JOHN HENRY NASH LIBRARY <> SAN FRANCISCO PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ROBERT GORDON SPROUL, PRESIDENT. MR.ANDMR5.MILTON S.RAY CECILY, VIRGINIAANDROSALYN RAY AND THE RAY OIL BURNERODMPANY s 6 s^ 7 /?x/r Clje History of liber anb ritten in f tenc^ fn 1511, tmnjifateD into German b? ^il^elm JLielr in 1521, anti not Done into (Engli^ ty William leig^ton anii 1903. 1903 bj> ^ouffbton, ^Rtdin anti Company. 31U ngbtfi rcecrticti. preface ^tee Ijundred and eigtyt?liber and artljur ' and ' valentine and flDr^en'; t^e latter a ter? tell finotun tale txrtjic^ ^a0 often been printed in (Englfel) form; but ^liter and art^ur' ^aj3 not been made familiar to u# b^ being 00 put before u# in (Ctogif $$ dre^ 9|t i^ ^otoeter, in tt0 jstort aufte entertaining, altljougi) it ^a0 of course feto of t^e c^aracterdsticjs of modern romance; and t^at it en/o^ed jsome popularity in it0 olden da? ig ^oton b? tlje fact t^at another edition tnag printed at franfefurt in 1568, a ^and? little boofi for reading^muc^ smaller t^an t^e original ponder oujs tolume 3 but algo embelli^ed toit^ man? toood cut& to^ic^ are 3 ^otDeter, different in degfgng from t^o^e in t^e edition of 1521* 4LCo a reader in our da? t^ijg gtor? ^a^ a peculiar c^arm in iW delightful contract tof t^ our ttoentiet^ centur? nofcel; but bejiidejs t^i^ interest, it claims attention as a tariant of tlje $tor? translated from old tfrencJ) romance b? William jEorri& and printed b? ^im at ^is ^elmscott ^ress under t^e name of ( C^e jfriends^ip of amis and amile/ Jljot tljat t^is is t^e same tale; on t^e contrar?, t^e names* characters, scenes, and incidents generall?,areabsolutel?dtfferent;butitcontainscertainpoints of resemblance : first, ttye likeness in person and exceeding friendship of its ttoo principal personages ; second, t^e sacrifice by one of ti&ese of Ijis ftoo infant children for flje cure of Ijis friend, and tlje miraculous restoration to ^ealtlj of t^e slain babes; tljird, tlje personation of ^er ^usband by one friend to t^e toife of t^e ot^er* ^e second and ttyrd points represent Su$ remarkable incidents as to mafee ft quite certain t^at tljese ^ad a common source* C^tyet^er t^e story tttyic^ Liely trans* lated out of f renc^ into German tas an earlier or later toorfc ti&an t^e tale containing t^e same incidents (Englished b^ &il* liam jkorris in ^is ( friendship of amis and amile* is not fcnotmt to t^e present translators; but ftiety'S stort is muc^ longer^more elaborated and ftlledtwit^ local coloring t^an t^at translated b? t^e sfiilful pen of t^efamous nglis^ poet C.^e ^ate been unable to learn of ant ot^er editions t^an t^e ttoo before mentioned; and of t^ese ter^ feto examples noto etfst, t^e boofi gating probably been so mucl) read as to Ijafce used up all t^e copies; for toe ^abe found no others for sale t^an t^e little tolume t^ic^ toe chanced upon in t^e 'antiquit? ^op' in Lucerne of jttr. 31* I3ossard ; but t^ere are ttoo copies in tlje great Rational library at jftuniclj, ber^ feindlt loaned to us for comparison; one t^e counterpart of our little f ranfefurt edi* tion 3 and t^e ot^er a quarto edition printed at I3asel in 152 1. C.3]f t#s (0nglis^ translation requires an apology for faults t^at ^abe come from lacfc of experience in suc^ toorfe, let it be found in tye statement t^at it toas undertaken in order to fill up tye fcacant ^ours of a tointer season at Lucerne,, trtjen many rainy, foggy, and inclement days presented out-of-door occupa^ tions and amusements, and to^en t^e Writing out of German into nglis^ of ti&fs little boofe filled tery agreeably t^e ^ours t^at toould ot^ertoise ^abe been tedious and Ijeafoy, C3n t^e in^ troduction to ^)ld frenc^ Romances/ a republication of Wil- liam aporris'S translations, it is Stated tljat f ?^r* Hoffman, trtfjo Ijas edited fye earliest tfrendj terse account of tye Legend, enumerates nearly thirty otyer Versions of it in almost all tlje tongue^ of Western and jgortyem (Europe, not to mention tari* ous tersions tD^ic^ ^afce crept into Different collections of tye Lifces of tye ^>aint^' tLC^fe at least protes t^e interest anu popularity of t^e inciDents to^ic^ occur in allt^ese forms* ' ter anti art^ur ' tyas also charms for t^e mofcem reader quaint anti simple p^raseologt tit^ tw^ic^ t^e tale is toin 3 a quaintness ttf&ic^ mat be tiue either to t^e f renc^ narrator or to tlje Bernese translator* CJt is Uelig^tful^ too 3 to finfc ^ere t^e total tiisregarD of Distort tc^ic^ t^e tale e^ibits^ ann to feel t^at t^e stort is not subject to ant limitations toijatefcer; to /ournet tit^ t^e characters into lan&s txj^ic^^ t^oug^ bear^ ing fye names of (England 91relanD 5 Castile, &c., are not t^e (England 9!relant>, or Castile t^at toe fenoto of, but fable4antis lacrtjere suc^ a stort as t^is is possible* &t are not s^ocfeeti or eten surprised at finding lions and dragons in 3I*eland; but Suc^ is t^e necromancy of an antique time cast oter us bt tyis olden stort^teller t^at tue accept most c^eerfullt t^e lions and tl)e dragons tofti) t^e ot^er marvels of tlje boo& . 0& & ^ 1L i)e gtotss Cranslator's: preface ^e great master of jijature, artstotle, sats fn t^e beginning of ty$ jttetapljtsics, tyat fl&ere is implanted in ti&e nature of all men a Desire to fenoto* afeiour, 3Iesus Christ C.a sertant at t^is time of mt gracious master of I3em in tyis merchant ^ouse, tD^ere others helped anD none Cindered me, 31 ftate demoted m^ atten^ tion to t^is ^istor^ and tyate Ventured tt)it^ t^e ^elp of <0od to translate it from its foreign tongue into our German, in t^e ^ope t^at it mat ^ing to man? into latyose ^ands it mat come t^e entertainment of refreshing fenotoledge* C.ait^oug^ 91 am not so toell instructed in t^e f renc^ language as one should be tfto toould translate sucty a toorfi as 31 ^ate undertaken, still 31 ^ate demoted to it all possible diligence, trtjiclj must excuse tne, 31 ^ope, tcit^ ant reasonable person, txtyo mat t^infe t^at 31 tyabe been too brief, not sufficient^ clear, or ot^ertoise unsat* isfactort in mt translation* Cait^oug^ 31 $&>* btm careful ti&at t^e substance and true meaning of tye Distort Should not be lost or in ant toat changed, still 31 Ijafce wot altats placed t^e matter according to t^e order in tlje frenc^ boofe; but^ate arranged chapters and matter in txtyat seemed to me t^e most Sensible toat* C.ait^oug^ 31 beliefce, for mant reasons t^at tioould require too muc^ time in relation, t^at tijis Distort con^ tains a great deal of trufy, tet 31 cannot dent tyat something of fiction is also mingled toit^ it; but in regard to t^is Suc^ writing must rest on its oton merits; and t^us 31 toill anstoer an? one tityo casts up against me tlje taring of bt $aul to t^e ?oung Cimoty?., tljat in t^ese later times men forsake t^e trutlj to turn t^etr minus totoaru fiction anD fable* C3t is not m? opinion t^at tljose boofes from t^ic^ tioe ma? learn fcirtue anU Christian life should ie re/ecte^ anD tyat toe should Ue^ote ourselves alone to Distort anD fable ; but tljat \m s^oulD reaD Seriously choosing t^ose toorfes tD^ic^ tenD to t^e sours sal* fcation anD t^e avoiding of ettl communications ; and t^at toe ma? finD relief from Dulness anD melan^ ma? from time to time surrenDer our minDS to suc^ strange histories as t^is* CJbo ma? d5oD be gracious anD merci^ ful to us all amen* liber ana artfwr Chapter u eatt> of |)i* 0ueen, ana Iji* marriage to tfce of tlje Deatfc of tlje flfrnperor Charles! tl)c areat, toljo rulet) ofcer ^France, ant) con* qurrcu tl)c people of to Christianity, tljcre toag a ntos^t piousi king in tljf feingDom of Castile, to^o leD 00 gooDl^alifetljatlie UjasbclotirDbv all Ijis princes anD nobler C^ljis king l)aD no Ijeir to Ijis: tljrone, a Datl) 1 to 6oD, tljc illmigl) tv, tljat I)f UiottlO grant tljcnt a ruler t born of tins pious king, tuljo sljoulD surer cO to tl)c throne after rjis fattjr r'5 Dratl)* C.Slje king I)ad a ber^ Hetiout anO beautiful luife, Uaug^ ter of tt)e king of aalieia* ^l)c, als"o, pra^eo to <0oD tJjat 0l)c migljt become fruitful, anD tliat her son migljt rule otier tlje kingDom tuljm Ijcr tjusbantj anu sije Ijati pasfsfeD from tl)is life. C,aoO , tlje 01^ mig^t^t liflfteneo to tljeir pra^ew, and granted tljeman^eir ; ana, tofcenfcer time tame, t^e queen bore a beautiful son, to threat tljeking anD all Ijis people toere Delighted, anu praise D ($00. But gorroto goon folio tu eD tljis m ; for tt)e queen l)atj a confinement 00 griei)ou0 tljat stye lifaeD not more tljan ttoo Ijouw thereafter ; ID t) er ef or e 1 1) e king toad in great grief, for tljis king anu queen lobeo one another ber^ Dearly C.31U tlje nobles: anD tlje peo^ pie, ujften tljei 1 IjearD of tl)e queen's' Deatl) , 0^aret) in t^e grief of t^jeir king* 0fter muct) toeeping ano mourning tlje queen toag borne to Ijer burial b^ alltlie knigljt* Ijootj of tl)e realm ; ant> tlie eljtlD toas 1 baptises, ano named fitter, anti teas so noble in appearance that t lie king ant) his Ijouselioltj toere eonsolea toljen tljev lookeD on l)hn. C.But tlje king toanoereD about tije palace, ant) toad Uerv sao ; for tfcere toas no one to gibe tym anp com* tort but Ijis young son, urtjom, at times, took in Ins arms, ant) kisseD, anD saiD : C." mp son, tfcp birtl), totjict) toa* a great fop to me, tjas also cause me great grief for fcer totjom tljou anD 31 babe lost ! >till, 31 prap to aimigtitp 6oD, tliat l)f toill be gracious to Ijer soul, anD take it to Oimself in l)is kingDom; anD tljat l}f mill gibe tljee grace tljat 31 map libe to enfop mucfc ijonor tljrougf) tijee; anD map eDucate tljee in J?is serbice*" C,^nD Ije mourneD continually for ty$ belobeD toife, Wsp nobler, ob^erbing tlje great lamentation maDe bp t^je feing, anD tljat ^e |jaD no fop, meDitateD Ijoio t^ep coulD bring tym out of ^itf mteerp, anD betljougljt t^em? srltirs tljat lie toas still a poung man, anD migljt pet come to ^abe ot^er lob# ing tie* to life if lie toofe a noble luife, tuljo UioulD comfort Ijim. (Tl)i0 aDbice toas; not gpofeen brljino l)is back, but liisf frienDsf counsfelleD ^im thereto Dailp* C.^nD, after a tofcile, ^e accepteD tjje aDbice of Ijis; frienDsf, princes:, anD no* ble$, to tafee a iuife, if a laDp coulD be founD tul)o plrasrti Ijim, anD ta0 0uit^ able to Ijia; Ijig^ station, CLtElje king of aiprDia toasf netolp DeaD, anD liifif toad a* beautiful a tooman a* pou mig^it anpto^ere finD* Wqa queen ^aD, bp tier Decea0eD lorD anD king, a poung 0on, calleD ^Irtljur, of tljf sfame age as ^liticr. C,Cl)e king of Castile, bearing of tlje great beautp of t^e queen of Blgartiia, appointeD an honorable em# ba^sp to go to tljekingDom of 0lgartia, anD ash for Ijim tl;e queen in marriage* C,^CU)en tl)is emba00p came to trje citp Uoljere tlje queen Dtuelt, longings uiere giuen ttjem, anD ttiep toere Ijonorablp receibeD bp tl)e princes anD nobles ; anD soon t^ep toere sent for, to appear be? fore tlje queen anD l;er council* Cc t^ep arribeD at ber court t^ep DiD age to tlje queen ; anD, after tljis 1 , am nounceD tljat t^ep bore a message icljict) t^ep ujottlD glaDlp make knoum to tlje queen, or to &er council* Wq& t^ep Uierepennitteo to Do* e king* 0nD lutjen tfiep fcaD jjeiiijereD tljeir menage tliep returneD to t^eir loDgingsf, anD manp princes anD nobles toent tuitlj tljent, to Do t^em Ijonor bp attenDance* C.^oto uiljen tlje queen's prince* anD noble; men, tlje Ijigljest in tlje kingDom, luere assentbleu about tier, slje saio to tljem : L U ^ou babe Ijearo tlje proposal* toljicl) t|ie king of Castile ^a* *ent to me bp an honorable embassp, toljo babe coin? municateD l)is message to pou* ing t^i*, 31 Desire pou to ^olD council together, anD DeciDe luljat pou tijinfe best sljoulD be Done therein* 31 ujill Do nootiiertoise tljanaccorDing to pour toil! anD pleasure;anD tljecounsfeHubicb pou gibe 31 toill folloto*"C.^nD to^en s^e l;ad spoken, sl;e took leabe of tljem, anD XXX toitltfreto to ^er cbamber, lofting Client together, to consiDcr toljat sfcoulD be Done* C.tyer counsellors toere of one minD, tyat it plcaseD tljem toell tljat a marriage stjoulD be maoe bettoeen tijrir queen anD tlje king of Castile* Mljere* upon tljey tor nt to tlje queen, anD ntaDe knoton to tier toljat tyey DeemeD best : Ijoto tyey tljougljt tljat tlje marriage tooulD be to Ijer aDtjantage anD Ijonor, anD to tljat of tlje kingDom. Cljey tolD tier tljat slje coulD not ally Ijerself to a more powerful, or more birtuous, ruler tyan tlje king of Castile ; anD moreover tyere toas ty is eonsiDeration : toljile slje migljt bear a cljtlfc toljo sljottlD rule in Castile, slje noto IjaD a young prince, toljo coulD not, for many years, reign in #lgarbta ; but, stioulD slje marry tlje Castilian bing, t^e ttoo feingDoms be^ mg not far apart, Ijrr country migljt be toarDeD by Ijcr IjusbanD until Ijrr son, prince 0rtljur, came of age to rule* tEfcis tljey DeemeD important ; anD therefore t^ey concluDeD tljat t^e queen slioulD accept t^e offer of tlje embassy* C.tE^e queen ansiuereD : ** 31 babe ak reaDy saiD to you, anD 31 say it again, tljat 31 toill conform to your ferill, anD Do as you aDbise: therefore, gibe to tljc king's ambassaDors an anstoer ac^ corDing to your Decision*" $>ljetbankeD tljc princes, anD toitbDreto, Ijatjing djo< sen, from among tljcm, four or fibe of tlje biggest noblemen, to gibe Ijer am stoer to tlje ambassaDors* C.Cben tl)c princes, so chosen, toent to t^e Ijouse tuljrrc tlje ambassaDors toere loDgeD, anD announceD to tyem tljat t^e queen consenteD to tljc marriage askeD for by t|je king of Castile ; anD also tljat tljey ferity |jer toere obeDient anD submis* site to tym, as tfcey tyoug^t t^at tye marriage toas fitting anD suitable on botfc siDes* Cljerefore tlje ambassaDors migljt return Ijome, anD say to ttjeir master, tyat tlje queen, if sucfc ioas bis toil!, tooulD come to bim; but, if it comporteD toittj Ijis Dignity anD ty& tuisljes, it toas tljetr opinion tyat it iooulD be more honorable anD seemly tyat be sljoulD come to 0lgarbia, tljat tye marriage ceremonies migljt be in tye queen's oton country, ConsiDer^ ing, also, fjoio boty kingDoms IjaD so recently passeD tljrouglj great grief for tyeir rulers, tyey IjelD it best to Ijate notu no great splenDor in tye toeDDing, nebertljeless tyey commenDeD tbis mat^ ter to tye ioill of tbe king* C.3l)e am^ bassaDors tljankeD tlje queen anD Ijer aD^ bisers most Ijeartily, anD saiD t^at tyey tooulo take tye gracious anstocr, toljtc^ baD been giUen tyem, to their lorD anD king, totjo tooulD greatly refoice thereat, 0lso, at tye queen's request, tyey foere again brought before ljrc anD being most graciously receibeD, took respect ful leabe of Ijer, Ijer laDies anD maiDens, anD of tye noblemen of ber court* Carly on tye niorroto tyey DeparteD ; but be# fore tyey roDe out of tye city tye queen sent to tyem rid) anD Ijonorable pre^ sents, to repay tljem for tyeir courtesy anD trouble* C.tEbe tale tells not of tye Details of tyeir route anD Daily tourney ; but, in a brief time, tyey came to tye feingDom in Castile anD tlje city toljere tye king, at tyat time, aboDe* jo sooner baD tyey come tyere tyan tyey inent at once to tye king in tjis palace, toljo IjaD bearD of tyeir arribal anD atoaiteD tljem. tCltjen tyey Ijao maDe tyeir obeisance to tlje king, tyey proceeDeD to relate all tljat Ijatj orrnrrrti in 0lgarbia, ant) Ijoto tljep IjaD fulfilleD tljeir mission to tlje queen, t^lje feing toas ljtgl)l pleased toitlj tlje anstoer, and Declared at once tljat Ije toould go to 0lgart)ia as soon as fit preparation eoulo be made, eer? tainly not later tljan tlje tljiiD or tlje fourtij meek, tljat tlje marriage should be in #lgarbia, from tofcence be toould bring tlje queen l)omc to Castile, Cj&o tlje equipments toent on as speedily as possible, ant), bv tlje appointed time, tlje king tuas able to announce to tlje queen t|je arribal of bimself and tlje toed? Ding company of Ijis nobles in Ijer kin g? dom, CCUjfrrttpon, toitt) I)rr princes, bnigljts, anD maidens, tlje queen of 0I# garbia rode out to meet ^er guest and bridegroom, and received ^im and luitl) due Ijonor. Der lords and pie also met tlje king of Castile tottl) all Ijonor, and acknotoledged Ijim gladly as tljeir lord* g>o t^ey rode together into Ijer city* C.0t tlje palace tfce feing ioas conducted to a chamber, tljat Ije migljt array tynwtlt in garments t^at ty Ijad brought, garments befitting ^is dig* nity as a feing, and also tlje tiappy oc? casion of a royal ujedding* Suitable lodging and attendance toere also gitoen to tlje Castilian nobles iiiijo accompa? nied tlje feing* CL>oon after t^e arrival of tlje royal party, tljey toere all brought to a grand banquet toljidj bad been pre? pared, to^ere t^ey toere most honorably and hospitably served* #fter t^e ban# quet t^ey retired early to rest from tfce fatigue of tfce fourney* CJIn tlje morn^ ing t^ere toas a great assembling at tfce court, from to^ence t^e queen toas brought to t^je efcurcfc, to^ere t^e maD riage took place* Mlljen tlje service toas ended all t^e princes and nobles, of botfc countries, attended tlje feing and queen in tfceir return to tlje palace, tobere again tfcere toas banqueting and muelj nup* tial rejoicing* j?or a full montb festite ities, feasting, and refoicing toere con# tinued at t|je court of #lgarbia, toljere all toere greatly pleased toitlj t^eir feing* C.tEb* young prince, 0rt^ur, toas toery feindly considered by Ijis lord and tatljer, to^o toas greatly strucb by tlje toon* derful resemblance of tlje ttoo young princes* Qfyev toere of ttye same age, erectly equal in b^igljt and si?e, and so mud) alike in features tljat tlje nobles toljo accompanied tlje feing toere filled tintlj amazement at suclj extraordinary lifeeness* QWtytn tlje montl) of festifc ity toas ended, and tlje feing tjad appoint? ed a trusty knight to tlje government of aigarbia, Ije departed luitlj bis neto queen, Ijer son, and Ijis Castilian no^ bles, and by easy fourneys returned to Castile, toljere tlje queen toas received toitb tlje greatest ijonors and intielj re? foicing by tbe nobility and people of tljat country* QWfym t^jey came to suitable age, (Dlitoer and 0rtljur toere placed in tbe care of a noble and accomplished fenigbt, tbat tbey migfct be educated in all things necessary for tlje conduct of princes; and #rtbur bad no less con? sideration tljan tlje ijeir to Castile; for no difference to^ateber toas made be? ttoeen tljem* ^Indeed, tbeir remarfeable resemblance, ujljielj did not diminish toitl) tbeir increasing age, toas in itself a sufficient reason toby tljey received libe treatment; for tljey could not be distinguished apart* ^E Ijtts brougljt up together lifee brothers, tljey lotted eac^ otljer toitlj more tljan brotherly affec? tion* 3If rtjei? Ijad been, indeed, ttoin bro* tljcrd, ttjcy could not Iwtic tjrlti carl; otfcer Hearer, or been more alike tljan tljei? ap* peared at tjie Cadtilian court alike in person, in Dress, in Ijabits, and most condtantlt? together* Chapter it ana Srtlmr toere educated at the Cad* tilian court ; tljeir friendd^ip anD tljcir firdt tourney ; Ijoto t$e queen afflicted liber toitf) too muet) affection until be toad compelled to fly from Castile, liber and #rtlwr toere of proper age and dtrengtlj tlje^ toere instructeo anD eperci^eD in tlie use of lurapons:, in tilting and otljrr court practiced, duel) a0 toere fitting for tlje cljiloren of feingsf* 0sf t^ greto in in^ telligence ano all courtly graced tlje^ continueo to lobe one another iuit^) ttje dame perfect affection ad in tljeir cljilD^ Ijooo ; ano tlje^ made a brot^erl^ alii* ance and compact, in toljicl) tljet dolemn# l^ agreed tliat tlie^ toould be deparated b or atl) alone. C.Clje knight inljo toad tl)e tutor of bot^i princed became i)er^ fond of tjiem, and regarded toit^ tfce utmodt pleadure t^eir mutual friend* sljtp ; and adduredl^ belieted tfjat no ot^er do pure and true a frienddljip t^ idted upon t^id eartlj, djc king, queen, nobled, and all tl)r people of tl)c land rejoiced in it and praided till tie coulD not refuse it, anD receibing it from tlje maiDens foity graceful lju* mility, Ije tljanUeD anD lussed tl)em, as luas tl)e custom at tlje Castilian court* C.j]ioto t^e sleeping cup, prepareD toit^i lutne anD spices, toas offered to all, anD, tlje Dance being ended, all tlje guests toofe tljeir leabe of tlje palace* C.^* Di# bersions of tlje Dap being ober, anD eber^ one ijabing taken leabe, anD departed, tlje ttoo ^oung princes toalfeeD borne together to tljeir lodgings, a similar tljottgljt in tlje minD of eaclj : <$liber's tljougljt toas bob), on anotljer occasion, be mig^t sljolu himself more skilful tlje tljougljt in lrtljur's minD mas no gntdging one because tlje prije Ijad been giben to (Dliber ; but, from manliness anD a fresl) ^oung Ijeart, Ije DetermineD tljat Ije mould ejrercise more diligently in order tljat praise anD Ijonor migljt be giben to Ijim also* ^>o t^eir ribalr^ in arms cast no clouD ober tlje true frienD* sljip of t^ese faithful ones* C.fter all tlje court guests IjaD DeparteD, tlje queen toas able to consiDer more intently ttiougbts toljtcl) fcaD been fluttering fcer fceart anD Disturbing Ijer minD ttjrougfc? out tfce Dap tfcougbts not serene anD Helpful like tfcose of ttje princes ; but agi? tattng anD uncomfortable. <&ut of tlje ebents of ttje Day sije fbunD tjerself al? toays returning to tlje image of @liber, gallant in tlje tourney, toitl) t|ie Ijonor of bictory on t)i# broto, to Ijis beauty of person, Ijouj uuell Ijts Dress became Ijt0 young figure to be sure, tjer son toas like ijhn; but slje coulD tljinU only of (Dliber, Ijis bnigljtly DeeDs, tjoto toell be DanccD, tjoU) tlje laDies anD young maiD? ens smileD on Ijum tyippy tooulD tljat tooman be toljo sljoulD koin l)ts lobe; toellmigljt s^e sa^ : ** l^e is t^e croiun of all manljooo, a flotoer of fairtue, anD a fragrant rose*" C.H?er minD toas full of tljr sr tl)ottgt)ts toljen sl;e fell asleep. >lje sato in l)f r Dreams, not only Ijim toljo IjaQ so pleaseD lirr as lie DanceD in tljr ball ; but an unmortljy tl;ougl)t arose in tier minD tt;at DiD not leabe Ijrr tottl; ^er Dream ; but tarrieD toitb tier, to bring trouble tljat toas pitiful, as tlje tale sfcall tell* C.31n tlje morning, at tlje Ijour to^en etjer^ one at court arose, liber anD Ijis companion betook tljemselties together to tbe court* W$z queen re* ceitieD tbem botl), as IjaD been Ijer cus* torn altoaps, toitb a smiling counter nance anD frienDly toorDs; s^e embraceD (Dliber, bisseD tyni, anD saiD to tljcm bott), C. u ear son, 3(1 Do t^jis out of cour# tes^ to m v IjusbanD ; as tlje king Does to me, sljotoing affection to tljrr, so 3(1 Do to l)im, sljoiuing mud) lobe for t)is son" Cjatye took (Dliber b^ t^e IjanD, anD maDe Ijim sit bv fter toijile 0rtl)ttr stra^eD tljrouglj tljc Ijall, little thinking tljat l)is motljer luoulD act totoarD Ijifi Dearest comraDe in anv unseemly faslj? ton* 0nD tlje queen spoke loitt) (Dliber, saving, ** tE^ell me, Dear son, Ijast tl)ou no suieetbeart , no one toiti) toljom tliott art in lobe? " L**^o" ty ansioereD ; but s^e saiD, C.**3I cannot beliebe toljat ?ou noio tell me; 31 beg ^ou not to conceal from me tlje real trutb, 3(]n toljat place is s^ie toljo is so blest tljat tljou lobest tier, anD art tljou obeDient to tier at all times ? " C." Gracious maDam anD mo# ttier," anstoereD o^liber, ** b^ m^ faitti, s^e is in no place, anD tfjere is no suclj one* Wym are in ttiis lanD so man^ fair laDies anD ^oung maiDens ttiat 31 knoto not to Ij idj of t^em 31 most aDmir e; 31 stioulD also fear to be treateD toit^ DisDain sljoulD 31 sfyoto a preference* 31 ttiink t^at ^ou are DisposeD to make sport of me uiljen you sa^ tljat slje ioljom 31 lobe must feel tierself blest tljereb^* Gracious maDam, let me sap t^at 31 tiabe not ^et so proben myself tljat 31 ma^ Dare ask anj? laD^ to gibe me tier lobe ; so, 31 ^abe altoa^s offereD m^ serbice alike to all ttiose totio re* quireD, or DesireD it, or in toljose pre? sence 31 tiabe founD myself; anD 31 am satisfies to tiabe it so*" cjfts tie spoke tlje queen founD tljat Ijis anstorr DiD but make Ijim appear more amiable in tier eves ; anD slje toas so mud) mobeD by tier inclination totoarD Ijim, tljat tje perceibeD some part of uiljat toas in tier mint), anD ceaseD to speak to tier* Mljen ttie queen saio ttiat tie rematneD silent, s^e saiD to tlim, C.**^ ^ ^n, tell me, if no to a potoerful princess toere to ask for tin? lobe, tooulDst tliott anstoer tier toitti Denial ? " C."3I am not able to beliebe " tie replieD ** ttiat anv laDv moult) Desire tljis, or be so foolislj as to make sud) request ; anD therefore ttiere can be no anstoer*" C.tfel)en, as tie toistieD to remain no longer in sud) con? bersation, tie maDe a sign to flrtljur, to call tlim, tljat tie miglit tiabe a pretert for leabing ttie queen* 0rttiur promptly replieD to tlis comraDe's signal bv sav^ ing, C."Come, mv brother; toe must go : it is ttie time tofyen toe sljoulD be at ttie place of toliidj tljou knotoest ; anD 31 reminD ttiee because 31 tliink ttiou tjast forgotten it*" Caliber anstoereD fcastilt anD in confusion; for tbe queen's conversation IjaD betoilDereD bis mint), "3]t is true; anD 31 tbank tbe e, Ije took leatie of Ijis rotal stepmotljer toitl) a feto formal moms ; but sl)e took 1) is tjanD, rjett) it long, anD presscD it, anD sccmeD lotlj to let lum go* CL^t all tbis litoer toas sorelt troubleD, sus* petting most surely ijcr guilty purpose; but lie DareD not speak of it to Ins bro* ttjer anD comraDe, toljo teas a Dutiful son, rtjrougb fear tbat be tooulD be ben? angry, anD tljinU ill ofljtm for duel) sus* pic ion, trjotiglj lie felt Ijhnsrlf not at all to be blameD in tlje matter, C.0fter t&eu t)atj left tlje ball tbe queen luent into a little cbamber alone, tbreto Ijersielf upon a coucb, anD murmureD, C." W b^t be^ lobeDt tbou art not so unobsferbing trjat tljou Ijasft not DisccrnrD tljc Distitss; toljicl) 31 Buffer; anD truty it cannot, it sljall not, so continue ; for to -morroto tbou sbalt learn all my toilL" Caliber, too, mas in as troubleD minD as toad tt)c queen, <$n reaching I)i0 longings Ijr toent alone to bis cbamber, anD prayr u : C**^ J^eabenl^ IFatber, tEbou basftcre? ateD me in Ww. image; anD gifoen me more beauty a great fortune if it is to leaD to sue 1; trouble ad scents to be upon me trjan it is for my Ijonor to babe ; for tl)is same beauty of boDy toill be tbe cause of my Destruc? tion if tErjott, my e coulD not Do otbertoise tuitliout erciting mucl) remark, aijen be came to tbe court be toent, as inas bis toont, to tbe queen, anD toisbeD ber gooD^Dav : lie DiD tbis in orDer tbat no one sboulD observe an^ cbange in bis manner toioarD ber, anD so be leD to suspect ant f bil ; but, as soon as be baD gitoen l)er bis greet* ings, anD in orDer not to be alone tnitlj ber, Ije toitbDreto ijimsclf among tlje court people, Cj&b? came to Ijim, rjouu? eber, at once tuitljout sbame, took bint by tbe Ijano, anD saiD tbat slje baD some* tljing to sat to bint ; so, against bis toill, slje Dreto bint by force uutl) rjer, anD maDe him sit by ber, C>e seateD bim - self, but be tooulD not speak to rjer ; so tobenberemaineDSilentberfaceflusbeD, anD sbe saiD, C. 4t spt ftienD cbosen from all tbe toorlD, rememberest tbou tlje toorDs spoken bt us testerDat ?" C."3|n trutfc," replieb liber, "31 fcabe tfcougfct so little of tljem tljat 3] forget totjereof toe 0pobe*" ."#& mv cfco0en lobe, 1 tljinU not 00 ligljtly of tlje memory, tljat tljou Ijast 00 soon forgotten matters 00 lately 0poben* 3|f 3fl mi0tabe not tfcou unber0tanbe0t, better tljan 31 can 0av it, tfce toi0fc of mv fceart*" C." migljtv, tljat H;e toill parDon tlje ill DeeDS tljat sljall arise out of tljv DisDain of me of me, an unliappv queen toljom t^ou 0lave0t," Hgfyt &ab rai0eb ^er boice toljile uttering tljese inbectibe0 against tlje betoilbereb liber, until slje erciteb t^e attention of tljo0e near bv, t^ougli none l)earb |jer clearlv enough to unber# stanD Ijer toorb0* p.oto in a lotoer boice slje saiD, C, u 51nse anb leabe me ; for it i0 not po00ible for me to remain longer near tijee, Ie0t people 0ee t^e 0uffering t^at toeig^0 upon mv &eart*" C^^en liber took leabe of tlje queen, toljo toent straigljttoay to tier chamber, anb tljere, toljere no one migljt Ijear Ijer, gabe toag to sucb lamentation an* Despair ad cannot be tolD, Wittier sought tlje king, fcid fatber, Doping to pin bp bi* pred* rnce dome relief to Ijis saD beart, dome return of bis accudtomeD dereniti? ; but be remaineD onlp a little time toitb bim ; tfcen bereturneD, toitb bid Dear ftienD anD comraDe, to Ijid loDgingd. 0rtbur per? ceibf D tbat bid brother toad not do fopoud ad toad bid toont, tbat dome Dark dbaDo to deemeD to be oter bid spirit, anD askeD, C."fl2Ubat id amidd toitb tbee; for 31 dee tbat something toeigbd upon tlnj beart ? " C.liter coulD gibe Ijimno an* dtoer ; do tijis gooD comraoe DiD not Did* turb Ijim toitb anp further questions. 0nD till, alttjouglj bis eyes cotilo no longer bebolD , tie tooulD not separate from tjim in Ijeart, 3Jn luljatetjer lanD be migljt be, Ije tooulD not tbe less Ijolo Ijim as a brother, because lie toas separateD from tjim ; anD be tooulD neber forget, or cease to lobe, Ijim, C.t^bnt Ije uirote tljat be iDisljeo all happiness anD blessings to tbe king, bis Dear fatljer, anD also to tlje queen, anD to all tuljo lotieD Ijim. tyt continue^; ** $$V Dear brother, as 31 knoto not tobat aDbentures 31 ma^ meet, 31 leabe tbee a little glass tljat is full of clear boater; anD 31 beg tljee tljat tljou toilt look at tbat glass Dail^ for m^ sake, 31f 31 meet toittj Disaster, tlje toater in tlje glass toill change, anD become black, toljiclj toill be a token tbat 31 am in sore trou# ble, t^bftffo^ WE best belotoeD brotber anD comraoe, 31 beg tljee, tljrottglj tlje brot^erl^ lo^alti? tbat is bettoeen t^ee anD me, tljat, if it so cljange, tljou uiilt mount, anD riDe fortlj from tljis lanD of Castile ; anD toilt not cease from tbe searclj until tljou Ijast learneD netos of me anD toljerc 31 am, ffly faitljful com# raDe, in tljee is set all tbe Ijope 31 babe in tljis toorlD, (Eljere is nothing else for me to torite, Dear brother ; for of tljis tfcou art entirely certain, tljat 31 am toljolly anD aliuavs faitljful to tljee, 3) beg 0oD, tbe 0lmigl)tE, to bestobo on tbee so mucb of gooD as 31, tlj^ brother, toisl) to tbee : anD to J?im 31 commenD tljee," Cjattljen tbe letter iuas finisljeD be placeD it, toitlj tlje glass, in bis oton room, in Ij er e ty t Ijou glj t it tooulD be most quickly founD,anD, bating DresseD Ijim* self, anD girDeD on Ijis stoorD, toent Doton out of ijis chamber about mio nig^t, anD entereD tbe stables to^ere at tljat Ijour tljere toas no one, anD \)t toas free to carry out Ijis purpose luitljout tbe bnotoledge of anp* CJfrom among bis borses |)e erjose trje one tbat be lotoed tlje best, saDDlcD and mounted Ijim, $)e cook toitlj rjim a poucb in torjicl; Ije rjaD placcD ttoo trjottsanD nobles , toljidj bore upon tljcm trje stamp of l)is bclotieD fatbcr and of trjc bingdom of Ca0tile ; ano, be0ide0 tbe0e, tie bad certain feto* el0 tobicb toere Ie00 in bulb tban tbe no* bles, but of equal toiltte* CLCrjat trjis Eoung prince bad money and fetoel0, must not be toondered at ; for many fyao giucn rjim presents, on account of tljr ftarmonv anD gooD toill tljat be belpeo to prrsrrtjc in tl;e lanO, tiiitl) UinUl^ toort)0 ant) DC CDS ; ano also tjts father toa0 Urr^ generous: in gifts to Ijim, C.t?e fount) t^e gates: of t^e ca0tle open ; for tlje bino> Dom fyao at tl)ts time no foes among neigbors, nor in it0 oton princes ant) nobles?, 00 ttjere toa0 no need to mabe fa0t its ca0tle Doors, Oenre Wittier DiD according to ^i0 toill, ant) Departed 0e; cretl^ upon ^i0 fourne^, under tfce lig^t of tlje moon* C.3Kfft)en ty IjaD pa00ed out of tlje castle and citp, and bad rtD# den for a little spare, be turned tjis fair, ^oung face once more totoard tbe cit^, and cried, C." ^ing of Ca0tile, tbou Io0e0t, tbi0 nigrjt, a 0on! tbou, noble bingdom of Castile, tbe Ijeir to ttnj tbrone ! and tbou, mv? best beloted bro? trjer, tb^ demoted and faitljful comrade l" C,5?e also murmured unljearD faretoell0 to all iril)o bad been dear to l;im in tbe past ; and bi0 last adieu to bis borne took some 0ucb form a0 tljis : C." |?e Iadie0 of tbe court and ?oung maiden0, >od guard ^e ! and 31 pra^ ne^ to tbe cit^ of Con0tantinople C.^1^ ber most earnestly DesireD of tbe captain of tbe sljip, tbat be tooulD tabe l)im on board, promising to pay l)im toell; but be tooulD not, tEben tbe noble bnigbt tol)o toas in tbe sljip fabored and urged (Dliber'0 request, until, by suel) and 00 great solicitation, be toas at lengtb re^ ceibed on board* t!Po tbe bnigbt torjo bad been 00 mud) Ijis friend Oliuer gabe bis borse, to sljo to Ijis gratitude* C.^nd no to trjey saileD out upon tbe sea, and CHiticr toas alone ; toljo be toas, toas Uno ton to no one in tbe sbip ; but, tbrottgb tbe grace of ^od, tobo brings about many ioonderful tbing0, friendly relation0 greto up bettoeen (Dliber and tbe bnigbt toljo bad belped lum, as tbe tale sljall tell, Chapter tit. pened at tbe Castilian Court after tbe flight of J?en it toas morning <$liber's serbants camr , a* toas tljr ir toont, to bte chamber, in orDer to be at the 0ert)tcc of their master iiiljrn l)f arose ; but tljr v DID not finD tljr ebam* bcrlain there, tEhey toaiteD before the Door until it toad time to go to tlje court for tljr morning meal ; then came li* ber's belobeD chamberlain, and fount the serbants stanDing about the Door* J?e inquireD of them, anD especially of the prince's boDy*serbant, C." Wfyy are tou not in tlje chamber of our master, to matte fyim reaDy, anD gibe assistance in Dressing ? " W$t boDy*serbant an* stoereD, " 31 knoto not Ijouj it is tuitlj tjtm ; for 31 babe not been able to come into his chamber to4ia* Last night he orDereD that 31 go out from htm, anD come not in again until he sum* moneD me* 1 left m^ ke^ in the chamber, anD Dare not knock upon the Door lest he be angrp toith me*" C.t&h* chamber* lain fenocUcD upon the Door, but no one anstoereD him; for no one toas there* ^is he ceaseD to knock, came Brtfjur, toho haD been to hear mass, anD noto toisheD to inquire hoto I;t0 brother IjaD passeD the night* QWfytn he learneD that no one haD been in the chamber, he feareD, remembering hi* tmerDau's illness, that some mischance haD befallen his comraDe ; so he calleD for his oton ser* bant, ioho carrieD his ke^, for both too* thers haD kei?s alike* C.When the ke^ toas brought, he orDereD that the Door be unlockeD, anD toent into the chamber, fastening the Door tohen he haD entereD* Cljere \)t fouiiD no one in the beD, or in the chamber, anD toas much surpriseD* ^till seeking through the rooms, anD finDing no one, he toas sore troubleD, anD kneto not tohat to think* he toent about in the chamber, consiDering the matter, l)t sato a glass stanDing there, tohich hf ^eto to be a fatorite toith l)is brother ; anD, taking it up, sato the letterin <$liber's hanDtoriting* tEhfe he at once reaD ; anD, tohen Ijc kneto tohat toas there toritten, all the sorroto that he haD heretofore knoton in his life, haD it all come to him together, tooulD not hatoe equalleD one IjunDreDtlj part of the pain, misery, anD torath that he nt* DureD in that hour* C.ii>is heart seemeD bursting toithin him, as he threto him* self on the beD, anD lamenteD so griefc* ousl^ that, haD an^ one seen him, he must habe pitieD him* C." Bins anD tooe," l)t crieD, **m? frienD anD brother! tETrul^ 31 DO not beliebe that thou lobest me, as 3fl Do thee; or thou tooulDst habe tolD me the cause of th going atoa^ 31 coulD not habe left thee, as thou hast forsaken me* #h* m^ brother ! 31 knoto toell that thou hast not gone toithout gooD cause; but in truth, 31 habe neber Done thee any torong, nor DeserbeD this treatment in an^ toap* 3If it haD been th? toish, surely thou coulDSt habe tolD me a part, at least, of thy trouble; for 31 tooulD rather suffer Death than knoto tbat 31 Ijabe lost tby trust, <& noble >li* tor* tbou torn tbe !;opc of tljc ujljole bingootti! ^KUljat toill tby affUctcfc father say ? and also my mocker tl)t queen* tobo lofceD tbee toitb b^ tobole beart?" C.J?ere be toas 00 overcome by grief tbat be fell in a stoounD upon a coucb in tbe chamber, anD lay cijere as if DeaD* Qmben tbe nobler tobo baD come from tbc court* anD toljo noto stooD be* fore lifaer^ Door* b*arD nothing from 0rtbur after be baD fasteneD tbe Door be* binD biro* tbey sent Oliver's cbamber* Iain to tlje king* to make bnoum to Ijim tobat I)ao cljanceD at tljc prince'? cl;am^ ber* J^e ran to $e court* anD coming be* fore tl)e feing* tljusf relateD ^is Disturb* ing message: C." Gracious king* son teas sesterDai? ill* anD sent one out of Ijis rooms* remaining t^jere alone ; anD tljis morning toe t;atie not been able to go in to #m* 31 fcabe bnocfeeD upon tijt Door* but no anstoer toas maDe $$V gracious lorD, prince jairttittr* toent into ttjc rooms* anD mud) time passes* During tulncl) toe bear nothing from ^lim; therefore 3! mafee fenoton to sou t^ese things* tljat ^ou may act, if it be your toill anD pleasure* in t^e matter*" C.tCl)c bing anstoereD* tljat lie tooulD straig^ttoay go ijimself, anD ascertain t^e cause of tfce silence* HWfyen lie ar* ribeD* anD fbunD tlje Door still closeD* ^e orDereD tljat it be brofeen open; tljen toent be into t\)t rooms* imtt) certain of ^is frienDS* C^eeing ttjat (Dlitier's beD teas Vacant* bis minD* from tljat mo* ment, toas bery ill at ease* >earcfcing about* tie sato 0rtl)ur, lying upon a lit* tie court), looking more libe a DeaD tljan a libing man ; for be bao not yet recot)* ereD from I)t0 stoounD* C.^ts soon as ty sato Ijim tfce king crieD* " <$0rtl|ur* t^jou bnotoest, toitljout Doubt* more of tljis mystery tljan %" C.Mljen ty Dreiu nearer* perceiving tljat #rtl)ttr toas in a stDounD* \)t orDereD ttjat breaD stjottlD be DippeD in toine* anD Ijclo before Ijis nose* C$s ^rtfnir came to fjimself* a letter fell from bis IjanD, uil)icl) tije lung took up anD reaD* C.Mben be unDer* stooD tbat (Dliber* toljo teas so Dear to bim* baD left bint* tie toas not able to reaD tbe rest of tbe letter* j?or, toben be reaD tbat bis sonbaD riDDen atoay* anD boto be blesseD bis fatber, be fell upon tbe floor* overcome by grief* trouble in tbe cbamber toas most ous; anD tbe servants feneto not tobetljer to run first to tbe bing* or to 0rti)tir* or tobat to Do : tbe companions of tbe bing* too* stooD betoilDereD anD belp* less* CjiMjen tbe bing again recobereD speecb* bf crieD alouD* anD saiD, C. u ^y beloiieD son* tljou toast tbe foy anD stay of my life! Mljat sball3J Do? <$ toretcbeD bing! toby Does not <0oD senD to tbee toelcomeDeatb? Sruly 31 Desire notbing so mucb as Deatb; anD notbing to me seems so batefttl as life* 0b ^ ^bilD* tbou DiDst cause tbe Deatb of tby motber at tby birtb; anD toill also slay tby fa* tber, tobo bas lobeD tbee so Dearly I tby fatber tobo bas toatcbeD tby beautiful youtb bloom into all Virtues anD noble DeeDS* in tobicb tbou toast eVer foremost! 31 baVe tbougbt tbat tbou tooulDSt be a staff to my age* a totoer of strengtb to tbebingDom* a support to all tby frienDs* anD an avenging stoorD to my enemies, tbine oton* anD those of tbe bingDom* But 31 see tbat all tbe bopes tobicb 31 bate set on tbee babe faileD me noto* are forgotten by tbee* anD tbat tbe remain^ ing oars of m? life must be toortljless ano full of affliction ano numberledd labors?. But 31 pra? (Sou, tbe 0lmigbt?, to make me resigneo to duffer ; ano tljat $>e toill keep tljee, in? Dear son, in Jt;te bol? care t ano gibe tljee more of Ijappi? nedd, tban 31 fear toill go toitb tljee in tb? erile*" C.3bud, for a long time, mourneD tlje afflicteo father, tbe queen foining in Ijis lamentations , toitlj man? tears? ; one coulD comfort tbcm, C.^lfter a time a Ijope sprung up in tlje king's breast, anD b* saiD, C. u sr>ear frienDS, comfort, 31 pra? ?ou, a dorroto* ing father, toljo bad lost bid Dear son ; anD cause inquiries to be maDe in eber? Direction, so tbat netod of Ijtm ma?, per* cbanee, be founD," C.span? toent forty on all tbe roaDS to carr? out tlje toill of tljeir master; anD be toas more cbeerful in tl)f Ijopr tljat be tooulD again be freeD from bis grief* C.3fo make a long stor? sljort, tlje? roDe abroad into man? lanDS anD provinces, but coulD learn nothing tbat serbeD in an? toa? to belp tljrm in tbeir mission* after tlje? baD searcbeD long in bain, tbr? returneD borne to tljr king, anD raclj one relateD to bint luljat be b^D Done* C.Cd'ben tlje king kneti) tbat no trace teas to be founD of bis lost son, be became sick toitb grief, anD la? in bid beD in sucb Distress tbat tl;e?, ujljo lookeD on Ijim , DiD not Deem it pos- sible tbat be tooulD again arise, to take up bis life* C.3b* Wttn saiu ber bus^ banD in tbis ertremit?, anD kneuj tbat sbe toas tlje guilt? cause of it* Wyt pas? sion of anger tobicb baD mobeD ber toas cbangeD into great sorroto anD Distress; anD sbe saiD to berself, C." tlTbou most toretcbeD tooman! tZTbou art tbe cause of tbis affliction, anD of tbe loss of tbe noblest anD truest son tbat man or tooman eber baD; so sboulDst tbou be beabil? punisbeD* 0b> m? Dear (Dliber, tbou beautiful ?outb ! 3if 31 toere Draton b? toilD borses, or suffcrcD tbe greatest torture man coulD inflict, it tooulD be no more tljan 3i Deserbe for tbe torongs anD insults beapeD on tbee b? me, toben m? reason anD lobe toere not miner m? control; toben tbe benomous snake of rage ruleD anD obercame me, so tbat 3f| coulD not see tbe trutb anD tbe gooDness tbat toere in tbee* >ince tb? loss brings so great miser?, anD 31 am tbe cause of it, 31 ma? nebermore be bapPE; but, tbrougi; all time, must Drag out m? life in remorse anD anguisb* 31 pra? <$oD, tbe 0lmigbt?, tbat H;e toill guarD tb? fair ?outb, Dear liber, from all tbe misfbr^ tune tobicb 31 babe brougbt upon tbee*" C.3it toere long to relate tbe laments tions of princes anD nobles, anD of all tobo Dtoelt in tbe kingDom; therefore tbe tale toill leabe tbem, anD tell tobat nert befell liber* Chapter it). is sbiptoreckeD, miraculousl? sabeD, anD fourne?s to Canterbury toitb a frienDl? knigbt ; boto bid frienD Dies, anD liber reDeems bis DeaD boD? from tbe penalty of a Debt* t?e tale bad alreaD? tolD boto ber left bid country, anD embarkeD xuxx upon tty sea, CJFor ttoo months Jjis sljip tons Driben b? aDbersc umtos out of its course until tye sailors kneto not toljere tlje? toere on tlje tempestuous toaters, tEljen tljere tame, in ttjenigjjt, a biolent storm, umlj still increasing toinD, so ttjnt it became impossible to manage tlje sljip, toljiclj Drobe before t|je tempest* j]ioto tjje? coulD onl? implore of &OD, tlje Corn, tljat J?e tooulD come to tljeir aiu, anD guiDe tjje sljip to lanD; for otljeriDise tljr y IjaD nothing to erpect but tlje Ijour of Deatlj, .3^*1? toere in Dire Danger for tljree Da?s, anD tljc uitno teas so strong tljat tljr sljip toas at last Driten on a rock in tlje sea, anD split in ttoain, so ttjnt all on boarD perisljeD, t^ cept onl^ ir 31ol)n Calbot IjaD been, for 0eben ?ear0, in Debt to a merchant of Canterbury, tofa put Ijim unDer ban until tfa Debt mas paiD* H;r IjaD not tfa means to pa? tfa merchant until fa solD Iji0 property, mljiclj fa noU) otf fereD to Do ; but soon after fa came into tfa cit?, fa DieD uuitlj tfa Debt unpaiD, C (E1)C boDy of ^ir 31ol)it (Ealbot coulD babe been buricD in Ijoly grounu if tlje merchant rjaD beliebeD tljat Ijis kin toouto babe satisfi'cD tljc Debt ; but tljts; rje Doubt cD ; for toljm rje DrmanDcD pay? mrnt b* coulD not obtain it, nor ans satisfactory promise, 00 t)c tooulD not release tbe DeaD man from ttje ban* W$t boDy of a noble Christian knigljt toas therefore DenieD a sacreD resting-place, anD mustneeus be laiD in uneonsecrateD grounD ttjrougb trje bareness of I) cart of l)is relatives, ml)o IjclD l;is lanDS anD goto as more Desirable tljan to come to tl)c Ijclp of t)is poor soul, C^erceibing tlic grccDof bis DcaD frtcnD's kin, urns mud) DtsgusteD inminO,anD spoke to b o 1 1) parties, saving t^at it toouto sljoto a birtuous ant) seemly spirit on ttjr part of tije relatives of tlic DcaD knigfjt, ant) also on ttie part of tfce cretiitor, if tye^ toouto make some frienul^ settlement ofttjemattertDit^eacbot^er; fbritiuoulD be an untoortfci? act of botl) if tfcis goot) kntgl)t,U)l)o ^at) altoa^sborneabirtuous ant) Honorable character, toere DenteD Christian burial c.But be spake toitf}; otitatail,fortt)e Ijeirs feareD tljcrc ujoulD not be sufficient property for t^em after UK Debt toas paiD, anD tooulD therefore gibe little fceeD to Oliver's; solicitations* mfytn t^e merchant, to to^om tfce Debt UDasDttr^tnDcrstooDtljatttjcv 1 UoottlD not pa^ tofcat tbeic father oioeD, be toas an^ gry?, anD saiD trjat be toouto be paiD tljc lutjolc Debt before Ijc toouto release tlje boDp from tljc ban. (Dliber, finDing tbat tbere uias no l)dp anD trjat tt)c ban must remain, askeD tbe mercbant tlje amount of tbe Debt, pairing learneD tbat it toas a tbousanD crotons, tbougb little it* maineD of tbe monei? \)t baD taken toitb bint, be paiD tbe merchant initl) fclncls l)t yet baD, in orDer tbat tbe gooD knigbt sboulD be allotoeD to rest, anD tbat bis soul sljouto not be imperilleD* ^e t^ougbt tbat be couto perform no better toork; anD so tbe burial toas celebrateD in an Ijonorable manner, as toas Due to a gooD anD noble knigbt* jror tljis DU# ber toas greatly praiseD by all tbe com? munits ; anD tbe relatibes of tbe DeaD knigbt toere mucb blameD, as toas fust* Chapter \). ?|oto (Ittoer learns of a granD tournament to be beto in ilonDon ; is assaileD by robbers in tbe forest ; anD meets a f ricnDly knigbt, tobo promises to equip Ijim for ttjc tour? nament* ffile fitter tarrieD, for a time, in the city of Canterbury ,U)ith bery little remaining after Ijr IjaD paiD the knight's Debt, lie learneD that the king of CnglanD, umlj tljr aDtoice of Ins prince^ anD subjects throughout tlje realm, l;aa announce!) a grant) tourna* ment to be IjelD for three Days, to tohich all noblemen, luljo haD pleasure anD skill in such sports', toere intoitcD, Cljr lists toere free to all noble knights ; but only to one toho toas untoeD coulD the chief pri?e of the tourney be gitoen, for the hanD of the feing's 1 Daughter toast to be the retoarD of the bictorious fenigljt, if he uiere of unblcmishcD character* CLnriK Daughter of the king toas' fameD to be the most beautiful princess in tlje toorlD ; anD the king tooulD not consent to gibe Ijrr to a foreign king ; for Ije De^ sireD to keep Ijer near Ijim in !)is oton lanD, *8 sl)c toad 00 Dear to Ijim, tljat \)t coulD not be tiapp^ if a Da^ passeD in toljiclj be DiD not see Ijer* C.^e tljottgljt, also, tljat it tooulD be an aDbantage anD Ijonor to tt)e country, tljat Ije sljoulD gite Ijer to a manlv anD toortbv knight, etien tljouglj lie toere poor in lanDg anD golD ratljer tljan to a rtrl) prince, toljo migljt be scantili? enDotoeD ixittlj knigl) tip Virtues. 0s for roval blooD anD ricljes, Ijis Daughter IjaD enough for both; for she toas the princess of cSnglanD, anD heiress to its throne* C.^>herefore haD he proclaimeD this tournament, in orDer to secure, as his Daughter's Iju0# banD, a brabe anD potoerful knight, in tohose hanDs the kingDom tooulD be safe from invasion, anD its people sheU tereD from any toho tooulD torong or oppress them.CJrour hunDreD knights toere to holD the list against all comers ; anD elefaen months haD passeD since the tournament haD been proclaimeD, 0n? nouncement of it haD been maDe to all the realms anD principalities of Chris* tcnDom, C.)i5ut <0liber IjrarD naught of it until he came to the citi? of Can* terbur^; anD noto onl^ fifteen Da^s toere to come before the lists tooulD be openeD, J?e toas greatly troubleD, for he feareD that he coulD not prepare him* self in so short a time ; anD, moreover, for such a tournament, he no longer haD sufficient money to equip himself in such manner as seemeD fitting* >till he set himself to Do his best as quickly anD as creDitably as he might, JFrom the hour in tohich h* first hearD of her, his thoughts turneD constantly to the (English princess ; anD he saiD to himself, C." &h fcoto happ^ tooulD 3] be, toere J noto, though Driben into er* tie by misfortune, to be so blest that a queen tooulD be giben to me in marriage a queen tohom all men praise for her birtues anD tyt beauty," C^e haD, therefore, a great Desire to put himself in the company of other princes anD no* bles ; so, as the time toas near at hanD, he settlcD toith his lanDlorD, paiD him honorably, anD roDe out of the city of Canterbury on the roaD to iLonDon, tohere the tournament, toith its great festival, toas to be helD a festival to be celebrateD toith more magnificence than haD been seen for many years, Cj>o many princes anD nobles haD alreaDy come that the hostelries anD loDgings in anD about ilonDon toere filleD or be* spoken : so o rifting fortuity onttiarD, in a pleasant Dream of achieving great Conors in tljc lists beneatlj tlje eyes of fair laDies, anu of one fairer than all, tie entered a toooD apart from the roaD that be sboulD babe taken* OTir n be baft riDDen a sbort Dis* tance into tbe toooD ty met a partp of fifteen ruffians, tobo toore armor anD baD gooD weapons, anD tobo erieD out, on bint! SDeatb to bint!" be first sato tbem tljrv toere so close upon bint, anD attacUeD bint so sbarpty, tbat be baa no choice but to figbt in bis oton Defence* tye Dreto bis stoorD, anD struck tbe nearest foe toitb sucb force tbat bis IjfaD toas cloijen to tbe teetb, anD Ijr fell DeaD upon tbe eartb* &\)tn be struck about Ijtni man? fully on all siDes boitb sucb bigor anD effect tbat be betoeD off bere a beaD, tbere an arm, until tbe bolDest of tbem sbrank back from bim, nor DareD to encounter bis strokes* l>e baD so DisposeD self tbat tbep coulD onl^ attack from tbe front anD one at a time, so be toas tbe better able to DefenD bimself, C.(Ebrougb tbe belp of ^oD, on tubom be calleD constantly, be so ererteD b^ strengtb, anD struck sucb migbt^ biotas, tbat in tbe enD eleten of tbe robbers la^ DeaD before bim in tbe forest, anD tbe otbers fleD in fear* CLMben be founD bimself alone of tbe libing, tbere toas a great anD grim company of tbe DeaD arounD bint* fyt DismounteD, anD tbankeD aoD tobo baD presertieD bint from bis enemies ; tljcn be fasteneD bis Ijorse to a brand; of a tree, anD set bint; self to binD up bis toounDS, anD none of tbem toere Deep ; anD for tbis mercp b^ gate great tbanks to <$OD* C^itjile be toas tbus caring for bis burts, anD gifc ing no tbougbt to bis steeD, tobicb toas not strictly tieD, it sbook itself loose, anD ran carrying toitb it tbe scrip tobicb belD bis scanty golD* Before be kneto tobat baD cbanceD, it toas alreaD^ afar* C,H5ut one tbing toas tbere to Do : to run after as fast as eber be coulD* ty toas, boto^ eber, unable to overtake it before it came to a thicket in tobicb one of tbe robbers tbat baD ffeD toas tying* Mben tbis man sato tbe borse, anD kneto tbat it toas littrr of Castile, be not cast Doton, nor toonDcr tljat 31 name tljee anD tljy mighty feingDom*" Caliber turneD toljcn tie IjearD Ijimsrlf tljus aDDresscD, Uneto not toljat to tljinh, toljrtljrr it a Dream or toitcljcraft* i>e maDe tljr sign of tlje cross, anD crieD out, C"3KftfJO art tfcou? 31 confure tfcee, in tjje name of dtoD, to Do me no injury anD to tell me toljo Ijas maDe tljrr u< quainteD toitf) my name*" QQfyt man* U)ljo IjaD a IjanDsome countenance, anD toas in appearance an honorable person, anstoereD, C." flitter, my gooD frienD, fear me not; for 3! am a gooD o 3| luill Ijelp tljee in tin? commenDable in tent ; anD 31 pray est tby 0elf in sucb fas bion ttjat tljou and toe are Ijonorca, anO our labors not lo^t t^jrougl) t^y betiabior*" .**% loro anD most good frieno," anstoereD (Dliber moDe^tlyt " you serbe me 00 toell tljat 31 fenoto not Ijofco to Deserbe your feljor* 0till, loljateUer J\ can Do, in ttjat sljall your gooDnesfflf commanD me* tETljisf 3fl am Disposed, anD bound in Duty, to Do at all times?; for 31 place my boDy at your , Ijabing no otljer means? toitfc 31 cp fif^te you* llBut 31 pray anD Ois Dear aaotljer tljat t^ey luill gibe me grace fyat 31 may 00 stucceeD in toy toorb, tliat 31 may be able to repay you for your generous: aiD, anD tfcat 31 may bring to pass my toistjefif in tlie present matter*" C.^l)en be bad 00 spoken, tbe Unigljt replied tljat it toa0 noto full time tbat be sbotilo prepare bimself anD Don bis armor* Upon a beautiful green plot in front of tbe \)ttf mit's lodge a great cljair toa0 plaeed, upon mbicb (Dlitoer sat labile bi^ *tt* bants array eD Ijim for tije tournament* Wfytn tljey bad put on bis armor, tljey rode to tbe tilting field, toljitljer bad aU reaDy come t^e bing anD \)i& court, bring* ing tuitb tljem tlje beautiful princes Helena, Iji0 Daughter, anD a great train of lobely laDie0 anD maiDen0* [$tt)t prince00 toas entertained in a magnifi cent tent iubieb bad been ereeted accord- ing to bcr ioi0l). CDbis toa0 bung about anD decorated toitfy ^ndian stuffs of toonDerful colors anD uiitl; clotb of gold, anD in tbe midst a tljrone toa0 raised ten steps abobe tbe ground, anD oUer it toa0 bung a canopy of black belbet tntf broidered luitb floluers anD adorned Untb ntimberless oriental pearls, anD as a central ornament a noble carbuncle, tijat glittereD 00 brightly t^at it toa0 a mar^ bel to see, C,Upon tbe cbair of state, aboue described, sat tlje king's daugb? ter, arounD ber toere ber maiDen0 (Dt^er ladies anD young maidens sat in places tobicb bad been arranged for tbem, anD tbey toere a great multitude anD a gal; airy of beauty* Wt)t fuDge0 toljo toere to decide tl;e De0tiny of tbeir princess sat toit^ tier in tlie tent* Ln t\)t ot^er 0iDe sat tbe king toitb many great princes, lorD0, anD councillor0 iLet ebery reaDer of tbis tale tljinU toljat a pleasure it toa0 to see sucb a pliant array of princes, lords, ladies, anD damsels, all richly dressed, tbe magnificent patnlions Deco* rated U)itb Darling splendor, tbe flying pennon0, t^e many coloreD plume0, tbe rid; armor* anD* beyonD all tljesr, t^e great multituDe of ttjr people gatljereD from tar anD near to see tbis toonDerful sboto, Cj3bobe all, tljr beautiful prin* cr 60 tuflsf most ridjly DresseD ; for, as tlji0 festival toa0 Ijrlo on Ijrr account anD in Ijer tjonor, it toas fitting tbat stje sboulD be queenly anD splenDiD be^onD all otljrr laDies, l)f r lofcrly face f anD to borroto front it tljr beauty toitl) toljirlj tljry sljonr, 00 tljat all tl)osr toljo lookeD upon l)rr migbt toell tljtnli tljat tljry bebelD a be* ing of more tljnn eartljlv lobelinestf* 0t l)cr btrtl; nature l)flti enDotoeD greater cljarntsf anD beauty tan otfyer rlnlD in all tljnt lanD* Beautiful ns toere ^er face anD tier sturr t boD^, 00 |ier fairtue0 anD ^er mien* cotlanD, anD tljrrr kings of 3]relanD, anD mann princes anD nobles, so ricljty equippeD tljat it toas impossb ble to make a more magnificent Display* CJfeto spears baD been broken before liber's coming, toljo, toljrn be entereD tbe lists, tourljrD bis borse toitl) tbe spurs, causing tbe fair steeD to aDtiance slotol)% toitl) arcbing neck, Dancing iioofs, anD foant fir rUrti bit, botlj knigbt anD borse bearing tbemselbes so nobly tljat all rprs toere Draton to tljnn ; anD tbe laDies, toljo lookeD on liber toitt) t*> pecial fatior, saiD tljat be toas a stately knight, anD tljat none otljrr in tbe fielD toas more splenDiDl^ equippeD* C^oto toastfyere tilting on rbr ry IjanD, anD rarl) one strobe to sljoto lji0 utmost protoess* Cljr knigbt tofco toas liber's aDViser saiD to him, C." Hook)?onDer tot)erc sits tlje beautiful princess toljom t Ijou mav* est toin if tljoti bearcst tljyself manful* ll? ; look to it tljat tljou fail not to Do tire best, tljat tljrougl) tljee toe be IjonoreD," C.3^nt Ije took a spear tbat IjaD been maDe bp orDer of tfce fuDges, for no one migljt use a spear tljat toas longer tljan tljat of another, ana gabe it to <&Uber, toljo ill ttnOrrstooD toljat toad saiD to flim, for bis e^es anD Ijis minD toere firet> on Ijrr toljo IjaD been sljotan to l;im , ano Ijr coulo not uiitljoraU) t^em^ eyes' anD minD being alike Da??leD b Ijrr beauty* C,^e took tljc spear, anD Ijf lo it in re0t t but as 1 one in a Dream, to^o imeto not iubat l)f DiD CJflttien tljc Uuigtjt sam Ins conDition lie s'aiD, "tyty Dear frienD (Dlifaer, ^ou sleep ; atoafee ! " C. dim, as one tnl)o uiafees from slum? brr, anD Unoius not to^ere Ijr is t >lil)cr struck Ijis Ijor0e tuitij ttjc spurs, not looking about Ijim to see toljitljer Ije roDe ; anD, so riDing, l)is spear, iotjirt) toas ben? strong, struck against a briDge on intjiclj manu people stooD, tuitlj abloln so biolent tljat a part of ttje briDge fell, anDmanspeopletoittiit. SljeniDast^ere great lauglj ter ober tij is acciDent , as to ell as mucl) toonDer at tlje migljtn force of tlje bloto. H&ty laDies spake ligljtlr? of it, saving tljat Ijis ijelmet IjaD not been rigljtlp aDfusteD, so tljat Ije Sato not to ell, or tljat ^e IjaD not been able to completely control bfe fier^ stallion* Mfcile tiw vet spake (DUuer roDe round toitlj tlje otljer knigljts, anD a freslj spear toas giuen into I) is IjanO; but be felt tjimself DisgraceD bg tlje baD beginning tljnt Ije baD maDe* .Hs^e roDe again in tlje lists it cljanceD tljat l)is opponent toas a king of iflrelanD, to^ose name^toas 3^acna# more ; anD bint IK otoertljrcto, l)orse anD knigljt, C,Cl)en toas bearD tt^e Immor* ous proclamation of a IjeralD, C," Clji0 free knigljt in black armor toitlj tlje first bloto of bis spear brought DO ton an ljun; DreD men ; toitlj bis seconD stroke be Ijas obertbroton a king, anD borne bim to tlje eart^i : let all men toonDer, for befcolD be lias receibeD no toounD ! " Caliber IjearD tljese toorDS anD ttje laughter tljat fol lotoeD tljem* CompreljenDing tljat Ije IjaO erciteD riDicule, be set tjimself firmlp to toin more soliD fame anD praise ; anD thenceforth ^e coulD not receibe lances fast enough ; for fce s^ibereD t^em in splinters to ttjc toonDer of alt H;is l)orse toas excellent, anD against Ijis skill no oneprebaileD. &oljetoas,as^etoellmer* iteD, tlje most obserbeD of all tlje knigljts in t|ie lists, especially bp tl)e laDies anD Damsels ; for Ije toas, inDeeD, a gallant knight, l)igl)U' accomplish, anD er^ ceeDingli? fortunate in all encounters* C^>o earl) knigijt DiD bis best, anD many gallant DeeDS toere Done bp t^e man^ noble knigbts tfcere assembleD, to|ietl)er tljei? toere of tlje natibe lorDs, or of tlje foreign knigbts tobo baD come to toin bonor anD Do serbice on account of tlje beautiful princess Helena, C.3lBut, in tlje fuDgment of all, Wittier Ijafc toon from all tbe otber knigbt0 tbe pri?e on tbat fir0t Dap of tbe tournament. CjD?** lena toas gratifieD at tljis, aldjougrj slje enDeaboreD not to 0boto it outtoarDlp. CUttben a0keDU)ljobaD pleaseo Ijerbcst, 0be rtjougbt of liber, but DiD not name bim, toonDering tobo tbi0 stranger knight coulD be, inljo ijaD borne ijimsclf 00 0ucce00fullp in tbeli0t0, anD baa toorn bi0 fair arms 00 noblp. >be tfjougbt lie toas 00 accomplice* in arms anD 00 gallant of mien tbat be toa0 certainly tbe blo00om of manbooD among all tbo0e tobo toere pre0ent in tbi0 ftelD of knigbt* Ip DeeD0. L3R)e fou0ting toa0 kept up toitb great bigor until nigljt, io^en tlje fall of oarlme00 compelleO tljr contest' ants to part from oneanotljer. C l)f king anD Iji0 Daughter returneD to tlje cit^ ; 00 toa0 ttjere an enU of tlje tilting toity Iance0, anD of tlje first Dap of tlje tour* nament, C.Hmong tlje bnigt)t0, to^ile tljer iiiere putting off tijeir armor, ia0 muclj talk of tlje black knigljt; anD tljet 0aiD among tJjem0eUje0, tljatt^ep tooulD glaDlp see tjim in Doublet anD breeclje0 anD que0tioneD fco^etljer Ije iuoulD 0fcoto Ijtmself as ljanD0ome in person, anD a0 accompli0ljr D in bearing, as Ije tuas in armor. L^en, too t t^jep a0keD eacl) otijer if |je tooulD probe as shilful in arms on foot as on Ijor0eback* C.^lmong trje laDie0, also, tlji0 nt^stertons knigljt mas a topic of conversation, but tl)ese Ijao no ooubts about Ij 10 beauty? anD grace in any? Dre00 ; nor iDa0 tfcere anp que0# tion iintlj tl)cm of I)i0 sUill luitlj 0toorD or battle^ape : tljep but DeclareD tljat Ije tua0 a perfect knight anD gentleman, 00 mucb liaD Ije cbarmeD all tijeir Ijeart0 io|)o migfct otbertoi0e babe re* maineD at tijeir loDging0, toent to tlje court in bope to 0ee bim, tbougb tbep all kneto tbat no prije or prai0e toa0 to be aDfuDgeD until tlje tljirD Dap Ijao enDeD. Wfym tbe Dancing began, anD tlje black knigbt DiD not appear, tljottglj all lookeD eagerlp for btm tbere ioa0 general Di0# appointment* Caliber returneD to tbe ijermit in tbe toooD ; for tlje knigljt liiljo IjaD put bim 00 0ucce00fullp in tbe uelD tljus aDbi0eD Ijim at tbe close of tbe f ousting ailjen be took leabe of bim anD roDe atoav luitlj ijis people; but first be tolD bim to babe no anrietp, as be tooulD come for bim again tbe nert morning in gooD time. Caliber tbankeD \)im toarmlp,anD returneD to 0penD tbenigbt toitb tys bermit. J^e tbere gabe tbank0 to (J5oD for tbe aiD granteD bim on tbat Dap, anD prapeD i^im to be0toto further be^p in tlje coming time. CLtEbe bolp permit DiD toljat be coulD for bim, but o tbe fir0t Dap of tbe great tour* nament came to an enD, anD it map toell be tljougljt tbat tbe knigljts uiljo baD fousteD 00 0toutlp slept toell, anD neeDeD tbe rest of slncet tjotirs of 0lum* ber to reneto tbeir 0trengtb for tbe la* bors of tbe morrouj. Cfmpter Wt Cfje second of tlje tournament. tyt nigfjt passed, and tt)e neto dap came; tfcen tyt knights toere tip betimes preparing tyemselbes for ti>e field according to tlje rules announceD on tije former dap* Cj&s tfcc tiour ap* proaefied tiiljcn tlje lists toould be opened, OIHtUer sale a great company rid* ing totoard Ijim, toljo noto toore dresses of red color, made like tljosc of ^cstcrdap, toljiclj tfjen toere black, tlje color alone be? ing ctiangeo* L^ tyei? ^^^ near, t^eir leaDcr, &re#0et> in a long coat of crimson, greeteo brance tljat teas constantly in l;is mint), Ijis strength became ttoofolD, ant) l)is courage ano proioess greatly increaseo* tCljerefore it is not possible to relate all tljr DeeDS tljat toere Done by t)im, ano by all tljc otljcr baliant Imigljts, upon tl)is gallantly contested fielD* CJIt toas an oroer of tljf Day tljat, if tl;c banner of tl;c cljallengcrs, toljicl) tnas carrieD in tljc miDSt of tljose iuljo tor re tljf Defenders of tljc lists, sljoulD be taken from tljcm by tye opposing party, carrieD by tijem to a certain appointeD place, anD tljcre set up , tljc contest of t ijc Day sljoulo come to an enD, Cljcrcfore tljosc toljo IjaD come from otljcr lanDS, of loljom tlje Victorious reD Imigljt toas soon tacitly recognijeD as t^e leaDer, strobe con* stantly to toin tt)is prije from t^e na* titic imigljts, by luljoin it toas skilfully anD Vigorously DefenDeD* C.#t length , luljo neber remaineD long in one place, anD before to&om all gabe toay, succeeDeD in forcing Ijis passage, at tlje ^eaD of a strong party of foreign fcnig&ts, to ttie stanDarD of t^e c^allen^ gers, anD, Draining near to tfce fentg^t iuljo carrieD it, gabe Ijim suclj a stroke loitl) Ijis slDorD upon tljc Ijclmct tljat Ijis Ijcau mas beaten Doton to Ijis Corse's necfe, anD ^e fell to t^e eart^, stunneD for tljc moment by tljr force of tljc bloto ; but immediately coming to Ijimsclf anD still grasping tlie StanDarD, Ije raiseD Ijimself into tljc posture of Defense, {[I^en liuer, being fiery angry totty fctm, anD toisfc* ing to kill l)im because Ije t)aD slain 00 many Cnglisji nobler CJTOnt Ufjer Sato Ijis fell intent, anD tljat Ije graspcD Ijis 0toorO in botl) IjanDs to smite, lie stoung aloft Ijis oton stoorD before tlje ot^er coulD strike, anD toi^i a keeping bloto cut off botlj Iji0 arms, 00 tljat tljey fell to tlie grounD* C.#ll toljo 0ato tljis stroke mere ama^eD, anD, among tl)em, tlje king, ll)o cro00eD Ijuuself, anD erieO out, C,"K|)at a mig^t^ knight tsf clotl)eD in reD! it 10 tie inl^o Da^ in black, inl)icl) sljoulo be Ijis life.- long color* 31f lie be not 0ta^eD, ^e toill rob me of all mi? brabesft knig^w* 3fl be# liebe tljat Ije must be tlje foul fienD in liuing form. g>ee Ijoiu I)i0 stoorD Ijetos 1 ! H)e Ija0 00 u0eD it tljat it Ijas become of ttie color of tye Dre0&" C.t^l)e king 0aiD further, C." ilet no one regret t^e knight tol)om Ije Ijas fust slain ; for tie toa0 not obeying m^ orDew to&en ^e ioa0 cut Doton;butmaltciou0l^ Disobeying tljem, therefore ^e toa0 rig^tl^ puntelieD," C^ftt t^e king 0ent more marshal* anD all t^e noblemen about i)im to stop ttye fighting; but, none tlie less, ^e kept (Dliber in bieto, anD perceitjeD tljat ^e IjaD note learneD t|ie toill of t^e king, anD toa0 aiDing t|ie marshals to separate t^e combatants* C.SDuring t^ie melle, ttje laDies, t^oug^ filleD toit^ fcorror at t^e blooD^ spectacle, coulD not toit|iDrato t^eir e^es rrom observing etier? act of tlje reD knight* But at length t^e prin# cess, tljouglj fascmateD b^ ty$ Daring, coulD no longer look upon l)is DeeDs; but turneD atoa^ ^er pitting e^es, un^ able to bear tlje sig^t of tl)e slaving of ^er countrymen, ttie (Englisti knigl)ts CL^e combatants toere noto separateD ; anD t^e king orDereD announcement to be maDe, tljat no knight, on pain of los* ing I) is Ijeao, sljoulD again During tl)at Da^, either in earnest or in sport, fig^t in tlje lists* 011 obe^eD tlje manDate of tlje king, anD earlj liuing combatant, to^o toas able to Do so, toitijDreto from tfce lists* L^liiier roDe atoa^ totty t^ie kitigljt to 1)0 IjaD befrienDeD l;im; for tlje latter, on tljis Da^, toent luitlj Ijint to tlje Ijouse of tlje permit* Ulljen tlje^ toere come tl)itl)er, tlje Imigljt blesseD >liuer, anD took lea tie of Ijtm, as DiD also all tlje attenDants* (DUber tljanUeu tljem cour; teouslv ; anD tlje Imigljt, in leading, baDe Ijint sleep toitljout anriet^ for tlje fok lotoing Da^, as lie tooulD not forget Ijhn* C^lJf king anD Ijis Daughter returneD to tlje palace; anD, to^ien slje toas alone toit^ ^er father, toearieD b^ t^e long Dap anD Deeply DistresseD anD saDDeneD bp tlje Deatlj of so many noble anD brabe knigljts, s|ie saiD, C. u ^p Dearest father, art t^ou not troubleD anD grietieD tljat tljou Ijast seen to.tiay so many of our best anD noblest frienDS perisl) anises ably luitljottt gooD cause, as 31 tljiult? for it Ijas IjappeneD on my account, or at least in my name, anD 31 am sick at fceart, anD reaDp to fbrstoear all men ^encefort^* 3I^erefbre3l beg t|iee to pro# mise me tljat no tilting, or fig!) ting luitlj stoorDS, sljall again take place in sttclj fetal manner as to^Dap*" C. u W tiaug^^ ter," saiD t^e king, "rtjou art a gooD ; but grietoe not, nor take to Ijeart Day's toork* (Elje fault toas none of thine, jror that uMjicb bas bappcnrD 31 am perhaps more 0orrou.ifttl than tljott art, ana a part of the fault may? babe been mine* 31 toill probe tbat it sball not bap* pen again, as it DiD to^Das, torjen 31 lit* tie fbresato such Disaster anD so saD an enDing. >catb in the lists, tljott lmou> est, is common ; but tbese sports cannot be Done aiuay?, as they? tend to preserve tbe toar#training of our people, tojjicb if of htgl; import for the Defence of our realm*" C.3ftjereupon be toisljeD ber gooDmigbt, ana saiD that l;e feneuj she ujoulo that night babe no pleasure in Dancing; to tobicb she anstoereD tbat sbe tooulD prefer to rest, anD trs to forget* >o tbere uias no Dancing tbat ebening* C eUhen tbe king toent to bis cbamber, be maDe inquiry boto man^ bnigbts Uiere founD DeaD upon tbe fielD* anD uias tolD tbere toere fbrt^^sij: of tbe dfcnglisb anD fifteen from otber lanDs. C.3t tljis report be toas uerv griebeD anD angr^, but orDereD tbat another sip anD forty? Imigbts be cljosen to take tlje places of tbe DeaD on tbe morroto, anD also, if tbere mere some toounDeD ujljo migbt Die if tl)ev continueD in armor, tbat their places be liUeiu ise fillet) by able knights ; anD tljis toas Done accorDing to bis Cfiapter tout. Cf)e t|)trt) of tlje tournament, J^en tbe nert Das tamt tbe bing arose, anD toiti) his Daughter bearD mass, after tobicb tbey? took their morning meal together* Wtyile icere eating, ^tb^ king anD tbose toere luitb b^m spoke of nothing but 2esterDay?'s contest, its inciDents, anD tbe Disaster in tobic|) it b*D enDeD* king saiD tbat it troubleD bint greatly tbat bf baD not set seen more nearly tbe knigbt tobo baD borne l)im# self so Victoriously upon tbe ttoo pre^ ceDing Da^s ; anD be gate orDers tbat ttoents Imights sboulD keep toatcb on > liter, tbat be toent not airing tbat etoen* ing, aiioiDing tbe festival as be baD Done before; anD he commanDeD tljem to bring this reluctant knigbt before bint, toitb all bonor anD kinDness, for be De^ sireD, auotoe all things, to see bint ; anD also DeemeD it fitting, after his DeeDS of tbe ttoo Day?s, tbat be sboulD be pre* sent at tbe aDfuDging of tbepri?e C.H?e also orDereD tbat tbe number of guarDS to aiD tbe marsbals, anD carry? out any? orDers tbat be migbt gibe for temper? ing tbe contest, srjoulD be increaseD from ttuo thousand to four thousand. C.flWle t^e king anD fyte court circle still talkeD together of tbe mysterious black anD reD knigbt, tbere came tbe stetoarD of tbe palace, a ben? buss man, U)bo baD mans particulars for tbe king's Decision, anD so helo, for tbe rest of tbe time, tfce king's ear, as tbes toere ma& ing great preparations for tlje ebening feast anD festibal, tobicb baD been or? DereD to be in granDest state, toitb tbe most costly luxuries to be obtaineD ; for this toas DesigneD to be tbe most splenDiD banquet tbat baD eber been at* tempteD in tbe palace or knoton in tbe kingDom* C.^oto tbe time toas near luhen ebers one shoulo be in his anD her appointed place, to Do or bebolD tbe DeeDS of tbe tljirD Das of the tottrna? ment CLtEhe four tbousanD guarDS toere stationeD in suitable position to prebentans one DisposeD to raise a tu* mult, or make ans affront to tbe Dignits or safrtp of tljr festival, but tljr most of tljosr in ttjat great assembly toere more inclined to join in ceremony and dis* play tljan be draum into a meUe, suclj as bad befallen on tljr Day before* C,& ber toore a mljitr dress rrartly similar, except in color, to tfjat of ttje prebiottsf oar ; and all ftfe retinue of knigbts, squires, anD servants toere also clad in tobite* te Corses, too, toere snoto* toljite, toitlj trappings to matdj, not less magnificent tljan on tljr otljrr ttoo Days* Ue entered tfce lists on a beautiful stallion, ano took place beside fyt king of .Scotland* tEfcci? all dismounted, and came together, prepares for tfce eneoun* ter tljey toere noto to make on foot* C, commanDcD tl)cm to ascertain tljc number of t^e combatants* {E&e mar# s^ials, to^o toere to make tfce count, took a djam from a Ijat, anD maDe it fast to ttoo lances, under tuijicfj cad) of tfce knights must pass singly ; so toere t^ counted ; and it toas found tyat t^ere toere of tfcose toljo ^ad come from foreign lands to take part in ttys con* test four hundred, HWfytn t|iis toas done, a herald proclaimed tljat it toas tlje king's toill t^at ebers knigljt should ungird l)is stoord, and la^ it aside; as fce deemed it enough tfcat eaclj sljould be armed unttj abattle^are, toit^ totitct) to do combat ; and tie bade eberj? one take ^eed tyat ^e strike no one on t&e toitb ^is are* and tfce tjerald fur* proclaimed tijat tlje prnc of tlje tournament toouUi be atoarded to t^e toinner on djc etening of ttjat da^, at tl)f festival in tlje palace* Cj&oon after t|)is a great blast of trumpets sounded for tljecontestof tfcebattle^aresto begin* Cl) r n it toas a gallant siglit to see fyoto ttje knights rushed into conflict, and man^ bright e^es sparkled to^en fytv sato tpto en tlje ttoo parties came together, t^ere toas little science or skilful manceutore ; for eacl) raised tt)e strong rtgl;t arm, in- Merited from bis father, and brought doton tjis are untlj all Iji0 force* W$m toas no chance for pitp in suclj a melee, (Dliber gabe so migljty blotos in eber direction, tljat toljoelier sato bim prepare to strike dreto back from before ijim, and feto dared atoait t\}t stroke* C?e struck so miglitil^, tljat ty& are, tljougl) berp strong, broke in Ijis |iand, totiic^ seemed for tljr moment most disas* trous; but to^en Ijc sato tljat ijis toea* pon toas useless, ^e cast it doton, and sprang fearlessly upon a knigljt near t)im, and torested tljr arc from bis bands, despite a desperate resistance, ttjroto; ing bis opponent upon tljr blood-stained ground of tljr battle lists* OTjen tljis are toas also broken, bf captured an* otber in like manner* ki^tte toere ttoo kings of 3f|reland, to^o sato tljr toonder* ful deeds tljat <$liber did, and toere sorely brrrD tljerebr? ; for it bad become plain to tljem, as it toas indeed to all, tljat tljr pri?e of tljr tournament mould be toon bj? #in* 3I exceeding insolence and anger, tljrp botlj attacked Ijim at once, toljtdj toas contrary to all usage and knigbtlp courtesy* defending bint* self, (Dlitier struck one of tfcem dead toitb a single bloto of ijis are, and bore Doton powerfully on ttyt other, anting him back* dCljc king of Cnglana toas Watching tljte encounter, anD UrciDrO that the contest must no longer con* tinue, if h* tooulD not babe great blooD* sljcD groto out of it, anD many DeaD, as in yesterDay's mtle"e ; therefore b* causeD announcement to be instantly anD louDly proclaimed that, from that moment, lie forbaDe the contest to go on, anD tljat all must separate on pain to boar and to prosperity s>o tlje combat ants toere separated, tohether they toere glaD or sorry* C,3Pb* king of (EnglanD anD tits Daughter* toitb all their court people, returneD to the palace, anD the knights of the tournament toent back to their loDgings in the city* tEhe boDy of the DeaD king toas taken up by h& people, laiD in a car cobereD toitb black belbet, borne to hts kingDom in lanD, anD there burieD in state* lookeD about him for his knight anD his horse, anD calleD alouD for his people ; but no one came or anstoereD him* J?e teas in much astonishment tohen Ijc founD none of those ioho ijaD brought him thither, anD toas greatly troubleD toljat he shoulD Do* C^hough still in complete armor, he unDertook to go on foot to the house of the hermit in the toooD, for he knelt) not tobere else to seek for loDging* t^his l;r DiD, mur* muring to himself that it seemeD clear that misfortune haD again befallen him, anD that the hour haD come in toliicto fate shoulD turn against him* C.^o, obrr,- clouDeD b gloom, he fuDgeD that \)t must leabe the gooD things that haD seemeD to be falling into his hanDS, anD tobieb he ias ber\? untoilling that anv one in the toorlD insteaD of him shoulD babe* Cj^tle ty toent beabili? on his toai, his minD completely ulleD toith his misfortune, the ttoenq? knights, com? manDeD b^ the king to bring him to the court, toere Diligently seeking him* 5?or some time they coulD finD no trace of him, hating lost him in the confusion of the breaking up of the tournament ; but riDing about in many Directions, a party of them at length DiscobereD him, toalking slotoly anD mooDily back to the hermit's loDge* tEbese follotoeD him stoiftly, putting spurs to their horses, anD came up to him, tohen their leaDer thus aDDresseD him, C." jl^oble knight, be not angry toith us that toe obey the commanD laiD upon us by the king; for he has orDereD us to finD you, anD begs that you toill, on this night, remain toith hint for the supper, the festival, anD the Dance* therefore, in obeDience to our master's commanDS, toe must conDuct you to hn" C.jlioto *w frienDS," replieD liber, " out of pour oton gooD* ness pou sap more gooD things of me t^an 31 Deserbe, anD 31 unDerstanD ttiat cad; of pou Ijas ijnD a better master tljan 31 am ; but since it is pour toislj, 31 take pou into mp serbice, anD to^morrote, tofcen 31 learn tfcat pou are knoton people, 31 toill probiDe for pou, anD ap# point for carl) tlje Duties in tobicl) Ijc is sfeilleD," C.<^ne of tlie servants replieD, C" Gracious master, pour stetoarD bas DirecteD ttiat 31 sljall be pour master of tt)t stables ; so map it please pou to gibe orDers uiljict) of pour Ijorses sljall noto atoait pour use* Hfym are in pour sta? bles, beloto, fibe beautiful stallions, anD ttoo mares tljat are small anD fine, Sfjcsc 3) toill take charge of, anD Do in all things as toell as 31 on, since tfye stetoarD Ijas giben me charge of tlje Corses, anD if sucb be pour toilU W^tttf fore, gracious master, as it is far from fccrc to tljc palace, toill it please pou to sap to me toljicl) ijorse g^nll be prepared for pour present use ; anD 31 pw^ ^ou, tell me also tobict) saDDle^clotb sljall be laiD ober tlje saDDle, tljat toiti) figurco belbet, or one embroiDereD toitb golD, anD if four mounteD attenDants sljall be in toaiting on pou" C,enD, also, tljc ser; bing men toitl) torches, tljat tljep ligljt me to t^e court*" C.^bnr liber com* manDeD to unDo tlje package containing bis costumes* {H3)is toas straigljttoap Done, anD therein toerefounD t^ree suits of tl)c colors lie Ijao toorn on tlje tljree Daps; namelp, black, reD, anD toljtte, Ws$ coats anD breeches toere of belbet, tl)c toaistcoats of silk Damask, anD ttje tljrc c beautiful caps toere caclj ricl;lp Dec; orateD toitl) precious stones anD enam* els* Cljcre toas also a fine stoorD in a scabbarD of fetoelleD anD enamelleD golD, anD otljcr nclj ornaments suitable to tl;e court costume of a prince, HWfytn \it ber beljelD t^is magnificence, Ije crieD, C.** ^ gracious anD beneficent oon came tlje knigljt totjo IjaD brought Ijint Ijttljcr, saping tljat be tooulD attenD Ijim to tljc court anD tljat it toas full time fyty toere on tfce toap* (Eben tbe torches toere ligljteD, anD tljey rooe to- getljer to tlje court* Chapter fr f tfje ftsttte it? at tlje Cnglisb Court in honor of tlje king's Daughter an* of ttje Uictor of tl;e tournament, an D in l;at teas Done thereat* tyen liber came to tbe gate* toay of tbe palace tie 00 touched bts boi#e toitt) tlie spurs tljat it maDe tlic most graceful cttrfcets tbat baD eber been seen, anD, as its? master DesireD, struck fire from tbe stones of tbe patoe; ment, 00 tbat elieri? one Iua0 Oralun to tlje inintjolris to see inm as Ije roDe up unfcer tlje Ug^t of flaming torches* C.3(ln t)tf magnificent court tress ty teas so princely anD charming a person t^at no one coulo satisfy t)imself Uottl) gating ; anD so many people toere present loljen lie Dismounted tljat l)is attenDants IjaD to make a toap for Ijtm tljrougJ) tljem ; anD, if \)t IjaD been a monster of tlje sea* t|iere mig^t not Ijabe been more toon* Der, nor a greater assemblage of people to beiiolD Ijim, C.^lnD it toas tolD to tlje king and Ijis court tljat tl)e UJljtte fenigljt IjaD come anD toas noto entering tl)e pal ace, anD tljat sucl) toas bis resplenDent beauty tljat its like baD neber before been seen, for it toas nature's masterpiece* (UHKfctn ttjis report came tl)e laDies asfeeD one of another, "OTjence comes ttiis fairy Unigljt , tljis prince of a golDen lanD of romance, tl)ts being brighter anD more fcaliant tljan tlje toorlD ijas eber before seen ? J?appi? are toe tfcat be bas eome to our lanD anD to our court/' Cj3nD toljispers anD Ijalf toljispers anD replies ran rounD tbe circle of court Dames, Damsels, anD tbeir attenDant fenigbts; tljen migbt it babe been no^ ticeD tbat tbe knigbts toere DisposeD to sneer, but tbe laDies tjaD notljing but praise to utter* CJIn tbe miDst of a murmur of sucb loto^spoken toorDS, <^liber entereD tbe ball, tobere tbe court toas assembleD ; anD tbe murmur DieD into silence, all listening to b^ar tbe toorDS be migbt speak* C^e greeteD tbe king, tbe laDies, tbe nobles, all tbe court circle, toitb princely courtesy anD courtly toorDS; to tobicb tbe king anD nobles responDeD in like manner, anD receibeD bim toitb great Distinction anD Digni; fieD hospitality; but, at tbe same time, certain glances flasbeD unDer mas^ culine brotos, bigb^arcbeD into court smiles, as if to say, tbat tl)ey DID not finD bfot fo ercessibel^ beautiful or charming ; anD in tbe bf arts of tljese toere many most sincere toisbes tbat tbis princely Visitor's face anD all of bis boDp baD been an bunDreD miles atoa^, or back in bis oton fairylanD, insteaD of bere, tobere be baD so Victoriously toon tbe bigb^t praise in tbe tournament, anD toasnoto toinning tbeaDmiration of eben? laD^'s beart* t^bis toas entop, tbe bice of courts; for riors, and unassuming tuitl) princes, nobles, anD knigljts; 00 tljat tljere toas no reason tojjy any one sljoulD feel en* mity to #m; anti it coulD only be etril lurking in tljose hearts; tljat toisfceD Ijim tiarm; anD tljese courtiers, beJjinD tjjeir ceremonious smiles, DiD foist) Ijim all kinDS of farm* BesiDes, tie toas a prob* able obstacle in tlje part; of many a court ambition. L&iiljile CHttier toas tljus re? ceibeD toitlj tfce courtesy of professed aD* miration by ebery one, tfce princess tyek ena, attenDeD by many princes, nobles, anD laDies of tlje court, came into tlje Ijall, mljielj foas magnificently Decorate CD, or r Dress foas so ricljly ornamental tljat it foas foorttj a DuUeDom, ano slje neUer before foorn one so splenoiD* it foas tjer beauty tljat gabe its greatest brightness to tlje t;all; for slje foas fair b e vonD 1 1) r fairness of otljer foo^ men, fair as tljat otljer fytltn, for fotjom tlje loft toalls of tETro^ toere laia lofo t^at goo^born H?elen, so beautiful tljat, in a lanD of toorlo^famet) beaut^^ s^e foas peerless ; so beautiful tljat ijer name tjescenOeD tljrougl) tlje ages as a spno* nvin of female beauty ; so beautiful as to set ttje foorlo in arms for Ijcr posv session* C,l3ut tlji s tale must nofo pro^ cerD to ttje Direct matter of its tjistorp. C.CCJ tjen ttje princess came near Ijcr fa# tljer, s^e fenelt before |jim, ant) oiD ^im reference, as foas fitting for a subject* tljouglj a Daugljter. Cljc king took Ijer IjanD, raiseD tjer up, ano baDe ijer foel? come in <$ot)'s name* ^e foas greeteD, also, bp all tlje princes ant) nobles, to foljom, separately, slje gatie tljanUs for t^eir courtesy in fitting tooms, as slje foell Unefo Ijoiu to Do* C.^liter, foljom slje recognijeD from Ijis noble anD tit; gant appearance, foas brougljt before Ijer, anD slje baDe Ijim foelcome in fefo anD moDest toorDs* l^er tieart at once foent out tofoarD Ijim as tje replied to |jer toelcome in courtly anD toelUcljosen sentences, looking up into ber face in respectful aDmiration* #t t^iis meeting of tfoo beautiful ones it foas necessary to ask tlje knigljts to stanD back tljat tlje laDies migljt look on (Dliber anD tlje prin- cess, as it foas tljeir foistj to Do* f tlje unfoeDDeD laDies, pertjaps of tlj e foeD^ DeD Dames, too, eac^ one saiD to ljer# self, or |jaD t^e fcalkconfesseD tljoug^jt, C.** ^HttoulD to (SoD t^at t^jis noble stran^ ger foere mv IjusbanD , anD IjaD foon me, as Ije Ijas foon our princess,' 7 for tljep all gate Ijim tlje pri?e, as tlje most ualiant anD successful knigljt* C,CSUjile tljat foljielj Ijas been relateD took place, ttje banquet foas maDe reaD^ ; anD as soon as all foas prepares, tlje louD sounDing of trumpets summoned ebcry one to prepare for ttje feast, anD to foastj tlje tjanDS* C.tE^t)e king stood up, anD untlj man^ great lorDs ; tljese toent to by ttje king's commanD, anD asUed Ijim to make knofon foljence Ije came, anD fotjat foas Ijis rank anD fanu tt^ .^ ansfoereD tljat ^pain toas t^e land of tjis birtlj, tljat Ije toas a poor knigljt of no ijiglj rank, tjis family noble, but obscure* C.TO0 toas beliebeD nei^ tfcer by tlje king nor by tfce others to^o IjearD it ; for it seemed to ttjem all tljat ^is bearing anD mien betokeneD tljat lie toas born of a princely fcouse ; Ijis manners sljotoeD intimate acquaint ance toitb t^je etiquette of royal courts ; anD as to poverty, tljat foas absurd in connection toitlj ttje state totjictj Ije Ijad maintaineD During t^e last tljree Days ; for Ijouj could i)f probiar himself toitb dress, armor, ana equipage, unless bp thecommand of toealth: the gems alone tljat sparblcd on Ins costume exceeded in balue the fortune of manp a toealths bnight* >o they all concluded that he toas resolbed to Disguise hig!) ranb be* math the assumption of lotoer station* C.tEhe bing toob h& seat at table, and toith hfoi his fcigijest princes and fabor* ites; but the princess Helena toas seat* eft in the middle of tlje room, at a table raised abotoe tljr others, that all might habe the pleasure of seeing ^er #t the table toith her* on fcer riglit ^ant, toas t^e cfcief fuDge, anD t|ie princes ana laDies to^o toere tlje otfcer fuoges sat also at IK r table* Caliber, at first, maoe man^ polite ercuses before lie tooulD consent to sit at tlje king's table, at a place reserbeD for ^im besioe t^je feing; but, entreated bi? t^e monarch, tje coulD no longer refuse, so &e mooestl^ toob t^e seat assigned #m, according to t^e bing's tois^ ^>oon all toere seated, rtje nobles, bnigljts, ladies, and poung maid* ens, a great and splendid company C,t!Po relate tfce service at table, and re* count tl)c rare and delicious disljes tljat toere placed before tlje guests, toould balb tlje tale too long : it toas a ro^al feast, and all toere delighted ; but abotie all tlje pleasures of the table and tljr splendor of the scene, that mljich Uias most pleasing to the e^e and hf art and in this all toere agreed toas the beautiful princess, toho toas a refresh* ment to the ioear^ and an encourage* ment to manliness ; and there toas no one of all the great company of nobles, bnights, and gentlemen toho toould not, in her service, hatie dared the utmost danger* C.3>uring the repast the bing paid much attention to pamsij knight, tofco appeared in tlje lists on tlje first Dap in black, on t^e seconD Dap in reD, anD on tljc tljirD Dap in uuljite. Wit Declare tljat be surpasseD all others; anD therefore toe make knoton to tbp grace tljat it is our Decision tljat tlje 0panist) knight tjas toon tlje pri?e; anD toe 00 place tlje matter in tin fcanDS, tbat tfcou mapest act in suclj manner as is tin toilU" C."3ooD frienDS, Dear cousins, anD most amiable anD bclobcD laDies," m? stoereD tlje king, ** 31 unDerstanD ^our fuDgment, anD ^oto ^ou IjaDe come to make it, anD acknotoleDge tljat it tooulD be against all fustice anD rigljt to UDttl> IjolD tlje praise anD retoarD from tlje knigljt uoljo Ijas 00 toell earneD it b^ Ijis Untgljtlv settice; anD, inDeeD, IjaD 31 been of tlje fuDge0, my Decision tooulD Ijabe been tlje same tljat you Ijatoe maDe ; anD 3(1 tljank vou all for pour labors anD for ^our fait^fulne00 But, consiDering toell tlje future, our interests anD tjonor, anD tljat tlje pri>e must be giuen to a foreigner toljo is entirely unknoton to us, it seems pruDent to aDUise tljis, if it seems gooD to ^ou, tfcat one of pott sap to Ijim, tljat tlje prije anD tlje ijonor babe been toon bp \)int before all otljers, anD tljat it is aDfuDgeD bp pott all tljat mp Daughter be gitien to Ijim ; but one conDition 31 beg of Ijim : tljat be remain a pear at mp court before tfce marriage, in orDer tbat toe map learn biflf character more fullp* HBut 31 Ijere^ toitl) promise, bp mp croton, anD tljte promise sljall be unalterable, tljat at tlje enD of tlje pear 31 toill gibe Ijim tlje princess! in marriage, if 31 finD bim no otljer tljan 31 noto see anD tljink ; for, in tljat case, no man in ttje toorlD is more toortyp *f $& tfcan ^ e 31 n W* 31 tooulD babe tjim belieUe tljat tljere is no ttjottgljt to take from Ijim tljat toljiclj be Ijas toon bp bis imigljtlp DeeDS* C.^lso map pou sap to Ijim, tljat 31 Do not urislj to put Ijim at enmitp initlj potoerful princes anD nobles noto Ijere, uMjo came from far anD near for tbe purpose of toinning tlje pri^e of tlje tournament* 31f mp Daughter toere giben bim toljile tljep are pet ijere tljep tooulD gruDge Ijim t^e Ijonor ; anD tljrottglj entip anD IjatreD seek to assail Ijim ; ujljerebp tljere rntgljt be great Danger to bis life anD Disturb^ ance of tfce realm* 3|t is therefore mp luislj tljat tljis sljottlD be saiD to bint in sucb manner tbat ty map unDerstanD, anD be fullp satisfieD*" C,e2njen be IjaD finisljeD speaking tlje princes anD laDies toent into council again together, anD fbunD tbat tbe king lja& spoken toell ; anD tljep DeciDeD tbat it toas best to knoto inljat anstoer tlje ^panislj Unigljt tooulD make, before tljese toorDS anD t^is request toere publiclp announceD ; for it tooulD be a great Dishonor to tlje king if bis DemanD toere refuseD before so manp princes anD nobles* tEljep toere toell satisfieD tljat tlje king toas rigljt, in tbat it toas necessarp to knoto, more surelp tljan tljep DiD at present, luljat manner of man tljis, tfceir faborite knigljt, toas; for mud) of Ijastr to Do a tiling, &orroto anD sore regret man bring* C,&ljr fuDge toljo toas cbosen to speak toitb (DUtier sottgljt ijim out in tlje Ijall among tlje Dancers, took Ijtm by tlje sleebe, anD leD Ijtm apart to tell Ijtm urtjat tlje king proposes Caliber l)aa feareD tlje result, for tbe reason tbat tbere toere fjere 00 many potoerful princes: anD nobles, to tobom tbe king tooulD naturally prefer to gibe ty& Daugb* ter, ratber rtjan to an unknoton knigbt ; for tljese migljt be of more promise of aid anD serbiee tljan eoulD be eiqpecteD of Ijim ; also Ije Imeto tljat, in tljetr titsv pleasure, it toa$ po00ible tliat t^ey migbt unite tljeir strengtlj^ ano make mud) trouble for t^e king* C.^erefore ty toasf partly prepared for t^e communication of tlje fuDge, anD tljougtjt to Ijtmsrlf tljat, if tie OiD not toillingly consent to t^e request noto maue of t)im, tlje fuoge* migljt reconsider tljeir Decision ; anD 00 !je migljt lose foreber tlje pri?e noto of* fereD Ijint on tljese conDitions; so ty cheerfully gate Ijts consent to toljat toas proposeD, anD replieD, L'^racious lorD, you are oberkinD to me ; for 31 am not Deserting of ttje beautiful CngUslj priu? cess anD t\)iear fa^ tber," saiD tbe princess, " seeing tbat tbou toisbest me to anstoer truly, 31 toill be obeDient, as is fitting: one is to me as otfjers; toljere eaclj Ijas gaU lantly Done Ijis best, Ijoui can 31 Declare a preference ? " C.0gain tbe king re^ peateD bis question in anotljer form: C."&boulD tbe atoarD anD tbe fetoel be giben to tbe fepanislj knigbt, tooulD it be pleasing to tbee, or tooulDst tbou rather sec it bestotoet on gome potoer? ful noble?" C."$9p gracious bing ant fatljer," Ijts Daughter anstoereD Untlj a smile, "it is altoaps a fine ant fconor* able action, tofcen one teeites bettoeen ridj ant poor luitlj equal justice; but tljou art toise, as prutent, ant toilt to tljat tofcidj is fitting noto, as altoaps," CtElje bing noto perceibet plainly enouglj tfcat bis djilt tooult not be grietet, or eben tispleaset, if goot for* tune befell tlje chosen bnig^t ; t^ere* fore tie orteret tlje fetoel to be brought, as bat been previously arranges, uMjielj toas tone* as tfce tale toill tell* CJFtot came mans sferbing men bearing lig^tet torches, toljo criet alout t^at etoen? one 0l)oul t make room ant scant back* t&tien came a Imigljt of t|ie ro^al bouflfe t in ar* mor oberlait ioitb a magnificent robe, to l;o carrtet in 1) is bant a long ant Ijeatoi? cljain of golt rieljlv gnrnisijrD toitb prr # ctous stones; tljis \)t belt aloft rljac all migbt see* Be^int tfce bnigljt came ttoo fair oung mait ens, toljosr tresses toere as splentit as tljat of tlje fenigljt maitens feir in face ant form, so tijat tljep toere a m to all U)I)o looket on tljenu (Eljcsc maitens toere attentet b^ four knigljts rtcljlv clotljet, ant tljev all came ant fenelt before t^e bing, in fitting Ijomage, ant asUet if it toas l;is toill tljat tlje prije sljoult be giurn ; to uilj id) be gabe t;is assent* tr: l)r n Un igljts ant maitens, in formal state, passet arount tlje ball until tljrp came to tl)c place toljere >liuer bat motestl\? uiid), traton among otber of t^e guests, Qfyt armet fentgljt callet upon Ijim to stant ford), for be toas ctjarget to speab toitl) tlim* Wii)tn be steppet fortoart , in some confusion, tlje bnigbt tl;us attresset .*^ost seining example of man^ boot ant bnigbtl^ protoess, t^e bing, our most gracious master, ant dje no# bles ant laties \)ttt assemblet, tubo babe been teligbtet bu tbe great ant bnigbtl^ teets of arms tispla^et in pub^ lie in vour most glorious acts, bestoto upon i?ou t^is cbain, ant gibe EOU ttjere^ Uoitlj djf praise ant meet of djampion? sl)ip, abobe all ottier bniglits, in tljr tljree ta^s' tournament*" L^ben follotoet tlje presentation of tije djain, tlje ents of tobicl) toere belt up b^ tt)e maitens, uiljilr tl)e bnigbt supportet tlje mittle of it in l)is raiset bant* 0fter luljid; tljebniglit continuet, L"3I am noio to speab of our gracious lat, tlje princess Helena, in regart to tojjom tlje bing gibes von to bnoto, tljat rour claim to Ijis tattgljter's bant, tlirougb tlje pro? clamation mate in all lants, tbat slje sljoult be toon bp tlje most approtet bntgljt in tlje tournament, toill be belt to immobablp* 515ut be Desires tljat pott toill toait mljile one pear runs its course before pou temant t^e fulfilment of tbis promise ; ant be pletges bis binglp toort tljat, turing tljis time, l)is tangly ter sljall remain untoet , ant tljat botlj be ant tlje princess toill bear tljemselues totoart pou in suclj manner tljat pou toill be satisfiet ; for slje is to be tljen giuen pou in marriage, as slje is noto consiteret to be so betrotljct* OBore^ ober, tlje bing toisijes pou to unter^ stant fullp tljat, in tljis telap, be tesires to tabe from pou no goot tijing tljat pou ijate teserbet, ant tljat sljoult be pours ; but, on tfce contrarp, toisijes to to pou muclj bonor*" C.^Kitb motest tiftttence Qlifur anstoeret t^e bnigljt, saping t^at ty in no toap teserbet so great retoarD ad IjaD been conferred upon Ijim bp tlje king anD tljc judges, ana by do ntuci) good opinion ; but Ije undciv stood ttjat it toad awarded tljrottglj tlje gooo toill of tlje king, tlje princes, ant tlje ladies of tlje court, anD be tooulD be berp ungrateful totio DiD not accept suet) kinD gooD toill fopfullp* #s to tye re* quest of a pear's Delap of tlje marriage, tijat request sijould be a commanD to Ijim j but tie earnestlp beggeo of tije king ttiat, if lie fcaD toon tjie pri?e of tfce tour* nament, it slioulD not be taken from ijim ; tor it toad Ijis Ijearf s 1 desire to ob; tain at once tlje treasure be Ijad toon ; and no one must beliebe Ije tljougljt ligljtl^ of tljat pri^e, because ^e ineloeo to tlje request tljat l;e sljoulu toait a ^ear before claiming it; tofyic^ lie only consented to Do because sucfy toas tlje toill anD toisl) of tl;e king* CJn grate^ ful toorDS IK also t^ankeD tl;e king, princes, nobles, anD taDies for tlje gift of tlje precious fetoel; anD, lading ttie cljatn about t)is neck, gate Discourteous thanks also to tljose to^o l)ao brought it to Ijini. C,(!^ljen tie toas askeD toliat toere tits baptismal anD family names ; to tofcicfc fce replieD, C."3I am calleD <&& tier, but may not, at t^is time, make knoton m^ femil^ name*" C.tEl)en StooD fortl) a IjeralD, Uiljo by commanD of ttje king maDe proclamation of tlje bic^ tor of tlje tournament ; anD as tie coulD not call t)im b^ an^ full name, tie crieD in a louD ljoice,C, u t^tlis gooD knigtit, ber, ttiis black, reD, anD toljite ttje croton anD perfect blossom of knig^tllooD, lias acquitteD liimself toitlj strength, skill, anD mantiooD beyonD all others, in tfce past tljree Daps 7 tilting anD combats of stoorD anD battle^are : tljere.- fore tlje fuDges totio toere appointeD, anD Ijatoe taken oatljs to Deal justly, gibe anD orDain tlje Ijonor anD retoarD to Ijim alone*" C.tEPtien toas (DUber leD before tlje king, to Ujljom tie DiD Ijomage; anD tfcankeD tym for ttie great tionor tjat) been stioton Ijim, of to^ict) tie toas not ujoittjy, nor Deserting. l?e beggeD ttiat tie tooulD commanD tjim in all tljings, anD beliebe Ijim to be altoaps tlje reatjy servant of \)i$ toill* Lt!Ptie king anstoereD tl)at l)c tooulD Do t^is toit^ all tlis ijeart ; tljat tie neeD tiabe no Doubt of failing suclj position at tlje court as tie DesireD ; tljat tie tooulD not forget ijim, anD tljat toliat tie tjao toon in t^e tournament be stioulD not lose* C." Gracious king," replieD o thev promi0eD each other, if 6oD helpeD them to come to their oton lanD, t\)ty tDOulD again bi0it the king of dEng* lanD in suclj manner that he tooulD re^ gret too late the Death of their frieno, toho haD been slain in his Cnglislj lists, anD that he ijao treateD their loss 00 little concern* Chapter jr. floto commenced his Duties at the Cnglisl) Court; hoto l)e fell 0ick for lobe of the beautiful princess, anD receibeD a bisit from her in Ijis 0ick#chamber ; anD hotD tl)is bisit cureD l;is illness. OILiber baoe gooDmight to the king anD l)is Daughter, also to the no, ble0 anD laDie0 of the palace; then roDe again to l)is loDging, anD initb him tpent man^ Imigljts anD noblemen, iuljo oe# sireo to gibe htm attenoance, anD make them0elbe0 agreeable to him, fore0eeing that he toa0 to be a mo0t important per# sonage at ttjc (HHtgUst) court* tljep reaclieD lite longing lie gate to orink, anD ttyankrD ttjem for tt;etr trouble in coming toitt) l;im, anD saiD, C."SPear frienDs, 31 toill be a serbant, anD brother, ant) gooD comraDe to all; anD therein 31 can serbe sou, toill finD me tocll inclined at all tinted" Cja>o tljfv took leabe of Ijim ant toistjcD t)im a gooDmigljt, going carl) to t)ts oton tjome* nty one most agreeable noble* man lie kept toitl) tjim for tl)e nigljt, i>e or sire o tjis companionship in orDer tljat lie migljt be maoe more particularly ac^ quaintet), in tljr morning, mitt) ttje no^ bles ant) companions toitt) toljom ^e tooulo associate at tljc court, ant) toitt) toljom Ijc tooulo be foineo in tl)e court serbiee* ^fter ^is efaentful Da^ liber slept tljrougti t^e nig^t toitfc better rest t^an Ije ^jat) enfo^et) During seberal pre^ ceDing nights, CLMtien a neto Das toas come lie anD tjis comraDe arose, anD li> ber put on ncto clothes, tljat l)e IjaD causeD to be maDe During ttie niglit; anD ttje nobleman brought tjun to ttje court, tot^crc, toitl) ttie king anD ty& at# tenDant gentlemen, ttjc^ ^earD mass* 3KHfyen tliis toas ober tl)e king com* manDcD ttjat liber be taken to a berlain, a knight of tlje Ijigfjcst rank, to toljom bf tiab giben ^is instructions* C.** liber, mp gooD patron anD frienD," saiD ttie knight, u our gracious master, tlje king, Ijas orDereD t^at 3] sljall re^ ceibe from sou tfce oat^ of obeDience to tiim, anD tfcat ^ou sjjall be nameD among tfce number of ty$ ^igljest c^amber^ lains, toitt) equipment of ttoentu Corses anD ti)t necessary squires, pages, anD serbants, also generous emoluments suitable to sucb position* 0s to pour tois^ to serbe our gracious laDj?, you babe tl)c king's consent; but tljat office is belD in muclj less rank tljan is no to giben ^ou; botoeber, ^ou are at liberty to nil botlj places as you toill*' 7 ber accepteD ttie honorable position tlius offerco Ijtm toitt) man^ tljanks, anD stoore to serbe ttje king fattljfullv ; but ^is minD toas mucl) occupieD toitlj tbe tljougljt cljat tljr time tooulD no to quick? l^ come toljen, accorDing to tjis tjeart's Desire, be coulD satisfy l)imsclf tottlj looking at ttje beautiful princess toljo l)ao kisseD Ijim so amiably* fyt beggeD tljat tlje king tooulD permit tjim to begin |)is serbice to ber upon tljat Da^; tol;irl) toas granteD, anD l;e toas brought to ber chamber, toljcre, totien ttie table toas set, came tfce beautiful Helena* liber toistjeu tier a gooD?Da, anD sljr tbankeD tjim toitlj Dignity; but in Ijcr Ijcart slje toas ber^ glaD to see tjim* sljr sat at tfje table, anD liber carbeD for ber; ere long sije raiseD tier face anD lookeD at tjim, anD saiD, C."2Dear frienD, it is toisfc to serbe anD carbe for me totjom 31 ^abe seen striking Doton arm eD knigljts, eben a king, in tfce lists? Does it not seem a little office, after sucli great DeeDS, to be carting Ijrr fooD for a xxmx young girl?" C."#raeious laty," fce anstoereD, " it is my frisb to to for you all tljnt 31 fenou) frill be toelcome anD serbieeable to you, anD tubiel) you per; tn it me to oo ; ant 31 ftnt greater plea; SUIT in sttel) serbiee tljan 31 Ijntic eber fount in tbe lists, ant also esteem it a greater Ijonor to nit, tljan tl)c acei; tent of Bribing tofrn a king," C." Wv frient," repliet tbe princess, ** 31 tljanfe you for your goot frill, frtjicb makes you 00 esteem my serbice ; ant, rtjougb 31 cannot but feel tbat you sboult not gibe me tbis toorU of your bants, still, as you unsl) to to it, it is my toisb ant a pleasure to me, to accept it," C.Kl)ile liber carbet be looket less at ti)c morning meat t^an at tbe prim cess, but on tbis occasion no miscbance fyappenet tbereby* Cdljen tbetable^clotb toas remobet Ijr remainet for a time uiitlj tbe laties, tben frent to tbe king ; to it IjaD been alreaty tolt Ijom <^liber Ijao serbet l)is taugbter, ant tbat sbe toas pleaset toitb bint as a carber* C.J3S time passet (Dliber boas mucb liket at tl)f Cnglisb court, toljr re all spoke toell of ijim. tEljc king coult not praise bim mougb, ant sait often tbat bis taugbter's knigbt toas a proper man, full of all birtues ant honorable intents, ant tbat be ant bis taugbter mere toell caret for initb sucb a stttt bant, C.C-be princess appreciatet tbe beauty ant t^e birtues tbat atornet ber young kntgljt ; but sbe sougbt to sboto it in no fray, tbrougb fear tbat \)tt feeU ing tofrart bint sboult be too mucb noticet, ant tbat sbe sboult be teemet unmaitenly ; for sbe knefr tbat tbe peo* pie of ber court, or at least some among tbrm, migbt be reatier to put an ill ratljer tljan a more fctntly construction upon bet contuct. Wifytn one asket, sbe sait tbat sbe safr notbing in bint tbat fras not goot ant bonorable, tbat be fras an amiable person tofrart all, equally reaty to to a goot serbice for tbe lofrest as for tbe bigbest* C.^1; tbottgb in tbe beginning be fras batet by certain persons, frbo grutget bint tbe fabor ant Conors tbat be bat fron. Still, tbrougb bis sount frit, bis goot; ness, ant I;i0 amiability, be so fron tbe bearts of bis enemies, ant so ober; came tljeir ill frill, tbat tbey learnet to lobe bint; ant, insteat of a tesire to infure, froult babe been reaty to tefent |)im CJt toere long to relate all tbe nefr sports ant tibersions tbat frere in; trotucet by bint at tbe Cnglisb court, so tbat tbere fras nofr more pleasure in its ebery^tay life tban tbere fras for^ merly upon a festibaU C.t^be tale bas tolt bofr <^liber receibet a kiss from tbe laty, to frbose serbice be fras teti* catet ; ant it bas tolt i;oiu be preserbet tbe memory of it in l)is beart ; but in a sljort time lobe took from bint all tbe foy ant pleasure of bis life; ant so belt bint in its mesbes tbat be caret neither to eat, nor to trink, nor bat any rest, eitber asleep or afrake ; for tbis cruel malaty of lobe pursuet ant tormentet bint in many tisturbing treams* J;e fras restless uiljen not attenting upon bis laty, ant in Ijer presence be fras tistractet by painful toubts* C^KHber; eber be fras, be seemet, as in a Dream, to see tbe beautiful ^elena before bim ; ant b^ became infatuated so utterly, tbat fr bat frent on about bim protucet so sligbt impression upon bis senses, tbat be libet in a frorlt of fancies, ant no longer baa Diligent care in tbe things; iDljieb be DiD ; for tbis; fjistorv trite, tbat oner, toljrn be sljoulD bate been cart* ing at table* be toas not conscious of bis neglect of sertoice; but gajeD at bis beautiful mistress, anD breatbeD manp Deep sigbs of lobe from ttje oeptbs of bis beart* CLe neither bearD nor unDerstooD ber tooroa at first ; for Ijis; tljougljts mere not upon t^e fooD; but tifyen a ber^ little sense came back to Ijim, and i)r recollected Himself ano luljat i)t sljoulo be Doing* ijc toas rr o toit^ sljame, anD began t)as^ til^ to carte ; but, still as one luijosr minD iuas not property upon bis toorb, be cut bimself, on one of bis fingers, Deeply to tlje bone* at tbis tbe princess criea out ; anD poor est uoljat Ijao befallen l;cr carter, anD si) r bneto ttjat bis lobe for brr baD maDe bis 1 tbougbts to toanDer ; so it cbanceD tljat an inciDent, Droll in itself, left its marb upon |ier beart, C.^liber returneD to bis loDging, anD entereD bis cljambrr alone, tobrrc be tbrr ID bimself upon a coucb, in sucb condition of minD as map not be DescribeD ; but tobocbrr baD seen bim migljt toell babe pitieD bim* C;c curse ti |)is fortune, tljat be coulD not control bis conDuct tinner tl;c Dominion of tbis tyrannical lobe, tbat baD so toounDeD Ijim toitb its arroto tbat it baD not only stricken Doton bi* courage, but baD pierceD bis ben? beart. jp.ouj be must Die ; for be erpecteD no grace, pity, or relief from \)i& malaDp, C.**<^ bing of C^nglanD," ty crieD, ** if tbou baDst bept t^ promise, as it is a Dutp of a bing to Do, 3(1 bao not fallen into tbe great affliction in uuljtcb II am noto plungeD ! alas, tbis lobe, urtjieb 31 IjoprD tooulD bring me tbe greatest fo^, bas probeD tbe cause of m^ Destruction ! " C.tE^bus <$lifcer, in bte Despair, long lamenteD, until be became so toeab tbat lie coulD not arise from bis beD* Cbe bing anD all tbe court tocrr mttcb troubleD b^ bis illness, anD orDers toere giben tbat be sboulD bate tbe best of care, anD be protiDeD luttb etiervtbins suiteD to bid neeDS ; anD, in especial, tlje bing com* manDeD tbe court Doctors to attenD on <$liter as carefully as if be Ijimsrlf toere tbe sicb man ; anD tbis toas Done* C,^f all lubo toere DistresseD b^ \i* ter'S illness, tbe spmpatljp of tbe prin* cess toas tbe Deepest ; but sbe strote to btt>e it, tbat no one might remark upon it* %fyt assumeD a slight illness, tbat tbe principal court Doctor migljt tisit Ijer Daity, anD of |)im s|ie inquireD con# stantty about CHiber, OTjen tola tljat tie toas in a critical condition, sbe toad griebeD to tlje Ijeart, anD all tlje sorroto slje Ijafc eber Unoum seemeu ben> little besi&e tljis misfortune, Cja>be toentinto tier chamber, saying tljat slje teas ill, lav Doton, ant baDe tljrm eotoer Ijer, as slje toisljeo to rest alone, {Ei;is slje oio tljat slje migljt be t\)t better able to Iji Ijcr sorroln* SClljen slje toad alone, pra^eD : C." #lmigljtE anD eternal e seben bings of 3lrelanD, to bom <$oO 3 Im i gl) tp b I ess, anD to to Ijom l)fljatl)orDainrD tljat great Ijoiw, praise, anD happiness be gtoen. 8nD mp mas* tr rs pray tljat same <0oD tljat H?e toill ut* terlp Destrop tbe kingdom of (EnglanD, for it is not toortbp to be anp longer a bingDom. J2 oto listen, t Ijou tprant, tljou murDerous bing, to tobat 31 am com* manDeD to sap to tljre from mp most gracious: masters, tbe bings of jflrelanO* t^lje^ announce to tfcee b^ me t^at t^ to ill lite anD Die tljine enemies:; nounce tljee anD tljine, boD v anD anD to ill Dr toe tljee out of tljis: bingDom a0 untoort^ to occupy it jfrom 5Ire# lanD came guests to tlw court, Ijating been inuitcD Ijitljer, anD expecting Ijon^ orable anD Ijosfpitable entertainment ; but tljrv founD in tljce onl^ insolence anD tyranny of toljicl) tljott art full. 0nD as in tin' toicbeD toantonnesft tljou bast causeD a bing of J.relanD to be murDereD anD cut DO ton toi tljou t reason or offence, therefore tljou art tljr cause tljat, at t^ court, a great sljeDDing of blooD sljall befall man^ Christian men toljo stanD near tft throne* &>o loob to ttyttlf ; masters sai? to tfcee t^rougb me t^at tbine enemr is alreaD^ in tl) lanD toit^ a great folio toing ; anD tljou art Doom to to meet tlje enD tbou Ijast DeserbeD." C,^2Hljen tl)c messenger Ijao enDeD tlje speeclj toitl) toljiclj Ijr IjaD been cljargeo b^ Ijis masters, ti)e bing of (EnglanD arose from tljr table in great toratlj ; bis e^es toere filleD toitb fire, anD be more resembleD a maDman tiian one in pos; session of bis: reason. s;e baDe tljat tlje messenger be slain for bisf insolence. CIMljrn tljr 3'rislj IjcralD, toljo baD glo# rieD in bis: message, beljelD tljr bing in sttd) a state of excitement anD anger, anD bearD bis commanD tljat tljr in^ Suiting IjeralD be slain, bis Ijcroic ertas^ somrtoljat abate tj, anD be tooulD tljat be been more moDerate in Ijis toorDS. no one molest CD Ijim; for tlje bing's councillors gatljereD about bint anD sougljt to calm bis: rage, anD etierj? one present teas startleDanD betoilDereD, toljilr all, except a fr to arounD tlje bing, tone silent ; for tljcp bneto not tofjat to sa^. C.tWEben (Dliber fbunD tbat tbe jflrisb l)r raid's Defiance seemeD to babe terrifieD eber^ one into an amazement toliicl) appeareD to bim to be uncalleD for bp tbe occasion, tl)cn bnelt be before tbe bing, anD saiD berp confiDentlp, C.** tyV lorD anD bing, 31 beg pour grace t^at pou toill not be angrp, nor tabe it amiss in me, so latelp a stranger bnigbt, tbat 3(1 offer to pour grace mp untrieD service* $pp gracious lorD, all pour court unfcp stanDS tbat pou toill not enDure tbe in, suiting tooros luljiclj batie been saiD to pour grace bp tbese foolisb bings of 3flre^ lanD anD spoben bp tbis most foolislj beralD. 31 bnoto tor II, tbat so toise anD potoerful a monarcb toill ratljer suffer Deatlj tljan fail to protect Ijis bonor anD bi people against sttclj insults anD Dr. fiance* tEljat you mill reckon toell anD promptly toitb tljrsc boastful enemies, U)l)o noto insult you in your oum lanD, anD at sour oton court, 31 toell knoto* Wqtitfact 31 most earnestly beg sour ropl mafestp, tljat sou toill gibe me tlje com manD of an army of suclj number as pou tljink sufficient, anD ^ourcoun* cil approbes, tfcat 31 mas be your arm to punisl) tljese 3|rislj kerns as fyey Deserbe* #ltljougt) 31 Ijabe no claim to four confluence by any prebious knoto* If Qgr , on your part, of my ability to man* age an armi?, tfttll 31 assure EOU t^iat 31 IjaUc IjaD mucb training in t^e military art ; ano t^e great Desire 31 iiatie, to probe mystlf toortljy tljc great place promises me in your court, IraOs me to bopc tljat you frill trust to me tfte toar against tljis insolent anD at ntrsco foe tl;at seeks to obcrtbroto your tljrone anD Destroy repliet) tlje king* U 31 toill consider t|)at lubicl) you babe uoisrly saiD ; ano your request, after Due consultation, stiall tabe a prompt anD frienDl^ anstoer*" Cjat tlje suggestion of fcis councillors, ttyt king toitfyDreto lji& orDer commanD* ing tbr ocatl) of the ljeralD,anD gabe bi> rection tbat fooD be placeD before tjim ; tljen, resuming l)is place at table, tl)f breakfast toas ft'nisljeD* tKbr n $t arose from ttje table anD assembleD I)i0 full council, toljo toere agreeD ttjat a Decisive anD sljarp anstoer be returneD by t^e same IjrralD tljat brought t\)t Defiance. CH?t teas sent for, anD orDereD to tell I)i0 masters to DefenD ttjemselbes ; for tl)c king of CnglanD tooulD protect tjis lanD anD people, anD intenDeD to stoeep tlje inbaDing 31rislj scum into tfce sea. 31f t|je^ toon Ijis kingDom, perhaps tfyty tooulD let tjim br tl)rir court-fool ; if tljc result toastljereberse,t^ IjaD certainly sl)otontt)emselbes toell qualifieD to toear coxcombs* C^en tlje 31ris& ^eralD, Ijabing to Ijts great surprise receibeD a consiDerable present, toas sent back to |)is masters, Uiljo iiaD, inDeeD, inbaDeD CnglanD ; anD Ijr gabe to tljem tbr an* stoer sent by tlje Cnglislj king* C^fter careful anD ber^ serious consiDeration by ttjr king anD t)is councillors, it toas DeciDeD to grant (Dliber's request ; anD lie toas tolD by ti)e king t Ijat ijr toas giben ttjis commanD on account of tljr great mantjooD ttjat br bao sljoton in the tour* nament, anD of tlje confidence inljir b lie IjaD inspire ti in tljrm all by l)is toise anD kniglitl^ conDuct. jfor t|)is confiDence anD tlje commanD ttjus giben bim, \is ber tljanUro tlje king anD tlje councillors* C^itljin tljree Days ten ttjousanD toar trained men toere lebieD anD placeD un* Derttje control of tlje nelu general, toljo maDe oatb of military serbice to tbe king, anD toas promises by Ijim Ijis full sup* port* military cljest of fibe tljousanD nobles toas also probiDeD, to beuseD as neeDeD, anD to replace stub losses as toere liable to occur; anD tljis money toas fbunD most useful anD necessary in carrying on tlje toar* CtK^en (Z^liber took leabe of tbe king anD court, anD of fyis belobeD anD gracious laDy , toljo com* menDeD bim to tlje protection of tfoD, praying tbat c?is Dibine guiDance anD SljielD be loitb anD abobe Ijim in ebery Danger, anD tbat c>e tooulD bring btm borne to bf r Safe anD toell* C, <^bf army, toljiclj toas toell armeo anD errellently equippeD, aDbanceD so stotftly tbat in a feto Daps it came in sight of the enems* Wtytn the Jrisb kings perceibed that liber staged not, but came fbrtoard to gibe them battle, tljev broke up ttjrtr camp and took position on a tutor Ijeatlj that toas near, Uiljere tljey atoaited tlje at; tack of t\)t o mans toere slain in t^e flight t^jat tl)f OcatJ la^ tfjiek along tljc toa^* <$n t^rougl) t^e nigljt t^ fleD to t^eir sljips, anD set sail in terrible fear ttjat (Dliber tooulD fblloto tljrin upon tlje sea^ anD tbat none tooulD escape from t^e frightful Deaty tol)ic|i ^e brought tl)tm C,3Pt)us DemoralijeD, anD man^ of tljem DisarmeD, tlje fcto toljo toere still libing returneD into tljeir oton country, a meagre remnant of tlje boast^ ful Ijost tliat set out to conquer (ng* lanD; anD t^ toere receibeD eber^to|iere toitl) lamentations, tears, anD tooful cries b^ t^eir countrymen* HWfytn (DUVer came toitl) bis arm^ upon tl)r sea*stjore, anD founD ttjc 3f|ris^ fleet in full sail IjomeinarD to tljetr country, lie turneD back, anD baDe tt)e recall be sounDeD, t^at eber^ one sfcoulD return to camp* tEijisf t|ie? DiD, anD along tlje roaD b^ toljir 1; tljc 3(|risfj fleD founD tlje DeaD so innumerable tjat tlje ujav toas blocheD b^ DeaD boDies, so tljat ttje^ toere compelleD to seek otljcr pattjs back to tljeir camp* C.llooh# ing at tljis DreaDful track of Destruc* tion, tljc englisl; tl;emselbes toere Dis* ma^eD, anD saiD one to another, C.** 600, it is tlje slaughter of tlje toorlD t^at lies bere on tljis fatal Ijig^toa^ ! " C.(Dlii)er ga?eD toitl) moist e^es on tljis toork of Ijis armv\ anD crieD, c." ^ m^ <0oD anD Creator ! 31 beg tE^bee, in tEtju limitless compassion, tljat tn^ljou toilt fbrgibe me, a poor sinner, tljat so terrible a sijeDDing of blooD Ijas oc^ curreD on t^is Da^, of to^icl) 3fl am in part guilty, anD tljat it ijas IjappeneD to Christian men, anD not to unbelief ers*" C^ut still ^ou ma^ toell beliebe tljat o toas cljar ge a to riae posthaste ana aelitier it to tljr king, Ijaa remain ea in llonaon* (Tfte messem ger maae great Ijaste to tljat city, tocnt at once to tlje king, ana placea tlje letter in Ijis Ijanas* C.lje king openea tlje letter ana learnea its contents first in pribate ; but toljen IK Ijaa reaa it, all may unaerstana t^e foy of Ijis l;cart. Oe gafae tljr letter to one tolio reaa it aloua before all t^ose gatljerea at court, ana ebery one gabe thanks to aoa, ttje ^llmigljty, for ins tie^p ana grace in tljeir Ijour of neea* il;e king oraerea tljat all tlje city bells sljoula ring out tlje glaa tiaings, ana tljat at nigljt great bonfires sljoulo be lig|)tea t^lien ^e mountea Ijis ^orse, ana, uiitlj many nobles ana princes, Ijis Daughter ana Ijr r laaies, roae to tlje cljurclj of tlje Ijoly SBary , ana Ijela a sol# emn serbice of praise for tlje aeliber* ance of tlje kingaom from its enemies* Co tlje adbance of tlje army into ^Ireland toas decided; and tljry took toitl; tljem out of t^je cit^ as man^ tents as could find, and as manp men as needed to Ijeto toood and do camp toork* HWfyen fyty departed tljere toent toitb ttjem, in addition to tljeir former force, a thousand knigljts and as many foot soldiers, all of toljom Ijao come to tljcm upon report of tljeir Victory and intended inbasion of Ireland, and toould take no refusal of tfceir serbice in tbe bictori^ ous army, uftteient sljips toere Hastily gathered to tljr nearest port and fitted for tljr inbading army, and soon tfye soldiers toere embarked and t^je fleet xmx sailed out to sea. >o quickly toa0 Done, for liber tulip unDerstooD the importance of rapiD blotos, that in a ben? sljort time tlje (English armp teas' lanDeD on tlje 3)rish coast, anD pusljed fortoarD into tljc land, Destroying as tljey toent tlje feto cities anD castles tljat toere fbunD tuljiclj coulD harbor tljeir enemies or Disturb tljcir movements* CJt toas founD that in 3f|relanD the cities anD castles toere not so strongly built as in dfrtglanD or prance, tohere a citaDel can often ijold out long after tlje citp is taken. C.&U places of strength toere overcome as the arms aDbanceD; but sucfj as pielDeD toere allotoeD to march out tljeir garrisons toitlj all tljeir possessions. C.&0 great toas tlje fear inspireD by tlje Cngltslj arm\% tljat feto DareD oppose it, anD cities anD castles rielDeD as it aDbanceD, C.S1je kings toijo Ijati escapeD from tljr battle in Cng# lanD toere still so confuseD bp tljrir panic tljat tijr v coulD make no fit plans, but seemeD quite oDeriuljelmeD b? tljdr great losses* t!P|)erefbre tljese 31risl> kings left tlje smaller cities anD oik lages to tlje care of (SoD, toljiefc meant t^eir capture or Destruction bp t^e ng^ list), anD returneD to certain strong places, toljere tlje^ liopeD to be able to maintain tljemsetocs until tlje potoer of tljeir country toas again gntljereD into a strength sufficient to Defeat tljeir in* baDers* L^uclj, Ijotoeber, as tljep toere terrifieD, t^ere toere certain among tljem Uiljo sUirmis Ijr D Dailv tuitlj tlje Cnglislj, anD fougljt so taliantlv tljat manj? toere slain on botlj siDes* But tlje 6nglislj toon tljeir toav Dan bn Da^, until at last most of fye fortifieD places in tlje coun* tr^ Ijau pielDeD; anD tl)e poorer people, learning tljat tlje^ Ijat) no Ijelp or protec; tion to erpert from tljeir lorDS, Ijelyet) tlje Cnglisl;, in many cases, against t^eir natural masters, finDing it t|ieir interest to Do so. C.&t lengtlj tlje inbaD* ing arm^ came before a strong castle toljcrrin toas a king lately crotoneD in place of Ijim tuljo IjaD been killeD by <&& ber at tlje tournament. {Eljis castle toas at first attack so IjarD presseD tljat botlj siDes IjaD mttclj loss; but tljose toitljin DefenDeD tljemselbes so baliantlv, tljeir toalls remaining uninfureD, tljat tlje first Day's; assault accomplish iitf tie. C.^lljen lung spacnamore, luljo IjaD been ouertljroton by 0liber in tlje first Da^'s tournament, learneD t^at Ijis cousin toas beleaguered in Ijis oton cas^ tie, Ijis amazement soon turned into fier^ anger; anD lie stoore b^ Ijis kingly croton tljat tlje (Englislj inbasion sljould be at once defeated anD punisljeD. ti>e gatljereD together from far anD near all tlje forces tljat ije could collect, anD mitlj ttoo otljer kings anD tljeir fbllotoers mareljed out to break up tlje siege anD Destroy t^e o it happen rD that uiljen aaacnamore's army came to the place tobere tbe toglisb lay in toait for them, l)c toas surprised to fmo his solDiers in tijc miDSt of actibe enemies, luljo mere do toell placed anD prepared that theKirisb suffereD great loss; but tlje battle teas fiercely toageD on botb sioes. C.^n tljat Day many a tooman mourneD her Ijusbano t many a cbilD toas maDe an orphan, ant many a maiDen lost tier lober* Caliber IjelD ljts army fcery Valiantly against bis foes, ant) fongljt toitlj duel) DeaDly dianipionsljip tl)at feto OareOto ainait Ijts stroUes; But tlje 3;ri0t) also fougljt bratiely, for Defeat meant to trjem loss of Ijontc anD coun^ try* Ww battle lasfteo till nigljt closfeD in, ujljen,ot)erpoujereD anotljroton into utter confusion, ttje ^risl) Ijost tooh to aigljt, no longer able to enoure tije 0laugl)ter inflicteD upon it by t^e Cng^ liflflj* ^igtit gatoe t^e chance of retreat, ant), cobereo by iw feintly Darkness, t|ie 3flrisl) abaileD tljemseltjes of tlje oppor* tunity ; but fting OBacnantore anD tlje otljer kings lnl)o IjaD come ttiiti) Ijim toere all tijree taken prisoners* C.&t t^j is capture <$lit)er mas mttclj pleaseD ; for be rjao noixi taken fiUe of tlje setien kings of 2f]relanD, anD of t^e ttoo not yet cap* tureo one toas in tlje beleaguereD castle before toljict) a part of ijis army still lay* C,Mljen tlj e fighting toas otier , anD tlje libing remnant of t^e 3|risfc bost baD fleD, tlje dBnglislj army took its mud; neeDeD rest upon t|ie battlefielD, ^ere (Dliber causeD bis tljree captibe kings to be as hospitably attenDeD, ujitlj ebery^ tljing befitting tljeir rank, as uias possi^ ble in Ijiscamp after sttcl) a Day of IjarD battle* C.Carly in t^e morning tbe d^ng^ Uslj marcbeD back to once more assault tlje castle* tElje brabe solDiers, inljetljer knigbts or men at arms, tljouglj toeary toitb so mucb figbting, toere speeDily reaDy, anD, inDeeD, eager to set about tljeir Dangerous toork* But tbey mijo lay in tbe castle DefenDeD it manfully ; anD tbe 3lrisb king sljouteo alouD tljat be tooulD sooner Die figbting tljan foil into tbe banDs of tljose Uoljo Ijao mttD DereD bis fetber* QQtyt (I^nglisb lay long before tbis castle, During tobicb time liter sent several messengers to tbe king of CnglanD, telling luljat iiias in progress, anD Desiring Ijim to babe no anriety about bis army, for all tuas going toell ujttlj it* CLxElie (Eng^ list) artillery toas constantly DiscbargeD against tbe castle until it urns mucb infureD* tKMbni a great part of tbe en* circling mall IjaD been sljot atoay, anD a bread) maDe into tbe castle itself, it teas again baliantly stormeD* Lltoer, U)!jo leD tbe storming party, toas tbe first insiDe tbe castle ; anD uMjen bis men sato tbis tbey forceD a toay after bim : in spite of all tbe resistance tbe be; siegeD coulD make tbe castle toasfton, anD tlje king made a prisoner ; but be# tore Ije mas taken tie DefenDeD Ijim0elf 00 braVelv ant strongly tljat fora long time no one coulD lay Mantis on Ijim ; anD nearly all luljo mere toitlj Ijim in tlje castle mere slain* Caliber garrk sonru tlje castle toell; tljen aDVanceD further totoarD a kingDom, mfcere mas a young king tofyose father IjaD been billet) in tlje first battle toljirlj IjaO been fougljt in CnglanD, But tlje young king DID not atuatt Ijis arrival ; Ije came to meet o tljr ncto earl tola it again from begin* ning to ena, ana constantly in bis stor? ijr gabe great praise to flitter, ano said, C. u ear fenigljt and best friend, blessed be tbr fatljcr tuljo begot tljre, and tbe motljcr wljo bore tljce and brought tbce into tljt toorld ; and praised be tljr ^ImigljtD, \ul)o Ijas protected t^ee and brought tfyee to ti)i& kingdom, to toljiet) in tl)i0 fovful Ijour so muclj glorv 1 and Ijonor Ijaue come t^rouglj t^ great deeds* &nd 3] pra^ cious lad^,tljeprincess ^elena* tEo t^is tlje king fo^full^ consented, and (fcliber was taken to tlje apartments of tlje prin* cess, to U)bom tlje king tjad sent a m es# sage, t^at sije should receive ber knigljt lunolp, and sljow Ijim all tbe faUor tbat s^je could. HWfyen ^e came before tbe princess, sljr took bun bp tbe bano, bid^ ding bim welcome in <0od's name, drew fjim to Ijer, and kissed bun ; but tljeir meeting must needs be brief, and <$>{{( ber was ljurried from ber and ber ladies, luljo offered bim eber^ kindness and wet- come, tbat Ijc migljt not or lap tbe grand ceremonial of tbe fr stiDttp Inljiclj was nowreadv* C,.S>ol)e Wenttoijislodgings, put off bis armor, and was dressed for tbe festival in magnificent court robes, wljiclj bad been prepared for bim Ijp tlje king's commands* C.Mljeno tbej? fenelt before bim, mud) troubled in spitr of tlje encour? agement tbej? bad receibed, L^2ff^en tbe king perceitoed tl)f ir distress, ty made tbem uirlcomc, and bade litirr present eacb one of tbem s rtir rally to Ijim ; toljo, Uiljrn tbus introduced, offeree bisliom? ageanDs'ubmis'sfion^UJljicljlijrrereceitieD graciotisiy by tije King, toljo tnlfecD toitl) t^em of man^ mattersf^ sfa^ing nothing in regard to tlje past tuar ; ano ttji0 talk lasted until announcement toa0 maDe tliatall^iioulD proceed to tljcljallof fca$t? ing, tE^lien tliere toasf tlje ceremony of t\)t uja0l)ing of Ijantis. C, (TlK king IjaD ordered tljree tables to be placed Ijigtjer tljan tl)f otljrrs in tfte IjalU 0t tl)f l)igl)> r st be 0at U)itl) Ijis daugljter, and niously inon by bnigbtly DeeDS, inborn be* mitb inbat noin sccmeD an meg* of pruDcnec, baD kept back from bint ; 00 noin tbe tbougbt came to tbe lung, tbat it inas possible tbat <>ltfcrr no longer toisbeD for tbe princess, inbo baD been Denies bint; anD tbis tbougbt DisturbeD bim greatly* >o be resolneD tbat after tbe Dance be inoulD speab to (Dlincr of bis? DeferreD marriage in tbe presence of tbat great assembly, anD propose its imme* Diate solemnisation. C.(Eberefore,lnbcn tbe Dance mas enort), anD bis Daugbter came to Ijim to inisb bint gooDmigbt, ber fatber saiD to ber tbat be inisbeD ber to tnait in ber chamber, anD not at once lie Doinn to sleep, as be migbt inisb to speab mitb b* r again* CJntbe presence of tbe senen bings anD otber princes anD nobles, tbe bing tbus aDDresseD o milt tbou,after my Deatbi possess tbis noble bingDom ; anD 3) can rest satisneD tbat 31 leaue a Inell^guarDeD realm unDer tbe rule of a bing so poinerful anD fust as tbou bast pronentbyself to be," tLtlTbebing ceaseD to speab, anD loobeD at liner for bis an# smer, Cljat naliant bnigbt, bolnener, tljougb nener nanquisbeD in battle, mas nom so otercome by bi* emotion at bearing of tbe great recompense tbus offereD bint* anD by all tbe bonor anD praise so generously bestomeD, tbat bis beart tnas too fullfor utterance ;norcoulD be, for a little time, nnD fitting morDs mitb mbicb to accept bis priceless re; tnarD, 3t lengtb tbe pomer of speed; came to bim, anD falling upon bisbnees before tbe bing, be tbus ansmereD bim : C. 4 * 3J9ost migbty lorD anD bing, 31 bane learneD, tbrougb your too binD apprr r ia tion of my poor efforts, tbat tbere is no better sernice, nor bopeof bigb^r retnarD, tban in serning so great anD generous a bing, 31 may inell say tbis mben tbat ib icb 31 bane been able to Do is so ridjlv repaiD ; inben 31 am remarDeD mitb a gift greater tban any prince on eartb may receine, 31 gibe tbanbs to ^5oD, tbe #1* migljti?, anD to l?is Dear Sl&otljer, and also to your roy al grace ; for no poor man suelj as 3f| am Ijafc eber before one tentlj part of tlje gooD fortune uutlj mljictj i?ou 00 generously ^onor me ; anD 31 pras ^OD, tljat H)f make me toortlji? of pour generosity, tEtirougti i?ou a name toill be mine, tuljielj mill replace mi? family name ; for jfl sljall Ijenecfortlj be calleD, bi? tliose totio speab of me, tlje 3Fortu* nate tknigtit*" C.tEljen tlje bing baDe Wittier arise anD stanD bcsioe fjim mijile tie sent for t)is Daughter, OTjen slje came tie took IK r by tlje IjanD, leD tier to o fitter arribeD at t^e court toitl) man^ great prince0 anD no# bletf, anD tljefeing, greatly attenDeD, came fortlj to meet t)im uiitl) man^ lobing greetings ; anD tlje? toent at once to tlje portal of tlje ctiurcl), tofytte tlje^ atuait^ eD t^e arribal of tlje prince**, iioljo 0oon came, crotoneD anD clotljeo magninV centl^, as tuas fitting to tlje Daughter of a great king ; anD before anD after her toenta greatnumberof laDtea anD poung maiDen*, stretoing flotoer* along fytt toa^, toijo luere to be her attenDants in t^e church ; anD on either0iDeof her iua* a bing of 3|relanD, HBut the prince**, though attenDeD toith great state to tlje place tohere (Dliber atoaiteD h^ came meefe anD silent anD most mooest in her manner* C.t^h en there tna* louD 0ounD^ ing of music, anD blotoing of trumpet*, anD toabing of banners, toljile a great concourse of people toere assembleD to *ee their prince** go into the church* C.Courtpage*maDeplace,that the bing, prince**, liber, anD their attenDant* might enter ; tohen all the*e ijoere in the church, the marriage service toa* speeo? il^ *aiD he archbi*hop perfbrmeD ma**, anD then, toljen all the religion* *erbice tua* enDeD, thep toent home to the palace, anD assembled at the toeD; omg breakfast, C.^otD can it be told Ijom ga? ioere the toeDDing Dre**e*, hoio fair the face* of the ladies, Ijouj gallant the bearing of the noble* anD Imiglits, anD pp^ anD f o^ou* the^ all toere ? luting noble*, the knight*, anD the captain* toere all of one mind in De; manDing that a tourney be helD at once ; for luljicl) eber^ one toho bad pleasure in tilting should make ready ; anD soon tljirtv^ttuo knight* toere in the lists, sirteen arraved against sirteen; anD their plume* anD pennon* Dancing in tlje sunligbt toere most charming to see. Caliber did not tilt ; Ije preferred to Dance anD entertain the ladies and young maidens; anD uiljomsoeUer Ije selected for the Dance thought her*elf greatly hon^ oreD t^ereb^* iBut tohen the tilting be* gan liber put on tys annor, mounteD a fmeljorse toljielj bounDeDbeneatlj Ijtm, ana on mind) Ijesat uuitlj tlje grace of an accomplish jjorseman, anD serbeD on tlje fielD to tye two kings of 3flrelanD uibo IjaD eseortea tlje princess, and lutjo now tilteD in Ijer jjonor, tEtjese kings were gallant knigljts, receiving mucfc applause, anD winning tlje prices tljat were awarDeD to tlje champions of tlje fielD, C.#ftertbetoume2eberi?onewitl)* Drew to Ijts longings, anD arra^eD Ijim; self in gayest apparel to appear again in tlje ebening wljen all gatljereo together for a grant) Dinner, to inlnrl) tl)r lat>ies came in neto anD beautiful robes, ottjrr tljan tljose tlje^ IjaD toorn in tl)r morn* ing, C,Mtien all ioere assembled, tlje kingoruereu tljat tlje trumpets be bio am, and tljat boater sboulD be poureD otier tlje IjanDS of all, Witytn tljis toas Done, all sat Doton to tljt feast, m I) t clj ma s most royally sertoeD; for suctj a magnificent toeDDing IjaD neber before been seen in tlje UingDom, C.MI;en tl)f repast toas enDeD, tljere toas Dancing, in iol)irl) o graceful anD r banning Uir IT botlj tljat it usas a foy to all tljat numerous court to see tljem; anD it passeD from one to another, tljat so beau* tiful a couple as <$Uber anD tlje prin- cess IjaD netjer been seen before in t^is, or in an^, lanD, C.Mlien Dancing IjaD long continueD, tlje briDe toas taken airiay by a party of laDies, anD tlje Dance came to an enD, ^en a sleeping cup of rarest tomes anD spices toas brought in; anD tljr laDies, nobles, anD knigljts sat again at tlje tables, anD tljey tooulD ijabe IjaD (Dliber sit uittl) tljem; but tie tooulD not; for tje tljottgljt tljat tlje fes# ^aD been continueD long enough C.^e retireD to a chamber tljat ioas near tljat of tlje princess, anD put off ijis court robes, J^ere |je remaineD until ^e tljougljt tlje proper time IjaD come, toljen Ije Inent to tlje briDe's room, anD founD tljat tljey IjaD tljere set a table luitlj fooD anD Drink upon it; but Ije oberturneD tlje table anD etierytljing upon it, tljen Ije ljuntet) tlje laDies mljo still UngereD out of tlje room, anD Ije closeD tlje Door anD maDe it fast, CIjts Ije DiD knotoing tljat ofyertoise certain of t^e ^oung nobles anD tljeir toibes tooulD insist on coming in to Drink tljere a final sleeping cup, Chapter jcttt. f|oto born ladies, formed ttie special court of ttie netol^ married pair* C.tEl)e 31ris^ kings took leabe of ttie king of dfttg* land, and also of <$liber, promising to serbe ttie king in totiat toa^ or at totiat tiour tie should ask it of tljem; and tijty Uketoise proffered service to \ii Uer, totiosefaborand good opinion ttjey mucti desired to retain, for ttiep kneto ttiat since ttieir capture tie tiad sought to exercise a friendly influence toitti t^e king for ttieir benefit, and Ijau con* stantl^ treated ttiem toitti generous consideration* C.^nd <0od toas so gra> cious to oMiucr ttiat tie tiad ttie good toill of all ttie people of (England, totio t^ougtit, and freely said ttiat tie tiad been sent from tieaben to be ttie champion and sabior of t^e nation* C^tinteber any dissatisfaction eristed among ttie nobles at ttie court, or an^totiere in die land, tie labored to bring about better feeling, and to IjaUe complete fustice done to all ; for Ije tiad altoa^s great in* flttence toitti ttie king, totiicti Ije erer^ cised most beneficently for all tlje king's subjects, and t^is toas so toell knoton t^at tie toas looked upon as a kind patron, as toell as a potoerfulpro* tector* J^e gate generously of #s means to enrictj poor knigljts totio souglit Ijis aid ; ije protected ttie toidoto and ttie or* ptian ; and instead of seeking to increase XfXUXXJ his ohm toealth* he gabe help to all luljo toere in aistress or toant* 2J|n short, he toas full of all the tones tljat a man may possess* Sims lje toon all hearts, ana it UM0 often aeclarea that tlje lung had sljoum the utmost urisaom ana toit in that lje l;ad so 0oon recogni^ea tljc Dame ana tlie Virtue of this Iji0 neto son, C,so in peace ana content tlje king libea at Ijis court, ana had great fame ana honor in all lanas, ana ebery one, il)f the r great or small , fearea bis potoer 00 mud) that they aarea ao Ijim or bis kingdom no injury ; ana be toa0 lora ana master ober all tobo toere l;t s neig^ bor0,C,Cljrbf auttftil ana amiable prin* cr ssf Helena uoag not leg* enaotaiea initl; tirttieflf tl>iu l)f r l)usbanD, tljougl), be, ing of a lt&& energetic nature, fjer gooa influence toad not 00 toiael^ Unoujn* Wifym t\)t montljflf liaa run tljeir couwe ana tier time toad come* slje bore a beautiful son, uiljo gatoe great fop to ti)t king ana to all tt)e people of tljr realm ; una tie toad rljristr nro t)f nn\ C^ljis prince toa0 ae0tinea to be greatly e^ teemea ana lotoea toljen ^e greto up* for ije became one of tlje manliest hnigbts eber Unoton* g>till, l)f toad neber king of Cnglana* for l)e aiea ^oung* a great Io0s to tl)t feingaom, C, <^l)f chronicles tell tljat beserbea Christianity b^abeng# ing upon tlje infidels tl)c aeatlj of our Jlora 2flesus Christ* C.31S time ioent on, a lour Iv oaugljtf r named Clara toas born to (^litier ana Helena* to^o Ijad great m in tljrir cliiloren, ana praised aod aail^ tljat t?e baa so blessea tijcm. tDljeir motljer often Ijrld tfjf rluldrrn in l)tr arms* ana could not satisfy l)er0r If toitlj gating at* admiring, ana lobing tljrm, ana tljey toere also ben? dear to t\)t king* Uiljo took mud) foy in tljem. C.^us tljey libea, most Ijappy in t|)eir Ijome, uiitl) a aeligljtful court, ana tlje kingaom at peace ana prosperous ; but all happiness l;as its limits* as ^>od in J^is probiaence oraains* C.<^ne aay tl)e Ijunters brought in report of a mon* strous toila boar luljicl) tljey l;ad seen in t^e forest* not far from ilonaon* <$liber* inljo dearly lobea tlje cljase, toas oberfoyea at tljis* ana quickly aeter* mined to riae fortl; to ljunt Ijim, C, (Eluo aays later Ije rode out of tljr city, ana came near ttie place toljere tbe boar l)ad been seen* billage near by toas the ap? pointed place of meeting for tl;e hunts? men* C^ut in the night before the hunting ^elena haa a frightful aream* in uihich she thought that she toas toith ee, here is the murserer toho billed my father, stormed my cas* tie, anS through tohom my house has suffered the greatest dishonor that eber fell upon it ! jj^oto stand by me ; for 31 may neber IjaUe a better chance to reck* on toith mi? enem^ than at this hour*" Caliber hears the toorss, though tljey toere not assresses to him, ans, fins* ing himself in deadly peril, Sreto hid stoors anS defended himself in Imigtjtly fa0ljion ; but this Sis not long abail him* fyt toas not fitly furnishes for battle against fully armed and numerous foes ; so at last, after hid hunting stoors toas broken, he toas sisarmes ans taken pris* oner* t^hen he toas securely bounS, ans the king let pull a monk's boos back* si&e*before ober hid face do that he couls neither dee nor be recognises* {Ehud muffled, he toad brought to a seaport, put into a dhipt and conveyed to a strong castle in ^Ireland that belonged to thid king, tohere he toad throton into a hor* rible dungeon, tort, filtb?, and fillet) tuitb ttermin* $otbing but bread and toater mas gitten bim toitb ixiliicl) to prolong bis life until tbe 31risb bing sbould ar* ribe from On giant), toben ijr toould take sucb further measures as pleased biro* C. Cbat rjts; treason migbt not be sus* pectcd, Ije did not return borne imme# diatel?, but continued b& fourne? to tbe bing of (England in ILondon, tobom be found in mudj grief because be could not learn tobat bad become of flitter, ID tjo mas sou gbt for etter?tobere toitb tbe most diligent s'earrb tljat it toas possible to mabe* Sit tbe palace, toben at lengtb it became full}? understood tbat flitter bad utterly disappeared, and could no* tobere be found, tbere toas tbe most pick ful lamentation and grief tbat bad etter been bnoton* 3|ndeed tbere toas neber greater sorroto in England, C.**^ un# fortunate bingdom!" cried tbe unbapp^ bing, "tljou bast lost tbe brigbtest fetoel of tiw crown, and tin 1 strongest bul* ioarb of defence ! 0b m^ dearest son, tobo bast been so strong a protector of tbis realm tbat 31 could lie doton and sleep free from all anrieties because 31 bad tbee by me and no enem^ dared lift a band against tbe bingdom or its bing; but bencefortb 31 sljall be ligbtlv baU ued, and no longer claim obedience as toben tbou, m^ dearest son, stood at m? rigbt band ! " C.^5t tbe sorroto of tbe bing toas not to be compared toitb tbat of tbe princess; for bi* toas more a sor* roto of tbe mind, tobile ijrrs; toas of tbe bf art. &>[)t could neitber eat nor drinh, but lap on ber bed libe one d^ing, and all tobo sato ber bad deep pit?* &b* toas indeed a sad sigbt, l^ing tbus toretcl^ ed and nearly lifeless, taking no beed of tobat toent on about ber, or, toben brougbt to berself, crying out toitb ago* nijed boice, C."0bi WE pointeD a prince of an honorable Ijouse mrjo iuas Uery pleasing to tljem all to be regent anD guarDian of tlje bingDom : after uoljicl) Ije took leabe of tljem toitlj moist e\?es; for Ije IjaD many Dear frienDs; at tlje Castilian eottit, from toljom it toas painful to separate, anD l)is Ijeart toas also torung luittj fears, of toljiel) ije IjaDreceibeD mysterious toamtng tljat ebil Days anD misfortune fyaD come to ttje absent Uing of Castile, I)is Dear anD sujorn frienD to loljom l)e l)ao botoeD |)is life* C, Cljen lie DeparteD from Castile, anD manv nobles accompanieD Ijimfor seberal Da^S' journey until t)e insisteD upon parting, baDe tljem aDiett, anD tnoulD not permit tljem to riDe further iDttl; Inm, C.^[ljen l;e came ujitl) ^is serbants into ins kingDom l)e toas tuell receibeDtbutremaineD only a sljort time, for l)e at once appointeD a gobernor to tlje commanD of tfteUingDom anD gabe orDers tljat all mljo otoeD obeDience to l;im sljoulD be equally obeDient to tlje gobernor toljom Ije ^aD set ober tliem, o toearj? leas Ijc tljat in spite of i)is lack of tityi* ter t)e glept ^eatiil^, anD in t&e morning tocnt again upon t)i* toa^ ; but lie l)ad nothing to eat* C.W^ile !jc toas tints deep in ttje forest a great beast came upon Ijim, a fierce lion tljat for a long time Ijad found nothing to eat, and noto tuas furious toitb Hunger* Sdljen tit* tlnir sauj tbat ttjc lion mould attack Ijim ijc prepared to defend Ijimsclf , for lie tjad on a suit of mail Ijiddcn bcncatlj tjis dress, and fad a good stoord, c;c took off Ijis mantle, toound it around Ijis arm as a pr otcct ion against t IK animal's clams, drcixi Ijissujord from its sijcatl), commended Ijimsclf to 45od and ^is Dear Dottier, anD advanced against tlje lion, ujijiclj sljoujcd no fear but sprang upon Ijim, and struck Ijim toitlj its clatus, rending atua^ Ijis clothing, anD to i tlj one fierce stro Uc of its migl) ty clato tore atoav 1 more tljan an Ijtindrcd rings out of lite corselet. Htt)t force of tfcfe assault tljrcU) #rtljur upon tlje ground, but \)t sprang again to Ijis feet, ran in upon ttjc lion, and struck go manfully toitlj f)is stjarp stoord tljat tljc struggle toas Ijard and fierce* CLCClljcn ti)t lion toould tjabe apin struck Ijim toitlj its great pato, ^Irtljtir toitl) a stuift stroke Vetoed off tljc ljuge foot 00 tljat it fell upon t!)e eartlj* 0t tljis bio to and dread- ful toound tlje lion uttered a roar tliat rebounded t^rougl)t^efore0t* tEPlien J3r# tl)tir, advancing again on tljc disabled brute, toitlj one migljtp tljrust pierced tljc tieart of tljc great beast, go tljat its struggles ceased, and Ijt- rejoiced crcccd,- tngl^ to gee tljc terrible animal foil dead upon tljc ground* C,^Hll)cn irtlwr founD Ijimsclf sabcd from tlje lion, Ije gabc tljanks to Umigl)ty 6od and fi?is Dear aaotljcr tljat tljcy Ijad stood by Ijim against tljc strong brute* C.HBut noto it became bcry late, and as be sato no toay out of tljc forest be toas troubled, for since tljc morning of tljc previous trap b* baa eaten nothing, anD be toag also atoean?* Cbere teas nothing initb ujljicb lie coulD eage bis hunger but the roots of the forest, anD of tbege be kneto not tobicb to eat* $>e saiD to Ijinisrlf, "31*31 tow* a man acquainteD toitb plantg anD ftrrb** 31 mtgjjt gupplp mp necDg, ag many a pious Ijermit litoing for a long time in tbe forest bag Done*" CL^o tie toanDereD through the thickets err king for berries anD roots, anD ate such as tie fount) luitl) keen pleasure in them ; anD though lie gaineD little sus> tenance be thought that the best of fboD baD neber tagteD gtoeeter to Ijim tban DiD these miserable things. C.2SUjenit grrtu Dark t Ijr climbeD a small tree for fear of toilD animals, but at miDnigljt, lul)f n tlje moon toad sljining brigljtly, Ijf Ijrart) somrtlj ing coming from a tits? tance tljat geemeD to be a monstrous creature t anD tlie noige of it toag terri^ ble to Ijf ar anD gounDeD most Digmall^ in Ijig earg* C.J?earing sue I) a monster coming totoarD ijim Ijr croggeD Ijiuwrlf anD commenDeD Ijis soul to SUmigljtt? 6oD anD all 1 1) r Dear sain t s , prating t i)r in to come to Ijis fjrlp against tljig tiling tljat uias aDbancing go gtoiftly totoarD Ijinu C,>carceU? Ijao \)t Done tl)is, ualjrn an unclean, Uc nomous beast, fcague anD enormous beneatl) tlje moon, breathing fortlj a polluting anD sicUening Uapor, came to tl)e tree upon mljicl) ty uias, anD struck it go miglitv a bloto initl) its tail tljat ti)e tree, ujljicl) toag not large, uias go srjahen tljat ^rtljur fell to t Ije grounD . C.Mljen tlje feing fbunD ^imgelf on t|ie eartlj, be luas go ama?eD anD terrifieD tljat Ije feneU) not tol)etl)er be toas ljurt by Ijis fall or not; anD at tl)is instant if be coulD babe ijao Ijis toigb it tooulD gurel^ babe been tbat be toere gafe bacb in \)i$ bingDom, inhere tbere toere no gucb terrible things as tljis, CL^eber^ tljeless, libe a baliant hnigrjt as be ujas, after begging of aoo tbat if Ijis last oav toere come l?e tooulD receibe Ijis soul into H>is Ijoly bingDom, tje Dreto Ijis gtoorD anD put rjimsclf on tlje Defence, for be sail) tbat tbere toag no rjope of fleeing from tlje attacb of tljis ttnnat? ural foe* C.3flt paggeD on a little bepona tlje bing, ml)o IjaD fust begun to rejoice in tlje Ijope tbat Ijis Danger toag ober, toben it turneD suDOenlv arounD upon Ijim, anD toounD its tail tiuo or tbree times about l)is botiv ; then it released lum toitl) a quicb anD powerful sluing tbat tbreto tbe gooD 0rtbur against a tree go biolentl^ tbat he tljought big ribg toere broben* ^bougb bf sprang up at once, tbe creature toag almost in; stantlv upon Ijim ; but tbe bing quicblp gbeltereD himself beljinD a tree, go tbat toben tbe monster trieD to strike bim toitb its tail it beat upon tbe tree, anD in tljis toaj? could Do Arthur, for tbe moment, little butt ; but it had long sharp pointed teeth tbat cut deeply, anD toitb these it struck so smiftlv tbat baD it not been for tbe tree tbe unfortunate bing must goon babe lost his life* 0s it toag, he receibeD go many toounDg through his broken armor tbat ty baD not much toljole skin left upon bim* But be still fought manfully, though tbe animal baD gucb a ban), scaly sur- face tbat biflf gtoorD eDge glanceD off anD coulD not penetrate it, anD tbe borrible oDor tbat tbe monster emitter) toag barDer for ^Irtbur to bear tban tbe gbarp^ ness of its fangg* CLMhen be gato tbat tbe enormoug gcale^protecteD creature toas still fresb anD untoounDeD anD uioulD not leabe t)im, tl;e brabe flrtljur again ealleD on trjttr, loobing about Ijim uiitrj toearieD anD Despairing e^es, perceifeeD tljat ttie Daton toas beginning to sljoto a feint Ug^t among tbe trees ; but lie careD little for tlje Da^, for Ije tljougljt tljat be coulD neber leate tljat fetal place, anD l;aD no o 1 1) er comfort to er p ret t Ija n t Ijat of D ea 1 1) C.^2ttl)ile lie la^ t^ere in Despair because of Ijis DreaDful toounDS be bearD gomt* t^jing coming totoarD l)im tbrougb t^e toooD, anD toisijeD tijat lie migbt Die at once, for Ije tbottgbt it toas anoter fierce creature about to fell upon toljen Ije coulD no longer DefenD self* C.<)qpecting Deatb, lie crieD out, C.**^ tbou 0lmigljt^ iLorD anD g>ab# tour, 3|esus Christ, 31 beg of (Ebee tbat ^l)ou toilt be mv intercessor, anD mill tabe m^ soul to ^ee; for 31 see t|iat tbe ^our is come tojien 31 must part from tljis toorlD*" C&tfll ty liearD t|ie rustling amongfbrest leabesanD brus|i# toooD coming nearer to Ijim; anD, loofe ing up, be Sato tbat it toas a man elotbcD in to&ite garments, urtjo tl)tts spofcc to |)im C." &ing of jaigaroia, ay to tbe king tbat if be toisbes to see prince (DliUer, it is time to make reaDy, for b* te noto scarcely a mile Distant from tbe city*" C.3Hbt servant toent back to tbe chamber of tbe king anD tolD bim tbe tiDings tbat l)aD come* t tobicb gooD netos tbe king, altbougb be still felt ill anD toeak from tbe con,- Dition into tobicb I)t0 suDDen surprise baD reDuceD Ijim, at once orDereD tbat preparation be maDe as bastily as pos* sible, for be tooulD riDe fortb to meet bis Dear <$liber* Corses toere saDDleD toitb speeD, anD tbe king, toitb all tbe princes anD nobles tobo toere present at tlje palace, roDe foyfully fortb to re* ceibe tbeir longest prince anD ftrro* C.Kbf 0rtbur bebelD tbe great com* pany of people riDing totoarD bim, bis eyes filleD toitb tears ; for be felt tery saD at tbe tbougbt, tbat bis Dear com* raDe sboulD still lie in a Dungeon, tobile tbis great bonor anD foyful reception toere atoaiting bis return* Cj&o be came to tlje king, tuljo lookeD upon Ijim Untlj erxeeDing foi? anD lobe, anD baD no otber t Ijon glj t t Ija n tie mas oMiticr , tlje Ijnsbano of I)is Dear Qatigijter, Ijis Ijigljly balueD anD belobeD son, luljom Ijc IjaD not seen for tljree years ; nor DiD tljc nobles, or tljc people ujljo greeted Ijim, fina Ijim in anj? toai? Different from <$liber ; or if tljey notice o any cljange, it luas only sttclj as migljt occur to any one in tljrce years : no one DoubteD Ijis iDentity, for, in trutb, ttje resemblance toa0 lier^ per# feet* C.^ei? DiflfmounteD from t^eir Ijorsrs anD tlje king ran totoarD ilrtljttr uiitl) ertenDeD arms anD embraceD ijim, anD coulD not at first gpeab, because of tljr f ov tljat nlleD anD oberpotoereD Ijim. Mljen tDorDsf came to Ijim, Ijc crieD, C.' 4 oD^ ioelcome to t^ee, m^ Dearest sfon ; for tig return brings great fo^ to me anD to all tljis kingdom, luliirl) Ijafi mourneD anD stiff r rr o mttr t) grief on tfo? account*" C." Gracious lorD anD fi^ t^er," artfcur anflftuereD, "fcoliat Ijaippr neD came not about tljrottgl) iBtsl) : more t^an t^i0 t 3i cannot noto 0ai? ; but, if it it (SoD^ toill, 31 toill bring better tferfcice to tl)t0 realm tijan 31 babe etoer before giben ; anD toiU en* Deatorto make all tfjosr toljo ijabe griebeD on m^ account forget t^eir siorrotDfif in toy, >ince 6oD anD J^i* Dear ^pot^er tiabe Ijrlpr D me again to t^i* lanD, 31 am more tl;an eber Dispose D anD rrsolur D to s rrtir t^e least , as tur II as t Ijc l)ig^est ; for 31 babe rrprnrnrrD many things, tljat make me more fumble," C,Mben ty Ijau so spoken, tl;r princes anD nobles tul)o toere mitt) taking greeteD l)im t as DiD all U)l)o came to meet tjhn, anD tljcy toere so man^ tljat tlje place of meeting tooulD not toell contain all ttjosr iuljo crotoDeD tljitljrr ; for people came from all parts of tt)t kingDom tljat toere near rnottgt) to learn tl)f gooD nrius tljat tljep migljt again look upon tljrir young lorD tiiljom tljry l)aD so long mourneD as lost. >o great a number soon assent* bleD tljat it toas necessary to set up an debates stanD upon iiiljicl) 3rtlmr must mount in orDer tljat all tolio migljt not come near on account of tlje great t Ijron g con In look on t Ijei r belobeD prince. C.Mt)en lie IjaD stooD tliere for some time, tlje king orDereD tljat etoery one sljottlD return Ijome, anD tljat Ijis reti nue sljonltj remount ttjeir ijorses anD accompany Ijim anD ilrtljttr to tlje pal; ace* CJn tlje cit^ of ilonDon tbere toas great refoicing eber^toljere, t^e streets toere bung ujitlj clotl) of gay colors, tlje unties anD Daughters of tlje nobles anD of tlje citnens put on tljeir best attire anD crotoDeD tlje toinDotos on botlj siDes of tlje streets to see tlje return of tlje prince tuljo Ijao toon tlje lobe of all, botlj Ijiglj anD loto* C.^oto can toe Describe tlje toabing of silken scarfs, tlje sljouts, cljeersf, pageantry, anD tumult of refoi^ cing as tljeir lobeD ^litier, as tljey sup* poseD Ijim to be, passeD luitlj tlje king anD botoeD to tljem toitlj tljanlis, 3|t toas so happy and heartfelt a toelcome as no one hao etier before seen. 31 u the fulness of their for, young and olD crieD aloud, C."<$ (ftoo, toe praise tEhee for tEhy grace in restoring to us our belotied prince/' C.&S they approacheD the paU ace, the princes, toho toas toery ill, hearD the shouting anD asked to hat toent on toithout ; but no one dared tell Ijrr the truth, for they feared that she might be overcome by erxessibe foy, and that, in her toeafeness, it might injure her. Che ladies toho attended l;rr left it to the doctors, toho came at length and told tier of <$liber'0 arritoal, OTjen she heard their toords she feebly rai0ed |ier t)andg, and in a faint uoicr 0carce audible prai0ed abiour of tfee tuorld, 3fl prai0e and tljanfc Cljrc ttjat 3i may yet 0ee, before my deatl), tlir dear one UJljo ^a0 been ttjc cause of t|ii0 illne00 ; tljcn, indeed,deatlj may cometoljen it mill, and 31 can atuait it gladly in tlje presence of my dearest tyu0band , once more returned to me," C,Cl)f good prince00 toisljeo to 0ee, at once, Ijim oiljoin slje believed to be tier Iju0band, 4L^lrt^ur toas in great anriety i)oiu lie should bear Ijint; self totoard i)i0 brotlier'0 toife; but, toljen brought to Ijer chamber, tje toent to t|je bed, greeted ^er bery gently, in^ quired of tier condition in a loin boice, tolriet) mas ansmered by tfte faintest m^isper ; tbm ty said to Ijer, C.* 4 ^py dear toife, 31 am griebed to tfye Ijeart by t|iy illness," C.U3er&aps s^ie noticed something of coldness in fcis greeting, and ttje absence of a hiss ; but, looking again on the dear face, of tlje identity of uitjicl) slje had no s^adoto of a sus^ picion, she toas so refoiced that, though not able to speak aloud, she gained strength enough to tohisper that she felt that she might recover noto that she sato hint toell and safe before her eyes, CJ|t to** n t afe to prolong this interfeieto ; so Arthur soon took leabe, begging her to be a good toife to him, and try to recover as tast as possible, CJFrom $tt chamber he toas taken to the palace, tohere the king had sum* moned a great assemblage of nobles and ladies to meet him, and tohere he had commanded a sumptuous feast to be prepared, at tohich all the pleasure and diversion that could be thought of toa0 attempted, though they toould hate been more f oyou0 had not the princess been 00 fcery ill, CJ|t toas forbidden that any one 0hould begin any toork for eight day ; but the time toa0 to be giUen up to rejoicing ober their young lord toho had been lost, but toas noto happily re* 0tored ; and all toere free to eat and drink toljat they toould at the palace, C,fl2ahifc the prmee00 remained ijery ill Arthur toas permitted to see her only in short intertoictos from time to time, Qfyti toas not Displeasing to him, for it may toell be under0tood that tje had no easy part to play a0 a loUin g hu0band to a lolling toife, toljile all the time he toa0 re0trained by hi* Duty to his friend from indulging in any toarmth of er^ pression or action ; and such restraint toas misunderstooD, and silently re* gretted by her for tohose benefit it toas adopted, Cj5>oon,hotoet)er, the improbe* ment in the health of the princess toas so advanced that the time came tohen she toas so nearly toell that her doctors gate their assent to her toish that her dear husband should again sleep by her side : this Arthur could not atioid doing. CjKKlien be came to lier ty laiD Jiimself Doion, ant) mourD not from one spot ; but toben Helena motoeD nearer to bint, anD tooulD Ijabe put Ijer arm about l)i& neck, b* saiD to ber, C."spv part's; lobe, come no nearer to me, but lap tbv*elf again in tbv place ; for 31 bate stoorn to 6oD tljat 31 toill not do muclj as touelj tbee toitb mv tianD until 31 bate maDe a pilgrimage to tbe ttoelbe bolv priests of >t* 3]acob, tobo babe IjelpeO me out of tbe Drptb of great Disaster to come bitber* therefore, 31 prav t^ee, tyty me to beep m v tioto and be content to knoto t^at 31 am again toitlj tljee ; ana 31 toill make t#0 pilgrimage in a ben? sfyort time if <0oD grants me Ijealtlj and strengtlj, 31 f ^oD anH ttjr Dear saints; permit, tlj v IjusbanD toill sljortlv be re; sftoreU to tftee, ana toill change into fo^ all tlje suffering tljat tljott bast enUureD on ty* account*" C^^lnta listeneD to tljcse ujorus of klrtljur , anu obeyed Ijim t l^ing still in ber place, anu saving tljat it toas rigljt, if be IjaD mate a toto to aoo ant) s>t, 31acob, tljat be sboult) keep it, .&fter a little sbe askeD bim tobere be bat) been so long, ant) tobat be bau been Doing During tbe tbree ^ears of bid absence* 0rtbur pra^eD ber not to ques; tion bim at tins time, for be migbt not speak of tbesr matters until be baD per, formeD bis pilgrimage* C^bnt Helena toas silent, anD questioneD bint no more* Chapter jrtit f|oto 3lrtt)ur returned to tbe forest, anD met tbe OTbite Ittnigbt, anD toas taken by tym to tbe Deliverance of (Dliber, tobo, mis^ unDerstanDing ^is rescuer, quarrelled toitb *TT*Htfaur toas ro^all^ entertaineD ^vJ-. at tbe Cnglisb court ; anD all tbe bonors toere sboton bim tljat tbeir voting lorD, (Dliter, tooulD babe receibeD, anD tobicbt inDeeD, tljev belietieD tbat tbev toere paving to bim* CJ2Hb*n b^ toas assurer) tbat tbe princess toas so mucb better tbat sbe toas no longer in anv Danger from ber malaDv* tie toent to tbe king, anD saiD to bim, C, u Gracious master, 31 babe botoeD a pilgrimage to >t* 31acob, tobicb 31 sbottlD noto peiv form toitbout furtber Delav^anD 31 must go alone*" Ct^bnt be beggeD tbat be migbt babe permission to set out at once anD promises tbat be tooulD soon return, if 43oD gate bint bealtlj anD strengtb* C.^o be took leabe of tbe king anD of tbe nobles anD laDies of tbe court anD parted from tbem toitb mutual bless? ings* W$t king gate bim a letter com? manDing all bis" people to gibe bint aiD, anD bonor bint ; anD saiD to bint, .'* fl>wr son flitter, 31 beg tbee in tbe name of &OD to guarD thyself toell anD bring us not again into sucb anrietv anD sorroto as tbott bast Done toben tbou toast lost to us for tbree long vears, anD to remember tbat tbv toife, mv Dear Daugbter, coulD not again bear tbe misfortune of losing tbee, nobles all a&uis* D bim tijat be go not alone, for tbe roass toere uncertain ana Dangerous ; but lie tooulB not consent to be accompanies and toent early in tbe morning toben be bas taken leabe of tbe princess ans promises ber be toouls go no furtber tban to >t, jflacob's, C.^e trabelles as stoiftlp as possible, cross* ing tbe sea berp fortunately, ans came toitbout accident to tbe forest toberein be bad met tbe OTjite fenigbt: tbis be SreaSeS to enter, remembering bis for* mer experience, ans fearing to meet tbe strange toils animals b toljieb be lias before been so terribly toounses ; but be Sato none of tljcse Suring tbe four* nep, CjOffifyen b* bas gone a eonsiser* able Sistance into tbe forest, be unites to see if tbe fenigbt toouls come to bim, asbebas promises ; tobicb #* bappenes ; for in a sbort time be sato b astan? cing ans greetes bim tjen? b^artil^* J^is greeting toas returnes toitb kins toorss, ans tbis m^steriouspersonagebase bim mount bebinsbimon bis borseanS sais, C.** ^bur, m^ goos trienS, Sost tbou Sesire to bate tbp comrase again toitb tbee ? ans saresttbou Venture tb^ bosi? against bim uibo bolss tbv ffiens in prison?" . u tE:rul^,"sais 0rtbur, " mill set bony ans all tljings tobicb batb lent me on tbe Venture, tbat 3(1 map release bim," C."3flf sucb be tbi? toisb," sais tbe bnigbt, **5I toill sboto tbee tbe toap. tKbou art toell arrases in mail, tobicb tbou toearest biSSen beneatb tbu coat, ans tbissljall be tbe better for tbee. Wtp king tobo bolss tb^ comrase c mas tljus as* sureD against tbe king's servants, but baD reeeitoeD some toounDs in tlje boD?, tljougl) none tljat enDangereD Ins life or seriously DisablrQ Ijim* C.Clben noto tbe king sato l)ts servants slain, Ijr at; tempteD to DefenD himself against &r* tlnir, for tie inas a stout ano brabe man, but Ijr baD no toeapon ercept a small Bunting knife, mitt) UDljicij br coulD not come near enougb to strike ^rt^ur's bouv, so ftnallp l)f sought to escape, anD fleo from bis enem^ C.H5ut 3lrtbur fbU lotoeo, overtook bim, anD struck Ijim so barn a bloto upon tljr beao tljat tie fell to tlje eartb* ,** <$ tliou traitorous king ! " crieD ^rtbur, "tbou perfureo faillain! Canst rtiou oen^ tbat tbou bast in tb prison a king to mlioni tljou otoestser^ bice ano gratituoe? 31 DemanD tbat tbou sbalt gite l)tm to me, or, if tbou Host not, 31 stoear to tbee b^ ilmigbtp (Sou tbat 31 toill cut off tbi? b*ao, for id knoto tbat tbou bast not kept toitb bint tljr faitb tbou bast stoorn ; anD for t\w foul offence tbou Deserbest to Die tljr Deatb of a traitor*" C.3b* feing fell upon bis knees, beggeD for merc^, anD saiD, .** noble knigbt, spare my life, anD 31 toill gibe tbee bint tobom tbou De* manDest," C.3rtbur granteD tbe king's life on conDition tbat be promise as soon as be reacbeD bis castle to senD <$litier fbrtb to bint or bimself bring Ijim, anD tbat be tooulD gibe to both of tbem bis safe conDuct out of bis kingDom, Cijisf be stoore bv tbe most solemn oatbs tbat ty tooulD Do ; anD tben tiasteneD quickly to bis castle, in great grief at tbe mis* fortune tbat IjaD befallen bint* C^ssoon as bearritieD tberein be commanDeD tbat IjaD built i)i$ royal tomb toitb b& effigy thereon in a in Castile* lanu tCHiber IjaD l)is brarD cut, tol)irlj IjaD groton to a great length in tbree sears ; tljts, untl) l)is freedom, renetoeD gooD spirits;, anD erereise in tljf pure open air, tobieb IjaD giben bim back bis bcaltlj, restoreD bim again to bis gooD looks anD somctoljat of Ijts former appearance^ C.13ut no one coulD persfuaur tlje tiuo frienDd tljat tlje^ sljoulu take another Ijorsc tljnu tljat giuen tljrmb^ tljc 3;ris(l) fein g, a pom rrf ul animal, ujljiclj tl)en IjaD brougl)tot)er t^e gea toitl) tljem from 3flre# lanD, anO uitjicl;, tljouglj it Ijau brought tljem a great Distance, toa0 ujell able to earn? t^em to t^e enO of tlieir fournep* C C l)cv agreeD uuttl) eacl) otforr tljat tljr^ ujottlD openly tell all tljf circumstances tljat Ijau occurreD to them, toljat afcben* turr s tl)f ^ ijao met, toljat misfortunes stiff ereo, toljat battles fottgljt, ttje stor^ of t Ij r past t lj r ee t? ears ; but > liuer oesireD jartlmr to promise tljat lie tooulD not tell at ttjc Cnglislj court tlje rank anD family of ^is comraoe, nor to^ere in IlrelanD be Ijau been imprisoned <0n tljese subjects be toisljea bint to be silent* C.tE>lje Cn& lislj people, as tljr comraoes passen on tljr ir toav% toonoereft greatly to see tljf m boti) riDing on one l;orse, ant) tljat tljn? so muc^ resembleD eacb otljer ; anD tbn? saiD to one another tljat prince o filleD toitt) tljr Uenom of tlje Demon of jealousy tljat be imetn not tobat IK DID, tie struck tys brother tobo sat before bint on tt;e Inter ; Befell to tbe grounD, broke bis leg* C.^o ofcerpotoering toa0 Hajer'0 rage anD jealous?, tljat Ije tootilD not toait to let bis comraDe ejtplain tobat baD occurreD ; but, tubile tljat faithful frienD toas crying out untb tbe pain of tbe fall, anD from bis Distress of minD tliat be sbottlD bate been 00 misunDer* 0tooD, put spurs to tlje l^orsc, anD roDe atoa^, leading tbe unfortunate ilrtljur Iving in tl)e roaD, anD be gpofee no more tuoros to IJUH, gooD or baD, C.Mt)en be baD gone a little toay, still boiling luitlj ragr , be s^toppeD a moment to consider tobetber Ije sljottlD kill klrtlnir; for \)t toas completely unDer tbe Dominion of anger at tbe tbougbt of tbe great gin f beliebeD Ijis former comraDe committeD. C.tEben came remem^ brance of tbe great acts of frienD^bip tliat artljur baD Dour, anD of tljc losing comraDcsl)ip ttjat tbe^ l)aD botl) felt for eacb otber at all times from tljdr t?outb up; l)oto 0rtl)ur baD reDeemeD bim out of tbe great misery in toljtcl) l)c IjaD lain 00 long, anD in tobicb be mu0t Ijatic DieD but for I)t0 i)rlp <$ut of tl)e0e tl)ottgl)t0 lie consiDereD tbat tie l)aD Done toell to 0parc I)i0 life ; anD in leading bim noto lie beliebeD tbat be l)aD tbereb^ requiteD bim for all i)i0 gooDne00 ; for lie coulD not tbinU otbertois* tban tbat 0rtbur baD cancelleD eber^ gooD act tbat be baD eber Done bp tbe greatest torong il)icl) it baD been possible for an? one to Do bun ; anD lie toonDereD greatly Ijoto in a l)f art full of man? birtues one ttce proDucing so mucl) fal0rl)ooD anD son coulD Chapter jto\L ber learneD t|ie gooD fait|i of 0rtbur; tyt Distress on account of bis conDuct to bim; l)oiu |ie founD bint again, anD brought bim to ilonDon, Uuljcre be toas cureD of bi0 in|ur? fj t b man? anD marring t bougb ts in I)t0 minD, t* 31acob, as be baD giben tbemto un# DerstanD toas Iris intention tolien Ijr toent atoa?* Caliber, Bearing tbis, per* ceiueD tljat 3rtt)ttr IjaD Declared tljat Ije tooulD fcisit >t, ^Jacob's, therefore be saiD to tlje lung, C." Gracious lorD ant) father, m? sickness prebenteD me, but, (Soti toilling, luljen 31 am again toell 31 ma? tben, anD toitb more company, maketljis pilgrimage, to^icl) 31 tuillDo*" C.^t)f ^e ^princefifflf Helena came anD toelcomeo tier I;usbant), anD sat at table bettoeen Ijim anD Ijrr father* ^l)f tjrartj toit^ tfurprifiie anD 0orroto of @lit)er'0 illnes's'tljat IjaD prebenteD tljr fulfilment of I)i0 tooui, anD ijaD man? feinD qttrs tion0 to ask, U)l)id) gomr times pu^leD ^er busbanD to anstoer, because of tty strangeness of tljt case* CLCGilKn tfjc supper toas enDeD tl) r rr toas muclj more conversation toitlj t|ie great number of nobles anD laDies luljo came to toelcome (Dliber until it greto late ; tol)en(DUter took Iratoe of tljc king anD all tljr rom, pan?, sa?ing tl;at lie toas ber? toear?, anD toitt)Dreto to Ijts chamber toitt) l)is toife, to luljom \)t toas noto returneD after an absence of tljree ?ears ; anD it ma? toellbe unDerstooD tljat it toas tier? pleasant for Ijim to be uottl) ijer again, tljottgl) tljougljts of l)oii) ^e IjaD left &i> t^ur came often to poison bis fo? Qtyt IjaD no anger against bis beautiful prin; cess;toife on account of luliat 3rtl)ttr baD tolD t)im,beliebing tljat eljr Ijao no otljrr tljougbt at tl)r time but tljat bis former comraDe bearing bis tract likeness toas bimself,anDberl)usbanD toere alone ijr tooulD Ijabr taken Ijrr into Ijis arms anD kisseD ber, but sljr inas surpriseD, babing bwrD bint sa? tftat Ijr IjaD not maDe tljr pilgrimage to &t, Jacob's : therefore sbe saiD to tiim, C." 3p? Dear Ijusbanti, bast tl)ou not forgotten tlj? tioto to 0lmigljtv (0oD anD tlje ttoelbe bol? ones of cob?" C.ltoer askeD ty tljns referreD to liis Uoin at tljis time* C,**Kb^ ?>> erclaimeD Helena, u Dost tbou not remember tbat tnben tljou DiDst lie b? m? siDe tljou DiDst neber so nuicl) as once kiss me, sa?ing tbat tljou ijaDst maDe a tioto not to tourlj me until tbis pilgrimage teas full? maDe ? xlno 3ft nouj unDerstanD tljat tt)ou bast not been tlirrr to fulfil tlj? promise : therefore 31 beg tbee, m? heart's Dearest, to keep tbe uoiu tljou bast stporn to <0oD anD tlir Ijolv saints lulio brought tljr r safe to tb? borne*" C.^t fat toorDs <&& tier unDerstooD at once t^e loyal faitlj tbat Ins comraDe l)aD kept luttl) Ijim ; anD tbe tears came to Ijis e?es as be toitbDreto bimself from l>elena, anD no sleep came to bis eves tbat nigljt, for be saiD to bimself, C." 3fl am t^e most ungrateful being tbat o <^liber mounteD bis borse anD galloppeD to tbe billage, tobere be found a toagon tobicb be brougbt to flrtbur* 31n it be placeD bis suffering frienD, so tbat be toas taken toitb great care to tlonDon* 011 tbe toay be toalkeD beside tbe toagon, talking constantly toitb bis comrade anD toatcbing tbat be toasaltoays carefully mobeD* c.csa'ben tijep came to tljr palace l)t tiaa a djam; bet maDe reaDy immeDiately , into ujl)id) 3rti)ur tua0 brought toitbout being 0een by many people* C.^en lifeer sent for tlje best Doctors in ilonoon anD beggeo tl)em to u0e all Diligence until ttje toounDeD man toas rr storco to rjealtlj ant) 0ottnD conDition, o tljey put on tljeir harness, lotoereD tlje Drato# briDge, ttjreto open t^e castle gate, anD rusljeD upon tlje besiegers; but tyey mere too fern in number to Do augljt but slay as many as t^ey mig^t before tljev mere tljemselbes slain, C^f ter tl;e king's Deatl) bis subfects yielDeD tbe realm to Hrtbur anD promised to accept as tljeir ruler lubomeuer tl;e C-nglistj king sljoulD eljoose to place oUer tfyem, CLMben tbe mar bad ttms ended 0r# rljur return ed mitb bis army to L ondon , mbere Ije mas foyfully reeeiued by tbe king anD nobles, anD especially by fyis brother fitter, C,^s a remard for bis service, tbe king bestotoeD on lr t ljur tbe 3]risb kingDom tbat \)t bad toon ; anD its people mere eommanded to receive Ijim as tljeir liege lorD anD king anD stoear aU legiance to bt m ; m birb, being Done, gabe an added state to artljur at tlje Cnglisb court, C.flrtl)ttr mondered mud) tbat bis friend bad not made Unomn bis name anD rank, anD urged ijim to conceal it no longer; as lie mould be brld in still greater estimation if it mere Unolnn, anD tbe king mould bate more pride in SZCCX bis Daughter's IjusbanS as tbc king of Castile, altbottgb in trtttb be toas toell enougb pleases ttjitlj Ijim ad it toad. UBut ^litjer begges bid brotber not yet to rebeal tbat i)c toad of ropl btrtlj, tbougb it migbt be tbat bf toouls bint* self soon make fenoum tbc trutb ; anS tie preferreD tbat tbe reur lation sbouls come from bintself, &rtbur, tobo sek Horn opposes bis brother in anytbtng, obey CD bis uuisb in tljis also* C.'(Ebf ttoo brothers lucre as true eomrases still as in tbeir youtb ; ano tljcir fricnssljip toad tbc tbemc of tbe court anS of tbe people, by mbom botb tocre praises anS lobes* 3; t teas sais tbat tobatcbcr tbe one toisljes, tl)e otljer SesireS also ; anS in Qtnttf ous Seess ano noble hues tljr p toere as like eact) otljer as in tljeir persons* Cj&o t^e Sa^s passes in peace ans fo^, but tlje father of all etjil, tfte intcUco one, tol)o is t^e creator ans promoter of all ill, as toell as tljt author of affliction ans sis* tress in tljis uiorls, gruSgeS to tljc tiuo faithful rrienss tljeir Ijappiness; ans in a sijort time causes it to be changes into anguisl) ans tears ; for Ertljur became so ill t^at tl)e Soctors gatie no bopr of bisrecober^ anS seemes tljat seatb alone couls bring Ijim relief* But ^rrtjur toas not to Sie at tljis time, tljottgrj be praxes often to aos to sens Seati) to free bint from b^ pain* litier lookes upon bid Sear brotber sigbtless, ans so cbanges tbat be toas more like a Seas man tljan a iiuing one, be toas as secplj? griebes as if tbe sisease bas been bis oton, ans bf toas so ulles toitb sorroto ans sistress tbat all men pities bint* liber often sais to #rtbur,C," Q&v to ar brotber, knotoest tbou of attgbt tbattoill gite tbee pleasure or belp ? 3 f so, So not besitate to speak of it, for 31 toouls be toilling to cbange my conSition toitb tbat of tbe poorest ans lotoliest laborer on tbe eartb, if, by so soing,3I couls purcbase for tbee tbi? former bfaltb ans strengtb*" C." ^ Sear brotber anS goos friend," sais 0r- tbur, "tbou soest for me more tban 31 babe eber seserbes of tbee, for tolu'cb 31 am most grateful ; but 31 beg tbee, in trtttl) , tljat tbou toilt implore citement, Uiljielj still mastereD Ijtm. C)e tljen kneeleD anD prapeD to <0oD to guiDe Ijim, a toeak, afflicteD man* H)e prapeD, C." vpv Dear brotljer, mljo for mp sake bad dttffereD do many paind anD en* DureD do muelj labor, Danger, anD Did; tredd tljat 31 can neter repap btnt, id dick unto oeatlj ; anD a message bad come to me but 31 knoto not toljf tljer it id from ball 31 alone fail bim in b& need ? till Ije loofeeD, anD still Ijt0 e^estolD l)tm tljat ^is cljilDren toere aliije. Cljrn came a great flooD of feeling otier Ijcart anD minD ; anD unable to bear tlje quick passing from tooe to fop, tje fell senseless on tlje floor, C,^Slljen l)t came to Ijimself IjeembraceD anD kisseD ftis Dear c|iilDren, t^jus Difaineli? restoreD to Ijim, ljugging tljem bot^j closely to I)i0 breast, as if lie coulD not otljertoise satisfy Ijimself tljat t^ toere really alibe, Witylt Doing tljis, lie crieD out, " unspeakable potoer of &OD, toljiclj no manma^ fatljoiu, 3] gibe tEljeepraise anD tljanks for tlje gooDness Cljou ijast sljoton to me, a poor sinner ; anD tljat Cljou Ija0t cobereD me toitlj Ww great compassion," C.tEljen Ije again took up tlje ttoo rl)tlDrm from tlje beD, torappeD tljem in tlje blooDj? beD4inen, took one on eacl) arm tljat Ijr nugljt continue to feel tljat botlj toere alibe, anD toent out of tlje cljamber, Clje first man toljo met Ijtm toas Ijis brotljer 0rtljur, to to^om Ije crieD in a tumult of fo^, c.** Brother, refoice ! e told Ijotu after overcoming tlje king and slay,- ing b^ tbree servants, tbis faittjful brother bad released Ijim from a Ijorri^ ble fate, from inljiclj be could not babe otljenmse escaped, and Ijouj for a re* toard Ije IjaD quarrelleD wttlj ^irtljtir, tljroum Ijim oolun from Ijis^ tjorse, and broken b& leg. tD^ben lie toent on tell* ing Ijoiu, after all tljest tilings, tbis faitljfulest of friends became berg ill, bis maladv growing most dangerous until not Ij in g toas left but utter despair. tE^tiis teas tlje condition four Ijours ago, anD Wittier told in uiljat a state of anjr* itty anD sorro to Ijc Ijad been on account of tljc illness of Ijts friend, (Then tic saiD, ," & Dream came to me seberal times in mp sleep, anD a boice saiD to me, * 3]f lie is giben to Drink of tfce Heart's blooD tljat comes from t|n? ttoo innocent ctjilDren, ty toill be toell,' CompelleD to tlje DreaDful act of slaving my Dear cfcilDren b ms great lobe anD fiDelits to mp frienD, anD bs tlje force of tlje Ij^abenls message, toitlj tljis stoorD 31 cutoff tlje IjeaDS of ms eljilDren so tljat 31 migljt gibe Ijim tlje blooD to Drink, anD tljat ijemigljt bemaDe uiell, mljtclj Ijas happened by tlje grace of 5oD* Slljni 31 sato tljat t)c toas recob^ ereD, 31 ttjougljt to ft^ from tlje country on account of tlje terrible cljilD^sla^ing toijici) 31 1)30 committeD; but before 31 toent atoa^ 31 toisljeD once more to loofe on mp cljilDren; therefore 31 toent into tljeir Deat^c^amber, toljere, tljrougb t^e grace of 43oD, lutjo tjntl) toorkeD tljis miracle, 31 founD t^em botlj libing anD placing together in perfect Ijealt^ in tfce beD tlPtjerefore, all ^e fathers anD mo^ t^ers, tljinfe, eaefc of ^ou, to^at great suf? fering toas mine toljen 31 feilleD m^ ttoo Dear little cljilDren toitl) niv oton ftanDS j anD also tljinfe totiat a tumult of fo^, to^iat a toorlD of Ijappiness came to me toljen 31 ^to tljrm again libing in ^app^ tjfaltlj," C.^l)en l)e raiseD bot^i ttje ct)ilDren in l)is arms, anD lirlo tljcin up, tljat all might see t)oto tlje^ toere miraculously toell; anD Ije sljotoeD tljem tljf blooD^ beD^linen in tuljirlj tljc^ toere torappeD ttjat toas staineD toitjj tljeir blooD, C,OTjen lantl^ attenuefc ; so t^at tlje company toas a stately arra^ ants ber^ fair to see* CJt ioere long to tell of tfoeir fourne^ Ua^ b^ trap, but t^e^ came at last toit^ out mishap to tfce border of tlie realm of Castile* fltaatyen 0rt|iur bneto rtiat tfytv ureiu near fee fcau set stoift mes^ sengers along fyt ioa^ to bring tidings ty rode forty to meet tyem toity a splendid company of tye Ijigljest nobles of tye bingdom* C.Mtien tye^ toere met tye Castilian lords alighted from tyeir Corses and did ^omagtto feing(Dliber, bidding fcim and ^)is ro^al and princely guests toelcome to Castile t and prais* ing <0od for tfce return of tyeir ruler, so long missed and mourned* 00 &ueen Helena t^ gabe especial toelcome, and declared tl)at a princess so beautiful Ijau neber before been seen in Castile* 0^ greeted tye Cnglisb bing toitlj all ^onor and respect, and certain of tye noblest among tljrnt placed tyemselbes at ljt0 serbice to do fyis toill in all things* Cjtog (J^liber, tye Cnglis^ bing, and tlje bnigfots and ladies of tyeir train, pbe courteous tyanbs in return, and ioere glad at Ijeart tljat tye long fourne? dreto near its end and closed so foousl* C3n eac^ cit^ of tye bingdom tyrouglj inlnrl) tljcp passed tije streets toere Ijtt ng tiiitlj banners and costly clotlj, and all manner of fo^^proclaiming decorations tljat could be debised toere to be seen* &t eber^ toindolu as passed tljr toibes and daughters of nobles and citizens, clad in tijeir riclj# est goions, smiled glad toelcome and dropped flotoers before tyeir toa^* ber tljat all could not be fittingly lodged in a single palace, therefore tijei? toere receibed into tye d toellings of tye ^ig^est nobles toirtj great s^oto of respect, and toere giben most courteous attention* Cj&t tlje sounding of trumpets all toere brought to tye gobernor's palace to dine, and tables toere laid tljat all mtgljt eat and drinb of tljc best tljat tljr land af* forded ; and place toas giben to eaclj guest b^ tt)e chamberlain according to ranb and dignity* C,Wben tye guests and tljf princes, nobles and ladies of Castile, toere met together, all clothed in fair stuffs and ricli garnishing pecuU iar to eac^) land, tljeir garments being as unlike anD Distinct as tlje parteo lanDS of CnglanD anD Castile, it toas a gas anD picturesque sigtjt, a marbel anD a pleasure to all ei?es* .31" eaclj cit toljere tlje trabellers tjaD resteD tljei? IjaD seen in ttye castles of tbe Cas* tilian nobles more things tfcan map be estimateD tljat to tljem inrrc neto anD strange, totyereat t^ toere fain to toon* Der anD often to aDmire* &nD rtjep founD more of splenDor anD granDeur in ttye fashions of libing tljan in tljeir greater but simpler CnglanD* C.&nD t^e former queen of Castile, 0rtljur's mother anD f riclj anD Delicious bianDS tljere toas a profusion, toljicl) all enfo^eD ber^ beart# ity* Mlien tlje Ijapp^ guests IjaD maDe an enD of eating anD Drinking, tyere toas tlje bu?5 anD murmur of gap con# bersation in uiljtclj tlje silbcrt? ring of tlie laDies' boices mingleD toitb tlje Deeper tones of tlje knights, but all sub# DueD to tlie Decorum of court usage* 011 praiseD kueen Helena for Ijer stoeet anD moDestmien, Ijer great beauty, anD ti;e gooD toill toljicl) slje sljotoeD to all* C.^lfter t^e coronation of Ijis cl)ilDren,tlje king of CnglanD remaineD a montlj at tlje Castilian court, at tlje enD of toljiel) time lie askeD (Dliber if Ije tooulD return toitl) bim to CnglanD, C.^o tljis ques^ tion <&liber replieD, tl^at be DeemeD it more fitting tljat be sljoulD remain for tlje present in Ijis kingDom, toljicb IjaD been so long toitljout a ruler tl^at tljere toas muclj tljat requireD bis presence ano careful attention. >o the king of Cngland and Ijis nobles took leatic of 3kueen Helena and tbe Castilian court ano set out on their bomctoai D tourney, (Dliber rode toith him as far as tbe bor ders of bis land, to here the king, i)i0 father, took leatie of him toith tears, and said to bim, C." $$v Dear son e took into b^s court serbice many young Castilian knigbts and nobles, and certain englishmen also, tobo bad cbosen to remain toitb bim* C,2lben some time bad so passed, and be bad become toell knoum to tbe no^ bles and people of bis country, t^ toere deboted to bim, and bied ujith each other to do bim serbice. 011 tbe country of Castile toas also deligbted toitb tbe tiuo beautiful cbildren mhom be bad brought toitb him from CnglanD, to ho greto in birtue and intelligence and became tbe pride of tbe people. C.2Kbfn tbep ^ earlj of tbe miracle t bat bad been done tbrougb them they toondered hoto <$liber could babe bad tbe beart to take their libes, but they toere taught by tbis great mir- acle that no man can fathom tbe toon, derful potoer of 600, tobicb toas a good lesson to babe before tbem dailp.>o toing arD tljese ronglj words i)t arose from Ijis bed, coo a naked suiord in Ijis IjanD, toent to tlje Door anD opened it* 00 soon as it toas unbarred anD openeD Ije sato tljere tlje knigljt mljo rjad come to Ijis aiD in Cng* land luljen Ije rjad lost purse ant) Ijorse, ant) trtitl) tljem all Ijis Ijopes of appear> ing in tye tournament inhere i)t t>D toon Ijis toife tlje knigljt luljo Ijad served Ijim mell in tljat time of neeti ; ant) Ije perceitiet) tljat ijr still UJOIT tljc uiljitr Drr sg in luljicl; Ijr IjaD last sr r n liim* C.^aai)en (DlitjerrecognijeO to^o it toag tl;at tl)us Dcman&en admittance Ijc embraceo Ij t m ano baDe l)im Welcome in ^OD'J; name, L** ^OD grant tljat 3fl am toelcome, ant) not otftrruiisf," ansiur rrt) tlje bnigljtt u for 31 |jabe come ^it^er tljts time not to bring tljee gain ant) gooD tljtngs toitfy toljiclj to refoice tlj\v sfelf as? 31 DiD before time," C. u ^ou come not to me as one toljo is untoelcome or Displeasing/' replieD tlje feing, " for 31 Ijabe in Deep remembrance toljat benefits 31 Ijabe ^aD at ^our tianD; anD 31 also as toell remember iu^at 31 Ijabe promised von, anD tljat promise 31 toill keep," C.^f Inia toas terrifieD toljen slje sato tljis mysterious knigtjt, clotljeD in anD speaking so ruDety, come into tlje room, tLClje king baDe tier arise, anD uiljen slje toas Dressed to eome again to tl;e room, anD toljen tljis toas Done $l)t IjearD tlje knigljt ask tlje king if l;c tooulD keep tlje promise maDe to Ijim, for lie IjaD come to Ijold Ijim to it, .** Gracious lorD," (Dliber replieD, **31 remember toell fye benefits ttjat Ijabe come to me tljrougl) ^our fatoor anD Ije^p; anD as 31 fcabe alreaD^ as^ sureD i?ou 31 toill bonorabl^ anD Ijon* estl^ abiDe b^ all ttyat 31 ^atie promiseD," C.t^lje king |iaD neber forgotten fyte promise to tlje CCUjite Bnigljt, but Ijad long ago prepared anD arranged for tljig euent, for Ije Ijad been in constant ejt* per tation tljat at any dap or Ijonr tlje Mljite linigljt migljt come anD demand Ijis sljare of ixiljat Ijad been toon tljrott gtj Ijis Ijelp, >o fyt IjaD diuided all Ijis pro# pettv anD goods as toell anD fairly as Ije coulD ; anD Ije noto said to tlje Unigljt, C." Gracious lorD, 31 toill sap in regarD to mp toife's fetoels anD clothing, ixiljielj one toljo toisljeD to atoiD pap* ment to pott migljt claim to be outside of our bargain, tyat t^ep tjabe been fairly balueD, anD 31 toill gibe you t&e one rjalf part of tljeir balue in gold, for tlje elotljes tooulD IjarDly serue you so toell as tlje money ; but if tljat Does not content you, take of tlje elotljes as many as you toistj, for tljey are all in ttjese ctjests, 31 Ijaue also DibiDeD my treasure ; take of tljis part toljat pleases you, 0s for t^e fooD to^icl) toe fcabe for our pre# sent neeDs, 31 beliebe tljat you toill not begrudge tljat, but of tlje silber Vessels take your sfcare as you toislj, 31 stoear to you, by tlje <$oD ujljo created me, tljat 31 Ijabe DibiDeD all tfcat 31 Ijabe toon anD axxx more ; for trjis treasure uiljiclj is ijcre is for tlje most part a Castilian inljer.- itance from m? Dear father* grtjoulD 3(1 in tbe future receive augbt from tbe bingDom of CnglanD you sljall tjaue ?our balf portion of it as 31 &abe pw* miseD," CtEbe flKHbto J&nigbt, after Bearing tljts statement, sljooU lji IjeaD auD Declared tljat lie toad not satisfies toitb tobat Ijao been offcreD to Ijim ; ana be spobe to filter toitb increasing toratjj in bis boiee, C," &ing, rtjou liest in toljat tljou sa?est ; for tljou sljarest not full) 1 uiitlj me, as tljou sljoulDst, anD as tljou bast promised me : l)ast tljou not toon toife anO ctuluren?" L,(L\}t king coulD but anstoer tljat tins; toas so, C." TOen sljall 31 not Ijabe m^ part of tljem ? " C.tfel)is toas a tjiun* Derbolt ; ant) tol)en <$litier ftearu it, Ijr fell on tyis knees before tlje cruel crete itor, claspeD l)is Ijanus togrtljtr, and beggeD tljat Ijr tooulD leabe Ijim toife anD c^ilDren ; lie tooulD gibe for tljrm tljc otljf r Ijalf of l)is treasure anD tljc ftalf of liis kingDom of Castile : if tftis toere not sufficientt lie tooulD gibe tlje to^ole of it, C.tEJ)e IjorrifieD queen foineD Ijer IjttsbanD in Ijis supplica^ tion; toitb agoni^eD Ijeart anD tearful e^es, slje imploreD t^is ston^^earteD one to leafce ijtv tijt c^ilDren tljat sljc Ijad brought fortlj mitl) ntticl) suffering into tlje toorlD anD toliose loss slic coulD not surbibe ; anD s^e entreateD tljat be tooulD be satisueD toitb tljat inljiclj Ijcr busbanD baD offereD in ercbange* so t^at t^ migbt beep tljeir Dear Dren, idGfye knigljt anstoereD C." ^aDame, 31 toill not Do tl)is tljing tbrougb tfw entreat?, nor tfcat of an? ot^er ; anD if ?e refuse me tljat toljiclj is mine ?e sljall learn tljat it is in potoer to mabe ?e rue it," (Dliber bfart) t^ese Ijarslj anD merciless toorDS of tbe bnigljt, be baDe tljc queen go anD bring tljc ttoo cljtlorcn, uiljicl) sljc DiD, S>l)c toent to tljc chamber tobere tbe? slept, atoabeD tbem,toob tbem up anD dress CD tbem bastil?, toeeping anD broben^bearteD ; anD brougbt tbem to tljc room tobere tbe bnigbt still sat, loobing ba^^^rteD anD cruel, L@& ijer loobeD tenDerl? upon bis prett? cbil # Dren anD again imploreD tbe bnigbt to leafoe tbem anD tabe tbe bingDom anD all Ijis toealtb ; but tljat obDurate one tooulD not listen to Ijtm, but saiD, C. u jl^o, 31 must babe m? sbare of tbe cbilDren," L U t^ben, in <0oD's name," saiD eaD before brc> awb crirt, C. u tf)M* of a ro?al bouse, tot)? babe 31 brougbt tljec into t^e toorlD since 31 am in part tbe cause of tb? loss tobicb renDs m? rjeart? *0 tooe to ?e, migbt? bingDoms of CnglanD anD Castile ! for ?e noto lose ?our ?oung bing anD ruler anD ?e ma? toell griebe," CL^Kbnt t^e Witytt axtx llmigljt IjaD taken tljr Doting prince into Ijis charge, Ijr tuas still Dissatisfir D, anD tolD <>ltoer tljat tje must also ijnue ttje Ijalf part of Ijis tutff , tljc queen. C.oU) unlike is tljis Ijour to tljat on uuljiclj toe toere toeDDeD ! t^^en 3(1 kneto not tbat tljou toert a king ; but to be a king or a queen is not to be tjappp tiofco tjappp migljt toe be imtfjout otljr r kingDom tlian our oton anD our Dear c&ilDren's lobes ! " C.tElien slje embraceD ^im, anD saiD furttier, L U ^tjerefbre, m^ trait's Dear lorD, 51 ma^ toell sa^ t^at t^e Ijours are unlike, for to^Da? is to tljrr anD to me bitter anD cruel ; still 3fl am toilling to suffer Dratlj tljat tljou may r st t^iereb^ retain ttjp, tionor*" C.t!Pl)en fell on tier knees anD pra^eD to tljat $;e tooulD fbrgibe all tier sins anD tooulD receibe Ijrr soul into Ins king* Dom, anD if it sljoulo unljnppily be tljat Ijrr lorD anD IjusbanD sinneD in taking ^er life, tyat l^e tooulD in J^is mercp parDon Ijim, ccijen sljc arose, came to abiour, jl^oto 31 take leabe of tljee ; toliitljer 31 go t^ou ma^est not noto come, but trul^ 31 toill implore of 45od, t^e Blmig^, tfcat j^e toill for^ gibe tljee all tlje sins tljott Ijast mttteD," C.<22lljen Ije IjaD so spoken ttiese toords tlje Mljite tintgljt disap^ peared from tlie king and queen and ascended in that moment to Ijeaben, and a bright gleam of celestial light s^one into tlje toindoto inhere tlje king and queen stood to Ijatoe tlje last glimpse of ttjetr angelic bisitor inljom tljey IjaD so much feared, but noto rebered as a fceabenty messenger. C^Wen tfce gleam liad faded out, tljei? fell upon t^ieir knees and thanked almighty <$od and J^is dear spotter for tye great grace t^at been sljoton t^em in t^at tjour. tljeir prayer teas ended, they ga?ed in eaelj other's faces and felt in tljeir hearts as if tlje queen Ijad been dead and toas made alibeagain* CLtlntil tljistime tlje king of Castile l)ad suffered from a sljaoouj of a doubt and fear toljielj clouded sometoljat all tjis plea^ sures ; but after Ije ioas reliebed from tjts debt to tlje Hlljite fenigljt there toas no cloud to darken tlje happiness of tlis life or tljat of Ijis queen. CJfor a time tlje queen toas sometoljat ill from tlje sljock of tlje trying scene and tlje fear of deatlj tuljielj slje IjaD suffered. Wfytn j3rt^ur beard of tljis, Ije rode out of aigaruia and came to Castile to bisit bis brother <&liber, and abode some time toitlj him, during Uiljirlj time tljere teas mucb merrymaking. >oon t^je queen's ailment passed from Ijer and t^ere toas fo^ in t^ie land and a gaper life tljan eber before at tlje court. CJflUljen prince J?enrp toas grolnn to manljood Ije became a most aeeom, plisljeD hnigljt and toas filled luitlj all noble qualities and a restless desire that urged him to tain fame in the toorld as his father bad done in his early cmx manljooD. C.3t tljr nttosf toljidj came to Castile, tliat tljr king of Cyprus ttms IjarD brsrt by infiDelS anD imploreD tljr Ijf lp of Cljristian prince* against Ijis foes, prince J?enn? besought fcis fa? tfcer ttjat te migljt be permitteD to leaD a bant) of knigljts to tlje Deliverance of tlje Cyprian king* C.TOS request toas granteD, anD to t^je gallant Doting prince came many brabe knights to enlist un? Her Ijis banner, totiic^ receive!) t^e bless? ing of tfce l^ol^ jfatljer of anu toas tljen borne b^ prince ano Ijis Untgljts against tlje infiorls tol)o DareD to aDuance into tl)e country of a Christian king seeking to bring it into IK atljr naorn. C.HBut tins; bralje ano pious prince netier returned to Castile* 0fter freeing tfce king of Cyprus from Ijis foes, \)t leD Ijis knigijts on tlje steps of tlje retreating enem^, follotoing t^em into tyeir oton country, to^jere ^e toon manv battles, anD toresteD imirl) lanD from tlje rule of tljr infi'&els anD con? toerteD it to Cl;rtstianit\% C.^o tialiant a toarrior toas be, tljat, but for Ijis earl^ Deati), Ijis name tooulD Ijatoe become most famous in Ijistory. But Ijr DieD, as a bratie toarrior anD pious Christian slioulD Die, in tlje miDst of Ijeatljen foes, up^olDing t^e banner of tfce anD tfce glor^ of ^5oD, t^e tlorD of J?osts, C.31 Castile t^e ^ears passeD in peace? ful content, anD tlje tale tells tyat in t^e fulness of time a marriage toas con? tracteD bettoeen tty king of 0lgarbia anD tbe Daughter of tyis belobeD comraDe, lung ^liuer, C,(Tl)is coulD not make closer tljf ties tljat bounD tlje frienDS together, but it brought tfcem into one femil^, toliicb toas enrictyeD anD aDorneD toitl) t^e croton of t^e liig^est tirtues* C.4K tte*e tjirtues t^e frienDstiip of tfce ttoo kings toas so memorable tljat tljf fame of it spreaD otoer tljr toorlD* t|je lautiaiie ijtstorp of tlje ttoo Ijigtili? fameD princes, litoer of Castile anD jartfcur of 0lgarbia, Ijis true comraDe ; anD of Helena, Daughter of ttje king of dfcnglanD; anD of H;enrv, toljo toas a son of <$lit)er anD Helena, tjis faitljful toife anD queen; anD of tye great DeeDS tljat toere Done in tljeir . ^toris Cranslator o great toere libers trutb ano piet? tbat be tooulD not break bid oatb to tbe W)itt tonigbt, but tooulD babe slain bid toife to keep tbe promise be baD maue, tbat balf of tobat toad toon in tbe tournament dboulft be giben up to Ijis belper; and be toad toilling to Do tbid altbougb tljere toad no toitnedd to tedtif? against bim. C^>o toe reaD of lung Ji)eron to tobom Klobn tbe Baptist toad Dear, tbat before be tooulD break tbe boto maDe to ins Daugb* ter be caudeD tbat gooD man's beaD to be cut off. 3nD in like manner, liber tooulD sooner kill Ijis toife anD cbilDren tban break tbe promise tbat be baD maDe anD dolemnl? dtoorn. C.^bugb ducb indtanced eber? Cbridtian man ma? knoto tbat to 45oD all tljings are possible; anD toben it id Jws toill to teaelj anD instruct us, t^e gibed us man? beautiful eramples tbrottgb tbe miracles tbat C;e Dail? performs for ud poor sinners, tobicb dboulD be eternal reminuers ducb ad tbid bidtor? ep presses. C, tet it be IjelD in remembrance tbat all dboulD appl? tbentdelbed Dili? gentl? to gooD anD bonorable toorkd for tbe great benefit tbat ma? spring from tbem. Cj&o sljall tbe ?oung finD toritten Ijere boto trjosc of an earlier time UbeD in tbe fear of <>oo, tobereb? tbe? toon bonor, lanDd, anD gooDd, anD at last a retoarD of eternal life; for tbe? DiD not dtribe on account of Desire of gain, nor of toorlDl? bonor, but on account of Cbridtian faitlj ; to increase mrjiel) toe dboulD evercise our beartd anD toilld Da? anD nigljt. C.tDbud ma? toe come to be toell rcmembcrco in tbe Ijistor? of our Da?, anD toitbout Doubt in tbe eternal life : tobereto fjclp ttd, be^j ud all, on, anD <5oD tbe $ol?