardly deems u hat Love may be, Must liriiii;' with it a ke;'ner thrill, x\nd wrap me in a deeper i^'ooni, Than e'en that early sense oi' ill Which withered all my youthi'ul bloom. E 5 §4 APPENDIX. For long before this pang was know n, My sickening heart had inward curled, The spring, the zest of being ilovvn, It turned disgusted from the world ; To feel that love — the only thing Which life's dehcious morn endears, Conceals beneath the flowers a sting To poison all our futni e years : To see the tide of time flow by, With all the cares and joys of men, Yet meet with little worth a sigh, Aud nought to make me smile again, Till that benign, endearing tone In which thy mild reproofs were dressed. Those eyes that so consoling shone 8hed comfort o'er my lonely breast. I found that feeling was not dead, The clouds were clearing round my brow- When oh! with tiiee the hlessmg fled. And all is worse than tasttlesi now ! APPENDIX. 99 TO 1. I SEE the shailes ofliopeless ill O'er all the luture tlu-owii, But it shall he nry solace still To bear that bliu ht alone. 2. The spell that on my bosom lies Unseen, unshared, shall be, And since to thee T cannot rise, Thou shalt not sink to me ! 1816. 96 APPENDIX. Xlie following Lines were occasioned by a inidui<;ht walk in the country, after a conversation on that much disputed subject — whether tlie note of the Niahtiniiale is nierrv or sad. 1. The inoon lias sunk beneath yon liill — It is the midiiiglit hour ; And in the dark horizon still The storms ot'eveniiiff lour. 2. But there's a glowini^, g"enial g'ale Breathes richly o'er ihe j)lain, And s\Neetly in tlie distant vale jSiylit's chantress pours her strain. 3. Oh let none think her note is sad, For grief is Miin'^ alone; Earth — air — the whole creation's g'lad, 'Tis only his t-. yroan. 4. The meaner hrute a blessiny found, Tojo\s of sense conlined, On man the God of nature frowned, And cursed him with a mind. 1816. APPENDIX. 97 AN EXCUSE. All heedless of the cliilling- dews In yonder arl)()ur laid, Me listened to the lyric Muse Till evening's deepest shade. And who would not have lini^-ered lon- Amid tlie bloom of tlowers ! J816. 98 APPENDIX. SONG OF A SPIRIT IN PARADISE. 1. We live in a round of fresh delights Still chasing' each other away, For Beauty and Love ever hallow our nights, And Wisdom ennobles our day. Come hither, come hither, ye Children of Earth, And fly from that tmbulent sjdiere, All there you can fancy of bliss is not worth One moment of luvjtpiness here. 2. Daily we quaff of the River of Life, Which nuiNt here to eternity flow, And its \\ aters are Irec tioin the anguish and strife M hich embitter the ilraught below. We feed on the fruit of that blissful Tree Which ma J' not to man be given, The taste is destruction to him, but we Ever feast on the Knowledae of Heaven. APPENDIX. 90 TO MRS. Margate, 1816. 1. Amid this tray unthinking' throng One heavenly form I ott had seen, Who moved with tranquil grace aionif, Serene and sweet as Beauty's queen. 2 A liope then in my bosom grew, Which reason now would \ ainly quell ; And feeling's then my fond heart knew. Which now, alas ! 'twere vaiu to tell. 3. For I have marked how fond and fiee A hi(sban(Vii twining arm hath hound her, These eyes have seen distractedly The pledges of his love jday round her I 4. Silence must o'er my [)assion close, She may not hear — she dare not heed :— iMy lonely heart must hide its woes, Unknown must break — unpitied bleed. 100 APPKNDIX. IMPROMPTU REPLY, TO A LADY WHO wisnr.D Tin: Auriiou joy on ni- JBIIiTlI-DA Y. Ton the joy tliat you wished mc I can't but allow My tiianks to your kindness are due, Bui I'd rather, my love, you would an tiie hard to chide : — 102 APPENDIX. " AVliy, Anacrcon, vainly gay, Why tluis trifle li'e away, Tliou ulioiii the wise are wont to call The first and wisest of lliem all ? Ever in li^ht Inxurions measures Singinlit'st thine azure dye From the pure linctiire ot thf sky ! Ill Free(U)m's si^lit thou (!( arir gem Tiian the proiul despot's diadem ! t 2. 7 here nuis a tinse tlion shon'st from far In Virtm 's e:nise the l'(diir Star ; There was a lime when iiil liy thee Men dared to yrasp at Liberty ! APPENDIX. 107 ' .■■.. a 3. None know thee now : all ! where are they Who hailed thee in thy hetter day ? — Some in the cold grave mouldering- lie, And some live on in infamy. 4. Brig'ht stian^^er ! if thou canst not brook On fallen, faithless, hearts to look, From these deg^raded mansions fly, And mingle with thy native sky ! 108 APPFN'nix. INSANIRE JUVAT. To-MGUT, to-nijilit ue twine, boy^, A cliaiii ot'tlie brightest lioiirs ; Then brinii, tlien brini^ me wine, boys, And scatter these rosy flowers ! Not often hath ug'h even ^^hen tiie soul most joyous shews 'Tis not because no bitter thoughts intrude, But a will] mockery of pangs within, Like Agony's involuntary grin. III. I'll play the fool in freedom here, for well 1 know that those I write tn, oh ! ;he pity, That niv unMilliny Muse t!ie truth u)ust tell — They'll never understand me if I'm witty I Even Aldermen disdain to read or spell, ( \s scandal whispers throng li tiiis cursed city) ThouLfh last week 1 was told — I just remember. One means to learn by the l-ith of September. CANTERBURY RACES. 113 IV. But I hate i)olitics — no Tory T — Bawlinu; ibr King- ami Cliiirch — the Throne — the Ahar ; No |)lace-])ursuineu Had power to right the oppressed, or aid the free. To trample in the dust damned tyranny ! f3 114 CAXTERBfRT RACE- VT. Bnt tliese are themes too seiiniisj — let me see — Tliis is the week, in whicli our animal IJaces Are celebrated — though, what's that to me, AVho never shew my fVxe at such <:ay ])laees ; Blaek-le<^s on IJarliam Downs I neser see, Because not there belike, and if the (Jraees Dance in Saint iMar^aret's Street, I ne\er know it. Or, Heaven dei'end! — perhaps J shoiiltl turn poet. YII. Lo! what a precious tlock oi' fools and knaves, Wiiere ])leasure blows her })enny-trump, comes troo|)inlits; Is this his independence — this his pride; The pupj (t of a party — the p.oor tool Of a place-hunting gang ;' — " Oh i'ool, fool, fool !" CANTERBURY RACES. 119 VI. With lowering' look tlion came an ex M. P. Who liaviii';it an Ui>ly trick ot' leaving 01(1 tViemls for new, was forced too late to see His fiil'y I))' his fali ; there's no retrieving- A losit yood name; — yet soured as he may he, I don't j»erceive he's faUen away hy i:ri*^v'in'uised as Solomon : He's at " St. >S'.'e/>/(6;t'A'" still, and f don't see For iny part w here's the difference when all's done- 8 ive at his farm he has hetter company. And since he yields in elo<(uence to noae, Whene'er he woiild exert that racnilty, Instead of stupid Tories and vile VVhii^s, He may liarangue his plouo-htuen or his pig"s. 120 CANTERBUKV RACKS. VIII. Not much here of the ladies; they'il excuse 'I'll' om'ssion, prohaljly tlie less the l)ett.^r; I knew no (jood oi'them, and thouiih t'le 3Iiise W o'.ilii tueniv times lia»e lashed iliem, iiad 1 let her, I tliought 't would he im^ratilui to abuse 'i lio^e pretty play-tliinys, in whise flowery fetter Ahhoui>h 1 sig'h no longer, y'* t at times Tliey serve to till up leisure hours or rhymes. IX. And now adieu, my slender cfray-pfoose quill I Thou<4h to the very stump tliou'rt worn away, Let ioliv and my foes remember still W ii have another, which no distant day IMav temj)ton them to exercise its skill; — And for my very courteous reaect no praise. THE END. b\;;nahu vd kaklky, akiuner Utrtct, LoJiUyn, This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ';3T0-| RAND INC. 2C 213 1,533 r^':Lr lONAL LIBRARY FACILITY PR. Cla; r3.s - iItU53 'thoughts and 076 175 9 iC62t feelinc^s PR hhS3 C62t