Adjustable Classification for Libraries WITH INDEX JAMES D. BROWN AHSTK^ 'MANUAL OF LIBRARY GLASvS'l H 390 LONDON LIBRARY SUPPLY COMPANY 4, AVE MARIA LANE I B Adjustable Classification for Libraries WITH INDEX BY JAMES D. BROWN CLERKENWELL PUBLIC LIBRARY, LONDON This boo}^ is now published by GRAFTON & CO., 69, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Adjustable i Classification for Libraries WITH INDEX BY JAMES P. BROWN" CLERKENWELL PUBLIC LIBRARY, LONDON ABSTRACTED FROM 'MANUAL OF LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION* H 390 LONDON LIBRARY SUPPLY COMPANY 4, AVE MARIA LANE 1898 ^ LIBRARY SCHOOt NOTE This edition of the Adjustable Classification has been slightly revised and interleaved for the special use of librarians and readers in libraries where it has been adopted. In this form it can be used as a guide to the classification of the library by both the staff and the borrowers. J. D. B. 280054 I _ CLASSIFICATION FOR LIBRARIES This method of classification has been compiled largely in response to a demand for an English scheme with a notation enabling continual intercalation of divisions and single topics or books to be carried on. The Quinn-Brown method has been used as a basis, but suggestions have been freely adopted from every important classification described in my " Manual of Classification." The name " Adjustable '' has been taken to distinguish the system from all others and to describe its principal feature. The main classes are distinguished by the first eleven letters of the alphabet, excluding I, and are arranged thus : A. Sciences B. Useful Arts C. Fine and Recreative Arts D. Social and Political Science E. Philosophy and Religion P. History and Geography G. Biography and Correspondence H. Language and Literature J. Poetry and Drama K. Prose Fiction L. Miscellaneous Should it be thought desirable to have more main classes, or to divide any of those already fixed, double letters can be used for the purpose, as shown below : A. Natural Sciences D. Social Science AA. Mathematical Sciences DD. Political Science B. Useful Arts E. Philosophy C. Fine Arts EE. Religion CC. Recreative Arts And so on 3 2 4 1 .;,..- , Lihrar)' Classification When this is done, it will be necessary, or at least desirable, to renumber the divisions under each main class, and change the reference numbers in the index. In each main class the class letter alone is given to general works covering the whole or a considerable portion of the subject matter of the class at large. Thus B would mark all the general treatises or dictionaries on the Useful Arts ; G general collections of Biography. The letters from M to Z can be reserved for. special or local collections which are kept separate. It has not been thought advisable to provide for an elaborate system of sub-classes, divisions, and sub- divisions, but simply to number in one sequence of even numbers each sub-class or division in its order. This enables the class of most books to be easily expressed by the plain notation of a letter and a figure or two — G 2, B 30, F 196, etc. The odd numbers are reserved for fresh divisions of the maim classes, and it is thought this feature will be found useful in most libraries where new subjects are continually cropping up. If it is absolutely necessary to use more divisions than the scheme provides, even when the odd numbers are all appro- priated, this can be done by adding letters thus : F64I F642^ F64I* F642« F64ib F643 F642 F644 F642* Minute sub-division to any extent may be carried out; by simply adding to the divisional numbers, after a hyphen, a fresh series of odd numbers from i onwards in each case. Thus one might get this progression : G 12. Scottish General Biography G 12-5. Scottish Covenanters - G 12-1. . ,, Artists G 12-7. „ Monarchs, etc. \ G 12-3. „ Authors which seems minute enough and clear enough for all ordinary purposes. Further sub-division is quite unnecessary in most public libraries; but should it be deemed absolutely indis- Adjustable Classification Scheme 5 pensable, it can be carried out with a little extra complication and trouble by starting another series of odd numbers after a colon, so : G 12-3. Scottish Authors, G 12-3:3. Scottish Novelists General G 12-3:5. ,, Poets G 12-3: 1. ,, Historians But the plan of wide sequential numbering adopted in each class should render the use of wearisome sub-division almost needless in the majority of cases. As in the case of divisions, alternate numbers only need be used, the even series being available for additional sub-divisions. In applying the system it is recommended that the class; letter and number be used for shelving and cataloguing onl}% and that charging or other necessary registration be done by means of the accession numbers. Each book as received should get the usual progressive accession number, and in addi- tion the class letter and number showing where it is to be located. For this system it is not necessary to number alcoves, presses, or shelves, as the books will stand in the order of the classifica- tion herein tabulated. Additions can be made at any tim^ and at any point, and each book takes its place, if correctly marked, among all the other books on the same subject. In the catalogue it will be advisable to print both accession^ and class numbers, one series on each margin, so that the system can be applied to libraries using indicators, cards,, ledgers, or open access. Where an indicator is used the accession numbers must be kept in one sequence, and in the- case of Cotgreave's variety the class letters and numbers must be written into the indicator books, while in the case of Chivers" variety the same must be done on the recording tabs, as a, direction to the assistant. Or a brief application form, may be used, giving both class and book numbers, as will be necessary in the case of the Elliot or any other indicator having, numbered^ pigeon-holes. I™ The arrangement of divisions on the shelves will be 6 Library Classification individual books further if this is done properly. The accession number being used for charging, renders any system of author marks unnecessary. In open access libraries the shelves should be plainly marked with labels specifying their contents. Presses should also be marked with the names of the main classes shelved. It is further recommended that in such libraries the books on all shelves be differentiated by means of coloured labels, such as are generally used in British open access libraries, in order to aid the eye in detecting misplacements. The presence of a mere class or notation mark on the back of a book is not sufficient in itself to prevent misplacement, owing to the uniformity of the general appearance. It should be possible to detect instantly such a transposition as G lo for C lo, without scanning each shelf carefully and separately. Composite Books. When a book treats of two or three different classes, in whole or part, it is not to be put in Class L or L 34, but with the books in the class most fully covered by the preponderating subject. The author's descrip- tion on the title-page is to be accepted as the authority for the relative importance of classes, the first subject word being always taken; but where this is vague, bulk must be taken to represent values. Thus a book entitled Hints on Chemistry^ Engraving,^ and Building Construction, if put with Class L or L34, is completely separated from all related subjects; but if marked A 250 x C 104 x B 60, and placed after A 250, its composite character is at once indicated, and the book shelved with the class of which its most important section treats. Luckily main classes are very seldom mixed like our example, unless in encyclopaedic works, and it will not often be necessary to insert composite works like the one mentioned. The main value of this composite marking will be found in single main classes, in which examples frequently occur of books treating of two or three distinct divisions. Yoitwne^s Journey to the Capitals of Japan and China (1863), if put in F454, "Asia, General," is widely separated from all the other literature of both China and Japan ; and though the catalogue would no doubt bring such scattered articles together, I Adjustable Classification Scheme it is just as desirable that the shelves should give the same information as far as physically possible. If, therefore, Fortune's book is marked F508 x 470, the local section will be strengthened, and the general section, always a dumping ground for the vague or the complex, will be made less unwieldy and overcrowded. One of the best descriptions of the arid plains of Queensland will be found in Boothby's On the Wallaby^ which contains a preliminary tour through Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula, Java, and New Guinea. The title gives some idea of this ; but a very brief examination of the book will show the exact ground covered, and also bring out the fact that Queensland is the preponderating subject. If marked F 86, a valuable contribution to the descriptive topography of Queensland is separated from all other books on that topic ; but if marked F 1290 x 86, it at once takes its place with the geographical division of which it principally treats, while at the same time it is qualified in such a manner as to indicate that it deals with other areas. Three separate topics in one composite book seems a fair limit for the " General,'' which is not general enough to be separated from some allied class or division. When more than three independent classes are included in one book, it is best that it should be treated as an encyclopaedic composite, and put in Class L 34. In the case of works treating of more than three independent divisions of a main class, the same rule is to be observed, the " General " number in each case being the receptacle. As indicated above, special collections of all kinds can be marked by the unused class letters M to Z. It is generally best not to incorporate such collections in the ordinary classification, but to shelve them apart. The books in a special collection, of whatever nature, are to be classified the same as other books ; but a qualifying letter can be used to distinguish them. A collection of books on the county of Northampton could be indicated by the additional class letter N put before the ordinary class letter and number. For example : 8 Library Classification NA 8. Scientific Societies, Jour- NG 8. Local Biography, General nals. Reports, etc. NH 158. Glossaries NA62. Local Fauna NH 384. Libraries NA io6. Ornithology NJ 14. Poetry ND 434. Schools— Histories and Reports, etc. And so on In ordinary libraries the sub-division of countries can be carried out by adding sub-divisional numbers to express the classifica- tion thus : F 750. Northamptonshire, Generally 750-1. Scientific Societies, Journals 750-3. Fauna and Flora 750-5. Geology Etc. Special collections of a certain author's works can also receive an independent letter ; but in this case the following arrangement is recommended. In a collection relating to Shakespeare, Scott, Burns, or other great author, proceed thus: S I. Collected Editions in Chrono- S 7. Musical Settings of Works logical Order. Author's S 8. Dramatic Versions of Works S 2. Collected Editions in Chrono- S 9. Pictures suggested by Works logical Order. Editors' S 10. Biographies S 3. Selections S 11. Correspondence, including S 4. Single Works in Chronologi- Autographs cal Order of Publication, S 12. Portraits Originals and Reprints to- S 13. Criticism, History, and Aids gether, and Parodies to Study of Worlrs S 5. Translations of Collected S 14. Periodicals ant^ Societies Works S 15. Ana, Scraps, €*c. S 6. Translations of Single Works S 16. Bibliography Other varieties of special collections can be arranged in any order to suit local conditions ; but as we have said before, it is best to keep such collections separate, as there will always be a tendency to distort classes or divisions by including specially fostered subjects. In all schemes of classification the question of the sizes of books crops up as a disturbing or qualifying factor. I Adjustable Classification Scheme It would be an extravagant waste of space to shelve Owen Jones's Grammar of Ornament alongside Lewis Day's little books on the same subject, or to place the huge atlases of Johnston and Stanford cheek-by-jowl with pocket varieties. Convenience, considerations of appearance, and even tradition, all point to the separation of the great from the small as inevitable. New libraries should therefore provide adequate storage room for quarto and folio books in addition to ordinary octavos, and this is best done by erecting special cases with space for folios below and quartos above a projecting ledge about three feet from the floor. The classes will run in three separate sequences — one for demy 80s and under, one for royal 4tos and under, and another for folios larger than the largest 4to and above that size. In the catalogue these can be indicated thus : Octavos, etc. No mark other than the class letter and number Quartos By an asterisk before the class letter, *F 90 Folios By a small cipher before the class letter, °F 90 Experience proves that qualifying letters or signs put after numbers are generally overlooked. For staff purposes it is not needful to put guides, dummies, or directs on the shelves where folios and quartos ought to be. For the public, if open access is allowed, a general statement explanatory of the triple arrangement posted liberally about will be found ample; or class location books can be used. In Lending Libraries it will seldom be necessary, unless as regards Music, to provide much folio or quarto space. There are several good varieties of adjustable shelving now to be had, which greatly diminish the difficulties connected with size classification. It only remains to state, as regards the classification itself, that the divisions "General" and "Special" provided all through the tables are intended to render sub-division easy when the library has attained very large dimensions. B 90 will probably contain every variety of coifiplete general work on Civil Engineering ; while for years to come the division B 92 will serve to mark works on single parts of the main topic, as 10 Library Classification Bridges, Canals, Docks, Harbours, Roads, etc. When the time arrives, the only fresh mark necessary will be a simple figure added to the existing divisional number : B 92-1. Bridges B 92-7. Harbours B 92-3. Canals B 92-9. Roads B 92-5. Docks or whatever the subjects may be. There is no complication about this, and the sub-divisional numbers may be kept from the very first if thought necessary. The " Adjustable Classi- fication " is not put forth as either perfect or complete, nor is the index more than a fair selection of likely subject words. Suggestions for improvement and notifications of errors or omissions will gladly be received by the author. ( TABLES OF ADJUSTABLE CLASSIFICATION A. SCIENCE, General 56. Societies 2. History 68. Systematic, General 4. Theory and Philosophy 60. Classification and Distribution 6. Periodicals 62. Local Fauna 8. Societies 64. Comparative Anatomy and 10. Biology, General Physiology 12. Theory and Evolution 66. Embryology 14. Periodicals and Societies 68. Popular [Essays and Sketches 16. Methods of Research of Animal Life] 18. Microscopy and Laboratory 70. Vertebrates, General Practice 72. Mammalia, General 20. General Collectors' Manuals, 74. Economic Menageries 76. Primates (Monkeys, etc.) 22. Taxidermy 78. Chiroptera (Bats) 24. Systematic, General 80. Insectivora (Insect-eaters) 26. Bacteriology 82. Carnivora(Flesh-eaters: Lions, 28. Popular [Essays and Sketches Tigers, Dogs, Cats) of Animal and Plant Life] 84. Economic (Dogs, Cats, etc.) 30. Zoology, Man, General 86. Rodentia (Gnawers : Rats, 32. Periodicals and Societies Mice, etc.) 34. Prehistoric 88. Economic 36. Ethnology and Anthropology 90. Ungulata (Hoofed animals) 38. Natural History and Homo- 92. Economic logies 94. Sirenia (Manatees, vul, Mer- 40. Anatomy, General maids) 42. Special 96. Cetacea (Whales, Seals, etc.) 44. Periodicals and Societies 98. Edentata (Sloths, etc.) 46. Physiology, General 100. Effodientia (Pangolins) 48. Special Organs 102. Marsupialia (Pouched mam- 50. Expression, Temperament mals: Kangaroos) 62. Zoology, Animal, General. 104. Monotremata (Egg - laying: History, Theory mammals : Platypus) 54. Periodicals 106. Birds, General 12 A 108. 110. 112. 114. 116. 118. 120. 122. 124. 126. 128. 130. 132. 134. 136. 138. 140. 142. 144. 146. 148. 160. 152. 154. 156. 158. 160. 162. 164. 166. 168. 170. 172. 174. 176. 178. Library Classification Economic Ornithology Raptores (Birds of prey: Eagles, Owls) Insessores (Perching birds) Scansores (Climbers : Parrots, Cuckoos) Rasores (Scratchers: Pigeons, Pheasants, Fowls) Economic (Poultry) Cursores (Runners : Ostriches) Grallatores (Waders : Cranes, Bustards) Natatores (Swimmers : Swans, Ducks, Gulls) Periodicals Societies Reptiles, General Crocodilia (Crocodiles) Chelonia (Turtles, Tortoises) Sauria (Lizards) Ophidia (Snakes) Amphibians (Frogs, etc.) Fishes, General Special Economic (Fish culture) Minor Classes of Vertebrates Invertebrates, General Crustacea (Crabs, Lobsters, etc.) Araehnida (Spiders) Myriapoda (Centipedes) Insects, General Economic, General Coleoptera (Beetles) Orthoptera (Grasshoppers) Neuroptera (Dragonflies) Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, Ants) Economic (Agriculture: Bee- keeping) Lepidoptera(Butterflies,Moths) Economic (Silkworms) Hemiptera (Bugs, etc.) Diptera (Flies) 180. Entomological Societies and Periodicals 182. MoUusca (Oysters, Snails, Cuttlefish) 184. Brachiopoda (Lampshells) 186. Echinoderma (Starfish, Sea Urchins) 188. Bryozoa (Sea Mats) 190. Vermes (Worms) 192. CcBlentera (Sponges, Corals, Jellyfish) 194. Protozoa (Animalculse, Lowest forms of life) 196. Botany. Societies 198. Periodicals 200. General, Systematic 202. Popular (Essays and Sketches) 204. Phanerogamia, General (Flowering plants) 206 Special (Flowers, Leaves, etc.) 208. Cryptogamia, General 210. Filicinse (Ferns) 212. Mosses 214. Fungi (Mushrooms) 216. Algse (Seaweeds) 218. Local Floras 220. Economic, General 222. Special (Coffee, Cotton, Flax, Tea, Tobacco, etc.) 224. Geology. Societies and Perio- dicals 226. History and Theory 228. Systematic, General 230. Petrology, Lithology 232. Local 234. Field and Popular 236. Economic 238. Palaeontology, General 240. Zoology 242. Botany 244. Mineralogy, General 246. Special 248. Crystallography I A 250. 252. 254. 256. 258. 260. 262. 264. 266. 268. 270. 272. 274. 276. 278. 280. 282. 284. 286. 288. 290. 292. 294. 296. 298. 300. 302. 304. 306. 308. 310. 312. 314. 316. 318. 320. 1^22. Tables of Adjustable Classification 13 Chemistry. Societies and Periodicals History and Theory Systematic, General Inorganic Organic Analysis Electro-Chemistry Phys^ cs. Societies and Peiiodicals History and Theory Systematic, General Electricity and Magnetism, General Special Heat Hydrostatics, Hydraulics Light (Optics), General Special Mechanics (Dynamics), General Special Pneumatics Sound (Acoustics) Physiography. Societies and Periodicals General Earthquakes Volcanoes, etc. Glaciers, Icework, etc. Meteorology Hydrography, Ocean Currents, etc. Astronomy. Societies and Periodicals History and Theory Systematic, General Sun Stars and Planets Moon Comets and Meteors Popular (non-mathematical) Nautical Mathematics. Societies and Periodicals 324. History and Theory 326. Systematic, General 328. Algebra 330. Arithmetic 332. Book-keeping 334. Calculus 336. Geodesy and Surveying 338. Geometry, Conic Sections 340. Logarithms 342. Mensuration 344. Probabilities, Annuity Tables 346. Trigonometry 348. Weights and Measures 350. Metric System 352. Occult Sciences, General 354. Alchemy 356. Astrology 358, Magic, Necromancy 360. Mesmerism, Animal Mag- netism 362. Psychical Research B. USEFUL ARTS, General 2. Societies. Exhibitions 4. Periodicals 6. History 8. Inventions 10. Patents Specifications, British 12. American 14. French 16. German 18. Other 20. Recipes, General 22. Agriculture. Societies and Periodicals 24. History 26. General (British) 28. Farm Buildings and Imple- ments 30. Farm Soils and Crops 32. Farm Stock, General (Breeding and management of Horses, Sheep, Cattle, Pigs, etc.) 14 Library Classification 34. Farm Stock, Special 102. Telephone, Phonograph, etc. 36. Dairy Farming 104. Mechanical. Societies and 38. Special Cultivations, Foreign Periodicals [Coffee, Cotton, Tea, Sugar, 106. General Tobacco, Vines, etc.] 108. Applied Mechanics 40. Gardening and Forestry. 110. Workshop Practice Societies and Periodicals 112. Machinery, Tools 42. History 114. Military, and Art of War. 44. General Periodicals and Societies 46. Fruit Culture 116. General 48. Flower Culture 118. Army Organisation, British 50. Kitchen and Market Gardening 120. Foreign 52. Landscape and Formal Garden- 122. Arms and Armour ing 124. Artillery 54. Window Gardening 126. Cavalry 56. Forestry, General 128. Engineers 68. Special 130. Infantry 60. Building. Societies and 132. Militia Periodicals 134. Volunteers 62. General 136. Yeomanry 64. Construction, General 138. Fortification 66. Special 140. Barracks, Transport, etc. 68. Materials, General 142. Tactics 70. Special [Bricks, Lime, 144. Waval. Societies and Perio- Stones, Timber, etc.] dicals 72. House Decoration 146. General 74. Sanitation, Ventilation, Gas- 148. Navy Administration, British fitting, etc. 150. Foreign 76. Engineering. Societies and 152. Tactics and Warfare Periodicals 154. Shipbuilding, General 78. General 156. Special 80. History 158. Seamanship and Navigation, 82. Aerial. Societies General 84. General 160. Special. Charts, Sailing 86. Special Directions 88. Civil. Societies and Periodi- 162. Lifeboats cals 164. Lighthouses 90. General 166. Coastguard 92. Special 168. Merchant Service and Sailors 94. Electrical. Societies and 170. Mining and Quarrying. So- Periodicals cieties and Periodicals 96. General 172. History 98. Lighting 174. General .00. Telegraphy] 176. Prospecting I Tables of Adjustable Classification IS B 178. Coal Mining 254. Printing. Societies and Perio- 180. Iron „ dicals 182. Gold „ 266. General 184. Silver „ 258. Special 186. Lead ,, 260. Binding. Periodicals 188. Salt 262. General 190. Tin 264. Special 192. Railway. Societies and 266. Publishing. Societies and Periodicals Periodicals 194. General 268. General 196. Special (including Tramways) 270. Bookselling and Stationery. 198. Steam and Gas. Societies Periodicals and Periodicals 272. General 200. History 274. Chemical Trades. Societies 202. Theory and Periodicals 204. Systematic, General 276. General 206. Stationery Engines 278. Chemicals (Acids, Alkalies, 208. Marine Engines Drugs, etc.) 210. Locomotive Engines 280. Dyeing and Bleaching 212. Gas Engines 282. Explosives, Fireworks. Fuel 214. Other Engines 284. Perfumes 216. Metallurgy. Societies and 286. Brewing Periodicals 288. Distilling 218. General 290. Wine-making 220. Assaying 292. Oils, Colours, etc. 222. Alloys 294. Soap and Candles 224. Casting and Founding 296. Varnishes, Glues, Rubber, 226. Iron and Steel etc. 228. Gold 298. Clothing and Hosiery Trades 230. Silver 300. Coach and Carriage Building, 232. Lead General 234. Copper 302. Special 236. Other 304. Motor-cars 238. Electro-Metallurgy 306. Fisheries. Societies and 240. Manufactures and Periodicals Trades. Societies and 308. History Periodicals 310. General 242. General 312. Special 244. Book Production, General 314. Food Production, General 246. Paper Manufacture. Societies 316. Special and Periodicals 318. Gas. Societies and Periodi- 248. General cals 250. Typefounding, General 320. History 252. Typefounder's Catalogues 322. General i6 Library Classification 324. Special 894. Cotton. Spinning and Weav- 326. Glass, General ing 328. Special 396. Lace 330. Leather. Periodicals 398. I^inen 832. General 400. Silk 334. Boot and Shoemaking, Saddlery 402. Wool. Spinning and Weaving 836. Metal-working, General 404. Wood-working. Societies 338. Blacksmithing and Periodicals 840. Brass-working 406. General 342. Gold-working 408. Carpentry and Joinery, General 344. Silver-working 410. Special 346. Jewellery Manufacture. See 412. Furniture and Upholstery» also Costume, 504 General 348. Lead and Copper-working 414. Special 350. Sheet Metal-working 416. Pattern-making 352. Cutlery 418. Picture-framing, Toys, etc. 354. Gunsmithing 420. Other Branches 356. Locks and Safes 422. Shopkeepers' Manuals 358. Cycles and Sewing Machines. 424. Medical Science. Societies Periodicals and Periodicals 360. General 426. History 362. Watch and Clock-making 428. General (Horology). Periodicals, 430. Medicine, Allopathic General 432. Homoeopathic 364. Special 434. Hydropathic 366. Dialling and Dials 436. Domestic 368. Bells 438. Diseases, General 370. Scientific Instrument-making. 440. Special and Local Periodicals 442. Obstetrics. Diseases of Women, 372. General 444. Diseases of Children 374. Other Trades 446. Pathology 376. Musical Instruments, 448. Materia Medica, Therapeutics, General Pharmacy 378. Special 450. Medical Jurisprudence anclj 380. Pottery. Societies and Perio- Toxicology dicals 452. Surgery, General 382. History 454. Dental 384. General 456. Special and Local 386. Special 458. Nursing. Periodicals 388. Textiles. Societies and Perio- 460. General dicals 462. Special 390. General 464. Hospitals and Asylums 392. Carpets. Tapestry, "Rope and 466. Ambulance, First Aid, Life- Twine saving f Tables of Adjustable Classification 17 B 468. Hygiene and Demography. Societies and Periodicals General Public Health, General Special Personal Health, General Special Physical Training Veterinary Medicine and Farriery. Societies and Periodicals General Special Household Arts. Perio- dicals General 492. Furnishing 494. Domestic Economy. Laundry Work 496. Foods, Dining, Beverages 498. Cookery, Confectionery 500. Needlework 502. Dressmaking, Millinery 504. Costume and Dress [including Historical, National, and Fancy Costume, Jewelleiy, Rings, Regalia, Insignia] 506. Toilet 508. Domestic Servants, Duties, etc. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. PINE AND RECREA- TIVE ARTS, General Fine Art : History Theory and Criticism National Art, General Ancient Modem Special Countries Societies, Exhibitions Periodicals Painting. Societies Periodicals 22. General 24. History, General 26. Theory and Criticism 28. Galleries and Collections 30. National Schools 32. Practice, General 34. Artistic Anatomy 36. Figure Painting 38. Portrait Painting 40. Miniature Painting 42. Landscape Painting 44. Marine Painting 46. Flower Painting 48. Oil Painting 60. Water-colour Painting 62. Glass and China 64. Special Varieties 66. DrawingjFreehand. General 68. Special 60. For Reproduction 62. Geometrical, General 64. Perspective, Model, Shadows 66. Technical, General 68. Machines, Trades 70. Decoration. Societies 72. Periodicals 74. General 76. Practice and Examples, General 78. Special 80. Alphabets, Monograms 82. Illumination 84. Applied to Arts and Crafts, General 86. Ceramics and Glass, General 88. Special 90. Leather 92. Metal-work, General 94. Special 96. Textiles, General 98. Special 100. Wood-work, General 102. Special i8 Library Classification 104. Engraving. Societies 188. Architecture. Societies 106. Periodicals 190. Periodicals 108. General 192. History, General 110. History, General 194. Special 112. Special 196. Theory and Criticism 114. Practice, General 198. Practice, General 116. Special 200. Ancient, General 118. Collected Examples 202. Special 120. Etching. Societies 204. Modem, General 122. Periodicals 206. Special 124. General 208. Ecclesiastical Buildings 126. Special 210. State and Municipal Build- 128. Collected Examples ings 130. Lithography. Periodi- 212. Hospitals and Schools cals 214. Theatres 132. General 216. Farms, Mills, etc. 134. Special 218. Residential Buildings 136. Collected Examples 220. Military 138. Process Work, General 222. Drawing and Design 140. Special 224. Ornament, General 142. Photography. Societies 226. Special 144. Periodicals 228. Antiquities, General 146. General 230. Ecclesiology 148. Scientific 232. Monumental Brasses 160. Artistic 234. Crosses, Streets 162. Processes and Printing 236. Special 164. Collected Examples 238. Sculpture, General 166. Writing, General 240. History, General 168. History 242. Special 160. Special Treatises 244. Practice, General 162. Shorthand. Periodicals 246. Special 164. General 248. Carving and Modelling 166. Special 260. Bronzes, Monuments, 168. Collecting, Art Objects, etc. General 262. Music. Societies 170. Autographs 264. Periodicals 172. Book Plates 266. General 174. Crests 268. Criticism, Esthetics 176. Postmarks 260. History, General 178. Prints [other than C 118] 262. Special 180. Stamps. Societies 264. Scientific Basis 182. Periodicals 266. Nomenclature 184. General 268. Elements, General 186. Special 270. Special Tables of Adjustable Classification 19 272. Tonic Sol-fa, General 344. 274. Special 346. 276. Other Notations 348. 278. Harmony 350. 280. Counterpoint and Fugue 352. 282. Composition and Form 354. 284. Instrumentation (Orchestras 356. and Bands). Periodicals 358. 286. General Text-books 360. 288. Instruments, General, History, 362. etc. 364. 290. Orchestral Music [Full Scores 366. of Symphonies, Overtures, 368. String Quartets, etc.] 370. Instruments, Indivi- dual : 372. 292. American or Reed Organ. 374. Instruction 376. 294. Music 378. 296. Bagpipe. Instruction 380. 298. Music 382. 300. Banjo. Instruction 384. 302. Music 386. 304. Bassoon. Instruction 388. 306. Music 390. 308. Bombardon 392. 310. Bugle 394. 312. Clarinet. Instruction 396. 314. Music 398. «il6. Concertina, Accordion, Melo- 400. deon. Instruction 402. 318. Music 404. 220. Cornet. Instruction 406. 322. Music 408. 324. Double Bass. Instruction 410. 326. Music 412. 328. Euphonium 414. 330. Flageolet 416. 332. Flute, Fife, Piccolo. Instruction 418. 334. Music 420. 336. French Horn. Instruction 422. . 338. Music 424. 340. Guitar. Instruction 426. 342. Music 428. . Harmonium. Instruction Music Harp. Instruction Music Harpsichord. Instruction Music Lute. Instruction Musrc Mandoline. Instruction Music Oboe. Instruction Music Ophicleide Organ. Periodicals and So- cieties General History Instruction Music Pianoforte. Periodicals General History Instruction Music Saxophone Serpent Trombone. Instruction Music Trumpet. Instruction Music Tuba Viola. Instruction Music Violin. Periodicals General History Instruction Music Violoncello. Instruction Music Zither Other Instruments Vocal Practice, General Special 20 Library Classification 430. Singing, General 612. Athletics, Special 432. Special 514. Backgammon 434. Choir Training, Choral So- 516. Baseball, Rounders cieties 518. Billiards, Bagatelle 436. Operas and Dramatic Music 520. Boating. Periodicals 438. Oratorios 522. General 440. Cantatas 524. Special 442. Church Music. Periodicals 526. Bowling 444. General 528. Boxing (Prize-fighting),General 446. Services 530. Special 448. Masses 532. Camping-out 450. Anthems 534. Card Games, General 452. Psalmody, General 536. Whist 454. Denominational 538. Ecarte 456. Hymns, General 548. Others 458. Denominational 550. Chess. Periodicals 460. Chants and Chanting 552. General 462. Carols 554. Special 464. Part Music, General 556. Cock-fighting, Bull-baiting, etc. 466. Glees and Madrigals 558. Conjuring 468. Part Songs 560. Coursing, Harriers 470. Rounds and Catches 562. Cricket. Periodicals 472. Trios and Duets 564. General 474. Songs. Periodicals 566. Special 476. General 668. Croquet 478. National 570. Curling 480. Sacred . 572. Cycling. Periodicals 482. Comic 574. General 484. Nursery Songs 576. Special 486. Special 678. Dancing, General 488. Individual Composers 580. Special 490. Recreative Arts, General 582. Dice 492. History 584. Dominoes Games and Sports, Indi- 586. Draughts or Checkers vidual : 588. Driving 494. Periodicals, General 590. Fencing, General • 496. Angling. Periodicals 692. Special 498. General 594. Football, General 500. Special 596. Special 502. Archery 698. Golf 504. Athletics. Periodicals : 600. Gymnastics, Acrobats 506. General 602. Hawking 508. Running . 604. Hockey or Shinty (Hurling). 510. Walking 608. Horse-racing. Periodicals . j Tables of Adjustable Classification 21 608. Horse-racing, General 24. Women, General 610. Special 26. Special 612. Hunting, General 28. Sex Questions 614. Special 30. Population, General 616. Lacrosse 32. Special 618. Mountaineering 34. Vital Statistics 620. Polo 36. Temperance Question. So- 622. Puzzles, Riddles, Conundrums cieties 624. Quoits 38. Periodicals 626. Racquets 40. General 628. Riding, Horsemanship 42. Special 630. Shooting, General 44. Emigration, General 632. Special 46. Special 634. Skating and Rinking, General 48. Pauperism 636. Special 50. Charities. Societies and Perio 638. Skittles dicals 640. Solitaire 62. General 642. Swimming, General 64. Special 644. Special 66. Slavery, General 646. Tennis 68. Special 648. Theatricals, Private 60. Juvenile Delinquency 650. Charades, etc. 62. Crime and Punishment 652. Wrestling 64. Capital Punishment 654. Yachting, General 66. Police, General 656. Special 68. Special 658. Other Amusements * 70. Prisons, General 72. Special 74. Secret Societies, General 76. Special D. SOCIAL SCIENCE, 78. Socialism, General General 80. Special 2. Societies 82. Communism, Anarchy, Nihi- 4. Periodicals lism, etc. 6. History of Sociology 84. Other Social Organisations 8. Theories 86. Freemasonry. Societies 10. Manners and Customs, 88. Periodicals General 90. General 12. National 92. Special 14. Games 94. Political Economy, Gene- 16. Special ral 18. Marriage, General 96. Societies 20 Special 98. Periodicals 22. Women. Societies and Perio- 100. Theories dicals 102. Labour Questions, General 22 Library Classificatio7i 104. Capital and Labour 184. Public Meetings, Procedure 106. Factory System 186. Civil Liberty, Citizenship 108. Trades Unions. Societies and 188. National Character, General Periodicals 190. State Administration, General 110. General 192. British, General 112. Special 194. Crown, Privileges, etc. 114. Wages Questions 196. Parliament, General 116. Profit Sharing 198. House of Lords, Powers, 118. Hours Question Duties, etc. 120. Co-operation. Societies and 200. Reform Periodicals 202. Papers and Proceedings 122. General 204. History 124. Special 206. House of Commons, Consti- 126. Friendly Societies tution 128. Periodicals 208. Laws and Procedure 130. General 210. History 132. Special 212. Papers, Reports, Proceed- 134. Land Laws ings 136. Nationalisation 214. Statutes 138. Tenures, Transfers, Rent 216. Journals 140. Allotments and Commons 218. Debates 142. Mining Royalties 220. Reform 144. Free Trade. Societies and 222. Elections Periodicals 224. Suffrage 146. General 226. Government Departments 148. Special 228. Foreign Policy, Treaties, 160. Protection, Tariffs, etc. Diplomatics 152. GovernTnent and Poli- 230. Taxation tics, General 232. Other Questions 154. Constitutional History, General 234. United States, General 156. British 236. Special 158. Other Nationalities 238. France 160. Law, General 240. Germany 162. British 242. Other Countries 164. Other Nations 241 Local Administration, General 166. Theories, General 246. Britain, General 168. Special 248. Special (Local Rating,etc.) 170. Monarchy 250. England, General 172. Democracy 252. Special (Counties, Par- 174. Other Forms of Government ishes, MunicipalitieSjetc.) 176. Science of Politics 254. Scotland, General 178. Political Parties, General 256. Special 180. Special 258. Ireland, General 182. National 260. Special r Tables of Adjustable Classification 23 262. Local Administration, Wales, 850. Court Procedure and Practice General 352. Trials, General 264. Special 354. Special 266. United States 366. Commerce and Industry, 268. Other Nations General 270. Church Establishments, Gene- 358. Societies ral 360. Periodicals 272. Disestablishment 362. History 274. Law (Jurisprudence), General 364. Guilds 276. Societies 366. Finance, Public 278. Periodicals 368. National Debt 280. Reports of Cases 370. Prices 282. History 372. Exchange 284. Philosophy 374. Cambistry 286. Theories 376. Speculation and Stocks, Gene- 288. National, General ral 290. British 378. Periodicals 292. English (Codes, Commen- 380. Money and Credit taries, etc.. General) 382. Bimetallism 294. Scottish (Codes, Commen- 384. Banking. Societies and Perio- taries, etc.. General) dicals 296. Irish (Codes, Commentaries, 386. General etc.. General) 388. Special 298. Welsh (Codes, Commen- 390. Insurance. Societies and Perio- taries, etc., General) dicals 300. Colonies (Codes, Commen- 392. General taries, etc.. General) 394. Life 302. India (Codes, Commen- 396. Thrift and Saving taries, etc., General) 398. Pensions, Old Age, etc. 304. United States 400. Communications, General 306. France 402. Special 308. Germany 404. Post Office. Periodicals 310. Other Countries 406. General 312. Roman 408. Special 314. International 410. Telegraphs 316. Common (British) 412. Industrial and Commercial 318. Commercial and Maritime Undertakings 320. Poor 414. Business Methods, General 322. Military 416. Indexing and Precis 324. Canon 418. Commercial Correspondence 326. Criminal 420. Advertising 328-348 Special Subjects (Patents, 422. Typewriting Property, etc., as repre- 424. Other Departments sented) 426. Education, General 24 Library Classification 428. Societies 12. Ancient Systems or Schools, 430. Periodicals General 432. History, General 14. Special 434. Special 16. Modern Systems or Schools, 436. Theories and Systems General 438. School Management, General 18. Special, by Authors as re- 440. Teachers presented 442. Hygiene 20. Logic, General 444. Buildings and Fittings 22. Special 446. Methods of Instruction. Self- 24. Metaphysics culture 26. Mental Physiology, 448. Home General 450. Kindergarten 28. Sleep and Dreams 452. Primary 30. Memory, Mnemonics 454. Special Subjects 32. Phrenology 456. Technical and Manual 34. Physiognomy 458. Ragged Schools 36. Psychology 460. Reformatory and Industrial 38. Ethics, General Schools 40. Special (Amusements, etc.) 462. Blind 42. Religion, General 464. Deaf and Dumb 44. Theology, General 466. Other 46. Natural, General 468. Colleges and Universities, 48. Special General 60. Theism 470. Societies and Periodicals 52. Atheism and Deism 472. History, General 64. Science and Religion 474. Special 66. Philosophy of Religion 476. University Organisation and .. 58. Systematic Theology, General Teaching 60. History of Doctrine 478. Calendars and Year Books 62. Creeds 480. Degrees 64. Eschatology. Future State 482. Theological Colleges 66. Special Treatises 484. Other Colleges 68. Pastoral Theology, General 70. Clerical Profession 72 T-rnmilpfirc 1*1. XJ-UIllllCLlLb 74. Sermons E. PHILOSOPHY A WD 76. Missions, General BELIGION, General 78. Comparative Religion, Gene- ral 2. Philosophy. Societies 80. Special 4. Periodicals 82. Bible, Texts, Polyglot 6. History, General 84. Hebrew 8. Ancient 86. Greek 10. Modern 88. Latin I Tables of Adjustable Classification 25 90-108. English [Wycliffe,Tyndal, 176. History, General Coverdale, Matthew, Ta- 178. Christian Evidences vemer, Cranmer, Geneva, 180. Christian Churches, Bishops', Rheims, Douay] General (Doctrine, etc.) 110. Authorised Versions, 161 1, 182. Eastern and Greek, General etc. 184. Special 112. Revised Versions, 1885 186. Roman Catholic, General 114. French (Ritual, Doctrine, etc.) 116. German 188. National 118. Dutch 190. Monastic and Religious 120. Italian Orders 122. Other European Versions 192. Inquisition 124. Oriental Versions 194. Confession 126. African Versions 196. Church Polity 128. American and Pol)niesian 198. Reformation, Controversial Versions Works 130. Old Testament, Separate 200. Protestantism, General Texts, Whole or Part 202. Special 132. New Testament, Separate 204. Lutheran Church Texts, Whole or Part 206. Calvinism 134. Apocrypha, Separate Texts 208. Episcopalianism, English, 136. Aids, Geography, Natural General History 210. Creed and Doctrine 138. Dictionaries 212. Church Polity 140. Concordances 214. Liturgies 142. Commentaries, Complete Bible 216. Hymnology 144. Old Testament, Whole 218. Scotch 146. Separate Books 220. United States 148. New Testament, Whole 222. Sects and Heresies 150. Separate Books 224. Presbyterianism, English 152. Apocrypha 226. Scottish 154. Fathers (Patristics), General 228. Other 156. Collections 230. Sects and Heresies 158. Individual 232. Polity 160. Councils, General 234. Liturgies 162. Special 236. Hymnology 164. Religious Beliefs and Systems, 238. Congregationalism, General General 240. Special 166. Dictionaries of Faiths, Sects, 242. Polity etc. 244. Liturgies and Hymnology 168. Lives of Christ 246. Methodism, General 170. Christianity, General 248. Special 172. Philosophy 250. Polity 174. Ethics 252. Liturgies 26 254. 256. 258. 260. 262. 264. Library Classification 268. 270. 272. 274. 278. 280. 282. 284. 286. 288. 290. 292. 294. 296. 298. 300. 302. 304. 306. 8. 310. 312. 314. 316. 318. 820 388. 390. 392. 394. 396. Methodism, Hymnology 398. Baptists, General 400 Special 402. Polity 404. Liturgies and Hymnology 406. Friends, Society of (Quakers), 408. General 410. Special 412. Polity 414. Liturgies and Hymnology 416. Reformed (Dutch) Church 418. Moravians 420. Swedenborgians 422. Unitarians 424. Mormons Other Christian Sects 426. Christian Theology, 428. General 430. Trinity 432. Lord's Prayer 434. Sacraments, Lord's Supper 436. Baptism 438. Atonement 440. Faith 442. Justification 444. Sanctification Predestination 446. Free Will 448. Judgment 450. Heaven, Angels 452. Hell, Devil 454. Other Topics 456. Collected Sermons 458. Sermons of Individuals 460. -384. Reserved 462. JSTon-Christian Reli- 464. gions. General Ancient Religions : Egyptian, 466. Chaldaean, etc. 468. Judaism, General 470. Special Sacred Books Doctrine and Worship Brahminism, General Special Doctrine and Worship Buddhism, General Special Sacred Books Doctrine and Worship Confucianism, General Special Sacred Books Mahometanism, General Special Sacred Books Parsism and Zoroastrianism, General Special Other Oriental Religions African Religions Polynesian Religions Other Ethnic Religions Agnosticism Positivism, Materialism Rationalism Other Beliefs Mythology and Folk- Lore, General Societies Periodicals Philosophy and Theory Comparative National Demonology Witchcraft Fairies, Elves, etc. Phallic and Serpent Worship Divination, Fortune Telling, Second Sight, Palmistry Spiritualism Monsters: Dragons, Giants Other Departments I Tables of Adjustable Classification 27 F. HISTOBY AND GEO- 74. Historical Atlases GRAPHY, General 76. Geographical Atlases 2. Historical Societies 78. Gazetteers and Dictionaries 4. Historical Periodicals 80. Ancient and Classical Geo- 6. General, and Archaeology graphy (Ancient) 82. Modern Political Geography 8. Chronology 84. Voyages and Travels [Circum- 10. Numismatics (Coins, Medals, navigation and two or more Seals), General large areas], General Col- 12. National lections 14. Special 86. Individual Travellers (alpha- 16. Societies and Periodicals betically) 18. Military History, General 88. AFRICA, General [Travels, 20. Naval History, General Atlases, etc.] 22. Ecclesiastical History, General 90. Worth Africa, General 24. Crusades and Chivalry 92. Egypt, Ancient, General 26. Philosophy and Study of His- 94. History tory. Civilisation 96. Church 28. Ancient and Dispersed 98. Geography Nations, General 100. Modern, General 30. Phoenicia 102. History 32. Judaea 104. Geography 34. Modem Jews, General 106. Nubia 36. Societies 108. Abyssinia 38. Periodicals 110. Somaliland 40. Special 112. Barbary States, General 42. Medo-Persia, General 114. Tripoli 44. Chaldaea 116. Algeria 46. Assyria 118. Tunis 48. Babylonia 120. Morocco 50. Media 122. Soudan, East 52. Lydia 124. Sahara 54. Persia 126. Central, General 56. Other Divisions 128. British East Africa (Ibea) 58. Minor Nationalities : Carthage, 130. German East Africa etc. 132. Congo Free State 60. Gipsies, General 134. French Congo 62. Special 136. Angola 64. Modern History and 138. British Central Africa Archaeology, General 140. Portuguese East Africa 66. Special 142. West, General 68. Geography, General 144. Ashanti 70. Societies 146. Cameroons 72. Periodicals 148. Dahomey 28 Library Classification 160. French Guinea 228. Quebec, Geography 162. Gold Coast 230. Ontario, History 154. Guinea Coast 232. Geography 166. Liberia 234. Manitoba 158. Senegambia 236. British Columbia 160. Sierra Leone 238. North-West Territories 162. Sokoto 240. Newfoundland, History 164. West Soudan 242. Geography 166. South, General, History 244. Labrador 168. Geography 246. United States, General 170. Cape Colony 248. History, Civil, General 172. Natal and Zululand 260. Church 174. Orange Free State 262. Military and Naval, General 176. South African Republic 264. Pre- Republican (Transvaal) 266. Republican 178. German South-West Africa 268. Civil War, General 180. British South Africa 260. Confederate View 182. Bechuanaland and Other 262. Federal View Territories 264. Geography, General 184. African Islands, General 266. Social State, General 186. Socotra, Seychelles 268. States and Territories: His- 188. Zanzibar tory and Geography, 190. Madagascar General Divisions 192. Mauritius 270. Alabama ; 272. Alaska ; 194. St. Helena, Ascension 274. Arizona; 276. Arkansas; 196. Cape Verde Islands : Canary 278. California; 280. Colorado ; Islands, Madeira 282. Connecticut; 284. Dela- 198. AMJiiKICA (N. and S.), ware ; 286. District of Colum- General bia; 288. Florida; 290. Georgia; 200. History 292. Idaho ; 294. Illinois ; 296. 202. Geography Indian Territory; 298. Indiana; 204. Worth, General 300. Iowa ; 302. Kansas ; 304. 206. History Kentucky ; 306. Louisiana ; 208. Geography 308. Maine ; 310. Maryland ; 210. Canada, General 312. Massachusetts ; 314. 212. History, Civil and Church, Michigan ; 316. Minnesota ; General 318. Mississippi ; 320. 214. Geography, General Missouri ; 322. Montana ; 324. 216. Social State, General Nebraska ; 326. Nevada ; 328. 218. Nova Scotia, History New Hampshire; 330. New 220. Geography Jersey ; 332. New Mexico ; 222. Prince Edward Island 334. New York; 336. North 224. New Brunswick Carolina ; 338. North Dakota ; 226. Quebec, History 340. Ohio; 342. Oklahoma; I Tables of Adjustable Classification 29 872. 374. 376. 378. 882. 384. 386. 388. 390. 392. 394. 396. 398. 400. 402. 404. 406. 408. 410. 412. 414. 416. 418. 420. 422. 424. 430. 432. 434. 344. Oregon; 346. Penn- 436. Guianas, General sylvania ; 348. Rhode Island ; 438. British 350. South Carolina; 352. 440. Dutch South Dakota; 354. Ten- 442. French nessee; 356. Texas; 358. 444. Paraguay Utah; 360. Vermont; 362. 446. Peru Virginia ; 364. Washington ; 448. Uruguay 366. West Virginia; 368. 450. Venezuela Wisconsin; 370. Wyoming 452. Falkland Islands Mexico, General 454. ASIA, General History, Ancient 456. Afghanistan Modem 458. Arabia, History (Saracens Geography or Moors, etc.) Central America and West 460. Geography Indian Islands, General 462. Baluchistan Central America, History 464. Ceylon Geography 466. Chinese Empire, General British Honduras 468. History, General Costa Rica 470. Geography, General Guatemala 472. Mongolia Honduras 474. Tibet Nicaragua 476. Korea San Salvador 478. Social State West Indies, General 480. India, General History 482. Ancient History Geography 484. Modern History, General Bahamas and Bermudas 486. Mutiny Cuba 488. Geography, General Jamaica 490. Special Hayti and San Domingo 492. Farther India, General Porto Rico 494. Burma Lesser Antilles (St. Thomas, 496. Siam Barbadoes, Trinidad, etc.) 498. Annam and Tonkin Leeward Islands (Cura9ao,etc.) 500. Malay Peninsula South America, General 502. Andaman and Nicobar Islands History 504. Japan, General Geography 506. History Argentina (including Pata- 508. Geography gonia) 510. Formosa Bolivia 512. Social State Brazil 514. Persia, General ChiU 516. Modern History Colombia 618. Geography Ecuador 620. Social State 30 Library Classification 522. Russia (Siberia, etc.), General 600. Geography, Transylvania 524. History 602. Other Divisions 526. Geography 604. Social State 628. Social State 606. Balkan States, General 530. Turkey, General 608. History, General 632. History 610. Geography, General 634. Geography, General 612. Bulgaria 636. Social State 614. Montenegro 638. Armenia 616. Roumania 640. Palestine 618. Servia 642. Sinai 620. Social State 544. Asia Minor and Levant, 622. British Islands, General General 624. Societies 546. Malay Archipelago, Gene- 626. Periodicals ral 628. History and Archaeology, 548. Borneo General 550. Celebes 630. Civil, General 552. Java 632. History, Church 654. Moluccas 634. Military History 656. Philippines 636. Regimental Histories 558. Sumatra, Sunda Islands 638. Naval History 660 EUROPE, General 640. British Empire, General 662. History, Civil, General 642. History, General 564. Church and Reformation, 644. Geography, General General 646. Colonies, General 566. Military and Naval, General 648. Polity, etc. 568. Dispersed and Merged 650. British Islands, Geo- Wations, General graphy, General 570. Goths, Vandals, Huns, Franks, 652. Social State Gauls 664. England, General 572. Moors or Saracens 666. History and Archaeology, 574. Bohemia General 576. Poland 668. Early Times 578. Geography, General 660. Anglo-Saxons 580. Atlases, Gazetteers, etc. 662. Normans 582. Social State, General 664-670. Later Periods (chronologi- 684. Austria-Hungary, General cally) 586. Civil History 672. Church 688. Church History 674. Military 690. Military History 676. Naval 692. Geography, General 678. Social State 594. Bohemia 680. Geography, General 696. Bosnia and Herzegovina 682. Borders and North England, 698. Hungary General i Tables of Adjustable Classification 31 Geography, Lake District, General 686. East England, General 688. West England, General 690. Midlands, General 692. South England, General 694. Thames, General 824. Local History and Topo- 826. graphy : 828. 696. Bedford; 698. Berk- 830. shire ; 700. Buckingham ; 702. 832. Cambridge ; 704. Cheshire ; 706. Cornwall (708. Scilly Isles); 710. Cumberland; 712. Derby; 714. Devon; 716. Dorset; 718. Durham; 720. Essex ; 722. Gloucester ; 724. Hampshire (726. Isle of Wight); 728. Hereford; 730. Hertford; 732. Huntingdon; 734. Kent; 736. Lancashire; 738. Leicester ; 740. Lincoln ; 742. London; 744. Middle- sex ; 746. Monmouth ; 748. Norfolk ; 750. Northampton ; 752. Northumberland ; 754. Nottingham ; 756. Oxford ; 758. Rutland; 760. Shrop- shire; 762. Somerset; 764. Stafford; 766. Suffolk; 768. Surrey; 770. Sussex; 772. 906. Warwick; 774. Westmore- 908. land; 776. Wiltshire; 778. 910. Worcester; 780. York; 782. 912. Isle of Man; 784. Channel 914. Islands 916. 786. Wales, General 788. History, Civil 790. Church 792. Social State 794. Geography, General 796. North Wales 798. South Wales 800. Anglesey; 802. Breck- nock ; 804. Cardigan ; 806. Carmarthen ; 808. Carnarvon ; 810. Denbigh ; 812. Flint ; 814. Glamorgan ; 816. Meri- oneth ; 818. Montgomery ; 820. Pembroke; 822. Radnor Ireland, General History, Civil Church Social State Geography, General 834. Connaught; 836. Lein- ster; 838. Munster; 840. Ulster; 842. Antrim; 844. Armagh ; 846. Carlow ; 848. Cavan; 850. Clare; 852. Cork; 854. Donegal; 856. Down; 858. Dublin; 860. Fermanagh; 862. Galway; 864. Kerry; 866. Kildare ; 868. Kilkenny ; 870. King's County; 872. Leitrim ; 874. Limerick ; 876. Londonderry ; 878. Longford; 880. Louth ; 882. Mayo; 884. Meath ; 886. Monaghan ; 888. Queen's County ; 890. Ros- common ; 892. Sligo; 894. Tipperary ; 896. Tyrone ; 898. Waterford ; 900. Westmeath ; 902. Wexford ; 904. Wicklow Scotland, General History, Civil Church Military and Clans Social State Geography, General 918. Borders; 920. Low- lands; 922. Galloway; 924. Hebrides ; 926. Highlands ; 928. Aberdeen ; 930. Argyle ; 932. Ayr; 934. Banff; 936. Berwick; 938. Bute; 940. Caithness; 942. Clackmannan; 944. Dumbarton; 946. Dum- 32 Library Classification fries; 948. Edinburgh; 950. 1060. Modern, General Elgin or Moray; 952. Fife; 1062. Histoiy, General 964. Forfar; 956. Hadding- 1064. Byzantine Empire ton ; 958. Inverness ; 960. 1066. Church Kincardine ; 962. Kinross ; 1068. Geography, General 964. Kirkcudbright ; 966 . La- 1070. Special nark ; 968. Linlithgow ; 970. 1072. Social State Nairn ; 972. Orkney ; 974. 1074. Italy, General Peebles; 976. Perth; 978. 1076. History, Modern, General Renfrew ; 980. Ross and 1078. Church Cromarty ; 982. Roxburgh ; 1080. Military and Naval 984. Selkirk ; 986. Shetland ; 1082. Social State 988. Stirling; 990. Suther- 1084. Geography, General land; 992. Wigtown 1086. Lombardy 994. France, General 1088. Piedmont 996. History, Civil, General 1090. Venice 998. Great Revolution 1092. Tuscany 1000. Church, General 1094. Rome 1002. Huguenots 1096. Sicily 1004. Military and Naval 1098. Sardinia 1006. Social State 1100. Other Divisions 1008. Geography, General 1102. Rome, Ancient, General 1010. Brittany ; 1012. Nor- 1104. History, General mandy ; 1014. Paris ; 1016. 1106. Early History Corsica; 1018. Other Districts 1108. Republic 1020. Germany, General 1110. Empire 1022. History, Civil 1112. Eastern Empire 1024. Church 1114 Western Empire 1026. Military and Naval 1116. Geography, General 1028. Social State 1118. Special 1030. Geography, General 1120. Social State 1032. Bavaria 1122. Netherlands, General 1034. Prussia 1124. History, General 1036. Saxony 1126. Geography, General 1038. Other States 1128. Social State 1040. Greece, Ancient, General 1130. Belgium, General 1042. History, General 1132. History, Civil 1044. Athens ; 1046 . Cor- 1134. Church inth ; 1048. Lacedsemonia ; 1136. Geography 1050. Macedonia ; 1052. 1138. Holland, General Other Divisions 1140. Plistory, Civil 1054. Geography, General 1142. Church 1056. Special 1144. Geography 1058. Social State 1146. Portugal, General Tables of Adjustable Classification 33 1148. History, Civil 1236. Geography, Alpine Books 1150. Church 1238. Social State 1152. Social State 1240. Turkey, General 1154. Geography 1242. Ottoman Empire, History 1156. Azores 1244. Modern History 1158. Russia, General 1246. Geography 1160. History, Civil 1248. Social State 1162. Church 1250. Mediterranean, Shores 1164. Military and Islands, General 1166. Social State 1252. Gibraltar 1168. Geography, General 1254. Malta 1170. Special 1256. Crete or Candia 1172. Empire, General 1258. Cyprus 1174. History 1260. Oceania, General 1176. Geography 1262. Geography 1178. Scandinavia, General 1264. AUSTRALASIA, General 1180. History, General 1266. History 1182. Geography, General 1268. Geography 1184. Social State 1270. Social State 1186. Denmark, General 1272. Australia, General 1188. History 1274. History 1190. Geography 1276. Geography 1192. Social State 1278. Social State 1194. Iceland and Faroe Islands 1280. New South Wales, 1196. Danish Greenland General 1198. Norway, General 1282. History 1200. History 1284. Geography 1202. Geography 1286. Queensland, General 1204. Social State 1288. History 1206. Sweden, General 1290. Geography 1208. History 1292. South Australia, General 1210. Geography 1294. History 1212. Social State 1296. Geography 1214. Spain, General 1298. Victoria, General 1216. History, Civil 1300. History 1218. Church 1302. Geography 1220. Military and Naval 1304. "West Australia, General 1222. Geography 1306. History 1224. Balearic Islands 1308. Geography 1226. Social State 1310. Wew Zealand, General 1228. Switzerland, General 1312. History 1230. History, Civil 1314. Geography 1232. Church 1316. Social State 1234. Geography, General 1318. Tasmania, General 34 Library Classification F 1320. History 24. Roman 1322. Geography 26. Spanish 1324. Social State 28. Other Nationalities 1326. Wew Guinea, History 30. Class, Collective, Actors and 1328. Geography Entertainers 1330. Solomon Islands 32. Artists 1332. Polynesia, General 34. Authors 1334. History 36. Bible Characters 1336. Geography 38. Clergy 1338. Fiji 40. Criminals : Robbers, Pirates, 1340. Hawaii or Sandwich Islands etc. 1342. Pitcairn 42. Eccentrics : Misers, Fools, 1344. Marquesas Jesters, Characters, etc. 1346. Samoa 44. Educationists 1348. Tahiti 46. Engineers 1350. Other Islands 48. Industrial and Commercial 1352. POLAR REGIONS, 50. Legal General 62. Medical 1354. Antarctic 64. Military 1356. Arctic, General 66. Missionaries 1358. North European 68. Monarchs 1360. American, Eskimos 60. Musicians 1362. Asian 62. Naval 1364. Franklin Searches 64. Nobility 66. Philanthropists 68. Philosophers 70. Politicians and Statesmen G. : BIOGRAPHY AND 72. Popes 74. Religion 76. Saints and Martyrs 78. Scientists CORRESPOND- ENCE, General, Col- lective 80. Sportsmen 2. Periodicals and Societies 82. Travellers, Geographers, An- 4. : National, Collective, Ameri- tiquaries can 84. Women 6. British 86. Other Classes 8. English 88. Individual Biography and 10. Irish Criticism (alphabetically 12. ; Scottish arranged) 14. Welsh 90. Genealogy and Family His- 16. : French tory, General 18. 1 German 92. Societies and Periodicals 20. 1 Greek 94. Families, General 22. Italian 96. Individual Tables of Adjustable Classification 35 98. Peerages, Baronetages, etc. 62. Chinese, Grammars 100. Dignities, General. Official 54. General Treatises Year Books 66. Indian, General 102. Orders of Knighthood 68. Sanskrit. Dictionaries 104. Heraldry, General 60. Grammars 106. Societies and Periodicals 62. General Treatises 108. Special 64. Hindustani. Dictionaries 110. National 66. Grammars 112. Epitaphs 68. General Treatises 114. Portraits, Collections 70. Bengali 116. Individual 72. Tamil 74. Dravidian 76. 78. Indo-Chinese Other Languages 80. Japanese. Dictionaries £t LAN^GUAGE AN^D ?i82. Grammars i LITERAT URE, 84. General Treatises w General 86. Persian. Dictionaries 2. Language, Societies 88. Grammars 4. Periodicals 90. General Treatises 6. History, General 92. Semitic, General 8. Theories 94. Hebrew. Dictionaries 10. Comparative Philology 96. Grammars 12. Phonetics, Phonology 198. General Treatises 14. Alphabets 100. Syriac and Other Forms 16. Polyglot Dictionaries and 102. Turkish. Dictionaries Glossaries 106. Grammars 18. African, General 108. General Treatises 20. Tribal Dialects 110. Europe, General 22. Egyptian, General 112. Societies and Periodicals 24. Coptic 114. History 26. Ethiopic 116. Theories 28. American, General 118. Celtic, General 30. North, Aboriginal Dialects 120. Societies and Periodicals 32. Societies and Periodicals 122. Dictionaries 34. South and Central, Ancient 124. Grammars 36. Asia, General 126. Gaelic. Dictionaries 38. Societies and Periodicals 128. Grammars and General 40. History 130. Irish. Dictionaries 42. Theories 132. Grammars and General 44. Arabic. Dictionaries 134. Welsh. Dictionaries 46. Grammars 136. Grammars and General 48. General Treatises 138. Cornish 60. Chinese. Dictionaries 140. Manx 4 36 Library Classification H 142. Celtic, Basque, Armorican, etc. 226. 144. Anglo-Saxon, General 228. 146 Dictionaries 230. 148. Grammars 232. 150. English, General Treatises 234. 152. Societies and Periodicals 236. 154. History 238. 156. Dictionaries, General 240. 158. Local Glossaries (Dialects 242. alphabetically) 244. 160. Special Glossaries (Mining, 246. etc.) 248. 162. Americanisms 250. 164. Slang 252. 166. Rhyme 254. 168. Synonyms, Treasuries, etc. 256. 170. Grammar 258. 172. Composition 260. 174. Scottish, General 262. 176. Dictionaries, General 264. 178. Local Glossaries 266. 180. Greek (Ancient). Dictionaries 268. 182. Grammars 270. 184. General Treatises 272. 186. (Modem) Dictionaries 274. 188. Grammars 276. 190. General Treatises 278. 192. Latin. Dictionaries 280. 194. Grammars 282. 196. General Treatises 284. 198. Romance Languages 286. 200. French. Dictionaries 288. 202. Grammars 290. 204. General Treatises 292. 206. Italian. Dictionaries 294. 208. Grammars 210. General Treatises 296. 212. Spanish. Dictionaries 298. 214. Grammars 300. 216. General Treatises 302. 218. Portuguese. Dictionaries 304. 220. Grammars 306. 222. General Treatises 308. 224. Teutonic, General 310. Teutonic, Dictionaries Theories German. Dictionaries Grammars General Treatises Dutch. Dictionaries Grammars General Treatises Flemish Scandinavian, General Dictionaries Old Norse Icelandic Danish. Dictionaries Grammars and General Norwegian. Dictionaries- Grammars and General Swedish. Dictionaries Grammars and General Sclavonic, General Dictionaries Russian. Dictionaries Grammars General Treatises Polish. Dictionaries Grammars and GenemI Bohemian. Dictionaries Grammars and General Other Sclavonic Languages Hungarian. Dictionaries Grammars and General Finnish. Dictionaries Grammars and General Gipsy Languages Other European Languages or Dialects Polynesia, General Dictionaries Grammars Universal Languages nSTames, General Personal Names, General Surnames Christian Names i I H 312. 314. 316. 318. 320. 322. 324. 326. 328. 330. 332. 334. 336. 338. 340. 342. 344. 346. 348. 350. 352. 354. 356. 358. 360. 362. 364. 366. 368. 370. [ 372. 374. 376. 378. 380. 382. 384. I 386. 390. Tables of Adjustable Classification 37 Place Names Oratory, General Collections Rhetoric and Conversation Elocution, General Recitation, Collections Ventriloquism and Mimicry Literary History, Art, Criticism, General American, General Asiatic, General Australian, General European, General French German Greek Italian Latin Spanish Russian Scandinavian Other European Countries (alphabetically) English, General Special Periods Irish Scottish Welsh Bibliography, General Societies and Periodicals National (alphabetically) British Local Class (Music, Art, etc.) Special (Pseudonyms, etc.) Of Individual Authors (alpha- betically) Libraries, General Societies and Periodicals History, General Special Catalogues (alphabetically by Towns) Cataloguing (Rules, etc.) Classification 392. Management, General 394. Special Topics 396. Readers' Aids and Guides 398. HistoricalTypography, General 400. Special 402. Bookbinding 404. Other Bibliographical Topics J. POETRY AND THE DRAMA, General 2. Histories, General and Na- tional 4. Societies and Periodicals 6. Criticism, General and Na- tional 8. Collections, Generdl lifational Poetry: 10. American 12. British 14. English 16. Irish 18. Scotch 20. Welsh 22. French 24. German 26. Greek 28. Italian 30. Latin 32. Spanish 34. Russian 36. Other European 38. Indian 40. Chinese 42. Other Asiatic 44. Oriental, General 46. Class, Ballads 48. Songs 50. Odes 62. Sonnets 54. Parodies 56. Epigrams, Squibs, etc.. 38 Library Classification 68. Nursery and Local Rhymes, Games 60. Other Forms 62. Individual Authors, alphabetically (Anonyma at end) 64. Drama, General 66. Societies and Periodicals 68. History, General 70. National 72. Criticism 74. Acting, Theatres, Circuses, Stage Management 76. Collections of Plays, General 78. National 80. Class (Comedies, Tragedies, Farces, etc.) 82. Individual Authors, alphabetically (Anonyma at end) K. PROSE FICTIOK-, General. Histories 2. History, National 4. Criticism 6. Collections, General. Perio- dicals 8. National 10. Class 12. Individual Authors, alpha betically (Anonyma at end) 14. Juvenile Fiction, General (including Fairy Tales) 16. Boys 18. Girls L. MISCELLANEOUS 2. Encyclopaedias, General 4. Societies 6. Periodicals 8. Newspapers 10. Directories, Year Books Other Ephemera Collected Works of General Authors Miscellanies, Literary Annuals, etc. Essays, Collections Individual Authors, alpha- betically (Anonyma at end) Humour and Satire (not Fic- tional or Poetical) 24. Proverbs, Maxims 26. Emblems, Fables 28. Dialogues, Table Talk 30. Anecdotes, Ana 32. Quotations, Birthday Books, etc. ; Confessional Albums, etc. 34. Composite Works (or Books treating of more than three definite topics) 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 23 ALPHABETICAL SUBJECT INDEX TO ADJUSTABLE CLASSIFICATION Aberdeen . . F 928 Alchemy . A 354 Aborigines . H 20, 30, etc. Alg^ . . A 216 Abstinence . . D36 Algebra . A 328 Abyssinia . . F108 Algeria . F116 Acadia . F218 Alkalies . B278 Accordion . . C 316 Allopathy . B430 Acids . . B278 Allotments . D 140 Acoustics. . . A 288 Alloys . B222 Acrobats . . C600 Almanacs F8 Acting J 74 Nautical . . A 320 Actors . G30 Alphabets . C 80, H 12 Administration . . D 190 Alps . . F 1236 Admirals . G62 Ambulance . B466 Admiralty . B 148, D 226 America, C entral . F 380 Adulterations A 260, B 496 North . F204 Advertising . D420 South . F418 Aerial Engineering B82 Language s . . H28 Aeronautics B82 American rgan . C 292 ^Esthetics . C4 Americanisr ns . . H162 -Ethiopia . F 90, H 26 Amphibians . A 140 Afghanistan . F456 Amusement ; . .0 490 Africa F88 Ana . . L30 African Religions . E430 Analysis . A 260 Languages . Hl« Anarchy . . D82 Agnosticism . E436 Anatomy, A .nimals . . A 64 Agriculture B 22-38 Artistic . . C34 Ainu . . . . . F508 Human . A 40 Air ... . . A 286 Vivisectio n . . A64, E40 Alabama . . F270 Andaman Is lands . F502 Alaska . F272 Andorra . F 1222 Albigenses . . 1 S 202, F 1000 Anecdotes . L30 39 40 Library Classification Angels . E310 Arianism . . E284 Anglesey . . F800 Aristocracy . D174 Anglican Church . £208 Arithmetic . . A 330 Angling . C496 Arizona . F274 Anglo-Saxons . F 660, H 144 Arkansas . . F276 Angola . F136 Armagh .. . F844 Animalculse . A 194 Armenia . . F638 Animal Magnetism . A 360 Armies B 118-120 Animals A 28-194 Arminianism . E202 Annam . r498 Armorican Language . . H142 Annelida . . A 190 Armour . B122 Annuals Lie Arms . . . . . B122 Annuities . . A 344 Army. B 118-120 Anonyms . . H374 Art ... . C Antarctic Regions . F 1354 Art Galleries C18 Anthems . . C450 Arthropoda . A 150 Anthologies J Articles, Thirty-Nine . . E210 Anthropology . . A 36 Artillery . . B124 Antilles . F414 Artists G32 Antiquaries G82 Arts, Useful B Antiquities. G 228, F 6 Aryans H 6, 8, 10, 56 Antrim . F842 Ascension . . F194 Ants . . . . . A 168 Ashanti . F144 Apes . . A76 Asia . F 464, H 36 Apiculture . . A 170 Asia Minor . F544 Apocalypse E 132, 150 Assaying . . B220 Apocrypha . E 134, 162 Assent E22 Apostles, Lives of G36 Assessment D 248, 328 Apparitions . A 362 Assurance . . D390 Applied Mechanics . B108 Assyria F46 Aquaria A 20 Astrology . . A 356 Arabia . F458 Astronomy . A 304 Language . H44 Asylums . . B464 Arachnida . . A 154 Athanasian Creed . E180 Arbitration . D356 Atheism E52 Arboriculture . B 40, 66-58 Athens . F 1044 Archaeology F6 Athletics . . C504 (and different c Duntries) Atlantic . . A 302 Archery . C 502 Atlantis . E468 Architects . . G32 Atlases F 74^-76 Architecture . C 188 Atmosphere . A 286 Arctic Regions . . F 1356 Atonement . E296 Argentina . . F424 Auricular Confession . E194 Argyle . F 930 Australasia . F 1264 Alpliabetical Subject Index 41 Australia . . F 1272 Bedford . . F696 Austria . F684 Bedouins . . F460 Authors G34 Bees . . . . A 168-170 Autographs . C 170 Beetles . A 162 Ayr . . F932 Belgium . F 1130 Azores . F 1166 Bells . . . . . B368 Aztecs . F374 Bengali H70 Berkshire . . F698 Babylonia . F48 Bermudas . . F404 Backgammon . C614 Berwick . F936 Bacteriology . A 26 Betterment D 248, 328 Bagatelle . . C 518 Betting . D328 Bagpipe . C296 Bible E 82-152 Bahamas c . F404 Bible Characters G36 Baking . B498 Bibliography . H364 Balearic Islands . . F 1224 Bicycle . C572 Balkan States . . F606 Bigamy D 18, 328 Ballads J46 Billiards . . C518 Ballooning . B82 Bimana . A 38 Ballot . D 222, 328 Bimetallism . D382 Baluchistan . F462 Biography . G Bands . G 284 Biology . A 10 Banff . . F934 Birds . . A 106 Banjo . . C300 Birthday Books . L32 Banking . . D384 Bishops G38 Bankruptcy . D328 Bithynia . F 1052 Baptism . £294 Blacksmithing . . B338 Baptists . E256 Bleaching . . B280 Barbary States . . F112 Blind . . D462 Baronage . . G98 Blowpipe . . A 260 Baronetage G98 Boating . C 620 Barracks . . B104 Boats . B 154, C 520 Baseball . . C616 Boers . . F176 Basque Language . H142 Bohemia . . F 574, 594 Bassoon . C 304 Language . H278 Bastardy . . D328 Bolivia . F426 Bathing . C642 Bombardon . C 308 Baths . . B 474, C 642 Book Plates . C 172 Batrachia . . A 140 Book Production . B 244-272 Bats . . A 78 Bookbinding . B 2( 50-264, H 402 Battles F 18, 20 Book-keeping . . A 332 (and different countries) Books . H364 Bavaria . F 1032 Bookselling . B270 Bechuanaland . . F182 Bootmaking . B334 42 Library Classification Borders . F 682, 918 Cambria = Wal es . F786 Borneo . F548 Cambridge . F702 Bosnia . F696 Camels A 90-92 Botany . A 196-222 Cameroons . . F146 Bowling . C 626 Camping . . C532 Boxing . C 528 Canada . F210 Brachiopoda . A 184 Canals B88 Brahminism . E398 Canary Bird . A 112 Brain A 48, E 26-34 Canary Islands . F186 Brasses . C232 Candia . F 1256 Brassfounding . . B340 Candles . B294 Brazil . r428 Canon Law . D324 Breach of Promise . D 328 Cantatas . C440 Brecknock . F802 Cape Colony [of C rood Hope] F170 Bretons . F 1010 Cape Verde Islai ids . . F196 Brewing . B286 Capital . D104 Bricks 3 70 Capital Punishm snt . . D64 Bridges B88 Card Games . C 534 Britain F 622, D 246 Cardigan . . F804 British Columbia . F236 Cardinals . G38 Empire . . F640 Caribbean Sea . . F402 Brittany . F 1010 Caricature . C58 Bronzes . C250 Carlow . F846 Bryozoa . A 188 Carmarthen . F806 Buckingham . F700 Carnarvon . . F808 Buddhism . . E404 Camivora . A 82 Bugles . C310 Carols . C 462 Bugs . . . . . A 176 Carpentry . . B408 Building . B 60-74 Carpets . B392 Bulgaria . . F612 Carriages . . B300 Burial . B474 Cars . . B 300-304 Burma . F494 Carthage . F58 Business . . D414 Carving . C 248 Bute . . . . . F938 Casting . B224 Butterflies . . A 172 Catalogues . . H386 Byzantine Empire . F 1064 Cataloguing . H388 Cats . A 82, 84 Cabinet-making . . B412 Cattle A 90, 92, B 32-36 Caithness . . F940 Cavalry . B 126 Calculus . A 334 Cavan . F848 California . . F278 Celebes . F550 Calisthenics . C600 Celts . . H118 Calvinism . . E206 Census D30 Cambistry . . D374 Centipedes . . A 156 Alphabetical Subject Index 43 Central America . F 380 Church Services . C446 Cephalopoda . A 182 Circus J 74 Ceramics . C86 Citizenship . . D 186 Ceremonies DIO Civil Engineering B88 Cetacea A 96 Liberty . . D 186 Ceylon . F464 Service . • D226 Chaldaea . F 44, E 388 Civilisation . F26 Chancery . . D 328, 350 (and separate countries) Channel Islands . . F784 Clackmannan . F942 Chants . C 460 Clans . . F912 Character . . D 446, E40 Clare . . F850 National . . D188 Clarinet . C 312 Charades . . C650 Classics (Latin and Greek Charities . D50 authors) . Passim Chartism . . D 180 Classification, Library . H 390 Charts . B160 Zoological A 60 Checkers = Draughts . C586 Clergy . E 70, G 38 Chelonia . . A 134 Climate A 300, B 478 Chemical Trades B 274-296 Climbing . . C 618 Chemistry . A 260-262 Clocks . B362 Cheshire . F704 Cloth . . B 388 Chess . . C550 Clothing . B298 Children, Diseases . B444 Clubs . D 16 Education D 448-452 Coach-building . . B300 Chili . . . . . F430 Coal . . B 178 China . F 466, H 50 Coast Guard . B166 China Painting . C52 Cock-fighting . C 556 Chiromancy = Palmist ry . E464 Cocoa . A 222, B 38 Chiroptera . A 78 Ccelentera . . A 192 Chivalry . F24 Coffee . A 222, B 38 Choirs . C434 Coinage . D380 Christ . E168 Coins . Fia Christian Names . H310 Coleoptera . . A 162 Religions E 180-284 Collecting . . A 20, G 168 Christianity E 170-178 Colleges . D468 Christmas . D16 Colombia . . F432 Chromatics . A 280 Colonies . . F 646, D 300 Chronology F8 Colorado . . F280 Church and State . D270 Colour . A 280 Church History . F22 Columbia . . r28e (and imder cour itries) Comedies . J 80 Music . G442 Comets . A3ie Polity . E Commandments . . E146 (under churcl les) Commentaries, Bible . E142 44 Library Classification Commerce . D 318, 356 Costume . . B504 Commons (Land) . D140 Cotton A 222, B 38, 394 House of . D206 Councils . E 160 Communication . . D400 Counterpoint . C 280 Communism . D82 County History F 696, 800, 842, 928 Companies . D 328, 418 Coursing . C 660 Composite Works . L34 Courts . D350 Composition . C282 Covenanters . F910 Concertina . . C316 Cows . A 90-92, B 32-36 Conchology . A 182 Crabs . . A 152 Concordances, Bible . . E140 Crafts C84 Concrete . B70 Creation . . A 12, E 48 Confectionery . B498 Credit . D380 Confession . . E194 Creeds E 62, 164-166 Confucianism . E412 Cremation . . B474 Congo . F132 Crests .G 108, C174 Congregational Churcl 1 . E238 Crete . . F 1256 Conic Sections . . A 338 Cricket . C562 Conjuring . . 558 Crime . D62 Connaught . . r834 Crimea . F 1164 Connecticut . F282 Criminal Law . . D326 Conscience . E40 Criminals . G40 Conservative Party . . D180 Crocodiles . . A 132 Constitutions D 154-158 Cromarty . . F980 Conundrums . C622 Crops . B30 Conversation . H318 Croquet . C 568 Conveyancing . D328 Crosses . C 234 Cookery . B498 Crown . D194 Co-operation . D120 Crusades . F24 Copper . B 234, 348 Crustacea . . A 152 Copts . . F96, H24 Cryptogamia . A 208 Copyright , . D328 Crystallography . A 248 Coral Reefs . A 230 Cuba . . F406 Corals . A 192 Culture . D446 Corea . . F476 Cumberland . F710 Corinth , F 1046 Cuneiform Inscriptions . H 100 Cork . . F852 Curling . C 570 Comet . C 320 Currency . . D380 Cornish Language . H138 Cursores . . A 120 Cornwall . . F706 Customs, Social DIO Correspondence . D 418, G Tariff . . D150 Corsica . F 1016 Cutlery . B352 Cosmography . . A 292 Cuttlefish . . A 182 Costa Rica. . F388 Cyclades . . F 1070 Alphabetical Subject Index 45 Cycle-making . * B358 Diet . . B 496 Cycling . C572 Digestion . A 46, 64, B 440 Cyclopaedias L2 Dignities . . GlOO Cymry = Wales . . F786 Dining . B496 Cyprus . F 1258 Diptera . A 178 Directories . Lie Dahomey . . F148 Diseases . B438 Dairy. . B36 Disestablishment . D 272 Dakota F 338, 352 Dispensing . . B448 Dancing . C578 Dissection . A 40-48 Darien Isthmus . . F382 Distilling . . B 288 Darwinism . A 12 Divination . . E464 Dates . F8 Diving . B 92, C 644 Deaf and Dumb . . D464 Divorce D 20, 328 Death A 46, E 64 Docks . B92 Debates . D218 Doctors . G62 Debt . D 328, 380 Doctrines . E 60, 164-166 Decalogue . . £146 Dogmatics . . E52 Decimal System . . A 350 Dogs . A 82, 84 Decoration . C70 Domestic Animals A 74, etc., B 32 House . B72 Economy . B494 Deer . A 90 Medicine . B436 Deism . E52 Servants . . B508 Delaware . . F284 Dominoes . . C 584 Deluge . . A 25 J6, E 144-146 Donegal . . F854 Delusions . . E450 Dorset . F716 Democracy . D172 Double-bass . C324 Demography . B468 Down . F856 Demonology . E456 Dragonflies . A 166 Denbigh . . F810 Drainage . B 30, 74 Denmark . . F 1186 Drama J64 Language . H252 Draughts . . C 586 Dentistry . . B454 Dravidian Languag e . . H74 Derby . F712 Drawing . C56 Dermatology . B440 Dreams E28 Design . C70 Dress . . B504 Devils . E 312, 442 Dressmaking . B602 Devon . F714 Drill . . B 118-136 Dialects . . H 168, etc. Drinks . B496 Dialling . B366 Driving . C 586 Dialogues . L28 Drowning . .B466, C644 ! Diaries G Drugs . B278 Dice . . C 682 Druids . E434 Dictionaries H Drum . . C424 46 Library Classification Drunkenness . D36 Electro-Metallurgy . B2388 Druses . E420 Electroplating . . A 262, 238 h Dublin . F858 Electrotyping A 238 B 258, C 140 Duelling . . C692, E40 Elephants . A 90 Dumb . D464 Elgin . . F950 Dumbarton . F944 Elixir of Life A 354 Dumfries . . F946 Elocution . . H320 Durham . r7i8 Elves . E460 Dutch Language . H236 Emblems . L26 Guiana . . r440 Embroidery B500 Duties . D150 Embryology A 66 Dwelling Houses 1 \ 72-74, C 218 Emigration D44 Dyeing . B280 Emotions . E36 Dynamics . . A 282 Enamels . B 336, 386, C 88, 94 Encyclopaedias . 12 Eagles . Alio Engineering, Aerial B 82-86 Earth . . A 290-302 Civil B 88-92 Earthquakes . A 294 Electrical B 94-102 East Indies . F480 General . B 76-80 Eastern Churches . . E182 Mechanical . B 104-112 Question . . F 1240 Military . . B 114-142 Ecarte . C 538 Mining . . B 170-190 Eccentrics . . G42 Naval B 144-168 Ecclesiastical History F22 Railway . B 192-196 Ecclesiology . C 228 Steam B 198-214 Echinoderms . A 186 Engineers . B 128, G 46 Economic Botany A 220-222 England F 654, D 250 Zoology A 74, 108 English Language . H150 Economics . . D94 Engravers . . G32 Economy, Domestic . B494 Engraving . . C104 Ecuador . F434 Ensilage B30 Edentata . A 98 Entomology . A 158 Edinburgh . . F948 Entomostraca . A 152 Education . . D426 Entozoa A 190, B 440 Educationists G44 Eocene Period . . A 224 Effodientia . . A 100 Ephemera . 112 Egypt F 92, E 388 Epicureans E14 Eisteddfodds . F792 Epidemics . B 438, 470 Election, Doctrine of . . E304 Epigrams . J 56 Elections . . D222 Episcopalianism . E 208-222 Electrical Engineering B 94r-102 Epistolography . G Electricity . . A 270 Epitaphs . G112 Electro-chemistry . A 262 Equador . F434 Electrolysis . A 262 Equestrianism . . C628 Alphabetical Subject Index 47 ]iischatology E64 Farces J 80 ]i)skimo . F 1360 Farm Buildings . C 216 ]£ssays 118 Farming A 22-38 Kssex . . ¥720 Faroe Islands . F 1194 Etching . C120 Farriery . B482 Ethics E88 Farther India . F492 Ethiopia . F 98, H 26 Fashion . B 604, B 10 Ethnography A36, F Fasts . . E314 Ethnology . A 36 Fathers . E164 Etiquette . . DIO Fauna A 62-194 Etruscans . . F 1118 Fencing . C 690 Etymology . H Fenianism . . F816 Eucharist . . E292 Fermanagh . F860 Euclid . A 338 Fermentation A 280, 264, B 276 Euphonium . C 328 Ferns . . A 210 Europe . F560 Festivals . . G 490, E 314 Evangelical Union, Church E 226 Fetichism . . E434 Evidence . D 286, 290, 316, 352 Feudalism . . D 164, 160 Evidences of Christianity . E 178 Fiction K Evil E66 Fife . . C 332 Evolution . A 12 Fifeshire . . F962 Ex Libris . . C172 Figure Painting . C 36 Exchange . . D372 Fiji . . F 1338 Excise . D150 Filicinae . A 210 Exegesis . E142 Finance . D366 Exhibitions B 2, C 14 Fine Arts . C Explosives . . B282 Finland . F 1170 Exports . D356 Finnish Languag e . . H288 Expression . A 60 Fires . B 78, D 244, 392 Eye . . A 48, 280, B 440-466 Fireworks . . B282 Fisheries . A 146, B 306-312 Fables . . . L26 Fishes . A 142 Facetiae L22 Fishing . C 496 Factories . . D 106 Flageolet . . C330 Fairies . E460 Flags . . G 108, 110 Fairs . . D356 Flanders . F 1130 Fairy Tales K 14 Flax . . A 222 Faith . . E298 Fleets . B 146-160 Faiths E 164-166 Flemish Languag ;e . . H242 Falconry . . Alio Flies . . A 178 Falkland Islands . F452 Flintshire . . F812 Family History G90 Floras . A 218 Fancy Dress . B604 Floriculture B48 Fans . . B604 Florida . F288 48 Library Classification Flower Painting . C46 Fugue . C280 Flowers . . A 204-206, B 48 Funds . D366 Flute . . C 332 Fungi. . A 214 Flying B 82, A Furnishing . B 492 Folk-Lore . . E444 Furniture . B412 Food Production . B314 Future State . . . E 64 Foods . B 314, 496 Fools. G41 Gaelic Language . . H 12^ Football . . C 594 Galleries . C28 Foraminifera . A 194 Gallican Church . . E 188 Foreign Policy . . D228 Galloway . F922 Forensic Medicine . B450 Galvanism . . A272 Forestry . B 40, 56-58 Galway . F862 Forfar . F954 Gambling E40 Forgery . D328 Game Birds . A 108, 110, 116 Form, Musical . . C 282 Game Laws . D328 Formosa . . F510 Games C 490, D 10, J 58 Fortification . B138 Gardening B 40-54 Fortune-telling . . E464 Gas . . B318 Fossils . A 238 Gas Engines . . . B 212 Foundations B66 Gases . . A 256, A 286, B 318 Foundries . . B224 Gasfitting . B74 Fowling . C 632 Gastronomy . B496 Fowls A 116-118 Gastropoda . A 182 Fox-hunting . C610 Gauls . . r570 France F 994, D 238 Gazetteers . F78 Language . H200 Gems. A..246, B 346 Franchise . . D224 Genealogy . G 90 Franks . F570 Genius . E36 Free Church of Scotia nd . E226 Geodesy . . A 336 Free Public Libraries . H384 Geography . F Free Thought . E52 Geology . A 224-248 Free Trade . D144 Geometry , . A 338 Free Will . . E306 Georgia . F290 Freehand Drawing . C56 Germany . F 1020, D 240 Freemasonry D86 Language . H230 French Horn . G336 Geysers . A 296 Polishing . B414 Ghosts . A 362 Fretwork . . B420 Gibraltar . . F 1252 Friendly Societies . D126 Gilds . . D364 Friends, Society of . . E264 Gipsies . F 60, H 292 Frogs . A 140 Girondists . . F996 Fruits A 206, B 46 Glaciers . A 298 Fuel . . . B 178, 236, 282 Glamorgan . . F814 Alphabetical Subject Index 49 (Uass . . . B326 Hamitic Language . HlOO C;iass Painting . C52 Hampshire . . F724 Glees . . C466 Handicrafts C84 Glossaries . H Handrailing . B410 Gloucester . . F722 Handwriting . C 156 Glue . . B296 Hanseatic League . F 1022 Glyptics A 246, B 346 Harbours . . B92 Gnostics . . E442 Harmonium . C344 Goats. A 90-92 Harmony . . C 278 God . E50 Harp . . C 348 Gods . . E444 Harpsichord . C352 Gold . . . B 182, 228, 342 Hawaii . F 1340 Gold Coast. . F152 Hawking . . C 60^ Golf . . C 598 Hawks . Alio Gothic Language . H224 Hayti. . F410 Goths . . F570 Health . B 468-480 Government . D152 Hearing . A 48, B 440 Departments . . D226 Heart . . . A 48, B 440 Grain . B30 Heat . . . A 274 Grallatores . . A 122 Heaven . E308 Grammars . H Hebrews . E 390, H 94 Graphic Arts C Hebrides . . F924 Grasses . B30 Hell . . E312 Grasshoppers . A 164 Hellenic Language . H180 Great Britain . F622 Hemiptera . . A 176 Greece . F1040 Hemp B 30, 392 Greek Church . . E182 Hepaticse . . A 208 Language . H180 Heraldry . . G104 Greenland . . F 1196 Heredity . A 12, E 36 Grocery Trade . . B422 Hereford . . F728 Guatemala . . F390 Heresies . E Guernsey . F784 Herpetology . A 130 Guianas . F436 Hertford . . F730 Guilds . D364 Herzegovina . F596 Guinea . F164 Hieroglyphics . H22 Guitar . C340 Highlands, Scotland . . F926 Gunnery . B124 Highwaymen G40 Gunsmithing . B354 Himalayas . . F490 Gymnastics . C600 Hindustani . H64 Gynecology . B442 Histology i 1 42, 64, 200 Gypsies F 60, H 292 History Histrionics • F . J 74 Haddington . F956 Hockey . . C604 Hades . E312 Holland . . F 1138 50 Library Classification Holy Roman Empire Home Home Education Homiletics . Homoeopathy Homologies Honduras . Hops . Horns Horology . Horsemanship Horse-racing Horses Horticulture Hosiery Hospitals . Hours of Work House of Commons Lords Household Arts Houses . . B Hudson Bay Huguenots Human Anatomy Physiology Races Humming-birds Humour Hungary . Language Huns Hunting Huntingdon Husbandry Hussites Hydraulics . Hydrography Hydropathy Hydrostatics Hydrozoa . Hygiene Hymenoptera . F 1022 D 16, E 40 . D448 E72 . B432 ASS F 386, 392 B 30, 286 . C336 . B362 . C628 . G606 A 90-92, B 32-34 B 46, 48 . B298 B 464, C 212 . D118 . D206 . D 198 . B488 72-74, C 218 . F238 . F 1002 A40 A 46 A 36 . A 112 . L122 . F598 . H284 . F670 . C612 . F732 . B22 . E202 . A 276 . A 302 . B434 . A 276 . A 194 . B468 A 168 Hymnology C 456, E 216, 236, etc. Hypnotismj . . .A 360 Ibea . Ice Iceland Ichthyology Iconography Idaho Illinois Illumination Illusions . Illustration, Book Imagination Immigration Imperial P'ederation Imports Impostors . Incarnation Incas Income Tax Incunabula Indexing . India . F 480, Farther . Indian Ocean Territory Indiana Indiarubber Indies, East West Indo-Chinese Languages Industrial Art . Biography Education Schools . Industries . Inebriates . Infantry Infectious Diseases Infusoria . Inorganic Chemistry Inquisition Insanity Insectivora . Insects Insessores . . F128 . A 298 1194, H 250 . A 142 C8 . F 292 . F294 C82 . A 358 C 60, 138 . E36 D44 . D192 . D356 G42 . E314 . F446 . D230 . H400 . D416 D 302, H 56 . F492 . A 302 . F296 . F298 . B296 . F480 . F398 H76 C84 G48 D456 D458 B D36 B 130 B440 A 194 A 256 £ 192 B440 A 80 A 158 A 112 Alpltabetical Subject Index 51 Insignia . B504 Judaism . E390 Inspiration . . . F 136 Judges, Biography G50 Instrumentation . , . C284 Jurassic Age . A 224 Instruments, Musical . B 376, C 288 Jurisprudence . D274 Philosophical . . B370 Jury Law . . D 328, 354 Insurance . . „ . D390 Justices of the Peace . D 328 Intaglios . . C248 Justification . E300 Intellect . E36 Jutland . F 1190 Intemperance . D36 Juvenile Books . K14 Interest . D388 Delinquency . D60 International Law . D 314 Inventions . B8 Kabala E12 Inverness . . F 958 Kaffirs . F 172 Invertebrates . A 150 Kalmucks . . , . F478 Iowa . . F300 Kangaroos . . A 102 Ireland F 824, D 258 Kansas . F302 Irish Language . . H130 Kelts . . H 118 Iron . . B 180, 226 Kent . . F 734 Irrigation . B 30, 92 Kentucky . . F304 Islam . . . • E 418, F 1242 Kerry. . F864 Isle of Man . F782 Kildare . . F866 Isle of Wight . . F726 Kilkenny . . F868 Israelites . F32 Kincardine . . F 960 Italy . . F 1074 Kindergarten . D450 Language . H206 Kinematics . . A 284 Ivica . . F1224 King's County . . F870 Kinross . F962 Jacobites . F 630, 908 Kirkcudbright . . F964 Jamaica Japan . F408 Kitchen Garden . B50 F 504, H 80 Knighthood, Orders . G102 Japanning . . B 336 Knights Hospitallers . G102 Java . . F552 Templars . G102 Jellyfish . . A 192 Knitting . B50O Jersey . F784 Koran . E422 Jest Books . L30 Korea . . . . F476 Jesters , Jesuits G41 Kurdistan . . F 534 . E190 Kurile Islands . . F50g Jesus . . . . . £168 Jewellery . . B 34 6, 504, A 246 Laboratory Practice . A la Jews . . . . Joinery . E390 Labour . D 102 . B408 Labour and Capital . . D104 Jokes . . . . Journalism . L30 Labrador . . F244 . H326 Laccadive Islands . F490 Judsea . F32 Lace . . . . . B390 52 Library Classification Lacedsemonia . , F1048 Lacquers . B 336, 386, C 88, 94 Lacrosse . . . . C 616 Lake District . F684 Dwellings A 34, F 6 Lamellibranchiata . A 182 Lampshells . A 184 Lanark . F966 Lancashire . . F736 Land .... . D134 Landlord and Tenant . . D328 Landscape Gardening . B62 Painting C42 Language . H Lantern, Optical . B372 Lapidary Work . . B346 Lapland . F 1170 Last Judgment . . E308 Lathes . B112 Latin . . H192 Latter-day Saints . E282 Laundry . B494 Law . . D274 Lawn Tennis . C646 Lawyers . . G50 Lead . B 186, 232, 348 Leather B 330, G 90 Leeward Islands . F416 Legal Biography . G60 Leicester . . F738 Leinster . F836 Leitrim . F872 Lenses B 372, C 148 Lepidoptera . A 172 Letter-writing D 418, G Letters D 418, G Levant . F544 Lexicography H Lexicons . H Libel . D328 Liberal Party D180 Liberia F166 Liberty D186 Libraries . . H378 Licensing . . D328 Lichens • . A 212 Lieder C 474, J 48 Life . . . . A Insurance . D390 Lifeboats . . B162 Light. . A 278 Lighthouses . B164 Lighting, Electric B98 Gas . . . . B318 Limerick . . F874 Limes B70 Lincoln . F740 Linen. . B398 Linguistics . H Linlithgow . . F968 Linnoean System . A 200 Lions . . . . A 82 Liquor Laws D 36, 328 Literature . H 326-362 Lithography . C 130 Lithology . . A 230 Liturgies . . £ 208, 234, etc. Lizards . A 136 Loans D 328, 362 Lobsters . A 152 Local Government . D244 Locks . B356 Locomotive Engines . B210 Logarithms . A 340 Logic . . E20 Lollards . . £284 Lombardy . . F 1086 London . F742 Londonderry . F876 Longevity . . B478 Longford . . F878 Lord's Day . £314 Prayer . . £290 Supper . . £292 Lords, House of . D 198 Lotteries . . D328 Louisiana . . F306 Louth . F880 Alphabetical Subject Index S3 Lowlands . . F920 Maps .... F 74-76 Lunacy . B440 Marine Architecture . B 154-156 Lusitania . . F1146 Engines . , B208 Lute . . . . . G356 Painting . . C44 Lutherans . . E204 Mariolatry . . £186 Lycopodinse . A 218 Market Gardening B50 Lydia F52 Marks, Hall . B 342-346 Marquesas . . F1344 Macedonia . . F 1050 Marquetry . , B420 Machine Drawing G68 Marriage . D18 Machinery . . B112 Marsupialia , A 102 Madagascar . F190 Martyrs G76 Madeira . F196 Maryland . . F310 Madness . B440 Masonry B 66-68 Madrigals . . C466 Masons D86 Magazines . 16 Mass . . . . . £186 (and special sul bjects) Massachusetts , . F312 Magic . A 358 Massage . . B448 Magic-lanterns . . B372 Masses . C448 Magnetism . . A 270 Master and Servant . . D328 Animal . . A 360 Materia Medica . . B448 Magyars . F598 Materialism . £438 Mahometanism . . E418 Materials . B68 Maine . F308 Mathematics . A 322 Majorca . F1224 Mauritius . . F192 Malacology . A 182 Maxims . L24 Malacostraca . A 152 Mayo . . F882 Malay Archipelago . F546 Measures . . A 348 Peninsula . r500 Meath . F884 Maldive Islands . . F490 Mechanical Engineeri ng . B104 Malta . . F 1254 Mechanics . . A 282 Malthusianism . . . D32 Medals FIO Mammalia . . A 72 Media F50 Man . A 30-50 Medical Biography G52 Man, Isle of . F782 Jurisprudence . . B450 Manatees . A94 Science . . B424 Mandoline . . C360 Medicines . . B448 Maniacs . B440 Mediterranean . . F 1250 Manitoba . . F234 Medo-Persia F42 Manners and Customs ; . DIO Meetings . . D 184 Manual Training . D456 Melanesia . . F 1264 Manufactures . B 240-422 Melodeon . . C 316 Manuscripts G 158, H 164 Memoirs . G Manx Language . . H140 Memory . £30 54 Library Classification Menageries A 20 Miracles . E 66, 148 Mennonites . E284 Miscellanies . L16 Mensuration . A 342 Misers G42 Mental Philosophy . E26 Missals . E186 Mercantile Law . . D318 Missionaries . G56 Merchant Shipping . B168 Missions . E 76 Merioneth . . F816 Mississippi . . . . F 318 Mermaids . . A 94 Missouri . F320 Mesmerism . A 360 Mnemonics . E30 Metal-working . B 336, C 92 Model Drawing C64 Metallurgy . B 216-238 Modelling . . C248 Metals B 180- -190, 216-238 Moguls . F 482 Metaphysics . E24 Mohammedanisn 1 . E418 Meteorology . A300 Molecular Physic :s . A268 Meteors . A 316 MoUusca . . A 182 Methodists . . E246 Moluccas . . F554 Metric System . . A350 Monaco . F 1018 Mexico . F372 Monaghan . . F886 Mice . . A86 Monarchs . . G58 Michigan . . F314 Monarchy . . D170 Microbes . . A 26 Monastic Orders . E 190 Micronesia . . F 1332 Money . D380 Micro-organisms . i L 26, 194, 208 Mongols . . F472 Microscopy A 18 Monkeys . . A 76 Middlesex . . F744 Monmouth . .' . F74e Midlands . . F690 Monograms C80 Midwifery . . B442 Monoliths . . A 34 Military Biography G54 Monotremata . A 104 History . F 18 Monsters . . E469 Science . B 114, C 220 Montana . . . F 322 Militia . B 132 Montenegro . F614 Millinery . . B502 Montgomery . F818 Mills . . C 216 Monuments . C 232, 250 Mimicry . H324 Moon. . A 314 Mind . E 24, 26 Moors . F 458, 572 Mineralogy . A244 Moral Philosoph jr . . E38 Miniature Painting C 40 Moravians . . E274 Mining . B 170-190 Moray . F950 Royalties . D142 Mormonism . E282 Ministry E70 Morocco . . F120 Minnesota . . F316 Morphology A 42, 64, 200 Minorca . F 1224 Mortality . D34 Miocene Period . . A 224 Moslems . E418 Miracle Plays . J 68, 78 Mosses . A212 Alphabetical Subject Index 55 Moths . A 172 Neology . E440 Motor Cars . B304 Nerves A 48, B 440 Mottoes . G 108, L 24 Nestorians . . E184 Mountaineering . . C 618 Netherlands . F 1122 Mountains . . A 292, 228 Neuroptera . A 166 Mummies . . B474 Nevada . F326 Municipal Govern ment . D 244 New Brunswick . . F224 Law . D 320, 328 New England . . F264 Munster . F838 New Guinea . F 1326 Museums . A 20, C 28, H 378 New Hampshire . F328 Mushrooms . A214 New Jersey . F330 Music . C 252 New Mexico . F332 Musical Instrume tits B 376, C 292 New South Wales . . F 1280 Music-halls . C 262 New Testament . E 132, 148 Musicians . . G60 New York . . F334 Mycology . . A 214 New Zealand . F 1310 Myriapoda . . A 156 Newfoundland . . F240 Mysticism . . E18 Newspapers L8 Mythology . . E444 Nicaragua . . F394 Nicobar Islands . . F502 Nairn . . F970 Nihilism D82 Names . H 304-312 Nineveh . F46 Natal . . F 172 Nobility . . G64 Natatores . . A 124 Non-Christian Religio ns . E 386 National Debt . . D368 Nonconformists . . E 224-270 Nationality . D 188, 328 Norfolk . . F748 Natural History . A 10-222 Normandy . . F 1012 Magic . . A 358 Normans . . F662 Philosophy . A 264-288 Norse Language . H248 Religion . . E80 North Carolina . . F336 Science . A Pole . . F 1356 Theology E46 Northampton . F750 Nature A Northumberland . F752 Nautical Astrono my . . A320 Norway . F 1198 Naval Biography G62 Nosology . . • . B 438 Engineering . B 144-168 Nottingham . F754 History . F20 Nova Scotia . F218 Navigation A 320, B 158 Novelists . . G34 Navy . . B 148-150 Novels K Nebraska . . F324 Nubia . F106 Necrology . G Numidia . . F 1052 Necromancy . A 358 Numismatics FIO Needlework . B500 Nursery Rhymes . C 484, J 58 Negroes . A 36 Nursing . B458 56 Library Classification Obituaries . G Ornithology . A 106 Object Lessons . . D452 Orthography H Oboe . . C364 Orthoptera . . A 164 Obstetrics . . B442 Osteology . A 42, 64 Occult Science . . A 352-362 Ostracoda . . A 152 Ocean . A 302 Ostriches . . A 120 Oceania . F 1260 Ottoman Empire . F 1242 Oddfellows. . D132 Overtures . . C 290 Odes . J 50 Owls . . Alio Odontology A 64 Oxford . F 756 Ohio . . F340 Oxygen . A 254 Oil Engines . B214 Oysters . A 182 Painting . C48 Oils . . B292 Pachyderms . A 90 Oklahoma . . F342 Pacific Islands . . F 1332 Old Testament . E 130, 144 Ocean . . A 302 Oligarchy . . D 174 Pageants . F6 Olympiads . F8 (and special countries) Omens . £464 Painting C18 Ontario . F230 Paints . B292, C32 Ontology . E24 Palaeography . C 158 Oology . A 106 Palaeontology . A 238 Opera, History . . C 262 Palestine . . F540 Operas . C 436 Pali Language . H78 Ophicleide . / . C 368 Palmistry . . E464 Ophidia . A 138 Panama . F432 Ophthalmics B 440, 456 Pangolins . A 100 Optical Instruments . B370 Pantheism E48 Optics . A 278 Papacy . E 186, G 72 Orange Free State . F174 Paper . B246 Orange Lodges . E 202, F 816 Papua . F 1326 Oratorios . . G438 Paradise . E308 Oratory . H314 Paraguay . F444 Orchestral Music . C290 Paris . . F 1014 Ordeals . . D354 Parishes . D 252, etc. Orders, Monastic . E190 Parks . A 52, etc. Of Knighthood . G102 Parliament . D196 Ordnance . . B124 Parlour Ma ?ic . . C 558 Oregon . F344 Parodies . J 54 Organ . . . C370 Parrots . A 114 Reed . . . C292 Parsees . E424 Organic Chemistry . . A 258 Part Songs . C464 Orkney Isles . F972 Parthia . F 1052 Ornament . C 70, 224 Partnership . D 328 Alphabetical Subject Index 57 Party, History B178 Philology . H Passion Plays J 68, 78 Philosopher's Stone . A 354 Passions £36 Philosophers G68 Pastel Drawing C54 Philosophical Instrum ents . B 370 Pastoral Theolog \y £68 Philosophy . E Patagonia . F424 Phoenicia . F30 Patents BIO Phonetic Shorthand . C 166 Pathology . B446 Phonetics . . H12 Patristics . £154 Phonograph . B 102 Pattern -making B416 Photo-engraving . C 138 Pauperism . D48 Photography . C142 Pawnbroking D 328 Phrenology £32 Peace £40 Phyllopoda . A 152 Pearls A 246, B 346 Physical Education . B480 Peasantry . . D 102, 134 Geography . A 290-302 Peat . . B282 Science . A Pedagogics . D426 Physicians . . G62 Pedestrianism . C 510 Physics . A 264-288 Pedigrees . GOO Physiognomy . £34 Peebles . . F974 Physiography . . A 290-302 Peerages . G98 Physiology, Animal . A64 Peloponnesus . F 1070 Human , A 46 Pembroke . . F820 Phytology . . A 196-222 Peninsular War . F 1220 Pianoforte . . C 380 Penmanship . C 156 Picts . F908 Pennsylvania , F346 Picture Galleries C18 Pensions . . B398 Picture-framing . . B418 Pentateuch . E 130, 146 Piedmont . . F 1088 Perfumes . . B284 Pigeons . A 116-118 Periodicals . L6 Pigments . . B 292, C 32 Perpetual Motioi 1 . A 284 Pigs . B 32-34 Persia F 54, 514, H 86 Pilotage . B 160 Perspective C64 Piracy . D326 Perth . . F976 Pirates G40 Peru . . F446 Pisces . A 142 Pessimism . E18 Pisciculture . A 146 Petrology . . A 230 Pitcairn Island . . F 1342 Phallicism . . £462 Place Names . H312 Phanerogam i i . A 204-206 Plagues B 438, 470 Pharmacy . . B448 Planets . A 312 Pheasants . . A 116 Plants . . ^ L 28, 196-222 Philanthropists . G66 Plastering . B72 Philately . . C180 Playing Cards . . C534 Philippine Island s F556 Plays . . . . J 76 58 Library Classification Plumbing . B74 Precedence . G 108 Pneumatics . A 286 Precious Stones . A 246, 346 Poetry J Precis . D416 Poets . G34 Predestination . . E304 Poisons . B450 Predictions . E464 Poland . F676 Prehistoric Man . A 34 Language . H274 Prelacy . E208 Polar Regions . . F 1352 Pre-Raphaelitism . C30 Polarisation of Light . A 280 Presbyterianism . . £224 Police D66 Presidents, U.S. . G58 Polishing . B 336, 414 Press . H326 Political Economy D94 Pretenders . . G58 Parties . . D178 Prices . D370 Science . . D126 Priests E 70, G 38 Politicians . . G70 Primates A 76 Politics D 162, 176 Primogeniture . . D328 Polity, Church . E Primrose League . D180 Polo . . C620 Prince Edward Island . F222 Polyandry . D20 Printing B 254, H 398 Polygamy . D20 Prints . . C 178 Polyglots . £ 82, H 16 Prisons D70 Polygraphy . L14 Privateers . . D318 Polynesia . F 1332, E 432, H 296 Prize-fighting . C528 Pomology . B46 Probabilities . A 344 Pontus . F 1052 Probate . D328 Poor Laws . D 48, 320 Process Work . . C 138 Popery E 186, G 72 Processions F6 Popes. . G72 (and special coi mtries) Population . D30 Profit Sharing . . D116 Porcelain . C86 Projection . A 338, C 64 Porto Rico . . F412 Pronunciation . H Portrait Painting C38 Proper Names . . H304 Portraits . . G114 Property . . D328 Portugal . . F 1146 Prophecy . . £136 Language . . H218 Prosody H Positivism . . E438 Prospecting . B176 Post Office . . D404 Prostitution . D 28, 328, E 40 Postage Stamps . . C180 Protection . . D 150 Postmarks . . C176 Protestantism . £200 Pottery . B380 Protoplasm A 24 Poultry A 118, B 36 Protozoa . . A 194 Prayer . E48 Provencal Language . H198 Preaching . E72 Proverbs . L24 Pre-Adamites . A 34 Prussia . F 1034 Alphabetical Subject Index 59 Psalmody . . C452 Rasores . Alia Pseudonyms . H374 Rationalism . E440 Psychical Research . A 362 Rats .... A 86 Psychology E36 Readers* Aids . . H396 Pteridophyta . A 208 Reading D 446, H 396 Pteropoda . . A 182 Ready Reckoners . A 330 Public Health . . B468 Reason E 20, 46 Libraries . H384 Receipts . B20 Publishing . . B266 Reciprocity . D 148 Pugilism . . C528 Recitations . H3?2 Punishments D 62-64 Recreative Arts . . C490 Purgatory . . E186 Redemption . E314 Puzzles . C622 Reed Organs . C292 Pyramids . F92 Reformation F 564, E 198 Pyrenees . . F 1222 Reformatories . D460 Pyrotechnics . B282 Reformed (Dutch) Church . E 272 Presbyterian Churcl 1 . E226 Quadramana A 76 Regalia . B504 Quadrature . A 338 Regeneration . E314 Quadrupeds A 52, etc. Regiments . . F636 Quakers . E264 Registers . G Qualitative Analysis . A 260 Relief Church . . E226 Quantitative Analysis . A 260 Religion . E42 Quarantine . . B468 and Science . . E54 Quarrying . B 170-174 Biography G74 Quartets . C 290, 468 Religions . . E 164-342 Quaternions . A 338 Renaissance C2 Quebec . F226 Renfrew . F978 Queen's County . . F888 Rent . . D138 Queens G58 Reporting . . H326 Queensland . F 1286 Reports, Law . . D280 Quoits . C 624 Repousse . . C92 Quotations 132 Representation . . D 222-224 Reptiles . A 130 Rabbits . A 88 Republicanism . . D 172 Races of Man . A 36 Research, Methods of A 16 Racing . C 508, 606 Resurrection . E 308, 314 Racquets . . C 626 Rhetoric . . H318 Radiates . A 194 Rhizopoda . . A 194 Radnor . F822 Rhode Island . . F 348 Ragged Schools . . D458 Rhodes . F534 Railways . B 192, D 402 Rhyme . H 166 Rain . A 300 Rhymes J 58 Raptores . .Alio Riddles . . . C622 6o Library Classification Riding . C 628 Sailing Directions . B 160 Rings . B504 Sailors . B168 Rinking . C 634 St. Helena . F 194 Rites . E Saints G76 Ritual E Salic Laws . D308 Ritualism . EllO Salop . . F760 Roads B92 Salt . . B188 Robbers . G40 Salvation . E314 Rocks . A 230 Samoa . F 1348 Rodentia . A 86 San Domingo . F410 Romaic Language . H186 San Salvador . F396 Roman Catholic Chur ch . E186 Sanctification . E302 Roman Empire . . F 1102 Sandwich Islands . F 1340 Roman Law . D312 Sanitation B74 Roman Literature . H344 Sanskrit . H58 Romance Language . H198 Saracens . F 458, 572 Romany . H292 Sardinia . F 1098 Rome, Ancient . . F 1102 Satan . . E312 Modern . . F 1094 Satire . . L22 Roofs . . B88 Sauria . A 136 Ropes . B392 Savings Banks . . D 388 Roscommon . F890 Saxony . F 1036 Rosicrucians D76 Saxophone . . C 390 Ross . . F980 Scandinavia . F 1178 Roumania . . F 616 Language . H244 Rounders . . C516 Scansores . . A 114 Rounds and Catches . C470 School Buildings .0 212, D444 Rowing . C620 Management . . D438 Roxburgh . . F982 Schools .0 2] L2, D 450-466 Rubber . B296 Science A Ruminants . A 90 and Religion . E54 Runes H Natural . A 2-352 Running . C508 Occult . . A 352 Russia F 522, 1158 Scientific Instruments . B370 Language . H268 Scientists . G78 Ruthenian . . H268 Scilly Isles . . F708 Rutland . . F758 Sclavonic Languages . H264 Scotland F 906, D 254 Sabbath . . E314 Scottish Language . H174 Schools . . D454 Scripture Biography . . G36 Sacraments . E292 Scriptures . . E82 Saddlery . . B334 Sculptors . . G32 Safes . . . . . B356 Sculpture . . C238 Sahara . . F124 Scythia . . F58 Alphabetical Subject Index 6i Sea . . A 302 Shooting . . C 630 Mats . A 188 Shopkeepers' Manual > . B422 Urchins . . A 186 Shorthand . . C 162 Seals, Heraldic . no Shrimps . A 146 Zoology . . A 96 Shropshire . . F760 Seamanshij:) . B 158 Siam . . F496 Seamen . B 168 Siberia . F522 Seasons . A 300 Sicily . . F 1096 Seaweeds . . A 216 Sierra Leone . F160 Secession Church . E226 Sight . . A 48, 280, B 440, 456 Second Sight . E464 Signboards . . D420 Secondary Schools . D454 Silk . . B400 Secret Societies . . D74 Silkworms . . A 174 Sects . . E 164r-342 Silurian Age . A 228 Seismology . A 294 Silver. . B 184, 230, 346 Self-culture . D446 Sin . . . . E66 Selkirk . .. . F984 Sinai . F542 Semitic Language . H92 Singers G60 Senegambia . F158 Singing . C 430 Septuagint . . E 130, 144 Sirenia A 94 Sepulture . . B474 Skating . C634 Sericulture . . A 174 Sketching . C56 Sermons E 74, 316-318 Skittles . C 638 Serpent (instrument) . C 392 Slang . . H164 Worship . E462 Slavery D56 Serpents . A 138, 130 Slavonian Language . H264 Servants . B508 Sleep . E28 Servia . r618 Sligo . . F892 Sewage B 74, 92, 474 Sloths A 98 Sewing . B 500-502 Smithing . . B338 Machines . B358 Smoking . A 222, B 478 Sexes . D28 Smuggling . . B166 Seychelles . . F186 Snails . A 182^ Shadows 64 Snakes A 138, 130 Shakers . . E284 Snow .... . A 300 Sheep . . A 90-92, B 32-34 Soap .... . B294 Sheet-metal Work . B350 Social Science . D Shells . A 182 Socialism . D78^ Shetland Islands. . F986 Societies . D Shinty . C604 (and special subjects) Shipbuilding . B 154 Society D Shipping . . B 164, 168, D 356 Sociology . D6 Shoemaking . B334 Socotra . F186 Shoes . . B.334 Soils .... Bsa 62 Library Classification Sokoto . F162 Starfish . A 186 Sol-fa. . . . . C272 Stars. . A 312 Solitaire . C640 State Administration . . D190 Solomon Islands . F 1330 and Church . . D270 Solutions . . A 262 Statesmen . G70 Somaliland . FllO Statics . A 284 Somerset . . F762 Stationery . . B270 Somnambulism . E28 Statistics . D34 Songs, Music . C474 Statutes . . D214 Poetry . J 48 Steam Engineering B 198-214 Sonnets J 62 Steel . . B226 Sorcery . A 358 Stenography . C162 Soudan . . . . F122 Stereotyping . B254 Soul . . . . E24 Stirling . F988 Sound . A 288 Stocks . D376 South African Republi c . F176 Stoics E14 America . . F418 Stones B70 Australia . F 1292 Stories K Carolina . . F350 Strategy . B 142, 162 Dakota . . F352 Streets . C234 Sea Islands . . F 1332 Strikes D 102, 112 Sovereigns . . e58 Suez Canal . F104 Spain . . F 1214 Suffolk . . ' . F766 Language . H212 Suffrage . D224 Sparta . F 1062 Sugar . B38 Species A 12, 62 Suicide E40 Spectroscope A 278, B 370 Sumatra . F658 Spectrum Analysis . A 280 Sun . . . . A 310 Speculation . D376 Sunda Islands . . F 668 Speech A 48 Sunday . E314 Speeches . . H317 Schools . . D454 Spelling . H Supernatural . E444 Spiders . A 154 Superstitions . E444 Spinning . . B 388-402 Surgery . B452 Spiritualism . E466 Surnames . . H308 Sponges . A 192 Surrey . F768 Sports . C 490 Surveying . . A 336 Sportsmen . G80 Sussex . F770 Squaring the Circle . A 338 Sutherland . . F990 Stafford . F764 Swans . A 124 Stage . . J 74 Sweden . F 1206 Stained Glass . B 328, C 88 Language . H260 Staircasing . . B410 Swedenborgians . . E278 Stamps . C180 Swimming .'.0642 p Alphabetical Subject Index 63 Swine B 32, 34 Tenure . D 138 Switzerland • . . . F 1228 Terra del Fuego . . F424 Swordsman 5hip . . . C 690 Tertiary Age . A 224 Symbolism . C228 Testament, New . E 132, 148 Symphonie 5 . C290 Old . E 130, 144 Synonyms . H168 Teutonic Languages . H224 Syntax H Texas . F356 Syria F 644, H 100 Textiles . B 388, C 96 Thallophyta . A 208 Thames . . F694 Table Talk . L28 Theatres . . C 214, J 74 Tableaux V ivants . .0 648 Theatricals, Private . 648 Tactics . B 142, 162 Theism . E60 Tahiti . F 1348 Theology . E44 Tailoring . B298 Theosophy E48 Talmud . E394 Therapeutics . B448 Tambourine . C424 Thermodynamics . A 274 Tamil . H72 Thirty-Nine Articles . E210 Tammany . . D 182 Thorough Bass . . C 278 Tanning . B330 Thrift . D396 Taouism . E414 Thugs . E434 Tapestry . B 392, C 98 Tibet . . F474 Tariffs . D 160 Tides . . A 302 Tartans B 604, F 912 Tigers . A 82 Tartary . F470 Tiles . . B380 Tasmania . . F 1318 Timber B70 Taste . C4 Time . B 362, F 8 Taxation . . D230 Tin ... . . B190 Taxidermy . . A 22 Tipperary . . F894 Tea . . A 222, B 38 Tithes . D328 Teaching . . D 438-440 Tobacco . . . A 222, B 38 Technical E ducation . . D 466 Toilet . B606 Technology B Tolls. . D248 Teeth . A 64, B 464 Tonic Sol-fa . C272 Teetotalism D36 Tonkin . F498 Telegraphy B 100, D 410 Tools . B112 Telephone . . B 102 Topography F Telescope . A 304, B 340 Tortoises . . A 134 Temperamei It . . . A 60 Torts . . . . . D328 Temperance . D36 Tory Party . D 180 Temperatur< I . .A 274, 300 Tournaments F 24, C 492 Templars . . G102 Towns F, D, etc. Tennessee . . F364 Toxicology . B460 Tennis . C646 Toys . . . . . B418 64 Library Classification Trade D 318, 356 Typology . . E142 Marks . D328 Tyrol .... . F602 Unions . . D108 Tyrone . F896 Trades B 240-422 Tragedies . J 80 Training . B 480, C 600 Ulster . F840 Tramways . . B196 Ungulata . A 90, 92 Transmigration of Sou Is . E 24 Unionism . . D180 Transportation . . D400 Unitarian Church . E280 Transubstantiation . E292 United Kingdom . F622 Transvaal . . F176 United Presbyterian Church E 226 Transylvania . F600 United States . F 246, D 234, 266 Travellers . . G82 Universal History F6 Travels F, F 68, etc. Language . H802 Treason . D328 Universities . D468 Treaties F 66, D 228 Upholstery . B412 Trees . A 206, 220 Uruguay . . F448 Trial by Combat . D354 Useful Arts B 2-508 Trials . D352 Usury . D328 Triassic Age . A 224 Utah . . F358 Tricycling . . C672 Utihtarianism . . E40 Trigonometry . A 346 Utopias D8 Trinity . E288 Tripoli . F114 Trochilidse . . A 112 Vaccination B 438, D 328 Trombone . . C 394 Vancouver Island . F 236 Troubadours J2 Vandals . . F570 Truck System . D 114, 328 Varnishes . . B296 Trumpet . . C 398 Variety Stage . . C 262 Truth £40 Vaudois . E202 Tuba . . C402 Vedas . H330 Tunicata . . A 182 Vegetables . , B50 Tunis . F118 Vegetarianism . . B496 Turkestan . . F 522, 630 Venezuela . . F450 Turkey, Asia . F530 Venice . F 109C Europe . . F 1240 Ventilation . . B74 Turkish Language . H102 Ventriloquism . . H324 Turning . B112 Vermes . A19C Turnpikes . . D248 Vermont . . F36C Turtles . A 134 Versification . H16£ Tuscany . F 1092 Vertebrates A 70-14J Typefounding . B250 Veterinary Surgery . B48S Typewriting . D422 Victoria . F 129f Typography B 254, H 398 Vikings . F 118C I Alphabetical Subject Index ^5 Village Communities . . D244 West Australia . . F 1304 Vine Culture B38 Indies . . F398 Viola . . . . . C404 Virginia . . Fsee Violin . C408 Westmeath . F900 Violoncello . C418 Westmoreland . . F774 Virginia . F362 Wexford . . F902 West . . F366 Whales . A96 Visible Speech . D 464, H 12 Wheat B30 Visigoths . . F570 Whig Party . B180 Visitations . G90 Whisky . B 288, 496 Vital Statistics . D34 Whist . 536 Vivisection A 64, E 40 Wicklow . . F904 Vocal Culture . . C426 Wigtown . . F992 Voice . C430 Will . . . . . £24 Volapuk . . H302 Wills . . . . . D328 Volcanoes . . A 296 Wiltshire . . F776 Volunteers . . B134 Window Gardening B54 Voting . D222 Winds . A 300 Voyages F84 Wine . B 290, 496 Vulgate E88 Wisconsin . . F368 Witchcraft . . E458 Women . D22 Wages . D114 Biography 684 Waldenses . . E202 Wood . B70 Wales . F 786, D 262, H 134 Carving . . ClOO Walking . . C 510 Engraving . C104 Wallachia . . F616 Working . B404 War . E40 Wool. . B402 Warfare . B 114-142 Worcester . . F778 Warming . . B74 Workhouses D48 Warwick . . F772 Working Classes . D 102 Washington, D.C. . F286 Workshop Practice . BllO U.S. . . F364 World A 290, F Wasps . A 168 Worms . A 190, B 440 Watchmaking . . B362 Worship E Water . A 276 Worsteds . . B 402 Water-colour Painting I .0 60 Wrecks . . B 162 Waterford . . F 898 Wrestlmg . . C 662 Waterworks B92 Writing . C 166 Wealth . D94 Wyoming . . F370 Weather . . A 300 Weaving . . B 388-402 Weights and Measure s . A348 Yachting . . C 654 Wesleyan Methodism . E 248 Year Books L 10 66 Library Classification Veomanry .... £136 Zanzibar . . F 188 York F780 Zend Avesta . E424 Young Men's Christian Asso- Zinc . . B 236 ciation D16 Zither . C 422 Women's Christian Asso- Zoology . A 30-194 ciation . . . Die Zoophytes . . A 194 Yucatan .... F378 Zoroastrianism . . E424 Zululand . . F 172 Zambesi F126 Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LIBRARY SCHOOL LI.. ...., This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. APR 8 1964 LD 21-50m-4,'63 ^^ .^^""^^^3!";?/^ •