• ''^^:'^'f^^^^y^^^^ w i: ■' : Q^TCr^O^'\*^.7^^ ^ ii^ll /^ e^^L^L^ (^^^^U^v^^^J^ The Daughters of King Daher, and Other Poems. The DAUGHTERS OF KING DAHER. A Story of the Mohammedan Invafton of Scinde, ^xCn (©tijer 33omiS, BY THOMAS HOOD. L ondon : SAUNDERS, OTLEY, AND CO., 66, Brook Street, Hanover Square, W. 1861. F Sboberl, Printer, 37, Dean Street, Soho, 70 ^:^ TO MRS. S. C. HALL. My dear Mrs. Hall, If you will not allow that a recolle£lion of your friendlhip, dated as far back as I can remember, is a fufficient reafon for my infcribing this book to you, I muft afk you to let me do fo, on the ground that in January, 1853 Y^^ inferted in Sharpens Magazine the firft poem of mine which ever appeared in print — and thus introduced me to the public who have ever fmce been fo kindly difpofed to me. Believe me. My dear Mrs. Hall, Yours very truly, Tom Hood. 928 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/daughtersofkingdOOhoodrich Prefc ace. The Jiory upon which the following poem is founded I difcovered in the Jhape of brief memoranda among papers to which I have had no caufe to refer for fome period. At this dijiance of time I am unable to fay from what four ce I obtained them^ but I believe I jotted down the plot from a note in an old review — being f truck with its adaptability to verfe. It is pojftble that the note in queftion related to a metrical chronicle or the writings of a native poet^ but I have not met with either ; nor has the fubjeSf ever been attempted before in Englijh to my knowledge, The minor poems at the end are republijhed by per- mijjion from the St. fames^s^ the Cornhill^ and Mac- mi llanos Magazines, Thomas Hood. Brompton^ September^ 186 1. Contents. The Daughters of King Daher. Praecentoria . . . . xi The Story . . . . , i Terminatus . . . -53 Minor Poems. The Song of the Lark in the City . '57 Home at Laft . . • .61 A Shell . . . . .65 Lines on the Death of Catherine (Hayes) Buflinell . . . -74 To Goldenhair . . . '77 The Loft Expedition . . '79 Spring . . . . .81 sgggggsgsHsgsasgsgggsHsasgsigsHgBsgsgsgsaiasg WQ a OQ QOaQQOPQQOOOgQQOOOOOQOOOQOQOafeOOOCOCO