mmafxn^f^tn.r^rjrui, ,„■«■ ■;^ t* i 34- U .. .. >....\ A 1 i'v 1 i 1 \„i ,K.. Q, iii.,^L THE-PEOPLirS'BOO GIFT OF -. 4RCHITECTURE f. . ■ By MRS. ARTHUR BELL AUTHOR OF "THE ELEMENTARY HISTORY OF ART,"^**MASTERPIE THE GREAT ARTISTS," "REPRESENTATIVE PAINTERS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY," ETC. LONDON: T. C. & E. C. JACK 67 LONG ACRE, W.C, AND EDINBURGH NEW YORK; DODGE PUBLISHING CO. 20 6 CONTENTS CHAP. Introduction: What Architecture is — Materials employed — Definition of distinctive features of the two main styles, Trabeated and Arcuated I. Egyptian, Asiatic, and Early American Architecture .... II. Greek Architecture .... III. Roman Architecture .... IV. Early Christian Architecture . V. Byzantine and Saracenic Architecture VI. Romanesque Architecture . VII. Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman Archi tecture ..... VIII. Gothic Architecture in Europe IX. Gothic Architecture in Great Britain X. Renaissance Architecture in Europe . 7 13 22 31 36 45 52 60 72 83 XI. Renaissance Architecture in Great Britain 88 Index 93 m 310451 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation INTRODUCTION WHAT ARCHITECTURE IS — MATERIALS EMPLOYED — DEFINITION OF DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF THE TWO MAIN STYLES, TRABEATED AND ARCUATED It is only when a building entirely fulfils the purpose for which it is intended and bears the impress of a genuine style that it takes rank as a work of architecture. This definition, exclusive though it at first sight appears, brings within the province of the art every structure which combines with practical utility beauty of design and execution, from the humblest cottage to the most dignified temple or palace. Suitability of material and harmony with its surroundings are among the minor factors that give to a building vitality of character and contribute to its enduring value, a value en- hanced by its reflection of the needs and aspirations of those by whom and for whom it was erected. Wood appears to have been the earliest material used for the building of a home when out-of-door dwellings took the place of the caves that were the first shelters of primitive man. At Joigny in France there still exist examples of what are supposed to be the most ancient of all such dwellings, namely circular holes, locally known as huvards, in which the trunk of a tree had been fixed, the branches plastered over with clay forming the roof of a simple but rain-proof refuge. Huts of wattle and hurdle work dating from prehistoric times have also been preserved, some rising from the ground, others from platforms resting on piles sunk in the beds of lakes. These were in their time superseded by stronger structures, with walls made of squared beams piled up horizontally and fastened together at the corners with wooden pegs ; the roof being formed of roughly sawn planks. Out of such primeval houses as these were evolved in the course of centuries the picturesque half-timbered cottages of mediaeval Europe and the quaint wooden churches of Norway such as the character- istic one at Hitterdal. Limestone, granite, and sandstone were used for building at a very remote period in much the same way as wood, large blocks, fresh from the quarry, of all manner of different shapes, being piled up horizontally or stood on edge, no cement being vi INTRODUCTION employed, though in certain cases crushed stone was used to fill up the spaces between the blocks. To walls or buildings of which courses of undressed stone were the only materials, the name of Cyclopean has been given because of the errone- ous belief that it was originated by the Cyclopes, an imaginary race of giants, supposed to have lived in Thrace,. a province of ancient Greece. Bricks, that is to say, dried blocks of clay, were used at a very early date as a supplement to or substitute for wood and stone for building purposes. The most ancient bricks were not subjected to artificial heat but were simply exposed to the sun, and even when kiln-baked bricks were introduced they were often employed merely to face the older variety. Spacious and lofty buildings consisting entirely of bricks were erected at a ve-ry early date in Assyria, Persia, and else- where, and some of the most noteworthy architectural sur- vivals of the Roman Empire are of the same material. The main features of a building are determined by the shape of the walls or the mode of arrangement of the pillars that take the place of walls, the way in which the roof is constructed, and that in which the openings of the doors and windows are spanned. The earliest roofs were flat, and the most ancient mode of linking together the supports of doors and windows was to place a plank of wood or slab of stone known as a Imtel across them at the top. To this style of roofing and spanning, which reached its most perfect development in the temples of Greece, the name of the traheated was given, derived in the first instance from the so-called trabea, a toga adorned with hori- zontal stripes. It was only by very gradual degrees that the trabeated mode of roofing and spanning was succeeded by what is known as the arcuatedf or that in which the arch takes the place of the hori- zontal beam. In early Roman temples and palaces the Greek style was long carefully copied, but in utilitarian works such as bridges, viaducts, and drains the arch was employed at a very remote period. An arch whether circular or pointed con- sists of two series of stones cut into the form of wedges known as voicssoirSf o, central one at the apex or highest point called the keystone locking the two series together. This beauti- ful contrivance, the inventor of which is unknown, gradually re- volutionised the science of architecture. It was used at first, tentatively as it were, in combination with the horizontal beam or slab of stone, but in the end became in its rounded form the distinctive peculiarity of the Romanesque and in its pointed shape of the Gothic style. ARCHITECTURE CHAPTER I EGYPTIAN, ASIATIC, AND EARLY AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE The most ancient existing examples of EgjT)tian architecture are the royal tombs of the Memphite kingdom known as the P}Tamids, of which the oldest is that of King Seneferu (about 3000 B.C.) at Medam, and the largest, which rises to a height of 481 feet from a base 764 feet square, that called the Great Pyramid of King Cheops (3788 36G6) at Ghizeh, near Cairo, on which 100,000 men are said to have been continuously employed for thirty years. ^-"^^^^^^ The latter is not only a marvel of construe- t^^M^ tive skill, but is by many authorities con- r" " ' 1 sidered to be a most accurately designed f?II^> astronomical observatory. C^H^t^- The Pyramids consist of masses of admir- ^^^ttj-.*:-::^ ably squared and polished stones^ in certain lHH^* M | cases supplemented with bricks piled up in j H^^fl^jB the form of a rectangle around a sepulchral " ffSSrW^I chamber, the entrance to which was most rr ^x, carefullv concealed. \Vlien the body of the ^b^r^aSd^'ssafe^' monarch had been placed in it the tapering in Great Pyramid mound above it was finished off with huge facing blocks, that were skiKully worked into the angle re- quired and finally levelled to a smooth surface. Near the Pyramids of the kings are the tombs, known as Mast abas, of their wives and children and of the great officers of state. They are constructed of stone, are square or oblong in form, and their walls are adorned with paintings of scenes from contemporary life, the whole reminiscent of earlier timber structures. Later tombs are those hewn out of the living rock at Beni Hassan and elsewhere, dating from about 2500 B.C., with porticoes upheld by columns resembling those of Greek 7 8 AftCKITECTURE temples, and %t or curved roo^s, the latter suggestive of the piif^ciple oic tk3 inidh . having been known to those who excavated them. It was between 1600 B.C. and 1110 B.c. that the Egyptians reached their highest point of civilisation, and it was during that period that were erected the magnificent Theban temples, of which those at Karnak and Luxor, which were connected by an avenue of colossal sphinxes, are the finest still remaining. The plan of all Egyptian temples of whatever size was the same : a horizontal gateway flanked on either sidaby masses of masonry of considerably greater height than it, known as pylons, their surfaces enriched with symbolic carvings, giving access to a square space open to the sky, and partly surrounded with cloisters, leading into a noble hall of huge dimensions, its flat roof upheld by columns, some with capitals resembling lotus buds, others representing the head of the goddess Isis. Beyond this hall were a number of small dark rooms, the use of which has never been ascertained, enclosing within them the nucleus of the whole, the low narrow mysterious cell or sanctuary in which was enshrined the image of the god to whom the temple was dedicated. Outside these noble build- ings were ranged obelisks, or four-sided tapering-pillars of great height, covered with hierogl3rphics commemorating the EGYPTIAN, ASIATIC, AND EARLY AMERICAN 9 triumphs of the kings, and colossal figures, few of which remain in dt% which added greatly to the dignity of the appearance of the whole. To the same period as the temples of Thebes belong those of very similar general design hewn out of the sides of the mountains of Nubia, of which the best example is the larger of the two at Ipsambul, specially noteworthy for the huge seated figure of the monarch for whom it was built, the great Rameses II, guarding the entrance to it. The tombs of the Theban rulers, like the Nubian temples, were hewn out of the living rock, and are many of them, notably those known as the Tombs of the Kings and the Tombs of the Queens in the plains watered by the Nile, of vast extent, labyrinths of passages, Tomb at Beni Hassan alternating with large rooms, leading to the actual sepulchral chamber. Of considerably later date than any of the buildings referred to above are the temples of Denderah, Edfou, and Philse, erected after the conquest of Egypt by the Greeks, but they all resemble those of the Theban dynasty in general style, whilst that at Esneh is a good example of the results of Roman influence. Very great is the contrast to Egyptian architecture pre- sented by the Asiatic buildings that have been preserved to the present day. In the former stone was the usual material employed, and the mode of construction was as a general rule that known as the post and lintel, whilst in the latter brick was almost exclusively used, and the arch was a distinctive feature. The so-called Babylonian or Chaldean, Assyrian, and Persian styles resemble each other so greatly that they may justly be said to belong to one type, evolved by the inhabitants of the extensive region watered by the Euphrates 10 ARCHITECTURE and Tigris, who like the Egyptians attained to a very advanced civiUsation at a remote period. Of the temples not a single one has been preserved, but the remains have recently been excavated, in the mounds on the site of Babylon, of four that consisted of numerous chambers enclosing a large court with towered gateways, whilst at Assur another has been uncovered of a somewhat similar design. To atone for the lack of temples many Asiatic palaces have been to some extent reconstructed, the most remarkable being those unearthed near the villages of Nimrod, Khorsabad, and Koyunjik, all supposed to be relics of Nineveh. They originally consisted of lofty many-roomed structures raised on high platforms, and entered from arched gateways flanked by colossal winged bulls of stone. The brick walls were encased in alabaster slabs carved with figure subjects in low relief, some of which are in the British Museum, and galleries, rising from columns with capitals that foreshadowed Terrace Wall at Khorsabad Greek forms, admitted air and light freely. The Palace of Nebuchadnezzar has also recently been identified, and must when uninjured have been an immense castle-like pile with a vast number of courts and halls to which a paved way led up. Tombs and palaces are the chief relics of Persian architec- ture. Many of the former, notably that near Murghab, sup- posed to have been the sepulchre of Cjtus, resemble Greek temples in general style, whilst others are rock-cut and recall the Mastabas of Egypt. Of the palaces those at Persepolis were the most remarkable, for in them Persian architecture reached its fullest development. Their ruins, that rise from a platform some forty feet high hewn out of the surface of the living rock, to which long flights of steps led up, consist of vast columned halls entered from detached porticoes known as propylsea. When intact the largest of these halls, named after Xerxes, must have exceeded in size the cathedrals of Canterbury or Winchester. Other noteworthy relics of early Asiatic architecture are the EGYPTIAN, ASIATIC, AND EARLY AMERICAN 1 1 tombs of Lycia, Phrygia, and Lydia. The first named— of which the so-called tomb of the Harpies now in the British Museum is a typical example — are all either cut in the living rock or carved out of detached masses of stone, in either case recalling in their general appearance the log-huts of pre- historic times. More ornate than those of Lycia, the Phrygian Restored Section of Hall of Xerxes sepulchral monuments, of which the grave of Midas at Doganlu Js the finest, are also rock hewn, but their shape and decora- tion are more suggestive of the tent than the wooden dwelling, whilst those in Lydia are comparatively primitive, being in some cases, notably in the Tumulus of Tantalus on the Gulf of Smyrna, mere masses of stone heaped up above a huge mound. The most ancient examples of Indian archi- tecture are the Stambhas or Lats, the earliest dating from the time of Asoka (272-236 B.C.), that are pillars bearing inscriptions and sur- mounted by a symbolic animal such as an - elephant or a lion, of which there is a good specimen at Allahabad, and the Stupas or Topes, mounds encased in masonry, crowned by a reliquary containing memorials of Buddha or of his chief disciples, and enclosed within a stone railing elaborately carved with scenes from the life of the founder of Buddhism, with an even more ornate gateway at each of the four corners, of which the finest is the larger of two at Sanchi in Central India. Even more interesting than the Lats and Stupas are the Viharas or Buddhist monasteries, of which there is a specially good example at Nigope near Behar, and the Chaityas or temples, of which those at Karli, Ellora, Ajunta, and Elephanta are amongst the finest. All alike hewn out of the living rock, the former consist of a square central hall with or without columns, Capital of lAt 12 ARCHITECTURE surrounded by cells for the monks, whilst the latter, of more complicated design, resemble in general plan a Roman basilica. A wide nave with rows of massive pillars upholding a slightly domed roof is flanked by lateral aisles, and at the eastern end Section of Cave at Karli rises a semicircular sanctuary containing a seated figure of Buddha. Out of the Buddhist religion grew that known as the Jaina, and many fine temples, of which the most remarkable are that at Sadri and the Dilwana Temple on Mount Abu, remain that were erected for the use of its professors. It was usual to group a number on some hill-top, and the plan of each was View of Temple at Sadri generally that of a Greek cross, a columned portico giving access to a complex collection of shrines, each approached by avenues of pillars and roofed in with a separate dome, whilst the exterior was adorned with rounded towers finished off with pointed finials suggestive of a spire, the whole both inside and out being richly decorated with carvings. Hindu architecture, or that of those who hold the Brahmanic faith, differs very greatly from Buddhist, its chief characteristic GREEK ARCHITECTURE 13 being a lofty pyramidal tower of several stories, as a general rule covered with ornament, that reached its fullest develop- ment in the so-called pagodas, of which there are fine specimens at Jaggernaut, Mahavellipore, and Palitana. In different parts of India various modifications of this general style occur to which distinctive names have been given, but the same spirit may be said to pervade them all, from the great Temples of Bhuvaneswar, Tanjore, Bundaban, and elsewhere, to the humbler shrines scattered throughout the length and breadth of the vast continent and of its island dependencies. There is nothing very distinctive about the architecture of China or Japan. The Buddhist temples in both countries recall those of India, but the pagodas, most of which are of wood faced with porcelain tiles, differ slightly in having a curved roof to each story. The palaces of China are impressive on account of their vast extent and the use of copper in their construction, but the domestic buildings of Japan are all of comparatively small size. In America as in Asia are many deeply interesting architec- tural relics of the civilisation of the early inhabitants, of which the most remarkable are the ruins of Cyclopean buildings on the shores of Lake Tatiaca, the remains of the ancient city of Ouzco, all in Peru, and the Teocallis or temples and Palaces of the kings in Mexico, Yucatan, and Guatemala, none of which however call for description here as they did not influence the architecture of the future in their own or any other country. CHAPTER II GREEK ARCHITECTURE In their architecture as in their sculpture the Greeks gave eloquent expression to the exquisite feeling for symmetry of form which was one of their most distinctive characteristics. Architects and masons were in close touch with the people for whom they built, no social barriers, so far as the arts and crafts were concerned, divided class from class, citizens, aliens, and even slaves vying with each other in their zeal to produce the best work possible. The finest buildings of ancient Greece and its dependencies entirely fulfilled the conditions of true architecture, for they were beautiful alike in design and execution, admirably adapted to the purpose for which they were erected, and in complete harmony with their surroundings. Moreover they are of 14 ARCHITECTURE exceptional importance in the history of the evolution of the art on account of the influence they exercised on that of other countries, all their distinctive features having been either copied or modified in those of the rest of Europe. The Greeks, though they were doubtless acquainted with the arch, the dome, and the tower, refrained as a general rule from using them, probably because they considered them unsuitable to the topographical and climatic conditions that prevailed in their native land. They achieved their highest results by means of correctness of proportion and dignity of outline, giving far more attention to the ex- terior than to the interior of their buildings, and in this respect diflfering greatly from the Egyptians, who endeavoured to impress the spectator chiefly by the vast extent and mas- siveness of their temples and palaces. Recent discoveries on the site of Knossos in Crete of the remains of a many-roomed' palace, and elsewhere in the same island of circular stone tombs, all of which betray strong Oriental : : : ] • • • m Plan of Greek Temple Doric Capital influence, confirm the opinion of archaeologists that it was in the islands of the uEgina Sea that the first works of architecture properly so called were erected in Europe. On the mainland of Greece, notably at Mycenee and Tiryns, exists relics of many GREEK ARCHITECTURE 15 ^ ? buildings, including at the former the noble Lion Gate that gave access to the Acropolis, and at the latter the residence of a chieftain, which maintain the continuity between the earliest and the latest phase of Greek archi- tecture, and may justly be said to presage the triumphs of the Golden Age. From first to last Hellenic architecture was characterised by unity of purpose, its grandest forms being essentially the same in general principle as its earliest efi'orts, the mud walls with timber pillars upholding a flat wooden roof, having been gradually transformed into stately colonnaded structures in costly mate- rials, that to this day remain absolutely un- rivalled in their exquisite beauty of proportion and the close correlation of every detail with each other and the whole. The grand temples of Greece were built either of stone or of marble. As a general rule they are set on a platform to which a long flight of steps lead up, and are enclosed within an outer wall or a continuous colonnade. Their plan is extremely simple: a parallelogram, formed in some cases entirely of columns, in others with walls at the side and columns at the ends only, encloses a second and considerably smaller pillared space known as the cella or naos, that enshrined the image of the god to whom the building was dedicated, and was entered from a pronaos or porch, and with a posticum or back space behind it, sometimes supplemented by a kind of second cella called the opisthodomus or back temple. The front columns at either end are spanned by horizontal beams that uphold a sloping gable called a pediment, the flat, three-cornered surface of which is generally adorn- ed with sculpture in bas-relief, and along the side-columns is placed what is known as the en- tablature, that consists of three parts, the architrave resting on the capitals of the columns, the Portion of a Doric Entablature frieze above it, and the cornice, the Column from the Parthenon 16 ARCHITECTURE last of which sustains the flat roof, usually covered with tiles or marble copies of tiles. Greek architecture is generally divided into three groups or orders: the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian, each of which, The Parthenon though the buildings belonging to them resemble each other in general plan, is distinguished by certain peculiarities of the columns and entablatures. The Doric was the earliest to be employed, but the Ionic, that early succeeded it, was long Metx)pe from the Parthenon used simultaneously with it, sometimes even in the same building, whilst the Corinthian did not come into use until considerably later. In the Doric order the column has no separate base, but rises direct from the top step of the platform on which the GREEK ARCHITECTURE 17 building it belongs to stands. It is of massive form and has what is known as an entasis or slightly convex surface, it is Portion of Frieze of Parthenon generally fluted, that is to say, cut into parallel perpendicular channels, several rings called annulets connecting it with the capital, which consists of an — ^ — echinus or rounded moulding and an abacus or unrounded slab resting on the echinus. The Doric entablature is equally simple, the architrave being perfectly plain, whilst the frieze is adorned with triglyphs or three upright projections with grooves be- tween them, set at equal dis- tances from each other, the spaces separating them,known as metopes, being as a rule enriched with fine sculptures of figure subjects. The frieze is connected with the cornice by narrow bands called mu- tules resting on the triglyphs and metopes, and the cornice itself has a plain lower band known as the corona, surmounted by more or less decorated courses of stone or marble. . Portion of Frieze of Parthenon 18 ARCHITECTURE Ionic Capital The Ionic and Corinthian orders are alike characterised by lightness and grace rather than massiveness and simplicity. In both, the columns, instead of rising direct from the platform, have a complex base consisting of a number of circular mould- ings one above another, the fluted shafts are comparatively slim and tapering, and the channels in them are divided by spaces called fillets. In the Ionic order the flat abacus of the Doric capital is replaced by two coiled volutes projecting beyond the echinus on either side, and the horizontal portion between the volutes is surmounted by finely carved loaf mouldings. The Corinthian order is specially distinguished by the ornate decoration of the capitals, that represent calicos of flowers and leaves, chiefly those of the acanthus, arranged so as to point upwards and curve out- wards in much the same style as they do in nature. The architrave in both the Ionic and the Corinthian orders consists of plain slabs, but the frieze — which is not divided as in Doric buildings into triglyphs and metopes — is in nearly every case enriched with a series of beautiful figure subjects, and is there- fore known as the Zoophorus or figure-bearer. Among the most ancient remains of sacred Greek architecture are those of the Herseon or Sanctuary of the Goddess Hera at Olympia ; of the temple that preceded the Parthenon at Athens ; and of those at Assos in Asia Minor, Selinus in Sicily, and Corcyra in Corfu, the last a very typical example of archaic Doric, with a pediment in which are primitive sculptures of a gorgon flanked by lions. Of somewhat later date are the ruined temples at Girgenti, Syracuse, and Segesta, all in Sicily, the last the best preserved of all ; the group at Psestum in Southern Italy, of which that of Neptune is the finest, the pediments having been originally filled in with beautifully executed sculptured figures. The Temple of Athene in the ionic Column island of ^gina marks the transition from the extreme severity of early Doric to the more ornate buildings of the Golden Age of Greek architecture, its decorative sculptures being of exquisite design and execution. The Temple of Jupiter at Athens, begun in the Doric style by GREEK ARCHITECTURE 19 Pisistratus about 540 b.c. and not completed until about 174 B.C., has Corinthian capitals on some of its columns, and the Temple of Theseus, of uncertain date, in the same city, that consists entirely of white marble, ranks, in spite of its severe simplicity, even with that of Neptune at Psestum on account of its fine proportions and the admirable finish of every detail. It was in the Parthenon, or Temple of the Virgin Goddess of Wisdom, at Athens, that the Doric style found its highest !UJUUUUIJUUUUJ^JU<^ \rjy^yL\yjyjy^yjyjy.^^ 7—7 Ionic Entablature from the Erecthenm expression, for in it wore combined the massive grandeur of the archaic period with the refinements of construction, decora- tion, and lighting of a more scientific but not less aesthetic age. It occupies the site of an earlier building, the relics of which are referred to above, that was destroyed by Xerxes, and it rises from the summit of the lofty rock of the Acropolis that dominated the ancient city. It was built, it is supposed, by the famous architects Ictinus and Callicrates about 440 B.C., under the enlightened ruler Pericles, and its decorative sculp- tures, some of which are now in the British Museum, were the work of Phidias and his pupils, and, mutilated though they 20 ARCHITECTURE are, they still rank amongst the greatest masterpieces of plastic art. Before the Parthenon, after being long used as a Christian church, was reduced to ruins by the explosion of a shell, when in 1687 it was desecrated by being converted into a powder magazine by the Turks during their struggle with the Venetians, it must have been one of the very noblest buildings in the world, forming with other sanctuaries and secular buildings on the world-famous hill a spectacle of surpassing grandeur, the pride and glory of the whole Greek world. The Parthenon was 228 feet long by 101 broad, and 64 feet high; the porticoes at each end had a double row of eight columns ; the sculptures in the pediments were in full relief, representing in the eastern the Birth of Athene, and in the Acanthus Ornament Corinthian Capital western the Struggle between that goddess and Poseidon, whilst those on the metopes, some of which are supposed to be from the hand of Alcamenes, the contemporary and rival of Phidias, rendered scenes from battles between the Gods and Giants, the Greeks and the Amazons, and the Centaurs and Lapithge. Of somewhat later date than the Parthenon and resembling it in general style, though it is very considerably smaller, is the Theseum or Temple of Theseus on the plain on the north-west of the Acropolis, and at Bassse in Arcadia is a Doric building, dedicated to Apollo Epicurius and designed by Ictinus, that has the peculiarity of facing north and south instead of, as was usual, east and west. Scarcely less beautiful than the Parthenon itself is the grand GREEK ARCHITECTURE 21 triple portico known as the Propylsea that gives access to it on the western side. It was designed about 430 by Mnesicles, and in it the Doric and Ionic styles are admirably combined, whilst in the Erectheum, sacred to the memory of Erechtheus, a hero of Attica, the Ionic order is seen at its best, so delicate is the carving of the capitals of its columns. It has moreover the rare and distinctive feature of what is known as a caryatid porch, that is to say, one in which the en- tablature is upheld by caryatides or statues representing female figures. Other good examples of the Ionic style are the small Temple of Nike Apteros, or the Wingless Victory, situated not far from the Propylaea and the Parthenon of Athens, the more important Temple of Apollo at Branchidse near Miletus, originally of most imposing dimensions, and that of Artemis at Ephesus, of which however only a few fragments remain in situ. Of the sacred buildings of Greece in which the Corinthian order was employed there exist, with the exception of the Temple of Jupiter at Athens already re- ferred to, but a few scattered remains, such as the columns from Epidaurus now in the Athens Museum, that formed part of a circlet of Corinthian pillars within a Doric colonnade. In the Temple of Athena Alea at Tegea, designed by Scopas in 394, how- ever, the transition from the Ionic to the Corinthian style is very clearly illustrated, and in the circular Monument of Lysicrates, erected in 334 B.C. to commemorate the triumph of that hero's troop in the choric dances in honour of Dionysos, and the Tower of the Winds, both at Athens, the Corinthian style is seen at its best. In addition to the temples described above, some remains of tombs, notably that of the huge Mausoleum at Halicarnassus in memory of King Mausolus, who died in 353 B.C., and several theatres, including that of Dionysos at Athens, with a well- preserved one of larger size at Epidaurus, bear witness to the general prevalence of Doric features in funereal monuments and secular buildings, but of the palaces and humbler dwelling- houses in the three Greek styles, of which there must have been many fine examples, no trace remains. There is however Corinthian Column from Monument of Lysicrates 22 ARCHITECTURE no doubt that the Corinthian style was very constantly em- ployed after the power of the great republics had been broken, 1 Corinthian Entablaturo from Monument of Lysicrates and the Oriental taste for lavish decoration replaced the leva for austere simplicity of the virile people of Greece and its dependencies. CHAPTER III ROMAN ARCHITECTURE After the Qolden Age of Greek architecture properly so called was over, a kind of aftermath prevailed for some little time in the peninsula and the outlying colonies of Greece, to be suc- ceeded by a transition time to which the name of the Hellenistic has been given, during which is supposed to have been inaugu- rated the use of the arch and the vaults which were in course of time to revolutionise the art of building. It has long been customary to give to the Etruscans, an Asiatic people who in very early times occupied a considerable ROMAN ARCHITECTURE 23 portion of Italy, the credit of the first introduction of the arch in Western Europe. It is however now more generally believed that the Roman style of building was an offshoot of the Hellen- istic, in which the dome was certaiidy employed, though no exist in (j^ examples of its use can be quoted. The city of Alexandria, founded about 332 B.a by Alexander the Great, is known to have had four principal colonnaded streets leading from a four-arched central buildiui^, and many are of opinion that much of the town was built over arched cisterns. The dome may possibly have been in the first instance introduced into weetem Europe as a cover for the hot baths in which the wealthy delighted, and its form was probably the same as that of the one preserved at Pompeii. The famous arched drain at Rome, known as the Cloaca Maxima, so constantly referred to as the greatest masterpiece of the Etruscans was not, it has now been proved, built until after their subjugation Romao Barrel Ysolt and extinction as a nation. For all that they were without doabt most skilful architects and engineers ; the walls of their cities were of oydopean masonry and were entered from arched gateway!, a good example of which ia to be seen at Vol terra, constructed of wedge-shaped stones fixed without cement. Their rock-cut toml^, such as those at Cometo, Vulci, and Chiusi, are divided into many chambers, the walls adorned with paintings, the roof upheld by columns, and the facades re- sembling those of Egyptian temples, whilst the tumuli in which they sometimes buned their dead are surmounted by pyramids of earth resting on stone foundations. From whatever source Roman architects got their inspira- tion, they very soon absorbed all external influences and stamped the buildings they erected with a character of their own. From the first sun-dried bricks, sometimes combined with stone, were the chief materials used, even the grander structures of the best period such as the huge palaces and halls were of plastered brickwork, stone having been as a 24 ARCHITECTURE general rule reserved for such works as temples, theatres, and triumphal arches. Concrete was also largely employed, and timber in many cases was turned to account for roofiiig. The most distinctive peculiarity of the architecture of the Romans is the vaulted roof, which they employed in an infinite variety of ways, introducing it at every possible opportunity. The simplest form, known as the waggon or barrel vault, is a semicircular arch spanning two walls, whilst a more elaborate contrivance consists of two intersecting vaults of the same height crossing each other at right angles, which was used in Rome as early as 75 B.C. These two forms were sometimes supplemented by what are distinguished as conches or half-domes over external semicircular recesses, of which the apse is a characteristic example. With the aid of these three varieties of vaulting, that were occasionally combined with consummate skill, the Intersecting Vaulting Romans were able to roof in large or small circular spaces, and in some few cases, as in the Baths of Caracalla at Rome, they even to a certain extent anticipated the clever contrivance known as the pendentive, a triangular piece of vaulting spring- ing from the corners of a right-angled enclosure, that was later brought to such perfection in Byzantine architecture. With their wonderful system of vaulting the Romans com- bined the columnation and entablature of the Greeks, intro- ducing innovations however that were in many cases anything but improvements. Thus they sometimes supplemented the foliage of the Corinthian capital with the volutes of the Ionic ; whilst what is known as the Tuscan style is really merely a modification of the Doric, and is wanting in the simple dignity that characterised the latter, the metopes being adorned with sculptures very inferior to the beautiful figure subjects of the Parthenon and other Greek temples. Roman architects were in fact rather skilful engineers and adapters of the aesthetic ROMAN ARCHITECTURE 25 conceptions of others than original designers of new forms of beauty, but they were unrivalled in their power of harmoniously co-ordinating in a single building an infinite variety of struc- tural features. They were moreover exceptionally successful in the laying out of cities, as proved by the wonderful groups of buildings in the fora or public squares in which courts of justice and markets were held, of the capital and other cities, and by the fine continuous vistas of their streets, in which irregularities were masked by clever contrivances, adding greatly to the symmetry of the general effect. Temples, basilicas, baths, bridges, aqueducts, triumphal arches, palaces, and private houses were all set in the environment most Pont du Gard, Nlmes suitable to them, and even tombs were ranged according to a definite plan, not, as in most modern cemeteries, dotted here and there in an arbitrary manner. The earliest Roman works of architecture were of a purely utilitarian character, and in addition to the Cloaca Maxima already mentioned the most noteworthy still in existence are the bridges over the Tiber, the aqueducts of the Campagna outside Rome, and the so-called Pont du Gard at Nimes, France. The most ancient temples greatly resemble those of Greece, and amonsfst them may be named as specially typical those of Fortuna Virilis and of Antoninus and Faustina, both now in use as churches, and that of Venus and Kome, all in the capital, that of Diana at Nimes known as the Maison Carree, and that of the Sun at Baalbec. Of later date are the beautiful circular ARCHITECTURE temples, of which the grandest example is the Pantheon of Rome, built under Hadrian about a.d. 117, in which Roman architecture reached its noblest development. The colonnaded porch with entablature and pediment, that detracts so much from the external effect of this magnificent building, did not originally belong to it, but formed the entrance of a temple built by Agrippa more than a century before, and was added to the Rotunda after the completion of the latter. The internal diameter of the Pantheon is 142 feet 6 inches, and its height at the apex of the dome is the same ; its walls are 20 feet thick, and its concrete dome is adorned with deeply recessed panels or coffers and has a single circular opening at the crown through which alone light is admitted. The floor is of marble ; bronze pilasters flank doorways of the same metal, the oldest existing speci- mens of their kind, and it is supposed that when first completed the whole of the out- side was cased in white and the inside in coloured marbles. Other circular temples of Roman origin, but on a much smaller scale than the Pantheon, are the Temple of Vesta and that in the Forum Boarium, Rome, the latter much injured and spoiled by a modern roof quite out of character with it ; the one at Tivoli near the capital, known as that of the Sybils, still beautiful in spite of the loss of much of its entablature and many of its columns; the Temple of Jupiter at Spalato with a domed roof upheld by columns ; and that at Baalbec, which has the distinctive feature of a curved instead of a perfectly flat entablature. A very special interest attaches to the Roman basilica on account of its having so long been supposed to have been the type on which the earliest Christian churches were built. Basilicas were used as courts of justice and exchanges, more rarely as market-places, and the most ancient are said to have been merely square spaces, enclosed within rows of columns open to the air, that were however soon succeeded by walled buildings roofed with timber or with vaults of concrete sup- ported on massive piers of stone. In them a raised semicircular space at the eastern end was divided off by columns known as cancelli for the use of the magistrate and his lectors, and between Section of Pantheon ROMAN ARCHITECTURE 27 it and the main body of the liall, wMch was divided by columns into a navo and aisles, rose tlie altar on which sacrifice was offered up before any business of importance was entered upon, A good example of an early Roman basilica is that called the Ulpian in the Forum of Trajan, Rome, dating from a.d.98, which is said to have had a flat roof and double aisles, the latter surmounted by galleries, whilst that of Maxentius and Constan- tine, the ruins of which are known as the Temple of Peace, also in the capital, of considerably later date, A.D. 31 ii, had a groined central roof and barrel-vaulted side aisles. It was in their Therm» or Baths rather than in their RomaD Doric Column and Entablature Roman Ionic Column and Entablature Roman Corinthian Column and En- tablature Temples and Basilicas that the Roman architects achieved their greatest triumphs. These were vast complex structures fitted up with every conceivable luxury for the use of Imthers, with a large hall artificially heated and known as t)ie tepidarium, open colonnaded courts, and many subsidiary buildings including gymnasia, debating rooms, &c They combined simple grandeur of structure with rich internal decoration. The most ancient Thermae in Rome, of which extensive ron.ains still exist, were those of Caracalla, erected in a.d. 217, already referred to in connection with the earliest use of the contrivance which foreshadowed the pendentive. Rising from a lofty platform, the noble tepidarium was roofed in by three fine intersecting vaults. 28 ARCHITECTURE and its walls were cased iv marble. With their supplementary buildings the baths covered a space some 110 yards square, and beneath them were many vaulted rooms for the attendants on the bathers. Amongst their ruins were found the master- pieces of sculpture known as the Farnese Hercules and the Farnese Bull, but when they were first placed there, there is no evidence to prove. Larger and more imposing in appearance even than the Baths of Caracalla were those of Diocletian, that were capable of accommodating more than 3000 bathers and were built about A.D. 303. The grand hall or tepidariumand the barrel-vaulted Temple of Vesta, Rome entrance portico were most successfully converted in the sixteenth century into the church of S. Maria degli Angeli by Michael Angelo, and one of two circular structures that flanked the encircling wall was later consecrated under the name of S. Bernardo, and is still used as a place of worship. Next in importance to the Thermae rank the Amphitheatres of the Roman Empire, in which gladiatorial contests and other trials of skill took place, and without which no town however small was considered complete. Though their detail was almost exclusively borrowed from the Greeks — tiers of arches resting on columns and surmounted by an entablature rising one above the other — their architects managed to impress on them a distinctive character of their own. Finest of all still existing examples is the Flavian Amphitheatre, generally known as the ROMAN ARCHITECTURE 29 Coliseum at Rome, which occupies the site of the famous Golden House of Nero, and was completed about A.D. 70. It is of elliptical plan, measures some G12 by 515 feet, and was from 160 to 180 feet high. It was capable of containing some 80,000 spectators, and was for a long period the chief meeting- place of the Roman citizens. The exterior is four stories high and consists of a series of three rows of arches, the lowest with Doric, the second with Ionic, and the third with Corinthian capitals, the last surmounted by a row of Corinthian pilasters, forming a fourth story, which is supposed to have been originally of wood and to have been rebuilt in stone considerably later. The groups of seats, which, with the central arena they commanded, were protected from the weather by a moveable awning called the velarium, corresponded with the exterior stories, and to each tier a staircase led up, wide vaulted corridors connecting the various entrances with each other, running round the entire building, the whole producing a most harmonious and pleasing effect. At Verona, Capria, Pola, and Pezzuoli in Italy, at Syracuse in Sicily, and at Aries and Nimes in France are remains of import- ant Roman amphitheatres, and of the rarer theatres used for dramatic entertainments must be named the two well-preserved examples at Pompeii, the ruins of the Odeion of Herodes Atticus at Athens, and most ancient of all, the remains of the so-culled Theatre of Marcellus at Rome now incorporated with the Orsinii Palace, all which appear to have resembled the Coliseum to a great extent in their general style and decora- tion. Of the vast and imposing palaces built or added to by successive Roman emperors, that included audience chambers, basilicas, stadia for athletic games, galleries, state dining- halls, baths, and many suites of apartments for various purposes, there exist unfortunately but a few remains. Nero's Golden House, several of the ruins of which were excavated in the 16th century, and inspired Raphael with some of the decora- tive details of the loggia of the Vatican, is said to have covered more than a mile of ground, and at one time the whole of the Palatine Hill was occupied by stately edifices, with the Palace of Autjustus in the centre and those of Tiberius, Caligula, Nero, Domitian, and Septimius Severus, who greatly added to and modified the work of his predecessors, grouped about them, but all that can now be fully identified are some of the ground plans with a few of the minor details of structure. To atone for this however, much of the Palace oi Diocletian at Spalato in Dalmatia, to which that emperor withdrew after his abdica- tion in A.D. 305, which originally formed a small town in itself, 30 ARCHITECTURE is still to a great extent intact, including a temple now used as a cathedral, a gallery 520 feet long by 24 wide, and a few of the covered arcades that originally connected its various parts. What is left of the so-called Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli near Rome proves that it too was of vast extent, with a great variety of buildings, different suites of rooms having been occupied according to the seasons, and at Pompeii and Herculaneum, thanks to the remarkable preservation of many of the houses in them, notably that named after Pansa, the domestic archi- tecture of the private citizens of the great Roman Empire, of which picturesque arcaded courts were a noteworthy feature, can be well studied, as well as that of the temples, triumphal arches, public baths, &c., all of which greatly resembled those of the Capital. Whether the Romans were or were not the first people of Arch of Titus at Rome Western Europe to use the arch, they certainly took a very great delight in it, setting up ornately decorated examples of it at the entrances to their towns, their fora, and their bridges, as well as in commeriioration of great victories in war and of the completion of civic enterprises. Most remarkable of those still standing in Rome are the Arch of Titus of one spaii only, erected in memory of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Emperor after whom it is named ; the triple-span arch of Septimius Severus, and the smaller one of Constantine. Though they were rather triumphs of ensfineering skill than works of architecture properly so called, the fine stone built aqueducts such as those in the Campagna of Rome and at Nimes must be mentioned here on account of ^ the aesthetic effect of the long rows of lofty arches, and a few words must also be said of the Pillars of Victory, of which that of Trajan at Rome is the EARLY CHRISTIAN ARCHITECTURE 31 most notablo still extant, adorned as it is with a spiral of finely sculptured bas-reliefs. In the early days of the Roman power it was customary to cremate the dead, the ashes being preserved in urns that were ranged in cells known as Columbaria, generally hewn in the living rock. As time went on, however, the Egyptian mode of sepulchre was adopted. Bodies were embalmed and laid in stone or marble coffins which were placed in the basements of tombs of two or more stories, surmounted by round towers with pointed or circular roofs. Of these complex resting- places of the dead the finest now in existence is the Mole or Mausoleum of Hadrian, known as the Castle of S. Angelo, at Rome, which is some SCK) feet high and was originally encased in marble. No burial was allowed within the walls of a Roman city, but the approaches were generally lined with tombs as at Rome, at .Pompeii, and elsewhere, most of them, though on a smaller scale, of a similar plan to that of Hadrian. CHAPTER IV EARLY CHRISTIAN ARCHITECTURE It was in the low, gloomy, dimly lighted subterranean galleries known as catacombs, hewn in the Tivijjg rock near Rome, that Christian architecture may be said to have had its first crude beginnings. The passages in the walls of which the graves of the dead were hollowed out, widened at intervals into spacious Vc-ulted halls, where the persecuted followers of the crucified Redeemer met in secret for worship or to take part in the funeral services for those they had lost. It was long taken for granted that it was not until the first issue in A. D. 313 of the Edict of Milan by Constantino, Emperor of the West, and Licinius, Emperor of the East, that the pro- fessors of the new faith ventured to erect above ground build- ings for the exercise of the rites of their religion, but recent discoveries prove that Christian churches were built as early as the 3rd century in many parts of the Roman empire. To quote but two cases in point, relics of a circular one with a small apse at the eastern end have been found at Antepellius in Asia Minor, and of one of the basilican type at Silchester in England. Moreover, heathen temples were occasionally con- verted into churches, whilst basilicas were sometimes used for Christian services just as they were. Some few early Christian churches were possibly modelled on 32 ARCHITECTURE classic tombs such as those referred to in the chapter on Roman architecture, but the more usual form was the basilican, the altar having been placed on the raised platform within the semicircular apse at the eastern end, the bishops and clergy occupying the seats assigned in halls of justice to the prsetor and his assessors, whilst the congregation met in the nave and aisles. Ere long, however, to this general plan was added the distinctive feature of transepts or transverse passages running across the entrance to the apse, thus giving to the whole ■#--1- : NARTHEIX ; Plan of a Basilica building the form of a cross. Later structural changes were the erection of an arch above the altar, the heightening of the nave, the connecting of the columns between the nave and aisles by arches instead of horizontal architraves, the intro- duction of windows, to which the collective name of the cleres- tory or the clear-story was given, in the semicircular heads of the arches and more rarely into the upper part of the low external walls of the aisles, the apse, which was gradually lengthened eastwards, being left comparatively dark, the only light proceeding from the main body of the church. Simul- taneously with or in some cases earlier than these alterations, EARLY CHRISTIAN ARCHITECTURE 33 a portico known as the narthex was added at the western end, extending across the whole width of the nave and aisles, for the use of those, such as catechumens or penitents, who were not privileged to enter the church itself. The narthex in its turn was sut within an atrium or outer colonnaded court, in the centre of which was a fountain, used by worshippers for ablu- tions before entering the consecrated building. A minor characteristic of early Christian churches was the richness of the internal decoration, mosaics that is to say, patterns or pictures made of many coloured pieces of glass or stone, combined in certain examples with marble carvings and gilding, adorned the vaulting, the wall, and even the floor, a kind of mosaic known as the optLS alexandrinum being generaUy used for the last, the whole producing a very gorgeous but harmonious eff'ect. One of the most interesting existing early Christian churches, that remains very much what it was when first completed, is that of the Nativity at Bethlehem, built in a.d. 327 by the Empress Helena when on her quest for the True Cross, with the Convent to which it originally belonged, that was de- stroyed by the Turks in 1236 and later restored by the Crusaders. The Church of the Nativity rises above a natural cave now converted into a crypt or vaulted subterranean chamber. It is of cruciform plan, and though its unpretending exterior is of brick, the interior has four rows of massive stone pillars dividing the nave from the aisles, which as well as the choir at the eastern end have semicircular apses. Contemporary with this humble building, that is closely associated with all the most sacred memories of the early Church, were the vast basilican places of worship erected at Rome by Constantino and his immediate successors, which have unfortunately been either destroyed or so much modified as to retain little of their distinctive character. The Cathedral of S. Peter occupies the site of one of them, which had five aisles, a nave 80 feet wide, a comparatively small apse, and a noble atrium ; the Church of S. Giovanni in Laterano retains but a few details of its predecessor of the same name, but that of S. Paolo fuori le Mura or St. Paul without the walls, built by Theodosius in 386, is supposed to be a true copy, so far as structure is concerned, of the grand basilica destroyed by fire in 1823. It has a nave 280 feet long by 78 wide, and the whole building is 400 feet in length by 200 wide. A noble arch spans the intersection of the transepts, and lofty columns with richly carved capitals divide the nave from the aisles and the latter, of which there are five, from each other, "but the roof is only a flat wooden one, the external walls are want- C 34 ARCHITECTURE ing m dignity and solidity, whilst the height, 100 feet only, is quite out of proportion with the otherwise noble dimensions. Another very fine early basilican church in Rome is that of S. Maria Maggiore, occupying the site of a 5th century build- ing, some of the marble columns of which with Ionic capitals have been incorporated in the later structure. The Churches of S. Agnese and S. Lorenzo are also of basilican plan, and have both the somewhat rare feature of galleries over the aisles. The former is but little altered since its erection/ whilst the latter has gone through a long series of vicissitudes. It was founded in the 4th century and greatly added to in the 5th by Sixtus III, who joined a second church on to it, so that it had an apse at each end. Both these apses, with the walls between the earlier and the later buildings, were pulled down in the 13th century by order of Pope Honorius III, who had the earlier church converted into a choir and the later into a nave, with very satisfactory results. Even more interesting than S. Lorenzo is S. Clemente, Rome, that consists of two buildings of widely separated dates one above another, the lower, which now serves as a crypt, supposed to have been built at the beginning of the 6th century, the upper not until 1108. Both are of the same general plan as the other basilican churches de- scribed, with certain differences in minor details, including in the more modern por- tion a low marble screen dividing the choir and altar from the nave. To many of these early churches fine cloisters, that is to say, arcaded colonnades encircling the outer walls, were added, those that once enclosed the ancient basilica of S. Paola fuori le Mura being among the finest still preserved, that may be said to have anticipated the beautiful ambulatories of later monastic and collegiate build- ings. In other cities of the Roman empire are many noteworthy early basilican churches, including S. Apollinare Nuovo .within and S. Apollinare in Olasse without the walls of Ravenna, the cathedral of Torcello, that is connected by a narthex with the later S. Fosca, in which the transition from the Roman to the Byzantine style is shadowed forth, and the cathedrals of Parenzo and Grade in Istria, the former retaining almost intact its EARLY CHRISTIAN ARCHITECTURE 35 beautiful colonnaded atrium, the latter chiefly remarkable for its fine mosaic pavement. In addition to the early churches of basilican plan are a few of circular form, such as that at Rome enshrining the tomb of S. Constanza, the daughter of Constantino, dating from about A.D. 354, which has a domed roof and vaulted aisles, the 5th century church of S. Stefano Rotondo in the same town, the latter, though greatly modified in detail, still preserving its two concentric ranges of columns, S. Vitale at Ravenna, and S. George at Salonika, that has a circular nave but an oblong chancel and apse, whilst the 6th-century tomb of Theodoric is typical of the use of a similar plan in sepulchral monuments. In the first centuries of the Christian era it was customary for the ceremony of baptism to be performed in buildings known as baptisteries, apart from, but close to, cathedrals and import- ant parish churches. These buildings were as a general rule of circular or octagonal plan with a tank in the centre of the in- terior, of size sufficient for the total immersion of candidates. The earliest and also one of the finest existing examples is the Baptistery of Constantino that rises close to S. Giovanni in Laterano, Rome, and is two stories high, with a central domed roof of timber and flat-coilinged aisles, the massive porphyry columns dividing them from the space set apart for the cere- mony of baptism, being surmounted by slender pilasters. Another fine early Baptistery is that at Nocera, which resembles that of Constantino in general plan and style. The Christians of Egyptian descent, to whom the name of Copts has been given, evolved a style of building that com- bined with oriental traditions certain details of western archi- tecture. They were very early familiar with the dome, and employed it in churches of a basilican ground-plan even before it was adopted in the Roman Empire. Moreover, certain of the barrel vaults and arches in Coptic places of worship were pointed, so that the most distinctive characteristic of Gothic architecture may be said to have been to some extent antici- pated. Except for the effective feature of the dome the exteriors of these buildings were plain and unpretending, but the interiors were in many cases lavishly decorated with marble mosaics. Other peculiarities were the division of the eastern extremity into three semicircular or square recesses, each con- taining an altar, the use of an elaborately carved screen shut- ting off the choir or chancel from the nave and aisles, and the introduction of galleries above the latter for the use of the women of the congregation. Specially noteworthy examples of Coptic architecture are the two churches in Upper Egypt known as the White and 36 ARCHITECTURE Red Convents, the former supposed by some authorities to be even older than the church of the Nativity of Bethlehem, the Cth century church of Dair-as-Suriani in the Desert, and the 8th century S. Sergius or Abu Sargah at Cairo, whilst in the oasis of El Bagawat have recently been excavated a large number of sepulchral chapels, dating probably from the 5th century, many of which have domed cupolas greatly resembling in structure those of considerably later Byzantine buildings. In Syria, as well as in Egypt, are many very interesting early Christian churches, including the vast complex 5th century building at Kalat Seman dedicated to S. Simeon Stylites, which has four basilicas, each with an apse, grouped about a central octagon ; the 6th century church at Sergiopolis ; and the smaller contemporaneous ones at Qalb Lorzeh and Roueiha ; all of which, though they resemble in general plan the basilicas of Rome, have certain details that appear to shadow forth the characteristics of the Romanesque style, notably in the first the cruciform bays dividing the nave from the aisles, in the second, the use of the lobed arch, and in it and the Roueiha building the grouping of the clerestory windows. Asia Minor is also rich in examples of early Christian archi- tecture, of which one of the most remarkable is the 5th century S. Demetrius at Salonika, of basilican plan with transepts at the eastern end, nave arcades resembling those of S. Clemente, Rome, and galleries above the aisles, such as those of the Coptic places of worship quoted above. With it must be named the 6th century church in the same city, now used as a mosque, under the name of Eski Djuma, and the con- siderably later churches at Bin Bir Kilissi that have only recently been explored and are of basilican plan with barrel- vaulted roofing. CHAPTER V BYZANTINE AND SARACENIC ARCHITECTURE The term Byzantine has been given to the style of architecture which was the outcome of the fusion of the best building tradi- tions of the East and of the West, the former contributing the distinctive structural feature of the dome, with the minor details of richness of colouring and lavishness of decoration, the latter dignified symmetry of proportion and scientific solidity of con- struction. It was in Byzantium, when in 330 the first Christian Emperor BYZANTINE AND SARACENIC 37 chose it as his headquarters, and its name was changed in his honour to Constantinople, that the union which was to be so prolific of results took place. Unfortunately however none of the churches erected under the auspices of Constantino in the new capital have been preserved, the sole relic of his reign, so far as architecture is concerned, being the foundations of the apse of a church, now replaced by a considerably later building, in which he had the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem enclosed. The oldest existing church in Constantinople is a basilica of the Roman type dating from 463, with nothing distinctive of the new style about it, but there is historical evidence that the noble S. Sophia, in which that style reached its fullest develop- .^ .^^W ^W\ "l i^^ •^mJa^^^''^^-^ Vi\, ^^^fjf ThC — k^ III ^JSBLj^aiL^-vjf'ji SMyijij iiiiii pj 4 , , J h' tSSk — ^^- -"■ r::.-^ S. SophU, ConsUntinople ment, was preceded in Constantinople by other grand buildings of a similar type, including one dedicated to the Holy Apostlos which was cruciform in plan and had five domes. The m os^ distinctive peculiarity o f Byzantine architecture is the roQfii4flUQYer ot Bonarcl siMM^p^ with tKe'^ of the pyndentiye. a clever expedient already explained, that was carried to great perfection by the builders of Constantinople and those who elsewhere followed their example. Previously employed in comparatively small structures, it now became the fundamental principle for the roofing over of spaces of a great variety of extent, groups of domes and semi-domes, in many cases supple- mented by tapering towers rising with imposing effect from massive outer walls. The long aisles and uave of the Roman and early Chriatiun basilicas were replaced by a more or less square 38 ARCHITECTURE glan, lofty piers spanned by arches upholding the central cupola^ wKilst the galleries above the aisles rested on slender columns such as were also employed to rail off the sanctuary and narthex from the main body of the building. The whole of the interior, which was lighted from windows in the dome, was most pro- fusely decorated, the walls having dados or slabs of dififerent coloured marbles supplemented by mosaics, with which every portion of the domes, semi-domes, and pendentives were also covered, whilst the columns, in many cases of variegated marble, had beautifully carved capitals of an infinite variety of design. It is customary to divide the history of the development of Byzantine architecture into two distinct periods, the first ex- tending from the 4th to the close of the 6th century, the second from the 8th to the 13th century, there having been a pause between them during which no buildings of any importance were erected owing to the wars which convulsed alike the East and the West. As already stated, no actual buildings belonging to the earlier portion of the first period remain, but there exist in S. Vitale at Ravenna and still more in S. Sophia at Constantinople unique examples of the golden age of Byzantine architecture, the inspiring influence of which was felt throughout the whole of Europe and the greater part of Asia. The former church, begun about, 526, is of octagonal plan, each division, except that containing the choir, with an apse of its own, and though the interior has been greatly spoiled by restoration, the general effect of the vaulted roofing, marble casing of the walls, and mosaics of the eastern end is extremely fine. San Vitale is, however, altogether excelled by the world- famous S. Sophia, now the chief mosque of Constantinople, which occupies the site of a basilica built under Constantine, that was burnt down early in the reign of Justinian. The latter emperor at once ordered the erection of its successor, appointing as architects Anthemios of Thralles and Isodoros of Miletus, Begun in 532 and completed in 537, S. Sophia is of very simple yet most dignified external appearance, so symmetrical is the grouping of its many domes and semi-domes, whilst the interior, though it has none of the rich colouring usual in oriental buildings, is unsurpassed in the harmony of its struc- tural details, all of which lead up, as it were, to the huge central dome, the lower portion of which is pierced with a series of small windows throwing a flood of light upon the vast circular space below. The general plan is square, but a fine narthex consisting of two spacious halls one above the other projects fllightly beyond the actual church at the western end. The BYZANTINE AND SARACENIC 39 nave, which is lOG feet wide by 225 long, has a semicircular apse with small recesses opening out of it at either end, and is separated from the aisles by rows of closely set columns with ornate capitals, spanned by arches upholding two-storied arcaded galleries, roofed in by semi-domes, except at the northern and southern ends, which have walls with nimierous small windows. One large western window illuminates the nave, and there is also a double circle of lights round the apse, the galleries, and the narthex. Other interesting early Byzantine buildings are the Baptis- tery at Kalat-Seman and the church of S. George at Ezra, both in Syria, each of which is of square plan with an octagonal central space, the latter having the comparatively unusual feature of a dome upheld by what is known as a drum, that is to say a low vertical wall instead of pcndentives. The church of S. Sergius at Constantinople, contemporaneous with S. Sophia, is specially noteworthy on account of the introduction in it of a classic entablature, combined with distinctive Byzantine features, with which may be named the much-restored S. Lorenzo at Milan and the church of the Virgin at Misitra, the ancient Sparta. To the second period of Byzantine Architecture belong not only several fine buildings in Constantinople, but others in Greece, Asia Minor, the North of Italy, and elsewhere, all of which, though they have the leading structural features of the style, are distinguished by certain minor local characteristics. The most noteworthy in the capital are the now secularised church of S. Irene, founded by Constantine and rebuilt con- siderably later, and the church of the Chora monastery, specially remarkable for it« beautiful mosaics, whilst in Greece the Churches of S. Nicodemus at Athens and that of Daphni not far from it, with the two monastic churches at Stiris and the churches of S. Sophia and S. Elias, at Salonika, are all thoroughly Byzantine, bearing a close resemblance to each other. They are all, however, excelled by the great Cathedral of S. Marco at Venice, which rivals even S. Sophia in the exquisite beauty of the interior and excels it in the ornate richness of the exterior. Founded early in the 9th century, S. Marco was partially de- stroyed in 978 and rebuilt soon afterwards in the original style, that of a basilica without transepts, but in the second half of the nth century it was completely transformed by addi- tions converting it into a cruciform building, roofed over by five domes of the same size, and with five arcaded porches at the western end that form one of the grandest fa9ades in the world. Numerous columns of many covered marbles uphold 40 ARCHITECTURE graceful arches, the spandrels, or triangular spaces between themj&lled in with gleaming mosaics, and above them rise other arches that contrast well with tapering towers supported on slender pilasters to which the domes beyond form an admirable background. Within the church to which this magnificent nar- thex gives entrance, an infinite variety of harmonious details combine to produce an entrancing effect: one charming vista succeeding another, the whole flooded with light from a vast number of windows, there being no less than eighty in the domes alone. Mosaics of difterent dates and greatly varying aesthetic merit completely clothe the surfaces of the vaulting, the capitals of the columns — many of which, by the way, are purely decorative, upholding no arches — are elaborately carved, and the flooring is of marble, slabs of considerable size being set in patterns of tesserae. In the various countries which fell under the influence of the followers of Mahommed a style of architecture was evolved that had marked affinities with the Byzantine, the first mosques having been designed, it is supposed, by Christian architects of Oriental origin, who retained the square or circular ground-plan of early churches, though they modified the in- terior to suit the requirements of the new religion, introducing, for instance, a central tank for ablutions. Mosques intended for worship only, generally had flat roofs, the use of the dome being at first distinctive of a burial place, but as it very soon became usual to inter in mosques, the dome came to be quoted as a distinctive feature of them. By degrees simple unadorned mosques were replaced by vast buildings with many arcaded courts entered from ornate lateral doorways, whilst certain characteristic features were introduced, of which the chief were the stalactite vaulting, the name of which explains itself, the horse-shoe arch, and the minaret, the last named a turret of several stories gradually decreasing in circumference, each with a balcony of its own from which the mueddin calls the faithful to prayer. Pointed arches were also constantly employed as well as the form known as cusped, that is to say one with a triangular projection springing from the inner curve. A minor but most significant characteristic of Saracenic architec- ture is the elaborate surface decoration in which geometrical designs, letters, &c., are interwoven with consummate skill, but in which no figures of animals are ever introduced, the repre* sentation of life being strictly forbidden by the Koran. Although Arabia was the birthplace of the founder of Islam, there are few Saracenic buildings of importance in it. The so-called great Mosque at Mecca, which has been a goal of pilgrimage from all points of the Mahommedan world for so BYZANTINE AND SARACENIC 41 many centuries, has been since its foundation completely rebuilt, not assuming its present form until the middle of the 16th century. It has little that can be called architectural style about it, consisting as it does of an arcaded enclosure in the centre of which is the Kaaba, a heathen shrine that existed long before the time of Mohammed, the whole surrounded by a wall with several gateways and minarets. In Jerusalem various characteristic buildings bear witness to the prevalence of the Mahommedan faith in the Uoly City of the Christians, including the 7th century Mosque el Aksah, originally a Christian church transformed into what it Section of Mosque el Aksah at Jerusalem now is by Calif Omar, and the 8th century shrine erroneously named after him, also known as the Dome of the Rock, both of which rise from the site of the Jewish Temple. The latter is of octagonal plan, and, though its details are of a some- what hybrid character, many of the columns having been filched from other buildings, whilst the decorations of the great dome and of the exterior were added in the 16th century, is of very singular charm on account of the symmetry of its proportions and the richness of its colouring, the walls being cased in Persian tiles and the windows filled with stained glass. It appears to have been in Egypt that Saracenic architecture, strictly so-called, first attained to the structural dignity and appropriateness of ornamentation that were to distinguish 42 ARCHITECTURE it in Persia, Spain, and India. In the 7th century Mosque of Amru and that of Ibn Touloun, dating from the 9th cen- tury, both at Cairo, the earlier phases of the style can be studied, whilst the later development is illustrated in the same city by the 13th century Mosque of Kalaoon, the 14th century Mosque of Sultan Hassan, that has the rare feature in a Mahommedan building of a cruciform plan, the contemporaneous Mosque of Sultin Barkook, and the small 15th century Mosque of Kait-Bey, the last specially noteworthy on account of its beautiful internal decoration and its graceful minaret. In Persia the finest mosques are the 13th century one at Tabrez known as the Blue, and that at Ispahan dating from the 16th century, which has a grand dome and noble gate- ways with pointed arches, whilst at Serbistan, Firanzabad, Ukheithar, Kasir-i-Shirin, and elsewhere in the same country are remains of palaces and other secular buildings, ranging in date from the 4th to the 9th century, that give proof of great structural and decorative skill on the part of the architects who worked for the fire-worshippers, who, though they required no temples in which to worship their gods, lavished vast sums on their own homes. Beautiful as are the relics of Saracenic architecture in Egypt, Syria, and Persia, they are excelled by many remarkable buildings in Spain, where, after the conquest of the country by the Moors in the 8th century, the style reached its fullest development. The most remarkable examples of it are the Mosque at Cordova, begun in 786 by Abd-el-Rahman and added to from time to time by his successors, with the result that it affords an excellent illustration of the modification of details that took place as time went on ; the 12th century Giralda or Tower at Seville, noteworthy for its fine proportions and effective surface decoration, the 13th century Alcazar or castle in the same town, and above all the Palace of the Alhambra, that dominates Granada from a lofty height above the city, which was begun in 1248 by the Moorish King, Ibn-1- Ahmar and added to by his successors. Of the original buildings that, when first completed, must have been one of the grandest and most finely situated groups in the world, all that now remain are the towers of the north wall, in one of which is the vast hall of the Ambassadors, and various colonnaded rooms and porticoes ranged round two spacious courts, one called that of the Fishpond, the other that of the Lions. The delicate grace of the columns and arches, with the richness of their de- coration and of every inch of surface, has never been surpassed either in beauty of design or harmony of colour, whilst the BYZANTINE AND SARACENIC 43 effects of perspective from the doorways and other points of view are equally unrivalled. No sint^le detail is superfluous or without its special meaning in relation to the whole, and even what to the uninitiated appear mere geometrical designs on the walls, lintels, &c., are quotations from the Koran and classic Arabic poetry. When through the breaking up of the power of the Moors in Spain, the architecture introduced by them seemed fated to share their decline, a kind of revival of it took place in Con- stantinople through the conquest of that city by the Turks in 1453. Unfortunately however the style made no real progress Section of Moaque at Cordoba there, the mosques and other buildings erected by the new owners being rather Byzantine than Saracenic, even that known as the Suleimanyeh, built between 1550-1556, and the Ahmediyeh, dating from 1608-1614, greatly resembling St. Sophia. In India the mosques and palaces erected by the Mahommodan conquerors and their successors are even more beautiful and impressive than the Buddhist and Hindu buildings described in the section on Asiatic architecture. Their distinctive cliar- acteristics, as in Egypt, Persia, and Spain, are the skilful com- bination of the dome, the arch and the minaret, and the lavish surface decoration of the interior, with certain other peculiari- ties that were the outcome of local tradition. More attention was given, for instance, to external appearance, huge recessed 44 ARCHITECTURE gateways and colonnaded cloisters surmounted by rows of purely decorative domes on pilasters, being of frequent occurrence. At the same time, stalactite vaulting was rarely employed, whilst horizontal courses of corbels or arches in which each stone projects slightly beyond that on which it rests, were used as supports for the domes instead of pendentives. Among the most noteworthy still-existing examples of Indo- Saracenic architecture are the early 15th century Jumna Musjid or Great Mosque at Ahmedabad, that has certain details recalling Hindu post and lintel structures ; the late 15th century Adinah mosque at Gaur, which has 385 domes ; the 16th century Jumna Musjid at Bijapur, that has the Section of Taj Mahal, Agra singular feature of a central space covered in by a dome upheld by intersecting arches, set in a number of squares with flat roofs ; the Mosque built by Akbar in the second half of the 16th century at Futtehpore Sikhri, the gateways of which are specially characteristic ; and the remarkable build- ings at Delhi and Agra, erected in the 17th century under the enlightened Shah Jehan, including in the former citj^ the Jumna Musjid and the fortified palace, and in the latter the Moti Musjid or Pearl Mosque, and the Taj Mahal, both exceptionally beautiful, in which the Saracenic style may justly be said to have reached its culmination, nothing that can be compared with them having been since produced either in India or elsewhere. The Taj Mahal, built by the Emperor as a tomb for himself and his favourite wife, is indeed of dream- like and ethereal charm, with its well-proportioned domes and ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE 45 minarets, cased, as is the rest of the exterior, in white marble, and its interior enriched with mosaics of precious stones. CHAPTER VI ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE Tfie term Romanesque is given to the period between the beginning of the 9th and the middle of the 12th century, but there was no real break in the continuity of the evolution of Christian architecture in Europe from the time when that Simple IiitcnectiDg Vanlting art first freed itself from Pagan influence till it reached its noblest development in the Gothic style. From first to last the keynote of structure was the use of the arch for vaulting and for the spanning of piers and columns, and its form is, as a general rule, indicative of the phase of development to which it belongs. Although, however, it may be said that the semicircular arch is characteristic of Romanesque buildings, the lintel is occasionally used simul- taneously with it in interiors, and the chief entrances are in many cases spanned by horizontal beams or courses of stone that are, however, as a general rule surmounted by arches. Moreover in late Romanesque work the pointed arch is now and then introduced shadowing forth the approaching change. 46 ARCHITECTURE It was not in the invention of new forms of vaulting but in the adaptation and improvement of those already in existence that Romanesque architects chiefly displayed their skill. The earliest Romanesque vaults were simple intersect- ing arches similar to those which had long been in use, but as time went on these were superseded by what is known as ribbed vaulting ; that is to say by roofs divided into bays by a framework of diagonal ribs supporting fillings in of thin stone called severes, which in their turn gradually developed into the complex and ornate system of Gothic vaulting. To counteract the thrust of arched and ribbed vaulting the device of buttresses was hit upon. These buttresses consisted at first of a series of supports introduced beneath the roof of the aisles and extending from the back of the nave to the aisle Ribbed Vaulting ilibbed Vaulting wall, which were later supplemented by the external buttresses known as flying, that were to be so distinctive a feature of Gothic architecture. Other characteristics of Romanesque architecture are the slenderness of the columns as compared with those of earlier buildings, the disuse of classic capitals, and the substitution for them of what is known as the basket form, that is to say, semicircular mouldings enclosing floral designs, later replaced by a great variety of forms, such as flowers, leaves, human and animals* heads. The grouping of columns in clusters also came into use, the general tendency being towards the produc- tion of an effect of grace and lightness rather than of strength and solidity. Arched cornices were introduced to relieve the monotony of the walls above the pillars of the nave, whilst an even more marked change took place in the windows, which, though small and few in early Renaissance buildings, gradually increased in number, in size, and in the beauty of their tracery. At the eastern end of churches several windows were in some cases grouped together, divided only by slender pilasters, and ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE 47 above the western entrance large circular windows known as the rose or wheel— according to certain peculiarities of their tracery— were introduced, whilst the walls were pierced by rows of complex windows, each with a number of different lights. In Romanesque churches the beautiful colonnaded narthex of the early Christian basilica is replaced in Northern and occasionally in Southern Italy by a projectmg, and elsewhere by a simple, porch ; but to make up for the loss of what was a very eflfective feature, the whole of the western fa9ade, including the recessed doorway giving access to the nave, is Clustered Column Buttress Buttress generally most richly decorated with sculpture and carving, figures in niches, grotesque animal forms of symbolic meaning, with floral and geometrical designs of great variety and beauty adorning every portion. On either side of the west front of many Romanesque build- ings, more rarely also from the point of junction of the transepts and nave, rise lofty square or octagonal towers, the earlier with flat, the later with more or less steeply pitched roofs, that gradually developed into the tapering spires so character- istic of the Gothic style. Occasionally the eastern apse is flanked by a turret or small tower, and in some cases, chiefly in Italy, a detached and lofty tower known as a Campanile 48 ARCHITECTURE or Bell Tower — though it only rarely contains bells, being some- times merely a secular monument — rises close to the church or at a little distance from it, but connected with it by a cloister. In S. Ambrogio, Milan, begun in the 9th and completed in the 12th century, the gradual change from the early Christian to the Romanesque style as developed in Italy can be studied. It has a nave of basilican type, a nai thex surmounted by a gallery, a pediment- like gable at the western end, an oc- tagonal cupola roofing over the eastern apse, with a circle of windows flooding the choir with light, a triforium or arcaded storey above the aisles, and most characteristic of all, an open ex- ternal arcaded gallery, admitting air and light beneath the roof of the apse, such as was to become so effective a decorative feature of later buildings, and in some cases to be extended along the aisles and above the chief entrance. S. Michele, Pavia, is a typical and very beautiful example of the Romanesque style of the twelfth century, specially note- Rose Window Example of Arched Cornice worthy features being its cruciform plan, its two-storied aisles, and its external gallery with clustered pilasters; and the contemporary S. Zeno, Verona, though it has no triforium and is not vaulted, has noble clustered piers from which sprang arches — only one of which remains — spanning the nave, alternat- ing with single columns. ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE 49 Other fine Romanesque buildings in Italy are the Cathedral of Verona, which has a fine two-storied porch ; the Cathedral of Novara, specially noteworthy for its beautiful atrium ; S. Miniato, Florence, that is of basilican plan, and, though it is without transepts, has the distinctive Romanesque feature of transverse arches upheld by clustered piers spanning the nave and aisles ; S. Antonio, Piacenza, with transepts at the western instead of the eastern end, fine intersecting vaults roofing in the whole building, and a tower rising from the junction of the nave and transepts ; and the Cathedral of Pisa, the last a complex building with vaulted aisles, a dome above the inter- section of the transepts and nave, a flat roof over the latter, and a lofty triforium gallery running round the entire church, the general effect being most pleasing and harmonious. Close to the cathedral are the 12th century circular Baptistery, that has considerably later additions, and the famous Leaning Tower, the three buildings forming one of the finest archi- tectural groups in the world. Certain very marked characteristics distinguish the buildings of Sicily from those of contemporary date on the mainland of Italy, the Romanesque style, as is very clearly seen in the Cathedral of Monreale, having been there considerably modified alike by Saracenic and Norman influences. The pointed arcli was adopted long before it came into use elsewhere in Europe, having been, it is suggested, a modification of the horse-shoo form so characteristic of Moorish mosques. In France, Romanesque ecclesiastical architecture followed, in the main, the same lines as in Italy, with, in many cases, one notable addition, that of the chevet, a circlet of chapels round the eastern apse, which gradually grew out of what was known as an ambulatory, that is to say, a space in which perambulation was possible, obtained by the extension of the aisles behind the choir. In early examples of the ambulatory the circle was con- tinuous, as in the church of S. Saturnin, Auvergne, but as time went on, small somi-circuLir chapels were introduced, with windows between them, that gradually developed into the chevet, the chapels increasing in number and in size, and in some cases extending westwards along the aisles. The churches and cathedrals of Southern France difl^er in several respects from those of the North, the a,isleless basilica plan with barrel, intersecting, or domed vaulting being of fre- ([uent occurrence in the former, whilst in the latter the beauti- ful arcaded aisles and steeply pitched roof presage the approach of the Gothic style with its pointed arches, groined roofs, flying buttresses, and tapering pinnacles. The five-domed S. Front in Perigueux, though it has rudi- D 50 ARCHITECTURE meiitary aisles only, is a good example of an early French Romanesque building, in which Oriental influence is very per- ceptible, it being in some of its features a copy of S. Marco, Venice, whilst in the later Cathedral of Angouleme of cruciform plan with apsidal chapels, that of Le Puy with a triple entrance porch, the church of S. Hilaire, Poitiers, with its irregular domes, the uncompleted S. Ours, Loche, with its pyramidal octagonal spires, S. Saturnin, Toulouse, with its central many- storied tapering tower, the 12th century churches of Vezelay and Avallon ; the cathedral and church of La Trinite at Angers, both combining pointed arches with domed vaulting, the gradual development of the southern branch of French Romanesque architecture can be very clearly studied. In many of the noble churches and cathedrals of Northern France and elsewhere the Romanesque may justly be said to have melted into the Gothic style, some of them combin- ing as they do the most beautiful features of both. To the cost of their erection ecclesiastics and laymen alike contributed with eager zeal, and amongst the architects and craftsmen employed on them, class and professional rivalry were merged in one common enthusiasm to promote the glory of God, all desire for individual distinction being merged in an unselfish ambition to aid in producing a building worthy of His worship. In Normandy was inaugurated the phase of Romanesque architecture which was to develop on such noble lines in England, the chief distinctions of which are the massiveness oi the walls and pillars, the great length of the nave, the richness of the decoration alike of the shafts and capitals of the columns and of the round-headed arches they uphold. Very notable examples are the Abbaye aux Hommes, the Abbaye aux Dames, and the Church of S. Nicholas, all at Caen, the first with circular arched vaulting and western towers ending in spires, the second with a Gothic roof of intersecting pointed arches, the third with three apses, each with a steeply pitched roof, a porch with three arcades at the western end, and a low gabled tower rising from the point of intersection of the nave and transepts, the three buildings illustrating well the transition from the simple basilica to the complex Gothic structure. With them may be named the Abbey of Jumidges, of which unfortunately but a few relics remain, which had beautiful clustered piers alternating with single columns upholding semicircular lateral arches, a flat roofed nave, and vaulted aisles. Other fine Romanesque churches of Northern France, all of which differ somewhat in general appearance from those of Normandy, are the Cathedrals of Noyon and Soissons, the church of S. Pierre at Lisieux, all of which combine pointed with ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE 51 semicircular arches, and above all the Cathedral of Le Mans, which has a very characteristic Romanesque nave flanked by round-headed arches and roofed over with an equally character- istic groined Gothic vault, whilst the choir, added in the early 13th century, is encircled by a beautiful chovet, the exterior of which with its many buttresses and pinnacles presents a most impressive appearance. One of the finest Romanesque buildings in Europe is the Cathedral of Tournai, Belgium, which has a flat-roofed nave of exceptional length, picturesque lateral storied galleries, a central tower with a lofty spire, and two supplementary towers, also with spires, flanking the northern and southern apses. Elsewhere m Belgium are several flat-roofed churches of basilican plan, some with ambulatories in the French style but no apsidal chapels. In Spain, on the other hand, the chevet is rarely absent from ecclesiastical buildings, whilst a distinctive local feature is a low central dome or tower known as the cimborio, which is in many cases scarcely more than a swelling of the roof at the point of intersection of nave and transept. Germany is especially rich in Romanesque churches, which, like those of Belgium, are of basilican plan with flat roofs. In the Cathedral of Trier can be studied the gradual growth of the Teutonic form of the Romanesque style, for it was origin- ally an early Christian Church of the Roman type, which was converted into one of a more distinctive style in the 11th century by additions, including a western apse, whilst the noble vaulting of the nave dates from the 12th and the choir from the 13th century. As time went on the multiplication of apses became characteristic of German churches, it being usual to add one at the western end, and more rarely also on the northern and southern sides, the beautiful tapering columns dividing them from the aisles, with the small chapels beyond them, producing very fine effects of perspective. Other peculi- arities of German Romanesque buildings are their great neight and the noble proportions of the interiors, with the finely balanced grouping of the cupolas, towers, and turrets of the exterior ; to which must be added the absence of the great Western doorway that lends such distinction to French, Italian, and Belgian churches. Very fine examples of the style in Germany are the churches of S. Maria in Capitolo Cologne, S. Quirin in Neuss, and the cathedrals of Nuremberg and Bamberg, but it was in those of Speier, Mainz, and Worms that it achieved its greatest triumphs. The first, it is true, has no western apse, but this is atoned for by a fine narthex, and in the other two the western extension is as conspicuous as the eastern. Dignified simplicity and 52 ARCHITECTURE sense of space are the chief characteristics of all three buildings, massive columns upholding the arcading flanking the naves,; whilst the walls of the aisles are unbroken by triforia, the piers at Speier and Worms being carried right up to the clerestory- windows, whilst at Mainz two arches are placed one above the other, the vaulting of the nave springing from the upper tier. CHAPTER VII ANGLO-SAXON AND ANGLO-NORMAN ARCHITECTURE Example of Saxon Arcading In Great Britain, even more than on the Continent, the archi- tecture of the past reflects national character, its distinctive peculiarities having been the outcome of local conditions difi'er- ing widely from those that obtained elsewhere, which largely modified the styles introduced from without. On the arrival of the Romans in the first century of the Christian era, there were, with the exception of the monoliths on Salisbury plain known as Stonehenge and other prehistoric relics, the origin of which has never yet been dis- covered, no buildings of greater pretension than mud huts or circular stone or wooden houses with a hole in the tapering roof through which air was admitted and smoke dispersed. The houses, palaces, and churches erected by the invaders were, as proved by the remains at Silchester, Wroxeter, and elsewhere, of the type of those of Imperial Rome, and on them many British masons were em- ployed, who thus acquired a knowledge of the principles of construction that stood their successors in good stead. Those successors, however, showed no desire to per- petuate the style introduced by the con- querors, and when« the latter withdrew in the 5th century the buildings they left behind them were allowed to fall into rapid decay. Very quickly too did most of the converts to Christianity relapse into heathenism, and although the lamp of faith was long kept burning in Ireland and in Scotland, no trace exists of the churches in which the little remnant of the followers of the Redeemer met for worship. Of those built later under the auspices of Saints Augustine, Paulinus, and other early bishops, Example of Saxon Arcading ANGLO-SAXON AND ANGLO-NORMAN 53 not one escaped destruction, but there is strong evidence to prove that they were of the basilican apsidal plan, that never took very deep root in England, but was in many cases ousted by the sanctuary with a square-shaped eastern extension. It is usual to give the term Anglo-Saxon to all relics of buildings in Great Britain, that can be proved to date from between the early 7th century and 1066, but Pre-Conquest would be more strictly accurate, Anglo-Saxon architects having contributed but little to the evolution of style, for they were wanting in initiative, rarely trying experiments with new features as was the constant custom of their Norman successors. To this, however, there was one brilliant exception in Bishop Wilfrid of Y^rk, who greatly improved the primitive church, built by King Edwin in the capital of his see, that was later destroyed by fire, and erected noble minsters at Hexham and Ripon, of which the fine crypts with massive pillars still remain beneath the considerably later buildings. In the south of England, too, there was considerable architectural ac- tivity in the 7th and 8th centuries, whilst in the 9th the return of King Egbert from his long exile at the Court of Charlemagne ap- pears to have led to the introduction in Wossex of the Oriental branch of the Roman- esque style to which the cathedral of Aix-la- Chapelle belongs. The chief characteristics of the so-called Anglo-Saxon style are the great height in comparison with the length and breadth of a building, a rectangular plan, massive square towers, un- adorned angular or semicircular arches, stunted clumsy-looking columns with roughly carved or plain capitals, long narrow round-headed deeply recessed windows, massive walls without internal decoration, with on the exterior a somewhat ornate surface ornamentation, combined with a series of peculiar clamps known as quoins at the angles of the walls, greatly strengthening the structure. There were no aisles or tran- septs in early Anglo-Saxon buildings, but the chancel was divided from the nave by an arch sometimes with and some- times without carving. It is supposed that most of the early Anglo-Saxon churches were built of wood, and at Greenstead in Essex an example remains of the mode in which such buildings were constructed, though the probability is that none of the original material remains. Of the stone buildings that succeeded those in the more perishable material a few only are still in existence, in- Tower of Sompting Church, Sussex 54 ARCHITECTURE eluding the Abbey Church of Deerhurst near Tewkesbury, the oldest consecrated building still in use in England, the Tower of Earl's Barton Church in Northamptonshire, parts of Bar- freston Church, Kent, that has a fine Norman doorway : Sompting Church, with the unusual feature of a gabled tower with a spire, and that of Worth, both in Sussex, the latter with rudimentary transepts and a semicircular apse, with which may be mentioned S. Lawrence at Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts, of somewhat uncertain but probably later date than any of these, for it has a square Eastern end and decorative arcad- ing on the upper portion of the walls, prophetic of coming changes. Certain portions of St. Martin's Church, Canterbury, notably a doorway in the chancel and parts of the foundations, are supposed to have belonged to a Saxon church of earlier date than the crypts of Hexham and Ripon already referred to, and which was preceded by an even more ancient building, one of the very first places of Christian worship erected in England. The so-called Pyx House in Westminster Abbey, a low narrow solemn-looking vaulted room with a row of massive pillars in the centre, and a single archway in the south transept, are all that are left of the noble sanctuary built under the direction of the last of the Saxon kings, but these relics, with a few conventual buildings, suffice to connect with Anglo-Saxon times a church that is perhaps more intimately associated than any other with the history of England from the close of the 11th to the middle of the IGth century, it having been added to under every successive occupant of the throne. The Anglo-Norman style, that succeeded the Saxon, prevailed in Great Britain from the conquest to the last decade of the 12th century, becoming at that time either merged in or super- sjdod by the earliest phase of the Gothic. Always most enthusiastic • builders, the Normans found in the land of their adoption fuller scope for their energies than in their own, and before they became absorbed in the race they had conquered, they left their impress throughout the length and breadth of their new domain, monasteries, cathedrals, and parish churches, castles, and dwelling houses rising up in every direction, all stamped with a most distinctive character, the result of the welding into one of Anglo-Saxon and Norman traditions, and the modification of a foreign style by local con- ditions of material and environment. In many cases somewhat crude and heavy, Norman work has yet always an imposing dignity, and is, as a general rule, admirably suited to the site it occupies and the purpose for which it is intended. The chief characteristics of Anglo-Norman ecclesiastical ANGLO-SAXON AND ANGLO-NORMAN 55 buildings aro a cruciform plan ; the £froat length in comparison with the breadth of the nave, which joins the choir without the Plan of Norman Church Norman Gapiul. White Tower, London liase and Ca])iUl of Nonnan Pillar Norman Capital intervention of a Bcroony such screens as are in titu being of much later date than the churches in which they are found ; Nurraan Arcading Norman Window Norman Arcading Norman Window Norman Window columns of greater girth and height than the Saxon type, some circular, others six or eight sided, the circular type occasionally clustered in groups of six or more, with roughly carved capitals 56 ARCHITECTURE of which the so-called cushion form is of most frequent occur- rence, upholding arches of wide span, massive walls, those of the nave with rows of purely ornamental arcading, beautifully proportioned triforia and clerestories ; long, narrow, round- headed windows, two or three being often grouped together ; deeply recessed and finely decorated doorways ; strong external Norman Window Norman Doorway buttresses ; twin western towers and a loftier central one rising from the intersection of nave and transepts. With certain notable exceptions referred to below, Norman churches have flat timber roofs, but those of the crj^pt beneath them are generally of groined stone with plain or only slightly ornamented ribs. Another very distinctive characteristic of the Norman style is the richness of the surface decoration of the interiors of cathedrals and churches, the bases, shafts, and capitals of the H. ^ . ,^ ^ p columns, the arches, headings of windows, mural ^''nilli-_ey Church of S. Ouen was built entirely in the 14th century, and, with its characteristic high-pitched roofs over each bay of the aisles, its lofty towers — those at the west end with tapering spires — its delicately sculptured portals, double tiers of flying buttresses, triple division of arcades, triforium, and clerestory in the nave, the number and beauty of its stained glass windows, its graceful clustered piers, that rise without a break from the ground to the springing of the vault, and its beautiful chevet, with its circlet of eleven chapels, is an epitome of all the most characteristic features of Gothic archi- tecture. The Church of St. Maclou in the same town is a fine gem of Flamboyant work, with its stilted arches, tapering spires and pinnacles, and lavish internal and external decoration, whilst in the Cathedral of Rouen can be recognised details of each of the three stages of French Gothic, combined with those of the later Renaissance. The western facade, laterel portals, toweri, spires, and fine rose windows are typically Flamboyant, and tne general view of the interior, with its long vista of nave and choir, its slightly pointed arcading, two tiers of which divide the nave from the aisles, and, above all, its simple but most effective vaulting, is essentially that of an early example of the pointed style, that of the Lady Chapel being especially efloctive. Good secular examples of the Gothic style in France are the Palais de Justice and Hotel de Bourgtheroulde, both at Rouen, the Chateau of Coucy near Liion, the Hotel de Cluny, Paris, the Chateau de Pierrefonds in Normandy, and, most character- istic of all, the House of Jacques Cceur at Bourges. It was, however, in Belgium that Gothic municipal and domestic archi- tecture reached its noblest development, the great halls of the towns being remarkable for their dignified and massive appearance, and, except in the Litest examples built after the decadence had set in, for the severe restraint of their ornamen- tation. Of rectangular plan, and several stories in height, with steeply pitched roofs, the gable ends adorned ^^ith many pinnacles, and the long sloping sides broken by dormer windows, contrasting with the rows of pointed-headed lights in the walls beneath, and lofty central tower of ornate design, these 68 ARCHITECTURE noble buildings, of which those at Ypres, Bruges, Brussels, Ghent, and Tournai are the best, are the chief pride of the cities to which they belong. They rival in the affections of the people even the cathedrals of contemporary date, although those of Antwerp, specially noteworthy for its seven aisles, Louvain, the nave and transepts of which, as already stated, are Romanesque, whilst the choir is a fine specimen of Early Gothic, Brussels, Ghent, Louvam, and Liege are all noble structures, resembling those of France in general plan, though most of them are shorter and of greater width. In Spain, as in France, Gothic architecture passed through three phases : the first, that prevailed in the second half of the 12th and the first of the 13th century, to a great extent the outcome of the Romanesque ; the second that succeeded it and lasted until the beginning of the 15th century, dis- tinguished by great dignity of structure and appropriate- ness of ornamentation ; the last, that prevailed until nearly the middle of the 16th century, corresponding to a great extent with French Flamboyant, though it lasted longer and was considerably modified by Moorish influence. To the first period of Gothic architecture in Spain belong the Cathedrals of Santiago de Compostella, of cruciform plan with a vaulted roof, semicircular headed arcades and windows, and an ornate western fa9ade recalling that of Chartres ; Zamora, Taragona, and the older of the two at Salamanca, the three last retaining the characteristic cimborio, or low dome, already referred to in connection with Romanesque work in Spain, rising from the intersection of nave and transepts, but of more complex structure than in earlier examples, the ribs of the vaulting being upheld by pendentives and the whole sur- mounted by a secondary dome of considerable height pierced with windows, and at Salamanca flanked by four circular towers. Unfortunately, in later Spanish ecclesiastical archi- tecture this beautiful feature was abandoned, and the Cathe- drals of Toledo, Leon, and Burgos are of the French type, with chevets, double aisles, clustered pillars upholding pointed arches, vaulted roofs, ornate decorative arcading, fine open triforia, and lofty clerestories. The exterior of that of Burgos is es- pecially ornate, with three pinnacled towers, tapering open- traceried spires rising from those at the western end. In the 14th century the cruciform plan, which had so long prevailed, was replaced in Spain by one without either aisles or transepts ; the buttresses that had previously been introduced outside the building to resist the thrust of the vaulting, were brought within the walls so as to make the nave one vast vaulted hall, flanked by lateral chapels as in the fine Cathedral of Gerona GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE IN EUROPE 69 and the Church of S. Maria del Pino at Barcelona. Later, how- ever, this comparatively simple mode of structure was super- seded by vast complicated buildings such as the Cathedral of Salamanca and that of Segovia, both dating from the 16th century, the vaulting of which is especially complicated, with very ornate ribs, whilst the towers closely resemble those of contemporaneous Moorish mosques. The Gothic style, that was alike alien to the Italian tempera- ment and unsuited to the Italian climate, never really took root in Italy, the soil of which was thoroughly impregnated with classic traditions. The horizontal cornice, so character- istic of Greek and Early Roman architecture is of frequent occurrence, the round arch was long retained in combination with pointed highly-pitched roofs, and spires are rare, whilst the beautiful groined vaulting, the flying buttresses, and the exquisite window-tracery, that lend so great a charm to the catnedrals and churches of France and England, are very seldom met with. There was no gradual evolution in Italy from Early to Late Gothic, and for this reason it is usual to treat Itahan buildings in the pointed style in three geographical instead of chronological groups, namely, the northern, central, and southern. To the first belongs the Cathedral of Milan, the largest Gothic building in Italy, the exterior of which is some- what spoiled by its over-decorated western facade, though the ett'ect of the long rows of lateral pinnacles, the numerous flying buttresses, the low conical dome and lofty spire is very fine. The interior, with its vast nave, double aisles, and complex apse, its lofty piers, with capitals consisting of life-sized figures iu niches, and its noble clerestory, presents an appearance of grandeur unequalled by any other Gothic church in Italy. The Certosa or Carthusian Monastery, the fa9ade of which is a century older than the rest of the building ; the Churches of S. Maria del Carmine and S. Michele, both at Pavia, the latter with a very typical campanile ; the Cathedral of Genoa ; the Churches of S. Anastasia and S. Zenone at Verona, are all good examples of Italian-Gothic, whilst amongst secular buildings in the same style in Northern Italy, the Ducal and other palaces at Venice, such as the so-callad Ca' d'Ora are remark- able for the beauty of their proportions, the efiectiveness of their window-grouping, and the general appropriateness and grace of their decorative details, especially of their balconies. In Central Italy the Cathedrals of Florence and Siena are specially typical, the former, with its dome of considerably later date than the rest of the building, contrasting with the Cam- panile or Bell Tower named after Giotto, the latter being noteworthy for the combination of a dome with pointed 70 ARCHITECTURE arcading and horizontal cornices, and the association on the west front of rounded with stilted arches, the last a peculiarity also of the cathedral at Orvieto, the facade of which is one of the most beautiful in Italy. The Gothic work of Southern Italy is far more florid than that of the rest of the peninsula, and this is equally true of that of Sicily. In the churches of both, as in the earlier Boman- Gsque buildings already noticed, Saracenic, Greek, and Roman influences are alike noticeable, especially in those of Naples and the Cathedrals of Palermo, Monreale, and Messina, the three last named combining the pointed arch destinctive of Gothic, with the elaborate surface decoration so characteristic of the Norman style. German architects did not adopt the pointed arch until considerably later than those of the south and west of Europe, but to atone for this they delighted in highly pitched roofs with stilted gables, and lofty towers, with pointed roofs and tapering spires. The exteriors of their buildings differ very greatly from the interiors, in which the round-headed windows and semicircular arches of the Romanesque style are retained, enriched, however, with beautiful and ornate carving. The term round-arched Gothic is therefore often applied to the earliest phase of the style in Germany, of which good examples are the Churches of the Holy Apostles, of S. Martin and S. Maria in Capitolo, all in Cologne, the Abbey Churches of Arnstein and Andernach and the Liebfrauenkirche at Treves, the last built on the foundations of a much earlier chapel. The second phase of Gothic architecture in Germany, in which the pointed arch was substituted for the semicircular, did not begin until the second half of the 13th century. To it belong the greater part of the Cathedral of Strasburg, which combines, with much beautiful Romanesque work, a typical Gothic fa9ade with a fine open tracery spire, a companion to which was designed but never erected. The Cathedral of Freiburg, with a graceful and ornate spire, the Church of S. Stephen at Vienna, with aisles almost as lofty as the nave, portions of the Church of S. Sebald, Nuremberg, the decorative sculpture of which is remarkably fine, and, above all, the Cathedral of Cologne, the noblest example of German Gothic, with an exceptionally symmetrical plan, which in spite of the fact that the building extended over more than a century, and that the west point was only completed in the 19th century, was not departed from, so that it remains a unique specimen of mediaeval design. It has a noble nave, double aisles, one of which is continued round the eastern apse and is divided into seven chapels, forming a picturesque chevet. Massive GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE IN EUROPE 71 towers with a tapering central spire and many pinnacles flank the western entrance, elaborately decorated buttresses break the long lines of the walls, and from the intersecting nave and transepts rises a slender but most effective spire. To the third period of Gothic architecture in Germany belong Ulm Cathedral, which has a nave of exceptional height ; Plan of Cologne Cathedral the unfinished Church of S. Barbara at KuUenberg, with a very picturesque chevet, the exterior of which is most lavishly decorated, and a steeply pitched roof of unusual height, with soaring towers and pinnacles; S. Catherine at Oppenheim, the over ornate complex decorative carvings of which are specially typical ; and the parish Church of Thaun, the western portal of which is remarkably fine. 72 ARCHITECTURE With these ecclesiastical buildings may be named the town halls of Liibeck, Brunswick, Miinster, and other German towns, which, though they are neither so beautiful or so characteristic as those of Belgium, are of noble and symmetrical proportions, whilst a word of recognition must also be given to the beautiful domestic architecture of Germany, especially that of Prague, Nuremberg, and Frankfort all rich in survivals of mediaeval times. CHAPTER IX GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE IN GREAT BRITAIN Gothic architecture in England and Scotland followed to some extent the same lines as in France,! with, however, certain notable differences that were the ^outcome of the national feeling which had begun to make itself felt as early as the close of the 11th century. Until then the Normans had remained a distinct and alien element in what appeared to Early English Lancet "Window Early English Window them a foreign land, but now they had become fused with the natives of that land, sharing their sesthetic as well as their political aspirations. The note of change was first sounded in the architecture of the now united races in a rebellion against the heavy massiveness of the Norman style, and a desire for a greater redundancy of what may be called structural decoration in place of extraneous surface ornamentation. The general proportions of buildings gradually became slenderer, the walls GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE IN GREAT BRITAIN 73 loftier, the windows longer, the piers and columns slighter, arid the arches more pointed, these peculiarities becoming more and more accentuated as time went on, till they culminated in the noble and exquisitely beautiful cathedrals and churches that vied even with the best of those of Northern France. It is usual to divide the development of English Gothic architecture into three periods : tJie^Earlx^JJ^lish, the Decor- ated, and the Perpendicul86 Roman, 2i)' ' ' Pantheon, 26 Parthenon, 19 Persian architecture, 9, 10 Peruvian architecture, 13 Pyramids, 7 Rayonnant Gothic style, 62, 67 Renaissance style British, 88 European, 83 French, 87 Italian, 83 Rococo style, 88 Roman architecture , 22 Romanesque style, 45 Roofing, arcuated and trabeated, vi S. Ambrogio, Milan, 48 S. Marco, Venice, 39 S. Paul's Cathedral, 91 S. Peter's Cathedral, Rome, 84 S. Sophia, Constantinople, 38 Saracenic architecture, 40 Stambhas, 11 Stupifes, 11 Taj Mahal, 44 Temples, Babylonian, 10 Egyptian, 8 Greek, 15, 18 Indian, 11 Tombs, Egyptian, 7 Greek, 21 Persian, 10 Topes, 11 Tudor style, 73, 76 Tuscan style, 24 Vaulting, Gothic, 61 Roman, 24 Romanesque, 45 Viharas, 11 Voussoirs, vi Westminster Abbey, 76, 78, 81 Wren, Sir Christopher, 90 12^3 Printed by Ballantyne, HANSON &> Co. at Paul's Work, Edinburgh THE PEOPLE'S BOOKS General Editor— H. C. O'NEILL "With the ' People's Books* in hand there should be nobody of averagre intellig^ence unable to secure self-education." — iiunday Times. NOW READY (February 1914) THE FIRST NINETY-SIX VOLUMES 1. The Foundations of Science 2. Embryology— The Beginnings of Life 3. Biology 4. Zoology : The Study of Animal Life 5. Botany ; The Modern Study of Plants 7. The Structure of the Earth 8. Evolution 10. Heredity 11. Inorganic Chemistry 12. Organic Chemistry 13. The Principles of Electricity 14. Radiation 15. 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