MEMCAL ^SCHOOL UISMAmir Gift Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from — IVIicrosoft Corporation THE ANATOMY OF THE PEEITOI^^UM THE ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM 1 BY FRANKLIN PEXTER, M. D. ASSISTANT DEMONSTRATOR OF ANATOMY, COLLEGE OF PHYSICLAJfS AND SURGEONS (COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY) NEW YORK WITH THIRTY-EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1892 Copyright, 1892, bt d. appleton and company. QMS&7 PREFACE. From my experience in the dissecting-room, there seems to me to be no part of anatomy which is quite so unsatisfactory or incomprehensible to the student as the peritonaeum. It is impossible to offer an expla- nation of why anatomical conditions present them- selves as we find them, but in some cases, at least, we can explain how such conditions are produced, and if one understands this his knowledge is of a more satisfactory kind, and does not degenerate to a mere matter of memory. Moreover, if one follows the de- velopment of the organs, and is able to understand the changes produced in the abdominal cavity by this, he not only gains valuable information as to their normal position, but can more easily understand the abnormities that occur. There is no way of obtain- ing a clear idea of the peritonaeum except through a knowledge of its development. It is this belief which suggested to me the writing of this pamj^hlet. The matter contained in it is not original in any sense of the word. 6 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. I believe it was Prof. Toldt, of Vienna, who first gave tbe true description of the development of the peritonseum. His article was, of course, written in German, and therefore is useless to most of our stu- dents. It seemed to me that if one should take his description as a basis, make many more plates than he gives in his work, and so take the student along, step by step, in the most elementary way, he would not only be able to follow the description with comparative ease, but in the end would have an understanding of the subject. It is with this idea that this pamphlet is offered to students of anatomy. To those further ad- vanced in the science, the sketches will seem far too diagrammatic to coincide with accuracy — and I agree with them — but I have tried to keep the main object in view, namely, that it is not the embryological de- tails which the student is trying to learn, but their result. For this reason it has been made most dia- grammatical, with the hope that he will more easily be enabled to follow each step in the development. There is much in regard to the development of the liver and diaphragm which is not understood, and therefore the simplest possible explanation has been chosen. Even though in some details it be incor- rect, it may aid the student in obtaining an idea of the peritoneal connections between the organs. Should this pamphlet give the required aid, its object will have been accomplished. PKEFACE. 7 I would here express my sincere thanks to Prof. C. S. Minot, of Harvard University, as well as to Prof. George S. Huntington, of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, Colunibia University, for the aid and many valuable suggestions which they have given me ; as well as acknowledge my indebtedness to my former teacher. Dr. F. Hochstetter, assistant at the Vienna University, for the many hours which we have passed together in the study of this subject. I am also indebted to Toldt, Hertwig, Gegenbauer, Quain, and Gray, for sketches taken from their works. Franklin Dextee, Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. ANATOMY OF THE PERITONAEUM. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. Fig. L Median section of an embryo. In a very young embryo the alimentary canal resembles a tube in its form. Fig. II. At a later date a slight enlargement occurs in it, which is the first indication of the stomach, and infe- riorly the canal makes a distinct bend. Fig. I. — A, Aorta. Ac, Alimentary canal. Fig. II. — S, Rudimentary stomach. A, Aorta. B, Bend in intestine. 10 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONAEUM. Fig. III. The enlargement (stomach) increases in size, the bend in the intestine grows more pronounced, and the lowest loop of the bend is approximated to the upper part of the intestine. Fig. in. — S, Stomach. A, Aorta. B, Bend in intes- tine. 12 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. IY. At about this time a differentiation in the size of the intestine takes j)]ace. The bend in the large has crossed the small intestine, and just below the stom- ach two sprout-like processes are given off from the small intestine, one anteriorly and one posteriorly to it. These are the first indications of the liver and pancreas respectively. Fig. ly. — S, Stomach. A, Aorta. C, Colon. L, Liver. P, Pancreas. 14 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. y. An anterior view of an embryo in the next stage of development shows us that tlie large intestine has, so to speak, fallen over the small intestine. This happens in such a manner that the large intestine comes to lie anteriorly to the small, crosses it, and indicates in a general way the direction of the trans- verse and descending colon. The liver and pancreas have not here been drawn in, for the sake of sim- plicity. -— \— Tc Coe— ■--De Fig. V. — A, Aorta. S, Stomach. Tc, Transverse colon. Dc, Descending colon. Coe, caecum. 10 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. YI. At a later date the differentiation in the size of the intestines is more marked. The vermiform ap- pendix is not of uniform size, as in the adult, but it seems to be, as it really is, a portion of the caecum. That there is no ascending colon is an important point, as well as the high position of the caecum. Later, the first portion of the large intestine grows downward, until the caecum reaches its normal po- sition in the right iliac fossa. In this way the as- cending colon is formed. That the caecum has nor- mally this high position in the embryo is important, for I have seen cases in the dissecting room of chil- dren whose caeca were found to be in relation to the liver rather than to the iliac fossa. This abnormity can easily be accounted for by the lack of develop- ment of the ascending colon. Fig. VI. — Coe, Caecum. Va, Vermiform appendix. A Aorta. 18 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. YII. The stomach has now more its adult form — that is to say, its two ends have approached each other, and, moreover, it is so turned tliat what was formerly its anterior border is now its superior or lesser curvature, and what was its posterior border is now its inferior or greater curvature. This is important, as we shall see later. The small intestine has greatly increased in length, and the caecum has reached its normal position, in the right iliac fossa. Fig. VII. — S, Stomach. Ac, Ascending colon. Tc, Transverse colon. Dc, Descending colon. Coe, caecum. 20 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONAEUM. MESENTEEY Fig. YIII. The blood-vessels supplying the alimentary tract need some support, and they find it in a more or less loose connective tissue which binds them together. It is necessary that they should have a lubricated sur- face, in order to diminish friction, and so allow the peristaltic movement of the intestines to be carried on as smoothly as possible. So the blood-vessels in their bed of connective tissue are surrounded by a shining membrane called the peritonseum. All these together — vessels, tissue, and peritonaeum — constitute what is known as the mesentery. Every organ has its mesentery, under that name or some other. For instance, the name mesentery is usually applied to the mesentery of the small intes- tine ; the mesocaecum, to the mesentery of the cae- cum ; the transverse mesocolon, to the mesentery of the transverse colon ; and the mesorectum, to the mesentery of the rectum. Moreover, other organs have their mesenteries, though their nature is not designated by their name. The lesser omentum is the mesentery of the liver, the greater omentum the mesentery of the stomach, spleen, and pancreas. It will be seen from this that mesenteries vary much in thickness. They may be very thin, like the omenta, or much stronger, as in the ascending mesocolon. Fig. VIII. — Vp, Visceral peritonaeum. Pp, Parietal peritonaeum. M, Mesentery. I, Intestine. T, Con- nective tissue. V, Vessels. 22 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. IX. Figs. IX, X, and XI are transverse sections of an embryo at different ages, to show two points: first, that the peritonaeum is developed simultaneous- ly with the intestine ; second, to show the mode of development of the mesentery. Fig. IX is the youngest embryo, and at this date the intestine is not closed ; nevertheless, it is entirely covered by peritonaeum (the green line), which is re- flected on to the sides of the peritoneal cavity. This shows us that there are two forms of peritonaeum — one usually described as the visceral, because it sur- rounds a viscus ; the other as the parietal, because it lines the parietal walls. The peritonaeum of the me- sentery is always of the former variety. In these drawings the parietal peritonaeum will be represented by a green line ; but all mesenteries — ^to show that they are such — by a black line between two green ones. The black line corresponds to the connective-tissue support of the vessels. We see, then, that the peri- tonaeum is developed simultaneously with the intes- tine, and that the intestine has not, after it has been formed, been pushed into the membrane as a finger is into a glove. This explanation or comparison of the covering of the intestine by peritoneum, which is so often given, is not a fortunate one, for it implies at least a totally wrong principle. Fig. IX. — Pp, Parietal peritonaeum. . Vp, Visceral peri- tonaeum. I, Intestine. Pc, Peritoneal cavity. 24 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. X. Fig. X represents the embryo at a later date. The intestine is gradually closing, and is attached to the embryo by a very short mesentery. Fig. XL In Fig. XI the shape of the embryo is somewhat changed. The intestine is closed, and the mesentery has very much increased in length. It increases in length by growth, which might be likened to a pro- cess of stretching. Fig. X. — M, Mesentery. Fig. XL — Pc, Peritoneal cavity. Pp, Parietal perito- naeum. Vp, Visceral peritonaeum. M, Mesentery. I, Intestine. 26 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XII. For the sake of simplicity, when considering the development of the alimentary canal, its mesenteries were omitted. On the examination of a very young embryo at a period when its alimentary canal presents a tube-like appearance, we find that it possesses two mesenteries — a posterior mesentery, attached anteri- orly to the alimentary canal and posteriorly to the aorta. Its vessels (not here represented) are branches of the aorta. It has also an anterior mesentery, at- tached posteriorly to the canal and anteriorly to the median line of the abdominal wall. This mesentery extends only as far downward as the umbilicus. The abdominal cavity is lined anteriorly and posteriorly, as well as on each side, by the parietal peritonaeum, which is reflected on to the mesenteries, and thence on to the gut, constituting the visceral layer of peri- tonaeum (Fig. XX). Fig. XII. — A, Aorta. Ac, Alimentary canal. Pm, Pos- terior mesentery. Am, Anterior mesentery. U, Um- bilicus. 28 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XIII. The relation of the anterior mesentery is un- changed by the development of the bend in the canal. The posterior, however, presents a somewhat different appearance. This mesentery appears to be shortened where the inferior bend occurs. The stomach and the first part of the small intestine have an anterior as well as a posterior mesentery. The posterior mesen- tery of the stomach is also called the mesogastriumo Am u Fig. XIIL— a, Aorta. S, Stomach. Pm, Posterior mesentery or mesogastrium. Am, Anterior mesen- tery, lb, Inferior bend. U, Umbilicus. 30 ANATOMY OP THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XIY. The blood-vessels have been represented in this plate to show that even at this earlj date the ves- sels supplying the organs correspond to the vessels in the adult — the cocliac axis, to supply the stom- ach, liver, and spleen ; the superior mesenteric ar- tery, to supply the caecum, ascending and transverse colon ; the inferior mesenteric, to supply the de- scending colon, sigmoid flexure, and rectum. Fig. XIV. — Oa, Coeliac axis. Sm, Superior mesenteric artery. Iin, Inferior mesenteric artery. 32 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XY. The posterior mesentery is somewhat changed in appearance by the crossing of the intestine. The loop of intestine, with its mesentery, seems to be separated from the posterior mesentery, yet it is not ; its connecting band lies between the two parts of the crossing intestine, but can not be seen in this plate. The liver develops from the intestine and lies in the anterior mesentery. The pancreas likewise originates from the intestine, but lies in the posterior mesentery or mesogastrium. Fig. XV. — Lo, Lesser omentum. S, Stomach. M, Meso- gastrium. P, Pancreas. D, Diaphragm. L, Liver. Am, Anterior mesentery. U, Umbilicus. 34 ANATOMY OP THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XYI. Fig. XYI is an anterior view of the embryo, rep- resenting the alimentary canal after the large has fallen over the small intestine. In this plate the an- terior mesentery has been entirely omitted, and all the mesentery here seen is posterior mesentery. The mesogastrium is attached to the median line ; it then disappears behind the stomach ; it is again seen ap- pearing from behind the stomach, to be attached to its greater curvature. It must be borne in mind that the stomach has now materially altered its position. Its two ends have approximated each other. It has so turned that what was formerly its anterior border is now its lesser curvature, and what was its posterior border is now its greater curvature. We saw that the posterior mesentery was attached to the posterior border of the stomach and to the aorta. lN"ow, as the greater curva- ture corresponds to what was the posterior border of the organ, and as the mesogastrium has not changed its place of attachment, we find it attached to the greater curvature of the stomach. Moreover, what was formerly the left surface of the stomach has now become its anterior surface, and its right has become its posterior surface. This would explain the distri- bution of the left pneumogastric nerve to the ante- rior and the right to the posterior surface of the stomach. Fig. XVI. — A, Aorta. S, Stomach. M, Mesogastrmm. Mc, Mesentery of colon. Mi, Mesentery of intes- tine. Ms, Mesentery of sigmoid flexure. 36 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONAEUM. Fig. XYII. If it is not easily understood how a portion of the duodenum is hidden from view by the mesentery of the transverse colon, any one can demonstrate it for himself by the construction of a very simple mod- el. Take a board and fasten to it an India-rubber tube, bent in such a way as to resemble the bend in the embryo intestine. A thin sheet of India-rubber (such as dentists use for their rubber dam) makes a very good posterior mesentery. This should be sewed to the tube and attached to the surface of the board. N^ow we have a side view of the embryonic aliment- ary canal with its posterior mesentery. Fig. XVII.— B, Board. T, Tube. R, Eubber sheet. 38 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XYIII. The ascending portion of the bend should be ap- proximated to the descending until the loop falls over, and it will be seen that a part of the tube is covered by the rubber sheet (the edge of the board corre- sponding to the front of the embryo should now be turned toward the observer). This sheet represents the mesentery of the transverse colon, the covered rubber tube the so-called third portion of the duo- denum, and, in the model, now to see it one must tear through the rubber sheet. Thus it is explained how in the adult the jejunum seems suddenly to appear in the abdomen, and the third portion of the duodenum is invisible. This portion of the duol denum is covered by the mesentery of the transverse colon, and if this is cut through the duodenum wil- come to light in the same way the tube did when the rubber sheet was torn. Fig. XYIII. 40 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XIX. Fig. XIX is the same as Fig. XYI, only at a later date. The mesogastrium is seen to be more devel- oped, so that it forms quite a little sac behind and to the left as well as below the stomach. After it has reached this period of growth it is spoken of eitlier as the posterior mesentery of the stomach, the meso- gastrium, or the great omentum, the names being applied to one aiid the same thing. The interior of the sac — i. e., the space between the mesogastrium and the stomach — is known as the lesser cavity of the peritonaeum, or the cavity of the great omentum. Fig. XIX. — X, Line of section of Fig. XX. M, Meso- gastrium. 42 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. MESENTERY OF THE INTESTINE IN EMBRYO. Fig. XX. Suppose a transverse section of Fig. XIX be made just below the transverse colon. We should see the mesentery of the small intestine, as well as the mesentery of the ascending and descending colon, all attached posteriorly to the aorta ; the abdominal cavity lined by the parietal peritonaeum ; the kidneys lying external to it, in what is known as the retro- peritoneal space (consequently they are covered only on their anterior surfaces by peritonaeum). The im- portant point is that both the large and small intes- tines have a long and freely movable mesentery, and are in no way fixed in the abdomen, except where their mesenteries are attached to the aorta. This is the actual condition of the intestines in the foetus, and often even at birth. Pp-- FiG. XX. — Si, Small intestine. M, Mesentery. C, Colon. Mc, Ascending mesocolon. K, Kidney. A, Aorta. Rs, Retroperitoneal space. Pp, Parietal peritonaeum. 44 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXI. In the adult, however, it is different. The small intestine remains unchanged, but tlie ascending and descending colon become adherent to the posterior abdominal wall. That is to say, the parietal peri- tonaeum, as well as the peritonaeum on the posterior surface of their mesenteries and a portion of the peri- tonaeum on the colon itself, becomes changed to con- nective tissue (represented in the plate in brown). By means of this connective tissue the ascending and descending colon, at or soon after birth, become im- movably fixed to the posterior abdominal wall. It explains, moreover, how it comes about that they are only partially covered by peritonaeum, and how it is possible in the adult, but not in a very young child, to enter the ascending or descending colon posterior- ly without injury to the peritonaeum. In this opera- tion the operator would pass through the connective tissue, and the peritoneal covering of the gut would remain uninjured. It is interesting to note (speaking generally) that the intestines of the higher animals as regards this point resemble the condition found in the foetus. Sf-~^. Fig. XXI. — C, Colon. K, Kidney. Mc, Ascending mesocolon. T, Connective tissue. Pp, parietal peritonaeum. Si, Small intestine. 46 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXII. In the adult, as was just explained, the mesentery of the descending colon becomes attached to the pos- terior abdominal wall. The mesentery of the sigmoid flexure, however, is usually only attached, as in the embryo, to the median line, and does not unite with the peritonaeum of the posterior abdominal wall. It is long, and consequently very movable — so much so in fact that the ancients described the normal position of sigmoid flexure to be on the right side of the body. An unattached sigmoid flexure is the rule, but to find it more or less united is not uncommon. Fig. XXII represents the descending colon and sigmoid flexure with their mesenteries. The dotted line shows the limit, inferiorly, to which the mesen- tery of the descending colon is attached to the poste- rior abdominal wall. As the sigmoid flexure is not usually attached here, but is quite movable, one is able to lift it up, and will find on so doing a more or less triangular cavity or fossa beneath it. This fossa is bounded in the median line by the attached mesentery of the sigmoid flexure, and above by the dotted line representing the limit of the attachment of the mesen- tery of the descending colon. It is called the sub- sigmoid fossa. Its size depends upon the extent of at- tachment of the mesentery of the sigmoid flexure to the posterior abdominal wall. If this line of attachment extends lower down than normal, so as to include a part of the sigmoid flexure, the fossa will be poorly developed ; if, on the other hand, the entire mesentery of the sigmoid flexure is free, the fossa will be large. Fig. XXII. — A, Aorta. Dc, Descending colon. Mc, Descending mesocolon. Sm, Sigmoid mesocolon. Sf, Sigmoid flexure. 48 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. MESENTERIES OF THE LIVER AND STOMACH. Fig. XXIII. In a median section of a young embryo the liver is seen developing in the anterior mesentery of the stomach and duodenum. It divides this mesentery into what is called the anterior mesentery of the liver and the anterior mesentery of the stomach or lesser omentum. From the first moment the liver is dis- tinguishable it is connected not only to the intestine, but also to the diaphragm. It is, in fact, a part of the latter, and it is of the utmost importance to always think of it as an appendage to the diaphragm, and at no period of life separate from it. The pan- creas is seen developing in the mesogastrium. Am- FiG. XXIII. — Lo, Lesser omentum. S, Stomach. M» Mesogastrium. P, Pancreas. D, Diaphragm. L, Liver. Am, Anterior mesentery. U, Umbilicus. 50 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXIV. A transverse section through the stomach of the same embryo would present this picture: The peri- toneal cavity lined by its parietal peritonaeum ; the stomach connected with the posterior abdominal wall by its mesogastrium or greater omentum ; with the liver by its anterior mesentery or lesser omentum ; and, lastly, the liver connected with the anterior ab- dominal wall by its anterior mesentery. Am Fig. XXIV. — Am, Anterior mesentery of liver. L, Liver. S, Stomach. Lo, Lesser omentum. Pp, Parietal peritonaeum. M, Mesogastrium. 52 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXY. This sketch differs from the last in that the em- bryo is older, and consequently the organs are more developed. The stomach and liver present much the same appearance as in the last drawing, but the pan- creas has been included in this plate. The mesogas- trium is longer — it seems curved — and, what is very important, is the appearance of the spleen. This organ is not only developed in, but also from, the mesogastrium. fMTK^ "/^\ ^^7^^ D 1 '^^^^,^1) 'pi ->S M' Pig. XXV.— L, Liver. S, Stomach. Sp, Spleen. P, Pancreas. Am, Anterior mesentery. Lo, Lesser omentum. M, Posterior mesentery. 54 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXYI. A sagittal section of an embryo about the same age as in the last sketch would present this appear- ance: In Fig. XXY the great omentum was devel- oping laterally, and now it is seen also to have grown downward as well, so as to form a distinct sac. The pancreas has been met in the section, and is contained within the mesogastrium. Fig. XXVI.— L, Liver. P, Pancreas. Pp, Parietal peritonaeum. Go, G-reat omentum or mesogastrium. S, Stomach. Lo, Lesser omentum. D, Diaphragm. Co, Cavity of greater omentum. 56 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXYII. A very diagrammatic view of only the greater omentum and the stomach, seen from before, may make the last two drawings plainer. It must always be borne in mind that the change in the position of the stomach (as described on page 34) has materially altered the direction of the omenta. They both pass much more in a transverse, inferior direction than they formerly did. Moreover, the great omentum, although still attached ^posteriorly to the median line, has developed very much to the left, as well as in- feriorly. It does not, in other words, make a straight line between the aorta and greater curvature of the stomach, but passes to the left of the stomach, de- scends, and then ascends once more to attach itself to the greater curvature, and in this way forms the sac, as before mentioned, which is the cavity of the great omentum or lesser cavity of the peritonaeum. — M Fig. XXVII. — S, Stomach. M, Posterior mesentery, mesogastrium, or great omentum. 58 ANATOMY OP THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXYIII. Owing to the mentioned change in the position of the stomach, as well as to a further development in the shape of the organs, this section differs materially from the last. The section has passed between the liver and stomach, dividing the lesser omentmn. This seems to be attached to the greater curvature or to the posterior surface of the stomach, but this is not the case. It is still attached to the lesser curvature, the erroneous impression being due to the change in the position of the stomach, and consequently a change in the direction of the lesser omentum. The spleen is seen as before, but more developed, and the lateral inclination of the great omentum is marked. The pancreas is still surrounded by the peritonaeum, derived from the great omentum, but it is now rest- ing upon the parietal peritonaBum. This picture would correspond to the condition of the pancreas just before birth, or, at times, in a very young child — enveloped by the peritonaeum of its mesentery, and resting upon the posterior parietal peritonaeum. The position of the kidneys is unchanged. They lie in the retroperitoneal space. ^Lo Fig. XXVIII.— E, Round ligament of the liver. S, Stomach. Lo, Lesser omentum with vessels going to the liver. K, Kidney. P, Pancreas. Sp, Spleen. Go, Great omentum. 60 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONAEUM. Fig. XXIX. The change at this stage is marked, and corre- sponds to what is generally found at birth. The layer of parietal peritonaeum posterior to the pan- creas, as well as the visceral layer on its posterior surface, derived from the mesogastrium, have been changed to connective tissue. The pancreas has con- sequently entirely lost its posterior peritoneal cover- ing. The spleen and stomach are more developed, and the great omentum extends still farther to the left. It has now increased laterally to such an extent that it forms quite an extensive sac behind the stom- ach, which, as was before mentioned, is known as the lesser cavity of the peritonaeum. Between the vessels going to the liver and the aorta this lesser cavity con- nects with the greater peritoneal cavity, or, in other words, with the rest of the abdominal cavity. The connection is made through a restricted opening bounded anteriorly by the vessels going to the liver in the lesser omentum and posteriorly by the aorta (or, more accurately, by the vena cava, which is not drawn in). This opening is the foramen of Winslow. Sp- FiG. XXIX. — R, Round ligament of the liver. Lo, Less- er omentum. Fw, Foramen of Winslow. K, Kid- ney. T, Connective tissue. P, Pancreas. Sp, Spleen. Go, Great omentum. 62 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXX. A sagittal section of a child at or just before birth would present this appearance : The liver united to the diaphragm and covered by the parietal perito- naeum, reflected from the diaphragm as well as by the visceral peritonaeum reflected from the lesser omentum; the lesser omentum between liver and stomach ; the stomach covered by peritonaeum de- rived from its mesenteries (the greater and lesser omentum) ; the great omentum extending downward from the greater curvature of the stomach and form- ing the downward projection of the lesser cavity of the peritonaeum ; the pancreas lying behind the peritonaeum (the parietal peritonaeum posterior to it as well as its posterior visceral layer, derived from the great omentum, is seen to have changed to con- nective tissue). The pancreas is now only covered on its anterior and inferior surfaces by peritonaeum, both derived from the great omentum. The transverse colon is here drawn in with its mesentery. Fig. XXX.— L, Liver. Lo, Lesser omentum. T, Con- nective tissue. P, Pancreas. 0, Colon. D, Dia- phragm. S, Stomach. Go, Great omentum. Co, Cavity of great omentum. 64 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXXI. At or soon after birth the picture is somewhat modified. The posterior layer of the great omentum has become adherent to the transverse colon and its mesentery, so that, were the greater omentum lifted up, the colon would be raised with it. By the union of the great omentum with the transverse mesocolon the inferior surface of the pancreas becomes covered by the latter, its former peritoneal covering, derived from the great omentum, having been changed to connective tissue. So it is now covered anteriorly by the great omentum, and inferiorly by the transverse mesocolon. Go- Fig. XXXI. — Lo, Lesser omentum. P, Pancreas. T, Connective tissue. C, Colon. Tm, Transverse mesocolon. Go, Great omentum. L, Liver. D, Diaphragm. ee ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXXII. A transverse section of the abdomen of an adult which passes through tlie stomach shows a further ex- tension of the great omentum to the left and a greater production of connective tissue behind it where it be- comes adherent to the abdominal wall. This connect- ive tissue covers the left kidney, and in the adult can usually be demonstrated on the left side as a distinct layer, which is entirely absent on the right. .-Lo Fig. XXXII. — S, Stomach. Sp, Spleen. P, Pancreas. Lo, Lesser omentum. Go, Great omentum. T, Connective tissue. Fw, Foramen of Winslow. R, Round ligament of liver. 68 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. DUODENUM. Fig. XXXIII. Fig. XXXIII is a transverse section of the duo- denum in embryo. At this period the entire duo- denum has a posterior mesentery, and is covered by peritonseum. The first portion has also an anterior mesentery. In the adult this portion is entirely covered by peritonaeum derived from its mesenteries. The anterior mesentery is a part of the lesser omen- tum, and is often called the hepatico-duodenal Hga- ment. Fig. XXXIII. — Du, Duodenum in embryo. Pm, Pos- terior mesentery. 70 ANATOMY OP THE PERITONEUM. Fia. XXXIY. Fig. XXXIY represents a transverse section of the second portion of the duodenum after birth. The parietal peritonaeum behind the second portion (some little time before birth), as well as the posterior peri- tonseum of its mesentery, are changed to connective tissue, so that at an early date the second portion of the duodenum is only partially covered by the peri- tonseum. Fig. XXXIV. — Du, Second portion of adult duodenum. T, Connective tissue. 72 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXXY. To understand the third portion we shall have to return to a joung embryo, and to that period of de- velopment when not only the transverse colon is un- united with the posterior layer of the great omentum, but when the pancreas is in the great omentum. At this date, as was before mentioned, the duodenum has its posterior mesentery. Fig. XXXV.— L, Liver. P, Pancreas. Du, Duodenum. C, Colon. Go, Great omentum. S, Stomach. D, Diaphragm. 74 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXXYl. This plate is the same as Fig. XXX, except that the duodenum is represented. It still has its mesen- tery. The transverse colon has not yet united with the posterior layer of the great omentum, so the pancreas is covered anteriorly as well as inferiorly by the peri- tonaeum of the great omentum. Fig. XXXVI. — L, Liver. T, Connective tissue. Du, Duodenum. C, Colon. Go, Great omentum. S, Stomach. Lo, Lesser omentum. P, Pancreas. 76 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXXYII. At a still later date — not only after the ascending and descending colons have become adherent to the posterior abdominal wall, but also after the transverse colon and mesocolon have united with the great omentum — the parietal peritonaeum posterior to the third portion of the duodenum is changed to con- nective tissue, as well as the visceral layer on its pos- terior surface. [It must always be borne in mind that, by means of the turn in the intestine, that this portion of the duodenum lies posterior to the trans- verse mesocolon.] Its anterior and superior visceral layers unite with the transverse mesocolon, and are changed to connective tissue. In this way the third portion of the duodenum loses its peritoneal covering and comes to lie behind the peritonaeum in the retro-peritoneal space, as well as posterior to, and covered anteriorly by, the trans- verse mesocolon. Fig. XXXVII.— 01, Coronary ligament. Du, Duode- num. Tm, Transverse mesocolon. Si, Small in- testine. 0, Colon. P, Pancreas. T, Connective tissue. Go, Great omentum. 78 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. STOMACH. In the embryo this organ possesses an anterior and a posterior mesentery. The anterior is attached to the median hne of the abdominal wall and to the an- terior border of the stomach ; the posterior mesen- tery to the aorta and to the posterior border of the stomach (Fig. XIII). Later, through the change in the position of the organ, the anterior mesentery, or gastro-hepatic ligament, is attached to the lesser curv- ature; the posterior mesentery, or mesogastrium, to the greater curvature. These two mesenteries are also called the lesser and greater omentum, respect- ively. The former is the mesentery of the liver, the latter the mesentery of the spleen, pancreas, and stomach (Figs, XXIY and XXYI). At a still later date the great omentum ceases to pass in a direct line from its aortal attachment to the greater curva- ture, but makes a bend to the left and extends down- ward below the stomach, returning to be attached to the greater curvature. Thus the great omentum forms a sac which ex- tends posteriorly, to the left, and below the stomach (Fig. XXYIII). This sac is known as the lesser cavity of the great omentum, and communicates with the greater peritoneal cavity by means of the foramen of Winslow. This foramen is situated inferior to the SPLEEN. 79 caudate lobe of the liver, posterior to the lesser omen- tum, and anterior to the vena cava (Fig. XXIX). It might be mentioned that more or less fat is developed in the descending and ascending layers of the great omentum, which forms a protection to the intestines. After the adhesion of the transverse colon to the great omentum a further adhesion of its two leaves takes place, and so obliterates the cavity of the great omentum inferior to the transverse colon. The stom- ach at all periods of life is covered by reflections of visceral peritonaeum derived from its mesenteries. It might be well here to repeat that the posterior mesentery of the stomach is a synonym for mesogas- trium, and that after it has developed suflficiently to form a sac it is called the great omentum. The an- terior mesentery of the stomach, gastro-hepatic liga- ment, and lesser omentum, are also synonyms. SPLEEIS". The spleen is developed from as well as in the mesogastrium. It is at all times entirely surrounded by the visceral peritonaeum derived from its mesen- tery (Figs. XXY, XXYIII, and XXXII). That por- tion of the great omentum between the spleen and stomach is often referred to as the gastro-splenic liga- ment. 80 ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. PANCREAS. This organ originates from the intestine, and is developed in the mesogastrium (Figs. XV, XXYII, and XXXY). In the embryo it is surrounded by peritonaeum derived from its mesentery. Later the parietal peri- tonaeum posterior to it, as well as its posterior visceral layer, become changed to connective tissue, and in this way it entirely loses its posterior peritoneal covering (Fig. XXIX). After the union of the trans- verse colon and its mesentery with the posterior layer of the great omentum, the visceral layer, cover- ing the inferior surface of the pancreas, is changed to connective tissue ; so that in an adult we find the pancreas covered anteriorly by the peritonaeum of the great omentum, inferiorly by the transverse meso- colon, and lying in the retroperitoneal space (Figs. XXXII and XXXI). LIVER. The liver originates in a sprout-like process from the intestine, it is developed in the anterior mesen- tery, and at all periods of life is inseparable from the diaphragm. It should be considered, as it really is, a part of it. If we think of the liver in this way, as LIVER. 81 a portion of the diaphragm, not only in the embryo, but also in the adult, our difticulties in understanding the so-called ligaments of the liver will be materially diminished (Fig. XY). The inferior surface of the diaphragm is covered by parietal peritonaeum, which is reflected over the liver, and these reflections form some of its ligaments. The gall-bladder is developed by a sprouting process from the gall-duct, and is a part of the liver, just as the liver is a part of the dia- phragm. The liver is consequently entirely covered by peritonseum, which is derived from the parietal peritonaeum on the inferior surface of the diaphragm, as well as from reflections of visceral peritonaeum de- rived from its mesenteries (Fig. XXXYII). Should we dissect the gall-bladder from the liver, or the liver from the diaphragm, on their attached surfaces there would be no peritoneal covering, any more than there would be if we made a section through the liver and expected to find peritonaeum on its cut surface. ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. Fig. XXXYIII. This figure represents the so-called posterior sur- face of the liver after it has been artificially separated from the diaphragm. (The posterior surface is con- vex, but here has been represented as flat, for the sake of clearness.) Around its diaphragmatic or posterior surface are seen the cut edges of some of the ligaments, which, to repeat, are mostly reflections of peritonaeum from the diaphragm. Two of these layers are described as the coronary ligaments, and are attached to the superior and inferior borders of this surface. They end in more or less pointed processes, one on each lobe, to which the name lat- eral ligament has been given, though they are simply continuations of the coronary. Moreover, the ante- rior mesentery can be seen, and it is the remains of this mesentery which forms the suspensory ligament. It extends from the diaphragm to the superior sur- face of the liver, and from the anterior abdominal wall to its anterior border. The umbilical vein limits the anterior mesentery inferiorly. In fact, it is contained in its folds, surrounded by it, but not completely, for on its anterior surface it is destitute of peritoneal covering (Fig. XXYIII). This vein in the embryo enters the umbilical fissure on the inferior surface of the liver, and is continued by means of the ductus venosus to the vena cava, which is situated on its so-called posterior surface. After birth these veins are obliterated, and constitute the remains of the ductus venosus and the round ligament of the liver. In the drawing, between the ductus venosus and vena cava, the Spigelian lobe is seen, which is, of course, covered by peritonaeum, as it is a part of the free surface of the organ. Fig. XXXVIII. — Vc, Yena cava. Sc, Superior coronary ligaments. Ic, Inferior coronary ligaments. S, Spigelian lobe. All, Right lateral ligament. Lll, Left lateral ligament. SI, Suspensory ligament (anterior mesentery). Dv, Ductus venosus. X, Diaphragmatic or posterior surface of liver which is uncovered by peritonaeum. 84: ANATOMY OF THE PERITONEUM. JEJUNUM AND ILIUM. These portions of the small intestine have a me- sentery, are freely movable, and are at all periods of life covered by peritonaeum (Fig. XXI). C^CUM. The relation of the peritonaeum to the caecum is very variable. It has a mesentery, which may be long, but is more often short, and the caecum is com- pletely covered by peritonaeum. It may, however, become adherent to the side of the abdominal wall, and the parietal as well as a part of its visceral layers may be changed to connective tissue ; in which case it would be only partially covered. ASCENDING AND DESCENDING COLONS. In the embryo the ascending and descending colons have a long, free mesentery. They are quite movable, and entirely covered by peritonaeum (Fig. XX). Just before birth the colon with its mesentery becomes adherent to the posterior parietal perito- naeum. The latter is changed to connective tissue as well as the visceral layer on the posterior surface of the mesocolon and colon. In this way the colon TRANSVERSE COLON. 85 becomes fixed to the posterior abdominal wall, and is only partially covered by peritonaeum (Fig. XXI). TRANSVERSE COLON. This, like the other portions of the large intestine, in the embryo has a long mesentery ; is Yory mov- able, and is covered by peritonaeum (Fig. XXXYI). Later, after the development of the great omentum, the visceral peritonaeum on the superior surface of the transverse mesocolon, as well as that on the colon, becomes changed to connective tissue and adheres to the posterior layer of the great omentum. Its an- terior surface is then covered by the visceral peri- tonaeum of the posterior layer of the great omen- tum. Its posterior surface remains unchanged (Fig. XXXYII). So the transverse colon at all periods of life is covered by peritonaeum. SIGMOID FLEXURE. The mesentery of the sigmoid flexure is attached to the aorta, and is usually long and movable. The gut is entirely covered by peritonaeum. 86 ANATOMY OP THE PERITONJSUM. EEOTUM. The first portion of the rectum has a mesentery attached to the median line. The organ is entirely covered by peritonaeum. The posterior visceral peri- tonaeum on the second portion of the rectum is changed to connective tissue, so that the organ be- comes fixed, and is only partially covered by peri- tonaeum. The third portion of the rectum is desti- tute of peritoneal covering. KIDNEY. At all periods of life these organs lie behind the peritonaeum in the retroperitoneal space (Figs. XX, XXI, and XXXII). There is nothing further to add, as regards the relation of the peritonaeum to the rectum, uterus, and bladder, than is given in the text-books of anatomy. THE El^D. DATE DUE SLIP UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA MEDICAL SCHOOL LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW OCT 2 5 1924 DEC 3 1924 OCT 2 6 t929 EEB 2 3 1951 jUfi2 ^951" 2m-12,'19 6T/ST-WS ^ r~ 1 University o! C Library of the alifomia Medical Sch 1 )ol and Hospitals