UC-NRLF FINDING LIST OF THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBBARY, EKiil I il ! ''' r ■ 'N. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY ( ^J THE CHICAGO-PUBLIC LIBRARY. November, 1901. FINDING LIST OF THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. EIGHTH EDITION. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY. NOYXMBKR, I9OI. INDEX TO HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. PAGE. Africa io8 Africa, South 109 Alabama 161 Regimental Histories 151 Alaska 161 America 112 Central 214 South 214 American Civil War 1 39 Regimental Histories 150 American Indians 117 American Revolution. 132 Ancient History 7 Arabia lOJ Arkansas x6i Regimental Histories. . 151 Asia loi Central 102 Asia Minor lOl Atlases, General Historical. 3 Australia and the Colonies 106 Austria 87 Austro- Prussian War (1866).. 86 Belgium 89 Biographical Dictionaries and Encyclo- paedias . 216 Biography, Collected. . 219 Individual 253 Boer War 109 Bohemia 87 Boston 183 Brazil 214 British-Boer War 109 Buenos Ayres 214 Bulgaria ... 95 California 161 Camden Society Publications 47 Canada, Dominion of 209 Central America 214 Central Asia 102 Chicago 168 Chili 214 China 107 437 PAGE. Chivalry and the Crusades 19 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain during Middle Ages 49 Chronology 3 Civil War in America 139 Collected Biography 219 Colorado 162 Regimental Histories 151 Connecticut 162 Regimental Histories 151 Crimean War 99 Crusades and Chivalry 19 Cuba 213 Dakota 164 Delaware 164 Regimental Histories 151 Denmark 100 Dictionaries, Biographical 216 District of Columbia 164 Dominion of Canada 209 Egypt no Encyclopaedias, Biographical 216 England — General Histories 26 Local Histories 42 Epitaphs 252 Europe 21 Family Histories 245 Farther India 103 Filibusters 214 Florida 164 France 62 Franco- Prussian War 77 French Revolution and First Empire 71 Genealogy and Heraldry 240 Georgia 165 Regimental Histories 151 Germany 80 Great Britain 26 Calendar of State Papers 46 Chronicles and Memorials of, during Middle Ages 49 Greece, Ancient 10 Modern 92 5 i i INDEX. PAGE. Harleian Society 51 Hawaii 112 Heraldry and Genealogy. . . .-: 240 Historical Atlases 3 History, Ancient 7 Modern ". 21 Philosophy and Study of I Universal 4 Holland 89 Holy Land loi Hungary 87 Illinois 165 County Atlases 168 County Histories 167 Regimental Histories 151 India and Farther India 103 Indian Mutiny 106 Indians, The (American) 117 Indiana I73 County Atlases 173 County Histories 173 Regimental Histories 152 Individual Biography 253 Inscriptions 252 Iowa 173 County Histories 174 Regimental Histories 152 Ireland 54 Italy 92 Jamaica 213 Japan 107 Java 112 Jews, The 16 Kansas I74 Regimental Histories 152 Kentucky I74 Regimental Histories 153 London 44 Louisiana 175 Regimental Histories '.-. . 153 Maine 176 Regimental Histories 153 Manx Society 52 Maryland 177 Regimental Histories 153 Massachusetts 177 Regimental Histories 153 Mexican War I39 Mexico 212 Michigan 185 County Histories 185 Regimental Histories IS4 PAGE. Middle Ages 20 Minnesota 186 County Histories 186 Regimental Histories 154 Mississippi 186 Missouri 186 County Histories 186 Regimental Histories 154 Modern History 21 Montana 187 Names 251 Nebraska 187 Netherlands, The 89 New England 187 New' Hampshire 190 Regimental Histories 155 New Jersey 191 Regimental Histories * 155 New Mexico 192 New South Wales 106 New York 192 County Histories 195 Regimental Histories 155 New York City 196 New Zealand 106 North Carolina 197 Regimental Histories 156 Norway 100 Oceanica 112 Ohio 197 County Histories 199 Regimental Histories 156 Oregon 199 Oxford Historical Society 52 Palestine loi Paraguay 214 Paris Commune ( 1871 ) ^^ Peninsular War .' 76 Pennsylvania 200 County Histories 201 Regimental Histories 157 Persia 102 Peru 214 Philadelphia 202 Philippine War .♦ 160 Philosophy of History i Poland 97 Polynesia 112 Portugal 90 Regimental Histories — American Civil War 150 Revolution, American 132 INDEX. PAGE. Revolution, French, and First Empire... 71 Rhode Island 203 Regimental Histories 158 Rome. Ancient / 12 Modern. See Italy. Roumania 95 Russia 97 Russo-Turkish War (1877-8) , 96 St. Domingo 213 Scandinavia 100 Scotland 60 South Africa 109 South America 214 South Carolina 203 Regimental Histories 158 Spain 90 Spanish-American War 160 Study of History I Surtecs Society Publication- 53 Sweden 100 Switzerland . 88 Syria ^ 101 Tennessee 204 Regimental Historiet 159 Texas 204 Regimental Histories . 159 PAGE. Transvaal 109 Turco-Russian War ( 1877-8) 96 Turkey 95 United States 123 Civil War 139 Regimental Histories 150 States and Local History 161 Universal History 4 Venezuela 214 Vermont 204 Regimental Histories 159 Victoria 106 Virginia 205 Regimental Histories 159 Wales 26 War of 1812 137 Washington (State) 207 Waterloo, Battle of J7 West, The 207 West Indies 213 West Virginia 206 Regimental Histories 159 Wisconsin 208 County Histories 209 Regimental Histories 159 Wyoming ao9 FINDING LISTS OF THE CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY, HISTORY. PHILOSOPHY AND STUDY OF HIS- ' TORY. Acton. Study of History. 1895 A 2185 Adam. Inquiry into the Theories of History. 1864 L 1931 Adams, B. Law of Civilization and De- cay; an Essay on History. 1895. A 2163 Adams. C K. Historical Work in Col- leges and Universities. 1890 B 841.4 Manual of Historical Literature. 1882 A 18$ The same. i88y *R 223 .\dams, H. B. Methods of Historical Study. 1884 ♦L320i,2 .•Vllen. History Topics for Schools. 1883 A 2114 American Historical Association: Study of History in Schools. 1899 A 2191 Andrews. Brief Institutes of General History. 1887 A 2128 Atkinson. History and Study of His- tory. 1884 A 2108 Barnes. Studies in Historical Methods. 1896 .' A 2190 Bernheim. Lehrbuch der historischen Methode. 1889 D 5647 Bicland. Historical Effects of Physical and Moral Causes on Nations. 1816 A 2101 BissET. Essay on Historical Truth. '71. A 17 Blaq^ic What does History teach? 1886 A 2126 BoLiNGBROKE. Study of History. 1809. J 244,3 BossuET. Discours sur I'Histoire univer- selle. 2v. 1839 ♦ V 2140 BoYCE. Study of History. 1884 A 2122 Brintok. An Ethnologist's View of His- tory. 1896 / *] 2183 Buckle. History of Civilization. 3v. 1872 A 460 Bunsen. God in History. 3v. 1868, .M1177 Gott in der Geschichte. 3v. 1857-8. D 3533 Canning. History in Fact and Fiction. 1897 A 2188 Chambers. Historical Questions with Answers. 1892 A 6 Daunou. Cours d'Ctudes historiques. 20V. 1842-9 ! C12261 Dawson. Meeting-Place of Geology and History. 1894 K 9418 Delepierre. Historical Difficulties. '68. A 2124 Desmond. Mooted Questions lof History. 1895 ^ * A 2137 Dew. Laws and Customs of Nations. 1856 A 34 Droysen. Grundriss der Historik. 1882D 5653 Drummond. Origines; Origin of Em- pires. 4v. 1824-9 A 2421 Feuillet de Conches. Causeries d'un Curieux. 4v. 1862-8...* C12374 HISTORY. Flint. Historical Philosophy in France, Belgium and Switzerland. 1894. A 2182 Philosophy of History in France and Germany. 1874 A 2107 Foster. Seminary Method of Original Study in the Historical Sciences. 1888 '...i 'l 1540 FouRXiER. L'Esprit dans THistoire. '83. C 4862 Fredericq. Study of History in England and Scotland. 1887 *L320i,5 Study of History in Germany and France. 1890 *L320i,8 Study of History m Holland and Bel- gium. 1890 *L320i,8 Freeman. Comparative Politics. 1873.A 12 Methods of Historical Study. 1886.A 2127 Unity of History. 1872 A 14 The same. 1873* A 12 Gregorovius. Kleine Schriften zur Ge- schichte. 3v. in 2. 1887-8 D 5564 Harrison. Meaning of History. 1894. A 2183 I^egel. Lectures on Philosophy of His- tory. 1872 1 3315 Heilprin. Historical Reference Book. 1898 *R 216 Herbst. Historiches Hilfsbuch. 1882-4.D 5604 Hinsdale. How to Study and Teach History. 1894 L 1731 Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissen- schaft, 1878-98. 21V *Ser. Jameson. History of Historical Writing in America. 1891 B 1983 Janko. Historische Irrthumer und Fal- schungen. 1880 .D 5614 Johns Hopkins University Studies in His- torical and Political Science ; ed. by Adams. 17V. 1883-99 *L 3201 Keary. The Dawn of History ; Pre-his- toric Study. 1878 ........A 198 KiNGSLEY. Limits of Exact Science ap- plied to History, i860 A 21 13 Krause. Philosophic der Geschichte. '89.D 3207 Langlois, Manuel de bibliographic his- torique. 1896 .*0 2631 Lavollee. La Morale dans THistoire. 1892 C12734 Leckey. Political Value of History. '93. L 3231 Lenormant. Beginnings of History. '82.A 2424 Lloyd. Citizenship and Salvation : Phi- losophy of History. 1897 A 2184 ^Lord, Points of History for Schools. 1887 A 2125 LL\BLY. Two Dialogifes concerning Man- ner of writing History. 1783 A 2103 Mace. Method in History for Teachers and Students. 1897 A 2187 Magoon. Westward Empire; or, Great Drama of Human Progress. 1856. A 2104 Mahan. Influence of Sea Power on His- tory. 1889 A 2152 Miller. History philosophically illus- trated. 4v. 1832 A 2102 Montesquieu. Spirit of Laws ; tr. by Nu- gent. 2v. 1873 L 2031 The same. 2v. 1878 I 2994 Morris. Hegel's Philosophy of History. 1887 L 1946 Oesterley. Wegweiser durch die Lit- eratur der Urkunden sammlungen. 2v. 1885-6 *0 198 Oger. Cours d'Histoire generale. 5v. 1875 C 6101 Patten. Development of English Thought. 1899 A 2189 Points of History .A 188 Ranke. Weltgeschichte. i6v. in 14. '83. D 5702 Rogers. Economic Interpretation of His- tory. 1888 L 3483 Rougemont. Les deux Cites. 2v. 1874. C 6534 Schlegel. Philosophy of History. 1859.I 3075 Philosophic der Geschichte. 1877. D 3303 Schouler. Historical Briefs. 1896 A 2186 Scott and Da\'ey. Guide to Collector of Historical Documents. 1891. . .*R 13S2 Shaffer. How to remember History. 1890 A 2134 Shedd. Lectures on Philosophy of His- tory. 1873 L 3014 Smith. Lectures on the Study of His- tory. 1866 E 1518 Stebbing. Some Verdicts of History re- viewed. 1887 A 293 Stubbs. Lectures on Mediaeval and Mod- ern History. 1886 A 303 Sybel. Kleine historische Schriften. 3v. 1869-80 D 5689 Taylor. Process of Historical Proof. A 2110 Timbs. Curiosities of History. 1880. .E 6001 ToRRENS. Use and Study of History. '45. A 39 Tylor. Primitive Culture. 2v. 1874. .L 772 Researches into Early History of Mankind. -1878 L 746 CHRONOLOGY. VoLXEY. Lectures on History. 1801..A 182 Les Ruines. 1871 C 6994 The Ruins; or, Revolutions of Em- pires. 1890...; L 241 Waites. Historical Student's Manual. A 2121 White. European Schools of History and Politics. 1887 *L3i>oi,5 and others. Methods of Teaching History. 1885 A 2109 CHRONOLOGY AND GENERAL HISTOR- ICAL ATLASES. Adams. Synchronological Chart of An- cient, Modern and Biblical History. 1878 *P 2507 ALBiRUNi. Chronology of Ancient Na- tions. 1879 •V 132a An de verifier les Dates, avec Tables generales. 42V. 1818-44 A 193 Black's General Atlas of the World. •7I.*R 4933 Blair. Chronological Tables to 1856. ..I 3242 Index of Dates ; ed. by Rosse. 2v. •6ai 3243 Bond, Rules and Tables for verifying Dates. 1866 ♦A 2116 Book of Dates. 1866 ^ aoi BouiLLET. Dictionnaire universel d*His- toire et de Gcographie. 1880. .•R 698 Brady. Oavis Calendaria; Analysis of the Calendar. 2\: 1815 A 21 19 HR0CK.MANN. Systctti dcr Chronologie.D 2984 Chambers. Book of Days. 2v ♦R 209 Chronological Tables (Oxford). l835-9.*R 491-' v. I. Ancient History. 2. The Middle Ages. 3. Modern History. Collier and Schmitz. International .-Xt- la?. 1873 •R 249 Cram. Geographical and Historical At- las. 1892 ♦R 4921 Freeman. Historical Geography of Eu- rope. 2v. 1881 A 333 G.\GE. Modern Historical Atlas. 1869. ♦R 228 George. Tables of Modern History. '74.*R 232 The same. 1886 ♦R 233 Hales. New Analysis of riirnnology. 4v. 1833... A 38 Harper's Book of Facts; ed. by Willsey. 1895 *R 213 Ha^DN. Dictionary of Dates. 1872. .*R 205 The same : new ed. 1883, i898.*R 206 Heilprin. Chronological Table of Uni- versal History. 1892 A 2160 Historical Reference Book. 1898. *R 216 HoLGATE. Atlas of American History. ♦R 4907 Ho^E. Every-day Book. 2v. 1816. .i.E 1214 Irving. Annals of Our Time, 1837-87. 2v. 1880-89 ♦R 211 Johns. Naval and Military Heroes of Great Britain. 1066- 1854; Calendar of Victory, i860 C 117 Tlie same I 3138 Labberton. Historical Atlas, 1884 *R 241 The same, 1885 *R 242 The same, 1886 ♦R 244 Larned. History for Ready Reference. 5v. 1894-5 *R 532 Las Cases. Genealogical, Historical and Chronological Atlas. 182 1 *R 4962 LiTiLE. Cyclopaedia of Classified Dates. 1900 *R 2620 Mas Latrie. Trcsor de Chronologic. *R 4334 MiLNER and Petermann. Atlas of Po- litical Geography. 185 1 ♦R 4959 MuNSELL. Every-Day Book of History and Chronology. 1858 *R 234 NicuoL. Tables of Ancient History ta A. D. 200. 1877 *R 276 Tables of European History to A. D. 1875- ^^77 *R 277 Nicolas. Chronology of History. 1838. 1 3825 Overall. Dictionary of Chronology.. *R 217 Putnam. World's Progress; Dictionary of Dates. 1877 *R 202 and Jones. Tabular Views of Uni- versal History. 1890. . : .A 2133 Rhode. Historischer Schul-Atlas. '7S*R 4977 RuEHL. Chronologic des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. 1897 D 3294 Sheahan. Universal Historical Atlas. *R 4930 Spruner and Menke. Atlas des Mittel- alters und der Neuzeit. 1880. .♦R 4957 Tabari. Mohammed. Chronique. v.i.*V 1269 Thoms. Important Events in the World's History: Tables. 1892 A 2159 Townsend. Manual of Dates. 1877. .*R 204 Willard. Synopsis of History, 800-1876. 1878 ♦R 280 W^oodward and Gates. Encyclopaedia of Chronology. 1872 ♦R 231 For other Atlases see Geography. UNIVERSAL HISTORY. UNIVERSAL HISTORY. AiJisuEWS. Brief Institutes of General History. 1887 A 2128 Annual Register, 1758- 1899. 140V *Ser. Archer. Decisive Events in History. '79- A* 176 Barnes. Brief General History. 1883. A 2123 Earthelemy. Erreurs et Mesonges his- toriques. i6v. 1878-83 C 1 1953 Bayle. Historical and Critical Diction- ary, 1734-8. 5v *R 24 Becker. Weltgeschichte. 20v. 1874. .D 24 Bicknell. Mutability of Fortune. 1791 . A 2132 BouiLLET. Dictionnaire universel d'His- toire et de Geographie. 1880. .*R 698 BossuET. Discours sur I'Histoire univer- selle. 1853 C 424 Ca^sell's Illustii^ted History of the World ; by Oilier. 4v. in 2. 1882-5 A 2147 Century Cyclopedia of Names ; ed. by Smith. 1894 *R 30 Chambers. Historical Questions, with Answers. 1892 A 6 Chapin. Young Folks' Story of the World. 1894 *V 2241 Choice Notes from. History. 1858 A 10 Clare. History of the World. 5v. 1889-93 A 214a Crabb. Universal Historical Dictionary. 2v. 1825 *R 252^ Crane. Great Battles of the World. '00.A 2208. Creasy. Fifteen Decisive Battles from Marathon to Waterloo. 1883... A 306 Davity. Les Estats, Empires et Princi- pavtez du Monde. 1630 *P 874 Dean. History of Civilization. "v. 1869 ...~. L 77^ Delepierre. Historical Difficulties. 1868. A 2124 Dittmar. Weltgeschichte im Umrisse.D 5569 Ducoudray. Histoire sommaire de la Civilisation. 1886 C 4533 DuRUY. General History of the World.A 219.4 DuTT. Historical Studies. 2v. 1879.. A 187 DuYCKiNCK and others. Treasury of Universal History. 4v. 1881...A2148 Faulmann. Illustrirte Culturgeschichte. 1881 *D 4764 Fisher. Outlines of Universal History. 1885 ...A 2143 Fredet. Modern History from the Com- ing of Christ. 1873 A 287 Freeman. Historical Essays. 4v. 1872-92A 455 Select Historical Essays. 1873.... G 210 Sketch of European History. 1889. A 352 Frost. Great Cities of the World. '56. A 2198 'FusTEL de' CduLANGES. Problems d'His- toire. 1891 C12421 Geschichtslugen. 1887 D 5598 Gilbert. The World, Historical and Ac- tual. 1882 *V 522 GiLMAN. General History. 1874 A 2 Goodrich. Pictorial History of the World. 1868 A 5 Gould. Historic Oddities and Strange Events. 2v. 1889 A 2151 Grace. Outlines of History. 1852... A 2157 UNIVERSAL HISTORY Grosvenor. Contemporary History of the World. 1898 .A 2192 Grube. Aus Geschichte und Sage. 3v, 1877 D 102 Guthrie ami- others. Hwtory of the World. I2V. 1764-7 A 192 Haacke. Allgemeine Geschichte. 1863. D 17 Harper's Book of Facts; ed, by Willsey. 189s *R 213 Heeren. Historical Works. 6v. 1842. A 290 Heilprin. Chronological Table of Uni- versal History. 1891 A 2160 Hermann. Lexikon der Weltgeschichte. 1883 ♦R 3823 Hertslet. Trepenwitz der Weltge- schichte. 1886 D 5599 Historische Zcitschrift (Sybel's). 1873- 1899. 55V *Str. Ilistorisk Archiv, 1869-83. 29V O725O History Primers; ed. by Green: Development of Roman Constitution ; by Tighe. 1886 A 2704 Europe; by Freeman. 1877 A 334 France ; by Yonge. i88i2 A 1621 Geography ; by Grove. 1877 1 2187 Greece ; by Fyflfe. 1877 A 231 Mediaeval Civilization; by Adams. 1883 A 2941 Old Greek Life ; by Mahaffy. 1879- A 230 Roman Antiquities; by Wilkins. 1878 A 232 Rome ; by Creighton. 1875 A 94 Holland. Rise of Intellectual Liberty. L 2206 HoNEGGER. .Mlgemeine Kulturgeschichte. 2v. 1882-6 D 5659 jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft. 1878-98. 2iv *Ser. James. Dark Scenes of History. 1874. F 924 JANKO. Fabel und Geschichte. 1880. ..D 5614 Keightley. Outlines of History. 1830. 1 3822 hvERNEY. Compendium of Ancient and Modern History. 1876 A 186 King. . Jamous and> Decisive 3atUes of the World [from Marathon to Plevna]. 1884 A 2205 Klemm. Allgemeine Culturwissenschaft. 1855 D 4701 KoEPERT, Geschichts-Cursus fiir mittlere Klassen. 1870 D 5736 Kortuem. Geschichtliche Forschungen . D 155 Lahrssen. Weltgeschichte in Biographi- en. 1868 D 160 Laing. Human Origins. 1892 A 2181 Langlois. Manuel de Bibliographie his- . torique, v.i. 1896 ♦O 2631 Larnu). History for Ready Reference. 5v. 1894 *R 53-2- Lavisse and Rambaud. Historic gene- rale, iiv. 1893-9 C 551 1 LiEBER. Great Events described by His- torians. 1855 A 2150 LiGHTFOOT. Historical Essays. 1895... E 4248^ Little. Cyclopedia of Classified Dates. 1900 *R 2620 Lord. Beacon Lights of History. 1st Series. 1888 A 280 V. I. Old Pagan Civilizations. 2. Jewish Heroes and Prophets. Beacon Lights of History. 2d Series. 1884-96 A -286 V. I. Antiquity. 2. The Middle Ages. 3. Renaissance and Reformation. 4. Warriors and Statesmen. 5. Great Women. • 6i Modern European Statesmen. 7. American Statesmen. 8. Nineteenth Century Writers. Points of History for Schools and Colleges. 1881 A 212s MacCarthy. History of the World. '83.A 2142 MacKinnon. History of Civilization. 2y. 1846 L 76a Magoon. Westward Empire; Drama of Human Progress. 1856 A 2104 Malkin. Historical Parallels. 2v. 1831-5.I 3559 Maunder. Treasury of History. 1876. A 189^ The same. 1870 ♦R 212 Maurer. Entscheidungsschlachten. '82.D 5671 Menzel. Allgemeine WeItgeschichte.'62D 562^ Mueller. Allgemeine Geschichte. 4v.'6iD 177 History of the World to 1783. 4V..A 7 Myers. General History for Schools. '90 A 2155 Noesselt. Weltgeschichte fiir Tochter- schulen. 4V. 1880 D 5630 Observations upon Asia, Africa and America. 2v, 1750 A 28^ Oger. Cours d'Histoire generale. 5y. 1875 C 6101 Oncken (Ed.). Allgemeine Geschichte; Namen und Sachregister, von Henne-am-Rhym. 1890-2 .♦D12837 looi Questions and Answers. on General History. 1895 A 2214 UNIVERSAL HISTORY. Petit. Les Sieges celebres. 1881 C 6146 Pevrat. Histoire et Religion. 1858. . .C12986 PicART. Ceremonies et Coutumes re- ligieuses. 4v. 1783 *P 929 Pictorial Record of Events in the His- tory of the World. 1884 A 2141 Ploetz. Epitome of History. 1884... A 2105 Prescott. Volume of the World. 1854. A 2203 Prevost-Paradol. Essais sur I'Histoire universellc. 2v. 1865 C 6234 Prince. Parallel History of the World.. 3v. 1842-3 A 2117 PuETZ. Handbook of History and Geog- raphy. 1872 A 3 Putnam and Jones. Tabular Views of Universal History. 1890 A 2133 "Quackenbos. School History of the World. 1876 A 18 Raleigh. History of the World. '29. ..7246,2-7 Ranke. Sammtliche Werke. 54V. in 42. 1873-90 D 211 Weltgeschichte. i6v. in 14. 1883-8. D 5702 P-^wsoN. Twenty Famous Naval Battles: Salamis to Santiago. 2v. 1899. .A 2207 Read. The Hand of God in History. '65. E 1470 Reade. The Martyrdom of Man. 1887. L 4099 Reich. History of Civilization. 1887.. L 4162 Revue critique d'Histoire et de Littera- ture. 1866-99. 48V *Ser. Table generale. 1876-95 "^Ser. Ridpath. Cyclopaedia of Universal His- tory. 4v. 1890 A 2144 RoBBixs. Ancient and Modern History. A 11 Robertson. Lectures on Ancient and Modern History. 1859 A 184 RoBSON. Great Sieges of History. 1858. A 305 Hotteck. Allgemeine Geschichte. 11 v. in 7. 1867 D 217 History of the World to 1840. 4v. .A 2156 Royal Historical Society, Transactions, 1873-99. 23V *5^r. Russell. Sacred and Profane History. 2v. 1869 A 2118 Sanderson. History of the World to 1898 A 2196 Outlines of the World's History. '85A 2149 Schedel. Liber chronicarum (Nurem- berg Chronicle. 1493) *P 1221 Schlosser. Weltgeschichte. i8v. '70-5. D 229 Schmidt, A. Epochen und Katastrophen. 1874 D 185 Schmidt, F. Weltgeschichte. 4v. 1882. D 5693 Seidlitz (Ed.). Allgemeines historisches Portratwerk. I2v. in 6. i883-90.*P 1600 Seignobos. Histoire de la Civilisation. '85C 6677 Shuckford. History of the World. 2v. 1810 ...:' A 2158 Simonds and McEnnis. The World's Great Nations. 1889 A 221 1 SiMPiON. Sketch of Universal History. 1871 A 178 Smith. History of the World. 3v. 1885 ..A 36 Spiess and Berlet. Weltgeschichte in Biographien. 1869-72 D 237 Spofford and others (Ed.). Historic Characters and Famous Events. I2V. 1894-1900 *A 2161 Steele. History of Mediaeval and Mod- ern Peoples. 1883 A 2166 StrTckland. Stories from History. '70. H 690 Sullivan. Historical Class Book. '33.A 2146 SwiNTON. Outlines of the World's His- tory. 1879 A 179 Sybel. Kleine Historische Schriften. 3v. 1869-80 D 5689 Thoms. Important Events in the World's History. 1892 A 2159 Treitschke. Historische und Politische Aufsatze. 1870 D 197 Tytler. Universal History to the Begin- ning of the Eighteenth Century. 6v. 1839 •... I 3600 The same; continued to 1820 by Nares. 6v. 1868 1 37i7 Universal History from the Earliest Times to the Present Time. 6ov. 1779-84 A 190 Ward. Hand of Providence in History. 1883 A 2i5i Weber. Allgemeine Weltgeschichte. 15V. in 16. 1882-9 D 5746 Register, v. 1-15. 4v. in 3. 1883- 1890 ♦D 5746 Lehrbuch der Weltgeschichte. 2v. 1888 D 5762 Outlines of Universal History. 1873. A ^5 Weigel. Hauptwerke der deutschen Literatur; Geschichte und Geogra- phie. 1887 : *0 339 Wernicke. Weltgeschichte. 5v. 1864-72.D 243 Wheeler. Course of Empire. 1884.. A 2115 Whelpley. Compend of History. 1825. A 2145 UNIVERSAL HISTORY White, H. Elements of Universal His- tory. 1874 A 180 Outlines of Universal History. '73.A 181 White, J. Eighteen Christian Centuries.A 256 WiLBERFORCE (Ed.). Great Battles, from Marathon to Santiago. 2v. 1898. A 2206 WiLLARD. Universal History in Per- spective. 1853 A 13 Williams. Eras and Characters of His- tory. 1882 A 285 YoNCE. Landmarks of History. 1870. A 9 ' V. I. Ancient History. 2. Mediaeval History. 3. Modern History. Zeitschrift fiir Allgemeine Geschichte« 1884-7- 4v *Ser. ANCIENT HISTORY. Allen and Myers. Ancient History for Colleges and High Schools. 2V..A 2438 Ancient Empires A 29 Anthon. Ancient and Mediaeval Geogra- phy. 1871 1 2170 Oassical Dictionary. 1873 *R 240 Arrianus. Anabasis of Alexander; tr. by Chinnock. 1884 A 2434 History of Alexander's Expedition; tr. by Rooke. 2v. 1814 A 2426 Arundell. Secret of Plato's Atlantis. 1885 A 2427 Babelon. Carthage. 1896 C12619 Bairo. Gassical Manuat j868 A 32 Baldwin. Prc-Historic Nations. 1873.A i Benjamin. Story of Persia. 1887.... A 4522 Beruoux. Les Atlantes. 1883 C 4248 Berry. Genealogia Antiqua; Tables on Ancient History. 1840 *V 1371 Bevan. Smith's Student's Manual of Ancient Geography. 1875 1 9722 BoissiER. Roman Africa. 1899 K 10888 BouGHTON. History of Ancient Peoples. 1897 A 2450 Brief History of Ancient Peoples. 1883. A 2429 Bryant. Ancient Mythology. 6v. '07.. A 2386 Brydges. Dynasty of the Kajars. 1833. A 2063 BucKE. Ruins of Ancient Cities. 2v. 1872 ^ I 3694 The same. 2v. . . .'. I 3616 Buckley. Great Cities of the Ancient World A 24 —ANCIENT HISTORY. 7 Budge. Babylonian Life and Historj*. 1884 A 2437 History of Esarhaddon, B. C 681- 668. 1881 A 2047- 3uscH. Urgeschichte des Orients. 3V..D 29 Butler. Atlas of Ancient Geography. 1841 ♦R 22^ Campbell. The Hittites. 2v. 1891...A4561 Casparl Urgeschichte der Menschheit. 2v. 1877 D 32 Cesnola, a. p. dl Salaminia (Cyprus) ; History, Treasures and Antiquities. 1882 *l 7901 Cesnola, L. p. dl Cyprus; its Ancient Cities, etc. 1878 ♦R 4106- Charnay. Ancient Cities of the New World. 1887 1 5614 Church. Story of Carthage. 1886. ..A 4492 Story of the Persian War. 1884. . .L 2925 Conder. Altaic Hieroglyphs and Hittite In.scriptions. 1887 J 2124 The Hittites and their Language. '98A 4562 Cooper. Archaic Dictionary. 1876. ..♦R 226 Cory. Ancient Fragments of Phoenician and other Authors. 1876 A 2422 Cox. Comparative Mythology. 1881..A2113 Tale of the Great Persian War. '61. A 2039 Cunningham. Western Civilization in Ancient Times. 1898 A 2448 CuNO. The Skythen. 1871 D12855 D.AVIES. Ruins of Bible Cities. 1868.. A 2^ Davis. Buried Cities of Carthage and Numidia. 1862 1 1722 Carthage and her Remains. 1861..I 1721 The same. 1861 1 1765' Demoustier. Lettrcs sur la Mythologie. 3v. 1883 C 4770 Donnelly. Atlantis ; Antediluvian World. 1882 A 2423 Droysen. Kleine Schriften zur alten Geschichte. 2v. 1893-4 D 12865 Drummond. Origines; Origin of Em- pires. 4v. 1824-9 A 2421 Ducoudray. History of Ancient Civiliza- tion. 1889 A 238^ Duncker. Geschichte des Alterthums. 9v. 1874-84 D 55 History of Antiquity. 6v. 1877-87.A 2425 Elliot. Story of Atlantis. 1896 A 2443 Ellis. Hannibal's Passage of the Alps. 1853 A 160 s ANCIENT HISTORY. Epochs of Ancient History; ed. by Cox and Sankey. 1876-80: Benjamin. Troy; its Legend, His- tory, etc A 89 Cox. The Athenian Empire A 82 The Greeks and the Persians ... A 83 Sankey. Spartan and Theban Su- premacies A 2547 CuRTEis. The Macedonian Empire.A 88 Ihne. Early Rome A * 85 Smith. Rome and Carthage A 90 Beesly. The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla A 87 Merivale. The Roman Triumvi- rates A 84 Capes. The Early Empire A 81 The Age of the Antonines A 86 Fowler. City-State of the Greeks and Romans. 1893 •, A 2391 Eraser. History of Assyria and Meso- potamia. 1865 1 3758 Fredet, Ancient History. 1875 A 31 Frost. Pictorial Ancient History. 1846. A 21 Fustel de Coulanges. The Ancient City ; Study of Greece and Rome. 1874.A 67 GoBiNEAU. Histoire des Perses. 2v. '69.A 2058 GoELL. Illustrirte Mythologie. 1884... D 2975 GossE. Assyria. 1852 A 4549 Hanotaux. Les Villes retrouvees. '85. C 5198 Heeren. Manual of Ancient History. 1842. .'A 290,6 Herodotus. Geschichten; iibers. von Stein. 2v. 1876 D 5602 Histor>-; tr. by M. Gary. 1886 1 3201 The same; tr. by Rawlinson. 4v. 1862 L 2941 Boys' and Girls' Herodotus ; by White. 1884 L 2924 HoMMEL. Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens. 1885 *D 5792 Geschichte des alten Orients. 1885.D 5768 How. Hannibal and the Great War be- tween Rome and Carthage. 1899.A 2742 HoYNS. Die Alte Welt. 1876 D 118 I BERING. Vorgeschichte der Indoeuro- paer. 1894 D12927 JusTi. Geschichte des alten Persiens.*D 5794 The same D 5634 Kaulen. Assyrien und Babylonien nach den neuesten Entdeckungen. '85. D 5641 KiARY. Dawn of History. 1878 A 198 The same K7232,4 Kenrick. Phoenicia. 1855 1 1732 Kiepert. Atlas der alten Welt. i86i.*R 4980 Lehrbuch der alten Geographic. '78. D 3797 King. Bat)ylonian Religion and Mythol- ogy. 1899 A 4704 Knight. Ancient Art and Mythology. A 2387 Knoetel. Atlantis und die Atlantcn..D 2915 Kortuem. Forschungen im Alterthume. 1863 D 155 Lanciani. Destruction of Ancient Rome. 1899 A 2735 Law. Alps of Hannibal. 2v. 1866 A 118 Le Bon. Les Premieres Civilisations. 1889 r *P 82s Lempriere. Classical Dictionary. 1833. *R 224 Lenormant. Beginnings of History to the Deluge. 1882 A 2424 Histoire ancienne de I'Orient. 6v. 1881-8 *V 1362 Histoire des Peuples orientaux. '69. C 5712 and Chevallier. Ancient History of the East. 2v. 1879 A 2060 Lindsay. History and Coinage of the Parthians. 1852 *V 1504 Long. March of Hannibal from the Rhone to the Alps. 1831 A 159 Lord. Ancient States and Empires. '69.A 25 McBuRNEY. Handbook of Ancient His- tory. 1856 A 27 McCuRDY. History, Prophecy and the Monuments. 2v. 1894-7 M 2463 Macdonald. Harmony of Ancient His- tory. 1891 A 2445 Mahaffy. Story of Alexander's Empire. 1887 ....A 2435 Prologomena to Ancient History. 1871 A 2381 Malliot. Costumes, Mceurs et Usages des Ancien Peuples. 3v. 1804. .*P 688 Mann. Ancient and Mediaeval Repub- lics. 1879 A 2440 Maspero. History of the Ancient Peoples of the Classic East. 1896-1900. .*V 2100. V. I. Dawn of Civilization ; Egypt and Chaldea. 2. Struggle of the Nations : Egypt, Syria and Assyria. 3. Passing of the Empires, 850 B. C. to 330 B. C The same, v. i, 2 A 2409 Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria. 1892 , A 4484 ANCIENT HISTORY. 9 Mayo. New System of Mythology. 4v. 1816-19 *A 2136 Meltzer. Geschichte der Karthager. 2v. 1879-96 D 13011 Menzies. Early Ancient History; the Ante-Greek Period. 1858 A 2390 Meyer. Geschichte des Alterthums. 2v. 1884-93 D 5637 MoNTFAUCON. Antiquity explained. lov. in 7. 1821-5 ♦R 122 Morris. Hannibal and the Crisis be- tween Carthage and Rome. '97-Ci0995 Mueller. Scientific System of Mythol- ogy. 1844 A 2135 Myers. Outlines of Ancient History. '82.A 2430 ViCHOL. Tables of Ancient History. '77.*R 276 Tables of European History, aoa- 1875. 1877 ....'. •R 277 NiEBUHR. Geography of Hcrodotiw. '30, A 2399 Lectures on Ancient History. 3v. 1852 .A 30 Oliphant. Jerusalem the Holy City. '91.A 4570 Orosius. History; Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version tr. by Thorpe. 1857 1 33^2 Paxh-y. Encyclopadie der dassischen Alterthumswissenschaft. 6v in 8. 1842-66 ♦R 227 Perry. Carthage and Tunis. 1869 A 4490 Peter. Lexikon der Geschichte des Alter- thums. 1882 ♦R 1817 PiETSCHMANN. Gcschichte der Phoenicier. 1889 •D 5794 PiGCOT. Ancient and Modem Persia. '74. .^ 2049 PoLY-Bius. Histories; tr. by Schuck- burgh. 2\\ 1889 L 2848 Prutz. Aus Phonizien. 1876 D 3865 Racozin. History of the World ; Earliest Peoples. 1899 A 2204 Story of Assyria. 1887. . A 4523 Story of Chaldxa. 1886 A 2433 Story of Media, Babylon and Per- sia. 1888 A 4534 Ranke. Universal History; oldest His- torical Group of Nations and the Greeks. 1884 A 2106 Rawlinson. Egypt and Babylon. 1885. A 4465 Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World. 3v A 40 History of Phoenicia. 1889 A 4556 Manual of Ancient History to the Fall of the Western Empire. '73. A 19 The same. 1869 ♦P 160 Rawlinson. Origin of Nations. 1878. A 42 Sixth Oriental Monarchy; Parthia. 1873 A 41 Seventh Oriental Monarchy ; Sas- sanian or New Persian Empire.. A 43 Story of Phoenicia. 1889 A 4555 Story of Parthia. 1893 A 4551 Records of the Past; ed. by Birch.. I2v. 1875 A 2026 The same; new Ser., ed. by Sayce. 6v. 1888-91 A 4473 Renan. Mission de Phenicie. 1864-6: Texte *P 600 Planches *P 973 Ritchie. History of Oriental Nations. 2v. 1848. A 2040 Roisel. fitudes ante-historiques ; Ics Atlantes. 1874 C 6388 Rollin. Ancient History. 2v. 1857.. A 35 Histoire ancienne. lOv. irf 5. '46-62.C 6507 RouGEMONT. Lc Peuple primitif. 37. 1855-7 C 6535 Sayce. Ancient Empires of the East. '84A 2431 Assyria ; its Princes, Priests and Peo- ple. 1885 A 4524 Babylonians and Assyrians. 1899.. A 2455 Fresh Light from Ancient Monu- ments. 1883 M 2398 Higher Criticism and the Verdict of the Monuments. 1894 M 2456 The Hittites. 1888 A 4560 ScHMiTZ. Ancient History to A. D. 476. 1855 A 37 ScHRAOER. Sprachvcrgleichung und Ur- geschichte. 1883 D 2714 Seeck. Geschichte des Untergangs der Antiken Welt. 1897 Di3ioa Sestier. La Piraterie dans I'Antiquite. . 1880 C 6758 Seyffarth. Entdeckungen in der Welt- gcschichte. 1857 D 214 Seyffert. Lexikon der klassischen Alter- tumskunde. 1882. *R 3821 Smith, H. A. Great Cities of the Ancient World. 1885 I 9725 Smith, P. History of the World to the Fall of the Western Empire. 3v. 1865-6 A 36 The same; Student's ed. '71.. A 2028 Smith, R. B. Carthage and the Cartha- ginians. 1878 A 158 10 ANCIENT HISTORY— GREECE. Smith, W., and Gro\'^. Atlas of Ancient Geography. 1875 *R 4929 Stahl. Historische Bilder aus der alten Welt. 1870 D 5729 Stevans. History and Romance of An- cient Empires. 1900 A 2462 Strickland. Stories from Ancient His- tory. 1870 H 688 Sullivan. Historical Class Book. 1833. A 2146 Taylor. Ancient History. 1873 A 33 Thalheimer. Ancient History. 1872. A 20 Turner. Sacred History of the World to the Deluge. 3v. 1870 1 3674 Vaux. Ancient History from the Monu- ments : Persia. 1876 A 2055 VoiGT. Wiederbelebung des classischen Alterthums. 1880-81 D 5765 VoLLBEDiNG. Mythologischcs Worterbuch. 1821 D 2703 VoLNEY. Recherches sur I'Histoire an- cienne. 2v. 1826 €6946,5-6 Wachsmuth. Studium der alten Ge- schichte. 1895 D13242 Wheeler, B. I. Alexander the Great. 1900 C17050 Wheeler, J. T. Analysis and Summary of Herodotus. 1854 1 3317 Geography of Herodotus. 1854... A 2400 Life and Travels of Herodotus. 2v. 1856 A 22 Whitaker. Course of Hannibal over the Alps. 2v. 1794 A 2741 Wickham and Cramer. Hannibal's Pas- sage over the Alps. 1828 A 113 Wietersheim. Geschichte der Volker- wanderung. 2v. 1880-81 D 5757 WiLBEatFORCE. Five Empires of Ancient History. 1868 A 2432 WiLKiNS. Phoenicia and Israel. 1874. A 2452 WiNCKLER. Orientalische Geschichte. '89D13245 Wright, W. Empire of the Hittites. '84.A 4520 Wright, W. B. Ancient Cities. 1886. A 2428 GREECE. Abbott. Hellenica; Essays. 1880 A 79 History of Greece. 1888 A 2549 Adams. Temples of Ancient Greece. '72.A 45 Arnold. History of Greece A 60 Baessler. Geschichte der Griechen. '62.D 21 Baldwin. The Pantheon; Gods of Greece and Rome. 1810 A 2385 Baumeister and others. Denkmaier des klassischen Altertums. 3v. '85-8.*R 4137 Pecker. Charicles; Private Life of the Ancient Greeks. 1866 A 62 Bell. New Paritheon. 1790 *V 338 Berens. Myths of Greece and Rome. '82A 93 Blackie. Horae Hellenicae. 1874 A 71 Bluemner. Home Life of the Ancient Greeks. 1893 A 2596 Boeckh. Public Economy of the Athe- nians. 1857 L 405 Boetticher. Olympia; das Fest und seine Statte. 1883 D 4322 Bojesen. Grecian and Roman Antiquities. 1856 ^ A 95 Bonner. Child's History of Greece. 2v. 1873 H 250 BoTSFORD. History of Greece for High Schools and Academies. 1899.. A 2599 Bruce. Society in the Age of Homer. 1827 L 3134 BuLFiNCH. Age of Fable. 1877 A 92 Bury. History of Greece to Death of, Alexander. 1900 A 2607 Capes. University Life in Ancient Athens. 1877 L 120S Chandler. History of Ilium, or Troy. 1802 *V 21 Church. Greek Life and Story. 1894. A 2595 Clinton. Chronology of Greece to Dea'ih ^ of Augustus. 1851 A 75 CocKERELL and others. Antiquities of Athens, etc. 1830 *P 946 Cox. Athenian Empire A 82 Greeks and Persians. 1876 A 83 History of Greece to B. C. 404. 2v. 1874 A 61 The same, to B. C. 323. 1876. .A 75 Manual of Mythology. 1868 A loa Mythology of the Aryan Nations. 2v.A loi Tales of Ancient Greece. 1877. .. .A 76 Cramer. Description of Ancient Greece, with maps. 4v. 1828 A 63 CuRTEis. Rise of the Macedonian Em- pire A 88 CuRTius. Griechische Geschichte. 3v.D 38 History of Greece. 5v. 1871-4 A 64 The same. 4v. 1873 A 48 Stadtgeschichte von Athen. 1891.D 5703 Droysen. Geschichte des Hellenismus. 6v. 1877-8 D 42 DuNCKER. History of Greece. 2y. '83-6. A 2543 GREECE. II DuRUY. Histoire des Grecs. 2v. 1883.. C 476-2 History of Greece. 8v. 1890.....*? 819 DwiGHT. Grecian and Roman Mythol- ogy. 1866 ..." A 102 Dyer, L. Studies of the Gods in Greece. 1891 A 2560 Dyer, T. H. Ancient Athens. 1873; .. .A 47 Ely. Olympos; Gods of Greece and Rome. 1891 A 2561 Falke. Greece and Rome; their Life and Art. 1886 ♦V 894 Farnell. The Cults of the Greek States. 2v. 1896 M 1752 Felton. Ancient and Modem Greece. "83 A 2541 Finlay. History of Greece. 1851-61 : V. 1. Greece under the Romans, 146- 716 A 70 2-3. Byzantine and Greek Empires. 716-1453 A 241 4. Medieval Greece and Trebizond. 1204-1566 A 243 5. Greece under Ottoman and Vene- tian . Domination, 1453- 1821.. A 74 6-7. Greek Revolution A 69 Fowler. City-State of the Greeks and Romans. 1893 ..A 2391 FusTEL de Coulances. The .Ancieni City; Study of Greece and Rome. '74-A 67 Fyffe. History of Greece. 1877 A 231 Gardner. New Chapters in Greek His- tory. 1892 A 2589 and Jevons. Manual of Greek An- tiquities. 1895 A 2557 Gerlach. Der altcn Griechen Gottcr- lehre. 1882 ♦V 1013 Gilbert. Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athen-. 1895 A 2556 Gladstone. Juventus Mundi. 1870. ..A 104 GoELL. Kulturbilder aus Hellas und Rome. 2v. 1880 D 3989 Goldsmith. History of Greece. 1872. .A 52 Gr.\nt. Greece in the Age of Pericles. 1893 A 2594 Grote. History of Greece to Alexander the Great. lov. 1888 A 2600 History of Greece. I2v. 1869-70. .A 65 GuHL and Koner. Life of Greeks and Romans. 1875 A 66 Haacke. Griechische und rSmische Al- terthiimer. 1863 D 17 Hammond. Political Institutions of the Ancient Greeks. 1895 A 2597 H.\rdwicke and others. Athenian Let- ters. 2v. 1798 *V 236 Harper's Dictionary of Classical Antiqui- ties. 1897 *R 236 Harrison. Story of Greece. 1885 A 2546 Hart. Greek and Roman Mythology (in LaUn). 1857 A 98 Heeren. Ancient Greece. 1842 A 2901 Hertzberg. Geschichte Griechenlands. 4v. 1876-9 D 5609 Geschichte von Hellas und Rom. 2v. 1879 •• *D 5770 Hicks. Greek tuMi-iical Inscriptions. 1882 A 78 Hill. Sources for Greek History be- tween the Persian and Peloponnc- sian Wars. 1897 A 2608 Holm. Griechische r.oscliiohte. 4v. in 3. 1886-94 • 012910 History of Greece 10 tnc close 01 the Independence of the Greeks. 4 v. 1894-98 A 2601 Jacobs. Hellas; or, Hi5toi:y and Art of the Greeks. 1855 A 2593 Jaeger. Geschichte der Griechen. '77. D 127 Jan NET. Les Institutions sociales et le droit civil d Sparte. 1880 C 53^6 Joy. Grecian History. 1892 A 2592 JuDEiCH. KIcinasiatische Studien; zur Griechisch - Persischen Geschichte. 1892 D12945 Keigbtley. History of Greece. 1850. .A 54 Mjrthology of Greece and Rome. '54A 106 The same. 1877 1 3233 Kennedy. Ancient and Hindu Mythol- ogy. 1831 *V 5-20 KiEPERT. Atlas von Hellas. 1872. . . .*R 4892 Lau. Die Gracchen und ihre Zeit. 18S4.D12986 Lloyd. Age of Pericles. 2v. 1875.. A 55 Lytton. Athens ; its Rise and Fall. '43.G 371 Mahaffy. Greek Life from Alexander to Roman Conquest. 1887 A 2548 Greek World under Roman Sway, from Polybius to Plutarch. 1890. A 2550 Old Greek Education. 1882 L 1289 Old Greek Life (History Primers). 1879 A 230 Problems in Greek History. 1892.. \ 2590 Social Life in Greece from Homer to Menander. 1875 A 68 Survey of Greek Civilization. '96. A 2588 Maurer. Geschichte der Hellenen. '84. D 5672 12 GREECE —ROME: Maury. Religions de la Grece antique. 3v. 1857-9 C 6015 MiTFORD. History of Greece. 8v. '38.A 59 Mueller. History of the E?oric Age. 2v. ' 1830 A 56 Murray. Manual of Mythology. 1874. A 99 NoESSELT. Greek and Roman Mythology. 1885 • A 2545 Oman. History of Greece to death of Alexander the Great. 1891. . . .A 2591 Story of the Byzantine Empire, '92. A 2583 Patterson. National Character of the Athenians, i860 A 2555 Pausanias. Descriptio Graeciae. '81-3. L 5653 Description of Greece; tr. by Frazer. ^ 6v. 1898 A 2610 The same : tr. by Taylor. 3v. '94A 49 The same : tr. by Shilletto. 2v.'86I 3235 Pervanoglu. Culturbilder aus Griech- enland. 1880 D 3862 Peter, Chronological Tables of Greek History. 1882 *V 1442 Petiscus. Gods of Olympos. 1892... A 2563 Der Olymp. 1875 D 189 Pococke, History of Greece. 1851...A 53 Potter. Antiquities of Greece. 2v. 175 1 A 46 Preller. Griechische Mythologie. '94. D 3551 Rich, Dictionary of Roman and Greek Antiquities. 1873 *R 221 Roberts. The Ancient Boeotians. '95 . . A 2598 Robinson. Short History of Greece. '95.A 2558 RoscHER. Lexikon der griechischen und romischen Mythologie. 2v, in 4. 1884-90 *R 1382 St. John. Manners and Customs of Greece. 3v. 1842 A 51 Sankey. Spartan and Theban Suprem- acies. 1886 A 2547 Scheinpflug. Mythologie der Griechen und Romer. 1868 D 221 ScHMiTZ. History of Greece to B. C. 146. 1851 A 57 Schoemann. Griechische Alterthiimer. 2v. 1871-3 D 5718 Scull. Greek Mythology. 1880 A 72 Seemann, Mythologie der Griechen und Romer. 1886 , D 3072 Mythology of Greece and Rome. 18819 A 2562 Sewell. First History of Greece. 1873.A 50 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. 1872 *R 456 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities ; ed; by Anthon. '72.*R 293 The same ; rev, and enlarged. 2v. i890>9i *R 461 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. 3v. 1872 *R 458 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. 2v. 1872 *R 457 History of Greece to the Roman Con- quest, 1873 A 58 Snyder. Comic History of Greece. '98. A 2603 Stoll. Geschichte der Griechen und Ro- mer. 2v. 1878 D 4205 Stuart and Revett. Antiquities of Ath- ens, 1841 A 44 The same, 1858 1 3158 The same. 3 v. 1762-94 *P 945 Thirlwall. History of Greece, 8v. 1835-44 1 3831 TiMAYENis. Greece in Times of Homer. 1885 ,,..A 2544 History of Greece. 2v. 1883-8, .. .A 2552 Torr, Rhodes in Ancient Times. i885,A 2553 ToRREXS. Industrial History of the Greeks. 1846 A 8,1 Tsountas and Manatt, The Mycenaean Age. 1897 K10945 Verr,\ll and Harrison. Mythology of Ancient Athens. 1890 A 2551 Waegner, Hellas; das Land und Volk der Griechen. 2v. 1873 D 248 Whibley. Political Parties in Athens during Peloponnesian War. 1889, A 355,1 White, Student's Mythology. 1870,,. \ 96 WiLLsoN. Mosaics of Grecian History. 1883 A 2542 Witt, Classic Mythology. 1883 A 91 Myths of Hellas ; Greek Tales. '83,A 2564 Retreat of the Ten Thousand, '91. A 2582 Yonge. Young Folks' History of Greece. 1879 H 782 Young. History of Athens. 1804 A ^^ Modern Greece, see Italy and Greece. ROME. Adam, Roman Antiquities; Manners and Customs, 1837 A Adams, Buried Cities of Campania. '73- A Temples and Monuments of Rome and Greece. 1872 A 2708 142 45 ROME. 13 Allcroft and Masom. Rome under the Oligarchs, 202-133 B- C A 2760 Allen. Short History of the Roman People. 1890 A2438,2 AMPiRE. L'Empire romain a Rome. '72. C 4064 L'Histoire romain a Rome. 4v. '66. C 4065 Anthon. Roman Antiquities. 1870. .A 114 Gassical Dictionary. 1873 ♦R 240 Appian of Alexandria, Roman History of; tr. by H. White. 2 v. 1899- A 275a Arnold, T. History of Rome to end of Second Punic War. 1873 A 137 The same. 3v A 2701 The same. 3 v. 1869-71. v *P 10 Later Roman Commonwealth. 2v. '82.A 2702 The same. 2 v. 1857 ♦? 12 The Second Punic War. 1886 A 2703 and others. History of the Roman Republic; edited by Pocockc. 1852. A 127 Arnold, W. T. Roman Provincial Ad- ministration. 1879 L 3 Barbault. Denkmaler des alten Rom. 1803 •V 1236 TUuMEiSTER and others. Denkmaler des Klassischen Altcrtums. 3v. "85-8. •R 4137 Becker. Gallus; Roman Scenes. 1866. A 150 Gallus; romische Scenen. 3v. '63.. D 23 and Marquardt. Romische Alter- thumer. 5 v. 1843-64 D 5697 Beckett. Comic History of Rome A 151 Beesly, a. H. The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla A 87 Beesly, E. ?. Catiline, Qodius and Ti- berius. 1878 A 119 BenUer. Rom und romisches Leben im /Mterthura. 1879 •V 999 The same D 25 Bever. Legal Polity of the Roman State. 1781 *V 23s Blackwell, Memoirs of the Court of Augustus. 3v. 1760-63 ♦¥ 667 BoissiER. Cicero and his Friends ; Roman society in the time of Caesar. '97.C17457 La Religion romaine d'Auguste aux Antonins. 2v. 1884 C11979 L'Opposition sous les Cesars. '85.C11981 BojESEN. Manual of Roman Antiqui- ties. 1856 . .'. A 95 BoNGHi. Die romischen Feste. 1891..D 6997 Bonner. Child's History of Rome. 2\'. 1874 H 251 Broglie. L'figlise et TEmpire romain au IV. Siecle. 6v. in 3. 1867-8. .C 4250 Bryant. Reign of Antoninus Pius. '95. A 355,8 Burn. Ancient Rome and its neighbor- hood. 1895 1 7202 Rome and the Campagna. 1871. . .♦V 363 Old Rome; Epitome of Rome and the Campagna. 1880 1 909 Burckhardt. Zeit Constantins des Gros- sen. 1880 D13545 Burton. Antiquities of Rome. 1828..,! 906 Bury. History of the Later Roman Em- pire from Arcadius to Irene. 2v. 1889 A 2715 Capes. Roman History; Early Empire. A 81 Roman Empire of Second Century. 1879 A 86 Church. Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. 1884 L 2729 Coleridge. Res Romanae; Ancient Rome. 1896 A 2731 CooKi. Medallic History of Rome. 2v. 1781 ♦V 2101 Cramer. Description of Ancient Italy. 2v. 1826 : A X2I Crawford. Ave Roma Immortalis. 2v. 1898 I 7203 Creiqhton. History of Rome (History Primer). 1875 A 94 Crevier. Roman Emperors from Augus- tus to Constantine. lov. 1814..A 2721 Curteis. History of the Roman Empire, A. D. 395-800. 1875 A 125 Davidson. Cicero and the fall of the Roman Republic. 1894 C11120 Dill. Roman Society in the Last Centu- ry of the Western Empire. 1898. A 2746 Drumann. Geschichte Roms. 6v. 1834- 1844 D 5679 DuRUY. Histoire des Romains. 7v. 1877- 1885 C 4763 History of Rome. 6v. in 11. '83-6.* V 666 Dyer. Ancient Rome. 1864 A 146 History of the City of Rome, its Structures and Monuments. '65. A 145 History of the Kings of Rome. '68. A 144 Pompeii. 1871 A 143 The same. 1875 1 2981 Eliot. Liberty of Ancient Rome. 2v. 1849 L 39 Elliot. Pictures of Old Rome. 1882. G 973 The same. 1872 1 911 14 ROME. Ellis. Hannibal's Passage of the Alps. 1853 A 160 Ely. Olympos; Gods of Greece and Rome. 1891 A 2561 Falke. Greece and Rome ; their Life and Art. 1886 *V 894 Ferguson. History of the Roman Repub- lic. 1873 1 3775 FoRCHHAMMER. Die Griindung Roms. 1868 ...D 5680 FoRMBY. Ancient Rome. 1880 *P 797 Fowler. City-State of the Greeks and Romans. 1893 A 2391 Roman Festivals in the Period of the Republic. 1899 A 2764 Freeman. History of Sicily. 4v. '91-4. A 4079 Story of Sicily. 1892 A 4083 Friedlaender. Aus der Sittengeschichte Roms. 3v. 1888-90 D 3859 Fuss. Roman Antiquities. 1840 A 115 Gardthausen. Augustus und seine Zeit. 4v. 1891-6 D 5936 Gell. Topography of Rome. 2v. 1846. A 129 and Gandy. Pompeiana. 1852... A 141 Gibbon. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 6v. 1776-88. *V 2089 The same. 6v. 1874 A 134 The same; Student's edition; ed. by Smith. 1881 A 155 Gilman. Story of Rome. 1885 A 149 GoELL. Kulturbilder aus Hellas und Rom. 2v. 1880 D 3989 Goldsmith. History of Rome. 2v. 1812.A 123 The same; Pinnock's ed. 1872. A 122 Granger. Worship of the Romans. '95. A 2729 Gregorovius. The Emperor Hadrian; the Graeco-Roman World in his Time. 1898 A 2441 Der Kaiser Hadrian. 1884 D 4057 Greswell. Origines Kalendariae Italicse; Roman Calendar, B. C. 750-A. D. 355. 4v. 1854 A 2120 Gueranger. Sainte Cecile et la Societe romaine. 1884 C 5125 Guhl and Koner. Life of the Greeks and Romans. 1875 A 66 Hall. The Romans on the Riviera and the Rhone. 1898 A 4109 Harper's Dictionary of Classical An- tiquities. 1897 *R 236 Hertzberg. Geschichte des romischen Kaiserreiches. 1880 *D 5771 Hertzberg. Geschichte von Hellas und Rom. 2v. 1879 D 577c History of Rome to Fall of the Empire. 1846 7 A 135 Hobler. Records of Roman History on Roman Coins. 2v. i860. ..... .*V 865 Hodgkin. Italy and her Invaders, 376- &14. 8v. 1880-99 A 1946 HoEFER. Die Varusschlacht. 1888 D 5656 Holm. Sicilien im Alterthum. 2v. 1870- 1874 D12909 Hooke. Roman History to the Ruin of the Commonwealth. 6v. 1821..A 140 HoRNE. Buried Cities of Vesuvius : Her- culaneum and Pompeii. 1895.... I 7i8o How. Hannibal and the Great War be- tween Rome and Carthage. 1899. A 2742 and Leigh. History of Rome to Death of Caesar. 1896 A 2727 Ihne. Early Rome. 1876 A 85 History of Rome. 5v. 1871-82.... A iii Romische Geschichte. 8v. 1868-90. D 5769 Inge. Society in Rome under the Cae- sars. 1888 A 2707 Jordan. Der Tempel der Vesta. 1886. *V 854 Joy. Rome and the Making of Modern Europe. 1893 A 2757 Jung. Leben und Sitten der Romer. 2v. 1883-4 D 5663 Keightley. History of the Roman Em- pire. 1845 A 105 Rome to the End of the Republic. 1856 A 107 Kennett. Antiquities of Rome. 1812.A 156 Kingsley. Roman and Teuton. 1864. A 147 The same; ed. by Miiller. 1879. A 148 KuHN. Verfassung des romischen Reichs. 1864-5 D 5763 Lam 6 Fleury. La Storia romana. 2v. 1851 c 9590 Lanc^ni. Ancient Rome in Light of Re- cent Discoveries. 1888 A 2712 Destruction of Ancient Rome. 1899. A 2735 Pagan and Christian Rome. 1893. A 2719 Ruins and Excavations of Ancient Rome. 1897 A 2734 Lange. Romische Alterthiimer. 3v. *76.D 3417 Law. Alps of Hannibal. 2v. 1866 A 118 Lewis. Credibility of Roman History. 2v. 1855 A 97 Liddell. History of Rome to the estab- lishment of the Empire. 2v. 1855. A 138 The same; Student's ed. 1874. A 139 ROME. Livius. Legendary History of Rome; tr. by Baker. 1883 *R 4337 Lloyd. History of Sicily to the Athenian War. 1872 A 1949 Long, G. Decline of the Roman Republic. 5y. 1864-74 A 152 Long, H, L. March of Hannibal from the Rhone to the Alps. 1831 A 159 Lord. Old Roman World, 1873 A 130 LvNAM. History of the Roman Emper- ors. 2v. 1850 A 2713 Map of Ancient Rome I 7157 Marquardt and Mom m sen. Handbuch dcr romischen Altcrthiimcr. 7v. 1876-88 D 3968 V. 1-3. Romisches Staatsrecht: von Mommscn. 4-6. Romische Staatsverwaltung : von Marquardt. 7. Privatlcben dcr Romcr; von Marquardt. Mary-Lapon. Rome jusqu'a la Chute dc rEmpirc. 1853 C 5791 Massy. Romans under' the Emperors. 1864 A 2706 Mau. Pompeii; its Life and Art. 1899. 1 7181 ^Merim^e. fitudes sur THistoire romaine. 1869 C 581S Merivale. Fall of the Roman Republic. 1853 A 131 General History of Rome. 1875... A 136 Roman Triumvirates A 84 Romans under the Empire. 8 v. 1872- 1874 A 128 The same. 7v. i860 A 132 Meyer. Romische Altcrthumer. 1816.D 5638 MiCHELET. Histoire romaine. 1866. ..€5885 Roman Republic. 1863 1 3054 The same. 1847 A 120 Middleton. The Roman Senate. 1747. A 2720 MiLEY. Rome under Paganism and tm- . der the Popes. 2v. 1843 A 117 MiLNER. History of Rome. 1848 A 112 Mommsen. History of Rome. 4v. '71-2.A 133 History of Roman Republic ; abridged by Bryans and Hendy. 1889 A 2709 Provinces of the Roman Empire. 2v. 1887 A 2710 Romische Geschichte. v. i, 2, 3, 5. 1874-85 D 176 Romische- Forschungen. 1864-79. .D 5675 Romisches Staatsrecht. 3v. 1876- 1888 D3968.1-3 Montesquieu. Grandeur and Decadence of the Romans. 1882 \ 124 The same J 193,3 Grandeui: et decadence des Romains. 1843 C 593^ The same. 1866 C 593 1 Morris. Hannibal and Crisis between Carthage and Rome. 1897 C10995 Newman. Regal Rome. 1852 A 116 NiEBUHR. History of Rome. 2v. 1835. A 103 Lectures on History of Rome. 3v. 1853 A 109 Romische Geschichte. 1853 D 183 Papencordt. Die Stadt Rom im Mittel- alter. 1857 D 5687 Parker. Archaeology of Rome. I2v. in 10. 1874-7 ♦A 271 1 V. I. Primitive Fortifications. 2. Walls and Gates of Rome. 3. Historical Construction of Walls. 4. Egyptian Obelisks. 5. Forum Romanum. 6. Via Sac^a ; Excavations in Rome. 7. Flavian Amphitheatre, common- ly called the Colosseum. The same A154, 7 8. Aqueducts of Ancient Rome. The same A154, 8 9. Tombs in and near Rome. 10. Sculpture. 11. Church and Altar Decorations, and Mosaic Pictures. 12. Catacombs. Plates to V. 1-3. Peluam. Outlines of Roman History. 1893 • • A 2722 Pellison. Roman Life in Pliny's Time. 1897 A 2749 Peter. Geschichte Roms. 3v. 1881..D 5681 Romische Geschichte in kiirzerer Fassung. 1878 D 3992 Petiscus. Gods of Olympos. 1892 A 2563 Piranesl Veduta di Roma. 1765 *P 964 Pistolesi. Antiquities of Herculaneum and Pompeii. 2v. 1842 *P 601 Pompeii: its Past and Present. 2v. 1831.I 3564 Ramsay. Manual of Roman Antiquities ; revised by Lanciani. 1895 A 2725 Reumont. Geschichte der Stadt Rom. 3 V. in 4. 1867-70 D 220 RtviLLE. La Religion a Rome sous les Severes. 1886 C 6478 i6 ROME— THE JEWS. Rich. Dictionary of Roman and Greek . Antiquities. 1873 *R 221 RoLLiN. Histoire romaine. 10 v. in 5. 1862 C 6508 The same. i6v. 1738-46 A 108 Rossini. Le Antichita romane *P 963 Roux. Herculanum et Pompei, avec texte par Barre. 8v. 1870 *P 340 Savigny. Romisches Recht im Mittelal- ter. 7v. 1834-51 D 3416 Schiller. Geschichte der romischen Kai- serzeit. 2v. 1883 D 5732 ScHMiTZ. History of Rome to A. D. 192. 1857 ....A 157 ScHREiBER. Atlas of Classical Antiqui- ties. 1895 *R 4341 ScHWEGLER. Romische Geschichte. 3v. in 4. 1867-72 D 3965 Seemann. Mythology of Greece and Rome. 1889 A 2562 Segur. Histoire du Bas-Empire C 6679 Sewell. Child's History of Rome. '74. A 110 Sheppard. The Fall of Rome. 1861 A 2716 Shuckburgh. History of Rome to Battle of Actium. 1894 A 2723 Shumway. a Day in Ancient Rome. 1891 A 2755 Simons. Aus altromischer Zeit. 4v. 1872-8 *V 984 SiSMONDi. Fall of the Roman Empire. 2v. 1834 .1 3827 Smith, R. B. Carthage and the Cartha- ginians. 1878 A 158 Rome and Carthage; the Punic Wars A 90 Smith, Sir W. Dictionary of Qreek and Roman Antiquities. 1872 *R 456 The same; ed. by Anthon. 1872 *R 239 The same; rev. and enlarged. 2v. 1890-1 *R 461 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biog- raphy and Mythology. 3v. 1872. *R 458 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geog- raphy. 2v. 1872 *R 457 History of Rome to the Establishment of the Empire. 1899 A 2767 Stoll. Geschichte der Romer bis zum Untergange der Republik. 2v. '79. D 3998 Strickland. Rome, Regal and Republic- an. 1854 ■ A 2717 Suetonius, History of Twelve Caesars. 2v. 1899 *L 3114 Taylor and Cresy. Architectural Antiq- uities of Rome. 1874 *R 4876 Thierry. Tableau de I'Empire romain. 1868 C 6902 Thirl wall. History of Rome. 2v. '34-5. 1 3832 Thomas. Roman Life under the Cse- sars. 1899 ..:.A 2730 Tighe. Roman Constitution. 1886. ..A 2704 Venuti. Antichita di Roma. 1803... *V 96 Vincent and Joy. Outline History of Rome. 1889 A 2714 Waegner. Rom; Anfang und Verfall. 3v. 1869 D 249 Waters. The Eternal City, Rome. 2v. 1896 A 2773 Weichardt. Pompeii vor der Zerstor- ung. 1897 *P 2530 Westropp. Early and Imperial Rome. 1884 A 153 Wey. Rome; Introduction by Story. 1875 *R 4333 The same. 1875 *P 798 Whitaker. Course of Hannibal over the Alps. 2v. 1794 A 2741 WiCKHAM and Cramer. Hannibal's Pas- sage over the Alps. 1828 A 113 Wietersheim. Bevolkerung des romisch- en Reichs. 1859 D 5753 WiLKiNS. Roman Antiquities. 1878.. A 232 Wrightson, Sancta Respublica Romana, A. D. 395-888. 1890 A 4078 YoNGE. Young Folks' History of Rome. 1879 H 783 ZosiMUS. History of Rome. [A. D. 216- 410.] 1814 A 2718 For Modern Rome see Italy and Greece. THE JEWS. Abrahams. Jewish Life in the Middle Ages. 1896 A 2875 Adams. The History of the Jews. '87. A 2866 Alexander. The Israelitish Nation. *53.A 210 Bartlett and Peters. Hebrew Story; from Creation to Exile. 1887. .M2239,i Basnage de Beauval. History of the Jews. 1708 *R 4335 Benny. Criminal Code of the Jews. '80.A 239 Berliner. Geschichte der Juden in Rom. 1893 .D12853 Besant and Palmer. Jerusalem. *7i.A 225 Biez. La Question juive. 1886 C12037 THE JEWS. 17 Blunt. History of the Jews in England. 1830 A 2865 Bramston. Judaea and her Rulers, from Nebuchadnezzar to Vespasian.'82.A 227 Burton. The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam. 1898 A 2914 Cassel. Jiidische Geschichte. 1879 D 34 Manual of Jewish History. 1883. .A 237 Castelli. Storia degl' Israeliti. 2v. 1887- 1888 C 9261 CoRNiLL. History of the People of Israel to Destruction of Jerusalem. '98. A 2886 CoWLES. Hebrew History. 1875 A 220 M\LY. Settlement of the Jews in North America. 1893 B 2131 Delitzsch. Jewish Artisan Life in time of Jesus. 1883 A 233 DEPnNG. Die Juden im Mittclaltcr. '34 T) 5651 Drumont. La France juive. 2v. '86.. C 4557 DuEHRiNC. Die Judenf rage. 1886 D 49 Eaton. An Hour with the American He- brew. 1879 A 219 Edrehi. Historical Account of the Ten Tribes. 1855 ' A 4521 Egan. Status of the Jews in England. 1848 A 2901 Ekrera. The Russian Jews. 1894 A 2883 EwALD. Antiquities of Israel. 1876.. A 235 History of Israel. 8v. 1876-86... A 212 Geschichte des Volkes Israel. 8v. 1864-8 D 41 Farra«. The Herods. 1897 A 2878 Fenton. Early Hebrew Life. 1880... A 223 FEScysoN. Ancient Topography of Jeru- salem. 1847 *V 58 Ferri^e. Paganisme des Hebreux. '84.. C 4882 Finn. Sephardim; Jews in Spain and Portugal. 1841 A 2869 Flad. Falashas (Jews) of Abyssinia. 1869 A 203 Fleury. Moeurs des Israelites, i860.. C 4958 FoRSTER. Sinai photographed; Records of Israel in the Wilderness. '62. ♦V 884 Frederic. The New Exodus; Israel in Russia. 1892 1 7877 Geiger. Judenthum und seine Ge- schichte. 1865 D ^7 Gill. Notices of Jews in Gassic Writers of Antiquity. 1872 A 204 Glover. Jewish Laws and Customs. '00. A 2891 Goloziher. Mythology among the He- brews. 1877 A 215 Graetz. Geschichte der Jr. Jen. iiv. 1870-4 D 5595 History of the jews. 6v, 1891-8. .A 2872 Groot. History of the Israelites. 2v. '79. A 199 GutNEE, Letters of certain Jcvys to Vol- taire. 1845 ; *A 196 Hale. History of the Jews. 1850 A 209 Hartmann. Das Judenthum in Gegen- wart und Zukunft. 1885 D 4717 Hecht. Israelitische Geschichte. 1881.D iiy Henne-a'*i-Rhyn. Kulturgeschichte des jiidischen Volkes. 1892 D12915 HosMER. Story of the Jews. 1886 A 195 Hudson. History of the Jews in Rome, B. C. 160— A. D. 604. 1884 A 240 HuELLMANN. Staatsverfassung der Is- raeliten. 1834 D 5603 HuiDEKOPER. Judaism at Rome, B. C. 76- A. D. 140. 1885 A 194 Isaacs. Ceremonies and Customs of the Jews. 1830 A 236 Jacobs. Jews of Angevin, Eng. '93. A 290J Sources of the History of the Jews of Spain. 1894 A 2903 and Wolf. Catalogue of Anglo-Jew- ish Historical Exhibition. 1887. ♦V 1834 Jahn. History of the Hebrew Ctunmon- wealth. 2v. 1829 A 207 Jahrbuch der Geschichte der Judcn. 4v. 1860-9 D 130 Jalal-Aodin. History of the Temple of Jerusalem. 1836 *V 130J Jewish Question, and Mission of th2 Jews. 1894 A 2880 Jewish Women's Congress, '93, Papers. M 4521 Jewish Year Book, 1896- 1900. 4v L 9975 Jews in Roumania. 1872 ♦A 296 JosEPHUS. Jewish War; tr. by Traill. 1858 A. 216 Complete Works ; tr . by Maynard. 1800 *V 1984 The same; tr. by Whiston. 2v. 1841 A 217 The same; 4v. 1870 A 218 The same ; revised by Shilleto. 5v. 1889-90 1 3098 JosT. Geschichte der Israeliten seit der Zeit der Maccabiier, lov. 1820-46. D 129 Geschichte des Judenthums. 3v. '57. D 131 Judaism at World's Parliament of Re- ligions. 1894 M 3750 Juedische Zeitschrift, 1862-75. 11 v. in 4. .*Ser. i8 THE JEWS. ICayserling. Columbus and Participa- tion of Jews in Spanish Discover- ies. 1894 C10656 Geschichte der Juden in Portugal. 1867 ...• - D 5611 Geschichte der Juden in Spanien und Portugal. 2v. 1867 D 134 Keary. Nations around Palestine. '70.A 200 Kellogg. The Jews. 1893 A 197 Kent. History of the Hebrew People. 2v. 1896-7 •. . A 2920 Jewish People during the Babylonian, Persian and Greek Periods. '99. A 2921 KiTTEL. History of the Hebrews. 2v. 1895-6 M 2348 KiTTO. Ancient Jerusalem. 1846 A 2867 Klein. Das Judenthum. i860 D 3592 Kraemer. Bilder aus dem jiidischen Volksleben. 1845 D 8314 Langen. Das Judenthum in Pala^tina zur Zeit Christi. 1866 D12979 Latimer. Judea from Cyrus to Titus, 537 B. C— 70 A. D. 1890 A 2885 X.^ZARUS. Vortrage iiber Juden. 1887. D 4778 Lehnhardt. Antisemitische Bewegung in Deutschland. 1884 D 4768 Leroy-Beaulieu. Israel among the Na- tions. 1895 A 2907 Israel chez les Nations. 1893 C12692 Lewin. Siege of Jerusalem. 1863 A 214 LiNDO. History of the Jews in Spain and Portugal. 1848 A 208 Loeb. Le Juif de I'Histoire. 1890 C 5545 McCaul. Der wahre Israelit. 1855... D 3522 Magnus. About the Jews since Bible Times. 1881 A 234 Outlines of Jewish History B. C. 586— C. E. 1885 A 2910 Mayer. Die Rechte der Israeliten. '62. D 341 1 Mears. From Exile to Overthrow, B. C 586 to A. D. 70 A 221 Milman. History of the Jews. 3v. '64. A 2C2 The same. 3v. 1837 A 2863 The same. 3v. • 1830 1 3576 The same. 3v. 1863 1 3651 MocATTA. Jews of Spain and Portugal and the Inquisition. 1877. A 229 MooRE. Lost Tribes and Saxons. 1861.A 201 Morrison. The Jews under Roman Rule. 1890 A 2871 National Council of Jewish Women. '96. M 4521 Neubauer (Ed.). Mediaeval Jewish Chronicles. 2v. 1887 A 2877 Newman. History of Hebrew Mon- archy. 1847 A 205 Nuebling. Judengemeinden des Mittelal- ters. 1896 D 7056 Oliphant. Jerusalem the Holy City. 1891 A* 4570 Pascheles. Sippurim; jiidischer Volks- sagen, etc. 5 v. in 2. 1864-83 D 3023 PetEx^s. Justice to the Jew. 1899 A 2888 Philipson. Old European Jewries. '94. A 2917 Picciotto. Anglo-Jewish History. '75. A 226 Quellen zur Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland. 3v. 1888-98 D 4784 Raphall. Post-Biblical History of the Jews. 2v. 1866 A 206 Renan. Histoire du Peuple d'lsrael. 5v. 1887-94 C 6441 History of the People of Israel. 5v. 1888-95 ' A 2862 Rendu. Jewish Race in Ancient and Roman History. 1895 A 2923 RiGGS. Jewish People during Maccabean and Roman Periods. 1900. A 2922 Rothschild. History and Literature of the Israelites. 2v. 1870 A 211 Saalschutz. Archaologie der Hebraer. 1855-6 D 4326 Salaman. Jews as they are. 1882 A 228 Samuel. Jewish Life in the East. 1881.A 224 Sayce. Early History of the Hebrews. 1897 A 2928 Schreiber. Die Selbstkritik der Juden. 1880 t) 6526 Schuerer. Jewish People in the Time of Christ. 5 V. 1885-90 ,. A 2864 Sharpe. Geschichte des hebraischen Volkes. 1869 D 201 History and Literature of the Hebrew Nation. 1872 A 213 Sime. Kingdom of all-Israel. 1883 A 2861 Simon. The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. 1836 A 222 Stade. Geschichte des Volkes- Israel. 2v. 1887 D 5787 Statistics of Jews of the United States. 1880 L 1619 Tonna. Judaea Capta. 1845 A 2868 ToussENEL. Les Juifs rois de I'fipoque. 2v. 1888 C13227 Trusen. Sitten der alten Hebraer. '53. D 199 Wallace. Jerusalem the Holy. 1898... I 7981 Weber and Holtzmann. Geschichte des Volkes Israel. 2v. 1867 D 5594 THE JEWS— CHIVALRY AND THE CRUSADES. 19 VVellhausen. History of Israel and Judah. 1891 A 2873 Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels. 1883 D 5754 Prolegomena to History of Israel. 1885 A 2870 White. The Modern Jew. 1899 A 2889 WiLKiNS. Phoenicia and Israel. 1874.. A 2452 Wise. History of the Israelitish Nation. V.I. 1854 A 238 WoLSKi. La Russie juive. 1887 C13382 Zeitschrift fiir die Geschichte der ^u- den in Deutschland, 1887-92, 5v..*5'^r. ZuNZ. Namen der Juden. 1837 D 3021 CHIVALRY AND THE CRUSADES. Addison. The Knights Templars. '42. L 898 The same; enUrged by Macoy. 1874 L 899 Archer, J. H. L Orders of Chivalry. 1887 ♦R 4449 Archer, T. A. Crusade ol Richard I., 1189-92. 1889 A 278 and KiNcsFORD. The Crusades. 1895.A 259 Batty. Spirit and Influence of Chivalry. 1890 A 2954 Bescherelle. Les Grands Guerriers des Croisades. 1877 C12061 BiGSBY. Spirit of Chivalry. 1873 A 2957 Brun-Lavainne. Godefroi de Bouillon et j)r^cis de rHtstotrc des Croi- sades. 1875 ,...Ci2350 BuLFiNCH. Age of Chivalry ; Legends ol King Arthur. 1872 A 260 Busk. Mediaeval Popes, Crusaders, etc., 1 125-1268. 4v. 1854-6 C 4 CA.MPION. Crusaders in Ireland. 1856. A 1181 Choiseul-d'Aillecourt. De I'lnfluence des Croisades. 1809. C 5418 Chronicles of the Crusades. 3v. 1865.. I 3345 Cl.\rk. Knighthood in Europe. 2V...A 3097 Collin de Plancy. Godefroid de Bouil- lon; les deux premieres Croisades, 1095-1180. 1842 C12562 Cox. The Crusades. 1874 A 162 DiGBY. Broad Stone of Honour. 5v. 1844-76 A 249 DoR.\N. Knights and their Days. *s6.A 341 Drane. Knights of St. John A 267 DuTTON. History of the Crusades. '77. A 268 Elvin. Hand-Book of Orders of Chiv- alry. 1892 ♦R 4100 Fuller. History of the Holy War. '40. A 2^^ Gautier. La Chevalerie. 1883 *V 1941 Chivalry. 1891 A 2946 Gmeun'. Schuld Oder Unschuid des Templer Ordens, mit Tafeln. 2v. 1893 D 7022 Gray. The Children's Crusade. 1884.. A 274 Hagenmeyer. Peter der Eremite, 1879. D 6082 Ha YE. Persecution of the Knights Temp- lars. 1865 L 4566 Henne-am-Rhyn. Die Kreuzzuge; il- lustr. von Dore *P 528 James. History of Chivalry. 1871 I 3664 Keightley. The Crusaders. 1847 A 272 Klein. Raimund von Aguilers; Quellen- studie zur Geschichte dts I. Kreuz- zuges. 1892 D13661 KucLER. Geschichte der Kreuzzuge. '8o*D 5773 Laporte. Les Croisades C 5656 Maimbourg. History of the Crusade; tr. by Nalson. 1685 ». . . .*V 136X MiCHAua The Crusades; illus.'by Dore. 2v. 1890 ..♦P2081 History of the Crusades. 3v. 1881.A 269 and Poujoulat. Histoire des Croi- sades abregee. 1882 C 5926 Mills. History of Chivalry. 2v. 1826.A 266 History of the Crusades. 2v. 1822.A 265 Mombert. Short History of the Cru- sades. 1894 A . 279 Neumann. Weltstellung des byzanti- nischen Reiches vor den Kreuzzii- gen. 1894 D13017 Pears. Fall of Constantinople. 1886.. A 2942 Perry. History of the Crusades. 1865. A 264 Pfahler. Der erste Kreuzzug. 1868. .D 200 Prutz. Entwicklung und Untergang des Tempelherrnordens. 1888 D 5704 Kulturgeschichte der Kreuzzuge. '83D 5686 Roehricht. Geschichte der Kreuzzuge. 1874-8 D 5699 Roth v. Schreckenstein. Geschichte der Reichsritterschaft. 2v D 144 Segar. Honor, Military and Civil. i6o2*V 1363 SiMMONDS. British Roll of Honour; Recognized Orders of Chivalry in Various Countries. 1888 A 3095 Smith. Knights and Sea-Kings. 1874. .A 253 Stebbing. History of Chivalry and the Crusades. 2v. 1830 1 3532 20 CHIVALRY AND THE CRUSADES— MIDDLE AGES. Sybel. Geschichte des ersten Kreuz- zugs. 1881 D 5712 History and Literature of the Cru- sades. 1861 A 273 Tessier. Quatrieme Croisade. 1884 — C13203 TowNSEND. Sea Kings of the Mediter- ranean. 1872 A 276 WiLKEN. Geschichte der Kreuzziige. 7v. 1807-32 D 5758 WooDHOUSE. Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages. 1879 L 4564 MIDDLE AGES. Abdy. Feudalism ; its Rise and Progress. 1890 A 2947 Abrahams. Je^/ish Life in the Middle Ages. 1896 A 2875 Adams. Civilization during the Middle Ages. 1894 A 2955 Mediaeval Civilization. 1883 A 2941 AssMANN. Geschichte des Mittelalters, 375-1492. 1875-9 D 5562 Barlow. The Normans in South Europe. 1886 A 357 Bax. German Society at Close of Mid- dle ages A 4158,1 Bell. History of Feudalism. 1863.... A 2956 Bryce. Holy Roman Empire. 1871 A 1968 Buckingham. Bible, Schools, etc., in the Middle Ages. 1853 A 247 Buckley. Great Cities of the Middle Ages. 1853 A 251 BuLFiNCH. Legends of Charlemagne.'72.A 263 Burckhardf. Civilization of the Renais- sance in Italy. 2v. 1878 A 1959 Busk. Mediaeval Popes, Emperors, Cru- saders, 1125- 1268. 4v. 1854-6 C 4 Chatfield. History of the Darker Ages. 1824 A 245 Chevalier. Les Sources historiques du Moyen-Age. 1877-86 *R 530 Chronological Tables of the Middle Ages. 1838 *R 4912 Church. Beginning of Middle Ages. . .A 171 CoMYN. History of Western Empire, TJ2- 1520. 2v. 1841 A 1866 CuTTS. Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages. 1872 *K 168 Darmesteter. End of the Middle Ages. 1889 A 2945 Dozy. L'Espagne pendant le Moyen Age. 2v. 1881 C12676 Dunham. Europe during Middle Age.-. 4v. 1833-4 I 3814 DuTiUY. Histoire du Moyen Age. 1890..C12297 History of the Middle Ages: 1891. .A 2949 Emerton. Mediaeval Europe, 814-1300, 1894 ■' ■.... A 258 Study of the Middle Ages. 1888. ... A 2944 Field. Introduction to the Study of the Renaissance. "1898 A 2990 Fisher^ The Mediaeval Empire. 2v. '98. A 297a Froissart. Boy's Froissart; by Lanier. 1879 A 261 Chronicles; tr. by Bourchier, ed. by Macaulay. 1895 A 257 Chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc. 2v. 1874 -A 262 Chroniques. 14V. 1824-6.. C 11919, 11-25 Chroniques. 3v. 1838 C 4994 Chroniques, 1322-99. 25V. in 26. 1867-77 .* *Ci2394 Illuminated Illustrations of; by Hum- phreys. 1845 *P 745 Stories from; by Newbolt. 1899. .A 2994 Stories from; by St. Leger. 3v. '32. A 275 Gould. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. 1881 E 81^ Green. Town Life in the Fifteenth Cen- tury. 2v. 1894 A 3405 Greene. History of the Middle Ages.'7oA 252 Greenwood. Empire and Papacy in the Middle Ages. 1892 A 2953 Gregorovius. Geschichte der Stadt Athen im Mittelalter. 1889 •..D 5760 Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mit- telalter. 8v. in 7. 1869-74 D 87 The City of Rome in the Middle Ages. 7v. in 11. 1894-1900 A 2724 Hallam. Europe during the Middle Ages. 1872 A 250 Hampson. Medii Aevi Kalendarium. 2v. 1841 A 246 Harrison. Byzantine History in the Early Middle Ages. 1900 A 2584 Henderson. Germany in the Middle Ages. 1894 ...A 4157 Historical Documents of the Middle Ages. 1896 1 3340 Hodgetts. The English in the Middle Ages. 1885 A 3307 Huellman. Stadtewesen des Mittelalters. 4v. 1826 .D 5610 MIDDLE AGES— MODERN HISTORY. 21 Janssex. History of the German People at the Close of the Middle Ages. 2v. 1896 A 2965 JussERAND. English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages. 1889 A 3169 Kampschulte. Zur Geschichte des Mit- telalters. 1864 D 5615 Keightley. Secret Societies of the Mid- dle Ages. 1837 1 3569 KoEPPEN. The World in the Middle Ages. 1854 ♦V 1524 Krause. Die ByzAntiner des Mittelal- ters. 1869 D12961 L.\CROix. Arts in the Middle Ages. '75 ♦R 4174 Manners, Customs and Dress during the Middle Ages. 1874 ♦R 4»77 Military and Religious Life- in the Middle Ages. 1874 ♦R 4176 Science and Literature in the Middle .\fi^s. 1878 ♦R 417s Lamprecht. Deutsches Wirthschaftsle- ben im Mittelaljer. 3v. 1885-6.. D 7014 Lane. Arabian Society in Middle Ages. 1883 A 271 1 Lelewel. Geographie du Moyen Agc.^ 4v. in 2. 1852 C 5573 Atlas •V 1500 LiTTK^. fitudes sur les Barbares et le Moyen Age. x 1874 C 5715 McLaughlin. Studies in Mediaeval Life. 1894 E 4517 Maitlano. The Dark Ages. 1853 A 254 Mann. Ancient and Medixval Repub- lics. 1879 •. A 2440 Mas Latrie. Tresor de Chronologic d'Histoire et dc Geographie du Moyen Age. 1889 *R 4334 Maury. Croyances et Legendes du Moy- en Age. 1896 C12866 Mediaeval Towns: Assisi ; by Gordon, 1900 A 3016 Constantinople; by Hutton. 1900.A 3015 Florence; by Gardner. 1900 A 3014 Moscow ; by Gerrare. 1900 A 3013 Nuremberg; by Headlam. 1899..... \ 301 1 Rouen ; by Cook. 1899 A 3010 Toledo ; by Lynch. 1898 A 3012 Menzies. Europe from Decadence of the Western Empire to the Reforma- tion. 1873 A 2951 Merry weather. Glimmerings in the Dark. 1850 A 2943 Myers. Mediaeval and Modern History. 1889 A 2950 PoTTHAST. Bibliotheca Historica Medii Aevi. 2v. 1862-8 ♦O 303 Prutz. Das Abendland im Mittelalter. 2v. 1885 *D 5789 PuETZ. Mediaeval History and Geogra- phy. 1872 A 3 Ranke. Latin and Teutonic Nations. . 1887 I 2931 RuEHL. Chronologic des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. 1897 ....D 3294. Rydberg. Magic of the Middle Ages. 1879 ...A 248- ScHAFF. The Renaissance. 1891 A 2948^ ScHiNDLER. Aberglaube des Mittelalters. 1858 D 193 ScHMiTZ. History of the Middle Ages. 1871 A 25s Shaw. Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages. 2v. 1858 *F 68^ Smith. Knig^hts and Sea-Kings; or, the Middle Ages. 1874 A 253 Spruner. Hand-Atlas des Mittelalters.*R 4957 Steele. History of Mediaeval and Mod- em Peoples. 1883 A 2166 StillI. Studies in Mediaeval History. 1891 A 2952 Stubbs. Lectures on Mediaeval and Mod- ern History. 1886 A 305 Symonds. History of the Renaissance in Italy. 1893 A 408^ Thatcher. Mediaeval Europe. 1897... A 2961 and Schwill. Europe in the Mid- dle Ages. 1896 A 2960- Tout. The Empire and the Papacy, 918- 1273. 1898 A3059.2 Traut. Aus dem Mittelalter. 1867 D 240 Woodhouse. Military Religious Orders of the Middle Ages. 1879 L 4564 Wrichtson. Sancta Respublica Ro- mana, 395-888. 1890 A 4078 Zeller. Entretiens sur 1' histoire du Moy- en Age. 4v. 1884-92 C13395 MODERN HISTORY. Adams, C. Great Campaigns in Eu- rope, 1796-1870. 1877 A 321 Adams, G. B. European History. 1899.A 3040 Airy. English Restoration and Louis XIV. 1888 A 301 22 MODERN HISTORY. Alison. History of Europe, 1789-1815. 4v. 1872 A 335 The same. lov. 1842. ... A 346 Atlas to same. 1850 *R 4985 History of Europe, 1815-1852. 4v. 1871 A 336 The same ; with Index, gx. 1853- 1859 *A 347 American Annual Cyclopaedia and Regis- ter, i86i-75- I5V *R 17 Index, 1861-75. Continued as Appleton's Annual. Andrews. Historical Development of Modern Europe, 1815-97. 2v A 3031 Annual Register, 1758- 1899 *Ser. Annual Summaries from the "Times," 1851-92. 2v... A 358 Appleton's Annual Cyclopsedia and Reg- ister, 1876-99. 24V *R 17 Index, 1876-87. Arnd, Geschichte der Jahre 1848-60. 1863 D 16 Geschichte der Jahre 1860-7. 2v. 1868 D 14 Geschichte der Jahre 1867-71. 2v. 1872 ..D 15 Arnold, H. P. Historic Side-Lights. 1899 E 1789 Arnold, T. Lectures on Modern His- tory. 1866 A 302 The same. 1871 *P 16 Bain. Gustavus III. and his Contempo- raries. 1894 C10914 Baraudon. La Maison de Savoie et la Triple Alliance, 1713-1722. 1896.C12877 Bauer. Anekdoten aus dem i8ten Jahr- hunderts. v. 1-4, 7-8. 1804-6 D 6 Geschichte des i8ten Jahrhunderts. 4v. in 2. 1803-4 D 7 Beaumont- Vassy.. Histoire des £tats • europeens. 6v. in 3*. 1843-53. . .Ci 1978 Benedetti. Essais diplomatiques. 2v. 1895-7 ...C13117 Studies in Diplomacy. 1896 A 4163 Block. L'Europe politique et sociale. 1869 C12081 Bornstein (Her.). Am Ende des Jahr- hunderts. i8v. in 14. 1898-1900.D 13530 BouRGOiNG. Histoire diplomatique de I'Europe pendant la Revolution fran^aise. 4v. in 3. 1865-85 C12975 Bristol. Providential Epochs. 1894.. A 2162 Brogue. La Paix d'Aix-la-Chapelle. '92.C12650 Bryce. Holy Roman Empire. 1871...A 1968 Bulle. Geschichte der neuesten Zeit, 1815-1885. 4v. in 2. 1888 D 5649 Butler. Resolutions of the Empire of Charlemagne. 814-1806. 1807 A 281 Cantu. Storia di Cento Anni, 1750-1850. 3v- 1855 C 9160 Les trente derniere annees, 1848-78. 1888 C12222 Capefigue. L'Europe depuis I'Avene- ment de Louis-Philippe. lOv. 1845-6 C12244 L'Europe pendant la Revolution frangaise. 4v. 1843 C12242 L'Europe pendant le Consulat et TEmpire. lov. 1840 C12243 Louis XIV. et ses relations diplo* matiques avec I'Europe. 6v. 1837-8 .»..Cl2227 Cochr.\ne. Historic Pictures. 2v. 1865.A 310 Coffin. Story of Liberty A 299 CoNDiLLAC. Histoire moderne. . . .C12206, 15-20 CoRviN. 1848- 1871 ; Geschichte der Neu- ^ zeit. 2v. 1882 D 5678 Cust. Wars of the i8th Century. 5v. 1858-60 A 322 Wars of the 19th Century. 2v. 1862. A 323 Cyclopaedic Review of Current History; ed. by Johnson, 1891-1900. 9v *Ser. Davis. A Year from a Reporter's Note- book. 1898 E 2500 Debidour. Histoire diplomatique de I'Europe, 1814-78. 2v. 1891 C12329 Desmond. Mooted Questions of His- tory. 1895 A 2137 Doellinger. Addresses upon Historical and Literary Subjects. 1894 A 370 Studies in European History. 1890.A 353 Dohm. Denkwiirdigkeiten meiner zeit; Geschichte, 1778-1806. 5v. 1814- 1819 D13562 Doran. Monarchs retired from Busi- ness. 2v. 1857. . , C 836 Draper. Geschichte der geistigen Ent- wickelung Europas. 1871 D 5582 Intellectual Development of Europe. 2v. 1874. L 2166 The sam'e. 2v. 1875 1 2980 Droysen. Abhandlungen zur neueren Ge- schichte. 1876 D 43 Druffel. Zur Geschichte des 16. Jahrhun- derts. 3v. 1873 D 5677 MODERN HISTORY. 23 DucouDRAY. History of Modern Civili- zation. 1891 L 3893 UuRUY. Histoire des Temps modernes, 1453-1789. 1887 C4798 Dyer. History of Modern Europe. 4v. 1861-64 A Edgar. History of Modern Europe for Boys A Epochs of Modem History; ed. by Mor- ris and others. 1874-88 : Church. Beginning of the Middle Ages A Johnson. The Normans in Europe. A Cox. The Crusades A Stubbs. The Early Plantagenets. . A Warburton. Edward the Third.. A Gairdner. Houses of Lancaster and York A Moberly, The Early Tudors, Henry VH. and Henry VHI A 3142 Seebohm. Era of the Protestant Revolution A Creighton. Age of Elizabeth. ...A Gardiner. Thirty Years* War, 1618- 1648 A First Two Stuarts and Puritan Revolution .* A Airy. English Restoration and Louis XIV A Haix Fall of the Stuarts, and West- em Europe, 1678-1697 A •Morris. Age" of Anne A Early Hanoverians A 3141 Longman. Frederick the Great and the Seven Years' War A Morris. French Revolution and First Empire A McCarthy. Epoch of Reform, 1^30- 1850 A Fabyan. New Chronicles of England and France. 1811 ♦V FiTCHETT. How England saved Europe; the Great War, 1793-1815. 4v A Foerster. Die Hofe und Cabinette Eu- ropa's im 18. Jahrhundert. 3v in 2. 1836-9 D1287S Forbes and others. Battles of the Nine- teenth Century. 2v. 189^ A 3050 Fredet. Modem History from the Com- ing of Christ to 1867. 1873. .•• . . . A Freeman. Chief Periods of European History, 1886 • A Fifty Years of European History. '88A 325 329 171 173 162 169 170 165 161 166 163 167 301 168 172 174 164 175 3503 287 32S 297 Freeman. General Sketch of European History. 1889 A 352 Historical Geography. 2v. 1881...A. 333 Maps to tjie same *A 333,2 History of Europe. 1877. A 334 Lectures to American Audiences.'82A 662 Frost. Pictorial Modern History. 1846.A 34^ Froude. The Spanish Story of the Ar- mada and other Essays. 1892... A 3272 Fyffe. History of Modern Europe. 3v. 1881-90 A 338 Gabouro. Histoire contemporaine depuis 1830. I2v. 1863-74. C13448 Gage. Modern Historical Atlas. i869.*R 228 Gardiner. Thirty Years' War, 1618-48. 1894 A Gentz. Europe before and after the French Revolution. 1802 A George. Genealogical Tables of Modern History. 1874 *R The same; new ed. 1886. ...*R GntARO. The Peace of Utrecht. 1885. .A GnviNUS. Historischc Schriften. 1871.D 5589 Einleitung in Geschichte des 19- Jahrhunderts. 1864 D History of 19th Century. 1853 A Geschichte des I9ten Jahrhunderts. 8v. 1855 L) Ghillany. Europaische Chronik, 1492- 1867. 3v D Griesinger. Geschichte der Neuzeit, 1866-69. 1870 D GuizoT. Histoire de la Civilisation en Eu- rope. 1857 C History of Civilization in Europe.'42L The same; tr. by Hazlitt. 1871.13029,1 History of Representative Govern- ment in Europe. 1861 1 3027 GuRNEY. Historical Sketches, 1400-1546. 3v. 1852-8 A 289 Harland. Where Ghosts Walk; Familiar Characters in History. 1898 C169S3 Hassall. The Balance of Power, 1715- 1789. 1896 A3059.6 Hand-book of European History, 476- 1871. 1897 A 306a Heeren. European States and Colonies. 1842 A 290,s Herbst. Encyclopadie der neuren Ge- schichte. 5v. 1880-96 ♦R 237 Hill, R., Diplomatic Correspondc.Mco 1703-6. 2v. 1845 349 163 351 23a 23i 34S 84 332 85 81 95 S148 770 24 MODERN HISTORY. Historical Register, 1714-38. 25V * A 3021 Historische Zeitschrift, 1873-99. v. 29-82 . . *5'^r. Register, v. 1-56. Hislorisches Taschenbuch, -1830-91. 62v..*Scr. HoRNE. Events in Europe, 1811-15. '17.*?. 2366 HowiTT. Colonization and Christianity. A 282 Hume. The Year after the Armada. '96.A 3027 Ideville, d'. Les Petits cotes de I'His- toire, 1870-86. 2v. 1884-7 C 5284 Irving. Annals of our Time, 1837-87. 2v. 1880-9 *R 211 Jaeger and Moldenhauer. Aktenstucke zur Geschichte des 19. Jahrhun- derts. 1893 D12939 Johnson. Normans in Europe. 1877*. A 173 Joseph Ben Joshua, Rabbi. Chronicles. 2v. 1835-6 *V 1299 Joy. .Rome and the Making of Modern Europe. 1893 A 2757 JuDSON, Europe in the 19th Century. '94A 3032 Kemble. State Papers, 1686-1707. '57. A 330 Kingston. Monarchs I have met. 2v. '87.C 3479 Knox. Decisive Battles since Waterloo, 1815-1887 A 326 Koch. Revolutions de 1' Europe. 3v. '23.C 5524 Revolutions in Europe. 3v. 1828.. I 3521 Tableau des Revolutions. 3v. 1807.A 4 Koner. Repertorium der Geschichts-Auf- satze, 1800-1850. 1852-6 *0 Laing. Social and Political State of Eu- rope in 1848. 1850 L Latour (Ed.). Petits Chefs-d'Oeuvre ' historiques. 1863 C 6180 Lavisse. Political History of Europe.'9iA Lawrence. Historical Studies. 1876.. A IvAwsoN. Conspiracies in European His- tory. 2V. 1829 I 3527 Xeake. Historic Bubbles. 1896 A 2200 XiLLY. A Century of Revolution. 1889.L 3332 Chapters in European History. 2v..A 292 Lodge. History of Modern Europe. 1886.A Lord, J. Modern History from Luther to Napoleon I. 1849 A Lord, W. F. Lost Empires of the Modern World. 1897 A 3039 LoRENZ. Staatsmanner und Geschichts- schreiber des 19. Jahrhunderts. .D 13668 LuBOMiRSKi. Histoire contemporaine. 5v. 1889-93 ....C12736 McCarthy. The Epoch of Reform, 1830- 1850. 1882 A 175 Mackenzie. The 19th Century. 1880. .A 316 645 806 356 177 331 313 Mahan. Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783. 1890 A 2152 Malcolm. Manners and History of Eu- rope. .^11 A 354 Maurer. Marksteine in der Geschichte der Volker, 1492- 1880. 1880 D 148 Maurice, C. E. Revolutionary Movement of 1848-9 in Europe. 1887 A 350 Maurice, J. F. Balance of Military Power in Europe. 1888 L 3280 May. Democracy in Europe. 2 v. 1877. A 314 Mazade. L'Europe et les Neutralites : la Belgique et la Suisse. 1893 C12757 Menzel. Geschichte Europas, 1789- 181 5. 2v. 1866 D 166 Geschichte der neuesten Zeit, 1856- 1860. 1866 D 162 Die neuesten Jesuiten-Umtriebe.'72.D 168 Die letzten 120 Jahre der Weltge- schichte, 1740-1860. 6v. 1860...D 169 Wichtige Weltbegebenheiten, 1860- . 1870. 4v. 1869-71 D 163 Menzies. History of Europe, from the Decadence of the Western Empire to the Reformation. 1873 A 2951 Merivale. Historical Studies. 1865 A 340 MiCHELET, C. L. Geschichte der Mensch- heit seit 1775. 2v. 1859-60 D 170 MiCHELET, J. Modern History, 1453-1789; tr. by Potter. 1865 1 3761 The same; tr. and cont. to 1874, by Simpson. 1875 A 315 Precis de I'Histoire moderne. 1881.C 5891 Miller. History from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revo- tion. 4v. 1832. A 2102 Mueller. Europaische Geschichte, 1871- 1881. 1882 D 63 Political History, 1816-75. 1882... A 317 Politische Geschichte, 1816-75. 1875. D 179 Politische Geschichte der Gegenwart, 1867-98. S3V. in 22 D 5674 Muenster-Ledenburg, Graf zu. Political Europe, 1814-67. 1868 A 3042 Murdock. Reconstruction of Europe. '89A 348 Myers. Mediaeval and Modern History. A 2950 Newman. Europe of the near Future.'7iA 1891 NiCHOL. Tables of European History, 200- 1875 *R 277 Periods of European History ; ed. by Has- sall. 1895-8 A 3059 V. I. 476-918, The Dark Ages; by Oman. MODERN HISTORY. l^eriods of European History ; ed. by Hassall. 1895-8 A 3059 2. 918-1272, The Empire and the Papacy; by Tout. 3. 1272-1494, End of the Middle Ages; by Lodge. 4. 1 494- 1 598. Europe in the i6th Cen- tury ; by Johnson. 5.M598-1715, Ascendency of France; by Wakeman. 6. 1715-1789, The Balance of Power; by Hassall. 7. 1789-1815. Revolutionary Europe; by Stephens. 8. 1815-1878, Modern Europe; by Prothero. Philippson.. Europa unter Philipp n.*D 5776 Points of History A 188 PouTiKOS, pseud. Sovereigns and Courts of Europe. 1891 C10177 PRfevosT-PARADOL. Quelques Pages d'His toire conteniporaine. 4v. in 2. '71.C 6232 Pkutz. Staatcngeschichtc des Abend- landes. 2v. 1885 ♦D 5789 PuETZ. Modem History and Geography. 1851 A 300 Ranke. History of the Latin and Teu- tonic Nations, 1494-1514. 1887.. I 2931 Raumer. Contributions to Modern His- tory. 2v. 1836-7 A 339 Gcschichte Europas seit 1500. 8v.*32D 219 History of the i6tb and 17th Cen- turies. 2v. 1835 A 307 Raynal. Settlements in East and West Indies. 6v. 1798 '.A 345 Remmek. Russland und die europaische Lage. 1888 D 4782 Revue historiquc. 1876-1900. 72V *Ser. Russell, J. History of the Principal States of Europe. 2v. 1826 A 337 Russell, W. History of Modern Europe. 3v. 1872 :...A 327 Saint-PresT. Histoire des Traites de Paix du XVHe Siecle. 2v. i725.*R 129 ScHAFF. The Renaissance. 1891 A 2948 Schlegel. Modern History. 1862 I 3077 Vorlesungen iiber die neucre Gc- schichte. 1877 D 5716 ScHLOSSER. History of the i8th Century. 8v. 1843 A 308 Gcschichte des i8ten Jahrhunderts. 8v. 1864 D 224 ScHULTHESS. Europalschcr Geschichts- Kalender, 1860-99. 40v ♦D 39 ScHWiLL. History of Modern Europe.A 3030 Sears. An Outline of Political Growth in the Nineteenth Century. 1900.A 3046 Segur. L'Europe depuis 1786 a 1796. 3v. 1803 C 6552 Histoire du Bas-Empire. 1857 C 6679 SeiOnobos. Political History of Europe since 1814. 1899 A 3036 Sentupery. L'Europe politique, gouverne ment, etc. 3v. 1894-5 C13143 Seymour. Wars resulting from the French Revolution. 2v. 1815... A 1681 SiKES. Studies of Assassination. 1881. A 283 S.MYTH. Lectures on Modern History. 2v. 1854 1 3082 Sorel. The Eastern Question in the Eighteenth Century; Partition of Poland. 1898 A 3066 L'Europe et la Revolution fran^aise. 4v. 1887-92 C 6729 Staatsarchiv, Das. 1861-99. 63V *Ser, Stacke. Erzahlungcn aus der neuesten Geschichte. 1880 D 5733 Stcbbing. Some Verdicts of History re- viewed. 1887 A 293 Stern. Gcschichte Europas, 1815-71. 2v. 1894-97 D13111 Strahlheim. Geschichte unserer Zeit, 1789-1830. 34V D 5739 Strickla.nd. Stories from Modern His- tory. 1870 H 691 Swinburne. Courts of Europe, 1774-1803. 2v. 1841 1 609 SvBEL. Kleine histo.rische Schriften. '69.05689,2 Taylor, J. Age we Live in; History of 19th Century, 1815-83. 4v. in 7. .♦V 763 Taylor, T. S. First Principles of Mod- ern History. 1882 A 324 Taylor, W. C. .Modern History. 1873.. \ 320 Revolutions, Insurrections and Con- spiracies of Europe. 2v, 1843... A 284 Thou (Thuanus). Historiarum sui tem- poris. 7v. 1733 ♦R 131 Tillotson. Stories of the Wars, 1574- 1658. 1864 A 288 ToussENEL. Histoire contemporaine, 1789- 1815. 1884 C 6856 University of Pennsylvania, Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History. 4v. in 2. 1897-8 *A 3022 26 MODERN HISTORY— ENGLAND AND WALES. Van Praedt. Political History, 15th- 17th Centuries. 1868 A 309 ViLLEMAiN. fitudes d'Histoire moderne. 1862 C 6934 Wakeman. Europe, 1598-1715. i894.A3059,5 Weir. Historical Basis of Modern Eu- rope, 1760-1815. 1886* A 291 Wiel. Romance of the House of Savoy, 1003-1519. 2v. 1898 A 4110 Wilson. Ironclads in Action, 1855-95. 2v A 3033 Wolff. Odd Bits of History. 1894... A 3029 Yeatman. Shemetic Origin of the Na- tions of Western Europe, 1879. A 598 Yonge. Three Centuries of Modern His- tory. 1872 A 304 Zimmermann. Die europaischen Ko- lonien. 3v. 1896 Di3443 ENGLAND AND WALES. 488 A Beckett. Comic History of England.A AcLAND and Ransome. Handbook of Eng- lish Politics. 1883 A Political History of England. 1882.A Adams. Before the Conquest. 1870... A England at War ; Great Campaigns of the British Army. 2v. 1886 A 3144 England on the Sea; Story of the British Navy. 2v. 1885...-. A 3112 Good Queen Anne. 2v. 1886 A 759 Memorable Battles in English His- tory. 2v. 1879 A 3265 The Merry Monarch ; England under Charles n. 2v. 1885 A 760 The White King; Charles L 2v. '89.C10606 Addy. The Evolution of the English House. 1898 A Adolphus. History of England under George HL 7v. 1840 A Aikin, J. Annals of Reign of George 667 666 467 34^ 389 HL, 1760-1815. 2v. 1816 A The same. 2v. 1820 A Aiken, L. Court of Elizabeth, 2v. 1818.A Court of Charles L 2v. 1833.... A Court of James L 2v. 1822 A Airy. English Restoration and Louis XIV., from Peace of Westphalia to Nimwegen. 1888 A Text-Book of English History. '91. A 3274 Alfred, the Great. Life and Times; ed. by Bowker. 1899 C17054 Allen, G. Anglo-Saxon Britain. 1885. A '648 525 542 526 S3 1 527 301 Allen, John. Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative in England. '49L 3320 Allen, Joseph. Battles of the British Navy. 2v. 1872 1 3100 Allen, W. F. 'Reader's Guide to English History. 1882 A 603 Amos. Fifty Years of the English Con- stitution, 1830-80 L 224 Ancient and Modern Britons. 2v. '84.. A 3170 Anderson, J. H. History of George HFs Reign. 1891 A 3263 Anderson, J. P. Book of British Topog- raphy. 1881 *0 604 Andrews, A. The Eighteenth Century; Manners and Customs. 1856 ...L 4257 Andrews, W. Bygone England. 1892. A 3399 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle; ed. by Giles. '681 3341 Anglo-Saxon Chronicles ; ed. by Earle.*P 46 The same ; rev. by Phimmer. 2v. 1899 A 354^ Annals of England. 1876 A 402 Archbold. Somerset Religious Houses. 1892 A 355,6 Archer, J. H. L. The British Army; its Records, Badges, etc. 1888 A 2^7^ Archer, T. Pictures and Portraits illus- trative of English History. 2v.*84*V 1474 Gladstone and his Contemporaries, 1830-86. 4v A 32tS. Armitage. Childhood of the English Na- tion. 1877 A 438 Armstrong's Primer of English History. 1885 A 754 Armytage. Court Customs and Court Rule. 1883 A 687 Wars of Queen Victoria's Reign. 1837-87 A 3129 Arraignment and Execution of Traitors, 1606 E 5891 Ashburnham, J., Narrative of his Attend- ance on Charles L 2v. 1830.... A 716 Ashley (Ed.). Edward HL and his Wars, 1327-60 A 3209 Ashmole. History of the Order of the Garter. 1715 A 3096 Institution and Laws of the Noble Order of the Garter. 1672 *P 1562 Ashton. Dawn of the 19th Century in England. 1886 A 3109 Florizel's Folly. 1899 A 3486 Old Times ; Social Life in i8th Cen- tury. 1888 A 734 ENGLAND AND WALES. 27 AsHTON. Social England under the Re- gency. 2v. 1890 A 3261 Social Life in Reign of Queen Anne.A 675 When William IV. was King. 1896. A 34S2 •AssER. Annals of the Reign of Alfred the Great, 849-887 1 3365 Aubrey. Rise and Growth of the English Nation. 3v. 1896 A 3415 AuDiN. Life of Henry VIIL 1852. . . .C 749 Babcock. Two Lost Centuries of Britain. 1890 A 3219 Bailey. Succession to the English Crown. 1879 A 519 Baker. Chronicle of Kings of England. 1653 ♦V 201 Banks. Nature of the Kingly Office; Forms of Coronation Ceremony.. A 3281 Barrington. The M.-^gna Charta, and other Great Charters. 1900 A 3488 Barry. Caesar and the Britons. 1831. A 3i8o Batemaw. The Acrc-ocracy of England. 1876 L3582 Bayne. Chief Actors in the Puritan . Revolution. 1879.." A 558 Beamish. The King's German Legion. 2v. 1832-7 A 3145 Beatson. Political Index to Histories of Great Britain. 3v. 1806 A 665 F.EATTIE. Castles and Abbeys of Eng- land. 2v A 3136 Beave.n. Popular Royalty. 1897 C18999 Bbde. Ecclesiastical History of England. I 3341 The same. 1843 M 1738,2-3 Historia Ecclesiastics Anglorum..*P 268 Beesly. Elizabeth. 1892 C 3571 Bell (Ed.). Memorials of the Civil War: Fairfax Correspondence. 2v. 1849... A 3302 tStLSHAM. Memoirs of the Reign of George III. 8v. 1813 A 529 Beltz. Memorials of Order of the Gar- ter. 1841 A 421 Berard. School History of England. '89. A 430 Besant. Fifty Years Ago. 1^ A 3148 The Rise of an Empire. 1898 A 3490 Betuam. Origin and History of the Eng- lish Constitution. 1834 A 487 Birch. Court and Times of James I. 2v. 1849 A 363 Court and Times of Charles I. 2v..A 364 Bird. Guide to Docnments in Public Record Office. 1891 ♦O 597 r.isSETT. Omitted Chapters in History of England, 1640-50. 2 v. 1864. .A 424 571 641 350 588 Bl.\auvv. The Barons' War. 1871 A 679 Blore. Monumental Remains of Royal Persons * V Boutell. English Heraldry. 1879..... A The same. 1863 ♦R Bowes. Synopsis of English History.. A Braddo.n. Essex's Honour Vindicated. ♦A 3126 Bradlaugh. Impeachment of the House of Brunswick. 1875 A 553 Brand. Popular Antiquities. 1877 E 871 The same. 3v. 1873 13343 Brenton. Naval History, 1783-1836. 2v. 1837 A 644 Brett. The Yoke of Empire ; the Queen's Prime Ministers. 1896 1^16970 Brewer. English Studies in History.*8i.A 624 Reign of Henry VIII. 2v. 1884. ..A 715 Brewster and Humphrey. England and its Rulers. 1892 A 3511 Briogeman. History of the Princes of South Wales. 1876 A 3220 Brigbt. History of England, 449-1880. 4v. 1877-88 A 405 Brodie. Constitutional History of the Brit- ish Empire. 3v. 1866 A 457 Brooke. Battle Fields in England of the 15th Century. 1857 A 3200 Brookes. Manners and Customs of the English Nation A 645 Brunet. Regal Armorie of Great Britain to Reign of Queen Victoria* 1839.A 642 Buckingham and ChaNdos, Duke of. Courts and Cabinets of George* III. 4v. 1853 A, 534 Court of England during the Regen- • cy, 181 1-20. 2v. 1856 A 535 Court of George IV., i820-30.2v.*59.A 536 Courts and Cabinets of William IV. and Victoria. 2v. 1861 A 532 Buckle. History cf Civilization in Eng- land. 3v. 1872.. A 460 Builders of Greater Britain : Brooke, 5'i> J. ; by St. John. 1890. .C17284 Cabot, J. and S. ; by Beazley." 1898.C11016 Clive, Lord; by Arbuthnot. 1809. .C1751S • Phillip, A. ; by Becke and Jeffcry. 1899 C18706 Raffles, Sir T. S. ; by Egerton. 1900 C18783 Raleigh, S'lV W. ; by Hume. 1897. Ci 1604 W^akefield, E. G. ; by Garnett. 1898C19111 HiNBURY. Narratives of War with France, 1799-1810. 1854 A 647 28 ENGLAND AND WALES. BuRDETT. Prince, Princess and People; Prince and Princess of Wales, 1863- 1889 ..: A 3212 BuRGHLEY, Lord. Collection of State Papers, 1571-1596. 1759 *Doc. Burke, J. B. Historic Lands of Eng- land. 1849 A 3138 Burke, S. H. Portraits of Tudor Dy- nasty and Reformation Period. 4v. 1879-83 A 556 • Men and Women of the English Reformation. 2v. 1871 M 193 Burn. Parish Registers in England. '62.A 482 Burnet. 'History of my own Time, 1660- i'7i3 A 412 The same. 6v. 1833 *P 36 Burns. Story of English Kings accord- ing to Shakespeare. 1899 E 9995 Burrows. Foreign Policy of Great Brit- ain. 1895 A 3464 Imperial England L 236 Burton, A. Rush-Bearing, 1891 A 3276 Burton, J. Journal of the Escape of the Young Chevalier. 1884 *P624.39 Burton, J. H. Reign of Queen Anne. 3v. 1880 A 706 Burton, T. Diary from 1656 to 1659 ; ed. by Rutt. 4v. 1828 A 618 BuscH. England unter den Tudors.'92.Di2848 V. I. Heinrich VH. (1485- 1509.). Cabala ; sive Scrinia Sacra ; Letters in Reigns of Henry VHL to Charles L 1691 *V 154 Caixe. The Little Manx Nation. 1891.A 3310 Calendar of State Papers. 142V *Doc. Callcott. Little Arthur's History. '84. A 742 Camden. Camden's Britannia epitomized and continued by Tymms. 7v. '42.A 379 Canning. Literary Influence in British History. 1889 J 1776 Capefigue. La Reine Vierge; Elisabeth - d'Angleterre. 1863 C 4284 Carrel. Counter Revolution in England. 1857 1 3007 Carter. Medals of the British Army. '61A 3202 Cartwright (Ed.). Wentworth Papers, 1705-39. 1883 A 728 Cary. Memorials -of the Civil War in England, 1646-1652, 2v. 1842. ..A 698 Cassell's Illustrated History of England. iov. 1865-74 A 548 Caulfield. The High Court of Justice; Judgment on Charles I. 1820. .*V 1364 Chadwick. King John of England. '65.A 669 Charles I. ; by Skelton. 1898 : . . ."^P 1736 Eikon Basilike. 1824 A 429 Court and Tim.es of; by Birch. 2v.A 364 Karl I. von England .'. . . .D13655.21 Life and Reign ; by Disraeli. 2v.'5i.C 657 Trials of. 1845 " I 3595 Charles IL, Account of Second Escape from Worcester. 1883 *P624,26 Court of, 1649-73 ; comp. from State Papers by Forneron. 1897 A 3462 Chichester and Burges-Short. Records and Badges of the British Army. A ^2>7Z Child. Church and State under the Tu- dors. 1890 M 2875 Church. Henry V. 1889 C 3912 Story oi Early Britain, 1890 A 3207 Clarendon. History of the Rebellion and Ci^nl Wars, 1641-60. 7v. '49. A 410 The same. 3v. in 6. 1731-2, .*A 3163 The same. 7v. 1849 *P 68 Clarendon State Papers, 1523- 1657. 3v. 1872-6 A 656 Clarke, S. R. Vestigia Anglicana; His- tory and Antiquities of England. 2v. 1826 A 419 Clarke, T, B. Memoirs of the King's Supremacy. 1809 A 756 Clayden. England under Beacons- field, 1873-80 A 485 England under the Coalition, 1885- 1892 A 3298 Clinton. Compendium of English His- tory to 1872. 1874 A 514 From Crecy to Assye ; Five Cen- turies of Military History of Eng- land A 605 CoBBE. Norman Kings of England. '69.A 369 CoBBETT. History of Regency and Reign of George IV. 2v, 1830-4 A 676 Parliamentary History of England, 1066-1803. . 36V . .*. *I>ac. The same; cont. by Hansard. 1803-1900. 442V *Doc. Colchester, C. A. Diary and Corres- pondence. 3v. 1861 A 442 Collection of Remonstrances, etc, 1641- 1643 *A 392 Collier. History of England. 1868... A 425 CoMAN and Kendall. Growth of the English Nation, 1894 A 3398 Connolly. Royal Sappers and Miners. 2v. 1857 A 498 ENGLAND AND WALES. ag Cooke, F. E. England (For Young Readers). 1897 H 4361 Cooke, G. W. History of Party in Eng- land, 1666-1832. 3v- A 462 Cooper. History of England to the Reign of Victoria. 2v A 486 Cope. History of the Rifle Brigade. '77. A 496 CoKBETT. Drake and the Tudor Navy. 2v. 1898 A 3432 The Successors of Drake. 1900. ..A 3433 CoR.vER. The United Kingdom. 1852. .A 3213 CoRNWALLis, Marquis. Correspondence. 3v. 1859 A 445 Cory. Guide to Modem English His- tory, 1815-35. 2V. 1880-2 A 411 Craik and McFarlane, Pictorial History of England. 9v. 1837-41 A 545 Creasy. Imperial and Colonial Constitu- tions of Great Britain. 1872 A 441 History of England to 1485. 2v. 1869- 1870 A 440 Invasions of England. 1852 A 518 Creighton. Ag€ of Elizabeth. 1876. .A 166 Cardinal Wolsey. 1888. . C 3564 Queen Elizabeth. 1899 C17829 Croly. Historical Sketches. 1842 A 3293 Cromb. The Highland Brigade; its Bat- tics and Heroes. 1891 A 3025 Crouch (/?. Burton). History of the House of Orange. 1814 A 3292 CuMBERLANa Story of the Union Jack. 1897 A 2356 CuMMiNG. The Isle of Man. 1848 A 3423 Cunningham, G. G. The English Na- tion. 5v C 2892 Cunningham, W. Alien Immigrants to England, 1066- 1792. 1897 L 6580 and MacArthur. English Indus- trial History. 1895 A 3390 Curling. Ancient Corps of Gentlemen- at- Arms. 1850 A 3283 Dalrymple. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland from Charles 11. to Battle of La Hogue. 2v. 1771-73. *V 2123 Daly. Radical Pioneers of the i8th Cen- tury. 1886 A 3119 Davidson. New Book of Kings. 1884.A 741 Davies. Celtic Researches on Ancient Britons. 1804 A 476 Mythology of British Druids. 1809.A 475 Day. Pythousc Papers. Civil War, Pop- ish Plots, etc. 1879 A 738 DeL^^illiere- Federal Britain. 1894.. A 3406 DeLolme. On the Constitution of Eng- land. 1853 1 3013 Denton. England in the 15th Century. 1888 A 3199 D'EwES. Journals of the Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth. 1682 *V 845 Dicey. The Privy Council; William I. to William IV. 1886 A 320C Dickens. Child's History of England. 874 H 321 Dickinson. Development of Parliament during 19th Century. 1895 A 3557 DiLKE. The British Empire. 1899 A 3830 Dixon. History of two Queens; Cath- arine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn. 6v. in 3. 1873 G 182 Domesday Book. 4v. 1783-1816 *P 922 Key to same; by Eyton. 1878 *P 923 DoRAN. Lives of Queens of England of the House of Hanover. 2v. 1875.C 1339 DoYLE, J. E. Chronicles of England, B. C. 55— A. D. 1485. 1864.... *R 4185 Doyle, R. Manners and Customs of ye Englyshe ♦V 814 Duncan. History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. 2v. 1872-3 A 3191 Dyer. Popular British Customs. 1876. 1 3368 Earle, J. Land Charters and other Sax- onic Documents. 1888 A 3444 Earle, J. C. English Premiers, from Walpole to Peel. 2v. 1871 A 454 Early Britain. 1884-6: Rhys. Celtic Britain A 3300 Allen. Anglo-Saxon Britain A 648 •Hewlett. Post-Norman Britain. .A 3143 Edgar. Wars of the Roses ; or, York and Lancaster, i860 A 490 Edwards, A. B. Outlines of English His- tory. 1857 A 437 Edwards, H. Collection of Old English Customs. 1842 A 634 Ellis, A. B. The ist West India Regi- ment. 1885 A 3278 Ellis, H. (Ed.). Original Letters illus- trative of English History, iiv. .A 614 Ser. I. Henry V. to Elizabeth. 3 v. 2. Glendower's Rebellion to George II. 4v. 3. Time of Lanfranc to George III. 4v. Ellis, W. Royal Jubilees of England. 1886 A 3208 Elton. Origins of English History. '90A 3216 30 ENGLAND AND WALES. English Historical Review, '86-99. 14V., . .*5"rr. English Historical Society, Monastic Chronicles of English" History. 29V. 1838-56 *A 1066 Englische Armee, Die (tnit farbigen Tafeln) *P 35i Entick. History of the War, 1748-63. 5v. 1764-66 A 632 EscoTT. Personal Forces of the Period. 1898 A 3475 Evelyn, J. Diary and Correspondence; ed. by Bray. 4v I 3301 EvvALD. Stories from State Papers. '82A 607 Studies Re-Studied. 1885 A 3108 Extraordinary Black Book. 183 1 A 481 Extraordinary Red Book. 1816 A 651 Facsimiles of National MSS. of Eng- land. 4v. 1865-8 *P 852 Fairfax Correspondence; Memoirs of Reign of Charles I. ; ed. by John- son. 2v. 1848. A 3301 Farnejorough, Baron. Constitutional His- tory of England. 2v. 1872 A 387 Fea. The Flight of the King ; Escape of Charles H. from Worcester. 1897.A 3422 Feilden. Short Constitutional History of England. 1895 A 3386 Fellowes. Historical Sketches of Charles I., Cromwell and Charles H. '28*V 409 Fenn (Ed.). The Paston Letters; Orig- inal Letters from Henry VI. to Richard HI. 1849 A 694 Ferguson, R., The Plotter ; or, Secret of the Rye-House Conspiracy. 1887. C 1033 Figgis'. Theory of the Divine Right of . Kings. 1896 A 355,9 Fisher. History of England for Begin- ners. 1887 A 3134 FiTCHETT. Deeds that won the Empire ; Historic Battle Scenes. 1898 A 3372 Fights for the Flag. 1898 A 3504 How England saved Europe ; the Great War, 1793-1815. 4v. '99-oo.A 3503 Florence of Worcester. Chronicle. '54. 1 3349 FoNBLANQUE. England under Seven Ad- ministrations, 1827-36. 3v 1837.. A 391 Forbes. The Black Watch; Record of an Historic Regiment. 1896 A 3377 Ford. British Officers serving in the American Rev., 1774-83. 1897. .'^R 305 Forster, H. O. a. Our Home Army. '92A 3284 FoRSTER, J. Arrest of the Five Members by Charles I. i860 A 422 FoRSTER, J. Debates on the Grand Re- monstrance, 1641. i860 A 657 Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England. 1846 C17024 and others. Lives of Eminent Brit- ish Statesmen. 7v. 1831-9 1^38 Forsyth. Antiquary's Portfolio of His- torical Curiosities. 2v. 1825 A 680 Fortescue. History of the British Army. 2v. 1899 A 3561 Fox. History of Reign of James H. '08.I 3007 The same. 1857 *V 78 Franqueville. Gouvernement et Parle- ment britanniques. 3v. 1887 C 4929 Freeman. English People in its Three Homes. 1882 A 662 Growth of the English Constitution. 1872 G 211 History of the Norman Conquest. 5v. 1870-6 *P 56 The same, with Index. 6v. '70-9A 388 Old English History. 1871 A 374 Reign of William Rufus. 2v. '82. A 655 Short History of the Norman Con- quest. 1880 A 491 Teutonic Conquest . in Gaul and Britain. 1888 A 297 William the Conqueror. 1888 C 3562 Friedmann. Anne Boleyn. 2v. 1884. .C 2759 Froissart. Froissart in Britain ; tr. by Newbolt. 1900 A 3387 Froude. The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon. 1891 A 3267 English Seamen in the i6th Centu- ry. 1895 A 3394 History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to Death of Elizabeth. I2V. 1874 A 479 The Spanish Story of the Armada.- 1892 A 3272 Gairdner. England. 1879 ^ A 652 Henry VII. 1889 C 3567 Houses of Lancaster and York. '75A 165 Life and Reign of Richard III. '79. C 2975 (Ed.). The Paston Letters, 1422- 1509. 3v. 1872-5 A 674 and Spedding. Studies in English History. 1881 A 3270 Galt. George III., his Court and Family. 2v. 1824 C10876 Pictures of English, Irish, and Scot- tish History. 2v. 1821 A 58? ENGLAND AND WALES. 31 Gardiner, Mrs. B. M. C. and Piiillpotts. King and Commonwealth ; His- tory of Charles I. 1876 A 432 Gardiner, S. R. The Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660. 2v. '94-7 A 3410 Constitutional Documents of Puritan Revolution, 1628-60. 1889 A 321S Cromwell's Place in History. '97 -A 3382 England under Buckingha*m and Charles I. 2v. 1875 A 430 English History for Students. 'Si.A 517 English History for Young Folks. 1881 A 516 Fall of the Monarchy of Charles I. 2v. 1882 A 3106 The First Two Stuarts, and PuriUn Revolution, 1603-60 A 167 Great Civil War. 1642-9. 3v. '88-9I.A 3205 History of England, 1603-42. lov. 1883-4 A 678 Personal Government of Charles I., 1628-37. 2v. 1877 A sii Prince Charles and the Spanish Mar- riage, 1617-23. 2v. 186^ A 3409 What Gunpowder Plot was. 1897.A 3383 Garnier. History of the English Landed Interest. 2v. 1892-3 L 3592 Gasquet. Eve of the Reformation. 'oo.M 7340 Henry VHI, and the English Monas- teries. 2v. 1889 t M 2873 Geffcken. The British Empire. 1889. A 3305 George. Battles of English History. '95.A 3416 Gerard. Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot. 1872 A 472 Giles. History of Ancient Britons. 2v. 1847 A 474 Gilly. Shipwrecks of the Royal Navy. 1850 A 502 Giustinian. Four Years at the Court of Henry VHI. 2v. 1854 A 744 Gleig, C. When all Men starve i898,A 3467 Gleig, G. R. Eminent British Military Commanders. 3v. 1831-2 1 3837 Family History of England. 3v. *36.A 507 Gneist. Das englische Verwaltungs- recht der Gegenwart. 1883-4 D 7251 Englische Verfassungsgeschichte.'82D 5590 The English Parliament. 1886. ...A 758 History of the English Constitution. 2v. 1886 A 3101 GoADBV. The England of Shakespeare.A 497 Godwin. History of the Commonwealth of England. 4v. 1824 A 384 Goodman, G. Court of James I. 2v. *39A 658 Goodman, W. Great Britain during the Reigns of the Stuarts. 2v. 1845. A 3203 Gould. An Old English Home and its Dependencies. 1898 A 3468 Grafton. Grafton's Chronicle; or, His- tory of England (1509).' 2v. 'o9.*V 1443 Graham, C. S. M. England from Ac- cession of James I. to 1778. 9v. .*V 830 Graham, P. A. The Victorian Era. '97- A 3384 Granger. Biographical History of Eng- land to 1688. 6v. in 3. 1824 A 575 The sam^; continued to 1727 by Noble. 3v. 1806 A 576 Grant, J. British Battles on L.and and Sea. 3v. 1873-5 A 726 Recollections of the House of Com- mons, 1830-5. 1836 L 229 Recollections of the House of Lords, 1830-5. 1836 L 228 Graphic History of the British Empire. 1890 A 3179 Great Britain and Ireland: Documents preserved in France ; His- tory of Great Britain, 918-1206. ..♦Doc. Historical Manuscripts Commission. ♦Doc. V. I. Manuscripts in Welsh Lan- guage. House of Commons, Journals, 1547- 1833. 1835-42, 1844-59. Ill V. in ii3*Doc, General Index, v. 1-55, 75-92. House of Lords, Journals, 1509- 1859. 88v. in 94 *Doc. Calendar of the Journals, 1509-1826. 2 v *Doc. General Index, v. i-io, 20-64. Manuscripts, 1693-5. Issues of the Exchequer; ed. by Devon. 3v. 1835-7 *A 3543 v. I. From Henry III. to Henry VI. 2. During Reign of Edward III. 3. During Reign of James I. Master of the Rolls; Catalogue of Ancient Deeds. 3v. 1 890-1 900. . .*Dor. Navy List, 1878-81, 1898 ♦R 3886 Proceedings* and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England; ed. by Nicolas. 7v. 1834-7 *A 3544 Public Record Office. Lists and In- dexes *Doc. Royal Commission on Historical MSS., Reports. i8v. in 52. '70-99. ♦Dof. 32 ENGLAND AND WALES. 509 510 '93. A 3295 659 3133 Great Britain and Ireland : Manuscript of the Duke of Portland. 1899 *Doc. The Statutes of the ReaJ^n to end of Reign of Queen Anne. 9v. in 10. 1810-21 *Doc. Alphabetical Index. Chronological Index. Great Seals of England from Edward the Confessor to William IV.'37*R 4347 Green, Mrs. A. S. Town Life in the 15th Century. 2v. 1894 A 3405 Henry II. 1888 C 3566 Green, J. R. Conquest of England. '84A 712 History of the English People, 449- 1815. 4v. 1878-80 A Short History of the English Peo- ple. 1888 A The same (Illus. ed.). 4v The Making of England. 1881 A Green, W. Chronological History of the Reign of George III. 1822 A 3123 Gregg. History of Parliamentary Elec- tions. 1886 A Greville. Journal of Reigns of George IV. and William IV. 2v. 1875.. A The same ; abr. by Stoddard. '75C Journal of Victoria's Reign, 1837- 1860. 3v. 1885 A Grey, Earl. Correspondence, 1830-32. 2v. 1867 A Grimaldi. English History to 1870. '71. A Grose. Antiquities of England and Wales. 8v. 1783-7 *V Military Antiquities of the English Army. 2v. 1812 *V Gross. Sources and Literature of Eng- lish History to 1485. 1900 *0 2419 Guest, E. Origines Celticse; Contribu- tions to History of Britain. 2v. '83A Guest, N. J. Lectures on History of Eng- land. 1879 A and Underwood. Handbook of Eng- lish History. 1886 A GuizoT. Charles I. and the Revolution, 1625-48. 2v. 1854 A The same. 1868 Cromwell and the Restoration Embassy to the Court of St. James's in 1840. 1862 A fitudes sur la Revolution de I'An- gleterre. 1851 C 5158 Histoire d'Angleterre. 2v. '77-8.. *V 1134 513 746 443 367 546 233 670 426 3122 I 3028 2V.A 361 661 GuizoT. Popular History of England. 4v. 1876-9 A 444 Protectorat de R. Cromwell. 2v. '56C 5154 La Revolution d'Angleterre. 1850.. C 5413 GuRDON. History of the High Court of Parliament. 2v. 1731 A 3312 Gurney. Reference Handbook of Eng- lish History. 1890 A 3217 Hack. English Stories of Olden Time. 2v. 1839 A 743 Haigh. Anglo-Saxon Sagas. 1861. . . .A 3171 Conquest of Britain by the Saxons. A 711 Hale. Fall of the Stuarts, 1678-97. '76.A 168 Hall, H. Court Life under the Plantag- enets (Reign of Henry II.)..'90.A 3177 Society in the Elizabethan Age. '86. A 3116 Hall, Mrs. M. Queens before the Con- quest. 2v. 1854 A 466 Hallam. Constitutional History of Eng- land. 3v. 1872 A 385 The same; Student's ed. 1873. A 386 Halliday. Annals of the House of Han- over. 2v. 1826 A 3195 Halliwell-Phillipps. Books of Charac- ters; Habits and Manners from James I. to the Restoration. '57.*V 1951 Hamilton, Lady A. Secret History of the Court of England from 1760-' 1830. 1832 A 3288 Hannay. Short History of the Royal Navy, 1217-1688. 1898 A 3417 Hansard. Parliamentary Debates, 1803- 1900. 442V *Doc. Continuation of Cobbett's Par- liamentary History. Hardy. Catalogue of Materials relating to Great Britain. 3v. 1862-71.. *0 650 Harleian Miscellany. I2v. 1808- 11...* A 1070 Harris, W. History of the Radical Par- ty. 1885 A 736 Harris, W. James I., Charles I., Crom- well and Charles IL 5v. 1814...C 652 Harrison. Oliver Cromwell. 1888. .. .C 3565 Hassall. Making of the British Em- pire, 1714-1832. 1896 A3426,6 Hatherton, Baron. Occurrences in 1834- 1872 A 493 Hearn. Government of England. 1877.L 3400 Hearne (Ed.). Historia vitae et regni Ricardii II. 1729 A 3472 Heath. Chronicle of Reign of Charles I. 1676 *V 87 ENGLAND AND WALES. 33 Heaton. Three Reforms of Parliament. 1885 A 31 10 Henderson, E. F. (Ed.). Historical Doc- uments of the Middle Ages. '96.. I 3340 Side Lights on English History. 'ooA 349-2 Henderson, T. F. The Casket Letters and Mary Queen of Scots. 1889. C 3884 Henry VHL, Chronicle of; tr. by, Hume. 1889 A 321 1 Henry. History of Great Britain to 1542. I2V. in 6. 1814 A 397 Henry of Huntingdon. History of the English. B.C. 55 to A.D. 1154. '53.I 3352 Herbert, A. Britannia after the Romans. 2v. 1836-41 ♦V 165 Herbert, Baron. England under Henry VHL 1870 C 746 Herbert, Sir T. Two last Years of the Reign of Charles L 1815 C 2908 Hertslet (Comp.). Collection of Treaties subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers. I2v. 1840-71 ♦L 3367 Hewlitt. Post Norman Britain; Henry HL to Revolution of 1688. 1886.A 3143 HicGiNS. The Celtic Druids. 1827... ♦V 179 Higginson and Channing. English His- tory for Americans. 1896 A 3509 HiLUER. Attempted Escapes of Charles L from Carisbrook Castle. 1852. A 697 Hinds. The Making of the England of Elizabeth. 1895 A 3414 Historical Documents relating to Tudor and Stuart Sovereigns. 1886. .♦P623,i3 History of England for Schools A 371 Hodgetts. The English in the Middle Ages. 1885 A 3307 Holland. Memoirs of the Whig Party. 2v. 1852-4 A 664 Holt, E. Life of George HL 2v. 1820.C10877 Holt, E. S. Ye Olden Time; English • Customs in Middle Ages. 1884.. A 735 Hope. First Divorce of Henry VHL as told in State Papers. 1894 A 331 1 HosKiNS. Charles H. in the Channel Is- lands. 2v. 1854 A 368 Hotten. Topography and Family Histo- ry of England and Wales. 1863. ^O 610 Household Narrative of Current Events, 1850-55. 6v *Ser. HoziER. Invasions of England. 2v. '76.A 589 Hughes, J. (Ed.). Boscobel Tracts re- lating to Escape of Charles II. *57A 433 380 3128 508 376 Hughes, T. Alfred the Great. 1874... C 604 Hughes, T. S. History of England, . 1760-1835. 7v. 1^36 A 308 HuiSH. Coronation of George IV. '21.A 3289 Life of George IIL 1821 *V 24 Memoirs of George IV. 2v. 1830. .C 713 Hume. England during the Reign of Henry VIII. 1807 *P 1331 England during the Reign of Eliza- beth. 1807 *P 1327 History of England to 1688. 6v. '71. A The same. 8v. 1826 A The ^ame; continued to 1852 by Smollett and Gaspey. 8v ♦V The same; abridged and contin- ued to 1878; by Brewer. '80. A Humphreys. Record of the Black Prince. 1849 *P Hunnevvelu The Imperial Island; Eng- land's Chronicle in Stone. 1886. .A 3102 Hunt. Prisoners of the Tower of Lon- don. 1899 A 3505 Hunter, John. Orders of British Knight- hood. 1844 ♦R 4268 Hunter, Joseph. Critical and Historical Tracts. 1849-57 *A 347© No. I. Agincourt. 2. Founders of New Plymouth. 3. Milton. 4. The Ballad-Hero, Robin Hood. 5. Pope, his Descent and^ Fam- ily Connections. Hutton, R. H. Studies in Parliament; Sketches of Leading Politicians. 1866 .....L3185 HuTTON, W. Battle of Bosworth Field, 1485. 1788 A3198 Hutton, W. H. King and Baronage, A. D. 1135-1327. 1896 A3426,2 (Ed.). Misrule of Henry III. '87. A 3210 Simon de Mont fort and his Cause, 1251-66. 1888 A Inderwick. The Interregnum (1648- 1660). 1891 A Side-Lights on the Stuarts. 1891.. A Ingram. England and Rome, 1066-1688. 1892 A Ingulph. Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland. 1854 1 3353 Innes. Britain and her Rivals in the i8th Century, 1713^89. 1895 A 3478 Cranmer and the Reformation in England. 1900 C16841 3193 3266 3262 3269 34 ENGLAND AND WALES. Irving. Our own Time, 1837-87. 2v. 1880- 1889 ..< *R 211 James. Naval History of England, 1793- 1828. 6v. 1837. . . . V A 506 Jardine. Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot. 1857 A 470 Jenks. Constitutional Experiments of the Commonwealth, 1649-60. '90.A 355,3 Jennings. Anecdotal History of Parlia- ment. 1881 A 484 Jephson. The Platform; its Rise and Progress. 2v. 1892 L 3397 Jesse. Court of England, 1688-1760. 3v. 1843 A 568 Life anfl Reign of George HI. 3v..A 521 Memoirs of the Pretenders. 2v. '60.I 3304 The same. 2v. 1845... A 567 Memoirs of Richard HI. 2v. '94.. A 3303 Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts. 3v. 1857 1 3303 Jessgpp. Coming of the Friars. 1889.. E 3779 Jewett. Story of the Normans. 1887. A 3124 Johns. Naval and Military Heroes of Great Britain, 1066-1854. i860. ..C 117 The same I 3138 Joy. 20 Centuries of English History.'98A 3508 Jusserand. Les Anglais au Moyen Age. 1884 ...• ••...c 5361 English Wayfaring Life in Middle Ages (XIV. Century). 1889. .. -A 3169 A French Ambassador at Court of Charles H. 1892 A 3286 Kebbel. English Statesmen since the Peace of 1815. 1868 C loi Essays upon History and Politics. 1864 A 2111 Toryism from Pitt to Beaconsfield. 1886 ..A 3131 Keddie (S. Tytler). Tudor Queens and Princesses. 1896 C10389 Keightley. History of England. 3v. *39.A 400 The same. 2v. 1851 A 478 The same. 5v. i860 1 3730 Kemble. The Saxons in England. 2v. '76. A 415 Kiernan. Ireland and America versus England. 1864 *A 296 King. National Arms of the United Kingdom. 1886 A 3093 Kingston. Our Soldiers. 1870 A 978 KiRKLAND. Short History of England for Young People. 1891 A 3275 Klopp. Fall des Hauses Stuart und des Hauses Hannover. 14V. in 7. '75-8D 5642 Knight (Ed.). Half Hours of English History A 499 V. I. From the Roman Period to the Death of Henry III. 2. From Edward I. to Death of Elizabeth. 3! From James I. to William and Mary. 4. From Anne to Queen Victoria. Popular History of England. 8v. 1856-62 A Z77 Old England; Popular Antiquities. 2v. 1845 *R 4281 Knox. Little Folks' History of EnglandA 375 KuMMER. Epitome of English History. 1883 A 673 Lancaster. Manual of English History for Schools. 1900 A 3517 Lang. Pickle the Spy (Incognito of Prince Charles). 1897 C17420 The Companions of Pickle. 1898..C17421 Sequel to Pickle the Spy. Langmead. English Constitutional His- tory from the Teutonic Conquest. . 1896 A 396 Langtoft. Chronicle; tr. by Hearne. 1724 J93,3-4 Lappenberg. England under Anglo-Sax- on Kings. 2v. 1845 A 416 The same. 2v. 1881 1 3095 England under Norman Kings. '57. A 417 and others. Geschichte von Eng- land, fiv. 1834-98 D12804 Earned. History of England for Schools. 1900 A 3518 Lathbury. Guy Fawkes ; History of the Gunpowder Treason. 1839 A 714 Latimer. England in the Nineteenth Century. 1894 A 3407 Laurie. English History. 1876 A 372 Lawrance. Historical Memoirs of the Queens of England. 2 v. 1838-40. C 2906 Lecky. History of England in the i8th Century. 8v. 1882-90 A 705 The same. 8v. 1879-90 A 559 Ledru-Rollin. Decline of England. 1850 A 574 Lee, F. G. The Church under Queen Elizabeth. 2v. 1880 M 461 Lee, G. C. Source-Book of English His- tory. 1900 A 3516 L'Estrange. Brief History of the Times, etc. 1687-88 A 3507 ENGLAND AND WALES. 35 Lewin. Caesar's Invasion of Great Brit- ain. 1862 A 450 Lindsay. The Royal Household. '98. *V 2063 LiNGARD. History of England to 1688. 13V. 1874 A 461 The same; abridged by Burke. 1867 A 409 LiVESEY. Notable Events in England's History A 663 Lloyd. History of Powys Fadog. 6v. 1881-7 A 3253 Lodge. Illustrations of British History, 1513-1618. 3v. 1838 A 403 Londonderry, Marquis of. Life, Letters and Dispatches. I2v. 1850 A 917 Longman. Historj' of England ; Lectures. 1868 A 408 Life and Times of Edward III. 2v. 1869 A 660 Loseley Manuscripts from Henry VIII. to James I. ; ed. by Kempc. 1835.A 3152 LossiNG. History of England. 1871...A 390 Low, C. R. Battles of the British Army. 1890 A 503 England's Sea Victories. 1893 A 3400 Low, S. J., and Pulling. Dictionary of English History. 1884 *R 230 Lucas. Historical Geography of British Colonics. 4v. 1888-97 A 921 LucKOCK. The Bishops in the Tower. 1887 M 2837 Lucy. Diary of Parliaments A 727 V. I. .The Disraeli Parliament. 1874-80. 2. The Gladstone Parnament.*8o-5. 3. The Salisbury Parliament, 1886- 1892. 4. The Home Rule Parliament, 1892.5. LUPTON. Concise English History. '83. A 708 LuTTRELL. 'Historical Relations of State Affairs, 1678- 1 7 14. 6v. 1857 A 446 The same, 6v. 1857 *P 106 Lyttelton. Life and Age of Henry II. 4v. 1767 *V 1444 Macaulay, C. See Graham, Mrs. C. Macaulay, T. B. History of England from Accession of James II. [1685- 1702]. 5v. 1861-73 A 406 The same.. lov. in 5. 1849-55. -G 403 The same. 4v. 1871 *P 108, 1-4 MacCabe. Catholic History of England. V. I. 1847 A 578 McCarthy, J. Epoch of Reform, 1830- 1850 A 175 History of the Four Georges (George I. and II.). 2v. 1885-90 A 717 The same. 2v. 1885-90 ...G1104 History of our own Times, 1837-97. 3v. 1880-97 A 612 The same. 5v. 1880-97 * A 3162 The same, 1837-80. 5v. in 3. 1879-80 G 1112 Short History of our own Times, 1837-80. 1884 A 713 The Story of the People of England in the Nineteenth Century. 2v. 1898-99 A 3149 McCarthy, J. H. England under Glad- stone, 1880-84. »884 A 3214 McCulloch. Account of the British Em- pire. 2v. , 1854 A 427 Macoonald (Comp.). The Royal Regi- ment of Artillery, 1625-1897. '99. *P 1746 MacFarlane. Cabinet History of Eng- land. 26v. in 13. 1845-7 A 407 McGregor. History of the British Em- pire. 2v. 1852 A 522 Mackenzie. Castles of England. 2v.'96.*P 2205 MACKINNON. History of Edward the Third, 1327-1377. 1900 A 3547 Mackintosh. History of England to 1760. lOv. 1830-40 1 382J Maclise. Story of the Norman Con- •quest. 1866 *R 4420 M'Nair. Colours of the Grenadier Guards. 1869 *V 1660 Macray. Manual of British Historians to 1600. 1845 A 739 Maoox. Baronia Anglica; ^History of Land-honors and Baronies. I74I.*R 4370 Mahan. Life of Nelson. 2v. 1897. .. .Ci 1373 Mahon, Lord. History of England, 1713- 1783. TV. in 4. 1853 G 568 Reign of Queen Anne. 1870 G 569 Malan, a. H. (Ed.). Famous Homes of Great Britain. 2v. 1900 *P 2218 Malan, C. H. Old Comrades; Life in British Army. 1879 A 653 Maley. Historical Recollections of Will- iam IV. 2v. 1859 .•. A 740 Manchester, Duke of. Court and Soci- ety from Elizabeth to Anne. 2v. 1864 A 528 Manley. Rebellions in England, Scot- land and Ireland, 1640-85. 1691. .A 3306 36 ENGLAND AND WALES. Manx Society Publications. 1869 Marshman. Brave Deeds; Crimea. 1880 I7V. 1859- *A Flanders to *V Martin (Comp.). The Record Interpre- ter of English Historical MSS. 1892 *R Martineau. History of England, 1800- 1815. 1851 A The same. 1878 1 History of England, 1816-46. 2v. 1849-50 A The same. 4v. 1877-8 1 The same from Commencement of XlXth Century to the Cri- mean War. 4v. 1864 A Massey. History of ^England in Reign of George HI. 4v. 1855-63 A Masson. Life of John Milton and ,His- tory of his Time. 7v. 1859-94. . .C Matthew of Westminster. Flowers of History to 1307. 2v. 1853 1 Maxwell, C. (Comp.). Ancient English and Scottish History. 1828 A Maxwell, W. H. Victories of Welling- ton and the British Armies. 1871.I May. History of the Long Parliament of 1640. 1854 A The same. 1854 *P Mayo. Medals and Decorations of the British Army and Navy. 2v. 1897 *A Medley. A Student's Manual of Consti- tutional History. 1894 A Melbourne, Viscount. Papers; ed. by Sanders. 1890 A Miles. Epitome of the Royal Naval Service. 1841 K Miller, S. H. and Skertchly. The Fenland. 1878 A Miller, T. History of the Anglo-Sax- ons. 1867 1 Milton, J. History of Britain. 1853.. J Moberly. Early Tudors ; Henry VH. and Henry VHI. 1887 A Molesworth. History of England, 1830- 1874. 2v. 1874 A The°Same. 3v. _ 1876 A Molloy. Court Life below Stairs; Lon- don under the first Georges, 1714- 1830. 4v A Royalty restored : London under Charles H. 2v. 1885 A 1095 1449 394 546 2991 547 2992 395 404 842 3360 3514 3^33 549 112 3419 3396 3304 5949 639 3135 185 3142 471 480 682 3107 Montagu. Recent Events. 1886 A 3513 Montague. Elements of English Con- stitutional History. 1894 A 3404 Montgomery. Facts of English History. 1888 .....'• A 3178 Morgan. England under Norman Occu- pation. 1858 A 3135 Morley. Edmund Burke; a Historical Study. 1867 A 401 Walpole. 1889 C 3568 Morris, E. E. Age of Anne. 1876 A 172 Early Hanoverians. 1886 A 3141 Morris, T., and others. The Three Ser- jeants. 1858 A 3299 Morris, W. O'C. The Great Campaigns of Nelson. 1898 A 3515 Murdoch. Constitutional Reform in Great Britain. 1885 A 3125 Murray. The Scottish Regiments in the British Army. 1863 A 3147 Mylius. Abridged History of England for Schools. 1871 A 583 Navy & Army illustrated, 1895-1900. ioy.*Ser. Neale. Mutiny at Spithead and the Nore. 1842 1 3622 Neele. Romance of the History of Eng- land. 3v. 1833 A 420 Nelson, Lord. Dispatches and Letters. 7v. 1844-6 A 918 Newcastle, Duke of. Changes in the Min- istry, 1765-67. 1898 A 3484 Newman. Historical Sketches. 3v. 1873. A 465 Nicholas. Pedigree of the English Peo- ple. 1868 .'..A 463 Nichols. Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth. 3v. 1823 *V 142a Nicolas. Battle of Agincourt. 1832 A 468 Historical Literature in England.'3oA 3290 History of Orders of British Knight- hood. 4v. 1842 *R 4294 History of the Royal Navy. 2v. '47 -A 505 Testamenta Vetusta; Manners and Customs from Henry H. to Eliza- beth. 1826 N 4999 Norgate. England under the Angevin Kings. 2v. 1887 . . .' A 3194 Norman People and their Descendants. A 646 Nye. Bill Nye's History of England to Reign of Henry VHL 1896 ... .A 3393 O' Byrne. The Victoria Cross from 1856- 1880 A 3197 ENGLAND AND WALES. 37 O'Connor. Gladstone's House of Com- mons. 1885 A 3104 OuPHANT. Historical Characters of the Reign of Queen Anne. 1894 C10386 Sketches of Reign of George II. 2vA 543 Oman. England and the Hundred Years' War. 1327-1485. 1898 A3426,3 England in the Nineteenth Century.A 3385 History of England. 1895 A 3510 Warwick the Kingmaker. 1891 C 3914 Oppenheim. Administration of the Royal Navy, 1 509- 1660. 1896 A 3391 Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical History of England and Normandy. 4v. '53. 1 3361 Orridge. Jack Cade's Rebellion, i^.. A 3139 Our National Cathedrals; their History and Architecture. 3v. 1887-9. . .♦A 3252 Oxford Manuals of English History. 1896-8 A 3426 V. I. Robertson. Making of the Eng- lish Nation, B.C.55-"3S A.D. 2. HuTTON. King and Baronage, *n35-i3^. 3. Oman. The Hundred Years* War, 1327-1485. 4. Powers. England and the Refo». mation, 1485-1603. 5. Wakeung. King and Parlia-^ ment, 1603-1714. 6. Hassall. Making of the British Empire, 1714-1832. Palgrave. History of Anglo-Saxons. '45.I 3587 History of Normandy and England. 4v. 1851-64 ■ A 448 Paris, Matthew. English History, 1235- 1273. 3v. 1852 I3359.3-5 Parmele. Evolution of an Empire. '95.A 3520 Parry. Britain's Roll of Glory ; the Vic- toria Cross. 1895 A 3376 Paton. British History and Papal Qaims, 1066-1892, 2v. 1893 A 3523 Patten. History of the Late Rebellion, 1715. 1717 A 3587 Pauu. Geschichte Englands seit 1815. 3v. in 2. 1864-1875 D13045 Pearson. England in the Early and Mid- dle Ages. 2v. 1867 A 418 English History in the XlVth Cen- tury. 1876 A 423 Peck. Desiderata Curiosa ; Curious Pieces relating to English History. I779.*V 144 1 Peel, Sir R. Memoirs. 2v. 1856 A 458 Pegge. Curialia Miscellanea; Anecdotes of Old Times. 1818 A 627 Penrose (Mrs. Markham). History of England to Reign of Queen Vic- toria. 1848 A 3524 PiiiLLiMORE. England during the Reign of George HI. v. 1. 1863 A 544 Phillips, J. R. Civil War in Wales, 1642-9. 1878 A 6oa Phillips, T. Wales; Language, Social Condition, etc. 1849 A 610 Pike, G. H. Oliver Cromwell and his Times. 1899 A 348a Pike, L O. Constitutional History of the House of Lords. 1894 ^ . A 3397 Pimblett. English Political History, 1880-85 A 3408 PiXLEY. History of the Baronetage. 1900.C16729 Planch 1 The Conqueror and his Com- panions. 2v. 1874 A 58s Pope. History of Ancient Britain. '66. A 649 PouLET, Sir A., Keeper of Mary, Queen of Scots. Letter-Books. 1874. .A 449 Powers. England and the Reformation, 1485-1603. 1898 A3426,4 Preston. Yeomen of the Guard, 1485- 188s A 3132 Prothero. Documents illustrative of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 1898 A 3542 Pyne. History of the Royal Residences. 3v. 1819 *P 2227 Rae. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox; Opposi- tion under George HI. 1874 C 981 Raikes. History of Honorable Artillery Company. 2v. 1878-9 A 72^ History of First Regiment of Mil- itia. 1876 A 722 Raleigh and others. Last Fight of the Revenge. 1591. rpr. 1896 ♦P624,2i Ramsay. The Foundations of England, B. C. 55 to A. D. 1154. 2v. 1898. A 3526 Lancaster and York, 1399- 1485. 2v. 1892 A 3297 Rands (A/. Browne). Chaucer's Eng- land. 2v. 1869 A 435 Ranke. Englische Geschichte. 9v. '730211,14-22 History of England, principally in the 17th Century. 6v. 1875 A 615 Rannie. Historical Outline of the Eng- lish Constitution. 1882 A 520 38 ENGLAND AND WALES. Ransome. History of England to the Present Day. 1895 A 3530 Rapin de Thoyras. History of Eng- land to 1727. 5v. 1743-7 *V 2 Readings in English History. 1874. ...H 611 Reed. English History in Shakespeare.'Si A 654 Reprint of 1st Amerjcan Edition of Magna Charta printed in i687.'97*V 2390 Rhys. Early Britain : Celtic Britain. '84.A 3300 and Jones. The Welsh People. 1900A 3428 Richards. Her Majesty's Army. 3 v. 1890- 1895 *P 1730 Heroes of our Day; Recent Winners of the Victoria Cross. 1894 A 3375 Warriors of Britain. 1S94 C10268 Richardson.' National Movement in the Reign of Henry HI. 1897 A 3545 RiCKAFT. Survey of England's Champions. 1647 A 683 RiDPATH. Border History of England and Scotland. 1848 ......*V 88 RiMMER. Ancient Streets and Home- steads of England. 1877 A 592 Ritchie. British Senators. 1869 A ^51 Robert of Gloucester. Chronicle; tr. by HeaVne. 1724 J93.1-2 Roberts. Houses of York and Lancas- ter. 2v. 1827 A 512 Robertson. Making of the English Na- tion, B. C. 55-1135 A. D. 1896. .A3426,i Roe. English History for Girls. 1876. .A 591 Roebuck. The Whig Ministry of 1830. 2v. 1852 A 680 Roger de Hovenden. Annals of English History, 732-1201.. 2v. 1853 1 3364 Roger of Wendover. Flowers of History to 1235. 2v. 1849 13359,1-2 Rogers. Strife of the Roses. 1890 A 3271 RoMNEY, Earl of. Diary of Times of Charles II. 2v. 1843 A 537 Rose. Papers of the Earls of I\Iarch- mont, 1685-1750. 3v. 1831 A 3264 RosEBERY. Pitt. 1891 C 3570 Round. Feudal England ; X'lth and Xllth Centuries. 1895 A 3535 Geoffrey de Mandeville; a Study of the Anarchy. 1892 C11307 RouTLEDGE, History of Popular Progress in England. 1876 N 4978 RowBOTHAM. Troubadours and Courts of Love. 1895 A 3392 Royal Historical Society Publications: The Domesday of Inclosures, 1517-8. 2v. 1897 *A 755 Rush Court o^ London, 1817-18. 1872.A 393 The same, 1S19-25. 1873 A 394 RusHWORTH. Historical Collections, 1618- 1648. 8v. ■ 1659-1701 *Doc. RusSiiLL. History of the Government and Constitution of England. 1865.. L 211 Recollections and Suggestions, 1813- 1873 A 447 Rymer (Comp.). Foedera. 10 v. I739-45*R 4700 The same. 4v. in 7. 1816-69. *R 4701 Sadler, Sir R. State Papers and Let- ters, ♦1539-1584. - 2v. 1809 *V 563 St. John. Four Conquests of England. 2v. 1862 A 473 Sanderson. England and the British Em- pire, B. C. 55- A. D. 1890, A 3403 Sanford. Estimates of English Kings. '72A 747 The Great Rebellion. 1858 A 737 Schaible. Geschichte der Deutschen in England. 1885 D 5727 ScHOLES. The British Empire and Alli- ances. 1899 L 6488 Scott. Border Antiquities of England and Scotland. 2v. 1814 *V 561 SEAid^E. Anglo-Saxon Bishops, Kings and Npbles. 1899 *R 290 Seeley, Sir J. R. Expansion of England. 1884 G 1049 The same. 1883 A 672 Growth of British Policy. 2v. 1895. A 3501 Seeley, R. B. Life and Reign of Edward L 1872 C 2566 Silver. Coronation Service; or, Conse- cration of Anglo-Saxon Kings. '31A 693 SiMMONDS. British Roll of Honor. 1888.A 3095 Six Old English Chronicles ; ed. by Giles, 1848: Ethel werd's Chron- icle; Asser's Life of Alfred; Geof- frey of Monmouth's British His- tory; Works of Gildas; Nunnius's History of the Britons ; Richard of Cirencester , I 3365 Skelton. Charles I. 1898 *P 1736 Impeachment of Mary Stuart and other Papers. 1876 C 2807 Essays in History and Biography.'83A 720 Skottowe. Our Hanoverian Kings ; His- tory of the Four Georges. 1884. A 31 13 Short History of Parliament. 1887. A 3115 ENGLAND AND WALES. 3^ Smiles. Hugenots in England. 1872.. A 1630 The same. 1868 A 270 Sjkitu^ C. J. Historical and Literary Cu- riosities. 1845 ♦R 4440 Smith, E. Story of the English Jacobins. i88i A 599 Smith, G. Three English Statesmen; Pym, Cromwell, Pitt. 1868 A 459 The United Kingdom; a Political History. 2v. 1899 A 3412 Smith, G. B. The English Parliament. 2v. 1892 A 3296 Smith, P. V. History of English Institu- tions. 1874 A 453 Smollett. History of England, 1689- 1760. 5v. 1837 ...A 709 The same. 5v. 1827 A 3»27 Society of Antiquaries of London, Pub- lications of: ^ Archaeologia, 1770-1899. 56%'. *S"rr. Index, V. 1-30. Liber quotidianus Garderobae, 1299- 1300. Ordinances for Royal Household, Edward III. i" Wllli.un and Mary, 1790. \'etusta Monunictua rcrum Britan- nicarum. 7v. 1747-1835 •P 958 SoMERS, Lord J. Collection of Tracts. 13V. 1809-15 •V 898 SouTHEY. Naval History of England. 5v. 1833-40 1 ^U Spalding. The House of Lords. 1894A 33^3 Speed. Great Britaine under the Con- quests of ye Romans, etc. 1650. 'R 4696 Spence. Qoister Life in the Days of Coeur^de Lion. 1892 'V 2056 Sprat. Account of the Conspiracy at the Rye House. 1886 ♦P623,14 SpRiGd Angiia Rediviva; Army of Sir Thomas Fairfax. 1647. rpr. i854*P 292 Stage (Comp.). British Historical Intel- ligencer: English Historians. '29*0 2465 Stebbinc. Some Verdicts of History re- viewed. 1887 T A 293 Stenzel. The British Navy. 1898 A 3413 Stern. Geschichte der Revolution in Eng- land. 1881 ♦D 5777 Sttllincfleet. Origines Britannicae; An- tiquities of British Churches. 2v.*P 296 Stocqueler. Familiar History of the Brit- ish Army. 1871 A 494 Stocqueler. Personal History of thr Horse Guards. 1873 A.. 495 Stokes. British War History during Present Century. 1869 A ^j^ Stories from English History for Young Americans. 1892 H 2443 Stqry. Building of the British Empire, 1558-1895. 2v. 1898 A 3519 Strickland. Bachelor Kings of England ; William Rufus, Edward V. and Ed- ward VI. 1861 C 159s Lives of the Tudor Princesses. '68.C 158- Lives of the Tudor and Stuart Prin- cesses. 1888 1 3308 Queens of England. 1066- 1 702.8V. '92C 95 The same. 6v. 1873 i 3306- The same; ifbridged by Kauf- man. 3v. 1883 H 2427- Talcs from English History. 1870. H 689 Strutt. Antiquities of England. 1842. ♦P 683 Dress and Habits of English People. av. 1842 ♦? 682: SxRYPE. Annals of the Reformation i.i England. 4v. in 7. 1824 *P !'*<> Ecclesiastical Memorials of England. • 3v. in 6. 1832 'P 134 Stubbs. Constitutional History of Eng- land. 3v. 1875-8 A 469 Early Plantagenets. 1877 A 169 Select Charters of English Constitu- tional History to Reign of Edward I. 1884 , A 456 • The same. 1870 "'P 263 Sullivan. Story of England, v. i. 1872. A 399^ Sydney. Social Life in England, 1660-90. 1892 A 3402- Symmons. Vindication of Charles I.1648C10605 Tancred. Medals conferred on the Brit- ish Navy and Army. 1891 ♦A 3374 Taylor, A. Glory of Regality ; Crowning Kings and Queens of England. '20A 66S Taylor, H. Origin and Growth of the English Constitution. 2v. 1889-98.L 3350 Temple, Sir R. The House of Commons. 1900 A ;55i Life in Parliament. 18S6-92: A 330^ Thackeray. State cf Ancient Briton under the Roman Emperors. 2v. '43.A 65* Thierry. Conquete de i'Anglcterre. 4v. in 2. 1872 C 6906 Conquest of England by the Ncr- m2ns. 1S41 A 45a 40 ENGLAND AND WALES. Thierry. Conquest of England by the Normans. 2v. 1861 1 3086 Thomson, Mrs. A. T. Memoirs of Court of Henry VIII. 2v. 1^826 A 710 Thomson,, R. Ceremonies observed in the Coronation of George III. '20.A 3282 Illustrations of British History. 2v. • 1828 I 3513 Magna Charta of King John. 1829. A 581 Thornbury. Shakespeare's England. 2v. 1856 A 436 Thornton. The Brunswick Accession.. A 3158 Thou (Thuanus). Narrative of the Gun- powder Plot. 1674 rpr. 1885 *P623,ii Thrupp. The Anglo-Saxon Home; Do- mestic Institutions to the nth Cen- tury. 1862 , A 629 TnuRLOE. State Papers, 1638-60. 7v *Doc. Thursfield. Peel. 1891 C 3569 Times. Abbeys, Castles and Ancient Halls of England and Wales. 3v A 593 Ancestral Stories illustrative of Eng- lish History. 1869 A 533 Todd. Parliamentary Government in Eng- land. 2v. 1892 L 173 ToRRENS. History^ of Cabinets from 1707- 1760. 2v. 1894 A 3552 Tout. Edward I. 1893 C 3572 TowLE. History of Henry V. of England. 1866 A 700 Young People's History of England. 1886 .♦. A, 757 TowNEND. Descendants of the Stuarts ; a Page in England's History. 1858.A 3273 TowNSEND. History of the House of Commons, 1688-1832. 2v. 1843-4. A 699 Traill (Ed.). Social England. 6v. 1894- 1897 A 3401 William III. 1888 C 3563 Trevelyan, G. M. England in the Age of Wycliffe. 1899 A 3554 v. I. 1376-85. 2. The Peasants' Rising and the Lollards; ed. by Powell and Trevelyan. Trevelyan, M. Land of Arthur. 1895. A 3430 Trial of the Regicides of Charles I.i66o*A 365 Trials of Charles I. and the Regicides.'45l 3595 Trimen. Regiments of the British Army. 1878 A 721 Tulloch. English Puritanism and its Leaders. 1861 , A 3294 Turner. History of the Anglo-Saxons. 3v. 1823 A 381 History of England from William the Conqueror to Henry VIII. 5v.A 382 Modern History of England; Henry VIII. to Elizabeth. 4v. 1828. ... .A 383 Tyler. Memories of Henry V. 2v.' 1838. C 2665 Tyma's (Ed.). Camden's Britannia. 7v.A 379 The same. 2v *V 32 Tytler. England under Edward VI. and Mary. 2v. 1839 A 701 Life of Henry VIII. 1851 C 751 Vaughan. England under the Stuarts. 2v. 1840 A 551 Memorials of the Stuart Dynasty. 2v. 1831 A 539 Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell. 2v. 1838 A 413 Re-^lutions in English History. 3v. 1859 , A 414 Ver;^on. Letters illustrative of the Reign of William III. 3V. 1841 A 3165 Vine, F. T. Caesar in Kent and Battles with the Ancient Britons. 1887.. A 3189 Vine, J. R. S. English Municipal Institu- tions, 1835-79. 1879 L 3299 ViNOGRADOFF. Villainage in England; Mediaeval History. 1892 A 3268 Wade. The Black Book ; Abuses in Church and State, with Appendix. 1835. A 688 Wakeling. King and Parliament, 1603- 1714- 1896 A3426,5 Wakeman and Hassall (Ed.). English Constitutional History. 1894 A 3388 Walford. Parliamentary Generals of the Civil War. 1886 A 3117 Walker, Sir E. Account of Cornyngham. Ireland, Past and Pres- ent. 1884 A 1470 Co.x. History of Ireland, 1689-90..,. *V 588 Crouch (R. Burton). History of the Kingdom of Ireland. 181 1 A 1415 CusACK (Nun of Kenmare). History of City and County of Cork. 1875. A 1168 Illustrated History of Ireland. 1876. A 1175 Patriot History of Ireland. 1869.. A 1180 Present Case of Ireland. 1881 A 1304 D' Alton. History of Drogheda and its Environments. 2v. 1844 A 1311 King James's Irish Army List, 1689. 2v. 1861 A 1329 History of County of Dublin. 1838. A 1429 Daly. Ireland in the Days of Dean Swift (1720-34). 1887 1 6413 Daunt. Catechism of History of Ireland. 1845 ...A 1316 Ireland and her Agitators. 1867.. A 1182 Davies, E. Celtic Researches on Ancient Britons. 1804 A 476 Davies, J. Historical Tracts Relating to Ireland. 1786 A 1206 56 IRELAND. Deane. Short History of Ireland. 1886.A 1473 De Vere. English Misrule and Irish Mis- deeds. 1848 A 1183 Dewar. Character, Customs^ and Super- stitions of the Irish. 1812 A 1420 Dicey. England's Case against Home Rule. 1886 A 1343 A Leap in the Dark [Home Rule Bill]. 1893 L 3169 The Verdict; Report of the Parnell Commission. 1890 A 1427 Difficulties of Ireland. 1882 *A 191 DoHENY. The Felon's Track; Narrative of '48. 1867 A 1268 Dublin 100 years ago. 1879 *R 4226 DuFFERiN. State of Ireland. 1866 A 1285 Duffy. Bird's Eye View of Irish His- tory. 1882 A 1312 Irish History, 1845-49. 1883 A 132 1 League of North and South; Irish History, 1850-4. 1886 A 1349 Young Ireland, 1840-50. 1881 A 1286 DuxLOP. O'Connell and Revival of Na- tional Life in Ireland. 1900 C18662 Ellis. Irish Ethnology socially consid- ered. 1852 A 1313 Ferguson. Story of the Irish before the Conquest. 1868 A 1413 Fitzgerald and McGregor. History of Limerick. 2v. 1826 A 1270 FiTZGiBBON. Life in Ireland in 1868... A 1217 Fitzpatrick. Ireland before the Union. 1870 A 1203 Secret Service under Pitt. 1892 ..A 1472 Sham Squire and Informers of 1798. 1895 A 1202 FORSTER. Irish Chieftains. 1872 A 1325 Foster. The Crime against Ireland. '88 A 141 1 French, N. Historical Works. 1846. .A 1287 Froude. The English in Ireland in the i8th Century. 3v. 1873 A 1200 Froude's Slanders on Ireland ; ed. by Mc- Gee. 1872 A 1 199 Gaelic Society of Dublin, Trans., v. i.'oSA 1273 Galt. Pictures from English, Scottish and Irish History. 2v. 1821 A 587 Gannon. Review of Irish History. 1900. A 1355 George. The Irish Land Question. 1881.L 132 Gibson. Historical Portraits of Irish Chieftains and Knights. 1871...A 1274 History of the County and City of Cork. 2v. 1861 A 1345 1453 1426 1452 Gilbert (Ed.). Affairs in Ireland, 1641- 1652. 3v. in 6. 1879-80 *A 1451 Crede Mihi; Register Book of the Archbishops of Dublin before the Reformation. 1897 *A Documents relating to Ireland, 1795- 1804. 1893 ....*A 1474 Facsimiles of National Manuscripts of Ireland. 5v. 1874-84 *P looi Account of the same. 1884. .*P ^22 Historical and Municipal Documents of Ireland, 1172-1320 *Doc. History of the City of Dublin. 3v. 1861 A 1428 History of Viceroys of Ireland. '65. A 1225 Jacobite Narrative of the War in Ire- land, 1688-91. 1892. . . .'. *A Narratives of the Detention of Maria Clementina Stuart. 1894 A Parliament House, Dublin, 1661- ' 1800. 1896 *V 2248 GiRALDus Cambrensis. Historical Works. ^^3 1 3350 The same. 7v *Doc. Gladstone. The Irish Question. 1886". A 1335 GoDKiN. Ireland and her Churches. '67. A 1176 Land War in Ireland. 1870 A 1242 Gordon. History of Ireland to 1801. 2v.A 1186 Gra\te:s and Prim. History of St. Canice Church, Kilkenny. 1857 *V 381 Gregg. Irish History for English Read- ers. 1886 A 1320 Grousset (P. Daryl). Ireland's Disease; .Notes and Impressions. 1888. . . . A 1348 Guide to Glasnevin Cemetery. 1880. .. .A 1309 Hardinge. Irish Transplantation of 1653- 1654. 1866 .*V 550 Harris. Hibernica; Ancient Pieces. 1770A 1187 Ha\t:rty. History of Ireland. 1872...A1211 Hay. Insurrection of the County of Wexford, 1798. 1803 A 1416 Healy. Why there is an Irish Land Question. 1881 L 3286 Henneberry. Short History of Ireland. 1901 : .A- 1353 Hennessy (Ed.). Annals of Loch Ce. 'yi^Doc. Heygate. Ireland since 1850. 1880. .*A 191 HiCKSON. Ireland in the 17th Century. 2v. 1884 A 1331 Hill. The Macdonnells of Antrim. '73. A 1295 Plantation in Ulster, 1608-20. 1877. A 1296 Historic Literature of Ireland. 185 1.. A 1232 History of the War of Ireland, 1641-53. A 1307 IRELAND. 57 HoGAN. Description of Ireland In 1598. A 1297 Hopkins. Kilmainham Memories. 1896.A 1354 HuRLBERT. Ireland under Coersion. 1888. 1 6412 Hutchinson. Commercial restraints of Ireland. 1882 A 1293 Ingram. History of Legislative Union of Great Britain and Ireland. 1887. A 1342 Instruction for Valuation of Lands and Tenements in Ireland. 1853 K 5597 Invasion of Ireland by Danes and Norse- men. 1867 *Doc. Ireland as a Kingdom and a Colony; by ♦ Brian Bofohme. 1843 A 1189 Ireland Ninety Years Ago. 1876 1 79i Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society, Publications of. 1841-80: 1841. Tracts relating to Ireland. 2v.A 1430 1842. Jacobi Grace, Kilkennicnsis, Annales Hibcrniae A 1431 1842. Banquet of Dun Na N-Gcdk and Battle of Magh Rath A 1432 1843. Tribes and Customs of Hy- Many A 1433 1843. Book of Obits and Martyrol- ogy of Christ Church, Dublin... A 1434 1844. Registrum Prioratus Sanc-» torum juxta Dublin A 1435 1844* Genealogies, Tribes and Cus- toms of Hy-Fiachrach A 1436 1845. Chorographical Description of West or H-Iar Connaught; by O'Flaherty A 1437 1846. Miscellany of the Irish Archae- ological Society, v. i A 1438 1847. Irish Version of the Historia Britontim of Nennius, v. i A 1439 1848. Annals of Ireland; by J. Gyn and T. Dowling, with Annals of Ross A 1440 1849-50. Macariae Excidium; Secret History of the War, 1688-91; by C. O'Kelly A 1441 1851. Acts of Archbishop Colton in his Visitation of Derry, 1397 A 1442 1852. History of the Down Survey, 1655-6; by W. Petty A 1443 1854. Book of Hymns of the Ancient Church of Ireland, v. i A 1444 1857. Life of St. Columba ; by Adam- nan A 1445 i860. Irish Glosses; Mediaeval Latfn Declension A 1446 Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society, Publications of. 1841-80: i860. Annals of Ireland ; by Dub- haltach Mac Firbisigh A 1447 1862. Topographical Poems of John O'Dnbhagain and Giolla Na Naomh O'Huidhrin A 1448 1863. Marty rology of Donegal ; Cal- endar of the Saints of Ireland: by M. O'Clery A 1 449 1868. Cormac's Glossary A 1450 1869. Book of Hymns of the Ancient Church of Ireland, v. 2 A 1444 1879-80. Contemporary History of Irish Affairs, 1641-52. 3v. in 6.. A 1451 Irish at Home and Abroad. 1856 A 1222 Irish Compendium; Nobility of Ireland. 1756 *R 319 Jervis. Ireland under British Rule. *68.A 1207 Jones. The Life Work of a Landlord.'8oA 1299 Joyce. Child's History of Ireland. '97.H 4482 Short History of Ireland to i6o8.'93A 1471 Kavanagh. Insurrection of 1798. 1874.A 1269 RcANE. Temples and Towers of Ancient Ireland. 1867 A 1280 Keating. History of Ireland. 1865... A 1212 Kezxy. Historic Memoirs of Ireland. 2v. 183s *P 1671 King. The Irish Question. 1882 A 1306 Lawless, E. The Story of Ireland. 1888.A 1346 Lawless, J. Compendium of the History of Ireland. 1823 A 1282 Lecky. Leaders of Public Opinion in Ire- land. 1872 C 126 Lefevre. Peel and O'Connell ; Irish Pol- • icy of Parliament. 1887 A 1344 Leland. History of Ireland from the In- vasion of Henry II. 3v. 1773. *V 8 Lenihan. Limerick; its History and Antiquities. 1866 A 1424 Lodge. Peerage of Ireland. 7v. I789.*R 338 Macaulay. Ireland in 1872. 1873 A 1302 McCarthy, J. Ireland's Cause in Eng- land's Parliament. 1888 A 1347 McCarthy, J. G. Home Government in Ireland. 1872 L 129 McCarthy, J. H. The Case for Home Rule. 1887 A 1341 Ireland since the Union (i798-i886)A 1338 Outline of Irish History. 1883 A 1326 McDonnell. Ulster Civil War of 1641.A 1292 McGee, J. E. Glories of Ireland. 1877A 1252 Irish Soldiers in every Land. 1873.C 1470 58 IRELAND. McGee, J. E. Lives of Irishmen's Sons. 1874 C 1468 Men of '48. 1874 C 1469 McGee, T. D. Attempts to establish Prot- estant Reformation in iTeland, 1540- 1830 •. A 1246 History of Ireland. 2v. 1863 A 1208 ]McGeoghegan. History of Ireland. 3v. 1831 A 1191 McGrath, T., pseud. See Blake. Macnamara. Story of an Irish Sept [Macnamaras of Clare]. 1896. ..A 1357 MacNeill. Titled Corruption ; Origin of some Irish Peerages. 1894 C16670 McXevin. Confiscation of Ulster in Reign of James I. 1846 A 1231 Madden, D. O. Revelations of Ireland. 1848 A 1196 Madden, R. R. United Irishmen. 4v. '42A 1226 Malone. Church History of Ireland, 1169- I539r 1867 M 369 Marmion. P®rts of Ireland. 1858 A 1229 Martin, R. M. Before and after the Union. 1848 A 1278 Martin, W. G. W. Lake Dwellings of Ireland. 1886 K 7845 Pagan Ireland. 1895 K10937 Matheson. Special Report on Surnames in Ireland. 1894 *V 1592 Maxwell. Irish Rebellion, 1798. 1866. A 1190 Meagher. Legislative Independence of Ireland. 1853 L 135 Meehan. Confederation of Kilkenny.'73A 1256 Rise and Fall of the Irish Franciscan Monasteries. 1872 M 1390 Milner. Catholic Inhabitants and Antiq- ^ uities of Ireland. 1808 A 1230 Mitchel. Crusade of the Period and Last Conquest. 1873 A 1192 History of Ireland. 1868 A 1224 Ireland since '98. 1871 A 1265 Last Conquest of Ireland (perhaps). 1861 \ A 1266 Montgomery. History of Land Tenure in Ireland. 1889 L 3578 MooNEY. History of Ireland. 1857 A 1193 MooRE. History of Ireland. 4v. 1835-46. 1 3824 MoRRES. Origin of the Irish Pillar-Tower. 1821 A 1279 Morris, M. O'C. Dublin Castle. 1889. A 1360 Morris, W. O'C. Ireland, 1494-1868. '96A 1385 Ireland, 1798-1898. 1898 A 1384 Land Question of Ireland. 1870... L 141 Murphy, D. Cromwell in Ireland. '83.A 1319 Murphy, J. N. Ireland ; Industrial, Polit- ical, Social. 1870 A 1 198 Murphy, N. b. Home Rule. i87i...*L 170 MusGRAVE. Rebellions in Ireland. i8oi.*V 675 National Manuscripts of Ireland, Fac- similes of; ed. by Gilbert. 5v..*P looi Account of the same. 1884... *P 332 ^^0LAN. History of Glendalough. 1871.A 1308 Norman. Bodyke; History of the Irish Landlordism. 1887 .^L 3291 O'Brennan. Ancient Ireland. 1855...A1216 Antiquities of Ireland. 2v. 1858.. A 1233 O'Brien, H. Round Towers of Ireland. 1834 A 1218 O'Brien, R. B. Concessions to Ireland, 1831-81. 2v. 1883-5 A 1289 O'Brien, W. Irish Ideas. 1893 A 1350 O'Brien, W. P. The Great Famine in Ireland and a Retrospect, 1845-95. ' 1896 A 1363 O'Callaghan. Irish Brigades in French Service. 1870 A 1221 O'Connell, D., Centenary Record of. 1875 . *V 128 Memoir on Ireland, v. i. 1844.... A 1243 O'Connor, R. Chronicles of Eri. 2v. '22A 1234 O'Connor, T. P. The Parnell Movement; also Irish Parties from 1843. 1886A 1334 O'CoNOR, C. Dissertations "on Ireland.'i2A 1235 O'CoNOR, M. Military History of the Irish Nation. 1845 A 1421 O'CoNOR, W. A. History of the Irish People. 2v A 1332 O'CuRRY. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish. 3v. 1873 A 1227 MS. Materials of Irish History. '61. A 1228 O'Daly. Tribes of Ireland ; a Satire.'52.A 1240 O'Donoghue. Historical Memoir of the O'Briens, i860 A 1423 O'DoNOVAN. History of Ireland (in Verse) . 1848 A 1237 O'Flaherty. Description of West or H- lar Connaught, 1684. 1846 A 1197 O'Halloran. History of Ireland. 3v.'i9A 1247 O'Hanlon. Lives of the Irish Saints. 7v. 1875-95 .C 151 1 O'Hart. Irish Pedigrees. 1876 *R 333 Irish Landed Gentry when Cromwell came to Ireland. 1884 *R 351 O'Kearney. Prophecies of St. Columb- kille and others A 1236 IRELAND. 59 OLeary, a. Vindication of his Conduct during Disturbances in Munster. 1787 *E 1431 O'Leary, J. Ireland among the Nations. 1874 A 1219 O'Reilly, B. Cause of Ireland. 1886. A 1365 O'Keilly, E. Chronological Account of Irish Writers to 1750. 1820 *V 106 O'RouRKE. Great Irish Famine, 1847.. A 1238 Ossianic Society, Transactions of. 6v. 1853-61 *A 1310 V. I. Battle of'Gabhra, A. D. 283. 2. Festivities at the House of Conan of Ceann-Sleibhe. 3. Pursuit after Diarmuid O'Duibhne and Grainne, Daughter of Cor- mac Mac Airt. 4. Fenian Poems, v. i. 5. Proceedings of the Great Bardic Institution. 6. Fenian Poems, v, 2. Pepper. History of Ireland to the Eng- lish Invasion. 1835 A 1245 Perraud. Ireland under English Rule. 1864 A 1239 Petrie. Ecclesiastical Architecture and Round Towers in Ireland. 1845. ♦V 155 Plowden. Historical Review of the State of Ireland. 2v. in 3. 1803 ♦V 180 Pool and Cash. Views in Dublin. i78o*A 1324 Powell. The Saving of Ireland. 1898. A 1367 Prendercast. Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland. 1870 A 1209 Present State of Ireland, 1673 *A 1241 Prichard. Eastern Origin of Celtic Na- tions. 1857 A 1425 Redpath. Talks about Ireland. 1881..A 1290 Reid. History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. $v. 1853 M 291 RiCHEY. Irish Land Laws. 1881 A 1303 Short History of the Irish People. 1887 A 1417 Russell. New Views on Ireland. 1880. A 1300 Parnell Commission ; Speech for the Defence. 1889 A 1419 Rutherford. Secret History of the Fe- nian Conspiracy. 2v. 1877 A 1263 Ryan. Biographia Hibernica. 2v. 1821.C 1550 S.\dler. Ireland ; its Evils and their Remedies. 1829 A 1195 Savage. Modern Revolutionary History of Ireland. 1856 A 1213 Scanlan. Why Ireland is Poor. 1880. L 3504 Senior. Journals and Essays. 2v. 1868.A 1205 Seward. Collectanea Politica. 3v. 1801.A 1244 Shearman. Loca Patriciana; Localities visited by St. Patrick. 1879 A 1275 Sheridan. Discourse on Rise and Powers ot Parliaments. 1677... A "^322 SiGERSON. History of Land Tenures. '71. L 6632 Smith, C. History of Cork. 2v. 1774. A 1328 History of Waterford. 1774 A 1327 Smith, G. Irish History and Character. * 1862 A 1272 Stafford. Pacata Hibernia ; Wars in Ire- land in Reign of Elizabeth. 3v..*A 1418 Stokes. Ireland and the Anglo-Norman- Church. 1889 M 2§67 Ireland and the Celtic Church to 1172. 1888 M 2876 Story. Occurrences in Ireland, 1691-3.A 1422 Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland. 1878. A 1254 SuLUVAN, D. B. Footprints of the Celt ; Irish Intellect in England. 1871.A 1257 Sullivan, M. F. Ireland of To-day. '81.A 1283 Sullivan, T. D. Guide to Dublin ....A 1253 Story of Ireland. 1867 A 1255 Taaffe. Impartial History of Ireland. 4v. 1809-11 A 1184 Ta\'lor. Civil Wars in Ireland. 2v. '31. 1 3544 History of Ireland from the Anglo- Normans to the Union. 2v. 1871.I 3684 Teeling. History of the Irish Rebellion of 1798. 1878 A 1277 Thebaud. Irish Race, past and present. 1874 A 1220 TowLE. Young People's History of Ire- land. 1877 A 1337 Tynan. The Irish National Invincibles and their Times. 1896 A 1394 Vallancey. Collectanea de Rebus Hi- bemicis. 4v. 1770-84 A 1250 ViLLANUEVA. Phoenician Ireland. 1837.A 1251 Wakefield. Ireland; statistical, political. 2v. 1812 *V 114 Wakeman. Archaeologia Hibernica. '48A 1376 Walker. Historical Dress of the Irish. 1788 ! ♦V 105 Memoirs of Irish Bards, etc. 2v. '18.E 560 W.\ll. Ireland under the Land Act. 1882.I 6402 W\lpole. Short History of Ireland. '82.A 1288 Warburton and others. History of the City of Dublin. 2v. 1818 *V 2961 Ware. History and Antiquities of Ire- land. 1764 ♦V III 6o IRELAND— SCOTLAND. Warner. Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland. 1767 *V Westwood. Facsimiles of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts. 1868... *P 1000 White. Great Britain and Ireland. 1866.A 378 Whiteside. Life and Death of the Irish Parliament. 1863 A WiGteT. The Quakers in Ireland, 1653- 1700: continued to 1751, by RuctyM WaJ>e. Ancient Legends of Ireland. 2v. 1887 A Wills. Irish Nation ; History and Biog- raphy. 4v. 1875 A Wright. History of Ireland. 3v. i854.*V Wynne. General History of Ireland to Death of William III. 2v.. 1772. A The same. 2v. i773 A 1248 Wyse. History of Catholic Association of Ireland. 2v. 1829 A 1249 Young. History of Ireland for Schools. 1865 A 1294 674 1339 394 1340 1323 60 ^333 SCOTLAND. Anderson. History of Edinburgh. '56. A Scotland in Early Christian Times. 2v. 1881 K Scotland in Pagan Times. 2v. 1883- 1886 K Archer. Pictures and Portraits illus- trative of Scottish History. 2v.'84*V ARdYLL^ Duke of. Scotland as it was and as it is. 2v. 1887 A Bannatyne. Transactions in Scotland, 1570-1573- 1806 A Barbe. Tragedy of Gowrie House. '87.A Bell and Paton. Glasgow ; Organization and Administration. 1896 *V Billings. Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. 4v *P Bower. Abbeys of Melrose. 1822 A Boyd. St. Andrews and elsewhere. '94.A Brown. History of Scotland, v. i. '99. A Browne. History of the Highlands. 4v. 1838 A Buchanan. History of Scotland. 6v. '29A Burns. Scottish War of Independence. 2v. 1874 A Burton. History of Scotland to 1746. 9v. 1876 A The Scot Abroad. 1881 A Campbell. The Crofter in History. '86.A 1166 3631 3630 1474 1 106 1 105 2215 80 1 138 3596 3581 1123 1119 1151 1118 1117 1 137 Chalmers. Caledonia. 3v. 1807-24. .*V 2124 Chambers. Domestic Annals of Scotland. 2v. 1859 A 1120 Rebellions -in Scotland, 1638-60. 2v. 1828 ....'. I 3520 Rebellions in Scotland, 1689 and 1715. 1829 ' • ■ I 3526 Rebellions in Scotland, 1745-6. 2v. 1827 1 3510 The same. 1869 A iioo Traditions of Edinburgh. 1869. ...A 1140 Clarendon Historical Society Reprints. 2v. 1884-6 ..*A.iii6 Cleland. Abridgement of the Annals of Glasgow. 1817 A 3593 Rise and Progress of Glasgow. '20. A 1141 CocKBURN, Lord. Journal. 2v. 1874. .A 1131 Memorial of his Times. 1856 A 1130 Trials for Sedition in Scotland. 2v. 1888 A 1108 CoNOLLY. Fifiana; Memorials of Fife. 1869 A 1127 Crieff; its Traditions and Characters. 1881 A 1159 Dalrymple (Lord Hailes). Annals of Scotland, 1034-1370. 3v. 1797. .A 1098 Dodds. Struggles of the Scottish Cov- enanters. 1868 A 1121 Dunbar, A. H. Scottish Kings, 1005- 1625. 1899 A 3595 Dunbar, E. D. Social Life in Former Days. 1865 A 1128 Duncan (Ed.). Literary History of Glas- gow. 1831 *V 1595 DuNLOP. Book of Old Edinburgh. 1886 A 3585 Forbes (Ed.). Curiosities of a Scotch Charta Chest, 1600-1800. 1897... A 3582 Galt. Pictures from English, Scottish and Irish History. 2v. 1821 A 587 Gordon. Ecclesiastical Chronicle for Scotland. 4v. 1867 * V 38 Graham. Social Life of Scotland in the Eighteenth Century. 2v. 1899. -A 3598 Grant. Old and New Edinburgh. 3v. 1881-3 A 1163 GuNNYON. Scottish History from Song and Ballad. 1879 A 1 124 Guthrie, E. J. Old Scottish Customs. 1885 A 1132 Guthrie, W. History of Scotland. lov. 1767-8 A 1107 SCOTLAND. 6i Henderson. ^ Annals of Dumfermline, 1069-1878 *V 662 Historians of Scotland, 1871-80 A 1134 V. I. Johannis de Fordiim. Chronica. 4. The same; translated by Skene. 2, 3, 9. Andrew of Wynton. Cronykil. 5. Lives of St. Ninian and St. Kentigern. 6. Adamnan. Life of St. Columba. 7. ID. Liber Pluscardensis. 8. Innes. Ancient Inhabitants of Scotland. Holyrood, History of, with descriptive Guide. 1849 A 1 149 Holyroodhousc Abbey, History of. 1821.A 1139 Home. History of the Rebellion in 1745. 1822 J 114. 2-3 HooKE.. .Negotiations in Scotland in 1707. 1760 A 1142 Innes. Scotland in the Middle Ages. i860 .A 3603 Sketches of Early Scotch History. 1861 A 1165 Irving. West of Scotland in History. 1885 A 1112 Jervise. Memorials of Angus and the Mearns. 2v. 1885 A 3184 Johnston and Robertson. Historical Ge-- ography of Cans of Scotland. i873.*V 664 Keith, D. History of Scotland to A. D. 1153. 2v. 1886 A 1 129 Keith, R. Church and State in Scotland from the Reformation to 1568. 3 v. 1844-50 M 1775 Keltie (Ed.). History of the Scottish Highlands. 2v. 1883 ♦V 613 Ker. Scottish Nationality. 1887 A 3599 Laing. History of Scotland from James VI. to 'Queen Anne. 4v. 1819. .A 1104 Lang. History of Scotland from the Ro- man Occupation. 2v. 1900. ... .A 3608 St. Andrews. 1893 A 1093 Leith. Scottish Catholics under Mary Stuart and James VI. 1885 M 2805 Leslie. Historie of Scotland ; tr. by Dal- rymple. 2v. 1888-95 *J ii04 Lindsay. Historie and Cronicles of Scot- land from 1437 to 1575. 2v. 1899. *J 1115 Logan. The Scottish Gael. 2v. 1876. A 1143 Lyndsay. Fac-simile of Heraldic Manu- script, 1542. 1878 *P 853 M'Callum. History of the Ancient Scots. 1858 A uc?9 McCrie and others. The Bass Rock; its History. 1848 A 3584 Macgeorge. Old Glasgow ; the Place and the People. 1880 *V 769 MacIan. Clans of the Scottish High- lands. 2v. 1845 *P 591 Gaelic Gatherings. 1848 *P 2351 Mackenzie. History of Scotland (in Gaelic). 1867 A 11 14 Mackie. Castles, Palaces and Prisons of Mary of Scotland. 1849 A 1 164 MACKINNON. Culture in Early Scotland. 1892 A 3600 Union of England and Scotland. 1896 A 3601 Mackintosh. History of Civilization in Scotland. 4v. 1878-96 A 1144 Story of Scotland. 1890 A 1 102 Maclagan. Scottish History and Tradi- tion. 1882 l 2533 M'Ure. History of Glasgow. 1830 A 1167 Marmier. Robert Bruce (in French). C 5858 Marwick. History of the High Con- stables of Edinburgh. 1865 A 580 Masson. Edinburgh Sketches and Mem- ories.* 1892 A 1097 Maxwell, C. (Comp.). Ancient Eng- lish and Scottish History. 1828. A 3514 Maxwell, C. A. Battle History of Scot- land. 1870 A 1147 Maxwell, H. Robert Bruce and the Struggle for Independence. 1897.C 625 Michel. Les Ecossais en France. 2v. 1862 A 1625 Michell. Scottish Expedition to Nor- way in 1612. 1886 A 1133 Millar. Castles and Mansions of Scot- land. 18O0 A 1091 Miller. History of Dunbar. 1830 A mo Municipal Constitution of Edinburgh. 1826 A 3586 Murray. Scottish Regiments in the Brit- ish Army. 1863 A 3147 Napier. Life and Times of Montrose. 1840 C 3075 Montrose and the Covenanters. 1838 A 1145 National Manuscripts of Scotland, Fac- similes of. 3v. 1867-72 *P 850 North. Book of the Club of True High- landers. 2v. 1892 *P 2357 62 SCOTLAND— FRANCE. Oliphant. History of Scotland for the Young. 1898 A 3621 Royal Edinburgh. 1890 A iioi Paterson. Origin of the Sc^ts and Scot- tish Language. 1858 A 1115 Paton (Ed.). Scottish National Memo- rials. 1890 *P 1215 Patrick. Catalogue of Medals of Scot- land. 1884 *P 1654 Patten. History of the Rebellion, 1715. 1717 A 3587 Pennecuik. Account of the Blue Blanket. 1826 A 3586 Pinches. Abbey Church of Melrose.'79*P 1015 PiNKERTON. History of Scotland preced- ing the year 1056.* 2v. 1814 A 1103 Reid, H. G. Past and Present; Social and Religious Life in Scotland.'7iA 1122 Reid^ R. Old Glasgow and its Environs. 1864 A RiDPATH. Border History of Scotland and England. 1848 *V RrrsoN. Annals of the Caledonians, Picts and Scots. 2v. 1828 A Robertson, E. W. Scotland under her Early Kings. 2v. 1862 A Robertson, W. History of Scotland; Reigns of Queen Mary and 'James VI. 2v. 1794 A Rogers. Century of Scottish Life. 1871.A 1160 Social Life in Scotland! 3v. 1884-6.A 1154 Rose. Historical Notes ; Essays on the '15 and '45- 1897..... A Ross. Scottish Hi^story and Literature.'84A Scott, M. Making of Abbotsford; Inci- dents in Scottish History. 1897.. A 3630 Scott, Sir W. Border Antiquities of Scotland. 2v. 1814 *V 561 History of Scotland. 2v. 1832-5... I 3826 Tales of a Grandfather [History of Scotland]. 3v. 1888 A 1156 Scottish Clans and their Tartans. 1899.C16714 Shaw. History of the Province of Moray. 3v. 1882 A 1152 Simpson. Traditions of the Covenanters. 1857 A 1125 Skelton. Maitland of Lethington and the Scotland of Mary Stuart. 2v. 1887- 1888 A 3590 Skene. Celtic Scotland; History of An- cient Alban. 3v. . 1876-80 A 1135 Highlanders of Scotland; their Origin. History, etc. 2v. 1837. .*A 1136 1157 1153 1155 1 150 3588 1113 II- 368 839 Sketches of the Clans of Scotland C 3539 Spalding. Scotland in Reign of Charles I. 1829 .....*. A 1094 Spottiswoode. Church and State of Scot- land. 1677 *V 1990 Stirling, Earl of. Royal Letters rela- tive to Scotland, 1615-35. 2v. '85.* V 1402 Stod/rt. Scottish Arms, 1370-1678. 2v. 1881 *P 851 Strang. Glasgow and its Clubs. 1856. A 1158 Strickland. Lives of the Queens of Scotland. 8v. 1873 C Stuart. History of Scotland, 1542-87. 1782 *V Taylor. Historic Families of Scotland. 2v. 1887 *V Pictorial History of Scotland. 2v. 1859 *A 1162 The Scottish Covenanters A 1126 Tytler. History of Scotland. 4v. 1864. A 1161 Veitch. History and Poetry of the Scot- tish Border. 2v. 1893 E 6207 Wade. History of St. Mary's Abbey, Melrose. 1861 A 1148 Walcott. Scoti-Monasticon ; Ancient Church of Scotland. 1874 *V 366 Wallace. History of Glasgow. 1882.. A 1092 White. Battle of Bannockburn. 1871.A 1146 Wilson. Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olderi Times. 1872 *V 174 The same. 2v. 1891 A 1099 Prehistoric" Annals of Scotland. 2v. 1863 K 4190 Wright. History of Scotland. 3v. 1852- 1855 *V 70 FRANCE. Adams, C. K. Democracy and Mon- archy in France. 1874 A 1566 Adams, G. B. Growth of the French Nation. 1896 A 1740 Agoult (D. Stern). Revolution de 1848. 3 V. 1878 C 4029 Almanach national ; Annuaire officiel de la Republique, 1898-9. 2v *R 3994 Ami du Peuple, L, 1848 *P 1254 Arago. Histoire de Paris moderne, 1841- 1852. 2 V :..*V 1 122 Archives de la Commission des Monu- ments historiques. 5v. 1856-72. *P 2406 FRANCE. 63 Arnould and Maquet. Histoire de la Bas- tille, 1374- 1 789. 1878 *V 1092 Assemblee Nationale, Rapport sur I'ln- surrection, 1848. 3v *V 1464 ASSOLLANT. Recits de la vieille France.'84Cii989 AvENEL. Richelieu et la Monarchie abso- lue. 4v. 1884-90 C11932 AziBERT. Sieges celebres. 1890 *V 1424 B.\BAUD Lariviere. L'Assemblce nationale constituante. 1850 C12356 Babeau. Le Louvre et son Histoire.'94*P 1582 Baird. The Huguenots and Henry of Na- varre. 2 V. 1886 A 1646 The Huguenots and the Edict of Nantes. 2v. 1895 A 1 750 Rise of the Huguenots. 2 v. 1879. A 1629 Baker. French Society from the Fronde to the Revolution. 2v. 1874-. ...A '49-2 Ball. .Paris in its Splendour. 2v. 1900. 1 6774 Baltazar de Gacheo. La Guerre de Guyenne. 1651-3. 1858 ClJOQl Barante. Chieftains of Vendee. i887.*P624.i7 Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne, 1364-1482. 8v C 4133 Barbier. Journal du Regne de Louis XV. 4v. 1847-56 C12355 La Regence et Louis XV. 9V. 1885 C 4113 Barbou. Les Trois Republiques fran- Caises. 1878 C 4072 BAgKi^E et Lescure, L*Histoire de France pendant la i8e Siede. 37V. in 21. 1864-81 Ci 1954 Barrukl. History of Jacobinism. 4v. 1798 A 1494 BASTARD-D'EsTANa Les Parlements de France. 2v. 1858 C 4122 Baumgarten. Vor der Bartholomaus- nacht. 1882 D 3985 Bazin. Histoire de France sous Louis XHL 4v. 1846 C 4123 Bearne. Early Valois Queens. 1898..C16968 Beaucourt. Histoire de Charles VH. 6V.C12306 Beaucousin. Histoire d'Yvetot. 1884..C12031 Beauvoir. Legion etrangere. 1896... *V 2220 BnaiY. Recovery of Normandy, 1449. - 1887 *P623.20 Bertin. £tudes sur la Societe frangaise. 1889 Ci 1927 Bingham. The Bastille. 2v. 1888. ...A i^i Marriages of the Bourbons. 2\\ '90. A 1685 Marriages of the Bonapartes. 2v.'8iC 1403 Blair. Henry of Navarre and the Relig- ious Wars. 1895 Cio944 Blanc. Histoire de dix ans, 1830-1840. 5v C 4224 Histoire de la Constitution. 1882..C12076 Histoire de Ja Revolution de 1848. 1870 C 4225 1848; Historical Revelations. 1858.. A 1588 History of Ten Years, 1830- 1840. 2v A 1589 Questions d'aujourd'hui et de demain. 5v. 1873-84 C12077 Block. Administration de notre Pays. 3v. 1883 C 4087 Dictionnaire de TAtfrainistration fran- Caise. 1891-2 *R 4001 BoOLEY. France [Political]. 2v. 1898. L 6505 Bonnechose. History of France. 1868. .A 1493 BoNNEMiRE. Hicr et aujourd'hui. 1882.C 4037 Histoire des Camisards. 1882 C 4038 Histoire des Paysans. 3v. 1886... Ci 1997 Bonnul Child's History of France. 1893 * H 959 BoswELL. Account of Corsica. 1768... A 1590 BouLiE. Histoire des fitats-Generaux, 1302-1626. 2v. 1845 C 4117 Bourgeois. France under Louis XIV. 1897 *P 1704 BoYER DE Sainte-Suzanne. La Princi- paute de Monaco. 1884 C12120 Bray. Good St. Louis and his Times. '70.A 1491 Joan of Arc and Charles VJL 1874. C 1098 Revolt of the Protestants of the Ce- vennes. 1870 A 1571 Broglie. King's Secret; Correspondence of Louis XV., 1752-74. 2v. 1879. A 1564 Le Secret du Roi ; Correspondance secrete dc Louis XV., 1752-74. 2V.C12107 Brook. French History for Children. 1882 A 1619 Browning. History of the Huguenots. 3v. 1829-39 A 1632 Buchon. Chroniques et Memoires sur I'Histoire de France. 1842 .C 5397 Chroniques nationales frangaises du treizieme au seizieme Siecle. 47V. 1824-9 C11919 Burette. Histoire de France a 1830. 2v. 1842 ..*V 2141 Bush. Memoirs of the Queens of France. 2v. 1843 C 3455 6+ FRANCE. BussEY and Gaspey. Pictorial History of France. 2v. 1843 A 1593 Byrne. Feudal Castles of France. 1869. A 1672 Cabinet Council ; Secret History of Louis XIV. 1757 A 1613 Caillet. L' Administration de Richelieu. 1857 • • C 4296 Cairo. The History of Corsica. 1899. .A 4106 Calton. Annals and Legends of Calais. 1852 A 1643 Canis. Histoire de la Republique, 1870- 1883 c 4590 Capefigue. Agnes Sorel and Chivalry in XV. Century. 1887 *P624,i6 Anne d'Autriche. 1861 C 4283 Le Cardinal de Ricfielieu. 1865 C 4285 Francois I. et la Renaissance, 1515-47. 4v. 1845 C 4290 Les Heroines de la Ligue. 1864... C 4287 Histoire de la Restauration. 4v. 1845 C12232 Histoire de Philippe-Auguste. 2v. 1841 C12233 Hugues Capet et Ta troisieme Race. 2v. 1845 C12234 La Ligue et Henri, IV. 1845 C12236 Louis XIV., son Gouvernement, etc. 6v. 1837-8 C12227 The same. 2v. 1844 C 4289 Louis XV. 1854 C 4291 Louis XVI. 1856 C-4292 Mademoiselle de la Valliere. 1859. C 4288 Marie de Medicis. 1861 C 4282 La Reforme et la Ligue. 1843. • C12240 Le Regne de Henri IV. 8v. in 4. 1834-5 • C12241 Richelieu, Mazarin et la Fronde. 2v. 1844 C12239 Capitaine. Carte de la France. i82i.*P 2504 Carette. Court Life at the Tuileries. '89A 1677 Erinnerungen aus den Tuilerien. '90D 5993 Carxe. Gouvernement representatif, 1789- 1848. 2v. 1855 ...C4295 Carra. Memoires sur la Bastille. 1789. C 4327 Cakre. La France sous Louis XV. ( 1723- 1774) C12655 Cesena. Les Bourbons de France. '86. *V 1159 Challamel. History of Fashion in France. 1882 *L 4322 l^.Iemoires du Peuple frangais. 8v. 1866-73 C12124 . Precis d'Histoire de France. 1883. C 4325 Challamel. Recits d'autrefois. 1884.C12125 Challeton. Cent ans d'Elections, 1789 a 1890. 3v. 1891 C12219 Challice. ^Memories of French Palaces. 1871 ....'' A 1549 Charles X. and Louis Philippe; Revolu- tion of 1830. 1839 " A 1652 Chartier. Chronique de Charles VII. 3v. 1858 C13037 Chateaubriand. Histoire de France.. C4334, 10 Cheruel. Dictionnaire historique de la France. 2v. 1870 *R 214 France pendant la Minorite de Louis XIV. 4v. 1879-80 C 4344 Histoire de France sous Mazarin. 3v. 1882 C 4581 Clement. Jacques Coeur et Charles VII. 1873 C 4362 Clouet. Three Hundred French Portraits, 1515-1560. 2v. 1875 *P 2384 Comixes, P. de. Memoirs. 2v.^ 1855...I3311 Cook. Old Touraine; Famous Chateaux of France. 2v. 1892 A 1701 Story of Rouen. 1899 A 3010 CosNAC. Souvenirs du Regne de Louis XIV. 6v. 1866-78 C 4367 Coubertin. Evolution of France under the Third Empire. 1897 A 1739 France since 1814. 1900 A 1749 CouLANGES. Institutions politiques de I'ancienne France. 1877 C 4^5 Coulisses du Boulangisme; par X. 1890.C12258 Cousin. French Court under Richelieu and Mazarin. 1871 A 1572 Cra^k. Paris and its Historic Scenes. 2v. 1831 1 3562 Crowe. History of France. 5v. i858-68.*A 1587 The same, abridged. 3v. 1830-31. 1 3813 Reigns of Louis XVIII. and Charles X. 2v. 1854 ; A 1602 Daquin. Ordres de Chevalerie autorises en France. 1894 *R 317 Dally. La France militaire. 1885 C12260 Dangeau, Marquis de. Journal, 1684-1720. 19V. 1854-60 C12289 DAiiESTE DE LA Chavanne. Histoirc de France. 9v. 1865-80 C 4414 Histoire de I'Administration en France. 2v. 1842 C 4415 Histoire des Classes agricoles en France. 1858 C 4417 FRANCE. 65 Darimon. a travers une Revolution, 1847-55- 1884 c 4531 Davenport. History of the Bastile. '83.A 1579 The same. 1839 1 3610 Davis. History of Nice. 1807 A 1719 Deans and Martin. History of France. 2v A 1651 De Lano. Napolepn HI. ; Secret of an Empire. 1895 Ci 1368 Delmas. Huguenots of La Rochelle. '80.A 1591 De Lord. Histoire du Second Empire, 1848-69. 6v. 1869-75 C 4423 Desjardins. Le Petit-Trianon. 1885. ♦¥ 1052 1 >ICK1NS0N. Revolution and Reaction in Modern France, 1789-1871. 1892.. A 1720 DoNiOL. Histoire des Gc^ses rurales en France. 1867 C12299 DovEa. History of the Iron Mask. 1826.A 1678 Droz. Histoire du Rcgne de Louis XVL 3v. i860 C12321 Drumont. La l^rancc juivc. av. 1886.. C 4557 Les Fetes nationalcs a Paris. 1879. •? 1186 Du Camp. Paris; ses Organes, scs Fonc- tions, ct sa Vie. 6v. 1874-6 C 4448 DucLos. Mcmoires secrets sur Ic Rcgne de.Louis XIV. et XV. 1881 C12322 Dulaure. Histoire de Paris ; avec Atlas. 9v. 1837-8 C Histoire de Paris ct ses Monuments. 1854 C Dumas. Gaule ct France. 1862 C Louis XIII. ct Richelieu. 1866 C Louis XV. et sa Cour. 2v. 1873. . .C DuRUV. Histoire de France. 2v. 1873. C 4757 History of France to 1889 A 1676 The same ; continued to 1896.2V.A 1676 DUSS1EU.X. L'Armee en France. 3v. '84. C 4781 Duvergier de Hauranne. Histoire du Gouvernement. 1814-48. lov. 1870.C 4761 Edwards. Old and New Paris; its His- tory, etc. 2v. 1893-4 1 6780 Elisabeth Charlotte of Bavaria. Me- moirs of the Court of Louis XIV. 1895 C17820 Etienne de Bourbon. Anecdotes histori- ques (in Latin). 1877 C 4079 Exner. Die franzosische armee in Krieg und Frieden. 1889 D 7010 EvRiis and Perret. Chateaux histori- ques de la France. 2v. 1877-9. .*P I570 Fagniez. Le Pere Joseph et Richelieu, 1577-1638. 2v. 1894 C12422 4563 4562 4651 4655 4685 Falvert. Charlemagne et son Empire. 1869 *V 1061 Farmer. Essays on French History. '97.A 1743 Fauriel. Histoire de la Gaule meridio- nale. 4v. in 2. 1836 C12365 Favre. Government of the National De- fense. 1873 A 1641 Ferry. La Lutte electorale en 1863 C 4881 Flassan. Histoire de la Diplomatic frangaise. y\. 1811 C12402 Flint. Historical Philosophy in France, Belgium and Switzerland. 1874. A 2182 FoNCiN. Le Ministere de Turgot. 1877.C12379 FouRNiER. Paris-Capitale. 1881 C 4875 Paris demoli. 1884 C12371 France, Actes du Parlement de Paris, 1254-1328. 2v. 1863 *V 1124 Commission des Monuments Histori- ques. Archives, 1856-72. ^ 5v *P 2406 Haute Cour de Justice, Affaire de 1849 *V 1462 Franklin. Les Sources de THistoire de France. 1877 ♦C 4976 Frankreichp in 1850. 1851 D 70 Freer, M. W. See Robinson. Funck-Brentano. Legendes et Archives de la Bastille. 1898 C 5505 Legends of the Bastille. 1899 A 1758 Garden. History of Henry III. 1783.. A 1703 Gasparin. La France; Nos Fautes, nos Perils,, notre Avenir. 1872 C12482 Geri.n. Louis XIV. et le Saint-Siege. 2v. 1894 C12437 Girard de Rialle, Nos Ancestres. 1883.C 6464 Glasson. Histoire du Droit et des In- stitutions de la France. 7v. 1887- 1896 c 5294 Godwin. History of Ancient Gaul. 1860.A 1548 Goodrich. Pictorial History of France. 1873 A 1500 Grandeffe. Paris sous Napoleon III. '79C 5019 Grant. The French Monarchy, 1483- 1789. 2v. 1900 A 1690 Gregoire. Nouvelle Histoire de France. 1885 C12500 Grenier. Nos Deputes, 1898-1902. i898.*R 3838 Grovbstins. Guillaurae III. et Louis XIV. 8v. 1868 C12469 GuERiN. Histoire maritime de France. 2v. 1844 C 5141 GuiLBERT. Histoire des Villes de France. 6v. 1845-8 *V 1128 66 FRANCE. GuizoT. Essai sur I'Histoire de France. 1857 C 5160 Histoire de France jusqu'en 1848. 7v. 1875-9 C 5147 Histoire de la CivilisatioiT en France. 4v. 1857 C 5149 Histoire parlementaire de France, 1819-48. 2v. 1863 C12526 History of Civilization. 3v. 1871..I 3029 History of France to 1789. 6v A 1561 History of France to 1848. 8v. 1881.A 1538 The same ; abridged by Masson. 1879 A 1536 Last Days of the Reign of Louis Phi- lippe. 1867 A 1624 Alemoires de mon Temps, 1807-48. 8v. 1858-67 C 5156 Memoires relatifs a I'Histoire de France jusqu'au 136 Siecle. 31 v. 1823-34 .'. .C12523 Memoirs ; History of my Time, 1807- 1840. 4v. 1858-61 A 1543 Memoirs of a Minister of State. '64A 1539 Haas. Administration de la Franc^. 4v. 1861 C 5191 Hall. The Romans on the Riviera and the Rhone. 1898 A 4109 Hassall. Louis XIV. and the Zenith of the French Monarchy. 1B95 C11167 Helie. Les Ccftistitutions de la France. 1879 / C12618 Hillebrand. Geschichte Franlcreichs, 1830-48. 3v. 1879-81 D 5661 The same. 2v. 1877-9 D12810 Histoire de Saint Louis. 1883 C 6635 Holmes. Caesar's Conquest of Gaul. '99.A 1736 HoLST, V. Ludwig der Vierzehnte. 1868.D 5931 Hopkins. Dungeons of Old Paris. 1897.A 1759 Hugo. History of a Crime (Napoleon HL). 1888 F 888 HuNNEWELL. Historical Monuments of France. 1884 A 1638 Ideville. Petits Cotes de I'Histoire, 1870- 1886. 2v. 1884-7 C 5284 Imbert de Saint-Amand. Court of the Second Empire (1856-8). 1898.. A 1738 Famous Women of the French Court. 1890-92 : Marie Antoinette and the End of the Old Regime C11267 Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries, 1789-91 C11268 Imbert de Saint-Am and. Marie Antoi- nette and Downfall of Royalty. C11269 Citizeness Bonaparte C11068 The Wife of the First Consul. ..C11069 Court of the Empress Josephine. C11070 The Happy Days of Marie Louise Ci 1265 Marie Louise and the Decadence of the Empire Ci 1266 Marie Louise and the Invasion of 1814 C11264 Marie Louise, the Return from Elba and the Hundred Days. . .C11263 Youth of the Duchess of Angou- leme C10498 Duchess of Angouleme and the Two Restorations C10496 Duchess of Berry and the Court of Louis XVIII. 1892. C10551 Les Femmes de la Cour des derniers Valois. 1884 ' C 5292 Les Femmes de Versailles. 1885.. C 5290 v. I. (Tour de Louis XIV. 2-3. Cour de Louis XV. 4-5. Marie Antoinette. Les Femmes des Tuileries ..C 5291 V. I. Le Chateau. 2-4. Marie Antoinette. 5-9. Josephine. 10-12. Marie Louise. France and Italy. 1899 A 1737 La Jeunesse de ITmperatrice Jose- phine. 1883 C 6629 Louis Napoleon and Mademoiselle de Montijo. 1897 C11369 Memoirs of the Empress Marie Louise. 1886 C 3638 Napoleon III. and his Court. 1898.C11367 • Napoleon III. at the Height of his Power. 1900 C18632 Revolution o.f 1848. 1895 A 1503 Women of the Valois Court C10235 Women of Versailles : Court of Louis XIV. 1893 C11165 Court of Loiiir, XV. 1893 C11164 Ireland. France for the last Seven Years; or, the Bourbons. 1822.. A 1669 J.\CKS0N. Court and Society; Reign of Louis XVL 2v. 1881 .A 1622 Court of France, 1514-59. 2v. 1886. A 1746 Court of the Tuileries. 2v. 1883. A 1623 FRANCE. 67 Jackson. The First of the Bourbons, 1589-1610. 2v. 1890 .C10932 Last of the Valois, 1550^-1589. 2v. 1888 * A 1668 Old Paris. 1880 A 1497 The Old Regime. 2v. 1880 A 1499 James. Life and Times of Louis XIV. 2v. 1851 1 3041 Jervis. History of France to 1870. •98.A 1744 History of the Gallican Church. 2v, 1872 M 221 JoiNViLLE. History of Louis IX. 1870. 1 3891 Memoirs of Louis IX. 1865 1 3345 JuNOT. Les Salons de Paris. 6v. 1837-8.C 5371 Kaiser. Franzosischc Verfassungsgc- schichte, 1789-1852 D 5664 Kellett. Gregory the Great and his Relations with Gaul. 1889 A 355,3 KiNGSLEY. Lectures on the Ancicn Re- gime of France. 1867 A 1510 Kirk. Charles the Bold. 3v. 1864... A 1523 KiRKLAND. Short History of France. '80A 1616 KiTCHiN. History of France to 1793. 3v. 1873-7 A 1546 Labande. Beauvais et les Institutions communales. 1892 ♦V 1944 1 ACOMBE, C. M. DEr Heufy IV. et sa Politique, i860 C 5603 L.\coMBE, P. Growth of a People. 1883.A 1634 Lacroi.x. Institutions, Usages et Cos- tumes en France, 1700-1789 *R 4178 XVIIc Siecle; Institutions, Usages et Costumes. 1880 ♦P 685 XVIIIe Siecle; Lettrcs, Sciences et Arts. 1700-89. 1879 *R 4180 La Gorge. Histoire du Second Empire. 4v. 1895-9 C12713 ' AGRELLE. La Diplomatie frangaise. 4v. 1888-92 C12760 La Hodde. Secret Societies of France, 1830-48. .1856 A 1560 Lalanne. Dictionnaire historique de la France. 1877 *R238 Lamartine. French Revolution, i848.'7i.I 3045 Geschichte der Restauration. 8v. in 4. 1851 D 2081 Geschichte der franzosischen Revo- lution, 1848. 1850 D 2083 Histoire de la Restauration. '62X5639.17-22 Past. Present and Future of the Re- public. 1871 L 235 Lamartine. Restoration of Monarchy in France. 4v. 1851-3 A 1617 The same. 4v. 1865 1 3044 Vergangenheit, Gegepwart und Zu- kunft der franzosischen Republik. 1850 D 2085 Lameth. Histoire de I'Assemblee con- stituantc. 2v. 1828-9 C 5560 Lamington. Francis I., and other His- toric Studies. 2v. 1870 A 1597 Historic Chateaux : Blois, Fontaine- • bleau. Vincennes. 1877 A 1575 Larmessin. Les Roys de France depuis Pharamond a Louis XV. 1714. .♦V 1431 Lathom. Castle of the Tuileries. 2v. *03.A 1656 , Lathy. Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV. 3v. 1819 C 3623 Latimer. France in the Nineteenth Cen- tury, 1830-90. 1892 A I7>3 Laube. Franzosischc Lustschlosser.'76D2o67.4-5 LAVALLiE. Histoire des Frangais. 5v.^ in 3. 1874 €"3677 Lavasseur. Histoire des Classes ouvri- cres en France. 4v. 1859-67... C 553-? Lebon. Modern France, 1789-1895. '98. A 1747 Le CoiNTE, /* Abbe. Conspiracy of the Norman Barons, 1047. 1887 A 1717 The same ♦P624,ii Legeay. Histoire du Louis XI. 2v. '74.C 5683 Lemontey. Histoire de la Regence de Louis XV. 2\'. 1832 C12569 Lescure. Le Chateau de la Malmaison. 1867 C 5537 Correspondance secrete sur Louis XVI.. 1772 a 1792. 2v. 1866 C 5557 Les Palais de Trianofi. 1867 C 5556 Le Tr^sor de la Rocque. Les Finances de la Republique. 1884 C 5719 LiNGUET. Membires sur la Bastille. 1783C 5725 The same. 1822 Ci200i,35 The same. 1866 Ci 1954.28 Memoirs of the Bastille. 1884-7. .♦P 623,4 Little Arthur's History of France. 1884. A 1569 LocKWOOD. Constitutional History of France. 1890 A 1709 LoM^NiE. Les Mirabeau; Societe fran- Qaise au XVIII. Siecle. 5v. 1889. C 5564 LoNERGAN. Historic Churches of Paris. 1896 A 1760 Long. France and its Revolutions, 1789- 1848. 1850 A 1502 68 FRANCE. LuRO. Marguerite d'Angouleme et la Re- naissance. 1866 c 5756 LuYNES, due de. Memoires sur la Cour de Louis XV. I7v. 1860-5 C12700 Macdonnell. France since the First Em- pire. 1879 A 1595 Maillot. L'Armee fran^aise. 2v. 1885- 1889 *P 1246 Comment on a restaure rEmpire.'84C 6467 Maistre. Considerations sur la France. 1832 C 5828 Correspondance diplomatique, 181 1- 1817. 2v C 5759 Marais. Journal et Memoires de Louis XV. 4v. 1863-8 C12755 Marcks. Coligny und das Frankreich seiner Zeit. 1892 D13544 Marsh. Protestant Reformation in France ; History of the Huguenots. 2v. 1847 A 1496 Marshall. History of France for Chil- dren. 1877 A 1620 Martin, B. E. and C. M. Stones of Paris in History and Letters. 2v. 1899.A 1761 Martin, H. Decline of the French Mon- archy. 2v. 1866 A 1542 Histoire de France jusqu'en 1789, avec Table. I7v. 1864-5 A 1540 The same. 17V *P 360 Histoire de France depuis 1789. 8v. 1878-85 C12785 History of France; Age of Louis XIV. 2v. 1865 A 1541 History of France from the First Revolution. 3V. 1877-82 A 1537 Mason. The Woni^n of the French Salons. 1891 *V 1430 Masson, Early Chroniclers of Europe; France, 300-1525. 1879 A 1626 Episodes of French History. 1880-81 A 1639 The Huguenots. 1882 A 1628 Mazarin. 1886 C 3635 Richelieu. 1884 C 3832 Story of Mediaeval France. 1888. .A 1666 Maugras. The Due de Lauzun and Court of Louis XV. 1895 Ci8375,i The Due de Lauzun and Court of Marie Antoinette. 1896 Ci8375,2 Maupas. Memoires sur le Second Em- pire. 2v. 1884-5 C 5827 Story of the Coup d'fitat. 1884 A 1637 Menestrier. Histoire civile de Lyon. 1696 *R 114 Menzel. Die entlarvte Bastille. 1789- 1790 ..• D 5631 Meredith. Odei of French History. '98E 7877 Metivier. Monaco et ses Princes. 2v. 1862 C12820 Mezeray. Chronological History of France to Henry IV. 1683 *V 380 Michel, F. Les £cossais en France. 2v. 1862 A 1625 Michel, H. LTdee de I'fitat (France , depuis la Revolution). 1896 C12868 Michelet. France before Europe. 1871.A 1516 Histoire de France. 14V. 1856-63. C 5884 Histoire de France. i6v. 1876-7. .C 12892 History of France. 2v. 1869 A 1544 Louis XI. et Charles le Temeraire. 1884 Cr278o Louis XV. et Louis XVI. 1867. . . .C12886 Mignet. Rivalite de Frangois I. et de Charles V. 2v. 1875 C 5894 MiNUTOLi. Feldzug der Verbiindeten, 1792. 1847 D 175 MoNSTRELET. Chronicles. 2v. 1840... A 1507 Monteil. Histoire des Frangais des divers fitats. 5v. 1853 .C 5922 MoNTFAUCON. Les Monumens de la Mo- narchic frangoise. 5v. 1729-33.*? 1321 Montgomery. Facts of French History. 1889 A 1710 Napoleon HI. Posthumous Works. '73.A 1512 Narrative of the Siege of Lyons. 1885. *P 623,9 Necker. Administration of the Finances of France. 3v. 1785 A 1723 De I'Administration des Finances de la France. 3v. 1784 C 6013 Niel. Portraits des Personnages illus- tres du XVIe Siecle. 1848-56.. *P 2425 Nordau. Paris unter der dritten Re- publik. 1881 D 3843 Norman. Corsairs of France. 1887... A 1663 NoRMANBY, Marquis of. Revolution in Paris, 1848. 2v. 1857 A 1505 NoRMAND. Two Eras of France. 1854.A 1754 Notre Histoire, 1848 C 6077 Ollivier. L'Empire liberal. 5v. 1895- 1900 C12910 OzANAM. La Civilisation chretienne chez les Francs. 1893 Ci29ii,4 Pajol. Les Guerres sous Louis XV., 1715-59. 4v. 1881-5 C 6141 FRANCE. 69 1735 iSii 1748 1645 Paquier. L'Unite politique et territoriale de la France. 3v. 1879-80 C13010 Pardoe. Court and Reign of Francis I. 2v. 1849 A 1550 Louis XIV. and Court of France in the 17th Century. 2v. 1868 C 1154 The same. 3v. 1886 C 3622 Paris dans sa Splendeur. 3v. i86i...*R 4866 Paris, Musee des Archives Nationales; Documents de THistoire de France. 1872 *0 2382 Pakmele. Evolution of an Empire. 1894.A 1517 Short History of France. 1898 A Patterson. Napoleonic Policy in Europe. i860 A Pemberton. History of Monaco. 1867. A 1635 Perkins. France under Louis XV. 2v. 1897 A France under Mazarin. 2v. 1886. .A France under the Regency. 1892.. A 1712 Perrens. La Democratic en France au Moyen Age. 2v. 1873 C 6163 L'figlise et r£tat sous Henri IV. 2v. 1872 C 6169 Perret. Les Frangais en Afrique. 2v. '87.C 61 15 Perry. The Franks to the Death of Pepin. 1857 A 1612 Perthes. Sous dix Rois, 1791 i 1867. 8v. in 4. 1863-7 C 6178 Petit- Dutaillis. La Vie et le Regne de Louis VIII., 1187-1226. 1894 C13013 Petitot, C. B. (Ed.). Mcmoircs de I'His- toire de France. 130V. 1819-29. C 13000 Petitot, E. Origines et Migrations des Peuples de la Gaulc. 1894 C13011 I*HiLLiPPSON. Heinrich IV. und Philipp III. 3v. in 2. 1870-6 D13043 Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV. 1879 ♦D 5778 Phipson. Reign of Louis XIV. 1878. A 1577 Picot. Histoire des fitats-Generaux, 1355- 1614. 4v. 1872 C 6184 PiEKRE. Histoii'e de la Republique de 1848. 2v. 1878 C 6185 PiZARD. Origines de la Nation frangaise. 1884 C 6153 PoiRSON. Histoire du Regne de Henri IV. 4v. 1865-6 C6281 PoNTfecouLANT, cottite de. Souvenirs his- toriques et parlementaires, 1764- 1848. 4v. 1861-5 C13014 PoNTicH. Administration de Paris. '84.C 6284 Poole. Huguenots of the Dispersion. '80A 1592 PooRE. Rise and Fall of Louis Philippe. 1848 C 3603 Prevost-Paradol. Elisabeth et Hcnri^ IV. 1863 C 6231 Priolo. France under the Ministry of Mazarin. 1671 A 1570 Proth. Depuis 89. 1884 C 6289 Quicherat. Histoire du Costume en France. 1875 *P 715 QuiNET. Philosophic de THistoire de France C6332,3 Rambaud. La France coloniale. 1893. C 6369 Histoire de la Civilisation contem- poraine en France. 1888 C 6363 Ranke. Franzosische Geschichte. 6v. 1873 D2ii,8-13 Zur Geschichte Frankreichs im igten Jahrhundert. 1887 D21 1 ,49-50 Rauschen. Die Lcgcnde Karl's des Grossen. 1890 D 5956 Ravaillac, F., Trial of, for the Murder of King Henry the Great. 1885. ..♦P624,24 Ravaisson. Archives de la Bastille. 1866- 1884 *C 6412 V. i-ii. Louis XIV., i65<>-i7io. 12-13. LouisXlV. et Louis XV., 1709-1725. 14-16. Louis XV., 1726-1757. Reeve. Royal and Republican France. 2v. 1872 A 1601 Reinach. La France et I'ltalie devant THistoire. 1893 C 6426 Le Ministere Gambetta. 1884 C 6423 Richards. Glimpses of the French Court. 1893 A 1725 Richelieu. Memoires des Cours de Louis XIV. et Louis XV. 9v. 1793 C 6377 Ritchie. Versailles. 1839 A 1614 RiTSON. Memoirs of the Celts or Gauls. 1827 A 1721 Robert. Les Mysteres de la Bastille. '78C 6521 RoBiNSON. Elizabeth de Valois and Court of Philip II. 2v. 1857 C 1087 Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre. 2v. 1855 C 3500 Married Life of Anne of Austria. 2v. 1864 A 1531 Regency of Anne of Austria. 2v. '66A 153^ Reign of Henry III. 3v. 1858 A 1515 Reign of Henry IV. 2v. i860 A 1533 Henry IV. and Marie de Medici. 2v. 1861 A 1534 70 FRANCE. Robinson. Last Decade of Henry IV. 2v. 1863 A 1535 RocHAU. -Geschichte Frankreichs, 1814- 1852. 1858 ^ D13006 RoDT. Feldzuge Karls des Kiihnen. 2v. 1843-4 D13067 Ro.STERES. Li Societe frangaise au Moyen Age. 2v. 1882 C 6510 RossEL, L. M. Posthumous Papers. '72. A 1529 RoTHAN. La France et sa Politique ex- terieure en 1867. 2v. 1887 C 6540 Rothschild. Personal Characteristics from French History. 1896 A 1745 Rush. Court and Government of Louis Philippe, 1847-8. i860 E 5499 Recollections of Louis Philippe. '72.A 393 Sainsbury. The Napoleon Museum ; France from Louis XIV. to Napo- leon. 1845 *R 4345 Saint-Paul. Histoire monumentale de la France. 1884 C (id^d Saint-Simon. Memoires sur le Siecle de Louis XIV. 13V. 1856-8 C 6644 The same. 20v. 1856-8 C 6549 Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XIV. 3v. 1876 A 1495 Sarrans. Lafayette and the Revolution of 1830. 2v. 1832 A 1513 Schmidt. Geschichte von Frankreich. 4v. 1835-48 D12807 Scott. France and Tongking in 1884. '85 A 4531 See. Louis XI. et les Villas. 1891 C13148 Segretain. Sixte V. et Henri IV. 1861.C 6762 Sergeant. The Franks. 1898 A 1752 Shaw. Madagascar and France. 1885. 1 8807 Sichel. Household of the Lafayettes.'97A 1733 Story of Two Salons. 1895 A 1753 Simon. Government of Thiers, 1871-73. 2v A 1563 Souvenirs du quatre ' Septembre ; le Second Empire. 2v. ^1876 .C13168 SiMONDE de Sismonde. France under the Feudal System. 1851 A 1704 Histoire des Frangais. 31V. 1821-44.C 6748 Simpson. Revolutionary Paris, 1848 ..A 1684 Smiles. Huguenots in England and Ire- land. 1872 A 1630 The same. 1868 A 270 Huguenots in France after the Rev- ocation. 1874 A 163 1 Smith (Ed.). Student's History of France. 1878 A 1642 Sourches. Regno de Louis XIV. 4v. 1882-5 C 6790 Souvestre. Loin du Pays; Colonisations frangalses.^ 1865 C 6598 Spuller. Histoire parlementaire de la seconde Republique. 1891. . . ,. . .C13140 Stephen. Lectures on History of France. 1870 A 1596 Stourm. Les Finances de I'Ancien Re- gime etde la Revolution. 2v. 1885. C 6837 Sugenheim. Skizzen "iur franzosischen Geschichte. 1872 D 233 Sully, Duke of. Memoirs. 4v. 1856. 1 3312 Taine. The Ancient Regime. 1876. ..A 1509 Entstehung des modernen Frank- reich. 6v. in 4 D 5708 The Modern Regime. 2v. 1890-4. A Les Origines de la France contem- poraine. 6v. 1877-94 C V I. L'Ancien Regime. . 2-4. La Revolution. 5-6. Le Regime moderne. Taylor. Memoirs of the House of Or- leans. 3v. 1849 A Ten Years of Imperialism in France. '62.A Tenot. Paris en Decembre, 1851 ; le Coup d'fitat. 1870 C Thierry, A. S. D. Histoire de la Gaule. 1871 C Histoire des Gaulois. 2v. 1874... C Thierry, J. N. A. Dix ans d'fitudes his- toriques. 1857 C Essai sur I'Histoire du Tiers £tat. 1853 C13263 Lettres sur I'Histoire de France. '67C 6907 Recits des Temps Merovingiens. '85C13261 The same and Considerations sur I'Histoire de France. 1868.. C Tocoueville. Histoire philosophique de Louis XV. 2v. 1847 C Society in France before 1789. 1856.A Tooke. Monarchy of France. '1855 A TopiN. Man with the Iron Mask. 1870. A Touchard-Lafosse. Histoire de Pari^;. 5v. 1833-4 C Trollope. Sketches from French History. 1868 A Tylor. Huguenots in the 17th Century. 1892 A Uzanne. Fashion in Paris, 1797-1897.*? Valter, Paris disparu; Les Tuileries. 1884 C13341 1705 6864 1568 1558 6897 6900 6901 6905 6908 6912 1508 1551 1604 549C 159^] 1702 663 1-RAXCE— FRENCH REVOLUTION AND THE FIRST EMPIRE. 71 Vance. Romantic Episodes of France. 1868 A 1618 Vandal. Louis XV. et Elisabeth de Russie. 1882 C13286 Vandam. Undercurrents of the Second Empire. 1896 A 1734 Vaublanc. La France au temps des Croi- sades. 4v. 1844-7 C 6940 V'aulabelle. Histoire des deux Restau- rations. lov. 1874 C 6939 Viel-Castel. Histoire de la Restaura- tion, 1814-30. 20V. 1860-78 C13365 ViGNON. Les Colonies frangaiscs. 1886.C13276 Voltaire. Age of Louis XIV. 2v. 175^. A 1574 Annales de TEmpire depuis Charle- magne. ' 1869 C6997.3 \'uiTRY. Le Regime financier avant 1789C 6954 Wachenhusen. Von neuen Babylon. D 241 Wahl. La France aux Colonics. 1896.C1315S Wallon. Saint Louis et son Temps. 2v. 1876 C13366 Warburton. Rollo and his Race. 1848. A 1615 VVashburne.* Recollections .of a Minis- ter to France, 1869-77. 2v. 1887. C 2368 Watson. Story of France to Consulate of Napoleon. 2v. 1899 ...A 1757 Wehl. AnsdemfruherenFrankreich.*S9.D 5764 Weiss. History of French Protestant Refugees. 1854 A 1633 Whately. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte. 1849 A 1580 White, H. Massacre of St Bartholo- mew. 1868 A 1600 White, J. History of France to 1848. 1874 A 1565 Whitehurst. Court and Social Life under Napoleon HL 2v. 1873.. A 1547 WicKEDE. Kriege Frankreichs gegen Deutschland.- 3v. 1874 D 5755 WiLLERT. Reign of Louis XL 1876. ..A 1581 Witt. Chroniqueurs de I'Histoire de France. 2v. 1883-4 • *V 1 145 YoNCE, C. D. France under the Bour- bons, 1589- 1830. 4v. 1866 A 1603 YoNCE, C M. History of France. 1882.A 1621 Young Folks' History of France. '79.H 779 Zeller. Richelieu et les Ministres de Louis XIIL. 1621-4. 1880 C13390 and Bayet. Les Derniers Carolin- giens. 1884 C13391 and Darsy. Charlemagne. 1882 C13392 ZivoRT. Lemons d'Histoire de France. .C13396 FRENCH REVOLUTION AND THE FIRST EMPIRE. Abbott. French Revolution of 1789. 'SQA 1586 Adolphus. History of France, 1790- 1802. 2v. 1803 ...A 1611 Albinl Marie Antoinette and the Dia- mond Necklace. 1900 A 1480 Alger. Englishmen in the French Revo- lution. 1889 A 1679 Glimpses of the French Revolution. 1894 A 1607 Alison. History of Europe, 1789- 1815. 4v. 187a A 335 The same. lOv. 1842 ♦A 346 Atlas 1850 ; *R 4985 Ancelon. La Verite sur Louis XVI k Varennes. 1866 Ci 1970 Anecdotes of the Founders of the French Republic. 1797 C 3923 AuLARo. Le Culte de la Raison (1793-4). 1892 Ci 1909 Etudes sur la Revolution frangaise. 1893 c 5390 Paris pendant la Reaction thcrmi- doricnne, 1794-6. 1898 C12869 La Socicte des Jacobins. 6v. 1889- i89r C12997 Baines. Wars of the French Revolution, 1792-1815. 2v. 1855 A 1648 The same. 1817 ♦V 1447 Barante. Histoire de la Convention na- tionals 6v. 1851 C11975 Histoire du Directoire. 3v. 1855... C 4134 Barr£. History of the French Consulate under Napoleon Buonaparte. 1804. A 1654 Bax. The French Revolution. 1890.. .A 1697 Beitzke. Geschichte der deutschen Frei- heitskriege, 1813-14. 3v. 1863-4. D 26 Der russische Krieg, 1812. 1862... D 27 Berriat Saint- Prix. La Justice revolu- . tionnaire. 1870 C 4156 Bertin. La Societe du Consulat et de I'Empire. 1890 C12358 Bertrand de Moleville. La Revolution de France. 14V. 1801-3 C119S7 Berville and Barriere (Ed.). Collec- tion des Memoires relatifs a la Revolution frangaise. 56V. 1821-7.C12001 Bingham (Ed.). Selections from Let- ters and Despatches of Napoleon. 3v. 1884 C 3692 72 FRENCH REVOLUTION AND THE FIRST EMPIRE. BiRE, E. Journal pendant la Terreur. 1884 C12069 Bishop. Prison Life of Marie Antoi- nette. 1894 ^ C11273 Blanc. Histoire de la Revolution de 1798. 2v *V 1093 BoiTEAU. £tat de la France en 1789. 1889 C11925 BoNDOis. Napoleon et la Societe de son Temps, 1793-1821. 1895 C12905 BoNNEMERE. La Vendee en 1793. 1874.C 4238 BouGEART. Danton ; Documents authen- tiques. 1861 Ci 1933 BouRGOiNG. Histoire diplomatique de I'Europe pendant la Revolution frangaise. 4v. in 3. 1865-85 C12975 BouRSiN and Challamel. Dictionnaire de la Revolution frangaise. 1893. *R 531 BoYCE. Second Usurpation of Buonaparte. 2v. 1816. . ; A 1662 BoYNTON. The World's Greatest Conflict. 1890 A 1693 Brink. Robespierre and the Red Terror. 1899 A 1741 Broc, vicomte de. La France pendant la Revolution. 2v. 1891 C11936 Brunnemann. Revolutions-Geschichte. 1876 ...T> 172 Buchez and Roux-Lavergne. Histoire de la Revolution frangaise. 40V. 1834-8 C12003 Burke. Reflections on the French Revo- lution. 1890 A 1694 Cam PARDON. Marie-Antoinette a la Con- ciergerie. 1863 C 4586 Capefigue. La Duchesse de Polignac. 1866 C 4286 Les Cent Jours. 2v. 1841 C 4294 L'Europe pendant la Revolution fran- gaise. 4v C12242 L'Europe pendant le Consulat et I'Empire. lov C12243 Carlyle. French Revolution. 3v A 1573 The same. 3 v. in 2. 185 1 G 7Z The same. 3 v. 1896 *j200,2-4 Carne. Gouvernement representatif, 1789-1848. 2v C 429s Cassagnac. Les Causes de la Revolution. 4v. 1856 C 4440 Cathcart. War in Russia and Germany, 1812-13. 1850. A 1878 Challamel. Les Clubs contre-revolution- naires. 1895 C12995 Charavay. Assemblee £lectorale de Paris, 1791-2. 1894.... C12998 Chassin. Les Elections et les Cahiers de Paris en 17^. 4v. 1888-9 C12203 Le Genie delaRevolution. 2v. '63-5.C12203 La Vendee patriote, 1793-1800. 4v. 1893-5 ....C12994 Cheslay. La Convention National e, 1792- 1795- 1884 C 4593 Clapham. Causes of the War of 1792. 1899 A35S,ii Clery. Captivite de Louis XVL 1798. A 1599 Occurrences at the Temple during Confinement of Louis XVL 1798.A 1670 Collier. On the Eve of the Revolution. 1865 A 1576 Condorcet. Declaration des Droits. '47012207,9 Memoires sur la Revolution frangaise. 2v. 1824 C 5546 Cook. Costumes of the Time of the French Revolution. 1899 *P 1580 CooKE. Events in the South of France, 1814-1815. 1835 A 1756 Cornell University Library, Catalogue of the A. D. White Library. 1894. .*0 1423 V. 2. The French Revolution. Cousin. La Revolution frangaise. 1864.C 4376 Crane and Brun. Tableaux de la Revo- lution frangaise. 1884 C 4585 Croker. Essays on the early Period of the French Revolution. 1857.... A 1504 Cuneo d'Ornano. La Republique de Na- poleon. 1894 C12971 Dabney. Causes of the French Revolu- tion. 1888 A 1660 Dauban. Madame Roland et son temps. 1864 C12291 Davila. Guerre Civili di Francia. 6v. 1807 C 9500.178-183 Dayot. La Revolution frangaise d'apres Peintures, Sculptures, Gravures, Medailles. 1896 *V 2237 Dermoncourt. La Vendee et Madame. 1833 C12324 Des ficHEROLLES. Side Lights on the Reign of Terror. 1900 A 1732 Des Essarts. Poemes de la Revolution, 1789-96. 1879 C 4790 DoNiOL. La Revolution et la Feodalite. 1876 C 4430 Dumas. Louis XVI. et la Revolution.'66C 4686 DuRAS, Duchesse. Prison Journals during French Revolution. 1891 A 1699 FRENCH REVOLUTION AND THE FIRST EMPIRE. 73 DuRUY. Ctudes sur la Revolution et I'Empire. 1889 C12298 DusAULX. Sur le 14 Juillet; la Prise de la Bastille. 1822 €12001,35 EcKARDT. Pariser Schreckenzeit, 1791- 1794 D12865 Elliott, G. D. Journal during the French Revolution, 1859 A 1664 Journal pendant la Revolution.. .€11954^7 EvERiTT. Guillotine the Great and her Successors. 1890 A 1698 Farmer. Short History of the Revolu- tion for Young People. 1889 A 1673 Fauriel. Derniers Jours du Consulat.*86C 4849 Last Days of the Consulate. 1886..^ 1644 FEUiiLET DE Conches. Louis XVI., Marie-Antoinette et Madame Elisa- beth. 6v. 1864-73 C12388 FiCHTE. Urthcil iibcr die RcvoIution.'45D3i75.6 Franzosische Revolution, 1789-1836 D 73 Frederick I., King of lyurtemberg. Cor- respondenz mit Napoleon, 1805-13 [Franzosisch] D 6153 Gaffarel. Les Campagnes de la Pre- miere Republique. 1884 C 5043 George. Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1899 A 4367 Georgel, /' Abbe. L'Histoire dcs fivcnc- mens, 1760-1810. 6v. 1820., C12444 Goldsmith. Crimes of Cabinets. 1801. .A 1700 Gomel. Histoirc financiere de I'Assem- bI6e Constituante, 1789-91. 2r. *96.Ci2553 GoNCOURT. Societe fran<;aise pendant la Revolution. '1864 C12S15 The same, 1889. ..- ♦V 841 Goodrich. Court of Napoleon; or, Soci- ety under the First Empire. i864.*P 1651 Goudemetz. Epochs of the Revolution, with Execution of Louis XVI. 1796 f A 1682 GouRGAUD. Napoleon and Grand Army in Russia. 1825 A 1695 Greene. Normandy during the Revolu- tion. 1802 A 1696 Griffiths. French Revolutionary Gen- erals. 1891 C10251 Gronlund. Ca Ira; or, Danton in the French Revolution. 1888 A 1658 GuADET. Les Girondins. 1861 C 5134 Gugua. Die konservativen Elemente frankreich vor der Revolution. *9oD 5662 GuiLLois. Pendant la Terreur. 1890. .C12535 GuiLLON. Petite Histoirc de la Revolu- tion. 1883 C 5140 Guiney. Monsieur Henri; Foot-Note to French History. 1892 A 1708 Haeusser. Geschichte der franzosischen Revolution, 1789-99. 1867 D 5657 Hamel. Histoire de la Revolution fran- gaise. 1870 C12601 Histoire de Robespierre C 5203 Histoire de Saint-Just. 1859 C12603 Histoire du Premier Empire, 1804- 1814. 1882 Ci26oa Harrison. Contemporary History of French Revolution. 1889 A 1691 Haussonville. L'figlisc romaine'et I'Em- pire, 1800- 18 14. 5v. 1870 C12586 Hazen. Contemporary American Opin- ion of the French Revolution.*97L3200.i6 Headley. Imperial Guard of Napoleon from Marengo to Waterloo. 1888.A 1665 Hedin. Franska Rcvolutionens Qvinnor. 1880 C 7^32 Studier i franska Revolutioncns. '90.C16054 HfeRiCAULT. La Revolution, i789-i882.*P 824 La Revolution de Thermidor. i878.Ci26ao HfeRissoN. The Black Cabinet. 1887. .A 1655 Lc Cabinet Noir. 1887 C 5212 Hesoin. Journals of a Spy in Paris, 1794. 1896 C18121 H£zeques, d'. Memoirs of a Page of Louis XVI. 1873 C mo Hill. Story of the War in La Vendee. A 1498 HoLST,v. The French Revolution tested by Mirabeau's Career. 2v. 1894. A 1726 Hooper. Italian Campaigns of Bonaparte in 1796-7 and 1800. 1859 Cn355 HoRNE. Important Events, 1811-15. i8i7*P 2366 Houssaye. 1814. 1889 C12564 Hue. Dernieres annees du Regne de Louis XVL i860 C12626 Imbert de Saint-Am and. Court of Josephine. 1890 Ci 1070 Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty. 1891 Ci 1269 luNG. Bonaparte et son Temps, 1769-99. 3v. 1881 C 5307 Jackson. Court and Society; Louis XVI. and First Empire. 2v. 1881 A 1622 Janet. Philosophic de la Revolution. '75C 5324 Jephson. The Real French Revolution- ist. 1899 A 1490 Jensen. Napoleon's Felltog i Russland, 1812. 1893 C14831 74 FRENCH REVOLUTION AND THE FIRST EMPIRE. JoANNis. Le Federalisme et la Terreur a I'Isle (1793-4)- 1884 C 5344 JuLLiEN. The Great French Revolution, 1785-93. 1881 « A 1650 JuNOT, L. P., Duchesse d'Abrantes. Me- moires sur Napoleon. i8v. 1831-35C 5370 Memoirs of Napoleon. 2v. 1873.. C 1166 Kelly. History of the French Revolu- tion. 2v. 1817 *V 1433 Kerversau and Clavelin. Histoire de la Revolution de 1789. 20v. 1790- 1803 C 5504 Keyserling. Aus der Kriegszeit. 1855. D 135 Kleinschmidt. Charakterbilder aus der franzosischen Revolution. 1889. D 6136 Lacroix. Directoire, Consulat et Empire. 1884 *R 4179 Lamartine. Geschichte der Girondisten. 8v. in 3. 1850 D 2082 Histoire des Girondins. 1862.05639,17-22 The same. 4v. in 2. 1851 C 5638 History of the Girondists. 3v. '54. A 1562 The same. 3v. 1856 1 3043 Lamballe, Princesse de. Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family during" the Revolution. 2v. 1895 C18370 Laxfrey. Histoire de Napoleon I. 5v. in 3. 1870-84 C 5661 History of Napoleon I. 4v. 1871-9.C 1168 La Rochejaquelin, Marquise de. Me- moirs. 1817 C11180 The same. 1827 1 3503 Latimer (Ed.). My Scrap-Book of the French- Revolution. 1898 \ A 1730 Laurent. Histoire de I'Empereui Na- poleon. 1840 C 6022 History of Napoleon. 2v. 1860...C 1165 LenotIie. Redemption ; Histoire du Temps de I'Empire *V 2142 Lewis.- Secret History of the Cabinet of Bonaparte. 181 1 C 3697 LiEB. Foes of the French Revolution. '89A 1674 Liste des Conspirateurs condamnes a Mort, 1792-93- 1795 C 5706 Long. France and its Revolutions. '50. A 1502 Lgo. De fransche Hopfers van 1789. '85. D 9491 Lowell. Eve of the French Revolution. 1892 A 1711 McCarthy. The French Revolution. 2v. 1890-98 A 1692 Mackintosh. Defence of the French Revolution. 1854 J '182,3 Mahan. Influence of Sea Power upon French Revolution, 1793-1813. 2v. 1892 A 1716 Mahrenholtz. Geschichte der franzosi- schen Revolution. 1888. D 5670 Maistre. Dampierre et la Maison de Dam- pierre. 1884 C 5824 Mallet, The French Revolution. 1893. A 17 18 Marsh. Book about Shams relating to the French Revolution. 1870 A 1659 Marx. Der achtzehnte Brumaire. 1869. D 172 Memoires tires des Papiers d'un Homme d'fitat. 13V. 1831-8 C12842 Mercier. Le Nouveau Paris. 6v. in 3. ^800 C12843 Michelet. Les Femmes de la - Revolu- tion. 1889 '.... t:i2882 Historical View of the French Revo- lution. 1848 1 3055 Histoire de la Revolution. y\. 1847- 1853 C 5890 Histoire du XIXe Siecle. 3v. 1875- 1876 ..C12883 Precis de la Revolution frangaise.'9oCi289i Les Soldats de la Revolution. 1882.C12783 Mignet. French Revolution, 1789-1814. 1868 1 3056 The same. 2v. 1826 A 1545 Histoire de la Revolution frangaise. 2v. 187s C 5893 Millingen. Republican France, 1790- 1801. 1848 .A 1567 Minutoll Feldzug der Verbiindeten, 1792 D 175 Mitchell. Fall of Napoleon I. 3v. . . .C 3685 MoNiN. L'fitat de Paris en 1789. 1889.C12853 Montgaillard. Histoire de France, 1787- 1818. 1823 C12854 Moore, J. Journal of a Residence in France in 1792. 2v. 1792 1 6683 Society and Manners in France. 1792I 6739 Morris, M. C. O'C. Prisoners of the Temple. 1874 A 1627 Morris, W. O'C. French Revolution and the First Empire. 1874 A 164 Napoleon and Military Supremacy of Revolutionary France. 1893 C11351 Napoleon I. Commentaires. 6v. i867.*V 1127 Correspondance. 32V. 1858-69... *P 680 History of France during Reign of Napoleon. 7v. 1823-4 A 1553 Necker. De la Revolution f rangaise. 2v. 1797 C 6011 FRENCH REVOLUTION AND THE FIRST EMPIRE. 75 Nicholson. Wars occasioned by French Revolution with History of Revo- hition. 1816 ♦R 4353 NoDiEK. Souvenirs de la Revolution et de I'Empire. 1872 C 6046 NoRMAND. The Revolution of 1789. 1854.A 1754 Oncken. Zeitalter der Revolution. 2v. 1884-6 *D 5785 Ormathwaite. Lessons of the French Revolution, 1789-1872. 1873 A 1606 Paine. Rights of Man. 1844 L 142 The same. 1875 li* II75 The same. 1894 J 210,2 Pardoe. Episodes of French History, 1793-1815. 2v. 1859 A 1598 Parquin. Napoleon's Victories, 1803-14. 1893 ♦V 1907 PAsguiER. History of my Time, 1789- 1815. 3v. 1893-4 C11455 Philippart. Campaign in Germany and France, 1813-14, 2v. 1814 A 4144 Pincal'd. Un Agent secret, Ic comte d'Antraigucs. 1893 C 6356 PiON. Mes Campagncs, 1792-1815. 1889.C13020 Playfair. History of Jacobinism. 1793. A 1714 PoRTALis. Le Concordat de 1801. 1845.C13023 Porter. Campaign in Russia in 1812. '15.A 4391 PouciN. L'Opera-Comique pendant la Revolution, 1788-1801. 1891 C13024 PressensL The Church and the Revolu- tion. i8b9 .*M 2780 Pkudhomme. Revolutions de France de- puis la Mort de Louis XV. i2v. 1824-5 C 6322 QuiN^T. La Campagne de 1815. 1867. C 6330 La Revolution. 2v. 1869 C 6333 Rabaut. Precis de la Revolution fran- qaise. 6v. 1869 C 6361 Ranke. Ursprung und Beginn der Revo- lutionskriege. 1879 D2ii,45 Reeve. Royal and Republican France. 2v. 1872 A 1601 Reign of Terror; by Eye-Witnesses. 2v. 1898 A 1729 Rcimpression de I'ancien Moniteur; Revolution frangaise, 1789-99. 32V. 1850-54 *V 1388 Remus AT Mtne.de. Memoires, 1802-8. 3vC 6435 Memoirs, 1802-8. 1880 C 3814 The same. 2v. 1880 C 3812 RiCHTER. Staatsrecht der franzosischen Revolutionen, 1789-1804. 2v. '65-66.D 195 RoBiDOU. Le Clerge pendant la Revolu- tion fran^aise. 2v. 1889 C 6526 RoBiNET. Le Mouvement religieux a Paris pendant la Revolution, 1789- 1801. 2v. 1896-8 C13123 RoBiQUET. Le Personnel municipal de Paris pendant la Revolution. 1890.C12999 RocHAMBEAU. Lcs Gucrres de la Revolu- tion, 1789 a 1807. 1831 C 6538 RocHECHouART. Souvenirs sur la Revolu- tion. 1889 C 6537 RocQUAiN. L'Esprit revolutionnaire avant la Revolution, 1715-89. 1878 C 6493 Revolutionary Spirit preceding the Revolution. 1891 A 1728 Rose. Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era, 17389-1815. 1894 A 1727 RoviGO. due de. Memoirs; illustrating History of Napoleon. 4v. 1828.. A 1514 Rov. Les Fran^ais en Russie, 1812. '83.C 6530 Salamon, Mgr. dc, Memoires de ITn- ternonce a Paris, 1790-1801. 1896. C 6555 Memoirs of the Internuncio at Paris during Revolution, 1790-1801. '96.C11628 Sapinaud. Historical Memoirs on La Vendee. 1824 A 1722 Sargent. Campaign of Marengo. 1897.. A 1742 Napoleon Bonaparte's First Cam- paign. 1895 Ci 1346 SciouT. Le Directoire. 4v. 1895-7 C13128 Segur. Napoleon's Expedition, 1812. 2v. 1872 1 3749 The same. 2v. 1840 1 3606 Seymour. Wars resulting from the French Revolution. 2v. 1815...A 1681 Siborne. War in France and Belgium. 2v. 1844 A 1667 Maps to same ♦R* 4913 SiCHEL. Household of the Lafayettes. '97A 1733 Smyth. Lectures on French Revolution. 2v. i860 1 3083 SoREL. Bonaparte et Hoche en 1797. 1896C13151 Le Convent des Carmes pendant la Terreur. 1864 . . . .' C13174 L'Europe et la Revolution fran(;aise. 4v. 1887-92 C 6729 SouLAViE. Memoires du Regne de Louis XVL 6v. 1801 C 6559 Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XVI. 6v. 1802 C11166 Stael, Mme. de. Considerations sur la Revolution. 2v C 6798 76 FRE^XH REVOLUTION— PENINSULAR WAR. Stanhope, Lord. French Retreat from Moscow. 1876 A 4408 Stephens. History of the French Revo- lution. 2v. 1886-91* A 1647 (Ed.). Speeches of Statesmen and Orators of the French Revolution (in French). 2v. 1892 A 1707 Stewarton. Court and Cabinet of St. Cloud. 3v. 1806 A 167 1 Sutherland, Lord. Despatches, 1790-92 ; ed. by Browning. 1885 A 1653 Sybel. French Revolution. 4v. 18C7...A 1584 Revolutionzeit, 1789-95- 6v. 1865. D 213 Tableaux de la Revolution frangaise. 3v. 1802 *P 1220 Taine. French Revolution. 3v. 1878-85.A 1501 La Revolution. 3v. 1881-90 C6864,2-4 Taner.\. Die Revolutions-und Napoleon- ischen Kriege, 1792-1812. 1893..D13164 Ternaux. Histoire de la Terreur. 8v. 1862-81 C 6898 Thibaudeau. Le Consulat et TEmpire, 1799-1815. 7v. 1834-5 C13242 Thiers. Consulate and the Empire. 5v. 1872 A 1552 Histoire du Consulat et de I'Empire. •20V. in 10. 1845-61 C 6914 History of the French Revolution ; tr. by Fisher. 2v. 1857 A 1583 The same; tr. by Shoberl. 4v. in 2. 1871 A 1582 The same. 5v. 1881 *A 1585 Thoumas. Les Grands Cavaliers du Premier Empire. 2v. 1890 C13197 ToCQUEViLLE. Old Regime and the Revo- lution. 1856 A 1506 Tolstoi. Napoleon and the Russian Cam- • paign. 1888 A 4387 Trapp. Trial of Louis XVI. 1893 A 1599 Vandal. Napoleon at Alexandre ler ; I'Alliance russe. 3v. 1896-7.' C13158 Van Laun. French Revolutionary Epoch. 2v. 1879 A 1578 Venturini. Russlands und Deutschlands Befreiungskriege, 1812-15. 4v. 1816- 1819 D 156 Verestchagin. "1812" ; Napoleon in Rus- sia. 1899 A 4430 ViLLiAUME. Histoire de la Revolution frangaise. 3v. 1864 C 6978 ViZETELLY. Story of the Diamond Neck- lace. 2v. 1867 A 1608 i Wachsmuth. Frankreich im Revolutions- zcitalter. 4v. 1840-4 D12808 Wallon. La Terreur. 2v. 1881 C13258 Westmorland, Earl of. Operations of the Allied r'^rmies, 1813-14. 1822 A 1680 Whitworth. England and Napoleon in 1803 ; Dispatches. 1887 . . ; A 3201 WiiLiAMS. Events in France in 1815. '15A 1683 Wilson. Invasion of Russia, 1812. '60.A 2C04 WouTERS. La Republique et I'Empire, 1789-1815. 1849 *V 1429 Young. Travels in France, 1787-9- 1889. 1 2966 The same. 2v. 1793 *I 6681 PENINSULAR WAR. BooTHBY. A Prisoner of France, 1809-14. 1898 C17256 Clinton. Peninsular War and Welling- ton in France. 1878 A Cole. British Generals in Peninsular War. 2v. 1856 C Hamilton. Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns. 1849 A Jones. Journals of the Sieges by the Army under Wellington, 1811-14- 3v. 1846 A KiNCAiD. Adventures in the Rifle Brigavle. 1809-15. 1838 V Larpent, F. S. Journal during Renin u- lar War. 3v. 1853 C11187 Lecomte. Guerre d'Espagne. 1892. . . .C12689 MACKINNON. Campaign in Portugal and Spain, 1809-12. 1812 A 3997 Memorials of the late War, 1806-16. 2v. 1828 1 3518 Napier. Peninsular War, 1807-15. 5v. '76A Neale. My Comrade and my Colours, 1854 --^A O'Byrne. Victories of the British Army in the Peninsula, 1808-14. 1889. .A 3277 Rocca. War of the French in Spain. '23. A 1657 Shand. The War in the Peninsula, 1808- 1814. 1898 A 4027 Southey. Peninsular War. 6v. 1828-37. A 919 Suchet. War in Spain, 1808-14. 2v. '29. A 3991 Tomkinson (Ed.). Diary of a Cavalry Officer, 1809-15. 1894 A 3989 Vane. Narrative of the Peninsular War. 1828 *V 1446 Wyld. Maps and Plans of the Battles of the British Army, 1808-14. l84o.*R 4801 724 3937 3993 1809 3998 900 294 WATERLOO— FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR. 77 BATTLE OF WATERLOO. Battle of Waterloo ; illus. by Jones. 'i7*V 479 Chesney. Lectures ; a Study of the Cam- paign of 1815. 1869 K 836 G-\RDNER. Quatre-Bras, Ligny and Water- loo. 1882 A 1557 GfeRARD. La Bataille de Waterloo. 1830.C 6242 Gleic. Battle of Waterloo. 1847 A 1559 Hooper. Waterloo; Downfall of Napo- leon L 1862 A 1555 JOMiNi. Campaign of Waterloo. 1864. K 845 Kennedy. Notes on the Battle of Water- • loo. 1865 ♦A 1706 Knoop. Quatre Bras en Waterloo. '55. D 9429 Lleke. History of Lord Seaton's Regi- ment at Waterloo. 2v. 1866 A 1724 Mercer. Journal of th* Waterloo Cam- paign. 2v. 1870 A 1556 Morris and others. Three Serjeants; or. Phases of the Soldier's Life. 1858. A 3299 MuEFFLiNG. Campaign of 1815. 1816. .A 1688 QuiNET. La Campagne de 1815. 1867. .C 6330 Ropes. Campaign of Waterloo. 1892. A 171 5 ScHARP. Krijgsroem. Junij. 1815. 1816. D 9745 Scott. Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. '61.A 1675 The same. 1827 J 262,5 SiBORNE, H. T. (Ed.). Waterloo Letters by Officers who served in the Cam- paign. 1891 A 1687 SiBORNE, W. The War in 1815. 2v. •44A 1667 Maps ♦R 4913 The Waterloo Campaign, 181 5. 1894 A 1731 Sterck. Waterloo. 1846 D 9793 ToMKiNSON (Ed.). Diary of a Cavalry Officer. 1809-15. 1894 A 3989 Waterloo Memoirs. 2v. 18 17 A 1686 Wood. Cavalry in the Waterloo . Cam- paign. 1896 A 1689 FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR AND PARIS .COMMUNE. Abbott. Prussia and the Franco-Prus- sian War. 1882 A 1890 About. L'Alsace en 1871-72. 1874 C 4002 Ambert. Gaulois et Germains. 4v. 1885.C11961 V. I. L'Invasion. 2. Apres Sedan. 3. La Loire et I'Est. 4. Siege de Paris. Arnould (Bertall). Communists of Paris. 1873 *V 721 B.\LDAMUS. Literarische Erscheinungen des Krieges. 1870 ♦O 253.3 Barthelemy, La Guerre de 1870-71. '84.C 12047 Bastard. Armee de Chalons: Sanglants Combats. 1889 C 1 1918 Jour de Bataille. 1889 C12352 Charges heroiques. 1892 C12354 Defense de Bazeilles. 1889 C12353 Bazaine. Episodes de la Guerre de 1870. 1883 C 4256 Becker. Die Pariser Kommune, 1871. 1879 D 5696 Bericht iiber Krankenpflege *V 1021 Berkeley. French and Prussian War. 1871 *A 29^ Bexleux. La Caricature politique en France, 1870-71. 1890 C11929 BiNGUAM. Journal of Siege of Paris. '75 A 1521 Bleibtreu. Dies Irx: Erinnerungen an Sedan. 1882 D 7346 Wer weiss es? Erinnerungen eines franzosischen Offiziers. 1884 D 7346 hLL'uk. The German Armies in France. 1872 A 1879 BoNie. The French Cavalry in 1870. '96.K 13053 Borbstaedt and Dwyer. Franco-German War to Fall of Strassburg. 1873.A 1908 BoRK. Deutschlands grosse Jahre, 1870- 1871. 1889 D 6176 Bowles. Defence of Paris. 1871 A 1605 Braun-Wiesbaden. Wahrend des Kriegs. 1871 D 5573 BuELOw. Heldenthaten deutscher Offi- ziere in dem Feldzuge, 1870-71. .Di 2846 BuscH. Bismarck wahrend des Kriegs mit Frankreich. 2v. 1879 D 4015 Bismarck in Franco-German War. 2v. 1879 A 1899 Cahn. Pariser Gedenkblatter. 1898..D12856 Capper. Wanderings in War Times. '71 A 1905 Carette. Eve of an Empire's Fall A 3903 Caro. Jours d'fipreuves, 1870-71. 1872.C12132 Cassell's History of the War. 2v. 1872.A 1909 Chronik des Krieges, 1870. 1870-71 D 31 Claretie. Paris assiege, 1870-1 C 4345 Histoire de la Revolution, 1870-71. 2v ♦ V 1095 Cluseret, G. p. Memoires, 1870-71. j v. C 12259 CoRviN. In France with the Germans. 2v. 1872 A 1020 CowDiN. France in 1870-71. 1872 A 1906 78 FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR AND PARIS COMMUNE. Craig. La Debonado; France and Ger- many during the War. 1871 A 1915 Deutsch-franzpsischer Krieg; red. vom Generalstabe, mit Kar*en. 6v. 1874- 1881 D 47 The same. Text. 5v. i874-8i*R 139 Karten. 5v *R 140 DiNESEN. Paris under Communen. 1891C14632 DoEHN. Der deutsch-franzosische Con- flict. 1870 D 247 DoERR. Der deutsch-franzosische Krieg. 3v. 1870-71 D 51 DuCamp. Les Convulsions de Paris. 4v. 1881 C 4445 DucROT. La Journee de Sedan. 1877. -C 4449 DuDEVANT. Journal pendant la Guerre. 1871 c 4476 DuRET. Histoire de quatre ans, 1870-73. 3v. 1880 ." C 4755 Edwards. The Germans in France A 1894 Episodes of the Paris Commune. 1876. A 1518 Evans. American Ambulance in Paris. 1873 *V 585 Excursion des deutschen Krieger-Vereins von Chicago zur Sedanfeier. 1895D 6463 Favre. Government of the National De- fence. 1873 A 1641 Fechner. Der deutsch-fratizosische Krieg, 1870-71. 1872 D 5737 Fetridge. Paris Commune of 1871 A 3902 Fontaine. Der Krieg gegen Frankreich, 1870-71. 2v. 1873-6 D 5585 ■FoNviELLE. Commune van Parijs, i87i.D9269 Forbes. Experiences of the War. 2v. '71. A 1895 The same G 208 Franklyn. Battles of 1870, and Block- ade of Metz. 1887 A 1918 Freycinet. La Guerre en Province, 1870- 1871. 1880 C 4983 FuRLEY. Struggles of a Neutral Volun- teer. 2v. 1872 A 1896 Gambetta. Depeches, Circulaires, De- crets, etc., 1870-71. 2v. 1886-91 . C12426 Gautier. Tableaux de Siege, 1870-71.. 1872 c 5079 Gedenkbuch des Krieges, 1870. 1871...D 80 Gcdenkbuch des Krieges, 1870-71 ; Fac- similes der Handschriften der deut- schen Fiirsten. etc. 1873 *V 2242 GoLOViN. Frankreich's Verfali. 1872. .D 83 Griesinger. DerEntscheidungskampf.'7oD 90 Grimm. Erinnerungen, 1870. 1871 ...D 100 The same D loi GuERS. French Soldiers in German Pris- ons. 1890 A 3905 Halevy. L'Invasion ; Souvenirs et Recits. 1883 ...^. C 5276 Recits de "Guerre; L'Invasion, 1870- 1871. 1883 *P 1070 Hartmann. Erlebtes aus dem • Kriege. 1885 D 5692 Heimvveh. La Question d' Alsace. i889.Ci258g Hepp. Wissembourg au debut de I'ln- vasion de 1870. 1887 C 5238 Herisson. Journal d'un Officier d'Or- donnance: Juillet 1870-Fevrier '71 C 5285 Journal of a Staff-Officer in Paris in 1870-71. 1885 A 1917 La Legende de Metz. 1888 C 5281 Die Legende von Metz. 1888 D 5691 Nouveau Journal d'un Officier d'Or- donnance; la Commune. 1889... C 5283 Les Responsabilites de I'Annee terri- ble. 1891 C12614 HoFFBAUER. German Artillery near Metz. 1874 A 1912 Hoffman. Camp, Court, and Siege. '77.B 387 HoLLEBEN. Pariser Kommune, 1871. . .D12914 Hooper. Campaign of Sedan; Fall of Second Empire. 1887 A 3901 Inside Paris during the Siege. 1871 A 1892 International Relations during War of 1870. 2v. 1871 A 1528 Jaeger. Bis vor Paris ; Epigramme, Lieder und Spriiche. 1879 D 756 JuNCK. Der deutsch-franzosische Krieg. 2v. 1876 D 128 Kaehler. German Cavalry in Battle of Vionville. 1896 . . 1 K13063 Klein. Froschweiler Chronik. 1892. ..D 12965 The Pastor's Narrative; Battle of Worth, 1870 , A 1911 Kleinsteuber. Deutsche Helden, i870.*V 1023 Labouchere. Dairy of a besieged Resi- dent. 1871 A 1914 La Chapelle. The War in 1870 A 1900 Leighton. Paris under the Commune. 1871 A 1520 Leo and Andere. Unser wiedergewon- nenes Land. 1870 D13004 L'Epine. a Coups de Fusil. 1875 C 5726 LissAGARAY. Histoire de la Commune. '76C 5705 History of the Commune of i87i.'86A 1649 London Daily News, War Correspond- ence, 1870 A 1893 FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR AND PARIS COMMUNE. 79 March. History of the Paris Commune of 1871. 1896 A 1763 Marchi. La Verite sur Bazaine. 1883.C 5790 Marthold. Siege de Paris, 1870-71. '84C 5802 Matthes. Im grossen Hauptqiiartier, 1870-71. 1892 D13001 Maurice (Ed.). The Franco-German War, 1 870- 1. 1900 A 3920 Meerheimb. Geschichte der Pariser Commune. 1880 D 171 Menzel. Geschichte des franzosischen Krieges. 2v. 1871 D 167 MfeziERES. Recits de rinvasion. 1881..C 5871 Michel. La Commune. 1898 C 6038 Mischner. Durch Sturm zur Stille! Gedichte cines Krieges von 1870- 1871. 1890 05094 MoLTKE. Der deutsch-franzosische Krieg, 1891 D2094,3 The Franco-German War. 1893 . ..A 3904 MoMMSEN and others. Letters on the War. 1871 A 1901 MoNTijN. Oorlog van 1870-71 D 9553 Natzmer. Bei der Landwehr. 1894.. .D13016 Newman. Europe in the near Future.'7iA 1891 O'SuEA. An Iron-bound City; Paris in '71. 2v. 1886 A 1916 Ott. Bei hoheren Stabcn. 1892 D13693 Overthrow of the French Army. 1871. A 1610 Paum. Bibliographic generate de la Guerre de 1870-71. 1896 ♦O 2620 Parr. Echoes of a Famous Year. 1872. A 1524 The same G Pearson and Maclaughlin. Our Adven- tures during the War of 1870. 2v. 1871 A Rappe. Campagne de I'Armee franqaise du Nord. 1884 C 6411 Ravailhe. Une Semaine de la Commune de Paris. 1883 C 6413 Regnier. What is your Name? A Strange Story revealed. 1870 A Rich. History of the Franco-German War. 1884 *V Roberts. Modern War, 1870-71. 1871.A Robinson. Betrayal of Metz. 1874 A Fall of Metz. 1871 A Rolin-Jacquemyns. La Guerre de 1870.C 6501 RoTHAN. L'Affaire du Luxembourg; le Prelude de la Guerre de 1870 C 6542 L'Allemagne et Tltalie, 1870-71. 2v. 1884-5 C6539 485 1527 1530 739 1907 1897 1526 RoTHAN. Les Origines de la Guerre de 1870. 1879 C 6541 RusTow. War for the Rhine Frontier. 3v. 1871-2 A 1910 Ryan. With an Ambulance during the Franco-German War. 1896 A 3910 Sarcey. Paris during the Siege. 1871.A 1522 Schell. Operations of First Army under von Steinmetz. 1873 A 1921 ScHERR. 1870-71 ; Vier Bucher deutschcr Geschichte. 2v. 1880 D 151 ScHLAEGEL. Gefaugcn und belagert, i8'7oD 225 Schlenker. Fahrt nach Deutschland zur Jubilaums-Sedanfeier. 1896 D 6464 ScHULZ. Bibliographic de la Guerre, 1870-71. 1886 ♦O 2621 Shand. On the Trail of the War. 1870A 1913 Sheppard. Shut up in Paris. 1871 G 362 Smeoers. Gedenkboek van den Oorlog, . 1870-71 ♦R 4336 Strootmann. "Alldcutschland in Frank- reich hincin !" 1870 D 238 Sturm. 1870; Kampf-und Sieges-Ge- dichtc D 5101 Suites- Laum ANN. Histoire d'un trente sous, 1870-71. 1891 C13180 Tanera. Erinnerungen eines Ordonnanz- offiziers. 1888 D 6108 Der Krieg von 1870-71. 7v. in 3. 1888-90 ..D 5720 Thierry. La Comedie-Frangaise pendant les Sieges, 1871. 1887 C13262 TniiRY. Apres'la Defaite. 1884 C13212 TiEDEMANN. Der Festungskrieg, i870.'72D 231 Ursachen des Festungskrieges. 1873D 232 TissANDiER. Souvenirs d'un Aerostier militaire, 1S70-71. 1891 *V 1851 Vesinier. History of the Commune of Paris. 1872 A 1519 ViDiEU. Histoire de la Commune, 1871. 2v C13356 ViZETELLY. Paris in Peril. 1882 A 1609 VoLGER. Elsass, Lothringen und unsere Friedensbedingungen. 1870 D 2826 Wartensleben. Operations of the South Army in 1871. 1872 A 1919 Washburne. Recollections of a Minister to France, 1869-77. 2v. 1887... C 2368 Watt. Tydske Armeer i Frankrig. 1871.(1^7664 Whitehurst. Diary during Siege of Paris. 2v. 1875 A 1898 WiLMOwsKi, K. Y. Feldbriefe, 1870-7 i.D 14082 So FRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR AND PARIS COMMUNE— GERMANY. WiMFFFEN. La Bataille deSedan. 1887.C13376 Winn. What I saw of the War. 1870. A 1525 WiTTiG. Die Commune von Paris. 1872.D 245 Zehlicke. Von Weissenburg nach Paris, 1870-71. 1871 .....D 244 GERMANY. 1890 27] Abbott. History of Prussia. 1882 A Albrechtvon Brandenburg. Kaiserliches Buch, 1470-1486. 1850 D Alerecht, J. Geschichte der Reichsmiinz- statten. 1835 D 17 Annalen des deutschen Reiches, 1868-98. 31V *Ser. Arnold. Deutsche Geschichte. 2v. 1881.D 3 Ansiedelungen und Wanderungen deutscher Stamme. 1881 D 3987 AscHBACH. Geschichte Kaiser Sigmund's. 4v. in 2. 1838-45 D13710 Atkinson. Queens of Prussia. 1858.. C 1676 Austin. Germany from 1760 to 1814. .A 4155 Ave-Lallemant. Das deutsche Gauner- thum. 4v. 1858-62 D 5 Bach MANN. Deutsche Reichsgeschichte im Zeitalter Friedrich III. und * Max I. 2v. 1884-94 D12830 Baehr. Eine deutsche Stadt vor sechzig Jahren. 1886 D 5744 Barack. Zimmerische Chronik. 4v. 1881- 1S82 D IQ Batsch. Deutsch' See-Gras; ein Stiick Reichsgeschichte. 1892 D 12849 Baumgarten. Geschichte Karls V. 3v. 1885-9 D 6147 Bax. The Social Side of the Reforma- tion in Germany. 3v. J894-9 A 4158 V. I. German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages. 2. The Peasants' War in Germany, 1525-6. 3. Rise and Fall of the Ana-Baptists. Beaucaire. Mesalliance in the House of Brunswick. 1886 A 4181 Beitzke. Deutsche Freiheitskriege, 1813. 3v. 1863 D 26 Benedetti. Studies in Diplomacy. 1896. A 4163 Berg^aus. Deutschland seit 100 Jahren. 5v. in 3. 1859-62 D 5650 Besse. Geschichte der Deutschen. 1881.D 9 96 5648 5984 70CHD 4763 Biedermanx. Deutschland im i8ten Jahr- hundert. 4v. 1880 D BiGELOW. German Struggle for Liberty, 2v. 1896^ A 4161 Binding. Gruridung des Norddeutschen Bundes. 1889 D Bismarck. Politische Briefe, 1849-89. 4v.D Folitische Reden, 1847-86. i2v D Bismarck; Zwolf Jahre deutscher Politik, 1871-83 D Blackie. War Songs of the Germans.'7oE 6903 Blos. Die deutsche Revolution, 1848-9. 1893 D12845 Blum. Auf dem Wege zur deutschen Einheit. 2v. 1893 D12847 Das deutsche Reich zur Zeit Bis- marcks. 1893 D12851 Die deutsche Revolution, 1 848-49. '98D 12852 Boettiger. Deutsche Geschichte. 1855. D 20 Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. 8v. in 2. 1845 D 22 Geschichte Sachsens. 4v. 1867-73. D 7i Boniface. La Mythologie du Rhin. '62.C13133 Boos. Geschichte der rheinischen Stadte- Kultur. 3v. 1897-9 *V 2097 Bradley. Story of the Goths. 1888... A 1847 Braun, F.. Die Tage von Canossa unter Heinrich IV. 1873-4 D12831 Braun, K. Bilder aus der deutschen Kleinstaaterei. 5v in 3. 1881 D 8 Brewer. History of Germany. 1881...A 1876 Broglie. Frederic IL et Louis XV. 2V.C12109 Voltaire avant et pendant la Guerre de Sept Ans. 1898 C12912 Brosien. Lexicon der deutschen Ge- schichte. 1882 *R 3806 Bryce. Holy Roman Empire. 1871 A 1968 Buelau. Geschichte Deutschlands von 1806-1830. 1842 D12809 BuNZ. Was die Franzosen bei uns ge- schadet haben in 135 Jahren D 5567 Busson. Landfriedensbund deutscher Stadte, 1254. 1874 D12850 Campbell. Frederick the Great ; his Court and Times. 4v. 1842 C Carlyle. Battles of Frederick the Great. 1892 A Geschichte von Friedrich dem Gros- sen. 6v in 4 D History of Frederick the Great. 13V. in 7. 1858-65 G 72 The same. 8v. 1897-8 *J200,I2-I9 1 103 4156 264 GERMANY. 8i THCART. War in Russia and Germany, 1812-13. 1850 A 1878 iiAPMAN. Thirty Years' War and Gus- tavus Adolphus. 1856 .C 3380 CiiAUCiiARD. General Map of Germany. 1800 ♦R 4790 Chronik des Sachsischen Konigshauses, 1853-1878 *P 1242 CoLSHORN. Deutsche Mythologie. 1853.D 36 Die deutschen Kaiser in Gcschichte und Sage. 1863 D 5579 CoMYN. History of the Western Empire, 770-1520. 2v. j84i..* A 1866 CosEL. Geschichte des preussischen Staates und Volkes. 8v. 1869-76.D 97 Court of Westphalia under Jerome Bon- aparte. 1820 C 3720 Cramer. Geschichte Friedrich Wilhelms I. und Fricdrichs II. 1829 D12859 CusT. Warriors of the Thirty Years' War. 2v. 1865 C 1322 CuvRY (//. V. Zotlem). Ein politischer Schachzug Fricdrich's des Grossen. 1883 .'. D 8438 Dahlmann and Waitz. Quellen dcr deutschen Geschichte. 1894 ♦D12858 Dahn. Deutsche Geschichte. 2v. 1883-8.D 5640 The same. 3v. 1883-8 D12814 Konige der Germanen. 8v. in 9. 1861- 1899 ••:' D 3990 Urgeschichtc der germanischen Vol- ker. 4v. 1881 ♦D 5772 Davout in Hamburg. 1813-14. 1892 D12842 Deutsche National Bibliothek. 9v. in 3.D 48 Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Geschichtswis- senschaft, 1889-98. i6v *Ser. Deventer. L'Histoirc federale dc I'Al- lemagne. 1870 C13298 Dicey. The Schleswig-Holstein War. 2v. 1864 A 4437 Droysen, Geschichte der preussischen Politik. 5v. in II. 1868-74 D 52 Druffel. Bairische Politik, 1519-1594. 1885 *V IS17 Briefe und Akten zur Geschichte des 16. Jahrhunderts. 3v. 1873-82. .D 5677 DuEMMLER. Geschichte des ostfrankisch- en Reichs, 826-876. 1862. . .\ . . .D 5577 Duller. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes bis 1871. 2v. 1872 D 54 DuNCKER. Aus der Zeit Friedrichs des Grossen und Friedrich Wilhelm III. 1876 D 53 Dunham. History of Germanic Empire. 3v. 1834-5 1 3816 Eberty. Geschichte des preussischen Staats. 7v. 1867-73 D 98 Egelhaff. Deutsche Geschichte im Zeit- alter der Reformation. 1885 D12867 Egloffstein. Der Reichstag zu Regens- burg, 1608. 1886 D12866 Eurenberg. Das Zeitalter der Fugger. 1896 D 4783 EiNERT. Aus den Papieren eines Rathr hauses. 1892 , D 7011 EiSENHART. Unter den vier ersten Ko- nigen Bayerns. 1894 D12869 Erdmaxnsdoerffer. Deutsche Geschichte, 1648-1740. 1892 D12841 F.Bi.Kg. Deutsche Geschichte bis zum Aus- gang des Mittelalters. 3v. 1882-4.D 5586 Faber. Prcussisches Archiv. 1809-10. , .D12873 Falvert. Charlemagne ct son Empire. 1869 *V 1061 Fay. The Three Germanys; Glimpses into their History. 2v. 1889 A 4147 Fikensches. Der Reichstag zu Augs- burg, 1530. 1830 D12879 Flathe. Deutsche Reden; Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts. 2v. 1893-4. . .D12876 FuNT. Philosophy of History in Ger- many. 1874 A 2107 FoNTANE. Schleswig-Holstein, 1864... D 61 Frantz. Die Wiederherstellung Deutsch- lands. 1865 D 93 Frederick I., King of Wurtemhcrg. Cor- respondenz mit Napoleon I., 1805- 13. (Franozsisch.) 1889 D 6153 Frederick II., the Great. Oeuvres. 30V. in 19. 1847 C 4970 Kriege, 1740-42. 6v. in 4. 1890-95.D12874 PolitischeCorrespondenz. 25V. '79-99D 5682 Works. 13V. 1789. J 68 V. I. History of my Own Times. 2-3. History of the Seven Years* War. 4. Memoirs from the Peace of Huber*8berg. 5-13. Miscellanies and Correspond- ence. Freytag. Bilder ans der deutschen Ver- gangenheit. 4v. 1881 .D 75 German Life ^n 15th, i6th and 17th Centuries 2v. 1862 A 1868 Der Kronprmz und die deutsche Kaiserkrone. 1889 D 6151 82 GERMANY. Friedensburg. Der Reichstag zu Speier, 1526. 1887 D12878 Friedjung. Der Kampf um die Vor- herrschaft in Deutschland, 1859- 1866. 2v. 1899 D12877 Friedmann. L'Empereur Guillaume II. et r Affaire Kotze. 1896 C12409 Friedrich. Reichstag zu Worms, 1521. 1871 D12967 Gallois. Geschichte der Stadt Hamburg. .1866 D 5592 The same. • 3v. 1853-6 D 5587 Der Hansabund. 1868 D 5593 Gardiner. Thirty Years' War. 1874. A 163 Garve. Fragmente zur Geschichte Friedrichs II. 2v. 1798 D ^^ Gebhardt. Deutsche Geschichte im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. 2v. 1899 Di3530,i,9 Geiger. Berlin, 1688-1840. 2v. 1893-5. D12887 Renaissance in Deutschland. i882.*D 5774 Geschichte des Bodensees und Umge- bung. 2v. 1870 D 79 Geschichtschreiber der deutschen Vor- zeit. 90V. in 31 D12891 GiESEBRECHT. Gcschichtc der deutschen Kaiserzeit. 6v in 8. 1873-95 D 89 GiFFORD. Germany ; her People and their Story. 1899 A 4187 GiNDELY. Der dreissigjahrigeKrieg. '85.D 5655 History of Thirty Years' War. 2v. 1884 A 1904 GiTTERMANN. Dcutschland. 1857 D 5742 Gleig. The Leipsic Campaign. 1852.. I 4000,14 GoEHRiNG. Deutschlands Schlachtfelder. 1868 D 5591 GoETTE. Das Zeitalter der deutschen Erhebung, 1807-15. 1891 D12883 GoETZiNGER. Reallexicon der deutschen Alterthiimer. 1885 *R 219 GoLTZ. Rossbach und Jena. 1883 D12882 GoscH. Gg-many and Denmark since 1815. 1862 A 1861 Gould. Germany, Past and Present. 2v. 1881 A 1875 Story of Germany. 1880 A 1850 Griesinger. Geschichte der Deutschen. 4v. 1872 D 91 Grimm. Deutsche Mythologie. 3v.. 1875-8 D 5596 Deutsche Sagen. 1891 D 2866 Geschichte des Mittelalters auf Fried- - rich I., etc. 1844 *V 966 Grimm. Teutonic Mythology. 4v. 1880- 1884 A 1S73 Grosse. Geschichte der Stadt Leipzig. 2v. in 3.-, 1897-98 D128S9 Gruenhagen. Friedrich 11. und die Bres- lauer. 1864 ,. D 92 Schlesien unter Friedrich dem Gros- sen. 1890-2 D12881 GuMMERE. Germanic Origins. 1892... A 4149 Haagen. Geschichte Aachens bis 1024. 1868 D 105 Haedicke. Das teben des Fiirsten Bis- marck. 1894 ••'• D13516 Haeusser. Deutsche Geschichte, 1648- 1815. 4v. 1869 D 108 Hagelstange. Suddeutsches Bauernleben im Mittelalter. 1898 D 7185 Hahn. Zwanzig Jahre, 1862-82 D 4763 Hanser. Deutschland nach dem 30Jahr- igen Kriege. 1862 D 223 Hartfelder. Zur Geschichte des Bautrn- kriegs in Siidwestdeutschland. '84D12901 Hartmann. Erinnerungen eines Offi- ciers, 1848-71. 2v. 1885 D 4043 Headlam. The Story of Nuremberg. 1899 A 3011 Hegel. Stadte und Gilden der Germa- nischen Volker im Mittelalter. '91.D12904 Heinel. Geschichte Preussens. 1876.. D 5607 Henderson. History of Germany in the Middle Ages. 1894 A 4157 Hesekiel. Das Siebenkonigsbuch. '74.*V 1028 Heyne. Dokumentirte Geschichte von Breslau. 3v. 1860-68 D 109 Hildebrandt. Album der deutschen Reichs-und Staatswappen, Flaggen und Kokarden ^.*R 325 Hillebrand. La Prusse contemporaine et ses Institutions. 1867 C12610 Historische Vierteljahrschrift, 1898-9. 2\.^Ser. Hoffmann, M. Geschichte der Stadt Lubeck. 1889 D12905 Hoffmann, W. Deutschland, einst und jetzt. 1868 D 115 Deutschland und Europa . 1869... D 115 Hohenzollern-Jahrbuch, 1897-98. 2v...*P 912 Hohnstein. Heinrich der Lowe. 1881.D 4098 Hollaender. Strassburg im Schmalkal- dischen Krieg. 1881 D 116 Holzapfel. Das Konigreich Westfalen. 1895 D12912 GERMANY. 83 HuEFFER. Der rastatter Congress. '78-9. D 12906 Oestreich und Preussen gegeniiber der franzosischen Revolution. '68.D "jz Die Politik der deutschen Machte im Revolutionskriege. 1869 D 12902 Hutchinson. Romance of a Regiment; Giant Grenadiers of Potsdam, 1713- 1740 A 4190 IsAACSOHN. Geschichte des preussischen Beamtenthums. 3 v. 1874-84. ..D 3978 James (Ed.). The Federal Constitution •of Germany. 1890 *L6696,i-3 Janssen. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. 6v. 1883-88 D 3971 History of the German People at Oose of Middle Ages. 2v. 1896. A 2965 Joachim. Geschichte der teutschen Reichstage. 1762 D12950 JucLER. Aus Hannovcrs Vorzcit. 1876.D12956 Kaemmel. Deutsche Geschichte. 1889. D 5644 Kannengiesser. Der Reichstag zu Worms. 1891 D12966 Kempf. Geschichte des deutschen Rcich- es, 1245-1273. 1893 D12970 Keyserling. Aus der Kriegszcit. '55.. D 135 Kleinschmidt. Geschichte Westfalens. 1893 • D12817 Klopp. Der 30 jahrige Krieg. 4v. '91-6.D 5643 Kluepfel. Geschichte der deutschen Ein- heitsbestrebungen, 1848-71. 2v..D 126 KoHLRAUSCH. Deutsche Geschichte. '75.D 5616 History of Germany. 1845 A 1869 The same. 1844 A 1871 KoRN. Breslauer Urkundenbuch. 1870.D 149 Krause. Growthof German Unity. '92. a 4151 Krieg gegen Danemark, 1864- 1865 D 45 Kriegk. Deutsches Biirgerthum im Mit- telalter. 2v. 1868-71 D 3993 Frankfurter Biirgerzwiste und Zu- stande im Mittelalter. 1862 D 5633 Geschichte von Frankfurt am Main. 1871 D 5617 Kroeker. Germany [History for Young Readers]. 1897 H 4362 Lammert. Seuchen, Hungers-und Kriegs- noth im 30-jahrigen Krieg. 1890.D 5645 Lamprecht. Deutsche Geschichte. 5v. in 6. 1891-S D 5646 Deutsches Wirthschaftsleben im Mit- telalter. 3v, in 4. 1885-6 D 7041 Lancizolle. Bildung des preussischen Staats. 1828 D 3995 Laurent (Ed.). Die Aachener Stadt- rechnungen. 1866 D 105 Lavisse. £tudes sur I'histoire de Prusse. 188s C 5586 Trois Empereurs d'Allemagne. '88.C 5558 Le Clerc. Negociations secretes tou- chant la Paix de Munster. 4v. in 2. 1725-6 *R 130 Lehmann. Chronica der Stadt Speier. 1698 ♦V 1044 Lewis. History of Germany. 1874. .. .A 1870 Lindner. Geschichte des deutschen Reiches, 1361-1400. 2v. 1875-80.D 3999 Lippe. Husaren-Buch. 1863 D 5625 LoEHER. Fiirsten und Stadte zur Zeit der Hohenstaufen. 1846 D12982 Kampf um Paderborn, 1597-1604. 1874 D 158 Kulturgeschichte der Deutschen im Mittelalter. 3v. 1891-4 D12984 LoEw. Geschichte der deutschen Reichs- Verfassung. 1832 D 3981 Longman. Frederick H. and the Seven Years* War A 174 Lorenz. Deutsche Geschichte im 13.-14. Jahrhundert. 2v. 1863-6 D12980 Drei Biicher Geschichte und Po- litik. 1879. D 3980 and ScHERER. Geschichte des Elsas- ses. 1886 D 5623 Luden. Geschichte des teutschen Volkes. I2V. 1825-37 D 5695 LuDEWiG. Die Politik Niimburgs, 1520- 1534. 1893 D 7046 LuEDERS. Unter drei Kaisern. 2v. '92.D13665 Magnus.- History of the Goths. 1658. *V 1393 Malet. Overthrow of the German Confed- eration. 1870 A 1640 Malleson. Battle Fields of Germany. '84A 4142 Refounding of the German Empire, 1848-71. 1893 A 4150 Martin. Verfassung des deutschen Reichs. 1872 D 3415 Maurenbrecher. Elsass eine deutsche Provinz. 1870 D12940 Griindung des deutschen Reiches. 1859-71. 1892 D13002 Maurer, C. F. Volker-und Staatenge- schichte. 1884 D 56^2 Maurer, G. L. v. Dorfverfassung in Deutschland. 2v. 1865-6 D 3976 Hofe und Hofverfassung in Deutsch- land. 4v. 1862-63 D 5673 84 GERMANY. Maurer, G. Iv. v. Markenverfassung in Deutschland. 1856 D 3975 Stadteverfassung in Deutschland. 4v. 1869-71 ....• J D 3977 Maurer^ K. v. Rechtsgeschichte des ger- manischen Nordens. 1852 D13008 Maurice. Revolutionary Movement in Germany, 1848-9. 1887 A 350 Meding. Memoiren zur Zeitgeschichte. 3v. 1881-4 D 141 Meitzen. Siedelung der Germanen. 4v. 1895 D1301G Menzel. Geschichte der Deutschen. '34D 165 . History of Germany. 3v. 1871 I 3052 Elsass und Lothringen sind und blei- ben unser. 1870 D13004 Meyer, C. Geschichte des Landes Posen. 1881 D13003 Meyer, J. Die Hohenzollernherrschaft in Franken. 1890 D 5799 MiCHiELs. L'Invasion prussienne en 1792. 1880 C 5928 MiRABEAU; La Monarchie prussienne sous Frederic le Grand. 8v. 1788. . . .C12849 Atlas. 1788 *R 4903 Mueller. Mythologie der deutschen Hel- densage. 1886 D 6495 Natzmer. Unter den Hohenzollern. 4v. in 2. 1887-9 • D 6088 . Neumann. Geschichte der Bevolkerung in Deutschland. 5v. in 3. 1883-94.D 7048 NicoLSON. German Constitution, 1815-71A 1874 NiTzscH. Deutsche Studien. 1879. ...D 150 Nuntiaturberichte aus Deutschland. I2v. 1892-9 D13018 Oechsle. Geschichte des Bauernkrieges. 1830 D 180 Oesfeld. Preussen in staatsrechtlicher Beziehung. 2v. 1871 D 399i Oncken. Zeitalter Friedrichs II. 2v. 1881-2 D 5780 Das Zeitalter des Kaisers Wilhelm. 2v. 1890-2 *D 5793 Ozanam. Les Germains avant le Chris- tianisme. 1872 C 61 19 The same. 1894 Ci29ii,3 Pajol. La Guerre de Sept Ans. i88i-5.C6i4i,4 Parmele. Short History of Germany. '98A 4194 Pfaff. Wiirttembergisches Gedenkbuch. i86s D 195 Pfahler. Handbuch deutscher Alter- thiimer. 1868 D 5684 Pfalz. Deutsches Stadteleben im Mittel- alter. 1869 D 337 Pfister, Geschichte der Teutschen. 5v. 1829-35 D12801 Pflugk-Hartti^ng und Andere (Her.). Heere u. Flotten der Gegenwart. 6v. 1896-1900 D 7095 Philippart. Campaign in Germany and France. 2v. 1814 A 4144 Pierson. Preussische Geschichte bis '71.D 205 Pigeon. L'Allemagne de Bismarck. '85.C 6291 Praetorius. Preussische Schaubuhne.'7iD 198 Prutz. Kaiser Friedrich I. 3v. 1871-4.D 6041 Rachfahl. Staatsverwaltung Schlesiens vor dem 30 jahr. Kriege. i894.D4785,i3 Ranke. Deutsche Geschichte. 7v. '73.D21 1,1-7 Ferdinand I. and Max II. 1853. ..14000,15 Geschichte Deutschlands in I9ten Jahrhundert. 1887 D21 1,49-50 Hardenberg und die Geschichte des preussischen Staates, 1793-1813. 3v. 1879-81 D2ii,46-48 History of the Latin and Teutonic Nations. 1887 .1 2931 Memoirs of the House of Branden- burg, and History of Prussia. 3v. 1849 A 4143 Preussische Geschichte. 5v. '73. D21 1,25-29 Romanische und Germanische Volk- er, 1494-1514 D2ii,33-34 Rascher. Der Schweizer Staat und Preussen-Deutschland. 1893 ...D7059 Raumer, F. v. Frederick the Great and his Times. 1837 A 339,2 Geschichte der Hohenstauffen. 6v. in 3. 1871 D 218 Raumer, G. W. v. Insel Wollin und Bad Misdroy. 1851 D 338 Redlich. Der Reichstag von Niirnberg, 1522-23. 1887 D13065 Reimann. Geschichte des preussischen Staates, 1763-1814. 1882 D 58 Reinking. Kriege der Romer in Ger- manien. 1863 D 5698 Reiser. Deutschland's Schmach und Ehre. 1865 D 215 RiCHTER. Der Reichstag zu Niirnberg, 1524. 1888 D13066 RiEHL. Naturgeschichte des Volkes. 4v. 1866-92 D 3982 RiEZLER. Geschichte Baierns. 4v. 1878-99D12811 Robinson. The German Bundesrath. 1891 *L6696,i-3 GERMANY. 85 RuBuL>KV. Der deutsche Reichstag, 1867- 1892. 1893 D13082 Roth v. Schreckenstein. Das deutsche Patriziat D 145 Geschichte der Reichsritterschaft. 2vD 144 Rydberg. Teutonic Mythology. 1889. .A 4146 Sartorius. Geschichte des hanseatischen Bundes. 3v. 1802-8 D 3962 ScHAEFER. Geschichte des siebenjahrigen Kriegs. 2v. in 3. 1867-74 D 3964 Die Hansastadte und Konig Walde- mar. 1879 D 3969 ScHERR. Germania; Zwei Jahrtausende deutschen Lebens. 1877 *P 556 1848; Weltgeschichtliches Drama. 2v. 1875 ' D 5724 Sch:ller. Der dreissigjahrige Kricg.'7oD2234,4 The same 02169,5 Thirty Years' War. 2v. i8a8 1 3512 The same. 1871 1 3072,1 The same. 1883 'P 578,4 SciiLiEPHAKE. Geschichte von Nassau. 6v. 1866-84 D 5725 Schmidt, F. and Otto. Kaiser Wilhclm und seine Zeit. 2v. 1879 D 4238 Schmidt, W. A. Elsass tmd Lothringen. 1870 D12940 Schneider. Wiirttembergischc Geschich- te. 1896 D13101 ScHOBER. Unter fiinf Konigcn und drei Kaisern. 1891 D 5999 ScHOENiNG. Der siebenjahrige Krieg. 3v in 2. 1851-2 D13097 ScHULTz. Deutsches Lcbcn im XIV. und XV. Jahrhundert. 2v. 1892 ♦P 725 Schwann. Das neue Bayern. 1894. ..D13100 ScHWEBEL. Deutsches Biirgerthum bis 1808. 1883 D 5722 Die Sagen der Hohenzollern. 1877.D 5738 Sepp. Ein Volk von 10 Millionen (Bay- cm). 1882 D 5721 Shoberl. Historical Account of the House of Saxony. 1816 C 1590 Remarkable Events near Leipzig in 1813 A 318 SiGEL (Comp.). Deutschlands Heer und Flotte in Wort und Bild. 1900.*? 2563 SiME. History of Germany. 1884 A 4154 Simon. L'Empereur Frederic. 1888.. C 6684 Simrock. Deutsche Mythologie. 1874. D 202 Geschichtliche deutsche Sagen. 1850D 818 SiNNETT. Byways of History, from the I2th to the i6th Century. 1847. .A 1867 Smith. Bismarck and German Unity. '98C17133 SoucHAY. Deutschland wahrend der Re- formation. 1868 D13110 Spieker. Der Augsburger Religionsfriede, 1555. 1854 D13109 Staatsarchiv, Das, 1861-99. 63V *Ser. Register, 1861-77. 2v. Stacke. Deutsche Geschichte. 2v. 1880- 1881 D 3967 Staelin. Geschichte Wurttembergs. 1882- 1887 D12813 Stenzel. Geschichte des preussischen Staats. 5v. 1830-54 D 103 Stillfried- Alcantara and Kugler. Die Hohenzollern und das deutsche Vaterland. 1882 *R 4338 Stoeber. Beitrage zur elsassischen Ge- schichte. 1875 D 5734 Stoerk. Handbuch der deutschen Ver- fassungen, 1864, 1866, 1870-71... D 572^ Strantz. Die deutschen Einigungskriege. 1892 *V 2157 Strauss. Men who made the New Ger- man Empire. 2v. 1875 •••^ C 1592 Streckfuss. 500 Jahre Berliner Ge- schichte. 2v. 1880 D 5730 Stroehl. Deutsche Wappcnrolle. 1897*? 1126 Stum pp. Die Reichskanzler des X-XH. Jahrhunderts. 3v. 1865-81 D 5601 Stuttgart, 1864-89 ;Jubilaumsfestschrift*P 1244 SuGENHEiM. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes. 3v. 1866-7 D 124 Sybel. Begriindung des deutschen Reiches durch Wilhelm I. 7v. in 6. 1890- 1894 D 5714 Founding of the German Empire. 7v. 1890-94 A 4148 and SicKEL. Kaiserurkunden in Ab- bildungen. 2v. 1880-91 *P 997 Text *P 1621 Tanera. Die Befreiungskriege. 2v. *9iJI)i3i6l Die deutschen Einigungskriege. 2v. 1894 D13165 Deutschlands Kriege; Die Revolu- tions und Napoleonischen Kriege. 1893 D13164 Deutschlands Misshandlung durch Ludvvig XIV., 1672-1714. 1891..D13163 Kriege Friedrichs des Grossen. 2v. 1892 D13162 Taylor. History of Germany. 1894. . . A 4153 School History of Germany. 1874. A 1872 86 GERMANY—AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR (1866). Thiebault. Frederic-le-Grand. 5v. in 3. 1827 C13241 Towers. Life and Reign of Frederick II. 1788 V. C10790 Treitschke. Deutsche Geschichte. 1879.D 203 Deutsche Geschichte im 19. Jahrhun- dert. 5v. 1894-5 D13182 Deutsche Kampfe, 1865-74 D 188 TuTTLE. History of Prussia, 1 134-1757. 4v. 1884-96 A 1903 Uniformen und Fahnen der deutschen Armee *D 7096 UsiNGER, Deutsch-danische Geschichte, 1189-1227. 1863 D 5745 Varnhagen von Ense. Preussische Ge- schichte. 5v. in 4. 1868 D 234 Tagebiicher. v. 1-4, 7-10. 1863-8. .D 228 iVehse. Deutsche Hofe seit der Reforma- tion. 48V. in 24. 1851 D 236 Venturini. Russlands und Deutschlands Befreiungskriege, 1812-15. 4v. 1816- 1819 D 156 Veron. L'Histoire dAllemagne depuis la Bataille de Sadowa. 1885 C13309 Histoire de la Prusse, 1786-1866. . .C13310 Wachsmuth. Geschichte deutscher Na- tionalitat. 3v. 1860-62 D 5748 Wagner, A. Elsass und Lothringen. '70D12940 Wagner, K. Poetische Geschichte der Deutschen. 1858 D 6260 Waitz, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte. 8v. 1875-88 D 209 Jahrbiicher der deutschen Geschichte. 1863 D 206 Liibeck unter Jiirgen Wullenwever. 3V. 1855 D 207 Schleswig-Holsteins Geschichte. 2v. 1851 D 208 Wattenbach. Deutschlands Geschichts- quellen im Mittelalter. 2v. 1877-8.D 5750 WATTEi^iCH. Die Germanen des Rheins. 1872 ' D 5749 Griindung des deutschen Ordens- staates in Preussen. 1857 D13241 Werunsky. Kaiser Karl IV. und seine Zeit. 3v. 1890-2 D 5923 Westphal. Geschichte der Stadt Metz. 3v. 1875-8 D 5751 Whitman. Imperial Germany. 1890. .G 1393 The same. 1889 1 7413 Wichmann. Hamburgische Geschichte. 1889 *V 1554 Wickede. Kriege Frankreichs gegen Deutschland. 3v. 1874 D 5755 Wigard. Berichte iiber die Nationalver- sammlung^zu Frankfurt a. IM., 1848- 1849. 9v *V 1022 Winckelmann. Der Schmalkaldische Bund und' der Niirnberger Reli- gionsfriede. 1892 D13246 Winter. Geschichte des dreissigjahrigen Krieges. 1893 *Di2838 Wirth. Geschichte der Deutschen. 4v. 1865 D 2 Woerle. Deutsche Geschichte bis 1871.D 247 Wolrad II. Tagebuch wahrend des Reichstages zu Augsburg, 1548 (Lateinisch) D13804 Wyatt. History of Prussia. 2v. 1876.A 1877 Yonge. Young Folks' History' of Ger- many. 1879 H 785 Zeller. Histoire d'Allemagne. 6v. 1885-92 C13393 Zimmermann. Geschichte des grossen Bauernkrieges. 1841-3 D 5759 Popular History of Germany. 4v. . ..A 1865 ZiMMERN. The Hansa Towns. 1889... A 4145 ZscHOKKE. Baierische Geschichte. 4v. 1821 D 222 AUSTRO-PRUSSIAN WAR ( 1866) . Blankenburg. Der deutsche Krieg von 1866 D 30 Deutscher Krieg im Jahr 1866. 1869. . .D 5622 Dicey. Battle-Fields of 1866. 1866. . . . A 3960 Eden. Lady's Glimpse at the War in Bo- hemia. 1867 A 1939 Fontane. Der deutsche Krieg von 1866. 2v. 1871 D 62 HiLTL. Der Bohmische Krieg. 1873... D 112 HoziER. Seven Weeks' War. 2v. 1867.A 1947 Kanngiesser. Geschichte des Krieges von 1866. 1892 D12962 Lecomte. Guerre de la Prusse et de ritalie contre I'Autriche, 1866. 2v.C 5540 Lettow-Vorbeck. Geschichte des Krieges von 1866. 2v. 1896-9 D12985 Menzel. Der deutsche Krieg, 1866. 2v. 1867 D 164 Rogge. Chaplain in the Field of War. '70.A 1948 Schilderungen vom Kriegsschauplatze, 1866 D 100 Schlacht bei Koniggratz. 1866... ..D 223 AUSTRIA, HUNGARY AND BOHEMIA. ^7 ir'ieges-Chronik, 1866 D lOO 'lANEKA. Die deutschen Einigungskriege. 1894 D13165 V. 2. Der Krieg von 1866. Wyatt. Hanoverian and Italian War. 1868 A 4304 AUSTRIA, HUNGARY AND BOHEMIA. Abbott. Austria; its Rise and Power. 1882 A 4301 Au.MR. Mission to the Court of Vienna, 1806. 1844 A 4302 Allason. Views of Antiquities of Pola, in Istria. 1819.* *? 2367 Archiv des Vereins fiir Sicbcnbiirgischc Landeskunde, Bd. 10. 1872 D 18 Arneth. Geschichte Maria Theresia's. lov. 1863-79 D 4140 AssELiNE. Histoire de I'Autrichc depuis la Mort de Marie-Therese. i887..Cii^i AuERBACH. Lcs Races et les Nationalites en Autriche-Hongrie. 1898 C 5298 Bachma.n'n. Deutsche Rcichsgcschichte mit besondcrer Beriicksichtigung Oesterreichs. 2v. 1884-94 D12830 Okschichte Bohmens, v. i. 1899 ..D12823 Beattie. The Danube; its History, To- pography, etc *V 858 Beck. Adventures during the Hungarian War. 1851 A 1944 Beer. Oesterreichischc Politik, 1801-10. 1877 D 35 Bright. Maria Theresa. 1897 C18489 Capefigue. Marie-Theresc. 1863 C 4284 A)Ldstream. Institutions of Austria.'95.A 4310 Co-\E. History of the House of Austria, 1218-1848. 4v. 1864 I 30M De Puy. Kossuth and his Generals. '52.A ICM5 DuMESNiL. Rodolphe de Habsbourg.'sQ.C 4780 DuNDER. Die Wiener October-Revolu- tion. 1849 D12861 Fessler. Attila, Konig der Hunnen. '09. D 64 Geschichte von Ungarn. 5v. 1867- 1883 D 59 Mathias Corvinus, Konig der Hun- gam. 2v. 1806 D 65 Gindely, Gegenreformation in Bohmen. 1894 D12886 GoDKiN. History of Hungary. 1856. ..A 1942 Goergei. Life and Acts in Hungary m 1848-9. 2v. 1852 A 1943 Guglia. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. '92. D 5828 Henningsen. Past and Future of Hun- gary. 1852 A 4322 Hof-und Staats-Handbuch der Oester- reichisch-ungarischen Monarchic. 1896 *R 3856 HoRVATH. Geschichte Ungarns. 1863.. D 5608 Ungarn von 1823 bis 1848. 2v D12907 HuBER. Geschichte Oesterreichs. 3v. in 2. 1885-8 D 5660 The same. ^v. in 4. 1885-96. .D12815 HuEFFER. Oesterreich und Preussen ge- geniiber der franzosischen Revolu- tion. 1868 D 72 Hungarian Rebellion, 1671. 1672 A 4321 Hungary and its Revolutions from the earliest Period to the 19th Century. 1854 1 3038 Illustrirte Chronik von Bohmen. 2v. 1852-4 D12930 Klapka. National-Kricg in Ungarn und Siebenbiirgen, 1848-9. 2v. 1851. D 140 War of Independence in Hungary. 2v. 1850 A 4320 Krasser. Geschichte des Dorfes Gross- pold in Siebenbiirgen. 1870 D 157 Krones. F. Handbuch der Geschichte Oesterreichs. 5v. 1880-81 D 139 Grundriss der oesterreichischcn Ge- schichte. 1882 D12972 Aus Oesterreichs stillcn und bcweg- ten Jahren, 1810-15. 1892 D12969 Leger. History of Austro-Hungary to 1889 A 4303 LicHNOwsKY. Geschichte des Hauses Habsburg. 8v. 1836-44 D 5676 LoEHER. Die Magyaren und andere Un- garn. 1874 D 3823 LuETZow. Bohemia ; an Historical Sketch. 1896 A 4333 Mailath. Geschichte Oesterreichs. 1858.D 173 Geschichte von Oesterreich. 5v. in 4. 1834-50 D12805 M.vlden. Defeat of the Turks before Vienna, 1683. 1883 A 1922 Mallet du Pan. Correspondance inedite avec la Cour de Vienne, 1794-8. 2v. 1884 C 5864 Maurice. Revolutionary Movement, 1848-9. 1887 A 350 Story of Bohemia to 1620. J896 A 4330 88 AUSTRIA, HUNGARY AND BOHEMIA— SWITZERLAND. MiCHiELS. Histoire secrete du Gouverne- ment autrichien. 1879. . C 5929 Secret History of the Austrian Gov- ernment. 1859 r. A 1937 MoTTEViLLE. Anne d'Autriche et sa Cour. 4v. 1855 C 5947 Oesterreichisch-ungarische Monarchic in Wort und Bild. i8v. 1886-94. .*V 1560 Pardoe. City of the Magyar ; Hungary and her Institutions in 1839. 3v.. .1 1026 Patterson. The Magyars. 2v. 1869. . .A 1941 Petrovits. Oesterreichische National- trachten *P 352 Pridham. Kossuth and IMagyarland. 1851 A 1924 RoGGE. Oesterreich seit der Katastrophe Hohenwart-Beust. 2v. 1879. . . .D13084 Oesterreich seit Vilagos. 3v. 1872- 1873 D13083 Schlesinger. Geschichte Bohmens. '70.D 5723 Scriptorum rerum Bohemicarum. 3v. 1783 A 1935 Siege of Vienna, 1683 : A 267 Springer. Geschichte Oesterreichs seit dem Wiener Frieden, 1809. 2v. 1863-5 D 3966 Stiles. Austria in 1848-9. 2v. 1852... A 1940 Strakoscii-Grassmann. Die Deutschen in Oesterreich-Ungarn. 1895. . . .D13112 Thierry. Attila et ses Successeurs. '74. C 6903 Attila, Koning der Hunnen. 1853.. .D 9833 Tyrolese Patriots of 1809 A 1936 Ungewitter. Die Oesterreichische Mo- narchic. 1856 D 344 Vambery. Story of Hungary. 1886... A 1923 Ursprung der Magyaren. 1882 D 4601 Vehse. Memoirs of the Court and Aris- tocracy of Austria. 2v. 1856 A 1938 Vernaleken. Mythen und Brauche des Volkes von Oesterreich. 1859... D 2979 ViCKERS. History of Bohemia. 1894.. xA. 4331 Vienne; ses Monuments, etc. 1868 C13278 Weiss. Geschichte der Stadt Wien. 2v. 1881-2 D 5756 Whitman. Das Reich der Habsburger. 1892 D13247 Realm of the Habsburgs. 1893 A 4305 and McIlraith. Austria, 1899 A 4306 Wolf and Zwiedineck. Oesterreich un- ter Maria Theresia. 1884 *D 5783 Zieglauer. Reformbewegung in Sieben- biirgen. 1881 D 146 SWITZERLAND. Adams and Cunningham. The Swiss Confederation. 1889 A 4240 Aebl Geschiciite des Schweizervolkes. 1862-6 D II Arx and Strickler. Illustrirte Schwei- zergeschichte. 1878 D12844 Baker. The Model Republic. 1895. . . . A 4248 Curtl Geschichte der schweizerischen VolksgesetzgebuTig. 1882 D 3979 Daendliker. Short History of Switzer- land. 1899 A 4226 Daguet. Histoire de la Confederation Suisse. 2v. 1879-80 C12287 Deploige. The Referendum in Switzer- land. 1898 L 6514 Dierauer. Geschichte der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. 2v. 1887 D12816 Fricker. Geschichte der Stadt Baden, Schweiz. 1880 D 74 Geilfus. Helvetia ; Sage und Geschichte. 1879 D 5588 Guerber. Legends of Switzerland. 1899.L 5413 Henne-am-Rhyn. Geschichte der Schweiz. 3v. 1871 D no Hilty. Neutralitiit der Schweiz. i889-D 4788 Hug and Stead. Switzerland. 1890... A 4241 McCrackan. Rise of the Swiss Republic. 1892 A 4243 ?.Iackenzie. History of Switzerland. '81.A 1927 MoRiN. Precis de I'Histoire politique de la Suisse. 5v. 1856-75 C12855 Mueller und Andere. Geschichte der schweizerischen Eidgenossen. 15V. in 14. 1816-53 D 17S Histoire dc la Confederation Suisse. i8v. 1837-51 C12860 Observations on Denmark, Russia and Switzerland. 1784 A 3037 Planta. History of the Helvetic Con- federacy. 2v. 1800 *V 234 Read. Historic Studies in Vaud, Berne and Savoy. 2v. 1897 ...A 4235 Richman. Appenzell ; Pure Democracy in Inner-Rhoden. 1895 A 4244 RocHHOLZ. Tell und Gessler. 1877 D 3961 Schneider. Bern wahrend des alten Zii- richkrieges. 1892 D13098 Schweiz unter den Romern. 1862 *V 1043 Shadwell. Mountain Warfare in Switz- erland, 1799 -^ ^926 ViEussEUx. History of Switzerland. '40A 1928 SWITZERLAND— THE NETHERLANDS. 89 Vincent. Government in Switzerland. 1900 L 6515 Wilson. History of Switzerland. 1832. 1 3833 Winchester. The Swiss Republic. 1891.A 4242 Wyss. Idyllen und Erzahlungen aus der Schweiz. 1815 D 3076 YosY. Switzerland. 2v. 1815 *A 1929 ZscHOKKE. History of Switzerland. '55. A 1930 Des Schweizerlands Geschichte. '53. D 194 Invasion by the French. 1803 A 193 1 THE NETHERLANDS. Admonitions sent to the States of Hol- land. 1598 ♦A 1826 ALBE2T. Holland and her Heroes to 1585. 1878 A 1817 Arend. Geschiedenis des Vaderlands. 5v. in 15. 1840-79 *V 1386. BiLDERDijK. Geschiedenis des Vader- lands. 13V. 1832-53 D 9113 Bi-OK.* Geschiedenis van het nederlandsche Volk. 4v. 1892-9 D 9987 History of the People of the Nether- lands to 1559. 3v. 1900 A 4266 Blomhert. Vereenigdt Nederlandt. 1747D 9067 Bos-scHA. Belgische Revolutie. 1853.. D 9097 Leven van Willem H. 1871 D 9098 Bos WORTH. Origin of the Dutch. 1836. A 1825 Brill. Geschiedenis der Nederlanden. 3v. 1868-80 D 9033 Davies. History of Holland. 3v. 1841. A 1822 Deventer. DeNedcrlandersop Java.'78.D 9175 DijKSTRA. Geschiedenis van Vriesland. 1842 D 9190 Elus. The Revolution in the Dutch Re- public. 1789 A 1828 I'ruin. Tien Jaren uit den tachtigjarigen Oorlong. 1588-1598. 1880 D 9264 Gachard (Ed.). Correspondancc de Philippe n. sur les Affaires des Pays-Bas. 5 v. 1848-79 ♦V 1423 Geddes. Administration of John de Wii \ 1880 A 1818 Geschiedenis van Nederland. 1869 D 9284 Grattan. History of the Netherlands. 1831 A 1840 The same. 1830 1 3821 Griffis. Brave Little Holland. 1894... \ 1829 Groen van Prinsterer. Archives de la Maison d'Orange-Nassau. lov. 1835-47 C12524 Hartog. De Patriotten en Oranje, 1747- 1787. 1882 D 9309^ Havard. Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee. 1875 I 6577 HocH. Neutral Territory of Moresnet. 1882 A 1823 Hofstede de Groot. Geschichte der Re- formation in den Niederlanden, 1518-1619. 1893 D12888 Hollandische Geschichte. 1893 D 4374 Juste. Histoire de Belgique. 3v. 1868. ♦y 1387 La Revolution beige de 1830. 1872. C 5327 Kampen. Geschichte der Niederlande. 1831-3 D12803 History and Topography of Holland and Belgium *I 6581 Keverberg. Du Royaume des Pays-Bas. 3v. 1834. C 5510 Kleijn. Beschrijvning en Geschiedenis van Delfshaven D. 9428- KoLLEWijN. Beknopte Geschiedenis der nederlandsche Bezittingen. 1876. D 9444 Landolt. Vaderlandsche Geschiedenis. 1857 D 9567 Lennep. Geschiedenis des Vaderlands in Schetscn. 1865 D 9874 Geschiedenisscn van Noord-Neder- land. 4v. 1865 D 9472- Maxwell. Antwerp delivered in 1577. 1878 ♦P 1273 Meeter. Holland; its Institutions, Press, Kings and Prisons. 1857 1 658o« MoNTVAiLLANT. Rccits dc Hollaudc, 1878-1884 C 5938- Motley. History of the United Nether- lands. 4v. 1873 A 1821 Riscof the Dutch Republic. 3v. '71.A 1820 The same; abr. by Griffis. 1898. A 1830 Life of John of Barneveld. 2v. 1874.A 1819- Opkomst van de Nederlandsche Re- publick. I2V. 1878-81 D 9555 Nederland in 1672 D 9579» Nutting (M. Barrett). William the Si- lent and the Netherland War, 1555- 1584 H 1003 Days of Prince Maurice, 1 584-1648. A 1834 NuYENS. Het jiederlandsche Volk van 1815. 4v. in 2. 1883-6 D 9595- Oera Linda Book; tr. by Sandbach. '76. J 1370- Omwenteling van 1813 D 9603. The same . .' D 9579. Opstand onzer voorouders tcgen Spanjc.D 9613. 90 THE NETHERLANDS— SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. PiRENNE. Bibliographic dc I'Histoire de Belgique. 1893 *0 109 Geschichte Belgicns ; iibers. von Arn- heim. v. i. 1899 D12820 KoGERS. Story of Holland/' 1889 A 1827 Sandwijk. Geschiedenis van ens Vader- land D 9733 ScHARP. Nederlandschen Krijgsroem, Junij 1815. 1816 D 9745 Schiller. Abfall der Niederlande. 1870 D2234,4 Revolt of the Netherlands A 1841 The same. 1871 13072,1 The same. 1883 *P 578,3 Terwen. Koningrijk der Nederlanden.*D 9824 Torrens. Industrial History of the Dutch. 1846 A 8,2 Veegens. Historische Studien. 1884.. D 9891 Wenzelburger. Geschichte der Nieder- lande. 2v. 1879-86 D12802 The same. 2v. 1879-86 D 5761 Wild. Die Niederlande. 2v. 1862 D 5752 Young. History of the Netherlands. '84.A 1824 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. Abbott. Romance of Spanish History. 1869 A Al-Makkari. Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain. 2v. 1840-3 *V Anibarro y Rives. Cuadro cronologica de la historia de Espaiia. 1880. .CC Bacon. Six Years in Biscay. 1837 A Baumgarten. Geschichte Spaniens. 3v. 1865-71 D Geschichte Spaniens zur Zeit der franzosischen Revolution. 1861..D Blade. Valley of the Andorra. 1882. .A Bollaert. Wars of Succession of Portu- gal and Spain. - 2v. 1870 A Bonner. A Child's History of Spain. 1894 H Brueck. , Geheime Gesellschaften in Spanien. 1881 D Burke. Plistory of Spain to Death of Ferdinand. 2v. 1895 ..." A Calderon de la Barca. Attache in Ma- drid. 1856.. : A Callcott. Short History of Spain. 2v. 1835 A Carderara y Solano. Iconografia es- paiiola. 2v. 1855-64 *P 1810 1275 9858 1794 5563 Z7 1806 3995 1059 10 3981 3982 1796 1245 Chateaubriand. Congress of Verona. 2v. 1838 A 3992 La Guerre d'Espagne C 4334,12 Cherbuliez. L'Espagne politique, 1868- 1873. ..7 C 4348 CiRCOURT. Histoire des Arabes d'Espagne. 3v. 1846 C 4359 Conde. Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. 3v. 1854 1 3011 Coppee. Conquest of Spain by the Arab- Moors. 2v. 1881 A 1814 Coxe. Memoirs of the Kings of Spain, 1700 to 1788. 5v. 1815 A 1799 Curry. Constitutional Government in Spain. 1889 A 1781 DiERCKS. Geschichte Spaniens. 2v. 1895- 1896 D12864 Dozy. L'Espagne pendant le Moyen Age. 2v. 1881 C12676 Geschichte der Mauren in Spanien, 71 i-i 1 10. 1874 D12862 , Les Musulmans d'Espagne, 711-1110, 4v. 1861 C12334 Duke of Anjou's Succession considereS. 1701 *A 1789 Duncan. The English in Spain ; War of Succession, 1834-40. 1877 A 1795 DuNjiAM. History of Spain and Portu- gal. 5v. 1832-3 1 3818 DuNLOP. Memoirs of Spain, 1621 to 1700., 2v. 1834 A 1797 Fernald. The Spaniard in History. '98 A 3988 Florez, Memorias de las Reynas Catholi- cas. 2v. 1770 CC 9863 Florian. Histoire des Maures en Es- pagne. 1863 C 6180 The Moors in Spain. 1874 1 376o Froude. The Spanish Story of the Ar- mada. 1892 A 3272 FuRLEY. Among the Carlists. 1876... A 1807 Gachard (Ed.). Correspondance de Mar- guerite d'Autriche. 3v. 1867-81. *V 1422 Correspondance de Philippe II. 5v. 1848-79 ; *V 1423 Don Carlos et Philippe II. ' 1867 C12442 Gibraltar and its Sieges. 1870 A 1792 . Gilbard. History of Gibraltar. 1882.. A 3990 Hale. Story of Spain. 1886 A 1791 Hardman. Spanish Campaign in Mo- rocco. i860 A 181 1 Harrison. Spain. 1881 A 1808 Havemann. Innere Geschichte Spaniens, XV.-XVII. Jahrhundert. 1850.D12903 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. 91 Henningsen. Campaign with Zumala- carregui in Navarre. 2v. 1836.. .A 3985 HoGENBERG. Proccssion of Pope Clement VII. and Charles V., 1530. 1875- *P 1271 Hume. Spain: its Greatness and Decay, 1479-1788. 1898 A 4002 Modern Spain, 1788-1898. 1900... A 4003 The Spanish People. 1901 A 4001 Irving. The Alhambra. 1873 J 130 Conquest of Granada. 1873. . . ^ J 137 Spanish Papers. 1886 J 143 Jacobs. Sources of the History of the Jews in Spain. 1894. A 2903 James I. of Aragon. Chronicle of; tr. by Forster. 2v. 1883 A 1793 James. History of the Straits of Gibral- tar. 2v. 1771^ 'V 1511 KiRKPATRiCK. Spain and Charles VII. 1873 A 1798 Lafuente (Gerundio Fray). Historia general de Espafia. 25 v. 1887-90. CC 9864 Latimer. Spain in the Nineteenth Cen- tury. 1897 A 3987 Lea. The Moriscos of Spain. 1901 .... A 4010 l.EGRELLE. La Diplomatic franqaise et la Succession d'Espagne. 4V. 1 888-92. C 12760 Lembke and others. Geschichte von Spanien. 5v. 1831-90 D 69 Lynch. Toledo ; Story of -an Old Span- ish Capital. 1898 A 3012 McMuROO. History of Portugal. 3v. 1888-9 A 1785 Madoz. Diccionario historica de Espana y sus posesioncs de Ultramar. i6v. 1845-50 ♦R 1671 Marliana. Histoire politique de TEspagne modeme. 2v. 1840 C12776 ^ f azade. L'Espagnc modeme. 1855. . .C12777 IiGNET. Antonio Perez and Philip II. A 344 Iorel-Fatio. L'Espagne au XVIe et au XVIIe Sieclc. 1878 C12745 MouEY. Don Carlos et Philippe II. 1864.C 5950 MuNoz Y Romero. Diccionario biblio- grafico-historico de los antiguos Reinos, Villas, etc., de Espana, 1853 *0 2488 XooRDEN. Der spanische Erbfolgekrieg. 3v. 1870-82 D 99 Ober. Spain [History for Young Read- ers]. 1899 H 4363 Parmele. Short History of Spain. '98.A 4004 Parnell. War of the Succession in . Spain, 1702-11. 1888 A 3994 Perez de Hita. The Civil Wars of Gra- nada. 1803 A 1815 Perez del^Toro. Espana en el noroeste de Africa. 1892 C 9824 Poole. Story of the Moors in Spain. '86. A 1790 Prescott. History of the Reign of Ferdi- nand and Isabella. 3v. 1873 A 1801 History of the Reign of Philip II. 3v. 1873 A 1800 Regering van Philip II. 3v D 9657 Ranke. The Ottoman and Spanish Em- pires in the l6th and 17th Centu- ries. 1843 A 344 ReparAz. Espana en Africa. 1891 C 9826 Robertson. History of Charles V. ; cont. by Prescott. 3v. 1873 A 1802 The same ; abridged. 1873 1 3774 Romey. Histoire d'Espagne. 9v. 1839- 1850. .^ C 6386 Salisbury. Portugal and its People. 1893 :.., A 1786 Salvandy. Don Alonso; ou, I'Espagne. 1868 C672S Sayer. History of Gibraltar. 1862. .. .A 1805 Schaefer. Geschichte von Portugal. 5v. 1836-54 D12806 Histoire de Portugal. 1846 C13161 ScHiRRMACHER. Geschichte Castiliens in ' 12. und 13. Jahrhundert. 1881...D 3963 Somerville. The British Legion and War in Spain (1836). 1839 A 1783 SouTHEY. Chronicle of the Cid. 1808. ♦V 304 Spain and Peru, 1866 *A 296 Stanhope, A. Spain under Charles II. 1844 A 1813 Stanhope, P. H. S. War of the Succes- sion in Spain. 1836 A 3996 Strobel. The Spanish Revolution, 1868- 1875. 1898 A 3986 Thurm. Dios no quiso ; Spanische Kriegs- und Friedenscenen. Sv. 1861 . . . .D 3915 Vertot d'Aubeuf. Histoire des Revolu- tions de Portugal, i860 C 6180 ViARDOT. Histoire des Arabs et des Mores d'Espagne. 2v. 1851 C13348 Walton. Revolutions of Spain, 1808-36. 2v. 1837 A 1780 Watson. History of Philip II. of Spain. 1839 A 1804 History of Philip III. of Spain. '39.A 1803 Watts. The Christian Recovery of Spain, 711-1492. 1894 A 3999 92 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL— ITALY AND GREECE. Whitehouse, Sacrifice of a Throne; Life of Amadeus, Duke of Aosta. 1897 C17075 Wylie. Daybreak in Spain. 1872 A 1812 YoNGE. Christians and Moors of Spain. 1878 A 1816 Zimmerman. Die Kolonialpolitik Portu- gal und Spaniens. 1896 D 13443,1 Peninsular War. see p. 76. ITALY AND GREECE. Abbott. Italy and War for Independ- ence. 1882 A 4063 Adamoli. Da San Martino a Mentana. 1892 C 9289 Adams. Venice, Queen of the Adriatic. 1872 -...A 1982 Amari. La Guerra del Vespro* siciliano. 3v. 1886 C 9127 History of the Wars of the Sicilian Vespers. 3v. 1850 A 1963 Storia dei Musulmani di Sicilia. 3v. 1854-68 C 9125 Amicis. Military Life in Italy. 1882'. .F 2409 Andlaw. Die byzantinischen Kaiser. '65.D 5561 Armstrong. Lorenzo di Medici and Flor- ence in XVth Century. 1896 Cll337 Arrivabene. Italy under Victor Emman- uel. 2v. 1862 A 4061 Arthur. Italy in Transition. 1862... A 1966 Balbo. Delia Storia d'ltalia. 1856 C 9190 Storia d'ltalia. 1856 C 9189 Balzani. Early Chronicles of Italy. '83.A 4062 Belgiojoso. Histoire de la Maison de Savoie. 1878 C12022 Bent. Republic of Genoa. 1881 A 1934 A Freak of Freedom ; or, Republic of San Marino. 1879 A 1955 BlANCHi. Politique de Cavour, 1852- 1861 ; Lettres inedites. 1885 C12034 BiCKNELL. Track of the Garibaldians. 1861 ' A 1970 BiGHAM. With the Turkish Army in Thessaly. 1897 A 4136 BoiSGELiN DE Kerdu. Ancicut and Modem Malta. 2v. 1805 *V 529 BoNNAL. Chute d'une Republique; Ve- nise. 1885 C12080 Bosco. Compendium of Italian History. 1881 *V 688 BossoLi. The War iij Italy. 1859 *V 1503 BoTTA. History of Italy during Reign of Napoleon I. 2v. 1828 A 1958 Storia d'ltalia, 1534-1789. 15V. in 8. 1832 . . . M C 9149 Bryce. Holy Roman Empire. 1871 A 1968 Brofferio. Storia del Piemonte. 1849-52.C9219 Brown. Venetian Studies. 1887 A 4076 Venice ; Historical Sketch of the Re- public. 1893 A 4088 Browning. Age of the Condottieri, 1409- 1530. 1895 A 4098 Guelphs and Ghibellines, 1250-1409. 1893 A 4095 Bruc. Republic of San Marino. 1880.. A 1957 Bryce. Holy Roman Empire. 1871. .; .A 1968 Bulle. Geschichte des zweiten Kaiser- reiches und des Konigreiches Ital- ien. 1890 D 5797 BuoNAMici. War in Italy, 1744-48. 1753. A 4081 Burckhardt. Renaissance in Italy. 2v. 1878 A 1959 Butt. History of Italy, from Abdication of Napoleon. 2v. i860 A 4073 Cadorna. La Liberazione di Roma, 1870. 1889 C 9237 Cantu. Histoire des Italiens. I2v. in 8. 1849-62 C12251 Capponi. Geschichte der florentinischen Republik. 2v. 1876 D 94 Repubblica di Firenze. 3v. 1888.. C 9240 Celesia. Conspiracy of Fieschi. 1886.. A 4090 City in the Sea ; Chronicles of Venice. 1884 A 4068 Colletta. History of Naples, 1734- 1856. 2v. 1858 A 1971 CoLQUHOUN. Life in Italy and France in olden Time. 1858 A 1952 CoMBA. History of the Waldenses of Italy. 1889 A 4077 Crawford. Ave Roma Immortalis. 2v. 1898 1 7203 Rulers of the South ; Sicily, Calabria, Malta. 2v. 1900 A 4121 Dandolo. Italian Volunteers in 1848-49. a 4070 Daru. Geschichte der Republik Venedig. 4v. in 2. 1859 D 40 Histoire de la Republique de Venise. 9v. 1853 C12288 Dassier. Les Mercenaires de la Papaute. 1884 C 4530 Dawbarn. Naples and King Ferdinand. 1858 A* 4072 ITALY AND GREECE. 93 Denina. Delia Revoluzioni d'ltalia. 3v. 1820 ...A 1980 DoRAN. "Mann" and Manners at the Court of Florence. 2v. 1876 A 1989 DuDEVANT. Garibaldi et ritalie. i860* .C 4475 Duffy. The Tuscan Republics (Flor- ence, Siena, Pisa and Lucca) with Genoa. 1893 A 4095 Dumas. Les Garibaldiens. 1868 C 4650 Elus. Asiatic Affinities of the Old Ital- ians. 1870 A 1933 I'arini. Roman State from 1815-50. 4V.A 1976 Imnlay. Byzantine and Greek Empires, 1057-1453. 1854 A 241.2 Byzantine Empire. 716-1057. 1853.. A 241.1 Greecv under Othoman and Venetian Domination. 1856 A 74 Greece under tlie Romans, B. C. 146- A. D. 716. 1857 A 70 Greek Revolution. 2v. 1861 A 69 Medieval Greece and Empire of Trcb- izond, 1204-1461. 1851 A 242 Forbes. Garibaldi in the Two Sidlies. 1861 A 4086 Freeman. History of Sicily. 4v. 1891-4.A 4079 Story of Sicily. 1892. ......' .% . A 4083 'Gaixenga. Historical Memoir of Fra Dolcino and his Times. 1853. . . . A 1964 History of Piedmont. 3v. 1855... A 1995 Italy in 1848. 1851^ A 1967 Italy, past and present. 2v. 1848. .A 1965 Italy, present and future. 2v. 1887. A 4107 The Pope and the King. 2v. 1879. A 1951 Gardner. Story of Florence. 1900 A 3014 Geiger. Renaissance in I talien. 1882. .D 5774 Gerlache. Last Days of the Papal Army. 1870 A 1977 GiANNONE. History of the Kingdom of Naples. 2v. 1729-31 ♦V 2090 Gladstone. Rome and the Newest Fash- j ions in Religion. 1875 G 942 j Gordon. Story of Assisi. 1900 A 3016 Gray. History of Etruria. 3v. 1868.. A 1972 Greene. Historical Studies. 1850 A 1974 Gregorovius. Athen im Mittelalter. '89. D 5760 Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mit- telalter. 8 v. in 7. 1869-74 D 87 Rome in the Middle Ages. 7v. in 11. 1894-1900 A 2724 Greswell. Origines Kalendariae Italicse. 4v. 1854 A 2120 Gretton. Vicissitudes of Italy. 1859. A 1969 GuicciARDiNi. Istoria d'ltalia. lov. 1803 C 9500,99-108 The same. lov. in 5. 1803 C 9241 History of Italy. lov. 1755-6 A 4075 Hall. The Romans on the Riviera and the Rhone. 1898 A 4109 Harrison. Byzantine History in the Early Middle Ages. 1900 A 2584 Hazlitt. History of the Venetian Repub- lic. 4v A 1981 The same, 421-1797. 2 v. 1900. A 4125 Hegel. Stadteverfassung von Italien. 2v. 1847 D 3997 Hertzberg. Geschichte der Byzantiner und des Osmanischen Reiches. '83. D 5782 HoDGKiN. Italy and her Invaders, 376- 814. 8v. 1880-99 A 1946 Hogenberg. Procession of Pope Qement VII. and Charles V., 1530. i875*P 127 1 Hove. Memoirs of the House of Medici. 2v. 1797 ♦V 204 Idcville. Rome and her Captors. 1875. A 1084 Imbert de Saint-Amand. France and Italy. 1899 A 1737 Italian Reform Movement, 1866 ♦A 296 Jebb. Modern Greece. 1880 . ; A 1956 Johnson. Genoa the Superb. 1892. ...A 4085 Keightley. War of Independence in Gret-ce. 2v. 1830 1 3537 King. History of Italian Unity, 1814-71. 2v. 1899 A 4118 Kirkland. Short History of Italy. *96.A 41 19 Krause. Die Byzantiner des Mittelalter.s. 1869 D12961 L.\T1MER. Italy in the Nineteenth Cen- tury. 1896 A 4123 Le Mesurier. Genoa ; her History in her Buildings. 1889 . . . .* A 4084 Leo. Geschichte der italienischen Staat- en. 5v. 1829-32 D 142 Life of Ali Pacha of Jannina including a Compendious History of Modern Greece. 1823 C10492 Lloyd. History of Sicily. 1872 A 1949 LusHiNGTON. Italian War, 1848-9. 1859.A 1978 Macchiavelli. History of Florence. '82. J 189,1 The same. 1872 1 3051 Istorie Fiorentine. 1857 C 9330 Mario. Red Shirt ; Garibaldian Episodes. 1865 A 4065 Marriott. Makers of Modern Italy. '89. A 4080 Marsh. Venice ar.d the Venetians. *75.A 1983 Martel. Military Italy. 1884 A 4069 94 ITALY AND GREECE. Marti?^. Venice in 1848-9 under Daniel Manin. 1862 A 4071 Marti nengo-Cesaresco. Italian Charac- ters. 1890 *» C10172 Liberation of Italy, 181 5- 1870. 1894. A 4097 Mary-Lafon. Rome depuis I'etablisse- ment du Christianisme. 1853.... C 579-2 Mascardi. Conspiracy of Count de Fies- chi against Genoua, 1547. 1886. .*P 624,9 Maurice. Revolutionary Movement in 1848-9 in Italy. 1887 A 350 Mazzini. Republique et Royaute en Italie. 1850 C12749 Memoirs of Secret Societies of South Italy. 1821 A 1975 Mendelssohn - Bartholdy. Geschichte Griechenlands von 1453. 2v. '70-74D 13005 MiGNATY. Historical Past of Italy. '76.A 1993 Mol:.ienti. II Carpaccio e il Tiepolo. 1885 C 9359 The Dogaressa. 1887 A 4074 La Dogaressa di Venezia. 1887... C 9364 La Storia di Venezia. 1885 C 9365 Die Venetianer. 1886 D 5636 MuRALT. Essai de chronographie byzan- tine, 1057-1453. 2v. 1871 C12846 MuRATORi. Antiquitates Italicae. 6v. 1738-42 *R 123 MusTON. Israel of the Alps. 2v. 1857. A 1996 Napier. Florentine History. 6v. 1846-7.A 1985 Neumann. Weltstellung des byzantinisch- en Reiches vor den Kreuzziigen. 1894 • D13017 O'Clzry. History of Italian Revolution, 1796-1849. 1875 .A 1979 Oliphant. The Makers of Florence. '76.A 1987 Makers of Modern Rome. 1895. - A 2770 The Makers of Venice. 1888 A 4067 Oman. Story of the Byzantine Empire to 1453- 1892 A 2583 Orsi. Modern Italy, 1748-1898. 1900. , A 4115 Palmer. Going to War in Greece. 1897.A 4137 Perceval. History of Italy, 476 to 1789. 2v. 1825 A 1953 Perrens. Histoire de Florence. 6v. 1877-83 C 6311 Phillips. War of Greek Independence, 1821-33. 1897 A 4132 PiGNOTTi. History of Tuscany. 4v. 1823. A 1932 Probyn. Italy from 1815-1878. 1884. .A 4064 Procter. History of Italy to the French Revolution. 1844 A 1973 Qt/inet. Les Revolutions d'ltalie C6332,4 Ranalli. Le Istorie italiane, 1846-53, 4v. 1858-9 ..C 9564 Reuchlin. Geschichte Italiens. 5v. in 4. 1859-73 V, D 60 Reumon't. Carafas of Maddaloni; Naples under Spanish Dominion. 1854.. I 3006 Geschichte Toscana's, 1530-1859. 2v.D 46 Rom«_ dans sa Grandeur. 3v. 1870 *P 951 Rose, A. Christian Greece and Living Greek. 1898 A 4138 Rose, W. K. With the Greeks in Thessa- ly. 1898 A 4135 St. John. The Court of Anna Carafa. 1872 A 4114 Schack. Mazzini und die italienische Einheit. 1891 D 5955 Die Normannen in Sicilien. 1889. -D 57JO Scheefer-Boichorst. Florentiner Stu- dien. 1874 D 5731 Schlumberger. L'Epopee byzantine a la fin du dixieme Siecle. 1896. .. .*V 2234 Seddall. Malta ; past and present. 1870.A 1988 Sergeant. Greece in the Nineteenth Cen- tury, 1821-97 A 4130 Sevvell. Outline History of Italy. 1895. A 4117 Sforzosl History of Italy. 1855 1 3712 Silvagni. Rome and its People. 3v. 1885-7 A 2705' SiSMONDL Histoire des Republiques ita- liennes. lov. 1840 C 6770 History of Italian Republics. 1870. A i960 The same. 1832 1 3828 S medley. Sketches from Venetian His- tory. 2v. 1831 1 3586 The same. 2v. 1832 A 4066 The same. 2v. 1872 I 3680 Spalding. Italy from Earliest Ages. '54.A 1992 The same. 3 v. 1870 1 3756 Stafford and Ball. Italy illustrated; History of the Italian States. 2v.*V 536 Steevexs. With the Conquering Turk. 1897 A 4140 Union of Italy, 1815-95. 1898 A 4104 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. 1875-86 A 1990 V. I. Age of the Despots. 2. Revival of Learning. 3. Fine Arts. 4-5. Italian Literature. (i-y. The Catholic Reaction. Short History of the Renaissance in Italy; abr. by Pearson. 1893 A 4089 ITALY AND GREIX iu— i URKEY, BULGARIA AND ROUMANIA. 95 Symonds, M. and Gordon. The Story of Perugia. 1898 A 4101 Tennent. History, of Modern Greece, B. C 146- A. D. 1819. 2v.. 1830. .A 80 Testa. War against the Communes* of Lombardy. 1877 A 1954 Thayer. Dawn of Italian Independence. 2v. 1893 A 4087 TowLE. Modern Greece. 1877 A 2094 Trevor. Rome and its Papal Rulers,.. A 126 Trollope. Social Aspect of the Italian Revolution. 1861 A 1961 Commonwealth of Florence. 4v. '65.A 1986 Tu ker and Malleson. Christian and 'Ecclesiastical Rome. 3v. 1900... I T22i TURNBULL. Genius of Italy. 1849 A 1991 \'annucci. I Martiri della liberta ital- iana, 1794-1848. 2v. 1887 C 9470 Storia dell' Italia antica. 4v. '73-6.C 9471 \'iLLARi. Two firstCenturies of Floren- tine History. 2v. 1894-5 A 4093 W'achenhusen. PVcischaaren und Roya- listen. 1867 D 243 Waters. Naples the City of the Par- thenope. 1894 A 4094 Queen of the .Adriatic; Venice Me- dieval and Modern. 1893 1 7176 Whitehouse. Collapse of the Kingdom- of Naples. 1899: 1 ..A 41 12 W'lEL. Romance of the House of Savoy, 1003-1519. 2v. 1898 A 4110 Two Doges of Venice. 1891 A 4082 Venice. 1894 A 4091 Wiss. .Aus der Kulturgeschichte von Florenz. 1877 D 5709 Wrichtsox. Sancta Respublica Romana ; Rome and Italy. 395-888. 1890. .A 4078 Wylie. Awakening of Italy. 1866 .\ 1962 History of the Waldenses. 1880. ..A 1994 Nriarte. Florence. 1882 ♦? 567 Venice; its History. Art, etc. 1896. .A 4092 The same. 1880 ♦? 598 Zeller. Episodes de rHistoire d'ltalie. 1856 C6995 Zevi. La Guerra in Italia. 1742-1815. ..C 9483 TURKEY, BULGARIA AND ROUMANIA. Andlaw. Die byzantinischen Kaiser. '65.0 5561 Argyll. The Eastern Question, 1856-79. 2v A 2019 Baker. War in Bulgaria, 2v. 1879 A 2008 Bengesco. Notice bibliographique sur la question d'Orient, 1821-97 ♦O 2622 Bliss. Turkey and the Armenian Atroc- ities. 1896 A 4359 Blochwitz. Brief History of Turkey. 1877 A 2090 Brodhe.\d. Slav and Moslem; Historical Sketches. 1894 A 4377 Burton. The Jew, the Gypsy and El Is- lam. 1898 A 2914 Campbell. Handy Book of the Eastern Question. 1876 A 2073 Carol, King of Roumania. Reminiscen- ces; ed. by S. Whitman. 1899. .C17412 Combs. L'lle de Crete, 1897 C 5419 Creasy. History of the Ottoman Turks. 1877 A -:oi6 Denton. Christians in Turkey. 1876. A 2083 Montenegro. 1877 A 2084 Scrvia and the Servians. 1862 1 1074 Dicey. The Peasant State; Bulgaria in 1894 A 4356 Djemaledoin Bfv. Miirad V. and the Turkish Dynasty, 1876-95. i895.Cr858o Drandar. Alexandre de Battenberg en Bulgarie. 1884 C 4536 Dupuy-Peyou. La Bulgarie aux Bulgares. 1896 C13104 DwiGHT. Turkish Life in War Times. 1881 A 2099 Eastern Question : Blochwitz. Turkey. 1877. ..» A 2090 Roberts. Asia Minor. 1877 A 2091 Shaw. Russia. 1877 • • A 2092 TowLE. Modern Greece. 1877 A 2094 Montenegro. 1877 A 2093 Danubian Principalities. 1877. A 2095 Forsyth. Slavonic Provinces. 1876 A 2096 Fowler. Turkey: History of the Otto- man Empire. 1854 A 4347 Freeman. Ottoman Power in Europe. 1877 A 2078 Gallenga. Two years of the Eastern Question. 2v. 1877 1 7693 Gambier. Servia. 1878 A 2085 Gladstone. Hellenic Factor in Eastern Problem and other Tracts. 1877. G 941 Turco-Servian War. 1876 A 2013 Glennie. Europe and Asia; Eastern Question. 1879 A 4507 Gossip. Turkey and Russia. 1879 *V 1394 Greene. Armenian Crisis in Turkey. '95A 4360 Armenian Massacres. 1896 A 4361 96- TURKEY, BULGARIA AND ROUMANIA— TURCO-RUSSIAX WAR. Greene. The Rule of the Turk. 1S96 . . A436ob Revised ed. of The Armenian Crisis. Gregory. The Crime of Christendom ; the Eastern Question, 1900 A 4357 Haji Khalfa. Maritime Wars of the Turks, pt. I. 1831 *V 1258 Hammer-Purgstall. Geschichte des os- manischen Reiches. lov. 1827-35. D 5767 Hertzberg- Geschichte der Byzantiner und des osmanischen Reiches. '83.*D5782 HiDAYETTE, pseud. Abdul Hamid, revo- lutionnaire. 1896 C12608 History of the War in Bosnia, 1737-39. 1830 *V 1284 Howe. Cretan Refugees and their Amer- ican Helpers. 1868 A 243 HuHN. Struggle of Bulgarians for Inde- pendence under Prince Alexander. 1886 1 7739 HuRMUZAKi. Fragmente zur Geschichte der Rumanen. 5 v. in 3. 1878-86. D 12908 HuTTON. Story of Constantinople. 1900.A 3015 Jacob and others. History of the Otto- man Empire. 1854 A 2017 Knolles. Turkish History. 3v. 1687- - 1700 *R 4352 Krause. Erobefungen von Constantino- pel. 1870 D 5618 Lamartine. Histoire de la Turquie, 1862 C 5639, 23-28 Laroche. La Crete. 1897 C127S4 Latimer. Russia and Turkey in the Nine- teenth Century. 1893 A 4380 Lusignan. Twelve Years' Reign of Abdul Hamid H. of Turkey. 1889 A 4346 MacColl. The Eastern Question. 1877. L 148 The Sultan and the Powers. 1896. A 4351 Three Years of the Eastern Question. 1878 L 147 Madden. The Turkish Empire and Chris- tianity. 2v. 1862 A 2071 Mignot. The Turkish, or Ottoman Em- pire, 1300-1740. 4v. in 2. 1787.. A 4348 MijATovicH. Constantine ; or, Conquest of Constantinople. 1892 A 4344 Mill. The Ottomans in Europe. 1876. A 4341 Miller. The Balkans, Roumania, Bul- garia, Servia, and Montenegro.'96A 4353 Montagu. Camp and Studio. 1890. ..A 4373 .Muir. The Caliphate; its Rise and Fall. 1891 A 4595 Naima. Annals of the Turkish Empire, " 1591-1659. 1832 *V 1260 Neale. Islamism; its Rise and Progress. 2v. 1854 A 2081 Norman, Armenia and Campaign of 1877. 1878 ..^ A 2088 Northrop (Ed.). Mohammedan Reign of Terror in Armenia. 1896 A 4361 O'Connor. History of Turkey, 1877, ,A 2018 ODYSiEUS, pseud. Turkey in Europe. 'ooA 4355 Oliphant. Trans-Caucasian Campaign. 1856 A 2015 Ottoman Empire; the Sultans, Territory and People I 1032 Palgrave. Essays on the Eastern Ques- tion, 1872 .' E 1434 Pears. Fall of Constantinople, 1886,, A 2942 Poole and others. Story of Turkey, '88.A 4345 Porter an'd Larpent. Turkey, 2v. '54. A 2077 Ranke. Ottoman and Spanish Empires in i6th and 17th Centuries, 1843.A 344 Servia and Servian Revolution. '53. 1 3067 Turkey und Servia im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. 1879 * D21 1, 43-44 Rees. The Muhammadans, 1001-1761. 1894 A 3741 Rosen, Geschichte der Tiirkei. 1866-7.D 13069 Russell. Russian Wars with Turkey. 1877 A 4402 Scudamore. France in the East. 1882. A 1636 Spry. Life on the Bosphorus ; Chronicles of the Caliphs from Mahomet to Abdul Hamid H. 1895 1 767I Stillman. Cretan Insurrection, 1866. '74.A 1950 Thierry. Chrysostome et I'lmperatrice Eudoxie. 1874 ^ , , , , C 6904 Torr. Rhodes in Ancient Times. 1885. A 2553 Rhodes in Modern Times. 1887.. A 2554 TowLE, Principalities of the Danube, '77A 2095 Upham. History of the Ottoman Em- pire, 2v. 1829 1 3525 Urquhart. History of Servia, 1843, *L 69.3 Military Strength of Turkey, i869.*L 69,4 Le Sultan ct le Pacha d'Egypte. '39*L 69,6 Weigand. Die Aromunen. 1894-5, .. .D13243 ZiNKEiSEN, Geschichte des osmanischen Reiches, 7v. 1840-63 D 104 TURCO-RUSSIAN WAR. Baker. War in Bulgaria, 2v. 1879. •.A 2008 Boyle. Narrative of an expelled Corre- spondent, 1877 A 2087 CooKSON. With the Armies of the Balk- ans in 1877-8. 1879 A 2074 i TURCO-RUSSIAX WAR— RUSSIA AND POLAXD. 5^ CooPE. Pri>oner of War in Russia. '78.A 2086 DvviGHT. Turkish Life in War Times. 1881 A 2099 Eli Jahre Balkan; Erinnerungen eines preussischen Officiers. 1889 D 5766 I'oRBES and others. Correspondence of the. Daily News, 1877. 3v. in 2. 1878.G 744 Gay. Plevna; the Sultan and the Porte. 1878 A 4372 Gladstone. Bulgarian Horrors. 1876. G 940 Greene. Army Life in Russia. 1880.. A 2097 Russian Army and its Campaigns, with Atlas. 2v. 1879 A 1997 Herbert. Defense of Plevna, 1877. '95-A 4369 Ho2iER(Ed.). Russo-Turkish War. 2v.*V 812 LuRioN. Sulcy man- Pacha ct son Proces. 1884 C 5755 MoNT.AGU. Camp and Studio. 1890. ..A 4373 < >i.LiER. Cassell's History of the Russo- Turkish War. 2v A 4371 I'FEiL. A Prussian Officer in the Rus- sian Service. 1893 A 4374 IvLTESTOw. Krieg in der Tiirkci in 1875-6. 1877 D 5701 Rv.\N and Sandes. Under the Red Cres- cent. 1897 A 43^5 ScHUECKiNG. Tiirkische Erlebnisse und russische Schicksale. 1879 D 152 Snieoeks. Gedenkboek van den Oorlog. 1877-78. 1878 ♦R 4336 Stanley. St. Petersburg to Plevna. '78. A 4370 Stoker. With the "Unspeakables" ; Cam- paigning in Turkey. 1878 A 2079 N'lZETELLY (Bertie Ciere). Reminiscences of a Bashi-Bazouk. 1897 A 4375 RUSSIA AND POLAND. Bain. Daughter of Peter the Great; History of Russian Diplomacy. 1899 A 4433 Pupils of Peter the Great ; Russian Court, 1697-1740. 1897 A 4424 Barry. Russia in 1870. 1871 A 2000 Beer. Die erste Theilnng Polens. 3v. 1873 D 3983 I'ell. History of Russia. 3v. 1836-8. . I 3810 Benson. Story of Russia. 1885 A 4404 f'lERNH.^RDL Geschichtc Russlands und der europaischen Politik. 4v. 1863- 1877 •• D 4 Berthezfnk Veldtogt in Russland. 1812. ^= D 9053 Boulton. The Russian Empire. 1882. A 4382 Brodhead. Slav and Moslem. 1894.. A 4377 Brueckner. Geschichte Russlands. '96.D12819 Katharina die Zweite. 1883 ♦D 5781 Peter der Grosse. 1879 *E) 5779 Brueggen. Polens Auflosung. 1878. ..D 3984 Capefigue. Catherine H. 1862 C 428J Cathcart. War in Russia and Germany in 1812-13. 1850 A 1878 Celestin. Russland seit Aufhebung der . Leibeigenschaft. 1875 D 3988 Chesney. Russo-Turkish Campaigns, 1828-29. 1854 A 2007 Clarke. Russia's Sea-Power Past and Present. 1898 A 4428 CooPE. Prisoner of War in Russia. *78.A 2086 Cr^mieux. Histoire du peuplc russc.*98.C 5376 Day. The Russian Government in Po- land. 1867 A 4413 Detaille. L'Armce russc. 1886 ♦P 1135 Dole. Young Folks' History of Russia. 1881 A 1902 Dunham. History of Poland. 1831...I 3817 EcKAKOT. Modern Russia. 1870 A 2001 Edwards. History of a Polish Insurrec- tion. 2v. 1865 A 4420 The same. 1865 A 2010 The Romanoffs of Russia. 1890. .A 4409 Russian Projects against India. *85.A 4504 Polish Captivity. 2v. 1863 A 4416 Ferrand. Histoire des trois Demem- bremens de la Pologne. 3v. 1820.C12364 Fisher. Finland and the Tsars, 1809-99A 4366 Fletcher. History of Poland. 1854.. I 3667 George. Napoleon's Invasion of Russia. 1899 A 4367 Gerrare. The Story of Moscow. 1900.A 3013 GoLoviN. Russia under Nicholas I. 2v. 1846 A 4393 Russland unter Alexander II D 311 Gossip. Turkey and Russia. 1879... *V I394 Greene. Army Life in Russia. 1880 A 2097 GuMPLowicz. Zur Geschichte Polens in Mittelalter. 1898 D12890 GuROVVSKi. Russia as it is. 1854 A 1998 Haxthausen. fetudes de la Russie. 3v. 1847-53 C12585 HoRDYNSKi. Late Polish Revolution.'33A 201 1 Hueppe. Verfassung der Republik Polcn. 1867 D 125 Jane. The Imperial Russian Navy. '99.A 4368 JoNGH. L'Armee russe. 1895 *P ii37 98 RUSSIA AND POLAND. Karamsin. Histoire de la Russie. iiv. 1819-26 c 5441 Kelly, History of Russia. 2v. 1854.. I 3071 The same A 2003 ICleinschmidt. Drel Jahrhunderte riis- sischer Geschichte, 1 598- 1898... .D 12973 Russlands Geschichte und Politik. 1877 ^ D 5635 Kohl. Russia. 1844 •• A 1999 KoRF. Accession of Nicholas I. 1857. A 4395 KosMA. La Russie et Alexandre II. '82. C 5523 KosTOMAROW. Russische Geschichte in Biographien. 1886-8 D 5666 Krapotkin. Memoirs of a Revolutionist. 1899 C18338 Krasheninnikov. History of Kamt- schatka and Kurilski Islands... *V 1473 Kravtchinski (Stepniak). Russia under the Tzars. 1885 A 4398 The Russian Storm-Cloud. 1886.. A 4399 Underground Russia. 1890 A 4394 Lacroix. Mysteres de la Russie. 1845. C 5654 Lamartine. Histoire de la Russie. '62.05639,31 Latimer. Russia and Turkey in the 19th Century. 1893 A 4380 Lavigne. Histoire du Nihilisme russe.'SoC 5680 Leger. Russes et Slaves. 1890 C 5547 Lelewel. Histoire de Pologne. 2v. '44.. C 5567 Atlas. 1844 *V 1501 Leouzon le duc. La Finlande. 1845.. C 5700 Levesque. Histoire de Russie. 8v. 1812C 5568 Atlas. 1812 *V 1502 LiND. Present State of Poland. 1773. A 4422 Loeher. Russlands Werden und Wollen. 3v. 1881 D 3821 Lombard. Precis historique sur la Po- logne. 1863 C 5423 Lyall. Character of the Russians and History of Moscow. 1823 *V 98 Manstein. Contemporary Memoirs of Russia, 1727-44. 1856 A 4400 Marx. The Serf and the Cossack. '54*A 294 Masson. Memoires secrets sur la Russie pendant les Regnes de Catherine II. et de Paul ler. 1863 .Ci 1954,22 Secret Memoirs of the Court of St. Petersburg. 1895 A 4426 Merimee. Episode de I'Histoire de Rus- sie. 1850 C 5814 Meyer (von Waldeck). Unter dem rus sischen Scepter. 1894 D14802 Moltke. Poland ; an Historical Sketch. 1885 A AAi^ MoRFiLL. Story of Polanid. 1893 A 4414 Story of Russia. 1890 A 4403 MuNRO. Rise of the Russian Empire.'ooA 4364 Noble. Russia and the Russians. 1900.A 4363 The Russian Revolt. 1885 A 4397 Observations on Denmark, Russia and Switzerland. 1784 A 3037 Oliphant. Transcaucasian Campaign. 1856 , A 2015 Parmele. Short History of Russia. 1900A 4376 PiGOTT. Savage and Civilized Russia. '79A 4379 Porter. Campaign in Russia during 1812. 1815 A 4391 Portraits of Cossacks in Campaign of 1815. 1820 *P 1662 Rabbe and Duncan. History of Russia. 1854 A 4381 Rambaud. Histoire de la Russie jusqu' a 1884. 1884 ' C 6409 History of Russia. 2v. 1879 A 2098 Rawlinson. 'England and Russia in the East. 1875 A 4506 Remmer. Russland und die europaische Lage. 1888 D 4782 Riesenkampff. Der deutsche Hof zu Nowgorod bis 1494. 1854 D13068 Roepell. Polen um die Mitte des 18 Jahr- hundert. 1876 D 123 and Caro. Geschichte Polens. 5v. 1840-88 D 5700 Romanoff. Historical Narratives from the Russian. 1871 A 4396 Rulhiere. Histoire de TAnarchie de Pologne. 4v. 1807 C 6390 La Revolution de Russie, 1792. 1863. C 6180 Revolutions de Pologne. 3v. 1862.. C 6391 Russell. Russian Wars with Turkey. 1877 A 4402 Russian Conspirators in Siberia, 1872.. A 4407 Russische Wandlungen. 1882 D 122 Salvandy. Sobieski et la Pologne. 2v. 1863 C 6551 Samson-Himmelstjerna. Russia under Alexander HI. 1893 A 4412 Russland unter Alexander III. 1891.D 5707 Saxton. Fall of Poland. 2v. 1852... A 4415 Scheffer. History of Lapland, 1674. .*V 766 ScHiEMANN. Russland, Polen und Liv- land bis in's 17. Jahrhundert. '86.*D 5790 ScHXiTZLER. L'Empire des Tsars. 4v. 1862-9 C 6702 Secret History of Russia. 2v. 1847. A 2005 ScHYBERGSON. Geschichtc Finlands. '96.D12818 RUSSIA AND POLAND— CRIMEAN WAR. 99 2092 235 Shaw. Brief History of Russia, 1877. -A Smitt. Suworow unci Polen's Untergang. 2v. 1858 D SoREL. The Eastern Question in the Eight- eenth Century; Partition of Po- land. 1898 A 3066 Stepxiak, pseud. See Kravtchinski. Strahl and Herrmann. Geschichte des russischen Staates. 7v. 1832-66. D 68 SzADURSKL History of Poland. 1842. .A 4419 Thompson. Russian Politics. 1896 A 4423 Thomsen. Ancient Russia and Scandi- navia. 1877 A 4439 TiKHOMiROV. Russia, Political and Social. 2v. 1888 A 4392 Tolstoi. Romanism in Russia. 2v. i874,A 2006 The same M 2889 Trevor. Russia; Ancient and Modern. 1862 ..A 3002 Urquhart. Progress of Rtissia. 1853... A 4410 Secret of Russia in the Caspian and Euxine. 1863 *L 69.5 Venturini. Russlands und Deutschlands Befreiungskriege, 1812-15. 4v. 1816- 1819 D 156 Verestchagin. Napoleon I. in Russia. 1899 A 4430 V1.ADIMIR, pseud. Russia on the Pacific and the Siberian Railway. 1899. A 4431 \'0LTAiRE. Histoire de la Russie sous Pierre le Grand. 1873 C6945.15 The same. 1869. C 6997.4 Von Nicholas I. zu Alexander HI. 1881.D 143 Wauszewskl Autour d'un Trone : Cath- erine II. 1894 C 5437 Romance of an Empress, Catherine 11. x^ C11028 Wilson. Events during Invasion of Rus- sia in 1812. i860 A aoo4 WoLSKL Poland; her Glory and Suf- ferings. 1883 ....A 4417 Zaba. History of Poland. 1856 A 2100 CRIMEAN WAR. Adye, Sir J. Recollections of a Military Life. 1895 C17041 Barker. Short History of the Crimea. 1855 • A 4383 Bazancourt. Crimean Expedition and War in the East. 2v. 1856 A 4388 Bazancourt. Ciuq Mois au Camp devant S<5bastopol. 1S55 C 4140 Brackenbury. The Campaign in the Crimea. 1855-6 A Buchanan. Camp Life as seen by a Civ- ilian. 1871 A Calthorpe. Letters from Headquarters (Crimea). 2v. 1857 A Colborne and Brine. Last of the Brave. 1857 *v CoLEBROOKE. Joumal of Two Visits to the Crimea. 1856 1 DoDD. Pictorial History of the Russian War, 1854-56. 1856 ...A Elphinstone and others. Siege of Se- bastopol, with Maps. 4v. 1859. ♦P Erzahlungen aus dem Krimkrieg; von einem Augenzetigen. 1857 D Gefpcken. Geschichte des Orientalischen Kricgcs. i88i D Gossip. Turkey and Russia. 1879.. .♦V 1394 Hamley. Campaign of Sebastopol. '85..A 4406 War in the Crimea. 1891 A 4405 Kinglake. Invasion of the Crimea. 6v. 1888 -. A The same. 12 v. in 6. 1863-88. G Lack. Kars and our Captivity in Russia. 1856 A Lysons. The Crimean War. 1895 A McCoRMiCK. Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol. 1855 A Medical History of the British Army in the Crimean War. 2v. 1858 ♦V MoERis and others. Three Serjeants; or, Phases of the Soldier's Life. 1858 A Vewman. Reminiscences of Two Exiles and Two Wars [Crimean and Franco- Austrian]. 1888 C10253 Osborne. Scutari and its Hospitals.'5S-.*V 767 Ranken. Six Months at Sebastopol. *S7.A 4411 Russell. British Expedition to the Cri- mea. 1858 A 965 Crimean War. 2v. 1855-6 A 966 Great War with Russia; Invasion of the Crimea. 1895 A 4421 Todleben's History of the Defence of Sebastopol. 1865 A 2009 Skene. With Lord Stratford in the Cri- mean War. 1883 A 4385 SoYER. Culinary Campaign in Crimea. 1857 A 964 4386 4389 4384 1661 7880 4401 801 I190 82 4390 303 963 4425 4427 273 3299 100 CRIMEAN WAR— SCANDINAVIA. Spencer. Fall of the Crimea. 1854... A 2012 TvKKELL. History of the War with Rus- sia. 3v. 1856-7 *V 738 Vit;:thum von Eckstaedt, Count. St. Petersburg and London, 1852-64; Reminiscences. 2v. 1887 C 3936 St. Petersburg und London in den Jahren 1852-64. 1886 D 6125 Wahrheit iiber den Krimmkrieg. 1857. D S3 Whinyates. From Coruiia to Sevasto- pol ; Royal Horse Artillery. 1884. A 3570 4028 4447 SCANDINAVIA. Aall. Norges Historic 1800-1815. '59.. C 8200 Afzelius. Svenska Folkets Sago-Haf- der. I IV. in 7. 1860-8 C 7692 Agardh. - La Suede depuis son origine jusqu'a nos jours. 1855 C Andersen. Chronological Collection of the Kings of Denmark, 1660- 1848. 1878 A Anderson, J. (Ed.). The Orkneyinga Saga. 1873 A 4442 Anderson, R. B. Norse Mythology, '76.A i860 Baden and Holberg. History of Nor- v.ay. 1817 A 1848 Bain. Charles XII. and Collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1682-1719. 1895.C17502 Barfod. Danmarks Historie, 1536- 1670. 3v. in 2. 1891-2 C14540 Fxdrelandets Historie. 2v. 1872.. C 7032 BoYESEN. Story of Norway. 1886.... A 1849 Bradley. Stor>' of the Goths. 1888. . .A 1847 Brown. Sovereigns of Sweden and Den- mark, 1766- 1818. 2v. 1895 A 4432 Carlvle. Early Kings of Norway. '75. A 1855 Cau^cs of the Expedition against Copen- hagen. 1808 A Cran-:. History of Greenland. 2 v. 1767. A Crickton and Wheaton. History of Scandinavia. 2v. 1872 1 3695 Cronholm. Sveriges Historia under Gustaf II. Adolph. 6v. in 8. 1857- 1872 C 7789 Dahlmann. Geschichte von Dannemark. 4v. 1840-93 D 67 Dasent. Story of Burnt Njal ; Iceland in the loth Century. 2v. 1861. .*A 4440 Dicey. Schleswig-Holstein War. 2v. 1864 A 4437 Du Chaillu. The Viking Age. 2v. '89. A 4445 318 r8^ Dunham. History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. 3v. 1839-40 1 3815 Erslev. Den Danske Stat. 1855-7 C 7137 Fabricius. Illusteret Danmarkshistorie. 2v. i88gl C14653 Fridericia. Adelsvaeldens, sidste dage; Danmarkshistorie, 1648-60. 1894.C14654 Fryxell. Berattelser ur Svenska Histo- rien. 46V. in 20. 1862-80 C 7800 History of Sweden. 2v. 1844 A 1854 Gallenga. Invasion of Denmark, 1864. 2v. 1864 A 1851 Geijer. History of the Swedes to 1654 . . A 344 Svenska Folkets Historia. 4v. 1850-4 C 7821,10-13 and Carlson. Geschichte Schwedens. 6v. 1832-87 D 66 GoscH. Denmark and Germany since 1815. 1862 A 1861 Grove. Fra Dannevirke til Dybbol. '64.. C 7214 Grundtvig. Nordens Mythologie. 1870. C 7207 Saxe Runemester's Kronike. 1873. -C 7208 Snorri's Norges Kronike. 1865 C 7209 Haubro (Philojuvenis). Edda; or. Tales of a Grandmother. 1875 A Hammerich. Danmark; Valdemarernes Tid. i860 C Handlingar rorande Sveriges Historia. 9v. in 3. 1830 C Hassel. Schweden in der neuesten Zeit ; statist. -finanz. Skizze. 1865 D 4728 Headley. Island of Fire ; Iceland. '75. .A 1858 Historisk Archiv. 29V. 1869-83 C 7250 Holberg. Danische Reichs-Historie. 3v. 1757-9 D 120 Icelandic Sagas; ed. by Vigfusson. 4V. 1887 *Doc. JOHNSTONE (Tr.). Norwegian Account of King Haco's Expedition. 1885. *P 624, i Keary. Mythology of the Eddas. 1882. .A 1864 The Vikings in Western Christen- dom. 1888 A 4434 Kemble. Horse Ferales ; Archaeology of Northern Nations. 1863 *V 1801 Keyser. Norges Historie. 2v. 1866...CS328 Private Life of Old Northmen. '68. A 1853 La Peyrere. History of Greenland. '55. *I 2362 Maccoll. Story of Iceland. 1887 A 4448 Magnus. History of the Goths, Swedes and Vandals. 1658 .*V 1393 AIallet. No^hern Antiquities. 1859... I 3357 The same. 2v. 1770 A 1845 1844 7235 7835 SCANDINAVIA— ASIA MINOR, SYRIA, PALESTINE. Malkek. Island seit seiner Entdeckung. 1874 D 3973 AltXTZER. Svensk Historisk Atlas. *7i.*V 1224 . loNTELius. Sverige under Hednatiden. 1878 , C 7904 Sweden in Heathen Times. 1888. .A 1842 AIoKRis and Magnusson. The Saga Li- brary. 1891-5 A 4435 ■ V. I. Howard the Halt — The Banded Men — Story of Hen Thorir. 2. Story of the Ere-dwellers. 3-5. Stories of the Kings of Nor- way; by Snorri Sturluson. < MuLLER. Danmarks Historic, v. 2-4. V. 2 Aldre Midalders Saga. 1867. C 7394 3. Valdeniarerncs Historic, 1157- 1375. 1870 C 7395 4. H^jnordcns Historic, 1375- 1523. 1875 c 7396 Munch. Norske Folks Historic. 8v. 1852-63 C 8362 Tildragelser af Norges Historic.*47.C 8361 Northern Library. 1895- 1899 A 4436 \.i. Saga of King Olaf Tryggwa- son; tr. by Sephton. 1895. 2. Talc of Thrond of Gate; tr. by Powell. 1896. 3. Hamlet in Iceland ; cd. by Gollancz. 1898. 4. Svcrrissaga: tr. by Sephton. 1899. Norway; Official Publication. 1900. ...A 4452 Odegaaro. Norske Jjegcrkorp's Historic fra dcts Oprinddse, 1788-1887 C15981 Oduner. Svcriges politiska Historia un- der Gustaf III. 2v. 1885-96 C 8168 Otte. History of Scandinavia. 1874. .A 1857 Overland. Illustercl Norges Historie. 4v. 1885-8 C15621 Petersen. Danmarks Historie i Hedenold. 3v. 1854-5 C 7493 Present State of Denmark, Russia and Switzerland. 1784 A 3037 Rav-v. Krigsbegivenhcderne paa AU. '70.C 7509 Reverdil. Struensee og Hoffet i Kjoben- havn. 1760-72. 1859 C 7521 Sandel. Fortaellinger fra Krigen, 1848- 1850. 1883 C15061 Sars. Udsigt over dert Norske Historie. 4v. in 2. 1873-91 C 8410 Schinkel. Sveriges Nyare Historia. iiv. in 6. 1852-72 C 8076 SiDGWicK. Story of Denmark. 1890. .A 4438 Story of Norway. 1885 A 4439 Silfverstolpe. Svenska Armeen. 1869.. C 8029 SiNDiNG. History of Scandinavia. 1864. A 1856 The Scandinavian Races. 1875 A 1859 Snorri Sturluson. The Heimskringla ; or, Chronicle of Kings of Norway. 3y. 1844 *A 1846 Norges- ^nger^Lronikj;. 3t<6s C 7209 Norges Konge-Sagaer. 2v. 1859-71. C 8415 . T.he sauNe ^ '2v\ . 1871-81 .,,... . C15803 Stephens. Baggc's Srudies ia Korthern Mythology examined. 1883 A 4450 Strinnuolm. Svenska Folkets Historia. 5v. 1834-54 C 8078 Thorpe. Northern Mythology. 3v. '51. A 1862 Tuxkn. Danske og Norske Somagt. '75. C 7606 V'aupell. Den danske Haers Historie. 2v. 1872-6 c 7659 Vertot dWubzup. Histoire dcs Revolu- tions de Suede, i860 C 6180 History of the Revolutions in Swe- den. 1696 A 4446 Vicary. Olav the King. 1886 A 4441 Saga Time. 1887 A 4443 Vic Norges Historic. 1857 C 8444 VicrussoN (Ed.). Sturlunga Saga, and other Works. 2v. 1878 A 1843 Watson. Swedish Revolutions under Gustavus Vasa. 1889 A 4444 Weber and Jamieson (Ed.). Northern Antiquities. 1814 *V 330 Wergeland. Norges Konstitutions His- toric. 1857 C 8462 Wheaton. History of the Northmen. 1831 A 1852 ASIA. ASIA MINOR, SYRIA, PALESTINE. .Al-Mas'udl Historical Encyclopaedia. 1841 *V 1306 .Asiatic Researches. I2v. 1798-1818. .♦A 4501 Barker. Lares and Penates ; Cilicia. '53A 2062 Benjamin. Troy; its Legend, History. etc .' A 89 Brentano. Losung der Troianischen Frage. 1881 D 478 Budge. Babylonian Life and History. '84. A 2437 History of Esarhaddon. 1881 A 2047 BuscH. Urgeschichte dcs Orients. 3V.D 29 102 PERSIA, ARABIA AND CENTRAL ASIA. Campbell, The Hittites; their Inscrip- tions and History. 2v. 1891 A 4561 Chandra Mukhopadhyay. Aryan Traits. 1891 ^ A 3753 Churchill. Druzes and Maronites under Turkish Rule. 1862 A 2014 CoNDER. Syrian Stone-Lore. 1886 A 4533 Cramer. Description of Asia Minor, v^ith Maps.' qv.' 1832. ..!,'.;'...'. .'.... I 1469 Elisha (Vartaljed"). History" of Vart^n and BatHe ct* vne Armenians. V^o.*T/ 1257 Finn. Stirring Times, Jerusalem Con- sular Chronicles, 1853-6. 2v. '78. A 2042 Forbes. Empires and Cities of Asia. '73. A 2068 Eraser. Assyria and Mesopotamia. '65. 1 3758 Goodrich. Lights and Shadows of Asiatic History. 1844 H 432.4 GossE. Assyria. 1852 A 4549 Hammer-Purgstall. History of the As- sassins. 1835 A 4527 Herbelot. Bibliotheque Orientale. i776.*R 96 HoMMEL. Geschichte des alten Orients. 1887 .....D 5768 Kaulen. Assyrien und Babylonien. '85. D 5641 Kenrick. Phoenicia. 1855 1 I73- Krausse. Russia in Asia, 1558-1899. '99- A 4565 Kremer. Culturgeschichte des Orients unter den 'Caliphen. 2v. 1875-7. .D 4000 Layard. Jklonuments of Nineveh. 2v. 1849-53 *P 987 Lenormant. Histoire ancienne de I'Ori- ent. 6v. 1881-8 *V 1362 Histoire des Peuples Orientaux. '69. C 5712 and Chevallier. Ancient History of the East. 2v. 1879 A 2060 Lindsay. History and Coinage of the Parthians. 1852 *V 1504 Lyall. Asiatic Studies. 1882 A 4515 Mahan. Problem of Asia. 1900 A 4573 Matthew of Edessa. Chronique. i858.*V 1319 Napier. The War in Syria (1839-41). 2v. 1842 A 4528 Norman. Armenia and Campaign of 1877. 1878 A 2088 Oliphant. Jerusalem, the Holy City. '91. A 4570 Pietschmann. Geschichte der Phonicier. 1889 4 *D 5794 Ragozin. Story of Assyria. 1887 A 4523 Story of Chaldea. 1886 A 2433 Story of Media, Babylon and Persia. 1888 A 4534 Rawlinson. Story of Parthia. 1893. .A 4551 History of Phoenicia. 1889 A 4556 Rawi^inson. Story of Phoenicia. 1889 . A 4555 Records of the Past; ed. by Birch. I2v.' 1875 A 2026 The same ; new Series ; ed. by Sayce. 6v. 1888-91 A 4473 Roberts. Asia Minor and the Caucasus. 1877 • ■ A 2091 Russell. History of Palestine. 1872... I 3670 St. AL\rtin. Fragments d'une Histoire • des Arsacides. 2v. 1850 A 2059 Sayce. Assyria; its Princes, Priests and People. 1885 A 4524 The Hittites ; Story of a Forgotten Empire. 1888 A 4560 Patriarchal Palestine. 1895 A 4568 Smith. Students' Ancient History of the East. 1871 A 2028 Spiegel. Eranische Alterthiimer. 2v. '71. D 212 Szeredy. Asiatic Chiefs. 2 v. 1856 A 4544 Vaux. Nineveh and Persepolis. 1850. A 2050 Williams. Armenian Campaign, 1877. A 2089 WiNCKLER. Orientalische Geschichte. 1889 D13245 Wright. Empire of the Hittites. 1884. .A 4520 Oriental Monarchies see page 7. PERSIA, ARABIA AND CENTRAL ASIA. Amir All Short History of the Sara- cens. 1899 A 4567 Ashe (Ed.). Personal Records of the Kandahar Campaign. 1881 A 2069 Benjamin. Story of Persia. 1887 . . . . A 4522 Boulger, Central Asian Questions. '85. A 4548 England and Russia in Central Asia. 2v. 1879 • -A 4505 Brvdges. Dynasty of the Kajar Family. 1833 A 2063 Clavijo. Embassy to the Court of Timour, 1403-6. 1859 , *I 2368 Colquhoun. Russia against India; Struggle for Asia. 1900 A 4569 Cox. The Great Persian War. 1861 ... A 2039 Crichton. History of Arabia. 2v. 1868. 1 3705 CuRzoN. Persia and the Persian Ques- tion. 2v. 1892 1 8517 Duke. Recollections of the Kabul Cam- paign, 1879-80. 1883 A 982 DuRAND. First Afghan War. 1879 A 4525 Eyre. Military Operations at Cabul. '43. A 984 Ferrier. History of the Afghans. 1858. A 2041 INDIA AND FARTHER INDIA. 103 FoBRES. The Afghan Wars, 1839-42. 1878-80. 1892 A 4545 Fraser. Account of Persia. 187 1 1 37o6 Freeman. History and Conquests of the Saracens. 1876 A 2048 Geiger. Civilization of Eastern Iranians. 2v. 1885-6 A 4550 GiLMAx. Story of the Saracens. 1887.. A 4517 GoBiNEAU. Histoire des Perses. 2x. '6^. A 2058 Heeren. Asiatic Nations. 1842 A 290,2-3 Hensman. The Afghan War of 1879-80. 1881 A 4558 Hunt. Outram & Havelock's Persian Campaign. 1858 A 2054 Mutton. Central Asia from Aryan to Cos- sack. 1875 ^ A 4514 JuDEiCH. Kleinasiatische Studien. 1892.D12945 Tr^rr Gcschichtc des altcn Prr^irns. '79D 5634 The same 'D 5794 i\AVii. War in Afghanistan, jv. 1878A 451 1 Landseer. Sabsean Researches. i823.*V 325 Le Bon. La Civilisation des Arabes.*84.*P 820 Lenormant. Ilistoirc ancienne dc rOrient. 6v. i88i-8 'V 1362 Malcolm. History of Persia. 2v. 1829. .A 4509 Male. Through the Battle Smoke (i879)Cii29i Maixeson. History of Afghanistan to the War of 1878. 1879 A 4557 Markimm. History of Persia. 1874.. A 2057 Marvin. Russian Campaign against the Turcomans. ♦ 1880 A 4513 Memoires sur les Contrees Occidentales. 2v. 1857-8 ^V 1318 Mirkhond. Early Kings of Persia. '32 *V 1294 Mueller, Der Islam im MorKcn-und Abendland. 2v. 1885-7 I> 5788 MuiR. The Caliphate; its Rise anu rail. 1891 .* A 4595 Annals of the Early Caliphate. '83.A 4510 Neamet Ullah. History of the Afghans. 1829-36 *V 1254 OcKLEY. History of the Saracens. 1871. 1 3064 OsBORN. Islam under the Arabs. 1876.A 2061 PiGGOTT. Persia, Ancient and Modem. '74A 2049 PoPOWSKi. Rival Powers in Central Asia. 1893 A 4566 Racozin. Story of Media, Babylon and Persia. 1888 A 4534 Salil-ibn-Razik. Imams and Seyyids of Oman. 1871 *! 2383 Skrine and Ross. Heart of Asia. 1899. A 4563 Stu.mm. Russia in Central Asia. 1885.. A 4526 Tohfut-ul-Mujahideen ; an Historical Work (in Arabic) tr. by Rowland- son. 1833 *V 1296 Towle. England and Russia in Asia. '85. 1 8491 TowNSEND. Summary of Persian His- tory. 1858 A 2054 Urquhart. The Two Afghan Wars. '78*L 69,1 \'ambery. History of Bokhara. 1873. A 4508 Vau.x. Persia from the Earliest Period to the Arab Conquest. 1876. ... .A 2055 Walker. History of Afghanistan. 1881.A 4512 Watson. History of Persia. 1866 A 2056 Wii-LiAMs, C. Operations in Lower Af- ghanistan, 1878-79 *A 191 Williams, C. R. Defence of Kahun : Epi- sode of First Afghan War. 1886.A 4559 YusuF IBN Taghri Birdl Annals ; ed. by Juynboll and Matthes. 2v. i852-7*A 4535 INDIA AND FARTHER INDIA. Adams. Episodes of Anglo-Indian His- tory A 3661 Adye, Sir J. Recollections of a Military Life 1 1854-86]. 1895 C17041 Anderson. The English in Western In- dia. 1856 A 931 Andrew. India and her Neighbors. 1878.A 3662 .AUBER. British Power in India. 2v. 1837.A 942 Balfour. Cyclopaedia of India. 5v. '7i-3*R 696 Ba\xey. The Local Muhammadan Dynas- ties : Gujarat. 1886 A 3707 Bell, Bengal Reversion. 1872 A Indian Policy. 1868 A Mysore Reversion. 1866 A Our Great Vassal Empire. 1870. ..A The Oxus and the Indus. 1869 A Beveruxie. History of India. 3v A Beynon. With Kelly to Chitral. 1896. A 37O7 Bose. Hindu Civilisation during British Rule. 3v. 1894-6 A 3719 BouLGER. Story of India. 1897 . . . A 3749 Briggs. The Nizam and British Govern- ment. •2v. 1861 A Brown. Carnatic Chronology. 1863.. A Browne. Coming of the Great Queen; Acquisition of Burma. 1888 A Bruce.. The Forward Policy and its Re- sults ; Thirty-five Years' Work. 'ooA 3742 Brunnhofer. Iran und Turan. 1889. .D 6566 Vom Aral bis zur Ganga. 1892... D 6564 Capper. Three Presidencies of India.'53A 3758 952 954 932 955 933 3664 3680 3690 104 INDIA AND FARTHER INDIA. Carnac. Presidential Armies in India. 1890 A ziV Catrou. History of the Mogul Dynasty. 1826 ^ A 935 Gaunter. Lives of the Moghul Emperors. 1837 *I8243.4 Chandra Mukhopadhyay. Aryan Traits. 1891 A 3753 Churchill. The Malakand Field Force; Frontier War, 1897. 1898 A 3744 Colchester (Ed.). Administration of Lord Ellenborough. 1874 A 937 CoMPTON (Comp.). European Military Adventurers of Hindustan. 1893A 3731 Corner. History of India -. A 2067 Crawford. History and Manners of the Hindoos. 2v. 1792 A 934 Cunningham. History of the Sikhs. '53.A 3684 DiGBY. Famine Campaign in Southern India, 1876-8. 2v A 993 DosABHAi Framji Karaka. The Parsees : their History, Manners, etc. 1858. A 927 Douglas. Book of Bombay. 1883 A 4518 DowsoN. Dictionary of Hindu Mythology, Religion, etc. 1888 A 3720 Duff. History of the Mahrattas. 3v. 1826 A 3692 DuTT, R. C. Civilization in Ancient In- dia. 3v. 1889 A 3694 Famines in India. 1900 A 3759 DuTT, S. C. (J. A. G. Barton). Bengal from the earliest Times. 1874. . .A 981 The Great Wars of India. 1879- • -A 187,2 Edwards. Reminiscences of a Bengal Civilian. 1866 A 951 Elliot, H. M. History of India. 8v. 1867- 1877 A 3715 Index to Historians of India. i850.*0 298 Races of Northwestern Provinces. 2v. 1869 A 979 Elliot, R. H. Concerning John's Indian Affairs. 1872 A 970 Elphinstone. History of India. 2v. '43. A 938 Erskine. History of India under Baber and Humayun. 2v. 1854 A 989 Fellowes. History of Ceylon. i8i7..*V 124 Firishtah. History of Hindostan. 3V. 1812 A 3730 Mahomedan Power in India. 4v. '29.A 3675 Framjee. 5^^ Dosabhai Framji Karaka. Frazer. British India. 1897 A 3751 Frere. ImpendingBengal Famine. 1874. A 969 Geary. Burma after the Conquest. 1886. A 3693 Ghosha. History of Hindu Civilization, 1889 A 3721 Gleig. British Empire in India. 4v. '83.! 3582 Grant. CasseH's Illustrated History of India. 2v. 1876-7 A 925 Gribble. History of the Deccan. 1896.. A 3746 Hamley. Strategical Conditions of In- dian Northwvest Frontier. i878.*A 191 History and Practices of the Thugs. '37.A 928 Holden. The Mogul Emperors of Hindu- stan, 1398-1707. 1895 A 3770 Howorth. The Mongols from the 9th to the 19th Century. 4v. 1876-88.A 4536 Hunter. Annals of Rural Bengal. 3v. 1868 : ^ A 95:^ Bombay, 1885-90. 1892 A 3736 Famine Aspects of Bengal. 1874.. A 959 History of BritisJi India. 2v. 1899- 1900 A 3745 History of the Indian Peoples.' 1S92.A 3699 Imperial Gazetteer of India. 9v. '81 *R 682 The Indian Empire. 1882 A 3663 The Indian Musalmans. 1871 A 3747 Orissa; an Indian Province. 2v.'72A953,2-3 HusAiN All History of Hydur Naik. 1842 *V 1309 History of the Reign of Tipu Sultan. 1844 *V 1311 Hussein-Khan. Mohammedan Power in India, v. i *V 1291 Hutchinson. Campaign in Tirah, 1897- 1898. 1898 A 3764 Hyndman. Bankruptcy of India. 1886.A 3718 India in the 15th Century. 1857 *I 2365 India List and India Office List, 1899. *R 3995 Innes. Bengal European Regiment in India. 1885 A 3682 Irwin. Garden of India ; Oudh History. 1880 A 3750 Ja'far Shurreef. Qanoon-e-Islam ; Cus- toms of Mussulmans. 1863 A 1006 Keene. History of Hindustan. 1885. .A 4519 The Moghul Empire. 1866 A 992 The Turks in India. 1879 A :^72>7 Kennedy. Campaign of the Army of the Indus in 1838-9. 2v A 997 Kingston. Our Soldiers; i\necdotes of the British Army. 1870 A 978 Knighton. History of Ceylon. 1845. A 2070 Lassen. Indische Alterthumskunde mit Karte. 2v. 1867-74 E) 159 Launay. Histoire de I'Annam. 1884. .C 5669 Laurie. Our Burmese Wars. 1885 A z^77 INDIA AND FARTHER INDIA. 105 Lawrence, Sir G. St. P. Forty-three Years in India. 1874 •' A 3760 Lawrence, .S"»> H. M. Essays written in India. 1859 A 3691 Lefmann. Geschichte des alten Indiens. 1890 D 5795 Lethbridge. Manual of the History of India. 1881 A 3665 Leyden. Malay Annals. 1821 A 4502 Low. History of the Indian Navy, 1613- 1863. 2v. 1877 A 926 Ludlow. British India, 1600- 1858. 2v.A 3725 Policy of the Crown towards India.' 1859 A 3697 Lyall. British Dominion in India. 1893.A 3700 McFall. With the Zhob Field Force. 1890 A 3765 M'Grecor. History of the Sikhs. 2v. '46.A 3740 MacRitchie. The Gypsies of India. '86.L 4270 Malcolm. Memoirs of Central India. 2v. 1823 A 971 Political History of India. 2v. 1826.A 973 Malleson. Decisive Battles of India.*83A 3669 Final French Struggles in India. *84-A 3671 Founders of the Indian Empire: Lord Clive. 1882 A 3734 Historical Sketch of the Native States of India. 1875 A 990 Manning. Ancient and Mediaeval India. 2v. 1869 A 3685 Marsh MAN. History of India. 3v. 1871.A 994 The same; abridged. 1880 A 3708 Martin. History of Eastern India. 3v. 1838 A 977 Indian Empire. 3v. 1858-61 *A 941 Martineau. British Rule in India. 1857.A 958 Maurice. Indian Antiquities. 7v. 1800. A 991 History of Hindostan during most Ancient Periods. 2v. 1795-8. .♦V 494 History of Hindostan from Death of Alexander. 2v. 1802 *V 93 Mill and Wilson. History of British India, 1527- 1835. lov. in 9. 1858. A 975 Moor. The Hindu Pantheon. i8io...*P 1641 MoRLEY. Administration of Justice in British India. 1858 A 976 Murray and others. History of India. 3v. 1873 1 3682 The same. 3v. I632 A 3086 Napier. Conquest of Scindef. 1O40....A 973 Nash. The Great Famine. 1900 A 3757 Nolan. British Empire in India. 2v. .A 1005 Phayre. History of Burma. 1883 A 4503 Poole. History of the Moghul Emperors of Hindustan, illustrated by their Coins. 1892 A 3729 Pridham. Historical Account of Ceylon. 2v. 1849 A 2072 Prinsep, C. C. East India Company's Civil Servants, 1 741 -1858 A 3762 Prinsep, H. T. History of India, 1813- 1823. 2v. 1825 A 3698 Ragozin. Story of Vedic India. 1895. A 3752 Raikes. The Englishman in India. 1867 .\ 996 Rajendralala Mitra. Indo-Aryans. 2v. 1881 A 924 Ramamohana Roy. Judicial and Revenue Systems of India. 1832 L i39 Ranking. Wars and Sports of the Mon- gols and Romans. 1826 *V 208 Rees. The Muhammadans, iooi-i76i.'94.A 3741 Pitchie. British World in the East. 2v. J847 A 974 The same. 2v. 1848 A 2040 Roberts, F. S. Forty-one Years in India, 1852-93- 2v. 1897 A 3761 Robertson. Chitral, the Story of a Minor Siege. 1898 A 3768 Rogers. Land Revenue of Bombay. 2v. 1892 A 3735 Rousselet. India and its Native Princes. 1882 *V 744 The same. 1878 ♦P 839 Rulers of India: Canning. Earl; by Cunningham. '91.C11561 Colvin. J. R. ; by Colvin. 1895. . . .Cii557 Dalhousie, Marquess of; by Hunter. 1890 C11562 Dupleix, J. F.; by Malleson. 1890. Ci 1563 Elphinstone, M. ; by Cotton. 1892.C11567 Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan ; by Bowring. 1893 C11569 Hastings, Marquess of; by Ross. '93C11568 Mayo, Earl of; by Hunter. 1891..C11564 Munro, Sir T. ; by Bradshaw. 1894.C11571 Ran jit Singh; by Griffin. 1892. .. .Ci 1566 Scott. France and Tongking in 1884.. A 453 1 SiiNARF. Les Castes dans ITnde. 1896.C13149 Sewell. a Forgotten Empire (Vijayana- gar). 1900 A 3755 SiRR. Ceylon and the Cingalese. 2v. 1850A 3781 Smith. Annals of Indian Administration, 1867-9. 2v. 1869-70 A 948 Speir. Life in Ancient India. 1856. ...A 3673 io6 INDIAN MUTINY— AUSTrL\LIA AND THE COLONIES. Stephen. Story of Nuncomar and Im- peachment of Impey. 1885 A 3756 Stone. Cradle-Land of Arts and Creeds. 1880 .^.. A 1002 Strachey. Hastings and the Rohilla War. 1892 A 3716 SuLUVAN. Conquerors and Statesmen of India. 1866 A 947 Princes of India. 187S A 3668 Temple. Men and Events in India. 1882.A 3717 Thornton. British Empire in India. '58A 998 Thurlow. The Company and Crown. '76A 3670 ToD. Annals of Raj asthan. 2v. 1829. ..*V 2041 ToRRENS. British Empire in Asia. 1872.. A 940 Trevor. India ; zn Historical Sketch. '58.I 1397 Trotter. British Empire in India, 1844- 1862. 2v. 1866 A 373^ History of India under Victoria. 2v. 1886 ....A 3687 TuppER. Our Indian Protectorate. 1893 . A 3739 Valbezen. The English and India. 1883A 3704 Van Rees. Historisch-indische Schetsen. 1873 D 9872 Voltaire. Fragments historiques sur I'Inde. 1869 C6945,29 The same. 1870 C6997,4 Ward. Literature and Religion of the Hindoos. 1824 A 956 Warner. Protected Princes of India.'94A 3773 Watson and Kaye (Ed.). People of In- dia. 8v. 1868-75 *P 836 Wheeler. Early Records of British India. 1878 -.A 3689 History of India. 4v. in5. 1867-81.. A 999 History of the Imperial Assemblage at Delhi in 1877 *P 525 India under British Rule. 1886... A 3679 Madras in the Olden Time, 1639-1748. 3v. 1861-2 A 3688 Whiteway. Rise of Portuguese Power in India. 1497-1550. 1899 A 3774 WiLKiNS. Hindu Mythology. 1882 A 2388 W^iLLiAMS. Indian Wisdom. 1876 A 995 Wilson, H. H. History of British India. 3v. 1848 A 961 Wilson, J. Why was Lord Mayo assas- sinated? 1872 *A 295 Wilson, W. J. History of the Madras Army. 5 v. in 4. 1882-9 A 3722 Woodthorpe. Lushai Expedition, 1871-2.A 980 Wright and Brainerd. Historic Inci- dents and Life in India. 1861 1 1371 INDIAN MUTINY. Ball. History of the Indian Mutiny. 2v. 1858-9 A 370J The si&me. 2v *P 78 Bourchier. Eight Months' Campaign against the Bengal Sepoy Army, 1857 ..•'. A 3696 Browne. The Punjab and Delhi in 1857. 2v. 1861 A 3714 Case. Day by Day at Lucknow. 1858. A 3667 Cooper. The Crisis in the Punjab. 1858. A 3706 Edwards. The Indian Rebellion. 1858. .A 3728 Grant. Incidents in Sepoy War, 1857-8. A 987 Gubbins. ^Mutinies in Oudh, and Siege of the Lucknow Residency. 1858... A 920 History of the Indian Revolt. 1859 A 944 HoDSON. Soldier's Life in India. 1860A 985 Holmes. History of the Indian Mutiny. 1885 ....^ .A 3674 Inglis. The Siege of Lucknow. 1892. A 3724 Jones. Winter Campaign in India. 1859. A 968 Kaye. History of the Sepoy War, 1857-8. 3v. 1870-6 A 930 Keene. Fifty- Seven ; Indian Districts dur- ing the Revolt. 1883 A 3676 Malleson. History of the Indian Mutiny. 1857-9. 3v. 1878-80 A 3666 Indian Mutiny of 1857. 1891 A 3695 ^Iaynard. De Delhi a Cawnpore. 1858. C 5801 Mead. Sepoy Revolt. 1857 A 962 Mitchell. Reminiscences of the Great Mutiny, 1857-59! 1893 A 3723 Raikes. Revolt in the North-Western Provinces of India. 1858 A looi Rees. Siege of Lucknow. 1858 A 967 RoTTON. Narrative of the Siege of Delhi. 1858 A 983 Sherer, Daily Life during Indian Mutiny, 1857- 1898 A 3748 Thornhill. Experiences during Indian^ Mutiny. 1884 A 3678 Trevelyan. Cawnpore. 1886 A 3673 The same. 1866 ; . . . I 1403 AUSTRALIA AND THE COLONIES. Acton. Our Colonial Empire. 1882... A 929 Becke and Jeffery. Naval Pioneers of Australia. 1899 A 3802 Blair. History of Australasia. 1878. *V 1410 Bonwick. Port Phillip Settlement. 1883.A 3701 AUSTRALIA AND THE COLONIES— CHINA AND JAPAN. 107 Bourne. Story of our Colonies. 1849. ..A 950 BowEX. Thirty Years of Colonial Govern- ment. 2v. 1889 A 3726 Carey. War in New Zealand, 1862 A loio CoLLiNGRiDGE. Discovcry of Australia. 1895 *V 2270 Colonial Office List, 1872. 1898. 2v A 949 Dawson, Australian Aborigines. i88i.*V 220 I )e Labilliere. Early History of Victoria. 2v. 1878 A 1004 I DWARDS. British Colonies in West Indies. 4v. 1856 A 936 Gill. Bibliography of South Australia. 1886 : *0 286 GoRST. The Maori King ; or, Quarrel with New Zealand. 1864 A 4585 1 1 ARcus. South Australia ; its History, Re- sources and Productions. 1876. ..I 1887. Heaton. Australian Dictionary of Dates and Men of the Time. 1879 *R 416 1 locAN. The Gladstone Colony ; Austral- ian History. 1898 A 3806 The Irish in Australia. 1887 A 371 1 Jenks. Government of Victoria. 1891.. A 3713 History of the Australasian Colonies to 1893. 1895 A 4584 Lang. Historical Account of New South Wales. 2v. 1875 A 923 Lucas. Historical Geography of the Brit- ish Colonies. 4v. 1888-97 A 921 Martin, A. P. Australia and the Empire. 1889 A 3712 Martin, R. M- History of the Colonies of the British Empire. i84> A 939 Morrison. Aldinc History of South Aus- tralia. 2v. 1890 ♦V 2271 Aldine Centennial History of New South Wales. 2v. 1888 ♦V 2272 Norton. Colonial Policy of Earl Russell. 1869 A 1003 P.vrkes. Fifty Years in the making of Australian History. 1892 A 3710 ['ridden. Australia^ its History and Present Condition. 1843 • • • I 9250 Reeves. New Zealand. 1898 A 4586 Ritchie. History of the Oriental Nations. 2v. 1848 A 2040 The same. 2v. 1847 A 974 Robinson. Colonial Chronology. i892.*V 1472 Rusden. History of Australia. 3v. 1883. A 922 History of New Zealand. 3v. 1883. A 3702 Russell. Pol>'nesia and New Zealand. 1870 1 3759 Shaw. The Story of Australia. 1897.... A 3805 Shillinglaw (Ed.). History of Port Phillip. 1879 A 1000 Sidney. Three Colonies of Australia. '53A 957 Smyth. Aborigines of Victoria. 2v. '78.*V 1395 Stow. South Australia; History, Pro- ductions and Resources. 1883 I 9263 Tregarthen. The Story of Australasia, New South Wales, etc. 1893 A 4583 Westgarth. History of the Colony of Victoria to 1863. 1864.... A 946 White. Ancient History of the Maori. 8v. in 4. 1887-8 A 3709 CHINA AND JAPAN. Adams. History of Japan. 2v. 1875 A 2052 Allan. Under the Dragon Flag; Expe- riences in Chino-Japanese War.'98A 4575 Annales des Empereurs du Japon. 1834.* V 1264 Beresford. The Break-up of China. 1899.I 8068 Bektim. Les Grandes Guerres civilcs du Japon. 1894 *V 2137 Black. Young Japan. 2v. 1880 A 4530 BouLGER. History of China. 3v. 1881-4.. A 2064 Short History of China. 1893 A 4552 Brine. Taeping Rebellion in China. '62. A 960 Callery and Yvan. Insurrection in China. 1854 A 4546 Opstanden i China. 1854 C 8442 Chang Chih-Tung. China's Only Hope. 1900 I 8037 Confucius. Ancient China, the Shoo King; Oassic of the Chinese Em- pire. 1846 A 4529 Constitution of the Empire of Japan. *89.L 3328 Corner, History of China and India.. A 2067 Crisis in China ; repr. from North Ameri- can Review. 1900 A 4612 Douglas. China. 1899 A 4613 Du Halde. History of China. 4v. 1736. .A. 2051 EASTLAKEand Yamada Yoshi-Akl Hero- ic Japan ; War with China. 1897.A 4572 Eden. Japan ; Historical and Descriptive. 1877 1 1532 Edwards. Story of China. 1900 A 4608 EiTEL. Europe in China : History of Hongkong to 1882. 1895 A 4610 FoucAULT DE MoNDioN. Joumal d'un Mandarin. 1887 C S3S4 Giles. Historic China. 1882 A 2066 io8 CHINA AND JAPAN— AFRICA. Gonzales de Mendoza. History of China. 2v. 1853 *I 2360 Grant. Incidents in China War of i860 A 986 Griffis. Corea, the Hermit Nation. 1888A 2065 Japan in History, Folk Lore and Art. 1892 A 4600 The Mikado's Empire. 1876 ..... .A 2053 Hake. The Taeping Rebellion. 1891..A4553 Krausse. Story of the Chinese Crisis. 1900 A 461 1 Lacouperie. Western Origin of the Early Chinese Civilisation, 2300 B. C.-200 A. D. 1894 A 4564 Leroy-Beaulieu. The Awakening of the East. 1900 A 4579 Lin-Le. History of the Ti-Ping Revolu- tion. 2v. 1866 A 943 Martin. The Siege in Peking. 1900. .A 4615 Meadows. The Chinese and their Re- bellions. 1856 A 2044 Memorials of the Empire of Japan. 1850. *I 2356 MossMAN. New Japan. 1873 A 2046 Mounsey. The Satsuma Rebellion. 1879. A 2045 Murray. The Story of Japan. 1894. • -A 4601 Oliphant. Earl of Elgin's Mission to Japan and China. 2v. 1859 1 1474 Orleans. Tartar Conquerors of China. 1854 ' *I 2361 Ouchterlony. The Chinese War. 1844. A 4543 Parker. Chinese Account of the Opium War. 1888 A 4571 Pott. The Outbreak in China. 1900... A 4609 Reed. History of Japan. 2v. 1880 A 2043 Rennie. British Arms in North China and Japan. 1864 1 1497 ScX)TT. The People of China. 1900 1 8033 Speer. China and the United States; the Oldest and Newest Empire. 1870. A 4542 Summers (Ed.). Chinese and Japanese Repository. 3v. in 2. 1864-5 A 4554 Thin. Tientsin Massacre. 1870 A 4532 Thorpe. History of Japan. 1887 A 4547 Vladimir (Comp.). The China -Japan War. 1895 A 4574 Walton. China and the Present Crisis. 1900 A 4617 White. The War in the East; Japan, China, Corea. 1895 A 4602 Wildman. China's Open Door. 1900. .A 4616 Will. World-Crisis in Ch'na, 1900. .. .A 4607 Williams. A History of China. 1897. A 4614 AFRICA. Alford and Sword. The Egyptian Son- dan. 1898 A 4654 Alvarez. Por4»uguese Embassy to Abys- sinia, 1520-27. 1881 *I 2398 Atteridge. Towards Khartoum; Soudan War, 1896 ". A 4638 Bennett. The Downfall of the Dervish- es; Avenging of Gordon. 1899.. .A 4651 Boissier. Roman Africa. 1899 K 10888 Bontier and Verrier. Conquest of th:^ Canarians. 1872 *I 2384 Broadley. Tunis, Past and Present. 2v. 1882 A 4491 Brooke. History of St. Helena. 1824. .A 3681 Brunet. La France a Madagascar, 1815- 1895 C 5399 Burleigh. Khartoum Campaign, 1898. 1899 A 4657 Desert Warfare in the Sudan. 1884.I 861 1 Sirdar and Khalifa; or, Re-conquest of the Soudan, 1898 A 4653 Cagnat. L'Armee romaine d'Afrique sous les Empereurs. 1892 *V 1848 Certeux and Carnoix. L'Algerie tradi- tionelle, v. I. 1884 C Church. Story of Carthage. 1886 A Churchill. The River War (1896-99). 2v A CoLViLLE. Land of the Nile Springs. '95. A 4652 Goodrich. African History H 432,3 Heeren. African Nations. 1842 A 290.4 Heim. Kriege in Algier. 1861 D ill Herisson. La Chasse a I'Homme ; Guerre d'Algerie. 1891 C12613 Holland and Hozier. Expedition to Abyssinia ; with Maps. 3v. '70. *P 800 Hozier. Expedition to Abyssinia. 1869. A 945 James. History of the Straits of Gib- raltar. 2v. 1771 *V 1511 Johnston. Colonization of Africa by Alien Races. 1899 A 4649 Keltie. Partition of Africa. 1893 A 4636 Latimer. Europe in Africa in the Nine- teenth Century. 1895 A 4647 Latrobe. Maryland in Liberia. 1885. *B 1643 McDermott. British East Africa. 1895. A 4648 Macdonald. Too Late for Gordon and Khartoum. 1887 A 4479 Meakin. The Moorish Empire. 1899.. A 4655 Moloney. With Captain Stairs to Katan- ga. 1898 A 4660 4592 4492 4656 AFRICA— SOUTH AFRICA. ICX3 Neufeld. a Prisoner of the Khaleefa. 1899 1 9140 Ohrwalder. Aufstand und Reich des Mahdi im Sudan. 1892 D 5868 Ten Years' Captivity in the Mahdi's Camp, 1882-92 1 8668 Pellen'C. Le€ Italiens en Afrique, 1880- 1896 C 6102 Perry. Carthage and Tunis; Past and Present. 1869 A 4490 PiMBLETT. Story of the Soudan War. 1885 A 4482 Playfair. Scourge of Christendom ; An- nals of Algiers. 1884. A 4516 Poole. Story of the Barbary Corsairs. 1890 A 4489 Powell. Downfall of Prcmpeh ; Diary in Ashanti, 1895-96. 1896 A 4642 Russell. History of the Barbary States. 1870 1 3708 Nubia and Abyssinia. 1854 1 3701 Sanderso-v. Africa in the Nineteenth Century. 1898 A 4646 Slatin. Fire and Sword in the Sudan. 1879-95. 1896 .1 8667 Fcuer und Schwert im Sudan. !895.Di4685 Steevens. With Kitchener to Khartum. 1898 A 4^ White. The Development of Africa. *90. A 4497 Wilson. 'Western Africa; its History, Condition and Prospects. 1856. ..I 1752 Wylde. '8.^ to '87 in the Soudan. 2v A 447<> SOUTH AFRICA. .Amery (Ed.). The Times* Histor>' of the War in South Africa. •99-'oo.A 4986 Ashe. Besieged by the Boers; Life in Kimberley during the Siege. 1900..^ 4989 Atkins. Relief of Ladysmith. 1900. .A 4990 Bellairs (Ed.).» Transvaal War, 1895. .A 4494 Bryce and others. Briton and Boer. '00. .A 5002 Burleigh. The Natal Campaign. 1900..^ 5003 Buttery. Why Kruger made War. '00. A 5001 Carter. Narrative of the Boer War. '83.A 4493 C.xthcart. Military Operations in Kaf- fraria (1852-4). 1856 A 4635 Churchill. Ian Hamilton's March. 'oo.A 4996 London to Ladysmith ria Pretoria. • 1900 A 4995 Cloete. History of the Great Boer Trek. 1900 A 4998 3683 A999 5005 5004 5007 5009 Colenso. History of the Zulu War. '80. A 1008 Ruin of Zululand ; British Doings in, since 1879. 2v. 1884 A Colquhoun. Renascence of South Af- rica. 1900 A D.wis. Dr. Jameson's Raiders vs. Th;.' Johannesburg Reformers. 1897. A 4634 With both Armies in South Africa. 1900 A Demolins. Boers .or English ? 1900.. A Doyle. The Great Boer War. 1900... A Farrelly. Settlement after the War in South Africa. 1900 A Fishes. The Transvaal and the Boers ; a brief History. 1896 A 4643 FrrzpATRiCK. The Transvaal from within. 1899 A 5010 Fkouoe. Two Lectures on South Africa. 1880 A 1009 Garrett and Edwards. Story of an Afri- can Crisis; Jameson Raid and Johannesburg Revolt. 1897 A 4637 Haggard. History of the Transvaal. '99.A 4658 Hales. Campaign Pictures of the War (1899-1900) .....A 501 1 Hammond. A Woman's Part in a Revo- lution (Transvaal). ^1897 A 4628 Hensman. History of Rhodesia. 1900. A 5050 HiLLEGAS. The Boers in War. 1900. ..A 5012 Oom Paul's People. 1899. I 8930 HiLLiER. Raid and Reform by a Pretoria Prisoner. 1898 A HoB^N. The War in South Africa. '00. A HoLDEN. History of Natal. 1855 A 3705 Past and Future of the Kaffir Race.s. 1866 ....♦ A Hooker. The Africanders ; Century of Dutch- English Feud in South .Af- rica. 1900 A Ireland. The Anglo- Boer Conflict. '00. A 5015^ Je.vkinson. Amazulu; the Zulus, their History, etc. 1882 A 4499 Jessett. Key to South Africa; Delagm Bay. 1899 I 8931 Keane. The Boer States, Land and Peo- ple. 1900 A 5021 Mahan. The War in South Africa.'oi*R 1072 Mann. The Truth from Johannesburg. 1896 A 5016 Map of the Seat of War in Africa. '99. ♦R 4991 Markham. South Africa, past and present. 1900 A 5025 5014 5013 4496 5006 no SOUTH AFRICA— EGYPT. MooDiE. The British, the Boers and the • Zulus. 2 V. 1888 A 4630 MusGRAVE. In South Africa with Buller. 1900 * A 5026 Newman. In Zululand with the British, 1879. 1880 A 4632 With the Boers in the Transvaal, 1880-81. 1882 ; A 4625 Nixon. Complete Story of the Trans- vaal. 1885 A 4488 Pearse. Four Months Besieged; Story of Ladysmith. 1900 A 5023 Phillips. Some South African Recollec- tions. 1899 A 5017 Plumer. An Irregular Corps in Matabe- leland. 1897 A 4641 Procter. Boers and Little Englanders. 1897 A 5018 Ralph. An American with Lord Roberts. 1901 A 5027 Towards Pretoria. 1900 A 5028 Rand-McNally. Atlas of Two Wars: Maps of Philippine Islands and South Africa. 1899 *R 499° Randolph. Who ought to Win? Oom Paul, or Queen Victoria. 1900... A 5030 Regan. Boer and Uitlander. 1896 A 5045 RiDPATH and Ellis. The Story of South Africa. 1899 • A 5019 RossLYN. Twice Captured. 1900 A 5039 Sanderson. Africa in the Nineteenth Century. 1898 A 4646 Schreixer. The South African Question. 1899 1 8933 ScHWABE. Mit Schwert und Pflug in Deutsch-Siidwest-Afrika. 1899. .D 14636 ScoBLE and Abercrombie. Ri^ and Fall of Krngerism. 1900 A 5037 Selous. Sunshine and Storm in Rhode-" sia. 1896 A 5047 South African Republics vs. Great Britain; by a True American.'oo.A 5033 Steevens. From Capetown to Lady- smith. 1900 A 5031 Stickney. The Transvaal Outlook. '00. A 5034 Sykes and others. With Plumer in Matabeleland during Rebellion of 1896 A 4644 ThKAL. History of South Africa. 5 v. 1887.A 4495 V. 1-3. History of South Africa, 1486- 1834. 4. History of the Boers, 1836-1854. 5. The Republics, 1854- 1872. Theal. History of South Africa, 1652- 1795- 2v. 1897 A 4645 Story of South Africa. 1894 A 4631 Thomas. Johannesburg in Arms, 1895-6. 1896 ■ A 5020 Van der Hoogt (Ed.). Story of the Boers narrated by their Leaders. 1900 A 5036 Wilkinson. Lessons of the War. '00. A 5041 Wills and others. Downfall of Loben- gula. 1894 A 4640 WiLAioT. Expansion of Southern Africa. 1894 A 4629 History of our own Times in South Africa, 1872-98. 3 v. 1897-9 A 5035 History of the Zulu War. 1880. ..A 1007 Monomotapa (Rhodesia) ; Morfu- ments and History. 1896 A 4626 Worsfold. South Africa; Colonial Ad- ministration. 1895 A 4633 Story of South Africa. 1898 A 4639 Young. ^ Relief of Mafeking. 1900 A 5043 EGYPT. Antes. Manners and Customs of the Egyptians. 1800 *V 513 Archer. The War in Egypt and the Soudan. 4 v. 1885-7.; A 4475 Berkley. Pharaohs and their People.'84.A 4466 Birch. Egypt to B. C. 300. 1879 A 2029 Bowen. Conflict of East and West in Egypt. 1887 A 4467 Brimmer and Chapman. History, Reli- gion and Art of Ancient Egypt. 1892 A 4483 Broadley. How we defended Arabi and his Friends. 1884. • • • A 4480 Brugsch-Bey. Aegypten unter den Pha- raonen. 1877 D 28 Egypt under the Pharaohs-. 2 v. '79. A 2038 The same; condensed. 1891...A 4486 Exodus of Israel. 1880 A 2037 Budge. Dwellers on the Nile; Ancient Egyptians. 1893 A 4470 Easy lessons in Egyptian Hiero- gkphics. 1899 A 4703 Egyptian Ideas of the Future Life. 1899 A 4701 Egyptian Magic. 1899 A 4702 Bunsen. Egypt's Place in Universal His- tory. 5 V. 1848 , * A 2021 EGYPT. Ill BuRGOYNE, Operations in Egypt, 1798- 1802. 1885 A 3461 Butler. Campaign of the Cataracts, 1884- 1885. 1887 A 4477 Cameron. Egypt in the 19th Century. 1898 A 4682 Champollion. Monuments de I'figypte et de la Nubie. 4v. 1835-45 *P I043 Clement. Egypt from 4400 B. C. 1880. .A 2027 De Cosson. Days and Nights of Service at Suakin. 1886 1 8819 Ebers. Egypt. 2v. 1882 *P 547 Er.man. Aegypten im Altertum. 2v.*85.D 5843 Life in Ancrent Egypt. 1894 A 4621 Galloway. Egypt's Record of Time to the Exodus of Israel. 1869 A 4622 Herodotus. Egypt; with Notes by Ken- rick. 1841 L 2942 Ibrahim-Hilmy. Literature of Egypt to 1885. 2v. 1886-8 *0 182 Kayser. iCgypten einst und jetzt. ^^..D 5612 Keary. Early Egyptian History for the Young. 1863 A ao20 Keay. Spoiling the Egyptians. l882v...L 375 Kenrick. Egypt under Pharaohs. 1852. 1 1781 Lepsius. Denkmiiler aus ^gypten und i^thiopien. I2v. . 1849 ♦? 1044 Text to same T.*P 1045 Long. Egyptian Antiquities in British Museum. 2 v. 1832-6 1 3558 LuETTKE. iEgypten's ncue Zeit. 2v. '73. D 161 LusiGNAN. History of the Revolt of AH Bey. 1783 A 2035 Mahaffy. The Empire of the Ptolemies. 1895 '.A 4627 Makrizi. Histoire des Sultans Mamlouks de I'Egypte. 2 v. 1837-42 ♦V 1271 Malortie. Egypt; Native Rulers and Foreign Interference. 1883 A 4471 Mariette. Ancient Egyptian History.*9aA 4498 MASPfeRO. . Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria. 1892 A 4484 History of the Ancient Peoples of the Classic East. 3v. 1896-1900 ♦V 2100 The same, v. i, 2 A 2409 V.I. Dawn of Civilization : Egypt and Chaldea. 2. Struggle of the Nations: Egypt, Syria and Assyria. 3. Passing of the Empires, 850 B. C. to 330 B. C. Meyer. Geschichte des alten ^Egyptens. 1887 *D 5791 Milner. England in Egypt. 1892 A 4500 Muhammed ibn 'Umar. De Expugna- tione. Memphidis et Alexandriae. 1825 *V 317 MuiR. Annals of the Early Caliphate. 1883 A 4510 The Mameluke or Slave Dynasty of Egypt, 1260-1517 A. D. 1896 A 4680 Nash. Pharaoh of the Exodus. 1863. A 2036 OSBORN. Ancient Egypt. 1883 A 4463 OsBURN. Monumental History of Egypt. 2 v. 1854 ., A 2031 Palmer. Egyptian Chronicles. 2 v. *6i.A 4472 Paton. Eg>ptian Revolution. 2 v. '70. A 2034 Petkie. History of Egypt, v. i. 1894... A 4623 Pooi-E. Hone i^gyptiacx ; Chronology of Ancient Egypt. 1851 A 2025 Pricharo. Analysis of Egyptian Mythol- ogy. 1819 A 4474 Rawlinson. Egypt and Babylon. 1885. A 4465 History of Ancient Egypt. 2 v. '82. A 2023 Story of Ancient Egypt. 1887 A 4469 Records of the Past; Monuments of Egypt, ed. by Birch. 12 v. 1875 -81. A 2026 The same; new Series, ed. by Sayce. 6v* 1888-91 A 4473 RoYLE. Egyptian Campaigns, 1882-85. 2v. 1886 A 4468 Russell. Ancient and Modern Egypt. '74. 1 3666 The same. 1849 A 4461 Sayce. Egypt of the Hebrews and Herod- otos. 1895 A 4624 Schmidt. Chronological History of An- cient Egypt. 1900. A 4692 Sharpe. Egyptian Mythology and Egyp- tian Christianity. 1863 A 4485 History of Egypt to 640. 2 v. 1870. A 2030 The same. 2 v. 1876 1 2999 The Rosetta Stone. 1871 K 3632 Stuart. Funeral Tent of an Egyptian Queen. 1882 *A 4464 Suakin, 1885; by an Officer who was there I 8615 Towle. England in Egypt. 1886 A 4481 Trevor. Ancient Egypt A 2024 Egypt from Conquest of Alexander to Napoleon I A 202:k TuGNOT de Lanoye, Rameses the Great. 1872 K 2613 Weil. Geschichte des Abbasidenchalifats in Egypten. 2v. i860 D 246 Wendel. History of Egypt. 1890 A 4478 112 AMERICAN HISTORY— AMERICA, Wiedemann. yEgyptische Geschichte. 2v. 1884 ....D 5747 Wilkinson. Ancient Egyptians. 2v.'S4.A 2032 The same. 3 v. 1878. *-A 2033 Topography of Thebes. 1835 1 1799 WiNGATE. Mahdiisni and the Egyptian Sudan. 1891 A 4487 Wilson, E. Egypt of the Past. 1881...A 4462 Wilson, R. T. British Expedition to Egypt. 2 V. 1803 A 4685 WoRSFOLD. Story of Egypt. 1900 A 4688 ZiNCKE. Egypt of the Pharaohs and the Khedive. 18^1 1 1738 OCEANICA. Cool. With the Dutch in the East. 1897. 1 9204 FoRUA^iDER. Account of the Polynesian Race. 3 V. 1890 A 4581 I-ANG. Origins and Migrations of Poly- nesian Nation. 1877 A 2076 Lesson. Les Polynesiens. 4v. 1880-84.C12727 Money. Java; how to manage a Colony. 2Y. 1861 A 2082 Raffles. History of Java. 2 v. 1830.. .A 2080 Russell. Polynesia and New Zealand. 1870 I 3759 Stevenson. A Footnote to History ; Eight years of Trouble in Samoa. '92. A 4582 Thorn. Conquest of Java. 1815 *V 551 HAWAII. Alexander. Hawaiian Monarchy and Revolution of 1893 '..... A 4589 History of the Hawaiian People.'9i.A 4590 Black. The Making of Hawaii. 1899. 1 9297 Carpenter. ^America in Hawaii. 1899. A 4597 Dibble. History of the Sandwich Islands. 1843 A 4541 GiLLis. The Hawaiian Incident; Exam- ination of Cleveland's Attitude. 1897 A 4594 Jarves. The Sandwich Islands. 1843.. A 2075 Krout. Hawaii and a Revolution. 1898. A 4596 Liliuokalani, Queen of Hawaii. Ha- waii's Story. 1898 A 4591 Martin. Catalogue d'Ouvrages relatifs aux iles Hawaii. 1867 *0 2633 Musick. Hawaii ; Our New Possessions. 1898 I 9306 Thurston. Annexation of Hawaii.'97.A 4592 TwoMBLY. Hawaii and its People. '99. A 4598 U. S. President's Message relating to Hawaiian Islands, Dec, 1893 L 31^5 The same, and Hawaiian Corre- spondence o L 3166 U. S. Senate, Report of Committee in re- lation to Hawaiian Islands. 1894. L 3167 Young. The Boston at Hawaii ; Observa- tions of a Naval Officer. 1898... A 4593 AMERICAN HISTORY. AMERICA. Alcedo. Geographical and Historical Dic- tionary of America. 5v. i8i2-i5.*R 273 American Antiquarian Society, Proceed- ings, 1813-99. 20V.... *B 4 Index, by Paine. 1883 *B 4 Transactions, 1830-74 6v *B 5 American Atlas; Historical, Chronolog- ical and Geographical. 1823 ...*R 4919 American Catholic Historical Researches, 1884-1900. i7v *Ser. American Historical Association, .An- nual Report of, 1895- IQOO. 6v. .*B ^127 American Historical Association Papers, 1885-91- 5v - 3 841 American Philosophical Society Trans- actions, 1819 B 710 Anderson. America not discovered by Columbus. 1877 B 126 Arnold. History of America. 1781...B1961 Arundell. Secret of Plato's Atlantis. 1885 A 2427 AssALL. Die friiheren Einwohner von Nord-Amerika. 2v. 1827 *D 4243 AvEZAC. Voyages de Americ Vespuce.'sSC 4054 Baird. Huguenot Emigration to America. 2v. 1885 B 825 AMERICA. "3 753 122 123 92 848 Ialdwin. Ancient America. 1872 B Ban'croft. Early American Chroniclers. 1883 B r>ANDELiER. The Gilded Man; Spanish Occupancy of America. 1893... B 1991 Banvard. Novelties of the New World. 1859 '. B Romance of American History. *6o.B Barbek. Thrilling Incidents in American History, i860 B Historical American Scenes. 1852. B Bardsen. Sailing Directions of Henry Hudson. 1869 B 1226 Bartlett and Lyon. LaSalle in the Val- ley of the St. Joseph. 1899 B 3217 Bastian. Culturlander des altcn Ameri- ka. 3v. 1878-89 D 5570 Beamish. Discovery of America by Northmen. 1841 ♦B 97 r.ECHER. Landfall of Columbus. 1856.. B 1988 Belknap. Discovery of America. 1792. B 1974 Benzoni. History of the New World. 1857 *I 2364 Beruoux. Lcs Atlantes. 1883 C 4248 Bibliotheca Americana. 1831 ♦O Blacket. Lost Histories of America. '84*8 BowEN. America discovered by the Welsh. 1876 B Bowles. New Map of North America (1763?) ♦B Brasseur de BouRBOURa Histoire de f'Ameriquc avant Colomb. 4v. i8S7-9 C4245 Histoire des Nations civilisees de TAmerique. 1851 C 4244 Brevoort. Verrazano the Navigator. '74.B 21 10 Brown, A. The First Republic in Amer- ica ; Origin of this Nation, 1605-27. 1898 B 2150 Brown. M. A. Icelandic Discoverers of America. 1887 B 757 Brow NELL. Pioneer Heroes of the New World, i860 B 2014 Bucaniers of America. 2v. 1741 B 1964 Burke. Account of European Settlements in America. 2v. 1777 B Burney. Buccaneers of America. i8i6.*V Bury. Exodus of Western Nation. 2v. 1865 B Butler. First French Foot-prints. i874*E 2014 Naming of America. 1874 *E 2014 Butterfield. Brule's Discoveries and Explorations, 1610-26. 1898 B 21 1 1 162 749 93 854 759 125 750 Champlain. Voyages, 1599-1602 * I 2366 Voyages, 1603-29. 6v. 1870 ♦V 109O Voyages ; tr. by Otis. 3v. i88o-82.*B 756 Charnay. Ancient Cities of the New World. 1887 1 5614 Charters of British Colonies in America.B 1971 Coffin. Old times in the Colonies. i88i B 761 Columbus, C. Latin Letter, 1493 (fac- simile). 1893 *B 1995 The same. 1892 B 1986 Spanish Letter to Louis de Sant Angel, Feb., 1493 (facsimile). '93*6 1996 The same. 1889 B 1973 The same. 1889 *P 831 Letters of. 1870 ♦! 2382 Letters of Columbus and Vespuccius. 1878 ♦B862,2 Congrcs International des Americanistes, 1875- 1890. 7v. in II *C 4438 Crafts. Pioneers of the Settlement of America, 1510-1849. 2v ♦V 933 Ckonau. Amerika ; die Geschichte seiner Entdeckung. 2v. 1892 ♦V 1505 CuBiTT. Columbus; Discovery of Amer- ica. 1881 C CuRTiN. Creation Myths of Primitive America. 1898 L D'Anvers. Heroes of American Discov- ery. 1885 B Darby. Lectures on Discovery of Amer- ica. 1828 B Davis. Discovery of America by North- men. 1840 *B 862,2 De Costa. Cabo de Baxos. 1881 *B 883 Events at Lake George. 1868 *V 2250 Northmen in Maine. 1870 B 943 Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen. 1890 B 1966 Verrazano the Explorer. 1880 *V 189 Delafield. Origin of Antiquities of Amer- ica. 1839 ♦v 48a De Roo. History of America before Co- lumbus. 2v. 1900 B 2050 Dexter. Letters of Columbus and Ves- puccius. 1878 ♦B 862,2 Domenech. Manuscrit pictographique amcricain. i860 *Ci2295 Donnelly. Atlantis. 1882 A 2423 Douglass. British Settlements in North America. 2v. 1760 B 2010 Drake, S. A. Taking of Louisburg, 1745. 1891 B 2029 3268 5436 829 682 114 AMERICA. Drake, S. G. French and Indian War, 1744-49. 1870 B 933 DuNSTER. Discoveries of Columbus and of the English in America. 1860.C10641 Eden (Ed.). First three English Books on America. 1885 *V 722 Elliot. Story of Atlantis. 1896 A 2443 Everett. America; Survey of Western Continent. 1827 B 820 ExQUEMELiN. Buccanecrs of America.'53B 130 Histoire des Flibustiers dans les In- des. 4v. 1744 C 4838 Falkznhorst. Aus der Zeit der Entdeck- ung Amerikas D 8751 FiSKE. Discovery of America. 2v. 1892.B 1978 Fontaneda. Memoir respecting Florida, 1575. 1854 *V 2169 Force. Historical Tracts. 4v. i836-46.*B 10 Fowler. Woman on the American Fron- tier. 1880 T * B 2011 Gaffarel. Histoire de la Decouverte de I'Amerique. 2v. 1892 C12452 Rapports de I'Amerique et de I'ancien Continent avant Colomb. 1869..C124SI GiROUARD. Lake St. Louis and Caveli'er ' de La Salle. 1893 *V 1478 Glascock. Stories of Columbia. 1895. . .B 2136 Goodrich. Lights and Shadows of Ameri- can History. 1844 H 432,1 Pictorial History of America. 1848.B 2106 Gordon. History of America [prior to 1520]. 1831 B 2000 GoRDY and Twitchell. A Pathfinder in American History. 1893 B 1987 Gravier. Decouvertes de La Salle.. '70- CC 4 Greenhow. History of N. W. Coast of America. 1840 B 1271 Griffis. Romance of Colonization. 1898.B 2101 Romance of Discovery. 1897 B 2100 Gryn^eus. Novus Orbus. 1537 *P 516 Guild. Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to America. 1887 *0 373 Hakes. Discovery of America by Colum- bus. 1892 C10649 Hakluyt. Divers Voyages to America. 1850 *I 2355 Haliburton. The English in America. 2v. 1851 B 94 Hamburgische Festschrift zur Erinner- ung an die Entdeckung Amerikas. 2v. 1892 .*V 1514 Harrisse. Diplomatic History of Amer- ica, 1452-94. 1897 B 2086 Harrisse. Bibliotheca Americana, 1492- 1551 *0 143 Discovery of North America. i892*P 1622 Decouverte-iet fivolution cartographi- que de Terre-Neuve, 1497-1769.*? 829 Helps. Spanish Conquest in America. 4v. . 1856-68 .; B 177 Henj^epin. Description de la Louisianc. i638 *C 5215 Description of Louisiana ; tr. by Shea. 1880 B 1604 Neue Reise-Beschreibung. 1698...*? 392 Nouvelle Decouverte en Amerique. 1698 .: ..*C 5216 Higginson. Tales of the Enchanted Is- lands of the Atlantic. 1898 L 5415 Travellers and Outlaws. 1889 E 3410 Young Fo4ks' Book of American Ex- plorers. 1877 B 148 Hill. Antiquities of America explained. 1831 B 670 Historical Magazine (Dawson's). 1857- 1874. 23V *Ser. Holgate. Atlas of American Hi story. '42*R 4907 Holmes. Annals of America, 1492-1826. 2v. 1829 B 154 HoRSFORD. Discovery of America by the Northmen. 1888 *V 889 Discovery of the Ancient City of Norumbega. 1890 *V 1373 Problem of the Northmen. 1889.. .*V 429 HovvLAND. Annals of America, 1492-187^6 816 Humboldt. Monuments of the Ancient In- habitants of America. 2v. 181 4. *B 1968 Monumens des Peuples indigenes de I'Amerique. 1810 *P 1265 * Jameson. Historical Writing in America. 1891 B 1983 Jefferys. French Dominions in America. 1760 *V 135 Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, 1610-1791 ; ed. by Thwaites. 7iv.*B 2053 Jones, C. C. De Soto and his March through Georgia. 1880 *B 721 Jones, G. History of Ancient America.'43B 7 Kidder. Discovery of North America by Cabot. 1878 ! B 98 Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell. 1865 *V 485 King. De Soto in the Land of Florida. 1898. B 2091 Kip. Early Jesuit Missions in North America. 1873 B 56 Knoetel. Atlantis und das Volk der At- lantcn. 1893 D 2915 AMERICA. lis Kohl. Die beiden altesten General-Kar- ten von Atnerika, 1527 und 1529. i860 *R 4878 Discovery of America. 1862 B 836 KoTTENKAMP. Geschichtc der Colonisa- tion Amerika's. 2v. 1850 D12971 Kretschmer. Die Entdeckung Amerikas mit Atlas. 2v. 1892 *P 2361 Kruger. First Discovery of America. '63.B 153 Lafitau. Decouvertes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde. 4v. 1734... C 5585 Leclerc. Biblotheca Americana. 1867. ♦O .144 Leland. Fiisang; Discovery of America by Giinese in 5th Century. 1875.8 137 Lodge. English Colonies in America. 'SiB 760 Loudoun and Lyman. General Orders of 1757 ui Campaign against the French. 1899 B ao88 Lucas. Voyages of th^ Brothers Zeno; Venetian Discovery of America. 1898 .; ♦V 2419 Lummis. The Spanish Pioneers. 1893.B 1992 McGee, Catholic History of North Amer- ica. 1855 B 112 Mackenzie. America ; a History. 1882. B 768 MacLean. Mound Builders. 1879 K 2562 Norse Discovery of America. 1892. B 1993 Scotch Highlanders in America, prior to 1783. 1900 B 2342 Magazine of American History, 1877-93. 30V ♦5'^. Mann. Columbus und die Entdeckung Amerika's. 1892 D13S51 Margry. Decouvertes et fitablissements des Frangais, 1614-1754. 6v ♦B 144 Marquette and Joliet. Ontdekking von Landen en America. 1707 ♦B 862,2 MoNCRiEFF. Heroes of Young America. 1877 B 751 Men of the Backwoods. 1881 B 702 MoNTANiis.De nieuwe en onbekende Wee- reld. 1671 *P 1198 Montgomery. Leading Facts in American History. 1891 B 1982 Moore. Aboriginal Mounds of the Geor- gia Coast. 1897 ♦V 2338 River Mounds of Duval Co.,Fla.'95*V 2339 Moses. Establishment of Spanish Rule in America. 1898 B 2128 MuNOZ. Historia del Neuvo-Mundo. .1793 *V 750 Murphy. Voyage of Verrazzano. 1875. B 1967 Nadaillac. Pre-historic America. 1884. B 747 National Magazine of American History, 1891-94. V. 15-19 *Ser. Navarrete. Les quatre Voyages de Co- lomb, 1492 a 1504. 3v. 1828 C 6026 Die Reisen des Columbus. 1890... D 5865 Neill. English Colonization of America. 1871 B 125 Neukomm. The Rulers of the Sea, Norse- men in America. 1896 B 2089 New Laws of the Indies, by Charles V., 1542-3 (facsimile). 1893 ...... *P I197 NoRDENSKiOLD. The Cliff Dwellers. '93.*P 1574 Palmer. Migration from Shinar. 1879.B 746 Pamphlets on American History *B87-8S Parkman. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2V...B 35 Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. 1877 B 40 Discovery of the Great West. 1872. B 38 Half-Century of Conflict, 1700-48. 2v. 1892 ,.B 1984 Jesuits in North America. 1871...B 37 La Salle and Discovery of the West. 1879 .■ B 52 Same as Discovery of Great West. Montcalm and Wolfe. 2v. 1884... B Old Regime in Canada. 1874 B Pioneers of France in the New World. 1871 B Payne. History of the New World called America. 2v. 1892-99 B 1985 Voyage of Elizabethan Seaman to America. 2v. 1893-1900 B 2094 Peet. Prehistoric America. 3v. 1890-9B 1962 V. I. The Mound Builders. 2. Emblematic Mounds and Ani- mal Effigies. 3. aiff Dwellers and Pueblos. Potherie. Histoire de I'Amerique Sep- tentrionale. 4v. in 2. 1753 C Poik:hot. French and English War, 1755- 1760. 2v. 1866 B Preston. Documents illustrative of Ameri- can History. 1886 B Priest. American Antiquities. 1833... B Pyle (Ed.). Buccaneers and Marooners of America. 1891 B Ratn. Antiquitates Americanae. i837.*V Decouverte de I'Amerique au dixieme Siecle; 1838 B Reeves. Finding of Wineland the Good ; Icelandic Discovery. 1890 *V 1407 Rich. Bibliotheca Americana Nova, 1801- 1844 .....*0 148 Supplement, 1701-1800 *0 149 8o(> 39 36 6160 170 838 S 1963 47 721 ii6 AMERICA. Rich. Books relating to America, 1493- 1700 *0 147 Robertson. History of America B i The same abridged,^ 1869 1 Z772> Robinson (Talvi). Geschichte der Co- lonisation von Neu England. 1847.D 3996 History of Colonization of America. 2v. 1851 B 3 RoEDiNG, Columbus ; Amerikanische Mis- cellen. 1827 D 3890 Rogers, R. . Concise Account of North America. 1765 *B 169 Journals of, 1755-60; ed. by Hough. 1883 B 341 Rosenthal. America and France in the i8th Century. 1882 B 330 Rosier. Narrative of Waymouth's Voyage to the Coast of Maine, 1605. i86o*B 883 Sabix. Dictionary of Books relating to A'merica. 20v. 1868-92 *0 159 Reprints of American Tracts. 1865. B 9 St. Bkis. Origin of the Name of America, 1888 ..B 1965 Saunders. Discovery of the New World by Columbus. 1892 B 1979 ."Scaife. America ; its Geographical His- tory, 1492-1892 L3200,i3 ^Schele de Vere. Romance of American History ; Early Annals. 1872 B 103 'Shea. Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley. 1852 B 161 1,4 Early Voyages up and down the Mis- sissippi. 1861 B 1284 Shiplev. English Re-discovery and Col- orxization of America. 1890 B 1989 Short. North Americans of Antiquity. 1880 B 174 Smith^ B. Inquiry into Discovery of America by Verrazzano. 1864. .*V 2291 Smith, G. B. Romance of Colonization, 1897 B 2257 Smith, Capt. John. Advertisements for unexperienced Planters. 1865... *V 553 Works, 1608-31 ; ed. by Arber. i884*B 4483 Smith, J. J. and Watson. American Historical and Literary Curiosities. 2v. 1860-61 *R 4260 Smith, J. T. Discovery of America by the Northmen in loth Century. 1839.B 913 The same. 1854 B 754 Snowden. History of North and South America. 1815 B 1972 Soto, F. de. Letter on Conquest of Flor- ida. 1854 *V 2169 Stephens. Madoc ; Discovery of America in the I2j:^h Century. 1893 B 199^ Stockton. Buccaneers and Pirates of our Coast. 1898 B 2090 Thacher. The Continent of America and its Baptism. 1896 *P 1698 Thomas. The Cherokees in Pre-Colum- bian Times. 1890 B 2023 Thornbury. The Buccaneers. 1857.. B 752 Thornton. First Records of Anglo- American Colonization. 1859 B 1970 Thousand Questions on American His- tory. 1884 '. B 827 ToRFASON. History of Ancient Vinland. 1891 B 1977 Trumbull. History of the Discovery of America. 1819 B 2008 • Tuttle. Capt. F. Champernowe, and other Papers. 1890 *B 1969 Tytler. Discovery on Northern Coasts of America, i860 1 3685 Uricoechea. Mapoteca Colombiana. '6o*0 145 Varnhagen. Amerigo Vespucci ; sa Vie et ses Navigations. 1865 *V 2289 Jo. Schoner e P. Apianus. 1872... B 770 Vespucci, A. First Four Voyages. '93.*B 1998 Letters and Other Documents. '94.*I 2413 ViNiNG. An Inglorious Columbus ; Hwui Shan in the 5th Century. 1885.. B 824 Voyages of Northmen to America. i877*B 874 Vries. Voyages to America, 1632-44. . .*V 749 Warden. Antiquites de TAmerique du Nord. 1834 *P2544,2 Weare. Cabot's Discovery of North America. 1897 • B 2114 Weise. Discoveries of America to 1525.B 748 WiLLSON. American History. 1847.... B 121 Winsor. Cartier to Frontenac, 1534- 1700 B 1990 The Mississippi Basin, 1697-1763..B 2121 Narrative and Critical History of • America. i6v. 1889 B 1980 The same. 8v. 1886. ...*R 270 v. 1-2. Aboriginal America. 3-4. Spanish Explorations and Set- tlements. 5-6. English Explorations and Set- tlements. 7-8. French Explorations and Set- tlements. 9-10. English and French in North America, 1689-1763. AMERICA— THE INDIANS. 117 WiNSOR. Narrative History (cont'd). B 1980 V. 11-14. U. S. of North America. 15-16. Later History of British, Spanish and Portuguese America. Wrangell. Die russischen Besitzungen an der N. W. Ktiste von Amerika. 1839 D 5909 Wright. Children's Stories in American History. 1885 H 2688 Wyman. Shell Mounds of the St. John's River, Fla. 1875 *V 2337 YoNGE and Weld. Aunt Charlotte's Stories of American History. '83.H 800 ZiM HERMANN. Vierhundcrt Jahre ameri- kanischcr Geschichte. 1893 1^13441 3354 689 THE INDIANS. Adaik. History of the American Indians. 1775 ♦V Alden. Missions among the Senecas and Murwees. 1827 B Allen. Life of American Indians. i88aB Archaeological Institute of America, Pa- pers.- 4v. 1881-92 K j6a5 V. I. Bandelier. Sedentary Indians of America; Ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos. 2. Archaeological Tour in Mex- ico. 1881. 3-4- Investigation among the In- • dians of the Southwestern United States. Armstrong. The Sauks and the Black Hawk War. 1887 B Atwater. Indians of the Northwest. '50. B Baker, C. A. Stories of New England Captives. 1897 .B 3810 Baker. T. Ueber die Musik der Nord- amerikanischen Wilden. 1882.. D 4242 Bancroft. Native Races of the Pacific States. 5v. 1875-76 B 2 The same *R266o,l-s Barber. Suffering and Adventures among Indians. 1873 •*B775»4 Bakratt. The Indian of New England. 1851 ♦B 721 Barrows. The Indian's Side of the In- dian Question. 1887 B 720 Bartlett. Missions among Indians. '78*6862,2 Battey. A Quaker among the Indians. 1875 B 696 740 64 Beach (Ed.). Indian Miscellany 1877.B 164 Beckwith. Illinois and Indiana Indians. 1884 *Bi353,27 and Burnham. An Ancient Indian Fort. 1881 *B 775,4 Beeson. Plea for the Indians. 1858 B 24 Belden. Belden, the White Chief. 1875. B 2006 Black Hawk. Life; by himself. 1834. B 713 Bleeker^ L. Order Book in .Campaign of 1779 B 212 Boas. Chinook Texts. 1894 J 2187 Bodge. Soldiers in King Philip's War. 1896 B 2081 BoLLER. Among the Indians in the Far West, 1858-66. i868 B 2002 Book of American Indians. 1854 B 63 Bouquet. Expedition contre les Indiens de rOhio en 1764. 1769 B 1322 Expedition against the Indians. '68. B 1300 Bourke. An Apache Campaign in the Sierra Madre.. 1886 B ^n On the Border with Crook. 1891 . . B 2027 Snake-Dance of the Moquis of Ari- zona. 1884 B BoYa Indian Local Names and their In- terpretation. 1885 J BoYER. Journal of Wayne's Campaign against the Northwestern Indians, 1794 B Bradford. History of the Red Race. '41.B Brett. Indian Tribes of Guiana. 1868. 1 5807 Brine. Travels amongst American In- dians. 1894 B 2044 Brinton. American Hero-Myths.* 1882. B 718 The American Race. 1891 B 2024 Myths of the New World. 1876. ..B 193 Brooks. Story of the American Indian. 1887 B Brownell. Indian Races of North and South America. 1865 B Bryant and Murch. Great Massacre by the Sioux in Minnesota. 1864.. B Buchanan. History, Manners and Cus- toms of North American Indians. 1824 B Carlier, Histoire du Peuple americain, et de ses rapports avec les Indiens. 2V. 1865 , C1222I Carrington. Ab-sa-ra-ka ; Land of Mas- sacre. 1879 1 333 Cass. Remarks on North American In- dians. 1826 B 53 Caswell. Life among the Iroquois. 1892B 2036 733 398 194 20 719 83 8a ii8 THE INDIANS. Catlin. Manners and Customs of North American Indians. 2v. 1866.... B 27 North American Indian Portfolio.*? 1008 0-kee-pa; Indian Cerern^ony. i867.*B 22 Ca\t:rly. Heroism of Hannah Duston, with Indian Wars of New England. 1875 B 2057 The same. 1882 B 709 Cherokee Indians,' Report on Treaty with. 1838 B 29 Church, B. Great Indian Wars of 1675- 1676 and 1689-1704 B 327 The same. 2v. 1865-7 *B 2026 Civilization of Indians through Society of Friends. 1866 B 85 Clark. Indian Sign Language. 1885. .B 735 Clarke. Origin and History of the Wyan- dotts. 1870 B 2038 Cohen. Indian Wars in Florida. 1836.B 1785 CoLDEN. History of the Five Nations. 1747 .* *B 84 The same; ed. by Shea. 1866. *B 54 CoLESON. Captivity among the Sioux.'64B 73 Collier. Mr. Picket-Pin and his Friends. 1894 B 2043 Conduct of the Society of Friends towards Indians of N. J. and Penn. 1844. B 724 CoPWAY. History of the O jib way Nation. 1850 B 2041 CoRT. Bouquet and his Campaigns, 1763-4B 342 The same C 2112 Curtis. Children of the Sun ; the Zunis. 1883 B 7*15 CusiCK. History of the Six Nations. . .B 2037 Custer, E. B. Following the Guidon. '90! 5502 Custer, G. A. My Life on the Plains.'74l 217 Dablon. Missions des Jesuites, 1672-79. 2v. 1860-61 B 62 Davis. Indian Games. 1886-7 K14746 Dawson and Skiff. The Ute War. 1879. B 708 Deans (Comp.). Tales from the Totems of the Hidery. 1899 *L5432,2 De Forest. History of Indians of Con- necticut. 1871 B 1151 De Hass. Indian Wars in West Virginia. 1851 .- B 49 Dellenbaugh. North-Americans of Yes- terday. 1901 B 2065 Deming. Indian Child Life; Stories. '99H 3615 De Smet. Letters and Sketches; Resi- dence among the Indians. 1843. B 681 New Indian Sketches. 1865 B 699 De Smet. Western Missions and IMis- sionaries. 1863 B 706 Dodge. Die heutigen Indianer. 1884. .D 3755 A Living I^sue. 1882 *L 139 Our Wild Indians. 1883 B 730 DoMENECH. Manuscrit pictographique americain.' i860 C12295 Seven Years in Deserts of America. 2 V. i860 1 2 Donaldson. Moqui Pueblo Indians of Arizona and Pueblos of New Mex- ico. 1893. .^ *Doc. DoNOHOE. The Iroquois' and the Jesuits. 1895 B 2052 Drake, B. Life and Adventures of Black Hawk. 1858...; B 50 The same. 1849 B 705 Tecumseh and the Prophet ; with Sketch of Shawanoe Indians. 1852B 197 Drake, F. S. Indian History for Young Folks. 1885 B 734 Indian Tribes of the U. S. 2 v. i884*P 527 Drake, S. A. Border Wars of New Eng- land. 1897 B 377S Drake, S. G. Aboriginal Races of North America, i860 B 196 The sanie. 1880 B 728 Biography and History of Indians. 1837 '. B 33 The same. 1854 *B 2005 History of the French and Indian War, 1744-49. 1870 B 933 Indian Captivities*. 1839 B 59 Old Indian Chronicle. 1867 B 195 Drips. Three Years among the Indians in Dakota, 1862-5. 1894 B 6321 Dunn. Massacres of the Alountains; In- dian Wars of the West. 1886 B 739 Dyer. Fort Reno before opening of Okla- homa. 1896 B 2064 Eastman, E. Among the Camanches and Apaches. 1874 B 685 Eastman, M. Dahcotah; Life and Leg- ends of the Sioux. 1849 B 75 Eells. Indian Missions on Pacific Coast. 1882 M 1555 Egglesto.v, E. and Seelye. Brant and Red Jacket. 1879. • • • • • • B 161 Montezuma and Conquest of Mexico, 1880 B 690 Pocahontas. 1879 B 691 THE INDIANS. 119 Kgci.eston', E. and Seelve. Tecumseh and the Shawnee Prophet. 187S , . B 129 Eggleston, G. C. Red Eagle and Wars with Creek Indians. 1878 B 193 EiCKEMEYER. Attiong the Pueblo Indians. . 1895 B 2045 Eliot. Gospel among the Indians, 1670. B 909 Ellis, E. S. Indian Wars of the U. S. 1892 • B 2042 Ellis, G. E. Red Man and White Man. 1882 B 731 Emerson, Indian Myths. 1884 B 732 Field. Bibliography of American Indians. 1873 *o 430 FiNERTY. War- Path and Bivouac; Con- quest of the Sioux. 1890 B 2019 FiNLEY. History of the Wyandott Mis- sion. 1840 B 55 Fish. Memorial on the Marshpec Indians. 1834 B 2059 Fisher. Indians of North America. 1812.I 5115 Fletcher. Indian Story and Song from North America. 1900 B 2070 Flint. Indian Wars of the West. 1833- B 80 Force. Early Notices of Indians of Ohio. 1879 •••B 885 F'oRSYTH. Story of the Soldier. 1900. .B 2251 Thrilling Days in Army Life. 1900. B 2254 Foster, G. E. Se-quo-yah, the American Cadmus. 1885 ...B 2004 I'osTER, J. W. Pre-historic Races of the U.S. 1873 B 12 i icxzER. Totcmism. 1887 M 3568 Frost (IV. V. Moore). Book of the In- dians of North America. 1849 B 2009 Indian Wars of the UniteIarrison, J. B. Indian Reservations. '87.B 2013 Harrison. W. H. Aborigines of the Ohio Valley. 1883 : *Bi353,26 Harvey. History of Shawnee Indians. 1855 B Heard. History of the Sioux War. 1862- 1863 B Heckcwcloer. History of the Indian Na- tions of Pennsylvania. 1819 B The same. 1819 B The same ; ed. by Rcichcl. '76.*Bi263,l3 Mission of the United Brethren to the Delawares and Mohcgans. 1820. *B 44 IIelleberc. Nordamcrikas-Indianer. *48.C 7838 Henoren. Government .and Religion of the Virginia Indians. 1895 *L320I,I3 Higginson. French and Indian Wars. 1881 ♦R271.2 HoLLEY. Once their Home; the Dahko- tahs. 1890 B 2022 Homes. MSS. of Gen. Dearborn on Sen- eca Indian Lands. 1881 *B 775,4 Hopkins, G. T. Mission to the Indians in 1804. 1862 B Hopkins, S. W. Life among the Piutes. 1883 B Hough, F. B. (Ed.). Proceedings of Commissioners of Indian Affairs in New York. 2v. 1861 B Hough, W. The Moki Snake ,Dance; Pueblo Indians of Arizona. 1898. B 2072 Howard. Nez Perce Joseph. 1881 B 701 Hubbard, J. N. Red Jacket and his Peo- ple. 1886 B 738 67 198 30 710 X3 73a 693 I20 THE INDIANS. Hubbard, W. Indian Wars in New Eng- land. 1865 B 45 HuLBERT. Red-Men's Roads; Indian Thoroughfares of thej^entral West. 1900 B 2097 Humboldt. Monuments of the Ancient Inhabitants of America. 2 v. '14. *B 1968 Vues des Cordilleres et Monumens des Peuples indigenes de I'Amerique. 1810. v. *P 1265 HuMFREViLLE. Twenty Years among our Savage Indians of the Wild West, 1897 B 2063 Hunter. Captivity among the Indians. 1824 B 14 Manners and Customs of the Indian Tribes west of the Mississippi. '23.B 2040 Illinois Soldiers in the Black Hawk War, 1831-2 B 3125 Indian Affairs, Reports on, 1861-2, 1871, 1875. 4v *Doc. Indian Narratives from 1620-1794. '54. B 188 Indian Rights Association, Publications and Reports. 2 v. 1886-8 B 2015 Indian Treaties and Laws. 1826 B 28 Inman. Old Santa Fe Trail, 1897 1 4527 and Cody. The Great Salt Lake Trail. 1898 1 4528 Irving. Indian Sketches. 2 v. 1835 B 65 The same ; new ed. 1888 B 65b Jackson. Century of Dishonor ; Dealings with the Indians. 1881. B 694 The same. 1885 B 729 Jacobs, The White Oak and its Neigh- bors; Indians of New England. . .B 736 Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, 1610-1791 ; ed. by Thwaites. 7iv..*B 2053 Johnson, E. R. History of the French War. 1882 B 324 Johnson, W. F. Red Record of the Sioux: Indian War of 1890-91... B 2083 Johnston. Capture, Detention and Ran- som. 1827 B 78 Jones, C. C. Antiquities of Southern Indians. 1873 B 25, Historical Sketch of Tomo-Chi-Chi, 1868 B 66 Jones, D, Visits to the Indians on the Ohio River, 1772-3. 1865 1 98 Jones, D. W. Forty Years among the Indians. 1890 B 2035 Jones, E. F. Indian Mission at Stock- bridge. 1854 B I07S J0XE.S, P. History of the Ojebway In- dians. 1861 B 703, Kane. An Artist among the Indians of North America. 1859 .B 745 Keim. Sheridan's Troopers on the Bor- ders. 1870 B 2016 Kelly. My Captivity among the Sioux. 1871 B 72 Kidder. Expedition of Captain John Lovewell. 1865 *V 485. King. Campaigning with Crook. 1890. B 2021 Kip, L. Army Life on the Pacific; Ex- pedition against Northern Indians. 1859 B 2001 Kip, W. I. Early Jesuit Missions in North America. 1873 B 56 Kirkland. Chicago Massacre of 1812. 1893 B 3192 Kxapp and Childe. The Thlinkets of Southeastern Alaska. 1896 B 2066 Knight, Dr, and J. Slover. Narratives of Perils and Sufferings among the Indians, 1782 B 58- Krause. The Tlinkit-Indianer, 1885,. D 4495 Lafitau. Moeurs des Sauvages ameri- quains. 2 v, 1724 *V 1379 La Flesche. The Middle Five; Indian Boys at School. 1900 B 2075 Lake Mohonk Conference of Friends of the Indians, Proceedings, 1889... B 201S Larimer. Capture and Escape ; Life among the Sioux, 1871 B 74 Lee, Three Y^rs among the Camanches. 1859 *B C86 Leland, Algonquin Legends. 1884 B 725 Lewis and Clarke. Travels to the Pa- cific Ocean, 1804-6; ed. by Allen. 2 v. 1814.... *I 305 The same; ed. by Coues. 4 v. 1893 *I 4516 The same ; abridged by M'Vickar. 2 V. 1872 1 3757 Manners and Customs of the Indians. 1809 1 94 Long. Travels of an Indian Interpreter. 1791 *V 95 LosKiEL. Mission of United Brethren among the Indians. 1794 *B 47 Macaulay. Grey Hawk. 1883 B 716 THE INDIANS. 121 McCoxKEY. Dakota War Whoops; In- dian Massacres in Minn., 1862-3.. B 697 McCoy. Baptist Indian Missions. '40.. B 61 McCuLLOH. Aboriginal History of Amer- ica. 1829 B 2068 McIntosh. Origin of North American Indians. 1843 ,..B 717 McKenney. History of the Indian Tribes of North America. 2 v. 1872... ♦? 509 Plates ♦? 1006 Sketches of Chippeway Indians. '27. 1 203 Travels among the Indians. 1846. .B 46 McLean. Canadian Savage Folk. 1896.6 2054 , The Indians of Canada. 1892 B 2028 Manypenny. Our Indian Wards. '80. B 163 Marxham. King Philip's War. 1883.. B 326 Mason. Pioneer History of America. *84B 834 Mather. King Philip's War; ed. by Drake. 1862 B 926 Matson. Memories of Shaubena. '78. B 191 Maurault. Histoire des Abenakis depuis 1605. 1866 C12787 Mayer. Logan and Cresap. 1867 B 41 Mayhew. Indian Narratives. 1829 B 687* Meacham. Wigwam and War Path. '75.6 2003 Mecinness. Frances Slocum, the Lost Sister of Wyoming. 1891 Ci 1659 MiCKLEY. Murders by the Indians, 1763. 1875 'B 862,2 Miller, A. C. J. The Iroquois. 1855... B 726 Miller, C H. My own Story. 1890 C11299 Miller, W. J. Wampanoag Tribe of Indians. 1880 B 688 Missions of the United Brethren, 1790- 1814. 6 V ♦B 2012 Moncrieff. Men of the Backwoods. '81 . B 702 Mooney. Siouan Tribes of the East 1894 B 2056 Morgan. Indian Houses and House-Life. 1881 *Doc. League of the Iroquois. 1851 B 43 Morse. Report on Indiari Affairs. *20.B 2046 Report on Indian Affairs, 1822 B 86 Neill. Dahkota Land and Dahkota Life. 1859 B 1523 New England Company, Correspondence. 1657-1712. 1896 B 2232 New Laws for Preservation of the In- dians by Charles V., 1542-3 (fac- simile). 1893 *P 1197 Norton. Su'l'van's Campaign against the Iroquois. 1879 B 2369 Oceola, Early Days and Remembrances of. 1841 B 57 Orcutt. Indians of Western CQnnecti- cut. 1882 B 72s Orr (Ed.). Pequot War from Con- temporary Accounts. 1897 B 2094 Otis. The Indian Question. 1878 B 133 Palladino. Indian and White in Mon- tana. 1894 B 2049 Parkman. Conspiracy of Pontine. 2v. 1870B 35 Other Works see page 115. Penhallow. Wars of New England. '59B 48 Petitot. Traditions indiennes du Can- ada nord-ouest. 1887 Ci300^ Phillips. Totem Tales. 1896 B J069 PiDGEON. Traditions of De-coo-dah. '58. B 2$ Pike. Expeditions to Headwaters of the Mississippi, 1805-7. 1810 1 228 Maps and Charts *V 28 The same; cd. by Coues. 3v. 1895 *I 4530 The same (in French). 2v. '12. C 6212 Pollard. The Pamunkcy Indians of Vir- ginia- 1894- B 2096 Poole. Among the Sioux of Dakota. 'Si.B 704 Powell. U. S. Bureau of Ethnology, Reports. 4v. 1895 *Doc. Pl'MPHREY. Indian Civilization. 1877. B 743 Rand. Legends of the Micmacs. 1894. L 2585 Red Goud Indian Agency. Report on. 1875 B n Remington. Crooked Trails. 1898 I 4524 Pony Tracks. 1895 1 4523 RiGGS. Porty Years with the Sioux. '80.B 189 Rogers, R. Dairy of the Siege of De- troit, 1757-60 ; ed. by Hough B 51 Ruttenber. Indian Tribes of Hudson's River. 1872 B 69 St. Clair. Narrative of Campaign, 1791,6 i^ Sargent. Gen. Braddock's Expedition. 1856 Bi263,S Schoolcraft. Algic Researches; Mental Characteristics of Indians. 2v. '39.3 15: American Indians ; History and Con- dition. 1851 B 17 Archives of Aboriginal Knowledge. 6v. i860 ♦V 476. Expeditions to Sources of the Missis- sippi in 1820 and 1832. 1855 1 231 The same in 1832. 1834 1 230- Indian in hi> Wigwam. 1848 B iS Memoirs of a Residence with In- dians, 1812-42 B 16 122 THE INDIANS. Schoolcraft. Myth of Hiawatha and other Legends. 1856 F 6570 Notes on the Iroquois. 1847 B 43 Oneota; part 2. 1844 B 695 Red Race of America. "1847 B ^^ Western Scenes. 1853 B 200 Seminole War, Debate on, in 1819 B 712 Shea. Catholic Missions among the In- dians, 1529-1854 B 60 (Ed.). Cramoisy Series; Early French Relations: V. 4. Bigot. Relations de la Mission Abnaquise, 1701 *B 886 5. Cavelier. Voyage de La Salle pour decouvrir I'embouchure du Mississippi. 1858 *B 910 6-7. Chaumonot, P. J. M. Sa vie, ecrite par luimcme. 1858 *C 4335 ^. Tranchepain. Voyage des pre- mieres Ursulines a la Nouvelle Or- leans. 1859 *B 862,2 32. Dablon. Missions des Tesuites en la Nouvelle France, 1673-9. i86o.*B 62 33. The same, 1672-3. 1861 *B 62 34. Relations sur la Bataille du Ma- langueule, 1755. i860 *B 886 15. Relation de la Mission du Missis- sippi du Seminaire de Quebec, 1700. 1861 .*B 886 16c Jogues. Novum Belgium et Notice sur R. Goupil. 1862 *B 1436 17. Sagean.. Extraits des Avantures de. 1863 *B 886 18. Milet. Sa Captivite parmi * les Onneiouts en 1690-1. 1864 *B .862,3 19. Negociation entre la Nouvelle France et la Nouvelle Angleterre, 1648. 1866 '...*B 886 2.0. Affaires du Canada en 1696. '65*6 886 21. Bigot. Relation de la Mission Abnaquaise, 1702. 1865 *B 886 22. Gravier. Lettre sur les Affaires de la Louisiane, 1708. 1865 *B 886 ^3. Bigot. Lettre en 1684, pour ac- compagner un Collier de Pource- laine. 1858 *B 886 24. Dreuillettes. Epistola ad Joannem Winthrop. 1864 *B 886 25. Gendron. Quelques Particularites du Pays des Hurons. 1868 *B 886 Sheridan. Record of Engagements with Indians. 1868-82 B 711 Shields (Coqiiiiia). Battle of the Big Hole. 1889 B 360 Short. The North American of Antiq- , uity. 1880 B 174 Smith. Captivity with Indians, 1755-59. 1870 B 1304 Society of Friends, Efforts to .improve Condition of Indians. 1866 B 85 Speeches in Congress on Bill for Re- moval of the Indians, 1830 B 727 Squier. Aboriginal Monuments. i847.*B 862,2 Stanley. Travels and Adventures in America, 1867 19767,1 Starr. American Indians. 1899 B 2073 Indians of Southern Mexico. i899*P 2245 Stone, W. L., Sr. Life and Times of Red Jacket. 1841 B 32 Life of Joseph Brant, and Border Wars. 2v. 1864 B 223 Uncas and Miantonomoh. 1842. .. .B 199 Stone, W. L., Jr. Life and Times of Sir Wm, Johnson. 2v. 1865 B 31 Storrs. Removal of the Indians West of the Mississippi. 1830 *L 165 Stratton. Captivity of the Oatman Girls among the Indians. 1858 B 714 Sullivan. Indian Expedition, 1779. '87.B 744 Thatcher. Indian Biography. 2v. 1873. 1 3681 Thomas. Prehistoric Works east of the ' Rocky Mountains. 1891 B 2125 Problem of the Ohio Mounds. 1889.B 2025 The Cherokees in Pre-Columbian Times. 1890 B 2023 The Circular, Square and Octagonal Earthworks of Ohio. 1889 B 2025 The Maya Year. 1894 B 4890 Work in Mound Exploration of Bu- reau of Ethnology. 1887 B 2124 Thwaites. The Black Hawk War. 1892B 2419 TiBBLES. Hidden Power; Secret History of the Indian Ring. 1881 B 707 Tooker. Eliot's First Indian^ Teacher, Cockenoe-de-Long Island. 1896. B 2058 Traits of American Indian Life. 1853. B 741 Trumbull, H. History of the Indian Wars. 1819 B 2008 The same; new ed. 1846 B 70 Trumbull, J. H. Indian Names of Places in Connecticut. 1881 J 926 Turner. Traits of Indian Character. 2v. 1836 B 76 Tuttle. Border Wars of Two Centuries. 1874 •• B 159 THE INDIANS— UNITED STATES. 123 *Doc. 683 34 328 91 United States Census, 1890: Report on Indians. 1894 * Wakefield. War between U. S. and the Sac and Fox Indians, 1827-32... B Walker, F. A. The Indian Question. '94B Walker, J. E. Campaigns of General Custer in the Northwest. 1881..B Weiner. Events in Indian History. 1842.B Wentworth. Early Life among the In- dians, 1835-54 B 2039 Whipple and others. Report upon In- dian Tribes. 1855 *V 481 Wilde, R. H. Speech on Removal of In- dians, 1830 B 85 Wilson. The Treaty of Greenville. 1894B 2048 WoRSLEY. View of the American Indians. 1S26 B 742 Wyth. Natives of Virginia. 1841 B 1632 Yarrow. Indian Mortuary Customs. i88o.*Dof. Yawger. The Indian and Pioneer. 1893. B 2060 Young. By Canoe and Dog-Train among the Crce and Salteaux Indians. *9oB 20JO Zeisberger, D. Missionary among Indians of Cnio, Diary. 2v. 1885 CllQU UNITED STATES. Abbot. Naval History of the Unifed States. 1896 B 2204 Abbott. Paragraph History of the United States. 1875 •...B 96 Adams, C. F. Imperialism and the Tracks of our Forefathers. 1899 L 6276 Adams. H. History of the United States, 1801-17. 9v. 1889-91 B 2166 Adams, J. Works. lov. 1856 J 5 Aldrich. History of the U. S. Marine Corps. 1875 B 2569 American Academy of Political and Social Science, Annual Meeting, 1899: Foreign Policy of the United States.L 6389 Americaa Annual Register, 1825-33- 8v.*6"^r. American Colonial Tracts, v. i. 1897-8. B 2092 American Historical Association, Annual Reports, 1895-1900. 6v B 2127 Papers. 5 v. 1885-91 B 841 American Historical Register, 1895-7. V. 2-5 *Ser. American Historical Review, 1896-9. 4v.. *Ser. .\merican History Series. 1892- 1901 : Colonial Era, 1402-1756; by Fisher. B 2140 French War and Revolution, 1756-83; by Sloane B 2421 American History Series (cont'd) : Making of the Nation, 1783-1817; by Walker B 2210 Middle Period, 1817-58; by Burgess.B 2209 Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860- 1877 ; by Burgess B 2223 American-Irish Historical Society, Jour- nal, V. I. 1898 B 2345 American Review of History and Politics (Walsh's), 1811-12. 4v *Ser. American State Papers. 38V. 1832-61. .*Doc. Am men. The Old Navy and the New. '91 B 2183 Anderson, J. J. Common School History. 1886 B 762 Introductory School History. 1868.B 2245 New Grammar School History. 1895B 171 Pictorial School History. 1889 B 114 .\nderson, R. B. First Chapter of Nor- wegian Immigration, 1821-40. 1895B 2129 Andrews. History of the United States. 2v. 1894 B 2193 Last Quarter-Century in the United States, 187a 95. 2v B 2246 Anniversary Celebrations. 1865-74 *B 89 Applet^n. The Stai- Spangled Banner; an Address. 1877 ♦B 2168 AsTife. Histoire des £tats-Unis, 1620- 1862. iv. 1865 C 4082 Bacourt. Souvenirs of a Diplomat. !885.I 5182 Bagenal. The American Irish. 1882. B 779 Bairo. Huguenot Emigration to America. 2v. 1885 B 82s BAker. United States Secret Service. '68B 500 Bancroft, C. Footprints of Tim*. 1874. B 7^^ Bancroft, G. History of the United States to 1783. lOv. 1873 B 116 The same to 1789; rev. ed. 6v. 1883-91 B 807 Formation of the Constitution. 2v. 1882 B 774 Bancroft, H. H. The Northwest Coast, 1 543- 1846. 2v Bi 775,22-23. The same ♦R266o,27-28 Barber. Historical American Scenes. '52B 848 Thrilling Incidents in American His- tory. i860 B 92 and Howe. Our Whole Country. 2v. 1861 B 857 Barnes. Studiesin American History. 1897. B 2220 Barnes' Brief History of the United States' 1889 B 182 Popular History of the United States. 1893 •"» B 2179 124 UNITED STATES. Bartlett. Facts about 1894 History of the U. Woodward. 3v the Government. L S. ; cont. to 1856 by ...r. B 6250 802 The same; cont. to 1861 by Mackay. 2v B 819 Be£RS & Co. (Pub.). History of the Great Lakes. 2v. 1899 *V 2980 Benjamin, The United States Naval Academy. 1900 B 2305 Bennett. The Monitor and the Navy under Steam. 1900 K13690 Steam Navy of the.U. S. 1896 B 2202 Benton, T. H. Thirty Years in the Sen- ate, 1820-50. 2v L 245 BiCKNELL. Territorial Acquisitions of the United States. 1899 B 2300 Bittinger. The Germans in* Colonial Times. 1901 B 2218 Blaine, J. G. Twenty Years of Congress, 1860-80. 2V B 818 Blanchard. Historical Atlas of the U. S. 1893 *P 1239 Bluntschli. Die Griindung der Ameri- kanischen Union von 1787 .^''D 382,3 BoLLES. Financial History of the United States, 1774-1885. 3v L 1029 Bonner. Child's History of the United States. 3v. 1866 H 252 Boyd. Building and Ruling the Republic. 1884 L 3302 BoYNTON. History of West Point. 187 i.B 4003 Bradford. History of the Federal Gov- ernment,* 1789- 1839. 1840 L 13 Bradford Club Series: *B 2126 V. I. Hough. Attack on Hatfield and Deerfield, 1677. 1859. 2. Drake and H.\lleck. The Croak- ers. i860. 3. Shea (Ed.). Operations of the French Fleet under Count de • Grasse in 1781-2. 1864. 4. Murphy (Ed.). Anthology of New Netherland. 1865. 5. Smith (Tr.). Career of Hernan- do de Soto. 1866. 6. Hough (Ed.). The Northern Invasion of October. 1780. 1866. 7. Laurens, J. Army Correspond- ence, 1777-8. 1866. • 8. DuYCKiNCK. Memorial of John Allan. 1864. ^ Bradford Club Series: (continued) *B 2126 9. Melvin, J. Journal of the Ex- pedition to Quebec, 1775. 1857. 10. Was«ington, G. Diary from Octot^r I, 1789, to March 10, 1790. 1858. Bradley. Fight with France for North America. 1900 . .* B 2321 Brady. American Fights and Fighters ; Wars of the U. S. to 1812. 1900. B 2234 Brooks. The American Soldier. 1889.. B 1976 Brotherhead. Signers of the Declara- tion of Independence. 1875 *P 1207 Brown, A. The First Republic in Amer- ica, 1605-27. 1898 B 2150 (Ed.). Genesis of the United States. 2v. 1890 *B 2176 Brown, A. E. Beneath Old Roof Trees. 1896 B 2410 Bry.\n. The First Battle ; Campaign of 1896 L Bryant and others. Popular History of the United States. 5v. 1876-98.. B Bryce. The American Commonwealth. 2v. 1888 L The same; abridged ed. 1896. L Burgess. The Middle Period, 1817-58. 1897 E Civil War and Reconstruction, i860 1877* 1901 B 2223 Burke. Federal Finances; the Income of the U. S. 1891 L BuRNHAM. U. S. Secret Service. 1872. B Butler. History of the United States to 1820. 3v. 1821 B Butterworth. Popular Hist-ory of Amer- ica. 1881 B Byrne. Irish Immigration to U. S., 1874.L 1650 The same, 1879 L 1639 Callahan. Cub^ and International Re- lations. 1899 B 4859 Campbell. Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, 1771-1892 B 2191 Carlier. Histaire du Peuple americain a 1776. 2v. 1865 C12221 Carson. Celebration of the looth Anni- versary of the Constitution. 2v. 1889 *v Supreme Court of the U. S. ; Centen- nial Celebration, 1890 *V Chalmers, Annals of the United fol- onies to 1763. 1780 *V 6247 184 3306 6306 2209 3752 472 863 765 95^ 2004 UNITED STATES. 125 832 835 IC5 809 761 Chaxxinc. Students' History of the United States. 1898 B 2212 United States of America, 1765-1865. 1896 B 2241 and Hart. Guide to Study of Ameri- can History. 1896 B 2200 Charters af British Colonies in America.B 1971 Chase. History of the Polk Administra- tion. 1850 B 803 Children.'s History Book. 1896 H 3483 Childs. History of the United States; 1492-1885 B Clark, D. Proofs of the Corruption of Gen. James Wilkinson. 1809 . ..*B Clark, T. Naval History of the United States to 1814 B Cobb. Story of the Palatines; Colonial History. 1897 B 2137 Cocke. Constitutional History of the United States. 1858 B Coffin. Building the Nation. 1882... B Old Times in the Colonies. 1881 . .B CoLLUM. History of the United States Marine Corps. 1890 B 2186 Colonial Dames of America, Pennsylvania Society. Register. 1898 B 4326 Conner. Uncle Sam abroad. 1900 L 6313 Constitution of the U. S., Commemora- tion of Signing of. 1887 ♦V . 426 CoOLEY and others. Constitutional His- tory of the United States. 1889. .B* 2171 Cooper. History of the U. S. Navy. 1847B 107 The same. 2v. 1839 B 135 CopELAND and others. American Colo- nial Handbook. 1899 1 9900 Crane. Columbia's Courtship; Picture History»of the U. S. 1892. ....♦P 1652 CuLLOM. Graduates of West Point. 1802- 1867. 2v ♦C 1653 Curry. The Southern States in their re- lation to the Constitution. 1894 B 2192 Curtis. Constitutional History of United States. 2v. 1889-96 . History of the Constitution of United States. 2v. 1854-8 CussoNS. United States History as the Yankee makes and takes it. 1900. B 2221 Dallinger. Nominations for Elective Office in the United States. 1897.62260,4 Daly. Jews in North America. 1893. B 2131 Davis. Notes upon the Treaties of the United States. 1873 L 251 Derry. History of the U. S. 1885 B 134 the .B 2164 the *B 805 • Devens. Our First Century. 1878. .*V 643 Dixon. The Missouri Coriipromise. 1899.B 2323 Donaldson. The Public Domain. i884.*B 823 DoNiOL. Participation de la France a rfitablissement des filat-Unis. 5v. 1886-92 ♦V 1403 The same *P 1691 Doyle. English Colonies in America. 3v. 1882-7 B 755 v. I. Virginia, Maryland and the Carolinas. 2-3. The Puritan Colonies. Drake, J. R. The American Flag. i86i*B 2168 Drake, S. A. Making of the Great West, 1512-1883 B 4540 Making of the Ohio Valley States, 1660-1837 B 4543 Making of Virginia and the Middle Colonies, 1578-1701 ' B 2141 Drake, S. G. French and Indian War, 1744-9 B 033 Earle. Child Life in Colonial Days. '99.B 2155 Colonial Dames. 1895 B 2144 Home Life in Colonial Days. 1898.^ 2154 Stage Coach and Tavern Days. 1900. B 2156 Ebeling. Erdbeschrcibung und Geschich tc von Amerika. 7v. 1793-1816.D1J868 Egcleston. Beginners of a Nation ; Eng- lish* Settlements in America. 1896B 221 1 First Book in American History. '89B 2165 History of U. S. and its People. '88B 859 Household History of the U. S. '89.B 2161 Transit of Civilization from England to America. 1901 B 2242 ElCKHOFF. In der neuen Heimath. 1884.D 5583 Eliot. Manual of U. S. History, 1492- 1850 .* B 143 Ellicott. Journal, 1796- 1800, on Bound- ary of the United States ♦V 490 Elliott. The American Diplomatic Code. 2v. 1834 L 276 Elus. People's Standard History of the U.S. 6v. 1895-8 B 2244 Elson. Side Lights on American His- tory. 1899 B 2243 Emmet. Irish Emigration during the 17th and i8th Centuries. 1899. . . R 2344 Ensign. Sketches in U. S. History. '85. B 2187 Epochs of American History. 1891-94: The Colonies, 1492- 1750; by Thwaites B 2185 Formation of the Union, 1750-1829; by Hart B 2189 126 UNITED STATES. Epochs of American History (cont'd) : Division and Reunion, 1829- 1889; by Wilson ^ B 2198 Ei'MA. LaR^publiqueam^ricaiue. 2 V.1861.C 4809 Fallows. American Manual and Pa- triot's Handbook. 1889 B 2222 Farrow. West Point and the Military Academy. 1895 L 1238 Fergus. History of the United States. 2v. 1830-32 I 3819 Fernald. The Imperial Republic. 1898.L 6278 Field. The Colonial Tavern. 1897... B 2145 Fisher, G. P. The Colonial Era. 1892. B 2140 Fisher, R. S. Progress of the United States. 1854 B 187 Fisher, S. G. Evolution of the Constitu- tion of the United States. 1897.. B 2270 Men, Women and Manners in Colo- nial Times. 2v. 1898 B 2147 Fiske. American Political Ideas. 1885. L 320 Discovery of America. 2v. 1892.. B 1978 Old Virginia and her Neighbours (1584-1753)- 2v. 1897 B 4496 The same (Illus. ed.). 2v. 1900.B 4497 The Beginnings of New England. '89B 27^7 The same (Illus. ed.). 1898.. B 3767 The Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America. 2v. 1899 B 2149 The American Revolution. 2v. 1891. B 2379 The same (Illus. ed.). 2v. 1896. B 2415 War of Independence. 1889 B 2374 Critical Period of American History, 1783-89. 1888 B 865 The same (Illus. ed.). 1898. .B 2217 History of the United States for Schools. 1894 B 2188 Force. American Archives. 9v *Doc. Ford (Ed.). General Orders of 1757 in the Campaign against the French. 1899 B 2088 Forsyth. Story of the Soldier. 1900. .B 2251 Thrilling Days in Army Life. 1900.B 2254 Foster. A Century of Diplomacy, 1776- * 1876 L 6339 Fowler, W. C. Sectional Controversy in U. S. 1883 B 811 Fowler, W. W. Woman on the Frontier. 1880 B 2011 Franklin, S. R. Memories; Half a Cen- tury in the Navy of the U. S. '98.C10799 Frost. Book of the Army. 1848 . . B 2182 History of the United States for Schools. 1881 B 115 Frotiiingham. Rise of the Republic. '72. B 156 Fry. Army Sacrifices on the Indian Fron- tier. 1879 B 150 Gardner. OflffSers in the Army of the United States. 1853 *R 3889 Getchell (Corop.). Our Nation's Ex- ecutives and their Administrations, 1775-1885 ....*¥ 7ZZ GiLLET. Democracy in the United States. 1868 B 124 GiLMAN. Histofy of the American Peo- ple. 1883 B 814 Glascock. Stories of Columbia. 1895... B 2136 Glenn (Ed.). Some Colonial Mansions. 2v. 1898-1900 C16688 Goodrich, C. A. History of the United States to 1867 B 183 Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial History of the U. S. 1875 B 104 Goodwin. The Cdonial Cavalier. 1894.B 2142 GoRDY. History ok the United States for Schools. 1898 B 2216 and TwiTCHELL. Pathfinder in Ameri- can History. 1893 B 1987 GowANS. Bibliatheca Americana B 180 V. I. Denton.^ Description of New York, 1670. 2. WooLEY. Two Years in New York, 1 70 1. 3. Miller. Description of New York, 1695. 4. BuDD. Good Order in Pennsyl- vania, 1685. 5. Alsop. Character of Maryland. 1666. Grahame. History of the United States till their Revolt. 4v. 1836 B 128 Granger. Washington vs. Jefferson : the Case tried by Battle, 1861-5. 1898. L 6231 Green. Blodget's Plan of the Battle of Lake George, 1755. 1890 *B 3746 Companies raised in Groton, Mass., during French and Indian War.*B 3746 School Historjes and some Errors in them. 1872 *B 3746 Grier. The U. S. Financial Law, Mar. 14, 1900 L 7665 Griffin. Literature of American Local History. • 1896 *0 I57 Griffis. America in the East. 1899. .L 6254 The Pilgrims in three K[omes : Eng- land, Holland and America. 1898. B 2230 Romance of Discovery. 1897 ....B 2100 UNITED STATES. 127 Griffis. Romance of Colonization. 1898B 2101 Romance of Conquest ; American Ex- pansion. 1899 B 2102 Hale. E. E. History of the United States. 1887 B 847 Hale, S. History of the U. S., to 1817. 2v. 1857 B 147 The same. 2v. 1870 ....13731 Haliburton. The English in America. 2v. 1851 B 94 Hall. The Dutch and the Iroquois. 1882B 2138 Halstead. America's New Possessions. 1899 B 7009 Our Country in War. 1898 B 2330 Hamersly. Army Register. i779-i879.*R 3897 Army and Navy Register. i776-i887*R 3899 Living Officers of the Navy and Ma- rine Corps. 1870 C 110 The same. 1894 C10174 Register of Navy and Marine Corps, 1782-1882 ♦R 3898 The same, 1879-98 ♦R 3881 Hamilton, J. C History of the United States. 7v. 1868 B 160 Hamilton, S. History of the Unite. B 843 Robinson {Talvi). Geschichte der Colo- nisation Ton Neu England. 1847. D 3996 History of Colonization of America. 2v. 1851 B 3 RoDENBOUGH. Uncle Sam's Medal of Honor, 1861-86 B 839 and Haskin. The Army of the United States. 1896 B 6440 Rosengarten. The German Soldier in Wars of the U. S. i886 B 833 The same *B 775, 10 Rosenthal. America and France in the i8th Century. 1882 B 330 Ross. Impeachment of Andrew John- son. 1896 B 2255 Roy. Pilgrim's Letters; Bits of Cur- rent History. 1888 : B 864 Ryerson. Loyalists of America, 1620- 1816. 2v. 1880 B 844 Sanford. History of the United States before the Revolution. 1819. ..B 764 Sargent. Public Men and Events, 1817- 1853- 2v B 136 Schofield, Gen. Forty-six Years in the Army. 1897 C18887 Schouler. Constitutional Studies, State and Federal. 1897 B 2273 History of the United States, 1783- 1865. 6v. 1880-99 ...B 7;6 Schurz (Ed.). Geschichtsblatter. 2v. 1884-6 D 5719 Scotch-Irish Society of America, Pro- ceedings, 1889-96. 8v B 2190 Scott, D. B. School History of the United States to 1880. 1884 B 145 Smaller School History of the United States. 1872 B 162 Scott, E. G. Constitutional Liberty in English Colonies. 1882 B 778 ScuDDER. History of the United States. 1884 B 826 (Ed.). Men and Manners One Hun- dred Years ago. 1887 B 856 Seal of the United States; how devel- oped and adopted. 1892 *B 2178 Searight. The Old Pike. 1894 B 2250 Shaffner. History of the United States * to 1857. 2v *V 587 Shaler. The United States of America. 2v. 1894 1 5205 Shea. Story of a Great Nation. 1886. .B 855 UNITED STATES. 131 Sherwood. Comic History of the United States. 1870 B 140 Shipley. English Rediscovery and Colo- nization of America. 1890 B 1989 Shippen and others. Waggoners' Ac- count of Braddock's Expedition. 1899 Ci7o68,2 Siebert. The Underground Railroad. '98.L 4928 Skinner. Myths and Legends of our own Land. 2v. 1896 L 5423 Smith, G. The United States, 1492-1871.B 2173 Smith, G. B. Romance of Colonization to Landing of Pilgrim Fathers* 1897 B 2257 Smith, H. A. The Thirteen Colonies. 2v. 1901 B 2132 Smith, H. E. Colonial Days and Ways. 1900 B 2148 Smith, J. J., and Watson. American Historical and Literary Curiosities. 2v. 1860-61 *R 4260 Snow. Constitutional and Political His- tory of the United States. 1882-3. B 853 Society of Colonial Wars: California. 1896 B 2910 District of Columbia. 1897 B 4670 Georgia. 1897 B 3097 Illinois. 2v. 1894, 1896 B 3110 SoLEY. The United States Naval Acad- emy. 1876 L 121$ Southern Historical Monthly, 1876-7.. .*5>r. Southern Historical Society, Papers, 1876- 1900. 28v *Sex. Transactions, 1874. v. i *Srr. Southern History Association, Publica- tions, 1897-1900. 4v *Ser. Sparks, E. E. The Men who made the Nation, 1760-1865. 1901 B 2262 Sparks, J. Letter to Lord Mahon on Washington's Writings. 1852... B 792 Reply to Lord Mahon. 1852 B 794 Letters of Washington to Reed. '53. B 793 Spears. History of our Navy, 1775- 1898. 5v. 1897 B 2203 Spencer. History of the United States to 1857. 3v. 1858 *V 168 Stakwood. History of the Presidency. 1898 L 6272 Stephens. History of the United States. 1882 B 810 Sterne. Constitutional History of the United States. 1882 B 782 766 131 Strong. Expansion under New World- Conditions. 1900 L 6302 Sumner. Prophetic Voices concerning Anierica. 1874 E 1552 Swift. Imperialism and Liberty. 1899. L 6275 SwiNTON. School History of the United States. 1874 B 849 Talleyrand, fitudes sur les fitats-Unis. 1876 C 6851 Taylor. School History of the American People. 1878 B 842 Terhune (Marion Harland). Colonial Homesteads. 2v. 1897-9 B 2139 Thalheimer. Eclectic History of the United States. 1881 B Thompson. The United States as a Na- tion. 1877 B Thorpe. Constitutional History of the American People, 1776-1850. 2v. 1898 B 2274 Thousand Questions on American His- tory. 1884 B 827 Thwaites. The Colonies, 1492-1750. '91. B 2185 TiBBLES. Hidden Power; Secret History of the Indian Ring. 1881 B TocQUEVUXE. American Institutions. i860 B Democracy in America. 2v. 1873. B Democratic en Amerique. 3v. 1860.C 6915 Tomes and Wilson. Battles of America by Sea and Laqd. 3 v. 1878 ♦V 162 Tower. American Colonial Laws. *90.*V 1406 TowLE. The Nation in a Nutshell. 1887. B 840 TowNSEND. The United States. 1890. B 2175 Trainer. U. S. History by the Brace System. 1885 L 1376 Travis. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. 1900. .L624 1,3 Trumbull. History of the United States to 1765. 1810., B 777 United States, Congressional Directorjes, 1864-1900. 31 V *R 3990 Laws relating to Currency, 1789- 1891 L Officers of the Navy and Marine Corps, July I, 1898 L Official Army Register, 1863-95. 33y ♦R 388c Official Register, 1861-99 *R 4006 Treaties, 1841-68. 2v L 6243 Treaties and Conventions, 1776- 1871 ♦L 250 Notes on same L 251 Treaty of Peace, 1783 ♦B 775,a 707 78a 132 3777 6301 132 UNITED STATES— AMERICAN REVOLUTION. United States Army and Navy Journal, 1863-99. 23V *Ser. Victor. History of American Conspira- cies, 1760-1860 ^. B 2170 Wagner. The United States Army. '99.*? 2564 Waldstein. Expansion of Western Ideals. 1899 L 6426 AValker, F. a. Making of the Nation, 1783-1817. 1895 B 2210 Walker, L. B. (Ed.). The Burd Pa- pers. 3v. 1897-9 '• C17068 Walton. Army and Navy of the United States. 4v. in 3. 1889-95 *P 2532 Washington, G. Correspondence with Crawford concerning Western Lands. 1877 B 190 The same B 4522 Weaver. The Story of Our Flag. '98. B 2249 Webster. Brief History of the United States. 1823 L 1432 History of the United States. 1832. B 845 Wharton. Colonial Days and Dames. 1895 B 2143 Salons Colonial and Republican. 1900 B 2146 Through Colonial Doorways. 1893. E 6429 Whitmore. The Cavalier dismounted ; Founders of the Thirteen Colonies. 1864 *B 862,2 Wilkinson. Burr's Conspiracy exposed. 1811 *B 202 Willard. Abridged Histcfry of the United States. 1872 B 119 United States History. 1853 B 120 William and Mary College Quarterly, Historical Papers, 1892-9. 7v "^Ser. Williams, G. A. Topics and References in American History. 1886 B 2219 Williams, G. W. History of the Negro Race in America. 2v. 1883 B 332 Williams, J. Rise and Fall of the 'Model Republic. 1868. B 604 Willson. American History. 1867... B 121 History of the U. S. 1864 B 850 Wilson, H. Rise and Fall of Save Power. 3v. 1872-7 B 102 Wilson, J. T. The Black Phalanx ; Ne- gro Soldiers of the U. S., 1775- 1865 B 2521 Wilson, W. Division and Reunion, 1829- 1889 B 2198 WiNSOR. The Mississippi Basin, 1697- 1763. 1895 B 2121 WiNSOR. The Westward Movement. 1763-98. 1897 B 2264 WiNTHROP. Centennial of Declaration of Independence, 1876 *B 862,1 Wise. Seven ' Decades of the Union, 1790-1862. 1881 B 2266 Wood. Suppressed History of Adminis- tration of J. Adams. 1846 B WooLSEY, T. D., and others. First Cen- tury of the Republic. 1876 B W^ooLSEY, T. S. America's Foreign Policy. 1898 B 2295 Wright. Children's Stories of Ameri- can Progress. 1886 B 837 ZiMMERMANN. 400 Jahrc amerikanischer Geschichte. 1893 D13441 ZoGBAUM. All Hands; Life in the U. S. Navy. 1897 *R 4251 237 173 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Abbot. Blue Jackets of '76. 1888 B 2367 Abbott. Revolutionary Times. 1876.. B 210 Allen, E. Narrative of the Capture of Ticonderoga. 1849 B 249 Allen, P. History of the American Revolution. 2v. 1819 B 203 Almon. Collection of Papers relative to the Dispute, 1764-75 B 252 The Remembrancer; Public Events, 1775-80. lov B 253 Amory. Daniel Sullivan's Visits to Gen. Sullivan. 1884 *B 775,2 Gen. Sullivan not a Pensioner. '75. *B 219 The same *B 1007 Andre, J., Trial of. 1865 B 255 Trial and Execution of. 1865 *V 84 Andrews. History of the War with America. 4v. 1785-6 *B 2395 Angell, I. Diary during American Revo- lution, 1778-81. 1899 C17077 Arnold, Benedict, Trial of. 1865. N 4994 Arnold, I. N. Li^ of B. Arnold. 1880. C 1710 Benedict Arnold at Saratoga. i88o.*B 219 The same *B 1339 Badeaux. Operations de TArmee ameri- caine, 1775-6 C 5300 Bailey. Records of Patriotism. 1826. B 2396 Baker. Itinerary of Gen. Washington, 1775-83. 1892 C11807 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. • I S3 212 224 J34 Balch. The French in America, 1777-83.B 2383 (Ed.). Examination of Jos. Gallo- way B 309 Papers' relative to Maryland Line. 1857 B 1649 Barbe-Marbois. Complot d'Arifold et de Sir H. Qinton. 1816 C 5958 Bartlett, History of the American Revolution. 1881 B 340 Baxt*. British Invasion from the North, 1776-7 • B 2363 Benson. Vindication of the Captors of Andre. 1865 .B* 207 iGELOW, T., Military Life during Revo- lution; ed. by Hersey. i860 C17217 Bland, T. Bland Papers. 1840 B 251 Bleeker, Capt. L. Order Book in 1779. B Bloodgood. Sexagenary ; Reminiscences of the Revolution. 1866 B BoARDMAN. Log Book of a Privateer. '85.B Botta. Guerra dell' Independenza d* Ame- rica. 4v. 1819 C 9148 War of Independence. 2v. 1837.. B 245 BouDiNOT, E., Journal during the Revo- lutionary War. 1894 B 2399 Brooks. Century Book of the American Revolution. 1897 H 3273 Brotuerhead. Signers of the Declara- tion of Independence. 1875 ♦? 1207 Brown, A. E. Beneath Old Roof-trees. 1896 B 2410 Beside Old Hearthstones. 1897 B 2418 Brown, C W. Nathan Hale, the Martyr Spy. 1899 C18081 ^I'NCE. Romance of the American Revo- lution. 1852 B The same. 1870 B Bunker Hill Monument Association, Pro- ceedings, i86i, '63, '66, '68-1900. 36V 'B Burgoyne, J. Expedition from Canada, 1777 *V Orderly Book, i860 B Burke, E. Speeches on the American War. 1891 .' L 3228 Butterfield. Expedition against San- dusky in 1782. 1873 B 2377 Campbell. Border Warfare of New York. 1849 B 1 195 Carrington. Battles of the Revolution, 1775-81 *B 208 Caruthers. Revolutionary Incidents in North Carolina. 1854 B 1661 234 225 269 12 213 Chalmers. History of the Revolt of the Colonies. 1845 *..B 214 Chevalier. La Marine franqaise pendant la Guerre de I'lndependance. '77.C12140 ChoVteau. Guerre de I'lndependance; les Frangais en Amerique. 1882 C12146 Coburn. Centennial History of the Battle of Bennington. 1877 .B2391 Coffin, C. C Boys of '"76" ; Battles of the Revolution.' 1876 B 211 Coffin, V. Province of Quebec and Early American Revolution. 1896.L 6604 CuRWEN, S. Journal and Letters, 1775- 1783 B 246 Daughters of the American Revolution, Chicago Chapter; By-Laws, 1899. B 3056 Lineage Book. I2v. 1895-1900. . . .C17733 Dawson. Assault on Stony Point. '63. ♦B 256 Westchester County, N. Y., during the Revolution. 1886 *V and Griswold. Correspondence con- cerning General Putnam. i860. .♦V Deane. Burgoyne and Convention of Saratoga. 1875 B De Costa. History of Fort George. '71. B Events at Lake George. 1868 ^V 2250 Denison. Days and Ways of Cocked Hats, i860 B De Pevster. Battle of King's Mountain, Oct. 7, 1780 ♦B De Puy. Ethan Allen and Green Moun- tain Heroes of '76. 1853 B Deux-Ponts, W. de. My Campaigns in America, 1780-81 B DoDD. Revolutionary Memorials. 1852. B Dohenv. History of the American Revo^ lution. 1862 B Donaldson. House in which JeflFerson wrote the Declaration. 1898 B 2406 Doniol. La Participation de la France a r^tablissement des £tats-Unis. 5v. 1886-92 *V Thesame '. *P Drake, F. S. Tea Leaves; Letters and Documents, 1773. 1884 B Drake, S. A. Bunker Hill ; the Story in Letters of British Officers. 1875. B 2362 Burgoyne's Invasion of 1777. 1889. B 2375 Campaign of Trenton, 1776-7 B Draper. King's Mountain and its He- roes. 1881 B Drayton. Revolution in the Carolinas. 2v. 1821 B 796 275 227 349 620 215 414 218 1403 1691 2386 2407 311 247 134 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. DuRAND. New Materials for a History of the American Revolution. 1889.. B 2372 Eelking. German Troops in the War of Independence, 1776-83.'*. B .2387 Ellet. Domestic History of the Ameri- can Revolution. 1854 B 220 Ellis. History of the Battle of Bunker Hill. 1875 B 216 Feltman, W. Journal, 1781-2 B 248 Field, E. Revolutionary Defences in Rhode Island. 1896 B 2405 Field, T. W. Battle of Long Island. '69. B 306 Fisher, E. Journal in the War for Inde- pendence. 1880 *B 2371 Fiske. The American Revolution. 2v.'92B 2379 The same (lUus. ed.). 1896. ..B 2415 War for Independence. 1889 B 2374 Ford. British Officers serving in the American Revolution, I774-83.'97*R 305 Fox, C. J. Speech on American Inde- pendence, 1782 *B 201 Fox, E. Adventures in the Revolution- ary War. 1847 B 2365 Freneau. Capture of the Ship Aurora (1780). 1899 B 2354 Poems relating to the Revolution.'65E 7289 Fr.OTHiXGHAM. The Centennial; Battle of Bunker Hill. 1875 .B 2368 The Command in the Battle of Bun- ker Hill. 1850 *B 2371 History of the Siege of Boston. '72.B 1050 Illustrations of the Siege of Boston, 1775 B 2408 Rise of the Republic. 1872 B 156 Garden. Anecdotes of the American Revolution. 3v. 1865 *V 17 GiBBES. Documentary History of the Revolution in South Carolina. 3v. 1853-57 B 217 GiLMORE (Kirke). Rear-Guard of the Revolution. 1886 B 338 Gilpin. Exiles in Virginia; Society of Friends during the War. 1848.. B 4489 Gordon. History of the Independence of the United States. 4v. 1788 B 257 Graham. Mecklenburg Declaration. '75.B 1676 Gra\t:s, W. Conduct of Rear Admiral Graves, on the Coast of the U. S., 1781 *V 2111 Greene, A. G. Recollections of the Jer- sey Prison-Ship. 1865 *V 1391 Greene, ^. W. Historical View of the American Revolution. 1865 B 259 Greene, S. W. German Element in the American Revolution. 1876 B 260 Griswold. Washington and the Generals of the Re^iolution. 1866 . . .. C 545 Hadden, J., M., Journal and Orderly Book, 1776-7. 1884 B 798 Hammond. New Hampshire Soldiers in che War. 1885 *B965,i4-i7 Harris. Battle of Groton Heights. '82. B 316 Haskell, C, Diary of. May 5, 1775, fo May 30, 1776 *B 2371 Haven. 30 Days in New Jersey, 1776-7. B 315 Hawkins, C, Adventures of and Captiv ity in Jersey Prison Ship C10923 Hawks. Revolutionary History of North Carolina. 1853 B 1660 Headley. Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. 1864 B 228 Washington and his Generals. 1875. C 577 Heart, J., Journal, 1784-5. 1864 B 336 Heitman. Officers of the Continental Arm.y, 1775-1/83- 1893 *B 2393 Henry. Arnold's Campaign against Que- bec. 1877 B 279 Heroes in Campaign of 1775. 1812.B 783 Henshaw, W., Orderly Book, 1775... B 335 Hill. Battle of Bunker Hill. 1878... B 3583 HiNMAN. Connecticut in the Revolution. 1842 B 1150 Holmes, O. W. Oration, July 4, 1863. B 232 Hough (Ed.). Northern Invasion of October, 1780 *B2i26,6 Siege of Charleston, 1780 B 300 How, D., Diary ; ed. by Dawson. i865.*V 18 Hudson. Doubts concerning the Battle of Bunker Hill. 1857 B 317 Hunt. Fragments of Revolutionary His- tory. 1892 B 2385 Impartial History of the American Revo- lution. 1780..; B 277 In^stitution of the Society of the Cin- cinnati, 1783. 1886 *V 1366 Johnson, Sir J., Orderly Book, 1776-7. B 788 Johnston, G. Speech on American Af- fairs, 1776 *P624,37 Johnston, H. P. Battle of Harlem Heights. 1897 B 2417 Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn. 1878 Bi 155,3 Storming of Stony Point, July 15, 1779 B 2358 Yale in the Revolution, 1775-83... B 2370 The Yorktown Campaign. 1881...B 784 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 135 jo-NES, C. H. Campaign for the Conquest of Canada, 1776. 1882 B 2388 Jones, J. S. Defence of Revolutionary History of North CaroHna. 1834.B 1662 \ES. T. History of New York in the Revolution. 2v. 1879 B 1122 Jldson. Sages and Heroes of the Revo- lution. 1851 C 1434 ICapp. Soldaten Handel nach Amerika. 1874 D 137 Friedrich II. und die Vereinigten Staaten. 1871 D «8 KiL>DER. Eastern Maine and Nova Scotia in the Revolution. 1867 B 951 History of the 1st New Hampshire Regiment. 1868 B 982 kn I'ls. Consideratioas on Treaty, 1783*8 201 Lamb, R., Journal during American Revo- lution. 1809 B 263 l.AURE.NS, H. Army Correspondence, 1776-82 ♦V 13 l.icKV. The American Revolution, 1763- 1783; cd. by Womlburn. 1898... B 2409 Let. Wars in the Southern Department. 1827 B 284 The same ; ed. by R. E. Lee. '698 221 Lendrum. History of the American Revolution. 2v. 1795 B 2366 Lewis, Gen. A.. Orderly Book, 1776. '6o*B 789 Lexington, Battle of. Centennial Celebra- tion, 1875 B 258 History of the Fight at. 1875 *B 862,1 ' I'PARD. Legends of the Revolution: Washington and his Generals. 1876.B 264 Washington and his Men. 1876. ..B 2381 i»oE. Story of the Revolution. 2v. *98.B 241 1 Lossi-NG. Field Book of the American Revolution. 2v B 265 Living Men and Women of the Revo- lution. 1880 B 2373 776; or. War of Independence. '52.B 2361 LoTHROp, S. K., Oration, July 4. 1866. ..B 233 LovELL. Worcester I Mass.] in the War of the Revolution. 1876 B 2389 Lowell. The Hessians in the Revolution. 1884 B 797 LiDLOW. War of American Independ- ence. 1876 B 312 Llnt, p., Diary, May to Dec, 1775... ♦£ I133 McCrady. South Carolina in the Revo- lution. 1775-80. 1901 B4390.3 Magoon. Orators of the American Revo- lution. 1848 C 7\ I Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War. 7v. 1896- 1900 *R 304 MiiXViN, J., Journal of Expedition to Quebec under Arnold. 1857. . .♦B2I26,9 Moore, F., Diary of American Revolu- tion. 2v. 1863 B 266 Songs and Ballads of the Revolu- tion. 1856 E 316 Moore, G. Treason of Charles Lee. '60.B 267 More, Comte de Pontgibaud. A French Volunteer of the War. 1898 C18550 Morse. Annals of the American Revolu- tion. 1824 B 205 Moultrie. Memoirs of ' the American Revolution. 2v. 1802 B 241 MuzzEY. Men of the Revolution. i883!C 2051 Neilson. Burgoyne's Campaign. 1844.B 787 Nell. Colored Patriots of the Revolu- tion. 1855 B 313 New Jersey, Officers and Men in the Revolution; comp. by Stryker...B 357 New York City during the Revolution. 1861 ♦V II New York in the Revolution as Colony and State (Records). 1808 ♦R 298 New York State MSS. relating to Ameri- can Revolution. 2v. 1868 *Doc. NiLES. Principles and Acts of the Ameri- can Revolution. 1876 B 209 Norton. Sullivan's Campaign against the Iroquois. 1879 B 2369 Onderdonk. Incidents in Suffolk and Kings Go's, N. Y. 1849 B 1173 Incidents in Queens Co.. N Y. '84. *B 862,1 Oriskany, Centennial Celebration of Bat- tle of, Auur A 1S77 B 781 Parker. Prescott : Commander in Bat- tle of Bunker Hill. 1875 *B 2371 Patriotic Preachers of the Revolution. '60C 345a Patton. Yorktown Campaign. 1882. .B 786 Pausch, Capt. G., Journal. of. 1776-7. ..B 343 Pechtn. Anniversary Book of American Revolution CQuntations). 1897. B 2412 Pitkin. History of the United Slates. 1763-97- 2v B 168 Post? L. M. Recollections of the Revolu- tion. 1859 B 204 Public Events in Massachusetts preceding the Revolution. 1856 T^ 308 PrLSiFER. Battle of Bunker Hill. 1872.B 358 Pi'LTENEY. Thoughts on State of Affairs with .America. 1778 L 305 136 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. PuRViAXCE. Baltimore during Revolu- tionary War. 1849 B 1642 Ramsay. American Revolution in South Carolina. 2v. 1785 . . 7 B 1666 History of the American Revolution. 2v. 1789 B 235 Reyxolds. Concord Fight, April 19, I775*B 862,1 RiEDESEL, F. A. V. Letters and Journals. 2v. 1868 *V 488 RiEDESEL, F. C. L. V. Memoirs relating to the Revolution. 1827 B 236 Reise nach Amerika. 1801 D 3856 RosENGARTEN (Ed.). A Defence of the Hessians. 1:899 B 2400 Sabine. Loyalists of the American Revo- lution. 2v. ■ 1864 B 280 Saffell. Records of Revolutionary War. 1858 B 226 St. Clair, A. Papers of; ed. by Smith. 2v. 1882 B 314 ScHENCK. North Carolina, 1780-1 B 2397 Schwab. Revolutionary History of Fort Number Eight, N. Y. City. 1897. B 2402 Seventy-Six Society, Publications: Case of Silas Deane B 250 Examination of Joseph Galloway ; ed. by Balch B 309 Public Events in Massachusetts pre- ceding the Revolution B 308 The Maryland Line during the Revo- lution; ed. by Balch B 1649 Shea (Ed.). Operations of the French Fleet under De Grasse, 1781-2. .*B2i26.3 Sherburne, A. Memoirs. 1828 C 493 Siege of Charleston, S. C, May 12, 1780. 1867 •. B 300 Siege of Savannah in 1779 *V 83 SiMCOE, J. G. Military Journal ; Opera- tions of the Queen's Rangers. '84.B 242 SiMMS. Schoharie County, and Border Wars of New York. 1845 B 4091 Sloane. The French War and the Revo- lution. 1893^ B 2421 Smith, H. W. Nuts for Future His- torians to Crack. 1856 B 2398 Smith, J. H. Causes which led to Death of Andre. 1808 C 3885 Smith, T. M. Legends of the War of Independence. 1855 B 3:^3 Society of the Cincinnati, Institution of, 1783 *V 1366 Institution of, in New Jersey B 791 Society of the Cincinnati, Institution of, in New York ; by Schuyler . . . . * V 1367 Memorials of, in Massachusetts; by Drake . .'•! *B 268 Sons of the American Revolution : Illinois Society, Constitution, By- Laws and Membership. 1894 B 3 113 Year Book, 1896 B 31 12 Kentucky Society, Year Book, 1896. B 3308 Michigan Society, Centennial Celebra- tion of Evacuation of Detroit. '96.B 1417 • Missouri Society, Year Book, 1899.B 3662 Ohio Society, Year Book, 1896.. ..B 4181 Sons of the Revolution : California Society, Year Book, 1895. B 1777 Illinois Society, Year Book, 1895.. B 31 11 New York Society, Year Book, '93*V 1360 Ohio Society, Year Book. 1896.... B 4180 Pennsylvania Society, Decennial Reg- ister, 1888-98 B 4330 Sparks (Ed.). Correspondence of the American Revolution. 4v. 1853. B 230 Diplomatic Correspondence of the Revolution. I2v. 1829-30 B 796 Stedman, History of the American War. 2v. 1794 B 254 Stevens, B. F. (Ed.). Campaign in Vir- ginia, 1781 ; Clinton-Cornwallis Controversy. 2v. 1888 B 2364 Facsimiles of MSS. in European Ar- chives relating to America, 1773- 1783- 25V *P 1569 Facsimile Manuscript Map of New York and Environs, 1782 *P 1556 Stevens, J. A. Expedition of Lafayette against Arnold. 1878 *Bi643.i Stille. Beaumarchais and the Lost Mil- lion. 1886 C 3317 Stone, E. M. Our French Allies. 1884.B 795 Stone, W. L., Sr. Border Wars of the American Revolution. 2v. 1864. 1 3745 The same, and Life of Joseph Brant. 2v B 223 Stone, W. L., Jr. Campaign of Burgoyne and Expedition of St. Leger. 1877.B 276 Centennial Celebration of Burgoyne's Surrender. 1878 B 278 Poems relating to Burgoyne's Cam- paign. 1893 E 8427 Saratoga Battle-Grounds. 1895... B 2401 and Hund (Tr). Letters of Bruns- wick and Hessian Officers during Revolution' B 23S0 AMERICAN REVOLUTION— WAR OF 1812. ^3>7 Stryker. Battles of Trenton and Prince- ton. 1898 B 2416 Sullivan. Public Men of the Revolu- tion. 1847 L 118 Sumner. The Financier and Finances of the American Revolution. 2v. '91. B 2384 SwETT. History of Bunker Hill Battle, with a Plan. 1827 B 273 The same. 1818 C 2132 Notes to Sketch of Bunker Hill Bat- tle. 1825 B 273 Who was Commander at Bunker Hill? 1850 ♦B 3496 Tarleton. Southern Campaigns, 1780- 1781 ..B 244 The same ♦V 62 TiiACHER, J. Military Journal of the American Revolution, I775-83.'54.B 2383 The same. 1862 B 243 Thayer. Invasion of Canada in 1775. '67. B 1838 Thornton. Pulpit of American Revolu- tion. i860 B 274 Tiffany. From Colony to Common- wealth; Revolutionary Days in Boston. 1891 B 3544 Tower. Marquis de La Fayette in the American Revolution. 2v. 1894. B ^394 TowLE Mfg. Co. Georgian ; Chief Events of the Revolution. 1899 B 2359 Town, I., Services performed in 1776-79. B 2378 TowNSHEND. British Invasion of New Haven, 1779 82979 Trescot. Diplomacy of the Revolution. 1852 B 2414 Trevelyan. The American Revolution. 1899 B 2413 U. S. Congress, Ordinances relating to Promise* made to Officers and Sol- diers of the Revolution. 1838 B 2390 Treaty of Peace, Sept. 3, 1783 ♦B 775.2 X'arney. Story of Patriot's Day, April 19, 1775. 1895 .B 2403 Wallabout Prison Ship Series; ed. by Stiles. 2v. 1865 *V 489 V. I. Letters from the Prison and Prison-Ships. 2. Interment of American Patriots who perished on Board the British Prison-Ships. Walworth. Battles of Saratoga and the Saratoga Monument. 1891 B 2376 Warren. G. W. History of the Bunker Hill Monument Association. 1877.B 261 Warren, M. O. History of the American Revolution. 3v. 1805 B 2g6 Washington, G. Fac-simile of Accounts during the Revolution. 1833... ♦R A-^SO Letters to Joseph Reed. 1852 B 271 Remarks on a Reprint of; by Sparks. 1853 B 793 Official Letters. 2v. 1795 B 231 Revolutionary Orders. 1844 B 23& Washington-Crawford Letters, 1767- 1781 B 4522 The same B 190 Washington-Irvine Correspondence. 1882 B 339 Writings ; cd. by Sparks. I2v. 1858.J 280 The same; cd. by Ford. 14V. 1889-93 *J 97 Watson. Men and Times of the Revo- lution ; Memoirs. 1856 B 222 Wekthern. Die hessischen Hiilfstruppen im Unabhangigkeitskriegc. 189SD13248 Wharton (Ed.). Revolutionary Diplo- matic Correspondence of the U. S. 6v *B 2392 Whciloon. Siege and Evacuation of Bos- ton and Charlestown. 1876 ♦B 2371 Whittemore. Heroes of the American Revolution and their Descendants. 1897-9 B 2360 WiLUAMS. Revolutionary Heroes. 1839.C 44 Wilson. History of the American Revo- lution for Schools. 1869 R 297 WiNSOR. Reader's Handbook of the American Revolution, 1761-83... B 790 WiNTHROP, R. C. Address at Unveiling of Statue of Wm. Prescott. 1881.B 785 The same *C 1697 Oration at Yorktown. Oct. 19, 1881.B 785 WooDBURN. Causes of the Revolution. 1892 *L320i,io Wright. Patriot and Tory 100 Years ago ; a Tale. 1876 B 272 Wyatt. Memoirs of Generals and Com- manders presented with Medals. 1848 C 1637 WAR OF 1812. Abbot. Blue Jackets of t8i2. 1887 B 348 Andrews. Prisoners' Memoirs; Dartmoor Prison. 1852 ! B 307 138 WAR OF 1812. Armstrong. Notices of War of 1812. 2v. 1836 B 354 The same. 2v. 1840 B 288 Atherton. Defeat of North-Western Army, 1812. 1842 B 289 AucHiNLECK. War between Great Brit- ain and the U. S., 1812-14. 1855. B 290 Bancroft. Battle of Lake Erie. 1891.B 2441 Barbarities of the Enemy. 1814 B 353, Barnes. Naval Actions of the War of 1812. 1896 B 305 Bowen. Naval Monument, 1812. 1840. ..B 240 Br.\ckenridge. History of the late War. 1817 B Z22 Brannax (Ed.). Official Letters of the Officers of the U. S. 1823 B 2503 Brown. Campaigns of the Northwestern Army. 1815 B 319 Surges. Battle of Lake Erie. 1839. ..B 295 Burnham. Struggles of the Nations.'9iA2i54,2 Christie. Military Operations in Canada. 1818 B 287 Claiborne. Notes on the War in the South. 1819 B 2506 Clarke. Campaign of 1812 and Surren- der of Detroit. 1848 C 343 CoBBETT. Letters on the Late War. 181 5. B 206 CoGGESHALL. American Privateers in the War of 1812. 1861 B 286 Clk3ke. The Attack on New OrIeans.'35A 1756 Cooper. Battle of Lake Erie. 1843 B 321 Court Martial of the Six Militia Men. 1828 *L 164 Crowninshield. Account of the Private Armed Ship America of Salem. . . B 2444 Cruikshank, Campaign of the Niagara Frontier in 1814. 4v. in 3. 1896. B 4793 CuLLUM. Campaigns of the War of 1812. 1879 • B 2425 Darnell. Kentucky Volunteers under Gen. Winchester, 1812-13. 1854. B 292 Davis. Authentick History of the late War. 1829 ....B 281 Fay. Official Accounts of the Battles.' 1 7. B 347 GiLLELAND. History of the Late War.'i7B 282 Gleig. Campaigns of British Army at Washington and New Orleans.'26B 291 Subaltern in America. 1812. 1833. B 293 CjUernsey. New York City and Vicinity during War of 1812. 2v. 1889. .B 3976 Hatch. War of 1812 in the Northwest. 1872 B 356 History of Ihe American War of 18.2.' 16B 283 Hollis. The Frigate Constitution. 1900.B 2442 Hull, W., Defence of, before General Court Martial, Albany, 1814 ....B 355 Campaign of the Northwestern Army, 1812 ... 7 B 285 Military and Civil Life ; by Campbell. 1848 ; C 343 Hunt, The Late War, 1812-15. 1819.B 2504 Ingersoll. Second War between U. S. and Great Britain. 2v. 1845-9. .B 294 Ingraham. Events which preceded the Capture of Washington. 1849... B 298 James, Naval Occurrences, 1812. 1817.B 239 Jenkins. The Generals of the last War with Great Britain. 1849 C 3754 Johnson. History of the War of i8i2.'82B ^t^i Latour, War in West Florida and Louis- iana. 1816 *B 302 Lossing. Pictorial Field Book of the War of 1812. 1869 B 350 M'Afee, History of the Late War in the Western Country. i8i6....*B 310 Mann. Medical Sketches of the Cam- paigns of 1812-14. 1816 N 605 O'Connor. Impartial History of War of 1812. 1816 B 229 Palmer (Ed.). Historical Register of the United States, 1812-14. 4v..*B 2424 Parsons. Battle of Lake Erie. 1853. *B 862.1 Perkins, Events of the War of 1812. '25B 303 Report on Invasion of Washington, 1814B 299 Roosevelt, Naval War of 1812. 1882. B 318 Russell. History of the War of i8i2.'i5B 304 Soley. Boys of 1812 and other Naval Heroes. 1887 B 346 Spalding. Oration on Battle of Lake Erie. 1859 -..B 359 Stories of the W^ar of 1812, and the Mex- ican War. 1859 B 2423 Tomes. Battles of America by Sea and Land. 1878 *V 162.2 Tompkins. Public Papers of Governor of New York, 1807-17 B 4005 Van Rensselaer. Affair of Queenstown in the War of 1812. 1836 B 301 Walker. Jackson and New Orleans, 1814- 1815 B 351 Waterhouse. Journal of a Young Man captured by the British in i8i3.*B 320 The same B 344 Williams. J. S. Invasion and Capture of Washington. 1857 B 352 WAR OF 1812— MEXICAN WAR— AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. 139 Williams, S. Two Western Campaigns, 1812-13 B 1306 w VATT. Generals and Commanders pre- sented with medals by Congress. 1848 C 1637 MEXICAN WAR. Allen. Mexican Treacheries and Cruel- ties. 1848 *B 4810 Battles of Mexico. 1848 B 2426 Baylies. Maj. Gen. Wool's Campaign, 1846-8 ♦B 4810 Brackett. Lane's Brigade in Mexico.'S4B 1872 BuRNHAM. Struggles of the Nations. '91A2154.2 Carleton. Battle of Bucna Vista. 1848.. B 2427 Complete History of the Mexican War. 1850 *........*B 4810 Conner. The Home Squadron in the War with Mexico. 1896 B 2428 Cooke. The Conquest of New Mexico and California. 1878 B 1747 CuRWEN. Campaign in Northern Mexico, 1846-7 B 1906 Cutis. Conquest of California, 18L46-7.B 1766 Du Pont, S. F. Official Dispatches and Letters, 1846-8 ..C 1807 Edwards'. Campaign in New Mexico with Col. Doniphan. 1847 B 1748 Furber, G. C. Twelve Months Volunteer; Journal in Mexico, 1846-8 B 2505 Gallatin. Peace with Mexico. 1847. ♦B 4810 GiDDiNCS. Campaign in Northern Mex- ico, 1846-7. 1853 B 2422 Henry. Sketches of the Mexican War. 1847 B 370 Hughes. Doniphan's Expedition; Con- quest of New Mexico. 1848 B 1871 Illinois Soldiers in the Mexican War.*B 3125 Jay. Oiuses and Consequences of Mex- ican War. 1849 B 1873 Jenkins. History o{ the Mexican War. 1851 B 1869 Ladd. War with Mexico. 1883 B 325 LiVERMORE War with Mexico reviewed. 1850 B 1882 Mansfield. History of the Mexican War. 1849 B 1878 Maury. Recollections of a Virginian in the ^[ex^can War. 1894 C11239 Os WAN DEL. Notes on the Mexican War, 1846-8 B 2507 Ramsey. The Other Side; History of the War (tr. from the Spanish). B 1879 Reid. McCulloch's Texas Rangers. 1848.B 1861 Richardson, W. H. Journal of a Private Soldier. 1848 ♦B 4810 Ripley. War with Mexico. 2v. 1849. B 1867 Semmes. Gen. Scott's Campaign in Mex- • ^ ico. 1852 B 1887 Service during the Mexican War. 1851 B 1904 Stevens. Campaigns of the Rio Grande and of Mexico. 1851 *B 4810 Stories of the War of 1812, and the Mex- ican War. 1859 . . .^. B 2423 Thorpe. Our Army on the Rio Grande. 1846 B 371 T0.MES. Battles of America by Sea and Land. 1878 ♦V 162,2 Treaty between U. S. and Mexico. 1848.B 4809 Webster. Speech on War with Mexico, Mar. 23. 1848 *B 4810 Wilcox. History of the Mexican War. 1892 B 2420 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. A. D. 1862; How they act in Baltimorc.*E 1395 Abbot, G. M. Bibliography of the Civil War; Regimental Histories. '86.*0 141 Abbot, H. L. Siege Artillery in Cam- paigns against Richmond. 1868. K 5851 Abbot, W. J. Battle Fields of '61 B 2543 Battle Fields and Camp Fires, 1862- 1863 -. B 2559 Battle Fiel(fe and Victory B 2508 Blue Jackets of '61. 1886 B 2633 Abbott, A. O. Prison Life in the South. 1865 B 401 Abbott, J. S. C History of the Civil War. 2v. 1863 B 390 About the War; Plain Words. 1863. .*B 775,8 Adams. Story of a Trooper in Campaign of the Peninsula. 1865 B 6085 Alabama, The, Papers upon. 1869 *V 42 English Neutrality; Is the Alabama a British Pirate ? 1863 ♦B 775,8 Alabama Qaims, Court of Commissioners cf. Records. 1882-5. 153V *Doc. Aldrich. History of the United States Marine Corps. 1875 B 2569 Allan. Army of Northern Virginia in 1862 B 2464 I40 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. Ai,i,AN. Gen. Jackson in Shenandoah Valley , 1861-2 B 541 American Crisis; by Americus. 1861. .*B 511 Ammen. The Atlantic Coast. 1883. . .B 600,2 Anderson. Political Conspiracies preced- ing the Rebellion. 1882 B 365 Andersonville, List of Soldiers buried in ; comp. by Atwater. 1890 B 445 Andrews, C. C. Campaign of Mobile. '67.B2602 Andrews, S. The South after the War. 1866 B 397 Annals of the War ; by participants North and South. 1879 B 2482 Armes. Ups and Downs of an Army Of- ficer. 1900 C17095 Army of the Tennessee, Reunion of Sur- * vivors, 1892 B 2466 Ayer. North-Western Conspiracy. '65*B 393 Bache. Life of Gen. Meade, Command- er of the Army of Potomac. 1897.C18510 Bachelder. Gettysburg; what to' see. 1878 B 2608 Bailey. Private Chapters of the War.'SoB 529 Baku's. History of the United States Se- cret Service. 1868 B 500 Balch. The Alabama Arbitration. 1900L 6317 Barbiere. Scraps from the Prison Table. 1868 B 374 Barker. The Rebellion and its Conse- quences. 1866 B 668 Barnard. The C. S. A. and Battle of Bull Run. 1862 B 2603 The Peninsular Campaign. 1864.. B 638 and Barry. Engineer and Artillery Operations of Army o^ Potomac. 1863 B 671 Bartlett. Literature of the Rebellion. 1866 *0 142 Bates. Battle of Chancellorsville. 1883.B 2601 Battle of Gettysburg. 1875 B 498 Batten. Two Years in the U. S. Navy. 1881 B 610 Battle-Fields of the South; Bull Run to Fredericksburg. 2v. 1863 B 2590 Battles and Leaders of the Civil War ; ed. by Johnson and Buel 4v. 1887-8.B 2584 Baxter, J. H. Statistics, Medical and Anthropological, of the U.S. Army. 2v. 1875 *Doc. Baxter, W. Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove ; the War in Arkansas. '64.B 366 Beach (Ed.). Marietta College in the War B 3489 Beale. Battle Flags of the Army of the Potomac. 1885 *V 785 From Marsh Run to Seminary Ridge. 1889 ....* B 6123 A Famous War Song (John Brown's Body). 1889 .....B 6123 Beaman. The Alabama Claims. 1871.N 4852 Beath. History of the Grand Army of the Republic. 1889 B 2534 Beatty. The Citizen-Soldier. 1879. ..B ^77 Beauregard. Campaign and Battle of Manassas, July, 1861 B 2512 Beers. Memories ; Personal Experiences of the War. 1891 ; B 6087 Benedict. Vermont in the Civil War. 2v. 1888 B 2530 Benson. "Yank" and "Reb." 1884... B 2536 Bernard, G. S. *War Talks of Confeder- ate Veterans. 1892 B 6089 Bernard, M. Neutrality of Great Britain during the War. 1870 B 2500 BiCKHAM. Rosecrans' Campaign with the 14th Army Corps. 1863 B 427 Biddle. Battle of Gettysburg. 1880.. *B 620 BiGELOW. France and the Confederate Navy, 1862-68 B 2592 Bill. Pen Pictures of the War. 1864. B 666 Billings. Hardtack and Coffee. 1887. B 2522 BiLLiNGSLEY. From the Flag to the Cross; Incidents in the War. '72.B 2461 Bishop, A. W. Loyalty on the Frontier. 1863 B 570 Bishop, J. S. Concise History of the War. 1864 B 2447 Blackford. The Lynchburg Home Guard. 1891 ....B 2488 Blaisdell. Stories of the Civil War. '99.H 1044 Blanding. In the Defences of Washing- ton. 1889 B 2485 Recollections of a Sailor-Boy. 1886. B 2486 Bledsoe. Is Davis a Traitor? 1866 B 361 Blessington. Campaigns of Walker's Texas Division. 1875 B 661 Bloor. Letters from the Army of the Potomac, 1864 *B 775,7 Border States in the Present Disordered Condition, i860 *B 775,3 Boston, Dedication of Army and Navy Monument. 1877 B 2531 BoTTS. The Great Rebellion. 1866.... B 428 Boutwell. Speeches and Papers on the Rebellion. 1867 B 2564 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. 141 Bowman. Sherman and his Campaigns. 1865 B 491 BoYKiN. The Falling Flag. 1874 B 2689 BoYNTON, C. B. United States Navy dur- ing the Rebellion. 2v. 1870 B 517 BoYNTON, H. V. Chattanooga and Chicka- mauga. 1891 B 2453 National Park ; Chickamauga-Chat- tanooga. 1895 B 6096 Sherman's Historical Raid. 1875.. B 518 Was General Thomas slow at Nash- ville? 1896 B 6125 Brackett. History of the U. S. Cavalry. 1865 B 3607 Bradley. Star Corps ; Notes of a Chap- lain during Sherman's March. '65B 2605 Brearley. East Tennessee Campaign. 1871 *B775.3 Breckinridge, Our Country. 1861. .♦8775,12 Brents. Patriots and Guerillas of Ten- nessee and Kentucky. 1863 ♦B 395 Britton. The Civil War on the Border, i86i'-2. 2v B 6124 Memoirs of the Rebellion on the Bor- der. ;i866 B 2631 Brockett. Camp, Battlefield, Hospital. 1866 , B 667 and Vauchan. Woman's Work in the Civil War. 1867 B 675 Browne. Four Years in Secessia. 1865.B 466 Brownlow. Rise, Progress and Decline of Secession. 1862 . .^ B 398 Buchanan's Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion. 1866 B 566 Bucklin. In Hospital and Camp. 1869.B 2483 Bugle Blast from the Army. 1863 ...*B 511 Bulloch. Secret Service of the Confed- erate St:(tes. 2v. 1884 B 624 Burnham, G. p. United States Secret Service. 1872 •. B 472 Burnham, S. M. Struggles of the Na- tions. 1891 A2i54,2 Burns. Battle of Williamsburgh. 1865.B 2532 Byers. Iowa in War Times. 1888 B 2547 Campaign of Fredericksburg, Nov., Dec, 1862 B 2524 Campaigns of the Civil War. 13V B 587 V. I. Nicola Y. Outbreak of the Re- bellion. 2. Force. Fort Henry to Corinth. 3. Webb. The Peninsula. 4. Ropes. The Army under Pope. 629 490 Campaigns of the Civil War (cont'd).. B 587 5. Palfrey. Antietam and Fred- ericksburg. 6. Doubleuay. Chancellorsvilie and Gettysburg. 7. Cist. Array of the Cumberland. 8. Greene. The Mississippi. 9. Cox. Atlanta. 10. March to the Sea. 11. Pond. Shenandoah Valley in '64. 12. Humphreys. Virginia Campaign of '64 and '65. 13. Phisterer. Statistical Record of the Armies. Campbell. Rebellion Register and Citi- zen's Manual. 1867 B CANNON. Grant's Campaign for Capture of Richmond, 1864-5 B Carnahan. Easel-Shaped Monument and the G. A. R. 1893 B 6098 Carpenter. Logic of History. 1864... L 33.\ Carter. From Yorktown to Santiago with the Sixth U.S. Cavalry. 1900B 6725 Cavada. Libby Life. 1864 ^ . B 64 j Cermak. Dejiny Obcanske Valky. 1889B 608S Champlin. Young Folks' History. 1881B 580 Cheney. Young Folks' History of the War. 1894 B 650 CfyPMAN. Horrors of Andersonville Prison. 1891 B 2455 Chittenden. Peace Convention. i864,B 415 Christian Commission, Report on. 1864. B 524 Christian Work on the Battlefield. 1870.B 523 Cist. Army of the Cumberland. 1882. B 587,7 Clark. Military History of Wayne Co., N. Y. 1883 B 6261 Clason. The American Conflict. i866.*B CoATSWORTH. Loyal People of the North- West. .1869 B Coffin. Boys of '61 ; Four Years of Fighting. 1887 B Drum-Beat of the Nation; First Pe- riod of the War. 1888 B 2741 Marching to Victory ; Second Period of the War. 1889 B 2597 Redeeming the Republic; Third Pe- riod of the War. 1890 B 2539 Freedom triumphant; Fourth Period of the War. 1891 B 2520 My Days and Nights on the Battle- field. 1865 H 2Qf> Collection of War Envelopes ♦B 2575 553 429 585 142 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. CoLLis. A Woman's War Record, 1861- 1865 ..B 2537 Columbia, S. C, Who burnt Columbia? Official Depositions, x'^73 *B 775,9 Confederate War Caricatures *P 2242 CoNYNGHAM. Sherman's March through the South. 1865 B 2640 Cook. Siege of Richmond. 1862 B 489 Cooke. Personal Portraits, Scenes, Ad- ventures. 1872 B 485 Cooper. In and out of Rebel Prisons. '88. B 6082 CoppEE. Grant and his Campaigns. 1866. C 298 Copperhead Conspiracy of the Northwest. 1864 *B 511 CoRNWALLis. The War for the Union, 1861-5; a Poetical Panorama. '99E 7193 CoRRY. Degradation of the States. 1863*6 511 Cox. Atlanta. 1882 6587^ Battle of Franklin, Tenn. 1897 B 6127 March to the Sea; Franklin and Nashville. 1882 6587,10 Military Reminiscenc»s of the Civil War. 2v. 1900 B 6128 Second Battle of Bull Run. 1882. .B 655 Craven. Prison Life of Jeff Davis. '66C 1796 Crawford, J. M. Mosby and his Men. 1867 B 635 Crawford, S. W. Genesis of the Civil War ; Story of Sumter. 1887 B 2740 Crotty. Four Years Campaigning in the Army of the Potomac. 1874 ...B 639 Crowninshield. Battle of Cedar Creek. 1879 *B 620 Gumming. Hospital Life in the Confed- erate Army of Tennessee. 1886. B 673 Curtis. McClellan's Last Service. 1886.B 2620 CussoNS. Glance at Current History.'99B 6129 Dana, C. A. Recollections of the Civil War. 1898 B 6168 Dana, M. M. Norwich Memorial; An- nals of Norwich, 1861-65. 1873. .B 2550 Davis, G. B. Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign. 1896 K13063 Davis, J. The Confederate States of America. 1890 B 2558 Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. 2v. 1881 B 579 Davis, J. C. B. Mr. Fish and the Alabama Claims. 1893 L 3i7i Dean. Crimes of the Civil War. 1868.B 2627 Deforest. Random Sketches. 1866.. B 412 DeLeon. Four Years in Rebel Capitals. 1890 B 2554 DePeyster, Secession in U. S. and Switzerland. 1863 B 465 Ditterline. Battles of Gettysburg. '63.*B 554 DoDD. Song of the Rappahannock. 1898B 6170 Dodge. Campaign of Chancellorsville. 1881 B 388 Bird's-Eye View of the Civil War. 1883 B 621 Domschke. 20 Monate in Kriegs Ge- fangenschaft. 1865 D 50 Doubleday. Chancellorsville and Gettys- burg. 1882 6587,6 Forts Sumter and Moultrie in 1860- 1861 B 527 Gettysburg made Plain. 1888 B 2526 Drake, C. D. Union and Anti- Slavery Speeches. 1864 B 378 Drake, E. L. Battles and Engagements of Western Armies of Confederate States. 1879 " *B 775,3 Drake, J. M. Fast and L(»ose in Dixie. 1880 B 2497 Draper. American Civil War. 3 v. 1868. B 531 Drew. John Brown Invasion. i86o..t..B 567 Driggs. Opening of the Mississippi. '64B 619 Duganne. Camps and Prisons. 1865. B 2771 The Fighting Quakers. 1866. . '. . . .B 2493 Duke. History of Morgan's Cavalry. '67B 376 Dunning. The Civil War and Recon- struction. 1898 B 6099 DuPont, S. F. Official Despatches and Letters. 1883 C 1807 D-i-E. Conspiracy to overthrow Liberty. 1866 B 431 Early. Last Year of the War. 1867. .B 617 Echoes from the South. 1866 B 2613 Echoes from the Wagon Wheels. 1889. B 6123 Edge. The Alabama and Kearsarge; an Englishman's View. 1864 *B 554 McClellan and Yorktown Campaign. 1865 B 405 Edmonds. Nurse and Spy in Union Army. 1865 B 420 Edwards. Noted Guerillas. 1877 B 142 Shelby and his Men. 1867 B 433 Egan. The Flying GrayrHaired Yank. 1888 B 2492 Eggleston. a Rebel's Recollections. 1878B 448 Eleven Day^s in the Militia during the War of the Rebellion. 1883 B 2491 Ellis, E. S. Camp-Fires of General Lee. 18S6 •. B 2581 AMERICAN Ellis, T. T. Diary of an Army Surgeon. 1863 B 421 Ely. Journal of a Prisoner at Richraorffl. 1862 B 409 EsTVAN. War Pictures from the South. 1863 B 410 The same. 2v B 416 Everett, E. Address at Consecration of Gettysburg Cemetery, Xov. 9. '63. B 379 Faehtz. National Memorial D#y, 1869.. B 2509 F.\llon. Synonyms of Organizations in Volunteer Service. 1885 ♦B 2510 Famous Adventures and Prison Escapes of the Civil War. 1893 B 2470 I vRRAR. The War and its Consequences. 1864 B 493 Fisher, R. S. Chronological History of the Civil War. 1863 B 2565 Fisher, S. G. Trial of the Constitution. 1862 L 71 i iSKE, J. The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War. 1900 B 6133 FiSKE, S. Mr. Dunn Browne's Expe- riences in the Army. 1866 B 6276 Fitch. Annals of the Array of the Cum- berland. 1864 B 514 Fletcher. History of the American War. 3v. 1865-6 B 2617 FooTE. War of the Rebellion. 1866. . . .B 435 Forbes, Edwin. Life Studies of the Great Army. 1862-65 ♦? 1281 Forbes, Eugene. Diary of a Soldier in Rebel Prisons. 1865- *B 555 Force. From Fort Henry to Corinth. 1881 B 587.2 I'oRSYTH. Thrilling Days in Army Life. 1900 B 2254 Fort-Pillow Massacre. Report on. 1864. B 539 FosDiCK. 500 Days in Rebel Prii^ons. '87B 2496 Foster. The Civil War by Campaigns. 1899 B 6066 Fowler. The Sectional Controversy. '63B 811 Fox, Regimental Losses in Civil War. 1861-5. 1889 *V 1365 T^rank Leslie's Pictorial History of the War. 2v *R 4364 Freeoman. Is the Conscription Act Con- stitutional ? 1863 ♦B 553 Fremantle. Three Months in the South- ern States. Apr. -June, 1863 B 402 Fremont. Story of the Guard. 1863... B 426 Friends of North Carolina, Yearly Meet- ing, Sufferings, 1861-5 B 85 CIVIL WAR. 143 Frost. Rebellion in the United States. 1862 B 649 Fry. McDowell and Tyler at Bull Run. 1884 B 656 Military Miscellanies. 1889 B 2545 New York and Conscription of 1863. B 2612 Operations of the Army under Buell. 1884 B 2606 Fuller (The White Republican). North and South. 1863 B 6103 G. A. R., Dept. of New York ; Flag Pre- sentation to Columbia University. 1899 B 6107 National Encampment, 8th Annual Meeting. 1874 *B775.ii Woman's Relief Corps, Dept. of Illi- nois, Proceedings, ist-i7th Annual Conventions B 6108 Journal, 15th to 17th National Conventions. 3v. 1^-99. • B 6109 Gage. Who planned the Tennessee Cam- paign of 1862? ♦L3205;5 Gardner. A. B. Argument for Gen. Sheri- dan before Court of Inquiry, Dec, 1879 .B 558 Gardner. W. Decoration; Footprints of the Army of the Cumberland. '83*B 775,3 Gasparin. America before Europe. '62. B 400 Uprising of a Great People. 1861.B 399 Gates. War of the Rebellion. 1884 B 2637 Geer. Beyond the Lines. 1864 B 383 Gerrish. Army Life. 1882 B 2635 and Hutchinson. Blue and Gray.'84B 2516 Gettysburg. Soldiers' National Cemetery, Report to Legislature of Penn. on. 1867 B 572 GiDDiNGS. History of the -Rebellion. '64.B 534 G1L.MOR. Four Years in the Saddle. 1866.B 591 Gilmore. Recollections of Lincoln and the Civil War. 1898 C18385 Gu^zier. Battles for the Union. 1875... B 4^7 Capture, Prison Pen and Escape. '68. B 411 Glimpses of the Nation's Struggle. 2v. 1887-90 B 2585 GoDDARD. Letters on the American Rebel - lion. 1870 j% B ,364 Goodrich. Tribute Book; Patriotism of the American People. 1865.... ♦V 1382 Gordon. Brook Farm to Cedar Moun- . tain, in 1861-2. 1883 B 647 Campaign of the Army of Virginia. 1880 ....B 467 War Diary of the Rebellion. 1863-5. B 605 i^ AMERICAN Goss. Captivity at Anderson ville. 1876. B 453 Recollections of a Private. 1890. ..B 2518 Grant, U. S. Personal Memoirs. 2v. 1885-6 ....^ C 1878 Report. 1866 *B 502 Grayjackets : How they fought and died. 1867 B 665 Great Conspiracy ; Secret of the Assas- sination Plot. 1866 B 2582 Great Western Sanitary Fair. 1864. ...B 440 Greelev. American Conflict. 2v. 1873. B 53^ Greene, C. S. Thrilling Stories. 1889. . .B 674 Greene, F.V. The Mississippi. 1882. .. .B 587,8 Gregg. Life in the Army. 1868 B 2490 Gurovvski, a. Diary, 1861 to 1862 B 636 Hackett, F. W. Geneva Award Acts.'82N 4855 Kackett, H. B. Christian Memorials. '64B 521 Hadley. Seven Months a Prisoner. 1898.B 6137 Hague. A Blockaded Family; Alabama during the War. 1888 B 2748 Hale. Stories of War, told by Soldiers. 1882 H 440 Hall. Cayuga in the Field. 1873 B 2658 Halstead. War Claims of the South. 1876 L32050 Hamlin. Martyria ; Andersonville Prison. 1866 B 452 Hammond, W. A., Dismissal of. 1864. *B 511 Handy. United States Bonds ; or. Duress by Federal Authority. 1874 B 2513 Hardinge. Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison. 2v. 1865 B 463 Harper's Pictorial History of the Rebel- lion ; by Guernsey and Alden...*R 4354 Harper's Ferry, Pamphlets relating to. *B 775,5 Harris, T. L. The Trent Affair. 1896. B 6140 Harris, W. C Prison Life in Richmond. 1862 B 654 Harrison. Pickett's Men. 1870 B 2779 HArrold, J. Capture. Imprisonment and Escape. 1870 *B 2495 Harter. Erinnerungen aus dem Ameri- kanischen Biirgerkriege. 1895. . .Di2903 Hatcher. Last Four Weeks of the War. 1892 B 2465 Hawes. Cahaba; Captive Boys in Blue. • 1888 f B 2517 Hazen, Narrative of Military Service. 1885 B 679 Headley, J. T. Farragut and our Naval Commanders. 1867 B 464 Grant and Sherman. 1866 , . . B 473 CIVIL WAR. Headley, J. T. Grant's und Sherman's Feldzuge. 1866 D 107 The Great Rebellion. 2v. 1866 B 462 HEADy=:Y, P. C. Massachusetts in the Re- bellion. '1866 B 1028 Hedley. Marching through Georgia. '87.B 2596 Helper. Impending Crisis. 1860; B 436 Compendium of Impending Crisis. i860 B 437 Henderson. Stonewall Jackson and the Civil Wy. 2v. 1898 C18269 Henry. Civilian Appointments in United States Army. 1871 B 2481 Hexshaw. Our Branch and its Tribu- taries ; Northwestern Sanitary Com- mission B 526 Hepworth. Whip, Hoe and Sword. 1864B 407 Herbert. Pepular History of the Civil War. 1884 B 2634 Herds von Borcke. Auf dem Kriegsfade. 1895 D12913 Memoirs of the Confederate War. 2v. 1866 B 607 Zwei Jahre im Sattel u. am Feinde. 1898 ..D12916 Herr. Episodes of the Civil War. 1890.B 2519 Higginson. Life in a Black Regiment. 1882 B 403 Massachusetts in the Army and Navy. 2v. 1895-6 B 6285 Hill. Our Boys ; Experiences of a Sol- dier. 1865 B 368 Hillard. Campaigns of McClellan. '65.C 433 HiNMAN. Corporal Si Klegg and his "Pard." 1887 B 2594 HoDGKiNS. Battle of Fort Stedman. '89B 2553 Hoffman. Camp, Court and Siege. 1877.B 387 Hoffmann. Battle of Gettysburg. i88o.*B 620 Hoge. The Boys in Blue. 1867 B 380 Hoke. Invasion of 1863 ; Lee in Pennsyl- vania. 1888 B 2598 Holland. Our Army Nurses. 1895... B 61 10 Holt, Judge Advocate, Vindication of. 1866 *B 511 Hood. Advance and Retreat. 1880 B 497 Hopp. Bundesstaat und Bundeskrieg in Nordamerika. 1886 *D 5786 HoRTON. Youth's History of the Civil War. 1867 B 2571 Hosmer. The Color-Guard. 1864 B 386 IJoTCHKiss and Allan. Battle Fields of Virginia; Chancellorsville. 1867. B 2555 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. 145 Howard. 14 Months in American Bastiles. 1863 B 461 Howe. Adventures of an escaped Union Soldier from Andersonville. '86.*B775,io Humes. Loyal Mountaineers of Tennes- see. 1888 B 2751 Humphrey. The Great Contest. 1886. B 6081 Humphreys. From Gettysburg to the Rapidan. 1883 B 616 Virginia Campaigns, '64 and '65; Army of the Potomac and Army of the James. 1883 B587.12 HuNNicuTT. Conspiracy unveiled. 1863. B 362 Hunt. The Shenandoah. 1867 B 657 Hu>NTiNGTON. Stanford (Conn.) Soldiers' Memorial. 1869 B 2546 HuRLBERT. McClcllan an Prisons. 1890 B 2498 Jacobs. Rc1)c1 Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. 1864 B 565 Jameson. Military History of Medway (Mas?.). 1886 B 3419 Jeffrey. Richmond Prisons, 1861-2. ..B 6091 Johnson, E. R. History of the War of Secession. 1894 B 2595 JojiNSON, J. Defence of Charleston Har- bor, 1863-65 B 2556 Johnson, R. U. and Buel (Ed.). Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. 4v. 1887-8 .' B 2584 Johnson's Island. List of Prisoners of War, 1862-4 •B4491.6 Johnston. Narrative of Military Opera- tions. 1874 B 449 JoiNViLLE. Army of the Potomac. 1869.B .459 Jones, J. B. Rebel War-Oerk's Diary. 2v. 1866 B 450 Jones, J. W. Army of Northern Virginia. 1880 B 492 Confederate Treatment of Prisoners. 1876 * B 451 Jordan and Pryor. Campaigns of For- rest and his Cavalry. 1868 B 488 Keifer. Slavery and Four Years of War. 2v. 1900 B 6161 Keiley. In Vinculis; or, the Prisoner of War. 1866 B 6090 Kelley. Lincoln and Stanton. 1885 . . B 2622 Kellogg. Life and Death in Rebel Prisons. 1865 B 447 Kelsey. Deeds of Daring by the American Soldier: North and South. 1898.. B 6164 Kennedy. Ambrose's Letters. 1865.. B 404 The Border States, i860 *B 775.3 Kent. Story of Libby Prison. 1889 B 2538 Ketch UM. McClellan's Peninsula Cam- paign. 1864 *B 511 Kettell. Geschichte der amerikanischen Rebellion. 2v. 1865 D 136 History of the Great Rebellion. 1865B 2625 K 'B 382 Newlin. Escape of Federal Soldiers from Prison at Danville, Va. 1887B 2535 Nichols. Story of the Great March. '66. B 408 Nicola Y. Outbreak of tht Rebellion. '81. B 587,1 Noel. Rebellion in America. 1863 B 568 Notes of Hospital Life, 1861-3 B 2618 NoTT. Sketches in Prison Camps. 1865.6 2454 Sketches of the War. 1865 B 423 No YES. Bivouac and Battlefield. 1864.8- 547 Officers of the Army and Navy in the Civil War. 1892-4 ♦V 1476 V. I. Regular. 2. Volunteer. 3. Regular and Volunteer. Oldroyd. Siege of Vicksburg. 1885 B 2629 Olmstead. Hospital Transports in Vir- ginia in 1862 B 601 Our War Songs ; North and South. '87*R 627 Our Women in the War ; from the News and Courier, Charleston. S. C. '856 2457 Owens. Greene County (Ohio) in the War. 1872 B 6354 Pace. Letters of a War Correspondent. 1899 B 6173 Palfrey. Antietam and Fredericksburg. 1882 B 587,5 Pamphlets on the Civil War *B553-557 Paris, Comte de. Battle of Gettysburg. 1886 .' B 2628 Guerre civile americaine. 7v. 1874- 1890 C 6109 Cartes et Planches. 3v. in 2. 1875-83 *R 4356 History of the Civil War. 4V. 1875- B 545 Parker. Battle of Mobile Bay. 1878. . . .B 53a Parton. Gen. Butler in New Orleans.'63B 456 The same; People's ed. 1864.. B j^'^j Patterson. Shenandoah Valley Cam- paign. 1865 ..B 537 Peckham. Gen. Lyon and Missouri in 1861 B 519 Peyton. American Crisis. 1867 B 475 Phillips. Texas and Military Occupa- tion and Evacuation. 1862 ♦B775,li? Phisterer. The 14th Army Corps at Stone River. 1883 B 2704 Statistical Record of the Armies of the United States. 1883 B587.13 Pike. Scout and Ranger. 1865 B 2586 PiNKERTON. Spy of the Rebellion. 1886. B 2576 PiTTiNGER. Capturing a Locomotive; Secret Service. 1885 B 592 Daring and Suffering; Andrew's Railroad Raid. 1863 B 476 The same; rev. and enlarged. 1887 , B 273^ Plum. Military Telegraph during War. 2v. i88a B 606 Pollard. La Cause perdue. 1867 ♦V 1097 First Year of the War. 1863 B 477 Second Year of the War. 1864... B 47^ Third Year of the War. 1865 B 482 I^st Year of the War. 1866 B 483 Gen. Lee and his Lieutenants. 1867. B 481 Lost Cause. 1867 B 479 Lost Cause regained. 1868 B 626 Military Life of Jeflferson Davis.'69B 48a Pond. The Shenandoah Valley. 1883.B587.11 Pope. Campaign of the Army of Vir- ginia. 1863 B 564 Porter, D. D. Incidents of the Civil War. 1885 B 2616- Naval History of the Civil War.'86*V ' 793 Porter, F. J.. Services of the 5th Army Corps. 1879 ♦P 775,3 Porter, H. Campaigning with Grant. '97C 18003 Powell. Fifth Army Corps. Army of the Potomac, 1861-65. 1896 B 6135 Officers of the Army and Navy in the Civil War. 3v. 1892-4.. ..*V 1476 Providential Aspect of the Existing Crisis. 1861 .- L 726 PtJTNAM. Richmond during the War. 1867 B 664 Ransom. Diary in Andersonville. i88i.B256.? Rawle. The Right Flank at Gettysburg. 1878 B 507 148 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. 603 627 396 Rawle. With Gregg at Gettysburg. 1 884. *B 775,3 Raymond. History of Lincoln's Admin- istration. 1864 B 457 Reed, P. E. Incidents of the War. 1862. *B 395 Reed, S. R. The Vicksburg Campaign. 1882 B 2630 Reed, W. H. Hospital Life in the Army of the Potomac. 1866 B Regulations for Confederate Army, 1862B Reid. After the War. 1866 B Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors His- torical Society. Papers. 11 v. 1878- 1899 *B 2551 RicHARDSOX. Secret Service. 1865... B 520 Riddle. Recollections of War Times, ,1860-65. 1895 B'6ioo Ripley. From Flag to Flag ; Experiences in the South. 1889 B 2753 Roach. The Prisoner of War and how treated. 1865 B 6084 Robertson. Michigan- in the War. '82. B 2528 Rodenbough. Uncle Sam's Medal of Honor. 1886 B 839 RoEMER. Reminiscences of the War, 1861- 1865. 1897 B 6192 Roll of Honor; Soldiers interred in Na- tional Cemeteries. 27V. in 17. 1868- 1871 *B Roman. Operations of Gen. Beauregard. 2v. 1884 B Ropes. The Army under Pope. 1881.B 587,4 Story of the Civil War. 2v. 1894-8. .B 2471 RosECRANS. Battle of Murfreesboro. '63.B 458 Rolse. The Bugle Blast. 1864 B 637 RuGGLES {Gen. Bunker). Four Years a Scout and Spy. 1866 B 2639 RusLiNG. Men and Things I saw in Civil War Days. 1899 B 6060 Russell. My Dairy North and South. 2v. 1863 1 122 Sala. My Dairy during the War. 2v. 1865 B ScHALK. Campaigns of 1862 and 1863. B ScHARF. Confederate States Navy. 1887.B 25^ Schmidt. Amerikanischer Biirgerkrieg. 2v. 1869-71 D Sen MUCKER. History of the Civil War. 1865 /. B ScHNECK, Burning of Chambersburg, Pa. 1864 B 4310 ScHOULER. Massachusetts in the War. 2v. 1868 B 1021 444 630 536 384 186 530 506 516 515 424 406 ^376 508 Scott, A. M. Chronicles of the Great Rebellion. 1864 B Scott, E. G. Reconstruction during the Civil War. 1896 B 6130 Scott, J. Partisan Life witji Col. Mosby. 1867 ...B 377 Scott, M. B. .The Crisis and its De- mands *B 511 ScRiBNER. How Soldiers were made. 1887B 2459 Semmes. Cruise o! the Alabama and the Sumter. 2v. 1864 B Memoirs of Service Afloat. 1869.. B Senour. Morgan and his Captors. 1864. B Seward. Diplomatic History of the War. 1883 / 1263,5 Shaffner. The War in America. 1862..B 2566 Shanks. Personal Recollections of Dis- tinguished Generals. 1866 B Shea. Fallen Brave in the Southern Re- bellion. 1861 *V Sheridan, P. H. Personal Memoirs. 2v, 7888 ^. C Sherman, W. T. Memoirs. 2v. 1875.B Sinclair. Two Years on the Alabama. 1895 B 6106 Smedley. Life in Southern Prisons.'65.*B775,ii Smith, E. P. Incidents of U. S. Chl-is- tian Commission. 1869 B 2525 Smith, G. W. Battle of Seven Pines. 1891 B 2502 Smith, J. Map and Description of Get- tysburg, Wilderness and Appomat- tox Campaigns. 1900 *B 6175 Smith J. E. A. Dedication of Soldiers' Monument at Pittsficld, 1872 B 3636 Snead.' Fight for Missouri. 1886. B 2621 Snow, F. T-reaties and Topics in Amer- ican Diplomacy. 1894 L 3163 Snow, W. P. Southern Generals. 1866.C 1574 Society of Army of the Potomac. i6tli Reunion. 1885 B 2624 Society of Army of West Virginia, Pro- ceedings, 1870, '71, '79 *B 775»7 Society of the Army of the Tennessee, Proceedings, 1866-99. Mv *B 6111 The same, 1875 *B 775,7 SoLEY. The Blockade and the Cruisers. 1883 B 600,1 Sailor Boys of '61. 1888 B 2750 Souder. Leaves from Gettysburg. '64. B 2527 Southern History of the War; Official Reports of Battles. 1863 B 2501 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. 149 SouTHWOOD. Beauty and Booty; the Watchword of New Orleans. '67. B 618 SoWLES. History of St. Alban's Raid.'76*B 885 Spence. American Union. 1861 B 535 Spencer, A. A Narrative of Anderson- ville. 1866 B 454 Spencer. C. P. Last 90 Days of the War in North Carolina. 1866 B 2632 St.\xley and Hall. Eastern Maine and the ReMlion. 1887 B 2529 Stanton. The Church and the Rebel- lion. 1864 B 2462 Steiner. Report as Inspector of the Sanitary Commission. 1862 *B 775,7 Stfphens. Constitutional View of the late War. 2v. 1868 B 494 Supplement to the same. 1872. B 495 Stevens, G. T. Three Years in the 6ih Corps. 1866 B 256J Stevens, J. A. Union Defence Commit- tee of City of New York, 1861-2.B 672 Stevenson, A. F. Battle of Stone River. 1884 ,..B 658 Stevenson, R. R. Southern Side; or. Andersonville. 1876 B 455 Stille. Great Central Fair. 1864 'V 370 History of U. 'S. Sanitary Commis- sion. 1866 B 525 Stine. History of the Army of the Po- tomac. 1893 B 6086 Stoddard. Inside the White House in War Times. 1890 B 2514 Strait. Alphabetical List of the Battles of the Rebellion. 1881 B 6121 Roster of Surgeons Mn the late War. 1882 .B 2515 Sufferings of Prisoners of War in Rebel Prisons. 1864 B 446 Swinton. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. 1866 B 509 McClellan's Military Career. i864.*B 511 Twelve Decisive Battles. 1873 B 510 War for the Union *B 620 Tansill. Causes which led to failure of Confederate States. 1865 *B 553 Taylor. B. F. Life in Camp and Field. 1875 B 425 Taylor, R. Destruction and Reconstruc- tion. 1879 R 486 Taylor. T. E. Running the Blockade. '06B 6144 Taylor. W.H. Four Years with Lee. '78. B 487 Temple. East Tennessee and the Civil War. 1890 R 6177 Tenney. Military and Naval History of the Rebellion. 1865 B 513 Thayer. Youth's History of the Rebel- lion. 4v. 1864-67 B 430 Tomes. History of the Civil War. 3v. 1862-67 '.B 577 Toombs. New Jersey Troops in Gettys- burg Campaign. 1888 B 2560 Townsend, E. D. Anecdotes of the Civil War. 1884 Townsend, G. A. Combatant. Townsend, T. S. War. 1889 .B 628 Campaigns of a Non- 1866 B 389 Empire State in the - - R 2544 290 504 Trezevant. Burning of Columbia, S. C. 1866 *H775.3 The same *B 556 Trip of the Steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston. 1865... B 6131 Trobkiand. Four Years with the Army of the Potomac. 1889 B 2599 Truesoale. The Blue Coats in the Re- bellion. 1867 B 37a Trumbull. War Memories of an Army Chaplain. 1898 B 6102 Turchin. Chickamauga. 1888 '.B 2542 Two Months in the Confederate States. 1863 1 United Stale*. Adjutant General's Orders. 1862-64 ♦B .Maps of Battle-fields of the Civil War. 1867-83 *P 1241 Medical and Surgical History of the Rebellion. 2v. in 5. 1870-83 *Doc. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. 69V. in 127. 1880-1900 ♦B 581 The same *Doc. Atlas. 2v. 1891-5 *R 4967 Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies. lov. 1894- 1900 , ♦B Official Report of Battles. 1864. • .*B Report on the Conduct of the War 8v. 1863-6 Sanitary Commission, Account of. 1862 . ♦B77-7 In Valley of the Mississippi. '71B 522 « Voice of the Great Fair. \^S'*^eivsp. War Department. General Orders. 1861-3 ; comp. by O'Brien and Dief- endorf. 2v B 2561 Urban. Battlefield and Prison Pen. '82.B 678 583 S03 Doc. I50 AMERICAN CIVIL WAR- VaLe. Minty and the Cavalry. 1886 B 2732 Vax Horne. History of the Army of the Cumberland. 3v. 1875 B 550 Yaw'TER (Oats). Prison Life in Dixie.'SoB 569 Velazquez. The Woman in Battle. 1876B 644 Victor. History of Southern Rebellion. 4v. 1861 ..B 580 Incidents of the War. 1866 B 2636 VocKE. Der deutsche Soldat im ameri- kanischen Biirgerkriege. 1895. . .D13227 Waddell. Annals of Augusta County. Va. 1886 B 4499 Walker, A. F. The Vermont Brigade in the Shenandoah Valley. 1864 B 590 Walker, F. A. History of Second Army Corps. 1886 ".B 2731 Warberg. Skizzer fran nord-amerikanska kriget, 1861-5 C 8104 Warburton. Trial of the Officers and Crew of the Savannah. 1862 B 548 Ward. Records of Members of the Grand Army of the Republic. 1886 C 2366 Watson. Adventures of a Blockade Run- ner. 1892 ■ B 2463 Life in the Confederate Army. 1888B 2591 Wayland. Mass., in the. Civil War. 1871.B 2549 Webb.. The Peninsula ; McClellan's Cam- paign of 1862. 1881 B 587.3 Wells, p. A. Our Burden and our Strength. 1864 *B 511 Wells, E. L. Hampton and his Cavalry in '64. 1899 .^ B 6182 White. Lee and the Southern Confed- eracy. 1897 C11094 Whiting. War Claims against the United States. 1866 *L 168 Whitman, W. The Wound Dresser. '98B 6183 Whitman, W. E. S. and True. Maine in the War. 1865 B 646 Whittlesey. War Memoranda. 1861-2.B 2572 Wildman. The President of the U. S. and the Alabama. 1871 *A 295 V,'ilkeson. Recollections of a Private Sol- dier. 1887 B 2574 Wilkie (Poliuto). Pen and Powder. '88 B 2749 Wilkinson. Narrative of a Blockade Runner. 1877 B 551 Williams, G. F. Bullet and Shell. 1883B 622 Williams, G. W. Negro Troops in the Rebellion. 1888 B 2583 Williams, J. A. B. Leaves from a Troop- er's Diary. 1869 B 2728 ■REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. Wilson, J. L. The Great Civil War.'78*V 162.3 Wilson, J. T. The Black Phalanx. 1888. B 2521 Wilson, T. L, Sufferings for 'a Free Government. 1865 B 363 Wisconsin State Historical Society Li- brary, Books on the War. "1887. *0 141 Wise. The End of an Era. 1899 B 6186 Witt^,nmyer. Under the Guns. 1895.. B 2469 Wood. Reminiscences of the War B 373 Woodbury. Burnside and the 9th Army Corps. 1867 B 613 Vv'ooDS. Steedman at Chickamauga. '76. B 2568 Woodward. Our Campaigns. 1865 B 625 Wormeley. The Cruel Side of War. '98B 2752 Worthington. Shiloh ; Tennessee Cam- paign of 1862. 1872 B 375 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. UNITED STATES. i>t U. S. Artiller}', 1821-76; by Haskin. 1879 *B 2184 1st U. S. Sharpshooters, Vermont Rifle- men in the War ; by Ripley. 1883B 273m. 1st and 2d .U. S. Sharpshooters (Ber- dan's) ; by Stevens. 1892 B 2817 2d U. S. Cavalry, from Everglade to Canon, 1836-75; by Rodenbough.B 2783 4th U. S. Vol., History of, 1796-1870; by Powell. 1871 B 2780 6th U. S. Cavalry, from Yorktown to San- tiago ; by Carter. 1900 B 6725 7th U. S. Vol., Colored Troops; by Califf. 1878 •. B 2654 33d U. S. Colored Troops. Army Life in a Black Regt. ; by Higginson. '82.B 403 59ih U. S. Colored Inft. ; by*Cowden.'83B 2778 2d Army Corps in the Army of the Po- tomac ; by Walker. 1886 B 2731 5th Army Corps, Army of the Potomac; by Powell. 1896 B 6135 6th Army Corps. Following the Greek Cross ; by Hyde. 1894 B 6254 9th Army Corps, Burnside and the 9th Army Corps ; by Woodbury. 1867.B 613 14th Army Corps; by Phisterer. 1883. B 2704 19th Army Corps ; by Irwin. 1892 B 2814 Abbot. Bibliography of the Civil War. 1886 '. *0 141 Pt. I. Regimental Histories. Aldrich. History of the U. S. Marine Corps. 1875 B 2569 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. i.^i Army of the Potomac, i6th Re-union, 1885 ..B 2624 Army of the Tennessee, ist-3ist Annual Meeting, 1866-99, Proceedings. 14V *B 61 1 1 The same, ist Re-union, 1892.. B 2466 The same, 9th Annual Meeting, 1875 *B7757 Atmy of West Virginia, Proceedings at First three Meetings, 1870/7 1/79*6 775,7 Brackett. History of the U. S. Cavalry. 1865 B 2607 Fallon (Comp.). Synonyms of Organi- zations in the Volunteer Service, 1861-5. 1885 ♦B 2510 Fitch. Army of the Cumberland. 1863.B 514 Fox. Regimental Losses in the American Civil War. 1889 *V 1365 Phisterer. Statistical Record of the Armies of the U. S 3587,13 Price. Across the Continent with the 5th Cavalty. 1883 B 2181 Rhodes. History of the Cavalr>' of the Army of the Potomac. .1900 B 6782 RiCKARO. Services with Colored Troops in Burnside's Corps. 1894 ♦82551,11 Stine. Army of the Potomac. 1893 ..B 6086 U. S. War Dcpt., Official Record of the Union and Confederate Armici. 69V. in 127. 1880-1900 ♦B 581 Atlas ; comp. by Cowles. 2v. 1891- 1895 *R 4967 Index to Battles, Campaigns, etc ♦B 581 Vale. Minty and the Cavalry. 1886. .B 2732 Williams. History of the Negro Troops. 1888 B 2583 Wilson. The Black Phalanx : History of the Negro Soldiers in the Wars of the U.S. 1888 B 2521 ALABAMA. 60th Alabama Infantry ; by Shaver. '67. B 598 ARKANSAS. i^t Arkansas Cavalry, Loyalty on the Frontier ; by Bishop. 1863 B 570 COLORADO. 2d Colorado Cavalry, Three Years and a Half in the Army; by Williams. 1885 B 2725 CONNECTICUT. 1st Conn. Heavy Artillery; by Bennett. 1S90 B 2S19 2d Conn. Heavy Artillery, originally 19th Conn. Inft. ; by Vaill. 1868 B 6275 3d Conn. Inft., Wooden Nutmegs at Bull Run ; by Fry. 1872 B 2540 5th Conn. Inft. ; by Marvin. 1889 B 2840 6th Conn. Inft, its War Record; by Cad- well. 18^5 B 2678 13th Conn. Inft. ; by Sprague. 1867 B 2763 14th Conn. Inft., Mr. Dunn Browne's Ex- periences in the Army; by Fiske. 1866 B 6276 15th Conn. Inft.; by Thorp<^ 1893 B 6277 16th Conn. Inft. ; by Blakeslee. 1875. .*B 2818 i8lh Conn. Inft.; by Walker. 1885.... B 2764 20th Conn. Inft. ; by Storrs. 1886 B 2765 22d Conn. Inft., Journal of Incidents; by Waters. 1863 '. *B775,i3 _'5ih Conn. Inft., Memorial of Lt. D. P. Dewey. 1864 C 1809 27th Conn. Inft. ; by Sheldon. 1866. . . .B 2666 Adjutant General's Reports, 1861-5. sv.*Doc. Crofput and Morris. Connecticut dur- ing the War. 1869 B 64s Dana. Norwich Memorial. 1873 B 2550 Huntington. Stamford Soldiers' Memo- rial. 1869 B 2546 Ingersoll. Catalogue of Conn. Volunteer Organizations, 1861-5. 1869 *Doc. DELAWARE. 1st Del. Inft., Four Years in the War; by Murphey. 1866 B 2669 1st Del. Inft. ; by Seville. 1884 *B775,i3 6th GEORGIA. Inft., Co. C. (Beauregard Georgia Vol.) ; by Croom. 1879 ♦B 6660 Jones. History of Chatham Artillery. '67B 662 The same ♦V 652 ILLINOIS. 1st Regt. 111. National Guard. i874-85.*B 1368,1 2d Regt., I. N. G. ; by Waska. 1895. -^V 2009 2d 111. Inft. from Organization to Muster- Out ; by Bolton. 1899 -. *' 7th 111. Inft. ; by Ambrose. 1868 ': 8th 111. Inft. ; by Goode. 1899 Tl 9th 111. Cavalry; by Davenport. 1888. .H loth 111. Inft., Memoirs of the War; by Wilson. 1893 ^> nth 111. Inft., Proceedings at First Reun- ion ; by Parker. 1875 *^ 775,8 I2th 111. Inft., Beginnings of an 111. Rept in 1861 ; by Paddock. 1894 [.^092,2 7540 2676 7544 2747 6243 152 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. 13th 111. Inft., Military History and Rem- iniscences of. 1892 B 6244 14th 111. Inft., History of Hurlbut's Fight- ing Fourth Division;" by Dugan. 1863 B 6273 32d 111. Inft., Marching througH Georgia; by Hedley. 1887 * -B 2596 33d 111. Inft., Army Life; by Marshall. 1884 B 2579 36th 111. Inft. ; by Bennett and Haigh.'76B 392 39th 111. Inft., Yates Phalanx; by Clark. 1889 B 2789 45th 111. Inft. ; by Adair. 1869 B 6255 55th 111. Inft.; In the Civil War. 1887. B 2742 55th 111. Inft., Episodes and Characters in^ by Crooker. 1891 B6o92,i 57th 111. Inft. ; by Cluett. 1886 B 2699 59th 111. Inft., Episodes of the Civil War; by Herr. 1890 B 2519 73d 111. Inft. ; by Newlin and others. '90B 2797 74th 111. Inft., ist-4th Reunions of. 1883- 1886 *B775.io 77th 111. Inft. ; by Bentley. 1883 B 2784 8ist 111. Inft., Experience in the War; by Newsome. 1880 B 2773 84th 111. Inft. ; by Simmons. 1866 B 6270 85th III. Inft. ; by Aten. 1901 B 6220 86th 111. Inft. ; by Kinnear. 1866 B 2755 88th 111. Inft., or, Second Board of Trade Regiment; by Lammey. 1892. .. .B 6272 95th 111. Inft. ; by Wood. 1865 B 2775 96th 111. Inft; ed. by Partridge. 1887.. B 2754 I02d 111. Inft., Our Regiment; by Fle- harty. 1865 B 2673 104th 111. Inft. ; by Calkins. 1895 B 6271 Ii2th 111. Inft.; by Thompson. 1885.. B 2702 115th 111. Inft.; by Royse. 1900 B 6274 124th 111. Inft., known as the "Hundred and Two Dozen"; by Howard.'8oB 2694 Adjutant General's Reports, 1861-6. 8v. 1867 B 1358 The same; new ed. 8v. 1886. B 3127 The same *Doc. Barnet. Martyrs and Heroes of Illinois. 1865 ; B 1391 Collins. Illinois National Guard. 1884.B 3123 Eddy. Patriotism of Illinois. 2v. 1865- 1866 *B 432 Wilson. Illinois Officers in the Rebel- lion. 1862 C 121 Woodruff. Fifteen Years ago; Patriot- ism of Will County. 1875 B 552 INDIANA. 6th Ind. Inft. ; by Briant. 1875 B 6259 6th Ind. Inft. ; ^^y Grayson. 1875 *B775,iO The same *B 775,8 7th Ind. Cavalry; by Cogley. 1876 B 2685 7th Ind. Inft. ; by Kemper. 1898 " B6o94,i 9th Ind. Cavalrj^ 121st Regt. ; by Corn- stock. 1890 B 6256 2ist Ind. Inft., Shifting Scenes from the Drama of the Late War ; by Hard- ing. 1882 E 3290 36th Ind. Inft. ; by Grose. 1891 B 6248 44th Ind. Inft. ; by Rerick. 1880 B 2675 46th Ind. Inft. ; by Bringhurst and Swi- gart. 1888 B 2785 57th Ind. Inft., Annals of. 1868 *B 641 1 72d Ind. Inft. ; by McGee. 1882 B 2643 75th Ind. Inft., 1862-5; by Floyd. 1893. B 6247 99th Ind. Inft. ; by Lucas. 1865 *B 6412 i6ist Ind. Inft. ; by Biederwolf. 1899. .B 7521 Adjutant General's Reports, 1861-5. 8v.*Doc. Fletcher. The Soldier of Indiana in the War for the Union. 1864 B 470 Stevenson. Indiana's Roll of Honor. '64.B 2638 Terrell. Indiana in the War of the Re- bellion. 1869 B 2626 IOWA. 1st Iowa Cavalry, 1861-6; by Lothrop. 1890 B 6241 2d Iowa Cavalry; by Pierce. 1865 B 441 2d Iowa Inft., Tramps and Triumphs ; by Bell. 1886 *B 775,12 4th Iowa Cavalry, Story of; by Scott. 1893 • B 2816 5th Iowa Cavalry, Sketches of the War; by Nott. 1865 B 423 6th Iowa Cavalry, Three Years among the Indians, 1862-5; by Drips. '94. .B 6321 13th Iowa Inft., 1861-5; by Rood. 1889. B 6242 15th Iowa Inft. ; by Taylor. 1887 B 2744 19th Iowa Inft. ; by Dungan. 1865 B 6521 33d Iowa Inft. ; by Sperry. 1866 B 442 Adjutant General's Reports, 1863-72. I2v. in 8 ''Doc. Ixgersoll, Iowa and the Rebellion, 1861- 1865 B 253J Stuart. Iowa Colonels and Regiments. 1865 B 443 KANSAS. Adjutant General's Reports, 1861-5 "^Doc. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. 153 KENTUCKY. 1st Kentucky Cavalry, The Wild Riders of; by Tarrant. 1894.. B 6361 1st Kentucky Brigade; by Thompson. '68B 609 8th Kentucky Inft. ; by Wright. 1880.. B 2713 22d Kentucky Inft., Letters from the Army; by Stevenson. 1884 B 2570 24th Kentucky Inft.. A Checkered Life; by Joyce. 1883 C 1950 Adjutant General's Reports, 1862-3. 2\..*Doc. Duke. Morgan's Cavalry. 1867 B 376 Speed and others. Union Regiments of Kentucky. 1897 B 6362 Stevenson. Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army (Morgan's Cavalry). 1862. B 602 LOUISIANA. 3d Louisiana Inft., A Southern Record; by Tunnard. 1866 B 2774 26th Louisiana In ft. ; by Hall B 6382 Owen. In Camp and Battle with the Washington Artillery of New Or- leans. 1885 ;..B a6l5 MAINE. 1st Maine Cavalry; by Tobie. 1887... B 2756 1st Maine Cavalry Association, Reunions, 1872-82 : B 2787 1st, loth, 29th Maine Inft. ; by Gould.'7i.B 612 |th Maine Infantry; by Bicknell. 1871. B 6291 Ith Maine Army Corps, Following the Greek Cross; by Hyde. 1894... B 6254 7th Maine Artillery, Recollections of the War; by Lapham. 1892 B 2821 7th Maine Artillery; by Twitchell. '92. B 2823 nth Maine Inft.. Co. D; by Maxfield and Brady. 1890 B 2824 15th Maine Inft. ; by Sliorey. 1890 B 2822 16th Maine Inft. in the War; by Small. 1886 B 2718 17th Maine Inft., Campaigns of; by Houghton. 1866 B 559 20th Maine Inft, Army Life; by Gerrish. 1882 B 2635 23d Maine Inft. and 7th Maine Battery; by Lapham. 1892 B 2821 27th Maine Inft. ; by Stone. 1895 B 6292 Adjutant General's Reports, 1861-6. 6\.*Doc. Stanley and Halu Eastern Maine in the Rebellion. 1887 B 2529 Whitman and True. Maine in the War. 1865 B 646 MARYLAND. 1st Md. Inft., Itinerary in Gettysburg Campaign ; by Kirkley. 1882. . .*B 775,3 1st Md. Inft., Record of; by Camper and Kirkley. 1871 B 2665 GoLDSBOROUGH. The Maryland Line (ist and 2d Inft. and ist Cavalry) in the Confederate Army. 1869 B 653 MASSACHUSETTS. 1st Mass. Inft.; by Cudworth. 1866. ..B 413 1st Mass. Cavalry; by Crowninshield. 1891 B 2828 1st Mass. Light Battery; by Bennett.'86.B 2757 2d Mass. Inft., a Prisoner's Diary; by Quincy. 1882 *B 775,10 2d Mass. Inft, at Beverly Ford; by Oakey. 1884 *B 775,10 2d Mass. Inft. at Chancellorsville ; by Thayer. 1882 *B 775,10 2d Mass. Inft. at Gettysburg; by Morse. 1882 ♦B 775.10 2d Mass. Inft., Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain; by Gordon. 1883... B 647 2d Mass. Inft., Record of; by Quint. '67.B 596 2d Mass. Inft., Third Paper; by Gordon. 1875 B 512 Sth Mass. Inft ; by Robinson. 1879 B 2645 6th Mass. Inft.; by Hanson. 1866 B 469 6th Mass. Infantry, Campaign of '98; by Edwards. 1899 B 7008 7th Mass. Inft, 1861-5; by Hutchinson. 1890 B 6284 9th Mass. Battery; by Baker. 1888 B 2758 9th Mass. Inft,. 1861-4; by D. G. Macna- mara. 1899 * B 6288 9th Mass. Inft., The Irish 9th in Bivouac and Battle; by M. H. Macnamara. 1867 B 593 loth Mass. Light Artillery; by Billings. 1881 B 2687 loth Mass. Inft., "Ours"; by Newell. '75B 2648 nth Mass. Inft, 1861-5, Narrative of the Formation and Services of; by Hutchinson. 1893 B 6283 i2th Mass. Inft. [Webster Regiment] ; by Cook. 1882 B 2642 13th Mass. Inft., Three Years in the Army ; by Davis. 1894 B 2829 20th Mass, Inft.. Memoir of W. F. Bart- lett ; by Palfrey. 1878 C 188 154 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. 2ist Mass. Inft. ; by Walcott. 1882 B 6252 22d Mass. Inft. (Henry Wilson's Regi- ment), 2d Sharpshooters and 3d Battery; by Parker and Carter '87B 2759 23d Mass. Inft.; by Emma-ton, 1886. . .B 2795 25th Mass. Inft., My Diary; by Day. '84. B 2650 25th Mass. Inft., Story of Company A; by Putnam. 1886 B 2793 27lh Mass. Inft., Bearing Arms; by Derby. 1883 B 2791 28th Mass. Inft., The Irish Brigade and its Campaigns ; by Conyngham.'66B 533 29th Mass. Inft. ; by Osborne. 1877 B 471 32d Mass. Inft. ; by Parker. 1880 B 2682 33d Mass. Inft. ; by Boies. 1880 B 2647 33d Mass. Inft., Three Years' Service; by Underwood. 1881 B 6282 34th Mass Inft., The Soldier's Offering; by Clark. 1875 B 2691 34th Mass. Inft.; by Lincoln. 1879. ...B 2649 35th Mass. Inft. ; by Carruth and others. *i884 B 2664 ;36th Mass. Inft.; by Burrage and others. 1884 B 663 37th Mass. Inft. ; by Bowen. 1884 B 2690 38th Mass. Inft.; by Powers. 1866 B 2661 42d Mass. Inft. ; by Bosson. 1886 B 2792 43d Mass. Inft.; by Rogers. 1883 B 2656 44th Mass. Inft, Letters from ; by Haines. 1863 B 2703 44th Mass. Inft, in North Carolina. '87.B 2736 49th Mass. Inft, Life in the 49th Regt. ; by Johns. 1864, 189a B 1026 51st Mass. Inft., Camp Life of Company C; by Pierce. 1886 B 2734 52d Mass. Inft, The Color-Guard, being a Corporal's Notes ; by Homer.'64B 386 52d Mass. Inft ; by Moors. 1893 B 6281 53d Mass. Inft, also, a History of the Siege of Port Royal ; by Willis.'89B 2790 54th Mass. Inft, 1863-65; by Emilio. '91 B 281 1 55th Mass. Inft ; by Fox. 1868 *B 620 57th Mass. Inft., Army of the Potomac ; by Anderson. 1896 B 6287 Adjutant General's Reports, 1863-65. i3v*Doc. Bowen. Massachusetts nn the War, 1861- 1865. 1893 B 6286 Brown. Roll of Students of Harvard University in the Rebellion.. '66.*B 775,8 Goss. Melrose, Mass., in the Rebellion. 1868 B 643 Hall. Regiments and Armories of Massachusetts. 1899 *V 2253 Hanover, Dedication of Soldiers' Monu- ment at July, 1878. 1878 *B775,io Headley. Massachusetts in the Rebellion. 1866 B 1028 HiGGiNSON. -»Massachusetts in the Army and Navy, 1861-5. 2v. 1895-6.. B 6285 Jameson. Military History of Medway, 1745-1885. 1886 B 3419 Marvin. Worcester in the Rebellion. '70. B 2548 Massachusetts Volunteers, Record of, 1861-5. 2v. 1868 *V 10 ScHOULER. Massachusetts in the War. 2v. 1868 B 1021 Wayland in the Civil War. 1871 B 2549 Worcester, Mass., Dedication of Soldiers' Monument at. 1875 B 351 1 • MICHIGAN. 2d Michigan Cavalry, Hundred Battles in the West ; by Thatcher. 1884 B 2716 3d Mich. Inft, In the Army of the Poto- mac ; by Crotty. 1874 B 639 4th Mich. Cavalry, Minty and the Cav- alry ; by Vale. 1886 -. B 2732 4th Mich. Inft ; by Barrett 1888 *B775,i3 6th Mich. Inft., Among the Cotton Thieves ; by Bacon. 1867 B 2836 7th Mich. Cavalry; by Isham. 1893. ..B 6340 24th Mich. Inft., known as Detroit and Wayne County Regt. ; by Curtis. 1891 B 2837 Adjutant General's Reports, 1862-6. 3y..*Doc. Lanman. Red Book of Michigan. 1871.B 1403 Robertson. Michigan during the Rebel- lion. 1882 B 2528 MINNESOTA. 1st Minn. Inft.; by Searles. 1890 62585,2 2d Minn. Inft, Story of a Regiment; by Bishop. 1890 B 2835 3d Minn. Inft; by Andrews. 1887 62585,1 4th Minn. Inft, 1861-5; by Brown. 1892.B 2815 6th Minn. Inft, History of Co. E. ; by Hill. 1899 B 6481 Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars. 2v. 1890-3 B 2557 MISSOURI. 1st and 2d Confederate Brigades; by Bevier. 1879 B 561 4th Missouri Cavalry, Whip and Spur ; by Waring. 1875 E 1595 25th Missouri Inft and the ist Missouri Engineer Regt; by Neal. 1889. .B 6421 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. DO 26th Missouri Inft. ; by Dean. 1892 B 6422 Adjutant General's Report, 1863-5 *Doc. Edwards. Shelby and his Men. 1867. .B 433 NEW HAMPSHIRE. 1st N. H. Inft. ; by Abbott. 1890 B 2825 2d N. H. Inft. ; by Haynes. 1865 B 595 3d N. H. Inft. ; by Eldredge. 1893 B 2827 5th N. H. Inft. ; by Child. 1893 B 6303 6th N. H. Inft.; by Jackman. 1891 B 6300 7th N. H. Inft.; by Little. 1896 B 6306 8th N. H. Inft.; by Stanyan. 1892 B 6301 The same. Complete Roster. '92. B 6302 9th X. H. Inft.; by Lord. 1895 B 6305 nth N. H. Inft.; by Cogswell. 1891.. .B 2826 llth N. H. Inft.; by Nason. 1891. . .♦B255l,io I2th N. H. Inft.; by Bartlctt. 1897... *V 2046 13th N. H. Inft, a Diary; by Thompson. 1888 B 2746 14th N. H. Inft., Memorial of the Rebel- lion ; by Buflfum. 1882 B 631 l6th N. H. Inft. ; by Townsend. 1897. .B 6304 Adjutant General's Report, 1865-8. 5v. .*Doc. Manchester, N. H., Dedication of Sol- diers' Monument at. 1880 B 434 W'aite. New Hampshire in the Great Rebellion. 1870 B 981 NEW JERSEY. 1st N. J. Cavalry; by Pyne. 1871 B 563 9th N. J. Inft. ; by Drake. 1889 B 2766 9th N. J. Inft. ; by Everts. 1865 B 2692 nth N.J. Inft.; by Marbaker. 1898... B 6403 13th N. J. Inft.. Remini-scenccs of the War ; by Toombs. 1878 B 2730 ii N. J. Inft., Campaign of; by Ter- rill. 1884 B 2663 i! N. J. Inft.; by Haines. 1883 B 2646 24th N. J. Inft. ; by Reeves. 1889 B 6253 37th N. J. Inft., Epitome of; by Rodgers. 1864 *B 2717 >TER. New Jersey and the Rebellion. 1868 B 1223 Stryker. Record of Officers and Men in Civil War. 2v. 1876 *Doc. ToiOMBS. N. J. Troops in the Gettysburg Campaign. 1888 B 2560 NEW YORK. 2d N. Y. Artillery, Reminiscences of the War ; by Roemer. 1897 B 6192 2d \ Y. Cavalry. Capture. Prison Pen and Escape ; by Glazier. 1866 B 4n 2d N. Y. Cavalry, Three Years in the Federal Cavalry ; by Glazier. 1872B 418 3d N. Y. Artillery. Cayuga in the Field ; by Hall. 1873 B 2658 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, Heavy Guns and Light ; by Kirk. 1890 B 2831 4th N. Y. Artillery, A Famous Battery and its Campaigns ; by Smith. '92B 2800 5th N. Y. Cavalry, Historic Record of; by Boudrye. 1874 B 394 5th N. Y. Inft. (Duryee Zouaves), Camp and Field Life; by Davenport. '79.B 2668 6th N. Y. Cavalry; by Foster. 1892. .* .B 6269 6th N. Y. Inft. (Wilson Zouaves) ; by Morris. 1891 B 2809 7th N. Y. Inft. 1806-89; by Clark. 2v. 1890 B 2794 7th N. Y. Inft. (N. G.) ; by Swinton. '70B 1206 7th N. Y. Inft. 2d Co.. History of; by Clark. 1864 B 2723 8th N. Y. Cavalry, Sketch of; by Norton. 1888 ♦B775.13 9th N. Y. Heavy .Artillery ; by Ro«. 1899B 6454 9th N. Y. Inft (83d N. Y. Inft.), 1845- 1888; by Hussey. 1889 r..B 2788 9th N. Y. Inft.. Three Years Campaign ; by Jaques. 1865 » ♦B 6450 9th N. Y. Inft. The Hawkins Zouaves; by Whitney. 1866 B 611 • loth N. Y. Cavalry; by Preston. 1892. .B 2799 loth N. Y. Heavy Artillery; by Webb. 1887 *B775,i3 lOth N. Y. Inft., Services of; by Cowtan. 1882 B 2681 Mth N. Y. Artillery, Recollections of a Private Soldier in the Army of the Potomac ; by Wilkeson. 1887 . . . B 2574 nth N. Y. Cavalry, "Scott's 900"; by Smith. 1897 B 6265 12th N. Y. Inft.; by Dowley. 1869 B 1205 15th N. Y. Cavalry. 'The Red Neck Ties" ; by Norton. 1891 B 6258 i6th N. Y. Inft. ; by Thompson. 1886. .B 2805 17th N. Y. Inft., Lights and Shadows of Army Life; by Westervelt. 1886.B 2807 19th, 3d and 75th N. Y. Inft., Cayuga in the Field ; by Hall. 1873 B 2658 20th N. Y. Militia, Ulster Guard ; by Gates. 1879 B 2693 2ist N. Y. Inft., Chronicles of; by Mills. 1887 B 2767 22d N. Y. Inft., of the National Guard; by Wingatc. 1896 B 6268 156 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. 23d N. Y. Inft., Our Campaign around Gettysburg; by Lockwood. 1864. B 2768 24th N. Y. Light Artillery ; by Merriir7oB 2804 27th N. Y. Inft.; by Fairchild. 1888 . .B 2781 27th N. Y. Inft., Lights' and Shadows; by Westervelt. 1886 B 2807 28th N. Y. Inft. ; by Boyce. 1896 B 6264 33d N. Y. Inft., Story of; by Judd. 1864.B 2684 34th N. Y. Independent Light Battery, Reminiscences ; by Roemer. 1897.B 6192 48th N. Y. Inft, Perry's Saints; by Nichols. 1886 B 2'jzz 48th N. Y. Inft. ; by Palmer. 1885 B 2701 57th N. Y. Inft., Story of a Regiment ; by Frederick. 1895 B 6267 60th N. Y. Inft. ; by Eddy. 1864 B 1204 63d, 69th and 88th N. Y. Inft., Irish Brigade in the Rebellion; by Con- yngham. 1866 B 533 69th, 63d and 88th N. Y. Inft., Irish Brigade in the Rebellion; by Con- yngham. 1866 B 533 71st N. Y. Inft. ; by Whittemore. 1886.B 2801 74th N. Y. Inft, Battle of Williams- burgh ; by Burns. 1865 B 2532 75th, 3d, and 19th N. Y. Inft., Cayuga in the Field ; by Hall. 1873 B 2658 76th N. Y. Inft. ; by Smith. 1867 B 2641 77th N. Y. Inft., Three Years in the Sixth Corps; by Stevens. 1870 B 2604 The same. 1866 B 2563 79th N. Y. Highlanders; by Todd. 1886. B 2706 81st N. Y. Inft., Random Sketches; by De Forest. 1866 B 412 83d N. Y. Inft (9th N. Y. Vols.), 1845- 1888; by Hussey. 1889 B 27S8 88th, 63d and 69th N. Y. Inft., Irish Brigade in the Rebellion; by Con- yngham. 1866 B ^2^^ 93d N. Y. Inft ; by King and others. '95B 6263 97th N. Y. Inft (Conkling Rifles) ; by Hall. 1890 B 2813 98th N. Y. Inft ; by Kreutzer. 1878. . . .B 2653 looth N. Y. Inft. ; by Stowits. 1870 B 2610 io8th N. Y. Inft., 1862-94 ; by Washburn. 1894 *V 2015 I I2th N. Y. Inft. ; by Hyde. 1866 B 499 114th N. Y. Inft. ; by Beecher. 1866 B 2769 114th N. Y. Inft. ; by Pellet. 1866 B 594 115th N. Y. Inft., The Iron Hearted Regi- ment ; by Clark. 1865 B 6257 Ii6th N. Y. Inft ; by Clark. 1868 B 6262 117th N. Y. Inft. (4th Oneida) ; by Mow- 1 ris. 1866 B 2659-! I20th N. Y. Inft., Narrative of its Serv- .' ices; by Van Santvoord. 1894. .B 6260 I 124th N. y. Inft.; by Weygant. 1877. -B 2735 ! 125th N. Y. Inft ; by Simons. 1888 B 2770 ■ 126th N. Y. Inft., Disaster, Struggle, and I Triurnph; by Willson. 1870 B 2724; i49th N. Y. Inft., Memoirs of ; by Collins. \ 1891 B 2830! i52d N. Y. Inft [Herkimer and Otsego : Counties in the War] ; by Roback. 1888 B 2782: 159th N. Y. Inft ; by Duffy. 1890 B 2802 1 176th N. Y. Inft., Camps and Prisons; by \ Duganne. 1865 B 2771 ; Adjutant General's Reports, 1863-5. 2w*Dol\ \ Clark, L. H. Military History of Wayne \ County, N. Y. 1883 B 6261 j Clark, R. W. Heroes of Albany, 1861-5. C 1703 ; Fry. New York and Conscriptions of \ 1863. 1885 B 2612 j Hough. History of Duryee's Brigade.'64B 571 ; New York County, Report of Committee i on Volunteering. 2v. 1866 62484, New York Inft., Presentation of Flags to '■ Gov. Fenton, 1865 *V 1399 Presentation of Regimental Colors to the Legislature, 1863 *B775,ii ; The same. 1864 *B 87 1 Phisterer. New York in the 'Rebellion. 1 1890 B 2511 ; Records of the Regiments of N. Y., v., 1-3, : 5-8. 1864-8 .*...*Z?oc. ; TowNSEND. Heroes of the Empire State i in the War. 1889 B 2544 NORTH CAROLINA. ' 27th N. C. Inft., Co. B., Reminiscences 1 of the Guilford Grays; by Sloan. j 1883 B 2726 \ MooRE. Roster of North Carolina Troops. j 4v. 1882 *B 2578 ; OHIO. ■ 1st Ohio Artillery, .Battery A; by David- ■ son. 1865 B 2806 I 3d Ohio Inft., The Citizen Soldier; by j Beatty. 1879 B 677] 4th Ohio Inft. ; by Kepler. 1886 B 270a I 6th Ohio Inft., Story of; by Hannaford. 1868 ....B 2686 ; 7th Ohio Cavalry; by Rankin *B775,io • REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. 157 7th Ohio Inft.. History of Company C. ; by Wilder. 1866 B 2697 7th Ohio Inft. ; by Wood. 1867 B 2677 The same. 1865 B 1309 Slh Ohio Inft. : by Sawyer. 1881 B 2657 loth Ohio Battery, Sketch of; by Owens. 1872 B 6354 nth Ohio Inft.; by Horton and Tever- baugh. 1866 B 5^8 lith Ohio Inft., Lights and Shadows of Army Life; by Lyle. 1865 B 369 I2th Ohio Inft., Sketch of; by Owens. 1872 B 6354 14th Ohio Inft., 1861-65; by Chase. 1881B 6353 17th Ohio Inft.. Army of the Cumberland, 1861-5; by De Veiling. 1889 B 6246 20th Ohio Inft. ; by Wood. 1876 B 575 21 St Ohio Inft.; by Canfield. 1893 B 6245 25th Ohio Inft. ; by Culp. 1885 B 2695 29th Ohio Inft.. Journal History of; by Scchcverel. 1883 B 2671 32d Ohio Inft. ; by Hayes. 1896 B 6353 35th Ohio Inft. (Original Persimmon Regt.) ; by Keil. 1894 B 6351 40th Ohio Inft. ; by Beach. 1884 B 2670 42d Ohio Inft.; by Mason. 1876 B 2696 44ih Ohio Inft., Sketch of; by Owens. 1872 B 6354 46th Ohio Inft. ; by Worthington. 1880. *B 775.8 48th Ohio Inft. ; by Bering and Mont- gomery. 1881 B 573 53d Ohio Inft. : by J. K. Duke. 1900. . .B 6355 72d Ohio Inft. ; Speech of John M. Lem- mon. June 17. 1875 *B775.J3 73d Ohio Inft., Journal of; by Hurst. '66B 632 74th Ohio Inft., with Sketches ; by Owens. 1872 B 6354 74th Ohio Inft., Greene Co. Soldiers in the War ; by Owens. 1884 B 2680 78th Ohio Inft. : by Stevenson. 1865. .B 608 79th Ohio Inft.. Roster. 1888 *B775.I3 8ist Ohio Inft.; by Chamberlin. 1865. B 574 8ist Ohio Inft.. Co. C, A Corporal's Story ; by Wright. 1887 B 2743 91st Ohio Inft. ; by Ewing. 1868 *B775,i2 94th Ohio Inft., Sketch of; by Owens. 1872 B 6354 96th Ohio Inft. ; by Woods. 1874 B 576 104th Ohio Inft. ; by Pinney. 1886 B 2705 T Toth Ohio Inft., Sketch of; by Owens. 1872 B 6354 lijth Ohio Inft.. Our Knapsack (Anec- dotes Sketches, etc.) *B775.ii 113th Ohio Inft., Every-day Soldier Life; by McAdams. 1884 B 2698 ii6th Ohio Inft, Record of; by Wildes. 1884 B 2710 123d Ohio Inft., Military History of; by Keyes. 1874 B 633 124th Ohio Inft., Campaigns of ; by Lewis. 1894 B 6350 154th Ohio Inft., Sketch of; by Owens. 1872 B 6354 Beach. Marietta College in the War.'78B 2489 Fremont, Ohio, Soldiers' Monument at. 1885 B 2623 Ohio, (Thickamauga and Chattanooga Na- tional Park Commission; ed. by McElroy. 1896 B 6349 Ohio Soldiers in the Rebellion, Roster of. « I2V. 1886-95 *Doc. Owens. Greene County in the War. 1872B 6354 The same; rev. and enl. 1884. B 2680 Rcio. Ohio in the War. 2v. 1868 B 1283 PENNSYLVANIA. 1st Pcnn. Reserve Cavalry ; by Lloyd.'64B 2683 1st Penn. Reserves, Company K. ; by Min- nigh. 1891 B 2832 1st Penn. Inft.; by Benson and others. 1880 ♦B 620 2d Penn. Reserves (31st oiF the Line), Our Campaigns; by Woodward. 1865 B 625 3d Penn. Reserve; by Woodward. 1883. B 2655 4lh Penn. Cavalry, Record of Co. A. ; by Hyndman. 1870 B 2727 6th Penn. Cavalry; by Gracey. 1868. ..B 2707 7th Penn. Cavah-y, Sabre Strokes of Penn. Dragoons; by Dornblaser. 1884. B 2737 7th Penn. Cavalry, Minty and the Cav- alry ; by Vale. 1886 B 2732 8th Penn. Reserves, Our Boys; by Hill. 1865 B 368 8th Penn. Cavalry at Chancellorsville ; by Huey. 1885 • B 2712 9th Penn. Cavalry, Minty and the Cav- alry ; by Vale. 1886 U 2732 nth Penn. Inft., Story of; by Locke.*72B 438 1 2th Penn. Reserve Corps (41st Regt. of the Line) ; by Hardin. 1890 B 2798 13th Penn. Inft.. Camp, March and Bat- tlefield; by Stewart. 1865 B 277.* 15th Penn. Inft, Leaves from a Trooper's Diary ; by Willir.ms. 1869 R 2728 158 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. 2Sth Penn. Inft., Co. I., Doylestown Guards ; by Davis. 1887 B 6331 48th Penn. Inft. ; by Bosbyshell. 1895 . B 6334 50th Penn. Inft. ; by Crattr. 1884 B 2719 51st Penn. Inft. ; by Parker. 1869 B 2714 63d Penn. Inft, Peninsular Campaign in Virginia; by Marks. 1864 B 543 69th Penn. Inft. ; by McDermott B 2808 83d Penn Inft. ; by Judson B 560 88th Penn. Inft. ; by Vautier. 1894 B 6332 90th Penn. Inft., Life in Southern Prisons; by Smedle}'. 1865. . . .*B775,ii 95th Penn. Inft., "Gosline's Penn. Zouaves"; by Galhway. 1884... B 2834 97th Penn. Inft. ; by Price. 1875 *V 768 09th Penn. Monument at Gettysburg; by Fasnacht. 1886 *B775,i2 looth Penn. Inft. (Roundheads) ; by Bates. 1884 *B775,i2 I02d Penn. Inft., Camp, March, and Bat- tlefield ; by Stewart. 1865 B 2772 104th Penn. Inft.; by Davis. 1866 B 1242 105th Penn. Inft. ; by Scott. 1877 B 2651 io6th Penn. Inft. ; by Ward. 1883 . . . . B 2644 109th Penn. Inft. ; by Veale. 1890 B 2833 114th Penn: Inft., Music on the March (Collis' Zouaves) ; by Rauscher. 1892 B 6333 Ii6th Penn. Inft., The Irish Brigade and its Campaigns; by Conyngham.'66B 533 Il8th Penn. Inft., Historical Sketch; by Peck. 1884 *B775,io Ii8th Penn. Inft., Corn Exchange Regt. 1888 B 2786 I2ist Penn. Inft. 1893 B 6330 I22d Penn. Inft.,.ist Reunion of. i884.*B775,i2 I22d Penn. Inft.; by Sprenger. 1885. ..B 2715 126th Penn. Inft. ; by Rowe. 1869 B 2660 127th Penn. Inft, Life in the Army; by Gregg. 1868 B 2490 138th Penn. Inft. ; by Lewis.. 1866 B 2662 141st Penn. Inft ; by Craft 1885 B 2708 150th Penn. Inft., Recollections of a Drummer Boy ; by Kieffer. 1889. H 1658 153d Penn. Inft., Ten Months with; by Simmers and Bachschmid. i863.*B775,ii The same. 1863 *B 775,8 392d Penn Inft., Journal of; by Myers. 1864 B 640 198th Penn. Inft. : by Woodward. 1884. B 2652 Adjutant General's Reports, 1862-6. 5y.*Doc. Banes. History of Philadelphia Brigade (69th, 71st, 72d. lOOth Regts.). '76B 2672 Bates. History of Penn. Volunteers. 5v. 1869-71 *Doc. Martial Deeds of Penn. 1875." ..*V 650 Laciar. Patriotism of Carbon Co., Penn. ' 1867 B 589 Reilly. Reunion of Philadelphia Brigade and Pickett's Division B 2808 Sypher. History of Reserve Corps. 1865. B 1241 Wilson. Leaves from a Trooper's Diary (Anderson Cavalry) ; by Williams. 1869 B 2728 RHODE ISLAND. 1st R. I. Cavalry; by Gardiner. i896*B255i,ii ist R. I. Cavalry, Sabres and Spurs; by Denison. 1876 B 2688 1st R, I. Inft ; by Woodbury. 1862 B 2761 1st R. I. Light Artillery, Battery E. ; by Butts. 1896 *B255i,ii 1st R. I. Light Artillery, Battery E. ; by Lewis. 1892 B 2812 2d R. I. Inft.; by Woodbury. 1875 B 2679 3d R. I. Heavy Artillery, Shot and Shell ; by Denison. 1879 *B 2810 4th R. I. Inft, 46 Months with ; by Allen. 1887 B 2760 5th R. I. Heavy Artillery ; by Burlingame. 1892 B 2820 7th R. I. Cavalry, Co. B., the College Cavaliers; by Pettengill. 1883... B 2458 7th R. I. Squadron Cavalry; by Corliss. 1879 *B 775.8 9th R. I. Inft. ; by Spicer. 1892 B 6372 loth R. I. Battery; by Spicer. 1892 B 6372 10th R. I. Inft. ; by Spicer. 1892 B 6372 nth R. I. Inft; by Thompson. 1881.. B 2762 I2th R. I. Inft., The Flying Regiment ; by Grant. 1865 *B 6373 Adjutant General's Reports, 1861-4 *Doc. Bartlett. Rhode Island Officers in the Rebellion. 1867 *V 651 Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society, Personal Narratives. 11 v. 1878- 1899 *B 2551 Stone. Rhode Island in the Rebellion. 1864 B 599 SOUTH CAROLINA. 1st S. C. Inft. (afterwards the 33d U. S.), Army life in a Black Regiment ; by Higginson. 1882 B 403 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. 159 7th S. C. -Cavalry. The Falling Flag; by Boykin. 1874 ^ 2689 10th S. C Inft., Sketch of; by Walker. 1881 , ..♦B 2803 Caldwell. History of Gregg's Brigade (ist. I2th, 13th. 14th Regt5?.)- '66.B 660 TENNESSEE. ist Tenn. Inft., "Co. Aytch" ; by Watkins. 1882 B 634 2d Tenn. Cavalry, Diary; by Hancock. 1887 B 2777 2d Tenn. Inft., Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army; by Stevenson. 1862. B 602 13th Tenn. Inft.; by Vaughan. 1897.. B 6432 i6th Tenn. Inft., Campaigns of: by Head. 1885 B 2711 Drake. Annals of the Army of Tennes- see. 1878 •B775,3 Jordan and Pryor. Campaigns of For- rest's Cavalry. 1868 B 488 LiNDSLEY. Military .Xnnnh of Tenn. 1st Ser. 1886 .. R 2577 TEXAS. 26th Texas Cavalry (Debray's) ; by De- bray. 1884 •B77S.12 Bij:ssington. Campaigns of Walker's Texas Division. 1875 B 661 VERMONT. 8th Vermont Inft. ; by Carpenter. 1886.B 2709 loth Vermont Inft.; by Haynes. 1870. .B 641 14th Vermont Inft., Life in Camp; by Williams. 1864 B 2674 Ijutant General's Report, i86i-6 ♦V2016 Benedict. Service of the Vermont Troops. i88j *B 775,3 Vermont in the Civil War. 2v. 1888B 2530 Grant. Old Vermont Brigade (2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th Regts.). 1887. .B2585,i Lane. Soldiers' Record of Jericho. '65*B 2494 Ripley. Vermont Riflemen in the War; 1st U. S. Sharpshooters. Co. F.'83B 2738 Walker. The Old Vermont Brigade (2d, 6th and nth Regts.). 1869 B 590 VIRGINIA. ist Virginia Inft., War History of the Old First ; by Loehr. 1884 B 2721 9th, loth, 13th, 14th Virginia Cavalry, List of Officers and Men of Beale's Cavalry Brigade. 1887 *B449i,6 i7ih Virginia Inft. ; by Wise. 1870. . . .B 2729 18th Virginia Inft., Nottoway Grays, Co. G. ; by Irby. 1878 ^ . . . *B775,io 19th Virginia Inft., The Confederate Sol- dier, Memorial of G. N. and B. \V. Harris; by Edwards. 1868 C 329 33d Virginia Inft., Four Years in the • Stonewall Brigade ; by Casler. '93B 6249 43d Virginia Cavalry, Mosby's Rangers; by Williamson. 1896 B 6390 43d Virginia Cavalry, Mosby and -his Men; by Crawford. 1867 B 635 43d Virginia Cavalry, Partisan Life with Mosby; by Scott. 1867 B m Allan. Army in Northern Virginia in 1862. 1892 B 2464 Blackford and others. Annals of the Lynchburg Home Guard. 1891 . . B 2488 Gray Jackets, and how they lived, fought and died for Dixie. 1867 B 665 Harrison. Pickett's Men; Fragment of War History. 1870 B 2770 Jones. Army of Northern Virginia. 1880B 492 .McClellan. Life and Campaigns of Maj.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. 1885. C 2231 Page. Sketch of Page's Battery of Mor- ris* Artillery, 2d Corps, Army of Northern Virginia. 1885 >B775.I2 Richmond Howitzers in the War. 1891.B 2487 Wells. Hampton and his Cavalry in '64. 1899 B 6182 WEST VIRGINIA. 1st W. Va. Light Artillery, Battcuy G; by Reader. 1890 B 6250 2d W. Va. Cavalry; by Sutton. 1892. ..B 6251 4th W. Va. Inft.; by Barton. 1892. . . .C1053H 5th W. Va. Cavalry ; by Reader. 1890. .B'625o 15th W. Va. Inft., The Flying Gray- haired Yank ; by Egan. i888. ...B 2492 Adjutant General's Report, 1864 *Doc. WISCONSIN. 3d Wis. Inft. ; by Bryant. 1891 B 2839 5th Wis. Inft., Army of the Potomac, Behind the Scenes; by Castleman. 1863 ♦B 2770 6th Wis. Battery; by Keene. 1879. ..*B775,io The same *B 775,8 6th Wis. Inft., Service with; by Dawes. 1890 B 2796 8th Wis. Inft., The Eagle Regiment; by Williams. 1890 B 2838 i6o SPANISH-AMERICAN AND PHILIPPINE WARS. 8th Wis. Inft, History of "Old Abe", the Live War Eagle ; by Barrett. 1865B 1499 The same. 6th edition. 1876. . .B 2745 8th Wis. Intt., Opening of Mississippi; by Driggs. 1864 .v B 619 I2th Wis. Inft., Co. E. ; by Rood. 1893.B 6266 13th Wis. Inft. ; by Lovejoy. 1894 C18416 iSth Wis. Inft., Skandinaviske Regt. ; by Johnson. 1869 B 2720 2ist Wis. Inft., A Soldier of the Cumber- land; Memoir of Mead Holmes, Co. K. 1864 C 1897 22d Wis. Inft., The Star Corps; by Brad- ley. 1865 B 2605 36th Wis. Inft., From Organization to its Muster Out; by Aubery. 1900. .B 6500 37th Wis. Inft., Sword and Gun ; by Eden. 1865 B 659 38th Wis. Inft., Battlefields and Camp- fires ; by Pierce. 1866 B 2667 Damon". History of the Milwaukee Light Guard. 1875 B Love. Wisconsiii in the Rebellion. '66*B QuiNER. Military History of Wisconsin. 1866 B 700 597 SPANISH-AMERICAN AND PHILIP-" PINE WARS. Abbot. Blue Jackets of '98. 1899 B 7003 Armstrong. Pictorial Atlas of the Span- ish-American War. 1898 *R 4360 BiEDERWOLF. History of the i6ist Regt. Indiana Vol. Inft. 1899 B 7521 BiGELOw. Reminiscences of the Santiago Campaign. 1899 B 7004 Bolton. History of the 2d Regt. 111. Vol. ^Inft. 1899 B 7540 BoNSAL. The Fight for Santiago. 1899.B 7001 The Golden Horseshoe; Letters from Philippine Islands and Puerto Rico. 1900 B 7000 Brqoks. Story of our War with Spain. 1899 H 3267 Brownlee. War-Time Echoes; Patriotic Poems of the War. 1898 E 7617 Bryan (Ed.). Our Islands and their People. 1899 *R 4366 Carter. From Yorktown to Santiago with 6th U. S. Cavalry. 1900. . . .B 6725 Cassard. Battleship Indiana in Spanish- American War. 1899 B 7005 Cervera y Topete. Views of the Spanish Navy in 1898 *Doc. Chicago Record's War Stories. 1898. ..B 7002 Daughters of the American Revolution. Relief Work of Illinois Chapter. 1899 ., B 7037 Davis. TWh Cuban and Porto Rican Campaigns. 1898 B 7006 DouBLEDAY. A Gunner aboard' the "Yan- kee"; the Naval Reserves. 1898. B 7021 Draper. The Rescue of Cuba. 1899.. B 7007 Edwards. The- '98 Campaign of the 6th Massachusetts U. S. V. 1899... B 7008 Faust. Campaigning in the Philippines. 1899 B 7090 Fulton and Trueblood (Comp.). Pa- triotic Eloquence relating to the Spanish-American War. 1900.. B 7094 Goode, W. a. M. With Sampson through the War. 1899 B 701 1 Goode, W. T. The Eighth Illinois. 1899B* 7544 Hall. Fun and Fighting of the Rough Riders. 1899 , B 7014 Halsted. Full Official History of the War with Spain. 1899 B 7012 Our Country in War. 189S B 2330 Story of the Philippines. i89S...,B 7013 Harper's Pictorial History of the War with Spain. 2v. 1899 *R 436i History of the War in the Philip- pines; ed. by Wilcox. 1900 *R 4363 Hemment. Cannon and Camera. 1898. B 7015 Herrmann. From Yauco to Las Ma- rias; Campaign in Puerto Rico. 1900 B 7010 HoBSON. The Sinking of the Merrimac. 1899 B 7016 Howard. Fighting for Humanity. 1898. B 7017 Johnston. History up to Date; War of 1898 B 7018 Kennan. Campaigning in Cuba. 1899.B 7019 Leslie's Official History of the Spanish- American War. 1899 *R 4362 Lodge. The War with Spain. 1899.. ..B 7022 McCooK. Martial Graves of our Heroes in Santiago de Cuba. 1899 B 7028 Mahan. Lessons of the War with Spain. 1899 B 7030 Maine, U. S. Battleship, Court of Inquiry upon Destruction of. 1898 *B 2290 Mansfield (Comp.). Work of the Mass. Volunteer Aid Association, 1898.3 7032 Marshall. Story of the Rough Riders, 1st U. S. Vol. Cav. 1899 B 7023 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. i6i Matthews. Our Navy in Time of War, 1861-98 B 2252 MiLEY. In Cuba with Shafter. 1899. -67024 Millet. Expedition to the Philippines. 1899 B 7025 Minneapolis Journal. Cartoons of the Spanish- American War ; by Bart* V2394, i Expansion; Bart's Best Cartoons for 1899 '. . . . >V2394,2 Morris. The War with Spain. 1899. .B 7026 '^usGRAVE. Under Three Flags in Cuba. 1899 B 7025 Parker. The Catling Gun Detachment at Santiago. 1898 B 7035 Rand-McNally Atlas of Two Wars; Philippine Islands and South Af- rica. 1899 *R 4990 Robinson. The Philippines ; the War and the People. 1901 B 7104 Roosevelt. The Rough Riders. 1899.. B 7038 RrssELL. Illustrated History of Our War with Spain. 1898. . .^ B 7039 Story of Two Wars. 1899 B 7040 Sheridan. The Filipino Martyrs. 1900.B 7084 SiGSBEE. The Maine; Account of her Destruction. 1899 B 7046 SoNNiciiSEN. Ten Months a Captive among Filipinos. 1901 67107 Souvenir of Camp Cuba Libre- (7th Army Corps). 1898 B 7041 Spanish-American War described by Eye Witnesses- 1899 B 7043 Spears. Our Navy in the War, 1898. B 7044 Stickney. War in the Philippines and Life of Dewey. 1898 B 7047 Titherington. The Spanish-American War of 1898 B 7057 United States, Bureau of Navigation, Report on War with Spain. 1898.B 7054 Commission appointed by the Presi- dent to Investigate the Conduct of the War Department. 1899 B 7048 Proclamations and Decrees during War with Spain B 7049 Venable. - 2d U. S. Regt. Vol. Engineers. 1899 B 7201 Verdades. Historia Ncgra. 1899 CC 9910 Vivian. Fall of Santiago. 1898 B 7051 With Dewey at Manila. 1898 B 7050 Watterson. History of the Spanish- American War. 1898 B 7060 Welsh. The Other Man's Country. 1900B 7130 Wheeler. The Santiago Campaign. 1898B 7062 White. History of War with Spain. 1898B 7065 Wilson. The Downfall of Spain. 1900. .B 7068 Witherbee (Comp.). Spanish- Ameri- can War Songs. 1898 E 8983 Women's National War Relief Associa- tion, Report, 1898-1899 B 7100 Young and Northrop. Life of Admiral Dewey. 1899 C17747 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. ALABAMA. Ball. Clark Co. and Surroundings. '82.B 2841 Brewer. History of Alabama. 1872.. B 1801 Hamilton. Colonial Mobile, 1519-1821.B 2847 Northern Alabama. 1888 ♦ V 3001 Pickett. History of Alabama. 2v. 185 i.B 1802 ALASKA. Bancroft. History of Alaska. 1886. B 1775,28 ARKANSAS. Arkansas, Eastern, Historical Memoirs of. 1890 *V 1458 Northeast, Memoirs of. 1889 *V 3002 Northwest, History of. 1889 ♦B 2860 Southern, Memoirs of. 1896 ♦V 1457 Western, Memoirs of. 1891 ♦V 3003 Conway County. 1890 .* ♦V 3004 Harrell. The Brooks-Baxter War; Re- construction in Arkansas. 1893. B 2861 CALIFORNIA. Allen and Avery. California Gold Book. 1893 B 2890 Apponyi. Libraries of California. 1878. J 171 1 Bancroft. History of California, 1542- 1890. 7v. 1884-1888 Bi775,i3-i9 California Pastoral, 1769-1848 Bi775,29 California Inter Pocula, 1848-56. .Bi775,30 Popular Tribunals. 2v. 1887. B 1775.3 1-32 Bay of San Francisco, the Metropolis of the Pacific Coast and its Suburban Cities. 2v. 1892 ♦V 3009 Coast Counties of Central California. 1893 *V 3005 Monterey, San Benito, Santa Cruz and San Mateo Counties. Cooke. Conquest of New Mexico and California. 1878 B 1747 CuTTS. Conquest of California and New Mexico. 1847 B 1766 Forces. History of California. 1839. .B 1761 1 62 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. Fresno, Tulare and Kern Go's. 1896. *V 3006 Frost. History of California to 1848.. B 1763 Greenhow. History of California and Oregon. 1844 -j; B 1335 Halley. Centennial of Alameda Co. '76B 1752 Henshaw. Perforated Stones from. California. 1887 B 2134 History of Northern California. i89i.*V 3007 History of Southern California. 1890. *V 3008 San Diego, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Orange Counties. HiTTELL, J. S. History of San Fran- cisco. 1878 B 1762 HiTTELL, T. H. History of California. 4v. 1885-97 B 1774 Hunt. Genesis of California's First Constitution. 1895 *L320I,I3 James. Old Missions of California. '95M 1794 Jenness. Charities of San Francisco. '94B 1768 RoYCE. California. 1886 B 1765 San Joaquin County. 1890 *V 3010 Society of Colonial Wars in California: Officers and Committees. 1900.. B 291 1 Soul6 and others. Annals of San Fran- cisco. 1855 B 1767 Steele. Old Californian Days. 1893.. I 5524 Thomas. Our Centennial Memoir; Founding of the Missions. 1877.M 1553 TuTHiLL. History of California. 1866.B. 1855 Venegas. Histoire de la Californie. 3v. 1767 C 4268 WiLLARD. Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles, 1888-1900 B 2901 Free Harbor Contest at Los Angeles. 1899 B 2900 WiLLEY. Papers relating to Santa Cruz. 1876 *B 883 The Transition Period of California, 1846-1850. 1901 B 2904 COLORADO. Gear Creek and Boulder Valleys, History of. 1880 *B 1754 Denver, History of. 1880 *B 1749 First Report of Union Colony. 1871..B 1750 FossETT. Colorado, Historical and De- scriptive. 1876 B 1751 Hallowell. Boulder County. 1882. .*B 775,1 Hill. Tales of the Colorado Pioneers. 1884 B 2922 CONNECTICUT. Adams. First Church of Christ in Weth- ersfield. 1877 *B862,3 Alvord. Address at Second Centennial of Stamford. 1842 *B 862.4 Anderson and Ward (Ed.). Waterbury to J^5- 3v B 3021 Andrews. ' Genealogy and History of New Britain. 1867 B 2971 Atwater. History of the Colony of New Haven. 1881 B 2961 Bacon. Thirteen Historical Discourses. 1839 B 1137 Bailey (Ed.). Early Connecticut Mar- riages prior to 1800. 3v B 3017 Barber. Connecticut Historical Collec- tions. 1836 B 1 13S and Punderson. History of New Haven. 1856 . . » B 3014 Bartlett. Sketches of New Haven. '97*V 2105 BowEN. Boundary Disputes of Connecti- cut. 1882 *V 525 Bo\T). Annals of Winchester. 1873... B 3011 Bronson. History of Waterbury. 1858.B 1139 Camp. History ,of New Britain, 1640- 1889 .- B 2997 Carpenter and Arthur. Cabinet History of Connecticut. 1865 B 1 140 Caulkins. History of New London. '52. B 1142 History of Norwich. 1845 B 2967 History of Norwich to 1866 B 3009 Chapin. Glastenbury for 200 Years. '53. B 1134 Charter Oak; its'History and Fall. '56.*B 862,2 Child. An old New England Town (Fairfield). 1895 B 3016 Cogswell. History of Rockville, 1823- 1871 B 3006 Connecticut, Birthday of; 250th Anniver- sary of Adoption of First Consti- tution. 1889 B 2989 Blue Laws, Code of 1650. 1822 B 3022 The same. 1843 B 1146 The same; ed. by Schmucker. 1861 ..-. B 1147 True and False Blue Laws ; ed. by Trumbull. 1876 B 1152 Letters from English Kings and Queens to Governors of, 1635-1749B 2962 Public Records of the Colony, 1636- 1776. 15V *B 1145 Public Records of the State, 1776- 1780. 2v *B 3025 CoTHREN. History of Ancient Wood- bury, 1659-1871. 3v B 2968 Croffut and Morris. Connecticut during the War, 1861-5 B 645 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. 163 Davis. Wallingford, Meriden and Cheshire. 1870 B 2970 De Forest. History of Indians in Con- necticut. 1871 B 1151 Dudley. History of Cromwell. 1880. *B 775,1 DwiGHT. History of Connecticut. 1872.I 3693 Enfield, Historical Sketch of. 1876 B 2993 Fairfield, Centennial Commemoration of Burning of, July, 1779 B 1 133 Field, D. D. Centennial Address at Mid- dletown. 1853 B 2. Oakwoods Cemetery : Extract from ' its Charter and Amendments. '98.B 3107 Old St. Mary's Church. 1878 *B 1397 Old Tippecanoe Club, Memorial Book. 1889 B 3174 Poll Books of First Ward. Nov.. 1882 : L Portrait Gallery of Representative Men of Chicago and World's Co- lumbian Exposition. 1892 *R Postmasters of, 1831-97; comp. by Gordon. 1899 *B 3108 Prominent Citizens and Industries of Chicago. 1901 *V 2196 Putney's Directory of Real Estate Values, 1890 '. B 3178 Railroads, History and Commerce of Chicago. 1854 ' *Bi363,i. Real Estate Assessments, 1899. gv. 1900 *R 1766 296 438 Chicago, Relief from Artists of Paris and Diisseldorf. 1872 B 1393 Relief Society's Report, 1874...... B 1382 Report on Common Schools, 1838. *L 164 Report of.^U. S. Commissioners on Strike of 1894 L 7362 Revised Co.de, 1897-8. 2v. . .• *R 4026 The same *Doc. Ruined City; Great Fire in Chicago, 1871 *B 1362 St. Patrick's Day, 1876 *B 1397 ' 1878; Response by W. J. Ona- han *B 1397 Schiller-Denkmal. 1886 *R 4348 Seven Days in Chicago. 1877 *B 1336 South Park Commissioners' Report, 1872-93 *Doc. Statistical and Historical Review of Chicago, 1869 *3 1362 Sunset Club, Meetings, 1891-5, 1898- 1899- 5v E 2248 Union League Club, Commemoration of Washington's Birthday, 1888. '92, '95, '97, '98 B 3164 United Hebrew Relief Association. Report, 18S0-83 *B 1397 Unveiling La Salle Statue in Lincoln Park, Oct. 12, 1889 B 3167 Washington Park Club, Photographs. 1889-91 *R 4089 Washington's Inauguration, Centen- nial Celebration of, 1889 *B 3166 West Park Commissioners' Reports, 1870-98 *Doc. Chicago Herald, Illustrated History of Chicago, 1887 *V 2165 Chicago in 1858 *V 2075 Cleaver. Early Chicago Reminiscences. 1882 *Bi353,i9 History of Chicago, 1833-92 B 3055 Clubs : Arche Club, 1899-1900, 1900-1901 . .L 9701 Calumet Club, 1899-1900 L 9670 Caxton Club, 1895, 1900 L 9702 Chicago Athletic Association, 1893. 1898, 1900 L 9672 Chicago Club, 1878, 1880, 1881, 1900.L 9671 Chicago Literary Club, 1884, 1900- 1901 L 9673 Chicago Woman^s Club, 1899- 1900. 1900-1901 L 9674 Germania Maennerchor, 1893, 1899.L 9675 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. 171 Clubs: (cont'd.) Hamilton Club, 1900 L 9676 Illinois Club, 1884 L 9677 Iroquois Club, 1892, 1901 L 9678 Kenwood Club, 1900-1901 L 9679 Marquette Club, 1895 L 9680 Menoken Club, 1892, 1895 L 9704 Press Club, 1899, 1900 L 9681 Quadrangle Club, 1900 L 9682 Sheridan Club, 1889 L 9683 Standard Club, 1900 L 9684 Twentieth Century Cub, 1899 L 9703 Union Club, 1880-81 L 9685 Union Le^uc Gub, 1886, 1891, 1899L 9686 University Gub, 1900-1901 L 9688 Woman's Athletic Gub, 190O; L 9687 Colbert. Chicago: Historical and Sta- tistical. 1868 B 3168 and Chamberlik. Chicago Fire. *7i.B 1375 Cook County, Album of Genealogy and Biography. 1895 ♦V 2211 CooLEY. The Lakes and Gulf Waterway. 1891 ♦V 1746 Craig (Pub.). Tally ho! Coaching through Chicago's Parks. i888.*R 4093 Cutler. Medical and Dental Colleges of the West (Chicago). 1896 ♦V 2076 Dean. The World's Fair City. 1892.. B 3186 DiETZSCH. "Crowner's Quest" Reports. 1878 ♦B 1397 Dyer, T., Mayor, Inaugural Address of, 1856 ; ♦B 1397 Ellis (Ed.). Chicago and the Exposi- tion, with Portraits of Eminent Citizens. 1895 *V 1570 Felsenthal. Beginnings of the Chicago Sinai Congregation. 1898 B 3206 and Eliassof. Kehillath Anshe Maarabh, Semi-Centennial, Nov. 4, 1897 B 320S Fergus. Directory of Chicago, 1839, 1843 *Bi353,2,28 Ffrenxh, C. The American Irish in Chi- cago. 1897 *V 2079 Ffrench, F. Music and Musicians in Chi- cago. 1899 B 3063 Flinn (Ed.). Hand-Book of Chicago Biography, 1893 *B 3193 Chicago : a History, Encyclopaedia and Guide, 1891 B 3180 and Wilkie. History of Chicago Po- lice. 1887 B 3176 Freeman. The Press Club of Chicago, and other Prominent Press Clubs. 1894 *V 2077 George. Saloon Question in Chicago. '97B 3203 Gill. Holy Family (Jesuit) Parish. 78*B 1397 Glover. Story of a Theater (Powers' Theater). 1898 B 3204 Goode. The Eighth Illinois. 1899 B 7544 GooDSPEED. Fires in Chicago and the Northwest. 1871 B 1364 Gordon. Postmasters of Chicago, 1831- 1897 *B 3108 Graham. Chicago Harbor and Bar Sur- vey. 1857. (Map) ♦R 4809 Grand. History of the Union Stock Yards. 1896 B 3200 Guyer. History of Chicago. 1862 B 1367 Hesse- Wartecg. Chicago; einc Welt- stadt. 1893 D 5834 HiNE. Mrs. Leary's Cow. 1872 ♦B 1362 Hoffman. A Winter m the West, 1833- 1834 *Bi35^,20 Hoyne. Historical Sketch of the Chi- cago Public Library. 1877 B 1371 The same *0 131 1 Hurlbut. Chicago Antiquities. i88i.*B 1342 Chicago Antiquities [and] Directory, 1839 B 1343 Father Marquette at Mackinaw and Chicago. 1878 ♦Ci696,7 Hyde, J. N. Early Medical Chicago. 1879 ♦Bi353,ii Inter Ocean, The (Pub.). History of the City of Chicago. 1900 ♦V 2162 James (Ed.). Logan Monument Memo- rial. 1898 C18413 Janssen. Geschichte der Chicago Turn- Gemeinde. 1897 D 3088 Jewell (Comp.). The Chicago Custom House. 1899 B 3105 Johnston. Public School System of Chi- cago. 1880 B 3197 Kauder. Geschichte Chicago's. 1888. *D 5665 KiRKLAND. The Chicago Massacre of 1812. 1893 B 3192 The Story of Chicago. 2v. 1892-4. B 3183 Koedt. Chicago som Sohavn. 1897...C15008 Krausz. Street Types of Chicago. '92.*B 3187 Land. , Clhicago ; her Trade and Com- merce. 1883 ♦V 593 Leech. New Pocket Guide. 1873 *B 1363,2 172 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. LowTHER. Memorials of the Old Chicago Young Men's Association Library. 1878 B 1369 Luzerne. The Lost City. 1872 B 1383 McDonald. Illustrated History and Map of Chicago. 1872 ♦B 3172 Marquis. Handbook of Chicago. 1885B 3 171 Marshall. Rise and Progress of Chi- cago. 1876 *Bi353,9 Martineau.- Chicago in 1836 *B 1353,9 Mason (Ed.). Early Chicago and Illi- nois. 1890 Bi337,4 Mitchell. Church on the Frontier (First Presbyterian). 1878 *B 1397 Moses and Kirkland. History of Chi- cago. 2v. 1895 *V 2074 Nelson. Nationality of Voters in Chi- cago, 1887, 1889, 1892. 3v *V 1466 Norris. Business Directory and Statis- tics, 1846 .*Bi353,25 Onahan. St. Patrick's Society [Ad- dress]. 1882 *Bi363,i Phillips. Chicago and her Churches. i868\. B 3195 Porter. Earliest Religious History of Chicago. 1881 *Bi353,i4 Putney. Real Estate Transfers and Values, 1890 B 3178 Ralph. Harper's Chicago and the World's Fair. 1893 B 3184 Rand, McNally & Co. Bird's Eye Views and Guide to Chicago. 1893 B 3191 Guide Map of Chicago, 1879 *B 1363,2 Standard Map of Chicago. 1894 . . *R 5060 Roth. Die Stadt Chicago. 1894 D14602 Salisbury and Alden. Geography of Chi- cago and its Environs. 1899... *B 3053 Sauvin. Autour de Chicago. 1893 C 6544 ScHAACK. Anarchy and Anarchism in America and Europe. 1889 B 3165 Schick. Chicago and its Environs. '91. B 3181 Seeger. Chicago, the Wonder City. '93. B 3194 Geschichte einer Wunderstadt. '92. D 571 1 and ScHLAEGER. Chicago, 1872... D 191 Sewell. The Great Calamity. 1872... B 1365 'Shaw. Military Occupation of Chicago. 1872 *B 1362 Sheahan and Upton. Der grosse Brand. 1872 D 192 Chicago Conflagration. 1871 B 1377 Shipman. Foundling's Home. 1875.. *B 1397 Shorey. Problems of Municipal Gov- ernment. 1885 *Bi363,i Shuf^dt. Chicago Artesian Wells. '67*B 1362 Simon. Chicago, the Garden City; its Parks, Boulevards and Cemeteries. . 1893 ..,.^. B 3189 Chicago, die Gartenstadt. 1893 D 5894 Smith and others. A Chicago Need and how to meet it (Y. M. C. A). 1900B 3066 Sketch of Y. M. C. A. of Chicago, 1858-98 B 3208 Snyder. Real Estate Map of Chicago. • 1882 *R 5049 Sparling. Municipal History of Chicago. 1898 B 3202 Standish. Ar]gument on the Beaubien Title in the Lake Front Lands. 1878 ' *B 1397 Stead. Chicago Today ; the Labour War. 1894 : B 3199 If Christ came to Chicago. 1894. .*B 3196 Stern and Kressmann. Chicago's deut- sche Manner. 1885 ' *V 2073 Strickland. The Chicago Fire. i872.*Bi363,2 Svvett. Cost of Lighting the Streets.. *B 1397 Upton. Musical Festival at Chicago. 1882 K3941 VoLK. History of the Douglas Monu- ment 1880 B 3163 Wadsworth. Cyclists' Road Guide to Chicago. 1895 K14884 Wakeman. Southerners in Chicago and the Northwest. 1879 *Bi368.i Waska. Historical Sketch of the 2d Regt. Inft., I. N. G. 1895 *V 2009 Wentworth. Early Chicago ; Fort Dear- born. 1881 *Bi353,i6 Pamphlets on Early Chicago. 1876- 1882 *P 382 The same *B 1353,7-8 Wheeler. Annals of the Chicago Orphan Asylum, 1849-92 B 3185 Wilkie. Chicago Bar, 1871 *B 1362 Walks about Chicago. 1869 B 1381 WiLLiAHS and others. Souvenir of Chi- cago Day, Oct. 9, 1899 B 3060 Wing. Tunnels and Water Sj'stem of Chicago. 1874 B 1373 Wood. Chicago and its Citizens. i88i.*B 3138 Wright, A. W. Early History of Chicago Railroads. 1880 *B 1368 Wright, J. S. Chicago, Past and Pres- ent. 1868 B 1380 Proposition to a Chicago Railroad Capitalist. 1871 *B 1397 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. I7J INDIANA. Ball. Lake County, 1884; Semi-Cen- tennial Celebration B 321 1 Lake of the Red Cedars; 30 Years of Baptist Labor in Lake Co. 1880B 3212 Northwestern Indiana, 1800-1900. .B 3213 Bartlett and Lyon. La Salle in the Valley of the St. Joseph. 1899.. B 3217 Brice. History of Fort Wayne. 1868. . .B 1454 Cox. Settlement of Wabash Valley. 1860B 1453 Dillon. History of Indiana. 1843 *B 1446 The same. 1859 B 1450 Dunn. Indiana; a Redemption from Slavery. 1888 B 1460 Eminent and Self Made Men of Indiana. 2v. 1880 *V 1471 I'letcher. The Soldier of Indiana in the War for the Union. 1864... B 470 Goodrich and Tuttle. Illustrated His- tory of Indiana. 1875 B 1455 Haymond (Ed.). Illustrated History of Indiana. 1879 B 1458 Historical Atlas of Indiana. 1876 ♦R 4940 HoLLowAY. Indianapolis. 1870 B 1457 Indiana Historical Society Publications. 2v. 1895-7 B 3216 Indianapolis and its Resources; pub. by "Indianapolis Sentinel." i89i.*V 2166 Law. Colonial History of Vincennes.'sSB 1452 Nicholson. The Hoosicrs. 1900 J 5252 NowLAND. Prominent Citizens of In- dianapolis. 1877 C 2181 PiRTLE. Battle of Tippecanoe. i900.*Vi4O5,is Smith, O. H. Early Indiana Trials and Sketches. 1858 B 1456 Smith, W. H. History of Indiana, 1763- 1897. 2v. 1897 B 3218 Stevenson. Indiana's Roll of Honor. *64B 2638 SuLGROVE. History of Indianapolis and Marion County. 1884 *V 822 Terrell. Indiana in the War of the Re- bellion. 1869 B 2626 Thompson. Stories of Indiana. 1898. B 1462 Woollen. Eatly Indiana. 1883 B 1461 INDIANA COUNTY HISTORIES. Allen Co. 1880 *V 817 Benton Co. 1883 *B 3220 Carroll Co ; by Stewart. 1872 B 1459 Gay Ca; by Blanchard. 1884 *B 3222 Ointon Co. 1886 *V 3025 Dearborn Co. 1885 *B 3223 Du Bois Co 1885 *B 3226 1881 .*V .♦V .*v ..B .♦V .*v ..B .*B .*B Elkhart Co. 1893 Fayette Co. 1885 Fountain Co. 1893 Fountain Co.; by Beckwith. Greene Co. 1884 Hamilton Co. 1893 Henry Co.; by Pleas. 1871 Jasper Co. 1883 Jay Co. ; by Montgomery. 1864 Lake Co., 1834-72 ; by Ball B Semi-Centennial ; by Ball. 1884.. B Thirty Years in; by Ball. 1880... B La Porte Co. 1880 *V Lawrence Co. 1884 *V Madison Co. ; by Harden. 1874 B Madison Co. 1893 ♦V Marion Co. ; by Sulgrove. 1884 ♦V Montgomery Co.; by Beckwith. i88i.*B Montgomery Co. 1893 *V Newton Co. 1883 *B Ohio Co. 1885 ♦B Orange Co. 1884 ♦V Owen Co.; by Blanchard. 1884 ♦B Parke Co. 1893 ♦V Perry Co. 1885 ♦B Pike Co. 1885 *B St, Joseph Co. 1880 ♦B St. Joseph Co. 1893 *V Spencer Co. 1885 ♦B Sullivan Co. 1884 *V Warren Co. 1883 ♦B Warrick Co. 1885 : ...*B Washington Co. 1884 ♦V Wayne Co. ; by Young. 1872 B INDIANA COUNTY ATLASES. Cass Co., Atlas Map of. 1878 *R 5026 Ginton Co., Atlas Map of. 1878 *R 5027 Decatur Co., Atlas of. 1882 ♦R 5020 DeKalb Co., Atlas of. 1880 ♦R 5021 Franklin Co., Atlas of. 1882 ♦R 5022 Howard Co., Atlas Map of. 1877 *R 5028 Johnson Co., Atlas of. 1881 *R 5023 Miami Co., Atlas Map of. 1877 *R 5029 Shelby Co., Atlas of. 1880 *R 5024 Tippecanoe Co., Atlas Map of. 1878. *R 5030 Union Co., Atlas of. 1884 *R 5025 IOWA. Andreas. Historical Atlas of Iowa. '75*R 4932 Biographical Dictionary of Iowa. i878.*R 450 Byers. Iowa in War Times. 1888.... B 2547 EiBOECK. Die Deutschen von Iowa. 1900D12871 302t/ 827 3031 1447 3027 3030 1296 3220 3225 1448 321 1 3212 3028 3029 3210 3030 822 3221 3031 3220 3223 3020 3222 3031 3227 3226 3224 3026 3227 3027 3220 3227 3029 1451 174 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. Fulton. The Red Men of Iowa. 1882. .*B 2062 Hollanders in Iowa (in Dutch). 1858.D 9339 Ingersoll. Iowa and the Rebellion. 1866B 2533 Iowa, 50th Anniversary of Settlement of. 1883 *B 862,3 Martin. History of the Congregational Church of Salem, Iowa. 1897... B 3266 NoURSE. Iowa and the Centennial. i876*B 862,3 Parker. Iowa as it is. 1855 B 1540 RiCHMAN. John Brown among the Quakers. 1894 B 3264 Stuart. Iowa Colonels and Regiments in the Rebellion. 1865 B 443 Turrill. History of Des Moines. 1857.. B 3262 WiLKiE. Davenport, Past and Present. 1858 B 154^ IOWA COUNTY HISTORIES. Appanoose Co. 1878 *B 3241 Benton Co. 1878 *B 3242 Black Hawk Co. 1878 *B 3243 Bremer Co. 1883 *B 3258 Butler Co. 1883 *B 3258 Cedar Co. 1878 *B 3244 Clayton Co. 1894 • *V 3^33 Clinton Co. 1879 . . . • *B 3245 Crawford Co. 1893 *V 3032 Delaware Co. 1878 *B 3246 Des .Moines Co. 1879 *B 3247 Dubuque Co. 1880 *B 3248 Dubuque Co. 1894 *V 3033 Fayette Co. 1878 *B 3249 Fayette Co. 1891 *V 3034 Hardin Co. 1883 . .* *V 3035 Henry Co. 1879 » *B 3250 Humboldt Co. 1884 *B 3259 Ida Co. 1893 *V 3032 Jackson Co. 1879 *B 3251 Jasper Co. 1878 *B 3256 Jones Co. 1879 *B 3252 Jones Co. 1894 *V 3033 Kossuth Co. 1884 *B 3259 Lee Co. 1879 *B 3253 Lee Co. 1874 *R 5035 Linn Co. 1878 *B 3254 Mahaska Co. 1878 *B 3257 Marion Co., Atlas of. 1875 *R 4939 Marshall Co. ; by Sanford. 1867 B 3260 Monroe Co.; by Hickenlooper. 1896.. B 3270 Polk Co. ; by Dixon. 1876 B 3261 Polk Co. 1890 ^ . . ;.*V 3036 Ringgold Co. 1887 *R 45i Sac Co. 1893 *V 3032 Union Co. 1887 *R 451 Union Co.; by Colby. 1876 *V 1638 Van Buren Co. 1878 *B 3255 Wapello Co.'-* 1878 *B 1538 Washington Co. 1887 *V 3037 KANSAS. Brewerton. War in Kansas. 1856 1 5420 GiHON. Geary and Kansas. 1857 B 1562 History of Kansas. 1858 B 3283 Hale. Kansas and Nebraska. 1854 B 1563 Hazelrigg. New History of Kansas for Schools. 1895 .B 3286 History of Kansas. 1883 *V 772 Holloway. History of Kansas. 1868...B1561 Jackson, Jefferson and Pottawatomie Counties, Kansas. 1890 *V 3038 Kansas Historical Society, Transactions, 1875-86. 3v *B 1566 Phillips. Conquest of Kansas by Mis- souri and Allies. 1856 B 1560 Record of Southeastern Kansas. 1894. .*V 3039 Robinson. The Kansas Conflict. 1892... B 3282 Spring. Kansas ; Prelude to the -War for the Union. 1885 B 1567 Thayer. History of the Kansas Crusade. 1889 B 3281 Three Years on the Kansas Border. 1856I 5460 Tuttle. History of Kansas. 1876 B 1564 Wilder. Annals of Kansas. 1875 B 1565 Wilson (Ed.). Parson's Memorial and Historical Library Magazihe. '85. B 3284 KENTUCKY. Allen. History of Kentucky. 1872... B 1578 Biographical Cyclopaedia of Kentucky. 1896 *V 3040 Butler. History of Kentucky. 1834.. B 1582 The same; 2d ed. 1836.... *B 1587 Carpenter and Arthur. Cabinet His- tory of Kentucky. 1858 B 1579 Casseday. History of Louisville. 1852.. B 1576 Collins.' Historical Sketches of Ken- tucky. 1847 B 3302 History of Kentucky. 2v. 1874- -B 1583 Connelly. The Story of Kentucky. 1890B 3305 Darnell. Kentucky Volunteers in the War of 1812. 1854 B 292 Daviess Co., History of. 1883 *B 3310 Drake. Pioneer Life in Kentucky. 1870.B 1305 FiLSON, Histoire de Kentucke. 1785 B 1585 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. 175 Filson Club Publications: i884-i900.*V 1405 No. I. DuRRETT. John Filson. 2. Speed. The Wilderness Road. 3. Perrin. Pioneer Press of Kentucky. 4. Whitsitt. Life and Times of Judge Caleb Wallace. 5. DuRKETT. St. Paul's Church, Louisville. 6. Brown. Political Beginnings of Kentucky. 7. Centenary of Kentucky, June I, 1892. 8. DuRRETT. The Centenary of Louisville, May i, 1880. 9. Speed. The Political Qub. Danville," 1786- 1790. 10. Cacl. Life and Writings of Rafinesque. 11. Peter. Transylvania Univer- sity. 12. Dlrrett. Bryant's Station and ^he Memorial Proceed- ings, 1896. 13. Johnston. First Explorations of Kentucky. 14. Smith and Clav. The Clay Family. 15. PiRTiE. The Battle of Tippe- canoe. Green. Historic Families of Kentucky. 1889 C 2357 The Spanish Conspiracy. 1891 B 3301 Hale. Trans-Alleghany Pioneers. i886.B 1575 Hughes and others. That Kentucky Campaign; Goebel-Taylor Contest. 1900 B 3314 Marshall. History of Kentucky. 2v. 1824 *B'^58L4 1 ARTiN. Guide to the Mammoth Cave. 1853 B 1581 I'errin. History of Bourbon. Scott. Harrison and Nicholas Counties. 1882 *V 837 and others. History of Kentucky. 1887 *V 1419 Rafinesque. Ancient Histor>-; Annals of Kentucky. 1824 B 3303 Ranck. History of Lexington. 1872.. B 1580 Story of Bryan's Station. 1896 B 3309 Shaler. I^ntucky ; a Pioneer Common- wealth. 1885 B 3300 Smith. History of Kentucky. 1895.. B 3304 Spalding. Early Catholic Missions of Kentucky. 1844 : B 1586 LOUISIANA. Barb^-Marbois. Histoire de la Loui- siana 1829 B 1609 History of Louisiana. 1830 B 1608 Baudry des Lozieres. Second Voyage a la Louisiane. 2v. 1803 C 4136 Brackenridge, Views of Louisiana. 1817B 1605 BuNNER. History of Louisiana. 1861.I 3700 Cable. Creoles of Louisiana. 1884... B 3321 Cooley. The Acquisition of Louisiana. 1887 B32i6,2 Darby. Geographical Description of Louisiana. 1817 B 1606 DuMONT. Memoires historiques sur la Louisiane. 2v. 1773 C 4541 Du Pratz. History of Louisiana, 1774.B 1002 FoRTiER. Louisiana Studies. 1894 B 3323 French. Historical Memoirs of Louis- iana. 7v. 1846-75 B 1611 GAYARRi. History of Louisiana. 3v. '66B1610 V. I. French Domination. . 2. Spanish Don^ination. 3. American Domination. Romance of the Hi.story of Louis- iana. 1848 B 1603 Gravier. Lettre sur les Affaires de Louisiane. 1708 *B 886 Hennepin. Description da la Louisiane. 1688 ' *C S2IS Description of Louisiana ; tr. by Shea. 1880 B 1604 Nouvelle Decouverte, 1698 *C 5216 Jewell. The Crescent City illustrated. 1873 *V 2258 King. New Orleans, the Place and the People. 1895 1 5244 Laws of the Las Siete Partidas in Force in Louisiana. 2v. 1820 *N 4835 Loewenstein. History of the St. Louis Cathedral, New Orleans. 1882. ♦B 775,1 Martin. History of Louisiana. 1882. B 1601 Myers. Romance and Realism of the Southern Gulf Coast. 1898 B 3327 New Orleans Riots, 1866, Report on. .B 1671 Northwest Louisiana, Biographical and Historical Memoirs of. 1890. .*V 1461 Parton. Gen. Butler at New Orleans. 1866 B 2587 Perrin du Lac. Voyage dans les deux Louisianes, 1801-3 C 6179 176 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. Robertson. Louisiana Purchase. 1885.. B 841,1 Roosevelt. Louisiana and the Northwest. 1896 B4539.4 Stoddard. Sketches of Louisiana. 1812B 1607 Thompson. Story of Louisiana. 1888. B 3322 Vergennes. Memoire sur la Louisiane. 1802 C13300 Wallace. Louisiana under the French Rule. 1893 B 4545 MAINE. Abbott. History of Maine. 1892 B 3390 Allen. History of Norridgewock. 1849. B 3379 Bangor, Centennial Celebration of, 1869.B 3375 Bourne. Address on the Character of Popham Colony, 1864 B 947,2 History of Wells and Kennebunk. 1875 B 3383 Bradbury. History of Kennebunk-Port, 1602-1837 B 3361 Chamberlain. Maine: her Place in His- tory. 1877 B 3364 Corliss (Ed.). Old Times; History of North Yarmouth. 8v. in 2. 1877- 1884 w *B 3381 CusHMAN. History of Ancient Sheepscot and Newcastle. 1882 B 3366 De Costa. Northmen in Maine. 1870.... B 943 Eaton. Annals of Warren. 1877 B 958 History of Thomaston, Rockland, and South Thomaston. 2v. 1865.B 3362 Elwell. Portland and Vicinity. 1876... B 960 FoLSOM. Discourse before the Maine Historical Society, Sept. 6, i846.*B 880 Documents in English Archives re- lating to History of Maine. i858*B 3345 History of Saco and Biddeford.'30*B 3388 French. History of Turner. 1887 B 3380 Greenleaf J. Ecclesiastical History of Maine. 1821 B 3350 Greenleaf, M. Statistical View of the District of Maine. 1816 B 955 Hanson. History of Gardiner, Pittston and West Gardiner. 1852 B 944 History of Norridgewock and Ca- naan. 1849 *B 3368 Hatch. Industry, Franklin Co. 1893. B 3392 Hough. Papers relating to Pemaquid. 1856 B 948 Houlton, History of, 1804-1883 B 3374 Hull (Ed.). Centennial of Portland, 1886 *V 1390 Johnston. History of Bremen and Bris- tol. 1873 B Kiuder. Eastern Maine in the Revolu- tion. 1867 B Kxov/lton. m Annals of Calais, Maine, and St. Stephen, N. B. 1875.... B L\PHAM. History of Bethel. . 1891...B History of Norway, 1786-1886 B History of Rumford. 1890 B History of Woodstock. 1882 B and Maxim. History of Paris. 1884 ' B Locke. History of Camden. 1859 B Loring. History of Piscataquis Co. '80 B Machias, Centennial Anniversary of, 1863 B Maine Historical and Genealogical Re- corder. 2v. 1884-85 Maine Historical Society, Collections. 2.7\. 1865-97 B Maine Wills, 1640-1760; ed. by Sargent.N Marshall. Centennial Anniversary of Buxton, 1872 B North. History of Augusta. 1870 B No yes. History of Norway. 1852 B Parker. History of Farmington to 1846. 1875 *B Patterson, J. W. Address on the Anni- versary of Planting of Popham Colony. 1865 B Patterson, W. D. (Ed.). Probate Rec- ords of Lincoln Co., Maine, 1760- 1800. 1895 B Pierce. History of (jorham. 1852 B Poole and 'others. Popham Colony ; with a Bibliography on the Subject. '66B Popham Celebration, 1862. Memorial Volume B Reeb. History of Bath, 1607-1894 B Ridlon. Early Settlers of. Harrison. '77*B Rosier. Relation of Waymouth's Voy- age to Coast of Maine, 1605. 1877*6 Sewall, O. History of Chesterville. 1875B Sewall, R. K. Ancient Dominions of Maine. 1859 B Ancient Voyages to the Western Con- tinent ( Maine) . 1895 B Sibley. History of Union. 1851 B Smith and Deane. Journals. 1849. .B Stanley and Hall. Eastern Maine and the Rebellion. 1887 B Sullivan. History of Maine. 1795.... B Sv.-ett. Stories of Maine. 1899 B 950 951 2>Z77 3385 3369 3376 3382 3370 939 3389 940 5046 3387 946 959 882 947,1 3393 3384 947,2 941 3342 873.3 3371 3367 3.^.91 945 953 2529 952 3348 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. -^77 Thornton. Speech at Popham Celebra- tion. 1863 B 942 Thurston. History of Winthrop, 1764- 1855 B 3378 Wells. Water-Power of Maine. 1869.B 949 Wheeler. History of Brunswick, Top-. sham and Harpswell. 1878 B 957 History of Castine, Penobscot and Brooksville. 1875 B iz^z White. History of Belfast, with Re- marks on Acadia. 1827 *B 3372 Whitman and True. Maine in the War for the Union. 1865 B 646 Williamson, J. Bibliography of Maine to 1891. 2v ♦O 2411 History of Belfast 1877 ^ Zll^t Williamson, W. D. History of Maine. 2v. 1832 B 954 Willis. History of Portland,. 1632- 1864 B 956 York Deeds; ed. by Sargent. 11 v. 1888- 1896 ♦B3386 MARYLAND. Alle.v. Maryland Toleration. 1855. .♦B 87 Alsop. Character of Maryland. 1666. .B 180 Archives of Maryland. 1637-1688; cd. by Browne. 5v B 3.^01 Balch (Ed.). Maryland during the Revolution. 1857 B 1649. Baltimore and Baltimore Co. 1897.. *V 3041 Banvard. Tragic Scenes in the History of Maryland. 1856 B 3404 Biographical Cyclopedia of Maryland. 1879 ♦R 452 r>ovLE. Distinguished Marylanders. 1877C 1299 i?oz.MAN. History of Maryland, 1633-60. 2v. 1837 B 1650 Urowx. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861. 1887 L3200,3 P.ROWNE. Maryland: the History of a Palatiiiate. 1884 B 3403 C^'OK. The Sot-Weed Factor; a Voyage to Mar>'land. 1708 B 1644 1 ).\vis. Day-Star of American Freedom. 1855 ., B 1645 <',\mbrall. History of Early Maryland. 1893 B 3398 < ioldsborough. The Maryland Line in the Confederate Army. 1869. ...B 653 < iRIFTIth. Annals of Baltimore. 1833. B 1653 Early History of Maryland. 1821. .B 1651 Hall. Great Seal of Maryland. 1886. B 3405 Hanson. Old Kent; the Eastern Shore of Maryland. 1876 B 3402 Harford and Cecil Counties. 1897. ...*V 3043 Howard. The Monumental City. 1873.. B 1647 Ingraham. Land of Legendary Lore; Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake. 1898 B 3396 L\TR0BE. Maryland in Liberia, 1833-53. ^B i<^43 LowDERMiLK. History of Cumberiand.'78B 3399 McMahon. Historical View of Mary- land. 1831 B 1654 McSherry. History of Maryland. 1852. B 1652 Maryland Historical Society,. Publica- tions. 3v. 1844-85 ♦B 1643 Neill. Founders of Maryland. 1876. B 1655 Terra Mariae; Colonial History of Maryland. 1867 .B 1656 NoRRis. Early Quakers in Maryland.*B 1643,3 Purviance. Events in Baltimore during the Revolutionary War . 1849... B 1642 Randalu Puritan Colony at Annapolis.L320i,4 Record of the Eastern Shore of Mary- land. 1898 *V 3042 RiDCELY, D. .\nnals of Annapolis. 1841.B 1648 Ridgelv, H. W. The Old Brick Churches of Maryland. 1894 B 3397 ScHARF. Chronicles of Baltimore. 1874.B 1646 History of the City and County of Baltimore. 1881 *V 836 Streeter. Maryland 200 Years Ago.'52.*B 1643 White. Voyage to Maryland, 1633. .*B 1643,1 MASSACHUSETTS. Abbot. History of Andover. 1829 B 3441 Adams, B. Emancipation of Massachu- setts. 1887 B 3425 Adams, C. F. Antinomianism in Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 1636-8.... B 3741 Dedication of Crane Memorial Hall at Quincy, 1882 ♦B 3496 History of Braintree and Quincy. 1891 ♦B 3584 Massachusetts; its Historians and History. 1893 B 3604 Three Episodes of Massachusetts History. 2v. 1892 B 3595 and others. The Genesis of the Massachusetts To*vn. 1892 L 3372 Adams, G. W. Oration at Quincy, July 5, 1824 ♦B 879 Ada.ms, J. Q. Correspondence with Citi- zens of Massachusetts. 1829 C10491 178 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. Agge and Brooks. Marblehead Sketches. 1885 ..• *R 4304 Allen, J. The Worcester Association and its Antecedents. 1868 B 3576 Allen, M. O. History of Wenham. 1860B 3442 Allen, W. History of Chelmsford. '20*B 3439 Ammidowx. Historical Collections. 2v. 1874 B 1014 Amory. Old Cambridge and New. i87i.*B 1007 Our English Ancestors. 1872 *B 1007 Andros Tracts; ed. by Whitmore. 3v. 1868-74 *B 1015 Appleton. Origin of Lowell. 1858... *B 721 Austin. History of Massachusetts. 1876B loii Babson. History of Gloucester. 1860.B 3443 Additions to History of Gloucester. 1891 B 3585 Bacox. History of Natick. 1856 B 3444 Bagg. Account of Centennial Celebration of West Springfield, 1874 B 3417 Bailey, F. W. (Ed.). Early Massachu- setts Marriages of Worcester County prior to 1800. 1897 B 3639 Bailey, S. L. Historical Sketches of Andover. 1880 B 1003 Ballou. History of Milford. 1882 B 3497 Banvard. Plymouth and the Pilgrims. 1851 B 3446 Barber. Historical Collections of Massa- chusetts. 1848 B 1022 Barrus. History of Goshen, 1761-1881.B 3525 Barry, J. S. History of Hanover. 1853.B 1092 History of Massachusetts. 3v. 1855- 1857 B 1012 Barry, W. History of Framingham. 1847B 1093 Bartlett. Historical Sketch of Charles- town. 1814 *B 775.6 Baylies. History of New Plymouth. '30.B 890 Benedict and Tracy. History of Sut- ton. 1878 B 1684 Berkshire County, History of. 2v. i885.*V 746 Berkshire Jubilee at Pittsfield, Aug., 1844 B 3489 BiGLOW. History of Natick. 1830 B 1073 Billerica, 200th Anniversary of. 1855... B 3502 Biseee. History of Huntington. i876.*B 775,4 Blake, J. History of Warwick. 1873. B 3577 Blake, M. History of franklin. 1879. . .B 3450 Bliss, L. History of Rehoboth. 1830. B 1017 Bliss, W. R. Colonial Times on Buz- zard's Bay. 1888 B 887 Quaint Nantucket. 1896 B 3628 BoDGE. Soldiers in King Philip's War.'Q6B 2081 Bolton. History of Brookline. 1897 B 3617 Bond. Genealogies of Early Settlers of Watertown, Waltham and Weston. i860 .7 *R 399 Boutwell. Old Highways and Land- ■ marks of Groton. 1884 *B 775,1 Old Homesteads of Groton. 1883. *B 3496 BowDiTCH. Suffolk Surnames. 1861...J 922 Bradford, A. History of Massachusetts, 1620-^820. 1835 B 1019 Bradford, L. Historic Duxbury.* 1900. B 3614 Bradford, W. History of Plymouth Plan- tation. 1856 B 273^ Bradford, Centennial Celebration at, 1876 *B 775.6 Bridgman. Grave Yards of Northamp- ton. 1850 B 3428 Brooks. History of Medford. 1855... B 3445 The same, continued to 1886; by Brooks and Usher B 3558 Brown. Beneath Old Roof Trees. 1896.B 2410 Glimpses of Old New England ; Bed- ford. 1892 B 3745 Histroy of Bedford. 1891 *V 1451 Buckingham. Annals of Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. 1853 B 3422 BuDiNGTON. History of First Church. Charlestown. 1845 B 1006 Butler. History of Groton, Pepperell and Shirley. 1848 B 3448 Carpenter. Cabinet History of Massa- chusetts. 1865 B 1020 Chaffin. History of Easton. 1886... B 3432 Chandler. History of Shirley. 1848. B 3409 Chapin, C. W. Old Inhabitants of Springfield. 1893 B 3605 Chapin, H. Address at Unitarian Church, Uxbridge, 1864 B 3566 Charlestown, First Church, 250th Anni- versary, Nov. 12, 1882 T.,.*B 3496 Chase. History of Haverhill. 1861..B3451 Choate. Essex Soldiers in the Rebel- lion. 1868 B 3563 Clark, G. F.- History of Norton. 1859. B 1018 Clark, S. Antiquities of Northampton. 1882 B 3452 Clarke. Epitaphs from Grave Yards in Massachusetts. 1900 C10410 Cleaveland. Address on 200th Anni- versary of Topsfield, 1850 B 3562 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. 179 Coffin. History of Newbury, 1635-1845B 1069 CoLBURN. Bibliography of Local History of Massachusetts. 1871 *0 183 CoMLEY. History of Massachusetts. '79*B 3437 Concord, Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1635-1850 B 3626 Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts. 2v. 1879 *V 3044 Converse. 1642-1892; Legends of Wo- burn B 3601 CoPELANU History of Murrayfield. 1892.B 3607 Cowley. History of Lowell. 1868 B 1085 Crapo. The Centennial in New Bedford, 1876 B 1102 Crowell. History of Essex, 1634-1700.B 1040 The same, continued to 1868... B 3563 CusHiNC. First Charter of Massachusetts. 1839 B 3522 Cutter. History of Arlington. 1880. .B 3463 Daggett. History of Attleborough. 1834. B 3493 Damon. History of Holdcn. 1841 B 1095 Daniels. History of Oxford, 1892 B 3597 Huguenots in the Nipmuck Country. 1880 B 1106 Darling. History of Warren. 1874. .*B 775,1 ruvis. Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth. 1883 B 3469 i^tAN. History of Stoncham. 1870. ..•B 882 Deane. History of Scituatc to 1831...B 3412 Dearborn. Second Centennial Anniver- sary of Roxbury. 1830 ♦B 862.4 De Costa. Observations on Morton's New English Canaan. 1883 ♦B 775,2 Davis's Landmarks of Plymouth. 1883 ♦B775.2 Dfdham. Ancient Records, 1635-1706. 5vB 361 1 Modern Records, 1844-90. 2v B 3612 250th *«nivcrsary of, 1886. 1887.. B 3613 Dr: Forrest and Bates. History of West- borough. 1891 B 3587 Dexter. Roger Williams and his Banish- ment from Massachusetts. 1876.B 1013 Doolittle, History of Congregational Church in Belchertown. 1852 ..B 3453 Drake, F. S. Society of Cincinnati in Massachusetts. 1873 B 268 Town of Roxbury. 1878 B 1107 Drake, S. A. History of Middlesex County. 2v. 1880 *V 384 Historical Fields and Mansions of Middlesex County. 1899 B 1060 On Plymouth Rock. 1897 B 2228 Draper. History of Spencer to 1860..B 1039 Dyer. History of Plainfield. 1891 B 3589 Earl. Centennial History of Fall River from 1656 to 1876 ♦V 552 Eaton. History of Reading. 1874 B 1096- Edes. Harvard Church in Charlestown, 1815-79 B 3454 Edson. Parish Register of St. Ann's Church, Lowell, 1824-83 B 3610 Ellis, C. M. History of Roxbury. 1847. B 3494 Ellis, G. E. Puritan Rule in Massachu- setts Bay Colony, 1629-85 B 3436 Ellis, T. W. (Comp.). 1637. First Church of Christ (Springfield), J735-1885 B 3633. Emerson, R. W. Historical Discourse at Concord, 1835 *B 775,2- £merson, W. a. History of Douglas. 1879 B345S Emerv. Ministry of Taunton. 2v. 1853.. B 3456- Essex Antiquarian; Biography, Geneal- ogy, etc., of Essex County, 1897-9. V. 1-3 \*Ser, Essex Congregational Church, 200th An- niversary of, 1884 B 3516 Essex Institute, Bulletins, 1870-98. 3oy. *Ser, Historical Collections, 1859-99, 35v.*i'^r. Proceedings, 1848-68. 6v *Ser, Farmer. History of Billerica. 1816. ..B3457 Felt. Annals of Salem. 2v. 1845-9. .B 3458^ Historical Account of Massachusetts Currency. 1839 L 3694 History of Ipswich, Essex and Ham- ilton. 1834 B 3476- Flint. Bi-Centennial Celebration of Reading. 1844 B 1038 Fowler. History of Fall River. 1862. B 3461 Fox. History of Dunstable. 1846 B 3459. Foxborough, Official Centennial Record, June 29, 1878. 1879 B 3635 Frankle (Ed.). .Story of Havcrhill.'9i*V 1417* Freeland. Records of Oxford from 1630. 1894 B 3609 Freeman. History of Cape Cod. 2v. '69B 893 Freese. Historical Houses and Spots in Cambridge. 1897 B 3616 Frothingham, History of Charlestown. 1845-9 ♦B 3460 Gage. History of Rowley. 1840 B 3499 Gale. History of the Town of Lee. 1854. P> 34^5 GiBBS. History of Blandford. 1850.. R 3572 i8o STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. CooDELL. Further Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts. 1884 *B 775,2 Reasons for concluding that the Act of 171 1 became a Law. 1884 *B 775,2 Trial of Marks and. PhiUis. 1883. *B 775,2 Seals of the Judicial Court of Massa- chusetts Bay. 1883 *B 775,2 CooDWiN, J. A. Review of the Colony of New Plymouth. 1888 B 3726 ■Goodwin, N. Genealogical Notes on First Settlers of Massachusetts. 1856. C 145 Gogs. The Centennial Fourth at Mel- rose *Cioio8,2 Gray. Early Laws of Massachusetts Bay. 1843 ....•• B 3632 GreexX, M. a. Springfield, 1636- 1886. .*B 3608 Springfield Memories. 1876 B 2)^2)7 <}reen, S. a. Collections of Pamphlets. 1872-98 *B 3746 Bi-Centennial and Centennial at Groton. 1876 B 1098 Centennial Celebration at Groton. 1876 *B775,i Early History of Groton. 1882. .*B 775,2 Early Settlers of Groton. 1878. .*V 691,1 Epitaphs from Old Burying Grounds in Groton. 1878 C10301 Groton in Witchcraft Times. i883.*B 3496 Town Records of Groton, 1662-1678B iioi Creen, S. S. History of 2d Parish, Wor- cester. 1883 *B 775,1 Hale. The Story of Massachusetts. 1891B 3598 Hall (Ed.). Regiments and Armories of Massachusetts. 1899 *V 2253 Hallowell. The Pioneer Quakers. 1887.B 3426 Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts. 1883 B 3485 Hampden County, Churches of. 1854. B 3519 Hanaford. History of Princeton. 1852. .B 3501 Hanson. History of Danvers. 1848.. B 3464 Harris. Epitaphs of Cambridge, 1845.C10407 • Watertown Epitaphs. 1869. ..... .B 3578 Ha WES. Tribute to the Pilgrims. 1836.B 895 Hayes. History of Lawrence. 1868.. B 3491 Hazen. History of Billerica. 1883... B 3565 Headley. Massachusetts in the Rebel- lion. 1866 B 1028 Herrick. History of Gardner. 1878.. B 3569 HiGGiNSON. Old Cambridge. 1899 J 5250 Hill. Suffolk County, Trade, Com- merce, etc B 3540 Hinchman. Early Settlers of Nan- tucket, Mass. 1896 C16740 Hingham, History of. 3v. in 4. 1893. B 3594 HoBART. History of Abington. 1839. B 3421 Holland. History of Western Massa- chusetts. 2v. 1865 B 1008 Holmes. -History of Cambridge. 1801 . B 3467 Howe, D. W. Puritan Republic. 1899. B 3640 Howe, J. S. Historical Sketch of Me- thuen. 1876 *B 775,1 HowLAND. Heart of the Commonwealth : Worcester. 1856 B 3466 Hudson, A. S. Annals of Sudbury. *9i.*V 1450 History of Sudbury, 1638-1889 B 3621 Hudson, C. History of Hudson. 1877.B 3418 History of Lexington. 1868 B 1083 History of Marlborough, 1657-1861.B 3468 One Hundredth Anniversary of West- minster, 1859 B 3571 Hunnewell. Bibliography of Charles- town and Bunker Hill. 1880. .*0 184 Century of Town Life; Charlestown. 1888 B 3438 Records of First Church in Charles- town, 1632-1789 *V 211 Hunter. Founders of Plymouth Colony. 1854 B 894 The same. 1849 *.A 3470 HuNTOON. History of Canton. 1893.. B 3622 Hutchinson. History of Massachusetts to 1774. 3v. 1795-1828 B 1027 Index to same B1027.4 Original Papers, 1769. 2v. 1865.. B 1029 and Oliver. Letters. 1774 *B 3521 Hyde, C. M. Historical Celebration of Brimfield, 1876 B 3413 Hyde, W. Opening of the New Town- Hall, Ware, 1847 B 3575 Jackson. History of Newton, 1639-1800B iioo Jameson (Ed.). Military History of Medway. 1886 B 3419 Jennings. Provincetown ; Odds and Ends from the Tip End B 3586 Johnson, D. N. Sketches of Lynn. 1880B 3479 Johnson, E. F. Woburn Records, 1640- 1890. 4v. in 2. 1890-92 B 3623 Jones. Stockbridge, Past and Present. 1854 B 1075 Judd. History of Hadley. 1863 *B 3503 Kimball. Witchcraft; Old and New Salem. 1892 B 3600 Kingman. History of North Bridge- w^ater. 1866 B 1070 Kingsbury. History of Bradford. 1883.B 3514 Lamson. History of Manchester. 1895.B 3618 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. i8i L::n.i!ng of the French Atlantic Cable at Diixbury, July, 1869 B 3509 i.avNicnce, Grace Church Anniversary, 1871 ♦B 879 l-awrence Calamity, History of. 1860..B 3495 Leonard. Pigeon Cove and Vicinity.'73-B 3620 Ltwis and Newhall. History of Lynn. 1865 B 1071 Lexington, Centennial Celebraiion of Battle of, Apr. 19, 1875 B 258 Lexington Historical Society, Proceed- ings, V. I. 1890 B 3407 Lexington, History of the Fight at.'75.*B 862,1 I oL.N. History of Worcester. 1862. B 1078 and Baldwin. Worcester Magazine, 1826. 2v .♦B 1082 Longmcadow, Centennial Celebration of, Oct. 17. 1883 B 3512 LoTHROP (M. Sidney). Old Concord.*88I 5360 LovELL. Worcester in the Revolution. 1876 '. B 2389 LuNT. 200th Anniversary of ist Con- gregational Church, Quincy, 1839.B 3574 T NM. AN. Address at Easthaftipton, July 4, 1876 •B 882 History of Easthampton. 1866 B 3470 Macv. History of Nantucket. 1835.. B 1097 Maiden, Bi-Centennial Hook of, 1849. .B 3471 250th Anniversary. May, 1899 B 3631 Mann. Annals of Dedham. 1635-1847. B 3430 Marvin. History of Lancaster, 1643- 1879 V B 3568 History of Winchendon. 1868 B 3472 Worcester in the Rebellion. 1870. B 2548 -Massachusetts Bay, Charters and Laws of Colony and Province. 1814..B 1025 Massachusetts Historical Society, Collec- tions, 1806-1900. 57V ♦B 1030 Proceedings, 1791-1900. 33^ ♦B 1031 Index to v. 1-20. Lectures on Early History of Massa- chusetts. 1869 B 1032 Massachusetts Province Laws; their Value, etc. 1885 *B 775.6 Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War. 7v. 1896- 1900 *R 304 Mauduit. History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 1774 B 3603 Mears. Jubilee of Piedmont Church, Worcester, June 5, 1881 *V 212 Merrill. History of Amesbury and * Merrimac. 1880 B 3473 Metcalf. Annals of Mendon, 1659- 1880. B 3474 Miles. Lowell as it was and is. 1845. B 1086 MiNOT. History of Massachusetts Bay, 1748-65. 2v. 1798 B 1024 Insurrections in Massachusetts. I810B 1023 Mitchell. History of Bridgewater. 1840B 1072 Moore, G. H. Tithing Men and Ballot in Massachusetts. 1884 *B 775,6 Moore, J. B. Governors of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. 1851. ..* 775,6 Morris. Early History of Springfield, 1636-1675 ....B 3475 First Church in Springfield. i875.*B 862,4 Morse. History of Sherborn and Hol- liston. 1856 B 3411 MouRT. Journal of the Pilgrims in 1620. 1848 B 897 Mourt's Relation of Plantation at Plymouth's, 1622. 1865 B 905 Muddy River and Brookline, 1634-1838. 1875 B 3532 MuDGE. History of Salem Witchcraft. 1871 B 869 Nash. History of Weymouth. 1885.. B 3520 Weymouth in its First Twenty Years. 1883 ♦B 3496 Nason. Gazetteer of Massachusetts. 1876 B 1009 History of Dunstable to 1873 B 1087 Nelson, C. A. Waltham and its Indus- tries. 1879 B 1103 Nelson, J. soth Anniversary as Pastor of First Church, Leicester, 1862. B 3477 Nfa'iks. Witchcraft in Salem in 1692. B 3599 Newuall. Centennial Memorial of Lynn, 1629-1876 B 3478 Essex Memorial for 1836 B 3424 Newton, Centennial Celebration of, 1876.B 3435 Nichols. Bibliography of Worcester, 1775-1848 +0 2408 NoRTHEND. The Bay Colony, 1624-50. 1896 B 3629 Northfield, Reminiscences of, i8i2-75.*B 885 NouRSE. Military Annals of Lancaster. 1740-1865 B 3416 Oliver. Puritan Commonwealth. 1856.B 1034 Osgood, C. S. and Batchelder. Histor- ical Sketch of Salem, 1626-1879.B 1089 Osgood, G. Sketch of North Danvers. 1855 B 3561 Packard. Churches in Franklin County. 1854 : B 35i?« 1 82 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY Paige. History of Cambridge, 1630-1877B 1108 History of Hardwick. 1883 B 3414 Pattee. Old Braintree, Quincy, Ran- dolph and Holbrook. 1878 B 3560 Perley. History of Boxford. 1880... B 3483 Perry, G. B. History of Bradford. 1872.B 3515 Perry, W. S. History of the Church in Massachusetts. 1873 *V 616 Pierce, F. C History of Grafton. 1879B 3482 Pierce, M. F. (Ed.). Weston, 1754- 1803. 1893 B 3624 Plymouth, Illustrated Pilgrim Memorial. 1866 B 889 Records of the Town of, 1636-1743. 2v B 3408 Plymouth Colony, Compact, Charter and Laws; ed. by Brigham. 1836.-... B 891 Records of; ed. by Shurtleff. i2v..*Dor. PooLE. Cotton Mather and Salem Witch- craft. 1869 .*B 917 Pope. Pioneers of Massachusetts. i900*R 2698 Porter. Sketch of Plainfield. 1834.. *B 879 Potter, C. E. Old Families of Concord. 1887 *V 935 Potter, W. J. First Congregational So- ciety in New Bedford. 1889 B 3602 PraiT. History of Eastham, Wellfleet and Orleans. 1844 B 1074 Public Events in Massachusetts preced- ing the Revolution. 1856 B 308 puiNN (Ed.). Massachusetts of To- Day. 1892 *V 1539 Rand. One of a Thousand ; Biograph- ical Sketches. 1890 *R 443 Raynor and Petitclerc. Histoi-y of Cheshire. 1885 B 3434 Reed. History of Rutland. 1836 B 3564 Reynolds. Fight at Concord, Apr. 19, 1775 *B 862,1 Rice. First Parish of Danvers. 1874. B 3484 Rich. Truro— Cape Cod. 1883 B 3498 Ricketson. History of New Bedford. 1858 B 1036 Roads. Traditions of Marblehead. 1880.B 1109 Robinson. Loom and Spindle (Lowell). 1898 L 7388 Roxbury, Forest Hills Cemetery. 1855. *B 3462 Russell. Guide to Plymouth. 1846.. B 1076 Salem, Dedication of Plumrnpr Hall, 1857 ' B 3567 Records of Salem Witchcraft. 2v. 1864 B 1088 Town Records. 1634-1659. 1868... B 3500 Samuels and Kimball. Somerville, Past and Present. 1897 B 3625 Sanford. History of Berkley. 1872.. B 3486 Sawtelle. History of Townsend. 1878.B 3481 Sawyer. '} History of West Roxbury Park. 1887 *V 1383 ScHOULER.. Massachusetts in the Civil War. 2v. 1868 B 1021 Scott. Hours with the Pilgrim Fath- ers. 1869 *B 888 Sewall, S. Diary, 1674- 1729. 3V.B 1030.45-47 Letter-Book, 1686-1712. 1886 Bio3o,5i Sewall, S. History of Woburn. 1868.B 1080 Shattuck. History of Concord. 1835.B 11 15 Sheffield. History of Florence. 1895.. B 3627 Sheldon, G. 1636— Pocumtuck— 1886 ; Deerfield. 2v. 1895-6 .B 3619 Sheldon, H. S. Suffield, in County of Massachusetts Bay, 1660-1749. . .B 3018 Shurtleff (Ed.). Massachusetts Col- ony Records. 5v. 1853 ^Doc, Silsbee. Half Century in Salem. 1887.B 3427 Slafter. John Checkley ; or, Religions Toleration in Massachusetts Bay. 1719-1744. 2v *B 3750 Smith, E. V. History of Newburyport. 1854 B 3488 Smith, J. E. A. Dedication of Soldiers* Monument at Pittsfield, 1872 B 3636 History of Pittsfield. 1869 B 1081 Smith, S. F. History of Newton. 1880. B 1004 Smith, S. S. Founders of Massachu- setts Bay Colony. 1897 C16707 Speeches of Governors of Massachu- , setts, 1765-1775 B 3523 Stearns. History of Ashburnham. 1887.B 3433 Stebbixs. 150th Anniversary of Warren, 1741-1891 B 3596 Stevens, C. E. Anthony Burns. 1856.B 3487 Worcester Churches, 1719-1889 B 3582 Stevens, W.B. History of Stoneham.'9iB 3588 Stone. History of Beverly. 1843 B 1094 Story. First Settlement of Salem. 1828.B 1114 Stowe. History of Hubbardston. 1881 . . B 3524' Suffolk County, Bar Book. 1770-1805.^3 775.6 Suffolk County, Deeds. 11 v. i88o-i900*B 3480 Swift. Brook Farm ; its Members, Scholars and Visitors. 1900 J 5251 Temple. History of Framingham. 1887. B 3429 Ecclesiastical History of Whately. 1849 B 3570 History of North Brookfield. 1887.B 3431 Historv of Palmer. 1889 B 3579 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. 183 Tem ple and Sheldon . History of North- field, with Family Genealogies. 1875 *B35o8 Thacher. History of Plymouth. i835-B 1077 Thomas. Memorials of Marshfield. 1854B 3559 Thornton. Landing at Cape Anne, 1624-8. 1854 B 1035 ToRREY. History of Fitchburg to 1836.B 3490 Towle Mfg. Co. (Piilx). Cplonial Book; Newbiiryport and Vicinity. 1898.B 3615 Upham. Address at Re-Dedication of First Church in Salem. 1867... ♦B 885 Lectures on Witchcraft; History of the Delusion in Salem. 1831 B 1090 Records of Massachusetts under First Charter. 1869 ♦B 885 Salem Witchcraft with Account of Salem. 2v. 1867 B 1091 u.VEY. Story of Patriot's Day, Lex- ington and Concord. 1775 B 2403 DSWORTH. History of Lawrence. 1880B 3492 W ALCOTT.. Concord in Colonial Period. 1884 B 3517 Wall. Reminiscences of Worcester. '77B 3440 Ward. Family Register of Shrewsbury. 1847 C 1635 History of Shrewsbury. 1826. .*Cioio8.2 Washburn, E. Judicial History of Massachusetts, 1630-1775 N 5004 Sketches of Leicester, i860 B 3504 sHBURN, J. D. Address at Lancaster. July 4. 1876 B 1 105 W iBBER and Kevins. Old Naumkeag; Sketch of Salem. 1877 B 3506 W HiTiNG. Lawrence Street Cong. Soc., Lawrence. Dedication; 1848 ♦B 879 W HITMAN. History of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery. 1842 B 3505 Whitmore. Bibliographical Sketch of Laws of Massachusetts Colony, 1630-1686 ^O 2407 Massachusetts Civil List, 1630-1774 B loio Whitney, G. Old Church.Quincy. i864*B 879 Whitney, P. History of Worcester County. 1793 B 1079 Wilder. History of Leominster. 1853.. B 3510 WiLLARD. History of Greenfield. 1838.. B '1037 StOiVE. Reminiscences of Saratoga and Ballston. 1875 B 1 124 Saratoga Battle Grounds, 1780-1880. 1895 B 2401 Street. Council of Revision of the State of New York. 1859 B 4022 Sylvester. Historical Sketches of North- ern New York . 1877 B 4050 Thompson, B. F. History of Long Is- land. 2v. 1843 B 1 158 Thompson, N. L. Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, 1847-72. 1873 B 3980 Tompkins, Gov. Public Papers, 1807-17. 1898 B 4005 TowNSEND. Honors of the Empire State in the Rebellion. 1889 B 2544 Tracts relating to New York, 1609-1698. 1887 ♦P623,23 Tracy. Centennial of Whitestown. "Ss-^B 862,3 Turner. History of Holland Purchase. 1849 B 1126 Pioneer Settlement of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase. 185 1 B 1216 \ ANDERBiLT. Social History of Flatbush. 1881 B 1440 Wager (Ed.). Our City and its People: Rome, N. Y. 1896 B 4112 Waldron. Huguenots of Westchester. 1864 B 1423 Walworth. Saratoga; Battle Ground, etc. 1877 B 1 123 Watson. History of the Western Canals of New York. 1788-1819 B 121 1 Weise. Histdry of Albany. 1884 B 4083 History of Troy. 1876 B 4081 Wilson. Portrait Gallery of the Cham- ber of Commerce. 1890 C10239 Wood. First Settlements on Long Island. 1824 *B 862.4 Sketch of Huntington, L. I. 1898. B 4064 WooDWORTH. Reminiscences of Troy.'6oB 1169 Wooley. Journal in New York, 1695. '60. B 180 Worth. Recollections of Albany. 1866.. B 1212 Yawger. The Indian and the Pioneer. 1893 B 2060 NFW YORK COUNTY HISTORIES. Albany Co. 1897 ♦B 4072 Albany Co. ; by Howell. 1886 *V 1416 Ringhamton Co., 1800-1900 ....♦B 4073 Cattaraugus Co.; by Manley. 1857. ...B 4026 Chautauque Co.: by Warren. 1846 B 4070 Chautauqua Co.; by Young. 1875 B 4071 Chemung Co. 1892 *B 4074 Cortland Co. ; by Goodwin. 1859 B 1200 Duchess Co.; by Smith. 1877 B 1423 Erie Co. 2v. 1898 *B 4075 Erie Co. ; by Johnson. 1876 B 4019 Erie Co.; by Smiths 2 v. 1884 ♦V 2205 Essex Co. 1885 ♦B 4076 Essex Co.; by Watson. 1869 B 1227 Franklin Co. ; by Hough. 1853 B 1 196 Herkimer Co. 1893 ♦B 4077 Herkimer Co.; by Benton. 1856.. B 1185 Jefferson Co. 1898 *B 4078 Jefferson Co. ; by Hough. 1854 B 1433 Lewis Co. ; by Hough, i860 B 1 168 Livingston Co.; by Doty. 1876 B 1438 Madison Co. 1899 ♦B 4079 Madison Co.; by Hammond. 1872 B 402a Monroe Co. 1895 ♦B 4080 Montgomery Co. 1892 ♦B 4105 Niagara Co. 1897 ♦B 4106 Oneida Co. 1896 *B 4107 Oneida Co. 1878 *V 89a Oneida Co. ; by Jones. 1851 B 1 170 Onondaga Co. ; bv Clayton. 1878 ♦V 22ir> Centennial of. 2v. 1896 ♦B 4108 Reminiscences of; by Qark. 2v. *49.B 1180 Ontario Co. 1893 ♦B 4109 Orange Co. 1895 *V 3074 Orange Co. and Newburgh; by Rutten- ber. 1875 B 4041 Orleans Co. ; by Thomas. 187 1 B 4092 Oswego Co. 189s ♦B 41 10 Otsego Co. ; by Beardsley. 1852 B 1129 Queens Co. (L. L). 1882 *V 2206 Queens Co. (L. I.). 1896 *V 3075 Queens Co. (L. I.) ; by Onderdonk. '65. B 1172^ Rensselaer Co. 1897 *B 41 1 1 Rensselaer Co.; by Sylvester. .1880... ♦¥ 1455 St. Lawrence Co. ; by Hough. 1853 B 1196 Saratoga Co. 1899 ♦B 41 13 Saratoga Co; by Sylvester. 1878. ...*V 1375 Steuben Co. 1896 *3 41 14 Steuben Co. ; by McMaster. 1853 B 4023 Suffolk Co. (L. I.). 1896 ♦V 3076 Suffolk Co. (L. I.) ; by Bayles. 1874.. B 4053 Sullivan Co. ; by Quinlan. 1873 B 4030 Tompkins Co. 1894 *B 4115 Ulster Co. 1896 *V 3077 Wayne Co. 1895 : ♦B 4116 Wayne Co. ; by Clark. 1883 B 6261 Westchester Co.; by Bolton. 2v. 1848. B 4056 Yates Co. 1892 *B 41 17 Yates Co. ; by Cleveland. 1873 B 1 171 196 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. NEW YORK CITY. Bei.den. New York: Past, Present and Future. 1850 B 1 179 Booth. History of New**York. 1859. .B 3964 Breen. Thirty Years of New York Poli- tics. 1899 B 3979 CoLER. Municipal Government of New York. 1900 L 6173 CosTELLo. New York Police. 1885 . .. .L 401 1 Our Firemen. 1887 B 3966 Davis. History of New Amsterdam. '54.B 1159 Dayton. Last Days of Knickerbocker Life in New York. 1882 B 3970 DisoswAY. Earliest Churches of New York. 1865 B 1192 DuRAND. Finances of New York City. 1898 B 3991 Earle. Colonial Days in Old New York. 1896 ., B 3986 Fernovv (Ed.). Records of New Am- sterdam, 1653-74. 7v. 1897 B 4002 FiSKE. Prominent New Yorkers. 1884.C 3927 Francis. Old New York. 1866 B 1199 General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, Annals, i785-i88o.*V 600 Gibbons. Banks of New York. 1859.. L 992 Goodwin and others (Ed.). Historic New York. 2v. 1897-8 B 3992 Greenleaf. History of the Churches of New York City. 1850 B 1218 Guernsey. New York City during War of 1812-15. 2v B 3976 Hardie. History of New York City. '27. B 1186 Has well. Reminiscences of New York, 1816-1860. 1896 .B 3987 Hem street. Nooks and Corners of Old New York. 1899 B 3988 Hildeburn. Printers and Printing in Colonial New York. 1895 B 3983 History of the Evangelical Churches of ' New York. 1839 B 3982 Ireland. The New York Stage, 1750- 1860. 2v *E 9390 Kernan. Old Fire Laddies of New York and Brooklyn. 1885 B 3967 King, C. Croton Aqueduct. 1843.... *V 244 King, M. (Ed.). The Clearmg House of New York. 1898 B 3984 The Dewey Reception in New York. i^ *V 2191 j Notable New Yorkers, 1896-9.... *V 2172 I King, M. (Ed.). Views of the New York Stock Exchange. 1897 *V 2820 Knight. Journey from Boston to New York,^ 1704. 1865 B 91 1 Lamb. History of the City of New York. 2v. 1877-80 *V 126 Supplement, 1880-96;" by Har- rison , *V 126.3 Wall Street in History. 1883 B 3977 MacManus. How the Dutch came to Manhattan. 1897 B 2151 Maurice. New York in Fiction. 1901.B 3990 Miller. Description ©f New York in 1695 B 180 Mines (Felix Oldboy). Walks in our Churchyards: Trinity Parish. '96.B 3989 A Tour around New York. 1893. B 3969 Morris, C. (Ed.). Makers of New York. 1895 Morris, G. History of a Vol. Regt. ; Wil son Zouaves. 1891 B 2809 Myers. History of Tammany Hall. 1901B 3995 New York City, Astor Place Riot. i849*B 882 and Brooklyn Bridge ; Opening Cere- monies, May 24, 1883 B 3973 Report on Financial Affairs, '84B 3974 Central Park, Description of. i869.*B 1190 Reports, 1857-70. 13V *Doc. Century Association, 1893 B 3971 Charter. 1897 *V 2128 Common Council Manual, 1841-70. 17V .- *Doc. Index ; by Valentine B 3998 Directory, 1786 B 3968 during the Revolution. 1861 *V 11 New England Society Celebration, 1878 *B775.2 Report of Operations in filling the Quota, 1864. 2v B 2484 Republican Club, Proceedings, Feb. 12, 1896 E 4729 Volcano under the City (Draft Riots of 1863) B 2567 Osgood. New York in the 19th Century. 1867 B 1215 Parkhurst. Our Fight with Tammany. 1895 L 6207 Pelletreau. Early New York Houses. 1900 *V 2194 Prentiss. Union Theological Semin- ary. 1889 B 3972 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. ^97 i.AUJND. New York and its Institu- tions, 1609-1873 1 5335 ' KiKER. Harlem; its Early Annals. 1881.B 3985 R(X)SEVELT. New York. 1891 B 3961 HWAB. Revolutionary History of Fort Number Eight. 1897 B 2402 oviLLE. Old Merchants of New York. 5v. in 3. 187J B 1198 The same. 5v. 1885 C 2217 ELDON. Volunteer Fire Department of New York City. 1882 B 3975 SHER.MAN, P. T. Inside the Machine, 1898-9 B 4063 iiTH, C. B., Sermon at 70th Festival of St. James* Church. 1881 'B 7754 HTH, J. T. Cathedral Bells; Souvenir of St. Patrick's Cathedral. 1898. ♦V 2405 {INC. Brick Church Memorial. 1861. B 3981. KAD. Satan's Invisible World dis- played (Lcxow Commission). '97B 3978 >i EVENS, B. F. (Pub.). Manuscript Map of New York and Environs. 1782*? 1556. KVENS, J. A. Union Defence Commit- tee of New York. 1861-4 B 672 f "Stone. History of New York to 1872. B 1437 Todd. Story of New York. 1888 B 3963 Trask. Bowling Green. 1898 B 3996 MANN. Landmark Hi.story of New York. 1901 B 4001 \ ALENTiNE. Chaptcfs iH Hislory of New York City B 3962 History of New York. 1853 B 1191 \ AN Pelt. Leslie's History of the Great- er New York. 3v. 1898 ♦V 2171 \ AN Rensselaer. The Gocde Vrouw of Manarha-ta. 1609-1760. 1898 B 3991 \\ ATSON. Annals of New York City and State. 1846 B 1210 ^\'ILSoN, Memorial History of New York City. 4v. 1802-3 ^V 1398 Protestant Episcopal Church in New York, 1785-1885 M 2882 NORTH CAROLINA. ASSETT. Slavery in Colony of North Carolina. 1896 *L32oi.i4 Slavery in the State of N. C '99.*L320i.i7 Battle. Early History of Raleigh. 1877*6 883 if^ERNHEiM. German Settlements and Lu- theran Church in N. C. 1872... M 2748 Caruthers. Revolutionary Incidents. '54B 1661 Colonial Records; comp. by Saunders. lov. 1886-90 *Doc. Continued as State Records; comp. by Clark, v. 11-18. 1895- 1900 *Doi\ DowD. Prominent Living North Caro- linians. 1888 C16929 Hawks. History of North Carolina. 2v. 1858-59 B 1659 and others. Revolutionary History of N. C. 1853 : B 1660 Hunter. Sketches of Western North Carolina. 1877 B J674 Jones. Defense of Revolutionary His- tory of North Carolina. 1834... B 1662 Memorials of North Carolina. 1838B 1670 Lawson. History of North Carolina. i860 ♦B 1657 Martin. History of North Carolina. 2v. 1829 B 1658 Moore. History of North Carolina. 2v. 1880 B 1664 Roster of Troops in the War be- tween the States. 4v. 1882 *B 2578 Recollections of Ku-Klnx Outrages of North Carolina. 1880 1 5259 Reicuel. The Moravians in North Carolina. 1857 B 4130 ScHENCK. North Carolina, 1780-81. 1889B 2397 SiKES. North Carolina from Colony to Commonwealth. 1898 *L320i.i6 Sloan. Reminiscences of the Guilford Grays. 1883 *B 2726 Society of Friends, Suflferings in North Carolina, 1861-5 B 85 Spencer. Last 90 Days of the War in North Carolina. 1866 B 2632 Wheeler. Historical Sketches of North Carolina. 1851 B 1663 Reminiscences of North Carolina. 1884 *V 713 Williamson. History of North Caro- lina. *2v. 1812 B 1672 OHIO. Abbott. History of Ohio. 1875...... B 1324 Anti-Slavery Convention of Ohio. 1835. L 681 Atwater. History of Ohio. 1838 B ^212 Black. Story of Ohio. 1888 B 4249 Pliven. Maumee Valley and Pioneers. 1880 *B 88^ 198 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. Bolton. Civic Problems of Greater Cleveland. 1897 B 416s Bouquet. Expedition against Ohio In- dians, 1764 '^ 1300 BuRKETT. History of Ohio Agriculture. 1900 K15300 Burton. History of Cleveland. 1895. B 4166 Carpenter and Arthur. Cabinet His- tory of Ohio. 1865 : . B 1289 Carter. The Old Court Hj^use ; Court and Bar of Cincinnati. 1880 N 4882 Cincinnati, Chamber of Commerce, Dedi- catory Exercises, Jan.. 1889 B 4251 Cincinnati, 2d Presbyterian Church. Me- morial Address, by N. Wright. 1873 .-...E 1620 Cincinnati Miscellany; ed. by Cist. 2v. 1845-46 B 4207 Cist. Cincinnati in 1841 B 1318 Cincinnati in 1851 B 1320 Cincinnati in 1859 B 1319 Clarke. Pre-historic Remains of Cin- cinnati. 1876 *B 885- Dawes. Beginning of the Ohio Com- pany. 1882 *B 4206 The same ^.*B 775,2 Drake, B. and Mansfield. Cincinnati in ' 1826 B 1327 Drake, S. A. The Making of the Ohio Valley States, 1660-1837. 1894. -B 4543 English. Conquest of Country North- west of the Ohio. 2v. 1896 B 4527 Fernow. The Ohio Valley in Colonial Days. 1890 B 4541 Fire Lands Pioneer, 1858-78. Foote. Schools of Cincinnati. Ford. History of Cincinnati. 13V. in 4. ,*Ser. 1855... B 1308 i88i..*V 557 Gallipolis, Centennial Anniversary, 1790- 1890 *B4250,3 Haydon. Early History of the Disciples in the Western Reserve. 1876.. M 453 Hildpeth. Pioneer History of Ohio Val- ley. .1848 B 4208 Pioneer Set):lers in Ohio. 1852 B 1290 Howe. Historical Collections of Ohio. 1869 B 1292 The same; new ed. 3 v. in 2. 1889-91 B 4244 Howells, W. C. Life in Ohio, 1813-40.B 4161 Howells, W. D. Stories of Ohio. 1897B 4247 Jones, A. E. Early Days in Little Miami Valley. 1878 '.*B 4205 Jones, N. E. Sqjiirrel Hunters of Ohio ; Pioneer Life. 1898 B 4173 KiLBOURN. Ohio Gazetteer, 1829 1 186 King. First Fruits of the Ordinance of 1787-, 1888 : B 4248 KxAPP. History of the Maumee Valley. 1872 B 131 > LoRiNG. Ninety-fifth Anniversary of the Settlement at Marietta. 1883. .*B 4206 McElroy (Ed.). Chickamauga: Record of the Ohio National Park Com- mission. 1896 *B 634gt Magazine of W^estern History, 1885-92. 14V *Ser, Mattox. History of Cincinnati Society of Ex-Army and Navy Officers. 1880 *V 357 May. Two Journeys to Ohio, 1788-9 B 1328 Miller. Cincinnati's Beginnings. 1880.. B 1317 Mitchener. Ohio Annals. 1876 B 421a ]Moorehead. Fort Ancient; Prehistoric Earthwork. 1890 B 4260 Primitive Man in Ohio. 1892 B 4261 Ohio Archaeological and Historical So- ciety, Publications. 9v. 1887-1901*6 4250 Ohio Historical Society's Collections. 2v. 1839-72 B 1307 Ohio Valley Historical Series. 8v. 1868- 1871: V. I. Bouquet. Expedition against Ohio Indians, 1764 B 1300 2. Walker. History of Athens County B 1301 3. Clark. Campaign in the Illi- nois, 1778-9 B 130.? 4. ?>fcBRWE. Pioneer Biography of Butler County, O. 2v.B 1303 5. Smith. Captivity with In- dians, 1755-9 B 1304 6. Drake. Pioneer Life in Ken- tucky '. . . B 1305 7. Espy. Tour in Ohio, Ken- tucky and Indiana, 1805.. B 1306 Williams. Western Cam- paigns, 1812-13 B 1306 Taneyhill. Leather wood God B 1306 Park. Early History of Union Town- ship. 1870 *B 4205 Peet. Ashtabula Disaster. 1877 B 1316 Poole. The Tyler-Davidson Fountain in Cincinnati. 1884 B 4230 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. 199 Reid. Ohio in the War. 2v. 1868. .. .B 1288 Rile. Pioneers of the Western Re- serve. 1883 B 4211 Roe. Our Police; History of the Cin- cinnati Police Force. 1890 L 4148 Roosevelt. The Winning of the West. 4v. 1889-96 B 4539 St. Clair. Indian Campaign, 1791 B 19 Scott. The Future Great City (Toledo). 1876 *B 1396 ? ns of the American Revolution, Ohio Society. 1896 B 4181 Sons of the Revolution, Ohio Society, Year Book. 1896 B 4180 Stevens. Cincinnati in 1869.... B 1321 Studer. History of Columbus. 1873.. B 1325 Taylor. • Ohio Statesmen and Hundred Year Book, 1788-1892 B 4J92 Thomas. Earthworks of Ohio. 1889. B 2025 Problem of the Ohio Mounds. 1889B 2025 MO.MSON. Bibliography of Ohio. i88o*0 181 Thent. Journal from Logstown to Picka- willany, 1752. 1871 B 1291 \scE (Ed.). Great Flood of 1884 in the Ohio Valley B 4219 Western Reserve Historical Society's . Publications. 3v. 1870-92 'B 1315 Whittlesey. Early History of Cleve- land. 1867 B 1285 Topographical and Historical Sketch of Ohio. 1872 B 1310 Wilson, F. Treaty of Greenville. 1894B 2048 Wilson, S. Second U. P. Church of Xenia, Ohio. 1880 *B 8624 OHIO counties. Adams Co.; by Evans and Stivers. 1900 ♦B 4168 Allen Co. 1885 ♦B 4220 Ashlanu Co. ; by Knapp. 1863 B 1295 Ashtabula Co. 1893 *V 2^3 Athens Co. 1869 B 1301 Auglaize Co. 1892 ♦V 3078 Brown Co. 1883 *B 4221 Butler Co. 1894 *V 3079 Butler Co.; by McBride. 2v B 1303 Champaign Co. 1881 *B 4222 Champr.ign Co.; by Antrim. 1872 B 4209 City of Toledo, and Lucas and Wood Counties. 1895 *V 3083 Clark Co. 1881 *B 4223 Ginton Co. 1882 *B 4224 Coshocton Co.; by Hill. i88i B 4201 Coshocton Co. ; by Hunt. 1876 B 4217 Darke Co. 1880 ♦B 4225 Delaware Co. 1880 *B 4216 Fairfield Co.; by Graham. 1883 *B 4227 Fayette Co.; by Putnam. 1872 B 1287 Franklin Co. ; by Martin. 1858. . . *. B 1293 Fulton Co." 1888 *B 4233 Hamilton Co. ; by Ford. 1881 *V 556 Hancock Co.; by Beardsley. 1881 B 4245 Hardin Co. 1895 *V 3080 Hardin Co., Atlas of. 1879 *R 5036 Henry Co. 1888 *B 4233 Highland Co.; by Thompson. 1878.. *B 4205 Knox Co., 1779-1862; by Norton B 1294 Licking Co.; by Hill. 1881 B 4202 Logan Co. 1892 ♦V 3078 Logan Co. ; by Antrim. 1872 B 4209 Logan Co.; by Perrin and Battle. i88o*B 4232 Lorain Co.; by Boynton. 1876 ♦B 775,1 Lucas Co. 189s ♦V 3083 Marion Co. 1895 W 3080 Medina Co.; by Northrup. 1861 B 1297 Miami Co. 1880 *B 4231 Montgomery Co. 1882 *B 4215 Morrow Co. 1880 *B 4214 Perry Co. ; by Graham. 1883 ♦B 4227 Portage Co. 1885 . '. *B 4226 Richland Co.; by Graham. 1880 ♦V 3081 Ross Co.; by Finley and Putnam. 1871.B 1299 Scioto Co., Pioneers of; by Keyes. 1880B 4218 Seneca Co. 1886 *B 4228 Seneca Co. ; by Butterfield. 1848 B 1286 Seneca Co. ; by Lang. 1880 B 4204 Shelby Co. 1892 ^ *V 3078 Stark Co. ; by Perrin. 188 1 *V 3082 Summit Co.; by Bierce. 1854 B 1298 Summit Co.; ed. by Perrin. 1881. .. .*B 4213 Tuscarawas Co. 1884 *B 4229 Union Co. 1883 ♦B 4241 Warren Co. 1882 *B 4242 Washington Co. 1881 *V 1499 Washington Co.; by Andrews. 1877.. B 13 11 Wayne Co.; by Douglass. 1878 B 4203 Wood Co. 1895 .*V 3083 Wyandot Co. 1884 *B 4243 OREGON. Armstrong. History and description of Oregon. 1857 1 523 Bancroft. History of Oregon. 2v. 1886- 1888 .-. Bi775,24-2S 200 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. 127 1 1770 Bancroft. History of Oregon. 2v. 1886- 1888 *R266o,29-30 Northwest Coast (Oregon, Wash- ington, British Columbia). 2v. 1886 61775,22-23 The same *R266o,27-28 Barrows. Oregon; Struggle for Posses- sion. 1884 B 1771 Dunn. Oregon Territory and British Fur Trade. 1845 B 1269 Dye. McLoughlin and Old Oregon. 1900B 4273 Gray. History of Oregon, 1792-1849. . . .B 1772 Greenhow. History of Oregon and California. 1844 B 1335 Northwest Coast of North America. 1840 B HiNES^ G. Oregon ; its History and Pros- pects. 1881 B HiNES, H. K. History of Oregon. i893*V 3084 Mofras. Exploration du Territoire de rOregon. 2v. 1844 C12850 Atlas *R 4843 Nixon. How Marcus Whitman saved Oregon. 1895 B 4255 Oregon, Resources of the State. i888.*V 1530 Twiss. Oregon Territory; its History and Discover3^ 1846 B 4275 PENNSYLVANIA. Agnew. History of Pennsylvania. 1887B 4305 Armor. Governors of Pennsylvania. *73.C 2109 Bates. Martial Deeds of Pennsylvania. 1875 *V 650 Bolles. Pennsylvania, 1609- 1790. 2v. 1899 B 4317 Brackexridge. History of the Whisky Insurrection, 1794. 1859 B 1238 Brower. Danville, Montour Co. 1881.B 4337 BuDD., Good Order in Pennsylvania, 1685B 180 Carpenter and Arthur. Cabinet His- tory of Pennsylvania. 1857 .B Chapman. Sketch of the History of Wyoming. 1830 B Clyde. History of Allen Township Pres- byterian Church. 1876 B 4298 Colonial Dames of America, Pennsyl- vania Society, Register. 1898 B 4326 Connelly and Jenks. Johnstown Flood. 1889 B 4336 Cornell. History of Pennsylvania. 1876B 4285 Craig. History of Pittsburg. 1851...B 1252 Darlington. Tornado in Chester Co., 1877 *B 1396 1240 1259 Day. Historical Collections .of Penn- sylvania. 1843 B 4290 Dickinson. Letters from a Farmer, 1768B 1431 DiFFENDERFFSR. German Immigration into Pennsylvania, 1700-1775. ig-7Z- 1874 *V 2168 Brown. The First Republic in America, 1605-27 [Virginia]. 1898 B 2150 English Politics in Early Virginia History. 1901 .' B 4506 Bruce. Economic History of Virginia in Seventeenth Century. 2v. 1896. B 4495 BuRK. History of Virginia, 1584-1781. 4v. 1804-16 *B Byrd. History of the Dividing Line be- tween Virginia and N. C, 1728-9. 2v. 1S66 B Cabell, Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg. 1S58 B 1637 Campbell, C. History of Virginia Col- ony. i860 B 1623 C\mpbell. j. W. History qf Virginia to 1781. 1813 B 1624 Carpenter and .Arthur. Cabinet History of Virginia. 1865 B 1630 Chamberlavne. Vestry Book and Regis- ter of Bristol Parish, Va., 1720- 1789 B 4504 Cooke. Virginia ; History of the People. 1883 B 4481 [628 :2o6 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. Dabxey. Defence of Virginia. 1867.. B 4487 Davis. First Settlers of Virginia; an Historical Novel. 1S05 *B 4482 De Hass. Indian Wars in Western Vir- ginia. 1851 .B 49 Doddridge. Settlements and Indian Wars in Virginia and Pennsylvania. '76. B 1621 Drake. Making of Virginia, 1578-1701. 1893 B 214T FiSKE. Old Virginia and her Neighbours, 1584-1753. 2v. 1897 B 4496 The same (IIIus. ed.) B 4497 FooTE. Sketches of Virginia; Historical" and Biographical. 2v. 1850-5... B 4485 Forrest. History of Norfolk. 1853... B 1618 FowKE. Archaeologic Investigations in James and Potomac Valleys. 1894B 2133 Gilpin. Exiles in Virginia. 1848 B 4489 Grigsby. The Virginia Convention of 1776. 1855 , *B 4498 Hamor. Present State of Virginia. i6i5*V 491 Hariot. T. Briefe and True Report of the New found Land of Virginia (1585). 1900 B 4507 The same. 1893 *B 4493 KoWE. Historical . Collections of Vir- ginia. 1856 B 16.25 HowisoN. History of Virginia. 2v. 1846- 1848 B 4494 Jefferson, T. Notes on Virginia. 1787.B 1638 The same. 1800 B 4484 The same. 1853 1 247 The same; ed. by Ford. 1894. .1 5276 Johnson. Nova Britannia (Virginia). 1609 B 4490 Keith. British Plantations in America; Virginia. 1738 *P 381 Kercheval. History of the Valley of Virginia. 1833 *B 1626 Latane. Early Relations between ^lary- land and Virginia. 1895 *L320i,i3 JJagill. History of Virginia. 1874 B 4486 Mead. Historic Homes of the Southwest Mountains, 1*899 B 4500 Meade. Old Churches and Families. 3v. 1872-98 B 1634 Munford. Jewels of Virginia. 1867. .*B 88 Neill. Early Settlement of Virginia. '78*6 775.4 English Colonization of Virginia. 1871 B 125 History of the Virginia Company. 1869 B 1629 Neill. Pocahontas and her Companions. 1869 B 1635 Virginia Carolorum, 1625-85. 1886. B 1619 Virginia Vetusta during Reign of James I. 1885 B 1640 NoRRis (Ed.).- History of the Lower Shenandoah Valley. 1890 *B 4492 Peyton. History of Augusta Co. 1882. B 1620 Raleigh, Sir W., and his Colony in Amer- ica. 1884 *B 876 Ripley. Financial History of Virginia, 1609-1776. 1893 L7235.4 Smith, Capt. John. Description of New England. 1865 *B 915 New England's Trials. 1867 *B 870 True Relation of Virginia. 1866. *V 91 True Travels in Virginia. 2v. i8i9.*B 1633 Works, 1608-31 ; ed. by Arber. i884*B 4483 Smith, M. V. Virginia, 1492-1892; Ex- ecutives of the Colony. C10370 Stevens. Yorktown Handbook. 1881...B 1622 Stith. History of Virginia, 1747. 1865.. B 1631 Strachey. Historic of Virginia Britannia. 1849 *I 2353 Tyler. Cradle of the Republic; James- town and James River. 1900 . . . .B 4505 Virginia Historical Register, 1848-53. V. I, 5. 6 B 1636 Virginia Historical Society Collections. I IV. 1882-90 *B 4491 \^irginia Magazine of History and Biog- raphy, 1893-1900. 7v *Ser. Virginia State Papers, Calendar of, 1652- 1795- 7v *Doc. Waddell. Annals of Augusta Co. 1886. B 4499 Withers. Border Warfare in Virginia. 1831 *B 1639 Wyth. Natives of Virginia. 1841 B 1632 WEST VIRGINIA. Aler. History of Martinsburg and Berkeley County. 1888 B 4516 Atkinson, History of Kanawha Co. 1876B 4513 Lewis. History of West Virginia. 1889. .B 4515 Maxwell. History of Randolph Co. '98.B 4517 History of Tucker County. 1884. -B 4512 Parker. Formation of West Virginia. 1875 B 4510 Wiley. History of Monongalia Co. '83.B 4514 and FREqpRiCK. History of Preston County. 1882 B 451 1 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. 207 WASHINGTON. .Bancroft. History of Washington, Idaho and Montana. 1890 61775,26 The same *R266o.3i Hikes. State of Washington. 1893 *V 3099 THE WEST. Bancroft. History of the Pacific States. 34V. 1883-90 B 1775 V. 1-3. Central America. 1501-1887. 4-9. Mexico, 1516-1887. 10-11. The North Mexican States and Texas, 153 1-1889. 12. Arizona and New Mexico, 1530-1888. 13-19. California, 1542-1890. 2a Nevada. Colorado and Wyoming, 1540- 1888. 21. Utah, 1540-1886. 22-23. The Northwest Coast. 1543- * 1846. 24-25. Oregon. 1834- 1888. 26. Washington, Idaho and Montana, 1845-1889. 27. British Columbia. 1792- 1887. aS. Alaska, 1730-1885. 29t California Pastoral, 1769- 1848. 30. California Inter Pocula, 1848-56. 31-32. Popular Tribunals. ^^. Essays and Miscellany. 34. Literary Industries. ^ The same. 39V ♦R 2660 Barber and Howe. All the Western States and Territories. 1868 B 4525 Beech ER. Plea for the West. 1835 B 4530 Beggs. Early History of the West and North^vest. 1868 B 1329 Blackmar, Spanish Institutions of the Southwest. 1891 L3200,io Blanchard. Discovery and Conquests of the North-West. 1881 B 1334 Brackenridge. Recollections of the West. 1868 B 1276 Bradford. Notes on the Northwest. 1846.B1268 Brower. The Missouri River and its Source. 1897 B 4570 Burnet. Notes on Early Settlement of North Western Territory. 1847. B 1277 Butler. French Footprints beyond the Lakes *E 2014 Butterfield. Discovery of the North- west by Nicolet in 1634. 1881...B 4521 (Ed.). Washington-Crawford Corre- spondence. 1877 B 4522 The same B 190 Chittenden. Yellowstone National Park. 1895 B 4606 Conant. Footprints of Vanished Races in the Mississippi Valley. 1879. K 2563 Craig (Ed.). The Olden Time (1846, 1847). 2v *B 1282 Dearborn. Commerce of the West. '39.*B 88;^ Drake. Making of the Great West, 151 2- 1883 B 454c Making of the Ohio Valley States, 1660-1837 B 4541 Dunn. Oregon Territory and British Fur Trade. 1845 B 126^ Dyer. Fort Reno before the Opening of Oklahoma. 1896 B 2064 Edwards and Hopewell. The Greit West, i860 B 1274 Eu.et. Pioneer Women of the West.'7:>C Tm) English. Conquest of the Northwest, 1778-83. 2v. 1896 B 4527 Falconer. On the Discovery of the Mis- sissippi River. 1844 1 549^ Fernow. Ohio Valley in Colonial Days. 1890 B 4541 Flint. The First White Man of the West, Daniel Boone. 1856 C 199 History and Geography of the Mis- sissippi Valley. 2v. 1832 B 1281 Indian Wars of the West. 1833... B 80 Recollections of the Last Ten Years in the Mississippi Valley. 1826.. I 5429 FoLSOM. Fifty Years in the Northwest. 1888 B 4524 Frost. Pioneer Mothers of the West.'75C 2247 Gallagher. Progress of the Northwest. 1850 B 1313 Gilmore. Advance-Guard of Western Civilization. 1888 B 329 Griffin. Bibliography of the Discovery of the* Mississippi. 1883 *V 617 Hall, B. F. Early History of the North- western States. 1849 B 4542 Hall, J. Romance of Western History. 1871 B 1275 Legends of the West. 1854 B 1278 Statistics of the West, 1836... I 5401 Hart. Discovery of the Mississippi Val- ley. 1852 B 1330 208 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY. HiLDRETH. Early History of the North- west. 1864 B 1331 Hinsdale. The Old Northwest. 1888... B 4523 Holmes. An Ancient Quarry in Indian Territory. 1894 .7. B 2135 HoTCHKiss. History of the Lumber and Forest Industry of the Northwest. 1898 *V. 2163 Howe. Historical Collections of the West. 1857 B 1272 Inman and Cody. The Great Salt Lake Trail. 1898 1 4528 Langford. Vigilante Days and Ways, s 2v. 1890 B 4725 Larpenteur. 40 Years on the Upper Mis- souri, 1833-72. 2v *I 4533 Lewis and Clarke. Travels to the Pa- cific Ocean, 1804-6; ed. by Allen. 2v. 1814 *I 305 The same; ed. by Coues. 4v. '93*! 4516 The same ; abridged by M' Vickar. 2v. 1872 1 3757 McAdams. Ancient Races in the Missis- sippi Valley. 1887 K10887 M'Clung. Western Adventure, 1755-94. B 1332 McMaster. 60 Years on the Upper Mis- sissippi, 1833-93 C18460 Marshall. Historical Writings on Early History of the West. 1887 B 1441 Meek. Romantic Passages in Southwest- ern History. 1857 B 1273 MoNETTE. Discovery and Settlement of the Mississippi Valley. 2v. i846*B 1283 MooRE. The Northwest under Three Flags, 1635-1796. 1900 B 2333 Parkman. Discovery of the Great West. 1872 B 38 The same. 1898 B 52 PmKiNS. Annals of the West. 1850 B 1280 Pike. Expeditions to Headwaters of the Mississippi River, 1805-7. 3v. '93.*I 4530 The same. 2v. 1810 .' I 228 Maps and Charts *V 28 PiTTMAN. European Settlements on the Mississippi. 1770 *V 331 Roosevelt. Winning of the West, 1769- 1807. 4v. 1889-96 B 4539 Schoolcraft. Expeditions to Sources of the Mississippi River, 1821-32.... I 231 Shea. Address before the Missouri His- torical Society, July 9, 1878.... *B 883 Early Voyages on the Mississippi. 1861 *B 1284 Shea. Discovery of the Mississippi Valley. 1852 B161M Smith, T. C. Liberty and Free Soil Parties in the Northwest. 1897.B2260.6 Squier. Aboriginal Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. 1847 *B 862,2 Story of the West Series. 1895-8 : Grinnell. Story of the Indian B 2033 Hough. Story of the Cowboy I 4525 Shinn. Story of the Mine K 4781 Warm AN. Story of the Railroad. K 5731 Strickland. Pioneers of the West. 1856B 1270 Tenney. The New West. 1870 *B 1396 Tuttle and Pennock. History of the Northwest. 1876 B 1333 Walker, C. B. The Mississippi Valley and Prehistoric Events. 1879. ...I 54i7 Walker, J. B. Pioneer Life in the West. 1881 B 4630 West. The Golden Northwest. 1878 B 13 14 Winsor. The Mississippi Basin, 1697- 1763. 1895 B 2121 WISCONSIN. Buck. Pioneer History of Milwaukee. 3v. 1876-84 B 1512 Butler. Pre-historic Wisconsin. 1876. *E 2014 Cunningham. History of Neenah. 1878B 1515 Damon. History of Milwaukee Light Guard. 1875 B 4688 Davidson. In Unnamed Wisconsin. 1895B 4704 Draper. Madison; its Growth, etc. '57. *B 862,3 Durrie. History of Madison. 1874.. B 1504 Flower, The Eye of the Northwest; Superior. 1890 B 4681 Forrester (Ed.). Biographical Album of Chippewa Valley. 2v. 1891-92. *V 2212 Hebberd. Wisconsin under the Dominion of France. 1890 B 4685 Hunt. Wisconsin Gazetteer, 1853 B 1505 HuRLBUT. Early Days at Racine. 1872. *B .1343 Koss. Milwaukee (in German). 1871.D14511 Lapham. Antiquities of Wisconsin. iSs5.*Doc. Wisconsin. 1846 B 1506 Love. Wisconsin in the War. 1866. .*B 700 Loyal Legion of the United States, Wis- consin Commandery. 2v. 1891-6.B 2499 Madison and Surrounding Towns. 1877.B 1502 Mapes. History of Ripon. 1873 B 1514 Milwaukee, Guide to. 1886 B 1513 Illustrated History of. 1881 *B 1511 Nelke (Ed.)- Biographical Dictionary of Wisconsin. 1895 *V 3101 STATES AND LOCAL HISTORY— CANADA. 209 EViLLE and others. Historic Green Bay, 1634-1840. 1893 B 4693 QuiNER. Military History of Wisconsin. 1866 B 597 Randall. History of Chippewa Valley. 1875 B 1507 Reid. Resources of Appleton. 1874.. *B 880 Simmons. History of Geneva. 1875.. B 1510 Smith. History of Wisconsin, v. i, 3. '548 1501 : RONG. History of Wisconsin, 1836-48.. 1885 B 1503 Tenney and Atwood. Memorial of Fathers of Wisconsin. 1880 C 2287 FaoMSON. A Political History of Wis- consin. 1900 B 4708 Thwaites. Historic Waterways: Rock, Fox and Wisconsin Rivers. 1888.I 5486 Story of Wisconsin. 1890 B 4695 The University of Wisconsin and Sketches of Madison. 1900 ♦V 2813 Tittle. Illustrated History of Wis9on- sin. 1875 B 1508 Wheeler. Chronicles of Milwaukee. '61. B 1509 Wisconsin, Historical Atlas of. 1878. *R 4942 Northern, History of. 1881 ♦V 774 The same ♦V 225 \\ isconsin Historical Society, Collections. * I5V. 1854-1900 ♦B 1500 Proceedings, 1875-93. 2v ♦B 4700 WISCONSIN COUNTY HISTOKIES. riirk Co. 1891 ♦V3102 lumbia Co. 1880 . ..♦B 1481 I w ford Co. 1884 ♦V 3103 lie Co. 1880 ♦B 1491 dge Co. 1880 .♦B 1482 nd du Lac Co. 1880 '. .♦B 1483 int Co. 1881 ♦B 1493 A a Co. 1881 ♦B 1485 kson Co. 1891 ♦V 3102 Terson Co. 1879 *B i486 Terson Co. 1894 *V 2202 Kenosha Co. 1879 *B 1492 La Crosse Co. 1881 *B 1484 La Fayette Co. 1881 ♦B 1487 Milwaukee Co., Illustrated Atlas of.*76*R 4945 Ozaukee Co. 1881 *B 1495 Racine Co. 1879 *B 1492 Richland Co. 1884 *V 3103 Rock Co. 1879 *B 1488 Rock Co. 1889 *V 3104 Rock Co. ; by Guernsey and Willard. '56B 1357 Sauk Co. 1880 *B 1489 Vernon Co. 1884 *B 4691 Walworth Co. 1882 *B 1494 Walworth Co. 1894 *V 2202 Washington Co. 1881 *B 1495 Waukesha Co. 1880 *B 1490 West Shore of Green Bay; Brown, Oconto, Marinette and Florence Go's, Wis. 1896 *V 3105 Winnebago Co.; by Mitchel and Osborn. 1856 B 1516 WYOMING. ' Bancroft. Nevada, Colorado and Wyom- ing, 1540-1888 Bi775,20 The same *R266o,25 Coutant. History of Wyoming, v. i. J899 B 4733 DOMINION OF CANADA. Adam. From Savagery to Civilization; the Canadian North- West. 1885. B 4765 Akins. Selections from Public Docu- ments of Nova Scotia. 1869 B 4776 Anspacil History of Newfoundland.'ipB 1806 Atkinson. History of New Brunswick. 1844 B 1818 Bancroft. History of British Columbia, 1792-1887 Bi775,27 Becg. Creation of Manitoba. 1S71 B 1808 History of British Columbia. 1894.B 4781 History of the North-West. 3v. 1894- 1895 ...B 4761 and Nursey. History of Winnipeg, 1870-79 *. B 4779 Beyard and Lodowick. Actions of the French at Canada, 1693. 1868. ..B 1839 Bonnechose. Montcalm et le Canada frangais. 1877 C12010 Bonnycastle. Newfoundland in 1842. 2v B 1840 BoswoRTH. Hochelaga depicta; History of Montreal. 1839 B 1835 Bouchette. British Dominions in North America. 3v. 1832 *V 27 BouLTON. The North-West Rebellion. 1886 B 1816 BouRiNOT. Canada under British Rule, 1760-1900 B 4788 Constitutional History of Canada. 1888 L3301 Story of Canada. 1896 B 4786 How Canada is governed. 1895. . . .B 4787 2IO DOMINION OF CANADA. Bradley. Fight with France for North America. 1900 B 2321 Brant Co., Ontario, History of. 1883. *B 1812 Brasseur de Bourbourg. Histoire du Canada. 1852 . . .^ C 4265 Bremner. City of London, Ontario. i960 *V 2197 Brown. History of the Island of Cape Breton. 1869 B 1827 ' BaYCE. History of the Hudson's Bay Company. 1900 B 4792 Manitoba, its Growth, etc. 1882.. B 1815 Short History of the Canadian Peo- ple. 1887 B 1809 Brymner (Ed.). Report on Canadian Archives, 1881-92. I2v. in 8 B 1813 Campaign of 1760 in Canada. 1867 B 1837 Campbell, History of Prince Edward Island. 1875 B 1843 Canada Directories, 1851, 1857-8. 2V..B 1847 Cartier. Navigations aux lies de Ca- nada en 1535-6. 1863 C 4303 Relation du Voyage au Canada en 1534 C12750 Cauvain. Le Grand Vaincu; Montcalm au Canada. 1885 C12195 Champlain, S. de. Voyages of. 3v. 1880- 1882 *B 756 Charlevoix. Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 1744 C4330,i-4 History of New France ; tr. by Shea. 6v. 1866-72 B 1820 Chisholm. Guide to the St. Lawrence. 1870 B 1830 Christie. History of Lower Canada. 6v. 1866 B 1845 Military Operations in Canada^ 1807- 1815. 1818 B 287 Coffin. The Province of Quebec. i896.L66o4,i Collection de Manuscrits relatifs a la Nouvelle-France. 4v. 1883-4. .*V 1404 Collins. Canada under Lord Lome. '84. B 2032 Cruikshank (Ed.). Campaign upon the Niagara Frontier, 1812-14. 4v. in 3... : B 4793 Cumberland. The Union Jack, and its Connection with Canada. 1897.. A 2356 Dablon. Missions des Jesuites, 1672-9. 2v. 1860-61 B 62 Dainville. Beautes dc I'Histoire du Can- ada. 1821 B 1859 Denison. Soldiering in Canada; Recol- lections. 1900 C17773 Dent. Story of the Upper Canadian Re- bellion. 2v. 1885 B 4797 Drake. Taking of Louisburg, 1745. 1891B 2029 Edgar, Ten Years of Upper Canada, 1805-^5. 1891 B 4766 Faillon. Histoire de la Colonic frangaise en Canada. 3v. 1865 .* *V 1115 Eraser, J. Canadian Pen and Ink Sketches. 1890 B 4753 Eraser, M. Siege of Quebec in 1759 B 1837 Gagnon. Bibliographic canadienne. '95. *Q 2605 Gardiner. Nothing but Names ; Counties and Townships o*f Ontario. 1899.B 4799 Garneau. History of Canada ; tr. by Bell. 2v. 1866 B 1857 Gem MILL (Ed.). Canadian Parliamen- tary Companion. 1885 B 1817 Gerbie. Le Canada et I'fimigration fran- gaise. 1885 C12491 Greswell. History of Canada. 1890. . . . B 4770 Haliburton. Bubbles of Canada. 1839.. B 1848 History of Nova Scofia. 2v. 1829. B 1854 Hannay. History of Acadia. 1880.. .B 1828 Harris. History of the Early Missions in Western Canada. 1893 B 2047 Harrisse. Notes sur la Nouvelle France, 1545-1700. 1872 C 5192 Hart. Fall of New France, 1755-60. '88. B 2030 Hassard. Canadian Constitutional His- tory and Law. 1900 B 4747 Hatheway. History of New Brunswick. 1846 B 1853 Head. The Emigrant. 1847 B 1851 Narrative of Events in Canada. '39. B 1858 Henry. Campaign against Quebec in 1775. 1812 B 783 • The same. 1877 B 279 Hopkins (Ed.). Canada; an Encyclo- paedia. 7v. 1898- 1900 *V 2107 Story of the Dominion. 1901 B 4748 Houston. The Canadian Constitution. 1891 B 4773 HowLAND. The New Empire; Canada. 1891 B 4769 Hubbard. History of Stanstead County, Quebec. 1874 B 1826 Jack. History of St. John, N. B. 1883.B 1819 Jesuit Relations, 1610-1791 ; ed. by Thwaites. 71V. 1896-1901 *B 2053 Relations des Jesuites, 161 1-72. 3v. 1858 *C 6430 Jones. Campaign for Conquest of Can- ada, 1776. 1882 B 2388 DOMINION OF CANADA. 211 Kennedy. The Story of Canada. 1 897. B 4762. KiNGSFORD. History of Canada. lov. 1888-98 B 2031 Lahontan. Voyages dans I'Amerique Septentrionale. 2v. 1703 C 5571 Lawrence. Fpot-Prints; Early History of New Brunswick, 1783-1883.. .B 4777 Leblond de Brumath. Histoire populaire de Montreal. 1890 C 5531 Le Clerq. First Establishment of the Faith in New France. 2v. 1881.B 1821 -Legendre. £chos de Quebec. 1877 C 5569 Legco. Administration of the Earl of Dufferin. 1878 B 4768 Le Moine. Chronicles of the St. Law- rence. 1878 1 ^27 Picturesque Quebec. 1882 B 4750 Lescarbot. Histoire de la Nouvclle France. 1612 •€ 5707 LizARS. Humours of '37 ; Rebellion Times in the Canadas. 1897 B 479» In the Days of the Canada Company, 1825-50. 1896 B 4795 LouN. Le Comte de Frontenac; £tudc sur le Canada fran<;ais. 1895 C12714 McCoRD. Handbook of Canadian Dates. 1888 B 477J Macfie. Vancouver Island and British • Columbia. 1865 B 1841 Machar and Marquis. Stories of New France. 1890 B 1807 McIlwraith. Canada (History for young readers) . 1899 H 4364 Mackenzie. History of Canada. 1881. B 768 Maclean. Canadian Savage Folk. 1896. .B 2054 The Indians ol Canada. 1892 B 2028 M'Mullen. History of Canada. 1855. B 1822 Malenfant. Des Colonies et particuliere- ment de Saint-Domingue. 1814..C12759 March, R. Seven Years of my Life; Canada- in 1838. 1848 B 1856 Marshall. Canadian Dominion. 1871.B 1846 Martin, A. The Hudson Bay Company's Land Tenures. 1898 B 4796 Martin, R. M. History of Upper and Lower Canada. 1836 B 4756 Masson (Ed.). Les Bourgeois delaCom- pagnie du Nord-Ouest. 1889 B 1814 Middlesex County, Canada. 1889 *V 3106 Miller. First Settlers of Colchester Co., Nova Scotia. 1873 B 4775 Montcalm. Letters in 1757-59. I777.*B 201 Morgan. Dominion Annual Register, 1880-86. 6v *B 182s Munro. Constitution of Canada. 1889.L 3344 Murdoch. History of Nova-Scotia, or . Acadie. 3v. 1865-7 B 4-63 Murray, H. Account of British Amer- ica. 2v. i860 1 3724 Murray, J. Journal of Siege of Quebec, 1760. 1871 B 1837 OsBORN. Greater Canada. 1900 B 4798 Parkman. Count Frontenac and New France. 1877 B 40 Historic Handbook of the Northern Tour. 1885 B 799 Old Regime in Canada. 1874 B 39 Pedley. History of Newfoundland. 1863B 1829 Petitot. Traditions indiennes du Can- ada. 1887 ..." C13002 Prowse. History of Newfoundland. 1895B 4780 Quebec, Additional Papers concerning. 1776 B 1849 Centenaire de TAssaut de Quebec par les Americains, 1775. 1876 C12220 Literary and Historical Society: . Manuscript relating to Early His- tory of Canada • B 1837 Memoires sur le Canada, 1749- 1760. 1873 C12874 Transactions, 1830-92. 8v B 1852 Proceedings to obtain a House of As- sembly. 1775 ..." B 1834 Rameau. La France aux Colonies; Aca- diens et Canadieng. 1859 C 6365 Rattray. The Scot in British North America. 4v. 1880 B 4778 Relation sur le Canada, 1682-1712. 1871. C 5300 Relations des Jesuites, 161 1-72. 3v. i858*C 6430 Ri:vEiLLAND. Histoire du Canada. 1884.. C 6383. Richard. Acadia; a Lost Chapter in American History. 2v. 1895. .. ,B 4764 Roberts. A History of Canada. 1897. . . . B 4784 Rorertson. Landmarks of Toronto. 1894B 4783 Robson. Account of Six Years Residence in Hudson Bay. 1752 B 1842 Roger. Quebec; Brief History of the Oldest City in Canada. 1864 I 4974 Rise of Canada from Barbarism to Civilization. 1856 B 1831 Roy. History of Canada. 1850 B 185a SAGARD-THioDAT. Histoire du Canada (1615-29). 4v. 1866 C13165 Voyage du Pays des Hurons. 1865.C13164 Sandha-m. Ville- Marie ; Montreal. 1 870. B 1832 21; DOMINION OF CANADA— MEXICO. ScADDiNG. Toronto of Old. 1873 B 1833 Smith, G. Canada and the Canadian Question. 1891 B 4771 Smith, P. H. History of Acadia. 1884.B 1823 Smyth. Precis of the Wars in Canada, 1755-1814. 1862 B 4774 SoMERViLLE. Fenian Invasion of Canada. 1866 B 1844 Stewart. Canada under Lord Dufferin. 1879 B 4767 Tasse. Les Canadiens de I'Ouest. 2v. 1878 ,Ci3228 Thayer. Invasion of Canada in 1775 ; ed, by Stone. 1867 B 1838 The same .Biii6,6 Turcotte. Le Canada sous I'Union, 1841- 1867. 1871 C13259 Tuttle. Short History of Canada, 1500- 1878 B 1824 Urquhart. Canada under Successive Administrations. 1844 *L 69,5 Warburton, E. Hochelaga; or, England in the New World. 2v. 1846 I 297 Warburton, G. Conquest of Canada. 2v. 1850 B 1836 Weir. The Old Regime in Canada. 1896- 1897 B 4790 AViLLSON. The Great Company (Hud- son's Bay Company). 1899 B 4794 Yeigh. Ontario's Parliament Buildings; or, A Century of Legislation, 1792- 1892 B 4782 MEXICO. Abbot. Mexico and the United States. 1869 B 1905 Aglio. Antiquities of Mexico. 9v. 1831- 1848 *P 2501 Allen. Cortez; or, Discovery of Mex- ico. 1881 C 3271 Alva Ixtlilxochitl. Histoire des Chichi- meques. 2v. 1840 C 5297 Arnim. Das alte Mexico. 1865 D 12 Das heutige Mexico. 1868 D 13 Bancroft. History of the Mexican Peo- ple. 1887 B 4808 History of Mexico, 1516-1887. 6v.B 1775,4-9 The same *R266o,9-i4 North Mexican States. 1883'. B 1775, 10 Baradere. Antiquites mexicaines. 3v. in 2. 1834 *P 2544 Bastian. Culturlander des alten Amer- ica. 3v. 1878-89 D 5570 BiART. The Aztecs; their History, etc. 1887 ..,^ B 1930 Brasseur de * Bourbourg. Histoire du Mexique avant Colomb. 4v. 1857- 1859 . •: C 4245 Monuments anciens. 2v. 1866. . .*R 4846 Charency. L'Historien Sahagun et les migrations mexicaines. 1898. ..*V 2122 Charnay. Ancient Cities of the New World. 1887 1 5614 Chevalier. Mexico, Ancient and Mod-. ern. 2v. 1864 B 1874 Chynoweth. Fall of Maximilian. 1872. B 1865 Clavigero. History of Mexico. 2v. I787*V 80 Cortes. Briefe an Carl V. 2v. 1779..D13546 Correspondance avec Charles V. 1779 C 4379 Despatches to Charles V. 1843. . . .B 1866 Daran. Notes sur I'Histoire du Mexique. 1886 c 4550 Diaz del Castillo. Discovery and Con- quest of Mexico; tr. by Lockhart. 2v. 1844 ■ B 1805 The same; tr. by Keatinge. 2v. 1803 B 1862 Entdeckung von Mexiko. 2v D 5581 DuvERNOis. Franzosische Intervention in Mexico. 1870 D 56 Fancourt, History of Yucatan. 1854... B 1870 Flint. Mexico under Maximilian. 1867. B 1868 Gaulot. L'Empire de Maximilien. 1890.C12530 Gordon. History of Ancient Mexico. 2v. 1832 B 1893 Hale. Story of Mexico. 1889 B 1918 Historia de la Revolucion de Mexico, 1853-5 CC 9908 Iturbide, a. Memoires autographes. '24C 5296 Juarez, B., and C. Cantu. 1885 *B 862.4 Kendall. Mexico under Maximilian.'7iB 1886 Keratry. Rise and Fall of Maximilian I. 1868 B 1876 Lefevre. Intervencion francesca. 2v. '69. C 9605 LePlongeon. Queen Moo and the Egyp- tian Sphinx. 1896 B 4820 Masseras. Essai d'Empire au Mexique. 1879 c 5796 Mayer. Mexico ; Aztec, Spanish and Re- publican. 2v. 1853 B 1864 Mexico, the Country, History and Peo- ple. 1863 B 1875 MEXICO— WEST INDIES. 213 Negrete. Mexico en el Siglo XIX. 3v. 1875-77 c 9675 XiLES. History of South America and Mexico. 1843 B 4926 Noll. Short History of Mexico. 1890. B 4803 Ober. Young Folks' History of Mexico. 1883 B 4801 ( 'Kozco V Berra. Historia antigua de Mexico. 4v. 1880 B 4802 Plates *V 776 Tarthe. Intervention in Mexico. 1864D 57 I'KESCOTT. Conquest of Mexico. 3v. 1873- 1874 B 1880 Ranking. Conquest of Peru and Mexico by the Mongols. 1827 B 4930 Robinson, F. Mexico and her Military Chieftains. 1851 B 1916 Robinson, W. D. Mexican Revolution, 1810-19. 1820 B 1863 R0.MER0. Mexico and the United States. 1898 B 4806 R(iirTiER. L'Histoire du Mexique. 1895C 6376 \lm-Salm. My Diary in Mexico. 2v. 1868 1 391 ScHESR. Trauerspiel in Mexico. 1868. D 227 ScHROEOER. Fall of Maximilian's Empire. 1887 B 1915 ^i.MPsoN. Coronado's March in Search of the Seven Cities of Cibola. '84.* I 236,6 Sous. History of Conquest of Mexico. 2v. 1838 B 1783 EVENSON. Maximilian in Mexico, 1862- 1867. 1899 B 4813 Strebel. Alt-Mexico. 2v. 1885-9 ♦P 821 Taylor. Maximilian and Carlotta. 1894.C10367 Wilson. Conquest of Mexico. 1859. .B 1877 WEST INDIES. Alcazar. Historia de Espana en America (Isla de Cuba). 1898 CC 9842 Alcedo. Historical and Geographical Die-* tionary of West Indies. 5v. 1812- 1815 *R TTJZ Ballou. History of Cuba. 1854 B 1923 Beckford. Account of Jamaica. 2v. 1790.B 1919 Bird. Republic of Hayti. 1867 B 1927 Bloomfield. a Cuban Expedition. 1 896. B 4851 Bridges. Annals of Jamaica. 2v. 1828.. B 1928 Brown. History of Santo Domingo. 2v. 1837 B 1925 Callahan. Cuba and International Re- lations. 1899 B 4859 Carrillo. In the Saddle with Gomez. '98I 5740 Champlain. Voyage to West Indies and Mexico, 1599- 1602. 1859 *I 2366 Charlevoix. Histoire de St. Domingue. 2v. 1730-31 C 4333 Coke. History of the West Indies. 3v. 1808-11 B 1929 Copeland. American Colonial Handbook: Cuba, etc. 1899 1 9900 Dallas. History of the Maroons. 2v. 1803 B 1917 D.wey. Cuba, Past and Present. 1898 I 5724 Davis. Cuba in War Time. 1897 1 5725 Dr.\per, The Rescue of Cuba. 1899 B 7007 Eden. The West Indies. 1880 B 4848 Edwards. French Colony in Island of St. Domingo. 1797 *V 2265 History of the British Colonies in West Indies. 4v. 1806 A 936 Fernandez de Oviedo y Vald^s. Historia general de las Indias. 4v. 185 1-55* V 2290 FiSKE. The West Indies. 1899 B 4857 Flint. Marching with Gomez. 1898... I 5730 Eraser. History of Trindad, 1781-1813. 1891 B 1932 Froude. The English in the West Indies. 1888 1 568s Godet. Bermuda; History, Climate, etc. i860 B 1940 GuiTERAS (Ed.). Free Cuba. 1898.... B 4855 Halsted. The Story of Cuba. 1896 B 4852 Harvey. Sketches of Hayti. 1827 B 1931 Hazard. Santo Domingo, Past and Pres- ent. 1873 B 1920 Hispaniola. Hayti, Saint Domingo. 185 iB 4842 Historye of the Bermudaes. 1882 *I 2399 Kennedy. Story of the West Indies. '99. B 4858 Knox. History of St. Thomas. 1852.. B 1921 Livingstone. Black Jamaica. 1899 L 4913 Lopez de Gomara. Histoire des Indes Qccidentales. 1584 C12506 Malenfant. Des Colonies et particuli^re- ment de celle de Saint-Domingue. 1814 C12759 New Laws for Preservation of the In- dians, by Charles V., 1542-3 (fac- simile) . 1893 *P 1 197 Ober. The Storied West Indies. 1900. . . B 4864 Phillippo. Jamaica: its Past and Pres- ent. 1843 1 5699 Rainsford. Historical Account of Hayti. 1805 *V 654 214 CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. Raynal. Settlements in the East and West Indies. 6v. 1798 A 345 Rea. Facts and Fakes about Cuba. 1897I 5735 Ripley. From Flag to Flag. 1889 B 2753 Roche. Story of the Filibusters. 1891 . . . B 4881 Rowan and Ramsey. Island of Cuba, 1896 B 4850 St. John. Hayti; or, the Black Republic. 1884 B 1926 Sargent. Notes on Cuba. 1844 B 1924 ScHOMBURGK. Historyof Barbadoes. '48.B 4841 Southey. Chronological History of the West Indies. 3v. 1827 B 1922 Spain, New Constitution establishing Self-Government in Cuba and Porto Rico. 1898 B 4853 Stark. History of the Bahama Islands. 1891 B 4843 History of Barbados and Caribbee Is- lands. 1893 B 4844 Thomas. Froudacity; West Indian Fables by Froude. 1890 1 5688 Williams. Account of the Bermudas. 1848 B 1941 WiNSOR. Bibliographical Notes on the West Indies and Spanish Main. 1889 Bi98o,i5 The same *R 270,8 CENTRAL AMERICA. Bancroft. History of Central America, 1501-1887. 1883-7 Bi775,i-3 The same *R266o,6-8 Bunau-Varilla. Panama, le passe — le present — I'avenir. 1892 *V 1784 CoROLEU. America. 2v. 1894-5 C 9638 Cortes. Letter to Charles V. 1868... *I 2379 DouBLEDAY. The "Flibuster" War .in Nicaragua. 1886 B 1914 ExQUEMELiN. Buccanccrs of America. 1893 B 130 Hi^toire des Flibustiers dans' les Indes. 4v. 1744 C 4838 HoLDEN. Central American Picture Writ- ing. 1881 *V 691,1 Holmes. Use of Gold among Inhabi- tants of Chiriqui. 1887 B 4896 JUARROS. History of Guatemala. 1823. B 1888 Keasbey. Nicaragua Canal and the Mon- roe Doctrine. 1896 B 4906 Roche. Story of the Filibusters. 1889. B 4881 Squier. Notes on Central America. 1856.I 406 Stevens. Historical Notes on Tcluiante- pec, 1453-1869 B 1889 Stout. Nicaragua. 1859 ...B 1891 Walker. War in Nicaragua, i860 ...B 1890 Wells. Walker's Expedition to Nicara- gua. 1856 B 18^2 SOUTH AMERICA. ArosTA. History of the Indies. 2v. '80. *I 2395 Maps *I 2396 Adams. Land of the Incas ; Conquest of Peru. 1885 B 1903 Allen. Pizarro ; or. Discovery of Peru. 1881 C ZTJ9 A.rana. La Guerre du Pacifique, 1879-81. 2v. 1882-91 C12342 Historia jeneral de Chile. 15V. in 10. 1884-97 C 9616 Armitage. History of Brazil, 1808-31. '36B 1884 Baerle. Rerum per octennium in Brasil- ia gestarum historiarum. 1647. *R loi Bastian. Culturlander des alten Amer- ica. 2v. 1878 D 5570 Biggs. Miranda's attempted Revolution. 1810 B 1895 Bonnycastle. Spanish America. 2v. 1818I 511 BoYD. Chili ; Sketches during the War, 1879-80. 1881 1 482 Brehm. Das Inka-Reich. 1885 D 5571 Burton. Battlefields of Paraguay. 1870. B 1912 Bussierre. Le Perou. 1863 C12345 Butterworth. South America. 1898. B 4928 Carrey. Le Perou. 1875 C 4302 Catalogo da Exposigao de Historia do Brazil. 3v. 1881-3 *0 2321 Chaix. Histoire de I'Amerique merido- nale : Perou. 1853 C12265 Charlevoix. History of Paraguay. 2v. 1769 B 1909 Child. Spanish-American Republics. '9i*V 1496 CigzA de Leon. Chronicle of Peru. 2v. 1864 *I 2374 Maps *I 2396 Cochr-\ne {Earl of Dundonald). Serv- ices in Chili, Peru and Brazil. 1859B 1896 Coroleu. America. 2v. 1894-5 C 9638 Desjardins. Le Perou avant .le Con- quete espagnole. 1858 C12330 Dobrizhoffer. Abipones of Paraguay. 3v. 1822 1 457 Du Graty. La Republique du Paraguay. 1862 c 5145 SOUTH AMERICA. 215 Egana. The Tacna and Arica Question. 1900 B 4941 LiARRAUX. Bibliographic bresilienne, 1500- 1898 ♦O 2609 Hancock. Latin-American Republics: Chile. 1893 B 4924 He.vdekson. History of Brazil. 1821..B 1881 IIekvey. Dark Days in Chile; Revolution of 1891. 1892 B 4922 History of South America. 1899 B 4936 HoL-MES. Textile Fabrics of Ancient Peru. 1889 B 2025 The same B 4938 Hutchinson. Parana and Paraguayan War. 1868 B 1913 Kennedy. La Plata, Brazil and Para- guay during the War. 1869 B 1883 King. 24 Years in the Argentine Re- public. 1846 B 1885 I Nz. Dcr Biirgerkrieg in Chili. 1892D12964 F*L0.\GE()N. Sacred Mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches: Ancient Peru. 1886 M 3965 LoREXfE. Historia antigtia del Peru. 1860C 9668 Historia del Peru. 1700-1821. 1871.C 9698. Mac^do. Chorographie du Brcsil. 1873.C 57^)9 Markiiam. a History of Peru. 1892. B 4931 War between Peru and Chili, 1879- 1882. 1883 .-...B 1901 Marmontel. Lcs Incas: ou, la Destruc- tion de TEmpire du Perou. 1833. C 5794 Mason. War between Chili and Peru. 1883 •B862,3 Molina. History of Chili. 2v. 1808.. B 1897 MuLiiALL. The English in South Amer- ica. 1878 B 1899 NiLES. History of South America and Mexico. 1843 B 4926 Oliva. Histoirc du Perou. 1857 O3071 Paraguayan Question, 1866 ♦A 296 Parish. Buenos Ayres. 1852 B 1907 Peru and Spain, 1866. 1866 ♦A 296 Prescott. Conquest of Peru. 2v. 1873. B ^9oo R.\nking. Conquest of Peru and Mexico by the Mongols. 18-7 B 4930 Reiss and Stuebel. Necropolis of Ancon in Peru. 3v. 1880-7 ♦P 892 Rengger and Longciiamp. La Revolu- tion du Paraguay. 1827 C12401 Reports on Discovery of Peru; ed. by Markham . 1872' ♦! 2384 Kites and Laws of the Yncas. 1873... ♦! 2385 RiVERo Y UsTARiz and Tschudi. Peru- vian Antiquities. 1855 B 1903 Schneider. Krieg der Triple-Allianz. 1872 D 230 Sherman. Account of Miranda's Expe- dition. 1808 B 1898 SoUTUEY. History of Brazil. 3v. i8i7-22*V 447 Tejera. \'enczuela Pintoresca. 1875. B 1894 Thompson. War in Paraguay. 1869. .B 191 1 Trueba y Cosjo. History of Conquest of Peru. 1830 1 3538 Vega. Historia general del Peru. 1722.*V 707 Royal Commentaries of the Yncas. 2v. 1869 ♦! 2380 Venezuela, Documcntos para la Historia. 1876 ., *V 115 Glorias de Guzman Blanco. 1875. ♦V "6 Vicu.N'A Mackenna. Chile. 1877 C 9699 Waixace. Constitution of the Argentine Republic and Brazil. 1894 B 4923 Washburn. History of Paraguay. 2v. 1871 ,. B 1910 W.\TS0N, Spanish and Portuguese South America. . 2v. 1884 B 4921 Wilcocke. History of Buenos Ayres. '07B 1908 BIOGRAPHY. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES AND ENCYCLOPEDIAS. Aa., Biographisch Woordenboek der Nederlanden. 2iv. 1852-78 *R 82 A'Beckett. Universal Biography. 3v. 1840 *R 455 Allen.* American Biographical*Diction- ary, 1832, I857. 2v *R 420 Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. 45V. 1875-1900 *R 500 Allibone. Dictionary of Authors. 3v. 1871-97 *0 17 Supplement. 2v. 1891-92. . .*0 17,4-5 Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, 1832-82.. *R 1644 Anderson. Biographical History of the Scottish Nation. 3v. 1860-63.. *R 478 Anthon. Classical Dictionary of An- cient Authors. 1873 *R 240 Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biog- raphy. 6v. 1887-9 *R 454 Baker, D. E. and others. Biographia Dramatica. 3v. in 4. 1812 *0 6 Baker, T. (Ed.). Biographical Diction- ary of Musicians. 1900 *R 635 Bavxe. Historical and Critical Dic- tionary. 5v. 1734-8 *R 24 Beale. Oriental Biographical Diction- ary. 1894 *R 434 Beeton. Dictionary of Universal Biogra- phy *R 412 Biographia Britannica. y\. 1747-66.. *R 473 Biographical Dictionary. 15V. 1798. .*R 414 Biographical History of Prominent Men of the Great West. 1894 *V 2080 Biographical Magazine, 1819, 1820. 2\.*Ser. Biographie universelle, ancienne et mo- derne. 85V. 1811-62 *R 510 V. 1-52. Biographie. 53-55- Partie mythologique. 56-85. Supplement. Biographiskt Lexicon ofver Svenska Man. 23V. in 12. 1835-57 *R 494 The same; Ny Foljd. A-L. 6v. in 3. 1857-68 *R 495 Blake. General Biographical Diction- ary. 1845 *R 435 Boase. Modern English Biogrpphy. 2v. 1892-7 *R 446 Bonnaffe. Dictionnaire des Amateurs fran^ais au XVIIe Siecle. . i884.*R 4095 Bornmueller. ' Biographisches Schrift- steller-Lexicon. 1882 *R 3804. Bradley. Dictionary of Miniaturists, Il- luminators, etc. 3v. 1887-9 *R 4098 Bricka. Dansk biografisk Lexikon. 14V. 1887-98 *R 511 Brown. Biographical Dictionary of Musi- cians. 1886 , *R 636 and Stratton. British Musical Biog- raphy. 1897 *R 2885 Browne. Famous Women of History. 1895 *R 429 Brussels Academic Royale. Biographie nationale. 15V. 1866-99 *R 529 Bryan. Dictionary of Painters and En- gravers. 1873 *R 490 Supplement; ed. by Ottley. '75*R 493 New edition; ed. by Graves. 2v. 1886-9 *R 491 Burke, Sir J. B. Genealogical and Her- aldic Dictionary of the Peerage. 4v. 1883-97 *R 367 and J. Encyclopaedia of Heraldry. 1844 *R 369 Cabinet Portrait Gallery; Photographs by Downey. 5v. 1890-94 . . . . *R 425 Canadian Men and Women of the Time. 1898 *R 311 Cassell's Universal Portrait Gallery. '95*R 427 Gates. Dictionary of Biography. 1885. *R 417 Cean Bermudez. Diccionario de profes- ores de las bellas artes en Espafia. lov. in 8. 1800-94 *R 561 Century Cyclopedia of Names; ed. by Smith. 1894 •. *R 30 Chalmers. Biographical Dictionary. 32V. 1812-17 *R 505 Chambers, Dictionary of Scotsmen. 4v. 1847 *R 470 Chambers's Biographical Dictionary; ed. by Patrick and Groome. 1898. .*R 312 Champlin. Young Folks' Cyclopaedia of Persons and Places. 1881 *R 135S and Apthorp. Cyclopaedia of Music and Musicians. 3v. 1888-90. .. .*P 612 The same *R 632 216 BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES. 217 Champlin and Perkins. Cyclopaedia of Painters and Paintings. 4v. i887*P 88 The same *R 485 Chicago, Bench and Bar of. 1884 *R 441 Biographical Dictionary. 1892.... *R 438 Biographical History, with Portraits. 1894 ♦V 2080 Chicago's deutsche Manner; von Stern und Kressmann. 1885... *V 2073 Leading Men of Chicago. 1876. . .*V 1467 Clarke. World-Noted Women. i87i.*R 430 Clement, C. E. See Waters, C. E. Clouet. 300 French Portraits. 2v. 1875 *R 4^49 Cooper. Athenae Cantabrigienses, 1500- 1609. 2v. 1858-61 *R 376 Dantes. Dictionnaire biographique et bibliographique. 1875 ♦R 5U Davenport. Dictionary of Biography. 1843 *R 413 Dictionary of National Biography ; ed. by Stephen and Lee. 63V. 1885- 1 900* R 453 Dictionnaire des Femmcs celcbrcs. 2v. in 4. 1788 ♦€ 4434 Drake. Dictionary of American Biogra- phy. 1872 ♦R 433 The same ...♦O 527 DuYCKiNCK. Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men and Women. 2v. 1862 ♦V aoo Fins. Biographic universclle des Musi- ciens. 8v. 1860-5 ♦R 601 Supplement ct Complen*cnt; par Pougin. 2v. 1878-80. Ffrench. American Irish in Chicago. 1897 ♦V 2097 Foss. Biographical Dictionary of Judges of England, 1066-1870 ♦R 471 Foster. Alumni Oxonienscs, 1500- 1886. 8v. 1887-92 ♦R yiz Men-at-the-Bar. 1885 *R 474 1'redericks. Biographisch Woordcnboek der nederlandsche Letterkunde. 1891 ♦R 512 French. Biographia Americana. 1825.. C 2352 Giles. Chinese Biographical Dictionary. 1898 ♦R 309 GiLLOW. Literary and Biographical Dic- tionary of English Catholics. 4v. 1885-95 *R 467 Gorton. Biographical Dictionary. 4v. 1851 *R 465 Griswold. Republican Court. 1868... *R 422 Grove. Dictionary of Musicians. 5v. 1880- 1889 *R 633 Hale. Woman's Record. 1872 ♦R 431 Hall. America's Successful Men of Af- fairs. 2v. 1895 *R 2704 Hamersly (Ed.). Army and Navy Regis- ter of U. S., 1776-1887 *R 3899. U. S. Army Register, 1779" 1879. .*R 3897 U. S. Navy Register, 1 782-1 882. . .*R 3898- Hays. Women of the Day ; a Biographical Dictionary. 1885 C 1565 Heaton. Australian Dictionary of Dates and Men of the Time. 1879 *R 4i6> Herringshaw. Encyclopaedia of Amer- ican Biography. 1898 ♦R 580. HiRSCH and Wernich. Lexikon der Aerzte. 6v. 1884-8 ♦R 475 Hoefer. Nouvelle Biographie generale. 46V. 1855-70 ♦R 509, HoFBERC. Svenskt Biografiskt Handlexi- kon. 2v. 1876 ♦R 496. Hole. Biographical Dictionary. 1866. .♦R 405 The same; ed. by Abernethy. 1881 ♦R 404 Hottingejl Die evangelischen Geistlichen des deutschen Rcichs. 1880 ♦R 522 Hough. American Biographical Notes. 1875 ♦R 419 Ibn Khallikan. Biographical Diction- ary. 4v. 1842-71 ♦V 1276 Iconographie des Contemporains, 1789- 1829 [Portraits]. 2v. 1833 ♦P 1620 Illinois, Biographical Dictionary of. '76*R 437 Biographical Encyclopaedia of. i875*R 436 Encyclopaedia of Biography of. 2v. 1892-4 *V 146s Historical Encyclopaedia of; ed. by Bateman and Selby. 1900 ♦R 308 Representative Men of the U. S. : Illinois; ed. by Moses. 2v. i896.*V 301 1 Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biogra- phy. i6v. 1857-63 ♦R 439^ Indiana, Eminent Men of Indiana. 2v. 1880 *V 1471 Iowa, Biographical Dictionary of. i878*R 450 Irving. Book of Scotsmen. 1881 *R 466 James. Painters and their Works. 3v. 1896-8 ♦R 286a Jerdan. National Portrait Gallery. 5v. 1830-34 ♦P 676^ Joecher. Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexi- kon. I IV. 1750-1897 ♦R 5191 2l8 BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARIES. Jones. Handbook of American Musi- cians. 1887 *R 634 Knight. Gallery of Portraits. 7v. 1833- 1837 *P 675 Lamb's Biographical Dictionary of the U. S. ; ed. by Brown. 3v. I900..*R 2694 Lanman. Biographical Annals of the United States Government. i876*R 428 Dictionary of Congress. 1868 *R 421 Lempriere. Classical Dictionary. i833*R 224 Lethbridge. Golden Book of India. I90o*R 301 Lippineott's Biographical Dictionary; by Thomas, 1876, 1890. 2v *R 433 LoNGACRE and Herring. National Por- trait Gallery of America. 4v. 1834-9 *P 170 Lowndes. Bishop of the Day [Church of England]. 1897 *R 1590 Martin. Contemporary Biography. i87o*R 403 Maryland and District of Columbia, Bio- graphical Cyclopaedia. 1879 *R 452 Massachusetts of To-Day; ed. by Quinn. 1892 *V 1539 One of a Thousand; Representative Men of Mass. ; by Rand. 1890. .*R 443 Maunder. Treasury of Biography. i870*R 402 Men of the Time, 1868, 1879-99. 7v. . .*R 407 The same. 1868 C I474 Mendel. Musikalisches Conversations- Lexikon. I2v. 1870-78 *R 604 Mlnncll. Australasian Biography, 1855- 1892 *R 418 Michigan, Self-made Men of. 1878... *R 447 Molins. Diccionario biografico Escri- tores y Artistas catalanes. 2v. 1889-95.... *0 269 Mueller, F. Kiinstler aller Zeiten und Volker. 4v. 1857-70 *R 501 Mueller, H. A. Biographisches Kiinst- ler-Lexikon. 1882 *R 3824 Nagler. Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexikon, 22V. in II. 1835-52 *R 488 National Cyclopaedia of American Biog- raphy, lov. 1892-1900 *R 448 Neubner. Bibliotheca Biographica. . .*0 340 O'Byrne. Naval Biographical Diction- ary [London]. 1849 .*R 464 Oettinger. Moniteur des Dates. i869.*R 207 Supplements ; par Schramm. 1873-82 *R 208 O'Neil. Dictionary of Spanish Painters, 2v. 1833-4 *R 497 Otto. Artisten-Lexikon. 1891 . . .. *R 406 Pataky. Lexikon deutscher Frauen der Feder. 2v. 1898 *0 548 Pennsylvania, Biographical Encyclopaedia of. 1874 *R 444 Pettigrew. ^^dical Portrait Gallery; Physicians, Surgeons, etc. 4v. in 2. 1838-40 ,....*V 886 Phillips. Dictionary of Biographical Reference. 1871 *0 56 Pilkington. Dictionary of Painters.'5i*R 489 Poggendorff. B iographi sch-1 i terari sches Handworterbuch. 3v. in 4. 1863- 1898 *R 79 Poore. Political Register and Congres- sional Directory, 1776- 1878 *R 426 Pratt (Ed.). People of the Period. 2v. 1897-8 *R 2700 Railway Officials of America, Biograph- ical Directory of. 1887 *R 445 Redgrave. Dictionary of Artists of the English School. 1878 *R 486 Rogers. New American Biographical Dic- tionary. 1824 C 3388 Rose. Cyclopaedia of Canadian Biography. 2v. 1886-88 *R 463 Ryan. Biegraphia Hibernica. 2v. 1821.C 1550 St. Louis, Bench and Bar of. 1884. • •*R 442 Sanders. Celebrities of the Century.'87*R 408 Savage. Genealogical Dictionary of New England. 4v. i860 *R 390 Index to same ; by Dexter, '84.*R 391 Seidlitz (Ed.). Allgemeines histor- isches Portratwerk. .I2v. in 6. 1883- 1890 *P 1600 Seubert. Allgemeines Kiinstler-Lexikon. 3v. in 2, 1882 *R 502 Sibley. Harvard Graduates, 1642-77. 2v, 1873 C 1573 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography. 3v. 1872 *R 458 and Wage. Dictionary of Christian Biography, 4v, 1877-82 *R 460 Spooner, Biographical History of Fine Arts. 1867. 2v *R 492 Stone. Eminent American Physicians and Surgeons. 1894 *R 462 Strutt. Biographical Dictionary of En- gravers. 2v. 1785-6 *R 480 Tache. Les Hommes du Jour [Cana- dian] . 1890 , *R '2702 Taylor. National Portrait Gallery [Lon- don]. 4v. 1883 *P 674 Thomas. Dictionary of Biography. i883*R 411 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. 219 Upcott. Dictionary of Living Authors, 1816 *0 58 V'apereau. Dictionnaire des Contempo- rains. 1870 *R 514 Supplement, 1873 *R 5i5 Nouvelle edition, 1880, 1893- • .*R 5i6 Dictionnaire universel des Littera- tures. 1884 *R 517 Vincent. Dictionary of Biography ♦R 415 Ward (Ed.). Men of the Reign. i885.*R 401 Waters (C. E. Clement). Painters, Sculptors, Architects and Engrav- ers. 1879 *R 484* and HuTTON. Artists of the 19th Century. 2v. 1879 *R 48i The same ; 3d ed. 1885 *R 482 Webb. Compendium of Irish Biography. 1878 ♦R 469 \Vho's Who, 1897-1901 [London]. 5v..*K 424 Who's Who in America, 1899-1900... ♦R 313 WiLLARD and Liver more (Ed.). A Wo- man of the Century. 1893 *R 43^ Williams. Dictionary of Welshmen. 1852 ♦R 468 Wisconsin, Biographical Dictionary of. 1877 *R 449 Bench and Bar of; by Reed. 1882. C 2182 Wood. Athcnac Oxonienses. 6v. in 4. 1813-20 *0 ao2 Wl'rzbach. Biojfraphisches Lexikon des Kaiscrthums Oesterreich. 6ov. in 30. 1856-91 ♦R 499 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Abbott. Kings and Queens. 1872 C 143 and CoNWELi;. Lives of the Presidents of the L'nued States. 1884 C 92 Adams, H. G. Cyclopaedia of Female Biography. 1869 C 113 Adams, J. Q. Lives of Madison and Mon- roe. 1850 C 2054 Adams, W. H. D. Celebrated English- women. 1884 C 2897 Celebrated Women Travellers. 1889.C10161 Child-life and Girlhood of Remark- able Women. 1895 C1Q236 Dewey and other Great Naval Com- manders. 1899 C16964 Eminent Sailors. 1882 C 1289 Erpinent Soldiers. 1880 •. . C 1401 English Party Leaders. 2v. 1878.. C 1286 Adams, W. H. D. Fambus Beauties and Historic Women. 1865 C 1648 Good Samaritans. 1883 C 1649 Great English Churchmen. 1879.. C 1288 Great Names in European History. C 10226 Heroes of the Cross. 1880 C10211 In Perils Oft; Romantic Biogra- phy. 1886 C 2755 Lives of Eminent Lawyers C 1678 Lives of Noble Women. 1891 H 119 Makers of British India C1012O Men at the Heln\ 1862 C 80 Neptune's Heroes. 1861 C 54 Old English Worthies. 1873 C10227 Records of Noble Lives. 1872.... C 56 Some Heroes of Travel. 1880 C 1290 Under many Flags; Scottish Adven- turers. 1897 C16937 Women of Fashion. 2v. 1878 C 14 16 Aguilar. Women of Israel. 2v. 1864... C 112 AiKiN. Memoirs of Religious Impostors. 1822 C 3461 Albanes, pseud. See Havard. Alexander, Princeton College during the i8th Century. 1872 C 3451 AlldridCe. Nightingale, Havergal, Marsh and Ranyard. 1885 C 3109 Allies. Three Catholic Reformers of the XVth Century. 1878 C 1284 Althaus. Englische Charakterbilder. 2v. 1869 D 251 American Military Biography, with Life of Lafayette. 1830 . . .'. C 1281 Anderson, J. Ladies of the Covenant. 1880 C 1283 Ladies of the Reformation. 2v. 1857- 1858 C 1040 Women of the Puritan Times. 2v . . . C 1285 Anderson, W. Self-Made Men. 1865. E 780 Andrews. Modern Yorkshire Poets. '85. C 3068 Anton. Masters in History. 1880 C 3444 Arag6. Biographies of Scientific Men.'57C J047 Biographien. 3v. 1854-5 0381,1-3 Armor. Governors of Pennsylvania. 1873C 2109 Arndt. Mutter beriihmter Manner. 1885. D 4035 Artaud de Montor. Lives and Times of the Roman Pontiffs. 2v. 1869. .*V 45 Atkinson, E. W. Memoirs of Queens of Prussia. 1858 C 1676 Atkinson, W. B. Physicians and Sur- geons of the United States. i878.*C 1650 Aubrey. Brief Lives of Contemporaries, 1669-96. 2v. 1898 *Ci6945 220 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. AuMALE^ Due d'. Histoire des Conde. 2v. 1863-4 C 6111 History of the Princes of Conde. 2v. 1872 C 1210 Austin and Ralph. Poets-Laureate.'53.C 1282 Autobiographies and Portraits of the President, Cabinet, etc. 2v. i899*R 306 Bach. The Art Ballad; Loewe and Schubert. 1897 C16806 Baddeley. Charles IH. of Naples and Urban VI. 1894 C10369 Bagehot. Biographical Studies. 1881.C 1349 Some Englishmen and Scotchmen. 1858. C10224 Baildon (Ed.). Round Table Serfes. '87.C10229 Bailey, J. B. Modern Methuselahs. 1888C 3438 Bailey, J. C. Studies in some Famous Letters. 1899 C16974 Baker and others. Biographia Dramat- ica. 3v. in 4. 1812 *0 6 Baldwin, Party Leaders; Jefferson, Hamilton, etc. 1864 C 8(r Ball. Great Astronomers. 1895. .... .C16888 Ballou. Genius in Sunshine and Shadow. 1887 ..E 1962 Bancroft. Builders of the Common- wealth. 8v. 1891-92 C10201 Banks. Heroic Personalities. 1898. . .C16961 Banvard. Lives of Ancient Philoso- phers. i860 C 1294 Baptie. Sketches of English Glee Com- posers, 1735-1866. 1896 C16895 Barbey dAurevilly. XIXe Siecle; les CEuvres et les Hommes. 4v. 1887C11999 Barre. Illustrious Men of America. 1859C 1977 Barrett. English Church Composers. '82C 1359 Barrie. An Edinburgh Eleven C10156 Barrow. Sketches of the Royal Society. 1849 C 1292 Barrows. Acts and Anecdotes of Au- thors. 1887 c 3442 Barry. Masters in English Theology.'77C -1361 Barthelemy. Les Filles du Regent. 2v, 1874 C 4083 Bartlett. Modern Agitators. 185S...C1291 Batterson. Sketch Book of the Ameri- ' can Episcopate. 1878 C 1295 Bay. Bench and Bar of Missouri. 1878. .C 1293 Bayne. Men worthy to Lead. 1890. ..C16966 Two Great Englishwomen; Brown- ing and Bronte. 1881 C 1404 Bearne. Lives and Times of the Early Valois Queens. 1898 C16968 Beauvoir. Les Disparus. 1887 C12033 Beavan. Popular Royalty. 1897 C18999 Bech stein. Manner der Reformation, i860 *V 976 Becker. Adventurous Lives. 2v. 1878. C 1300 Beckwith. Creoles of St Louis. 1893. • .C10305 Bedelet. Noble Words and Deeds. 1877.C 1481 Beer (Her.). .Leopold XL, Franz II. und Catharina. 1874 D 13664 Belknap. American Biography. 2v. 1794- 1798 C 1296 The same. 3v. 1859 1 3741 ,Bell, C. H. Bench and Bar of New Hampshire. 1894 ..C10371 Bell, D. C. Persons Buried in Tower of London. 1877 C 1354 Bell, R. Lives of English Poets. 2v. 1839I 3834 Bellaigue. Portraits and Silhouettes of Musicians. 1897 C16905 Belloc. Historic Nuns. 1899 C16962 In a Walled Garden. 1895 C16906 A Passing World. 1897 E 1950 Vignettes. 1866 C 17 Bennet. Select Biographical Sketches. 1867 c 1557 Bennett. Lives of Fathers of the Church of the Fourth Century. 2v. 1847.C 7 Benson and Tatham. Men of Might. 1895 C16903 Berdrow. Frauenbilder aus der Littera- turgeschichte. 1895 D13521 Beriihmte deutsche Vorkampfer fiir Fort- schritt, etc., in Nord-Amerika. '93.D 13505 Bescherelle. Histoire des ]\Iarins illus- tres C12060 Les grands Guerriers des Croisades. 1877 C12061 Bettany. Eminent Doctors. 2v. 1885. C 2874 Beyle {Stendhal). Vies de Haydn, Mo- zart et Metastase. 1872 C 4280 Bingham. Marriages of the Bonapartes. 2v. 1881 C 1403 Bingley. Musical Biography. 1834... C 3305 Biographical Album of the Chippewa Val- ley, Wis. 1891-2 *V 2212 Biographical Anecdotes of Founders of the French Republic. 1797 C 3923 Biographical History of Northeastern Ohio, 1893 *V 2213 Biographical History with Portraits of Prominent Men of the Great West. 1894 *V 2080 Biographical Magazine, 1819, 1820. 2v. . *Scr. COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. 221 ■ lographical Sketches of Christians C 3 iographical Sketches of Leading Men of Chicago. 1876 *V 1467 Biographical Sketches of Spiritualists. 1879 C 1307 Birch. Heads of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain. 1813 ♦R 4346 KiRNEY. Sarah and Angelina Grimke. '85C 1863 BiscoE. Earls of Middleton. 1876 C 1553 Black. Notable Women Authors of the Day. 1893 C10199 Pen, Pencil, Baton and Mask. 1896.C16902 Blackburn E, E. O. See Casey. Blaikie. Leaders in Modern Philanthropy. 1884 C 2870 Blanc, C. Peintres franqais au igmc Siecle. 1845 C 4227 Blanc (Th. Bentzon). Fcmmes d'Ameri- que. 1900 CC 252 I) loss. Heroines of the Crusades. 1855.C 3327 Blunt. The Carlylcs' Chelsea Home. '95Ci75»o' Bolton. Famous American Authors. '87.C 2235 Famous American Statesmen. 1888.C 2341 Famous English Authors of the 19th Century. 1890 C10215 Famous European Artists. 1890...C10164 Famous Givers and their Gifts. 1896.C10391 Famous Leaders among Men. 1894 . .Cioi 55 Famous Leaders amongWomen. '95.C 16885 Famous Men of Science. 1889 C10122 Famous Types of Womanhood. .. .C10154 Famous Voyagers and Explorers. '93C10276 Girls who became Famous. 1886.. C 3306 Poor Boys who became Famous. '85.C 1929 • Statesmen of Queen Victoria's Reign. 1891 C10203 Successful Women. 1888 C 3456 I'onaparte Family, Biographies of C 3720 BoNNEFON. Les Ccrivains celebres de la France. 1887 C12016 Les ficrivains celebres de Rome. '85C12017 BoTHMER. The Sovereign Ladies of Eu- rope. 1900 C16969 BouLCER. . Central Asian Portraits. 1880. C 1360 Bourne, C. E. Great Composers. 1890.C10254 ouRNE, H. R. F. English Merchants. 2v. 1866 : C 97 English Seamen under the Tudors. 2v. 1868 C 1301 London Merchants. 1868 C10256 BouTWELL. The Lawyer, the Statesman and Soldier. 1887 C 2330 BowDEN. Miniature Lives of Saints. 2v. 1877 C 1298 BowRiNG. Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan. 1893 .^ C11569 Boyle. Distinguished Marylanders. 1877C 1299 Bradford. Distinguished Men in New England. 1842 .C 1370 Brandes. Eminent Authors of the 19th Century. 1886 C 3307 Brascu. Leipziger Philosophen. 1894.D13514 Breen. If: Turning Points in the Ca- reers of Notable People. 1901 C16971 BRiMONT. The Great Composers; 1892.C10158 The Great Virtuosi. 1892 C10157 Brett. The Yoke of Empire ; the Queen's Prime Ministers. 1896 C16970 Brewster. Martyrs of Science. 1869 I 3690 Brichtwell. Early Lives of Lawyers. 1866 C 62 Annals of Industry and Genius. 1874C 61 Byepaths of Biography. 1863 C 40 Heroes of the Laboratory. 1859... C 1304 Brisson. Portraits intimcs. 4v. 1894-9C 5509 British Heroes and Worthies C 42 Brockett, Men of our Day. 1868 C 3756 Our Great Captains. 1865 C 1639 'and Vaughan. Woman's Work in the Civil War. 1867 B 675 Broglie. Frederic II. et Louis XV. 2v. 1887 C12109 Frederick the Cireat and Maria Ther- esa. 2v. 1883 .C 3343 Bromley. Collection of Original Royal Letters. 1787 C10216 Brook. Lives of the Puritans. 3v. 1813C16972 Brooks, E. S. Century Book of Famous Americans. 1896 H 3279 Great Men's Sons. 1895 ......*. C16889 Historic Americans. 1899 H 3264 Historic Boys and their Times. 1885C 1931 Historic Girls. 1887 C 22^7 Brooks, G. Dames and Daughters of Colonial Days. 1900 C16973 Brooks, N. Statesmen (American). 1893C10420 Brotherhead. Book of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 1875 ♦P 1207 Brougham. Men of Letters in the Time of George III. 1855 J 14,1 Philosophers in the Time of George III. 1855 J 14,2 Statesmen in the Time of George III. 1855-56 J14.3-.'; 222 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Brown {Amy Leslie). Some Players; Personal Sketches. 1900 C17012 Bruce, C. Noble Englishwomen. 1875..C10159 Bruce, J. Qassic and Historic Portraits. 1853 » C 1308 Brydges. Imiaginative Biography, 2v. '34C10200 Buel. Border Outlaws. 1882 *C 2065 Buffalo, Kearney and Phelps Go's, Neb., Biographical Souvenir. 1890 — *V 1454 BuFFEN. Musical Celebrities. 2v. 1889- 1893 *V 1607 Bullock. England's Royal Home. 1879. C 1353 BuLWER. Historical Characters. 1868. G 67 Talleyrand; Cobbett; Mackintosh; Canning. Bungay. Off-Hand Takings; Sketches of Noticeable Men. 1854 E 2003 Pen Pictures of Abstainers. 1881.G 1302 Burder. Memoirs of Eminently Pious Women. 1836 C16899 BuRGON. Lives of Twelve Good Men. 2v. 1889 C10142 Burke. See Heraldry. Burn, Parish Registers in England. '62A 482 Bush. Memoirs of Queens of France. 2v. 1843 C 3455 Busk. Mediaeval Popes, Emperors,. Kings, 1125-1268. 4v. 1854-6... C 4 Butler, A. Lives of the Saints. I2v. 1871 C 1310 Butler, C. English, Irish and Scottish Catholics. 3v. 1819-20 C 1559 Butterfield. Concise Account of the Girty Brothers. 1890 C10143 Butterworth. Great Composers. 1884.C 1662 Buttolph. Our Great Men [American Biography]. 1889 C10213 Byrne. Gossip of the Century. 2v. 1892 010263,1-2 Social Hours with Celebrities. 2v. 1892-8 010263,3-4 Byrnes. Professional Criminals of Amer- • ica. 1886 *V 868 Caddy. Lives of Revs. Dobbins, Ragan and Dunlop. 1868 C10382 Calver. Every-day Biography. 1889 C10129 Calvert. Coleridge, Shelley, Goethe; Bio- graphic Esthetic Studies. 1880.C16978 Campana de Capelli. Les derniers Stew- arts a Saint-Germain. 2v. i87i.*V 2082 Campbell, J. C, Lord. Atrocious Judges. 1856 18 Campbell, J. C, Lord. Lives of the Chancellors of England. lov. 1868C 100 Lives of the Chief Justices. 2v. 1849C 99 Lives of Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham. 1869 824 Campbell, J. W. Biographical Sketches. 1838 -. 1352 Capen. Spurzheim and Combe. 1881.C 1335 Capgrave. The Illustrious Henries. '58C 10257 Carel. Histoire anecdotique des Con- temporains. 1885 C12149 Carey. Twelve Notable Good Women of the Nineteenth Century. 1900.C16810 Carlyle. Lives of F. Schiller and J. Ster- ling .0 1193 Carpenter. Prophets of Christendom. 1884 .' 2868 Carroll. Twelve Americans. 1883 C 1453 Cary. The Rossettis, Dante Gabriel and Christina. 1900 C18818 Casey. Illustrious Irishwomen. 2v. '77.C 1297 Cash. Where there's a Will, there's a Way. 1873 C 1312 Cassan. Bishops of Bath and Wells. 1829-30 20 Oassell's Universal Portrait Gallery, '95*R 427 Oastellane. Les Hommes d'£tat fran- gais. 1888 C12257 Cattermole. Famous Frontiersmen and Scouts. 1884 2081 Caulfield. High Court of Justice ; Per- sons who sat in Judgment on Charles I. 1820 *V 1364 "CaUston. The Howard Papers. 1862. 2946 Cave. Lives of Fathers of the Church. 3v. 1840 1345 Century Gallery of One Hundred Por- traits. 1897 *P 1766 Chalk (Ed.). Autobiographical Narra- tions. 1848 C 1317 Challice. French Authors at Home. 2v. 1864 C 157 Heroes of the Time of Louis XVI. 2v. 1863 '. C 1328 Illustrious Women of France. 1873. C 1318 Chamber's. Stories of Old Families.i878C 131 1 Stories of Remarkable Persons. '78.C10228 Chantrel. Histoire des Papes. 5v. 1865- 1866 C 4331 Chapin. Masters of Music; their Lives and Works. 1901 C16811 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. ^23 Chaplin. Chips from the White House ; Speeches, Diaries, Letters, etc., of the Presidents. 1881 C 3907 CiiAi'MAN. Distinguished Indian Wom- en. 1891 C10171 Charles. Martyrs and Saints of the First Twelve Centuries. 1888 C10218 Three Martyrs of the 19th Century. 1886 C 2747 Women of Christendom .C 1327 Charton. Histories dc trois pauvres En- fants. 1885 C12135 Chesney. Essays on Military Biography. 1874 C 91 Chicago, Early Settlers of; by Bushncll. 2v. 1876 *Bi353,5-6 Sketches of Leading Men of. i868.*B 3137 Chicago Literary Club, In Memoriam. 1891-8 ♦C1696.10 Contents: — Samuel Bliss; Arthur Brooks; Henry Field; P. P. Hey- wood; George I lowland; Thomas Hughes ; H. A. Johnson ; Joseph Kirkland; W. A. Montgomery; J. S. Norton: W. F. Poole; John Wellborn Root; E. H. Sheldon; H. T, Steele; H. B. Stone; W. E. Strong; David Swing: T. F. With- row. Child. Married Women; Biographies of Good Wives. 1871 C16894 Chorlev. Authors of England, with Portraits. 1838 ♦P 1656 Church of England Biographies. 2v...C 64 Gibber. Lives of Poets. 5v. 1753 C 1402 Ci^NSMEN, pseud. Cans of Scotland. .C 3539 Clark. J. W. Old Friends at Cambridge and elsewhere. 1900 C16976 Clark. R.W. Heroes of Albany. 1866.. C 1703 Clarke, C. Women of Last Days of Old France. 1872 C Clarke, C. C and M. V. N. Recollec- tions of Writers. 1878 C Clarke. J. F. Memorial and Biograph- • ical Sketches. 1878 ' C 1314 Clarke, R. H. Deceased Bishops of Catholic Church in the United States. 3v. 1872-88 C 1315 Clayton, E. C. See Needham, Mrs. E. C C Clement. C. Michelangelo, Da Vinci and Raphael. 1880 C 1331 1320 1313 Clement, 1878 Clement, J. Noble Deeds of Women. 1873 Les Musiciens celebres. *V 1151 American C 70 Clerke. The Herschels and Modern As- tronomy. 1895 Ciiooi Clouet. Three Hundred French Por- traits, 1515-60. 2v. 1875. . . *P 2384 Cobb and Japp. Stories of Success. 1876C10168 Cochrane. Earnest Lives; Remarkable Men and Women. 1892 C10219 Cohen {Alan Dale). Familiar Chats with the Queens of the Stage. '90.C16900 Cole. British Generals distinguished in Peninsular War. 2v. 1856 C 3937 Coleridge, Lives of Northern Worthies. * 3v. 1852 .C 85 Collection of Autograph Letters of Cele- brated Individuals. 1846 ♦R 4301 CoLQUHOUN. Scattered Leaves of Biog- raphy. 1864 C 2867 Cone and Gilder (Ed.). Pen Portraits of Literary Women. 2v. 1887 C 2147 Cooper, C. H. and T. Athenae Canta- brigienses, 1500-1609. 2 v. 1858-61. *R Cooper, J. F. Lives of American Naval Officers. 2v. 1846 C Cooper, T. English Men of Mark. 7v. 1876-83 *V CoPNER. Sketches of Celibate Worthies. 1886 C CoRMENiN. History of the Popes. 1859.C Le Livre des Orateurs. 2v. 1869. C Orators of France. 1849 C Cosmopolitan Recollections. 1889 C10165 CosTELLO. Memoirs of Eminent English- women. 4v. 1844 C Cottle. Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. 1848 C Cox. Lives of Greek Statesmen. 2v. 1885-6 C CoxE. Lives of Correggio and Parme- giano. 1823 C10196 Crafts. Successful Men of to-day. 1883. C 1533 Crawford and Belcarres, Earl of. Lives of the Lindsays. 3v. 1858 C11037 Earldom of Mar during 500 Years. 2V. 1882 C 1444 Creasy. Eminent Etonians. 1850 C 19 Creegan and Goodnow. Great Mission- aries of the Church. 1895 C16886 Croffut. The Vanderbilts. 1886 C 1969 376 1321 1480 3761 50 4397 3312 3459 1397 3288 224 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Croly. Seymour and Blair; Lives and Services. 1868 C10366 Crosby. Annual Obituary Notices, 1857- • 1858. 2v C 144 Crosland. Memorable Women ; Story of their Lives. 1854 .T C16939 Crowe, E. E. and James. Foreign States- men. 5v. 1833-8 1 3835 Crowe, J. A., and Cavalcaselle. Early Flemish Painters. 1872 K 118 Crowest. Great Tone Poets. 1878 C 1326 Croze. La Cour d'Espagne intime. 1898..C 5385 CuLLUM. Biographical Register of West Point Academy, 1802-67. 2v. '68.*C 1653 Cunningham, A. Lives of British Painters, Sculptors and Architects. 6v. 1830 1 3575 • The same ; continued by Heaton. 3v. 1879-80 1 2976 Lives of Painters and Sculptors. 5v. 1868 1 3663 Cunningham, C. D. and Abney. Pio- neers of the Alps. 1888 *V 914 Cunningham, G. G. The English Na- tionv 5v C 2892 Curwen. Sorrow and Song; Murger, Novalis and Petofi. 2v. 1875.. C 1406 CusT. Warriors of Civil Wars of France and England. 1867 C 1523 Warriors of the 30 Years' War. 2v. 1865 C 1322 Warriors of Seventeenth Century. 2V. 1869 C 1323 Dale, A., pseud. See Cohen, A. T. Darton. Famous Girls. 1894 C10231 Heroism of Christian Women. 1882C 1341 Daudet and others. French Celebrities. 1883 C 1534 Davenport. Biographical Sketches. 1841.I 3621 Davidson, J. M. Eminent English Lib- erals. 1880 C 1329 Davidson, J. W. Living Writers of the South. 1869 C 55 Davies. Successful Preachers. 1884.. C 2746 Dawson, F. Princes, Public Men, Pretty Women. 2v. 1864 C 159 Dawson, G. Biographical Lectures. 1866C 2866 Delanox. Les Femmes illustres de la France. 1868 *V 1059 Demachy. Les Rothschild. 2v. 1896 C13109 Dennis. English Poets. 1883 C 1456 Dennistoun. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino. 3v. 1851 C 1242 Denslow. Modern Thinkers. 1880... L 633 Derby. Fifty Years among Authors. '84.C 1815 Deschanel. Figures de Femmes. 1899.CC 254 Despaze. Les Cinq-Hommes. 1796. ..L 3219 De Vere. Heroines of Charity C*i330 Devereux. liives of the Earls of Essex. 2v. 1853 C 1435 Dexter. Graduates of Yale College, 1701- 1745. 1885 C 1838 DiELiTZ. Helden der Neuzeit D 633 DiEfHOFF. Edle Frauen der Reformation. 1875 D 4052 Dignitaries of the (English) Church; an Ecclesiastical Portrait Album. 3v. 1890-94 *P 1340 Disruption Worthies of the Highlands; a Memorial of 1843. 1886 C 2893 Distinguished Men of Modern Times. 4v. 1838 1 3550 The same; selections. 2v. 1871.I 37^3 Dix. Pulpit Portraits. 1854 C 1819 Dobson. Four Frenchwomen C10148 Dodge. Great Captains. 1889 C 2359 Dole. A Score of Famous Composers. 1891 C10205 Donaldson, A. B. Five Great Oxford Leaders: Keble, Newman, Pusey, Liddon and Church. 1900 C16820 Doran. Book of the Princes of Wales. i860 C 1431 Monarchs retired from Business. 2v. 1857 C 836 Queens of England of the House of Hanover. 2v. 1875 C 1339 Douglas, A. M. Heroes of the Crusades. 1890 C10125 Douglas, G. The Blackwood Group. '97.C16901 Dowd, J. Sketches of Prominent Living North Carolinians. 1888 C16929 Dowie, M. M. See Norman, Mrs. M. M. D. Dowling. Poets and Statesmen. 1856. ..C 1555 Drake. Our Great Benefactors. 1884... C 196S Drane. Three Chancellors : Wm. of Wykeham; Wm. of Waynllete; Sir Thos. More. 1875 C 1601 Draussin. Portraits historiques. 1883.. C 4758 Dreux du Radier. L'Europe illustre. 6v. 1755-65 *P 2009 Driou. Celebres Voyageurs modernes. 1875 *V 1073 Du Chatenet. ' Les Savants celebres. .C 4791 Duentzer. Frauen aus Goethe's Leben. 1852 D 262 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. 225 DuLCKEN. Worthies of the World. 1882.C 1338 Dumas, A. D. Les Medicis. 1872 C 4692 Les Moris vont vite. 2v. 1861 C 4696 Les Stuarts. 1872 C 47-20 Trois Maitres. 1872 C 47^6 Dumas, F. G. (Ed.). Modern Artists. 1890 ♦? 2345 Duncan. The Dukes of Normandy. 1839C 1408 Dunham. Literary and Scientific Men of Great Britain. 3v. 1836-8 1 3836 Dun KIN. Obituary Notices of Astron- omers. 1879 C 1365 DupUY. Great Masters of Russian Litera- ture. 1886 C 3287 DuRFEE. Williams Biographical Annals. 1871 C10379 DuRUY. Biographies d'Hommes celebres. 1884 C 4778 DuYCKiNCK. National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans. 2v. i862.*V 2173 Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men and Women. 2v ♦V 200 Dyes, O. Great Senators of the United States (1848-9). 1889 »....Cioi3i Dyer, T. F. T. Great Men at Play. 2v. 1889 C10138 Loves of Eminent Persons. 2v. i890tCl0i69 Earle. Manual of Lives of the Popes. 1867 C 1336 F-ASTLAKE. Five Great Painters. 2v. 1883C 3294 I:dcar. Boyhood of Great Men. 1853 C 3S Footprints of Famous Men. 1863. C 6 Sea Kings and Naval Heroes. 1874.H 366 I'dmunds. Pen-Sketches of Nebraskans.C 15 1 owards, B. B. Biography of Self-taught Men. 1832 C 1371 Edw.^rds, E. Biographical History of the French Academy. 1864 C 3325 i'ounders of the British Museum. 1S70 ♦V 723 'dwards, H. S. Idols of the French Stage. 2v. 1889 C10166 The Prima Donna from 17th to 19th Century. 2v. 1888 '. C 2360 Edwards. ^L B. B. Life Studies of Fa- mous Women. 1880 C 1343 Ehrlich. Celebrated Pianists. 1894..C16896 Ellet. Court Circles of the Republic. '72C 90 Pioneer Women of the West. 1873. C 69 Queens of American Society. 1870.C 71 Women Artists in all Ages. 1859. C 150 Ellis, J. (Ed.). Chicago and the Expo- sition, with Portraits. 1895 *V 1570 | Ellis, S. Mothers of Great Men C 1340 Elwood. Literary Ladies of England. '45C 1344 Emerson. Representative Men. 1873.. J 55 Eminent Persons; Biographies from the London Times, 1870-94. 6v. 1892-7C10191 The same, 1880-89. 1892 C10173 Engel. From Handel to Halle. 1890. .C10202 The same *V 1436 From Mozart to Mario. 2v. 1886. C 2953 EscoTT. Pillars of the Empire. 1879.. C I350 EspiNASSE. Literary Recollections and Sketches. 1893 C10280 Eton Portrait Gallery. 1876 C 1543 Eulogies: Rice, Crocker, Hersey and Hooper. 1875 *C 1476 Evans. • Our Old Nobility C 1567 Everett. The Aliens of Shiney Row. '68. C 120 Ewart. Leaders Upward and Onward. 1889 C10364 Fagniez. Le Pere Joseph ct Richelieu, 1577-1638. 2v. 1894 C12422 F.SGUET. Politiques ct moralistes du dix- neuvieme Siecle. 3v. 1891-1900.C 5508 Fallet. Les Artistes celebres. 1884.. .*V 1066 Histoire des Dues de Bretagne C 4859 Les Princes de I'Art. 1869 C 4860 Farmer. Boy's Book of Famous Rulers. 1886 C 2067 Girls' Book of Famous Queens. 1887C 3326 Farrar. Live^ of the Fathers. 2v. 1889. C 3477 Men I have known. 1897 C16897 Seekers after God. 1868 M 100: Faure. Grands Seigneurs et Come- diennes. 1887 C 4842 Fawcett. Some Eminent Women. 1889.C10128 Fellowes. Historical Sketches of the Period of Charles L 1828 *V 409 FiNiLON. Abrege de la Vie des Philoso- phes. 1823 C12361 Lives of ancient Philosophers. 1870. 1 3748 Ferguson, J. Two Scottish Soldiers and a Jacobite Laird. 1888 C 1016 Ferguson, R. Penalties of Greatness. 1858 C 1411 Ferris. Great German Composers. 1896.C16909 Great Leaders; Historic Portraits. 1889 C10123 Great Singers. 1881 C 1355 • Great Violinists and Pianists. i88t.C 1.156 Ffrench. American Irish in Chicago. . 1897 *V 2C79 Field, D. D. Memoirs of Class of 1802, Yale College. 1863 Ci6c,43 226 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Field, M. B. Memories of Men and Women. 1874 C 441 Fields, Mrs. A. A. Authors and Friends. 1896 - C16908 FiEi.DS, J. T. Yesterdays with Authors. 1873 ••• ^ E 1099 FiGuiER. Vie des Savants. 4v. 1872-4.. C 4917 Finch. Lives of the Prinoesses of Wales. 3v. 1883 C 1569 FiSKE. Off -Hand Portraits of Prominent New Yorkers. 1884 C 3927 Fitch. Thomas and Matthew Arnold. '97C10447 FiTTis. Heroines of Scotland. 1889...C10183 Fitzgerald, M. S. Kings of Europe. '70.C 1363 Fitzgerald, P. H. The Kembles. 2v..C 800 Kings and Queens of an Hour. 2v. 1883 ...C 1657 Lives of the Sheridans. 2v. 1886. C 901 Loves of Famous Men C16930 Romance of the English Stage. 1875C 1364 Royal Dukes and Princesses of the Family of George HI. 2v. 1882. C 1457 Flanders. Lives of Chief Justices of the United States. 2v. 1875 C 1366 Flathe. Vorlaufer der Reformation. 2v. 1835 D 3557 Folleville. See Driou, A. Fontaine. Memoirs of a Huguenot Fam- ily. 1874 C 1094 Fontes rerum Bohemicarum. 3v. 1873-8 *V 1175 Ford. British Officers serving in the Am- erican Revolution, 1774-83. i897.*R 305 FoRMAN. Our Living Poets. 1871 C 59 Forney. Anecdotes of Public Men. 2v. 1874-81 C 58 Forrest. Women of the South. 1866. C 1995 FoRSTER, John. Biographical Essays. '60.C 57 Statesmen of the Commonwealth of England. 1846 C17024 and others. British Statesmen. 7v. 1831-9 1 3838 FoRSTER, Josebh. French and Spanish Men of Genius. 1891 C10184 FoRSTER, JosiAH. Piety Promoted; Me- morials of Quakers. 1829 C 1368 Fortunes made in Business. 2v. 1884. C 1701 Foss. Lives of the Judges of England, 1066-1864. 9v. 1848-64 C .10 Dictionary of Judges of England, 1066-1870 *R 471 Foster. Mrs. I. H. Remarkable Women. 1887 c 3430 Foster, J. Alumni Oxonienses, 1500- 1886. 8v. 1887-92 *R 373 Members of Parliament; Scotland, 1357 to 1882.- 1888. *V 755 Oxford Men, 1880-92. 1893 .*R 4210 Oxford ]\?en and their Colleges. '93*R 421 1 FoucAUD. Illustrious Mechanics. 1845.K 634 Founders of th^e French Republic. 1797.C 3923 Fowler, H. The American Pulpit. 1856. C 1409 Fowler, M. Some Notable Archbishops of Canterbury. 1895 C10388 Fox. Book of Bachelors. 1899 C16958 Francis, G. H. Orators of the Age. 1847 C 152 Francis, S. W. Sketches of New York Surgeons. 1866 C 1369 Frankfort, Ky., Obituary Addresses at. 1855 '. C 1521 French. Biographia Americana. 1825.. C 2352 Friswell. Footsteps to Fame. 1881 C 1372 Frost, J. American Naval Biography. '44C 46 Lives of Eminent Christians. 1850. C 3080 Pioneer Mothers of the West. 1875. C 224, Presidents of the United States. '89. C 3468 Frost, T. Lives of Conjurors. 1876.. C 1373 Fuller. Worthies of England. 3v, 1840. C 37 Galt. Lives of the Players. 2v. 1831 C 1375 Garrett. Public Men in Alabama. 1872.C 129 Gates. Harvard University Class of 1835. 1886 C 2092 Gautier. Portraits contemporains. 1874. C 5089 Portraits et Souvenirs litteraires.'85Ci2509 and others. Famous French AuthorsC 1381 Gavazzi. Recollections of the last Four Popes. 1859 C 148 Gearey. Daughters of Italy. 1886. .. .C 3472 Three Empresses : Josephine, Marie- Louise, Eugenie. 1893 C16912 Gekronte Haupter, Nos. 1-25. .3V D13655 Generation of Judges ; by their Reporter. 1886 C-3454 George. Memoirs of Queens of Spain. 2v. 1850 C 1430 Georgian Era ; Memoirs of Eminent Per- sons in Great Britain, 1 714- 1828. 4v C 1700 Getchell. Our Nation's Executives and their Administrations, i775-i875.*V 733 Gilder. Authors at Home; American Writers. 1888 C 3475 Gilfillan. Gallery of Literary Portraits. 3v. 1845 J 1497 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. 227 (iiLLOW. The Haydock Papers. 1888..C10139 Literary and Biographical Dictionary of English Catholics. 4v. i885-95*R 4^7 Gladstone Government ; by a Templar. 1869 C 721 ' iLAZiER. Heroes of Three Wars. 1879. .C 1417 (iLKiG. British Military Commanders. 3v. 1831-32 1 3837 Gle.xn (Ed.). Sonic Colonial Mansions and those who lived in them. 2v. 1899 C16688 Gloekler- Schwabische Fraucn. 1865.D 266 GoBRiGHT, Recollections of Men and Things at Washington. 1869. ...C 1867 Godwin, P. Commemorative Addresses: Curtis, Booth, Kossuth, Audubon, Bryant. 1S95 -. C10909 M.i':29 Howe, M. A. De W. American Book- men. 1898 C16927 HowELLS, W. D. Literary Friends and Acquaintance. 1900 C17035 (Ed.). Lord Herbert of Cherbury and Thomas ElKvood. 1877 C 1666 HowiE. Scots Worthies. 1846 C 67 Last Word of the Scots Worthies. 1846 C 63 Howrrr, Mrs. M. B. Queens of Great Britain. 1865 *V 511 HowiTT, W. Homes and Haunts of Brit- ish Poets. 1863 C 155 TTuBBARD. Homes of Good Men and Great. 1895 C16884 Hubbard. Little Journeys to the Homes of American Authors. 1896 €16917^ Little Journeys to the Homes of American Statesmen. 1898 €1691^ Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Painters. 1899 €16920 Little Journeys to Homes of Famous Women. 1897 C16918 Hubert. Inventors. 1893 C10422 Huffman and Hyer. Old Settlers and Prominent People of Wisconsin. 1899 C16984 Hunt, F. Lives of American Merchants. 2v. 1858 C 3457 Hunt, W. American Biographical Sketch- Book. 1848 C 1524. Huntington, F. See Foster, Mrs. I. H. Hutton, B. Fair Women and Brave Men. 1892 C10363 Hutton, L. Portraits in Plaster. 1894..C10375 Illustrations et Celebrites du I9e Siecle. 8v. 1882-85 C 5.305 Imbert de Saint-Amand. Les Femmes de la Cour des derniers VaIois.'84C 5292 Women of the Valois Court. 1893.C 10235 Industrial Chicago. 1891-96 *V 1497 V. 1-2. The Building Interests. 3. The Manufacturing Interests. 5. The Lumber Interests ; by Hotchkiss. 6. The Bench and Bar. Ingram. Claimants to Royalty. 1882 C 1551 Irish Wit and Humor; Sw^ift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell. 1886... C 1405 Irving, D. Lives of Scottish Poets. 2v. 1810 C 1407 Lives of Scottish Writers. 1851. . .C1G240 Irving, J. Book of Scotsmen, i88i..*R 466 Irving, W. Biographies an«l Miscellanies : ed. by P. M. Irving. 1866 C 16942 Jacopo (da Voragine). Aurea legends. 1482 *P 877- Jaeger. Gallery of German Composers. 1873 *P 1 103 James.. Lives of Cardinal de Retz, J. B. Colvert, etc. 2v. 1837 C 142a Memoirs of Celebrated Women. 2v. 1839 C 1421 Jameson. Beauties of the Court of Charles II. 1861 =•=¥ 42& Celebrated Female Sovereigns. 1870C 127 The same. 2v. 1834 C 1424 The same. 2v. 1868 1 3675 230 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Jameson. Early Italian Painters. 1875. C Memoirs of the Loves of the Poets. 1875 C Same as Romance of Biography, Romance of Biography. 2 v. 1837. C 2938 Japp (Page). Good Men and True. 1890.C10167 Labour and Victory. 1881 C 1422 Leaders of Men. 1881 C Master-Missionaries. 1881 C Wise Words and Loving Deeds. '81 C Jaunay. Eveques et Archeveques de Paris. 1884 C Jeaffreson. The Queen of Naples and Lord Nelson. 2v. 1889 C11255 Jeans, J. S. Pioneers of the Cleveland (Eng.) Iron Trade. 1875 C Jeans, W. T. Creators of the Age of Steel. 1884 C Jenkins. Generals of the Last War with Great Britain. 1849 C Lives of Governors of New York. 1852 ..C Jerdan. Men I have known. 1866 C National Portrait Gallery. 5 v. 1830- 1834 ' *P Jesse. Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. 2v. 1875 C Jewitt. The Wedgwoods. 1865 C Johns. Military and Naval Heroes of Great Britain, i860 C The same, i860 1 3138 JoiiNSON, E. R. Authors (in Little Clas- sics). 1875 I387316 Johnson, R. Seven Champions of Christendom. 1867 C 138 Johnson^ S. Lives of Eminent Persons. 1840 J 155.2 Lives of the English Poets. 1840.. J 155.2 The same. 1858 G 285 The same. 3v. 1854 C 140 Johnstone. Leading Women of the Res- toration. 1891 C10260 Jones, C. C. Delegates from Georgia to the Continental Congress. 1891 . G10250 Jones, E. R. Heroes of Industry. 1886.C10241 JossE. Juvenile Biography. 1801 C10362 JuDSON. Sages and Heroes of American Revolution. 1875 C 1434 Juranville. Nos Grands Marins. i883*V 1057 Gaston de Foix et Blaise de Mon- tluc. 1885 C 5364 Vieux Guerriers. 1885 C 5360 132 131 1419 1423 1379 5342 3449 1531 3754 1428 156 676 1426 989 117 Juvenile Plutarch; Lives of Celebrated Children. 1820 C 108 KLmnes. Last Hours of Great Men. '66.C 88 Katscher. Charakterbilder aus dem I9ten Jahrhupdert. 1884 D 4061 KA-i-E. Lives of Indian Officers. 2v. 1867 , C 103 Kearney Co.,' Neb., Biographical Sou- venir. 1890 *V 1454 Kebbel. English Statesmen since 1815. 1868 C loi Keddie (S. Tytler). Six Royal Ladies of the House of Hanover. 1898. . . .C16993 Tudor Queens and Princesses. 1896.C10389 and Watson. Songstresses of Scot- land. 2v. 1871 C 1201 Kennet. Ancient Grecian Poets. 1697.C10244 Khedives and Pashas; Egyptian States- men. 1884 C 3521 King, A. Cluster of Lives. 1874 C 1432 King, M. (Comp.). ,The Dewey Recep- tion in New York City. 1899. . .*V 2191 Notable New Yorkers, 1896-99 (Por- traits) . 1899 *V 2172 KiNGSLEY. The Hermits. 1868 C 104 Kingston. iMonarchs I have met. 2v. 1887 C 3479 Kirton. Guthrie, Mathew, Burritt and Livesey. 1885 C 3102 Klaczko. The Two Chancellors; Gort- chakof and Bismarck. 1876 C 1436 Knapp. Female Biography. 1843 C 1438 Sketches of Eminent Lawyers, States- men, etc. 1821 C 1439 Knight, C. Gallery of Portraits. y\. 1833-7 " *P ^7S Shadows of Booksellers. 1865 C 72 Knight, W. (Ed.). Memorials of Coleor- ton. 2v. 1887 C 2984 Knox. Great Artists and Anatomists. 1852 C10245 Lahee. Famous Singers of To-day and Yesterday. 1898 C16928 Famous Violinists of To-day and Yesterday. 1899 C17030 Lamartine. Memoirs of Celebrated Characters. 3v. 1856 C 125 Vies d'Hommes illustres. i863.C5639,34-36 Lamb, C and W. Hazlitt. Letters and Records; ed. by Hazlitt. 1899...C18353 Lamb, Lady C. Warrior Kings. 1882. C 1443 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. J31 Lamballe, Princesse de. Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of France. 2v. 1895 C18370 La Mure. Histoire des Dues de Bour- bon. 3v. 1860-68 *V 1389 Lanfrey. Histoire politique des Papes. 1873 C 5662 Lang. Companions of Pickle. 1898.. .C17421 Lanman. Biographical Annals of the United States Government. i876.*R 428 Dictionary of Congress. 1868 ♦R 421 Haphazard Personalities. 1886 C 2032 Leading Men of Japan. 1883 C 1445 Lar.messin. Representations des Roys de France a Louis XV. 1714 *V 1431 Lauchton. From Howard to Nelson; Twelve Sailors. 1899 C17001 Studies in Naval History; Biogra- phies. 1887 C 3464 Laurie. Distinguished Anglo-Indians. 1887 C3445 Lawrance. Historical Memoirs of Queens of England. 2v. 1838-40.C 2906 Lawrence. British Historians. 2v. 1855.C i44-» Layson. Great Engineers. 1890 C10209 Lecky. Leaders of Opinion in Ireland. 1872 ...'. C 126 Lee. Memoirs of Eminent Female Writ- ers. 1827 C 1449 Leech. Pictures of Life and Character from Punch. 3v. 1886-7 *P 1164 Leioenfrost. Franzosischer Heldensaal. 1828 D 4119 I-emaitre. Lcs Cofttemporains. 7v. in 6. 1888-99 C 5749 Lenormant. Coppet ct Weimar: Stael- Holstein ct la Grande-Duchesse Louise. 1862 C 6797 Ij:ster. Artists of America; Biograph- ical Sketches. 1846 C 3465 Lewinsky. Theatralische Carrieren. '81 D 4134 Lewis. Friends and Contemporaries of Lord Chancellor Clarendon. 3v.*52C 3512 Leyland. The Bronte Family. 2v. 1886.C10170 LiEFDE. Great Dutch Admirals. 1873. . .C10247 LiCHTON. Lewis and Clark. 1901 C16797 Lincoln. Presidents of the United States. 1842 C 149 Linder. Early Bench and Bar of Illinois. 1879 C 1446 LiN'DSAY. The Royal Household [Eng- land]. 1898 ...4 *V 2063 Linton. European Republicans ; Mazzini and his Friends. 1892 C10242 Lives of British Physicians. 1830 1 3581 Lives of Eminent Persons. 1833 C 12^ Lives of English Authors. 1890 Cioi4^ Lives of Missionaries, Greenland. .C 15 India. 2v C 14 North America C 16 Lives of the Chief Fathers of New Eng- land. 6v. in 3. 1846-7 C 1450 Lives of the English Saints. 13V. in 4. 1845 *. . . • .C1027S Lives of the Fathers of the Desert C 1451 Lives of the Popes, 100-1431. 2v C 9 Living Leaders of the World. 1889 C10141 Livingston. Portraits of Eminent Ameri- cans. 1854 C 3939 Lloyd, D. Memoirs of Protestant Martyrs, 1637-66. 1668 *Y 754 State-Worthies from the Reforma- tion to the Revolution. 2v. 1766.C10207 Lloyd, E. M. Vauban, Montalembert, Carnot; Engineer Studies. 1887.C10160 Lodge. Portraits of Illustrious Person- ages. 8v. 1849 *I 3124 London Friends* Institute, Biographical Catalogue. 1888 C 3440 Long. Three Prophets: Chinese Gordon, Mohammed Ahmed (El Mahdi^, Arabi Pasha. 1884 C 3561 Longacre and Herring. National Portrait Gallery. 4V. 1834-9 *P I70 Lord. Great Women. 1885 A 286,5 American Statesmen. 1894 A 286,7 Jewish Heroes and Prophets. 1888A 280,2 Modern European Statesmen. 1891A 286,6 Nineteenth Century Writers. 1896A 286,& Two German Giants; Frederick the Great and Bismarck. 1894 C10277 Warriors and Statesmen. 1884 A 286,4 LoRENZ. Staatsmanner und Geschichts- schreiber des 19. Jahrhunderts.'96D 13668 LossiNG. Eminent Americans. 1882.. C 1454 The Two Spies; Hale and Andre. 1886 C 2o6g Low, A. Scottish Heroes in the Days of Wallace and Bruce. 2v. 1856. ..C 344S Low, C. R. Soldiers of the Victorian Age. 2v. 1880 C I44i^ LowjfDES. Bishops of the Day (Church of England). 1897 *R 1590 Lucas (Ed.). Charles Lamb & the Lloyds. 1898 C16934 232 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Lynch, Bench and Bar of Mississippi. 1881 C10249 Bench and Bar of Texas. 1885 C 2097 Macaulay. Biographical Essays. 1857. .G 401 and others. New Biographies of Il- lustrious Men. 1857 C16935 McBride. Higher Officials of the United States. 1894 *V 2164 McCabe. Great Fortunes. 1871 C 1461 Maccall. Foreign Biographies. 2v. 1873C 1460 McCarthy.^ Modern Leaders. 1872 C 109 M'Crie. Lives of Scottish Reformers. 1846 *V z^7 ISIacdiarmid. Lives of British States- men. 1807 *V 2050 Macdowall. Henry of Guise, and other Portraits. 1898 ' C17004 Maceda. Brazilian Biographical Annual. 3v. 1876 C 1467 MacFarlane. Lives of Banditti. 1839. 1 3608 McGee. Celebrated Sons of Irishmen. 1874 C 1468 Glories of Ireland. 1877 A 1252 Irish Soldiers in every Land*. 1873. C 1470 Men of '48. 1874 C 1469 McGovern. Golden Legacy. 1892 C16892 MacKay, a. M. The Brontes ; Fact and Fiction. 1897 C16924 Mackay^ C. Founders of the American Republic. 1885 C 2071 McKay, F. E. and Wingate. Famous American Actors of To-day. 1896C16923 Maclear. Apostles of Mediaeval Europe. 1869 C 47 Maclise and Maginn. Gallery of Literary Characters. 1873 *R 4436 Macmichael. The Gold-Headed Cane. 1827 C 3522 MacNeiix. Titled Corruption. 1894..C16670 McRae. Fathers of Biology. 1890 C10176 Madden. Infirmities of Genius. 2v. 1833.E 1354 Madison Univ., Hamilton, N. Y., 1819-69; Sketches of iioo Alumni. 1872. L 1727 Magoon. Eloquence of Colonial and • Revolutionary Times. 1847 C 1465 Orators of the American Revolution. 1848 C 74 Mahony. Chronicle of the Fermors. 2v. 1873 C 1459 Mangin. Les Savants illustres. 1857.. C 5874 Manning. Speakers of the House of Commons. 1850 C 147 Manson. Builders of our Law during Reign of Queen Victoria. 1895. .C16936 Marchese. Lives of Artists of the Order of St. Dominic. 2v. 1852 C 1471 Markham. "Ehe Fighting Veres. 1888.. C 1002 The Sea Fathers; Lives of Great Navigators. 1884 C 1558 Marks. Pen 'and Pencil Sketches. 2v. 1894 Ci 1240 Marshall. Actors and Actresses. 1847.C 1539 Marsh MAN. Story of Carey, Marshman and Ward. 1864 C 1462 Martin, F. Contemporary Biography. 1870 *"R 403 Martin, W. Heroism of Boyhood H 1450 Martineau. Biographical Sketches. '70C 24 Mason, A. G. Women of the French Salons. 1891 *V 1430 Mason, E. T. (Ed.). Personal Traits of British Authors. 4v. 1885 C 1566 Masson and others. In the Footsteps of the Poets. 1893 C10372 Matthews, G. E. (Pub.). Men of New York ; Citizens of the Empire State. 2v. 1898 : *V 2175 Matthews, J. B. and L. Hutton (Ed.). Actors and Actresses. 1886-7... C 2840 v. I. Garrick and his Contempo- raries. 2. The Kembles and their Con- temporaries. 3. Kean and Booth and their Contemporaries. 4. Macready and Forrest and their Contemporaries. 5. The Present Time. Maurel. Les trois Dumas : Le General, Alexandre, pere, Alexandre, fils. 1896 .C12865 Maurice. Lives of Tyler, Ball and Old- castle. 1875 C 1458 Mauris. French Men of Letters. 1880.C 1466 Mazade. Deux Femmes de la Revolution. .1866 -....C 580s Memoirs of a Malayan Family. 1830. *V 1283 Memoirs of the Court of Westphalia. 1820 C 3720 Memorials of Judges, Graduates from Dartmouth College, 1880. 1881..C10243 Men and Women of the Day, 1888-90. 3v *P 1684 Men of the Third Republic. 1872 C 3634 Men of the Time ; ed. by Townsend. '68C 1474 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. 233 Men who have Risen. 1859 C10279 Menzies, L. L. J. Lives of the Greek Heroines. 1880 C10127 Menzies, S. Political Women. 2v. 1873.C 151 Royal Favorites. 2v. 1866 C 1480 Merlo. Kolnische Kiinstler. 1895. . .♦R 4i47 Merryweather. Lives of Misers. 1850.C 1472 ■ Iervdew (Ed.). Love Letters of Fa- mous Men and Women. 2v. 1888.C 3714 Metevard. The Younger Wedgwoods. 1871 C 987 Meusel. Von 1750 bis 1800 vcrstorbene teutsche Schriftsteller, 1750-1800. 15V. in 12. 1802-16 *0 553 lEYER. Beriihmtc Manner Berlins. 1875- 1877 D 4155 MiCHELET. Originc dcs Bonaparte. 1872C 5889 MiDDLETON. Evangelical Biography. 4v. 1816 C 1463 IiLiziA. Lives of Celebrated Architects. 2v. 1S26 G 154 Miller, Mrs. F. F. In Ladies' Company; Six interesting Women. 1892. ..C17007 Miller, J. Singers of the Church. 1869.C 122 Mitchell. Eminent Soldiers of the last Four Centuries. 1865 C 3753 MoiSTER. Missionary Pioneers. 1871..C 26 Mollat. Reden und Rcdner des deut- schen Parlaments. 1895 D 13007 Mollett. Painters of Barbizon: Corot, Daubigny, Dupre. 1890 Cl 1020 Millet, Rousseau, Diaz. 1900 C11021 MoNKHOUSE. British Contemporary Art- ists. 1899 *P 810 MoNTicuT. Nos Morts contemporains. 2v. 1883-4 ..'• *. C 5935 Moore, F. Women of the War. 1866. C 32 Moore, G. Lives of Alberoni, Ripperda and Pombal. 1814 C 3632 Moore, J. B. Lives of Governors of Ply- mouth and Massachusetts Bay. *5iC 1483 MoRAis. Eminent Israelites of the 19th Century. 1880 C 1475 Morgan. Sketches of Canadians. 1865. C 93 Morris, C. Makers of New York. i895*V 2178 Makers of Philadelphia. 1894 *V 2177 Morris, L. T. Famous Musical Compos- ers C10150 Morris, W. O. Great Commanders of Modern Times. 1891 C16883 MoTT. Biographies of Persons of Color. 1826 C 1663 Mueller, F. Kunstler aller Zeiten u. Volker. 4v. 1857-70 *R 501 Mueller, F. M. Biographical Essays. 1884 C10248 Mueller, W. Historische Frauen. 1882.D 4157 Muller, pseud. See Bedelet, L. C. MuLLiE. Biographic des Celebrites mili- taires, 1789-1850. 2v. 1851 *R 521 Murray, A. W. Eminent Workers for Christ. 1887 C 3921 Murray, J. O. Catholic Heroes and Heroines of America. 1881 C 1562 MussET. Extra vagants du I7e Siecle. 1863 ...^ c 5972 MuzzEY. Men of the Revolution. 1883C 2051 Myers. Lectures on. Great Men. 1861.C10152 Nasmith. Makers of Modern Thought. 2v. 1892 C10221 Naumann.- Deutsche Tondichter. 1882. D 482 Needham. English Female Artists. 2v. 1876 C 1319 Female Warriors. 2v. 1879 C 1332 Queens of Song. 2v. 1863 C 23 Neil. Epoch Men and the Results of their Lives. 1870 C 3441 Netuerclift. Hand-Book to Autographs. 1862 *R 1354 Autograph Souvenir; ist Ser. i865*R 4299 Nevin. Centennial Biography; Men of Cumberland Valley, Pa., 1776- 1876 C3887 New England Historic Genealogical So- ciety, Memorial Biographies, 1845- 1862. 4v. 1880 C10140 Newman. Reminiscences of Two Exiles, Kossuth and Pulszky. 1888 C10253 Nichols. Autographs of Royal Per- sonages. 1829 ♦R 4300 NicoLL. Great Orators. 1880 C 2090 Great Scholars. 1880 C 2091 NiEL. Portraits des Personnages fran- gais du XVIe Siecle. 1848-56.. *P 2425 Noble. House of Cromwell. 2 v. 1787.C 1538 Lives of English Regicides. 2v. 1798 C 3460 NoHL. Letters of Musicians. 1867 C 1441 Nolan. Liberators of Italy. 1865 *V 565 Norman (Ed.)- Women Adventurers. 1893 C10232 North. Lives of the Norths. 3v. 1890.. I 3091 NoTMAN and Taylor. Portraits of Brit- ish Americans. 2v. 1865-7 C10145 NowLAND. Citizens of Indianapolis. 1877C 2181 234 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. CBeirne. Leading Men of the Indian Territory. 1891 C10197 O'Connor. Some Old Love Stories. '95C16681 Officers of the Army and Navy in the Civil War. 1892-4 .- *V 1476 V. I. Regular. 2. Volunteer. 3. Regular and Volunteer. O'Flanagan. The Irish Bar. 1879 C 1512 Lord Chancellors of Ireland. 2v. 1870 C 98 O'Hanlon. Lives of the Irish Saints. 7v. 1875-95 C 1511 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Annals of a Publishing House : W. Blackwood and Sons. 2v. 1897 C16022 Historical Characters in Reign of Queen Anne. 1894 C10386 Oliphant, T. L. K. Jacobite Lai'rds of Cask. 1870 . . : C 1571 Omond (Ed.). Arniston Memoirs, 1571- 1838. 1887 c 3446 Lord Advocates of Scotland. 2v. 1883 C 1675 O'Neall. Bench and Bar of South Caro^ lina. 1859 C 2096 Orleans. See Aumale, Due d'. Otto. See Peters. Our Famous Women. 1886 C 2107 Our Living Painters (English). 1859.C10195 OusELEY. Biographical Notices of Per- sian Poets. 1846 C 3721 The same. 1846 *V 1312 Owen, F. C. {Marquise de Fontenoy). High Life within Royal Palaces. 1892 C10373 Owen, R. Sanctorale Catholicum; Book of Saints. 1880 C16931 OxBERRY. Dramatic Biography and Anec- dotes. 1826 C 2951 Pages. Grands poetes frangais. i874.*V 1125 Paine and others. Famous Composers. 3v. 1891 *V 1608 Palmer, J. Necrology of Harvard Col- lege, 1851-63 C 1528 Palmer, J. M. (Ed.). The "Bench and Bar of Illinois. 2v. 1899 *R 3^7 Papendiek. Court and Private Life in Time of Queen Charlotte. 2v. 1887 C 2957 Pardoe. Louis XIV. and Court of France in 17th Century. 3v. 1886 C 3622 The same. 2v. 1868 C 1 154 Parker. Beroemde Amerikanen. 1872.D 9629 Historic Americans. 1871 . *. J 232 Parkes. See Belloc. Parry, C. H. H. Studies of Great Com- posers. 7 1887 C 3764 Parry, J. H. Cambrian Plutarch. 1834. .C10246 Parton. Captains of Industry, ^v. '84.C 1652 Daughters of Genius. 1886 C 3762 Famous Americans. 1867 C 33 Great Men and their Achievements. 1881 C 1527 Princes, Authors and Statesmen. 1885 C 1510 and others. Eminent Women of the Age. 1869 C17010 Sketches of Men of Progress. 1870C 1525 Patmore. My Friends and Acquaint- ances. 1854 C10258 Patriotic Preachers of the American Revolution, i860 C 3452 Patten. Lives of the Qergy of New York and Brooklyn. 1874 C 1529 Paul. Biographical Sketches. 1883... C 1679 Peabody. Harvard Graduates whom I have known. 1890 C10146 Harvard Reminiscences. 1888 C 2248 Peacock. Famous American Belles of the Nineteenth Century. 1901 C16954 Peake, E. History of the German Em- perors. 1874 C 1552 Peake, R. B. Memoirs of the Colman Family. 1841 C 2562 Pebody. Authors at Work. 1872 C up Pecht. Deutsche Kiinstler. 3v. 1877-81. D 4174 Pellisson and D'Olivet. Histoire de I'Academie frangaise. 2v. 1858. C 6137 Personal Recollections of English Engin- eers. 1868 C 160 Peters. Privatgeschichten d. Weltge- schichte. 6v. in 2. 1868-9 D 190 Pettigrew. ^ledical Portrait Gallery. 4v. in 2. 1838-40 *V 886 Philippson. Heinrich IV. und Philipp III. 3v. in 2. 1870-6 D13043 Phillips. Autographic Album. 1866. ..*R 1353 Phipson. Celebrated Violinists. 1877. C 1532 Piatt. Men who Saved the Union. 1887. C 2179 Pictorial Treasury of Famous Men and Famous Deeds. 1880 C 1561 Pinkerton. Lives of the Scottish Saints. (in Latin). 1889 C10259 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. 235 Pitts. Martyrolog>'; or Bloody Assizes, 1678-93. 1692 *C 53 The same. 1873 : . C 60 Plutarch. Lives ; tr. by Clough. 5v. '72.C 41 Lives; tr. by Langhorne. 1869 C 35 Lives ; tr. by Stewart and Long. 4v. 1880-82 A I 3097 Ausgewahlte Biographien. 6v. 1854- 1871 02079,43-48 Boys' and Girls' Plutarch; by White. 1883 C 1526 Vies des Hommes illustres C 6296 Young Folks' Plutarch ; by Kaufman. 1883 C. 1440 I'oLiTiKOS, pseud. Sovereigns and Courts of Europe. 1891 C10177 I'dlson. 'Law and Lawyers; Legal His- tory and Biography. 2v. 1840. .N 5038 oNu. Eccentricities of Genius; Famous Men and Women. 1900 C17011 PoQL. Queens and Princesses of India. 1892 C10162 PooRE. Political Register, i776-i878..*R 426 Powell, T. Living Authors of America. 1850 C3995 Powell, W. H. Living Officers of the United States Army. 1890 C10175 QU ATREM^RE DE QUINCV. LeS plus Cclc- bres .'Xrchitcctes. 2v. 1830 C 6308 Vie et Ouvrages des Architcctes. 2v. 1830 C 6306 Slime as Les plus celebres Archi- tectcs. iji iNTA.VA. Celebrated Spaniards. 1833. C 1537 ixAE. Wilkes. Sheridan, Fox. 1874... C 981 Kama.swamie. See Venkata Ramasvami. Ramsay. Scotsmen in i8th Century. 2v. 1888 s I 6504 l^ANKE. History of the Popes. 3v. 1871. 1 3066 Ratisbonne. Morts et Vivants. i86p. . .C 6370 Rawnsley. Memories of the Tennysons. 1900 C18984 Raymond. Biographical Sketches of Columbia Co., N. Y. 185 1 C 30 Re.M). Judges of Upper Canada and On- tario. 1888 C16887 Reddaix. Who was he ? Stories of myste- rious characters. 1887 C10185 Redding. Celebrities I have known. 2v. 1866 C 153 Memoirs of Remarkable Misers. 1863C1540 Remini-'Cences of Eminent Men. 3v. 1867 C10212 Redgrave. Dictionary of Artists of the English School. 1878 *R 486 Reed, J. E. Lives of the Roman Emperors. 5v. 1883-4 C1C121 Reed, P. M. Bench and Bar of Wiscon- sin. 1882 ..- C 2182 Reeves. The Rothschilds. 1887 C 3802 Reid. Cabinet Portraits. 1872 C 1544 Remarkable Men C 106 Renan, J. E. and H., Brother and Sis- ter ; a Memoir. 1896 Ci 1609 Richards. Warriors of Britain. 1894. . . C10268 Richardson, Sir B. W. Disciples of i^sculapius. 2v. 1900...^ C17026 Richardson. Mrs. J. D. Famous Ladies of the Englii^h Court. 1899 C1695S Richardson, R. Coutts & Co., Bankers ; Memoirs. 1900 C16727 Richmond. Woman first and last, 2v. 1887 C10186 Rideing. Boyhood of Fnip.ous Authors. 1887 C 2160 The same. 1897 C1039S RiKBL. Musikalischc Charaktcrkopfe. 3v. in 2. 1878-81 D 4348 Ritchie, A. Heroes and Heroines of the Christian Church. 1883 C 1541 Ritchie. A. L T. Book of Sibyls. 1883G 1063 Lord Tennyson and his Friends. '93*P 2429 Records of Tennyson. Riiskin, Brown- ing. 1892 C10189 Ritchie. J. E. Famous City Men. 1884C 1680 Roberts. Two Royal Lives ; Emperor and Empress Frederick. 1889. ..C 3922 Robertson, E. S. English Poetesses. '33. C 162 Robertso.v, L -L. Sketches of Public Characters. 1830 C 1545 Robertson, J. F. Great Painters of Chris- tendom. 1877 *V 554 Robins. Twelve Great Actors. 1900..C17015 Twelve Great Actresses. 1900 C17014 Robinson. Last Earls of Barrymore, 1769- 1824. 1894 C11107 Rogers, C. Memorials of Earl of Stirling and House of Alexander. 2v. 1877C11667 Rogers, J. E. T. Historical Gleanings. 2v. 1869-70 C 102 Rogers, T. J. New American Biograph- ical Dictionary. 1824 C 3388 Roscoe. British Lawyers. 1830 .| 3839 Ross. J. Three Generations of English- women. 1893 C10178 The same. 2v. 1888 C10132 236 COLLECTED RossETTi, Lives of Famous Poets. 1878C 1547 Pr?eraphaeli'Le Diaries and Letters. 1900 C16956 RoYSE. A Study of Genius. 1891 E 5453 RuEDiGER. Beriihmte Liebespaare. 3v. 1870-82 D 4105 RuESTOW. Militarische Biographien. '58. D 4189 Russell, W. Eccentric Personages. 1866C17017 Extraordinary Men. 1853 C 135 Extraordinary Women. 1857 C 134 Russell, W. C Book of Authors. 1869C 1548 Ryan. Biographia Hibernica. 2v. 1821.C 1550 Saglio. Maisons d'Hommes celebres.'93C 6746 St. John. Celebrated Travelers. 3 v. 1868. 1 3678 Si. Louis, Bench and Bar of. 1884 *R 442 Sainte-Beuve. English Portraits. 1875C 1580 Galerie de Eemmes celebres. i859*V 11 13 Nouvelle Galerie de Femmes celebres. 1872 *V 1114 Portraits contemporains. 5v. 1870. C 6691 Portraits de Femmes. 1862 . . .C 6692 Portraits litteraires. 3 v. 1862 C 6697 Sandby, W. Lives of T. and P. Sandby. 1892 C11630 Sanderson. Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 9v. 1823-4 *C 1583 Sanford and Townsend. Great Govern- ing Families of England. 1865.. C 3053 Sanson. Memoirs of the Sansons. 2v.'76C 1581 Saunders. Character Studies. 1894. . .Cib376 Savage. Our Representative Men. 1860.C 1575 ScHMUCKER. The Four Georges. 1860..C 105 Schroeder. Lexikon der hamburgischen Schriftsteller. 8v. in 7. 1851-83. .*0 586 Scott. Little Masters of Germany. 1879.C 1570 ScoviLLE. Old Merchants of New York. 5v. 1885 C 2217 The same. 5v. in 3. 1872 B 1198 Seaton. Sir Hudson Lowe and Napo- leon. 1898 C18418 Sea well. Twelve Naval Captains (American). 1897 C10396 Seccombe. Lives of Twelve Bad Men. 1894 ; C10374 Secretan. Galerie suisse; Biographies nationalcs. 2v. 1873-6 C 6683 Seebohm. Oxford Reformers. 1869... C 141 Seelev. Late Evangelical Fathers. 1879. C 1585 Seidle. Photographs of Statesmen and Politicians of the United St'ites. 1894 *V 2051 BIOGRAPHY. • Seward. Anecdotes of Distinguished Per- sons. 3v. 1795 C 1572 Seymour. Self-made Men. 1858 C16932 Shairp. Portraits of Friends. 1889...C10130 Shedd. Famo^ Painters and Painting. i88i ..." C 1578 Famous Sculptors and Sculpture.'8iC 1584 Sheil. Sketches of the Irish Bar. 2v C 49 Shelley. Literary and Scientific Men of France. 2v. 1838-39 r I 3841 Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain and Portugal. 3v. 1835-37.I 3840 Sherman, W. T. and J. Sherman Let- ters, 1837-91 ; ed. by Thorndike. 1894 C11673 Sibley. Biographical Sketches; Grad- uates of Harvard University. 2v. 1873 c 1573 Sierke. Schwarmer und Schwindler. 1874 D 4204 SiMMS. Trappers of New York. 1871. . .C 1586 Sinclair. Old Times and Distant Places. 1875 C 1591 Smalley. Studies of Men. 1895 C10390 Smiles. Brief Biographies. 1873 C 79 Industrial Biography. 1873 C 78 Lives of Engineers. 4v. 1862-5... C 34 Men of Invention and Industry. '85. C 1556 Smith, G. Three English Statesmen. 1868 A 459 Smith, G. B. Famous Ambassadors. 1883 C 1677 Prime Ministers of Queen Victoria. 1886 C 3042 Women of Renown. 1893 C16933 Smith, H. A. One Hundred Famous Americans. 1886 C 2216 Smith, H. G. The Romance of History. 1891 C10188 Smith, J. . Early Printers in Pennsyl- vania. 1891 C10222 Smith, J. T. Lives of Famous London Beggars. 1880 L 9775 Smith, L. E. (Ed.). Heroes of Mission- ary Enterprise. 1852 C 3908 Smith, M. V. Virginia, 1492-1892; Ex- ecutives of the Commonweahli. 1893 C10370 Smith, S. F. (Ed.). Phineas Stowe and his Helpers : Rev. and Mrs. Cooke. 1874 C11722 Smith, S. S. Founders of the Massachu- setts Bay Colony. 1897 C16707 COLLECTED • Smyth, A. G. Romance of Diplomacy. 2v C 3280 Smyth, G. L. Biographical Illustrations of Westminster Abbey. 1843 C 3051 Snow. Southern Generals. 1866 C 1574 Soldiers' and Patriots' Biographical Al- bum : Illinois. 1892 ♦R 2740 SoLiGNAC. Connetables, Marechaux et Amiraux de France C 6757 South EY. Lives of British Admirals. 5v. 1833-40 1 3842 Lives of Uneducated Poets E 7568 Spark.s. Library of American Biography. 25V. 1834-48 C 75 SroFFORD and others. Three Heroines of New England Romance. 1894. ..C10378 Spracue. European Celebrities. 1855... C iii Stahr. Romische Kaiserfrauen. i88o. .D4201 Starli.vg. Noble Deeds of Women. 1872.I 3157 Starr. Lives of Patron Saints. 2v. '71-81C 1267 Stead. Character Sketches. 1891 C10208 Stearns. Four Great Venetians: Gior- gione, Titian, Tinti>rrttn and II Veronese. 1901 .. C17027 Sketches from Conconi ami Apple- dore. 1895 C16940 Stebpinc. Lives of Italian Poets. 3v. 1832C 1579 Steel, .Achievements of Youth. 1890. , , C10365 lEPHEN, J. Ecclesiastical Biographies, i860 C 133 Stephen, L. Studies of a Biographer. 2v. 1898 .• C16941 Stephens (Ed.). Artists at Home. *84*P 1210 mern and Kressmann (Ed.). Chicago's deutsche Manner. 1885 ♦V 2073 lEVENSON. Historic Personality. 1893.C10264 STEWART. Biographical Readings. 1875. C 1588 Stiles. Three of the Judges of Charles I. 1794 ♦C16944 Stirling. Torch-bearers of History. '94C10380 Stoddard, R. H. Bric-a-Brac Series. 1874- 1876 C TJ V. I. Chorley, Planche and Young. 2. Thackeray and Dickens. 3. Merimee, Lamartine and George Sand. 4. Barhani, Harness and Hodder. 5. Grevillc Memoirs. 6. Moore and Jerdan. 7. Cornelia Knight and Thomas Raikes. 8. Kelly, O'Kecffe and Taylor. BIOGRAPHY. 237 Stoddard, R. II. Bric-a-Brac Series. 1874-1876 C 77 9. Lamb, Hazlitt, Campbell, Countess of Blessington, 10. Constable and Gillies. Under the Evening Lamp. 1892. . .C10261 and others. Poets' Homes. 2v. 1877- 1879 C 1376 Stoddard, W. O. Men of Business. 1893C10421 Stokes. In the Forests of France in Search of Irish Saints. 1895 C16925 Story County, la., Biographical and His- torical Memoirs of. 1890 *V 1452 Stoughton. Spanish Reformers. 1883.C 3880 Worthies of Science. 1879 C10266 Stowe. Men of our Times. 1869 C 04 Lives and Deeds of Self-Made Men. 1872 C 89 Strang. Celebrated Comedians of Light Opera. 1901 C17018 Famous Actors of the Day in Amer- ica. 1900 C17019 Famous Actresses of the Day in America. 1899 C17020 Prima Donnas and Soubrettes of America. 1900 Ci702^ Strauss. Men who have made th^ New German Empire. 2v. 1875 C 1592 Strickland. Bachelor Kings of Eng- land. 1861 C 1595 Lives of Queens of England. 8v.'92C 95 The same. 6v. 1873 1 3306 The same abridged. 3v. 1883... H 2427 Lives of Queens of Scotland. 8v. '73C 115 Lives of the Seven Bishops, 1688. '66.C 63 Lives of the Tudor and Stuart Prin- cesses. 1888 1 3308 Lives of the Tudor Princesses. 1868C 158 Strodtmann. Dichterprofile. 1883. .. .D 4217 Stuart. Civil and Military Engineers of America. 1871 C Summers. Eminent Itinerant Ministers. C Sutherland. Biography of the 41st As- sembly of Indiana. 1861 C Swallow. Catharines of History. 1888. C Swift. Brook Farm. 1900 J T.\RDUCCI. J. and S. Cabot. 1893 C11039 Tardy. Living Female Writers of the South. 1872 C 128 Tasse. Lcs Canadiens de I'Ouest. 2v. 1878 C13228 Tayler. Memorials of English Martyrs. 1853 C 43 1593 165 1 1589 3478 5251 238 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. Taylor, J. Great Historic Families of Scotland. 2v. 1887 ....*V 839 Taylor, W. C The Modern British Plu- tarch. 1846 C16947 National Portrait Galipry. 4v *P 674 Romantic Biography of the Age of Elizabeth. 2v. 1842 C 1596 Teale. Lives of English Divines. 1846.C10267 Tenney and Atwood. Fathers of Wis- consin. 1880 % C 2287 Terhune (Marion Harland). Literary Hearthstones. 1899-1900: Charlotte Bronte at Home C18654 Hannah More C18554 John Knox C18341 William Cowper C17558 Where Ghosts Walk. 1898 C16953 Texas, Biographical Souvenir of. i889.*V 1453 Thackeray. The Four Georges. 1861...G 585 Thatcher. Indian Biography. 2v. 1873. 1 3681 Thayer, W. M. Men who Win. 1896.C10397 Turning Points in Successful Careers. 1895 ...C16882 Women who Win. 1896 C10398 Thayer, W. R. Throne-Makers. 1899.C16946 Thompson. Recollections of Sixteen Presidents. 2v. 1894 C 10234 Thomson. Celebrated Friendships. 2v. 1861 C 27 Literary Characters. 2v, 1854.... C 81 Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. 3v. 1845. C 82 Queens of Society C 31 Wits and Beaux of Society. 1861. .E 1605 The same. 2v. i860 E 1604 Thornbury. British Artists. 2v. 1861..C 114 Thorne. Modern Idols. 1887 C 3888 Thornton. Foreign Secretaries of the 19th Century to 1880. 3v. 1881-2.C 1612 The Stuart Dynasty. 1890 C10179 Tn^LOTSON. Illustrious Women of Eng- land C10181 Lives of Eminent Men C 1554 Times. Anecdote Biography. 1862... C 1606 Anecdote Lives of Painters. 1872. C 1605 Anecdotes Lives of Wits and Humor- ists. 2v. 1872 C 1 602 Anecdote Lives of the Later Wits and Humorists. 2v. 1874 C 1603 English Eccentrics. 2v. 1866 E 1576 School Days of Eminent Men C 1604 Tirebuck. Great Minds in Art. 1888 C10144 ToMKiNSON. Robinson, Weston and Meredith. 1887 C 3099 Tovvle. Certain Men of Mark. 1881 C 1608 Heroes and Martyrs of Invention. 1890 C10180 Young Folks' Heroes of History. 6v. 1878-83^ C 1610 TowNSEND, V". F. Our Presidents. 1889. C 2358 TowNSEND, W. C. Lives of Eminent Judges. ' 2v. 1846 C 1597 Tov.'NSEND, W. J. Schoolmen of Middle Ages. 1881 C 1599 Traits of Character; 25 Years' Literary and Personal Recollections. 2v. i860 C 963 Traut. Deutsche Dichter. 1868 D 287 Tregellas. Cornish Worthies. 2v. 1884. C 1674 Trent. Southern Statesmen of the Old Regime. 1897 C10400 Trollope, F. E. and T. A. Homes and Haunts of Italian Poets. 1881. . .C10187 Trollope, T. A. A Decade of Italian Women. 2v. 1859 C 28 Trotter. Studies in Biography. 1865. . .C10269 TucKERMAN, C. K. Recollections of Not- able People. 2v. 1895 C11765 TucKERMAN, H. T. Biographical Essays. 1857 " C 1658 Book of the Artists. 1867 *C 1609 Mental Portraits. 1853 •. . . C 1598 Turner. Lives of Eminent Unitarians. 2v. 1840-43 C I Tuttle. German Political Leaders. 187601391,4 Tyerman. Oxford Methodists. 1873.... C 142 Tyler, L. G. Letters and Times of the Tylers. 3v. 1884-96 C 2340 Tyler, M. C. Three Men of Letters; Berkeley, Dwight, Barlow. 1895.C10381 Tytler, p. F. Lives of Scottish Worthies. 3v. 1831 I 3588 Tytler, S. See Keddie, H. University of Penn., Catalogue of Matric- ulates, 1 749- 1893. 1894 C 10275 LiPDYKE. Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar. 1842 .' C 2361 Urbino. Eminent Musical Composers. C10163 Vandam. Amours of Great Men. 2v. 1878 C 1632 Van Rensselaer. Six Portraits. 1889.. C 3994 Van Santvoord. Chief Justices of the United States. 1882 C 1600 Varillas. Secret History of the House of Medicis. 1686 C10136 Vasarl Lives of Painters, Sculptors and Architects. 5v. 1855 1 3088 COLLECTED BIOGRAPHY. 239 Vasari. Stories of Italian Artists. '85 ..C 3945 Vattier. Une Famille d' Artistes; les Dumont. 1890 CC 260 V'edOEr. American Writers of To-Day. 1894 C10237 Venkata Ramasvami. Sketches of Dek- kan Poets. 1829 C10233 Verderevsky. Captivity of Two Rus- sian Princesses. 1857 C16948 Vicars. England's Worthies. 1845 C 3462 ViLLARS (Ed.). Escapes of Casanova and Latude from Prison. 1892..C10214 Vincent, A. Lives of Twelve Bad Wom- en. 1897 C10393 Vincent, G. E. Some Italian Authors. 1887 C3935 VoRAGiNE Jacopo DA. See Jacopo (da Voragine). Waldo. Sketches of Naval Heroes. 1823C 7Z Walford, E. Chapters from Family Chests. 2v. 1887 C10151 W'alford, L. B. Twelve English Author- esses. 1892 C10361 Four Biographies from Blackwood. 1888 C10135 Walsh. Heroes of the Mission Field. 1879 C 161S Walton. Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker and others. 1846 C 66 The same C 11 Ward. Records of Members of the Grand Army of the Republic. 1886 C 2366 Ware. Famous Centenarians. 1885.. C 2362 Warren. The Three Judges who beheaded their King. 1873 H 796 Waterloo and Hanson. 256 Living MaR- • ers of American History. 1896. *V 2185 Watson, H. C. Heroic Women of His- tory. 1861 C 1640 Watson, Mrs. R., A. Poet-Toilers in many Fields. 1884 C10273 Watt. Great Novelists. 1880 C 163 1 Wa\'len. The House of Cromwell. 1892C10290 Webster. Class of '64 in Dartmouth. 1884 C 1655 Weninger. Lives of the Saints. 2v. '76*V no Werner, A. Die Helden der christlichen Kirche. 1874 D13802 Werner, R. Beriihmte Seeleute des 17. Jahrhundert. 1882 D 4380 Wertheimer. Die drei ersten Frauen des Kaisers Franz. 1893 D13805 Whately. Glimpses of Remarkable Peo- ple. 1889 C10204 Wheeler. Lives of Signers of Mecklen- burg Declaration of Independ- ence. 1875 *Ci697,i. Whibley. Book of Scoundrels. 1897 C16960 The Pageantry of Life. 1890 E 6290 Whipple. Recollections of Eminent Men. 1887 C 2072 Whitehead. Lives of English High- waymen, Pirates and Robbers. 2v. 1834 C 1645 Whiteside. Early Sketches of Eminent Persons. 1870 C 1086 Wilkinson, H. S. (Ed.). From Crom- well to Wellington; Twelve Sol- diers. 1899 C169S2 Wilkinson, O. and J. Memoirs of the Gemini Generals. 1896 C169SI Williams, E. and others. The Napoleon Dynasty. 1852 C 371O Williams, J. Literary Women of Eng- land. 1861 C 1624 Williams, R. F. English Cardinals from Breakspear (Adrian IV.) to Wol- sey. 2v. 1868 C 684 Royal Family of England. 3v. 1860C 118 Williams, S. W. American Medical Biography. 1845 C 1623 Willing. Dames of High Degree. 1896.C16950 Wills. Lives of Illustrious Irishmen. 6v. 1847 ^ .C 1625 WiLMOT. Queens of England. 2v *P 1618 Wilson, D. Mr. Froude and Carlyle. '98C17511 Wilson, G. Portrait Gallery of New York State Chamber of Commerce. 1890 C10239 Wilson, H. and Caulfield. Book of Wonderful Characters. 1869. ...C 130 Wilson, J. Biography of the Blind. 1838C10274 Wilson, J. G. Presidents of the United States, 1789-1894 C10238 Sketches of Illinois Officers. 1862. C 121 Wilson, T. American Military and Naval Heroes. 2v. 1817 C 1627 Winks. Lives of Illustrious Shoemakers. 1883 C 1641 Winkworth. Christian Singers of Ger- many C 124 WiNSLOw. Philadelphia Merchants. 1864C 137 Winter. The Jeffersons. 1881 C 1630 W'inthrop. Washington, Bowdoin and Franklin ; Addresses. 1876 C 1642 240 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. Wise. Men of Renown. 1886 C10190 Some Remarkable Women. 1887..C10147 Wiseman. Recollections of the Last Four Popes. 1858;^, C 48 WiSTER and Irwin (Ed.). Worthy Wom- en of our First Century~(U.S.).'77C 1620 Wolfe. Literary Haunts & Homes; American Authors. 1899 1 4864 Literary Pilgrimage among the Haunts of Famous British Authors. 1895 1 6361 Literary Rambles at Home and Abroad. 1901 1 9836 Literary Shrines ; the Haunts of some Famous American Authors. 1895 1 5400 ■Wolzogen. Grossmeister deutscher Musik. 1897 , *V 2160 Women of Worth; a Book for Girls. .C10198 Wood, W. (Ed.). Hundred Greatest Men of History. 1892 C 1564 The same. 8v. in 4. 1879-80. *P 2007 Woodcock. Illustrious Lords Mayors.'46C 3447 WooLRYCH. Eminent Serjeants-at-Law. 2v. 1869... C 116 WooLSEY (Stisati Coolidge). An Old Convent School in Paris. 1895..C16891 WoRDSWdKTH. Ecclesiastical Biography. 4v. 1853 C 123 WoTTON, Sir H. Earl of Essex and Duke of Buckingham. 1814 C10133 V/oTTON^ M. E.. Word Portraits of Fa- mous Writers. 1887 C 3443 Wrangham. British Plutarch. 6v. 1816C 1626 Wright, T. Biographia Britannica Literaria ; Anglo-.Saxon Period. 1842 C 1646 The same; Anglo-Norman Per riod. 1846 C 1647 Caricature History of the Georges. 1868 ..' C 1633 Wright, W. The Brontes in Ireland. 1893 C10272 Wyatt, T. Memoirs of American Gen- erals, Commodores, etc. 1848... C 1637 Wyatt, W. J. Hungarian Celebrities. '71 C 3971 Yale University, Biographical Notices of the Class of 1850 C 1654 Catalogue of Portraits, Busts, etc. 1892 C10192 Yarnall. Wordsworth and the Coler- idges, with other Memories. 1899.C16938 Yonge, C. D. Our Great Military Com- manders. 1892 C:027i Parallel Lives of Heroes. 1858. . . .C 1660 Seven Heroines of Christendom.'78C 1659 Yonge, C. Vl. Biographies of Good Women. 2v. 1865-76 C10270 Book of Golden Deeds. 1879 C 1661 Book of Worthies. 1869 C 5 Pioneers and Founders; Workers in the Mission Field C 45 Youmans. Pioneers of Science in Amer- ica. 1896 C16980 Zirndorf. Some Jewish Women. 1892..C10217 Zweihundert Bildnisse beriihmter Manner. 1880 D 6121 GENBAI.OGY-AND HERALDRY. Adlersfeld. Das goldene Buch. 1892. .*R 3841 Almanach de Gotha, i860, 1871-1901. .*R 3840 America Heraldica; ed. by Vermont, v. i. 1886 *R ,4267 American Ancestry. I2v. 1887-99... *R 2^7 v, I. City of Albany; by Hughes. 2. Columbia County; by Hughes. 3-12. The United States. American Colleges for Genealogical Reg- istry, Catalogue. 1883 *0 361,1 American Genealogist, 1897, 1900. 2v.*R 384 Amory. Our English Ancestors. 1872.. *B 1007 Anderson. Genealogy and Surnames. 1865 J 391 Annuaire Heraldique, 1895 *Ser. Annuaire Heraldique Universel, 1898. .. .*5"^r. Archer. Orders of Chivalry. 1887. .*R 4449 Ashm6le. Order of the Garter. 1715...A3096 The .same. 1672 *P 1562 AuREP. Sveriges ridderskaps och adels Kalender for ar 1894 *R 3854 Austin. Genealogy of Thirty-three Rhode Islanders. 1889 *V 1370 Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Is- land. 1887 *V 824 One Hundred and Sixty Allied Fam- ilies. 1893 *V 2180 Barrington. Genealogy and Armorial Bearings of Sovereigns of Eng- land. 1843 T C 1367 Beckwith. Creoles of St. Louis. 1893. .C10305 Bell. Huntingdon Peerage and Hastings Genealogy. 1820 *V 757 Beltz. Order of the Garter. 1841 A 421 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. 241 Bergen. Early Settlers of Kings County, Long Island. 1881 C10319 Bernd. Schriftenkunde der Wappenwis- senschaft. 4v. in 2. 1830-41... ♦O 89 Berry. Encyclopsedia Heraldica. 3v. 1828- 1838 .' *R 375 Genealogia Antiqua. i8jo *V 1371 Bond. Early Settlers of Watertown, Wal- tham and Weston, Mass. i86o.*R 399 Bonneville de Marsangy. La Legion d'Honneur, 1802- 1900 *F 1793 Boogher (Comp.). Virginia; Overwhar- ton Parish Register, 1720-60. 1899B 4502 Boston, Mass., Public Library, . Finding List of Genealogies, 1900 *0 1060 The same *R 2697 BouTELL. Historical and Popular Her- aldry. 1863 ♦R 350 The same. 1879 A 641 BowDiTcii. Suffolk Surnames. 1861 J 922 Bridger. Index to Printed Pedigrees. 1867 *R 346 Brunet. Regal Armorie of Great Britain. 1839 •. . A 642 Bunker (Comp.). Long Island Genealo- gies. 1895 ....C16644 Burke, J. Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland. 4v. 1836-8 ♦R 362 and J. B. Heraldic Illustrations. 3v. 1844-6 ♦R 361 Encyclopaedia of Heraldry. 1844. *R 369 Burke, J. B. Anecdotes of the Aristoc- racy. 2v. 1849 C 1004 Same as Romance of the Aris- tocracy, Armory of England, Scotland, Ire- land and Wales. 1878 *R 347 Dictionary of the Peerage and Bar- onetage, 1883, '89, '92, '97...... ♦R 367 The same. 1874 *R 368 Dormant and Extinct Peerages.'66*R 370 Family Romance, 1853 C 36 Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry. 2v. 1891-5 *R 383 Heraldic Register, 1849-50 *R 353 Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 2v. 1875, 1900 ♦R 371 Orders of Knighthood and Decora- tions of Honour of all Nations. 1858 *R 354 Reminiscences, Ancestral and His- toric C 2454 Same as Rise of Great Families. Burke, J. B. Rise of Great Families. 1873 C 1305 Romance of the Aristocracy. 3v. '55. C 8 Same as Anecdotes of the Aristoc- racy. Seats and Arms of Noblemefi of Great Britain. 4v. 1852-5 .*R 359 Vicissitudes of Families. 1859 C 1306 Burn. Parish Registers in England. '62. A 482 Burnett. Popular Genealogists; Pedi- gree-Making. 1865 C10302 Chambers. Early Germans ol New Jer- sey. 1895 * V 2174 Chassant and Tausin. Dictionn'aire des Devises historiques et heraldiques. 2v. 1878 *R 300 Supplement ; par. Tausin. 2v. '95. Clansmen, pseud. Clans of Scotland.. C 3539 Clark. Concise History of Knighthood. 2v. 1784 A 3097 Introduction to Heraldry. 1866 1 3250 Claypool. Genealogical Helps *R 2696 Coleman. Index to Printed Pedigrees. 1866 ♦R 344 Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica. 8v. in 4. 1834-43 ♦C10321 Colons. Peerage of England 9v. i8i2.*R 342 Colonial Dames of America; Pennsyl- vania Society Register. 1898 ...B 4326 Courthope. Extinct Baronetage of Eng- land. 1835 *R 336 Craik. Romance of the Peerage. 4V.1848C 29 Crawfor* and Balcarres, Earl of. Earl- dom of Mar. 2v. 1882 C 1444 Crisp. Parish Registers and other Gen- ealogical Work^. 1897 *0 2457 Cussans. Hand-Book of Heraldry. 1882A 3084 Daguin. Ordres de Chevalerie autorises en France. 1894 *R 3^7 D'Alton. King James's Irish Army List, 1689. 2v. 1861 A 1329 Daughters of the American Revolution: American Monthly Magazine, 1896-99. V. 6-17 *Ser. Chicago Chapter; By-Laws, Officers and Members. 1899 B 3056 Lineage Book. I2v. 1895-1901 C17733 Davenport. The English Regalia. i897*P I596 Davies and Crookes. Public Arms of the United Kingdom. 1894 *R 345 Debrett's Peerage and Titles of Courtesy, 1879, 1894. 2v *R 340 Dielitz. Wahl-und Denkspriiche. i888*V 964 242 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. Dixon. Border, or Riding Cans, and Clan Dickson. 1889 C 3996 Doyle. Official Baronage of England, 1066-1885. 3v *R 378 Dlkjdale. Baronage of England to the Norman Conquest, iv. 1675-6. *R 4291 DuRRiE. Bibliographia Genealogica Ameri- cana, 1868, 1878. 1886 *R 386 Continued as Index to American Genealogies. Utility of 'Genealogy. 1862 *Ci697,i Ebersberg. Stammbuch-Aufsatze, In- schriften und Devisen D 3087 Elvin. Synopsis of Heraldry. 1866 *R 334 Essex Antiquarian (Essex Co., Mass.), 1897-1900. 4v *Ser. Essex Institute, Bulletins, 1870-98. 30V. .*Ser. Historical Collections, 1859-1900. 36\\*Ser. Evans. Grammar of British Heraldry. 1854 A Eve. Decorative Heraldry. 1897 A Fairbairn. Crests of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland. 2v.*R Farmer. First Settlers of New England. 1829 ....• .'...*R Foster. Royal Lineage of our Noble and Gentle Families. 1885 *R French, A. D. W. Index Armorial to the Surname French. 1892.... *R French, G. R. Ancestry of Queen Vic- toria and Prince Albert. 1841.. .C 1362 Gatfield. Books and MSS. relating to Heraldry and Genealogy. 1893. *R The same *0 Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Ritter- und Adels-Geschlechter. 1870 . .D Genealogist, The, 1877-99. 22v *Ser. George. Genealogical Tables of Modern History. 1874 *R The same. 1886 ; *R Glenn. List of American Genealogies which have been printed. 1897. *R Some Colonial Mansions, with Fam- ily Genealogies. 2v. 1898-1900. .C16688 Goodwin. Genealogical Notes of Settlers of Connecticut and Mass. 1856. .C Gothaisches Taschenbuch der Freiherr- lichen Hauser, 1890, 1895 *R Gothaisches Taschenbuch der Graflichen Hauser, 1890, 1895 *R GouGH. Glossary of Terms used in Brit- i.sh Heraldry. 1847 A 3098 3086 3082 363 385 374 337 335 577 269 232 233 398 145 328 327 GouRDON de Genouillac. Grammaire heraldique. 1877 C 5018 Mysteres du Blason. 1868 C 5017 Great Seals of England from Edward the Confessor to William IV. i837.*R 4347 Green. Historic Families of Kentucky. 1889 C Gritzner. HandlDUch der Ritter-und Ver- dienstorden. 1893 *R and HiLDEBRANDT. Wappcnalbum der graflichen Familien Deutschlands und Oesterreich-ungarns. 4v.' 1885- 1890 *P GuiGARD. Bibliotheque heraldique de la France. 1861 *0 2357 326 1693 122 GuiLLiM. Display of Heraldry. I724.*R 4293 GuRNEY. Reference Handbook for Eng- lish History. 1890 A 3217 Hampson. Origines Patriciae, European Titles. 1846 .J 871 Harleian Society Publications. See p. 51. Hayden. Virginia Genealogies. i89i..*Ci030o Haydn. Book of Dignities. 1890 *R 341 Herald and Genealogist, 1863-67. 4v. . . .*.S'^r. Heraldic Journal, 1865-8. 4v *Ser. Heraldry of Crests. 1829 *R 322 Heyer von Rosenfeld. Staatswappen der Bekanntesten Lander. 1895. *R 4273 HiLDEBRANDT. Dcutschc Reichs-uud Staatswappen, Flaggen und Kokar- den *R 325 HiNCHMAN. Early Settlers of Nantucket, Mass. 1896 C16740 HiNMAN. First Puritan Settlement of Connecticut. 1846 *R 382 HoLDEN. Primer of Heraldry for Ameri- cans. 1898 ...A 3083 HoTTEN. Lists of Emigrants from Great Britain to America, i6oo-i7oo.'74*R 472 Topography and Family History of England and Wales. 1863 *0 610 HoziER, d'. Armorial general ; ou, Regis- tres de la Noblesse de France. 13V. 1738-1884 *P 2010 fluLME. History, Principles and Prac- tice of Heraldry. 1892 A 3094 Hunter. Insignia of the Orders of Brit- ish Knighthood. 1844 *R 4268 Index to American Genealogies, 1895, 1900 *R 386 Index to Next of Kin; Heirs at Law, etc. ; comp. by Chambers, 1872, 1878 *R 339 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. 243 Index to Next of Kin, Heirs at Law, etc, comp. by Dougal, 1895 *R 315 Irish Compendium; or, Nobility of Ire- land. 1756 *R 319 Jones. Crowns and Coronations. 1883.. A 2131 Kendall. Kinship of Men. 1888 L 3950 King. National Arms of the United Kingdom. 1886 A 3093 •Kneschke. Deutsches Adels-Lexikon. gv. 1859-70 *R 320 Knight and Rumley. Crests of the No- bility of England. 1827 ♦R 4271 Langhorn. De danske Moltker. 1866... C 7377 Lindsay. Facsimile of Heraldic Manu- script. 1878 *P 853 Littell. Family Records of the Passaic Valley. 1851 C 1447 Lodge, E. Peerage and Baronetage pf the British Empire. 1874 *R 360 Lodge, J. Peerage of Ireland. 7v. 1789. *R 338 Lower. Curiosities of Heraldry. 1845.. A 3087 Patronymica Britannica. i860 ...♦R 366 Macgeorge. Flags ; some Account of their History. 1881 A 2129 Macintyre. The Cross and Crescent as Standards in War. 1854 M 3920 MacNeill. Titled Corruption ; Origin of some Irish Peerages. 1894 C16670 Madox. Baronia Anglica; History of Land Honors and Baronies. I74I*R 4370 Manual of Heraldry A 3088 Marshall. Genealogist's Guide *to Printed Pedigrees, 1879, 1893. •.*R 355 Index to Pedigrees in Heralds' Visitations. 1866 ♦R 348 Martin. The Record Interpreter. 1892. *R 394 Miller. First Settlers of Colchester County (Nova Scotia). 1873.... B 4775 Millington. Heraldry in History, Poetry and Romance. 1858 A 183 Mills. The American Lineage Leaf. '97*R 2810 Mitchell. History of Bridgewater [Mass.] with Family Register.'4oB 1072 Morris. List of Genealogies being com- piled. 1896 *R 397 Moule. Heraldry of Fish. 1842 A 3091 Munsell (Pub.). List of Genealogical Articles in American Periodicals. 1899 *R 291 Nares. Heraldic Anomalies. 2v. 1824.. E 4684 New England Historical and Genealogical Register, 1847-1900. 54V *Ser. Index to Genealogies and Pedi- . grees in, 1847-96. v. i-50..*R 396 New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, •1870-99. 30V *Ser. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 25th Anniversary, 1894.* V 2179 New York Marriage Licenses Previous to 1784. i860 *R 389 Newton. Display of Heraldry. 1846 A 3090 Nicholas. County t'amilies of Wales. 2v. 1872 *R 365 Nichols. Autographs of Royal Person- ages. 1829 *R 4300 Nicolas. History of Orders of British Knighthood. 4v. 1842 *R 4294 Historic Peerage of England. i857*R 357 NieSiecki. Herbarz Polski. lov in 5, 1839-45 *R 331 O'Byrne. The Victoria Cross, 1856-80. .A 3197 O'Hart. Irish Landed Gentry when Cromwell came to Ireland. i884*R 351 Irish Pedigrees. 1876 *R 333 Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly, 1898-1900. 3v *Ser. Oyen. Dictionnaire Nobiliaire. 1884. .*R 377 Palliser. Historic Devices, Badges and War Cries. 1870 A 2130 Papworth. Coats of Arms of Families of Great Britain and Ireland. 2v. 1874 *R 358 Patterson (Ed.). Probate Records of Lincoln Co., Me., 1760-1800. 1895B 3393 Pearson. First Settlers of Albany Co., N. Y. 1872 C 1530 Pelletreau. Early Long Island Wills of Suffolk Co., N. Y. 1897 B 4379 Wills of the Smith Families of New York and L. I., 1664-1794. 1898.C16739 Pennsylvania-German Society, Proceed- ings, 1891-99. lOv B 4328 . Phillimore. How to write the History of a Family. 1887 C16672 Supplement.' 1896 C16671 Pixley. History of the Baronetage. 1900C16729 Planche. Pursuivant of Arms. 1852... A 3085 Pope. Pioneers of Massachusetts. I900*R 2698 Potter. Genealogies of Old Families of Concord, Mass. 1887.. *V 935 Preston. Unclaimed Money, 1878 *R 329 The same. 1883 *R 330 244 GENEALOGY AND HERALDRY. Renesse. Dictionnaire des Figures he- raldiques. 5v. 1894-1900 *R 316 Rhode Island, Civil and Military List, 1647-1800. 1900 -.*R 296 RiETSTAP. Armorial general avec Dic- tionnaire des Termes du Blason. 2v. 1884-7 *R 349 Robertson and Brock. Pocahontas and her Descendants. 1887 *C 412 Round. Studies in Peerage and Family History. 1901 . . ■. C16732 Rupp. 30,000 Names of Immigrants in Pennsylvania, 1 727-1776 *R 409 Rye. Records and Record Searching. '88C16730 The same. 1897 *R 395 Sargent (Ed.). Maine Wills, 1640-1760. 1887 N 5046 York Deeds, 1642-1726. iiv. i838-96*B 3386 Savage. Genealogical Dictionary of New England. 4v. i860 *R 390 Index ; by Dexter. 1884 *R 39i Scotch-Irish in America, Proceedings, 1889-96. 8v B 2190 Scottish Clans and their Tartans. 1899.C16714 Searle. Anglo-Saxon Bishops, Kings and Nobles. 1899 *R 290 Segar. Honor ; Military and Civil. i6o2*V 1363 Selden. Titles of Honor. 1631 *V 178 Siebmacher. Wappenbuch, mit heraldi- schen Erlauterungen. 74V. in 52. 1856-98 *P 2266 SiMMONDS. British Roll of Honour ; Or- ders of Chivalry in various Coun- tries. 1888 A 3095 Sims, Index to Pedigrees and Arms in Heralds' Visitations. 1849 *R 356 Manual for the Genealogist, etc.'56*R 352 Smith. Founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1897 C16707 Society of the Cincinnati, Institution of, 1783 *V 1366 Institution of, in New Jersey, 1783- 1866 B 791 Institution of, in New York; by Schuyler *V 1367 Sons of the American Revolution: Illinois Society, Constitution, By- Laws and Membership. 1894 ...B 3113 Year Book, 1896 B 31 12 Kentucky Society, Year Book, 1896. B 3308 Missouri Society, Year Book, 1899. B 3662 Ohio Society, Year Book, 1896.... B 4181 Sons of the Revolution : California Society, Year Book, 1895B 1777 Illinois Society, Year Book, 1895. 1901 B 3111 New York.Society, Year Book, '93*V 1360 Ohio Society, Year Book, 1896 B 4180 Pennsylvania Society, Decennial Reg- ister, 1888-98 . . . .' • B 4330 Stiles. Hand-Book for use of Students in Genealogy. 1899 C16731 Stodart. Scottish Arms, 1370-1678. 2v. 1881 .....*P 851 Stroehl. Deutsche Wappenrolle. 1897. *P 1126 Heraldischer Atlas. 1899 *P 2017 Talcott. New York and New England Families. 1883 *Ciooio Tanguay. Dictionnaire genealogique des Families Canadiennes. 7%-? '7i-9o.*R 381 Taylor. Great Historic Families of Scot- land. 2v. 1887 *V 839 Thom's Official Directory of the United Kingdom, 1888, 1901 *R 1792 TiTCOMB. Early New England People. 1882 C 2282 Topographer and Genealogi'st ; ed. by Nichols. 3v. 1846-58 *Ci0322 Verneuil. Dictionnaire des Symboles, Emblemes et Attributs. i897.*R 299 Walford. Chapters from Family Chests. 2v. 1887 C10151 County Families of the United King- dom. 1871 *R 372 Peerage for 1885 *R 321 Tales of our Great Families. 4v. 1877-80 C 1617 Windsor Peerage for 1890. *R 324 Ward. Family Register of Inhabitants of Shrewsbury, Mass. 1847 C 1635 Warnecke. Heraldisches Handbuch. 1893 *V 657 WashSourne. Book of Family Crests. 2v. 1875 *R 323 Welles. American Family Antiquity. 3v. 1880 *V 847 Westcott. Persons who took the Oath of Allegiance to Penn., 1777-89 B 4306 Whitaker's Titled Persons, 1898 *R 310 Whitmore. The American Genealogist, 1868, 1875 *R 384 Continued as American Genealo- gist. Elements of Heraldry. 1866 *R 364 FAMILY HISTORIES. -^45 Whittemore, H. Heroes of the Ameri- can Revolution and their Descend- ants. 1897-9 B 2360 Whittemore, J. Genealogical Register of the Families of Fitzwilliam, N. H. 1888 B 3861 Willing. Dame Heraldry. 1886 A 3089 Wood. Sketch of Huntington, L. I., with Genealogical Notes. 1898 B 4064 Woodward. Ecclesiastical Heraldry.'94.*R 343 Heraldry, British and Foreign. 2v. 1896 ♦R 393 Worthy. Practical Heraldry; English Armory. 1889 A 3092 Wrangel. Die souveranen Fiirstenhauser Europas. 2v. 1898-9 *R 3M Wyman. Genealogies of Charlestown, Mass. 2v. 1879 *R 392 ZiEBER. Heraldry in America. 1895 •*R 332 FAMILY HISTORIES. Abbot Family ; by Abbot. 1847 C 161 Adams Family ; by Adams. 1894 C16657 Adams Family; by Whittemore. 1893..C10307 Ainsworth Family; by Parker. 1894- .C10327 Alden Family ; by E. Alden. 1867 C 10029 Alden Family; by J. Alden. 1890 Ciooii Allen Family ; by Allen. 1869 C10015 Allerton Family, 1585-1885; by Allerton.Cioo62 The same; revised and enlarged by Currier. 1900 C16687 Alvord Family; by Boutell and Burke. 1864 C10047 Ames Family ; by Kimball. 1890 C16653 .Ammidown Family; by Aramidown.'77C 10076 Andrews Family ; by A. Andrews. 1872C I973 Andrews Family; by H. F. Andrews. '90C102Q3 Andrews Family; by R. Andrews. 1893C10333 Angell Family; by Angell. 1872 C 2249 Appleton Family ; by Jewett. 1850 C 3497 Arms Family ; by Arms. 1877 C10075 Arnold Family; by Dean. 1879 ♦Cioio8,i Atwater Family; by Atwater. 1873 C 1347 Avery Family; by Sellers. 1898 C16699 Ayls worth Family ; by Ayls worth. 1887C 10040 Bachiler or Batcheller Family; by San- born. 1894 *Ci6720,i Backus Family; by Backus. 1889 C10051 Ballou Family ; by Ballou. 1888 €10053 Banta Family ; by Banta. 1893 C16695 Barber Family ; by Barber. 1890 C10067 Barr Family; by Barr. 1901 C16698 Barrett Family ; by Barrett. 1888 Cioo6» Bartholomew Family ; by Bartholomew. 1885 ' C10077 Batchelder or Batcheller Family ; by Pierce. 1898 *Ci668j Batcheller Family; by Sanborn. 1894*016720.1 Beckwith Family; by Beckwith. i89i.Cioiog Bellinger Family; by Bulloch. 1895. . .C16646 Benton Family; by Benton. 1901 C 16702 Bergen Family; by Bergen. 1866 C 3467 Besbedge (Bisbee) Family; by Lapham. 1876 C10012 Bicknell Family. 1880 C 1670 Bidwell Family; by Bidwell. 1884. . . .C10028. Bigelow Family, 1642-1890; by Howe.' 1890 '. C10065 Bill Family; by Bill. 1867 €1029^ Binney Family; by Binney. 1886 C 2260 Bisbee (Besbedge) Family; by Lapham. 1876 C10012 Blake Family; by Blake. 1857 C 10059 Blake Family; by Sanborn. 1894 . .*Ci 6720,1 Bliss Family ; by Bliss. 1881 C 2264 Bogman Family ; by Leavitt. 1890 C16641 Bolton Family ; by Bolton. 1889 C10066 Bonaparte Family C 3720 Bonney Family; by Bonney. 1898 C 16709 Boothe Family. 1862 C10294 Bouton, or Boughton Family; by Bough- ton. 1890 C10057 Bowen Family ; by Bowen. 1897 C16661 Boyd Family; by Boyd. 1884 €10050 Bradbury Family; by Lapham. 1890. .G10097 Bradlee Family; by Doggett. 1878 C 1730 Bradley Family; by Bradley. 1894 C10343 Brainard Family. 1867 C 203 Breck Family ; by Breck. 1889 C10048 Bretz Family, 1750-1890; by Parthemore. 1890 C10120 Bridgman Family; by Bridgman. 1894.C10346 Brigham Family; by Brigham. 1900. . .C16766 Bright Family ; by Bright. 1858 C 1303 Brinckerhoff Family; by Brinkerhoff.'87Cioii9 Bromfield Family; by Slade. 1872. .*Cioio8,i Brooke Family ; by Balch. 1899 €16701 Brown Family ; by Brown. 1898 €16761 Browning Family (Robert Browning's Ancestors); by Furnivall *€i6720,i Bryant Family; by Baetjer. 1887 €10058 Buck Family; by Buck. 1892 €10306 Buck Family ; by Harvey. 1889 €10116 Buckingham Family; by €hapman. 1872c 1358 246 FAMILY HISTORIES. Bulkeley Family; by Chapman. 1875. .C 1346 Burke Family; by Boutell and Burke.'64C 10047 Burleigh Family; by Burleigh. 1880 C 1415 Burnham Family; by Burnham. 1869..C10083 3urr Family ; by Todd. 1878 C 1613 Burrage Family; by Burrage. 1877 C10093 Burl-oughs Family ; by Burroughs. 1894C10359 Butler Family ; by Butler. 1888 C 3973 Cabell Family ; by Brown. 1895 *C 16700 Cameron Clan; by Mackenzie. 1885... C 2862 Capron Family, 1660- 1S59; by Holden.Cioo52 Carter Family ; by Potts. 1883 C10287 Carteret Family; by Baetjer. 1887. . • .C10058 Caverly Family, 1116-1880 C 1926 Caverno Family; by Caverno. 1874. •*Ci697,4 ChaTnpion Family; by Trowbridge. 1891C10034 Chandler Family; by Chandler. 1872.. C 1772 Chapin Family ; by O. Chapin. 1862 C 1342 Chapin * Family, Chapins who served in the Wars ; by C. W. Chapin. 1895C10350 Chapman Family; by F. W. Chapman. 1854 C 1351 Chapman Family; by J. Chapman. 1893C16663 Chauncey Family; by Fowler. 1858 C10019 Chessman Family; by Chessman. 1893.C10348 Chittenden Family of Guilford; by Tal- cott. 1882 C 3499 Chute Family ; by Chute. 1894 C16659 Clapp Family; by Oapp. 1876 C10018 Clark Family ; by Clark. 1866 C 2269 Clarke Family of Newbury, Mass.; by Clarke. 1885 C 3474 Clason Family; by Lapham. 1892 C10295 Clay Family; by Smith and Clay. '99.*Vi405,i4 Cleveland Family; by Cleveland. i879-C 1324 Cogswell Family; by Jameson. 1884.. C ^935 Coit Family; by Chapman. 1874 C10118 Cole (Kool) Family; by Cole. 1876. .. .C 2332 Colt Family ; by Rogers. 1879 C 2878 Comberbach Family ; by Marshall. 1866.C 2879 Conable, Connable or Cunnabell Family, 1650- 1886; by Connable and New- comb. 1886 C10085 Conant Family ; by Conant. 1887 C 3458 Converse Family; by Hill. 1887 C 2236 Coolidge Family; by Coolidge. 1897. .*V 2305 Corwin Family ; by Corwin. 1872 C 223 Coutts Family ; by Rogers. 1879 C 2878 Crafts Family ; by Crafts. 1893 C10326 Crater or Grater Family ; by Crater. '94.C10349 Crosby Family ; by Crosby. 1877 C 2286 Crozer Family. 1866 C 1764 Culbertson or Culberson Family; by Cul- bertson. 1893 C10342 Cunnabell, or Connable Family, 1650- 1886; by Connable and Newcomb.C 10085 Cushman Family; by Cushman. 1855.. C 1357 Cutler Family ;' by Cutler. 1889 C 3559 Cutler Family ; by Morse. 1867. C 2333 Cutter Family; by Cutter. 1871 C 1412 Cutts Family ; by Howard. 1892 *Ci0303 Dabney Family; by Dabney. 1888 C10021 Davenport Family; by Davenport. i85iC227i,i Supplement to same. 1876 ;.C227i,2 Dawes Family; by Holland. 1878 *Ci7734 Dawson Family; by Dawson. 1874.... C 2268 Deane (Dean) Family; by Deane. 1849C 1400 The same, with Suppl. 1893-7. C 1400 Dearborn Family; by Goodwin. 1884. C 1644 Denny Family ; by Denny. 1886 C10086 De Veaux Family; by Bulloch. 1895..C16646 Dewey Family; by Dewey. 1898 *V 2187 Dimon or Dimond Family; by Dimond. 1891 C10080 Dodge Family; by J. T. Dodge. 1894.C10317 Dodge Family; by R. Dodge. 1886. .. .C10017 Dorland Family; by Cremer. 1898 C16694 Douglas Family; by Douglas. 1890 C10087 Downer Family; by Downer. 1900. . . .C16675 Dows or Dowse Family; by Dows, 1642- 1890 C10009 Dudley Family; by Adlard. 1862 C16664 Dudley Family ; by Dudley. 1848 C 248 Dunster Family; by Dunster. 1876 C 1337 Dunwody Family; by Bulloch. 1895..C16649 Dutton Family ; by Cope. 1871 C 1333 Earle Family ; by Earle. 1888 C10033 Early Family ; by Early. 1896 C16666 Eaton Family ; by Eaton. 1885 Cioi 14 Eddy Family ; by Eddy. 1881 C 2266 Edwards Family; by Edwards. i894.*Ci6720,i Edwards Family Meeting at Stockbridge, 1870. 1871 C10013 Eliot Family ; by Eliot. 1854 C 254 Elliott Family; by Bulloch. 1895 C16649 Ellis Family ; by Ellis. 1888 C10044 Ely Family; by Ely and Terry. 1885. *V 1413 Emery Family ; by Emery. 1890 C10099 Emmet Family; by Emmet. 1898 *V 2186 Estabrook Family; by Estabrook. 1891C10282 Estes Family, 1097-1893; by C. Estes. C10325 Estes Family ; by W. R. G. Estes. 1892.C10334 Etheredge Family. 1872 *Ci697,2 Fairfax Family ; by Neill. 1868. ...... C 689 Farnham Family; by Farnham. 1886. C 2076 FAMILY HISTORIES. 247 Farnsworth Family; by Farnsworth. '91C10285 Faxon Family ; by Faxon. 1880 C 3496 Felt Family ; by Morris. 1893 C10353 Felton Family; by Felton. 1886 C10115 Fenton Family; by Weaver. 1867. . .*C 1697,2 Field Family; by Pierce. 2v. 1901. . . .C16749 Fillow, Philo or Philleo Family; by Van Hoosear. 1888 .'. . . C 3978 Fisher Family; by Fisher. 1890 C10046 Fisk or Fiske Family; by Pierce. i896*V 2184 Fi^ke Family ; by Fiske. 1867 C 1976 Fletcher Family. 1878 ♦€1697,3 Fletcher Family; by Fletcher. 1871 C 2270 Folsom Family; by Chapman. 1882... C 2262 Fontaine Family; by Maury. 1872 C 1094 Forbes or Forbush Family ; by Pierce. 1892 C10288 Forster Family ; by Forster. 1876 ♦€1697,2 Forsyth Family; by Fronsac. 1888. .*Ci6720,i Foster Family ; by Forster. 1876 ♦€1697,2 Foster Family ; by Pierce, 1899 ♦C16686 Fowler Family; by Fowler. 1870 ♦€1697,1 Fowler Family; by Stickney. 1883 € 1672 Franccis Family; by French. 1893 €10315 The same, in England, Iioo-i350.*96€i0392 Francus Family ; by French. 1893 €10315 The same, in England, Iioo-I350.*96€i0392 Freeman Genealogy. 1875 C 1413 French Family ; by French. i8<;3 €10315 The same, in England, iioo-i350.'96€i0392 Fry Family; by Slaughter. 1880 €17929 Fuller Family; by Fuller. 1896 ♦€16720,1 Gibbs Family; by Gibbs. 1893 €10310 Gibson Family, 1634-1899; by Wilson. 1900 C16716 Giddings Family: by Giddings. 1882..C10070 Gile Family; by Burleigh. 1S87 € 2244 Gilc Family; by Walker. 1895 €16715 Giles Memorial; by Vinton. 1864 € 1636 (iilkey Family ; by Walker. 1895 €16715 Gillson and Jillson Family ; by Jillson. 1876 €10092 Gilman Family; by Gilman. 1869 €16689 Gilmer Family; by Speed. 1897 €16708 Glover Family; by Glover. 1867 € 1414 Goode Family ; by Goode. 1887. € 934 Goodrich Family Memorial ; by Good- rich ♦€ 1702 Goodwin Family, of Hartford, Conn. ; by Goodwin. 1891 €16645 Goodwin Family, of Kittery, Maine; by Goodwin. 1898 €16669 Gore Family ; by Whitmore. 1875 C 3471 Goss Family; by Lawrence. 1881 €1452,31 Gould Family ; by Gould. 1895 C 10354 Grater or Greter Family; by Crater. '94C10349. Gray Family ; by Raymond. i8§7 Cioioo Green Family; by Green. 1876 € 31S Greene Family; by F. L. Greene. 1894.. €10323^ Greene Family; by R. Greene. i885.*Cioio8.3, Green (e) Family; by S. S. Greene. 1858C10023 Greenough Family; by Piatt. 1895 C16642 Greter or Grater Family; by Cr?iter. 1894 €10349" Gross Family; by Sahler. 1895 *V 2182 Guild Family; by Burleigh. 1887 C 2244 Guile Family; by Burleigh. 1887 € 2J44 Gurneys of Earlham ; by Hare. 2v. 1895. €16390- Guthrie Family ; by Dunn. 1897 €16^^92 Guthrie Family ; by Guthrie. 1889 €10007 Hall Family ; by Hall. 1886 C 2086- Hall Family of New England. 1883. . . .€ 1998 Hambleton Family; by Hambleton. 1887.C 2187 Hamlin Family; by Andrews. 1894. .. .€10358 Harris Family ; by Harris. 1861 ♦€1697,2 Harris Family ; by Morgan. 1878 € 1482 Hartwell Family, 1636-1887; by Dens- more. 1887 .€10112- Harwood Families ; by Harwood, i879.^C229i The same, revised. 1896 Ci6662' Hastings Family; by Bell. 1820 ♦V 757 . Hatch Family; by Fletcher. 1879 C 2257 Hawlcy Family, Genealogy of ...... . .*€ioio8,i Hawley Family; by Hawley. 1890 *R ^34^ Hayden Family; by Hayden. 1888 O1004S Heard Family; by Edwards.* 1880 Cioi02- Herrick Family ; by Herrick. 1885 C 2261 Hervey Family € 2877 Heston Family; by Heston. 1883. ...*Ci6720.i Higbe Family, 1647-1899; by Patterson*C 16682 Hinman Family; by Hinman. 1866 €1003^ Hinsdale Family; by Hinsdale. i883.*Cioio8,3 Hoadley Family; by Trowbridge. 1894.C16652: Hoagland Family, 1638-1891 ; by Carpen- ter. 1891 -. C10314: Hollingsworth Family ; by Hollingsworth, 1884 CT0082 Hollister Family ; by Case. 1886 C 2252 Holstein Family; by Holstein. 1892 C 10344 Holt Family ; by Durrie. 1864 C 344 Homer Family, Genealogy of. i889.*Cioio8,2 Horton Family ; by Horton, 1876 C 2267 Houston Family; by Houston. 1882. . . .C 203^ Howe Family Gathering, 1871 ; by Na- son. 1871 *Ci697,3. Howes Family ; by Howes. 1892 C10313 FAMILY HISTORIES. Howes Family ; by Sanford. 1893 C10331 Howland Family ; by Howland. 1885 . . . C 2256 Hoyt Family ; by Hoyt. 1857 C 1395 Hull Family; J)y Hull. 1863 C 10037 Hull Family; by Mason. 18J34 C10320 Humphreys Family; by Humphreys. 1886 n 792 Hunt Family ; by Wyman. 1863 C 1638 Hunting or Huntting Family; by Hunt- tin^. 1888 C10006 Huntingdon Peerage; by Bell. 1820... *V 757 Huntington Family; by Huntington. 1863 • C 1900 Hurlbut Family ; by Hurlbut. 1888. . . .C 3498 Hutchinson Family; by J. Hutchinson. 1874 '.C 347 Hutchinson Family; by J. W. Hutchin- son. 2v. 1896 C10394 Hutchinson Family ; by Whitmore. 1865. C 1903 Ireland Family; by Ireland. 1880 *Cioio8,2 Janes Family ; by Janes. 1868 C 1425 Jessup Family; by Jessup. 1887 C10055 Jewell Family; by Jewell, i860 *Cioo88 Jillson and Gillson Family; by Jillson. 1876 C10092 Johnes Family, 1629-1886; by Johnes. 1886 C10078 Johnson Memorial ; by Johnson. 1895. .C16656 Jones Family ; by Jones. 1891 Cioi 17 Jordan Memorial; by Jordan. 1882.... C 1427 Keep Family ; by Best. 1899 C16764 Keinadt Family ; by Koiner. 1893 *Ci6648 Kemble Family; by Fitzgerald. 2V....C 800 Kilbourn Family; by Kilbourn. 1845..C10111 Kimball Family, 1634-1885; by Kimball. 1885 C10074 Kiniber Family ; by Kimber. 1894 C10329 Kirkland or Kirtland Family ; by San- born. 1894 *Ci6720, 1 Knox Family ; by Rogers. 1879 C 10309 Kollock Family, 1657-1897; by Sellers. 1897 C16668 Kool (Cole) Family; by Cole. 1876. .C 2332 Ladd Family ; by Ladd. 1890 C10284 Lamborn Family; by Lamborn. 1894. .C10356 Lane Family; .by Chapman and Fitts. 1891 C10283 Lane Family; by Whitmore. 1857 ....C 379 Lathrop Family. Genealogy of *Cioio8,i Lawrence Family; by J. Lawrence. 3v. 1881 C 1452 Lawrence Family; by R. I^.I. Lawrence. .C 10020 Learned Family; by Learned. 1882. ...C 205^1 Leavitt Family; by Torrey. 1853. . . .*Cioio8,3 Leavitt, Levet or Lovet Family ; by San- born. 1894 *Ci6720,i Lee Family; by L. and S. F. Lee. 1897016690,1 Supplement. 1900 Ci6690,2 Lee Family ; by^ S. M. Lee C10054 Lee Family; by' Mead. 1868 C 1473 Lee Family, of Virginia, 1642-1892; by E. J, Lee. • 1895 .....*¥ 2183 Lee (Leigh) Family of Massachusetts; by W. Lee. 1888 C 3960 Leighton Family; by Jordan. 1885 C 2q6o Leland Family ; by Leland. 1850 C10060 Leonard Family Memoir; by Deane. 1851 *Ci697,3 Leslie Family, 1067-1869; by Leslie. 3v. in 2. 1869 C16667 Leverett Family. 1856 C 2263 Lewis Family ; by Lewis. 1893 C10324 Libby Family ; by Libby. 1882 C 2273 Lindsay Family; by Lindsay. 1889.... C 3958 Little Family ; by Little. 1882 C 1455 Livingston Family; by Clarkson. 1869. C 1316 Locke Family; by Locke. 1853 C 3555 Loomis Family ; by Loomis. 2v. i88o.*C 2283 Lovet, Levet or Leavitt Family; by San- born. 1894 *Ci6720,i Low Family; by Barbour. 1890 *Ci036a McCIary Family, 1826-69; by ^\lcCIary. 1896 *Ci6720.i Macdonald Clan ; by Mackenzie. 1881 . .C 2861 MacGregor Family, Clan Gregor; by MacGregon 1898 ''016713 McKean Family; by Buchanan. 1890..C10113 Mackenzie Clan; by Mackenzie. 1879.. C 2863 Maclean Family; by MacLean. 1893. . .C16673 MacLean, History of the Clan; by Mac- Lean. 1889 C10339 Macnamara Family; by Macnamara. 1896 A 1357 Macy Family ; by Macy. 1868 C 2246 Mageimis Family; by Meginness. 1891. .C16651 Magoun Family, Supplement to; by Breck. 1893 *Ci6720.i Makepeace Families, 1637-1857; by Make- peace. 1859 Cioio8,3 Maltby-Morehouse Family ; by Maltby. 1895 C16676 Mann Family ; by Mann. 1884 C 2276 Maris Family; by Maris. 1885...... *V 2181 Marsh Family; by Marsh. 1888 C 2327 Marshall Family; by Marshall. 1884..C10073 Marshall Family; by Paxton. 1885 C 2154 Marston Family ; by Watson. 1873 C10026 FAMILY HISTORIES. 249 lartiii Family ; by Martin. 1880 C10039 Marvin Family ; by Marvin. 1848 C 1464 Mason Family; by Mason. 1891 C10089 Mather Family; by Pond. 1844 C 2114 lay Family; by May. 1878 C 2277 •lead Family, Genealogy of C10291 Mellick Family; by Mellick. 1889. ...B 3924 Mendelssohn Familie, 1729-1847; von Hensel. 2v. 1882 D 4096 Mendelssohn Family ; by Hensel. 2v. '82C 3664 Meriwether Family ; by Minor. 1892. . .C10289 Montgomery Family; by F. Montgom- ery. 1897 C16721 Montgomery Family; by T. H. Mont- gomery. 1863 C 2278 Moody Family; by Moody. 1847 C10036 Morehouse Family; by Maltby. 1895..C16676 \Iorey Family, 1(531-1890; by Lea vitt. .C 1664 1 Morgan Family; by Morgan. 1869 C 1485 Morris Family ; by J. F. Morris. 1887. .C10041 \lorris Family; by T. S. Morris. 1894. .C10318 Morrison Family; by Guild. 1891 C10286 Morrison Family; by Morrison. 1880.. C 1484 ■ f.)\vry Family ; by Mowry. 1878 C 2061 Mudge Memorials; by Mudge. 1868. .C 1477 Munsell Family ; by Munsell. 1884. . . .C10095 Xash Family ; by Nash. 1853 C10316 XeUon Family. 1867 C 3473 Newcom()e Family; by Ncwcombe. 1874C 1563 Newton Family ; by Lull. 1896 C 16660 \orris Family; by Morrison. 1892 ^10292 N'oyes Family ; by Noyes. 1889 ♦C10108.2 O'Brien Family ; by O'Donoghue. i860. A 1423 Olcott Family ; by Goodwin. 1874 C 2284 Olin Family ; by Olin. 1893 C10298 Oliver Family ; by Whitmorc. 1865 C 1903 Olmstead Family; by Thomas. 1869.. C 1607 Op Dyck Family ; by Opdyke. 1889. . . .C10027 O'Sullivan and Sullivan Family; by Amory. 1893 C10312 Paine Family ; by Paine. 1880-3 C10107 Palmer Family Rc-union; by Palmer. 1881 C 3466 Payne Family ; by Whitmore. 1875 C 347i Peabody Family; by Endicott. 1867. . .C10063 Pearce Family; by Pierce. 1888 C 39^9 Peirce Family ; by Peirce. 1880 C'3439 Pel ton Family ; by Pelton. 1S92 C10308 Pennypacker Re-union. 1877; by Penny- packer. 1878 B 1237 Perkins Family of Connecticut; by Perkins, i860 *Ci696.i Perrin Family ; by Perin. 1885 C 2274 Perry Family ; by Perry. 1890 *Cioio8,2 Pfeiffer Family, 1734-1899; by Sell ers..C 16780 Philbrick and Philbrook Families; by Chapman. 1866 Cioooi Philleo, Philo or Fillow Family; by Van Hoosear. 1888 C 3978 Phillips Family; by Phillips. 1885 C10042 Pierce Family; by Pierce. 1889 C 10004 Pierson Family; by Pierson. 1878. .*Cioio8,i Piper Family; by Piper. 1889 C10352 Pitkin Family, 1659-1886; by Pitkin. '87 C 1003 5 Piatt Family ; by Piatt. 1891 C10296 Plumsted Family ; by Devereux. 1887 . . C10105 Pollard Family, 1759-1821 ; by Under- wood. 1891 *Ci6720,i Pomroy Family; by Lawrence. 1881 . .Ci452,3 Pond Family ; by Harris. 1873 C 456 Pond Family; by Pond. 1875 C10016 Poole Family ; by Poole. 1893 C10311 Poore Family, 1615-1880; by Poore...*V 1368 Pope Family, 1634-1888; by Pope. 1888.C10002 Porter Family; by Andrews. 2v. 1893..C10338 Porter Family; by CK. Porter. i895.*Ci6720,i Porter Family; by J. W. Porter. 1878. C i535 Potter Family ; by Potter. 1888 *V 936 Potts Family; by James. 1874 C10341 Potts Family; by Potts. 1895 C166S5 Powell Family ; by Bunker. 1895 C 16644 Powers Family; by Powers. 1884 C 3928 Pratt Family ; by Chapman. 1864 C 2275 Pratt Family ; by Letch worth. 1874 C 2285 Pratt Family ; by Pratt. 1897 .C16684 Preble Family ; by Preble. 1868 *C 2281 Prentice Family; by Binney. 1852 C 1671 Prcscott Family; by Prescott. 1870. . .C10091 Prime Family; by E. D. G. Prime. 1888C1O658 Prime Family, of Mil ford, Conn. ; by R. E. Prime. 1895 *Ci6720,i The same. 1895 r.Ci6647 Provost Family, 1545-1895; by Provost. C16685 Qiiisenberry Family; by Quisenberry. 1900 C16696 Rawlins Family ; by Rollins. 1874 C i549 Rawson Family Memorial ; by Crane. 1875 c 1334 Redfield Family; by Redfield. i860. . .C10096 Reed Family ; by Reed. 1861 C 2170 Reyner Family; by Whitmore. 1857... C 379 Reynolds Family; by Runnels. 1873. -.C 2280 Rice Family; by Ward. 1858. C 1643 Rich Family ; by Rich. 1892 C 10335 Richards Family ; by Morse. 1861 C :il77 Richardson Family; by Vinton. 1876..C10031 250 FAMILY HISTORIES. Ric'hardson Family of Cleveland; by Boyce. 1889 C10030 Richmond Family, 1594-1896; by Rich- mond. 1897 '. *V 1591 Roberdeau Family; by Buchanan. 1876.C16654 Rock wood Family; by Rockwood. 1856. C 1546 Rollins Family; by Rollins. 1874 C I549 Rollo Family, 1685-1895; by Rollo. 1896 *Ci6720,i Root Family, 1600-1870; by Root. 1870. C 3495 Rose Family; by Stanard. 1895 C16693 Ruggles Family; by Ruggles. 1894 €16697 Runnels Family; by Runnels. 1873.... C 2280 Russell Family ; by Wiffen. 2v. 1833.. C 904 Rutherfurd Family; by Rutherfurd. 1894 *Ci6643 Ryedale Family; by Ridlon. 1884 C 2351 Sahler Family; by Sahler. 1895 *V 2182 Samborne or Sanborn Family, English Ancestry of; by Sanborn. i894*C 16720,1 American and English Sambornes ; by Sanborn. 1895 C16705 Sanford Family; by Sanford. 1894 C10336 Sares or Sears Family, 1638-1888; by May. 1890 C10022 Saunders Family; by Smith. 1897 C16707 Sawyer Family; by Walker, 1895 C16715 Sayward Family; by Sayward. 1890..C16650 Schell Family; by Denissen. 1896 C16665 Schwenkfelder Family; by Heebner and Kriebel. 1879 C10357 Scranton Family ; by Scranton, 1855.. C 1587 Searight or Seawright Family; by Sea- right. 1893 .*Ci6703 Sears or Sares Family, 1638-1888; by May. 1890 C10022 Sessions Family; by Sessions. 1890..C10081 Seton Family ; by Seton. 1899 C16704 Severans Family; by Severance. 1893.C10345 Shakspere Family; by Stopes. 1901. . .C16706 Sharpe Family ; by Sharpe. 1874 C10103 Shattuck Family Memorials ; by Shattuck. 1855 C 1576 Shuey Family; by Shuey. 1876 C10014 Slafter Family; by Slafter. 1869 C10069 Slocum Family; by Slocum. 1882 C I577 Smith Families of New York and Long Island, 1664-1794; by Pelletreau. 1898 C16739 Somerville Family; by Montgomery. 1897 C16721 Spalding Family; by Spalding. 1872.. C 1582 Spoflford Family; by Spofford. 1888. . .CT0049 Spooner Family; by Spooner. 1883 C 1673 Stanley Families; by Warren. 1887. • • .C10094 Stanton Family; by Stanton. 1891. .. .010079 Starin Family; by Stone. 1892 *V 1469 Start Family>; by Start. 1894 C10337 Steele Family; by Durrie. 1859 *V 1468 Stetson Familj ; by Barry. 1847 C 2062 Stewart Family; by Bulloch. 1895 €16649 Stickney Family; by Stickney. 1869. ..C 518 Stiles Family; by Guild. 1892 C10084 Stiles Family; by Stiles. 1863 C 2226 Stoddard Family; by Stoddard. 1865. .C 2245 Stone Family ; by Stone. 1888 C 2322 Strobridge, Morrison, Strawbridge Fam- ilies; by Guild. 1891 C10286 Strong Family; by Dwight. 2v. 1871..C 512 Sullivan and O'Sullivan Family; by Am- ory. 1893 C10312 Sutton-Dudley Family. See Dudley Family. Swearingen or Van Sweringen Famil)'^; by Swearingen. 1894 *Ci6720,r Swift Family, 1800-1865; by Ellery.'90*V 1412 Symmes Family; by Vinton. 1873 C 504 Taintor Family; by Taintor. 1847 C 161 1 Tenney Family; by Tenney. 1875. .. .C 2279 Terry Families; by Terry. 1887 €10098^ Thayer Family; by B. Thayer. 1874. . .C10003 Thayer Family; by E. Thayer. 1835..C10025 Thomas Family; by A. R. Thomas. •1891 C10297 Thomas Family; by L. B. Thomas. 1877-78 *V 564 Threiplands of Fingask; by Chambers. 1882 ,....C 775 Thurston Family, 1635-1880; by Thurs- ton. 1880 C 2316 Thwing Family ; by Thwing. 1883 Cioioi Tiernan Family in Maryland. 1898 C16734 Todd Family ; by Edwards. 1894 *Ci6720.i Todd Family ; by Greene. 1867 C 1536 Tomlinson Family; by Orcutt. 1891..C10043 Torrey Family; by Torrey. 1890 C10024 Towne Family Memorial; by Hubbard. 1880 C 1306 Townesend Family; by Townshend. * 1892 C10330 Tracy Family ; by Abbey. 1889. '. C10304 Tracy Family ; by Mason. 1895 C1035 r Tracy Family of Connecticut; by Ripley. 1895 ...; ■.'. C10355 Trowbridge Family ; by Chapman. 1872. C 1348 Trubee Family : by Garlick. 1894 C10340 FAMILY HISTORIES— NAMES. 2;r Tuck Family, 1638-1877; by Dow. 1877.C10071. Twining Family; by Twining. 1890. . .C16710 Tyler Family; by Brigham. 1 897- 1 900. C 16767 t'pham Family; by Upham. 1892 C10301 \'an Sickle Family; by Van Sickle. 1880 C10347 Van Sweringen (or Swearingen) Fam- ily ; by Swearingen. 1894 *Ci6720,i Verney Family, 1456-1696; by Verney. 4v. 1892-99 C16893 Vilas Family; by Vilas. 1875 C 1614 Vinton Family; by Vinton. 1858 C 1634 VVadsworth Family; by Wadsworth. 1883 C 2440 Waldo Family ; by Hall. 1883 C10090 Walker Family; by Walker. 1895 C16715 Walkers of Plyfnouth Colony; by Walk- er. 1861 C 585 Wallbridge Family; by Wallbridge. 1896 C16660 Ward Family; by Ward. 1851 C 1619 Ware Family ; by Ware. 1887 *Cioio8.i Warren Family; by Wheeler. 1892 C10281 Washburn Family; by Washburn. 1898. C 16724 Washington Family; by Welles. 1879. C 2364 Watson Family; by Watson. 1865 C 1618 Weeks Family; by Chapman. 1889. ..C 3959 Weeks Family ; by Weeks. 1885 C10032 Welles Family. 1896 ♦V 2170 Wells Family; by Hayes. 1878 C10008 Wells or Welles Family; by Welles. 1848 *Ci697,i Wcntworth Family; by Wentworth. 3v. 1878 C 1621 Wetmore Family ; by Wetmore. 1861..C 580 Wheeler Family; by Wheeler. 1892.. .C10281 Whipple Family; by Whitmore. 1857. .C 379 White Family; by Kellogg, i860 Cioiio White Family; by White and Richards. 1889 C10056 Whitman Family; by Farnam. 1889. . .C10005 Whitney Family, of Watertown, Mass. ; by Melville. 1896 *P 375 The same ; by Pierce. 1895 C10332 Whittelsey- Whittlesey Family; by C. B. Whittelsey. 1898 C16711 Whittlesey Family; by J. S., C. B. and H. N. Whittlesey. 1855 C 1622 Wight Family ; by Wight. 1890 ♦V 1590 Wilder Family ; by Wilder. 1878 C 1629 Williams Family; by J. F. Williams. ■ 1889 C 3979 Williams Family; by S. W. Williams. 1847 C 1628 i Williams Family; by Wright. 1887.". . .C10064 Winchell Family; by Winchcll. 1869. .C10106 Wolcott Family; by Wolcott. i88i...*V 205 Wood Family ; by Wood. 1885 C 2437 Woodbridge Family ; by Mitchell. 1883 *V 1414 Woolworth Family; by Woolworth and Kimpton. 1893 C10528 Worcester Family ; by Worcester. 1856. C 586 NAMES. Aasen. Norsk Navnebog. 1878 C 8199 Allen. Gold Nails to hang Memories on; Christian Names. 1890 E 6823 Anderson. Genealogy and Surnames. 1865 ...J 391 Arthur. Dictionary of Names. 1857. ^J 1376 Bacmeister. .Alemannischc Wanderun- gen ; Ortsnamen. 1867 D 3684 Barber. British Family Names. 1894. *R 388 Bardslev. Curiosities of Puritan No- menclature. 1880 J 423 Our English Surnames. 1873...... J 924 BowDiTCH. Suffolk Surnames. 1861 . .J 922 Boyd. Indian Local Names. 1885 J 398 Butler. Naming of America. 1874 *E 2014 Ctfntury Cyclopedia of Names. 1894.. *R 30 Charnock. Ludus Patronymicus; Ety- mology of Curious Surnames. '68.J 353 Clarke. Giving Names to Towns and Streets. 1880 *J 904 Di.xoN. Surnames. 1857 J 422 Edmunds. Traces of History in Names of Places. 1869 J 384 Ferguson, River Names of Europe. 1862.I 570 Surnames as a Science. 188.3 J 383 Teutonic Name-System. 1864 ...*R 380 Finlayson. Surnames and Sirenames.'63j 392 French. Index Armorial to the Sur- name French. 1892 *R ^:i7 Surnames of Francus, Franceis, French in England, 1 100- 1350. 1896 C10392 Surnames of Francus, Franceis, French, etc., in Scotland. 1893..C10315 Frey. Sobriquets and Nicknames. i888*R 1401 GuppY. Homes of Family Names in Great Britain. 1890 J 349 Hampson. Origines Patriciae. 1846... J 871 Innes. Scotch Surnames, i860 J 394 Joyce. Irish Local Names Explained J 370 Origin of Irish Names of Places. 2V. 1883 J 1023 252 NAMES— EPITAPHS. Lo?iG. Personal and Family Names. V, 1883 J 388 Louis Alexander^ Prince of Battenberg. Men-of-War Names. 1897 . .K13650 Lower. English Surnames.-* 1843 J 395 The same; 3rd ed. 2v. 1849. ...J 923 Patronymica Britannica. i86o...*R 366 McCoRMiCK. The Child's Name; 500 Names for Children. 1899 J 350 Mackey. Pronunciation of io;ooo Proper Names. 1901 J 348 March. East Lancashire Nomenclature and Rochdale Names. 1880 J 3^6 Matheson, Surnames in Ireland. 1894 • *v 1592 Maxwell. Scottish Land-Names. 1894. J 351 Moody. What is Your Name? Account of Christian Names. 1863 J 872 Moore. Surnames and Place-Names of the Isle of Man. 1890 J 355 Names of Persons changed in Massachu- setts, 1780-1883 *Doc. Nestle. Die Israel itischen Eigennamen. 1876 ...D 3022 Norman People and their Descendants in America. 1874 A 646 Palmer. Arabic and English Name Lists. 1881 *V 944,8 PuLMAN. Local Nomenclature of the West of England. 1857 J 921 Salverte. History of Names of Men, Nations, and Places. 2v. 1862. .J 439 Swan. Girls' Christian Names. 1900. .J 347 Tanger. EnglischesNamen-Lexikon.'88*R 410 Taylor. Names and their Histories: Historical Geography. 1896 *R 671 Words and Places. 1873 J 417 Tegg. Derivation and Signification of Christian Names. 1883 J 385 Tooker. Algonquin Series. 1901 J 346 V. I. Origin of the Name Manhattan. 2. Indian Names of Places in Bor- ough of Brooklyn. 3. The Names Susquehanna and Chesapeake. 4. Indian Names for Long Island. Trumbull. Indian Names of Places, with Interpretations. 1881 J 926 Wagner. Names and their Meaning. 1891 J 356 Significance of Names. 1893 J 352 Wilkinson. Personal Names in the Bible. 1865 M 74 Williams. Vbcabulary of Proper Names. 1831 J 393 YoNGE. History of Christian Names. 2v. 1863 *J 440 Zunz. Nameiv der Juden. 1837 D 3021 KPITAPHS. Alden. Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions. 5v. 1814 E 1815 Archer. Monumental Inscriptions of British West Indies. 1875 *V 635 Blodgette. Inscriptions from the Old Cemetery, Rowley, Mass. 1893..C10403 Bridgman. Epitaphs from Copp's Hill. 1851 ■ E 1996 Inscriptions from Granary Burial Ground, Boston. 1856 B 3449 Inscriptions in King's Chapel Burial Ground, Boston. 1853 B 1067 Inscriptions on Gravestones in North- ampton. 1850 B 3428 Brown. Epitaphs and Inscriptions in Gr.ey'friars Churchyard, Edinburgh. 1867 C 3476 Cansick. Collection of Epitaphs. 2v. 1869-72 E 2175 Clark. Inscriptions in Burial Grounds of Christ Church, Philadelphia. 1864 C10403 Clarke. Epitaphs from Graveyards in Massachusetts. 1900 C10410 Collection of Epitaphs. 1834 E 2641 Collection of Epitaphs and Inscriptions. 1885 *P623,I2 Diprose. Book of Epitaphs. 1880 E 1035 Fairley. Epitaphiana. 1875 E 1103 Graham. Collection of Epitaphs. 1823. E 3140 Green. Epitaphs from Groton, Mass. 1878 C10401 Harris, E. D. Epitaphs of Block Island, Rhode Island. 1883 C10408 Harris, W. T. Epitaphs from Cam- bridge, Mass. 1845 C10407 Epitaphs from Watertown, Mass. 1869 B 3578 Howe (Comp.). "Here Lies"; Inscrip- tions from Tombstones. 1901 C104LI Kinnersley. Sepulchral Curiosities. 1823 E 4126 EPITAPHS— INDIVIDUAIv BIOGRAPHY. ^53 KiPPAX. Churchyard Literature. 1877. E 1301 Latham. Epitaphs in Old Bridgewater, Mass. 1882 *Ci0409 McCaul. Christian Epitaphs of first six Centuries. 1869 K 3638 Norfolk. Gleanings in Graveyards. 1866 E 4790 North END. Book of Epitaphs. 1873... E 1405 Palliser. Mottoes for Monuments. 1872E 1435 Pettigrew. Collection of Epitaphs. 1864. 1 3346 Ravenshaw. Antiente Epitaphes (1250- 1800). 1878 E 5418 Robinson. Epitaphs collected from the Cemeteries. 1859 E 5482 Safford. Quaint Epitaphs. 1898 C10405 TissiNGTON. Collection of Epitaphs. 1857E 1569 Van Hoosear. Inscriptions in oldest Cemetery in Norwalk, Conn. 1895.C 10406 Webb. Select Collection of Epitaphs. 2v. 1775 * E 6416 Woodbury. Inscriptions from Old Ceme- tery in Groveland. Mass. 1895..C10404 Wright. Pleasing Melancholy; Walk among the Tombs. 1793 E 6417 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Abbot, E. Memorial Addresses on. 1884C 170S Abbot, F. E., Dinner to, June. 1880... *C 1698 Abd-el-Kader. Ameer. Life, by Church- ill. 1867 C 1041 Abdur Rah m An Khan, Ameer. Life; by Wheeler. 1895 C17046 Abelard, p., and Early History of Uni- versities; by Compayre. 1893. . .C10445 Leben ; von Hausrath. 1893 D 13484 Abelard and Hei.oise. Abailard et He- loise ; ed. par Guizot. 1853 C 5146 Briefe ; her. von Weiss. 1854 D 5962 Letters with Lives ; by Hughes. 1788 *C 3205 Lives; by Berington. 1787 *V 804 Mediaeval Romance ; by Richardson. 1884 C 3214 Aberdeen, Earl of^^ Life ; by Gordon. 1893 C10482 Abernethy, J. Life ; by Macil wain. 1853C 598 Abinger, Lord J. Memoir; by Scarlett. 1877 C 908 Abington, Mrs. F., Life of. 1888 C10503 Abrahams, N. C. L. Meddelelser af mit Liv. 1876 C 7007 Acarie, B. Life; by Bowles. 1879 C 3202 Acquoy, J. Leven; door Degenhardt.'73D 9181 Adams, Mrs. A. Letters during the Revo- lution, with Memoir. 1876 C 165 Adams, C. F. Life ; by his Son. 1900. . . C17047 Life and Services; by Everett. 1887C 10486 Adams, J. Address on; by Chamberlain. 1884 ...■ .'....*Ci697,i Correspondence with W. Cunning- ham, 1803-12. 1823 C10490 Familiar Letters to his Wife during the Revolution. 1876 C 165 Life; by J. Q. Adams. 1874....... C 172 Life ; by Morse. 1885 C 1706 Life ; by Stoddard. 1887 C 2202 Life arid Diary; by C. F. Adams. '56J 5,1-3 Life and Times; by Irelan. 1886. .B 858,2 Adams, J., a New England Schoolmas- ter, Story of. 1900 C17048 Adams, J. Q., Correspondence with Citi- zens of Massachusetts. 1829 C10491 Discourse on; by Lathrop. 1848. .*Ci696,5 Discourse on ; by Lunt. 1848 *Ci696,5 Eulogy on ; by Everett. 1848. . .♦01696,2,5 Life ; by Morse. 1882 C 168 Life ; by Stoddard. 1887 C 2242 Life and Public Services; by Seward. 1853 C 171 Life and Services of. 1828 *L 165 Life and Times ; by Irelan. 1887 . .B 858,6 Memoir ; by Quincy. 1858 C 170 Memoirs; ed. by C. F. Adams. I2v. 1874-77 : C 169 Adams, S. Life; by Hosmer. 1885 C 1715 Life and Services; by Wells. 3v. '65C 175 Addison, J. Life; by Aikin. 2v. 1843. C 592 Life; by Courthope. 1884 C 1516 Adrian IV., Pope. Historical Sketch; by Raby. 1849 C 3201 Adrian VI., Pope. Lebensbild; von Bauer. 1876 D13504 Adye, Sir J. Recollections of a Military Life, 1854-86. 1895 C17041 Agassiz, L. Address on; by Emerson. 1874 *Ci696,4 Life ; by Gould. 1901 C17337 Life and Correspondence; ed. by E. C. Agassiz. 1890 C 1719 Life, Letters and Works; by Marcou. 2v. 1896 C17071 Agrippa, H. C Life; by Morley. 2v. 1856 C 122S 254 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Agrippina, die Mutter Neros ; von Stahr. 1880 D 4203 Life; by Scheie de Vere. 1870 C 1231 Agrippina, Wife of Germanicus. Memoir ; by Hamilton. 2v. r8i i C 1044 Aguesseau, H. F. d'. Life; by Butler. 1830 c 3365 Ahmad Khan-Bahadur. Life and Work; by Graham. 1885 C 3882 Aiken, C. Address on ; by Royse. 85*01696,3 Aiken, L Story of; by Anderson. 1880C 1709 Aiken HEAD, M., Life and Works of. '79C 2441 AiKiN,. L. Correspondence with Chan- nlng. 1874 C ^'^7 Memoirs and Letters. 1864 C 599 AiNSLiE, C. P. DE. Life us I have found it. 1883 C 2873 Albany, Countess of. Life; by Paget. 1884 C 2672 Albemarle, ist Duke of. Life; by Cor- bett. 1889 ....C10743 Memoirs ; by Guizot. 1838 C 2994 Albemarle, 6th Earl. Fifty Years of my Life. 2v. 1876 C 2729 Albert, Prince. Early Homes of; by Rimmer. 1883 C 2670 Early Years ; by Grey. 1867 C 591 The same. 1868 *P 35o Life; by Martin. 5v. 1875-80 C 590 Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. See Edward VH. Albert Victor Christian Edward, Duke of Clarence. Memoir, 1864-92; by Vincent. 1893 C17519 Alberti, V. Life; by Jenkins. 1889. .C17509 Albertus Magnus. Albert the Great; by Sighart. 1876 C 3204 Alberus, E. Leben; von Schnorr von Carolsfeld. 1893 D13485 Alcaforado, M. Love Letters of a Portu- guese Nun, 1668. 1890 C10497 Alciati, a,, and his Book of Emblems; by Green. 1872 C 3329 Alcott, a. B. Life and Philosophy; by Sanborn and Harris. 2v. 1893..C10501 Alcott, L. M. Life, Letters and Jour- nals ; ed. by Cheney. 1889 C 3997 Alcuin, and the Christian Schools; by West. 1892 .*. . C10443 Life ; by Lorenz. 1837 C 3213 Aldridge, L, the African Roscius, Mem- oir and Theatrical Career of.i849E 9013 Alexander VL, Pope, and Caesar Borgia ; by Gordon. 1729 *V 1962 Alexander L, Emperor of Russia. His- torical Memoirs; by Choiseul- Gouffier^ 1900 C17058 Life and Times; by Joyneville. 3v. 1875 ..•' r C 1043 Life ; by Lloyd. 1826 C10495 Alexander H., Emperor of Russia. Als Mensch und Herrscher ; von Karlo- witsch. 1881 D 4002 Leben und Tod; von Laferte. 1882D 4005 Life of. 1883 C 3163 Alexander HL, Emperor of Russia. Life ; by Lowe. * 1895 C10489 .\lexander of Battenberg, Kidnapping of; by von Huhn. 1887 C 316S Leben ; von Koch. 1887 D 5921 Reminiscences of; by Koch. 1887. C 3167 Alexander the Great. History of; by Abbott. 1872 H 19 Geschichte; von Droysen. 1880... D 4003 Life ; by Dodge. 1890 C10510 Life ; by Wheeler. 1900 C17050 Life; by Williams I 3574 The same. 1868 1 3654 Life and Exploits; by-Budge. 1896.C17049 Alexander, A. Life; by J. W. Alexan- der. 1854 C17064 Alexander, J. H. Memoir; by Pinkney, 1867 , *Ci696,i Alexander, W. See Stirling, Earl of. Alexandra Caroline, Queen of Eng- land. Life; by, Warren. 1895...C17052 Alexandra Feodorowna. Leben; von Grimm. 1866 D 250 Leven; door Grimm. 2v. 1867... D 9305 Life ; by Grimm. 2v. 1870 C 1051 Alfieri, V. Autobiography ; ed. by How- ells. 1877 C 1664 Lettere inedite. 1864 C 912 1 Life ; by Copping. 1857 C 1045 Vita, Giornali, Lettere. 1861 C 9123 Alford, H. Life and Letters. 1875 C 594 Alfred the Great. Father of the Eng- lish ; by Page. 1900 C17055 Alfred the West Saxon King of the English; by Macfadyen. 1901. . .C18750 History of ; by Abbott. 1872 H 20 Life; by Hughes. 1871 C 604 Life ; by Knight. 1880 C 2443 Life ; by Pauli. 1857 1 3362 Life and Times; ed. by Bowker. '99C17054 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 255 Alfred the Great. Life and Times Giles. 1848 Memorials; by Giles Story of; by Besant. by C 607 1863 ..C 2986 1 901 CI7053 Algarotti, F., Count. Letters, Military and Political. 1783 C17056 Ali, Pasha of Janina. Life. 1823 C10492 Life ; by Davenport. 1837 1 3607 Alice, Princess, Grand Duchess of Hesse. Biographical Sketch and Letters. 1884 C 3161 The same. 1885 G 1096 Allan, J., Memorial of. 1864 C10493 The same *B2i26,8 Allard, S., Melancholy of; a Diary. '95.C17060 Allen, E. Life ; by Sparks. 1834 C 75,1 Memoir; by Moore. 1834 C 2156 The Robin Hood of Vermont; by Hall. 1892 C10502 Allen, G. Reminiscences. 1883 C 171 J Allen, H. W. Recollections; by Dorsey. 1866. C 177 Allen, O. E. Sketch of Life. 1874... C 290 Allen, Wilkes. Biography. 1873 *C 1699 Allen, Wm., Chief Justice. Letter Book ; ed. by Walker. 1897 €17068,1 Allen, Wm., a Friend. Life and Corre- spondence, 1 770- 1844. 2v. 1847.C 600 Story of ; by Fayle. 1884 C 2939 Alleyn, E. Memoirs; ed. by Collier. 1841 ♦E675,8 AiLiES, T. W. Life's Decision, i8S( . . .C 2442 Allston, W. Life ; by Sweetser. 1879.C 1691 Life and Writings; by Flagg. 1892.C10SOS Alma Tadema, L. See Tadema, L. A. Aloysius Gonzaga, St. Life C 1266 Alpiionsus LiGUORi, 5"/. Life. 1874... C 1265 Alsop, C. ^L Memorials of; by Braith- waite. 1881 C 2950 Amadeus, L, King of Spain. Sacrifice of a Throne; by Whitehouse. 1897. .C17075 Ambrose, St.; by Due de Broglie. 1899.C18770 Amiel, H. F. Fragments d'un Journal intime. 2v. 1887 C11930 Journal intime; tr. by Ward. 1885. C 3165 Ampere, A. M. Story of his Love. '73. C 1042 Anandabai. Josi. Life; by Dall. 1888. C 3508 Angina, G. G. Life; by Bowden. 1891.C10506 Andersen. H. C. Breve. 1877 C 7006 Life; by Bain. 1895 ; C17081 Story of my Life. 1872 C 1046 388s 2068 60s 255 84 Anderson, A. Life and Works ; by Burr. 1893 C17082 Memorial ; by Lossing. 1872. C 179 Anderson, J. Life and Labors ; by Braid- wood. 1862 C10206 Anderson, Mary A. See Navarro. Anderson, Rev. R. Life; by himself. 1899 €47069 Andre, Major J. Death of; by Smith. 1808 C Life ; by Lossing. 1886 C Life and Career; by Sargent. 1861.C Trial of. 1865 B Trial and Execution of. 1865 *V Andrea del Sarto. See Sarto. Andrew, J. A. Eulogy on; by Whipple. 1867 *C 1699 Memoir; by Chandler. 1880 C 1708 Sketches of Life; by Browne. 1868. C 178 Andrewes, L. Life; by Ottley. 1894.C10487 Andrews, W. W. Life; by S. J. An- drews. 1900 C17076 Andryane, A. Memoirs of a Prisoner. 2v. 1840 C 1048 Angas, G. F. Life; by Hodder. 1891. .C10484 Ancelico, Fra. Biography; by Sweet- ser. 1879 C 1692 Life ; by Douglas. 1900 C17886 Life; by Phillimore. 1881 C 3203 Angell, L Diary during American Rev- olution. 1899 C17077 Angelo, H. Reminiscences. 2v. 1830C 2934 Angelo, Michael. Sec Buonarroti. Angouleme, Duchesse d', and the Two Restorations ; by Imbert de St.- Amand. 1892 C10496 Memoirs ; by Romer. 1853 C 3215 Youth of; by Imbert de St.-Amand. 1892 C10498 Anhalt, L. Prince of. See George, Prince of Anhalt. Anne, Queen of England. Good Queen Anne; by Adams. 2v. 1886 A Anne Boleyn. Life; by Benger. 1821.C Life'; by Friedmann. 2v. 1884 C Tryumphaunt Coronacyon of. '84.*P624,20 Anne of Brittany. Memoirs of; by Cos- tello. 1855 C Anselm, St. Life; by Church. 1871. . .C . The same ; new ed. 1888 C Life ; by Mohler. 1842 C Anson, A. C. A Ball Player's Career. 1900 C17070 759 632 2759 3324 3207 3200 3206 256 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Anson, G. A., Lord. Life ; by Barrow. 1839 C 2447 A-asFAcn, Margravine. Memoirs. 2v. '26C 5'>6 Anthony of Padua, St. Chronicle of; ed. by Coleridge. 1875 C 3210 Anthony, H. B. Life and Character. 1885 C10494 Anthony, S. B. Life and Work; by Harper. 2v. 1899 C17078 Apollonius of Tyana. Life; by Tred- well, 1886 C 3303 The Pagan Christ ; by Reville. 1866C10485 Appleton, C. E. Life ; by Appleton and Sayce. 1881 G 2446 Appleton, S. Memorial; by Jewett. '50. C 3497 Appleton, T. G. Life and Letters; by Hale. 1885 C 1716 Appleton, W. Memoir; by Robbins. 1863 *Ci696,8 Aquinas, St. See Thomas Aquinas, St. Arago, F. History of my Youth. 1855.14000,17 Arblay, Mme. F. B. d', and her Friends ; ed. by Seeley. 1890 , C10690 Diary and Letters. 7v C 2529 The same; ed. by Woolsey. 2v. 1880 C 2526 Arbuthnot, J. Life and Works ; by Ait- ken. 1892 C10504 Arditi, L. My Reminiscences; ed. by Baroness von Zedlitz. 1896 C 17093 Argenson, R. L. de V. d'. Memoires. 5v. 185778 C13026 Argyll, A. M. C, Countess. Memair; by Lindsay. 1868 C11226 'Ariosto, L. Leben ; von Fernow. 1809D 5963 Aristotle, and Ancient Educational Ideals ; by Davidson. 1892 C10441 Life ; by Blakesley. 1839 C 3178 Life ; by Grote. 1880 L 2088 Armes, G. a. Ups and Downs of an Army Officer. 1900 C17095 Arnaldo, da Brescia. Arnold von Bres- cia ; von Francke. 1825 D 5966 Leben ; von Hausrath. 1891 D 5922 Arnauld, a., Abbess of Port Royal; by Martin. 1873. C 1270 Arndt, E. M. Leben ; von Baur. 1883 . D 4006 Life ; ed. by Seeley. 1879 C 3208 Arneth, A. V. Aus meinem Leben. '93.D13483 Arnold, B. Life; by L N. Arnold. '80. C 1710 •Life; by Hill. 1871 '. H 467 Life ; by Sparks. .1835 C 75,3 Arnold, L N. In Memoriam. 1885 C 1704 Memorial Addresses on; by Wash- burne and others. 1884 *Ci696,6 Arnold, M. Letters, 1848-88. 2v. 1896.C17096 Life ; by Saintsbury. 1899 C17097 Arnold, T. Arnold of Rugby; by Find- lay. 1897 C17103 Life; by Selfe. 1889 C11881 Life and Correspondence; by Stan- ley. 1870 C 595 The same. 2v. 1868 *P ^98 Memoir ; by Stanley. 1886 C 3067 and M. Lives; by Fitch. 1897. . . .C10447 Arnold, T., Jr. Passages in a Wander- ing Life. 1900 C17106 Arnot, W. Autobiography ; ed. by Flem- ing- 1877 C10507 Arnould, S. Vie de : par Goncourt. '57. C 5130 Artevelde, J. and P. van. Lives ; by Ash- ley. 1883 c 3212 Lives; by Hutton. 1882 C 321 1 Arthur, King. King Arthur in Corn- wall; by Dickinson. 1900 C17108 Life ; by Ritson. 1825 C10508 Arthur III., Duke of Brittany. Le Connetable de Richemont, 1303- 1458 ; par Cosneau. 1886 C12966 Arthur, C. A. Life; by Stoddard. '89.C10137 Arundel, P. H., Earl of, and his V/ife. Lives; by the Duke of Norfolk. 1857 C 760 Arusmont, Mme. F. W. d'. Biography. 1848 C 3209 AsBURY, F. Life and Times; by Strick- land. 1858 C 174 AscHAM, R. Memoir ; by Johnson. '86. C 3067 AsHBY, T., and his Compeers; by Avi- rett. 1867 C 1707 AsHMUN, J. Life; by Gurley. 1835 C 180 AsTLEY, Sir J. D. Fifty Years of my Life. 2v. 1894 ^ C10488 AsTOR, J. J. Life; by Parton. 1865 C 2064 Athanasius, St., Abp. of Alexandria. Life ; by Rej^nolds. 1889 M 2914 AtterbUry, F., Bishop. Life; by Macau- lay. i860 G 682 Memoirs and Correspondence; by Williams. 2v. 1869 C 602 Atwood, D. Biographical Sketch; by Thwaites. 1887 *Ci696,8 Aubigne. T. a. d'. Life ; by Scott. 1772C10499 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 257 Auckland. W. E. ist Lord of. Journal and Correspondence. 4v. 1861-2.C 2444 AuDONYM DE PoMPERY, MiHc. Corre- spondance. 2v. 1884 C 6208 Audubon, J. J., and his Journals; by M. R. Audubon. 2v. 1897 C17112 Life; by Buchanan. 1868 C 171 1 Life ; by St. John. 1856 C 1712 Life; by his Widow. 1871 C 182 AuERBACH, B. Briefe an Jakob Auerbach. 2v. 1884 D 4004 Augusta, Empress of Germany. Life ; by Tschudi. 1900 C17114 Augustine, St., Abp. of Canterbury. Life ; by Cutts. 1895 C10481 Augustine. 5"/., Bishop of Hippo. Life: by Collette. 1883 C 3164 Life; by Hatzfeld. 1898 C18771 Life; by Moriarty. 1874 C 1276 Augustine, Sister (A. v. Lasaulx). Mem- orials; by Reinkcns. 1881 C 3589 Austen, J., and her Works; by Keddie.C 2445 Her Contemporaries and Herself. 1899 J 1713 Letters; ed. by Brabourne. 2v. 1884C 2743 Life: by Maiden. 1889 C 3993 Life; by Smith. 1890 C11543 Memoirs: by Leigh. 1870 C 601 Story of Jane Austen's Life; by Ad- ams. 1891..! C10500 Ayer, J. C. Reminiscences of; by Cow- ley. 1879 C 1717 Ayer, Mrs. J. M. A Memoir. 1900. . .Cr7ii6 Aylmer, J. Life; by Strype. 1821 *P 127 Aytoun, W. E. .Memoir; by Martin. 1867 C 597 AzEGLio, M. DE. My Recollections. 2v. 1868 C 1186 Rabbage. C. Passages from Life of a Philosopher. 1864 C 2945 Baber, Emperor of Hindostan. See Mu- hammad Babar. Bach, J. S. Leben; von Bitter. 2v. '65. D 253 Leben ; von Reissmann. 1881 D 4170 Leben; von Spitta. 2v. 1873-80... D 4009 Levensschets ; door Rees. 2v. 1885. D 9992 Life ; by Bitter. 1873 '. C 1055 Life ; by Poole. 1882 C 3224 Work and Influence of; by Spitta. 3v. 1884-5 : C 3179 Bache, F. Biographical Memoir; by Wood. 1865 *C 139 Backus, I. Memoir; by Hovey. 1859. .C 1753 Bacon, D. Biographical Sketch; ed. by T. Bacon. 1888 C 2354 Bacon, P., Lord, and Essex ; by Abbott. 1877 and his Secret Society ; by Pott Life; by Church. 1884 Life ; by Dixon. 1862 Life ; by Lovejoy. 1883 Life and Philosophy; by Nichol 1888-9 C 2462 '91. C 10532 ,...C 1517 ...c ...c 2V. .L 603 2448 2131 Life and Times ; by Spedding. 2v. 1878 C 2481 Life and Works; by Abbott. 1885.. C 2704 Personal History of; by Dixon. '81. G 730 B.ACON. N. Life; by Ware. 1844 C 75,13 Bacon, S. Memoir; by Ashmun. 1822.C11126 Bacourt, a. F. de. Souvenirs of a Dip- lomat. 1885 1 5182 Bailey, J., the Frontier Missionary; by Bartlet. 1853 C17150 Baili.ie, J. Pleasant Memories. 1878. .C 2564 Bainbridge, W., Commodore. Life and Services of; by Harris. 1837 C 1993 Baird, 5'i> D. Life. 2v. 1832 C 2452 Baireuth, Margravine von. See Frede- rica Sophia Wilhelmina. Baker, E. D. Addresses on. 1862 ♦C 139 Baker. .S'tV S. Memoir; by Murray and White. 1895 C17161 Baker. T. Battling Life in the Civil Service. 1885 C 2743 Balfe, M. W. Life and Works ; by Bar- rett. 1882 C 27Z7 Memoir ; by Kenney. 1875 C 2482 Balfour, A. A Memoir: by Lundie. ♦ 1888 C10523 Balfour, W. Memoir of; by Whitte- more. 1852. C 1731 Ball, F. M. T., Mother. Life: \w Cole- ridge. 1881 C 2469 Ball, J. Life ; by Maurice, 1875 C 1458 Ball, T. My Threescore Years and Ten. 1891 ...T^ C10533 Ballantine, W. Experiences of a Bar- rister. 1891 C 2449 Ballantyne, R, M. Personal Reminis- cences. 1893 C17153 Ballou, H. Origin, Life and Letters ; by H. S. Ballou. 1896 C10543 Balsamo, G. (Comte Cagliostro). Life. 1787. C 3311 Baltim-ore, 1st Baron. Life; by Wilhelm. 1884 *B 1643 INDIMDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 3503 1994 608 Baltimore, ist Baron. Discourses on the Life and Character of ; b}' Ken- nedy. 1845 *B 1643 George Calvert and Ceciliiis Calvert; by Browne. 1890 C10461 Life; by Kennedy 7 *B 1643 Baltimore, 2d Baron. Life ; by Browne.Ci046i Balzac, H. de ; by Saltus. 1884 C 3170 Correspondence, with Memoir ; 2v. 1878 C 3226 Letters to Madame Hanska, 1833- 1846 C17163 • Life ; by Wedmore. 1890 Ci 1540 Memoir ; by Wormeley. 1892 C10534 sa Vie, son CEuvre ; par Lemar. 1892.C12702 Bancroft, G. Life and Writings; by Dyer. 1891 B 2441 Bancroft, H. H., Literary Industries of; by Ballantine. 1882 C10572 Bancroft, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. On and Off the Stage. 2v. 1888 C Bangs, N. Life and Times ; by Stevens. 1863 . C Banim, J. Life ; by Murra)^ 1869 C Banister, Z. P. G.. Memorials of. 1885.C 1966 Banks, Sir ]., Journal during Captain Cook's Voyage in 1768-71. 1896 •. .1 9795 Banneker, B. Memoir; by Latrobe. '45*B 1643 Sketches of; by Norris and Tyson. 1854 *Ci696,i Bannister, J. Memoirs; by Adolphus. 2v. 1839 C 2470 Bar.\ga, p.. Bp. of Marquette. Life and Labors; by Verwyst. 1900 C17165 Barat, S. M., Venerable. Life ; by Baunard. 1880 C 3232 Barb.\ro, Marc-Antoine ; par Yriarte..*V 1146 Barbauld, a. L. Memoir; by Ellis, 2v. 1874 C and her Contemporaries ; by Murch. 1877 C Barbour, J. S., Memorial Address on. 1893 .* Ci7540,i Barclay, J., Bishop. Biography of. '83. C 2706 Barclay, T. Selection from Correspond- ence; ed. by Rives. 1894 Cm 12 Bard, S. Domestic Life; by M'Vickar. 1822 , C Barere de Vienzac, B. Memoires. 4v. 1842-4 C Barham, R. H. Life and Letters : by R. H. D. Barham. 1880 C 2450 Barker, G. P. Life; by Bryan. 1849..C17164 611 2617 2036 4251 Barker, J., and Conspiracy Trials of 1826-27 ; by Turner. 1864 C 181 Incidents in Life of. 1855 C 1714 Barlow, J. Life and Letters; by Todd. 1886 . C 1970 Barnard, C. R* Life and Work ; by Tif- fany. 1895 C17166 Barnard, F. A. P. Memoirs; by Fulton. 1896 . C17168 Barnato, B. I. Memoir; by Raymond. 1898 C17169 Barnes, W. Life; by Baxter. 1887... C 3076 Barneveldt, John of. Life; by ]\Iotley. 2v. 1874 A 1819 Barney, J., Commodore. Memoir; ed.' by M. Barney. 1832 C 183 Barnum, P. T. Life; by himself. 1855. C 186 Kampfe und Triumphe. 1869 D 5965 Struggles and Triumphs. 1870. ...C 184 Barras, Comte de. Memoirs. 4v. 1895.C17170 Earre, I. Memoir; by Britton. 1848.. C 2936 Barrett, L., a Professional Sketch ; by ' Barron. 1889 C10539 Barrie, J. M., and his Books; by Ham- merton. 1900 C17173 Barrie, Mrs. M. O. Margaret Ogilvy ; by J. M. Barrie. 1896 C17175 Barrington, Sir J. Personal Sketches . C 609 Barrow, Sir J. Autobiographical Mem- oirs. 1847 .' C 2483 Barry, Sir C. Life and Works; by A. Barry. 1867. C 2488 Barry, Commodore J. Life ; by Griffin. 1897 C17176 Barry, Comtesse du. See Du Barry. Bart, J. Life ; by Richer. 1828 C10573 Jean Bart et DuQuesne; par Phil- ipps C 6209 Bartlett, E, a Memory; by Ruschen- berger *V 1470 Bartlett, J. R. Life and Services; by Gammell. 1886 *Ci696.7 Bartlett, W. F. Memoir; by Palfrey. 1878 C 188 Bartlett, W. H. Memoir; by Beattie. 1855 C 2453 Bartolommeo, /^ra. Life ; by Baxter. '81. C 3225 Bartolozzi, F., and his Works ; by Tuer. 2v. 1882 *V 660 Barton, T. H. Autobiography. 1890.C10538 Barton, W. Biography; by Williams. '39C 44 Bartram, J. Memorial; by Darlington. 1849 C16931 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 259 '' vRTTEiOT, E. M. Life, from his Letters and Diary; by.W. G. Barttelot. '90C10521 i'ASHKiRTSEFF. ^r. Joumal de. 2v. 1890.C12008 Journal of; tr. by Hall and Haeckel. 1890 C10524 Journal of; tr. by Serrano. 1889..C10525 Last Confessions. 1901 C10480 Letters; tr. by Serrano. 1891 C10522 Study; by Blind, 1892 C10537 Pass, E., ist Bp. of Massachusetts. Life and Times; by Addison. 1897..C17190 Bassom PIERRE, F. DE, Borott. Memoirs of Embassy to England in 1626. 1819C 10528 Bastiat, F. Vje ; par Duprat. 1878 C 4565 T'astien-Lepace, J. Memoir; by Theu- riet. 1892 ; C10537 Bates, J. Life and Experiences; by White. 1877 C 1750 Batte.v, J. M. Random Thoughts. 1896.C17177. Raudry, p., sa Vie. et son CEuvre; par Ephrussi. 1887 *V 1155 T^AiER, K. P. A., and the Coburgs; tr. by Nisbct. 1887 C10526 Aus meinem Buhncnleben. 2v. 1876- 1877 D 4008 Mcmoircn. 4v. 1878-81 T^ 4012 Memoirs. 1885 C 3176 Posthumous ^Iemoi^s. 2v. 1884.. C 3172 Bay.\rd, G. D. Life; by S. J. Bayard. 1874 C 187 Bayard, Mrs. M. Journal. 1794-97; ed. by Dod. 1894 C11128 Bayard, P., Chcialicr. Histoire de; par Aubigne. 1884 Ci 1992 History of; by Kindersley. 1848.. C 3228 History of; by Larchey. 1883 C 3173 Life ; by Simms. 1847 C ^227 Story of. 1871 C 1052 The same. 1871 .1 3883 Bayard, T. F. Life; by Spencer. 1880C 1720 Bayle, p. Leben; von Desmaizeaux. 1731 ♦D 5975 KACH, L., Memorial Addresses on. 1887C10578 Beach, T. (//. Le Caron). 25 Years in the Secret Service. 1892 C10546 Beacon sfield. Earl (B. Disraeli). Au- thor, Statesman, etc. ; by .Mill. '63C 2542 and Public Opinion, 1875-80; by Thompson. 2v. 1886 C 2942 Biography; by O'Connor. 1879... C 2463 Cartoons of, from Punch *P 485 Ein Charakterbild ; von Brandcs. 1879 D 4026 Beaconsfield. Earl (B. Disraeli). Corre spondence with his Sister, 1832-52C 2744 Disraeli and his Day; by Fraser. '91C10723 Life; by Brandes. 1880 C 2473 Life ; by Froude. 1890 C10724 Life ; by Kebbel. 1888 C 3548 Life, with Portraits of Contempo- raries ; ed. by Brown. 2v. i882*V 2054 Memorials, from The Standard. '81 C 2472 Personal Reminiscences ; by Lake. 1891 C10566 Public Life; by Hitchman. 2v, 1879C 2479 Beall, J. Y., Memoir of. 1865 C 1757 Beardsley, a. Life; by Symons. 1898.K10624 Beardsley, L. Reminiscences. 1852.. C 189 Be.\trice d'Este. Duchess of Milan, 1475- 1497; by Ady. 1899 C17184 Beato.s', D., Cardinal Life; by Herkless. 1891 ..C10553 Be.'vTTIE, J. Life; by Forbes. 3v. 1807C 2451 Beaufort, M. See Richmond, M. B. Beauharnais. E. de. An Idyll under Na- poleon; by Pulitzer. 2v. 1895..C17182 Beauharnais de Miramion, Mme. de. Life; by Bonneau. 1870 C 1159 Beau.marchais. P, a. C. de, and his Times; by Lomenie. 1857 C 1053 The same. 4v. 1856 C 1059 and "The Lost Million;" by Stille. 1886 '....C3317 Eine Biographic; von Bettelheim. 1886 D 5961 et son Temps ; par Lomenie. 2v. '80C 5565 Beau.moxt, Mrs. B, Twelve Years of my Life. 1887 C 2174 Beauregard, Costa de. See Costa de Beauregard. Beaver, J. A. Life; by Burr. 1882... C 1747 Beccaria, C. B. Biographische Skizze; von Rinaldini. 1865 D 5972 Beckford, W. Memoirs ; by Redding. 2v. 1859 Cii 114 Beckwith, J. Life; by Meille. 1873. C 2484 Beckwourth, J. P. Autobiography. 's6C 190 The same. 1892 C10547 Beddoes, T. L. Letters; ed. with Notes, by E. Gosse. 1894 •' ••• C11129 Bedford, P. Recollections and Wander- ings of. 1867 C 3390 Beecher. G. Biographical Remains; by C. Beecher. 1844 C 2195 iGo INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Beecher, H. W. Anecdijtes of; by Shen- stone. 1887 C 2190 Biography; by W. C. Beecher and Scoville. 1888 C 301 Career of; by Abbott. 1883 C 1749 Life ; by Handford. 1^7 C 2199 Life ; by Howard. 1887 C 2254 Life and Work; by Knox. 1887. . .C 2251 Personality, etc.; by Howard. 1891C17210 . The Shakespeare of the Pulpit ; by Barrows. 1893 C11122 Keecher, L. Autobiography. 2v. 1871.C 193 Beer, M. Brief wechsel. 1837 D 4036 Beethoven, L. v. Life; by Crowest. '99C17213 Depicted by his Contemporaries ; by Nohl. 1880 C 3223 Leben; von Marx. 2v. 1875 D 4014 Leben; von Nohl. 3v. 1867-77. .D 4030 Leben; von Thayer. 3 v. 1866-79. D 5978 Leben; von Wasielewski. 1888 D 5979 Letters, 1790- 1826. 1868 C 1054 Life; by Moscheles. 2v. 1841 ..*C 3219 Life ; by Nohl. 1881 C 3231 Life ; by Rudall. 1890 C17225 Memoirs ; by Graeme. 1870 C 3230 Musikalisches Charakterbild ; von Mensch. 1871 D 4033 Nach Schilderungen seiner Zeitge- nossen ; von Nohl. 1877 D 4029 Neue Beethoveniana ; von Frimmel. i88a D 5980 Beguelin, H. and A. v. Denkwiirdig- keiten; von Ernst. 1892 D13508 Belcher, Lady D., and her Friends ; by L'Estrange. 1891 . C10548 Belisarius. Life; by Stanhope. 1848.C 3233 Bell, A. Life ; by Southey. 3v. 1844 C 2455 Bell, Sir C. Letters to his Brother. 1870C 617 Bell, G. Rough Notes by an Old Soldier. 2v. 1867 C 2988 Bellomont, R., Earl. Life and Adminis- tration; by De Peyster. 1879... C 3524 Bellot, J. R. Memoirs, with Journal of Voyage to Polar Seas. 1855 C10564 Bellows, B. Sketch ; by H. W. Bellows. 1855 C10104 Belton, p. Recollections of an Actor. 1880 C 2468 Benedict XIV., Pope. Leben. 1743. *D 5975- Benedict,- L. Address at Obsequies of; by Bridgman. 1866 *C 1699 Memorial. 1866 C17226 Benezet, A. Memoirs; by Vaux. 1817C 2066 Bengel, J. A. Leven; door Wachter. 1866 D 9912 Beniovsky, Comte. Memoirs and Trav- els. 1893 C17681 Bennett, J. G., Memoirs of. 1855 C 2486 Benson, E. W., Ahp. of Canterbury. Life; by A. C. Benson. 2v. 1899 C17228 Bentinck, G.,. Lord. Biography ; by Dis- raeli. 1858 .' C 629 Life and Reminiscences; by Kent. 1892 :..'.'. C10515 Bentley, R. Correspondence. 2v. 1842.C11127 ' Life ; by Jebb. 1882 C 1506 Life ; by Monk, 2v. 1833 C 639 Benton, T. H. Life; by Roosevelt. '87C 2103 Thirty Years in the United States Senate, 182 1 -51. 2v. 1872 L 245 Benzon, E. How I Lost ^250,000 in Tv/o Years C10542 Beranger, G. ^Memoir; by Wilde. 1880C 2465 Beranger, P. J. DE. Correspondance. 4V.C11952 Ma Biographic. 1859 C 4154 Memoires sur; par Lapointe. 1857. C 5664 Memoirs. 1858 C 1057 Berchmans, John, Saint. Life; by Goldie. 1877 C 3234 Berkeley, G., Bishop; by Eraser. 1881.L 2122 Discourse on ; by Porter. 1885 • • • C 2703 Life and Letters; by Eraser. 1871.C 630 The same. 1871 *P 27 Berkeley, G. E. Life and Recollections. 4v. 1866 C 622 Berlioz, H. Autobiography. 1803-65. 2V.C10570 Berlioz intime; par Hippeau. 1883C 5280 Life and Letters. 2v. 1882 C 3218 Memoires. 2v. 1881 C12055 Bernard, St. Life; by Morison. 1868. C 1056 Life and Times; by Ratisbonne. '59C 3235 The Times, the Man and his Work: by Storrs. 1892 C10549 Bernard, C. Claude Bernard; by Fos- ter. 1899 C10455 Bernard, C. J. Vie de I'abbe Bernard; par Segur. 1883 C 6676 Bernard, J. Retrospections of Amer- ica, 1797-1811. 1887 C 2900 Bernard, M. Dix ans de Prison. 1884C12359 Bernard, Sir T. Life; by J. Baker. '19C10569 Bernh.\rdi, F. T. v., Aus dem Leben des. 7v. in 6. 1893-7 D13511 Bernhardt, S. Sarah Bernhardt: by Huret. 1899 Ci72or Sarah Bernhardt; par Huret. i899*V 2901 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 261 Bernegger, M. Leben; von Bunger.i893Di35i2 Berry, M, Journal and Correspondence. 3v. 1865 C 621 Berry, Due de. Memoirs ; by F. A. Cha- teaubriand. 1821 C10567 Berry, Duchesse de, and the Court of Louis XVIII. ; by Imbert de Saint- . Amand. 1892 C10551 Berryer, p. a. Souvenirs. 2v. 1839. Ci 1928 Besant, Mrs. A. W. Autobiography. 1893 C11134 Besei.er, G. Erlebtes und Erstrebtes. 1884 D 4037 Betterton, T. Life and Times. 1888.C10552 Betty, W, H. W. Biographical Memoirs. 180S C17179 Life, Education and Personal Char- acter; by Harley. 1804 C17178 Memoirs; by Merritt. 1804 Ci?i8o Beugnot, Count. Life; ed. by Yonge. 2v. 1871 C 1209 Beust, F. F., Count V. Aus drei Viertel- Jahrhunderten, 1809-85 D 5977 Leben ; von Ebeling. 1870-71 D 255 Memoirs; by himself. 2v. 1887... C 3180 Bewick, T., and his Pupils; by Dobson. 1889 C10527 Autobiography. 1862 C 6io Life and Works; by D. C. Thomson. 1882 *V 2070 Bewick, W. Life and Letters; by Land- seer. 2v. 1871 C 614 Beyle, M. H. (Stendhal). Correspon- dance inedite. 1855 C 4252 Journal, 1801-14 ..C11917 Study ; by Paton. 1874 C 3236 Beynen, L. R. K. Story of; by Boisse- vain. 1885 C 3175 B^E, T. DE., the Counsellor of the French Reformation, i5i9-i6o5.'99Ci8424 BiANCONi, C. Biography; by O'Connell. 1878 C 3217 BiDDLE, C. Autobiography. 1883 C 1752 BiEDERMANN, K. Mein Leben. 2v. 1886D13507 BiENVENu (Touchatout). Memoires d'un prefet de Police. 1885 C12108 Bienville, J. B. LeM., Sieur de. Life ; by King. 1892 C10467 BiGELOw, H. Memorial ; by Young. i866*C 139 Bigelow, T. Military Life during Revo- lution ; by Hersey. i860 C17217 BiNNEY, H., Notice of; by Quincy. '76*Ci696,i BiNNEY, H., Jr. Memoir ; by Stille. i87o*C 1754 BiRKBECK, G. Life; by Godard. 1884. C 267S: BiRNBAUM, J. M. F. Lebensbild; von Gareis. 1878 D 5969' BiRNEY, D. B. Life. 1867 Ci057£ BiRNEY, J. G., and his Times ; by W. Bir- ney. 1890 C10535 Life; by W. Birney. 1884 *C 1697,1 Bismarck, Fuerst v., and German Unity; by Smith. 1898 C17133 and the Foundation of the German Empire; by Headlam. 1899 C17138 Biographical Sketch ; by Gorlach. 1875 C 3237 Biographic; von Brachvogel. 1873. D 4016^ Bismarck; Album des Klajlder- adatsch. 1890 *V I38> Bismarckbriefe, 1836-73 013527- • Bismarckbriefe ; neue Folge. 3v. 1889-91 Di3528^ Bismarck-Denkmal fiir das deutsche Volk; von Mennell und Garlepp. 1895 *P 1125. Bismarck in Friedrichsruh ; von Al- lers. 1892 *P 2352 Bismarck intime ; by a fellow Stu- dent. 1890 Ci0536- Bismarck-Literatur; von Schulze und KoUer. 1895 • *0 328 Bismarck-Mu.seum in Bild und Wort. 1896 ♦P 2531 Bismarck-Regesten ; von Kohl. 2v. 1891-2 *. ♦V 1396 Buch vom Fiirsten B. ; von Hesekiel. 1873 D 280 Conversations with ; comp. by Posch- inger, 1900 C17139 Denkmal fur; Entwiirfe. 1895 *P 754 Fiirst Bismarck nach seiner Entlas- sung; von Penzler. yw 1897-8. D 13523 Gedanken und Erinnerungen. 2v. 1898 D13526 Geschichte des' Fiirsten-Bismarck, 1847-87 ; von Simon D 5986 Historical Biographyi by Lowe. 2v. 1886 ....• c 3177 Leben; von Haedicke. 1894 D13516' Leben ; von Koppen. 1876 D 4017^ Leben und Wirken; von Hahn. 5v. 1878-96 * D 4034 Ein Lebensbild; von Schmidt. 1878D 4032^ Letters, 1844-70; tr. by Maxse C 3238 Levcn van. 1870 D 9071 Life ; by Hesekiel. 1870 C 105S 262 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Bismarck, Fuerst v. Life ; by Jacks. 1890C17156 Life ; by Kriens. 1886-7 C 3588 Life ; by Lowe. 1895 C17130 Life ; by Stearns. 1899 C17137 Love Letters, 1846-89;^, C17140 Man and Statesman (Autobiography). 2v. 1899 C17135 Neue Erinnerungen ; von Buelow. 1895 D1352C Neue Tischgesprache und Inter- views; von Poschinger. 1895. . .D13519 Our Chancellor; by Busch. 1884.. C 3239 The Real Bismarck; by Hoche. '98C17134 Sa Vie, e^t son CEuvre ; par Dronsart. 1887 ..' C4779 Secret Pages of his History; by Busch. 2v. 1898 C17132 Table Talk; ed. by Lowe. 1895 C17131 und die Parlamentarier ; von Posch- inger. 3v. 1894-6 D13518 und nicht seine Leute; von Frank. 1882 D 4013 Unser Bismarck. 1885 D 5976 Unser Reichskanzler ; von Busch. 2v. 1884 D 4007 Zwanzig Jahre, 1862-82 ; von Hahn.D 4763 Bizet, G., et son CEuvre; par Pigot. '86C13001 Black, A. Memoirs; ed. by Nicolson. 1885 C10599 Black, J. S. Reminiscences of; by Qay- ton. 1887 C 2239 Blackburne, F. Life ; by E. Blackburne. 1874 C 2485 Blackie, J. S. Life; by Stoddart. 1896.C17230 Blackshear, D. Memoir ; by Miller. '58C 2347 Blackstone, W. Boston's First Inhabi- tant ; by Amory *B 1007 Blackwell, E. Pioneer Work in open- ing Medical Profession to Women. 1895 .' C17231 Blackwood, W. and Sons, Annals of a Publishing House ; by Oliphant. 2v. 1897 C16922 Blaeu, W. J. Leven ; door Baudet. 1871.D 9048 Blaine, J. G. Biography; by bodge.'95Ci724i Campaign of '84 ; Blaine and Logan ; by Cooper. 1884 L 6230 Life and Public Services; by Con- well. 1884 • C 2200 Life and Work; by Ridpath. 1893.C10518 Sketch of his Life ; by Balestier. '84C 2191 Twenty Years of Congress, 1860-80. 2v. 1884-6 B 818 Blair, F. P. Life; by McCabe. 1868. C 497 Life and Services; by Croly. 1868.C10366 Blake, R., Admiral and General. Life; by W. H. Dixon. 1885 C11115 Life ; by ^annay. 1886 C 2756 Blake, W. Life; by Swinburne. 1868.C 619 Life and Writings; by Gilchrist. 2v. 1863 ...• C10530 Blaxchard, E. L. Life and Reminis- cences ; by Scott and Howard. 2v. 1891 C10550 Blanche of Castille. Histoire de; par Doinel. 1885 *V 1062 Bland, R. P. An American Commoner, Life; by Byars. 1900 C17233 Blatchford, J. Sermon on; by Post.*M 627 Blavatsky, H. p. H. Incidents in Life of; ed. by Sinnett. 1886 C 3394 A Modern Priestess of Isis; by Solovyoff. 1895 C17121 Blennerhassett, H. Life; by Safford. 1853 C 167 Papers ; ed. by Safford. 1864 E 848 Blessington, Countess of. Gorgeous Lady Blessington; by Molloy. 2v. 1896 C17234 Literary Life and Correspondence ; by Madden. 2v. i860 C 612 Bliss, P. P. Memoirs; by Whittle. 1877C 1721 Blitz, Signor A. Fifty Years in the Magic Circle. 1871 E 850 Blondin, E. G. Life; by Banks. 1862. C 3174 Bloomfield, B., Lord. Memoir ; by Lady Bloomfield. 2v. 1884 C 2702 Bloomfield, Baroness. Reminiscences of Court and Diplomatic Life. 2v. 1883 C 2578 The same G 885 Blount, W. Life and Services; by Wright. 1884 C10568 Bluecher, G. L. v. Life and Cam- paigns; by Gneisenau. 1815 C11133 und seine Zeit; von Scherr. 3v. 1862- 1863 D 256 Bluxdell, W. a Cavalier's Note Book, i6o9-79- 1880 C 2456 BoARDMAN, G. D. Memoir of; by King. 1835 C 1724 BoARDMAN, W. E. Life and Labours ; by Mrs. Boardman. 1887 C 2102 Boccaccio, G., as Man and Author; by J. A. Symonds. 1895 C10514 Leben und Werke ; von Landau. '77D 5970 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 265 Bode, Baroness de. Life, 1775-1803; by Pemberton. 1900 C17243 BoDExNSTEDT, F. M. V. Erinnerungcn aus meinem Leben. 2v. 1888-90. .. .D 5981 Leben, 1850-92; her. von Schenck. 1893 D13509 BoDLEY, Sir T. Reliquiae Bodleianae; Remains of. 1703 C 3758 BoEHLER, P. Life;" by Lock wood. 1868. .C 1061 BoEHM, J. P. Life ; by Dotterer. 1890...C10592 BoEHME, J. Life; by Martensen. 1885.L 5500 Life and Doctrines; by Hartmann. J891 L 5501 BoEHMER, J. F. Leben, Briefe u. s. w.; von Janssen. 3v. 1868 D 5967 BoERNE, L. Bricfe an Henriette Her/. 1861 D 4064 BoERNSTEiN, H. 75 Jahrc in der alten und neuen Welt. 2v. i88i D 4010 Bogy, L. V., Memorial Addresses on. 1878 C17S40.15 The same C 2329 lioissER^E, SuLPiz. Leben von. 2v. 1862D 4028 Boissy, T. G., Countess Guiccioli. See Guicctoli. BoLEYN, A. See Anne Boleyn. BoLiNGBROKE, Lord, and his Times; by Sichel. 1901 C1725X A Historical Study ; by Collins. '84. C 304S Life ; by Harrop. 1886 C 3037 Life ; by Macknight. 1863 C 3002 BoLFVAR, S. Memoirs of; by Holstein. 1829 C 202 S. Bolivar; por Rojas. 1883 C 9677 BoLLMANN, J. E. Ein LebensUjld; von Kapp. 1880 D 4018 Bonaparte, Jerome. The Bonaparte-Pat- terson Marriage ; by Saflfell. 1873.C10531 Court of Westphalia under Jerome Bonaparte. 1820 C 3720 Bonaparte, Joseph, King of Spain. Bio- graphical Sketch. 1833 C 3720 History of ; by Abbot. 1869 H 74 1815-32; Joseph Bonaparte en Ameri- que ; par Bertin. 1897 C 5414 Memoires et Correspondance. lov. 1854-7 C12025 Bonaparte, Lucien, Prince de Canino, et sa Famille. 1889 C11924 et ses Memoires; par lung. 3v. 1882- 1883 * C 5306 Private and Political Life. i8i8...Cios6i Bonaparte, Mme. The Great Napoleon's Mother ; by Tschudi. 1900 C17244 Madame Mere (Napoleonis IMater) ; par Larrey. 2v. 1892 C12733 Bonaparte, Mme. (E. Patterson). Life and Letters; by Didier. 1879. ..C 1725 Bonapartes, The., Biographies of C 3720 Marriages of; by Bingham. 2v. '81 C 1403 Origine des; par Michelet. 1872-8. C 5889 See also Napoleon. Boner, C. Memoirs and Letters. 2v. 1871C 1060 Bonheur, R. Memoir; by Bois-Gallais.- 1857 C 3240 Boniface VIII., Pope. Geschichte; von Drumann. 2v. 1856 D13506 BoNPLAXD, A., Biographic; par Brunei. 1871 ..." .C12346 Boone, D. Adventures of ; by Hawks.'44C 1722 and Hunters of Kentucky; by Bogart. 1873 C 201 Life ; by Abbott. 1872 C 200 Life; by Flint. 1856 C 199 Life; by Hartley. 1865 C 198 Life; by Hill. 1869 H 461 Life ; by Peck. 1847 C 7S.23 Boone, W. J., Bishop. Sermon on; by Stevens. 1865 *Ci6g6,i Boos, M. Leven van. 1859 D 9083 Booth, Mrs. C. M. Founder of the Sal- vation Army; by Stead. 1900. .. .C17207 Life ; by Tucker. 2v. 1892 C10558 Booth, E. Life ; by Hutton. 1893 C10563 Life and Art ; by W. Winter, 1893 • Ci 1 130 Recollections; by his Daughter. '94.C11113 Booth, J. B., the Tragedian; by Gould. 1868 C 196 and E. The Elder and the Younger Booth ; by Clarke. 1882 C 1726 Booth, N. Speeches and Addresses; ed. by Crane. 1894 Cio5S7 BooTHBY, C. A Prisoher of France; Memoirs, and Diary, 1809-14. '98.C17256 Under England's Flag, 1804-9. 1900C17255 BoRGHESE, Princess. Life ; by Zeloni.i893Ci7250 Borgia, C. Vie; par Yriarte. 2v. 1889.C13387 Vie ; par Thomasi. 1771 C 6925 Borgia, L. Life ; by Gilbert. 2v. 1869C 1127 Leben; von Gregorovius. 1875 D 5940 Borromeo, C, Saint. See Charles Bor- romeo, St. Borrow, G. H. Life; by Knapp. 2v. 1899C17246 Boruwlaski, Count. Memoirs; written by himself. 1820 Ci 1 131 264 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. BossuET, J. B., and his Contemporaries; by Lear. 1874 C 3241 BoswELL, J. Life; by Leask. 1896. . . .C17253 Life; by P. Fitzgerald. 2v. 1891..C10594 and S. Johnson; by WaHer. . 1891. .C 1616 Letters to Temple. 1857 C 2480 Boswelliana ; with Memoir by Rogers. 1876 C 2478 Both WELL, Earl of. Life; by Schiern. 1880 C 2662 BoTTA, A. C. L. Memoirs, written by her friends. 1894 C11132 BouDiNOT, E. Life and Letters; ed. by J. J. Boudinot. 2v. 1896 C17260 BouLANGER, G. E. J. M. Biography; by Turner. 1889 , C10541 Bouquet, H., and his Campaigns, 1763-4; by Cort. 1883 C 2112 Bouquet Celebration, 1883. 1886... C 2112 Bourgognb, Duchesse de, et la vieillesse de Louis XIV. ; par Capefigue. '67C12231 BouRGOGNE, Sergeant. Memoirs of 1812- 1813 ; comp. by Cottin. 1899 C17261 BouRKE, R.'S. See Mayo, Earl of. BowDiTCH, N. Eulogy on ; by Pickering. 1838 *Ci696,5 Eulogy on ; by White. 1838 *C 1696,2 Memoir of; by N. I. Bowditch. 1841C 1727 BowDOiN, J. Eulogy on ; by Jenks. i8i2*V 523 The same. 1812 *y 691,1 BowEN, J. Memorials; by his Sister. 1862 C10540 Bowles, S. Life and Times ; by Merriam. 2v. 1885 C 1934 Bowne, E. S. a Girl's Life Eighty Years ago. 1887 C 294 Bowring, Sir J. Autobiographical Recol- lections. 1877 C 2494 BowYER, W. Anecdotes of; by Nichols. 1782 *V 803 BoYD^ A. K. H. 25 Years of St. An- drews, 1865-90. 2v. 1892-3 C10574 BoYEN, H. V. Leben; von Nippold. 3v. 1889-90 D13522 Boyle, R. Life; by Birch. 1744 C 2989 Boyle, R. See Cork, Earl of. BoYTON, P., Story of; a Tale of Travel and Adventure. 1892 C10520 Bracciglini, p. Life; by Shepherd. '37C 3245 Brace, C. L. Life; told in his Letters. '94C11111 Bradford, A. W. In Memoriam. 1868... C 191 Bradford, W. 200th Birthday; by Wal- lace. 1863 C 1728 Bradlaugh, C. Biography; by Heading- ley. 1880 C 2471 Life ; by Mackay. 1888 *Ci0575 Bradlee, C. D. In Memoriam; by Man- chester. -5897 C17265 Bradlee, S. Sermon in Memory of; by Ellis. 1867 *C 1699 Bradley, D. M. Memorial; by D. E. Bradley. 1899 '• C17266 Bradshaw, H. Memoir; by Prothero. 1888 C3386 Bradstreet, Mrs. A. D., and her Time; by Campbell. 1891 C10576 Brady, C. T. Recollections of a Mission- ary in the Great West. 1900 C17258 Brake, T. Life and Work; by Dreyer. 1890 C10577 Brahms, J. Biographical Sketch; by Deiters. 1888 C 3435 Brainerd, D. Life ; by Edwards. 1765. C 645 Life ; by Peabody. 1870 C 75,8 Brainerd, J. Life; by T. Brainerd. 1865.C 2194 Bramhall, J. Rawdon Papers; Letters to and from. 1819 C 3502 Bramhall, Mrs. J. N. Memory of a Beautiful Life. 1898 C17267 Brandenburg, Ch., Marquis of. Leben; von Peetz. 1859 D 260 Brandt, Gen. H. v. Aus dem Leben des. 1870 D13510 Brassey, T. Life; by Helps. 1872 C 624 Brau MUELLER, W. vou. Lcbeu ; von Beyer. 1881 D 4063 Bray, Mrs. A. E. Autobiography ; ed. by Kempe. 1884 C1P519 Breck, S. Recollections, 1771-1862; ed. by Scudder. 1877 C 1745 Bremer, F. Lebensschilderung. 1868... D 4019 Life and Letters. 1868 C 1062 Twelve Months with ; by Howitt. 2v. 1866 C 1063 Brent, L. Life of a Slave Girl ; Autobiog- raphy. 1861 C 413 Brentano, L. In Memoriam. 1891. . .C10596 Brenton, Sir J. Memoirs; by Raikes. 1846 C 2461 Breton, J. A. Life of an Artist ; an Auto- biography. 1890 C10579 La Vie d'un Artiste. 1890 C12347 Brett, R. Life and Work; by Belcher. 1889 , C10580 Brett, W. H., Apostle of the Indians of Guiana. Life; by Josa. 1888 CiosSi INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 265 Brewster, B. H. Life; by Savidge. '91.C10598 Brewster, Sir D. Home Life;. by Gor- don. 1869 C 635 Brewster, W., Chief of the Pilgrims. Life; by Steele. 1857 C i95 Brice, a. Life and Bibliography; by Brushfield. 1888 *V 1439 Bridget, Saint, Life of C 1280 Bridgman, Laura D. Life and Educa- tion ; by Lamson. 1881 C 1729 Remarkable History of. 1882.... *C 1875 Briggs, Mrs. C. C. Reminiscences and Letters; ed. by Merriam. 1897. . .C17186 Briggs, G. N. Memoir ; by Richards. '66C 1732 Brigham, C. H., Memoir and Papers of. 1881 C 1742 Bright, J. Life; by Robertson. 1884. C 2689 ^he same. 3v. in 2. 1884 C 10593 Life ; by Vince. 1898 C17247 Life and Speeches; by Smith. 1881C 2467 Brinkerhoff, R. Recollections of a Life- time. 1900 C17269 Brisbane, A., a Mental Biography; by Mrs. R. Brisbane. 1893 C11121 Brissot de Warville, J. P. Memoires. 1877 C 5539 Britton, J. Autobiography. 2v. 1840- 1849 .C 637 Broadfoot, G., in Afghanistan and the Punjab; by W. Broadfoot. i888.Clll35 Brock II Aus, F. A. Leben und Wirken; von H. E. Brockhaus. 3v. 1872-81 D 4021 Broderick, G. C. Memories and Impres- sions, 1831-1900 C17285 Brodie. Sir B. C. Autobiography. 1865C10554 Life ; by Holmes. 1898 C10453 Broke, Sir P. B. V. Memoir ; by Brigh- ton. 1866 C10555 Bronte, C. See Nicholls, C. B. Bronte, E. Life; by Robinson. 1883. C 2595 Brooke, G. V. Life; by Lawrence. 1892C11124 Brooke,. ^iV J., Rajah of Sarawak. Life; by St. John. 1899 C17284 Brooks, C T., Communications on Death of. 1884 *Ci697,2 Brooks. E. G. Life; by E. S. Brooks. 1881 ..., c 1743 Brooks, P., Bishop. Life ; by A. Brooks. 1893 C1056S Life ; by Dunbar. 1891 C10595 Life ; by Howe. 1899 Ci77,2i Life and Letters ; by Allen. 2v. 1900C17262 Brougham, J. Life, Stories and Poems. 1881 ..^ E 6930 Brougham and Vaux, Lord. Autobiog- raphy. 3v. 1871 C 618 Life ; by Campbell. 1869 C 824 Brown, C. Memoir; by Anderson. 1825C 3248 Brown, C. B. Life, with Selections from Works; by Dunlap. 2v. 181 5... C 206 Life ; by Prescott. 1873 • • • • C 75.1 Brown, E. Memorial of; by Cort. 1886.C 2112 Brown, Jas. Memoir ; by Hillard. 1856.C10600 Brown, Capt. John, among the Quakers ; by Richman. 1894 B 3264 and his Men; by Hinton. 1894 C11136 The John Brown Invasion ; Harper's Ferry Tragedy, by Drew. 1860..B 567 Life ; by Chamberlin. 1899 C17329 Life ; by von Hoist. 1889 C 1766 Life and Letters; by Sanborn. 1885C 1718 Life, Trial and Execution of. 1859C 1933 Memoirs of; by Sanborn. 1878 ,..C 192 Public Life; by Redpath. i860 C 197 Brown. John, M. D. Recollections; by Peddie. 1893 C11125 Brown, O. M. Biography; by Ingram. 1883 C 2459 Brown, T. Memoirs. 1862 C 194 Browne, C. F.' {Artemus Ward). Life; by Hingston. 2v. 1870 C 205 Browne, H. K. {Phiz). Life and Labours ; by Thomson. 1884 *V 2071 Browning, Mrs. E. B. Letters; ed. by Kenyon. 2v. 1897 C17690 Life ; by Bayne. 1881 C 1404 Life ; by Ingram. 1888 C 1005 A Study of; by Whiting. 1899 C17277 Browning, O. H., Address on ; by Arnold. 1882 *B 1339 In Memoriam. 1882 *V 521 Browning, R. Browning, Poet and Man ; by Gary. 1899 C17689 Ancestors of; by Furnivall *C 16720,1 Chief Poet of the Age; by Kings- land. 1890 C10582 Life ; by Sharp. 1890 Ci 1544 Life ; by Waugh. 1900 ; .'. . C17340 Life and Letters; by Orr. 2v. 1891.C10583 and Mrs. E. B. B. Letters, 1845-6. 2v. 1899 C17691 Brownlow, Countess E. S. Reminiscen- ces, 1802-15. 1867 C 638 Bruce, J. Life ; by Head. 1844 1 3584 The same. 1870 1 3738 266 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Bruce, R., King of Scotland, and Strug- gle for Independence; by Max- well. 1897 C 625 King Robert the Bruce ; by Murison. 1899 « C17287 Scottish Heroes in Days of Wallace and Bruce; by Low. 2v. 1856. .C 3448 Brummell, G. B. Beau Brummell; by Russell. 1866 C17017 Life ; by Jesse. 2v. 1844 *C 613 Of Dandyism and Brummell ; by Bar- bey d'Aurevilly. 1894 C17268 Brunel, I. K. Life; by I. Brunei. 1870.C 623 Bruno, G. Leben; von Falkson. 1868. D 257 Life ; by Frith. 1887 .C 3308 Philosopher and Martyr; by Brinton and Davidson. 1890 C10584 Vie; par Bartholmess. 2v. 1846-7. .C12006 Brunot, F. R. Life, 1820-98 ; by Slattery. 1901 C17289 Brunswick, Countess T. Recollections; by Tenger. . 1893 C17263 Brute, S. W. G., Bishop. Life; by Bay- ley. 1876 C 3246 Bryant, W. €., among his Countrymen; by Osgood. 1879 C 1734 and Friends; by Wilson. 1886.... C 1948 Biographical Sketch ; by Symington. 1880 C 1735 Biography ; by Goodwin. 2v. 1883. C 1748 Bryant Centennial, Cummington, Mass., 1894 C17281 Celebration of 80th Birthday by Chi- cago Literary Club, 1874 *P 334 Life ; by Bigelow. 1890 C10556 Life ; by Hill. 1879 C I733 Brydges, Sir E. Autobiography. 2v. 1834C 2576 Brydges, J. See Chandos, Duke of. Buchanan, C Life; by Pearson. 2v. 1817 C 2466 Buchanan, G. Humanist and Reformer; by Brown. 1890 C10597 Buchanan, J. Life; by Curtis. 2v. 1883C 1751 Life ; by Horton. 1856 C 207 Life ; by Stoddard. 1888 C 2334 Life and Times; by Irelan. 1888. .B858,i5 Buckingham, Duke of. Life and Times ; by Thomson. 3v. i860 C 627 Character of; by Wotton. 1814. ..C10133 Impeachment of; ed. by Gardiner. 1889 *A 1080 Buckingham, J. T. Personal Memoirs. 2v. 1852 ; C 209 Buckingham, W. A., War Gov. of Conn. Dedication of Statue of. 1885. .*Ci697,3 Life; by S. G. Buckingham. 1894. jC 17272 Buckland. F. T. Life ; by Bompas. 1885C 2705 Buckland, \%. Life and Correspondence ; by Gordon. 1894 C10513 Buckle, H. T. Life ; by Huth. 1880. . . . C 2475 Buckminster,' J. and J. S. Memoirs ; by Lee. 1849 C 1723 BucKNALL, H. L. Search for Fortune; an Autobiography. 1878 C 2587 Buddha. Leben ; von Oldenberg D 3619 Buddha and Buddhism; by Lillie. 1900 C16845 His Life, his Doctrine, his Order. 1882 M 1694 Life and Legends ; by Bigandet. '58M 2817 Life and Teachings of; by Davids. M 1693 Life ; by Rockhill. 1884 M 2844 Vie; par Bigandet. 1878 C 41 12 Vie ; par Lamairesse. 1892 C12709 Budgett, S. Life; by Arthur. 1869... C 204 BuELOw, G. v., Tochter W. von Hum- boldts; ein Lebensbild. 1896. . . .D13524 BuELOW, H. G. V. Briefe und Schriften. 4v. 1895-6 D13525 Early Correspondence. 1897 017290 BuGEAUD DE LA PicoNNERiE, T. R., Mar- shal. Memoir; by d'Ideville. 2v.C 3171 Bulfinch, C Life and Letters; ed. by ^ E. S. Bulfinch. 1896 , C17270 Bull, G., Bishop. Life ; by Nelson. i846*P 32 Bull, Ole. Memoir ; by Mrs. S. C. Bull. 1883 C 3222 Bulu, J. Autobiography C 1222 BuNSEN, C. C. J. Leben; von Baehring. 1892 D13515 Leben; von F. Bunsen. 3 v. 1868. .D 4020 Memoirs; by F. Bunsen. 2v. 1869.C 3221 BuNSEN, F. W., Baroness. Life and Let- ters ; by Hare. 1880 C 2477 Bunting, J. Life; by T. P. Bunting. 1859 C 615 Bunting, W. M. Memorials; by Rowe. 1870 C 616 Bunyan, J, Biography of; by Macaulay.G 401 Life ; by Froude. 1880 C 2476 Life and Times; by Brown. 1885. C '27ZZ Life and Times; by -Philip. 1839. .C 2619 Buonarroti, M. A. (Michael Angelo). Biographic; par Dumas. 1872.. C 4726 Biography; by Sweetser. 1878 C 1686 Leben; von Grimm. 2v. 1873 D 4022 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 267 Buonarroti, M. A. (Michael Angelo). Life; by Black. 1885 C 3631 The same; illustrated. 1875.. *V 578 Life ; by Clem«nt. 1880 C 3667 Life ; by Duppa. 1870 1 3134 The same. 1807 *V 206 Life ; by Grimm. 2v. 1S72 C 1050 Life; by Harford. 2v. 1858 C 1049 Life ; by Roscoe. 1833 C 12 Life; by Symonds. 2v. 1893. . . .*Ci05i7 Life ; by Wilson. 1876 C 3247 Vie de ; par Clement. 1861 C 4361 Vie et Oiivrages de ; par Quatremere de Quincy. 1835 C 6305 RuRD, E. Selections from Letters, 1763- 1828 ; ed. by Walker. 1899 €17068,3 HuRDETT, Sir ¥., Memoirs of the Life of. 1810 C10559 BuRDETT-CouTTS, Doroness. Public Life and Work. 1893 / C10562 Burg, M. Mein Dienstleben. 1854 D 4023 BuRGES, Sir J. B. Letters ; ed. by Htitton. 188s C 2713 HuRGES, T. Memoir, with Speeches; by Bowen. 1835 C 166 BuRGHLEV, Lord, and his Times G 402.2 The same £1350,2 The Great Lord Burghley ; by Hume. 1898 C17274 Memoirs ; by Nares. 3v *V 185 liURGON, J. W. Biography; by Goulburn. 2v. 1892 C10560 URGOYNE, Gen. J. Episodes from the Life of; by Fonblanque. 1876... C 2460 I'RGOYNE. Sir J. F. Life and Corre- spondence ; by Wrottesley. 2v. 'yjiC 2492 BuRK,J. D. Memoirof; by Campbell. '68C 1756 RuRKE, E. Correspondence, 1744- 1797. 4v. 1844 C 3839 Anecdote Biography ; by Timbs. '62.C 1606 Life ; by P. Burke. 1854 C 631 Life ; by Morley. 1879 C 1492 Life ; by Prior. 1878 1 3096 Life and Times; by Macknight. 3v. 1858 ..C10587 Life and Times ; by Robertson. 1875C 2574 Burke, Father T. N. Life ; by Fitz-Pat- rick. 2v. 1886 C 2760 Burke, W.. Author of Junius ; by Symons. 1859 C 2464 Burlamacchi, F. Vita di. Guerrazzi. * 1868 G 9232 Burn, J. Autobiography of the Beggar- Boy. 1882 C 2740 BuRNES, J. N. Life, with Speeches and Debates ; by DeKnight. 1889 C10544 Alemorial Addresses on. 1889 C10586 Burnett, F. H. The One I knew best of all. 1893 G11123 Burnett, P. H. Recollections of. 1880.C 1737 Burney, C. Memoirs; by d'Arblay. 3v. 1832 C10585 Burney, Frances. See Arblay, F. P. d'. Burns, Sir G. Times and Friends; by Hodder. 1890 C10588 Burns, R. Career and Genius of; by Nichol. 1882 C 2567 Chronicle of the looth Birthday of; by Ballantine. 1859 C 2675 Genius and Character of; by Wilson. 1872 C 628 Land of; by Wilson and Chambers. 2v. 1840 *V 198 Life ; by Blackie. 1888 C 3723 Life ; by Cunningham. 1835 C 2754 Life ; by Hepburn. 1896 C17306 Life ; by Lockhart. 1828 1 3515 Life ; by Shairp. 1880 C 1501 Life and Works; ed. by Chambers. 4v. in 2. 1856 E 91 The Poet of the People ; by Lorimer. 1890 C10590 Robert Bums in Dumfriesshire; by^ McDowell. 1870 C10589 Robert Burns in Stirlingshire; by Harvey. 1899 C17308 A Winter with, 1786-7. 1846 C 2987 and Mrs. Dunlop. Correspondence; ed. by Wallace. 2v. 1898 C17307 BuRNSiDE, A. E. Life ; by Poore. 1882. . C 1746 Memorial Addresses on. 1882 ....C 2088 Burr, A., Charges against ; by Van Ness. 1804 C 1741 Life ; by Knapp. 1835 C 2192 Life ; by Merwin. 1899 C17326 Life ; by Todd. 1879 C 1744 The same *Ci696,8 Life and Times ; by Parton . 2 v . 1866 . . . C 212 Memoirs; by Davis. 2v. 1858 .'...C 208 Burritt, E. Life; by Kirton. 1885... C 3102 Life ^nd Labors; by Northend. '79. C 1738 Burroughs, S.. Life of. 1853 C 211 Burton, Lady I. Story of. her Life told by herself and W. H. Wilkins. 2v. 1^97 C172P4 268 INDIVIDUAL BIOGR.\PHY. Burton, Sir R. F. Life; by I. Burton. 2v. 1893 C10516 Life ; by Stisted. 1897 C17275 Life, Travels, and Explorations; by Hitchman. 2v. 1887 C 3395 Burton, W. E. Sketch of; by Keese. ,188s C 1736 BuRWELL, L. M. A Girl's Life in Vir - ginia before the War. 1895 C17361 BusBECQ, O. G. de. Life and Letters ; by Forster and Daniell. 2v. 1881..C 3220 BusEY, S. C. Reminiscences and Recol- lections. 1895 C17367 BusHNELL, H. Life and Letters ; by Cheney. 1880 C 1739 Preacher and Theologian; by Mun- ger. 1899 C17297 Butler, B. F. Butler's Book; Autobiog- raphy. 1892 ^. C10591 Life ; by Bland. 1879 C 1740 Life and Opinions; by Mackenzie. 184s C 210 Butler, J as. See Ormond, Marquis of. Butler, Joseph, Bishop; by Collins. '81.L 2123 a Religious Philosopher ; by Pynchon. 1889 M 3990 Butler, S. Life and Letters; by his Grandson. 2v. 1896 . .*. C17300 Buxton, Sir T. F. Leben ; von Treskow. 1853 D 258 Memoirs and Correspondence. 1849C 636 Study for Young Men; by Binney. 18-1 C 634 Byrne, M. Memoirs, 1798-1815. 1863. .A 298 Byron, Lady. Mrs. Stowe'g Story; by Outis *A 294 Vindicated ;. by Stowe. 1870 C 644 Vindication of. 1871 C 643 Byron, Lord, and Shelley, Last Days of; by Trelawny. 1858 C 930 Byron der Uebermensch, sein Leben und Dichten ; von Bleibtreu. 1897D13533 Conversations at Pisa ; by Medwin. 1824 C 2491 Conversations on Religion with; by Kennedy. 1830 C 2457 Conversations with the Countess of Blessington C 642 Illustrations of Life and Workg of; by Finden. 3v. 1833-4 *P 627 Letters on ; by Brydges. 1824 C 2758 Life ; by Castelar. 1876 C 2493 Life;byElze. 1872 C 641 Byron, Lord. Life ; by Gait. 1859 1 3656 Life ; by Moore. 1869 C 640 Life; by Nichol. 1880 C 1499 Life; by Noel. 1890 C11S45 Memoirs.^ of Life and Writings ; by Clinton. 1825 C10545 The real Lord Byron ; by Jeaf f reson. 1883 ..: C 2596 The same. 3v. in 2. G 1099 Recollections of; by Dallas. 1824. C 2458 Recollections of; by Guiccioli. 1869C 2490 Records of; by Trelawny. 1878.. C 3006 Cabot, G. Life and Letters; by Lodge. 1878 C 1758 Cabot, J. and S. Biographical Notice; by Tarducci. 1893 Ci 1039 The Discovery of America ; by Beaz- ley. 1898 C11016 leur Origine et leurs Voyages; par Harrisse. 1882 *Vii47,i Lives ; by H. Harjisse. 1896 *Ci7443 Cabot, S. Life ; by Hay ward. 1873 C 75,9 Life ; by Nichols. 1869 C 2495 Alemoir ; by Biddle. 1832 C 2497 and J. ; by Stevens. 1870 C 2549 Cesar, C. J., and the Roman Imperial System ; by Fowler. 1892 C10614 History of ; by Abbott. 1873 H 21 Histoire de; par Napoleon III. 2v. 1872 C 6002 . The same. 2v. 1865-6 *V 1150 History of; by Napoleon III. 2v. 1868 C 1233 Life ; by Dodge. 1892 C10512 Life ; by Williams. 1854 C 1065 Napoleon III.'s Life of; by Smith. 1865 *C 1699 A Sketch ; by Froude. 1879 C 3250 Cagliostro, Couvt. See Balsamo. G. Calamy, E. My own Times, 1671-1731. 2v. 1830 C 2516 Caldecott, R. Life ; by Blackburn. 1886C 2990 Calderon de la Barca ; by Hasell. 1880.J 2241 Life and Genius; by Trench. 1880. C 3278 und seine Werke; von Giinthner.'88D 5988 Caldwell, C. Autobiography. 1855... C 216 Calhoun, J. C. Addresses on; by But- ler and others. 1850 *Ci696.4 The Carolina Tribute to. 1857 C I794 Discourse on; by Miles. 1850 *Ci696.4 Life of. 1843 C 217 Life ; by von Hoist. 1882 C 1787 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 269 Calvert, C. r.nd G. See Baltimore. Calvert, L. Life ; by Burnap. 1846 C 75,19 Calvin, J. Early Years of, 1509-36; by M'Crie. 1880 C 3243 Leben; von Henry. 3v. 1835-44. .D. 6005 Letters; ed. by Bonnet. 2v. 1855. C 1075 The same M 2342 Life ; by Dyer. 1850 C 3319 Life, Works and Doctrines of; by Audin C 3252 Cameron, Jane. Memoirs of; by Robin- son. 2v. 1864 C 681 Cameron, R. Life; by Herkless. i^.Ci7445 Camoens, L. de. Life and his Lusiads; by Burton. 2v. 1881 C 3274 Camp, H. W., the Knightly Soldier; by Trumbull. 1865 C 1795 Campanella, C M. My Life. 1874. .C 1078 Campbell, C. See Qyde, Baron. Campbell, Sir G. Memoirs of my Indian Career ; ed. by Bernard. 2v. 1893.C11146 Campbell, J., Lord. Life; ed. by his ' Daughter. 2v. 1881 C10631 Campbell, J., D. D. Life and Labours; by Ferguson and Brown. 1867. . .C10615 Campbell, Elder T. Memoir; by A. Campbell. 1861 C 1755 -Campbell, T. Life and Letters; by Beattie. 3v. 1849 C 2508 Reminiscences of; by Redding. 2v. i860 p C 646 Campion, H. de. Memoires. 1857 C13033 Candlish, R. S. Memorials of; by Wil- son and Rainy. 1882 C 2579 Canning, C. J. C, Viscount. Life; by Cunningham. 1891 C11561 rwNiNG, G., and his Time; by Stapleton. 1859 C 651 Life ; by Hill. 1887 C 2901 Memoir ; by Therry. 1828 C 2716 Official Correspondence; cd. by Stapleton. 2v. 1887 C 3195 Canova, a. Memoirs; by Memes. 1825C 1229 et ses Ouvrages ; par Quatremere de Quincy. 1834 C 6299 Cantilupe, Saint T. See Thomas, St. Caperton, a, T., Memorial Addresses on. 1877 C17540.14 Capponi, G. Zeit-und Lebensbild; von Reumont. 1880 D 4038 Caracciolo, H. Memoirs. 1864 C 3263 Cardano, G. Life ; by Morley. 2v. 1854. C 1227 Carew, B. M. Life and Adventures of. 1802 C 2718 The same ; new edition C 2496 Carey, H. C. Memoir; by Elder. 1880C 1777 Carey, W. ; by Culross. 1882 C 2548 Life ; by Smith. 1885 C 2872 Story of; by Marshman. 1864.... C 1462 Carlos, Don, Son of Philip II., et Phi- lippe II. ; par Gachard. 1867 C12442 et Philippe H. ; par Mouy. 1864... C 5950 Haft und Tod; von Biidinger. 1891D 6000 Leben und Tod des ; von Warnkonig. 1864 ' D 5989 Carlos, Don, Son of Clias. IV., Career of; by Los Valles. 1835 C 3190 Carlyle, A. Autobiography. 1861 C 650 Carlyle, Mrs. J. W. Letters and Memo- rials; ed. by Froude. 2v. 1883. C 2586 Life; by Ireland. 1891 C10628 Carlyle, T. The Carlyles' Chelsea Home; by Blunt. 1895 C17510 Conversation with; by Duffy. 1892.C11038 Correspondence with R. W. Emer- son. 1834-72. 3v. 1883-6 C 2585 Correspondence with Goethe; ed. by Norton. 1887 C 3375 Essay on ; by Hamley. 1881 C 2582 First Forty Years of his Life, 1795- 1835 ; by Froude. 2v. 1882 C 2556 Letters to his Youngest Sister. '99.C17512 Life ; by Conway. 1881 C 2555 Life ; by Garnett. 1887 C 3724 Life; by Macpherson. 1896: C11015 Lif^; by Nichol. 1892 C10627 Life ; by Nicoll. 1881 C 2583 Life in London, 1834-81 ; by Froude. 1884 C 2697 The Man and his Books; by Wylie. 1881... C 2580 Memoirs of; by Shepherd and Wil- liamson. 2v. 1881 C 2581 Mr. Froude and Carlyle; by Wilson. 1898 C17511 Personally and in his Writings; by Masson. 1885 C 2698 Philosophic Thinker; by Hood. '75. C 2584 Reminiscences; ed. by Froude. 1881C 2519 Reminiscences; ed. by Norton. 1887C 2904 Secret of his Life ; by Larkin. 1886C 2943 Story of; by Arnold. 1888 C 3536 Carlyon, C. Early Years and Late Re- flections. 3v. 1856 C 2686 270 INDIVIDUAL Carnot, L. Organisateur de la Victoire, 1753-1823 ; par Picaud. 1885 C 6297 Carnot, L. H, Memoires; par son fils. 2v. 1861-3 C12256 Carol, King of Ronmania. Reminis- cences; ed. by Whitman. 1899. .C17412 Caroline, Queen of England. Life; by- Nightingale. 3v. 1820-22 C10668 Memoirs; by Adolphus. 2v. 1821.C 2514 Memoirs; by Huish. 2v. 1821 C 2550 Trial of. 2v. 1821 *N 4990 The same. 3 v. 1874 N4890, i -3 Caroline Matilda of Denmark. Life ; by Wraxall. 3v. 1864 C 3253 Romance of Diplomacy ; Historical Memoir, by Smyth. 2v. 1861 . . . C 3280 Carpenter, A. V. H., Glimpses of Life and Times of. 1890 *V2058 Carpenter, J. Life and Times; by T. Brewer. 1856 C10630 Carpenter, Mary. Life; by J. E. Car- penter. 1879 C 2554 Carpenter, Matthew H. Life ; by Flower. 1884 C 1799 Carpenter, P. P. Life and Work; ed. by R. L Carpenter. 1880 C 3391 CarPvE, W. R. Border Memories. 1876. C 2719 Carroll, A. E., a Military Genius. Life ; by BlackWell. 1891 C10629 Carroll, C, of Carrollton. Life, 1737- 1832; by Rowland. 2v. 1898. . .C17464 Journal; with Memoir by Mayer. 1845 -^^ *B 1643 Carroll, J., Archbishop. Biographical Sketch; by D. Carroll. 1843 -.-C 1778 Life and Times; by Shea. 1888. .M28i3,2 Carson, Kit. Life; by Abbott. 1876. .C 219 Life ; by Burdett. 1869 C 220 Carstares, W. Character of; by Story. 1874 .' C 2498 Carter, G. Life and Recollections of.'85.C 2717 Carteret, J. See Granville, Earl. Cartwright, E. Life, Writings and Me- chanical Inventions; by Strick- land. 1843 C10674 Cartwright, Maj. J. Life and Corre- spondence ; by F. D. Cartwright. 2v. 1826 C17721 Cartwright, P. Autobiography. 1856.C 221 Carvajal y Mendoza, L. de. Life; by Fullerton. 1881 G 1056 Cary, a. and P. Memorial; by Ames. 1874 C 222 BIOGRAPHY. Cary, H. F. Memoir of; by H. Cary. 2v. 1847 C 2tS>3 Casalis, E. Mes Souvenirs. 1884 C 4595 Casanova de Seingalt. Escape of; ed. by Villars. 1892 C10214 Kistoire" de ma Fuite des Prisons. 1884 c 4578 Casas, B. delas. Life; by Helps. 1868.C 1124 Life; by Touron and Charlevoix.'7iC 417 Casaubon, I. Life, 1559-1614; by Patti- son. 1875 C10612 Casimira, Mary, Queen of Poland. Marysienka, 1641-1716; by Walis- zewski. 1899 C18496 Cass, L. Life; by McLaughlin. 1891..C10613 Life and Services ; by Young. 1853C 1782 Life and Times; by Smith. 1856. . .C 2186 Proceedings upon Acceptance of Statue of, 1889 C17450 Cassidy, W., Memorial of. 1874 C 1780 Cassiodorus, M. a. Letters ; tr. by Hodg- kin. 1886 C 3309 Castelar y Rissol, E. Don Emilio Castelar ; by Hannay. 1896 C17449 Castelliom, S. Sec Chateillon. Castlereagh, Lord. See Londonderrv'. Castro, G. de. Life; by Holland. i8i7C36i5,2 Castro, J. de. Life ; by de Andrade. 1693 *V 2059 Catharine, St., of Genoa. Life. 1875. C 3251 Catharine, St., of Siena. Life; by Drane .' C ^^Sz^ Catharine II., Empress of Russia. Auto- biography. 1859 C 1064 Autour d'un Trone ; par Waliszewski. 1894 C 5437 Geheime Lebensgeschichte. 1798, .D 6042 La Grande Catherine; par Capefigue. 1862 C 4282 Katharina die Zweite; von Bruckner. 1883 D 5781 Life and Reign; by Mottley. 2V.1744C 3339 Die nordische Semiramis ; von Oettinger. 6v. in 3. 1863-4 D 1518 Le Roman d'une Imperatrice ; par Waliszewski. 1894 C 543^ Romance of an Empress ; by Walis- zewski. 1894 C11028 Catharine of Aragon, Queen of Eng- land, and the English Reformation ; by DuBoys. 1881. 2v C 2563 Divorce of; by Froude. 1891 A 2>2^7 Hfstory of; by Dixon. 1873 G 182 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 271 Catharine de'Medici, Queen of France. Catherine de Medicis; par Bou- chot. 1899 *P 1796 Girlhood of; by Trollope. 1856. . . .C 1082 Jugend von; von Reumont. 1856. .D 4149 Catley, a., Life of. 1888 *Cio6i6 Catnach, J. Life and Times; by Hind- ley. 1878 C 2518 Caulaincourt, a. a. L, Duke of Vi- censa, Recollections of. 1838 C 3^84 Cavendish, H. Life ; by Wilson. 1851.C10632 Cavendish, T., Life and Voyages of. 1873 .-. I 3673 Cavour, C. di. Biographische Erinnerun- gen ; von Massari. 1874 D 4041 Life ; by Cesaresco. 1898 C17507 Life; by Mazade. 1877 C 11 19 Reminiscences ; by Rive. 1862 C 1068 Memoir ; by Dicey. 1861 C 1067 Caxton, W. Account of; h^ Marshall. 1877 *V 810 Biography ; by Blades. 1882 C 2561 Life; by Stephenson. 1833 C 12 Life and Typography; by W. Blades. 2v. 1861-3 ♦? 1608 Who was Caxton? 1S77 C 2896 Cavla, CotnJesse du. Louis XVI I L et les Salons; par C^pefigue. 1866 C12230 Caylus, Mme. de. Souvenirs et Corre- spondance. 1881 C12134 Cecil, Sir R. See Salisbury, Marquis of. Cellini, B. Chisel, Pen & Poignard; or, Benvenuto Cellini, his Times, etc. 1899 C17415 Life; tr. by Symonds. 2v. 1888... C 3328 Memoirs. 1871 1 3008 Vita. 1852 C 9161 Life; written by himself. 2v. 1771C10636 Vie; par Plon. 1883 ♦P 844 Cervantes Saavedra, M. de. Life; by Kelly. 1892 C11118 Life ; by Roscoe. 1839 1 3614 Life ; by Watts. 1891 C11550 Life and Works; by Watts. 1895- .C17446 Cesarini, J., Cardinal. Life ; by Jenkins. 1861 C 351S Chalkley, T. Journal. 1850 C 656 Chalmers, T. Levensschets van. 1855D 9132 Life; by Blaikie. 1896 Ci7453 Life ; by Dodds. 1870 C 659 Life ; by Fraser C 2558 Life; by Oliphant. 1893 C1103S Chalmers, T. Life and Writings of; by Hanna. 4v. 1871 C 658 Selection from Correspondence. '53.E 933 Chamberlain, J. Life; by Jeyes. 1896C17454 The Man and the Statesman ; by Marris. 1900 C1751S Chambers, R. Memoir; by W. Cham- bers. 1872 C 654 Chambord, H. de B., Comte de; par Nou- vion et Landrodie. 1884 C 6070 Henri de France; par Pene. i885.*V 1142 Chamisso de Boncourt, a. v. Lcben und Briefe; von Hitzig. 1839... D 5990 und seine Zeit; von Fulda. 1881..D 4039 Champfleury, J. See Fleury, J. Champlain, S. de. Brief Sketch of; by Hurlbut. 1885 *Ci696,7 Chandler, Z., Life and Services of. 1880C 1816 Memorial Addresses on. 1880. ...C 2089 Chandos, Duke of (J. Brydges). Mem- oir; by Robinson. 1893 • C11145 Channing, W. E. Centenary; ed. by Bellows. 1881 C 1759 Centennial Memory; by Brooks. *8oC 1776 Celebration of looth Anniversary of, 1880 C 1760 Correspondence with Lucy Aikin. 1874 ./ C 647 Discourse on; by Bellows. i842.*Ci696,^ Memoir; by W. H. Channing. 3v. 1848 C 1761 Channing, W. H. Life; by Frothing- ham. 1886 C 2077 Chantal^, J. F. DE. 6*^£? Jane Francis, 6"^ Chantrey, Sir F. Memoirs; by Hol- land. 1851 C 2597 Recollections of; by Jones. 1849.. C 2618 Chapin, E. H. Life; by Ellis. -1882. .C 1927 Chapin, J. H. Life and Work; by Weaver. 1894 C10622 Chapman, F. W., Sermon on ; by Fisher. 1877 *Ci696,i Chapman, J., Bishop. Memorials. 1892.C10624 Charlemagne, Emperor of the West. Charles the Great; by Hodgkin. 1897 C17499 et son Empire ; par Falvert *V 1061 Hero of Two Nations; by Davis. 1900 C17498 History of; by James. 1872 1 3700 History of; by Mombert. 1888 C 3188 Life ; by Cutts. 1882 C Z277 Life ; by Eginhard. 1877 C 3834 2.^2 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Charlemagne, Emperor of the West. Sa Vie ; par Roy. 1864 C 6527 Vie; par Capefigiie. 2v. 1842 C12229 Vie; par Zeller et Darsy. 1882 C13392 Charlemont, J. C, Earl.^ Political and Private Life ; by Hardy. 2v. 1812C 1000 Charles IV., Emperor of Germany, und seiner Zeif; von W.erunsky. 3v. 1890-92 D 5923 Charles V., Emperor of Germany. Auto- biography ; tr. by Simpson. 1862. C 1069 Charles-Quint; par Mignet. 1882.. C 5892 Cloister Life; by Stirling-Maxwell. 1853 C 1077 The same. 1891 *Cio6o4 Correspondence; ed. by Bradford. 1850 C10603 Geschichte ; von Imhof. 1864 D 271 Geschichte Karls V. ; von Baumgar- ten. 3v. 1885-92 D 6147 Historj' of; by Robertson, cont. by Prescott. 3v. 1873 A 1802 The same, abridged. 1873 1 3774 Kaiser Karl V. und die romische Curie, 1544-6; von Druffel. 1877- 1890 • *V 1397 Charles VI., Emperor of Germany, als Konig von Spanien; von Landau. 1889 D 5992 Charles I., King of England, ahd the Revolution ; by Guizot. 2v. 1854A 362 Attempted Escapes of; by Hillier.. 1852 A 697 Charles I. ; by Skelton. 1898 *P 1736 Court and Times of; by Birch. 2v. 1849 A 364 Eikon Basilike; by Wordsworth.'24A 428 Eikon Basilike in his Solitudes and Sufferings. 1824 A 429 Fairfax Correspondence; Memoirs, ed. by Johnson. 2v. 1848 A 3301 Fall of the Monarchy of; by Gar- diner. 2v. 1882 A 3106 History of King and Commonwealth ; by Cordery and Phillpotts. 1876. A 432 History of; by Abbott. 1854 H 22 Historical Sketches of; by Fellows. 1828 *V 409 Last Two Years of; by Herbert. 'is'C 2908 Life of, 1600 to 1625; by Chancellor. 1886 C 2869 Life and Reign; by Disraeli. 2V.1851C 657 Life and Writings ; by Harris. 1814C 652,2 Charles I., King of England. Memoirs of Reigne of; by Warwick. 1701.C 3193 Memoirs of the Court of; by Aikin. 2v. 1833 A 531 Narrative of; by Ashburnham. 2v. 1830 A 716 Personal Government of, 1628-37 ; by GardineK 2v. 1877 A 511 Prince Charles and Spanish Mar- riage; by Gardiner. 2v. 1869. ..A 3409 Trials of. 1845 1 3595 Vindication of; by Symmons. 1648, rpr. 1693 *. C10605 The White King; by Adams. 2v. 1889 C10606 Charles II., King of England, Account of Escape of. 1883 *P624,26-27 Boscobel Tracts relating to Escape of ; ed. by Hughes. 1857 A 433 Coronation of; by Walker. 1820. .A 3196 Court of Charles II., 1649-1734; comp. by Forneron. 1897 A 3462 Flight of the King; by Fea. 1897. .A 3422 History of; by Abbott. 1873 H 23 In the Channel Islands; by Hoskins. 2v. 1854 A 368 Life ; by Harris C652,4-5 Charles XH.. Khig of Sweden, and Col- lapse of Swedish Empire; by Bain. 1895 C17502 History of; by Voltaire. 1857 C 1070 Histpire de; par Voltaire. 1825... C 6996 The same. 1869 C6997,4 The same. 1873 C6945,i5 Life ; by Oscar 11. 1879 C 3264 Military History of; by Adlerfeld. 3v. 1740 C 3575 Charles XIV., King of Sweden. Memo- rials ; by Meredith. 1829 C10602 Memoirs and Campaigns; by Philip- part. 1814 C10601 Charles Augustus, of S axe-Weimar. Carl August, als mensch, etc.; von Zeiss. 1857 D 5933 Erinnerung an Carl August; von Teichmann. 1857 D 5933 Leben ; von Treumund. 1857 D 259 Charles Borromeo, St. Life ; by Thomp- son. 1870 C 1256 Charles Edward Stuart (the Pretend- er). Memoirs; by Klose. 2v. 1846C 2553 Miraculous Escape of; by Burton. 1749, rpr. 1884 *P624.39 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. V3' Charles Edward Stuart (the Pretend- er). Pickle the Spy; by Lang. 1897 C17420 Prince Charles Edward; by Lang. 1900 *P 1788 Charles, Archduke of Austria. Leben; von Duller. 1847 D13542 Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria. Leben und Thaten. 1828 D 6084 Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick. A Study, 1735-1806; by Fitzmaurice. 1901 C17493 Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales. Memoiren'; von Althaus. 1869.. D 251,2 Memoir of; by Weigall. 1874 C 2499 Memoirs; by Huish. 2v. 1818. .. .C 2507 Charlotte Sophia, Consort of George III. Court and Private Life in Time of ; by Papendiek. 2v. 1887.C 2957 Memoirs ; by Watkins. 1819 C10638 Chase, P., Bishop. Autobiography. 2\. 1848 C 215 Chase. S. P. Eulogy on ; by Evarts.'74*C 1696,3 Life; by Hart. 1899 C17451 Life; by Schuckers. 1874 C 224 Life and Services; by Warden. 1874C 1769 Chase, W. Life Line of the Lone One. 1858 C 3089 Chasles, P. Memoires. 2v. 1876-7. .C12180 Chateaubriand, F. R. de. Autobiogra- phy. • 1854 C 3254 Memoires d'Outre-Tombe. 6v...*V 1126 Chateillon, S. Sa Vie et son Q£uvre (15^5-63) ; par Buisson. 2v. 1892C12641 Chatham, W. P., ist Earl of, and Growth of British Empire, 1708-78; by Green. 1901 C18709 Anecdote Biography; by Timbs. 1862 C 1606 Anecdotes of; by Almon. 3v. 1810C 2940 Correspondence, 1741-78. 4v. 1838- 1840 C 2915 Junius, Lord Chatham; by Dowe. 1857 C 2933 Junius, Lord Chatham; by Swinden. 1833 • .*...E38i3 Chatterton, Lady G. Memoirs ; by Ber- ing, 1878 C 1027 Chatterton, T. Biography; by Wilson. 1869 C 653 Life; by Davis. 1806 C 2559 Life ; by Dix. 1837 C 2674 Life ; by Gregory. 1789 C 2500 Story of 1770; by Masson. 1874. ..C 2505 Chaucer, G, Life; by Godwin. 4v. 1804C 2515 Life ; by Ward. 1880 C 2509 Chaumonot, p. j. M., Vie de. 2v. 1858C 4335 Cheke, Sir J. Life; by Strype. 1705. .C 3547 Life ; by Strype. 1821 *P 128 Cherbury, Lord. See Herbert, Lord. Cherubini, L. Biographie von. i8io.D 6009 Life ; by Bellasis. 1874 C 1230 Life ; by Crowest. 1890 C10637 Chesbrough, E. S. Biographical Sketch. 1880 *Bi368,i Chesnev, F. R. Life; by his Wife and Daughter. 1885 •. .C 991 Chesterfield, Earl (P. D. Stanhope). Best Letters. 1890 C11704 Letters ; ed. by Mahon. 5v. 1845.. C 947 Letters, Sentences and Maxims. 1875I 3896 Letters to his Godson. 1890 C11705 Life ; by Hayward. 1854 14000,17 Memoirs ; by Ernst. 1893 C11144 Chevalier, A. A Record, by himself. 1895 C17514 Cheverus, Card. Life; by Dubourg.i839C 1248 Chevreuse, Mmc. de; par Cousin. 1868.C 4372 Cheyne, J., Strictures on Autobiography of; by Henry, i860 ♦£ 1171 Child, L. M. Letters; with Biography, by Whittier. 1883 C 1793 Childs, G. W. Recollections. 1890. . .C10618 Chipmak, J. L., Memorial Addresses on. 189s €17540,2 Chipman, N. Life; by D. Chipman. '46C 1785 Chittenden, L. E. Personal Reminiscen- ces, 1840-90. 1893 C10625 Chittenden, T. Exercises at Dedication of Monument to, 1896 Ci745-2 Memoir; by Chipman. 1849 C 1783 Choate, R. Life; by Brown. 1870 C 225 Memories of; by Neilson. 1884 C 1798 Reminiscences; by Parker. 1860..C 226 Chodowiecki, D. N. Leben; von Meyer. 1888 .* D 5991 Chopin, F. F., as a Man and Musician ; by Niecks. 2v. 1888 C10620 Leben und Werke; von Karasowski. 1877 D 6004 Life ; by Liszt. 1877 C 3257 • Life, Letters and Works; by Kara- sowski. 2v. 1879 C10621 The Man and his Music ; by Huneker. 1900 C1749.S Sa Vie ; par Audley. 1880 C 4089 Sketches; ed. by Wieser. 1892. .. .Cii 137 274 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Chorley, H. F. Autobiography. 2v. 1873C 2510 Personal Reminiscences ; ed. by Stod- dard. 1874 c 77.1 Reminiscences. 1874 C 660 Choyce, J. Log of a Jack^.Tar; ed. by Cameron. 1891 C10619 Christina, Queen of Sweden. Life; by Bain. 1890 C10623 Memoirs; by Woodhead. 2v. 1863C 3267 Chrysostom, Saint John. John of the Golden Mouth; by Macgilvray.*7iC 1253 Life and Times ; by Stephens. 1883.C 3304 CHURCH*5"iV R. Life; by Poole. 1890.C10617 Church, R. W., Dean. Life and Letters ; ed. by M. C. Church. 1894 C17456 Churchill, C. ; by Forster. 1855 14000,16 The same, i860 C 57 Churchill, R., Lord. Life; by Crozier. 1887 C 2052 Personal and Political Monograph; by Escott. 1895 C17516 CiBBER, C. Life; by himself. 1740 C 2522 CiBBER, S. M. Account of Life of. 1887C 2997 Cicero and his Friends ; by Boissier. '97C17457 and the Fall of the Roman Republic ; by Davidson. 1894 C11120 et ses Amis; par Boissier. 1884. . .C12092 Letters of Cicero; tr. by Schuck- burgh. 4v. 1899-1900 L 3099 Letters to. his Friends; ed. by Mel- moth. 3v. 1804 L 2809 Life ; by Forsyth. 1869 C 1232 Life; by Rollings. 1839 1 3615 Life ; by Middleton. 1839 C 1234 Life; by Trollope. 2v. 1881 C 3249 Life and. Letters; by Jeans. 1880. .C 3244 Memoirs of; by Lamartine. i873..Ci23,i Select Letters; with Notes by Wat- son. 1870 ....*P 286 Clapp, T. Autobiographical Sketches. 1857 C 1817 Clare, J. Life ; by Martin. 1865 C 662 Clarendon, Earl of. Autobiography. 2v. 1857 *P 70 Friends and Contemporaries of; by Lewis. 3v. 1853 C 3512 Inquiries respecting ; by Ellis. 1827.C 761 Life ; by Lister. 3v. 1838 C 741 Clark, J. G. In Memoriam, i8iS-i900.*P 1751 Clark, T. M., Bishop. Reminiscences. 1895 C17460 Clarke, E. D. Life; by Otter. 1824. .*V 218 The same. 2v. 1825 C11148 Clarke, J. F. Autobiography, Diary and Correspondence. 1891 C10657 Celebration of 70th Birthday of. '80.C 1784 Claude, Chef de la Police. Memoires. lov. 188^1-3 c 4326 Claude Lorra^. See Gelee, C. Claudin, G. Mes Souvenirs. 1884 C12153 Claver, P. Life and Labors. 1868. . . .C 1241 Clay, C. M. Life; with Writings and Speeches. 1886 C 2074 Clay, H. Last Years ; by Colton. 1856. C 231 Life ; by Colton. 2v. 1855 C 230 Life ; by Prentice. 1831 C 228 Life ; by Schurz. 2v. 1*887 C 2183 Life and Speeches; by Mallory. 2v. 1843 C 1932 Life, Correspondence and Speeches of; ed. by Colton. 6v. 1857 J ici Monument to the Memory of. 1858C 1773 Obituary Addresses on. 1852 C 227 Private Correspondence; ed. by Col- ton. 1856 C 2035 Clay, J., Prison Chaplain. Memoir of; by W. L. Clay. 1861 L 4136 The same C 664 Clayton, C. See Sundon, Viscountess. Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain). Life; by W. M. Clemens. 1892 C10639 Clement VII., Pope, und Karl V., 1526; von Hellwig. 1889 D13543 Clement XIV., Pope; ein Lebensbild. 1847 D 6008 Geschichte des Pontificats Clemens' XIV. ; von Theiner. 2v. 1853...D6011 Interesting Letters of. 3v. in 4. 1777 C 3187 Seine Briefe und seine Zeit. 1847. D 265 Clemmer, M. See Hudson, M. C. A. Cleopatra, History of ; by Abbott. 1874H 24 Leben ; von Stahr. 1879 D 4202 Clercq, W. de. Leven van; door De Costa. 1850 D 9271 Clery, J. P. L. H. Memoires. 1825.. C 4391 Cleveland, G. Life; by Dorsheimer.'84C 1862 Life ; by Stoddard. 1888 ....?.... C 2335 Life ; by Whittle. 1896 C17481 Clinton, De W. Biography; by Ren- wich. 1859 1 S7;^6 Discourse on; by Conkling. i828.*L 165 Life and Writings; by Campbell.'49Ci744i Memoir ; by Hosack. 1829 *V 59 Clive, Mrs. C. R. Life; by Fitzgerald. 1888 C10658 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 275 Clive, R. C, Lord. Life; by Caraccioli. 4v. 1775 C 648 Life; by Arbuthnot. 1899 C17518 Life ; by Malcolm. 3v. 1836 C 680 Clotilda, St. Saint Clotilda; by Kurth. 1898 C18772 Clough, a. H. Monograph; by Wad- dington. 1883 C 712 Clovio, G. G. Life and Works ; by Brad- ley. i8gi C10665 Cluseret, G. p. Memoires. 3v. 1887-8.C12259 Clyde, Baron (C. Campbell). Life; by Phillips. 1885 C 3107 Life; by Forbes. 1895 C17471 Life ; by Shadwell. 2v. 1881 C 2547 ).\TES, R. Life; by Robinson. 1891..C11117 Cobb, S., Jr. Memoir; by E. W. Cobb. 1891 C10626 CoBBE, F. P. Life; by herself. 2v. 1894C11026 CoBBETT. W. Biography; by Smith. 2v. 1878 C 2511 Biography ; by Watson. 1870 C 982 Life. 1835 C10607 Life and Writings; by Waters. 1885C 2752 Memoirs; by Huish. 1836 C10608 CoBDEN, R.; by Cowing. 1885 C 3104. Life; by McGilchrist. 1865 C 663 Life ; by Morley. 1881 C 2557 Reminiscences; comp. by Schwabe. 1895 C11008 CoBHAM, J. O., Baron. Life; by Maurice. 1875 C 1458 Cochin, P. S. A. Life; by Falloux. '77.C 3259 Vic de; par Falloux. 1876 C 4861 Cochrane, C. B., Memorial of. 1861..C 1781 Cochrane, T. See Dundonald, ,T. C, Earl of. Cockburn, H., Lorrf. Journal. 2v. 1874. A 1131 Memorial of his Times. 1856 A 1130 Codrington, Sir E. Memoir; by Bour- chier. 2v. 1873 C 2504 Cody, W. F {Buffalo Bill). Last of the Great Scouts; by Mrs. H. C Wet- more. 1899 C17536 CcEUR, J., and his Times; by Costello. 1847 c 3275 Coffin, C. C, War Correspondent, Trav- eller and Author; by Griffis. 1898C17620 Coffin. L. Reminiscences. 1876 C 1770 CoGHLAN, Mrs. M. Memoirs. 1864... C 2503 Cogswell, J. G. Life as sketched in his Letters. 1874 C17531 CoiGNET, J. R. Narrative of, 1776-1850. 1890 Cio6s9 Coke, Sir E. Life ; by Johnson. 2v. 1845. C 2501 Coke, T. Life; by Moister. 1871 C 667 Colbert, J. B. Journal inedit, 1709-1711. 1884 C121S8 Life ; by James. 1839 C1420, i Vie de ; par Gasquet. 1882 C 5169 Vie de ; pai* Gourdault. 1870 C 5136 CoLBURN, Z. Memoir of. 1833 C 1771 Cole, Sir H. Fifty Years of Public Work. 2v. 1884 C 2699 Colebrooke, H. T. Essays, with Life; by T. E. Colebrooke. 3v. 1873..C11040 Life; by T. E. Colebrooke. 1873. .C 679 CoLENSo, J. W., Bishop. Life; by Cox. 2v. 1888 C 3751 Coleridge, J. D., Baron. Recollections; by Fishback. 1895 C17485 Coleridge, S. T., and the English Ro- mantic School ; by Brandl. 1887. C 3347 Letters ; ed. by Allsop. 1858 C 2588 Letters; ed. by E. H. Coleridge. 2v. 1895 C17490 Life ; by Caine. 1887 C 3725 Life; by T. E. Campbell. 1894 C11141 Life; by Gillman. 1838 C 678 Life; by Traill. 1884 C 1518 Recollections; by Cottle. 1837. .. .C10671 Coleridge, Mrs. S. C. Memoir and Let- ters. 2v. 1873 C 2517 Coles, E., and the Slavery Struggle in Illinois; by Washburne. 1882... C 1790 Colette, St. Life; by Parsons. 1879.C17547 Colfax, S. Life; by Moore. 1868 C 1797 CoLiGNY, G. DE. Early Life; by Bersier. 1884 ; C 3318 Leben ; von Marcks. 1892 D 13544 Life; by Besant. 1879 C 3265 Memoirs; by Scott. 1844 C 3320 Vie de; par Buet. 1884 C1211S CoLLENUCCio, P. Memoirs; by Tartt.i868C 3186 CoLLEONi, B. Life; by O. Browning.'9i*V 1435 CoLLEY, ^iV G. P. Life, 1835-81 ; by But- ler. 1899 C17468 Collier, J. P. Notes on Life ; by Wheat- ley. 1884 C 2985 CoLLiNGWOOD, C, Lord. Correspondence and Memoirs; by G. Collingwood. 1829 C 2520 Life ; by Russell. 1891 C10661 floLLiNS, Mrs. A. V. E. Memoirs of a brilliant Woman ; by H. O. Collins, 1892 : C10633 276 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Collins^ M. Letters and Friendships of. 1877 o C 2506 Collins, W. Memoirs; by W. W. Col- lins. 1848 C 2907 CoLMAN, G. the Fown^^r.^ Random Rec- ords. 1830 * C 2592 CoLONNA, V. Study; by Lawley. 1889.C10660 Life and Poems; by Roscoe. 1868.C10672 CoLQUHOUN, J. C. Scattered Leaves of Biography. 1864 G 2867 CoLT^ S., Armsmear ; Home, Arm and Armory of. 1866 *P 342 CoLUMBA, St. Vita S. Columbae : Prophe- cies, Miracles, etc. ; by St. Adam- nan. 1895 C17544 Columbus, C, and Discovery of Amer- ica; by Adams and Wood. i892*L320i,io and Discovery of the New World; by Belloy. 1889 C10643 The same. 1878 *V 678 and his Monument Columbia; by Dickey. 1892 C10648 and how he imparted the Spirit of Discovery; by Winsor. 1891. . . .C10646 and Participation of Jews in Span- ish Discoveries ; by Kayserling.'94Cio656 and the Bank of St. George, Two Letters; by Harrisse. 1888.... *P 830 Annee veritable de la Naissance de; par d'Avezac. 1873 C 4052 Autografos de. Berwick. 1892. .*V 1536 Bibliografia degli scritti Italiano. Fumagalli e Filippo. 1893 *P 1059 Caravels of Columbus; by Ponce de Leon. ' 1893 *V 1562 Career ; by Elton. 1892 ! . . C10650 Colon y la Rabida. Coll. 1892 C 9756 Columbus ; or, the Discovery of America ; by Cubitt. 1881 * .C 3268 Columbus Gallery; Portraits, Monu- ments, etc. ; by Ponce de Leon. 1893 *V 1561 Discoveries of; by Dunster. 1869.C10641 Discovery of America ; by Haikes. 1892 C10649 et la Decouverte du Nouveau Monde ; par Belloy *V Excerpta Colombiniana. Harrisse. 1887 *o His own Book of Privileges, 1502. (Photographic facsimile). 1893. *P 1587 Histoire de; par Bossi. 1825 C 4263 712 134 Columbus, C. Histoire de la Decouverte de I'Amerique; par Gaffarel. 2v. 1892 C12452 History of; by Goodrich. 1874 C 1071 Journal q| (during his first Voyage, 1492-3): 1893 *I 2410 Landfall of; by Becher. 1856. ...B 1988 Letter announcing the Discovery (Latin facsimile). 1893 *B 1995 The same (facsimile and reprin*^ of four Latin editions). 1892.B 1986 The same (in Spanish). 1889. B 1973 The same. 1889 *P 831 The same to Sant'x\ngel (fac- simile and translation). '93*B 1996 Letters of. 1870 *I 2382 Letters; ed. by Dexter. 1878 *B 862,2 Life ; by Abbott. 1875 C 1080 Life ; by Alden. 1881 C 3269 Life ; by Crompton. 1888 C10642 Life ; by Hale. 1891 C10645 Life ; by Helps. 1879 C 3262 Life ; by Knight. 1877 C 3258 Life; by Roselly de Lorgues. 1869C 3261 Life ; by St. John. 1850 C10653 Life ; by Tarducci. 2v. 1890 C10644 Life and Times ; by Lamartine.'87*P624,4i Life and Voyages ; by Irving. 3v.'73.J 134 The same (Isabella Edition). 3 v. 1892 *P 1646 The same; abridged. 1841..I 3579 The same C 3272 Life and Work; by Adams. 1892. .C10465 Life in Pictures ; by Searles and For- man. 1892 *V 1563 Livre de; par d'Avezac. 1873 C 4052 Los Restos de Colon. 1879 C 9608 Memorial Volume ; by Catholic Club of New York. 1893 C10655 Memorials of; by Dodge. 1851.. *B 1643 Memorials of; by Spotorno. 1823. C 3189 Old and New Lights on Columbus ; by Clarke. 1893 C17524 Portraits of; by Butler. 1883.... *E 2014 Quatre Voyages de; par Navarrete. 3v. 1828 C 6026 Reisen, 1492-1504; von Navarrete. 1890 -....D 5865 Revelateur du Globe; par Bloy. '84C12348 Select Letters; tr. by Major. 1847*1 2351 son Origine et sa Vie; par Harrisse. 1884 *Vii47,6-7 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. ^17 Columbus, C Souvenir of La Rabida, Relics of Columbus ; by Curtis. '^93Cio654 Story of; by Seelye. 1892 C10647 Story of Discovery; by Saunders. 1892 B 1979 , Su Vida, sus Viajes. Asensio. 2v. 1888 *P 2005 True Burial Place ; by Twiss. i879.Cio6s2^ und die Entdeckung Amerikas; von Mann. 1892 D13551 Vie de; par Lamartine. 1862 C5639,35 Vie; par Roselly de Lorgues. 2v. 1878 C 6511 Vita di. Tarducci. 2v. 1892 C 9455 With the Admiral of the Ocean Sea ; by MacKie. 1891 F 5370 Writings of; cd. by Ford. 1892. ..C10651 CoLUMBU^, Donna P. The Wife of Co- lumbus ; by Florentino and Maney. 1893 C17521 CoLvra, N. Memoir; by Smith. 1873. C 1765 CoLviN, J. R. Life; by Sir A. Colvin. 1895 CIIS57 Combe, A. Life and Correspondence ; by G. Combe. 1850 C10662 Combe, G. Life; by Gibbon. 2v. 1878. C 2512 Reminiscences of ; by Capen. 1881.C 1335 CoMBERMERE, S. C, Vxscount. Mem- oirs and Correspondence; by Cot- ton and KnoUys. 2v. 1866 C 3071 Combes, W. A. In Memoriam. 1874. ♦C 1699 CoMENius, J. A. Life; by Laurie C 3310 CoMPTON, H. Memoir; by C. and E. Compton. 1879 C 2741 CoMTE, A. Lettres a M. Valat. 1870..C12143 Testament de. 1884 C 4591 CoNANT, A. H. Life ; by Collyer. 1874.C 236 CoNDi, Prince of, Jeunesse de ; par Gour- dault. 1883 ♦V 1056 Life: by Fitz-Patrick, 2v. i873f.C 1066 CoNDORCET, J. A. N. C. Biographic et Correspondance. 1847 Ci2207,i Cone, S. H. Life of. 1856 C 1992 Confucius, the Great Teacher; by Alex- ander. 1890 C11029 Life and Teachings; by Legge. 1872C 1073 Concur, Capt. O. Autobiography. 185SC 235 CoNGDON, C. T. Reminiscences.* 1880. C 1325 Congreve, W. Life; by Gosse. 1888. . .C 3726 CoNKLiNG, R. Life and Letters; by A. R. Conkling. 1889 C10609 CoNOLLY, J. Memoir; by Clark. 1869. .C 666 CoxRART, v., et son Temps ; par Bour- goin. 1883 C12090 CoNSALvi, E., Cardinal. Memoires. 2v. 1866 C12216 Constable, A., and his Literary Corre- spondence. 3v. 1873 C 2502 Personal Reminiscences. 1875 .C 77,10 Constable, J. Life; by Arnold. 1881.C 262a Memoirs ; by Leslie. 1845 Ci 1 1 16 Constantine, the Great; by Cutts. 1881C 327a Konstantin der Grosse; von Pfahler. 1868 D 200 CoNTi, Princessc de ; par Barthelemy. '75C 4085 Con well, R. H. Life and Work; by Bur- dette. 1894 C17841 Cooke, B., Rifted Clouds; or, Life Story of. 1886 C 2991 Cooke, G. F. Life; by Dunlap. 1815.. C 2560 CooKMAN, A. Life ; by Ridgaway. 1874C 232 Cooper, A. A. (ist Earl of Shaftesbury). See Shaftesbury. Cooper, C. A. An Editor's Retrospect. 1896 C17550 Cooper, J. F. Life; by Arnold. 1883. .*C 1789 Life ; by Clymer. 1900 C17333 Life ; by Lounsbury. 1883 C 1788 Cooper, P. Peter Cooper; by Raymond. 1901 C16793 Cooper, T. S. My Life. 2 v. 1890 C 1064a Cope, C. W. Reminiscences; by C. H. Cope. 1891 C11027 Copernicus, N. Vie de; par Flammarion. 1872 C 496^ Copleston, E., Bishop. Memoir; by W. J. Copleston. 1851 C10610 Copley, J. S. Life; by Amory. 1882.. C 1792 Life and List of Works ; by Perkins. 1873 C10666 Life and Works ; by Perkins. i873*Ci696,S Copley, J. S. See Lyndhurst, Lord. CopwAY, G. (Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh) . Life of. 1847 C 1779 CoRDAY, C. Leben; von Focke. 1895.. D 14270 Life ; by Van Alstine. 1900 C10669 Hundred Years After ; by Jeaffreson. 1893 C11143 Corey, A. D. Memorial, 1866-91 C11036 Cork, R. B., Earl of. The Lismore Pa- pers, lov. 1886-8 *C 3095 Corneille, P., and his Times ; by Guizot. 1852 C 3260 and Racine; by Trollope. 1881 J 2245 278 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. CoRNEiLLE, P. Vie et Ouvrages ; par Tas- chereau. 1855 C13090 CoRNEELLE, T. Sa Vie et son Theatre; par Reynier. 1892 C 6429 Cornelius, E. Memoir; by Edwards. 1833 • C 2193 Cornell, E. Biography; by E. B. Cor- nell. 1884 C 1928 Cornwall, Barry, pseud. See Procter, B. W. CoRNWALLis, C. C, Lord. Correspond- ence of. 3v. 1859 A 445 CoRNWALLis, C. F. Selections from Let- ters. 1864 C10664 CoRNWALLis, Lady J. Private Correspond- ence, 1613-44. 1842 C 2859 CoRKEGGio, A. A. da. Life; by Brinton. 1900 C18725 Life ; by Coxe. 1823 C10196 Life ; by Heaton. 1882 C 3273 Life and Works; by ^leyer. 1876. *C 3279 CoRTEZ, F. Briefe an Carl V. uber Mex- iko. 2v. 1779 D13546 Correspondance avec Charles-Quint. 1779 C 4379 Cortez ; or, Discovery^ of Mexico ; by Allen. 1881 C 3271 Despatches to Charles V. during Conquest. 1843 B 1866 Fifth Letter to Charles V. 1868. . .*! 2379 History of ; by Abbott. 1855 H 68 Life ; by Helps. 1871 . . . .' C 1076 Life; by Trueba y Cosio. 1829 I 3531 CoRviN-WiERSBiTZKi, O. Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben. 4v. in 2. 1880.D 6001 Life and Adventures. 3v. 1871 . . . C 1079 CoEviNUS, M. See Matthias Corvinus. CoRwiN, T. Life and Speeches; ed. by Morrow. 1896 Ci7555 Sketch of ; by Russell. 1882 C 1791 CoSTA, L da. Brieven. v. i, 3-5. 1872-3D 9162 Costa de Beauregard, H. J., Marquis de. Recollections of; by Beauregard. 2v. 1877 • C 3229 CosTON, Mrs. M. J. A Signal Success; Autobiography. 1886 C 2084 CoTTA, H. V. Leben; von Beyer. 1881.D 4063 Cotton, J. Life; by M^Qure. 1846. ..Ci450,i Memoir ; by Norton. 1842 C 2234 Cotton, S. See Combermere, S. C, Vis- count. CoTTRiLL, J. p. C. In Memory of. 1889C 10667 Courcelles, M. S. de L. de. Memoires et Correspondance. 1855 C13040 CouRTOT, C. DE, Baroness. Memoirs ; comp. by Kaisenberg. 1900 C17557 Cousin, V. Li^e ; by Simon. 1888 C 3484 Co WEN, J. Life and Speeches; by Jones. 1885 C11521 CowPER, W., Best Letters of; ed. by Mc- Mahan. 1893 Ci-o679 Life ; by Hayley. 4v. 1806 C 2546 Life; by Smith. 1880 C11138 Life ; by Wright. 1892 Cii 140 Life and Letters; by Southey. '5313012,1-4 Life, Genius and Insanity; by Cheev- er. 1856 C 2949 Private Correspondence. 2v. 1824.C 2935 William Cowper; by Terhune. 1899C17558 Cox, D. Biography; by Hall. i88i.'f..C 2693 Life ; by Redgrave. 1891 C11023 Cox, S. S., Memorial Addresses on. '90.C10680 CoYSEVox, C. A. Vie; par Demenieux. 1882 C 4422 Crabbe, G. Life; by Kebbel. 1888.... C 3738 Life and Works ; ed. by his Son. '47E 7063 Craig, A. K., Memorial Addresses on. 1893 CI7S40.3 Cranach, L. Leben und Werke; von Schuchardt. 3v. in 2. 1851-71..D 6006 Cranmer, T., Ah p. of Canterbury, and the Reformation in England; by Innes. 1900 C16841 Life ; by Le Bas. 2v. 1833 C 2523 Life; by Mason. 1898 C17566 Life ; by Todd. 2v. 1831 C 649 Memoirs of; by Strype. 2v. i840*P 129 Craved, Mnie. P de La F. Memoir; by M. C Bishop. 2v. 1895 C17561 Reminiscences. 1879 C 4387 Crawford, T„ Eulogy on; by Hicks. 1865 *C 1818 Crequy, Marquise de. Souvenir, 1710- 1803. lov. in 5 C 4399 Crerar, J., Will of. 1889 *P 333 Cresap, M. Life; by Jacob. 1866 C 229 Crevaux, J. Voyages et Decouvertes; par Franck '. . C 5169 Crichton, J. Life; by Tytler. 1819. .C 2551 Crispi, F. Life; by Stillman. 1899 C17568 Vie ; par Narjoux. 1890 C 6065 Crister, W. Wall's End Miner ; by Ever- ett. 1868 C 120 Crittenden, J. J. Life ; by Coleman. 2v. 1871 C 288 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 7^ CwvELLi, C Carlo Crivelli; by Rush- forth. 1900 C18724 Crocker, A., Memorial Addresses *C 1476 Crocker, N. B. Memorial; by Duane. 1866 C10675 Crocker, W. G. Memoir; by Medbery. 1848 C 218 Crockett, D. Life; by Ellis. 1884 C 2028 Life and Adventures. 1833 C 1762 The same; abridged. 1891 B 4881 Life and Adventures; by Abbott.'74C 1763 Sketches and Eccentricities of. 1833C 213 Croker, J. W. Correspondence and Diary ; ed. by Jennings. 2v. 1884C 2676 Croker, R. Richard Croker; by A. H. Lewis. 1901 C17588 Cromer, E. B., Viscount. Life; by Traiil. 1897 C17590 Cromwell, O., and his Times; by Pike. 1899 A 3480 and the Protectorate; by Wilson. 1852 C 670 and the Rule of the Puritans; by Firth. 1900 C17711 Biography ; by Forster. i860 C 57 Cromwell as a Soldier; by Baldock. 1899 K13125 Leben; von Hoenig. 3v. 1887-9. .D 6010 Letters and Speeches ; by Carlyle. 4v. 1861 G 74 Life; by Andrews. 1870 C 671 Life; by Church. 1894 C11139 Life ; by Gark. 1895 C11034 Life; by Cornish. 1882 C 2600 Life ; by Guizot. 1860 C 2513 Life; by Harris. 1814 C 652.3 Life ; by Harrison. 1888 C 3565 Life ; by Headley. 1888 C 994 Life ; by Hood. 1882 C 2599 Life; by Horton. 1897 C17710 Life ; by Kimber. 1724 C 777 Life ; by Palgra ve. i8go C10670 Life ; by Russell. 2v. 1844 •' C 668 The same. 2v. 1829 1 3530 The same. 2v. 1870 1 3702 Life and Character; by Paterson. 1900 '. C17714 The Man and his Mission ; by Picton. * 1883 C 2598 Medallic History of; by Henfrey. 1877 *V 955 Oliver Cromwell ; by J. Morley.i90oCi77i3 Oliver Cromwell; by Roosevelt. 1900C1 7712 Cromwell, O. Vie de; par Lamartinc. '1862 .C5639.35- Cromwell, TjI See Essex, Earl of. Crooks, H. L., Sermon on Death of; by Gregory. 1861 *C 1699. Cross, Mrs. M. A. (George Eliot), and her Heroines; by Woolson. 1886.C 27:^3. Critical Study; by Cooke. 1883. .. .C 2783 Life; by Blind. 1883 C 2701 Life; by Browning. 1890 Cii5-;f Life ; by Thomson. 1901 C17344 Life as related in her Letters ; ed. by Cross. 3v. 1885 C 2701 The same. 4v. in 2. 1885 G 362 Two Marriages of; by Ames. i886*Ci696.8' Croswell, J. Life and Journals. 1809.C 10673 Croswell, W. Memoir; by Croswell. 1854 C 286 Crothers, S. Life; by Ritchie. 1857.. C 214 Crowe, 5'i> J. A. Reminiscences of 35 Years. 1895 C17570 Crozier, J. B. My Inner Life ; Autobiog- raphy. 1898 C17573 Crozier, J. P., Memorial of. 1866 C 2337 CRUcfe, E. fimeric Cruce ; by Balch. 1900C17575 Cruikshank, G., the Artist, Humorist, and Man; by Bates. 1878 *V 1401 Life ; by Jerrold. 2v. 1882 C 2593 Memoir; by Stephens. 1891 C11031 CuDWORTH, W. H. Memorial; by A. M. Cudworth. 1884 C10677 Cuervo, R. Vida de. Cuervo. 1892.. C 9647 CULLEN, W. Life, Lectures and Writ- ings; by Thomson. 2v. 1859 C 3526 Cumberland, R. Life; by ^rudford.'i2C 2569 Memoirs; written by himself. 2v. 1^7 C11030 Cummins, G. D. Memoir; by his Wife. 1879 C 1774 CuRRAN, J, P., and his Contemporaries ; by Phillips. 1851 C 2525. Life; by W. H. Curran. 1855 C 655 Life; by O'Regan. 1817 C 2521 Curtis, B. R., Memoir of, with Writ- ings. 2v. 1879 C 1768 Curtis, G. W. An Address; by Chad- wick. 1893 C11033. Commemorative Address; by God- win. 1893 Ciii42^ Early Letters; ed. by Cooke. 1898.C17576 Eulogy; by Winter. 1893 Cii03^ Life; by Cary. 1891 Cm 19 Curtis, J. Memoir : by Sedgwick. 1871.. C 234 28o INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. CusACK, M. F. (Nun of Kenmare). Au- tobiography. 1889 c 3796 Cu.sHiNG, C. Memorial from Wewbury- port. 1879 C 2197 CusHMAN, C. S. Letters ^d Life; by Stebbins. 1878 C 1775 Life; by Waters. 1882 .' C 1786 Life; by Price. 1894 C11025 CuST, R. N. Memories of Past Years. '99C17585 Custer, G. A., Gen. Life ; by Whittaker. 1877 C 1767 CuTHBERT, St. History; by Eyre. 1858C10676 Cutler, E. Life and Times; by J. P. Cutler. 1890 C10678 Cutler, M. Life, Journals, and Corre- spondence; by Cutler. 2v. 1888. C 2331 Cuvier, G. Memoirs; by Lee. 1833... C 11 18 Cyprian, St. Life; by Poole. 1840 C 3276 Life, Times and Work; by Benson. 1897 C17580 C'i'RUS the Great. History of ; by Abbott. 1871 H 25 Czartoryski, a.. Prince. Memoirs and Correspondence; ed. by Gielgud. 2v. 1888 C 3437 Daeney, T. S. G., a Southern Planter; by Smedes. 1890 . . . , C10681 Dahl, F. Erinnerungen. 5v. 1890-5. D 6016 Dahlgren, J. A. B. Memoir; by Mrs. M. V. Dahlgren. 1882 C 10702 Dahlgren, U. ^lemoirs; by J. A. B. Dahlgren. 1872 C 237 ' Dalberg, C. T. v. Leben; von Kramer. 1817 D 6027 Dale. R. W. Life; by A. W. W. Dale. 1899 .•• C17723 Dale, S. Life and Times ; by Claiborne. i860 C 1800 Dale, T. P. Life and Letters ; ed. by H. P. Dale. 2v. 1894 • • C10719 Daliiousie, Marquis of (J. A. B. Ram- say). Life; by Hunter. 1890. . .C11562 Dallas, G. M. Diary, 1837-39, 1856-61 ; ed. by S. Dallas. 1892 C10696 Balton, J., and Rise of Modern Chemis- try ; by Roscoe. 1895 C10718 Memoir ; by C. Dalton. 1886 C10695 Daly, R., Bishop. Memoir of; by Mad- den. 1875 C 2684 Dalzll, a. Memoir; by Innes. 1861.C10697 Dalzell, J. M. Private Dalzell ; his Auto- biography. 1888 C 3348 Damien de Veuster, J. Father Damien, an Open Letter; by Stevenson.'9oCi7726 Father Damien; a Journey from Cashmere to Hawaii, by Clifford. 1890 C17727 Dampier, W. Life ; by Russell. 1889. . . C10740 Life and Voyages of. 1873 • -. I 3673 Dana, J. D. Life; by Gilman. 1899. ..C17724 Dana, R. H. Biography ; by Adams. 2v. 1890 Cio682- Dangeau, p. de C, le Marquis de. Jour- nal, 1684- 1720. 19V. 1854-60 C12289 Danican, F. a. (Philidor). Life of Phili- dor ; by Allen. 1865 C10739 Dante Alighieri. Abhandlungen uber; von Scartazzini. 1880 D 4047 Early. Life ; by Garrow. 1846 C 3284 An Essay ; by Church. 1879 J 2260 Leben und Werke; von Kraus. '97*V 2057 Life ; by Balbo. 1852 C 1247 Life and Times; by De Vericour.'sSC 10686 Life and Works; by Hogan. 1898.C10688 Life and Works; by Ward. 1887. .C 3313 Life and Writings; by Browning. '91 C10687 Seine Zeit, sein Leben; von Scartaz- zini. 1879 D 4046 Vita di. Balbo. 1857 C 9315 Vita di. Orelli. 1822 C 9360 La Vita delle Opere. Scartazzini. 2v. 1883 C 9451 Danton, G. J. Danton, a Study; by Bel- loc. 1899 C17740 Life ; by Beesly. 1899 C17741 Vie ; par Aulard C 5169 Danzel, T. W. Erinnerungen an; von Jahn. 1855 D 6007 DArblay, Mme. F. B. See Arblay. Darius the Great. History; by Abbott. 1850 H 26 Darling, Grace, Memoir of. 1843 C 2668 Darwin, C. R. Life; by Allen. 1885. . -C 2749 Life ; by -Bettany. 1887 C 3727 Life and Letters ; ed. by F. Darwin. 2v. 1887 C 2992 Life and Work E3390.2 Life and Work ; by Holder. 1891 . . C10698 Liv og Laere. Jacobsen og Moller. 1893 C14829 Notices of, from "Nature." 1882.. C 2572 Darwin, E. Life; by Krause. . 1880.. .C 2527 Daudet, a. ' Biographical and Critical Study ; by Sherard. 1894 C17730 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 281 Paudet, a. Alphonse Daudet; by L. A. Daudet. 1898 Ci77^9 Recollections of a Literary Man. '89C 3393 Souvenirs d'un Honime de Lettres.Ci2279 Thirty Years of Paris. 1888 E 2384 Trente ans de Paris. 1888 C12282 Vie ;par L. A. Daudet. 1898 C 5365 D.WENPORT, I. E. and W. H. Biography; by Nichols. 1865 C 2669 Davenport, J. Life ; by M'Clure. 1846. .Ci45o,2 Pavid, King of Israel. . Life; by Krum- macher. 1868 C iq8i Tales of the Warrior King ; by Mac- duff. 1895 C10714 David, P., und die Familie Mendelssohn; von Eckardt. 1888 D 6140 I )AViDSON, L. M. Memoir ; by Sedgfwick. 1875 • C 757 Davidson, M. M. Biography and Poems ; by Irving. 1843 C 2063 Davidson, T. Life; by Brown. 1878..C10703 Davie, W.R. Life; by Mubbard. 1848.. C 75.25 I ).\viES, R., Account of. 1825 C 2528 >wis, A. J. Magic Staff ;*an. Autobiog- raphy. 1857 C 238 Davis, C. H., Rear Admiral 1807-77; by his Son. 1899 C17736 Davis, G., Memorial Addresses on. 1873C 245 Davis, G. T. M. Autobiography. 1891 • • .C10704 D.wis, H. In Memoriam. 1871 C10699 > wis, H. W., Oration on ; by Creswell. 1866 C 2087 i >AVis, Jefferson. Davis Memorial Vol- ume; by Jones. 1890 Ci07oi Life ; by Alfriend. 1868 C 239 Life and Reminiscences; by Men of . his Time. 1890 C10700 A Memoir; by his Wife. 2v. 1890.C10683 Military Life : by Pollard. 1869. . .B 480 Prison Life ; by Craven. 1866 C 1796 Davis. John, the Navigator. Life; by Markham.* 1889 ; C10684 Davis, T. Memoirs of an Irish Patriot; by Duffy. 1890 C10685 Davis, W. J. In Memoriam ; by Dawson. 1865 ,....: *V 496 Davison, W. Life; by Nicolas. 1823. C 2739 Davy. Sir H. Life; by J. Davy. 1839. J 47.i Life; by Paris. 2v. 1831 C 2Sd,7 Poet and Philosopher; by Thorpe. 1896 C17731 Dawes, W., and his Ride with Paul Re- vere; by Holland. 1878 *Ci7734 Dawison, B. Biographic; von Wurzbach. 1871 04184,11 Dawson, H., Life, with Plates from Works. 1891 ...*P 1071 Deak, F., Hungarian Statesman ; a Mem- oir. 1880 C 3281 Deane, J. G. Biographical Sketch ; ed. by L. Deane. 1887 *Ci696.9 Deane, R. Life; by J. B. Deane. 1870.C 2532 Dearborn, B., Will of, July, 1832 *Ci696,i De Castro, J. Memoirs; ed. by Hum- phreys. 1824 C10693 Decatur, S. Life; by Brady. 1900 C17330 Life ; by Mackenzie. 1846 C 75,21 Life and Character ; by Waldo. 1822C 2388 Deffand, Mme. du. See Du Deffand, Marquise. De Foe, D. Daniel Defoe; by Whitten. 1900 C17342 Biography of; by Forster. 1860..C 57 Life ; by Forster. 1855 14000,16 Life ; by Lee. 1869 J 46,1 Life ; by Minto. 1879 C 1491 Life ; by T. Wright. 1894 C10708 Life and Times; by Chadwick. 1859C 2530 Life and Times; by Wilson. 3v. 1830C10710 DijAZET, P. V. Vie de^ 1797-1875; par Duval C13116 DeKalb, J., Baron. • Leben; von Kapp. 1862 D 4045 Life ; by Kapp. 1884 C 3289 Memoir; by Smith. 1858 *Ci696,i Delany, Mary G. Autobiography. 6v. i86i C 2531 The same; ed. by Woolsey. 2v. 1880 :C 2533 Delany, M. R. Life and Public Services of; by Rollin. 1883 C 3557 Delaroche, p. Life; by Rees. 1880. .C 3948 DeLeon, E. Thirty Years of my Life. 2v. 1890 C10711 De Liefde, J. B. See Liefde, J. B. de. De Lisle, A. L. M. P. Life ; by Purcell. 2v. 1900 C18704 De Lisle, R. E. L. M. P. Memoir; by Oxenham. 1886 C 2880 Demetrius the Imposter, Czar of Russia; by Merimee. 1853 C 379i De Morgan, A. Memoir; ed. by S. E, De Morgan. 1882 C 2681 Demosthenes. Leben und Wirken; von Llaupt. 1861 D 6026 . und seine Zeit ; von Schaefer. 3v. in 2. 1885-7 D 6018 282 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Denison, G. a. Notes of my Life, 1805- 1878 C 2570 Denison, G. T. Soldiering in Canada; Recollections. 1900 C17773 Denman, T. D., Lord. ^lemoir; by Ar- nould. 2v. 1873 C 2534 Denny, W. Life ; by Bruce. 1889 C10721 D'EoN DE Beaumont, Cliez'alicr. See Eon de Beaumont, Chevalier d\ De Puy, W. H., Three Score Years and beyond. 1894 ' C10265 De Quincey, T., and his Friends; by Hogg. 1895 Ci77-^.4 Autobiographic Sketches. 1871 E 1017 DeQuincey Memorials; ed. by Japp. 2v. 1891 C10712 Life ; by Japp. 2v. 1877 C 242 Life ; by Masson. 1882 C 1504 Personal Recollections; by Findlay. 1886 C10713 Derby, 7th Earl of (J. Stanley). The Great Stanley; by Gumming. 1867C10722 Derby,, i^th Earl of (E. G. S. Stanley). Life ; by Saintsbury. 1892 C11692 Derby, J. C. Fifty Years among Authors, Books and Publishers. 1884. . . .C 1815 Desbordes-Valmore, Mwir. Memoirs; by Sainte-Beuve. 1873 C 1157 Descartes, R. ; by Mahaffy. 1881 L 2121 Desiree, Queen of Sweden and Norway. Life; by Hochschild. 1890 C10730 Desmoulins, C., and his Wife; by Clare- tie. 1876 C 3283 Deubler, K. Leben ; von Dodel-Port, '86D 6019 De Vere, a. T. Recollections. 1897..C17745 D'EwES, Sir S. Autobiography. 2v. 1845C 674 Dewey, D. P. Memorial of. 1864 C 1809 Dewey, G. Admiral George Dewey; by Barrett. 1899 C17748 Life; by A. M. Dewey. 1898.... *V 2187 Life and Achievements; by Halstead. 1899 C17746 Life and Heroic Deeds; by Young and Northrop. 1899 C17747 Life and Letters; by A. M. Dewey. 1899 Ci77S7 Dewey, O. Autobiography and Letters. J883 C 1805 Dexter, S. Reminiscences ; by Sargent. 1857 C10728 Dexter, T. Life; by Knapp. 1838.... C 241 Dibdin, T. F. Reminiscences of a Liter- ary Life. 2v. 1836 C 2894 Dibdin, T. J. Reminiscences. 2v. 1827C 2667 Dick, R. Geologist and Botanist; by Smiles. 1879 C 2540 Dickens, C, as I knew him; by Dolby. 1S85 ,y C 2700 Anecdote Biography; by Stoddard. 1874 ....C 77,2 CliiIdho6d and Youth; by Langton. 1891 C10706 Collection of Letters of, 1833-70.. C 3992 In and out of Doors with ; by Fields. 1876 I 39-'9 Leben; von Forster. 3v. 1872-5.. D 6020 Letters. 4v. in 3. 1880-82 G 915 The same. 3v. 1879-81 C 2541 Letters to Wilkie Collins. 1892 C10727 Life ; by M. Dickens. 1885 C 3105 Life; by Forster. 6v. in 3. 1872.. G 205 The same. 3v. 1872-3 C 673 Life ; by Mackenzie. 1870 C 665 Life ; by Marzials. 1887 C 3087 Life ; by Ward. 1882 C 2565 Life and Writings ; by Hanaford.'82C 2543 My Father as I recall him ; by M. Dickens. 1897 C17754 Philosophy of Dickens ; by Canning. 1880 E 2164 Dickinson, D, S. Speeches and Corre- spondence. 2v. 1867 C10694 Dickinson, E. Letters ; ed. by Todd. 2v. 1894 C10689 Dickinson, J. Life and Times, 1732-1808; by C. J. Stille. 1891 C10726 Diderot, D., and the Encyclopaedists; by Morley. 2v. 1878 C 3-90 Sa Vie, ses CEuvres; par Collignon. 1895 C5498 Diehl, Mrs. A, !M. Musical Memories. 1897 Ki 1903 Diesterweg, F. a. W. Leben und Schrif- ten ; von Langenberg. 1869 D 6022 Digby, Sir E. Life of a Conspirator; by One of his Descendants. 1895. .Ci 7749 Digby, Sir K. Life; by One of his De- scendants. 1896 C17750 Private Memoirs. 1827 C 2708 Diman, J. L. Memoirs ; by Hazard. 1887C 207S Dippel, J. K. ; von Bender. 1882 D 4051 Disraeli, B. See Beaconsfield, Lord. Dix, D. L. Life; by Tiffany. 1890. . . .C10725 Dix,J. A. Memoirs ; by M. Dix. 2v. i882C 1810 Dobbins. R. Life and Times; by Caddy. 1868 C10382 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 283 DoBELL, S. T., Life and Letters of. 2v. 1878 C 2707 DoDD, W., Story of ; by Fitzgerald. 1865C 677 Doddridge, P. Life; by Harsha. 1865.C10732 Dodge, A. W. Memorial ; by A. Dodge. 1881 C 1802 1 )oDGE. W. E., the Christian Merchant ; by Martyn. 1890 Ci0733 Memorials; by D. S. Dodge. 1887.C10691 DoDGsoN, C. L. iLewis Carroll). Life and Letters of; by Colling\vood. 1899 C17766 Story told for Young People; by Bowman. 1900 ..C17767 'Codington, G. B. See Melcombe. Baron. 'OHM, C K. W. V. Denkwiirdigkeiten meiner Zeit. 5v. 1814-19 D13562 DoLET, E. Biography ; by Christie. 1880C 3282 Dominic, St. Founder of the Friars Preachers ; by Dranc. 1891 C10737 Life ; by Alemany. 1867 .• C 1263 Dominic and the' Mendicant Orders; by Herkless. igot C16847 Donaldson, W. A. Fifty Years of an Actor's Life. 1858 E 9216 DoNATELLO. Life ; by Baxter. 1882 C 3371 Life ; by Rea. 1900 C18726 DoxNE. J. Dean of St. Paul's, 1621-31 ; by Jessopp. 1897 C17761 DoNNELL, S. Memoir of; by Rankin.'54C 1813 Donnelley, R. R. Memorial; by the Chicago Typothetae. 1899 C10716 DoRfe. P. G. Life; by Jerrold. 1891.. .C10715 Life ; by Roosevelt. 1885 C 3293 DooLiTTLE, J. R., Jr. In Memoriam (Chi- cago Board of Education). 1889C17765 DoRiA, A. Vita di. Guerrazzi. 1874 C 9231 DoRiE. H. P., Martyr. Life ; by Baudry. .C 3292 Dost Muhammed, Amir of Afghanistan. Life of ; by Mohana Lala. 2v. 1846C 1251 DosTiE, A. P. Life ; by Reed. 1868 C 1801 Douglas, B. B., Memorial Addresses on. 1879 Ci 7540. 16 Douglas, S. A. Life; by Flint. 1860.C 1814 Life; by Sheahan. i860 C 246 Douglas, W. Soldiering in Sunshine and Storm. 1865 C10734 Douglass, F. My Bondage and Free- dom. 1855 C 247 Life; by Chesnutt. 1899 C17327 Life; by himself. 1849 C 1803 Life and Times; by himself. 1882. C 1804 Memorial from the City of Boston. 1896 C17768 Douglass, F. The Orator; by Gregory. 1893 C1073S Douglass, ^'tV J. N. Life ; by Williams: 1900 C17763 Dow. Dealings of God, Man and the Devil. 1856 : ...C 243 DovxE, Sir F. H. Reminiscences and Opinions. 1887 C 2852 Dov-le, J. W., Bishop. Life of. 1872. C 2536 Life and Times; by Fitzpatrick. 2v. 1880 C 2535 Do\xe, R. Journal kept in 1840. 1886* V 815 Drake, Sir F., and the Dons; ed. by Lovett. 1888 1 9742 Drake and the Tudor Navy ; by Cor- bett. 2v. i898 A 3432 Life and Voyages of. 1873 1 Z^75 Life, Voyages and Exploits; by Bar- row. 1843 C 3377 Sea-King of Devon; by Towle. '83Ci6io,6 Drane, a. T. {Mother Francis Raphael). Memoir; by Wilberforce. 1895..C10720 Draper, J. W. Memoir; by Barker. 1886C 2093 Draper, L. C. Biographical Sketch; by Thwaites. 1887 C 2338 Drew, J. Life; by Dithmar. 1000 Ci7777 Drew, Mrs. L. L Autobiographical Sketch of Mrs. John Drew. i899.Ci7779 Drexel, a. J., Service in Memory of.'96Ci778o Dreyfus. A. Five Years of my Life, 1894-9. 1901 C17784 Lettres d'un Innocent ; Letters to his Wife. 1899 C17781 Dreyfus, Madame, an Appreciation; by Lazarus. 1899 C17783 Drinker, E. S. Extracts from Journal of, 1759-1807; ed. by Biddle. 1889C 3944 Droste-Hulshoff, a. E. v., Ein Denk- mal ihres Lebens und Dichtens. '79D 6025 Drummond, H. Life ; by Smith. 1898.C17778 Drummond, T. Memoir; by M'Lennan. 1867 C10707 Life and Letters; by O'Brien. 1889.C10709 Drummond, W. Life ; by Masson. 1873.02538 Drury, S. F. In Memoriam. 1883. • .*Ci697,4 Dryden, J. Life; by Saintsbury. 1881.C 1508 DuANE, W. J., Biographical Memoir of. 1868 *Ci697,i Dubarail, F. C. Mes Souvenirs, 1820-79. 3v. 1897 .....C12405 DuBarry, M. J., Comtesse. Anecdotes sur ; par Uzanne. 1880 *V 2150 Histoire; par Goncourt. 1880 C 5051 284 INDIVIDUAL c DuBarry, M. J., Comtesse. Histoire; par Vatel. 3v. 1883 C13296 Life and Times ; by Douglas. 1896.C17785 Memoires; par Langon. 4v. 1829. C 44^9 Dubois, G., Cardinal. Memoirs of; tr. by Dowson. 2v. 1899 C10752 DuCamp, M. Recollections of a Literary Life. 2v. 1893 C10692 DuChatelet, Marquise; par Capefigue. 1868 C12238 Duchesne, Mme. Life; by Baunard.'79C 3297 Histoire ; par Baunard. 1878 C 4139 Duckwitz, a. Denkwiirdigkeiten, 1841- 1866. 1877 .D13561 DucREUX, N. Souvenirs d'un Pere. 2v. 1883 * C 4756 Du Deffand, Marquise. Lettres. 1854. C 4410 Memoires d'une Aveugle; par Du- mas. 1867 C 4736 Les Confessions de la Marquise; par Dumas. 1869 C 4737 DuDEVANT, A. L. A. {George Sand). Correspondance. 6v. 1883 C 45^7 Histoire de ma Vie. 4v. 1879 C 4526 Impressions et Souvenirs. 1873 C 4482 Letters. 3v C 3315 Life; by Caro. 1888 C 3482 Life ; by Thomas. 1883 C 3291 Recollections; ed. by Stoddard. 1874C 77,3 Dudley, Earl of (J. W. Ward). Letters to the Bishop of Llandaff. 1840. C 3122 Dudley, R. See Leicester, Earl of. Dudley, T., 2d Gov. of Mass. Life; by Jones. 1899 C17769 Duerckheim, F. E., Graf. See Eckbrecht Duerckheim. Duerer, a. Biography; by Sweetser.'77C 1684 Leben und Kunst; von Thausing. 1876 D 4050 Leben und Wirken ; von Eye. 1860.D 6023 Life ; by Heath. 1881 C 3295 Life; by Heaton. 1881 C 3298 Life ; by Thausing. 2v. 1882 C 3296 Life and Works; by Scott. 1869.. K 19 Married Life; by Schefer. 1867. ..C 1084 Duff, A. Life; by Smith. 2v. 1879- -C 2544 Duff, Mrs. M. A, D. Life; by Ireland. 1882 C 1806 Duff, Sir M. E. G. Notes from Diary, 1851-1872. 2v. 1897 C17771 Duffy, Sir C. G. My Life in Two Hemi- spheres. 2v. 1898 C17788 Dugdale, Sir W. Life ; by Hamper.'27*V 161 BIOGRAPHY. Du Guesclin, B., Constable of France; par Guyard de Berville. 1884.,. C 5059 Life ; by Jamison. 1864 C 1095 Life; by Stoddard. 1897 C10753 Du Hausset> il/wi^. Memoires. 1867. C 5194 Dumas, A. Dernieres Annees; par Ferry. 1883 C 4982 en Manches de Chemise ; par Pifteau. 1884 C 6227 et son CEuvre ; par Glinel. 1884 C12504 Life; by Fitzgerald. 2v. 1873 C 1207 Mes Memoires. lov. in 5. 1865-70. C 4694 Vie ; par Blaze de Bury. 1885 C12079 Dumas, A., ills. Biographic; -von Wurz- bach. 1871 D4i84,4 Dumas, M., Count. Memoirs of his own Time. 2v. 1839 C10729 Du Maurier, G. In Bohemia with Du Maurier; by Moscheles. 1897. . .C17782 Du M0NT4ER, Mme. Lettres. 2v. 1780.C 5937 Dumouriez, C. F. D., Gen. Life. 3V.1796C10731 Memoires et Correspondance. 2 v. '34C12308 Leben. 3V. 1795 D 6021 Dunbar, W. Life; by Smeaton. .1898.C17791 Duncan, Admiral A. Adam Duncan ; by Wilson. 1900 C17343 Life ; by Camperdown. 1898 C17792 Duncan, John, Botanist. Life; by Jolly. 1883 C 2714 Duncan, John, LL.D. Life; by Brown. 1872 C 3523 Duncombe, T. S. Life and Correspond- ence. 2v. 1868 .• C 672 Dundee, J. G., Viscount. Claverhouse, a Biography ; by Morris. 1887 C 2948 Dundonald, Ear/ o/". Autobiography. '61. C 675 Life ; by his Son and H. R. F. Bourne. 2v. 1869 C 661 Life ; by Fortescue. 1895 C17770 Du NoYER, A. M. P., Mme. Correspond- ence; tr. and ed. by Layard. 2v. 1890 C10736 Dunstan, St., Archhp. of Canterbury. Memorials of; ed. by Stubbs. i874.*Z)ac. DuNSTER, H. Life ; by Chaplin. 1872.. C 250 DuNTON, J., Life and Errors of. 1818. .C 676 Dupanloup, F. a. p., Bishop. Life of; by Lagrange. 2v. 1885 C 3316 Dupleix, J. F. Life; by Malleson. 1890C11563 DuPRE, G. Autobiography. 1886 C 3286 Life ; by Frieze. 1886 C 3285 Du Quesne, a., et la Marine; par Jal. 2v. 1873 C 5312 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 285 DuRAND, A. B. Life and Times; by J. Durand. 1894 C10705 DuRAND, Sir H. M. Life of; by H. M. Durand. 2v. 1883 C 2944 DuRAS, Duchesse de. Prison Journals during the Revolution. 1891 A 1699 DuRNFORD. A. W. A Soldier in South Africa; Memoir, ed. by E. Durn- ford. 1882 C10717 DwiGKT, B. W. Life; by his Son. 1862.C 251 DwiGHT, J. S. Biography; by Cooke. 1898 CI779S DwiGHT, S. W. S. Life; by Swift. 1862.C 251 DwiGiiT, T., Incidents in Life of. 183 i.C 1812 Life; by Silliman. 1817 ♦C 1875 Life; by Sprague. 1845 C 75.14 DwiGHT, W., Life and Letters of. 1868. .C 1808 DvER, H. Records of an Active Life. 1886C 2094 DY.M0ND, A., Account of. 1820 C 2545 Eads, J. B. Life ; by How. 1900 C16791 Eastburn^J. Memoirs ; by Green. 1828. C 1824 Eastman, Z. Memorial ; by his Family.*Ci696,3 Eastwick. R. W. a Master Mariner; Life and Adventures, ed. by Comp- ton? 1891 C10775 Eaton, C. Memoir; by Sibley. 1886. *C 1971 E.\Tox, W., Life of. 1818 C 252 Life ; by Felton. 1873 C 75,9 Ebers, G. M. Geschichte meines Lcbens. 1893 D13620 The Story of my Life. 1893 C10761 Eb.ner, >L und H. v. Nordlingen; von Strauch. 1882 D 4206 Ebsworth, VV. H. Leven; door Schel- tema. 1867 D 9746 Eckbrecht Durckheim, p., Graf, Erin- nerungen. 1888 D 6028 Eddy, Mrs. M. B. G. Retrospection and Introspection. 1899 L 5347 Eddy, T. Life ; by Knapp. 1836 C 249 Eddy, T. M.* Life ; by Sims. 1879 C 1825 Edger, S. Autobiographical Notes. 1886. E 2657 Edgeworth, M. Life ; by Zimmern. 1883C 2664 Life and Letters; cd. by Hare. 2 v. 1895 C10763 Study of ; by Oliver. 1882 C 2614 Edgeworth, R. L., Memoirs of. 1844. .C 2637 Edison, T. A., and his Inventions ; ed. by McGure. 1879 C 2370 Life; by Denslow and Parker. 1887C 31 12 Life and Inventions; by Dickson. 1892-4 *V 2062 Edmund, St., Abp. of Canterbury. Life; by W. Wallace. 1893 C10767 Edward I., King of England. Life; by Macgregor. 1873 C 688 Life ; by Tout. 1893 C 3572 Life and Reign of ; by Seeley. 1872C 2566 Lives of Edward the Confessor; ed. by Luard. 1858 *Doc. Story of King Edward and New Winchelsea ; by Inderwick. 1892.A 3347 Year Books of Reign of ; ed. by Hor- wood. 3v. 1864-6 *Doc. Edward III., King of England. Life and Times of ; by Longman. 2v. 1869. A 660 Edward VI., Historical Sketch of; by Lee. 1886 • C 2875 Edward VII., King of England. Private Life. 1901 C17802 H. R. H., the Prince of Wales. 1898.C17042 Prince, Princess and People, 1863- 1889 ; by Burdett A 3212 Edward, the Black Prince, Record of; by Humphreys. 1849.... *P 376 Edward, Duke of Kent. Life ; by Neale. 1850 ..C10765 Edward, T. Life; by Smiles. 1877 C 2568 Edwardes, Sir H. B. Life and Letters; by E. Edwardes. 2 v. 1886 C 2960 Edwards, H. S. Personal Recollections. 1900 C17806 Edwards, Jonathan. Jonathan Edwards, a Retrospect; Addresses, ed. by Gardiner. 1891 C17808 Life ; by Allen. 1889 C 3933 Life; by Miller. 1873 C 75,8 Life and Character of. 1785 C 2029 The same. 1804 C 2198 Memoirs of; by Hopkins. 1815 C 1821 Edwards, Justin. Life and Labors; by Hallock. 185s C 1820 Eells, C. Life; by M. Eells. 1894. . .C10764 Eldon, J. S., Jst Earl of. Life; by Twiss. 3v. 1844 C 913 The same. 2v. 1844 C 914 Elgin, J., Lord. Journals and Letters. 1872 C 68s Eliot, George, pseud. See Cross. Eliot, J., Indian Apostle. Life; by Adams. 1847 Ci45o,3 Life ; by Caverly. 1882 B 709 Life; by Dearborn. 1850 *C 2291 Life ; by Francis. 1873 C 75,5 Life ; by Moore. 1822 C 253 286 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Eliot^ Sir J. Biography; by Forster, 2v. 1865 C 699 Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint; by Mon- talembert. 1858 C 1264 Elizabeth Stuart, Queen -of Bohemia; by Benger. 2v. 1825 C 687 Elizabeth, Queen of England. Court- ships of ; by Hume. 1896 C17828 Fragmenta Regalia; by Naunton. 1824' C 2589 History of; by Abbott. 1873 H 27 Jeunesse; par Wiesener. 1878 C 6982 Life; by Beesly. 1892 C 3571 Life ; by Wright. 2v. 1838 C 2671 Menioirs of the Court of Elizabeth; by Aiken. 2v. 1818 A 526 Queen Elizabeth; by Creighton. '99C17829 Youth of; by Wiesener. 2v. 1879. C 2575 Elizabeth of Austria, Queen of France, et son temps ; par Beauriez. 1884C 4044 Elizabeth, Empress of Austria. A Mem- oir; by DeBurgh. 1899 C17815 Martyrdom o'f an Empress. 1899.C17814 Elizabeth de Valois. See Isabella of Valois, Queen of Spain. Elizabeth, Princess Palatine. Mem- oirs; by Blaze de Bury. 1853. . .C10779 Elizabeth Charlotte, of Bavaria, Duchesse d'Orleans. Briefe; her. von Bodemann. 1891 D 5938 Correspondance. 2v C 6112 Life and Letters, 1652-1722. 1889.. Ci 1407 Second Madame; by McLaughlin. 1895 C17821 Secret Memoirs of Court of Louis XIV. and the Regency. 1895 C17820 Elizabeth Christina, Queen of Prussia; by Hurst. 1880 C 34i9 Elizabeth Farnese, Queen of Spain. Life ; by Armstrong. 1892 C10816 Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania. Life; by N. von Stackelberg. 1890 C10780 A Study ; by Roosevelt. 1891 C10781 Elizabeth, Madame, Princess of France. Histoire de ; par Roy. 1881 C 6528 Ellenborough, Lord. Political Diary, 1828-1830. 2v. 1881 C 2751 Ellery, W. Life; by Channing. . 1873. C 75»6 Elliot, H., Memoirs of; by Minto. 1868C 2715 Elliott, E. Memoirs ; by Searle. 1852C10770 Elliott, J. D. Biographical Notice ; by Jarvis. 1835 C 256 Elliott, R. S. Notes taken in Sixty Years. 1883 C 2070 Elliott, S., Eulogy on ; by Cohen. i867*C 1698 Ellis, R. Memoir; ed. by A. B. Ellis. 1891 . . .., C10784 Ellis, S. Faith and Righteousness; a Memorial, by Moor. 1887 C 2175 Ellis, W., 1794-1872. Life; by J. E. EllisC 2571 Elli^, W., 1800-1881. Life; by Blyth. .C10783 Elliston, R. W. Life; by Raymond.'57C 682 Ellsworth, E. E., Unveiling of Monu- ment to, at Mechanicville, N. Y., 1874 C10774 Ellwood, T. Autobiography, with Sup- plement ; by Wyeth. 1791 C 2573 Elphinstone, M. Life; by Colebrooke. 2v. 1884 C 2742 Life; by Cotton. 1892 C11567 Selections from Writings, with Mem- oir ; by Forrest. 1884 C10762 Elssler, F. Letters and Journals. 1845.C17810 Elvey, Sir G. J. Life and Reminiscences ; by Lady Elvey. 1894 C17860 Emerson, J. Life ; by R. Emerson. 1834.C 1822 Emerson, R. W., as a Minister; by Hor- ton. 1882 *C 2291 At Home and Abroad; by Conway. 1882 C 1829 Character and Genius of; by Alcott. 1882 C 1828 Correspondence with Carlyle, 1834-72. 3v C 2585 Genius and Character of. 1885 C 1830 His Ancestors; by Haskins. 1887. C 2176 in Concord; a Memoir, by E. W. Emerson. 1889 C 3717 Letters to a Friend, 1838-53; ed. by Norton. 1899 C17850 Life ; by Cooke. 1882 C 1827 Life ; by Garnett. 1888 C 2345 Life; by Holmes. 1885 C 1831 Memoir; by Cabot. 2v. 1887 C 1811 Memoir; by O". W. Holmes. i892.*P636,i4 Philosopher and Poet ; by Guernsey. 1881 C 1826 ■ Remembrances of Emerson; by Al- bee. 1901 C17851 and J. Sterling. Correspondence. 1839-44 ; ed. by E. W. Emerson.'97Ci6907 Emin Pasha. See Schnitzer, E. Emmerich, A. C. Life ; by Ram. 1874.C 3299 Emmet, R. Life and Times; by Mad- den. 1868 C 706 INDIVIDUAL Emmet, T. A. Memoir. 1868 C 706 Emmons, N. Sermon on; by Williams. 1841 *Ci696,2 Emory, J. Life; by his Son. 1841 C 1823 iEnglish, W. H. Life and Services; by Cole. 1880 C 2037 Enochs, W. H., Memorial Addresses on. 1895 Ci7S40,4 Entwisle, J. Memoirs ; by his Son. '48C 683 EoBANUs Hessus, H. Leben; von Krause. 1879 D 4100 Ko.S; DE Beaumont, Chevalier d'. Strange Career; by Telfer. 1885 C 3314 True Story of; by Vizetelly. 1895.C17864 I>1NAY, Mmc. d'. Dernicres annees de; par Percy et Maugras. 1883 C 6187 Jcunessc de; par Percy et Maugras. 1883 C 6186 Memoircs. 2v C 4806 Eras.m us, D. Desiderius Erasmus of Rot- terdam : by Emcrton. 1899 C18423 Life; by Drummond. 2v. 1873 C 1083 Life ; tr. by Jepp. 1890 C10785 Life; by Jortin. 3v. ,1808 C 3301 Life and Letters; by J. A. Froude. 1894 Cior76 Ericsson, J. Life; by W. C. Church. 2v. 1890 C10786 Ernest IL, Dukt of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Aus mcinem Leben. 3v. 1888-93.D 6035 Leben ; von Ohorn. 1894 D 13605 Memoirs, 1818-70. 4v C 3509 Ernest, A'im^ of Hanover. Reminiscen- ces of the. Court of ; by Wilkinson. -'V. 1886 C 3323 Erskine, H., and his Kinsfolk; by Fergu- son. 1882 C 2682 Erskine, T.. of Linlathen. Letters; ed. by Hanna. 1877 C 2591 EsPiNASSE, F. Literary Recollections, 1893 C10280 Essex, A. C, Earl of. Vindication of; by Braddon. 1690 *A 3126 Essex, G. de M., Earl of. A Study of _ the Anarchy; by Round. 1892. . .Ci 1307 Essex, R. D., 2d Earl of. Character of; by Wotton. 1814 C10133 Essex and Bacon; by Abbott. 1877.C 2462 Essex, T. C, Earl of. Character and Times of ; by Galton. 1887 C 3192 I:tty, W. Life; by Gilchrist. 2v. 185S.C 3072 EuDEs. J.. Father, and his Foundations; by Montzey. 1874 C 3300 BIOGRAPHY. 287 Eugene, Prince of Savoy. Life ; by Mal- le^on- 1888 C 3554. Leben; von Arneth. 3v. 1858 D 4060 Lebensgeschichte ; von Aubriet. '34.D 6029 Memoirs; tr. by Mudford. 1811..C 3302 Eugenie, Empress of France. Erinner- ungen aus den Tuilerien ; von Carette. 1890 D 5993 Eugenie, Keiserinde af Frankrige. Tschudi. 1889 C15135 Itouis Napoleon and Mile, de Mon- tijo; by Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1897 ..........:.Cii369 My Mistress Eugenie ; by Mme. Car- ette A 1677 Popular Sketch ; by Tschudi. 1899.C17857 Secret of an Empire; by de Lano. 1894 C10778 Three Empresses; by Gearey. 1893.C16912 Three Empresses of France; byGuer- ber. 1901 C16830 Vie ; par de Lano. 1891 C12730 EuLENSTEiN C. Sketch of Life. 1833.C10772 Eustace, Maj. Gen., Exiled from Great Britain by Duke of Portland. 1797C10788 Evans, C. his Country and Times; by Hood. 1881 C 2688 Evans, G. Memoir; by J. Evans. 1857.C 257 Evans, M. A. See Cross, M. A. Evarts, J. Memoir; by Tracy. 1845. C 2098 Evelyn, J. Diary and Correspondence. 4v. 1872 ,...! 3301 Memoirs of his Life and Writings. 2v. 1819 , *P 82 Everett, E. Address on ; by Dana. 1865C 258 Discourse in Memory of; by Osgood. 1865 '. *Ci696,8 Memorial from City of Boston. 1865C 287 Everts, W. W. Life ; by his Son. 1891. . C10787 EwALD, J. Lefvnet. Jorgensen. 1888.C14706 Lefvnet. Hammerich. i860 C 7234 Lefvnet. Molbech. 1831 C 7400 EwiNG, T., Memorial of. 1873 C 255 Exmouth, E. P., Viscount. Life; by Osier. 1835 C 2926 Eyland, S. Evolution of a Life ; Mem- oirs. 1884 C10789 Faber, F. W. Life; by Bowden. 1869.C 691 Fabert, a. de. Life and Times; by Hooper. 1892 C10827 Fairbairn, Sir W. Life ; by Pole. 1877C 2590 Fairchild, J. H. Incidents in Life of. '57C 1847* 288 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Fairfax, R., Admiral. Life; by Mark- ham. 1885 C 2864 Fairfax, T., Lord. Life; by Markham. 1870 C 693 Fairfield, S. L. Life; by J. Fairfield. 1847 C 281 Falletti, G., Marchesa di Barolo. Life; by Pellico. 1866 C 3322 Fallon, Mother M. X. A Nun. her Friends and her Order; by Hink- son. 1891 O10813 Falloux, a. F. p., Comte de. Memoirs ; by Pitman. 2v. 1888 C10814 Fane, J. C. H. Memoir ; by Lytton C 692 Fanshawe, Lady A. H. Memoirs ; writ- ten by herself . 1830 C10822 Faraday, M. Life ; by Gladstone. 1872. C 694 Life and Letters; by Jones. 2v. 1870.C 690 Life and Work; by Thompson. 1898C17881 Fare, C. A. Lettres d'un Officier, 1803- 1814 C12384 Farel, G. Life ; by Bevan C 2615 Farmer, J., Memorial of; by I^ Bos- quet. 1884 C 1833 Farnese, C. 5"^^ Therese Marguerite de rincarnation. Farr, E. W., Memorial Addresses on. 1881 , C 1834 Farragut, D. G., Admiral. Life; by Barnes. 1899 » C17322 Life ; by his Son. 1879 C 1842 Life ; by Mahan. 1892 C10815 Farrar, Mrs. E. \V. R. Recollections of Seventy Years. 1866 C 709 Faure, F. F. Felix Faure intime ; par Bluysen. 1898 C 5314 Favre, J. G. C. Vie; par Benoit-Levy.C 5169 Favre, p., Blessed. Life ; by Boero. '72,C 3321 Fawcett, H. Life ; by Stephen. 1886. . . C 2722 Fechter, C. a. Life; by Field. 18S2. .C 1849 Feild, E. Life and Episcopate ; by Tuck- er. 1876 C 2738 Fenelon, F. de.. Biographical Sketch of; by Lear. 1877 C 3331 Histoire de ; par Roy. 1883 C 6532 Leben ; von Ramsay. 1826 D 6067 Life ; by Bausset. 2v. 1810 C 3330 Life ; by Butler. 1810 C i loi Fennell, J. Apology for Life. 1814..C10829 Ferdinand V., King of Castile. History; by Prescott. 3v. 1873 A 1801 Ferguson, J. Life ; by Henderson. 1867. C 695 Ferguson, R., the Plotter ; or, Rye-House Conspiracy ; by J. Ferguson. 1887.C 1033 Ferrar, N., his Household and Friends ; by Carter. 1892 C10831 Ferry, O. S.'>» Memorial Addresses on. 1876 Ci7540,i2 Fersen, J. A., Count. A Friend of the Queen (Marie Antoinette) ; by Gaulot. 1893 C10838 Fesch, J. Le Cardinal Fesch ; par Lyon- net. 2v. 1841 CC 2^7 Fessenden, W. p.. Memorial Addresses on. 1870 C 1841 Feuerbach, L. a. Leben; von Bolin. 1891 D 5997 FiCHTE, J. G. ; by Adamson. 1881 L 2124 Leben und Briefwechsel ; von L H. Fichte. 2v. 1862 , D 4074 Field, C. W. Life and Work, 1819-92; ed. by Judson. 1896 C10800 Proceedings at Banquet in Honour of. 1868 C 3905 Field, E. An Auto-Analysis. 1896 C17893 Eugene Field in his Home ; by Below. 1898 C17894 The Eugene Field I knew ; by F. Wilson. 1898 C17895 Field, E. W. Memorial Sketch; by Sad- ler. 1872 C 703 Field, Kate. After her Death, Story of a Summer ; by Whiting. 1897 . . L 5497 Life ; by Whiting. 1899 C17892 Field, S. J. Reminiscences of Early Days in California; by Gorham. 18Q3.C10836 Fielding, H>, Life; by Dobson. 1883. .C 151 5 Life ; by Lawrence. 1855 C10812 Fields, J. T., Biographical Notes and Per- sonal Sketches of C 1845 Fillans, J. Memoir; by Paterson. '54*P 1623 Fillmore, M. Biography. 1856 C10837 Life ; by Stoddard. 1888 C 2334 Life and Services; by Barre. 1856.C 1844 Life and Times; by Irelan. 1888.B858.13 FiLSON, J. Life and Writings ; by Dur rett. 1884 *Vi405,i FixATi, G. Life and Adventures; ed. by Bankes. 2v. 1830 C 2>2,2)7 Finch, F. O. Memorials; by Mrs. E. Finch. 1865 C10833 FiNLEY, J. B. Autobiography. 1853.. C 269 Finley, R. Biography ; by Brown. 1857.C 2157 Finney, C. G. Life ; by Wright. 1891 . • . C 10804 Memoirs. 1876 C 279 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 289 Firman, G. Memoir ; by Dean. 1866.. .♦€ 139 Firth, F. R., Memoir of. 1874 C 290 Fisher, A. M., Eulogy on; by Kingsley. 1822 *C 1875 Fisher, S. S., Biography of. 1874 C 273 FisK, C B. Life: by Hopkins. 1888.. C 2378 FiSK, J., Jr., Life of. 1872 ^C 1875 FiSK. W. Life; by Holdich. 1842. ...C 1839 Life ; by Prentice. 1890 . : C10801 FiSKE. N. W. Memoir of; by Humphrey. 1850 C 1965 Fitch, J. Life; by Westcott. 1857 C 274 Life ; by Whittlesey. 1847 C 7516 Fitch, R., England's Pioneer to India and Burma ; by Ryley. 1899. • • .C17888 Fithian, p. V. Journal and Letters, 1767-74. 1900 C17943 Fitton, a. and M. Gossip from a Muni- ment Room; Lives, by Newdegate. 1898 C16832 FiTZBALL, E. Thirty-five Years of a Dra- matic Author's Life. 2v. 1859. .C Z7\2 Fitzgerald, Lord R Life and Death; by Moore. 1875 C 2601 I'lTZGERALD, E. Letters; ed. by Wright. 2v. 1894 • C10811 Letters and Literary Remains; ed. by Wright. 3v. 1889 C 3990 Letters to Fanny Kemble, 1871-83; ed. by Wright. 1895 C17900 Life ; by Clyde. 1900 C17901 FiTZGiBBON, J. A Veteran of 1812; by M. A. Fitzgibbon. 1894 C10806 FiTZHERBERT, Mrs. M. A. S. Memoirs; by Langdale. 1856 C 704 FiTZPATRiCK, J. B. In Memoriam. 186^. .C 277 FiTzsiMON, H. Letter and Diary; by Hogan. 1881 C 2602 FiTzSiMONS, T. Pennsylvania's Catholic Signer of the Constitution; by Griffin. 1887 *Ci696.6 Flandrin. J. H. Life; by Lear. 1875. C 3334 Flaubert, G., as seen in his Works; by Tarver. 1895 C10807 Correspondance. 1830-80. 4v C 4872 Lettres a George Sand. 1884 C 4948 Fletcher, A., of Saltoun. Life; by Omond. 1897 C17903 Fletcher, E. Memorials of; by Sal- mond. 1885 C 1962 Fletcher. Mrs. E. D. Autobiography.'76C 708 The same. 1883 C 2613 Fletcher, J. W. Sec La Flechere. J. G. de. Fleury, A. J. B. Memoires. 6v. 1836-8. C12366 Flipper, H. O. The Colored Cadet at West Point ; Autobiography. 1878C 1843 Flood, H. Life and Correspondence; by W. Flood. 1838 C 2634 FoNBLANQUE, A. Life; by E. B. de Fon- blanque. 1874 C 702 Fontaine, J. Autobiography; ed. by Maury. 1874 C 1094 FooTE, A. H. Life; by Hoppin. 1874. C 268 FooTE. S. Biography ; ed. by Forster. '60C 57 Memoirs; by Cooke. 3v. 1805....C2611 Forbes, A. Memories and Studies of War and Peace. 1895 C17904 Forbes, D. Life; by Burton. 1847 C 822 Forbes, E. Memoir; by Wilson and Geikie. 1861 C10825 Forbes. J. D. Life and Letters ; by Sharp and others. 1873 C 707 Forbes, J. M. Letters and Recollections ; ed. by Hughes. 2v. 1899 C17909 Forbes. R. B. Personal Reminiscences. 1878 C fS46 Forbes, Sir W. Memoirs of a Banking- House. i860 C 698 Foreign Courts and Foreign Homes; by A. M. F. 1898 CI7890 F0RRE.ST, E. Life; by Alger. 2v. 1877... C -80 Life ; by Barrett. 1881 C 289 Life ; by Rees. 1874 C 259 Forrest. Gen. N. B. Life; by Wyeth. 1899 C17914 Forster, W. Memoirs ; by Seeb«hm. 2v. 1865 ■ C 697 FoRTUNY, M. Life; by Davillier. 1885.C 3333 Foster, C. H., the Salem Seer. Reminis- cences; by Bartlett. 1891 C10818 Foster, J. Life and Thoughts ; by Everts. 1883 :_. C 2685 Life and Correspondence. 2v.^.i866I 3017 Foster, S. C. Biography, Songs and Musical Compositions. 1896. ..*V 2475 FoTHERGiLL, S. Life and Gospel Labours ; by Crosfield. 1843 C10826 FoucHE. J., due d'Otrante. Memoirs. 2v. 1825 . .* C 1093 FouQUET, N., Marquis dc Belle-Isle. Me- moires sur; par Cheruel. 2v. '62.C12139 Vie; par Lair.- 2v. 1890 C12684. Fox, C. Memories of Old Friends. 1882C 2608 The same. 1882 G 969 2gO INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Fox, C. J. Characters of; by Parr. 2v. 1809 C 2666 Correspondence with G. Wakefield. 1813 C 3123 History of; by Trevelyap. 1880. . .C 2605 Latter Years ; by Trotter. 181 1 ... . C10832 Memoirs and Correspondence. 4v. 1853 •■••••c 705 Fo G., and the Early Quakers; by Bick- ley. 1884 C10824 Autobiography, from his Journal ; ed. by Newman. 1886 C10823 Journal ; ed. by Armistead. 2 v. '53M 1502 Life : by Hodgkin. 1896 C17905 Life ; by Janney. 1885 C10835 Life; by Tallack. 1868 C 2603 Life and Writings of. 1884 C 2612 Memoirs of. 1867 .--.C 700 Popular Life; by Marsh. 1847.... C 2604 Frampton, M. Journal, 1779-1846; ed. by Mundy. 1885 • C10819 Francesca (da Rimini). See Malates- ta, F. Fk.'^nceschi, p. di B. Piero della Fran- cesca ; by Waters. 1901 C18730 Francia (Francesco Raibolini). Life; by Cartwright. 1881 C 3646 Francis of Assisi, Saint. Life; ed. by Magliano. 1867 C .1262 Life ; by Oliphant C 1102 Life ; by Sabatier. 1894 C 10839 lie Mirror of Perfection; Life, by Brother Leo. 1899 C10798 Vie de; par Berthaumier. 1883..C12056 Francis de Sales, Saint. . Life ; by Lear. 1872 C 1271 Saint Francis of Sales ; by Margerie. 1900 . ; C18773 Saint Frangois de Sales ; par Strow- ski. 1898 C 6039 Vie ; par Marsollier. 1883 C 5779 Francis Xavier, Saint. Apostle of the Indies ; by McClean. 189S C19138 Life; by Barton and Maft'ei. 1872. C 1261 Life and Letters; by Coleridge. 2v. 1872 C 1258 Francis L, King of France, and his Times ;by Coignet. 1888 C 3379 Les Amours de Frangois I.; par Le- scure. 1865 C 5544 Court and Reign of; by Pardoe. 2v. 1849 A 1550 fitudes feur; par Paris. 2v. 1885.. .C 6126 Life ; by Bacon. 2v. 1829 C 3335 Francis, J. Publisher of the Athenaeum ; by J. C. Francis. 2v. ' 1888 C 3840 Francis, J. W., Jr. Life and Character ; by Tuckerman. 1855 C 1851 Francis, Sir P«» Memoirs ; by Parkes and Merivale. 2v. 1867 C 696 The Francis Letters ; ed. by Francis and Keary. 2v. 1894 C17932 Francke, a. H., Leven ; door Koch. 1857D 9441 Frankland, Sir C. H. ; by Nason. '65. .C 270 Fr,\nklin, B., as»a Diplomatist, by Wal- ler. 1879 C 1852 as a Man of Letters; by AlcMaster. 1887 C 2265 Autobiography; ed. by Bigelow.'7o.C 1835 Autobiography and Essays. 1864. .C 260 Autobiography and Select Works. 1856 ..C 264 Autobiography and Works C 265 Autobiography with Essays. 2v. 1871 1 3718 Autobiography; with Public Life, by Weld. 1859 C 1836 before the Privy Council, 1774. 1860.C 1837 Eulogium; by Smith. 1792 *L 116 in France; by Hale. 2v. 1887 C 2110 Leben und Schriften; von Ruprecht. 1853 , D 6032 Ein Lebensbild ; von Venedey. 1865.D 4068 Life ; by Abbott. 1876 C 278 Life; ed. by Bigelow. 3v. 1875.... C 267 Life ; by Holley. 1848 .C 263 Life ; by More. 1900 C16792 Life; by Morse. 1889 C 3558 Life ; by Sparks. 1844 C 266 Life ; by Tomkinson. 1885 C 3101 Life; by Weems. 1873 C 261 Life and Times; by Parton. 2v. 1864 C 262 The Many-Sided Franklin; by Ford. 1899 C17934 Memoires. 2v. 1828 C 4987 Memoires; trad, par Laboulaye. 1884 C 4997 Memoires de la Vie privee. 1791. .C 4978 Memoirs; by W. T. Franklin. 1818.J59.1-2 Printer, Statesman, Philosopher and Citizen, 1706-90; by Robins. 1898.C17083 Private Correspondence. 1818 J59.3-4 The True Benjamin Franklin; by Fisher. 1899 Ci7933 True Story of; by Brooks. 1898. .H 3271 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 291 Fraxklix, B. Unveiling of Statue, Phila., June, 1899 C17935 Vie et CEuvres; tr. par Castera. 2v. 1798 C 4979 Franklin, Sir J. Life; by Beesly. '81. .C 2606 Life; by Markham. 1890. . . . a . . .C10828 Franklin, S. R. Memories of a Rear- Ad- miral in the Navy of the United .States. 1898 ; Ci0799 I'raser, ft, Bishop. Memoir; by Hughes. 1887 C 2902 Fraser, MaJ. J, Manuscript of, 1696-1737 ; cd. by Fergusson. 1889 C10820 I'REDERiCA Sophia Wilhelmina; Margrav- ine of Bairaith. Memoirs; ed. by Howells. 2v. 1877 C 1665 Memoirs of. 1888 C 397-2 * and Voltaire ; by Horn. 1888 C 3349 Frederick I. (Barbarossa), limperor of Germany. Lebcn; von Prutz.. 3v. 1871-4 D 6041 Frederick H., Emperor of Germany. Le- bcn von 1218 hi- iJ3.r. \"ii Winkcl- mann. 2v. 1889-97 D 6160 History of; by Olipham. ... i862.C 1091 Frederick HI., Emperor of Germany. Bi- ographical Sketch; by Rodd. '88. C 3344 The Crown Prince; a Diary. 1886.C10808 The Crown Prince and the German Imperial Crown; by Freytng. '90.C10809 rFmpercur ; par Simon. 1888 C 6684 Fatal Illness of; by Mackenzie. '88.N 541 Der Kronprinz und die dcutsche Kai- serkrone; von Frcytag. 1889. ..D 6151 Lcbcn ; von Hengst. 1883 D 6031 Life; by Poschinger. 1901 C17917 Tagebuch des Kronprinxen. 1831- 1886 ...^ D 6012 Two Royal Lives; the Emperor and Empress ; by Roberts. 1889 C 3922 "Unser Fritz"; von Miiller-Bohn. .D 6156 Frederick II., the Great, King of Prussia. als Feldherr; von Bernhardi. 2v. 1881 D 407-' als Philosoph; von Zeller. 1886... D 6124 and Maria Theresa; by Broglie. 2v. 1883 C 3343 iiad the Seven Years' War ; by Long- man A 174 Anecdotes of; by Thiebault. 2v. *o5.Cio792 Court and Times; by Campbell. 4v. 1842 C 1 103 et Louis XV; par Broglie. 2v. i887.Ci2iog Frederick II., the Great, King of Prussia. Frederic-le-Grand ; par Thiebault. 5v. in 3. 1827 C13241 Le grand Frederic avant I'Avene- ment ; par Lavisse. 1893 C12732 History of; by Abbott. 1871 C 1092 History of; by Carlyle. 13V. in 7. 1858-65 G 72 Lcben ; von Carlyle. 6v. in 4. 1863-9.D 264 Leben; von Hahn. 1855 D 4071 Leben ; von Preuss. 5v. in4. 1832-4.D 6139 Life; by Brackenbury. 1884 C 3342 Life ; by Dover. 2v. 1868 1 3679 Life ; by Kugler. 1877 C 3340 Life; by Yonge. 1858 C 1660 Life and Reign ; by Towers. 2v. 1788C10790 Rheinsburg; Memorials of Frederick the Great and Prince Henry of Prussia. 2v. 1880 C 3341 Youth ; by Lavisse. 1891 C10791 Frederick Charles Nicholas, Prince of Prussia. Mit Prinz Friedrich Karl; von H. von Borcke. 1893 Di3Si3 Frederick Francis of Mcckienhurg- Schwerin. Leben; von Hirschfeld. 1891 D 5959 Leben ; von Volz. 1893 D13624 Frederick William, Elector of Branden- burg. Leben; von Horn. 1814. .D13625 Frederick William L, King of Prussia. Lcben ; von Foerster. 3v. 1834-35.D13626 und Frederick II. of Prussia; von Cramer. 1829 D12859 Frederick I., King of IVuerttemberg. Correspondenz mit Napoleon I.'89D 6153 Freeman, E. A. Life and Letters; by Stephens. 2v. 1895 C10840 Freiligrath, H. F. Leben und Briefe ; von Biichner. 2v. 1882 D 4070 Leben und Dichtung; von Hektor. 1868 D 6033 Fkelinghuysen, T. Memoir of; by Cham- bers. 1863 C 1840 Fremont, Mrs. J. B. Souvenirs of my Time. 1887 C 2085 Fremont, J. C. Life; by Schmucker. 1856 C 272 Life; by Upham C 271 Life and Services of; by Bigelow. 1856 C 1848 Memoirs of my Life. 1887 *V 813 P'rere, Sir H. B. E. Life; by Martineau. 2v. 1895 C18500 292 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY Frere, J. H. Memoirs ; by W. E. and B. Frere. 1872 J120.1 Freytag, G. Leben; von Alberti. '85.. .D 6129 Reminiscences of my Life. 1890.. .C10830 Fritchie, Barbara, a Stndy ; by Dall. 1892 C10817 Frith, W. P. Aly Autobiography and Reminiscences. 2v. 1888.. . C 2999 Frobisher. Sir M. Life; by Jones. '78..C 2607 Froebel, F. Autobiography; tr. by Mi- chaelis and Moore. 1889 C10810 and Education by Self-Activity; by Bowen. 1893 C10444 Erinnerung an; von Hoffmann.'52.D 6030 Leben; von Hanschmann. 1874... D 5952 Ein Lebenslauf; Erinnerungen. 2v.D 5929 Reminiscences of; by Biilow. 1882. C 3332 Sein Leben; von Goldammer.. .1880D 4073 Froissart, J. Life ; by Darmesteter. 1895C17921 Memoirs; by Sainte-Palaye. 1801...C 3345 Fromentin, E., Painter and Writer; by Gonse. 1883 C 3346 Frost, T. Forty Years' Recollections. 1880 ....■ C 2687 Reminiscences of a Country Journal- ist. 1886 C 2920 Frothingham, N. L. Boston Unitarian- ism, 1820-50; Life and Work of, by O. B. Frothingham. 1890... M 3576 Memoirs ; by Hedge. 1870 *Ci696,4 Frothingham, O. B. Recollections and Impressions. 1822-90 C10821 Fry, Mrs. E. G. Life; by Ashby. '92. .C17926 Life ; by Pitman. 1884 C 2696 Memoirs, Journal and Letters. 2V. 1848 C 2610 Fry, Joseph. Life; by Walker. 1877.. C 1832 Fry, Joshua. Memoir of; by Slaughter. 1880 C17929 FuESSLi, J H. Life and Writings; by Knowles. 3v. 1831 C 2609 Fuller, A. B. Life Sketch ; by R. F. Ful- ler. 1864 C 1850 Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli, M. F. Fuller, T. Life; by J. E. Bailey. 1874.C10834 Life and Genius; by Rogers. 1856. .C 701 The same I4000.15 Life, Times and Writings of; by M. Fuller. 2v. 1886 C 3506 Fuller, W., Impostor, Life and Unac- countable Actions of. 1717 C 2932 Fullerton, Lady G. Life; by Craven. ...' C 3833 Fulton, R. Life ; by Golden. 1817 C zyG Life ; by Knox. 1886 C 2038 Life ; by Reigart. 1856 C 275 Life ; by Renwick. 1873 C75.10 Life, and -Results ; by Thurston. '91.C10462 Gainsboroc'gh, T. Life; by Arnold. '81. C 2620 Life ; by Fulcher. 1856 C 2621 Galiani, F., Ahbe. Lettres a Mme. d'fipinay. 2v. 1882 C 5041 Galilei, Galileo, and his Judges* by Prosser. 1889 C10848 and the Inquisition ; by Madden. 1863 C 1250 and the Roman Curia ; by Gebler. 1879 C 3355 Life; by Bethune. 1833 C 12 Private Life of. 1870 C 3356 und die romische Curie ; von Gebler. 1876 D 4067 Vita. Favaro.' 2v. 1883 C 9281 Gallatin, A. A.A. ; by Stevens. 1884. --C 1861 Life ; by Adams, 1879 C 3353 Gallaudet, T. H. Life; by E. M. Gal- laudet. 1888 C 2320 Tribute to ; by Barnard. 1852 C 284 Gallenga, a. C. N. Episodes of my Sec- ond Life. 1885 C 335^ Galt, J., Literary Life of. 1834 E1120.1 Gama, Vasco da. Voyages; by Towle. 1879 •. Ci6io,i Gambetta, L. Le grand Patriote; par Deschaumes. 1888 C12292 Leon Gambetta ; Lettre d'un Corse. 1883 C 6214 sa Vie, ses Idees politiques; par Neu- castel. 1885 C 6021 Gambier, J., Baron. Memorials; ed. by Chatterton. 2v. 1861 C10853 Gamble, J. R., Memorial Addresses on. 1893 C17540.5 Gambold, J., Life and Labors of. 1865. .C 716 Memoir; by Tyerman. 1873 C 142 Gannett, Mrs. D. S. Life; by Mann. 1866 *C 2201 Gannett, E. S. Memoir, 1824-71 ; by W. C Gannett. 1875 C 1865 Gardiner, J., Co/. Sketch of. 1875. .*C 1697.4 Gardiner, L. Papers and Biography of, 1 599- 1663; by C. C. Gardiner. 1883 C17974 Gardner, A. Soldier and Traveller ; Mem- oirs, by Pearse. 1898 C17976 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 293^ Garfield, J. A. Ancestry of; by Porter. 1881 *Ci697,3 and Education; by Hinsdale. 1882. .C 1857 Eulogy on ; by Hoar. 1882 *Ci697,3 From Log Cabin to White House ; comp. by McClure. 1881 €,2373 In Memoriam; by Thomas. i88i.*Ci697,3 Leben ; von Thayer. 1882 D 4049 Life ; by Bundy. 1881 C 1856 Life; by Conwell. 1881 C 1858 Life; by Ridpath. 1881 C 1983 Life ; by Stoddard. 1889 C10137 Life and Public Services; by Brown. 1881 C 1853 Life and Public Services; by Mc- Cabe. 1881 C 1855 Life and Public Services; by Mason. 1881 C 1854 Maxims of ♦C1697.3 Memorial Address on; by Blaine. 1882 ♦Ci697,3 Memorial Services, Highland Park, Sept. 26, 1881 C10911 The Nation's Sorrow; by Smith. 1881 ♦C1697.3 Our Martyred President ; a Sermon ; by Horton. 1881 *C 2291 Place in History; by Pcdder. 1882. C 1859 Reminiscences of; by Fuller. 1887.. C 2240 Sermon on ; by Walker. 1881 ♦€1696,2 Words of; comp. by Balch. 1881...E 1845 Garibaldi, G. and Italian Unity; by Chambers. 1864 C 3351 at Home ; by McGrigor. 1866 C 1 189 Autobiography. 3v. 1889 C10843 Autobiography; ed. by Dfimas. '60.C 3382 et la Situation de I'ltalie; par Dude- vant. i860 C 4475 Life; by Bent. 1882 C 3350 Life and Times; by Young and Ste- vens. 1864 *V 510 Memoires; trad, par Dumas. 1860.C 5050 Public and Private Life; by Melena. 1887 C3383 Recollections of ; by Schwarz. i85i . C 1 183 Garland, A. H. Experience in the Su- preme Court of the U. S. 1898.. N 5184 Garneau. F. X. Vie et ses CEuvres ; par Chauveau. 1883 C12254 Garrick, D. Correspondence, and Mem- oir. 2v. 1831-2 *V 2055 Life; by Fitzgerald. 2v. 1868 C 718 Life; by Knight. 1894 C10844 Garrick, D. Life; by Murphy. 2v. iCoi.C 2040* Memoirs; by Davies. 2v. 1780. .. .Ci 7980*" Garrison, W. L., the Abolitionist; by Grimke. 1891 C10845 and Times ; by Johnson. 1881 C i860 the Moral Crusader; Biographical Essay; by Smith. 1892 C10846' Story of his Life, 1805-79, told by his Children. 4v. 1885-9 C 1880- Gasparin, a. de. Life ; by Borel. 1879. .C 3354 Gass, p. Life and Times; by Jacob. 1859 C 1979^ Gautier, T. Entretiens, Souvenirs, etc. ; par Bergerat. 1879 C12064 L'Impeccable ; par Nicolardot. '83.. C 6025 Life; by Du Camp. 1893 C10908 Gavard, C. a Diplomat in London, 1871- 1877. 1897 C10883 Gavazzi, a. Life and Lectures. 1853... C 1249- Gay, E. J. Memorial Addresses on. 1891C10902 Gay, G. H. Memoir ; by Bradlee. i879.*Ci696,i Geiger, L. Zur Erinnerung an ; von Baer- wald. 1871 D 6071 GELiE,»C. (Claud© Lorrain) •^Biography ; by Sweetser. 1878 C 1683 Life: by Dullea. 1887..". C 3185 Gellert, C. F. Levensbeeld ; door Bange. 1870 D 9099 Genast, E. Tagebuch. 4v. in 2. 1862.D 4079. Genghis Khan. See Jenghiz, Khan. Genlis, Countess of. Memoirs. 8v. in 4. 1825-6 C 1 105. George II., King of England. Memoirs ; by Hervey. 3v. 1884 C 2677 George III., King of England. Court and Family ; by Gait. 2v. 1824 C 10876' Correspondence with Lord North ; ed. by Donne. 2v. 1867 C 2625 Life ; by Holt. 2v. 1820 C10877 Life and Reign ; by Jesse. 3v. 1867.A 521 Memoirs ; by Huish. 1821 "''V 24 Reign of; by Green. 1822 A 3123. George IV., King of England. Coronation of; by Huish. 1821 A 3289 Diary of the Times of; by Bury. 4v. 1838-9 C 2626 Florizel's Folly; by Ashton. 1899. A 3486 Life ; by Croly. 1871 1 3661 Life ; by Fitzgeraldi 2v. 1881 C 714 Life and Reign ; by Lloyd. 1830. . .C1087S Memoirs; by Huish. 2v. 1830 C 7^3. George. Prince of Anhalt. Levensschets ; door Camerarius, 1854 D 9161 ^94 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. George, H. Life; by his Son. 1900 C17986 Ger.\rd, Father J. Life; by Morris. '81. C 2622 Gerlach, L. v. Denkwiirdigkeiten. 2v. 1891-2 D 5939 German, Saint, Bishop. Life. 1846... C 3357 Gerok, K. Ein Lebensbild; von G. Gerok. 1892 D13642 Gerry, E. Life ; by Austin. 2v. 1828-9. C 285 Gervinus^ G. G. Leben; von Gosche. 1871 D 4075 Ghiberti, L. Life; by Baxter. 1882... C 3371 Gibbon, E. Autobiography ; ed, by H'ow- ells. 1877. •.. - C 1668 Autobiography and Correspondence. 1869 C 717 Letters. 1814, J 67,2 Life; by Mihiian. 1839 C 719 Life ; by Morison. 1878 C i486 CiBBONS, Mrs. A. H. Life; ed. by Emer- son. 2v. 1897 C18019 Gibson, J. Life ; by Eastlake. 1870 C 720 GiDDiNGS, J. R. Life; by Julian. 1892.C10847 Sketch ; by Buell. 1882 C 1866 Gilbert, Mrs. A. H. Stage Reminis- cences ; ed. by Martin. 1901 ..... C18021 Gilbert, Mrs. A. T. Autobiography and other Memorials; ed. by J. Gilbert. 2v. 1874 C 3838 Gilbert, E. M. M., and her Work for the Blind ; by Martin. 1891 *Ci8o22 The same. 1887 C 3079 Gilchrist, Mrs. A. B. Life and Writ- ings ; by H. H. Gilchrist. 1887.. .C10854 Gilfillan, G. History of a Man. 1856. ..C 2947 Gillespie, Mrs. E. D. A Book of Re- membrance. 1901 C17990 Gillespie. Sir R. R. Memoir ; by Thorn. 1816 C10891 Gillies, R. P. Alemoirs of a Literary Veteran. 3v. 1851 C 2624 Giotto, A. Life ; by Quilter. 1881 C 337^ GiRARD, S., and Girard College ; by Arey. 1866 C 282 Biography, with his Will ; by Simp- son. 1832 C10860 Life and Character; by Ingram. '84.C10861 Life and Will of. 1832 C 28J GiusTi, G., and his Times; by Horner. 1864 C 1 104 Gladstone, W. E., and his Contempo- raries, 1830-86; by Archer. 4V..A 3218 Apology for Life of. 1885 C 2858 Gladstone, W. B. Biographical Study; by Gunsaulus. 1898 C18069 Biography, 1809-81; by Emerson. .C 2628 Characteristics as Man and States- man ; h^ Bryce. 1898 C10871 Early Public Life.; by Robbins. '94.C10867 Gladstone, the Man; by Williamson. 1898 . ..'.. .." C10874 Life ; by McCarthy. 1897 C10870 Life ; by Reid. 2v. 1899 C18070 Life ; by Russell. 1891 C10866 Life ; by Smith. 1880 C 2627 Monograph; by Hamilton. 1898. . .C18068 People's Life of. 1895 C10868 A Study ; by Jennings. 1887 C10865 A Study from Life; by Lucy. 1895.C10869 Talks with Mr. Gladstone (1856-70, 1891-96) ; by Tollemache C10873 Glareanus, H. L. See Loriti, H. Glover, J. Memoir ; by Upham. 1863. *C 1698 Glover, W. Memoirs of a Cambridge Chorister. 2v. 1885 C 2876 Reminiscences of Half a Century. 1889 C10872 Gluck, C. W. von. Leben und Werke; von Reissmann. 1882 D 4171 und die Oper ; von Marx. 2v. 1862-3D 4077 Gneisenau, a. N., Count. Leben; von Pertz und Delbriick. 5v. 1864-80. D 4040 GoDDARD, D. A. Memoir ; by Smith. '82.*Ci696,4 Godfrey of Bouillon. Godefroi de Bouil- lon ; par Brun-Lavainne. 1875 . . C12350 Vie; par Collin de Plancy. 1842. . .C12562 Godolphin, Mrs. M. B. Life; by Evelyn. 1847 C 710 Godolphin, S., ^arl of. Life; by Elliott. 1888 C 3116 Godwin, Mrs. ^L Letters to Imlay. '79- C 1032 Life ; by Pennell. 1884. C 3153 Godwin, W., his Friends and Contempo- raries ; by Paul. 2v. 1876 C 2630 GoENS, R. M. • van. Leven ; door Ten Brink- D 9817 Goethe, J. W. von. Abhandlungen iiber ; von Diintzer. 1885 D 6040 Der Alte von Weimar, 1808-22; von Baumgartner. 1886 D 6080 and Mendelssohn; by K. Mendels- sohn. 1872 C 1090 and Schiller; by Boyesen. 1879 C 3358 Autobiography. 1872 13025,1-2 Biographic ; von Prutz D 4087 Briefe an Merck. 1835-8 D 6065 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 29S Goethe, J. W. von. Briefe an Sophie von La Roche und Bettina Brentano; her. von Loeper. 1879 D 4086 Brief wechsel mit einem Kinde.i849D 6046 Briefwechsel mit Schiller. 1881..D6087 Brief wechsel mit Zelter. 6v. 1833- 1834 D 6045 Characteristics of; tr. by Austin. 3v. 1833 C3368 Conversations with Eckermann. '7413025,6 Correspondence with a Child. 1859.C 11 11 Correspondence with Carlyle. 1887.C 3375 Correspondence with Schiller, 1794- 1805. 2v. 1877-9 1 2998 Early and Miscellaneous Letters. '84I 2968 Gedanken iiber; von Hehn. 1895..D13638 Gesprache mit; von Eckermann. 3v. 1883 D 6037 The same. 1885 D 4088 Goethe-Feier der deutschen von Chi- cago. 1899 D13634 Goethestudicn : von Diintzer. 1861.D 268 in Hauptziigen seines Lcbens; von Scholl. 1882 0,4081 in Wetzlar; von Herbst. 1881 D 4082 Jugend ; von Scherr. 1874 D 4085 Leben ; von Diintzer. 1880 D 4054 Leben; von Heinemann. 2v. 1895.D13639 Leben ; von Lewes. 2v. 1883 D 4053 Leben; von Schafer. 2v. 1858... D 4089 Leben ; von ViehoflF. 4v. in 2. 1864.D 6044 Leben und Werke ; von Baumgartner. 3v. in 2. 1885-6 ,. . . D 4048 Leben und Werkc; von Bielschow- sky, V. I. 1896 D13635 Leben und Werke; von Wolff. 189SD13640 Letters to Leipzig Friends. 1866. .C 3360 Letters to Zelter. 1887^ I 2925 Liebcsbriefe an Frau von Stein, 1776- 1789. 1886 D Life; by Duntzer. 1884 C Life; by Hayward. 1878 J Life; by Lewes. 1864 C The same ; abridged. 1873 C Life; by Sime. 1888 C Life and Genius; ed. by Sanborn. 1886 C Life and Times; by Grimm. 1880. C Life and Works; by Calvert. 1872.C 1107 Life and Writings ; by Browning. '92C10881 Sein musikalisches Leben; von Kil- ler. 1883 D 4108 und Karl August ; von Diintzer. '88D 6039 6038 3370 2242 3359 1 109 3739 3374 3366 Goethe, J. W. von, und Schiller; von Kneschke. 1858 D 267 und seine Werke; von Rosenkranz. 1856 D 4090 Ungedrucktes aus dem Goethe- Kreise; her. von Miiller. 1896. .D13636 Vorlesungen uber; von Grimm. 2v. 1877 D 4091 Wisdom of; by Blackie. 1883 C 3369 Goethe, K. E. T. (Goethe's Mother). Correspondence. 1880 C 3367 Leben ; von Heinemann. 1893 D13641 GoLDONi, C. Life; by Copping. 1859. .C I045 Memoirs; ed. by Howells. 1877.. C Gou)SCHMiDT {Jenny Lind), in America; by Rosenberg. 1851 C Life, Struggles and Triumphs; by Rosenberg. 1850 C Memoir, 1820-51 ; by Holland and Rockstro. 2v. 1891 C10849: Memoranda of Life; by Willis. 1851C18023 GoLDSCHMiOT, M. A. Livs Erindringer. 1877 .• C GoLDSMiD, Sir F. H. Memoir; by Marks and Lowy. 1870 . . . ; C Goldsmith, O. Leben und Werke; von Karsten. 1873 D Life: by Black. 1879 C Life; by Dobson. 1888 C Life; by Forster. 1873 G The same. 1878 C Life; by Irving. 1873 J The same. 2v. 1868 1 3732 Life ; by Prior. 2v. 1837 C 728 Memoir; by Dobson. 1899 C18056 Same as Life; by Dobson. GoMM, Sir W. M. Letters and Journals, 1799-1815. 1881 C108SO' GoNcouRT, E. and J. de. Lives; by Bel- loc and Shedlock. 2v. 1895 ...C10905 GoNTAUT, Duchesse de. Memoirs; tr. by Davis. 2v. 1894 C10898 GoNTAUT-BiRON, A. A. E. de. Mission to Berlin, 1871-77; by Due de Broglie. 1896 C18028 GoocH, Sir D., Diaries of. 1892 C10910 Good, J. M. Memoirs ; by Gregory. 1829.C 2027 GooDELL, C L. Life; by Currier. 1887. .C 2319 Goodell, W. Forty Years in the Turkish Empire; or, Memoirs, by Prime. 1876 ? C 305 Goodenough, J. G. Journal. 1^76 C 715 Goodrich, S. G. Recollections. 2v. 1856. C 307 1667 3384 3596 7199 2631 6074 1489 3728 ^48 729 136 2(^ INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. •Goodwin, T. Sketches and Impressions; ed. by Mason. 1887 C 2099 GoRANi, J. Vie ; par Marc-Monnier. 1884C 5875 Gordon, Rev. A. J. Biography, with Let- ters; by E. B. Gordon. 1896. . . .C10886 Gordon, Gen. C. G. Diary of Exploits in China. 1885 C 2958 Events in Life; by Gordon. 1886. .C 2959 General Gordon, the Christian Hero. 1885 C 2720 Journals at Kartoum. 1885 C 2692 The same G 1097 Letters to his Sister. 1888 C 3088 Life; by Boulger. 2v. 1896 C18025 Life ; by Butler. 1889 C 3527 Life ; by Forbes. 1884 C 2690 Story of ; by Hake. 1884 C 2691 Gordon, G. M., Missionary of the Pun- jab. Life and Work ; by Lewis. '89C10887 Gordon, P. L. Personal Memoirs. 2v. '30C10888 GoREH, Father. \M^\ by Gardner. 1900.C18027 GoRTCHAKOF, A., PHnce; by Klaczko.'76C 1436 Gorton, S. Life ; by Mackie. 1848 C 75.'i5 GoTTSCHALK, L. M. Life and Letters; by Hensel. 1870 C10841 Notes of a Pianist. 1881 C 1870 Gottsched, J. C, und seine Zeit; von Danzel. 1885 D 4044 GouGH, J. B. Autobiography, 1845 C 291 Autobiography and Recollections. 1871 C 292 Sunlight and Shadow; my Life- Work. 1887 C10885 Gould, Mrs. E. B. Memoirs; by Bacon. 1879 C 306 Gounod, C. F. Life and Works; by De Bovet. 1891 C10889 Memoirs of an Artist; an Autobiog- raphy. 1895 C18030 GovvER, G. L., Earl. See Sutherland, Earl of. Gower, R., Lord. My Reminiscences. 2v. 1883 C 2695 GozLAN, L. Scenes de la Vie litteraire, 1828-65 ; par Audebrand Cii993 Gozzi, Count C. Memoirs; tr. by Sy- monds. 2v. 1,890 *Cio85i Grabbe, D. C. Leben und Charakter; von Ziegler. 1855 D 6069 Grady, H. W. Life, Writings and Speeches ; ed. by J. C. Harris. '90C10890 Graham, Mrs. L M. Life and Writings. 1816 C 724 Graham, J. See Dundee, Viscount. Graham, J. See Montrose, Marquis of. Grammont, p., Count. Memoirs; by Hamilton. 1846 C 2673 The same; new ed. 2v. i889.*Cio892 Granger, J: Letters; ed. by Malcolm. 1805 C10893 Grant, U. S. About Grant; by Swift. 1880 C 303' Address in Memory of; by Sherman. 1885 *Ci696,8 Ancestry of; by Marshall. 1869. . .C16691 and his Campaigns; by Larke. 1864.C10894 and Period of National Preservation ; by Church. 1897 C10862 Ancedotes about ; by Ringwalt. 1886C 1877 as Soldier anci Statesman; by How- land. 1868 C 1879 Boys' Life of General Grant; by Knox. 1895 C18001 Campaigning with Grant; by Por- ter. 1897 C18003 Campaigns of; by Coppee. 1866. .C 298 Estimate of; by Arnold. 1887 C 1982 General Grant's Letters to a Friend (E. B. W^ashburne), 1861-80. .. .C18004 In ]\Iemoriam ; by Humphreys. '85*Ci696,6 Life; by Dana and Wilson. 1868. .C 302 Life ; by Deming. 1868 C 1876 Life; by Headley. 1868 C 304 Life ; by Stoddard. 1886 ' C 2241 Life ; by Thayer. 1885 C 2196 Lifej by Wilson. 1897 ; C18002 Life and Campaigns; by Wilson. 1868 *Ci696,S Life and Character ; by Garland. '98C18005 Life and Deeds ; by Burr. 1885 • • -C 2184 Life and Public Services ; by Balch. 1885 C 1981 Life and Public Services; by Phelps. 1872 C 1980 Memoiren. 2v. 1886 D 6077 Military History; by Badean. 3v. 1868-81 C 300 Oration on Life and Services; by Collier. 1885 *Ci696,8 Our Standard-Bearer ; by Adams.'88C 2259 Personal History ; by Richardson.'68C 296 Personal Memoirs. 2v. 1885-6 ... C 1878 Reception of, at Chicago, Nov., 1879 *C 1875 Stories, Sketches and Speeches of; ed. by McClure. 1879 C 2371 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 297 Grant, U. S., Tribute to. 1S85 «Ci696.8 True Story of; by Brooks. 1897.. H 3280 Ulysses S. Grant ; by Wister. 1900.C17334 Granville, A. B. Autobiography. 2v. " 1874 C 2632 Granville, H. E. C^ Countess. Letters, 1810-45; ed. by her Son. 2v.. 1894.C10864 Granville, J. C, EarL Political Biogra- phy, 1690-1763; by Ballantyne...C 3191 Gr.\ttan, H. Life; by Dunlop. 1889. C 3553 Memoirs of; by H. Grattan. 2v. 1839C 2633 Sketch of ; by Lecky. 1872 C 126 Gr-\y, a. Letters ; ed. by J. L Gray. 2v. 1894 C10856 Gray, R., Bishop. Life ; by C Gray. 2v. 1876 C10855 Gray, T. Correspondence with N. Nich- olls; ed. by Mil ford. 1843 C 2757 Correspondence with W. Mason; ed. by Mitford. 1855 C 2623 Letters ; ed. by Tovey. 1900 1 2954 Life ; by Gosse. 1882 C 1507 Graydon, a. Memoirs of a Life, 181 i.C 1872 The same, 1822 C 2348 The same, 1846; ed. by Littell.C 308 Greeley, H. Autobiography. 1872... C 310 the Editor; by Zabriskie. 1890. . .C10895 Letters and Reminiscences; cd. by Benton C10896 Life ; by Ingersoll. 187 ;^ . C 309 Life ; by Parton. 1872 C 311 Life and Public Career; by Cornell. 1872 C 3^3 Monument unveiled, Dec, 1876. .♦C 1696,1 Green, A. Life; ed. by Jones. .1849 C 1873 Green, E. Diary and Biography. 1875.. C 317 Green, J. H. Autobiography. 1840... C 316 Green, S. F. Life and Letters; comp. by Cutler. 1891 C18034 Greene, N., Gen. Life; by F. V. Greene. 1893 C10907 Life; by G. W. Greene. 1846 ....C 75.20 The same. 3v.. 1867-71 C 318 Life; by Simms. 1856 C 314 Life and Correspondence; by John- son. 1822 *V 2190 Memoirs; by Caldwell. 1819 C 1874 Greene, W. P. Life; by Smith. 1865.C18036 Greenhalge, F. T. Life and Work; by Nesmith. 1897 C18041 Greenough, H. Letters to his Brother. 1887 C 2203 Memorial; by Tuckerman. 1853.. C 319 Gregg, W. P., 40th Anniversary as Clerk of Boston Common Council. i882*C 1910 Gregory I., the Great, Pope, and his Re- lations with Gaul ; by Kellett. '89.A 355,2 Gregory VIL, Pope. Leben; von Mar- tens. 1894 D13647 Life; by Villemain. 2v. 1874 C II08 Life and Pontificate ; by Bowden. 2v. 1840 C 1106 und sein Zeitalter; von Gfrorer. 8v. 1859-64 D 6036 Gregory, Saint, the Illuminator. Life; by Malan. 1868 C 3373 Grellet du Mabillier, E. de. Memoirs ; by Seebohm. 2v. 1862 C 723 Grenville, R. and G. Papers. 4v. 1852-3C 725 Gresham, Sir T. Life; by Burgon. 2v. 1839 C 2635 Greville, C. C. F. Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-60. 3v..A 746 Journal of Reigns of George IV. and William IV. 2v. 1875 A 513 The same abr. ; by Stoddard.. C 77,5 G&ey^ 2d Earl. Correspondence with Princess Lieven, 1824-34. 2v. 1890C10857 Grey, Sir G. Life and Times ; by Rees. 2v. 1892 C10903 Grey, Lady Jane, and her Times; by Laird. 1822 Cio8s8 Griffin, E. D. Memoir; by Nash. 1842.C 1864 Memoir ; by Sprague. 1839 C 2000 Griffin, G. Life; by his Brother. 1872.C 320 Grillparzer, F. Leben; von Mahren- holtz. 1890 D 5953 Lebensgeschichte ; von Laube. 1884.D13645 und seine Werke; von Paoli. 1875. D 6073 Grimaldi, J. Memoirs ; by Dickens. '38c 1089 Life; by Miles. 1838 C 727 GRiMKi, S. and A. Lives; by Birney. 1885 C 1863 Grimm, F. M. Homme de Lettres; par Scherer. 1887 C 6714 Memoirs from Correspondence, 1753- 1790. 4v. 1815 C10904 Grimm, J. and W. Leben und Wirken; von Denhard. i860 . ., D 6072 Grimston, R. Life; by Gale. 1885 C 2629 Grindal, E. Life; by Strype. i82i..*P 130 Griscelli de Vezzani, J. F., Baron da Rimini. Memoirs. 1888 C 3378 Griswold, R. W., Correspondence and other Papers of. 1898 C18042 298 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Gronow, Capt. R. H. Recollections and Anecdotes. 1877 ..E 1137 Reminiscences and Recollections. 2v. 1892 C10899 Last Recollections; Fourth Series. 1886 7 ....E 1142 Groot, H. de. Life; by Butler. 1826.. C 3365 Proceedings at Laying a Wreath x)n Tomb of, July 4, 1899 C18043 Grosseteste, R. Life;*by Perry. 1871.C 730 Gros SMITH, G. A Society Clown; Rem- iniscences. 1888 C 3904 Grote, G. Life; by Mrs. H. Grote. 1873. C 726 Grote, Mrs. H. L., Sketch Of; by Lady Eastlake. 1880 C 2636 Grotius, H. See Groot, H. de. Grouard, F. Life and Adventures; by DeBarthe. 1894 C18044 Grover, Z., In Memory of; by Alumnae Association of Dearborn Semin- ary. 1893 C10884 Grundy, F. H. Pictures of the Past. 1879C 2638 Guenther, J. C. Leben; von Roquette. i860 D 4109 Guerbel, L. G. T. W., Comtesse de. Bio- graphical Sketch; by Gustafson. 1882 C 2410 Guerin, E. de. Journal ; ed. by Trebutien. 1865 C 3361 The same. 2v. 1893 C10901 Journal et Fragments. 1874 C 5137 Letters. 1866 C 1113 Lettres. 1874 C 5138 GuERiN, G. M. de. Journal ; ed. by Trebu- tien. 1891 C10900 Journal. 1867 C 3362 Journal, Lettres, et Poemes. 1872. C 5139 and E. de; by Parr. 1870 C 11 12 Guesclin, B. du. See Dn Guesclin, B. GuicciOLi, T. G., Contessa. Recollections of ; by Smith. 1878 C 3242 GuiDO Reni. See Reni, Guido. GuiTEAU, C. J. Life and Trial ; by Alex- ander. 1882 C 1869 History of the Trial of; by Hayes, 1882 C 1871 GuizoT, F. P. G., dans sa Famille; par de Witt C 6993 Embassy to the Court of St. James's in 1840 A 661 Lettres. 1884 C 5101 Memoires, 1807-1848. 8v. 1858-67. C 5156 Memoirs, 1807- 1840. 4v. 1858-61. .A 1543 GuizoT, F. P. G. Memoirs of a Minister of State from 1840. 1864 A 1539 Private Life; by deWitt. 1881 C 3364 GuLiCK, L. H. Life; by Jewett. 1895.C18050 GuNTON, W. Life; by Sunderland. 1878.C 711 GuRNTY, E. P*. Memoir,and Correspond- ence ; by Mott. 1884 C 1868 GuRNEY, J. J. - Memoirs ; by Braithwaite. ^ ^''' ^855 C 733 GuRNEY, S. Memorials ; by Geldart. 1847.C 2639 GusTAVus I. Vasa, King of Sweden. His- tory of. 1852 C 3363 GusTAvus 11. Adolfhus, King of Sweden. History; by Chapman. 1856 C 3380 History ; by Stevens. 1884 C 3381 Leben ; von Droysen. 2v. 1869-70. D 4094 Life ; by Dodge. . 1895 C10915 Life ; by Fletcher. 1890 Ciog75 Life ; by Hollings. 1843 1 361 1 Life; by Yonge. 1858 C 1660 GusTAVus III., King of Sweden, and his Contemporaries; by Bain. 1894.C10914 Nachgelassene Schriften; von Geijer, 1843-6 D13646 Gutenberg, J. Geschichte und Erdich- tung; von van der Linde. 1878. .D 408a Guthrie, T. Life; by Kirton. 1885.. C 3102 Autobiography and Memoir; ed. by D. K. and E. J. Guthrie. 2v. 1874-6C 731 GuTZKOw^, K- F. Biographic; von Wurz- bach. 1871 04184,8 Riickblicke auf mein Leben. 1875. D 4093 GuYON, Mm^. Autobiography. 1880. .C18060 Life and Religious Experience ; by Upham. 2v. i860 C 1088 Guzman, A. E. de.. Life and Acts of. 1862 , *I 2371 Gwynne, Nell, Story of; by Cunning- ham. 1883 C 1035 Hackman, J. and M. Reay. Love-Let- ters, 1775-79; ed. by Burgess. '95-Ci0387 Haddock, G. C. Life ; by F. C. Haddock. 1887 C10926 Hadrian, Emperor. Kaiser Hadrian ; von Gregorovius. 1884 D 4057 Haendel, G. F. Leben; von Chrysander. 2v. 1858 D 4095 Leben und Werke; von Reissmann. 1882 D 4172 Lectures on; by Ramsay. 1862.... C 3409 Life ; by Clarke. 1885 C 3106 Life ; by Marshall. 1890 C18090 Life ; by Rockstro. 1883 C 3404 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 299 Haendei., 0. F. Life; by Scholcher.C 1117 The same. 1857 C 3403 Sa Vie, ses Travaux et son Temps; par David. 1884 C 4769 Hafiz Rahmat, Khan. Life; by Ma- homed Moost Ujab. 1831 *V 1285 Hague, W. Life Notes; or, Fifty Years' Ouriook. 1888 .- C 420 Hahn-Hahn, I., Countess von. Biogra- phic ; von Wurzbach. 1871 D4184.12 Hale, D. Memoir; by Thompson. 1850C 1916 Hale, J. P., Unveiling Statute of, 1892.C10919 1 Iale, Sir M. Memoirs ; by Williams. '35C 2661 H.\LE. Catt. N. Life; by Lossing. 1886.C 2068 Life ; by Stuart. 1856 C 32:i The Martyr Spy; by Brown. 1899.C18081 Halevy, L. Notes et Souvenirs. 1 87 1-72.C 12580 Haliburton, T. C Haliburton; a Cen- tenary Chaplet. 1897 Ci8o8;i Hall, C. N. An Autobiograpliy. 1899.C18100 Hall, /?«'. R. Life; by Hood. 1881..C 2643 Hall, S. C. Retrospect of a Long Life. 1883 C 2659 Hallahan, M. .M., Life of. 1869 C Halleck, F. G. Life; by Wilson. 1869. C Memorial of. 1877 C Hallock, G. Memorial; by Carroll. 1866C Hallock, J. Life ; by Yale. 1828 C Hals, F. Life ; by Head. 1879 C 3947 Hamann, J. G. Lebcn und Schriften; von Poel. 2v. 1874-6 D 4103 Leben und Schriften; von Gildemeis-. ter. 6v. 1875 D 4104 Hamerli.ng. R. Leben; von Rosegger. 1891 D 5950 Stationen mciner Lebenspilgerschaft. 1890 D 6137 Hamerton, p. G. An Autobiography and Memoir, 1834-94. 1896 C10951 Hamilton, Alexander, and his Contem- poraries; by Riethmiiller. 1864.. C 325 The Constructive Statesman; by Boutell. 1890 C10920 Documents on Death of; by Cole- man. 1804 C Life ; by J. C. Hamilton. 2v. 1834- 1840 C Life ; by Lodge. 1882 C Life ; by Morse. 2v. 1876 C Life ; by Renwick. 1846 1 3689 Life ; by Sumner. 1890 C10921 Life and Epoch of; by Shea. 1880. C 1889 Life and Times; by Schmucker.i86oC 1884 747 $22 1888 3-24 1919 18S5 326 1882 1890 Hamilton, Arthur. Memoirs; by Carr. 1886 C 2748 Hamilton, Mrs. E. Memoirs; by Ben- ger. 2v. 1819 C 3183 Hamilton, E. L., Lady, an old Story re- told ; by Gamlin. and Lord Nelson; Jeaffreson. 2v. Memoirs ; by Long. Hamilton, Col. J. A 1867 Hamilton, Sir Wm. Life; by Veitch. 1891 *P 1697 a Biography, by c 3194 1892 C10961 Reminiscences. C 327 by Monck. 1881.L 1922 1882 L 2125 739 Memoir ; by Veitch. 1869 C Hamilton. Sir W. R. Life; by Graves. 3v. 1882-89 C18103 Hamley, Sir E. B. Life ; by Shand. 2v. 1895 C18110 Hamlin, C. My Life and Times. 1893..C10962 Hamlin, H. Life and Speeches; by Hayes, i860 C 2006 Life and Times; by C. E. Hamlin. 1899 Cip997 Hamline, L. L. Life and Letters; by Palmer. 1877 C 2026 Hammond. C An Address; by Smith. 1885 C 1978 Ha.mpden,J. Memorials; by Nugent. 1860I 3305 Hampden, R. D. Some Memorials of; ed. by H. Hampden. 187 1 C10929 Hancock, J. John Hancock, his Book; by Brown. 1898 C18112 Hancock, J. (Ph. D.). Memoir; by Venable. 1892 C10928 Hancock, R., and his Works ; by Ballan- tyne. 1885 C10938 Hancock, Gen. W, S. Letters and Ad- dresses in Memory of. 1886... *V 761 Life ; ed. by McClure. 1880 C 2372 Life ; by Walker. 1894 C10967 Life and Services; by Cole.- 1880. C 2037 Reminiscences; by his Wife. 1887. C 2253 Handel, G. F. See Haendei. . Hannibal. History of; by Abbott, 1871H 29 Life; by Arnold, i860 C 11 14* Life; by Dodge. 1891 Crosii Life ; by Morris. 1897 C10995 Hannington, J. Life and Work, 1847- 1885 ; by Dawson C10963 Hannum, D. The Real David Harum; by Vance. 1900 C18108 Hanslick, E. Aus meinem Leben. 1894D13648 300 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Harbaugh, Rev. H. Life; by L. Har- baugh.' 1900 C18083 Harden, E. J. Commemoration of. '73. C 139 The same. 1873 *C 1698 Hardenberg, C a. Staatskanzler ; von Ranke. 5v. 1877..'*. D 6138 Hardie, J. A., Memoir of. 1877 C 1894 Hardin, B. Times and Contemporaries; by Little. 1887 C 2255 Harding, C, Sketch of, drawn by his own hand; ed. by White. 1890..C10922 Hardwicke, 1st Earl of. Life; by Har- ris. 3v. 1847 C 2644 ■Hare, A. J. C. Records of a Quiet Life. 1873 C 736 The same. 3v. in 2. 1876... .C 740 Story of my Life. 4v. 1896-1901. .C18084 Hare, J., Comedian, 1865-95, a Biogra- phy; by Pemberton. 1895 C10917 Harney, W. S. Life and Military Ser- vice ; by Reavis. 1878 C 2069 Harold H., King of England. Vita Har- oldi ; ed. by Birch. 1885 C 3537 Haroun-al-Raschid. See Harun al Ra- schid. Harpain, M. E. Life; ed. by Thomp- son. 1872 C 3400 Harriman, W. Life ; by Hadley. 1888.C 312 Harriot, T. Life; by Stevens. 1900..C10999 JHarris, G. Autobiography. 1888 C10964 Harris, G., Lord. Life and" Services ; by Lushington. 1840 C10965 Harris, G. N. and B. W. Lives ; by Ed- wards. 1868 C 329 Harris, I., Memorial of. 1876 C 1891 Harris, J. See Malmesbury, Earl. 'Harris, T., First American Envoy in Ja- pan ; by Griffiths. 1895 C10918 Harrison, B. Life; by Harnej'. 1888. C 2377 Life ; by Wallace. 1888 C 2324 Harrison, C. Stray Records; Personal and Professional Notes. 2v. 1892C10927 Harrison, C. H., Mayor. Memoir; by Abbot. 1895 C10931 Proceedings of a Memorial Meeting of the City Council, Nov. 16, 1893C18094 Harrison, W. H. Civil and Military Ser- vices ; by Todd and Drake. 1840. C 2325 Eulogy on; by Peabody. 1841 . . .*Ci696.2 Life ; by Hildreth. 1840 C 1881 Life ; by Jackson. 1840 C 1892 Life ; by Stoddard. 1888 C 2328 Life and Public Services of. i836.*Ci696,i Harrison, W. H., Life and Services of 1840 .C1883 Life and Times; by Burr. 1840 C 1887 Life and Times; by Irelan. 1888. .6858,9 Memoir of; by Hall. 1836 C 330 Hartley, D. ;''*by Bower. 1881 L 1923 Hartlib, S. Biographical Memoir; by Dircks. . 1865 ' c" 3800 Hartridge, J., Memorial Addresses on. 1879 C 2205 Harun al Raschid, Caliph, and Saracen Civilization; by Palmer. 1881...C 3401 Harvard, J. Address on ; by Ellis. i884*Ci696,3 Harvey, W. (M. D.). Life; by Power. 1897 C10451 and Discovery of the Circulation of the Blood; by Willis. 1878 C 2642 Hasenclever, p. Notice of; by Homes. 1875 *Ci696,i Haslam.W. From Death into Life. 1880C 2641 More Years of my Ministry. 1882. C 2680 Hasner, L. v. Denkwiirdigkeiten. 1892D 13649 Hastings, F. R., Marquis. Life; by Ross. 1893 C1T568 Hastings, W. Biography ; by Trotter.'78C 2647 Life; by Lyall. 1889 C10741 Memoirs; by Gleig. 3v. 1841.....C 742 Private Life; by Lawson. 1895. . .C10916 Hatton, Sir C. Memoirs; by Nicolas. 1847 • -C 7Z7 Hauge, H. N. Lefvnet. Bang. 1874. C 8215 Hauptmann, G. J. R. Leben und Dich- tung; von Schlenther. 1898 D13657 Hauser, K. Enthiillungen iiber ; von Dau- mer. 1859 D 6064 Leben ; von Linde. 1887 D 6078 Life ; by Feuerbach. 1832 C 1120 The same. 1833 C 343i Story of ; by Evans. 1892 C10969 True Story of; by Duchess of Cleve- land. 1893 C10971 Hausset, Mme. du. See Du Hausset. Haussmaxn, Baro«. Memoires. 3v. 1890- 1893 C 5286 Haussonville, J. O. B. de C, le Comte d'. Ma Jeunesse, 1814-30 C 5269 Ha\'ELOCK, Sir H. Biography; by Brock. 1858 C 735 The same. 1858 G 59 Life ; by Phillips. 1885 C 3107 Memoirs; by Marshman. i860 ...C 738 Han'en, Mrs. A. B. N. ^Memoir: by Rich- ards. 1871 C 328 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 301 Haven, G. Life; by Prentice. 1883... C 1912 Haven, H. P. Life; by Trumbull. 1880. C 1893 Havergal, F. R. Life ; by Alldridge.iSSsC 3109 Memorial^; by M. V. G. Havergal. 1880 C 2648 Haweis, H. R. My Musical Life. 2v. 1884 C 2709 My Musical Memories. 1887 C10925 Hawker, P. Diary, 1802-53. 2v. 1893C10943 Hawker, R. S., the Vicar of Morwen- stow; by Gould. 1880 C 2649 Hawkins, C Adventures of; written by himself. 1864 C10923 Hawkins. J. H. W. Life; by his Son. 1859 C 332 Hawthorne, N., and his Wife; by J. Hawthorne. 2v. 1885 C 1917 ?Iawthorne*s First Diary. 1897 C10960 Life; by Conway. 1890 C11546 Life : by A. A. Fields. 1899 C17338 Life ; by J. T. Fields. 1876 1 393© Life ; by James. 1879 C 1497 Memoir ; by Japp. 1872 C 33^ Memories of; by Lathrop. i897.-Ci0959 Oration on ; by Simonds. 1878. . .*Ci696,4 Personal Recollections; by Bridge. 1893 C10968 Study of; by Lathrop. 1876 C 321 Haydn, F. J. Life; by Beyle. 1817..C10153 Life ; by Nohl. 1883 C 3405 Life ; by Townsend. 1884 C18097 Vie ; par Beyle. 1872 C 4280 Hayik)N, B. R. Autobiography. 2v. 1859.C 744 Correspondence, with Memoir; by F. W. Haydon. 2 v. 1876 C 2646 Hayes. R. B. Lifci by Howard. 1876. C 1918 Life ; by Stoddard. 1889 C10137 Life and Character ; by Howells.'76.C 1895 Haynes. L. Life; by Cooley. 1839. -C 1886 Hayward, A. Correspondence of. 1834- 1884; ed. by Carlisle. 2v. 1886. C 1022 Hazard, T. Life in Narragansett ; by C. Hazard. 1893 B 4376 IL\ZARD, T. R. Recollections of Olden Times. 1879 C10924 Hazlitt, W. Memoirs ; by W. C. Hazlitt. 2v. 1867 C 734 Essayist and Critic. 1889. E 3338 Healy. G. p. a. Reminiscences of a Por- trait Painter. 1894 C10979 Healy. J. Memories of Father Healy of Little Bray. 1899 C18122 Healy, J. P. Memoir ; by Morse. i882.*C 1910 Hearst, G., Memorial Addresses on. 1894 Ci7540,6 Heath, V. Recollections. 1892 C10973 Heath, W. Memoirs ; by himself. 1798.C 333 Hebbel, C F. Biographic ; von Kuh. 2v. '^77 D 6047 lagebucher, 1835-63 D 6068 Heber, R., Bishop. Life; by Mrs. A. Heber. 2v. 1830 *v 1437 . Hebich, S. Life; translated by Halli- ^^y- 1876 C3402 Hecker, 1. T., Rev. Father Hecker; by Sedgwick. 1900 C17336 Life of Father Hecker; by W. El- liott. 1898 C18128 Heckewelder, J. G. E. Life; by.Rond- thaler. 1847 C 334 Hedges, Sir W. Diary, 1681-87. 3v. 1889*1 2403 Hegel, G. W. F., Biographic ; von Rosen- kranz. 1844 03129,19 Hegel ; by Caird. 1883 L 2126 Heine, H., et son Temps, 1799-1827; par Ducros. 1886 C 4551 Familienleben ; von Embden. 1892.D13652 F"amily Life of; by Embden. 1892.C10977 Henri Heine, Poete; par Legras.'97C 5381 Last Days of; by Selden. 1884 -C 3416 Leben; von Hiiffer. 1878 .D 4106 Leben und Werke ; von Strodtmann. 2v. 1873 D 4097 Letzte Tage; von Selden. 1884... D 4163 Life, by himself; ed. by Karpeles. 1893 C10978 Life; by Sharp. 1888 C 3742 Life ; by Stigand. 2v. 1880 C 3406 Memoires. 1884 C 5202 Memoires; par Kohn-Abrest. 1884.C 5522 Memoirs of; by Evans. 1884 C 3407 Skizzen uber; von Delia Rocca. '82D 4101 Souvenirs intimes ; par Weill. 1883C13372 Heinzen, K. Erlebtes. 1864 D 254 Helen Louisa Elizabeth, Duchess of Orleans. Leben; von d'Harcourt. 1859 D 4166 Heller, S. Life; by Barbedette. 1877. C 3412 Helm, ]. L., Governor. Life. 1868.*. .C10383 Helmholtz, H. L. F. v. Life; by Mc- Kendrick. 1899 C10456 Hemans, Mrs. F. Memorials; by Chor- ley. 1836 C 748 Hendershot, R. H., the Drummer Boy of the Rappahannock ; by Dodge. 1867 C10982 362 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Henderson, J. Memorials. 1867 ....C10974 Hendricks, T. A. Life ; by Hensel. 1884C 1862 Life and Public Services ; by Hol- combe and Skinner. 1886 C 2326 Memorial Address on. 1886 C 2356 Hendrickson, H. Out From the Dark- ness, 1879 C 2106 Hennepin, L. Notice sur; par.F. Van Hulst. 1845 C13297 Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans. Madame, a Life ; by Ady. 1894 C18123 Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I. Letters ; ed. by Green. 1857 C 3516 Henry IV., Emperor of Gernmny, und sein Zeitalter; von Floto. 1855-6.D13651 Henry H., King of England. Life; by Green. 1888 C 3566 Henry V., King of England. Life; by Church. 1889 C 3912 Life ; by Towle. 1866 A 700 Memoirs; by Tyler. 2v. 1838.... C 2665 Memorials of ; ed. by Cole *Doc. Henry VH., King of England. Life; by Gairdner. 1889 C 3567 Henry VHL, King of England, and Catharine of Aragon, Pretended Divorce between; by Harpsfield. 1878 *A 904 First Divorce of, as told in State Pa- pers ; by Hope. 1894 A 33 1 1 Four Years at the Court of ; by Gius- tinian. 2v. 1854 A 744 Life ; by Audin. 1852 C 749 Life ; by Tytler. 1851 C 751 Memoirs of the Court of; by Thom- son. 2v. 1826 A 710 The Pilgrim; Life, -by Thomas. 1861C10934 Reign of ; by Brevier. 2v. 1884... A 715 Henry HL, King of France. History; by Garden. 1783 A 1703 Henry IV., King of France. Les Amours de ; par Lescure. 1864 C 5541 First of the Bourbons, 1589-1610; by Jajckson. 2v. 1890 C10932 Henri IV. et sa Politique; par La- * combe, i860 C 5603 Henry of Navarre and the Hugue- nots ; by Willert. 1893 C10933 Henry of Navarre and the Religious Wars ; by Blair. 1895 C10944 Histoire; par La Barre Duparcq.'84C 5617 History ; by Abbott. 1856 H 69 Henry IV., King of France. Jeunesse; par Ponson du Terrail, 8v. 'y^.C 627a Life ; by James. 2v. 1855 C 1096 Memoirs; by Ireland. 2v. 1824 C 3422 Vie ; par Gasquet. 1884 C 5169 Vie Privfee; par Lagreze. 1885 ■C 5621 Henry, Prince of Portugal. Prince Hen- ry the. Navigator, 1394-1460; by Beazley. 1895 C10996 Henry, Duke of Bavaria and Saxony. Heinrich der Lowe, sein Leben, etc.; von Hohnstein. 1881 D 4098 Henry, J. Memoir; by Taylor. 1880.C 1902 Memorial *Doc. Memorial of. 1881 C 1906 Unveiling the Statue of, at Wash- ington, April 19, 1883 *Ci696,3 Henry, P. Life; by Arnold. 1854 C 335 Life; by Everett. 1848 C 75,11 Life ; by Tyler. 1887 C 2208 Life and Character; by Wirt. 1873. C 336 Life, Correspondence, Speeches; by W. W. Henry. 3v. 1891 C10975 Henry, W. Events of a Military Life. '43C 3392 Henslowe, p. Diary, 1591-1609; ed. by Collier. 1845 '• *E 675,7 Henson, J. {Uncle Tom). Autobiogra- phy. 1879 C 1898 Herbart, J.- F., and the Herbartians ; by De Garmo. 1895 C10446 Herbert, E. H., Baron. Autobiography. 1870 C 746 The same ; ed. by Walpole. 1770C 1013 Herbert, H. W. {Frank Forester). Life; by Judd. 2v. 1882 C 1909 Herdacht, G. Leven ; door Bange. 1870D 9099 Herder, J. G., and his Times; by Nevin- son. 1884 C 3408 Brief e an J. H. Merck. 1835-8. . . .D 6065 Erinnerungen ; von Herder. 1820. D 6049 Heriot, G. Memoirs ; by Constable. 1822C 2651 Herries, J. C. Memoir; by E. Herries. 2v. 1886 C 2657 Herschel, C. L. Memoir; by Mrs. J. Herschel. 1876 C 3410 Herschel, Sir W. Biography of; by Arago. 1857 C 1047 Life and Works; by Holden. 1881.C 341 1 W. Herschel and his Work ; by Sime. 1900 C16844 The Herschels and Modern Astron- omy ; by Gierke. 1895 Ciiooi INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY 303 IIersey S. F., Memorial Address on. 1875 *C 1476 Hervey, Lady M. L. Letters, with a Memoir. 1821 C10976 Herzen, a. Biographic; von Wurzbach. 1871 ,- D41847 Hesdin, L. Journal of a Spy in Paris, 1794. 1896 C18121 Hessus, H. E. See Eobanus. Heuen Tsang. Histoire de sa Vie et de ses Voyages. 1853 *V 1317 Mewes. G. R. T. Memoir; by Thatcher. 1835 C 1925 HezecqUes, Cotnte d\ Recollections ; cd. , by Yonge. 1873 C iiio Hickman, W. A., Life and Confessions of. 1872 C 337 Hicks, E. Journal; by himscJf. 1832. C 1996 Life ; by 3urnap. 1852 *C i39 HiCGiNS, Elizabeth S. M. In Memory of; by Judd Cio954 lliGGiNSON, F. Life; by T. W. Higgin- son, 1891 C10955 lIiGGiNSOK, T. W. fhecrful Yesterdays (Autobiography). 1898 .C18126 lIiGiNBOTHAM, G. Mcmoir ; by Morris. • 1895 C10956 lIiLDKETH, A. B. F. Life and Times; ed. by C. Aldrich. 1891 C10980 lIiLEY, R. W. Memories of Half a Cen- tury. 1899 C1812S Hill. F. Autobiography of Fifty Years; ed. by his Daughter. 1893 C10953 Hill. G. H. (Yankee Hill). Life; by Northall. 1850 C 1901 1 1 ILL, I.. Biography of. 1835 C 1908 1 1 ILL. N., Memoir of. 1859 C 339 Hill, R. Diplomatic Correspondence; cd. by Blackley. 2v. -1845 A 349 Hill, R.. Rev. Life; by Charlesworth. 1876 C 758 Preacher and Wit ; by Broome C 2650 Hill, Sir R., and Penny Postage; by G.B.Hill. 2v. 1880 C 2645 Hill. R. H., Lord. Life; by Sidney. '45C 745 HiLLiARD, H. W. Politics and Pen Pic- tures. 1892 C10981 Hillocks, J. I. Hard Battles for Life. 1884 C 2721 Hiouen-Thsang. See lieuen Tsang. Hitchcock, C, In Menjory of. i88i.*V 210 HoBART. A. C {Hobart Pasha). Sketches from my Life. 1887 C 2890 The same. 1887 G 1265 Hobart, G. A. Sketch ; by Halstead.i896.Ci8465 Hobart, S. B. Life ; by Fulton. 1883.. C 1920 HoBBES, T. ; by Robertson. 1886 L 2128 Hoche, L., Biographic; par Bonnechose. , 1872 C 4235 Hodge, C. Life; by A. A. Hodge. 1880.C 1904 Hodges, E», Doctor in Music. Life; by F. H. Hodges. 1896 C18134 Hodgson, F. Memoir, with Letters; by J. T.s Hodgson.^ 2v. 1878 C10989 Hoensbroech, Graf. ' Mein Austritt aus dem Jesuitenordcn. 1893 D13653 Hogarth, W. Biographical Anecdotes; by Nichols. 1782 C 3093 Life; by Cundall. 1879 C 3413 Painter, Engraver and Philosopher; by Sala. 1866 C 2993 Hogg, J. Life ; by Douglas. 1899 C18129 Holbein, H., and his Time; by Woltman. 1872 , C 1115 Holbein ; by Knackfuss. 1899 K10300 Leben; von Mantz *P 2321 Life ; by Cundall. 1879 C 3413 Life and Works; by Wornum.i867*V 5 HoLCROFT, T., Memoirs of. 1852 14000,17 Hole, S. R., Dean. Memories of. 1892.C10987 More Memories. 1894 C10993 Holland, G. Holland Memorial ; Life, Anecdotes, etc. 1871 ♦ V 911 Holland, Sir H. Recollections of past Life. 1872 C 750 Holland, H. R. V., Lord. Foreign Reminiscences. 1850 C10985 Holland, J. Life; by Hudson. 1874. C 752 Holland, J. G. Life; by Mrs. Plunkett. 1894 • • • C10990 HoLLEY, A. L., Memorial of. 1884 C 1915 Holley, H. Discourse on; by Caldwell. 1828 C 1999 Holmes, M., Jr. A Soldier of the Cum- berland, \temoir; by M. Holmes, Sr. 1864 C 1897 Holmes, O. W., and his Works ; by Ball. 1878 C 1896 Life; by Brown. 1884 C 1914 Life and Letters ; by J. T. Morse, Jr. 2v. 1896 C18131 Poet, Litterateur, Scientist; by Ken- nedy. 1883 ....C1911 Holt, Gen. J. Memoirs; ed. by Croker. 2v. 1838 C 2652 Holyoake, G. J. Sixty Years of an Agita- tor's Life. 2v. 1893 C1098S 304 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 338 ed. 2V. ..c by ..C10935 Home, D. D. Incidents in my Life. 1872 Hone, P. Diary of, 1828-5 Tuckerman. 2v. 1889 Hood, T. Memorials; by his Daughter. 2v. 1866 C10945 Hook, T. E. Life and Remains ; by Bar- ham. 1877 C 2653 Hook, W. F. Life and Letters; by Ste- phens. 2v. 1879 C 2658 Hooker, T. Life; by E. W. Hooker.'47Ci450,6 Life ; by Walker. 1891 C10957 Hooper, S., Memorial Addresses on. '75*C 1476 Hopkins, A. Life; by Sewall. 1879. .C I997 Hopkins, E. Commander-in-Chief of Continental Navy during Revolu- tion ; by Field. 1898 C18137 Hopkins, M. Life; by Carter. 1892..C10958 Hopkins, S. Life; by Park. 1854.... C 345 Reminiscences; by Patten. 1843 • -C 1907 Hopper^ I. T/ A True Life ; by Child. 1853 C 1905 Horace. Life; by Milman. 1844 C 3421 Life and Character, his Satires, etc. ; by Hovenden. 1877 L 281 1 Horner, F. Memoirs and Correspond- ence. 2v. 1853 C 341 HoRTENSE, Queen of Holland. History of ; hx Abbot. 1870 H 70 Memoires; par Parquin. 4v. 1836- 1838 C 6355 Memoirs; by Wraxall and Wehr- han. 1862 C 1122 Vie; par Arjuzon. 1897 C13105 HosTE, Sir W., Service Afloat; Naval Career of. 1887 C 3199 HouDiN, R. Confidences d'un Prestidigi- tateur. 2v. 1859 C 6498 Memoirs, i860 C 1 191 Houghton, D. Memoir; by Bradish.'89Ci0947 Houghton,* Lort/ (R. M. Milnes). Life, Letters and Friendships ; by Reid. 2v. 1891 C11298 HoussAYE, A. Confessions; Souvenirs d'un demi-Siecle. 4v. 1885 C 5228 Houston, S., and the War in Texas; by Williams. 1893 C10948 Life of. 1855 C 340 Life. 1866 C10936 Life ; by Bruce. 1891 C10937 Sam Houston; by Elliott. 1900. . .C17332 Howard, H. H. See Suffolk, Countess of. Howard, J., and his Friends ; by Stough- ton. 1884 C10942 Life and Labours; by Field. 1850. .C10940 The Philanthropist ; by Brown. 1823C 2654 Howard, P., 'ht Earl of. See Arundel. Howard, P. T., Cardinal. Life ; by Palm- er. 1867 ? .- C10941 Howe, J. Life; by Rogers. 1862 ,.C 753 Howe, Mrs. J. W. Reminiscences, 18 19- 1899. 1899 C18138 Howe, R. H., Earl. Life; by Barrow. 1838 C10983 Howe, S. G., the Philanthropist; by San- born. 1891 C10984 Howell, J. Epistolae Ho-Elianae: Famil- iar Letters. 1754 C 754 Howells, W. C. Life in Ohio, 1813-40. B 4161 Howells, W. D. My Year in a Log Cabin. 1893 C10952 Howitt, Mary, an Autobiography; ed. by Margaret Howitt. 2v. 1889..C10930 Howland, G. In Grateful Tribute; by George Howland Club. 1900 C18139 In Memoriam ; by Chicago Literary Club. 1892 *Ci696,io Howland, G, Jr. Life, 1806-1892; by Gifford : C10986 Howland, J. Life; by Stone. 1857 C 1899 HoYNE, T. In Memoriam ; Life and Character. 1885 C 1963 Memorial Address on; by J. Went- worth. 1884 *Ci696,6 HoYT, J. Life and Opinions; by Mac- kenzie. 1845 C 210 Hubbard, B. Memorials of a Half-Cen- tury. 1887 ...; C 2189 Hubbard, G. S. Life; ed. by Hamilton. 1888 C10949 Hudson, H. Life; by Asher. i860 *I 2369 Life ; by Cleveland. 1873 C 75,10 Hudson, M. C. A., Memorial of; by E. Hudson. 1886 C 1974 HuEBNER, J. A., Graf v. Una Annee de ma Vie, 1848-9. 1891 C12625 Ein Jahr meines Lebens, 1848-9. '91 D 13650 HuEN TsANG. Histoire de sa Vie et de ses Voyages. 1853 *V 1317 Hughes, G. E. Memoir ; by Hughes.'73C 755 The same. 1874 *P 191 Hughes, J., Abp. Life; by Hassard. '66C 342 Hughes, T., and his visits to Chicago in 1870 and 1880; by Goodwin. 1896C18140 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 305 Hugo, V. Actes et Paroles. 3v. 1875-6.C 5^57 and his Time; by Barbou, tr. by Frewer. 1882 C 3415 The same; tr. by Shaw. 1881. C 3414 avant 4830; par Eire. 1883 C 4120 apres 1830; par Eire. 2v. 1891. . .C12964 apres 1852 ; par Eire. 1894 C12965 chez lui ; par Rivet. 1878 C 6502 Correspondance. 1836-82. 1898 C 5303 devant I'Opinion. 1885 C 5267 et le Pantheon ; par Vidieu. 1885. .C13362 et son Temps; par Barbou. i88i.*V 1067 fitudes sur ; par Veuillot. 1886 C13315 Hugo intime; par Asseline. 1885..C11940 Letters to his Family; ed. by Meur- icc. 2v. 1896-98 Ci 1005 Letters to his Wife and others; tr. by Dole. 1895 C11004 Life ; by his Wife. 1887 C 1097 Life; by A. F. Hugo C 3426 Life; by Marzials. 1888 C 3736 Life ; by Swinburne. 1886 C 34^3 Love Letters. 1820-22. 1901 CJ8164 Memoirs. 1899 C11002 Memoir and Study ; by Cappon. •85.C 3425 Memorial Life; by Contemporary Writers. 1896 C11003 Sketch of ; by Castelar. 1876 C 2493 Souvenirs d'un Hugolatre; par Chal- lamel. 1885 C12189 Vie; par Saint-Victor. 1884 C 6723 Hull, C. J. Reflections from a Busy Life. 1881 ..C 1972 Hull, W., Brig. Gen., Defence of, before Court Martial. 1814 ..B 355 Military and Civil Life; by Camp- bell. 1848 C 343 HULLAH, J. P. Life; by his Wife. 1886.C10950 HUMAYUN, Moghul Emperor. Private Memoirs of; by Jouher. 1832. .♦¥ 1259 Humboldt, F. W. H. A. von. Biogra- phie; her. von Bruhns. 3v. 1872D 4076 Briefe an eirfe Freundin. 1891 D13654 Leben ; von Mohl. 1870 D 648 Leben;vonUle D 268 Letters, i860 ...C 1116 Life; ed. by Bruhns. 2v. 1873 C 3417 Life, Travels and Books; by Taylor. 1859 ..*. C3538 Rede auf ; von Ehrenberg. 1870. . .D 4099 Sein Leben und Wirken; von Witt- wer. i860 D 353 Hume, D. Letters to Wm. Strahan; ed. by Hill.- 1888 .C 3432 Life ; by Huxley. 1879 C 1490 Life ; by Knight. 1886 L 2129 Life and Writings; by Ritchie. 1807C 2656 Hunt, H. K. Glances and Glimpses. '56C10991 Hunt, J. H. L. Autobiography. 2V.1850C 757 Correspondence. 2v. 1862 C 756 Leigh Hunt ; by Johnson. 1896 C18142 Life ; by Monkhouse. 1893 C11552 Hunt, W. H., and his Works; by Ste- phens. i860 C10992 Hunt, W. M. Art-Life of William Mor- ris Hunt; by Knowlton. 1899. . .C18144 Hunter, J. Man of Science and Sur- geon, 1728-93; by Paget. 1897X10450 Huntingdon. Lady, and her Friends; by Knight. 1853 C10994 and her Connexion ; ed. by Figgis. 1891 C18148 en hare Vrienden ; door Knight. '59D 9485 Life and Times. 2v. 1840 C 2655 Huntington, D. Memories, Counsels, Reflections. 1857 C10072 Huntington, Mrs. S. M. Memoirs; comp. by Wisner. 1829 C18150 Hus,- J., Leven van. 1869 D 9070 Life ; by Wratislaw. 1882 C 3418 Life and Times; by Gillett. 2v. 1861C10970 Hutchinson, Mrs. Ann. Life; by Ellis. 1847 C75,i6 Hutchinson, Col. J. Memoirs; by his Wife. 1863 1 3039 Hutchinson, T. Diary and Letters. 2v. 1884-6 • C 1913 Life; by Hosmer. 1896 Ci8iS9 HuTTEN, U. voN. Life; by Strauss. 1874C 3420 HuTTON, C, A Gentlewoman of the Last Century, Letters; ed. by Eeale. '91C10972 HuTTON, J. Memoirs ; by Eenham. 1856. C 759 HuTTON, W. Life; by Jewitt. 1872... C 2663 HuxELLES, Marquise d', et ses Amis ; par Barthelemy. 1881 C 4084 Huxley, T. H. Life and Letters; by his son. 2v. 1900 C18154 Life and Work; by Mitchell. 1900.C18155 Hyde, E. See Clarendon, Earl of. Hyde de Neuville, G. J. Memoires et Souvenirs. ' 3v. 1888-9 C12630 Ibsen, H. A Critical Biography, 1828- 1888 ; by Jaeger Ci 1017 The same; tr. by Bell. 1890 . .C11018 3o6 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Ibsen, H. 182S-88; et litersert Livsbillede. Jaeger. 1888 .* .C14783 Lebensbild ; von Jaeger. 1890 D 5942 Lectures on; by Wicksteed. 1892, .C11019 Iddesleigh, Earl of (Sir S. Northcote). Life and Letters,; by Lang. 1891.C11390 Ignatius Loyola, Saint. Life ; by Bar- toli. 2v C 1274 and Companions; by Pise. 1866... C 1269 and Educational System of the Jes- uits ; by T. Hughes. 1892 C 10442 and Jesuitism; by Taylor. 1849... C 11 52 and the early Jesuits; by Rose. 1871C 11 50 Autobiography; ed. by 0'Conor.i9ooCi82io Saint Ignatius of Loyola; by Joly. 1899 C18774 Impey^ Sir E. Memoirs ; by Impey. 1857.C 3198 Inchbald, Mrs. E. S. Memoirs; by Boaden. 2v. 1833 C 2899 Ingersoll, C. J. Recollections. 1861..C 2159 Inskip, J. S. Memorial ; ed. by Pepper. 1884 C 1930 IrenvEus^ St. Life and Writings ; by Bea- ven. 1841 M 3379 Irving, E. Life; by Oliphant. 1862... C 762 Irving, Sir H. Biographical Sketch; by Brereton. 1883 C 767 Critical Study of; by Archer. 1883.C 765 Henry Irving, a Record and a Re- view ; by Hiatt. 1899 Ci 1014 In England and America; by Daly. 1884 ...C 766 Short Account of his Public Life. 1883 C 764 Twenty Years at the Lyceum; by ■ Fitzgerald. 1893 Ci 1013 Irving, J. Memorial Sketch; by Bell. '81 C 763 Irving, W. Leben und Charakterbild ; von Laun. 1870 D 270 Life; by Hill. 1879 .* C 1921 Life ; by Warner. 1881 C 1923 Life and Letters; by P. M. Irving. 3v. 1873 J 139 The same. 3v. 1870 C 1924 Studies of; by Warner and others. 1880 C 1922 Work of; by Warner. 1893 C11012 Isabella, Queen of Spain. Isabelle de Castille; par Capefigue. 1869 C12235 Historia. Bernaldez. 1870 C 9722 Isabella the Catholic, 1451-1504; by Nervo. 1897 C11007 Life ; by Howard. 1894 Ci 1006 Isabella of Valois, Queen of Spain, and Court of Philip H. ; by Robinson. 2v. 1857 C 1087 Vie ; par Du Prat. 1859 C12404 Iturbide, a. Memoires autographes. '24C 5296 Ivan IV., the' Terrible, Czar of Russia. Life and Times; by Pember. 1895C11010 Jackson, A. Addresses on the Presenta- tion of Sword of, to Congress, '55.C11046 as a Public Man ; by Sumner. 1882.C 1937 Complete Memoirs of. 1878 C i960 History ; by Snelling. 1831 C 1954 Life; by Brown. 1900 C16790 Life ; by Dyer. 1891 Ci 1045 Life ; by Eaton. 1824 C 1938 Life; by Goodwin. 1832 C 349 Life ; by Parton. 1893 Ci 1047 Life ; by Parton. 3v. 1870 C 348 Life ; by Stoddard. 1887 C 2243 Life and Public Services. 1828... *L 165 Life and Services ; by Jenkins. 1880.C 1956 Life and Times; by Irelan. 1887.. 6858,7 Memoirs ; by Waldo. 1818 C 1955 Memoirs ; by a Citizen of New York. 1845 C 1953 Pictorial Life of; by Frost. 1847. X 351 Jackson, Sir G. Diaries and Letters, 1801-8; ed. by Lady Jackson. 2v. 1872 C 769 Further Selections from the same, 1809-16. 2v. 1873 C 772 Jackson, J., Jr. Life; by Jackson. 1835. C 1939 Jackson, M. M. Biographical Sketch; by Butterfield. 1887 C 2338 Jackson, S., and the Moderatorship of the Gen'l Assembly of Presbyterian Church in the U. S. 1898 C18244 Jackson, T. J, {Stonewall Jackson), and the Civil War; by Henderson. '98C18269 Life ; by Cooke. 1863 C 1951 Life ; by Randolph. 1876 C 1940 Life ; by an ex-Cadet. 1864 C 1952 Life and Campaigns; by Dabney. 1866 : C 350 Life and Letters; by his Wife. 1892C11044 Military Biography ; by Cooke. 1876C 352 Personal Recollections of; by Git- tings. 1899 C18270 Stonewall Jackson ; by Hovey. 1900C17331 Jacquard, J. M. Vie; par Lamartine'84C 5635 Jacqueline of Bavaria, und ihre Zeit ; von Loher. 2v. 1869 D 4111 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 307 Jaffray, a. Diary; by Barclay. 1833. C 2710 Jahangir. Memoirs, written by himself; tr. by Price. 1829 *V 1251 Jahn, F. L. Leben von 1809 bis 1819; von Assmy. 1887 D 5928 James I., King of Aragon. Life and Times ; by Swift. 1894 Ci 1075 James I., King of England. Court of; by Goodman. 2v. 1839 A 658 Court and Times; by. Birch. 2v. '49A 363 Life; by Qiambers. 2v. 1830 1 3535 Life and Writings; by Harris. 1814C 652,1 James II., King of England, and the Duke of Berwick ; by Wilson. *76C 778 History of the Reign of; by Fox. 1808 ♦V 78 The same. 1857 ■. I 3007 Life; by Oarkc. 2v. 1816 *V 184 Memoir; by Lonsdale. 1857 1 3007 James I., King of Scotland. Romance of ; by Jusscrand. 1896 C18255 James, J. A. Life and Letters; by Dale. 1862 C 770 Jameson, Mrs. A. M. Life; by Mac- pherson. 1878 C 771 JAMESONE, G., the Scottish Vandyck; by Bullock. 1885 ♦V 460 Jane I., Queen of Naples. Essay on her Times; by Baddeley. 1893 C11058 Life. 2v. 1824 C11059 Jane II., Queen of Navarre. Lifer by Robinson. 2v. 1855 C 3500 Jane of Valois. Jeanne de Valois; par Falaize C 4855 Jane Frances Chantal, Saint. Life; by Bowles. 1874 C 3266 Janes, E. S. Life; by Ridgaway. 1882. C 1941 Jarves, J. J., Jr. Pepero, the Boy- Artist ; Memoir, by his Father. i89i...*V 1411 Jasmin, J. Barber, Poet and Philan- thropist; by Smiles. 1892 C11042 Jasper, W. Address on ; by Jones. 1876. C 360 The same. 1876 *C 1698 Jay. J., Chief Justice. Life; by W. Jay. 2v. 1833 C 346 Life ; by Pellew. 1890 Ci 1043 Life ; by Renwick. 1846 1 3689 Life and Times; by Whitelock. 1887.C 2250 Jay, W. Autobiography. 2v. 1855... C 773 The same. 1855 C 774 Je.\nne d'Albret. See Jane II., Queen of Navarre. Jeaffreson, C, a Young Squire of the 17th Century. 2v. 1878 C 779 Jebb, J. G. A Strange Career ; Life and Adventures, by Mrs. Jebb. 1895. Ci 1083 Jefferies, J. R. Eulogy of; by Besant. 1888 C 993 A Study ; by Salt. 1894 C11076 Jefferson, J., at Home; by Dole. 1898.C18241 Autobiography. 1890 C11057 - Life and Art of; by Winter. 1894. .Ciio6s Jefferson, T., and the American De- mocracy; by de WJtt 1862 C 1943 Character of ; by Dwight. 1839 C 355 Domestic Life ; by Randolph. 1871.C 1958 Life ; by Linn. 1839 C 1957 Life ; by Morse. 1883 C 1947 Life; by Parton. 1874..., C 356 Life; by Randall. 3v. 1871 C 357 Life ; by Schouler. 1893 C10470 life ; by Stoddard. 1887 C 2202 Life; by Tucker. 2v. J837 C 358 Life and Times ; by Irelan. 1886. . . B 858,3 Life and Times; by Schmucker. '57C 1959 Life and Writings; by Forman. 1900 C18263 The Man of Letters; by L. H. Bou- tell. 1891 C11063 Memoirs ; by Carpenter. 2v. 1809. C 1942 Private Life at Monticello; by Pier- son. 1862... C 354 Thomas Jefferson; by Merwin. 1901C16794 Thomas Jefferson ; by Watson. 1900.C17335 Jeffrey, F. J., Lord. Life; by Cockburn. 1857 C 780 Jeffreys, G. J., Baron. Life; by Irving. 1898 C18247 Life ; by Woolrych. 1856 C 781 Jekyll, J. Correspondence, 1818-38, with Memoir ; by Bourke. 1894 C11064 Jenghis Khan. History of; by Abbott. 1873 H 28 History of; by Petis de la Croix. • 1722 C 338s Jenkin, H. C. F. Memoir; by Steven- son. 1887 C 2998 Jenner, E. Life ; by Baron. 2v. 1838.C11074 Jerdan, W. Autobiography. 4v. 1852. C 783 Jerome, Saint; by Largent. 1900 C18775 Jerome, C, American Clock Business, and Life of. i860 C 3909 Jerrold, D. W. Life ; by W. B. Jerrold. 1869 C 784 The same F4430,5 3o8 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Jevons, W. S. Letters and Journals ; ed. by his Wife. 1886 C11048 Jewitt, L Life and Death; by Goss. 1889 ...C11067 Jewsbury/G. E. Letters tP Jane Welsh Carlyle. 1892 C11049 Joan, the Female Pope; by Rhoiidis. 1886 C 3501 Die Papstin Johanna ; von Rhoidis, 1875 • . • D 40^ Joan I, Queen of Naples. See Jane I. Joan of Arc, and Charles VII. ; by Bray. 1874 C 1098 L'Heroine de la France; par Les- cure. 1874 *V 2133 Histoire ; par Barthelemy. 2v. 1847.C11958 Histoire; par Debout et Eude. 1895 *V 2134 Histoire; par Lenglet Dufresnoy. 3v. in 2. 1753-4 C12738 Histoire apres les Chroniques con- temporaines; par Goerres. 1840. C 6079 in Geschichte, Legende und Dich- tung; von Mahrenholtz. 1890... D 5945 Jeanne d'Arc; par Fabre. 1884. .. .C 4844 Jeanne d'Arc, 1412-32; par Michelet. 1890 C12862 Die Jungfrau von Orleans; von Eysell. 1864 D 4110 Die Jungfrau von Orleans; von Gorres.. 1834 D 5973 Life ; by Lord Gower. 1893 Ci 1061 Life ; by Lowell. 1896 C18250 Life ; by Tuckey. 1880 C 3510 Life and Death; by Mrs. Oliphant. 1896 C18252 Life and Death; by Parr. 1866 C iioo Livre d'Or ; par Lanery d'Arc. 1894*0 186 Maid of Orleans; by Adams. 1889. Ci 1060 Maid of Orleans ; by Michelet. 1870.C 1099 Proces de Condamnation et de Re- habilitation de; par Quicherat. 5v.' 1841-9 C 6328 Vie ; par Lamartine. 1862 €5639,35 Vie; par Soumet. 1846 C 6553 Vie; par Wallon. 2v. i860 C 6956 John Berchmans, St. 5^^ Berchmans. John Chrysostum, St. See Chrysostum. John of Nepomuk, St. Life ; by Wratis- law. 1873 C11078 John of the Cross, Saint. Life; by Lewis. 1873 C 3504 John, Don, of Austria; by Maxwell. 2v. 1883 C3505 John Maurice, Prince of Nassau-Sie- gen. Leben; von Driesden. '49.D 271 Johnson, A. Life; by Savage. 1866.. C 359 Life and "Jimes; by Irelan. 1888. .6858,18 Life, Services and Speeches. 1865. C 370 Memorial Addresses on. 1876 C 2209 Johnson, R. M. Biography of; by Em.- mons. 1834.., C 293 Johnson, S., and Boswell; by Waller. 1881 C 1616 Anecdotes of; by Piozzi. 1786 E 1281 The same. 1856 14000,16 Croker's Boswell ; by Fitzgerald. 1880 C 788 Doctor Johnson and the Fair Sex; by Craig. 1895 C18266 His Friends and Critics; by Hill. 1878 C 787 His Words and Ways; by Mason. 1879 C 789 Letters; ed. by Hill. 2v. 1892 C11053 Life; by Boswell, ed. by Croker. 2v. 1851 C 790 The same; ed. by Fitzgerald. 3v. 1874 C 786 The same; ed. by Hill. 6v. '91.011054 The same; ed. by Napier. 6v. 1884 1 2922 Life; by Grant. 1887 C 3729 Life ; by Stephen. 1878 C 1487 Life and Conversations; by Main. 1874 ....c 791 Life and Writings; by Page. 2v. i860 1 3728 Life and Writings; by Towers. 1786 .^ C 2903 Religious Life and his Death; by Armitage. 1851 Ci 1052 Johnson, Sir W., and the Six Nations; by Griffis. 1891 Ci 1056 Life and Times; by Stone. 2v. 1865. B 31 Johnson, W. S. Life and Times; by Beardsley. 1886 « C 1964 Johnston, A. S., Gen. Life; by W. P. Johnston. 1878 C 1944 Johnston, J. E., Gen. Life; by Hughes. 1893 C11062 Johnston, J. P. Twenty Years of Hust- ling. 1889 C11055, Johnston, R. Life and Labours; by Braidwood. 1862 C10206 f INDIVIDUAL JoiNViLLE, Prince de. Memoirs; tr. by Loyd. 1895 C11081 Jolly, A. Life ; by Walker. 1878 Ci 1079 Jones, C. J. {Buffalo Jones). Forty Years of Adventure; comp. by In- man. 1899 C18276 Jones, C J. (D.D.) From the Forecas- tle to the Pulpit. 1884 C 3387 Jones, D. S. Memorial ; by W. A. Jones. 1849 C10061 Jones, Sir E. B. A Record and a Re- view : by Bell. 1898 C18273 The same ♦? 1191 Jones, Eli and Sibvl, their Lives and Work; by R. M. Jones. 1889 C11041 Jones, H. Fifty Years; or. Dead. Leaves and Living Seeds. 1895 Ci 1082 Jones, J. Paul. Commodore Paul Jones ; by Brady. 1900 C18279 Life of. 1847 .C 1946 Life ; by Abbott. 1874 C 361 Life; by Hamilton. 1848 C 1975 Life ; by Mackenzie. 2v. 1841 C 364 Life ; by Sherburne. . 1825 C 362 Life ; by Waldo. 1823 C 73 Life and Correspondence of. 1863. C 363 Memoirs of. 1843 •• C 365 Paul Jones ; by Buell. 2v. 1900. ..C18278 Paul Jones ; by Seawell. 1893 H 2316 Jones, Sir W. Life; by Teignmouth. .J158.1-2 JoNSON, Ben ; by Symonds. 1886 C 2854 a Study ; by Swinburne. 1889 Ci 1050 The same J 2258 Jordan, Mrs. D. B. Life ; by Boaden. 2v. 1831 C11051 Jordan, W. Leben; von Schiffner. 1889.D 6135 Joseph IL, Emperor of Germany. Leben; von Wendrinsky. 1880 D13682 Leben; von Heyne. 2v. 1868 D 272 Life ; by Bright. 1897 C18258 und Maria Thercsia; von Bermann. 1881 D 4139 und seine kirchlichen Reformen ; von Ritter. 1867 D14001 Josephine, Empress of France. Citizen- ess Bonaparte ; by Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1890 C11068 La Cour de; par Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1884 C 5291,8 Court of; ^by Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1S90 Ci 1070 Dernieres Annees de; par Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1884 C 5291,9 BIOGRAPHY. 309 Josephine, Empress of France. La Femme du Premier Consul; par Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1884. .C529i,7 Histoire de; par Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1884 C529i,5 History of; by Abbott. 1873 H 67 Jeunesse; par Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1883 C 662^ Josephine, Empress and Queen ; by F. Masson. 1899 *P 1744 Josephine repudiee, 1809-14; par Mas- son. 1901 CC 258 Lettres a Napoleon et a sa Fille. 1833 C 6006,2 Life; by Hartley, i860 C 1121 Life; by Ober. 1895 C11072 Memoirs; by Mme. Ducrest. 2v. 1893 C11071 Memoirs ; by Memes. 1831 1 3543 The same. 1864 1 3671 Wife of the First Consul ; by Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1890 Ci 1069 JosHEE, Anandabal S^^ Anandabal, Josi. JouBERT, B. C, d'apres sa Correspon- dance ; par Chevrier. 1884 C'4587 JowETT, B. Life and Letters; by Abbott and Campbell. 2v. 1897 C18261 Master of Balliol ; by Tollemache. 1895 : Ci826a Joyce, J. A. A Checkered Life. 1883. .C 1950 Juarez, B. P. Life; by Burke. 1894..C11077 Judas Maccabaeus. Life; by Conder. 1879 C 3644 Judd, N. B. Life ; by Edwards *Ci697,i Judd, S. Life and Character; by Hall. 1854 C 1949 Judd, W. Memoirs and Remains; by O. B. Judd. 1845 C 1967 Judson, a. Life; by E. Judson. 1883. .C 1936 Memoir; by Wayland. 2v. 1853.. C 366 Judson, Mrs. A. H. and Mrs. S. B. Lives; by Willson. 1872.* C 368 Judson, Mrs. E. C. Life; by Kendrick. 1863 C 367 Judson, S. B. Life ; by Judson. 1855.. C 369 Jukes, J. B. Letters, Addresses, etc. 1871 C 2711 Julian, Roman Emperor, and his Gen- eration ; by Neander. 1850 C11066 Julian and Last Struggle of Pagan- ism ; by Gardner. 1895 C11073 Julian der Abtrunnige; von Pfahler. 1868 D 200 3IO INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Julian, Roman Emperor. Leben; von Mucke. 1867 D 4058 Julian, G. W.- Political Recollections, 1840-72. 1884 C 1945 JuxoN, W., Abp. Memoirs ; by Marah. 1869 T C11080 Kalisch, I. In Menioriam. 1886 C 2111 ICane, E. K. Biography; by Elder. 1858. C 372 Life ; by Schmucker. 1858 C 2040 Love-Life of. 1866 C 353" Kant, I. Leben und Lehre ; von Fischer. i860 •. D13660 Life ; by Stuckenberg. 1882 C 3528 Karl Theqdor von Pfalz -Bayern. See Charles Theodor, Elector of Bava- ria. Kaulbach, F. a. v. Leben; von Graul. 1890 *P 1 132 Kaulbach, W. Biographic ; von Wurz- bach. 1871 04184,9 Kaunitz-Rittberg, Fucrst. Denkschrif- ten; her. von Beer. 1872 D13662 Kavanagh, a. M. Biography; by Steele. 1890 Ci 1085 Kean, C. Life and Times ; by Cole. 2v. 1859 C 797 Kean, E. Life; by Hawkins. 2v. 1869. C 798 Life; by Proctor. 1847 C11089 Life and Adventures ; by Molloy. 2v. 1888 C11090 Kearny, Gen. P. Personal and Military History of; by DePeyster. 1869. .C 1984 Keary, a. Memoir of; by E. Keary. 1882 ....C 2724 Keats, J. Letters to Fanny Brawne; ed. by Forman. 1878 C11091 Letters to his Family and Friends ; ed. by Colvin. 1891 Ci 1092 Life ; by Colvin. 1887 C 2937 Life ; by Rossetti. 1887 C 3737 Life and. Letters ; by Houghton. 1867 *P Keble, J. Memoir; by Coleridge. 2v. 1869 C Keckley, E. Behind the Scenes: 30 Years a Slave. 1867 C 1987 Keeler, R. Vagabond Adventures. 1870.C 371 Keene, C. S. Life and Letters; by Lay- ard. 1892 C11097 Keese, J. Memoir ; by W. L. Keese. 1883.C1986 Kelley, a. Life and Work; by Bates. 1888 C 2374 272 803 Kelley, W. D. Memorial Addresses on. 1890 C11099 Kelly, J. Life and Times ; by McLaugh- lin. 1885 C 2204 Kelly, M. Reininiscences. 2 v. 1826.. C 2725 Kemble, F. a. Further Records, 1848- 1883. 1891 Ciiioo Journal. 1835 ...C 799 Records of a Girlhood. 1884 C 2727 Records of Later Life. 1882 C 2726 Kemble, J. B. Biography ; by Fitzgerald. 2v C 800 Memoirs; by Williams. 1823. .. .*E 9410 Memoirs of Life ; by Boaden. 2v. 1825 C 2995 Kemp, G. M. Biographical Sketch; by Bonnar. 1892 C11102 Kemp, R. Father Kemp and his Old Folks. 1868 C 1991 Kemper, D. J., Bp. Memoir; by White. 1900 C18282 Ken, T. Bp. Life; by Bowles. 2v. 1830. C 795 Kendal, Mr. and Mrs.; by Pemberton. 1900 C16801 Kendall, A. Autobiography; ed. by Stickney. 1872 C 1985 Kendall, J. W., Memorial Addresses on. 1893 Ci7540,7 Kenna, J. E., Memorial Addresses on. 1893 . • Ci7540,8 Kennedy, D., the Scottish Singer. Rem- iniscences; by M. Kennedy. 1887. C 3113 Kennedy, J. P. Life; by Tuckerman. 1871 *P 281 Kent, J. Memoirs and Letters ; by W. Kent. 1898 C18284 Kenyon, L. K., Lord. Life; by G. T. Kenyon. 1873 C 804 Keppel, a. K., Viscount. Life; by T. Keppel. 2v. 1842 .♦. . C 2728 Kerkadec, Viscountess. Reminiscences of a Canoness. 2v. 1873 C 3525 Kerner, J. G. Leben; von Wohlwill. '86D13659 Kettlewell, J. Life and Times; ed. by Carter. 1895. ". C11086 Keyes, E. D. Fifty Years' Observation of Men and Events. 1884 C 1988 Khama, an African Chief, Story of; by Bruce. 1900 C18310 Kidd, Capt. W., and other Pirates; by Abbott. 1874 ' C 376 Kierkegaard, S. A. Lefvnet. Brandes. 1877 C 7062 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 311 KiLPiN, S., Memoir of C 792 King, D. P. Memoir; by Upham. '69. C 1698 King, Sir J. Life and Death; by his Father. 1855 Ci 1 105 King. R. Life and Correspondence ; ed. by C. R. King. 6v. 1894-1900. . .J 160 King, T. S. Funeral Oration on; by Hardinge. 1864. . . .' *Ci696.i Tribute; by Frothingham. 1865... C 374 King, W. R.. Obituary Addresses on. 1854 • C 373 KiNGSFORD, A. B. Life, Letters, Diary and Work; by Maitland. 2v. '96. .C11096 KiNGSLEY, C, and the Christian Social Movement; by Stubbs. 1899 C18291 Letters and Life; by his Wife. '77. .C 794 The same. 1881 G 982 Kipling. R. A Ken of Kipling; by Clem- ens. 1899 C18293 A Kipling Primer; by Knowles. 'gg^J 5132 KiRBY, Mrs. G. B. Years of Experience. 1887 C 2079 KiRBY, W. Sermon on; by Sturtevant. 1852 , ♦€ 1699 Kirk. E. N. Life ; by Mears. 1877 C 375 KiRKALDY, Sir W. Life; by Barbe. •97..C18290 KiBKLAND, S. Life; by Lothrop. 1848. C 75.25 KiTCHiNG, J. H. Memorials of; by Irv- ing. 1873 C 1989 KiTTO, J. Life ; by Eadie. 1878 C 2730 Memoirs ; by Ryland. 2v. 1866 C 2731 Klapka, G. Aus meinen Erinnerungert. 1887 D13663 Klo^en, K. F.yoN. The Self-Made Man; Autobiography. 2v. 1876 C 3530 Klopstock, F. G. and M., Memoirs of. 1809 C 3531 Klopstock und Meta; von Brunier.D 4116 Knapp, J. Autobiography. 1868 C 1990 Knight, C. Passages of a Working Life. 3v. 1864 C 801 Sketch; by Clowes. 1892 C11108 Knight, E. C. Autobiography. 2v. '61.. C 2735 Knighton. Sir W. Memoirs; by Lady Knighton. 2v. 1838 C 2723 Knowlton, Col. T., Ceremonies at Un- veiling Statue of. 1895 C18330 Knox, H., a Soldier of the Revolution; by Brooks. 1900 C17084 Knox, Jas. Last Will and Testament. 1877 *C 1699 Knox. John. Biography ; by Brown. 2v. i8q5 C18300 Knox, John. Genealogical Memoirs of; by Rogers. 1879 01030^ John Knox; by Terhune. 1900. . . .C18341 Life; by Innes. 1896 Ci8302^ Life ; by McCrie. 2v. 1831 C 802 Life ; by Maccunn. 1895 C18301 Life ; by Taylor. 1885 C 2734 Knox, J. J. and Mrs. S. A. Sixtieth Anni- versary of Marriage. 1873 C18343 Knox, R. Life; by Lonsdale. 1870 C 2736^ KoERNER, K. T., a Poet-Hero; by Both- mer. 1870 C 1125 Correspondence with ' Schiller. 3v. 1849 C 1194 Kohlrausch, H. F. T. Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben. 1863 D 4117 Kolokotrones, T. Sixty Years of Peril; an Autobiography. 1892 Cio66;j. Kossuth, L., in New England.- 1852... C 3541 Life of. 1851 C 3545 Life; with Speeches in England. '51. C 3542^ Memoir of. 1854 1 3038^ Memories of my Exile. 1880 C 3540- Somrenirs de mon Exil. 1880 C 5521 KovALfevsKY, S. K. Her Recollections of Childhood. 1895 • Ci 1087 Krapotkin, p. a. Memoirs of a Revo- lutionist. 1899 C1833S Krasinska, F., Countess. Journal of; tr. by Dziekonska. 1895 Cl 1098: Krell, N. Leben; von Richard. 1859. .D 6131 Kruedener, Baroness of. Life and Let- ters; by Ford. 1893 Ciiio^ Kruger, p., and his Times; by Statham. 1898 C18347 Krummacher, F. W. Autobiography; ed. by his Daughter. 1871 C 1123 Krupp, a., und seine Fabrik; von Baede- ker. 1889 D 6107 und sein Werk; vorr Schmidt- Weis- senfels. 1888. ,....D6io6 Krusenstern, a. J. V. Memoir; ed. by Ross. 1856 Ciiiio La Bar, G. Reminiscences of; by Bur- rell. 1870 C 2018 Lackington, J. Memoirs of Life; writ- ten by himself. 1791 C 3513 Lacordaire, J. B. H., Abbe. Correspon- dance avec Mme. Swetchine; par Falloux. 1872 C 684a Life ; by Chocarne C 1246 Memoir; by Montalembert 1863.. C 3579 312 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. La Farge, Mme. M.'F. C. Memoirs. 2v. 1841 C 3518 JLa Fayette, Marquis de. Dernieres An- nees de; par Bardoux. 1893. . . .C12635 Eulogy on; by Everett 1834 *Ci6g6.2 Eulogy on ; by Gregg. "1834 C 3585 Events in Life. 1825 *C 1696,5 1856. ..C 3580 . .C 1281 ..c 3578 . .C 1 149 ..C3583 ..C 3574 ..C3582 5620 3584 1151 La History of. 1845, Life of , Life; by Farmer. Life; by Headley. Life ; by Mack. 1848 Life; by Tuckerman. Life ; by Wain. 1825 Memoires, Correspondances et Manu- scripts. 2v. 1837 C Memoirs; by Holstein. 1835 C Memoirs, Correspondence, etc. 3v. 1837 C Oration on; by J. Q. Adams. 1835.C11185 The same C 1158 Private Life; by Coquet. 1835. . . .C 3581 True Story of; by Brooks. 1899. .H 3261 Fayette, Madame de. Life; by La- steyrie. 1872 C11150 La Ferriere, A. Memoires. 2v. 1876. C 5570 La Ferronays, A. de. A Sister's Story; by Craven C 1085 LaFlechere, J. G. de. Fletcher of Made- ley ; by Macdonald. 1886 C 2732 Life ; by Benson. 1837. C18402 LaFontaine, J. de, and other French Fabulists ; by Collins. 1882 J 2247 Leben und Fabeln ; von Kulpe. 1882.D 6057 La Guette, Mme. C. M. de. Memoires. 1851 C13056 Laird, J., Memorial Addresses on. '91. .C1115S Lakanal, J. Vie; par Le Gendre. 1884. C 5692 Lamar, L. Q. C. Life, Times and Speeches; ed. by Mayes. 1896. ..C18361 Lamartine, a. de, and his Friends ; by Lacretelle. 1880 C 3586 Les Confidences, 1862 C5639,29-30 The same. 1849 C 5637 Enthiillungen ; von Meyer. 1850... D 2084 et ses Amis; par Lacretelle. 1878. C 5644 Lamartine inconnu ; par Chamborant de Perissat. 1891 C12658 Life; by Lady M. Domvile. 1888, .C 2387 Memoires politiques. 1862. . . .C5639,37-40 Memoirs of my Youth C 1236 ■ Additional Memoirs. 1871 C 1237 Twenty-five Years of my Life. 2v. '72.C 1240 Lamb, C. Best Letters; ed. by Johnson. 1892 C11160 His Friends, his Haunts and his Books ; by Fitzgerald. 1866 C 806 In the Footprints of; by Martin. '90.C11161 Letters. IP874 Ji7i,i-2 Letters ; ed. by Ainger. 2v. 1888. .C 593 The sgme , 1169,2-3 Letters; ed. by Talfourd. 2v. 1886. .1 2967 Life ; by Ainger. 1882 C 1505 Memoir; by Procter. 1866 C. 805 Memoirs; by Talfourd. 1892 C11159 and Mary. Lives, Friends, etc. ; by Hazlitt. 1897 .Ciiioi and W. Hazlitt. Letters and Rec- ords hitherto unpublished. 1899,018353 "Lamb, J., Gen. Memoir; by Leake. 1857.C 377 Lamb, Mary. Life; by Gilchrist. 1883. C 2782 Lamballe, Princesse de. Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of France dur- ing Revolution. 2v. 1895 C18370 Lambbrt, J., the Hero and Martyr; by Reade. 1875 C 809 Lamennais, Ahhe de, and the Liberal Catholic Movement; by Gibson. 1896 C18371 La Motte, Comtesse de. Vie de. 2v. 1792 C 5650 Lampson, F. L. My Confidences; Auto- biographical Sketch. 1896 C18367 Landor, W. S. Biography; by Forster. 1874 .' J 174,1 The same. 1869 C 793 Critical Study; by Evans. 1892. . .Cii 178 Letters, Private and Public; ed. by Wheeler. 1899 C18369 Life ; by Colvin. 1881 C 1503 Landseer, Sir E. Biography; by Sweet- ser. 1879 C 1693 Life ; by Stephens. 1880 C 2762 Memoirs; by Stephens. 1874 *C 2785 Lane, E. W. Life ; by Poole. 1877. . . ,C 2761 Lane, L. Life; by Hawkins, 1864 C 2031 Lane, Mrs. L. S. B. I Married a Sol- dier. 1893 C11177 Langdell, C. G,, Harvard Law School Association, Meeting in Honor of. 1895 C18372 Langton, S. Life; by Maurice, 1872.. C 2766 Lanier, J, F. D, Life (an Autobiog- raphy), 1870 Cii 104 Lanier, S, Letters; Selections, 1866- 1881, 1889 C18351 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY 313 Lamgan, J. Life; by Fitz- Patrick. '73. C 807 Lansdowne, W. p. F., Marquis. Life; by Fitzmaurice. 1875-6 C 915 Lapham, I. A. Biographical Sketch; by Sherman. 1876 *C 1690 Larcom, L. Life, Letters and Diary; by Addison. 1894 C11184 Larxed, K. C, In Memory of. 1886. . . .C 2030 Larned, S. Life and Eloquence; by Gur- ley. 1844 C 406 La Ruchefoucauld, Mme. Life. 1878.C 3824 La Rochejaquelein, Marquise. Me- moires. 2v. 1868 C 6494 Memoirs. 1817 C11180 The same. 1827 1 3503 ARPENT, F. S. Journal during Peninsu- lar War. 3v. 1853 C11187 LaSalle, R. C de. Life: by Sparks. '48. C 75.1 1 and his Companions ; by Abbott. '75.C 378 and the Discovery of the Great West ; by Parkman. 1879 B 52 Unveiling of the Statue of, at Chica- go. Oct.. 1889 B'3167 Las Casas, B. See Casas. B. dc las. Lasco, J. Earlier Life and Labours; by Dalton. 1886 Cl 1 179 Laskek, E. Biographie; von Rickcrt. 1884 ♦C1697.4 Zur Erinnening an; von Wolff. 1884 *Ci697.4 LA^^ALLE, F. Biographic; von Wurzbach. i87f .04184.3 Lassalles Tod : von Kutschbach. '80.D 4131 Leben ; von Kohut. 1889 D 6133 Literarisches Charakterbild ; von Brandes. 1877 D 4130 Tagebuch ; her. von Lindau. 1891 . .D 5983 und Sophie Solutzeff; von Kutsch- bach. 1881 D 4129 Xataste, M. Life; ed. by Thompson. '77 .^)<) C18415 L«xi.\N, Gt'M. J. A. Campaign of '84; Biography, by Cooper. 1884 L 6230 Life and Services ; by Dawson. 1887C 2185 Logan Monument Memorial ; ed. by James. 1898 C18413 Record of Life ; by Balestier. 1884.C 2191 Logan, 5"i> W. E. Life; by Harrington. 1883 C2895 Login, Sir J. S., and Duleep Singh; by L. Login. 1890 C11214 Londonderry, R. S., 2(1 Marquis of. Life ; by Alison. 3v. 1861 C 3022 Memoirs. I2v. 1850 A 917 Londonderry, C. W. V., 3rd Marquis of. Life : by Alison. 3V. 1861 C 3022 Long, E. Biography; by Reid. 1884. .61337,2 Longfellow, H. W. Biographical Sketch ; by Underwood. 1882 C 2022 Biography; by Kennedy. 188^ C 419 Final Memorials; by S. Longfellow. 1886 C 2025 Life ; by Austin. 1883 C 2023 Life; by S. Longfellow. 3 v. 1886. .C 2024 Life ; by Robertson. 1887 C 2346 Longfellow, S. Memoir and Letters; ed. by May. 1894 C11211 Longueville, Mme. de. Jeunesse de; par Cousin. 1872 C 4373 pendant la Fronde; par Cousin. '72. C 4374 Lord, J. Life ; by Twombly. 1896 A 286,8 Loriti, H., of Glarus. Leben und Schriften; von Fritzsche. 1890.. D 5946 Lothian, C, Marchioness of. In Me- moriam; by Gallwey. 1B77 *Ci697,i Loudon, G. E. F. Sketch of Military Life ; by Malleson. 1884 C 3619 Louis L, King of Bavaria. Leben; von . Heigel. 1872 D 4113 Leben; von Reidelbach. 1888 D 6145 Louis XL, King of Bavaria. Leben; von Heigel. 1893 D13666 Romance of; by Gerard. 1899 C18432 Louis IX., King of France (Saint Louis), and Calvin; by Guizot. 1868.... C 1126 and his Time ; by Bray. 1870 A 1491 Le Fils de Blanche de Castille; par Solignac C 6775 Histoire de Saint Louis. 1883 C 6635 History of; by de Joinville. 1870. . .1 3891 Memoirs; by de Joinville. 1865 I 3345 Saint Louis ; by Sepet. 1899 C18776 Saint Louis, the most Christian King ; by Perry. 1901 C18438 Saint Louis et son Temps; par Wal- lon. 2v. 1876 C13366 Vie ; par Porchat. 1884 C 6287 Louis XL, King of France, et Charles le Temeraire; par Michelet. 1884..C12780 Histoire; par Legeay. 2v. 1874.. C 5683 Xettres, 1438-61 C 5748 Louis XIV., King of France, and his Court; by Pardoe. 2 v. 1868 C 11 54 The same. 3v. 1886 C 3622 and the French Monarchy; by Has- sall. 1895 C11167 Cabinet Council; Secret History of Louis XIV. 1757 A 1613 La Cour de; par Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1885 C5290,l 3i8 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Louis XIV., King of France. Court of; by Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1893.C1116S et son Siecle; par Dumas. 2v. i856*V 1123 The same. 4v. in 2. 1874 C 4684 History ; by Abbott. 1&71 H 73 . Letzte Lebensjahre; von Krohn. '65D 4127 Life and Times; by James. 2v. 1851.I 3041 Ludwig der Vierzehnte; von Hoist. 1868 ..D 5931 Memoirs of the Court of; by Lathy. 3v. 1819 C 3623 Secret Memoirs of the Court of; by the Duchess of Orleans. 1895. .Ci 7820 Souvenirs du Regne de; par Cosnac. 6v. 1866-78 C 4367 Louis XV., King of France. "Lai Cour de; par Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1882 C5290,2 Court of; by Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1893 C11164 Dernieres Annees de; par Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1883 C5290,3 Histoire de la Regence et de la Mi- norite ; par Lemontey. 2v. 1832.C12569 Journal et Memoires (1715-1737) ; par Marais. 4v. 1863-68 C12755 Louis XV. et la Societe du i8me Siecle ; par Capefigue. 1854 C 4291 Louis XV. et sa Cour ; par Dumas. 2v. 1882 C 4685 Private Life; by Mouffle d'Anger- ville. 4v. 1781 C11163 Private Memoirs; by Hausset. 1895C18434 Louis XVI., King of France. Dernieres Annees ; par Hue. i860 C12626 et Alexandre 11. ; par Rabourdin. 1882 C 6403 Dans la Prison du Temple; par Madame Royale. 1884 C12761 Journal de la Captivite de ; par Clery. 1798 A 1599 Journal of Occurences at the Tem- ple ; by Clerj'. 1798 A 1670 Memoires; par Soulavie. 6v. 1801.C 6559 Memoirs; by Soulavie. 6v. 1802.. Cii 166 Memoirs of Last Hours of; by the Abbe Edgeworth. 181 5 C10769 Trial of; by Trapp. 1793 A 1599 Lcuis XVII., Kitig of France. Accotuit of the Misfortunes of the Dau- phin; by Gruau de La Barre. '38.C1116C; [^lentity of Louis XVII. and E. Wil- liams ; by Hanson. 1854 C 1153 Louis XVII. , King of France. Life and Death; by A. de Beauchesne. 2v. 1853 C11170 The Lost Dauphin; by Stevens.i887C 3577 sa Vie; p^r Beauchesne. 2v. 1879- 1880 ..; C 4228 Story of; by Evans. 1893 C11168 Louis XVIII., King of France, and Tal- leyrand. Correspondence ed. by Pal- lain. 1881 C 3894 Duchess of Berry and Court of Louis XVIIL; by Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1892 C10551 Louis Philippe, King of France. His- tory; by Abbott. 1871 H 76 Life ; by Michaud. 1851 Ci 1 173 Life ; by Wright. 1841 C 3604 Personal History, 1773-1848; by Boutmy. 1848 C 3602 Rise and Fall; by Poore. 1848 C 3603 Louis, P. C. A. Memoir; by Bowditch. 1872 C 3601 Louisa, Queen of Prussia, in ihren Briefen; her. von Braun. 1888. .D 6083 Die Konigin Luise; Portraitskizzen, von Polko. 1881 D 4176 Leben; von Adami. 1882 D 4128 Leben ; von Brunier. 1871 D 4138 Life and Times ; by Hudson. 2v. '76C 3610 Memoirs; by Richardson. 1847 ...C 3599 Louisa of Lorraine, Queen of France. Histoire ; par Baillon. 1884 C12042 Louisa Juliana, Electress Palatine, and her Times ; by Bunnett. 1862 . . . C 3620 LouvERTURE, T. Toussaint L'Ouverture, Negro Patriot of Hayti ; by Beard. 1853 - C 1252 LovAT, S. F., Baron. Life; by Burton. 1847 C 822 Love JOY, D. B. From Youth to Age.i894Ci84i6 LovEjoY, E. P., Life, Trials and Perils of ; by Tanner. 1881 C 2020 Memoir; by J. C. and O. Lovejoy. 1838 C 418 LovEjoY, O., Addresses on Death of. 1864 *Ci696,i Lover, S. Biographical Sketch; by Sym- ington. 1880 C 2776 Life, with Selections from his Pa- pers; by Bernard. 2v. 1874 C 814 j LovETT, W., Life and Struggles of. 1876C 2767 i Low^ER, C. F. Biography; by French. I T882 . . . c C 2772 I Lowe, C. Memoir; by M. P. Lowe. '84.C 2019 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 319 Lowe. Sir H. and Napoleon; by Seaton. 1898 C18418 Lowe, W. M., Memorial Addresses on. 1883 ...C 2017 Lowell, J. R., an Address; by Curtis. 1892 .C11197 and his Friends ; by E. E. Hale. '99.C18441 Biographical Sketch; by Underwood. 1882 C 2021 Letters; ed. by Norton. 2v. 1894. Cii 186 Life ; by Brown. 1887 . .' C 2318 Life; by E. E. Hale, Jr. 1899 C17325 The Poet and the Man ; Recollections, by Underwood. 1893 Ci 1 193 Lowndes, W. Life, 1782-1822; by Rave- nel. 1901 C18447 LoYSON, C. J. M. (Pere Hyacinthe). My Last Will and Testament. 1895. .C11106 Lucas, F. Life ; by E. Lucas. 2v. 1886C 2856 Ludlow, E. Memoirs. 3v. 1751 C 2773 The same. 2v. 1698 C 2774 Ludlow, R., the Colonial Lawmaker; by Taylor. 1900 C18417 LuMisDEN, A. Memoirs; by Dennistoun. 1855 C 955 LuNDY, B. Life, Travels, etc. ; by Earl. 1847 C 422 LuTFULLAH. A Mohammedan Gentle- man; Autobiography. 1857 G 369 Luther, M., als deutscher Classiker. 3v. 1874-83 ...D 3604 and his Work; by Treadwell. 1881.C 3606 and other Leaders of the Reforma- tion ; by Tulloch. 1883 C 1594 and the German Reformation; by Lindsay. 1900 C16842 and the Reformation ; by Seiss. 1883C 3614 Autobiography; ed. by Michelet. '62I 3053 The same A 344 Biographic; von Kolde. 2v. 1884.0*6155 Eine deutsche Reveille zum Luther- fest, 1883; von Baumgarten D 4162 Eerste Levensjaren van D 9288 Hero of the Reformation, 1483^546; by Jacobs. 1898 C18421 Homes and Haunts of; by Stough- ton. 1875 , C 3607 Leben ; von Kostlin.' 1883 D 4123 Leben; von Plitt und Petersen. '83. D 4122 Leben; von Rein. 1883 D 4125 Leben und Schriften; von Kostlin. 2v. 1883 D 4124 ein Lebensbild; von Bauer. 1878.. D 4120 Luther, M., ein Lebensbild; von Grab- ner. 1883 .D 4121 Life ; by Audin. 2v. 1854 C 3605 Life ; by Bunsen. 1870 C 1244 Life ; by Freytag. 1897 C18420 Life ; by Kostlin. 1883 C 3608 Life ; by Rein. 1883 C 3609 Life and Work; by Bayne. 2v. 1887C 3617 Life in fifty Pictures; by Gelzer. '53.C 3612 Short Biography ; by Froude. t884.C 3616 Student, Monk, Reformer; by Rae. 1884 C11217 Study of Reformation; by Mead. 1884 C 3613 und Janssen; von Kostlin. 1883 ..D 4112 LuTZ, J. E. G. Life; a Chapter of Church History, by Scholler. '94. Ci 1222 Lux, F. Leben und Werke; von Reiss- mann. 1888 D 6159 Luynes, Due de. Memoires sur la Cour de Louis XV., 1735-58. 17V. 1860- 1865 C12700 Lyell, Sir C, and Modern Geology; by Bonney. 1895 C18430 Life, Letters and Journals ; ed. by Mrs. Lyell. 2v. 18^ C 2780 Lynde, B. and B., Jr., Diaries of. 1880. C 2353 Lyndhurst, Lord. Life; by Campbell. 1869 C 824 Life ; by Martin. 1883 C 2750 Lyon, Mary. Elements of Success in Life of; by Thayer. 1868 C 425 Life ; by Hitchcock. 1851 C 426 The same; abridged. 1858 C 427 Recollections ; by Fisk. 1866 C 428 Lyon, Matthew. Life ; by White. i858*C 1698 Lyon, N., Gen'l. Life; by Woodward. 1862 C 429 Lyttelton, 1st Baron. Memoirs and Correspondence, 1734-73. 1845 .C11218 Lyttelton, 2d Baron. Letters; ed. by Coombe. 1806 C 2777 Life ; by Frost. 1876 C 2775 Lytton, Baron. Letters to his Wife; ed. by Devey. 1889 C 2>37^ Life, Letters and Literary Remains; by his Son. 1884 C 2784 Lytton, Lady R. Life ; by Devey. 1887C 3085 McAllister, W. Society as I have found it. 1890 C11219 M'Arthur, Sir W. Biography; by M'Cul- lagh. 1891 C11230 320- INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Macaulay, T. B., Lord. Life ; by Jones. 1880 C 2796 Life ; by Morison. 1882 C 1514 Life and Letters; by Trevelyan. 'yd.C 858 The same. 4v. in 2. 1875 G 1081 Index to same ; by Clark. i88o*0 570,6 Maccab.eus, J. See Judas Maccabaeus. McCarthy, J. Reminiscences. 2v. 1899C 18453 Macchiavelli, N., en France; par Waille. 1884 C13367 Leben; von Mundt. 1861 D13676 Life ; by Morley. 1897 C18502 Life and Times ; by Villari. 4v. 1878- 1883 C 3672 The same. 2v. 1891 C11236 McClellan, Gen. G. B. Life; by Del- mar. 1864 C 434 Life^and Campaigns of; by Hillard. 1865 C 433 McClure, D. Diary, 1748-1830; with Notes by Dexter. 1899 C18456 McCoRMiCK, R. Memorial; Life, Char- acter, and Inventions. 1885. . . X18454 McCosH, J. Life; ed. by Sloane. 1896.C18457 McCuLLOCH, H. Men and Measures of Half a Century. 1888 C 2344 Macdonald, E. J. *}. A., Due de Tarente. Recollections ; ed. by Rousset. 2v. 1892 C11284 McDonald, F. Autobiography. 1870. C 826 Macdonald, Sir J. A. Life; by J. P. Macpherson. 2v. 1891 C11283 Macdonell, J., Journalist. Life; by Nicoll. 1890 C11285 Maceroni, F., Memoirs of the Life and Adventures of. 2v. 1838 C11237 Macfarren, Sir G. A. Life, Work and Influence; by Banister. 1892 C11286 MacGregor, ^'iV C. M. Life and Opin- ions; ed. by Lady MacGregor. 2v. 1888 C11222 Macgregor, R. (Rob Roy), Historical Memoirs of; by Macleay. 1881. .C 2969 History of; by Millar. 1883 C 2968 Mac Hale, J., Abp. Life and Times; by Bourke. 1882 C 2788 Machault, J. B. Vie; par Bondois...C 5169 McIlvaine, C. p., Bishop, Memorials of; ed. by Carus. 1882 C11220 Mac Iyer, H. R. Under Fourteen Flags ; by L'Estrange. 2v. 1884 C 2787 MacKay, a. M. Pioneer Missionary to Uganda; by his Sister. 1890 C11224 Mackay, C. Forty Years' Recollections. 1830-1870. 2v. 1877 C 27gf2 Through the Long Day; Memorials of Half a Century. 2v. 1887 ••■C 3097 Mackenzie, C^ Storms and Sunshine of a Soldief's Life; by H. D. Macken- zie. 2v. 1884 C 2838 Mackenzie, J. K., Medical Missionary to China ; by Bryson Ci 1225 McKenzie, T. My Life as a Soldier. 1898 , C18463 McKinley, W. Life and Services; by Halstead. 1896 C18465 Mackintosh, Sir James. Memoirs; ed. by R. J. Mackintosh. 2v. 1853.. C 2790 Mackintosh, John. The Earnest Stu- dent ; by Macleod. 1863 C 838 Macklin, C. Life; by Parry. 1891 C10430 Memoirs ; by Cooke. 1806 C 2827 Memoirs; by Kirkman. 2v. 1799. C 2791 McLaren, D. Life and Work ; by Mackie. 2v. 1888 C11227 Maclay, W. Journal of, 1789-91 ; ed. by E. ,S. Maclay. 1890 C11281 Macleod, D. Life and Exploits; by Thomson. 1791 C 2966 Macleod, N. Life; by Wellwood. '97. .C18459 Memoir; by D. Macleod. 1877 C 860 Maclise, D. Memoir; by O'Driscoll. '71C 2823 McMaster, S. W. 60 Years on the Up- per Mississippi. 1893 C18460 Macmillan, D. Memoir; by Hughes. 1882 C 2789 McMullen, J., Bishop. Life and Writ- ings; by McGovern. 1888 C 3633 Macready, W. C, as I knew him; by Lady Pollock. 1884 C 2871 Life; by Price. 1894 C11228 Reminiscences. 1875 C 852 MacSparran, J. Letter Book and Ab- stract of Out Services, 1743-5 1 ; ed. by Goodwin. 1899 C18470 Madge, T., a Protestant Poor Friar. Life Story ; by Herford. 1892 C11305 Madison, Mrs. D. P. Dolly Madison ; by Goodwin. 1896 C18481 Memoirs and Letters of. 1886. .. .C 2057 Madison, J. Eulogy on ; by Adams/36.*C 1696.2 Life; by Adams. 1850 C 2054 Life ; by Gay. 1884 C 2053 Life ; by Stoddard. 1887 C 2242 Life and Times; by Irelin. 1886- . .3858,4 INDIVIDUAL Madison, J. Life and Times; by Rives. 3v. i8s9-68 C 2041 M^CENAS, C. C. Life; by Schomberg. 1766 c 3514 Maffitt, J. N., Life of. 1821 C 2797 Magee, J. Memorial; by Howe. '70... C 2043 Magellan, F. Life; by Guillemard. '90.C11235 Life ; by Towle. 1879 C1610.3 Maginn, E. Life; by McGee. 1858. .C 828 Mahomet. See Mohammed. ♦ Maimon, S. Autobiography. 1888. ..C 3533 Maine, Sir H. Brief Memoir; by Duff. 1892 C11302 Maintenon, Mme. de. Choix de Lettres, etc. 1885 C 5904 Conversations inedites. 1828 *C 5764 Correspondance generale. 4v. 1865- 1866 C 5908 ct la Maison Royale de Saint-Cyr; by Lavallec. 1862 C 5666 Histoire; par Noailles. 4v. 1849- 1858 C 6037 Life ; by Bowles. 1888 C 3639 Memoir; by Bennett.. 1880 C 3641 Memoirs for a History of; by La Beaumclle. sv. 1757 C 3991 Secret Correspondence with the Princess dcs Ursins. 3v. 1827.. C 3679 Maistre, J. DE. Memoires; par Blanc. 1864 C 5760 Maitland, Sir T., the Mastery of the Mediterranean; by Lord. 1897. .C 18507 Malan, C Life and Labors; by C. Ma- lan, Jr. 1869 C 3647 Malatesta, R, Lament and Vindication; by Barlow. 1859 C 333^ Malcolm, Sir J. Life and Correspond- ence ; by "Kaye. 2v. 1856 C 837 Male, A. Through the Battle Smoke. 1891 C11291 Malibran, M. F. G. Memoirs; by Mer- lin. 1840 C 3628 Malincontri, F.. Student Life in Vene- tia; an Autobiography, ed. by Volpe. 2v. 1861 C 1128 MalL£T du Pan, J. F. Memoirs and Correspondence. 2v. 1852 C 3648 ^L\LMESBURV, 1st Earl. Diaries and Cor- respondence. 4v. 1844 C10966 Malmesbury, 3d Earl of. Memoirs of an Ex-Minister; Autobiography. 2\. 1884 C 2831 The same. 3v. in 2. 1885 G 1139 BIOGRAPHY. 321 Malone, E. Life; by Prior, i860 C 2798 Malthus, T. R., and his .Work; by Bonar. 1885 C 2833 Mandeville, G. de. See Essex, Earl of. ^L\NN, H., and the Common School Re- vival in the United States; by Hinsdale. 1898 C10448 Inauguration of his Statue, 1865.. *C 139 Life; by his Widow. 1865 C 436 The same. 1891 Ji04,i Manning, H. E., Cardinal. Life; by Hut- ton. 1892 C11287 Life; by Purcell. 2v. 1896 C1848S Purcell's Manning refuted; by Pres- sense. 1897 C18486 Manning, J. Life; by Guild. 1864 C 424 Mansfield, E. D. Personal Memories, 1803-43. 1879 C 430 M.\ntegna, a. Life; by Cartwright. '81.C 3646 Manteuffel, E. v. Leben ; von Keck. 1890 D 5935 Manzoni, A. Vita. Cantu. 1885 C 9239 Mapleson, J. H. Mapleson Memoirs, 1848- 1888. 2v. 1888 C 3181 M.\RANA, J. P. Letters of a Turkish Spy who Lived in Paris. 8v. in 4. '70. C 3587 Marat, J. P., 1' Ami du Peuple ; par Bou- geart. 2v. 1865 C 4259 Marat Inconnu ; par Cabanes. '91..C12264 the People's Friend; by Bax. 1901..C18490 Marbot, J. B. A. M., Baron. Memoirs; tr. by Butler. 2v. 1892 .C11292 Marceau, a., Captain. Vie; par Mayet. 2v. 1891 C 6016 March ESI, Mme. M. Marchesi and Mu- sic; Life of a Singing-Teacher. 1897 C18493 Marco Polo. See Polo, Marco. Marcus Aurelius; by Watson. 1884.. C 3^6^ Maretzek, M. Crotchets and Quavers; an Opera Manager in America.'5S.C 2321 Margaret, Queen of Denmark. Life ; by Hill. 1898 C18494 Margaret of Anjou, Queen of England. Histoire; par Roy. 1883 C 6531 History of; by Abbott. 1874. ...H 35 Life ; by Hookham. 2v. 1872 C 1155 Margaret of Valois, Queen of France. Memoires. 1858 C13064 Memoirs; tr. by Fane. 1892 C11250 Margaret of Angouleme. Queen of Na- varre. Life: by Robinson. 2v. 1895 C11251 122 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Margaret of Angouleme, Queen of Na- varre. Margaret of Angouleme; by Darmesteter. 1887 C 3629 La Reine de Navarre; par Darmes- teter. 1900 r: CC 253 Margaret of Austria, Duchess of Par- ma. Correspondance avec Philippe II. 3v. 1867-1881 *V 1422 Maria, Landgraiin von Hesscn. Leben ; von Meyer. 1894 ,013671 Maria Caroline, Queen of Naples, and Lord Nelson; by Jeaffreson. 2v. 1889 C11255 IVIaria Clementina . Stuart. Detention, Liberation and Marriage; ed. by Gilbert. 1894 A 1452 Maria Feodorowna, Empress of Russia. Jugendjahre; von Merkle. 1892. .D 13670 Maria Theresa, Empress of Germany, and Frederick the Great; by Brog- lie. 2v. 1883 C 3343 Briefe. 4v. 1881 D 4141 • Geschichte ; von Arneth. lov. 1863- 1879 D 4140 Histoire ; par Roy. 1883 C 6533 Life; by Bright. 1897 C18489 und Josef IL : von Bermann. '81. ..D 4139 Vie ; par Capefigue. 1863 C 4284 Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, a la Conciergerie ; par Campar- don. 1863 C 4586 and Downfall of Royalty; by Im- bert de Saint- Amand. 1891 C11269 and the End of the Old Regime; by Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1890. .C11267 at the Tuileries ; by Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1891 » C11268 Captivite et la Mort; par Lenotre. 1897 C12717 et sa Famille; par Lescure. 1879.. *V 1074 Histoire; par Goncourt. 1884 C 5052 Histoire; par Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1884-S C5290.2-4 History ; by Abbott. 1873 H 72 Tconographie de. 1883 *V 921 Last Days of; by Gower. 1885 C 3637 Leben; von Wehlen. 1869 D 1850 Lettres de. 3v. 1874-5 C12768 Life ; by Keddie. 1883 C 3673 Life; by La Rocheterie. 2v. 1893.. Ci 1270 Life : by Yonge. 1876 C 3652 Marie Antoinette; by Tschudi. '98. Ci 1272 Memoires sur; par Campan. 1876. .C 4337 5542 1 129 428a Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. Memoirs; by Weber. 3v. 1805-12.. C 3643 Memoirs of Court of ; by Campan. 2v. 1850 C 1130 Prison Life?; by Bishop. 1894 C11273 the Queen; by Nolhac. 1898 *P 1764 la Reine Marie-Antoinette; par Nol- hac. 1890 *V 1427 Story of; by Bicknell. 1897 C11271 la vraie Marie-Antoinette ; par Les- cure. 1863 C Marie de' Medici, Queen of France. Life ; by Pardoe. 3v. 1852 *C Vie; par Capefigue. 1861 C Marie Louise, Empress of France, and Decadence of the Empire; by Im- bert de Saint-Amand. 1890 C11266 and Napoleon; by Durand. 1887.. C 3704 and the Invasion of 1814; by Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1891 C11264 Happy Days of; by Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1890 C1126S Histoire de; par Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1885 C529I,IO-I2 Island of Elba, and ' the Hundred Days; by Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1891 C11263 Memoirs of; by Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1886 C 3638 Marion, Gen F. Life; by Hartley. '67. C 2058 Life; by Horry and Weems. 1873.. C 439 Life ; by Simms. 1845 C 435 Life and Times; by Moore. '55....C11304 Markham, J. Naval Career. 1883 C 2830 Marks, H. S. Pen and Pencil Sketches. 2v. 1894 C11240 Marlborough, ist Duke of. Life; by Bucke. 1839 1 3613 'Letters and Dispatches. 5v. 1845.. C 2594 Life ; by Saintsbury. . 1886 C 2836 Life; by Sir G. Wolseley. 2v. '94. .Ci 1340 Memoirs ; by Coxe. 3v. 1872 1 3013 Atlas to the same *V 137 Military Life; by Alison. 1868 C Marlborough, S., Duchess of. Corre- spondence. 2v. 1838 C Memoirs; by Thomson. 2v. 1839.C ^L\rmont, a. F. L. V. DE, Due de Ra- guse. Memoires, 1792-1841. 9v. 1857 .C12841 Marmontel, J. F. Memoirs. 2v. 1878. .C 1669 Marot, C Life; by Morley. 2v. 1871..C 1216 827 833 835 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 323 Marquette, Father J. Life; by Sparks. 1873 C 75,10 Marry AT, F. Life; by Hannay. 1889. . .C 3747 Life and Letters; by Lean. 1874.. G 427 Marsh, G. P. Life and Letters ; by Mrs. C. C. Marsh. 1888 C 299 Marsh, W. Life; by C. M. Marsh. '68.. C 829 Marshall, C. Extracts from Diary, 1774-81; ed. by Duane. 1877 C 2052 Marsjiall, C. H., Memorial of. 1867.C11289 Marshall, E. For His Sake; Record of a Life. 1896 Ci 1334 Marshall, H. Memorial; by Darlington. 1849 C16931 Marshall, J., Chief Justice. Life; by Magruder. 1885 .C 2055 Life; by Thayer. 1901 C16796 Oration on ; by Rawle. 1884 ♦¥691,2 Marsilly, Blanche de. Vie; par Rich- ard. 1883 C 6506 Marteilhe, J. Autobiography of a French Protestant C 1156 Martha, Saint, Vie et Culte de; par Veran. 1868 M 599 Martin, B. L. H., sa Vie, ses _CEuvres, son Temps, 1810-1883; par Hano- taux. 1885 C 5199 M-\rtin, J. Life and Remains; by Craik. 1878 G 904 The same. 2v. 1878 C 2799 Martineau, H. Autobiography. 2v. '77.C 850 Life; by Miller. 1885 C 2829 Martineau, J. Biography and Study ; by Jackson. 1900 C18499 M.\rtyn, H. Biography; by Bell. 1881.C 2801 Leven van: door Sargent. 1861...D 9734 Marvell, a. Life; by Hood. 1853 C 2800 Mary, the Blessed Virgin. Legends of the Madonna; by Jameson. 1875. K 4i The same; illustrated. 1872. .*K 44 Life; by Orsini; tr. by Sadlier. 1853.C 1277 The same ; tr. by Husenbeth. '72M 1441 The Madonna in Legend and His- tory ; by Vincent. 1899 K10236 The Madonna in Art ; by Hurll. '97.Kioi48 La Sainte Vierge; par Maynard. 1877 *R 4184 Mary I., Queen of England, Days of. 1843 C 831 Mary Tudor: by Davey. 1897 C18116 ^L\EY. Queen of Scots, and her Accusers; byHosack. 1869 C 841 Mary, Queen of Scots, and the Casket Letters; by Henderson. 1889... C 3884 Career and Character; by De Pey- ster. 1883 ,C 3115 Castles, Palaces and Prisons of; by Mackic. 1849 A 1164 Funeral of; Curious Tracts, ed. by Innes. 1890 C11241 Histoire de; par Mignet. 2v. 1885.C12833 History of; by Abbott. 1S74 H 36 History of; by Mignet. 1873 C 849 History of; by Nau. 1883 C 2811 History of; by Petit. 2v. 1874. .*V 164 Impeachment of; by Skelton. 1876. C 2807 In Captivity; by Leader. 1880 C 2805 Inquiry Concerning; by Tytler. 2v. 1790 C2803 Letters; selected by Labanoflf. 1845. Ci 1242 Letters; edited by Strickland. 2v. 1845 C 2802 Lettres, Instructions et Memoires; par Labanoff. 7v. 1844 C 5601 Life ; by Bell. 2v I 3665 The same. 2v. 1828 1 3Si6 Life; by Benger. 2v. 1823 C 840 Life; by Chalmers. 3v. 1822 C 844 Life; by Freebairn. 1729 C 2865 Life ; by McLeod. 1874 C 832 Life ; by Meline. 1873 C 830 Life ; by Skelton. 1893 *P 1665 Life; by Strickland. 2v. 1873 1 3307 The same; abridged. 1887 C 2839 Life and Death of; by Udall. 1636. C 2954 Maria Stuart; von Gaedeke. 1879. D 4144 Maria Stuart; von Opftz. 2v. '79-82. D13674 Mary, Queen of Scots, 1542-87; ed. by Rait. 1899 C11244 Memoirs ; by Buckinghapi. 2v. 1844C 2804 Papers and Accounts relating to. 1867 *A 863 Sketch and Defence ; by Daniel. '86.C 2955 State Trials of; ed. by Harris. '99. .N 5187 Tragedy of Fotheringay; by Scott. 1895 • C11243 Vindicated ; by Whitaker. 3 v. 1 788 . . C 839 MAry Casimira, Queen of Poland. Life; by Waliszewski. 1899 C18496 Mary Leszczynska, Queen of France. Le Roi Stanislaus et Marie Leczin- ska; par Des Reaulx. 1895 C12438 Vie; par La Chaulme. 1883 C 5624, Mary-Lafon, J. B. L. Vie litteraire. 1882 C5797 324 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Mary of Burgundy, and her Contempo- raries ; by Costello. 1853 .C 3517 Masaniello, T. a., History of; by Mi- don. 1729 C 3653 Life; by St. John. 1865 C 3645 Masers de Latude, J. H. Escape from Prison; ed. by Villars. 1892 C10214 Mason, G. Life and Correspondence, 1725-92; by Rowland. 2v. 1892.. Ci 1294 Mason, J. Life; by Ellis. 1844 €75,13 Massey, G. Poet, Prophet and Mystic; by Flower. 1895 C11321 Massie, N. Life and Correspondence; by D. M. Massie. 1896 C18491 Massillon, J. B. Correspondances, De- cisions, etc. 1881 C 5860 Matamoros, M. Life and Death; by Greene. 1866 C 3656 Mather, C. Life; by Peabody. 1873.. C 75,6 Life; by S. Mather. 1729 *P " 388 Life and Times; by Marvin. '92.. Ci 1288 The Puritan Priest; by Wendell. 1891 C10463 Mather, I. Dairy, 1675-6, 1674-87. '00.C18509 Life ; by Pond. 1847 C1450.5 Parentator; by C. Mather. 1724. .*P 389 Mather, R. Life and Death of. '50..Bi033,3 Mathew, T. (Father Alathezv). Life; by Maguire. 1871 C 1260 Life; by Kirton. 1885 C 3102 The Temperance Apostle ; by Wil- son. 1873 *L43o6. 1 Mathews, C. Life and Correspondence; by Mrs. A. J.^ Mathews, i860 C11238 Memoirs ; by Mrs. A. J. Mathews. 4v. 1839 C11290 Mathews, C. J. Life; ed. by Dickens. 2v. 1879 . .< .C 2793 Mathews, Mrs. L. E. B. Memoirs. '39.*C 2996 Mathy, K. F. W. Leben; von Freytag. 1872 D 4142 Matthisson, F. Briefe. 1795 D 6014 Mattioli, Count. The Man in the Iron Mask; by Hopkins. 1901 A 1751 Mattson, H. Reminiscences ; Story of an ^ Emigrant. 1892 C11293 Maule, Sir W. H. Life; by Leathley. 1872 C 2826 Maurice, F. D. Life ; ed. by F. Maurice. 2v. 1884 C 2795 •Maury, Gen. D. H. Recollections of a Virginian. 1894 Ci 1239 Maury, M. F. Life; by Corbin. 1888. .C 3308 Max, G., und seine Werke; von Klemt. 1886 *p 1139 Maximilian, I., Emperor of Germany. Leben; von Ulmann. 2v. 1884-91. D 5948 Maximilian 1%, Emperor of Germany. Briefwechsel mit Papst Pius V. 1889 D13672 Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, and Carlotta ; by Taylor. ' 1894 C 10367 Aus meinem Leben. 4v. 1867 D 3828 Kaiser von Mexico. 1867 D 4143 Life; by Hall. 1868 C 1136 Maximilian in Mexico; by Steven- son, 1862-7. 1899 B 4813 Recollections .of my Life. 3v. 1868. C 1137 Rise and Fall; by Keratry. 1868.. B 1876 Son Elevation et sa Chute; par Keratry. 1867 C 5500 Das Trauerspiel in Mexico; von Scherr. 1868 ..D 227 Maximilian, H., King of Bavaria. Le- ben; von Miiller. 1864 D 4156 Maximilian I., Elector of Bavaria. Fiirsten-Ideal der Jesuiten; von Soltl. 1870 D 274 Maxwell, Jr C, and Modern Physics ; by Glazebrook. 1896 C18497 Life; by Campbell and Garnett. '82.C 2794 May, S. J. Memoir; ed. by Mumford. 1873 C 440 Mayer, J. R., der Galilei des I9ten Jahr- hunderts; von Diihring. 1880.... D 4154 Mayhew, J. Life; by Bradford. 1838... C 2042 Mayo, Earl of (R. S. Bourke). Life; by Hunter. 2v. 1875 C 2577 The same; abridged. '91 C11564 IMazarix. J., Cardinal. Life; by Masson. 1886 C 3635 Lettres pendant son Ministere. 3v. 1872-83 *V 1138 Mazepa L True Story of ; by A^ogue. '85C 3630 Mazzini, G., judged by himself and hi? Countrymen; by de Breval. '53.. .C11306 Life and Writings of. 1872 C 1134 Memoir ; by Venturi. 1875 C 3654 und die italienische Einheit ; von Schack. 1891 D 5955 Mazzola (il Parmigiano). Life; by Coxe. 1823 C10196 Meade, Gen. G. G.. Address; by Biddle. 1888 *Ci696.9 Life; by Bache. 1897 C18510 Life; by Pennypacker. 1901 C18511 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 325 T. F. Life; by See Lyons. C Catharine 43- Meagher, Gen. 1870 Medici, Catharine de.' de' Medici. Medici, Cosimo de'. Life ; by Ewart. '99.C18513 Medici, G. de'. The Warrior Medici; by Phillimore. 1887 C11310 Medici, L. de' (the Magnificent), and Florence in 15th Century; by Arm- strong. 1896 C11337 Historical Portrait; by Carpenter. 1893 C11312 Life; by Reumont. 2v. 1876 C 3670 Life ; by Roscoe. 1862 1 3070 Meetwell, J. Life of a Scottish Mer- chant. 2v. 1866 C 2834 Meigs, J. Life; by W. M. Meigs. 1887. .C11311 Meissner, a. Geschichte meines Lebens. 2v. 1884 D 4164 Meissonier, J. L. E., Funerailles de. 1891 C12832 Life ; by Mollet. 1882 C 3663 Life and Art; by Greard. 1897 ♦? 1724 Melanchthon, p. Leben; von Mcurcr. 1869 D 4159 Lcbcn ; von Volbeding. i860 D 4160 Life; by Cox. 1817 C 3655 Life; by Ledderhosc. 1855 C 3658 Protestant Preceptor^ of Germany. 1497-1560; by Richard. 1898 Cl8422 Melbourne, Lord (W. Lamb). Life; by Dunckley. 1890 Cin83 Memoirs; by Torrens. 2v. 1878. ..C 2763 Melcombe, G. B. D., Baron, Diary of; . ed. by Wyndham. 1823 C 2529 Mellon, H. See St. Albans, Duchess of. Mendelssohn, M. Dcr deiitsche Plato; von Dessauer. 1859 D 6062 Leben und Werke; von Kayserling. 1862 D 6052 The same; new ed. 1888 D 6109 Memoirs; by Samuels. 1825 . .C3636 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, J. L. F., and Goethe; by K. Mendelssohn-Barth- oldy. 1872 C 1090 Briefe an L und C. Moscheles. 1888. D 6157 Erinnerungen an; von Polko. 1868. D 4145 Letters. 1833-47. 1863 C 1 141 Letters; ed. by Alexander. 1894.. .Ci 1308 Letters and Recollections; by Hiller. 1874 C11282 Letters to L and C. Moscheles. 1888.C 3626 Life ; by Ro«kstro. 1895 C18535 3434- 362s 1143: 4280 Mendelssoiin-Bartholdv, J. L. F. Meine Erinnerungen an; von Devriein. ^^72 Ds^gO.iQ. Recollections of; by Devrient. 1869.C 1142^ Reminiscences of; by Polko. 1869. C 114a Vie; par David. 1886 012290. Menken, A. I. Life; by Barclay. '68. Ci 1234 Life; by James C11233. Meredith, G. Study; by Lynch. 1891..C11309. M£rim6e, p.. Letters to Panizzi. 2v.'8i.C 3669. Merlin. Life ; by Heywood. 1812 C Merode, F. de., Abp. of Mitylene. Life and Works; by Besson. 1887.,. C Metastasio, p. Life; by Burney. 3v. 1796 c Vie ; par Beyle. 1872 •. c Metcalfe, C. T. M., Baron. Life and Correspondence; by Kaye. 2v...Cii3or Metternich-Winneburg, Prince. Le- ben; von Binder. 1845 D 13675 Life ; by Malleson. 1888 C 3550 Memoirs, 1773-1835. 5v. 1880-2.... C 3657 Nachgelassene Papiere. 8v. 1880- 1884 D 4146 Meyer, A. F. (F. Brunold). Literarische Erinnerungen. 1881 D 6567 Meyerbeer, G., et son Temps; par Bury. 1865 C 4267 Mezzofanti, G. G., Cardinal Life; by Russell. 1858 C II33 Michelangelo. See Buonarroti, M. A. Michelet, J., et ses Enfants; par Noek 1878 C6053 Ma Jeunesse. 1884 C12781 Mon Journal, 1820-23. 1888 C12887 Miles, Gen. N. A. Personal Recollec- tions. 1896 CT8539 Military Europe; Personal Observa- tion and Experiences. 1898 1 6o6a Mill, J. Biography; by Bain. 1882.... C 2813 and D. Hartley; by Bower. 1881..L 192.3. Mill, J. S. Autobiography. 1874 C S54 A Criticism ; by Bain. 1882 C 2S14 Life ; by Courtney. 1889 C 3743 Life; by Spencer and others. 1873. .C 855 MiLLAis, Sir J. E., and his Works; by Spielman. 1898 C18537 Life and Letters ; by J. G. Millais. 2v. 1899 C18536 Millais, his Art and Influence; by Baldry. 1899 Ki024r Miller, C. H. (Joaquin.) My Own Story. 1890 .Xir299 326 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Miller, H .Life; by Leask..i89o C18538 Life and Letters; by Bayne. 2v. '71.C 856 My Schools and Schoolmasters. 1860C 857 ^Miller, Gen. W. Memoirs; by J. Mil- ler. 2v. 1829 7 C 2816 Miller, Rev. W. Life; by White. 1875. C 2044 Millet/ J. F. Life and Letters; by Ady. 1896 C11333 Peasant and Painter; by Sensier. 1881 C 3666 Vie; par Piedagnel. 1888 C12990 La Vie et I'CEuvre de J. F. Millet ; par Sensier. 1881 *V 1428 Mills, S.J. Memoirs; by Spring. 1820.. C 2158 MiLMAN, R. Life; by F. M. Milman. 1879 ..* C 2815 MiLNOR, J. Memoir; by Stone. 1848.. C 454 Milton, J. Autobiography; ed. by Gra- ham. 1872 C 834 Autographs of; by Sotheby. i86i..*P 11 12 Life; by Garnett. 1890 C11542 Life ; by Kcightley. 1855 C 845 Life; by Masson. 7v. 1859-94 C 842 Life; by Pattison C 1519 Life ; by Raleigh. 1900 .C18518 Life; by Symmons. 1810 C 843 Life ; by Todd. 1809 C 2812 Life ; by Toland. 1761 C 2837 Life and Times; by Ivimey. 1833.C 2835 Life and Works; by Trent. 1899... J 5141 Papers illustrating Life of. 1859..* A 845 Vie; par Lamartine. 1862 €5639,36 MiLYUTiN, N. Un Homme d*£tat russe; par Leroy-Beaulieu. 1884 C 5743 Miner, M. Memoir of; ed. by O'Connor. 1885 C 2056 Minto, Earl of. Life and Letters of. 3v. 1S74 C 2616 MiOT, A. F., Count de Mclito. Memoirs; ed. by Fleischmann. 1881 C 3675 MiRABEAU, H. G. R., Comte de. Corre- spondance avec de La Marck. 3v. 1851 C 5898 Jeunesse de ; par Colet. 1874 C 4380 Leben ; von Stern. 1889 D 6128 Letters. 1832 C11295 Lettres a Sophie. 3v C 5899 Lettres d* Amour. 1884 C 5900 Life ; by Willert. 1898 €18542 Life-History ; by Smith. 1848 C 3659 INIemoires. 8v. 1834-5 C12848 Memoirs. 4v. in 2. 1835-6 C11296 MiRABEAU, H. G. R., Comte de. Recol- lections of; by Dumont. 1832 C 3642 Vie; par Vermorel. 5v. in 2. 1881.C 6940 MiRAMioN, Mme. de. 'See Beauharnais de Miraniion. MiRAMON, Gen. M. Vie; par Daran C 4550 MiTCHEL, J. Life; by Dillon. 2v. 1888.C11300 Mitchell, M. Life, Letters and Journals ; by Kendall. 1896 C 18540 M4TF0RD, M. R., Friendships of; ed. by L'Estrange. 1882 C 2821 Life and Letters; ed. by L'Estrange. 3v. 1870 C 846 The same. 2v. 1870 C 847 Mitterwurzei^ F. Leben; von Guglia. 1896 D13677 MoDjESKA, H. Life; by Altemus. 1884.. C 3678 Story of; by Collins. 1883 C 3627 MoFFATT, S. C, Memorial Addresses on. 1889 .C11314 Mohammed, and his Successors; by Irv- ing. 2v. 1873 J and Mohammedanism ; by Smith. 1875 M Essays on Life; by Syed Ahmed. 1870 C Leben; von Krehl. 1884 D Leben; von Noldeke. 1863 D Leben ; von Sprenger. 3v. 1869. . Life ; by Bush. 1864 I Life; by Green. 1840 1 ■ Life ; by Moulvi. 1873 C Life ; by Muir. 4v. 1861 C • Life ; by Roebuck. 1850 C Life and Teachings; by Ameer AH. 1891 C11315 Mohammed der Prophet; von Weil. 1843 D 279 MoHL, J. and M. Letters and Recollec- tions; by Simpson. 1887 C 3640 Mohl, Mme. M. C, her Salon and Friends ; by O'Meara. 1886 C 3680 MoLiERE, J. B. p. fitudes sur la Vie ; par Fournier. 1885 C 4858 Leben und Werke ; von Kreiten. '87.D 6091 Moliere inconnu ; sa Vie, 1622-46, par Baluffe. 1886 C12005 Son Theatre et son Menage; par Noel. 1880 C 6050 MoLiNos, M., the Quietist; by Bigelow. 1882 C 3649 MoLTENO, Sir J. C. Life and Times ; by P. A. Molteno. 2v. 1900 C18548 140 403 2,^77 4167 4150 D 4151 3657 3618 3651 3650 12 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 327 MoLTKE, Count VON, as a Correspondent; tr. by Herms. 1893 C11313 Essays, Speeches and Memoirs. 2v. 1893 C11317 Leben; von Miiller-Bohn. 1891...D 5987 Letters to his Mother and Brothers. 1892 C11319 Letters to his Wife. 2v. 1896 C11322 Life ; by Miiller. 1879 C 3671 Life and Character; tr. by Herms. 1892 C11318 Schriften und Denkwiirdigkeiten. 8v. 1891-2 D 2094 Monaco, Princesse de. Vie et Aventures ; ed. by Dumas. 1865 C 4738 Monk, G. See Albemarle, Duke of. Monmouth, J. S., Duke of. Life; by Roberts. 1844 C 2825 MoNNiER, H. B., sa Vic, son OEuvre; par • Fleury. 1879 C12184 Monroe, J., *in Public Service ; by Gil- man. 1853 " C 2045 Life ; by Adams. 1850 C 2054 Life ; by Stoddard. 1887 C 2242 Life and Times ; by Irelan. 1887. . .B 858,5 Montagu, I. Wanderings of a War Artist. 1889 C11325 Montagu, J. Biographical Memoir; by Newman. 1855 C11303 Montagu, Lady M. W. Letters and Works; ed. by Wharncliffe. 3v. 1837 J 191 The same; with Memoir, by Thomas. 2v. 1887 1 3087 Montagu, V. A. A Middy's * Recollec- tions, 1853-60. 1898 C18561 Montague, Marquis de. Memoirs; by Noailles. 1870 C 1131 Montague, Mrs. E. R. Life; by Doran. 1873 C 1138 Montaigne, M. E. de. Biography ; by St. John. 2v. i''>t;8 C 1132 A Biographicrj Study; by Lowndes. 1898 C18529 Montalembert, C, Count de. Lettres a un Ami de Colleg.-. 1884 C '5923 Letters to a School f el. vV, 1874-. -C 1146 Memoir ; by Oliphant. 2v. 1872...C1147 The same. 1872 475 Montausier, C. de. Sa Vie et son Temps ; parRoux. i860 C 6523 MoNTEFiORE, Sir M. Biography; by Wolf. 1885 C 282S Services in Memory of. 1884 *Ci696,:? and Lady J. Diaries; ed. by Loewe. 2v. 1890 Ci 1320= Montespan, Marquise de, et les Splen- deurs de Versailles; par Capefigiie. 1868 C12237 Memoirs. 2v. 1895 C11338 Montesquieu, C. de S., Baron de. Life; by Sorrel. 1888 C 3483 MoNTEZ, Lola. Autobiography and Lec- tures. 1858 C18544 The same E 1396 MoNTFORT, S. de. See Leicester, Earl of. Montgomery, J. Life; by Knight. 1857. C 2848 Memoirs; by Holland and Everett. 7v. 1854-6 C 2818 Montgomery, R., Biographical Notes on. 1876 C Life ; by Armstrong. 1873 C Montier, Mme. du. See Du Montier. Montpensier, Duchesse de. Memoires. 7v. 1746 C Montrose, Marquis of, and the Cove- nanters; by Napier. 1838 A Life ; by Lady Greville. 1886 C Life and Times ; by Napier. 1840. .C 3075 Memoirs; by Grant. 1858 C 861 Memoirs ; by Wishart. 1819 Cio852- Moody, D. L. Impressions and Facts; by Drummond. 4900 C18526 Life ; by W. R. Moody. 1900 C18525 Life and Sermons. 1900 C18527 Moon, W., and his Work for the Blind; by J. Rutherford 1898 C18528 Moore, G., 1806-76. Life; by Burnley. '85c 3103. Merchant and Philanthropist; by Smiles. 1878 C 28og Moore, G., Novelist. Confessions of a Young Man. 1888 ,..C3532- Moore, G. F. Diary of an Early Settler in Western Australia, 1830-41 C11328 Moore, Sir J. Life ; * 7 !• C. Moore. 2v. 1834 C 862^ MooKE, T. Life and vV'orks ; by Syming- ton. 1880 C 2810 Memoirs, Journal and correspond- ence; ed. by Russell. 8v. '53-6... C 2809 Moos, B. In Memoriam. 1895 *P 331 Morata, O. F. Life, Times and Writings ; by Smyth. 1837 C 3519 Mordaunt, C. See Peterborough, Earl of. 446 75,1 5925 IMS 1024. r.28 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. More, C. A., Comte de Pontgibaud. French Volunteer of the War of Independence. 1898 CiSsso -More, H. Hannah More; by Terhune. 1900 ^ C18554 Life ; by Yonge. 1888 C 782 Life and Correspondence; by Rob- erts. 4v. 1834 Ci 1326 More, Sir T. Life; by Drane. 1875. . .C 1601 Life; by T. More. 1726 C11327 Life ; by Roper. 1822 C 2806 Life and Writings; by Bridgett. '92.C18557 Memoir, with History of Utopia; by Warner. 1758 C11329 MoREAU, J. V. Memoirs ; by Philippart. 1814 ....C 3182 MoRELLi, D. Life and Work; by Wil- lard. 1895 C11323 Morgan, Gen. D. Hero of Cowpens ; by McConkey. 1881 C 2047 Life ; by Graham. 1856 C 2048 Morgan, Lady S. O. Autobiography. 2v. 1862 C 848 The same. 3v in 2. 1863 G 452 Career ; by Fitzpatrick. i860 Ci 1223 Morison, J. H., a Memoir. 1897 C 18545 MoRLAND, G. Memoirs of a Painter. 1805. F 8309 MoRLEY, S. Life; by Hodder. 1887. . . .C 999 ^Morris, Commodore C. Autobiography. 1880 -. C 2049 Morris, G. Diary and Letters; ed. by A. C. Morris. 2v. 1888 C 2375 Life ; by Roosevelt. 1888 C 2349 Life ; by Sparks. 3v. 1832 C 444 ZvIoRRis, R. Life; by Sumner. 1892 C10468 Morris, T. Life; by B. F. Morris. 1856. C 2050 Morris, W. Life ; by Mackail. 2v. '99.C18530 Morris, W. O'C. Memories and Thoughts of a Life. 1895 C18531 Morse, S. F. B. Life; by Denslow and Parker. 1887 C 3112 Life ; by Prime. 1875 C 447 Memorial. 1875 C18566 Mortimer M., a True Teacher, a Mem- oir ; by Norton. 1894 C11324 Morton, J., Ahp. of Canterbury. Life; by Woodhouse. 1895 C18533 Morton, L. P. Life; by Harney. 1888. C 2377 Life ; by Townsend. 1888 C 2324 Testimonial to, by United States Senators. 1893 C11232 Morton, O. P. Life and Public Services. 1876 C 448 Morton, O. P. Life and Services of; by French. 1864 C 2178 Life and Services of; by Walker. 1878 C 451 Life and Speeches; by Foulke. 2v. 1899 . . . .' C18568 Memorial Addresses on. 1878 C 452 Morton, W. T.' G., Trials of a Public Benefactor ; by Rice. 1859 C 431 Moscheles, F. Fragments of an Auto- biography. 1899 C18534 Moscheles, L Life; by his Wife. 2v. 1873 C 1139 MosTYN, M. Life ; by Bedingfield. '78. C 2820 Motley, J. L. Correspondence; ed. by Curtis. 2v. 1889 C 2381 Life ; by O. W. Holmes. 1892 *P636,i4 The same. 1879 C 453 Tribute to Memory of. 1877 *Ci696,4 ^loTT, J. and L. Life and Letters ; ed. * by Hallowell. 1884 '. C 2046 MowATT, A. C. See Ritchie, Mrs. Mozart, J. C. W. A. Biographical Ro- mance ; by Rau. 1870 C 1145 Leben; von Jahn. 2v. 1866 D 4147 Leben ; von Nohl. 1880 D 4152 Letters, 1769-91. 2v. 1866 C 1144 Life; by Beyle. 1817 C10153 Life ; by Gehring. ^895 C18S21 Life ; by Holmes. 1845 C 3660 Life ; by Jahn. 3v. 1882 C 3676 Life; by Nohl, tr. by Lalor. 1880. .C 3661 Life; by Nohl, tr by Lady Wallace. 2v. 1877 C 3662 Vie ; par Beyle. 1872 C 4280 MozLEY^ J. B. Letters ; ed. by his Sister. 1885 C 2832 MozLEY, T. Reminiscences. 2v. 1882.. C 2819 MuDiE, C. H. Memorial Sketch; by one of his Sisters. 1879 C11316 MuEFFLiNG, F. F. K. V. Passagcs from my Life. 1853 C 3674 Mueller, F. M. Auld Lang Syne. 2v. 1898-9 C18570 My Autobiography. 1901 C18571 Mueller, G. Life; by Pitman. 1885.. C 3111 and his Witness to a Prayer-Hear- ing God ; by Pierson. 1899 C18573 und A. H. Francke; von Pplenz. '65.D4148 Mueller, W. J. Memoir ; by Solly. '75. C 2822 MuENNicH, Graf v. Memorien. 1896..D13669 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 329 ^JUHAMMAD Ali Hazin. Life; by him- self. 1830 *V 1281 The same [in Persian]. i83i.*V 1282 Muhammad Babar, Emperor of Hindo- stan. Life ; by Caldecott. 1844.. C 3216 -Muhlenberg, Maj. Gen. J. P. G. Life; by H. A. Muhlenberg. 1849 C11331 Muhlenberg, W. A. Life and Work; by Ayres. 1880 C 438 Life; by Newton. 1890 C10802 MuLFORD, P. Prentice Mul ford's Story. 1889 C18577 MuLLANY, P. F., Brother Asarias. Life Story of an American Monk; by Smith. 1897 C18586 Illready, W. Memorials; by Stephens. 1890 Ci 1022 • The same. 1867 *P 7:^3 MuNDEN, J. S. Memoirs; by his Son. 1844 C 3520 MuNRO, Sir T., and British Settlements of Madras Presidency; by Brad- shaw. 1894 Ci 1571 Life ; by Gleig. 2v. 1830 C 2824 Iunsell, J. Biographical Sketch; by Howell. 1880 C 446 \IuRAD, V^ Sultan, and the Turkish Dy- nasty, 1876-95; by Djemaleddin Bey C18580 MuRAT, J. Fall and Death of; by Maci- rone. 1817 A 1925 The same C 3720 MuRCHisoN, Sir R. L Life; by Geikie. 2v. 1875 C 863 Obituary Notices of. 1872.. *Ci697,i \TtRiLL0, B. E. Biography; by Sweet- ser. 1878 .C 1687 Life ; by Minor. 1882 C 3668 Murray, D. C Making of a Novelist; Autobiography. 1894 C18590 Murray, J. Memoir and Correspond- ence; by Smiles. 2v. 1891 C11330 Murray, L., Memoirs of. 1827 C 2847 Musaeus, J. K. A. Leben ; von Miiller. 1867 D 6086 Muse, H. K. W. and J. H. Correspond- ence. 1858 C 2350 MussET, L. C. A. de. Biographic; par P. Miisset. 1878 C 5971 •Biography ; by P. Musset. 1877 C 3665 Leben; von Lindau. 1877 D 4153 Nadir Shah {Kuli Khan), Shah of Per- sia. History; by Fraser. 1742.. C 3718 Nagle, N. Life and Labors; by Hutch. 1875 C 2841 Nairne, C. N., Baroness. Life and Songs; by Rogers. 1872 C 2849 Napier, Sir C. Life and Correspondence ; by E. Napier. 2v. 1862 C 2844 Napier, Sir C. J. Life; by Butler. 1890.C10746 Napier,' 5'iV G. T. Early Military Life of; ed. by W. C. E. Napier. 1884. C 2846 Napier, Sir J. Life and Letters; by Ewald. 1892 C11361 Napier, M. Selections from Correspond- ence; ed. by his Son. 1879 C 2845 Napier, Sir W. F. P. Life; by Bruce. 2v. 1864 C 2843 Napoleon L, Emperor of the French. Ad- dresses; ed. by Tarbell. 1897 C11394 and his Detractors; by Prince Na- poleon. 1888 C 3708 and his Marshals; by Headley. 2v. 1865 C 3682 and Marie Louise; by Durand. '87.C 3704 and the Fair Sex; by Masson. '94. Ci 1348 Same as Lover and Husband. Anecdotes du Temps de; par Saint- Hilaire. 1870 C 6704 Anecdotes of; by Cunningham. 1838C1139S Anecdotes of ; ed. by Tegg C 3687 Army Life* under; by Villargennes. 1884 C3689 at Fontainebleau and Elba ; by Camp- bell. 1869 C I163 at Home; by Masson. 2v. 1894..C113S9 at St. Helena; by Abbott. 1871...C 1161 at St. Helena; by Abell.i84S C 1172 Bonaparte et Hoche en 1797; par Sorel. 1896 C13151 Boy Life of ; by Foa. 1895 H 391 Camp Fires of; by Watson. 1854. -C 3681 Captivity at St. Helena; by Montho- lon. 4v. 1846-7 C 3712 Captivity of, from Letters and Jour- nals of Lowe; by Forsyth. 3v. 1853 C 1162 Character of; by Channing. i83i.*E :^yy6 Confidential Correspondence with Jo- seph Bonap^ne. 2v. 1856 C 1170 Le Consulat et I'Empire, 1799-1815; par Thibaudeau. 7v. 1834-5 C13242 Correspondance de. 32V. l858-69.*P 680 Court and Camp of; by Lockhart. 18^ I 3578 The same. 1870 1 3672 330 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Napoleon L, Emperor of the French. Court of; by Goodrich. 1864 *P 1651 Courte Histoire de; par Seeley. '87. C 6720 Decline and Fall; by Wolseley. '95C11341 Derniers Momens ; par Antommarchi. 2v. 1825 .'•. C 6003 English Caricature on; by Ashton. 2v. 1884 '. .C 3694 et la Socicte de son Temps, 1793- 1821 ; by Bondois. 1895 C12905 et Marie-Louise ; par de Meneval. 3v. 1845 C12821 et sa Famille, 1769-1821 ; par Lcs- cure. 1868 *V 1425 et sa Famille, 1769-1809; par Mas- son. 4v. 1900 CC 259 et ses Detracteurs ; par le Prince Na- poleon. 1887 C 6007 et son Temps ; by lung. 3v. 1881-3.C 5307 et son Temps ; by Peyre. 1888 *P 679 et son Historien Thiers ; par Barni. 1869 C 4114 Fall of; by Mitchell. 3v. 1846. . . .C 3685 First Campaign; by Sargent. 1895. Ci 1346 First Napoleon; by Ropes. 1895... C 3698 Histoire de; par Lanfrey. Sv. in 3. 1870-84 C 5661 Histoire de; par Laurent de I'Ar- deche. 1840 C 6022 Histoire de; par Norvins. 1839. ..C 6o6i The same. 4v. 1837 C 6060 Historic Doubts relative to; .by Whately. 1849 A 1580 The same. 1833 *E504i,i3 Historical Character of; by Phillips. 1817 A 318 History of; by Abbott. 2v. 1874. .C 11 60 History of; by Bussey. 2v. 1840. .C 3686 History of ; by Home. 2v. 1840-4 i.C 3688 History of; by Lanfrey. 4v. 1871-86.C 1168 History of; by Laurent de I'Ardeche. 2v. i860 C 1 165 History of; by Lockhart, 2v. 1872.I 3652 The same. 2v. 1829. ^ 3S73 I'Homme, le Politique, I'Orateur; par Guillois. 2v. 1889 C12538 der Imperator; von Bleibtreu. 1891.D13630 in Exile ; by O'Meara. 2v. 1879. ..C 3683 Italian Campaigns; by Hooper. *59.Cii355 La Jeunesse de Napoleon; par Chu- quet. 3v. 1897-9 C 5340 La Lanterne Magique; Histoir* de, par Soulie. 1838 C 6667 Napoleon I., Emperor of the French. Last Days of ; by Antommarchi. '25.C 3706 Last Voyages ; Diaries of Ussher and Glover. 1895 C11343 Leben ; von Boehtlingk. 1883 D13631 Letters attd Despatches ; by Bingham. 3v. 1884 C 3692 Letters on Napoleon at St. Helena; by Warden. 1816 C 3966 Lettres a Josephine. 2v. 1833 C 6006 Lettres de Talleyrand a Napoleon, 1800-1809 C13245 Lettres inedites de. An Vni.-i8i5; pub. par Lecestre. 2v. 1897 C12897 Life ; by Hazlitt. 4v. 1852 C 1 167 Life; by Headley. 1856 C 1148 Life, with Atlas; by Jomini. 5v. 1864 ..• *C 3705 Life ; by Lee. 1837 C 3684 Life; by Macfarlane. 1880 C11353 Life; by O'Connor. 1896 C11396 Life ; by Scott. 3v. 1827 C 1169 Life; by Sloane. 4v. 1896 *P 1734 Life; by Tarbell. 1895 C11342 Lover and Husband; by Masson. 1894 C11349 Same as Napoleon and the Fair Sex. Manuscrit de St. Helene; par Ber- trand. 1817 A 1925 Marriages of the Bonapartes; by ' Bingham. 2v. 1881 C 1403 Medallic History of, 1796-1815. 'i9.*P 67^ Memoires ; par Bourrienne. lov. in 5- 1831 C 4242 Memoires ; par Junot. i8v. 183 1 -5. C 5370 Memoires sur; par Fleury de Cha- boulon. 1819 C 4961 Memoires sur Napoleon ; par Con- stant. 4v. 1894 C12967 Memoirs; by Bourrienne. 3v. 1885. C 3693 The same. 4v. 1830 C 3709 The same. 4v. 1831 C 3703 The same. 2v C 1171 The same. 3v. 1830 1 3536 Memoirs; by Constant. 4v. 1895.. Ci 1393 Memoirs; by Junot. 2v. 1873 C 1166 Memoirs; by Las Casas. 4v. 1855. C 1164 Memoirs, 1802-15; by de Meneval. 3v. 1894 Cri356 The same *Cii357 Memoirs of Private Life in 1815; by Fleury de Chaboulon. 1820 C 3707 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 331 Napoleox I.. Emperor of the French. . Metrical History of; by Hillis. 1896.E 3414 Military Career; by Gibbs. 1895.. Ci 1345 Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica ; by Bangs. F 7913 Napoleon ; by Dumas. 1894 C 11360 Napoleon; par Dumas. 1890 C 4698 Napoleon a I'lle d'Elbe; par Pellet. 1888 C13007 Napoleon Dynasty; by Williams and others C 3710 Napoleon et I'Empire racontes par le Theatre. 1797-1899 CC 841 Napoleon inconnu ; ed. par Masson et Biagi. 2v. 1895 C 6062 Napoleon intime; par Levy. 1893.C12737 Napoleon Museum; by Sainsbury. 1845 ♦R4345 Napoleon, the Last Phase} by Rose- bcry. 1900 C11399 Napoleon's Opera-Glass; by Rosen. 1897 C11398 Napoleone alVisola d'EIba. Livi. 1888 C 9309 Narrative of Jean Hornn, Coachman of Napoleon. 1816 ♦Ci 1352 New Letters; tr. by Loyd. 1897. . .Ci 1397 Private Life; by Levy. 2v. 1894..C11354 Raconte par I'lmage; par Dayot. 1895 *P 1733 Rise, Progress and Overthrow; by Camden. 2v. 1814 C11358 Sayings and Doings; by Vieusseux. 1846 Cn35o Second Funeral of; by Thackeray. 1841 C11344 Secret History of the Cabinet of Bo- naparte; by Goldsmith. 1811....C 3697 Secret History of the Court and Cab- inet of St. Qoud; by Stewarton. 3v. 1806 A 1671 Short History of; by Seeley. 1886. C 3702 Sir Hudson Lowe and Napoleon ; by Seaton. 1898 C18418 Souvenirs sur; par Chaptal. 1893..C12636 Souvenirs sur; par Durand. 1820.. C 4753 Table Talk and Opinions of. 1870. 1 3895 und Thiers ; von Barni. 1871. ., D 275 Victories of; by Parquin. 1893. . .*V 1907 Vie ; par Beyle. 1876 C 4278 Warrior and Ruler; by Morris. '93.C11351 Waterloo ; the Downfall of Napoleon, by Hooper. 1862 A 1555 Zycie Napoleona. 2v. 1841 C14446 Napoleon H., King of Rome. Le Roi de Rome, 181 1-32; par Welsclirnger. 1897 C13338 Napoleon III., Emperor of the French, and his Court ; by Imbert de Saint- Amand. 1898. . . ; Ci 1367 and Mademoiselle de Montijo; by Imbert de Saint-Amand. 1897.. Ci 1369 at the Height of his Power. 1900. .C18632 Court and Social Life; by White- hurst. 2v. 1873 .A 1547 Essai sur ; par Berthellot. 1858 C12026 Histoire; par Lacroix. 4v. in 2. 'S3.C13120 History of; by Abbott. 1869 C 1174 Life; by Forbes. 1898 C18630 Life; by Jerrold. 4v. 1874-78 C 3691 Life; by Mansfield. 2v. 1863 ♦V 1911 Life ; by Roth. 1856 .C 3690 Life; by St. John. 1857 C 1173 Life in the Tuilcries; by Bicknell. 1894 C 17220 The Man of his Time; by Haswell. 1871 C 3696 My Recollections ; by Eraser C18631 Napoleon le Petit ; par Hugo. '79. *V 1685 The same C 5252 Napoleon the Little ; by Hugo. '70. A 1554 Political and Historical Works, with Life. 2v. 1852 .C11347 Public and Private History; by Schmucker. 1880 C 1 175 Secret of an Empire; by De Lano. 1895 C11368 Napoleon, Prince Imperial. Life ; by Bar- lee. 1880 C 3^5 Le Prince Imperial ; par Herisson. 1890 C 5289 Napoleon, Prince J. C. P. Le Neveu de Bonaparte; par Lengle. 1893 ...C12735 Nar^'-shkin, N., Sister of Charity; by Craven. 2v. 1877 C 3700 Nasmith, D. Memoirs; by Campbell. 1844 C 2842 Nasmyth, J. Autobiography; ed. by Smiles. 1891 Ci 1363 Navarro, Mme. de (Mary Anderson). A Few Memories. 1896 Ci 1365 Life and Professional Career; by Farrar. 1884 C 22,2Ti Stage Life of ; by Winter. 1886. . . . C 2080 Neale. S., Life and Labors of. 1805. . .C 2850 332 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Necker, Mine., Salon of; by d'Hausson- ville. 2v. 1882 C 3701 Neesima, J. H. Life and Letters ; by Hardy. 1891 Ci 1370 Neff, F. Memoir; by Gitty. 1832 C 3715 Nelson, Lord H., and his Times; by Beresford and Wilson. 1898... *V 2188 and Lady Hamilton; by Jeaflfreson. 2v. i88a C 3194 and Naval Supremacy of England; by Russell. 1890 C11376 and Queen of Naples ; by Jeaflf reson. 2v. 1889 Ci 1255 Death of ; by Beatty. 1894 Ci 1374 Life; by Clarke and M'Arthur. 2v. 1809 *V 547 Life ; by Laughton. 1895 C10748 Life : by Mahan. 2v. 1897 Ci I373 Life : by Southey. 1870 1 3156 The same. 1871 1 3653 The same. 1830 1 3580 Memoirs; by Pettigrew. 2v. 1849. C 2853 The Nelson Memorial; by Laughton. 1896 C11371 Pictures from Life of Lord Nelson; by Russell. 1897 C11366 Public and Private Life; by Brov^rne. 1891 C11375 INeri, St. Philip. See Philip, St. JNerinckx, C. Life ; by Maes. 1880. . . C 2083 FNero. History of ; by Abbott. 1873... H Z7 [Nettleton, a. Life and Character; by Tyler. 1844 C 2379 [Neville, R. See Warwick, Earl of. iNewbery, J., a Bookseller of the Last Century ; by Welsh. 1885 C 1003 [Newcastle, Duke of. Life; by Caven- dish. 1886 C10611 Newcastle, Duchess of. Life; ed. by Firth. 1886 C10611 Newhall, W. S. Memoir. 1864 C 3556 Newland, a. Life; by Collier. 1808. .Ci 1389 Newman, J. H., Cardinal. Letters and Correspondence ; ed. by Mozley. 2v. 1890 ; C11378 Apologia pro vita sua. 1865 M 953 Life ; by Hutton. 1890 Cii377 Life ; by Jennings. 1882 C 2851 Personal Reminiscences; by Mrs. Henry. 1899 C11380 Short Life ; by Fletcher. 1890 Ci i379 Newton, Sir I. Life; by Brewster. 2v. 1855 C 864 The same. 1831 1 3590 The same. 1871 I 3669 Newton, J. Autobiography. 1868 C 825 Letters. 1869 E 1403 Ney, M., Marshal. Historic Doubts as to Execution; by Weston. 1895. Ci 1382 Marechal de Ney, 1815; par Welsch- inger. 1893 C 6078 Memoirs, 2v. 1833 C 3716 Nicholas I., Pope.. Saint Nicholas; by Roy. 1901 C18779 NicHOL, Mrs. E. P. Life; by Stoddart. 1899 C18647 NiCHOLLS, Mrs. C. B. (Currer Bell), and her Circle; by Shorter. 1896 C11372 Charlotte Bronte at Home; by Ter- hune. 1899 C18654 Life ; by Birrell. 1887 : C 3722 Life; by Gaskell. 1857 .G 227 a Monograph ; by Reid. i87'7 C 2857 Note on; by Swinburne. 1877 J 1583 Nichols, G. W., Memorial Services in Honor of *Ci696,6 Nickerson, F. In Memoriam ; by Tho- burn *C 2386 Nicolai, F. Leben; von Gockingk. '20. D 6063 Niebuhr, B. G. Gedachtnissschrift ; von Classen. 1876 D 4161 Life; by Bunsen. 1854 C 1180 Nietzsche, F. W., ein Kampfer gegen seine Zeit ; von Steiner. 1895 D 13687 in seinen Werken; von Andreas-Sa- lome. 1894 D13686 Leben; von Foerster-Nietzche. 2v. 1895-7 D13678 NiSARD, D. Souvenirs et Notes. 2v. 1888 C 6031 Nollekens, J., and his Times ; by Smith. 2v. 1828 C 2860 Nolte, V. Fifty Years in both Hemi- spheres. 1854 E 1401 ', North, M. Recollections of a Happy Life. 2v. 1892 C11385 Northcote, J., Conversations of; by Haz- litt. 1830 C 2929 Northcote, Sir S. See Iddesleigh, Earl. Norton, Mrs. H. R. H. In Memoriam; by Pierson. 1880 C16881 Norton, J. Life : by M'Clure. 1846...C1450.2 Norton, J. P., Memorials of. 1853. .. .Ci 1386 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 333 Norton, T. In Memoriam; a Discourse, by Thayer. 1880 C16881 NoTT, E. Memoirs; by Van Santvoord. 1876 C 449 KovELLo, V. Life and Labours; by Clarke C 3975 Nutting, N. W., Memorial Addresses on. 1890 Ci 1392 Obekkirch, Baronne de. Memoires. 2v. 1853 C 6090 Obeki.ix, J. F., Leven; door Rothert...D 9710 Memoirs. 1830 C 3735 OcHiNo, B. Life; by Benrath. 1876... C 3740 O'CoNNELL, D., Centenary Record of, 1875 *V 128 and the Revival of National Life in Ireland; by Dunlop. 1900 C18662 Correspondence; ed.. by Fitzpatrick. 2v, ^ 1888 Ci 1401 Life ; by Cusack. 1876 C 2881 Lite; by Hamilton. 1888 C 355i Life and Services ; by Luby. 1892. .Cii443 The same C 2884 Memoirs ; by Huish. 1836 C 2885 Popular Life; by Donahoe. 1875.. C 2882 Recollections of; by Daunt. 2v. '48. C 2883 Report of Monument Committee; by O'Hanlon. 1888 C 1235 O'CoNNELL, D. C, Count, Last Colonel of the Irish Brigade; by Mrs. M. A. B. O'Connell. 2v. 1892 C11404 O'Connor, J. Wanderings of a Vaga- bond. 1873 C 76 O'Connor, M. P. Life and Letters; ed. by his Daughter. 1893 C11419 Memorial Addresses on. 1882 C 2095 Oglethorpe. J. E. Life; by Bruce. 1892.C10460 Life : by Peabody. 1846 C 75.12 Memoir ; by Wright. 1867 C 866 Memorials ; by Harris. 1841 C 865 O'GoRMAN, E, Trials and Persecutions. 1871 C 450 O'Kkeke. J. Recollections of Life. 2v. 1826 C 2887 Oldcasti-e, Sir J. See Cobham, Baron. Oliphant, L. A Life of Adventure. '87. C 2898 and A. Lives; by M. O. W. Oli- phant. 2v. 1891 C11421 Oi,iPHANT, Mrs. M. O. W. Autobiog- raphy ; ed. by Coghill. 1899 C11422 Omver. H. K. Life: by Jones. 1886. . .C 3988 Olnev. .S. Biography; by Williams. '39. C 44 1007 3568 147 3969 1006 Ompteda, Baron. A Hanoverian-English Officer 100 Years Ago. 1892 C11416 Leben ; von L. v. Ompteda. 1892..D13695 O'Neill, H. See Tyrone, 2nd Earl of. Opie, J., and his Works; by Rogers. '78.K 3472 O'Reilly, J. B. Life; by Roche, with Poems and Speeches. 1891 C11425 Orford, jst Earl of (R. Walpole). Biog- raphy ; by Ewald. 1878 X Life ; by Morley. 1889 C Memoirs; by Coxe. 3v. in 6. 1798. *V Orford, 4th Earl of (H. Walpole)., and his World; Letters, ed. by Seeley. 1884 C Letters; ed. by Cunningham. 9v. 1861-66 C Letters; ed. by Yonge. 2v. 1890. .C11820 Memoir; by Dobson. 1893.. C11821 Memoirs ; by Coxe. 1802 *V 146 ORLiANS, E. C, Duchesse d'. See Eliza- beth Charlotte, of Bavaria. ORLiANS, F., Due d'. Lettres, 1825-42. 1889 C 6113 Orleans, H. L. E., Duchesse d\ See Helen Louisa Elizabeth. Orleans, L. P. A. d'. See Paris, Count de. Ormond, 1st Duke of. Life; by Carte. 6v. 1851 C11426 Orsi, Count J. Recollections of the last Half Century. 1881 C 3745 Orsini, F. Memoirs. 1857 C 3744 Orth, G. S., Memorial Addresses on. 1883 C 2104 Orton, E. In Memoriam. 1900 C18669 OsBORN, Mrs. S. B. Letters, 1721-71. 1891 C11411 Osborne, Lady C. Memorials of Life and Character of. 2v. 1870 C 867 Osborne, D. See Temple, Lady. O'Shea, J. A. Life of a Special Cor- respondent. 2v. 1885 C 2889 Recollections. 2v. 1892 C11429 Osseville, H. de. Life; by Macleod. 1878 C 3741 OssoLi, M. Fuller. Life ; by Howe. '83.C 2100 Life ; by Higginson. 1884 C 2101 Memoirs ; by Emerson and others. 2v. 1852 C 445 The same. 2v. 1874 J 223 OswELL, W. C, Hunter and Explorer. Life ; by W. E. Oswell. 2v. 1900. . C18673 Otis, J. Life; by Bowen. 1846 C 75,12 Life; by Tudor. 1823 C 2105 334 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. O'TooLE, L. Abp. See Lawrence O'Toole, St., Abp. of Dublin. Otto the Great, Emperor of Germany. Leben; von Koepke. 1876 D 13694 OuDH, Queen of. Life; byiCnighton, '65. C 1179 OuDiNOT, N. C, Duke de Riggio. Mem- oirs; by Mme. Oudinot. 1897. . .C11431 OusELEY, Sir G. Memoir; by Reynolds. 1846 C 3721 OuTRAM, J. Biography; by Goldsmid. 2v. 1880 C 2888 OvERBECK, J. F. Life ; by Atkinson. '82. . C 3749 Owen, J. Memoirs; by Orme. 1820. .Ci 1432 Owen, Sir Richard. Life ; by his Grand- son. 2v. 1894 C11433 Owen, Robert, and his Social Philosophy ; by Sargant. i860 L 610 Life, Times and Labours; by Jones. . 1890 C11434 Owen, R. D. Threading my Way .'74-C 455 Oxenden, a. History of my Life. '91.011435 Ozanam, a. F. Letters, with Sketch of Life; by Coates. 1886 C11440 Lettres de, 1831-53- 2v. 1891. .€12911,10-11 Life ; by O'Meara. 1876 C 3750 Pacca, B., Cardinal. Memoirs; tr. by Head. 2v. 1850 €37^7 Packard, A. S. Memorial; comp. by Little. 1886 C 2113 Paganini, N. Leben ; von Niggli. 1882.. D 4169 Paine, T. Life; by Cheetham. 18D9...C2118 Life ; by Blanchard. i860 C 2120 Life; by Conway. 2v. 1892 C11444 Life ; by Sedgwick. 1899 C17328 Life; by Vale. 1863 C 46s Memoirs; by Sherwin. 1819 C 2119 Paleario, a. Life; by Young. 2v. 1860.C 3765 Paley, W. Life by E. Paley. 1825. .Mi7o6,i Palfrey, W. Life; by J. G. Palfrey. 1847 €75,17 Palgrave, F. T. Life ; by G. F. Palgrave. 1899 C18697 Palissy, B. Life; by Morley. 1869. . .C 2910 Palmer, E. H. Life; by Besant. 1883. C 2909 Palmer, S. Life and Letters; by A. H. Palmer. 1891 C11441 Palmerston, H. J. T., Lord. Leben ; von Bulwer. 1871 D 4224 Life; by Bulwer. 3v. in 2. '71-74. G 68 The same. 3v. 1870 C 959 Life; by Marquis of Lome. 1892..C11778 Life ; by Sanders. 1888 C 3549 Panizzi, Sir A. Life and Correspond- ence; by Fagan. 2v. 1881 C 2911 Paolo, Fra., the Greatest of Venetians; by Robertson. 1893 C11632 Life; by -Campbell. 1879 C 3851 Paracelsus, P. A. Life; by Hartmann. 1887 C 3788 Pare, A., and his Times, 1510-1590; by Paget. 1897 C11476 Paris, Count de (Orleans). Life; by de Flers. 1889 '. C11408 Vie ; par de Flers. 1888 C 4854 Vie; par Recquem. 1884 C 6425 Park, Mungo. Life and Travels of. '70. 1 3726 Parker, F. E. Tributes to. 1887 C 421 Parker, Joel. Memorial of. 1889 Cii453 Parker, Jos. A Preacher's Life. 1899.C18694 Parker, M., Abp. of Canterbury. Corre- spondence, 1535-75. 1853 M 1641 Life and Times; by Strype. 3v. '2i.*P 131 Parker, T. Life; by Frothingham. 1874. C 461 Life and Correspondence; by Weiss. 2v. 1864 C 460 Preacher and Reformer; by Chad- wick. 1900 C18708 Story of; by Cooke. 1883 C 2143 Parker, Sir W. Life; by Phillimore. 3v. 1876-1880 C 2913 Parker, W. H. Recollections of a Naval Officer, 1841-65. 1883. •• .C 2149 Parkman, F. Life ; by Farnham. 1900.C18692 Parmigiano, II. See Mazzola. Parnell, C. S. Life, 1846-91 ; by 0'Brien.Ci870O Memorial Volume; by Walsh. 1892.C11443 A Memory; by O'Connor. 1892. . .Ci 1442 The Uncrowned King; by McWade. 1891 C11445 Parr, S. Memoirs; by Johnstone. 1828. J 229.1 Parriana; by Barker. 2v. 1828-9. Cii454 Parris, S. Account of the Life and Char- acter ; by Fowler. 1857 *B 882 Parry, C. Memoirs ; by E. Parry. 1870. C 462 Parsons, E. E. Memoir. 1880 C 2126 Parsons, T. Memoir of ; by his Son..'59C 2117 Pascal, B. Vie; par Bertrand. 1891. .C11926 Provincial Letters. 1882 C 1184 Vie ; par Cousin. 1869 C 437i Pascal, J., Sister and Saint. Life; by Weitzel. 1880 C 3769 Pasoliiji Dall' Onda, G. Conte. Mem- oir; by his Son. 1885 C 3763 Pasquier. E. D., Duke. History of my Time; Memoirs. 3v. 1893-94. . ,Cii455 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 335 Pasteur, L. Histoire d'un Savant; t)ar Vallery-Radot. 1884 C 6155 Life; by Frankland. 1898 C11477 Life and Labours; by Vallery-Radot. liiSs C 3766 Patekson, J. Life; by Egleston. 1898. Ci 1457 Paterson, W. His Life and Trials; by Bannister. 1858 C11478 Patmore, C. Memoirs and Correspond- ence; by Champneys. 2v. 1900.C18701 Paton, J. G. Autobiography. 2v. 18S9.C11446 Story of, for Young Folks ; by J. Paton. 1892 C11447 Paton, Sir J. N. Life and Work; by Story. 1895 *V 2068 Patrick, St., Apostle of Ireland. Mem- oir ; by Todd. 1864 Ci 1466 Life; by Cusack. 1870 *V 33 Popular Life ; by O'Farrell C 906 Tripartite Life; ed. by Stokes. . 2v. 1887 *Doc. Patteson, J. C. Life; by Yonge. 2v. '74. Ci 1450 Path, A., Fourteen Years with; by Lauw. 1884 C 2931 Vierzehn Jahrc mit; von Lauw. '84. D 4066 Pattison, D. W. (Sister Dora). Biog- raphy ; by Lonsdale. 1880 C 2912 The same G 1109 Pattison, M. Memoirs. 1885 C 2919 Paulding, J. K. Life; by \V. L Pauld- ing. 1867 C Payn, J. Some Literary Recollections. 1884 C 2924 The same G 1 166 Payne, J. H. Life; by Harrison. 1875. *V I9 The same. 1885 C11449 Pavson, E. Memoir; by Cummings. '30.C11451 The same. 1859 J 227,1 Peabody, F. Memoirs ; by Upham. i868.*C 1698 Peabody, G. Biographical Sketch of. '57 -C In Memory of. 1870 C Letter to Trustees. 1857 C Life ; by Hanaford. 1870 C Life and Character ; by Wallis. '70.C Pearce, J. A. Eulogy ; by Bache. i863.*C Pearson, H. G. Memorial Address, June 21, 1894: by Godkin C11483 Pecock, R. Life ; by Lewis. 1820 C 3160 Peel, Sir R. Historical Sketch ; by Bail- ing. 1874 C 879 £tude historique; par Guizot. 1858. C 5159 Life; by McCarthy. 1891.. .C11458 Life ; by Montague. 1889 C 3552 463 458 458 458 459 458 139 Peel, 5/r R. Life ; by Rosebery. 1899.C18702 Life; by Thursfield. 1891 C 3569 Life and Times; by Taylor. 4V. 1846-51 C 2917 Political Life; by Doubleday. 2v. 's6.C 2914 Peet, J. Memoir ; by Shepley. 1854. C 3534 Pellevv, E. See Exmouth, Viscount. Pellico, S. Le mie Prigioni. 1858 C 9371 My Prisons; Memoirs. 1868 C 1187 Fellow, T. Twenty-three Years' Cap- tivity among the Moors; by him- self. 1890 C11484 Pendleton, G. H. Life and Speeches; by Bloss. 1868 C 470 Pendleton, W.N. Memoirs ; by Lee. '93.C11464 Penn, W. Biography ; by Dixon. 1856. C 872 Character and Career; by Jenkins. 1883 *C 2291 The same *C 1697,1 Founder of Pennsylvania ; by Stough- ton. 1882 C 2139 Inquiry into Charges brought by Ma- caulay against; by Paget. 1858..C11460 Life, 1644-1718; by Burdette. 1882. C 2136 Life ; by Ellis. 1847 C 75,22 Life; by Hughs. 1828 C 874 Life ; by Weems. 1859 C 870 Life, and Selections from Correspond- ence ; by Janney. 1882 Ci 1461 Life and Writings of. 1882 C 2137 Public and Private Life; by Clark- son. 1813 C 87s Remains of; by Harrison. 1882 ..C 2138 The True William Penn; by Fisher. 1900 . .* Ci 1462 William Penn; by Hodges. 1901..C1679S Pennington, A. R. Recollections of Per- sons and Events. 1895 C16804 Pepe, G. Memoirs. 3v. 1846 C 3768 Pepperrell, Sir W. Life ; by Parsons. '56C 2123 Pepys, S.. and the World he lived in; by Wheatley. 1880 C 2916 Diary; ed. with Additions by Wheat- ley, lov. 1893-99 *Cii467 Diary and Correspondence. 4v. '66.. C 877 The same. 4v. 1871 1 3302 Perceval, S. Life; by Walpole. 2v. '74.C 873 Percival, J. G. Life and Letters; by Ward. 1866 C 466 Pericles, and the Golden Age of Athens ; by Abbott. 1890 C11487 Perinchief, O. Life; by Lanman. '79. .C 2141 Perkins, J. H. Life; by Channing, '51.1237,1 336 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Perkins, T. H .Memoir of; by Gary. '56.C 21 16 Perry, M. C Life;" by Griffis. 1887.. G 2258 Perry, O. H., Commodore. Inaugura- tion of Statue of, at Newport, '85.G 2336 Life; by Mackenzie. 2v. 1870 1 3737 Life ; by Niles. 1820 G 469 Perthes, F. G. Memoir; by G. J. Perthes. 2v. 1857 G 878 Perugino. Life; by Williamson. 1900.G18728 Pessard, H. L. F. Mes Petits Papiers, 1860-70 G 6132 Pestalozzi, J. H., and his Plan of Educa- tion ; by Biber. 1831 G 3771 Life and Work; by de Guimps. 1890.G11481 Life and Work; by Kriisi. 1875. . .G 3770 Peter, St. Simon Peter, his Life, Times and Friends; by Hodder. 1884. .M 614 His later Life and Labors; by Rob- inson. 1894 • M 2660 Scenes in the Life of; by Spence..G 1245 Peter L, the Great, Emperor of Russia. History of ; by Abbott. 1874 H 38 Leben ; von Bruckner. 1879 D 5779 Life ; by Barrow G 3784 The same. 1839 1 3597 The same. 1870 1 3704 Life; by Schuyler. 2v. 1884 G 3782 Life ; by Waliszewski. 1897 G11486 Life ; by Wight. 2v. 1882 G 3783 Peter L, the Cruel, King of Castile. His- tory ; by Dillon. 1788 G 3790 History; by Merimee. 2v. 1849. . .G11485 Peterborough, G. M., Earl of. Life; by Stebbing. 1890 G10744 Memoir; by Russell. 2v. 1887 G 1039 Peters, H. Funeral Sermon on; by Garyl. 1659 *M 3970 Peters, M. H. A Foreign Immigrant; by Cougar. 1898 G11459 Petigru, J. L. Biography; by Grayson. 1866 G11482 Petoefi, S. Leben and Werke; von Fischer. 1889 D13698 Petrarch, F. Essays on; by Foscolo. '2S.C 3772 First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters; Gorrespondence. 1898.. Gi 1499 Lettere. 4v in 2. 1863 G 9376 Lettere senili. 1869 G 9377 Life; by Gampbell. 2v. 1841-3 G11489 Life; by Dobson. 1817 G 1278 The same. 2v. 1776 G 3787 Life ; by Reeve. 1878 J 2243 Life and Works ; by Ward. 1891 . . Gi 1488 Petroff, p. Ante-Mortem Depositions of. 1895 G11496 PfeYTON, W. M. Memoir; by J. L. Pey- ton. 1873 G 464 Phelps, A. :&^emoir; by Ward. 1891.G11491 Phelps, S. Life and Work; by W. M. Phelps and Robertson. 1886. G11490 Memoirs of; by Goleman. 1886 G 2928 Phiup Neri, St. Life; by Hope. 1881.C 3699 Philip II. Augustus, King of France. Histoire; par Gapefigue. 2v. 1841..G12233 Life ; by Hutton. 1896 G11503 Philip II., King of Macedon. History of ; by Leland. 2v. 1825 G 3778 Philip II., King of Spain. Gorrespon- dance. 5v. 1848-1879 *V 1423 History of; by Prescott. 3v. 1873. A 180G History of; by Watson. 1839 ....A 1S04 Life; by Gayarre. 1866 G 1190 Life ; by Hume. 1897 G11452 Philip III., King of Spain. History of; by Watson and Thompson. 1839. A 1803 Phillip, A. Admiral Phillip, the Found- ing of New South Wales; by Becke and Jeffery. 1899 G18706 Phillipps, a. a Record ; by Waterston. 1883 G 2142 Phillips, H. M. Biographical Notice; by Vaux. 1884 *Gi696,3 Phillips, S. Mepioir ; by Taylor. 1856.G 467 Phillips, Watts. Artist and Playwright ; by E. W. Phillips. 1891 G11501 Phillips, Wendell, the Agitator; by Martyn. 1890 Gi 1502 Eulogy on ; by Gurtis. 1884 *Gi697,i Life and Times; by Austin. 1888. G 423 Memorial of, from the Gity of Bos- ton. 1884 *V 1384 Phinney S. B. Biographical Sketch; by Nickerson. 1888 G 3798 Phips, ^'tV W. Life ; by Bowen. 1838. G 75,7 Life ; by Pond. 1847 Gi450,5 Pichler, a. Zu meiner Zeit. 1892 D13696 Pichler, G. Denkwiirdigkeiten aus mein- em Leben. 4v in 2. 1844 D 6085 PiCKARD, Rev. S. Autobiography of a Pioneer; ed. by Gonger. 1866. . .G11505 Pickering, T. Life; by O. Pickering and Upham. 4v. 1867-73 G 457 PiCTON, Sir T. Memoir ; by Robinson, 2v. 1835 G 2918 Pierce, F. Life ; by Hawthorne. 1852. G 468 Life ; by Stoddard. 1888 G 2334 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 337 Pierce, F. Life and Times; by Irelan. 1888 6858,14 Pierce, G. VV. Life-Romance of an Alge- braist. 1891 Ci 1506 PiGOTT, R. Personal Recollections. 1882. C 2922 Pike, R. The New Puritan; by J. S. Pike. .1879 C 2122 Pike, Z. M. Life; by Whiting. i848..C75,i5 PiNCKNEY, Mrs. E. L. Life ; by Ravenel. 1896 C11469 PiNCKNEY, Gen. T. P. Life; by C. C. Pinckney. 1895 C11509 PiNKERTON, J. Literary Correspondence; ed. by Turner. 2v. 1830 C11470 PiNKNEY, W. Life; by his Nephew, W. Pinkney. 1853 C 2127 Life; by Wheaton. 1873 C 75»6 Pinto, F. M. Voyages and Adventures. 1891 Ci 1510 PiNTURiccHio, B. B. B. Life; by Phil- lipps. 1901 C18731 Piozzi, H. L. S. (Mrs. Thrale). Auto- biography. 2v. 1861 C 881 Life and Diaries; ed. by Sceley. '91.C11492 Piozziana ; by Mangin. 1833 Cii493 Pitman. L Biography; by Reed. 1890. C11504 Pitt, W. See Chatham, Earl of. Pitt, W., the Younger. Biography; by Walford. 1890 C1149S Correspondence with Charles, Duke of Rutland, 1781-87. 1890 C11494 Life; by Ashbourne. 1898 Life; by Macaulay. i860 Life; by Lord Rosebery. 1891. Life; by Stanhope. 4v. 1867.. .Ci .G .C .C 3v. 1822.. C by Goodwin. C Voigt. 3v. 8710 682 3570 Memoirs; by Tomline. Pitts, J., and his Sons; 1882 C 2135 Pius IL, Pope. Lcben; von in 2. 1856-63 D 5958 Life, illustrated by Pinturicchio's Frescoes; by Kitchin. 1881 ♦P 366 Pius v., Pope. Life and Pontificate; by Mendham. 1832 C 3781 Pius VI., Pope. Memoirs; by Bourgo- ing. 2v. 1799 C 3799 Pius VII.. Pope. Histoire; by Artaud de Montor. 2v. 1836 C11938 Lebensbeschreibung ; von Jager. '24. D 5932 Life ; by Allies. 1875 C 3773 Pius VIIL. Pope. Histoire; by Artaud de Montor. 1844 Cii937 Pius IX., Pope, and his Times; by Dawson. 1887 C First Year of his Pontificate ; by tie Liancourt and Manning. 2v. '47. M Last Days of; by Keller. 1879 C Leben ; von Hiilskamp. 1870 D Life; by Hassard. 1878 C Life ; by Shea. 1877 C Life; by Trollope. 2v. 1877 .C Sa Vie; par Villefranche. 1883. Story of, to 1850; by Legge. 3797 34S 3593 25^ 377(^ 3774 3777 .C133.SI 2V. 1875 C 3775 PiZARRO, F. Life ; by Helps. 1869 C 1185 His Adventures and Conquests; by Towle. 1879 Ci6io,2 Pizarro, or. Discovery of Peru; by Allen. 1881 .•. . C 3779 Place, F. Life, 1771-1854; by Wallas. 1898 C11497 Planch^ , J. R. Personal Reminiscences. 1874 c 77,1 Recollections and Reflections. 2v. 1872 C 871 Plantin, C. Imprimeur anversois; par Rooses. 1883 ♦P 2223 Plato, and the other Companions of Socrates; by Grote. 3v. 1875... L 2089 and the older Academy; by Zeller. 1876 L 2091 Plessis, J. O. Biographical Notice; by Ferland. 1864 C 3780 Plumer, W. Life; by W. Plumer, Jr. 1857 C 474 Plunket, W. C. p.. Baron. Life, Let- ters and Speeches; by D. Plunket. 2v. 1867 C 2921 Pocahontas and her Descendants; by Robertson and Brock. 1887 *C 412 Poe, E. a., and his Critics; by Whit- man. i860 C 2129 In the Poe Circle; by Benton. 1899. J 5264 Life; by Didier. 1877....... C 471 Life; by Gill. 1878 ...C2128 Life ; by Lowell and others. '49 J240.1 Life; by.Stedman. t88i ...C2130 Life ; by Woodberry. 1885 C 2146 Life and Letters; by Ingram. 2v. 1880 C 2134 Memorial Volume; by Rice, 1877.. C 2145 Unveiling Bust of Poe in University of Virginia. 1899 C11480 Pole, R., Cardinal. Historical Sketch ; by Lee. 1888 C 3780 Life; by Beccatelli. 1766 C 2925 338 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Polk, J. K. Administration of; by Chase. 1850 B 803 and his Administration; by Jenkins. 1850 C 2121 Life ; by - Stoddard. 1888 C 2328 Life and Times; by iFelan. '88.. .6858,11 Polk, L., Bishop and General. Life; by W.M.Polk. 2v. 1893 C11474 Polk, Mrs. S. C. Memorials; by Nel- son. 1892 C11512 Pollock, Sir G. Life and Correspond- ence ; by Lowe. 1873 C 885 Pollock, Sir W. F. Personal Remem- brances. 2v. 1887 C 3074 Pollok, R. Life; by D. Pollok. 1843- -C 292Z Polo, Marco, Travels and Adventures of ; hf Towle. 1880 Ci6io,4 Vie et Voyages; par Duclau C 4777 Pqlwhele, R. Recollections. 2v. 1826..C11507 PoMBAL, S. J. DE C, Marquis de. Life; by Carnota. 1871 C11498 Pompadour, Mme. de. Histoire; par Fau- ques. 1879 *V 1440 Histoire; par Gk>ncourt. 1881 C 5053 Secret Memoirs of ; ed. by Beaujoint. 1885 C 3786 Pom per Y, Mme. de. See Audonym de Pompery. PoNTALBY, Mme. M. E. de. Souvenirs. 1883 C 6207 Pontecoulant, L. G. D., Count de. Sou- venirs, 1764- 1848. 4v. 1861-5....C13014 PoNTMARTiN, A. DE. Souvenirs d'un vieux Critique. 8v. 1884-7 C 6131 The same. 6v. 1882-5 C 6285 Poole, W. F. Memorial Sketch. 1895. Ci 151 1 PooRE, B. P. Sixty Years in the Nation- al Metropolis, 1825-85. 2v C 2073 Pope, A. Descent and Family Connec- tions ; by Hunter. 1857 *A 3470 Life ; by Carruthers. 1857 1 3148 Life; by Courthope. 1889 J225,5 Life ; by Stephen. 1880 C 1498 Maternal Ancestry; by Davies. '58.C11514 Popkin, J. S. Memorial of; by Felton. 1852 C 2152 PoRSON, R. Life ; by Watson. 1861 . . . C 732 Porter, A. T. Led on! Step by Step, 1828-98 ; an Autobiography C11516 Porter, D., Commodore. Memoir; by D. D. Porter. 1875 C 2131 Porter, E. Life and Letters; by Town- shend. 1897 C11518 Porter, N. Memorial, by Friends. 1893.C11517 Porter, W.T. Life ; by Brinley. 1860..C 472 Posey, T. Memoir; by Hall. 1846 C 75,19 PososKOW, L T. Leben und Schriften; von Bri;ckner. 1878 D13697 Post, Mrs. H.'W. B. A Search for Free- dom. 1898 J C18711 Post, T. M. Biography; by T. A. Post. 1891 C11515 PoTOCKA, Countess. See Ligne, Princesse de. Potter, A., Bishop. Discourse Commem- orative of; by Stevens. 1866 C 473 Life and Services; by Howe. 1871..C 2124 PoussiN, N. Life and Work; by Denio. 1899 C18712 Powell, A. M. Personal Reminiscences of Anti- Slavery and other Re- forms. 1899 C18713 Powell, Mrs. E. S. My Theatrical and Musical Recollections. 1897 C11519 Powell, Gov. L. W., Biographical Sketch of. 1868 C10383 PowYS, Mrs. C. G., Passages from the Diaries of, 1756-1808; ed. by Cli- menson. 1899 C11473 Preble, E. Life; by Sabine. 1847 C 75,22 Prentice, G. D. Memorial Address; by Watterson. 1870 *Ci696,7 Prentiss, Mrs. E. P. Life and Letters. 1883 C 2140 Prentiss, S. S. Life ; by Shields. 1884. .C 2144 Memoir; ed. by G. L. Prentiss. 2v. 1855 •• C 2125 pRESCOTT, Col. W., Address on; by Win- throp. 1881 B 785 The same *Ci697,2 Oration in Honor of, Boston, Oct. 14, 1895 ; by Everett C11520 Prescott, W. H. Life; by Ticknor.i864C 476 Memorial of. 1859 *Ci696,3 Prevost, d'Exiles, I'Ahhe. Sa Vie et ses CEuvres; par Harrisse. 1896 C12584 Priestley, J. Memoirs; by himself.i8o9C 882 Prime, S. I. Autobiography and Mem- orials; ed. by W. Prime. 1888.. C 2343 Prince, W. R. Memoir and Writings; by N. A. Prince. 1846 C 2153 Prince, M. Last of the Elizabethan Sea- men ; by J. H. Fringe. 1888 C11508 Prior, Mrs. M. B. A. Reminiscences ; comp. by Ingraham. 1844 C 2148 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 339 Procter, B. W. (Barry Cornwall). Au- tobiographical Fragment. 1877. .C 876 and his Friends; by Fields. 1876. . I 3928 Proudhon, p. J., Correspondance de, 1837-65. 14V. 1875 C 6321 PsALMANAZAR, G. Memoirs. 1765. .. .C 3785 PuECKLER MusKAu, H, L. H. Biogra- phie ; von Assing. 1873 D 4179 Briefwechsel und Tagebucher. 3v. 1873 ^ D 4180 PuGiN, A. W. N., and his Father ; Recol- lections of, by Ferrey. 1861 C 2923 Pulaski, Count C. Life; by Sparks.'45C 75,14 PuNSHON, W. M. Life; by Macdonald. 1887 C 3795 PuRCELL, H. Life; by Cummings. 1881..C 2930 PusEY, E. B. Life ; by Liddon. 4v. 1893-7C11472 Putnam, Gen. I. Biography; by Hill. * 1871 H 466 Humphreys* Life ; by Fellows. 1843.C 2133 Life; by Cutter. 1856 C 477 Life; by Humphreys. 1818 C 2132 Life ; by Peabody. 1870 C 757 Life; by Tarbox. i87i5 C 475 Putnam, Gen. R., Life of; by Cone. '86.C 2155 Pycroft, J. Oxford Memories. 2v. 1886C 2941 Pynchon, W. Diary; cd. by Oliver. '90C11500 Pyrrhus, History of; by Abbott. 1873H 39 Pythagoras, der Weise von Samos; von Baltzer. 1868 D 4186 Querard, J. M. Life; by Hamst. 1867.C 1158 QuEVEDO, F. G. DE. Essai sur la Vie et les (Euvres; par Merimee. 1886.C12822 Quick, R. H. Life and Remains ; ed. by Storr. 1899 * C11527 QuiMBY. P. P. Life; by Dresser. 1895.L 5363 QuiN, J. Life. 1887 C11530 QuiNCY, E. (b. 1681). Memoir of; by E. S. Quincy. 1884 C 2151 QuiNCY. E. (b. 1808). Tribute to Memory of. 1877 *Ci696,4 QuiNCY, J. {b. 1709). Memoir of; by E. S. Quincy. 1884 C 2151 QuiNCY, J. (b. 1744)- Memoir; by J. Quincy. 1875 C 481 Quincy, J. (b. 1772). Dedication Cere- monies of Statue to, Oct. 11, 1879. *Doc. Life ; by E. Quincy. 1867 C 480 Quincy. J. (b. 1802). Figures of the Past. 1883 C 2150 QuiNET, E. Early Life; by Heath. 1881C 3801 Le Livre de I'Exile, 1851-71. 1875 C 6334 Quitman, J. A. Life and Correspond- ence; by Claiborne. 2v. 1860...C 478 Rabelais, F. ; by Besant. 1879 J 2246 Sa Personne, son Genie, son CEuvre; par Stapf er. 1889 C 6747 Rachel (E. Felix), et la Tragedie; par Janin. 1859 *V 630 Life ; by Kennard. 1886 C 3808 Memoirs of; by Mme. de B. 2v. 's8C 3338 Racine, J. Sa Vie intime ; par Roy. 1874C 6529 Radetzky, Count. Eine biographische Skizze; von Schonhals. 1858 D13701 Raeburn, Sir H. Life ; by Andrew. 1886.C 2974 Raffles, Sir T. S. Life; by Egerton. 1900 C18783 Life and Public Services; by Mrs. Raffles. 2v. 1835 C 886 Rafinesque, C. S. Life and Writings; by Call. 1895 *Vi405,io Raikes, T. Correspondence with Wel- lington. 1861 •. C 895 Journals, 1831-47. 4v. 1856-57 C 894 Personal Reminiscences. 1875 C 77,7 Raimbach, a. Memoirs and Recollec- tions; ed. by M. T. S. Raimbach. 1843 C 785 Raimond d'Agiles. Leben; von Klein. 1892 D13661 Rais, G. de L. Blue Beard; History of Gilles de Retz. by Wilson. i899.Ci88or Rale, S. Life ; by Francis. 1848 C 75,17 Raleigh, A. Life; by M. Raleigh. 1881C11583 Raleigh, Sir W., and his Time; by Kingsley. 1873 E 1305 Bibliography; by Brushfield. i886*0 262 Biography; by Stebbing. 1891 C11608 Brief Memoir; by Drake. 1862 C 3077 Exploits and Voyages ; by Towle.*8iCi6io,5 Life ; by Edwards. 2v. 1868 C 887 Life ; by Gosse. 1886 C 2964 Life ; by Hume. 1897 Ci 1604 Life; by Oldys and Birch. 1829. . .J 246,1 Life ; by St. John. 2v. 1868 C 888 Life and Character; by Harris. 1859C 891 Ramabai Sarasvati. Pundita, the High- Caste Hindu Woman. 1888 L 4402 Ramsay, Sir A. C. Memoir; by Geikie. 1895 C11613 Ramsay, B. D. W., Military Service of. 2v. 1882 C 2961 Randall, S. J., Memorial Addresses on. 1891 C11584 340 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Randolph, E., Life and Papers of; by Conway. 1888 C 2369 Randolph, J., of Roanoke. Home Remi- niscences; by Bouldin. 1878.... C 2164 Letters to a Young Rel^ive. 1834. C 2162 Life ; by Adams. '1882 C 2163 Life; by Garland. 2v. 1851 C 2161 Ranjit Singh, Maharajah of Lahore. Court and Camp of; by Osborne. 1840 C 3987 Life; by Griffin. 1892 C11566 Ranke, L. v. Leben und Werke; von Guglia. 1893 D13681 Raphael, and his Father, Giovanni Santi; by Passavant. 1872 *C 3829 and the Villa Farnesina; by Bigot. 1884 *P 840 Life ; by Ady. 1895 *V 2049 Life; by Bell. 1880 C 3810 Life; by Grimm C11535 Life; by*Quatremere de Quincy. '70I 3i34 Life; by Strachey. 1900 ..C18723 Life ; by Sweetser. 1877 C 1681 Life and Works; by Crowe and Cavalcaselle. 2v. 1882 C 3805 Life, Times and Works; by Muntz. 1882 *C 3828 Life and Works; by Wolzogen. 1866C 1177 Raphael; by Knackfuss. 1899 K10301 Vie de; par Clement. 1861 C 4361 Vie de; par Quatremere de Quincy. 1835 C 6307 Rapp, J., Comte. Memoirs. 1823 C 3804 Raster, H. Reisebriefe. 1891 D 5884 Rauch, C. D. Life; by Cheney. 1893.C11614 Raumer, F. L. G. von. Erinnerungen und Briefwechsel. 1861 D 4192 Ravignan, G. X. DE. Life of Father de Ravignan; by Ponlevoy. 1869.. C 1254 Raymond, H. J., and the New York Press for Thirty Years; by Mav- erick. 1870 C 2165 Raymond, J. H. Life and Letters; by Lloyd. 1881 C 2166 Reade, C. Memoir; by C. L. and C. Reade. 1887 C 2983 Recamier, Mme. Memoirs and Corre- spondence. 1868 C 1195 and her Friends; by Lenormand.'75C 121 1 et ses Amis ; par Lenormand. 1872.C 6427 Souvenirs et Correspondance. 1876. C 6428 Reed, A.; by Pitman. 1885 C 31 11 Reed, J. Historical Essay; by Bancroft. 1867 *Ci697,2 Life ; by H. Reed. 1848 C 75.18 Life and Correspondence; by W. B. Reed. :?^v. 1847 C 2169 Reeve, H. Life and Correspondence; by Laughton. 2v. 1898 .C11595 Reeves, J. S. Life and Recollections; by himself. 1888 C 3546 My Jubilee; Fifty Years of Artistic Life. 1889 C11565 Reeves, W., Bishop. Life; by Lady Fer- guson. 1893 C11587 Reichenau, E. Aus dem Leben. eines West-Preussen. 1890 D 5954 Reid, Capt. Mayne. Memoir; by E. Reid. 1890 C1157CV Reinald von Dassel, Abp. of Cologne. Leben ; von Ficker. 1850 D 6141 Reis, J. P. Inventor of the Telephone; by Thompson. 1883 K 5963 Rembrandt, H. Life ; by Mollett. 1880.C 3815 Life; by Sweetser. 1878 C 1688 Life and Genius ; by Cundall. i868.*P 506 Life and Work; by Michel. 2v. '92*P 1637 Rembrandt; by Knackfuss. 1899.K10302 Rembrandt and his Works ; by Bur- net. 1849 *P 505 Wer ist Rembrandt? von Lautner. 1891 D 5949 Remusat, Mme. de. Letters to her Hus- band and Son, 1804-13. 1881....C 3813 Memoires, 1802-8. 3v. 1880-81 C 6435 Memoirs. 1880 C 3814 The same. 2v. ^88o C 3812 Renan, J. E. Hier et aujourd'hui ; par Cognat. 1883 C 4378 In Memoriam; by Duff. 1893 .-..Ciidii Life; by Darmesteter. 1897 C18803 Life; by Espinasse. 1895 C11612 Recollections and Letters. 1892. . . .C11610 Recollections of my Youth. 1883. .C 3816 Souvenirs d'Enfance et de Jeunesse. 1883 C 6460 and H. Brother and Sister ; Memoir and Letters ; by Loyd. 1896 C11609 Renan, H. My Sister Henrietta; by J. E. Renan. 1895 C11591 Renaudot, T., et ses Inventions; par Hatin. 1883 C 5193 Renee of France, Duchess of Ferrara; by Weitzel. 1883 C 3809 Reni, Guido. Life; by Sweetser. 1878.C 1685 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 341 Renick, W. Memoirs; Correspondence, etc. 1880 C 2171 Rennie, i'lr J. Autobiography. 1875.. Ci 1572 Renty, G. de, Baron. Life of. 1873.. C 3818 Retz, Cardinal de. Life; by James. i837.Ci420,i Memoires. 4v. 1859 C 6470 Memoirs. 4v. 1777 C 3819 Reuchlin, J. Leben und Werke; von Geiger. 1871 D 6093 Life and Times; by Barham. 1843. C 3803 Reuter, F. Briefe an Seinen Vater. 2v. 1896 D13702 und Dichtungen ; von Glagau. 1870D 4188 Revere, P. Life;byGoss. 2v. 1891..C11573 Reynolds, F. Life; by himself. 1827.. C 2963 Reynolds, Sir ]., and his Works ; by Cot- ton. 1856 C 1036 Biography of; by Swcctser. 1878.. C 1689 Life ; by Leslie and Taylor. 2v. 1865C 889 Life; by Phillips. 1894 C11624 Life ; by Pulling. 1880 C 2970 Reynolds, J. F., Memorial of. 1880 C 2173 Reynolds, J. L., Last Will of. 1872. .♦C 1698 Rhodes, C. Biography; with Personal Reminiscences, by Jameson. 1897.C11623 Ribalt, J. Life; by Sparks. 1848 C 75,17 Ricaroo, D. Letters to Malthus, 1810-23 ; ed. by Bonar. 1887 C 72^ Letters to Trower and others, 181 1- 1823; ed. by Bonar and HollanderCi8844 Ricci, S. de. Memoir; by Potter. 1829.C 3827 Rice, J. B., Memorial Address on. i875*C 1476 Rice, Rev. J. H. Memoir; by Maxwell. 183s C11574 Richard L, King of England, History of ; by Abbott. 1857 H 40 Life ; by Aytoun. 1840 1 3617 Life of Richard Coeur-de-Lion ; by James. 2v. 1854 1 3040 Richard IL, King of England, History of ; by Abbott. 1858 H 30 Richard IIL, King of England, History of; by Abbott. 1874 H 31 as Duke and King; by Halsted. 2v. 1844 C 890 Life ; by Gairdner. 1879 C 2975 Life and Times ; by Legge. 2v. i88s.C 2967 Memoirs of; by Jesse. 2v. 1894. A 3303 Richards, L. E. When I was your Age. 1894 C10262 Richardson, H. H., and his Works; by Van Rensselaer. 1888 *P 921 Richardson, Sir J. Life; by Mcllraith. 1868 C 2979 Richardson, S. ; by Jeflfrey. 1853 I4000.16 Correspondence; ed. by Barbauld. 6v. 1804 c 1028 Critical Study; by Thomson. 1900.C18847 Richardson, W. A. Sketch of Life and Public Services; by Hackett. 1898C1880& Richelieu, Cardinal, and Growth of French Power; by Perkins. 1900C18851 Life ; by Lodge. 1896 Ci 1625 Life ; by Masson. 1884 C 3832 Life ; by Robson. 1854 C 382a Vie de ; par Capefigue. 1865 C 4285 Vie de ; par Monzie. 1880 C 5940 Richelieu, L. F. A. du P., Due de. Me- moires. 9v. 1793 C 6377 Richmond, Mrs. C. L. V. S. Life Work ; by H. D. Barrett. 1895 Cii59^ Richmond, M. B., Countess of Richmond and Derby. Life ; by Halsted. '39C 633 RiCHTER, J. P. F., Aus dem Leben von. 1862 ^ . . .02170,34 Denkwiirdigkeiten ; von Forster. 4v. 1863 D 4182 Leben und Werke; von Nerrlich. 1889 D 6126 Life ; comp. by Lee. 1845 Ci 1585 The same. 1864 ..C 1198 Ridley, N., Bishop. Memoirs; by G. Ridley. 1763 *V 2072 RiEDESEL, F. A., Leben ; von Eelking. 3v. 1856 .D 4177 Memoir ; by Eelking. 2v. 1868... *V 488 RiENZo Cola di, und seine Zeit; von Papencordt. 1841 D 5957 RiETSCHEL, E. Autobiography and Mem- oir; by Oppermann. 1875 C 3821 RiGBY, Col. A. Sketch of his Career ; by Banks. 1885 *Ci88o6 Ringgold, S. Memoir ; by Winne. i857*Ci696,i Ripley, G. Life; by Frothingham. 1882.C 2167 RiSTORi, A. fitudes et Souvenirs. 1887. C 6480 Studies and Memoirs; an Autobiog- raphy. 1888 C 3806 Ritchie, Mrs. A. C. O. M. Autobiog- raphy of an Actress. 1854 C 443 Ritchie, Mrs. A. I. T. Memoirs. 1895.C11586 RiTSON, J. Life and Publications; by Haslewood. 1824 C11594 Rittenhouse, D. Life; by Renwick.'7oC 75,7 Memoirs; by Barton. 1813 C 2180 Ritter, C. Life; by Gage. 1867 C 3817 Riviere, J. My Musical Life and Recol- lections. 1893 C11577 342 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. RizAL^ J., Philippine Scholar and Patriot ; Biography, by F. Blumentritt.'pS.C 18809 Rob Roy. See Macgregor, R. RoBBiA, LucA DELLA. Life; by Baxter. 1883 .„. C 3811 RoBBiNS, T., Diary, 1796-1825; ed. by Tarbox. 2v. 1886-7 *V 762 RoBERT-HouDiN, J. E. See Houdin, R. Roberts, D. Life; byfeallantyne. i876*V 186 Robertson, F. W. Life and Letters; by Brooke. 1871 -C 892 The same. 2v. 1891 C1881 1 Robertson, T. W. Life and Writings; by Pemberton. 1893 C11615 Robespierre, M. M. L Histoire de; par Hamel. 3v. 1865-7 C 5203 Life ; by Lewes. 1849 C 3830 Robespierre and the Red Terror; by Brink. 1899 A 1741 Robinson, H. C. Diary, Reminiscences and Correspondence. 1877 C 897 Robinson, M. Autobiography. 1856. .C 896 Robinson, Mrs. M. D. (Perdita). Mem- oirs; by her Daughter. 1895 Cii597 Robinson, W. Memoir; by E. Robin- son. 1859 c 3436 Robinson, W. S. Warrington Pen-Por- traits; Reminiscences, 1848-76. . .C 2168 Robsart, a. Amye Robsart and the Earl of Leycester; by Adlard. 1870.. C 899 RoccA, E., Conte della. Autobiography of a Veteran, 1807-93. 1893 C18813 Rochefort, Comtesse de, et ses Amis; par Lomenie. 1879 C 5563 Rochefort-Lucay, V. H., Marquis de. Adventures of my Life. 2v. 1896C11621 RoDGERS, J. Memoirs; by Miller. 1813.C 2172 Rodin, A., Statuaire; par Maillard. '99CC 1170 Rodney, G. B. R., Baron. Life ; by Han- nay. 1891 C10747 Roe, E. P. Autobiography. 1888. ..... .F 1417 Reminisences ; by M. A. Roe. 1899.C1881S Rogers, A. Memoirs; by himself. 1834.C 3535 Rogers, Mrs. H. A. R., Experience of. 1832 C 898 Life and Journal of; ed. by Davies. 1882 C11588 Rogers, J. (b. 1500). Biography ; By Ches- ter. 1861 C 2962 Rogers, J. (b. 1594). Life and Opinions of a Fifth-Monarchy Man; by E. Rogers. 1867 C 2973 Rogers, S., and his Contemporaries; by Clayden. 2v. 1889 C 3837 Early Life ; by Clayden. 1888 C 768 Recollections of. 1859 C 51 Rogers, W. B^ Life and Letters; ed. by his Wife. 2v. 1896 Ci 1606 Roland, Mme. M. J. P. Biographical Study ; by Tarbell. 1896 . " C 1 1 576 et Charlotte Corday; par Lamy. '84C 5651 et son Temps; par Dauban. 1864. .C12291 Geschichte; von Wehlen. 1869 D 1850 History of; by Abbott. 1850 H 75 Lettres autographes. 1835 C 6387 Lettres choisies; par Dauban. 1867. C 6497 Life ; by Blind. 1886 C 3807 Mme. Roland et Marie Antoinette; par Mazade. 1866 C 5805 Private Memoirs; ed. by Johnson. 1900 C18786 Rollat, E., la reverende Mere Rollat, Superieure de Nazareth. Vie; par Gautrelet. 1879 C 6503 Rollenhagen, G. ; von Gaedertz. 1881.D 4191 Romanes, G. J. Life and Letters ; ed. by his Wife. 1896 C11599 RoMiLLY, 5'«> S., Life of. 2v. 1842... ..C 893 Romney, G., and his Art; by Gamlin.'94Cii578 Romulus, History of ; t)y Abbott. 1873.H 32 Ronner, H., the Painter of Cat Life and Cat Character ; by Spielmann.'92*P 1586 Roosevelt, T. Life ; by Clemens. 1899.C18831 the Pride of the Rough Riders ; by Handford. 1900 C18832 Root, G. F. Story of a Musical Life. 1891C11575 Root, J. W. Life and Work; by Mon- roe. 1896 C11607 Rosa, S. Life; by Morgan. 2v. 1824. C 1214 RoscoE, W. Life; by H. Roscoe. 2v. 1833 C 900 Rose, vS'^, of Lima. Vie ; par Bussierre. 1863 C12345 Rose, G. Diaries and Correspondence ; ed. by Harcourt. 2v. i860 C11616 RosEBERY, Sir A. P. P. Lord Rosebery, Life and Speeches ; by Coates. 2 v. 1900 C18856 ROSEGGER, P. K. M.ein Weltleben. 1898.D13708 Rosmini-Serbatl Life ; ed. by Lockhart. 2v. 1886 C 3836 Life ; by Macwalter. 1883 C 3831 Ross, C. B. Father's Story of Charley Ross ; by C. K. Ross. 1876 C 479 Ross, J. Early Days recalled. 1891...C11579 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 343 RossETTi, C. G. Biographical Study; by Bell. 1898 C18817 RossETTi, G. C. D., and the Pre-Raphael- ite Movement; by Wood. 1894X11581 Art and Life; by Marillier. 1899.*? 1781 as a Designer and Writer ; by W. M. Rossetti. 1889 C11580 Family-Letters with Memoir; by W. M. Rossetti. 2v. 1895 Ci 1582 Life ; by Knight. 1887 C 3730 Recollections of; by Caine. 1883. . .C 2971 Record and Study of ; by Sharp. '82C 2972 and C G. The Rossettis; by Gary. 1900 C18818 Rossini, G., and his School ; by Edwards. 1881 C 3825 Biographic; von Wurzbach. 1871.D4184.S Life ; by Edwards. 1869 C 1188 Vie de ; par Beyle. 1876 C 4279 Rousseau, J. J., and Education accord- ing to Nature ; by Davidson. 1898C10440 Bekenntnisse. 1870 D 285 Confessions. 1861 C 1206 Confessions (in French). 1825.06517,17-19 Lcs Confessions dc. 1891 C 6350 Corrcspondancc (tw French) , .€6517,22-27 La Famillc ct la Jeuncsse dc; par Ritter. 1896 C12914 Leben; von Brockerhoff. 3v. in 2.D 6146 Life ; by Graham. 1883 J 2250 Life ; by Morlcy. 2v. 1873 C 1 178 Rovico, A. J. M. R. S., Due de. Memoirs. 4v. 1828 A 1514 RowE, A. D. Biographical Sketch; by Qutz. 1883 ♦C1697.1 RowE, R. Diary of an Early Methodist. 1880 C 2976 RowsoN, Mrs. S. H. Memoirs; by Nason. 1870 C 482 Rubens, P. P. Life; by Calvert. 1876. C 3822 Life ; by Kett. 1879 C 3826 Life and Genius ; by Waagen. 1840.C 3823 Life, Work and Time ; by Michel. 2v. 1899 *P 1779 Original Papers. 1859 C 1176 Rubinstein, A. Autobiography, 1829-89. Ci 1602 Biographical Sketch; by M'Arthur. 1889 C11601 Rubinstein, S. AusderInnenwelt.i888.D 7217 RuDDiMAN, T. Life; by Chalmers. 1794C 2977 RUECKERT, F. Biographic; von Beyer. 1868 D 6090 RuECKERT, H. Leben und Wirken; von Sohr. 1882 D 419 J RuEMELiN, C. G. Life; written by him- self. 1892 Ci 1605 RuETE, E. Memoirs of an Arabian Prin- cess; an Autobiography. 1888. .C 3835 RuMFORD, Count. Life; by Renwick.'48C 75,15 Memoir ; by Ellis. 1872 C 525 Rupert, Prince. Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers; by Warburton. 3V.1849C 1239 Rupert, Prince Palatine; by Scott. 1899 CiiS9^ RusKiN, J. Hortus Inclusus [Letters]. 1887 C 3065 John Ruskin; by MeynoU. 1900. . .C18829 Letters to a College Friend, 1840-45. 1894 C11618 Life and Teachings ; by Mather. '84c 2981 Life and Work ; by Collingwood. 2v. 1893 C11617 Life, Work and Opinions; by Spiel- mann. 1900 C18828 Praterita; my Past Life. 3v. 1886- 1900 C 2982 The same, v. i, 2. 1886 *C 3066 Social Reformer; by Hobson. 1898.C18827 Russell, G. W. E. Collections and Recollections. 1898 C17549 Russell, J., Curate, Out-of-Door Life; a Memoir of. 1883 C 2978 Russell, J. (R. A.). Life; by J. C. Wil- liamson. 1894 *V 2069 Russell, J. R., ist Earl. Life ; by Reid. 1895 C11626 Life ; by Walpole. 2v. 1889 C11590 Russell, LarfyR. W. Letters. 1826. .02980 Letters. 1853 C 1026 Love in Marriage, Study of her Life ; by Guizot. 1864 C18822 Russell, W., Lord. Life; by J. Rus- sell. 1853 C 902- Russell, House of; by Wiffen. 1833.. C 903 Memoirs; by Wiffen. 2v. 1833... C 904 Ruyter M. a. de. Leven; door Gerrits. 1831 ••••D 9724 Ryan, T. Recollections of an Old Musi- cian. 1899- • C 18837 Ryan, W. A. C, Life and Adventures of. 1876 C 492 Ryder, W. H., Last Will and Testament . of. 1886 *P 335 Ryerson, E. Story of my Life; ed. by Hodgins. 1883 C 2380 344 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Sable, Marquise de; par Cousin. 1869. C 4375 Sachs, Hans. Life; by Wildenhahn. 1881 ....C 3870 and seine Zeit; von Genee. 1894.D13715 Sadler, M. T., Life and Writings of; by Seeley. 1842 ? C11640 Sadler, Sir R. Life; by Stoney. 1877. C 3004 Sage, H. W., Memorial Exercises in Honor of. 1898 C18865 St. Albans, Duchess of. Memoirs; by Wilson. 2v. 1886 C 2956 Saint John, H. See Bolingbroke, Lord. Saint Joseph, Mother (Jane Chanay) . Life ; by Lebeurier. 1876 C 3841 Saint-Pierre, J. H. B. de. Life; by Barine. 1893 • C 3488 Saint Simon, Duke of; by Collins. 1880C 3842 Sala, G. a. H., Life and Adventures of; by himself. 2v. 1895 C11639 Things I have seen and People I have known. 2v. 1894 C11638 Saladin I., Sultan of Egypt and Syria. Life; by Ibn Shaddad. 1897. • • -€18870 and Fall of Jerusalem ; by Poole.'98Ci887i Salamon, L. Memoires inedits de ■ rinternonce a Paris, 1 790-1 80 i.'9oC 6555 Unpublished Memoirs of the Inter- nuncio at Paris, 1790-1801. 1896.C11628 Saldanha, Duke of. Memoirs; by Car- nota. 2v. 1880 C 3867 Salisbury, Marquis of (R. A. T. G. Cecil ) . Life ; by Traill. 1891 • . • C10634 Life and Speeches ; by Pulling. 1885.C10635 Salm-Salm, Princess. Ten Years of my Life. 1877 C 3846 Salt, Sir T. Life; by Burnley. 1885. -C 3103 Saltoun, Lord. Scraps ; Memories of my Earlier Days. 2v. 1883 C 3036 Salvator Rosa. S^e Rosa, S. Salvini, T. Leaves from Autobiography. 1893 C11663 Sampson, Deborah. See Gannett, Mrs. Sancho, I. Letters; with Memoir. 2v. 1782 C 3845 The same; ed. by Jekyll. 1803. C 3881 Sand, George. See Dudevant, Mme. Sandby, T. and P. Lives; by W. Sand- by. 1892 •. C11630 Sands, B. F. From Reefer to Rear-Ad- miral, 1827-74. 1899 C18867 Sandwith, H. Memoir of ; by Ward. '84.C 3033 Sanford, E. S. In Memoriam, 1817-88. . . C18881 Sanford, J. Memoirs ; by Baird. 1836. . C18883 Santi, G. See Sanzio, G. Santley, C. Student and Singer; Rem- iniscences. 1892 C11631 Sanzio, G. Life; by Passavant. i872.*C 3829 Sanzio, R. See Raphael. Sarcey, F. Recollections of Middle Life. 1893 . . .' C11703 Souvenirs de Jeunesse. 1885 C 6722 Sardou, v., a Personal Study ; by Mrs. Maccheta. 1892 C11698 Sargent, J., Sermon on ; by Burgess. 1864 *C 1699 Sarpi, p. See Paolo, Era. Sartain, J. Reminiscences of a Very Old Man, 1808-97 C18868 Sarto, Andrea del. Life ; by Guinness. 1899 C18721 Life ; by Scott. 1881 C 3225 Saumarez, J. S. DE, Baron. Memoirs and Correspondence ; by Ross. 2v. 1838 C 3001 Sauvage, p. L. F. Un Inventeur me- connu ; par Paillart. 1884 C 6136 Savage, J. Memoir ; by Hillard. i878.*Ci696,4 Savage, R. Life; by Johnson. 1775. . .J 248,1 Savary, a. J. M. R. See Rovigo, Due de. Savery, W., Life, Travels and Religious Labors of. 1861 C 2339 Savonarola, G. Biographical Study; by Lucas. 1899 C18874 Leven ; door Perrens. i860 D 9635 Life ; by M'Hardy. 1901 C16846 Life; by Villari. 2v. 1863 C 1199 Life and Martyrdom ; by Madden. 2v. 1854 C 3878 Life and Times; by Clark. 1890.. C 3864 Storia di. Villari. 2v. 1887-8. .. .C 9481 Vie ; par Perrens. 1859 C 6228 Was Savonarola really excommuni- cated ? by O'Neil. * 1900 C18875 Saxe, Count Maurice de. Leben; von Weber. 1863 D 6149 Schack, a. F. von. Ein halbes Jahr- hundert. 3v. in 2. 1888 D 6094 ScHAFF, P. Life ; by D. S. Schaff. 1897X11738 Scharnhorst, G. D. Leben; von Klip- pel. 3v. 1869-71 D 4196 Leben; von Lehmann. 2v. 1866-7.D 6104 Sohauffler, W. G. -Autobiography; ed. by his Sons. 1887 C 3886 Scheffel, J. V. v., Erinnerungen an; von Zernin. 1887 D 6127 Leben und Dichten; von Ruhemann. 1887 D 6097 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 345 Si.iiLFFER, A. Leven; door Grote. 1861.D 9308 Memoir ; by Grote. i860 C 3843 ScHENKENDORF, G. F. M. von. Lcbcn ; von Hagen. 1863 D 278 ScHETKY, J. C. Sketches from Life; by S. L. F. Schetky. 1877 C 3869 Schiller, E. D. K. Schillers Mutter; ein Lebensbild ; von Miiller. 1894.D14021 Schiller, J. C. F., and Goethe; by Boyc- sen. 1879 C 3358 and his Times; by Schcrr. 1880 .C 3856 Briefwechsel mit Cotta. 1876 D 4207 Briefwechsel mit Goethe. 1881 D 6087 Briefwechsel mit seiner Schwester. 1875 D 4208 Chicago's Schiller-Denkmal. i886*R 4348 Correspondence witJ) Goethe, 1794- 1805. 2v. 1877-9 1 2998 Correspondence with Korncr. 3v. '49C 1 194 im Urthcile seiner Zcitgenosscn ; von Braiin. 6v. 1882 D 4024 Jugenddichtung and Jugendleben; von Mueller. 1896 D13717 Lebcn ; von I)iintzcr." 1881 D 4056 Leben und Sterben; von Kiihn. '59. D 278 Lcbcn und Werke; von Minor. 2v. 1890 D 5944 Lcbcn und Wcrkc; vpn Pallcskc. 2v. 1877 D 4209 Life; by Carlylc. 1869 G 75 The same C 1193 Life; by Duntzer. 1883 C 3866 Life; by Nevinson. 1889 C 3746 Life; by Simc. 1882 J 2248 Life and Works; by Palleske. 2v. i860 C 1243 Schiller in seinem Verhaltniss zu Frcundschaft u. Licbe; von Portig. 1894 D14020 und Goethe; von Duntzer. 1859. ..D 6024 und Goethe; von Kneschke. 1858. D 267 iir.il seine Zeit ; von Scherr. 1859. D 281 SCHIMMELMANN, CouittCSS A. C. L. Glimpses of my Life; ed. by Fog- gitt. 1896 C18910 SciiiMMELPENNiNCK, M. A. G. Life-; by Hankin. 1859 C 907 ScHLEGEL, D. voN, uud dcren Sohne ; her. von Raich. 2v. 1881 D 6098 ScHLEiERMACHER. F. E. Autobiography. 2v. i860 C 1218 ScHLiEMANN, H. Sclbstbiographic. '92.D 5924 Schlosser, F. C. Leben; von Weber.T876D 4213 cm Nekrolog: von Gervinus. 1861.D 4214 Schlueter, A. Leben; von Gurlitt. 1891D 5951 Schneider, J. C. F. Ein Lebensbild; von Kempe. 1864 D 4197 Schneider, L. Aus meinem Leben. 3V. 1879-80 D 4212 Schnitzer, E. (Emin Pasha). In Cen- tral Africa; Letters and Journals. 1888 1 8690 Life, and Work; by Little. 1889. .C 3977 Schnorr von Carolsfeld, J. Briefe aus Italien. 1886 D 5937 ScHOBER, T. Unter fiinf Konigen und drei Kaisern. 1891 D 5999 ScHOFiELD, Gen. J. M. Forty-Six Years in the Army. 1897 C18887 Schopenhauer, A. Biographic; von Wurzbach. 1871 04184,6 Briefwechsel mit J. A. Becker. 1883D 4198 Leben; von'Frauenstadt. 1863 ....D 4219 Leben ; von G winner. 1862 D 4220 Life; by Wallace. 1890 C11547 Life ; by Zimmem. 1876 C 3844 Schubert, F. P. Life; by Frost. 1881.C 3871 Life; by Hellborn. 2v. 1869 C 1196 The same; abridged by Wilber- force. 1866 C 1225 Schumann, R., Early Letters of; tr. by Herbert. 1888 C 3879 Life ; by Maitland. 1884 C 3873 Life ; by Reissmann. 1886 1 2926 Life ; by Wasielewski. 1878 C 3863 Life in his Letters. 2v. 1890 C11646 Vie ; par David. 1886 \ C12290 Schuyler, Mrs. C. Van R. Catherine Schuyler; by Humphreys. 1897.C18888 A Godchild of Washington, a Picture of the Past ; by Baxter. 1897. . .*V 2217 Memoirs; by Grant. 1846 1 109 The same. 1876 1 353 Schuyler, P. J. Life; by Lossing. 2v. 1872 C 483 Schwartz, C. F. Memoirs; by Pearson. 2v. 1835 C 3862 Schwa^rzenberg, Prince C. Denkwiirdig- keiten ; von Prokesch-Osten. 1861D13713 ScoRESBY, W. Life ; by Jackson. 1861 . . . C11668 Scott, C. The Wheel of Life; a few Memories. 1898 C18923 Scott, D. Memoir; by W. B. Scott. '50C11665 Scott, ^'xV G. G. Recollections, 1879. C 916 Scott, Jas. R. H. Memoirs ; by Ornsby. 2v. 1884 C11666 Scott, Job. Life. Travels and Gospel Labours. 1797 C 3196 346 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Scott, J., ist Earl of Eldon. See Eldon. Scott, Sir W. Abbotsford, Personal and Antiquarian Treasures; by M. M. Scott. 1893 *P 1638 Familiar Letters of. 2v. 1894 C11648 Journal of, from the Manuscript at Abbotsford. 2v. 1890 C11647 Leben; von Eberty. 2v. 1871. . . .D 6099 Leben ; von Elze. 1864 D 282 Life ; by Gleig. 1871 Ci 1635 Life ; by Hutton. 1878 C 1488 Life: by Mackenzie. 1871 C 911 Life ; by Saintsbury. 1897 C18937 .Life ; by Yonge. 1888 C 3731 Memoirs; by Lockhart. 3v. 1873. C 912 Sir Walter Scott; by Hudson. 1901C11634 Scott, Gen. W. Autobiography. 2v. 1864C 486 Illustrated Life; by Strother. 1847.C 484 Life ; by Mansfield. 1846 C 485 Life ; by Wright. 1894 Ci 1707 Scott, W. B. Autobiographical Notes, 1830-82; ed. by Minto. 2v. 1892.C11633 ScovEL, S. Memoir; by Wood. 1851..C 494 Seabury, S. Life and Correspondence; by Beardsley. 1881 C 2206 Searight, W. and R. In Loving Mem- ory ; by J. A. Searight C11699 Sears, D. Memoir; by Winthrop. '86.*Ci696.8 Seaton, W. W. Biographical Sketch of. 1871 ■ C 488 Sedgwick, A. Life and Letters ; by Clark and "Hughes. 2v. 1890 C11642 Sedgwick, C. M. Life and Letters ; ed. by Dewey. 1871 Ci 1652 The same. 1872.... C 487 Sedgwick, Gen. J. Address on; by Mc- Mahon. 1880 *Ci697,i StcuR, L. G. A. de, Directeur des Ames ; par Chaumont. 2v. 1884 C12136 Souvenirs d' un Frere. 2v. 1884-5. C 6675 Segur, p. p., Comte de, an Aide-de-Camp of Napoleon. Memoirs, 1800- 1812.C1 1629 Seigneret, p. M. J. C. Life and Letters. 1875 C 3848 Selwyn, G. a., and his Contemporaries ; by Jesse. 4v. 1882 C 3040 • Letters and Life; ed. by Roscoe and Clergue. 1899 C18894 Life and Times ; by Hay ward. 1854I4000.17 Selwyn, G. A., Bishop. Life and Work ; by Curteis. 1889 Ci 1643 Memoir; by Tucker. 2v. 1879 C 3039 Senior, N. W. Conversations with Thiers, Guizot, and others. 2v. '78C 926 Correspondence with De Tocqueville. 1872 C 1217 Sergent, a. F» Reminiscences of a Regi- cide; ed. by Simpson. 1889 C11645 Seton, Mrs. E. A. B. Life; by White. 1873 ...'. C 490 Sevlrn, J. Life and Letters; by Sharp. 1892 C11664 Sevier, J., as a Commonwealth Builder; by Gilmore. 1887 B 345 Sevigne, Mme. de, and her Contempo- raries. 2v. 1841 C 3877 Best Letters; ed. by Anderson. 1891C11644 en Bretagne; par La Briere. 1882. C 5618 et Mme. de Maintenon, Esprit de. 2v. 1819 C 4840 Letters; ed. by Mrs. Hale. 1874.. C 3847 Lettres choisies. 1872 C 6761 The same. 1870 * V 11 10 Life ; by Boissier. 1888 C 3481 Life ; by Ritchie. 1881 J 2251 The same. 1881 T G 1062 Life and Correspondence of; by Puliga. 2v. 1873 C 1181 Vie de; par Lamartine. 1862. . . .C5639,36 Sewall, J., Memoir of ; by his Son. 1853C 221D Sewall, S. Life ; by Chamberlain. 1897.C11627 Sewall, S. E. Memoir; by Tiffany. 1898C18873 Seward, A. Letters. 6v. 1811 C 3003 Seward, W. H. Autobiography, 1801-34; ed. by F. W. Seward. 3v. i89i.Cii65i Life ; by Baker. 1855 C 489 Life ; by Bancroft. 2v. 1900 C18884 Life ; by Lothrop. 1896 C18885 Life and Services; by Adams. 1873C 491 Seyffarth, G. Biographische Skizze; von Knortz. 1886 C 221 1 Literary Life; an Auto-biographical Sketch. 1886 C 22ir Seymour, H. Life: by McCabe. 1868. C 497 Life and Services; by Croly. 1868C10366 Sforza, C. Life; by Pasolini. 1898..C18877 Sforza, F. a., Duke of Milan. Life and Times; by Urquhart. 2v. 1852. C 3849 Shackleford, J. W. Addresses on. 1883C 2212 Shaftesbury, ist Earl of. Life; by Christie. 2v. 1871 C 669 Life; by Martyn and Kippis. 2v. 1836 C 2524 Life ; by Traill. 1886 C 3043 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 347 Shaftesbury, 3d Earl of. Life; by Fow- ler. 1883 L 1924 Original Letters. 1847 C 811 Shaftesbury, 7//i Earl of. Life; by- Frith. 1887 C 3098 758 917 23 490 208 Life and Work; by Hodder. 3v. '86C 3048 Shakspere, W., and his Times; by Drake. 1817 *V and Stratford-upon-Avon; by Hun- ter. 1864 C Biography; by Knight. 1843 *V Birthplace and Neighborhood; by Wise. 1861 E 9953 Birthplace, Home and Grave; by Jephson. 1864 C 3930 Book about Shakespeare for Young People; by M'llwraith. 1898 E 9975 Drawings and Engravings illustrative of Life; by Halliwell-Phillipps. 1884 ♦? History of New Place, Stratford- upon-Avon; by Halliwell-Phillipps. 1864 *R Home and Haunts; by Williams. 1892 •? 1341 Home and Rural Life; by Walter. 1874 *P 531 Home at New Place ; by Bellcw. •63E 9658 Illustrations of Life; by Halliwell- Phillipps. 1874 *V 46 Inquiry into Portraits of; by Wivell. 1827 C11674 Leben ; von Elze. 1876 D 5496 Life ; by Dodd. 1849 E 679 Life; by Halliwell-Phillipps. 1848. C 922 Life; by Hugo. 1887 E 9707 Life ; by Lee. 1898 C11677 Life ; by Skottowe. 2v. 1824 C 3026 Life ; by White. 1865 C 923 Life ; comp. by Wilder. 1893 C11676 Life and Genius of; by Kenny. 1864C 921 Life and Work; by Fleay. 1886. ..C 3023 Life, Art and Characters; by Hud- son. 2v. 1875 E 9731 Life Portraits; by Friswell. 1864.. Ci 1675 Life, Studies and Writings; by Hun- ter. 2v. 1845 E 9957 Memorials of ; ed. by Drake. 1828*. C 924 Outlines of Life of; by Halliwell- Phillipps. 1884 C 3027 The same, 6th ed. 2v. 1886. . .C 3047 Poet, Dramatist, Man; by Mabie. 1900 C18902 Rural Life; by C R. Smith. 1874- -E 9961 Shakspere, W., his Times and Contem- . , poraries; by Tweddell. .1852....E 9947 Shakespeare, the Boy; by Rolfe.'96G 18900 Shakespeare the Man; by G. Smith. 1900 * E 9908 Shakespeare's Insomnia; by Head. 1887 E 9706 Shakespeare's Town and Times; by Ward. 1896 €18901 Shakespearian Facsimiles ; a Collec- tion of Documents, by Halliwell- Phillipps. 1863 *P 1058 Stratford Records and Shakespeare Autotypes; by Halliwell-Phillipps. 1887 E 9991 Tale of the Shakspere Epitaph; by Clark. 1888 E 9996 True Life; by Walter. 1890 *V 1369 Vie ; par Hugo. 1880 C 5255 What we know ..about Shakespeare; by Dall. '86 C 3028 Sharp, G. Life; by Stuart. 1836 C 3018 Sharps, C. K. Letters from and to; ed. by Allardyce. 2v. 1888 C 3760 Sharpe, S. Egyptologist and Transla- tor of the Bible ; by Clayden. '83C 3032 Shaw, K. Life; by Baxter. 1879 C 2213 Shaw, R. G., ^Jonument to. 1897 C18892 Shaw, W. S., Memorials of; by Felt. 1852 C 2215 Shee, Sir M. A. Life; by M. A. Shee. 2v. i860 C 918 Sheffield, J. E. Life; by Porter. 'S2*Ci6g7,2 ^HEiL, R. L. Memoirs ; by Torrens. 2v. 1855 C 920 Shelburne, Earl. See Lansdowne, Mar- Shelley, Mrs. M. W. G. Life; by Moore. 1886 C 3044 Life ; by L. M. Rossetti. 1890 C11658 Life and Letters; by Marshall. 2v. 1889 C11656 Shelley, P. B. Anecdote Biography; by Stoddard. 1877 C 931 and Byron, Last Days of; by Tre- lawny.- 1858 C 930 and his Writings ; by I.Iid Jleton. 2v. 1858 C 928 as Philosopher; by Sotheran. 1876.C 929 Best Letters of; ed. by Hughson.'92Cii654 Critical Biography ; by Smith. 1877C 3007 Early Life; by MacCarthy. 1872. .C 932 Last Days of; by Biagi. 1898 C18921 343 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Shelley, P. B. Life ; by Dowden. 2v. '87C 3046 Life ; by Hogg. 2v. 1858 C 3009 Life ; by Sharp. 1887 C zil^. Life ; by Symonds. 1879 C I493 The Man and the Po^t; by Rabbe. 1888 C 1020 Memoir of ; by Medwin. 1883 C 3052 Memoir of; by Rossetti. 1886 C11655 Memorials ; ed. by Lady Shelley. '75C 3008 The Real Shelley ; by Jeaffreson. 2v. 1885 C 3041 Records ; by Trelawny. 1878 C 3006 Select Letters; ed. by Garnett. 1883C 3005 Shepard, T. Life; by Albro. 1847. . .Ci450,4 Sherbrooke, R. L., Viscount. Life and Letters; by Martin. 2v. 1893. . .Ci 1636 Sherburne, A. Autobiography. 1828. C 493 Sheridan, Mrs. F. E. C. Memoirs; by Lefanu. 1824 C 3013 Shertoan, Gen. P. H. Life; by Davies. 1895 C11728 Personal Memoirs. 2v. 1888 C 2376 Sheridan, R. B., and his Times. 2v. '49C 3010 Biography; by Rae. 2v. 1896 C18890 Life ; by Oliphant. 1883 C 3011 Life; by Sanders C11548 Memoir of; by Moore. 2v. 1866.. C 925 Sherman, James, Memoir of, with Autobiography; by Allon. 1863. C 933 Sherman, John. Forty Years in the House, Senate and Cabinet, 1854- 1894. 2v C11729 Life ; by Poore. 1880 *E 743,3 Sherman, R. Life; by Boutell. 1896.C11727 Sherman, Gen. W. T. General Sher- man ; by Force. 1899 C18891 Memoirs. 2v. 1875 ^ 508 and J. Sherman. Correspondence, 1837-91 ; ed. by Thorndike C11673 Sherwin, T. Life; by Waterston. 1870. .C 495 Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. An Epistle to Posterity; Recollections. 1897. .C 18934 Here & There & Everywhere; Rem- iniscences. 1898 C18935 Shields, Gen. J. Life; by Condon. 1900C18897 Shillitoe, T. Journal of Life, Labors and Travels. 2v. 1839 C 909 The Quaker Missionary; by Tallack. 1867 C 910 Shipp, J., Extraordinary Military Career of; by himself. 1890 C11649 The same. 3v. 1832 C 3021 Sibley, H, H., Ancestry, Life, and Times of; by West. 1889 C11662 Siddons, Mrs. S. K. Life; by Campbell. 2v. 1834 C 3017 Life ; by 'JCennard. 1887 C 3050 Memoirs; by Boaden. 1893 C11682 The same. 2v. 1827 C 3000 Sidney, A. Life; by Ewald. 2v. 1873.C 945 xVIemoirs; by Meadley. 1813 C 3974 Sidney, Sir P.; by Symonds. 1887.... C 1520 Life and Times of; by Davis. 1875. C 935 Memoir ; by Bourne. 1862 C 936 Memoirs of Life and Writings; by Zouch. 1808 *V 2060 Type of English Chivalry; by Bourne. 1891 C11657 Siemens, Sir C. W. Life; by Pole. '88. Ci 1650 Siemens, W. v. Personal Recollections; tr. by Coupland. 1893 .C11669 SiEVERS, Graf J. J. imd Russland; von Blum. 1864 D 2S3 Sigismund, Emperor of Germany. Ge- schichte Kaiser Sigmund's ; von Aschbach. 4v. in 2. 1838-45. . .D13710 Signorelli, L. Life; by Cruttwell. 1899C18722 SiGOURNEY, Mrs. L. H. Letters of Life. 1886 C 496 Silliman, B. Life; by Fisher. 2v. '66. .C 500 Life and Services; by Woolsey. 1855 *Ci696,9 SiLLiTOE, A. W. Church Work in Brit- ish Columbia; Memoir, by Gowen. 1899 C18929 SiMMS, W. G. Life; by Trent. 1892..C11653 Simpson, Sir J. Y., and Chloroform, 181 1- 1870 ; by Gordon. 1897 C 10454 Life; by E. B. Simpson. 1896 C18895 Simpson, Mrs. M. C. M. Many Mem- ories of many People. 1898 C18928 Simpson, T., Life of; by A. Simpson. '45C 3015 SiMROCK, K. J. Leben; von Hocker.'77D 4210 Sims, J. M. Story of my Life. 1884. .C 2214 Sinclair, Sir G. Memoir ; by Grant. 1870C 927 SiXTUS v.. Pope., et Henri IV. ; par Segretain. 1861 C 6762 Life and Times ; by Hiibner. 2v. '72C 3850 The same, condensed by Meline. 1872 C 1 193 Skinner, M., Judge. Life and Services; by Anthony. 1887 *Ci696,9 Skinner, Maj. T. Fifty Years in Cey- lon; an Autobiography. 1891 Ci88q8 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 349 941 4195 Skobeleff; M. D., and Slavonic Cause; by Novikov. 1883 C 3875 Reminiscences of; by Nemirovitch. ^^4 C3876 SlateRj S. Memoir ; by White. 1836. . C 937 Slocum, F. Biography; by Aleginness. 1891 C11659 Smart, H. Life and Works; by Spark. ^881 C11661 Smee, A. Memoir; by Odling. 1878.. C Smetana, a. Geschichte eines Excom- municirten; eine Selbstbiographie. 1865 D Smetham, J. Letters, with Memoir; ed. by S. Smetham and Davies. 189-' C11683 Smith, Mrs. A. A. Journal and Corre- spondence. 1841 C 173 Smith, Adam. Life; by Farrer. 1881.L 1921 Life ; by Haldanc. 1887 C 373^ Life; by Rae. 1895 C11725 Vie, Travaux, Doctrines; par Dela- tour. 1886 C4S60 Smith, Alexander, Early Years of; by Brisbane. 1869 C 940 Smith, C. R. Retrospections. 1883... C 3794 Smith, George (of Coalville. Eng.); a Chapter in Philanthrophy. 1880. C 905 Smith, Gerret. Biography; by Froth- ingham. 1878 C 502 Smith, H. B. Life; by Steams. 1892.C10805. Life and Work ; ed. by E. L. Smith. 1881 C 2220 Smith, Capt. John. Adventures; by Ashton. 1884 C 3035 Biography; by Hill. 1871 H 465 Life ; by Simms. 1867 C 2219 Life; by True. 1882 C 2218 Life ; by Warner. 1881 C 2223 Life and Adventures; by Hillard. 1873 C 75,2 Smith, Elder John. Life; by Williams. 1879 C 2221 Smith, Joseph, the Prophet. Biography; by L. Smith. 1880 C 222s Life; by Tullidge. 1880 C 2222 Smith, J. H. Trial of for Treason; ed. by Dawson. 1866 *N 5037 Smith, J. P. Life; by Medway. 1853. C 3030 Smith, J. T. Book for a Rainy Day; Recollections, 1766-1832 C11660 Smith, M. L. R., Memoir of. 1883. . .*C 3031 Smith, Sol. Theatrical Management in West and South. 1868 C 503 Smith, Sydney. Life and Times; by Reid. 1885 c 3034 Memoir ; by Holland. 1869 C 938 Smith, ^iV T. Life; by Strype. 1820.*? 132 Smith, Maj. Gen. T. K. J. Life and Letters; by W. G. Smith. 1898. .C18924 Smith, W. (D.D.). Life and Corre- spondence; by H. W. Smith. 2v. 1880 .....*V 459 Smith, Wm. H., (b. 1808) and Mrs. Lucy; Story of, ed. by Merriam. ^889 C3757 Smith, Wm. H. (b. 1825). Life; by Maxwell. 2v. 1893 C11726 Smith, Sir W. S. Life and Correspond- ence; by Barrow. 2v. 1848 C 939 Smithson, J., and his Bequest; by Rhees. 1880 '..C 953 Smollett, T. G. Life; by Hannay. '87.C 3734 Life ; by Smeaton. 1897 Ci 1724 Socrates, and Athenian Society in his Day ; by Godley. 1896 L 3126 and the Socratic Schools; by Zeller. 1868 L 2969 Life ; by Cooper. 1771 C 3934 Life ; by Wiggers. 1840 C11672 Memoirs ; by Xenophon. 1872 1 3899 Morals of; by Blackie. 1872 L 2260 Trial and Death of; by Church. 1880L 2086 SoDOMA, II. Life; by Priuli-Bon. 1900.C18729 Solly, H. These Eighty Years ; an Un- finished Life. 2v. 1893 C18926 Somerset, Duke of. Letters and Mem- oirs ; ed. by Mallock and Ramsden. ^893 C11730 Somerset, E. See Worcester, Marquis of. Somerville, M. G. F. Personal Recollec- tions; by M. Somerville. 1874.. C Sonnenthal, a., eine Kiinstlerlaufbahn ; von Eisenberg. 1896 D 14024 Sontag, C. Biihnen-Erlebnisse. 1878. D 4222 Sophia, Electress of Hanover. Memoirs, 1630-80; tr. by Forester. 1888. . .C11670 Sophia Dorothea, Wife of George I. Love of an Uncrowned Queen; by Wilkins. 2v. 1900 C18925 Memoirs; by Williams. 2v. 1845... C 3086 The same. 2v C 944 SopwiTH, T. Diary of 57 Years; ed. by Richardson. 1891 Ci 1671 942 350 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. SoTHERN, E. A. Memoir; by Pember- ton. 1889 C11681 Soto, F. de. Discoverer of the Missis- sippi ; by Abbott. 1873 C 240 ' Life and Travels ; by Wilmer. 1858C 3874 SouLAViE, J. L. G. Histoire; par Mazon. 2v. 1893 • C12746 SouTHEY, R. Life; by Dowden. 1880... C 1496 Life and Correspondence; ed by C. C. Southey C 948 Life, in his Letters; ed. by Dennis. 1887 C 3078 Selections from Letters of; ed. by Warter. 4v. 1856 C, 3016 SoYER, A. Memoirs ; comp. by Volant and Warren. 1859 C11637 Spalding, M. J., Abp. Life; by Bishop Spalding. 1873 C 506 Spangenberg, a. G. Life; by Ledder- hose. 1855 C 1200 Spark, W. Musical Alemories. 1888. .^1013^ Sparks, J. Life and Writings ; by Adams. 2v. 1893 C11717 Memoir ; by Mayer. 1867 *Ci6g6,i Sparrow, W. Life and Correspondence; by Walker. 1876 C11684 Spencer, H. Herbert Spencer, the Man and his Work ; by Macpherson. 1900 C18917 Spencer, J. A. Memorabilia of 65 Years (1820-1886). 1890 C11686 Spencer, J. C, Earl. Memoir ; by Le Marchant. 1876 C 3049 Spenser, E. Life; by Church. 1888.. C 1495 Spinola, F. B. Memorial Addresses.'93Ci8927 Spinoza, B. Leben und Charakter; von Fischer. 1865 '. D 4215 Life, Correspondence and Ethics ; by Willis. 1870 C11685 Life and Philosophy ; by Pollock.'8oC 3865 Spir, a., ein Philosoph der Neuzeit; von Eberhardt. 1892 D13719 Spohr, L. Autobiography. 1865 C 3872 Spurgeon, C. H. Autobiography, from his Diary, Letters and Record. 4v. 1898-1900 *V 2061 Episodes and Anecdotes; by Han- ford. 1892 C11689 From the Pulpit to the Palm- Branch ; by Pierson. 1892 C11687 From the Usher's Desk to the Pulpit ; by Shindler. 1892 C11688 Spurgeon, C. H. Personal Reminis- cences ; by Williams. 1895 C18930 Spurzheim, J. G. Memoir of Life and Philosophy of; by Carmichael.'33C 3852 Staal de Launay, Madame de. ]\Iem- oirs ; tr. by Bathurst. 1877 C 3868 Stackhouse, E. T., Memorial Addresses on. 1893 Ci7540,io Stael-Holstein, Madame de, et la Duch- esse Louise; par Lenormant. 1862C 6797 Her Friends and Influence; by Blen- nerhassett. 3v. 1889 C11695 Life ; by Duffy. 1887 C 3883 Life ; by Sorel. 1891 C 3487 Life and Times; by Stevens. 2v. '81 C 3857 Memoires, 1861 C 6796 Ten Years' Exile ; Memories of Life. 1821 Ci 1696 Stahr, a. Aus der Jugendzeit. 1870. D 4221 Stambuloff, S. Life; by Beaman. 1895C11735 Stamer, W. Life of Adventure. 2v. 1866C 3020 Stampa, G. Life; by Benson. 1881...C 3859 Standish, M. Exploits of Miles Stand- ish; by Johnson. 1897 C11737 The Puritan Captain; by Abbott.'73C 510 Stanford, L., Memorial Addresses on. 1894 Ci7540,ii Stanhope, Lady H. L. Memoirs. 3v.'45C 946 Stanhope, P. D. See Chesterfield, Earl. Stanislaus Kostka, Saint. Life; ed. by Thompson. 1870 C 1272 Story of; ed. by Coleridge. 1877. .C 3544 Vie de; par Gaveau. 2v. 1884.... C 5073 Stanislaus I., King of Poland, et Marie Leczinska; par Des Reaulx. 1895.C12438 Stanley, A. P., Dean. Life, Work, and Teachings ; by Oliver. 1885 C 3012 Life and Correspondence; by Pro- thero and Bradley. 2v. 1894 C11693 Recollections of; by Bradley. 1883C 3019 Stanley, E. and C. Memoirs; ed. by A. P. Stanley. 1880 C11694 Stanley, E. G. S. See Derby, 14th Earl. Stanley, H. M. Life; by Rowlands. '72C 511 Life, Travels and Explorations ; by Little. 1890 C11690 Record of his Life; by Reddall.i89oCii7o6 Stanley, J. See Derby, yth Earl of. Stanley, M., Memoir of; by Drummond. 1848 C 3024 Stansbury, E. Life; by Hawkins. 1874C 519 Stanton, Mrs. E. C. Eighty Years and more (1815-97); Reminiscences. . C18943 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 351 Stanton, E. M. Life and Public Ser- vices of; by Gorham. 1899 C18942 Stanton, H. B. Random Recollections". 1887 C 2207 Staples, A., Dedication of Monument to, Oct. 31, 1877 *Cioio8^i Stark, Gen. J. Life; by Everett. 1873.C 75,1 Memoir and Official Correspondence ; by C Stark, i860 C 507 Starkweather, H. H., Memorial Ad- dresses on. 1876 Ci7540,i3 Staunton, Sir G. T., Memoirs of. 1856C11712 Stearns, F. P. Sketches from Concord and Appledore. 1895 • .C16940 Stebbins, G. B. Upward Steps of Sev- enty Years. 1890 Cii702 Steele, Sir R. Life ; by Aitken. 2 v. '89C 3986 Life ; by Dobson. 1886 C 2855 Memoirs of Life and Writings; by Montgomery. 2v. 1865 C 998 Steere, E. Memoir; by Heanley. 1888.C11701 Steffens, H. Adventures on the Road to Paris, 1813-14. 1848 Cn72i German University Life. 1874 C 1197 Stein. C. von. Memoir; by Calvert. '77.C 3853 Stein, H. F. K. von. Lcben und Zeit; von Sccley. 3v. in 2. 1883-S7...D 6095 Life and Times; by Seeley. 4v. in 2. 1879 G 1050 The same. 2v C 3854 Steinert, M. Reminiscences; comp. by Marlin. 1900 C18944 Stein SCHNEIDER, M., Festschrift zum 80 Geburtstage von. 1896 D13718 Stephen. Sir J. F. Life; by L. Stephen. 1895 •• Ci 1736 Stephens. A. H. In Public and Private; by Cleveland. 1866 B 496 The same. 1866 C 509 Life; by Johnston and Browne.'78. .C 505 Stephenson, G. Life; by Smiles. '73. C 950 Le Petit Poucet du i8e Siecle; par Passy. 1884 C 6154 and R. Lives; by Smiles. 1868. .C 949 Stephenson, R. Life; by Jeaffreson. 2v. 1864 C 951 Sterne, L. Life ; by Fitzgerald. 2v. '64c 995 Life; by Traill. 1882 C 1513 Steuben, F. W., Baron v. Leben; von Kapp. 1858 D13714 Life ; by Bowen. 1873 C 759 Life ; by Kapp. 1859 C 1 182 Stevens, A. Biographical Study ; by Armstrong. 1881 *V 1243 Stevens, I. I. Life; by H. Stevens. 2v. 1900 C18960 Stevens, T., Commoner; by Callender. 1882 ...C 2224 Life ; by McCall. 1899 C18947 Memorial Addresses on. 1869. . . . .C 508 Stevenson, R. Life; by D. Stevenson. 1878 C 3029 Stevenson, R. L. B. Homes and Early Haunts of; by Armour. 1895...C11732 Letters; ed. by Colvin. 2v. 1899. .Ci 1697 Life ; by Black. 1898 .......* Ci 1734 Life ; by Cornford. 1900 C18913 Life Study in Criticism; by Baildon. 1901 J 5163 Vailima Letters, 1890-94. 2v. 1895C11731 Stewart, R. See Londonderry, 2d Mar- quis. Stewart, V. A. History; by Howard. 1836 C 2233 Stiles^ E. Life; by Holmes. 1798 C 517 Life ; by Kingsley. 1847 .C 75,16 Stillman, W. J. Autobiography of a Journalist. 2v. 1901 C1891 5 Stimson, a. E., Tribute to. 1866.... +0 1699 Stirling, W. A., Earl. Life; by Duer. 1847 :.....C 176 Stobo, Major R. Memoirs. 1854 C 2230 Stockmar, C. F. Memoirs; by E. Stockmar. 2v. 1872 C 1238 Stockton, R. F., Sketch of Life of.i856C 2342 Stokes, Sir W. Life and Work, 1804-78; by his Son. 1898 C10452 Storm, T. W. Leben ; von Schiitze. '87D 6142 Storrs, E. a. Life; by Adams. 1886. .C 2075 Story, J. Life and Letters; ed. by W. W.Story. 2v. 1851 C 520 Story, W. W., Sculptor and Author; Reminiscences of, by Phillips. '97C18949 Stothard, T. Life; by Bray. 1851...C 954 Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Life and Letters; ed. . by Fields. 1897 C18945 Life, from her Letters and Journals ; by C. E. Stowe. 1889 C11700 Strafford, Earl of. Life ; by Cooper. 2v. 1874 C 1008 Life; by Traill. 1889 C 3913 Strakosch, M. Souvenirs d'un Impre- sario. 1887 C 6708 Strange, Sir R. Memoirs ; by Dennis- toun. 1855 C 955 352 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Stratford de Redcliffe, S. C, Viscount. Life; by Poole. 2v. 1888 C11723 Stratton, C. S. (Gen. Tom Thumb). Ac- count of the Life. 1844 C11708 Strauss, D. F. Leben und Schriften ; von Zeller. ' 1874 . . .7 D 4216 Life and Writings ; by Zeller. 1874C 3855 und Theologie seiner Zeit ; von Hausrath. 2v. 1876 D 4200 Strauss, G. L. M. Reminiscences of an Old Bohemian. 2v. 1882 C2965 Strauss, J. Ein Lebensbild ; von Eisen- berg. 1894 D13716 Stricklaniv a. Life; by J. M. Strick- land. 1887 c 3197 Strickland, H. E. Memoirs; by Jar- dine. 1858 C11711 Strombeck, R. F. H. v. Fiinfzig Jahre aus meinem Leben. 1894 D14028 Stromeyer, G. F. L. Erinnerungen eines deutschen Arztes. 2v. 1875 D 4230 Strong, C Biography; by Bradford. 1820 *Ci6g6,5 Memoir of; by Lodge. 1879 *Ci696,5 Strousberg, Dr. B. H., und sein Wirken. 1876 D 4218 Strozzi, F. Life; by Trollope. 1860..C 1203 Stuart, Lady A. Life and Letters; ed. by Cooper. 2v. 1866 C 952 Stuart, Geo. H. Life; written by him- self. 1890 C11715 Stuart, Gilbert. Life and Works; by Mason. 1879 *V 130 Stuart, Maj. Gen. J. E. B. Life and Campaigns; by McClellan. 1885. C 2231 Stuart, Lady L. Selections from her Manuscripts ; ed. by Home. 1899.C18951 Stuyvesant, p. Last Dutch Governor of New Amsterdam; by Abbott. 1872 C 523 Life ; by Tuckerman. 1893 C10469 Suffolk, Countess of. Letters to and from, 1712-67. 2v. 1824 C10939 Sullivan, Sir A. Life Story, Letters, etc. ; by Lawrence. 1900 C18952 Sullivan, J. Life, with Selections from Writings; by Amory. 2v. 1859.C11719 Life ; by Peabody. 1844 C 75,13 Military Life and Public Services of; by Amory. 1868 C 513 Sullivan, John L. Life and Reminis- cences. 1892 Ci 1720 Sullivan, W. Memoir ; by Amory. '79*B 1007 Sully, M. de B., Duke of. Memoirs. 4v. 1856 1 3312 Sumner, C. Eulogy on; by Schurz. '74. C 514 Life ; by Chaplin. • 1874 C 2228 Life; by Dawes. 1892 C10466 Life ; by Cirimke. 1892 C11709 Life ; by Harsha. 1856 C 2229 Life ; by Nason. 1874 ; C 2227 Life ; by Storey. 1900 C18955 Life and Public Services; by Les- ter. 1874 C 499 Memoir and Letters of; by Pierce. 4v. 1877-93 C 516 Memorial Addresses on. 1874 C 515 Sumner, C. R., Bishop. Life; by G. H. Sumner. 1876 C 3025 Sumner, L Memoir; by W. H. Sum- ner. 1854 ; . . . C 501 Sumter, Gen. T. Life; by Hartley. '59. C 2012 Sun Yat Sen. Kidnapped in London. 1897 C18953 Sunderland, Countess of. Sacharissa, her Family and Friends; by Ady. 1893 , C11718 SuNDON, Viscountess. Memoirs; by Thomson. 2v. 1847 C 2694 Surratt, Mrs. M. E., Judicial Murder of; by De Witt. 1895 C18940 SuvoROFF, Count, A. V. Life; by Spald- ing. 1890 C11713 Campaigns of; by Anthing. 2v. 1799 C11714 Swartz, C. F. See Schwartz, C. F. SwEDENBORG, E., as a Philosopher and Man of Science; by Tafel. 1867. C 1204 Biography; by Wilkinson. 1849. ..C 3860 Life and Character; ed. by Tafel. i860 M 4165 Life and Mission; by Worcester. '83.C3861 Life and Opinions; by Hood. 1854. C 1202 Life and Writings; by White. 2v. 1867 C 1223 SwETCHiNE, Mme. de. Correspondance avec Lacordaire; par Falloux. '72.C6842 Lettres inedites. 1866 C 6843 Life and Letters; by Falloux. 1868. C 1205 Swift, J. Closing Years; by Wilde. '49.C11710 Life ; by Craik. 1882 C 3038 Life ; by Forster. 1876 C 956 Life; by Jeffrey. 1853 I4000.16 Life; by Stephen. 1882 C 1509 Mystery of his Life and Love; by Hay. 1891 C18957 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 353 Swift, Gen. J. G. Memoirs, 1800-65; by Ellery. 1890 *V 1412 Swing, D. Reception and Dinner ten- dered to, Chicago, Feb, 22. 1886. C 2232 SwissHELM, J. G. Half a Century. '80. .C 498 Sydenham, C. E. P. T., Baron. Memoir; ed. by Scrope. 1848 C11716 SydeNiHam, T. Life; by Payne. 1900.C10457 Sydney, A. See Sidney, A. Syed, Ahmad Khan. See Ahmad Khan- Bahadur. Symonds, J. A. Biography; by Brown. 2v. 1895 :..Cii733 Tadema, L. a. Life; by Ebers. 1886. .C 3889 I'aigi, a. M., the Roman Matron, Life of. 1876 C 3890 Tait, a. C. Life; by Davidson and Ben- ham. 2v. 1891 C11761 Life and Labors; by Johnson C11751 Talleyrand-Pericord, C. M. C. dc., Lc Confession dc, 1754- 1838. 1891..C13188 Corrcspondance diplomatique. 1891.C13246 Lcttres a Napoleon, 1800-1809. *99.Ci3245 Leven van; door Lindo D 981 1 Life; by Blenncrhassett. 2v. 1894.C11747 Life ; cd by Colmachc. 1850 C 3893 Life ; by McHarg. 1857 C 3892 Memoires de. 5v. 1891-2 C13187 Memoircn. 5v. in 2. 1891-3' D 5960 Memoirs; ed. by Due de Broglie. 5v. 1891 C11746 Reminiscences of. 2v. 1848 ■.C11745 Talmage, J. Van N. 40 Years in South China ; by Fagg. 1894 C11750 Taney, R. B., Chief Justice. Memoir of; by Tyler. '72 C 2289 Memorial Addresses on. 1864 C 2288 Tanner, H. S., the Faster. Forty Days without Food; Biography, by Gunn. 1880 C 2315 Taou-Kwang, Emperor of China. Life; by Gutzlaff. 1852 Cii753 Tappan, a. Life; by L Tappan. 1871.C 526 Tasso, T. Lettere. Sv. in 2. 1853 C 9422 Life; by Black. 1810 ♦V 209 Life ; by Hasell. 1882 J 2249 Life; by Milman. 2v. 1850 C 1219 Vita di. Solerti. 3v. in 2. 1895. • C 9574 Tattnall, Commodore J. Life; by Jones. 1878 C 2290 Taubmann, F. Ein Kulturbild; von Ebeling. 1883 D 4227 Tavannes, J. de S. de. Memoires. '58.C13091 Taylor, B. Life and Career; by Con- well. 1879 C 2296 Life; by Smyth. 1896 C11759 Life and Letters; by Taylor and Scudder. 2v. 1884 C 2307 Taylor, ^iV H. Autobiography, 1800-75. 2v. 1885 C 3055 Correspondence of; ed. by Dowden. 1888 C 1023 Ta\xor, Jane. Memoirs; by L Taylor. 2v. 1825 C11758 Taylor, John. Records of my Life. 2v. 1832 : C 3114 Taylor, J. B. Memoir; by Rice. 1835. C 2297 Taylor, R. Biography; by Parry. 1888. C 3399 Taylor, Gen. Z., and his Staff. 1848.. C 2303 Eulogy of; by Bell. 1850 *Ci696,7 Eulogy on; by Prentiss. 1850.... *C 139 Eulogy on; by Quincy. 1850 *Ci696,3 Funeral Sermon on; by Doane. '5o*Ci696,7 Life of. 1876 C 2298 Life of. 1847 .*C 2291 Life ; by Fry. 1847 C 527 Life; by Howard. 1892 C11760 Life ; by Montgomery. 1851 C 2292 Life; by Powell. 1846.. ♦Ci696,3 Life ; by Stoddard. 1888 C 2334 Life and Times; by Irclan. 1888. .6858,12 Obituary Addresses on. 1850 C 2312 Review of Life of. 1848 *Ci696,3 Tazewell, L. W. Life; by Grigsby. '60.C11756 TcrfXiKOVSKi, P. L Life and Works; by Newmarch. 1900 C18972 Teasdale, H. Life and Adventures, with his Confession in Prison. 1876. .JE. 9892 Tegner, E. Leven; door Ten Kate. '72D 9818 Teign mouth. Lord. Reminiscences of Many Years. 2v. 1878 C 3014 Tekakwitha, K., Lily of the Mohawks. jLife ; by Walworth. 1891 Ci 1084 Telford, T. Life; ed. by Hickman. '38.*V 151 Atlas to the same *R 4826 Memoir ; by Smiles. 1867 C 957 Temme, J. D. H. Erinnerungen. 1883. D 4226 Temple, Lady D. O. Letters to Sir W. Temple, 1652-4; ed. by Parry. '88.C11410 Temple, H. J. See Palmerston„ Lord. Tennyson, A., Baron., and his Friends; by Ritchie. 1893 *P 2429 Biographical Sketch; by Jennings. 1884 C11739 His Homes, h'is Friends and his Work ; by Gary. 1898. ........ .C18985 354 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Tennyson, A., Baron. Life; by Wace. '8i C11740 Life and Poetry; by Jenkinson. '92. Ci 1743 • Life and Poetry; by Parsons. 1892.C11742 Life and Work; by Waugh. 1892.C11741 •' Life, Work and Teaching of the Poet Laureate ; by Walters. 1893.J 1882 -Memoir; by his Son. 2v. 1897 Cii744 ^.lemories of the Tennysons ; by Rawnsley. 1900 C18984 A Saintly Life; by Horton. 1900. .C18986 Terriss, W. See Lewin, W. C. J. Terry, Ellen. See Wardell, Mrs. E. A. T. Thackeray, W. M., as Artist and Critic ; by Church .C11772 Collection of Letters of, 1847-55. '87C 3054 Haunts and Homes ; by Crowe. '97.C18964 Life ; by Melville. 2v. 1899 C18963 Life; by Merivale and Marzials. '91C11549 Life ; by Trollope. 1879 C 1494 Thackerayana ; Notes and Anecdotes. 1875 C11773 Thaxter, Mrs. C. Letters ; ed. by Fields and Lamb. 1895 Cii754 Thayer, N. Memoir of; by Ellis. '85. .C 2313 Theodore* I., King of Corsica. History. 1743 • C11766 Life ; by Fitzgerald. 1890 C11767 Theodoric the Goth, Barbarian Cham- pion of Civilization ; by Hodgkin. 1891 Cn768 Theresa, Saint. Life by herself; tr. by Dalton C 1273 Life and Letters; by Coleridge. '80. C 3891 St. Theresa of Avila ; by Gilman. 1889 ..'. C11770 Santa Teresa; Life and Times, by Graham. 2v. 1894 C11769 Therese-Marguerite de ITncarnation. Vie; par Pere Maxime. 1884 C 4867 Thiebault, Baron. Memoirs; tr. by But- ler. 2v. 1896 C18965 Thiers, L. A. Life; by Le Goff. 1879. C 3896 Life ; by Remusat. 1889 C 3486 Monsieur Thiers; par Mazade. '84. C 5869 Thiersch, F. Leben; von H. W. I. Thiersch. 1866 D Thirlvvall, Bishop C. Letters. 2v. '81. C Letters to a Friend. 1882 C Thoman, M. Reise und Lebensbeschrei- bung." 1869 ...:... .D 4225 Thomas a Becket, St. Before his Con- secration ; by Radford. 1894. .. .A 355,7 286 3060 3056 Thomas a Becket, St. His Death and Miracles; by Abbott. 2v. 1898.M 3258 Life ; by Hope. 1868 C 2489 Life ; by Robertsen. 1859 C 2487 Life (in-»Icelandic) ; tr. by Magnus- son. 2v. 1875-83 *Doc. Life and Letters; by Giles, -2v. '46.C11764 Life and Martyrdom; by Morris. 1859 C 2474 Life and Martyrdom; by Robert of Gloucester. 1845 *J 1147,19 Materials for History; ed. by Rob- ertson. 7v. 1875-85 *Doc. Thomas a Kempis, St., and the Brothers of Common Life; by Kettlewell. 2v. 1882 C 3529 Leven ; door Bahring. 1866 D 9040 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Life; by Vaughan, 1874 C 1255 Thomas Cantilupe, Saint. Life; by Strange. 1674. repr. 1879 C 2552 Thomas, E. S. Reminiscences, 1775- 1840. 2v C 2311 Thomas, Gen. G. H. Address on; by Matthews. 1879 *C 1875 Biography; by Piatt. 1893 Cii774 Life ; by Coppee. 1893 C11776 Life ; by Van Home. 1882. ...... .C 2294 Memoir ; by Johnson. 1881 C 2295 Oration on; by Garfield. 1871. .. .*C 1875 Oration on; by Lambert. 1885. .*Ci696,8 Thomas, I. Memoirs; by B. F. Thomas. 1874 C 2299 Thomason, Sir E. Memoirs. 2v. 1845.. C 3^59 Thompson, B. See Rumford, Count. Thompson, J. Life and Works ; by Jew- itt. 1882 *P 2086 Thompson, J. L., Memorial of. 1890..C11777 Thompson, M. H. In Memoriam. 1896.C18967 Thomson, C. Life; by Harley. 1900..C18968 Thomson, S. Narrative of Life and Medical Discoveries. 1835 C 2301 Thorburn, G. Life and Writings. '52.. C 529 Thoreau, H. D. Familiar Letters; ed. by Sanborn. 1894 Cii755 Letters to various Persons. 1865.. E 1564 Life; by Salt. 1896 C11775 Life; by Sanborn. 1883 C 2306 Life and Aims ; by Japp. 1877 C 2300 The Poet-Naturalist; by Charining. 1873 .C 528 Thornton, J. W. Memoir; by Amory. 1879 *B 1007 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 355 Thorn WELL, J. H. Life; by Palmer. '75.C 2293 Thorwaldsen, a. B. Life; by Plon. '74.C 1208 Life ; by Thiele. 1865 C 3899 und seine Kunst; von Hammerich. 1876 D 4228 Thou, J. A. de. Life, with Account of Writings; by Collinson. 1807... C 3903 Thring, E., a Memory; by Skrine. '89.C11781 Teacher and Poet; by Rawnsley. '89C11780 TiCKNOR, G. Life, Letters and Journals; by Hillard. 2v. 1876..'. C 522 TiECK, J. L. Erinnerungen ; von Frie- sen. 1871 D 6102 TiEDCE, C. A. Leben; her. von Falken- stein. 1841 D 6105 TiLDEN, S. J. Life; by Bigelow. 2v. •95.C11749 Life ; by Cornell. 1876 C ^308 Life and Public Services; by Cook. 1876 C 2302 TiMUR, Great Khan of the Mongols. Au- tobiographical Memoirs; tr. by Stewart. 1830 *V 1256 Tintoretto. Life; by Osier. 1879. ...C 3898 Life and Genius; by Stearns. '94..C11771 Titian (Thiano Vecellio). Biographie; par Dumas. 1872 C 4726 Life; by Crowe and Cavalcaselle. 2v. 1877 C 3895 Life ; by Heath. 1880 C 389? Life; by Northcote. 2v. 1830. .. .Ci 1782 Life; by Sweetser. 1877 C 1682 Titian; a Study of his Life and Work ; by Phillips. 1898 K10202 La Vie et I'OEuvre ; par Lafenestre*P 2324 Tkalac, E. L v. Jugenderinnerungen aus Kroatien, 1749-1843- J894 D14046 ToBi-v, J. Memoirs; by Bcnger. 1820. C 3061 TocQUEViLLE, A. dc. Correspondence with Senior, i834-59- 2v C 1217 Memoir, Letters and Remains. 2v. 1861 ..C 3062 Recollections, 1848-9; ed. by Comte de Tocqueville. 1896 C 18970 Todd, J. Story of his Life; by J. E. Todd. 1876 C 524 ToLMER, A. Reminiscences of. 2v. '82.C 3063 Tolstoi, L. N.. Count, the Grand Mujik; a Study, by Perris. 1898 C18981 How Tolstoy Lives and Works; by Sergyeenko. 1899 C18982 Mes Memoires. 1887 C13233 Recollections of: by Behrs. 1803..C18980 Tolstoi, L. N., Count. Sein Leben und seine Werke; von Loewenfeld. '92D13740 Tom Thumb, Gen., pseud. See Stratton, C. S. Tone, T. W. Life; ed. by W. T. W. Tone. 2v. 1826 C 960 TooKE, J. H. Memoirs; by Graham. '28C 2304 Memoirs; by Stephens. 2v. 1813.C 3069 Toole, J. L. Reminiscences of; by Rat- ten. 2v. 1889 C 3SU Toombs, R., Statesman, Soldier, Sage; by Stovall. 1892 C11786 ToRRENS, W. M. Twenty Years in Par- liament. 1893 C11779 ToRREY, C. T. Memoir of; by Lovejoy. 1847 C 2309 TouRZEL, Marquis de. Memoires, 1789- 1795. 2v. 1884 .C 6855 Memoirs of; by Des Cars. 2v. '86. .C 3962 ToussAiNT L'Ouverture. See Louver- ture, T. ' ToussAiNT, P. Memoir; by Lee. 1854..C 1257 TowNESEND, R. An Officer in the Long Parliament. 1892 C10330 TowNSHEND, C. Wit and Stateman; by Fitzgerald. 1866 t . . .C 3058 TowNSHEND, W. W. Memorial Ad- dresses on. 1890 C11787 Treffenfeld, H., und seine Zeit; von Kessel. 1863 .D 278 Trench, Mrs. M. C. St. G. Remains; ed. by her Son. 1862 C 1030 Trench, R. C, Abp. Letters and Mem- orials; ed. by M. Trench. 2v. '88.C11785 Trenck, F., Baron. Life and Adven- tures. 1845 •- C 3900 Trevithick, R. Life and Inventions of; by F. Trevithick. 1872 C 3070 Trollope, a. Autobiography. 1883... C 3057 Trollope, T. a. What I Remember. 3v. 1888-90 C 3064 Trumbull, H. C. War Memories of an Army Chaplain. 1898 B 6102 Trumbull, John. Autobiography. . 1841.C 521 Trumbull, Jonathan. Life; by Stuart. 1859 • C 2305 Tucker, C. M. (A. L. O. E.). A Lady of England. Life; by Giberne. '95.C18961 Tucker, S. Life; by Sheppard. 1868. Cii 783 Tupper, M. F. My Life as an Author.'86Cii784 Turenne, Vicomte de. Life; by Cock- ayne. 1853 14000,14 Vie ; par Roy. 1884 • *V 2148 356 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. TxjRGENEV, I. S. and his French Circle; Letters, ed. by Kaminsky. 1898.C18976 TxJRGOT, A. R. J. Life; by Say. 1888. C 3485 Life and Opinions; by Hodgson. 1870 ^ *E 1205 Life and Writings; ed. by Stephens. 1895 ••C11752 Philosophe et £conomiste ; par Bat- bie. 1866 C 4115 Vie de; par Condorcet. 1847. • • -C 12207,5 Turner, J. M. W. Life; by Hamerton. 1879 -r. C 958 Life ; by Monkhouse. 1879 C 3073 Life ; by Swaine. 1885 C 31 10 Life; by Sweetser. 1878 C 1690 Life ; by Thornbury. 2v. 1862 C 962 TuRNERELLi, T. Sixty Years of Conserva- tive Labour, 1831-91 C11788 TusSAUD, Mme. Memoirs; by Hayley 1878 C 3901 Tyler, J. Life of. 1843. . . .• C 2314 Life ; by Stoddard. 1888 C 2328 Life and Times ; by Irelan. 1888. B 858,10 Seven Decades of the Union. Mem- oir; by Wise. 1881 B 2266 Tyler, Wat, and John Ball. Life; by Maurice. 1875 C 1458 Tyndale, W. Life ; by Demaus. 1871.C 961 Tyrone, H. O'N., 2d Earl of. Life; by Mitchel. 1868 C 868 Fate and Fortune of; by Meehan. 1868 C 869 Tyson, E., the Philanthropist. Life; by J. S. Tyson. 1825 C 2310 UcHiMURA, K. Diary of a Japanese Con- vert. 1895 C18990 Uhland, J. L. Leben ; von seiner Wittwe. 1874 D 6110 und seine Freunde ; von Mayer. '67 . D 4229 Ulfeldt, L. C. Jammersminde. 1869.. C 7640 Memoirs; tr. by Bunnett. 1872. .. .C 3910 Paa Mariboe Kloster.. Smith. '72.C 7640 Ulfilas. Apostle of the Goths ; by Scott. 1885 C 3911 Leben und Lehre des; von Waitz. 1840 *V 1014 Ullathorne, W. B., Bishop. Autobiog- raphy, with Selections from his Letters. 1891 C11793 Updegraff, J. T. Memorial Addresses on. 1883 C 2391 Upham, C. W. Address ; by Ellis. '75.*C 1698 Memoir ; by Ellis. 1877 C 2390 Upsall, N. Life; by Jones. 1880 ♦C 1699 Upton, E. Life and Letters; by Michie. 1885 C 2392 Urquhart, Sir T. Life; by Willcock. 1899 ..^ C18989 Ursins, Princesse des, in Spain ; by Hill. 1899 C18991 Urso, Mme. C' Life; by Barnard. '74. C 1226 Ussiier, J. Life; by Elrington. 1848.. .Ci 1789 UwiNS, T. Memoir; by Mrs. S. Uwins. 2v. 1858 C looi Valdes, J. de. Life and Writings; by Wiffen. 1865 C 3433 Vallandigham, C. L. Life; by J. L. Vallandigham. 1872 C 530 Vambery, a. Life; by himself. 1884. C 3942 Van Buren, M. Biography; by Em- mons. 1835 C 2402 Life; by Holland. 1836 C 531 Life; by Shepard. 1888 C 2355 Life ; by Stoddard. 1887 C 2243 Life and Times; by Irelan. 1887.. 6858,8 Life and Times; by Mackenzie. '46.C 569 Political Life of. 1840 *L 167 To the End of his Public Career; by G. Bancroft. 1889 C 3985 Van Dyck, Sir A. Biography ; by Sweet- ser. 1879 C 1695 Life ; by Head. 1879 C 3947 Life and Work; by Guiffrey. 1896. *P 1337 Sa Vie et son CEuvre; par Guif- frey. 1882 *P 2322 Study of his Life and Works; by Cust. 1900 *P 1989 Van Dyck; by Knackfuss. i899..K!0303 Van Dyke, J. A. Memorial of; ed. by Detroit Fire Department. 1856. Ci 1757 Van Halen, J. Narrative of Imprison- ment. 2v. 1827 C 3941 Van Hare, G. Fifty Years of a Show- man's Life; by himself. 1888. . . .C11790 Van Rennsselaer, S. Life and Services ; by Barnard. 1839 C11791 Van Schaack, H. Memoirs; by H. C. Van Schaack. 1892 C11792 Van Schaack, P. Life; by H. C. Van Schaack. 1842 C 2401 Vane, ^/V H. Life; by Hosmer. 1888. C 996 Life ; by Upham. 1872 C 75,4 Varnhagen von Ense, K. A. Brief - wechsel mit Rahel.6v. in 3. 1874-5. D 6122 Denkwiirdigkeiten des eigenen Le- bens. 1871-3 D4232.1-6 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. ZST Varnhagen von Ense, Rahel. Briefe; her. von Assing. 1877 D 4183 Life and Letters; by Jennings. 1876. C 3938 Rahel, ein Buch des Andenkens; von K. A. Varnhagen von Ense. 3v. »n 2. 1834 D 6115 Vasco da Gam a. See Gamsi, Vasco da. Vattemare, a., and the Boston City Library ; by Quincy. 1885 *Ci696,3 Vauban, S. Marquis de. Vie; par Bondois. 1884 C 5169 Vega Carpio, L. de. Life and Writings; by Holland. 1817 €3615,1 Velazquez, D., and his Times; by Justi. 1889 *R 4077 Life; by Stevenson. i8qq C18727 Life ; by Stowe. 1881 C 3946 Venard, J. T. Life of C 3949 \'erdi, G. Anecdote History; by Pougin. 1887 C 3943 Man and Musician; by Crowest. '97.C16949 Milan and Othello; by Roosevelt. 1887 c 2792 Verestchagin, a. V. At Home and in War, 1853-1881. 1888 €3926 Painter, Soldier, Traveller; Autobio- graphical Sketches. 2v. 1887... C 3925 Verity, J. S. In Memoriam. 1885 C 2403 Verlaine, p. Confessions; Notes auto- biographiques. 1895 C13248 Vernet, E. J. H. Life; by Rees. 1880.C 3948 Verrazano, G. da. Vindication of his Letters and Voyage; by De Costa. 1880 ♦V 189 Vespucci, A. America's Godfather; by Johnson. 1894 C11762 Caractere, fecrits. Vie et Navigations ; par Varnhagen. 1865 *V 2289 Letters; ed. by Dexter. 1878 *B 862,2 Letters; ed. by Markham. 1894. .♦I 2413 Life and Voyages; by Lester and Foster. 1846 C 1279 Vestris, Mme E. See Mathews, Mrs. L. E. B. ViANNEY, J. B. M. Life of the Cure d'Ars ; by Monnin. 1870 C 3950 Vicars, H. Memorials; by Marsh. 'S7.C 965 Victor Emmanuel L. King of Italy. Life; by Dicey. 1882 C 3952 Life; by Godkin. 2v. 1879 C 3951 La Vita. Massari. 1880 C 9353 Victoria. Queen of ^England, and her Family: by Hodgins. 1868 ....C 966 Victoria, Queen of England, and Prince Albert, Ancestry of; by French. 1841 C 1362- Fifty Years of Reign of; by Wall. 1887 C3083: First Year of a Silken Reign, 1837- 1838; by Tuer and Fagan. 1887. .Cii798^ Girlhood and Womanhood of; by Lippincott. 1883 C 3081 Journal of our Life in the Highlands ; ed. by Helps. 1868 1 750 Life ; by Fawcett. 1895 • • • • C11763. Life ; by Holmes. 1897 *P 1591 Life; by Keddie (Jubilee ed.). 2v. 1887 -. *V 1475 Life ; by Smith. 1887 C 3082: Life ; byTulloch. 1887 C 3084 Life, 1819-1901; by Holmes C18994 Life and Times; by Wilson. 2v. 1887-8 C11796 More Leaves from the Journal of a Life in the Highlands. 1884 I 6494 Passing of the Great Queen; by Corelli. 1901 C19000 People's Life of their Queen; by Hardy. 1895 C11799 Personal Life; by Tooley. 1896. . .C18998 Popular Royalty; by Beavan. 1897.C18999 Private Life; by a Member of the Royal Household. 1897 C18996 Queen and Empress; by Jeaflfreson. 2v. 1893 C11797 Queen and Empress ; the Sixty Years, by Arnold. 1896 C18995 The Queen at Balmoral ; by Humph- rey. 1893 C18997 Queen Victoria's Highland Home and Vicinity; by M'Connochie. i897.*V 2413 Reign of; ed. by Ward. 2v. 1887. .C 3094 The Royal Household; by Lindsay. 1898 *V 2063: ViiJocQ, E. F., Chief of the French Po- lice. Autobiography. 1881 C 1212: Vieilleville, F. de S. A Gentleman of the Olden Time; by Coignet. 2v. 1887 c 3931 Viel-Castel, le Comte H. de. Memoirs. 2v. 1888 :C 3793: ViGiLANTius, and his Times; by Gilly. 1844 C 3940 Villars, C. L. H., Due. Vie; par Bon- dois C 5169 Memoires. 2v. 1884-7 C 13349 '^58 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. ViLLEMESSANT, J. H. C. dc. Memoires d'un Journaliste. 6v. 1872-84. .C13319 ViLLiERS, G. See Buckingham, Duke of. ViLLiERS DE l'Isle Adam. Life and Works; by Du Pontavici de Heus- sey. 1894 C11800 Vincent de Paul, St. History of; by Bougaud. 2v. 1899 C18992 Life; by Bedford C 1268 Life; by Broglie. 1899 Ci8777 Vinci, Leonardo da. Life ; by Brown. 1828 C 3953 Artist, Thinker and Man of Science; by Muentz. 2v. 1898 *P I735 Life; by Richter. 1880 C 3954 Life ; by S weetser. 1879 C 1694 Vie de ; par Clement. 1861 C 4361 ViscHER, F. T. Charakterbild ; von Giinthert. 1889 D 6154 ViTZTHUM VON EcKSTAEDT, Coiuit. Denk- wiirdigkeiten, 1852-64. 1886 D 6125 Reminiscences, 1852-64. 2v. 1887.. C 3936 ViZETELLY, E. {Bertie Clere.). Reminis- cences of a Bashi-Bazouk. 1897. A 4375 VizETELLY, H, Glances back through Seventy Years. 2v. 1893 C11795 VoGT, C. Biographic; von Wurzbach. 1871 D 4184,2 Voltaire, F. M. A. de, and Margravine of Baireuth; by Horn. 1888 C 3349 Avant et pendant la Guerre de Sept Ans; par Broglie. 1898 .C12912 Correspondance. 1873.. C 6997,10-13 Leben und Werke ; von Mahrenholtz. 1885 ..* D 6114 Lettres choisies. 1885 C13361 Life ; by Espinasse. 1892 C11551 Life: by Morley! 1872 .C 1213 Life ; by Parton. 2v. 1881 C 3956 Life: by Standish. 1821 C 1215 Life and Writings; by Chaudon. , 1786 C 3955 Le Roi Voltaire; by Houssaye. '48.C 5233 Tind Markgrafin von Baireuth; von Horn. 1865 D 4236 Vie de; par Condorcet. 1847. .C 12207,4 Vie de ; par Noel. 1878 C 6052 Visit to England, 1726-29; by Bal- lantyne. 1893 Cii794 Voss, Countess von. Neunundsechzig Jahre am preussischen Hofe. '76. D 4233 Recollections of Sixty-nine Years at the Court of Prussia. 2v. 1876. C 3957 Wade, B. F. Life; by Riddle. 1886. .C 2438 Wagner, R., and his Poetical Work; by Gautier. 1883 C 3964 As I knew him; by Praeger. 1892.C11818 Biographic; von Wurzbach. 1871.04184,10 Briefe an Uhlig, Fischer, Heine. '88.D 61 19 Briefwechsel mit Liszt. 1887 D 4168 Correspondence with Liszt. 2 v. 1888. C 3968 juge en France; par Servieres C 6724 Leben und Werke; von Tappert.'83D 61 16 Leben und Wirken; von Glasenapp. 2v. 1876 , D 4239 Letters to his Dresden Friends. '90.C11827 Life; by Chamberlain. 1897 *P 1707 Life; by rfueffer. 1881 C 3962 Life ; by Lidgey. 1899 C17214 Life ; by Nohl. 1884 C 3965 Life and Works; by Jullien. 2v. 1892. *V 2300 Life and Works; by Kobbe. 2v. '90.C11817 und seine Schopfungen; von Stohn. 1882 .D 4240 sa Vie, et ses (Euvres; par Jullien. 1886 *P 750 Wagner, Poete et Penseur ; par Lichtenberger. 1898 C 5383 Works and Life; by Finck. 2v. '93.C11819 Waid, F. C. Souvenirs. 1892 .C11850 Wakefield, E. G., and Colonization of South Australia and New Zealand ; by Garnett. .1898 C19111 Waldbeck, B. F. L. Leben; von Oppen- heim. 1873 D13801 Waldbeck, J. F,, Count. Recollections of; by Smith. 1878 C 3242 Wale, H. J. Sword and Surplice. '80. C 3126 Wales, S. Oration on; by Lathrop. 1791 *C 1697,1 Walker, C. Biographical Sketch of. '71 C 532 Walker, F. Letters of a Baritone. 1895. Ci 1824 Walker, S. C. Address on; by Gould. 1854 *Ci697,3 Wallace, C. Life and Times ; by Whit- sitt. 1888 *Vi405,4 Wallace, Sir W. Early Days of; by Marquess of Bute. 1876 C 3154 Life ; by Carrick. 2v. 1830 1 3534 Wallack, L. Memories of Fifty Years. 1889 C 3494 Wallenstein, a von. Life ; by Mitchell. 1837 C 1224 Vier letzte Lebensjahre; von Hurter. 1862 ..D 4231 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 359 Walpole, H. Se0 Orford, 4th Earl of. Walpole, R. See Orford, ist Earl of. Walther, von der Vogclweide. . Leben ; von Rieger. 1863 D 4236 Warburton, W. Life; by Watson. '63.C 969 Ward, Mrs. E. S. P. Chapters from a Life. 1896 C19090 Ward, G. See Guerbel, Comtcsse de. Ward, Rev. John. Diary of, 1648-79; ed. by Severn. 1839 C 3159 Ward, John. Experiences of a Diplo- matist in Germany, i840-'70. '72. C 3136 Ward, J. W. See Dudley, Earl. Ward, Mary, a Foundress of the 17th Century; by Mother M. Salome. 1901 C11882 Ward, N. Memoir; by Dean. 1868... C 2363 Ward, R. P. Memoirs; by Phipps. 2v. 1850 C 967 Ward, S. Life; by GammcU. 1846 €75,19 Ward, S. R. Autobiography of a Fugi- tive Negro. 1855 C 2409 Wardell, Mrs. E. A. T. (Ellen Terry) and her Impersonations; by Hiatt. 1898 E 9812 Ellen Terry; by Scott. 1900 C19091 Wardlaw, R. Memoir; by Alexander. 1856 C 968 Ware, J. F. W.. and his Work; by Mat- thews. 1881 L 4850,2 Ware, M. L. Memoir; by Hall. 1859.C 534 Warner, R. Literary Recollections. '30.C 3 121 Warren, C7fM. J. Life of. 1855 C 297 Life ; by Everett. 1838 C 75,io Life and Times of; by Frothingham. 1865 C 533 Warren, Mrs. M. O. Mercy Warren; by Brown. 1896 C19092 Warwick, Earl of (R. Neville). The King Maker; by Oman. 1891...C 3914 Washburn, L Autobiography; ed. by Cheever. 1879 C 574 Washburne, E. B. Recollections of a Minister to France, 1869-77. 2v. 1887 C 2368 Washington, B. T. Up from Slavery; an Autobiography. 1901 C19088 Washington, G. Address in Commem- oration of Inauguration of ; by Ful- ler. 1890 C11808 After the Revolution, 1784-99; by Baker. 1898 C11891 and his Generals ; by Headley. 1875.C 577 Washington, G., and Lincoln; an Ad- dress, by Swing. 1888 *Ci696,9 and Seventy-Six; by Guernsey. '76. C 2394 and the American Republic; by Lossing. 3v. 1870 C 2405 and the Generals of the Revolution; by Griswold. 1866 C 545 and Thos. Jefferson; by Simpson. 1833 C 578 Bibliotheca Washingtoniaha ; by Baker. 1899 *0 561 Biographie; par Guizot. 1844 C 538 Centennial of Inauguration, 1889. .*Newsp. Centennial of Inauguration; ed. by Bowen. 1892 *P 2088 Character Portraits ; by Baker. '87.*V 495 Daily Journal, 1751-2; ed. by Toner. 1892 C11806 Day by Day; by Johnston. 1895..C11813 Dedication of Monument. 1885.. ♦R 3772 Diary of, 1789-91 ; by Lossing. i86o.C 2399 diplomatic History of Administra- tion of; by Trescot. 1857 L 109 Early Life ; by Pickell. 1856 C 542 Early Sketches; by Baker. 1894..C11810 English Ancestry of; by Waters. 1889 C11803 Epistles from. 1796 C 2398 Essay on Character and Influence of ; by Guizot. 1840 C 547 Exhibition of Portraits of, at Grolier Club, N. Y., 1899- 1900 K10075 Fac-simile of Accounts of. 1833. *R 4250 The First American; by Herbert. 1900 Ci 1894 Fondateur de la Republique ; par Fer- nay. 1886 ' C12367 George Washington; by Ford. 2v. 1900 *P 374 Historical Biography; by Scudder. 1889 C 3545 Home of; by Lossing. 1871 C 549 Home of; by Wineberger. 1860..C 554 Houdon Statue of ; by McRae. '73-*Ci696,7 The Ideal Patriot; by Taylor. 1897.C11892 in Domestic Life; by Rush. 1857. C 552 Itinerary, 1775-1783; by Baker. '92..C11807 Journal, 1747-8 C11805, Journal of, 1753 B 270- Journal, 1754; ed. by Toner. 1893. Ci 181 1 Ein Lebensbild; von Venedey. '65. D 4237 Life. 1825 C 2382 Life ; by Abbott. 1876 C 548 ;36o INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Washington, G. Life ; by Bancroft. '48. C 544 Life; by Everett, i860 C 539 Life ; by Guizot 1840 C 2397 Life ; by Habberton. 1884 G 2408 Life ; by Headley. 1^56 C 2396 Life ; by Henley. 1882 C 2395 Life; by Irving. 5v. 1855 C 541 The same. 5v. 1873 J 145 The same, abridged C 2407 Life; by Johnson. 1894 C11812 Life; by Lodge. 2v. 1889 C 3169 Life; by Marshall. 5v. 1805-7... C 553 Maps to the same *V 34 Life; by Paulding. 2v. 1871 I 3709 Life ; by Ramsay. 1807 C 535 Life ; by Sparks J 280,1 The same, abridged. 1857 C 546 Life; by Stoddard. 1886... C 2404 Life ; by Townsend. 1887 C 2384 Life; ed. by Upham. 2v. 1852 C 543 The same. 2v. 1851 C 2400 Life ; by Weems. 1873 G 537 Life; by Wilson. 1896 G11890 Life and Times; by Edmonds. 2v. 1839 I 3603 Life and Times; by Irelan. 1886. .B 858,1 Life and Times; by Schroeder. 2v. 1857 *V 85 Life Studied anew; by Hale. '1888.G 2383 Maxims of; by Schroeder. 1855. .E 1481 Medallic Memorials of; by Snowden. 1861 *R 4427 Memoir for Boys and Girls; by Phelps. 1874 G 2393 Memoirs; by Kirkland. 1857 C 576 Memoirs of the Administrations of; by Gibbs. 2v. 1846 L 94 Memorials of; by Walter. 1887. • • •G11804 Memory of; by Hervey. 1852 G 551 Oration at Washington Monument ; by Winthrop. 1885 *C 1696,5 Original Portraits of; by Johnston. 1882 *P 604 Political Legacies of; by Williams. 1800 G 3713 Recollections and Memoirs ; by Gustis. 1859 G 540 Story of; by Seelye. 1893 G11809 The True George Washington ; by Ford. 1896 G11814 True Story of; by Brooks. 1895. .H 3276 Washington, Bowdoin and Franklin; Addresses, by Winthrop, 1876..G 1642 Washington, G. Washington the Sol- dier; by Garrington. 1898 G11893 Washingtoniana ; Biography. 1800. G 536 Washingtoniana ; Memorials of Death, by Hough. 2v. 1863 *V 493 Wills of; ed. by W. G. Ford. 1891.G10182 Young Folks' Life of; by Brown. 1883 ..'. G 2406 Washington, Martha. Life; by Whar- ton. 1897 Gi 1889 Washington, Mary. Story of; by Ter- hune. 1892 G11815 Washington, Mary and Martha; by Lossing. 1886 G 2385 Watson, E. Life; by Deane. 1864 G 565 Watson, J. F. Memoir; by Dorr. 1861G 241 1 Watson, L. F., Memorial Addresses on. 1891 G11816 Watt, J. Life; by Arago. 1829 G 315 1 Life ; by Muirhead. 1858 G 3148 Memorials of; by Williamson. '56.G 1037 Watteau, A. Life; by Mollett. 1883.. Gi 1024 Watterson, R. Brief Memoir; by Deane. 1869 *G 1699 Discourse on ; by Gannett and Hey- wood. 1869 *G 1699 ' Wayland, F. Life; by Murray. 1891..G10803 Life; by his Sons. 2v. 1868 G 550 Wayne, Gen. A., in the Gontinental Army ; by Stille. 1893 Gi 1849 Life ; by Armstrong. 1872 G 75,4 Life and Services; by Moore. 1845. G 571 Weber, G. M. von. Leben; von Reiss- mann. 1883 D 4173 Leben; von M. M. Weber. 3v. in 2. 1864-6 D 6117 Life ; by Benedict. 1881 G 3963 Life; by M. M. Weber. 2v. 1865. G 3961 Webster, D. Address at Unveiling Statue of at New York; by Win- throp. 1876 *Gi696,7 and his Gontemporaries ; by March. 1873 c 556 as a Jurist ; by Parker. 1853 *Gi697,3 Discourse on Hundredth Anniver- sary of; by Hudson. 1882 *Gi697,i Discourses and Orations on. '52-3. *G 2429 Last Years of; by Gurtis. 1878 G 583 Life; by Gurtis. 2v. 1872 G 555 Life ; by Hapgood. 1899 .G17323 Life; by Knapp. 1831 G 581 Life ; by Lodge. 1883 G 2414 Life ; by Schmucker. 1877 C 562 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 361 Webster, D. Life and Memorials; by Lyman. 2v. 1853 C 557 Life and Public Services of; by Banvard. 1875 C 2430 Life, Eulogy and Great Orations of. 1853 •.. C 2431 Memorial of, from the City of Bos- ton. 1853 C 584 Obituary Addresses on. 1853 C 559 Oration on Life and Public Ser- vices; by Walker. 1852 *C\6^,7 Private Correspondence. 2v. 1857. C 558 Private Life; by Lanman. 1852... C 560 Proceedings at Inauguration of the Statue of; by Burnham. 1876. .♦R 4266 Reminiscences and Anecdotes; by Harvey. 1877 C 582 Tribute of New York City to. 1853.C 2428 Webster, an Ode ; by Wilkinson.'82*V 558 Webster, N. Life; by Scuddcr. 1881.C 2413 Weckhrlin, W. L. Lcben; von Boehm. 1893 D14081 Wedderburn, Sir D. Life; by Pcrcival. 1884 C11825 Wedgwood, J. History; by Smiles. '95. Ci 1852 Life; by Jewitt. 1865 C 989 Life; by Meteyard. 2v. 1865 C 972 Weed, T. Life of. 2v. 1883-4 C 2424 v. I. Autobiography; cd. by H. A. Weed. 2. Memoir of; by Barnes. Wellesley, R. C, Marquess. Portrait of ; by Torrcns. 1880 C 3150 Welungton, Duke of. Conversations with, 1831-51; by Stanhope. '88. C 3117 Funeral; by Archer. 1852 C11844 Life; by Alexander. 2v. 1839-40. .C 3145 Life ; by Brialmont. 4v. .1858 C 979 Life ; by Browne. 1853 C 978 Life ; by Gleig. 1875 C 3138 Life ; by Hooper. 1889 C10745 Life; by Sir H. Maxwell. 2v. '99.C11847 Life; by W. H. Maxwell. 3V. '62. C 1014 The same abridged. 1891 1 3163 Life ; by Stocqueler. 2v. 1852-3. ..Ci 1843 Life; by Yonge. 2v. i860 C 970 Life and Campaigns; by Wright. 4V. 1841 C 3089 Life and Times; by Williams and Gaspey. 4v. in 2. 1853-6 *V 562 Memoir of. 1852 14000,14 Orders of Knighthood, etc., con- ferred upon. 1852 *R 4276 Wellington, Duke of. Private Corre- spondence with Raikes. 1861...C 895 Public and Private Life; by .Browne. 1889 '. C11842 Rise of; by Roberts. 1895 C11845 Victories of; by Maxwell. 1871...I 3133 Wellington Memorial; by Griffiths. 1898 C11846 Wellingtoniana ; Anecdotes of the Duke, by Timbs. 1852 C 1015 Words of; ed. by Walford. 1869.. I 3898 Words on; by Fraser: 1889 C11841 Wells, W. H. In Memoriam. 1887. .C 2367 Wemyss, F. C. Theatrical Biography. 1848 C 2418 Wentworth, T. See Strafford, Earl of. Wergeland, H. Lefvnet. Schwanenflii- gel. 1877 C 7543 og bans Samtid. Lassen. 1866.... C 8346 Wesley, C. Life; by Jackson. 2v. '41. C 1009 and J. Lives ; by Whitehead. 2v. 1 793 C 1 1 86a Wesley, J., and Methodism; by Snell. 1900' C16843 John Wesley; by Banfield. 1900..C17341 Life ; by Green. 1881 C 3124 Life ; by Overton. 1891 Ci 1863 Life; by Southey. 1864 1 3089 Life; by Tyerman. 3v. 1872 C 971 Life ; by Watson. 1831 C 973 Life ; by Wedgwood. 1870 C 974 Place in Church History; by Urlin. 1870 C 975 Story of, told to Bo^s and Girls; by Kirlew. 1898 C191 12 Wesley, S. Life; by Clarke. 1886.... C 3157 West, Sir A. Recollections, '32-86. 1900C19086 •West, B. Life and Works ; by Gait. '20.C 564 West, W. Fifty Years' Recollections of an old Bookseller. 1837 C 3092 Westbury, 1st Baron (R. Bethell). Life; by Nash. 2v. 1888 C10529 Weston, A. Life; by Tomkinson. '87.C 3099 Our Blue Jackets; Miss Weston's Life and Work, by Wintz. 1882. .C19087 Wetzel, L. Life; by Meyers. 1883 C 2416 Whalley, T. S. Journals. 2v. 1863 . . C 976 Whately, R. Life and Correspondence. 2v. 1866 C 1025 Memoir; by Fitzpatrick. 2v. 1864C 977 Wheaton, R. Memoir of. 1854 C 2365 Wheelock, E. Memoirs; by McClure and Parish. 1811 C 2419 3^2 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Whewell, W. Life; by Douglas. '8i.C 3135 Whipple, H. B., Bishop. Lights and Shadows of a Long Episcopate. 1899 C19102 White, H. K. Life and JRemains. '25.C11872 White, J., Life Sketches of. i88o C 2417 White, P. H. Address on; by Clark: 1869 *C 1698 Whitefield, G. Biography; by Belcher.C 3096 Life; by Gledstone. 1871 C 984 Life ; by Tyerman. 2v. 1877 C ion Light in Obscurity; by Andrews.. C loio Memoirs; ed. by Gillies. 1772 C 3130 Whitehead, C., a Forgotten Genius; by Bell. 1884 C11858 Whitehead, J. Life; by Chalk. 1852. C 1012 Whitehouse, H. J., Bishop. Sermon on ; by Locke. 1874 *C 1699 Whitelocke, B. Memoirs ; by R. H. Whitelocke. i860 C 985 Whitgift, J. Life ; by Strype. 3v. '22.*P 133 Whitman, M., and the Early Days of Or- egon; by Mowry. 1901 C19096 Whitman, W. Autobiographia ; Select- ed from his Prose Writings. '92. Ci 1828 Calamus; Letters to Peter Doyle. 1897 C19097 Life; by Bucke. 1883 C 2412 Life ; by Clarke. 1892 C11866 Religious and Moral Teacher; by Guthrie. 1897 C19098 A Study; by Burroughs. 1896 C19093 A Study; by Symonds. 1893 C11829 Walt Whitman, the Man; by Don- aldson. 1896 C19094 The Wound Dresser; Letters during the War. 1898 ^ B 6183 Whitney, W. D. Whitney Memorial Meeting, Dec. 28, 1894; ed. by Lanman C11898 Whittaker, T. Life's Battles in Tem- perance Armor. 1885 C 3156 Whittier, J. G. Life; by Burton. 1901.C17320 Life ; by Linton. 1893 C11553 Life ; by Underwood. 1884 C 2415 Life and Friendships; by Fields. '93C11876 Life and Letters; by Pickard. 2v. 1894 C11878 Life and Writings ; by Kennedy. '82. C 2423 Personal Recollections; by Claflin. 1893 C11877 Whittier, J. G. Presentation cf a Por- trait of, to Friends' School, Provi- dence, R. I. 1885 C 2436 Prophet, Seer and Man; by Flower. 1896 .y C19100 Whittington, Sir R. Life; by Besant and Rice. 1881 C 3131 History ; ed. by Wheatley. " 1885. • • C19095 Story ; by Carr. 1871 *R 4272 Story ; by Lysons. i860 C 3146 WiFFEN, B. B. Life; by Pattison. '80.C 3129 WiFFEN, J. H. Life; by M. L Wiffen. 1880 C 3129 WiKOFF, H. Adventures of a Roving Diplomatist. 1857 E 1617 My Courtship and its Consequences. 1855 C 3906 New Yorker in the Foreign Office. 1858 E 1616 Same as Adventures of a Roving Diplomatist. Reminiscences of an Idler. 1880. .E 1615 Wilder, D., Memorial Addresses on. '90.C11874 WiLBERFORCE, S., Bishop. Life; by Dan- iell. 1891 ., Cii86r Life and Correspondence; by Ash- well and R. G. Wilberforce. 3v. 1880-82 Ci 1868 Wilberforce, W., Life of C 980 Life; by his Sons. sv. 1838...... C 1019 Life; by Stoughton. 1880 C 1017 Recollections of; by Harford. '64. C lOiS- Wilder, M. P. People I've Smiled with. 1889 C 3967 Wilder, S. V. S. Records from Life of. 1865 C 587 WiLGUS, W. J. Life ; by Sellstedt. '64*0 139 Wilhelmina, Margravine of Baireuth. See Frederica. Wilkes, J. Correspondence; with Mem- oir, by Almon. 5v. 1805. . . . . .C 3141 Letters, 1774 to 1796, with Mem- oir. 4v. 1804 C 3142 Life and Times; by Fitzgerald. 2v. 1888 C 1038 and Cobbett. Lives ; by Watson. 1870C 982 Wilkie, Sir D. Life; by Cunningham. 3v. 1843 C 3133 Life; by Mollett. 1881 C 3132 Life ; by Simpson. 1879 C 3144 Memoir ; ed. by Raimbach. 1843... C 785 Wilkie, F. B. Personal Reminiscences of 35 Years of Journalism. 1891.C11865 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 363 Wilkinson, Gen., James. Memoirs of my own Times. 3v. 1816 C 568 Wilkinson, Jemima, Memoir of. 1844.C 2421 WiLLARD, E. Life; by Lord. 1873 C11822 WiLLARD, F. E., Beautiful Life of; by Gordon. 1898 C19083 Glimpses of Fifty Years. 1889 C11802 WiLLARD, M. E. Nineteen Beautiful Years; by F. E. Willard. 1889..C11823 WiLLARD, Simon, Life and Times; by J. Willard. 1858 ..C1021 Willard, Solomon. Memoir; by Wheil- don. 1865 C19084 William I., Emperor of Germany, and the German Empire; by Smith. 1887 C 3980 Biography ; by Forbes. 1888 C 3981 Founder of the New German Em- pire ; by Licb. 1888 C 3984 Leben ; von Pflug. 1878 D 5685 Lcben ; von Schneider. 1888 D 6120 Life ; by Strauss. 1888 C 3982 Reign of; by Simon. 2v. 1886 C 3983 und seine Zeit; von Schmidt und Otto. 2v. 1879 D 4238 William II., Emperor of Germany, and his Eastern Neighbors; by Bigc- low. 1892 C11856 The Emperor at Home; by Leudet. 1898 C19116 The German Emperor; by Lowe. '95C11857 und sein ocstlicher Nachbar; von Bigelow. 1893 D13810 und seine Leute; von Redern. '91. D 5996 The Young Emperor; by Frederic. 1891 C11855 WiLUAM I., King of'England. The Con- queror and his Companions; by Planch^. 2v. 1874 A 585 Guillaume le Conquerant; par To- diere. 1880 C 6861 Life; by Abbott. 1874 H Z3 Life ; by Freeman. 1888 C 3562 Life ; by Roscoe. 1846 C 3139 Wn.LiAM II., King of England. Reign of; by Freeman. 2v. 1882 A 655 Willlam III., King of England, and Louis XIV. Letters. 2v. 1848. C 3127 Life; by Traill. 1888 C 3563 Life and Times ; by Dungannon. 2v. 1835-36 C11854 William IV., King of England. Letters to Caroline von Linsingen. 1880. C 1287 Life and Times; by Fitzgerald. 2v. 1884 C11853 William I., King of the Netherlands. Leven; door Zeeman. 1844 D 9971 William II., King of the Netherlands. Leven ; door Bosscha. 1871 D 9098 William L, King of IVurtemherg. Leben; von Nick. 1864 D 289 William I., the Silent, Prince of Or- ange. Correspondance de C12443 Leven ; door Zvvart. 1884 D 9980 Life; by Harrison. 1897 C19104 Life; by Putnam. 2v. 1895 C11848 William of Wykeham and his Col- leges ; by Walcott. 1852 C 3166 Williams, A. S. Life and Character. 1880 C11870 Williams, E. Identity with Louis XVII. ; by Hanson. 1854 C 1153 Williams, I. Autobiography; ed. by Prevost C11871 W^illiams, J., Rev. (b. 1664). Life; by S.W.Williams. 1837 C 570 Williams, J., Rev. (b. 1796). Memoirs; by Prout. 1843 C 983 Williams, J., Rev. (Ab Ithel). Life and Writings; by Kenward. '71.C10483 Williams, M. Leaves of a Life.-2v. '90C11859 Later Leaves. 1891 C11860 Williams, Roger. Footprints of; by Mudge. 1871 ..C 575 and his Banishment; by Dexter.'76.B 1013 Life; by Elton. 1852 C 588 Life; by Gammell. 1845 C 75,14 Life; by Straus. 1894 C11880 Memoir ; by Knowles. 1834 C 589 Williams, Rowland. Life and Letters; ed. by his Wife. 2v. 1874 C11873 Williams, S. W. Life and Letters; by F. W. Williams.' 1889 C 2389 Williams, T. (Te-ho-ra-gwa-ne-gen) . Life; by E. Williams. 1859 C 414 Williams, W . Life, Travels and La- bors. 1828 C 2420 Willis, N. P. Life; by Beers. 1885.. C 2435 Willi STON, S. Discourses on ; by Tyler. 1874 *E743,3 Wills. T. Life; by Phillips and Luke. 1880 C 3128 Wilmer, R. H. The Recent Past. '87. C 2439 3^4 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. Wilson, A. Life; by Peabody. 1834.. C 75,2 Wilson, D. Life, with Extracts from Journals; by J. Bateman. 2v. '60.C11801 Wilson, H. Life; by Manm 1872 C 566 Life and Services ; by Nason. 188 i.C 2422 Memorial Addresses on. 1876 C 567 Wilson, Jane M. A Flower from. South Africa; by Lamplough. 1869 C 1221 Wilson, Rev. Johnr Life; by McCIure. 1846 Ci4S0,2 Wilson, John {Christopher North) ; by Gordon. 1863 C 986 Wilson, Sir R. Life; ed. by Randolph. 2v. 1862 C 3119 Private Diary of; ed. by Randolph. 2v. 1861 C 3120 W^inckelmann, J. J. Leben; von Justi. 3v. 1866-72 D 4234 Windham^ W. Diary, 1784- 1810; ed. by Baring. 1866 C11864 Winslow. a. G. Diary, 1771 ; ed. by Earle. 1894 • C11851 Wint, p. de. Life: by Redgrave. '91. Ci 1023 Winthro'p, Gov..]. Life; by Twichell. 1891 C10464 Life and Letters, 1588-1649; by R. C. Winthrop. 2v. 1869. C 2432 Some Old Puritan Love-Letters, 1618-38. 1893 C11837 Winthrop, Mrs. M. T. Life; by Earle. 1895 C1184C Winthrop, R. C. Memoir ; by R. C. Win- throp, Jr. 1897 C11869 Tributes to the Memory of; by Mass. Historical Society. 1894 C11838 Winthrop, T. Life and Poems of ; ed. by his Sister. 1884 .C 2426 WiKT, W. Life; by Kennedy. 2v. '49C 572 The same. 2v. 1872 *P 282 Wise, H. A. Life, 1806-1876; by B. H. Wise. 1899 C19107 Wiseman, Cardinal N. P. S. Life and Times; by Ward. 2v. 1897 C19108 Wiseman, R. Biography ; by Longmore. 1891 Ci 1833 Witt, J. de. Grand Pensionary of Hol- land; by Pontalis. 2v. 1885 C 397o Jean de Witt; par Pontalis. 2v. '84.C 6286 Wottington, M. Life and Adventures; by Molloy. 2v. 1885 C 3i47 Tribute to the Actress and the Wom- an; by Daly. 1891..* *V 2725 Wolf, J., the Animal Painter. Life; by Palmer. 1895 C11861 Wolfe, Gen. J. Address on ; by Sabine. 1859 ..•'» C 2433 Life; by Bradley. 1895. C11835 Life ; by Wright. 1864. C 1029 Wolff, A. Memoires d'un Parisien. 4v. 1884-86 C13379 Wolff, Sir H. D. Some Notes of the Past, 1870-91 C11875 Wollstonecraft, M. See Godwin, Mrs. M. WoLSELEY, Sir G. T. W. Memoirs; by Low. 2v. 1878 C 3134 WoLSEY, CarditHil T. Life; by Caven- dish. 1827 C 1031 The same. 1852 C 3090 Life ; by Creighton. 1888 C 3564 Life; by Fiddes. 1724 *V 202 Life ; by Thomson. 1833 C 12 Life and Times; by Howard. 1824.C 3125 Wood, F. Memorial Addresses on. '82. C 2425 Wood, Sir H. E. Life; by Williams. '92.C11826 Wood, J., Inventor of the Modern Plow ; by Gilbert. 1882 C 579 Wood, Rev. J. G. Life and Work; by T. Wood. 1890 • C11831 Woodbridge, W. Life; by Lanman. *67.Cii832 Woolman, J. Journal ; by Whittier. '71 . C 563 WooLWARD, R. Nigh on Sixty Years at Sea. 1894 C191 IS Wootton, R. L. Life; by Conard. 1890.C11830 Worcester, Marquis of. Life; by Dircks. 1865 ...C 943 Worcester, N. Memoirs; by Ware. '44.C11836 Wordsworth, C. Annals of my Life, 1847-56 .C11839 Wordsworth, D. Storjj of a Sister's Love; by Lee. 1887 C 3158 Wordsworth, W. Biographical Sketch; by Symington. 2v. 1881 C 3137 Life; by Knight. 3v. 1889. . .*E8994,9-ii Life; by Myers. 1881 C 1502 Story of his Life ; by Sutherland. 1887 C11834 Studies in ; by Hudson. 1884 C 3149 A Study ; by Calvert. 1878 C 1034 Wraxall, N. W. Historical Memoirs, 1772-1784. 2v C 3140 Wren, Sir C, and his Times; by Elmes. 1852 C 3143 His Family and Times; by Philli- more. 1815 C 3091 INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY. 36g Wright, Frances. See Arusmont, Mme. R W. d'. Wright, J. S. In Memoriam. 1885. .*C 1696,2 Wright, R. In Memoriam, 1832-1900.019105 Wright, S. Discourse on; by Sprague. 1847 .*Ci696,2 Life ; by Hammond. 1848 C 2427 Life ; by Jenkins. 1847 C 561 Wyatt, W. E. Memorial. 1864 *C 139 THe Steward of God; by Grafton. 1864 *C 139 Wycliffe, J., and his English Precur- sors; by Lechler. 2v. 1878 C 31 18 First of the Reformers; by Holt. '84C 3152 Life and Opinions ; by Vaughan. 2v. 1828 C 997 Life and Suflferings; by Lewis. *20.C 3160 Schoolman and Reformer; by Ser- geant. 1893 C11879 Xavier, Francis, St. See Francis Xa- vier, St. Xerxes, History of; by Abbott. 1873. .H 34 XiMENES,Carrfi/ia/. Life; by Hefele. i860. C 1259 Vakub Beg, Ameer of Kashgar. - Life; by Boulger. 1878 Ci 1907 Yale, E. Life; by Dexter. 1882. .. .*Ci697,2 Yancey, W. L. Life and Times of; by DuBoise. 1892 Ci 1899 Yates, E. H. Fifty Years of London Life. 1885 ^....€3155 Yates, R. Life and Public Services; by Reavis. 1881 *Ci697,2 Yates, W. Memoirs; by Hoby. 1847. C 988 York von Wartenburg, Count. Leben; von Droysen. 1878 D 44 YouMANS, E. L. Life; by Fiske. 1894.C11900 Young, A. Autobiography and Corre- spondence; ed. by Edwards. 1898.C19148 Young, B., and his Harem ; by 'Waite. 1866 C 573 Young, C. M. Memoir ; by J. C. Young. 1871 C 992 Young, T. Life; by Peacock. 1855... C 99° Zeisberger, D. Diary; tr. by Bliss. 2v. 1885 ' ■ Ci 1901 Life; by Schweinitz. 1871 C 2434 Zenab, Princess of Egypt. Recollections ; by Chennells. 2v. 1893 C11905 Zola, E. Biographical and Critical Study; by Sherard. 1893 C11906 with Zola in England; by Vizetelly. 1899 C11904 Zucchi (Angelica Kauffrnann). Biog- raphy ; by Gerard. 1892 .C11095 ZwiNGLi, U. Life ; by Hess. 1812 C 3998 Reformation in Switzerland; by Christoflfel. 1858 C 3999 Reformer of German Switzerland, 1484-1531 ; by Jackson. 1901 C18425 A'^-y UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY